-..i^Ssiicicx'. 718 U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. OFFICE OP EXPERIMENT STATIONS— BULLETIN NO. 148. A. C. TRUE,*X)irecto#. REPORT ON IRRIGATION INVESTIGATIONS IN HUMID SECTIONS OF THE UNITED STATES IN 1903. UNDER THE DIRECTION OF ELWOOD MEAT), Chief of Irrigation Investigations. WASHINGTON: fJO^TKKNMKNT PKIN'TTNO OFFICE, 1 1> 0 4 . LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OF THE OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS ON IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE. N(yrK -For those puhlicationH to which a price i.s aftixed application should be n.ade to tlu'Superi.iUMident of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C, the otli.'er designate.l by law to sell Government publications. Publications marked with an a.«teri.«k (*) are not available for distribution. *BnI. H«. Notes on Irrigation in Connecticut and New Jersey. By 0. S. Phelps and !•:. R. Voorhees. Pp. G4. Price, 10 cents. Hul. :.s. Water Rights on the Missouri River and its Tributaries. ByElwood Mead. Pp. 80. Price, 10 cents. Bnl. «0. Abstract of Laws for Acquiring Titles to Water from the Missouri River and its Tributaries, with the Legal Forms in Use. Compiled by El wood Mead. Pp. 77. Price, 10 cents. Bui. 70. Water-RigJit Problems of Bear River. By Clarence T. Johnston and Joseph A. Breckons. Pp. 40. Price, 15 cents, r.nl. ::;. l rrigation in tlie Rocky :\rountain states. By J. C. Ulrich. Pp.64. Price, 10 cents. Bui. SI. The Use of Water in Irrigation in Wyoming. By B. C. Buffum. Pp. 56. Price, 10 cents. t *Bul. Sfi. The Use of Water in Irrigation. Report of investigations made in 1899, under the supervision of El wood Mead, expert in charge, and C. T. John- ston, as.sistant. Pp. 253. Price, 30 cents. P.ul. S7. Irrigation in New Jersey. By Edward B. Voorhees. Pp.40. Price, 5 cents. *Bul. !I0. Irrigation in Hawaii. By Walter Maxwell. Pp. 48. Price, 10 cents. Bui. !)2. The Reservoir System of the Cache la Poudre Valley. By E. S. Nettleton. Pl>. 48. Price, 15 cents. Bui. 96. Irrigation Laws of the Northwest Territories of Canada and of Wyoming, with Discussions by J. S. Dennis, Fred Bond, and J. M. Wilson. Pp. 90. Price, 10 cents. Bui. 100. Report of Irrigation Investigations in California, under the direction of Elwood Mead, assisted by William E. Sinythe, Marsden Manson, J. M. Wilson, Cliarles D. Marx, Frank Soule, C. E. Grunsky, Edward M. Boggs, and James D. Schuyler. Pp.. 411. Price, cloth, |1.25; paper, 90 cents. *Bul. 104. The Use of Water in Irrigation. Report of investigations made in 1900, under the supervision of Elwood MeacL expert in charge, and C. T. Johnston, assistant. Pp. 3.34. Price, 50 cents. Bill. 105. Irrigation in tlie United States. Testimony of Elwood Mead, irrigation expert in charge, before the United States Industrial Commission June 11 and 12, 1901. Pp. 47. Price, 15 cents. Bui. 108. Irrigation Practice among Fruit Growers on the Pacific Coast. By E. J. Wickson. Pp. 54. Price, 15 cents. Bui. 113. Irrigation of Rice in the United States. By Frank Bond and George H. Keeney. Pp. 77. Price, 30 cents. Bui. 118. Irrigation from Big Thompson River. By John E. Field. Pp.75. Price, 10 cents. ■Bui. li-J. Report of Irrigation Investigations for 1901, under the direction of Elwood M.ad. .■Inf.f. Pp.401. Price, 50 cents. [Continuccl on third page of cover.] 718 U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS— BULLETIN NO. 148. A. C. TRUE, Director. REPORT ON IRRIGATION INVESTIGATIONS IN HUMID SECTIONS OF THE UNITED STATES IN 1903. UNDER THE DIRECTION OF EL^WOOD MEAD, Chief of Irrigation Investigations. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, 1904. r V LFITER OF SUBMITTAL U. S. Department of Agriculture, Office of Experiment Stations, Washington, D. C, June 8, 1904. Sir : I have the honor to submit herewith a report on investigations and experiments in irrigation in different parts of the humid region of tlie United States carried on by tliis Office in 1903. The report deals almost exclusivel}' with the irrigation of market-garden crops. Most of these grow rapidly and have but a short season, and a few days of dry weather seriously check their growth. There are few seasons when such dry periods do not occur, and irrigation as an insui-- ance against them has x>roved very profitable. In some sections this is becoming so well known that many inquiries are received as to equipment and methods of irrigating. The rej)ort of Professor Voor- hees describes a number of jjlants now in use, and will be useful in answering such inquiries. In sections farther west there is doubt as to the value of irrigation and some ijrejudice against it, and the experiments at Columbia, Mo., reported by Professor AVaters, have been made for the purpose of testing the value of irrigation in that section. As may be seen from the report, irrigation has generally proved profitable. The report of Professor Crane on the artesian basin of South Dakota shows that there have been large preparations for irrigation, but that the use of too much water has swamiDcd the land and has in this way created a prejudice against irrigation in general and especially against the use of artesian water. However, irrigation is still practiced by market gardeners with good results, and experience has shown that there is no danger in the proper use of the artesian water. It is the use of too much water, rather than the quality of the water, which has done the damage. The great success of irrigation of market gardens and the increased demands for agricultural products are leading to the adoption of irri- gation for field crops in the humid sections of our country. In this the farmers of America are repeating the exj)erience of farmers of Europe, who have found that there are few sections where irrigation will not pay sim^jl}^ as an insurance against drought. The irrigated portions of France, Switzerland, and Italy have a greater rainfall than the Mississippi Valley. The average rainfall for eighty years of the largest irrigated district in Europe is 40 inches, and is better distributed than the rainfall of Ohio, Illinois, or Iowa. There is every reason to believe that as i)opulation increases and land becomes more valuable the zone in which irrigation can be j)rofitably employed will be extended in this country as it has been in Europe. With higher-priced crops and more intensive cultivation irrigation will inevitably take its place as an important agency in the agriculture and horticulture of the eastern half of the United States. Respectfully submitted, Elw^ood Mead, Chief of Irrigation In r est ig at ions. A. C. True, Director. CONTENTS. Page. Irrigation in market-garden districts in the vicinity of eastern cities. By Edward B. Voorliees'. 9 Typical irrigation systems 9 W. F. Taber&Son, Poughkeepsie. N. Y 9 Philip Each, Flushing, Long Island 10 Fred Schumacher, Flushing, Long Island 10 John Schumacher, Elmhnrst, Long Island 11 H. Schumacher, Jersey City, N. J 11 W. W. Rawson, Arlington, Mass _ 11 W. H. Allen. Arlington, Mass 12 Hittinger Brothers, Belmont, Mass 12 Wjinan Brothers, Arlington, Mass 13 F. H. Cooledge, Watertown, Mass 13 David Astle, Vineland, N. J 14 F. "W. Kilbourne. New Brunswick, N. J . 14 George A. Mitchell. Vineland, N. J 15 C. Becker. Vineland, N. J 16 Irrigation experiments in New Jersey in 1903. By Edward B. Voorhecs. _ _ 19 Asparagus, blackberries, raspberries, gooseberries, cun-ants, and straw- berries 19 Irrigation during the season of 1 903 at Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station. By H. J. Waters 21 Strawberries : 23 Asparagus ... 23 Nursery stock 25 Onions : 25 Corn 27 Irrigation in the artesian basin of South Dakota. By A. B. Crane 29 Introduction 29 Aurora County 30 Brule County 32 Beadle County . 32 Da^•ison Coimty 36 Jeraiild County 37 Kingsbury County 38 Spink County 38 Cost of wells 40 Duty of artesian water 40 Method of ii-rigating 40 Objections to artesian irrigation . 41 Rainfall. 43 Conclusions. 44 t ILLUSTRATIONS. Page. Plate I. Fig. 1. Gas pipe and sprinklers iised by Fred Sclmmaclier, Flush- ing, Long Island.— Fig. 2. Movable sprinkler iised by David Astle, Vineland.N. J 10 II. Fig. 1. Method of distributing water used by C. Becker, Vine- land, N. J. — Fig. 3. Asparagus plants from irrigated and unir- rigated rows - - 16 III. Fig. 1. Effect of irrigation on asparagiis. — Fig. 3. Yields of onions on irrigated and unirrigated plats ._ 34 8 REPORT ON IRRIGATION INVESTIGATIONS IN HUMID SECTIONS OF THE UNITED STATES IN 1903. IRRIGATION IN MARKET-GARDEN DISTRICTS IN THE VICINITY OF EASTERN CITIES. By Edward B. Voorhees, Director of the New Jersey Agricultural Experivient Stations. During the summer of 1903 market gardens in the vicinities of New York and Boston were visited for the purpose of ascertaining the approximate cost of irrigation for such gardens and the profits due to tlie use of water. It was not the intention to gather statistics showing the extent of irrigation, but rather to secure the facts relat- ing to typical systems. There are many other plants besides those described, but they are not peculiar in any particular, and their descriptions would not add to the value of this report. TYPICAL IRRIGATION SYSTEMS. W. F. TABER & SON, POUGHKEEPSIE, N, Y. This plant has been in successful operation for several years and is used chiefly for the irrigation of berries, the area ranging from 4 to 6 acres. Mr. Taber is enthusiastic over the advantages of irrigation. It guarantees, first, a perfect stand and rapid growth of newly set plants; second, the highest quality of product; and third, maximum crops. The equipment consists of a 14-horsepower gasoline engine, located near a small lake which provides for any possible demands for water even in the driest times; 1,000 feet of 2|-inch iron pipe, which is laid to the nearest point of the area to be irrigated; and 100 feet of 2-inch duck hose, which is attached to the main pipe. Mr. Taber uses the sprinkling method of irrigation almost exclusively. For this he uses a fire nozzle which is 18 inches long with a f-inch opening and 1-inch reduction. He has also perfected a form of flat nozzle to be attached to the fire nozzle without reduction, which enables him to obtain a fine spray. This gives a spray 4 inches wide. A ^-inch opening is found to be most practicable with his water pressure and 9 10 will send a spray 40 feet. He is particularly pleased, witli his form of irriiration, as it resembles in its effect a steady rain. Owing to th'e dry weather and high temperature during the season of 1903 his rasp- berries colored and liardened but did not sweeten. By the applica- tion of 10,000 gallons of water per acre, in a fine shower directly upon the fruit, the berries were put in first-class condition, well ripened and plumped out, and were ready for picking the next day. Following this spraying 25,000 gallons per acre was applied between the rows, tliese being the only applications needed during the dry season. He also irrigates immediately after applying chemical fertilizers rich in nitrogen, as it removes the danger of any injury to plants and also dissolves and distributes the plant food. In 1902 plant setting was successfully completed only because it was possible to previously irrigate. PHILIP BACH, FLUSHING, LONG ISLAND. Mr. Bach has 30 acres, all under irrigation and growing various kinds of garden truck, as lettuce, onions, beets, caulifiower, and celery. His plant, which he has used for seven years, includes a 5-horsepower engine and pump and a 10,000-gallon tank, which is set 25 feet above the surface of the ground. The water is carried from the tank by underground pipes. From hydrants placed at various inter- vals the water is discharged into a 2-inch gas pipe 50 or 60 feet long with six or seven 1-inch upright branches from 4 feet to 8 feet in height. To each upright is attached a "water witch," which throws a spray as heavy as a hard shower about 8 feet on each side. He has no method of measuring his water, but uses it whenever he judges it necessary and allows the witches to run one hour in one place. The pipe is then removed to the next area. It can be handled by three men, one taking each end of the pipe and the other the middle. The entire cost of his plant is estimated at $2,000. He estimates that the irrigation of his crops has been worth at least $5,000 to him this year, though the value naturally varies with the season. FRED SCHUMACHER, FLUSHING, LONG ISLAND. Mr. Schumacher irrigates from 15 to 18 acres, planted to onions, lettuce, celery, and carrots, and occasionally an additional area of cauliflower. He is satisfied that it would be profitable for cabbage, potatoes, and corn also. His equipment consists of a 2 to 3 horse- power engine and a 10,000-gallon tank. The water is obtained from a spring and pumped to the tank about 75 feet above the spring. He has also put in a windmill, which raises enough water in moderately dry weather. The water is carried from the tank in 2-inch galvan- ized iron pipes 100 to 200 feet apart, which are tapped every 200 feet. At these points 1-inch garden hose 20 to 100 feet long is attached and connected with a gas pipe 45 feet long fitted with "water witches" U. S. Dept. of Agr , Bui. 148, Office of Expt. Stations. Irrigation Investigations. Plate I. FiQ. 1.— Gas Pipe and Sprinklers Used by Fred Schumacher, Flushing, Long Island. Fig. 2.— Movable Sprinkler Used by David Astle, Vineland, N. J. 11 similar to those described above. (PI. I, fig. 1.) It requires two men to tend tlie witches and one man to run the engine. He lias no method of measuring the water and does not know how much he uses, but he adds water until he thinks the plants are sufficiently supplied. His plant cost about $1,500 and has been in use four or five years. He estimates his net profit from irrigation to be $500 a year. JOHN SCHUMACHER, ELMHURST, LONG ISLAND. Mr. Schumacher irrigates 6 to 8 acres of onions, lettuce, celery, radishes, and carrots regularly, and cauliflower and cabbage when the weather is dry. He obtains his water from the city reservoir and pays $3 per thousand cubic feet for the first thousand, $2 for the sec- ond, and ^1 per thousand thereafter, and finds it is cheaper for him to purchase from the city than to provide his own jtuminng plant, which he formerly had, as the total cost of water used annually is onlj- about $200. The water is carried in pipes and applied by the same method as that used by Fred Schumacher. He has irrigated for about ten years, and while he has no definite data as to the profits, he feels certain it pays, and saj's he would not attempt to grow market-garden crops without a guaranty of an abundance of water when needed. His experience teaches that it is necessary to water thorough]}', and he therefore soaks his soil at each application. Such plants as lettuce and celery he waters daily. H. SCHUMACHER, JERSEY CITY, N. J. Mr. Schumacher also uses city water, for which he pays at the rate of $1.50 X3er thousand cubic feet. He applies the water b}^ means of a single " water witch " at the end of hose of varying lengths. He irrigates chiefly celery, beets, and lettuce, and applies water to about seven to eight acres. The cost of water ranges from $100 to $150 per year. He has kept no record of the cost of its ai)plicatiou other than the cost of water. His estimate of the net profits from irrigation is from $500 to $1,000 annually from the area mentioned. W. W. RAWSON, ARLINGTON, MASS. Mr. Rawson has irrigated market-garden crops for twenty-five years. His plant consists of pumps and i^iijing. His pumps have a capacity of 2,000 gallons per minute, and when they are working to their full capacity it requires four men to handle them and apply the water when irrigating in furrows. When irrigating small garden truck it requires three or four times as manj' men, although usually some are using one method and some another. The water is drawn from a river and is usually pumped directly into the pipes, as he has only a small tank for storage for use in sj^rinkling and watering 12 plants. Such crops as cabbage and squash are irrigated in furrows; whereas cauliflower, beets, onions, lettuce, celery, etc., are irrigated by means of an ordinary nozzle, a man holding his finger over tlie opening to form a spray. He has no definite figures as to the cost of liis plant, since it is virtuall}' a development from a small beginning twenty-five years ago, improvements being made from time to time as his business increases. He does not keep an exact record of the profits derived from the irrigation, but he states that crops are often increased 50 per cent, and nearly always as much as 25 per cent. He aims to apply an inch or two of water every two or three days on large crops where furrows can be used, but on small crops not so much is used at a time, but it is applied oftener. W. H. ALLEN, ARLINGTON, MASS. Mr. Allen uses a pumping plant which is not in first-class condition, as it has been used so long that the pipes are rusted and the pump is in poor condition. He therefore supplements his supply from the city mains. He uses the furrow method for cabbages, cauliflower, squash, etc., and sprays small plants with an ordinarj'^ nozzle. He has no definite idea of the cost of irrigation, as in addition to using water for irrigation he uses it for greenhouse work and for washing. He runs water on the land until it is thoroughly saturated. His records do not show the financial advantages of irrigation, though he knows that it pays well, and would not attempt to grow crops, in the dry sea- son particularly, without irrigation. HITTINGER BROTHERS, BELMONT, MASS. This firm obtains its water from a brook and springs on the hillside above its land and the cost of irrigation is limited to the expense of piping and storage. The storage tank holds 50,000 gallons. Irriga- tion is confined entirely to strawberries. Watering is begun when the strawberries are small, using a 1-inch hose with an ordinary open nozzle, but when the berries are ripening the land is flooded. At each wetting about 10,000 gallons is used on 4.5 acres, or about 2^ inches in depth. This is put on about once a week. One man can irrigate three or four acres in five or six days, and the cost is limited to the labor of the man. This year (1903) strawberries were irrigated four times before the drought ended, and would not have produced any fruit if irrigation had not been practiced. With irrigation 2,629 quarts were picked from 1 acre, and the berries sold at prices averag- ing a'little more than 23 cents per quart, giving a gross return of more than IGOO per acre. The firm has no definite idea of the cost of its cistern and piping and could not estimate the total cost of watering the berries, as the plant serves also to supply water to their green- houses and washing tanks. 13 WYMAN BROTHERS, ARLINGTON, MASS, This plant has been in operation for twelve to fifteen years. The original cost was about $5,000, bat $2,000 has been spent on it since. The water is pumped from wells by the side of a lake and stored in a cistern with a capacity of 100,000 gallons. The cistern is used only when little water is needed for the greenhouses and ordinary wasli- ing. In irrigation proper the pumps are connected directly with the distribution pipes. One 4-inch main carries the water over the farm, and to this are attached 3-inch laterals. This system is arranged to cover 50 acres, only parts of which are irrigated each year„according to the crops. From the hydrants on the 3-inch laterals 2-inch pipes are laid on the surface, so that with 100 feet of hose, usually 1 inch, every part of the land may be reached. Cabbage, cucumbers, squash, and celery are irrigated by the furrow method, using hoe cultivation, but the lettuce, beets, onions, etc., are sprinkled. The plant is being run to its full capacity. There is one man at the engine, two or three men carrying pipes, and six or seven men using the hose, depending on the method used and the crop, or a total of from nine to twelve men. These irrigate, on the average, from 5 to 6 acres per day, put- ting on an inch of water, as nearly as can be estimated from the capacity of the pumps, which exceeds 10,000 gallons per hour. In dry weather the crops are irrigated every two or three da3^s, or are given 2 or 3 inches per week, according to the crop. It is claimed by this firm that irrigation makes the difference between profit and loss on the market-garden crops that are grown, but there was no definite statement inade as to the profits of the business. F. H. COOLEDGE, V^ATERTOW^N, MASS. This is one of the largest of the plants described. It is possible to irri- gate 100 acres, if necessary. While a number of small storage tanks of perhaps 11,000 gallons capacity are provided, these are not depended on. The pumps, with a capacity of 4,000 to 6,000 gallons per hour, are placed in driven wells and are connected directly with the distribu- tion pipes, and connection with the cisterns is shut off. Mr. Cooledge aims to have 100 pounds of pressure, as part of his land is hillside. The sprinkling method of irrigation is used exclusively, a perforated nozzle being attached to a 1^-incli hose. The crops irrigated include cabbage, lettuce, squash, radishes, beets, celery, carrots, peas, etc. When irrigating it requires one man at the pump and from eight to ten men at the hose. The water main to carry the water from the pump is 4 inches in diameter and is buried, but on the fields 3-inch pipes are laid on the surface of the ground, and are taken up in the fall and put down in the spring. The pipes are laid so that with 100 feet of hose everj^ part of the farm can be reached. He estimates that from eight to twelve men will water eight to ten acres daily, depending on 14 the crop and the method. In the fall he waters celery, even though he has showers every other day. He has no data concerning the cost of plant or of the labor involved. The expense, other than labor, when the plant is in full operation is- equivalent to 1 ton of coal per day. He believes thoroughly in the advantages of irrigation and knows that it pays. DAVID ASTLE, VINELAND, N. J. The plant of Mr. Astle is located on the sandy soils of Vineland, N. J., and illustrates nicely the advantages of irrigation for such soils and for general market crops, including potatoes, beets, onions, tomatoes, celery, Lima beans, cabbage, etc. His supply of water is drawn from driven wells and is pumped into a tank and from thence distributed and applied by means of pipes and movable sprinklers. A form of sprinkler has been devised by Mr. Astle which is well adapted for use on level ground. The supply pipes run along one side of the field to be irrigated, and lateral pipes are attached at dif- ferent points. A long pipe, supplied at intervals with spraying noz- zles and extending across the field, is supported at a distance of about 6 feet from the ground by means of a framework and wheels. (PI. I, fig. 2.) This is connected with the lateral pipe by means of a rubber hose, so that it can be pushed across the field. The ground is watered to the limit of the hose, when it is uncoupled and attached to the next tap on the lateral pipe, and so on. Mr. Astle began irrigating in 1899, trying it on an acre of cabbage. This was so successful that in 1900 he watered cabbage, potatoes, beets, onions, and other crops, with good results. A hayfield alongside of the irrigated plats received some of the water from these plats, and the crop was fully twice as heavy as that on the rest of the field. Irrigation has been continued with great success every year since. In 1903, on one plat of 1| acres, Irish potatoes were grown first, followed by early celery. The total value of the two crops is estimated to have been about $800. This, of course, was not accomplished without heavy manuring, although it shows the possibilities of this light land when abundantly supplied with water. F. W. KILBOURNE, NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J. This plant is located within the limits of the city of New Brunswick. The suj)ply pipe from the pumping station to the city reservoir runs through the farm. This pipe is tapped and water obtained direct from the reservoir at a cost of $1 per thousand feet. The area under irrigation is from 2 to 3 acres and is under intensive cultivation. Early cabbage, cauliflower, beets, onions, celery, spinach, and lettuce are chiefly grown. The land is always thoroughly saturated previous to setting plants, and irrigated afterwards as needed. The furrow system is used except for lettuce, which is sprinkled. The land has 15 a slight fall, sufficient to carry the water slowly, and whenever irriga- tion of crops is practiced about 2 inches are applied and the land is immediatel}^ cultivated to retain the water. The cost of the water does not exceed an average of $25 per year, and when three crops are grown the average gross value is $1,500 per acre. GEORGE A. MITCHELL, VINELAND, N. J. The chief object of the year's work has been to perfect a low-priced pumping irrigation plant, in which the water is distributed mainly by gravity, but on occasion by sprinkling. The experience of the past six years shows that for gravity distribution the most important requisites are a large volume of water and the appliances neces- sary to deliver it at just the right time. These requisites have been secured in the past by pumping directly to the field with a 24-horse- power gasoline engine and centrifugal pump, b}' which 100 to 125 gal- lons per minute can be delivered at the highest point of land on the farm. In previous j^ears the main pipe has been a homemade, tarred-cloth hose supported on i)oles. The poles began to weaken in 1902, so they were taken down and some 4-inch cast-iron pipe, taken from a greenhoiTse, was laid for a main. Near the top of the hill, where there was very little pressure, terra-cotta sewer pipe was used ; some of this pipe was put together with Portland cement, some with oakum and red lead. The water is pumped with the same engine and pump formerly used, a little over 100 gallons per minute being delivered at the top of the hill. This pipe is just enough below the surface of the ground to allow plowing over it. To secure the two conditions mentioned, a pond holding 50,000 gal- lons has been excavated at the highest point and the water empties into this through the iron pipe. There are three outlets of 2-inch pipe for letting out water when only a small volume is needed, and one outlet of 8-incli pipe which supplies the larger portion of the land to be irrigated. Having secured a satisfactory water supply for irrigation, the next problem is the distribution of the water. The 10 acres which it is desired to irrigate slope in two general directions. On the main slope, however, there are two knolls, one of which has always inter- fered with irrigation in two waj^s. The water must be taken to the top through a long line of hose, and then if enough water is used to wet the top of the knoll the low ground will be too wet. By moving about 100 cubic yards of earth from the hill into the hollow both difficulties will be done away with and water will flow 750 feet, ren- dering 4 acres subject to easy irrigation by gravity. This work is partly done. The other knoll mentioned is 2 feet higher, and there are fruit trees growing on it. Although the same difficulties exist there that have 16 been mentioned concerning the other, the slopes are longer, and con- sequently the difficnlties are not so great. The objection is often heard that gravity irrigation will do in a few places, but tliat most farms in South Jersey are too flat. To test this, 1 square mile of the surrounding country was examined as to slope of land, and it was found that three-fourths of it has sufficient slope to render irrigation by gravity easy, while nearly all could be suc- cessfully irrigated by gravity if some leveling were done. It is sometimes desirable to sow clover seed at a certain time ; for instance, crimson clover needs to be sowed among squash or canta- loupe vines just as the runners start. Often the ground can be thor- ouglily wet by gravity irrigation, but sometimes it would be a great advantage to sprinkle. In view of this fact a low-wheeled wagon was purchased, to be used as a lumber wagon and, when occasion required, for mounting the engine and pump and hauling them into the field to be irrigated. The water can be brought to the pump in a ditch and carried to the sprinklers through several lines of hose. Since a centrifugal pump is used, it does no harm if the water is a little sandy. The arrangements for the irrigation of the 10-acre farm are now such as the experience of six years would indicate as best for a low- priced irrigation plant. This plant could be duplicated for $325 if second-hand pipe could be secured as cheaply as was that now used. This estimate includes labor. C. BECKER, VINELAND, N. J. Mr. 0. Becker has irrigated small plats of land for several years. After trying many methods of distributing water he decided to try sprinkling, as requiring the least labor. One-seventh acre was fitted with parallel 2-inch pij^es laid 11 feet apart, and " water- witch " sprinklers were attached at distances of 20 feet. (PI. II, fig. 1.) The cost of 4,000 feet of 2-inch pipe, at 12 cents per foot, and 200 sprin- klers, at 50 cents each, would be $580 per acre. Reckoning interest plus the depreciation of the plant at 10 per cent of the cost, the annual cost of irrigation would be $58 per acre, not counting original cost of pumping plant, which is used for other purposes as well as irrigation, nor cost of attendance while irrigating, nor cost of pumping. The ejitire device is arranged to sprinkle without heavy expense of attend- ance. If greater pressure were used, the cost for pipe and sprinklers could be reduced about one-half, as shown in the description of Mr. Astle's plant (p. 14). The water is supplied from a tank 10 feet deep placed 15 feet above the ground. The water is pumped into this tank from a well by a windmill when there is wind or by a gasoline engine when the wind fails. In 1903 the original plan of growing three crops on this ground was not carried out on account of pressure of other work. Strawberries, U. 5. Dept. of Agr., Bui. 14S, Office of Exnt. Stations. Irrigation Investigations. Plate II. FiQ. 1.— Method of Distributing Water Used by C. Becker, Vineland, N. J. Fig. 2.— Asparagus Plants from Irrigated Row on the Left, from Unirrigated Row on the Right. 17 beets, and onions were grown. Strawberries set out the last of Sep- tember, 1902, grew so well under irrigation during the drought in the spring of 1903 that hundreds of plants yielded one quart each, the growth in many cases being so rank that some large berries ripened under the foliage while still having the green color. Mr. Becker thinks he irrigated too frequently and by doing so caused too rank a growth. Every berry that set was ripened, there being no dried-up and spoiled fruit, as is common in this section. In the case of onions and l)eets the value of irrigation was shown by the fact that every plant produced a salable article. There is hardly a year when it is not too dry for onions and beets for at least a short time during the latter part of their growth. Onions and spinach have been planted this fall (1903) preparatory to growing three crops next year and testing the full capacity of this method of gardening with the help of irrigation. 829— No. 148—04 2 IRRIGATION EXPERIMENTS IN NEW JERSEY IN 1903. By Edward B. Voorhees, Director New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Stations. ASPARAGUS, BLACKBERRIES, RASPBERRIES, GOOSEBERRIES, CURRANTS, AND STRAWBERRIES. The experiments in progress to study the influence of irrigation upon these crops were continued this year, though the records of rain- fall and evaporation, as given by the table which follows, show very clearly the reasons why no real advantage was obtained from the work. Record of evaporation from water tanks at New Brunswick, N. J., July, 1003, to July, 1903. Dates of reading 1902. July 19 August 3 - August 16 August :A) September 1.3 . September 27 . October 11 .--. October 2.5 November 8 . . March 7 (started) Maroh21. April 4 April 18.. May2 May 1(5 May:^) June i:^ - June 27 July 11. 19ft3. Total. Gain(+) or loss (-)of water in tank. Inches. -1.9.3 + .5.5 +1.70 - .15 - .30 +1.95 +2.93 + .80 + .85 +1.56 +1.69 +2.45 -1.90 -1.98 -2.10 +1.60 +1.65 + .68 Rainfall Inches. 0.44 2. .54 4. .51 1..57 1.32 2.81 .5.41 1.65 1.90 2.51 2.97 3.83 .18 .11 3.72 2.87 1.18 39.52 Loss of water by evap- oration. Inches. 2.37 1.99 2.81 1.72 1.62 .86 2.49 .&5 1.05 .95 1.28 1.38 1.90 2.16 2.21 2.12 1.22 1.86 30.82 It will be observed from a study of the table that the rainfall exceeded the evaporation during the growing season by 8.70 inches. This is the first year since the tank was established that the evaporation has not exceeded the rainfall. In 1900-1901 the evaporation exceeded the rainfall by 8.66 inches, while in the same period of 1901-2 the evaporation exceeded the rainfall by 1.52 inches. It will be noticed also that the only serious deficiency in rainfall occurred in May. This drought was accompanied by cool weather; hence, while growth was retarded, it was due quite as much to the low temperature as to the 19 20 lack of water. This was clearly proved by the results obtained in the application of water, particularly in the case of asparagus. This being the earliest crop, the harvest season of which is the latter j^art of April and the months of May and June, would naturally be more seri- ously affected by a lack of water and consequently more benefited by its application, other things being equal, than crops coming on later. Nevertheless, it was shown that the application of water did not result in increasing the yield of the crop. Evidently the low temperature prevented a j)roper growth and development, even with an abundance of water. Water was also applied to blackberries, raspberries, goose- berries, currants, strawberi-ies, and fruit trees ; and wliile the records were faith full}^ kept, they show that no advantage was derived from the addition of water. This result was also due in large part doubt- less to the fact that the growth through May was not retarded by lack of water, but by the low temperature. Inasmuch as the results do not show any particular effect, they are withheld from publication until further data are obtained. IRRIGATION DURING THE SEASON OF 1903 AT MISSOURI AGRI- CULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. • By H. J. Waters, Director. During the season of 1903 the cooperativ'^e experiments in irrigation were continned with strawberries, asparagus, nursery stock (consist- ing of apple, peach, and plum trees), and onions. The season taken as a whole may be said to have been favorable for growing crops, although the excess of moisture during the late spring and early summer was a detriment to farm work for a time. The summer was cooler than usual throughout, with the exception of May and July. The first part of April was warmer than usual, but during the latter part of the month the weather was generally cool, with heavy frosts on the 23d and 26th. The mean temperature of the month was 5-4. 9° F. , or 1. 5° below the normal. The precipitation exceeded the normal by 1.68 inches and was fairly well distributed. The first week of May was unseasonably cool. A killing frost occurred on the first, but the remainder of the month was warm, with frequent showers. The mean temperature was 65°, or 0.5° above the normal. The rainfall was abundant, being slightly above the normal for the month. June was exceptionally cool and dry, the mean temi^erature (66.4°) being 7.9° below the normal, while there was less than half the usual amount of precipitation. July averaged slightly warmer than usual, the mean temperature being 77.3°, or 0.9° above the nor- mal, while the precipitation was markedly deficient, being 1.91 inches below the normal. August was cool and showery, the mean tempera- ture (73.9°) being 2.1° below the normal, with about double the usual amount of precipitation. The following table gives the precipitation for the season at Columbia, Mo. : Precipitation, April- August, 1903, at Coliimhia, Mo. Day. April. May. June. July. August. 1 Inches. Inches. Inches. 0.08 .20 .06 .09 .06 Inches. Inches. 0.05 2 Trace. 0.18 .02 .10 8 1.39 4 5 0.28 Trace. .01 .01 6 .65 7 .03 .01 8 Trace. .13 .24 9 . Trace. Trace. .m .04 .23 .01 10 .32 .23 Trace. .01 .06 11 .80 .01 oi' .07 12 - .58 13 --- - .91 14 - -- 21 22 Precipitation, April-August, 1903, at Columbia, Mo. — Continued. Day. April. May. June. July. August. 15 Inches. Trace. 0.01 Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. 16 0.01 0.13 .03 .62 Trace. 17 0.09 .03 .13 Trace. .37 18 .02 .98 .70 " .'58" 19 Trace. 20 21 .01 .33 .53 Trace. .01 22 23 .05 .04 1.96 Trace. .06 24 .02 Trace. 25 - .02 .57 .02 0.24 26 .88 27 .47 28 - .88 29 .14 .75 .24 .28 1.11 .02 Trace. 31 Trace. Sums - - 4.66 +1.68 5.26 +0.31 2.16 -2.71 2.36 -1.91 5.09 Departure from normal +2.57 Irrigation was not begun on any of the crops except onions until August, because showers had been frequent and the soil seemed to be fairly well supplied with moisture. STRAWBERRIES. The value of irrigating an old strawberry field having been fully demonstrated heretofore in these tests, this experiment was planned to determine the effects of watering a young plantation of the vines. The plants were set in the spring and given good culture throughout the season until the irrigation began. In a few rows there was a poor stand, owing to some of the plants having been injured in transplant- ing. Also, this being a partial test of some, a few of the newer varieties planted proved to be weak growers. The rows were 4 feet apart and the plants as set stood 2 feet apart in the rows. The irrigating ditches were made by opening a furrow beside each row of plants with a single-shovel plow. This plan was favored because the ground sloped gently from near the center toward both sides — the east and the west — as well as toward the south, the direction in which the water was to flow. The furrows being as near the rows as possible and always on the upper sides, no diificultj^ was experienced in saturating the soil about all of the plants. When the plants had made a good growth the runners had covered nearly all the spaces in the rows between the original plants, and in some parts of the plat there were solid mats of plants as much as a foot wide. The water used was secured from the city waterworks system, and was conducted through pipes and hose and fed into a trough, from which it was distributed uniformly into six furrows at a time. Water was first turned into the strawberry field on August 3, and was allowed to flow at intervals for five days. The area irrigated 28 was about one-seventh of an acre, and there was a total of 20,000 gal- lons of water applied, siififlcient to cover the irrigated area to a depth of 5.27 inches. As soon as possible after irrigating the ground was smoothed down and stirred with a light cultivator. Within a few days after watering there were showers, which appeared to leave the unirrigated soil as wet as that which had been irrigated. It was noticeable later in the month, however, that there was more moisture in the irrigated plats, although it is to be remembered that there was no serious deficiency of mois- ture at any time during the niontli where there had been no irrigation. While there were no noticeable differences in the growth and vigor of the plants where irrigated and not irrigated during the remainder of the season, it should not be said at this time that there were no bene- ficial effects from the watering. It appears that the critical period of the season for the strawberry plant is during the month of August. It is found that if water is applied in August in a dry season a good yield of fruit is secured the next summer, but it remains to be deter- mined whether an abundant supply of water furnished artificially is of more value to the plants than a moderate amount supplied by natural i^recipitation. In other words, it can not be determined defi- nitelj' until after the next fruiting season whether it will pay to irri- gate in a season of medium or abundant rainfall. Except for the watering, the irrigated and unirrigated plats were given precisely the same treatment throughout the summer and fall, and all of the plants were mulched alike during the winter. ASPARAGUS. A part of the asparagus bed mentioned elsewhere in this report was irrigated during the season of 1003. Two rows were selected to be watered. These rows represented average conditions throughout the field. The soil was in good tilth and in si^lendid condition for retain- ing moisture, having received each fall for three or four years a heavy dressing of composted barnyard manure, which was worked into the soil by the spring cultivations. The plants were 7 years old and were in prime condition as to vigor. The rows were 4^ feet apart, and the plants were growing thickly in the rows in a mass 12 to 16 inches wide. The land slopes gently toward the south. Furrows around each row were made with a single-shovel plow, working as near the plants as possible without injuring them. At the upper end of the ro^s a cross ditch was provided for feeding the furrows. The water was allowed to flow in the furrows until the soil was thoroughly satu- rated. The total amount of water applied to the asparagus during the two days August 10-12 was 2,200 gallons, amounting to a depth of 2.39 inches over the area irrigated, about one thirty-sixth of an acre. Frequent showers came after irrigating, so that it was not thought necessary to apply any more water. Although the rains kept the soil 24 supplied with more than the normal amount of moisture during the remainder of the month, as well as in September, the irrigated rows showed the beneficial effects of the extra water they had received. Within two weeks after being irrigated, even in the presence of heavy showers which seemed to wet the ground thoroughly, the arti- ficially watered rows began to show signs of being reinvigorated. New shoots began to appear among the old stocks, and the branches of the mature plants showed new activity by appearing green at the tip of every branchlet. In marked contrast to the irrigated plat, the unirrigated rows began to show the usual signs of closing the season's growth by the gradual dying of the inner branches. With the Avan- ing of September the brownish appearance was quite noticeable, while the irrigated plants continued green. Upon closer examination it was discovered that the unirrigated rows were affected with asparagus rust {Puccinia asparagi), while the irrigated plants were entirely free from the disease. This was to be expected, as observations recorded by a number of investigators have shown that rust is most destructive in seasons and soils where the plants suffer for moisture. On the other hand, any condition producing too great an amount of moisture about the plants is inju- rious to them, since the rust is likely to injure plants weakened by excess of moisture as well as by too little. It is well known that asparagus requires a moist soil for its best development; but the advice of recognized authorities has usually been against late summer or early fall mulching to conserve the mois- ture, as such treatment was believed to favor the appearance of the rust. That the disease is not aggravated by irrigating in late summer is thoroughly proved by the test just completed. A careful estimate of the extent of the rust disease among the irrigated plants places it at one-half of 1 per cent. An inspection of the unirrigated rows showed that fully 90 per cent of the stems of the plants had died, probably from the effects of the rust. In Plate II, figure 2, is shown the difference in size and appearance of the irrigated asparagus plants and those not irrigated, the stalks on the left being only average specimens in point of size and are free from disease. The group of small plants on the right was not irri- gated. They were not only small, but were badly affected with rust. Plate III, figure 1, shows a near view of sections of some of the aspar- agus stalks seen in Plate II, figure 2. Those on the left were small, and the disease was very noticeable, as indicated by the blotches and irregularities in the bark. The stalks on the right were irrigated, and were large, clean, and healthy. When the soil is deficient in moisture, late summer application of water to asparagus will invigorate it sufficiently to cause it to resist rust and enable the root stalks to store up a surplus supply of food materials that will enable them to push up the young edible shoots quite early in the spring that will be botli vigorous and abundant. U. S. Dept. of Agr., Bui. 148, Office of Expt. Stations. Irrigation Investigations. Plate III Fig. 1 .—Effect of Irrigation on Asparagus During an Ordinary Season; Unirri- GATED Stalks ion Lefti Badly Affected by Rust. Fig. 2.— Yields of Onions on Irrigated Plat ion Left^ and on Unirrigated Plat ion Right*. 25 NTJHSERY STOCK. Tlie uursery stock irrigated during the season of 1903 consisted of 2-3-ear-old apple trees of many varieties, and seedling peach, cherry, and pluin trees grown as stocks for budding. Water was applied from August 7 to 11. With a single-shovel plow furrows were made around each row as near the trees, as possible. The irrigated plat was laid off in the middle part of the nursery and represented average conditions in every respect. The water was con- ducted to the plat through pipes and discharged into a cross ditch at the upper ends of the rows. From the cross ditch the water was emptied into the various furrows uniforml}^ so that all were equally watered and none overflowed. No water was wasted. The soil was saturated. The total quantity of water used on the one-tenth of an acre irri- gated was 12,100 gallons, equivalent to a depth of 4.07 inches. Rains came shortly after the irrigating was done, and apparently minimized its results. There is perhaps a slight tendency on the part of the trees irrigated to continue their growth later in the season, thus showing that they have been influenced to at least a slight extent. November 2 the irrigated trees were not appreciably larger than those not irrigated; but as the irrigated ones seem disposed to continue their growth, thej' may yet outstrip the unirrigated. Nurser}- trees here may continue to grow until December if they have suflicient moisture. ONIONS. Four varieties of onions were experimented with. The soil was a deep, unusually fertile clay loam. The -seed was planted May 7 in drills 10 inches apart. The young plants received careful cultivation all during the season. The month of July was the driest and warmest of the season. The land sloped gently toward the south. Shallow irrigating ditches, about 3 inches deep, were made by using the corner of a common garden hoe. There was one furrow down the middle of each space between the rows, making them 16 inches apart. At the upper ends of the rows was a cross ditch, and from this water was fed out uniforml}^ to several furrows at a time. The block to be irrigated was laid off near the middle of the garden, part of the onion planting being left unirrigated for purposes of comparison. The water was conducted over the unirrigated plat through pipes and hose, so that there was no opportunity for seepage into the wrong plat. The irrigating was begun Jul}'' 27, the water being allowed to flow until the soil was well saturated. A total of 2,500 gallons was applied, amounting to a depth of 6 inches over the area irrigated — about one- sixty-fourth of an acre. When the water had settled the soil was stirred to i^revent baking. The crop was harvested the first of September, and a careful 26 lecord kept of the yields under different conditions. There were equal areas in the irrigated and unirrigated plats. Each variety on being harvested was weighed, so as to show the total yield both under irrigation and where not irrigated, and then the product was divided into three grades, where the bulbs were large enough to make this possible. In this way were secured the actual comparative effects of the watering, as shown in the accompanying tables : Effects of irrigation on size of onions. Treatment. Large. Medimn. Small. All grades. Variety. Weight. u Weight. u ss "A Weight. Il aa Weight. - saits. , oration. oration. 1.6023 2. 1.392 2. 0088 2.03.34 2. ia31 2.0868 2.0.546 2.o:«o 2.0909 2.5501 0.5975 .9076 1.2770 1.2890 2.1183 1.2099 1 . 8,S26 1.2094 1.9027 2. 4683 1.0048 1. 2316 .7318 .7944 .0348 .8769 .1720 .8376 .1882 .0818 The results attained upon the experiment station plats at the Hun- ter farm near Mellette corroborate Professor SheparcVs conclusions: Some have professed a belief that a continued application of artesian water would result in overloading the soil with soluble salts, detrimental alike to the tilth of the land and to the gi-owth of vegetation. Under the climatic, soil, and drainage conditions prevalent this belief has little fotmdation, especially if care be used in the application." If anything is needed in the artesian water it is animal and vegetable organisms. This, however, may be obtained by storing water in a reservoir.'' RAINFALL. 3Iany think that the great number of ponds created by artesian wells will have a tendency to increase the moisture in the air by evaporation and that it will result in more rain and greater frequency of showers, thus giving a better distribution of moisture throughout the growing season, and that this alone will obviate the necessity of irrigation. While occasional light local showers have apparently been produced from the vapor arising from some of these ponds, j^et the greater part of the moisture is carried by the winds a long dis- tance, and is precipitated where it does no good to the farmers of this valle3\ On account of the great fluctuation of the amount of mois- ture for the last few j^ears it is difficult to determine whether there has been any actual increase due to this cause. At best, though, this would add very little to the rainfall, and the total amount would still be inadequate during periods of ordinary or extra-dry weather. The fact that the present period of favorable rainfall has been coincident with the filling up of these ponds is undoubtedly the basis of the opinion that the existence of the ponds increases rainfall. The rainfall for the last eight years has been very favorable, both in amount and distribution, as is shown hy the following table given a South Dakota Sta. Bui. 53. h South Dakota Sta. Bui. 28. 44 for Huron, which is centrally situated and representative of the con- ditions throughout the valley : Precipitation at Huron, S. Dak., from 1S9G to 1903. Month. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900. 1901. 1902. 19ft3. Ta*nnaTV Inches. 0.45 .46 1.71 6.17 2.95 5.18 1.62 1.17 2.36 1.70 1.97 .36 26.10 Inches. 2.87 .52 1.53 4.03 .46 3.81 2.32 2.69 1.14 2.13 .67 .57 Inches. 0.01 .22 .84 2.89 2.90 1.81 3.83 .46 1.31 1.01 .23 .11 Inches. 0.26 .33 1.13 1.04 2.96 2.91 .90 2.06 .29 1.43 .16 .19 Inches. 0.07 .14 1.40 2.16 .62 4.00 5. .59 6.66 2.39 1.47 .17 .06 Inches. 0.13 .28 .79 .86 1.78 6.46 .64 2. .50 6.75 1.11 .08 .60 Inches. 0.32 .39 1..56 1.11 2.24 3. .55 1..53 2.36 .19 .76 .29 2.12 Inches. 0.08 Febi-uary March -- .31 1.02 1.28 TVlav 1.99 2.54 July 1.61 1.09 2.62 .34 .37 T)f»/T.pTviy)er .60 Total - 22.74 15.62 13.66 24.73 21.98 16.42 13.83 While reports from all parts of the valley mention the abundant rainfall, during the more recent years a study of the precipitation records shows that there has been little change in the total precipita- tion, the very favorable conditions being due more to better distribu- tion than to a greater amount. CONCLUSIONS. As a result of this series of investigations the following conclusions are established: (1) Irrigation can be practiced to advantage during most of the years, though there is occasionally a year when the moisture is suffi- cient and ijroperly distributed. (2) The wells are not called upon to furnish all tlie water needed for crops, but merely to supplement rainfall. (3) Care must be taken that the soil does not become too wet. (4) The salts in the waters and those drawn from the land have not thus far had any detrimental eflEect, nor do they give indications that they will have in the future. All cases of deterioration of the soil are directly traceable to an oversupply of water. (5) Under irrigation the farmer is practically sure of a crop each year. ((J) In ordinary or extra dry years the crop is increased two and sometimes three fold. (7) 'J'he crops are alwaj^s of superior quality, grading Ko. 1 when unirrigated crops grade No. 3 or are even rejected. (8) A good 2-inch well supplemented by a reservoir will furnish water for a half section of land. (•)) The main di-awbacks are the lack of knowledge regarding the in-actical handling of water in the field and the too lavish applica- tion, especially if soon followed by rain. ^•5 (10) During the last seven or eight years xerj little advancement has been made in irrigation farming, but at present farmers are arranging their wells with reference to a probable future use, and when the necessity again arises many will be prepared and \\i\\ make use of their supply. In general, those who have not waited for the necessity to arise, but have practiced irrigation as a part of improved and intensified farming, have found it profitable even under the present favorable natural conditions. O LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OF THE OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS ON IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE-Contmued. Bui. 124. Report of Irrigation Investi Pork: Chuck, salt..- - Backs, dry salted b Shoulder, smoked fatft ^ Sausage: Roloerna 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 ;« .30a 31 32 33 34 a5 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Per cent. 18.7 12.1 '""s.'i" 20.0 2.9 3.3 24.9 19.7 21.2 11.2 Per cent. . 49.1 43.7 .56.8 86.5 22.4 1.5.9 21.4 63.9 64.0 42.8 1 40.2 34.8 46.6 (io. 5 8.2 8.5 26.9 .2 12.5 7.3 12.3 10.8 11.3 13.0 Per cent. 14.5 12.9 27.4 11.7 4.2 7.1 12.1 12.6 13.9 7.5 19.0 13.9 16.2 11.9 Per cent. 17.5 29.2 10.4 1.2 66.3 66.8 42.6 10.8 10.9 40.1 .4 21.2 2.8 9.3 85.9 75.2 8.3 99.8 1.9 7.2 .3 1.1 .9 . 7 Per cent. Per cent. 0.7 2.6 4.7 .3 6.1 """4'2' 5.0 1 3.9 1.9 i 18.5 10.4 12.6 .9 .5.9 5.4 1.9 Calories. 2.225 3.245 0.7 .2 1.0 2.7 2.509 .600 6.124 6.500 4.460 4.8 4.0 7.7 1.915 Do --- 1.972 fialt "nork 4.535 Fish: Cod salt 1' .816 Mackerel, pickled fc Salmon trout, pickled KffETSft ' 2. .545 .6 i6"5" 54.1 1.160 l.a53 Dairv prt)ducts: Butter'' 7.990 Do .4 8.8 7.233 3. .350 9.280 VEGETABLE FOOD. Cereals: Corn meal '' 9.2 16.1 8.0 10.8 11.3 9.0 7.5.4 67.5 79.0 76.7 75.7 77.0 100.0 81). 5 68.0 75.3 60.4 61.7 7.7 4.8 7.4 8.9 62.0 14.7 5.7 66.1 10.8 62.2 68.5 67.5 83.0 60.2 1.2 42.6 21.7 7.0 54.3 1.0 1.9 .4 .6 .8 .3 '3.2" 3.7 3.3 .9 .9 .9 .5 2.9 .8 .6 2.0 .3 2.0 3.1 4.0 3.0 3.8 3.1 2.7 1.8 .3.645 Oatmeal '' 4. 100 Rice'' 3.595 Wheat flour 3.830 Do - 3.840 Do 3.824 Sugars: 4.100 AT olassps'* """26"(y 15. 0 20.0 10.0 ""26."6" 30.0 "'2.5.1' 15.0 10.0 19.5 26.5 24.7 11.6 13.3 70.0 77. 7 70. 6 78.9 9.5 62.6 62.7 28.1 as. 3 19.0 .31.1 32.5 17.0 27.7 22.7 27.1 59.6 84.7 36.3 3.3a5 2.3 2.759 Sirup'' - 3.088 Vegetables; Reans Dea - 22.8 20.4 1.3 1.4 .9 1.4 24.6 1.8 .9 1.6 .3 1.8 2.3 1.5 1.3 .1 .2 .2 .3 1.0 .1 .1 2.2 .3 "."3.6' 3.850 Beans 3.830 Beets '>.. - - Calibaere '^ .380 .275 Carrots'' Onions'* - - .360 .4.50 Peas'" 3.645 .685 Turnips'* - .275 Fruits: Annies dried'' 2.980 .485 Prunes'' - Raisins'' 2.620 3. 185 Currant jellv ''- . 2.770 3.405 MISCELLANEOUS FOOD. Mince-meat'' WASTE. Beans, baked 6.7 11.1 15.9 8.1 1.5 3.2 1.4 62.0 10.6 7.5 4.1 4.4 2.875 6.440 3. 575 Do 2.055 .733 PuddinfiT 2.853 a When actual determinations were made, this value represents heat of combustion: in other cases calculated fuel value. '' Composition assumed. 16 TABULATION OF RESULTS. The tabular statements whicli follow give the results of the dietary studies in condensed form, but tliey furnish all the original data from which the results were computed. The price which follows each food material shows the cost of the total quantity at the place of purchase (usually Bangor, Me.), and does not take into account the cost of get- ting the material into the woods and to the camp. The numbers in Ijarentheses refer to food materials in the table of composition and show the analytical data used in the computation of the nutrients supplied. In calculating the nutrients in the waste, baked beans were classed as vegetable food, although much of the fat present was doubtless of animal origin. The waste was so small in all of the studies that no considerable error is thus introduced. DIETARY STUDY NO. 390. The study began with suj)i)er December 13, 1901, and continued seven days. The lumber crew were engaged in chopping and yard- ing. The list of the men included in the studj^ their occupations, the number of meals eaten, and the weights and costs of foods and nutrients are given in the tables which follow : T.\BLE 2. — Data regarding subjects, dietary study No. 390. Name. Subject of dietary study Nos.— Place of birth. Age. Weight. Occupation. C J 390,391,392,393 390,391,392 Maine Years. 56 27 24 54 18 25 67 54 48 30 25 23 24 29 24 26 22 26 29 25 25 28 24 34 29 27 29 26 23 26 25 27 56 26 26 57 25 27 26 26 27 23 26 26 18 20 32 Pounds. 172 186 148 172 126 146 215 159 167 148 159 199 178 162 154 178 160 164 162 1.59 154 163 164 159 142 161 174 142 150 1.59 1.59 174 i.58" 170 196 147 179 180 159 176 160 160 159 144 159 125 Overseer. N G do Clerk. E.R.M. W.D 390,391,392,393,394.... 390,391 390,391 .....do Canada do Chemist. Cook. J M Cookee. A.R 390 do Do. T H 390,391,392 do. Blacksmith. J.T 390,391 do Do. W C 390,393 390,392 Maine Toter. M.B Canada ....do Chopper. A.B 390 Do. J.C 390,392 do Do. E.F ... 390,391,392,394 ... do. --- Do. A.R 390,391,392,393 do. Do. E.T 390,392 ....do Do. O B 390,391,394 do Swamper. J.C 390,391 do. Do. J G 390,391 ..do. Do. J.H 390,391,392 390,391 do Do. F K do ... Do. F.M 390 do Do. J M 390,391 do Do. J M 390 .do. Do. A P . - 390,391,392 do. Do. M P 390 do. Do. P.P 390,391 do Do. W R 390,393,394 do Do. p.R 390 do Do. D R 390,391 do Do. T R 390 do. Do. j.St.P 390,391 do Do. C V 390 .... do. Do. .T C 390,391,394 390,:«1,:W3. 3<)0,391,::i!t2 Maine Teamster, J.D Canada do Do. J.P Do. C T 390,391 - Maine do Do. A.T 390,391.... Do. C C 390 . Canada Maine Canada do Sled tender. M.F C.T . . . . 390,391. -.-- 390 Do. Do. E W 390,391, ;«3 Do. T.D 390 do ' Yard roller. G G ;*o do Do. F.H 3«1,.391 do Do. F S 390 Maine Do. F.St.P 390,;391.-. Canada do Do. T. V . . (?) Do. The number of meals taken was as follows : Camp crew: Meals. Breakfasts 311 Dinners <^1*^ Suppers 312 Visitors: Breakfasts 3 Dinner ■; - --- ' 946 Total utimber of meals. _.- Equivalent to 1 man for 315 days. Table 3. — Weights and cost of food and nutrients in dietary study Xo. 390. Food consumed during the entire study (7 days.) Cost, nutrients, and fuel vahie of food per man per day. Kinds and amounts. Cost. Cost. Pro- tein. Fat. Carbo- hy- drates. Fuel value. ANIMAL, FOOD. Beef: Fore qiTarter, 80 pounds, S5.60 (1); corned flank KXiDounds ^7(2) Dollars. 12.60 18.46 3.11 11.79 4.31 6.75 Cents. 4.0 5.9 1.0 3.7 1.4 2.1 Grams. 35.3 27.2 6.3 45.1 .3 Grains. 62.3 145.2 5.4 35.7 32.4 107.9 Gramis. ""■2.1' .1 1.6 Calories. 695 Pork: Salt, ^2 pounds, si8.20 (.6) ; smoked shoulders, las pounds, Jl(i.;2;i (7> _. ----- Sausafje: Bologna, :it. 5 pounds. %'i.\\ (8) Fish: Cod, 75.5 pounds, S4..53 (11): mackerel, 115 pounds, $6.90 (12); salmon trout, 6 pounds, 36 cents (K"^) 1,401 83 499 Dairy products: Butter, 26 pounds, S4.16 (15); con- densed milk, 2 pounds, 15 cents (17) Tjard comnound 7.5 r>ounds. :^6.75 (18) _. 296 9ao Total animal food - 57.02 18.1 114.2 388.9 4.1 3,935 VEGETABLE FOOD. Cereals: Corn meal, 21 pounds, 53 cents (19): oat meal, 1 pound, 3 cents (20); wheat flour, 368 pounds, $7.:36(22)- ._ Sugai-s: Sugar, :i5 pounds, SI -75 (25); molasses, 98 pounds. S2 i26) Vegetables: Beans, 224 pounds, S9.41 (29); onions, 15.5 pounds, 47 cents (;B): potatoes, 370 pounds, $4.44 i:i5): turnips, 24poimds, 24 cents (36) Fruit: Apples, 10.5 pounds, 17 cents (38); apples, dried, 20 pounds, §1.80 (37): prunes, 51 pounds. $3.0ti (39): raisins, 2.5 pounds, 19 cents (40); cur- rant jelly, :^2 pounds, 81.92 (41) 7. 92 3. 75 14.56 7.14 2.5 1.2 4.6 2.2 60.3 6.5 430.5 164.2 277.4 100.0 2,021 656 83.8 1.9 5.4 .8 1,493 415 Total vegetable food 33.37 10.5 146.0 12.7 972.1 4,585 Total food.. 90.39 28.6 260.2 401.6 976.2 8,520 WASTE. 1.4 11.9 7.9 7.9 .2 31.9 77 Beans, baked. .52 pounds (45) . 245 1 Total waste 1 13.3 15.8 32.1 322 FOOD ACTUALLY EATF,N. AniTna.l food 18.1 10.5 112.8 134.1 381.0 4.8 3.9 940.2 3,858 Vegetable food 4,340 Total food eaten 28.6 246.9 38.5.8 944.1 8,198 DIETARY STTJDY NO. 391. The study began with supper Januaiy 21, 1902, and continued 16 days. The crew were engaged in drawing the logs from the jards 5163— No. 149—04 2 18 to the landing. The lists of the men inclnded in the stndj^, their occu- pations, the number of meals eaten, the daily menu, and the weights and costs of foods and nvitrients are given in the tables which follow : Table 4. — Data regarding subjects, dietavy study No. o91. Name. C.J N.G.... E.R.M. W.D __. J.M __.. T.H.... J.T J.D E.P .... J.M .... A.P .... P.P D.R.- - O.B .... J.C M.F.... J.G F.K .... E.W... J.C W.C.--. J.P C.T A.T ... J.C P.H.... J.H .... A.R... J.St.P . 1''. St. P . Subject of dietary- study Nos.— Place of birth. 39(1 .SttI . Si»2, 3^3 Maine _ . 39.).:i!tl,;{".t'_. ...do .. 3yo.:5!tl.3;«,3d3,394 do .. 391 Canada. 391- do.. 391,302 _ do.. 391 ..do.. 391.392 do.. 391,392,:?91 ..do.. 391 do.. .391,:»2 do.. 391 ....I do.. 391... I do.. 391,:«-t 1 do.. 391.... do.. 391 Maine 390, 390, 390, 390, 390, 390, 390, 390, 390, 390, 390, 390, 390, 390, 390, 390. 390, 390, 390, 390, 390, 390, 390, 390, 390, 390, 390, 391. 391. 391 :«1 :M,393 391,392 mi _-. 391 391 391 391,392 .391,392,393. 391. 391.. Canada. .... do.. do.. Maine . . do.. Canada. Maine . . do.. Canada. do.. do.. do.. do.. do.. Age. Weight. Years. Pounds. 58 170 27 185 24 148 54 179 18 132 67 218 54 157 1 26 157 24 176 28 163 24 160 27 159 23 1.50 26 180 23 204 26 184 25 169 25 162 • 27 176 56 147 48 172 26 178 57 199 25 149 22 163 26 161 29 163 29 164 25 149 20 164 Occupation. Overseer. Clerk. Chemist. Cook. Cookee. Blacksmith. Do. Main road man. Do, Do. Do. Do. Do. Yard man. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Teamster. Do. Do. Do. Do. Landing man. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Daily menv. Tuesday, January 21, 1902. Supper. — Fresh-beef smother, mashed potatoes, flour gravy, mashed turnips, loaf bread, butter, molasses cookies, molasses cake, strawberry jelly, tea. sugar. Wednesday, January 22. Breakfast.— Baked beans, biscuit, cold meat, molasses cookies, doughnuts, stewed prunes, butter, tea, sugar. Dinner. — Baked beans, cold meat, mashed potatoes, mashed turnips, biscuit, but- ter, sugar cookies, stewed prunes, tea, sugar. Supper. — Boiled mackerel, cold meat, boiled potatoes, biscuit, loaf bread, butter, sugar cookies, molasses cookies, stewed prunes, strawberry jelly, tea. sugar. Thursd-\y, January 23. Breakfast. — Cold meat. ])iscuit, butter, doughnuts, stewed prunes, mince pie, tea, sugar. Dinner. — Baked beans, cold raeat, biscuit, butter, molasses cookies, sugar cook- ies, doughnuts, tea. Supper. — Beef soup, biscuit, butter, molasses cake, sugar cookies, stewed prunes, strawberry jelly, tea. sugar. I 19 Friday, January 24. Breakfast. — Beef soup, beans, biscuit, butter, doughnuts, molasses cookies, stewed prunes, apple pie, tea. sugar. Dinner. — Baked beans. Bologna sausage, cold meat, loaf bread, butter, molasses cookies, sugar cookies, tea. Supper.— Boiled potatoes, codfish (boiled), biscuit, butter, molasses cookies, sugar cookies, tea, sugar. Saturday, January 25. Breakfast.— Baked beans, biscuit, butter, cookies, doughnuts, stewed prunes, strawberry jelly, apple pie, tea. sugar. Dinner. — Baked beans, cold meat, biscuit, butter, molasses cookies, tea. Supper. — Boiled potatoes, pork sausage, biscuit, butter, molasses cookies, prune sauce, strawberry jelly, tea, sugar. Sunday, January 26. Breakfast. — Baked beans, biscuit, butter, doughnuts, molasses cookies, tea, sugar. Dinner. — Baked beans, boiled potatoes, cold bee'f, biscuit, butter, molasses cookies, tea. sugar. Supper. — Beef soup, biscuit, butter, sugar cookies, doughnuts, stewed prunes, strawberry jelly, tea, sugar. Monday, January 27. Breakfast. — Baked beans, beef soup, bread (loaf), butter, doughnuts, molasses cookies, tea. sugar. Dinner. — Baked beans, brown bread, cold meat, biscuit, butter, molasses cook- ies, doughnuts, tea. Supper. — Boiled potatoes, boiled mackerel, biscuit, butter, doughnuts, molasses cookies, currant jelly, stewed prunes, apple pie. tea, sugar. Tuesday. January 28. Breakfast. — Baked beans, cold meat, biscuit, butter, molasses cookies, dough- nuts, tea. sugar. Dinner. — Baked beans, cold meat, biscuit, butter, molasses cookies, sugar cookies, tea. Supper, — Boiled potatoes, beef smother, biscuit, butter, molasses cookies, rice. Wednesday, January 29. Breakfast. — Baked beans, biscuit, biitter, doughnuts, molasses cookies, tea, apple pie, sugar. Dinner. — Baked beans, cold meat, biscuit, butter, doughutits, molasses cookies, tea. Supper. — Boiled salmon trout, boiled potatoes, biscuit, butter, doughntits, molasses cookies, stewed prunes, currant jelly, tea. Thursday, January 30. Breakfast. — Baked beans, biscuit, butter, doughnuts, molasses cookies, tea. Dinner.— Baked beans, cold meat, biscuit, butter, doughnrits, molasses cookies, tea. Supper. — Vegetable soup, biscuit, btitter, molasses cookies, doughnuts, sugar cake, tea, sugar. 20 Friday, January 31. Breakfast. — Baked beans, cold meat, biscuit, butter, doughnuts, molasses cookies, t-a. Dinner. — Baked beans, biscuit, butter, doughnuts, molasses cookies, tea. Supper. — Boiled potatoes, boiled cod. biscuit, butter, doughnuts, molasses cookies, rice, prune sauce, currant jelly, tea, sugar, condensed milk. Saturday, February 1. Breakfast. — Baked beans, cold meat, biscuit, butter, doughnuts, tea, sugar. Dinner.— Baked l)eans, biscuit, butter, sugar cookies, molasses cookies, dough- niits. tea. Supper.— Beef soup, biscuit, butter, doughnuts, sugar cookies, molasses cookies, prune sauce, currant jelly, tea. Sunday. February 2. Breakfast. — Baked beans, cold meat, biscuit, butter, doughnuts, molasses cookies, tea. Dinner. — Baked beans, beef soup, Inscuit, butter, doughniits. molasses cookies, tea. sugar. Supper. — Pea soup, biscuit, butter, doughnuts, prune sauce, currant jelly, tea, sugar. Monday. February 3. Breakfast. — Baked beans, Bologna sausage, biscuit, butter, doughnuts, tea, sugar. Dinner. — Baked beans, Bologna sausage, cold meat, biscuit, l)utter. doughnuts, tea. Supper. — Beef soup, Inscuit. butter, molasses cookies, apple pie. prune sauce, currant jelly, tea. Tuesday, February 4. Breakfast. — Baked beans, Bologna sausage, biscuit, butter, molasses cookies, stewed prunes, currant jelly, tea, sugar. Dinner. — Baked beans, cold corned beef, biscuit, butter, sugar cookies, apple pie, prune sauce, currant jelly, tea. Supper. — Boiled mackerel, cold corned beef, biscuit, butter, sugar cookies, apple pie. prune saiice. currant jelly, tea. Wednesday, February o. Breakfast. — Baked beans, Bologna sausage, biscuit, l)utter, molasses cookies, doughnuts, apple pie, stewed prunes, currant jelly, tea. Dinner. — Baked beans. Bologna sausage, biscuit, butter, molasses cookies, tea. Supper. — Beef soup, biscuit, butter, sugar cookies, sugar cake, tea. 4 Thursday. Feb^ary 6. Breakfast. — Baked beans, told corned beef, biscuit, Itutter, molasses cookies, doughnuts, tea, sugar. Diiuier. — Btiked beans, Bologna sausage, biscuit, butter, sugar cookies, dough- nuts, tea. 21 The nuuiber of meals taken was as follows: Camp crew: Meals. 'Breakfasts 491 Dinners ^^^ Slippers 4^2 Visitors: Dinners - - - ^^ Total number of meals 1. 475 Equivalent to 1 man for 493 days. Table o.^Weights and cost of food and nutrients in dietary study No. 391. Food consumed dm-ing the entire study (16 days). Cost, nutrients, and fuel value of food per man per day. Kinds and ami )unts. Cost. Cost. Pro- tein. Fat. Car- bohy- drates. Fuel value. ANIMAL, FOOD. Beef: Fore quarter, 259 pounds, $18.13 (1); corned flank, 224.5 pounds, S15.72 (2) _ Pork: Salt, 82.5 pounds, SS.25 (6) ----- Sausage: Bologna, 24 pounds, §2.16 (8); pork, 27.5 r>i)nnds fci 48(10) Dols. 33.85 8.25 4.64 7.38 7.59 12.83 74.54 Cents. 6.9 1.7 .9 1.5 1.5 2.6 Grams. 61.4 5.4 4.7 18.3 .2 Grams. 102.3 50.8 12.6 9.8 36.6 131.2 Grains. 3.0 .2 1.5 Calories. 1,156 478 143 Fish: Cod, 35 pounds, $310 (11); mackerel, 44 pounds, $2.64 (12); salmon, 44 pounds, $2.64 (13)-- Dairy products: Butter, 46pounds, $7.36(15); con- 161 333 T.ard t'omnound 142 5 nounds 812 83(18) 1,168 Total animal food.. 15.1 9ao 343.3 4.7 3,434 A'EGLTABLK FOOD. Cereals: Corn meal, 12.5 pounds, 31 cents (19); oat- meal, 2 pounds, 7 cents (20): rice, 8 pounds, 32 cents (2 i; wheat flour, 295 pounds, $5.90 (22); wheat flour 87 T)ounds. >!l.74 (23) 8.34 10.05 12.45 10. 19 41.03 1.9 2.0 2.5 2.1 40.4 4.0 285.2 239.2 157.7 90.8 1,338 Sugars: Sugar, i:-i8.5 pounds, $(5.93 (:i5); molasses, 150poimds, $3.12 (26) Vegetables: Beans, 223.5 pounds, $9.39 (29); car- rots, 12 pounds, 12 cents (32); peas, 10 pounds, 23 cents (:^4i; potatoes, 171.5 pounds, $2.06 (:i")i; onions, 0.5 pound, 2 cents (33); turnips, 63 pounds, 63 cents (36) — Fruits: Dried apples. 40.5 pounds, S3.&5 (:i7): prunes, 61.5 pounds, $3.69 {'^)\ raisins, 10 pounds, 75cents (40); currant jelly, 16.5 pounds, 99 cents (41); strawberry jelly, 18.5 pounds, |1.11 (42)--.- 957 52.7 1.8 3.4 1.1 872 380 To fcal veere table food .- 8.5 94.9 8.5 772.9 3,547 Total food 115.57 23.6 184.9 351.8 777.6 6,981 WASTE. Beef corned '^4 Tiounds ^44^ 2.5 3.1 13.8 2.1 .3 8.3 134 64 Total waste 5.6 15.9 8.6 198 FOOD .ACTUALLY EATEN. 15.1 8.5 87.5 91.8 329.5 6.4 4.4 764.6 1 3,300 V€*srpt,a})lp food _ 3,483 Total food eaten 23.6 179.3 335.9 769.0 6,783 DIETARY STUDY NO. 392. The study began with supper April 27, 1902, and continued ten days. The crew were engaged In river driving. The list of men in the study, their occupation, the number of meals eaten, the daily menu. 22 aiid the Aveiglits and costs of foods and nutrients are given in the tables Avhieh follow: Table 6. — Data regarding subjects, dietary study No, 302. Name. Subject of dietary study Nos.— Place of birth. Age. Weight. Occupation. T.G C J 391,392,393 390,391,393,393 Maine Years. Pounds. Lumberman. do 56 27 24 54 29 23 24 68 31 28 28 30 24 24 31 26 25 23 25 24 47 24 23 26 30 33 24 30 29 24 26 24 29 29 45 32 35 24 31 37 27 168 182 150 159 177 153 161 210 143 134 153 142 154 168 176 151 147 141 159 150 171 170 154 164 155 169 176 147 171 155 169 150 155 145 169 147 147 155 162 176 161 Overseer. N.G 390,391,392 390,391,392,393.394.... 392 - do _. _._..do do Clerk. E.R.M G C Chemist. Cook. W.R --- 390,393,394 Canada. do_. Cookee. J T 392 Do. A F 392 - -- do Wagon man. T H 390,391,392 do Blacksmith. G C 393 Maine - Teamster. C B 392 Canada ... Driver. L B 392 ...do Do. M B - 390,392. do Do. N C 392 .do Do. D C 392 392 do... Do. P C do Do. J D 390,391,392 do Do. N D 392 do Do. J D 392 ...do Do. C.D 392 do Do. C D 392 do Do. H.D 392 ._ 390, 391, c92, 394 392.. New Hampshire. Canada . Do. E F Do. C.G - -.- Maine Do. 392 Canada.. Do. J.H 390,391,392.... do. Do. M L 392 do Do. p.M - .- - 393. do. Do. S M 392 Vermont Do. S.M 393 Canada. Do. S.P 392 do Dc. J.P 39(1,391,:392 390,391, :«2_. 390,391,392,393 392 393 892 do do do do Do. A.P - Do. A.R Do. P St.P Do. H.S --- Maine do Do. N S Dc. P.T 392 390,392 Canada do._ Do. E.T Do. F.W 392 ..do Do. G.W 392 -- 392 do Do. W.W ....do Do Daily menu. Sunday, April 27, 1902. Supper. — Pea sotip, biscuit, cookies, tea, molasses. Monday, April 28. Breakfast. -^Baked beans, biscuit, cookies, tea, molasses. First lunch.— Baked beans, biscuit, cookies, tea, molasses. Second hmcli. — Baked beans, biscuit, cookies, tea. molasses. Supper. — Baked beans, biscuit, soft gingerbread, tea. molasses. Tuesday, April 29. Breafast. — Baked beans, biscuit, cookies, tea. molasses. First lunch. — Baked beans, biscuit, cookies, tea. molasses. Second lunch. — Baked beans, biscuit, cookies, tea. molasses. Supper. — Baked beans, biscuit, cookies, tea, molasses. 23 Wednesday, April 30. Breakfast.— Baked beans, biscuit, butter, cookies, tea, molasses. First lunch. — Baked beans, biscuit, cookies, tsa, molasses. Second lunch. —Baked beans, biscuit. Imtter. soft gingerbread, tea, molasses. Supper.— Codfish, potatoes, biscuit, butter, soft gingerbread, tea, molasses. Thursday, May 1. Breakfast.— Baked beans, biscuit, butter, soft gingerbread, tea. molasses. First lunch.- Baked beans, biscuit, cookies, tea, molasses. Second lunch. — Baked beans, biscuit, cookies, tea. molasses. Supper. — Baked beans, codfish, biscuit, cookies, tea, molasses. Friday, May 2. Breakfast.— Baked beans, biscuit, cookies, tea, molasses. First lunch. — Baked beans, biscuit, cookies, tea, molasses. Second lunch.— Baked beans, biscuit, cookies, tea, molasses. Supper.— Baked beans, biscuit, butter, cookies, soft gingerbread, tea, molasses. Saturday, May" 3. Breakfast.- Baked beans, eggs, biscuit, butter, cookies, tea, molasses. First lunch.— Baked beans, biscuit, butter, cookies, tea, molasses. Second lunch.— Baked beans, biscuit, butter, cookies, tea, molasses. Supper. —Boiled corned beef, boiled potatoes, biscuit, butter, cookies, tea, molasses. Midnight supper. — Baked beans, boiled corned beef, boiled potatoes, biscuit, butter, cookies, tea. molasses. Sunday, May 4. Breakfast. — Baked beans, biscuit, butter, cookies, tea, molasses. First lunch. — Baked beans, biscuit, butter, cookies, tea, molasses. Second lunch.— Baked beans, biscuit, butter, cookies, tea, molasses. Sui)per.— Boiled corned beef, boiled potatoes, biscuit, butter, cookies, tea, moiasses. Monday, May 5. Breakfast.— Baked beans, biscuit, butter, cookies, tea, molasses. First lunch. — Baked beans, biscuit, butter, cookies, tea, molasses. Second liinch. —Baked beans, biscuit, butter, cookies, tea, molasses. Supper. — Boiled codfish, boiled potatoes, biscuit, butter, cookies, tea, molasses. Midnight supper. — Baked beans, boiled potatoes, biscuit, butter, cookies, tea, molasses. Tuesday, May 6. Breakfast. — Baked beans, eggs, biscuit, butter, cookies, tea, molasses. First lunch. — Baked beans, bisciiit. butter, cookies, tea, molasses. Second lunch. — Baked beans, biscuit, butter, cookies, tea, molasses. Supper. —Boiled corned beef, boiled potatoes, biscuit, butter, cookies, tea, molasses. Wednesd.\y, May 7. Breakfast. — Baked beans, biscuit, butter, cookies, tea, molasses. First lunch.— Baked beans, biscidt. butter, cookies, tea, molasses. Second lunch. — Baked beans, biscuit, butter, soft gingerbread, cookies, tea, molasses. 24 The number of meals taken was as follows: Camp crew: Meals. Breakfasts . 350 First lunches 333 Second lunclies 333 Suppers -'- 350 Midnight suppers Visitors: Breakfasts First lunches Second lunches . _ Suppers 46 3 5 6 Total meals Etiuivalent to 4 meals per day for 1 man for 358 days. 1.431 Table 7. — Weights and cost of food and nutrients in dietary study No. 393, Food consumed during the entire study (10 days). Cost, nutrients, and fuel value of food per man per day. Kinds and amounts. Cost. Cost. Pro- tein. Fat. Car- bohy drates. Fuel value. ANIMAL FOOL). Beef: Corned flank, 135 pounds, $9.45 (2) _ . _ Pork: Salt, 127 pounds, $12.70 (6) -._ Dots. 9.45 12.70 3.30 5.13 2.24 5.85 Cents. 2.6 3.5 .9 1.4 .6 1.6 Grams. 22.1 11.4 13.2 6.3 Grams. 50.0 107.6 .3 5.0 15.3 82.2 Gi'ams. Calories. 533 1,003 Fish- Cod, 55 pounds, $3.;^0 (11) 55 Eggs: Hens', 42 pounds, $5.13 (14) -. -__ 70 Dairy products: Butter, 14 pounds, $2.24 ( 15 ) Lard compound, 65 pounds, $5.K5 (18 ) i:« r.i2 Total animal food 33.67 10.6 53.0 260.4 2,529 VEGETABLE FOOD. Cereals: Wheat flour, ;S29 pounds, $6.58 (23) _ Sugars: Molasses, 50 pounds, $1.05 (26)_ 6.58 1. 05 8.11 1.8 .3 2.3 47.1 54.8 .2 3.8 •S.3 .3 315.8 5L0 158.8 6.9 1,485 204 Vegetables: Beans, 1:J7 pounds, $5.75 (29); peas, 40 pounds, 92 cents CM); potatoes, 120 pounds, $1.44 (;^5) 884 Fruits: Raisins, 8 pounds, 60 cents (40) .60 1 .1 31 Total vegetable food _ _ 16.34 4.5 102.1 7.4 532.5 2,604 Total food i 55.01 15.1 155.1 267.8 532.5 5,133 AVASTE. Beef corned 6 pounds .8 2.6 4.7 L7 .1 7.0 45 Beans, baked, 13 pounds 54 Total waste 3.4 6.4 7.1 99 FOOD ACTUALLY EATEN. Animal food 10.6 4.5 .52.2 99.5 255.7 5.7 "".525.'5" 2,485 Vegetable food 2,550 Total food 15.1 15L7 261.4 526.5 6,035 DIETARY STUDY NO. 393. The study began with supper November 17, 1902, and continued six days. The crew were engaged in chopping and yarding. The list of the men, their occupation, the number of meals eaten, the daily 25 memi, ;uul the weights and costs of foods and nutrients are given in the tables which follow: Table 8. — Data regarding subjects, dietary study No. 39.3. Name. Subject of dietary study Nos. — Place of birth. Age. Weight. Occupation. C.J 390,391,392,393 393,394. Maine.. do Years. 57 22 22 24 49 18 23 16 :« 49 28 26 24 25 23 24 26 25 27 24 24 20 25 29 27 23 26 23 21 30 24 25 59 29 29 25 .28 37 29 21 28 25 27 24 27 23 26 22 23 28 Pounds. 169 133 147 148 135 138 156 129 172 174 176 169 179 176 170 150 163 173 181 176 173 154 161 1?? It I 159 172 168 148 157 167 159 185 131 129 139 142 162 147 1.54 179 163 158 167 174 165 154 148 156 167 Overseer. E C G Chief clerk. C C 393 do.. Clerk. E.R.M 390,331,392,393.394.... 393 do. do Chemist. L P Cook. J.B 393 Canada do Cookee. F D 393 . Do. D.T 393 - 393 390,391,393.. 393 . ... Maine Canada Maine..- do --- Do. J.R Blacksmith. W.C Toter. W B Chopper. J B 393 Canada .-...do E B 393 Do. . H D ■ 393 do Do. T.D. J.L - .. E T 393_ •m , 1^3 do do-- do Do. Do. Do. A V 39:3 do Swamper. F.W A W Wi 393 do. -- do Do Do. A A 333 .. .do- Do. F.B 393--- 393 393 393- - 333 do do... do do-..-.. do Do. O. C Do. B.C Do. o.c F G Do. Do. AG A.L - J.L A.R G.R P R 393 - 393. - 393. 390,391,392,393 393 393 do do... do do - do . ..do Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. D.T.._ M V 393- 393 do do Do. Do. J.W J.B _ F.B O.B .. .. 393. - 393. 393. 393 393- .--- 393. 393 393 do do -. do Maine do do. Canada do Do. Teamster. Do. Do. G.C Do. LG H.H A.M Do. Sled tender. Do. J.M. . 393- 393- -- 390.391,393. 393 393 393 do do do. do. do. do Do. J.S Do. E.W .. Do. J.A S.B Yard roller. Do. P.C Do. A.C... 393 393 do do Do. A.L Do. Daily menu. November 17. 1902. Supper. — Vegetable soup, tripe, biscuit, sugar cookies, cake, butter, tea, sugar, molasses. November 18. Breakfast. — Baked beans, tripe, biscuit, beet pickles, sugar cookies, mince pie, tea. coffee, sugar, butter, molasses. Dinner. — Baked beans, cold roast beef, biscuit, cookies, tea, molasses. Supper. — Boiled potatoes, beef smother, mashed turnips, bisctiit, sugar cake, butter, tea, sugar. November 19. Breakfast. — Baked beans, beet pickles, biscuit, butter, molasses cookies, sugar cake, apple sauce, tea, sugar, molasses. Dinner. — Baked beans, cold corned beef, biscuit, cookies, sugar, tea, molasses. 26 Supper. — Codfish, boiled potatoes, bisciiit, sugar cookies, tea, sugar, apple sauce, butter, molasses. November 20. Breakfast. — Baked beans, tripe, biscuit, siigar cookies, apple sauce, tea. coffee, sugar, molasses. Dinner. —Baked beans, cold roast beef, biscuit, molasses, tea, sugar cookies. Supper. — Fried steak, boiled potatoes, boiled onions, biscuit, molasses cookies, sugar cake, apple sauce, tea, sugar, molasses. November 21. Breakfast. — Baked beans, biscuit, butter, sugar cake, apple sauce, tea, coffee, sugar. Dinner. — Baked beans, cold beef, biscuit, cookies, tea, molasses. Supper. — Boiled potatoes, boiled mackerel, tripe, biscuit, butter, sugar cake, tea, sugar. November 22. Breakfast. —Baked beans, tripe, biscuit, butter, molasses cookies, sugar cookies, apple sauce, coffee, tea. sugar. Dinner. — Baked beans, cold corned beef, biscuit, molasses cookies, sugar cook- ies, tea, molasses. Supper. — Vegetable soup, biscviit. doughnuts, sugar cake, apple sauce, tea. sugar, butter. November 23. Breakfast. — Baked beans, boiled ham, tripe, biscuit, butter, sugar cookies, sugar cake, coffee, tea, condensed milk. Dinner.-— Baked beans, vegetable soup, pickled beets, biscuit, sugar cookies, doughnuts, tea, sugar, butter. The number of meals taken was as follows: Camp crew: Meals. Breakfasts 293 Dinners 293 Suppers 294 Total number of meals Equivalent to 1 man for 293 days. 880 Table 9. — Weights and cost of food and nutrients in dietary study No. 393. Food consumed during the entire study (6 days). Kinds and amounts. ANTMAL FOOD. Beef: Forequarter, 139 pounds, $9.7.3 (1); corned flank, 89. .5 pounds, $(i.2() (2); canned corned, 30 pounds, $3 (3); tripe, 8 pounds. 48 cents (4) Pork: Uhuck, salt, :^8 pounds, $3.80 (5); smoked shoulder, 19 pounds, |].81 (7) Fish: Cod, :30 pounds, $1.80 (llj; mackerel, 27i pounds, $1.64 (13) Dairy products: Butter, :^8 pounds, $6.08 (16); con- densed milk, 6 pounds, 4.'i cents ( 17 ) Lard compound, 127 pounds, $11.43 ( 18 ) Total animal food. Cost. Dols. 19.47 5.61 3.44 6. .53 11.43 46.48 Cost, nutrients, and fuel value of food per man per day. Cost. (I'ents. 6.6 1.9 1.2 2.2 3.9 15.8 Pro- tein. Grams. 63.3 6.0 14.7 1.1 85.1 Fat. Grams. 8;io 51.5 9.1 45. 0 196.4 385.0 Carbo- hy- drates. Crrams. 0.3 .6 11.2 12.1 Fuel value. Calories, 993 484 i;39 4.'')0 1,748 3,814 27 Table d.—Weights and cost of food and nutrients, e^c— Contintied. Food consumed during the entire study (6 days). Cost, nutrients, and fuel value of food per man per day. Kinds and amounts. Cost. Cost. Pro- tein. Fat. Carbo- hy- drates. Fuel value. VEGETABLE FOOD. Cereals: Wheat flour, 315 pounds, §6.46 (24); rice, Dols. 6.58 13.00 8.71 2.97 Cents. 2.2 4.4 3.0 1.0 Grams. 44.1 .7 37.8 .8 1 Grains. 3.5 2.5 1.1 Grams. :«3.2 411.2 154.1 33.8 Calories. 1,741 Sugars: Sugar, 2.52 pounds, §12.60 (25): molasses. 1,648 Vegetables: Beans, 76.5 pounds, $3.21 (30) ; beets, 56 pounds, ,56 cents, (30a); cabbage, 46 pounds, 69 cents (31): carrots, 61 pounds, 61 cents (32); onions, 20 p6 23 24 25 27 26 57 Pounds. 147 135 149 168 126 172 168 150 183 150 142 162 183 175 155 155 125 1.59 173 140 143 148 168 142 148 148 ia5 125 151 134 210 Occupation. Overseer. Clerk. Chemist. Cook. Cookee. Do. Blacksmith. Do. Toter. Main road man Do. Do. Do. Yard man. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Teamster. Do. Do. Do. Do. l-o. Landing man. Do. Do. Do. Do. Scaler. 28 Daily menu. January 20, 1903. Supper. — Vegetable stew, biscuit, sugar cake, molasses cookies, butter, sugar, sirup, tea. January 21. • Breakfast. ^Baked beans, cold corned beef, biscuit, sugar cookies, mince pie, butter, sugar, sirup, tea. coffee. Dinner.— Baked beans, Bologna sausage, bisctiit, butter, molasses cookies, tea. Supper. — Boiled potatoes, boiled codfish, biscuit, butter, molasses cookies, bread piidding, sugar, sirup, tea. January 22. Breakfast. — Baked beans, cold pork, biscuit, butter, sugar cookies, mince pie, coffee, sugar, molasses. Dinner. — Baked beans, Bologna sausage, cold poi'k, biscuit, butter, sugar cake, molasses, tea. Supper. — Boiled potatoes, boiled cabbage, boiled corned beef, biscuit, butter, molasses doughnuts, tea, sugar, molasses.. January 23. Breikfast. — Baked beans, biscuit, butter, molasses doughnuts, mince pie, molasses cookies, tea. coffee, sugar, molasses. Dinner. — Baked beans, Bologna sausage, cold pork, biscuit, butter, sugar cookies, tea, molasses. Supper. — Boiled potatoes, boiled codfish, biscuit, butter, molasses cookies, bread pudding, tea, sugar, molasses. January 24. Breakfast. — Baked beans, biscuit, butter, sugar cookies, sugar doughnuts, mince pie, tea, coffee, sugar, molasses. Dinner. — Baked beans, Bologna sausage, cold pork, biscuit, butter, molasses doughnuts, tea. molasses. Supper. — Roast b^ef, boiled potatoes, biscuit, butter, sugar cookies, tea, sugar, molasses. January 25. Breakfast. — Baked beans, roast beef, biscuit, butter, sugar cookies, sugar dough- nuts, tea, coffee, sugar, molasses. Dinner.— Baked beans, roast beef, biscuit, butter, sugar doughnuts, sugar cookies, mince pie, tea, sugar, molasses. Supper.— Roast beef, boiled potatoes, biscuit, butter, molasses cookies, mince pie, tea. sugar, molasses. January 26. Breakfast. — Baked beans, biscuit, butter, sugar cookies, molasses doughnuts, mince pie. tea, coffee, sugar. Dinner.— Baked beans, Bologna sausage, cold pork (boiled), biscuit, butter, molasses cookies, tea, molasses. Supper.— Vegetable soup, biscuit, butter, sugar cookies, tea, sugar, molasses. January 27. Breakfast.— Baked beans, corned beef, biscuit, butter, sugar cookies, sugar doughnuts, mince pie, tea, coffee, sugar, molasses. Dinner.— Baked beans, cold pork (boiled), biscuit, butter, gingerbread, tea, molasses. Supper.— Boiled corned beef, boiled potatoes, boiled cabbage, biscuit, butter, molasses cookies, tea, sugar, molasses. 29 January 28. Breakfast.— Baked beans, boiled corned beef, biscuit, butter, sugar cookies, mince pie. tea, sugar, inolasse.s. Dinner.— Baked beans, Bologna sausage, canned corned beef, biscuit, butter, gingerbread, tea, molasses. The number of meals taken was as follows: Camp crew: Meals. Breakfasts -'il Dinners - - -^'^^ Suppers 2^1 Visitors: Breakfasts - ^ Dinners - . - ^ Suppers 6 Total number of meals ~38 Equivalent to 1 man for 346 days. Table W.—Weiglds and cost of food and nutrients in dietary study No. 394. Food consumed during the entire study (8 days). Cost, nutrients, and fuel value of food per man per day. Kinds and amounts. Cost. Cost. xis^. F-^- Car- bohy- drates. Fuel value. ANIMAL FOOD. Beef: Forequarter, 167 pounds, $11-69 (1): flank, corned. 50 pounds. S3.50 (2i; canned corned. 4 pounds. -10 cents Oi) - -- - Pork: Salt chuck. 62 pounds, SB.20 e5).. •^nn^acrp- Rrilotrna :-{4 iiounds. >;:^ 06 (9) Dols. 15. .59 6.20 .3.06 1.08 :178 5.76 Cents. 6.3 2.5 1.2 .4 1.5 2.3 Grams. .58.5 4.8 8.7 Grams. 81.6 75.7 6.9 Grams. ""V.-2 2.5 .1 9.1 Calories. 960 698 106 Fish- Cod 18 nounds SlOS(ll) 6.3 .1 .9 , 29.9 ' 117.8 26 Dairy products: Butter, 21 pounds, S3.36 (16); con- densed milk. 5 pounds, 42 cen_ts 1 17) - 306 1.048 Total animal food. a5.47 14.2 79.3 1 312.0 13.0 3,144 VEGETABLE fOOD. Cereals: Wheat flour. 311 pounds, §6.22 (24) _-_ vSugars: Sugar, 60 pounds, ^i (25); sirup, 25 pounds, 50 cents (28); molasses, 18 pounds, 36 cents (27) - - 6.22 .3.86 7.06 2.60 19.74 2.6 1.6 3.0 1.1 51.6 3.8 .8 i 441.6 168.0 14-5.9 46.8 2,006 675 Vegetables: Beans, 68 pounds, S2.86 (30); cabbage, 89 pounds. S1.:J4 (31 ): onions, 11 pounds, 26 cents (33 1 ; potatoes, 217 pounds, $2.60 ( *'> > Fruit: Apples, dried, 12 pounds. §1.08 (:i7); raisins. 11 pounds, 80 cents (40 1; strawberry jelly, 12 ;y>. 4 .9 88.7 2.4 1.1 7.3 796 201 8.3 802.3 3.678 MlSCELLANEOrS KOOI>. Mince-meat, 32 irounds. §3.20 ( 43 1 3.20 1.3 3.9 .8 35.5 164 Total food - - -• .55.21 23.8 171.9 :^.l 8.50.8 6,986 WASTE. Raked beans 2.5 nounds 3.7 3.5 10.0 .8 .8 86 .2 , .5 8 PiifldiTie!" fi Doniifls .4 .5 9 Tutfil wastp 4.3 4.5 11.6 103 FOOD ACTUALLY EA ' KN- 14.9 8.9 83.2 84.4 312.8 2.8 13.0 826.2 :i.l68 Vesretable food - - -- 3.715 Total food eaten -- 23.8 167.6 31.5.6 839.4 6,883 30 DISCUSSION OF THE DIETARIES. The following table summarizes the results of dietary studies with Maine lumbermen. For purposes of comparison it also includes the results of a number of studies with German lumbermen, Russian and American workingmen engaged in severe labor, and athletes, as well as the commonly accepted American dietary standards. Table 12. — Summary of results of dietary studies of Maine lu/mhermeu and of Iters at severe work — Quantities per day. Persons or groups. Maine lumbermen: Chopping and yarding — Dietary No. 390.. Dietary No. 393 Average Drawing logs to landing — Dietary No. 391 Dietary No. 394 Average _ River driving, dietary No. 392. Average of above dietary studies with Maine lumbermen Bavarian lumbermen at severe work: Jaclienau, TiJlz « _ Reichenhall Mountains «. Oberandoi'f er Mountains «. Average Bavarian farm laborers at severe work: Average of three dietaries . _ _ Russians at severe work:« Sawyers, Astrakhan''.. Mowers, Astrakhan 6 Carpenters, Astrakhan '> Workmen and laborers, Cronstadt Dock- Food costing §3.86 per month <• Food costing .|).7H per month <■ .-.. Food costing Sl(t.40 per month <^ Laborers, Cronstadt Dock- Ordinary diet'' - Diet during Lent or other church fasts rf. Miners, Tomsk- Minimum diet*" - Maximum dietc _ New England men at severe work: Teamsters and marble workei's _ Brickmakers - Athletes: Football teams Rowing clubs -_ -. Bicyclists French Canadians: Brickmakers. Massachusetts Factory operatives, Massachusetts Laborers, Canada Dietary standards (Atwater): Man with very hard musciilar work Man with hard muscular work Man with moderately active muscular work Man with light to moderate mviscular work Man at "sedentary" or woman with moderately active work Cost. Protein. Cents. 28.6 26.4 27.5 23.6 23.8 23.7 15.1 23.5 Grams. 247 164 206 179 168 173 1.52 183 144 112 135 130 137 211 216 144 123 122 146 220 216 248 281 254 180 226 1.55 186 109 123 108 175 150 125 112 IIMI Fat. Carbohy- drates. Grams. 386 388 387 336 316 326 261 337 .358 309 208 292 202 93 153 73 43 52 140 95 95 55 363 365 354 177 186 ia5 209 106 Gravis. 944 982 963 769 839 804 526 812 606 691 876 724 I (/) (/) (.0 (.0 (/) 546 868 537 693 56!^ 419 460 931 1,040 9a5 1,075 826 1,1.50 634 440 651 603 .529 526 (/) (/) (/) CO Fuel value. Calories. 8,199 8,085 8,140 6,782 6,836 6,888 5,035 6,995 6,186 5,962 5,895 6,015 4,330 5,283 4,651 4,108 3, 207 2, 704 3,785 ■5,603 6,o;« 5,482 6,174 7,. 5.51 8, .569 6, .590 3,955 5,003 4,495 4,468 3,479 5, .500 4,1.50 3,400 3,050 2,700 a U. S. Dept. Agr., Office of Experiment Stations Bui . 21, p. 191. Quoted from Hofler ( Jachenau), and Liebig. ''Soudakov, quoted by P. Smolensky, Traite Hygiene, Paris, 1904, p. 14. cTichkov, quoted by P. Smolen.sky, Traito Hygiene, Paris, 1904, p. 15. rflvanov, quoted by P. Smolensky, Traite Hygiene, Paris, 1904, p. 15. e Reoutovsky, quoted by P. Smolensky, Traite Hygiene, Paris, 1904, p. 15. .fFats and carbohydrates in sufficient amounts to furnish, together with the protein, the indi- cated amount of energy. 31 In each of the two years included in the investigation the largest amount of total food was eaten per man per day while the men were at the hard and continuous Avork of felling and trimming trees and swamping roads. In yarding logs the hauls were short and the men got no respite from work. In the first study (No. 390) the amount of protein eaten was very much larger than in any of the others and may have been excessive. There is nothing in the recorded data to explain this. The meats did not differ in kind, quality, or variety from those used in the similar dietary (No. oOo) made the second year. The total protein in the food eaten in dietary No. 393 was very nearly tlie same as in the studies made when the men were at work drawing logs to the landing. Very likely the protein in dietary No. 390 may be above or that in dietary No. 393 may be below a normal amount for these men. Possibly the average more nearly represents the usual amount of protein contained in the food while the men are at work chopping and yarding than either of the studies alone. The lu'cds of the body resulting from the severe character of this kind of labor are perhaps better indicated by the high fuel value (8,140 cal- ories per man per day) of the food consumed, and this factor agrees quite closely in the two studies. The fat is practically the same in the two dietaries. Quite a little more of the total energy of the food came from the carbohydrates and less from the protein in dietary No. 393 than in dietary No. 390. There is very close agreement, which is doubtless more or less acci- dental, in the quantities of nutrients and energy jn studies Nos. 391 and 394, made in different years while the men were drawing logs to the landing. The food eaten in these two studies furnished on an average one-sixth less protein and one-sixth less energy than in the average of the tAvo studies (Nos. 390 and 393) while chopping and yarding. The smaller quantity of food eaten in studies Nos. 391 and 394 was very likely due in part to differences in amount and character of work done. The work of loading and unloading logs is less con- tinuous than that of felling and trimming trees and swamping roads, and the teamsters do not work nearly so hard on the comparatively long haul to the landing as on the short hauls when yarding. There would therefore be less bodily demand for food at such times. On the other hand, it may be that the food supplied in studies Nos. 390 and 393 was better than that to which the men had been accustomed before going into camp, and, as they had then been in the woods a com- paratively short time, it would be natural that in such a case they would eat more than after having had this kind of diet for several weeks. In other words, even if the amount of work had been the same in studies Nos. 391 and 394 as in Nos. 390 and 393, the amount of food eaten might still have been less, because at the later period the diet would seem less appetizing to the men who had been eating it for a considerable length of time. 32 It is natural to suppose that the men who worked on the drives, wet with the icy water of early spring and eating four and sometimes five meals a day, would consume more food than any other class of lumber workers, but while making the preliminary arrangements for the exjjeriments it was learned from the operators that in their opinion this was not the case. They stated that it took 25 per cent more food and cost nearly twice as much to feed the men while at work in the woods, particularly early in the season, as it did when upon the drives. In spite of this the comparatively small amounts of nutrients and energy supplied by the food eaten while the men were on the drive seem surprising, the protein and the energy of the diet in this case (dietary No. 392) being one-fourth less than when the crew was at work chopping. The articles included in the daily menus help to explain this. In dietaries Nos. 390, 391, 393; and 394 there was a con- siderable variety in the food, as great, in fact, as has been noted in studies with a considerable number of men in comparable circum- stances who lived closer to markets; but when driving logs the men were compelled to eat alone, whereverthe cookee chanced to find them, and their four or five meals per day were made up invariably of beans, biscuits, cookies, tea, and molasses. These conditions might nat- urally tend to lessen the appetite. This study (No. 392) was made when the lumber crew had Just begun driving logs— that is, immedi- ately after they had been living upon a more abundant diet. As may be seen by reference to the data in the tables regarding the weights of the men at the beginning of the several dietary studies (pp. 16, 18, 22, 25, and 27), this change was accompanied by a loss of weight in the case of the men in dietary No. 392, who were engaged in severe work (driving logs), as compared with their weights in earlier studies. There were nine such men (T. H., M. B., J. D., E. F., J. H., J. P., A. F., A. R., and E. T.), and in all cases except one loss of weight was observed, ranging from 1 to 9 pounds and being on an average 6 pounds. In the case of the ninth man (E. T.) there was a small gain, namely, 1 pound. By reference to Table 12 it may be seen that the amount of protein in the dietary of the Maine lumbermen when chopping and yarding considerably exceeded the amount called for by the commonly accepted American dietary standard for men at very hard muscular Avork. In the case of men drawing logs to the landing it was practi- cally equal to the amount called for by this standard, and in the case of the men engaged in river driving it was considerably less, being practically the amount called for by the standard for men with hard muscular work. Considering the average of all the studies, the amount of protein was only 12 grams in excess of the standard for men at very hard muscular work. As regards energy, the average amount furnished by the dietaries of men engaged in chopping and yarding and in drawing logs to the landing was far in excess of the 33 • amounts called for by the standard for very hard muscular work. When engaged in driving logs on the river the amount of energy observed (5,035 calories) was less than that demanded by this stand- ard, namely, 5,500 calories. In the average of all five studies the amount of energy per man per day was almost 1,500 calories above the standard mentioned. It seems fair to say, therefore, that judged by the best available data tlie diet of the Maine lumbermen appeared to be sufficient as regards both protein and energy. That it was not excessive, how- ever, was indicated by the fact that the men did not gain markedly in weight, and certainly if it may be assumed that the appetite is a guide to the amount of food required the men did not eat more than they needed. The exposure to wet and cold may have been one of the causes for the consumption of large amounts of food. The idea is often advanced that men are more resistant to disease when they live at a high protein level. If this view is correct the large amount of protein observed was perhaps an advantage, and it is at least pos- sible that the dietary which is typical of Maine lumber camps in gen- eral has been adopted because experience has shown that it is suited to the conditions under which the men live and work. The general health of the men in the studies recorded remained good, notwith- standing the severe work and exposure. Of course the vigorous out- of-door life in the pure air of the Maine woods was a factor favorable to health. The only other studies of lumbermen's dietaries so far as the writ- ers know are those made in the Bavarian Mountain regions by Liebig and by Iloefier. The dietary of the peasant in the region where these studies and dietaries, which are summarized in Table 12, were made is discussed by Ranke* in effect as follows: In contrast to the conditions prevalent elsewhere in Germany, the food of the country people in the Bavarian highlands and mountains is very simple, and although potatoes have not become the principal food material there the food is chiefly vegetable. The famous peas- ant of the Bavarian Mountain region, the genuine " Ilaberfeldtreiber," as he proudly calls himself, eats meat, in accordance with the time- honored usage, only on the four great holidays of the year. He lives upon " Schmalzkost," that is to say, simple preparations of flour, with which large quantities of fat are incorporated. To these he adds such materials as sauerkraut and dried apples or peas. The food of these powerful peasants is so generous in amount as to explain their hercu- lean development of muscle, their enviable vigor, and their conscious- ness of strength, which often leads to excess. It is likewise a current observation by people in the Tegernsee Mountains that the larger their appetites the more work the lumbermen can do. « Quoted in U. S. Dept. Agr., Office of Experiment Stations Bui, 21, p. 190. 5162— No. 149—04 3 34 By reference to Table 12 it will be seen that as regards both protein and energy the dietary of the Maine lumbermen on an average exceeded that of the Bavarians. As regards the protein, the Maine lumbermen received in general somewhat smaller amounts than the Russian laborers at severe work, but the amounts of energy in their dietaries were larger. The amounts of fat in the Russian dietaries were notably small. The foods eaten by the Russian laborers differ much in character from those commonly used in America, and therefore a more detailed comparison would hardly be warranted, as the digestibility of the foods is a matter which should always be taken into account. With the exception of one study with a football team the dietaries of the New England men at severe work quoted in Table 12 are the largest hitherto reported in connection with tlie series of nutrition investigations of which the present studies are a part, though it should be pointed out that these were comjjiled from statistics of food pur- chased as shown by the books of the boarding-house keepers, and are therefore only approximations, whereas the dietaries of the football teams, bicyclists, and rowing clubs were carefully made and, like those of the lumbermen here reported, show the nutrients and fuel value of the food actually eaten. The dietaries of the Maine lumber- men on an average exceeded the dietaries of athletes very consider- ably as regards energy. In the case of protein the average amount is smaller than was observed with the football teams, but greater than in the case of the rowing clubs. As most of the men in the Maine lumbermen dietaries were French Canadians, the results of some other dietary studies of men of this nationality are given. The large size of these dietaries of men at work in tlie Maine woods as compared with the results of other studies of French Canadians is striking. THE COST OF THE FOOD. In the dietaries of the Maine lumbermen the cost of food ranged from 15.1 cents per person per day in the case of the men driving logs on the river to 28. G cents in the case of one of the studies made with men who were chopping and yarding. On an average the total cost was 2o.5 cents. The sum expended for animal food ranged from 10. G cents in the case of dietary No. 392 (river driving) to IS.l cents in the case of dietary No. 390 (chopping and yarding). The amount expended for vegetable food ranged from 4.5 cents with dietary No. 392 to 10.6 cents witli dietary No. 393 (chopping and yarding). It will be seen that on an average about two-thirds of the total expendi- ture was for animal food and about one-third for vegetable food. Tlie pi-oportion of the total cost that was expended for different articles of diet in these studies is shown in the following table: 35 Table 13. — TJie comparative cost of foods per man per day in dietary studies in Maine lumber camps. Kind of food. Dietary No. 390. Dietary No. 393. Average Nos. 390 and 393. Dietary No. :«1. Dietarv No. 394. Average Nos. :«1 and 394. Dietary No. 392. Beef Per cent. 14.3 20.6 3.4 12.9 4.9 7.2 Per cent. 25.0 7.2 Per cent. 19.7 13.9 1.7 8.7 6.6 11.0 Per cent. 29.2 7.2 3.8 6.4 16.4 11.0 Per cent. 28.0 11.1 5.3 1.8 6.7 10.2 Per cent. 28.6 9.2 4.5 4.1 6.6 10.6 Per cent. 17.2 Pork 23.2 Sausage 6.0 Fish 4.5 8.3 14.8 9.3 Dairv T)rodufit.s 4.0 Lard 10.5 Total animal food 63.3 59.8 61.6 64.0 63.1 63.6 70.2 Cereals 8.7 4.2 16.1 7.7 8.3 16.7 11.4 3.8 8.5 10.4 13.8 5.7 8.1 8.5 10.5 8.9 11.6 7.1 13.3 4.9 9.8 7.8 11.9 6.9 11.9 Sugars 2.0 Vegetables - - 15.3 Fruits .6 Total vegetable food... 36.7 40.2 38.4 36.0 36.9 36.4 29.8 Totalfood 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 AMOUNT OF FOOD WASTED. The food wasted iii these dietary studies was very small in amount, beiug limited to the portions left uneaten on the plates. The total waste equaled only about 3 per cent of the protein and 2 per cent of the energy of the total food supplied. SOURCES OF PROTEIN AND ENERGY. Tlie tables which follow show the percentages of the total protein and energy supplied by the more important foods and by the total animal and total vegetable foods : Table 14. — Sources of protein in dietary studies in Maine lumber camps. Kind of food. Dietary No.:«0. Dietarv No. 393. Average Nos. 390 and 393. Dietary No. 391. Dietary ^;«/^^f Dietary No. 392. Beef Per cent. 13.6 10. 5 Per cent. 37.7 3.6 Per cent. 2.5.7 7.0 1.3 12.6 .4 Per cent. 33.2 2.9 3.6 9.9 Per cent. 34.9 2.9 5.2 3.2 .5 Per cent. 34.1 2.9 .3.9 6.5 .3 Per cent. 14.2 Pork 7.4 Sausage 2.4 . Fish 17.3 .1 7.9 .6 8.5 Dairy products . "4.1 Lard Total animal food 43.9 49.8 46.9 48.6 46.7 47.7 34.2 Cereals 23.3 26.9 .4 .5 25.0 .2 27.3 .6 21.9 31.1 .5 21.2 .5 26.5 .2 34.9 .7 30.4 Sugars Vegetables 32.2 .7 28.5 1.0 35.4 Fruits Total vegetable food . . . 56.1 50.2 53.1 51.4 53.3 .53.3 6.5.8 Total food 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 a From eggs. 36 Table 15. — Sotirces of energy in dietary studies in Maine lumber camps. Kind of food. Beef Pork. Sausage Fish Dairy products _ Lard" Total animal food . Cereals. Sugars Vegetables - Fruits Total vegetable food. Total food Dietary No. -m. Per cent 8.2 16.6 1.0 5.9 3.5 11.4 46.6 23.5 7.6 17.4 4.9 53.4 100.0 Dietary No. 393. Per cent. 12.3 6.0 1.7 5.6 31.6 47.2 21.3 30.1 9.6 1.8 52.8 100.0 Average i ^jetary ' Dietary and3f. No.:M. No. 394 Per cent. 10.3 11.3 .5 3.8 4.5 16.5 46.9 22.4 13.9 13.5 3.3 53.1 100.0 Per cent. 16.6 6.9 2.1 2.3 4.8 16.9 49.6 19.0 13.6 12.4 5.4 Per cent. 14.3 10.4 1.6 .3 4.6 15.6 46.8 50.4 100.0 29.4 9.9 10.9 3.0 53.3 100.0 Average Nos. m\ and 394. Per cent. 15.4 8.6 1-a 1.3 4.7 16.3 48.3 34.4 11.8 11.6 4.3 51.8 100.0 Dietary No. 393. Per cent. 10.5 19.7 1.0 1.3 «3.7 14.5 49.7 38.7 3.9 17.1 50.3 100.0 "From eggs. While the men were at the camp chopping, yarding, and drawing the logs to the landing, the protein was obtained about equally from the animal and vegetable foods. Wlien driving logs their diet was made np qnite largely of beans, and only one-third of the protein was supplied by animal food. As regards energ}^, about half the total amount was supplied by animal foods and half by vegetable foods in all the studies, beef, pork, and lard being the most important animal foods in this respect and cereals and vegetables the most important vegetable foods. DIGESTION EXPERIMENTS WITH MAINE LUMBERMEN ON A MIXED DIET. In order to learn how completely the veiy large amount of food eaten by the lumbermen was assimilated, two series of digestion experiments were planned and carried out in tlie winter of 1902-3. In these studies the men liad the same food as their companions who were in dietary studies Nos. 393 and 394, reported on pages 24 to 30 of this bulletin. They were not restricted in their food, and ate from the same mixed diet, in the same room, and at the same time as the rest of the crew. Three of the six experiments reported were made while the crew was engaged in the hard work of cutting and yarding the logs, and the remaining three while they were drawing the logs from the yards to the landing. The subjects were selected as being typical of the camp in vigor, in the amount of food they ate, and in their capacity for work. Each exjjeriment began at noon and lasted six days. With the camp conveniences it was impracticable to use a marker and make a separation of the feces in the usual manner, but as the food eaten during the experiments was of the same char- acter as that the subjects were eating before and after the experi- mental period, the feces for the six days following the one on which the exi3eriment began were collected and were assumed to represent the undigested residues from the food eaten. Because of the uni- 37 formity of the diet, the regularity of tlie men in stooling, and the long duration of the experiment, it is believed that no serious error was thus introduced. The close agreement of the experiments also confirms the belief. It was impracticable to collect the urine voided in these experi- ments, and therefore the balance of income and outgo of nitrogen was not ascertained. COMPOSITION OF FOOD MATERIALS AND FECES. All of the food materials were sampled at the time of use. Usuallj^ the same kind of food was used at several meals, and in such cases a composite sample was made for analj^sis. The samples were kept frozen in suitable jars and brought to the laboratory- of the Maine Experiment Station, where they were dried, subsamj)led, and ana- lyzed by the usual methods. The feces were deposited in large museum jars, and kept frozen until brought to the station for analy- sis. The heats of combustion of all of the foods and of the feces were determined by the usual method with the bomb calorimeter. The results of the analyses of the foods are included in Table 16 and of the feces in Table 17. lu the case of the feces the analyses are reported on a water-free basis, as the amount of water in feces is not imiiortant in computing the results of digestion experiments. Table 16. — Comjiosition of food materkds in, digestion experiments tvith Maine lumbcrnien. Lab- ora- tory No. Kind of food. Water. Nitro- gen. Protein. Fat. Carbo- hy- drates. Ash. Heat of combus- tion per gram. 6743 Beef smother Per ct. 65.08 43.06 .56. 75 37.96 58.03 22.44 68.30 66. 16 54.05 75.30 8.75 37. 74 34. .50 26. 13 22.37 21.14 18.«:< 19. :w 21.85 16.03 14.98 14.70 18.49 61.^7 59. 63 87.96 84.68 73. 85 76.07 76.92 84.62 42.72 :%.57 36. 32 17.00 26.49 Perct. 2.22 4.33 4.39 1.61 5.19 .67 2. 73 2.30 4.90 .74 .06 .98 1.06 ..54 .94 .95 .95 .87 .91 .91 .97 ■"4 1.26 1.29 .22 .25 Per ct. 13.89 27.08 27. 41 10.05 33.45 4.16 17.05 14.40 :«.59 4.63 .38 6.12 6.62 3.37 5.86 .5.91 5.93 5.43 .5.69 .5.68 6.04 4.61 4.73 7.88 8.09 1..35 1.54 1.66 1.90 5.01 3.59 4.17 4.74 3.21 Per ct. 14.74 22. .55 10. ;« ;«.57 8.07 66. 26 7.47 11.31 6.67 3.21 75. 2:3 8.06 6. 83 5.76 6.47 8.46 9.69 10. 14 7.78 11.65 19.96 27.04 19.77 5. 74 7.52 .88 4.13 .03 .03 4.48 2.a> 8.14 4.36 Per ct. 3.82 1.06 .74 9.84 Per ct. 3.47 6.15 4.72 .3.-59 1.83 6.12 3. 19 4.09 8.39 1.67 .5.40 .37 ..52 1.14 1.70 1.89 1.64 2.31 .;« .70 .90 .44 1.05 2.66 3.12 2.09 2.67 . 77 .78 1.99 1.38 .95 .67 1.78 """3.1(5" Calories. 2.284 6744 Corned beef , boiled 3. 784 6745 678:^ Corned beef, canned Corned beef, boiled 2.509 4.452 6784 Boast beef Pork chuck, salt 2.089 6746 1.02 3.99 4.04 .30 15.19 10.24 47.71 .5l..5:i 63.60 63. 60 62.60 64.66 62.82 64.38 65.94 .58. 12 .53.21 55.96 22. a5 21.64 7.72 6.98 2:^.69 21.22 11.60 8.06 44.02 46.68 54.33 83.00 68.00 100.00 6.124 6747 Bologna sausage 1.8a5 6786 do 2. 039 67.50 6751 6752 6754 Codfish,. _ Codfish hash _.- 2.338 1.172 Butter 7.233 Biscuit, soui* dough 3.088 6791 67.55 do --- Sugar cake 3. 196 3.328 6756 Gingerbread 3.525 6795 6757 no Molasses cookies . _ _ 3.720 3.790 6794 6758 6792 6759 6793 do.. Sugar cookies .■ 3.864 3. 710 do 3. 716 Sugar doiighnuts 4. 5313 do 4.846 679ti Molasses doughnuts 4.478 6761 Baked beans 1.887 6787 do 3.055 6762 Cabbage, boiled .480 678S do .7;« 6763 Potatoes, boiled . 1.060 67H9 do. .30 .978 6764 Potato soup 1.174 6790 Vegetable soup .57 ."76" .51 .756 6799 Mince pie _ 2.791 6798 do 3.189 6797 6724 Bread pudding Strawberry iellv 2.853 3.403 6803 Molasses 2.33 2.759 Sugar 3.959 38 Table 17. — Composition of water-free feces in digestion experiments with Maine lumbermen. Lab- ora- tory No. 67tJ5 67tK) 67(5" %m) 6801 6803 Feces. Experiment No. 463 Experiment No. 4(i4 Experiment No. 46.5 Experiment No. 466 Experiment No. 467 Experiment No. 468 Carbo- Protein. Fat. hy- drates. Ash. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. 48.3:1 12. 04 38.05 11.58 48. m 11.17 30.54 9.70 4.5. 98 7.56 ;18.03 8.44 52.77 9.52 38.:i9 9.32 49.18 10. 47 39.64 10. 71 51. 16 10. 10 39.07 9. 67 Heat of combus- tion per gram. Calories. 5.357 5.351 5.367 5. .503 5.284 5.382 DETAILS OF DIGESTION EXPERIMENTS. The details of the digestion experiments are included in Tables 18-23. These show the kinds and amounts of food eaten by the subject. The quantities in the column "total organic matter" are the sums of the quantities in the three following columns, "protein," "fat," and "carbohj^drates." The amounts of protein, fat, and car- bohj^drates in each food material and in tlie feces were computed from the weight of each material multiplied by its percentage composi- tion and heat of combustion, as shown in Table 16. For conve- nience the same reference numbers for the food materials and feces are used in the tables of composition and in the tables giving the weights of nutrients in the foods. The differences between the total nitrogen of the food eaten and that rejected in the feces are taken as a measure of the total amount digested. The feces, however, do not consist solely of undigested residue, but contain a large amount of metabolic products. The amount of metabolic nitrogen in tlie feces, as found by two different methods, is given in Table 24 and discussed on page 55. The amounts of nutrients rejected in the feces, while not strictly representing the undigested parts of the food, do repre- sent approximatelj^ the amounts which were not available to tlie body. The point has been discussed at length by Atwater.« The total amount of any particular kind of nutrient digested divided by the total amount of this nutrient in the food gives the percentage which is digestible or actually available to the body. These percentage values are called coefficients of digestibility. These coefficients are given in the last line of each of the tables showing the details of the digestion experi- ments and are summarized in the table on page 52. While the coefficients of digestibility of the different nutrients repre- sent the iiroportion which the body actually utilizes, the corresponding value for the heat of combustion of the food does not represent the actual amount of energy which the body obtains from the food absorbed from the alimentary canal. When protein is burned in the bomb calorimeter the carbon is oxidized to carbon dioxid and the hydrogen to water. The nitrogen is left in the free state. When protein is burned in the "Connecticut Storrs Station Rpts. 1896 and 1897. 39 body, however, the oxidation is not so complete. The nitrogen is excreted in the urine largel}' in the form of urea, but with some uric acid and other allied compounds which also contain small amounts of carbon and hydrogen together with some oxygen. In estimating the actual fuel values of the digestible nutrients, allowance must be made for these incompletely oxidized residual products which are excreted by the kidneys. Urea is the most abundant of these products, and in lack of determinations of the actual heats of combustion of these incompletely oxidized products, estimates have sometimes been made on the assumjition that all of the nitrogen excreted in the urine is thus combined, and allowance has been made for the heat of com- bustion of the amount of urea corresponding to the amount of nitro- gen found in the urine or in the digestible protein in the food consumed. On this supposition 0.87 calorie of the energy latent in each gram of digestible ijrotein would be lost to the bodj^ in the urea corresponding to the nitrogen of such protein. In a considerable number of actual determinations of the ratio of the nitrogen to heat of combustion in urine of healthy men, the average heat of combus- tion of the organic matter in the urine corresponding to 1 gram of digestible protein was found to be considerably greater than 0.87 calorie, and in the digestion work of the nutrition investigations of this Office it has been decided to use for the present, and until a more accurate factor has been ascertained, the factor 1.25 calories as more nearly corresponding to the energ}^ of the urine for a gram of digestible protein. The figures given in the tables for the proportion of energy actually available to the body in the food eaten were obtained, therefore, by deducting from the total energy of the digested food the energy lost to the body in organic matter of the urine as determined by multiplying the total amount of digestible protein by 1.25. Digestion Experiment No. 463. Kind and amounts of food. — A mixed diet with large amounts of baked beans, corned beef, biscuits, etc. Subject. — A. F. Age. — Twentj'-three years. Weight {until clothing). — At the beginning of the experiment, 162 pounds. Duration. — Six days, with 18 meals, beginning with dinner Decem- ber 3, 1902. The daily menu, as well as the amounts of the individual foods eaten at each meal, was as follows : 40 Daily menu and amounts eaten at each meal. December 3. Dinner. — Baked beans, 400 grams; canned corned beef, 76 grams; biscuit, 300 grams; sugar, 18.4 grams; butter, 27.3 grams. Supper. — Vegetable soup, 730 gi-ams; biscuit, 150 grams; butter, 37.2 grams; sugar, 13.4 grams. December 4. Breakfast. — Baked beans, 150 grams; biscuit. 225 grams; sugar cookies. 38 grams; butter, 30.4 grams; sugar, 13.4 grams. Dinner. — Baked beans, 368 grams; canned corned beef, 70 grams; biscuit, 375 grams; sugar cookies, 47 grams; butter, 34 grams; sugar, 13.4 grams. Supper. — Boiled corned beef, 148 grams; boiled cabbage, 541 grams; boiled potatoes, 160 grams; biscuit, 300 grams; butter, 13.6 grams; sugar, 13.4 grams. December 5. • Breakfast. — Baked beans, 315 grams; biscuit, 230 grams; sugar cake, 35 grams; butter, 30.4 grams: sugar, 13.4 grams. Dinner. — Baked beans, 370 grams; canned corned beef, 30 grams; biscuit, 300 grams; sugar cake, 53 grams; butter, 37.3 grams; sugar. 13.4 grams. Supper. — Boiled codfish, 344 grams; boiled potatoes, 363 grams; pork chuck, 81 grams; biscuit, 340 grams; butter. 30.4 grams: sugar, 13.4 grams. December 6. Breakfast. — Baked beans, 175 grams; biscuit, 335 grams; molasses cookies, 55 grams; butter, 30.4 grams; sugar, 13.4 grams. Dinner. — Baked beans, 385 grams; l)iscuit. 340 grams; biitter, 30.4 grams; sugar, 13.4 grams. Supper. — Codfish hash, 503 grams; pork chuck, 11 grams; biscuit, 400 grams; butter, 34 grams; sugar, 13.4 grams. December 7. Breakfast. — Baked beans, 194 grams: biscuit, 335 grams; butter, 30.4 grams; sugar, 13.4 grams. Dinner. — Baked beans, 234 grams; canned corned beef, 131 grams; biscuit, 225 grams; sugar cookies, 150 grams: mince pie, 405 grams: btitter, 30.4 grams; sugar. 13.4 grams. Supper. —Vegetable soup, 570 grams; biscuit, 400 grams; butter, 34 grams; sugar, 13.4 grams. December 8. Bi'eakfast. — Baked beans, 154 grams: Insciiit, 75 grams; mince pie, 378 grams; Imtter, 6.8 grams; sugar, 13.4 grams. Dinner. — Baked beans, 376 grams; Bologna sausage, 147 grams; biscuit, 300 grams; gingerbread, 94 grams; butter. '2T).2 grams; sugar, 13.4 grams. Slipper. — Beef smother, 735 grams; boiled potatoes, 83 grams; biscuit, 375 grams; butter, 31.5 grams; sugar, 13.4 grams. December 9. Breakfast.— Baked beans, 173 grams; biscuit, 335 grams; mince pie, 155 grams; butter, 18.9 grams; sugar, 13.4 grams. 41 Table 18. — Results of digestion experiment No. 463. Lab- ora- tory No. Kind of food. "Weight of ma- terials. Total Protein oi-ganic /5-x6a5) matter. )^ >*'-^^)- Fat. Carbo- ^ hy- drates. Ash. Energy. 6743 Beef smother Grams. 735.0 224.0 287.0 92.0 147.0 244.0 .503.0 422.0 4,802.0 403.0 94.0 55.0 2::?5.0 2.983.0 541.0 508.0 1,290.0 838.0 :M1.0 Grams. 238.50 113. 80 110.60 65.80 42. (X) 91.70 115.80 36:3. 70 2,971.90 293. 10 71.40 44.20 183. tXI 1,072.80 .53.90 129. (X) 272. 10 472.00 241.00 Grams. 102. 10 60.70 78.70 3.80 25. 10 74. 70 23.30 1.60 293. 90 13. 60 5. .50 :i.3o 13. 40 2:35. fti 7.30 8. 40 04. 70 34.90 Grains. 108. :30 50.70 29.80 61.00 11. (X) 16. :» 16.10 317. 60 :iS7.(X) Zi. 20 6.10 5.:3o i8.;do 171.20 4.80 .20 57. 80 68.20 Grams. 28.1 2.4 2.1 1.0 5.9 .7 76.4 44.5 2,291.0 ;a6. 3 59.8 Grains. 18.20 Calories. 1.679.00 6744 6745 6746 6747 67.50 Corned beef, boiled... Corned beef, canned.. Pork chuck, salt Boll )gna sausage Codfish 13.80 1 847.60 13. .50 ' 720.00 5.60 .56:3.40 4. 60 269. 70 20. 40 570. .50 6751 Codtish hash 8.40 22.70 17.80 4.60 1.60 5.50. 30 6752 6754 67.55 6756 Butter - Biscuit Sugar cake Gingerbread . :3, 0.52. CO 14,.S24.60 1,:341.10 :331.:30 67.57 6758 Molasses cookies Sugar cookies. - :i5.6 .0 ll.:30 3.90 26.00 8.00 5,029.00 259. 70 .5:38.50 1,514.50 2,:3:39..50 954.10 1 13,483.0 6,946.30 1,0.50.00 ! 1,352.90 4,. 543. 4 261.20 37,069.20 6765 324.0 286. .50 6,6.59.8t) 95.88 1.56.60 893.40 85.09 39.00 1,313.90 97.12 90.9 37.50 4,452.5 223.70 98.0 85.64 1,703.30 :35,:3&5.90 Per cent digested Energy of urine . 95. 45 1,116.80 Energy of food oxi- dized in the body 34,249.10 Per cent of energy utilized • 92.39 Digestion Experiment No. 4G4. Kind and amounts of food. — A mixed diet with large amounts of baked beans, corned beef, biscuits, vegetables, etc. Subject.— E. F. Aye. — Twenty-five years. Weight {with clothing). — At the beginning of the experiment, 175 pounds. Duration. — Six days, with 18 meals, beginning with dinner, Decem- ber 3, 1002. The daily menu, as well as the amounts of the individual foods eaten at each meal, was as follows: Daily menu and amounts eaten at each meal. December 3. Dinner. — Baked beans. 8r)0 grams; canned conied beef, 76 grams; biscuit, 380 grams; sugar cookies. •"».") grams; butter, '-'A grams; sugar, 18.-1 grams. Supper. — Vegetable soup. 840 grams; biscuit, 375 grams; sugar cake, 140 grams; butter, 34 grams; sugar, 13.4 grams. 42 December 4. Breakfast. — Baked beans, 178 grams; canned corned beef, 150 grams; biscuit, 150 grams; mince pie, 150 grams; butter, lo. 6 grams; sugar, l:).4 grams. Dinner. — Baked beans, 400 grams; canned corned beef, 118 grams; biscuit, ;jO0 grams; butter, 27.2 grams; sugar, 13.4 grams. Supper. — Corned beef, 276 grams; boiled cabbage, 890 grams; boiled potatoes, 212 grams; biscuit, 75 grams; bvitter, 6.8 grams; sugar, 13.4 grams. December 5. Breakfast. — Baked beans, 260 grams; corned beef , 88 grams; biscuit, 150 grams; mince pie, 150 grams; butter, 13.6 gramS; sugar, 13.4 grams. Dinner. — Baked beans, 450 grams; canned corned beef, 50 grams; biscuit, 225 grams; sugar cake, 53 grams; butter, 20.4 grams; sugar, 13.4 grams. Supper. — Boiled potatoes, 382 grams; boiled codfish, 307 grams; pork chuck, 102 grams; biscuit, 240 grams; molasses cookies, 50 grams; butter, 20.4 grams; sugar, 13.4 grams. December 6. Breakfast. — Baked beans, 318 grams: biscuit, 225 grams; mince pie, 133 grams; butter. 20.4 grams; sugar, 13.4 grains. Dinner. — Baked beans, 263 grams; biscuit, 160 grams; sugar cookies, 100 grams; butter, 13.6 grams; sugar, 13.4 grams. Suppar. — Fish hash, 589 grams; pork chuck, 81 grams: biscuit, 200 grams; sugar cookies, 55 grams; butter, 20.4 grams; sugar, 13.4 grams. December 7. Breakfast. — Baked beans, 200 grams; biscuit, 150 grams; doughnuts, 94 grams; butter, 13.6 grams; sugar, 13.4 grams Dinner. — Baked beans, 285 grams; canned corned beef, 103 grams; biscuit, 300 grams; mince pie, 140 grams; butter, 27.2 grams; sugar, 13.4 grams. Supper. — Vegetable soup. 911 grams; biscuit, 300 grams; molasses cookies, 63 grams; butter, 25.2 grams; sugar, 13.4 grams. December 8. Breakfast. — Baked beans, 126 grams; Bologna sausage, 45 grams; biscuit, 150 grams; mince pie, 150 grams; butter, 12.6 grams; sugar, 13.4 grams. Dinner.— Baked beans, 327 grams; Bologna sausage, 98 grams; biscuit, 225 grams; butter, 18.9 grams; sugar, 13.4 grams. Supper.— Beef smother, 1,227 grams; boiled potatoes, 165 grams; biscuit, 75 grams; butter, 6.3 grams; sugar, 13.4 grams. December 9. Breakfast. — Baked beans, 115 grams; biscuit, 225 grams; mince pie, 155 grams; butter, 18.9 grams; sugar, 13.4 grams. 48 Table 15). — Results of digestion experiment No. 464- Lab ora- tory No. 6743 6744 6745 6746 6747 6750 6751 6752 6754 6755 6757 6758 6759 6761 6762 6763 6764 67il9 6766 Kind of food. Weif^ht Total of ' organic material, matter. Beef smother Corned beef, boiled- Corned beef, canned. Pork chuck, salt Bolof^i;a sausage Codfish --- Codfish hash Butter Biscuit - - Sugar cake Molasses cookies Sugar cookies Doughnuts --- Baked beans _ _ _ Cabbage, boiled Potatoes, boiled Potato soup Mince pie Sugar Total . Feces ( water-free) — Amount digested Per cent digested Energy of urine Energy of food oxi- dized in body Per cent of energy utilized Grams. 1,2:37.0 364. 0 497. 0 183.0 143.0 307.0 589. 0 347.0 3,905.0 193.0 113.0 213.0 94.0 3,275.0 . 890.0 r59.0 (51.0 878.0 241.0 Pi'otein (Nx6.25). 1. 15,969.0 436.0 Grams. 398. 20 ISjj.OO 191.60 130. 80 40. 80 115. ») ia).70 297.90 2,416.70 140. 40 90.80 ltJ5. 70 79. 10 1.178.00 88.50 192. 60 . 369. 20 494. 60 241.00 6,951.90 Grams. 170. 50 98. 60 136. 30 7.60 24.40 93. 90 27.30 1.30 2:«.o() 6.50 6. 70 12.10 5.70 2;58. 00 12. m 12. 60 87. 70 36.60 r^„. Carbohy ^^^- drates. 1,236.80 393.70 6,558.20 94.34 211.80 1.025.00 82. 87 Grams. 180.80 82.40 51.60 121. a) 10.70 ;eo. 50 18. 90 261.10 314. 70 11.10 11.00 16. 60 18.80 188.00 7. 80 .20 78. 40 n.m Grams. 46.90 4.00 3.70 1.90 5.70 .90 89. .50 35. .50 1,863.00 122.8(1 73. 10 137.00 .54. 60 732. 00 68. 70 179.80 203. 10 386. 50 241.00 l,4a5.40 ; 4,249.70 48.70 1,416.70 96. 68 133.20 4.116.50 96.68 Ash. Grams. 30.30 22. 40 23. 40 11.20 4.60 25. 80 9.80 18. 70 14.40 3. 20 1.80 .70 .80 87.10 18.60 5.80 34.80 8.30 Energy. 43. ;« 278.40 86.81 Calories. 2, 803. .50 1,377.40 1.247.00 1.120.70 262. 4f) 7,177.70 G90. 20 2,509.90 O.")8.60 042.30 428. 30 790. 20 4:>t5. 10 6,180.00 427. 20 804.50 2, 0.55. 70 2,450.50 954. 10 12 320.70 44,405.30 2,333.00 42.072.30 94. 73 1,281.30 40, 791. 00 91.86 Digestion Experiment No. 465. Kind and amounts of food. — A mixed diet with large amounts of baked beans, corned beef, biscuits, pastry, etc. Siihject.—E. T. Age. — Twenty-five years. Weight {with clothing). — At the beginning of the experiment, 155 pounds. Duration. — Six days, with 18 meals, beginning with dinner, Decem- ber 3, 1902. The daily menu, as well as the amounts of the individual foods eaten at each meal, was as follows : Daily menu and amounts eaten at each meal. December 3. Dinner. — Baked beans, 420 grams; canned corned beef, 76 grams: biscuit. 300 grams; sugar cookies, 58 grams; butter. 27.3 grams; sugar. 13.4 grams: straw- berry jelly. 50 grams. Supper. — Vegetable soup, 690 grams; biscuit, 235 grams; sugar cake, 140 grams; sugar cookies, 100 grams; butter, 30.4 grams; sugat, 13.4 grams; strawberry jelly, 50 grams. December 4. Breakfast.— Baked beans. 314 grams; canned corned beef, 49 grams; biscuit, 325 grams; sugar cookies. 3S grams; mince pie. 150 grams; butter. 20.4 grams; sugar, 13.4 grams; strawberry jelly, 50 grams. 44 Dinner.— Baked beans. 419 grams: canned corned beef. 103.5 grams: bisciait, 300 grams: sugar cookies. 94 grams: butter, 27.2 grams; sugar, 13.4 grams: straw- berry jelly, 50 grams. Supper.— Boiled corned beef. 160 grams; boiled cabbage. 704 grams; boiled potatoes, 242 grams; biscuit, 225 grams; sugar cookies. 35 grams; butter. 20.4 grams; sugar, 13.4 grams: strawberry jelly, 50 grams. December 5. Breakfast.— Baked beans. 311 grams; boiled corned beef, 35 grams; biscuit. 225 grams; mince pie, 150 grams; butter, 20.4 grams; sugar, 13.4 grams: strawberry jelly, 50 grams. Dinner.— Baked beans, 413 grams: canned corned beef. 118 grams: biscuit. 300 grams: sugar cookies, 65 grams; molasses cookies. 65 grams: butter. 27.2 grams; sugar, 13.4 grams; strawberry jelly, 50 grams. Supper. — Boiled potatoes, 372 grams: boiled codfish, 387 grams; pork chuck, HI grams; biscuit. 80 grams; molasses cookies, 100 grams; butter, 6.8 grams: sugar, 13.4 grams: strawberry jelly, 50 grams. December 6. Breakfast.— Baked beans, 346 grams; bisciiit. 225 grams: mince pie, 133 grams; butter, 20.4 grams: sugar, 13.4 gi-ams: strawberry jelly, 50 grams. Dinner. — Baked beans, 425 grams: canned corned beef, 30 grams: biscuit, 400 grams; sugar cookies. 130 grams; butter, 34 grams; sugar, 13.4 grams; straw- berry jelly. 50 grams. Supper.— Codfish hash, 518 grams; biscuit, 320 grams; molasses cookies, 55 grams; sugar cookies, 55 grams; butter. 27.2 grams; sugar, 13.4 grams; straw- berry jelly, 50 grams. December 7. Breakfast.— Baked beans. 201 grams: biscuit, 225 grams; doughnuts. 94 grams; sugar cookies, 26 grams: butter, 21.4 grams; sugar. 13.4 grams; strawberry jelly, 50 grams. Dinner. — Baked beans, 295 grams; canned corned beef, 90 grams; biscuit, 300 grams; mince pie. 140 grams; butter, 25.2 grams; sugar, 13.4 grams: strawberry jelly. 50 grams. Supper.— Vegetable soup, 596 grams: biscuit, 225 grams; sugar cookies, 63 grams: molasses cookies, 63 grams; butter. 18.9 grams; sugar, 13.4 grams. December 8. Breakfast.— Baked beans, 285 grams; biscuit. 225 grams: mince pie, 140 grams; butter, 18.9 grams; sugar, 13.4 grams. Dinner.— Baked beans, 205 grams; canned corned beef, 125 grams; biscuit, 300 grams; molasses gingerbread. 90 grams: butter, 25.2 grams; sugar. 13.4 grams. Supper. — Beef smother, 980 grams; boiled potatoes, 270 grams; biscuit, 150 grams; molasses cookies, 140 grams: butter, 12.6 grams; sugar, 13.4 grams. December 9. Breakfast. — Baked beans, 290 grams; biscuit, 225 grams; butter, 18.9 grams; sugar, 13.4 grams. 45 Table 20. — Results of digestion experiment No. 4*^5. Lab- ora- tory No. ()T44 6TJ5 6746 6751) 6751 6752 6754 6755 6756 6757 675S 6759 6761 6762 6763 67t>4 6799 6724 6767 Kind of food. Beef smother Corned beef, boiled. . Corned beef, canned _ Pork chuck, salt Codfish--- Codfish hash Butter.. Biscuit --- Sugar cake Gingerbread Molasses cookies Sugar cookies Doughnuts. Baked beans . - Cabbage, boiled Potatoes, boiled Potato soup - Mince pie. Strawberry jelly Siagar Weight 1 Total of ma- organic terials. matter. Grams. 980. 0 195.(1 591.0 111.0 387.0 518.0 :«3.o 4,475.0 166.0 90.0 423.0 638.0 94.0 3,824.0 704.0 884.0 ,286.0 713.0 650.0 241.0 Protein (NX 6.25). 1, Grams. 318.00 99. 10 227. 70 79.30 145.40 119.30 337.40 2, 769. 60 120.80 68.30 *39. 50 496. 60 79.10 1,375. .50 70.10 224. 40 271 . 20 401.60 539. 50 241.00 Total 17,363.0 i 8,323.40 Feces I water-free)-.-- 339.9 j 311.20 Amount digested > 8,012.20 Per cent digested j 96. 26 Energy of urine _ L Energy of food oxi- dized in the body - . Per cent of energy utilized Fat. Grams. VS6. 20 52. 80 162.00 4.60 118.40 24.00 1.50 273. 90 5.60 5.30 25. 10 *.30 5.70 :m.30 9.50 14. 70 64.40 29.70 1,271.40 1.56. 30 1,11.5.10 87. 70 Grams. 144.40 44.2(1 61. 30 73.60 25. 80 16.60 295. 70 360. 70 9.60 5. 80 41. (M) 49. 60 18.80 219. 50 6. 20 .30 57. 60 58.00 1,488.70 Carbo- hy- di'ates. Grains. 37. 40 2. 10 4.40 1.10 1.20 78.70 40.20 2,135.00 105. 60 57.20 273. 4(3 410. 70 54. 60 8.54. 70 54. 40 209.40 149. 20 313. 90 539.50 241.00 5,5&3.70 25.70 1,463.(K) 98.27 129.20 5,434.50 97.68 Ash. Gi-ams. 24. 20 12.00 27.90 6.80 :«. 50 8.70 21.20 16. .50 1.90 1.50 (190 1.90 .80 101. 70 14.70 6.80 25. 50 6.80 318.30 28.70 289. 60 90.98 Energy. Calories. 2,238.30 737.90 1.482.80 679. 80 904. 80 607. 10 2.842.60 13,818.80 552. 40 317.20 1.603.20 2,367.00 426. 10 7.215.90 337.90 937.20 1,. 510. 00 1.990.(» 2,211.40 954.10 43,735.00 1,790.30 41,944.70 95.96 1,393.40 40, 5.51. .30 92.72 Digestion Experiment No. -loe. Kind and amounts of food. — A mixed diet, with large amounts of baked beans, meat, and salt fish, potatoes, biscuits, pastry, etc. Subject.— O. B. Age. — Twenty-six years. Weight (with clothing). — At the beginning of the experiment, 183 pounds. Duration. — Six days, with 18 meals, beginning with supper Janu- ary 21, 1903. The daily menu, as well as the amounts of the individual foods eaten at each meal, w^as as follows: Daily menu and amounts eaten at each, meal. January 21. Supper. — Boiled potatoes, 380 grams; boiled codfish, 140 grams; biscuit, 140 grams: bread ptidding, 57) grams; molasses cookies, 35 grams; sugar, 26 grams; sirup, 5..") grams. Jaxuaky 22. Breakfast. — Baked beans. 217 grams; biscuit. 240 grams; sugar cookies, 51 grams; mince pie, 137 grams; sugar, 26 grams; sirup, 5.5 grams. 46 Dinner. — Baked beans, 859 grams; Bologna sausage, 145 grams; biscuit, 306 grams; sugar cookies, 54 grams; siigar, 26 grams; sirup. 5.5 grams. Supper. — Boiled potatoes, 714 grams; boiled corned beef, 233 grams; biscuit, 70 grams; molasses doughnuts, 95 grams; sugar, 36 grams; sirup, 5.5 grams. January 23. Breakfast. — Baked beans, 385 grams; biscuit, 310 grams; molasses doughnuts, 60 grams: mince pie, 8(5 grams; sugar, 26 grams; sirup, 5.5 gram.s. Dinner. — Baked beans, 415 grams; biscuit, 375 grams; sugar cookies, 160 grams; sugar, 26 grams; sirup, 5.5 grams. Supper. — Boiled potatoes, 503 grams; boiled codfish, 188 grams; biscuit. 70 grams; bread pudding, 441 grams; sugar, 26 grams; sirup, 5.5 grams. January 24. Breakfast. — Baked beans, 335 grams: biscuit, 316 grams; sugar cookies, 50 grams; sugar doughnuts, 50 grams; mince pie, 140 grams; sugar, 36 grams; sirup, 5.5 grams. Dinner. — Baked beans, 360 grams; biscuit, 246 grams; molasses doughnuts, 57 grams; sugar, 26 grams; sirup, 5.5 grams. Supper. — Boiled potatoes, 700 gi*ams; roast beef, 240 grams; biscuit, 140 grams; sugar cookies, 100 grams; sugar, 26 grams; sirup, 5.5 grams. January 25. Breakfast. — Baked beans, 113 grams; biscuit, 140 grams; sugar doughnuts, 92 grams; roast beef, 26 grams; sugar, 26 grams; sirup, 5.5 grams. Dinner. — Baked beans. 264 grams; roast beef, 40 grams; biscuit, 370 grams; mince pie, 262 grams; sugar. 26 grams; sirup, 5.5 grams. Supper. — Boiled potatoes, 545 grams; roast beef , 125 grams; biscuit, 70 grams; molasses cookies, 50 grams; mince pie, 260 grams; sugar, 26 grams; sirup, 5.5 grams. January 26. Breakfast. — Baked beans, 210 grams; biscuit, 140 gi'ams; siigar' doughnuts, 100 grams; mince pie. 135 grams; sugar, 36 grams; sirup, 5.5 grams. Dinner. — Baked beans, 380 grams; biscuit, 330 grams; molasses cookies. 135 grams; sugar, 36 grams; sirup, 5.5 grams. Supper. — Vegetable soup, 618 grams; biscuit, 380 grams; sugar cookies, 50 grams; sugar, 36 grams; sirup, 5.5 grams. January 27. Breakfast. — Baked beans, 250 grams; corned beef, 76 grams; biscuit, 280 grams; mince pie, 130 grams; sugar, 26 grams; sirup, 5.5 grams. Dinner. — Baked beans, 315 grams; biscuit, 320 grams; gingerbread, 145 grams; sugar, 26 grams; sirup, 5.5 grams. 47 Table 21. — Results of digestion experiment No. 466. Lab- ora- tory No. 6788 0784 078t) 67.".() 6787 67S9 6790 6791 6793 6793 679i 6795 6796 6797 6798 6800 Kind of food. Corned beef, boiled . Roast beef Bi >k)gna sausage Codfi>!.20 90.80 118.60 549. 20 527. 60 468.00 67.30 5,745.10 Energy. Grams. 11.10 7. itO 5.90 27.50 106.20 22.20 8.50 19.40 3.30 1.10 5.10 2.70 2.20 18. (K) 7. .50 25L70 98.10 5,652.00 98.38 30.60 231.10 87.84 Calories. 1,371.00 9(K).60 295. 70 767.00 6,994.00 3, 779. .50 467. 20 ll,9:i0.00 1,728.00 1,172.80 8.50. 10 539. 50 949,. 50 2,884.30 3,604.20 1,852.70 276. 70 39,362.70 1,804.70 37,558.00 95. 42 1,092.40 m, 465. 60 92.64 Digestion Experiment No. 467. Kind and amounts of food. — A mixed diet with large amounts of baked beans, codfish, vegetables, biscuit, pastry, etc. 8uhJerf.—A. C. Age. — Twenty-five years. Weigid {ludh clothing). — At the beginning of the experiment, 150 pounds. Duration. — Six days, with 18 meals, beginning with supper, Janu- ary 21, 1003. The daily menu, as well as the amounts of the individual foods eaten at each meal, was as follows: Daily menu and amounts eaten at each meal. J.\NU.\RY 21. Supper. — Boiled potatoes. 2','() grams: boiled codfish, 180 grams: biscuit. 140 grams; bread pudding. '260 grams: molasses cookies, 135 grams: sugar, 2(5 grams: sirup, 5.5 grams: butter. 5.8 grams. January 22. Breakfast. — Baked beans, 241 grams: pork chuck, 30 grams; biscuit, 240 grams; mince pie, 137 grams; butter, 5.3 grams; sugar, 26 grams; sirup, 5.5 grams. Dinner. — Baked beans, 350 grams: pork chuck, 35 grams: bi.scuit, 166 grams: sugar cookies, 54 grams: butter, 5.8 grams; sugar, 26 grams: sirup, 5.5 grams. Supper. —Boiled potatoes, 773 grams; boiled cabbage, 439 grams; boiled corned 48 beef, 126 grams; biscuit, 140 grams; stigar, 20 grams; sirup, 5.5 grams; butter. 5.3 grams. January 23. Breakfast. — Baked beans, 345 gi-ams; biscuit. 210 grams; mince pie, 86 grams; sugar, 26 grams; sirup, 5..1 gTams; butter, 5.3 grams. Dinner.— Baked beans, 340 grams; biscuit, 208 grams: pork chuck, 48 grams; sugar cookies. 42 grams; sugar, 26 grams; sirup, 5.5 grams; butter, 5.3 grams. Supper. ^Boiled potatoes, 231 grams; boiled codfish, 188 grams; biscuit, 140 grams: bread ptidding, 302 grams; sugar, 26 grams; sirup, 5.5 grams; butter, 5.3 grams. January 24. Breakfast. —Baked beans, 334 grams; biscuit, 216 grams; mince pie, 140 grams; sugar, 26 grams; sirup, 5.5 grams; butter, 5.3 grams. Dinner. — Baked beans, 320 grams; biscuit, 128 grams; molasses doughnuts, 151 grams; pork chuck, 40 grams; sugar, 26 grams: sirup, 5.5 grams; butter, 5.3 grams. Supper. — Boiled potatoes, 240 grams; roast beef, 195 grams; biscuit. 140 grams; sugar cookies, 50 grams: sugar, 26 grams; sirup, 5.5 grams; butter, 5.3 grams. January 25. Breakfast. — Baked beans, 319 grams; roast beef, 39 grams; biscuit, 140 grams; sugar cookies, 56 grams; sugar doughnuts, 46 grams; sugar, 26 grams; sirup, 5.5 grams; butter, 5.3 grams. Dinner. — Baked beans. 325 grams; roast beef, 35 grams; biscuit, 106 grams; sugar doughnuts, 46 grams; mince pie, 131 grams; sugar, 26 grams; sirup, 5.5 grams; butter, 5.3 grams. Supper. — Boiled potatoes, 255 grams; roast beef, 150 grams; biscuit, 140 grams; sugar, 26 grams; butter, 5.5 grams; sirup, 5.3 grams. January 26. Breakfast. — -Baked beans, 195 grams; biscuit. 210 grains; sugar doughnuts, 45 grams; mince pie, 125 grams; sugar, 26 grams; butter, 5.3 grams; sirup, 5.5 grams. Dinner. — Baked beans, 310 grams; pork chuck, 75 grams; biscuit, 180 grams; molasses cookies, 100 grams; sugar, 26 grams; sirup, 5.5 grams; butter, 5.3 grams. Supper. — Vegetable soup, 784 grams; biscuit, 140 grams; sugar cookies, 50 grams; sugar, 26 grams; sirup, 5.5 grams; butter, 5.3 grams. January 27. Breakfast.— Baked beans, 350 grams; biscuit, 140 grams; corned beef, 37 grams; mince pie, 120 grams; sugar, 26 grams; sirup, 5.5 grams; butter, 5.3 grams. Dinner. — Baked beans, 345 grams; biscuit, 235 grams; molasses gingerbread, 145 grams; pork chuck, 37 grams; sugar, 26 grams; sirup, 5.5 grams; butter, 5.3 grams. 49 Table 22. — Results of digestion experiment No. 4'^7. Lab- ora- tory No. Kind of food. "Weight of mate- rial. Total or- ganic matter. Protein (Nx6.25). Fat. Carbohy- drates. Ash. . Energy. 6783 6784 Corned beef, boiled . . . Roast beef Grams. 1&3.0 419.0 265.0 318.0 95.4 3,774.0 439.0 1,719.0 784. 0 3,021.0 •252.0 137.0 235.0 14.5.0 151.0 562.0 7:«.o 468.0 99.0 Grams. 95.3(J 169. 70 189. ») 119. .50 82.00 1,405.90 .55.60 398. (K) 109. SO 1,963.:^) 209.80 116.20 184. 20 111.70 121.. 50 347.90 463. 80 468. 00 69.60 Grams. 16.40 135. 90 Grams. 62.90 S3. SO Grams. 16.00 1 Grams. Calories. 5.80 72.5.80 7.70 875.40 6746 67.50 67.52 Pork chuck, salt Codfish, boiled Butter 11.00 17.5. .50 97.30 1 21.:^) .30 I 71.70 30.5.30 i 283.80 2.70 .90 10. 00 816.80 :«. 70 364.80 63. 20 1,. 5.57. 00 166. 2(J 72.90 147.60 90.80 84. .50 3a5.30 345.00 468.00 67.30 16.20 1,62:^00 26.70 743.60 .5.10 690.00 6786 Baked Beans 117.70 7,7.57.00 6788 6789 6790 6791 Cabbaj;e, boiled Potatoes, boiled.. Vegetable soup Biscuit 6.80 32. 70 28. 20 200. 00 14.31) 6.30 12.80 8.60 7.10 18.00 .3.5.00 18. 10 ..50 18.40 206.30 29. 30 37.00 23.80 12.30 2eans 32.54 36.36 a3.00 6 37.78 17.71 81.64 22. 75 30.78 15.88 OtliPT vAerfttflilile food 60.42 68.90 31.10 39.78 60.22 99. a5 .65 53.53 46.47 76.30 Tntal animal food 23. 70 Digestion experiment No. 468: Ralcpd bpans -- 19.69 38.07 a 1.52 6 46.13 11.53 87.53 15.13 35.16 10.07 Otlipv vpsrotable food _ 68.15 Total voe^e table food - 57. 76 43.24 47. 65 53.35 99.10 .90 50.29 49.71 78.22 21.78 a Not including fat added in the form of pork. 6 Including fat from animal sources used in preparation of food. As will be seen, the auimal foods furnished from about one-third to one-half of the protein and from about one-fifth to nearly one-half of the energy of the diet. Correspondingly, vegetable foods furnished on an average rather more than one-half of the total protein and con- siderably more than one-half of the total energy. Baked beans were the most important single food, furnishing from one-fifth to one-third of the total protein and from one-tenth to one-seventh of the total energy of the diet. NUTRIENTS EATEN PER MAN PER DAY IN THE DIGESTION EXPERIMENTS. Throughout the periods covered by the different digestion experi- ments the kinds and amounts of food eaten by each subject were of course recorded, so that the digestion experiments may be regarded as dietary studies also. They differ from the other dietar3^ studies with Maine lumbermen in that the records are made for a single indi- vidual instead of for a group. Digestion experiments Nos. -163 to 465 57 were made at the same time as dietary study No. 393— while the men were engaged in cutting and yarding logs. Digestion experiments Nos. 466 to 468 were made at the same time as dietary study No. 394 — while the men were at work drawing logs from the yard to the land- ing. The quantity of nuti-ients and energy in the food eaten per man per day during the digestion experiments and the corresponding diet- ary studies are shown in Table 29, which follows. For convenience in tabulating the records, the digestion experiments are here num- bered as dietary studies in series with the other dietary studies. Table 29.— Comparison of nutrients and energy of dailt/ diet in digestion exper- iments and dietary studies with Maine lumbermen. . Quantities per man per day. Kind of work. Protein. Fat. Carbohy- drates. Fuel value. CHOPPING AND YARDING. Digestion experiment No. 463 (dietary study No. 395) Digestion experiment No. 464 (dietary study No. 396) Digestion experiment No.4(>5 (dietary study No. 397) Grams. 175 206 212 Grams. 226 244 248 Grams. 757 708 927 Calories. 5, 710 6,780 6,760 Average - 198 239 797 6,415 Dietary study No. 390 - Diftarv studv No 39.3 247 176 386 388 944 982 8.199 8,085 Average. -- 212 387 963 8,140 DRAWING LOGS TO LANDING. Digestion experiment No. 4(i6 (dietary study No. 398) Digestion experiment No. 467 (dietary study No. 399) Digestion experiment No. 468 (dietary study No. 400) 175 156 147 181 189 163 a58 768 672 6,075 5,3:« 4,665 Average --- 159 178 799 5,355 Dietarv studv No 391 179 180 336 316 769 839 6,782 6,888 179 326 804 6,835 In the discussion of the results of dietary studies with the lumber crews as a whole, it was pointed out (p. 31) that the food consump- tion was larger during the period of severe work of chopping and yarding than during the period of less severe work of hauling logs to the landing. The same is also true for the individuals included in the digestion experiments. Thus it will be seen from the figures above that the minimum for the three subjects of studies during the period of harder work, 175 grams of protein and 5,710 calories of energy, was equal in protein, but a little lower in energy than the maximum, 175 grams and 6,075 calories, daring the period of less severe work. The average consumption for the three subjects in the former period was 198 grams of protein and 6,415 calories of energy, as compared with 159 grams and 5,355 calories for the three subjects during the latter period. 58 The particular interest in tlie data summarized in the table above, however, is in the comparison between the results of the studies with individuals and those of the corresponding studies with groups dur- ing the same period. While the men were chopping and yarding the quantity of protein in the diet of the three individuals ranged from 175 to 213 grams per man per day, and averaged 198 grams, whereas the average for the group in the dietary study (No. 393) made at the same time was 176 grams. On the other hand, the quantity of energy per man per day ranged from 5,710 to 6,780 calories, and averaged for the tliree men 6,415 calories, as compared with 8,085 calories for the group. Thus while each of the three individuals consumed as much or more protein than the average for tlie group, they obtained considerably less energy, because of the smaller amount of fats and carbohydrates eaten. The quantity of fat ranged with the individuals from 226 to 248 grams, and averaged 239 gi-ams, and the carbohydrates from 708 to 927 grams, and averaged 797 grams, whereas in the average food consump- tion for the group the amounts were 388 grams of fat and 982 grams of carbohydrates. In the studies made at the time of drawing logs to the landing the quantity of protein in the food eaten by the individuals ranged from 147 to 175 grams and averaged 159 grams, whereas the amount per man per day for the group in the dietary study (No. 394) made at the same time was 180 grams. As regards energy, the range for the studies with individuals was from 4,665 to 6,075 calories, and the average 5,355 calories, as compared with 6,836 calories per man per da}^ for the group. In this case eacli of the three individuals ate less protein than the average for the group. They also ate much smaller quanti- ties of fat. As regards carbohydrates, one man ate considerably less, one only a little less, and one considerably more than was found in the average for the group. The reason for these discrepancies between results of dietary studies with groups and those with individuals under the same circumstances is not easy to determine. As already noted, the subjects of the diges- tion experiments were selected because they were believed to be typical of the men in the dietary studies. They ate iu the same room and at the same time with the rest of the crew, although at a separate table, and were served wiih the same kind of food, being allowed to select such kinds and amounts as their appetites dictated. If other men had been chosen for the digestion experiments it is possible tliat the agreement with the average results of the dietary studies would have been closer; but, of course, this is a matter of conjecture only. The discrepancies noted would suggest the question as to which results should be considered most representative of the normal food con- sumption of the men under the conditions of these investigations. It • 59 is quite generallj^ believed that the values per man per day as obtained in dietary studies with large grouiDS more nearly represent the require- ments of the average individual in the same circumstances than do the results obtained with a single individual considered a fair repre- sentative of the group, tliough there are tliose who believe that the experimental conditions may be more carefully controlled and that thus greater accuracy is possible when the experiment is limited to a single individual. In this instance, however, both dietary studies and digestion experiments were carefully made, and the results in both cases are believed to be reliable. It is believed also that all the men consumed as much food as they needed. In such a case the inference would be that as regards amounts eaten the men selected were not as typical as was anticipated of tlie whole group, since the majority con- sumed larger quantities of fats and carbohydrates than they did. The results afford an excellent illustration of the dififlculty in estimating food consumption without actual weighing. CONCLUSIONS. These dietaries of Maine lumbermen are, as regards protein and energy, the highest yet recorded for any class of American laboring- men, witli the excei^tion of a very small number reported for team- sters and brickmakers at severe labor. The large amounts of food eaten must be attributed in great part to the severe labor in the open air and the cold to which the men were exposed. Whenever the labor was less continuous, as in the case of the team- sters when engaged in hauling for long distances, the amount eaten became noticeably less. Although the work of river driving is severe, calling for long days and often obliging the men to work while wet with icy water, yet it was found that under these conditions they ate less than when cutting in the woods. This was probably due in part to a less varied diet and in part to the unfavorable conditions under which the food was eaten. In the case of the men engaged in chop- ping and yarding the amount of protein consumed was considerably in excess of that called for by the commonly accepted dietary stand- ard. The energy furnished by the same dietaries was also far in excess of the amounts called for by the standard for very hard mus(;u- lar work. Since these conditions were not accompanied by any increase in the weight of the subjects, it is not probable that the diet was greatly in excess of their needs. The cost of food per person per day during these experiments ranged from 15.1 to 28.6 cents and averaged L'3.5 cents. On an average about two-thirds of the total expenditure was for animal food and about one-third for vegetable food. In the digestion experiments the results obtained with tlie different subjects were on the whole very uniform, the protein and other 60 nutrients being in all eases quite thoroughly digested and about 03 per cent of the energy of the diet being available. Considered as a whole the results agree quite closely with the average values obtained in a large number of American experiments made under widely vary- ing circumstances. As has been observed in other experiments, when corrections for metabolic products, obtained by the pepsin method, are introduced the coefficients of digestibility of protein are higlier than when the corrections are obtained by the ether, alcohol, and limewater method. During the digestion experiments it was found that animal foods furnished from about 33 to 50 per cent of the protein and from about 20 to nearly 50 per cent of the energy of the diet. Baked beans fur- nished from 20 to 33 per cent of the total protein and from 10 to l-t per cent of the total energy of the diet. o LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OF THE OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS ON THE FOOD AND NUTRITION OF MAN-CmtinucML Htil. '.1-^. The Eflfoct of Sovfiro .and Prolonpert Muwular Work on Food ConaiuDptiijii. l>iKf!sti()ri and M<'tHl)nlisin, ))y W. <). Atwalur and H, (.'. Slicnnan, and tli cents. Bui. 10". Nutrition InvestiKati(.)nH anions; Fruitarians ami (Jhint^se at llm (California Ajfrieul- tural E.xperiuKMit Station, IH'.C.l ]!«)!. By M. !<;. .latfa. l>]). i'.i. Pric^e. "i cijnts. Bui. Hi cents. Bui. 121. Experiments on the Metabolism of Nitrogen, Sulphur, and Phosphorus in the Human Organism. By H. ('. Sliernian. Pp. 47. Bui. 126. Studies on tlie Digestibility and Nutritive Value of Bread at the University of Minne- sota in IWK) ]'.»(«. By Harry Snyder. Pp. .5;i. Price, .5 cents. Bui. 129. Dietary Studies in Bo.stori and Springfield, Mass., Pliiladcsljihia, Pa., and Chicago, 111. By Lydia Southard, Ellen H. Richards, Susjinnah Usher, Bertha M. Terrill, and Amelia Snanleigh. Edited by R. D. Milner. Pp. iOU. Price, 10 cents. Bui. 132. Furtiier Investigations among Fruitarians at the California Agricultui'al Experiment Station. By M. E. Jaffa. I p. HI. Price, ."> cents. Bui. Vm. Experiments on the Mebibolisiii of Matter and Energy in the Human Body, I!)-li!0:i By H. S. (iHndley and Timothy Moionnier. Pp. it.'i. Price, 5 cents. Studies on the Digestibility and Nutritive Value of Bread at the Maine A»?ricultural Expeiiment Station, mw-hm. By C. D. Woods and L. H. Merrill. Pp. 77. Price, 0 cents. FAU.MERS' BULLETINS. Bul. 143. * Bul. 23. Food.s: Nutritive Value and Cost. By W. O. Atwater. Pp. :i2. Bul. :u. Meatft: CV>mposition and Cooking. By C. D. Wfx)ds. Pp. 2!>. Bul. 74. Milk as Food. Pp. :W. Btil. K.-). Fish as Food. By C. F. Langworthy. Pp. »). Bul. !)3. Sugar as Food. By Mai-y H. Abel. Pp.27. Bul. 112. Bread and the Principles of Bread Making. By Helen W. Atwater. Pp. 3{>. Bid. 121. Befiiis. Peas, and othtn- Legumes as Food. By Marv H. Aliel. Pp. '.fZ. Bul. 12H. Eggs and Their Uses as Fod and Diet. By W. O. Atwater. Reprinted from Yearbook of Department of Agi'iculture 'forl.H!i4. Pp.44. Some Results of Dietary Studies in the United States. By A. P. Bryant. Reprinted from Year- book of Department of Agriculture for 189«. Pp. 14. Development of the Nutrition Investigat ions of the Department of Agriculture, By A. C. True and R. D. Milner. Reprinted from Yearbook of Department of Agriculture for lKtt9. Pp. in. The Value of Potat<^)es as Food. By C. F. Langworthy. Reprinted from Yearbook of Depart- ment of Agricnltin-e for liHK). Pp. l(i. Dietaries in Public Institutions. By W. O. Atwater. Reprinted from YearV. 117. ■ Price, 10 cents. v , , ^ ■ ' t. , . t...- Bui. 52. Nutrition Investigations in Pittsburg, Pa., 1894-1896. By Isabel Bevier. Pp. 48. Price, ^> cents. J, .n -r. w" -r. 11T •. Bui. 53. Nutrition Investigations at the T'nivcr.sity of Tennessee m 1896 and 1897. By C. E. Wait. Pp. 46. Price, 5 cents. ' ' *Bul. .5-1. Nutrition Investigations in Now Mexico in 1897. By A. Goss. Pp. 20. Price, 5 cents. Bui 55 Dietary Studies in Chicago in 1895 and 1H96. Conducted with the cooperation of .Jane Addams and Caroline L. Hunt, of Hull Hou.se. Reported by W:. p. -Vtwater and A. P. Brvant. - Pp. 76. Price, 5 cents. , . ' , , ,„ ,, , *Bul. .56. Hi-story and Present Status of Instruction in Cooking in the Public Schools of Newiork City.' Reported by Mrs. Louise E. Hogap, wi«i an introduction by^A. C. True, Ph. It. Pp.70. Price, 5 cents. ■' ' ' ■ ^-^ • ,• r Bui. 63. Description of a New Respiration Calorimeter and E.xperiments on the Conservation ol Energv in the Human Bodv. ■ Bv W. O. Atwater and E. B. Rosa. Pp.91. I'ru'e, 10 cents. *Bul. 66. The Ph'ysiological Effect of Crcatfn and Creatiniii and their Value as Nutrients. By J. A\ . Mallet. Pi). 24. Price. 5 cents. , ^ , . Bui. 67. Studies on Bread and Bread Making. By Harry Snyder and L. A. Voorhees. Pp. 51. Price, 10 cents. • ..-,,, Bui. 68. A Description of Some Chinese Vegetable Food Materials and Their Nutritive and Economic Value. By W. C. Blasdale. Pp. 48. Price, 10 cents. Bui. 69. Experiments on the Metabolism of Matter and Energy in the Human Pody. By A\ . (>. Atwater and F.G. Benedict, with the cooperation of A. W. Smith and A. P. Bryant. Pp. 112. Price. lOcents. , . . ,, ^ ., v , Bui. 71. Dietary Studies of Negroes in Eastern Virginia in 1897 and 1898." By H. B. Frissell and Isabel Bevier. Pp. 45. Price. 5 cents. ■ . ». ►. Bui. 75. Dietary Studies of University Boat Crews. By W. O. At\vater and A. P. Bryant. Pp. /2. Price, 5 cents. ' • ' Bui. 84. Nutrition Investigations at the California Agricultural Experiment Statioii, 1896-1898. By M. E. Jaffa. Pp. 39. Price, 5 ceiit.s. Bui. 85. A Report of Investigations on the Digestibility and Nutritive Value of Bread. By ('. D. Woods and L. H. Merrill. Pp. .51. Price, 5cents. Bui. 89. Experiments on the Effect of Muscular Work upon the Digestibility of Food ami the Jlctab- olism of Nitrogen. Conducted at the University of Tennessee, 1897-1899. By C. K. Wait. Pp. 77. Price,"5 cents. ^ , ^ ,, Bui. 91. Nutrition Investigations at the Univer.sity of IlUuoi.s, North Dakota Agricultural College, and Lake Erie College, Ohio, 1896-1900. By H. S. Grindley and J. L. Sammis, E. F. Ladd, and Isabel Bevier and Elizabeth C. Spragu'e. I'p. 42. Price, 5 cents. [Continued on third page of cover.] 731 U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS— BULLETIN NO. 150. A. C. TRUE, Director. DIETARY STUDIES AT THE GOVERNMENT HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE, WASHINGTON, D. 0. BY H. A. PRATT AND R. D. MILNER. LIBRARY ^EW YORK BOTANICAL OARDEN. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1904, OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS. A. C. True, Ph. D., Director. E. W. Allen, Ph. D., Assistant Director and Editor of Experiment Station Record. C F. Lang WORTHY, Pli. D., Editor and Expert on, Foods and Animal Production. NUTKITKJN INVESTIGATIONS. W. O. Atwater, Ph. D., Chief of Nutrition Investigations, Middletown, Conn. C. D. Woods, B. S., Special Agent at Orono, Me. F. G. Benedict, Ph. D., Physiological Chemist, Middletown, Conn. R. D. MiLNER, Ph. B., Editorial Assistant, Middletown, Conn. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL U. 8. Department of Agriculture, Office of Experiment Stations, Washington, D. 6*., September's, 100 If. Sir: I huve the honor to transmit herewith, and to recommend for publication as Bulletin No. 150 of this Office, a report of dietaiy studies carried on at the Government Hospital for the Insane, Washington, n. C, by H. A. Pratt and R. D. Milner. The investigation covers 26 studies, four of which were made with officers and attendants and the rcinainder with patients. These investi- gations are interesting as affording data for use in determining dietary standards and also have a decided practical value, since the knowledge gained by a study of food conditions made it possible to suggest improvements in the institution diet which were immediately carried out, with the result that a considerable saving was possible without in any way lowering the quality of the diet. In plan and scope these investigations were very similar to those which were carried on for the New York State Commission in Lunac}^ by Prof. W. O. Atwater, chief of nutrition investigations, and the study forms a part of the investigations on the food and nutrition of man conducted under his immediate supervision. The statistics were gathered by Mr. Pratt and the calculations were made under the supervision of Mr. Milner. In planning the details of the investigation Mr. Pratt was In frequent consultation with Dr. C. F. Langworthy of this Office. Mention should be made of assistance rendered by Mr. A. B. Albro in the preparation of the report. Respectfully, A. C. True, Directo7\ Hon. James Wilson, Secretary of Agriculture. 3 CONTENTS. Page. Introduction 7 Patients 7 Officers and attendants 8 Hospital buildings 8 The storeroom and kitchens 9 System of feeding 11 The dietary studies 12 Experimental methods 13 Dietary study No. 364 — Chronic male patients 19 Dietary study No. 365 — Attendants and employees 24 Dietary study No. 371 — Sick and bedridden male patients 27 Dietary study No. 366 — Male ])atients, mostly invalids 30 Dietary study No. 367 — ^Male patients, nonworkers 33 Dietary study No. 368 — Male patients, acute cases 37 Dietary study No. 369 — Attendants, house girls, etc 38 Dietary study No. 370 — Attendants, house girls, etc 40 Dietary study No. 372 — Male patients, criminal insane 42 Dietary .study No. 373 — Male patients, criminal insane 45 Dietary study No. 374 — Male patients, negroes 47 Dietary study No. 375 — Infirm male patients 50 Dietary study No. 376 — Disturbed male patients 52 Dietary study No. 377 — Chronic male patients 53 Dietary study No. 378— Aged chronic male patients 55 Dietary study No. 379 — Disturbed male patients 57 Dietary study No. 380 — Quiet chronic male patients 58 Dietary study No. 381 — Male patients, young and orderly 59 Dietary study No. 382— Male patients, young, quiet, and orderly 61 Dietary study No. 383 — Chronic male patients and idiots 62 Dietary study No. 384— Male patients, not violent 63 Dietary study No. 385— Male patients, quiet, chronic 64 Dietary study No. 386— Male patients, quiet, chronic 65 Dietary study No. 387— Male parole patients 66 Dietary study No. 388— Male parole patients 68 Dietary study No. 389— Officers and employees 69 Food issued from the storeroom 71 Summary and discussion 72 Amounts of food consumed and adequacy of the diet 76 Amounts of food wasted and economy in utilization of food 82 Dining-room or table waste 83 Kitchen waste 87 Total dining-room and kitchen waste 88 Prevention of waste 89 Appendix 93 Statistics of food used , 93 Statistics of food issued from storeroom for one j'car 148 Percentage composition of foods used 151 Statistics for computing the percentage composition of the cooke<> men. Besides the l)uildings for patients there was a general kitchen and steam power house, an electric power house, a storeroom, a laundry, and various trade shops, such as a carpenter's shop, blacksmith's shop, and others, where such patients as it seemed desirable were employed. In addition to these a number of new buildings have recently been completed. There were in the whole institution about 70 wards, 57 for men and 13 for women. There were also a large number of dining rooms for attendants, outside help, and colored employees, besides the private quarters of the various heads of departments. THE STOREROOM AND KITCHENS. When supplies ordered for the institution are received the}' are placed at once in the general storeroom, or " store," as it is called. This is organized on somewhat the plan of a department store, there being a grocer}' department, a meat department, and a tailoring and clothing department, each under a separate head. When any kitchen, ward, dining room, or other department of the hospital desires that a given article be disbursed to it, the head of that department tills out a blank stating the article desired, which Idank is placed in the hands of the storekeeper, who issues or directs the issue of the article, the l)lank being signed and tiled with the bookkeeper. From these blanks are made up the ledgers, which show the quantities of foods disbursed to the different kitchens. The "general kitchen" is the largest at the institution, and, except for those in the Toner, Allison, and "detached buildings" depart- ments, supplied food for the whole institution. It is situated close by the general storeroom, or store, and contains, besides the kitchen proper and the scullery, the bakery and two dining rooms. The build- ing is approximately in the center of the half circle of buildings which are supplied from it. Nearly all the food is sent out through tunnels on cars to the different dining rooms and wards. The kitchen itself is in the second story of the building and is of con- siderable size. It is equipped with nine vegetable steamers, two large and five small steam kettles, two ranges, one of six and one of four ovens, the smaller of which is set apart for the use of special cooks for the preparation of special meals, and a large oven used for baking beans, lish, and quick biscuit. All the steamers and kettles are heated b}' steam. Besides the above there are four large steam kettles on the ground floor. The large rooms on this floor serve for a vegetable storeroom and sculler}- and for the preparing of meats and washing of the kitchen utensils. At the right of the kitchen proper, on the second story of the build- ing, is a bakery which supplies bread, cake, biscuit, and pies for the 10 entire institution. This departnieiit appeared to he well adapted to the needs of the institution. Good materials were used, the work was done under the suj^ervision of competent bakers, and the quality of the foods prepared was found to be excellent. The butcher shop, where meat is cut up, is in a part of the general storeroom and directly adjoining the kitchen. The "detached kitchen" proper (PI, I) is situated on the second floor of the building, there Ijeing a sculler}^ and an attendants' dining room on the first floor. In addition to the cooking done for patients, part of the kitchen was in charge of a special cook, who prepared the food for the attendants of this section. The kitchen is abundantl}" supplied with modern apparatus and utensils. It has a large range, six ovens for baking, roasting, and frying, and kettles and coppers heated with steam for l)oiling, stewing, and making cofl'ee, tea, etc. The kitchen is in charge of a dietitian, who superintends the cooking and has general management of the kitchen work. Everything in this department was in good condition, the food being cooked with more than usual care. Attention was given to seasoning and flavoring the difl'erent foods to a greater extent than has been observed in some similar institutions. The "Allison kitchen" is situated in the basement of the "Allison A building. '' Besides the room used for cooking there are a small store- room for food and another small room used for the storage of cooking utensils, dishes, etc. The kitchen is so far from the general store- room that the provisions are sent to it onh^ once each day. Two departments, viz, the family of one of the resident physicians and a group of about 1<)0 male patients — nonworkers, mostly chronic sick, infirm, aged, and decrepit — were supplied ])y this kitchen. The food for the family mentioned was prepared by a special cook, but the same range was used as for the patients' food. On three sides of the kitchen are the three buildings, Allison B, C, and I), and food was sent from the kitchen through tunnels to two wards in each, namel}", Bl and B2, CI and C2, and Dl and D2. Food was carried out through the tunnels on cars to dumb-waiters in the basements of the wards and was raised to the several dining rooms. The section of the tunnel in front of the kitchen was used as a scullery and vegetable cellar. The kitchen force consisted of three colored cooks — two women and one man — and three working patients. A dietitian had charge of this kitchen. The "Toner general kitchen" is situated between the Toner and Oaks buildings and, with them, comprises the Toner group, being con- nected with these buildings by tunnels. It is one stor}^ in height and is very unsatisfactory in design, as an innnense stack and brick flues divide it nearh" in half. This kitchen was not so well equipped as the others, having but one steamer for vegetables and one steam kettle, the rest of the cooking being done on a range of 1 hree ovens. U. S. Dept. of Agr., Bui. 150, Office of Expt. Stations. Plate !. > O I m o o I O o < m z m 2 I o CO H > O H I m z CO > z m 11 In this kitchen food was cooked for four groups, as follows: (1) Attendants and employees, male and female; (2) patients and help; (3) sick and bedridden patients, and (4) payino- patients receiving- a special diet. The kitchen force included two cooks, five assistants, and three working- patients, and was in charge of a competent dietitian. This kitchen is soon to be replaced by a new one, hence no effort has l)een made lately to better the equipment. The food was well cooked and seasoned and the articles served were wholesome. SYSTEM OF FEEDING. The system of feeding the patients in this institution provides for three meals each day, served approximately at 7, 12, and 5 o'clock. Hot bread is served with breakfast each day. The dinner, which is served at noon, is of course the heartiest meal, and the supper is, as a rule, a rather light meal. Six classes of meals were prepared at the institution, designated as ••otlicers' diet,'" "first section's diet," '"attendants' and employees' diet," "regular patients' diet," " sick diet," and "special diet." Since all but the first of these were served in the course of the studies, a brief explanation of the remaining five ma}^ be given here. The "regular patients' diet" is that provided for the patients of the institution as a whole, and is illustrated by the menus given in connec- tion with studies Nos. 361 and 367 on pages 20 and 31. The "attend- ants' and emplo3^ees' diet" is of somewhat similar character, but dift'ers in several respects in that it is prepared b}^ special cooks, is cooked in smaller quantities, and comprises a larger proportion of such kinds of food as soups and desserts than the regular diet. Tliis is illustrated b\' the menu given in connection with study No. 365 on page 24. It is the intention to arrange the menus so that the same kind of food shall not be served to patients and employees at the same meal, since the employees might lack appetite for the kind of food which they had served to the patients just before coming to their own meals. The "first section's diet" is that provided for paying patients and others receiving special treatment. In general it was somewhat more varied than that of the attendants and employees, having, for instance, soup and dessert with each dinner. The food is cooked separatel3' for the most part, but a few articles, such as oatmeal, are cooked together for all diets. A sample menu showing this diet is given in connection with stud}' No. 387, page 67. "Sick diet'' and "special diet" were such as would be indicated bj^ the designations. The former was that provided for the sick and decrepit, as shown ])y the menu for the stijdy No. 366, page 30, sup- plied Ijy Allison kitchen, which supplies such patients. The special diet or extra diet is that furnished according to the special orders of tile ph3'sicians in charge and is prepared by the cooks who provide the V2 "sick diet." It consists of special foods for special cases. An example of this kind of diet is given in connection with study No. 371 on page 28. In general the system followed in this institution provides for a change of menu each month, the menu selected covering seven days, and being repeated throughout the month. Important changes in the menu are made at the beginning of each month, when it is intended that a practically new menu shall be used. Of course a continual repetition of some staple articles is unavoidable, but, wherever possi- ble, changes are made. Thus fresh vegetables and fruits in their season are supplied to the patients, and during the cold weather pork is often served in place of beef, the staple meat, and in their season shad and fresh herring take the place of other animal foods to a rea- sonaljle extent. It will be seen that while the food is necessarily simple in character, an attempt is made to vary the diet. THE DIETARY STUDIES. The investigations conducted at the Government Hospital included an examination of the statistics of the food supply with regard to the kinds, amounts, and nutritive value of the materials; determinations of the amounts and nutritive value of food actually consumed and rejected b}^ different classes of the hospital population; and observa- tions of the methods of handling, cooking, and serving the food. During the period from Septeml)er 1, 1902, to Jul}' 1, 1903, the experimental data were gathered for 28 dietar}^ studies, of which 26 are here reported. These studies give data concerning the food consumption of about 1,570 male patients and 130 employees, though only 4 of the 26 studies were made with the latter. The studies with the male patients include almost the total male population of the hos- pital who were in a fair degree of physical health and also some sick patients. The studies with the attendants, however, include but :i relatively small proportion of theii' total nund^er. No studies were made with female patients. These comprised a minor portion of tlie total population, and for this reason and since lack of time forbade studies of the whole institution, it was deemed best to give preference to such studies as would, if possible, represent the whole male depai't- ment. Each of the studies made covered one week, a period which has been found convenient and long enough, it is believed, to give a fair idea of the food consumption of any class, especially as the menu is practically the same for each week of an}^ given month. It would have ))een interesting to duplicate some of the studies, since this would have furnished a check on the data here given. However, the studies were carried on with extreme care, and it is believed that the data obtained are at least sufficiently accurate for all practical pur- poses. The results of these studies are given on pages 19 to 71 and in Table 35 of the Appendix. 13 PreliniiiKirv to the expeiiiiK'ntal work .stutistics were compiled reo-iirdiiiu- the food supply of the whole institution. These are given in Till tie 36 of the Appendix and sunnnurized on page 72. These statistics are for the fiscal 3'ear just preceding the time of the dietary studies, and consequently do not strictly apply to the time during which the studies were made. Unfortunately, when the studies were completed there w^as no opportunity to compile similar data for the year in which the studies were conducted, but from a cursory exami- nation of the accounts it seemed fair to consider that the supplies for the two years did not dili'er materially in actual nutritive value. EXPERIMENTAL METHODS. Previous publications of this Office" have given detailed discussions of the composition and nutritive values of food, the functions of tlic different nutrients, the objects and methods of making dietary studies, etc. The following sunnnarized statements will therefore suffice here: Food is useful to the body only so far as it supplies to it the mate- rials which it uses for growth and for repairing its Avastes, replacing worn-out tissues, and supplying energy for nmscular woi'k. The materials so used are protein or nitrogenous material, fats, carbohy- drates, and various salts. In addition the body requires the oxygen of the air, and water, Avhich, though necessary for physiological reasons, is not usually called a nutrient. Some or all of these nutri- ents arc present in all foods, though occurring in varying forms and proportions in difl'ercnt materials. Just how^ the different nutrients are used in the body in all cases may be somewhat uncertain, hut it seems undoubtedly true that under ordinaiy conditions protein is used for building up and repairing muscular tissue, while the fats and carbohydrates, together with the surplus of protein, are oxidized to yield the energy for motion and muscular work; though if the quanti- ties of nutrients are larger than are immediately needed the surplus may be stored in some form (chiefly fat) for future use. Salts are use- ful for forming bone and other parts of the body and are doubtless used in other ways also. The final object of a dietary study is in brief to determine the quan- tities of nutrients and energy in the diet of a given nund)er of persons for a definite period. The usual method of conducting a dietary study, in a family for instance, includes (1) determinations of the amounts of all the different food materials in store at the beginning of, purchased during, and remaining on hand at the end of the period of study; (2) determinations of the kinds and amounts of kitchen and table wastes, with analyses where practicable; and (3) a record of the weight, age, sex, and occupation of the different members of the group, and the ff See list on cover. 14 iminbcr of meals taken b}' each. From these statistics, and data regarding the composition of the food materials, as determined l)}^ analyses of samples of materials used or as assumed from previous anah'ses of similar materials, the total amounts of protein, fats, and carbohj^drates in the diet and the average amounts consumed per man per day are computed. In carr3nng out the studies here reported some moditications of this method were necessary. For instance, separate studies were made with dijEferent groups of the hospital population. Obviously, this could not be done by taking account of the amounts of food materials brought into and issued from the hospital storeroom from which all the kitchens were supplied, which would correspond to the method usually followed in a study with a family. Nor was it practi- cable to stud}^ the food consumption of a given group by determining the quantities of food l^rought into the kitchen in which the meals for the group were prepared, because in each kitchen food was prepared for several groups at once, whereas commonlv but one group could be studied at a time. Data regarding the food consumption of each group were therefore obtained by taking account of the food used in the dining room in which the group was fed. In each stud}' all food sent from the kitchen to the dining room was weighed, as well as all not served which was returned to the kitchen after meals. After each meal the wasted food, Avhich comprised that remaining upon the plates, which was never served again, and in some cases also that left in the serving dishes, was carefully scraped into receptacles and also weighed, each kind of food being kept l)y itself. The separation of the waste into the different kinds of food proved to be a matter of some considerable difficult}', for the reason that where a num])er of articles of food are served on the same plate the uneaten portions are apt to become more or less mixed and hence difficult to separate satisfactorily. The figures obtained by the above-mentioned weighings give for each article the amount served, the amount returned, if any, and the amount wasted, thereby furnishing the data for determining the amount consumed. These statistics are recorded for the difierent studies in Table 35 in the Appendix. The waste just referred to consisted of actually edible material that was rejected. In addition some foods contained inedible material or refuse, such foods being fish and meat containing bones, prunes con- taining pits, etc. The amount of such refuse was determined in each case, because such data were necessary in the computations of the quantities of nutrients in the food consumed, as hereafter explained. The next step, that of ascertaining the amount of protein, fat, and carbohydrates in the amount of food consumed, demands particular consideration, as it differs from the methods which have been com- 15 monly followed in connection with dietary studic« made in the house- hold. It the percentage of protein, fat, and carbohydrates in every article that was weij^hed had been known, the determining of the amounts of nutrients in the food consumed would have been only a matter of calculation. Such, in fact, was the case for any foods that were eaten without cooking, as, for instance, some of the fruits. The average composition, in the uncooked state, of most food materials in common use in this country is quite well known from the results of a large number of chemical analyses. But it will be observed that the data of amounts served, obtained as explained above, are nearly all for cooked foods, and very little is definitely known regarding the composition of cooked foods. Even if a large number of analyses of cooked foods were available they would not Ijc of much advantage, because the method of preparation of any cooked dish varies in indi- vidual cases in regard to the amounts of the several food ingredients used, the amount of water added, the length of time of cooking, etc., all of which factors influence directly the percentage composition of the cooked article. The best method of determining the composition of the foods used would, of course, be to analyze a sample of each, but the labor and expense involved would be great and no laboratory facilities for per- formino- such work were at hand. This method, therefore, was not attempted. Another method for ascertaining the percentage composi- tion of cooked foods, which has been used in a considerable number of studies made elsewhere'* and w^hich has given results that are believed to be reasonably accurate, consists in obtaining for any given cooked food the weight and composition of each raw ingredient used in preparing it and the total weight of the cooked article, from which data the per- centage composition of the cooked food ma}' be calculated. This method was adopted in the studies here reported and may be here briefly described. Cooked foods may ])e grouped, for convenience, into three classes. The first group will include such materials as meats, which in general lose in weight during cooking, largely through loss of water or water and fat. The second class will include such dishes as boiled oatmeal, rice, hominy, etc., in which the only change in proximate composition is that due to the addition of water in cooking, so that although there is no loss of nutrients, the total amount in a given weight of the cooked food is much less than in the same weight of the raw material. The third class includes prepared dishes made up of a considerable number of raw ingredients. Thus beef stew may contain beef, potatoes, onions, carrots, parsnips, etc.; and puddings maybe made of flour, drippings, butter or lard, sugar, eggs, and other ingredients. During baking, «New York State Com. Lunacy Rpt. 11 (1898-99), 12 (1899-1900), 13 (1900-1901). frying-, or iiny mode of cooking, thcro may be a slight loss of nutri- ents through volatilization of fat, burning of sugar, etc., but such losses are believed to be very small. Calculating the composition of such foods on the basis of the amount and composition of the raw ingredients used necessitates the assumption that there is no very apprecia1)le loss of nutrients in cooking, an assumption which seems justitied by the fact that in a considerable numl)er of comparisons it has been observed that the percentages of nutrients in such made dishes, as estimated by the method used in these studies, are extremely close to the percentages found by actual analysis. In the case of those materials in which the total amount of nutri- ents is the same in the cooked as in the uncooked food, the principle of the calculation is simply one of proportion, and maybe stated thus: The weight of the cooked food is to the weight of the raw food as the percentage composition of the raw food is to *■ (the percentage composition of the cooked food); Or, to put it in another way: The total amount of nutrients being the same in the cooked food as in the raw, the percentage composition of the cooked food is to be ol)tained l)y di\iding the total amount of each nutrient by the total weight of the cooked food (and multiplying by 100), since the propor- tion of protein, fat, or carbohydrates varies directly with the change of weight of the raw material in cooking. In calculating the composition of cooked meat from that of the uncooked, allowance must of course be made for the fat cooked out and for bones removed. The method of making the computations will perhaps be made clearer by the following typical examples, one for each of the three classes of cooked foods described above. The first illustration is that of meat from which fat was cooked out. A lot of corned beef weighed 799 pounds ))efore cooking and 51.5., 5 pounds when cooked, 56 pounds of the loss in weight being due to fat cooked out. Raw corned l)eef as purchased has been found by aver- age of several analyses to contain 11.8 per cent protein and 18.1 per cent fat; hence the amounts of protein and fat in the raw beef as pur- chased would be 118 and 115 pounds, respectively. But since 56 pounds of fat cooked out, this must be deducted from the total amount of fat, leaving 118 pounds protein and 89 pounds fat. The meat and bones after cooking weighed 515.5 pounds, of which 114 pounds was found to be bones, leaving 101.5 pounds of cooked edible meat con- taining 118 pounds of protein, or 29.4 per cent, and 89 pounds of fat, or 22.2 per cent. The table following summarizes the data. 17 Tablk 1. — Perccntai/c.'t <(iid Intul niiiniintK of iiiiirieiil!< iti nnr and corned heef. Total weight. Percentage composition. Amounts of nutrients. Protein. Fat Carbohy- ^**- drates. Protein. Fat. Carbohy- drates. Corned beef , raw, as purehaapd . Pounds. 799 56 Per cent. 14.8 Per cent. IS 1 Per cent. Pounds. 118 Pounds. 145 56 89 Pounds. 100.0 17.3 ConuMl tieef, cooked, as pur- 515i 114 40U 22. 9 118 .... 1 Cooked meat, edible portion . . 29.4 22.2 118 89 i The simplest of these computations is that for the class of cooked foods of which the following- is typical: In one case 75 pounds of uncooked wheat breakfast food was required for breakfast, which after cooking was found to have taken up enough water to make the weight 489.25 pounds. Raw breakfast food of this particular kind, as has been found by analyses, contains on an average 12.3 per cent protein, 1.8 per cent fat, and 74.2 per cent carbohydrates. Then by the proportion stated above, 489.25: 75: : 12.3: ,r, the percent- age of ])rotein in the cooked food, which upon solving the proportion is found to be 1.9 per cent. In the same way the percentages of fat and caH)ohydrates in the cooked material may be found. The data are summarized in the following table: Table 2. — Compodtion of raw and cooked wheat breakfast food. Total weight. Percentage composition. Amounts of nutrients. Protein. Fat. Carbohy- drates. Protein. Fat. Carboh y- d rates'. Raw oereal Pounds. 75.00 489. 25 Per cent. 12.3 1.9 Per cent. 1.8 .3 Per cent. 74.2 11.4 Pounds. 9.23 Pounds. 1.35 Pounds. 55. 65 f 1(iokp{i corpjil .-- 9.23 1.35 55. 65 As illustrating the method of calculating the percentage of nutrients in made dishes containing a large number of articles, the following may be cited: A bread pudding weighing when cooked 228.5 pounds was used in one of the studies and contained, besides flavoring, the following articles: Currants (dried), raisins, sugar, eggs, evaporated cream, butter, bread. The amount of the several ingredients, the percentage .•omposition of each, and the ((uantity of nutrients each would furnish arc shown in the following table: 6523— No. 150—04 2 18 Table 3. — Proportion and amount of nutrients in articles used in making bread pudding. Amount used. Percentage composition. Amounts of nutrients. Protein. Fat. Carbohy- drates. Protein. Fat. Carbohy- drates. Currants, dried Pounds. 4.8 1.5 Per cent. 2.4 2.3 Per cent. 1.7 3.0 Per cent. 74.2 o8.5 100.0 Potmds. 0.1 Pounds. 0.1 Pound.<<. 3. 5 Raisins 1.0 .Sugar Eggs as purchased 20.5 6.0 20 5 13.1 9.6 1.0 9.2 9.3 9.3 85.0 1.3 .8 .7 .6 .7 3.3 .6 Evaporated cream 7.5 3.9 46.5 11.2 .8 Butter ... Bread 53.1 4.3 21.7 Total 5.9 5.3 50.5 The coinpo.sition of the cooked pudding was computed as protein 2.6 per cent, fat 2.3 per cent, and carbohydrates 22.1 per cent, by dividing the total quantity of each initrient given in the table above by 228.5, the weight of the jjudding when cooked and multiplying by 100, the assumption being that there would be no appreciable loss of nutrients in cooking. Obviousl}' considerable labor was involved in making weighings of the raw foods used in preparation of the different dishes. In dietary studies Nos. 361, 365, and 371 these weighings were made for all foods served at each meal, but in the other .studies, which were made in dining rooms supplied from the larger kitchens, this was not practi- cable, for the reason that the cooking was done for a large number of dining rooms at the same time, and the food for one dining room could not be separated from that for the others. In order to obtain data for computing the composition of the cooked foods under such circum- stances it was necessary to weigh the raw ingredients u.sed in preparing food for all the wards supplied from the kitchen, and the number of weighings involved for such a simple dish as boiled cabbage, for example, was from 40 to 60, so that one observer could not collect data for all the foods used at each meal, in addition to gathering those for food served, returned, and wasted in the dining room. It was there- fore necessary in all other studies than the three just mentioned to reduce to a minimum the labor of collecting statistics in the kitchen. It was observed that for any given dish the cooks would use practi- cally the same quantities of raw ingredients each time, and that the other conditions, namely, the amount of water added and the time of cooking, were generally the same; under such conditions any given dish made in the same kitchen at different times was quite uniform in char- acter. The composition as computed at different times was likewise quite uniform, the variations being generally no greater than in the analyses of different samples of the same kind of food material. It was therefore believed to be sufficiently accurate to compute the com- position of each cooked food in most cases but once for each kitchen, and use the computed value for all studies in which the particular food 19 was servxd, though in some instances a number of such determinations were made for the same food, and average values used. All data regarding percentage composition of raw food materials were taken from a previous publication « of this Office giving average values for American food materials. The composition of each cooked food as computed according to the method described above is given in Table 37, and the data by which the computations were made in Table 38 of the Appendix. By use of these data and the statistics regarding the quantities of food consumed the amounts of each nutrient in the different kinds of food used were computed. It is the usual custom to express the results of dietary studies in terms of nutrients and energy per man per day. During each study an accurate account was kept of the total number of persons served at each meal, and from these records the equivalent number of men for one day was calculated. In the studies in which both men and women were included the number of meals taken by women were computed to the equivalent number per men by assuming that one meal for a woman is equivalent to 0.8 meal for a man. Dividing the total ({uantity of each nutrient consumed in each study by the number of days for one man computed as just explained gives the equivalent amount of the nutrient for one man for one day. The fuel value of the diet, that is, the amount of available energy it would furnish, was computed from the quantities of nutrients per man per day on the assumption that each gram of protein and carbohydrates would furnish 4 calories and each gram of fat 8.9 calories.* The details of the dietary studies follow. DIETARY STUDY NO. 364— CHRONIC MALE PATIENTS. This study was made with about 550 male patients, who were nearly all chronic, mostly from middle life to old age, and appeared to be fairly quiet and orderly. Many of them were veterans of the civil war. The larger number of these patients were fed in one dining- room; but in addition to these the study also included about 35 patients of a similar class, who were crippled or lame to such an extent that they could not climb the flight of steps to the larger dining room, and were therefore fed apart in a section known as " Home ward,'' though they received the same diet as the others. The majority of the men in this study did no work and appeared to tike very little exercise. However, 120 were classed as workers, though only a part of these did anything except very light work, many of them being employed a few hours each day in the wards or dining room. The study began with breakfast, Tuesday, September 30, 1902, after «U. S. Dept. Agr., Office of Experiment Stations Bui. 28, revised. ^See Connecticut Storrs Station Rpt. 1899, p. 104. 20 preliminar}' observations of 1 clay, and continued for 7 days, with 21 meals. In the preliminary period the only food weighed was that for supper, but the different kinds of food in the material rejected were separated and an attempt was made to determine cleari}^ just what was desired in carrying on the study. An accurate census of the patients at each meal showed the total number of meals taken to be 11,353, which was equivalent to 1 man for 3,784 days. The food consumed in this study was prepared in the "detached kitchen,'' described on page 10, which directly adjoins the large dining hall in which these patients were served. This hall is neat and clean, large, and well heated and ventilated. The patients are served by the attendants and, owing to the nearness of the dining room to the kitchen, the food comes to the tables fairly hot, which makes it seem more appetizing. During the week that this study was made the following menu was served: Tuesday, September 30, 1902. Breakfast. — Oatmeal, liver and bacon, rolls, butter, coffee. Dinner. — Beef stew, bread, cabbage, bread pudding, butter, coffee. Supper. — Bread, butter, prune sauce, tea. For workers, meat. Wednesday, October 1, 1902. Breakfast. — Oatmeal, beef stew, bread, coffee, butter. Dinner. — Bean soup, corned beef, bread, eggplant, potatoes, crackers. Supper. — Baked apples, bread, butter, tea. For workers, meat. Thursday, October 2, 1902. iJ/'CfflA/as^.— Oatmeal, prune sauce, coffee, butter, biscuit. Fur workers, meat. Dinner.— Beei potpie, bread, vegetable soup, beets, crackers, butter. Supper. — Baked beans, bread, butter, tea. For workers, meat. Friday, October 3, 1902. Breakfast. — Salt mackerel, bread, butter, coffee, potatoes. Dinrifr.— Baked cod, bread, coffee, beets, cabbage, steamed pudding, butter. Supper. — Tomato sauce, bread, butter, tea, cheese, crackers. For workers, meat. Saturday, October 4, 1902. Breakfast. — Beefsteak, potatoes, bread, butter, coffee. Dinner. — Vegetable soup, beef, crackers, bread, cal^bage, hominy. Supper. — Baked apples, bread, butter, tea. For workers, meat. Sunday, October 5, 1902. Breakfast. — Oatmeal, bread, butter, coffee, baked beans. For workers, meat. Dinner. — Eoast beef, corn, potatoes, bread, butter, coffee, rhubarb pie. Supper. — Bread, butter, apple jelly, cake. Monday, October 6, 1902. /?rea^/o.s<.— Coffee, sausage, hot biscuit, butter, potatoes. Dinner. — Bean soup, shoulder, bread, cal)bage, potatoes, crackers. Supper.— \\yi)\e jelly, bread, butter, tea. For workers, beef. Sugar and milk are added to tea and cdflL-;' in the kitrhen. 21 As has been stated ])et'ore, the menu is practically the same for each week of an}^ particular month, so that the above maj^ be considered as the regular patient's menu for the month of October. In this study a system of tao-ging each lot of meat was followed, which somewhat simplified the matter of obtaining separate records of the amounts used from different cookings. This was quite essential because of differences in the percentage composition of different kinds of meat, and also because, in order to compute the percentage com- position of each lot of cooked meat (see p. 16), it is obviously neces- sarv to know the weight of fat which is cooked out, the change in weight of the bones in cooking, etc. Great care was taken to secure as accurate data of this sort as possible in these studies. The statistics regarding the total amounts of food sent from the kitchen to the dining room, the amounts served to the patients, and the amounts rejected and wasted in this study are given in detail in Table 35 of the Appendix. The following table shows the amounts of the various nutrients and the energy in the food actually eaten, as calculated per man per day, together with the amounts of nutrients and energy wasted, for the different classes of food and for the whole ration. It should be stated that, as shown by the menu above, in addition to the regular diet served to the whole group in this study the working patients were given a little extra meat at supper, in accordance with the custom of the institution. In computing the results given in the following table, however, this extra meat has been included as if forming a part of the total food for the whole group and served to all alike. This does not appreciably affect the results, because the amount of extra food for such a small proportion of the patients w^as very small as compared with the total food for the whole number of patients in the study. Table 4.— Nutrients amJ energy in food eaten and wasted in dietary study Nu. 364. [Quantities per man per day.] Kind of food material. Beef, veal, and mutton . Pork Fish Butter Cheese Evaporated cream Food eaten. Food wasted. Pro- tein. Fat. Gravis. I Grams. 17 i "21 8 '17 3 2 38 4 5 1 1 Total animal U»»\. 33 84 Carbohy- drates. Fuel value. Grams. Calories. 255 183 30 338 61 1 21 2 Cereals Sugars, starches, etc . Vegetables Fruits 35 ii' 10 1 6 Total vegetable fooe weig-hcd in laroe lots. The kitchen helpers, 6 in number, were also included in the study. Three of them were, in fact, patients, while the 3 who were not did not receive all their food in this depart- ment, and it was estimated that the difference between the average food consumption of these 3 and that of the patients was counterbal- anced by the amount of food which they received from another depart- ment. No nurses nor attendants were supplied from this kitchen. The study began with breakfast on Friday, December 12, 1902, after a day of preliminary observations, and continued 7 days, with 21 meals. The census for the study was obtained by taking the daily population of tlie wards, as these patients have no way of obtaining food except from this kitchen. The total number of meals taken was 2,385, equiva- lent to 1 man for 795 days. The food was served from the "Allison kitchen,"" and was what is known as a " sick diet," but in addition to this a special diet was pro- vided for a varying number of patients. Those who wished received toast and milk for breakfast and supper; a few received milk ad libi- tum; two patients received toast and milk each day for dinner; several patients received eggs at every meal, and one patient received what- ever he ordered regardless of the regular menu. However, the food of this man was not weighed, and he was not included in the group studied. During the time of this study a small amount of extra food (oranges, etc.) was served besides the regular meals to two patients, but no separate account was taken of these extras as the quantities were so small. It will be seen from the menu given below that the diet was planned to consist largely of soft, easily masticated foods, which it w^as believed would be easily and readily digested. The food was all cooked with the greatest po.ssi])le care, very largely under the personal supervision of a dietitian. The dishes were garnished with lettuce, parsley, etc.; much attention was paid to flavoring and seasoning, and the food was all served as attractively as possible. 28 Friday, December 12, 1902. Breakfast. — Oatmeal, salt mackerel, baked potatocf^, toast/' bread, milk, scrambled eggs," hot mil k,« coffee. Dinner. — Corn souj), boiled fish with egg .«auce, boih'd rice, sweet potatoes, stewed tomatoes, caramel ice cream, bread, ti)ast," milk, tea, crackers. (S'M/»7)er.— Oyster stew, shredded wheat, apple sauce, bread, toast,« milk, baked potatoes," tea. Saturd.w, December 13, 1902. Ftreakfast. — Oatmeal, browned potatoes, beefsteak, milk, broad, toast," l)aked pota- toes, « eggs, « coffee. Dinner. — Vegetable soup, roast beef with gravy, creamed mashed potatoes, maca- roni and cheese, bread i)udding with lemon sauce, boiled rice, eggs,« baked pota- toes," tea, crackers. , Supper. — Creamed chicken, baked potatoes," stewed prunes, toast," bread, egg8,« milk, tea. Sunday, December 14, 1902. Breakfast. — Oatmeal, beefsteak, Ijaked jiotatoes, toast," rolls, milk, coffee. Dinner. — Oyster soup, fricasseed chicken, mashed potatoes, celery, lemon jelly with custard sauce, toast," baked potatoes," milk, bread, jelly or preserves, butter, tea, crackers. Slipper.— Co\(\. sliced boiled beef, apple sauce, bread, toast," eggs." milk, baked l)0tat()es," tea, cake. Monday, December 15, 1902. ErmA/rf.?/.— Wheat breakfast food, toast," baked potatoes," milk, eggs," steak, browned potatoes, rolls, coffee. />»/;(,}«;/■.— Vegetable soup, beef stew, rice, stewed corn, junket with fruit, bread, sweet potatoes, baked potatoes," tea, crackers. ;Sw;>/>er.— Scrambled eggs, toast," Jjaked potatoes," baked apples, bread, milk, tea. Tuesday, December 1(>, 1902. Breakfast. — Liver and bacon, ))aked potatoes, toast, milk, coffee. Dinner. — Tomato soup, roast nuitton, mashed potatoes, rice, canned peas, choco- late l)lanc mange with custard sauce, milk, eggs," bread, tea, crackers. /Vcyjy^r/-.— Creamed dried beef, baked potatoes," peach sauce, milk, eggs," toast," bread, tea. Wednesday, December 17, 1902. 7j'/YY(/>;/V(.s7.— Oatmeal, steak, browned potatoes, baked potatoes," eggs," milk, toast," bread, coffee. ]y,uner. — Potato soup, chicken stew, boiled rice, browned parsnips, baked pota- toes," floating island pudding, toast," bread, milk, tea, crackers. ,S'(/p7;^'r.— Creamed oysters, milk, toast," baked potatoes," eggs," apple sauce, tea. Thursday, December IS, 1902. Breal:f(id.—Oaime&\, veal cutlets, eggs," bulked potatoes," milk, toast," bread, coffee;. Divner. —Roasi beef, baked potatoes," sweet potatoes, turnips, eggs," boiled rice, stewed corn, milk, bread, rice pudding, tea, crackers. ,V///7>/'*-.— P.aked potatoes," salmon, mush, eggs," toast, bread, bananas, tea. Bread served ad libitimi. Bpef tea served to a few sick patients at every meal. Butter served with breakfast and supper daily. Sugar and milk i)rovided for tea and coffee. "Speciid diet. 29 Dotiiilod data regrardiiiLi' llie ainoimt of f(x)d provided, oaten, and rejected durinii' this study are given in Table Ho of the Appendix. These are sunmuirized in the followino- table, showing the amounts of nutrients and energy per man per day in the food eaten and that rejected: Table (>. — yatricnls and cncryij in food ealen and wasted in dietary sliuhj No. 371. [Quantities per man per day.] Food eaten. Food wasted. Kiiu] of fooil material. Pro- tein. Fat. Carbohy- drates. Fuel value* Pro- tein. Fat. Carbohy- drates. Fuel Jvalue. Bcrf. veal. 1111(1 mutton Grams. 13 3 4 8 Grama. 12 3 3 6 17 41 Grams. 1 Cal irics. 163 39 43 85 1.51 709 Grams. 9 1 2 1 Grams. 9 1 1 Grams. Calories. 116 13 Fish, etc 17 4 £«6^ Milk ■■■■ 31 52 3 4 .■) 68 Tot*\l animal food — 62 S2 53 1,190 16 15 j 5 218 Coroals 20 7 118 55 .50 27 614 220 269 112 13 2 77 378 Vi'firelables 6 1 5 3 2 20 3 109 Fruits 12 Total vegetable food.. 27 12 2-50 1,215 1 16 4 1 100 499 Misc-elhuR'Ous food 10 11 26 212 1 3 1 4 1 7 76 Total food 99 105 329 1 2,647 1 35 23 1 112 1 793 1 The food actually eaten furnished 99 grams of protein, 105 grams of fat, 329 grams of carbohydrates, and 2,047 calories of energy per man per day, amounts which are rather larger than was to be expected from the physical condition of the patients. Why this was the case it is ditficult to say, but the recorded data show that a large amount of milk was used, both as a beverage and in the cooked foods. In fact, milk furnished fully 33 per cent of all the protein consumed. ]\Iilk is almost always an important article of food in the diet of the sick, and rightly so, since it atiords an easy means of supplying the body with the neces- sary nutriment, and, moreover, is well liked by people in general and is well tolerated. The.se facts were evidently appreciated by the phy- sicians in charge. It is quite probable that the patients regarded the milk as a drink rather than as a food, as such large amounts were taken. It is probably also true that the diet was much to the taste of the .sub- jects, and this could hardly fail to be the ca.se with those who had any appetite or capacity for appreciating their food. It is not altogether surprising, therefore, that the amounts of nutrients consumed by these patients were larger than might seem necessary. On the other hand, it is not impo.ssible that the digestive powers of these men were impaired to such an extent as to make the amounts of nutrients actually utilized l)y the body less than would be the case with people in robust health. If this ])e true, it would in part account for the seemingly large amounts of nutrients consumed. There is little 30 doubt, however, that even if the proportions of nutrients dig-ested were much U\ss than normal, the amounts of energ}^ were hirge as compared with the actual needs of the subjects, since they had ahnost no mus- cular exercise. In fact, man}' were bedridden, and life with some was undoubtedly at a very low ebb, the death rate in these wards being high. The quantity of food rejected in this study was enough to supply 35 grams of protein, 23 grams of fat, 112 grams of carboln^drates, and 7'J3 calories of energy per man per day, or 20 per cent of the protein and 23 per cent of the energy of the total food served. These propor- tions are large and are especially noticeable when some of the indi- vidual items are considered. For example, the amounts of beef, veal, and mutton rejected ranged from 24 to 52 per cent of the total pro- vided. In fact there were comparatively few articles of which less than 20 per cent was rejected. The food sent to these wards and not served is necessarily wasted for the reason that it is for the most part of such a character that it could not ))e prepared for serving again, but especially because coming from the sick wards there might be danger of spreading contagious diseases. It would perhaps be impossible to govern the quantity of food wasted by such sick, intirm, and bedridden patients as made up the group included in this study. For many of them eating is no doubt a con- sideral)le effort, and the amounts which they consume vary with their condition from day to day. It is undoubtedly true that the margin of waste in sick wards in general must necessarily be larger than that fur patients in better physical condition. Nevertheless, it was the opinion of the observer that the quantities noted were somewhat larger than necessary, owing to an oversupply of food. The correctness of this deduction is shown by the fact that after the study was completed the dietitian in charge made some improvements in this respect and cur- tailed the waste. DIETARY STUDY NO. 366— MALE PATIENTS, MOSTLY INVALIDS. This study was made with a group of 52 persons, mostly in wards Nos. 1 and 2 of the Toner building. The majority were sick, intirm, and ])edridden patients. Several patients not particularly ill but given a light diet, some convalescents, and a few attendants and employees who were sick at the time were also included in the group. The study began with breakfast, November 1, 1902, and continued for 7 days, with 21 meals. The total number of meals taken during the study was 1,086, e^iuivalent to 1 man for 3(32 days. The food for these wards differed in general from that for any other group studied, since it was in part the regular hospital diet, in part the regular attendants' diet, and in part a special diet. The menu for these wards during this study is here given. This may be taken as typical of the diet regularly supplied to these wards, especially as regards the variety of articles of food served. 31 Sati'rday, November 1, 1902. />V('aA/rt-s-/. — Hoiniuy, oatmeal, ham, fried eggs or boiled eggs, toast, milk, bread, coffee. Dinuei'. — Bean soup, hash, creamed mashed potatoes, beets, sandwiches," custaid," squash i)ie, toast, milk, bread, tea. Sitppir. — Stewed oysters," stewed beef, steak, scrambled eggs" and fried eggs," applesauce, custard," bread, toast, milk, tea. Sunday, November 2, 1902. i?rrttA/«.s/.— Oatmeal, steak, scrambled eggs and boiled eggs, toast, rolls, milk, coffee. Dhincr. — Oyster soup, stewed chicken, baked sweet potatoes, stewed corn, boiled rice, milk, lemon jelly with custard sauce, rolls, toast, tea. Supper. — Scrambled eggs and boiled eggs, milk, bread, toast, cake, bananas, tea. Monday, November 3, 1902. Breakfast. — Oatmeal, hominy, fried eggs and boiled eggs, bacon, milk, liiscuit, toast, coffee. D'nuicr. — Bean soup, steak," roast beef, mashed turnips, boiled jiotatoes, boiled rice, bread pudding, toast, milk, bread, tea. Supper. — Fried eggs, boiled eggs" and scrambled eggs," cinnamon bread, stewed dried beef, grapes, milk, bread, toast, tea. Tuesday, November 4, 1902. r>reiikfa.';'.^Chicken," roast veal, boiled rice, baked sweet potatoes, canned peas, milk, bread, toast, tea. Sapper. — Hash, oyster stew," fried eggs "and boiled eggs," baked apples, ginger- bread, toast, bread, milk, tea. Thursday, November 6, 1902. Breakfast. — Oatmeal," mush, steak, baked potatoes, scrambled eggs," fried eggs" and boiled eggs," biscuit, toast, milk, coffee. Dinner. — Stewed chicken, steak," stewed corn, rice, beets, lemon jelly, toast, bread, milk, tea. Snpper. — Boiled eggs and scrambled eggs, custard," stewed prunes, milk, bread, toast, tea. Friday, November 7, 1902. Breakfast. — Oatmeal, boiled potatoes, salt mackerel, fried eggs," boiled eggs" and scrambled eggs," rolls, milk, toast, coffee. Dinner. — Clam soup, baked cod," steak," oyster stew," stewed tomatoes, Ijoiled potatoes, creamed mashed potatoes, boiled cod, boiled rice, custard, bread, milk, toast, tea. Slipper. — Scalloped oysters, poached eggs on toast," boiled eggs," fried and scram- bled eggs," steak," custard," toast, bread, milk, grapes, tea. Butter .served with every meal. Sugar and milk provided as usual. . " Special or extra diet. 32 The statistics reg'ardinjjf the tuHe)-.— Roast pork, steamed beets, baked sweet potatoes, bread, « butter, apple pie, coffee. Supper. — Bread, butter, apple sauce, plain cake, tea. Monday, November 17, 1902. Breakfast. — Hot rolls, steamed sweet potatoes, hominy, fried sausage, butter, coffee. Dinner. — Pea soup, sweet potatoes, boiled pork shoulder, cold slaw, l)read," crackers. Supper. — Currant jelly, bread, cinnamon bread, apple butter, butter, tea. Tuesday, November 18, 1902. Breakfast. — Hot rolls, butter, wheat breakfast food, liver and bacon, coffee. Dinner. — Bread, beef stew, vegetable soup, squash pie, potatoes, stewed peas, crackers. Supper. — Bread, blatter, apple butter, finger rolls, tea. Sugar and milk provided for beverages. This menu does not include "special diet" articles. The usual data regarding the amounts of food provided, eaten, rejected, and returned are found in Table 35 of the Appendix. The computations of the quantities of nutrients and energy per man per da}' in the food eaten and that rejected are summarized in the table here given. a For study No. 368, biscuit. ^ Study No. 368, apple sauce. 35 Table S.— Nutrients and energy in food eaten and ivasted in dietary study No. 367. [Quantities per man per day.] Food eaten. Food wasted. Kind of food material. Pro- tein. Fat. Carbohy- drates. Fuel value. Pro- tein. Fat. Carbohy- drates. Fuel value. Beef, veal, and mutton Grams. 5 8 Grams. 5 18 Grams. Calorics. 65 192 Grams. 2 2 Grams. 2 3 Grams. Calories. 26 35 Pf\iiltrv Ficb 2 2 1 1 3 1 2 29 1 3 17 26 262 13 54 2 2 25 ^^^^ 4 36 Milk (evaporated cream)... 4 Total animal food •lO 59 ■1 629 6 11 122 29 5 176 94 53 31 864 376 293 128 8 2 49 246 Vl'ETctAhloS 9 1 5 3 1 15 21 81 84 Total vegetable food.. 39 10 354 1,661 11 3 85 411 11 13 27 268 3 3 5 58 Total food 72 1 82 385 2,558 20 17 90 591 Before thi.s study began it was the impression of both the dietitian and the physician in charge that the amount of food eaten by these patients was less than might be expected, though no definite reason was assigned for this belief other than the fact that they were quiet, non workers. The opinion proved to be justified. The quantities of nutrients and energy, 72 grams of protein and 2,558 calories per man per day, in the food eaten were smaller than those observed in a pre- vious study (Table 4) with a somewhat similar class of patients — though in that case some workers were included — and smaller as regards pro- tein than the commonly accepted American dietary standard for men in health with little or no muscular exercise, namely, 90 grams of pro- tein and 2,450 calories of energy. It might be urged that the amounts of food eaten were smaller than the patients required, but this is much to be doubted, since the amounts provided were generous and the patients were served more than they cared to eat. It may be that though well prepared the food was not suited to their tastes. Consid- ering the nature and amount of the food which they rejected, however, it seems reasonably certain that they ate as much as they would have cared for under any circumstances, and that this was abundantly suf- ficient to satisfy their bodily needs, since their activity was slight. The food rejected in this study was enough to supply 20 grams of protein, 17 grams of fat, 90 grams of carl)ohydrates, and 591 calories of energy per man per day, or 22 per cent of the protein, 17 per cent of the fat, 19 per cent of the carl)ohydrates, and 19 per cent of the energy of the total food served. It is noticeable that the percentage of protein rejected was larger than that of the carbohydrates, a con- dition which is not often noted in dietary studies, though observed also 30 in others here reported. These percentages of rejected food were higher than is believed necessary in a dining* room of this kind. The amounts of some of the individual articles rejected are worth}? of note. Data of this character are given in Ta])le 35 of the Appendix. It will be seen that the amount of meats rejected was large, as was also that of the cereal breakfast foods. This would seem to indicate either that the amounts served were too large, or that the kinds were not relished, or both. In the case of the breakfast foods, it seemed certain that too much was provided. The rejection of cucumber pickles was undoubtedly due to an over- supply. This article is ordinarily and properly supplied merely as a relish and not as a food, and the quantity eaten is naturally not large. As a general thing, the quantity of vegetables eaten, other than potatoes, is very apt to vary widely from day to day, as individuals differ markedly in their preference for such foods. Therefore, in studies of this kind the amount of vegetables rejected may be nor- mally quite large, since the aim is necessarily to supply always enough for all. This would account, in part at least, for the large amount of vegetables rejected in this study. The amount of butter rejected was larger than might have been expected, but it was not necessarily a waste, since it might have been used for cooking purposes. The amount of apple butter rejected is believed to be due to the fact that it was not especially palatable. The amounts of apple sauce, peach sauce, and stewed prunes rejected were also large. Such fruit products hold an important place in the dietetics of this institution, being served with supper very frequently. Thej^ are relatively inex- pensive, and though in themselves they have comparatively little nutritive value aside from the sugar added in preparing them, their flavor is generally relished, and they tend to increase the consumption of bread, a food which is both cheap and nutritious. Hence, even though the quantities rejected be large, their use should not be dis- couraged. The apparent waste could be diminished by reducing the amount served to more nearly what is likely to be eaten and by return- ing what is not served to the kitchen for use at another time. It was in this study, which was the fourth made, that improvements due to the investigation began to be noticeable, especially as regards the utilization of the excess of food sent from the kitchen to the dining room but not served. Ordinaril}", though in just as good condition as when it left the kitchen, it was added to that left upon the plates b}' the patients and sent to the garbage can. An attempt was made to have such material returned to the kitchen and to find ways of using it. About 1) per cent of the bread provided was returned in this study and used for ))read pudding and in other ways; " left-over" potatoes were also carefully saved and used for hash and in other 37 ways, as would l)e the case in an ordinary household. The physician in charge of the department cooperated most heartily with the dietitian in charge of the kitchen and the ol)server in trjdng to have unused food returned to the kitchen and utilized. From the standpoint of econoni}^ the amounts saved were of some importance, and at the same time the character of the diet did not sutler. DIETARY STUDY NO. 368— MALE PATIENTS, ACUTE CASES. This study was conducted with 26 male patients, mostlj'^ acute cases, contined entirel}' to their ward and constantly under considerable nervous and mental strain. The study began with breakfast, November 12, 1902, and continued 7 daj's, with 21 meals. The total number of meals taken was 516, equivalent to 1 man for 182 days. The menu was practically the same as in dietary stud}' No. 367. The data concerning the total amounts of food provided, returned, eaten, and rejected are shown in Table 35 of the Appendix. The quantities of nutrients and energy per man per da}' in the food con- sumed and rejected are summarized in the following table: Table 9. — Nutrients and energy in food eaten and wasted in dietary study Xo. 86S. [Quantities per man per day.] Food eaten. Food wasted. Kind of food material. Pro- tein. Fat. Carbohy- drates. Fuel value. Pro- tein. Fat. Carbohy- drates. Fuel value. Grams. 4 7 3 1 1 6 Grams. 4 16 ■2 31 2 7 Grams. Calories. 52 170 30 280 22 122 Grams. 4 2 3 Grams. 3 5 2 4 Grams. Calories. 43 Pork liird etc* 53 Fish etc 30 Butter 35 Cheese Milk (evai)orated cream) . . . 9 22 62 9 676 9 14 161 Cereals 33 6 201 59 48 35 9.S9 236 273 144 10 2 66 322 Vegetables 9 1 5 4 1 1 23 38 117 Fruits 156 Total vegetable food . . 43 11 343 1, 642 15 3 127 595 MisculliUieous food 11 18 26 263 2 3 2 42 Total food 76 86 378 2,581 26 20 129 798 From the table above it will be seen that the food eaten furnished 76 grams of protein, 86 grams of fat, 378 grams of carboh3'drates, and 2,581 calories of energy per man per day, or practical!}' the same amounts as were found in the preceding study. While these quanti- ties are somewhat smaller than might have been anticipated, there is no doubt that the patients had all they cared to eat. The amounts served to them were generous and considerable food was left uneaten, 25 per cent of the protein and 21 per cent of the energy of the food served being rejected. From the statistics given in Table 35 of the 38 Appendix it will be observed that this was not confined to any one kind of food, l)iit that a large proportion of difierent foods was rejected. It seems quite prol>a))le from these data that the amounts provided were too large for the appetites, if not the needs, of the patients. Had they eaten all the food served to them the amounts of nutrients per man per day would have been 102 grams of protein, 106 grams of fat, and 507 grams of carbohydrates, with 3,379 calories of energy, which, as regards energ\^, would be suflicient for the average man at ordinary muscular work, and perhaps nearly sufficient as regards protein also. DIETARY STUDY NO. 369— ATTENDANTS, HOUSE GIRLS, ETC. This and the following study, No. 370, were carried on simultane- ously, with attendants, house girls, waiters, etc., one group having their meals in the dining room of the Toner building and the other in that of the Oaks building. All three meals, breakfast, dinner, and supper, were served twice each day in both dining rooms, so that for each article served four weighings were necessary. The studies began on Monday, November 24, 1902, and ended December 1. They covered 7 days, with 21 meals, as usual, since no account was taken of the food on November 27 (Thanksgiving day), when the regular menu was not served. Study No. 369 comprised 14 persons, 10 males and 4 females. The total number of meals taken was equivalent to 280 meals per man, or equivalent to 1 man 93 daj^s. In order to compute the equivalent num- ber of meals per man from the total number eaten, it was assumed that the average food consumption per woman was 0.8 as much as that per man; thus 21 meals per woman would be 16.8 meals per man. The menu served during these two studies is given herewith. This was supposed to be the same as that for attendants throughout the institution. Monday, November 24, 1902. Breakfast. — Prunes, « oatmeal, sausage, fried hominy, Graham rolls, coffee. Dinner.^Pea soup, pork shoulder, creamed mashed potatoes, boiled rice, mashed turnips, baked custard, l)read, crackers, tea. Supper. — Cold roast beef, fried potatoes, stewed prunes, bread, tea. Tuesday, November 25, 1902. Breakfast. — Oatmeal, liver and bacon, sweet potatoes, rolls, coffee. Dinner. — Roast beef, baked sweet potatoes, boiled cabbage, tomato soup, rhubarb pie, bread, tea, crackers. 8ui)per. — Cold shoulder, fried potatoes, apple sauce, bread, tea. Wednesday, November 26, 1902. Breakfast. — Oatmeal, fried ham, baked potatoes, hot rolls, coffee. Dinner. — Bean soup, roast or corned beef, mashed potatoes, maahed turnips, cab- bage slaw, rice pudding, bread, tea, crackers. Supper. — Cold corned beef, baked apples, bread, tea. « Served only to subjects of study No. 370. 39 Friday, November 28, 1902. Breakfast. — Oatmeal, salt mackerel, baked potatoes, baked beans, biscuit, coffee. Dinner.— Oyster soup, roast beef, baked cod, boiled potatoes, boiled beets, boiled rice, tea. Supper. — Deviled eggs, cheese, celery, peach sauce, bread, soda biscuit, tea. Saturday, November 29, 1902. Breakfast. — Oatmeal, beefsteak, baked potatoes, bread, coffee. Dinner. — \'egetable soup, boiled beef, bread dressing, sweet potatoes, boiled squash, cabbage slaw, blanc mange pudding with sauce, bread, crackers, coffee. Supper. — Stewed beef, prune sauce, Graham bread, tea. Sunday, November 30, 1902. Breakfast. — Oatmeal, fried ham, baked beans, baked sweet potatoes, biscuit, coffee. Dinner. — Roast beef, mashed potatoes, turnips, cranberry sauce, mince pie, bread, tea. Supper. — Peach sauce, cake, bread, tea. Monday, December 1, 1902. Breakfast. — Oatmeal, sausage, fried hominy, hot rolls, coffee. Dinner. — Pea soup, browned potatoes, boiled shoulder, boiled cabbage, cranberry sauce, bread jjudding with lemon sauce, bread, tea, crackers. Supper. — Dried beef, mashed browned potatoes, cinnamon bread, apple sauce, bread, tea. Butter served as desired. Bread ad libitum. Sugar and milk provided. The detailed statistics concerning- the food in this study, No. 369, are given in Table 35 of the Appendix. The following table summa- rizes the results as computed to show the quantities of nutrients and energy per man per day in the food eaten and in that rejected: Table 10. — Nutrients and energy in food eaten and toasted in dietary study No. 369. [Quantities per man per day.] Food eaten. Food wasted. Kind of food material. Pro- tein. Fat. Carbohy- drates. Fuel value. Pro- tein. Fat. Carbohy- drates. Fuel value. Beef, veal, and mutton Pork Grams. 22 12 3 1 1 2 5 Grams. 25 24 2 1 48 3 6 Grams. 1 Calories. 315 262 30 12 431 35 105 Grains. 23 6 3 Grams. 27 10 3 Grams. 1 Calories. 336 113 Fisli 39 Eif KS -. Butter 8 71 Cheese Milk 8 Total animal food 46 109 9 1,190 32 48 1 559 Cereals 29 5 166 33 85 33 825 132 481 132 20 5 113 577 Sugars and starches Vegetables 13 10 14 1 9 75 38 436 Fruits 156 Total vegetable food.. 42 15 317 1,570 35 14 226 1,169 Miscellaneous food 12 17 44 375 5 5 18 136 Total food 100 141 370 3,135 72 67 245 1,864 40 The average amount of muscular work performed by the persons in this group might perhaps be considered equivalent to that of a man engaged at light to moderate muscular work. The counnonly accepted dietary standard for this calls for 112 grams of protein and 3,050 calo- ries of energy per day. The results of this study were a little lower than this standard as regards protein, and slightly above as regards energy. Apparently, therefore, the food consumption of these per- sons was sufficient for their bodily needs. Another indication that such was the case is found in the fact that the food provided was greatly in excess of what' was eaten, which would naturally indicate an over- supply rather than the opposite, when as was the case the diet was reasonably varied and the foods were well cooked. The amount of food rejected in this study was very large, and con- tained about 42 per cent of the protein and 37 per cent of the energy of the total food served. In addition to this a considerable propor- tion of some of the articles brought to the dining room was returned to the kitchen. That the food provided was excessive is more plainlv shown by the fact that had all the food served been eaten there would have been a consumption of 172 grams of protein, 208 grams of fat, and 615 grams of carbohydrates per man per da}'. DIETARY STUDY NO. 370— ATTENDANTS, HOUSE GIRLS, ETC. The group included in this stud}' comprised 22 males and 6 females (house girls, attendants, waiters, etc.). As previously noted, the study was carried on at the same time and under the same conditions as No. 369. An accurate account of the number of meals eaten was kept as usual, but, unfortunately, such data for the tirst 3 days of the study were lost. However, it is believed that the number did not vary greatly from day to day, and that no considerable error is introduced by assuming that the average attendance at each meal of the seven days was the same as during the last four days. Making this assumption and counting the food eaten by 1 woman as equal to 0.8 that of 1 man, the total number of meals taken was equivalent to 563 for a man, or 1 man for 188 days. The menu served was the same as in dietary No. 369. The food statistics in detail are found in Table 35 of the Appendix. The quantities of nutrients and energy per man per day in the food eaten and that rejected are summarized in the following table: 41 Table 11. — Xntrimli^ mid nin-i/i/ in Jmul calrit (iml ir(istctnn^r.— Tomato soup, beef potpie, ereamed mashed potatoes," ma.slied turnips, « succotash, bread. ,S'(,^;)CT-.— Baked beans, beef potpie,'' corned beef," soda biscuit, Ijread, apple sauce," butter, tea. Friday, February 6, 1903. Breakfast.— Boiled salt cod, steamed potatoes, fried mush,« oatmeal," fried salt mackerel," bread, butter, coffee. Dinner.— Bean soup, baked cod, cucumber pickles, boiled rice, boiled macaroni, steamed pudding, tomato soup," crackers, steamed browned potatoes," boiled beef,« rice i)udding,« bread. ,S'„;jpa-.— Tomato preserves," pork shoulder,^ codfish cakes," soda biscuit," apple sauce, bread, butter, tea. Saturday, February 7, 1903. Breal-fafit.—Oatmesi\,a hominy, beefsteak and gravy, corn bread," baked potatoes, bread. 2)i„,uT.— Vegetable soup, pork heads, boiled turnips, browned potatoes," stewed potatoes, stewed peas," roast beef and gravy," crackers, bread. Supper.— Boiled beef,& rhubarb sauce, bread, roast pork," prune sauce," butter, tea. Sunday, February 8, 1903. BreaJcfn.9t.—Baked beans, wheat breakfast food," fried ham,«& fried potatoes," rolls, butter, coffee. /);„,je,.._ Vegetable soup," roast pork with gravy, cucumber pickles, steamed pota- toes, stewed tomatoes, apple pie, creamed mashed potatoes," cornstarch pudding," bread, coffee. Supper.— Stewed prunes, plain cake, bread, baked beans," jelly cake," celery salad." Attendants received 2 quarts milk with breakfast and supper, 1 quart with dinner. Sugar and milk are added in the kitchen to tea and coffee supplied to patients. But- ter supplied with each meal to attendants. Bread supplied ad libitum. The data regarding the kinds and amounts of food provided, returned to the kitchen, eaten, and rejected are given in detail for this study in Table 35 of the Appendix. The following table summarizes the results : Table 12.— Nutrients and energy in food eaten and wasted in dietary study No. S72. [Quantities per man per day.] Food eaten. Food wasted. Kind of food material. Pro- tein. Fat. Carbohy- drates. Fuel value. Pro- tein. Fat. Carbohy- drates. Fuel value. Beef, veal, and mutton Pork Grams. 14 19 4 i Grains. 14 31 Grams. Calories. 181 352 16 178 29 Grams. i 4 Grams. 2 2 1 11 Grams. Calorics. 26 22 Fish 25 Butter Milk 20 2 2 97 Total animal food 38 G7 2 7.56 7 16 1 170 a For attendants. i>FoT working patients. 44 Table 12. — Nutrients er day.] Food eaten. Food wasted. Kind of food material. Pro- tein. Fat. Carbohy- drates. Fuel value. Pro- tein. Fat. Carbohy- drates. Fuel value. Cereals Sugars and starches Grams. 35 Grams. 12 Grams. 216 24 54 23 Calories. 1,111 96 291 92 Grams. 14 Gravis. 3 Grams. 84 Calories. 419 Vegetables 10 4 4 1 23 4 117 Fruits 16 Total vegetable food.. 45 16 317 1,.'J90 18 4 111 552 Miscellaneous food 12 15 29 298 2 2 1 30 Total food 95 98 348 2,644 27 22 112 752 The data in the table show that the amounts of nutrients and energy in the food actually eaten, 95 grams of protein and i^,644 calories of energy, were not partieularl}^ different from those found in study No. 364, being a trifle higher in protein and lower in energ3^ This is about what would be expected, since the subjects in l)oth studies had about the same amount of muscular exercise. In this study about 22 per cent of the total protein and energy of the food served was rejected. The amount of animal food other than fish rejected was small, but fish was evidently not relished by these patients as a considerable proportion of that served was not eaten. Most of the desserts served were eaten, though it should be mentioned that onl}^ the attendants received tapioca, rice, and cornstarch pud- dings. Other articles on the menu that were prepared expressl}' for the attendants were smoked herring, pork chops, head-cheese, boiled beef, fritters, corn bread, fried potatoes, celery salad, tomato pre- serves, apple dumplings, and codfish cakes. Any portions of these articles left after the attendants were served were, however, saved for the working patients. The amount of cereal foods rejected was large. The wheat breakfast foods, and in fact all the breakfast foods, were evidently not relished. The amount of bread rejected, largely crusts, was greater than was to be expected. The bread served in this study was of good quality, and there was apparently no reason why the crusts should not be eaten. The patients in general preferred bread not over 24 hours old. The amount of Initter rejected was much larger in this department than was usually the case. It was noticed that butter was served at some meals where the menu did not provide for it. It seems probable that the amount supplied was in excess of what was needed. A large part of the waste of food in this study may prolialjly be accounted for by the fact that the portions for each patient were placed on his plate before he sat down to the ta])le, and so any excess was necessarily wasted. This method of serving, which is generally wasteful, was 45 followed in only a few wards, and may not have been necessary here, thoiioh the attendant in charge gave it as his opinion that the patients were not intelligent enough to be supplied in the customary way. The attendant in charge also stated that no attempt was made as a rule to return to the kitchen any foods not served except steamed potatoes, bread, and meat. During the time of this study no food was returned (Table 35 of the Appendix), hence the food provided and that served were the same, and of course equal to the sum of the food rejected and eaten. Although the proportion of food rejected was somewhat larger than might seem necessary, even with the method of serving followed, j^et the amounts sent to this dining room are probably as a rule not very much larger than thev should be, to allow for the varying appetites of the men. The attendant in charge believed that though amply sutiicient they were none too great. DIETARY STUDY NO. 373— MALE PATIENTS, CRIMINAL INSANE. This study was made with about 90 patients and lU attendants, all white males, fed in Howard Hall dining room No. 2, the food being supplied from the general kitchen. The patients were insane crimi- nals, as in the preceding study. A few of them did a little work in the wards and dining room, but the larger number had no regular occupation. The}' all appeared to be in good physical health and well nourished. It was the opinion of the persons in charge of the dining room that the men were very heartv eaters. The study began with l)reakfast, February 10, 1908, and continued 7 days. The total number of meals taken was 2,080, equivalent to 1 man for 693 days. The menu served varied little from that of the preceding study. As was the case in the preceding study, some of the foods were pro- vided primarily for the attendants, namely, fried chipped beef, Bologna sausage, mutton chops and roast, boiled pork, head-cheese, corn bread, cucumber pickles, stewed peas, fried and boiled potatoes, baked sweet potatoes, preserved tomatoes, baked apples, cornstarch pudding, and rice pudding. However, any portions left after the attendants were served were given to the patients. The data regarding the kinds and amounts of food provided, etc., are given in Table 35 of the Appendix. In the following table are sum- marized the figures showing the quantities of nutrients and energy per man per day in the food eaten and rejected: S: 46 Table 13. — Nutrients and energy in food eaten and tvasted in dietary study No. 373. [Quantities per man per day.] Food eaten. Food wasted. Kind of food material. Pro- tein. Fat. Carbohy- drates". Fuel value. Pro- tein. Fat. Carbohy- drates. Fuel value. Beef veal, and mutton Grams. 19 6 6 Grams. 19 12 5 21 2 Grams. Calories. 245 131 64 187 38 Grams. 3 1 1 Grams. 3 1 1 5 Grams. Calories. 39 Pork 13 Fi.sh 13 Butter 44 Milk 2 3 Total animal food 32 f.9 3 665 5 10 109 Cereals 38 13 240 12 52 36 1,228 48 296 144 8 1 48 233 Sugar and starches Vegetables 11 5 2 1 8 4 49 Fruits 16 Total vegetable food.. 49 18 340 1,716 10 2 60 298 Miscellaneous food 13 16 26 299 2 2 3 38 Total food 94 93 369 2,680 17 14 63 445 The average quantities of protein, 94 grams, and energy, 2,680 calo- ries, per man per day in tlie food eaten by this group were almost iden- tical with those noted in the preceding study and practically conform to the commonly accepted standard for the ordinary man in health with little muscular activity. It is interesting to note that in this study the proportion of total protein furnished by cereal foods is larger than has been commonl}^ found in dietary studies of American families. The quantity of nutrients and energy rejected was nearly 40 per cent less than that in the preceding study. Considering the propor- tions of the individual articles rejected (Table 35 of the Appendix), it will be observed that the largest waste was with the cereal breakfast foods and similar articles. This may have been due to an excessive supply. In the case of most of the other materials the amount rejected was perhaps hardly more than might be expected under the circum- stances, though 1 8 per cent for the bread is large for bread of such good quality. During this study the observer was informed that the quantities of rejected material were very small as compared with what had previously been brought away. Doubtless more care was observed in serving than was formerly the case, yet no complaints were heard that the quanti- ties provided were not sufficient. The moral influence of an investi- gation like this is by no means inconsiderable, and it happens very naturally that more care is taken by persons who feel that their work is under observation. It was the opinion of the superintendent that this fact alone had been responsible for much improvement in this respect in this and other departments of the institution. 47 DIETARY STUDY NO. 374— MALE PATIENTS, NEGROES. This study was made with about 170 male patients, occupying West Lodge, in the Howard Hall department, all of whom were insane negroes other than criminals. From 15 to 30 were in restraint a large part of the time and many were very violent at certain periods. Most of them were in good physical health and were considered very hearty eaters, ])eing noticeably fond of meat. From 70 to 80 of these patients did a fairly large amount of work, many of them being employed out of doors all day, digging tunnels, improving driveways, etc., and handling pick and shovel for 7 or 8 hours a day. Most of the patients in this group had their meals in the regular dining room, l)ut IS, who were aged, crippled, or intirm, did not come there, though they received the same diet as those served in the dining room. During the week of this study 5 patients received at times '' special"' or " sick" diet, but the amount of such foods was small. This study began with breakfast, February 20, 1903, and continued 7 days. The total number of meals taken was 3,519, equivalent to 1 man for 1,183 da3's. The following menu was served during this study: Friday, February 20, 1903. Brca kf nut. —BoWed salt cod, steamed potatoes, hot rolls, butter, coffee. Dinner.— Bean soup, baked haddock with dressing, macaroni and tomatoes, boiled rice, finger rolls, steamed pudding with sauce, bread. Supper. — Evaporated peach sauce, head-cheese, « bread, butter, tea. Saturday, February 21, 1903. Breakfast. — Fried hominy, beefsteak, bread, butter, coffee. Dinner. — Boiled beef, mashed turnips, steamed potatoes, soup, bread. Sapper.— Roast beef,« apple jelly, Graham bread, butter, tea. Sunday, February 22, 1903. BreakfaM.—BaVQA beans, hash, fried ham,« wheat breakfast food, bread, butter, coffee. Dinner.— Bioasi beef, steamed potatoes, stewed tomatoes, apple pie, biscuit, bread, butter, coffee. Supper. — Stewed peaches, plain cake, bread, butter, tea. Monday, February 23, 1903. Breakfast.— Fork sausage, hominy, bread, butter, coffee. Dinner. — Bean soup, boiled shoulder, steamed potatoes, boiled rice, bread. >S'u;j;jer.— Cinnamon bread, prune sauce, cold boiled shoulder," bread, butter, tea. Tuesday, February 24, 1903. Breakfast. — Oatmeal, liver and bacon, bread, butter, coffee. Dinner.— Beei stew, boiled beets, steamed pudding with sauce, bread or rolls, butter, coffee. Supper. — Chops,« evaporated apple sauce, soda biscuit, butter, tea. « For working patients. 48 Wednesday, February 25, 1903. Breakfast. — Beef stew, oatmeal, rolls, butter, coffee. Dinner. — Bean soup, corn beef, boiled rice, cucumber pickles, soda biscuit. Supper. — Pork shoulder,* rhubarb sauce, gingerbread, bread, butter, tea. Thursday, February 26, 1903. Breakfcmt. — Boiled mush, hash, evaporated-apple sauce, hot rolls, butter, coffee. Dinner. — Beef potpie, boiled Lima l>eans, bread, butter, coffee. Supper. — Baked beans, mutton chops," bread, butter, tea. Milk and sugar provided as usual. The statistics regarding- the kinds and total amounts of food in this study are given in detail in Table 35 of the Appendix. The fo'lowing table summarizes the results of the study with regard to the quanti- ties of nutrients and energy per man per day in the food eaten and rejected: Table 14. — Nutrients and energy in food eaten and wasted in dietary study No. 374. [Quantities per man per day.] Food eaten. Food wasted. Kind of food material. Pro- tein. Fat. Carbohy- drates. Fuel valre. Pro- tein. Fat. Grams. 1 1 Carbohy- drates. Fuel value. Boef, veal, and mutton Grams. 19 11 4 Grams. 18 18 2 18 Grams. Calories. 236 208 38 160 GranuH. 1 1 2 Grams. Calori/s. 13 I'ork . 1 1 13 Fish ■ 8 Butter 3 27 Total animal food 34 ' 56 2 642 4 5 61 Cereals 37 8 226 7 44 34 1,123 28 252 140 5 1 32 157 Sugars and starches Vegetables 10 1 4 2 9 6 44 Fruits 24 Total vegetable food.. 48 12 311 1,543 7 1 47 225 Miscellaneous food 16 Ifi 36 351 1 2 2 29 Total food 98 84 349 2,536 12 . 8 49 315 It is difficult to decide just what should be the dietary standard for the average man in this department, as the patients were really divided by their degree of activit}- into two classes — i. e., those who did con- siderable hard work and those who took little exercise, yet they were fed as one class except that the working patients received an extra allowance of meat once a day, as is the general rule of the institution. The calculation of the results in the table above, which shows 98 grams of protein and 2,536 calories of energy per man per day in the food consumed, was made on the assumption that all patients were fed alike. In this case the food consumption for the working patients would appear to be too small, while that for the others would seem larger than was necessary-. As a matter of fact, however, there was "For working patients. 49 some difference in the food consumption of the two classes, as may be seen from the results obtained by slightly altering the method of com- puting the average food consumption and separating the workers from the nonworkers. Instead of adding the amount of the extra ration of meat served to the working patients to the ration served to all alike and dividing the whole quantity by the total number of patients fed, as was done in the computation summarized in the table above, the total food consumed according to the regular menu may be divided by the total number of patients, giving an average of 90 grams of protein and 2,402 calories of energy, which would represent the food consump- tion of the nonworkers. The total quantity of nutrients and energy in the extra meat consumed should then be divided by the number of workers to whom it was fed, to get the average amount per working patient. This added to the before-mentioned values would give 108 grams of protein and 2,694 calories of energy as the average con- sumption for the workers. This method of computation, it is believed, gives values that are more nearly correct for the two classes than the averaf e in the table above, since aside from the extra allowance of meat for the workers both classes received about the same quantity of food in their ration, as nearh^ as could be observed. During the time of this stvidy the attendants repeatedly sent back to the kitchen for an additional supply of food. This would indicate that the quantities ordinarily supplied to this dining room were not sufficient to meet the demands of the patients. The attendant in charge of the dining room said that the quantity of ineat supplied was seldom sufficient to satisfy the patients. The quantity of food eaten by the nonworkers was equal to the standard of 90 grams of protein and 2,450 calories of energy, which is commonly considered sufficient for a man in health with little muscular exercise. The quantity of protein and energy in the food eaten by the working patients was somewhat below that of the common standard for a man at moder- ately acti^•e muscular work, namely 125 grams of protein and 3,400 calories of energy. If the total amount of food served (i. e., food eaten plus food rejected) had been eaten, the protein consumption of the workers would have been nearly equivalent to amount in the standard mentioned, but the energy would still have been a little lower. The amount of food rejected by the patients during this study con- tained 11 per cent of the total protein and energy of the food served, noticeably smaller proportions than were observed in some of the preceding studies. The attendant in charge of this dining room stated that the amount rejected was, as a rule, very small. It was suggested to the o1)server during the time these studies were in progress that the amount rejected was rather less than usual because the patients were given more time to eat than had formerly been the case. AVhile this opinion could not be veritied, there may have been a general ten- 6523— No. 150—04 4 50 denc}^ on the psirt of the uttendants to make the patients huny throut^h their meals, particuhirly supper. MiK-h care was taken in this dining room to return all unserv^ed food, })ut the amounts returned were small, for the reason that practi- cally all the food provided was served. From the statistics in Table 35 of the Appendix it will be noticed that only a few articles were rejected in large proportions. Boiled salt cod evidently was not rel- ished; neither was wheat breakfast food. DIETARY STUDY NO. 375— INFIRM MALE PATIENTS. This study was made with 47 male patients from middle life to old age, more or less infirm, more than 50 per cent of them l)eing parole patients — that is, being at liberty to walk about the grounds unattended. A few did light work in the ward and dining room, but most of them were almost entirely idle. They occupied the ground floor of the Dawes ])uildlng, called '" Dawes l)asement," and were supplied with food from the general kitchen. The study began with breakfast, March 4, 1903, and continued 7 days, with 21 meals. The total iuun))er of meals taken was 991, equivalent to 1 man for 330 days. The menu during the week of the study was as follows: AVednesday, March 4, 1903. Jireakfast. — Oatmeal, liot rolls, l)eef stew, butter, coffee. Dinner. — Corned beef, crackers, liean soup, bread, steamed potatoes, boiled cabbage. Supper. — Evaporated-apple sauce, l)read, gingerbread, butter, tea. Thursday, March 5, 1903. Breakfast. — Evaporated-peach sauce, hot rolls, butter, coffee. Dinner. — Beef stew with dumplings, boiled kidney beans, bread, butter, coffee. Supper. — Finger rolls, baked beans, butter, tea. Friday, March 6, 1903. Breakfast. — Steamed potatoes, boiled salt cod, hot rolls, butter, coffee. Dinner. — Boiled rice, baked haddocik, crackers, bread, steamed potatoes, cottage pudding with siiuce, soup. Supper. — Bread, butter, tea, rhubarl) sauce. Saturday, March 7, 1903. Breakfa.'it. — Fried hominy, corn bread, bread, beefsteak, butter, coffee. Dinner. — Vegetable soup, bread, boiled beef, steamed potatoes, crackers, fried mush. Supper. — Ginger cookies, apple jelly, bread, butter, tea. Sunday, March 8, 1903. Breakfad. — Baked beans, wheat breakfast food, bread, butter, coffee. Dinner. — Bread, stewed corn, roast beef and dressing, steamed j)otatoes, apple pie, coffee, butter. Supper. — Bread, cake, stewed peaches, butter, tea. 51 Mommy, M.\K(U U, V.m. Brt'((f:fa.'<(. — Friud sau.sage, hot roll.'^, lioiiiiiiy, ImtttT, coffee. Dinner. — Crackers, boiled pork shouhleri^, lx)iled turiiipi?, Ijoileil rice, hean soup, bread. Supper. — Rhubarb sauce, cinnamon bread, bread, butter, tea. Tuesday, March 10, 1903. Breakfaat. — Liver and bacon, wheat breakfast food, Inscuit, butter, coffee. Dinner. — Beef stew, boiled hominy and bean.?, bread pudding, bread, butter, coffee. Supper. — Jelly, rolls, butter, tea. No separate account was taken of a small amount of special diet served in this dining room during the study. The detailed statistics rei'-ardino- kinds and amounts of food are given in Table 35 of the Appendix. In the following table are summarized the calculations of the quantities of nutrients and energy per man per day in the food eaten and rejected: Table 15. — Nutrients and energy in food eaten and wasted in dietary study Xo. 375. [Quantities per man per day.] Food eaten. Food wasted. Kind of food material. Pro- tein. Fat. Carbohy- drates. Fuel value. Pro- tein. Fat. Carbohy- drates. Fuel value. Beef, veal, and mutton Pork Grams. 10 3 6 1 Grams. 10 7 Grams. Calories. 129 74 42 440 Grams. 6 2 5 Grams. 6 3 1 6 Grams. Calories. 77 36 Fish 28 Butter 53 20 68 685 13 16 194 Cereals 26 8 166 7 36 17 839 28 190 72 9 3 .56 287 Vetjetables 7 1 2 4 1 1 20 17 105 Fruits 72 Total vegetable food . . 34 10 226 1,129 14 4 93 464 Miscellaneous food 10 13 27 264 1 2 4 38 Total food 64 91 253 2,078 28 22 97 696 The food consumption was smaller than would have been expected. The average, 64 grams of protein and 2,078 calories of energy per man per da}', is much smaller than the comnlonly accepted American standard for a man w4th little or no muscular work, which calls for 90 grams of protein and 2,450 calories of energy. Such a comparison would suggest the question whether these patients ate enough to satisfy their bodily needs. On the other hand, the quantity of food rejected was large, containing 28 grams of protein and 696 calories of energy per man per da}', or respective!}' 30 and 28 per cent of the total in the amount served. Inasmuch as the supply was ample and the proportions rejected were large, the fact that the food consumption of the patients was small indicates either that they ate sufficient amounts or that the food was not suited to their tastes. It seems probable, 52 however, that even if they did not like certain foods they could have readily satisfied their appetites from those which they liked, as it is almost certain that no person would go hungry on the abundant diet provided. It is, therefore, believed that the patients ate as much as their appetites and Ijodily wants made necessary. From a consideration of the statistics in Table 35 of the Appendix regarding the I'ejection of individual food materials, it would seem that the supply of some of the foods was somewhat excessive, as a considerable number of them were rejected in large proportions. The crackers served to the patients in this ward were seldom eaten. Wheat breakfast foods were not relished, and the proportions rejected were very large. The men seemed to desire meat rather than cereal or vegetable food, yet the amount of some of the meats rejected was also large. All things considered, there was apparently an oversupply of food, though the amount supplied was not nmch greater than called for by the previously mentioned standard for men in health with little or no muscular work. It was noticeable that only a part of the surplus food was returned from this ward to the kitchen. At the conclusion of the study the superintendent thoroughly investigated the matter. It was found that in this and some other wards bread and meat Avere the only articles regularly returned to the kitchen while a considerable amount of good edible food, that might have been utilized again, was not returned because of what appeared to be a misunderstanding. The attendants claimed that the}^ had orders to wash all dishes before returning them; hence, as they could not send back any dirty tins they had to throw awa}^ the food. It is probable that considerable amounts, much of which might have been utilized again, were not saved. For instance, it is probably safe to say that from 50 to 100 pounds of boiled rice, which could to great advantage be used in soup, was rejected in this Avay every time it was served. Evidentl}^ there was need of attention to the matter of returning unserved food to the kitchen. A knowl- edge of ways of utilizing such food was also needed, since but little provision was made for this in the dietetic management of the diti'er- ent departments. DIETARY STUDY NO. 376— DISTURBED MALE PATIENTS. This study was made with 30 rather disturbed male patients occu- pying Gray Ash ward, 23 of whom ate in the dining room and the others in the ward. The study began with breakfast, Wednesday, March 4, 1903, and continued T days, with 21 meals. The total number of meals taken was 632, equivalent to 1 man for 211 da vs. The menu was the same as in the study preceding and very little special diet was served in addition. The statistics regarding the 53 kinds and amounts of food are given in detail in Table 85 of the Appendix. The following' table siininiarizes the results showino- the quantities of nutrients and energy per man per day in the food eaten and rejected: Table 16. — Xuirients and energy in food eaten and wasted in dielanj study No. 376. [Quantities per man per day.] Food eaten. Food wasted. Kind of food material. Pro- tein. Fat. Carbohy- drates. . Fuel value. Pro- tein. Fat. Carbohy- drates. Fuel value. Beef, veal, and mutton Grams. 12 3 2 1 Grams. 12 7 2 46 Grams. Calories. 155 74 26 413 Grams. 6 2 3- Grams. 6 3 1 10 Grams. Calories. 77 I'ork 35 Fish 21 Butter 89 Total animal food 18 67 668 11 20 222 Cereals 26 8 168 11 39 39 847 44 228 160 11 2 69 338 Sugars and starches Vegetables 9 1 4 4 1 19 7 101 Fruits 28 Total vegetable food.. 36 12 257 1,279 15 3 95 467 Miscellaneous food 11 13 37 308 3 3 2 46 Total food 65 92 294 2, 255 29 26 97 735 The results, it will be noted, are very similar to those in the pre- ceding study with patients of a similar class as regards activity, the food consumption being small and the amounts rejected relatively large. The (juantity of protein in the food consumed was practically the same in both studies, but the quantity of energy was larger in the present case. The large proportions of food wasted were probabl}" owing in part to the fact that the rejection of food is likel}^ to be larger with patients of this class than with some others in better mental condition. It would hardl}^ seem, however, that the unavoida])le waste need be as large as in the present study, in which 31 per cent of the food provided was rejected, as shown in Table 35 of the Appendix. The high per- centage in the case of such a large number of different articles suggests that the amounts provided were much larger than needed. Very little food was returned to the kitchen during this study, and it would seem that the amount rejected might have been materially diminished by noting caref ullv the average consumption and making the supply agree more closel}- with it. DIETARY STTTDY NO. 377— CHRONIC MALE PATIENTS. This study was made with 42 chronic male patients, in a dining room of Dawes second ward, which, like the wards inchided in the two pre- ceding studies, was supplied from the general kitchen. A considerable number of the men in this ward did light work. 54 The stud}^ beo-aii with ])reakfa.st, Wednesday, March 4, 1908, and continued 7 da^^s, with 21 meals. The total nunil)er of meals taken was 872, equivalent to 1 man for 291 days. The- same menu was served as during the two preceding studies. The detailed statistics of kinds and amounts of food are g-iv^en in Table 35 of the Appendix. The data regarding the quantities of nutrients and energy per man per day in the food eaten and rejected are sum- marized in the following table: Table 17. — Nutrients and energy in food eaten and waded in dietary study No. 377. [Quantities per man per day.] Food eaten. Food wasted. Kind of food material. Pro- tein. Fat. Carbohy- drates. Fuel value. Pro- tein. Fat. Carbohy- drates. Fuel value. Grams. 15 4 3 1 Grams. 15 10 1 58 Grains. Calorics. 194 105 21 520 Grams. 5 2 2 Crrams. 5 3 1 3 Grams. Calories. 65 Pork 36 Pish 16 Butter 26 23 84 840 9 i;; 143 Cereals 34 10 219 8 48 80 1,101 32 272 124 7 1 46 221 Siie"rtrs jind stare lies Vegetables 11 1 4 3 1 13 9 73 Fruits ...:.. 36 Total vegetable food.. 46 14 305 1,529 10 2 68 330 Miscellaneous food 12 14 29 288 3 2 5 49 Total food 81 112 334 2, 657 22 16 73 522 It was the opinion of the attendant in charge that these men were light eaters. The results, as summarized above, show that, as com- pared with some of the other groups, such was actually the case, there being but 81 grams of protein and 2,657 calories of energy per man per day in the food consumed. These amounts were, however, some- what larger than in either of the two preceding studies. As before, it was believed that the men ate all they needed. The food rejected contained 21 per cent of the total protein and 16 per cent of the total energy of the food served, or less than in the two preceding studies, but still more than seemed necessary. A large proportion of the waste protein came from meat. It will be seen from the data in Table 35 of the Appendix that the wheat breakfast food, as in other studies, Avas largely rejected, the proportion in this case, 71 per cent of the amount provided, being even larger than usual. A very large p.irt of the boiled "hominy and beans" was also rejected. Apparently these foods were not relished. It is interesting to note, however, that nearly half of the total protein and more than half of the total carbohydrates consumed was supplied by cereals. The total quantity of protein from vegetable food was twice that from animal food, a proportion which is quite uncommon, as shown by the results 55 of dietary studies made with families/' In consideration of the large proportion of meat rejected it would seem that these patients depended laroely upon vegetable foods, and particularly upon cereals, for their nourishment. DIETARY STUDY NO. 378— AGED CHRONIC MALE PATIENTS. This study was made with 21 patients in the dining- room of Dawes first ward, who were for the most part old men, chronic cases and quiet, some of whom did a little light work, such as taking care of the dining room, cleaning the ward, etc. There were altogether* about 50 men in this ward, but as many of them were sick patients and received a special diet, they were not all included in the study. The study began with breakfast, Tuesday, March 17, 1903, and con- tinued 7 davs, with 21 meals. The total number of meals taken was 432, equivalent to 1 man for 144 days. The menu for the week of the study was as follows: Tuesday, March 17, 1903. Breakfast.— Fried liver and bacon, wheat breakfast food, hot rolls, butter, coffee. Dinner.— Corned beef, steamed potatoes, macaroni, fresh apples, bread, butter, coffee. Supper. — Rhubarb sauce, soda biscuits, bread, butter, tea. Wednesday, March 18, 1903. Breakfast.— Oatmeal, beef stew, hot rolls, butter, coffee. Dinner.— Bean soup, fresh fried herring, boiled rice, steamed potatoes, crackers, bread. Supper. — Apple sauce, gingerbread, bread, butter, tea. Thursday, March 19, 1903. 5mtA/os?.— Evaporated peach sauce, boiled mush, hot rolls, butter, coffee. Dinner. — Beef potpie, boiled onions, bread, butter, coffee. Supper.— Baked beans, finger rolls, butter, tea. Friday, March 20, 1903. Breakfast.— Salt mackerel, steamed potatoes, biscuit, butter, coffee. Dmn^'r.— Bean soup, fried fresh herring, boiled rice, cucumber pickles, bread pud- ding, crackers, bread. Supper. — Fresh apples, bread, butter, tea, fish. Saturday, March 21, 1903. Breakfast.— Beei steak, fried hominy, bread, butter, coffee. Dinner.— Vegetable soup, steamed potatoes, boiled turnips, boiled beef, crackers, l)read. Supper. — Apple jelly, ginger cakes, bread, butter, tea. Sunday, March 22, 1903. Breakfast.— Baked beans, wheat breakfast food, biscuit, butter, coffee. Dinner.— ^oast beef with gravy and dressing, steamed potatoes, stewed tomatoes, fresh apples, bread, butter, coffee. Supper. — Evaporated peach sauce, plain cake, bread, butter, tea. « Connecticut Storrs Station Rpt. 1899, p. 80. 56 Monday, March 23, 1903. Breakfad. — Fried sausage, fried hominy, Ijiscuit, l)utter, coffee. Dinner. — Bean soup, boiled i^ork shoulder, steamed potatoes, boiled rice, soda crackers, bread. Supper. — Prune sauce, cinnamon bread, l)utter, bread, tea. Sugar and milk as usual. Bread served ad libitum. The statistics vegarding the kinds and amounts of food are given in detail in Table 35 of the Appendix. Table 18 summarizes the com- putations of the quantities of nutrients and energy per man per day in the food eaten and rejected. Table 1H.— Nutrients and energy in food eaten and wasted in dietary study No. 378. [Quantities per man per day.] Food eaten. Food wasted. Kind of food material. Pro- tein. Fat. Carbohy- drates. Fuel value. Pro- tein. Fat. Carbohy- drates. Fuel value. Grams. 10 4 13 Grams. 9 10 13 24 Grams. Calories. 120 105 176 213 Gframs. 3 1 2 Grams. 3 2 2 8 Grams. Calories. 39 Pork ... . 22 Fish 2 26 Butter 71 27 56 2 614 6 15 158 Cereals 36 10 227 33 52 49 1,141 132 284 209 6 1 38 185 Sugars and starches Vegetables 10 1 4 1 5 1. 2 ........ 21 16 122 Fruits 68 Total vegetable food . . 47 15 361 1,766 12 3 75 375 10 11 14 194 1 1 12 Total food. 84 82 377 2,574 19 19 75 545 The average food consumption, 84 grams of protein and 2,674 calo- ries of energy per man per day, was practically the same as that in the study preceding. In consideration of the physical condition and occupation of these patients it was believed that they ate fully enough to meet their bodily needs, especially since more was served to them than they consumed and no complaints were heard concerning their food. The amount of food rejected was sufficient to supply 19 grams of pro- tein and 555 calories of energy per man per day, or 18 per cent of the protein and 17 per cent of the energy in the total food served. During this stud}^ it is believed that the attendants were more careful than usual to return unserved food to the kitchen, and the quantity thus returned was considerable. It has already been explained, how- ever, that there was in general little provision for the utilization of many of the foods thus returned. 57 DIETARY STUDY NO. 379— DISTURBED MALE PATIENTS. This study, which is very siinihir in detail to the precediiio-, was made with male patients of a disturbed class, hut in fair physical health, occupving- A\'iiite xVsh ward. Some of them ate in the dining room and some in the ward. At the beginning of the study there were 40 men in the group, but during the latter part of it 10 were transferred to another ward. Only 4 of these patients did any work, the amount in every case being very small. The study began with breakfast, March 17, 1903, and continued 7 days, with 21 meals. The total number of meals taken was 802, equiv- alent to 1 man for 267 days. The menu served was the same as in the previous study. The detailed statistics of the kinds and amounts of food are given in Table 3.5 of the Appendix. The quantities of nutrients and energy per man per day in the food eaten and rejected are shown in Table 19 below. Some difficulty was experienced in separating the difl'erent kinds of foods in the material rejected, but the data obtained are believed to be reliable. Table 19. ■Nutrients and energy In food eaten and wasted in dietary study No. 379. [Quantities per man per day.] Food eaten. Food wasted. Kind of food material. Pro- tein. Fat. Carbohy- drates. Fuel value. Pro- tein. Fat. Carbohy- drates. Fuel value. Beef, veal, and mutton Pork Grams. 16 4 20 Grams. 16 9 21 35 Grams. Calories. 206 96 283 312 Grams. 1 2 2 Grams. 1 3 2 Grams. Calories. 13 35 Fish 4 25 Rnttpr Total animal food 40 81 4 897 5 6 73 Cereals 41 10 256 6 52 45 1,277 24 301 192 4 1 24 121 Vegetables 12 1 5 1 3 10 52 4 16 ' Total vegetable food.. 54 16 359 1,794 7 1 38 189 \f ispplljiiK^oiis food 10 11 12 1S6 1 1 13 Total food 104 108 375 2,877 13 8 38 275 The average quantity of protein, 104 grams, and of energy, 2,877 calories, per man per day in the food consumed l)y this group is larger than that of the previously mentioned standard for a man in health with little or no muscular work, but perhaps no larger than was to be expected when it is remembered that the men were generally more or less nervous and disturbed. It is noticeably higher than the average observed in some of the studies immediately preceding, which may perhaps be accounted for by the differences in physical condition and muscular exertion, which for some of the patients in the present study was perhaps considerable during their violent periods. 58 The total amount of food rejected during this stud}? was only 12 per cent of that provided, and contained only 11 per cent of the total protein and 9 pei' cent of the total energy of the food served, propor- tions much smaller than in some of the preceding studies. In general the amounts of food provided seemed to be but little larger than were needed, though in a few cases there was considerable left after the patients were served, the excess being returned to the kitchen. DIETARY STUDY NO. 380— dUIET CHRONIC MALE PATIENTS. This study was made with 38 male patients who ate in the dining room of Dawes third ward. Seventeen of them were classed as work- ers, 9 working in the hospital laundry, 1 doing carpenter work, and 7 others being occupied for part of the time in light ward and dining- room work. They were mostly chronic patients, and were quiet and orderly. The study began with breakfast, March 17, 1903, and continued 21 days, simultaneously with Nos. 378 and 379. The total number of meals eaten was 819, equivalent to 1 man for 273 days. The same menu was served during this study as in the two preced- ing. Statistics regarding the kinds and amounts of food are given in detail in Table 35 of the Appendix. The quantities of nutrients and energy per man per day in the food eaten and i-ejected are given in the following table: Table 20. — Nntrients and energy in food eaten and wasted in dietary study No. S80. [Quantities per man per day.] Food eaten. Food wasted. Kind of food material. Pro- tein. Fat. Carbohy- drates. Fuel value. Pro- tein. Fat. Carbohy- drates. Fuel value. Beef, veal, and mutton . Grams. 14 4 15 Grams. 14 10 15 33 Grams. Calories. ISl 105 20(i 293 Grams. 2 Grams. 2 Grams. Calories. 26 Pork Fish 3 3 3 1 1 42 Butter 9 Total animal food 33 72 3 785 5 6 1 77 Cereals 39 10 239 10 42 43 1,201 40 244 184 2 13 60 Sugars and starches Vegetables 10 1 4 1 3 1 14 8 77 Fruits . . . ... 32 Total vegetable food. . 50 15 334 1,669 5 1 35 169 Miscellaneous food 9 10 12 173 1 1 13 Total 92 97 . 349 2,627 11 8 36 259 The average food consumed was sufficient to supply 92 grams of protein and 2,627 calories of energy per man per da}', amounts which appeared to be abundant for the needs of the patients. The results obtained are comparable with those of studies Nos. 364, 372, and 378, and show about the same food consumption, which would appear to be about the normal amount at this institution for patients of this class. 59 Tlie total anioiint of food rejected was only 10 per cent of that pro- vided, which is even les.s than was observed in the study preceding-, tliouoh it contained the same proportion of protein and enero-y, nanielv, 11 and 9 per cent, respectively, of the total in food served. The excess of total food provided over what was needed to serve the patients was considerably larg-er in this study than in the preced- ing-. It w^as noted that the attendant in charge of this dining- room took special pains to return to the kitchen all food not served, and in all respects the dining room appeared to be particularly well managed. DIETARY STUDY NO. 381— MALE PATIENTS, YOUNG AND ORDERLY. This study was made with 80 patients in "Beech" ward, mostly young men who were quiet and orderly, and many of whom would prol)ably recover. Of this number 15 were parole patients, most of them at work in the laundry, tailor shop, mattress shop, etc. The stud3^ began with breakfast, March 30, 1903, and continued for 7 days, with 21 meals. The total number of meals taken was 615, e((uivalent to 1 man for 205 days. The following menu was served during the week of this study: Monday, March 30, 1903. Breakfast. — Fried sausage, hominy, hot rolls, butter, coffee. Dinner. — Beau soup, boiled shoulders, boiled kale, boiled rice, crackers, bread. *S'M7)per.— Apple sauce, hash, doughnuts, bread, Imtter, tea. Tuesday, March 31, 1903. Breakfast. — Oatmeal, liver and bacon, bread, butter, coffee. 7)f/;ncr.— Corned beef, steamed potatoes, boiled Lima beans, bread pudding, bread, butter, coffee. Supper. — Fried liver and bacon, stewed prunes, soda biscuit, l)utter, tea. Wednesday, April 1, 1903. Breakfast.— Oatmeal, l)eef stew, hot rolls, butter, coffee. Dinner.— Bean soup, fresh herring, stewed c;anned corn, steamed potatoes, crackers, ])rea.5 grams of protein and 2,811 calories of energy per man per day, in this stud}^ was practically equal to the previously mentioned dietary standard for a man in health with seden- tary occupation. Apparentl}' the patients were abundantly nourished, though it may be that they ate no more than they needed. The quan- tity of food which they rejected contained 10 per cent of the protein and 11 per cent of the energy of the total food served. Large propor- tions of man}' of the staple foods were returned to the kitchen during this study, indicating that the amounts sent to the dining room were considerably in excess of what was required. 63 DIETARY STUDY NO. 384— MALE PATIENTS, NOT VIOLENT. This stud}' was made with about 30 male patients, from middle-aged to old men, occup3'ing' a ward known as "Garfield basement." They were more or less untid}-; most of them decidedly demented, but not violent. Several of them did ward and dining-room work, but as a whole their phj'sical activit}- appeared to be very slight. The men studied were all supplied with the regular diet, none being" sick, though a number of them appeared to be quite feeble. The stud}^ began with breakfast, April 16, 1903, and continued for 7 days, with 21 meals. The total number of meals taken was 632, equiv- alent to 1 man for 211 days. The menu served during the week of this study was as follows: Thuksday, April 16, 1903. Breakfajit. — Oatmeal, apple jelly, bread, l)utter, coffee. Dinner. — Beef potpie, kidney beans, boiled rice, bread, butter, coffee. iyupper. — Baked beans, finger rolls, butter, tea. Friday, April 17, 1903. Breakfast. — Salt mackerel, steamed potatoes, hot rolls, V)utter, coffee. Dinner. — Bean soup, fried fresh herring, macaroni and tomato, steamed potatoes, evaporated-peach pie, crackers, bread. Supper. — Prune sauce, bread, butter, tea. Saturday, April 18, 1903. Breakfast. — Hominy, beefsteak, bread, butter, coffee. Dinner. — Vegetable soup, boiled beef, boiled kale, steamed potatoes, crackers, bread. Supper. — Apple jelly, ginger cakes, Graham bread, butter, tea. Sun-day, April 19, 1903. Breakfast. — Wheat breakfast food, baked beans, biscuit, l»utter, coffee. Dinner. — Roast beef with gravy and dressing, steamed potatoes, stewed tomatoes, evaporated-apple pie, bread, butter, coffee. Supper. — Evaporated-apple sauce, cake, bread, butter, tea. Monday, April 20, 1903. Breakfast. — Boiled hominy, fried sausage, bread, butter, coffee. Dinner. — Bean soup, boiled shoulder, steamed potatoes, boiled rice, crackers, Ijread. Supper. — Khubarb sauce, cinnamon bread, bread, butter, tea. Tuesday, April 21, 1903. Breakfast. — Wheat breakfast food, peach sauce, biscuit, butter, coffee. Dinner. — Fresh herring, kidney beans, cucumber pickles, bread pudding, bread, butter, coffee. Suj>per. — Prune sauce, biscuit, butter, tea. "Wednesday, April 22, 1903. Brealcfasl. — Oatmeal, beef stew, rolls, butter, coffee. Dinner. — Bean soup, corned beef, steamed potatoes, boiled cabbage, crackers, bread. Supper. — Peach sauce, gingerbread, bread, butter^ tea. Bread served ad libitum with every meal. 64 The detailed data for the total amounts of food returned, eaten, and rejected during this study are shown in Table 35 of the Appendix. The calculated amounts of nutrients and energy per man per day in the food eaten and rejected are shown in Table 24. Table 24. — Nutrients and aiergy hi food t'dtcu and n-astcd in dtctarij study No. 384- [Quantities per man per day.] Food eaten. Food wasted. Kind of food material. Pro- tein. Fat. Carbohy- drates. Fuel value. Pro- tein. Fat. Carbohy- drates! Fuel value. Beef veal and mutton Grams. 10 5 6 Grams. 10 10 7 31 Grams. Calories. 129 109 90 276 Grams. 2 Grams. 2 Grams. Calories. 26 Pork Fish 1 2 3 35 Butter .... 21 58 1 604 4 5 61 Cereals 38 10 234 11 51 35 1,177 44 283 144 7 2 41 210 Vegetables 13 1 3 1 5 6 24 Fruits 24 1 Total vegetable food . . 52 13 331 1,648 8 2 52 258 Miscellaneous food 6 12 32 259 1 1 4 28 Total food 79 83 364 2,511 13 8 56 347 In respect to the food consumption, 7*J grams of protein and 2,511 calories of energy per man per day, the results of this study are very similar to Nos. 377 and 378, on preceding pages, which were made with patients of about the same general age, activity, and degree of ph3^sical health. As was explained in the discussion of the preceding studies, the indications were that the patients ate enough to meet their bodil}' needs. The amount of food rejected was larger in proportion to the total amount served than was the case in some of the studies immediately preceding this, but was much smaller than in several of the other studies included in the present report. As shown by the data in Table 35 of the Appendix, the waste was not confined to any given articles but varied considerabl}^ in kind and amount from day to day. The proportion of rejected food (10 per cent) is more marked if consid- ered in terms of nutrients and energy rather than in terms of total food. DIETARY STUDY NO. 385— MALE PATIENTS, aUIET, CHRONIC. This study was made with about 30 quiet, chronic, male patients, more or less untidy in their habits, who occupied the ward known as "Garfield first." It was made simultaneously with No. 384, and the menu was the same as in that study. The total nuinber of meals taken was 633, equivalent to 1 man for 211 days. 65 Table 35 of the Appendix shows the total amounts of food provided, eaten, and rejected, and the following table summarizes the computed amounts of nutrients and energy per man per day in the food eaten and rejected: Table 25. — Nutrients and energy in food eaten and wasted in dietary study No. 385. [Quantities per man per day.] Food eaten. Food wasted. Kind of food material. Pro- tein. Fat. Carbohy- drates. Fuel value. Pro- tein. Fat. Carbohy- drates. Fuel value. G-rams. 19 6 14 Grams. 19 11 15 31 Grams. Calories. 245 122 198 275 Grams. 1 Grams. 1 Grams. Calories. 13 Pork Fish 2 Butter Total animal food 39 76 2 840 1 1 ! 13 Cereals 40 10 246 11 66 54 1,233 44 377 220 2 14 64 Sui?ftrs Mild stiirehes Vegetables 17 1 5 1 4 7 20 28 Total vegetable food.. 58 15 377 1,874 3 25 112 M isoellaneous food 8 11 30 250 1 1 2 21 Total food 105 102 409 2,964 5 2 27 146 The food consumption, 1(>5 grams of protein and 2,964 calories of cnerg}^ per man per da}^, was believed to be entirely adequate to the physiological demands of the patients. There was ample opportunity for the men to eat more had they so desired, because the amounts pro- vided were abundant, as was shown by the fact that considerable food was returned to the kitchen after the men were served. The proportions of food rejected by these patients was the minimum for the studies here reported, being but 5 per cent of the total food provided, and containing only 5 per cent of the total protein and of the energ}' in the food served. DIETARY STUDY NO. 386— MALE PATIENTS, aUIET, CHRONIC. This stud}' was made with about 30 male patients occupying Gartield second ward, of about the same class and under practically the same conditions as those in the two preceding studies (Nos. 384 and 385). The menu served was the same. The total number of meals served was 616, equivalent to 1 man for 205 days. Table 35 of the Appendix contains the data regarding food provided, returned, eaten, and rejected during the stud}'. Table 26 shows the calculated amounts of nutrients and energy per man per da}^ contained in the food eaten and rejected. 6523— No. 150—0-1 5 66 Table 26. — Nutrients and energy in food eaten and wanted in dietary study No. 386. [Quantities per man per day.] Food eaten. Food wasted. Kind of food material. Pro- tein. Fat. Carbohy- drates. Fuel value. Pro- tein. Fat. Carbohy- drates. Fuel value. Beef, veal, and mutton Pork Grams. 18 5 10 Grams. 18 11 11 32 Grams. Calories. 232 118 146 285 Grams. 1 Grams. 1 Gravis. Calories. 13 Fish 2 1 1 13 Kntter Total animal food — 33 72 2 781 2 2 26 35 9 216 11 72 53 1,084 44 405 216 6 1 37 181 ftne'ars HTid staroJifS Vpffptablps . . 18 1 5 2 9 8 36 Total vegetable food . . 54 14 352 1,749 6 1 48 225 Miscellaneous food 10 13 32 283 1 1 1 17 Total food 97 99 386 2,813 9 4 49 268 The food consumption in this study, 97 grams of protein and 2,813 calories of energy per man per day, is slightly smaller than in the preceding study, but the average in both was considerably larger than that in study No. 3S4 and others in which the patients had about the same amount of muscular exeix-ise. The quantity of food rejected was also very small, but was slightly larger than in the preceding stud}^, the difference being comparable with that observed in the food consumption. In other words, the quantity served per man per day was very nearly the same in both studies. The amounts of food sent from the kitchen to the dining room were much nearer the quantities which were served than was the case in the preceding study, so that the proportions returned to the kitchen were smaller. Taken in connection with the small percentage of food rejected, this would seem to indicate that, whether intentionally or accidentally, the amounts of food provided for the ward were gauged more nearly to the desires of the patients than is usual where special attention has not been given to this matter. DIETARY STUDY NO. 387— MALE PAROLE PATIENTS. This study was made in Poplar ward, with about 1-t parole patients, most of whom had not been committed to the institution, but came of their own will, some being under treatment for dipsomania and others recovering from the effects of fever, sunstroke, etc. They were quiet and orderly, and gave little sign of mental derangement. Very few of them did any regular work, but all spent a large part of their time out of doors, and must have had considerable muscular exercise. The study began with breakfast, Saturday, May 2, 1903, and con- tinued 7 days, with 21 meals. The total number of meals taken was 275, equivalent to 1 man for 92 days. 67 The menu served during the week of the study was as follows: Saturday, May 2, 1903. Breakfast. — Oatmeal, beefsteak, griddle cakes, fried potatoes, biscuit, milk, butter. Dinner. — Vegetable soup, roast veal, browned potatoes, stewed canned peas, ice cream, bread, crackers, milk. Supper. — Fried bacon, stewed prunes, baked potatoes, bread, milk. Sunday, May 3, 1903. Breakfast. — Wheat breakfast food, fried ham, steamed and fried potatoes, corn bread, baked beans, rolls, milk. Dinner. —Tomato soup, baked chicken, mashed potatoes, boiled rice, lemon jelly, milk, bread. er.— Shoulder, lettuce, French fried potatoes, apple sauce, cocoanut cake, bread, milk. Monday, May 4, 1903. Breakfast. — Oatmeal, veal cutlets, baked potatoes, muffins, bread, milk. Dinner. — Bean soup, roast beef, browned potatoes, boiled macaroni, green onions, floating island pudding, bread, crackers, milk. Supper. — Hamburg steak, lettuce, biscuit, bread, milk. Tuesday, May 5, 1903. Breakfast. — Oatmeal, fried mush, beef steak, fried onions, l)akeread, milk. Supper. — Fried eggs, baked potatoes, stewed prunes, biscuit, bread, milk. Tea or coffee served as desired. Bread served ad libitum with every meal. Butter as usual. 68 Table 35 of the Appendix gives the data regarding" the total amounts of food provided, returned, eaten, and rejected. The following table shows the calculated amounts of nutrients and energy per man per day in the food eaten and rejected during this study: Table 27. — Nutrients and energy in food eaten and wasted in dietary study No. .'>S7. [Quantities per man per day.] Food eaten. Food wasted. Kind of food material. Pro- tein. Fat. Carbohy- drates. Fuel value. Pro- tein. Fat. Carbohy- drates. Fuel value. "Rppf vpfll and mutton Grams. 34 14 3 Grams. 28 27 3 15 17 3 Grams. Calories. 385 296 43 134 287 35 Gram,'!. 4 3 Grams. 3 7 Grams. Calories. 43 Pork - 74 Fish i Butter j^Iilli 13 2 21 Totfll nnimal food 66 93 22 1,180 7 10 117 26 9 153 84 70 21 792 336 444 84 8 3 43 231 blip's Ts and sturohps 12 13 4 5 33 7 192 Fruits 28 Total vegetable food . . 37 22 328 1,656 12 8 83 451 Miscellaneous food 25 29 66 622 4 5 7 89 Total food 128 144 416 3,458 23 23 90 657 The amount of food consumed supplied 128 grams of protein and 3,458 calories of energy per man per day, amounts corresponding to the previously mentioned dietary standard for a man at moderately active muscular work, such for instance as a carpenter or mason or laborer working actively 10 hours per day. While these men were out of doors much of the time and had considerable muscular exercise it is very doubtful if their activity was equal to that called for bj^ the standard quoted. However, thej^ were in general convalescing, or in a condition which may be compared to it, and it is not unlikel}^ that in such condition the demands of the body for nourishment may be influenced by other than the ordinary factors. DIETARY STUDY NO. 388— MALE PAROLE PATIENTS. This study was made with 9 male patients occupying Maple w^ard, and of a class similar to those included in dietary No. 387. Only 2 of these patients performed any regular work, but all of them took some exercise each day. The study was made at the same time as No. 387, and the menu served w-as the same. The total number of meals taken was 188, equivalent to 1 man for 63 days. The data for the total amounts of food provided, returned, eaten, and rejected are given in Table 35 of the Appendix. The following 69 table shows the average amounts of nutrients and energy per man per duy in the food eaten and rejected during this study: Table 28. — Nutrients and energy in food eaten and wasted in dietary study No. 388. [Quantities per man per day.] Food eaten. Food wasted. Kind of food material. Pro- tein. Fat. Carbohy- drates. Fuel value. Pro- tein. Fat. Carbohy- drates. Fuel value. Beef, veal, and njutton Grams. 26 15 4 23 Grams. 24 28 4 28 31 2 Grams. Calories. 318 309 55 Grams. 5 2 Grams. 3 6 Grams. Calories. 47 61 INcVi 1 35 \f lib- 481 276 26 2 Kggs Total animal fond 70 117 36 1,465 7 9 108 Cereals 18 8 113 72 64 15 595 288 376 60 8 4 42 236 V**trf*tables 10 9 6 9 35 244 15 1 60 Total vegetable food.. 28 17 1 264 1,319 14 13 92 j 540 Misscellaneous food 22 22 69 520 10 1 13 15 216 Total food 120 156 359 3,304 31 35 107 , 864 The average quantity of food eaten by these patients, 12<) grams of ]:)rotein and 3,30-1: calories of energy per man per day, was })ut a trifle less than in the preceding study, while the amount of food rejected (a total of IS per cent) was a little higher, the average amount of nutrients and energy in the total food served being about equal in both studies. The food consumption in these two studies was noticeably larger than that observed in any of the preceding. These men had no more muscular activity than some of the others, and they were not consid- ered to be more hearty eaters. The increase in the quantity of nutrients consumed was probably due to a wider variet}^ in the diet. DIETARY STTJDY NO. 389— OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. This study was made in "Walnut ward" dining room, which sup- plied food for aliout 20 employees and officers, including three super- visors (males), three men clerks, several women clerks, and maids employed about the halls. A considerable numl)er lived outside the institution and took only a part of their meals in the dining room. This study was carried on at the same time as Nos. 387 and 388, and the same menu was served. The total number of meals taken, estimating 1 meal per woman as 0.8 meal per man, was 236, equiva- lent to 1 man for 79 davs. Table 35 of the Appendix contains the detailed data for the total amounts of food provided, eaten, and rejected. The total amounts of 70 nutrients and energy per man per day in the food eaten and rejected are shown in the following- table: Table 29. — Nutrients and energy in food eaten and tvasted in dietary sl^^dy No. 389. [Quantities per man per day.] Food eaten. Food wasted. Kind of food material. Pro- tein. Fat. Carbohy- drates. Fuel value. Pro- tein. Fat. Carbohy- drates. Fuel value. Beef, veal, and mutton Pork Orams. 30 14 4 31 Grams. 27 23 5 38 7 3 Grams. 1 Calories. 364 261 65 650 62 35 Grams. 4 4 Grams. 3 8 Grams. Calories. 43 87 Pish 1 47 Milk Ruttpr "Ro-ffq 2 Total animal food 81 103 49 1,437 8 11 130 24 9 145 86 63 11 756 344 368 44 7 3 38 207 Vegetables 9 9 6 7 33 21 218 84 Total vegetable food. . 33 18 305 1, 512 13 10 92 .%9 Miscellaneous food 26 30 68 643 6 7 15 146 Total food 140 151 422 3,592 27 28 107 785 The result of this study may quite properly be compared with those of studies with attendants reported in this publication; that is, Nos. 365, 369, and 370. As regards food eaten the present study, averaging 140 grams of protein and 8,522 calories of energy per man per day, shows the maximum as regards protein, being 9 grams higher than No. 370 and 40 grams higher than No. 369. In respect to amount of fat eaten it was moderate, and was next to the lowest in respect to car- bohydrates. The energy was lower than in the case of No. 370, which, however, was extremely high, owing to the large amount of butter and sugar eaten. A comparison of the food consumption of the persons here studied with any dietary standard is almost impossible, because the group in- cluded employees of both sexes and of varying degrees of muscular ac- tivity. Moreover, some worked only from 8 a. m. to 5 p. m., while others were on duty continuously from 8 a. m. to 9 p. m. It hardly seems probable, however, that the demands of these persons for nutri- ents and energy would be on the average any larger than are called for by the previously mentioned dietary standard for a man at light to moderate muscular work, namely, 112 grams of protein and 3,050 calories of energy per day. It is interesting to note that the results of the study are considerably higher than the standard in respect to both protein and energy. It is reasonably certain, therefore, that these persons had amply sufficient or more than sufficient nourishment. The amount of food rejected in this study was sufficient to supply 71 27 grams of pi'otein and 785 calories of energy per man per day, or 16 per cent of the protein and 18 per cent of the energy in the total food served. In this respect the results are similar to those of the two pre- ceding studies with subjects receiving the same diet. FOOD ISSUED FROM THE STOREROOM. In connection with these studies of dietaries in different depart- ments of the hospital, it seemed desirable to obtain data regarding the kinds and amounts of food issued from the storeroom to the kitchens of the whole institution. It was not possible to obtain these for the fiscal year during which the dietary studies here reported were con- ducted, partly for the reason that the last of the studies was completed some time before the end of the year. However, the statistics for the year immediately preceding the time of the studies, namely, from July 1, 1901, to June 30, 1902, w^ere obtained, and it wnis believed that the nutritive value of the food supplied per capita did not difi'er mate- rially during the two years. These statistics are given in detail in Table 36 of the Appendix. It will be observed that they show the amounts issued to the diflerent departments for use in preparing the food, while the data of the studies show the quantities of food served to the patients and eaten and rejected by them. The way in which the statistics here given were obtained ma}' require a brief explanation. Supplies received at the hospital are placed at once in a general storeroom or "store" as it is designated, and are issued to the differ- ent departments upon the receipt of orders signed by an officer of the department in which they are to be used. The order sheets showing the kind and amount of material sent out are filed with a bookkeeper, who enters the items upon a ledger. From these ledgers the statis- tics were taken concerning the kinds and amounts of food issued dur- ing the course of the year. These figures show the kinds and total amounts of different food materials thus taken from the storeroom and supplied to the several hospital kitchens. The composition of each kind of material was assumed to be the same as the average for several analyses of similar materials as previously published. « From these data the total quanti- ties of the different nutrients in the food supplied were calculated. In order to compute the quantities per man per day it was necessary to know the total number of person^ of each sex fed during the year, and the number of meals taken by each. To ascertain this exactly was impossible, because of variation in the population from day to day, owing to deaths, patients discharged, new patients received, and aU. S. Dept. Agr., Office of Experiment Stations Bui. 28, revised. 72 patients or attendants on leave of absence. However, from data show ing the average population of the hospital an estimate of attendance was made, allowing for absences, etc., which was believed to be toler- ably accurate. According to this estimate, the total attendance of men for the year was 2,123 and of women 734. Assuming that as regards food consumption the number of women would be equivalent to 0.8 as many men, or in round numbers 587, the calculated total number of men for the year would be 2,710, and that number of men for 365 days would be equivalent to 989,150 men for 1 day. Dividing the total quantities of each nutrient in the food supplied by this number gives the equivalent per man per day. These data are summarized herewith : Table 30. — Estimated amounts of nutrients and energy per man per day in the food issued from the storeroom for 1 year. Protein. Fat. Carbohy- drates. Energy. Grams. 73 54 Grams. 164 8 Grams. 21 496 Calories. 2, 271 Vpfff^tMblo food 1,836 Total food 127 172 517 4,107 It has been explained on page 12 that no studies were made with women patients; hence, nothing is definitely known concerning the relative food consumption of men and women inmates in this institu- tion. The assumption above made that the women would eat 0.8 as much as the men is that commonly made in dietary studies of ordinary families, but in the studies in the New York State hospitals for the insane it was found that with the chronic patients the average amount eaten by women was only about 0.7 of that eaten by men, and with other classes of women patients it was even lower. The results as computed in the present instance are therefore believed to be under rather than over estimates, because if the factor that should be used is lower than 0.8, the equivalent number of men would be smaller than that given above, and the total number of men for one day would be less; consequently the average of nutrients and energy per man per day in the food supplied would be higher than has been computed by the method followed. SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION. The principal features of the investigations at the Government Hospital for the Insane, reported in this bulletin, have to do with the study of the quantities of food consumed and wasted b}^ different classes of the hospital population. By comparing the data regarding food consumption with those of simikr studies in other institutions, 73 and with dietary standards for persons in normal mental conditions with equivalent amounts of muscular activit}^, it is possible to judge of the adequacy of the diet; and a comparison of the amounts of food issued with those supplied to the dining rooms and those eaten and wasted atiords information concerning the economy in the utilization of food. The statistics regarding food eaten and food wasted are summarized and discussed in the following pages. The quantities of nutrients and energy per man per day in the total food served— i. e., that eaten and that rejected at the tables — and the proportion of the quantity of each nutrient and of energy in the total served that was rejected are summarized for all the studies at the (iovernment hospital in Table 31. For convenience in the discussion of results the diUerent studies in which the conditions were similar have been grouped together and av^eraged, and for purposes of com- parison the results of studies made in similar institutions elsewhere are also included in the table, as well as dietary standards for persons in health with varying amounts of muscular activity. A tentative standard for the average population of hospitals for the insane, proposed by Atwater as the result of studies made in the New York State hospitals for the insane/' is also given in the table. This standard, which is given in the publication referred to on the basis "per p(>rson per day," was proposed for a population consisting of about ecjual numbers of males and females, in which the food consumption of the latter averaged about 0.7 that of the former. The corresponding values "per man per da}"," computed in accordance with these data, is also given in the table, as this can be better compared with the results of the studies in the Government hospital, which were almost entirely with men. Such facts as could then be found on record, and the observations in the New York hospitals for the insane, led to con- clusions that the standard proposed is decidedly liberal rather than the opposite. «N. Y. State Com. Lunacy Rpt. 13 (1900-1901), p. 119. 74 Table 31. — Sumninry of remits of dietary studies at the Government Hospital for the Insane and other institutions. Patients. OQ a "S u Food served. Proportion of total served that was wasted. Food eaten. Food wasted. 6 'A >, 1 CO d +.* 2 .a" ^ -eg si , tf-O '53 s f f^ •S2 6^ a a 'q3 -«^ o i 0) a 364 372 373 375 377 378 380 384 385 386 Stv,dies at Government Hos- pital for Insane. PATIENTS, MALES. Middle to old age, largely chronic, orderly, quiet, few workers. Average f541 74 99 47 42 ■ 21 39 30 30 29 Gm. 88 95 94 64 81 84 92 79 105 97 Gm. 112 98 93 91 112 82 97 83 102 99 Gm. 384 348 369 253 334 377 349 364 409 386 Cals. 2, 885 2,644 2,680 2,078 2, 657 2,674 2, 627 2,511 2, 964 2,813 Gm. 9 27 17 28 22 19 11 13 5 9 Gm. 6 22 14 22 16 19 8 8 2 4 Gm. 35 112 63 97 73 75 36 56 27 49 Cals. 229 752 445 696 522 555 259 347 146 268 P.ct. 9 22 15 30 21 18 11 14 5 8 p. c. 5 18 13 19 13 19 8 9 2 4 P.ct. 8 24 15 28 18 17 9 13 6 11 p.ct. 7 22 14 25 16 17 9 12 5 9 952 88 105 370 2,767 13 10 50 341 13 9 9 XI 1 Acute, nervous, and dis- 1 turbed nonworkers. Average 368 376 379 ( 26 \ 30 [ 38 76 65 104 86 92 108 378 294 375 2,581 2, 255 2,877 26 29 13 20 26 8 129 97 38 798 735 275 26 31 11 19 22 7 25 25 9 24 25 9 94 84 97 350 2, .599 22 17 82 567 21 15 19 18 [Negroes, whole group < Non work ers alon e . . . [ Workers alone ISick, infirm, and bed- / ridden. Average 374 169 89 80 98 90 108 84 73 96 349 348 352 2,536 2, 402 2, 694 12 12 13 8 7 8 49 49 49 315 306 319 11 12 11 9 9 8 12 12 12 11 11 11 366 371 f 52 tll4 92 99 109 105 227 329 2, 246 2,647 31 35 26 23 115 112 815 793 25 26 19 18 18 34 25 27 23 166 97 106 297 2, 519 34 24 113 802 ■26 28 24 [Some curable, part work- l ers, younger and more \ active class. Average 381 382 1 30 f 29 110 98 132 118 347 348 3,003 2,834 12 12 12 14 24 21 251 257 10 11 8 11 6 6 8 8 59 104 125 347 2,917 ! 12 13 23 256 10 9 6 g \ Better class, on first-sec- ( tion diet. Average 387 388 f 13 \ 9 128 120 144 156 416 359 3,458 3, 304 28 31 23 35 90 107 657 864 15 21 14 18 18 23 16 21 22 125 149 393 3,398 29 28 97 763 19 16 20 18 {•Unclassified 367 ri03 124 72 95 82 101 385 383 2, 558 2,811 20 10 17 18 90 33 591 332 22 10 17 15 19 8 19 383 Average 11 127 76 90 86 102 385 359 2,609 2,704 18 16 17 12 79 61 639 415 19 15 17 12 17 15 17 Average of all pa- tients a 13 EMPLOYEES, MALES AND FEMALES. Attendants and kitchen employees 365 58 13 121 ion 165 141 198 151 495 370 578 422 3,961 3,135 4,598 3,522 29 72 45 27 28 67 36 28 98 245 157 107 757 1,864 1 128 785 19 42 26 16 15 32 15 16 17 40 21 20 16 369 Attendants, house girls, etc 37 370 ....do 27 ^ 131 11 140 20 389 Officers, clerks, etc Average 18 109 123 92 169 106 493 368 3,968 SS ' 35 131 988 65 'i.f;? 24 16 17 12 21 15 20 Average all of pa- tients and em- ployees a •. . 2,783 18 14 14 « In all eases the averages per man per day given in this table are not numerical averages of the results of the several studies, but are found by dividing the total quantity of each nutrient or energy by the total number of days for one man. 75 Table 31. — Summary of resnlh of dielarif f^tudiea at the Govemment Hospital for the Ivmne and other institutions — Contiuued. Patients. c A O * "2 d •s 2 OS o a a 'S 2 Ph ♦^ ^ k 8'° a 'S 2 Ph 1 n Studies in New York hos- pitals. PATIENTS, MALES. Chronic, infirm, average 8 studies Light workers and dis- turbed, average 2 stud- ies 1,069 318 258 1,595 70 35 636 6m. 72 73 95 105 65 66 96 Gm. 65 65 81 93 86 80 146 Gm. 348 346 391 415 363 364 376 Cats. 2,259 2,255 2, 665 2,908 2,477 2,432 3,183 Gm. 4 4 6 7 7 4 13 Gm. 2 2 6 4 5 2 10 Gm. 14 15 16 17 22 15 43 Cats. 90 94 142 132 161 94 313 P.ct. 5 5 6 7 9 6 12 P.ct. 3 3 7 4 7 2 7 p.ct. 4 4 4 4 6 4 10 P.ct. 4 4 Re.stless, active, dis- turbed, average 2 stud- ies t; Workers, average 10 stud- ies 4 Acute, recent admission, average 2 .studies Acute and .sick chronic, average 2 studies EMPLOYEES, MALES AND FEMALES. Officers, attendants, etc., average of 6 studies Average of all pa- tients and em- plovees 6 4 9 90 125 112 100 100 90 90 80 86 100 91 382 2,698 3,400 3,050 2.700 2,700 2,450 2,450 2,200 2,500 2,950 7 7 20 170 7 7 5 6 Dietary standards for per- sons in tiealth. Man with moderately active muscular work. . Man with light to mod- erate muscular work. . . Man with sedentary work Woman with moderately active work Man with very little ex- ercise Woman with light to moderate work Woman with very little exercise Proposed standard for insane liospitals. Per man per day The studie.s reported in this bulletin are grouped in the table pre- ceding according to the general conditions of the patients, since it was not feasible to make distinctions that would accord at all exactly with the amounts of muscular activity. The large majority of the patients were not especially active, though most of the studies included a few who did a small amount of light work each day, and who, b}^ the custom of the institution, received a little extra ration. But, except in one study, the proportion of workers to nonworkers was so small 76 and the extra I'ation for them was so limited as compared with the total amount fed that in calculating the results each stud}^ was treated as if the patients were all non workers and all received the same diet. In the study excepted — No. 374 — the proportion of working patients was large, and some of them did a considerable amount of outdoor work; consequentl}', account was kept of the amount of extra ration served, and the results of the study have been computed for the workers and nonworkers separatel}', as well as for the group as a whole. AMOUNTS OF FOOD CONSUMED AND ADEQ,UACY OF THE DIET. With the ordinary individual in good health and of sound mind, the normal bodily demand for nutrients and energy depends largely upon his muscular activity; and in discussing the results of dietary studies of such persons it is customary to compare the results obtained with dietary standards for men having about the same amount of mus- cular work as that of the persons studied. Standards of this sort, which have been ver}^ conmionly used in this countrj^ and in England, are given in Table 31. Of course, such standards are at best tentative. They are general indications rather than exact measures of the actual physiological demands of persons in health, and their uncertainty in this respect is still greater when they are applied to persons in demented or other abnormal condition. Data concerning the actual physiological needs of insane hospital patients of different classes are as yet very inade- quate; hence, it is not certain to what extent dietar}^ standards for persons in health may be compared with the results of studies with persons not in normal mental condition. Some authorities believe that the l)odily demands of the insane do not materially differ from those of persons in health with a corresponding amount of muscular activity, while others think that acutely insane patients may require more nourishment, and the chronic classes probably somewhat less than is required by normal persons. It is believed, however, that a comi)arison of the results of these studies with the conimonly accepted standards, and with the results of studies with similar patients in other institutions, will give a tolerabl}^ clear idea of the sufficiency of the diet for the bodily needs of the patients. Such a comparison can be made with the aid of the data included in Table 31. The ten studies of the first group in the table above comprise those with patients from middle life to old age, largely chronic insane, orderly, and quiet. The proportion of patients who did any consider- able amount of work was small. The amount actually eaten in these ten studies varied from 64 grams of protein and 2,078 calories of energy per man per day to 105 gi-ams and 2,964 calories. It is inter- esting to note, however, that aside from these two extreme cases, the results for the individual studies agree in the main fairly well with 77 the averaj^e for the whole group, namely, 88 grains of protein and 2,767 calories of energ3\ While the patients in these studies included a few at light work, it is doubtful if the average amount of muscular activity would be any greater than that of the average normal individual with "little exer- cise." The dietary standard given in the table above for men under such circumstances calls for 90 grams of protein and 2,450 calories of energy per day. If the bodily demands of these patients for nourish- ment were dependent upon their muscular activity, it would seem from such a comparison that they were very well nourished. Among the studies in the New York hospitals the group most nearly similar to these was that designated as "light workers and disturbed." The average consumption in studies with such patients was 73 grams of protein and 2,255 calories of energy per man per day, which was con- siderably below the average for these patients at the Government hos- pital. The patients of this class, as of others in the New York hos- pitals, had all the food they wanted; indeed, generally speaking, much more was served to them than they cared to eat, and there were no indications of underfeeding. In the three studies in the second group in the table above the patients were so nearly of the same general class that it would be expected that the food consumption in one study would not ditfer greatly fi'om that in another. The results as actually observed showed a range of protein from 65 to 104 grams, and of energy from 2,255 to 2,877 calories. Such differences, of 40 grams of protein and 600 calories of energy between the largest and smallest food consumption of the three, are rather surprising. It has already been stated in the account of the individual studies that the patients in study No. 376, with the- lowest food consumption, appeared to be sufficiently nourished, though it can not be affirmed that they would not have been better nourished if they had eaten more. The opinion of the observer and attendants in charge, that these patients had enough, was based to some extent on the fact that the food provided was palatable and seemed satisfactory to them; furthermore, the quantities served to them were generous, so that they could have eaten more if they wished it. This was true also in the case of the patients in study No. 368, in which the consumption was also considerably smaller than that in study No. 379. It should be oliserved, however, that it is by no means always true that persons in normal mental health are able to adapt their food consumption to their actual bodily needs, regardless of the amount of food provided for them or their relish for it, and it may be even more generally true that persons as mentally irresponsible as were many of these patients, lack judgment in this respect. Doubtless there were some individuals who would not eat all that their bodies required, however much was set before them or however attractive or palatable the food might be. 78 Possibly there were some to whom the food was decidedly unattractive, so that their appetites were not stimulated. But it is difficult to believe that any large proportion failed to obtain sufficient nourishment, and the opinion that the subjects of these studies were not undernourished seemed to be justified b}^ their appearance and general condition. On the other hand, it covdd not be affirmed that the patients in study No. 379, whose average food consumption was so much larger than that in either of the other studies, were overfed. No explanation of the wide diflferences in the results of these three studies can be given other than that the inclinations of the patients seemed to vary. While it was the opinion of those in charge that the food consumption in each case during the time of these studies was about the same as usual, it is not certain that similar studies with the same patients at another time would not have given results showing more uniformity between the individual studies, as was the case in the preceding group. The results in these three studies (Nos, 368, 376, and 379) are so vary- ing that the average can hardly be taken as representative; yet it is interesting to note that such an average is close to the standard men- tioned above for a man in health with very little muscular activity. Among the studies in the New York hospitals the average consumption in two with patients classed as "light workers and disturbed" was 73 grams of protein and 2,255 calories of energy per man per day, and the average in two studies with patients classed as ' ' restless, active, and disturbed" was 95 grams of protein and 2,746 calories. Study No. 374 was made with a group of negro patients, a large proportion of whom were workers, some doing considerable amounts of outdoor work. Considering the group as a whole, as has been done in all the other studies, the average consumption was 98 grams of pro- tein and 2,536 calories of energy per man per day. It has seemed best in this case, however, to consider the consumption of the workers and the nonworkers separately, since there were so many of the former in the group. The results of calculations according to such a division of patients, and taking account of the extra ration for the workers, gives an average consumption of 108 grams of protein and 2,694 calo ries of energy for the workers and 90 grams of protein and 2,402 calories of energy per man per day for the nonworkers. The results for the nonworkers correspond quite closely to the dietary standard given above for a man with "" little exercise." The results for the workers are a trifle lower in protein and noticeably lower in energy than the standard given for men with "light to moderate muscular work." The amount of work done by these patients would probably be on the average no less than that which would be represented by the standard. The results of 10 studies of patients classed as "workers" in the New York hospitals gave an average consumption of 105 grams of protein and 2,908 calories of energy per man per day, which, like 79 the standard, was somewhat higher in energy than the results of study No. 374. While the subjects of study No. 374 at the Government hospital did not appear to be undernourished, still it is probable that they would have been more adequately nourished if their diet had supplied a larger quantity of energy. They apparently had large appetites, and, as mentioned in the discussion of the results on page 49, the amount of food supplied to the dining room was frequently insufficient to sat- isfy them, so that it was necessary to send to the kitchen for more. Studies Nos. 366 and 371 were with patients in poor health, many of them infirm and bedridden. The average amount of muscular activity of these patients was very small indeed, and a diet furnishing 97 grams of protein and 2,519 calories of energy, the average consumption per man per day for those two studies, would seem to be, at least in regard to protein, more than sufficient for their bodily needs. In the investi- gations in the New York hospitals the average consumption in eight studies with infirm patients was 72 grams of protein and 2,331 calories of energy per man per da}^ and the average of two studies with acute and sick patients was 65 grams of protein and 2,553 calories of energy. The patients in studies Nos. 381 and 382 were j^ounger and more active than those in the preceding groups. They were, on the whole, less demented, and with some of them there was hope of recovery. About half of the number in one study and about a third in the other were workers. The food consumption was a little larger in the former stud}", owing, no doubt, to the large proportion of working patients, to whom extra rations were served. The average for the two studies, 104 grams of protein and 2,917 calories of energ}^ approximates the standard given above for normal individuals with light to moderate muscular work, being a little lower in protein and a little higher in energy than the standard. Studies Nos. 387 and 388 contained a large proportion of "paying patients," who were not classed as insane, but were recovering from dipsomania, the efiects of fever, etc. They received the "first sec- tion's " diet, which was somewhat difierent from that served to the patients in other departments. They were allowed to go about the grounds at will and spent much of their time out of doors. They were all more or less active and took considerable exercise each day, but their total muscular activity was by no means equal to that of an ordi- nary individual at " moderatel}" active muscular work." Their food consumption, however, averaging 125 grams of protein and 3,398 calo- ries of energy per man per da}", was equivalent to the standard quoted for such persons. The patients in studies Nos. 367 and 383 were less easily classified than those in the other groups. Study No. 383 comprised patients of widely difl'ering ages— from children to old men. Some were fairly 80 quiet and orderly chronic patients, wliile others were practically idiots. Very few of them did any work. The group included in study No. 367 was made up of adult chronic patients, all nonworkers. The food con- sumption in one study was but 72 grams of protein and 2,558 calories of energy per man per day, while in the other it was 95 grams of pro- tein and 2,811 calories of energy, the average for the two being lower than that of the ten studies in the first group in the table. The last group in the table comprises the four studies with employees, including officers, clerks, ward and dining-room attendants, waiters, and house girls. The average amount of muscular work which they performed might perhaps be equivalent to that of persons with "light to moderate muscular work," possibly greater. The conditions in the different studies with respect to the amount of muscular work did not vary so much, however, as to account for the wide differences in food consumption observed, the quantity of protein as calculated per man per da}^ varying from 10(J grams in one studv to 140 in another, and the energy from 3, 135 to 4,598 calories. The average for the four studies — i. e., 123 grams of protein and 3,968 calories of energy — was the same as regards protein and higher as regards energy than the standard given above for men at " moderatel}^ active muscular" work. The indica- tions are that these employees were very generously nourished. In the New York hospitals the average food consumption in six studies with employees, including botli men and women, was 95 grams of pro- tein and 3,183 calories of energy per man per day. Considering the total number of studies with patients (No. 374 being taken as two studies rather than as one), the average food consumption was 90 grams of protein and 2,704 calories of energy per man per day. In a few of the studies the consumption was appreciably higher or lower than this average, but in the majorit}^ of cases the variations were not unusual, so that the average ma}^ be taken as a fair repre- sentation of the food consumption of the patients studied. Inasmuch as the amount of muscular activity of a large majority of the patients was ver}" small, a diet furnishing such quantities of protein and energy would seem to be larger than actually necessary to satisfy their bodily needs. The standard given above for men in ordinary circumstances " with little exercise," 90 grams of protein and 2,450 calories of energy is supposed to be decidedly generous, yet as regards energy it is notice- ably lower than this average consumption. The 26 studies with male patients of various classes in the different New York hospitals averaged 90 grams of protein and 2,698 calories of energy, but this included 10 studies with patients classed as workers, in which the average con- sumption was greatest, whereas in the studies at the Government hospital only a very small proportion of the patients were workers. As already stated, there were no indications that the subjects of the studies in the New York hospitals were not adequate!}'- nourished. , 81 Takino- all the studies at the Government hospital together, both those with patients and those with emplo3'ees, the food consumed furnished on an average 92 grams of protein and 2,783 calories of energy per man per day. This is, it should be remembered, an aver- age of studies almost entirelv with men. There were some women among the attendants with whom studies were made, but their food consumption has been computed as equivalent to eight-tenths as nmch as that of the same number of men similarly employed, and accordingly the results are all given per man per day. There was not time to complete studies in all the wards of the institution, and as the female patients comprised only a little over a fifth of the total number, it was believed to be more important to make as many studies as possible with the male patients. Consequently nothing is known by actual study concerning the food consumption of the women patients. Their diet was in general the same in kind as that for the men. and so far as could be estimated the amounts supplied were about three-fourths as large as for the same number of men; but whether the amounts eaten were in the same proportion could not be ascertained without actual investigations. Whether the average just stated would be a fair representation of the food consumption of men in the whole institution it is impos- sible to state with certainty, because there were a number of wards in which no studies were made with either patients or emplo3'ees. How- ever, from observations made in some of these wards, it was believed that in respect to both their physiological needs and their actual food consumption the persons not included in the studies did not differ materially from those studied. Inasmuch as the number of persons included in the studies was more than half of the total population of the hospital, and represented most, if not all, the different classes of employees and male patients, and furthermore since the proportion of employees to patients in the groups studied was below rather than above that of the whole institution, it seems reasonable to consider that the average of 92 grams of protein and 2,783 calories of energy per man per da}' would not be larger than the food consumption of at least the male population of the hospital, which, as mentioned above, conqirised about three-fourths of the whole. A similar average for studies in the New York hospitals, including the 26 with male patients and 6 with employees, was 90 grams of protein and 2,698 calories of energy. Considering both patients and employees it thus appears that as a whole the population of the Government hospital consumed almost exactly the same amounts as the average for similar groups in the New York State hospitals. From such a comparison, and judged by the commonly accepted dietary standards for men with similar amounts of muscular activity, it is evident that the population of the Government 6523— No. 150—04 6 82 hospital received a diet generous as regards the amounts of protein and energy suppHed. It seems fair to conclude, therefore, that the diet was certainly adequate for their needs. AMOUNTS OF FOOD WASTED AND ECONOMY IN UTILIZATION OF FOOD. Of the total food brought into the hospital, by no means the whole is eaten. A portion of some food materials consists of inedible sub- stance, such as the bone of meat, the shells of eggs, the skins and seeds of vegetables, and the like, which is commonly designated as refuse, and is taken into account in considering the composition of the food and computing the quantity of nutrients it contains. But in addition to this, more or less edible material is lost in various ways. There are losses in the storeroom due to handling and in some cases to deteriora- tion and decay. For instance, in cutting up large pieces of meat, like a side of mutton or a quarter of beef, into smaller cuts, edible material is often lost in trinmiing out bone and surplus fat. There are losses in the kitchen in preparing and cooking foods. In paring vegetables, as potatoes or squash, for example, it is not easy to cut off the skin without taking- also more or less of the nutritive material beneath the skin, the amount thus lost depending of course upon the character and condition of the vegetables and the care observed in paring. In transferring food from the kettles and pans in which it is cooked to the dishes in which it is carried to the table, more or less adheres to the cooking utensils and is thus lost. Of the food which is sent to the dining room not all is actually served, the amounts provided being commonly larger than are needed to feed the persons in the dining room. More or less of the '"left-over" material is returned to the kitchen and used in preparation of ''made dishes " to be served later, but a portion of it is wasted. Finally, a portion of the food which is served at the tables is frequently left uneaten on the plates, and as such residue is of course untit for serving again, it is utilized onl}^ as food for swine. In short, it. is practicalhMmpossible to store, prepare, and serve food without more or less loss of edi])le material, the amount lost depending upon the conveniences for storing and handling, the care and intelligence of the persons who do the work, and the extent to which food served is actually eaten. These losses, whether inevitable or due to carelessness, are designated as " waste," as distinguished from refuse, a term which is explained above. As explained on a later page, some waste is unavoidable, and a reasonable amount is not incom- patible with good management. For a comprehensive discussion of the utilization of food it would be necessary to consider the amounts purchased b}^ the hospital and brought into the storeroom, the amounts supplied from the store- 83 room to the different kitchens, the amounts lost in the kitchens— i. e., the kitchen waste incident to the preparation of food, and the amounts lost in the dining rooms, i. e., table waste due either to failure to return "left-over" edible food to the kitchen for future use or to excessive serving and consequent waste on the plates. Just how large a proportion of the total food of the Government hospital was wasted it is not possible to determine from these inves- tigations. Exact statistics regarding the quantities of food purchased and brouo-ht into the storeroom were not conveniently available; hence, the loss due to shrinkage, deterioration, etc., could not be ascertained. Regarding the losses in other wa3's enumerated above, however, the data collected in the investigations afford considerable information, and these data are summarized and discussed in the following pages. DINING-ROOM OR TABLE WASTE. The figures of the dietary studies showing the total amounts of food served, eaten, and wasted in the dining room, given in detail in Table 35 of the Appendix, are here summarized in the table which follows. Table 32.— Summary of data regarding total amounts of food provided, returned, eaten, and ivasted. I Proportion Food returned. Food served. of food Total food pro- vided. provided. Dietary study. Propor- Total. tion of food pro- Food eaten. Food wasted. Eat- en. Wast- ed. vided. Kilos. Pounds. Kilos. n>s. Per ct. Kilos. Pounds. Kilos Pounds. P.ct. P.ct. No. 364 .5,910.3 13,002.7 32.3 71.1 0.5 5,270.3 11,-594.7 607.7 1,336.9 89.2 10.3 No. 365 1,266.2 2,785.6 167.3 368.1 13.2 889.8 1,957.6 209. 2 460.2 70.3 16.5 No. 366 805. 3 1,771.7 10.7 ; 23.5 1.3 610.1 1,342.2 184.5 405. 9 7.5.7 23.0 No. 367 1,1.51.7 2, .533. 7 65.2 143.4 5.7 834.3 1,83.5.5 2.52. 2 .554.8 72.4 21.9 No. 368 331.4 729.1 9.5 1 20.9 2.9 236. 5 .520. 3 8.5.4 187.9 71.4 25.7 No. 369 306.0 673.2 20.7 4.5.5 6.8 1.59. 9 3.51.8 125.5 276. 1 .52. 2 41.0 No. 370 628.9 1,383.6 32. 1 70. 6 5.1 4.53. 9 998.6 142.9 314.4 72. 2 •22.7 No. 371 2,361.9 5.196.2 22.7 1 49.9 1.0 1,850.0 4,070.0 489.2 1,076.2 78.3 20.7 No.372 979.0 2,153.8 719.4 1,582.7 259. 6 .571. 1 73.5 26.5 No. 373 No. 374 1,177.2 2,589.8 1,925.6 4.236.3 989.5 1,629.7 2, 176. 9 3, 585. 3 187.7 272. 4 412.9 .599. 3 84.0 84.6 16.0 23.6 51.9 1.2 14.2 No. 375 494.9 1,088.8 17.1 37.6 3.5 331.3 728.9 146.5 322.3 66.9 29.6 No. 376 320. 8 705.8 2.7 5.9 .8 218.0 479.6 100.0 220. 0 68.0 31.2 No. 377 No. 378 470.4 1,034.9 298. 1 6.55. 8 364.1 216.3 801.0 47.5.9 106.3 58.4 233.9 128. 5 77.4 72.6 22.6 23.5 .51.7 7.9 19.5 No. 379 499.5 1,098.9 2.5.4 5.5.9 5.1 412.4 907.3 61.6 135. 5 82.6 12.3 No. 380 517.7 ; 1.138.9 62.7 137.9 12.1 383.0 842.6 72.0 158.4 74.0 13.9 No. 381 391.1 860.4 33.1 72.8 8.5 330.5 727. 1 27.5 60.5 84.5 7.0 No. 382 391.1 860.4 43.7 96.1 11.2 322.8 710.2 24.6 .54.1 82.5 6.3 No. 383 335.8 738.8 50.8 111.8 15.1 262. 3 577.1 22.7 49.9 78.1 6.8 No. 384 429.0 943.8 89.2 196. 2 20. 8 298.7 657.1 41.1 90.4 69.6 9.6 No. 385 412.7 907.9 45.4 99.9 11.0 348.3 766.3 19.1 42.0 84.4 4.6 No. 386 409.8 901.6 40.3 88.7 9.8 343.7 7.56.1 25.9 .57.0 83.9 6.3 No. 387 258.8 569.4 30.2 66.4 11.7 185.3 407.7 43.2 9.5.0 71.6 16.7 No. 388 210.0 462.0 3.5.3 77.7 16.8 137.3 302.1 37.4 82.3 6.5.4 17.8 No. 389 263. 0 578. 6 24.2 53.2 9.2 197.1 433.6 41.7 91.7 74.9 15.9 Average of 26 .studies 867.2 1,907.8 34.9 76.8 4.0 692.1 1,522.6 140.2 308.4 79.8 16.2 The fir.st column, headed "food provided," shows in the case of each study the total quantity of food sent from the kitchen where it 84 was prepared to the dining room or vrard where it was to be used. The second column, " food returned," shows how much of the food left after serving was sent back to the kitchen to be used again in "made dishes" or otherwise disposed of. The latter quantities therefore rep- resent an excess of food provided over what was needed to serve the persons included in the study; but they do not show how much of an excess there was in each case, because some food left over from serv- ing was not returned to the kitchen. When the amount was small, it was commonly thrown into the receptacles for the material left upon the plates. The data in the table show a wide variation in the quantities of food returned in different studies. In some cases there was none, but in several 10 per cent or more, and in one case over 20 per cent of the total amount of food provided was returned to the kitchen, even after the patients had been generously served. Averaging the data for all the studies, the quantity of food returned was equivalent to about 4 per cent of the total food provided. It is not to be inferred that in those studies in which no food was returned the amount provided was not in excess of what was necessary to serve the persons fed. The matter of returning food was left entirely to the discretion of the persons in charge of the serving, who appeared to follow no regular sj'stem and most of whom had no uniform custom. Meat and potatoes were quite generall}- returned, but in the case of the other materials, some of the attendants were careful to return whatever was leftover; some returned only the larger quantities; and some returned none, but added all that was left from serving to what was left upon the plates after the meal. In the studies for which there is no record of food returned, therefore, the excess of food provided over food served may have been added to the waste in the dining room. It was not possible to get exact statistics in each study concerning the amounts actualh" left after serving, though it was possible to take account of whatever was actually returned to the kitchen. While part of this excess material was utilized again, part of it was wasted after it was returned to the kitchen; that is, though wholesome and fit for use on the table, it was given to the pigs. Just what pro- portion was utilized it was not found practicable to determine by actual weighings, but from observation and inquiry it was learned that meat and potatoes thus returned to the kitchen were generall}" utilized, the former sometimes for serving cold, and both sometimes for hash. Bread returned was also used for pudding, but little or no provision was made for saving most other " left-over " materials and preparing them for serving again in other forms. The term " food served" as used in Table 32 and in the correspond- ing table of the Appendix has reference to the portion of the "food 85 provided " that was disposed of in the dining room, inchiding both the amounts of food which were actual]}^ eaten and those which were wasted. The total quantity thus designated is therefore equal to the difference between that provided and that returned. As a matter of fact, there is an inaccuracy in the account of "food served" which, though of minor importance, should be mentioned, namely, that part of what is designated as "food wasted," and accordingly enters into the account of food served, had never been served and should have been returned to tiie kitchen. In gathering the data regarding food wasted at the end of each meal the different kinds of food in the rejected material were separated and the quantity of each was determined. In most cases the larger part of this material consisted of what was left upon the plates, but to some extent it comprised also food that had not been served; because, as mentioned above, when the amount of food left in the serving dishes was not large it was frequently added to what was left upon the plates instead of being returned to the kitchen for future use, and indeed in some cases all of such "left-over" material, except meat and potatoes, was thus disposed of. Inasmuch as under the circumstances it was impracticable to have such material kept separate from material act- ually left upon the plates, it was necessary to -record the whole as "food wasted." It would seem therefore more appropriate to con- sider the whole as " dining-room" rather than as " table" waste. The amount of food wasted in the dining room in some of the stud- ies was relatively small, while in others it formed a considerable pro- portion of the total food provided, the range being from 5 per cent in study No. 385 with patients, to 41 per cent in study No. 369 with employees. In 16 of the studies the proportion was above 15 per cent, in one it was 14 per cent, and in the remainder it was between 5 and 12 per cent. On an average for the studies with patients the amount of food thus wasted was 16 per cent of the total amount provided; for those with employees it was 24 per cent; considering all the studies together it was 16 per cent. It would be still more interesting if possible to compare the amounts wasted in the dining room with those served, because such comparison would afford a better idea of how much food was served in excess of the amounts actually eaten, the latter being, of course, the difference between the amounts served and those wasted. The difficulty in mak- ing such a comparison as just explained was that the dining-room waste included some material that was never served. Such considerations of the total amounts of food eaten and wasted are interesting, but the quantities of nutrients and energy per man per daj' are of more significance. With regard to food eaten and wasted these data form part of the account of the different studies on pages 19 to Tl and are summarized in Table 31. The quantities of 86 nutrients and energy in the food returned were also calculated, although the results of the computations are not given in detail. It was explained above that a part of this returned material, chiefly the meat, bread, and potatoes was utilized again and the remainder wasted, and the computations of the quantities of nutrients and energy in the returned material that was wasted were made on this basis. Strictly speaking, this is not a part of the table waste, which, as explained above, is material wasted at the plates; nor is it a part of the kitchen waste, which is loss in the preparation and cooking of food. Since it was actually wasted in the kitchen it might be more loo-ical to consider it along with the latter, but for convenience it is here dis- cussed with dining-room waste. Another reason for considering it here is that part of the material designated in the tables as "food wasted " should really have been returned to the kitchen. The quantities of nutrients and energy per man per day in the food consumed and wasted are summarized in the following table. The data hero included are average values derived from the results of all the dietary studies, and probably represent the conditions for the whole institution: Table 33. — Summary of data regarding nutrients and energy per man per day in food consumed and wasted. In food actually eaten In dining-room" waste In food returned: Used again Wasted Total In food provided Protein. Grams. 92 18 5 1 116 Fat. Qrams. 107 14 4 2 127 Carbohy- drates. Grams. (55 11 8 452 Energy. Calories. 2,792 457 100 54 3,403 By referring to Ta))le 31 it will be observed that the table waste ranged from 5 grams of protein and 146 calories of energy per man per day in study No. 385 to 72 grams of protein and 1,864 calories of energy in study No. 386. The average for the total number of persons included in the studies, given in the table above, was 18 grams of pro- tein and 457 calories of energy. If to this is added the portion of returned food that was eventually wasted, the total amount of waste was sufficient to supply on an average 19 grams of protein and 611 calories of energy per man per day. With regard to the food returned it ma}^ be observed that, while the quantity that was eventually wasted was relatively large in compari- son with the total returned, in actual nutritive value it was of much less importance than that used again; for, as seen from the table above, the latter contained 83 per cent of all the protein and 65 per cent of all the energy of the food returned. 87 Considering all the data in the table it would appear that the food provided, that is, sent from the kitchen to the dinino- room, was suffi- cient to supply 116 g-rams of protein and 3,403 calories of energ-y per man per day. KITCHEN WASTE. The data recorded in the investigations did not include an account of the total amount of food brought into each kitchen. Hence, it is not possible to determine the total amount of kitchen waste. It is possi- ble, however, to make a general estimate on the basis of the quantities of nutrients and energy per man per day sent to the kitchen. As explained on page 71, statistics were obtained regarding the amounts of food issued from the storeroom to all the kitchens of the institution for a year, and the quantities of nutrients and energy per man per day were computed on the basis of the average population for the year. These results are given in Table 30 on page 72. In Table 33 are summarized the results of the investigations regarding the quantities of nutrients and energy per man per day in the food sent from the kitchens to the dining rooms. There is therefore an oppor- tunity to compare average figures for food received in the kitchens from the storeroom and food sent from the kitchens to the dining rooms. The diilerence shoukl represent loss incident to preparation and cooking. Such a comparison is given in the following table: Table 34.— Summary of data regarding rmlrients and energy in kilchen v;asle. In food issued from storeroom — In food supplied to dining rooms In kitchen waste Protein. Grams. 127 116 Fat. Carbohy- drates. Grams. 172 127 11 45 Grams. 517 452 65 Energy. Calories. 4,107 3,403 704 Strictly speaking, such a comparison is not warranted for two reasons. In the first place, as already explained, the average consumption for the whole population can not be determined from the investigations reported, because these do not include any studies with women patients; hence, nothing certain is known regarding the consumption of the women as compared with that of the men. In making the computa- tions regarding food issued it was assumed that the food consumption of a woman would be eight-tenths that of a man. In the second place, the statistics obtained for the food issued from the storeroom to the kitchens of the whole institution were not for the same period as that in which the studies were made, but for the year just preced- ing. However, so far as could be ascertained from a cursory exami- nation of the accounts for the period of the studies, the supplies for the two vears differed so little in character and amount that the esti- 88 mate of the quantities of nutrients and energ}^ per man per day in the food for the preceding year would at least give some indication of what thej'^ might be during the year in which the studies were made. With i-egard to the assumption that the average of the results of the studies with regard to food eaten, wasted, etc., may be taken as representative of the whole population, it may be stated that the number of persons included in the studies was more than half of the total population, and indeed considerably more if the number of women be considered as equivalent to eight-tenths the same number of men. The larger part of the population, nearly three-fourths, consisted of men, and the different classes of male patients were believed to be fairly well repre- sented in the studies made. The groups of employees included in the studies were also considered representative. It therefore seems rea- sonably fair to make the comparison as given in the table above. From the data thus compared it would appear that the amount of food lost in the kitchen in connection with the preparation and cooking of food and transferring it to dishes to be carried to the dining room was sufficient to supply 11 grams of protein and 701 calories of energy per man per day. TOTAL DINING-ROOM AND KITCHEN WASTE. Combining the data in Tables 33 and 34 above regarding waste of returned food and dining-room and kitchen wastes would indicate that the total loss of food in these ways was sufficient to furnish on an average 30 grams of protein and 1,215 calories of energy per man per day. Similar computations from the results for food supplied and food consumed in the studies made in the New York hospitals^' showed a loss sufficient to supply 10 grams of protein and 1,143 calories of energy per man per day. In other words, in respect to actual nutri- tive value, the loss in the Government hospital was about 25 per cent, and in the New York hospitals about 30 per cent of that of the total food. In institutions of this sort some loss of food is inevitable, and what might perhaps reasonably be considered a normal amomit may be an appreciable proportion of the total provided. Even in private families and in boarding houses, not all the food purchased is actually eaten. In upwards of 500 dietaiy studies of such groups in different parts of this country, the waste of food among private families has ranged from practically none, where the diet was extremely simple, to as high with a more varied diet as 8 or 10 per cent of the total pur- chased; and in boarding houses and students' clubs, even where economy was desired and sought, it has been not uncommonly 10, and in some exceptional cases even 20 per cent. In larger establishments, such as hospitals for the insane, economy in dietary management is a more « N. Y. State Com. Lunacy Rpt. 13 (1900-1901), p. 116. 89 difficult matter thtin in ordinary families or boarding- houses, and even with the most careful manao-ement the losses may easily be larger. PREVENTION OF WASTE. Just what proportion of the waste of food in the Government hos- pital could have been prevented can be determined only by investi- gation and experiment; hut from a consideration and comparison of the statistics for the individual studies it would appear that in many cases the amount was decidedly larger than would seem necessary. That some of the loss could have been prevented is evident from a consideration of the way in which losses may occur. The food wasted in the dining room consisted in part of material left in the serving- dishes, but mostly of what was left uneaten upon the plates. The waste of food that had not been served was due to failure on the part of those in charge of the dining rooms to return such material to the kitchen, owing- either to carelessness or lack of instruction in the matter of preserving '' left-over" material for future use. It would seem that this waste could be easily prevented, either by more care on the part of those in charge of the serving, or by reducing the quantity sent to the dining- room to more nearly that which would be required to feed the patients. The waste upon the plates is less easily prevented. Food may be left uneaten for various reasons. There may be a natural lack of appetite with individuals; or the food may be unsuited to their tastes. Furthermore, because improperly cooked or flavored or unattractively served, it may fail to stimulate the appetite; or it may be unfamiliar or too familiar in appearance or taste to be palatable. On the other hand, the amount served to each individual may be in excess of his needs or desires. In one study, for instance, breakfast foods, meat stews, and leguminous soups were not relished, and from a fourth to a third of the oatmeal and nearly half of the hominy served were wasted. Obviously the amounts served in this case were excessive, and a reduction in quantities served would have materially reduced the waste. This could have been done without aflecting the adequacy of the diet, because in spite of the large waste the amounts of nutrients and energy of the food actually eaten were believed to be sufficient for the needs of the subjects. Frequently one of the principal causes of table waste is unsatisfac- tory preparation of food, including cooking, flavoring, garnishing, etc. When food is well cooked and tastefully served, and so attractive to the eye as well as pleasing to the palate, it is much more apt to be economically eaten than when the preparation and serving are less carefully done. A considerable part of the pecuniary, and, indeed, the hygienic, economy of nutrition depends upon the methods of handling the food in the kitchen and dining room. This is a matter 90 to which naturally much more attention can be g'iven in a small family than is possible in a large institution, but even in the latter it is worthy of more consideration than is sometimes giyen. So far as eyidence was obtained in the course of these investigations, however, the rejection of food could be attributed less to any failure in the matter of preparation than to other causes. In general a close supervision was kept over the work of preparing food, the cooking- was well done, and seasoning or flavoring was as carefully attended to as was possible under the circumstances. This has been particularly mentioned in the discussion of study No. 364, on page 23. It is believed that in this respect the conditions at this hospital would com- pare most favorably with those in similar institutions elsewhere. It is true, however, that the food may be well prepared and attract- ively served and still be rejected in considerable proportion unless it has a familiar appearance and taste, because people generally prefer the kind of food to which they have been accustomed; and frequently, especially when ordinarily they have been used to little variety, they do not at lirst relish what is novel to them. Such considerations sug- gest that for the most successful and economical feeding of persons in institutions it is essential to take account of their previously acquired food habits. Obviously, however, with a large number of individuals of widely varying habits, it would be difficult to prepare a satisfactory diet that would in all respects be familiar to each one. But it is easy to exclude materials which are more or less unfamiliar or distasteful to many of them, and which would very likely be left uneaten. Failure to do this may have been the reason for the large amount of some of the foods rejected in these studies; for instance, wheat break- fast foods were left uneaten in large proportions in nearly every study, though oatmeal was evidentlj^ relished. On the other hand, monotony in the diet is especially to be avoided, as this has a decided tendency to diminish the relish for food. This effect has been observed to follow where there is a uniform it}" in the rotation of the menu — that is, where the same menu is used on the same day in successive weeks, as is frequently the case in institutions. Under such circumstances a large number of persons associate the days of the week with the kind of food that will be served, and the pleasurable sensation that acts as a sort of stimulation to appetite when the nature of the meal is more or less of a surprise is lost. Under such circumstances the amount eaten is generally smaller. These conditions were present to an appreciable extent in some of the studies here reported. In addition to such conditions which fail to stimulate and may even take away desire for food, there may be a natural variation in appetite from da}^ to day, which may result from difl'erences in either physi cal or mental conditions, and this would affect the quantity of food 91 consumed. Under such circumsiiiuces, where the phin is to provide cnoiigli for all when conditions of appetite are normal, there would, of course, ))e more or less waste which it would be difficult to avoid. It could be materially reduced, however, by providing amounts for serving which are based upon the observed consumption through considerable periods. Waste can not be entirely avoided; more or less is inevitable; but it can be kept at a minimum. It is possible, even in large institutions, to provide for the utilization of food so that the losses shall be small. This can be accomplished by a better understanding of the nutritive values of different foods and of the demands of people for nourishment, and by improvements in the methods of preparing, cooking, and serv- ing the food. Under such conditions it would be possible to provide a palatable, attractive, and nutritious diet at minimum cost. That reduc- tion of cost was possible w^as demonstrated in the course of the studies here reported. From time to time opportunities for improvement were pointed out to the late Dr. Richardson, then superintendent, and were promptly acted upon by him; and he stated that, in his opinion, as a result of the investigations, the cost of the food during the last six months of the year was lower than for any corresponding period during his connection with the institution, and at the same time the general character of the diet was not changed nor was the standard lowered in any way. APPENDIX. The statistical details of the investigations, from which the data discussed in the preceding section of the bulletin have been derived, are given here. These include the records of the kinds and amounts of food used in the dietary studies, the account of the food issued from the storeroom for a year, the table of percentage composition, and data for the computation of the composition of cooked foods. STATISTICS OF FOOD USED. The first column in Table 35 ])elow, headed "Food provided," shows the amount of each kind of food sent from the kitchen to the dining room. The second column, "Food returned," shows the amount of each food left after serving in the dining room that was returned to the kitchen. The third column shows the amount of each food that was actually eaten, and the next three columns the quantities of protein, fat, and carbohydrates it contained. The seventh column shows the amount of food wasted in the dining room, including both that left at the plates and that left in the serving dishes and not returned to the kitchen. It was not found practicable to obtain separate accounts of actual table waste and material that should have been returned but was added to the table waste. The next three columns show the quantities of nutrients in the food wasted in the dining room. The final column shows the percentage of "Food provided" that was wasted in the dining room. The figures in parentheses after the name of each food are the same as given for the same material in the column headed " Reference numl)er " in Table 37 beyond, and indicate the percentage composition used in calculating the quantities of nutri- ents in the amount of food. 93 94 'ts s I ts u .< s a, o o 00 o I o s 00 g CO w n < 1 .1 . 1. . , CO OC' Ol O -O CD l'- o • Oi • OS 1 cc 5 OX o- • ca t^ rH • Propoi tion oi pro- vided food re jected • ,-H OI r- rH • >-< • •iC JiO • o • OS O • 'M 1-H Ol • »- yi CO ' *r lO ' -M X o • '^ 1> g OJ • O ^ ^ 03 e in" " ^ h ?-. t^ • cJ-H ;i O =c Oi ■>! CO C^ t— Oi O iC • cc o i CO :c o •CO Ol CO • £ Ol CO Oi CO i-H 'M L^ lO • "T •O 1 1 1 Ol -5 cc • o t^ Tf • * o • f-t ;X 1 o i I— ;CO ^ X • - 1 PE4 >- 1-t Ci (N OS •OI 1 o 1 o. c^ -f C5 1-H 02 • . oj i-i CO o Oi r^ c^ 1-H lO M X D coco cc iC o T-H • =^ CO -^i CO en O Ol CO 00 lO < oc CO o TJ< . ^ Q^ srcoi-^t-^iOiC'MO C-J rH in l^ Tj- ^ oc c^ rH o ■ *- . 2 C T— 1 t-H i-H >-H t~ H rH T— r M CO ■ <- I-H T-H < ^ -M . CO QO t^ 00 CO X( iC m TJ< i> H OC c r^ CO o • (3 3 =oiCCO:^cOGOGC»— t r^ Oi ^ -*in o o X in ' g lO CI CC -M I> iC if^ X l^ c F ■ 1 coco cc Oi I-H t- • - 1 O CJ irT'M'io'cTifl'i-r co~ •-0 :c t- T-l '^ t^ CO T-H • •6 4 (M r-l lO > a) , Oi iC •^■ -f CO ) "^ I— I-H r~r^ ■^ !M t~ 0--0 ) OCO 1 r^ to to Si X •3" '^ l^ X CO^ r-TiT CO o os^of O J2 C3 c CO OI IH f- to En Q-V e .OXt^OOOt^O'^ lO ■^ ^ c^ a>,-H t~ 0>r- c: I-H ^ I-H GO co-v « e< -x. o 00 o lO o •£ o> lO lO X iC CO r- XX r^ -^ CO T-l i.nx 4^ a i^ X o -ri~ Tt> CO :c OI rji ,-H lO t^ X <= 1— C^ CO C^ I-H tot- 03 - e«•M3:^^o— isv X O r-lt£H- ,;- c ■M X -rt" 1 Oi in rH ^ Cl -N i-H 1^ IMC4 -t^r-i 1— t rH C O 1-H CO V ^ . ^ -iJ X X o cc t^ t^ J-i Oi ^ t^ X o iT ) -r — L': •^ 30CC 1^ in CO P4 ecc-i-^-rcccc-ror: X •^ O -O ^ CO X COO- c' t-0>Oi CO i- V 'S s «5 c-i -o X -^ ■?: o i^ 'M o rt -r; CO ic 'X i^in CO COO CO 1 -r t- -r o C rj- CO '^ lO t^ f-H -r -f CO rH XiC X m'tc t-T-r -T CD OI 7- rH I— 1 I— 1 :D 1 — 1 ^ I-H 6'! £ Cb rH '~l OiCOOSCOr^OOi-ICC I— 1 OI -^ »C 'O o r- CO -t r- 30 'C] Tt Oi rH-^ +^ .COOI^iClCJ^GO-T l^ C-J .O O CO 01 C' in OI t- 1-CO^ O X X a eocoC^cO'fC^C^COai X ■^ TJI ic OI t^ C' -r X C^l CO ^ X O I- 3 S o'o'io'c^rarx'co"^- lO in XOl X o 1 -r Ol -^ CO ir: -r o -f X o C3 CO --H LO c^i c^ Tji CO r-l CO !^ cr I -r OI t^ I-H OCO a Oi Ol 1^ a B 1 C5 , If: -f .-H i-H o CO CO x i-H OI -^ OS :o t- X corf (^ 00 Oi -^ r^ r-t CO p . c-i t^ i^ ci -r CO cr. -7* -f OI lO 3» CO CO - OiI~ I- CO — X COX a-c cjC^-rOt^OGCXOi ■M -r '^ OI OI --c c l^ ri oj CO cox i^ XI- _r^ 2 CO c^-i-''i''"ic aTrrT '^■ in- in 05 ci in c in to 1— t-'ic'i/: iC inx" ■0^: c CO ^ CO c^ CO -^ to i-H COl-» ■^ in CO OJ CO iCi -T CO -r CO ©•■= 5- 71 l-H I^ CO p > Cb r-T -* «> , ■so ci •d ^p Q ^ o <^ o 5 S o b **-t 5» b <4H ts [t3 O >J M ■d c s S 1) xf: 1 O M : S S8 g i : 1 U >• g |: cc -^ a c: "3 a o o • s !^ c^ -B ^ a> f and mutt Boiled (7). Boiled (6). Corned (80 Liver (11). Roast (16) Sausage, B Steak (24) Mutton roi k, lard, etc Bacon (50) Ham (54) . Sausage, F Sausage, pi Shoulder ( t~4 1 CO^-v 3 o o i: Cod, ba Mackeri 3 o ter(88). ese (89) porated 3 o eals: Bread ( Cake (i; a> i- X *- Oj — ^ 1 ID o ^ ^ t* OJ n 0, E w O w y 95 -J5iC o ■■^s •«• .-1 IN IN -r ic f% 05C-1 Oi «iC -r CO 02 X X M '^ to CO — t^O CO X»C X o « ^ o> ~i?j X n Otc O-r m I- U-: -^ -r c-j X ic ?i X M -O X -1 SO -M Oi XiO « rHO (MCC CC iC to iC ^ 31 1^ o OS M O CM O CO 00 f-H t- >C O CO "O'^OCO'^COt*' ir: -^ CO -M Oi -r I-':: c i-t -r '-0 c^ ic C'- o c Ci ;;:; u'^ X -f rr 'O lO O <— — X t- .-* X CM .-> X I> — C^l rH M Oi X iC r^ Ol -— ' O Oi CI CI iC :o — 'O I>OOCMXCMt^CO ^11 r^ X oc I O CO CO ■— t 1-- X X M COX)Oi-l CO o -r o i-': ^ 55 :o c-i CO -o ic CM t— X -0 uo X a: -r) CO ir: 'T' c^i -xi o l--.-tXC0C0i-'Ci<--O'-0OOC0 coiCiCXu^ — coo c^ai<©diC3^».oo -r o o t^ I-" CO Ci X iC X OCO .-H i-HCM CM w '-D J^ C I "M C5 i^ l'T lO O Ji CM f- ir: -^ — -^ o 3 -r X o t^ i-O X OS .— . — — !-• -r 1-- -r c^i CJ o O co"*>c''-^"r''— 'c-f-^'c^'i— 1 1—1 »— I ccc^i'— icoi^'tox-rc^x ^ -v-c^ COOiCXCOCOC-I-fCTiXl^i-OCO .-ir-i>ir:o3ir:)i— it^oo-— txii^ itT o" -r" c-f CM i> CO of -r' »— '^ x' -r" Tf I— '^ CO :o CO o '^ — I T CO Lt CM COTf CM CM O co" «D O O X O S^ CO tC lO ^S iC CM • CM/NGO "J COO • '^ ift' vO • CO C-1 Tl • I^ O M • O Lt' O COOi X to l^iC iC X CM CO O C^l COOOO Oi C-J --O -^ -T C-J CO CO CO O O iC Ol^I> CM c^i CO CO irr ^xcocit^r^'-'cot^cO'— I — !_:- CO cr. CO o CO CO -^ r- o-- r- -r — q:- X CM X OS Ci M C^H^ CO C^! -r -^ X t-^ic'crd^co^cf cToTco^i-o i^ ci CO u': >-Oi>:ciC^cooco-ri;::"^o CM Tfi iC CM CM Ol t^ oco -o coo X l^ 'O c^l t^ c o T i-O. •-C CO CO-f O Oi xco >c -r uc ir; o o iC O CM -^C --C TT CO — t^ X Ci O -r -r c^ X -r o d -r ci Oit^ o rf-T rf^'*-c x' to uO I> ** CO X CO -r CO o CO :o iC -r i-"COiC O cfcM CO x't^crT -t -O Oi uO CO -^^ O) C^ CO r-i t-- CO ■ Lt X O CI "^ i^ X -^ O O O -T* -r n -r -p CJ X O X CM I> 1— X CO X CM o' OS i) t. c 3 ■;: Cj S * -*^ J- J ^ a OS Si?! t~ X X X C o o o a ■«-» 0) ^ ~. P := 3^— t- r^-" S 2 S ^ -^ ^ -^ c3 S ~ - „- c3 n» ■A c; ;./">•«" 0 n 0 s e- K ^"o S 5 E- c^ r-H 3 CC CO 00 c o ^ J2 H fi 5 5^ ^ COM 96 o o 5>5 -« S ^ 00 o I o s i CO n < 1 1 . iH CO 00 lO I> .- CO ^-^ Oiirii^ O>C0 iC iH ,_, i^ CD CO CO I Propoi tioii ol pro- vided food re jected rH n -j2 ?i »H rH 1 K*> . -* ^ tr: COrH r-i X lOOs -* r^ g-2 GO rH -T iC CI CO o g t-H ^ CO CO X -P c3 o ^ t. 5^ Cb «> CR 1-1 ■M O O X ~o COiC i> lO o r>- CO CO rH'OO f- CS c~ c^ 4_^ !S -^ O^ 1-1 i-H '-O t^ CO CO oiiocorH a: Oi iC o ^ O! o Oj gCJ ceo C- iC C^l-* CIC^ o tH COiH iC O ? t S ^ f-T c^l r- t ■d -4^ C5 OS d' . 1> ■•^ OJ CO "^ t-- l> Xl> ■^ Ol X rH CO o r-l-X) X IC CC CD X •^ t^rH coo ^tN lO CO CO rH c^i o:. X CO -^ rH CO Oi -d -11 ^ 'a> ISIN rHOOtO C^ i-H I-H I-H r^ CO 1-1 iC CO o P CM 1-1 1- t (I, '5 -4^ . !>. r^ iC GO o r* Tf '^ Tf< O CO t-* t-^ o ir: -r COX iC 1-- l^ I—* 3 X -rji Oi »-l Ol -1* cc X! as(N '?J* rH 'X> OS rf t-^ as 1-1 CD 1-- r^ t^ en S!NcoiO oicor~ i-H t-co CO rHlOCOCC l^r-lt- CO o o " o p rH COi-l X c. r- X a 5 -M > 1 Oi i-H o ot^m ^ CO -r O: cc C-J C' CO ^ • iC' «-H t^ 1-- CO iC o- oo xir; J-\ 5S «? 00 X C^I rH ? X cot t>l 1-1 1 a> o p s c c^r X! OS e 1— ( b b ^- ^ 5^ ei . Oi 00 iC ^ Oi O" Tf Tt< O C^ X lO CO 00 -• CN t^OSl- r- 1-1 cc t^ t^rH r- o> =C iC CO »C CO iC QC cc COt^rHCOiOOst— X CC OiOff l-HrHXO(NXrHl-- c^ C^I o cc 1—1 1— C- xic ir iC ^ e c^ -1 ,- X i-T CO T-T r-T (N" (N rH C cc fH OJ cc i-( C^ll^ rH rH iC fl <5 5 ■*-J 1 * .cooie^cooc o t^OCOOCOlOrHI^ o- OCJaCT X 1-1 c^ t cnxx CO K t^ iC O « O QC iC rHC^I't^'^lOr-.O^ia- l> co -r cr I^ l^ CO rr COCOCT X QJ S rH GC r-4 O l^ CC « Gc CO I-. CO -r* CO l^ i-HOO- I-lt^ o- rH Oi C o •fj e «rH r- t^ (M" rH C X 1— ( 1— ( cc rH CO ctT O :- C^l u Oh Ci -* lO O l^ c X o -T . (O CO c; lo c l-^ %i s coocooco iC Oi -^ • I"- CO t^ If: • t- l- iC ^ ^ CI fe t^ ,^ r-rCO"iC"r-ri- •N r-». • C^ y-{ t- • -^ t Ol 0* X d CD •— 1 CO , ■-I CO O lO CO 1^ OS r- -M CO Oi iC rH C^l 'X if: ■^ n-rt ,_ 1 t c ^ X'M O" X o . -t* y^ Oi r^ O I-' t" iC CO O CO X Oi lO c; c- -r i^ 1— o a- rH IC C^ o ft-c ' ^ O i^ CO ^ rH ir: CO lOOrHO:.T}*COCMC c 1-1 -11 X 1 °" ■^ O Tf ^^ Zl^ > C rH r-l o itT Tt^ iC CO t>^ X" Tf o r-'c-fr c i-<"cO f- co'x'r CO -On: irr 1— r- IC K !M cr t:; o--= . ^ CO o > tt fe "c to -vs ■d ,o d o o •^ o o «*-. So b o ■e J 13 vj ^ a =s A M s S5 ."S ^_ -c ^ 5i" CO •a ?: If: -'o a- o p lO I d oi O 0) sfi~_ 03 iC u ■C.£;sooc a* « ^ ^ ^ o S S ^^ cix [-1 ^ 1 2^1 1 " ^ i5 03 E ' "5 c 1 t- 1 0, a- _i;Soc o PL, S &£ H a J3 S 97 CO t^r*-3irH*^OrHXl^ -f to -f t^ rH X 1- t^ es ic X X r) * y l^CCiO 'O I-H iC f— ( iC'-DrHC^ICOCOC'I-t'r- ri ■H> iC CO rH c-l -r rH rH iC rH M CI i-H 31 -roi^'-ooo-^oc cc CM lO lO to CM t^ Oi OX -fX c ) Oi COI^-* t^ •^ •^ r^ — O'H'rHXC^rHCMr- o IC r). I^ 30 C-l CO •« -T -H o to r -+ O -T -I- l~ !•* CC-t-l:^ ■c "* "^ i^ OM-iJXail^'MlCCv c-l o to o CO -r l^ iM(N'^ en ^ s o CC^r-T en" CMhtm" rH j-t cc cc rH rM r-* cc -:l< CO-rC^lCC-lMrH-t* C-l en CO -.* I^O C-l o "r^r- Oi r^cc OS Ol o rH ts XCOOSrHOiOrHrH f a><3n~- CO rH C-l OS . i^ -.^ -?* cc ■^ "f o CN COrHrH o to c- « COrH . 'O t^ rH T^ r-T j CO* "^ - 00 -^ o Tf -^ 1^ o CM -ri CT t^ OOOOC-IOO 1-H if: (C rH C'" t-- 00 cc cc -f X --0 CT. rH -^ rH CO •X'-J- -T CS •o en -T* X rH CO lO rH ic -ric cci> o cc cc t- o to 00 CO C-l rH C-I o tOiOCM rj^ ^ cc iC r-) CO / c^ »c' a> OCMrHOOlS-f-riCr- O) lO CO -O HJ. I^ o o o>o-r-r c '•O I'* Tj« a> o iC t^ Ol O Ol C-I 'X -.O CO rH rH r- rH Hf. o i^ o -r C-. X ■30 CTlOl O C f-H O Ol 00 Oi (M o (N OCOOCMrHrHOOiOC- 00 X to CO ■* c-l -^ to ■n' OS tHCO r- OS CTiI^ iM Oi r* Oi o C-fod'rH'c^rODrHrH'co'c^ o OCrHO rHCM «-l Tj' «© 1-1 Tt cc CC -r" oT (M r) t^ CM ^^ c^ CO i^ >00>I^t~Oi(NiHtOO'5»OCOXt^ cc t^ in iC CO '-C rH 3 iH 00 -^ o ^o«>^o^l•J3t-^ca».f^^ X aSrHCO-J*3^»CtOO«OrHC-ltOC- o lO -.C cc GO 1— CO X rH L.C. CC ^ -r CS O l^ => X -.o l^ iC c 3 y^ COOl^t^rHr--«iCOrHC-lXOt£ Oi -^ rH CiCC3 Oi c^ rH r- CC rH M.-.r) C^COtMi-i r- 9! t; CM-^CMCMrHrH CM ^ rH iC GO f-Ti-I I>^r^-!1■ lO I-H CCOC •fl" iC iC c^ tH CO iH St£S2gSSg§;2 -^ lOXC-1 CM-Hi^tOCO co^ 00 0 O c-l ^ Ja CC iC CC Ol iC OS CM r-i-^Oi to to n< X to cc -^ •^ ■^ CC O -— t to CO CC I^Cit^t^ O-H Mrnm^ •rP 00^ -^ CO ^ t~ X M* 1— ( I-H cc CI C^l t^iC ^ -T m rH' iC oT t^Ol-TMSn-T'M.-.TrCJ.- C-I lOtoojOrHc-i-i-enoc-ienoic^ X O 30 -M 'XnJ- »o iC CO Oi O O ojxsnot-coiOiOinTr^ ■ —1 ri « X T-i o 31 o o-. -r ic t^ X rH IC to rH -r t^ OS O t^ t^ 1^ rH X o O^ r-^ i-< cc cc CO ?1 X iC CO rH 00 en CO o TT ./: u'l -o -^ t- o I> CO CO to to ic to ■.I I/; to CO o to rH X lC -- -)< t~ I 1 ; I 1 1 ! I -o t> lO . to t^-H OSX -C-l ^ CO • 00 ■ ■^ CI "I "OC-l -1 o o . IC 1^ CO CO CO .1^ 1— < lO 'O ' CO Cft 00 :- C-) CO iC .X.O rH r-OS .O I> 00 .CO • ■^ Oi OO" rH o" 00 •COt~ rH -^I> . o^ cc cc • c^ • ^ ocT lO ....... .rH l> ' r~t ■^ ^ rH-fO-fCOCOt-I-lV-Ot^CO en lO ■"I'xi^tooc-icMeDmco-fcMif: ■^ iH CO t^ 00 I> a> r— Oi -^ t^ -^ t; ic CO t- -T 1- 1--: -T o .c cn Ci X to»cen-j'coi^rH- C^ -riC rH a^ccTii.'i'Zimmxt^T r* •o os'o'r-^ci't--"cs"oro'co'-r"co"in''t- t^ ir: CO M r* iH co" cc" ^^ O CO tH rH CM ~l Ol 'X rH-HC-lCO THlOMCOrH o I-H C^ rH tH X -?* ?H rH cc t^ o o o u r] n Hi fH U a > CO ^ CO rH X * (H o . C3 o 'i ? =5 : sh (_, 03 -O 2 iS X o _ ;3I^^tZ'' ^fr« a> .' ' J5J3-^ =- tf S £ § SS^c:o:i--a)2 « t-. be 3 CO '0-— -co c-nji O c-l "C fTH rH "U w 1> O 'J ZJ ^ oS UV > ^-^ rH^*J+H-.^*^r-C5 =; -_-^X .Q2c3aS3cicic:x.^C3-m*^ ^a;C'CCC00oc3Oo:S^ a;n3H;^CL,aHSHr-<&uucci/3n be 0) i aj -*^ v o t^rH t-O c-l CO X x' "^ X ^' _ OJ oi a> 01 ~r ri. Pi rj 33 5j X' rli O- S t- O; .■S tlO > rH o H S.2 eo .60 ;" bo 6523— No. 150—04- 98 o o ■2i 5- e ■to § o o s o 00 O s CO H ►J 03 , • CC OS 00 1- CM •^ -f r-l Oi 1^ 0 Ti. . . l~ -f oc o ■^iC o\ia CO 'M CO "21 tP 00 OO X Oi -X 00 l^ r^iio CO 00 CO lO iC r^ I-H s: (M lO coco 0 Troo I-H CO O) CN ^ Sj SrH »r^ 0 f-l M 5 'T .■^■5 u GO '-D !/:■ «3 T-i i> t^ •^ iH CD -p «3 (N CO^-* c coxt 10 2: O i-H .— t I— t r-i-r-i C4in I-H t^- CTl OTflC 5 X lO 0 'i* g CO ^ ^ rH ^r-l I-H -t ^ 10 a> iC CM in cc 5 ,—1 ■^ 1— 1 1- 1 1 d , CO CO O CJ coa> CT> -M 0 01 X •^ TftOOS co OOi-^ CO « lO Ol CO o O^rH MCO CO •^ CO -f X-T r: 001 CO 9; ^ 'S g 1-1 1-H .-( T-1 I-H 0-* rH 01 IC to C^ lit li^ 2 s T— 1 r- f- • COOOiOOO ■^Cfl too 00 l- ■* toi^t^ -+ ^t*^ Tf c wt^oe^to lOO OiCO 00 IC '■£ 10 tooo n" XiCX CI 3 ficqScoc^ rj^-^ 1-CCO iC CO I-H Tj-Oi-J! rf 01 -^t^ iC o CiCC^ c^ c^ CO •rpiO I-H X o- « CJ Ol ■a 3 !i 0 ? > 1 1 co:oietocoaococnoi(M-t. . . CJ T-H t^ tf: 00 T-H r^ t^ CO -r -r c-i ur: 00 X o- a> sCT3«-1'Oii^^ir:cOiOCOOO i-H X c tH I-H ■^ ^ 53 c^ c b s .t- c- f^ ^^ iii . lO ^ cq 00 01 .-1 c-1 oia> I> If: cr O1-H -^ 00 cc 'X OrHtC t^ coccr^Oi(Nc^c^^ coo l-^ c o- I^OiOCOtC CN iC'-OiC to GT t~oio^ to c^ i-(iO CO CT> E^ cocooc^oo*^»r:. cO'^f-Hcc cr o- CO c-i 10 0-. -t ir -T Tf cr 1^ 'S fii-tiOcOTT .-- •r -^ CO C y: .-H CO!N ^)1> r^ iCTT" CO CO P e r-T Lf: a (NtHi-H iC r-t 1^ ■^ cs CO CO 0 CO -^ >-t f i^ en CO OS <— r- ootOrH ^^ c- c CM ^ 'X m -t-> . X 1- =t t- I- i^ tc .c CC C^l 'O cc c- 5 i-H COCS tO I'- X^ t^ » i-H CO iC C-1 >-( OS CO -rr t- «iiOt~01> r- iCO-X 0 3 S lO o'lC 0 TjTcC CJ^iO'co't-'cC CO l> o- 00 -^ -^ COC t^ a^ o- c^ 'Oift c- CO o . lC X -^ -f I^ -M -^ lO X Lt '^ '-C I^ t^ CO 10 --C ^ CO OiC CO K-6 •"-oocoi-HOX'-oi^iri-^Traicr l^ i. t^ .c c-i 0^ X r-~ X -^ -T 1- _/ CO CO C Ol 01 c^ X oS grH rH rH t-i C^ ^ -1 ? I-H cr oV Cb fe ■d d 3 a '■3 § § o »j ■d 9 T .° s g 1 Q 0 ^ 8 **-t (O ::;: d. MH W £ O ^6 ■2 -ii -a a ft. s 00 0 i-H to CO ^■0 CO -2 -< .. » -< 10 c s ■^ 3 Si J CO 3j 1-3 — -^ g-^o Q s S" ^ *^ CO 1 t^ 3 n ■cS •(SI MI ing, chocol ing, floatii: rd, plain (; rd, chocoU , pudding , pudding roni and to n ice (341) cakes (308 lie (31 n oco C 0 a cS c O/CO u a, IS -*- C 1 g 1 'c c y 0 0 ^.'oescs^ycsOr-~r'. ^-xxoiQ> i^-wmu Q> Fh d £ i; c; ^ 0. 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^ 1) OJ 4) so > 102 73 .3 O O s- o S o o i S CO a ►J a < r _t _ , r-l Cfl CD lO CO '^ X o c (Xj^O- X CO '^Si to lO r-< to i~* 01 II Propor tion of pro- vided food re jeeted. •w CO (M CO r-t i-H .-< 1 ^ c^ ■T^ COCO.C CO 04 CI C^l CO OJ rH 01 tk . . T-t C^ --^ CO t^ ,-H T-H to 00 rHt^ to '%J 7-i o -t^ai 'i' 1-i j-i 05 CTJ €1 &0 C^l CO to t^ o »o ao , — 1 Ol t^ r^ t^ iC 'Q CS rH T-H 10 rH Ol CO S i> M CO I^ o r^ o t^ tf o -t> o CI -t CJ OOCO rH to S « C-) I^ t-H -t* ■^ Ol in I- to .-H coco tOiOiO 0- ^ i 1 00 IN -y CO rHiO X r- c:» r-T '6 1) <^ rH . . O^ -^ CI lO CO 1^ Ol CO iC -rcox o o -r Oi'Ci rHI^ lO X O) c cc 1-^ ^ T-H r* t^ '-f CO o ^ !N c:>co o o i-H CO C-l COrH 32 rH O] si rH »— 1 I— 1 rH 00 CI -r X iC -T CI rHO o- ir. 'S £ .*-) s5 r- f- -r o !^ rH Oh O -«-^ . -M lO 1— 1 lO O t^ iH rH CO 00(> o iC C^.-IO OiOJO rr t^ CC rH CO GC^ GO CO (N i-H CO 1 "5 rHXO iC 1 — 1 QOOiC 001 rH t-- to X TP 00 CO r-t CO Oi l^ rH OS otoira rH or- CO t^ t^O iC o C Oi(N !N Oi C-1 f-t I> CO 00 to rH CM o- -f '!*< I-H -O 01 to OJ K tH !0 rH r^ CO O 04 iCi > CD IN CM f-i , iC-*CO(NC , 1 iC I— r^ ic CO o o cc i(: lo i> . CC' O^i i-(iO Tp t^ .— 1 (Tl t^ i> r^ tooooi GC <= O ■o -^ lO c^i r^ Oi T CO CA ■s's XCO^rHOTfCOiOOiC^J ooo tototo c CO .-1 CO CO 1- ^ iH a> •u s ^ * - ^ ^ O .s S.-11-t jC'C^ICO rHi-H oc ^ ^ c^ t^ c- c rr rH C^ lO C^ uO C 0- to .O oj ? 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X CO iC lO I^ i^ CO n o 'o OJ ^ CO -^ t^ C^l -^ -^ C^ CO ■a o o o -a a 73 3 _g a o o Si s -a q; a *-♦-» a o o o o h » ►J M ■< H W o w > c cEj a- a) dj » (S 3 ?, bo a o H •CO gco . c'- o 0) MC •p.3 2 S3 3 03 3.2 .S .2 o T3 o o o 105 t^ r-H OD l> CO CM ooooio to rH 1-H rH s g-§-^i2i CO 00^^4 01 i-H r— 1 lO CO S cs o rH rH r-HOCO • t^ CM -^ ^ . rH CM • 5S rH i^Hi'm^i rH ID CO Ol iH a> o CI lO CO r^ f-t g c^ o> : GO ■ o cm' CO cn o c-1 00 rH CM Cl to »0 r-T i 38 I-H I-H 'Tj' CO Oi CI 1— t 00 ^1 rH 00 ?; : CM • i 1-H rH rji OliOO OOiO t^O CM rH rr ^ t^ 00 CO -^'i-^-^ r-^ I-H 05 to rH I-H CO I-H CO s CO to i to rf -TJH CO »0 -r OOCOrH T(> CO CM g CO- rHtPOl CMO>rH ^ CI -§S"^lil CO cm" i—i c-r 00 1-H QOt^cno iC 00 TT I-H rH t— t t^OitOCO coco rH a> CO CO-S-CO is--ilSs Cl" OOOt^O tC CCi-H tH I-H y^co 1-H rH CO O '-0 CO OC-liOO CC f; C-1 -^ lO rH irj* cT to to c-T CM CM CO 5i I-H t^ OtJ* CCC-lCMiO CO 030^ cfrHr-T si T-H 00 lO^H Tti CO ■rp t^tOt^ CM 00 1O5 00 in lO CO to 00 00I^I>CO »0 rH iV' CM to CM to O CO- ■* rH l^ 00 toco rH CO- cm' s ■■£> CI CM CM s CM Tj"" S : 05 • s co' iraooOr-( CO O 1^ 00 00 O CO '^ CO I-H 00 00 CM 00 CTi.O I-H rH to co' O-HrHCO lOiC CC >C CO 00 <0 CM CM co' to <7J iC t"* rp O) iCOCO—lOO CO CO C^ lO rH CO r-Tco'iO'iO" -<< I-H 00 CM co' lO rr CO OtO<35 Odr-Tt^ < a o o a S "O ScoS? CO o O O t- OS C8 03 i" r-^ o o aj^ c-1 PHpHoaco ^-iC to C^l iC lO ■o^ — ^~- ^^ t- (H 0; ^ Q^ taO'C'O gas poo csj::j3 ccccco 5 oi -" o ca u o 42 U IK M o o a c O Q o o b w ►-J Eh w "OCM OJrH co.^2i-^ 11 CO t^ -1^ gmuWopH o O rH D CO 4i« ..XJ be o oT J^ bo mo 106 Dh o o ^«5 03 Ph a 3 O a COiOiOCO-rOOCO?£)t^-^Or-400 O (N C^ IC C^ C^ iH I— I C^ 'T C^ CO S 05 6 S e 5 eciHOOOCDCOOJ-TPCOC^COOOOasOi !SrHi-ICOT-HOOt^GOOOOia>lOtH lOrHrHCOCCCOCSi-ICCi-H-^ o lO lO rH ^ l^ 1^ COCO C^ iC iC T— I eoosiNC^ •r-l t^ IN < i-t lO •tOl-H • com x: 03 t-i u 03 -O a 3 o a .T-iic»cioaiaiaiccascocoai"^r^ eo ic lO r* CO -r rH t-h ic cti cc 1— I CO Cs CO Tj< iC lO I— < CO Oi I— < Ol l> tH " i-( O r-l Oi O "^ CO O I— I -^ rHCOfMr-t(rJ iCC-J'^ Cb Oi I— I (M CO ■" COOCJ CO iH UT' ^ CS r- iC' C^ Cft l-^ rH -r i-H CO f-H coo 00 coco CI CO iCi-H .-I 00 "^ i-^ i-H Oi Oi t- O ■— 1^ ':« r~ -^ 00 00 CO f-« I-- o Tp CO ur;. cc cf r-T CO cT r-T S d g c 5 •0100 ■^ o X> a> o3 ^0)0 be v 2-S -C — a; 0) Oj 0) O O G 000 ~ — 'Cl -2 C3 c S ^ '- cj oj a tao«5 o; 5 01 CO 3 3 P S S cocooacccc (N s22S ■3 0: 03 a ■ »^ s j: s r- OJ 4> J_ cr-S ^3 trj cc aj H O H .CO co-OSSc! .2 P^ v: il> ^ ■ ■ .03 .P.O cJ "> - ?? - - ^ O" a* OJ Qj (D OJ'g^U ^ '^ S a 5" S ^ ^ S .S ■- t^ i -=^* CO ci X r* t^ ir: -r Oi GO O r^ Cl GO r-< CD o CO r* .-< GO CO •D lO CJ^i 1— 1 CI -M CO -T* I— 1 CD 1 1—1 CI t^ GOOO 1— 1 o CO CO r^Oi r^ (Tl t^ lO CD O CO rH OO l-H '^ CJ 1-H CI ^ Oi OiiC CO CD CD 1—1 1—1 CI 1—1 CO* 1^ r^ -r TJ< C-)CO .G0COiO (—1 t-* OQ '^ CO I— t o ,—1 -^ CO CO t^ i OJCO s "^ t^ifM^CC t^COCIOi I-I CI CO 00 1—1 OS 1—1 1-1 ^j ^ 'x; CO-r-TcC o (M o' CO COt^-fCiCl-^COiC CO -^ '-H O iM t- C^l t^ t^ (N cc l^ I^ t^ lO r-( tOrHr-T CSCO'cfco' CI CD(MTf CO "^ go" I-T 3 GO I-I T— 1 ,— 1 rr o C-1 co' 3 CO 8S3?5 CO Oa TT lO t-' co't^-" 1-1 lO CI CO 'r* CO (M I-I 1-1 cc CDOl CO CO CD (Ni-Tcd" I— ( • i-IO ' •OC'OO • • too • 00 S! ?3' 00 CI o" 1—1 Oar-H O CCCOO CO t^ r^ 1-1 o ?o **« u^ GOCO^f-i^COOCC i-^ '^^ Oi ^ o ai c^i ic iC cT CD '^ 'lO i-T CO lO _ i-i CO GC CO GC' ■X' Ci OrHCOTt- It-^cd'cD C^ § CO ^CD cc'co" 1 II CO 1 OOO Qj — bt'O'C S s o o ^ 33 CO 'X CO o PL, 2 5 o H _oo I*— " * !r OS o H oi'O o'C i-;«tii at o ft ,5^ en ? ■o o o 03 a '3 C3 O H 108 Propor t on of pro- vided food re .iected, ^c^ o -J- CO CO CI Ol t^ -^T-<-T»Ci-ir-Hr^r- d ■ r-CJ- I-H eo * . . r* t^ »rr -^ X CO -JS toco-^^toioco^ CO CI en ^ Ico M -^ ^1 eo o lO CO t^ !■* X o Oi to ^ ^ ^ CO C5 Ol OTf en o OiiO goo »c r^ ■^ I— 1 l^ m CI CI rH ,-H to -^ CO d I-H I-H iH lO »— < 1— < •^ * S3oo" CI t-t T-H CI OV CO 1- £ 5. r-< a-' a ocO Tf «5 05 la CO X «5 • t^dCOd t^ lO 'l' t~ ■^ • i- .-(COO eo T^ lC O d d d ■♦ lO ^ 1—* ^ X I-H I-H P^ 5- »- *;& — _ — as .<© I>,-ltOX X CO lOi-HXdl^X^f-H en d CO d lO CO<£) scM OS GO -X rH 00 "•r X .O CO .-1 00 CI to CO 1-H t~ CO to ^ 2 Pi CO o CI X t— t I-H I-H iH r~^ X -fj lO OiCOO-l* 1" CO 05 eo CI to rH IC 3-. CO to iHCO to r» Oii-H c 3 ec ao -^ C^I O I^ CTi o t^i-HdCIXi-HCOO >c OiH d t~ -r .-< giO ooo-r X -T I-H CO l^ to »C t^ CI « t^iC I-H r* Ol- o etc i-H -r -r --^ 1^ o" -r to- iC CO r^ eo CO i-nr^ d' rr i-i r* 1 i->-i I— I CO 1—1 ift •6 ;s 01 Tj* GO -I' CO O^ O O: t- !M to ca CI ■•** >^ CO X ■* tc X to o CO' to CO X ^ 72^ -r iM >i . . t^ X O X 1^ t^ X X O CT) iC CI lO r-H £^ CO rH CC ^ Cl O -T 1^ Cr- O O .-H 1- <% CO CO C. I> CC CO — X Oi-co coaicotCr-11-Hto.-H-T i^ino to ^-f ■V gcoio i-Tco iC '■C t-h" r-T ,-i"c4 i-H cfrir-i iC d o ^ c£ ecc -r CI I-H g § . t^ 1-H CO Oi iCiC o COOOi-l.-lt~ Idt-toxxcoci Ixcod O: IC I X ,-1 t^ I^ ,-H -^ X CO -J" d 'COCO i-HOtf •iC«OCI to I-H • ^ S X to m o CO JlO-1' r-l • d X cS S c I-H ^ ^ tt si S . fM C^ O O iC ^ X r* Xioi-Hxcr. xo--ococicoi-iic- 2; l^ l^ rl rH r-t X r* CO ^ ^f-^«cO r-iir; di-irt to 1 Cio r- CI Ph 5 CI T-H X -^ X (M X co c t^ 0~- O t^ iC to r^ CO C^ rji i.O CI d rH to ,-( o CO oi r- -<-> . lO t^ X t^ lO ov o- CO CO X CO o i^ o o lO to CO X -r Ci ^ OS ic en X C-i Oi f3 5 X CO iC tP Ol o -X CO COCOCOOil^I>-rOOrHT-(I^COl^tO-rCT! d 'i)x e-o CO c X tr -ti-Tio" to'"-Tto"io"d"-Hi3r^"x''r-''CTrT(<"o eo CO»C ^- CI iH 1— 1 rH a ^ O T-H '- <5 v. ' C -*o X • t^ lO O) = x • a> X 1- s 4-> F- TT r^ • d jd' X CO , i^ 1-1 x CO Tf cr-4rji-n:£5t^ o= t£ io"d'ov'rHino't-^x'"oi''j''ci'x'x"art-'Tirc>: ^ '^ CO 'Crz iC C »H I— t I— 1 (— i rH ,-H I-H r- r-t o •■- J- T-i o> !i f^ ■d 3 t^ q U5 d *-J3 1 C Q o g d ■a 0) IS «*-l f^ Ed QJ o 4 s '••a S> H V oisiP eals: Bread (13 Crackers Cake (137 Dressing, Hominy ( Oatmeal ( c ti: etables: Beans, ba Beets, boi Cabbage, Celery (16 Potatoes, Potatoes, Potatoes, Potatoes, Slaw (236; Squash, b Soup, bea Soup, pea Soup, torn Soup, veg Sweet pot Sweet pot Turn ins. i its, etc.: Apples, bi Prunes, st u § 0 oc ^ P^ 109 QO C^ O C^ rr cc (f: c^ CT) ^ ^ TJ* to -XS 3i -r M C) t^ Oi 30 IMCOO CO 3^ o -ri^ OC' o 'f Oi i-H n cc c^i '^ oi 3i O 'XI .-1 O Tl 1^ ^) 3^ I^ W O I^ t^ ^ -P M i^ C^ O O -^ --0 O CC Oi i.'i iC »— f-H c^ 00 -r r^ x T-^ ^ uc 'T^ ^.-H — i^tMOCCO CC O C^l ^ f-" C^ '-^ C'l t^ ^ -M CO S'- O --0 Lfr t^ GO ic o T :nt^ '-0 »C CO OJ «-< CO '-O X ^ «o"c^"'^id''^co"-^Q(r c^ o t^ -^ ■M a> CO O CO X' t^ 1-t c»eoXi-HO-^ Ci :0 Oi CO 1^ *0 7^ -X> tO Oi i^ '-0 i-H rj lo CO c^i 'o of -I ^' 3^ 1^ CI cri CO' iC Oi O r-< CO TJ- Oi e-1 OS CO -H -)• i< o-ox coc^ c^ ^ Tf t^ X —CO OMiC CO OiC ^ 'M C^ l~ OCO lOI^I o»x X o o x' • X ■CO X m c^ M "C o ■J M ri -r o o CO X 'O ri o X o^ r- r^ *) oi CI UC CO t^ rH r^ t^ C^l t^ O u.t f— 'M li^ lO CO t^ CO CO ■X) 35 TT X O -X X '^ -T CO i-(I^ X i-H CO o :oo> iC rH TJ« ^ 1-1 in ^H iT^ O CJ Ot^ •-0 sv cn -r cTi Oi -r o t^ ^ CO -^ X o 1—1 COCTi 05.-I OCO CO «5« t^XOs t^ iC OJ CO ^H r^ 'O Oi t^ oi ift o iC i-O r^ CO u- -H c-< — ■ o ?i X -js Ol --O CO '-0 'O X ic u^ c-i n "T lc i^ X ^ lO t-': c^i 01 04 01 O) ic'icT X -1 .. t~ o ;^° a" a a 2 =i a a o o o a o o - 2 —2 o ie o a 3j bjj lC c: '^ ■CO cj^ S5 s a o o •J s S < . ! 3 d 3! 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CO iC 0 C-J T-* CD Tfi ^ X t~i-liO cc -OC3- m -fee c Oi H =CQUQCOiCOI>i-iCO -T t^ coco CD OV -T -p rH CC c T 01 2 g i-H 1-* iM I— ( 00 cc >n l>CJCO ■^ CJ CC cc -f o~ cc CC ■M e rl CO cc T-i co' !-. CJ £ <;b 1 QO '^ C-I TP l^ Tf Tf cc cc OOft^ o- T rH in I^ Ht HT 0-. +j . rr 1-1 CO X' t^ i-H C^ c- 0 oco -^ cc l~rf r-^ I^ CT in T a cc 0:1 GC' 0 ^ iC 00 'X ir: CD rH d cr -r C in CI -T c; Cl g s* ^ , ^ ^ - ^ SC^f-lCCtxCOT-HOC 0 •rf CS rH rH T rH 0 cc lOr- cc T Oi 0 0 r- T cc a cc < Food re- turned. «3 OrH^ ■c r- r- CI s Ci5 CD CD r- cc c= c T COCOCC rH rH r- in 0- 0- Tf in , CO r^ c^ -^ t^ -^ cc iT. (J T p^ •6 <0 0 a g Q GO ?^ P Q Q^ 13 0 1 b. 6 Q O O 1 CO 0 H , »i 8 o 4 a. -o -< "^ CI 5 >1 ►J w (?M CO f -O ro i-H W CC ^2. j? coc 1 B 3 K CO Oj lO ^ C ~-'t- CO bo ■^^ sj 50 >> a "3. '>'> 0 9; 5- 'i 2 "t~ CI in a c C a •*- c g a? S c C "ci C c 1 t- ^ t- H O) o: (r u H ) a c a > c: a ^ ^ -4-1 rf. ec pi: a. r' 0- -*- n 125 I-t O-t* ^ i-ii-H c^^ co*^»ir-. 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(NCOCJ So .-dg-d iB CO .-H I-H ^H INr-IC^ • I-H 01 Propi tion pro vide food jecte Is 0 4-3 ; Tt* ■ ^ Tf CO ' tocoov '• OlC to rH • f— 1 iH to ■ 00 -^ 1-H ■ OS to to ^ g rH ■ tH I-H 1-H • rH I-H 1-H • CO X> !!3 e 10" • 03 -a S 0 OD 1— ( 0 • t^ ■^ T}« COt^ 0 I-H to • lOOi •* CONt- S : lO r^ t^ COC^ ^ a» a ' 1-H 1-H 1-H I-H CO •^ CD iCi-H to to iH ' fo I-H r^ cs V "x .9 . t-- I— 1 • i> i> t^Ol 'XI I-H m '• CMMC^ ootoa cS cc '-D -^ CJ C-l 8;:; C^l to S ■ CO ^ *q3 SC^"-! '^ •^ 't* 0 "^ ; t-I (-1 Ah Cb . • 4-3 . 1^ r* ^ lO vC i^ 5 1.0 ■^ -'i^ rH t;-I< ^■2!SR 00 0 --0 l^ OS Ol !M Ol 01 to 0 CO Tf >0 .crH c-1 >n to lOOOiOlOCOtOiOTJitO cc 00 0 0 0 "O i ,-H ^ ,_;■ ■a>~ci in 0 ^^ e 10 Lh u ^ fe a^ CD , .— t -^ !>• I> O* 1— 1 1— I c^ ■*'* 00 eo c^ lOrHtooiH !coeoiM 03 CO 0 I> t^ GC cc c^ 0 to Oi ^ ic 0 COiOi-Hl^TJi lOOi-ICO -<-» g 00 05iO 0 cc 00 iC ■^ GC I-* to OJ > '"■- CO CO 'r* r°* c T-Tf-i rf T-T CI TlT lO a i-t 1 C E^ C- C^ 00 CO 1— ( (MtT '-0 c C-l lOr^r^c-iootoo-nit^ K.riOOCOO c: COCO 0 «5 t- CO OC' ^ CO 1-H iC OJ s - ■M «r-i 1-H^ T I-H ^ 10 0 a> 0 ^ Oh cij c^ M CO CO trs «o (M OO CO CT C^ C^ C30 0 t^in c^ to ^ , COtO (N ■M . "T 'X '-O 0 c 0 OJ CO ^cc 0 oc rHlOOO-^OOOt^l-H p ^ t^ C^J l^ cc ■^ OS CO o« en oc C~l t^OOOt^rri-Hl^rHiO 3 ?: CO CC-rT'rr -:£; CO 1- lO r-^o oi c Cl' c- r co" V CO co" iC 00' co" co' 0 0 I-H I-H lO 0 < ^ •0 ."S 00 rji . 'tj^ GC 2^ 0 •<5 '2; •2; Si—* ' »— ' CN C-l CO .to ■ Ol • 00 Foo re- turni ^ : ' to CO CO I'M ■ 0 ■ of • 0 • rH • co" CO lO 1^ CC cott CO -^ I> ccci- c^ c cT I^ 00 lO to ^^ lO GC CO GC 'O'O C c T-1 c^ I— to 1 — 1 r— 1 s> s~ 1-H CS fo di ^* »5 d ■a" ,0 d 0 0 0 0 8 < d. t*H t*-! <1 ►J 0 S n H IP 'C co" CO 1 I-H w ' ' 3 6 ; 0 I rr ' s.^, • ' r^ ■fl^ : =« ■wi-.:^ CO -^ I - — - & ^ t-- 5 1 i 1" 1 a a 5 i : a : '3 03 biscui rs (134 break mi (14 ll (113 I'd • ■s! ^ l-i oc JX! 0 OS ef: Corned Steak ( Boiled 3 c i ^? ! 1 0( 2 il ..fliga^'l^l ' JJ 5 ^ 3 s t- ■♦■ -2£5Sd.a.E3o IH 0) 0 J 3 Ol pq PL, '£ p ? 0 127 03 dOO! to lO GO 05 O to«co -g rH tOU^ OS I^ l-H O l-H 0)0310 00 00 OiOcC'-HOiS'^Oi-r Ci *^ CO Ol CO — T uO •O 00 • -O O lO t^ rH O C^ O ' C^ T-H O .-.'£) rif-HOtoccco^'Mas C^CCOOit^Oi^HOOO r-( .-1 -T X gjic-o'M-r'?rxc<5a> O-^CMOOC-llOCOTO COOOC^O^-^-M-^CO • lO I^ 00 • c) al^- • CO cc c^ •t-Ht-O ■ ?aooo • o i-O -^5 CO 31 CO 00 la O O 31 t^ iC C75 -r 31 t^ 00 ti: 31 C-) 31 'O t^ -f ^ -JD CO 00 O -T OliO T li^ O CJ31 O Ort i-ioa> CO -r .-- CI -T r) O31C0 V^ iC O^ CJ 31 -i o ^ lit r-l31 O t~ X o -^ 31 CO --0 O CO t~ O 31 rt r^ o oc o ■■£ O 31 ■» 3-. 31 1~ O 3> -^ M O CCuOMCO OI 00 t^lO tC 31 a: 31 tc 'js -.c i^ -r t^ X CO CO CO T--I — • — -M T 'O -r ^ u'r 31 M 31 ^- ?-l ■>» T -r •M CO -JS O -^ iC ■ CO CO CO - o -i o o o a i .^ P - :fC GQ ^o : :^- 'T' ^'^-."^ £ — "O ;< ^, 31 iJ - "•^'X, - S 0/ »; c -^ S ?l r- 03 tit -^ C3 ^ — ' . 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S a> 01 - - ,Oi OST-— ' 0) . ^ o o Q o o b O a r. < ►J J [d O ii S o eg — •K C ;s3 |mS 95 ■S' ^ a o ■A cSp-sOm -a o o o H ■c— _■ oi o q n o 128 , , o CC -T cr •^'M^ CO coo 1 CC rH CD CI CO CO CI CO CI CO ■* 't -1 OOC^lOO rH-)] i OO oc V " Iff s '■C 4-J e el 2 ■^ ■^ o CO cr Iff -^ i-l rHOrH rH 01 1 •6 > a cr Ol ff or '*i--o(NiOcoiOi---^icr' ir CC y-* CD .■«^ Tf CO oc cr OitO'Xi'rt^OCMGOiCiOaiC or T 0100 CO t^ l- cr coi-^-^aO'^X)i-i-^i>Tt*c»: c^ CC 00 >o e 1 s T-rc--r lo T- \C (^- CO "S ^ •eg 6 lO C£ "a o ■:g ' .Mcr O) COQC t> Iff ooco^c^ to lO CO CO CO CC c£ cot^ a ccoa-* 't OOC o- 1^ Id -^ i~H iH -rt^ CO rHCOrH-f CI 0 -»-> stoo- cc CD iC 5- Iff (M CO iH t- r- 1^ r-* 03 -« g-^" c CO t oc a tH ?■ •Si d tt 1 0) § oS H a .lOr- CC CClC oc Iff c O t^^ l^ O 00 t^ -t* t- L-- C C£ > Ol-* CC.-I C Ot^ l^ c c C£ rHCJ 1 '53 Si tO'i o lO rr CO o- o: a Oi CO 1-H I-H rt< (> OO c e (§ sT •2a • Cli^ t^ 00-* es c c< 1^ I-H Ol O CO rf iC iC Ci iC iT CT CC COlO ■^ -M .'JD rH t^ CI r^ -T cr 00 t^ O CO lO O CO l^ CO 1^ i-- -T 10 CI a WOiC iC 03X l^ -t c^ i-^i-Tf*coooooi-(T-iaii-iT- CC CC COiO § a 1 tc C^rH Tf c cr CO CO CO utT CO 1:0 GC Ctf CO CO D" I— c^ CO CO ■4^ i-( ^ 05 •* r- lO ■'S ex: o c tc Cft -^ . coo »0 CO ' i-l ^ o « O) CM " »0 • tH (M'i-T i CO IT cr , Oi t-^ •-C CO Iff OC t^ t^ (NOlOOt^i-H iCCTiOi CO u- c** CO t^co "o^ p . .ow. Oiff iC oc r^oasaicr^i-^'Tt^'Xcocoi- 1 1^ CO ft? coco C^J gco'cc oc r-t OC a oc c " aiCOOiCOCCCOODCTicOiOT- -^ CO 00r(< 'O IT" o- cd'co o- c cr co TjT --ir o" lO 00" co" ^ ai" -^ ci" oc c^ Tfco" 'd'o e I-H CC iH «-l a: 00 •s §-p 4 I-H CO b o 1 ^ o -^ s C3 00 s -d o s ft 7 a 13 0) 3 o Q 1 CO 1 ? *-> a o O O H ^ 1 < 4 Q O o s 00 0 a 6. H I— < »H H ^ F4 CO S 1 i-J 0 CO rH -c -o -< g "C > 0 0 8 CO ■ % i a. 1 c « oj c oc - ^ .. oj c CO rH 'rH a 'i rH a; 1— t tH ^ > ■M tn 03 '♦H -^ OS 0 5 rH CI . is ) to ^ H t^ 2 H H Fh g o ; <3^ E 03 ^<" Otl p^ « 0 > 129 00 t^ t^ lO l^t-H CO »C -JD CO 00 T-H Oi t^ C^ Oi CO CO O CO lO Ol O .-< CO C^l lO 00 (M iCO i-l CO rH O -^ '^ as i-H -^ I> i-HCO 1^ -M -t* C^J '^ CO lO C^ c^i f^ -ri o ^ i^ c-i ■^ OS t-- C^ Ol 1— I -^ ic~ t-" co" o" rf co' •^'" ' 1-1 iX) lO o • TP CD rH 1-1 ' C^ CO 1-- iC ' -^ C^ i-( t^ • Oi C^ CJ ■^ • £^ O C-1 »0 '^ CO '30 '-0 CO O '-^ I-- rH i-t 00 '00 1-^ l^ CO'r-Tc^f'rrr-r O O^ iC Ci '-O CO O -^ CD Oi O COCO O^ .— 1 -f -jOiO 0.-I 1-1 r^ OS CO I> .— I C^ COCl OOOO CTi oC' -r t^ -:t* Ol (MOlCD o u:> iM OOJiO CO • .-< iC ^ O CO oco Oi Oi CD rH OO-fiOO as -* oco t^oooco C^ C^J iC t^ 0-1 O 1—1 1-1 !•-■ -^ lO C-l OCD CO O O) c-i CI r-< >-« 0 1--Tf* OC OI lO CDC^'^ Oi CO 1— ' CO lit- o »-< CO iC CO CD 1-i CO CI lO CD r-i CO r^ X' CO CO rH lO O O CO -T 00 CI O 1-H Oi (M -^ I— o cor^ o CO CO O CD Oi Tt^ O 1-1 iC Oi -:t* CO Oco 1-1 CO C) lO O »0 CO M Oi T 1-1 O CO CJ C-J -t* O^ rH C^ lC OS c^ a> CO i> Tf as CO GO rH of O O C iJ ccChOCQ o o 13 o o OS o a o o o ►-! O ^ 0) g I Q o o o o o H a o 3 g;~ 0^ I- S >* O QJ o o o H o H a OJ o P4 3 O 6523-No. 150—04- 130 1 J • « l~ t- 1 iC t^ t~ r- X I- -flO Propor tion of pro- vided food re jected t; ^ (Nrt rH rH f-H >. . « cc t^ r> Ol- oa 00 CO CT) CTl-C n oo 1— ( r— 1 rH OC 'i CO CC x-r -r »C oa ft ?— t CI rH »— ( ^ d e ^1 CO L^ k. :.^ 53 -e C5 o CO ^O Tt< >o -M t^ o 1-1 OS Oi COIM s lOOC CO 00 '.O f rH c^ rH C-1 CO CJ rH d o -2 cn d 00 1-^ 03 00 l> lO-^ CO -x>o iC C2iO 7J SQ Cfi'-C cr rH tH M MCO 1-H CA Oi ^ 'S S s 1 * I— 1 'T Ut 4-^ t^o t>. OS t'- t^-* CO Tft^ C^ t^-J. s f» ooc X 00 CD '-OCO Oi itjO C^l ■^is OICC iC Cfi lO lOi-H uC ^O! c^ CI -^ o e -t* rH -r « -d a 6 a> > CO , ^ c^ <^ CO I- 'O -* O t^ O O 'O lO iC CO CO C^ O X iC X X CO >i . -r f iC "M r^ O CO O Ci O C-l -7* '.C c- c O ^ I- -r I^ -T« oS 00 'J* -l> I- ^ i-l « a- -rf XCO'* O"* «o C^ CO QC lO cc .-H 'rf GC rt ic o cc CJ CO « a- »0 Ol rt" CO '^ rH 4^ CO oc 1-H i>.-i(M»dc: CO M (M 1-ITJ< c^ •-cTt- *0 o ?. 1— ( c V5 Q) ■ r1 a . o-r --C t^ir: »c ^ X C^ Cn -M O CO O t^ -M X -t lO CO CO O ClrH P^ '^'^OiC t^ a CI ^OiOS-iOOCO-^iC-O-TCO X X -r X CO '^ r* 'oj r^ a: CI T-1 i-tCOr-tCJi-HCOr- X CO CO ^ rl r-t CS o SrH" r r^ irT y: tt oa 00 I^ co ^"^t-'in TjT x' c^" ci cf io~ tt c^ CO CO X-^rH Tl<" o x- iC c T-H rH a < Food re- turned. oo iC I'M 'o Tfl t^ OI> CO OS •d -t^ to too TT s -^ .!> .:o 00 iC CO Oi -* of • (N jurT r-T c rH iO , Oiin c- r«- ^ <^ t-- C^J X X I^ fl i-H X X lO ^ CO CO CS CD CO OS 'O r- oi O . -1" i" *^ O" »-* .— r— 1 -j'ascoxxT-i'.cooiiCc: X c CO ^ l^ Oi '-C CO &?; W-.0— , a- l-- I-- Cs ••£> t- .r: Ci .-c o -r oi -.cr CO r- -^ >C -^ OS I— 1 »0 l-^ -TiJ § -arco'cr; •— t^l> TP co' t-" i> c- r rr -^^ cT cT c^r -^' ic a- c ^lOa^^T^o^ -a -a e Cs l^ l-H CO rHfH C "^ o> ^ f^ ■6 0) 3 _g -d aked ( aked ( -ima (1 ' 'd GO Cw ..riarilol^li "a - O 03 y T ■—' — ' "-^ 0) 5i S ^ 00- 4J C ^ S 'I' -r o^ o CI -^ CI CI T-H -^ m o t- -^ tc -f* o !•- lO 'I' o -r to CI OS in CO CO 1-1 CI no O^ OS iC T -*• f— I CO -^ O t-M X «0 rH -^ .— I iC T 'O CO O '-0 X X O CI iC CO X CI o yj ^ -r o 05 Ol -H C^ CO ^-^iCCI COCOTt^CI CO'^ Tt" CO I>.-liC X 1-1 o^t-- CO -O ^ X' X iC rH O CO CI CI XI^ -o CI -r iC CI CO t^ CICi CO i-H -r CI rH t^ ox -T 'O CO CI • cox • C< 1-1 X CI COiC-^ oco as .-t 1^5 CI O Oi CI 1— I iC CI CI XiO X ^ OS o ci-^ o C^ ^ ^ Tj* CO CI O i-t QC -i ^ CO X CO CO 'O CO CD cc o CO cc CI ic CO r^ IC lO" C4" Cf ■^ rH t^ CO CTiOCl toot^o l^ CO tc ■* -** CI ^ rH CI O cc l^ CO CI lO 'J3 CCI^ CO da, c c OQCG ■a o o ci -4-» be a o o p o » O CO^^ „io;;co =ScO Q,^' lO . - cr CO O-bc Q O o o o 2 b£ bi 2" o S (S h! Om b El, ;£ CO o o o o " S OS =3 c o o£ "S! ^o r^Q Si*' 0^ CO -■a si J2 4> . cc Oi (N t>-CO »— 1 iC 0 t^ (^ If CO ^ t>oo* ^ c CCi" I- S "^ I-l 1-1 1-( cr C3 c-f c- ^ a CO I-^ OJ GO -t* ira 3 g rf" t^ CO (N QO Tf* Oi oco CO CO t-- 1-H rt C^tH I^ I— ( l-H C-1 ^ i 5 o~ ■rr -r +-3 CO to t^Oi-H 0 *t CO t^ 0 -* w OQoys •^ c^ r-H CJ -r g •* iC Oi-xseo CC 00 rHC-1 CO 0 a < 1 l/t ^'■ rH r- '6 t CO , ,_ 0 0 OC' 10 0 rH 1^ 0 OS CO r- ic '-C '-D GO lO OS 1— ( iC ^' C 0 r^ * S 0- co 0^ ic c-) -r 1^ ^ 1^ --£ 00 i^ cc c^ GC' Oi GC' Oi CC' CC --H a- -p oii CO « CC GO C'l '-0 CO fM Cl t^ cc GC 0:1 CO en iC 0 GO 'M 0 -f I- X 0- CO 0 1 0 T-Tr-Tf-rcc'i-r (> T T-T i-Trn" -m" 1— 0 ^ CS C CC -T rH L^ a %. fe ^-C ct .-r c- 0- lOTl^tO-^OSOlOOOl C: C^ CO i-H T-H Tt< 1^ C-I c*- ■^ c^ lO X t^ i0OOC-)»C'^a^r-^0> C^ t^ 0 cc 1-^ iM GO 0 -t-i = 10 = c l^ rt C^ lO Tf< C^CJ rHCC T-* 03 S^o-^ -T ^ .i-H ^ ^ d 0 ^ r^ a .l>OC (^ c^ccMi-to-ro-i-ioooc ?— 1 CC CO a Oi T-^ t- lO -T- -i* fA COIXT 't -T"M tD en CO lO CO rH 0^ tC <■.£ tH 0 -t" X Cl lO Oi ift to 'S s * 0 CO r-l C-) rt C^ rt rt C-l OC ■rf 00 CC i-H i-l GO C 10 0 0, e f^ lO" IC IN ^ 1-1 tC rt< T-HQOOOiOCOOtOOCiOOiCi— cc CC Ol Cl (^ CC GO TJ* Xi X a> +-> . r-* 1— cc coto'-oosocncoot^tooc u? 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'c c c a s a: a 5 c rH rHiC '^'^^ 0) OJ 2 0 73 !B cr 52S5 a c 5 a 1 "a 'IM C! a ^ c a C . i- -2 2'S£o.S3^=^.S^ t- CC ^ r^raC0CCM'^33-t- tuMpqaioWMcBd. ) tic H £ i 1 0 a ^ 133 f— » .—1 05 • T-H I-H as I-H 1-1 CO r-lO I— 1 f-* f— 1 en o" I>CO rH I— ( coi-T x" i 5;' X rH s -^ CO cf g OS Oi-l OiO CO li^ iC 1— ' r^ r* i--< ic 1— ( CO I— ( I-- CO CO CO rH rH 1-^ §§» f co" CCt-T rH o OS cooi>o rH cor^i> r^ »0 rH Tf 00 I-H iOI> O CO lOCO rn" rHt^ CD»0 X rH uO X' coo i rH -^(N CO 1 00 Si of '^ 05 f-i tp r-( c^ r* M i-H 'TIT* CI tH X >o X i-t 1— ( cr. 1 o" - rH CO '^ CO OS 00 rH 9. I- CO CO 1— 1 o iC. 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'T' I- . ai c-i ic X i-^ c^i ■^ ic -r-j -f 2 CO i-H COi-H C^ a o tH ^^^^ 'T COCCC-— ■ O rH O (-! C^ c^ 04 CM t; CM ^^--'--^O CM ^— -1— 1 d'C'a'O hn?, cl) 01 0) 0 TH bak boil bak boil «*H OJ OJ 0 -^ I-" GO O O O rH t^ CO I-" '^ CO C^J 1-1 !N C0(MOC0"^05 3C CO Oi 00 i-t i-l CI 1-t CO s CM OlCCt— CO-rcO'TJcOOiCCOiCOC^ a>i-*co'Mt>cc»-i'03cxo^'— 1^ r-lO rH i-i (M rH r-H CO o f -O iM -aii-ico.— •-r-prj'^-T*^ OCOC^J'TfT'O^^^i-HC-t^CT)'-* t-^ X' O C-l Oi CO -t O X X l^ X I- x CJuO O—l i-H Oi X -JD X X i-HiCXiOCi"— ICCT-IC-li-HOliCF-Cr-* o CO -t" ic -f 'o -r o -M c-i -r t'* o c-J I— X Ti X o CO -T* -r t- 1— Si 1— I r- t^ r-i o c OPU o 148 FOOD ISSUED FROM STOREROOM FOR ONE YEAR. The following table shows the kinds and amounts of food issued from the store- room of the hospital to all the kitchens during the fiscal year July 1, 1901, to June 30, 1902, as shown by the ledger accounts of the storeroom. The quantities of different nutrients in each kind of food are also included in the taljle and the values for i)er- centage composition by which they were computed, the latter being assumed from averages of analyses of similar materials. « Table 36. — Total weight, composition, and amount of nutrients in food issued from the storeroom for the year July 1, 1901, to June 30, 1902. Percentage composi- tion. Weight used. Kind of food material. Pro- tein. Fat. Carbo- hy- drates. Total food material. Nutrients. Protein. \ Fat. Carbohy- drates. ANIMAL FOOD. Beef: Corned Per ct. 14.3 39.2 91.4 20.2 20.2 20.2 18.5 2.2 11.9 11.7 14.8 15.6 14.1 13.0 Per ct. 23.8 5.4 .1 3.1 3.1 3.1 4.5 .1 19.2 1.2 18.1 6.3 18.7 24.0 Per ct. ""2.6 2.5 2.5 .'i' Kilorirnms. 34", 977. 5 1,544.8 245.9 5,708.0 39.5 59.1 68.1 51.7 563. 7 181.4 144,544.5 9,334.1 10,244.7 7,57.5.9 Kilot/rams. 5,001.7 605. 5 224. 7 1,153.0 8.0 12.0 12.6 1.1 67.1 21.3 21,392.6 1, 456. 1 1,444.5 984.9 Kilograms. 8, 324. 7 83.4 .2 176.9 1.2 1.8 3.1 Kilograms. Dried, canned Gelatin Liver 142 7 Liver pudding 1 0 Meat pudding 1 5 Oxtai .s, as canned Soup, a.s bouillon Tongue 108. 2 2.2 26,162.6 588.0 1,915.8 1,818.2 Tripe 4 Unclassified Veal, fresh, side Lamb and mutton: Lamb, fresh, side Mutton, fresh, side Total 215,138.9 32,385.1 39,186.3 1 145.6 Pork: Bacon 9.1 8.0 19.0 11.2 13.4 4.1 62.2 49 0 10,170.1 17,800.0 21.0 15,243.5 2, 038. 6 1,360.9 22, 247. 4 917.7 17,746.1 35,611.1 925. 5 1,424.0 4.0 2,164.6 273.1 55.8 6, 325. 7 8 7'>'' 0 Fresh pork, side Ham, potted 34.1 i 7.1 5, 091. 3 493.3 93.9 22, 247. 4 791.0 5,661.0 9,472.6 Ham, smoked 33.4 24.2 6.9 100.0 86.2 31.9 26.6 .5 Loins Pig's feet, fresh Lard Salt pork 1.9 15.6 13.0 17.4 2, 768. 4 4, 629. 5 Sausage, salted and smoked 88 7 Shoulder, smoked Total 123, 156. 4 12,262.3 5.S,90.5.4 88.7 Poultry: Chicken 13.7 13.4 16.1 12.3 29.8 18.4 10,282.7 477.1 3,568.1 1, 408. 7 63.9 574. 5 1,264.7 142.2 656.5 Duck Turkey Total 14, 327. 9 2,047.1 2,063.4 Fish, etc.: Clams, round, solid.s Cod, salt 10.6 16.0 28.6 11.2 20.5 5.9 16.3 1.2 6.0 19.5 19.3 23.7 25.4 9.4 8.1 1.1 .4 .3 3.9 8.8 .7 17.4 .2 1.3 7.5 14.0 12.1 1.0 4.8 .5 5.2 "2" .7 3.3 .2' 695. 5 3, 147. 3 2.0 3,083.5 190.9 24.5 13,112.1 25.6 5,137.2 554.1 19.1 36.1 6.8 1,418.1 29,047.0 73.7 503. 5 .6 .34.5. 4 39.1 1.4 2,137.3 .3 308.2 108.1 3.7 8.6 1.7 133.3 2, 352. 8 7.6 12.6 36.2 Cod, shredded Herring 120.2 16.8 .2 2,281.5 Herring, smoked Lobster Mackerel, salt Oysters, in shell 2 Ovsters, solids . 66.8 41.5 2.7 4.4 .1 68.1 145.3 IfiQ .5 Salmon, canned Salmon, smoked Sardines Shrimps, canned Shad Unclassified fish Total 56,499.8 6,017.7 2, 767. 8 205 9 aU. S. Dept. Agr., Office of Experiment Stations Bui. 28, revised. 149 Table 36. — Total imght, composition, and amount of nutrients in food, etc — Continued. Percentage composi- tion. Weight used. Kind of food material. Pro- tein. Fat. Carbo- hy- drates. Total food material. Nutrients. Protein. Fat. Carbohy- drates. ANIMAL KOOD — continued. Per d. 13.1 1.0 Per ct. 9.3 8.5.0 Per ct. Kilo(^rams. 29. 389. 4 45. 450. 5 Kihornms. 3, 850. 0 4.54.6 Kilograms. 2, 733. 3 38, 633. 0 Kilograms. Butter Cheese: Cream ........... 25.9 25.9 33.7 3:i.7 2.4 2.4 5,681.8 36.5 1,471.7 9.4 1,914.8 12.3 136.5 Edam .8 Total .5,718.3 1, 481. 0 1, 927. 1 137.3 Milk and cream: 8.8 3.3 9.6 8.3 4.0 9.3 .54.1 6.0 11.2 323.2 401,194.5 2, 908. 3 28.4 13,239.5 279.2 26.8 16,047.7 270. 5 174.8 20, 059. 7 Evaporated cream 325.7 Total 404,426.0 13, .517.1 16,345.0 20, .560. 2 Total animal food 894,107.2 72,045.0 162, 561. 3 21,137.7 VEGETABLE FOOD. Cereals: 8.5 6.4 7.1 12.9 9.7 10.6 9.8 11.0 G.5 6.5 11.7 8.3 13.4 16.7 10.7 8.0 7.9 10.5 12.1 6.6 10.9 13.3 13.6 9.8 11.4 1.1 1.2 1.3 48.7 12.1 12.7 9.1 1.4 8.6 8.6 1.2 .6 .9 7.3 5.0 .3 .4 1.4 1.8 14.0 2.0 2.2 1.9 9.9 1.0 77.8 77.9 78.4 30.3 69.7 68.5 73.1 76.3 76.0 76.0 79.9 79.0 74.1 66.2 78.7 79.0 81.9 77.9 75.2 71.6 72.0 71.4 71.8 73.5 75.1 898.6 818.2 6,753.4 6.8 174.1 75.9 13,575.9 2.3 1,753.6 546. 4 17.7 4,764.6 2,322.3 6,453.7 11.4 7,704.5 75. 5 48.7 4,015.0 415.0 21.6 2, 605. 9 4,154.6 8.2 282, 863. 6 76.4 52.4 479. 5 .8 16.9 8.0 1,330.4 .3 114.0 3.5.5 2.1 395.5 311.2 1,077.8 1.2 616.3 6.0 5.1 485. 8 27.4 2.4 346.6 665.0 .8 32, 246. 5 9.9 9.8 87.8 3.3 21.0 9.6 1,235.5 699.1 Buckwheat tlour 637.4 6,294.8 r^hof'olntf wjifers 2.0 121.3 Crackers, reception 52.0 9, 924. 0 Wheat breakfast food ... Ginger cakes (rintrer snaos 1.7 1.50.8 46.9 .2 28.6 20.9 471.3 .6 23.1 .3 .7 71.7 68.1 .5 57.3 79.1 .8 2,828.7 1,332.8 414.5 14.1 3,764.0 1,720.8 Oats rolled 4,272.3 8.9 Rice 6,086.7 Rice, flaked Shredded wheat 6*1.8 37.8 Unclassified breakfast foods 3, 019. 3 Vanilla cakes Vermicelli 297. 1 15.5 Wheat flour, Graham Wheat breakfast food . . . Zwieback ; 1,860.6 2,983.0 6.0 Wheat flour 212,430.8 Total 340,086.5 38,203.9 5,216.5 255, 058. 3 Sugars, starches, etc.: 96.0 30.3 37.7 81.2 70.0 '""76."6' 71.4 90.0 95.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 88.0 519. 1 184.8 239.5 226.8 10,461.0 123.9 10, 404. 7 296. 6 795.5 212. 3 872. 9 115, .565. 7 785. 9 a52. 5 498.3 Chocolate 12.9 21.6 .4 48.7 28.9 1 24.1 51.9 .1 90.0 68.9 56.0 Cocoa 89.9 Honey 184.3 7,322.9 Olive oil 1 100.0 123. 9 7,283.3 211.7 Corn sfjArch 1 715. 9 ! 201.6 872.9 115,56.5.7 785.9 Tapioca .4 .1 1.5 .4 310. 2 Total 141,041.2 77.6 283.3 134,098.8 Vegetables: Asparagus 1.8 3.2 2.1 1.3 1.4 .2 .3 .3 .1 3.3 9.9 6.9 7.7 4.8 315. 5 1,660.2 1,548.0 5, 638. 0 68,802.3 5.7 53.1 •A2. 5 73.3 963. 2 .6 5.0 4.6 6.6 137.6 10.4 Beans, Lima 164.4 Beans, string 106.8 Beets 434.1 Cabbage 3,302.5 150 Tablk 36. — Total vjelght, compomtion, and amount of nutrients in food, etc. — Continued. Percentage compo.si- tion. Weight used. Kind of food material. Pro- tein. Fat. Carbo- drates. Total food material. Nutrients. Protein. Fat. Carbohy- drates. VEGETABLE FOOD — COntM. Vegetables— Continued. Carrots .- Prr ct. 0.9 1.8 .9 1.2 .7 1.2 1.4 1.0 1.4 .5 1.3 1.3 3.6 1.8 6.2 .5 .9 .4 1.7 2.1 .7 1.4 .9 .9 18.1 18.1 22.5 2.8 3.5 3.6 24.6 .8 .6 .9 1.2 1.8 Per ct. 0.2 .5 .1 .4 .2 .3 2 ^ '2 ii .1 .4 .4 .2 .1 3.4 .1 .1 .4 .5 .3 .2 .6 .4 .1 1.5 1.5 1.8 1.2 .4 .2 1.0 .2 .7 .5 2 i!i Per ct. 7.4 4.7 2.6 7.7 2.6 .5.1 4.8 2.5 8.9 5.5 10.8 10.8 9.8 14.7 26.0 2.6 4.0 2.2 3.8 3.2 4.5 21.9 3.9 5.7 65.9 6.5.9 59.6 19.0 6.8 9.8 62.0 6.7 3.6 10.5 4.0 5.6 Kilograms. 1,203.9 33.6 2,611.8 14,752.5 2. 150. 1 2. 686. 5 12,364.8 980.9 16,999.5 3, 633. 3 886.9 6,370.9 1,672.7 211,329.7 345.5 1.5.9 6. 105. 6 2. 707. 7 3,454.6 439.8 31,904.1 28, 737. 4 15,047.7 30, 380. 0 2,114.5 1,393.2 18, 400. 0 6. 812. 2 15.9 4. 848. 3 4, 828. 2 38.2 7,889.5 1, 489. 1 3.5, 781. 1 635. 5 Kilograms. 10.8 .6 23.5 177.1 15.1 32.3 173.1 9.8 238.0 17.7 11.5 82.8 60.2 3, 804. 0 21.4 .1 55.0 10.8 58.7 9.2 223.3 402.3 135. 4 273.4 382.7 252.2 4,140.0 190.7 .5 174.5 1,187.7 .3 47.3 13.4 429. 4 11.5 Kilograms. 2.4 .2 2.6 59.0 4.3 8.0 24.7 2.0 60.9 3.5 3.5 25.5 3.3 211.4 11.7 Kilograms. 89.1 Cauliflower 1-6 Celery Corn, green Cucumbers 67.6 1,130.0 55. 9 Keertlaiit 137.0 Kale .593.6 Tiettiioe 24.5 Onions, dried Onions ereen 1,. 510.0 194.3 95.8 088. 0 Pea s ereen 103.9 Potatoes Irish 31,065.5 Penners screen 89.8 .4 6.1 10.8 17.3 1.3 63.8 172.4 60.2 30.4 31.7 20.9 331.2 81.7 .1 9.7 48.3 .1 65.2 7.5 71.5 7.0 244. 2 Rhnbarb 69.6 131.3 14.1 Souash 1,435.7 6, 293. 5 Tomatoes 586.9 TurniDS 1,731.6 Beans, Lima, dried ...... Beans, kidney, dried Beans, white-pea, dried . Corn, canned 1, 393. 5 918.1 10, £66. 4 1,294.3 Mushrooms, canned Peas canned 1.1 47.5. 1 2, 993. 6 Pumpkin, canned Rhubarb, canned 2.6 284. 0 1.56. 4 Tomatoes, canned 1,431.2 35.6 Total 558, 925. 0 13,804.1 1,593.6 70, 383. 1 Fruits, berries, and nuts: 1.0 .3 .8 1.3 .3 .9 .5 .4 1.5 .3 .9 1.5 1.0 1.0 .6 .6 .3 .7 .8 .6 .5 .5 .4 .9 1.7 .9 2 '.7 1.6 2.4 1.9 4.3 .'3' .4 1.0 .8 1.5 .6 .'3' "'""i.2' 1.2 .1 .6 '.h' 20. 2 .1 .1 .4 .3 '"'i.'o' .6 .1 3.0 2.2 1.7 2.5 .3 12.6 10.8 14.3 10.9 4.6 15.9 78.1 9.9 12.8 10.8 19.1 18.8 14.4 14.4 8.5 16.6 70.0 5.9 8.5 8.6 7.7 12.7 9.7 19.1 12.6 7.0 2.7 13.5 66.1 74.2 70.6 74.2 38.2 7, 823. 9 1,307.5 10, 835. 5 19,028.9 10,029.1 208. 5 274.1 190.9 57.3 63.6 359.1 14,452.7 202.3 42.9 374.7 4,936.4 3,484.8 182. 5 3, 105. 5 1,363.6 4,636.4 1, .549. 5 50.9 245.5 5,68.5.0 22, 180. 9 66.6 6,096.8 1,336.8 4.5 23.9 .4 23.5 10.4 140.9 57.1 90.3 1.0 1.1 2.9 2 '.G 5.4 144.5 2.0 .3 2.2 14.8 24.4 1.4 18.6 6.8 23.2 6.2 .4 4.2 51.2 44.4 .5 97.4 32.1 .1 1.0 4.8 Apples 23.6 5.2 108.4 845. 0 Bananas 187. 0 Blackberries 1,181.1 875.3 Cherries . 80.2 3.1 1.6 1,594.6 Citron, dried 162.9 Cranberries 27.1 24.6 Crab annles 2 6.2 12.1 67.5 Grapes 173.6 2.4 2,081.2 Grapes, Malaga 29.1 3.6 Huckleberries 2.2 62.2 3,456.6 Lemons 17.4 30.9 3.1 1.4 18.5 4.6 205. 6 Olives 15. 6 Oranges 264.0 Peaches, fresh 105. 0 Pears 688. 8 Pineapple 1.50. 3 Plums 9.7 Raspberries 2.5 34.1 22.2 2.0 134.1 22.7 .1 .1 30.9 Strawberries 398.0 698.8 Whortleberries 9.0 Fruits, dried: Apples, evaporated Currants dried 4,030.0 991.9 Dates Figs 3.2 17.7 151 Table 36. — Total weigJii, composition, and amount of nutrients in food, etc. — Continued. Kind of food material. VEGETABLE FOOD — Cont'd. Fniits, dried— Continued. reaches, evaporated . Prunes, dried Raisins Nuts: Almonds Cocoanuts Cocoanut, shredded .. Nuts, mixed Walnuts, black Walnuts, English Total Beverages, condiments, etc. (;atsup Horse-radish Mustard, German Pickles, chowchow Pickles, cucumber Pickles, mixed i'east Total Total vegetable food. Total food Percentage composi- tion. Pro- tein. Per ct. 4.7 1.8 2.3 11.5 2.9 6.3 7.9 7.2 6.9 1.5 1.4 4.8 1.1 . 5 1.1 11.7 Fat. Per ct. 1.0 ""■i.O 30.2 2.^9 57.4 31.5 14.6 26.6 Carbo- hy- drates. Per ct. 62.5 62.2 68.5 9.5 14.3 31.5 6.7 3.0 6.8 Weight used. Total food 1 material. Protein. Nutrients. Kilograms. 10, 194. 1 9, 113. 2 2,280.9 24.1 40.5 61.7 504.5 20.9 2.7 Kilograms. 479.1 164.0 52.5 2.8 1.2 3.9 39.9 1.5 .2 142, 481. 4 .2 12.3 .2 10.5 5.6 3.7 .4 4.0 .3 2.7 .4 4.0 .4 21.0 56.6 15. 2 35.0 52.7 2, 897. 8 272. 7 717.4 4,047.4 1,186, .581. 5 1,554.5 .9 .2 1.6 .6 14.5 3.0 84.0 104.8 53, 744. 9 Fat. Kilograms. 102. 0 68.4 7.3 10.5 35.4 159.0 3.0 .7 1,086.3 .1 2.0 .2 8.7 1.1 2.9 15.0 8,194.7 2, 080, 688. 7 125, 789. 9 170, 756. 0 Carbohy- drates. Kilograms. 6,371.3 5, 668. 4 1,562.4 2.3 5.8 19.5 33.8 .6 .2 31, 702. 4 7.0 1.6 1.3 2.1 78.2 10.9 150.6 251.7 491,494.3 512,632.0 PERCENT.\GE COMPOSITION OF FOODS USED. Table 37 below shows the percentage composition assumed for each article of food used in the studie.'^ herein reported. In the case of food materials eaten in the uncooked state — for instance, bananas, celery, etc. — the values used are averages of analyses of similar materials taken from a previous publication of this Office.^ In the case of most of the cooked foods the percentage composition was computed from the weight of the cooked food and the weight and composition of the raw materials, as explained on page 15 preceding. In a few cases, through lack of time or because such a course might have interfered with the work of the kitchen employees, it was not possible to take weighings of the ingredients u.sed in preparing the foods, and it was necessary to make use of computed or determined analyses of similar foods made for other purposes. The reference numbers in the column at the left of the table correspond with those given in parentheses in connection with the materials in Table 35, and serve to indicate the values used in calculating the quantities of nutrients in each. In some cases the values used for such calculation were individual computations of composition, and in others they were averages of several such computations, those values being selected which were believed to correspond most closely to the food material as eaten. The various food materials have been grouped as usual under the different kinds of animal and A-egetable food. Those materials that contained different kinds of food materials and could therefore not be easily classified are grouped as miscellaneous foods. In the case of a few of the articles a brief explanation seems necessary. a U. S. Dept. Agr., Office of Experiment Stations Bui. 28. I 152 Steaks. — The average of all cuts of steak was used in this set of studies for the reason that at this institution the cuts of steak were not as sharply defined as in ordinary butchers' shojjs, and hence, while classed perhaps as rib, a lot of steaks might also contain some sirloin and round. Baked fresh shad was assumed to have the same composition as baked fresh haddock, as the recipe by which the food was prepared was not obtained. Ham omelet, — This article as served in these studies contained very little ham, but was mostly eggs. As no recipe was obtainable, the omelet was assumed to have the same percentage composition as scrambled eggs. Clam soup. — No recipe was obtained. It was believed, however, that this article would not be much different in nutritive value from oyster soup, so the percentage composition of this was therefore used for the clam soup. Wheat breakfast food. — Two different kinds of such breakfast foods were used during these studies. Bread, biscuits, and rolls. — The percentage composition used for this class of articles is the average for all kinds of bread as found by actual analysis. Bread dressing for meat. — This was mostly bread. No weighing of the raw ingredients nor of the cooked material were made, but as the quantities used were relatively extremely small it is believed that no appreciable error was introduced by assuming it to be of the same percentage composition as bread. Baked beans. — A number of weighings of raw and cooked materials were obtained for this food, as the percentage composition is apt to vary widely. Stewed corn. — Canned corn was prepared in several different ways by the addi- tion of various ingredients. Fried onions. — In computing the composition of this dish the amount of fat used was assumed. Fritters. — The very small quantity of this article of food made it seem unneces- sary to obtain any weighings of the raw materials used, and fritters were assumed to have the same percentage composition as bread. Celery salad. — This salad was composed of celery, with a mayonnaise dressing of unknown composition. As the amount of this dressing was extremely small, the celery only was considered, and the percentage composition of the edible portion of celery was assumed. Table 37. — Percentage composition of foods used in the dietary studies. Refer- ence No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Kind of food. ANIMAL FOOD. Beef: Boiled, as purchased Do Average, Nos. 1 and 2 Boiled, edible portion Do Do Do Do Average, Nos. 4-7 Liver, fried with flour and butter Liver, plain Roast, as purchased Do Roast, with gravy, as purchased. . Average, Nos. 12 and 13 Roast, edible portion Roast, with gravy, edible portion. Steak, rib, fried, edible portion. . . Do Steak, rib and loin, fried Steak, sirloin, fried Steak, round, fried Steak, round and sirloin, fried Steak, round, fried Protein. Per cetit. 15.1 18.6 16.9 30.8 30.6 31.8 24-. 1 26.9 29.3 28.6 26.0 23.3 22.6 20.7 22.9 26.1 23.8 23.4 22.6 21.3 26.2 26.3 •23. 9 30.2 Fat. Per cent. 27.5 22.8 25.2 37.7 30.6 28.3 35.8 19.0 33.1 22.9 15.6 S2.6 26.5 21.8 24.0 36.6 25.0 37.4 34.4 26.4 27.7 17.5 28.7 20.2 Carbohy- drates. Per cent. 2S.6 2.0 153 Table 37. — Percentage compomtlon of foods uml in the dietary studies- -Continued. Kind of food. 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 ANIMAL FOOD — Continued. Beef— Continued. Average, Nos. 22 and 23 Average, Nos. 18-24 Steak, Hamburg Corned, as purchased Corned, edible portion Do Do Dried, salted, and .smoked, edible portion. Dried, salted, and smoked, stewed Do Sausage, Bologna Veal: Cutlets, edible portion Roast Lamb, roast, as purchased Mutton: Chops Roast, edible portion Pork: BoUed Chops, fried with flour, as purchased Feet, as purchased Head-cheese Loin, baked, edible portion Jowl, boiled, edible portion Roast, with gravy Bacon, fried Do Do Average, Nos. 48, 49 Average, Nos. 48-50 Ham, fried Do .• Shoulder, smoked, boiled, as purchased. . Shoulder, smoked, boiled, edible portion , Do Sausage, fried Do Do Do Average, Nos. 58-60 Sausage, Frankfort Gravy, pork Do Poultry, chicken: Fricasseed, as purchased Stewed, edible portion Fish, etc.: Codfish, baked Codfish, scalloped Codfish, stuffed Halibut, boiled Haddock, baked Herring, fried Shad, baked (as haddock) Cod, salt, boiled Herring, dried, salted, and smoked Mackerel, salt, boiled Do Do Do Average, Nos. 77-79 Salmon, canned Eggs: Fresh, as purchased Boiled, as purchased Boiled, edible portion Fried Scrambled Butterine (as butter) Cheese Cream, evaporated Milk VEGETABLE FOOD. Cereals: Hominy, boiled Do Average, Nos. 92, 9:5 Cereal, mixed, boiled Protein. Fat. Per cent. 25. 1 24.8 25.7 22.9 31.3 29.9 29.4 30.0 9.5 22.2 18.7 26.7 27.4 23.1 18.4 25.0 1.5.7 24.3 5.5 19.5 21.9 18.2 27.6 22.8 22.7 19.9 22.8 21.8 21.2 22.2 17.1 22.6 20.4 22.6 16.4 21.2 24.6 20.1 19.6 .9 1.1 10.7 12.1 12.9 19.8 13.8 22.7 9.0 27.1 9.0 28.8 20.5 23.2 22.1 17.8 26.2 21.0 21.8 13.1 12.4 14.0 13.6 13.4 1.0 25.9 9.6 3.3 1.8 2.2 •lo .2.3 Carbohy- drates. Per cent. 23.1 27.5 11.5 17.3 b2. 4 50.3 22.2 6.5 4.5 20.0 17.6 16.8 6.0 19.7 26.7 22.6 36.3 28.2 9.1 33.8 26.6 50.5 21.6 40.0 69.3 61.3 54.7 56.9 29.4 33.2 27.0 40.5 27.1 48.7 49.1 68.2 60.1 55.3 18.6 3.5.5 28.6 9.3 11.4 .2 1.8 27.1 6.3 11.8 28.5 11.8 .4 8.8 24.8 33.8 19.0 28.0 2.5.9 12.1 9.3 10.7 12.0 19.7 20.5 85.0 33.7 9.3 4.0 1.6 2 !9 .6 Per cent. 2.9 5.9 .3 12.2 1.9 1.2 1.8 2.1 1.6 1.1 5.3 4.6 2.9 8.1 4.0 1.9 6.1 1.9 2.4 11.2 5.0 16.7 21.2 19.0 11.8 154 Table 37. — Percentage composition of foods used in the dietary studies — Continued. Kefer- ence No. 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 146 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 IM 1.55 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 Kind of food. VEGETABLE FOOD — Continued. Cereals — Continued. Mush, corn-meal Do Average, Nos. 96, 97 Oatmeal, boiled Do Do Do Do Average, Nos. 100, 101, 110, 111 Oatmeal, boiled Do Do Do Do ,.. Do Do Average, Nos. 109, 110 Average, Nos. 99-103,105-111 Rice, boiled Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Average, Nos. 120, 121 Average, Nos. 1 14-121 Shredded wheat Wheat breakfast food, boiled Do Do Do Corn bread Do Average, Nos. 130, 131 Bread, biscuit, and rolls Crackers, soda Fritters (as bread) Toast Cake, bakers' Cake, jelly Cake, frosted Douglinuts, fried Gingerbread and ginger cake Bread dressing (as bread) Macaroni, boiled Sugars, etc.: Molasses Sauce, pudding Sugar Vegetables: Beans, baked Do Do Do Do Average, Nos. 147-149 Beans, kidnev, boiled Do '. Beans, Lima, boiled Beets, boiled with butter and sugar. Beans, boiled Average, 1.56, 157 Cabbage, boiled Do Do, Do. Do. Do. Average, Nos. 159, 162, 163 Average, Nos. 1.59-164 Cabbage, with bacon Average, Nos. 160, 164, 167 Celery, as purcha.sed Celery, edible portion Celery salad (as celery, edible portion) Corn, stewed with milk Corn, stewed with butter Protein. Per cent. 1.3 1.3 1.3 2.3 2.8 2.9 2.6 2.3 2.8 2.7 2.3 2.3 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.6 2.9 2.6 1.2 1.4 1.4 1.0 1.3 1.5 1.0 1.0 1.4 1.0 1.2 10.5 1.4 1.8 2.5 1.9 5.1 6.6 5.9 9.2 9.8 9.2 11.5 6.3 6.3 5.9 6.7 5.8 9.2 3.3 Fat. Per cent. 0.3 .4 .4 1.0 1.2 1.3 1.2 1.0 1.2 1.2 1.0 1.0 1.4 1.5 1.3 1.1 1.5 1.2 2.0 8.7 8.8 6.0 9.7 8.9 7.8 7.1 10.1 .5.6 1.7 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.9 1.8 1.7 2.1 1.8 1.9 1.9 2.5 2.1 .9 1.1 1.1 4.0 2.9 Carbohy- drates. 13 1.4 .1 .4 .4 3 9 8.1 11.0 1.3 9.1 1.3 1.6 4.6 9.0 9.0 21.0 9.0 1.3 2.1 18.1 7.2 9.8 6.6 6.4 5.9 7.9 .6 .8 .5 1.1 .1 .6 .3 .5 .3 .3 .4 .3 .3 .4 3.7 1.6 .1 .1 .1 2.6 4.0 Per cent. 14.0 14.8 14.4 9.0 11.1 11.7 10.6 9.2 11.2 10.6 9.0 9.1 11.8 12.1 11.8 10.1 12.0 10.5 12.6 14.0 13.7 10.3 13.2 14.4 9.3 9.6 14.0 9.5 12.1 77.9 8.6 13.7 15.6 11.4 36.0 39.7 37.9 53.1 73.1 .53.1 61.2 56.9 63.3 64.8 53.1 63.5 53.1 15.8 70.0 75.0 100. 0 25.7 28.3 15.5 25. 2 26.4 23.2 18.9 26.8 20.6 17.0 10.6 13.8 6.3 7.0 6.3 6.1 7.5 6.3 6.6 6.6 6.7 6.7 2.6 3.3 3.3 22.6 19.0 155 Table ^1 .—Percentage composition of foods used in the dietary studies— Continued. 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 1% 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 ! 207 208 209 210 211 212 I 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 •231 232 23:5 2:14 2a') 2:16 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 2.53 Kind of food. VEGETABLE FOOD — continued. Vegetables— Continued. Corn, stewed with milk and butter Do Corn, .stewed with butter, sugar, and flour Corn, stewed with milk and flour Average, Nc is. 1 74-1 76 Average, Nc is. 172-177 Egg i)lant, cooked Kale, boiled (as cabbage, Ijoiled) Lettuce Onions, green .' Onions, boiled Onions, fried "'....'.[...[ Parsnips, (toiled and browned Peas, canned, stewed Peas, canned, stewed with butter and sugar Average, Nos. 1S7, 188 Pickles, cucumber .'...'.'. Potatoes, baked, as purcha.sed Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do [[[[[[[[...[[]..[""'..[.. Average, Nos. 191-202 Potatoes, baked, edible portion (as boiled and browned). PoUitoes, steamed, as purcha.sed Do Average, Nos. 205, 206 Potatoes, steamed, edible portion Do Average, Nos. 208, 209 .....!!!...!!!.!!!! Potatoes, boiled, edible portion Do ;;.:; Average, Nos. 208, 209, 211, 212 Potatoes, boiled and browned Do Do ".\\\'.'..\\\]'.'.'.'.[y....\]]\] Average, Nos. 214-210 Potatoes, fried Do Do Do '.'.'..... ; Average, Nos. 218-221 Potatoes, hashed ] Potatoes, mashed and creamed. . . Do Do Do Do .'.\.\..'.\'."'.. ..[[...]]" ".]'.'. Average, Nos. 227, 228 Average, Nos. 224-228 Potato cakes \.V.'..."V. .....['. Potato salad (as potatoes, boiled, edible portion) .......... Saratoga chips Khuharb, stewed !!!"."..!!.!.'!!!!]!!!!!!!."!. .SaniTkraut '..'.'.'..'.... Slaw Soup, bean Do Average, Nos. 2:57, 238. Soup, corn Soup, pea Soup, ))otato Soup, tomato Do Average, Nos. 243, 244. Soup, vegetable Do Do Do Do Do ;;; Average, Nos. 248, 249. A verage, Nos. 246-251 . Protein. Fat. Carbohy- drates. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. 2.5 3.7 17.1 3.1 5.0 20.0 3.2 2.8 25.9 2.8 1.2 16.5 2.9 3.8 21.0 3.1 3.2 20.2 6.4 24.5 32.6 1.4 3.8 5.0 1.2 .3 2.9 1.0 .1 11.2 1.2 1.8 4.9 1.0 25.0 11.0 2.0 6.6 16.5 4.3 .3 11.7 3.4 1.7 11.6 3.9 1.0 11.7 .5 .3 2.7 2.3 19.2 2.0 16.5 2.4 .2 19.1 ■i.O .3 24.3 2.3 .1 19.1 2.2 .2 17.6 2.4 20.4 2.9 .3 23.1 2.3 .1 18.4 3.0 24 0 2.3 18 9 2.3 .1 19.0 2.5 .1 20.0 2.5 .1 20.8 1.8 .1 14.9 1.9 .1 15.1 1.9 .1 1.5.0 ■f •} 19 3 2.5 20.9 2.4 20 1 2.2 18.9 2.2 .1 18.4 2.3 19.4 2.4 .1 19.6 3.0 .2 2.5.4 2.1 .1 17.4 2.5 .1 20.8 2.3 6.9 21.1 2.2 6.2 21.4 2.6 10.9 21.3 2.7 9.3 22.0 2.5 8.3 21.5 2.6 25 8 2.4 2.3 15.7 2.4 2.2 15.8 2.5 2.9 15.9 2.7 4.2 19.8 2.6 3.0 20.2 2.7 3.6 20.0 2.5 2.9 17.5 2.0 .5.5 17.5 2.3 19.4 6.8 39.8 46.7 .5 .6 23.1 1.7 .5 3.8 1.6 .3 5.6 2.1 .2 6.8 2.1 .2 6.5 2.1 .2 6.7 1.3 2.2 2.8 3.6 . 7 7.6 1.5 2.1 4.8 .3 .5 4.2 .3 .0 5.4 .3 .5 4.8 . / .1 4.2 .6 .1 4.1 . 7 5.2 1.0 8.0 .6 10.3 .6 4.0 .9 6.6 . 7 6.0 156 Table 37. — Percentage composition of foods used in the dietary studies — Continued. Refer- ence No. 25i 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 Kind of food. Protein. VEGETABLE FOOD — Continued. Vegetables — Continued. Squasn, boiled Succotash Sweet potato, baked, as purchased . Sweet potato, baked, edible portion Sweet potato, boiled (as raw) Sweet potato, boiled and browned. . Do Average, Nos. 259, 260 Sweet i)otato roll Sauce, tomato, stewed Do Average, Nos. 263, 264 , Tomatoes, stewed Do Average, Nos. 266,267 Turnips, boiled and mashed Do Fruits, etc.: Apples, as purchased Apples, baked with sugar Do Do ..- Average, Nos. 273, 274 Average, Nos. 272-274 Apples, fried Apple butter Bananas, as purchased Bananas, edible portion Grapes, as purchased Oranges, as purchased Pears, stewed Do Average, Nos. 283, 284 Prunes, stewed Do Do Do Do Average, Nos. 286-289 Jelly, apple Jelly, currant Sauce, apple Do Do Do Do Do Sauce, apple, evaporated.. Average, Nos. 297-299 Average, Nos. 294-299 Sauce, cranberry Sauce, peach, evaporated. Do Do Average, Nos. 304, 305 MISCELLANEOUS FOOD. Hash, baked do Liver and bacon Meat pie Stew, beef do do do Average, Nos. 312-315 Stew, mutton Codfish cakes Chicken, creamed, edible portion Chicken, baked and stuffed Oysters, creamed Oysters, scalloped Oysters, stewed Average, Nos. 321-323 Soup, clam (as soup, oyster) Soup, oyster Omelet, ham (as scrambled eggs) Sauce, for halibut Gravy, for steak Per cent. 1.9 4.2 2.3 2.4 1.4 2.4 1.9 2.2 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.7 1.4 1.6 1.5 1.3 .3 .4 .3 .3 -.3 .3 4.2 .5 .8 1.3 1.0 .6 .4 .4 .4 .7 .7 .8 .9 .7 .8 .3 .4 .2 .4 .2 .4 .6 .3 .4 .4 .4 Fat. Carbohy- drates. Per cent. 0.7 2.1 .6 5.9 .6 5.9 2.6 4.3 4.5 .4 .4 .4 1.4 1.4 1.4 .2 .2 .3 .5 .3 .3 .3 .4 2.3 1.4 1.6 1.9 12.6 11.7 25. 8 8.1 10.2 9.8 9.6 10.1 9.9 8.2 19.4 7.0 21.8 4.7 7.6 4.0 4.4 2.5 2.5 13.4 4.3 1.4 .4 .6 1.2 .1 .4 .4 .4 10.1 24.0 40.2 21.6 11.1 8.7 8.6 8.6 9.2 7.3 9.8 6.3 10.9 6.5 13.8 3.8 5.2 2.5 2.5 20.5 9.6 8.3 Per cent. 12.2 19.6 28.6 35.9 21.9 35.1 34.3 34.7 28.7 22.2 28.7 25. 5 1,5.0 10.1 12.6 9.1 8.1 157 Table 37. — Percentage composition of foods used in the dietary studies — Continued. Refer- ence No. 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 35] 352 363 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 Kind of food. MISCELLANEOUS FOOD — continued. Gravy, for beef Griddle cakes Hominy and beans Macaroni and cliee.se, baked . . . Macaroni and tomatoes, boiled. Mnftins Custard, plain Custard, chocolate Custard sauce Dumplings, apple (as apple pie) Ice cream, caramel Ice, lejnon Jelly,' lemon Onions, creamed (as onions boiled) Pie, apple Pie, apple, evaporated Pie, custard Pie, lemon Pie, mince Pie, peach, evaporated Pie, rhubarb Protein. Per cent. 6.5 4.7 7.4 3.5 9.9 5.6 4.5 4.9 3.1 3.9 Fat. Per cent. .do. Pie, squash Pudding, bread Pudding, chocolate, .do. Average, Nos. 354, 355 Pudding, cornstarch Pudding, cottage (as cake) . . . Pudding, cottage Pudding, floating island do Average, Nos. 360, 361 Pudding, junket Pudding, rice do Pudding, steamed do Pudding, tapioca Sauce, lemon, for pudding. . . Sauce, for pudding do Sauce, for pudding (as milkj 3.1 1.2 1.8 1.9 6.7 3.1 9.8 4.2 6.3 3.6 10.1 .5.8 12.3 3.4 17.6 2.8 11.6 3.1 9.8 4.4 8.4 2.6 2.3 3.2 4.9 2.9 5.8 3.1 5.4 3.0 .7 6. 3 4.6 6.7 ll.l 4.6 4.6 4.7 4.4 4.7 4.5 2.6 2.9 3.8 3.3 4.1 3.4 4.9 8.9 4.3 5.5 3.3 3.2 2.1 1.6 .9 4.7 5.0 3.8 3.3 4.0 2.3 .9 6.4 .5 15.6 5.0 4.9 4.2 9.8 4.0 Carbohy- drates. Per cent. 1.1 37.2 21.6 16.6 19.2 38.9 16.7 16.3 15.9 42.8 21.1 K2.4 17.6 4.9 29.0 42.8 26.1 37.4 38.1 38.5 27.0 42.8 21.7 22.1 21.3 24.6 23.0 33.9 56.9 60.0 15.8 22.4 19.1 12.3 16.2 22.7 .54.2 55.5 28.2 19.0 14.0 16.3 6.0 STATISTICS FOR COMPUTING THE PERCENTAGE COMPOSITION OF THE COOKED FOOOS USED IN THE DIETARY STUDIES. It has been explained (p. 15) that in Ueu of actual analyses, which it was not practicable to make in connection with these studies, the percentage composition of each cooked food used during the studies was computed from the total weight of the cooked material and the weight and assumed composition of each raw ingredient used. The method of making such computations for each of the various classes of cooked foods is explained in detail in Tables 1, 2, and 3 and the text accompanying them. The figures for the percentage composition of the different materials as thus computed are given in Table 37 above. The data regarding the total weight of the cooked material, the weight and assumed composition of the raw ingredients, the weights of fat and bone removed, etc., from which the figures in Table 37 were com- puted, are given in Table 38 below. The observer's notes regarding the character and quality of the raw materials were essential for a proper estimation of the per- centage composition, but these are not given as they were very voluminous. In connection with the explanation of the method of computation given on pages 15 to 15, just referred to, a few remarks here will, it is believed, make the data in the table clear. The figures in the column headed "Reference No." correspond with those in Table 37, their purpose being to indicate the data in Table 38 that were used in com- 158 piiting the composition of any given cooked article in Table 37. For instance, No. 2 of Table 37 is beef, boiled, "as purchased," the composition of which is given as 18.6 per cent protein and 22.8 per cent fat. By referring to Table 38 it will be seen that the total weight of the cooked meat was 258.5 pounds, and that of the uncooked meat was 325 pounds. The observer's notes showed that this consisted of medium fat beef side, "as purchased," the composition of which was assumed from the average of several analyses to be protein 14.8 per cent and fat 18.1 per cent. Fol- lowing the method of calculation explained on page 16, the total amount of protein in the uncooked meat was found to be 48.1 pounds and of fat 58.8 pounds. Dividing these quantities by the weight of the cooked meat gives 18.6 per cent of protein and 22.8 per cent fat in the cooked meat, the composition recorded in Table 37. The terms ' ' as purchased ' ' and ' ' edible portion ' ' used in the tables are common in accounts of dietary studies, and serve to indicate the condition of the food materials as regards the presence or absence of refuse, i. e., inediljle material, such as the skins and seeds of vegetables, the bone of meat, the shell of eggs, etc. If the food material when weighed contained such inedible material, the term "as pur- chased" is used in the record; whereas if the inedible material or refuse had been removed before the weight was taken the term "edible portion " is used. Thus, in the case of item No. 2 of Table 38, discussed above, "beef side, as purchased, 325 pounds," indicates that the bones were still in the meat; whereas in the case of No. 4 the statement, "beef, boiled, edible portion, 17.5 pounds," indicates an amount of food material not containing refuse. Information concerning the refuse is necessary in estimating the percentage com- position which should be used to compute the nutrients furnished by any given food material. This will be clear from a consideration of item No. 4. A part of beef No. 2, namely 29 pounds, was used to feed a certain group, but before serving, the bones were removed and only the edible portion, 17.5 pounds, was placed on the table. It was necessary therefore to ascertain the composition of the edible portion alone in order to calculate the (juantities of nutrients in the amounts eaten. The comxiuta- tion of the composition in this case was exactly the same as that explained just above for beef No. 2. The quantities of protein and fat in the 29 pounds of beef, which still contained bone, were calculated by the use of the figures for the conqiosition of beef No. 2 (Table 37) from which it was taken, and these were divided 1)y the total amount of edible material, 17.5 pounds. The resulting figures were the percentage composition of edible portion given for beef No. 4 in Table 37. It will be observed that in some cases the figures in the column of Table 38 headed " Weight of ingredients" are those for materials to be deducted in computing com- position. For instance, in the case of No. 8, allowance is made in computing the composition of beef " edil)le portion " from })eef " as purchased " for fat cooked out of the meat and for bones removed after cooking. This is fully explained in the discussion on page 16. 159 Table 38. — Data for computing percentage composition of cooked foods used in the dietary studies. Ref- Kinds of cooked food and of ingredi- ents. «:™i,+ ,.f Weight of in- gredients. Percentage composition of ingredients. ence No. cooked food. Pro- tein. Fat. Carbo- hy- drates. 1 Beef, boiled, as purchased Lbs. 24.50 Kilos. 11.11 Lbs. Kilos. Per ct. Per ct. Per ct. Beef, brisket and plate, as pur- chased 28.75 13.04 12.9 23.4 2 Beef, boiled , as purchased 258.60 117.26 Beef, side, as purchased 325.00 147.42 14.8 18.1 4 Beef, boiled, edib e portion 17.50 7.94 Beef, boiled, from lot No. 2 29.00 11.50 13.15 6.22 18.6 22.8 Bones removed 5 Beef, boiled , edible portion 87.75 39.80 Beef, shins, brisket, and neck, as purchased 142. 10 64.46 18.8 18.9 6 Beef, boiled, edible portion 63.00 28.58 Beef, plate, neck, clod, and shin, edible portion 104. 25 47.29 19.2 17.1 7 Beef, boiled, edible portion 163.25 74.05 Beef, plate, brisket, and chuck, edible portion 232. 30 105.37 16.9 2.5.2 8 Beef, boiled, edible portion 364.00 166. 11 Beef, neck, shin, and clod, as pur- chased 650. 00 16.00 81.00 294.84 7.26 36.74 15.1 13.1 100.0 Fat cooked out Bones removed after cooking 10 Liver, fried 10. 50 4.76 Liver 12. 75 3.75 .75 2.65 L50 5.78 1.70 .34 1.20 .68 20.7 1L4 LO 4.5 1.0 85.0 100.0 100.0 1 5 Flour 75 1 Butter Fat for frying Fat remaining after cooking n Liver, fried 45.75 20.75 Liver 57. 50 4.50 26.08 2.04 20.7 4.5 100.0 1 5 Fat for frying 12 Beef, roast, as purchased 25.14 11.40 Beef, chuck, as purchased 37.75 17.12 15.5 1.5.0 13 Beef, roast, as purchased 20.50 9.30 Beef, chuck and brisket, as pur- chased 32.25 14.63 14.3 16.2 14 Beef, roast, as purchased 428.00 194. 14 Beef, side, as purchased 600.00 15.60 272. 16 7.03. 14.8 18.1 100.0 Fat cooked out Ifi Beef, roast, edible portion 116.50 52.84 Beef, rib, chuck, and plate, edible portion 173.60 78.70 17.5 24.6 17 Beef, roast, edible portion 373.66 169. 19 Beef, cooked, as purchased (same lot as No. 14) 428.00 55.00 194. 14 24.95 20.7 21.8 Bones removed after cooking 18 Beefsteak, fried, edible portion Beef, rib, edible portion 14.00 6.35 18. 75 1.00 .75 8. .51 .45 .34 17.5 26.6 100.0 100.0 Lard for f rving Fat remaining after frving 19 Beefsteak, fried, edible portion Beef, rib, edible portion 17.00 7.71 22.00 9.98 17.5 26.6 ?0 Beefsteak, fried, edible portion Beef, sirloin and rib, edible por- tion 16.25 7.37 19.00 8.62 18.2 22.6 21 Beefsteak, fried, edible portion Beef, sirloin, edible portion 14.75 6.69 20.50 .30 9.30 .14 18.9 18.5 100.0 Lard for frving 22 Beefsteak, fried, as purchased Beef, round, as purchased 26.25 11.91 36.25 16.44 19.0 12.8 28 Beefsteak, fried, as purchased Beef, round and sirloin, as pur- chased 23.00 10.43 31.25 1.75 14.18 .79 17.6 15.2 100.0 Lard for frving 24 Beefsteak, fried, edible portion Beef, round, edible portion . . . 91.50 41.60 136.00 61.69 20.3 13.6 28 Beef: Corned, boiled, edible portion Beef, corned, cooked, as pur- chased, lot No. 31 401. 50 18?. 12 515.50 114.00 233.83 51.71 22.9 17.8 Bones removed after cooking 29 Beef: Corned, boiled, as purchased Beef, corned, as purchased 254. 25 115.33 360.00 i63. 30 is. 6 26.2 160 Table 38. — Data for computing jiercentage composition of cooked foods used in the dietary studies — Continued. Ref- er- ence No. Kinds of cooked food and of ingredi- ents. Total weightof cooked food. Weight of in- gredients. Percen of tage composition ingredients. Pro- tein. Fat. Carbo- h.V- d rates. 29 Beef, corned, boiled, edible portion, from lot above Lbs. 27.50 Kilos. 12.47 Us. Kilos. Per ct. Per ct. Per ct. Beef, corned, boiled, as purchased Bone and refuse 38. 75 11.25 17.58 5.10 22.1 37.1 30 Beef, corned, boiled, edible portion . . . Beef, corned, edible portion 135.50 61.46 260. 00 117.94 15.6 26.2 31 Beef, corned, boiled, as purchased Beef, corned, side, as purchased . . 515. 50 233.83 799.00 56.00 362.43 2.5.40 14.8 18.1 100.0 Fat cooked out 33 Beef, dried, stewed 21.0.. 9.53 Beef, dried, canned 4.00 9.50 .40 1.00 1.81 4.31 .18 .45 39.2 3.3 1.0 11.4 5.4 4.0 85.0 1.0 Milk 5 0 Butter Flour 75 1 34 Beef, dried, stewed 4. .50 2.04 Beef, dried, canned ■2.50 .95 1.13 .43 39.2 1.0 5.4 85.0 Butter 36 Veal cutlets, fried, edible portion Veal cutlets, edible portion 16.00 7.26 21.00 1.25 9.53 .57 20.3 1.0 7.7 8.5.0 Butter 38 Lamb, roast, as purchased 23.25 10.55 Lamb, }cg, as purchased 33.76 15.31 15.9 13.6 42 Pork, chops, fried, as purchased Pork cliops, as purchased 26.25 11.91 43.75 4. 25 4.25 7.50 19.85 1.93 1.93 3.40 13.4 24.2 100. 0 1.0 100.0 Fat for frying Flour 75 1 Fat remaining after f rving 43 Pork, feet, boiled, as purchased Pork, feet, as purchased 77.00 34.93 102. 00 46.27 4.i 6.9 45 Pork, baked, as purchased 31.00 14.06 Pork, loin, as purchased 50.50 4.00 22.91 1.81 13.4 24.2 100.0 Fat cooked out 46 Pork, jowl, boiled, edible portion Pork, jowls, as purchased 179. 50 81.42 325. 00 81.10 243. 90 10.00 147. 42 36. 79 110.63 4.54 Bones, raw a Pork, jowls, edible portion 13.4 41.3 100.0 Fat cooked out (estimated) 47 Pork, roast, edible portion 8.5.00 38.56 Pork, rilis, as purchased 175.00 24.00 79.38 10.89 13.4 24.2 100.0 Fat cooked out 48 Pork, bacon, fried, edible portion Pork, bn 209. 00 94.80 280.00 127. 01 21.5 .3 77 Mackerel, salt, boiled Mackerel, salt, entrails removed .. 11.75 5.33 16.75 7.60 16.3 17.4 78 Mackerel, salt, boiled Mackerel, salt, edible portion 88.75 40.26 113.-50 51.48 17.3 26.4 79 Mackerel, salt, boiled Mackerel, salt, entrails removed .. 15.75 7.14 17.25 7.82 16.3 17.4 80 Mackerel, sal t, fried Mackerel, salt, entrails removed .. Eggs, fried Eggs, edible portion ' 280.00 '"i4."75' 127. 01 ""6." 69' 86 4.50.00 204. 12 16.3 17.4 13.25 1.50 6.01 .68 14.8 10.5 100.0 Fat for f rving 87 Eggs, scrambled Eggs, edible portion 16.00 7.26 14.. 50 1.75 6. .58 .79 14.8 10.5 100.0 Lard for eofiking 92 Homin V, boi led 117.25 53.18 Hominv 24. 75 2.00 11.23 .91 8.3 1.0 .6 85.0 79 0 Butter 93 Hominy, boiled Hominv 106.00 48.08 28.50 12. 93 8.3 .6 79 0 95 Cereal, mixed, boiled Wheat breakfast food and oatmeal mixed 29.75 13.49 .5.00 2.27 14.3 4.G 70 0 96 Mush (corn-meal, boiled) ' Corn meal 1 28.00 12. 70 5.00 2. 27 7.1 1.3 78 4 97 Mush (corn-meal, boiled) > Corn meal 22. 25 10.09 4.25 1.93 7.1 1.3 78.4 99 Oatmeal, boiled 1 Oats, rol led i 95. 75 43.43 13.00 6.90 16.7 7.3 66.2 ion Oatmeal, boiled 148.75 67.47 Oats, rolled 26.00 H.34 16.7 7.3 66.2 101 Oa tnica 1 , boi led 1 Oats, rolled 124. 75 66.59 22.00 9.98 16.7 7.3 66.2 102 Oatmeal, boileiatoes edible portion 18.50 8.39 •25.50 11.. 57 2. 2 .1 18.4 ''ir> Potatoes, boiled and browned Potatoes as nurchased 22.00 9.98 •26.00 11.79 1.8 .1 14.7 ojy Potatoes hrowTicd 17.50 7.94 Potatoes cooked edible portion 0.10 15.25 1.00 .•25 2.77 6. 92 .45 .11 1.9 2.2 1.0 .1 .1 So. 0 100.0 15. 0 Potatoes, edible portion 18.4 Butter Lard ''19 Potatoes fried 17.75 8.05 Potatoes, cooked, edible portion.. 4.75 15. 50 1. '25 •2.15 7.03 .57 2.3 2.2 1.0 .1 .1 85.0 19.8 Potatoes, edible portion 18.4 Butter 220 Potatoes fried 19. 25 8.73 Potatoes edible Dortion 22. 40 2.50 10.16 1.13 2.2 1.0 .1 85.0 l.s. 4 Butter 221 15. 00 6.80 Potatoes, edible portion 17.90 . 75 .75 8.12 .34 .34 2.2 1.0 .1 85. 0 100.0 18.4 Butter Lard 2''3 15.50 7.03 5.50 15.50 2. 50 7.03 2.5 2.2 ........ •20.9 Potatoes cooked edible Bortion 18.9 224 Potatoes, mashed and creamed Potatoes edible Dortion •28.50 12.93 23.00 .5.00 .50 10.43 2.27 .23 •2.2 3.3 1.0 .1 4.0 85.0 is. 4 Milk 5.0 Butter ■'25 Potatoes, mashed and creamed Potatoes edible nortion 29. 50 13.38 24.00 5.00 .50 10.89 2. '27 .•23 '2.2 3.3 1.0 .1 4.0 8.5.0 IK. 4 Milk 5.0 Butter 226 Potatoes, niaslied and creamed Potatoes, edible portion 31.75 14.40 25.75 6.^25 .75 11.68 •2.84 .34 •2.2 3.3 1.0 .1 4.0 85.0 18.4 Milk 5.0 Butter 2''7 Potatoes, mashed and creamed Potatoes, edible portion 26. 25 11.91 •27. 75 2. '25 1.^25 12. .59 1.02 .57 2.2 i'.i 1.0 .1 4.0 85.0 18.4 Milk 5.0 Butter - .• r - - r • . 165 Table lis. — Tiatu for compiitln;/ ]>ererntage r'ampos-ilion of rooked foods UHed in the dietary ahidies — C<.iiitiiiued. Ref- ! Kiud.s (il eiM>keil ftmd anil of iiigretli- ents. 1 Weight of in- gredients. Percentage composition of ingredients. er- ence No. Total weignioi cooked food. Pro- tein. Fat. Carbo- hy- drates. Lhs. 26. 75 Kilos. 12. 13 Lbs. Kilos. Per cl. Per ct. Peret. Pdtjitot's ('(M)k(-'d (^diljlti Dortion 21.75 4.15 .75 1.25 9.87 1.88 .34 .57 2.3 3.3 1.0 11.4 0.1 4.0 N5. 0 1.0 19.8 Milk 5.0 Butter "::::;;:........ Flour 75.1 231 Potato cakes, fried 20.00 9.07 19.00 1.35 8. 62 .61 i:o .1 8.5.0 18.4 Butter 234 425.25 192. 89 Khubarb, canned (as fresh rhu- barb) 346. 00 89. 25 156. 95 40. 4.S 1 .6 . 7 3.6 100.0 237 Bean sonprt 587.75 266. 60 45.00 17.50 20.41 7.94 22.5 11.4 i.8 1.0 59.6 Flour 75.1 238 589.00 267. 17 49. 75 11.25 1.50 22. 57 5.10 .68 22. 5 11.4 1.6 1.8 1.0 .3 59.6 Flour 7.5.1 Onions 9.9 240 92.50 41.96 Milk 29.75 1.00 1.50 13.49 .45 .tifS 3.3 1.0 11.4 4.0 85.0 1.0 5.0 Butter Flour 75.1 242 96.00 43. 55 OnioTis 2.00 .75 10. 75 29.50 1.25 1.00 .91 .34 4.88 13. 38 ..57 .45 1.6 1.1 2.2 3.3 11.4 1.0 .3 .1 .1 4.0 1.0 85. 0 9.9 Celerv 3.3 Potatoes 18.4 5.0 Flour 7.5.1 Butter 243 95. 00 43.09 Tnmiifop^ ejiimcfi '> 36. 25 2. .50 1.75 .50 .50 1.50 16.44 1.13 .79 .23 .23 .68 nice 8.0 1.6 11.4 1.0 .3 .3 1.0 85.0 79.0 9.9 Flour 75.1 Butter SuK^ar 100.0 244 94.00 42.64 Tnmntoe'^ Prtnnffl /' 37.00 3.00 2. 75 .50 16.78 1.36 1.25 .23 Rice 8.0 .3 79.0 100.0 Butter 1.0 85.0 246 Vegetable soup « Bice 85.75 38.90 2.00 2.75 2.60 12. 50 1..50 1.50 .40 .50 .60 .91 1.25 1.18 5.67 .68 .68 .18 .23 .27 8.0 3.6 2.8 1.2 1.6 1.1 1.1 1.6 11.4 .3 .2 1.2 .2 .3 .4 .1 .3 1.0 79.0 9.8 Corn canned 19.0 4.0 Onions 9.9 9.3 Celerv 3.3 Cabbaffe .. 5.6 Flour 75.1 247 Vegetable soup « , 94. .50 42. 87 2. .50 12. ,50 2. 50 1.25 3.50 .60 1.13 .5. 67 1.13 ..57 1.59 .27 8.0 1.2 2.8 3.6 1.6 11.4 .3 .2 1.2 .2 .3 1.0 79.0 9.0 Com canned 19.0 Peas canned 9.8 Onions, p>otatoes, carrots, and cab- haere ( mixed lot \ 10.8 Flour I 75.1 248 42. .50 19.28 Onions 1.50 .50 9.25 .25 4.75 2.35 1.15 .68 .23 4.20 .11 2.15 1.07 .52 1.6 .9 1.2 8.0 2.8 2.2 1.6 .3 2 .2 .3 1.2 .1 .3 9.9 Carrots 7.4 TomatocM cannt^d 4.0 Bice - 79.0 1 19.0 Potatoes 18.4 Cabbage 5.6 ''49 ] 40. .50 18.37 Riee ..50 1. 25 .23 .57 8.0 11.4 .3 1.0 79.0 Flour 1 75.1 a Stock was used in making soup in almost every instance, but the ((uantity of nutrients in it could not be estimated, hence it is Kenerally not mentioned. '•These articles were cooked in the soup for .some time and then str material may have cooked out of them wa.s nece.ssarily neglected ii the soup. trained out. Whatever nutritive in computing the composition of 166 Table 38.— Data for computing percentage composition of cooked foods used in the dietary studies — Continued. Ref- Kinds of cooked food and of ingredi- ' ents. Weight of in- gredients. Percentage composition of ingredients. er- ence No. Dotal weigni oi cooked food. Pro- tein. Fat. Carbo- hy- arates. 249 Vegetable soup— Continued. Lbs. Kilos. Lbs. 8.75 2.50 1.00 3.70 1.75 2.00 Kilos. 3.97 1.13 .45 1.68 .79 .91 Per ct. 1.2 1.4 .9 2.8 1.6 2.2 Per ct. 0.2 .3 .2 1.2 .3 .1 Per ct. 4.0 Oniorm . ... 8.9 7.4 f!nm on ii ii pfi 19.0 5.6 18.4 250 541.00 245. 40 17.50 1.75 2.00 15.00 13.75 14.50 7.94 .79 .91 6.80 6.24 6.58 2.2 1.1 1.6 8.0 1.2 11.4 .1 .4 .3 .3 •2 1.0 18.4 r!flrrr»tM 9.3 9.9 jj^ice 79.0 T'nmfltop^ Pflnrifd 4.0 Flour 75.1 251 564.25 255. 94 12. .50 2.25 .25 14.25 12.00 7.50 12.25 5.67 1.02 .11 6.46 5.44 3.40 5.56 1.2 1.1 1.6 2.2 8.0 1.6 11.4 .2 .4 .3 .1 .3 .3 1.0 4.0 9.3 9.9 Pntfltops 18.4 Rice 79.0 Pq hhn p"p 5.6 piour 75.1 254 69.50 31.53 94.00 42.64 1.4 .5 9.0 255 530. 00 240. 41 85.00 240. 00 8.00 3.00 38.56 108. 86 3.63 1.36 18.1 2.8 1.0 11.4 1.5 1.2 85.0 1.0 65.9 19.0 Butter piour 75. i 257 Sweet potatoes, baked, edible portion, ciwppt rintfltop*^ edible portion 34.00 15.42 42.75 2.00 .50 19.39 .91 .23 1.8 1.0 85! 0 27.4 Butter ioo.o 259 Sweet potatoes, boiled and browned. . 17.00 7.71 21. 75 1.00 9.87 .45 1.8 1.0 85". 0 27.4 Butter 260 Sweet potatoes, boiled and browned.. Gwppf nntiitopM ediVilp portion 18.50 8.39 19. 50 1.00 .40 8.85 .45 .18 1.8 .7 27.4 100.0 Butter 1.0 85.0 262 22. 25 10.09 21.50 1.00 .50 9.75 .45 .23 1.8 1.0 85". 0 27. 4 ioo.o 263 Tomatosauce (stewed plum tomatoes) 140. 25 63.62 111.75 17.00 13.00 50.69 7.71 6.90 .9 .4 3.9 100.0 Flour . 11.4 1.0 75.1 264 Tomatosauce (stewed plum tomatoes) Plum tomatoes as D\irchased 59.25 26.88 43. 75 11.00 5.75 19. 85 4.99 2.61 .9 .4 3.9 100.0 Flour 11.4 1.0 75.1 266 18.50 8.39 Tnmfltops eaiined 18.75 .25 1.50 1.00 8.51 .11 .68 .45 1.2 1.0 2 85! 0 4.0 Butter ioo.o Bread 9.2 1.3 53.1 267 20. 75 9.41 20.10 1.50 ..50 .35 g.i'i .68 .23 .16 1.2 9.2 .2 ; 1.3 4.0 Bread .53. 1 100.0 Butter 1.0 85.0 269 Turnips, boiled, edible portion 285. 00 129. 28 320. 00 145. 15 1.3 2 8.1 272 Apples, baked, edible portion 21.75 9.87 21.00 2.00 9.53 .91 .4 .5 14.2 100.0 273 Annlp*] hftkpd fl«t ■nurrhased 215.00 97.52 Annies as Durehased 238.00 10.75 107. 96 4.88 .3 .3 10.8 Sne'flr 100.0 274 221. 00 100.26 241. 50 7.00 109.55 3.18 .3 .3 10.8 100.0 277 11.90 5.40 Annies edible nortion 8.25 1.60 2.50 3.74 .68 1.13 .4 13.1 11.4 .5 9.3 1.0 14.2 Flour 75. i a Stock was used in ma kink soup in almost every instance, but the quantity of nutrients in it could not be estimated, hence it is generally not mentioned. 167 Table 38. — Data for computing percentage composition of cooked foods used in the dietary studies — Continued. Ref- er- ence No. Kinds of cooked food and of ingredi ents. 283 284 286 287 288 289 290 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 303 304 305 306 308 309 310 3U Total weiglitof cooked food. Pears, stewed, edible portion Pears, edible portion Sugar Pears, stewed, edible portion Pears, edible portion Sugar Prunes, stewed, as purchased Prunes, dried Sugar Prunes, stewed, as purchased Prunes, dried Sugar Prunes, stewed, as purchased Prunes, dried Sugar Prunes, stewed, as purchased Prunes, dried Sugar Prunes, stewed, as purchased Prunes, dried Sugar Apple sauce Apples, as purchased Sugar Apple sauce Apples, edible portion Lemons, as purchased Sugar Apple sauce Apples, edible portion Sugar Apple sauce Apples, edible portion Sugar Apple sauce Apples, edible portion Sugar Applesauce Apples, edible portion Sugar Apple sauce (from another lot)... Apple sauce (from evaporated apples) Apples, evaporated Sugar Cranberry sauce Cranberries, as purchased Sugar Peach sauce (from evaporated peaches) Peaches, evaporated Sugar Peach sauce (from evaporated peac hes ) Peaches, evaporated Sugar Peach sauce (from evaporated peaches) Peaches, evaporated Sugar Hash Beef, boiled, as purchased (as boiled beef, canned ) Onions Potatoes, boiled Hash, baked Beef, boiled, edible portion Potatoes, steamed Onions, tops Fat gravy Bread crumbs (as bread) Liver and bacon, fried Liver Bacon, fat, edible portion Fat cooked out Meat pie Stew beef and pork, chopped Average of beef and pork side — Lbs. 27.00 Kilos. 12.25 26. 25 21.25 i23."25' i69.'75 "96.'75' io'i.'oo 19.00 21.50 18.50 '•25.' 50 11.91 9.64 55.91 49.78 Weight of in- gredients. Lbs. Kilos. 19.00 3.00 17.00 4.25 8.50 3.50 50.50 14.25 51.00 15.50 43.89 i- 227. 71 "'s.'e-i' '"'9.'75' 8.39 11.57 17.00 32. 75 433.00 23.25 103. 75 32.50 452. 00 '56.' 66 7.71 14.86 196. 41 'i6.'55 47.06 14.74 205. 03 25. 40 132.00 59.88 10.00 4.54 49.50 22. 46 47.75 11.25 200.00 48.00 13.50 3.75 19.50 .50 3.00 11.00 2.00 22.00 6.00 12.60 4.00 17.50 4.75 10.50 100.00 65.00 13.60 5.75 50.00 7.50 10.00 2.25 150.00 60.00 25.00 1.50 26.75 48.00 56.00 3.50 21.00 2.00 5.50 14.50 6.00 21. 00 8.62 1.36 7.71 1.93 3.86 1.59 22. 91 6.46 23. 13 7.03 21. 66 5.10 Percentage composition of ingredients. Pro- tein. Fat. Per ct. 90.72 21.77 6.12 1.70 8.85 .23 1.36 4.99 .91 9.98 2.72 5.67 1.81 7.94 2.15 4.76 45.36 29.48 6.12 2.61 22. 68 3.40 4.54 1.02 68.04 27. 22 11.34 .68 12.13 22. 77 25.40 1.59 9.53 .91 2.50 6.58 2.72 9.53 U.O .6 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 Per ct. .4 .4 .4 '."4 1.6 ".'4 4.7 4.7 4.7 25.5 1.6 2.5 29.3 2.4 1.0 9.2 20.7 9.9 13.6 0.5 .6 Carbo- hy- drates. Per ct. .5 .4 2.2 .6 1.0 1.0 1.0 22.5 .3 .1 33.1 .1 75.0 1.3 4.5 67.4 100.0 38.7 14.1 100.0 14.0 100.1 62. 2 100.0 62.2 100.0 62.2 100.0 62.2 100.0 62.2 100.0 10.8 100.0 14.2 6.9 100.0 14.2 100.0 14.2 100.0 14.2 100.0 14.2 100.0 66.1 100.0 9.9 100.0 62.5 100.0 62.6 100.0 62. 5 100.0 9.9 20.9 20.1 11.2 53.1 "i.'s 1()8 Table 38. — Data for computing percentage composition i if rooked foods used In the dietary studies — Continued. Ref- Kinds of fooked food and of ingredi- ents. Weight of in- gredients. Percentage composition of ingredients. er- ence No. cooked food. Pro- tein. Fat. Carbo- hy- drates. 311 Meat pie — Continued. Potatoes edible portion .... Lbx. 7w7().s. Lbs. 15. 00 7.25 2.50 Kilos. 6.80 3.29 1.13 Per ct. 2. 2 1L4 Per ct. 0.1 1.0 100.0 Per ct. 18.4 75.1 Lard 312 Tlppf offw 42. 50 19. 28 Beef side edible Dortion 21.25 11.50 2.00 9.64 5.22 18.1 2.2 11.4 22.0 .1 1.0 Potatoes, edible portion 18.4 Flour 75.1 813 ftppf MtfW 218. 00 98. 89 Beef (average of several compu- tations^ 61.00 6.50 13. 75 12. 50 2.50 27.26 27.67 2.95 6.24 .5.67 1.13 12. 36 28. 5 22. 6 2.5 11.4 1.6 2.2 30.5 2.8 .1 1.0 .3 .1 Beef, lean (as round), edible por- tion 20.9 Flour 7.5.1 Onions 9.9 18.4 314 Tlpfif «tpw 207. 50 94.12 Beef, boiled, edible portion (as No 5) 57.50 14.76 30.00 2. 75 26. 08 6.69 13.61 1.25 30. 5 11.4 2.2 1.6 30.6 1.0 .1 .8 Flour 75.1 Potatoes 18.4 9.9 315 Rppf stpw 226. 50 102. 74 Beef, boiled, edible portion (as No 5) 29. 25 31.00 35. 50 2.00 16.50 13.27 14.06 16.10 .91 7.49 30.5 2.2 31.8 1.6 11.4 30.6 .1 28.3 .3 1.0 18.4 Beef boiU'tl edible portion 9.9 Flour 75. 1 317 49. 00 22. 2:i Mutton neck asDurt'hased . . 28. 75 17.25 1.25 1.50 13.04 7.82 .57 .08 12.3 2.2 ll!4 17.9 .1 1.0 100.0 Potatoes 18.4 Flour 75.1 319 r^ h i f* k on o rpji m fd 25. 75 11 68 8.00 12.00 .25 3.63 5.44 .11 17.6 3.3 1.0 11.5 4.0 85.0 2.4 Milk 5.0 Butter 321 19. 75 8.96 9.50 7.50 1.00 .75 4.31 3.40 .45 .34 6.0 3.3 1.0 11.4 1.3 4.0 85.0 1.0 3.3 Milk 5.0 Butter Flour 75.1 323 44.75 20.30 Oysters, solids 1.5. 00 26. 25 .50 6.80 11.91 .23 6.0 3.3 1.0 1.3 4.0 85.0 3.3 Milk . . 5.0 Butter 326 92.50 41.96 Ovsters solids 12. 75 1.10 41.75 .50 5.78 .50 18. 94 .23 6.0 11.4 3.3 1.0 1.3 1.0 4.0 85.0 3.3 Flour ... 75.1 Milk 5.0 Butter 328 .'^nnee for hrilibut 10.00 4 53 2.00 3.00 .50 .76 .91 1.36 .23 .34 13.1 3.3 11.4 1.0 9.3 4.0 1.0 85.0 Milk .5.0 Flour 7.5.1 Butter 329 Gravy 7. 25 3.29 Tiiiee and fat from fried .steak o Butter .75 .50 .34 .23 1.0 11.4 85.0 1.0 Flour . ... 75.1 330 N. 75 3.97 Onions 1.15 . 52 1.6 .3 9. 9 331 Griddle eakes 2.15 .98 Milk 1.00 1.00 .15 .45 .45 .07 3.3 11.4 1.2 4.0 1.0 5.0 Flour 75.1 Rice, boiled 12.1 333 20.00 9.07 / Cheese . . . . . . 2.75 3.25 7.50 .60 1.25 1.47 3.40 .27 25. 9 13.4 3.3 11.4 33.7 .9 4.0 1.0 2.4 Macaroni 74.1 Milk 5.0 Flour 75. 1 334 59. 25 26.88 Macaroni 12. 00 19.15 d not be 5.44 8.69 ealeula 13.4 1.2 ted. . 9 o 74.1 Tomatoes, canned 4.0 a The nutrients in the 56 mater ials coul 169 Table 38. — Dula for romjiitliv;/ perceiUa cents. Bui. 101. Stiidie.i on Bread and Bread Making at the University of Minnesota in 1899 and 1900, By Harry .Snvder. Pp. (io. Price. 5 cents. Bui. 102. Experiments on Losses iti Cooking Meat, 1898-1900. By H. S. Grindley, with the coopera- tion of H. McCormack and H. C. Porter. Pp. 64. Price, 5 cent.". Bui 107. Nutrition Investigations among Fruitarians and Chinese at the California Agricultural Experiment Station, 1899-1901. By M. E. Jafia. Pp. 43. Price, 5 cents. Bui. 109. E.\porimcnts on the JfeUibolism of Matter and Energy in the Human Body, 1898-1900. By W. O. Atwater and F. G. Benedict, with the cooperation of A. P. Bryant, A. W. Smith, and J. F. Snell. Pp. 147. Price. 10 cents. Bui. lie. Dietary Studies in New York City in 1896 and 1897. By W. O. Atwater and A. P. Bryant. Pp.83. Price, ri cents. Bui. 117. Experiments on the Effect of Muscular Work upon the Digestibility of Food and the Metab- olism of Nitrogen. Conducted at the University of Tennes.sce, 1899-1900. By C. E. Wait. Pp. 43. Price, 5 cents. Bui. V'l. Experiments on the Metabolism of Nitrogen, Sulphur, and Phosphorus in the Human Organism. Bv H. C. Slierman. Pp.47. Price, 5 cents. Bui. 126. Studies on the liigestibility and Nutritive Value of Bread at the University of Minnesota in 1900-1902. Bv Harrv Snvder. Pp. 52. Price, 5 cents. Bui. 129. Dietary Studies in Boston" and Springfield, Mas.s., Philadelphia, Pa., and Chicago, 111. By Lydia Southard, Ellen H. Richards, Susannah Usher, Bertha M. Terrill, and Amelia Shapleigh. Edited by R. D. Milner. Pp. 103. Price. 10 cents. Bui. 132. Further Investigations among Fruitarians at the California Agricultural Experiment Station. Bv M. E. Jaffa. Pp.81. Price, 5 cents. Bui. 13f>. Experiments "on the Metabolism of Matter and Energy in the Human Body, 1900-1902. By W. O. Atwater and F. A. Benedict, with the cooperation of A. P. Bryant, R. D. Milner, and Paul Merrill. Pp. :W7. Price, 20 cents. Kul. 111. Experiments on Los.ses in Cooking Meat, 1900-1903. By H. S. Grindley and Timothy Mojonnier. Pp. 95. Price, 5 cents. Bui. 149. Studies of the Food of Maine Lumbermen. By C. D. Woods and E. R. MansiBeld. Pp. 60. Price, 5 cents. FARMEKo BULLETINS. Foods: Nutritive Value and Cast. By W. O.^Atwatcr. Pp. 32. Meats: Composition and Cooking. By C. D. Woods. Pp. 29. Milk as Pood. Pp. ;39. Fish as Food. Bv C. F. Langworthv. Pp. 30. Sugar as Food. By Marv H. Abel. Pp. 27. Bui. 112. Bread and the Principles of Bread Making. By Helen W. Atwater. Pp. ;H9. Bui. 121. Beans, Peas, and other Legumes as Food. By Mary H. Abel. Pp. 32. Bui. 128. Eggs and their Uses as Food. By C. F. Langworthy. Pp. 32. Bui. 1 12. Principles of Nutrition and Nutritive Value of Food. By W. O. Atwater. Pp. 48. Bui. 182. Poultry as Food. By Helen Atwater. Pp.40. Bui. 203. Canned Fruit, Preserves, and Jellies: Household Methods of Preparation. By Maria Parloa. Pp. 32. CIKCULAR. Circ. 40. The Functions and Uses of Food. By C.F. Langworthy. Pp.10. SEPARATES. *Food and Diet. By W. O. Atwater. Reprinted from Yearbook. of Department of Agriculture for 1894. Pp. 44. . . Some Results of Dietary Studies in the United States. By A. P. Bryant. Reprinted from Yearbook of Department of Agriculture for 1898. Pp. 14. Development of the Nutrition Investigations of the Department of Agriculture. By A. C. True and R. D. Milner. Reprinted from Yearbook of Department of Agriculture for 1899. Pp. 16. The Value of Potatoes as Food. Bv C. F. Langworthv. Reprinted from Yearbook of Department of Agriculture for 1900. P"p. 16. Dietaries in Public Institutions. By W. O. Atwater. Reprinted from Yearbook of Department of . Agriculture for 1891. Pp.18. The Cost of Food as Related to its Nutritive Value. By R. D. Milner. Reprinted from Yearbook of Department of Agriculture for 1902. Pp. 19. Wheat Flour and Bread. By Harry Snvder. Reprinted from Yearbook of Department of Agriculture for 1903. Pp. 20. " ' Scope and Results of tlie Nutrition Investigations of the Office of Experiment Stations. Reprinted from Annual Report of the Office of Experiment Stations for the year ended June 30, 1901. Pp. 50. Dietary Studies of Groups. Especially in Public Institutions. By C. F. Langworthy. Reprinted from Annual Report of the Office of Experiment Stations for the year ended ,Iuue 30, 1902. Pp. 34. ^ Nutrition Investigations at the Government Hospital for the Insane, Washington, D. C. By W. O. Atwater. Reprinted from Annual Report of the Office of Experiment Stations for the year ended June 30, 1903. Pp. li. MISCELLANEOUS. Investigations on the Nutrition of Man in the United States. By C. F. Langworthy and R. D, Milner. I'p. 20. *Bul . 2;j. Bui. a. Bui. 74. Bui. 85. Bui. 93. -M •iv U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS— BULLETIN NO. 151. A. C. TRUE, Director. ORGANIZATION LISTS OF THE amTEAL Colleges and Experiment Stations IN THE UNITED STATES IDECEIMBER, 1904. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 190i. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Scientific Bureaus and Divisions. Weather Bureau — Willis L. Moore, Chief. Bureau of Animal Industry — D. E. Salmou, Chief. Bureau of Plant Industry — B. T. Galloway, Chief. Bureau of Forestry — Gifford Pinchot, Forester. Bureau op Soils — M. Whitnej^ Chief. Bureau of Chemistry — H. W. Wiley, Chemist. Bureau of Statistics — John Hyde, Statistician. Bureau of Entomology — L. 0. Howard, Entomologist. pivisioN op Biological Survey — C. Hart Merriam, Chief. Office of Public Road IxQUiRiEs^]Martin Dodge, Director. Office of Experiment Stations — A. C. True Director. THE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS. Alabama — College Station: Auburn; J. F. Duggar.a Canebrake Station: Uniontown; J. M. Eiche- son.6 Tnskegee 9ta.tion: Tuskegee; G.W.Carver." Alaska — Sitka: C. C. Georgeson.c Amzoii A— Tucson: R.H. Forbes.a Av.KAi;sAS—Fayettevillc: W. G. Vincenheller.'i California— Si-rArto/; E. W. Hilgard.n Colorado— i^i'^r^ Collins: L. G. Carpenter." Connecticut— State Station: New Haven; E. H. Jenkins." Storrs Station: Storrs; L, A. Clinton.a Delaware — ynmrk: A. T. Neale." Florida— Lake City: Andrew Sledd." Georgia — Experiment: R. J. Redding.o Hawaii— Federal Station: Hmiolulu; J.G.Smith.f Sugar Planters' Station: Honolulu; C. F. Eckart." Idaho — Moscow: H. T. French." Illinois — Urbana: E. Davenport." Indiana — Lafayette: A. Gos.s." Iowa — Ames: C. F. CnrtLss." KAisSAS—Manliattan: J. T. Willard." Kestvcky— Lexington: M. A. Scovell." Louisiana— State Station: Baton Rouge;-i Sugar Station: ^'ew Orlcans;\v; . E. Dod.'on.a North La. Station: Calhoun;) Maine— Orono.- C. D. Woods." Maryland — College Park: H. J. I'atterson." Massachusetts— ^Im^er*,^- H. H. Goodell." UiCHiOAS—AgricuUaral College: C. D. Smith." a Director. 6 Assistant director. Minnesota— ,S"<. Anthony Park, St. Paul: W. M. Liggett." Mississippi— Agricultural College: W. L. Hutchin- son." Mlssouri — College Station: Columbia; F. B. Mumford.d Fruit Station: Mountain Grove; Paul Evans.a Montana— .Bo2ema?»; F. B. Linfield.a Nebraska— iM!eo?».- E. A. Burnett." Nevada— i?e?(o.- J. E. Stubbs." New Hampshire— DK)/[a?K.- W. D.Gibbs." New Jersey— ^Vcm; Brunswick: E. B. Voorhees.a New MKXico—Mesilla Park; Luther Poster." New York- State Station: Geneva; W. H. Jordan." Cornell Station: Ithaca; L. H. Bailey." North Carolina— Raleigh: B. W. Kilgore." North Dakota — Agricultural College: J. II. Worst." Ohio— M'ooster: C.E. Thome." ' Oklahoma— S<(:«watov John Field."." Oregon— C'orraK/s.- J. Withycombe." PENNSYLVA^^A— «a Workers 12 Agricultural colleges and experiment stations in the United States, with governing boards, coiu'ses of study, boards of instruction, and station staffs -_ 33 Index of names i 3 KEY TO ABBREVIATIONS. Note. — Members of boards of trustees or other governing boards of the col- lege who are charged with the mauagement of experiment station affairs are indicated by an asterisk (*). Acct., Accountant. Actg., Acting. (Actff.) Acting Professor. (Adjunct), Adjunct Professor. Agr.. Agriculture, Agriculturist. Agri- cultural. Agron., Agronomy, Agronomist. Agt., Agent. Anal., Analytical, Analysis. Anat., Anatomy. Arhor., Arboriculture, Arboriculturist. ArchL, Architecture. Arith., Arithmetic. Assoc, Associate. (Assoc), Associate Professor. Asst., Assistant. (Asst.), Assistant Professor. Astron., Astronomy. Buct., Bacteriology, Bacteriologist. Bihiiog., Bibliograi)hy, Bibliographer. Biol., Biology, Biologist, Biological. Blacksiii., Blacksmithing. Bot., Botany, Botanist, Botanical. Chair., Chairman. Chetn., Chemist, Chemistry, Chemical. Vliinat., Climatology, Climatologist. Comdt., Commandant. Gonil, Connnercial. Comr., Commissioner. Cor res p.. Correspondence, Correspond- ent. Dept., Department. Dir., Director. Div., Division. Dom., Domestic. Draw., Drawing. Econ., Economy, Economic, Economics. Ed., Education. Eh, Elementary. Elect., Electrical, Electricity. 4 Engin., Engineer, Engineering. Engl., English. Ent., Entomology, Entomologist. Expt., Experiment, Experimental, Ex- perimentalist, Experimenter. Ext., Extension. Flor., Floriculture, Florist. For., Forestry. Gard., Gardener, Gardening. Gen., General. Gcog., Geography. GcoL, Geology, Geologist, Geological. Gov., Governor. Hist., History, Historical. Hort., Horticulture, Horticulturist. Hush., Husbandry, Ilusliandman. Indus., Industrial, Industries, Indus- try. Inst., Institutes. Instr., Instruction, Instructor. Invest., Investigations. Irrig., Irrigation. Lah., Laboratory. Lang., Language, Languages. Lat., Latin. Lect., Lecturer. I.ihr., Lii)rai-y, Librarian. Lit., Literature. Much., JSIachinery, Machinist. Math., Mathematics. Mech., Mechanics, Mechanician, Me- chanical. Met., Meteorology, Meteorologist. Metal.. Metallurgy. Mfg., Manufacturing. Mgr., Manager. Mil.. Military. 1//;/., Mineralogy, Mineralogist, Min- Mod., Modern. KEY TO ABBREVIATIONS. Mijc, Mj'cology, Mycologist. Nat., Natural. Org., Organic. Paint., Painting. Path., Pathology, Pathologist. Peday., Pedagogy, Pedagogics. Pharm.. Pharmacy, Pharmacist. Philos.. Philosophy. J'hotofj., Photography. /'//.i/s'., Physics, Physicist, Physical. Physiol., Physiology, Physiologist, Physiological. Polit., Political. Pomol., Pomology, Pomologist. Pract., Practice, Practical. Prep.. Preparatory. Pres., President. Prill.. Principal. Print.. Printing. P.sych., I'sychology. Kht't., lihetoric. »S'c/., Science, Scientific. f^cc. Secretary. »S'ric., Sewing. SoffUfK, Sociology. Sta., Station. Htcn., Stenography, Stenographer. >Suhsta., Substation. Supt., Superintendent. Tech., Technology, Technical. Teleg., Telegraphy. Treas., Treasurer. Typcw., Typewriting, Typewriter. Univ., University. V. Dir., Vice-Director. Vcf/., Vegetable, Vegetation. Vrt., Veterinary. Veterinarian. Vit., Viticulture. Viticulturist. y. Pres., Vice-President. Wheel wr., Wheelwrighting. Zool., Zoology, Zoologist. THE OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS. STAFF. A. C. True, Ph. D., Director. E. W. Allen, PL. D., Assistant Director and Editor of Experiment Station Record. W. n. Beal, B. a., M. E., Chief of Ji^ditorial Division. W. H. Evans, Ph. D., Chief of Division of Insuhir Stations. John Hamilton, Farmers' Institute Specialist. Mrs. C. E. Johnston, Chief Clerlv. Sarah L. Sommers, Record Clerk. editorial departments. E. W. Allen and H. W. Lawson, M. S., M. D., Chemistry, dairy farming, and dairying. W. H. Beal, Agricultural physics. W. H. EvANS, Botany. C. F. Langworthy, Ph. D., Food and nutrition. J. I. Schulte, B. S., Field crops. E. V. Wilcox, Ph. D., Entomology and veterinary science. C. B. Smith, M. S., Horticulture. D. J. Crosby, M. S., Agricultural institutions. William Henry, Indexing and proof reading. G. A. Harlow, Librarian. ALASKA experiment STATIONS. C. C. Geoegeson, M. S., Special agent in charge, Sitka. F. E. Rader, B. S., Assistant at Rampart. R. W. De Armond, Assistant at Sitka. P. II. Ross, B. S., Assistant at Kenai. J. W. Neal, Assistant at Copper Center. HAWAII experiment STATION. Jared G. Smith, Special agent in charge, Honolulu. Edmund C. Siiorey, Chemist. D. L. Van Dine, Entomologist. J. E. HiGGiNS, Expert in horticulture. C. R. Blacow, in charge of tobacco experiuients. Q. Q. Bradford, Farm foreman. 6 THE OFB^ICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS. 7 PORTO RICO EXPERIMENT STATION. D. W. May, M. S., Special agent in charge, Mayaguez. O. W. Barrett, Entomologist and botanist. J. W. Van Leenhoff, C'oft'ee exi)ei-t. II. C. IIenricksen, Horticnltnrist. E. F. Curt, Farm snperiutenclent. NUTRITION investigations. i W. O. Atwater, Ph. D., Chief of nutrition investigations, Middletown, Conn. C. D. Woods, B. S., Special agent at Orono, Me. F. G. Benedict, Ph. D., Physiological chemist. U. D. MiLNER. Ph. B., Assistant. irrigation and drainage investigations. Ei.wooD Mead. C. E., D. E., Chief of irrigation investigations. n. P. Teele, M. a., Editorial assistant. C. G. Elliott, C. E., Agent and expert in charge of drainage investigations. C. E. Tait, B. S., Assistant in charge of central district. Samuel Fortier, M. E., Agent and expert in charge of western district. W. B. Gregory, C. E., Agent and expert iu charge of rice investigations in Louisiana and Texas. OFFICERS OF THE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. President, E. B. VooRHEES, of New Jersey. Vice-Presidents, J. C. Hardy, of Mississippi. C D. Woods, of Maine. K. L. BuTTERFiELD, of Rliodo Isliuul. E. R. Nichols, of Kansas. Eugene Davenport, of Illinois. Secretary-Treasurer, J. L. II ILLS, of Vermont. Pfihlioi/rniilicr, A. C. True, of Washington, D. C. Executive Committee, H. C. White, of Georgia. Chairman. W. II. .Jordan, of New York. J. L. Snyder, of Michigan. C. F. Curtiss, of Iowa. I>. II. Bailey, of New York. Ex officio: The I'resident; the Junior ex-President (W. O. Thompson) ; the Secretary. Sections, Section on College Work and Administration : R. W. Stimson, of Connecti- cut, Chairman ; K. L. Butterfield, of Rhode Island, Secretary. Section on Experiment Station Work : II. J. Patterson, of Maryland, Chair- man ; M. A. ScovELL, of Kentucky, Secretary. Committe on Programme : J. F. DuGGAB, of Alabama; C. D. Woods, of Maine, and M. A. Scovell, of Kentucky. Standinfi Committees, . Indexing Agricultural Literature, A. C. True, of Washington, D. C. Chairman. Methods of Teaching Agriculture, A. C. True, of Washington. D. C, Chairman. Graduate Study, L. II. Bailey, of New York. Chairman. Uniform Fertilizer Laws, H. J. Wheeler, of Rhode Island, Chairman. 8 OFFICERS OF THE ASSOCIATION. 9 Military lustruction in Land-grant Colleges, G. W. Atherton, of Pennsyl- vania, Chairman. Cooperation Between Stations and U. S. Department of Agriculture, E. A. Bryan, of Washington, Chairman. Pure-food Legislation, W. A. Withers, of North Carolina, Chaii'man. p Animal and Plant Breeding, W. M. Hays, of Washington, D. C, Chairman. Collective Exhihit at St. Louis Expositiou, W. IL Jordan, of New York, Chairman. Agricultural Engiueering in Laud-grant Colleges, W. E. Stone, of Indiana, Chairman. OFFICERS OF THE ASSOCIATION OF OFFICIAL AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTS OF THE UNITED STATES." President, C. L. Penny, Newark, Del. Vice-Fresident, C. G. Hopkins, Urbaiui, 111. Secretary, H. W. Wiley, U. S. Department of Agrifulture, Washington, D. C. Executive Committee, The President; the Vice-President; the Secretary; C. A. Browne, jr.. New Orleans, La. ; R. W. Thatcher, Pullman, Wash. '• The list of referees of this association has not yet been announced. 10 OFFICERS OF THE ASSOCIATION OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGISTS. President, A. L. QuAiNTANCE, of Wasbiugtoii, D. C. First Y Ice-President, A. F. HuRGESS, of Columbus, Ohio. Second Y ice-President, Maky E. Murtfeldt, of Kirkwood, Mo Secretary-Treasurer, H. E. Summers, of Ames, Iowa. 11 OFFICERS OF THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF FARMERS' INSTITUTE WORKERS. President. J. G. Hardy, of Asjci"i<'ultui-;il Collosc, Miss. Viee-J'reftident, E. A. BiTRNETT, of liineoln, Nebr. f^ecretary-Treufivrer, G. C. Creelman, of (Jueliili. Ontnrio. Exeeutive Committee, The President and the Secretary-Treasurer, ex officio; J. G. Lee, of Baton Rouge, La. ; F. IL Hall, of Aurora, 111. ; L. A. Clinton, of Storrs, Conn. 12 AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. Note. — Members of boards of trustees or other governing boards of the college who are tharyed with the management of experiment station affairs are indi- cated by an asterisk (*). ALABAMA. Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Aulnirn. GOVERNING BOARD. Trustees: Gov. ^Yll]iam D. Jelks (Pres. ex officio), Montgomery ; Isaac W. Hill (Siipt. of Education, ex officio). Montfionicry ; Jonathan Haralson, Mont- (jomery; J. A. Bilbro, Gadsden; J. M. Carmichael,* Montgomery : W. K. Terry, Birminyltam ; T. H. Frazer, Mohilc; N. D. Denson, Lafayette; T. D. Samford,* Opeiiha; R. F. Ligon. jr.. Montgomery; Taucred Betts, Hiintsviiie; Wm. C. Davis,* Jasper; E. T. Glenn (Treas.), Aiiljurn ; J. H. Drake {Surgeon), Auburn; K. W. Burton (Sec), Auburn. COURSES OF STUDY. The courses of study are ten. Seven of these require four years for comple- tion, and lead to the degree of B. S. : Course in chemistry and agriculture; course in civil engineering; course in electrical, mechanical, and mining engi- neering ; course in pharmacy ; general course ; course in chemistry and metal- lurgy. The remaining courses require two years each and lead to a certificate : Course in agriculture, course in mechanic arts, and course in pharmacy. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. Charles C. Thach, M. A.. President of the College and of the Station Council; English and Political Economy. Otis D. Smith, M. A., LL. D., Math. John F. Duggar, M. S., Agr. James H. Lane, C. E., M. A., Ph. D., Arthur St. C. Dunstan, M. E., C. E., LL. I).. Civil Engin. and Draw. Elect. Engin. George Petrie, M. A., Ph. D., Eist., John E. Wiatt. M. A., Mod. Lung. Lat. Edwin M. Wilcox. Ph. D., Bot. Bennett B. Ross., M. S., Gen. and Agr. R. S. Mackintosh, B. Agr., Ilort.; State Chem.; State Chem. Hort. John J. Wilmore, M. E., Meeh. Engin.; Boiling H. Crenshaw, M. E., (Assoc.) Dir. of Lab. Math. Charles A. Cary, B. S., D. V. M., Phys- Benjamin S. Patrick, E. and M. E., ioL, Vet. Sci.; in charge of Farmers' Comdt., (Actg.) Mil. Sci. Inst. James P. C. Southall, M. A., PJiys. Emerson R. Miller, M. Phar., M. S., Geo. N. Mitcham, C. E., M. E., Geo!., Pharm. Min. Engin. " On leave. 13 14 AGEICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION — Continued. Michael T. Fullan, M. S., M. E., W. B. Stokes, M. S., Instr. Mcch. Arts. (Asst.) Mech. Arts. N. C. Rew, M. S., Instr. Animal Indus. Clifford Le R. Hare, M. S., (Asst.) Beruer Shi, B. S., Sec. to the Prcs. Cliem. James L. Murphy, B. S., Asst. in Arthur McB. Ransom,a M. S., Instr. Engl., Math. Chcm. Thomas H. Matsou, B. S., Asst. in AVilliam O. Scroggs," M. S., Libr., Civil Engiii., Draiv. Instr. Engl. Allen G. Jones, B. S., Asst. in Elect. Wm. W. Davis, M. S., Acty. Lihr.; Engin. Instr. hat.. Hist. Albert L. Thomas, B. S., Asst. in Mcch. William W. Hill, M. S., Instr. Mech. Engin. R. D. Webb, ]M. S., Instr. Engl. E. W. Ewing, B. S., Asst. in Chcm. Jas. R. Rutland, A. B., M. S., Instr. William F. Ward, B. S., Asst. in Bat. Engl. Cassius R. Hudson, B. S., Asst. in Agr. Thomas Bragg, M. S., Instr. Chcm. Isham Kimbell, B. S., Asst. in rharm. Isaac S. McAdory, B. S., Asst. in Vet. Bci. Agrcultural Experiment Station of the Alabama Polyteclinic Institute, Auburn. Department of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute, under the control of the Board of Trustees. STATION STAFF. J. F. Duggar, M. S., Dir.; Agr. A. McB. Ransom,aM. S., 2d Asst. Chcm. B. B. Ross, M. S., Chcm. Thomas Bragg, M. S., 3d Asst. Chcm. C. A. Gary, B. S., D. V. M., Vet. John H. Mitchell, M. S., Asst. Chcm. E. M. Wilcox. Ph. D., Bot. C. M. Floyd, Suin. Farm. R. S. Mackintosh, B. Age., Hort. N. C. Rew, M. S., .l.s.s/. Aniunil Hnsb. J. T. Anderson, Ph. D., Asst. Chcm. Isaac S. McAdory, B. S., Asst. ir. Vet. 0. Le R. Hare, M. S., 1st Asst. Chcm. Sci. T. B. Rivett, Asst. Hort. Agricultural and Mechanical College for Negroes, Normal. GOVERNING BOARD. Trustees: Gov. Wm. D. Jelks, Montgomery; Isaac W. Hill (Supt. of Educa- tion), Monfgomcrj/: S. J. Mayhew (Chair.), Iluntsville; Daniel Coleman (Trcas.), Huntsvillc; D. A. Grayson (Sec), Huntsville. COURSES OF STUDY. The college is divided into two departments— literary and industrial. The courses requiring four years for completion are as follows: Scientific, agri- cultural, and mechanical. Courses covering from one to four years are given in a number of different industrial and literary subjects. " On leave. AGKICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. 15 BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. W. H. Councill, Pii. D., President; Ancient History, Chemistry, and Mental Science. Hiram E. Archer, M. S., Prin. Dept. M. Z. Hanna, Asst. in Agr., Comdt. Nat. and Phys. Sci. Mrs. G. E. Masterson, Seiv. V. L. Washington, Prin. Primary Daisy B. Allen, Asst. Lihr. Dept.; Engl. Branches ; Model School ; Geo. E. London, Asst. Print. ' Kindergartner; Libr. Florence T. Johnson, Engl. Branches. Vt. n. C. Williams, Agr. Jas. Wilson, Print., Vocal Miii^ic; G. E. Masterson, M. S., Math. Band Uir. C. B. Brooks, Engl. Branches. Henrietta M. Archer, Sec. Faculty; Susie L. Maben, Sec; Typew. Math., Lit. Lula A. Scott. Lainidrcsx. Alplionsct Ilorlon. Shocniulving. F. M. Innis, Physiol., yurse Training. Clara C. Duncan, Art Paint. T. W. Maddux, Carpenter. Ella Brown, Asst. Seamstress. Katharine Simons, Instrumental Music. A. Charleton, Mach., Plumbing. Gertrude L. Hadnott. Lat., Engl. George Burnett, Asst. in Blaclcsm. Sophia Parker, Sew., Tailoring. Wm. Gillespie, Asst. Shoemaker. Canebrake Agricultural Experiment Station, Uniontown. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Control : K. R. Poole (Com. of Agr. c.r opcio), Montgomery; J. llug- gins. Xcirbcni; W. H. Taylor, liiioiitoirn; G. D. Stollenwerck, Uniontoicn; Wm. Munford {Treas.), TJniontoicn ; J. B. Garber, Laneville. STATION STAFF. .T. F. LHiggar, M. S., Dir. J. M. Richeson, M. S., Asst. Dir.; Sec. J. F. Connor, V. M. D., Vet. Agricultural School of the Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute, Tuskegee Institute. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Trustees: Chas. C. Thach * {Pres.), Auburn; R. R. Poole* (Com. of Agr.), Montgomery ; Geo. W. Campbell,* Tuskegee Institute; R. C. Bedford (Sec), Beloit, Wis.; Warren Logan* (Treas.), Tuskegee In-'ititute; Lewis Adams,* Tuskegee Institute ; Charles W. Hare,* Tuskegee luxtitute; Booker T. Washington,* Tuskegee Institute; J. W. Adams, Montgomery ; John C. Grant, Chicago, III.; George A. Gordon, Boston, Mass.; Charles F. Dole, Boston, Mass.; J. G. Phelps Stokes, NeiD York City; Wm. II. Baldwin, jr., ISleiD York City; R. O. Simpson, Furman ; Robert ('. Ogden, lS!cw York City; George Foster Peabody, Neiv York City; Hugh H. Hanna, Indianapolis. Ind.; Paul M. War- burg, New York City. 16 AGRICITLTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. COURSES OF STUDY. The institute is divided into five departments : Academic, music, Bible train- ing school, mechanical industries, and agriculture. The school of agriculture offers two two-year courses in agriculture — one to young men and one to young women. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. Booker T. Washington, Principal of the Institute. George W. Carver, Dir., in charge of Farmers' Inst. P. C. Parks, Supt. of Farm. Chas. W. Greene, Pract. Agr., Home Farm. Geo. R. Bridgeforth, Stock Raising. Geo. K. Gordon, Dairying. Geo. W. Owens, Dairying. D. A. Williston, Landscape Gard. A.F.Crawtovd, Asst. Landscape Gard. Jos. B. Brown, Truck Gard. Maj. J. B. Ramsey, Comdt. Capt. G. C. Austin, Asst. Comdt. Robt. R. Taylor, Dir. Mech. Indus. Lewis Adams, Tinsmithing. Chas. T. Russell, Carpentnj. Mitchell D. Garner, Asst. Carpentry. George B. Evans, Asst. Carpentry. Edw. W. Cummings, Blacksm. Wm. S. Pittman, Archi., Mech. Draw. Wallace A. Rayfield, Archi., Mech. Draiv. John J. Wheeler, Asst. Mech. Div. Chas. W. Pierce, Elect. Engin. James M. Green, Brickmasonry. John C. Green, Paint. Wm. A. Richardson, Asst. Paint. Chas. H. Evans, Woodirorking Much. William Gregory, Brickmaking. Harry E. Thomas, 2Iacli.. *V/c(/;;t En- gin., Founding. IT. J. Perkins, Plumbing, Stca)n Fit- ting. John C. Jordan, Harness Making, Car- riage Trimming. Wm. M. Allen, Shoemaking. Lewis E. Bryant, Tailoring. W. L. King, Asst. Tailoring. Frank G. Manley, Print. Edward W. Lomax, Whecltrr. Mrs. B. T. Washington, Dir. Indus, for Girls. Hattie E. King, Dressmaking. Mamie Young, Plain Seiv. C. A. Vivian, MiUinery. Mary L. Dotson, Cooking. Fannie L. Thompson, Asst. Cooking. Georgia F. Stewart, Laundering. Willie Napier, Laundering. Ophelia Donaldson, Laundering. Mamie B. Washington. Vpholstering. Carrie C. Smith, Basketry and Sloyd. Elizabeth E. Lane, Asst. to Dir. Octavia Ferguson, Housekeeping. N. E. Pollard, Teachers' Dining Room. C. S. Lane, Students' Dining Room. Elizabeth A. Durgan, Housekeeping. Fannie McCreary Lane, Asst. Students' Dining Room. John H. Palmer, Registrar. Chas. W. Wood, Libr. Anna Vanderzee, Ivindergarten. Susie A. Carter, Asst. Libr. Tuskegee Agricultural Experiment Station, Tuskegee Institute. Department of the Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute, under the control of the Board of Trustees of the Institute. STATION STAFF. G. W. Carver, Dir. P. C. Parks, Supt. of Farm. C. W. Greene, Pract. Agr., Home Farm. Geo. R. Bridgefortli, Stork Raising. G. W. Owens, Dairying, G. K. Gordon, Dairying. A. F. Crawford, Landscape Gard. I). A. Williston, Landscape Gard. C. J. Calloway, Bureau of Nature Study. J. B. Brown, Truck Gard. AGRICULTUEAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. 17 AIjASItA. Alaska Agricultural Experiment Stations, Sitka, Kenai, Copper Center, and Hampart. Under the supervision of A. C. True, Director OfRce of Experiment Stations, United States Department of Agriculture. STATION STAFF. C. C. Georgeson, M. S., Special Agent li. W. De Armond, Asst. at Sitka. in Charge, Sitka. P. H. Ross. B. S., Asst. at Kenai. F. E. Rader, B. S., Asst. at Rampart. J. W. Neal, Asst. at Copper Center. ARIZONA. University of Arizona, Tucson. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Regents: Winfield Scott (Chancellor), Scottsdale; Geo. J. Roskruge {Sec), Tucson; J. M. Ormsby (Trcas.), Tucson; Chas. S. Bayless, Tucson; Gov. A. O. Brodie (ex officio). Phoenix; N. G. Layton (Supt. of Puhlic Instr., ex officio), Phoenix. ' COURSES OF STUDY. The university offers six regular four-year courses of study leading to a degree, viz, literary, scientific, engineering, chemistry, mining, and agriculture; also a short course in mineralogy and assaying. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. Ivendric C. Babcock, Ph. D., President. William P. Blake. Ph. B., M. A., Oeol., Chas. A. Turrell. M. A.. Mod. Lang. Metal., Min.; Dir. School of Mines. S. V. McClure, Lieut, U. S. A. (Re- lloward J. Ilall.a M. A., Libr.; Engl. tired). Mil. Sci. and Tactics. S. C. Newsom. M. A.. (Asst.) Engl. Wm. M. Ruthrauff, B. A., Hist. Estelle G. Luttrell, M. A., Instr. Engl; Mabel G. Hoover, Instr. Dom. Sci. Lihr. riattie Ferrin, B. S., Instr. Engl, Lat. E. yi. Blake. E. M., Ph. D., Math., John W. Gorby, B. A., Instr. Oratory. Mech. Glenn AV. Wilcox. B. S.. Instr. Sci., Frank N. (Jnild, P.. S.. Min.. Anal Econ. Chon. F. E. 'ralmage. B. L.. Instr. Bookkeep- Vinton A. Clark. M. S.. Agr., Ilort. ing. Stcn.. tnid Tgpcir. David H. Holmes. B. S.. Sec; Mech. Marion C. Stanley, B. A., Instr. Lat., .irts. Draw. Engl. Ivan De Lashmutt, B. S., Metal Geo. M. Evans, Ph. B., Registrar; R. H. Forbes, M. S., Cheni. In sir. Math. George E. P. Smith, C. B.. Phgs.,Engin. O. A. Kates, Phi/s. Training. John J. Thornber, M. A.. Biol Louise Kates, Phys. Training. " On leave. 8901— No. 151—05 M 2 18 AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. Agricultural Experiment Station of University of Arizona, Tucson. Department of the University of Arizona, under the control of the Board of Regents. STATION STAFF. R. II. Forbes, M. S.. Dir.; Cliciii. Henry 15. Slade, Asxoc. Chem. Ymton A. Chu-k, M.S. iPhoeniw),A(/r., T. D. A. Cockerell (Boulder, Colo.), Ilort. Vonaaltiiiii Met. J. J. Thornber, M. A., Bot. J. W. Lewis, Clerk. AllKAXSAS. TTniversity of Arkansas, Fayetteville. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Trustees : Gov. Jefferson Davis, (ex offlcio iVc.s-.), Little Rock; H. F. Reagan (Sec), Fayetteville; Otey Miller (Treas.), Fayetteville; G. T. Breekin- I'idge, Paragould; W. II. Langford, Pine Bluff; C. C. Ilamby, Prescott; II. L. Stroup, Paris; J. C. Mitchell, Fayetteville; J. C. South, Mountain. Home. COURSES OF STUDY. The university offers the following courses in the dei)artments at Fayetteville : Throe in engineering, loading to the degrees of B. M. E., B. (J. E., and B. E. E. ; two in literature and science, leading, respectively, to the degrees of B. A. and B. S. ; one in agriculture, leading to the degree of B. S. A. ; three short courses without degrees, students in which at the end of the sophomore year may change to one leading to one of the al>ove degrees, viz, normal, mechanical engineering, and electrical engineering courses. There are also graduate courses. In addi- tion to the above, the medical department and the law department, both at Uttle Rock, have courses of study leading to the degi-ees of M. D. and B. L., respec- tively. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. Henry S. llartzog, LL. D.. I'rexidcnt : in cJidrf/c of Fanners' Institutes. A. M. Muckenfuss, I'll. I)., rv^yx., i'/((/.s-. Edgar F. Shainioii, B. A., (Assoc.) Fvank W. IMckel, Pil. D., Biol. Engl, and Mod. Lamj. J. H. Reynolds, M. A., Rist. Albert II. I'nrdue, M. A., Geol., Min. Lanning Parsons, Capt, U. S. A., Mil. C. II. Brough, I'h. D., Eeon., >Soeiol. tSci. and Tactics. W. S. Johnson, M. A.. Philos., Peday. John C. Futrall, M. A., Av/c/(;»?i L«».rA * Iladgie B. Davies, P.. A., (Adjunct) George W. Droke, M. A., Math., Astron. Knyl. and Mod. Lang. L. n. Rose, J\I. A., (Assoc.) CJicni., AYilliam A. Treadway. B. E. E.. Instr. Phys. Elect. i'Jngiii. Boiling J. Dunn, M. A., (.l.s.s'oc.) ./jif/^//., Joseph >V. (\iv\\ Ph. I)., Engl, and hat. Mod. Lang. .Julius J. Knoch. M. S., C. E., Vivil Paul Schmolck, Musical Dir. Engin. Gerti-nde Crawford, Vocal Music. William N. Gladson, M. S., E. E., Ph. Mrs. ]\Iartha White. Instr. EloQiition, J)., Elect, Engin, Phys. Culture, AGKICULTUKAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. 19 BOARD or INSTRUCTION — contiiuiod. W. A. IlMrding, Mach. lUirtou N. Wilson. B. S.. M. E., Mcch. Engin., tiiti)t. Mcch. Arts. Mrs. Eiiiuja. W. Cole, LL. M.. Insh: Hist., Lilt., Math. Mary A. Davis, liislr. HikjI., Uhi. Jubal E. Beavers, Act/., Ontario. Cbifo Forestry Station: .7. W. Koper, Patron. CJiico: Hfnry Wigbtman, Worh- 1)1 an in Chanjc. Santa Monica Forestry Station: Roy .Tones, Patron. Santa 'Monica: William Sbutt, Foreman, Sania Monica. Poultry Experiment Station : II. (). Woodwortb, Foreman. Petalnma. Mecca Date (Jarden, Mecca (conducted in cooperation with I". S. Department of A u'ri culture) : P>arnard (J. .Tohnson. Workman. Mrrra. COT^ORADO. The State Agricultural Colleg-e of Colorado, Fort (hllins. GOVERNING BOARD. Tbe State Board of Asjricultui-e : P. F. Sbarp {Pres.), Denver; A. M. Hawley (aSVo.). Fort Collins: Whitney Newton (State Treas.), Denver; Geo. A. Webb {Local Treas.). Fort Collins: B. F. Rockafellow. Canijon City; Mrs. E. F. Routt. Denrer: .Tesse Harris. Fort CoUinii: Harlan Thomas, Denver; .T. L. Chatfield, Gypxam: P.. U. Dye, Rochyford; E. H. Gruhh, Carhondale; Gov. .1. H. Peabody {ex officio), Denver; B. O. Aylesworth {ex officio). Fort Collins. COURSES OF STUDY. The courses of study are eight, each requiring four years in addition to two years of preparatory work, and each leading to the degree of B. S. : The agri- cultural course, the mechanical engineering course, the irrigation and civil engi- neering course, the domestic science course, the architectural course, the veterinary science course, the electrical engineering course, and the horticultural course. Provision is made for postgraduate work. The degrees of M. S., C. E., and M. E. are conferred upon those worthy of holding them by faculty, action apin-oved by the governing board. A commercial course and a normal course in domestic science, each covering a period of two years, are established,' entrance to which requires tbe same qualifications as for admission to the fresh- man class ; no degree is given. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. Barton O. Aylesworth, M. A., LL. D., Litt. D., President; Political Economy and Lofjic; in charge of Farmer.^' Institutes. James W. Lawrence. M. S., Mech. Edward B. House, B. S., E. E., Math. Engin. A. M. Hawley. Sec. of the Faculty. I^uis G. Carpenter." M. S., Civil and Edward M. Traber, B. A., /^/ie^. /'/m7o.s. Irrig. Engin. Virginia H. Corbett, B. L., ff/.toii : D. W. Corbit,* Odessa; Edward Reynolds, Middlefown: L. 11. Ball, Marshaliton; L. P. Bush, Wilmiiifjtoii ; J. E. Addicks, Clayiiiont; J. C. Stockly, Smyrna; James Pennewill, Dover; C. S. Conwell, Camden; Geo. G. Kerr,* Newark; H. W. Baker, Seaford; E. R. Paynter, George- town; W. H. Stevens, Seaford; John Barkley, Clayton; W. Watson Harrington, Dover; Lewis W. Mustard, Lowes; S. H. Messick, Bridyeville. COURSES OF STUDY. The courses of study are seven in number and require four years each for completion: The classical course and the Latin scientific course, each leading to the degree of B. A. ; the agricultural and the general science courses, each leading to the degree of B. S. : and three courses in engineering, leading to the degrees of B. C. E., B. M. E., and B. E. E. There are also a two-year course and a short winter course of ten weeks in agriculture. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. Geo. A. Harter, M. A., Ph. D., l'rr>iidrnt ; Mathematics and Physics. T. R. Wolf, M. A.. Ph. I)., Cheni.. Min., J. A. Foord,* B. S., M. S. A., Afjr. Sanitary Sci., Geol. Elisha Conover, M. A., Lat., Greek. Frederic H. Robinson, C E., Civil M. Van G. Smith, M. E., Mech. and Engin. Elect. Engin. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMi:NT STATIONS. 25 BOARD OF INSTRUCTION — Continued. Edgar Dawson. M. A.. Ph. D., EikjI. Joseph F. Brewster, B. A., Instr. Lang, and Lit.. Polit. Sri. Chcm. Edward L. Smith. M. A.. Mod. Lain/. Lee O. Willis. B. M. E.. Instr. Shop- E. W. McCaskey, Capt.. U. S. A., Mil. uork. Sci. and Tactics. Arthur T. Neale, M. A., Ph. D.. Lect. William J. Rowan, Pii. D., In.^tr. Elo- in Af/r., tSiipt. Farmers' hi.st. for ciition and Oratorij. 'Scucastlc Countij. Lewis A. Freudenberger. E. E., (A.s.s/.) Fredorielv D. Chester, M. S.. Lcct. in Mcch. and Elect. Ent/in. Mijc. Clarence A. Short, P.. C. E., Math.. Charles L. Penny, M. A.. Led. in Ar/r. Ciril Engin. Chcm. C. O. Houghton. P.. A., {Assoc.) Zool.. C. P. Clpse, M. S., Lect. in Uort. ■ Ent. C. O. Smith. B. S., rn.^fc- '^f Faculty. Chas. N. Little, M. A., Ph. D., Civil Miles F. Reed. B. S., Prin. Prep. Dept.; Engin. Instr. Pedag. G. A. Crosthwait, Agron. Rosa A. Forney, B. A., Instr. Mod. Sidney R. Sheldon, B. S., Elect, and Lang. Mech. Engin. John G. Griffith, B. S.. Instr. Biol. Sei. Agricultural Experiment Station of the University of Idaho, Moscov). Department of the University of ldah;>. under the control of the Board of Regents. STATION STAFF. Hiram T. French, M. S.. Dir.; Agr. Chas. N. Little, M. A., Ph. D., Irrig. Louis F. Henderson, Ph. B., Bot. Engin. John M. Aldrich. M. S., Ent. J. S. Burd, B. S., Chem. Lowell B. Judson, B. S., -Hort. Wm. L. Payne, Treas. G. A. Crosthwait, Agron. AVilfred G. Harrison, B. A., Clerk. Prentice Moore, Farm Foreman. ILLINOIS. College of Agriculture of the University of Illinois, Urbana. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Trustees of the University: Gov. Richard Yates. Springfield; James K. Dickirson. Latrrcnverillc; Alfred Bayliss, Springfield; Mrs. Alice A. Abbott, 1108 W. Illinois sf., Urbana; Frederic L. Hatch (Prcs.), Spring Gi-ove; Augus- AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPP]RIMENT STATIONS. 31 tus F. Nightiusale. 15!) La Salic .s/., Cliicai/o: Alexaiidor McLean, Macoiitb: Samuel A. P.ullartl. Spriiif/fichl ; Mrs. Carrie T. Alexaiuler, Belleville; William B. McKinley. Champaign ; L. H. Kerrick, Bloom in gt on ; Laura B. Evans, 'I'aij- lorvillc; William L. Pillsbury. (Sec.). Urbana: E. G. Keitb (Treas.), Chicago. COURSE OF STUDY. The regular course requires four years for completion and leads to the degree of B. S. Provision is also made for special students. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. Edmund J. James, Ph. D., LL. Eugene Davenport, M. Agr., Dean; Thremmatolofjii. Thomas J. Burrill, Ph. D.. LL. D., Bat. Stephen A. Forbes, Ph. D., Zool. Charles W. Rolfe. M. S., Gcol. Donald Mcintosh, V. S., Vet. Sci. Samuel W. Parr, M. S., Applied Chem. Daniel K. Dodge, Ph. D., Engl. David Kinley. Ph. D., Econ. Albert P. Carman, So. D., Phys. Evarts B. Greene, Ph. D., Hist. George T. Kemp. M. D., Ph. D., Physiol. Geo. A. Huff, Dir. Phys. Training. Geo. H. Meyer, M. A., German. Thomas A. Clark. B. L., Rhet. Thos. E. OliyeVyVH.!).. Romanic Lang. Isabel Bevier, Ph. M., Household Sci. Cyril G. Hopkins, Ph. D., Agron. Edmond G. Fechet, Lt. Col., U. S. A. (Retired). Mil. Sci. Herbert W. Mumford, B. S., Animal Hush. Harry S. Grindley, Sc. D., Chem. C. F. Hottes, Ph. D., (Asst.) Bot. Frank Smith. :M. A., {Asst.) Zool. Joseph C. Blair, Pomol. Mrs. Jennette C. Lincoln, M. O., Phys. Training. Wilber J. Eraser. M. S., Dairy Hiisb. Neal C. Brooks, Ph. D., German. Martha J. Kyle. M. A., Instr. Rhet. John W. Lloyd, M. S. A., Olericulture. Amos W. Peters, Ph. D., Instr. Zool. Justus W. Folsom, Sc. D., Instr. Ent. Albert R. Curtlss, Henry Jones, Instt D., President of the University. Daisy L. Blaisdell. A. M.. Tiistr. Ger- man. Florence N. Jones, Ph. D., Instr. Ro- manic Lang. G. S. Crandall, M. S., (Asst.) Pomol. J. G. .Alosiei-, B. S.. (Asst.) Soil Phys. A. D. Shamel,« B. S., Farm Crops. L. D. Hall, B. S., Instr. Animal Husb. J. W. Hart, (Asst.) Dairy Manitfac- tures. Mrs. Gertrude Clark-Sober, B. S., Instr. Household Sci. Wm. Dietrich. B. S. A., Instr. Swine Husb. Cassius C. Hayden, B. S. A., Asst. in Dairy Husb. Herbert A. Hopper, B. S. A., Asst. in Dairy Husb. Rufus C. Obrecht, B. S. A., Instr. in Horses. Frank W. Scott. A. M., Instr. Engl. Fred R. Crane, B. S., Instr. Farm Mech. Alvin C. Boal, M. S. A., Instr. Flor. Clifford Willis, B. S., Asst. in Soil Phys. A. N. Hume, M. S., Instr. Crop Produc- tion. Jas. H. Pettit, Ph. B., Instr. Soil Fer- tility. Fred H. Rankin, Supt. Agricultural College Ext. E. S. Good, B. S., Instr. Animal Husb. Susannah Usher, S. B., Instr. House- hold Sci. Instr. Wood Shop.s. Forge Shop. " On leave. 32 AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS, Agricultural Experiment Station of the University of Illinois, Urbana. Department of the University of Illinois, under the control of the Board of Trustees. STATION STAFF. Eugene Davenport M. Agr., Dir. A. N. Hume, M. S., First Asst. in Crop T, J. Burrill, Ph. D., LL. D., Chief in Production. Bat, E. S. Good, B. S., Asst. in Animal C. G. Hopkins, Ph. D., Chief in Affrmi., Husb. Chem. C- S. Crandall, M. S., Asst. Chief in J. C. Blair. Chief in Hort. Pomol. H. W. Mumford, B. S., Chief in Animal Carl E. Lee, B. S., Asst. in Dairy Husb. ' Hash. Jfis. T. Barrett. A. B., Asst. Bot. W. J. Eraser, M. S., C'7//ic/ in Dairy Husb. J. H. Pettit, Ph. B., First Asst. in Soil L. H. Smith,a M. S., Asst. Chief in Anal Chem. and Plant Breeding. E M. East, B. S., First Asst in Plant A. D. Shamel,a B. S., Chief in Farm Breeding. Crops. W. F. Pate, B. S., Asst. in Chem. J. ,>'. Lloyd, M. S. A., Asst. Chief in R. C Obrecht, B. S. A., First Asst. in Hort. Horses. A. J. Glover, B. Agr. Hiipt. Dairy Field Clifford Willis, B. S., Asst. in Soil Work, Elgin Region. . Phys. J. G. lilosier, B. S., Asst. Chief in 8oil Ira O. Schaub, B. S., Asst. in Chem. pjiys. Wm. Dietrich. B. S. A., First Asst. in J. W. Hart, Asst. Chief in Dairy Man- Sirine Hush. ufaetures. Louis D. Hall, B. S., First Asst. in C. F. Hottes, Ph. D., Asst. Chief in Animal Husb. Veg. Physiol. Harry H. Love, B. S., Asst. in Chem. H. A. Hopper, B. S. A., Asst. in Dairy Andrew Ystgard, B. S., B. Agr.. Asst. Husb. . in Chem. C. C. Hayden, B. S. A., Asst. in Dairy Jerome E. Readhimer, B. S., Supt. of Husb. Soil E.rpt. Fields. Kate Mclntyre, Sec. INDIANA. ■ School of Agriculture of Purdue University, Lafayette. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Trustees: William V. Stuart (Prr.s.), Lafayette; E. A. Ellsworth (Sec), Lafayette; J. M. Fowler (Treas.), Lafayette; William A. Banks, Laporte; .James M. Barrett, Fort Wayne; David E. Beem {V. Pres.), Spencer; Charles Downing, Greenfield; Sylvester Johnson. Irvington; Chas. Major, Shel- byville; C. B. Stemeu, Fort Wayne; J. H. Van Natta, Lafayette. COURSE OF STUDY. The course of study requires four years for completion and leads to the degree of B. S. There are also a two-year course and a short winter course in agriculture. « On leave. AGKICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. 33 BOARD OF INSTRUCTION." Winthrop Ellsworth Stoue, Ph. D., President of the University. William C. Latta, M. S.,.lr/r..- .S'"/>f. of Pauline Mariotte-Davies, Ph. D., Fanners' Inst. French. James Troop, M. S., Hort., Ent. Clarence A. Waldo, Ph. D., Math. Arthur Goss, M. S., A. C, Agr. Chem. Ernest G. Martin, Ph. D., Instr. Biol. Hubert E. Vau Norman. B. S., (Assoc.) James H. Ransom, Ph. D., (Assoc.) Dairyinu. Chem. John H. Skinner, B. S., (.Issoc.) Ani- Severance Burrage, B. S., (Asst.) Han- mal Hiisb. ftftry f^ci. Robert A. Craig, D. V. M., In.str. Vet. Charles M. Smith, B. S., (Asst.) Phys. ^(.j- Caroline E. Shoemaker, M. S., Instr. A. T. Wlancko. B. S. A.. (Assoc.) Agr. Engl. Richard M. Hamer, Asst. in Animal Edward H. Davis, B. S., Instr. Econ., Hiisb. Sist. H. A. Slater, Asst. in Creamery. John Helss, M. A., Instr. German. Martin L. Fisher, B. S.. -4.ss^. //t Af/r. Jas. D. Hoffman,. M. E., (Asst.) Stanlev Coulter. Ph. D.. Biol. Engin. Design. Joseph C. Arthur, D. Sc, Veg. Physiol. Alpha P. Jamison, B. M. E., (Asst.) and Path. Percy N. Evans, B. S., Ph. D.. Chem. Ervin S. Ferry, B. S., Phys. Emma M. McRae, M. A., Engl. Lit. Thomas F. Moran, Ph. D., Hist., Polit. Econ. Ernst J. Fluegel, Ph. D., Oerman. Mech. Draw. W. M. Nye, B. S., M. E., Instr. Pract. Mech. Michael Connaughton, Asst. in Forge Room. Edward Mahin, B. S., Instr. Chem. Wm. M. Hepburn, Libr. Agricultural Experiment Station of Indiana, Lafayette. Department of Purdue University, under the control of the Board of Trustees. STATION STAFF. Arthur Goss, M. S., A. C, Dir.; Chem. J. H. Skinner, B. S., Animal Hush. Wm. C. Latta, M. S., Agr. A. T. Wiancko. B. S. A., in charge of James Troop, M. S.. Hort. Field Expts. J. C. Arthur, D. Sc, Bot. Wm. J. Jones, M. S., A. C, Asst. Chem. A. W. Bitting, D. V. M., Vet. H. E. Van Norman, B. S., Dairying. M. L. Fisher, B. S., Asst. Agr. IOWA. Iowa State College of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts, Ames. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Trustees: Gov. A. B. Cummins, Des Moines; J. F. Riggs (f^iipt. of Public Instr.), Des Moines; W. O. McElroy, Neivton; "W. A. Halseli. (Financial Sec), Odebolt; Herman Knapp (Treas.), Ames; W. K. Boardman, Nerada; E. W. Stanton (See.), Ames; E. A. Alexander, Clarion; Ellison J. Orr, Wau- "This list does not include the instructors exclusively engaged in tlie scliools of engi- neering, science, and pharmacy. 8901— No. 151—05 M 3 34 AGKICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. Icon; J. B. Hungerford (Chair.), Carroll; W. R. Mocinger, Marslialltoioi ; Jas. H. Wilson, Adair; H. M. Letts, Columbtis Junction; Vincent Zmunt, Iowa City; G. S. Allyu, Mount Ayr; Jolni F. Cavell (Custodian), Ames. COtTRSES OF STUDY. The courses of study are eight, requiring four years for completion. The course in agriculture (divided into five distinct courses— agronomy, dairying, animal husbandry, horticulture, and agricultural chemistry), leading to the degree of B. S. A.; the course in veterinary science, leading to the degree of D. V. M. ; the course in mechanical engineering, leading to the degree of B. M. E. ; the course in civil engineering, leading to the degree of B. C. E. ; the course in electrical engineering, leading to the degree of B. S. in E. E. ; the course in mining engineering, leading to the degree of B. S. in ^I. E. ; the course In science as related to the industries, leading to the degree of B. S., and the course in general and domestic science for ladies, leading to the degree of B. S. There are also short winter courses in stock and grain judging and dairying and group courses in the sciences. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. Rev. Albert Boynton Storms, A. M., D. D., LL Division of Science. Edgar \V. Stanton, M. S., LL. D., Math., Econ. 8ci.; Dean of the Junior College. Charles F. Curtiss, M. S. A., Dean Div. Agr. Anson Marston, C. E., Civil Engln.; Dean Div. Engi)i. John H. McNeall, V. M. D., Dean Div. Vet. ScL; Vet. Med. and Surgery. George W. Bissel, M. E., Mech. Engin.; V. Dean Div. Engin. P. G. Holden, M. S., B. Pd., V. Dean D., President; Dean of the Div. Agr.; Agron. W. J. Kennedy ,« B. S. A., Animal Husb. M. Stalker, M. S., Y. S., Led. in Vet. Div. Hon. James Wilson, M. S. A., Lect. in Agr. J. L. Budd, M. H., Emeritus in Horf. Gen. James R. Lincoln. Mil. Sci. Alfred A. Bennett, M. S., Chem. Louis M. Pammel, B. Agr., M. S., Ph. D., Bot. Lizzie M. Allis, B. A., M. A., Frencli, Gennan. Louis B. Spinney, B. M. E., M. S., Phys., Elect. Engin. Samuel W. Beyer, B. S., Ph. D., Gcol, Min. Engin. Alvin B. Noble, B. Ph., Rhet., Engl. Lit. Henry E. Summers, B. S., Zool. -Vdrian M. Newens, B. O., Public Speak- ing. George L. McKay, Dairying. Orange II. Cessn.i, A. M., D. D., Hist., Psych.; College Chaplain. Wm. n. Stevensen, A. B., Soils. Clarence J. Zintheo, B. S., Farm Mech. Georgetta Witter, B. L., Dom. Sci. Richard C. Barrett, M. A., Civics. Arthur T. Erwin, M. S. A., (Actg.) Horf. ' Warren II. jNIeeker, M. E., (Assoc.) Mech. Engin. Maria M. Roberts, B. L., (Assoc.) Math. Benj. H. Hibbard, Ph. D., (Assoc.) Econ. Sci. Louis E. Ashbaugh, Ph. B., (Assoc.) Civil Engin. Wm. J. Ruherford, B. S. A., (Assoc.) Animal Hnsb.; in charge of Dept. vf Animal Husb. Walter A. Stuhr, D. V. M., (Assoc.) Path.. Histology. Therapeutics. Mrs. Marian H. Kilbourne, B. L., Dean of Women. Vina E. Clark, Lihr. John P. Watson, Phys. Dir. Wilbert E. Harriman, B. S., M. D., College Physician. Frank J. Resler, B. Ph., Dir. of Music, Vocalist. " On leave. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. 35 BOARO OF INSTRUCTION — COIltillUOd. r.urtnii S. L:uii»be:ir. M. M. K., (A-ssf.) Mark 1'. Cloiihoni, B. 8. in K. 10., /*/.s7/- Elect. EiHjiit. Mecli. Engin. Herbert W. Dow. P.. S.. M. E., {Assl.) John E. Stewart. P.. ('. E.. Inntr. Ciril Mcch. Eiujln. Lola A. Placeway. P.. S., (.l-s-s/.) Vhem Eiii/iii. Ward Jones, B. C. E., Instr. Math. Bessie B. Larrabee.a A. B., nistr. Eat., Chirence R. McKinney, B. S., Imtr. Eiif/I. Edward E. Bu.irbee, E. .M., (Asst.) M'ni. Eiif/iii. Vhcni. Jos. A. Knescbe, Instr. Fon/c and Foundry. Wilbnr M. Wilson. .M. M. E., Assl. Wayne Dinsniore, P.. S. A., Inxtr. Ani- Mcch. Enn'ni. noil Hush. Ira A. Williams, A. M.. (A^sf.) .^fhl. Jesse (4. Ilunnnel. B..M.E., Instr. Mm-ti. Eniiin. I^linp. Carl W. Gay, D. V. M., [Asst.) Animal Ilarriette Kellojrg. A. M., Instr. Hot. Hnsb. Florence A. Lucas, Instr. Frcncli. Jos. E. Gutbrie, M. S., .l-s.s^ Zoo/. Effie A. Wbite, A. B., Instr. Enf/l. Frank W. Bouska, M. S. A., {Asst.) Rose Abel, A. B., Instr. Enpl. Itdct. Ruth Morrison, A. B., In.^tr. Doni. Sci. Christian Larsen. B. S. A., (As-ft.) John F. Trtivis, A. M., Imtr. Math. Dairynuj. Frank G. Allen, B. S., Instr. Mcch. Frank French, B. C. E., {Asst.) Civil Enyin. Engin. Blanche I. Thoburn, A. B., Inntr. Engl. Leonard S. Klinck, P.. S. A., {Asst.) Elizabeth Moore. Ph. M., Instr. Engl. Farm Croys. Lisle McOolloni, B. A., Instr. German. Paul S. Pierce, Ph. D., (Asst.) Hist. Sybil Lentner, B. S., Instr. Pithlic Winfred F. Coover, A. M., (Asst.) SpeaJdng. Chem. Winifred Tilden, B. A., Insti: Phys. Hugh P. Baker. B. S., M. F., {A.9St.) For. Oswin W. Wilcox, Ph. D., (Asst.) Soils. Cult arc. Thos. II. MacDonald, B. C. E.. Instr. Civil Engin.; Asst. in charge of Good Roads Invest. Leslie M. Hurt, D. V. M., {Asst.) Harry INI. Bniner, M. S. A.. M. Sc, Physiol., Sanitary Sel Frederick R. Ablers, (.l.s-.sf.) Anat. Obstetrics. Adolph Shane, B. S. in E. E. (Actg. Asst.), Elect. Engin. Ezra C. Potter, Instr. Pattern Shop. Mrs. Mary E. Resler. B. Ph., Instr. Instrumental Music. Ernest A. Pattengill, B. S., Itistr. Math. Elbert B. Tuttle. B. S. in E. E.. Instr. Phys. Julia Colpitts, M. A.. Instr. Math. Helen G. Reed, Ph. B., Instr. Engl. Grace I. Norton, B. A.. In.'^tr. German. Ada J. Miller," Ph. B.. fn.^tr. Engl. Frank Wenner, B. S.. Instr. Phys Instr. Field Engin., Dept. of Farm Mech. Edw. E. Little, M. S. A., Asst. in Hort. G. I. Christie. B. S. A., Asst. in Soils. Olive Stevens. B. L.. As.^t. Libr. Wm. W. Smith. B. S. A., A.^st. in Ani- )nal Husb. John A. Conover, B. S. A., Asst. in Ani- mal Husb. J. W. Jones, Asst. in Agron. John H. Lawton. Asst. in Mech. Draw. Daily M. Curl, Asst. in Forge and Foundry. Frank H. Spangler, Asst. in Pattern Shop. Cortes Johnson. B. S. in C. E.. Asst. in Civil Engin. Frances M. Williams. Instr. Dom. Art. Margaret B. Stanton. B. S., Asst. in Annie W. Fleming. B. S.. Instr. Math. Math. Mae Miller, B. S., Instr. Hist. Ethyl Cessna, B. S., Asst. in Hist. " On leave. 30 AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. 150AKU OF INSTRUCTION COUflUUed. ('. E. Bartholoniow, B. S., A.<eri- nient station; Historij. Chas. A. Goessmann, 1'h. D., LL. D., Che hi. Charles Wellington, Ph. D., (Afssov.) Clieiii. Charles H. Feruald, Ph. D., Zool. Rev. Charles S. Walker, 1'h. D., Men- t(tl inid I'olit. i^ci.; Sec. William P. Brooks, Ph. D.. .4;//-. George F. Mills, M. A., Eiif>L. Lat. .Tames B. Paige, D. V. S.. Vet. Sci. George E. Stone, Ph. D., Bot. John E. Ostrander, C. E.. Ein/iii., Math. Henry T. Fernald, I'h. D., Ent. John Anderson, Major, U. S. A., Mil. Sci. and Tactics. Frank A. Waugh, M. S., Hort. Samuel I-'. Howard. P.. S., (Asst.) Che III. Fred S. Cooley, B. S.. (.Ls.s7. ) A> In charge of the management of McNeill Substation. 52 AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. MTSSOITRI. College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts of the University of Missouri, Columbia. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Curators: John D. Vincil (Prcs.), ,St. Louix; Gardiner Latbrop (F. Pres.), Kansas City; J. G. Babb (Sec), CoUwihla ; R. B. Trice {Trcas.). CoUimUa; C. B. Faris, CanithersriUc'; Campbell Wells.* I'lattc City; Walter Williams,* Columhia; .Tosepb Hansen, i^t. Joseph; D. A. McMillan, Mexico; Archibald McVey, CliilUcothe; B. G. Thurman, Laviar. COURSES OF STUDY. In the School of Agriculture the four-year course leads to the degree of B. S. in Agr. There are also three short courses of two months in plant produc- tion, animal husbandry, and dairying. In the School of Engineering, four- year courses lead to the degrees of B. S. in civil engineering, in electrical engin- eering, in mechanical engineering, in sanitary engineering, and in chemical engineering, respectively. The degrees of C. E., E. E., and M. E. are also given for graduate work. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. R. H. Jesse, LL. D., President of the University. H. J. Wateis.ffl B. S. A., Dean. F. B. Mumford, M. S., Actg. Dean; Animal Hush. Paul Schweitzer, Ph. D., LL. D., Agr. Chern. J.C. Whitten, M. S., Ph. D., Hort. E. A. Allen, Lit. D., Engi. George Lefevre, B. S., Pn. D., Biol. T. J. Rodhouse,^ B. S., Instr. Draw. W. H. Cook, Instr. Mech. Arts. A. C. Duncan, B. S., Instr. Shop. J. W. Conuaway,a M. D. C, M. D., Vet. Sei. J. M. Stedman, B. S., Ent. F. P. Spalding, M. S., Civil Engin. B. F. Hoffman, M. L., German Lang. H. M. Belden, B. A., Ph. D., {Asst.) Engl. B. M. Duggar, Ph. D., Bat., Physiol. R. Weeks, M. A., Ph. D., Romance Lang. H. B. Shaw, B. C. E., Elect. Engin. W. McN. Miller, M. D., Bad. F. H. Seares, B. S., Astron. M. L. Lipscomb, M. A., P1iys. W. L. Howard, B. S., Instr. Hort. N. F. Murray, Instr. Hort. W. D. Chitty, Lieut, U. S. A., Instr. Mil. Sci. C. F. Marbut, B. S., M. A., Geol.. Min. A. M. Greene, jr., M. A., M. E., Mcch. Engin.; Snpt. Shops. O. M. Stewart, Ph. D., Phys. C. H. Eckles," B. Agr., M. S., (Asst.) Dairy Hush. R. M. Washburn, {Actg.) Dairy Hush. W. G. Brown, B. S., Ph. D., Chcm. M. F. Miller, M. S., Agron. R. M. Bird, Ph. D., Instr. Agr. Chem. E. B. Forbes, B. S., (Asst.) Animal Hush. Sidney Calvert, B. S., M. A., (Ass*.) Chem. W. C. Curtis, M. A., Ph. D., (Asst.) Zool. E. H. Favor, B. A., Asst. in Hort. J. B. Titfany, Instr. Vet. Sci. R. B. Moore, B. S., Instr. Chem. H. Schluudt, Ph. D., Instr. Chem. E. R. Hedrick, M. A., M. S., Math. H. C. Penn, M. A., Engl. R. R. Ramsey, M. A., Ph. D., Instr. Phys. L. M. Defoe; B. A., Mech. in Engin. W. S. Williams, C. E., {Asst.) Civil Engin. J. H. Wallace, B. S., Instr. Mech. Engin. Howard S. Reed, B. A., Instr. Bot. G. I. Reeves, B. S., Instr. Ent. A. E. Grantham, Asst. in Agron. « On leave. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. 53 Missouri Agricultural College Experiment Station, Columbia. Department of the College of Agriculture iiml Mefhanic Arts of the University of Missouri, under the control of the Board of Curators. STATION STAFF. Henry .T. Waters,a B. S. A., Dir. W. L. Howard, B. S., Asst. Hort. F. B. Muniford. M. S., AcUj. Dir.; Ani- B. M. Duggar, Ph. D., Bot. iiial Breeding. H. S. Reed, B. A., Asst. Bot. Paul Schweitzer. Ph. D., LL. D., Chcm. R. M. Bird, Ph. D., Actfj. Chem. J. C. Whitten, M. S., 1'h. D., Hort. E. II. Favor, B. A., Asst. Ilort. J. M. Stedmau, B. S., Ent. M. W. Harper, M. S., Asst. in Feeding. G. I. Reeves, B. S., Asst. Ent. A. E. Grantham, Asst. Agron. J. W. Connaway,a M. D. C, M. D., TV^ .lohn Schnabel, Oard. C. H. Eckles," B. Agr., M. S., Dairying. .1. G. Bahb, M. A., Sec. E. B. Forbes, B. S., Animal Hiisb. R. B. Price, Treas. M. F. Miller, M. S., Agron. Estelle Hiclcok, Clerk, Sten. Missouri State Fruit Experiment Station, Mountain Grove. GOVERNIlNfG BOARD. Trustees: C. B. McAfee (Pres.), Springfield; T. M. Culver {Sec.), Kosliko- nong; Joe Knoerle {Treas.), West Plains. STATION STAFF. Paul Evans, Dir. F. W. Faurot, B. S., Asst. in Invest, of Frank Horsfall, B. S., Asst. Hort. Plant Diseases. A. M. Swartwout, Field Asst. Lincoln Institute, Jefferson City. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Regents : D. C. McCIung {Pres.), Jefferson City; Louis Hoffman (F. Pres.). Sedalia: W. A. Dallnieyer {Treas.), Jeffcr-mn City; W. T. Carrington {State Supt. of Public Schools). .Jefferson City; Robert H. Davis, Greenville; J. Silas Harris, Kansas City; N. C. Burch {Sec), Jefferson City; A. H. Bolte, Union; Hugh K. Rea, Carrollton. COURSES OF STUDY. This institution has the following departments: College (four-year course leading to degree of B. A.), college preparatory, normal (two and four year courses), normal preparatory, industrial, agricultural, and domestic. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. Benjamin Franklin Allen. M. A.. LL. D., President; Ethics, Psychology, and Pedagogy. J. H. Garnett. M. A., D. D.. Lat.. Greek, Otis M. Shakleford, B. A., A.^st. in jjf^ Engl., Math. G. S. Murray, B. A., Phys. Sci. Romeo A. West. B. S. D., Sec, Lihr. .1. S. Moten, M. A., Math. Carrie M. Carney, Music. .Tohn W. Daniel, M. Ph., Biol.. Agr. Florence G. Pigeon, B. S. D.. Music Mrs. .1. S. Yates, M. A., Engl.. Hist., Archie L. Reynolds, B. A., Supt. Indus. Dratr. Dcpt.; Tnstr. Mach. Frances .1. Jackson, H/.sf.. Pedag.: in A. J. Starnes, Instr. Woodwork. charge of Training School. P. J. Sanderson, Blacksm. " Ou leave. 54 AGRICULTUKAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION COlltilined. Clias. Shot'kloy, *S'»y>/. Funii. Fredrickii I). Sijrai,'uc>, histr. Cookmij. Mary E. Grimshaw, Iiistr. Sew., Chas. F. Iloskins, Sliocmaldng. Basketry, Raffia. Libbie C. Anthoiiy, Matron for Girls. Sarah H. Dupee, Matron for Boys. MONTANA. Montana State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, Bozeman. GOVERNING BOAKD. Executive Board: Walter S. Hartman {Pres.), Bozeman; Peter Kocii {Sec. and Trcas.). Bozeman; John Maxey, Bozeman; John M. Robinson, Bozeman; E. B. Lamuie, Bozeman. COURSES OF STUDY. The following courses are given : Four-year courses in civil engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, general science, agriculture, and domestic sciences, leading to degrees ; and ai*t, music, business, and preparatory courses, as well as winter courses in agriculture and engineering, BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. James M. Hamilton, M. S., President; Mental and Political Science. Mrs. F. E. Marshall, Art. W. J. Elliott, B. S. A., (Asst.) Dairying. W. F. Brewer, M. A., Lat., Enr/l. H. G. Phelps, Priii. Bin^iiiess Dcpt. Aaron II. Currier, M. A., French, Ocr- M. A. Cantwell, Prin. Prep. Dcpt. man. Helen Brewer, M. A., Instr. Lat., Hist. Lilla A. Harkins, M. S., Dam. Sci. Emma Stockinger, Instr. Sten., Typeiv. J. W. Blankinship, Ph. D., Bot. Mrs. Mabel K. ^ Hall, Ph. B., Instr. R. A. Cooley, B. S., ZooL, Ent. Prep. Dept. W. D. Tallman, B. S., Math. Edmund Burke, Instr. Chem, F. B. Linfleld, B. S. A., Agr., Animal Florence A. Ballinger. Instr. Seiv. Hush., Dairying. Alfred Atkinson. B. S. A.. Instr. Agron. W. M. Cobleigh, M. E., M. A., Phys. F. Arthur Oliver, Head of Piano Dept. J. S. Baker, B. S., Civil Engin. Mildred M. Landon, Instr. Piano. J. A. Thaler, E. E., Elect. Engin. Josephine Cook, Instr. Vocal Music. George P.. Couper. B. M. E.. Mccl\. Mrs. IVIai-y Winter, Lihr. Engin. W. W. .Tones, B. S., Asst. in Bot., Zool. V. K. Cliesuut. B. S.. Chrni.. (Icol. Lowell R. King. B. S., Asst. in Prep. R. W. Fisher, B. S., {Asst.) Ilort. Dcpt. Alvin O. Greeson, B. M. E., Mcch. H. J. Reese, P.. S., Asst. in dhcni. Pract. Flora Kindler, AsNt. in Bookkeeping. Montana Agricultural Experiment Station, Bozeman. Department of the Montana College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, under the control of the Executiv<> T^.oard. STATION STAFF. F. B. Linfield. B. S. A., Dir.; Agr., .L W. Blankinship, Ph. D., Bot. Animal Iliish. Robt. A. Cooley, B. S.. Zool. V. K. Chesnut, B. S., Vheni. W. J. Elliott, B. S. A., Asst. Dairyman. J. S. Baker, B. S., Irrig. Engin. Alfred Atkinson. B. S. A., Asst. Agron. R. W. Fisher, B. S., Hort. Herbert J. Reese, B. S., Asst. Chem. Ednmnd Burke, Asst. Chem. James Dryden, Poitltnjnuin, Clerk. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. 55 NEBRASKA. The Industrial College of the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. GOVERNING BOAKD. Regents of the University: John L. Teeters {Prcs.), Lincoln: Carl J. Ernst, Omaha; Elisha C. Calkins,* Kcarnrij ; Edson P. Ridi,* Oiniilia; Chas. S. Allen, Lincoln; Wni. G. Whitmore.* 1 (///(■//,• Jas. S. Dales {Sec), Lincoln. COURSES OF STUDY. The groups (courses) of study are as follows, each ordinarily requiring four years for completion and leading to the degree of B. Sc. : General scientific group; general agricultural group: special groups — agriculture and chemistry, hotany and agriculture, botany and zoology, chemistry and physics, horticulture and botany, mathematics and physics, zoology and philosophy, chemistry and domestic science ; and technical groups — technical agriculture, civil engineering, municipal engineering, electrical engineering, steam engineering, and mechanical engineering. One and three year courses in elementary agriculture, a course in dairying, a nine-week course in agriculture, and a six-week summer session are also provided in the school of agriculture. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION.* E. Benjamin Andrews, LL. D., Chancellor of the University. Charles Edwin Bessey. Ph. D.. LL. D., Dean of the I)i(lus. College; Bot. Edgar A. Burnett, B. S.. Assoc. Dean of the Indus. College; Animal Hush.; in charge of Farmers' Inst. Ellery W. Davis, Ph. D., Math. James T. Lees. Ph. D., Greek Hist. and Lit. Hudson IL Nicholson, M. A., Cheni.; Dir of Chem. Lab. Lucius A. Sherman, Ph. D., Engl. Lang, and Lit. DeWitt B. Brace, Pii. D., Phtjs. Howard W. Caldwell, M. A., Ameri- cini TUst. and I'oJiticx. Erwin II. Barltour. Ph. D.. OeoL; Actg. State Geol. ; Ciirator of State Museum. Lawrence Bruner, B. S., Ent.. Orni- thologg. Taxidermy. (ioodwin D. Swezey, M. A.. Astron.. Met. Henry B. Ward. Pii. D., Zool. W. G. Langworthy Taylor, LL. B., Polit. and Eeon. Sri. Oscar V. P. Stout. C. E., Civil Engin. Charles R. Richards. M. E., M. M. E., Mech. Engin.. Pract. Mech. T. Lyttleton Lyon, Ph. D., Agr. Ferdinand C. French, Ph. D., Philos. James I. Wyer, B. L. S., Libr.; Bibliog. Albert E. Davisson, B. A., Prin. School of Agr.; Econ., Agr. Ed. Edward A. Ross, Ph. D., Sociol. Samuel Avery, Ph. D., Agr. Chem. Raymond G. Clapp. M. D., Phys. Ed. Frank G. Miller, Ph. B., For. George H. Morse, B. E. E., Elect. Engin. Wilson Chase, Mil. Sci. and Tactics. Howard R. Smith, B. S., Animal Hush. Rollins A. Emerson, B. S., (Assoc.) Hort., in charge of the Dept. Archibald L. Haecker, B. S.. (Assoc.) Dairy Hush., in charge of the Dept. A. T. Peters, D. V. M., Investigator of Animal Diseases. Jas. H. Gain, M. D. Animal Path. Julia E. Loughridge, Math. Rachel Corr, B. S., Chem. Rosa Boutou, M. A., {Adjunct) Chem.; Dir. School of Dom. Sci. C, {Adjunct) B. A., Instr. Asst. in Engl., " Includes only instructors in subjects directly relating to agriculture. Many other members of the university faculty give instruction to students pursuing the course lead- ing to the degree of B. Sc. 56 AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. noARP OF INSTRUCTION — contiiuiecl. Annie B. Clapp, (Adjunct) Phys. Ed.; Melvin Price, E Dir. Wo)n(iii's Gy)»)iasiiim. Annette E. Philbrick, D. S., Instr. Dom. Set. E. G. Montgomery, Asst. in Agr. Alvin Keyser, Asst. in Agr. Willard W. Votaw, Asst. in Pract Mech. E., In.^tr. Mech. Draw., Mach. Designing. Walter S. Payne, Instr. Foundry, Mach. Shops. Mary E. Sinclair, M. A.. Instr. Math. Sara S. Ilayden, Instr. Draw. C. L. Dean, P>. S., Instr. Mech. Engin. Chas. E. Cbowins, Instr. Pract. Mech. Agricultural Experiment Station of Nebraska, Lincoln. Department of the University of Nebraska, under the control of the Board of Regents. STATION STAFF. E. A. Burnett, B. S., Dir. ; Animal H ush. T. L. Lyon, Ph. D., Assoc. Dir.; Agr. C. E. Bessey, Ph. D., LL. D., Bot. Lawrence Bruner, B. S., Ent. E. H. Barbour, Ph. D., Gcol. A. T. Peters, D. V. M., Animal Path. G. D. Swezey, M. A., Met. O. y. p. stout, C. E., Irrig. Engin. Samuel Avery, Ph. D., Chem. R. A. Emerson, B. S., Eort. A. L. Haecker, B. S., Dairy Husb. H. R. Smith, B. S., Animal Hu.^h. J. H. Gain, M. D. C, Asst. Animal Path. W. P. Snyder, Supt. 'North Platte Sub- station. S. W. Perin, Farm Foreman. J. S. Dales, Ph. M.. Financial Sec. W. W. Marshall, Executive Clerk. NEVADA. College of Agriculture of the Nevada State University, Reno. GOVERNING BOARD. Regents of University: John E. Bray, Reno; W. W. Booher, Elko; Richard Kirman (Pres.), Reno; Goo. II. Taylor (Sec), Reno; O. J. Smith, Reno; II. S. Starrett, Battle Mountain. COURSES OF STUDY. The regular course requires four years for completion and leads to the degree of B. S. Short courses in agricultui'e, dairying, domestic science, and assaying are given during the months of January, February, and March of each year, for the benefit of ranchers and prospectors. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. Joseph E. Stubbs, M. A., D. D., President of the Vniversity, Director of the Experiment Station, and in charge of Farmers' Institutes. Irvin W. Ayres, M. A., Lihr. Gordon H. True, B. S., Agr., Animal George J. Young, B. S., Metal.. Min. Hush. George D. Louderback," Pii. D., Geol., Robert Lewers, Polit. Eccm., Logic. Chem. Min., Phyx. Nathaniel E. Wilson, M. S Dairying. Lysander W. Cushman, Ph. D., E)igl. Lang, and Lit. Henry Thurtell, B. S., Mech., Math. . P. Beveridge Kennedy, Ph. D.. Bot., Uort. Chas. T. Boyd. Capt., U. S. A., Mil. Set. and Tactics. Samuel B. Doten, B. A., Ent. I'eter Fransden, M. A., Zool., Bact. Kate Bardenwerper, Dom. Sci. George F. Blessing, B. S.. Mech. Engin. James E. Scriigham, Mech. Engin. i\ R. Fitzmaurice, Asst. Chem. J. A. Reid, (Actg.) Geol. Min. B. A. Etcheverry, Civil Eng., Phys. " On leave. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. 57 Nevada Agricultural Experiment Station, Reno. Departmeut of Nevada State University, under the control of the Board of Regents. STATION STAFF. Joseph E. Stubbs, M. A., D. D., Dir. G. II. True, P.. S.. Afir., Animal Husb. Nathaniel E. Wilson, M. S., V. Dir.; Carolyn M. Beckwith, Stcn. and Li- Chem. hrarian. Peter Fransden. M. A., Zool., Bad. S. B. Doten, B. A., Ent. P. B. Kennedy, Pii. D., Bot., Hart. C. R. Fitzmaurice, Asst. Chem. Theodore W. Clark, Farm Foreman. NEW HAMPSHIRE. New Hampshire College of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts, Durham. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Trustees: Gov. Nathum J. Bachelor (Prefi.) . Concord : G. A. Wason.* New Boston; W. M. Parker (Treas.). Manchester; W. D. Gibbs * (ex officio), Durham; C. W. Stone,* East Andover; I>ucien Thompson {Sec), Durham; J. G. Tallant,* Pembroke; Harry E. Barnard, Concord; G. B. Williams. Walpole; Warren Brown,* Hampton Falls; R. W. Pillsbury. Londonderry : R. M. Scam- mon, Stratham; W^alter Drew, Colebrook; G. B. Chandler, Manchester. COURSES OF STUDY. There are five courses of study, each requiring four years for completion and leading to the degree of B. S. : Course in agriculture, course in chemistry, course in mechanical engineering, course in electrical engineering, and general course (open to women). Also a two-year course in agriculture not leading to any col- legiate degree, a ten-week course in agriculture, and a ten-week cour.se in dairying. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. Wm. D. Gibbs, M. S., President of the College and Director of the Experiment Station. Charles H. Pettee, M. A., C. E., Dean; Richard Whoriskey, jr., B. A., (Assoc.) Math., Civil Engin. Mod. Lang. Clarence W. Scott, M. A., Hist., Polit. E. R. Groves, B. A., B. D., (Asoc.) Engl. Econ.: Lihr. E. L. Shaw, B. S.. (Asst.) Agr. Fred W. Morse, M. S., Org. Chem. John N. Brown, Instr. Mach. Work. Charles L. Parsons, B. S., Gen. and Edward H. Hancock, B. S., Lnstr. Anal. Chem. Woodwork. Frank William Rane, B. Agr.. M. S., Ivan C. Weld. Lnstr. Dairtj Manufac- Hort., For. tares. Carleton A. Read, B. S., Mech. Engin. Henning \. Hendricks. B. S., Lnstr. F. W. Taylor. B. S., Agr. Phys., Elect. Engin. E. Dwight Sanderson, B. S. A., Ent.. Harry F. Hall. Jnstr. Hort. Zool. A. R. Rose, B. S.. lnstr. Chem. Arthur F. Nesbit, .M. A.. B. S., (Assoc.) J. C. Bridwell, B. S., (Asst.) Boi.. Zool. Phys., Elect. Engin. Edith M. Davis, Purchasing Agt. Joseph H. Hawes, (Assoc.) Drair. Oscar W. Straw, Engin. Mabel E. Townsend, Asst. Libr. 58 AGRICULTURAL COLLEttES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. New Hampshire College Agricultural Experiment Station, Durham. Department of New Hampsbhe College of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts, under the control of the Board of Trustees. STATION STAFF. Wm. D. Gibbs, M. S., Dir. E. L. Shaw, B. S., (Assoc.) A(/r. Fred W. Morse, M. S., V. Dir.; Chem. Harry F. Hall, A,^soc. Hort. Frank Wm. Rane, B. Agr., M. S., Hort. J. C. Bridwell, B. S., Asst. Ent. F. W. Taylor, B. S., Agr. Harry D. Batchelor, Asst. Chem. E. Dwight Sanderson, B. S. A., Ent. Edith M. Davis, Purchasing Agt. I. C. Weld, Dairy Manufactures.. Mabel II. Mehaffey, Sten. NEW JERSEY. Rutgers Scientific School, the New Jersey College for the Benefit of Agri- culture and the Mechanic Arts, New Brunswick. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Trustees: Gov. Franklin Murphy (.ex officio). Xcwark; W. S. Gum- mere (Chief Justice of the State), Newark; R. II. McCarter (Attorney-General) , Newark; Austin Scott* (Pres.), New Brunswick; H. L. Janevvay, New Bruns- wick; Joachim Elmeudorf, New York City; Samuel Sloan, New York City; II. W. Bookstaver, Neiv York City; R. F. Ballantine. Newark; David Bingham, East Orange; T. G. Bergen, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Frederick Frelinghuysen (Treas.), Newark; Jonathan Di.xon, .Jersey City; James Neilsou,* New Brnn.^wick; Rod- erick Terry, New York City ; E. B. Coe, New York City : J. B. Drury, Neic Bruns- tcick; James Le Fevre, Somerviile; F. J. Collier, Hud.Hon, N. Y.: P.-uil Cook.* Troy. N. Y.; David Murray, New Brunswick; G. D. W. Vrooni, Trenton; J. B. Kirkpatrick, New Brunswick ; W. H. Leupp,* New Brunsirick; Peter Donald, New York City; J. P. Searle, New Brunswick; W. H. S. Demarest (Sec), New Brunsicick; W. F. Wyckoff, Brooklyn, N. Y.; J. W. Herbert,* jr., Helmetta; W. H. Vredenl>urgh, Freehold; W. S. Myers, New Brun.'. A., Prin. Prep. Drpt. John R. Macarthur, Pii. D., Engl. Merritt L. Hoblit, B. .V., Spanish, Lat. Charles Mills. Mech. Engin. E. A. Edwards, Lieut. Col., IT. S. A. (Retired), Mil. Sci. and Tactics. R. Fred Hare, M. S., Chem. Fabian Garcia, B. S., Hort. Geraldine Combs, Asst. in Prep. Dept. Dept. Charlotte A. Baker, Lihr.; Asst. in Engl. Frances E. Blakesley, R. L., Asst. in Prep. Dept. J. O. Miller, B. S., .l.-^.s-^ Registrar; Sten., 'J'jiprw. Elizabeth E. Shinier, Asst. in Prep. Dept. Pinckney Ford, Asst. in Sten. and Typcw.; Sten. Florence J. Foster, R. S., Asst. in Do lit. Sci. John M. Scott. B. S., Asst. in Animal Hush. F. O. Woodruff, M. A., A.l" the Board of Regents. STATION STAFF. Luther Foster. M. S. A., Dir. John J. Vernon. ^L S. Agr., Aijr. E. O. Wooton. M. A.. Bot. John D. Tinsley. V,. S.. 1. Dir.; Soilfi, Met. Fabian Gax-cia. B. S.. I/ort. R. Fred Hare. :M. S., Clicin. Juhii M. Scott, B. a., As.ft. Animal Hush. V. O. Woodruff, yi. A.. Assl. Vhcm. A. E. Lovett, B. S.. .I.s-.s7. /// Irrigation. Francis E. Lester, Rryintrar. J. O. Miller, B. S., Asst. Registrar. Pinciiuey Ford, 8ten. ?s^EW YOKK. New York Agricultural Experiment Station, Geneva. GOVERNING BOARD. Board t)f Control: Stephen II. Hammond {I'rra.), Geneva; W. O'Hanlon (Hee. and Treiis.), Gciicru ; Gov. Benj. B. Odell, jr.. Alhany: Jens Jensen. Biiighfun- ton: Thos. B. Wilson. Halls Corners; F. C. Schraub, Loicvillc: G. Willis Ward. Queens; Edgar G. Dusenbury. PortviUe; Milo II. Oliu, Ferry; Irving Rouse, Rochester; Lyman P. Haviland, Camden. STATION STAFF. Whitman II. Jordan, D. Sc. Dir. Geo. W. Churchill, Agr.; Siipt. Labor. William P. Wheeler. Animal Indus. H. A. Harding, M. S., Bact. Martin J. Prucha, Ph. B., Asst. Bact. F. C. Stewart. M. S.. Bot. II. J. Eustace. B. S.. Asst. Bot. L. L. Van Slyke. Ph. D., Chem. E. B. Hart. B. S.. Assoc. Chem. ^V. II. Andrews, B. S., Asst. Chem. Fred D. Fuller. B. S,, Asst. Chem. Charles -W. Mudge, B. S., Asst. Chem. Andrew J. Patten. B. S., Asst. Chem. George A. Smith, Dairy Expert. Frank H. Hall. B. S., Editor and Lihr. P. J. Parrott. M. A.. Ent. Harold E. Hodgkiss, B. S., Asst. Ent. S. A. Beach, M. S., Hort. X. O. Booth. B. Agr., Asst. Hort. O. M. Taylor, Foreman in Hort. F. A. Sirrine,a M. S., Special Agt. F. E. Newton, Clerk and Sten. Jennie Terwilliger. Clerk and Sten. Julia E. Iloey, Junior Clerk. A. H. Horton, Computer. Cornell University, Ithaca. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Trustees: ex officio — Jacob Gould Schurman,* Ithaca; Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, Speaker of the Assembly. Superintendent of Public Instruc- tion, CouHuissioner of Agricultui-e, Albaiig; President of State Agricultural Society. Fayetteville; Librarian of the Cornell Library, Ithaca; Samuel D. Ilal- liday, Ithaca; Henry B. Lord, Ithaca; Andrew D. White, Ithaca; Andrew Car- negie. .J West Fifty-first street, ycic York City; George R. Williams, Ithaca; R. H. Treman, Ithaca; George B. Turner, AuVurn; Wm. H. Sage, Albany; A. C. Barnes, 31 Washington Place, Xeir York City; Harry L. Taylor. Buffalo; Hiram W. Sibley, Triangle Building. Rochester: Stewart L. Woodford, 18 Wall street, Neiv York City; Walter C. Kerr, 26 Cortlandt street. New York City; Henry R. ' Riverhead, N. Y. 62 AGRICULTUKAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. Ickelheiiuor, Box 285Jf, Net!) York City; Chas G. Wagner, liinglmmtoii ; V. C. Cornell,* Ithaca; Chas. S. Shepard, ^cw Haven; R, B. Williams, Ithaca ; Myn- derse Van Cleef, Ithaca; Joseph C. Ilendrix Katio)iol Bank of Coiinncrce, New York City; Frank H. Hiscock, Syracuac; Willard Beahan 220 West Washiiujton street, Winona, Mimi.; John De Witt Warner, Neic York City; C. E. Treman, Ithaca; Chas. H. Blood, Ithaca; Henry W. Sackett, 154 Nasmii street. New York City; Ruth Putnam, care of G. P. Putnam's Sons, 29 West Twenty-third street, New York City; Henry M. Sage, Albany; L. O. Howard, U. S. Department of AgricuUure, Washington, D. C; Emmons L. Williams,* (Sec-Treas.) , Ithaca. COURSES OF STUDY. Among the numerous courses of study offered by the university is one which leads to the degree of bachelor of the science of agriculture. This course re- quires four years for completion, and during the last two years the student selects most of his studies in work given by the departments of agriculture and horticulture, and in the courses in agricultural chemistry and economic ento- mology. Postgraduate courses leading to advanced degrees are provided, and special courses in subjects relating to agriculture are also arranged. There are also short winter courses in agriculture and dairying. 1 Jacob Gould Schurman, A. M., D. Sc, LL. D., President Liberty H. Bailey,* M. S., Dir. College Agr., Dean Faculty; Rural Econ. George C. Caldwell, B. S., Ph. D., Chem. Emeritus. Isaac P. Roberts, M. Agr., Agr. Emer- itus. John II. Comstock,* B. S., Ent., Gen. Invertehrate Zoo/. Henry II. Wing, M. S. Agr., Animal Hush. John Craig, M. S. Agr., Hort. Thomas F. Hunt,* M. S., D. Agr., Agron.: Mgr. Unit: Farm. 11. A. Pearson, M. S. Agr., Dairy Indus. J. A. Bonsteel, Ph. D., .S'0(7 Invest. Mark V. Slingerhmd, B. S. Agr., {Asst.) Econ. Ent. George W. Cavanaugh, B. S., (Asst.) A(jr. Chem. John L. Stone, B. S. Agr., (Asst.) Agron. S. W. Fletcher, Ph. D., (Asst.) Exten- sion Teaching in Agr. James E. Rice, B. S. Agr., (Asst.) Poultry Hu-^h. George N. Lauman, B. S. A., Instr. Rural Econ.; Sec. Charles E. Hunn, Gard. Alexander D. MacGillivray, Ph. D., Instr. Ent. W. A. Riley, Ph. D., Instr. Ent. John W. Gilmore, B. S. A., Instr. Agron.; Swpt. Farms. Hugh C. Troy, B. S. Agr., Asst. in Dairy Lab. Walter W. Hall, Asst. in Cheese Mak- ing. Webster E. Griffith, Asst. in Butter Making. John W. Spencer, Supervisor in Ext. Dept. Mrs. Anna B. Comstock, B. S., Lect. in Nature Study. Alice G. McClosky, Asst. in Ext. Dept. Martha Van Rensselaer, Supervisor Farmers' Wives' Reading Course. Herbei-t II. Whetzel, A. B., Asst. in Plant Path, in Ext. Dept. Samuel Eraser, Asst. Agron. John M. Trueman, B. S. Agr., Asst. in Animal Husb.. Dairy Indus. Warren H. Manning, Lect. in Outdoor Art. Bryant Fleming, B. S. A., Lect. in Out- door Art. Geo. W. Tailby, Farm Foreman. a Includes only instructors in subjects directly relating to agriculture. Many other members of tbe university faculty give instruction to students pursuing the course leading to the degree of B. S. A. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. 63 Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, Ithaca. Depurtment of Cornell University, under the control of the Boanl of Trnstees. STATION STAFI-. L. H. Bailey. M. S.. Dir. J. E. Kiee. 15. S. Agr.. Pouliru Uitah. John 11. Coinstock, B. S.. IJiit. J. L. Stone. B. S. Agr.. Asst. Afjrou. U. H. Wing, M. S. Agr.. Aiiinml Htisb. Sauinel FrMser. Asst. Agron. G. F. Atkinson, Ph. B.. Hot. U. H. Whetzel. A. B. Asst. Plant Piitli. .John Craig. M. S. Agr.. Hort. John W. Gihnore, B. S. A., Asst. T. F. Hunt, M. S., D. Agr.. Auron. Ainoii. Raymond A. Pearson, M. S. Agr.. Dairu J. A. Bizzell, Ph. D., Asst. Chcm. Indus. S- "\V. Fletcher, Ph. D.. Asst. Hort. Jay A. Bonsteel. Ph. D.. Soil Invest. John M. Truenian. B. S. Agr.. Asst. Mark V. Slingerlaud. B. S. Agr.,. Ent. Animal Hush.. Dairy Indus. George W. Cavanaugh, B. S., Chem. Chas. E. Hnuii. Asst. Hort. NORTH CAllOLINA. The North Carolina College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, West Raleigh. governing board. S. L. Patterson, Commissioner of Aijriculturc {Chair.). Ralciyh; T. K. Bruner {Sec, ex offieio). Raleiyh. Board of Agriculture: John M. Forehand, RockyJioeJc; J. B. Stokes, Wind.'ior; Wni. Dunn, Xeirhern; C. N. Allen, Auburn; R. W. Scott. MrlriUc; A. T. McCal- lum. Red Sprinys; J. P. McRae, Laurinbury; K. L. Doughtou, Laurel Hprinys; W. A. Graham. Machpelah; A. Cannon, Horseshoe. Board of Visitors: W. S. Primrose (Pres.), Raleiyh; R. L. Smith (.S'cc), Albemarle; D. A. Tompkins, Charlotte; Frank Wood. Edenton ; E. M. Koonce, Jacksonville: W. H. Ragan, Hiyh Point; David Clark, Charlotte; George How- ard, Tarhoro; W. J. Peele, Raleiyh; J. Frank Ray, Franklin; Chas. W. Gold, ^VHson; S. L. Patterson (Commissioner of Ayr., ex officio), Raleigh; Geo. T. Winston (Pres. of Colleye, ex officio), Raleiyh. COURSES OF STUDY. The general courses of study are seven, each requiring four years for comple- tion—the course in agriculture, leading to the degree of B. Agr. ; the courses in civil, mechanical, electrical, and mining engineering, and the course in textile science and art, each leading to the degree of B. E., and the course in industrial chemistry, leading to the degree of B. S. There are also graduate courses ; nor- mal courses ; short courses of two years in agriculture, building and contract- ing, mechanic arts, and textile industry : courses of three months in agriculture and dairying, and a sunnuer school for teachers during the mouth of July. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. (}. T. Winston, M. A., LL. D., President; Political Economy. W. A. Withers. M. A.. Chem. W. C. Riddick, B. A., C. E., Civil En- D. H. Hill, M. A., Enyl. gin., Math. 64 AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION — Continued. E. H. Paine, M. E., Ph. D., Phys., Elect. EiKjin. F. E. Phelps, Cai>t., U. S. A. (Retired), Mil. .S'c/., Hist. H. M. Wilson, R. A.. Te.i-ti.le Indus. C. W. Bnrkett, INI. S., Pii. D., Agr. Thos. M. Dii-k, U. S. ^., Mech. Engin. Tait Butler, D. V. S., Yet. Sci. F. L. Stevens, M. S., Ph. D., Biul. B. W. Kilgore, M. S., Hoils, Fertilizers. R. E. L. Yates, M. A.,' (Asst.) Math. G. A. Roberts. R. Aou.. B. S., D. V. S., liistr. Zool., A nut. C. F. von Herrman, Instr. Met. Charles WalJcer, Ph. I). (Asst.) Cheni. C. B. Park, >Siii)t. Shops. O. Max Gardner, B. S., luxtr. Chrm. R. L. Wales, P.. S.. Instr. Mevh. Drnir. V. W. Bragg, instr. Woodworking. Thos. Nelson, Instr. Weaving and De- signing. B. S. Skinner, Far J. R. Rogers, B. A Mrs. Daisy Lewis, T. S. Lang, B. S., C. E., Instr. Civil Engin. Franklin Sherman, jr., B. S. A., Instr. Ent. J. Solon Williams, B. A., Instr. Engl. George Sunnuey, jr., B. A., Ph. D., Instr. Engl. W. M. Adams, B. S., Instr. Elect. Engin. G. McP. Sniitli, Ph. D., Instr. Chcni.. Metal. A. D. St. Amant, B. S., Instr. Forge Work. J. ('. Kendall, B. S., Instr. Dairying. C. K. McClelland, M. S., (Asst.) Agr. A. A. Haskell, B. S., Instr. Dyeing. C. L. Mann, B. E., Instr. Math. Ilarllee MacCall, Instr. Math. A. F. Bowen, Bursar. > F. E. Sloan, B. S., Registrar. Miss C. B. Sherman, Liljr. ni Hupt., Steward. ., M. D., Physician. Matron. North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station, West Raleigh. Department of North Carolina College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, under the control of the Board of Agriculture. STATION STAFF. B. W. Kilgore, M. S., Dir. W. A. \Vithers, M. A., Chem. C. W. Burkett, M. S., Ph. D., Agr. W. F. Massey, C. E., Hort. Tait Butler, D. V. S., Vet. Franklin Sherman, jr., B. S. A., Ent. F. L. Stevens, M. S., Ph. D., Biol. Charles Walker, Ph. D., As.<:. Chcm. Adam Watson, B. S., Mcch. Draic, Archi. Chas. II. Moore. M. A., Eiif/I. C. D. Robinson, B. S., .l«.s-^. in Math., Draw. P. E. Itobiuson, B. Agr., Asst. in Agr., Chcm. .Tunius Rooks, titcwanl. W. F. Robinson, B. Agr., Hort., Green- house Work. J. W. Landreth, Dir. Dept. Indus. J. Elmer Dellinger, M. D., Physician. S. P. Sebastian, Asst. to Prcs.; Arith.; Sec. W. N. Nelson, B. A., Instr. Woodwork. NORTH IJAKOTA. North Dakota Agricultural College, Agricultural College.C' GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Trustees: Alex. Stern ( /'/r.s'. ) , Fargo; G. S. Barnes. Fargo; May- uard Crane, Cooperstoicn ; B. N. Stone, La Moure; S. S. Lyon (.S'cc.), Fargo; Addison Leach, Warren; Cbas. McKissiek, Mayville; L. B. Hanua {Treas.), Fargo. COURSES OF STUDY. Four-year courses leading to the degree of B. S. are as follows : Agriculture, mecbanics, and science; tbere are also a three-year course in agriculture, two- year courses in steam engineering, dairying, pharmacy, domestic economy, and nature study ; twelve-week winter lecture courses, and a ten-day stock and grain judging course. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. J. II. Worst, LL. D., President of the College and Director of the Experiment Station; Political Economy. E. F. Ladd, B. S., Chcm. C. B. Waldron, B. S., Hort.. For. H. L. Bolley, M. S., Bot., Zool. E. S. Keeue, B. S., Mcch. Engin. J. H. Shepperd, M. S. A., Agr. H. W. McArdle, B. S., Math.; Registrar. E. E. Kaufman, B. Agr.. Dairying; in charge of Farmers' Inst. James I'lio, Capt, U. S. A., Mil. Sei. and Tactics. G. E. ITult, M. A.. Engl. Lang, and Lit. J. (J. llalland, M. A., liookkceping. Hist. L. Van Es, M. D., V. S., VcL Sci. Daniel E. Willard, M. A., Geol. Susan M. Reid, Household Econ. V. S. Ro.se, B. S., {Asst.) Steam Engin. C. D. Holley, M. S., (.4.s.s7.) Chcm. L. R. Waldron, M. A., {Asst.) Bot., Zool. Max Batt, Pii. D., {Asst.) Mod. Lang. J. C. McDowell, B. S. A., {Asst.) Agr. Amy Nichol, Instr. Seic. Chas. H. Kimberly, M. S., Instr. Pharm. A. L. Marshall, Dir. Athletics. C. S. Putnam, Dir. of Music. A. E. Minard, A. M., Asst. in Engl. W. B. Richards, B. S. A., Asst. in Ani- mal Hush. Ethel McVeety, Lihr. Adele Shepperd, Assi. in Chem. Lab. Haile Chisholm, Asst. in Forge Shop. George L. Tibert, Asst. in Wood Shop. Fred. J. Pritchard, B. S., Asst. Bot., Plant Path. C. E. Nugent, Sec. Alfred 11. Parrott, M. A., Registrar. " Freight and express address, Fargo, 8901— No. 151— 05 M 5 66 AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station, Agricultural College. Department of North Dakota Agricultural College, under the control of the Board of Trustees. STATION STAFF. J. H. Worst. LL. D.. Dir. W. B. Kichards, B. S. A., Asst. Animal E. F. Ladd, B. S., Chcm. Hush. C. B. Waldron. B. S., Hort., Ent. O. O. Churcbill, B. S., Asst. in Plant H. L. Bolley, M. S., Bot. Brccdiuff. J. H. Shepperd, M. S. A., Agr. Fred J. Pritcliard, B. S., Asst. Dot., J. C. McDowell. B. S. A.. Asst. Agr. Phnit Path. C. D. Holley, M. S., Asst. Chcm. Nicholas Grest, Farm Foreman. L. II. Waldron, M. A., Asst. Bot. C. E. Nugent, Sec. L. Van Es, M. D., V. S., Vet. O. A. Thompson, Supt. Edgeley Substa. OHIO. The Colleges of Agriculture and Domestic Science and of Veterinary Medicine, Ohio State University, Columbus. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Trustees: Paul Jones (Pres.), Columbus; J. McLain Smith (V. Pres.), Dayton; Carl E. Steeb (Sec), Columbus; Louis F. Kiesewetter (Trcas.), Columbus; Oscar T. Corson. Columbus; D. M. Massie, Chillirothc; John T. Mack, Sandusky; F. A. Derthick, Mantua; Guy W. Mallou, Cincinnati. COURSES OF STUDY. The university is divided into six colleges, as follows: Agriculture and Domestic Science; Arts, Philosophy, and Science; Engineering; Law; Phar- macy ; and Veterinary Medicine. The College of Agriculture and Domestic Science offers six distinct courses of study: Four-year courses in agriculture, horticulture and forestry, and domestic science; two-year courses in agriculture and horticulture and domes- tic science, and a two-term course in dairying. Degrees are granted in the four-year courses as follows: B. S. in agriculture, B. S. in horticulture and forestry, and B. S. in domestic science. The College of Veterinary Medicine offers a three-year course leading to the degree of D. V. M., and to a certificate of veterinary surgeon to those v/ho fail in certain requirements for admission. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. Rev. William Oxley Thompson, D. D., LL. D., President of the University. Homer C. Price, M. S. A., Dean; George W. Knight, Ph. D., Amer. fl"is«., Rural Econ. P^^'t- ''^'c'- William R. Lazenby, M. Agr., Sec; Rosser D. Bohannan, B. S., C. E., M. Hort., For. E., Math. Henry A. Weber, Ph. D., Agr. Chcm. Lewis A. Rhoades, Pii. D., German. Benjamin F. Thomas, Ph. D., Phys. Albert M. Bleile, M. D., Anat., Physiol. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION — fontinuo(L 67 William A. Kellerman, Ph. D., Dot. Gforge B. Kauffman. B. S.. Plinrm. Benjamin L. Bowen, Ph. D., Romance Lang, and Lit. Joseph V. Denney, B. A.. Enfih Allen C. P.arro\vs. M. A.. D. D.. Enf/l. William T. ^Li,i,'i-mler. M. E.. Mcch. IJiif/in. David S. White. D. V. S., Dean; Vet. Me<}. Herbert Osl)orn. M. S., ZooL, Ent. Frank E. Sanborn, B. S.. Dir. Dcpt. Indus. Arts. .Tosepb X. Bradford, M. E., Dratc. Ilenrv ('. Lord, B. S., F. K. A. S., F. E. Mangold, Asst. hi Dairy Lah. (Jeorge IL McKnigbt. I'li. D. (A.s.'it.) Em/I. Francis L. Landaere, B. A., (Assoc.) Zool.. Ent. Frederifk E. Kester. M. E. in E. E., (Asst.) Phys. Tbos. II. Haines, Pii. I>., {Asst.) Philos., Ed. Edgar S. Ingraham, (Asst.) Romance Lany. V. II. Davis. M. S. A., (Asst.) Ilort., For. Oscar V. Brumley, V. S., (As.st.) Vet. Med. Dir. Emerson Mcllillcn Ohserva- George B. Viles, Ph. D., (Asst.) Ger- tory; Astron. man. D. II. Fdall. B. 8.. D. V. M.. Vet. Htir- James McL Phillips, M. D., (Asst.) yetin and Obstetrics. Vet. Med. Charles S. Prosser, M. S., Geol.; in Robt. F. Earhart, Ph. D., {.Isst.) charyi Dcpt. Geol. Pliys. John A. Bownoeker, D. S., Inor(/<^ in Soils L. L. Lewis, M. S., D. V. M., Vet. and Crops. F. C. Burtis. M. S.. .1.9/-. J. F. Nicholson, M. S., Asst. Bact. Oscar M. Morris, B. S., Hort. E. II. Riley. B. Agr.. Asst. Animal W. R. Shaw, I'H. D., Bot., Ent. Hush. A. G. Ford, B. S., Chem. J. B. Grifiing, B. S., Asst. Agr. M. J. Otey, Clerk, Sten. Agricultural and. Normal University, Langston. governing board. Board of Regents: U. C. Guss {Pres.), Guthrie; E. O. Tyler {See.). King- fisher; C. W. Rarabo (Treas.), Pawnee; L. W. Baxter, Edmond : James A. Ronce, Cooper. COURSES OF STUDY. The courses of study are six : Classical, leading to the degree of B. A. ; sci- entific, leading to the degree of B. S. ; normal, leading to the degree of B. S. D. ; agricultural, leading to the degree of B. S. Agr. ; electrical and mechanical engineering, leading to the degree of B. M. E. ; civil architecture, leading to the degree of B. M. E. Each course requires four years for completion. There is also a three-year college preparatory course, and a four-year normal elementary course. board of instruction. Inman E. Page, M. A., President; Psychology and Moral Philosophy. Moses J. Johnson, B. A., Engl. Lang. Wm. A. Jackson, B. A., Supt. of Mech. and Lit. Dept. Wayne Manzilla, M. A., Math. Zelia N. Page, B. S. D., Instr. Music. A. B. Whitby, B. A., Nat. Sci. Maria Williams, Matron. Wm. E. Guy Lat., Elocution. Geo. R. Porter, Vocal Music, Pedag. Mary L. McCrary, Dom. Econ. II. D. Downs, Carpentry. A. A. Lassiter, Blacksm. 70 AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. OREGON. Oregon State Agricultural College, Corvallis. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Regents: J. K. Weatherford (T'/rs.). Mhany; J. T. Apperson, Park- place; John D. Daly {Sec). Portland; B. F. Irvine (Treas.), Corvallis; W. E. Yates, Corvallis; Gov. Geo. E. Chamberlain. Salriii : F. I. Dunbar {Sec. of State). Salcin: J. II. Ael^ernian (State Siti)t. of Pnhlie Iiistr.), Salem; W. P. Ready, Portland; Wni. W. Cotton,* Worcester Buildinfi. Portland; J. M. Church,* Lagrandc; Jno. D. 0\\veW* .Centralvoint ; B. G. Leedy, Tigardville. COURSES OF STUDY. There are seven four-year courses of study, each leading to the degree of B. S. : Agriculture, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, household economy (for girls), pharmacy, mining engineering, and literary commerce. There is also a two-year course in mining and short courses in dairying and agricultui'e. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. Thos. M. Gatch. M. A., Ph. D., President; Mental and Political Science. James Withycombe, M. Agr., Agr.; in charge of Farmers' Inst. F. Berchtold, M. A., Engl. Lang, and Lit. Grant A. Covell, M. E., Mech.. Mech. Engin., Phys. Ernest C. Hay ward, E. E., (Asst.) Mech., Mech. Engin., Phys. M. Clyde Phillips, B. M. E., Instr. Mech. Draw., Ironwork. Thos. Bilyen, B. S., Instr. Woodwork. Margaret C. Snell, M. D.. Household Econ. and Hygiene. Mary E. Sutherland, B. S., Asst. in Sewing Dept. F. L. Kent. B. S. Agr., (Assoc.) Agr.. Dairy Instr. John Fulton, B. S. Agr., M. S., Min., (Assoc.) Cheni. C. M, McKellips, M. S., Ph. C, (Asst.) Chem., Instr. Pharm. J. B. Horner, M. A., D. Lit., Lat., Hist.; Registrar. Mrs. Ida B. Callahan, B. S., (Asst.) Engl. Gordon V. Skelton, C. E., Math., Civil and Min. Engin. Arthur B. Cordley, M. S., Zool. Emile F. Pernot, M. S., Bact. A. L. Knisely, M. S., Cheni. Chas. L. Johnson, B. S., (Asst.) Math., Civil Engin. N. Tartar. Asst. Math. Wm. T. Shaw, M. S., Biol. E. R. Lake, M. S., Bot.. For. George Coote, Flor.. Gard. Ammee L. Leverett, Dir. of Art Dept.. Helen V. Crawford, B. S., Elocution. Frank E. Edwards, B. M. E., Asst. Cheni. Lt. D. P. Quinlan, Mil. Sci. and Tactics. G. P. H. Taillandier, Instrumental Music. Mrs. F. INIcD. Green, Vocal Mmic. W. O. Trine, Phys. Dir. R. J. Nichols, Libr. Helen L. Holgate, Instr. Sten., Typew. T. H. Crawford, M. A., Commerce; Clerk. Purchasing Agt. G. B. Keady, Printer. O. F. L. Herse, A.s.s-/. Printer. .T. A. Spangler, Engin. W. J. Kent, Farm Foreman. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. 71 Oregon Experiment Station, Coririllis. Department of OresDii State Asri^'ultural College, luuler the control of the Board of Regents. STATION STAl r. James Withyeombe, M. Agr.. IHr.: C. M. MeKellips, M. S., Ph. C, Asst. At/r. Chciii. (Jeorge Coote. FIoi:. Ganl. F. L. Kent, R. S. Agr., Asst. A;/!:, Dai- A. 15. Cordley. M. S.. Eiit. rymaii. E. U. Lake, M. S.. For., Bot. E. F. Pernot. M. S., Bact. A. L. Knisely. M. S.. Chrin. T. IL Crawford, M. A., CJerlc, Pur- Frank E. Edwarda. P.. M. E.. As.^t. chaxiiifi Atjt. Chrin. Helen L. Ilolgate. Stcn. PENNST LVAT^IA. « The Pennsylvania State College, State College. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Trustees: J. A. Beaver* (/'ms.). Belief onte; G. W. Atherton * {Sec, c.r officio). State College; Frank :M. Fuller (Sec. of Conniionirealtli, ex officio). Uiiioutoirn ; N. B. Critchfield (Sec. State Bd. of Agr.. c.r officio), Har- rishiirg; Gov. S. W. Pennypacker (ex officio), Harrishurg ; Hiram Young (Pres. State Agr. Soc, ex officio). York: I. B. Brown (Sec. Internal Affairs, ex officio), Harrishurg; T. J. Stewart (Adjutant-General, ex officio). Harrishurg; N. C. Scliaeffer (Supt. Puhlic Instr.. ex officio). Harrishurg; John Birkinbine (Pres. Franklin Institute, ex officio), Philadelphia; Charles Miller, Franklin; Andrew Carnegie. Pittshurg; II. V. White.* Bloornshurg; C. W. Stone, Warren; Chas. M. Sehwab. Pittshurg; J. A. Woodward,* Iloirard; M. E. Conard, Westgrove; H. Walton Mitchell, Pittshurg; L. M. Colfelt, Philadelphia; Gabriel Hiester,* Harrishurg; Ellis L. Orvis, Belief onte; W. F. Hill, Montalto; J. A. Herr. Cedar Springs ; J. G. White, Neic York City. COURSES OF STUDY. The courses of study, each requiring four years for completion unless other- wise specified, are as follows: Classical course, leading to the degree of B. A.; general science course; course in modern language and literature; Latin scien- tific course ; course in agriculture ; course in biology ; course in chemistry ; course in civil engineering; course in electrical engineering: course in indus- trial chemistry; course in mathematics: course in mechanical engineering; course in mines and mining; course in physics; course in philosophy; two-year courses in chemistry, mining, and mechanics, respectively ; short courses in agriculture and mining, each lasting twelve weeks, and courses in dairying and in creamery work of eight weeks each, and correspondence courses in agricul- ture. The four-year courses (except classical) lead to the degree of B. S., the diploma containing mention of the course pursued. Provision is also made for postgraduate study, leading to advanced degrees, and for one year of prepara- tory work. HOARD OF INSTRUCTION. George W. Atherton, LL. I).. President; Political and Social Science. William A. Buckout, M. S., D. Sc. 1. Thornton Osmond, M. S., M. A., Bot., Hort.; Actg. Dean School of Phys.; Dean School of Math, and Agr. Phys. 72 AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. liOAKD OF IXSTRUt' Louis E. Keber, M. S., 2Iech., Mecli. Engin.; Dean School of Engin. William Frear. Ph. D., Agr. Chem. George G. Fond, M. A., Ph. D., Chem.; Dean School of Nat. Sci. Henry P. Armsby, Ph. D., LL. D. ; Lect. on Stock Feeding. Benjamin Gill, M. A.. D. D., Greek, Lut.; Dean School of Lang, and Lit. John P. Jackson, B. S.. M. E.. E. E., Elect. Engin. Fred E. Foss, B. S., M. A.. Civil Engin. Joseph M. Willard, B. A., Math. Fred L. Pattee, M. A., Engl. Lang, and Lit. George C. Watson, B. Agr., M. S., Agr.; Siii)t. Corresp. Courses. Erwin W. Runlde. M. A.. Ph. D., Psych, and Ethics.; lAhr. Harvey A. Surface, M. S., Zool. Marshman E. Wadsworth, Ph. D.. Min., Geol. Elton D. Walker, B. S., Hydraulic and Sanitary Engin. George C. Butz, M. S., Hort. Carl D. Fehr. M. A.. German. Franklin E. Tuttle. M. A., Ph. D., Quantitative Anal. Joseph II. Tudor, C. E., M. S., (A.s.soc.) Math. John H. Leete, B. A., (Assoc.) Math. Edw. P. Lawton, Capt., U. S. A., Mil. Sci. and Tactics. Madison M. Garver, B. S., (Asst.) Phys. Anna E. Redifer, (Asst.) Indus. Art and Design. Irving L. Foster, M. A., (As.^t.) Ro- mance Lang. A. Howry Espenshade, M. A., (A.ssf.) Engl, and Lihet. T. I. Mairs, M. S., (Asst.) Anima^ Indus. Arthur J. Wood, M. E., (Asst.) Expt. Engin. Louis A. Harding, B. S., M. E., (Asst.) Mach. Design. Walter J. Keith, M. A., Ph. D., Instr. Org. Chem. Jesse B. Churchill, B. S., Instr. Quali- tative Anal. TION — conliiuiod. Louis L. Ansart, B. S., Instr. Math. Harry P. Wood, B. S., Instr. Elect. Engin. J. II. Frizzell, B. A., Instr. Engl. Oratory. Harriet A. Nichols, B. A., Instr. Ger- man and French. W. H. Parker, Instr. Pract. Mech. Harold B. Shattuck, B. S., Instr. Civil Engin. Lucretia Van T. Simmons, Ph. B., Instr. Mod. Lang. H. F. Stecker, Ph. D., Instr. Math. Edw. N. Zern, B. S., Instr. Min. Friend E. Clark. Ph. D., Instr. Chem. Ernest E. Calkins, B. A., Instr. Rhet. C. P. Linville. B. S.. M. A., Instr. Metal E. H. B. Humphries, B. A., Instr. Math. V. O. Ray, M. A., Instr. Hist. Emma A. McFeely, Instr. Indus. Art. Elizabeth B. Meek, M. S., In.str. Biol. R. E. Myers, Pn. D. Instr. Electro- chem. Engin. C. W. Lawrence, B. S., C. E., Instr. Civil Engin. Mary E. Heckell. M. A., Instr. Gcrnidn. Chas. F. Shoop, B. S., Instr. Math. Walter E. Sanders, R. A., M. E., Instr. Mrch. Engin. T. E. Gravatt, B. S., Instr. Math. Arthur R. Bennington, B. S., As.'//•. Af/r. Dept.; in II. Houston, C. E., (Asst.) Math. charge of Farinrrs' Inst. D. W. Daniel, M. A., (Asst.) Ihxji. W. M. Uijjss. E. M. E., />/'•. Meeh. and C. C. Newman. ( . t .s'.soe. ) Hort. Elect. Dept. Haven Metcalf, Ph. D., (.l.s.sor.) Hot., V. M. Furman. B. A., Engl.; lUr. Prep. liact. Dcpt. W. S. .Morrison. B. A.. 7//.s^. Polit. Econ. (J. Sbanklin, B. S., RegiKtrar; {Axnt.) Math. II. Benton, M. S.. (A.s.sf.) Ai/r. Chas. D. Clay, Capt, U. S. A. (Re- A. M. Reilfearn. B. S., M. D., Siinieon. tired), Comdt.: Mil. Hei. P. T. Brodie. B. S.. B. A., Math. F. II. II. Calhoun, I'li. L). Geol., Min. .1. S. McLucas, M. A., (Asst.) Engl. R. E. Lee, B. S., {Assoc.) Draw. F. S. Shiver, Ph. G., (Asst.) Chem. S. M. Martin, M. A., (Asst.) Math. C. S. Wriiiht, B. S., (.l.s.s^) Maeh. Work. F. D. Frissell, (Assoc.) Wearing and Designing. ,T. II. Hook, B. S., (Asst.) Woodirork. C. B. Griswold, (Asst.) Forge and J. II. .James, Ph. D., (Asst.) Dyeing, Foundry. Org. Chem. Louis A. Klein, D. V. M., (Assoc.) II. H. Kyser,a B. S., E. M. E., (Asst.) Vet. Sci. Elect. S. B. Earle, M. A., M. E., (Assoc.) B. H. Rawl, B. S., Instr. Dairy and Mech. Engin. J. W. Gantt. Asst. in Woodwork. S. W. Reaves. B. S., B. A., (Asst.) Math. T. W. Keitt, (.l.s.s•^) Engl. T. G. Boats, (Assoc.) Phys. Animal Hush. A. B. Bryan, B. S., B. Lit.. (Asst.) Engl. D. H. Henry, B. S., Instr. Chem. B. M. Parker, B. S.. Instr. Textile Indus. Chas. E. Chambliss. .M. S., (Assoc.) F. T. Dargan, M. S., (Asst.) Elect. Zool., Ent. .7. H. M. Beaty, Dir. Textile Dept. W. W. Klugh, B. S., (Asst.) Draw. S. T. Howard. B. S., (Asst.) Draw. M. E. Bradley, B. A., Instr. in Engl, Math. J. E. Hunter, B. S., Instr. in Math. South Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station, Clemson College. Department of Clemson Agricultural College, under the control of the Board of Trustees.'' STATION STAFF. P. H. Mell, M. E., Ph. D., Dir. .7. S. Newman, V. Dir.; Agr. M. B. Hardin, Chief Chem. H. Metcalf, M. A., Ph. D., Bat., Bad. B. F. Robertson, B. S., Asst. Chem. F. S. Shiver, Ph. G., Asst. Chem. II. Benton, M. S., Asst. Agr. R. N. Brackett, Ph. D., Asst. Chem. C. C. McDonnell, B. S., As.. S. A.. Dir. II. H. Harrington, M. S., Chem. M. Francis, D. Y. M., Vet. E. J. Kyle, M. S. A., Ilort. E. C. (Jreen, B. S., Asst. Hort. F. S. Johnston, B. S.. Agr. O. M. Ball, Ph. D., Hot.. Mgrol. G. S. Fraps, Ph. D., Asst. Chem. F. K. Marshall, Animal Hush., Dairy- ing. R. I.,. Bennett, M. S., Cotton Specialist. J. K. Robertson, Supt. State St a. (Bee- ville). W. S. Ilotchkiss, Supt. State Sta. (Troupe). Prairie View State Normal and Industrial College, Prairie Vieio. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Directors: Marion Sansom (Pres.), Al vara do: F. A. Reichardt, Houston: A. J. Brown, Dallas; Geo. T. Jester, Corsica na ; K. K. Legett, Abi- lene; L. D. Amsler, Hempstead; A. Ilaidusek, La Grange; W. J. Clay, Austin. COURSE OF STUDY. A normal industrial course extending through four years and optional along agricultural or mechanical lines is offered. Diplomas are granted. Special courses in dairying and blacksniithing are provided. BOAUI) OF INSTRUCTION. E. L. Blackshear. W. B. Woodruff, Asst. Prin.; Agr. C. W. Luckie, Engl, Lat. J. T. Hodges, Math. J. H. Crawford, Nat. and PhyK. Sei. II. M. Tarver, Hist. E. H. Holmes, Mech. Callie D. Willis, Sew., Millinery. Harriet F. Kimbro, Preceptress. Paul Bledsoe, Asst. in Sei.; Lihr. Miss A. L. Evans, Asst. in Engl. Principal : Pedagogy. R. L. Isaacs, As.'^t. in Math. W. C. Rollins, Asst. in Pedag.; Sec. A. E. Flewellyn. Asst. in Blacksm. J. W. Towns, Asst. in Carpentry. Mabel P>()hanon, Cooking. Van R. Thornton, M. D., Physician. R. II. nines, Asst. in Agr. Mrs. L. A. Tarver, Music. Avalonia Ellis, Asst. in Sew. R. James, Farm Foreman, AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. 81 UTAH. Agricultural College of Utah, Logan. GOVERNING I50ARD. Bojird of Trustees: W. S. McCornick iPres.), Salt Lake City; J. A. Bexell (/S'ec), Lof/aii; F. D. Fnnvll { Assf. Sec), Lcxjan: Allan M. Fleming (Trcas.), Logan: Mrs. Emily S. Richards. Salt Lake City; John A. McAlister, Logan; L. Hansen,* Logan; Mrs. R. N. Bagley, Ogden; Geo. C. Whitmore,* Nephi; E. R. Owen,* Wellsville. COURSES OF STUDY. Three-year courses are offered in agriculture, domestic science, and conunerce, each leading to a certificate of graduation ; four-year courses are offered in agriculture, domestic science, commerce, civil engineering, mechanical engineer- ing, and general science, each leading to a degree. In addition, there are manual- training courses in domestic arts and mechanic arts, four years, each leading to a certificate of graduation ; a college preparatory course, two years, and a sub- preparatory course, one year ; also winter courses in agriculture, domestic arts, and mechanic arts. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. William Jasper Kerr, D. So., President. John A. Widtsoe, Ph. D., Chem.; in charge of Farmers'' Inst. Dalinda Cotey. B. S., Dom. Sci. Josei)h Jenson, B. S., Dir. Workshops; Engin. John F. Engle, Ph. D., Hist., Civics. Willard S. Langton, B. S., Math., Astron. Lewis A. Merrill. B. S., Agron., Vet. Sci. Alfred H. Upham, M. A., Engl. Lang. and Lit. Robt. S. Northrop, B. S., Hort., Dot. E. D. Ball, M. S., Animal Biol. R. W. Clark, B. Agr., Animal Indus. Edward W. Robinson. (Asst.) ConiH Lan\ Geog. Frank R. Arnold. A. M., Mod. Lang. John A. Bexell, M. A.. Conunerce. H. D. Styer, Capt.. Mil. Instr. Peter A. Yoder, Ph. D., (A-s-soc.) CJi cm. William Peterson, B. S., (Asst.) Geol., Min. .Tos. W. Jensen, {Asst.) Civil Engin. George P. Campbell, B. S., {Asst.) Phys. John T. Cainc. jr., B. S., Instr. Engl.; Registrar. Elizabeth C. Smith. B. L., Lihr. Ruth E. Moeuch, Instr. Engl., Phys. Culture. August J. Hansen, Foreman in Car- pen try. F. A. Dahle, Asst. in Carpentry. 8901— No. 151—05 M 6 John A. Crockett, Instr. Dairy Hush. Geo. W. Thatcher, Music. Lydia Holmgren, B. S., Instr. Dom. Arts. Edward P. Pulley, B. S., Instr. Mech. Engin. Rhoda B. Cook, Instr. Sew., Millinery. L. A. Ostien, B. S., LL. B., Ph. B., (Asst.) Math., Astron. Edwin A. Williams, Foreman in Forg- ing. Henry J. Stuttered, Instr. Draw. M. Elizabeth Wyant, Ph. B., In.str. Engl. Amanda Holmgren, B. S., Instr. Engl. John H. Bankhead, B. S., Instr. Coni- meree. William A. .Jensen, Instr. Commerce. D. M. Stephens, B. S., Private Sec. to Pres. Niels M. Hansen, jr., B. S., Instr. Engin. Minnie Peterson, A.^st. in Household Sci. Dora Quayle, .4.s'.s'^ /;/ Do)n. Arts. Inez Powell. Asst. in Household Sci. William Jardine, B. S., Instr. Agron. Grace Fisher. B. S.. Instr. Hist. Jos. E. Greaves. B. S.. Asst. in Chem. Elmer G. Peterson, B. S., Assist, in Zool. Francis D. Farrell, Asst. Sec. Howard P. Madsen, Asst. in Carpentry. F. C. Wangsgard, Asst. in Forging. 82 AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. Agricultural Experiment Station, Logan. Department of the Agricultural College of Utah, under the control of the Board of Trustees. STATION STAFF. John A. Widtsoe, Pii. D., nir.; Chem. Lewis A. Merrill, B. S., Agron. R. S. Northrop, B. S., Hort. E. D. Ball, M. S., Biol. R. W. Clark. B. Agr.. Animal Indus. W. W. McLaughlin, B. S., Irrig. Engin. P. A. Yoder, Ph. D., Assoc. Chem. John A. Crockett, Asst. Dairyman. Robert Stewart, B. S., Asst. Chem. Wru. Jardine, B. S., Asst. Agron. J. E. Greaves, B. S., Asst. Chem. J. B. Nelson, Farm Foreman. John Hopkins. Foreman Poultry Dept. Henry W. Crockett, Foreman Hort. Grounds. Wni. Hodges, Foreman Animal Indus. VERMONT. • ■University of Vermont and State Agricultural College, Burlington. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Trustees: M. H. Buckham * (Pres.), Burlington; Gov. J. G. McCul- lough (e.r officio). Bennington; G. G. Benedict (.SVc), Burlington; E. H. Powell (Treas.), 16ti College St., Burlington; H. H. Powers, Morrisville; J. H. Converse, Philadelphia, Pa.; Elias Lyman, Burlington; Robert Roberts, Bur- lington; W. S. Webb, Shelliurne; D. P. Kingsley, 'New York City; B. F. Fifleld, Montpelier; N. W. Fisk, Isle La Motte ; Redfield Proctor. Proctor; E. J. Ormsl)ee,* Brandon; W. P. Dillingham, Montpelier; G. T. Chnffee, Rut- land; H. C. Cleveland, Coventry; G. S. Fassett,* Enosburg; Cassius Peck,* Burlington; C. A. Catliu, Providence, R. I. COURSES OF STUDY. The four-year academical courses are eight in number: Classical, leading to the degree of B. A. : literai*y-scientific. leading to the degree of Ph. B. ; com- merce and economics, civil and sanitary engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, chemical, and agricultural, leading to the degree of B. S., the particular course being specified in the diploma. There is also a one or two year course in agriculture. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. M. H. Buckham, D. D., LL. D., President; Political and Social Philosophy. G. H. Perkins. Ph. D., Dean Dept. Nat. ,^ci.: Nat. Hist. S. F. Emerson, Ph. D.. Hi-^t. N. F. Merrill, Ph. D., Chem.; Dean Dept. Chem. A. L. Daniels, D. Sc, Math. J. W. Votey, C. E., Dean Dept. Engin.; Civil Engin. L. R. Jones, Ph. B., Bot. J. L. Hills, D. Sc, Dean Dept. Agr.; Agr. Chem. F. Tniipcr. jr.. Ph. D., Rhet., Engl. Lit. A. W. Slocuni. M. A., Phys. W. H. Freedman, C. E., E. E., Elect. Engin. V. A. Rich, V. S., M. D., Yet. Hci. Carl V. Tower, Ph. D.. Intellectual and Moral Philos. C. B. Stetson, M. A., German. William Stuart, M. S., Hort. Edward Robinson, B. S., Mech. Engin. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. 83 BOARD OF INSTRUCTION — Continued. Chas. W. Mixter, Ph. D., Dean Dept. Commerce and PoJit. Econ. A. D. Butterfield, M. S., (Asst.) Math., Engin. E. C. .Jacobs, B. S., {Asst.) Chem. and Min. Wm. S. Hayes, B. A., (Asst.) Romance Lang. L. S. Miller, Mil. Sci. James Eaton. Instr. Mcch. I'ract. Wilbur A. Coit, Ph. B., Instr. Math. W. .7. Morse. M. S., Instr. Bot., Bact.. Agron. W. T. Jackman, A. M., Instr. Econ. and Accounting ; Sec. H. F. Perkins. Ph. D., Instr. Biol. II. B. Sbaw. Pii. B.. LL. B., Instr. Com'l Lair. II. H. Cloudman, A. B., Inst. Hy- giene; Phys. Dir. Max. W. Andrews, M. A., Instr. Elocu- tion; Registrar. Geo. H. Burrows, B. S.. Instr. Chem. R. F. Cbandler, B. S., Instr. Civil Engin. H. F. Halladay, B. S., Instr. Mech. Engin. C. A. Kern. B. S., Instr. Chem. C. D. Howe, M. S., Led. in For. Editb E. Clarke, Ph. B., Lihr. Cyrus G. Pringle, Curator of Herba- rium. Vermont Agricultural Experiment Station, Burlington. Department of University of Vermont and State Ajj;ricultural College, under the control of the Board of Trustees. STATION STAFF. J. L. Hills. D. Sc. Dir. G. H. Perkins, Ph. D.. Ent. L. R. Jones. Ph. B.. Bot. William Stuart. M. S., Hort. F. A. Rich. V. S., M. D., Vet. Cassius Peck, Farm Supt. C. H. .Jones. B. S., Chem. W. J. Morse, M. S.. Asst. Bot. F. M. Hollister, B. S., Asst. Chem. C. L. Stygles, Dairyman. Mary A. Benson, Sten. E. H. Powell, Treas. VIRGINIA. Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College and Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg. « GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Visitors: J. W. Southall {Supt. of Public Instr.). Richmond; J. T. Brown,* Bricrficld; D. M. Cloyd,* Dublin; J. B. Watkins,* Hallsboro; B. B. Brockenbrough, Tappahannock ; J. F. Ryan. Areola; W. B. Robertson,* Plas- terco; J. S. Musgrave, PinopoUs ; J. C. Carrington, Charlotte. COURSES OF STUDY. The courses of study are nine, each re(iuiring four years for completion and leading to the degree of B. S. : Agricultural, horticultural, applied chemistry, preparatory for medicine or veterinary science, general science, civil engineer- • Express and freight address, ChriHianshitrg Depot. 84 AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. ing, mechanical eugineeriug, and electrical engineering. There are also two courses which require two years for completion and lead to a certificate of practical agriculture and practical mechanics. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. J. M. McBryde,* Ph. D.. LL. Ellison A. Smyth, M. A.. Biol; Dean of Facultu- Theo. P. Campbell, M. A., Mod. Lang.; Dean of Academic Dcpt. David O. Nourse, B. S., Agron. Robt. J. Davidson, M. A., Chem.; Dean of Set. Dept. Lingan S. Randolph, M. E., Mech. Engirt. Samuel R. Pritehard, M. A., Elect. Engin. Wm. M. Patton, C. E., Civil Engin.; Dean of Engin. Dcpt. Richard II. Iludnall, Pii. D., Engl. Chas. E. Vawter, jr., P.. S., Phys. John R. Parrott, Mech. Arts; Dir. of tihopn. John Spencer, V. S.. Vet^ 8ci. John S. A. Johnson, :\I. E., Mil. Sci. and 'J'actics; Vonidt. of Cadets; (Adjunct) Mech. Engin. Thus. L. Watson, IMi. I).. Geol., Min. Andrew M. Soule, K. S. A., Animal Hush.; Dean Agr. Dcpt. Geo. W. Walker, M. A., Lat. Francis D. Wilson, Ph. D., Cheni. John E. Williams. Ph. D.. Math. Harvey L. Price, M. S.. Hort. A\m. 1>. Siiunders, (Adjunct) Dairy Hush.: Hupt. of Creamery. W. G. Cornier. M. E., (Adjunct) Mech. Aris. W. II. Rasche, (Adjunct) Draw. Meade Ferguson, Ph. D., (Adjunct) Agr. Bact.. Micros. Carol M. Newman. Pn. D., (Actg. Ad- junct ) Engl.. Econ. Alfred W. Drinl^ard, M. S.. (Asst.) Hixt.: Src. of Faculty. J. Bolton McBryde, B. A., C. E., (Asst.) Chem. Wm. E. Barlow, Ph. D., (Asst.) Chrni., Geol. Francis H. Abbott, M. A., (Asst.) Engl. D., President of the College. John R. Fain, B. S., (Asst.) Agron. Jas. M. Johnson, Instr. Forge and Foundry Work. Claudius Lee, B. S., Instr. Lab. Elect.; Hupt. Elect. Eight Plant. Arthur P. Spencer. Instr. Animal Hush. Samuel B.. Andrews, Instr. Much. Work. Wm. M. Brodie. M. S., Instr. Math.; 1st Asst. Conidt. of Cadets. Thos. G Wood, M. S.. Instr. liiol, Hort.; 2d Asst. Comdt. of Cadets. Clarence P. Miles, M. S., Instr. Mod. Ijdn;/. Wm. A. P. Moncure, M. S., Instr. My- col. Geo. W. Fentress, M. S., Instr. Math. Jas. II. (iiI>boney, B. S., Instr. Chem. Hugli S. Worthington, M. A., Instr. Mod. Lang. Harry L. Davidson, M. S., Instr. Chrni. Louis O'Shaughnessy, C. E., Instr. Ciril Engin. Phares O. Vanatter. Instr. Agron. Franlv L. Robeson, B. S., Asst. in Math.. Dra\r. Hartwell II. Gary, B. S.. Asst. in Math.: ,id Asxt. Comdt. of Cadets. Geo. H. Scott. B. S., Asst. Math.; 'ith Asst. Comdt. of Cadets. Guy W. Wade, B. S., Asst. in Lab., Elect. J. J. l):ivis, B. S.. AxKf. hi Mod. Lang. W. A. Dunn, .l.v-v/. /// t^ur crying. Wm. E. Wine, B. S., Asst. in Draw. Leslie C. Burton, Asst. in Woodwork. R. Rosewell Page, Asst. in Field Sur- veying. C. I. Wade. Treas. W. F. Henderson, M. D., Surgeon. B. R. Selden, Registrar. Mary G. Lacy, Libr. J. L. Phillips, M. S., State Ent., Path. J. P. Harvey, Dir. of Band. AGRICULTUKAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. 85 Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station, Blacksburg." Department of Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College and Polytechnic Institute, under the control of the Board of Visitors. STATION STAFF. A. M. Soule. P.. S. A., Dir. Arthur P. Spencer, Asst. Animal R. J. Davidson, M. A., CJicm. Hii.^h. H. L. Price, M. S., Hort. E. A. Smyth. M. A., Consulting Biol. Wni. D. Saunders, nahi/ Husb. D. O. Nourse, B. S., Consulting Agron. Meade Ferguson, Ph. D., Bact. Thos. L. Watson. Ph. D., Consulting John Spencer, D. V. S., Vet. GeoL J. R. Fain, B. S., Agron. C. I. Wade, Treas. Walter Ellett, Asst. Cheni. Mary (i. Lacy, Lihr. Wm. A. P. Moncure, M. S., Asst. Myc. Mary K. Simpson. Sten. P. O. Vanatter, Field Expts. ClementE. Craig, Foreman Field Expts. Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute, Hampton. GOVERNING BOABD. Board of Trustees: R. C. Ogden (Pres.), Xeic York City; H. B. Frissell (.S'rc), Hampton; Alexander McKenzie {First V. Pres.), Cambridge, Mass.; W. N. McVickar (Second V. Pres.), Providence. R. I.; G. F. Peabody, New York City; C. H. Parkhurst, New York City: F. G. Peabody, Cambridge, Mass.; D. H. Greer. Neir York City; C. E. Bigelow. Netc York City: A. C. James, New York City; W. J. Schieffelin, Neic York City; L. L. Lewis, Richmond; Alexan- der Purves, Hampton; W. W. Frazier, Philadelphia; J. W. Cooper, New Britain, Conn.; A. M. Huntington, Neic York City; B. B. Munford, Richmond. State Curators: N. W. Nock. Onancock; P. H. Christian. Willcox Wharf; H. L. Sehmelz, Hampton; Geo. A. Melvin, Portsmouth; J. C. Carter, Houston; W. P. Burrell, Richmond. COURSES OF STUDT. The academic course of study requires four years for completion, and a diploma is given on gi-adualion. There are also trade and agricultural courses for undergraduates, requiring three years. The postgraduate courses are agri- culture, three years ; trades, three years ; normal, two years ; and business, one year. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. H. B. Frissell. D. D.. LL. D., Principal; Mental Philosophy. II. B. Turner, Chaplain; Bible Les- Elizabeth Hyde, T/flrfj/ /'/(«. sons. Frank K. Rogers, Dir. Armstrong and Alex. Purves, Treas. Slater Memorial Trade School.' Albert Howe, Supt. of Boys' Produc- Geo. P. Phenix, in charge of formal tive Indus. und Academic Dept. F. C. Briggs, Business Agt. Robt. R. Moton, Comdt. of Cadets. Martha M. Waldron, M. D., Resident Mary H. Adair, in charge of Whittier Physician. Training School. » Express and freight address, Christiansbury Depot. 86 AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION COIltinued. Clarissa A. Adams, Engl., Hist. Mrs. S. C. Armstrong, in cliarue of Hemenway Farm ScJiool. Charles E. Ashe, Cnrprntry. Bernette Bueheler. in charge of Dom. Sci. Dcpt. Walter F. Baker, Sheet Metal Worlc. Frances A. Baldwin, Bom. Sci. Harris Barrett, Bookkeeping. Margaret G. Batchelder, Dom. 8ci. Bertha S. Bell, Phonics, Engl. Susan A. Berry, Dom. .Sfri. Charles W. Betts, in charge of Print- ing Office. Robert Beverly, Much. Work. E. A. Bishop, in charge of Agr. Dept. George W. Blount. Bookkeeping. Jennie D. Booth, Grade V, Whitticr. Ada V. Bradley, Kindergarten, Whit- tier. Mary A. Bradley, Sexo. Mary B. Briggs, Bihle Hist. Wm. L. Brown, Bookkeeping. George W. Buck, Varpentry. Mary II. Budd, Engl., Math., Agr., Gcog. Albert J. Carter, Painting. W. O. Claytor, Arith.. Eiigh. Oeog. Sarah A. Clements, in charge of Diet Kitchen. Jessie Coope, Oymnastics. Bessie 11. Cooper, Sew. Ethel Craighead, Engl., Civil Govern- ment, Polit. Eeon. J. W. Cross, Shoemaking. Maud Davies, Engl. Lit. Evalena A. Davis, Sew., Cooking, Whitticr. George J. Davis, Asst. Mgr. Home Farm. Jennie E. Davis, in charge of Nature Stndg Bureau and Puhlications. Charles II. De Yarmette, Sheet Metal Work. Harry J. De Yarmette, Asst. to Dir. of Trade School. Bessie L. Drew, Singing, Draw. Evelyn M. Drummond, Bible, Lit., Hist. Constantino Duncan, Blacksm. Robert S. Elliott, Steam Engin. Carrie E. Erskine, Hist., Lit., Engl. Cora M. Folsom, in charge of Museum and Indian Record Bureau. F. J. Ford, Tailoring. Albert A. Freeland, //( charge of Holly Tree In)i. Mary T. Gali)in. in charge of Ahhy May Home. Mabel (Jarey. Math.. Engl., Hist. Edith Gates, El. Branches. Edith A. Gillespie, Asst. Libr. Annie M. Goodrich, Engl., Math., Agr., Geog. Louise M. Groodrieh, Engl., Geog., Math. Elizabeth M. Gowans, Draxc. Ethel B. (Jowaus, Engl., Geog., Math., Agr. Henrietta L. Graves, Phys.. El. Sci. William II. Harris, Carpentry. Jennie 11. Hart, Sew. Leonora E. Ilerron, Lilir. Willis :\I. Hill, Paint. Mattie Holmes, (hade IV, Whitticr. George W. Ilosford, Ilort. Grace B. House, Engl, Math., Geog., Sloyd. R. L. Howard. Carpentry. Sarah M. llowland. Laundry. Charles S. Isliam, I'hyx. Mrs. Lucy M. B. Jameson, Dom. Sci. Addie Jayne, Phys.. Chem. Lizzie A. Jenkins, Grade VI, Ad- vanced, Whitticr. W. H. Jctt, Harness Shop. John II. Jinks, Joinery. Helene Y. Johnson, Draw. Emma Johnston, Math. I'homas J. Jones, in charge of Hist., Econ., dries. Henry B. Jordan, Asst. Mgr. of Hem- enway Farm. R. W. Koa.r, Steam Engin. J. Frank La Crosse, Paint., Uphol- stery. David R. T^ewis, Mceh. Draw. Bessie lioesch, Dom. Sci. Flora F. Low, in charge of Math. Helen W. Ludlow. Editor Southern Workman. Grace Lyon, Singing. Mrs. Nannie McGwynn, Grade I, WJtit- tier. AGRICULTUEAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. 87 BOABD OF INSTRUCTION — Continued. Silas E. Miles. Blacksm. R. B. Miller, rriiit. Grace L. Morrison, Math., Engl., Oeog. Willianietta O. Nash, Lit., Hi.-it., Oeog. Mai-y W. Xettleton, (,'rog. John P». Pierce, Agr. Caroline 1). Pratt, in charge of Dom. Art. Dept. Julia E. Pratt, 77o/». ,^ci. Alice M. Price, Math.. Engl. Florence Price, Grade II, Whittier. Bessie Pride, Orade VI, Whittier. Mary E. Rich, Manual Training at Whittier. Elisabeth Riegger, Math., Engl., Oeog. Fred J. Robinson. Mach. Work. Adaline B. Rockwell, Asst. Libr. Alex. Santa Cruz, Steam Engin. John J. Scott, Steam Engin. S. Jackson Scott, Wheelwr. Win. II. Scoville, Mgr. Huntington In- dus. WorkH. Myrtilla J. Sherman, in charge of Scholarship Corresp. and Oraduates' Record Bureau. Eliza M. Slater, Laundering. Charles E. Smith, Wheelwr. and Mach. Edward H. Spennie, Wood Turning. Mrs. J. A. Stevens, Dom. Sci. John Storm, Tailoring. M. Ernestine Suarez, Orade III, Whit- tier. Gertrude Sugden, Asst. Libr. John Sugden, in charge of Repair Shop. Arizona Swaney, Indian Basketinuking and Lace Work. VV. L. Sweetser, Animal Indus. Josephine Taylor, Orade I, Advanced, Whittier. Wm. Tessman, Instr. Band Music. Helen L. Townsend, Dom. Sci. Jessie A. Townsend, Dotii. Sri. Margaret W. Twltchell, Dom. Sci. Marie Ulsamer, Setv. John Urquhart, Animal Indus. Ethel W. Wagg, Math.. Engl. Oeog. J. II. Wainwrlght. Steam Engin. Sarah J. Walter. Critic Teacher. May P.. Warner. Math., Engl. Capt. Allen Washington, Asst. Comdt. of Cadets. Wm. A. Webster, Bricklaying, Plaster- ing. J. Weil, Harness Making. Emeline Whitcomb, Math., Engl. Barton White, Agr. W. T. B. Williams, Critic Teacher. W. H. Witte, Hort. Clara Woodward, Laundering. George D. Young, Agr. Mrs. George D. Young, Dom. Sci. WASHIJ^GTON. Washing'ton Agricultural College and School of Science, Pullman. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Regents: F. J. Barnard (Pres.), Seattle; R. C. McCroskey * (F. Pres.), Garfield; J. P. Sharp,* Ellensburg; U. L. Ettinger (Treas.), Colfax; H. D. Crow,* Spokane; E, A. Bryan (Sec, ex officio), Pullman. COURSES OF STUDY. Four-year courses of study are offered in the following lines : Mathematics, civil engineering, mining engineering, chemistry, botany and zoologj', agriculture, horticulture, English language and literature, economic science and history, elec- trical engineering, mechanical engineering, geology, modern languages, and sup- plemental courses in Latin, physics, dairying, pharmacy, veterinary sc-ience, mineralogy and geology, farming, and artisan work, and military science and tactics. 88 AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. Enoch A. Bryan, M. A., LL. D., President of the College and Director of the Ex- periment Station; HiMory and I'olitieal Science; in charge of Farmers" In- stitutes. \l. Kont Benttie. M. A., {Actft.) Bot. Paul S. Gnilfonl. M. E.. Instr. Meeh. (Jeor^c n. Watt, B. S., Pii. C, Pharm. l-Jni/iii. Osiuar L. Waller, Ph. M., Math., Civil William H. Lawrence, M. S., Jm^tr. EiKjin. Bot., Ent. Elton Fnlnier, M. A., Chem. Maynard Uosenliersor, D. V. M., histr. Sofiis B. Nelson, D. V. M., Vet. Sei. Yvt. Sci. Chas. A. Barry, M. A., Mod. Lang. George Severance, B. S., Asst. in Agr. W. J. Roberts, M. A., (Assoc.) Math., Herbert Kimbrougb, Instr. Music. Civil Engin. Willie F. Woodward,- Instr. Art. Albert E. Egge, Ph. D., Engl. Lit. Walter R. Bloor, B. A., Instr. Chem. Solon Sbedd, B. A.. GeoL, Min. Chas. W. P.ean, Instr. School of liiisi- Walter G. Beach, M. A., Econ. Sci. ness. and Hist. C. L. Smith, Lecf. Edwin E. Elliott, M. S., Agr. Wm. B. Strong, M. A., Mus. B., Instr. Royal I'. Jarvis, Min. Band and Orchestra. Edward Kinnnel, Capt., U. S. A., Mil. Axel L. Melander. M. S., Instr. Ent. Sci. and Tactics. Edith F. IMcDermott, Instr. Doni. Herbert S. Davis, Ph. B., Instr. Zool. Econ. Fred F. Flanders, P.. A., Instr. Chem. Mrs. Nancy L. Van Doren, Preccp- D. C. Mooring, B. S., Instr. Hort. tress. Charlotte N. Malotte, P.. A., (A.s.s<.) Chas. F. McCarthy, In.str. Element. Lat. School. Faust C. De Walsh, Mod. Lang. Mrs. Kuria Strong, Instr. Vocal .l//(.v. Chas. Frazier, D. V. M.. In.'^tr. Vet. E. M. Sweclcy. Asst. Phi/s. Dir. Sci. Ii'a I*. Whitney, Instr. Butter Making. Donald A. MacCracken, Prin. School .M. E. Carley, Instr. Foundry Pract. of Business. C. T. Miller. Asst. in Element. School. Mack Martin, M. E., Instr. Mech. Frank O. Kreager, Asst. in Element. Engin. School. H. C. Sampson, B. A., Asst. in Engl.; Gertrnde Saxton, Lihr. Prin. Prep. Dept. Mabel Thayer, Private Sec. Howard B. Berry, A.-ist. in Mcch. Loren E. Van Winkle, Sten. Engin. F. Fielding Nalder, M. A., Registrar. H. V. Carpenter. M. S., Mech. and W. M. Porter, Acct. Elect. Engin. Geo. C. Grimes, Janitor. Washing-ton Agricultural Experiment Station, Pullman. Department of Washington Agricultural College and School of Science, under the control of the Board of Regents. STATION STAFF. E. A. Bryan. M. A., LL. D., Dir. II. S. Davis, Ph. B., Asst. Zool. E. E. Elliott, M. S.. Agr. George Severance, B. S., As^st. Agr. R. Kent Beattie, M. A., {Actg.) Bot. R. W. Thatcher, B. S., Chem. Elton Fulmer, M. A., Chem. for State M. Rosenberger, D. Y. M., Asst. Vet. Work. A. L. Melander, M. S., Asst. Ent. Sofus P.. Nelson, D. V. M., Vet. W. II. Lawrence. M. S., Asst. Bot.. Ent. O. L. Waller, Ph.M., Irrig. Engin. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. 89 WEST TIRGIl^IA. West Virginia University, Morgantown. GOVERNING BOAKI). Bor.nl of Rejjjonts : E. M. Grant, Morfunitoirn ; C. E. Tliiworth, Uutitnuiton ; L. J. Williams, l.riri.soiirf/ : C. M. liahh, Fullx; J. U. Tnittcr (Pr('f<.), liuckhun- tioii: I). G. (Jallab«>r, CharUstun : J. !'►. Finley. I'drhirshunj : S. II. Rowiiiaii, I'll ill ipi. COURSES OF STUDY. The four-year courses with degrees are: All courses leading to general cnilture, B. A. and B. S. ; course in mechanical engineering, B. S. M. E. ; anlc, Asst. J. M. Canty, jr., Supt. of Indus. Bessie V. Morris. Cooking. C. E. Jones, ISlat. Sci.. Hist. Solomon Brown, Wheelur. Mrs. E. M. Jones, Music. Jos. Lovette, BricldayiiH/. F. La Main Douglass, Com! Branches. A. W. Curtis, B. Agr., Ayr., Bot. M. Blanche Jeffries, Matron. Jas. A. Booker, Asst. A(jr. W. A. Spriggs, Carpentry. W. S. Brown, Pract. Farmer. Ed. M. Burgess, Pri'it. W. H. Willis, Pract. Farmer. R. L. Brown, Engin. WISCONSIN. Colleg-e of Agriculture of the University of Wisconsin, Madison. GOVERNING BOARD. Board of Regents: Geo. F. Merrill (Pres.), Ashland; President of Uni- versity,* Madison; State Superintendent of Instruction {e.r officio), Madison; James C. Kerwin * (T'. Pres.), ^^eenah ; E. F. Riley (See.), Madison; Wm. F. Vilas, Madison; Almah J. Frishy, Milwaukee; II. C. Taylor,* Orfordville; L. S. Ilanljs, Madison; I). T. Parker,* Fennimore; James M. Pereles, Milwau- kee; Arthur J. Puis, Mihcaukee; M. C. INIead,* Plymouth; Edward Evans, La Crosse; 6. E. Clark, Appleton; August J. INIyrland,* Grantsbury. COURSES OF STUDY. The long course requires four years, leading to the degree of B. S. The short course covers two terms of fourteen weeks each. A certificate is granted to those comi)leting tlie course. The winter dairy course lasts twelve weeks, and requires for admission six months' previous training in a creamery or cheese factory. A sunnner dairy course is offered to a limited numher of students, who will he admitted without iirevious factory training and may remain the whole season. To seciire a dairy certiticale the student nuist have two seasons' actual practice in a factory, one of which must follow his work at the dairy school. A two-week farmers' course, limited strictly to persons who are at least twenty-five years of age, is also offered. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. 91 BOARD OF INSTRUCTION." Chas. Richard Van Hise, Pii. W. A. Henry. D. Agk., D. Sc, Dean ; A or. S. M. Habcoek, Pii. D., A^. Ida Herfnrth, E.recutire Clerk. Sophie M. Briggs, Libr. " Includes only instructors in subjects directly relating to agriculture. Many other members of the university faculty sive instruction to agricultural students pursuing the course leading to the degree of B. S. 92 AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. College of Agrriculture of the TJniversity of Wyoming, Laramie. GOVEBXING BOARD. Board of Trustees: Otto Gramm * (Pres.), Laramie; T. F. Burke (T. Pres.), Cheyenne: Grace R. Hebard * (See.). Cheyenne: .1. C. Davis (Treas.). i?a»//;i.s-; A. C. Jones,* Laramie; W. G. Aber. Wolf; Bessie A. Stone, Evanston; H. L. Stevens.* Laramie; Harriet Knight. Cheyenne; A. .7. Mokler. Casper: T. T. Tynan (.^tate Supt. of Public Instr.. ex officio), Cheyenne; F. M. Tisdel, (Pres. Univ., ex officio). Laramie. COLTSSES OF STUDY. The course of study in the department of agriculture requires four years for completion and leads to the degree of B. S. There are also one and two year courses. BOARD OF INSTBUCTION. Frederick M. Tisdel, Ph. D., President of the University; English. B. C. Buffum, M. S., Agr., Hort. William Yates. Capt. U. S. A., Mil. Aveu Nelson. M. S.. M. A., Biol. fici. and Tactics. Henry Merz. M. A., German. Social Sci. S. S. Stockwell, M. Di.. Ph. D.. Asst. in C. B. Ridgaway. M. A.. Math.. Phys. Math. W. F. Gilkisou, B. S.. M. E., Mech. XL G. Knight, M. A.. Chem. A. :M. Wergeland, Ph. D.. French. Hist. L. W. Trumbull. M. E.. Gcol. H. Middlekauff, Engl. Lang, and Lit. J. E. Downey. M. A.. Asst. Engl. C. D. McGregor, M. Accxs.. Instr. Bookkeeping. Wyoming Agrictiltural Experiment Station, Laramie. Department of the University of Wyoming, under the control of the Board of Trustees. STATION STAFF. B. C. Buffum,* M. S., Dir. ; Agr. Grace R. Hebard. Ph. D.. Sec. Aven Nelson, M. S.. M. A.. Bot. Geo. E. Morton. Axst. in Animal Indus. C. B. Ridgaway, M. A., Phys. N. Albin Nelson. Asftt. Met. H. G. Knight. M. A.. Chem. Frank E. Hepner, Ph. G., Asst. Chem. E. L. Case, Sten. INDEX OF NAMES. Abbott, A. A., 30. Abbott, F. A., nO. Abbott, F. H., 84. Abel, R., 3.=). Aber, W. G., 92. Ackerman, J. H., 70. Adair. M. H., 8.5. Adams. A., 29. Adams, C. A., 86. Adams, E. E., 48. Adams, G. E., 74. Adams, J. W., 15. .\dams, L., 15, 16. Adams, L. H., 91. Adams, ,S. B., 27. Adams, W. H., 76, Adams, W. M., 64. Addicks, J. E., 24. Agee, A., 68. Ahearn, M. F., 38. Ahlers, F. R., 35. Aiken, J. B., 25. Aldrich, I. D., 76. Aldrich, J. M., 30. Ale.xander, .\. S., 91. Alexander, C. T., 31. Alexander, E. A., 33. Alexander, J. O., 64. Alford, F. C, 22. Allen, B. F., 53. Allen, C. N., 63. Allen, C. S., 55. Allen, D. B., 15. Allen, E, A„ 52. Allen, E. W., 6. Allen, F. G., 35. Allen, R. M., 39. Allen, W. M.,16. Allen, W. P., 60. Allis, L. M., 34. Allison, T. F. P., 78. Allyn, G. S., 34. Ames, C. T., 50. Ames, J. \V., 68. Ammons, T. G., 21, Amsler, L. D., 79, 80. Anderson, \., 19. Anderson, F. P., 39. Anderson, J., 46. Anderson, J. T., 14. Anderson, W., 37. Andrew, I. A., 22. Andrews, E. B., 56. Andrews, S. B., 84. Andrews, S. E., 80. Andrews, M. W., 83. Andrews, \V. H., 61. Ansart, L. L., 72. Anthony, L. C, 54. Apperson, J. T., 70. Archer, H. E,, 15. Archer, H. M., 1.5. Ard, C. E., .50. Arkell, H. S., 67. Armsby, H. P., 72, 73. Armstrong, Mrs. S. C, 86. Arnold, C. L., 67. Arnold, F. R.,81. Arthur, J. C, 33. Asburj-, S. E., 80. Ashbaugh, L. E., 34. Ashe, C. E., 86. Ashmore, O., 28. Askins, H. D., 46. Aswell, J, B., 40. Atherton, G. W., 9, 71. Atherton, H. H., 72. Atkeson, T. C, 89. Atkinson, A., 54. Atkinson, B. H., 41. Atkinson, F. C, 75. Atkinson, G. F., 63. Atkinson, G. T., 43. Atkinson, T. W., 41. Attaway,D. E., 27. At water, W. O., 7, 22, 24. Atwood, H., 89. Aubert, A. B., 43. Augspurger, C, 38. Austin, G. C, 16. Averitt, S. D., 39. Avery, S., 55, .56. Avery, S. B. S., 47. Axtell, H. L., 30. Ayles worth, B. O., 21. Ayres, B., 78. Ay res, I. W., 56. Babb, C. M., 89. Babb, J. G., .52, 53. Babbitt, E. H., 59. Babcock, K. C, 17. Babcock, S. M., 91. Babcock, W., 47. Babson, H.,46. Bach, E., 47. Bacheler, B., 86. Bachelor, N. .J., 67. Bacon, A. O., 27. Baden, W. \V., 30. Bagley, Mrs. R. N., 81. Bailey, E. M., 22. Bailey, L. H., 8,62,63. Bain, .'«. M., 78,79. Bainer, H, M., 3.5,36. Baker, C. A., 60. Baker, E. C, 48. Baker, H. P., 36,36. Baker, H. \V., 24. Baker, J. S., 54. Baker, W. F., 86. Balbach, C, 48. Baldwin, C. W., 45. Baldwin. F. A., 86. Baldwin, H. P., 29. Baldwin, W. H., jr., 16. Ball, E. D., 81,82. Ball, L. H., 24. Ball, O. M., 79,80. Ballantine, R. F., 58. Ballinger, F. A., 54. Ballou, F. H., 68. Baltz, S., 77. Bankhead, J. H., 81. Banks, \V. A.. 32. Barber, J. H., 21. Barber, K. G., 22. Barbour, E. H., 55,56. Barbour, E. L., 69. Barbour. M. E., 37. Bardenwerper, K., 56. Barker, H. S., 38. Barkley, J., 24. Barlow, J., 74. Barlow, \V. E., 84. Barnard, F. J., 87. Barnard, H. E., 57. Barnes, A., 50. Barnes, A, C, 61. Barnes, C. L., 37,38. Barnes, F. M., 37. Barnes, G., 37. Barnes, G. S., 65. Barnes, S. E., 78,79. Barr, W. H., 51. Barrel!, Mrs. E. E., 42. Barren, E. P., 42. Barrett, H., 86. Barrett, J. M., 32. I II INDEX OF NAMES. Barrett, J. T., 32. Barrett, O. W., 7,73. Barrett, R. C, 34. Barro, D. N., 42. Barrow, D. C, jr., 28. Barrows, A. C, 67. Barrows, W. B., 47. Barry, C. A., 88. Bartholomew, C. E., 36. Bartlett, J. M., 43. Barton, W., 22. Bassett, L. B., 49. Batchelder, M. G., 86. Batchelor, H. D., 68. Bates, J. L., 45. Batt, M., 65. Bauduit, W. J., 42. Baum, S., 42. Ba.xter, L. W., 69. Bay less, C. S., 17. Bayliss, A., 30. Beach, C. L., 23,24. Beach, S. A., 61. Beach, W. G., 88. Beahan?W., 62. Beal, A. C, 31. Beal, W. H., 6. Beal, W. J., 47. Bean, C. W., 88. Beard, H. G., 68. Beattie, B. K., 88. Beaty, J. H. M., 75. Beaver, J. A., 71. Beavers, J. E., 19. Beckham, J. C. W., 38. Beck with, CM., 57. Bedford, R. C, 15. Beem, D. E., 32. Beggs, E. D.,2.5. Belcher, W. H., 69. BeldcTi, H. M., 52. Bell, B. S., 86. Bell, H., 59. Bell, M. W., 64. Bell, W. C, 38. Bellinger, G. D., 74. Belmont, L. T., 78. Benedict, F. G., 7. Benedict, G. G., 82. Bennett, A. A., 84. Bennett, B. F., 45. Bennett, E. R., 23,24. Bennett, J. W., 27. Bennett, M. A., 60. Bennett, R. E., 19. Bennett, R. L., 80. Benson, M. A., 83. Bentley, G. M., 64. Benton, H., 75. Berchtold, F., 70. Bergen, T. G., 58. Bergstrum, I., 91. Berry, H. B., 88. Berry, J. W., 36. Berry, S. A., 86. Bessey, C. E., 65, 66. Best, A., 41. Betts, C. W., 86. Betts, T., 13. Bevan, W. A., 36. Beverly, R., 86. Bevier, I., 31. Bevier, L., jr., 58. Bexell, J. A., 81. Beyer, S. W., 34. Beziat de Bordes, A., 89. Biddle, G., 24. Bigelow, C. E., 85. Bilbro, J. A., 13. Billings, F. H., 41. Billings, G. A., 60. Bilyen, T., 70. Bingham, D., 58. Bioletti, F. T., 20. Bird, L. F., 48. Bird, R. M., .52, 53. Birkinbine, J., 71. Bishop, E. A., 86. Bissel, G. W., 34. Bitting, A. W., 33. Bittle, T. C, 79. Bizzell, J. A., 63. Blackburn, L. B., 39. Blackshear, E. L., 80. Blacow, C. R., 6, 29. Blair, A. W., 26. Blair, E. R., 48. Blair, J. C, 31, 32. Blair, M., 49. Blair, O., 48. Blaisdell, D. L., 31. Blake, E. M., 17. Blake, M. A., 74. Blake, W. P., 17. Blakeslee, H. E., 51. Blakesley, F. E., 60. Blanchard, N. C, 40, 41. Blandford, J. C, 44. Blanklnship, J. W., 54. Blayney, F., 68. Blease, C. L., 76. Bledsoe, P., 80. Bleile, A. M., 66. Blessing, G. F., 56. Bllnn, P. K., 22. Bliss, A. P., 47. Bliss, A. T., 47. Blodgett, F. H., 44. Blood, C. H., 62. Bloom, S. P., 51. Bloor, W. R., 88. Blouin, R. E., 41. Blount, G. W., 86. Bluford, J. H., 6,5. Boardman, \V. K., 33. Bogue, E. E., 47. Bohannan, R. D., 66. Bohanon, M., 80. Bolley, H. L., 65, 66. Bolte, A. H., .53. Bomberger, F. B., 44. Bonebright, J. E., 21. Bonner, Mrs. M. L., 40. Bonsteel, J. A., 62, 63. Booher, W. W., 56. Booker, J. A., 90. Bookstaver, H. W., 58. Booth, J. D., 86. Booth, N. O., 61. Booth, R. F., 37. Boss, A., 49. Boss, W., 49. Boston, S. M., 76. Bostwick, J. O., 74. Bosworth, A. W., 24. Boughton, W. H., 89. Bouska, F. W., 35, 36. Bouton, R., 55. Bowditch, N. I., 45. Bowen, A. F., 64. Bo wen, B. L., 67. Bowen, .(. V., 50. Bowen, R. E., 74. Bower, B. B. jr., 27. Bowker, W. H., 45. Bowman, M. L., 36. Bowman, S. H., 89. Bownocker, J. A., 67. Bow.ser, E. A., 58. Boyd, C. T., 56. Boyd, J. M., 78. Boyd, P. E., 28. Boyd, T. D., 40, 41. Boyer, E., 48. Brace, De W. B., 55. Brackett, R. N., 75. Bradford, J. N., 67. Bradford, Q. Q., 6, 29. Bradfute, O. E., 68. Bradham, D. J., 76. Bradley, A. V., 86. Bradley, H. M., 72. Bradley, J. E., 74. Bradley, M. A., 86. Bradley, M. E., 75. Bragg, J. B., 27. Bragg, T., 14. Bragg, V. W., 64. Brainerd, W. K., 89. Braman, W. W., 73. Brautlecht, L. M., 23. Bray, J. E., 56. Breazeale, W. E., 59. Breckinridge, G. T., 18. Brett, P. M., 59. Brewer, C. L., 47. Brewer, H., 54. Brewer, W. F., 54. Brewer, W. H., 22. Brewster, J. F., 25. Briee, A. G., 76. Bridgeforth, G. R., 16. Bridwell, J. C, 57, 58. Briggs, F. C, 85. Briggs. M. B., 86. Briggs, S. M., 91. Brink, C. M., 37. Britton, J. A., 19. Britton, W. E., 22. Brockenbrough, B. B., 83. Brodboll, H. C. R., 68. INDEX OF NAMES, III Brodie, A. O., 17. Brodie, P. T., 75. Brodie, W. M., 84. Brooks, B. M., 3S. Brooks, C. B., 15. Brooks, J. F., 28. Brooks, J. P., 39. Brook.s, N. C, 31. Brooks, W. P., 46. Broome, F. H., 79. Brough, C. H., 18. Broussard, J. F., 41. Brown, A. J., 79, 80. Brown, A. M., 47. Brown, A. W., 23. Brown, E., 15. Brown, E. L., 25. Brown, G. L., 77. Brown, H., 78. Brown. I. B., 71. Brown. .1. B., 16. Brown, .1. C, 91. Brown, J. N., 57. Brown, J. T., 83. Brown, J. W., 4.'i. Brown, N. H., 79. Brf)wn. P. E., 27. Brown, R. H., 37. Brown, R. L., 90. Brown. S., 90. Brown, .S. B., 89. Brown, .S. H., 45. Brown, W.. h7. Brown, W. G., 52. Brown, W. H., 78,79. Brown, W. L., 86. Brown, W. S., 90, 91. Browne, C. A., jr., 10, 41. Bruce, C. A., 67. Bruce, J. D., 78. Brumley, O. V., 67. Bruner, L., 55, 56. Bruner, T. H., 63. Bryan, A. B., 75. Bryan, E. A., 9, 87, 88. Bryan, L. B., 19. Brjan, W. S., 43. Bryant, L. E.,16. Buchanan, R. E., 36. Buck. G. \V.,86. Buckham, M. H., 82. Buckhout. \V. A., 72, 73. Buckingham, H., 45. Buckley, S. S., 44. Budd, J. E., 19. Budd. J. L., 34. Budd, M. H., 86. Buffum, B. C.,92. Bugber, E. E.. 3.5. Bulkley.M. A.,27. Bull, A. M., 49. Bull, C. P., 49. Bull. M., 73. Bull, M. L., 49. Bullard, S. A., 31. Bullen,J. C, 51. Burch.M.C, 53. Burd, J. S.,30. Burdick, H.,74. Burges.s, A. F., 11. Burgess, E. M., 90. Burke, E., 54. Burke. T. F., 92. Burkett, C. W., 64. Burnett, E. A., 12, 55, 56. Burnett, G.. 15. Burnett, J. H., 28. Burnette, F. H., 41. Burns, .1. M., 89. Burrage, S., 33. Burrell, W. P., 8.5. Burrill, T. J., 31,32. Burrows, G. H., 83. Biirtis. F. C, 68, 69. Burton, G. H., 60. Burton, L. C, 84. Burton, R. W., 1.3. Burtt, A. W., 76. Burtt, W. B., 39. Bush, L. P., 24. Butcher, B. L., 90. Butler, M., 50, 51. Butler, T., 64. Butterfield, A. D., 83. Butterfield, K. L., 8, 74. Butz, G. C, 72, 73. Cady, L. R., 49. Cain, I., 80. Caine, J. T., jr., M. Caldwell, A. B., 77. Caldwell, G. C, 62. Caldwell, H. W., 55. Caldwell, J. W., 78. Calhoun, F. H. H., 75. Calkins, E. C, 55. Calkins, E. E., 72. Callahan, I. B., 70. Calloway, C. J., 16. Calloway, E. H., 27. Calvert, S., 52. Calvin. H. W., 37. Campbell, C. B., 80. Campbell, G. P., 81. Campbell. G. W., 15. Campbell, J. P., 28. Campbell, T. P., 84. Canning, F., 46. Cannon, A., 63. Cannon, H. P., 25. Cannon, J. G., 58. Cantwell, M. A., 54. Canty, J. M., jr., 90. Capen, C. A., 23. Carberry, V. J., 60. Card, F. W., 74. Cardoza, K., 76. Carley, M. E., 88. Carlyle, B. S. A., 22. Carlyle, D. D., 64. Carlyle, W. L., 21. Carman, A. P.. 31. Carmichael, J. M., 13. Carnegie, A., 61, 71, Carney, C. M., 53. Carpenter, H. V., 88. Carpenter, J., 47. Carpenter, L. G., 21, 22. Carpenter, R. C, .50. Carpenter, T., 38. Carpenter, T. M., 73. Carr, J. W., 18. Carrierc, E. A., 42. Carrington, J. C, 83. Carriiigton, W. T., 53. Carroll, D. H., 45. Carroll, X. M., 45. Carson, C. A., 25. Carson, J. W., 80. Carson, W. J., 91. Carson, \V. \V., 78. Carter, A. J., 86. Carter, J. C, 85. Carter, S. A., 16. Carver, G. W., 16. Cary, C. A., 13, 14. Case, L., 92. Gather, T. H., 89. Catlin, C. A., 82. Cavanaugh, G. W., 62, 63. Cavell, J. F., 34. Cawood, Z. J., 69. Cessna, E., 35. Cessna, O. H., 34. Chatfee, G. T., 82. Chalmers, .T., 77. Chamberlain, A., 22, 23. Chamberlain, G. E., 70. Chambliss, C. E., 75. Chandler, G. B., 57. Chandler, R. E., 68. Chandler, R. F., 83. Chappell, L. S., 48. Charleton, A., 15. Chase, \V., 55. Chatfield, J. L., 21. Chaves, J. F., 60. Chenet, H. S., 40. Chesnut, V. K., 54. Chester, F. D., 25. Chilcott, E. 0., 77. Chilton, H. S., 50. Chiquelin, G.. 41. Chisholm, H., 6.5. Chisholm, J., 67. Chitty, W. D.,.52. Chowins, C. E., 56. Chrisman, E. R., 30. Christian, P. H., 85. Christie, G. I., 35, 36. , Church, E. E., 89. Church, F. R., 46. Church, J. M.. 70. Churchill, G. W., 61. Churchill, J. B., 72. Churchill, O. 0.,66. Churchill, V. L., 23. Chute, E. I., 60. Clapp, A. B., 56. Clapp, R. G.. 55. Clark, A. W., 7a IV INDEX OF NAMES. Clark, D., 63. Clark, F. E., 72. Clark, G., 48. Clark, L. T., 48. Clark, O. E., 90. Clark, R. W., 81, 82. Clark, T. A., 21. Clark, T. W., 67. Clark, V. A., 17, 18. Clark, V. E., 34. Clark, W. E., 91. Clark-Sober, G., 31. Clarke, E. E., 83. Clarke, E. G., 29. Clarke, W. H., 40. Clarke, W. T., 20. Claxton, P. P., 78. Clay, C. D., 76. Clay, C. M., 38. Clay, W. J., 79, 80. Clay tor, W. O., 86. Clearwater, A. T., 68. Cleghorn, M. P., 35. Clements, S. A., 86. demons, L. E., 37, 38. Cleveland, H. C, 82. Clinton, G. P., 23. Clinton, L. A., 12, 23, 24. Clo, H. J.,39. Close, C. P., 25. Cloudman, H. H., 83. Cloyd, D. M., 83. Coates, C. E., jr., 41. Cobb, H., 27. Cobleigh, W. M.,54. Cockerell, T. D. A., 18. Coe, E. B., 58. Coe, M. M., 37. Coffin, V. L., 42. Cogbill, J. R., 25. Coggeshall, C. H., 73. Cogswell, I. J., 30. Colby, G. E., 20. Cole, C. H., 42. Cole, E. W., 19. Cole, G. A., 19. Cole, J. S., 77. Cole.V. E.,23. Coleman, D., 14. Colfelt, L. M., 71. Collett, A.J., 89. Collier, F. J., 58. Collins, B. W., 22. Colmore, C. A., 20. Colpitts, J., 36. Colt, W. A., 83. Combs, G., 60. Comfort, C.,49. Comfort, M. R., 78. Comstock, A. B., 62. Comstock, J. H., 62, 63. Conard, M. E., 71. Condit, M.S., 59. Conn, H. W., 23, 24. Connaughton, M., 33. Connaway, J. W., 52, 63. Conner, C. M., 26. Conner, W. G., 84. Connor, J. F., 16. Conover, E., 24. Conover, J. A., 85. Conrad, H. C, 2.5. Conradi, A. F., 80. Converse, G. L., 67. Converse, J. H., 82. Conwell, C. S.,24. Conwell, S. L., 25. Cook, A. J., 20. Cook, C. T., 40. Cook, J., 54. Cook, J. G.,46. Cook, M. H., 74. Cook, P., 58. Cook, R. B., 81. Cook, W. H., 52. Cooke, J. W., 42. Cooley, F. S., 46. Co'oley, R. A., 54. Coope, J., 86. Cooper, B. H., 86. Cooper, J. W., 86. Cooper, R. M., 29. Coote, G., 70, 71. Coover, W. F., 36. Corbett, V. H., 21. Corbit, D. W., 24. Cordley, A. B., 70, 71. Cornell, F. C, 62. Corput, F., 28. Corr, R., 55. Correll, E. R., 61. Corson, O. T., 66. Cortelyou, J. V., 37. Cotey, D., 81. Cottin, T. L., 29. Cotton, W. W., 70. Coudray, B. F., 50. Coulter, S., 33. Councill, W. H., 15. Councilman, C. A., 43. Couper, G. B., 54. Covell, G. A., 70. Cowles, I. F., 37. Craig, A. G., 47. Craig, C. E., 86. Craig, J., 62, 63. Craig, J. A., 79, 80. Craig, R. A., 33. Craighead, E., 86. Grain, L. D., 21. Crandall, C. S., 31, 32. Crane, A. B., 77. Crane, C. B., 69. Crane, F. R., 31. Crane, M., 65. Crane, R. N., 61. Craw, A., 29. Crawford, A. F., 16. Crawford, G., 18. Crawford, H. C, 27. Crawford, H. V., 70. Crawford, J. H., 80. Crawford, T. H., 70, 71. Creelman, G. C, 12, Crenshaw, B. H., 13. Critchficld, N. B., 71. Crockett, H. W., 82. Crockett, J. A., 81, 82. Cropper, L.M., 27. Crosby, D. J., 6. Crosier, A. B., 77. Cross, J. W., 86. Crosthwait, G. A., 30. Crow, H. D., 87. Crowe, C. P., 67. C'ueullu, E., 42. Culver, T. M., 53. Cummings, E. W., 16. Cummings, M. B., 43. Cummins, A. B., 33. Curl, D. M., 35. Currie, J. L., 64. Currier, A. H., 54. Curt, E. F., 7, 73. Curtice, C, 74. Curtis, A. W., 90. Curtis, F. W., 24. Curtis, H. E., 39. Curtis, H. L., 47. Curtis, W. C, 52. Curtiss, A. R., 31. Curtiss, C. F., 8, 34, 36. Cushman, L. W., 66. Dahle, F. A., 81. Dales, J. S., 55, 56. Dallmeyer, W. A., 53. Dalrymple, W. H., 41. Daly, J. D., 70. Damel, J. W., 63. Damon, S. C, 45. Dandeno, J. B., 47. Daniel, D. W., 75. Daniels, A. L., 82. Daniels, J. F., 22. Danielson, A. H., 22. Darden, W. A., 64. Dargan, F. T., 75. Darnall, H. J., 78. Darnell, J. E., 59. Davenport, C. C, 40. Davenport, E., 8, 31, 32. Davenport, O. C, 76. Davenport, U. H., 28. Davi dson ,H . L., 84. Davi dson ,R .J., 84, 86. Dav es, H. B ., 18 , Dav es, M., 86. Dav s, B. F., 47. Dav s, C. c, 76. Dav s, E. A. 86. Dav s, E. B. 69. Dav s, E. H. ,33. Dav s, E. M. ,57, 58. Dav s, E. W. ,55. Dav s, G. J., 86. Dav s, G. T. 43. Dav s, H S. 88. Dav s, J. 18 Dav is, J. C, 92. Dav s, J. E., 86. INDEX OF NAMES. Davis, J. J., 84. Davis, J. M., 39. Davis, M. A. (Ark.), 19. Davis, M. A. (Ga.), 29. Davis, R. F., 26. Davis, R. H., 53. Davis, V. H., 67. Davis, W. C, 13. Davis, W. W., 14. Davisson, A. E., 55. Dawson, C. F., 26. Dawson, E., 25. Deaderick, C, 78. DeadwyU-r, J., 28. Dean, C. L., 56. Dean, G. A.. 37, 38. De Armond, R. \V., 6, 17. De Camp, G. E., 59. Decker, J. W., 67. Defoe, L. M., 52. De Lashmutt, I., 17. Dellinger, J. E., 65. Demarest, W. H. S., 56. Dcmond, J. H., 45. Denise, D. D., 59. Denney, J. V., 67. Dennington, A. R., 72. Denson, N. D., 13. Dent, A. T.. 50. Derickson, D., 72. Derthick, F. A., 66. De Walsh, F. C, 88. De Yannette, C. H., 86. De Yarmette, H. J., 86. Dick, T. M., 64. Dickens, A., 37, 38. Dicker, J., 39. Dickinson, M. F., 45. Dickirson, J. K., 30. Dickson, E. R., 26. Dickson, W. A., 50. Didlake, M. L., 39. Dietrich, VV., 31, 32. Dillingham, B. F., 29. Dillingham, W. P., 82. Dinsmore, S. C, 43. Dinsmore, W., 35, 36. Dinwiddle, R. R., 19. Dixon, J., 58. Doane, C. F., 44. Dockery, T. C, 50. Dodge, D. K., 31. Dodge, F. H., 59. Dodson, W. R., 41. Dohrmann, F. W., 19. Dole, C. F., 15. Dominique, C. S., 76. Donald, P., 58. Donaldson, M. L., 74. Donaldson, O., 16. Dorer, G., 59. Doten, S. B., 56, .57. Dotson, M. L., 16. Doughton, R. L., 63. Douglas, W. M., 51. Douglass, E., 22. Douglass, F. LaM., 90. 8901 — No. 151—05 M- Dow, H. W., 35. Downey, J. E., 92. Downing, C, 32. Downs, H. D., 69. Dowsett, J. M., 29. Doyle, M. A., 39. Drake, J. H., 13. Drake, W. E., 74. Draper, J., 45. Dresbach, M., 67. Drew, B. L., 86. Drew, G. A., 43. Drew, J. M., 49. Drew, W., 57. Drewry, N. B., 28. Drinkard, A. W., 84. Driver, J. F., 59. Droke, G. W., 18. Drummond, E. M., 86. Drummond, W. G., 80. Drury, J. B., 58. Dryden, J., 54. Du Bignon, F. G., 27. Ducote, C. J., 40. Dudley, J. B., 65. Duffee, D. A., 28. Duggar, B. M., 52, 53. Duggar, J. F., 8, 13, 14, 15. Dukes, A. L., 76. Dukleth, P., 91. Dulaney, H. S., 45. Dunbar, F. I., 70. Duncan, A. C, 52. Duncan, C., 86. Duncan, C. C, 15. Dunlap, G. T., 64. Dunn, B. J., 18. Dunn, W.,63. Dunn, W. A., 84. Dunstan, A. St. C.,13. Dupee, S. H., 54. Durgan, E. A., 16. Durgin, A. J., 42. Dusenbury, E. G., 61. Dye, B. U., 21. Dymond, J., 41. Earhart, R. F., 67. Earl.G. C, 19. Earle, S. B., 75. East, E. M., 32. Eastman, A. V., 41. Eastman, R. E., 38. Eaton, J., 83. Eckart, C. F., 29. Eckles, C. H., 52, 53. Edgar, T. O., 77. Edmiston, H. D., 73. Edwards, E. A., 60. Edwards, F. E., 70, 71. Edwards, H., 47. Egge, A. E., 88. Eisenlohr, B. H., 67. Eldred, M. D., 74. Eldridge, F. F., 26. Eldridge, J. G., 30. Ellett, W., 85. Filing, O. H., 38. Ellinwood, C. N., 19. Elliott, 0. G., 7. Elliott, E. E., 88. Elliott, R. S., 86. Elliott, T. I., 45. Elliott, W. J., 54. Bills, A., 80. Ellis, C. E., 36. Ellis, G. H., 45. Ellis, W. H., 27. Ellsworth, E. A., 32. Ellsworth, J. L., 45. Elmendorf, J., 58. Elzinga, W.,22. Embry, G. C, 80. Emerson, R. A., 55, 56. Emerson, S. F., 82. Emory, F. L., 89. Engle, J. F., 81. Erdmann, J., 36. Erf, O., 37, 38. Erickson, M. L., 49. Ernst, C. J., 65. Erskine, C. E., 86. Erwin, A. T., 34, 36. Espenshade, A. H., 72. Essary, S. H., 78. Estabrooke, H. M., 43. Esten, W. M., 24. Etcheverry, B. A., 56. Ettinger, U.-L., 87. Eubank, M., 90. Eustace, H. J., 61. Evans, A. L., 80. Evans, C. B.,24. Evans, C. H. (Ala.), 16. Evans, C. H. (Md.),43, 45. Evans, E., 90. Evans, G. B., 16. Evans, G. M., 17. Evans, H. G., 37. Evans, L. B., 31. Evans, P., 53. Evans, P. N., 33. Evans, W. D., 74. Evans, W. H., 6. Everhart, G. Y., 43. Eversfield, W. O., 44. Ewing, E. W., 14. Ewing, Z. W., 78. Eyer, B. F., 37. Eyerly, E. K., 77. Faig, J. T., 39. Fain, J. R., 84, 85. Fairchild, E. T., 36. Faris, C. B., 52. Farr, J. M., 26. Farrand, T. A., 48. Farrell, F. D., 81. Farrington, E. H., 91. Fassett, G. S., 82. Faunce, B. A., 47. Faurot, F. W., 53. Favor, E. H., 52, 53. Fech6t, E. G., 31. VI INDEX OF NAMES. Fehr, C. D., 72. Fellows, G. E., 43. Fenhagen, C. D.. 45. Fentress, G. W., 84. Ferguson, J. T., 28. Ferguson, M., 84, 85. Ferguson, McD.,38. Ferguson, O., 16. Ferguson, T. B., 68. Fernald, C. H., 46. Fernald, H. T., 46. Fernald, M. C, 43. Ferrin, H., 17. Ferris, C. E., 78. Ferris, E. B., 51. Ferry, E. S., 33. Field, S., 60. Fields, J., 68, 69. Fifield, B. F., 82. Finley, C. A., 26. Finley, J. B., 89. Finneran, T. F., 39. Fish, W. H., 27. Fisher, G., 81. Fisher, M. L., 33. Fisher, R. W., .54. Fisk, N. W.,82. Fitzhugh, Mrs. L. K., 44. Fitzmaurice, C. R., 56, 57. Flanders, F. F., 88. Fleming, A. M., 81. Fleming, A. W., 35. Fleming, B., 62. Fletcher, S. W., 62, 63. Flewellyn, A. E., 80. Flint, E. R., 26. Floyd, C. M., 14. Floyd, J. W., 76. Fluegel, E. J., 33. Fogel, E. D., 36. Folsom, C. M., 86. Folsom, J. W., 31. Foord, J. A., 24. Forbes, E. B., 52, 53. Forbes, R. H., 17, 18. Forbes, S. A., 31. Ford, A. G., 68, 69. Ford, F. J., 86. Ford, P., 60, 61. Fordham, L. B., 76. Forehand, J. M., 63. Foristall, E. H., 46. Forney, R. A., 30. Ferrer, J., 21. Forsee, R. B., 77. Fortier, S., 7, 20. Foss, F. E., 72. Foster, A. B., 44. Foster, A. W., 19. Foster, F. J., 60. Foster, F. O., 47. Foster, I. L., 72. Foster, L., 60, 61. Fountain, C. P., 79. Foust, J. I., 64. Fowler, D. T., 20. Fowler, J. M., 32. Fowler, S. D., 72. Fox, J. W., 50. Foy, E. H., 80. Francis, M., 79, 80. Frankel, L. K., 39. Franklin, H. J., 46. Fransden, P., 56, 57. Fraps, G. S., 79, 80. Eraser, S., 62, 63. Eraser, W. J., 31, 32. Frazee, D. C, 39. Frazee, D. F., 38. Frazer, T. H., 13. Frazier, G., 88. Frazier, J. B.,78. Frazier, S. D., 76. Frazier, W. W., 85. Frear, W., 72, 73. Freedman, VV. H., 82. Freeland, A. A., 86. Freeman, G. F., 38. Freeman, H. H., 42. Freeman, M. L., 50. Frelinghuysen, F., 68. French, F.,35. French, F. C, 55. French, H. T., 30. French, T. E., 67. Freudenberger, L. A., 25. Freyhofer, L., 47. Friend, C. E., 36. Frierson, S. A., 28. Fries, J. A., 73. Frisby, A. J., 90. Frissell, F. D., 75. Frissell, H. B., 85. Frizzell, J. H., 72. Fullan, M. T., 14. Fuller, F. D., 61. Fnller, F. M., 71. Fuller, J. G., 91. Fulmer, E., 88. Fulton, E. S., 46. Fulton, J., 70. Fuqua, H. L., 40, 41. Fuqua, J. H., sr., 40. Furman, C. M., 75. Futrall, J. C., 18. Gaede, H. A., 59. Gahan, A. B.,44. Gain, J. H., 55, 56. Gallaher, D. C.,89. Gallaway, W. J., 51. Galloway, C. B., 51. Galpin, M. T., 86. Gantt, J. W., 75. Garber, J. B., 15. Garbutt, A. M., 22. Garcia, F., 60, 61. Gardner, E. S., 36. Gardner, O. M., 64. Garey, M., 86. Garman, H., 39. Garner, E. F., 44. Garner, E. O., 44. Garner, M. D., 16. Gamer, P. P., 50. Garnett, J. H., 53. Garrigus, H. L., 23, 24. Garth, T. J., 40. Garver, M. M., 72. Gary, H. G., 84. Gassard, H. A., 68. Gasser, E. C., 36. Gatch, T. M., 70. Gates, E., 86. Gay, C. W., 35, 36. Gay, M., 50. Geismar, L. M., 48. Gelder, G. B., 69. George, A. H. W., 59. George, L. M., 74. George, W. €., 50. Georgeson, C. C, 6, 17. Geraghty, J. M., 51. Getz, Mrs. A. T., 42. Gibboney, J. H., 84. Gibbs, W. D., 57, 58. Gideon, S. E., 79. Giesecke, F. E., 79. Giffard, W. M., 29. Gilchrist, A. M., 78. Gilchrist, M., 47. Gilkison, W. F., 92. Gill, B., 72. Gill, E. T., 59. Gillespie, E. A., m. Gillespie, W., 15. Gillette, C. P., 21, 22. Gilmore, G., 28. Gilmore, J. W., 62, 63. Giulbeau, B. H., 41. Gladson, W. N., 18. Glass, F. W., 68. Gleason, C. A., 4.5. Glenk, R., 41. Glenn, E. T., 13. Glover, A. J., 32. Glover, G. H., 21, 22. Gober, G. F., 27. Godard, E. E., 72. Goddard, L. H., 68. Goddard, M., 77. Goessmann, C. A., 46. Gold, C. \V., 63. Gold, T. S., 22. Golden, W. N., 72. Golding-Dwyre, C., jr., 22. Gold.sborough, F. C, 43. Good, E. S., 31, 32. Goodell, H. H., 45, 46. Goodner, I. W., 76. Goodrich, A. M., 86. Goodrich, L. M., 86. Gorby, J. W., 17. Gordon, E. L., 27. Gordon, G. A., 15. Gordon, G. K., 16. Gordy, T. W., 25. Goss, A., 33. Goucher, J. F., 45. Gowans, E. B., 86. Gowans, E. M., 86. INDEX OF NAMES, VII Gowell, G. M., 43. Graham, R. D., 47. Graham. .AV. A., 63. Gramm, O., 92. Grant, E. M., 89. Grant, J. C, 15. Gnintham, A. E., 52, 53. Gravatt, T. E., 72. Graves, H. L., 86. Graves, L., 40. Graves, W. L., 67. Gray, J., 90. Gray. J. C, 73. Gray, L. C, 68. Grayson, D. A., 14. Greavas, J. E., 81, 82. Greeley, M. F., 76. Green. E. C, 79, 80. Green, Mi>. F. MeD., 70. Green, J. C, 16. Green, J. M.. 16. Green, S. B.. 49. Green, W. J., 68. Greene, A. M., jr., 52. Greene, C. W., 16. Greene, E. B., 31. Greene, G. O., 46. Greer, D. H., 85. Greer. J. M., 78. Greeson, A. O., 54. Gregg, Mrs. G. J.,76. Gregory. W., 16. Gregory, \V. B., 7. Grest, N., 66. Grey, A., 51. Griffing, J. B., 69. Griffith, C. J., 22. Griffith, J. G., 30. Griffith, W. E., 62. Griggs, E. L., 28. Grimes, G. C, 88. Grimshaw, M. E., 54. Grindley, H. S., 31. Griswolrt, C. B., 75. Grout, F. F., 89. Groves, E. R., 57. Grubb, E. H., 21. Gruber, W., 76. Grumbein, J.B.,89. Guild, F. X., 17. Guilford. P. S., as. Gulley, A. G., 23, 24. Gummere, \V. S., .58. Gunderson, C, 48. Gunson, T., 47. Guss, U. C, 69. Guthrie, E. S., 67. Guthrie, J. E.. 3.5, 36. Guy, W. E., 69. Guyer, G. D., 77. Haberstich, A. C, 91. Hadley, H., 60. Hadnott. G. L., 15. Haecker, A. L., 55, 56. Haeiker.T. L., 49. Hagemann, E. H., 20. Hager, J. F., 38. Hagerty, C. T., 60. Hagerty, J. E., 67. Haidusek, A., 79, 80. Haines, T. H., 67. Hall, E. F., 46. Hall, F. H. (111.), 12. Hall, F. H. (N. v.), 61. Hall, H. F., 57, 58. Hall, H. J., 17. Hall, H. M., 20. Hall, L. D., 31, 32. Hall, M. E., 27. Hall, M. K., 54. Hall, W. W., 62. Halladay, H. F., 83. Halland, J. G., 65. Halliday, S. D., 61. Halligan, J. E., 41. Halsell, W. A., 33. Halstead, O. H., 37. Halsted, B. D., 58. Hamby, C. C, 18. Hamer, R. M., 33. Hamilton, D. B., 27. Hamilton, J., 6. Hamilton, J. M., 54. Hamilton, J. O., 37. Hammond, S. H., 61. Hammond, W. H., 64. Hammond, W. R., 28. Hamner, N. C, 73. Hancock, C, 50. Hancock, E. H., 57. Hancock, G. D., 68. Hand, \V. F., 50. Haner, J. L. K., 47. Haney, J. G., 38. Hanks, L. S., 90. Hanna, H. H., 15. Hanna, L. B., 65. Hanna, M. Z., 15. Hansen, A. J., 81. Hansen, J., 52. Hansen, L., 81. Hansen, N. E., 77. Hansen, N. M., jr., 81. Hanson, H. H., 43. Haralson, J., 13. Hardin, G. H., 41. Hardin, J. H., 74. Hardin, U. B., 75. Harding, A. S., 77. Harding, H. A., 61. Harding, L. A., 72. Harding, W. A., 19. Hardy, J. C, 8,12, 50. Hardy, \V. H., 51. Hare, A. J., 89. Hare, C. LeR.,14. Hare, C. \V., 15. Hare, R. F., 60, 61. Haring, CM., 20. Harkin.s, L. A., 54. Harlow, G. A., 6. Harper, J. N., 39. Harper, M. W., 53. Harriman, W. E., 34. Harrington, H. H., 79, 80. Harrington, W. W., 24. Harris, F. E.. 25. Harris, G. D., 41. Harris, I. F., 22. Harris, J., 21. Harris, J.'s., 53. Harris, N. E., 27. Harris, W. H;, 86. Harrison, H. T., 44. Harrison, J. G., 80. Harrison, J. T., 50. Harrison, W., 44. Harrison, W. G., 30. Hart, C. E., 58. Hart, E. B., 61. Hart, J. F., jr., 28. Hart, J. H., 86. Hart, J. N., 43. Hart, J. W., 31, 32. Harter, G. A., 24. Hartman, S. H., 54. Hartman, T. J., GS. Hartwell, B. L., 74. Hartwell, G. W., 48. Hartzog, H. S., 18. Harvey, J. P., 84. Harwood, T. E., 78. Hasbrouck, P. B., 46 Haskell, A. A., 64. Haskell, E. J., 42. Hass, H. A., 91. Hastings, E. G., 91. Hastings, J. I., 69. Hatch, F. L., SO. Hathaway, J. S., 40. Haviland, L. P., 61. Hawes, A., 27. Hawes, A. F., 23. Hawes, J. H., 57. Hawley, A. M., 21, 22. Haworth, C. E., 89. Hayden, C. C, 31, 32. Hayden, S. S., 56. Hayes, M., 24. Hayes, R. A., 40. Hayes, W. S., 83. Hays, W. M., 9, 49. Hayward, E. C, 70. Haywood, D. C, 76. Hazel, J. H., 29. Hazlewood, .J. M., 90. Headden, W. P., 21, 22. Hearst, P. A., 19. Hebard, G. R., 92. Heckell, M. E., 72. Hedrick, E. R., 52. Hedrick, U. P., 47. Hedrick, W. O., 47. Heiss, J., 33. Heitman, C. L., 29. Hellman, I. W., 19. Helm, T. B., 51. Helme, N., 74. Henderson, L. F., 30. Henderson, W., 28. VIII INDEX OF NAMES. Henderson, W. F., 84. Hendricks, H. V., 57. Hendrix, J. C, 62. Henricksen, H. C, 7, 73. Henriques, J. C, 42. Henry, D. H., 75. Henry, E. S., 23. Henry, W., 6. Henry, W. A., 91. Hepburn, W. M., 33. Hepner, F. E., 92. Herbert, J. C, 50. Herbert, J. W., jr., 58. Herfurth, I., 91. Herget, A. M., 41. Herr, J. A., 71. Herrick, G. W., 50, 51. Herriek, L. R., 46. Herrman, C. F. von, 64. Herron, L. E., 86. Herse, O. F. L., 70. Heas, R. H., 22. Hewes, L. I., 74. Heytron, J. M., 28. Hibbard, B. H., 34. Hickok, E., 53. Hicks, J. M., 51. Hlester, G., 71. Higgins, J. C, 24. Higgins, J. E., 6, 29. Hilgard, E. W., 20. Hill, C. O., 78. Hill, D. H., 63. Hill, G., 40. Hill, H. A., 42. Hill, I. W., 13, 14. Hill, R. S.,43. Hill, W. B., 28. Hill, W. F., 71. Hill, W. M., 86. Hill, W. W., 14. Hills, J. L., 8, 82, 83. Himes, J. S., 29. Himes, R. L.,41. Hine, J. S., 67. Hines, R. H., 80. Hinesley, W. M., 42. Hirsch, R., 67. Hiscock, F. H., 62. Hite, B. H., 89. Hoblit, M. L., 60. Hochstrasser, M. T., 26. Hodges, H., 39. Hodges. J. T., 80. Hodges, T. E., 89. Hodges, W., 82. Hodgki-ss, H. E., 61. Hoey, H. E., 61. Hoffman, B. F., 52. Hoffman, J. D., 33. Hoffman, L., 53. Hogan, F. L., 50. Hoitt, B. A., 74. Holden, C. C, 89. Holden, P. G., 34, 36. Holdrum, A. C, 59. Holdsworth, W. S., 47. Holgate, H. L., 70, 71. Holland, E. B., 46. Holley, C. D., 65, 66. Hollister, F. M., 83. Holm, A. B., 77. Holmes, D. H., 17. Holmes, E. H., 80. Holmes, M., 86. Holmes, T.W., 50. Holmes, W., 68. Holmgren, A., 81. Holmgren, L., 81. Holroyd, I. E., 37. Holt, 0. L.,47. Holt, H. B., 60. Holter.G. L., 68. Hood, J. J., 51. Hook, J. H., 75. Hook, J. N., 75. Hooper, A., 45. Hooper, V. A., 19. Hooper, W. D., 28. Hoover, M. G., 17. Hopkins, C. G., 10, 31, 32. Hopkins, F. A., 38. Hopkins, J., 82. Hopkins, R., 47. Hopper, H. A., 31, 32. Hopps, C., 37. Hopson, G. A., 23. Horner, J. B., 70. Horning, A., 60. Horsfall, F., 53. Horsford, G. W., 86. Horton, A., 15. Horton, A. H., 61. Hoskins, C. F., 54. Hoskins, J. D., 78. Hossinger, J., 24. HotchkLss, W. S., 80. Hottes, C. F., 31, 32. Hougham, S., 38. Houghton, C. O., 25. House, E. B., 21. House, G. B., 86. House, W. L., 37. Houser, J. S., 68. Houston, B., 23. Houston, D. F., 79. Houston, H., 75. Houston, S. T., 45. Hoverstad, T. A., 49. Howard, C. D., 89. Howard, G., 63. Howard, H. McL.,27. Howard, L. O., 62. Howard, P. W., 51. Howard, R. L., 86. Howard, S. F., 46. Howard, S. T., 75. Howard, W. H. A., 27. ^ Howard, W. L., 52, 53. ■ Howe, A., 85. Howe, CD., 83. Howe, E. D., 46. Howell, C, 27. Howell, H. H., 44. Howland, S. M., 86. Hoy, H. H., 77. Hoyt, E., 22. Hubert, Z. T., 27. Hudnall, R. H., 84. Hudson, C. R., 14. Hudson, J., 59. Huff, G. A., 31. Hugging, J., 15. Hughes, C, 38. Hull, A. L., 27. Hull, D. C, 50. Hulme, E. M., 30. Hult, G. E., 65. Hume, A. N., 31, 32. Hume, E. E., 40. Hummel, J. A., 49. Hummel, J. G., 35. Humphrey, G. C, 91. Humphrey, L. A., 42. Humphries, E. H. B., 72. Hungerford, J. B., 34. Hunn,C. E.,62, 63. Hunn, J., 24. Hunt, T. F., 62, 63. Hunt, T. S., 36. Hunter, J. E., 75. Huntington, A. M., 85. Hurd, W. D., 43. Hurt, L. M., 35. Hutchins, N. L., 27. Hutchinson, P. L., 41. Hutchinson, W. L., 50, 51. Hutson, C. W., 79. Hutt, W. N., 44. Hutto, F. A., 68. Hutton, J., 91. Hyde, E., 85. Ickelheimer, H. R., 62. Imbach, T., 89. Ingraham, E. S., 67. Innis, F. M., 15. Irvine, B. F., 70. Irwin, W. G., 29. Isaacs, R. L., 80. Isenberg, H. A., 29. Isham, C. S., 86. Issajeff, T., 24. Jackman, W. T., 83. Jackson, F. J., 53. Jackson, G. W., 51. Jackson, J. E., 45. Jackson, J. P., 72. Jackson, W. A., 69. Jacob, M., 78, 79. Jacobs, E. C.,83. Jaffa, M. E., 20. James, A. C, 85. James, E. J., 31. James, J. H., 75. James, R., 80. Jameson, L. M. B , 86. Jameson, M. E., 27. Jamison, J. P., 33. Janeway, H. L., 58. INDEX OF NAMES. IX Jardine, W., 81, 82. Jarvis, R. P., 88. Jason, W. C, 25. Jayne, A., 86. Jefferies, J. H., 26. Jeffery, J. A., 47. Jeffery, J. C, 26. Jeffrey, J. S., 64. Jeffries, M. B., 90. Jelks, W. D., 13, 14. Jenkins, E. H., 22, 23. Jenkins, G. M., 30. Jenkins, L. A., 86. Jennings, W. S., 27. Jensen, J., 61. Jensen, J. W., 81. Jensen, W. A., 81. Jenson, J., 81. Jernigan, W. P., 25, 26. Jesse, R. H., 52. Jester, G. T., 79, 80. Jett, W. H., 86. Jinks, J. H.,86. Johnson, B. G., 21. Johnson, C, 35. Johnson, C. L., 70. Johnson. E. A., 27. Johnson, F. C, 27. Johnson, F. T., 15. Johnson, H. V., 86. Johnson, J. M. (Ga.), 28. Johnson, J. M. (Va.), 84. Johnson, J. R., 39. Johnson, J. S. A., 84. Johnson, M. J., 69. Johnson, S., 32. Johnson, S. A., 22. Johnson, T. C, 89. Johnson, W. S., 18. Johnston, C. E., 6. Johnston, E., 86. Johnston, F. S., 79, 80. Jones, A. C, 92. Jones, A. E., 48. Jones, A. G., 14. Jones, C. E., 90. Jones, C. H., 83. Jones, C. L., 42. Jones, C. R., 89. Jones, Mrs. E. M., 90. Jones, F. N., 31. Jones, H., 31. Jones, J. McH., 90. Jones, J. W., 35, 36. Jones, L. R., 82, 83. Jones, O. B., 67. Jones, P., 66. Jones, R., 21. Jones, R. K., 43. Jones, S., 43. Jones, T. J., 86. Jones, T. T., 39. Jones, VV., 35. Jones, W. J., 33. Jones, W.W., 54. Jordan, E. A., 29. Jordan, H., 28. Jordan, H. B., 86. Jordan, fl. C, 91. Jordan, J. C, 16. Jordan, T. W., 78. Jordan, W. H., 8, 9, 61. Joseph, O. A., 42. Judd, Z. v., 26. Judkins, L. A., 78, 79. Judson, L. B., 30. Junkin, T. P., 79. Kammeyer, J. E., 37. Kastle, J. H., 39. Kates, L., 17. Kates, O. A., 17. Kauffman, G. B., 67. Kaufman, E. E., 65. Keady, G. B., 70. Keady, W. P., 70. Kear, R. W., 86. Kedzie, F. S., 47, 48. Keene, E. S., 65. Keene, H. C, 44. Keene, J. R., 45. Keffer, C. A., 78, 79. Keith, E, G., 31. Keith, W. J., 72. Keitt, T. W., 7.5. Kell, W. H., 47. Keller, G. N., 39. Kellerman, W. A., 67. Kelley, W. P., 39. Kellogg, H., 35, 36. Kellogg, J. W., 74. Kelly, T. B., 77. Kemp, G. T., 31. • Kendall, J. C, 64. Kennedy, P. B., 56, 57. Kennedy, W. J., 34,36. Kenney, F. C, 47. Kent, F. L., 70, 71. Kent, W. J., 70. Kenyon, E. W., 74. Kern, C. A., 83. Kerr, G. G., 24. Kerr, R. F., 77. Kerr, R. H., 44. Kerr, S. A., 64. Kerr, W. C, 61. Kerr, W. J., 81. Kerrick, L. H., 31. Kerwin, J. C, 90. Kesson, F., 49. Kester, F. E., 67. Ketcham, S. B., 59. Key, C. G., 45. Keyser, A., 56. Kiese wetter, L, F., 66. Kilbourne, M. H.,34. Kilgore, B. W., 64. Killebrew, J. B., 78. Kimball, C. D., 73. Kimbell, I., 14. Kimberly, C. H., 65, Kimbro, H. F., 80. Kimbrough, H., 88. Kimbrough, J. M., 28. Kimmel, E,, 88. Kincannon, A. A., 51. Kindler, F., 54. King, C. M., 36. King, E., 76. King, E. S., 47. King, H. E., 16. King, J. W., 41. King, L. R., 54. King, W.L., 16. Kingsley, D. P., 82. Kinkead, G. B., 38. Kinley, D., 31. Kinzer, R. J., 37, 38. Kirk, T. J., 19. Kirk, W. H., 59. Kirkaldy, G. \V., 29. Kirkpatrick, J. B., 58. Kirman, R., 56. Klein, L. A., 75. Kleinheinz, F., 91. Klinek, L. S., 35, 36. Kline, P. J., 28. Klugh, W. W., 75. Kluttz, W. L., 64. Knabe, W. A., 78. Knapp, G. N., 91. Knapp, H., 33. Knesche, J. A., 35. Knight, G. B., 74. Knight, G. Vv'.,66. Knight, H., 92. Knight, H. G. , 92. Knisely, A. L., 70, 71. Knoch, J. J., 18. Knoerle, J., 53. Knott, W. v., 27. Knowles, J. F., 74. Koch, A. E., 77. Koch, P., 54. Koebele, A., 29. Koller, E. H.,23. Kollock, H. G. M., 24. Koonce, E. M., 63. Kortright, F. L., 89. Kottcamp, J. P., 72. Kramer, W. H., 68. Kreager, F. O., 88. Krentel, A. P., 48. Kretz, C. H., 41. Kunst, F. B., 89. Kuykendall, J. W., 19. Kyle, E. J., 79, 80. Kyle, H. C, 38. Kyle, H. G., 78. Kyle, M. J., 31. Kyser, H. H., 75. Laabs, F. W., 91. La Bach, J. 0., 39. La Crosse, J. F., 86. Lacy, M. G., 84, 85. Ladd, E. F. 65, 66. Lake, E. R., 70, 71. Lamme, E. B., 64. Lamoreaux, W. F., 48. Lanahan, H., 44. INDEX OF NAMES. Landacre, F. L., 67. Landes, S. W., 68. Landon, L. E., 47. Landon, Mrs. L. E., 48. Landon, M. M., 54. Landreth, J. VV., 65. Lane, C. S., 16. Lane, E. E., 16. Lane, F. McC, 16. Lane, J. H., 13. Lang, T. S., 64. Lange, H., 23. Langford, W. H., 18. Langton, W. S., 81. Langworthy, C. F., 6. Lanham, H. M., 79. Lanier, A. C, 78. Lanier, W. H., 51. Lanphear, B. S., 35. Larrabee, B. B., 35. Larsen, C, 35, 36. Larson, R. A., 76, 77. Lassiter, A. A., 69. Lathrop, G., 62. Latta, W. C, 33. Lauman, G. N., 62. Lawrason, S. McC, 40. Lawrence, C. W., 72. Lawrence, J. F., 69. Lawrence, J. W., 21. Lawrence, W. H., 88. Laws, L. P., 25. Lawson, H. W., 6. Lawson, J. L., 40. Lawton, E. P., 72. Lawton, J. H., 35. Laylin, T. C, 68. Layton, N. G., 17. Lazenby, W. R., 66. Leach, A., 65. Leavell, R. H., 50. Lee, C, 84. Lee, C. E., 32. Lee, J. G., 12, 4L Lee, M. M., 68. Lee, R. E., 75. Leedy, B. G.,70. Lees, J. T., 55. , Leete, J. H., 72. Lefevre, G., 52. Le Fevre, J., 58. Legett, K. K., 79, 80. Lehnert, E. H., 23,24. Leighton, V. L., 74. Lentner, S., 35. Leonard, W. J., 89. Leonard, W. S., 48. Lester, F. E., 60, 61. Letts, H. M., 34. Leupp, W. H.,58. Leverett, A. L., 70. Lewers, R., 56. Lewis, D., 64. Lewis, D. R., 86. Lewis, J. v., 59. Lewis, J. W., IS. Lewis L. L. (Okla.), 68, 69. Lewis, L. L. (Va.), 85. Lewis, O. F., 43. Lewis, T. K., 67. Lewis, W. R., 38. Lichtenthaeler, R. A., 26. Liggett, W. M., 48, 49. Ligon, R. F., jr., 13. Lincoln, J. C, 31. Lincoln, J. R., 34. Lindsey, J. B., 46. Line.s, E. F., 41. Linfleld, F. B., 54. Linville, C. P., 72. Lipman, J. G., 60. Lipscomb, M. L., 52. Little, A. P., 69. Little, C. N., 30. Little, E. E., 35, 36. Lloyd, E. R., 50, 51. Lloyd, J. W., 31, 32. Lockerman, J., 45. Lockett,W. B., 78. Loesch, B., 86. Logan, J. L., 39. Logan, W., 15. Logan, W. N., 50. Lomax, E. W., 16. Lomax, J. A., 80. London, G. E., 15. Longyear, B. O., 22. Lord, H., 42. Lord, H. B., 61. Lord, H. C, 67. Lore, C. B.,24, 25. Louderback, G. D., 56. Lougher, T., 29. Loughridge, J. E., 55. Loughridge, R. H., 20. - Love, H. H., 32. Love, M. S., 51. Lovett, A. E., 60,61. Lovette, J., 90. Low, F. F., 86. Lowman, VV. R., 76. Lowry, W. H., 90. Lucas, A , 51. Lucas, F. A., 35. Lucero, J., 60. Luckie, p. W. , 80. Ludlow, H. H., 50. Ludlow, H. VV., 86. Lull, R. S., 46. Lund, J., 37. Lustrat, J., 28. Lutrell, E. G., 17. Luttrell, S. B., 78. Lyman, E., 82. Lyman, R. W., 46. Lyman, W. T., 24. Lyon, G., 86. Lyon, S. S., 65. Lyon, T. L., 55, 56. McAdory, I. S., 14. McAfee, C. B., 53. McAlister, J. A., 81. McArdle, H. W., 65. McBride, C. H., 29. McBryde, J. B., 84. McBryde, J. M., 84. McCall, A. G., 67. McCallie, M. B., 30. McCallum, A. T., 63. McCarter, R. H., 58. McCarthy, C. F., 88. McCarthy, J. H., 29. McCaskey, E. W., 25. McChord, J., 38. McClelland, C. K., 64. McClenahan, F. M., 37. McClendon, H. P., 41. McClenon, R. B., 77. McClosky, A. G., 62. MeClung, D. C, .53. McClung, H. L., 78. McClure, S. V., 17. McCoard, G. W., 67. McComa.s, J. E., 21. Mccormick, E. B., 37. McCornick, W. S., 81. McCrary, M. L., 69. McCrory, C, 41. McCroskey, R. C, 87. McCue, C. A., 48. McCullough, J. G., 82. MeCumunt, B., 72. McDaniel, H. D., 27. McDermott, E. F., 88. McDonnell, C. C, 75. McDonnell, H. B., 44. McDowell, J. C, 05, 66. McDowell, J. S., 36. McDowell, M. S., 73. McElroy, W. O., 33. McEnerny, G. W., 19. McFarland, B. S., 37. McFeely, E. A., 72. McGregor, C. D., 92. McGuire, A. J., 49. McGwynn, N., 86. McHugh, J. K., 41. Mcintosh, D., 31. Mclntyre, K., 32. Mclntyre, M. S., 49. McKay, A. B., 50, 51. McKay, G. L., 34, 36. McKeever., W. A., 37. McKell, J. E., .50. McKellips, C. M., 70, 71. McKenzie, A., 85. McKerrow, G., 91. McKimm, E. M., 36. McKinley, J. W., 19. McKinley, W. B., 31. McKinney, C. R., 35. McKinney, S., 78. McKissick, C, 65. McKnight, G. H., 67. McLaughlin, W. W., 82. McLean, A., 31. McLester, W. C, 29. McLester, Mrs. W. C, 29. McLucas, J. S., 75. McMillan, D. A., 52. INDEX OF NAMES. XI McNcall, J. H., 34. McOoUom, L., 35. McOwen, J.,67. McPherson, J. H. T., 28. McRae, E. M., 33. McKae, J. P., 63. McVeety, E., 65. McVcy, A., 52. McVickar, W. N., 85. McWethy, L. B., 47. McWhorter, H., 27. Maag, B. F., 67. Maben, S. L. (Ala.), 15. Maben, S. L. (Ky.),40. Mabon, J. B., 58. Macarthur, J. R., 60. Mai'Call, H., 64. MacCraoken, D. A., 88. MacDonald, A. A., 72. Maedonald, S. L., 22. MafDonald, T. H., 35. MacGillivray, A. D., 62. Mafhetanz, K. L., 4y. Mack, J. T., 66. Mack. L. C. 76. Mack. M., 48. Mackenzie. A. St. C, 39. Mackintosh, R. S., 13, 14. MaeLean, J. X., 30. Maddux, T. \V., 15. Madeira. M. E., 29. Madison, J., 90. Madsen, H. P., 81. MaiErruder, W. H., 50. Magruder, W. T., 67. Mahin, E., 33. Mahoney, S., 48. Mairs, T. I., 72. Major, C, 32. Major^ D. R., 67. Major, E. W., 20. Mallon, G. W., 66. Malone, G. H., 42. Malotte. C. N., 88. Mangold, F. E.. 67. Manley, F. G., 16. Mann, C. L., 64. Mann, J. P., 77. Manning, W. H., 62. Mansell, R. E., 20. Manzilla, W., 69. Marbut, C. F., 52. Marion, M. C, 26. Marlotte-Davies, P., 33. Marrero, L. H., 42. Marsden, R. A., 45. Marshall, A. L., 65. Marshall, C. E., 47, 48. Marshall, Mrs. F. E., 54. Marshall, F. R., 79, 80. Marshall, G. W., 24, 25. Marshall, W. W., 56. Marston, A., 34. Martin, A. E., 27. Martin, E. G., 33. Martin, G. H., 45. Martin, M., 88. Martin, M. W., G7. Martin, S., 67. Martin, S. M.,75. Martin, W. C, 79. Martinet, Mrs. L. M., 42. Marty, F., 91. Massey, W. F., 64. Massie, D. M., 66. Masterson, G. E., 15. Masterson, Mrs. G. E., 15. Mathe\v.s, C. W., 39. Mathews, H. B., 77. Mathewson, T. G., 73. Mathewson, W. E., 37. Matson, T. H., 14. Maxey, J., 54. Maxfield, R. A., 21. Maxwell, A. M., 50. May, D. W., 7, 73. May, J. M., 51. Mayhew, S. J., 14. Maynard, J., 78. Mayne, D. D., 49. Mays, Mrs. E. F., 27. Mead, E., 7, 20. Mead, M. C, 90. Means, J. W., 68. Mebane, A. L., 45. Meek, E. B., 72. Meeker, W. H., 34. Mehaffey, M. H., 58. Melander, A. L., 88. Meldrim, P. W., 27, 28. Mell, P. H., 75. Melton, A. M., 38. Melvin, G. A., 85. Melvin, M. E., 27. Menafee, C. D., 27. Merrill, G. F., 90. Merrill, L. A., 81, 82. Merrill, L. H., 43. Merrill, N. F., 82. Merritt, M. L., 36. Merrow, H. L., 74. Merryman, E. G., 43. Mersereau, S. F., 51- Merten, W. H., 68. Merz, H., 92. Meske, A. E., 59. Messick, S. H., 24. Metealf, H.,75. Meyer, G. H., 31. Meyer, M., 91. Meyer, S. H., 42. Meyers, A., 76. Meyers, W. J., 22. Michael, L. G., 36. Middlekauflf, H., 92. Miles, C. P., 84. Miles, S. E., 87. Miller, A. J., 35. Miller, A. M., 39. Miller, A. S., 30. Miller, C, 71. Miller, C. T., 88. Miller, E. R., 13. Miller, F. G., 55. Miller, J. O., 60, 61. Miller, L. S., 83. Miller, M., 35. Miller, M. F., 52, 53. Miller, N. G., 73. Miller, O., 18. Miller, P. E., 76. Miller, R. B., 87. Miller, T. C., 90. Miller, T. E., 76. Miller, \V. J., 50, 51. Miller, W. McN., 52. Mills, C, 60. MilLs, F. E., 48. Mills, G. F., 45, 46. Mills, J. W., 21. Milner, R. D., 7. Miltimore, C, 69. Minard, A. E., 65. Minis, M. J., 37. Mitcham, G. N., 13. Mitchell, A., 80. Mitchell, H. W., 71. Mitchell, J. C, 18. Mitchell, J. F., 26. Mitchell, J. H. (Ala.), 14. Mitchell, .J. H. (Md.), 44. Mixter, C. W., 83. Mobley, J. H., 28. Moench, K. R., 22. Moench, R. E., 81. Mohn, E., 08. Mokler, A. J., 92. Monahan, N. F., 46. Moncure, W. A. P., 84, 85. Moninger, W. R., 34. Monroe, 0. J., 47. Monroe, J. M., 43. Monteith, H. R., 23. Montgomery, E. G., 56. Montgomery, J. P., 50. Mooers, C. A., 78, 79. Moore, A. J., 50, 51. Moore, C. F., 47. Moore, C. H., 65. Moore, C. J., 28. Moore, E., 35. Moore, E. L., 77. Moore, J. S., 50, 51. Moore, P. (Idaho), 30. Moore, P. (Md.),45. Moore, R. A., 91. Moore, R. B., 52. Moorhouse, L. A., 69. Mooring, D. C, 88. Moran, T. F., 33. Morgan, B. S., 90. Morgan, G. H., 49. Morgan, H. A., 41. Morgan, W. H., 50. Morley, W. S., 30. Morloek, A., 77. Morrey, C. B., 67. Morris, B. V., 90. Morris, J., 28. Morris, O. M., 68, 69. Morris, R., 59. XII INDEX OF NAMES. Morris, R. L., 89. Morris, T. D., 78. Morris, W.,25. Morrison, G. L., 87. Morrison, R., 35. Morri.son, W. S., 75. Morrow, J. E., 69. Morse, F. W., 57, 58. Morse, G. H., 55. Morse, W. J., 83. Mortland, I., 41. Morton, G. E., 92. Mosier, J. G., 31, 32. Moten, J. S., 53. Moton, R. R., 85. Muckenfuss, A. M., 18. Mudge, C. W., 61. Mulford, H. DuB., 59. Mulford, W., 23. Mullon, I. E., 42. Mumford, F. B., .52, 53. Mumford, H. W., 31, 32. Muncy, V. E., 19. Munford, B. B., 85. Munford, W., 15. Munson, W. M., 43. Murphey, G. S., 36. Murphy, F., 58, 59. Murphy, J. L., 14. Murray, D., 58. Murray, G. S., 53. Murray, K., 22. Murray, M., 22. Murray, N. F., 52. Murrell, E. E., 40. Murrell, G. T., 28. Murtfeldt, M. E., 11. Musgrave, J. S., 83. Mustaine, W. W. H., 39. Mustard, L. W., 24. Mutehler, F., 23. Myers, J. J., 47. Myers, R. E., 72. Myers, T. R., 78. Myers, W. S., 58. Myrland, A. J., 90. Nagle, J. C, 79. Nalder, F. F., 88. Napier, W., 16. Nash, W. O., 87. Nave, A. H., 78. Neal, J. W., 6, 17. Neale, A. T., 25. Neely, R. C, 28. Neilson, J., 58, 59. Nelson, A., 92. Nelson, J. (S. Dak.), 77. Nelson, J. (N. J.),58. Nelson, J. B., 82. Nelson, N. A., 92. Nelson, R. W., 38. NeLson, S. B., 88. Nelson, T., 64. Nelson, W. N., 6.5. Nesbit, A. F., 57. Nettleton. M. W., 87. NeAdlle, J. H., 39. Newens, A. M., 34. Newman, C, 47. Newman, C. C, 75. Newman, C. M., 84. Newman, J. S., 75. Newsom, S. C, 17. Newton, F. E., 61. Newton, J. T., 27. Newton, W., 21. Nichol, A., 65. Nichols, C. B., 38. Nichols, E. R., 8, 36, 37. Nichols, H. A., 72. Nichols, R. J., 70. Nicholson, F. C, 38. Nicholson, H. H., .55. Nicholson, J. F., 69. Nicholson, J. W., 41. Nickerson, W. J., 42. Nightingale, A. F., 31. Nix, N. C, 76. Noble, A. B., 34. Noble, M. C. S., 64. Nock, N. VV., 85. Nollan, L. E., 39. Norment, J. W., 50. Norris, D. K., 74. Northrop, C, 48, 49. Northrop, R. S., 81, 82. Norton, F. A., 77. Norton, G. I., 35. Norton, H. W., 47. Norton, J. B. S., 44. Norton, J. H., 19. Norwood, C. J., 39. Nourse, D. O., 84, 85. Nugent, C. E., 65, 66. Nutter, J. H., 45. Nutter, J. W., 39. Nye, W. M., 33. Obrecht, R. C, 31, 32. O'Brien, W., 22. Odell, B. B., jr., 61. Ogden, R. C, 15, 85. Ogilvie, W. H., 36. Ogilvie, VV. W., 78. O'Hanlon, W., 61. Olcott, J. B., 23. Olin, M. H., 61. Olin, W. H., 22. Oliver, F. A., 54. Oliver, T. E., 31. Olsen, J. W., 48. Olson, G. A., 91. Olwell, J. D., 70. Ormsbee, E. J., 82. Ormsby, J. M., 17. Orr, E. .1., 33. Orth, H. H., 22. Orvis, E. L., 71. Osborn, H., 67. Osborne, T. B., 22. O'Shaughnessy, L., 84. Osmond, I. T., 71. Ostlen, L. A., 81. O.strander, J. E., 46. Oswald, W. L._, 49. Otero, M. A. ,.60. Otey, M. J., 69. Owen, E. J., 59. Owen' E. R., 81. Owens, G. W., 16. Owens, J. R., 44. Pace, A., 19. Paddock, W., 21, 22. Page, I. E., 69. Page, R. R., 84. Page, S., .51. Page, Z. N., 69. Paige, E. O., 27. Paige, J. B., 46. Paine, E. B., 64. Palmer, A. E.,48. Palmer, G. S., 23. Palmer, J. H., 16. Pammel, L. H., 34, 36. Pancake, C, 37. Pardee, G. C, 19. Parham, D'A. P., 30. Park, C. B., 64. Park, J., 78. Park, J. B., 28. Park, R. E , 28. Parker, B. M., 75. Parker, D. T., 90. Parker, J., 45. Parker, S., 15. Parker, W. H., 72. Parker, W. M., 57. Parkhurst, C. H., 85. Parkin.son, G. C., 29. Parks, P. C, 16. Parmelee, C. W., 59. Parr, S. W., 31. Parrott, A. H., 65. Parrott, J. R. (Fla.), 25. Parrott, J. R. (Va.), 84. Parrott, P. J., 61. Parsons, A., 46. Parsons, C. L., 57. Parsons, E., 78. Parsons, L., 18. Patch, E. M., 43. Patch, G. W., 46. Pate, W. F.,,32. Pattee, F. L., 72. Patten, A. J., 61. Patten, D. W., 23. Pattengill, E. A., 35. Patterson, A. H., 28. Patterson, B. C, 23. Patterson, H. J., 8, 44. Patterson, J. K., 38, 39. Patterson, S. L., 63. Patterson, W. C., 72, 73. Patterson, W. K., 39. Patton, C. A., 68. Patton, W. M., 84. Patrick, B. S., 13. Paul, C. E., 37. Paxton, E. E., 29. INDEX OF NAMES. XIII Pa>Tie, W. L., 30. Payne, W.O., 28. Payne, W. S., 56. Paynter, E. R., 24. Payson, E. R.. 59. Peabody, E.G., 85. Peabody, G. F., 15, 85. Peabody, J. H., 21. Pearson, Mrs. D. E., 29. Pearson, H., 29. Pearson, R. A., 62, 63. Peck, C, 82, 83. Peck, S. S., 29. Peele, J. W., 63. Pegues, B. W., 41. Pence, M. L., 39. Penn, H. C, 52. Pennewill, J., 24. Penny. C. L., 10, 25. Pennypacker, S. W., 71. Pereles, J. M., 90. Perin, S. W., 56. Perkins, C. A., 78. Perkins, G. H., 82, 83. Perkins, H. F., 83. Perkins, H. J., 16. Perkins, R. C. L., 29. Perkins, W. R., 51. Pemot, E. F., 70, 71. Perry, C. J., 38. Persons, H., 27. Peter, A. M., 39. Peters, A. T., 55, 56. Peters, A. W., 31. Peters, C. A., 30. Peterson, E. G., 81. Peterson, M., 81. Peterson, \V., 81. Petrie, G., 13. Pettee, C. H., 57. Pettit, J. H., 31,32. Pettit, R. H., 47, 48. Phares, J., 51. Phelps, F. E., 64. Phelps, H. G., 54. Phcnix, G. P., 85. Philbeek, R. E., 19. Philbrick, A. E., 56. Phillips, J. B., 64. Phillips, J. L., 84. Phillips, J. McI., 67. Phillips, M. C, 70. Pickel, F. W., 18. Pickett, J. S., 75. Pierce, C. W., 16. Pierce, J. B., 87. Pierce, P. S.,35. Pierpont, A. J., 23. Pigeon, F. G., 53. Pillsbury, J. P., 73. Pillsbury, R. \V., 57. Pillsbury, W. L., 31. Pingree, M. H., 73. Einkett, D. J., 45. Pittman, W. S., 16. Pittuck. B. C, 41. Placeway, L. A., 35. Piatt, J. E., 80. Plumb, C. S., 67. Poat.s, T. G..75. Pollard, N.E., 16. Pond, G. G., 72. Poole, R. R., 15. Popenoe, A. E., 37, 38. Porter, D. P., 30. Porter, G. R., 69. Porter, J. D., 78. Porter, W. M., 88. Porterfleld, A. W., 89. Post, A. L., 89. Potter, E. C, 35. Potts, C. S., 79. Powell, E. H., 82, 83. Powell, I., 81. Powers, H. H., 82. Pratt, C. D., 87. Pratt, G. K., 40. Pratt, J. E., 87. Preis, W. H.,42. Prendergast, M.,22. Prentiss, R. \V., 59. Prescott, A. T., 40, 41. Preston, C. H., 45. Price, A. M.,87. Price, F., 87. Price, F. W., 40. Price, H. C, 66. Price, H. L., 84, 85. Price, M., 56. Price, R. B., 52, 53. Price, R. R., 37. Price, W. H., 40. Pride, B., 87. Pnllerman, B., 90. Primrose, W. S., 63. Pringle, C. G., 83. Pritchard, F. J., 65, 66. Pritchard, S. R., 84. Privott, W. \V., 45. Proctor, R., 82. Prosser, C. S., 67. Proudman, E. D., 23. Proulx, E. G., 46. Prucha, M. J., 61. Pryor, J. W., 39. Pugh, P. S., 40. Pulley, E. P., 81. Puis, A. J., 90. Purdue, A. H., 18. Purinton, D. B.,89. Purmort, V., 47. Purnell,C. J.,43. Purves, A., 85. Puryear, C, 79. Putnam, C. S., 65. Putnam, F. W., 23. Putnam, R., 62. Quackenboss, I. E., 60. Quaintance, A. L., 11. Quayle, D.,81. Quayle, H. J., 20. Quiniby, H. W., 91. Quinlan, D. P., 70. Rader, F. E., 6, 17. Ragan, W. H., 63. Raiford, L. C, 50. Rambo, C. W., 69. Ramsey, J. B., 16. Ramsey, R. R., 52. Ramsey, W. R., 38. Randall, E. W., 48. Randolph, L. S., 84. Rane, F. W., 57, 58. Rankin, F. H., 31. Ransom, A. McB., 14. Ransom, J. H., 33. Rasche, W. H., 84. Rawl, B. H., 75. Ray, W. C, 72. Ray, J. F., 63. Ray, P. O., 72. Rayfleld, W. A., 16. Rea, H. K., 53. Read, A. C, 41. Read, C. A., 57. Read, W. A., 41. Readhimer, J. E.,32. Reagan, H. F., 18. Reaves, S. W., 75. Reber, L. E., 72. Redding, R. J., 28. Redfearn, A. M., 75. Redifer, A. E., 72. Reed, H. G., 35. Reed, H. S. (Mich.), 48. Reed, H. S. (Mo.), 62, 53. Reed, J. B., 43. Reed, M. E., 40. Reed, M. F., 30. Reese, A. L., 42. Reese, E., 79. Reese, H. J., 54. Reeves, G. I., 52, 53. Regt, A. C. de, 59. Reichardt, F. A., 79, 80. Reid, J. A., 56. Reid, S. M., 65. Reimer, F. C, 26. Reinecke, A. F., 41. Reinstein, J. B., 19. Remick, B. L., 37. Renck, W. H., 67. Resler, F. J., 34. Resler, M. E., 35. Rew, N. C, 14. Reynolds, A. L., 53. Reynolds, E., 24. Reynolds, J. H., 18. Reynolds, M. H., 49. Rhea, J. L., 78. Rhoades, L. A., 66. Rice, A., 37. Rice, A. E., 48. Rice, J. E.,62, 63. Rich, E. P., 55. Rich, F. A., 82, 83. Rich, M. E., 87. Richards, C. R., 55 Richards, D. M., 60. Richards, E. S., 81. XIV INDEX OF NAMES. Richards, W. B., 65, 66. Richardson, C. S., 44. Richardson, F. M. M., 78. Richardson, G. A., 60. Richardson, J. L., 45. Richardson, W. A., 16. Richeson.'j. M., 15. Rickman, J. D., 37. Ricks, J. R., .51. Riddick, W. C, 63. Ridenbaugh, Mrs. W. H., 29. Ridenour, A. E., 37. Ridgaway, C. B., 92. Riegger, E., 87. Rietz, J. H.,80. Riggs, J. F., 33. Riggs, W. M., 75. Riley, E. F., 90. Riley, E. H., 69. Riley, W. A., 62. Rivett, T. B., 14. Roark, R. X., 39. Robb, J. B., 44. Robert, J. C, 50, 51. Robert, S. A., 26. Roberts, G., 20. Roberts, G. A., 64. Roberts, H. F., 37,38. Roberts, I. P., 62. Roberts, J. A., 42. Roberts, M. M., 34. Roberts, R., 82. Roberts, R. W., 91 Roberts, W. J., 88 Robertson, A., 76. Robertson, B. F., 75. Robertson, G. H., 29. Robertson, J. K., 80. Robertson, J. R., 80. ' Robertson, W., 49. Robertson, W. B., 83. Robeson, F. L., 84. Robin.son, C. D., 65. Robinson, E., 82. Robin.son, E. W., 81. Robinson, F. H., 24. Robinson, F. J., 87. Robinson, J. M., 54. Robin.son. J. S., 44. Robin.son, P. E.,65. Robinson, W. F., 6.5. Robison, F. W., 48. Rockafellow, B. F., 21. Rockwell, A. B., 87. Rodell, E. N., 37. Rodhou.se, T. J., 52. Rodman, T. C, 74. Rodman, W. S., 74. Rogers, A. E., 43. Rogers, F. K., 85. Rogers, J. R., 64. Rolfe, C. W., 31. Rolfs, F. M., 26. Rollins, W. C, 80. Rolph, G. M., 29. Ronce, J. A., 69. Rooks, J., 65. Roos, C. E., 42. Roper, J. W., 21. Rose, A. R., 57. Rose, F., 37. Rose, L. H., 18. Rose, P. S., 65. Rosenberger, M., 88. Roskruge, G. J., 17. Ross, B. B., 13, 14. Ross, E. A., 65. Ross, P. H., 6, 17. Rost, E.. 41. Roston, J. M., 29. Rouse, I., 61. Routt, Mrs. E. F., 21. Rowan, L. J., 51. Rowan, W. J., 26. Rowell, C, 19. Royals, T. E., 50. Ruggles, A. G., 49. Ruhl, F. P., 89. Rule, W., 78. Rumsey, W. E.,89. Runkle, E. W., 72. Rupp, A., 37. Rush, A. F., jr., 50. Rush, B. F., 19. Russell, C. T., 16. ' Russell, F. L., 43. Russell, H. L., 91. Rutherford, \V. J., 34, 36. Ruthrauff, W. M., 17. Rutland, J. R., 14. Ryan, E., 22. Ryan, J. F., 83. Sabsovich, H. L., 59. Sackett, H. W., 62. Sackett, W. G., 47. Sage, A. B., 60. Sage, H. M., 62. Sage, W. H., 61. Samford, T. D., 13. Sampson, D. L., 68. Sampson, G. M., 27. Sampson, H. C, 88. Sampson. H. O., 36. Sanborn, F. E., 67. Sanders, S. T., 41. Sanders, W. E., 72. Sanderson, E. D., 57, 58. Sanderson, P. J., 53. Sandsten, E. P., 91. Sanford, E. T., 78. Sanford, S. V., 28. Sansom, M., 79, 80. Santa Cruz, A., 87. Sargent, H. H., 79. Sasportas, O. A., 76. Saunders, W. D., 84, 85. Savage, J. T., 51. Sawtelle, L. W.,47. Sawyer, A. R., 47. Saxton, G., 88. Sbisa, B., 80. Scammon, R. M., .57. Sehaefer, F. A., 29. Schaeffer, N. C, 71. Schaffner, J. H., 67. Schaub, I. O., 32. Scheffer, T. H., 37. Scherffius, W. H., 39. Schieffelin, W. J., 85. Schlundt, H., 62. Schmelz, H. L., 85. Schmidt, K., 26. Schmitt, C. D., 78. Schmolck, P., 18. Schnabel, J., 53. Scholl, L.,80. Schraub, F. C, 61. Schular, L. M., 39. Schuler, C, 41. Schulte, J. I., 6. Schultz, L., 68. Schurman, J. G.. 61, 62 Schwab, C. M., 71. Schweitzer, P., 52, 53. Scott, A., 58, 59. Scott, A. C, 68. Scott, C. B., 90. Scott, C. W., 57. Scott, E. L., 41. Scott, F. A. R., 78. Scott, F. W., 31. Scott, G. H., 84. Scott, J. J., 87. Scott, J. M., 60, 61. Scott, L. A., 1.5. Scott, R. W., 63. Scott, S. J., 87. Scott, W., 17. Scovell, M. A., 8, 39. Scoville, W. H., 87. Scroggs, W. O., 14, Scrugham, J. E., 56 Scudder, E. N., .51. Seal, C. B., .50. Scares, F. H., 52. Searing, E. D., 22. Searle, J. P., 58. Sease, L. A., 74. Seaton, R. A., 38. Sebastian, S. P., 65 Secrest, M., 67. Segall, J. B., 43. Seibert, D., 43. Selby, A. D., 68. Selden, B. R.,84. Sellards, E. H., 26, Sellers, E. T., 41. Sessions, W. R., 45. Sessums, I. D.,50. Setchell, W. A., 20. Severance, G., 88. Shaffer, P. M.,37. Shakleford, O. M., 53. Shamel, A. D., 31, 32. Shane, A., 36. Shanklin, G., 75. Shannon, C. H., 78. Shannon, E. F., 18. Sharp, J. P., 87. Sharp, P. F., 21. INDEX OF NAMES. XV Shattuck, H. B., 72. Shaw, E. L., 57, 58. Shaw, G. W., 20. Shaw. H. B. (Mo.), 52. Shaw, H. B. (Vt.). 83. Shaw, J. K. (Md.), 45. Shaw, J. K. (N. J.), 59. Shaw, R. H., 38. Shaw, R. S.. 47, 48. Shaw, W. R., 68, 69. Shaw, W. T., 70. Sheats, W. N., 26. Shedd, O. M., 39. Shedd, S., 88. Shedd, W. R., 48. Sheldon, J. L., 89. Sheldon, S. R., 30. Shepard, C. S., 62. Shepard, J. H., 77. Shepperd, A., 65. Shepperd, J. H., 65, 66. Shepperd, J. L., 49. Sherman, C. B., 64. Sherman, F., jr., 64. Sherman, L. A., 55. Sherman, M. J., 87. Shi, B., 14. Shimer, E. E., 60. Shiver, F. S., 75. Shockley, A. R., 45. Shockley. C, 54. Shoemaker, C. E.,33. Shoe.smith, V. M., 37, 38. Shoffstall, A. S., 72. Shoop, C. F., 72. Shorey, E. C, 6, 29. Short, C. A., 2.5. Short, E. J., 37. Shutt, W., 21. Sibley, H. W., 61. Silvester, R. W., 44. Simmons, L. Van T., 72". Simmons, W. E., 27. Simms, F. F., 42. Simms, G., 45. Simons, K., 15. Simon ton, F. M., 25. Simpson, M. K., 85. Simpson, R. O.. 15. Simpson, R. \V., 74. Sinclair, M. E., 56. Sirrine, F. A., 61. Sisson, S., 67. Skeffington, F., 78. Skelton, G. V., 70. Skinner, B. S., 64. Skinner, H. G., 77. Skinner, J. H., 33. Skolfield, H., 40,41. Slack, C. W.. 19. Slade, H. B., 18. Slagle, C. W., 43, 45. Slater, E. M., 87. Slater, H. A., 33. Sledd, A., 26. Slingerland. M. V., 62, 63. Sloan, F. E., 64. Sloan, P. H. E., 74. Sloan, S., 58. Slocum, A. W., 82. Slocum, R. M., 76. Smiley, S. E., .59. Smith, A. G., 40. Smith, A. J., 28. Smith, C. B., 6. Smith, C. C, 16. Smith, C. D., 47, 48. Smith, C. E., 87. Smith, C. L., 88. Smith, C. M., 33. Smith, C. O., 25. Smith, E. C, 81. Smith, E. L., 25. Smith, E. O., 23. Smith, F., 31. Smith, G. A., 61. Smith, G. E. P., 17. Smith, G. McP.. 64. Smith, H. R., 55, .56. Smith, J. A., 78. Smith, J. B., 59, 60. Smith, J. G., 6, 29. Smith, J. M., 40. Smith, J. McL., 66. Smith, J. W., 67. Smith, L. H., 32. Smith, M. Van G., 24. ^ Smith, O. D., 13. Smith, O. J., 56. Smith, P. H.,46. Smith, R. E., 20. Smith, R. F., 79. Smith, R. L., 63. Smith, \V. B., 42. Smith, W. O., 29. Smith, W. \V., 35, 36. Smyth, E. A., 84, 85. ' Smythe, A. T., 74. Snell, E., 49. Snell, M. C, 70. Snelling, C. M., 28. Snow, A. M., 43. Snyder, H., 49. Snyder, J. L., 8, 47. Snyder, W. P., 56. Solherg, H. C, 77. Sommers, S. L., 6. Soule, A. M., 84, 85. South, J. C, 18. Southall, J. P. C, 13. Southall, J. W., 83. SpafFord, F. A., 76. Spalding, F. P., .52. Spangler, F. H., 3b. Spangler, J. A., 70. Spaulding, E. L., 22. Spenee, D. W., 79. Spence, M. L., 44. Spenee, T. H., 44. Spencer, A. P., 84, 85. Spencer, H. R., 67. Spencer, J., 84, 8-5. Spencer, J. G., 51. Spencer, J. W., 62. Spennie, E. H., 87. Speyers, C. L., 59. Spillman, A. G., 39. Spinks, T. M., 50. Spinney, L. B., 34. Sprague, F. D., .54. Spriggs, W. A., 90. Spring, W. N., 43. Stackhouse, H. M., 74. Stalker, M., 34. Stallings, R. E., 73. St. Amant, A. D., 64. Stanley, C. H., 43. Stanley, M. C, 17. Stanton, E. \V., 33, 34. Stanton, M. B., 35. Stark, C. R., 50. Stark, W., 50. Stames, A. J., .53. Starnes, H. N.. 28. Starr, H. E., 23. Starrett, H. S., 56. Stecker, H. F., 72. Stedman, J. M., ,52, 53. Steeb, C. E., 66. Steele, J. R., 76. Steele, M., 74. Stemen, C. B., 32. Stene, A. E., 74. Stephens, D. M., 81. Stern, A., 65. Stetson, C. B., 82. Stetson, I. K., 42. Stevens, F. L., 64. Stevens, H. L., 92. Stevens, Mrs. J. A., 87. Stevens, J. S., 43. Stevens, O., 35. Stevens, O. B., 28. Stevens, \V. H., 24. Stevensen, W. H., 34, 36. Stevenson, E. L., 59. Stevenson, W. M., 20. Stewart, F. C, 61. Stewart, G. F., 16. Stewart, J. E., 35. Stewart, J. H., 89. Stewart, J. S., 89. Stewart, M. A., 89. Stewart, O. M., 52. Stewart, R., 82. Stewart, T. J., 71. Stimson, R. W., 8, 23. St. John, H. E., 48. St. Martin, F. L., 42. Stocking, W. A., jr., 23, 24. Stockinger, E., 54. Stockly, J. C, 24. Stockwell, S. S., 92. Stoddart, C. W., 91. Stokes, J. B., 63. Stokes, J. G. P., 15. Stokes, W. B., 14. Stollenwerck, G. D., 15. Stone, A. L., 91. Stone, B. A., 92. Stone, B. N., 65. XVI INDEX OF NAMES. Stone, C. W. (N. H.), 57. Stone, C. W. (Pa.), 71. Stone, G. E., 46. Stone, J. L., 62, 63. Stone, W. E., 9, 33. Stoner, J. B., 77. Stoner, M. A., 67. Storm, J., 87. Storms, A. B., 34. Storrs, L. J., 23. Stott, E. W., 44. Stout, O. V. P., 55, 56. Stout, R. L., 38. Stout, Mrs. R. L., 39. Stover, A. P., 20. Strahan, CM., 28. Straw, O. \V., 57. Street, J. P., 60. Strickland, H. K., 41. fctrickler, O. C, 48. Stringer, F. L., 25, 26. Strong, K., 88. Strong, W. B., 88. Stroup, H. L., 18. Stuart, W., 82, 83. Stuart, W. v., 32. Stubbs, J. E., 56, 57. Stubbs, W. C, 41, 42. Stubenrauch, A. V., 20. Stuhr, W. A., 34. Stumberg, C. H., 41. Stuttered, H. J., 81. Styer, H. D., 81. Stygles, C. L., 83. Suarez, M. E., 87. Sugden, G., 87. Sugden, J., 87. Suggs, D. C, 29. Summers, H. E., 11, 34, 36. Sumney, G., jr., 64. fiurface, H. A., 72. Sutherland, M. E., 70. Swaney, A., 87. Swanger, C. H., 48. Swanson, Mrs. S. J., 26. Swanzy, F. M., 29. Swartwout, A. M., 53. Sweeley, E. M., 88. Sweet, E. S., 29. Sweet, G., 47. Sweetzer, W. L., 87. Swezey, G. D., 55, 56. Swezey, O., 29. Symmonds, C. J., 43. Symons, T. B., 44. Taft, L. R., 47, 48. Tailby, G. W., 62. Taillandier, G. P. H., 70. Tait, C. E., 7. Taliaferro, W. T. L., 44. lallant, J. G., 57. Tallman, W. D., 54. Talmage, F. E., 17. Tartar, N., 70. Tarver, H. M., 80. Tarver, Mrs. L. A., 80. Tatom, W. C, 78. Taussig, R. J., 19. Taylor, B. R., 50. Taylor, F. W., 57, 58. Taylor, G. H., .56. Taylor, H. C, 90, 91. Taylor, H. L., 61. Taylor, J., 87. Taylor, J. D., jr., 26. Taylor, L. M., 22. Taylor, O. M., 61. Taylor, R. R., 16. Taylor, W. G. L., 55. Taylor, W. H., 15. Teele, R. P., 7. Teeters, J. L., 55. Temple, O. P., 78. Ten Eyck, A. M., 37, 38. Tenney, E. D., 29. Terrell, J. M., 27. Terry, F. W., 29. Terry, R., 58. Terry, W. K., 13. Terwilliger, J., 61. Tessman, W., 87. Thach, C. C, 13, 15. Thaler, J. A., 54. Thatcher, G. W., 81. Thatcher, R. W., 10, 88. Thayer, M., 88. Theophile, E. M.. 42. Thoburn, B. I., 35. Thom, C.,24. Thomas, A. L., 14. Thomas, A. T., 28. Thomas, B. F., 66. Thomas, H., 21. Thomas, H. E., 16. Thomas, M. F., 69. Thomas, S. F., 78. Thomas, \V. R., 21. Thompson, F., 29. Thompson, F. F., 59. Thompson, F. L., 16. Thompson, G. A., 43. Thompson, H., 37. Thompson, L., 57. Thompson, L. B., 29. Thompson, O. A., 66. Thompson, \V. O., 8, 66. Thornber, J. J., 17, 18. Thome, C. E., 68. Thornton, V. B., 80. Thurman, B. G., 52. Thurtell, H., 56. Tibert, G. L., 65. Tiffany, J. B., 52. Tilden, W., 35. Tillman, B. R., 74. Tllton, F. P., 74. Tindal, J. E., 74. Tinkey, K., 37. Tinsley, J. D., 60, 61. Tisdel, F. M., 92. Titsworth, A. A., 58. Titus, A. M., 40. Tolman, G., 74. Tompkins, D. A., 63. Tottingham, W. E., 46. Tower, C. V., 82. Towns, J. W., 80. Townsend, H. L., 87. Townsend, J. A., 87. Townsend, M. E., 57. Traber, E. M., 21. Travis, J. F., 35. Tread way, T. C, 19. Treadway, W. A., 18. Treman, C. E., 62. Treman, R. H., 61. Trezevant, M. B., 78. Triebel, C. A., 20. Trigg, E. P., 45. Trigg, F., 45. Trimble, R. E., 22. Trine, W. O., 70. Triplett, E. H., 51. Trooien, O. N., 77. Troop, J., 33. Trotter, J. R., 89. Troy, H. C, 62. True, A. C, 6, 8, 17, 29, 73. True, G. H., 56, 57. Trueman, J. M., 62, 63. Truly, J., 51. Trumbull, L. W., 92. Truscott, F. W., 89. Tucker, R. H., 68. Tudor, J. H., 72. Tulloss, J. O., 36. Tunnell, E. W., 25. Tuohy, J., 21. Tupper, F., jr., 82. Turner, B. B., 23, 24. Turner, C. W., 78. Turner, G. B., 61. Turner, H. B., 85. Turner, J. D., 39. Turrell, C. A., 17. Tuttle, A. H., 67. Tuttle, E. B., 35. Tuttle, F. E., 72. Twitchell, M. '\V.,87. Tyler, A., 26. Tyler, E. O., 69. Tyler, M. H., 74. Tynan, T. T., 92. Tyson, H. C, 64. Udall, D. H., 67. Ulio, J., 65. Ulsamer, M., 87. Upham, A. H., 81. Upson, I. S., 59, 60 Urquhart, J., 87. Usher, S., 31. Vail, F. H.,37. Valley, O., 37. Vanatter,P. O., 84, 85. Vance, J. I., 58. Van Cleave, S. M., 40. Van Cleef, M., 62. Vanderzee, A., 16. INDEX OF NAIIES. xvn Van Dine, D. L., 6, 29. Vandiver, M., 43. Van Doren, X. L., 88. Van Doren, P. V. D., 59. Van Dyck, F. C, 58. Van Dyke, J. C, 59. Van Es, L., 65, 66. Van Hise, C. R., 91. Van Hook, J. M., 68. Van Leenhofl, J. W., 7, 73. VanNatta, J. H., 32. Van Xorman, H. E., 33. Van Rensselaer, M., 62. Van Sant, S. R., -18. Van Slyke, L. L., 61. Van Steenbergh, W. H., 58. Van Winkle, L. E., 88. Vardaman, J. K., 50, 51. Vaughan, M. J., 77. Vaughn, E. C, 39. Vaulx, M. \V., 19. Vawter, C. E..jr.,84. Vedder, H. K., 47. Veitch, W., 23. Vernon, J. J., 60, 61. Vickery, M.,74. Vilas, W. F., 90. Viles, G. B., 67. Vincenheller, \V. G., 19. Vincil, J. D., 52. Vivian, A., 67. Vivian, C. A., 16. Volck, W. H., 20. Voorhees, E. B., 8, 59, 60. Voorhees, F. M., 58. Voorhees, L. A., 60. Vosskuehler, J. H., 67. Votaw, W. W., 56. Votey, J. W.. 82. Vought. S. W., 78. Vredenburgh, W. H., 58. Vroom, G. D. W., 58. Vye, J. A., 49. Wabnitz, L., 37. Waehter, H. M., 68. Wade, A. J., 51. Wade, C. I., 84, 85. Wade, G. W., 84. Wadsworth, M. E., 72. Wagg, E. W., 87. Wagner, C. G., 62. Waid, C.W ,68. Wainwright, J.H., 87. Wainwright, T. L., 50. Wait, C. E., 78. Waldo, C. A., 33. Waldron, C. B., 65, 66. Waldron, L. R., 65, 66. Waldron, M. M., 85. Wales, R. L., 64. Walker, B. M., 50. Walker, C, 64. Walker, C. S., 46. Walker, E., 19. Walker, E. D., 72. Walker, E. V., 69. Walker, G. W'., 84. Wallace, J. H., 52. Wallace, J. S., 50. Wallace, W. H.. 47. Waller, O. L., 88. Walls, E. P., 44. Walsh, H., 43. Walter, S. J., 87. Walters, J. D., 37. Walton, B. F., 64. Wangsgard, F. C, 81. Wannamaker. J. E., 74. Warburg, P. M., 15. Ward, A. R., 20. Ward, C. W., 61. Ward, H. B., 5.5. Ward, J. B., 59. Ward, W. F., 14. Wardall, R. A., 77. Ware, J. E., 48. Warfield, E., 43. Warner, J. De W., 62. Warner, M. B., 87. Washburn, F. L., 49. Washburn, R. M., 52. Washington, A., 87. Washington, B. T., 15, 16. Washington, Mrs. B. T., 16. Washington, Mrs. F. S., 19. Washington, G. S., 42. Washington, M. B., 16. Washington, V. L., 15. Wason, G. A., 57. Waterman, G. A., 47, 48. Waters, H. J., 52, 53. Watkins, J. B., 83. Watkins, L. W^, 47. Watson, A., 65. Watson, E. J. (La.), 42. Watson, E.J. (R. I.), 74. Watson, G. C, 72, 73. Watson, I., 42. Watson, J. P., 34. Watson, J. V. B., 73. Watson, T. L., 84, 85. Watson, W. M., 89. Watt, G. H., 88. Waugh, F. A., 46. Waymire, J. A., 19. Weatherford, J. K., 70. Webb, G. A., 21. Webb, J. H., 22. Webb, R. D., 14. Webb, W. S., 82. Weber, H. A., 66. Webster, J. M., 60. Webster, W. A., 87. Weddell, F. J., 50. Weeks, E., 37. Weeks, R., 52. Welch, W. P., 27. Weld, I. C, 57, 58 Weil, C. L., 47. Weil, J., 87. Weitzel, P., 40. Wellington, C, 46. Wellman, B. M., 47. Wells, C, 52. Wells, W. W., 47. Wei ton, F. A., 68. Welty, C, 68. W'enner, F., 35. Wergeland, A. M., 92. Werner, J. H., 77. Wernicke, P., 39. Werthmueller, F. R.. 29. W'est, R. A. (Mo.), 53. West, R. A. (W. Va.),89. W'est, W., 77. Westbrook, J. L., 41. Weston, N., 77. Wetmore, M., 48. Wharton, E. R., 16. Wharton, W. H., 44. Wheaton, A. H., 77. Wheeler, B. I., 19, 20. Wheeler, C. A., 23. Wheeler, C. S., 19. Wheeler, G. C, 37, 38. Wheeler, H. J., 8, 74. Wheeler, J. H., 77. W^heeler, J. J., 16. Wheeler, M. I., 45. Wheeler, W., 45. Wheeler, W. A., 77. Wheeler, W. P., 61. Wheeler, X., 78. Whetzel, H. H., 62, 63. Whitaker, M. A., 60. Whitby, A. B., 69. Whitcomb, E., 87. "White, A. D., 61. White, B., 87. White, D. D., 68. White, D. S., 67. White, E. A. (Conn.), 23, 24. White, E. A. (Iowa), 35. White, H. C, 8, 28. White, H. v., 71. White, J. G. (Ky.), 39. White, J. G. (La.), 40. White, J. G. (N. Y.), 71. W^hite, M. (Ark.), 18. White, M. (Ky.), 39. White, M. (Tenn.) , 78. White, T. H., 44. White, W. J., 89. Whitehead, B. T., 77. Whitehead, W. H., 80. Whitehill, A. R., 89. Whiteman, J. H., 24. Whittield, H. L., 50,51. Whitham, W. H., 89. Whitlock, R. H., 79. W'hitmore, G. C.,81. W'hitmore, W. G., 55. Whitney, E. M., 23. Whitney, I. P., 88. Whitridge, G. B.. 49 Whitson, A. R., 91. Whittaker, J. C, 76. Whitten, J. C, 52,53. Whoriskey, R., jr., 57. Wiancko, A. T., 33. XVIII INDEX OF NAMES. Wiatt, J. E., 13. Wickson, E. J., 20. VVidt.soe, J. A., 81, 82. Wier, J. S., 79. Wiggin, P. G., 89. Wightinan, H., 21. Wikoff, F. J., 68. Wilcox, E. M., 13, 14. Wilcox, E. v., 6. Wilcox, G. W., 17. Wilcox, O. W., 35, 36. Wiley, H. W., 10. Wilkie, M. D., 39. Wilkinson, R. S., 76. Willard, D. E., 65. Willard, J. M., 72. Willard, J. T., 37,38. Williams, C. G., 68. Williams, D. L., 41. Williams, E. A., 81. SVilliams, E. L., 62. Williams, F. M., 35. Williams, G. B., 57. Williams, G. H. C, 15. Williams, G. 11., 61. Williams, H. W., 60. Williams, I. A., 35. Williams, J. E., 84. Williams, J. S., 64. Williams, L. J., 89. Williams, M., 69. Williams, R. B., 62. Williams, W., 52. Williams, W. R., 64. Williams, W. S., 52. Williams, W. T. B., 87. Williamson, C. S., jr., 48. Willis, C, 31,32. Willis, C. D., 80. Willis, L. O., 25. Willis, W. H., 90. Williston, D. A., 16. Willoughby, C. L., 28. Wilmore, J. J., 13. Wilson, A. M., 89. Wilson, B. N., 19. Wilson, F. D., 84. Wilson, G. W., 25. Wilson, H. M., 64. Wilson, J. (Ala.), 15. Wilson, J. (Iowa), 34. Wilson, J. H., 34. Wilson, J. W., 77. Wilson, L. B., 45. Wilson, N. E., 56, 57. Wilson, R. O., 77. Wilson, S. H., 45. Wilson, T., 48. Wilson, T. B., 61. Wilson, W. M., 85. Winchester, W. E., 50. Wine, W. E., 84. Wing, H. H., 62,63. Winslow, E. B., 42. Winston, G. T., 63. Winter, M., 54. Winton, A. L., 22. Withers, W. A., 9, 63, 64. Withycombe, J., 70,71. Witte, W. H., 87. Witter, G., 34. Wolf, T. R., 24. W^oll, F. W., 91. Wood, A. J., 72. Wood, C. W., 16. Wood, E., 42. Wood, E. W., 45. Wood, F., 63. Wood, F. M., 40. Wood, H. P., 72. Wood, T. G., 84. Woodford, S. L., 61. Woodman, L. E., 43. Woodruff, F. O., 60,61. Woodruff, O., 59. Woodruff, W. B., 80. Woods, C. D., 7, 8, 43. Woodward, C, 87. Woodward, J. A., 71. Woodward, W. F., 88. Woodworth, C. W., 20. Woodworth, H. O., 21. Woofter, T. J., 28. Wooton, E. O., 60, 61. Work, M. N., 29. Worst, J. H., 65, 66. Worthington, H. S., 84. Wright, C. S., 75. Wright, O., 45. Wright, R. R., 29. Wyant, M. E., 81. Wyckoff, W. F., 58. Wyer, J. I., 55. Wyman, J. T., 48. Yates, Mrs. J. S., 53. Yates, R., 30. Yates, R. E. L., 64. Yates, W., 92. Yates, W. E., 70. Yocum, W. F., 26. Yoder, P. A., 81, 82. York, H. H., 67. York, P. C., 19. Young, G. D., 87. Young, Mrs. G. D., 87. Young, G. J., 56. Young, H., 71. Young, M., 16. Young, Mrs. M. E., 30. Young, N. B., 27. Ystgard, A., 82. Zeininger, D. , 38. Zern, E. N., 72. Zintheo, C. J., 34, 36. Zmunt, v., 34. o w. BULLETINS OF THE OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS. Experiment Station Record, Vols. I-XV, with indexes; XVI, Nos. 1-4. Bull) tins.— yio. 1, Organization and History of the Stations: No. 2, Digest of Reports of the Stations for INSS; No. 3, Meeting of Horticulturists, 1889; No. 4, List of Station Horticulturists; Nos. 5, 12, 13, 19, 23, 27, 39, 47, 59, 74, 88, 111, 122, and 137, Organization Lists of Stjitions and Colleges, 1890, 1892, 1893, 1894, 1895, 1896. 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902, 1903, and 1904; No. 6, List of Station Botonists; Nos. 7, 16, 20, 24, 30, 41, 49, 65, 76, 99, 115, 123, and 142, Proceedings of Association of Colleges and Stations, 1891, 1892, 1893, 1894, 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902, and 1903; No. 8, Lectures on Investigationsat Rotham- sted; No. 9, The Fermentations of Milk; No. 10, Meteorological Work for Agricultural Institutions; No. 11, A Compilation of Analyses of American Feeding Stuffs; No. 14, Convention of National League for Good Roads, 1893; No. 15, Handbook of E.xperiment Station Work; No. 17, Suggestions for Food Labora- tories; No. 18, A.ssirailation of Nitrogen by Mastard; No. 21, Investigations on the Chemistry and Econ- omy of Food; No. 22, Investigations at Rothamsted; No.25,Dairy Bacteriologv; No. 26, Experiment Missouri The sew Jersey , Dietary Studies . . „ , 95 and 18%; No. 40, Dietary Studies in New Mexico in 1895; No. 42, Cotton Culture in Egypt; No. 43, Losses in Boiling Vegetables, and the Composition and Dige.stlbility of Potatoes and Eggs; No.44, Metabolism of Nitro- gen anrl Carbon; No. 45, A Digest of Metabolism Experiments; Nos. 46 and 116, Dietary Studies in New York City in 189.5, 18%. and 1897; Nos. 48, 62, 82, and 94, Reports to Congress on Agriculture in Ala.ska, Nos. 50, 61, 83, and 93, Reports on the Work and Expenditures of the Agricultural Experiment Stations; 1897, 1898, 1899, and 1900- Nos. 51, 64, 78, 97, 114, and 128, Statistics of the Colleges and Stations, 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901, and 1902; No. 52, Nutrition Investigations in Pittsburg, Pa., 1894-1896; No. 53, Nutrition Investigations at the University of Tennessee in 1896 and 1897; No. 54, Nutrition Investiga- " "'"' " ■•' -•-^-'""- »-- — ^.^ . -• ■ ^. . 'd 1895and 1896; No..5<;, In.struction in ! of Com; No. 68, Water Rights on the J Titles to Water from the Missouri River and its Tributaries; No. 63, Description of a New Respiration Calorimeter and Exy)eriments on the Conservation of Energy; No. 66, The Physiological Eflectof Creatin and Creatinin; No.67, Studies on Bread and Bread Making; No. 68, Some Chine.se Vegetable Food Materials and Their Value; No. 69. Kxperinients on the Metabolism of Matter and Energy; No. 70, Water-Right Problems of Bear River: No. 71, Dietary Studies of Negroes in Ea.stern Virginia in 1897 and 1898; No. 72, Farmers' Read- ing Courses; No. 73, Irrigation in the Rocky Mountain States: No. 75, Dietary Studies of University Boat Crews; No. 77, The Digestibility of American Feeding Stuffs; No. 79, Farmers' Institutes: History and Status; No. 80, The Experiment Stations in the United States; No. 81, Irrigation in Wyoming and its Relation to Ownership and Distribution; No. 84, Nutrition Investigations at the California Exi>i-riment Station, 1896-1898;_No. 85, The Digestibility and Nutritive Value of Bread; No. 86, The Use nois, North Dakota Agricultural College, and Lake Erie College, Ohio, 1896-1900; No. 92, The Reser- voir System of the Cache la Poudre Valley; No. 95, Report on the Agricultural Resources and Capabilities of Hawaii; No. 96, Irrigation Laws of the Northwest Territories; No. 98, The Effect of Muscular Work on Food Consumption, Digestion, and Metaboli.sm of Bicyclers; No. 100, Report of Irrigation Investigations in California; No. 101, Studies on Bread and Bread Making, 1899 and 1900; No. 102, Losses in Cooking Meat, 1898-1900; No. 103, The Evolution of Reaping Machines; Nos. 104, 119, and 1:^3, Reports of Irrigation Investigations for 1900. 1901, and 1902; No. 105, Irrigation in the United States: No. 106. Investigations on the Rothamsted Soils: No. 107, Nutrition Investigations among Fruitarians and Chinese, 1899-1901; No. 108, Irrigation Practice Among Fruit Growers on the Pacific Coast; No. 109, Metabolism of Matter and Energy in the Human Bodv, 1898-1900; Nos. 110, 120, and ViS, Proceedings of Farmers' Institute Workers, 1901, 1902, and 1903; No. 112, Agricultural Experi- ment Stations in Foreign Countries; No. 113, Irrigation of Rice in the United States; No. 118, Irrigation from Big Thompson River; No. 121, Experiments on the Metabolism of Nitrogen, Sulphur, and Phosphorus; No. 124, Report of Irrigation Investigations in Utah; No. 125, A Digest of Recent Experi- ments on Horse Feeding: No. 126, Studies on the Digestibility and Nutritive Value of Bread at the University of Minnesota in 1900-1902; No. 127, Instruction in Agronomy at Some Agricultural Col- leges; No. 129, Dietary Studies in Boston and Springfield, Philadelphia, "and Chicago; No. 130. Egvp- tian Irrigation; No. 131, Plans of Structures in Use on Irrigation Canals in the United States; No. 132, Further Investigations Among Fruitarians at the California Agricultural Experiment Station; No. 134, Storage of Water on Cache la Poudre and Big Thonipson Rivers; No. 135, Legi-slation Relating to Farmers' Institutes: No. 136, Experiments oil the Metaboli.sm of Matter and Energy in the Human Body, 1900-1902: No. 139, Special and Short Courses in Agricultural Colleges: No. 140, Acquirement of Water Rights in the Arkan.sas Valley in Colorado; No. 141, Experiments on Los.ses in Cooking Meat, 1900-1903; No. 143, Studies on the Digestibility and Nutritive Value of Bread at the Maine Agricultural Experiment Station, 189a-1903; No. 144, Irrigation in Northern Italy— Part I; No. 145, Preparing Land for Irrigation and Methods of Applying Water: No. 146, Current Wheels: Their Use in Lifting Water for Irrigation: No. 147. Report on Drainage Investigations, 1903; No. 148, Irrigation Investigations in Humid Sections of the United States in 1903: No. 149, Studies of the Food of Maine Lumbermen; No. 150, Dietary Studies at the Government Hospital for the Insane, Washington, D, C §\®\ ©m U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS— BULLETIN NO. 152. A. C. TRUE, Director. DIETARY STUDIES WITH HABVARD UNIVERSITY STUDENTS. BY ».- i li j< •'^ 'x ■■ iNEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN. EDWARD MALLINCKRODT, JR. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING-OFFICE. 1905. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OF THE OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS ON THE FOOD AND NUTRITION OF MAN. Note.— For those pubrtoalioas to which a price is affixed application should he made to the Super intendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C, the officer designated bv law to sell Government publications. Publications marked with an asterisk (*) are not available foV distribution. ■j . " ' » ♦Charts. Food and Diet. By W. O. Atwat^'r. (Four charts, 26 by 40 inches.) ' Pricfe per set, unmounted, 7!y cents. *Bul. 21. Methods and Results of Investigations on the Chemistry and Economy of Food. By W. O. Atwater! Pp.222. Price, 1.5 cents. Bui. 28. (Revised edition.) The Chemical Composition of American Food Materials. By W. O. Atwater and A. P. Bryant. Pp.87. Price, .5 cents. ' i... Bui. 29. Dietary Studies at the University of Tennessee in 189.5. By C. EX Wait.'wifh, comments by W. O. Atwater and C. D. Woods. Pp.45. Price, 5 cents." Bui. 31. Dietary Studies at the University of Mi.saouri in 1895, and Data Relating to Bread and Meat Consumption in Jlis-souri. By H. B. Gibison, S. Calvert, and D. W. May, with comments by W. O. Atwater and C. D. Woods. Pp.24. Price, 5 cents. *Bul. 32. Dietary Studies at, Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind., in 1895. By W. E. Stone, with com- ments by W. O. "Atwater and C. D. Woods. Pp.28. Price, 5 cents. I '.111. 35. Food and Nutrition Investigations in New Jersey in 1895 and 1896. By E. B. Vborhees. !'[>. 40. Price, 5 cents. ,- *Bul. 37. Dietary Studies at the Maine State College in 1895. By W. H. Jordan. Pp. .57. Price, 5cents. Bui. 38. Dietary Studies with Reference to the Food of the Negro in Alabama in 1895 and 189(1. Con- dticted with the cooperation of the Tuskege» Normal and Industrial Institute and the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Alabama. Reported by W. O. Atwater and C. D. Woods. Pp. 69. Price, 5 cents. Bui. 40. Dietary Studies in New Mexico in 1895. By A. Gcss. Pp.23., Price, ^6 cents. Bui. 43. Lo.sses. in Boiling Vegetables and the Composition and Digestibility of Potatoes and Eggs. By H. Snyder, A. J. Frisby, and A. P; Bryant. Pp.31. Price, 5 cents. Bui. 44. Report of Preliminary Investigations on the Metabolism of Nitrogen and Carbon in the Human Organisin with a Respiration Calorimeter of Special Construction, By W. O. Atwater, C. D. Woods, and F. G. Benedict. Pp. 6t. Price, 5 cents. Bui. 45. A Digest of Metabolism Experiments in which the Balance o"f Income and Outgo wa.s Deter- ' mined. By W. 0. Atwater and C. F. Langwnrthv. Pp. 4S4. Price, 25 cents. *Bul. 46. Dietary Studies in New York City in 1895 and 1896. " By W. O. Atwater and C. D. Woods. Pp. - 117. Price, 10 cents. - Bill. .52. Nutrition Investigations in Pittsburg, Pa., 1894-1896. By Isabel Bevier. Pp. 48. Price, 5 cents. ■ • Bui. 53. Nutrition Investigations at the University of Tennesseein 1896 and 1897. By C. E. Wait. - Pp. 46. Price, 5 cents. ' '\' • ' *Bul, .5-1. Nutrition Investigations in New Mexico in 1897. By A. Goss. Pp.20. Price, -5 cents. Bui. 55. Dietary Studies in Chicago in 1895 and 1896. CondiK^ted Avith the cooperation of Jani' Addams and Caroline L. Hunt, of Hull House. Reported by W. O. Atwater and A. P. Bryant. Pp. 76. Price, 5 cents. *Bul. •66. History and Present Status of Instraiction in Cooking in the Public Schools of New York City." Reported by Mrs. Louise E. Hogan, with an introduction by A. C. True, Ph. D. Pp.70. Price, 5 cents. ^ : Bui. 63. Description of a New Respiration Calorimeter and Experiments on the Consen'ation of y Energy in the Human Body. By W. O. Atwater and E. B. Rosa. Pp. 94. Price, 10 cents. *Bnl. 66. The Physiological Effect of Creatin and Creatinin and their Value as Nutrients. By J. W. Mallet. Pp. 24. Price, 5 cents. . • • Bui. i;7. Studies on Bread and Bread Making. By Harry Snyder and L. A. Voorhees. Pp.51. Price, 10 cents. Btil.-~6fl, A Description of Some Chinese Vegetable Food Materials and Their Nutritive and Economic ■ . "- Value. By W. C. Blas(hile. Pp. 48. Price, 10 cents. Bnl. 69. Experiments 'on the Metabolism of Matter and Energy in the Hunfan Body. By W. O. Atwater and F.G. Benedict, with the cooperation of .\. W.Smith and A. P. Bryant. Pp. 11-2. Price. 10 cents. Bul..71. Dietary Studies of Negroes in Eastern Virginia in 1897 and 1898. By H. B. Frissoll and I.sabel Bevier. Pp. 45. Price. 5 cents. Bill. 75. Dietary Studies of University Boat Crews. By W. O. Atwater and A. P. Bryant. Pp.. 72. Price, 5 cents. ' ' Bnl. 84. Nutrition Investigations at the California Agricultural E.xperiment Station, 1896-1898. By .M.E. .laffa. Pp.39. Price, 5 cents. ' ' . Bill. s". A Report of Investigations, on the Digestibility and Nutritive Value- of Bread.- By C. D. Woods and L. H. Merrill. Pp.5]. Price, 5 cents. . - - •Bnl. 89. Experiments on the Effect of Muscular Work upfin the Digestibility of Ffiod arid" the Metab- ' • olism of Nitrogen. Conducted at the University of Tennessee, 1897-1899. ByC. E. Wait. Pp. 77. Price, 5 cents. I'.ul. 91. Nutrition Investigations at the Universitv of Illinois, North Dakota Agricultural College, • ' . , and Lake Erie College, Ohio, 1896-1900. By H. S. Grindley and J. L. Sammis, E. F. Ladd, and I.sabel Bevier and Elizabeth C. Sprague. Pp.42. Price, 5 cents. Bui. 98. The EtYect oi Severe and Prolonged Mu.scnlar Work on Food Consumption, Digestion, and Metabolism, by W. O. Atwaterand H. C. Sherman, and the Mechanical Work and Efficiency of Bicvclcrs, by R. C. Carpenter. Pp. 67. Price, 5 <-ents. Bui. 101. Studies on Bread and Bread .Making at the University of Minnesota in l.'<99 and 1900. By .^ Harry Snyder. Pp.65. Price, 5 cents. [Continued on third page of cover.] 744 U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS— BULLETIN NO. 152. A. C. TRUE, Director. DIETARY STUDIES WITH HARVARD UNIVERSITY STUDENTS. BY EDWAKD MALLIXCKRODT, JR. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1905. LETTER OE TRANSMITTAL U. S. Department of Acjriculture, Office of Experiment Stations, Washiugtun, D. C, January 20, 1905. Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith a report of dietary studies with Harvard students carried on by Edward Mallinckrodt, jr. The desirability of such an inves- tigation was suggested by Prof. F. G. Peabody, D. D., of Harvard University, and the work was carried out under the general direction of Prof. C. R. Sanger, a thesis based on the results being presented to the University by Mr. Mallinckrodt for the master's degree. The dietary studies were conducted in accordance with the methods devised in connection with the nutrition investigations carried on under the auspices of this Office, of which Prof. W. O. Atwater is in charge, and throughout the inves- tigation Mr. Mallinckrodt was in consultation with Professor Atwater. Acknowl- edgment should be made to Dr. E. A. Darling and Dr. D. A. Sargent, of Harvard University, for cooperation in determining the physical condition and strength of the subjects. The results oljtained are of especial value in their bearing upon dietary standards, particularly those of students and others of sedentary occupation, and are interesting in other ways. The report is therefore respectfully submitted with the recommendation that it be published as Bulletin No. 152 of this Office. Respectfully, A. C. True, Director. Hon. James Wilson, Secretary of Agriculture. CONTENTS. Page. Introduction ^ General plan '^ The system at Randall Hall ... -4 Details of the dietaries 13 Dietary study No. 401 13 Dietary study No. 402 17 Dietary study No. 403 21 Dietary study No. 404 25 Dietary study No. 405 29 Dietary study No. 406 32 Dietary study No. 407 35 Dietary study No. 408 39 Dietary study No. 409 42 Dietary study No. 410 46 Discussion of results 50 Method of computing the dietaries 50 Randall Hall dietaries compared with those of other students 53 Food supply in relation to body weight 56 The strength tests 57 General physical condition of the subjects 59 Mental work of the subjects 60 Conclusions 61 (2) DIETARY STUDIES OF HARVARD STUDENTS, INTRODUCTION. In connection with regular university work a stud}^ was made of dietar}' conditions at Randall Hall, which is the smaller of the two large college commons of Harvard University and furnishes board for 1,000 students. The institution is self-supporting and managed by the student boarders with the cooperation of the college authorities, and is designed to aid students of limited means, the object being to furnish board on the European or a In. carte plan at the lowest possible figure. The results of the study above mentioned, although rendered some- what doubtful by certain necessary assumptions, seemed to establish a strong probability that some of the students boarding at Randall Hall were living and working creditably upon a daily ration consid- erably below the accepted standards for men of sedentary habits. It was thought that further and more accurate dietary investigation, with observations upon the physical and mental life of these men, might bring to light some interesting and perhaps useful facts. Accordingly the investigations reported in the following pages were undertaken. The students examined were all in moderate circumstances; many of them paid their wav through college by outside work and some had to practice the strictest economy. It would have been desirable for purposes of comparison to include several men to whom econoui}^ in the matter of diet was no object; but the small compensation that it was possible to hold out to them was not sufficient to induce such men to serve as subjects. All those who agreed to serve were earnest and interested in the work, and it is largelv due to their patient coopera- tion that the carr3ang out of the investigation was made possible. GENERAL PLAN. Ten students (designated for convenience A, B, C, etc.) who lived at Randall Hall, and whose board bills ranged from medium to very low sums, were chosen as subjects. These men were put under examina- tion sinmltaneously three times during the college year for periods of three weeks each. The first period began with breakfast on Novem- ber 30, 1900; the second period February 14, 1901, and the third or last period May 8, 1901. During each period of study such daily (3) records were kept as were necessary for computing the dietaries and each subject was required to present himself at the beginning and end of each period of observation to Dr. E. A. Darling, instructor in hygiene in Harvard University, for medical examination and to Dr. D. A. Sargent, director of the Hemenway Gymnasium at Harvara University, for strength tests. At the end of the academic year the grades attained by the men in their respective studies were obtamed from the college office. From such data the diet may be computed and the relative bodily strength, general health, and scholarship of the subjects ma}^ be esti mated with tolerable accuracy. Briefly, then, an effort was made to measure four variables — diet, physical strength, general health, and mental performance. Obviously but one of these variables — the diet — is capable of measurement in physical units; the other measurements being necessarily in the nature of estimates, which are, however, approximately comparable for the different subjects. THE SYSTEM AT RANDALL HALL. Unlike most college commons, Randall Hall has no fixed rate for board. The cost to each student depends solely upon what he orders. Sugar, salt, and water are the onl}^ things which are served free. The building and equipment, designed especially for their present purpose, are comparatively new. During the college year covered by this investigation about 1,000 students were members of the Randall Hall Dining Association, which means that they had the privilege of boarding at Randall Hall. Dividing the average money expenditure for one week by the number of boarders gives $2.24 as the average weekly price of board for the whole institution, on the assumption that all members were regular boarders taking three meals a da}^ throughout the college year of thirty- five weeks. This figure is probably too low, because the assumption that all members of the association were regular boarders is not strictly true. The average price per week paid by the men examined in the study for the three periods was $2.66. Since the subjects were chosen from men whose })oard bills ranged from very low to medium amounts, it seems reasonable to conclude that the real average price paid for board at Randall Hall for the j^ear was somewhat above $2.66 per week. It is worth noting that the students themselves serve as waiters. In this wa}^ many of them earn the price of their board by waiting on the table several hours each day. For each meal each table is provided with the bill of fare for the day, showing the dishes ready to serve and the prices. In addition to these the bill of fare gives the menu of so-called "combination meals." These meals served at uniform prices (breakfast and lunch 14 cents each and dinner 16 cents) furnish board on the "American plan" to those preferring it to the a la carte system. These coml)ination meals supplied a varied diet, and from the data regardino- them obtained as part of the stud}- here reported it was calculated that a person living on them would oV)tain nearly the quantities of protein and energy called for by the commonly accepted standard for men having a small amount of muscular work. In addition to the regular daily bills of fare each table is provided with an "extra-order list" giving a great variety of dishes that can be cooked to order. Comparatively few such dishes were used by the men studied. The order slips made out and signed by the men are kept and serve as a basis for calculating the weekly board bills. To obtain a list of the dishes eaten during the dietary studies each subject was required to write his order in a small notebook supplied for the purpose. A slip of carbon paper copied through the notebook leaf upon a regular "order slip" placed beneath, and this slip went to the serving room in the usual way. As a check the slips sent in by each subject were compared with his notebook at the end of each week. Before any student was accepted as a subject for this study he was given to understand that he was to eat no food outside of Randall Hall during the periods of examination. Unless this condition was abso- lutely agreed to the applicant was rejected. Beyond this there is no positive evidence that no food was eaten except that recorded in the notebooks, but there is on the other hand good reason to believe that the rule was strictly adhered to, since the men were of good character and showed interest in the work. Stress was laid upon the fact that there was no wish whatever to interfere with the tastes and dietary habits of the men and that all that was desired was simply a record of what they ate. They were asked to eat during the periods covered by the study just what they would at other times when no records were kept. Under these conditions the dietaries for the three periods of three weeks each at different times of the year are believed to represent the average diet of these men for the entire college year with tolerable accuracy. It was impracticable to weigh all the " portions" or "orders" eaten b}^ each student during three weeks, so the average weights of the vari- ous dishes were obtained bv weighing, during each period of study or immediately after, a number of similar portions served on different days and averaging the tigures so obtained. The number of portions weighed depended upon the importance of each article of food as a constituent of the diet studied and ranged from one to twelve for each article duiing each period of study. At the time of weighing sam- ples of a considerable number of dishes were preserv^ed for subsequent analysis b}' the addition of a few drops of formalin. The very great variet}' and mixed character of the food, however, necessitated fre- quent estimations of composition, for it was impossible to sample and analyze every dish, but such estimates were conlined to unimportant foods — that is, to those not often used and to such as supplied little nutritive material. The following table shows the cost, average weight, and amounts of protein and energy in one '"portion" or ''order" of the various dishes used. The table also shows which of the foods were analyzed and which had their nutritive value computed from average figures. The data recorded served as a basis for computing the individual dietaries. Table 1. -Percentage of protein, amount of energy per gram, and arerage weight, cost, amount of protein, and energy per order of different kinds of food. i Kind of food. 2 p. "S o 53 'S-S 1 be >, £? a a aV '- K •a o B 3 Average per order. £ a 01 o a Weight. Cost. Pro- tein. En- ergy. 1 Beef: Boiled <■ Perct. 28.0 •28.0 Cal. 2.63 2.63 Xo. Grams. 135 327 C'ejits. 10 10 Grams. 38 92 Cal. 355 ?. Braised '■ 860 Corned ft 3 26.3 26.3 3.26 3.26 2 3 2 2 105 108 8 8 28 •28 342 4 Do. 6 352 Average 5 26.3 3.26 4 106 8 28 346 Roast a fi 24.1 •24.1 •24.1 23.7 30.9 30.9 30.9 28.0 23.5 23.5 12.8 11.7 28.0 •28.0 12.0 V2.0 12.0 3.16 3.16 3.16 2.10 2.97 2.97 2.97 2.63 3.27 3.27 2.67 .78 2.63 2.63 1.78 1.78 1.73 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 2 2 2 5 2 7 2 3 5 5 1 1 1 82 92 86 327 98 115 109 133 175 208 108 1^25 279 234 171 170 265 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 20 50 10 10 10 10 7 7 6 •20 22 21 78 30 36 34 37 41 49 14 15 78 66 21 20 32 259 7 Do.'- 291 « Do. ft 272 9 Stew « 687 10 Steak a 291 n Do.ft 342 V? Do. ft.. 324 13 Hamburg steak ft 350 14 Kump steak ft 572 15 Tenderloin ft. .. . . 680 16 Tongue'' 288 17 Tripe c 98 18 19 Croquettes ft Do.ft 1 2 1 2 3 1 1 2 2 2 734 615 90 Ha.shft 304 ?1 Do.ft 303 n Do.ft 472 Frizzled beef with eggs ft ?3 10.7 10.7 10.7 1.54 1.54 1.54 1 2 3 1 1 1 177 154 112 10 10 9 19 17 12 273 ?3h Do.« 237 ?4 Do.ft 172 Average ?4fl 10.7 1.54 3 148 10 16 227 Potpie « ?!i 17.3 17.3 31.0 31.0 1.9 17.3 21.7 19.7 19.7 19.7 19.7 12.8 21.7 19.7 3.13 3.13 2.39 •2.39 .78 3.13 4.07 2.32 2. 32 •2.32 2.32 •2.67 4.07 •2.32 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 •265 220 136 r27 86 265 73 75 1^24 120 106 108 '257 135 10 10 15 10 r{) 10 u a> Kind of food. 39 40 , 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 63 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 I 72 73 74 75 76 76a 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 Pork: Bacon '> with eggs'' (see No. 78) Do.'' Do.''... Ciiops <• Cutlets b with fried apples" (see No 242) Ham, cakesc Ham, fried b Do.'' Ham hashed with eggs t> Ham friedf ( with eggs '') (see No. 78) . . Ham boiled I- (with eggsf) (see No. 78). Sausage t> Poultry: Chicken pie '' Chiekeu wings b with toast « (see No. 139) (Uiieken wings b with toast « Turkey, roast, with dressing « Do.'' Do.'' Soups: Chowder " Puree of peas « Soups a Do. n Do.rf Fish: Ba.ss and cod, fried <■ Halibut, fried '' Mackerel, broiled *> Smelts, fried '' Sea trout, fried trout, baked white- fish'' Lobsters, boiled '' Oysters, raw, 1 dozen <• Oysters, fried c Oyster .stew, ordinary <' Do.'' Oyster stew, special a Oyster pie '• Scallops, fried h Shrimp salad with dressing '' Fish balls b Do. ft Eggs, hens': 2 raw, boiled, and dropped <■ 2 fried,'' ' Do.c Do.a Omelet '' Do.b Do. n Scrambled '' Do.'' Do. n Dairy products: Butter '' Do.'' Do.'' Cheese'' Cheese, sage '' Cream '» Cream'' with .strawberries (see No. 256) Milk, bowl '' Milk, glass" M ilk, pitcher b Breakfast cereals, etc.: Prepared cereal '' Do.b o eld .a 0) o p. o a Hi be O. >. I? D w _ U-, "I' la 1^ Cal. 7.31 7.31 7.31 6.62 6.62 4.41 4.41 4.41 3.27 4.41 3.28 6.27 2.43 2.18 2.18 1.86 1.86 1.86 .53 .95 .44 .26 .45 1.89 4.08 1.80 1.89 1.89 1.15 .59 .59 .54 .54 .57 3.13 1.54 1.54 2.11 2.11 1.64 2.45 2. 45 2.45 2.42 2.42 2.42 5.20 5.20 5.20 7.92 7.92 7.92 4.68 4.68 2.03 2.03 .76 .76 .76 4.16 4.15 4.16 No. 1 2 3 Average per order. Weight. Orams. 31 43 26 190 194 195 80 68 195 80 76 116 233 94 85 245 287 298 246 189 193 213 203 140 140 145 121 M122 98 200 114 197 267 420 220 106 183 158 149 101 94 87 85 158 188 158 168 147 176 12 12 13 20 17 66 45 346 188 101 68 56 68 Cost. Cents. 4 4 4 10 15 10 10 lb 10 12 10 12 10 10 15 15 15 3 3 3 3 3 tlO 10 10 10 10 25 16 25 10 10 16 12 10 15 6 5 e8 8 8 6 10 10 8 10 10 8 1 1 1 1 1 2 rO J 4 2 1 4 4 4 Pro- tein. En- ergy. Gravis. Cal. 7 227 10 6 40 41 43 18 15 44 18 15 23 51 17 15 49 58 60 6 8 5 4 6 36 46 32 31 32 18 12 7 8 11 16 38 27 46 20 19 13 12 11 11 19 23 19 40 35 42 5 4 2 1 12 7 4 8 7 8 314 190 1,258 1,284 860 353 300 638 353 249 727 566 206 185 466 534 564 130 180 85 55 91 265 571 261 229 231 113 118 67 106 139 239 689 163 282 333 314 166 230 213 208 382 465 382 874 764 915 96 96 103 94 80 132 91 263 143 . 77 282 232 282 8 Table 1 -Percentage of protein, amount of energy per gram, and average weight, cost. lrnount%- protein, aid energy per order of different kmds of food-Contmued. J3 13 Oatmeal, boiled a Do. a Do.b Rice, boiled « Do.b Do.b Shredded wheat biscuits, 2 e Wheat, boiled a Do.b Average Bread, crackers, etc.: Bread, white b 1)0. b Do.b Bread, Graham b Do. ft Do.b Bread, comb Do.b Do.b Bread, Boston brown b Do.b Do.b Biscuit, soda b Do.b Do.b Gems, Graham b Do.b Average Rolls b Do.b Do.b Toast, dry e Toast, buttered" Do.b Average Toast, creamed <• Toastb, with chicken wings (see No. 52) Toast c, with eggs and with minced lamb (see Nos. 77 and 38) Toast b, with asparagus (see No. 218) . . Scones b Buckwheat cakes b Do.b Griddlecakesb Do." Average Crackers, Graham b Do.b Oyster crackers b Do.b Crackers for soup b Do.b Average Macaroni " Do.b Average 9 Table 1. — Percentage of protein, amount of energy per gram, and average vjeight, roKt, amount of protein, and energy per order of different kinds of food — Continued. c i Kind of food. P. o a.S O 0) u o p. 2 a i bo >. 01 a 2 Ol Average per order. 5 0) c 2 £ 05 o Ol g e Weight. Cost. Pro- tein. En- ergy. 158 15Q Dessert.s, etc.: Cake, b average of several kinds ft Do i> Per ct. 6.3 6.3 6.3 7.0 7.0 7.0 6.7 6.7 6.7 4.1 5.8 5.8 5.8 3.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 5.5 1.0 6.3 4.1 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.8 2.8 2.8 Cat. No. 3.89 ! 1 3.89 2 5 9 3 2 6 2 3 2 Grams. 47 44 50 32 33 38 47 38 49 146 43 46 49 158 172 158 150 183 187 172 150 82 126 78 120 138 114 127 115 119 76 209 226 198 88 95 90 64 Cents. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 } 7 5 5 4 5 4 4 4 7 rQ 2 7 7 7 4 4 4 6 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 Grams. 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 6 2 3 3 5 7 6 6 8 8 7 8 1 8 3 3 4 3 4 3 3 17 19 16 6 7 6 1 Cat. 183 171 160 Do. ft 3.89 4.35 4.35 4.35 4.61 4.61 4.61 1.87 3.84 3 1 2 3 1 2 194 161 139 1fi'> Do h 144 IfiS Do '' 165 164 217 165 Do. ft 175 166 Do. ft 3 1 2 2 1 6 226 lfi7 Eclairs ft 273 168 169 Gineerbread ft 165 Do. ft 3. 84 2 6 177 170 Do ft 3.84 1 3 2.86 I 2 3 5 188 171 Fritters, aoole <" 452 172 173 Pies, ft average of several kinds ft Do. ft 2.94 1 2 2. 94 2 5 506 465 174 Do. ft 2.94 1.87 1.57 1.72 1.90 .40 3.89 2.94 2.09 2.09 2.09 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.28 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.15 1.15 1.15 .20 3 8 441 175 176 Puddings, a average of several kindsft. Do.ft 1 2 13 11 342 294 177 Do.ft 3 1 3 1 296 17H Pudding. Indian ft 285 179 180 181 182 Strawberry shortcakeft, berries" (see No. 180). Strawberrv shortcake, ft crust (see No. 179). Tart.s, dam.son, raspberries, etc. ft Ice cream ft 3 3 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 2 2 3 1 2 4 3 5 4 5 4 4 2 2 2 33 490 229 251 183 288 184 Do.ft . .. 238 185 128 186 Do.ft 116 187 Do.ft 120 188 Sherbet <" 97 18Q Beans baked (f 8.2 8.2 8.2 7.2 7.2 7.2 1.0 320 190 346 191 Do.ft 303 192 Beans, Lima ft 101 193 Do.a 109 194 104 195 Beans, waxft 3 2 13 196 197 Peasft Do.ft Averaare 3.6 3.6 .64 .64 2 3 3 3 81 85 3 2 3 3 52 .54 198 3.6 .64 1 6 83 3 3 .53 199 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.5 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.5 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.01 1.16 1.16 1.16 1 2 3 3 1 2 3 4 12 7 4 5 6 6 141 149 129 143 136 141 143 143 125 119 130 85 130 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 5 /2 1 4 3 4 148 200 Do.ft 156 201 Do.ft 135 202 Potatoes, boiled ft 144 203 Potatoes mashed ft . . 158 204 Do.ft 164 205 Do.ft 166 206 1.01 144 207 2. 55 1.94 2.25 2.25 2.25 1 2 3 3 "5' 3 3 319 207a Do « 231 208 292 209 Potatoes French fried ft 191 210 Potatoes. German fried, and griddledc Potatoes, 1 vonnaiseft Do.ft..". Average Potatoes hashed brownft 292 211 212 3.4 3.4 2.25 2.25 1 3 2 4 j 88 \ 112 s2 2 3 4 198 252 213 3.4 2.25 6 100 2 3 1 225 OJ4 3.4 2.5 i 3.0 ! 3.0 1.5 2.3 1.6 2.25 1.01 2.11 2.11 3 1 1 1 179 117 185 183 60 83 108 147 2 5 2 2 8 3 3 2 6 3 6 5 1 2 2 2 403 215 Potato salad'' 2 1 2 1 3 5 2 1 1 1 118 216 217 Sweet potatoes, boiled and baked ft Do. ft 390 ;i86 218 219 Asparagus, ft with toast " (see No. 141) . . .20 3 .44 3 .34 2 12 37 220 I Pflbhflp'p f* 37 221 ! Do 6 1.6 .34 3 50 1 .m^7— Xn 1 ,^2— n.=s 2 10 Table 1. — Percentage of protein, amount of energy per gram, and average veight, cost, amount of protein, and energy per order of different kinds of food — Continued. a s c HI u a e5 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 263 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 Kind of food. Vegetables— Continued. Celery c Corn, stewed b Do.fi Do. fi Onions, rawfi Onions, boiled b Radishes fi Spinach f Succotash fi Do.fi Tomatoes, stewed fi Do.fi Average . Turnips 6 Hash, vegetable <• Pickles, sweet c Pickles 6 Do.fi Fruits: Apples fi Apples, baked <• Apples, 6 fried, with pork cutlets (.see No. 43) Bananas fi . Do.fi.. Average . Cherries, canned fi. Grapes fi Do.fi Figs, dried fi Oranges fi. Do. 6.. Average . Peaches, canned fi Prunes, stewed fi Do.fi Strawberriesfiwith cream!i(seeNo. 93). Preserves, « average of several kinds'*. Sauces, fi average of several kinds A . . . Sugars, etc. : Sugar, teaspoonfuls <• Sirup c Honey <■• Beverages:/) Cocoa (1 Coflfee ri and tea rf Cereal coflfee f Chocolate f' Birch beer, ginger ale, sarsaparilla <•. . . Lemonade <" Combination meals: i Breakfasts Do Do Lunches Do Do Dinner Do Do o C I O", o 2 Per ct. 1.1 2.8 2.8 2.8 1.6 1.2 1.3 2.1 3.6 3.6 be a Cal. 0.20 1.06 1.05 1.05 .52 .43 .32 .60 1.05 1.05 1.2 1.2 .25 .25 1.2 .25 1.3 .60 3.4 2.25 1.1 .25 1.1 .25 1.1 .25 .3 .6 .48 .77 2 1.57 .8 1.1 1.0 1.0 4.3 .65 .65 .65 .91 .74 .74 3.22 .6 .6 .6 .7 .6 .6 1.0 .5 1.1 .8 .2 2.1 4.6 4.2 4.4 4.9 6.4 4.0 6.1 .5.7 6.2 .38 .38 .38 .48 1.16 1.16 .40 2.45 .81 3.95 2.77 3.21 .31 .17 .07 .72 .45 .45 1.25 1.34 1.34 1.70 1.99 1.58 1.46 1.33 1.39 .s ^ o Hi r No. 12 12 Average per order. Weight. Grams. 75 78 63 83 81 91 66 125 90 91 Cost. Cents. 5 3 3 2 3 3 4 2 3 2 107 89 98 168 179 67 67 58 127 157 63 92 6 5 1 1 2 4 rO 165 140 148 85 105 185 87 228 234 231 69 112 94 135 66 9 75 75 184 184 184 184 225 200 570 591 545 634 499 428 627 531 459 4 4 4 o7 4 4 rO 2 4 3 3 3 6 6 2 10 10 10 10 10 10 12 12 12 Pro- tein. Grains. 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 3 3 3 1.4 1.4 1.4 26 25 24 26 32 17 32 30 24 n Percentage of protein, energy per gram, and average weight per order actually determined, fi Percentage of protein and ehergv per gram, estimated, either from analy.ses of similar materials previouslv published (U. S. Dept. Agr., Office of Experiment Stations Buls. 28 and 75), or from 11 determinations made in connection with these studies, on materials sampled in one period but used in another. Average weight per order actually found. c Percentage of protein, energy per gram, arid average weight per order, all estimated from corre- sponding data for similar materials. rfPercent^ige of protein and energy per gram actually determined, but average weight per order estimated from that of similar materials. ''The cost per order decreased 2 cents in period 3. / "German fried " potatoes cost 2 cents, but " griddled " cost 10 cents per order. 9 In periods 1 and 2 the cost per order was 3 cents. h The average weight per order of pie was ascertained from the weighings of a number of orders of different kinds of pie. ^Yhen the subject used several kinds during the same period, this average weight was used in computing the amount of protein and energy obtained; but when only one kind was used, the weight per order of that particular kind was taken for the computation. The same is true of preserves, puddings, sauces, and cake. The cost per order of cake is here given as 1 cent, since that wa,s the price in the majority of cases. For some kinds, however, the cost was larger: con- sequently the total cost for cake given in the tables of some of the studies is not equal to the number of orders" times the price here given. These differences are noted in the tables beyond. • In the case of the combination meals, as here tabulated, the figures for percentage of protein, energy per gram, cost, and weight per order do not include the corresponding data for the bread and the tea, coffee, or milk that always formed part of such meals. Since the quantity of both the bread and the drink with the meal wasthe same as in the usual "orders" of these materials they may be recorded with separate orders of the .same materials, and in computing the results of the studies it was found more convenient to record them thus. Accordingly, the price of the combination meals as actually served is here reduced by the price of the bread and the drink deducted. The proportion of protein and energy per gram of the combination meals, minus the bread and drink, were ascertained from the amount, protein content, and energ>' value of the various materials that were included. For the most part these data were obtained by actual determinations on samples of the materials, though in the case of a few of the less important materials the data were estimated. i Hot milk cost 5 cents per bowl. fcThe cost per order was 4 cents in period 1. ' Sometimes formed part of an order, with bacon or ham. See note u. ni The cost per order decreased 1 cent in period 3. "The weight per order of sea trout was 120 grams. oThe cost per order of strawberries varied from week to week during the same period. The total co.st for this item in any study is that of the total number of orders at the price actually paid rather than at the average price here given. pTea and coffee that contained neither milk nor sugar were assumed to contain no nutrients. 1 \ special order. r In the case of sugar there was no charge. In the case of other materials thus marked the cost was included elsewhere, as shown by the cross references. sThe regular price of lyonnaise potatoes was 2 cents per order, but in a few cases some special orders that cost 5 cents each were served. ' Fried ba.ss cost 10 cents, fried cod 11 cents, per order. "and I'Some orders included more than one kind of food material, each of different composition; for example, ham and eggs (No. 48) or veal with gravy and dressing (No. 28). To calculate the quantity of protein and energy in the whole order it was necessary to ascertain the weight, percent- age of protein, and energy per gram for each kind of material. Inthe case of such orders as veal and dressing, where the one was always accompanied by the other, the cost per order is given with the main item, and the other is marked 0. In the case of such orders as ham and eggs, where either part could be ordered separately, the cost of each part is given by itself. Where average figures are given in the table above, the average figures in the last two columns are obtained by multiplying the average weight per order by the average percentage of protein and energy per gram rather than by summing the individual items and dividing by the number of items. With the foregoing data regarding the weight, cost, and amounts of protein and energ}^ for one average order of each of the various dishes at our disposal, and having in addition a record of the number of times each dish was eaten by the man in question, the calculation of the daily ration becomes possible. In making such calculations, how- ever, it is ver}^ essential that the information given in the footnotes to the table above be also taken into consideration. The tables fol- lowing the explanatory data given in the account of each dietary study beyond show the cost and the amounts of protein and energy in the average food eaten daily during the periods included. The numbers in parentheses after the names of the foods refer to the places where those articles may be found in Table 1 above. The second number indicates the number of orders eaten and the third shows the total co.st of the orders. For example, in Table 3 we find the item "chowder (57), 2, 6 cents," which means that the composition, cost, etc., of an order of chowder ma}' be found ])y looking up No. 57 in Table 1, that two orders were eaten, and that the total cost was 6 cents. 12 In the tables showing the results of the studies all food materials are grouped under 13 general classes, viz, soups, dairy products, cereals, breads, desserts, vegetables, fruits, beverages, combination meals, sugars (ordinary sugar and sirup), meats (including hash, unless otherwise itemized), fish, and eggs. Combination meals appear without l)read and beverages and represent the characteristic part of the meal only. It is the custom at Randall Hall to serve with the com- bination meals several kinds of bread, and tea, coffee, or milk at the option of the individual. Since the size of the portions of bread and the quantity of the beverages are the same as when ordered separatel}^, these may be recorded as if separate from the combination meals and, both for the sake of convenience and in order that the different kinds of food materials might, so far as possible, be grouped according to their respective classes, this method was followed in the tables. The actual value of a com))ination meal as served is greater than would appear from the figures in the tables by the nutrients contained in that particular selection of bread and drink which accompanied the meal; the cost likewise is greater by 2 cents. On the other hand, the figures indicating the nutrients and energy furnished by separate orders of breads and beverages are necessarily too high by the same amount that the combination meals appear too low, and the same applies to the cost. However, it is plain that the matter is simply one of distribu- tion, the tinal value of the ration being, of course, unaffected. The data showing the nutritive value of the diet are calculated on the basis of digestible protein and available energ}- in addition to the more usual basis which refers to amounts eaten. The figures for digestible protein and available energy were included and used in the discussion because it was believed that these data could be calculated with reasonable accuracy by means of factors, and that the results so obtained offered a more satisfactor}' basis for comparison and discus- sion than the statistics of quantities eaten. The factors or coefficients emplo3'ed for digestibility of protein and availability of energy were deduced from the results of a large num- ber of studies carried on in connection with the nutrition investigations of the Office of Experiment Stations and other similar work, and are given in Table 2 below. Their accuracy, the importance of many of them, the relation between digestible or available nutrients and nutrients eaten, and related topics have been discussed in detail by Atwater" and by Atwater and Bryant,'' and also referred to in earlier bulletins of this series.'" The figures show how much of the protein of different foods and food groups is digested — that is, taken up by the body and utilized. « Connecticut Storrs Station Rpt. 1899, p. 69. ''Ibid., p. 73. cU. S. Dept. Agr., Offit-e of Experiment Stations Buls. 126, p. 19, and 136, p. 105. 13 In a similar way the figures for energy show how much of the total enertrv of the food has been made availa})le for the uses of the body in the processes of digestion and assimihition. Table 2. — Coetficients of digestibilitj^ of protein and amilability of energy of different classes of food materials. Class of food. Soups Meatfi Fish Eggs Dairy products Breakfast cereals . . . Bread, crackers, etc. Desserts yegetables Fruits Sugars Beverages Combination meals. Protein. Per cent. 97 97 97 97 97 85 85 85 83 So 97 92 Energy. Per cent. 86 87 85 89 93 91 91 93 91 88 98 98 92 DETAILS OF THE DIETARIES. In the following pages the details of the dietary studies with the ten students are recorded. DIETARY STUDY NO. 401. The subject of dietary study No. 401, who is designated A, was 81 years of age", 5 feet 1.8 inches in height, and weighed 106.7 pounds. In physical deyelopnient and state of nutrition he was decidedly below the ayerage, as was also the case with his bodily strength. He was a student in the graduate school, his course being exclusiyely mathe- matical and rather difficult. He slept 7 or 8 hours, and deyoted one- half hour to o-vmnasium exercise or walked 30 minutes to 2 hours daily. The main part of his day was spent at intellectual work, aver- aging S to 1(» hours. There was practically no change in the pro- gramme throughout the year. The following table shows the results for the three periods of the dietary study and the ayerage results for the whole inyestigation. « This and all similar data refer to values at the beginning of the experimental period. 14 Table 8. — Kinds of food, number of orders, and cost of each kind, and average cost and amounts of protein and etiergy of dietary study Xo. 401. SUBJECT A. [For explanation of numbers in parentheses, see p. 11.] Cost, protein, and energy of daily food. Kinds of food, number of order?, and cost of each kind. Cost. Period 1, S iceeks, 2koi-einber SO to December SO. Chowder (57), 2, 6 cents; soup (59), 13, 39 cents. Total soups, etc Cheese, sage (91 1, 1. 1 cent: buner (87), 41. 41 cents; milk, glass (95i, 15. 30 cents; milk, bowl (hot) (94), 1. 5 cents: milk. 4-ounce pitchers (96). 30. 30 cents. Total dairy products Prepared cereal (97), 2. 8 cents: hominv (100), 2, 8 cents; oatmeal (103). 21, 84 cent.*: rice" (106), 5, 20 cents. Total breakfast cereals, etc Bread, white (113), 13, 13 cents: bread, Graham ( 116), 89, 89 cents: bread. Boston brown ( 122 1. 6, 12 cents; Graham gems (130 », 8. 8 cents: crackers for soup (152). 15. 15 cents; bread, com (119). 5. 5 cents; rolls (131). 6. 6 cents: biscuit (125), 8. 8 cents. Total breads, crackers, etc Cake (158). 4. ^a cents; gingerbread (lt>8), 1, 1 cent; pie (172). 2. 10 cents. Total desserts, etc Potatoes, baked (199), 11, 22 cents: sweet potatoes (216). 4. 8 cents; succotash (230). 1, 3 cents. Total vegetables Bananas (245), 1, 2 cents; oranges (252), 2, 6 cents. Total fruits Sugar, teaspoonfuls (259), 140,0b Cereal coffee 1 264 1 5, 15 cents; cocoa (262), 9, 27 cents. Total beverages Combination lunches 1 271 ). 6. 60 cents; dinners (274), 6, 72 cents. Total combination meals Total food . CenU. 2.1 5.1 Period 2, 3 iceeks, February U to March 6. Beefsteak pie (26). 1, 10 cents Chowder (57), 1, 3 cents: soup (60) , 3. 9 cents. Total soups, etc Butter (88), 45, 45 cents; milk, glass (95), 17. 34 cents: milk, 4-ounce pitchers (96), 39, 39 cents. Total dairy products I*repafed cereal (98), 9. 36 cents: oatmeal (104), 21, 63 cents; rice (107). 2. 6 cents: wheat (110), 7, 21 cents. Total breakfast cereals, etc Bread, Graham (117). 103. SI. 03: bread. Boston brown ir23), 5, 10 cents; biscuit (r26). 2, 2 cents. Total bread, clickers, etc Pie (173), 1, Scents; tarts (181), 1, 2 cents. Total desserts Potatoes, baked (200), 9. 18 cents; potatoes, boiled (202). 1, 2 cents: sweet potatoes (217), 11, 22 cents. Total vegetables Oranges (2.t0). 20. 60 cents Sugar, teaspoonfuls i259). 146,0b Cocoa (262), 12, 36 cents: coffee (263), 1,3 cents. Total beverages r Combination lunches (272), 11, SI. 10; dinners (275), 2, 24 cents. Total combination meals Total food. Period 3. 5 iceeks, May 8 to May ?S. Beef, roast (8), 3. 30 cents Eggs, dropped (77), 10,f 30 cents: eggs, fried (80), 1,<- 3 cents; eggs, scrambled (86), 1, 8 cents; e^ omelet (83). 1. 8 cents. Total eggs Chowder (57), 3, 9 cents; soup (61). 3. 9 cents. Total soups, etc Cream (with strawberries) (93), l.O-.b butter (89), 35, 35 cents; milk, glass (95), 1, 2 cents: milk, bowl (94). 14, 56 cents: milk. 4-ounce pitchers (96), 31, 31 cents. Total dairy products 7.4 .9 1.6 .4 2.0 6.3 31.5 .0 .6 5.6 6.0 5.5 .3 2.0 2.9 SI.: 1.4 2.3 .9 5.9 Total. Protein. Grams. 3.9 10.7 9.6 41.4 1.3 3.1 .2 1.9 ! 6.4 1.0 16.7 Energy. Calories. 65 413 297 1,429 91 156 13 237 27 479 87.9 3,207 1.8 .9 12.1 9.7 33.3 .4 4.7 1.3 1.2 19.6 33 14 462 313 1,110 33 276 82 247 587 85.0 3,191 3.0 6.3 13.9 39 106 32 4n Digesti- ble protein. Crrams. 3.8 10.4 8.2 35.2 1.1 2.6 .2 1.0 15.4 Avail- able energy. Calories. 56 384 270 1,300 85 142 11 232 27 441 1.8 .9 11.7 8.2 28.3 .3 3.9 1.1 1.2 18.0 75.4 2.9 6.1 1.6 13.5 2,948 29 12 430 285 1,010 31 251 72 242 33 540 2,9:i5 34 a See footnote A to Table 1. ft See footnote r to Table 1. f Orders for one-half the usual amount. 15 T.\Bi.K S.— Kinds of food, number of orders, and cost of each kind, and arerage cost and amounts of protein and energy of dietary study Xo. 401 — Continued! SITBJECT A— Continued. Cost, protein, and energy of daily food. Kind.s of food, number of orders, and cost of each kind. Total. Digesti- ble protein. Avail- Cost. Protein. Energy. able energy. Period .i, S weeks, May S to yfai/ «S~Continued. Prepared cereal (99), 2, 8 cents; hominy (102). 1, 3 ceiii.";: oatmeal (lOb). 21. (iS cent.<: rice (lOi*). 5, 15 cents: shredded wheat (109), l,'. 8.2 25.9 2.3 2.1 .4 Calories. 275 909 Cake (ItWi. 4. 4 cents; ice cream (184 i, 1, 7 cents; pie (174), 2. 8 cents; pudding (177), 4, Iti cents. Total desserts 137 Beans, baked (191), 2, Scents: potatoes, boiled (202), 1, 2 cents: potatoes, hashed (214), 1, 2 cents: pota- toes, ma.-*hed ( 2a5 ) , 3, 6 cents. Total vegetables Bananas i244), 3. 6 cents: oranges (251), 6, IS cents; strawberries (with cream) (256), 1, 7 cents. Total fruits. 72 36 Sugar, teaspoonfuls (2-59), 150, 0;ft sirup (260), 1, 2 cents. Total sugar, etc 259 Cix'oa (262), 10, 30 cents: lemonade (267), 2, 4 cents; tea (263). 1, 3 cents. Total beverages 1.0 12.2 1 II 36 Combination lunches (273), .s. ,S0 cents; dinners (276), 5, 60 cents. Total combination meals . 409 11 2 H-7R Tola 1 food 33.6 83.9 2,926 75.2 ' 2,694 .\verage for three periods 32.3 85.6 3,108 7fi 9 9 8.5a 'I Order for one-half the usual amount. 6 See footnote r to Table 1. In regard to the diet of this .subject, the most striking feature is the exceedingly small amount of meat, e^f^s, and iish eaten, roughly al)out 35 per cent of the digestible protein being derived from animal foods and 05 per cent from vegetable foods. In period 1 no meat, tish, eggs, or hash was eaten except that served in the comliination meals, and such meals amounted to but a small fraction of the total diet, furnishing only about 20 per cent of the total digestible protein and 15 per cent of the total available energy. In periods 2 and 3 the protein furnished by the meat eaten, aside from that of the combination meals, was also low, amounting to only about '2.0 to 4: per cent of the total. Kggs were eaten only in period 3. and then in double the average amount. The small amounts of meats, tish, and hash eaten ))y Subject A are very noticeable when comparison is made with the average for the ten subjects included in this investig-ation. In such an average about 13 per cent of the total cost of the average diet was for meats, tish, and hash, which fur- nished about IT per cent of the total digestible protein and 5.5 per cent of the total available energy, whereas Subject A spent about 2 per cent of his total outlay on meats, tish. and hasli, yielding about 2 per 16 cent of the total digestible protein and less than 1 per cent of the total available enerj^y. At the same time the sum spent b}' Subject A on cereals and on soups was about 100 per cent, and on breadstutfs 33 per cent more than the average of the subjects studied, while his expenditure for desserts was about 50 per cent and for vegetables and for beverages about 70 per cent of the average. It should be men- tioned that, owing to the choice of the cheapest foods, he obtained for 1 cent spent on breadstuff's nearly 25 per cent more nutrients and on vegetables about 15 per cent more than the average for all the men studied. With the other classes of food he bought for 1 cent not far from the average amounts. It has been pointed out that about 65 per cent of the protein was of vegetable origin. It is further true that breads and cereals together furnished })v far the larger part of this protein (over 50 per cent of the total in the diet) and a like proportion of energy, the amounts from vegetables proper and fruits being very small, about 3 or -1 per cent. The total digestible protein in the diet for the three periods averages 76.2 grams, or about 83 per cent of the commonly accepted standard for a man of sedentary habits, namely, 92 grams of digestible protein. On the other hand, the available energy averages 2,859 calories, or rather more than the standard calls for, i. e., 2,700 calories of available energy. The quantity of protein was remarkably uniform through the three periods (fall, winter, and spring), but the energy dropped from about 2,910 calories (average of fall and winter) to 2,691 calories in the spring term. The small sum (about one-half as much as the average) spent on desserts is wise, since such foods would have furnished little protein and energy in proportion to their cost; but the 6 per cent of the aver- age outlay per day spent on beverages might have been avoided with advantage and the sum expended for more nourishing foods. Milk i.- not included under the head of beverages, but appears under "dairy products." It is an economical food. Subject A led throughout the year a regular life, with constant appli- cation to his university work. His diet was practically constant, being unusuallj' low in protein and almost vegetarian in character. At the end of the investigation, Ma,}\ 1901, he showed a gain of 7.5 pounds. As may be seen from Table 16, his general strength, as shown on the machines, and his chest, waist, and thigh measurements increased proportionatel^^ At the beginning of the study he was classed after examination as underdeveloped and undernourished. At the end no marked change showed itself other than the increase in ])odily weight. His intellectual efforts, if we may judge from the grades attained in his studies (see Table 18, p. 61), were attended with success above the •S 17 ordinary. In other words, the diet of Subject A, although ver^- low in protein and about equal to the average as regards energy, appears to have been a little more than sufficient to maintain him in equilibrium with his environment, which was essentiall}' one calling for intellectual and not physical work. DIETARY STUDY NO. 402. Subject B was 20 years of age, 5 feet 8.0 inches in height, and weighed 131.8 pounds. In general development he was apparently not far from the average of his age, although in point of imtrition he was classed among the fairly well nourished. He was a freshman in the college, and Latin, German, French, history, and physics all found a place in the course he selected for the year. To his college duties he devoted 7 to 8 hours per da}-, including lectures, reading, and preparation. He slept 7 to 8 hours. In the fall he walked or plaj^ed football one hour every other day on an average. In the winter he walked from 30 minutes to 1 hour every other day, and in the spring he played base- ball for 30 minutes to 2 hours with about the same frequency. In addition to his studies and exercise, during period 1 he worked in a barber shop at odd times, and during period 2 he added to this pro- gramme by serving as a student waiter at Randall Hall for one or two hours dail}' for about a week. In period 3, the spring period, he did no work outside of his academic course. Table 4. — Kinds of food, number of orders, and cost of each kind, and average cost and amounts of protein and energy of dietary study JVo. 402. SUBJECT B. [For explanation of numbers in parentheses see p. 11.] Kinds of food, number of orders, and cost of each kind. Period 1, 3 weeks, November SO to December 20. Beef, roast (6), 2, 20 cents; beef, pressed corned (5), 1,8 cents; potpie (25), 1,10 cents; beef hash (20), 5,35 cents; pork chops (42), 1, 10 cents. Total meats, etc Chowder (57), 1, 3 cents: souf>s (59), 2, 6 cents. Total soups, etc Smelts, fried (65), 1, 10 cents Eggs, dropped (77), 1, 8 cents; eggs, with toast (77), 2, 16 cents; eggomelet (81), 1, lOcents. Total eggs Butter (87), 27,27 cents; cheese (90), 5, 5 cents; milk, bowl (94), 9, 36 cents; milk, glass (95), 3, 6 cents; milk, 4-ounce pitchers (96), 12, 12 cents. Total dairv products Homiiiv (100). 7, 28 cents; oatmeal (103), 2, 8 cents; rice (106), 1,4 cents; wheat (112), 2, 8 cents. Total Bread, whiteYllStj, 34, 34 cents;' bread, Gratiam (116), 9,9cents; bread, corn f 119) , 17, 17 cents; rolls(131), 14, 14 cents; toast (134), l,2cents; toast (with eggs) (140), 2, 4 cents; toast, buttered (137), 1, 3 cents: crackers, for .soup (152), 24, 24 cents; buckwheat cakes (143), 2, 10 cents. Total bread, crackers, etc Cake (158), 2, 2 cents; pudding, plum (175), 1,5 cents. Total desserts 13087— No. 152— (r> 8 Cost, protein. and energy of daily T.ital. Digesti- ble protein. Cost. Protein. Energy. CC7ltS. 4.0 Gramn. 12. 2 Calories. 213 Grains, 11.8 .4 .5 .8 1.5 14 11 .8 1.6 1.6 2.8 42 2.7 4.1 9.5 322 9.2 2.3 2.6 102 2.2 5.6 25.5 881 21.7 .3 .7 34 .6 Avail- able energy. Calories. 185 12 9 37 299 93 802 32 18 SUBJECT B— Continued. Kinds of food, number of orders, and cost of each kind. Cost, protein, and energy of daily food. Period 1, 3 weeks, November SO to December 20-Confd Beans, baked (189), 15, 60 cents; potatoes fried (207) 1 2 cents; potatoes, lyonnaise (211 ) , 2, 4 ct'its. ^weei potatoes (216), 1,2 cents; hash, vegetable (236), 1, potatoc„ ^ — ,, , ficents. Total vegetables - ,ot;a^ oir Sirup (200), 2, 4 cents; sugar, teaspoonfuls (259), 216, 0S. Beef roast (8), 4,40 cents; beefsteak (12), 1, 10 cents; ""beef hasli (22), 1, 6 cents; ''""^ minced (wih toast) (38), 1, 8 cents; pork, chops (42), 2,20 cents. Total meats, etc ■ - - • • ■ • ■ ■ ■ • ' ' ' UVV ' Chowder (.57), 1, 3 cents; soups (61), 4, 12 cents. Total soups, etc Mackerel (64), 5. 50 cents Eees { with toast ) (77 ) , 2, 12 cents - . - ■ - ■ Butter 89), 14, 14 cents; cream <^i^'- J}- f „|-"t^-' milk, bowl (94), 9, 36 cents; m Ik glass (95), 3, 6 cents; milk, 4-ounce pitchers (96 1, 2, 2 cents. To- tal dairy products .-.•■- - - - • • ■•-;■•■• ;{n6r V "q Prepared cereal (99), 1, 4 cents; hominy (102), 3, 9 ^ oatmeal (105), 2, 6 cents; nee (108), 5, 15 (111), 2, 6 cents. Total breaktast Grams. 13.3 38.1 4.2 .4 1.1 5.3 2.4 5.4 .5 1.0 .y .1 .9 11.3 33.5 4.0 cents; cents; wheat cereals, etc .7 2.4 .6 3.7 Energy. 1.4 33.0 Calories. 300 385 34 928 103.3 12.5 .9 1.9 13.7 3.5 22. 0 1.0 4.6 .5 .4 30.1 91.1 12. 2 1.4 7.5 1.2 a See footnote r to 1.9 Table 1. 2.8 Digesti- ble protein. Avail- able energy. Grams. 11.0 3,266 207 21 24 397 131 749 64 93 43 409 10 854 3,002 224 24 62 16 272 111 1.4 30.4 93.3 Calories. 273 377 33 854 3,006 12.1 .9 1.8 13.3 3.0 18.7 .9 3.8 .4 .4 27.7 83.0 11.8 1.4 7.3 1.2 7.1 2.4 180 18 21 369 119 682 60 85 38 401 10 2,769 195 21 53 14 2.53 101 19 Table 4. — Kinds of food, number of orders, and cost of each kind, and average cost and amounts of protein and energy of dietary study No. 402 — Continued. SUBJECT B— Continued. # Cost, protein, and energy of daily food. Kinds of food, number of orders, and cost of each kind. Total. Digesti- ble protein. Avail- able energy. Cost. Protein. Energy. Period 5, 3 weeks, May S to May 28— Continued. Bread, white (115). 27, 27 cents: bread, Graham (118), 3. 3 cents; bread, corn (121), 20, 20 cents; gems, Graham (129), 1, 1 cent; rolls (133), 18, 18 cents; toast, buttered (136), 2, 6 cents; toast (with eggs and with lamb) (140), 3, 6 cents; griddlecakes (146), 2,8 cents; macaroni (156), 2, 12 cents. Total Cents. 4.8 1.7 2.0 .4 .5 2.9 11.1 Grams. 19.8 2.4 4.9 .2 Calories. 650 160 141 17 408 41 706 Grams. 16.8 2.0 4.1 .2 Calories. 592 Cake, chocolate (160), 1, 1 cent; pudding, Indian (178), 1, 4 cents; pie (174). 6, 24 cents; ice cream hkjV 1 7 ppnts Total desserts 149 Beans, baked (191), 4, 16 cents; beets, pickled (219), 1, 3 cents: potatoes, baked (201), 2, 4 cents: pota- toes, boiled (202), 4, 8 cents; potatoes, German fried (210), 2, 4 cents; potatoes, lyonnaise (212), 1, 2 cents; radishes (228), 1, 4 cents. Total vegeta- 128 Bananas (244), 3, 6 cents; oranges (251), 1, 3 cents. Total fruits 15 Sirup (260), 5, 10 cents; sugar, teaspoonfuls (259), OAO ft n Tnfjd ir'5 f^tc* 400 Cocoa (262), 1, 3 cents: coffee (263), 2, 6 cents; lemon- ade (267). 3, 6 cents; tea (263), 15, 45 cents. Total v»f>v(>rji£'e*^ 1.3 21.5 1.3 19.8 40 Combination breakfasts (270), 4, 40 cents; lunches (273), 11. SI. 10; dinners (276), 7, 84 cents. Total 050 Total food ■36.7 82. 5 2,832 75.4 2,611 36.1 92.3 3,033 83.9 2,795 a See footnote r to Table 1. With a normal averag'e diet as a basis of comparison there is nothing especially noticeable in regard to the total amounts of protein and energ>' in the dietaiy of Subject B. As regards the amount of meat, fish, and hash eaten, he spent 1-i per cent of his daily outgo, exclusive of combination meals, on such foods, which i.s practically identical with the average for the ten men studied. In other words, the pro- portion of protein furnished by animal foods was 56 per cent of the total, and the energy furnished by vegetable foods about 65 per cent. The ratio of digestible protein from animal to that from vegetable sources in the average American diet has been found to be about 60 to 40 per cent, in round numbers, and the corresponding ratio for available energy 43 to 57 per cent. It is evident that the diet of this subject furnished nearly the usual proportion of animal and vegetable foods. The number of combination meals eaten was large, the amount spent for these being almost twice as great as the average for the ten men. In the case of meats, soups, breads, dairy products, and beverages the proportional daily expenditure was very close to the average. For eggs, cereals, and vegetables it was, roughly, 75 per cent of the 20 average, and for desserts and fruits about 35 and 25 per cent, respec- tively. If one's tastes permit it, this is a considerable economy, since neither desserts nor fruits furnish nutrients at a low cost. It is noticeable that liberal use was made of sugar, which, as already pointed out, was supplied without extra charge. The subject thus dispensed with the usual expenditure for sirups, etc. For the whole dietary, the quantities of digestible protein and available energ}^ show a steady decrease toward a minimum in period 3. The average for the three periods was 84 grams digestible protein and 2,795 calories of available energy, or 91.5 and 103.5 per cent, respectively, of the quantities in the commonly accepted dietary standard for a man of sedentary habits. Although the quantities of protein and energy in the last period were 9 and 6 per cent lower, respectively, than in period 2, the cost was about 3.3 cents, or 10 per cent higher, owing in part to a greater pro- portionate expenditure for fish, desserts, and beverages, which were all relatively expensive foods. A corresponding deficit occurs in the case of dairy products, cereals, and breads. Perhaps a more potent factor in this drop in the value of the ration during period 3 was the diminished bujdng power of 1 cent when expended on some of the more important articles. Calculations show, for example, that for 1 cent spent on combination meals in period 2, Subject B obtained 2.5 grams of digestible protein and 69.5 calories of available energy, whereas in period 3 he obtained only 1.8 grams and 58.5 calories, or, respectively, 72 per cent and 83 per cent as much. When we remem- ber that the combination meals furnished about 30 per cent of the total nutrients, it is evident that the effect of their use on total cost must be considerable. Since a similar falling off in the amounts of nutrients without pro- portionate decrease in cost was noticed not only in this particular case, but in the majority of the dietaries here reported, it is difficult to account for it on the assumption of less prudent selection of food by the men during the last period. It seems more probable that there was a gradual rise in the price of the dishes toward the end of the 3'ear, or, what amounts to the same thing, a general diminution in the weights or the proportion of nutrients in the orders. At the end of the spring period (period 3) Subject B weighed 136 pounds, or 4.2 pounds more than at the begmning of the study. A corresponding slight increase was observed in his anthropometric measurements. His general strength as shown by the testing machines increased less than the average. In point of general physical condi- tion no material change was noted. As regards mental work the grades attained in his examinations were about those of the average student. However, for a man with many 21 other duties besides those pertaining to his college course, they were creditable. In Subject B, then, we have a 3'oung man, rather more active than the average, apparently in equilibrium with the demands of an academic life, and living on a ration which is practically identical with the standard chosen for comparison. It ma}^ be remarked that the gain in bod}' weight (about 4 pounds) seems small when we remember that he was but 20 years old, and, therefore, probably still developing physic- ally. It may be that his diet was not liberal enough to provide both for the energy involved in his daily life and for the material demanded by the growing body. DIETARY STUDY NO. 403. The subject of this study was 23 years old, 5 feet 6.1 inches in height, and weighed liS pounds. In general development he was not far from the average. Medical examination showed that he was only fairly well nourished. Doubtless this condition was the result of a sev^ere illness contracted during the preceding summer vacation. Subject C was entirely dependent upon his own efforts for support and was, therefore, obliged to spend much time on outside work. He earned his lodging by attending to the furnace in a private house, and b}' serving from 1 to 3 hours daily as a waiter at Randall Hall he earned his board. He spent from 10 to 12 hours per day at intellectual work, including lectures, stud}", outside clerical work, and reading. For sleep he set aside 7 hours. During periods 1 and 2, the only physical exercise other than that involved in walking to and from lectures, meals, etc., that he found time for, was a 3-hour walk every Sunday afternoon. During period 3 he rode a bicycle 1 hour per day for 11 out of the 21 days. Subject C was a sophomore in the college department of the uni- versity. His studies comprised German, philosophy, zoology, hygiene, physics, and chemistry, and he carried one whole course and one half course more than are regularly required of sophomores. Such a plan of study would be considered rather severe even for a student with no outside work. 22 Table b.-Klnds of food, numher of order., "'^'^/-^^ «/ ^-"^f ' Zt '"''"^' '"'' "'"^ amaunts of protein and energy of dietary study No. 403. SUBJECT C. [For explanation of numbers in parentheses, see p. 11.] Kinds of food, number of orders., and cost of each kind. Cost, protein, and energy of daily food. Period 1, 3 weeks, November 30 to December 20. Beef hash (20) , 1 , 7 cents; pork, bacon (with eggs) (39) , 1,4 cents. Total meats, etc - ■ - ----•■--- Puree of peas (5>s), 3,9 cents; soup (59), 1, 3 cents. Eg?s1rie'd\ with bacon) (78): i', 8 cents' 'fried 'mA^ 4 cents- egg omelet (81), 1, 10 cents; eggs, scrambled (84), 1, 10 cents. Total eggs, etc........... ■■■ Butter (87), 22, 22 cents: milk, glass (9o), 33, bb cents; milk, 4-ounce pitchers (96), 2, 2 cents. rotal Prepared'^cer'^afs'(97),' V.'i 'cents;' oatmeal, (103)^ 2, « cents; shreddeci wheat (109), 6, 20 cents. Total breakfast cereals ,•■••%" '/ iVuV ■Rrpfld Graham (116), 55, 55 cents; bread, corn (119), ^\t 11 cenT^lls'(131),4, 4 cents; griddlecakes (147) 1 5 cents; macaroni (155), 2, 14 cents. Total coffee jelly (185), 1, 4 cents; ice cream (182), 1, 7 cents. Total desserts, etc Total. Cost. Cents. 0.5 1.5 Protein. sweet potatoes (216), 9, 18 cents; succotash (230) 1 3 cents. Total vegetables Oranges (252), 1, 3 cents r VVokQVkVn// Sirup (260), l,2cents; sugar, teaspoonfuls (269), 43,0.'' Total sugars, etc Coffee (263), 17, 51 cents ,•■•••/■■ Combination breakfasts (268). If, |1.30: lunciies (271) , 18, S1.80; dinners (274), 11, 81.32. Total com- bination meals 4.3 1.5 4.2 Orams. 1.3 1.3 3.7 .8 2.8 .1 .1 2.4 21.1 Total food Period 2, 3 weeks, February lU to March 6. Beef stew (9), 1, 10 cents; beef hash (21), 3, 21 c^nts; pork bacon (with eggs) (40), 1, 4 cents. Total meats, etc ■,,■ ■; Eggs (with bacon) (79), 1, 8 cents; eggs, scrambled (85), 1, 10 cents. Total eggs, etc ■ • BiUer (88), 33. 33 cents; milk glass (95), 8 16 cents; milk, 4-ounce pitchers (96), 13, 13 cents. Total O^^IaVimTl' ^ "cents; ' rice' (ib7)V ^' 3 'c^^ shredded wheat (109), 5, 20 cents. Total break- fast cereals V ■ • v • ^: • : ^' " ' " V, i 'n\ ' ' Bread white (114), 9, 9 cents; bread, Graham 11/), 54 54 cents; bread,'corn (120), 10, 10 cents; biscmt (126) 1, 1 cent; rolls (132), 2, 2 cents; scones (142), 1 1 cent Total bread, crackers, etc - • Gingerbread (169^ 5, 5 cents; eclairs (167), 1, 4 cents: pie (173), 3, 15 cents; coflfee jelly (186), 10, 40 cents. Total desserts, etc - ■ -.- ■ -■■••„■,■ ■," •,• Beans, baked (190), 2, 8 cents; beans, Lima(193) 1 ^ centk; peas (196), 3, 9 cents; potatoes baked (200), 5; 10 cents; sweet potatoes (217), 16, 32 cents; cab- bage (220), 2, 6 cents; corn, stewed (224 4, 12 cents; pickles (238), 5, 6 cents; spinach (229), 1, 2 cents. Total vegetables - . ■ - - - ■-■-•■-.■■ Bananas (243), 5, 10 cents; oranges (250), 7, 21 cents. Total fruits vv/;V Sugar, teaspoonfuls (259), 57, 0 c . . . ...■■. . - ■ --•■-■•■ Cereai coffee (264), 2, 6 cents; cocoa (262), 2, 6 cents. 39.9 .9 2.9 3.7 3.0 4.1 1.5 coffee (263), 27, 81 cents. Total beverages ....... • CoinbinaUon breakfasts (269), H, Jl.lO; lu.iches (272), 16, 81.60: dinners (275), 8, 96 cents. Total combination meals Total food . 4.4 17.4 41.3 Energy. 10.8 2.5 19.9 Calories. 25 31 76 6.1 .1 .1 55.5 102.0 7.1 2.2 4.9 2.5 21.3 3.3 8.4 2.1 48.9 101.6 Digesti- ble protein. Grams. 1.3 1.3 3.6 332 87 643 50 266 4 83 25 1,622 3,244 91 47 251 88 694 177 401 64 96 47 1,440 3,396 Avail- able energy. 10.5 2.1 16.9 Calories. 22 27 68 5.1 .1 .1 51.1 92.7 6.9 2.1 4.8 2.1 18.1 2.8 7.0 2.0 45.0 91.6 309 79 585 47 242 4 81 25 1,492 2,981 79 42 233 80 632 165 365 56 94 46 1,325 3,117 a Order for one-half the usual amount. bSee footnote r to Table 1. 23 Table 5. — Kinds of food, numher of orders, and cost of each kind, and average cost and amounts of protein and energy of dietarij study No. 403 — Continued. SUBJECT C— Continued. Kinds of food, number of orders, and cost of each kind. Period S, S weeks, May S to Mny 28. Beef, roast (8), f), 50 cents; beef stew (9). 1, 10 cents; beef hash (22), 3, 18 cents; beef, corned (4), 2, 16 cents; hash of ham and eggs (-17), 1, 10 cents. Total meats, etc Pur^e of peas (58), 3, 9 cents; soup (61), 2, 6 cents. Total soups, etc Eggs, scrambled (86), 1, Scents; eggs, dropped (77), 1, 6 cents. Total eggs Cream (with strawberries) (93), 1, 0:« milk, glass (95), 5, 10 cents; milk, 1-ounce pitchers (96), 10, 10 cents; butter (89), 38, 38 cents. Total dairy products Prepared cereals (99), 1, 4 cents; oatmeal (105), 1, 3 cents; wheat (111), 7, 21 cents. Total breaklast cereals Bread, white (115), 1, 1 cent; bread, Graham (118), CO, 60 cents; bread, corn (121), s, 8 cents; griddle- cakes (146), 2, 8 cents; macaroni (156), 2, 12 cents; scones (142i, 3, 3 cents. Total bread, crackers, etc. Cookies (163), 2, 2 cents; cake (160), 6, 6 cents; pie (174), 6. 24 cents; pudding (177), 2, 8 cents: short- cake, crust (180), 2, 0;« shortcake, strawberries (179), 2, 15 cents; colTee jelly (187), 1, 4 cents; ice cream (184), 3, 21 cents. Total desserts, etc Beans, Lima (194), 5, 10 cents; beans, wax (195), 1, 2 cents; beans, baked (191), 1, 4 cents; cabbage (221), 3, 6 cents; corn (225), 6, 12 cents; peas (197), 1, 2 cents; pickles (239), 2, 2 cents; potatoes, stewed (206), 1, 2 cents; potatoes, baked (201), 4, 8 cents; potatoes, mashed (205), 6, 12 cents; radishes (228), 1, 4 cents; succotash (231) , 5, 10 cents: tomatoes (233), 1, 2 cents; turnips (235), 1, 2 cents. Total vegetables, etc Apples (240), 3. 6 cents; bananas (244), 7, 14 cents; oranges (2,51), 17, 51 cents; strawberries (2.56), 2, 15 cents. Total fruits Sugar, teaspoonfuls (259), 54, 0;a sirup (260), 2, 4 cents. Total sugar, etc Coffee (263), 25, 76 cents; birch beer (266), 1, 6 cents; ginger ale (266), 2, 10 cents; lemonade (267), 7, 14 cents; .sarsaparilla (266), 1, 5 cents. Total bever- Cost, protein, and energy of daily food. ages Combination breakfasts (270), 7, 70 cents; lunches (273), 16, 81.60: dinners (276), 2, 24 cents. Total combination meals Total food Average of three periods. Total. Cost. Protein. Energy, nilf. 5.0 .7 Grams. 18.0 1.7 2.6 3.5 1.3 4.4 3.8 3.7 4.1 5:2 12.1 2.3 21.0 5.0 Digesti- ble protein. Avail- able energy. Calories. 229 34 52 261 Grams 17 6.3 1.7 1.8 23.3 43.9 87.2 41.7 96.9 79 684 315 209 116 111 87 819 2. 3. 2. 17.9 4.3 Calories. 199 29 46 243 72 622 293 21 190 102 109 85 753 2,948 78.9 2, 743 3,196 87.7 2,947 a See footnote r to Table 1. The average amount of digostible protein furnished by the diet selected by the subject is not far from the quantity called for by the standard selected for comparison, whereas in g-eneral the amount of energy was somewhat higher than the standard called for. About 54 per cent of the total digestible protein and 34 per cent of the available energy in the average diet of Subject C came from animal food. It is noticeable that nearly 40 per cent of the nutrients in the average ration for the three periods was furnished by the combination meals. In other words, he lived half on foods which he selected and half on meals selected bv the commons management. The use of many com- 24 binatioii meals explains the fact that a number of important classes of food appear in quantities considerably below the average. For example, separate orders of meats and cereals were eaten in about one-half the average amounts, and dairv products, eggs, and breads in about 65 per cent of the average amounts. Besides combination meals, the only articles chosen in quantities greater than the average for the ten men studied were vegetables and beverages (chiefly coffee), both of which were about 20 per cent above the average. On the basis of economy so much coffee was not a wise selection, since its value as a source of nutrients and energy is very small in proportion to the cost and due chiefly to the milk and sugar which are added to it. In this dietary, therefore, about 9.5 per cent of the total sum was expended for articles yielding only about 1.5 per cent of the total digestible protein and available energy. This is noteworthy when it is remembered that 9.9 per cent of the total outlay was for })readstutfs, which yielded 20 per cent of the total protein and energy. For the first two periods, fall and winter, the rations were more abundant than later, furnishing on an average 92.1 grams of digestible protein and 3,019 calories of available energy, or 100 per cent and 113 per cent, respectively, of the values called for by the standard selected for comparison. In period 3, however, the protein dropped to 78.9 grams and the energy to 2,743 calories (86 and 101 per cent, respec- tively, of the standard), while the cost increased to 43.9 cents, or about 8.5 i>er cent more than the average for the first two periods. li is evi- dent that, as compared with the subjects already noted, Subject C was not getting a large return for his investment. He might have secured the same amount of protein and energy if he had selected a larger proportion of foods similar to those chosen by Subjects A and B. The chief reason for the tsudden drop in the nutritive value of the ration of Subject C, in spite of the higher daily cost, is undoubtedly to be found in the tendency to use meats and fruits — both relatively expensive foods at Randall Hall — in place of combination meals. It should be noted that in period 3 he obtained in 1 cent's worth of vegeta- bles only about 0.8 of the protein and 0.6 of the energy that 1 cent's worth of vegetables furnished in periods 1 and 2. Similarly, for the same sum, the combination meals yielded only 0.7 to 0.8 as much as in periods 1 and 2. Of the two conceivable causes of this condition (higher relative cost and less wise choice of dishes during period 3), it seems probable that higher cost was responsible for the lower value per money unit of the combination meals and that a more liberal use of green spring vegetables was responsible for the lower value of vege- tables per money unit. In some measure, then, it appears that the ration of Subject C during period 3 must necessarily have been lower per money unit because the scale of prices had changed, and, conse- 25 quentl}', no ledi.-stribution of the cost items would bring exactly the same value as was secured in periods 1 and 2 for the same sum. At the end of the study Subject C weighed 143 pounds, or 2 pounds less than at the beginning of the investigation, some seven months previous. The anthropometric measurements showed very small changes, but, as shown by the strength tests, the subject gained rather more than the average, indicating a slight improvement in muscular condition. Medical examination showed no marked chantre in his general physical condition. In his college work Subject C attained a grade between B and C, which ma}' be considered slightly above the average. Remembering that he carried 6 courses, instead of the usual 4i, and that he sup- ported himself by outside work, his performance was very creditable indeed. The general average for the three periods shows 8T.7 grams of digestible protein and 2,947 calories of available energ}" in the daily food. Although these figures are lower than they would have been if he had exercised the same' prudence in the selection of economical dishes in the last period as he did in the first two periods, they are not very far from the commonly accepted standard for a man of sedentary habits, namely, 92 grams of digestible protein and 2,700 calories of available energy. It is not at all certain, however, that for a person of such active habits and long hours of duty the diet was in every way suf- ficient for the best functioning of brain and body. It is to be observed that, although Subject C had been seriousl}" ill shorth' before the beginning of the college year, his bodily weight was less at the end of the study than at the beginning, whereas the average gain of the 10 men studied was 4 per cent over their initial weights. DIETARY STUDY NO. 404. Subject D was 22 years old, 5 feet 6.5 inches in height, and weighed 119.5 pounds. In the usual physical examination he was classed as poorly developed and nourished. His bodily measurements, as well as his height, were considerably below the average for men of the same age. A sophomore in the college, he devoted himself exclusively to math- ematics and physics, carrying the usual 4 courses, of which one was on the subject of physics. He slept 6^ to 7i hours per day. Of all the men studied, he devoted the greatest number of hours to his col- lege work, the time thus spent amounting to 11^ to 12f hours, or vir- tually the whole working day. He did no work outside of his college course and took practically no exercise, the sum total for the entire three periods amounting to only 30 minutes to 1 hour gymnasium work per day on 9 days. 13037— No. 152—05 4 26 Table 6. — Kinds of fond, nnmher of orders, and coat of each Icind, and average cost and amounts of protein and energy of dietanj study No. 404- SUBJECT D. [For explanation of numbers in parentheses, see p. 11.] Kinds of food, number of orders, and cost of each kind. Period 1, 3 ivecks, November 30 to December 20. Beefsteak (10),. S, 80 cents; pork, broiled ham (with eggs) (49), 2, 20 cents; ham cakes (44), 1, 10 cents. Total meats, etc Oysters, fried (69), 1, 25 cents; oyster pie (73), 1, 12 cents; sea trout, fried (66), 1, 10 cents. Total fish, etc. Eggs (with ham) (78), 2, 16 cents Butter (87), 103, fl.03; milk, gla.ss (9.5), 40, 80 cents; milk, 4-ounce pitchers (96), 19, 19 cents; cream (92), l,2cents. Total dairy products Hominy (100), 11, 44 cents: oatmeal (103), 1, 4 cents; rice (106), 8, 32 cents. Total breakfast cereals, etc. Bread, white (113), 1, 1 cent; biscuit (125), 2, 2 cents; rolls (131), 36, 36 cents; toast, buttered (137), 21, 63 cents; buckwheat cakes (143), 3, 15 cents: grid- dlecakes (147), 5, 25 cents. Total breads, crack- ers, etc Coffee jelly (185), 1, 4 cents; cake (158), 2, 2 cents; doughnuts (l64), 2, 2 cents; ice cream (182), 2, 14 cents; pudding (175), 3, 15 cents. Total desserts, etc. Com (223), 1, 3 cents; potatoes, baked (199), 7, 14 cents; potatoes, lyonnaise (211), 19, 95 cents; sweet potatoes (216), 6, 12 cents. Total vegetables Apples, baked (241), 1, 4 cents; bananas (245), 20, 40 cents; oranges (252), 4, 12 cents. Total fruits Sugar, teaspoonfuls (2.59), 50, 0;« sirup (260), 8, 16 cents. Total sugars, etc Coffee (263), 3, 9 cents; cocoa (262), 1, 3 cents. Total beverages Combination lunches (271), 1, lOcents: dinners (274), 1, 12 cents. Total combination meals Total food . Period 2, 3 weeks, February lU to March 6. Beef, boiled (1), 1, 10 cents: beefsteak (11), 5, 50 cents; rump steak (14),3, 60 cents; pork sausage (.50), 1, 8 cents; chicken pie (51), 1, 12 cents. Total meats, etc , Oysters, raw, 4 dozen (68), 2, 20 h cents: scallops, fried "(74), 1,10 cents; fish balls (76), 1,5 cents. Total fish , etc Soups (60), 1, 3 cents Butter (88), 94, 94 cents: cream (92), 28. 56 cents: milk, glass (95), 12, 24 cents; milk, 4-ounce pitchers (96), • 15, 15 cents. Total dairy products Hominy (1011,12,36 cents: rice (107), 3, 9 cents: shredded wheat (109), 14, .56 cents. Total break- fast cereals, etc Rolls (132), 26, 26 cents: toa.«t, buttered (i;tt),13, 39 cents; buckwheat cakes (144), 2, 10 cents; griddle- cakes (145),6, :S0 cents: crackers (1.53), 1,1 cent. Total bread, crackers, etc Cake (1.59), 3, 3 cents; puddings (176), 2, 8 cents; .sherbet (188), 1, 6 cents. Total desserts, etc Potatoes, baked (200), 2, 4 cents; potatoes, boiled (202), 1,2 cents: potatoes, French fried (209), 9, 45 cents; potatoes, mashed (204), 1,2 cents: potato salad (215), 1,5 cents; sweet potatoes (217), 19, 38 cents; corn, stewed (224), 1,3 cents. Total vege- tables Apples, baked (241), 1,4 cents; bananas (243), 13,26 cents; grapes C248),l,5 cents; oranges (2.501.9,27 cents; peaches, canned (2.53), 1,4 cents. Total fruits Cost, protein, and energy of daily food. C'entx. 5.2 2.2 .8 9.7 3.8 6.7 1.8 5.9 2.7 .8 .6 1.0 41.2 6.7 1.7 .1 9.0 4.8 5.1 .8 4.7 3.1 Total. Cost. Protein. Energy Grams. 1.5.0 3.6 1.1 16.4 3.7 19.1 2.1 5.6 1.5 .3 2.8 Calories. 176 47 22 71.2 19.7 2.8 .2 9.0 6.4 14.0 1.1 7.2 1.5 814 166 706 117 344 114 164 7 80 Digesti- ble protein. Grams. 14.6 3.5 1.1 15.9 3.1 16.2 1.8 4.7 1.3 2, 7.57 242 28 3 738 268 508 57 470 113 «See footnote r to Table 1. & Oysters, raw, 15 cents per ilozen; 10 cents per half dozen. .3 2.6 Avail- able energy. Calories. 153 65.1 19.1 2.7 .2 7.7 5.4 11.9 .9 6.0 1.3 99 27 Table 6.— Kinds of food, number of orders, and cost of each kind, and average cost and amounts of protein and energy of dietary study No. 404 — Continued. SUBJECT D— Continued. Kinds of food, number of orders, and cost of each kind. Period 2, 5 weeks, February U to March 6 — Continued. Sirup (260), 8,16 cents; sugar (2o9),112,0.a Total sugars, etc Chocolate(265),21,S1.05; coffee (263), 2, 6 cents. Total beverages Cost, protein, and energy of daily food. Total food . Period 3, 3 weeks, May S to May 2S. Beefsteak (12), 5, 50 cents; pork, ham cake (14), 2, 20 cents. Total meats, etc Soups (61) , 2, 6 cents Bass, fried (62), 1,10 cents; mackerel (t>4),4, 40 cents; shrimp salad (75), 1,1.5 cents; trout, baked (66), 1, 10 cent-s. Total lish.etc Eggs, scrambled (S6),2, 16 cents Butter (89), 75, 75 cents; cream (92), 43,'' 84 cents: milk, glass (95), 1,2 cents; milk,4-ounce pitchers (96), 4, 4 cents. Total dairy products Hominy (^102), 10, 30 cents; rice (108), 2,6 cents; shredded \yheat ^109) , 34, i- 68 cents. Total break- fust cereals, etc Biscuit (127), 1,1 cent; rolls (133), 38, 38 cents; toast, buttered (136), 12, 36 cents; griddlecakes (146), 5, 20 cents; crackers for soup (154),2, 2 cents. Total breads, crackers, etc Cake (160), 3,3 cents; doughnuts (166), 1,1 cent; puddings (177), 1,4 cents; coffee jelly (187), 4, 16 cents; icecream (184), 2, 14 cents; sherbet (188), 1, 6 cents. Total desserts, etc Peas (197), 1, 2cents; potatoes, baked ( 201 ), 5, 10 cents; potatoes, boiled (202), 5, 10 cents: potatoes, griddled (210), 1,10 cents; potatoes, French fried (209), 10, 50 cents; potatoes, 1 yon naise (212), 5, 25 cents: corn (225), 2, 4 cents; radishes (228), 2, 8 cents; tomatoes (233), 1, 2 cents. Total vegetables Bananas (244), 6, 12 cents: oranges (251), 1,3 cents; peaches, canned (253), 7, 28 cents; strawberries (2.56) , 3, 26 cents. Total fruits, etc Honey (261), 1,4 cents; .sirup (260). 5, 10 cents; sugar, teaspoonfuls (2-59), 192,0." Total sugars, etc Chocolate (265), 19, 95 cents; coffee (263), 19, 57 cents; lemonade (267), 2, 4 cents. Total beverages Total food . Cost. Cents. 0.8 .5.3 42.1 3.3 .3 3.6 .8 7.8 4.9 4.6 2.1 5.8 3.3 . 7 7.4 44.6 Average for three periods 42. 7 Total. Protein. Grams. 4.0 65.9 12.1 .6 9.2 4.1 4.8 6.7 16.3 1.8 4.7 4.8 Energy. Calories. 258 135 Digesti- ble protein. Grams. 3.9 2, 820 59.1 Avail- able energy. Calories. 253 132 2, .595 159 9 73 87 659 275 686 103 246 49 386 157 11.7 .6 8.9 4.0 4.7 5.7 13.9 1.5 3.9 .6 4.7 138 8 62 77 613 250 533 96 224 43 378 154 65.8 2, 7.S9 60.2 2, .576 67.6 2,789 61.5 2,566 o See footnote r to Table 1. ^Includes one order of cream, served with strawberries, for which there was no charge. c Orders for one-half the usual amount. In the dietarv of this .subject the unusually small amounts of protein and energy in the total food eaten per diem, the high comparative cost of the diet, and the small number of combination meals are noticeable. Thus for the three periods the digestible protein averages 61.5 grams and the available energy 2,566 calories, or 67 and 95 per cent, respectivel}', of amounts called for by the commonly accepted .standard for a man of sedentary occupation. Though low in nutritive value, this ration cost 42.7 cents per day. The protein from animal foods amounted to about 54.5 per cent and the energy to about 38 per cent of the tot^il. 28 It is easy to suggest changes whereb}- the value of the ration might have been increased without increasing the cost. The amount spent for meats, beverages, and cereals is about 35 per cent, that for vege- tables about 80 per cent, and for fruits about 25 per cent higher than the average for the ten men studied. In the case of cereals this increase was profitable, since they are economical foods at the Ran- dall Hall prices, but, as noted before, meats are an expensive source of nutrients, while beverages and fruits yield very little protein and energy. Thus for an expenditure of about 7.4 cents, or 17 per cent of the total cost of the diet, the fruits and beverages together fur- nished only about 6.5 per cent of the total digestible protein and about 7 per cent of the total available energy, whereas the same sum expended for breadstuffs would have increased the diet b}' nearly one- quarter of the total nutrients involved. A further economy could have been brought about by devoting part of the sum expended for meat, especially during period 2, to combination meals and by using cheaper meat foods, such as beef stew, beef potpie, meat croquettes, and hash, in place of rump steak, sausage, ham cakes, and various sorts of fish. In the class of vegetable foods not onl v w^as the amount spent 80 per cent higher than the average, but the quantities of protein and energy procured per unit of money were less. A smaller expendi- ture for vegetables and the selection of baked beans, baked or hashed brown potatoes, and sweet potatoes in place of the more expensive potato salad, French fried and lyonnaise potatoes would have been more economical. In the case of breads the quantities of digestible protein and available energy obtained for 1 cent amounted to but 65 and 70 per cent, respectively, of the average amounts obtained by the ten subjects. The quite general use of toast and griddlecakes in place of the more economical white bread was the probable cause of this condition, which aU'ects the value of the ration very materially, since breadstuft's furnished over 20 per cent of the total nutrients. The quantity of protein furnished by the dairy products per money unit dropped in period 2 to 60 per cent, and in period 3 to a little over 35 per cent of that in period 1, owing to a decrease in the amount of milk used and an increase in the amount of cream. The weight of Subject D, at the end of the investigation, was 120.5 pounds, showing a gain of 1 pound in about six months. Such a dif- ference might easily have been occasioned by the daily fluctuation in intestinal contents, etc., so we may infer that the weight was practi- cally constant throughout the college year. Examination showed that his general physical condition, which was rather below par at the out- set, had not changed. Anthropometric measurements also disclosed no changes. The standing of Subject D in his studies was creditable. His courses 29 ma}" be fairlj" said to provide a moderately hard year's work, yet he passed with an average grade of B. In general it maj" be said that this subject, whose diet contained but 67 per cent of the protein and 95 per cent of the energy called for by the standard selected for comparison, did his work well throughout the year, and showed neither loss of weight nor any physical deterio- ration that could be detected by careful medical examination. The unusually small quantity of protein in the daily ration brings up the question whether he was really in nitrogen equilibrium or whether he was losing nitrogen and replacing it by fatty tissue or water. It would, therefore, have been especially interesting had opportu- nity offered to determine the outgo of nitrogen in order to test the question. DIETARY STUDY NO. 405. Subject E was 26 years old, 5 feet 5.5 inches in height, and weighed 136.3 pounds. Although small of stature, his measurements in other respects were not far from the general run of men of the same age. Examination showed that he was in fair physical condition and fairly well nourished. He was a senior in the Lawrence Scientific School and carried about seven courses, most of which pertained to engineering. The univer- sity work was, perhaps, no more difficult than that of many scientific students in their senior year. He spent daily 7f to 8 hours in sleep, 6i to 9i hours in college work, and had no outside work. His exercise consisted in walking two or three miles per day. Table 7. — Kinds of food, number of orders, and cost of each kind, and average cost and amounts of protein and energy of dietary study No. 405. SUBJECT E. [For explanation of numbers in parentheses, see p. 11.] Kinds of food, number of orders, and cost of each kind. Period 1, S weeks, November 30 to December 20. Beef hash (20), 3, 21 cents; beefsteak pie (26), 1, 10 cents; lamb, roast (32), 3, 30 cents; venison potpie (30), 1,10 cents: lamb croquettes (37), 1, 10 cents; turke V and sauce ( 54 ) , 4, 60 cents. Total meats, etc . Chowder (57), 6, 15 cents; purt^e of peas (58), 3, 9 cents; soup (59) , 5, 15 cents. Total soups, etc Oysters, raw (68), 3, 45 cents; oyster pie (73), 1, 12 cents. Total fish, etc Eggs, raw (77), 2, 16 cents; omelet (81), 2, 20 cents. Total eggs, etc Butter (87). 41, 41 cents; milk, bowl (94),4,a 18 cents; milk, glass (95), 49, 98 cents; milk. 4-ounce pitchers (96), 6, 6 cents. Total dairy products Cost, protein, and energy of daily food. Total. Cost. Cents. 6.7 1.9 2.7 1.7 7.8 Protein. Energy Grams. 21.5 3.9 3.5 3.1 18.9 Calories. 284 77 50 52 591 Digesti- ble protein. Gravis. 20.9 3.8 3.4 3.0 18.3 Available energy. Calories. 247 66 43 46 550 a Includes two orders of hot milk. 30 Table 7. — K'mda of food, number of orders, and cost of each kind, cind average cost and amounts of protein and energy of dietary study No. 405 — Continued. SUBJECT E— Continued. Kinds of food, number of orders, and cost of each kind. Period 1, 3 weeks, Novc7nber 30 to December 20 — Cont'd. Prepared cereal (97), 2, 8 cents; rice (106), 2, Scents; shredded wheat (109), 2, Scents. Total breakfast Bread, white (113) ,63, 63 cents; bread, Graham, ( 116) , 1, 1 cent; bread, corn (119), 12, 12 cents; biscuit (125), 1, 1 cent; e:ems, Graham (130), 5, Scents; rolls (131), 12, 12 cen"ts; toast, creamed (138), 1, 7 cents. Total breads, crackers, etc Cake, cream (158), 1, 4 cents; pie, apple (172), 4, 20 cents; pudding, tapioca (175), 3, 15 cents. Total desserts Beans, baked (189), 1, 4 cents; sweet potatoes (216), 6, 12 cents; celery (222), 3, 15 cents; onions, boiled (227) , 6, 18 cents. Total vesetables Apples (210), 10, 32 cents; oranges (252), 3, 9 cents; sauce, cranberry (258), 2, Scents. Total fruits Sugar (259), 98, 0" Combination breakfasts (268), 8, 80 cents; lunches (271 ), 4, 40 cents; dinners (274) , 6, 72 cents. Total combination meals Total food . Period 2, 3 weeks, Feb)-uari/ lU to March 6. Veal, roast (with dressing) (28), 1,10 cents; dressing (with veal) (29), 1, 0"; larab.roast (33), 4, 40 cents; turkey, roast (55), 2, 30 cents. Total meats, etc Chowder(57).2, 6 cents; pureeof peas (.58), 1, 3 cents; soup (60), 3, 9 cents. Total soups, etc Lobster (67), 2, 50 cents; ovster stew (71), 1, 10 cents: tishballs ( 76 ) , 2, 10 cents. Total fish, etc Eggs (with toast) (77), 1,8 cents; egg omelet (82), 9, 90 cents. T(jtal eggs, etc Butter (88^, 24, 24 cents; milk, glass (9.5), 71, S1.42; milk,4-ounce pitchers (96), 2, 2 cents. Total dairy products Prepared cereal (98), 1, 4 cents; rice (107), 1,3 cents. Total breakfast cereals Bread, white (114), 37,37 cents; bread, Graliam (117), 4, 4 cents; bread, corn (120), 11, 11 cents; biscuit (126), 1, 1 cent; gems, Graham ( 12S), 4, 4 cents; rolls (132), 14, 14 cents; toast (134), 2, 4 cents; toast, creamed (138), 1,7 cents; toast (with eggs) (140), 1, 2 cents; macaroni (157), 1,7 cents. Total breads, crackers, etc Puddings ( 176) , 2, 9. cents Beans, baked (190), 2, 8 cents; sweet potatoes (217), 10, 20 cents; onions, boiled (227), 6, IS cents. Total V 62"G ttl bl 6S . Apples (240) , 19, 38 cents; bananas' '(243K (i, 12 cents";' grapes (248),2, 10 cents; oranges (2.50), 12, 36 cents; sauce, cranberry (258) ,1,4 cents. Total fruits Sugar, teaspoonfuls (2.59), 16, 0« Combhiation breakfasts (269), 6, 60 cents; lunches (272), 9, 90 cents; dinners (275), 8, 96 cents. Total combination meals Total food . Period 3, 3 weeks. May 8 to May 2S. Turkey, roast, and dressing (56), 6, 90 cents Puree of peas (58), 1, 3 cents; soup (61), 2, 6 cents. Total soups, etc Shrimp salad (75), 1, 15 cents Eggs, dropped (77), 2.b6 cents; egg omelet (83), 4, 32 cents. Total eggs, etc Butter (89), 32, 32 cents; cream (with strawberries) (93),3,0n; milk, glass (95), 91, S1.S2: milk,4-ounee pitchers (96), 5, 5 cents. Total dairy products Cost, protein, and energy of daily food. Total. Cost. Protein. Energy, Cents. 1.1 4.8 1.9 2.3 2.3 9.2 42.4 3.8 .9 3.3 4.7 8.0 .3 4.3 .4 2.2 4.8 11.7 44.4 4.3 .4 .7 1.8 10.4 Grams. f'ulories. 1.0 65 23.8 2.7 2.8 .5 24.2 105. 9 12.2 1.5 4.0 10.5 22.7 .5 18.8 . 7 4.7 1.7 32.3 109.6 17.2 1.0 2.2 4.3 29.7 765 160 140 66 166 664 3,080 123 • 29 47 203 599 18 609 28 228 149 27 921 2,981 158 17 13 81 807 Digesti- ble protein. Grams. 0.9 20.2 2.3 2.3 .4 22.3 97.8 11.8 1.5 3.9 10.2 22.0 .4 16.0 .6 3.9 1.4 29.7 101.4 16.7 1.0 2.1 4.2 28.8 Available energy. Calorics. "See footnote r to Table 1. l> Orders for one-half the usual amount. 31 Table 7.— Kinds of food, number of orders, and cost of each Und, and average cost and amounts of protein and energij of dietary study No. 405 — Continued. SUBJECT E— Continued. Kinds of food, number of orders, and cost of each kind. Period S, 3 weeks, May 8 to May iiS — Continued. Oatmeal (105), 3, 9 cents; rice (108), 1,3 cents; shred- ded wheat (109),],<'2cents; wheat (111), 1,3 cents. Total breakfast cereals , Bread, white (115). 45, 45 cents; bread, corn (121), 5, 5 cents; gems. Graham (129) 9, 9 cents; rolls (133), 18, 18 cents; toast (134), 1, 2 cents; toast (with as- paragus) (141), 3, Ob; macaroni (156), 1, G cents. Total breads, etc Cake (160), 3, 3 cents; pie (174), 1, 4 cents; pudding (177), 3, 12 cents; tarts (181), 1,2 cents; ice cream (184), 1, 7 cents. Total desserts Peas (197), 2, 4 cents; potatoes, mashed (205), 4, 8 cents; asparagus (with toast) (218), 3, 24 cents; corn (225i, 1, 2 cents: onions (227), 5, 15 cents; spinach (229),3, 6 cents; succotash (231), 4. 8 cents; tomatoes (233), 2, 4 cents. Total vegetables Apples (240), 6, 12 cents; oranges (251), 7, 21 cents; prunes, stewed (255), 3, 12 cents; strawberries (256), 3, 25 cents; preserves (2.57), 16, 64 cents; sauees(258), 3, 12 cents. Total fruits, etc Sugar, teaspoonfuls (259), 26, 0 6 Lemonade (267), 2, 4 cents Combination breakfasts (270), 5, .50 cents; lunches (273), 12, S1.20; dinners (276), 1, 12 cents. Total combination meals Total food Average for three periods . Cost, protein, and energy of daily food. Total. Cost. Cnits. 0.8 4.0 1.3 3.4 7.0 '.'2' Protein. Grams. 1.5 21.0 2.0 2.6 1.2 8.7 16.6 Energy. Calories. 48 675 113 83 205 44 9 592 43.0 43.3 99.3 104.9 2,845 2,969 Digesti- ble protein. , ^n^rgy. Available Grams. 1.3 17.9 1.7 2.2 1.0 15.3 92.2 97.1 Calories. 44 614 105 180 43 9 645 2,602 2,712 a Order for one-half the usual amount. 6 See footnote r to Table 1. Tlie amount.s of digestible protein and available energy per diem for all three periods averaged 97.1 grams protein and 2,712 calories, or practicalh" the quantities called for by the commonly accepted standard for a man of sedentary occupation. In this stud}" 67 per cent of the digestible protein came from animal sources. The average cost of the ration was 43.3 cents per da3\ Of this about 10 per cent was expended for fruits, yielding onl}' 1 per cent of the total protein and 4.5 per cent of the total energy, whereas the sum expended for breads, also 10 per cent of the total, supplied about 20 per cent of the total protein and energy. It is not to be inferred that fruit should not be used; the purpose of the above comparison is sim- ply to emphasize the economy of minimizing as far as possible the expenditure for foods that contain little nourishment per monej^ unit without destroying the palatabilit}^ of the ration. On foods relativelj' rich in protein (meats, eggs, and dairy products) Subject E spent from 30 to 60 per cent more than the average of the 10 men studied, which accounts for the relatively high proportion of protein and energ}' derived from animal foods. The expenditure for vegetable foods is of course correspondingly low; thus his expenditure for cereals was only 20 per cent, that for desserts 50 per cent, breads 70 per cent 32 and for vegetables 80 per cent, of the average amounts spent by the ten subjects for such materials. It is to ])e noticed that he used consid- erable sugar (for which no charge is made) and got along practically without beverages (tea, coffee, and cocoa), thereby effecting a consid- erable saving. As regards dairy products, the quantity of protein bought for 1 cent is about 35 per cent higher than the average for the ten men, and that of energy al)Out equal to the average. At the end of the investigation Subject E had gained 3.7 pounds in weight and showed a corresponding slight increase in his anthropo- metric measurements. No change in his general physical condition was noted. In the examinations at the end of the academic year he passed in all his studies with an average grade a little below B, a very credit- able performance considering the fact that he carried seven courses. In general, it may be said that Subject E accomplished a satisfac- tory year's work, chiefly intellectual in nature, on a diet which aver- aged for the three test periods almost exactly the amounts of protein and energy required by a conmionly accepted standard for a man of sedentary occupation, and maintained his general health and physical condition. DIETABY STUDY NO. 406. Subject F was 25 years old, 5 feet 3.8 inches in height, and weighed 12(».2 pounds. He was a small man but tolerably well proportioned. Like the majority of the men included in this investigation he was in fair physical condition. His daily programme differs from most of the others in that he spent rather less time on college work and slept longer, devoting 7 to 7i hours daily to college duties and 8 to 8i hours to sleep. He did no outside work. During the fall and winter periods he walked or took gymnasium exercises 30 minutes to 1 hour daily. During the three weeks covered by the spring period he walked or played handball three-fourths to H hours per day for seven days. Subject F was a second-year student in the graduate school, and car- ried the equivalent of four full courses about equally divided between the classical languages and philology. 33 Table 8. — Kinds of food, number of orders, and cost of each kind, and average cost and amounts of protein and energy of dietary study No. 406. SUBJECT F. [For explanation of numbers in parentheses, see p. 11.] Kinds of food, number of orders, and cost of each kind. Period 1, 3 weeks, November 30 to December 20. Beef croquettes (18), 2, 20 cents; beef hash (20), 1, 7 cents; roa.st turkey and sauce (54) , 2, 30 cents. Total meats Puree of peas (58), 1, 3 cents; soup (59), 1, 3 cents. Total soups, etc Egg omelet (81), 2, 20 cents Butter (87), 57, 57 cents; cheese, sage (91), 1, 1 cent; milk, glass (95), 1, 2 cents; milk, bowl (94), 1, 4 cents; milk, 4-ounce pitchers (96), 1, 1 cent. Total dairy products Rice (106), 1, 4 cents Bread, white (113), 60,60 cents; bread, Graham (116), 70, 70 cents; crackers for soup (152), 2, 2 cents; macaroni (155), 1, 7 cents. Total bread, crackers, etc Cost, protein, and energy of daily food. Total. Cost. Protein. Energy Cookies(161),4, 4cents; gingerbread (168), 4, 4 cents; cake (158), 13, 13 cents; pie (172), 1, 6 cents; tarts (181), 2, 4 cents; puddings (175), 2, 7 cents. Total desserts, etc Beans, baked (189), 3, 12 cents; sweet potatoes (216), 4, 8 cents; turnips (235), 1, 3 cents. Total vegeta- bles. Bananas (245), 3, 6 cents; preserves, pineapple (257), 1, 4 cents. Total fruits, etc Sugar, teaspoonfuls (259), 132, 0" Coffee (263), 21, 63 cents; cocoa (262), 27, 81 cents. Total beverages Combination lunches(271), 8, 80 cents; dinners(274), 10, 81.20. Total combination meals Total food . Period 2, 3 weeks, February 19 to March 11. Beefsteak (11), 1, 10 cents; pork, fried ham (45), 1, 10 cents. Total meats, etc Puree of peas (.58), 1, 3 cents Butter (88), 15, 15 cents; cheese (90), 3, Scents; milk, glass (95), 17, 34 cents; milk, bowl (94), 4, 16cents. Total dairv products Bread, white (114), 32, 32 cents; bread, Graham (117), 32, 32 cents; bread, corn (120), 15, 15 cents; bis- cuits (126), 3, 3 cents; rolls (132), 14, 14 cents; crackers (1.53), 1, 1 cent; crackers, Graham (149), 1, 3 cents. Total bread, crackers, etc Cake (1.59), 25, 25 cents; cookies (162), 11, 11 cents; tarts, damson (181), 4, 8<'ents. Total desserts, etc. Potatoes, baked (200), 1, 2 cents; sweet potatoes (217), 2, 4 cents; onions, raw (226), 1, 3cents. Total vegetables Figs, dried (249), 2, Scents Sugar, teaspoonfuls(269), 144, Oa Cereal coffee (264), 1, 3 cents; cocoa (262), 29, 87 cents; coffee (263), 8, 24 cents. Total beverages . . . Combination breakfasts (269), 17, $1.70; lunches (272), 12, 81.20; dinners (275), 7, 84 cents. Total combination meals Total food . Period 3, S weeks. May 8 to May 28. Beef, Hamburg steak (13), 1, 10 cents; pork, bacon (with eggs) (41), 1. 4 cents. Total meats, etc Eggs (with bacon), (80), 1, 6 cents; egg omelet (83), 1, 8 cents. Total eggs, etc Butter (89), 19. 19 cents; cream (for strawberries) (93), 1, Oa; milk, bowl (94), 2, 8 cents: milk, glass (95), 12, 24 cents; milk, 4-ounce pitchers (96), 1, 1 cent. Total dairy products 2.5 a See footnote r to Table 1. Cents. 2.7 .3 .9 3.1 .2 6.6 1.8 1.1 .5 6.9 9.5 33.6 1.0 .1 3.2 4.8 2.1 .4 .4 5.4 17.8 35.2 Grams. 13.1 .6 1.9 1.6 .2 37.9 4.1 3.6 .2 4.1 25.3 92.6 2.6 .4 8.5 24.9 5.1 2.8 48.5 Calories. 128 13 36 285 8 1,208 93.8 2.1 1.4 5.7 260 125 23 223 105 712 3, 116 33 9 247 823 322 46 27 244 79 1,444 3,274 26 28 208 Digesti- ble protein. Grams. 12.7 .6 1.8 1.6 .2 32.2 3.5 3.0 .2 Avail- able energy. 4.0 23.3 Calories. Ill 11 32 265 7 1,099 232 114 20 219 103 655 83.1 2.5 .4 8.2 21.2 4.3 .6 .3 2.7 44.6 84.8 2.0 1.4 5.6 2,868 29 8 230 749 299 42 24 239 1,328 3,025 23 25 193 34 Table 8. — Kinds of food, number of orders, and cost of each kind, and average cost and amounts of protein and energy of dietary study No. 406 — Continued. SUBJECT F— Continued. Cost ., protein. and energy of daily food. Kinds of food, number of orders, and cost of each kind. Total. Digesti- ble protein. Avail- able energy. ' Cost. Protein. Energy. Period 3, S weeks, May 8 to May 2S— Continued. Bread, white (115) 49, 49 cents; bread, Graham (118), 36, 3G cents; bread, corn (121), 0, 6 cents; rolls (133), 1, 1 cent; scones (142), 3, Scents; griddle- cakes (146), 1, 4 cents. Total bread, crackers, etc.. Cakes (160), 31, 37 cents; cookies (163), 5. 5 cents; pies (174), 2, 8 cents; pudding (177), 4, 16 cents; short- cake (strawberries only) (179), 2, 14 cents; short- cake (crust only) (180), 2, 0<'; tarts, raspberry (181), 2, 4 cents; ice cream (184), 2, 14 cents; sher- tipt M,^^^ 1 6 centM Total desserts etc. . Cents. 4.7 5.0 .1 1.7 .3 5. 6 12. 8 Grams. 27.1 8.2 .2 .4 Cnlork's. 867 499 12 59 191 60 844 Grams. 23.0 7.0 .2 .3 Calories. 789 464 U Bananas (244), 6, 12 cents; .strawberries (with cream) (256), 1, 7 cents; preserves, raspberry (257). 1, 4 cents; preserves, strawberry (257), 3, 12 cents. Total 52 Honev (261), 1,4 cents; sirup (260), 1,2 cents; sugar, teaspoonfuls (259), 100, 0. " Total sugars, etc Cerea coft'ee (264), 24, 72 cents; cocoa (262), 13, 39 cents; coffee (263), 1, 3 cents; lemonade (267), 2, 4 C6nls Total bfVcrtiE'os 187 1.7 24.8 1.6 22.8 59 Combination breakfasts (270), 6, 60 cents; lunches (273), 15, 11.50; dinners (276), 5, 60 cents. Total pom 1^1 nation nif*iils ................-----••••-• 776 Tntn 1 food 34.1 71.6 2,794 63.8 2, 579 A vprflffp for three Deriods 34.3 86.0 3,061 77.2 2, 824 «See footnote r to Table 1, It will be seen that the above dietary provided a .simple and tolera- bly economical ration, with 45 per cent of the total digestible protein and 29 per cent of the available energy furnished by animal foods. Ordinarily in student dietaries studied in the United States, the pro- tein from animal sources, as before stated, has been found to amount to 60 per cent and the energy from the same .source to 43 per cent of the total. The most noticeable item of expense was for combina- tion meals, which amounted to nearly 40 per cent of the cost of the day's food, or more than twice the average percentage expenditure for the ten men included in this investigation. Since combination meals were relatively cheap, this was a wi.se selection. The liberal use of combination meals and the fact that Subject F secured (owing to the almost exclusive use of white and Graham bread), for 1 cent spent on breadstuffs, about 19 per cent more protein and 15 per cent more energy than the average computed for the ten men, are the chief reasons for the economy of the ration. He ate no cereal breakfast foods, and only about 25 per cent as much meat and veg- etables as the average. On the other hand, he was fully up to the average on breads, while on desserts he was 25 per cent, and on bev- erages 200 per cent above the average. The sums expended for the last two articles are the only ones which could not be defended on the 35 gToiind of econoni}^ under the cireiinistances. It does not necessarily follow that Subject F's ration would have been better adapted to his needs if he had used the monej' spent on beverages and desserts for the purchase of cheaper foods, because it might well be that such a change would have lessened the very essential element of palatability. It should be borne in mind that all the alterations suggested in favor of greater economy (i. e., increased amounts of nutrients for the same cost) in this case and the others are based on the assumption that within wide limits one food is as acceptable as another to a hungry man, and that the men studied were tr3Mng to nourish themselves satisfactorily on a small sum. As has been noted with a number of the men. Subject F's ration was noticeably lower for period 8 than for the other periods. Thus in periods 1 and 2 the average was 83.9 grams of digestible protein and 2,94:0 calories of available energy, but in period 3 it was only <)3.8 grams and 2,577 calories. This falling off was due chiefly to the decline in the nutritive value of the combination meals (see p. 22) and the increased use of fruits and desserts without a proportionate increase in the total cost of the ration. For the three periods the ration averaged 77.2 grams of digestible protein and 2,824 calories availal)le energy per diem, or 84 and 104 per cent of the amounts called for by the com- monh^ accepted standard for a man of sedentary occupation. We have here another instance of very low protein consumption coupled with a rather plentiful energy supply. So far as we may judge from physical examination and measurements at the end of the test period. Subject F held his own with the demands, both intellectual and physical, of his college life. In fact he showed the slight gain in weight (in this case 1.8 pounds) and in anthropometric measurements that was noticed with the majority of the men, which seems to indicate, at least in the case of a man whose normal body growth was completed, that there was no physical deterioration. His scholarship was very high, if we may judge from the fact that he passed his examinations with the grade of A, the highest mark that is given at Harvard University. DIETARY STUDY NO. 407. Subject G was 22 years old, 5 feet 8.5 inches in height, and weighed 143.3 pounds, and, unlike all the subjects before considered, showed a remarkably close approximation to the average for his age both in stature and in physical measurements, being classed as fairl}' well developed and nourished. He was a senior in the college and carried five courses, none of which was generally considered to be very diffi- cult. Of all the men, his period for sleep was the shortest, being but 6^ to 6f hours. He spent 9 to 9f hours daily on his college work, but had no outside duties to perform. It was onl}' during 36 period 1 that he took any physical exercise, and then it was limited to walking for 1 to 2 hours or skating for 45 minutes per day on 2 or 3 days. Table 9.— Kinds of food, number of orders, and cost of each kind, and average cost and amounts of protem and energy of dietary study No. 407. SUBJECT G. [For explanation of numbers in parentheses see p. 11.] Kinds of food, number of orders, and cost of each kind. Period 1 , 3 weeks, November SO to December 20. Beefsteak (10), 9, 90 cents; beef, rump steak (14), 5, II; beef, Hamburg steak (13), 1,10 cents; beet, roast (6), 4, 40 cents; beef, frizzled (with eggs) (23), 1, 10 cents; beef, potpie (25), 1, 10 cents; veal cutlets (27), 1, 15 cents; mutton chops (31) 1, 25 cents; lamb, roast, cold (35), 1, 10 cents; pork, bacon (with eggs) (39), 3, 12 cents; pork cutlets (with fried apples) (43), 2, 30 cents; turkey, roast (with sauce) (54), 1, IScents. Total meats, etc Chowder (57), 3, 9 cents; soup (59), 6, 18 cents; pur6e of peas (58), 2, 6 cents. Total soups, etc Oysters, raw, i dozen (68), 1, 10a cents; oyster stew, ordinary (70), 2, 20 cents; oyster stew, special (72), 1, 16 cents; smelts, fried (65), 1, 15b cents. Total fish, etc Eggs, boiled (77), 2, 16 cents; eggs, fried (78), 7, 66 cents; eggs (with bacon) (78), 3, 24 cents; omelet (81) , 1, 10 cents. Total eggs Butter (87), 67, 57 cents; milk, glass (95) , 10, 20 cents; milk, 4-ounce pitchers (96), 21, 21 cents. Total dairy products Oatmeal (103), 21, 84 cents Bread, white (113), 16, 16 cents; bread, corn (119) 1, 1 cent; biscuit (125), 4, 4 cents; rolls (131), 67, 67 cents; toast, buttered (135), 8, 24 cents; buckwheat cakes (143), 3, 15 cents; griddlecakes (147), 6, 30 cents; crackers for soup (152), 11, 11 cents. Total iDrGftd crftckGrs etc .......•....-..-....-----•-••---■ Doughnuts (164),' 2, 2 cents; gingerbread (168), 9, 9 cents; cake (158), 2, 5 cents; ice cream (182), 1, 7 cents; pies (172), 11, 55 cents; coffee jelly (18.5), 9, 36 cents; puddings (176), 9, 45 cents. Total des- serts etc .,..............----••-------••---••••--**-■ Peas (198), i, 3' cents; potatoes, baked (199), 6, 10 cents; potatoes, fried (207), 2, 4 cents; potatoes, mashed (203), 6, 10 cents: tomatoes, stewed (234), 3, 9 cents. Total vegetables Grapes (247), 1, 3 cents; apples, fried (with pork cut- lets) (242), 2, Of. Total fruits Sirup (260), 9, 18 cents; sugar, teaspoonfuls (259), 180, O"". Total sugars, etc Cocoa (262), 5, 15 cents; coffee (263), 23, 69 cents; tea (263), 23, 69 cents. Total beverages Cost, protein, and energy of daily food. Total. Cost. Protein. Energy. Cents. 17.5 1.6 2.8 .5.0 4.7 4.0 8.0 7.6 Total food . Penod Z, S weeks, February II, to March 6. Beef, roast (7), 4, 40 cents; beefsteak (11), 1, lOcents; beef, rump steak (14) , 2, 40 cents; beef, tenderloin (15) , 1, 50 cents; beef, Hamburg steak (13), 1, 10 cents; beef, corned (3), 2, 16 cents; pork cutlets (43), 1,15 cents; pork,bacon (with eggs) (40), 3, 12cents; pork, ham (with eggs) (48), 1, 12 cents; veal, roast (with gravv) (28), 1, 10 cents; gravy (with roast veal) (29), i, O;'' turkey, roa.st (.55), 3, 45 cents; veal cutlets (27), 3 ,45 cents; lamb, roast (33), 1, 10 cents. Tol/8,1 meB^ts etc . ..,.........•.••--•-■•--••••-•- Chowder (67),' 3, 9 cents; pur6e of peas (68), 1, 3 cents; soup (60), 8, 24 cents. Total soups, etc a Oysters, raw, 15 cents per dozen; 10 cents per half dozen b Extra charge of 5 cents for Tartare sauce. cSee footnote r to Table 1. Grains. 42.6 3.1 3.3 .1 .9 7.3 61.2 8.0 7.0 7.6 29.8 10.2 2.4 < '(dories. 597 00 35 Digesti- ble pro- tein. Avail- able energy. 3.7 144 355 212 1,039 587 109 13 394 117.6 15.0 1.7 32.6 2.7 3, 627 485 48 Grams. 41.2 3.0 3.2 7.8 6.8 6.5 25.3 Calories. 519 .52 30 2.0 3.6 108.1 31.6 2.6 128 330 193 946 546 99 11 386 80 3,319 422 41 37 N Table 9. — Kinda of food, tmmbcr of orders, and cost of each kind, and average cost and amounts of protein and energy of dietary study No. 407 — Continued. SUBJECT G— Continued. Kinds of food, number of orders, and cost of eiich kind. Cost, protein, and energy of daily food. Period 2, 3 weeks, February lU to March 6 — Continued. Cod, fried (62), 2, 22 cents; lialibut, fried (63), 2, « 25 cents; oyster stew (71), 1, 10 cents; oyster stew, extra (72), 2, 30 cents. Total flsh, etc Eggs, fried (79), 8, 64 cents; eggs, scrambled (85), 2, 20 cents; eggs, fried (with bacon) (79), 3, 24 cents; eggs, fried, (with ham), (79), 1, 8 cents. Total eggs, etc Butter (88), 56, 56 cents; milk, glass (95) 24, 48 cents; milk, 4-ounce, pitchers (96), 25, 25 cents. Total dairy products Oatmeal (104), 21, 63 cents; rice (107) 4, 12 cents. Total breakfast cereals, etc Bread, white (114), 14, 14 cents; bread, corn (120), 21, 21 cents; biscuit (126), 1, 1 cent; rolls (132), 52, 52 cents; toast, buttered i;i35), 14, 42 cents; crack- ers (158), 11, 11 cents; buckwheat cakes (144), 2, 10 cents; griddlecakes (145), 7, 35 cents. Total brcflci** crftckcrs etc ...--.........-.---•--•••------• Cake (159), 3, 6 cents; gingerbread (169), 2, 2 cents; pie (173), 7, 35 cents; pudding (176), 2, 8 cents; coffee jelly (186), 14, 56 cents; ice cream (183), 1, 7 cents. Total desserts, etc Peas (196), 5, 15 cents; potatoes, baked (200), 4, 8 cents; potatoes, mashed (204), 8, 16 cents; sweet potatoes (217), 1, 2 cents; beets, pickled (219), 1, Scents; tomatoes, stewed (232), 2,a 8 cents. Total vegetables, etc Bananas (243), 37, 74 cents; fried apples (with pork cutlets) (242), 1, O-.b oranges (250), 21, 63 cents. Total friiits, etc Sirup (260), 9, 18 cents; sugar (259), 177, 0. & Total sugars, etc Cocoa (262), 2, 6 cents: coffee (263), 27, 81 cents; gin- ger ale (266), 1, 5 cents; tea (263), 17, 51 cents. Total beverages, etc Combination lunch (272), 1, 10 cents Total food . Period 3, 3 weeks, May S to May 2S. Beef, braised (2), 1, 10 cents; beef, corned (4), 2, 16 cents; beef, roast (8), 5, 50 cents; beefsteak (12), 4, 40 cents; beef, rump steak (14), 3, 60 cents; pork, bacon (with eggs) (41), 1, 4 cents; pork cutlets (43), 2, 30 cents; pork, ham (with eggs) (48), 2, 24cents; turkey, roast and dressing (56), 1, 15 cents. To- till TTl^fttS etc .,...,,.....•......■•---- Chowder (57) , 3, 9 cents; soup (61), 6, 18 cents. To- tal soups, etc Mackerel, broiled (64), 2, 20 cents Eggs, fried (80), 18, c 54 cents; eggs, scrambled (S6), 7, 56 cents; eggs (with bacon) (80), 1, 6 cents; eggs (with ham) (80), 2, 12 cents. Total eggs, etc Butter (89), 52, 52 cents; cream (92), 2, 4 cents; cream (with strawberries) (93),16, 0;'> milk, bowl (94), 2, 8 cents; milk, glass (95), 49, 98 cents; milk, 4-ounce pitchers (96), 6, 6 cents. Total dairy pro- ducts Oatmeal (^105), 2, 6 cents; rice (108), 1, 3 cents; shredded wheat (109), 6, c 12 cents. Total break- Bread, white' (115), 18, 18 cents; bread, corn (121), 40, 40 cents; rolls (133), 30, 30 cents; toast, but- tered (136), 15, 45 cents; griddlecakes (146), 10, 40 cents; crackers (154), 2, 2 cents. Total bread, crftckcrs etc .....,,.........--.. Cake (160), 6, 9 "cents; cookies (163), 2. 2 cents; ice cream (184), 8, 64 <' cents; coffee jelly (187), 8, 32 cents; sherbet (188), 1, 6 cents. Total desserts Total. Cost. Protein. Energy Cents. 4.1 5.5 6.1 3.6 8.9 5.4 2.4 6.5 .9 6.8 .5 67.4 11.9 1.3 1.0 6.1 8.1 1.0 8.3 5.4 Grams. 9.9 9.9 12.0 5.7 30.7 .5.8 3.3 3.6 3.3 1.6 Calorics. 109 195 508 172 Digesti- ble pro- tein. Grams. 9.6 9.6 121.0 315 127 269 388 76 47 3,831 33.1 2.5 3.0 20.4 18.8 1.7 30.3 3.6 474 45 25 423 717 58 1,0.52 213 11.6 4.8 1,092 ! 26.1 Avail- able energy. Calorics. 93 174 4.9 2.7 3.1 3.2 1.4 111.2 32.1 2.4 2.9 19.8 18.2 1.5 25.8 3.1 472 157 994 293 IIG 237 380 75 43 3,497 412 39 21 376 667 53 957 198 "Includes one special order, with extra charge. b See footnote r to Table 1. <• Orders for one-half the usual amount. , ,., i,- w ,i .K^t ,>, t..Wp i ^Includes some kinds of ice cream the price of which was higher than that in laoie i. 38 Table 9. — Kinds^ offood, number of orders, and cost of each kind, and average cost and amounts of protein and energy of dietary study No. 407 — Continued. SUBJECT G— Continued. Cost, protein, and energy of daily food. Kinds of food, number of orders, and cost of each kind. Total. Digesti- Avail- Cost. Protein. Energj'. tein. energy. Period 3, S weeks, May 8 to May 2S— Continued. Pea.), 42, 42 cents. Total dairv products Hominy (100), 9, 36 cents; oatmeal (103), 11, 44 cents; rice (106), 2, 8 cents; wheat (112), 20, 80 cents. Total breakfast cereals, etc Bread, white (113), 8, 8 cents; bread, Graham (116)9, 9 cents; bread, corn (119), 16, 16cents; biscuit (125), 5, 5, cents; rolls (131), 44, 44 cents; crackers for soup (152) , 5, 5 cents. Total bread, crackers, etc Cake (158), 2, 2 cents; cookies ( 161) , 3, 3 cents; dough- nuts (164 ), 3, 3 cents; gingerbread (168), 6, 6 cents. Total desserts, etc Potatoes, mashed (203), 6, 10 cents Sugar, tea.spoonfuls (259), 203, 0" Cocoa (262), 7, 21 cents Combination dinners (274), 3, 36 cents Cost, protein, and energy of daily food. Total. Cost. Protein. Energy. Total food . Period 2, S tveeks, February 11, to March 6. Beefsteak (11), 1, 10 cents Chowder (.57), 1, 3 cents; soup (60), 2, 6 cents. Total soups, etc Butter (88), 17, 17 cents; milk, bowl (94), 18, 72 cents; milk, 4-ounee pitchers (96), 22, 22 cents. Total dairy products Prepared cereal (98), 1, 4 cents; oatmeal (104), 19, 57 cents; rice (107), 1, 3 cents; wheat (110), 1, 3 cents. Total breakfast cereals Bread, white (114), 1.5, 15 cents; bread, corn (120), 9, 9 cents; biscuit (126), 2, 2 cents; rolls (132), 89, 89 cents; gems, Graham (128), 2, 2 cents; crackers (153), 3, 3 cents. Total bread, crackers, etc Cake (159), 7, 15 cents; doughnuts (165), 3, 3 cents; 6clair (167), 2, 8 cents; pie (173), 8, 40cents. Total desserts, etc Beans, baked (190), 1, 4 cents; potatoes, baked (200), 1, 2 cents; potatoes, mashed (204), 1, 2 cents. To- tal vegetables Apples (240), 1, 2 cents; bananas (243), 4, 8 cents. Total Iruits Sugar, teaspoonfuls (259), 204, 0 « Cocoa (262), 21, 63 cents Combination breakfast (269), 1, 10 cents: lunches (272), 18, 81.80; dinners (275), 2, 24 cents. Total combination meals Total food . Period .1, 3 weeks, May S to May 2S. 5.7 3.0 6.6 3.6 1.5 Beef hash (22), 1, 6 cents Butter (89), 23, 23 cents; milk, bowl (94), 19, 76 cents; milk, 4-ounce pitchers (96), 21, 21 cents. Total dairv products Oatmeal (105), 20, 60cents; rice (108), 1,3 cents. To- tal breakfast cereals Bread, white (115), 17, 17 cents; bread, corn (121), 1, 1 cent; biscuit (127), 8, 8 cents; rolls (133), 100, 81; macaroni (1.56), 2, 12 cents. Total bread, crackers, etc . Cake ("l66)Vii,'i4 cents; pie "( 174)! 10, 'M2 centsVshorV- cake, strawberries only (179), 1, 7 cents; .shortcake, crust only (180), 1, 0;« sherbet (188), 2, 12 cents. Total desserts, etc Beans, baked (191). 1, 4 cents; potatoes, hashed (214), 1, 2 cents; potatoes, fried (208), 1, 2 cents. Total vegetables Sugar, teaspoonfuls (259), 217, 0" "See footnote r to Table 1. 6 Includes two orders of pie at 6 cents each Cents. 0.7 6.2 8.0 4.1 .7 .5 1.0 1.7 21.9 .5 .4 6.3 3.2 5.7 3.1 .4 .5 3.0 10.2 Grams. 1.0 10.0 10.3 19.2 1.7 .9 32.3 4.6 48.4 1.7 . 7 14.2 5.3 25. 7 4.3 1.3 .2 2.0 31.5 Calories. 16 272 362 86.9 14.6 31.4 5.1 1.2 669 116 38 343 19 110 Digesti- ble protein. Gravis. 1.0 9.7 8.8 1,945 16 12 383 156 877 285 32 22 345 57 956 3,141 22 189 1,074 346 48 367 16.3 1.4 . 7 .7 4.2 42.8 1.7 .7 13.8 4.5 21.8 3.7 1.1 .2 1.9 29.0 78.4 1.5 14.2 5.7 26.7 4.3 1.0 Avail- able en- ergy. Calories. 14 253 329 609 108 35 336 19 101 1,804 14 10 263 142 798 265 29 19 338 56 879 2,813 19 397 172 977 322 44 360 44 Table 11.— Kinds offood,^ number of orders, and cost of each kind, and_ average cost and amounts of protein and energy of dietary study No. ^09— Continued. SUBJECT I— Continued. Kinds of food, niniiher of orders, and oost of eaoh liind. Period S, S weeks, May 8 to May 28— Continued. Cocoa (262) 16, 48 cents; lemonade (267), 9, 18 cents; tea (263), 1, Scents. Total beverages Combination lunches (273), 15, $1.50; dinners (276), 3, 36 cents. Total combination meals Total food Average of the three periods Cost, protein, and energy of daily food. Total. Cost. Protein. Energy. Cents. 3.3 8.9 31.9 28.7 Grams. 1.6 15.7 77.8 71.0 Colorirs. 84 574 3,131 2,739 Digesti- ble protein. Grams. 1.6 14.4 69.4 63.5 Avail- able en- ergy. Calories. 82 528 2,901 2,506 The diet of this subject is noteworthy in several respects. During the three weeks of period 1 he lived on a ration which cost about 22 cents per day and supplied the remarkably small total of 42.8 grams of digestible protein and 1,804 calories of available energy. He ate no meat except that which was served with the combination meals, of which there were only three during the entire period. Except for butter and milk, which supplied about 25 per cent of the total protein and 14 per cent of the total energy, he was practically a vegetarian, depending on breads and cereals for about 59 per cent of the total pro- tein and on bread, cereals, and sugar for 70.5 per cent of the total energy obtained. Two pages from his book will give an idea of the character of the diet which he selected, though, as will be observed from the table above, the total number of combination meals was very small. Sample menus. Subject I. December 2. Cost, Breakfast: '"'^"t^- Cracked wheat and milk (with 3 to 4 teaspoonfuls sugar) 5 One hot biscuit (about 57 grams) 1 Total 6 Lunch : Boiled rice and milk ( with 3 to 4 teaspoonfuls sugar) 5 Corn bread (about 43 grams) 1 Total 6 Dinner: Combination dinner, which consisted of a plate of soup, roast turkey and dressing, a small saucer of mashed tomatoes, a saucer of stewed corn (about two teaspoonfuls), a roll, a small pat of butter (11 grams), a cup of cocoa, and a dish of pud- ding (150 grams) 16 Total cost for the day ^ 28 45 December 17. Cost, Breakfast: cents. Cracked wheat and milk ( with 3 to 4 tea.spoonfulR sugar) 5 Two biscuits 2 Pat of butter 1 Total 8 Dinner: Boiled hominy and milk ( with 3 to 4 teaspoonfuls sugar) 5 Four slices bread 2 Pat of butter 1 Total 8 Supper: Bowl of milk (about 12 fluid ounces) 4 Two rolls (48 grams each ) 2 Total 6 Total cost for the day 22 Subject I apparently found that he did not get enough to eat in this manner for 22 cents a day, and accordingly we lind him spending more at the time covered by the second and third periods. On an average his daily ration then cost about 32 cents and furnished 73.9 grams of digestible protein and 2,857 calories of available energy. During these periods animal foods furnished 43.5 per cent of the total protein and 26 per cent of the total energy noted, a ratio which was not materially different from that shown in the dietaries of several of the other sub- jects. The diet, as in many other cases, could have been improved as regards economy by spending less on desserts and Ijeverages and more on some other foods. As the tables stand, the ration for i^eriods 2 and 8 furnishes more than the average amounts of nutrients for 1 cent, as compared with the other studies, and this is due largely to the fact that the ration was simple as regards the classes of foods selected. It is further true that Subject I chose to eat only a few simple foods of each class rather than a considerable variety, and this explains the fact that in every important food class he obtained for 1 cent amounts of nutrients never below and often a little above the corresponding aver- aofe amounts for the ten men. At the end of the investigation he weighed 127 pounds, having made the surprising gain of 16.8 pounds during the experimental period, and his anthropometric measurements, as might be expected, also show a marked increase. No change, except an increase in adipose tissue, etc., was found in his physical condition and general health, but it seems certain that there was no deterioration. He passed the final 46 examinations in all his studies with an average grade of B. When we remember that he carried six courses and did outside clerical work in addition to his college work, this is a very creditable showing. It appears, then, that this subject, 16 years old at the beginning of the investigation, performed his college work with credit and gained steadily in bodily weight throughout the year without the slightest sign of deterioration in his general physical condition on a diet which furnished on an average 63.5 grams of digestible protein and 2,506 calories of available energy per diem. DIETARY STTJDY NO. 410. « Subject K was 22 years old, 5 feet 6.8 inches in height, and weighed 151 pounds. He alone of all the men studied seemed thoroughly strong and robust physically, and such a man as one would consider fit to take an active part in college athletics. His anthropometric measurements showed him to be generall}^ above the normal for men of his age and he was classed on examination as well developed and well nourished. He was a senior in the college and devoted himself to the study of Greek and classical philology, carrying four and one-half advanced courses. On an average he spent daily 10 to Hi hours on college work, including lectures, reading, etc., and slept 6f to 7 hours. His only physical exercise for the entire three periods was a walk of an hour, but during the first period he served as a waiter at Randall Hall li to 3 hours daily for 16 days, during the second period 1 to 4 hours daily for 17 days, and during the third period 2i to 4i hours daily for the entire three weeks. From this it appears that his working day covered 12 to 14 hours. Table 12. — KiiKh of food, miviber of orders, cost of each kind, and average cost and amounts of protein and energn of dietary study 410. SUBJECT K. [For explanation of numbers in parentheses, see p. 11.] Kinds of food, number of orders, and cost of each kind. Period 1, 3 weeks, November 30 to December 20. Beefsteak (10), 1, 10 cents Chowder (57) , 2, 6 cents; puriie of peas (68), 1, 3 cents; soup (59) ,2,6 cents. Total soups, etc , Milk, bowl (94), 3, 12 cents; milk, glass (95), 1, 2 cents; milk, 4-ounce pitchers (96), 2, 2 cents. Total dairy products Prepared cereal (97), 1, 4 cents; hominy (100), 8, 32 cents; oatmeal (103), 2, 8 cents; wheat (112), 1, 4 cents. Total breakfast cereals, etc Bread, white (113), 13, 13 cents; bread, Graham (116), 41, 41 cents; bread, corn (119), 4, 4 cents; rolls(l31), 1, ] cent; crackers (152), 2, 2 cents. Total breads, crackers, etc Cost, protein, and energy of daily food. Cents. 0.5 .7 .7 2.3 2.9 Total. Cost. Protein. Energy 0-rams. 1.4 1.5 2.4 2.7 16.8 Calories. 14 29 52 107 546 Digesti- ble protein. Orains. 1.4 1.5 2.3 2.3 14.3 Avail- able energy. Calories. 12 25 48 100 497 47 Table 12. — Kinds of food, number of orders, cost of each kind, and average cost and amounts of protein and energy of dietary study 410 — Continued. SUBJECT K— Continued. Kinds of food, number of orders, and cost of each kind. Period 1, 3 weeks, November SO to December 20 — Cont'd. Doughnuts (164), 1, 1 cent; gingerbread (168), 1, 1 cent; pie (172), 1, 5 cents; ice cream (182), 1, 7 cents. Total desserts, etc Beans, baked (189), 2, 8 cents; potatoes, baked (199), 26, 52 cents; sweet potatoes (216), 31, 62 cents. Total vegetables Sugar, teaspoonfuls (259), 19, Oo Combination dinner (274) , 1, 12 cents Cost, protein, and energy of daily food. Total. Total food . Period 2, S weeks, February lU to March 6. Beefsteak (11), 11, SI. 10 Purge of peas (58), 3, 9 cents; soup (60), 1, 3 cents. Total soups, etc Eggs, boiled (77), 7, & 28 cents; eggs, fried (79), 4, 32 cents. Total eggs Butter (88), 7, 7 cents; milk, glass (95), 10, 20 cents; milk, bowl (94), 1, 4 cents. Total dairy products.. Prepared cereals (98), 2, 8 cents; hominy (101), 6, 18 cents; oatmeal (104), 9, 27 cents; rice (107), 3, 9 cents; wheat (110), 9, 27 cents. Total breakfast cereals, etc Bread, white (114), 13, 13 cents; bread, Graham (117), 71, 71 cents; bread, corn (120), 36, 36 cents. Total bread, crackers, etc Cake, fruit (159), 28, 28 cents; cookies (162), 2, 2 cents; gingerbread (169), 3, 3 cents. Total desserts, etc.. Beans, baked (190), 1, 4 cents; potatoes, baked (200), 24, 48 cents; sweet potatoes (217), 13, 26 cents. Total vegetables Bananas (243), 3, 6 cents Sugar, teaspoonfuls (2.59), 61, 0" Coffee (263), 1, Scents Total food . Period 3, 3 iveeks, May S to May 28. Beefsteak (12), 3, 30 cents Soups (61), 2, 6 cents Eggs, fried (80), 5, 30 cents Butter (89), 20, 20 cents; milk, bowl (94), 1, 4 cents. Total dairy products Prepared cereal (99), 7, 28 cents; hominy (102), 7, 21 cents; oatmeal (105), 10, 30 cents, wheat (111), 6, 18 cents. Total breakfast cereals Bread, white (115), is, is cents; bread, Graham (118), 73, 73 cents. Total bread Cake (160), 2, 2 cents; cookies (163), 1, 1 cent; pie (174), 8, 32 cents. Total desserts, etc Potatoes, baked (201), 28, 56 cents; potatoes, boiled (202) , 13, 26 cents. Total vegetables Bananas (244), 16, 32 cents Sugar, teaspoonfuls (269), 49, Oa Cost. Cents. 0.7 Total food Average for the three periods. Protein. 14.2 5.2 .6 2.9 1.5 4.2 .5.7 1.6 .1 25.8 1.4 .3 1.4 1.2 4.6 4.3 1.7 3.9 1.5 20.3 20.3 Grams. 0.7 14.3 1.5 41.3 18.6 1.3 4.3 3.8 6.3 31.5 4.3 8.7 79.1 4.8 .6 2.6 8.4 25.8 2.7 6.7 .9 Energy. Calories. 60 790 32 37 53.2 57.9 1,657 179 28 68 112 225 1,037 267 434 14 103 2 Digesti- ble protein. Grams. 0.6 11.9 2,469 46 9 50 111 287 826 194 270 69 83 1,945 2,024 1.4 35.7 18.0 1.3 4.2 3.7 6.4 26.8 3.7 7.2 .2 70.6 4.7 .6 2.5 7.1 21.9 2.3 5.6 .8 46.2 50.8 Avail- able energy. Calorits. 47 719 31 34 1,513 156 24 61 104 205 944 248 395 12 101 2 2, 252 40 8 45 103 261 762 180 246 61 81 1,777 1,847 « See footnote r to Table 1. b Orders for half the usual amount. The above dietary is especially noteworthy l)ecause of the unusually small amount of nutrients and energy eaten daily, and also because of the low cost. On an average for the three periods the ration cost but 20.1 cents per daj, and furnished 50.8 grams of digestible protein and 1,847 calories of available energy, only 55 and 68.5 per cent, respec- 48 tively, of the amounts called for by the commonly accepted standard for men of sedentary occupation. Animal foods furnished about 24 per cent of the total protein and 11 per cent of the total energy, the lowest ratio of animal to vegetable nutrients noted in the entire inyestigation. Practicalh^ no combina- tion meals were used; meats furnished only about 75 per cent, and dairy products only about 33 per cent, of the quantit}?^ of protein and energy derived from foods of this kind in the average for all ten sub- jects. From this it is evident that the consumption of the common animal foods was very small. On the other hand, the vegetable and cereal foods were ver}^ liberally used; for example, vegetables fur- nished 16 per cent of the total protein and 25 per cent of the total energy, or about three and one-half times the average percentage for all the subjects; breads nearly 50 per cent, and cereals 80 per cent more than the average percentage amount noted in these studies. From the point of view of economy of purchase no criticism need be made of this dietary, as the choice of dishes was such that little more could have been bought for the same money. However, from a consideration of the records in the subject's da3^book, selected at random, the diet would appear to be far from what is ordinarity con- sidered normal, palatable, or satisfactory. Sample menux, Subject K. December 15. Breakfast: cents'. Baked beans 4 Graham crusts (about equal to 2 slices of bread) 1 Baked potatoes 2 Total 7 Lunch : Cracked wheat and small pitcher of milk (4 ounces) 5 Supper: Two Graham crusts (about equal to 4 slices of bread) 2 Cup of hot water 0 Total 7 Total cost for the day 14 February 14. Breakfast: Steak 10 Graham bread (2 slices) 2 Oatmeal ( with sugar, but no milk ) 3 Hot water 0 Total 15 49 , , Cost, Lunch: cents. Cracked wheat ( with sugar, but no milk ) 3 Baked potatoes (2 potatoes) 2 Graham crusts (see above) 1 Total 6 Supper: Two ( iraham crusts (see above) 2 Pat of butter (ab(.)ut 12 grams) 1 Fruit cake (1 small square ) 1 Cup oi hot water 0 Total 4 Total cost for the day 25 May 24. Breakfast: Oatmeal (sugar, l)ut no milk ) 3 Baked potatoes ( 2 potatoes) 2 (iraham crusts 1 Cup of hot water 0 Total 6 Lunch : Boiled hominy (sugar, but no milk) 3 Two Ciraham criL^ts 2 Baked potatoes ( same as above) 2 Cup of h( )t water 0 Total 7 Supper: Boiled potatoes ( 2 potatoes) 2 Bread (4 slices of white bread ) 2 Saucer of prepared cereal 3 Cup of hot water 0 Total 7 Total cost for the day 20 At the end of the investigation Subject K had gained 8.-1 pounds and showed a corresponding- increase in anthropometric measure- ments. Judged by the results of an examination, there was no change in his general health or physical condition. He passed his final exam- inations with a clean record of A's, which indicates a scholarship far above that of the average student. It appears, then, that this subject, the best developed and most robust looking of all the men studied, judging by the data recorded, lived on the lowest diet (50.8 grams of digestible protein and 1,847 calories of available energv per day on an average) and performed a highly credita})le year's work without signs of physical deterioration. The amounts of protein and energy supplied 1)3^ the diet of this sub- ject are very small. The low protein would be understjindable if the 50 supply of energy was corresponding!}' large. The value for energ}^ is, however, so low that it seems not unlikely that owing to an over- sight or misunderstanding some articles were omitted in recording the daily diet. In experiments with the respiration calorimeter made by Atwater and his associates, it has been found that subjects who were performing ahnost no external muscular work expended as much energ}' per day as Subject K received from his diet on an average, and when their mus- cular activity was increased their output of energy was correspond- ingly larger. In other words, they required as much energy for the simple processes of living as was supplied by the recorded diet of this subject, who had considerable muscular exercise in connection with his usual daily occupations. It is difficult to believe, in the light of the law of the conservation of energy, that he could have subsisted on such a diet without some drain on his body, and certainly it can not be sup- posed that he could continue to draw upon his body throughout the college year without some eflfect upon it. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS. METHOD OF COMPUTING THE DIETARIES. The practical impossibility of weighing and sampling all the cooked food on its way to the subjects, under conditions existing at Randall Hall, led to a method of making dietary studies difi'erent from that generally followed. As stated earlier (p. 5), records were kept of the number and kind of the portions of food served to each subject. The amount of food in each portion was estimated by weighing sample portions and finding an average value from these weighings, which was used to calculate the weight of the portions actually served to the men. This ma}^ be called the method of average weights, inasmuch as it rests upon the assumption that the weights of successive portions of any given cooked food, on account of accidental variations, swing around an ideal value, which can be determined by weighing a sufficient number of the portions and averaging the figures so obtained. That this is the case within certain limits of error was shown by the agree- ment between weighings of consecutive portions of any given article of food. This is nothing more than is to be expected where the same sized dishes and serving spoons are used da}" after day for serving the same foods For example, to obtain the average weight of an order of white bread, nine portions were weighed as they came from the serving room on different days, with the following results: 66, 56, 63, 69, 64, 70, 62, 63, and 6(^ grams, the average being 64.3 grams. While the difi'erence between the extremes is appreciable, the average varia- tion from this average is only 3 grams, or 4.7 per cent. 51 The average variation of the successive weights from the average of all the weights, when reduced to a percentage basis, as in the above sample, maybe called '"percentage variation." The figure expressing the percentage variation is useful to indicate the degree of uniformit}'^ in the successive weights of the same article of food and furnishes an approximate measure of the accuracy of the method of averages which lies at the bottom of the whole investigation. The precise meaning of the percentage variation figure is clear from the following considera- tions: Let us suppose that the average weight of all the orders of bread eaten b}' a certain student during three weeks, determined b}' the actual weighing of each order, is found to be 100 grams. Suppose, also, that the average variation of the single orders from 100 grams is 4.7 grams; then the percentage variation is 4.7. This working average, as it may be termed, determined by a comparativel}" small number of observations, may or may not be 100 grams, the true average. For example, it may happen that the weights of the orders that we select for weighing are all above the true average or all below, instead of some above and some below. In the iirst instance the working aver- age would be 104. 7 grams, on the assumption that the specimen orders were dished out with the same uniformity that obtained when the true average was determined. In other words, the maximum error that the method is likel}' to introduce is 4.7 per cent of the total weight of the bread consumed. Consider now the uniformity shown by other articles of food. For the important class of breadstuffs the percentage variation was found to be 7.6, for cereals it was Q.G, and for dairy products 6.Q. Meats showed the greatest irregularities, the percentage variation being 13.5. Averaging the percentage variations of all the important arti- cles gives 8.6 — that is to say, if the same number of orders of all the various dishes were consumed, and we estimate the total weights by nuiltiplying the average weight of each order by the number of orders eaten, the greatest error that lack of uniformity in the individual weights could reasonably be expected to introduce would be about 9 per cent of the total weight sought. It does not follow, however, that the largest error to be expected in the final figures for protein and energy is 9 per cent, for all the articles of food are not of equal importance in the result. Evidently, if a subject eats but one or two orders of meat during a period, the addition to his average dail}' ration is small, and the error is slight if the item is left out altogether, hence it suffices to determine the nutrients and weight of the meat approximately. Similarly, in a ration consisting of meat and fruit in equal weights, it is unnecessar}^ to deter- mine either the weight of the fruit or its proportion of nutrients with the same accuracy as in the case of meat, since the low value of the fruit in terms of protein and energy makes its effect on the total vahie 52 of the ration slight. It is clear, then, that the exactitude with which we should know the weights of the various servings or portions of the different foods depends both upon the chemical composition of the food and upon the number of orders eaten. vSince we know the amounts of protein and energy furnished by the various classes of food, viz, soups, dairy products, cereals, breads, vegetables, meats, etc., and the per- centage variation apph'ing to each class, it is quite possible to com- pute, approximately at least, the effect produced b}' these variations in the final figures expressing the energy and protein in the average ration. The following table shows the amounts of nutrients furnished by the different classes of food during the whole study, the percentage variations, and the effects on the totals: Table 13. — Proportion of protein and energy in average daily ration per man {for the entire inrestigation) famished by various classes of food and probable maximum error introduced by variation in the size of consecutive orders of the various dishes. Classes of food. Soup Hash, fish, meats Dairy products Breakfast cereals Breads and crackers. iJes.serts Vegetable.s Fruits Beverages Combination meals. . Sugars Eggs Total Average variation in weights of individ- ual por- Digestible protein furnished. Probable maximum error in protein. Available energj- fur- nished. Probable maximum error in energv. tions. Per crnt. Grams. Grams. Calories. Cnlriries. 7.4 1.3 0.10 21.2 1.6 18.5 13.1 1.77 151.4 20.4 6.6 9.9 .65 870.8 24.5 6.6 4.4 .29 151.2 10.0 7.6 21.6 1.64 780.2 59.2 7.4 3.2 .24 212.9 15.7 9.2 4.2 .39 193.9 17.8 11.8 .7 .08 59.5 7.0 7.0 1.4 .10 44.2 3.1 8.0 15.2 1.22 459.0 36.7 5.0 7.2 222. 1 53.7 11 1 3.1 .22 3.9 78.1 6.70 2,720.1 211.0 Multipl3nng the total probable maximum error in protein, 6.70 grams, by 100, and dividing by the total digestible protein furnished, TS. 1 grams, gives 8.6 per cent as the average variation for digestible protein; a similar computation gives 7.8 per cent as the average vari- ation for available energ}"; and the average of both is 8.2 per cent. This tigure is believed to be the largest error that abnormal variations in the size of orders is likel}' to introduce into the dietaries. In the opinion of the writer, the actual error lies considerably below this, ])eing perhaps 3 or i per cent. A carefully conducted dietary stud}^ where the method of weighing, sampling, and analyzing all food on hand at the beginning, received during, and remaining at the end of the period of examination is employed would probably yield results within about 1 per cent of the actual amount of nitrogen and energ}^ in the food. The error inherent in the analytical determination of nitrogen and heat of combustion is so small that it ma}' be neglected; ])ut when one computes "protein" from the total nitrogen by using factors, another and .sometimes considerable error may be introduced. 53 1)ecaii.se of uncertainty regarding the nitrogen factor for protein/' The use of " coetScients of digestibilit\' " moreover is attended with uncertainty' for, while they yield reasonably accurate results in the average of a considerable number of studies, the actual error in some individual results has been found to be as high as 5 per cent in one or more nutrients.* The method of average weights which it was necessar}' to employ appears, therefore, to give results that are sonie- wiiat less accurate than the usual methods, but it is believed that the results are nevertheless sufficient!}' exact to be trustworthv and of ])ractical value. Another source of error in dietary work lies in the failure to ol)tain representative samples for anal3'sis. In this investigation the unusu- ally large variety of foods eaten by the various men made it practi- cally impossible to sample and analyze every article; on the other hand, it should be pointed out that many of the materials were con- sumed to such a limited extent that, as far as the effect on the results is concerned, the}' might be estimated with ample accurac}' from available data, or, indeed, neglected altogether without materially changing the final results. With a knowledge of the number of orders of each food eaten during the periods of study, it was possible to judge whether any given article was of sufficient importance to demand analysis. Table 1, page 6, gives the percentage of protein and energ\' per gram of the foods used during the dietary studies, including those analyzed in connection with these studies and those for which such figures were estimated from previous anahses. There is no wa}'^ of learning precisely how nearly the figures obtained by our method of sampling, analysis, and estimation represent the true values of protein and energy for the amount of food involved. The writer is of the opinion that, although the sampling, etc., in this case may not have been as accurate as in the ordinary dietary study, nevertheless the error is no greater than that involved in the use of the average weights before discussed. From the above consideration it seems reasonable to conclude that the dietaries express the daily rations of the subjects to within 3 to 4 per cent of both the protein and the energ}^ involved. RANDALL HALL DIETARIES COMPARED WITH THOSE OF OTHER STUDENTS. In the discussion of the results of the individual dietaries, they Have been compared with each other and with the commonly accepted stand- ard for a man of sedentary occupation, a basis of comparison selected because it was believed that none of the subjects were occupied m such «8ee At water and Bryant, Connecticut Storrs Station Rpt. 1899, p. 76. ^ Ibid., p. 86. 54 a way that they performed any considerable amount of muscular work other than that necessitated by walking to and f romi recitations, meals, etc. It is interesting to compare the results obtained with these students with those of studies made at other American colleges and universi- ties and with the results of studies in professional men's families and other families. Such a comparison is made in the following table: Table 14. — Snininary of rexvJtx of dietary Ktudien vnth xfudentx and dietary standards. [Quantities per man per day.] Students at Randall Hall: Subject A Subject B Subject C Subject D Subject E Subject F Subject G Subject H Snl)ject I Subject K Average of all , Average of all except Subject K , Students at college commons, Wesleyan University: Subject No. 1 Subject No. 2 Subject No. 3 Average . Student boarding himself, Wesleyan University Student at University of California College boarding clubs: Men — At Wesleyan University, average 2 studies... At University of Tennessee, average 5 studies. At University of Missouri, average 2 studies.. At Maine State College, average 5 studies. . . . At Western Reserve University Average 15 studies Men and women — At Storrs (Conn.) Agricultural School . Women a — At Wesleyan University At North Dakota Agricultural College . At Lake Erie College At Chicago University At Western Reserve University Average . Average of 14 professional men's families. Average of 14 mechanics' families Average of 10 farmers' families Men at rest in respiration calorimeter DIETARY STANDARDS (ATWATER). Man with moderately active muscular work. Man with light to moderate muscular work . Man with sedentary occupation Man with very little physical exercise Cost per day. Cents. 32.3 36.1 41.7 42.7 43.3 34.3 62.4 37.7 28.7 20.1 37.9 39.9 32.1 32.1 32.1 32.1 31.6 26.0 17.0 28.0 2.5.6 13.0 18.0 25.0 25.0 28.0 19.0 In total food. Protein. Energy. Grams. 85 92 97 67 105 86 120 82 71 58 Calories. 3,108 3, 033. 3,196 2,789 2,969 3,061 3,656 3,062 2,739 2,024 86 139 91 104 111 145 94 98 93 96 121 140 110 104 84 64 68 108 103 85 104 103 97 109 125 112 100 90 2,964 3,068 Digest- ible protein. Grams. 76 84 88 61 97 77 110 73 63 51 81 126 82 95 Avail- able energy. Calories. 2,8.59 2, 795 2, 947 2, .566 2, 712 2,824 3,336 2,809 2, .506 1,847 101 133 87 90 85 88 112 128 101 96 78 59 62 99 94 79 96 95 89 103 115 103 92 83 2, 720 2,817 4,188 2,924 2,992 3,368 3,692 2, .581 3, .387 3,437 3,450 4,128 3,633 3,607 3,564 2,531 2, .579 2, 610 2,866 2,970 2,711 3,221 3, 355 3, 413 2, 418 3,400 3,050 2,700 2,450 a Quantities per woman per day. The corresponding amounts per man per day would be one-fourth greater, on the assumption that a woman eats 0.8 as much as a man under like conditions. 55 These comparisons afford an interesting illustration of the value of a knowledg-e of the relation between the cost and the actual nutritive value of food. This may be especially emphasized by a comparison of the average of the results for the Harvard students with those for the student at Wesleyan boarding himself. The latter had a clear idea of the nutritive value of different food materials and made his purchases accordingly. The cost of his diet was only about five-sixths of the average for the Harvard students, yet he obtained about seven- tenths more protein and a third more energy than they. Some part of the larger average cost of the diet of the Harvard stu- dents is, of course, due to the operating expenses of the boarding club, which the Wesleyan student did not have to meet. The latter bought mostly food ready to eat and prepared his own meals. But even assuming that the difference was wholly due to such causes, the Wes- leyan student could have obtained a diet equivalent in nutritive value to that of the average for the Harvard students for about 25 cents per day. A comparison with other results given in the table is also interest- ing. In the studies with the three students boarding at the Wesleyan commons the diet ranged from 82 to 126 grams of digestible protein, and from 2,924 to 4,188 calories of energy, the average being 101 grams and 3,368 calories, which was appreciably larger than the average consumption for the Harvard students. This was true also in the case of the average of the results of 15 studies made with col- lege boarding clubs in different parts of the country. The above summary of the results of the studies at Randall Hall very plainly shows the wide difference in cost and nutritive value of the diet selected by the different students. The largest sum per man per day was that for Student G— namely, 62.7 cents— and the diet also supplied the largest amount of protein and energy; the smallest cost was that for Student K, and likewise the quantity of protein and energy in the diet was smaller than in that of any of the other subjects. On the other hand, the latter student, for a little less than one-third the cost, obtained very nearly one-half as much protein and consider- ably more than half as much energy as the former. Subject F spent 2 cents per day more than Subject A for a diet practically the same in nutritive value. Subject A spent 5 cents per day less than subject H for a diet furnishing more protein and energy than that of the latter. Subject E spent only 0.4 cent more than Subject D, yet he obtained more energy and very much more protein in his diet than the latter: in fact Subject D spent more than twice as much as Subject K, who spent the least of all for food, yet he obtained only a little over a sixth more protein and a third more energy. It is evident from such comparisons that some of the students could have obtained considerably more actual nourishment than they did for the 56 same expenditure, or they lould have had a diet equally as nutritious as the one they had for a smaller cost. FOOD SUPPLY IN RELATION TO BODY "WEIGHT. In considering the nutrients supplied b}^ a given ration and the adequacy of the diet, as compared with the accepted standard, it is interesting to make comparisons on the basis of nutrients supplied per kilogram of body weight — that is, in rehition to the size of the subjects, since it seems obvious that a very small man would not have the same food requirements as a large one. It has been estimated that on an average the American man weighs not far from 150 pounds (68 kilo- grams). The commonly accepted dietary standard for an average man at sedentar}' employment (92 grams digestible protein and 2,700 calo- ries of available energ}^) would, therefore, provide 1.4 grams protein and 40 calories of energy per kilogram body weight. The table below shows the amounts of digestible protein and available energy fur- nished per kilogram body w^eight by the dietaries reported in this bulletin and compares these values with the standard selected: Table 15. — Daily income of digestible protein and available energy per kilogram body iveight. Subject A Subject B Subj ect C Subject D Subject E Subject F Subj ect G Subj ect H Subject I " SubjectK Average of all Average of all except Subject K. Man with sedentary occupation. Average weight. Amounts per day. Protein. Energy Kilograms. 50.2 60.7 66.2 54.5 62.6 54.9 66.4 59.3 53.8 70.4 59.8 58.6 68.0 Grarris. 76.2 83.9 87.7 61.5 97.1 77.2 110.4 73.0 63.5 50.8 78.1 81.2 92.0 Calories. 2,859 2,795 2,947 2,566 2, 712 2,824 3,336 2,809 2,506 1,847 2, 720 2,817 2,700 I Amount.s per kilo- gram body weight. Protein. Energy Gravis. 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.1 1.6 1.4 1.7 1.2 1.2 .7 1.3 1.4 1.4 Calories. 57 46 45 47 43 61 50 47 47 21 45 48 40 a This student's ration was much larger in the second and third periods than in the first. If the average of the last two periods be taken as nearer normal, the income would be, per kilogram, protein 1.4 grams, energy 53 calories. It will be seen that considering the average results for all the stu- dents the food furnished 1.3 grams digestible protein and 45 calories of available energy per kilogram body weight, or 7 per cent less pro- tein and 12 per cent more energy than is called for by the standard selected for comparison. If the results obtained with KSubject K, which there is some reason for considering exceptional, are omitted, the average amounts would be 1.4 grams digestible protein and 48 calories available energy, or as much protein and 20 per cent more energy than the standard calls for. Considering the individual studies it will be noted that, with the 57 exception of Subject K, the amount of energy was in all cases greater than the standard, while that of protein equaled or exceeded it in live cases. Judging the results of the studies in accordance with this method of comparison, the amounts of protein and energy obtained were on an average sufficient to maintain the subjects in equilibrium with their environment. THE STRENGTH TESTS. At the beginning and end of each period of , examination the sub- jects reported for strength tests, as has been noted. The sj'stem was that devised b}' Dr. D. A. Sargent and now used in many colleges. The individual taking the test is measured with a tape line and calipers. He is then made to exert his strength upon a series of spring dynamom- eters, the compression of which measures the strength of the various muscles. The results obtained are tabulated and, by comparison with a set of average results for men of the same age, the individual devel- opment may be deduced. In the case of the men examined in this investigation the changes observed were very small for the most part and are within the limit of probable error in the method. A few of the more signiticant measure- ments are given in the following table: T.\BLE 16. — Ages and physical measurements of mbjects. Age. Height. Chest. Waist. Thigh. Weight. strength. Subject A: Beginning End Years>. 31 Cm. 157.0 157.0 Cm. 84 89 Cm. 69 72 Cm. 46.5 50.5 Kgm. 48.5 51.9 Kgm. 427 539 Gain .. .0 5 3 4.0 3.4 112 Subject B: Becinnintf 20 161.5 162. 0 85 89 74 73 52.0 54.5 59.8 61.7 698 End 767 Gain .5 4 - 1 2.5 1.9 69 Subject C: Beginning End 23 167. 5 1G8. 5 85 88 76 76 55.5 56.0 65.7 64.8 526 809 Gain 1.0 3 0 .5 - .9 283 Subject D: Betrinnintr 22 168.5 168.5 82 84 67 69 49.5 49.0 54.2 54.7 560 End 699 Gain .0 2 2 — .5 .5 139 Subject E: Beginninsr 26 166.5 166.5 90 94 75 76 51.5 53.5 61.8 63.5 637 End 743 Gain .0 4 1 2.0 1.7 106 Subject F: Beeinnine 25 162.0 163.5 86 88 68 71 49.5 50.0 54.5 .55.3 682 End 900 Gain l.o 2 3 .5 .8 218 Subject G: Beerinnini' 22 174.0 174.5 88 90 72 74 .53.0 55.5 6.5.0 67.8 618 End 824 Gain. .5 2 2 2.6 2.8 206 58 Table 16. — Ages and physical measurements of subjects — Continued. " Age. Height. Chest. Waist. Thigh. Weight. Strength. Subject H: BeEinninsr Years. 27 Cm. 179.0 181.0 Cin. 84 88 Cm.. 70 70 Cm. 47.5 49.5 Kgm. 58.2 60.4 Kqm. 607 End 735 Gain 2.0 4 0 2.0 2.2 128 Subject I: Besrinniner 16 163.0 164.0 84 88 67 74 45.5 49.5 50.0 57.6 740 End 890 1.0 4 7 4.0 7.6 150 Subject K: Beginning 22 170.0 170.0 98 98 77 82 54.5 58.1 68.5 72.3 682 End 793 Gain .0 0 5 3.6 3.8 111 Average 23.4 167.0 .6 .4 87.0 2.7 3.1 71.5 2.2 3.1 50.5 2.1 4.2 58.6 2.4 4.1 618 Average gain 152 Per cent of average gain . 24.6 The gain in weight, averaging about 4 per cent, is the most signifi- cant point brought out by the table. Every subject but one (Subject C) showed a slight, but tolerably uniform, gain in weight throughout the year. As was to be expected, all the other measurements also increased more or less. In the case of the older of the men, i. e., those who had attained their full physical development, the gain in weight indicated that their diet was a little more than sufficient to maintain them in e(|uilibrium with their environment. With the younger men it is a question whether their gain was more or less than normal growth demands; or, in other words, whether their diet was sufficient to maintain them in equilibrium with their daily work and also to supply the needs of bodies still growing and developing. It is impossible to answer this question from the data of this study, but it is clear that in every case but one (Subject C) the amount of nutritive material obtained was at least not too small to allow of a slight increase in the body weight. The element of skill in applying one's power to the dynamometers influences results to an unknown extent, and the same individual after several successive trials often increases his previous records by several hundred points. The increase of about i35 per cent in the strength, as shown by the figures, can hardly be regarded as a reliable indication of actual gain in mu.scular strength, since it seems too small to lie out- side the improvement arising from a mere repetition of trials. The strength records of the subjects are rather lower than the general average of such tests with students at Harvard. The physical measurements recorded also show that the men included in the inves- tigation were below the average. For example, as regards height, these men, on the average, would stand about twenty-fourth if we took 100 students at random and arranged them in a row, beginning with the smallest and ending with the tallest. As regards weight, they, as an average, would stand at the thirty-fourth place, beginning 59 with the liohtost; in girth of chest, the}" would take forty -eighth place; in girth of waist, forty-third place, and in girth of thigh, fort}"- sixth place. Taking all measurements into account, they would stand at about the fortieth place. GENERAL PHYSICAL CONDITION OF THE SUBJECTS. At the time of the strength tests the men were given a medical examination by Dr. E. A. Darling somewhat resembling in character that required of applicants for life insurance. It was thought that such examinations, made by a physician, would bring to light any chansres that w^ould occur in the general health of the men — changes which the strength tests of course fail to indicate. The general condition of the men as a whole at the beginning of the study was regarded as rather below par. Only two (Subjects 1 and K) of the ten were classed as well developed and nourished, six (B, C, E, F, G, and H) were in fair condition, and two (A and D) were poorly developed and nourished. None was actually in poor health, though one man had recently recovered from typhoid fever. During the period of study several of the men had slight illnesses, such as indi- gestion, etc., but nothing which affected their general condition to any great extent. At the time of the last examination most of the men declared that they felt better than at the first. Physical examination, however, showed no noticeable change except a slight increase of fat in several instances. There seemed certainly no deterioration. Data recorded by the subjects themselves in regard to daily habits and occupations are summarized in the following table: Table 17. — Appro.vimate daily programme of the different subjects. Sleep. Exercise. Subject. Period 1. Period 2. Period 3. Period]. Period 2. Period 3. A Hours. 74 74 7 64 71 84 6i 8 8J 7 Hours. 83 73 7 7i 73 8 63 7* 84 63 Hours. 73 74 7 7 8 8 64 73 8i 63 Gymnasium 4 hour, or walking 4 to 2 hours, daily. Walking 1 hour (5 days), football (5 days). Walking 3 hours (Sunday.sonly). Gymnasium 4 to 1 Gymnasium 4 hour, or walking 4 to 2 hours, daily. Walking 4 to 1 hour, 9 days. Walking 2 hours (Sundays only). None Gymnasium 4 hour. B or walking 4 to 2 hours, or bicycle 4 to 1 hour, daily. Baseball 4 to 2 c hours, 10 days. Bicycle 1 hour, 11 D days. None. E hour, 9 days. Walking 24 to 3 Walking 24 to 3 Walking 24 to 3 F miles, daily. i miles, daily. Walking or gymna- Walking or gymna- miles, daily. Walking or liand- a sium 4 to 1 hour, daily. Walking 1 to 2 hours, 2 days; skating 3 hour, 1 day. Walking or bicycle 4 to 1 hour, 7 days. Walking 4 hours, 1 day. None sium 4 to 1 hour, daily. None ball 3 to 14 hours, 7 days. None. H Walking or gymna- sium 1 hour, 10 davs. Walking 4 to 1 hour, 2 days. Walking 1 hour, 1 Bicycle 4 to 2 hours, I (> days. Walking 1 hour, 1 K day: bicycle 5 hours. 1 day. None. day. 60 Tablk 17. — Approximate daily programme of the different subjects — Continued. Subject. College work— lectures, leading, etc. Outside work. Period 1. Period 2. Period 3. 1 Period 1. Period 2. Period 3. A Hours. 10 lOi m % 7 9 8i 7i Hours. 8 7^ 12i lU 7i 7i 9J 7 8 10 Hours. 9 8 11 12i 6i 7 9J 7J 8J lOJ None None None. B Barber's shop 8 Barber's shop, 8 , None. C hours, 3 days. hours, 1 dav;| waiting on table | at Randall 1 to 2 i hours, 9 davs. 1 Waiting on table at Waiting on table at I Waiting on table at D Randall Hall 1 to Randall Hall 1 to i Randall Hall 1 to 3 hours, daily. 3 hours, daily. 3 hours, 17 days. None None None. E None None None. F None ., i None None. None. G None ' None H Waiting on table at Waiting on table at Waiting on table at I Randall Hall J to Randall Hall J to Randall Hall J to 1^ hours, 10 days. ' IJ hours, 13 days. U hours, 12 days. Clerical work 3 to 5 Clerical work 1^ to Clerical work 1 to 2^ K hours, 9 days. ' 4 hours, 6 days. hours, 4 days. Waiting on table at Waiting on table at Waiting on table at Randall Hall U Randall Hall 1 to to 3 hours, 16 days. 4 hours, 17 day.i. Randall Hall 2i to 4J hours, daily. The data recorded .show that all the men spent a fair amount and some an unusually laro-e proportion of time on their college work. All spent very little time, on the average, in exercise bevond that nec- essary for walking to and from lectures and meals, and, as a rule, indulged only in the lighter forms, such as walking and gymnasium work, with occasionally bicycling, baseball, and handball. The aver- age time spent in sleep was somewhat less than is usual among college men. Briefly, then, according to Doctor Darling's report, it may be said that (1) no appreciable change was observed in the general condi- tion of the men during the period of observation; (2) the men spent rather less time than the average in sleep and exercise, but rather more than the average in the college work; and (3) the dietary was apparentl}' sufficient to maintain the nutritive standard to which they were accustomed. MENTAL WORK OF THE SUBJECTS. A year's work for a man in regular standing at Harvard Univer.sity consists of seldom less than four or more than six whole (i. e., lasting throughout the year) courses of study. The highest grade of marks given is "A," which indicates exceptionally good work. The grade "B" indicates work above the average, ''C" is given for average work, and the grade " D" indicates that the student has "passed," but without credit. As shown in the preceding table, live of the men engaged in no .sj^s- tematic mental work aside from that involved in their regular college courses. In these instances the grades or marks received by the men in their courses of study are a tolerabl}' accurate measure of their 61 mental work. In the case of the men who did outside work the grades attained by them in their college courses are, of course, only an approxi- mate indication of the amount of mental work. The following table shows the number of courses taken and the average grades attained by each subject for the year: Table 18. — Scholarship of the mbjeds as shown bif the number of courses of study taken and the average grades attained throughout the year. Subject. Kind of work. Number! ^^.^.^^^ courses. ^'*^*^- Remarks. A B C D E F Mathematics History and lan- guages. General scientific. Mathematics and physics. Electrical engi- neering. Greek, Latin, and classical philol- ogy. General cla.«sic . . . History, philos- ophy, econom- ics, etc. General classic . . . Greek 4 5 6 4 7 4 5 4 6 4i A C) («) B B A S' B A No outside work. First year student in graduate school. Worked in barber shop and was waiter at Randall Hall. Fre.shman in the college. Served as a waiter at Randall Hall and did clerical work. Was a sophomore in the college. No outside work. Sophomore in the col- lege. No outside work. Senior in the Lawrence Scientific School. No outside work. Second year student in G H I K graduate school. No outside work. Senior in college. Served as waiter at Randall Hall. Senior in the college. Did clerical work. Freshman in college. Served as waiter at Randall Hall. Senior in the college. a Between B and C. A glance at the table shows that on the whole the work of these men in their college courses was of a very high grade; in fact, far above the average. Moreover, the studies pursued were, with some excep- tions, of an advanced nature. CONCLUSIONS. The general trend of the results of these studies is clear. The ten young men performing approximately the same duties under the same general conditions lived on diets that differed widely in respect to the amounts of protein and energy supplied. The differences were notice- able not only with the different individuals, but also, in some cases, with the same individual in different periods. So far as it is possible to judge, the men appeared to be in bodily equilibrium on their vari- ous diets during the different periods; at least they showed no change in general physical condition that could be detected by careful med- ical examination. In discussing the results of the investigations, especially with refer ence to the adequacy of the diet for daily needs, it has been a.ssumed that the occupation of the subjects may be considered sedentary. A number of the men took more or less exercise and had some work other than that connected with their college duties, yet it seems fair to conclude that the dailv lives of all the men should be called sedentary 62 because none of them apparently had as nmch exercise as mechanics and others engaged in various forms of muscular work, who are included in the group covered b}^ the term "light to moderate mus- cular work." For all the subjects together the average daily con- sumption of digestible protein was 78 grams and the available energy of the food 2,720 calories, whereas the standard with which comparison has been made — namely, that for a man with sedentary occupation — suggests 92 grams digestible protein and 2,700 calories of available energy. In other words, as shown by this comparison, the average amount of digestible protein of the daily diet was less than the stand- ard selected calls for, while the amount of available energy was about the same. It is interesting, however, to consider the amount of digestible pro- tein and available energy supplied by the food in comparison witli the weights of the subjects. Assuming that the average American man weighs not far from 150 pounds (68 kilograms), the commonly accepted dietar}^ standard for the average man at sedentary employment would, therefore, provide lA grams protein and 40 calories of energy per kilogram body weight. As shown by the average results of all the students, the food furnished 1.3 grams digestible protein and 45 calories of energy per kilogram body weight, or 7 per cent less protein and 12 per cent more energy than is called for by the standard selected for comparison. In the case of the individual studies with one exception the amount of energy provided was greater than the standard calls for, while with live of the subjects the amount of protein equaled or exceeded the standard and with four it was only a little below it. It will be seen that when the comparison is made on the basis of actual weight of the subjects the agreement with the dietary standard is closer than on the basis of amounts per person per day. As has been stated, marked differences were observed in the amounts consumed by the different individuals and by the same individual in different periods, j^et on the whole the subjects appeared to be in equilibrium with their environment. The question naturally arises then, what would be a suitable dietary standard for these men, since in some cases there appears to have been for a given subject not one ration only but several different rations which enabled him to do his customary work without apparent change in physical condition? It seems reasonably certain that as regards protein the daily requirement is not a fixed quantity either for different individuals under similar circumstances or for the same individual at all times. So far as any given individual is concerned, it is known that the quantity of protein may vary within rather wide limits and that the body seems capable of adapting itself under certain conditions to diets of markedly different character. When such facts are considered the variations in the amounts of protein in the diets of the different subjects or with the same subject in different periods are not surprising. 63 It is ({uite o-enenilly conceded that the dietar}' standards conunonly accepted suggest amounts which experience has shown to be ample under usual circumstances for nourishing the hod}", maintaining it in harmon}^ with its environment, and keeping up its resistance to any unfavorable conditions which may arise. It is recognized that in the cas,e of individuals and groups variations from any such standard will always be found. The variations from the dietary standard observed ii\ the case of these students are interesting, but are, of course, not uniform or numerous enough to warrant any moditication of the stand- ard. If average values per person are considered, it will be seen that the protein supplied was lower and the energy somewhat higher than the quantities called for b}^ the standard, a variation which is in har- mony with the commonly accepted theory that within limits a defi- ciency of protein may be compensated by an increase of energy. When the comparison is based on amounts per kilogram body weight the agreement with the dietary standards is fairly close in the case of protein, whereas the energ}' exceeds the standard. As shown by the average results of studies made at a number of American colleges and universities, the diet of the group studied at Harvard furnished considerably less protein and energy than usual. The results reported in the present investigation are obviousl}" too few for sweeping deductions, and probably no one would suggest that the diet of the average student is too large, because the students here studied lived on a diet furnishing smaller amounts of protein and energy. Nature is very accommodating, and there is apparentl}^ always an effort to In-ing the body into harmony with its environment in respect to food and other conditions. In the case of these students and others studied elsewhere there is no means of knowing the effect of the diet on their future health and well-being, or on their subse- quent resistance to disease, or other conditions which would make unusual demands on their physical vigor. Such questions must be taken into account before final conclusions can be reached. o LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OF THE OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS ON THE FOOD AND NUTRITION OF MAN-Continued. Bui. 102: ^Experiments on Losses in Cooking Meat, 1S9S-1900. By H. S. Grindlev, with ili. t.".iiciii- tion of H. Mi'(\)rmiU'l£ and H. C. Porter. Pp. 64. Price, .5 cents. Bui. 107. Nutrition Invcstigiitioiis among Fruitarians and Chinese at the California Agricultural Experiment Station, 1899-1901. By M. K. Jaffa. Pp.43. Price. 5 cents. Bui. 109. Experiments on the Metabolism of Matter and Energy in the Human Body. 1898-1900. By W. O. Atwatcr and F. G. Benedict, with the cooperation of A. P. Bryant, A. W. Smith and J. F. Snt-ll. Pp. 147. Price, 10 cents. Bui. 110. Dietary Studies in New York City in 1896 and 1897. By W. O. Atwater and A. P. Brvant. Pp. 83. Price. 5 cents. Bui. 117. Experiments on the Effect of Muscular Work upon the Digestibility of Food and the Metab- olism of Nitrogen. Conducted at the University of Tennessee, 1899-1900. By C. E. Wait. Pp. 43. Price, 5 cents. • Bui. 121. Experiments on the Metabolism of Nitrogen, Sulphur, and Phosphorus in the Human Organi.sm. By H. C. Sherman. Pp. 47. Price, 5 cents. Bui. 126. Studies on the Digestibility and Nutritive Value of Bread at the University of Minnesota in 1900-1902. By Harry Snyder. Pp. 52. Price, .5 cents. Bui. 129. Dietary Studies in Boston and Springticld, Mass.. Philadelphia, Pa., and Chicago, 111. By Lvdia Southard, Ellen H. Kichards, Su.sannah Usher, Bertha M. Terrill, and Amelia Shapleigh. Edited by R. D. Milner. Pp. lOS. Price, 10 cents. Bill. 132. Further Investigations among Fruitarians at the California Agricultural Experiment Station. By M. E. .Jaffa. Pp.81. Price, 5 cents. Bui. 136. Experiments on the Metalioli-sm of Matter and Energy in the Human Body, 1900-1902. By W. (). .Vtwatcr and F. A. Benedict, with the cooperation of A. P. Bryant, li. D. Milner, and Paul Murrill. Pp. 3.o7. I'rice. 20 cents. Uul. 111. Experiments on Losses in Cooking Meat, 1900-1903. By H. S. Grindley-ftnd Timothy Mojonnier. Pp. 95. Price, r> cents. Hill. 113. Studies oil the Diwstibilitv and Nutritive Value of Bread at the Maine Agricultural Exi)eri- ment Station, 1,S99-1903." Bv C. D. Woods and L. H. Merrill. Pp. 77. Price, 5 cents. Bui. 149. Studies of the Food of Maine Lumbermen. By C. D. Woods and E. R. Mansfield. Pp.60. Price, 10 cents. Bui. l.iO. Dietary Studies at the Government Hospital for the Insane, Washington, D. C. Bv H. A. Pratt and R. D. Milner. Pp. 170. Price, 15 cents. FAR.'VtERS' BITLLETINS. *Bul. 23. Foods: Nutritive Value and Cost. By W. O. Atwater. Pp. .32. Bui. 34. Meats: Composition and Cooking. Bv C. D. Woods. Pp.32. Bui. 74. Milk as Food. Pp. 39. Bui. ,S5. Fish as Food. Bv C. F. Langworthv. Pp. 30. Bnl. 93. Sugar as Food. Bv Marv H. Abel. Pp.27. Bui. 112. Bread and the Principles of Bread Making. By Helen W. Atwater. Pp. 39. Bui. 121. Beans, Peas, and other Legumes as Food. By Mary H. .\bel. Pp. 39. Bnl. 12S. Eggs and their Uses as Food. By C. F. Langworthv Pp. 36. Bui. 142. Principles of Nutrition and Nutritive Value of Food. Bv W. O. Atwater. I'ji. is. Bui. 182. Poultry as Food. By Helen W. Atwater. Pp.40. Bui. 203. Canned Fruit, Proeerves, and Jellies: Household Methods of Preparation. Bv Maria Parloa. Pp. 32. CIKCUL.\R. Circ. 46. The Functions and Uses of Food. .By 0; F. Langworthy. Pp. 10. SEPARATES. *Food and Diet. Bv W. O. 4twater. Reprinted from Yearbook of Department of Agriculture fur 1894. Pp.44. Some Results of Dietary Studies in the United States. By A. P. Bryant. Reprinted from. Yearbook of Department of Agriculture for 1898. Pp. 14. Development of the Nutrition Investigations of the Department of Agriculture. By A. C. True and R. D. Milner. Reprinted from Yearbook of Department of .■Agriculture for 1899. Pp.16. The Value of Potatoes as Food. Bv C. F. Langworthv. Reprinted from Yearbook of Department of Agriculture for 1900. Pp. 16. Uietaries in Public Institutions. By W. O. Atwater. Reprinted from Yearbook of Department i>i Agriculture for 1891. Pp.18. -;' The Cost of Food as Related to its Nutritive Value. By R. D. Milner. Reprinted from Yeaxbook <■! Department of Agriculture for 1902. Pp.19. Wheat Flour and Bread. Bv Harrv Snvder and Chas. D. Woods. Reprinted from Yearbook of Depart mentof Agriculture for 190.3. Pp.20. ' ^ Scope and Results of the Nutrition Investigations of the Office of Exjieriment Stations. Reprinti'l from Annual Report of the Office of Experiment Stations for the year ended June 30, 1901 . Pp. 50. Hictarv Studies of Groups, Especially in Public Institutions. By C. F. Langworthy. Reprinted from' Annual Report of the Oince of Experiment Stations for the year ended Juno 30, UKVj. Pp. 34. . Nutrition Investigations at the Government Hospital for the Insane. WashingUm. D. 0. By W. Stations. John Hamilton — Fanners' Institute Siiecialist. Mrs. C. E. Johnston — Chief Clerk. EDITORIAL DEPARTMENTS. E. W. Allen, Ph. D., and II. W. Lawson — Ctieniistrt/. Dairi/ Farming, and Dairying. W. H. Beal — Agricultural Phi/sics and Engineering. Walter H. Evans, Ph. D. — Botany and Diseases uf Plants. C. F. Langworthy, Ph. D. — Foods and Animal Production. J. I. Schulte — Field Crops. E. V. Wilcox, Ph. D. — Entomology and Veterinary Heience. C. B. Smith — Horticulture. D. J. Crosby — Agricultural Institutions. NLTRITION investigations. W. O. Atwater — Chief. irrigation and drainage investigations. Elwood Mead — Chief. (3) LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. U. S. Department or Agriculture, Office of Experiment Stations, Washington^ D. C, March 15, 1905. Sir : I have the honor to transmit herewith for publication Bulletin Ko. 153 of this Office, containing the proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Convention of the Association of American Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Stations, held at Des Moines, Iowa, Novem- ber 1-3, 1904. Respectfully, A. C. True, Director. Hon. Jaimes Wilson, Secretary of Agriculture. (3) CONTENTS Pag-e. Officers and committees of the association - - - 7 List of delegates and visitors in attendance — 9 Constitiition of the association 11 Minutes of the general session 15 Resolution relating to Association of State Universities 15 Report of the executive committee . - - 15 Report of treasurer 19 Report of bibliographer 20 Collective college and station exhibit at St. Louis 25 Communication from National Association of State Universities. 28 Uniform fertilizer and feeding stuff legislation 28 Methods of seed testing - 31 Military instruction'^ _ - 31,63,69 Indexing agricultural Mterature 32 Annu;il address of the president of the association . 33 Death of Major Alvord 42 Adams bill and Mondell mining school bill 43 Standing committees 43 Methods of teaching agriculture— The teaching of agriculture in the rural schools - - 43 The social phase of agricultural education 56 Cooperation between the stations and the U. S. Department of Agri- culture r - 62 Graduate study - - 63 Resolution regarding Hon. H. C. Adams 64 Extension of franking jjrivilege 64 Resolution regarding Hon. F. W. Mondell - 64 Resolution regarding Maj. Henry E. Alvord 65 Election of officers 65 Meeting place of next convention 66 Rural engineering - - - 66 Animal and plant breeding— American Breeders' Association 68 The upbuilding of agriculture - - 69 Indexing agricultural literature -- 76 Resolution regarding Director True and the Office of Experiment Sta- tions .- -- " Resolutions of thanks - ' ' Minutes of the sections - ^^ Section on college work and administration. 79 Elementary instruction in land-grant colleges - - - 79 Military instruction ^^ Degrees in land-grant colleges 161 (5) Minutes of the sections— Continued. Section on college work and administration— Continued. Page. Election of oflBcers 106- Action on resolutions ^"" Technical agi'icultural education 106 Section on experiment station work 116 Organization of a section on botany and horticulture 116 Federation of agricultural organizations 117 Uniformity of terms used in agricultural analysis 29, 117 Nomination of officers . - - - ^^ Topics for discussion next year 118 Plant breeding 117, 119 Methods in Breeding Hardy Fruits _. - 119 Improvement in the Quality of Wheat 119 Animal breeding ^-^ Teaching by station men l^O" Index of names OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES OF THE ASSOCIATION. President. E. B. VooRHEES, of New Jersey. T' ice-Prcsklen ts. J. C. Hardy, of Mississippi ; C. D. Woods, of Maine ; K. L. BuTTERFiELD, of Rhode Island ; E. R. Nichols, of Kansas ; Eugj:ne Davenport, of Illinois. Secretary and Treasurer. J. L. Hills, of Vermont. Bibliographer. A. C. iKUE. of ^Yashington, D. C. Executive Committee. H. C. White, of Georgia, Chair.; J L. Snyder, of Michigan ; C. F. Curtiss. of Iowa ; \V. H. Jordan, of New York ; L. H. Bailey, of New York. OFFICERS OF SECTIONS. College Work and Administration. II. W. Stimson, of Connecticut, Chair.; K. L. Butterfield, of Rhode Island, /S'ecy. Program me Comm ittee. R. W. Stimson, of Connecticut; K. L. Butterfield, of Rhode Island; E. R. Nichols, of Kansas. E'xperiment Station Work. H. J. Patterson, of Maryland, t hair. : M. A. Scovell, of Kentucky, Secy. Programme Committee. J. F". DuGGAB, of Alabama ; C. D. Woods, of Maine ; M. A. Scovell, of Kentucky. committees. Indexing Agricultural Literature. A. C. True, of Washington, D. C, Chair.; W. M. Hays, of Minnesota ; " T. F. Hunt, of Ohio ; E. Davenport, of Illinois ; Josephine A. Clark, Librarian U. S. Department ot Agriculture. » Now Assistant Secretary T'. S. Department of Afe'rlcultiire. (7) Methods of Teaching Agriculture. A. C. True, of Washington, D. C, Chair.; II. T. French, of Idaho ; 1 . F. Hunt, of Ohio ; H- H. Wing, of New Yorii ; J. F. DuGGAR, of Alabama. Collective College and Citation Exhibit, St. Louis. W. H. Jordan, of New York, C/;a/r.; W. E. Stone, of Indiana ; A. C. True, of Washington. D. C, Secy.; T. F. Hunt, of Ohio ; H. .1. Waters, of Missouri ; C. F. Curtiss, of Iowa ; W. M. Hays, of Minnesota ; J. K. Patterson, of Kentuclvy ; H. W. Tyler, of Massachusetts. Graduate Study. -L. H. Bailey, of New Yorlv, Chair.; A. C. True, of Washington, D. C. : J. E. Stubbs, of Nevada ; R. H. Jesse, of Missouri ; M. H. BucKHAM, of Vermont; W. O. Thompson, of Ohio. Uniform Fertilizer and Feeding-Stuffs Lairs. H. J. Wheeler, of Rhode Island, Chair.; V. D. AVoous, of Maine; H. r. Armsby, of Pennsylvania : E. H. Jenkins, of Connecticut; M. A. ScovELL, of Kentucky. Military Instruction in Land-Grant Colleges. usiness — of .stibjects for discussion — and shall provide and arrange for the meetings of the several sections. The subjects provided for consideration by each section at any convention of the association shall concentrate the delibera- tions of the sections upon not more than two lines of discussion, which lines a.-? far as possible shall be related. Not more than one-third of the worlving time of any annual convention of the association shall be confined to miscellaneous business. FINANCES. At every annual convention the association, in general session, shall provide for obtaining the funds necessary for its legitimate expenses, and may, by appro- priate action, call for contributions upon the several institutions eligible to membership; and no institution shall be entitled to representation or particij»a- tion in the benefits of the association unless such institution shall have made the designated contribution for the year previous to that in and for which such question of privilege shall arise, or shall have said paj-ment remitted by the unanimous vote of the executive committee. AMENDMENTS. This constitution may be amended at any regular convention of the associa- tion by a two-thirds vote of the delegates present, if the number constitute a quDruni : J'rrn-i'lrd. That notice of any i)roposed amendment, together with the full text thereof and the name of the mover, shall have been given at the next preceding annual convention, and repeated in the call for the convention. Every such proposition of amendment shall be subject to modification or amendment in the same manner as other propositions, and the final vote on the adoption or rejection shall be taken by yeas and nays of the institutions then and there represented. Rules of Order. (1) The executive committee shall be charged with the order of busine.ss. sub- ject to special action of the convention, and this committee may report at any time. (2) All business or topics proposed for discussion and all resolutions sub- mitted for consideration of the convention shall be read and then referred,. without debate, to the executive committee, to be assigned jiositions on the programme. (3) Speakers iaivited to open discussion shall be entitled to twenty minutes each. (4) In general discussions the ten-minute rule shall be enforced. (.5) No speaker shall be recognized a second time on any one subject while any delegate who has not spoken thereon desires to do so. (0) The hours of meeting and adjournment adopted with the general pro- gramme shall be closely observed, unless changed by a two-thirds vote of the delegates present. (7) The ijresiding officer shall enforce the parliamentary rules usual in such assemblies and not inconsistent with the foregoing. (8) Vacancies which may arise in the membership of standing committees by death, resignation, or separation from the association, of members, shall be filled bv the committees, respectively. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN AGRI- CULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. MINUTES OF THE GENERAL SESSION. MoRNiXG Session, Tuesday, November 1, 1004. The convention was called to order at 10 o'clock a. ui.. in the banquet room of the Hotel Chamberlain, at Des Moines, Iowa. President ^Y. O. Thompson, of Ohio, in the chair. Prayer was offered bj J. Chalmers, of South Dakota. On motion the following persons were voted the privileges of the convention under the clause of the constitution which provides that " delegates from other Institutions engaged in educational or experimental work in the interest of agri- culture or mechanic arts may, by a majority vote, be admitted to conventions of the association, with all privileges except the right to vote :" N. S. Mayo, Central Experiment Station. Cuba : H. Hayward. Mount Hermon Institute. Massachu- setts; G. G. Iledgcock, Missouri Botanical Garden; I.. W. Watkins, Michigan Board of Agriculture; W. V. Cox, secretary Government Board Louisiana Purchase Exposition. Resolution Rexating to Association of State Universities. H. C. White, of Georgia, on behalf of the executive committee, offered the fol- lowing resolution, and asked immediate action : Resolved, That the Association of American Agricultural Colleges and Experi- ment Stations extend to the National Association of State Universities, now in session in this city, a most cordial greeting in recognition of common and mutual endeavors in the cause of learning, and in assurance of fraternal admiration and €steem. Resolved, second. That members of the Association of State Universities be invited to seats on the floor during this convention. The resolTntioD was axJopted, and the secretary was directed to transmit it at once. Report of the Executive Committee. The report of the executive connnittee was presented by H. C. White, of Georgia, chairman, as follows : Your executive committee, appointed at the seventeenth annual convention of the association, lield in Washington, D. C, November 17-10. 190.3, met imme- diately upon adjournment of the convention, and organized by the selection of President H. C. White, of Georgia, as chairman. Acting under instructions of the committee, the chairman issued and posted to each member of the associa- tion, under date of December 15, 1903, an abstract memorandum of the proceed- (15) 23880— No. 153—05 ii 2 16 in.Lcs of the convention of 1903. The proceedings in fnll were edited l).v tlie chairman, and placed In the hands of the Office of Experiment Stations, U. S. Department of Agricnlture, for puhlication, January 10, 190-t. Six subsequent meetings of the conunlttee, at each of which a quorum was present, were held as follows: At Washington, D. C, December 18-10. .Tan- uary 18-20, February 19-20, March 17-19, and October 1. and at Des Moines, Iowa, October 31. Five circulars of information concerning the results of these meetings were issued and i>osted to members of the association. Other busi- ness was transacted by correspondence or by attention of individual members of the committee. The call for the eighteenth annual convention (1904) was issued .Tnly 1. and the progranmie for the convention, as arranged by the com- mittee, October 22. In obedience to the instructions of the association at the last annual conven- tion, your committee continued the efforts to secure favorable action by Congress on the mining-school bill and for increasing the annual appropriation for the experiment stations. The character and results of these efforts have been In ]>art made known to the members of the association through the circulars issued liy the committee. Meeting in \Vashington shortly after the convening of the second session of the Fifty-eiglith Congress, in December, your committee secured the consent of Mr. ^londell, of Wyoming, to leintroduce and endea.vor to secure favorable action upon the bill for the endowment of schools of mines in comiection with the hmd-grant colleges and other institutions, which had failed of consideration in the Fifty-seventh <'ongress. The bill was practically identical in wording with that ]»reviously introduced l)y General (irosvenor, which had received the indorsement of the association. The National Association of State Universities and the National Association of State Mining Schools proposed an amendment to the bill, which your committee thought inimical to the interests of the institutions represented in this associatou ; but after conference between your committee and the executive committees of the other associations named the amendment was abandoned, and these organizations came cordially and actively to the support of the original bill of this association. Your connnittee appeared before the Committee on }ilines and Alining of the House of Repre- sentatives and secured a favorable vinanimous report on the bill, and it was so reported to the House and placed on the Union Calendar February 1, 1904. Guided by the wise counsels of Mr. Mondell, whose ettorts in behalf of the measure \\ere most sympathetic and energetic, your committee employed its best efforts to secure consideration for the bill, but without success. Failure we believe to be attributable mainly to the shortness of the session of Congress and fl disinclination to enact legislation of this character on the eve of a Presidential election, and not to opposition to the bill on its merits. Impressed with the imiM)rtance of the measure to the land-grant colleges, and having faith in ultiujate success in its passage, your committee earnestly recommends continued efforts of the association in this direction. Before the meeting of your committee Mr. Adams, of Wisconsin, had intro- duced in the House of Representatives a bill providing for increased appropria- tions to the experiment stations. After conference with Mr. Adams and the suggestion of several desirable amendments, which were iiecei)ted l)y him, your committee gave its hearty and active support to his bill, aud aided him to the extent of its ability in furthering its progress. A favorable reiiort was secured from the Committee on Agriculture of the House in February, but it was found impossible to secure consideration for the bill before the adjournment of Con- gress in March. Mr. Adams was most energetic, wise, aud able in the conduct of his measure, giving, indeed, the major ]>ortion of his time and attention in Congress in its interest. He has exi)ressed his firm conviction — which your committee shares — that an over\^helming majority was favorable to the pas- sage of his bill could consideration for it have been secured. The bill is still pending in Congress, and as its terms are in the main quite satisfactory to our institutions jour comnuttee recommends the continuance of the supi)ort of this association. The report of failure of its efforts in connection with these im- portant measures, and of I'epeated failure in case of the first, is unpleasant and. to some extent, mortifying to your committee. But when it is remembered that failures many times repeated met similar efforts in connection with the Hatch Act and the act of 1890 before these were carried to final successful issue we are encouraged to believe that similar persistence in these [iresent cases will eventually be crowned with similar success. Immediately after the adjournment of the last annual convention your com- mittee called upon the honorable Secretary of Agriculture, at Uis request, and 17 enjoyed a most cordial and frank conference on the subject of the cooperation between the Department of Agriculture and the agricultural experiment sta- tions. It was le also the pleasure of the Secretary of Agrictilture. Meanwhile, during the progress of these conferences, a rather startling inci- dent related to the suljject-matter occurred. The Committee on Agricidture of the House of Representatives, during its consideration of the agricultural appro- priation act, carrying the annual appropriation to the experiment stations, inserted a cl;uise in the act. authorizing and directing the Secretary of Agricul- tiu'e to "c(!ordinate the work of the several stations, and the work of the statimis with the I)ei)artment of Agriculture, to the end of preventing unnecessary dupli- cation of work, of increasing the ethciencj- of the stations and the Department of Agriculture, and to unify and systematize agricultural investigation in the United States." In the haste of disposing of necessary appropriation acts, this bill was re- ported and within twenty-four hotu's passed the House of Representatives (with- out a dissenting vote), and before your connnittee became aware of the exist- ence of the clause referred to. Learning of its existence, your conimittee innnedi- ately connnuincated by wire with the chairman of the Senate Committee on Agri- culture and received assurance that the Senate would reject or modify the clause as passed by the House. Having its own oi)inion of the objectionable character of the proposed legislation strengthened by numerous telegrams and letters from mend)ers of the association, your connnittee subsequentlj^ visited Wash- ington and after conference with the chairmen and members of the House and Senate Connnittees on Agriculture, secured without ditliculty a rejection of the clause by the Senate and unanimous agreement to the rejection by the con- ference c()nnnittee of the two Houses. This incident and the large and careful consideration given during the year to the relations of the experiment stations to the Department of Agriculture, lead your committee to rei)ort frankly to the association that, in its judg- ment, a grave situation has ai-isen, involving the entire future of agricidtural research work in the United States. For many years after the establishment of the State experiment statious tliese were the main — almost the exclusivi 18 instruments through which resenrch in agriculture in this country was prose- cuteil. No one conversant with tlie brilliant achievements of the State stations, and the beneficent influence of these upon the economic agriculture of the coun- try, may doubt the effectiveness of the stations as agents in agricultural research. During this period the stations had a right to expect and they did receive much valuable aid from the U. S. Department of Agriculture, particu- larly through its ability, as a great department of the National Government, to give wide circulation to and general acquaintance with the results obtained by the stations. Within a few yeai's past, however, a number of bureaus of purely scientific research, as related to agriculture, have arisen within the Department of Agriculture, and have been maintained by generous appropriations of money from the National Treasury. The Dejiartment has therefore entered upon — or at least been engaged in to a far greater e.xtent than hei-etofore— a field of en- deavor which formerly was occupied almost exclusi^•ely by the State stations. This statement of facts is made by your committee in no spirit of comjilaint — certainly in no spirit of sensitiveness to rivalry. It is freely conceded that the agricultural research work of the Deiiartment of Agriculture is of high quality and value. It is as stoutly maintained that the work of the stations is at least equally so. But, with two agents operating in the same field, common prudence and regard for effectiveness dictate that cai'e should be taken that each singly, or the two combined, should operate with maximum economy and for maximum results. Considered from the point of view of the country as a whole, and bear- ing in mind that the whole is but an aggregation of parts, if a particular research may, all things considered, be undertaken to the best advantage by a local station, it should be given over to the station ; if by the Department, it should be given over to the Depai-tment. There would probaldy Ite no dispute of the soundness of this proi)osition, but there is one factor in the case which seriously disturbs the clearness of vision in discerning the relative suitabilities of the station and the Department in the premises. The De|)artment is com- parati^ely rich, with a readily approachable and generous Congress at its doors and the resources of the Federal Treasury at its back. The stations are com- paratively poor in money, without hope, and perhaps without expectations, in equit.\ , of large aid from their several States, widely scattex'ed and far removed from the ear of Congressional connnittees. It would not be suri»rising, there- fore, if mere possession of the financial ability to do it might lead the Depart- ment to undertake some kinds of research work which the stations are other- wise better qualified to do. There is also danger perhaps that the inability of the stations to compete with the Department in the matter of compensation offered qualified and desirable men may lower the standard or impair the enthu- siasm of service at the stations in such manner as to disqualify the stations for work which otherwise, by reason of their local conditions, they should be better able to do than a single Department at the National Capital. In fine, it is con- ceivaltle that a rich and central agency of research might so overshadow poor and scattered agencies as to seriously impair their standing and efficiency. Your committee, therefore, connnends to the serious consideration of the asso- ciation the whole question of the relations of the State experiment stations and of the Department of Agriculture to the research work in agriculture, which must continue and increase in this country if science is to be made contributory in the fullest measure to our economic agriculture. \Yith a view to laying in some nieasure a foundation for effort on the part of the association in what would seem to be an appropriate direction, and in order that a proper balance between the two great agencies of research might be preserved, your committee suggested to the chairmen of the House and Senate Connnittees on Agriculture, at the last session of Congress, that it might be well for the institutions repi-e- sented in this association to be heard before these committees when the apjiro- priations to the stations and to the research bureaus of the Department of Agriculture were under consideration. Both gentlemen heartily apjiroved the suggestion, and gave it as their opinion that an expression of the views of the stations would be most acceptable and helpful to the committees. Your com- mittee respectfully reconmiends that instruction be given your executive com- mittee to make clear to the proper Congressional committees, if hearings may be secured, the important part taken by the State experiment stations in the agricultural research work of this country, with a view to securing for the sta- tions some measure of equity in the appropriations made for this purpose from the National Treasury. The post of Assistant Secretary of the U. S. Department of Agriculture fell 19 vacant tlu-ousli the death in July hist of the Hon. J. H. Brigham. Sharing the opinion exjiressed in numerous coninmnications received from membei's of the assooiiitiou. that it would be of advantage to lioth the Department of Agricul- ture and the land-grant institutions were the incumbent of this office a person of scientific attainments, personally experienced in scientific worlv related to agri- culture, or having intelligent symfiathy therewith, your committee respectfully re(iuested of the President of the United States (in whose hands the appoint- ment lay) an opportunity to present their views in the premises. A i)i-ompt and cordial response was made to the request, and on October 1 your com- mittee enjoyed a personal interview of most satisfactory character with the President. Refraining, as was proi)er, from suggesting any individual for con- sideration, the views of the coiinnittee were fully presented, and emphasis was laid upon the extremely satisfactory character of the services of Professor Wil- lits and President Dabney, incumbents of the office in pievious administrations, as indicative of the type of man \\lu> might with advantage be selected at the l»resent juncture. The President granted the connuittee a most kind and atten- tive hearing and expressed his sympathetic accord with the views presented. Your committee is abundantly satisfied that, so far as other necessary consider- ations will permit, the President will gladly meet the wishes of the association as expressed through your committee in making this appointment. Numerous matters of detail, concerning which no report is necessary, have received the attention of your connnittee during the year. Proper representa- tions were made as directed to the Secretary of Agriculture concerning the desire of the association that the Experiment Station Record should contain, more generally, brief extracts as well as titles of the publications of foreign asrricultural experiment stations and kindred institutions, and the importance of ai>propriations for extending the work of the Department in the line of rural engineering. The funds of the association have been economically administered, and the report of the treasurer will show a satisfactory balance in the treasury, with no outstanding oldigations. It is with sincere sorrow that your committee makes official record of the death on October 1, ]904, of Maj. Henry E. Alvord, one of the founders of this association, a former president and for many years the able and efficient chair- man of its executive committee. The association will no doubt be moved to express in suitable manner its regret for this sad occurrence, and its apprecia- tion of the character and services of its late honored member. H. C. White, Chairman. On motion of H. P. Armsby, of Pennsylvania, the report was accepted, and tlie executive committee was instructed to arrange for the discussion of the subject of relations of the stations with the U. S. Department of Agriculture, raised l)y this report, in connection with the report on cooperation (see p. (!2). On motion of H. C. White, the request of members of the association, previ- ously constituting tlie section on horticulture and botany under the old arrange- ment, to be allowed to form a division for horticulture and botany in one of the sections of the association, was referred to the section on experiment station work. Report of Treasurer. The report nf the treasurci' was read, as follows : Repurt of trrasitrcr of ihr nssociatioii. Xoroiibcr 17, 1903, to October 31, 190-'f. RECEIPTS. Amount on hand November 17, 1903 $26.3. 2G Amount received from dues 1,525.00 Amount received froni National Association of State Universities for services of the joint agent of the passenger associations at Des Moines G. 00 Total 1, 794. 26 20 EXPENDITURES. Expenses of the executive committee $1, 123. 85 I.:xi)eiises of the secretary and treasurer (postage, printins?, telegrams, etc.) .^ 19. 49 Services of tlie joint agent of the passenger associations at Des Moines 17. 00 Total 1, IGO. 31 Balance on hand October 31, 1904 *. G33. 02 E. B. VooRHEES. Sccrctanj-Trcasiirer. On motion, the report was referred to an auditing connnittee consisting of J. L. Hills, of Vermont, and E. A. Bryan, of Washington, which subsequently reported, as follows: Your committee on auditing the accounts of the treasurer resjiectfully reports that it ha.s surveyed the books of that ollice. finds them well kept, finds reet'ipts, expenditures, and lia.lance as stated in his report, and finds proper vouchers supi>orting all expenditures. JosEiMi L. Hills. E. A. Bryan, Comiitittcc. On motion, the report was adopted. Report of Bibliographer. The report of the bibliographer. A. C. True, was ])resented. as follows: During the past year the Department of Agriculture has continued the publi- catinn of the index catalogue of medical and veterinary zoology and has also issued special bibliographies of agricultural text-books, school gardens, insects, etc. The usual annual reports concerning the literature and general progress in chemistry, botany, zoology, jilant diseases, veterinary medicine, and other gen- eral subjects have appeared. Among the list of bibliographies noted below there are many important ones which deal pretty thoroughly with special fields on which good bibliographies did not hitherto exi.st. Among these subjects we may mention the following: Molds j)athogenic for animals: The function of salt in the animal organism; Sericulture; Effect of gases upon cultivated plants ; Economic value of birds ; Insect eneihies of books ; Hemorrhagic septi- cemia ; Plant breeding; Blood innnunity and blood relationship as determined by precipitin tests for blood; Partheiiogenesis ; The constituents of milk; Texas fever; Tiie feeding value of sugar-beet piUp and molasses; India rubber and gutta-percha ; Roup of fowls ; Avian tuberculosis ; and Drinking water. On account of the unusual interest aroused in the subject of tuberculosis as a result of Koch's theories, a great number of bildiographies relating to the differ- ent phases of this disease have been prepared and published in connection with articles containing the results of the investigations. All of the l)il)liographies which have just been referred to are noted more fully in the list of OS titles which follows : AxDKEASCH, It., and Spiko, K. Jahresbericht fiber die Fortschritte der Tier- Chemie (Annual report on the progress in animal chemistryj. Jahresbericht fiber die Tortschritte der rier-Chemie, 32 (1902), iip. 1141, An extended review of the literature of animal cliemistry for the year 1902, Bailey, L. H. Dexelopment of the text-book of agriculture in North America. U. S. Department of Agriculture, OMice of Experiment Stations Reiioit 1903, pp. (JS9-712. A chronological bil)liography of North American text- books of agriculture is appended to a discussion of this sulj.fect. Banks, N. A revision of the Nearctic Chrysoi)i(he. Transactions of the Ameri- can Entomological Society, 29 (1903), No. 2. \)\). 137-102. A list of IS refer- ences to the literature of the subject is api)ended to the article. 21 Barbacci. O. Sunimarischer Beriolit libor die widitigsten italienisclien Arl)eiten im Gebiete tier allegenieiuen Patholoiiio uurt patholoKischen Anatomie, er- scliieiieii iiu Jalire l'.i(>2 (The most iiuportatit Italian literatiuv on general l)albol(i.!;y and patli(>l(\L,'ical anatomy i)ulilished in 100:2). Centrall)latt fiir Allgemeine I'atliolofi:ie uud PatholoKisclu' Anatomie. 14 (19()X). No, K'.-IT. pp. G73-709. A classified list is presented of Italian literature published in 1902 relating to technirjue. methods of investigation, tumors, cell structure, immunity, intoxications, infectious disea.ses. organic diseases, etc. A brief abstract is given of the more iniportant works. Barthelat. G. J. Les mucorinces p:ithogcnes et les mucormycoses chez les auimaux et chez Thonnne (Pathogenic molds and mucormycoses in animals and man). Archives de Parasitologie, 7 (1903), No. 1, pp. 5-110. A bib- liography of 72 titles is given in connection with a critical review of the lit- erature of the subject. Baumgartex, p. von, and Tangl. F. Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte in der Lehre von den pathogenen Mikroorganismen, 1901 (Annual report on prog- ress in the field of pathogenic micro-organisms, 1!)01). Leipzig: S. Hii-zei. 1903, 2. Abt., pp. XII + lU-l. This report contains extended bibliographies relating to pathogenic bacteria, fungi, and protozoa, together with brief abstracts of the more important articles. Belli, C. M. Die Erniihrung ohne Salz und ihre Wirkungen auf den Organis- mus, speziell auf die Assimilation der Xahru'igsmitlel und auf den .Stick- stoffwechsel des Menschen (Diet witliout salt and its effect ur)on the body. esi)eciallv upon the assin-.ilation of food an.d the metabolism of nitrogen in man). Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, 4o (1903), No. 2. pp. 182-222. A list of 29 references to the literature of the subiect is api^endeil to the article. Bissox, E. Elenco di pubblicazioni attinenti alia ba'-hicoltura, che vennero fuori nel corse del 1902 e 1903 (List of publications relating to sericulture issued durinsr the years 1902 and 1903). Annuario della R. Stazione Baco- logica di Pa'do\a,'31 (1903), pp. 119-139). A list is given of books and periodical articles on the various lines related to sericulture as published in different languages during 19(!2 and 19(J3. BoxGERT, J. Beitriige zur Biologie des :Milzbraudbacilhis und sein Nachweis im Kadaver der gfossen Haustiere (Biology of the anthrax bacillus and its demonstration in tlie carcasses of the larger domesticated animals). Cen- tralblatt fiir Bakteriologie, Farasitenkunde, und Infektionskrankheiten, 1. Abt, 35 (1903), No. 2, Orig., pp. 198-201. A list of 77 references to the literature of this subject is given. Brizi, U. Sulle alterazioni prodotte alle piante coltivate dalle principali emau- azioni gasose degli stabilimenti industriali (The effect of gases and fumes upon cultivated plants). Le Stazioni Sperimentali Agrarie Italiane. 30 (1903), No. 4-5, pp. 279-384. A bibliography of 101 titles is appended to the paper. Chapman, F. M. The economic value of birds to the State. Albany: New- York State Forest, Fish, and Game Con)mission, 1903, pp. 66. A brief bib- liography of articles relating to the food of American birds is appended. CoRREXS, C."^ Neue Uutersuchungeu auf dem Gel)iet der BastardirungsU-hro (Recent investigations in plant hybridization). Botanische Zeitung. 01 (1903), No. 8, pp. 114r-126. A list of 22 references to the literature of the subject is appended to the article. Coulter, J, M., and Chamberlaix, C. J. Morphology of angiosperms. New York : D. Appleton & C(j., 1903, pp. X+3-1S. The bibliographies, which are an important feature of the work, are arranged chronologically at the end of each chapter, and all the citations are brought together at the close of the volume, the arrangement being alphabetical by authors. Crosby, D. J. A few good books and bulletins on nature study, school garden- ing, and elementary agriculture for common schools. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Office of Experiment Stations Circular 52. pp. 4. DvxDENO, J. B. The effects of water and aqueous solutions (m foliage leaves. Transactions of the Canadian Institute, 7 (1902), II, No. 14, pp. 237-350. A bibliograi)hy of this subject is appended to the article and appears on pages :U(;-350' It includes 107 titles. Dye, L. Sur les cuHcides (Obsen-ations on the CulicidiP). Archives de Para- sitologie, G (1902), No. 3, pp. 35!:)-376. Tlie literature of the subject is reviewed in connection with a brief bibliography. FxRiouEZ. E., and Sicard, J. A. Les oxydations de I'organisme (Oxidations in the animal organism). Paris: J. B. Bailliere & Sous, 1902, pp. 87. A bibli- ography of the subject is appeuded. 99 Fruwirth. C. Referate iiber Deuere Arbeiteu auf dem Gebiete der Pflanzen- ziicbtung (Kefereuces to recent work in plant breeding). Journal fiir Landwirtbscbaft, 51 (1903), Xos. 2. pp. 223-230: 4, pp. 371-387. References are given to 48 recent articles on plant breeding, with a brief abstract of the article in each case. Greiner, T. The new onion culture. New York : Orange Judd Co., 1903, rev. and enl. ed.. p]). 112. A list of station and Department publications on onion culture is appended. . GuiLLEREY, J. Ueber den epizootiscben Abortus der Stuteu (Epizootic abortiou in mares). Archiv fiir Wissenscbaftlicbe uud Fraktische Thierheilkunde, 29 (1903), No. 1-2, pp. 37-68. The literature of this subject is critically discussed in connection with a bibliography of 32 titles. Hemenway. H. D. List of articles iniblisbed on school gardens. Transactions of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society, 1902, II, pp. 249-2.54. The list includes 65 articles. ITerrkra, a. L. Bibliografia relativa ti los insectos que destruyen las cortezas (A bibliographv relating to inser-ts injurious to bark). Boletin de la Comi- sion de Parasitologia Agricola. 2 (1903), No. 3. pp. 104-114. A list of arti- cles largely c()ui])iied from publications of this Department. Hilger, a., and Dietrich, T., et al. Jahresbericht iilier die Fortschritte auf dem Gesamtgebiete der Agrikultur-Chemie, 1902 (Annual report of the progress in agricultural chemistry, 1902). Berlin: Paul Parey, 1903, pp. XXXVI -r 580. Hoffmann. A. Untersuchungen iiber den Einfluss der Hetolbehandlung auf die Iinpftuberculose der Aleerschweinchen und der Kaninchen (The effect of treatment with hetol upon inoculation tuberculosis of guinea pigs and ral>- bits). Archiv fiir Wissenscbaftlicbe und Praktische Thierheilkunde, 30 (1904), No. 1-2, pp. 162-187. A list of 37 references to the literature of the subject is aitpended to the article. IIouLBERT. C. Les insectes ennemis des livres (Insect enemies of books). Paris : Alphonse Picard & Sons, 1903, pp. XXXVIII + 269. A list of 94 references to the literature of this subject is given. ISTVANFFi, G. DE. Etudcs sur le rot livide de la vigne (Studies on the white rot of grapes). Annales de I'lnstitut Central Ampelologique Royal Hongrois, 2 (1902). pp. 288. Numerous footnote references are given, which consti- tute a very extensive bibliography of the literature of the subjects treated. Kellerman. '\V. A. Index to North American mycology. .Journal of Mycology, 10 (1904). Xos. 71, pp. 116-143; 72, pp. 182-194: 73, pp. 251-283. An alphabetical list of articles, authors, subjects, new species and hosts, new names and synonyms is given in each number of this journal. KiRSTEN. Die Varietiiten des Bacillus ocdeuiatls malioul (The varieties of Ba- cllUift (rdcmatls mallf/ni). Archiv fiir Wissenschaftliche und Praktische Thierheilkunde, 30 (1904). No. 3, pp. 22.3-260. A critical review of the lit- erature of this subject with an extensive bibliography. Kleptzov, K. "Z. K voprosu o passivnom immunitetye pri gemorragicheskikh septitzemiyakh (Passive imnuinity in various forms of hemorrhagic septi- cemia). Archiv Veterinarnuikh Nauk, St. Petersburg, 33 (1903), Nos. 6, pp. 553-581 : 7. pp. 685-700 ; 8, pp. 781-815. The literature relating to swine plague, hemorrhagic septicemia in cattle, and other related diseases is critically discussed, in connection with a l)ibliography including 67 titles. Klocker, a. "Translated by G. E. Allan and J. H. .Millar. Fermentation organisms. New York : Longmans, Green & Co., 1903, pp. XX 4- 392. A bii)liosraphv of the more important works relating to this subject is given on pages' 347-381. KossEL, H., ET AL. Vcrglelchende Untersuchungen iiber Tuberkelbazillen ver- schiedener Ilerkunft (Comparative investigations on tubercle bacilli of different origin). Tuberkulose-Arbeiten aus doui Kaiserlichen Gesundheits amte, 1904, No. 1, pp. 1-82. This article contains a bibliography of 194 titles. Krompecher, E.. and ZimmeriMANn, K. Untersuchungen iiber die Virulenz der aus verschiedenen tuberkulosen Herden des Menschen reingeziichteten Tuberkelbacillen (The virulence of tubercle bacilli in pure cultures from tuberculous foci in man). Centralblatt fiir Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde und Infektionskrankheiten, 1. Abt, .33 (1903), No. 8, Orig., pp. 580-607. A list of 18 references to the literature of the subject is api)ended to the article. >3 Lavinovich. M. Popuitka lyeclieuiya sa^u i imruuuizatzli protiv nego y koshek i iiiorskikb svinov (Experimeuts iu tbe treatiueut of glanders and iuimuni- zatUm of cats and guinea pigs against this disease). Archiv Veteri- narnuikh Nauk. St. Petersburg. 83 (1908). No. 8, pp. 1.>11-22H. A list of 34 references to tbe literature of tbe subject is given. MacDougal. D. T. Tbe influence of light and darkness upon growth and devel- opment. Memoirs of tbe New York Botanical Garden, 2 (19U3), pp. XIII + 819. Tbe footnotes include over 200 references to tbe literature of the subject. Marchal, E. Revue des travaux de pathulogie vegetale. 1902 (Review of work on vegetable pathology, 1902). Bulletin Cercle d'fitudes des Agronomes de I'Etat [Brussels], 1903, No. 8, pp. 379-.3S9. A review of tbe literatvu-e of this subiect. to which a list of 49 references is appended. Mebrii.l, E. b. Botanical work in the Philippines. Philippine Bureau of Agri- culture Bulletin 4, pp. 53. A list of the more important books relating to this subject is appended. Michael. A. D. British Tyroglyphida^. London : Ray Society, 1903, vol. 2, pp. VII + 183. A list of tbe prinicipal books and papers giving information relative to the Tyroglyphidte. Monfallet, D. Bibliograpbie abregce des infections (Abridged l)il)littgraphy of infectious diseases). Paris and Santiago: C. Goffl, 11X»8, pi). 0."). In this bibliography the author's purpose was to present for tbe practical investi- gator and student a list of the most important publications relating to the various infectious diseases of animals and man. Tbe number of disease* on which bibliographies are presented is about 90. Nasmith, (t. G. The chemistry of wheat gluten. Transactions of the Canadian Institute, 7 (1903) ; University of Toronto Studies, Physiological Series, 1903. No. 4, pp. 22. A list of 3.1 references to tbe literature of the suliject is appended. Ntjttaix. G. H. F. Blood immunity and blood relationship, a demonstration of certiiin blood relationships amongst animals by means of precipitin tests for blood. Cambridge: University Press. 1904, pp. XII -f 444. Tbe literature relating to serum constituents and immunity is critically discussed in con- nection \Yith an extensive bibliography. Ottam, E.. and Marescalchi. A. Bibliograpbia agrouomica universalis. Casale : Ottavi Bros., 1903, Nos. 2, pp. .j7-128 : 3. pp. 129-176 : 4, pp. 177-2('.3. This is a continuation of the general agricultural bibliography noted in the pi-evious report. The number of articles noted has reached 2.094. Articles- in Italian. P'rench, German, and English are included. Panov, N. O bugorcbatkye vuizuivaemoi u zhivotnuikh mertvuimi tuberkulez- niiimi batzillami (Tuberculosis caused by dead tubercle bacilli). Disserta- tion. Yuriev, 1902, pp. 134. Tbe literature of this subject is critically revie\^ed in connection with a bibliography of 101 titles. Peirce. G. .1. A text-book of plant physiology. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1903, pp. VI + 291. References to literature given in footnotes serve as a considerable bibliography of the subjects treated. Phillips E F A review of parthenogenesis. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 42 (1903), No. 174. pp. 27.5-345. A critical review- is given of the literature of this subject in connection wnth an extensive list of references. Phillips. W. F. R. Recent papers bearing on meteorology. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Weather Bureau. Monthly Weather Review, 31 (1903), pp. 334, 373, 413. 473. 521. .j(;9. Pbeisz. II. Studien liber Morpbologie und Biologie des :Milzbrandbacillus (The morphology and biology of anthrax bacillus). Centralblatt fiir Bakteriolo- gie, Parasitenkunde. und Infektionskrankheiten. 1. Al)t., .35 (1904). No. G, brig., pp. 660-G61. A list of 23 references to the literature of this subject. Peescott. S. C. and Wixslow-, C. E. A. Elements of v/ater bacteriology. New York: John Wiley & Sons; London: Chapman & Hall, Ltd., 1904. pp. X + 102. A list of ISO references to the literature of the subject is given. Rabinowitsch, Lydia. and Kempneh. W. Die Trypanosomen in der Meiiscben- und Tieri)atiiologie. sowie vergleicbende Trypanosomenuntersucbungen (Trypanos'omata in human and animal i>athology). Centralblatt fiir Bak- teriolosie, I'arasitenkunde. und Infektionskrankheiten, 1. Abt, 34 (1903). No. 8. Orii,Mnale. pp. 804-822. Tbe literature relating to trypanosoniata is criticallv reviewed in connection with a bibliography of literature published during the years iSOS-lOOS, The references given number 150, 24 Rauomtz. n. \\. liestandteile, Eigeuscbafteu uiul Veriinderungeu der Milob (The coustitiu'iite of luilk — tbeir properties and ebaugesk Ergebuisse der Pbysiologie. 2 (]',)(iM), i)p. lHo-olT). Tbis is a geueral review of tbe litera- ture of tbis subject, tbe bibliography inehidiug about G70 references. IiEGX, II. Der Fakieriengebalt des von Rauscbbrand befallenen Muskelgewebes und der Kauscbbrandinipfstoffe (l"be bacterial content of muscle tissue affected Mitb l)lackleij: and of blackleg vaccine). Arcbiv fiir Wissenscbaft- liche und I'raktiscbe Tierbeilkunde, 30 (1004), No. ?,, pp. 261-280. A brief bibliograpby of tbe sul>ject is apjiended to tbe article. ScH-MiuT, A. Die Zeckenkrankbeit der Kinder — H;enioglobiu*U3ia ixodioplas- niatica bouni — in Deutscb-, Englisb-Ostafrika und Uganda (Tbe tick disease of cattle (b;enioglobina»niia ixodioplasniatica Itoum) in German and English l>ast Africa and Uganda K Arcbiv fiir Wissenschaftlicbe und Praktiscbe Thierbeilkunde. 30 <1'.)04). No. 1-2. pp. 42-101, Tbe literature of this sub- ject is discussed with reference to a bibliography of 221 titles. ScHMOEGER, M. Pressliuge, Diffusionsschnitzel. Melasse (Beet diffusion i-esidue and iMolasses). Die Landwirtscbaftlicben Versucbs-Stationen, .59 (1003), No. i -2. I'p. 83-1.')."}. Numerous references to tbe literature of tbe subject are given in footnotes. Seeligmann, T.. Torp,ilhon, G. L.. and Falcomnet, II. Translated by J. G. Mc- intosh. India rubber and gutta-jiercha. Loudon: Scott. Greenwood & Co., 1003,, pp. XI+402. A bibliograiiby of 404 references to tbe literature of tbe subject is given on pages 385-39(J, Sergexi, E. La lutte contre les mousti.iues (Tbe warfare against mosquitos). Paris : .1. Rueff, 1003, p[). 9(1 The literature relating to methods for exter- -.iiinating mos(]uitoes is discussed, and a list of 110 references given. Stiles, C. W., and Hassall, A. Index-catalogue of medical and veterinary zoology. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Industry Bulletin .30, part G, pp. 43,7-r)10. This part of the bulletin includes authors whose names l»egin with tbe letter F. Streit, II. Untersucbungen iiber die Getiiigeldii)htherie (Fowl diphtheria). Zeitschrift fiir Hygiene und lufectionskrankheiten, 4G (10(t4), No. 3, pp, 407^62. A list of 40 referenee.s to tlie literature of tbe subject is appended to the article. Stutzer, a. Die Bebandlung und Anwendung des Stalldiingers (The manage- ment and use of barnyard mauiU'e), Berlin : Paul Parey, 1003, 2. ed. enl., pp. VIII + IOS. A list of 102 references to tbe literature of the subject is given. SwiTHiNBANK, II., and Newman, G.' Bacteriology of milk. London: John Murr.'iy, 1903, ]ip. XX+005. Numerous references to the literature of tbis suliject are given in tootnotes. Tennert. Ueber Tricluirrhexis nodosa mit spezieller Beriicksichtigung der Aetiologie und Tliera])ie {Tricltorrhcris uodosa. with special regard to its etiology and treatment). Zeitschrift fiir Yeteriniii-kunde, 14 (1902), No, 8-9, i)p. 3(U-372. A brief bibliogi'apby is appended to the article. Thiele, K. General-Register der Ilygieniscben Rundschau, Band I-X, 1891- 1900 (Index to Ilygieniscbe Rundschau, volumes 1-1((, 1801-1000), Berlin: August llirschwald. 1004, jip. 4.32. Trixk- rxD Gebrauchswasser (Water used for drinking and similar i)uriioses). Zeitschrift fiir Untersucbung der Nahrungs und Genussmittel, G (10(t3), No. 22, pp. 1040-1059. Brief abstracts of and references to GO recent articles relating to tbis subject. Vandeveede, a, J. .J. Repertoii-e des travaux publies sur la composition. I'ana- lyse et les falsifications des dendrees alimentaires pendant I'annee 1!>02 (Review of tbe literature of comiiosition, analysis, and adulteration of foods for the year 10(r2). Separate from Bulletin du Service de surveillance de la Fabrication et du Commerce des Dendrees Alimentaires, 1903. pp, 95, This contains G91 references and is the third volume on this subject, YiALA, P., and Ravaz, L, American vines; tbeir adaptation, culture, grafting, and propagation. San Francisco: California Wine Assoc, 1903, pp, 299, A bibliography of the writings of 72 authors is contained in the appendix. Vincent, J. Notes bibliograpbioues sur les images — classification et nomencla- ture (Bibliographic notes on clouds — classification and nomenclature). An- nua ire m(;'teorologi(]ue pour 1903. Brussels: Observatoire Royal de Bel- gicpie, 1903, pp, 43O-440, AY ATER house, F. H. Catalogue of tbe library of the Zoologiciil Society of IjOU- don. London : Taylor and Francis, 1902, .'>. ed., pp. 85(*). Titles are given of about 11,000 works in tbe library of the Zoological Society, together with a list of periodicals received. I 25 Wkiskk. a., and IIofixgek, H. Dio IIiilinerti'.I)erkiil<)so (Avian tuborculosis). Tuberkulose-Arbeiten aus (Icm Kaiscrlicheii (JeMindheitsanite. ]1)04, No. 1, pp. 83-1.5S. A hil)li()gvai»)iy of 18.H titles is appended to this article. Weigmaxn, Hoit, and Grlber. Fortschritte aiif deni Gebieto der Cheniie, Hygiene, und P.akteriologie der Milch und ihrer Er/.en.niiisse ( Trogress in the field of the chemistry, liy.uier.e. and bacteriology of nulk and its prod- ucts). Cheniiker /eitnng. UN (l!)(i4). No. V.). pji. 2--:U-23L:. A sunnnary of the literature during lOO.'i. 128 references being given in footnotes. Zeiil, a. Die Carpalbeule des Kindes und ihre liehandlung (Bursal enlarge- ments upon the carjms of cattle and their treatment). Ai-chiv fiir Wissen- schaftliche und Praktische Thierheilkunde. 20 (lito:!). No. ">, ])p. -145-4"). A critical discussion of the literature of this subject, with a bibliography of 81 titles. The report was accepted. CoLiECTiVE College and Station ExHiBir at St. Louis. W. II. Jordan, chairman, submitted the following rei)ort of the committee in charge of the collective exhibit of the Association of American Agricultural Col- leges and Experiment Stations at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition : Your committee deems it expedient at this time to make only a comparatively brief repfnt of the results of its labors. It is impossible to present now a com- plete and final report of the exhil)it under our charge. As the exhibit is cer- tainly worthy of an extended report commensurate with the extent and dignity of the display which has been made of the work of the institutions represented, we feel that its preiiaralion must be delayed until the final completion of all matters connng under our jurisdiction. Our purpose, therefore, at this time, is simply t>) lay before you a few general facts summarizing the results of the effort which you placed in our hands. In the first place, the committee desires to express its gratification at the out- come of the decision to locate the main portion of this exhibit as a wiit in the Palace of Education. Considerable pressure was brought to bear upon us in favor (;f locating the agricultural part of the exhiiiit in the Agricultural Luilding, but yjur committee was unanimously of the opinion that there is no good reason why agricultural education should maintain its class relations any more than instruction in the principles of steam or electrical engineering. Pre- vious exposition displays of the work of the agricultural departments of the col- leges and of the agricultural experiment stations have been located in the Agri- cultural P.uilding. and so, for the first time, the work of these institutions has taken its rightful place among the great educational eft'orts of our nation, and in this way has secured a recognition that otherwise would not have been possible. There is one feature of this exhibit which we believe to be worthy of com- ment. It was not a " show " exhibit. Mere beauty or novelty of display was not the main object sought. While every reasonable effort was put forth to make it attractive in Its design, arrangement, and coloring, the materials which were selected for display were those which are in actual use for the purposes of instruction in the various departments of our land-grant colleges, or those which represent with as much realism as possil)le the actual pi-actical results of research. We are glad to have been assured that the exhiltit was found in-ofitable for study on the part of the real seekers after information, and that it impressed itself upon intelligent obseiwers as a worthy and consistent exi)o- sition of certain features of education and research in the relations of science to agriculture and the mechanic arts. installation and maintenance of EXHiniT. The exhibit in the Palace of Education has been installed practically in ac- cordance with the plan presented to the association in the report of your com- mittee at the meeting of this association in l!tO;5. Fifty-one institutions are ivp resented. In the preparation of the various sections 24 exi)erts generously as- sisted, who discharged their duties in a manner highly satisfactory to the com- mittee. The explanation of the Palace of Education exhibit to the 'isiting pub- lic h:is been accomi)lished by the use of expert demonstrators, generally students or graduates of some Uiud-graut college, 8 being on duty at one time. 26 The number of persons nppointed to positions of one liind or another in con- nection witli tlie exliil)it as a wlioJe and paid from tlie appropriation, eitlier for services or traveling expenses, has been 230, divided as follows : Members of the committee 9 Experts in charge of sections 24 Expert demonstrators, inside exhibit 26 Experts connected with outside exhibit 17 Lecturers connected with outside exhibit 31 Students used in outside exhibit demonstration 50 Officers of administration, clerks, stenogi-aphers. janitors, guards, etc 73 • Total 230 This seems to be a large force, but is really the smallest number with which it has been feasible to install and maintain the exhibit as a real and live demon- stration of our work. Your committee has used every reasonable effort to hold the expenses for such services to the lowest possible practicable point. It should be noted that when any expenditure was involved, no matter how brief the serv- ice, even if but for a day, an apixiintment by the Government board has been necessary, so that the number of appointments is more formidable than the actual expense connected therewith. EXPENDITURES. The financial situation is gratifying. Up to October 24 the expenditures were approximately the following: Preparation and collection of exhibit $19,527.48 Installation 27,439.05 Maintenance 8, 050. 75 Administration 15, 388. 01 Total 71, 005. 29 It is clear that the expenditures for the exhibit will come well within the" ap]H-opriation. In fact, it now^ seems likely that there will be an unexi)ended balance, a result neither anticipated nor desired by your committee. This is to some extent due to the fact that the expenditiu'es for the outside exhibit in plant breeding and animal husbandry were less than was plaimed. Difficulties which need not be mentioned in this connection, and for which your committee does not hold itself resi)onslble, were encountered in arranging for the outside exhibit, and it was only by the most strenuous efforts that this portion of our display was finally accompiished. and as a general result the demonstration work of this division was necessarily abridged, the first period of two weeks, or one- third the whole time planned, being necessarily omitted entirely. THE OUTSIDE EXHIBIT. The outside exhibit, as stated, was accomplished only after overcoming serious difliculties ; nevertheless it should be regarded as a useful and impoi'tant feature. It covered demonstration work in plant breeding, corn .iudging. stock judging, and slaughter tests disjjlaying the results of experiments in the feeding of ani- mals. These demonstrations occupied two periods, the first extending from September 11 to September 24, inclusive, and the second from October 3 to October 16. inclusive. Apjiroximately 50 lectures were given during these periods by specialists on topics directly related to tlie subjects above mentioned, and in displaying methods of instruction 50 students collected from various institutions were in attenilance on the exhibit from time to time. BECOGNITION OF EXHIBIT. It is not too much to claim that this exhibit in all its divisions has been fairly successful. This is evident Itoth from the remarks which have been made con- cerning it by competent judges as well as from the awards granted by the sev- 27 eral juries. These awards, exclnsive of those granted to collaborators, are as follows : Grand prizes 24 Gold medals 41 Silver medals 35 Bronze medals 35 Total 135 EXPLOITATION OF THE WORK OF THE COLLEGES AND STATIONS. At the last meeting of your committee, held on .June 27, 1904, a somewhat unusual plan was adopted, but it is hoped an etticient and useful one, for exploit- ing the work of the institutions represented in this exhibit. At that time ar- rangements were perfected with a magazine writer of recognized ability to present various pliases of our work in some of the leading magazines of this and other countries, the exhibit itself l)eing made the occasion of these articles and the center around which they are to be groui)ed. While none of these articles have as yet appeared, they are in the process of preparation ; and arrange- ments are definitely made with leading magazines for the publishing of a por- tion of them. It is hoped th:^t in this way we may be able to reacli that part of the intelligent public, which now knows very little about our work, with digni- fietl and interesting discussions of what we are now doing and of the bearing of our educational and research efforts upon the social and economic interests of this country. THE DISPOSAL OF THE EXHIBIT. The next important question to be considered is what shall be the fate of this exhibit which has cost so much effort and money. There seems to be a desire on the part of some that it shall somehow be preserved in a permanent form to be enlarged and imin-oved as time and occasion permit. It is also suggested that it be preserved for utilization at other expositions in this and foreign coun- tries. The various articles may also be returnetl, with the consent of the Gov- ernment board, to the institutions furnishing or preparing them. The final dis- posal of the exhibit is a matter which your committee will have to consider at no very distant date, concerning which we desire your advice and, if necessary, your instructions. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. Tour committee deems it a pleasure to record in this connection its hearty appreciation of the pleasant relations which have existed between it and the Government board from the beginning of our orticial connection. Throughout all this time this board has given to your committee the most prompt and etti- cient support. The thanks of the association are due to the honorable Secretary of Agriculture and to the Office of Experiment Stations under his charge for indispensable aid in organizing the exhibit in many of its details. We are also under deep obligations to the officials of the Exposition, especially to Mr. H. J. Rogers, chief of the Palace of Education, for the facilities wliich have been placed at our disposal and for the uniform courtesy with which we have been treated. The loyal support of the institutions represented in this association has been a main factor in the success of our exhibit, and we desire to especially recognize the aid of those Institutions which have so generously donated the time and services of men and which have contributed to the preparation of materials for display. Without such support from certain colleges and stations your connnittee would have been unable to perform the duties devolving upon it. Your committee deems it a pleasure to recognize in this public way the able services of Mr. James L. Farmer, chief special agent of the Government board, who has managed the business affairs of the exhibit with singular tact and efficiency. W. H. .Jordan, For the Committee. On motion the report was accepted, and the committee was authorized to take steps, under regulations established by the Government board, to close up and dispose of the exhibit. 28- COMMUNICAIION FROM NATIONA.L ASSOCIATION OF SPATE UNIVERSITIFS. The chairman of tlie executivo committee read the following communication from the National Association of State Universites: The National Association of State Universities in annual meeting assembled sends fraternal greetings to the Association of American Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Stations, and begs to express its friendly sentiment and its cordial good wishes for a pleasant and profitable session, antl to venture the hope that these two associations through their annual meetings may be greatly instrumental in pr()mf)ting the cause of the highest and the higher liberal pro- fessional and technical education in the United States. G. E. MacLean. President. George E. Fellows. Secretary. Uniform Fertilizer and Feeding Stuff Legislation. , H. J. Wheeler, chairman, presented the following report of the committee on this subject : In the course of the past year your committee, as heretofore, has been in cor- respondence with parties in several States who were interested in the passage of new fertilizer laws or in the amendment of existing ones. Arizona, Idaho, New Mexico, Nevada. ^Montana. Wyoming, and Utah have not yet felt the necessity of legislation in this line. In Colorado and Arkansas recent attempts to pass such laws have been defeated. The following reports have been received from some of the other States : Ex-Director Huston, of Indiana, reports that the existence of the recommenda- tions of this association, was of nnicli assistance in connection with steps taken to amend the old fertilizer law in that State. The law as enacted was made to correspond to the reconnnendations in certain particulars, and the other points were practically all left to the discretion of the executive officer, thus rendering it possible to make rules in accordance with the recoumiendations. Professor Ladd. of North Dakota, reports that at the last session of the legis- lature in that State a fertilizer law was enacted and that the bill was drawn in accordance with the recommendations of this association, which, he says, were very helpful in the preparation of the bill " and in securing the necessary legis- lative action thereon." R. E. Rose. State chemist, Tallahas.see, Fla., writes that the law in that State has recently been amended to conform, in so far as possible, with the recom- mendations concerning uniformity. He adds that the recommendations were of material service. Prof. F. B. Mumford. of INIissouri. reports that the law in that State has been amended recently and that the reconnnendations were of " much assistance." President McBryde. of Virginia, reported. .July 4. 1903. that changes in the law in that State were then being considered and that amendments in the line of the recommendations were being urged. In conclusion he says : " It follows, therefore, that your recommendations will be helpful in securing the legislation needed." Director Armsby reports that the recently amended law of Pennsylvania con- forms very largely in substance to the reconnnend.-itions. Director Soule. of Tennessee, states that a new law was passed in that State in April. 1903. The law was drawn with the object of making it conform with the recommendations of the associations, but a few amendments were made not in harmony therewith which it is lielieved weakened the law. He adds that it is hoped later to secure such amendments as will make the law conform to the original draft, and that " had it not been for the existence of the recom- mendations it would probably not have been iwssible to secure the passage of the present law." Director J. F. Duggar, of Alabama, writes, under date of July 7. that in that State " the old law has been replaced this year by a new one which embodies the recoumiendations of the Association of American Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Stations and of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists," and that " the recommendations alluded to have had much weight in securing: the revision of legislation along this line." After careful consideration of the subject your committee submits the fol- lowing recommendations regarding laws regulating the sale of feeding stuffs : 29 (1) That for the purpose of defraying the expenses of feeding-stnff inspec- tion the State should proferal)ly make a dinn-t appropriation. (2t That tlie followintr materials sli-.mld be exemi)t from the provisions of feeding-stuff laws: Hays and straws and wliole unmixed seeds, such as wheat, rye, Ijarley. oats. Indian corn, buckwheat, broom corn, peas, and the unmixed meals of the entire., grains of such seeds. (8) Tlie term "concentrated feeding stuff" should include linseed meals, cotton-seed meals, cotton-seed feeds, jiea meals, cocoanut meals, gluten meals, gluten feeds, maize feeds, starch feeds, sugar feeds, dried brewers' grains, dried distillers' grains, malt sprouts, hominy feeds, cerealine feeds, germ feeds. rice meals, oat feeds, corn and oat chops, corn and oat feeds, corn bran, ground beef or fish scraps, condimental foods, poultry foods, stock food.-., patented pro- prietary (H- trade-marked stock and poultry foods, and all other materials of a similar" nature not included in section 2 above. ^Yhere practicable the ' by- products from the milling of wheat, rye. and buckwheat should he included under the requirements of the laws. (4) That a legible printed statement should be affixed to or printed on each package containing a feeding stuff named in section 8. giving the net weight of the package, the name and address of the manufacturer or importer, the name, brand, or trade-mark under which the article is sold, and the guaranteed aiuilysis showing the percentage of crude protein and of crude fat and a maximum of fiber which shall not be exceeded. The law should provide that the chemical analysis, including determinations of crude fiber, crude protein, and crude fat, shall be made by the official methods of the'Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. If the feeding stuff is sold in l)ulk or put up in jjackages belonging to the purchaser, the agent or dealer ;^hall furnish him with a certified statement of the net weight of the lot, the name and address of the manufacturer or importer, the brand or trade-mark under which said article wa!4 sold, and the percentage of crude protein and crude fat which said article is guaranteed to contain as determined by the official methods of the Association of Oflicial Agricultural Chemists. (5) That a certified copy of the statement in section 4, al)ove, be filed with the executive officer each year. (6) That the law should contain a penalty, by fines only, for violations of its provisions. The conunittee reconnnends to the Association of American Agricultural Col- leges and Experiment Stations the adoption of the recommendations 1 to G, in- clusive, with the suggestion that this or some other committee should be instructed to use its efforts to secure the end in view by using its influence to aid in securing uniform legislation in the several States. H. J. Wheeler, Chas. D. Woods, E. H. Jenkins, H. P. Armsdy. M. A. Scovell, CoiiDiiittce. H. J. Wheeler, of Rhode Island. At the meeting last year your committee made certain recommendations in regard to feeding-stuff laws in the United States. This recommendation went to the section on agriculture and chemistry, and was referred to the general session, and owing to objections which were made to one clause it was referred again to your conunittee. The conunittee begs leave to report the recommendations made last year with the modification of section 1. Section 1 read last year : " That for the purpose of defraying the expenses of feeding-stuff inspection the State should make a direct appropria- tion, or where this is impracticable a brand tax should be levied. In view of the experience of Maine and Vermont a tonnage tax is not to be recommended." Tour committee now recommends that this read as follows : " That for the purpose of defraying the expenses of feeding-stuff inspection the State should preferably make a direct approi)riation." In other respects the recommenda- tions stand exactly as they did last year. One other matter was referred to your conunittee. a comnnuiication received from Doctor Hopkins, of Illinois, which I believe was presented to the section 30 on jigriculture and chemistry : " Shall we say ammonia or nitrogen, phosphoric acid or phosphorus, potash or potassium?" Your committee held a meeting in March, 1904, in New York, at which various matters were under consideration, and at tliat time it was deemed by the com- mittee inadvisable, in view of the fact that a large number of the States had passed laws using the terms phosphoric acid and potash, to go back and undo all that work and change to potassium and phosphorus. C. G. Hopkins, of Illinois. This matter of the terms to be used In connection with fertilizers, as well as in stating analyses of other matters, as soils and ash, is now also being considered by the Association of Official Agricultural Chem- ists, having been taken up by that association at the St. Louis meeting. A com- mittee has been appointed by that association to consider the entire question of nomenclature of such materials as require chemical analysis and statement of the con.stituents found, and I should be sorry to see final action taken by this association at this time. It seems to me it would be well to appoint a com- mittee to act jointly with the committee from that association to bring in a joint report at our next annual meeting, rather than to take any final action at this time. I think our first duty as an association is to the American fanner. The thing which will ultimately be of the greatest benefit to the American agriculturist is the thing we should do. I realize we have considerable litera- ture pertaining to soils and fertilizers in America, and that we have quite a diversified system of naming the three principal constituents of fertilizers. In the literature in perhaps one-third of the States they say ammonia, and in two-thirds of the States they now say nitrogen, under State laws. In nearly all the State literature we see phosphoric acid when phosphorus pentoxid is meant, although in any of the other sciences — such as pharmacy and medicine — when they say phosphoric acid they mean that. The literature which comes from the U. S. Department of Agriculture says potassium, and not potash, and it says PO4 instead of P:.05, so there is by no means perfect harmony in the conditions we now have. It has seemed to me the longer I have studied the question of soils and fertilizers the more necessary it is that we simplify this unnecessarily complicated situation. I suppose many of you have tried to explain to the practical common-sense farmer why it is we pay for potash (K:.0) when we buy potassium as chlorid (KCl). That is, we value potassium chlorid on the basis of potassium oxid, although there is no potassium oxld in potassium chlorid. In my own experience I have found that the situation becomes ridi'-ulous to the common-sense farmer, and scientists are responsible for it. ^Ye )>ersist because it would require a little extra clerical work to go over our records and make some changes. Surely we must do the thing which Is sim- plest for the practical man. American agriculture is going to advance as the farmer understands the business. H. J. \Yheeler. I wish to say that the committee is in most hearty accord with Doctor Hopkins in his idea of simplifying matters. But this association and the association of chemists made certain reconmiendatons a number of years ago and both hixxe been working hand in hand to secure the adoption of laws in the various States in accordance with a certain line of uniformity, and many of the States of the Union have already, after long effort, been persuaded to change their laws in accordance with those recommendations. To make any change to-day would mean to undo all we have done in the last eight or ten years. It is quite another proposition to take up the matter of nomenclature in regard to ordinary station work. I therefore move that the matter of the nomenclature used in the reporting of experiment station \Aork be referred to the section on experiment station work for their consideration. The motion was carried. (See p. 117.) 31 Metiiops oi' Seki) Testing. E. If. Jenkins, cliairnmn 'if the stjindiiis connuittee on soec'l testin;.'. suhniitted the following rejiort : Siuoo the last meeting of the assofiatlon the connnitte<' has submitted its revision of the I'ules for seed testing to a number of those interested in the v.ork for further suggestions, and tlie tiual revision of the work has been printed and distributed by the Ortice of Experiment Stations as Cireidar No. 34. revised, Itp. 24. with the title — Rules and Apparatus for Seed Testing. It is the hope of the connnittee that the methods prescribed will eonunend themselves to those who are engaged in seed testing and lie adopted by them. The connnittee \\ ill gratefully receive any criticism of the metlwds or sugges- lions for their iniiirovement. All of which is respectfully submitted. E. H. Je>:kins. Chaininin. F. W. Carp. W. R. L.VZENBY. E. P.ROW.N. A. D. Shamel. . The report was accepted. ^Military I.nstrcction. The following report was recei\ed from the chairman of the committee on this subject through the chairman cf the executive committee : Several matters of special interest to all the institutions were referred to this connnittee by the convention at its last aimual meeting, but as they appear upon the i»rinted jirogramnie it is unnecessary to repeat them here. They involve matters of the very highest importance to all the colleges in the asso- ciation, and I may be permitted at the outset to express my deep regret that I am compelled to make only a brief and incomplete report. During all the early part of the year the condition of my health was such as to keep me under a physician's care for several months ; during which time I was able to perform onlj a small part of my own regular duties, and the only outside matters to which I gave the slightest attention were in connection with meetings of the i^xecutive committee of this association. This word of explanation is due to my associates as well as to myself, and I hope the personal allusion may be jiardoned. In any case, it is difficult to secure meetings of a connnittee' the members of which are so widely scattered, and especially when those meetings, in order to be iiroductive of permanent results, must be made to coincide \^'ith the convenience of officials in one of the great departments of the Government. Such a meeting, in order to avoid waste of time, should have l)efore it some definitely considered body of proposals which had been ]»reviously submitted to all the members and which might thus form the basis of definite action to be liroposed to the department concerned. Owing to my inability to give sufficient consideration to the important questions involved to justify me in trying to foruHilate such proposals for the committee no meeting has l)een called during the year, but I beg to suggest that e^•en this, unfortunate as it seems, may not be altogether without its advantages. The attention of nil the colleges has l)een necessarily fixed to a greater or less extent upon the working of the system which the War Department is now try- ing to carry out and all are probably in a better position to make an estimate of its advantages and disadvantages than they were a year ago. Considerable- correspondence has been carried on with different institutions relative to special cases as they arose, and a number of important suggestions have been made bj them, some of which may form the basis of future deliberation and action. To President Fellows, of Maine, special thanks are due for the valuable work that he has done in this connection. The chairman of the connnittee has h.id two prolonged interviews with the Chief of Staff of the Army, the first of which resulted in an extension of the detail of military oftic(>rs to colleges from two years to three, and the .second in a better mutual understanding of some of the jHiints at issue between the col- leges and the Deiiartment. The iiosition of the Deiiartment. stated in the briefest form, is this, that, since the (Jovernment furnishes otli<-ers and e(|ui[)- ment for giving military instruction, it has a right to expect both a hearty 2.3880— No. 153—05 m ^3 ■ 32 cooperation and an equivalent return from tlie colleges ; that, since military- instruction is the end sought Ijy the law and by those who are charged with thfr administration of it on behalf of the Government, that instruction should be made efficient, and the colleges should, as far as necessary, organize tlieii schedules of work accordingly ; and, still further, that, while these details, are of great advantage to the individual officers concerned, and thus to the entire military establishment, yet the i)rimary need of the Army is to have its officers directly at work with their respective connnands. The force of this last consid- eration will appear when it is stated that 20 per cent of the officers of the Army are now absent on detached service, and it can be well understood that this fact is an occasion of very grave concern to the bead of the Army. It also serves to explain the reasons for wishing to detail to colleges no officers but those on the retired list, a policy which, however desirable from the point of view of the Army, is utterly iiuprnctic.ible from the point of view of the colleges. There is one other ]i(iint upon which the officers of the Department feel that the necessi- ties 01 the situation are not always sufficiently considered l>y the colleges ; that is, colleges in a few instances have insisted that if they could not have some particular officer detailed they would prefer to have none at all ; and, while the Department is desirous of considering the wishes of the colleges as far as jjos- sible in eaclr case, it feels that a specific insistence of that kind, without regard to conditions which may exist in tlie service, is n:»t reasonal)le or justifiable. In response to a suggestion from the chairman of the committee that a meet- ing of the committee of the association with the Chief of Staff and other oflicers of the War Department might result in a better understanding and more har- monious action. General Chaffee expressed his very cordial assent and his willinj.>-ness to arrange for such a meeting. Geo. W. Atherton, Chairman. 11. C. White. At the last convention the following matters were referred to the committee on military instruction: Resolved, That the committee on military instruction is directed to try and secure some modification of War Dei^artment General Orders, No. 94, relating to military instruction in the land-grant colleges, abolishing the fixed five-hour per week i-efpurement for military instruction, and allowing sueli colleges larger liberty in arranging their programme of weekly exercises. Resolved, That the conunittee is further directed to submit to the association at its next convention a draft of recommendation to be. if approved, urged upon Congress looking to more complete provision for the military instruction j-equired of the land-grant colleges. The report was received and referred to the section on college work and iidministration for consideiation (see p. 91). Inoexing Agricultural Literature. In the absence of A. C. True, chairman of the committee on this subject, his report was presented by W. M. Hays, of Minnesota, as follows : W. M. Hays. I want to ])remise this written statement prepared by Doctor True by stating that this committee has been in existence twelve years, and two of its main objects have been achieved. One is to secure within the Depart- ment of Agriculture a scheme of indexing .agricultural literature: the other is - to have the Library of Congresss do the printing, so that institutions and indi- viduals desiring indexes of different classes of agricultural literature may secure them at a nominal cost. The formal report of the committee follows : The past year has been marked by two important events in the progress of the work of indexing the literature of agriculture and agricultural science |jy the Department of Agriculture: (1) The printing of the first installment of a fj-ird index of agricultural periodicals by the Department Lilirary, and (2) the publication of a general index to the first 12 volumes of the Experiment Station Record and Experiment Station Bulletin No, 2, by the Ortice of Experiment Stations. The card index of agricultural periodicals comprises author and subject indexes and already about 7,000 cards have been i)rinted. The periodicals thus 33 far indexed nre Annales de la Science Agrnnoniiqno, 18S4-1903, Landwirth- schaftliclie Jahrbiicher, 1872-1902, and Die Landwirthschaftlichen' Versuchssta- tionen, 1859-1902. Any number of copies of each card can be purchased as desired. Arrange- ments have lieen made with the Library of ("oiiL:re-'s f(jr tlie printing and sale'^of these cards, but tlie indexini: and iiroof reading are done in the Library of the Department. C'ircnhirs of information concerning this worlc were widely di.s- tributod last ^larch to liliraries, institutions, and to individuals interested in agriculture and related sciences. The result is a list of subscribers which war- rants beginning the work, and it is hoi)ed that the list will be greatly iix-reased after the cards wbic h are ready for distribution have lieen examined." The jtublication of the card index for Department publications has been con- tinued during the past year, as usual, and now numbers 7,483 cards in each set. libraries and institutions throughout the country continue to apply for the cards, and frecpunt letters of aimreciation of their usefulness are received. The general index to the tirst 12 volumes of the Experiment Station Record and Kxiieriment Station Bulletin No. 2 is a subject index which makes a volume of G71 pages. " The index contains about 12o.000 entries, arranged under nearly 55,000 divisions and subheads. It covers all of the experiment station and Department publications received for abstracting up to the beginning of .January, 1901, and nearly all of the foreign literature u]) to that time It therefore brings the index of this literature practically down to the close of the year 1900; and, as it dates from the beginning of the experiment stations under the Hatch Act, it covers a period of the greatest activity in the develoi)ment of agricultural science." The preparation of this index involved a vast amount of painstaking and tedious labor on the part of the editor of the Experiment Station Record and his associates, and its successful completion is a vei\v considerable achieve- ment. The importance of this great work to students, teachers, and investigators is very great. The demand for it has already exhausted the first edition of 1,000 copies, and a second edition is being printed. The cai-d index of experiment station literature issued by the Office of Experi- ment Stations has now reached 25,600. A list of publications of the Agriculture Department 1862-1902 with analytical index (pages 623) has been published by the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office. A. C. True. J. A. Clark. E. Davenport. W. M. Hays. Mr. Hays. It is my private opinion, not a part of the committee's report, that this association ought to take some active steps through its executive committee to push matters both as to preparation of the cards and as to their publication by the Library of Congress. The report of the committee was accepted. The convention adjourned to meet at 8 o'clock p. m. Evening Session, Tuesday. Xovemuer 1, 1004. The convention was called to order by J. C. Hardy, of Mississippi, the second vice-president. President W. O. Thompson was introduced, and delivered the annual presi- dential address, as follows : Annual Address of the President of the Association— Some Problems in THE Colleges of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. I. I propose for our consideration this evening a very plain and I trust a very practical theme, upon which I desire to (»ffer a few remarks suggested by my own experience and observation. No effort will be made to discuss in any theoretical way the many interesting questions that pertain to education, but 34 rather to take a broad and coniprehensive view of the field and the institutions we. represent, with su

  • ;)n the wi.sdom of the States. After all has been said that can be said on that matter, it remains true that that original act is the foundation on which the colleges stand. The second Morrill Act is a very clear and definite contribution, in which there is .a renewed and enlarged participation on the part of the Govern- ment. It is not assumed that the national grants are adequate to the main- tenance of such colleges as are needed. The smallest States, or the States with the least amount cf undeveloped resources, will find lief<;re them problems too large for an adequate solution with the limited means at their hands. Indeed. the States where conditions are most unfaAorable form the strongest argument for national aid. Here it is that undeveloped resinirces are few, and here it Is that existing resources need to be most carefully husl)anded. If the National Government can be justified for undertaking what may be tei-med the develop- mental functions of government — and I take it that the history of the past seventy-five years justifies such undertaking — then it would seem the part of wisdom to protect the whole country, and to see to it that no portion of the country is to be so depleted in resources that the maintenance of a population is imposs'iide. It would seem, therefore, that the National Government might with every propriety interest itself in the development of the least fertile and most unlikely portions of the country for the general reason that the nation's interests are as wide as her territory. This phase of the proidem is the more urgent because it is here that States will be slow to take hold of the problem, chiefly liecause they lack the knowledge needed in order to direct them in the wise application of scientific methods to the problem, and further because such States are not usually suHiciently aroused as to the relation of research to state development. On the other hand, the States having a large amount of unde- veloped resources can readily see the advantage of development, and are so moved by tlie prospect of assured ]irofit that they readily make approi^riations for in\estigation and research as an investment, if not in the interest of science. (2) We lire well aware that there is a great diversity of interest shown among the States. This interest has manifested itself in some cases by large and gen- erous appropriations and in others by rather meager provision. There can be no question a!)out the individual State's right, and I also believe of its duty, to take ui) the developmental functions of government and give its own territory most careful consideration. It is not that in the supjMirt of what we would term "technical education," "industrial educati(ai." or perhaps better, "economic education," the State will receive immediate returns upon its investment, for that is not always true, but that in such long-time investment, calculated to jierpetuate the resources of the State, and to keep the legacy of our fathers as valuable for our clnldren as it has been for us. the State will find ample justification for its expenditures. ;Men often debate the constitutionality of certain meastires. the wisdom of them or the political effect of them, but when they have once l>een made and men of a later period see the wisdom of such public enteri»rise, there is little disposition to criticise the action. The present movement in agricultural education has some immediate returns that are a justification, but the complete justification will be at the hands of our children. It is worth our while to keep clearly in mind that this expenditure nuist inevitably increase. I do not suggest that it will increase with great rapidity, but tliat the increase of expenditure for education will go with equal step with the increase of the efficiency of our civiliza- tion. Indeed, civilization itself as it in-ogresses makes increasing demands upon 35 the citizens. Primitive life is very simple ami beautiful under primitive condi- tions, liut under the conditions of a highly orj^anized civilization primitive life woulil i)e decided evidence of de.generation. Civilization l)rinj;s not only its opitortunities, but its duties us well. Education is therefore a constantly expand- inj,' in-oiilem. These colleges of agriculture and mechanic arts must recognize that up to date their work is only outlined. They must. then, not only as the pre.-orver^ of the past, the protestors of the future. Init as the designated agencies of the State, stimulate and develop the possibilities of both land and men. These institutions therefore stand in a very important relation to society and must help to solve the problems of practical living for the millions of our industrial classes. It is not unnatural that in the presence of this large expenditure of money and of the tendency to increase this expenditure of money as time goes on the thoughts of men siiould turn to a consideration of the results of this national movement in education. I have no desire to enter into a discussion that might be tabulated in figures. For our purpose here this evening it might be well to remind ourselves, however, in the tii-st place, that this national movement has given great importance to worlc in agriculture in the United States Gov- ernment. The Department of Agriculture now stands as the nation's testimony to the importance of the problems with which it deals. Apart from the move- ment for these land-grant colleges, it might be seriously doubted whether there could have been such a development of the nation's work as is now organized in the Department of Agriculture. We recognize the importance of the work undertaken by the Government and also the generosity toward the States as shown in the two Morrill acts. We can not fail to recognize the helpful coop- eration of the Department of Agriculture with the colleges and stations. Too much could not easily be said in praise of this work. On the other hand, we are quite as much under obligation to recognize the heliiful attitude of the sev- eral States in making possible the highest efficiency of this national movement. They have gone at the matter with a steady purpose and a steadily growing enthusiasm. The movement has not been by any means a rural one. Our city populations have come to see the intimate relation between the development of agriculture in this country and the prosperity and safety of much of our com- merce. They have seen how it affects the quantity of our food supplies, the health of our people, and the permanence of much of our prosperity. Those of us engaged in the agricultural colleges recognize, therefore, that our work could be so incomplete as to be extremely unsatisfactory but for the logical development at Washington. It is also true that they without us should not be made perfect. Indeed, every enteri)rise of this association has made mani- fest that the interest of the nation, of the States, of the colleges, and of the people are all one. The work of investigation, the work of supervision, the work of stimulating and aiding the local enterprises all unite to emphasize to us the fact that the nation has been pretty well aroused. The further development of this work must inevitably emphasize the common interest of the entire country and so lead to an increasing intelligence as to the real unity of the country. In the large and broad field of the nation's interests the Depart- ment of Agriculture in its several fields of work may be regarded as the logical outcome of the Morrill Act and also as the nation's appreciation of the impor- tance of the colleges and experiment stations. Without design on the part of anyone there has gradually grown up an institution at Washington which give* expression to the national ideals, just as the local college expresses the ideals of the community in which it is located. I am disposed, therefore, to say that the colleges of agriculture and mechanic arts have fully justified their exist- ence by the national infiuences that have been set to work as a consequence of their founding. On the other hand, the results in a local way that have been realized from these colleges are by no means to be despised. They have wrought out local problems and stimulated local enterprise. They have trained some valuable citizens and produced some efficient men and women. This in itself would be ample justification, but through tlie agency of these efficient men and women the resources of the country are not only being perpetuated, but increased, so that both local and natiijual governments are finding their patri- mony undiminished. These institutions, while devoted to the cause of educa- tion' have iKjinted out the possibilities of increased revenues and trained men to protect themselves in the strenuous struggle for existence. The results realized from the establishment and maintenance of these laud- grant colleges are not to be looked for entirely in the graduates of such institutions or iu the renewed interests that may be aroused in either agri- 36 culture or mechanic ai'ts. This system of education, which in a way is dif- ferent from anything else ever undertalien, guards peculiarly the country's ideals concerning the permanent welfare of the masses of the people. 1 do not think it could be proved that these colleges came in response to a demand from the multitude, but they came rather in resi)onse to a demand on the part of a few farseeiTig men. These men recognized, what 1 thinlc all now can readily see, that such institutions would be an efficient agency in cultivating on the part of the masses of the people an appreciation of higher attainments and greater excellence in the useful industries of life. It is impossible to measure the value or the power in such enlightened appreciation. It has been truly said in connection with the significance of an educational system in its relation to the progress of civilization, and concerning the duty tovrard the government of those receiving it, that we can not appreciate it except by considering it from the collective point of view. That is to say. in another way, that the whole people must encourage and maintain a system of education in order that the individuals may be brought to a greater appreciation of it and thus saved from their own tendency to degeneration. This elevating influence of the land-grant colleges is by no means their least valualile restilt. It is not to be forgotten that the benefits of an edtication to the individual are proportionately less than the advantages to the other members of a com- munity. I think we are prone to look tipon education from a purely individu- alistic point of view. We are prone to measure it exclusively for what it can do for the individual, forgetting oftentimes that what it does for the individual is but the beginning of its real service. We have not yet entirely escaped the fallacy that agricultural education is for the farmers only and that the work of the experiment stations is for the rural districts. It is true that the primary benefits will be realized first among the people in the rural districts, but it is equally true and highly important that we recognize the truth that education of any sort is a social process the benefits of which can not be confined to the persons engaged in it. Agricultural education touches vitally every interest of society both urban and rural. The experiment station is the guardian of the avenues as truly as of the fields. Since, then, we can not find the full fruits of our system of education in the fields or in thd individuals, we would do well to study its wider importance and deeper significance. In this connection, i)ermit me to say that the very creditable exhibit of the colleges of agriculture and mechanic arts at St. Louis has, in my judgment, been a demonstration of the unity of all education, and in so far as an exhibit could testify, this one — the first one — has shown that the type of education in these colleges has not only ample justification, but occupies an important and hitherto neglected field. In the phase of education now under discussion there is a manifest tendency to emphasize the materials of education rather than the results of it. It is so easy for us to fix our minds upon the importance of luxuriant yields in the har- dest, the splendid types of live stock, or the margin of net profit that jiroducing these things will realize. No doubt these are important considerations. I would not in any degree minimize their importance. Indeed, if we can not exhibit these as among the results of our education there would be great difl!i- culty in justifying such a movement as a new departure in education. When, however, we have done all these things we have not received the most valuable results. It is when the pursuits of life have been made more etticient, and through the efficiency of these pursuits men are made more efficient, and through the greater efficiency of juen society itself is more efficient and stable, that government finds its beneficent ptirposes' realized and its investments justified. 1 regard it as of the highest importance that these ideals shall become the com- mon property of our people. It is no small prol>lem for these land-grant col- leges to recognize this problem and deal with it effectively. Our banner must float in full view of the civilization which we encourage. II. Turning now from what may be called the i)roblems of ideals, I desire to give some attention to the iuore practical iiroblems of opei*ation, and here I bring to our attention the conditions in farm life that infiuence for good or evil the efli- ciency of agricultural education. These conditions, I dare say, are familiar to the members of this association, Init are worthy of a quiet hour at our annual meeting. Many of them are general, in the sense that they are to be found wherever agricultural colleges occupy the attention of men. Some are local, in the sense that they are more noticeable in some comnuuuties than in others, or in the sense that they are peculiar to particular communities. I make no efTort to distinguish these, but call attention to such as are within the horizon of my 37 own observation. These conditions in tlieiuselves present a very serious prob- lem. Indeed, tbey are a series of problems, some of which seem inevitable and perhaps Incapable of satisfactory solution. Among the:-e I mention : (1) The tendency away from the farm, which is so manifest as to l)e the cause of great anxiety in many communities. There can lie no doubt that our cities have had a large accession of the best material in the rural districts. These persons, with a certain moral superiDi'ity and excellence of natural endowment, and with manifest inferiority in education, have forced their way to the front in the cities and have become the living examples of the splendid quality of liody and mind and heart produced on the farm. This efficiency is to be accounted for in part on the theory of personal taste. Not every jierson l»orn on the farm is adapted to farming imrsuits. People are disposed to follow their likes and avoid their dislikes. The ambitions of men oftentimes reveal their cherished Ideals. This, however, does not completely account for the marked tendency awa.\- from the farm. We nuist recognize the prejudice there is against Ihe drudgery associated with much of rural life. We must also recognize the fact that the American people regard the rural accunudations as inadequate and oftentimes as too slow. We recogniza also that the rural population has not cultivated a just appreciation of its own importance and of its own dignity. The proverb has it that "every man wants to live in the next county." This restless discontent and unwillingness to solve the problems of life in spite of our surroundings is an evil that grows by what it feeds upon. Something is to be said also concerning the failure to give young men and young women proper opportunities for personal advancement. The young business man feels that he can win when he has opportunity. The business world recognizes that no loss is sustained by giving such young men opportunity. I do not undertake to discuss the reasons in the case, but I thiniv we shall agree that the facts warrant the statement that many a farmer's boy lacks the opportunity for individual initia- tive so essential for independent positions. The prospect of dependent subor- dination being continued too long naturally arouses a young man's ambition for a jtosition where he can do for himself. He desires to be his own man and to conduct his own business. There can be no just criticism upon that kind of ambition. It is essential to the per]ietuity of a free people. These several items named above operate to help the young man in his decision toward the business world and away from the productive world. The agricultural college has been unjustly charged with educating young men away from the farm. We may as well recognize, however, that in spite of the agricultural colleges this tendency continues. It is no small part of our work to cultivate such a senti- ment as will retard this tendency. We should not fail, however, to recognize that under absolutely perfect conditions a large number of rural people should lind their way to the city. We can not make lawyers out of all sons of lawyers. Just now the ministry is decreasing in numbers, but we can not look to the manse as the only base of supply. Farmers should not expect all their children to follow the plow or be queens in the kingdom of domestic economy. Such an ideal, if realized, would encourage the class system and open the way for a large amount of inefficiency while closing the door to many and making impossible some of our greatest achievements. There should be a free movement toward the city and an equally free movement toward the farm. In other words, farm life nuist not be the last resort; it must not be the refuge of necessity; it should be the life of choice, and I may say of enthusiastic choice. It is evident that it has not always been such a choice, but in many instances men have dignified themselves and the farm by deliberately choosing to lead an inde- jiendent life rather than to rush into the miserable artificialities of much of our city life. It is to the population capable of such a choice that we must look for the elements that will check the too strong current away from the farm. (2) This tendency is increased, in my judgment, by the fact that fewer men are needed in agricultural pursuits. Ihe improvement of machinery has done something to intensify farming at certain periods of the year and rendered it unnecessary to keep a large force of men constantly available. The law of supply ^nd demand would therefore cooperate to reduce the rural population. On the other hand, the multiplication of machinery in civilization has increased the demands for men through the opening uj) of so many new methods of business. The modern methods of transportation have reduced the hours of laiior. and the specialization of labfH' has combined to give the lalwring popula- tion a larger share in the earnings of society and a wider distribution of these earnings. We must recognize also that the improvement of farm machinery has greatly increased the investments necessary for successful farming. Not 38 every man can afford these investments. He may not be i^repared to use them intelligently and therefore profitably. The result is in many communities that we have a large number of sales annually. Men whose lives have been spent in rural pursuits restlessly turn from the farm to ordinary labor as a means of livelihodd. The result is an absenteeism on the faru). City men and men of some means have been buying land either as a safe or speculative investment. The result is a species of landlordism on the one hand and of inferior farming on the other. Under such conle are not needed on the farm, and eventually they become superfluous in the town or city. (3) A third specification among these conditions lies in the difiiculty in bring- ing town or city people to rural life. They are quite willing, many of them, to live at a convenient distance from the city with a large investment in a small area of ground for jiersonal comfort and a certain type of luxury that only the country can bring, hut they are not easily brought to do the actual farm work necessary for the develoi)ment of agriculture. \^'e can not conceive of a coimtry as a city, made up of town lots of 10 to 2(j acres in area. The truth is that the city-bred people have little conception of what rural life really is. Many of them have an exaggerated prejudice concerning it. The training in action, asso- ciations, exciting amusements, and all that go to make up the externalities of city life unite to unfit an individual for the peaceful pursuits of rural living. Whatever hope there is. therefore, for the rui-al districts must eventually come from the rural districts themselves. It is to the population on the farm that we must turn for the perpetuity and improvement of rural life. The record made in the past by choice rural individuals in the city has greatly helped and im- proved the city. I see no evidence that the city will ever help or improve the country. The agricultural college, therefore, will find one of its most pressing and important problems in the country itself. It may be very entertaining and quite fashionable to chat in a city parlor about the beauties of agriculture, but the real problems of agriculture are on the farm and not in the drawing room. (4) A fourth specification is the question of profits. There is no doubt that men desire to make money and that the profit in farming determines the atti- tude of many for or against this pursuit. Many young men leave the farm because they see that their fathers have spent a life without accumulating much money and because the fatliers oftentimes complain that they have not made money. It is not uncommon under these conditions to see a greatly impover- ished' farm associated with an unfilled purse. As an individual question, we can not blame any man for having a desire for an improved condition. We can not ask him to stay in a place where there is no prospect of inii)rovement. If he were willing to do this he \^•ould be fitted neither for a farmer nor for a business man. It is not, therefore, the personal phase of this question that I am now suggesting. It is rather the general question of in-ofit in farming as having to do with the tendency away from the farm. We recognize that the speculative values in farm lands constitute no part of ordinary farming. The man who buys cheap land at $10 i)er acre and holds it for ten years and finds it worth $30 per acre has not made money by farming; he has made money by speculative investment in farming lands. As soon as it is realized that this speculative value is an uncertain quantity the attractiveness of such investments ceases. Multitudes of farmers can not be and ought not to be sjieculators ; they should be farmers, and the problem is to make them profitable farmers. In the consideration of this question we must recognize the impoverished condition of much of the farming land of our country. To be sure we have recognized this as a fact. I appeal now to recognize it as a condition- a condition that threat- ens the permanent usefulness of the farm and the farmer. I find a very wide- spread belief that much of our farming land never can be made {)rofitable for the individual farmer. If this is a permanent condition our colleges and experi- 39 ment stations should take the lead in making those things known and in bring- ing the Government to a realization of that condition. Surely this impoverished soil has some place in the national economy. There is some way of turning it to good account.' The law of diminished returns as set forth in our standard works of political economy makes it entirely clear that the scale of wages is determined by the land cultivated without proht. or. to put it in another way, the land cultivated at the highest rate of expenditure. In my judgment the per- manently proliTal)le condition of farm land is considerably menaced by the area of impoverished soil in the country. So far as my observation goes, but little iittention has been given to this condition as influencing the general conditions of rural life. I am persuaded, however, that it not only tends to keep down fann wages, but that it harbors an inferior population and from nearly every point of view threatens the most imiM3rtant conditions of rural life. I recognize, however, that not all of this impoverished soil is hopelessly so. This leads me to say that intelligent operation (jf the farm is necessary for any margin of profit. This intelligent operation and management is impossible with- out education. Some farmers have learned the lesson of profitable farming after an experience of twenty-five years. That experience was valuable, but a very expensive education. The purpose now is to give to the young farmer, while in bis teens, an education that will enrich him with the experience of other men gained after a long period of years. In (jther words, he is asked to invest very nuich less money in his education than he will pay for his experience. At the' same time his era of profit will begin at 25 instead of at 50. The movement for agricultural education is still in its infancy. We are still in the apoiogetic stage. We need a i)ropaganda accompanied by a demonstration that shall con- vince men that intelligence properly applied will produce results on the farm just as certainly as elsewhere. As bearing upon this question of profits I recognize that there are other ele- ments. The question of markets, their availability, the long or short haul, good roads, methods of transportation, and similar elements often enter into the ques- tion of the profit of agriculture. The tendency up to date has been to lay the entire burden of all these things upon the local conununity. It may be that it shall always remain so. This may add to the expense of local production while not making it clear that some obscure places are in any better condition. The above-named particulars are sufficient to arouse our thought as to the seriousness of the condition that confronts a growing civilization. If conditions were not serious there would lie no necessity for much ado about the importance of agricultural educa.tiou or the necessity of go\erument aid in such matters. IMie seriousness is not a new phase of the condition. The only thing new is that the recognition of this condition is more general than heretofore. The awaken- ing among us of our convictions upon this subject, accompanied by a general desire to make such improvement in conditions as shall largely justify our efforts, is a most encouraging feature. This is justification for a stronger appeal that I can riot make to the representatives of the great cause of technical and industrial education. Let me bring renewed emphasis, therefore, upon one or two things as we move along. III. I refer to the well-recognized problems of connecting education with farm- ing. All here agree that we have passed the time for unintelligent farming. Indeed, it would have been better if we had never reached that time. The fact remains, however, that a large portion of the agricultural work of the country has been a blind trust in the moon, or in Providence, or in luck. The multitudes, however, have long belie^■ed that the farmer's boy needed an education if he l!roi)osed to be a lawyer or a minister. We appeal for an eiiually abiding con- ^ iction that the l)oy who is to be a farmer nuist have an education. The one idea seemed to be that the only way to learn to do a thing was l)y doing it in an unintelligent and expensive way. The modern idea is that we shall learn to do things by doing them under competent supervision and in a most .economic way. The agricultural college therefore is an expensive thing in itself, because it centralizes all the expensiveness of ignorance under an organization that pro- poses to remove ignorance and supplant it with intelligence and skill. The fall.-icy that unintelligent men can do farm work needs to be entirely removetl. 'I'he truth is that it recpiires less intelligence to dig a ditch for a sewer in the city than to prepare for a tile drain on the farm. In the one case there is an assf)ciation with other laborers, the foreman, and a large amount of concen- trated supervision. In the other case there is no such association, but a demand for intelligence that can sujiervise itself. Even the ordinary oi>erations of the farm require men who are equal to their own emergencies and who can assume 40 their own responsibilities. In the larger questions of farm economy, farm luanagement, and the many problems that have been so interestingly discussed in the meetings of this association there is call for a grade of intelligence, of executive ability, and of management much higher than is ordinarily appreciated. IV. Another phase of this appreciation lies in working out an educational progi'amme that shall do the thing desired. This association has already dis- cussed and in general decided the main features of what, in its judgment, an agricultural education shoidd be. Consideral)le time and lal)or have been spent upon the classification and adjustment of subjects and the time to be given to these several subjects. There is now general agreement that this work has been well done. I do not look for any serious- or revolutionary modification of this progrannue. The ])roblem seems to be one of natural and, as I think, necessary expansion. I should not ignore the criticism that has been made of agricultural colleges, although I do not desire to be understood as supporting it. Some of it has been intelligent, wise, and helpful, but much of it has been erratic, zealous, and ill-informed. It has been said that agricultural courses are not well adapted to the ends desired. It has been intimated that our courses of study do not carefully conform to the spirit of the Morrill Act. It has been said also that they do not meet the most pressing needs of the agricultural classes. These are serious statements and in a way constitute a charge against intelli- gence or the intelligence of those to whom the oversight of these colleges is intrusted. So far as these objections have any force it may be found that a more generous provision of money would remove most of them. Agricultural education is working under ver.\ serious limitations. Most people and a very considerable percentage of legislators ha-\e failed to a])preciate that agricultural education is of necessity expensive. It is to be expected that every effort, however sincere, can not always be wisely directed. We may therefore look for some unwise use of money and for the abandoning of certain lines of work. Making due allowance, however, for all these things, there remains the out- standing fact that the limitations of these colleges have been a serious handicap. Those in the association who have had most generous support have proved to be most largely serviceable not only in their own States, but to the genera! cause of agricultural education. In the present programme of this as.sociation we are to discuss a number of the questions that bear ujion this very problem. Whether these colleges shall do elementary work or whether they shall do more iidvanced work will in many instances resolve itself into a question of money. Ihere is a sentiment in the country that these schools should confine themselves to what might be termed " practical education." We hear it and read it in the pi*ess that there is no great demand for scientific agriculturists — at any rate, that such demand could be met by a few colleges. We are told that the higher and more scientific pursuits should not be abandoned, but that the more important and i)ractical phases of agriculture should be emphasized and the work in that direction greatly enlarged. Certain phases of agricultural effort, like the agricul- tural institute in Iowa and the winter schools in Wisconsin and Minnesota, have attracted considerable attention and called forth much praise. The tendency, especially in the West, to take active interest in stock exhibits is quite marked. On the other hand, severe criticism has been brought upon agricultural colleges for experimental feeding, which costs three or four times what the stock market will support. We have heard it said that such education would pauperize every farmer in the State. I mention these things not for approval or disapproval, but for the purpose of calling attention t'l the fact that the progrannue of the agricultural colleges is not yet in its final form. I call attention to another fact in connection with it, that all these special features are ex]iensive. The taxpayer is not exclusively devoted to the cause of agricultural education. We shall probably not reach a jioint very soon where we shall be free from adverse and oftentimes captious criticism. V. As bearing upon this general topic and :;s j^resenting another specific problem, I make reference to the moveaient for agricultural education in the rui'al schools. In general this is the outgrowth of the agricultural college and follows the line of other educational development in that most improvement has come from above. The highest education has stimulated the elementary educa- tion. It is natural, therefore, that the agricultural college should stimulate the elementary education in the rural schools. This is more than a jiassing jihase of the subject of nature study. The local infiuence of a s<'lioal should always be for the inqirovement if its constituency. There is no place where more wide- spread good can be done for agriculture than in the rural schools. What might 41 be termed agricultural extension work might well be the subject for considerable thought by e^ery agricultural college of the country. If it be time, as I tbini; we all agree, that one of the great functions of the agricultural college is to arouse and maintain such an interest in agricultural pursuits as shall commend them to the rural population. I thinlv we shall also agree that the teaching of agricultural science in the rural schools would be a splendid appetizer for an agricultural education. The need of this becomes more imperative when we recognize that agriculture differs from many other jmrsuits in that it is not ent, therefore, upon the teachers of agricultural education to carry on a ])ropaganda. We can save the business of agriculture to our best people only by putting it on a plane where the best people are demanded in its management. The recompense of re\^'ard must not be entirely forgotten in the •adjustment of this problem. I look, therefore, for a future adjustment in our X'rogramme of studies that shall make provision in our colleges for a depart- ment devoted to the expansion of agricultural education among the rural districts. This work will not be confined to efforts in the rural schools, but will be some- Avhat ]>aral]el to the correspondence work now carried on in engineering lines and indeed in many literary lines. The problem of agricultural education will not be solved until the agricultural colleges ha^e been brought into close and vital relation to the agricultural populations. This touch v.Mth the agricultural I)oiwlation I i-egard as of more vital importance than touch with the schools. YI. I suggest another phase of this problem in the adjustment of the subject of military instruction in the colleges. I recognize that this subject is up for discussion in the progrannne of this meeting and introduce it here with no desire to encroach uj^on that discussion, but for the purpose of bringing it to your consideration in some of its general features as observed in my own experience. What is known among us as "General Orders, No. 65," has forced this question to the attention of many of the schools. Ileports from Washington are to the effect that this order is not complied with in a number of the colleges. An investiga- tion into the work actually done raises the issue whether General Orders. No. 65, is in accordance with the Morrill Act. That act. as generally under- stood, makes militar.v tactics mandatory in all these colleges. The extension of the education therein provided is a matter of subsequent development and should be given consideration in coiuiection with the chief idea of the Morrill Act. It seems incumbent, therefore, upon these colleges, and perhaps upon this associa- tion, to seek for a cleiirer definition of the duties imposed upon the land-grant colleges by virtue of the Morrill Act. The act provides that certain subjects, including military tactics, should be taught. The Government has never under- taken to determine in what manner any of these subjects shall be taught or the extent of the teaching, or in any way to suggest a schedule, except in the case of military tactics. This has been undertaken by the Department of War, but I am at a loss to discover any warrant in law for much that is contained in the latest order issued to these colleges. Without attemi)ting to direct the association, I suggest that it is well to con- sider here whether the general idea of these colleges be in industrial education rather than military education. If I am correctly informed, a literal compliance with General Orders. No. 65, \vill occujiy about one-half of each day in the week throughout the entire year. The assignment to colleges is usually limited to the detail of a single officer. Where the attendance is large and where, as in the case of the institution in which I serve, there are as many as SOO and sometimes more in the cadet battaliun, it is manifestly impossible for any single officer to perform all the duties in conne<;tion with military tactics. The cadets in these institutions are not competent to take tlic place of instructors. All that can be expected of such cadets would be ability to control in the ordinary movements of company and Itattalion drills. Moreover, there is necessity of a constant change in the roster of the cadet officers, thus making their efficiency more ques- tionable. The more theoretical and general topics suggested for instruction ai'e manifestly impossil)le for stich officers. The instrtiction of the officers and non- conuuissioned officers of the organization at the Ohio State University gives the commandant a class of more than one hiuidred men. Manifestly that is more 42 than a single ofRoer can flo if lie is to meet the requirements laid down. 1 assume that the idea of military education as set forth in the Morrill Act was to lay the foundation for the makin;; of soldiers, and not the technical education of army olHcers. The amount of work, the kind of work required, and all other such (niestions, therefore, should be determined not by an army ideal, but by the conditions under which these colleges must work. It would seem, therefore, that a complete military educaticjn is out of the (juestion, and that the work should confine itself to the teaching of the im[)ortant and fundamental iirinciples only. Not wishing to discuss this question at all in detail, I mention it here for the purpose of suggesting to the association the necessity of a careful consid- eration of the place That military tactics should occup.v in our programme of sub.iects. There is manifestly no unifonnity of practice among the colleges. Moreover, the War Department has insisted upon a strict compliance with General Orders, No. C,7j. In former years this association has waited upon the authorities with reference to this subject. It would seem now more than ever incumbent ui)on us to make further investigation of the sub.iect and for the association to take up such methods as shall liring about a general uniformity. This matter, in my judgment, should not be left to a single-handed controversy between a particular college and the War Department. By way of conclusion, I now desire to suggest to the association that the expansion of the type of education for which these colleges stand is a pressing necessity. The more civilization itself develops the more imperative will be the demands for education. Moreover it is to be expected that with the devel- opment of civilization the expenditure for i)rotective puri)Oses will relatively decrease, while the expenditures for the developmental functions of the Govern- ment will steadily increase. Education is the most important of all the devel- opmental functions in which the Government engages. I lay it down, therefore, as almost a self-evident truth that the tendency of the State in the matter of education is permanent and that the extent of the work is sui-e to increase. This ai)i)lies to the movement for public schools, for State universities, and for all other types of public education. Now, these land-grant colleges, whether separate institutions or whether associated with State universities, represent a distinct tyjie of education, whose importance will n(tt decrease, but whose work will expand with the development of our civilization. Indeed, a good argu- ment could be made to show that these colleges are more closely related to the ))rogress of civilization than any other tyiie. But passing that argument, I wish only to impress upon ourselves at this time the fact that we are engaged in a work that shall be greatly increased in the future. There ought to be, therefore, more concerted action possible among these schools. At any rate I suggest that there ought to be from this time on a vigorous discussion of our rehition to the expanding civilization in which we live and of the ways and means by which these colleges shall be brought to the highest efticiency. The States should be brought to realize that all i)rovisions for these colleges are for the i»resent only. They are a iiart of the State and of the nation and are truly national colleges located within the States for national development. Their future is certainly an increasing one and their needs will steadily increase. Let us appreciate our opi)ortunity and bring to the i>eoi)le of this country a realization, not only of the importance of the work done, but the duty of giving these colleges adequate support. On motion, the convention adjourned to meet the next morning at 9 o'clock. Morning Session, Wednesday, November 2, 1004. The association was called to order at 9 o'clock a. m. by the president. Death of ^NIajor Alvord. H. C. White. The executive committee called attention in its report yester- day to the sad occurrence of the death of Major Alvord. I now move that a committee of tlu-ee, consisting of Bresident Batterson, of Kentucky ; Director Henry, of Wisconsin, and Director Armsby, of Bennsylvania. be selected to prepare suitable resolutions of regret concerning the death of Major Alvord, The motion was seconded and carried. 43 Adams Bill and Mondell Mixing School Bill. II. I*. Arnisby, of Peun.s.vlvania. offered the following resoiution : h'csolrcil. That the executive eoimnittee he instructed to continue its efforts to secure the passage by C'tiigress i). Standing Committees. The question of the status of standing committees was briefly discussed and the matter was referred to the executive connnittee for report at the next convention. Methods of Teaching AiiRictxTUKE — The Teaching of Agriculture in the Rural Schools. The ivp.irt of the committee on this subject, which discussed "• The teaching of agriculture in the rural common schools." was read by II. T. French, of Idaho, in the absence of the chairman of the committee, A. ('. True, as follows: III accordance v.ith the apparent wishes of the association as expressed in an informal discussion of the repoi-t of this committee at the meeting in Washing- ton last November, this ninth report of the commitlee on methods of teaching agriculture a is devoted to a discussion on the feasibility of teaching agriculture in the rural coimnon schools, and suggestions regarding the nature and extent of such teaching. In this discussion the term "common schools" is taken to mean schools giving instraction in grades below those of the high school, and the term " rural schools " will include not only the schools in extremely rural districts, but also those in villages and small towns which draw largely on the adjacent country for pupils and financial support. It should also be understood that in this report attention is confined to matters relating to the teaching of agriculture in the rural schools as ordinarily organized in our laiblic school system. We have not undertaken here to discuss the advisaliility of the estab- lishment of county or district elementary scliools of agriculture as separate institutions or the courses of instruction suitable for such schools. develop:mext of ixdu-strial traixixg IX THE uomjIox schools. Industrial training fts a subject for regular instruction in the common schools has been until recently confined lai-gely to manual training in the city schools, and even in these schools it is still far from l)eiiig fully developed. However, the number of schools in which manual training (other than drawing) is given has increased rapidly during the past thirteen years. In 18:h», when the Bureau of Education first began publishing the statistics of manual training in the United States, there were only 37 cities of 8,000 population and over in which manual training was taught in the pul>lic schools; in 1!«»2 there were 270 such cities. The schools referred to are those in which other subjects than manual training are mainly taught. 'j In 2.5 of these schools manual training is given in all grades, including the high school : in (U it begins with the first grade ; in 33 it is confined to the high school, and in 200 (more than three-fourths of all tlie schools) it is given in some of the grammar grades. The introduction of manual training into courses of study which were already crowded has involved proldems reijuiring close and careful study of the needs of the pupils, and has generally resulted in greatly increasing the efficiency of the schools in which manual training is now taught. The eft'ort has been made to retain all the essentials of the branches commonly taught in such schools a For previous reports see U. S. Depv. Agr., OiMce of Experiment Stations Buls. 41. p. 57; 49. p. 20; 65. p. 70; 70. p. 30; 00, p. 80: 115. p. 50; 123, p. 45; 142, p. C3, and Circs. 32, 37, 30, 41, 45, 40, and 55, t' There were also, in 10(t2, 103 schools devoted chiefly to m.iuual and industrial •training. 44 and add the manual training. This has been done by a careful grading of the pupils, by securing better teachers and text-books, and by judicious and care- ful elimination cf the nonessentials in the various branches. The time to be given to manual training, so that it will not interfere with efficient instruction in other branches, has been carefully considered, and experiments with regard to this have been tried. Some idea of the time occu- pied l)y manual training in some of our larger cities can be gained from the following statements : In Boston 2 hours per week are devoted to manual training throughout the fourth to ninth grades, inclusive, the boys having, drafting, woodworking, and clay modeling, and the girls sewing and cooking. Manual training in the schools of New York City extends through seven grades, with a total of 4 hours per week for both boys and girls during the first 5i years, and 4^ hours during the second half of the sixth year and all of the seventh year. In the seventh and eighth grades of the Washington schools the girls have xible to enable her to adapt it to lical conditions. Nature study such as this, having an agricultural trend, is aitout all that has been attem[>ted in the way of teaching agriculture in the rural schools until quite recently. Witliin the past two or three years, however. .State su])erinten- dents of inii)lic instruction, the officers of some of the agricultural colleges, the National Educational Association, the American Civic Association, as well as a number of other oi-ganizations and numerous individuals in various official positions have interested themselves in the introduction of elementary agri- cultiu-e and gardening in the rural schools. The National Edu<-ational Asso- ciation now has a special ccmnnittee of educators of national repute considering this subject. The Amei-ican Civic Association has one department devoted to children's gardens and another to rural improvement. Last June, in Chicago, an organization known as the American League of Industrial Education was organized to — "conduct an educational camp.iign for an industrial public school system which should include the teaching of domestic science and both agricultural and manual training in all pui)lic schools; * * * ^q promote the establishment of school gardens in connection with all jiublic schools, where every child would be taught to be a lover of nature ;ind of the country, and trained toward the land as a source of livelihood rather than away from it; ^ * * to advocate the estal)lishment of i>ublic mainial training school farms in every county in the United States and of as many such manual training school farms in the vicinity of all cities, by State, municipal, and national governments, as may be neces- sary to give to every l:oy the o])portunity to learn how to earn his living by his labor and to till the soil for a livelihood and get his living from the land." Some of the State school authorities, orticers in agricultural colleges, and county superintendents of schools have prepared outlined courses in agriculture which have exerted a strong infiuence toward the teaching of agriculture in the rural schools. Such courses have been prepared, for example, in Missouri, Illinois, and Indiana, and for a group of schools under one superintendent in Durham, N. H., and vicinity. The Illinois cour.se in agriculture was prepared by the dean of the college of agriculture, and gives the following reasons for teaching agriculture in the public schools : "(1) To cultivate an interest in and instill a love and respect for land and the occupation of agriculture. "(2) To create a regard for industry in general and an appreciation of the material side of the affairs of a highly civilized people. "(f>) To cultivate the active and creative instincts as distinct from the reflective and receptive that are otherwise almost exclusively exercised in our schools. "(4) To give practice in failure and success, thus putting to the test early in life the ability to do a definite thing. "(5) To train the student in ways and methods of ac(|uiring information for himself and incidentally to ac(iuaint him with the manner in which information is originally ac(iuired and the world's stock of knowledge has been accumulated. "(<>) To connect the school with real life and make the value and need of schooling the more apparent. "(7) As an avenue of connnunication I»etween the pupil and the teacher, it t>eing a field in which the inipil will likely have a larger bulk of information than the teacher, but in which the training of the teacher can help to more exact knowledge." The course is arranged by months, and gives suggestions for a large number of experiments and observations bearing on all the divisions of agriculture. Considerable reading along agricultural lines is suggested, as well as drawing. comi)()sition, and other work intended to correlate agriculture with other school work. All technical words likely to be used frequently in this connection are defined. This course has been in the hands of Illinois teachers one year, and the superintendent of public instruction reports " an increased interest throughout the State in tlie study of agriculture." He says : 46 " In nearly every county in the State a good beginning has been made, and in several counties the interest and progress has been little less than remarkable. In many rural schools the subject is being studied, following the outline found on page's 1G6-180 of the Illinois Course of Study for the Common Schools. Some of the graded schools are doing systematic and intelligent work along this line and are conducting in connection with the schools successful school gardens. That the interest is growing is shown by the many tiiousand requests for corn and seeds, which are received by the secretary of the farmers' institute." According to statistics collected by the superii:tendent of farmers" institutes in Illinois, fourteen counties report that in nearly all the schools agriculture is being taught as suggested in the State Cdurse <;f Study, and in fifteen other counties a majority of the schools are attempting this work. In addition to agricultural work in the schools of Illinois, considerable is done by the State College of Agriculture, the superintendent and the secretary of fiirmers" in.stitutes. and county sui>erintendent>s of schools to arouse an interest in farm life by means of clubs of farmers' boys, which are organized in the dif- ferent counties for the purpose of conducting experiments at their homes in testing improved varieties of corn and sugar beets. These clubs hold regular meetings similar to farmers' institutes, and once a year are given places on the programmes of the county farmers' irstitutes. Several of these clubs have had lecture courses, with lectures from men jn-ominent in the agricultural colleges and experiment stations, and some of them have gone on excursions to different agricultural colleges. Eight thousand of these boys exhibited corn of their own raising at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, and 1,250 of them drew prizes ranging from ."»(» cents to $r>00. The girls have sinnlar organizations, which are devoted to the consideration of subjects relating to the farm home. Similar organizations of boys and girls are also found in Iowa. Ohio, and Texas, all of them organized "under the auspices of the State agricultural col- leges or of agricultural journals. The membership of the boys' and girls' clubs in Ohio is nearly 2.000 and in Texas over 1,200. though the latter organizations are little more than a year old. Everywhere that work of this kind has been done it has seemed to meet with enthusiastic approval. The boys and girls take pride in their organizations and in doing in a small way what their parents do more extensively. In Missouri the course in agriculture for the public schools was prepared several years ago by the State sui)erintendent of schools. This course has been superseded by a bulletin prepared by the State superintendent of schools and published by "the Missouri State Board of Agriculture in September of tlie pres- ent year, entitled "Elements of Agriculture for the Public Schools." This bulletin advocates presenting the subject of agriculture "(1) by experiments at home and in the field, (2) by studying facts as given hi texts and bulletins, and (o) by school gardens connected with school grounds." " Teachers are advised to utilize school grounds or gardens near the school as experiment stations, to have pupils exi»eriment at home and make field observa- tion.^, and to secure bulletins from the Department of Agriculture, at Washing- ton, D. C.. from the Missouri State Board of Agriculture and from the agricul- tural college, both at Columbia. The school library should have copies of sev- eral good texts. Appeal to the pupils' interests along all lines and enlist the cooperation of the parents." The course in agriculture, as outlined In the bulletin, includes (1) studies on soil — origin and composition, kinds, plant food, impi-ovement, rotation of crops, and experiments: (2) roads — value of good roads, road drainage, artificial roads. g(»o.l diit ro.ids. inttuence of roads, road laws, and experiments; (3) studies (in seeds and related subjects — germination, vitality, and parts of seeds. wMth experiments in corn planting, corn growing, corn judging, selecting seed corn, and observations and exi)erinients with vrvn (similar treatment of wheat) ; (4) studies of plants — their classification, relation to soils, buds, twigs, etc.: f5) orcharding and gardening— api>les. grapes, berries, home gardening, connnercial gardening, enemies t() gardens: (0) study of insects. (7) stock raising and feeding— horses, mules, cattle, sheep, hogs, and domestic fowls. Numerous experiments and observations are suggested through mt the bulletin. Two bulletins have also been issued by the College of Agriculture of the TTniversitv of Missouri which are intended for use in the public schools. One of these is mi Plant Propagation and the other on The Principles of Plant I'roduction — the Seed. The suiierintendent of public schools, the College of Agriculture, and the State normal schools in Missouri are cooperating in agitating the introduetioa 47 of airricnltnre into the puhlio schools throushout the State. This is done by acUliessinj; te;u-liers' institutes, farmers" institutes, and other pui)lic nieetiufjs; by condu'tiiig suuuner schools for teaeliers at tlie College of Agriculture, in Avhich sjiecial attention is given to courses which will prepare them for teaching agriculture, and by conducting regular courses in agriculture at the three State normal schools. The State sui)erintendent of public instruction of Indiana, in his State Manual and Uniform Course of Study for the Elementary Schools of Indi.ma, 1004-13, Includes a nature-study course intended "to acquaint the puiiil with his environ- ment and to train hini to see and understand the relationship and meaning of common things." and a course in elementary agriculture. The subjects sug- gested for consideration in the nature course are largely the plant and animal Tife of the farm and the garden. The course in agriculture is simply an outline intended to guide the teacher, taking up for first consideration plant and animal products; then the soil, its formation, nature, tillage, and enrichment; and, finally, plant life. References are given to a number of bulletins and elementary text-books of agriculture. The department of agriculture of the University of Minnesota has been fictivelv engaged in promoting the teaching of agriculture in the rural schools, and its olHcers have prepared a bulletin on Rural School Agriculture for the use of the teachers iu that State. In Wisconsin the State superintendent of the public schools and the officers of the College of Agriculture of the University of Wisconsin have done much for the introduction of agricultural teaching in the country. One of the results of their efforts has been the enactment of a law requiring teachers to pass e.xaniinations in agriculture. Similar laws have also been enacted in Maine. Nebraska, North Carolina. South Carolina, and Tennessee. The training of teachers along agricultural lines is receiving considerable attention not only in Missouri, as mentioned above, but also in other States. The College of Agriculture of Cornell University now jirovides a two-year nor- mal course in nature study and gardening. In Michigan ten county normal training schools have recently been opened for the i)urpose of training teachers lor the rural schools. The course of study recommended for these normal schools by the State superintendent of public instruction includes agriculture. The agricultural colleges in Connecticut. Nebraska, and North Carolina have for a number of years conducted summer schools for teachers, at which more or less iittention has been given to nature study and agriculture. At the Nebraska summer school in 10<»4 there were 23 students in nature study and 30 in agricul- ture. At the North Carolina summer school for teachers in 1904 there were enrolled 977 teachers, of whom 477 took work in agriculture. The summer school of the South, conducted at the University of Tennessee with an annual attendance of from l.OoO to 1.300 teachers from all parts of the South, gives considerable attention to nature study and gardening. One thing that has given a great impetus to the movement for the introduc- tion of agriculture into the i)ublic schools has been the improvement of text- books and works of reference. Within the last year or two a number of ele- mentary text-books in agriculture have been pulilished, and some of these seem ■sery well suited to use in the rural schools. One of the indirect results of the appearance" of these text-books has been legislation in a number of States requiring the teaching of agriculture in all the rural schools, and adopting text- books for that purpose. State adoption of text-books in agriculture has been made in Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, North Carolina, and Tennessee. Every city and county in Virginia, a majority of the counties in Maryland, about 15 counties in California, and a number of counties in Florida have also adopted textbooks in agriculture for regular use in the public schools. It is estimated from teachers' reports that at least 12.0(!0 children received instruction in agri- culture in North Carolina last year. Thus it will be seen that there is quite a strong movement for the introduction of agriculture into the rural schools and that this movement is rapidly gaining momentum. OBSTACLES TO THE GENERAL INTRODUCTIOX OF AGRICULTURE INTO THE RURAL SCHOOLS. There are many things which have a tendency to hinder the rapitl progress of this movement.' One of these is the conservatism or apathy of school officers. This ajiplies not only to local officers iuit also to State superintendents of i»ublie instruction, county "superintendents of schools, and the officers of agricultural 23880— No. 153— O.J m ± 48 colleges in many of the States. Some of these officers doubt the possibility or wisdom of teaching agriculture in the common schools on account of the lack of text-books, or the lack of trained teachers, or for some other reason. It is, however, a notable fact that in the States where such officials are cooperating actively and earnestly in conducting a lively campaign along these lines, agri- culture is actually being taught with considerable success, and teachers who feel that they are u'.ipreitared in this branch are flocking to summer schools, where they can make the necessary preparation. Another difficulty is that the teachers in rviral districts are mostly women with little or no normal training either in the ordinary branches taught in the common schools or in special subjects. There is no teaching profession in the rural schools. The salaries are so low that they do not attract those who have prepared themsehes for the profession of teaching. As a consequence, most of the teachers found in I'ural schools are beginners or those who have not been sufficiently successful to be called to positions offering a higher salary. Most of the men who are teaching in the country are doing so merely for the purpose of raising money to go away to school or to go into business. These conditions result in a rapid shifting of teachers from school to school. which is another serious drawback to i)rogress of any kind. Again, the terms of school are too short. When a child can go to school only four or five months in the year there is little time in the lew years that he is in school for the study of other subjects than i-eading, writing, arithmetic, geography, and history. Before much progress can be made in the introduction of agriculture into the rural schools much must be done for the general imi)rovement of those schools. This improvement will be brought about partly by remedying the conditions already mentioned in the school districts as they are now organized, and partly through the consolidation of small districts and the organization of centralized schools, including rural high schools where village high schools are not readily available for those who can go beyond the grammar grades. The practice of consolidating schools has already been resorted to in California, Colorado, Con- necticut, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa. Kansas, Maine, ilassachusetts, Mich- igan, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania. Rhode Island. South Dakota, Vermont, Washington, and Wisconsin. Notable movements toward the consolidation of schools have recently been inaugurated in Louisiana, Missouri, and North Carolina. While this movement toward consolidation has spread to all parts of the country, there are relatively few localities iu any State in which the system has been adopted and brought into working order. Hence the full effect of this important change in school policj' has not been telt, even in the States where consolidation is a feature. In the localities where consolidation has been thoroughly tried, however, it has usually met with general approval. It has enabled the school officers to grade the schools more effectually, thereby opening the way to greatly enriched courses of study ; to lengthen the term of school ; to employ better teachers at higher salaries and keep them for a number of years, and to employ several teachers instead of one, each to give instruction in only a few subjects or to only two or three grades, thereby opening the way to the more continuous and profitable employment of the pupils' time. It is notorious that in the ordinary country school, where the teacher has from 25 to 30 recitations in a day and can not personally direct the study of the children, the latter waste fully half of their time in idleness or mischief-making. This and many other defects of the rural common school are remedied by consolidation, and the transportation of pupils from distant parts of the district at public expense is accomplished at no additional expense per unit of attendance. The Commissioner of Education, in his annual report for 1903, says: "The possibilities of consolidation in the way of furnishing better and cheaper schools have been fully demonstrated, and such being the case its general adoi)tion would seem to be only a question of time." While consolidation opens the wa.y for the more general introduction of courses in agricultiu-e in the rural schools, it does not help supply the demand for teachers competent to give such special instruction. This can only be done b.v a more general and concerted effort on the part of the agricultural colleges and schools and the State nornial schools, at present through the introduction of short and special courses in agriculture for teachers, and later through regular normal courses in agriculture. Fortunately, the attention of the general school officers throughout the country is now being strongly drawn toward the needs of the rural schools, and 49 in iDiiny States strfiniou^ ofiorts are being made to in)pi*ove tlie general condi- tion of these seliools. Our url>an eonmiunities are eouiing to see more clearly that their prosjierity is vitally associated with the prosiyeritj- of agriculture, and they therefore more readily assent to State taxation for the benefit of the rural as well as the city schools. Advantage should be taken of the increased ]trosi)erity of many of our agricultural regions to inii)ress upon our farmers the wisdom of liuilding better schoolhouses. improving the school grounds, increas- ing the pay of teachers, and introducing the teaching of agriculture in the country districts as an investment which will greatly aid in periietuating and increasing the prosperity they now enjoy and make the lot of their descendants more fortunate than their own. The agricultural colleges and the farmers' institutes can have great influence in this direction. OBJECT OF TEACHING AGRICULTURE. Coming now to consider what should be the aim of instruction in agriculture in the elementary school and how it should be related to the general scheme of elementary education as formulated and approved by educational authorities, we have for our guidance the rei)ort of the Committee of Fifteen of the National Educational Association. In this rei)ort it is assumed and argued that the studies of the school fall naturally into five coordinate groups: (1) Mathe- matics and physics; (li) biology, including chiefly the plant and the animal: (8) literature and art; (4) gramniar and the technical and scientific study of language: and (5) history and the study of sociological, political, and social institutions. Dr. ^\'. T. Harris, U. S. Com:nissioner of Education, in a paper discussing this report and the necessity for tive coordinate groups of studies in the schools, says : '• Each one of these groups, it was assumed, should be represented in the curriculum at all times by some topic suited to the age and previous training of the pui)il." Continuing, he says : " The first stage of school education is education for culture and education for the purpose of gaining command of the conventionalities of intelligence. These conventionalities are such arts as reading and writing and the use of figures, technicalities of maps, dictionaries, the art of drawing, and all of those semi- mechanical facilities which enable the child to get access to the intellectual conquests of the race. Later on in the school course, when the pupil passes out of his elementary studies, which partake more of the nature of practice than of theory, he comes in the secondary school and the college to the study of science and the technic necessary for its preservation and conuuunication. All these things belong to the first stage of school instruction whose aim is culture. On the other hand, post-graduate work and the work of professional schools have not the aim of culture as much as the aim of fitting the person for a social voca- tion. In the post-graduate work of universities the demand is for original investigation in special fields. In the professional school the student masters the elements of a particular practice, learning its theory and its art. " It is in the first stage, the schools for culture, that these five coordinate branches should be represented in a symmetrical manner. It is not to be thought that a course of university study or that of a professional school should be symmetrical. But specializing should follow a course of study for culture in which the symmetrical whole of human learning and the synnnetrical whole of the soul should be considered. From the primary school, therefore, on through the academic course of the college, there should be symmetry and five coordinate groups of studies represented at each part of the course — at least in each year, although jterhaps not throughout each part of the year." Discussing the second coordinate group, the biological. Doctor Harris argues that it should include "whatever is organic in nature — especially studies relating to the plant and the animal — the growth of material for food and cloth- ing, and in a large measure for means of transportation and culture. This study of the organic phase of nature forms a great [tortion of the branch of study known as geography in the elementary school." While it is probably true that eight years ago, when this was written, geog- raphy as taught in the primary grades of the best city schools included all the studies relating to the plant and the animal that were at that time considered necessary, it is also true that at the present time much of this study is intro- 50 duced under the term "nature study," and the child's knowledge of the phe- nomena of plant and animal life is much clearer and more definite by reason of the concrete methods employed in nature study. In the average village and rural school nothing approaching adequate instruc- tion in the biological group of studies has ever been given. Geography, as far as taught in the primary grades, has consisted almost entirely of text-book work, and has had in it very little that is concrete or that touches the experience of the child. Nature study, on the other hand, begins with the concrete — with the organic life of the school yard, the garden, and the farm. It has, therefore, a very definite and useful place to fill among the culture studies, particularly the biological studies of the i>rimary grades. Elementary nature study, together with an informal study of local geography, might well supersede the formal study of geography during the first three or four years. This should be fol- lowed by niore formal geography and nature study, the' latter to be superseded by the elements of .agriculture wiieii the child is eleven or twelve years old. Agriculture should not be confused with manual training as taught in the city schools. Manual training " relates to the transformation of materials such as wood or stone. or otlier minerals into structures for human use," and draws more from the mathematical group of studies than from the I)iological. Agriculture, on the other hand, is confined mainly to things biological. Its purpose in the common schools is to awaken an interest in the wurk and life of the farm, show the progress being made in the improvement of farining, indicate the rational and scientific basis of modern agriculture, and give the pupil an outlook toward the work of the experiment stations, agricultural schools and colleges, and other agencies for his future education or assistance in his life work. The motive for teaching agriculture in the rural school may. however, to a con- siderable extent be the same as that for manual training in the city school — namely, to bring the child into direct and sympathetic relations with the indus- trial life of the comnumity in which he lives. Undoubtedly, manual training in the city school has ;ui outlook toward the shop, factory, and kitchen, and in the same way agricidture in the rural school should be directly related to the prac- tical work of the farm. A REASONABLE PROGRAMME FOR AGRICULTURAL TEACHING IN THE RURAL COMMON SCHOOLS. Whenever it is proposed to introduce the teaching of agriculture into the rural common schools the objection is at once raised tluit the curriculum is already crowded; there is no time for more. This is true. There is no time for more, but there is time for better. It would be undesirable and unwise to do away with any of the studies now regularly taught in the common schools, but it would be wise' to make a more judicious selection of the topics to be included in the courses in the various branches and omit nmch ^^•hich now occupies the time of the pupils but which is not likely ever to be of use to them. Prof. Frank M. IdcMurray, of the Teachers' College of Columbi.a University, in a recent article discussing Advisable Omissions from the Elementary Curriculum, and the basis for them,ffl says, "Life is too full of large s])ecifie ends to be attained to allow time for work that has no really tangible object." As a basis for the rejection of subject-matter from school coiu'ses he holds to the following propo- sitions : "(1) Whatever can not be shown to have a jilain relation to some real need of life, whether it be a?sthetic, ethical, or utilitarian in the narrower sense, must be dropped. "(2) Whatever is not reasonably within the child's comprehension, likewise. "(:!) Whatever is unlikely to appeal to his interest; unless it is positively demanded foi- the first very weighty i-eason. "(4) Whatever topics and details are so isolated or irrelevant that they fall to be a part of any series or chain of ideas, and therefore fail to be necessary for the appreciation of any large jioint. This standard, however, not to apply to the three R's and spelling." He does not favor the entire omission of any subject now taught in the ele- mentary schools, but doc'^ recommeJid the omission of particular topics and details."^ Omission, however, is not the only remedy that he suggests for the a Ed. Rev.. 27 (1004). No. T). p. 4TS. 51 crowded condition of the elcnicntary school curricuhiin. In the Inst i)aragrai)h of this article he says : " In conclusion, althouirh some large topics should he (uiitted, reform in the main is not to he effectetl l>y lopping off here and tiiere. hut hy changing the present aggregation of ideas in each study to an organized hody of thought. It is not the task of grade teachers nor of scientists, hut of the most advanced and ahlest students of education, who are as well posted in suhject-matter as in the ;>rinciples ( f education itself. Even these have more than a life proldem in >-nch a task." It is along lines such as these tliat the curriculum of the rural schools may he so far impro\ed that there will he ample space for the teaching of agriculture in an effective way. Just as the courses in the city schools have been im])roved and enriched hy the introduction of manual traiidng, so the teaching of agricul- ture in the rural schools, when once parents and teachers are convinced of its imi)ortance and [tenclits. will he found to lie ixitli practicable and advantageous. In a rural school having a curriculum extending over ahout eight years the course.-; in nature study might follow in a general way the brief outlines given below. In these outlines it is assumed that the nature-study courses will extend over about six years, and be followed by a course in agriculture extending over two years. NATURE STUDY. During the first two or three years in school the children should spend a short time each week in fornung an acquaintance with the Itirds. insects, tiowers, trees, and other animal and plant life of the school yard, the roadside, and the wayside pastures and wood lots. This very pleasant and [)rofitable way of gaining knowledge has been their principal occupation during the two or three years that they haxe been running about out of doors at home, and they should l)€ encouraged and aided to extend their knowledge of tlie things in natiu-e with which tliey are likely to come in daily contact throughout their lives. The teacher should go with tha children on short walks around the school yard and along the roads during occasional noon intennissions, or on longer trips in the lields and woods on Saturdays, It would be well if only a few children were taken at a time: ten or iifteen are all that one teacher can manage on such occasions. Each trip should be taken with some leading object in view, such, for exami)le. its a search for cocoons, or for grasshoi)iiers. or for weed seeds; but this leading object should not shut the eyes of the children to other things. Let them see and hear and feel and smell ; let them grow in strength as well as in knowledge. Tell them very little ; they should do the telling. Better wait days and weeks for an answer from the children than tell them now and rob them of the i)leasure of discovi'ry. provided the subject is within their com- prehension. Nature study at first should consist mainly of observations. The perceptive faculties should be stinudated and developed. For this reason the exercises sir uld never l)e continued so long as to become wearisome t(» the children. At "first there will seem to be but little conuectiun between the different observa- tions made by the children, but the teacher slujuld never lose sight of the fact that very real and detinite relationships exist between the different plants and animals of a given locality and Itetween these things and their inorganic environment. Gradually, therefore, these relatitmships should be brought out. The children should describe and draw the objects seen. This will lead to com- parison and judgment. Suppose, for example, that the children e.xanune two trees of the same species, one growing in open ground \\'ith an abundance of plant food and plenty of room for development; the other growing in a dense forest with little room for either root or branch; one with short, stocky trunk and dense, symmetrical top; the other with tall, slender trunk and small, irregular top. I>y comi)aring certain well-known features of bark and leaves the children will readily recognize the two trees as belonging to the same species. Imt it will require c.msiderable exercise of the reasoning faculties and pretty good judgment for them to get at the causes which have brought about the marked differences between them. Such opportunities to reason and judge are frequently offered in nature study, and the teacher should imi)rove every i;pportunity to place them l)efore her pupils. After the first year or two, th<' time de] tending on the progress the children have made, more attention should be given to studying life histories of plants 52 ami animals (especially l)irfls and insects'), so that these may be recognized in all stages of their ment. and their economic relaticms determined. This will enable the i)ni)ils to decide whether a given species is mainly l)eneticial or harmful and will set them to thinking about means of per- petuating or exterminating the species. This last consideration is the one which mainly determines the attitude of the farmer toward his field crops, domestic animals, and fowls, as well as toward the weeds and other pests that annoy him. When the nature-study teacher and her pupils have arrived at this point of view they will be in a position to pass over as unimportant such details as color of hair, length and number of teeth, number of leaves, length of petioles and internodes, and a hundred other peculiarities of plants and animals, except as these peculiarities have a direct bearing upon the perpetuation of the species or njiou their usefulness or harm- fulness to man. Such a point of view and such an attitude toward the things studied will aid greatly in developing in the children the faculty of critical dis- cernment. This faculty, according to President Eliot, of Harvard, "ought to be carefully and incessantly cultivated by school, college, and the experience of life, for it is capable of contributing greatly to happiness as well as to material success." Such critical studies of plants, animals, soils, ^^■eather conditions, and other natural objects and phenomena, in their relation to each other and to man, will give the pupils an excellent preparation to take up at the beginning of their sixth or seventh year in school the more formal study of the elements of agriculture. ELEMENTARY AGRICULTURE. The course in elementary agriculture may be given most appropriately during the last two years in the rural common school. The time to be devoted to this course will necessarily vai'y in different schools, but it is believed that on the average not less than one hoiu" per week during two years will be required to make the course effec-tive. A well-arranged and up-to-date text-book, with illus- trations and suggestions for practical exercises, should be adopted as a basis for this study. A few such books already exist, and an increased demand would undoubtedly lead to the production of others and the still further improvement of books of this class. The text-book will in most cases l)e necessary as a more or less definite guide for the teacher, who will in all probability be without special training in agriculture. It will also be helpful to the pupils in giving a systematic view and in fixing definite knowledge of the subject, and to the parents in showing them what such instruction really involves and in creating an interest in the subject-matter of the books. The instruction in the class room should be sui)plemented by simple experi- ments with soils, plants, and animals both at school and at home. Every effort should be made to connect the instruction with the home life of the pupils. As an aid to the accomi)lishmeut of this aim the pupils should be taken on occa- sional Saturday excursions to neighboring farms to see improved live stock, examine plans of buildings, and take notes on methods of cropping and cultivat- ing. Visits to county fairs, where arr.-mgements could be made to allow the older pupils to judge some of the live stock, fiiiits. and grain, and compare tlieir scores with the work of the judges. Would be fine training for the classes in agriculture. This scheme has been tried with older students of agricultiu'e and has met with thorough approval. The officers of the fairs could probably be induced to offer prizes for products grown by the pupils and for otlier agricul- tural work done by them; or sijecial exhibits of their work could be made at farmers' institutes or other meetings attended by their parents. All these things would tend to create an interest in farm life, and would encourage parents to make the farm more attractive to the children. The schoolrooms should be i)rovided with illuslr.-itive material consisting of charts, pictures, collections of specimens (largely made by the pupils), and boxes, cans, plates, and other inexpensive material which can be used in making apparatus for conducting experiments. There should also be a school literary containing at least a few stand.ird reference books on the different divisions of agriculture and the puljlications of the State experiment stations and the Ignited States DepartuH-nt of Agriculture. The text-book of agriculture should give an orderly and progressive treatment of the elements of plant production, animal production, and dairying, together with brief and very elementary discussions of a few topics iu rural engineering 53 and rural economics. The following syllabus shows in a general way what such ii text-book might include : SYLLABUS OF ELEMENTARY COURSE IN AGRICULTURE. « I. PLANT PRODUCTION. ■ Structure. Feed. Trace life histo- Grow. Seeds ry from seed to seed, not- ing pollina- (1) The plant ..• Physiology — tion, crosses. liow plants ' Reproduce by Bulbs. hybrids, etc. Cuttings. Grafts. - • Buds. f r Light. 1 Heat. Moisture. . Air. Study these in Climate relation to plant growth. Nature and functions. Origin. Distinguish be- tween light and heavy soils, porous Properties . . -• and impervi- ous soils, soils that liake and those which (2) The environ MENT OF THE - do not, etc. plant. • Main classes, Soil Classifica- tion. such as sand, clay, loam, peat, silt. Temperature. Aeration. Moisture. Tillage. Drainage. Irrigation. Farm ma- i Manage- ment. Enrich- ment. nures. Commer- cial fer- tilizers. Impoverishment. ^ Cropiiing— rotation. " In this syllabus the same general arramgement of topics has been made as in the higher courses outlined l)y this committee, but it is of course to be under- stood that the treatment of these topics by the teacher in the common school should be brief, simple, and elementary. 54 (3) Farm crops . Classification _ f Include only the most general classes, such 1 as cereals, grasses, legumes, tubers, etc. ' Name. Place in classification. Varieties. n d i V i d ti a 1 crojjs. (Study one or more of the leading crops of the region. ) Culture - Pre])aration of soil. Selection of seed. Testing of seed. Planting. Cultivating. Protection from pests. Harvesting. Marketing. Weeds. Diseases. Insects. Birds. Mammals. (4) Fruits One or more of the leading fruits of the region should be studied in the same manner as farm crops. II. ANIMAL PRODUCTION. (1) Domestic animals— their types and BREEDS. Horses Cattle . . Sheep -- Swine. Poultry. Bees. f Draft. ' Trotting. Roadsters, etc. I Dairy. 1 Beef. f Wool. "\ Mutton. Bring out leading char- acteristics of one or two leading breeds of each type represented in a given region. (2) Care and management of do- mestic ANIMALS. Feeding . Hvgiene Only the most general state- ments regarding the food requirements of different animals and for different purposes, and exercises in compounding rations suit- able to a given region. ' Water supply. Exercise. Shade. Ct)ndition of [ Comfort. ■ Ventilation. Cleanliness. inclosures as to as to I CI Preparation and care of product. Marketing product. III. DAIRYING. stem. Roads. r Only in regions Irrigating system | where irrigation [ is practiced. Interesting facts regarding the develop- ment of farm machinery in a way to encourage the more general use of im- proved machinery. The importance of caring for and repair- ing farm machinery. 56 V. RURAL ECONOMICS. Most of ths topics under rural economics are too Inroad to l:>e included in a brief course in agriculture, or too coniplex fr the comprehension of common school pupils. It is thought, however, that some of the general principles of marketing and farm accounts might be taoght in this connection. The main fac- tors in marketing will probably be l)est considered in connection with the dis- posal of particular jtroducts as indic.-ited above under plant production, animal production, and dairying. TJie following topics are appropriate for this course: (1) Marketing. (8) Farm accounts. Preparation for market. Choice of market. Transportation. Method and cost of sale. Feed and milk records. Crop records. Breeding records. Inventories. Bookkeeping. This to include only the most general suggestions and a dis- cussion of the importance of keeping full and accurate rec- ords. A. C. True, H. H. Wing, T. F. Hunt, H. T. French, J. F. Duggar, Committee. The report was accepted. The Social Phase of Agricultural Education. A paper on this subject was presented by K. L. Butterfleld, of Rhode Island, as follows : I have been asked to speak in behalf of the study of " rural economics." This term is. I presume, supposed to co\er broadly those subjects which treat of the economic and social questions that concern farming and farmers. The whole range of social science as applied to rural conditions is thus apparently made legitimate territory for discussion. In view of the importance and char- acter of this field of study, it seems wise to ap|)roach it. if possible, through the avenue of its underlying i)hilosophy. Only in this way can the validity of the subject be established and its place in agricultural education be justified. I have therefore chosen as a specific title " The Social I*hase of Agricultural Education." In the treatment of the topic an endeavor has been made to hold consistently in mind the point of view of the agricultural college. It is a principle in social science that the method and scope of any social institution depend upon its function. Therefore the organization, the methods, and the courses of the agricultural college should be made with reference to the function of the college. What is this function? What is the college designed to accomplishV What is its social purpose? Why does society need the agri- cultural college? Answers to these (pu'stions are of two kinds — those that explain the contemporary ajid passing functions of the college, and those that illustrate its i)ermanent and aliiding sei'vice to society and particularly to the rural portion of society. The college of yesterday was obliged to train its own teachers and experimenters ; to-day it may add the task of training farm sui)erintendents ; to-morrow it may organize an adequate extension department. Courses and methods will change as new contemporary needs arise, but there remains always the abiding final service of the agricultural college — its per- manent function. This function will be defined in different ways by different men, but I venture to define it as follows: The permanent function of the agri- cultural college is to serve as a .social organ or agency of first inq)ortanct> in helping to solve all phases of the rural problem. We shall not attenqU at once to argue this proi^osition. We niust, however, try to answer the question. What is the rural i)roblem? And in the answer may be revealed, without need of extended discussion, the mission of the college. (1) The days are going by when agriculture may be classed with the mining industries. Soil culture is supplanting pioneer farming. Skill is taking the 57 piace of empirifism. The despotism of the firaiKlfather is passing. Applied science and liusiness practice have been hitclied to tlie i)lo\v. Yet the most obvious need of American a.tiriculture is better farmiiiij. Improved farm huid in the United States gives but .$'.> of gross return per acre. The average yield l>er acre of corn is 23.5 bushels, whereas a very modest ideal would be double this amount. The wheat yield is 13.."> bushels per acre; in Germany nearly .twice as nuich. These are crude, itut legitimate, illustrations of our inferior farming. We must have greater yields of better products, secured at less cost per unit. The farm problem is therefore first of all a problem of increasing the technical skill of our farmers. Science unlocks the cabinet of Nature's treasures, liut oidy the artist fanner can appreciate and use the storehouse thus o|)ened tn him. (2) But pr:'(luce growi'.ig is not the only asi)ect of the farm iiroblem. Each effective pair of shears needs two blades; in this case produce selling is the other blade. Mere productiveness does not solve the farm question. The farmer cares less for the second spear of grass than he does for a proper return from the first si)ear. Business skill must he added to better farming methods. The farm lU'oMcm is also a business question. (3) The moment, however, we iiegin to discuss price we enter a realm where economic factors dominate. We coniuionly say demand and supply determine price; but effective demand and effective supply are the resultants of many forces. The sui)ply of a given pnxluct is influenced by the cost of growing in various locations, "by cost of transiiortation. by competition of other countries. The demand is influenced by the state of wages, by standards of living, by effect- iveness of distribution. The farmer may not always control these conditions, but he must reckon with them. He must know the laws of economics as well as the laws of soil fertility. The farm problem becomes then an industrial question, for the farmer's prosperity is iniiuenced most jtrofoundly by the economic life of the nation and of the world. And in a still wider sense is the rural question one of economies. The industry as a whole nuist pros])er. It is of no great moment that here and there a farmer succeeds. The farming class must prosper. Of course individual success in the case of a suiRcient nuniber of farmers implies the success of the in<1ustry. liut it is quite i)OSsible to have a stagnant industry alongside numerous individual successes. The farmers as a whole ntust be continually and speedily advancing to better econ(miic conditions. (4) Nor may we ignore the political factor in the rural problem. Doubtless the American farmer, like most Americans, places undue reliance upon legisla- tion. But we can not disregard the profound industrial and social effects of either wise or foolish laws. The political efficiency of the farmer will have much to do in determining class progress. Furthermore, the political duties of farmers nmst be enforced, their influence must continue to be exerted in behalf of the general policies of government. It is of vital consequence to our demo- cratic government that the American farmer shall in nowise lose his political instinct and effectiveness. (.5) The consideration of the political phase of the question leads vis to the heart of the farm problem. For it is conceivable that the farmers of this country may as a class be skilled growers of produce, successful sellers of what they grow, and indeed that the industry as a whole may be prosperous, and yet the farming class in its general social and intellectual power fail to keeppace with other classes. It is not inii)osslhle that a landlord-and-tenant system, or even a peasant system, should yield fairly satisfactory industrial conditions. But who for a moment would expect either system to develop the political and general social efficiency that American democratic Ideals demand? Even if there is no inniiediate danger of either of these s.ystems liecoming established in America, we still desire that our farmers as a class shall secure for themselves the highest possible position not only in industry but in the political and social organization of American society. Indeed this is the ultimate American rural problem, to maintain the best possible status of the farming class. No other statement of the problem is satisfactory in theory. No other is explanatory of the struggles and ambitions of farmers themselves. The American farmer will be satisfied with nothing less than securing for his class the highest possible class efficiency and largest class influence, industrially, politically, socially. It is true that industrial success is necessary to political and social jiower. but it is also true that social agencies are needed in order to develop in our American farmers the requisite technical skill, business method, and industrial etficiency. The influence of such social forces as education, developed means of communication, the orgaui- 58 zation of fanners, and even the churcL. must be invoked before we can expect tlie best ajL^ricultural advancement. And the end is after all a social one. The maintenance of class status is that end. This analysis of the rural problem is necessarily brief, almost crude, but I hojie that it reveals in some degree the scope and nature of the problem ; that it indicates that the farm (piestion is not one merely of technicjue, fundamental as technical slcill must be; that it demonstrates that the problem is also one of profound economic, [lolitical. and social siicnificance. If this be so, do we need to argue the proposition that the function of the agricultural college is to help solve all phases of the problem? We all recognize the place of the college in assisting our fai-niers to greater technical skill. By what \Aeai- shall we gain- say the mission of the college in ministering to rural betterment at all points, whether the conditions demand technical skill, business acumen, industrial prosperity, political power, or general soci;il elevation? Why shall not the agricultural college be all things to all farmers? Assuming that this statement of the permanent mission of the agricultural college is an acceptable one, the practical in(iniry arises. Does the college, as now organized, adeciuately fulfill its function, and, if not, by what means can the defect be remedied? The colleges are doubtless serving the industrial and social need to some degree. But I believe that it is not unjust to assert that the existing courses of study in agriculture, the organization of the college, and the methods of work are not adequate if the college is to secure and main- tain this supreuje leadership all along the line of rural endeavor. This is not criticism of existing methods. The colleges are doing good work. But the present effort is partial, because the emphasis is placed upon the technical, and especially upon the individual, phases of the problem. The industrial, the i)oli- tical, and the social factors are not gi^'en due consideration. Our present-day agricultural course, on the vocational side, is chiefly concerned with teaching the future individual farmer how to apply the principles of science to the art of farming, and in training specialists who shall make further discoveries either in the realm of science or in tlie apidication of the scieutilic i)rinci|jle to the art. The technical element absolutely donnnates the vocational portion of the agricultural course. \evy slight attention is given to the discussion of other phases of the farm problem. To meet the needs of the future the whole spirit and method of the agricultural college must be "socialized" — to use an over- worked pbr;ise for want cf a better one. We nmst get away from the idea that the individual and the techiiical aspects aiion of truth. Until these three lines of effort are somewh it definitely recogni/xnl and organized the college can not worli as leader in solving the rural i)r>)b!em. (3| The social sciences, in their relation to the rural problem particularly, mtist receive a consideration counnenstirate with the importance of tlie i nius- trial. the i)olitical. and the social phases of the farm question. In research, for instance, the colleges should make a study of the history and status of the;-e ;ispects of agriculture. As a matter of fact, we know very little of these thiags. There have been but few scientific investigations of the economic feattires of tlie industry, and practically nothing lias been done in the more purely social questions. Here is a great tuitilled field. How the various farm industries have developed, a comi»rehensive study of the iigricultural market, the relation uf transportation to the industry, the tendencies as to centralization of farms and tenant farming; the sociological questions of rural illiteracy. paui)erism, insanity, health, education, the effects of rural life upon char.acter. religious life in the country — a hundred subjects of inqiortance in the solution of the farm problem are almost virgin soil for the scientific investigator. It is the business of the agricultural colleges to assist, if not to lead, in such work of research. It is work that must be done before the social phases of agricultural education can be fully developed. When we come to the course of study we face a question difficult for some i'olleges, because the agricultural curriculum is already overcrowded. I have not time to discuss this practical administrative question. I believe, however, that it can be worked out. What I wish to enq)hasize is the idea that in every agricultural course the social problems of the farmers shall have due attention. AVe should not permit a i>er.son to graduate in such a course tniless he has made a fairly adequate study cf the history and status of agriculture; of the govern- mental problems that have special bearing upon agricultural i)rogress ; of such questions in agricultural economics as markets, transportation, business coop- eration, and of such phases of rur.il sociology as farmers' organization^-., the country church, rural and agricultural education, and the conditions and n\ove- ments of the rural jtopulation. For the college can not carry out the purpose Me have ascribed to it. unless these subjects are given an important place in the cour.se of study. We talk about tlie work of the college in training leaders, usually meaning by leaders men who are exjiert specialists or possibly farmers of extraordinary skill. Do we realize that the greatest need of American agri- culture to-day is its need of social leadership? Nothing can be more imperative than that the agricultural college shall send out to the farms k)th men and women who have not only the caiiacity to win business success, but who also Lave the social vision, who are moved to be of service to the farm community. and who have the training which will enable them to take Intelligent leadershiii in institute, school, church, gnuige, and in all movements for rural progress. Vpon the college is thrust the responsibility of training men and women to understand the whole luial prolilem and from the vantage ground of successful tanning to be able to lead the way toward a higher status for all farmers. Tossibly the argument for introducing rural social science into the agricultural course is chiefly a sociolcgical one. But there is also involved a pedagogical question of most profound significance. For several decades the educational camp has been sharply divided over the ancient Imt recurring controversy between the Greek cultural ideal and the Ilomau utilitarian ideal. I venture the opinion that these two forces of educational idealism will soon reach a compromise which for all practical puriwses will take this question out of the pale of serious debate. The classicist will concede that the scope of the term culture may be gre.-itly enlarged and he m.ay even allow a quite new defi- nition of the cultivated man. It will be generally admitted, to use Professor 60 Bailey's phrase, that " every subject in which men are interested can be put into pedagogic form and be a means of training the mind." On the other hand the teclHiical educator will concede that a college graduate in whatever course should be a cultivated man and that there are certain studies with which all cultivated men sliould have some familiarity. The technical college will, more- over, be compelled to employ instructors who can so teach the technical subject that it shall not only give the knowledge and training desired, but shall also yield sound culture, become truly liberalizing and vision giving. But a greater (juestion remains. As society becomes more fully self-directive the demand for social leadership increases. Almost instinctively we look to the college-trained man for such leadersliij). We e.xi>ect him to understand and to help answer the questions that society has to meet. It is not enough that he do his particular work well ; he has a public duty. Only thus can he pay all his debt to society for the training he has had. Yet to-day our technical courses are largely engaged in training individuals who. barring some general culture, are highly specialized experts. ^Yhat preparation, for instance, does the future engineer get in college for facing such a matter as the labor question? lie is likely to be brought into close touch with this question. But as a rule he is not especially qualified to handle it. The point of view of the course he has pursued is technique, ever technique. He secures in college little incentive and less training for intelligent performance of his duty as citizen and as member of society. The prol>lems of mathematics are not the pi'oblems of industry, and pi'ofound study of chem- istry gives neither the premises nor the data for sound judgment upon social questions. These public questions can not be left to social experts. A demo- cratic society must insist that all its educated men sliall be leaders in solving society's problems. But even the educated men can not lead unless they have first been taught. I believe society has more to fear from technical experts who either neglect their social duty or are ignorant of the social problem than it has from highly trained specialists who have never studied Greek nor mastered Browning. Moreover, under modern conditions, have we a right to call that man cultivated who ignores the great social problems of the ageV We face here one of the coming educational questions. How can the industrial course be made to train men for the social leadership the new regime demands? I see no answer except that the course must be made truly and broadly vocational, and consequently that large place must be given to social studies, and particularly to the concrete problems of government, industry, and social life. If we examine our agricultural course from this standpoint, we shall have to admit that it has the flaw common to most industrial courses. It is too tech- nical. It is not truly vocational. It does not present the social view point. It does not stimulate the student to social activity. It does not give him a founda- tion for intelligent social service when he shall go to the farm. He should study agricultural economics and rural sociology, both because rural society needs leaders and because, in the arming of the man, the knowledge of society's prob- lems is just as vital as either expert information or personal culture. (4) To carry out the function of the agricultural college we need, finally, a vast enlargement of extension work among farmers. This work will not only be dignified by a standing in the college coordinate with research and the teach- ing of students, but it will rank as a distinct department, with a faculty of men whose chief business is to teach the people who can not come to the college. This department should manage farmers' institutes, carry on cooperative experi- ments, give demonstrations in new methods, conduct courses of reading, offer series of extension lectures, assist the schools in developing agricultural instruction, direct the work of rural young i»eople's clubs, edit and distribute such compilations of practical information as now appear under the guise of experiment-station bulletins, and eventually relieve the station of the bulk of its correspondence. Such a department will be prepared to incorporate into its work the economic, governmental, and social problems of agriculture. It will give the farmers light upon taxation as well as upon tree pruning. The rural school will have as much attention as corn breeding. The subject of the market — the "distributive half of farming," as .John M. Stahl calls it — will be given as much discussion as the subjects bearing iipon jiroduction. We shall find here a most fertile field for work. The farmers are ready for this step. They have, as a rule, apiireciated the real nature of the farm problem more fully than have our agricultural educators. Perhaps at times they have placed undue reliance upon legislation. Perhai)S in ])eriods of depression they have overweighed the economic pressure us against tlie lack of skilled farming. But 61 the great body of farmers has ricrhtl.v estimated the imi)ortanee of the eco- nomic, political, and social questions as related to their ultin)ate prosi>erity. In grange meetings, for example, the subjects which arouse greatest interest are such themes as taxation, the rural telephone, the country school, and business cooperation. The explanation of all the farmers' movements is that the farmers believe the farm iirolilem to be much more than a question of technique. They v.ant light on the whole problem. The college, chiefly through its socialized extension department, has a mission also to those professional people whose sphere of work is in the rural com- munity. The rural educator, the country clergyman, the editor of the country paper, and even tlie lawyer and physician who deal with country people should have a large share in helping to solve the farm problem. They, too, need to know what the rural problem is. They. too. need the eye that sees the neces- sary conditions of rural betterment and the heart that desires to help in rural progress. By some of the same methods that reach the farmers themselves can the college instruct and inspire these others. And, finally, the college will t;ike its place as the "social organ or agency of first imi)ortance in helping to solve the farm problem in all its phases." The church, the school, the farmers' organization — all these social organs have their work to do. None can do the work of the others. But they sht>uld work together. Each should appreciate its own mission and its own limitations ; each should recognize the function of the others, and all should intelligently unite their forces in a grand camjiaign for rural betterment. More properly than perhaps any other agency the socialized extension department of the agricultural college can act as mediator and unifier, serve as 'the clearing house ;nul directing spirit in a genuine federation of rural social forces. Inspired by the conscious puriiose of the college to help at all points in the solution of the farm question, informed by the knowledge acquired through research into the economic and social problems of agriculture, aided by a multitude of edu- cated farmers trained in the colleges to know the rural problem and to lend a hand in its settlement, dignified by its status as a coordinate branch of tlie college activities, the extension department may well act as the chief agency of stimulation and unificatioii in the social movements for rural advancement. In this discussion the practical details of carrying out the programme advo- cated have not been touched upon. When once it becomes a distinct policy of the college to assume leadership in the movement for rural betterment, such questions as subject-matter for study, text-books, qualified instructors, and time in the curriculum will settle themselves. Neither has any attempt been made to give illustrations; and therefore this paper may seem dogmatic if not aca- demic, a prophecy rather than an outline of progress, the statement of an ideal rather than a practicable i)rogramme. But I think there is abundant evidence that a current is setting in toward the enlargement of the work of the agri- cultural college along the social lines indicated. The rapid development of farmers' institutes, the growth of other phases of extension teaching, the senti- ment of those in authority that the experiment station must soon slough off its work of education and confine itself to research, the holding of occasional con- ferences for rural jirogress, in which country teachers and pastors join with the fanners, the initiative of the college in federating various State farmers' organizations into one grand connnittee, the inauguration of several brief courses in agricultural economics and rural sociology, the cooperation of some of the colleges with the Carnegie Institution in an investigation into the his- tory and conditions of agriculture in its economic and social phases, the pride with which a few of our colleges point to the increasing number of young men they are sending to the farms — all these facts seem clearly to indicate that the agricultural college will soon assert its function of leader in the endeavor to fcolve all phases of the rural problem. If the analysis thus far offered is a correct one, the question of " rural eco- nomics " is far from being merel.\ a matter of adding three or four subjects of study to the agricultural course. It involves the very function and policy of the college itself. It alone gives proportion to the problem of agricultural education, because, while distinctly admitting the need of better farming and the consequently fundamental necessity of the technical training of farmers, it emphasizes the importance of the economic and political and social aspects of rural development. And it thereby indicates that only by a due recognition of these factors, in purpose, in organization, and in course of study, can the American agricultural college fulfill its mission to the American farmer. 62 •Cooperation Between the Stations and the I'. S. Department of Agriculture. This being the special order for the hour, E. A. Bryan, fhairiuan of the comuiittee of the association on cooperation, submitted the following report : Your committee on cooperation between the stations and the U. S. Depart- ment of Agriculture would respectfully report that satisfactory progress has been made so far as the details of the arrangement of any cooperative work undertaken by the stations with the Department of Agriculture are concerned. Questions, however, of the most fundamental importance, involving the relations of the two institutions, having arisen, the executive committee of this asso- ciation, on the invitation of the Secretary of Agriculture, held certain con- ferences with the Secretary, a report of which has already been made to yon. It therefore .seemed expedient to your committee, pending the period during which the executive committee was dealing directly with the problem, to submit no further reconmiendations in the premises. There will doubtless continue many questions for adjustment which will require the services of a standing committee, there being a similar committee appointed by the Secre- tary of Agriculture for that purpose. E. A. Bryan, Chairman. E. A. Bryan. It has been evident. I think, to all members of this association that for some years a number of questions have arisen between the experiment stations and the Department of Agriculture which would require adjustment. It was perhaps with a view to these questions that a few years ago a committee on cooperative work was appointed by this association, which from year to year has made reports. These reports were usually brief and related mainly to certain details of the contracts which might be made between the experiment stations and the Department of Agriculture relative to any given piece of cooperative work which might be undertaken by them. As this report indicates, very satisfactory progress has been made in that direction, but it has not been so apparent that the whole matter is settled by the arrangement of these small details. In fact, it has become moi'e and more apparent that there are still more fundamental questions that remain unsettled, and while the policy of the committee thus far has been rather to avoid than to court nuich discussion in this body, yet the time seems to be ripe for a full and free discussion of the whole question involved. The rejtort was accepted. A lively discussion, conducted ^^ ith frankness but good feeling, followed, in which it was maintained that a clearer definition of the respective functions and limitations of the Department and the experiment stations was essential to more effective cooperation, and that the complete autonomy and independence of the stations in administrative and in scientific work, but with increased funds, would tend to make them more effective cooperating agents. Full con- fidence was expressed that a way would be found to prevent any apparent an- tagonism or duplication. The following resolution, introduced by W. II. Jordan on behalf of the execu- tive committee, was adopted after debate : Resolved, That this association emphatically recognizes the great services which the National Department of Agriculture is now rendering to the science and practice of agriculture, and to the institutions here represented, by its help- ful cooperation with the agricultural experiment stations and by its able coor- dination and wide dissemination of the information secured within itself and by the experiment stations ; and this association views with disfavor any move- ments which, either hy legislation or otherwise, shall tend to disturb or lessen the nuitually advantageous relations which now exist between the Department of Agricultiu'e and the experiment stations of the several States. Rcsolrcd, That this association is firmly of the opinion that the continuation and development of these nuitually hel]>ful relations between the Department and the stations and the maintenance and progress of efficient research in agricultural science demand that the autonomy and paramount position of the 63 stations as institutions of research and experimentation be inviolably main- tained within their respective States, in accordance with the terms and spirit of the Hatch Act. Resolved, That in order tliat Congress may be properly informed as to the work of the agricultural experiment stations and its great value to agricultural practice, and to promote satisfactory relations between the Department of Agri- culture and tlie exi)eriment stations, the executive committee of this association is hereby instructed to request a hearing before the proper connnittees of Con- gress for the purpose of presenting the work and claims of the agricultural experiment stations, and to continue conferences with the honorable vSeci-etary of Agriculture relative to cooperation lietween his Department and the stations. Graduate Study. L. H. Bailey, of New York, reported for the committee on this subject, as follows : The committee on graduate work has had two meetings here to discuss the question of the graduate school of agriculture, such a school as was held two or three years ago at the Ohio State University. The whole question has been discussed as to whether it was good policy to continue such a school ; and if so, under what conditions. It has seemed to the committee that it is desirable to continue the school under the auspices of this association. It has seemed also that those who conduct these schools should not bear the whole expense. It is suggested, therefore, that some means be provided whereby the different colleges in the country should be requested to contribute a small sum each year to aid in the maintenance of these graduate schools of agriculture. This can be justified from the point of view that this graduate school of agricul- ture, held every two or three years, as the case may be. affords an opportunity for each contril)uting college to give its men opportunity for advanced woi-k which they do not have in any other way. It would seem, therefore, that it would be a good policy for the institutions to help to maintain a graduate school, in order that their men may have an opportunity to come in contaci with other men. The second part of the attitude of the committee is, I think, equally important — that is, that there should be some place in the country whei'e our workers meet other workers. This association has come more and more to be a delegate association. Every one of us would like to have our chemists meet other chemists, and so with the botanists, horticulturists, and other scientists. The committee therefore reconnnends the following : (1) That this association reaffirm its conviction that a graduate school of agriculture is a desirable entei"prise to be conducted in the summer at different colleges of agriculture in rotation. (2) That this school be held every two years, beginning, if possible, with this coming sununer. (3) That each agricultural college be requested to contribute a small sum annually — say $25 — to aid in the maintenance of such school. (4) That the committee on graduate study be empowered to determine where such schools shall be held. (5) That it is the judgment of this association, while not desiring to limit the expenditures to any specified sum, that such schools of agriculture be con- ducted with the least possible expense consistent with the character of the work. The reix>rt was adopted. It was suggested that the committee prepare a circular of information regard- ing the school, to be sent to the different institutions interested. Military Instruction. C. R. Van llise, of Wisconsin, offered the following : The chief purposes of the agricultural and mechanical colleges are indicated by their name. It is the clear intent of the Morrill Act that military work be subordinate to these purposes : Therefore, be it Resolved by the Association of American Agricultural Colleges and Experi- ment Stations, that it is unwise to require military drill from each student more than two times i)er week during two years ; and Resolved, That the executive committee be instructed to present the views of 23880— No. 153—05 M 5 64 the association in reference to Order 65 to the Secretary of War. or if it seems preferable to the executive committee, that tiiey be authorized to apix)iut a special committee for this purpose. The resolution was referred to the section on college work and administration (see p. 91). Resolution Regarding Hon. H. C. Adams. W. A. Henry, of Wisconsin, introduced the following resolution : Resolved. That the Association of American Agricultural Colleges and Experi- ment Stations, in convention assembled, tender to the Hon. H. C. Adams, of Madison, Wis., its hearty thanks for his earnest, intelligent, and well-directed efforts in the last session of Congress to secure increased support for and to strengthen agricultural research in the various experiment stations of this country. Resolved. That we hereby pledge him our hearty cooperation and assistance in his continued efforts to this end. Resolved, That the secretary be instructed to send a copy of these resolutions by telegraph and this be followed by a copy transmitted by mail, and that a copy of these resolutions be entered in the records of this association. Referred to the executive committee, reported favorably, and adopted. Extension of Franking Privilege. E. Davenport, of Illinois, offered the following resolution: Resolved, That it is the sense of this association that engineering experiment stations established in connection with land-grant colleges should enjoy the franking privilege for their publications as well as do the agricultural experi- ment stations for theirs. Resolved further. That the executive committee be instructed to institute measures calculated to secure this privilege. A similar resolution regarding publications of extension work departments of land-grant colleges was introduced by K. L. Butterfield, of Rhode Island. Both resolutions were referred to the executive committee, reported without recom- mendation, and after debate withdrawn by the movers. On motion, the association adjourned to meet at 8 o'clock p. m. Evening Session, Wednesday, November '>, 1904. The convention was called to order by the president. W. O. Thompson. H. C. White. The executive committee is informed and hereby announces that the section on college work and administration has given its assent to the reso- lutions passed this morning concerning the relations of the Department of Agriculture to the experiment stations (see p. 62), and also to the resolution offered by Director Armsby directing the executive committee to continue its efforts in relation to the experiment station bill and the mining school bill (seep. 43). Resolution Regarding Hon. F. W. Mondell. J. K. Patterson, of Kentucky, offered the following resolution, which was reported favorably by the executive committee and adopted : Resolved, That the Association of ^\jnerican Agricultural Colleges and Experi- ment Stations, in convention assembled, extends to Hon. Frank W. Mondell, of Wyoming, its hearty thanks for his able, wise, and energetic efforts in connec- tion with his bill pending for the establishment and maintenance of schools or departments of mines and mining in connection with the land-grant colleges and other institutions, introduced by him and now pending in the Fifty-eighth Con- gress. This association is sincerely appreciative of the great service in the cause of industrial education thus rendered by Mr. Mondell, and pledges him its cordial support and assistance in his continued efforts in this direction. 65 Resolved. That these resolutions be entered on the records of this meeting and a copy be traiismittetl immediately to Mr. Mondell. Resolution Regarding Maj. Henry E. Alvord. For the committee on resolutions concerning the late Henry E. Alvord, J. K. Patterson, the chairman, presented the following : This association has heard with profound regret of the death of Maj. Henry E. Alvord. He had not reached the average limit of human life, and many years of usefulness seemed yet to lie before him when the end suddenly came. But within the limits of the life allotted to him he had accomplished more than many of his contemporaries. Sprung from a hardy New England stock, endowed with a vigorous physical constitution and an active mind, his education was liberal as well as practical, and his opportunities were well improved. Leaving the employment of a civil engineer, in which he doubtless would have earned distinction, he offered his services ere he had attained his majority to the Government at the beginning of the civil war. entering as a private at its commencement, and advancing to the rank of major before its close. Promoted into the Regular Army because of the effective service which he had rendered as an officer of volunteers, he served in that branch of the service until 1872, resigning with the i-ank of captain. As special Indian commissioner, as manager of the Houghton farm, as secre- tary of the American Jersey Cattle Club, as professor of agriculture in the Massachusetts Agricultural College and in New Hampshire College of Agricul- ture and Mechanic Arts, as president of the Agricultural College of Maryland, as president of the Oklahoma Agricultiiral and Mechanical College, as president of this association, and as chief of the Dairy Division in the Department of Agriculture, he identified himself with the progress of scientific agriculture in America to a degree above and beyond most men of his time. But it is as one of the founders and one of the members of this association that we knew him so intimately and so long. To his remarkable power of ini- tiative, his happy appreciation of opportunities, and his singular forecast of the possibilities of an organization such as this, its origin and success are largely due. His intimate relations with members of Congress and his acquaintance with legislative procedure in connuittee and on the floors of the Senate and House were of incalculable value in its Inception and in its growth. The impress of his masterly hand remains upon this association to this day. Dur- ing the progress of the Hatch Act through Congress in 1887 and of the Morrill bill in 1890. his activity was indefatigable. This association therefore desires to place on record its high estimate of his ability, his integrity, his knowledge of men. his great powers of organization, his singular fidelity to his cherished ideals, his intelligent directive powers, his great common sense, and his uniform courage and courtesy in maintaining his views of public policy. A sincere friend, a patriot, a soldier without sectional bitterness or prejudice, an efficient administrative, and a wise counselor, with a lofty ideal of duty and of honor, this association discharges a duty to itself by bearing hearty testi- mony to his conspicuous worth as a citizen arid as a man. Rrsohnl. That a copy of this paper be incorporated in the record of this asso- ciation, and a copy be sent by the secretary with assurance of sympathy and condolence to the family of the deceased. ' James K. Patterson, H. P. Armsby, W. A. Henry, Committee. On motion of President W. E. Stone, of Indiana, seconded by President J. C. Hardy, of Mississippi, the resolutions were unanimously adopted by rising vote. Election of Officers. M. A. Scovell, of Kentucky, reported that the section on experiment station work nominated to the convention for chairman of that section H. J. Patterson, of Maryland, and for secretary M. A. Scovell, of Kentucky. 66 W. E. Stone reported for the section on college ^yol■k and administration that tbat section nominated as chairman R. W. Stimson, of Connecticut, and as sec- retary K. I.. Butterfield. of Rhode Island. On motion, these reports were adopted. Mr. Scovell reported as members of the executive committee named by the section on experiment station work W. H. Jordan, of New York, and C. F. Cur- tiss, of Iowa, and as members of the programme committee M. A. Scovell, J. F. Duggar. and C. D. Woods. Mr. Stone repoi'ted as members of the executive connnittee from the section on college work and administration II. C. White, of Georgia. J. L. Snyder, of Michigan, and L. H. Bailey, of New York. On nomination of J. K. Patterson, of Kentucky, seconded by W. M. Liggett, of Minnesota. E. B. Voorhees, of New Jersey, was unanimously elected president of the association for the ensuing year. By vote of the association the secretary was instructed to cast the ballot of the convention for other officers, who were declared elected, as follows : First vice-president, J. C. Hardy, of Mississippi, nominated by J. L. Snyder, of Michigan : second vice-president, K. L. Buttertield. of Rhode Island, nomi- nated by II. C. White, of Georgia; third vice-president, C. D. Woods, of Maine, nominated by W. M. Liggett, of Minnesota ; fourth vice-president. E. R. Nichols, of Kansas, nominated by J. II. Worst, of North Dakota ; fifth viee- in-esident, E. Davenport, of Illinois, nominated by M. A. Scovell, of Kentucky ; bibliographer, A. C. True, of the Office of Experiment Stations, nominated by C. D. Woods, of Maine; secretary and treasurer, J. L. Hills, of Vermont, nomi- nated by H. J. Wheeler, of Rhode Island. Meeting Place Of Next Convention. E. A. Bryan, of Washington, at the request of President Campbell, of the State University of Oregon, and on behalf of the State of Oregon and the entire Northwest, presented an invitation to the association to hold its next convention af Portland during the Lewis and Clark Exposition. J. L. Snyder, of Michigan, gave notice that the association would be expected to hold its convention in 1907 at the Michigan Agricultural College, to celebrate, the fiftieth anniversary of the establishment of the college. The session adjourned until 9 o'clock next morning. Morning Session, Thursday, November 3, 1904. The meeting was called to order, at 9 o'clock a. m. by the i>resident. Rural Engineering. W. E. Stone, for the committee on rural engineering, presented the following report : Since the last meeting of the Association of Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Stations, considerable progress has been made In the agricultural colleges in developing courses under the various names of agricultural engineer- ing, rural engineering, and farm mechanics. The agricultural colleges of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, North Dakota, Indiana. New York, Colorado, California, Kansas, Wyoming, and Iowa are now offering instruction to the agricultural students in the subject under one or the other of the above names. Minnesota has completed an inexpensive build- ing which is devoted to the teaching of farm mechanics. Wisconsin has a large building under construction, which is to be used for the same purpose. The agricultural college at Cornell. N. Y., is planning a large and commodious structure to be devoted' to agricultural engineering. Illinois has made con- siderable progress in its farm mechanics course. During the last year the 67 lour-story firopr.iof farm nipclianics liiiildin^ at the Iowa Agrir-tiltura! Col- lege has lieeii (•i>ini)lete(l. wliicli. with its equipineiit. cost over i?7r»,(t()0. and a good eoiirse in farm mechanics is offered in the college curriculum. In this course during the spring term lliu students were enrolled. lu the Department of Agriculture progress has been made by adding the dei)artment of drainage to the work of the department of irrigation investiga- tion and cliaiigiiig the title to irrigation and drainage investigations. It is to he regretted that a comi)lete bureau of " Irrigation and Agricultural Engineering" has not been established, which was last year suggested by the connnittee and recommended by the Secretary of Agriculture. -The agri- cultural colleges that have established courses in farm met'hanics have found that great interest is manifested in the work of studying the principles of con- struction and testing of farm implements. This is true not only of the students and the farmers, but also of the manufacturers of these farm implements. who realize the importance of this work and are offering friendly coopera- tion and assistance to the work. An example of what may be accomplished for the benefit of not only the farmers but the manufacturers will illustrate the value of studying "farm machinery in colleges. The farm mechanics department of the Iowa State College undertook last year to test various makes of corn planters to note the accuracy of dropping the corn. It was found that there was considerable difference between the different makes and types of planters as to their accu- racy of drop. The attention of tlie manufacturers was called to this fact, and while they were at first thoroughly convinced that their i)lanters were accurate in their work yet they found there was room for improvement, and two firms ackno\\'ledged that they improved the accuracy of drop of their planters 20 per cent after their attention had been called to the defects of the planters and a remedy suggested. By means of this cooperation with the manufacturers the farmers of the country are greatly benefited. While the implement manufacturers of the country are lio doubt seeking to bring out the hest possible farm implements, yet their inte/ests are from a purely business motive. The department of farm mechanics at the various colleges of agriculture and the Department of Agriculture can do much to fur- ther the improvement of farm machinery by making impartial tests and report on tiie defects to manufacturers. There is at the present time a great demand for information on the cost and efficiency of pumping machinery for irrigation purposes. The large projects of irrigation now under way in the Western States require the pumping of large quantities of water to be lifted from 10 to liOO feet. Thousands of acres of land on the Mii?souri slope in North and South Dakota can be irrigated if the water can be pumped from the iNIissouri River cheap enough. Fuel is jtlenty in those sections of the country in the shape of lignite coal. The Depitrtment of Agriculture is performing a service of great value to the Western States by making experiments and collecting facts which will give information to settlers upon the best kind of pumping stations to install to supply the water for irrigation purposes. During the last couple of years (Jermany, the Scandinavian countries, and Holland have issued several- bulletins which give very interesting data upon tests made of domestic as well as American made farm Implements. These bulletins are of great value to those counti-ies, giving as they do the cost of various implements, the amount of work that can be accomplished, and effi- ciency with which the different makes do the work. Germany has long recog- nized the value of agricultural and mechanical training both for the farm and for the factory. Our own manufacturers are anxious to obtain graduates from our agricultural colleges who have a knowledge of the requirements of agri- culture, together with a mechanical training in the designing of farm imple- ments. Several positions are now open for young men with training along these lines. There are so many and varied sul>jects emln-aced in agricultural engineering that the subject is entitled to a more i)rominent rank than it now holds in our agricultural colleges. It ought to hold equal rank with the departments of dairying, animal husbandry, agronomy, and horticulture. It is exceedingly important at this time that the Department of Agriculture take steps to organize a bureau or division of agricultural engineering, in order to aid the colleges which now have a course of agricultural engineering estab- lished and to collect the data which such colleges ai'e obtaining in their experi- mental tests for publication and distribution among the farmers, also to carry 68 on original research and to establish laboratories for practical tests of imple- ments, a niui^euni for farm implements. ,^ . ^ The couunittee again reconnnends that the association declare itself in favor of the creation of separate departments of agricnltural engineering in the colleges ; that special efforts be made to assist the Secretary of Agricultui-e m his endeavor to extend the work along these lines, and that the execntive com- mittee nse all means in its power to urge upon Congress the importance of this work and to convince them of the necessity of giving the Department liberal appropriations for these purposes. . • W. E. Stone, Chairman. W. A. Henry, of Wisconsin. I desire to call the attention of educators along agricultural lines to the great importance and possibility of agricultural engi- neering. In Wisconsin we have begun to develop these lines and have created a department. I find a large correspondence from the farmer turning into that department already, and we find students turning into the department. We have two students who have elected farm engineering as their major study. The con- struction of our farm buildings, their adaptation to the purposes reqaired. the proper uses of machinery, the drainage of lands, are all to be considered. You will find, I think, that a department of rural engineering will be a popular one in your college. Let us imt in agricultural engineering and be in touch with our farmers. When a farmer wants to make improvements on his farm he will come to the college to get plans, and it should be prepared to furnish them. I believe this to be a very practical means of helping our farmers. F. M. TiSDEL, of Wyoming. I want to state that last year we established at the University of Wyoming a four years' course in irrigation engineering, and it Is going to he one of the most important and useful courses in the college. The report was accepted. Animal and Plant Breeding — American Breeders' Association. W. M. Hays, chairman of the committee on this subject, presented the follow- ing report: Your committee on plant and animal breeding accepted the invitation of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and called a meeting during convocation week in St. Louis, December 29 and 30, 1!»03, to organize an association. At a meeting of this committee held December 28 a form of consti- tution and by-laws was prepared by your committee suggesting a plan of organi- zation. Prol'. C. F. Curtiss was chosen president and W. U. Hays secretary of the preliminary organization. Over fifty were in active attendance at the meet- ing, and after full consideration and amendment, the proposed articles were adopted as the organic law, and an organization was effected under the name of the American Breeders' Association. A printed copy of the minutes is submitted herewith. The plan of organization, like that of the parent organization, consists of a general organization and two subordinate organizations, the one devoted to plants and the other to animals. The following officers were chosen : President, Hon. James Wilson, Washington, D. C. ; vice-president, Hon. L. H. Kerrick, Bloomington, 111.; secretary. Prof. W. M. Hays, St. Anthony Park, Minn. ; treasurer, Prof. Oscar Erf. Manhattan, Kans. Animal section : Chairman. Hon. John Dryden, Toronto, Canada ; secretary. Prof. F. B. INIumford, Columbia, Mo. Plant section : Chairman, Dr. II. J. Webber, Washington, D. C. ; secretary. Prof. N. E. Hansen, Brookings, S. Dak This new organization, not having had a meeting since its organization, has not yet had the op])ortnnity to apiiropriately recognize its obligations to the parent organization nor its future relations thereto. The fees for annual membership are, for North America, $1 ; outside of North America, $2 ; life nieml)ership, $20, with a twenty-five year limit on the mem- bership of societies and libraries; patronships, $L000. Honorary memberships are provided for, and Luther Burbank was given the honor of being the only life member choseu at the lirst meeting. 69 A membersliii) coinuiittee was appointed, consisting of a general chairman, Mr. E. D. Funk, of Bloomingtoii. 11!., and a chairman and subconmiitteemen for each State and province of North America. The present membershii), inclnding a number of European and Asiatic per- sons and organizations, numljers about 275, of which 15 are life members. The expenses incident to the first meeting and the printing and postage and clerk hire necessai:y in connection with securing members have required practically all the receipts from annual memberships. Since only the proceeds from annual juemberships and the Interest income from life membershii) investments are available for the payment of current e.xpenses, the association is practically without funds with which to jmblish its first annual report. The plan adoj)ted for securing memberships has not itroven either convenient or effective, and this wears that there is a large amount of defective farming in this country. In the cultivation (•f cereals, roots, and grasses there is \\ant of periodical change of seed, selec- tion of improved varieties, a proper rotation of crops, with a lack of thorough tillage and a knowledge of the value and suitability of manures. Tbe value of manures is in many cases unheeded, and much fertilizing power is lost through negligent exposure and the waste of li(iuid manures. In stock raising the chief deficiencies are the want of pure-bred males, lack of knowledge of the adaptability of bi-eeds to particular conditions throughout the Dominion, the want of better ]^asture and moi-e abundant tree shelter. In tbe production of butter the milk is frequently not properly cared for. nor is suital)le attention paid to the selection of mik-h cows, and the food given is often deficient in nutri- ment and in milk-producing qualities. " Low grades of butter are attributable to want of skill in its manufacture aud want of improved app.aratus. In cheese making tbe need of greater skill and want of scientific knowledge is also felt. In the cultivation of fruit a great want is experienced in many sections of hardier varieties and of varieties with improved keeping »>ualities. There is also -^ deplorable want of knowledge regard- ing tbe insects and disea.ses injurious to fruit trees." Careful investigation led to tbe conclusion that tbe lack of success was not due to any fault in tbe soil or climate of this country nor to a want of industry among the f;irniers. but to defective farming, to want of skill and knowledge in all departments which the farmer of himself was scarcely able to remedy. The conimittee recommended that the Government establish an experimental farm or farms where experiments might be carried on iu connection with all branches of agriculture and horticulture, and that tbe results of tbe work con- ducted should be i>ublisbed from time to time and distributed freely among the farmers of the Dominion. The recommendations of this committee were acted on. Information was first obtained regarding exiierimental st.-itions tbeii in ojieration in Europe and America and tbe methods pursued by them in their efforts to gain information ^•aluable to tbe farmer and early iu 1886 au act was introduced and passed almost unanimously, authorizing the Government to establish a ceutral experi- mental farm and four branch farms. Tbe central farm was to be located at or near tbe capital, Ottawa, where it was to serve the purposes of the two larger provinces. Ontario and Quebec. The branch farms v\ore to be distributed as follows : One for the three maritime ])ro\inces jointly, Nova Scotia, Xew Brunswick, and I'rince Edward Island ; one for the proAince of Manitoba ; one for the Northwest Territories, and one for British Columbia. Tbe work to be under- taken at these several experimental farms was set forth in the act and covered all lines of experiments relaling to agricultnre, horticulture, and arboricultttre. Within two years the land for tbe several farms was sectired, the necessary officers appointed, most of the buildings erected, and the farms put in practical operation. Tbe central farm was located near Ottawa, the branch farm for the three eastern i)rovinces at Nappan, Nova Scotia ; that for ;Manitol)a at Brandon ; the farm for tbe Northwest Territories at Indian Head, in Assinniboia, and that for British Columbia at Agassiz. in the coast climate of that province. In the choosing of these sites tbe purpose in view was to have them fairly repi-eseutative of tbe larger settled areas in the provinces or territories in which they were jilaced both as to soil and climate. In the arrangement of tbe work such experiments as were most likely to be beneficial to the larger number of 72 settlers were In each case among the first to engage the attention of the oflJcers in charge. Eighteen years have passed since this worli was begun, and during that time agriculture in Canada has made unprecedented advancement. It is not claimed that this progress has been wholly due to the intlueuce and work of the Domin- ion Experimental Farms ; much credit is justly due to the various measures carried on l)y other useful organizations established mainly by the several provinces. Foremost among these is the Ontario College of Agri(?ulture at Guelph. This is a well-equipped institution which has done noble work. Farmers' institutes, live-stock associations, fruit growers' associations, and agricultural and horti- cultural societies have all proved helpers in this good cause. The commissioner's branch of the Dominion department of agriculture has also been an important factor. This In-anch deals witli the cooperative dairy interests, the development of cold-storage facilities by which certain food products cnn be carried in good condition to the markets in Great Britain, the inspection of fruits, seeds, etc. There is, however, no doubt that the experimental farms established l)y the Federal Government have contributed in large measure to the general upbuild- ing of agriculture in Canada. I'he in-ogress referred to has resulted in a general improvement in the condition of the agricultural population all over the country and in a vast increase in the exports of agricultural products. There is probably no employment which engages man's attention that requires more skill and more general information than farming. Competition is keen throughout the civilized world, and the farmer must turn to practical account e-\ery advantage within his reach bearing on improvement in the quality of his products and in lessening the cost of their production, if he is to maintain and improve his position. Investigations and experimental research have been conducted on almost every line bearing on agricultiu-e, and a great mass of important facts has been iiccuuiulated and given to the farming conmiunity in reports and Imlletins. When the experimental farms \\ere planned it was intended that they should become bureaus of information to which farmers could apply from time to time to aid them in the solution of difficulties which frequently present themselves during the progress of farm work. Evidence of their usefulness in this way is furnished in the rapid increase of correspondence carried on with farmers in all parts of the Dominion. In 1889, the year after the farms had become fairly organized, the number of letters received was about 8.0U0. During the past six years the average number annually received at all the experimental farms was 6G,222. In addition, over 220,000 reports and bulletins have been sent each :.ear. There is thus a constant flow of information going to Canadian farmers irom all the experimental farms. It is as a rule a difficult matter to bring about rapid changes in the ideas and practice of farmers, but as soon as they are convinced that experimental work is carried on in a practical manner by persons competent to give information, that it is undertaken in their interest and with the special object of making farming more profitable, their sympathy and coojieration are assured. Experimental agriculture covers so large a field that I con but briefly refer on this occasion to a few important points in connection with the work which has been done for the upbuilding of agriculture in Canada, such as will indicate the general trend of the woi-k. The principles which underlie successful crop growing may be thus sum- marized: Maintaining the fertility of the land, adopting a judicious rotation of croi>s, following the best methods of prejiaring the land, early sowing, choosing the best and most productive varieties, and the selection of plump and well- ripened seed. Along all these lines many experiments have been conducted. Continued efforts have been made to gain knowledge as to the best methods of jnaintaining and adding to the fertility of the land. In this connection special attention has been given to irivestigations to determine the best methods of handling and using barnyard manure — the universal fertilizer, which is more or less available everywhere to the farmer. Experiments continued for eleven successive years have shown that a given weight of manure taken fresh from the barnyard is eiiual in crop-producing power to the same weight of rotted manure. It has also been shown by repeated tests that fresh manui-e loses during the process of rotting from 50 to (JO per cent of its weight. The effective use of barnyard manure so as to obtain the hest results with the least waste is without doubt one of the most important l)roblems connected with successful agriculture, for ou this material the farmer's 73 hopes of maintaining tbe fertility of bis land and thus providing for a succession of good crops are mainly based. It is estimated that the manure produced in tbe .-olids and liquids of animals in the United States will probably amount to about l.WO million tons annually, and that in Canada to about 100 million tons. The financial loss involved in the wasteful handling of such a vast amount of valual)le material should impress us all with the importance of this subject. Tests for eleven years were also carried on with artificial manures to gain information as to their relative value when used separately or in combination on nearly all the more important farm crops. The results had from artificial fertilizers used alone have been disappointing, considering the large proportion of available plant food they contain. The reason for this lies probably in the fact that these fertilizers contain no humus and that the proiiortion of vegetable matter in the soil has been much reduced by constant cropping and the capacity cf the soil for holding moisture lessened, to the detriment of its crop-producing power. The plowing under of clover has been most effective as an additional source of fertility. It increases the store of available plant food by the addition of nitrogen obtained directly from the atmosphere. It also adds to the mineral plant foods available by gathering these from depths not reached by the shallower root systems of other farm cr<)its. It also serves as a catch crop during the autumn months, retaining fertilizing material brought down by the rain, much of which would otherwise be lost. It also supplies the soil with a large addi- tion of humus whereby the land is made more retentive of moistui'e, and results in a deepening and mellowing of the soil. In a series of 14 plats of oats, covering a period of five years, where clover was sown and plowed under on alternate plats, the plats with clover gave an average increasetl yield of grain of about 'J bushels. In a similar series of plats of barley where grown after clover there was an average gain of 8 bushels and 31 ix)unds iier acre. In all these plats there was also a considerable increase in the weight of straw produced. Proportionate gains have also been made in trials with Indian corn and potatoes. Many other examples might be given. In preparing land for crops different methods are adopted in different parts of the Dominion. In the eastern provinces the fall plowing of land is now generally followed, as crops can be sown earlier by the adoption of this method. On the Northwest plains it has been found of great advantage to summer- fallow a part of the laiad each year. This practice conserves moisture, destroys weeds, and brings the farmer much larger crops. The yield of wheat on land which has been summer-fallowed will average fully one-third more than it will on land which has been prepared by fall or spring plowing. That increased crops I'esult from early sowing has been fully demonstrated by the tests carried on at the central farm. Experiments with early,' medium, and late sowings were conducted for ten years on plats of one-tenth acre each, sowing two varieties each year of wheat, barley, oats, and peas. The land was very uniform and all similarly prepared. Six sowings were made in each case, the first at the earliest time practicable, the second at the end of a week, and others at the end of each sul)sequent week until six successive sowings had been made. These plats were all harvested and thrashed sepa- rately and the results recorded The best crops have been had from the second sowings, made just one week after it was possible to get on the land ; beyond this delay has resulted in loss, which has become more serious as the delay lias l)een greater. The average of the ten years' experiments shows that with wheat a delay of one week after the period named has entailed a loss of over 30 per cent, two weeks 40 per cent, three weeks nearly 50 per cent, and four weeks 56 per cent of the crop. With oats a delay of one week has caused a loss of over 15 per cent, two Aveeks 22 per cent, three weeks 32 per cent, and four weeks 48 per cent. In the case of barley a delay of one week has resulted in a loss of 23 per cent, two weeks 27 per cent, three weeks 40 per c-ent, and four weeks 46 per cent. With peas a delay of one week has caused a loss of 4 per cent, two weeks 12 per cent, three weeks 22 per cent, and four weeks 30 per cent. 'Ptie results of these experiments have been widely published and farmers in the East now pay general attention to early sowing. Another important consideration in connection with successful farming is the selection of the best varieties of seed for sowing, taking into consideration 74 productiveness, quality, and earliness of maturing. That there are varieties more productive and earlier in ripening than others has been abundantly proven. During a five years' test of 41 varieties of oats, all of them sown each year on the same dav and on ad.ioining plats, the results have shown the relative productiveness of certain sorts. Each year a list has been published of the heaviest-yielding 12 in the series, and during the whole period of five years only 15 of the 41 varieties have found their way into this select list, and 1) of these have appeared among the best 12 every year. Similar evidence has been furnished with spring wheat, ol varieties of which have been under trial for a like period. In this instance 16 of the 31 sorts have appeared among the best-yielding 12 during the five years' trial and 9 of these v.-irieties havcappeared each year in that list. The evidence as to per- sistent productiveness in certain varieties of barley is still more strildng. In the oat plats the difference in e-rop is large, ranging fvnm S'.» bushels to 42 bushels. Spring wheat has ranged from ol to 10 bushels, barley from 5S to 33 bushels, and peas from 40 to 20 bushels. The importance of growing those varieties which will give the largest crops is manifest when we consider the very large areas under cultivation. Taking the acreage in Canada alone devoted to the oat crop, which is very small cimipared with the United States, an increase there of a single bushel per acre to the average crop adds to the profits of Canadian farmers over a million of dollars. But it may be asked. How can farmers procure these prolific strains of seed? The following is the method pursued in Canada : After careful and contiiuied experiment lias shown that any variety is specially productive and promising, this is cultivated on a larger scale so as to admit of the free distribution of samples among the farmers of the Dominion. This grain is grown chiefiy at the branch experimental farms in the west and distributed from the central farm at Ottawa, where the samples can l>e sent free througli the mail. They are sent out in strong cotton bags, the quantity of oats forwarded to each appli- cant being 4 pounds, and of wheat and barley o pounds, sutficient in ea; h case to sow one-twentieth of an acre. These samples are sent only on personal application, and only one variety can be had by an applicant each year. Under this restriction the number of samples sent out during the past eight years has averaged 30,084, requiring about 70 tons of seed annually. Last year this distribution reached over 40,000 farmers, and the interest felt in it is steadily increasing. , , , , Not only is the grain sent out of high quality, but it is also thoroughly clean. If a farmer takes reasonable care of the sample he receives, he can soon have suflicient seed to sow a large area for himself and have a surplus to sell to his neighbors. This mav perhaps be best illustrated by two or three extracts from corres])ondents regarding oats, representing a large number of such letters received. Similar testimony in regard to samples of wheat and barley could be given A farmer from Dauphin, Manitoba, writes : •' The sample bag of 4 pounds of oats sent me two years ago gave me the fii-st year 5 bushels. This year we sowed these on 2 acres, and we got 217 bushels." A correspondent from Laurel, Ontario, says : " ^\'e got a sample of oats from vou six years ago, and tliey gave us great satisfaction. The people about here think very highly of them, and there are thousands of bushels of them grown. The farmers aiecoming here for seed for 20 miles around." Another farmer from Carleton Place, Ontario, says: "The oats I got from the experimental faru. some years ago have been worth a great deal of money to me, in increased yield and increased price, as I have sold quite a quantity for seed." . ,, ^, , ^ , • , Another farmer from Fiedmont, Nova Scotia, writes : The oats, of which a sample was received three years ago. proved an excellent variety. I had 420 bushels last vear. They yielded 74 bushels to the acre." It is thus apparent that with attention and care any farmer may soon provide himself under this liberal arrangement witli the best and most productive strains of seed in sutficient ouantities for a large area at no cost to himselt beyond that of his own lal)or. . ^ , The recent increase observed in the vearly average of cereal crops in Canada, which is very considerable, is no doubt due in large measure to the more general cultivation of highly productive varieties brought about by these annual distributions. 75 Many varieties of grain have been brought to Canada for test from nearly all the grain-growing i-ountries in the world. This has been done with the hope of finding varieties ecinal in ((uality and prodnrtivoness to the best of those now in cultivation and earlier in rii)ening. Some wheats have been brought from northern Russia and other northern parts of Europe ; some from high altitudes in India ; 'others from England. Frame. Germany. Hungary, the United States. Australia, and Japan. The wheats from northern Europe and from India have usually ripened in a shorter time than the Red Fife, which is one of the best sorts in general cultivation in Canada. l)Ut most of them have been inferior in quality and productiveness. During the progress of these experiments many cross-bred wheats have been oi'iginated with the object of combining the good qualities of two or more \arieties. In most of these crosses Red Fife has been used as one of the parents on account of its high quality and productive character. One of the early introduced sorts from Russia was the Ladoga, which was, on an average, a week earlier than the lied Fife. This was unacceptable on account of the yellow color of the tioiu- made from it. but ic was crossed with the Red Fife and a number of new sorts produceil. One of these, known as Preston, has exceedetl the Red Fife in yield during a test of eight years by If bushels per acre, and has ripened on an average about four days earlier. Another variety, known as Early Riga, was obtained by crossing one of the East Indian varieties procured from an elevation of 11,000 feet in the Himalayas with a Russian wheat brought from near Archangel, one of the most iiortherly wheat-growing districts in Russia. These were both early ripening sorts and were of good quality, but were not sufficiently productive. The Early Riga ripens about ten days earlier than the Red Fife or the P>lue Stem, and is fully equal if not better in quality, but the yield, although good, is not quite so heavy. These gains in earliness are of great importance in Canada, in view of the immense territory we have lying north of the i>resent wheat fields. Such varieties will no doubt serve to materially extend the area of successful wheat growing. About 1,000 new varieties of wheat have been produced at the Cana- dian experimental farms in the manner indicated, and an)ong these there are many promising sorts. Experiments have been conducted for a series of years to ascertain the quan- tity of seed grain most profitable to sow per acre, the depth in the soil at which the seed should be placed in the different climates in the Dominion, and the relative advantages of sowing with different sorts of drills as compared with broadcast seeding. The object lessons which have been given in the raising of fodder crops and the making of silage, thus providing cheap and succulent food for cattle during the winter, have greatly stimulated the dairy industry, especially the manufacture of butter in winter. The experiments carried on with reference to the care of milk and the economical production of butter of high quality have received nuich attention from those engaged in dairying. The experience gained in the economical feeding of cattle, swine, and sheep, and in testing those breeds best adapted to produce the highest quality of beef, pork, and mutton, has stimu- lated and aided the stock industries. The busine,ss in eggs and dressed fowls for the table lias also been advanced by the publication of the results of experi- ments in the poultry branch. The instructive tests which have been made with large and small fruits have served to show where these can be grown to the greatest advantage, and have l>een helpful in promoting fruit growing over those large areas in Canada where the climate is so well adapted to the growth of fruits of high quality. Special efforts have been made to meet the ditficulties which arise in the more northern districts where the better classes of existing fruits prove too tender. For such localities new sorts have been i)roduced by the cross fertilizing of very hardy wild Siberian forms with some of the hardiest of our cultivated apj)les. It has been shown that such cross-bred fruits are hardy enough to endure the climate in all the settled parts of the Canadian northwest. The information which has been given on the growing of vegetables and the varieties best suited to the different climates of the country has proved very helpful. .Many practical experiments have been conducted in the growing of forest trees to furnish shelter for exposed situations. Large quantities of young trees and tree seeds have been distributed among farmers in those districts where trees are scarce. Some limited distribution has also been made of 76 ornamental trees and shrubs with the view of encouraging the adornment of homes and making them more attractive. :Much iufonnation has been given as to the best remedies for the destruction of noxious insects and for resisting the attaclvs of fungus diseases from which grain, fmit, and other crops suffer so much. The subject of no.xious weeds has also been investigated and the best measures pointed out for their subjugation. In the chemical division investigations have been conducted on many lines bearing on the agricultural interests of the countiy and the help thus rendered to farmers has been greatly ajiiireciated. Much of the practical information gained each year by the lines of experi- ments conducted is given to the farmers in the annual reports and bulletins issued. Many thousand farmers also visit the farms each year. The officers of all the farms also attend meetings of farmers held in different parts of the country, where oi)portunities are afforded for giving fuller explanations con- cerning all branches of the vv-ork in progress. In the meantime the upbuilding of agriculture has progressed rapidly and the occupation of farming has been elevated in the eyes of the community. It is no longer looked upon as a drudgery where the dull and slow-going may eke out a laborious existence ; it is now recognized as a suitable field for the exer- cise of the higher intelligence of more cultivated minds, as a calling requiring much skill to conduct it successfully. While the demands of the home market for food products are immensely greater than they were twenty years ago. the export of farm products has greatly increased. In 1884 the total export of ^^■heat and flour from Canada was about a million dollars ; in 1003 it was over 20 millions. The export of cheese, which at that time was about 7 millions, has increased to over 24 millions. The export of pork, bacon, and hams has run up in the same time from about half a million to over 10 million dollars. The exports of fat cattle- have more than doubled and large increases have been made in almost every other line. There are still o]>i»ortunities for imitrovement. Nowhere have we reached a stage approaching perfection, and I know of no pursuit more noble than that which is so fully represented at this convention, that of striving to add to the happiness of mankind by helping the tillers of the soil by precept and experi- ment to improve their condition, thus making the earth to yield more bounti- fully, producing food products in larger (luantity and of better quality for sus- taining the teeming millions now occupying the surface of our globe. The programme conunittee for the college section not having been selected by that section the chairman and the secretary were authorizeil to fill the committee by the selection of one additional member to act with themselves. On motion of E. B. Voorhees, of New Jersey, the annual dues of each college and station constituting the association were fixed at $15 for the year 1004-5. Indexing Agricultural Literature. E. W. Allen, of 4he Department of Agriculture. In the report of the com- mittee on indexing agricultural literature, which was read l^y Professor Hays (see p. 32). reference was made to the indexing of periodical literature relating to agricultural science. This work was undertaken at the instigation of the experiment stations, there having been considerable demand for an index to scientific literature not covered by any indexes we now have. The current work of the periodicals is, as you know, reviewed in the Experiment Station Record, and our indexes at the end of a year or end of the period cover that current work and make it easily accessible. In order that the looking up of work that has been done in the past on particular subjects might be simplified. Miss Clark, the Librarian of the Department, has undertaken, at the request of this com- mittee, to prepare an index of the scientific periodicals published in Europe and in this country relating to agricultural science and has secured an additional appropriation from Congress in order that she might carry on this work with less interference. She has now assigned a regular cataloguer to the work and is going forward systematically. As the report referred to stated, arrangements have been made with the Library of Congress to print these cards. The printing 77 of the cards has been undertaken, and a circular has been sent out to the institutions announcing the index and the terms on which it can be subscribed for. These are very liberal, Init a small fee is required because it is not the custom of the Library of Congress to give away its cards, believing people usually appreciate it more if they pay a small sum. The cartls have been classi- fied by subjects in such a way that a person who does not desire a complete set can get those relating to a particular topic. A person who is interested in a library on plant diseases can subscribe for all the cards on plant diseases, and so on. There has been considerable response to the circular sent out, but it has not been sufficiently general so that we feel warranted in concluding that it has come to the attention of the people as widely as it should. C. F. Curtiss, of Iowa, stated to the convention that a special train had been provided to carry the members of, the convention to Ames to visit the Iowa Agricultural College, and that all were invited to join in the trip. Resolution Regarding Director True and the Office of Experiment Stations. C. D. Woods, of Maine, offered the following : It is with great regret that the association notes the absence of Director True of the Office of Experiment Stations from this convention, and the association hereby tenders him its appreciation of his untiring and successful endeavors in behalf of this association. It also takes this opportunity to commend the various lines of work of the Office of Experiment Stations under his charge, and notes in illustration the work of tlie division of nutrition in its study of the nutritive value of the food of man as a line of work in cooperation with a number of the institutions here represented and of great practical as well as scientific importance which might, to public advantage, be extended. Tlie resolution was adopted. Resolutions of Thanks. M. A. Scovell, of Kentucky, presented resolutions of thanks to those who had contributed to the success of the meeting, which were adopted. On motion of 11. C. White the thanks of the association were returned to Mr. Saunders for his interesting paper, and it was ordered that the address be made a part of the proceedings of the convention. On motion of W. E. Stone, of Indiana, the thanks of the association were returned to the retiring president. W. O. Thompson. On motion, the convention then adjourned sine die. , MINUTES OF THE SECTIONS. SECTION ON COLLEGE WORK AND ADMINJSTRATION. Afternoox Session, Ti'esday. November 1, 1004. The section was called to order at 2 ji. in. by the chairniau. W. E. Stone, of Indiana. The following paper was i)resented Sy W. O. Thompson, of Ohio: How Far Should or INIay Land-Grant Colleges Engage in Teaching Ele- mentary Subjects Not Generally Kecognized as Belonging to the Col- lege Cl'rriculum? The discussion of this topic involves an interpretation of the Morrill Act. I shall first give some attention to that phase cf the discussion, and here let me remark : I. The word " college '" at the time of the Morrill Act signified an institution uf higher learning for which certain prescribed academic studies were required as a condition of entrance and in which institutions there were certain studies chiefly i)rescribed which were pursued as a condition of a baccalaureate degree. From a practical point of view the word " college " was clear and distinct. We recognize that historical and traditional idea. When we come, however, to make application of this term, we are com])elled to recognize also that a standard for entrance or basis on which the college was built was far from uni- forni. This variation was so great that the degrees of some colleges would require a little more than the entrance reciuirements of to-day. I make mention of this condition in order to make one other I'emark. namely, that the dis- cussions in Congress could not, therefore, be interpreted as signifying an insti- tution of such standard as would be beyond the prevailing conditions cf the college at that time. It is true that this prevailing idea did not imply v<^ry much as to the grade of teaching or as to the method of teaching. It would be safe to assume that neither the method nor the standard would be regarded as satisfactory in the college of to-day. This leads me to say, therefore, that very- little can be drawn from the word " college " as occurring in the statute. So far as the discussion in Congress might be regarded as influencing this decision, I should say that the word '' college '' could be interchanged with the wcrd "school" and do' no great violence to the conception prevalent at the time the Morrill Act was passed. II. A further interpretation lies in the modifying phrase, "to teach such branches of learning as are related to agriculture and the mechanic arts." It wovdd seem from this statement that Congress made no effort to define the term " college." but rather to indicate in a general way the lines of work that were to l)e pursued and to be given special emphasis. The term "branches of learning as are related to agriculture and the mechanic arts " is a very broad and indefinite statement. It is noticeable that these branches are not even named. It is doubtful whetlier many in Congress could have named the sub- jects, even, or could have recognized thi^m if they had been named. It is ti'ue that the discussions in Congress did emphasize the importance of maintaining (79) 2.3880— No. 15.3—05 m (3 80 the fertility of the soil and improving the live stock of the country, but the various subjects now regarded as " related to agriculture " and as of the highest importance are quite beyond the conception in the mind of Congress. Indeed, we recognize that there has been a considerable development in the colleges themselves in the way of minute classification as well as in interpretation of subjects not then in the minds of the founders of these colleges. We are dis- posed, therefore, to assume that tliese men, looking at the subject in a broad and general way, were willing to leave it to the natural development that would come from the influence of such institutions when organized. This would assume that a higher grade of work than was contemplated at that time is probably done at this date. Our theme looks the other way and makes the inquiry'whether a lower grade of work than would be recognized in our time as college work could be admissible as meeting the terms of the act. I may add that the same remark could be applied with equal force concerning the subjects related to the mechanic arts. The one subject of electricity would be suflicient to illustrate that nuich work now being regarded as perfectly logical and exactly within the terms used in the statute, was at the same time entirely without the horizon of most men at the time the act was passed. Further, it is noticeable that the statute provided that the subjects should be taught : that it neither makes nin- suggests any idea as to the grade of instruc- tion— that is, whether it shall be collegiate or preparatory — but that the empha- sis is put clearly upon the teaching of these subjects. It is plainly upon the surface of the statute that these subjects were new subjects of study and instruction. The colleges that were to teach them were making a new depar- ture, and were introducing the study of branches hitherto almost entirely neg- lected. It seems clear, therefore, that we may safely assume that the teaching of the suVtject meets the statute whether it l^e done in an elementary or in a more advanced way. III. A further interpretation is suggested in the phrase, "in such a manner as the legislatures of the States may respectively prescribe." It is a matter of some imi)ortance to note that in the discussions of this bill and in the veto mes- sage of President Buchanan there was serious oltjection raiseil on the ground that education was a matter in which the local government should have supreme control. It was argued that a federal government had no right to interfere or to restrict in any way the rights and privileges of the States in the matter of education. This old argument is still used against the organization of a national university. It seems fair, therefore, to say that this phrase now under consideration left the whole question of the manner of teaching to the several States, and that it was an effort to avoid an unpleasant debate in Congress, which might have defeated the bill. Assuming this statement to be true, it seems entirely clear, therefore, that the several States must teach the subjects, and that the manner of the teaching is wholly a matter of local jurisdiction. This allows large liberty as bearing upon the question of elementary and advanced discussions, ic assumes that each State knows how money can be expended most wisely within its borders in order to i-each the general ends outlined in the statute. It would be assumed then, as it would be assumed now. that the conditions in the several States would vary, and that what was wise in one instance would not be in another. There is a substantial unity in these agricul- tural colleges, but there is no such thing as absolute uniformity. The statute is general in its statements, and wisely so. The chief problem is, therefore, to so Interpret the statute that it may in the several localities do the thing desired, namely, teach certain subjects, and through instruction in these subjects awaken a new interest, perpetuate good conditions, and make way for improvement. IV. We are interested in one other phrase: "In order to promote the liberal and practical education of the industrial classes in the several pursuits and professions of life." The several terms in this phrase offer opportunity for a wide discussion, but attention is called to one or two features only. (1) The expression "practical education" svas evidently intended to supple- ment the word " liberal," which then had a very distinctive meaning. A li])eral education was not then assumed to be a practical matter, as it now is. Most men now regard a liberal education as a thoroughly practical one. At that time a little different conception existed in the minds of most people. The expression " practical education," therefore, was supplementary, and suggested in a broad way that new subjects were to be introduced into these colleges and a new emphasis put upon the importance of a so-called practical education. The general idea in this practical education was that it should prepare men to do things. The liberally educated man was a thinker ; the practically educated 81 man was to he a worker. In so far, therefore, as either agriculture or the uiet-hanic arts jirepare men to meet these requirements they may lie regarded as practical education within the limits of the statute. (2) The industrial classes are here specifically named. It seems a natural interpretation, therefore, that we were to have a worlving education for a working people. The expression "the several pursuits and professions of life" intimated that all classes would be benefited by these colleges and that they were e.\pected to dwell together in the pursuit of education. It was clearly expected tliat those studying the branches of learning related to agriculture and the mechanic arts, being of the industrial class, would be made more effi- cient in the several pursuits of life and that many of them would probably enter the so-called professions of life. It is probable also that this statute permits us to say that the various sulijects here taught would introduce one to profes- sional life within the limits of that education. It would proliably be a little too much to urge that the statute anticipated the profession of agriculture or the in-ofession of mechanic arts. It does, however, seem entirely clear that the agricultural colleges were expected to make more efficient farmers and that the colleges of mechanic arts were expected to make more efficient men in the field of mechanic arts. From these discussions of the statute I now pass to a more specific reply to the question in the topic under discussion, namely. " how far may these colleges engage in teaching elementary subjects." and here I remark : (1) That I see no reason why the colleges of mechanic arts should be put under any rule more restrictive than the rule now in force in colleges of liberal arts throughout the country. It is well known that with the changes that have occurred in our entrance requirements and with the introduction of the elective idea in college it has become necessary for many subjects to be begun in col- lege. Among these you will find listed some subjects that are accepted for entrance requii'ements that were formerly prescribed for entrance re^iuire- ments. Most colleges now give opportunity for beginning the study if (ireek. They also give facilities for the study of modern languages. They also give taeilities for the beginning of the study of chemistry. We may say that this is not elementary teaching or that these subjects are not elementary, but tbot is a mere evasion of the facts. Many a student gets his first insight in these sub- jec-ts after matriculation as a regular ccllege student. I see no reason, there- fore, why the beginning of a subject may not be made in the colleges of agri- culture and mechanic arts with as luuch propriety as in a college of liberal arts. (2") Our topic suggests elementary subjects not generally recognized as lielonging to the college curriculum. As a matter of fact there are very few such subjects. All science belongs to the college curriculum. Elementary physics is as truly ])hysics as advanced physics. The same may be said of any other science. The same argument would apply in the matter of language, whether ii be ancient or modern. So far. therefore, as the legal right of doing such things is concerned, it seems that the word " elementary " or " advanced " is not imi»ortant. The real question is whether the sulgect itself comes within the jueaning of the statute. The provisions of the second Morrill Act are inter- esting as in a way interpreting the whole situation. This second act recognizes the propriety of teaching English, economics, and certain other subjects, but seems to draw the line against the use of money for certain classical purposes. (3) The significance of the statute, too, must be interpreted in the light of the classes for which the colleges were founded. Evidently the children of farmers were chiefly in the minds of Congress at the time of the discussions. As I have had occasion to say elsewhere, mechanic arts was mentioned in the discussion, but not with any great emphasis. The appeal was made largely from the view point of agriculture. Now, it would not be fair to assume that the persons who are to be benefited by the college of agriculttu-e were persons whose educational attainments rendered elementary teaching unnecessary. That was not the con- dition of rural edtication at that time, and we regret to say that it is not the condition now. To make such interpretation, therefore, would be to impose upon all the coming students of agricultui-e the necessity of an education that is not now within their reach. It would imply the development of rural schools to a point quite beyond the present. The same i>rinciple would hold if we were to think of the children of industrial classes as the beneficiaries of the colleges of mechanic arts. Now it is emphasized that tliese colleges were to meet condi- tions existing in the country and provide a type of education in which Congress 82 expressed a profound interest. There was no effort to set iVp a standard for these colleges and demand of the public that they should meet that standard. The truth is the colleges were to meet a condition. This makes it all the more imperative that the question should always be a local one. In some States where rural education and village education has reached a high degree of effi- ciency the colleges might well take a stand and be jdstified in it, that would be thoroughly unjustifiable in less favored States, or where the elementary educa- tion is not so well organized. (4) In conclusion I may say that the only rule by which we can be guiiled in such cases would l)e an honest effort to meet the conditions of the State in which the college is located. I believe it to be the duty of these colleges to use their influ(>nce to imin-ove these conditions as rapidly as possible. Such improve- ment would relieve the college of some work now necessary and give it oppor- tunity to become more efficient in the designated fields of agriculture and mechanic arts. This condition forms a solid argument on the i)art of these colleges in appealing to their several States for maintenan'-e and development of a system of rural education v.-hich will make the colleges more efficient. Already a movement in the interest of agriculture in the rural schools has made some progress. This is rejiresentative of what may be done when an interest has been aroused among the people which shall result in sucli ])i-ei>aration as will make them better able to take full advantage of their colleges of agriculture and mechanic arts. R. W. Stimson, of Connecticut. Let me emphasize one or two points which have been raised in the paper to which we have just listened. What did Congress intend the agricultural colleges to be? The second Morrill Act was passed for the further endowment and supiwrt of the land- grant colleges. I have read very carefully all of the debates and discussions in connection with the passage of the act, and I can not find a serious attack upon the land-grant colleges as they then e.visted. In case of some of the colleges and departments connected with other institutions there was serious debate and some criticism on the ground that land-grant money was being used for teaching subjects which were not obviously and immediately for the benefit of agriculture and the mechanic arts. There was no good reason why the Federal Government should give more money, therefore, for duplicating means of education which could be had in other institutions as well as in the land- grant colleges. There was no criticism of the grade of instructiou, iwv of the curriculum of the land-grant colleges. Now, the land-grant colleges in 1890 had no uniform standard of entrance requirements. Some were requiring a part of a high-school course for admis- sion. The vast majority of them, however, were admitting their students directly from the common schools to the college course. If that is true, and if the act says that the act of 1800 was passed for the further endowment and support of the land-grant colleges, is it not clear we may teach anything we please so far as grade of instruction is concerned, and provided' only we keep the specified subjects? It seems to me that the affirmative is true on that point. It seems to me that the history of the land-grant colleges since 1890 has been largely a repetitiou of the history of those institutions between 1S02 and 1890; that is, that we have practically the same sort of institutions to-day as then existed. That would seem to indicate that Congress was right in not criticising these institutions and in spending money for the further endowment and sup- port of this style and grade of education. In the discussions and debates of Congress on these measures, I think you would find that the term " school " and the term " institution " were used quite as often as the term " cnllegc" On the whole, then, I am forced to the conclusion that Congress intended that we should teach what the land-grant colleges had been teaching prior to 1890, and that therefore we have a free hand in doing so. 83 A claxise of the act of 1890. however, limits the curriculum to specified sub- jects : but it is understood that in the Senate that chiuse was very earnestly debated and the original restrictive clause was thrown out. It, was, however, restored in the House, it is said, under pressure of the National Grange, and was finally accepted by the Senate in its present form. I bring this to your attention to indicate, what seems to me to be true, that this clause was prompted by an effort not to determine the grade of instruction, but to deter- mine that these institutions to be further endowed and sui)ported should be turned toward the industries of life rather than toward the liberal arts and professions of life in the ordinary sense of the term. What ought you and I to do to-day with all this freedom? In Connecticut we have two sets of boys who ought to come to our institu- tion— boys who have been in the connnon schools and who have had no high schools within reach, and boys who have been in the high schools, and who are going to some sort of college, who by taste and inheritance ought to come to our institution. We had only a four-year cour.se. We had a little agriculture in every year, and a considerable of the elements of liberal education in all the years. The result was that the boy coming from the high school had to go back, if he wanted to get our agricultural instruction, and start at the same point where the boy from the common school would start. You see what differ- ence there was in the matter of training and mental ability. It seems to me the mental ability a man has counts for vastly more than the subjects he studies. We do not care where a man gets his brain power. If he has got it and can apply it to agriculture and mechanic arts we are ready to receive it and put it to work. But we wanted to put in the proper place the man who had not developed his brain. So we hit on this scheme. I asked a committee of the faculty to work out a two years' cour.se of preparation for farming. They worked out a two years' course in farming open to graduates of high schools. Our curriculum as it stands to-day divides our studies into three groups of two years each. We offer attractive courses to boys who have a limited amount of education, and to boys who find it in their power to get considerable education. In addition to this, in special subjects we give short courses varying from ten days to a year. We have found since we introduced these cour.ses that we have come closer to our natural constituency : we have the respect of the i)rac- tieal farmer as we never had it before, and our short courses have fed our long courses. Besides our short-course work in the winter, we have been holding a suuuner school for teachers and others, in which we have limited our subjects to nature and country life, and we li.ive had three very successful sessions. It seems to me there is a good field fur the land-grant college, and that each State may and ought to organize its land-grant college so as to meet the needs of its peculiar constituents, and that anything and everything which it is found 'practical to teach ^^ ithin these limits should be t.aught. I have not spoken of extension work. I do not believe extension work is a proper use of the land-grant college money. 1'hat is, we hold that anything you can teach at the college in connection with your college courses is appropriate and may be paid for out of your land-grant college money. We do not do any extension work .at the expense of the L'ederal Treasury. Of course we under- stand that each State college is perfectly free to use the money it receives from its own legislature and its own State treasurer for any purpose the State may designate. W. A. IIenkv, of Wisconsin. President Stimson is entirely right when he says that the Grange was back of those limitations in the Morrill Act of 1890. The argument was that many of the colleges had diverted nuich of the first appro- priation to purposes not closely connected with instruction in agriculture and 84 mechanic arts, and to give more money without restriction would be to simi)ly give further impetus in the wrong direction. R. n. Jesse, of Missouri. I feel compelled to emphatically dissent from much that has been said on this subject. I take it that Congress knew what a college was just as well as we know what a college is: that Congress said what it meant and meant what it said when it established colleges of agriculture and mechanic arts. It is very true that the standards of admission to college at that time were not what they are to-day. But college meant as truly then as it does now an institution that is leased ui)on secondary education. And if the colleges \Aere not up to their present rank, the same is true of the secondary schools. The college was based upon secondary education as truly in that day as it is now. In my opinion, to use any portion of the money coming from the Federal Government, either through the land-grant act of 18G2 or through the ai^propriation act of 1890, for secondary education, is a misappropriation of Federal money. Any State that wants to do so may, out of the State treasury, appropriate money for secondary education — that is to say, for the preparatory department of its college of agriculture; but I think that any State which does that commits a blunder. I say this with profound conviction. I want to give a little of my own experience in Missouri. In 1891 there was no standard of admission to any department of the University of Missouri. Any student could get in with an application and a fee. We began to raise the standards of admission to all departments of the university, until to-day there is no department that does not demand for admission a first-class high school education. As we raised the standards of the other departments we at first left the college of agriculture behind. The faculty of the college of agriculture contended that the condition of the rural communities in Missouri would not admit of any standards of admission to that department. But in getting all the other departments to the ])oint where they rested on the high school system I conceived the notion that that department ought to go up too. It had a small attendance; everybody seemed to avoid it who could get into any other department. The men who came and failed to get into other departments dropped into the college of agri- culture rather than go home again. It was a catch-all of the other departments, but it did not catch enough to be respectable in numbers. I brought the ques- tion before the faculty of agriculture. The whole faculty went against me except one man. After debating the thing an appeal was taken to the board of curators. I wrote to every prominent college of agriculture in the United States, asking what they thought about the propriety of demanding high school education for admission. I was greatly astonished and greatly pleased at the unanimity of the answers, for almost without exception these colleges declared that a good high school education ought to be demanded. 1 submitted those letters to the board of curators, who, after carefully considering the matter, by a unanimous vote decided that the college of agriculture should be raised to a parity with the other departments of the university and that admission should be based upon a high school education. The next fall the enrollment in the college was far greater than it ever had been before, and it has been growing steadily ever since. In the i>resent year the enrollment in the freshmen class is exactly twice what it was a year ago. When we made the college of agri- culture thoroughly respectable in its entrance requirements, men began to come to it, and inen are now forsaking other departments to enroll in that of agri- culture. Various devices have been employed for bridging the gap between the elemen- tary schools and the college of agriculture. The most notable of those attempts is the Minnesota experiment. In this case there is between the college and the 85 primary schools an institution at St. Antbonv Park, the lilco of which can not be found on the Western Heiuisiihere. It is the best secondary school of agri- culture I ever saw, and as President Northrup once said of it. " that school of agriculture stands in the minds of our agricultural classes for the whole uni- versity and college." That is just my oI)jection to it. It is a screen between the people and the c-ollege and university. In spite of Minnesota's magnificent success. I am willing to risk the entire future of the college of agriculture of Missouri on my faith that the Minnesota experiment is not the right way of doing it. Let me say, however, that the Minnesota school is supported out of State funds, and involves no appro] iriation of Federal funds. In Wisconsin they have established two schools of agriculture at different points in the State. I believe Wisconsin is going to equip those schools magnificently. If such schools were established in Missouri, all the counties around them would go to the legislature and beg that they be made district agricultural colleges. We in. Missouri never intend to have anything between our college and the primary schools duplicating and running opposition to the public high schools of our State; but the college of agriculture, like the other departments, is going to be put in as a part of the public school system. We are striving now. though I can not point to any great results, to put agricul- tural studies in the public school system, primary and secondai-y. I believe that if these colleges of agriculture would abolish utterly all their preparatory departments, would begin where the high schools left off. would put on exam- iners for the secondary schools, ^^•ould spend money and time and energy on the public school systems of their States, they would finally get their public school .systems into desirable harmony with the college of agriculture. In Missouri we are risking our entire future on the doctrine that the college of agriculture is going to rest on the public high schools, and we are going to ]uake the pul)lic high school agricultural as far as it ought to be-agricultural. It is the long way, the slow way. the toilsome way, but I believe that it is finally the right way. L. H. Bailey, of New York. The history of legislation on the subject indi- cates that in the minds of legislators it is legitimate for the land-grant college to use the funds for elementary instruction and extension work. Whether or not it is wise for us to so use them is quite another question. We have had some discussion in New York State during the past two or three years on the subject of special schools. Three years ago a bill was introduced into the legisla- ture of New York State, which passed both branches of the legislature, allowing the establishment of one school of agriculture and domestic science in every county in New York State, about sixty-one of them. It failed to receive the governor's signature, because it would call for some expenditure of funds from the State department of agriculture. Two years ago the same bill passed the assembly, but it failed in the Senate because the chairman of the committee to which it was referred was opposed to it. and his objection to it was that he did not believe it was wise to duplicate the public school system of New York State by any si^ecial system of education. Last year it was proposed to reintroduce this bill, but it was finally decided to let it rest until the college of agriculture matter was settled. We have at Cornell University a winter course of about 11 weeks. I think this winter we shall have about 2()0 students ; I should like to have 2,000. Yet, 1 do not believe in the winter course as an integral part of the college or university work. I have looked upon the winter courses in the university as a temporary expe- dient, since there are no other institutions that can supply the demand for the Innd of instruction that the winter courses give. If there were secondary or 86 interiuetliate schools that could give this instruction, the demand would not ho 9 made upon the colleges and universities. Whether such institutions will ever " arise is a question concerning which I scarcely wish to prophesy. If they do not arise, then the colleges and universities must continue to supply the demand for the kind of instruction that is given in the various winter-course enter- prises. It is probable that there must always be an adjunct institution to the colleges and universities in which such instruction can be given. I am in sympathy with the movement for special agricultural high schools. However, I think that the first desideratum is to have the common schools as they now exist open to agriculture on equal terms with other subjects. This will give agriculture opportunity and will not debar it from the privileges of common school development. It will recognize it as a scholarship study, not merely as a technical or occupational subject. ^Yhether the common schools, even when they are open to agricultural work, will satisfy the needs of the rural communities ouly the future can tell ; if they do not, then In the natural course of events special schools will develop here and there to satisfy the de- mand. I do not like to think of establishing a duplicate system of public schools out-of-hand which would seem to antagonize or at least parallel the existing schools; and it would tend to set agricultural instruction off by itself and to inake it only a class subject. Of course there are many difficulties in the way of introducing agriculture into the schools as they now exist, l)Ut it is funda- mentally correct to ojien the schools to the subject. Of course the work would need to be elective, at least in most cases. It is always objected that the schools are now full and that a new subject can not be introtluced. This of course is temiiorarily true. The difficulty is that we are trying to introduce the new and modern subjects while at the same time trying to hold to the old curriculum. In time the whole point of view of the common schools uill be radically changed and the school will be a natural product of its enviromuent. The very fact that the new and relevant subjects are being introduced is proof enough that this evolution is slowly coming about. I believe we have the legal right to use the proceeds of the land-grant fund for elementary instruction in agriculture and mechanic arts, but I believe we shall find it wiser policy to utilize State funds and forces already in existence for the purpose of carrying on these educational and extension courses than to use the Federal fund. The experience of Cornell University is that it is of great advantage to. have uniform entrance requirements for all departments of the university, and the attendance of students has increased greatly notwithstanding the strict enforcement of such requirements. Uniform entrance requirements in institutions in which the college of agriculture is combined with the general university is essential to the dignity and success of agricultural work. E. Davenport, of Illinois. I should very much dislike to hear this discussion closed without some reference to the movement that is on foot all over the country, namely : The Consolidation of the primary schools. When you speak of transporting children to central schools, the objection is raised that horses can not travel the roads. Everybody knows, however, that more horses are now used in transporting the children and more miles are traveled than Wduld be necessary to send them all to central schools. It is to be hoped that we will not always have to go on with the little primary schools, four or five children and one teacher. U. II. Bailkv. I think the rural school, as we ordinarily know it to-day. is bound to pass away. It seems to me it is one of the most inefiicient units in our body politic. The country mill has passed away. It can not compete with the mills in the city. In the rural school the teacher is teaching her first or 87 second term as a rule, temporarily maintaining herself until she can do some- thing else. The teacher must teach everything, from the alphabet to physi- ology, from physics to grauniiar. Our extension work was intended to reach first the country school, but the more we pushed the work the more evident it became that it is very difficult to reach the country school. \\'e think the best that can be done is to introduce the subjects in the village and hamlet schools, and where they have two or three or four or five teachers, so that one teacher can take all of the natural-history subjects and another all of the mathematics, expecting it to work outward from these centers. Centralization is going on in New York State in three or four directions. A. C. Scott, of Oklahoma. It has been said here that the existing educational provisions of the country community should be exhausted before the college should seek to duplicate any of that instruction. The question naturally arises. What is meant by the educational provisions of the country community? A question of extreme importance in the West is, What shall be done with the young men of IS or 19 years of age who have gone through the common schools, but not through the high schools, and as a matter of fact do not want to go to the high schools? Shall a catch-all be prepared for them? Shall a pi'eparatory department be provided for them where they can say they are going to college? That question gave us a great deal of concern in the Oklahoma college, and three years ago we provided a preparatory department. Two years ago we became ashamed of the department and dropped it, but we substituted a twenty weeks' course in the subject of agriculture. We found that it was very largely the young men and women who went into the preparatory dejiartment and did no advanced scientific woi-k in agriculture who went back to the farm. For that reason we established the short c lurses. It seems to me it will be a very long time before we get agriculture established in the common schools of the country. What are we going to do in the meantime? I believe the present condition ought to be met by some such scheme as I have suggested, or the Minnesota scheme. We are also working in our territory on a scheme by which optional courses shall be given in the high school leading to the university. R. H. Jesse. I believe that so long as the colleges of agriculture are main- taining their right to use Federal money for secondary education, so long as; they are declaring that it is good policy to do so, they will continue their sec- ondary schools, and will not connect \\itb the secondary school systems of their States. For fifty years the University of Missouri maintained a preparatory department. When I came there as president, there were not six good public or private secondary schools in the Commonwealth, and I was assured that they could not be built uj). Yet in the space of twelve years we have increased the good high schools in INIissouri from 5 to 12.5. Missouri ought to have at least 250 high schools. But the rate of growth has been magnificent in twelve years. So long as you hold on to this preparatory work and these temporary expe- dients you are not going to catch hold of the public school system. I think the one vit;il thing is that the colleges of agriculture, as well as the colleges of liberal arts, should identify themselves absolutely with the public school systems of their States. Meanwhile, I am not disposed to criticise rhose who employ some temporary expedients, provided they have started in the right direction and are going in that way as fast as they can. E. A. Bryan, of Washington. One of the most serious difficulties which we face is the fact that under the ideals of the existing four years' high school the student who has taken the eight years of elementary grade and four years of high school is led away from the ideals represente ith the perpetual condition of doing what we do not desire to do but what we thinlc ought to be done as a temporary nieasure. It may be that for five years or it may be that for five hundred years there will be a large class of young men who may be interested in agricultm*e by one method that never would be inter- ested in it by another method however perfect theoretically. So far as peda- gogical theory of instruction iu agriculture is concerned, I think these colleges must meet the conditions, but I thinlc none of thejn should make an apology for a low standard of entrance. On motion, the section adjourned until 2 p. m. next day. ArxERNOON Session, Wednesday, November 2, 1904. The section was called to order at 2 p. m. by Chairman W. E. Stone. Military Instructio.n. The following paper by M. H. Buekham, of Vermont, on "The intent and purpose of the Morrill Act with regard to military instruction," was read by G. E. Fellows, of Maine, iu the absence of the author : The bill for the endowment of colleges of agriculture and the mechanic arts, which passed both Houses in April. 18.jS, and was vetoed by President Buch- anan, did not contain the provision for instruction in military tactics incorpo- rated into the later bill. In a speech by Mr. Morrill ou April 20, 1858, setting forth at great length the objects and provisions of this first bill, no allusion was made to military instruction, nor was there any reference to it in the course of the debate. The bill to which tiie present colleges owe their existence was uitroduced, debated, and passed iu the summer of 1SG2, and bears the significant date July 2, 18G2, the day following the last of the seven days of McClellan's Peninsular campaign. In the course of a speech in the House explaining and advocating the measure, Mr. Morrill put considerable emphasis on the military feature of the education provided for. I quote passages from different parts of his speech : " If this measure had been instituted a quarter of a century ago. the absence of all military schooling at the outset ot the present rebellion would have been less deplorable in the Northern States. The young men might have had more of fitness for their sphere of duties, whether on the farm, iu the workshop, or ou the battlefield. * * * " Something of military instruction has been incorporated in the bill in con- sequence of the new con\iction of its uece.ssity forced upon the attention of the loyal States by the history of the past year. A total unitreparedness presents too many temptations, even to a foe otherwise weak. The national school at West Point may suthce for the Regular Army iu ordinary years of peace, but it is wholly inadequate when a large army is to be suddenly put into service. If we ever expect to reduce the Army to its old dimension and again rely on the volunteer system for defense, each State mu.st have the means within itself to organize and officer its own force. With such a system as tliat here offered — nurseries in every State — a suHicient force would at all times be ready to support the cause of the nation and secure that wholesome respect which belongs to a' peoi)!e whose power is always eijual to its pretensions. In a free government we have proved, notwithstanding some ' in time of temptation fall away,' that patriotism is siiontaneous, but doubtless many valuable lives would have been saved in the progress of this plague-spotted relicllion had we not so long assumed that military discipline was also si>ontaneous. If ever again our legions are summoned to the field, let us show that we are not wholly uni)re- pared. These colleges founded iu every State will * * '•■ to some extent 92 guard against the sheer ignorauce of all military art which shrouded the coun- try, and especially the North, at the time when the tocsin of war sounded at Fort Sumter." These words elearlv explain the oliject which Mr. Morrill had in view in making provision for instruction in military tactics in the colleges of agriculture and the mechanic arts. The presence of a great conflict, which found the nation unprepared to meet either internal or external enemies, awakened public opinion to a sense of danger— a danger not only in the past, but ever present ; a danger which could not be met bv an extern podzed army, or a levy en masse, but only by a provision which should be of the nature of an institution, not subject to temporary change of feeling, not liable to failure from neglect or forgetfulness. To statesmen looking beyond existing tumults the Republic meant peace, but they were then for the first time learning that peace exists only in those nations that know how to maintain peace. To l^eep up a large standing army was contrary to the genius of American liberty and to all national traditions. But here was an opportunity to do something toward meeting this ever-present danger of " unpre- paredness " by distributing throughout peace-loving and industrial communities in every State a certain amount of *' military scliooling," as Mr. Morrill calls it, and the result of such schooling in a goodly numl)er of men, highly trained in other resi)ects, with a modicum, more or less, as tlie plan should work out, of militarv training sui)eradded. It may be pertinent to note that. when, twenty-eight years after the passage of the bill, in the " piping times of peace." Mr. :\Iorrill again asked Congress to consider the needs and claims of the education offered in the colleges of agri- culture and the mechanic arts and to increase their scope and their efficiency by an increased endowment, no further provision was made fur. and no mention was made of. military instruction. Passing now from consideration of the motives and utterances of the founder of the colleges to the language of the organic act, we find that the intent and purpose of ithe act as regards military instruction gets rather scant expression. It is all embraced in three words— " including military tactics "—" one college where the leading ol)ject shall be, without excluding other scientific and classical studies, and including military tactics, to teach, etc." That constitutes tlie entire mandate on the subject. It is evident that the intent of the act was not to establish militarv institutions— that is. institutions in which the leading object is to teach the military art. Classical and other scientific studies are not to be excluded, and military tactics are to be included, but th.e leading ol>ject is to teach branches of learning related to agriculture and the mechanic arts. Evidently there were not to be military academies after the manner of ^\est Point in all the States, nor feeble imitations of West Point. If some institutions or some army officers detailed as military instructors in the colleges have desired to make the military the leading feature, to insist on army ideas and methods in the government of the institutions, and to subordi- nate practically the other elements to the military, this has been without warrant from the ordai\nng act. If this had been the intent and purpose of the founder and of the act of Congress, they would have declared military training to be the leading object, whereas it is not included among the leading objects. \Yhat is meant by the term " military tactics." which the act says are to be included in the braiiches taught in the colleges? Obviously the word " tactics |^ is used in a general and popular, not in a technical sense. " Military tactics " is a broad and elastic term, including much that would not come within a strict definition. This l)readth and comprehensiveness, in distinction from a rigid prescription of specific things to be done, is characteristic of the whole act. It recognizes the great diversity of conditions existing in different .parts of the country, and now that it is operative in forty-five different States, this elasticity and adaptability to conditions appears still more admirable. It is matter for congratulation that we have in this grand scheme for national education, not a thoroughly organized, bureaucratic system like that which fits in well with the genius of' the French people, but a simple outline, a broad, free, suggestive sketch plan, of the general objects to be sought, leaving to the several localities, and specifically to the legislatures of the several States, to fill in the details as their special needs and interests may prescribe. As in the case of all other branches of learning, so in case of the military science and art, the institutions are left free to work out their own problems in their own way, provided that way comes fairly within the express provisions of the act of Congress. As we have seen, the incorporation of military instruction into the curriculum of tlie 93 colleges was intended to meet one of the great and permanent needs of the country. Such instruction is uiandatory upon the colleges. By the acceptance of the grant with its conditions this instruction has become an obligation, recog- nized as such by the colleges. So umch — that the colleges shall give instruction in military tactics — is, so to speak, constitutional, unalterable, not debatable. All else is merely statutory or administrative, subject to by-laws, as wisdom and good policy may ordain. Leaving, therefore, large latitude to the predilections of individual institutions for more or less of the military feature in their curriculum, what may the colleges, in an average way, be fairly expected to do as their pari; toward supplving the country" with a soldiery in time of need? The organization of a nationalniilitia under Federal laws in all the States has materially changed the situation since Mr. Morrill pictured the nation's •' unpreparedness " in 1862. When not recognized as a part of the militia — as they are in some States — the college battalions represent the possibility of a volunteer corps which would be immediately effective for service, and the individual students and graduates constitute a body out of which officers, commissioned and noncommissioned, could be drawn for service in a suddenly enlisted corps. It can not be expected of the colleges that they turn out thoroughly trained and accomplished officers. It takes four years of military training at West Point to do that. To attempt even something very much below this would take so much of the students' time and energy from their main studies that they would go to colleges in which this burden was not laid upon them. But the colleges, without sacrifice to their "leading objects," may so train their students in the military art, that they, or a good number of them, would make serviceable sergeants, lieutenants, and captains in any force which the State or the nation might need for keeping the I)eace and enforcing the laws. It is of some consequence that students should make a good appearance at inspection or on parade. It is of much more impor- tance that they should learn some of the soldierly virtues, prompt oliedience, power of command, the fine combination of self-respect and submission, which make the good citizen and the good patriot as well as the good soldier. But on this part of the subject I am privileged to offer the expert evidence of an able and accomplished officer of tlie Artillery Corps and a highly successful professor of military science and tactics in the University- of Vermont. Capt. C. J. Bailey, Fifteenth Artillery. Captain Bailey says : "An opinion is desired as to what extent military instruction should be car- ried in the land-grant colleges. "Throwing out those institutions in which the military feature predominates and is advanced as an attraction for students, there remain the colleges or uni- versities in which the student is fitted for almost any profession save the mili- tary. In these every hour devoted to military work takes from the student an hour he might advantageously devote to studies in the particular line he has chosen. Should, then, this military work be limited to three hours weekly, and is even this worth to the student and to the c-ollege the advantages gained by both from the endowments made by the Government? " When the writer took up tins work in the University of Vermont in 1897 he was of the opinion that the three hours weekly was inadequate for carrying out the purposes desired by the Government aud he still believes that it should be increased, at least during that part of the college year when outdoor work can be carried on, if this can be done without fwsitive detriment to the other work of the college. If this can not be done, liowever, sufficient instruction can be done in the shorter time to render its value incontestable, particularly if the instructor is allowed some latitude in dividing the students in such a way that small bodies can be instructed in certain parts of the work rather than the whole student body at once. " In colleges keeping to this minimum much that an officer deems essential in teaching recruits must either be omitted or the student so interested that lie will voluntarily do the work by himself. This refers particularly to the ' setting up ' drills and" calisthenics now so largely employed in the Army. The college gym- nasium may and should take the place of these, for it is particularly necessary that the student should have them or similar work both to keep him in healttL and to give him the erect carriage distinctive of the good soldier and equally advantageous to the good civilian. But the writer realized from his first at- tempt that to make any progress in the drills of the company and battalion nothing bevond a superficial course in these gymnastics could be attempted. " Both theoretical and practical military work can be so varied that the inter- est of the majority of the students is easily retained, the difficulty being ta 94 decide on what to omit where time is so limited. Many students find the whole subject uninteresting and even distasteful. ;ind these are the ones to whom much attention should be given, for they are generally the ones most in need of the physical exercise — for their own health. The athletic men are generally the best soldiers and take the most interest in lectures and recitations as well as in the drills. "That the work so outlined is of value to the Government can not now be questioned. The many valuable odicers now in the Army whose only military training was obtained in the land-grant colleges bear testimony to this. " Earnest and faithful work on the part of the instructor, with the cooperation and support of the faculty, aided l>y the natural liking of many students for the military, can not fail to render the course successful and give the Government a fair interest on its investment — even with but three hours weekly for each •student. The more this time can be increased the better for the Government and, in the opinion of the writer, for the physical and mental welfare of the student and the ultimate good of the college." Coming now to the second part of the question proposed, namely, the relation of the colleges to the War Department, there are two attitudes which the Department may take with reference to military instruction in the colleges. The one view is that the Government has bestowed large endowments on these colleges, and has a right to demand in return special military service which men educated in these colleges can render, and to prescribe the methods of the training which tits them for that service. To this view no objection can be taken if it is not in in-actlce carried so far as to exact of the students an amount of effort which wotdd imi)air then* efficiency in their chosen field of study, and so drive them into other institutions and thus defeat its own intent. It is natural also and honorable in the military authorities at Washington that they should seek to prescribe a stand;ird of instruction and discipline which bears some comparison with that splendid training at West Point which gives dignity and prestige to an officer in tiie Army of the United States, or at least that their point of view and their estimate of military education should be largely under such influence. Then there arises a difference of judgment between the Department and the colleges as to how much may be insisted on in the way of military discipline, in which we find the Department virtually saying to us, with milit.-iry courtesy, but with military firnmess : "We will not detail an army officer to conduct your military instruction unless we can dictate substan- tially the amount, the methods, and all the conditions of such instruction." The other view which the Government might take is not to insist on military training as an obligation on the part of the colleges and the detail of an officer as a concession carrying with it a certain supervisory right over the colleges, but to look at the whole situation as an opportunity of which both parties should strive to make the utmost for the good of the country at large. Here is a body consisting of many thousands of the choice young men of all the States < f the I'nion, as good material as the country or the world affords for making citizen soldiers — such soldiers as the country is likely to need— and at an ex]iense to the Government which is trifling compared with what any other method of getting such soldiers would cost. There is a certain amount of the military spirit — call it the patriot-military spirit — which it is desirable to cultivate in our youth — not too much, not the militarism of France and Germany — not too little, not the supineness and neglect, inviting assault, of the North before the war — but enough to inspire a sense of security and compel respect. Let the Government take advantage of the opportunity it has to get this moderate amount of military spirit diffused among the young men of the nation and, along with it, the moderate amount of military training which will make it practically effective in time of need. This it will best accomplish, not by setting up a military regime of its own within a literary institution, not by issuing orders from Washington which ignore or override the policy and the regulations of the colleges, but i>y cooperating with the institutions in a patriotic endeavor to make such adjustment of the legitimate claims of the civil and military departments, respectively, that all shall attain their maximum efficiency. Passing over some of the obvious considerations tmder this head, we may be permitted respectfully to suggest for the con- sideration of the Department : (1) That less emphasis be placed on the manual and technical branches of military training, and more upon the higher, the intellectual, topics in the mili- tary art. College students take "military tactics" as part of a liberal educa- tion, not to fit them to serve as enlisted men. Introducing a cerain amount of 95 •strategy, the history of campaifrns, fortification, problems in "grand tactics," ete.. would hriiig the instruction more within the range of college studies. (2) The inspectors sent to examine and report on th(» coiulition of the mili- tary departments in collfges should he exijerienced. hroad-minded men, cai)able of understanding the situation in its larger meaning and possibilities. Some of the institutions have had occasion to complain that yomig otticers. from inability to appreciate the difference Itetween a literary and a .strictly nulitary institution, have done them great injustice by setting up an im])ossiblc standard of efficiency and severely connnenting on alleged delincjuencies. The inspector, especially if continued in office long enough to learn its possiltilities. can. by conferring and cooperating with the college authorities, by instruction and advice to the cadet officers, and in many other ways, easily double the efficiency of the military instruction. The institution represented !>y the writer of this paper enjoyed all these l)enefils and others under the Inspectorship of Col. (now Gen.) U. P. Hughes, I. S. Army. A well-trained officer, a strict dis- ciplinarian, and a tlioroughly soldierly man. he interested himself to bring the college battalion up to the highest state of efliciency and to promote the true military spirit among the young men of the institution. In doing this he gatliered to meet Iiim the officers of the battalion, lectured them, scolded them, praised them, instructed them, and so discliarged the duties of Iiis office in a' way at once itrofessional and human that his visits were looked forward to with interest and ivmembered with pleasure, and though his reports sometimes scored us severely we knew that they were just an(i kindly. If the (iovern- ment would always send out inspectors equally- faithful to the War Department .and equally helpful to the institutions, there would be little cause for com- plaint on either side and the problem of efficient military training in the col- leges would be in a fair way of satisfactory solution. E. R. Nichols, of Kansas. I am very much in favor of military drill from ■every standpoint, and I believe it Is fortunate that it is a part of tlie endowment of these colleges. It seems to me the management of this military matter is largely a local affair. I have reference now as to whether it shall be one day or two days or five days a week, and whether it shall be one, two, three, or four years, whether it shall be in the fall or spring terms or how it shall be. In our est results that v;e can hope to ol)tain will be by the recogni- tion of these institutions as an integral part of our system of military educa- tion and a proper source from which upon occasion the officers of the United States Army may be recruited. C. R. Van Hise, of Wisconsin. The question for us is. What is the minimum to which we can all accede? The irreducible minimum of two hours per week incorporated in the resolutions offered in general session this morning (see p. 0-3) was selected because this is the amount which is the practice of various large institutions at the present time. We in Wisconsin have two hours per week, and we hold that to be a full and fair compliance with the Morrill Act. We require also two hours of athletic work two days per week in the gym- nasium, so students get the setting-up exercises and development work which in other institutions is done in the military department. The resolution does not say that the officers shall not give more than two hours per week during two years. Indeed, at the University of Wisconsin and at other institutions, all officers are selected from the junior and senior classes and are required to give two hours additional work during three or four years in order to make effective their work as drill officers. I am sure the resolution expresses the view of a large number of colleges as to the irreducible minimum. I feel that if the association will unite we can get the Secretary of War to give a decision on this point. Mr. Thach. It seems to me that taking action as to an irreducible minimum of two hours a week rather puts the colleges that require three or five hours in an improper position with their student bodies. Mr. Van Hise. Not at all. If a college does not require much gymnastic work it is proper to require more military work. In Wisconsin we used to require four hours a week in military in the freshman and sophomore classes, but when we got a large body of men we l)elieved it proper to give half the time to military work and half to athletic work. A. Scott, of New Jersey. The original Morrill Act intended that the legis- latures of the States should prescribe the curriculum, only conforming to the general statement of the law. The State legislatures have very properly given the matter into the hands of the trustees, and the trustees have intrusted it to the faculty. There is in theory a perfect system of national and local con- trol. I am not behind any of those who have spoken in giving tribute to the excellencies of this form of education up to a certain point, but by virtue of the Morrill Act we are not constituted a set of military colleges, and I think this association should insist upon its right to control the militai\v instruc- tion provided for in the organic law of the land-grant institutions. R. W. Stimson, of Connecticut. It seems to me that the relation of the land- grant college to the War Department is one purely of a bargain, and I think the War Department is at perfect lilierty to state terms, provided it states them explicitly and does not mislead. If the War Department says, " If you want so much equipment gratis ; if you want a military officer gratis, and are willing to give five hours' instruction a week on specific subjects, we will close the bargain with you," it seems to me that is perfectly legitimate, right, and proper. L. II. Bailey, of New York. It is competent for any of these land-grant col- leges to have its own officers in military instruction. Is not this the solution of the matter? In that case we have no favors to ask. E. A. Burnett, of Nebraska. The conditions have become so difficult in our institution that unless some modification can be made within a year or two there is no question that the regents will find it necessary to permit the War f 99 ' Deiuirtiiient to withdraw its dotall ami its equii)iueut, if need be, and proceed witb our military instriiction under sucli conditions as we may be able to afford. This is a matter of much regret to the chancellor, because he believes in military instruction. W. O. Thompson, of Ohio. The section of the first Morrill Act whicli relates to military instruction is as follows: The President may, upon the application of any established military institute, seminary or academy, college or university, within the United States, having capacity to educate at the same time not less than 150 male students, detail an officer of the Army or Na\'y to act as superintendent. I call attention to the wording of the statute in order to show that it is not mandatory, but permissive. Under this statute the President may detail, or he may decline to detail. In time of war, when the officers are in demand, he may refuse a detail, and during the Spanish war he did not detail anybody excei)t retired officers. But since that wai' there have been some detailed who are not retired officers. There is not a college in this whole association that can meet this Order No. 05 with five hours a week. If they could do so they would, and say no more about it. Some of them now give four hours of drill and an hour's instruction in addition, but they can not give more than that without seriously interrupting the work of the college. The mandatory character of this order has raised the (luestion as to whether we can obey it. Our commandant says we can not do it. If we have entered into an agreement, as suggested by President Stimson and Dean Bailey, we can close the contract or decline to renew it. I think it altogether likely the Ohio State University will request the Department to cut off the detail of its officer, and then will make some arrange- ment of its own. I do not see any other way out of the difficulty. I shall not object to a minimum of two hours, but 1 fear that if we make the minimum so low as two hours it will simply irritate the army officers. It seems to me that the method of attack of this association, if an attack is to be made, is to go by competent committee on which I should have some recog- nized military man, to the President of the United States and state our difficul- ties, and ask his advice. 1 would refer this resolution to our executive committee for consideration with a view to devising some means of reaching the matter through the President, giving them full power to act, knowing very well what the state of sentiment is in this body. J. K. Patterson, of Kentucky. About eighteen years ago in the preliminary meeting that was held in Washington to take steps looking toward the organiza- tion of this association, this question came up and was debated with a great deal of earnestness, I may say with not a little acrimony. There were a few of the colleges represented on that occasion who were quite willing, and I may say anxious to comply with what they believed was the spirit and intent of the organic law as set forth in the act of 18G2. They held that there were two or three things that were made obligatory in that organic law. One was, teaching those branches of learning relating to agriculture, and another those relating to mechanic arts, and another relating to military tactics. There were certain subjects that were optional, that might be included or might not, and these were classics and other scientific studies. They held that if it was obligatory upon the colleges to teach sciences relating to agriculture and to mechanic arts, it was equally obligatory to make provision for carrying out what they believed to be the intent as well as the letter of the law in regard to the instruction in military tactics ; that they could not set aside the one without setting aside the other ; that there was no more reason why they should adhere to military tactics and mechanic arts and eliminate agriculture than there was to adhere to agriculture and mechanic arts, and eliminate or perform in a perfunctory 100 way military tactics. I remember that those who held these views were in a small minority. Some were .willing to abolish military tactics in the colleges at that time altogether, and to brave the conseqnences, whatever they might be. Others wished to reduce it to-a very small minimum; 1 was among those who proposed to carry out in good faith what they conceived to be the obliga- tions of the act. From the beginning of my administration of affairs in the col- lege of agriculture and mechanic arts in Kentucky, in 18G9, to the present, I have endeavored to carry out the act of 18<;2 in its fullness and totality. We have had no difliculty with the War Department, and have encountered no difficulty in carrying out Order No. ti5. Until about three years ago wo required all male students to drill throughout all classes and allowed no excep- tions or evasions. Now the senior class is exempted from military service. As a matter of interpretation of the law, I think this matter ought to be regulated by the State to which the grant is given, but no specific action has ever been taken with reference to this burning and vexed question that has tor- mented us for years. If any legislature would take the initiative in defining what it conceived to be the duties of the colleges organized and controlled by it under the organic law of Congress, or say what they wanted done, it would bring a direct issue between the legislature and the War Department of the United States, but I do not consider it wise to do this. In my opinion the pi-esent crisis is very largely our own fault. All of us who have attended these meetings for the last fifteen or twenty years know that there have been a number of colleges represented in this organization that have always stood for military tactics and military drill. There have been a number that have constantly been endeavoring to avoid and minimize it. and some would have been glad to eliminate it altogether. For a number of years an inspector did not come around at all, but within the last ten or fifteen years the inspector sent by the War Department has cojne around annually. He visits the commandant, and the president and some of the cadet officers, and he makes up his report from what he hears. It is on account of the unfavorable character of some of these reports that Order No. (55 has been issued by the War Department. Mr. Thompson. How many hours a week do you give to this matter? Mr. Patterson. Five hours a week. Mr. Thompson. We are giving four hours a week to drill plus one hour of instruction, and we have been censured. Our commandant says we can not carry out Order No. 65 with ten hours a week. Mr. Patterson. When Order No. (»," came I had a conference with the com- mandant, and I said, " It matters not whether it subjects us to any inconven- ience in other directions or not, you must carry cut loyally the spirit cf this order and its intent, and if five hours is not sufficient, you will have to take a sufficient amount of additional time from other duties connected with the col- lege." The military instruction is a popular feature in our institution. We were fortunate enough to have upon our fir^ t board cf trustees a ma.ior- general of volunteers, who drew up the regulations for West Point fifty years ago, and he impre.ssed the military spirit and the spirit of the military organi- z.ntion upon the State college of Kentucky, and it has never sought to escape from it. From another point of view I conceive that military instruction is one of the best features of these land-grant colleges. As stated by President P>ryan, we raise our armies not by conscription, but from the volunteers. Now, in the event of a great national crisis, and in view of our great national expansion, we must provide and educate citizen soldiery that is capable of meeting emer- gencies when they arise. Military training will always be popular in this country, because we are potentially a military nation, and will have to provide the military education by which a citizen soldiery will always be at the com- 101 luaiul (if the T'nited States of America. One of the features of this training is the habit of obedience, which it inculcates. 1 submit to every one of you gentlemen here that obedience to law and wholesome submission to salutary restraint is one of the great desiderata in the education of the young men of America. We are inclined to be somewhat lawless — we have the reputation of being lawless. In looking over the penal statistics cf Great Britain, of the I'niter widening and deepening in every way the channels through which the various organized agencies of educational processes have laid hold of American life. Soon after the passage of the land-scrip bill, colleges were organized in every State, beneficiary of the provisions thus made for them. In some States they were established in connection with colleges already in existence, and new fife was put into these old institutions by the enlarged oi)portunities made possible by widening their curricula and enriching their courses of study. In other States a new kind of college was founded in order to teach agricul- ture and the mechanic arts. In still other States the funds arising from the iiational grant were either api)lied to the founding of a State university or 102 were used as pnrt of the funds of a State university ; in either case they were set aside directly for instruction in sucli branches of learning as are related to agriculture and the mechanic arts. This movement, which was at work in the organization of the new land-grant college, was also taking hold of the older colleges, and the courses of study offered to the youth who matricu- lated in one of these institutions in the last quarter of the nineteenth century greatly astonished the father's mind who was a student in the middle of the century, by reason of the fullness and richness from which his son could elect such studies as afforded the best preparation for his after life. The sciences and their application to the various professions of life had found a place in the curricula, and it was soon found imi)ossible for anyone to get more than a smattering of elementary principles if he should attempt to take them all. There was great diversity of conception of the functions of a college, and especially did the land-grant colleges differ in their organization and prac- tice. However, they honestly set about their work and had demonstrated their usefulness in such an emphatic way as to deserve further aid in the new Morrill bill of 1890. Many of them established courses shorter than the four years' course which had been handed down to them from the older colleges, and they sought degrees that were of lower significance than the old degrees. Often they required less preparation of those entering into the more practical lines of work than was asked of candidates for the severer courses, which were still kept to give proper dignity to the institution. Their aim was to turn out men who could actually do something ;■ who could apply their knowledge to some useful purpose, even at the sacrifice of that mental culture which comes from the mastering of the principles of a science. There was a complete shaking up of the older courses of study and a recast- ing of the forms of education offered to the youth seeking training in the col- lege. The time-honored classical course was rendered more useful by giving enlarged attention to the English language, by the introduction of rational methods of study to history and science, and by the addition of one or more modern languages. A scientific course, with or without Latin, was organized parallel with the older classical course; but at first the requirements for entrance upon the newer course were often less than were demanded from a candidate seeking admis- sion to the older training. P.y reason of the poorer preparation for their duties, students in the latter course performed their work in an inferior man- ner, and, of course, received an inferior training. Even after entering college upon a lower plane than the classical students, often the course was comi)leted in three years, thus making the degree given to be regarded as much inferior to the old-time bachelor of arts. The degree of bachelor of science, or sometimes the degree of bachelor of philosoi)hy. was introduced for such students as had completed the so-called "scientific" courses of study. This degree had very unfortunate treatment in its early history, but it soon recovered its standing when the colleges asked of the candidates for graduation preparation as severe and as extended as was demanded of the older course of study, and now it is held in the highest esteem. Candidates for degrees in the various scientific courses have as difficult work as the classical students, and while they do not pursue the same studies they receive the same degree of mental training from the severe exactness of their work and the broad liberality of their course. Even if something is sacrificed in not requiring so much specific attainment as is required of the classical students for admission, it can be more than made up by asking of the appli- cant greater maturity of mind and fixity of purpose. If college courses are to be .judged by the careers of the men who have taken them, we feel justly proud of the training that we have given in the courses of science, agriculture, and engineering. These men have measured up with the classical men in every duty and have stood shoulder to shoulder with their fellows in this preparation for life. They have not fallen behind the men who have studied the classics in culture, for that indefinable something that comes after years of association with great minds comes not less surely to the student of science than to the devotee of the classical literature of the world. The new education, however, did not stop with the addition of one degi-ee to denote the accomplishment of undergraduate training. It makes the head swim to contemplate the number and significance of the degrees given bv American colleges. In the Standard Dictionary an attempt to give the degrees offered by the " leading universities and other educational institutions " occu- 103 jiies nearly tbree wbole coluuins — almost nn eutiro page of that nianimotb puh- lication — and even then the list is far from heinji exhausted. Every pussihie phase of educatidii or direction in which it may he applied has its own degree; every occupation, calling, or business claims the di.stiuctiou of a degree. Whether a single science is studied, or a group of sciences so cor- related as to fit for some specific end. the completion of the study is followed by the granting of a degree indicating that the student has accomplished such course of study. It makes one dizzy to follow the great diversity of possible degrees to which such a plan leads. The medical course in this country leads to an abominable system of degrees; but custom has so fi.xed the title of doctor as synonymous with the jtrofession of the physician that it is hopeless to make an effort to change it. However, the physicians do not make any distinctiou of specialists, only having distinctive titles for dentists, veterinarians, and com])ounders of medicines. The etymology of the term " bachelor" is not baccalaureus, fancifully derived from " bay berry," " the laurel-crowned one," but baccalaureus, originally vacea laurius — vacea, afterwards written bacca, aud laurius, changed to laureus to conform to a fancy forced upon it — " cow driver," " an apprentice," or a soldier who has not yet risen to the dignity of carrying the standard. The word is thus peculiarly fitting for the first collegiate degree. A movement has lately set in that promises to reduce the number of degrees, and it is hoped that the land-grant colleges will unite in helping it along. All those colleges now require of the candidates who annually present themselves for admission to the college about the same grade of preparation. Men who are admitted to any work of lower order than the freshman grade are not looking forward to taking a degree, and those pursuing any course less extended than the four years' courses are sufficiently rewarded by the knowledge and training they have received. The degree of bachelor of arts has been from the first the distinctive degree of the man who has studied Latin and Greek ; but it has lately been given to the man who has studied Latin only. This degree, in my judgment, out of respect for this old custom, should be given to those two classes of graduates only. The degree of B. S. should be gi veu to the graduate of any other course, and the studies in which he has specialized or the direction in which his profession lies can be added in his diploma. The B. S. degree should be put on the same level as tlie B. A. degree in prei)aration asked of the candidate and in the length and severity of the course leading to it. Some of the engineers are making a special plea for a degree to be known as bachelor of engineering. They claim that this degree should be given after the completion of a course of studies so related to each other as to prepare the student for undertaking the complex duties of the engineer. They recognize that there are too many subidvisions of the modern engineering profession to give each its appropriate degree. At first civil eugineering, as distinguished from military engineering, had alone to be provided for. Soon mechanical and mining engineering, to be fol- lowed by electrical engineering, entered into the field, and now we have chemical engineering, .sanitary engineering, textile engineering, landscape en- gineering, promoting engineering, aud so on ad nauseam. Agriculture as aa industry has the same claims as the profession of engineering, and it calls for a knowledge of science and training in its application as wide and as thorough as are demanded by any of the industries of life. Some colleges give the bachelor of agriculture, others the bachelor of the science of agriculture. The horticulturists, the pomologists, the agrostologists, and various other specialists may insist upon giving the degree of bachelor of the particular branch of agri- culture in which the student has received his undergraduate training. The only way to stop the multiplication of degrees is to come to some rational plan, and I am glad to see that most land-grant colleges have aready I)ut in practice the granting of only two degrees, the bachelor of arts and the bachelor of science. To conclude, I think the land-grant colleges should limit their degrees upon the completion of an undergraduate course of study to the degrees of bachelor of arts and bachelor of science. The former degree should be given to the graduate of a course of study in which Greek and Latin, or Latin alone, of col- legiate grade, formed a part of the regular work of the course. The degree of tiachelor of science should be given to students upon the completion of any of the other courses, and it should be added in the diploma in what lines they directed their studies. 104 Tue degree is simply an abbreviation of the diploma, and tbe title merely in- dicates that the student has received the training of the undergraduate course of a college. The name of the college may with great propriety be included in parentheses after the degree. For the second degree resident graduate study or successful practical work should be required, and then the degree should be in keeping with the work that has been done. A. B. Storms, of Iowa. The tendency of the older eastern institutions is to .siniplify the matter of degrees, as the paper states, and there is evident necessity for this. Originally the bachelor of arts degree imi)lied that the student had pursued a certain well-defined course of study, the courses of study leading to the degree being limited. It was assumed when this degree was given to a man that he had studied Greek and Latin, or at least Latin. With the growth of scientific studies, however, there has been a great enlargement of the curricula of the schools, with a multiplication of bachelor degrees of various kinds. I do not think the bachelor of science degrees are sufficiently definite as significations of the courses pursued. I would like to add the designation of the line of study, as, for example, bachelor of science in agricul- ture, r.achelor ^ive the seneral degree cf bachelor of science to every man wlio c::iu)iletes any one of the courses of studies. But we do folh>\v the susrsestioi! cf l'r,;fess;)r Storms. If it is desired by the graduate, we will iudii ate under the iiuhie of the degree " in agriculture," or " in engineering," or " in electrical engineering," hut that is all we do desig- nate. We give the degree of bachelor oi sciences only, and indicate, as I say, whether agriculture, or civil engineering, or electrical engineering. I do not con- tenil that is the best way. l)ut of course it would bn scarcely proper for me to undertake to discuss a paper and insist on something that we do not do furselve.s. I rather think that is the safest thing to do at present. First of ;ill, I think we certainly ought to insist that the degree should not be given to .-.ny man until he has had that amount of training and culture which will at iiny rate ecjual that he would get in the college of liberal arts. You can .scarcely get tlie bachelor of arts man as yet to yield et]ual dignity to the degree of bachelor of agriculture. The degree cf bachelor of science has come to be about as well e.stablished as the old bachelor of arts, and therefore I Ihink the safe plan is to give the degree of bachelor of science with or without the inscription after the degree which would indicate the particular course. Mr. B.\ii.EY. The practice in the college of agriculture of Cornell University is not one that connnends itself to me. I think the distinciion raised by Presi- dent Storms between general academic degrees and professional degrees is a ■very important one to keep in mind. We have professional degrees of civil engineer, and mechanical engineer, and doctor of veterinary medicine in our Institution, as in others, and they stand for training in certain professional lines of work. In the university they give to the graduates of the college of agri- culture the degree of B. S. A., hoping thereby to designate our belief that the college cf agriculture is a professional college and is a college which leads to liberal culture, giving one of the two coordinate degrees that stand for lil>eral education, B. S. and B. A., Pi. .\. standing for the culmination of the work up through the languages and B. S. for work up through the sciences. We differ- entiate from the old B. S. by adding an A. B. to it, and the whole title is bachelor of the science of agriculture, which I do not like. I should nmch prefer to liave the degree bachelor of science in agriculture. There is a science of agriculture as distinct from other sciences. I think the important point for us to discuss and bear in mind is this: Is an agricultural course a professional course in the :same sense as a legal or civil engineering course, or is it a course, as you say. of the liberal art course, which leads to a bachelor of science degree (or to the bachelor of arts degree), as distinguished from professional degrees? My own feeling is that in our own case, at any rate, the agricultural course should be considered to be a general culture course rather than a strictly professional course; that we should give it the title and designation of bachelor of science. I am very willing to add the designation cf the course of study, as, for example, of bachelor of science in agriculture, and for all the different lines in which the degree is earned. It has been suggested that an agricultural student on gradua- tion should get the degree of agricultural engineer, which perhaps would be abbreviated A E In other words, there is a tendency, I think, in some quarters to regard agricultural work as strictly professional work. I should think that nnwise. I should prefer to give a general B. S. degree with the subordinate designation. Mr. Th.\ch. V»'e have been established for some time as a scientific school. We have four or five courses in engineering, a course in agriculture and chem- istry combined, one in chemistry, and one in mining engineering; in all, about eight specific courses. We confer only one degree absolutely, and that is bachelor of science. We regard that as specific and thoroughly well differeu- 106 tiated. I should like to see the land-grant colleges give one degree and require- four years' good work, with as much language as possible for a well-established degree of bachelor of science. We designate in the diploma bachelor of science in ctrtain courses, but we ]irint and advertise the man as a bachelor of science. I do not see any use of being ashamed of that; it differentiates the modem theory from the old theory. I would like to see it done universally as far as possible. We also give the professional degrees of civil engineer, mechanical engineer, or electrical engineer, and so on for postgraduate work. I remember the time when B. S. was regarded as a little inferior, and men were clamoring for the A. C degree for scientific work. But that confuses matters and does not indicate just the line of \\firk pursued, ^^'e give one general B. S. degree, and later a master of science degree of the professional degrees as stated. Election of Officers. The hour for election of officers having arrived, President Nichols, of Kansas,, nominated President R. W. Stimson, of Connecticut, for chairman of the section, and President Fellows, of Maine, nominated President K. L. Butterfield. of Rhode Island, for secretary. There being no other nominations, the secretary- was by vote directed to cast the vote of the section for these gentlemen for the offices named. For members of the executive committee there were nominated Messrs. H. C. White, of Georgia; W. O. Thomi)son, of Ohio (who withdrew his name) ; E. R. Nichols, of Kansas; J. L. Snyder, of Michigan; L. II. Bailey, of New York, and J. C. Hardy, of Mississippi. On a ballot being taken Messrs. White, Snyder, and Bailey received the highest number of votes and were declared elected. Action on Resolutions. The resolutions on cooperation between the stations and the United States Department of Agriculture (see p. 62) were read and approved by the section, as required by the constitution in case of all questions of administrative policy. The resolution of Director Armsby regarding appropriations for stations and in support of the mining school bill (see p. 43), and that offered by Dean Daven- port, relating to the extension of the franking privilege to engineering experi- ment stations (see p. G4), were also approved. A similar resolution regarding the franking privilege for extension work pub- lications (see p. G4), offered by K. L. Butterfield, of Rhode Island, was adopted. The section then adjourned to meet after the evening session of the general convention. Evening Session, Wednesday, November ;2, 1904. The meeting was called to order at 9.45 p. m. by the chairman, W. E. Stone. What Can and Should ke Done to Increase the Interest in and Apprecia- tion FOR THE Agricultural Side of Technical Education? J. L. Snyder, of Michigan, presented the following paper on this subject: The oldest agricultural college in this country will celebrate its fiftieth anni- versary three years hence. At the opening of this college, and for many years thereafter, there was very little systematized knowledge which could be taught to students in theoretical or practical agriculture beyond the ordinary operations of the farm familiar to every country boy. The knowledge of science as re- lated to agriculture was very meager and was not systematized nor in such form as to be readily used in class instruction. Farming was a very simple operation in those days. Professor Hamilton tells of an inventory of the farm machinery and implements in use on one of 107 tliP best 2nO-acTe fnrms of Pennsylvania fifty yenrs apro, the fnll value of wliich was $78.50. Tlie eciuipnient on sneli a farm to-day wouM lie worth from .$1,00(1 to $;!.(« »0. In those early days students wei-e ,i;i\-en almost the same work as offered by the scientific department of other colleges. The instruction in agriculture was given in the field, largely by jierforming the ordinai-y tasks of clearing, ditch- ing, fencing, and tilling the soil. From this chaotic condition agricultural knowledge, by the arduous efforts of a few able men, began to exitand and develop, certain sul).iects became promi- nent, and information relating to these subjects was systematized and gradually worked into such foi-m as to be readily adapted to class instruction. This fund" of information, both practical and theoretical, has been added to and enriched year by year. Under scientific, jiainstaking instructors it has been worked into l»edagogical form, and courses of study with science as a basis have been de- veloped, until at present the; agricultural side of technical education can pre- sent a respectable api)earance in the educational world. More has been accomplished during the last decade than was accomplished (luring the four preceding, t'ntil very recently technical courses in agriculture could not rightfully claiui equal standing with technical courses in medicine, law, or engineering. At present, however, many institutions have placed cer- tain courses in agriculture on a par with technical courses in the subjects just mentioned. It is not claimed that all covirses in technical agriculture should be of this grade, but if they are offered as four-year courses leading to a degree they must give the equivalent amount of vrork for that degree or lose the confidence and support of educated people in other callings and professions. The agricultural side of technical education to become i»opular and meet with success must have the support of the most intelligent and best people of all classes. It is of the first importance that public school teachers, professional men, and the leaders in all lines of learning and industry shall have a favor- able opinion of the work offered in these courses. They can know but little in detail of the work offered, but they can and do know, in a general way, whether the Institution or department is turning out men who are prepared to rank with other college men in general training and development, and who are able to fill well the positions intrusted to their care. To gain and maintain the confidence of the public technical courses in agri- culture should be clearly outlined. No work should be placed in a course which the institution is not prepared and ready to give. It is pernicious and dishonest to outline subjects and courses in a catalogue or yearbook which the professor in charge knows will not be called for or the department is not pre- pared to give, however great and pressing the demand. The public can not be long misled by printed outlines. The object of each course should be clearly stated. There is a useful and legitimate field for short courses and special courses from one w'eek to four years in length, but let the oI»ject be so definitely stated and the work so clearly outlined that no one will be misled thereby. If the course is to lead to a bachelor's degree, let the requirements for entrance and the time and work required be such as to compare favorably with other technical courses lead- ing to the same degree. One of the quickest and surest ways of discrediting a good thing is to make it cheap — cheap in the sense that it can be secured for a less amount of time or labor than is required elsewhere for the same article. The demand for a cheap article in education comes from those who usually are of little credit to an institution after their course is completed. The good students are not looking for soft snaps. They do not desire to enter the course which requires least for entrance and the minimum amount of work for a degree. Many good men have been lost to agriculture because they were too proud to enter upon a course of study tabooed and laughed at by students in other departments, largely on account of the inferiority of the work, both in quantity and quality, as compared with that offered in other departments. Happily these days in most institutions are past. Courses must be technical. Their object is to impart specific information for definite ends. General culture is a laudable acquirement, but it must play a secondary part in technical courses. In the early stages of agricultural education courses of study embraced many subjects which, while good in them- selves, bear no close relation to either the science or art of agriculture. They must give way to subjects which are more specific and technical in character. 108 In other words, technical courses in agriculture must become in character similar to the courses now given in medicine, law, and engineering. Rut e\er.v technical subject should prove its worth before being given a dt-ttnito place in the course. A small section only of the great sphere of knowledge can become a part of the curriculum. The man in charge of a subject is not always the best judge as to the prominence such subject should be given in a course of study. His nearness to the subject usually distorts his vision. Better let good course.-; in advanced English, history, and political economy remain in the curriculum for the present rather than displace them for technical courses which are half-baked, poorly arranged, and do not form a definite and impor- tant place in the sequence of studies. Technical courses in agriculture, in order to have and hold the respect and confidence of educators and educated peoi)le, must be in charge of scholarly, well-trained men. These men nuist comi)are favorably with teachers in charge of other deitartments of college work. Narrow, conceited enthusiasts may, for a short time, with hobbies which in themselves are good, gain the attention of the public, but in the end they do the cause of agricultural education harm. Students, even more than the public, are apt to measure the value of a study by the scholarship, dignity, and magnetism of the man who imparts said infor- mation. There is a proper place for overalls and rubber boots. It does not lessen a man's standing or dignity to wear them when necessary, but there is no virtue in them per se. The class room for students in practical agriculture should be a model of neatness, cleanliness, and order. It should ever be kept in mind that the first oljject of education, and even of technical education, is to make men. Thei:e is a great danger that too uuich emi)hasis may be placed on the commercial value of such training. A distinguished educator, in looking over the eciuipment of an agricultural school a few years ago, remarked that everything that was shown him and every word said by those in charge empha- sized the opinion that the sole object of the institution was " to teach young men how to grow more corn to feed n:ore hogs, to buy more land to raise more corn, etc." F^ven short-course students should receive some intellectual awakening. They should be introduced to books and, if possible, led to see that " we live in deeds, not years; in thoughts, not breaths;" and that "he most lives who thinks most, feels the noblest, acts the best." They should be taught that, after all, the greatest enjoyments are intellectual. Xo man compelled to labor for a living, as we all are, has greater oi)portunity to feed his intellect from the great storehouses of science, history, and literature than the " man with the hoe." He should be given an inspiration to look up. Hence the great neces- sity that teachers cf agriculture should be men of broad culture and inspiring personality. They should know much more tiian the subjects which they are required to teach. They should be college-bred men in the fullest and broadest sense of the term. It is to be very much regretted that so many able teachers of agriculture iseem to feel that they must make their reputation outside of the class room. They write for the pai)ers or carry on experimental work, while the students, who have been attracted to the college largely because their names were printed as teachers of agriculture, labor on under the instruction of young, inexpe- rienced sul)ordi nates. There are other bright young men in agriculture who are endeavoring to find a crosscut road to success. Class-room work is too slow for them. They seem to imagine that they can, through the agricultural press, boost themselves into notoriety and fame. Very short-sighted policy. The men whose good opinion and confidence they must secure before promotion comes are entirely too wise to be misled by any such process. Young men must le;;rn not only " to labor," but " to wait." Again, if agricultural education is to attract and hold the attention and con- fidence of educated people, it must be accorded equal advantages in equipment and buildings with the other dejiartments cf the colleges or universities. A good building in a prominent place on a canqius has a great influence in establishing in the minds <;f students and the public a high regard fjr the department so housed. In most States it has been very difficult to provide buildings and equip- ment necessary to meet the demands made by tho.se desiring higiier education along the older and established lines of work. As there were few students in technical agriculture, buildings were erected to meet the needs of the greatest number. Agriculture usually came in last and got little. This had a tendency to belittle it in the eyes of the people and 109 worked great injury to the cause of agricultural education. It is not the- function of a univt^rsity or college maintained by taxation to sin)[)ly meet the present demands, but it should rather stimulate and create demands for such- types of education as shall contribute the greatest good to the Connnonwealth. * As the industry of agriculture is fundamental, and as our Goveriniient. in recognition of tliis fact, makes annually large appropriations for agricultural education, it is the plain and imperative duty of all land-grant colleges to build up strong, independent departments of agriculture and to encourage y; ung men in every w;;y possible, even to the remittance of fees, to make a thorough, scien- tific study of this subject. Short courses should be provided for thiise unable to take the longer courses. Through the experiment-station bulletins and farmers' institutes, knowledge rf practical, everyday problems sh;)uld be brought home to the farmer who is unable to avail himself of the advantages- offered in tlie class room. If the agricultural department of a university or the State agricultural col- lege, in eiiuipment. buildings, teaching force, and courses of study, is such as; to coumiand the respect of all thinking people, how can the interest in anrl appreciatinu for the work of this institution or department be increased? It was the intention of the writer at one time to prepare an answer to this- question from information furnished by the various institutions engaged in this work. But after jn-eparing a blank asking for specific infornnition on twelve or fifteen points, it came to his attention that there were at that time several such blanks on his desk unanswered. His heart failed him and he decided, even. at the risk of unfavorable comment, to give brielly the methods used by his own institution in bringing before the public, and the farmers in particular, the- advantages that institution has to offer to the young people of ^Michigan. It may be projier to state at this time that this college has always maintained very friendly relations with the public schools, and especially the high schools, of the State. Members of the faculty belong to the State teachers' association and have an extensive acquaintance among public school men. This has, in many ways, contributed to the growth and stability of the college. For advertising purposes .$2,000 is set apart each year. This is expended through the president's office and almost entirely within the confines of the State. Methods differ soniewhr.t from year to year. As an indication of the plan ordinarily pursued, a brief outline of the work done last year will be given : About the 1st of January the college calendar was issued. This gave views of buildings, landscapes, laboratories, interior views of laboratories, etc. An edition of 6,000, costing about $325, was distributed to all the high schools of the State, alumni, newspapers. State officers, country ministers, and the leading, agriculturists of the State. The college has issued a calendar each year for the past seven years and the results from this source of advertising have been \ery satisfactory. The college issues quarterly bulletins in editions of from 5.000 to 10,000. The first edition is issued in February. This gives the programme of the round-up farmers' institute, together with information concerning the college, and e.spe- cially the agricultural deiiartment. This is mailed to all the ofiicers of the county institute societies and to those who have in any way been interestod in the work of the institutes, also to other prominent farniers throughout the State^ 'tile proceedings of the round-uj) institute are printed and issued as a sui>ple- ment to the February bulletin. Ten thousand copies are in this way distrib- uted among the farmers of the State. The May bulletin is designed to give information to young i)eople who may be induced to enter our long courses. These are sent to the members of the senior class of each high school of the St;;te and to several thousand other young peo[)le whose names we have collected from farmers' clubs, granges, country ministers,, ahnnni, old students, and various other sources. To this list of names are sent also several special editions of our college paper. Including the commencement number. The August bulletin is also sent to this list of names, as well as to all likely to be interested in the excursions to the college. It gives information concern- ing these excursions, which take place during the third week of Augu.st. Four railroads enter Lansing. One railroad is given two days for excursions, the other three one day each. We arrange several months beforehand with each railroad, having an understanding as to the territory to be covered and the rates to be charged. The railr ad furnishes the college printed matter adver- tising the excursions. We mail this to all the granges, farmers' clubs, post- 110 offices, newspapers, former students, and prospective students, and others inter- ested within the territory to l)e covered by the excursion. As one railroad has a brancli leading to the college, these excursion trains are run into the campus. 'We send student guides in uniforjii out 20 or '.'>*) miles to meet the trains and distribute little maps of the college grounds with specific information as to what can be seen in each building, l^.uildings are placarded and numbered. There are also on the campus a nunii)er of students in uniform ready to show people about. A number of wagons carry visitors through the experimental i)lats and orchards. Every department of the college is open with one or more persons in charge. Sideshows, agents, and fakirs are not permitted on the campus. Meals are furnished on the grounds at reasonable cost, but the visitors bring baskets of food with them and eat from the tables provided under the beautiful shade trees. These excursions ai'e patronized almost exclusively by farmers and their families. Many of them return each year with the annual excursion and always seem to be nuich interested. Al)out S,0()0 i>eople annually visit the college on these occasions. Tlie excursions are of no expense to the college except the small sum paid out for guide.^ and a little printed matter and postage. Many students who expect to enter take advantage of these excursions to visit the col- lege and make arrangements for rooms and board. Soon after the fall term opens arrangements are made to advertise the short courses given during the winter. Names are gathered from the farmers' organi- zations, institute workers, census enumerators, crop reporters, creameries, cheese factories, and old students. The November bulletin gives an outline of the short courses and all information desired by those wishing to enter. Ten thou- sand copies are distributed for this purpose. Special editions of the college paper are also mailed to prosjiective short-course students. These special courses are also advertised in the agricultural papers of the State for one or two months during the fall. The long courses, during the summer months, are advertised in the religious papers of the State. Occasionally special measures are taken to advertise the institution. Recently -00 Junior Annuals were sent to as many of the best high school libraries throughout the State. Last year our department of entomology sent to each of our leading high schools a box of specimen insects valued at !^10. The endeavor is to do systematic, careful, conservative advertising. No particular subject or department is boomed at the expense of others ; no member of the faculty is given an opportunity to boost himself and his department unduly. All endeavor to worlv- together for the upbuilding of the institution. We work in har- mony with the other institutions of the State. We are within the shadow of one of the great universities of the country, having at present in its campus over 4,000 students. This greatly increases the ditticulty of securing students, yet we have all and even more than we can take care of properly with our present equipment. We hold strictly to the technical idea. Every male student is required to take either agriculture or engineering. We do not offer literary, classical, or general science courses. We advise students desiring such work to attend some other institution. We try to show in our work and in our advertising that we have faith in agri- culture and in agricultural education. We plead for a higher ideal and a higher life for the tillers of the soil. We believe that this uplift will only come through education. There is one line of work not touched upon in this paper which would undoubtedly do much to arouse intei'est in agricultural education — namely, that of the teaching of nature study or elementary agriculture in our public schools. The experiences so far in this direction are not very encouraging. It will take a long time to make elementary agriculture or nature study a component part of public school work. It calls for a class of instruction which is far beyond the ordinary teacher of a public school. The time may come, however, when teachers for this work will, be thoroughly trained and will be able to arouse interest in students such as will prompt them to attend the higher institutions of technical training. What can and should lie done to further agricultural education? (1) Make our agricultural schools and colleges such as to draw the young l)eople from the farm. (2) Encourage and assist in the introduction of elementary agriculture into our district schools. (3) Encourage the establishing of country high schools in which the teaching of agriculture will be a prominent factor. Ill (4) Impress upon the public, and particularly the rural population, through the press, from the jilattOrm, and in every other effective way, not only the great advantages of technical training in agriculture, but also the freedom and pleasures of country life. We should remember that it has taken many, many joars to develop the strong sentiment which prevails everywhere in favor of higher education. The pulpit, the press, and every intelligent force has been emphasizing the advan- tages of higher education for centuries. It may take many years to develop among the farmers of this coiuitry a strong sentiment in favor of agricultural education. AVe should feel encouraged with the results s.) far. What other great educational movement has made such rapid strides? The outlook is hopeful. Let us not grow weary in welldoing. E. Daveivpobt. of Illinois. It is pretty well understood, and has been for a good many years, that the technical portions of the courses in our agricultural colleges are not quite so interesting to students as some other subjects taught. This has been due in many cases to the lack of men to properly develop the subject of agriculture, although the idea that the difficulty of giving good instruction in agriculture is due to the nature of the subject has not entirely pas.sed :i\vay. The organization lists of the land-grant colleges show a tre inendous difference in the number of instructors in agriculture, the figures varying from two-thirds of a man to over 20 men in different institiUions. So far as I know the interest in agriculture in these institutions on the part of the student is about in proportion to the number of men who are teaching the subject. Excluding household science, which is hardly in the field we are di-scussing, the college cf agriculture of the University of Illinois offers 73 courses in agriculture. Of these, GT different courses are actually taught this year. The proportion of technical to nontechnical work has some- thing to do with the interests of the student. I think we ought to con- sider whether a student should spend one-half or one-fourth of his time in agri- culture. In our institution we expect him to spend one-half his time in this subject, but our object is to teach subjects, not to conduct students through set courses, the student making up his course of study out of courses of Instruction offered by the institution. The students demand these specialized courses, and are demanding that they shall be still more specialized. We used to have a subject we called stock judging, in which the student was to judge horses a while, then cattle, then sheep, and then hogs, and we thought that was a proper unit. We learned that some students were especially interested in one kind of animal and not in the other kinds, and so we divided the subject. We put the light horsesi in a class different from the heavy horses, the beef cattle tiiffereiit from the dairy cattle, and we separated the sheep and hogs. Wo have men following each subject. To a man who is to be a producer of !)eef or a breeder of beef cattle information about dairy cattle is the veriest rubbish. Technical instruction to be of any consequence or interest to the student must he directly applicable to the business in hand. The student ought not to be required to waste his time with the kind of technical instruction which is of no use to him. It is our i)urpose, therefore, to so shape the courses that each, student shall get the particular kind of technical instruction he wants or needs for a definite line of work. The problem before all of us is to so man the agri- cultural departments that we can not only teach the stock knowledge we have in hand .-it the present time, but can develop new sources of information. The unit is the subject to be taught, and not the numbers to be taught. If the agri- cultiire is simple it takes fewer men. but if it is mixed it will take many men. It will take men enough to develop the subject, irrespective of the students. We now have more teachers of agriculture than we had students five years ago. And the contention was then we did not need any instructors until we had more students. I said, we will never have more students until we have more instruc- 23880— No. 153—^5 m 8 112 tors. The moment we doubled our instructors we doubled our students, and so it will be everywhere. These students Icnow what they want lietter than we do. For years we temporized with the matter lieeause we thought if we had few students we only needed a few instructors. It is as much trouble to teach one as a hundred. When I was a student of agriculture there was very little litera- ture and no bulletins. If you had had 20 professors of agriculture twenty years ago there would have been, apparently, a great waste cf money, and yet we would have got along nmch faster if we had I)een able to increase our numbers earlier. I read a report on household science the other day. written by a body of intelligent women, who undertook to say that household science some day would be a great subject in universities, but that no subject could be attempted by a great university until it could go in with all the dignity of any other sub- ject and be as well taught as any other subject, and I said it would never get into the university then. Agriculture \^'Ould never have gotten into any uni- versity or college if it had not begun until it was perfected. I am of the opinion that it is in the universities of to-day that agriculture has the best opportunity, because the theory of the university is that every department in it may offer all the courses that the genius of its men will permit, that the depart- ment may do just as much in the way of expansion and in the way of courses as the money at its command will make possilile. The theory of the college is, on the other hand, that there is a set course, and when the course is full there is no chance for expansion. That is likely to be true of the independent agri- cultural college. As a rule colleges have set courses, and as a rule universities do not. Until agriculture can have in the colleges of agriculture that are dis- tinct from universities the same opportunity for extension or subdivision as there is in universities generally it will be hampered in its development. I believe that every institution, whether a university or college of agriculture, should give the agricultural department every opportunity to divide and sub- divide, and supply it with plenty of men and money. In the agricultural col- leges there must be almost unlimited election in agriculture, because such tech- nical work must be elective Agriculture, in order to prosper, must have almost unlimited means, unlimited numbers of men, and unlimited privileges. W. M. IlAYS, of Minnesota. You say you divide the work about half and half. How do you arrange this? Mr. Davenport. If a man graduates from our university he takes certain pre- scribed studies. Those are arranged so that half are agriculture and the other half not agriculture. He has about one-fifth of his time to use as he pleases. He can make it a little more than half technical, or he can make it exactly half technical. We distribute the technical from the first year until the last. The student takes some agriculture from the first. Our courses are so arranged that if the student follows our advice he begins agriculture, science, and literature when he enters the university. Mr. Baii.ev. There is a point of view which I would like to suggest, which I think marks a wide difference between the practice of the agricultural college of the University of Illinois and some of the other institutions of similar grade, and that is whether some of these courses, looked upon as more directly pro- fessional, are not fitting men for rather narrowly specialized vocations in life, whereas others of us are teaching broad agricultural courses, which are intended to fit a man for the undertaking of the larger affairs of agriculture and of country living. In our own college of agriculture we do not expect to fit a man for the technical work of stock judging, or the technical work of corn breeding, so much as we do to educate the n-.nn and to fit him to be a strong and resource- ful iiian and able to take up any particular kind of work he wishes to later in life. 113 Mr. Davenport. I may say that in the University of Illinois the college of agriculture is not a technical college in the sense the engineering college is. An engineering course is an absolutely set course, and has little or no time for the language, literature, and other of the nontechnical subjects which are requiretl for graduation in the agricultural course. The demand for engineering students is so large, the public calls for so nuich technical information at once upon graduation, that they are compelled to devote practically all the time of the college course to .strictly technical training. Mr. Henry. Assuming it is right to train an engineer that way. I think the same is true of agriculture. The engineering course has been longer in develop- ing and has had more highly trained men than agriculture. The Chairman. It is not necessary to success in agriculture that a man should have the same training that is required in engineering. You all know very well that there are hundreds of farmers making a good living and making money wlio have had no technical training in school at all. and there are going to be such men for a good many years to come. That is, the conditions are such in agri- culture in this country that an uneducated farmer can actiuire land, make money, and succeed at farming. That can not be done in engineering. Neither is it profitable to give him training in engineering of the brief superficial kind which you can give men in these technical courses of agriculture. You can not accomplish successful engineering training without a good many years of mathe- matics. Mathematics is not required to get a degree in agriculture. So that I should say that a professional course of study in engineering involves a good deal of well-defined and clear-cut training, but that the course in agriculture is not yet on the basis of the professional course, although it is technical. I make That distinction. The trend of the discussion seems to be that it is not neces- sary to put the same amount of training into the engineer that it was into the agriculturist, in order that he may meet the demands of the day. but I do not agree with that, because the farmer can meet the demands of the day and not have a bit of training, and there are hundreds and thousands of farmers doing that every day ; but there are not many successful engineers who have not had a pretty thorough training. Deans Henry and Davenport dissented from the position that untrained farmers are succeeding in any proper sense or complying with the condition of good agricultural practice, that they shall occupy the land and leave it as good as they found it. Mr. Henry. The San Joaquin and Sacramento valleys have been practically ruined in the last thirty or forty years. The State of New York has areas in it that have been robbed of their fertility by improvident culture. In Europe I have traveled over lands that were probably cultivated in the time of Julius Caesar, and I saw wheat there yielding as high as GO bushels to the acre. In America we have skimmed over the land and taken the best of its fertility. People buy land and when they ruin it, or get it up to a certain price, they go to another place. This is due both to lack of technical training, and to the business idea of getting the money out of the land and leaving it. It will be found, I think, that the unschooled men who are making a success of farming are nevertheless self-educated men, and in a way are as well edu- cated as the engineer is. Mr. Davenport. The engineer has got to meet the demand of the trade. The farmer also has to meet the demand of the trade, and in addition he has to mei!t a certain demand of the State. This generation of farmers must not be per- mitted to occupy to the disadvantage of the oncoming generation. There is a broader demand on the farmer than rests upon the engineer. 114 C. F. CuRTiss, of Iowa. I believe that in our agricultural work we are tending strongly toward training the farmer the same as we do the engineer. We are loading our courses of study up with more and more technical work every year. We are going to be very soon on practically the same basis. It is true we have not had that heretofore ; we wore not in position to get it ; we did not have the technical men in our faculty. The conditions are getting to be such that the j-oung farmer is going to be obliged more and more largely each year to sell his services on the market, just as the young engineer does. I think less than 50 per cent of our agricultural students are In such circumstances that they can return to farms of their own proprietorship, or likely to come to them by inher- itance. There is going to be an increasing demand for the young men who have had the thorough technical and pi-actical training which i-enders them capable of taking charge of a farm, as an engineer takes charge of a plant, and making it a profitable investment for the owner. The demand is more largely for thor- ough training in agriculture. And I believe we are going to load up our courses (and some of the institutions have already encountered the difficulty) so fully with agriculture that there will not be room for mathematics, science, and the culture studies. These studies are giving way and nuist give way more largely in the future than they have in the past to technical agricultural studies. Mr. Bailey. To all requests for men to take charge of large agricultural enteriirises I always reply that we can not send recent college graduates to fill such positions. That is not the way the agricultural student is trained The engineering enteri)rises are organized enterprises. The young man goes to do a special piece of work under direction, wdiereas the agricultural student who takes charge of a 250-acre orchard, for example, not only has to direct the technical work of sprayins, etc., but he has to do with the management of Eien and other executive details, and that demands experience. The engineer who is the manager of men is the one Avho has been out of college two or three years, and therefore has had experience in the management of men. I sometimes wonder, when we are splitting up our agricultural courses into small units, whether we are not overloading them with very minute divisions of subjects and are not likely to substitute training for education, mere tech- nical, manual, and special skill for real mental powex-. So far as we have organized industries in agriculture, as we have in engineer- ing, I think the educational demands :ire parallel to a large extent, and the experience of the engineer is useful to us. So long as the larger part of the subject of agriculture is unorganized, I do not see how we can adopt the kind of training the engineer receives. I suppose, as time goes on, we shall find increasing demand for particular and technical special lines of training for the agricultiU'al man. J. L. Snyder, of :Michigan. The inference which could be drawn from the remarks made might lead one to think that the engineering courses were almost entirely technical and that our agricultural courses 'were at least half liberal or included subjects that would give discipline. We all know that our engineer- ing courses are exceedingly strong in mathematics, and \A'e also know that the disciplinary value of mathematics is very great. In addition to that, engineer- ing students must have a good knowledge of English. If they do not have it when they enter the school, they must get it afterwards. Engineering gradu- ates are well trained in English. They must also have considerable science work. On the whole, our engineeriiig courses give very good disciplinary train- ing. On the other hand, if we n)al;e our courses in agriculture thoroughly technical, we lose the disciplinary ^alue that is attached to the courses of engineering. If we divide up our courses in agriculture as finely as some have recommended, I think that to a large extent the disciplinary value will be lost, 115 and we can not afford to do that. First of all, we must have men of some power. A nsan may know all about agriculture, or certain subjects in agri- culture, and still be so lacking in power as to be worthless. We must not forget that, when we divide ixp our courses in agriculture into such small fragmentary- pieces, we lose the continuity of study and that close application a student must give, for example, in preparing his work in mathematics. We throw away the great value of our enlarged courses, and we can not afford to grant degrees on any slipshod or fra.gmentary course of instruction which fails to give the great power and development that comes from a good four years' college course. Mr. Bailey. You would distinguish, then, as I understand, between the train- ing-apprenticeship idea and the pedagogical idea as the result in teaching? Mr. Snyder. Yes, sir. Mr. CuRTiss. Do you not think that a student who thoroughly masters these technical subjects from start to finish gains power by it? Mr. Snyder. That depends very largely on how they nve taught. I do think that technical subjects can be presented in such a v\ay as to give power, l)ut I fear that if a student is allowed to enter college and select his work wherever he pleases and whatever he pleases that he will lose to a great extent that val- uable training he would get from a systematic course laid out by an older head than his own. He must have a certain a.mount of English and a certain amount of science work back of his training. It is usually better to have the scientific training first. At one time we thought that the only way to do was to give the science first and the practical part afterwards. Now that view has changed largely, and in a great deal of our work I think the two come pedagogically together. But the student must have a scientific basis for his technical work, for the latter is not all art ; there is a science behind it, and if he is going to receive thorough training he must have a foundation in science. 1 do not believe he can receive such an education as we expect four-year men to have, the men who receive a degree without thorough training in chemistry, physics, and the other natural sciences. I do not believe you can give a man an educa- tion which would entitle him to a degree simply by giving him the art without giving him the sciences. Mr. Davenport. But is there not science in the subject itself if it is well studied and well taught? Mr. Snyder. I think a great deal of this technical work could not claim to be strictly scientific. Of course it may be based on scientific principles, but if the student is not familiar with the sciences, he simply commits the definitions as based on science. Mr. CuRTiss. I wish to distinguish between splitting up a course into small fragments and concentration. I think that distinction should be clearly made. Take, for instance, the animal-husbandry training given in our own institution. We have separatetl the animal-husbandry training from the other training and established an animal-husbandry course. We have supplemented it with the scientific training that bears on the subject. We have also established a course in horticulture, reenforced with the greatest possible amount of science which bears on horticulture, and so with all of our courses. Instead of splitting up into fragments, we have concentrated and strengthened the courses to the largest possible extent. As regards training, force, and power, I do not believe the students have suffered by that kind of concentration where the subjects are properly related and the underlying sciences taught. In our institution the engineering courses are concentrated and rigid, and we are making our agri- cultural courses more and more of that type each year. The engineering courses have but very little of the general culture studies, the agricultural students 116 have less of mathematics, but they have more of the sciences, and they have the technical studies which closely border on sciences when taught pi'operly. Mr. Davenport. I believe thoroughly that there is a scientific way to teach agriculture when we can find it. It is unscientific, I believe, to say to a man who wants to study beef cattle that he must first study sheep. We must try to meet the demand scientifically. Find the unit in his mind and meet it with the unit instruction. Concentration is the ol)ject sought, but let the technical training be done in the most scientific way possible. Of course, if the student changes his plans, the special Information will be useless, and whether he changes his plans or not much of the information employed in the instruction will bo discounted in a few years, but the training he receives, the attitude of mind, the ability to think and carry out a thing to its issue, will remain with him. The pedagogic idea is the main idea in it. If the student has announced his desire to study beef cattle, I should get him among the animals as soon as possible. I should let him understand he is studying beef cattle at once, but I should advise him to study chemistry at the same time. We requii-e a year and a half chemistry before the student can study stock feeding. The moment he announces his desires we begin to frame up his course of study, and he works the whole thing together. Mr. Henrj- referred to the rapidity of the growth of specialization in teaching agriculture since the agricultural colleges were first organized, and to his be- lief from the beginning that this would be the tendeiicy. After some further discussion the section on college work' and administration adjourned. SECTION ON EXPERIMENT STATION WORK. Afternoon Session, Tuesday, November 1. 1004. The section convened at 2.15 p. m.. Chairman E. H. Jenkins presiding. On motion, the section resolved to have but two afternoon meetings, viz, on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons. Organization of a Section on Botany and Horticulture. The communication of F. L. Stevens, of North Carolina, filing an application from botanists and horticulturists, requesting that one of the sections of the association be devoted to their interests, was referred to the section for consid- eration. On this subject L. H. Pammel, of Iowa, said : I had an invitation from I'rofessors Stevens and Rane to prepare a paper for this meeting. I was urged to l>e present to present a paper because on tbe interest manifested in the \\ork would dejiend the organization of this section. I favor the creation of such a section, but I must confess the sectional meetings have not been entirely successful. I have attended fi^-e or six meetings of this association, but at none of these meetings did we have a large attendance of botanists and horticulturists. Inasmuch as this convention is largely a delegate convention, it seems to me it is rather expecting too much to have the station workers attend and pay tbeir own expenses. It seems to me, however, that the station botanists and horticulturists have the right to know something about the Asorlving policies of the institution, as these are the matters most discussed. Under present circumstances you can never expect a large attendance from the .station workers, outside of the director and president, who should by all means attend. On motion of W. II. Jordan, of Ne\A- York, the application was not granted. 117 Federation of Agricultural Organizations. On motiou of H. J. Wht^Mei. of Rhode Island, the chair was empowered to ;i])I)oint a committee of three to ^^eciire. if possible, a federation of agricultural organizations in the individual States of the Union. The chairman appointed on this committee H. J. Wheeler, of Rhode Island; C. D. Woods, of Maine, and H. J. Patterson, of Maryland. Uniformity of Terms Used in Agricultural Analysis. Attention was called to the fact that the general session of the association had referred to this section the sul).ject of nomenclature for fertilizer constituents. It was moved by C. G. Hopkins, of Illinois, and seconded by C. E. Thorne, of Ohio, that a committee of five be appointed to consider the nomenclature for reporting the analysis of fertilizers, soils, plants, and other agricultural products and materials ; that this committee should confer with a similar committee from the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, and report to this section at the next annual meeting. The chairman appointed on this committee C. G. Hopkins, of Illinois ; H. J. Wheeler, of Rhode Island: A. T. Neale, of Delaware; R. J. Davidson, of Vir- ginia, and H. Snyder, of Minnesota. Plant Breedino — The Shakespeare of the Species. W. M. Hays, of Minnesota, read a paper on this subject which was subse- quently withdrawn. B. C. BuFFUM. of Wyoming. One point brought out in the paper so ably pre- sented by Professor Ha.vs it seems to me was not given sufficient weight. In fact, he stated that a variety of apple was practically the same in any section in which it is grown. The modifying influence of environment is very great. It is perhaps more strongly marked in the coraparativelj- new arid region which I represent. In fact, my observation would lead me to suspect that the same " homozygotes " may have produced both the white man and the black man. A species supposedly tixed by careful and long-continued breeding when ti-ansferred to an environ- anent very different from that under which it was formed soon becomes unrecog- nizable. I knew a case a shoi't time ago of an apple which belongs to Professor Hay's species of the first class having no immediate modifying blood strains, as it is only a part of the parent, that was j^urchased by a western nurseryman from a firm in Missouri. The trees were sold to a farmer, and in five or six years, when they began to bear, the farmer sent samples of fruit back to the nurseryman to be named. He did not recognize the variety and sent the fruit to the Missouri firm, who, in turn, could not name the variety. It was sent to Mr. Taylor, of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, who reported that the apple must have been a Missouri Pip]>in, but its variation had made it almost im- I)ossible to recognize any characteristics of the variety. The hard wheat when taken to the arid region from Minnesota begins to vary (piite quickly, and in a few years the kernels of grain become very differ- ent. There seems to be a tendency on our arid soils, poor in nitrogen for gluten- uus wheats, to become starchy, and many of the grains take on a white, starchy appearance. In live stock the same thing pertains. A son of Corrector which has been bred for hea^T meat jjolnts in the chine and twist, if taken away from the coru- ■cribs and placed on a western range will begin to develop a form more nearly 118 corresponding to the American bi?on which formerly occupied the ranges. He becomes heavy in front and light behind. AYliat has been gained 1)y l)reeding in one place may be quickly lost under clianges of environment and State. This is one of tlie strongest arguments for the maintenance of experiment stations in the several States, where work can be done suitable and valuable to the different regions of the country. In order that the farmers can make intelligent use of the results of our breeding they umst be informed of its importance and learn to select, in order to keep up the improvement. In general, undirected variation brings about deterioration. Varieties do not stand still, whether or not they are being acted upon by the powerful forces used in artificial direction of breeding, and every farmer should be well enough grounded in the simpler principles at least to enable him to make continued use of an improvement. L. II. Pammel. of Iowa. A nunilter of years ago I had the good fortune to have taken up this question of varieties of fi'uits. I was astonished to find the effect that climate has upon the development of fruit. The Duchess grown in jNlontreal is very different from the Duchess grown in lown. The Montreal apple was far sui)orior in quality. Again, I found that apples succeeded best or had tlie highest (luality n-hen grown where they had originated. Thus, such varieties as Spitzenburg, Baldwin, Grimes Golden, and others have a limited distrilmtion where they attain the best quality. I was astonished last summer to find in IMontana that allies succeeded in regions where frequent frosts occur. In fact I was told that in the I>itter Hoot Valley on one of the streams they had set out an orchard of fruit trees above 3,000 feet altitude, where frosts occur nearly every week in the year. But take another side of the question, and that is an important one to consider in connection with the breeding of varieties. Take the variety of wheat that Professor Hays has produced in ^linnesota. This variety has produced an increased yield in Minnesota, but the same variety tried in the State of Iowa did not show this increase in yield. Again we all know that plants when grown in climates not adapted to them begin to show the effects of disease. Some years ago when I was investigating the disease of oats, and especially the variety most subject to the disease, I found that the Texas P.ust Proof oat was severely affected with rust, but it is said to have been rust proof in Texas. We know then that climate is an important factor and that eiich region must do its own work in connection with tlie production of varieties. The varieties of wheat that ha^e succeeded best in Minnesota will not do for Vk^'yoming, and so on. Professor Hays's paper was further discussed by W. H. Jordan, C. D. Smith, C. A. Keffer, C. G. Hopkins, and II. T. French. For further discussion of the subject of plant breeding, see page 119. Afternoon Session, AVednesday, November 2, 1904. Nomination of Officers. The chair was authorized to api)oint a conunittee of three to present nomina- tions for the officers of the section, including two memljers of the executive committee. The committee appointed consisted of H. P. Armsby, of Pennsyl- Tauia ; W. A. Henry, of Wisconsin, and R. J. Redding, of Georgia. (For report, &ee p. G5. ) Topics for Discussion next Ye.\k. On motion the subjects of soil investigation and of demon.stration work by the stations were selected for discussion at the next annual meeting of the section. 119 Pl.AXT BreKDING. N. E. Hansen, of South Dakota, read the following paper on Methods in Breed- ing Hardy Fruits : My purpose in this brief paper is simply to emphasize some of the points brought out in Bulletins 87 and 88 of the South Dakota station published this season. In crossing various fruits I have found it of decided advantage over the old outdoor method to do the work under glass. The trees, shrubs, and plants are raised in pots, boxes, or tubs for a year or two before blossoming time. Iii winter they are stored in a si)ecially eonstructed tree cellar, where they are kept dormant and even allowed to freeze somewhat, with enough windows to afford some light. In late winter or early si)ring they are brought into the greenhouse, and the crossing is done when the flowers are reaily. Only a small part of the blossoms are emasculated ; the remainder are removed while still in the bud. No sacks are necessary, as a rule. As soon as possible the plants are put out- doors to ripen the wood, ^\■hen there is no room in the greenhouse the tubs are taken direct from the cellar to their permanent sunmier position late enough to escape frosts. As a whole, the method demands close attention and careful manipulation. While visiting orchard houses in Europe in 1894 and again in 1807 the thought came to me that tills method could be utilized in experiments in the prairie Xorthwest. The applicability of this method elsewhere remains to be deter- mined. The use of dwarf stocks is necessary, as the Paradise for the apple, quince for the pear, and the western sand cherry for the stone fruits. Considerable success has been secured in ha.stening the fruiting of cross-bred .seedlings. For instance, strawberries originated one winter by crossing the wild with the tame have been raised up to fruiting size the same year outdoors and fruited in pots under glass the following winter. This saves much time in selecting varieties for propagation, and also hastens the work of propagation by our being able to pot many layers before transplanting to the field. In handling a quarter of a million fruit seedlings I find many interesting side lines of investigation jiresenting themselves, but just now the main effort must be to originate a few varieties of the various orchard and small fruits worthy of a permanent place on the present limited fruit list. Some of the seedling variations which present themselves make me feel confident that Dr. Hugo De A'ries in his theory of mutation hit the nail on the head. It is cer- tainly a very helitful thought that new forms worthy of specific rank can origi- nate as sports: th.-it e\olution is by steps instead of being a long and very gradual upward slope. Members of the legislature who have the dispensing of funds will certainly find more comfort in the theory of De Tries than in that of Darwin. My experience at first hand with many thousand seedlings of native and cultivated fruits an.d plants certainly compels me to believe that the' evolution of new sjiecies as the result of man's effort intelligently directed is more like the labor of an inventor of machinery in his workshop than that of an observer of an ever changing panorama. In brief, plant breeding Is the inventing of new plants, using material as fv.rnished by nature, and the time necessary for the work with modern scientific methods is very much shorter than that usunlly considered necessary. The modern plant breeder rides in his automobile on the highway of evolution. And perhaps Mendel's law and the De Vries mutation theory are two of the wheelf. T. L. Lyon, of Nebraska, discussed Improvement in the Quality of Wheat, as follows: My object in presenting this matter at this time is to call attention to the dif- ficulties that present themselves in attempting to improve the quality of wheat.. So far as I have been able to ascertain, efforts at improvement in the quality of wheat have not dealt with the individual plant, but with the progeny of other- wise desirable plants. In selecting plants for improvement the selection has been based primarily on the yield of grain, stiffness of straw, rust resistance, or other points of that kind. After several generations had been j)roduced the selection was then applied to quality. The result of this has been to limit the number of plants selected for quality, and thus to curtail the possibility of improvement in that direction. The reason that selection for improvement has not gone hand in hand with selection for yield in the individual plant is because we have not had a method 120 for selecting plants with reference to the quality of the wheat itself. :\Iy object, then, in starting this work was to find some method of sampling the plant that would give an indication of its quality. In my work a number of plants of Turkish Ited wheat were analyzed, each bead of the plant being harvested separately, and the analysis being made separately of each head, all kernels of each head being used. The data obtained show that there is (piite a difference in the proteid content of these various heads, and that it would not l)e safe to take the analysis of any one spike as repre.senting the composition of the i)lant on which it grew. Analyses were also made of groups of spikes on the same plant — that is, supposing that a i)lant l)ore ten spikes, we would take five of those in one group and five in the other group, then shell out all of the kernels in each group and' analyze eacii group separately. In other words, we made an analysis of half of the kernels on half of the heads of the plant. The results attained in this way were very mucli closer than the results of analyzing the separate heads. Thus by taking half the number of heads of the plant and analyzing them we got a fairly good sample of the whole plant. Separate analyses made of the two rows of kernels showed small difference in the total nitrogen and proteid content of the samples. In carrying on our work we have adopted the practice of sampling etxch bead by taking one row of spikelets as a sample for analysis and the other row of spikelets as a sample for planting; then by sampling each head on the plant we get what we consider to be a good average sample of the plant for analysis. The proteid nitrogen content of 800 spikes of Turkish Red wheat selected in the field in 1902 \\ ith special pains to secure heads that were thoroughly matured and free from disease was determined and the seed planted. From the crop thus obtained selections were made and kernels from entire plants were .sampled and analyzed. The minimum content of proteids, that is, proteid nitrogen multiplied by 5.7, was G.38 ; the maximum, 28.21 ; showing a very large range and indicating the possibility of increasing very largely the nitrogen content by selection. Analyses of 351 plants grown from the above in 1903 showed a minimum proteid content of 5.84 per cent and a maximum of 33.34 per cent. When the analyses of the original 800 spikes were made determinations were also made of specific gravity of the kernels in a considerable number of the heads. The weight of the kernels on the low nitrogen content heads was found to be somewhat larger than it was on those of high nitrogen content. While the decrease was not regular, there was a slight tendency for the yield to decrease as the nitrogen content increased. The weight of the average kernel also agreed with the weight of the kernels on the spike, there being m the main a slight decrease in the weight of the average kernel as the content of jn-oteid nitrogen increased. The number of kernels on the spike did not vary particularly. The volume occupied by the kernels decreased, or bad a slight tendency to decrease, as the proteid nitrogen content increased. The specific gravity decreased regularly as the content of nitrogen increased. The proteid nitrogen in all the kernels increased as the percentage increased, and the proteid iiitrogen in the average kernel increased as the percentage increased; so that, in spite of the fact that the kernels became somewhat smaller and lighter, the total production of nitrogen increased as the percentage increased. In other words, a selection based on increase in percentage of nitrogen would increase at the same time the total production of nitrogen. Similar figures for the nitrogen content of all of the heads of the plant of the crop of 1903, instead of one head as in 1902, also showed that the number of kernels decreased slightly as the percentage of nitrogen increased; the weight of the kernels also decreased as the percentage of nitrogen increased ; the weight of the average kernel seemed to vary more than it did l)efore, but the tendency was for the weight to decrease with an increase in the percentage of proteid nitrogen ; the grams of proteid nitrogen in the kernels increased in the main as the percentage increased ; and the grams of proteid nitrogen in the average kernel increased as the pei'centage increased. The increase in the average kernel was very large. We discarded all kernels that were not fidly developed because it is well understood that kernels that had not fully rii)ened would have a higher nitrogen content than those that had. In the crop of 1903 we also determined gliadin and glutenin in most of the plants. Our object in doing this was not very definite. Of course we were 121 ntteniptins: to estimate the eonstitutents that go to produce ghiten in the wheat, hut there is so little known as to the location of these proteids in the kernel and the relation that they bear to each other and to gluten that the matter is very indefinite. But it was hoped to ascertain what variation there might be :ind to throw some light on the matter, if possil)le. The results show that while llie i)erceiitage of proteid nitrogen increased from 1.80 to 5.1G, the percentage of gliadin plus glutenin nitrogen increa.sed from 1.7G to 2.20. In other words, the increase in the proteid nitrogen content was very mucli greater in pro- portion than the increase in the gliadin plus glutenin nitrogen. Therefore the percentage of proteid nitrogen is not a guide in selection for the percentage of gliadin jilus glutenin. and if we are selecting for these proteids we must determine them sejiarately. It was further found that as far as the quality of gluten may be determined by the proportion of gliadin to glutenin, that quality remains practically the same as we increase the total per cent of gluten. If the ratio of gliadin to glutenin indicates the quality of the gluten, then in selecting [)lants of high gluten content we are selecting plants with the same quality cf gluten as if we ai"e selecting plants cf low gluten content. There would therefore be no danger of plants deterioriating in the quality of j;Iuten if we select plants of high gluten content. A study of the relation cf the nitrogen content of the parent plant to that of the offspring of the first generation showed that the tendency was for the prog- eny to increase in percentage of nitrogen less rapidly than the mother plants, but in tlie same way, thus demonstrating that the selection has an effect. This is an important point, because if the kernels of the parent plant were immature or shriveled they would naturally show a higher nitrogen content, and yet we would not expect them to transmit their nitrogen content. If we find, however, that there is a transmission of the nitrogen content we know that it is due to a healthy condition of the plant and is a factor that can be depended upon in im- proving the wheat in this way. We found the same tendency toward heredity in the weight of the average kernel that we did in the nitrogen content. In other words, plants of a low Aveight of kernel tend to produce plants having low kernel weight, and plants of high kernel weight tend to produce i)lants of higher kernel weight. The varia- tion is not so great as it was witli the nitrogen content: still it is consistent, or nearly so, and the hereditary tendency is carried out. We find that wheat varies very greatly in that i-espect from year to year. The plants, however, maintain their relative standing as to weight of kernel. We have found that in certain years — notably in dry years — the percentage of rntrogen is very high, while the kernels are apt to be small ; but in spite of that, the production of jiitrogen per acre is generally greater in dry years than in wet years. In other words, the years when we have large crops we do not get as large a production per acre of nitrogen in the grain. There was a very decided decrease in the yield with the lateness in ripening, and a somewhat marked increase in percentage of proteid nitrogen. As the yield of grain on the i)lant increased the height of the plant increased up to a certain point, and then began to decrease; so that the plants of large yield were here plants of medium height. In a similar way the p]ant.s that tillered largely were plants having a medium range of yield, and, as regards the Y^eight of the average kernel, the plants of large yield were the plants having a kernel of somewhat more than medium or large weight. So that the best plants appeared to be the plants of average height, and the plants that tillered mo.st were plants of average yield, although data on this point are somewhat limited and do not warrant final conclusions. Some observations were made on the effect of winterkilling, which showed that there was a constant increase in the yield of the average plant as the num- ber of plants that survived increased. In otlier words, the effect of tiie freez- ing seemed to be to weaken the other plants, or rather, the plants that did sur- vive were injured by the cold, to which they were more susceptible than plants in the families of which a large percentage survived the winter. H. Snydek. of Minnesota. There are one or two points that were brought out by the figures that perhaps can be mentioned a second time without detrnnent, and one was that with an increase of nitrogen there was a possiliility of /; slight decrease in yield. Of course, in taking hold of this ((uestion it is higlily desir- able that yield and quality be combined as far as possible. That is one < f the problems that remains yet to be solved along this line. Another question that 122 sug^^ests itself is, Whenever the amount of nitrogen is increased in wheat is it possible for a part of that nitrogen to be stored up in the germ and bran and other parts, rather than in the portion used for flour-making purposes? While in general the increase in the percentage of nitrogen in wheat was followed by an increase of the total gluten, or gliadin and glutenin combined, yet cases are cited in which the total nitrogen was much in excess of gliadin and glutenin, suggesting that in the offal pai-ts a part of this excess of nitrogen was present. So that in taking up the question the object would be to get the nitrogen in the portion that is used for human food rather than in the germ and the offa). Another point bi'ought out was the necessity of having methods for determin- ing the value, not only of wheat, l)ut cereals in general, where improvement is contemplated. Of course we have individual ideas, but the ideas, perhaps, that would be applicable to one wheat or one cereal would be more a local standard rather than ap[)!icable to all conditions; and with that in view I think it would be highly desirable at this time if the association could offer some help. I wouUl therefore move that a committee of three be appointed by the chair to constitute a committee on standards for determining the value of the cereals ; the committee not to complete its work in one year, but to be more of a standing committee, so as to have plenty of opportunity and time to take up this work, which would involve a study of the actual value of cereals for human food purposes, their value to the miller for flour-making purposes, their value to the baker for bread-making purposes, and their value to the farmer for cultural purposes. To illustrate further, some of these wheats that have a very high nitrogen con- tent might be the very lightest weight wheats, and if you were to select on nitrogen alone you would get the very lightest weight wheat in the market. Then, too, the question of flour yield should be considered. In some wheats as high as 76 per cent of the total weight of the wheat is recovered as marketable flour ; in others the yield is as low as 40 per cent. It is desirable to get as high a yield of flour as possible and flour of the best quality, and that is the object of this committee — to take this up in a broad way, so that we will have some standards for comparison in this work. It has been found necessary to combine milling tests with analysis. In our own station we have recently added a complete experimental milling plant v.ith four reduction rollers, so that we can get the yields of all of the different grades of flour and all of the offals. That is quite helpful, as the work, in order to meet with the greatest measure of success possible, requires not only the careful kind of work which ^Ir. Lyon has done, but must go a step further, getting the flour value, the baking value, and, if necessary, the food value, as well as determining the yield per acre and nitrogen content. C. E. Thorne, of Ohio. We have been testing a number of varieties of wheat at the Ohio Station. One of these has given us a very high yield, and it has begun to go upon the market. We are hearing from .the millers very strong objections to that particular variety of wheat, saying that it is not a good flour- making wheat. The millers are quoting the verdict of a private laboratory which sustains this opinion. This year we sent to that private laboratory some thirty-odd unnamed varieties of wheat, this one among the rest. Notwithstanding the fact that this laboratory had previously given a verdict entirely unfavorable to this particular variety, in the report which came back to us this particular variety ranked second — next to the highest — in milling quality of the many varieties of wheat. Therefore we feel the necessity very urgently and strongly for a test laboratory of the kind mentioned, which shall be of uncontested reputation as an authority, to which we may go for the determination of ques- tions of this sort. We have been making analyses of wheat for a number of years, and have just 123 lately put together the results. We found for a number of years In suceessi ;;i a steady increase in the amount of nitrogen in the average of the whole until we came to the year 1903, when there was a sudden drop to a point below the lowest of the previous years' record. If we had been making experiments to increase the nitrogen in our wheats we would have felt for a half dozen yeais that we were securing important results, all to be thrown to the wind in lh:'.t one year. C. G. Hopkins, of Illinois. 1 want to call attention to the fnct that I'rofessor I.yon is breeding in two directions, and in that he is independent of .seas.;nal influence. In other words, he is breeding for both high and low protein ; to that in a year that produces high-protein wheat both levels are raised, but the difference keeps increasing. We have had the same experience with corn. In our high-protein cornfield, for example, we do not find that the increase is constant; It may rise for three years and then fall and then rise again. Similar fluctuations are also observed with the low-protein corn, but the difference between the two is more constant. It is of importance in breeding for high protein to maintain a supply of Jiitrogen in the soil. The supply of nitrogen is just as important in breeding Avheat or corn as in breeding animals. The question frecjuontly arises whether growing high-protein corn or wheat does not more rapidly reduce the fertility of the soil. Nitrogen is a peculiar element; it is made available for food as it passes into nitrate form. AVith this process of nitrification the corn plant or wheat plant has nothing to do. Once in the form of nitrates, so far as we know, the nitrogen is either taken up by crops or it is lost ; and the point brought out by Professor Lyon that in the wet seasons the nitrogen content was low may be iittributed to the fact that his nitrogen passed off in drainage waters, and was lost to the crop. It would f^eem, therefore, that the growing of high-protein wheat or high-protein corn is more likely to result in a saving of nitrogen than in any extra draft upon the nitrogen content of the soil. If it is not taken up by the crops it is almost sure to pass off before the next croj> is grown. In I'eply to a question as to the i)ossibility of judging of the quality of wheat by means of a physical examint.tion. Professor Lyon said: "I suppose that the quality of the wheat is indicated to a considerable extent, at least, by the reeding, fecundity, and some other subjects in which little has yet been attempted. This work will necessarily cover considerable time and may involve Aarious kinds of animals, but it is clear in my mind that it should be done. There are two good reasons lor this work : One. to secure definite knowledge •on some things involving the principles of breeding; the other to furnish scien- tific aid to farm practice, such as relates to methods of breeding, and in its spplication to such things as fecundity, prepotency, etc. "The cooperative feature of breeding work can be made very useful, but it will have to be worked into, it seems to me, gradually, with the station also checking up, if possible, in the same line of investigation." By Prof. .James W. Wilson, of South Dakota : " I am starting a new breed of hogs. I think there is a demand in this State for a lard breed more prolific and with greater fecundity than the Duroc Jerseys or Poland Chinas. We are carrying on an experiment with sheep. It is our intention to include the six leading breed-* of sheep and ewes of connnoTi range breeding. We will breed ten head of each each year to each of these rams, rotating the rams each year and using the same ewes, fattening the lambs off at 1 year old, which experiment will ^ive us some idea of the best breed of sheep to use for our conditions. A similar experiment with cattle is now under way." By Prof. Andrew Boss, of INIinuesota: "The line of work that I have most ■completely in mind is that of founding breeds that have the intrinsic qualities demanded by the market. In view of this I have been selecting certain families of hogs that conform to the market demands and recording their breed ing, and in most cases working out the good qualities of the litters when fatted. This, however, has given us only the most meager kind of a foundation for good work in the future. .\s soon as we learn the value and characteristics of the foundation stock on hand it will be our object to fasten, if possible, the charac- teristics of the breed either by cross breeding, inbreeding, or whatever other method we may find satisfactory. "I believe that in order to get good results we must know just exactly w^hat the individuals are worth that we are working with, and that we must have definite knowledge as to the best means of itrop.agating their usefulness. " My ideas in regard to the problems in animal breeding are not so extensive, possibly, as some other iieople may have. As I see it the problems must be solved by large moneyed interests. Results come so slowly in animal breeding that one individual is not able to accomplish very much in the way of permanent results. I believe the colleges and stations could do a great work in this line if they were organized into a cooperative association, and select for director of the work some man or a conunittee of men who are well up in the subject, and who would give promise of long service. The institutions could also work with the individual breeders, but it is so hard to control conditions there, or rather to control the inclinations of the individual breeders, that I believe better results would be obtained under experiment station management. " I have no outline to submit of any plan of work with the colleges and experi- ment stations. My individual plan for animal breeding in experiments is not on a basis that would be of value to such an organization. They include sim- ply the measuring of individuals for foundation work and of further testing the value of these animals by measuring the value of the offspring. When these tacts have been learned, then comes a plan for fixing the qualities, or possibly developing a new breed." By Prof. F. B. Mumford, of Missouri : " In my opinion the greatest need in animal breeding at the present time is for experimental data secured by pains- taking, accurate research, which will help us to decide with much more definite- ness upon some of the questions which are now largely matters of opinion. This opinion. I think, is held by the leading biologists of this and other countries. " The investigations in this subject by the stations should, it seems to me. contribute to the upbuilding of the science of breeding. Following this sugges- tion to its logical conclusion means long and laborious experimentation, using large numbers of animals. The expense of this work with farm animals, and the small numb^- of individuals, makes it difticult or impossible to carry on this work with such animals. It will be necessary to investigate many of these questions by the use of small animals that breed rapidly. "Another line of experiments which are of the greatest practical value to breeders is an investigation of the influence of environment, including exercise, feed, shelter, etc., ou the breeding efficieucy of auimuls, There are great possi- 127 bilities in this latter worlc. This does not by any means exhaust the possibil- ities of research iu animal breeding."' By Prtjf. W. K. Dodson. of Louisiana: "As you Icnow, we have been working for several years on the inununization of northern cattle to the Texas fever. We now have on hand a small herd, consisting of nine mothers, grade Angus, purchased nearly three years ago in Clinton, 111., immunized at Baton Rouge, and bred to a registered Angus bull purchased at the same place at the same time. All of the.se heifers have calves that have passed through the summer, and all have been heavily infested with ticks. Two of the cows 'aave a second calf, and all of them will Jiave their second calf this winter. We have ten head of grade Hereford calves, raised on the station. The oldest one of these will have a calf about February ; several others will come in about May. These animals will compare favorably with any to be found on the farms of Illinois, Missouri, or elsewliere outside of the barns of the fancy breeder. Of cour.se, you ai"e aware that our native cattle all have the fever when they are calves, as has been brought out by our work, and while the disease to a considerable extent retards the development of the animal, as soon as the ticks are removed the animal soon begins to recover from the effects ; and if the ticks are not allowed to become excessively abundant the animal thrives apparently as well as in the North. Our calves running on the pasture are as fat from the latter part of April to the latter part of October as they are in the blue-grass section. We have also demonstrated that it is possible to rid our pastures of ticks. This, of course, puts a different future before the stockman of the South. Though it will t)e more trouble, and require greater vigilance. I see no reason why the intelligent and industrious farmer of the South should not equal or excel the northern man in the production of beef and milch cattle. " We are not doing anything with otlier lines of animal breeding. I might remind you of the fact that we topi-ed the market at Chicago with some beef steers purchased as calves iu Illinois, inununized in Louisiana, fattened after having been there two years, and reshijiped to Chicago." By Prof. E. W. Ma.lor, of California: "The live-stock work here has been started such a short time that we have not had oitportunlty to carry on any breeding experiments so far. At present I am purchasing some hogs. Shall have some Berkshires, Poland Chinas, and Tamworths, and shall try some experi- ments with these. I am rather looking to see if we can not find a hog that will do better in the alfalfa sections than tlie Poland Chinas. These experiments will be largely along the line of feeding, but I expect to do some at the pre.sent time in cross breeding. We intend to do some experimenting right away in poultry breeding. " In regard to suggestions, the one that appeals to me most forcibly is this: If experiment station workers would start a discussion, it would have to be done by correspondence, in regard to the data to be recorded in breeding experi- ments. Those of us who are situated so far from the center, and tlierefore are unable to attend many meetings, have little opportunity of discussing the ques- tion with other experiment station men and getting in touch with the work they are doing." Aside from this, the work largely done at several of the stations is familiar to the members of this body. The work of the Wisconsin Experiment Station in crossing and grading unimproved types of sheep has given striking results that have been of practical and scientific value. The provisions for the investi- gations of Professor Davenport at the newly equipped laboratory under the auspices of the Carnegie Institute is significant of tlie growing interest in this field of inquiry, and tlie results (.'f these investigations will be looked forward to with unusual interest. At the Iowa station several lines of animal-breeding work are in progress. It is well known that we have no breed of sheep in America adai»ted to the range conditions and meeting the re(iuirements of the range in any adequate manner. Sheep raisers in the range territory resort to freciuent crossing, alternating from the Merino to the coarse-wooled mutton breeds for compactness of fieece, ability to graze in large numbers, size, length of staple, ;ind then to the Down breeds for improvement of mutton (pialities. It is necessary to make frequent changes in the use of these tyi)es. and there is a lack of uniformity and stability in breed characteristics and qualities desired for range conditions. We have taken up work in crossing these types with a view to gradually evolving something that will meet the requirements of range conditions and 23S80— No. 153—05 ii 9 128 tfiiit may be fixed and perpetuated. This work has been in progress during tlie past three years, but has not yet advanced far enough to reach definite results. In I'JUU the Union Stoclcyard and Transit Company of Chicago furnished funds for the inauguration of some breeding and feeding experiments liuown as the pruuuctiou of " Blue-Gray " cattle, by the use of white Shorthorn sire on grade and pure bred Galloway females. We have already produced two crops of calves and the third is due this fall. The first crop is now coming two years old, and they are being finished for market and for the International Live Stock Exposition at Chicago, and some interesting and rather striidng results have been attained. The superior reputation of these cattle as feeding bullocks has been fully confirmed. They are not, however, quite as even in their flesh and as smooth and uniform in their carcass in all cases as the modern market demands. We hope to introduce some new features in this work during the coming year by selecting ten of the best Galloway cows, which have during the past two seasons been bred to a white Shorthorn bull, to be bred during the coming year to a pure-bred Galloway, thus giving opportunity to test the theory of " telegony." It is also proposed to select ten white Shorthorn females and breed to a pure-bred Galloway bull, thus reversing the process of producing Blue-Grays. Then, before we terminate the experiment, we shall do some breed- ing with a view to fixing the Blue-Gray characteristics and endeavor to per- petuate type. We are well aware that this may be a difiicult process, but it is the intention to conduct some investigations along this line. During the progress of this work an interesting and unexpected i-esult was obtained in the fact that the second crop of calves from the same cows and by the same sire were not as uniform and as well colored as the first lot. There is no means of accounting for this departure from the Blue-Gray color in the greater number of instances in the second than in the first mating. It is believed by many of our best breeders that subsequent offspring by the same sire and from the same females will be more uniform in type and color and char- acteristics than the first offspring. We have also planned to cross two breeds of hogs, using, perhaps, the Berk- shire and Tamworth, with the sire of one breed in a given number of cases and the sire of the other breed in an equal number of cases. Perhaps five or ten sires of each lireed will be used and the work repeated several times. One object of this will be to determine the relative influence of the sire and dam in crossing distinct types. Some of these sows will then be bred back to sires of the same breed, to test the theory of telegony in breeding hogs. In some work of this kind which has already been carried on during two seasons it has seemed in crossing the Tamworth and Poland China that the dam exerted the greater influence. When the I'oland China sire was used on the Tamworth dam the offspring had more of the Tamworth than when the Tamworth sire was used on the I'oland China dam. I believe that many of the theories and slipposed laws of heredity should be tested by extensive and repeated experiments with domestic animals, and that it is des'irable that this work be done with the larger rather than the smaller animals, notwithstanding the fact that it will take a much longer time and involve a greater expenditure. The work of Prof. Cossar Ewart in crossing the horse a.id zebra, breeding back again to the original types, for the purpose of testing the theory of telegony, has perhaps done more to establish conclusive results concerning this one theory than all the previous investigations com- bined. Professor Ewart's conclusions, however, are applied only to horses and dogs, and he expresses no opinion concerning their application to other kinds of domestic animals. Some of our plant breeders have obtained results which tend quite conclusively to substantiate the Mendel law theory. Others have obtained results quite the contrary. No one has yet endeavored to test the application of this law to the breeding of the higher domestic animals. I am told that one of our most extensive and successful dealers in heavy harness horses of trotting blood has made the statement that his experience, extending over a number of years and applying to many thousands of horses, selected with the utmost care from perhaps hundreds of thousands that have been inspected, has shown conclusively that 9."> per cent of the horses conforming to this type in conformation, action, quality, and other characteristics that go to make up the essential standard, may be traced directly to two sires. This man speaks with considerable authority, as he has for years made it a practice to keep a complete record, including the breeding, of each horse that has passed through his stables. Possibly if these results were carefully investigated they might establish a case of Mendelian dominance. 129 The brief reports which are here siil)initted relative to the work now in prog- ress in the several stations and the plans nnder consideration for the extension of this work, indirate clearly that this field of investigation, which has vnitil recently been almost entirely neglected by the experiment stations, through various causes for which they have not been responsible, is soon to become one of the most interesting and profitable lines of investigation. H. E. Summers, of Iowa. I may say that certain animals. Including the cavles, for instance, which have been investigated quite extensively, have been found in certain characteristics, viz, color, condition of albinism, and length of hair, to conform absolutely to Mendel's law. I have myself a litter of four white cavies only two days old, from a white and colored mother, in which the probabilities under any other conditions than the Mendelian law would be almost too great to be conceived of. This is simply one illustration, and of cour.se would not prove the law. but it agrees with some thousands of experi- ments which have shown that the law applies. W. M. Hays, of Minnesota. Whether these conflicting reports are really con- flicting or based on experiments that really give the true comparison as to the operation of the Mendelian law, I can cite the following case: An experimenter in England. I understand, worked on the color of some animals and found that it did not follow the Mendelian law, but he afterwards found that there were three component colors in that compound color, and when taken separately they did follow the Mendelian law, and that these were the unit characters while the component color was a variable character. Practically a parallel case was found in the orchid grown by some English experimenter, in which the com- ponent colors operated in accordance with the Mendelian idea, whereas the blended color had not so operated. Experiments must first be made along the line of finding whether the characteristic in question is a dominant or unit character. N. S. Mayo, of Cuba, spoke briefly of that country as a field for the breeding and adaptation of animals. W. M. IIays. In the recent breeding school at St. Louis Doctor Cary. of Alabama, brought out the fact that he thought it might be possible to breed immunity to Texas fever in the southern belt, and that then quarantine methods might he used to gradually push the tick out of that country. Experiments have also been suggested along the line of breeding for at least comparative immunity from tuberculosis in cattle, thus lessening tuberculosis in man to sou;e extent: also the possibility of breeding for comparative immunity to swine plague in hogs. Some of the smaller animals can be used, no doubt, to illus- trate whether immunity can be reached by this method ; for instance, rabbits are very subject to tuberculosis and they might be used in a preliminary experiment. Experiments are now being successfully made in the breeding of plants immune to disease. I'rofessor Bolley has recently produced very pronounced results on flax. At the school in St. Louis Professor Bolley brought out with very great force the idea that if you want to breed for imnnniity the disease must be present in great quantity. Of course that is true of all breeding. We must breed as nearly as we can under the extreme conditions we wish the final product to withstand. The committee on nominations reported as follows : For members of executive connnittee, W. H. Jordan, of New York ; C. F. Curtiss, of Iowa ; for chairman of section, H. J. Patterson, of Maryland : for secretary of section, M. A. Scovell, of Kentucky: for additional niemliers of committee on programme, C. D. Woods, of Maine, J. F. Duggar, of Alabama. The secretary was instructed to cast the ballot of the section in favor of the persons so nominated. 130 Evening Session, Wednesday, November 2, 1904. The section was called to order at 9.30 p. m. by Cbairuian Jenkins, who announced the subject for discussion to be : How Much Teaching, if any, is it Desirable that a Station ^^■0RKER Should do? H. P. Armsdy, of Pennsylvania. We are all familiar with the history of the establishment of the experiment stations and with the very natural way in which they were manned from the teaching force uf the colleges, the time of the instructdr being divided between the college and the station. This method of procedure was very natural and perhaps unavoidable at that time, and the practice has continued up to the present. Dui-ing the last year for which statistics have been published by the Office of Experiment Stations about 54 per cent of the station workers did more or less teaching. Of course such figures are somewhat nnsleading since they give simply the number of indi- viduals without reference to the amount of work done, but they at least show- that a very considerable i)roportion of the workers in the stations are also teachers. The proportion of course varies a good deal in the different stations. In some stations — one or two — all members of the force are stated to have more or less teaching work, and the proportion ranges from KM) per cent in these cases down to a minimum of .about 5A per cent. The second largest is 89 per cent, and the second smallest about ir>i per cent. Moret)ver, the tendency seems to be toward an increase in the number of the station men who are also doing teaching work. In the year ended June 30, 2897— the earliest for which I could readily find figures— the percentage of station workers who were also teachers, excluding in this computation the in- dependent stations of Connecticut, New York, Georgia, and Ohio, was 49.3, and for succeeding years up to 1903 the figures run in round nund>ers 49, 50, 50, 52, ,52, 50, and 54, showing quite a plain tendency toward an increase in the proportion of station workers who teach. Most of you will probably recall the address of Director Jordan at the New Haven convention, in which he called attention to the fact that in that year a very large proportion of the heads of dei>artments in stations were also teachers, so that the teaching work was laid upon the higher officers of the stations rather than upon the lower grade assistants. I think that would probably be equally trut^pcrhaps more true— now. The fact of the matter is that tlie recent gnnvth of instruction in agriculture — the differentiation of agricultural instruction — has had a tendency to increase the demands upon the station specialist for teaching. I think we all agree that it is an important question of station administration as to how far this tendency is wise and desirable. Some, for whose opinion upon such matters I have the very highest respect, urge very strongly that it is desirable, in most cases, at least, that the experiment station worker shall also be a teacher, and the teacher shall also be an investigator. They claim that the two kinds of work are mutually helpful to each other. I am not clear that I agree with that opinion, however. But this is too important a question for our opinions or convictions to be settled subjectively by our own personal impressions, and the thought that was really in my mind in suggesting this topic for discus- sion was whether we could not iirofitably get together and compare our views upon it. Of course the figures which I have presented are merely suggestive; they probably do not represent quantitatively the situation, because, doubtless. 131 many of the juen incliuled in the estimate had comparatively little teaching, but they do serve to suggest the importance of the question and the need for com- paring views upon it. W. H. Jordan, of New York. If I could have the heads of the departments of the New York State Station give a few lectures (from ten to twenty) a year I would be glad to have them do it as a means of clarifying their views, looking up literature, and that sort of thing. It makes a difference what kind of teach- ing a station worker does as to whether it is an advantage to him or not. The Liiost of the teaching done by college and station men in this country is the teaching of fundamentals, and I believe it is nothing but a pleasant fallacy on the part of those who wish to reenforce their teaching staff to maintain that leaching the fundamentals and the drilling of classes for 50 per cent of the time is an advantage to the investigator. I do not believe any such thing. I believe in the differentiation of functions. What kind of a man do you want for an investigator? A man absorbed in the things he is doing and who shall not be turned aside and wearied by having to drill a class or do anything else but hunt his subject and the truth. You know that teaching has to be done at stated times, and the investigation must wait till the convenient day. That is exactly what happens in actual practice. My answer to the question would therefore be: A small amount of teaching of an advanced character along the line of the specialties with which the station man is engaged and on which he is thinking is all right. However, very much of teaching which we necessarily do in our agricultural colleges to-day is not an advantage, but a disadvantage to the investigator. C. D. Smith, of Michigan. I do not object so much to a subordinate doing the teaching as I do the head of the, department, for the reason that if the head (if a department of the station has also the management of a large teaching de- partment of the college he can no longer do very good station work. The dan- ger is, as experience has shov.n, that the demands of the teaching will gradually encroach upon and crowd out the research work. The investigator should be almost, if not quite, entirely free from the teaching work. My experience has led me to believe most emphatically that we are not going to get the results that we should get from the stations until this is done. The differentiation be- tween the teaching and investigatitm must be complete. C. D. Woods, of Maine. I think it is easy for us to see the way we have come into the present position. When the stations were first established compara- tively few skilled men were obtainable. The stations started out on the plan of the college, with a great many dejjartments in charge of young men who had their reputations to make. The result has been that we very materially in- creased the station pay roll until it reached a point where it was impossible for the station alone to keep all the men required and give them the amount of money they ought to have or could get elsewhere. So it has come about that this division of men between the station and the college has perhaps increased in the later years. With a small incTcase of appropriation for the station it would be possible to solve this problem, and in the effort to do this I think we will have the help of the college men. I thoroughly believe that a station man ought not to be a dual man. I wish that in our own experiment station we did not have a single man connected with the station who had routine instruction to do. Advanced instruction a few hours in the course of the year, requiring the preparation of ten, twelve, or twenty lectures for the students, would, in my opinion, lie lielpful. but any drudgery of teaching for a station officer I am very sure is a detriment to the station work. C. F. CuRTiss, of Iowa. I believe that the stations in many instances, and 132 even, 1 will say, a majority of instances, are approaching a better basis of ad- justment of the work between the (•ollege and the station. I do not thinlv that we can readily or in the near future attain a position where we can entirely divorce the college and station work in the heads of departments. I believe that the head of the department ought to direct the investigation work along his line at least in an advisory way, even though he does not devote any of his time to the details of that work or to the management of it. I think if he is a teacher and giving his time to the college side of the work he ought to give enough of his time to the station work to direct its course. I am entirely convinced of the desirability of investigators doing investigat- ing work alone or exckisively. so largely as it may be possible, and I think that the tendency generally is to\\ard a better adjustment. In our own station, for instance, we have now established the work of two departments on such a basis that the men in charge of the station work give no instruction except to grad- uate students. These men will devote their time exclusively to the research and experiment station work, except in case of graduate students that may elect to take work in that department. In other departments we have an arrangement by which the head of the department is considered and regarded as primarily a college man, and receives the greater part — practically all — of his salary from the college, and has assistants who receive their salary altogether from the station, devoting their time altogether to station work. I think, as was sug- gested by Director Woods, that when the stations have more means to devote to this work they will be able to employ men exclusively for research work, and those men will of cour.se be under the direction of the head of the department. So that gradually, as we enlarge our work and as we are able to provide better facilities for it, we are arriving at a better basis, although there is still very much to be done in the adjustment of work. N. S. Mayo. It seems to me that this subject has been treated so far entirely from the standpoint of the station investigator pure and simple. There is a phase of the work that I have found of an advantage in dealing with the more elementary students in classes, and that is the training which it gives to the worker in bringing his scientific work to the level of the common man, and I believe this is an important training. A good portion of our work is for the common farmer, and it is important that we should bring it to his level, and I believe that in bringing our work to the elementary classes we do get a valuable training along that lin-^. The greatest obstacle that I have found in teaching is the amount of energy which it necessarily requires. Two or three hours of teaching as it ought to be done detracts very materially from the energy a man can put into his investigation work. L. G. Carpenter, of Colorado. I suppose we can all imagine the ideal condi- tion, but I presume none of us has yet attained it. We nearly all suffer from limitations, both from place and finances. I am not at all sure, however, that the stations as a whole have suffered by the connection with the colleges. If we look at the work of an individual we may see in a great many cases that he could do more and perhaps Itetter work if he were disassociated from teaching. On the other hand, we have an aggregate to consider in some cases. I know that in some of the stations, as in the one with which I am connected, the aid from the colleges has been material and liberal, and has made possible the main- tenance of a large number of departments that are giving more or less attention to Investigation. There are undoubtedly some disadvantages in connection with the teaching. One of the greatest is. I think, the fact that the investiga- tion has to give way to routine hours ; investigation does not come at regular times. A person can not do the highest kind of work for many hours a day. To do productive and creative work, which is the best part of his work as an 133 investigator, a person must devote himself to it for only a short time and when he is in tlie freshest condition. Almost any kind of routine work does interfere with that, and to some extent teaching will so interfere, certainly if carried on to any great extent. It interferes with the continuity of thought, and the hours of teaching may interfere even with the whole day's work by the breaking up of the lines of thought or tlie continuity of investigation. Outside of that I am not at all sure that the teaching does not have a good many advantages. I am inclined to believe that the investigator should do less teaching. l)ut that the teaching should be under the direction of the investigation staff rather than the reverse. I am at in-esent far from believing that it is wise to separate college and station, if it were possil)Ie. I do not l)elieve that a staff worker ought to do much teaching, but as to whether the teaching he does should be that given to the higher students or to elementary students I am not quite clear, although I recognize the force of what has been said about the advantages of the instruction of the higher classes. The station workers should have a train- ing which will enable them to express the results of their investigations in a clear way to the public. I am fully aware that there are a great many exceed- ingly valuable investigators who do not have that faculty and do not care to go before the public in any capacity. We recognize their value, and a great many times it is best to recognize that peculiarity of their make-up and allow them to confine themselves to investigation. On the other hand, there are a great many men who can do both, and pi-obably the majority have to some extent the willingness and the ability to do both. To those people who do not have that particular trend, the dealing with elementary students or the attempt to put the subject in an elementary way, it seems to me, is a very valuable training, but ought to be done with limitations. F. B. MuMFORD, of Missouri. It seems to me it has been clearly demonstrated by several of the speakers that it depends a good deal on the viewpoint from which we consider this question. The University of Missouri may be differently situated from some of the colleges and stations i-eferred to, but so far as we are concerned we find it to the advantage of the station from almost every stand- point that the teachers who are there engaged are not only permitted but required to devote some of their time to station work. Let me give a concrete illustration. The university has in the cour.se of its seai'ch for men in the departments secured a man who is eminent for his research work in a given line, and that line of work happens to be closely associated, with agricultural college and station work. His salary is paid entirely by the university, and he has from his own choice and by the permission of the university devoted con- siderable time to research for the station, the station paying the expenses of the investigation. I suppose that it would be impossible for the station ever to be able to secure the services of such a man were they compelled to paj' him his entire salary, but working in this way we are able to secure the advantages of his investigation. There are a number of men of this kind in our institution who fae working in the same way. J. L. Hills, of Vermont. In the smaller institutions, where funds are com- paratively limited, the dual duty must needs be met. I think you will pardon me if I tell you how at the University of Vermont we have endeavored to meet these conditions. In my own case I try for what we term our first half year to lay almost all the stress upon college work. I have arranged with my associates in the fac ulty for several of them to lay almost all their teaching stress on the second half year. From October 1 to February 1, except for the routine of work which must be done. I put my energies just so far as I can into college work. After Feb- ruary 1 I devote my energies to the administration of the station and to 134 experiuental work. On the other hand, other of tlie instructors in our faculty beginning with the second half of the year lay particular stress on the college work, and in that way we are enabled to do, perhaps, rather more justice to the dual duties than in any other way. I do not think this method is applicable to all institutions, but it has worked fairly well with us. W. L. Carlyle, of Colorado. I think we are all agreed that from the stand- point of the investigator too much teaching is not advisalile, but from the standpoint of the teacher some station work is certainly advisable, particularly in tlie more industrial parts of our agricultural work. The man who is going to do effective teaching for a period of years in animal husbandry, for example, must be an investigator. If we take the investigation work away from our teachers we are going to greatly lessen the effectiveness of the teaching. It seems to me this is not so much a matter of amount of investigation as of subjects. Certain subjects require practically all of a man's time and atten- tion in the investigational work ; others are not so exacting, and those are per- haps the ones which require a certain amount of investigational work to make the teaching the more effective. Speaking from the standpoint of one who has to investigate and teach at the same time, I think it would be a misfortune, in some of the subjects particularly, if the station work and the teaching should be divorced. n. P. Armsby, of Peinisylvunia. I think we all recognize the fact that we can not at once adopt any uniform arrangement in this matter. But I take it what we need especially to consider at the present time is not so much the question of practicability as the question of ideals. It is a question of the attitude of mind of the authorities of these institutions toward this question; it is a question of the ultimate ideal that they will set before them- selves to attain, and if that ideal is not any higher than that already reached we shall not make much progress. Personally I believe it is just as true now as it was two thousand years ago that no man can serve two masters. I believe that in this agricultural work a man should be chiefly either one thing or the other. I will not say that he should be exclusively either a teacher or an investigator, but it seems to me that t!ie two kinds of work call for a different attitude of mind and the use of a different set of faculties, to a cer- tain extent, and that except in the case of unusually gifted men the same individual is not likely to have both equally developed. I feel that an inves- tigator and station worker should have his mind focused on his work of investigation. On the other hand, it seems to me that the teacher's thought should be pedagogical largely; it should be that side of his mind that is par- ticularly active. I will admit that a certain amount of teaching may be advan- tageous to station work, but an uncertain amount is not. 1 think that some teaching, especially more or less advanced teaching, is a good thing, as has been said repeatedly. Possibly it need not even be the most advanced teaching. I do not think, however, that a station worker, even though he does some teach- ing, should have loaded upon him the responsibility for the administration of the teaching work of the college, or any considerable amount of it. I think he should simply go into his class room and give his lectui'es or his instruction, and be done with it. On the other hand, it seems to me that the teacher may very well do more or less investigational work, accoi'ding to his taste and capacity. I would not lor a moment exit him off from that, but I believe be should be thinking chiefly of his teaching and should make his work of investigation his avocation rather than his vocation. I repeat that this is a question of ideals rather than of immediate adjust- ment. It is not a question of division of salaries. I think we may assume 135 that that qaestiou has been pretty well worked out, and that so far as the mere question of adjustment of time is concerned the attempt has been to establish ('qnity as between the college and the station ; but I believe it is also true that in this matter two and two do not always make four. 1 am very sure tbat two half men are not anywhere near equal to one whole man, and, going still fur- ther, I think that four quarter men are worth very little. 1 am very much gratified at the interest which has lieen manifested and the spirit in which this suliject has been discussed. I believe it is a live subject. 1 believe that it is imperative now. if this experiment-station enterprise is to reach large success, that there should be a reform ; that the tendency should be in the other direction from what it now appears to be; that the sentiment and policy of these institutions should be, as rapidly as conditions will allow, to dif- ferentiate between the station and the school or college of agriculture, and to have just what the Hatch Act calls for — a department of the college devoted to research. We should work toward that just as fast as we can if we desire this experiment-station enterpri.se to succeed, and I believe it is especially timely to consider this now, in \iew of the hope that we have of an increase in the sta- tion funds. If that comes, I believe the directors all over the country should know that their colleagues will support them in an endeavor to secure a more clean-cut organization of the experiment stations as distinct departments of research. W. .7. Fraser. of Illinois. It seems to me it is of greater importance to have the subdivision of the subject more minute than it is. to decide as to whether a man is going to devote the most of his time to experiment-station or to col- lege work. In the dairy department of the University of Illinois there are two of us that are giving all of our time to dairy cattle — one to the subject of milk and another to the subject of butter. In tlie animal husbandry department one man devotes all of his time to swine, and I think he has done better work the past year than if he were working either in the college or station in the whole subject of animal husbandry. It seems to me that one of the best ways out of the difficulty is to divide the subjects more minutely and have a man get nearer to the bottom of his subject, both in the station and the college. I will say, however, that the heads of departments in our institution do very little teach- ing, but spend most of their time in investigation work. F. B. LiNFiELD, of Montana. There has been within the past few years a very great increase in the number of men employed in the agricultural colleges and experiment stations, and I believe that there are more men who are devot- ing their whole time to investigation at the present time than ever before. The tendency seems to be in the right direction. Without a certain amotint of help from the station it is probable that in a great many cases the college would have to cut off some of its departments : at the same time, without some help from the other side, it is probable that that station would have to cut off several of its departments. Some will say that is advisable. There are conditions, how- ever, in which that would not be advisable, and the college and station may be mutually heliiful. It is a good thing for an investigator to do a little teaching; that has been conceded. I think there is a great deal in the thought that a good teacher must be an investigator, Nvhether he does the work under the direction of an experiment station or in some other way. Plow is the teacher or the investigator to do the best work in this dual capacity? The plan which I have thought about is the one suggested by Director Hills. In this division of the agricultural field, which at present is going on so rapidly, such a division of labor from one part of the year to another is a very easy possibility. H. P. Ar.msby. I have hastily computed the relative increase in the teachers and the nonteachers on the station force, as shown by the official statistics of 136 the Office of Experiment Stations. From 1897 to 1903 there was an increase in the nonteachers of 0 per cent anfl in the teachers of 32 per cent. H. J. Wheeler, of Rhode Island. It seems to me there is perhaps some con- fusion in tlie Diinds of those wlio lia^e spoken as to what is strictly investiga- tion. If a man i)lants some potatoes and observes their form and shape and writes up the result, he can perhai)S do some teaching and do that sort of work, too; but if he has to deal with some difficult problem, which requires him to make an exhaustive search of the literature of the subject, to conduct investi- gations which perhai)s run over five or six years, and to thoroughly digest the results, he can not do it to good advantage if during that time he is obliged to go into the class room and teach at Irregular hours. There may be some so- called investigation work which can lie combined with teaching without very much loss. I know of no better practice that a man can get than l)y going out to a farmers' institute, and I think it is a very good thing for the station worker to get out and lecture half a dozen times a year. I believe, moreover, that it is a good thing for a man to present the advanced work that he is doing to students. I think, however, that the student derives a great deal more from it than the investigator does, because there is no man who can lead a student right up to the border between the known and unknown as the investigator can. I have never .seen a man devoting more than half of his time to teaching who has done work which was fully satisfactory to the experiment station. There may be extreme instances in which a man has been able to do it. I have repeatedly heard it said that the German investigators, who are the greatest in the world, do a large amount of teaching, but the German professors who have won the greatest distiu'-tion are not teachers, but investigators who have done very little teaching. So, if there is anything in example and prece- dent to be won from the best scientific minds in the world, it is along that line. It is not the man who spends three-fourths of his time, or six or seven hours a week right along, in teaching who can be expected to win a reputation as an investigator. H. P. Aemsby. The German ])rufessor, moreover, does not have to teach unless he wishes to. Upon motion the section adjourned. INDEX OF NAMES. Agee, A., 0. Allen, E. W., 10, 76. Andrews, E. B., 9. Armsby, H. P., 8, 9, 19, 29, 43, 05, 118, 130, 134, 135, 136. Atherton, G. W., 8, 31*. Aulmann, R. C, 9. Ayres, B., 10. Babcock, K. C, 9, 88. Bailey, L. H., 7, 9, 63, 66, 69, 85, 86, 98, 105, 106, 112, 114, 115. Baker, H. P., 9. Beach, C. L., 9. Bishop, E. A., 10. Bissell, G. W., 9. Bowska, F. W., 9. Brown. E., 8, 31. Bryan. E. A., 8, 10, 20. 62, 66, 87, 96. Buchanan, R. E., 9. Buckham, M. H., 8, 91. Buffum, B. C, 10, 117. Burkett, C. W., 9. Burnett, E. A., 9, 98. Butterfield. K. L., 7, 10, 56, 64, 66, 106. Card, F. W., 8, 10, 31. Cai-lyle, W. L., 9, 134. Carpenter, L. G., 8, 9, 132. Carstensen, A. N., 9. Chalmers, J., 10, 15. Chambliss, C. E., 10. Christie, G. I., 9. Clark, J. A., 7, 33. Cope, A., 8. Cox, W. v., 10, 15. Crosthwait, G. A., 9. Curtiss, C. F., 7, 8, 9, 66, 69, 77, 114. ll.", 124, 129, 131. Davenport, E., 7, 9, 33, 64, 66, 86, 89, 111, 112, 113, 115, 116. Davidson, R. J., 117. Dinsmore, W., 9. Dixon, C. O., 9. Duggar, J. F., 7, 8, 9, 56, 66, 129. Ellis, C. E., 9. Erwin, A. T., 9. Fellows, G. E., 9. 28, 91, 106. Fields, J., 9. Finney, R. G., 9. Fisher, R. W., 9. Fortier, S., 8. Foster, L.. 9. Foster, Mrs. L., 9. Frandsen, P., 9. Eraser, W. J., 9, 135. Frear, W., 8. French, H. T., 8, 9, 43, 56, 118. Galloway, B. T., 8. Gammon, B. O., 9. Gammon, W., 9. Garcia, F., 9. Gay, C. W., 9. Gibbs, W. D., 9. Goodell, H. H., 8. Hamilton. .T. M., 9. Hansen, N. E.. 119. Hardy, J. C, 7, 9, 33, 65. 66, 106. Harter, G. A., 9, 101. Hays, W. M., 7, 8, 9, 32, 33, 08. 69, 112, 117, 123, 129. Hays. Mrs. W. M., 9. Hayward. H.. 9, 15. Hedgcock, G. G., 9, 15. Henry, W. A., 8, 10, 43, 64, 65, 68, S3, 113, 118. Herff, B. von, 9. Hills, .1. L., 7, 10, 20, 66, 133. Holden, P. G., 9. Hooper, J. .!., 9. Hopkins, C. G., 9, 30, 117, 118, 12:',. 124. Hunt, T. F., 7, 8, 56, 69. Hunt, T. S., 9. James, E. J., 9. Jenkins, E. H., 8, 9, 29, 31, 116, 130. Jesse, R. H., 8, 9, 84, 87. Jones, J. W.. 9. Jordan, W. H., 7, 8, 9, 25, 27, 62. GO. 110, 118, 129, 131. Kaufman, E. E., 9. Keffer, C. A., 10, 118. Keyser, A., 9. Kimbrough, J. M., 9. Klinck, L. S., 9. Knapp, G. N., 10. Knisely, A. L., 9. Lazenby, W. R., 8, 31. Liggett, W. M., 9, 66. Liggett, Mrs. W. M., 9. Linfleld, F. B., 9, 135. Little, E. E., 9. Lyon, T. L., 9, 119, 124. MacLean, G. E., 28. MacLean, J. A., 9. Mayo. N. S., 10, 15, 129, 132. McCIintock, J. E., 9. (137) 138 McKay, G. L., 9. McNeil, .1. H., 9. Mead, E., 8, 10. Mell, V. H., 10. Merritt, M. L., 0. Miller, M. F., 9. Mumford, F. B., 9, 133. Neale, A. T., 8, 9, 117. Nichols. E. R., 7, 9, 66, 95, 100. Nichols, Mrs. E. R., 9. Nickols, R. C, 9. Owens, .1. R., 9. I'ammel, L. H., 9, 116. 118. I'atterson. H. J., 7, 8, 9. 6.5. 117, ll.'9. I'atterson, .7. K., 8, 9, 64, 65, 66, 99, 100. ratterson, Mrs. J. K., 9. Price, H. C, 9. Redding, R. J., 9, 118. Reynolds, M. H., 9. Kueda, R., 9. Rutherford, W. J., 9. Sandsten, E. P., 10. Saunders, W., 10, 69, 123. Scott, A., 9, 90, 98. .Scott, A. C, 9, 87. Scovell, M. A., 7, 8, 9, 29, 05, 66, 67, 123, 129. Shamel, A. D., 8, 31. Smith, C. D., 9, 118, 131. .Snyder, H., 9, 117, 121, 124. Snyder, .7. L., 7, 9, 60, 106, 114, 115. Stevens, F. L., 9, 116. Stevenson, W. H., 9. Stimson, R. W., 7, 9, 06, 82, 98, 106. Stone, W. E., 8, 9, 65, 66, 68, 77, 79, 91, 106. Storms, A. B., 9, 104. Stuhhs. J. E., 8. Summers, H. E., 9, 129. Thach, C. C, 9, 95, 98, 105. Thompson, W. O., 8, 9, 15, 33, 64, 79, 90, 99, 100, 106. Thorne, C. E., 9, 117. 122. Tinsley, J. D., 9. Tisdell, F. M., 10, 08. True, A. C, 7, 8, 20, 33, 56, 00. True, G. H., 9. True, Mrs. G. H., 9. Tyler, H. W., 8. Van Es, L., 9. Van Hise, C. R., 10, 63, 98. Vivian, A., 9. Voorhees, E. B., 7, 9, 20, 66. Waters, H. J., 8, 10. Watkins, L. W.. 9, 15. Watkins, Mrs. L. W., 9. Webber, H. J., 8, 69. Wells, C, 9. Wessels, P. H., 9. West, F. L., 9. Wheeler, H. J., 8, 28, 29, 30, 60, 117, 130. White, F. S., 9. White, II. C, 7, 8, 9, 15, 19, 32, 42, 04, 60, 77, 88, 104, 106. White, Mrs. H. C, 9. W'hitson, A. R., 8. Widtsoe, J. A., 10. Will cox, O. W., 9. Williams, W., 9. Wilson, J. W., 10. Wing, H. H., 8, 56. Withers, W. A., 8. Woods, C. D., 7, 8, 9, 29, 66, 77, 117, 129, 131. Worst, .7. H., 9, 60. Zintheo, C. .7., 9. o THE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS. Alabama — College Station: Auburn; J. F. Duggar." Caiiobrake Station: Vniontown; J. M. Ric-heson.'' Tuskegee Station : Tutikegee; G. W. Carver.a Alaska — iiitka: C. C. Georgesou.c Arizona — Tucson: R. H. Forbes." Arkansas — FayctteviUc: W. G. Vin- cenheller.a ( ALiFORNiA — Berkeley: E. W. Hil- gard.« Colorado — Fort Collins: L. G. Car- Itonter.o Connecticut — State Station : Netc Haven; E. H. Jenkins." Storrs Station: Storrs; L. A. Clin- ton." Delaware — Xetvark: A. T. Neale.o Florida — Lake City: Andrew Sledd." Georgia — Experiment: R. J. Redding." Hawaii — Federal Station : Honolulu; J. G. Smith.c . Sugar Planters' Station : Hono- lulu; C. F. Eckart." Idaho — Moscow: H. T. French." Illinois — Vrhaud: E. Davenport." Indiana — Lafayette: A. Goss." Iowa — Ames: C. F. Curtiss." Kansas— Manhattan: J. T. Willard.« KenI'ucky — Lexington: M. A. Scovell.o Louisiana — State Station : Baton Rouge. Sugar Station : Audubon Park, New Orleans. North Louisiana Station : Cal- houn; W. R. Dodson.a Maine — Orono: C. D. Woods." Maryland — College Park: H. J. Pat- terson." Massachusetts — Amherst: H. H. Goodell.a Michigan — Agricultural College: C. D. Smith." Minnesota — St. Anthony Park, St. : Columbia; F. B. Mountain Grove; Mississippi — Agricultural College: W. L. Hutchinson." Missouri — College Station Muinford.'i Fruit Station : P. Evans." Montana — Bozeman: F. B. Linfield." Nebraska — Lincoln: E. A. Burnett." Nevada — Reno: J. E. Stubbs." New Hampshire — Durham: W. D. Gibbs." New Jersey — Nejv Brunsxvick: E. B. Voorhees." New Mexico — Mesilla Park: L. Fos- ter." New York — State Station : Geneva; W. H. Jordan." Cornell Station: Ithaca; L. H. Bailey." North Cauoi.in A—Raleigh: B. W. Kll- gore." North Dakota — Agricultural College: J. H. Worst." Ohio — Wooster: C. E. Thorne." Oklahoma — Stilhvater: J. Fields." Oregon — Corvallis: 3. Withycombe." Pennsylvania — State College: H. P. Annsby." Porto Rico — Mayaguez: D. W. May." Rhode Island — Kingston: H. J. Wheeler." South Carolina — Clemson College: P. H. Men." South Dakota — Brookings: J. W. Wil- son." Tennessee — Knoxvill'e: H. A. Morgan." Texas — College Station: John A. Craig." Utah — Logan: J. A. Widtsoe." Vermont — Burlington: J. L. Hills." Virginia — Blacksburg: A. M. Soule." Washington — Pullman: E. A. Bryan." West Virginia — Morgantown: J. H. Stewart." Wisconsin — Madison: W. A. Henry." Wyoming — Laramie: B. C Buffum." Paul: W. M. Liggett." <■ Special agent in charge. " Director. "Assistant director. ■•Acting director. •PKPARTMF.NT OF AGRICl "LIURE. OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS— BULLETIN NO,. 154. A. C. TRUE,- Direeto: PR()CEEDlN(i8 111 riiK NINTH ANNT AL MEETING (II I HE mmi^ ASSOCIATION OF FAIIMEH8' INSTITUTE WORKERS llKl.li AT ST. LOT IS. :M0.. OOTOBEK 1^-i>o. ii.di. EDITEO BY W . IL BEAL find J0II>: HAMILTON, Fpr lh4 Offi.oe of Eu-perintent ,Slaliom, Fur fJte Association. WASHINGTON: (iOVEKNMENT PRINTING O^FFICK. 1 !» 0 5 . OFFICIALS IN CHARGE OF FARMERS' INSTITUTES IN THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA. Name of official. Post-office. , ■ ■■ — y- ■ United States: • Alabiima . C. A. Gary , Alal )ama P. )ly technic Institute •Auburn. G, "VV. Carver. Director Agricultural Experi- Tuskegee. ment Station. ■ Alaska U. 0. Geory:eson, Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion, Sitka. R. H. Forbes, Director Agricultural Experi- ment Station. Tucson. ■ Arkansas H. S. Hartzo'g,''Presideilt University of Ar- kansas. Fayetteville. C'aliforiiia C'<>l()raii. Walter II. Evans, Ph. D. — Chief of Dirisimi . Appointment of committees. 7. Unfinished l)usiness. 8. New business. 9. Adjournment. PROGRAMME OF THE ST. LOUIS MEETING. Tuesday, October 18, 1904, 8 p. m. 1. Address of Welcome — F. W. Taylor, Chief of the Department of Agricul- ture, World's Fair, St. Louis. 2. Reply to Address of Welcome — Maj. J. G. Lee, Louisiana. 3. President's Address — B. W. Kilgore, North Carolina. Discussion — Led by George McKerrow, Wisconsin. 4. Roll Call by States and Provinces. Wednesday, October 19, 9.30 a. m. 5. Eight-minute reports from the several States and Provinces. These reports must be written and handed to the secretary, and should contain a synop- sis of the work of the past year only, including — (a) Number of meetings held. (b) Amount of money spent. (c) Number of speakers employed. (d) General plan of campaign. (e) New lines of work inaugurated and carried out. 6. Illustrative Material for Institute Work — John Hamilton, Washington, D. C. 7. Advertising Farmers' Institute Meetings — E. E. Kaufman, North Dakota. Discussion — Led by A. L. Martin, Harrisi»urg, Pa. 8. Address — C. C. James, Deputy Minister of Agriculture for Ontario, Canada. 9. County Organization for Institute Work — W. C. Latta, Indiana. Discussion — Led by G. A. Putnam, Ontario. 10. Corn Judging — A. D. Shamel, Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Discussion — P. G. Holden, Iowa, and H. F. McMahon, Liberty, Ind. 11. Women's Institutes — Mrs. S. Noble King, Bloomington, 111. Discussion — Miss Blanche Maddock, Ontario ; Mrs. J. W. Bates, Indiana. 32. The Relation of the Agricultural College to Farmers' Institute Work — Frank H. Hall, Aurora, 111. Discussion — Led by C. M. Conner, Florida, 13. The Relation of the Experiment Station to Farmers' Institute Work. Discussion — L. A. Clinton, Connecticut, and C. A. Zavitz, Guelph, Ontario. 14. How to Train Institute Workers — F. E. Dawley, New York. Discussion — Led by G. C. Creelman, Guelph, Ontario. 15. New Problems and ]\Iethods in Institute Work — (a) East — Franklin Dye, New Jersey; W. L. Amoss, Maryland. (b) West— H. T. French, Idaho; J. B. Thoburn. Oklahoma. (c) Central— A. B. Hostetter, Illinois; W. W. Miller, Ohio. (d) South — J. C. Hardy, Mississippi ; W. R, Dodson, Louisiana ; C. A. Gary, Alabama. (12) riiOCEEDINGS OF THE NINTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF FARMERS' INSTITUTE WORKERS. Evening Session, Tuesday, October 18, 1904. In the absence of the president, B. W. Kilgoro, of North Carolina, the asso- ciation was called to order at 8 o'clock p. m., in the Agricultural Building, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, by the vice-president, E. E. Kaufman, of North Dakota. President Kilgore, who was prevented by sickness from being present, sent a letter of regret. On motion, the letter was accepted, and word was sent to President Kilgore expressing regret at his al»sence and wishes fin- his speedy recovery. A paper on The Use of Illustrative Material for Institute Work was read by John Hamilton, of Washington, D. C. (For paper and discussion, see p. 47.) For the benefit especially of tlie new meml)ers, the secretary. Mr. ("reelman, i)riefly reviewed the history of the association and some of the provisions of the constitution, particularly that relating to membership. Mr. F. W. Taylor, chief of the department of agriculture of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, being introduced, delivered the following address of welcome : Address of Welcome. Mr. Chairman, Ladies, and Gentlemen : It is a great pleasure to meet these institute workers. But where did they come from? When I was in chai-ge of the work in one of the States eight or ten years ago I do not think there were more than two or three persons who are present to-night who would have been permitted to pass the doorkeeper at one of our meetings. That shows how rapidly things move, and particularly how rapidly the institute worker has moved and how little I have liept in touch with the work of the institutes. I'he work of the farmers' institutes has taken a new phase since I first went into it a dozen years or more ago in Nebraska, and it has come to represent an educational value which we did not then seek. The way in which we handled the farmers' institutes in those earlier days would, I am sure, be rather crude if applied to the present time, but I think that some of us here saw then something of the form which they were to take later on. I felt as I was leaving the work some seven or eight years ago that that particular way in which we had been handling them had about been worked out, i)articularly in the State I then represented. It seemed to me we had gone about as far as we could along the lines upon which we had originally laid out the work, lu that State, up to the time 1 left the work, there Lad been (13) 14 practically no appmitriation made for carrying it on. It has been a hard work to maintain. A few hundred dollars was all that was available, and the fact that I held a position in the university of the State and incidentally carried the work of the farmers' institute on was the only way in which we were able to carry it forward. Our speakers were not paid. The few hundred dollars we had we used for printing and a few incidental expenses. The railroads of that State may be said to have carried on the work. They supplied trans- portation without limit upon the request of the superintendent, and aside from that there was practically nothing to go upon except the kind-heartedness and the thoughtfulness and the progressiveness of the men who did the actual work traveling up and down that State and carrying to the farmers, as we tried to carry, something which they perhaps could not otherwise have gotten. And it has been a matter of pleasure to me to see the better form into which the institute work has come. It has come to be better organized. It has come to be more truly and clearly an educational work. And so the work which some of us tried to start in a small way has grown to be something largo and impor- tant. A few States at that time, even, had their work pretty well organized, but in general I suppose there were not more than four or five States that made appropriations which were sufficient without the support of the railroads or the professors in the agricultural colleges. Without that there were perhaps not more than four or five States in the work which could have existed even as we carried it on in those days. The growth of the work, the establishment of an office for the study of that work in the Department of Agriculture, and a good many things of that nature, which have come up to this time in such good form as they occupy to-day, were only outlines. I remember that in the last one or two meetings that I attended, and of which I was secretary, the thing that we claimed then to ourselves, although I think we expected they would be some years in the future, was that there might be a man in the Department of Agriculture who might study the \^ork and go out and do what he could to make it possible to carry on that line of work in the States which did not then have aid. I presume that there are two or three times as many States carrying on that work now as then, and I know there are three or four times as many States making appropriations to maintain the work as a regular part of the State work as there were then. After aH, when you get back to the beginning of things, whether it be farmers' institute or the work which is done in the colleges or the experiment stations or the work which is done in expositions, it is educational work. I have a feeling that in leaving the institute and taking up the work which I have had to carry in the last three expositions that I have been doing educational work, and I believe that we all have a right to consider that the work which we do in insti- tutes is an educational work of a character which could scarcely be carried on in any other way. It is a pleasure to me. as chief of the department of agriculture of this expo- sition, which is held in the center, nearly, of what we believe to be the greatest agricultural portion of the country, to have you meet with us. It was a pleasure to me to extend, representing the exposition, an invitation to hold your meetings here. It causes some regret that I know so few of you and to feel that in the comparatively short time I have been out of the work it has grown and brought in new people until I am almost a stranger, so far as my relation to your par- ticular work is concerned. But that ought to give pleasure only, for it is only by growth and advancement and by bringing in new life that a work of this sort can exist. It seemed to me in the last years I was in it that the time was coming when there must be a change, an advance in the methods. I remember talking in almost a pessimistic strain in the last days I was connected with the 15 ^^•o^k, expressing the opinion that it would have to take a new start or stop. I am glad to say it did not stop, and the work has gone on much better than it went on in the way we used to have to carry it on. I am delighted to know it is progressing so well, and I am glad that at this Initial session of this meeting there are so many present. I am glad that the scope of the organization was so extended — as it was during the last year or so that I was a member of it — as to take in a good many who before that time would not be eligible. I remember changing in the earlier days to the belief that the right plan was to take in the workers — all those who had to do with the direct work of the institute. I am glad that the change was made, and the change is evident by the considerably larger number present than we had at any of the meetings during the time that I was connected with the work. I hope that I may have the pleasure of showing some of you. either as a body or individually, what has been done in the bringing together of the agi-icultural products of the States and provinces which are represented here. I hope that as you go through the building you will realize something of the enormous work which each State and Province has done in bringing this exhibit together. My own work and my office has been simply executive. I feel some- times that we are entitled to very little credit for what has been done here, but to whomsoever the credit may belong I think you will find a magnificent exhibit in this building and the building to the south. I know you will say that there is a splendid showing of the agricultural products, not only of this country, but of foreign lands, and as representing those exhibits, in an executive capacity, and in the name of the exposition, I welcome you here and hope you may find jour stay not only pleasant but extremely profitable. I am delighted, as I have said, to greet you and welcome you, and to offer you every facility which we have at our disposal. Mr. J. G. Lee, of Louisiana, delivered the following: Reply to Address of Welcome. Mr. President and Gentlemen of the American Association of Farmers' Institute Workers: Besides appreciating the great honor it affords me an inexpressible amount of gratification to have been chosen to respond, on behalf of this important organization, to the warm welcome extended us. and clothed in such eloquent language, by Mr. F. W. Taylor, as chief of the department of agriculture of this, the greatest of all world exposition-s. No language of mine could adequately convey to you, sir, the feeling of appreciation and thanks which this association desires to express on this occasion. The work which may be said to be here represented by this gathering is one of momentous import to the American farm and to the American home. Agriculture is the backbone, the mainstay, of our nation ; but if we are to maintain the position we are now so proudly occupying, as leaders in the world's production of the fruits of the soil, we must not fail to busy ourselves to keep ahead of increasing competition in the other parts of the world. Education is the great force to-day that is moving the world's immense indus- ti-ies, and it is to this force we must look to stinmlate and to build up, to its highest state of perfection, that greatest of all industries — agriculture — with which we are so intimately associated. The farmers" institute movement throughout America is one which has reiiuix'ed patient work and fo.stering care to bring to where it is to-day. ^lany have been the obstacles placed in the way of its jtrogress from its inception, inspired by ignorance, no doubt, of its true value to the large class of our citizens for whom it was specifically instituted. Thanks, however, to the stout hearts, and 23344— No. 154— repared a set of reports from the several States, giving a history of the organization of the institutes in those States and the condition of work in the different States, so that persons who are interested in knowing the exact condi- tion of things in the several States can have their curiosity satisfied by looking at these reports. On call of the president, the following eight-minute reports from the various States, Territories, and Provinces were submitted : EIGHT-MINUTE REPORTS FROM STATES, TERRITORIES, AND PROVINCES. ALABAMA. By C. A. Caby, Auburn. From .Tuly 1. 1003. to July 1. 1004. 24 farmers' institutes were held in 2P, coun- ties of Alabama. The total attendance was 3.030, and the average for each institute was 151. A ten-day round-up institute was held at the college in Auburn. August 10-14, with an attendance of 130 farmers from a large numlier of counties cf the State. About $800 was used in paying the expenses of the 24 institutes and the one round-up institute. A majority of the institutes were held in August— the time most available for the farmers to attend the meetings. Eleven speakers were employed, and all but two of them were taken from the station force of workers. We have adopted no especially new features, but our attendance has increased as well as the interest manifested and the greater number of calls for institutes. ARKANSAS. By W. G. ViNCENHELLER, FayettevHle. Number of meetings held, 5. Amount of money spent, about $50. Two speakers employed. These meetings have been held in response to urgent requests and have usually resulted in the organization of fruit and vegetable growers' associations. The demand for speakers or lecturers for these meetings has been greater than we have been able to fill. The information most generally sought is along the lines of improved agriculture and horticulture. The agriculturist and horticulturist are required to do both station and college work, which pre- vents us to a large extent from filling the demands made upon us. We hope to have assistants in these departments another year, when we will be able to give more attention to this work. I now have 25 appointments in connection with the horticultural department of the Iron Mountain Railroad. Either myself or a member of the staff will be in attendance upon all these meetings. 18 CONNECTICUT. By L. A. Clinton, Storrs. I ha^-e done luy best to get statistics for farmers" institutes held in Connecticut during the past year, with the following results: Number of meetings held. 20; number of sessions, 40 ; amount of money expended, $1.000 ; lunnber of speakers employed, 25. The general plan of campaign was to hold the institutes in con- nection with the granges of the State. When a grange makes application for an institute, the officers of either the State Pomological Society, the State Dairy- men's Association, or the State board of agriculture will arrange for an institute at that place. Sometimes a joint institute is held by some of these associations. So far as I can discover there is no definite plan of campaign. An effort is being made to put the farmers' institutes in this State on a little better basis, but whether we shall succeed or not remains to be seen. DELAWARE. By Wesley Webb, Dover. The work of the year in Delaware has been along lines similar to those fol- lowed in the past. Number of institutes, 18; number of sessions, 40; total attendance, 4.856 ; amount of money spent, .$600 : number of speakers employed, S. lOleven of the 18 meetings were all-day institutes, held on consecutive days (omitting Sunday), with essentially the same programme. This programme in- chided practical farm topics, agricultural education with special i-eference to the Delaware Agricultural College, and measures necessary to preserve the native ornamental evergreens of the Slate. The institute movement is growing in favor with the people and is productive of much good. FLORIDA. By C. M. Conner, Lake City. Our plan of campaign was about the same as in previous years, except that in advertising tlie institutes we got into direct communication with the farmers and addressed them personal letters, and in that way appealed directly to them and thus increased the attendance. Under new lines of work inaugurated I do not know that wc have anything to offer that would be of interest. As most of you know^ the Institute work in Florida is new. and we have to educate the people up to what the farmers" insti- tute is. When that is done we will be able to branch out i)i new lines. We expect to push the work further this year and to ask the legislature for more money for further extension. During the fiscal year ended July 1. 1004, institutes were held in 19 counties of the State. Eighteen of these meetings were one-day meetings, one a two-d.-iy meeting. The amount of money spent, not including printing report, was .$853 ; printing report, $240; number of speakers employed, 8; total attendance, by actual count, 1,605. IDAHO. By H. T. French, Moscow. The farmers' institute west of the Rocky Mountains is a very important factor in spreading information among farmers, stock men, and orchardists. If possible, it is of greater imitortance than in the East, where better means of communicatlou and contact with one another are found than in the West. 19 Nature has set up many harriers which h.iv(» not yet heen orerconie with means of communication ami transportaticm. Families and communities are widely .separated from each other hy impassable canyons, mountain chains, and desert lands; hut these people are none the less interested in improved methods in agriculture. Indeed, they are often doubly interested, on account of the difficul- ties which tliey must overcome ere success will crown their efforts. Long stage trips over sagebrush jdains and across mountain passes is often the lot of the institute worker ; hut when the people are reached in these out-of-the-way places the work is rec-eived with earnestness and a determination to get out of it all that is i)()ssible. AVere it not for the conviction that comes home to one from some encouraging sign that the work was highly appreciated and really bene- fited some industrious, worthy individual, there would be little to compensate for the effort necessary to reach many of these people. Not all the work is so arduous as this by any means. We have large and enthusiastic meetings in the larger towns and more thickly populated districts near the railway lines. Our best institutes, however, are in the smaller niral settlements. Fifty to 1(¥) deeply interested farmers make a better institute, in my judgment, than HOO Iiresent in a town wh(>re the element of entertainment usurps the time and leaves not enough solid meat for slower digestion and assimilation. On this account we do not hesitate to go to remote country settlements where a schoolhouse can be secured for the meetings. What a grand mission to be able to " break the bread of life." as it were, to these struggling, earnest people who by foix-e of circumstances often are compelled in this far western country to dei)rive themselves of associations which only come with denser population and greater production of the com- modities which the railroad seeks to transport. Thus we would jdace lack of transportation facilities and long distances to travel among the most trying conditions to overcome in institute work in the West. It is not easy to sui)ply instructors to keep pace with the growing demands for this work. The experiment station staff is taxed to the limit and should be relieved from too much institute work. I believe the institute furnishes one of the best means of bringing the station worker in contact with the people whom he wishes to benefit, and he should not on this account be entirely relieved from institute work. This is doubly true in the West, where the conditions vary so greatly in comparatively short distances. Altitude, proximity to mountain and timliered lands, exposure to the winds which sweep the plains, all have a marked influence on agricultural possibilities, and it is quite necessary that the investi- gator become as familiar with these local conditions as possible in order to apply the results ^^■hich he secures in the laboratory or field located often- times hundreds of miles away. The institute offers opportunity for an intei'- change of ideas with the farmers on the ground where the application of scien- tific data must be made better than any other means available at the present time. This personal contact is far better than the printed report on results obtainetl at the station. So I think that while it is not an easy task to determine just how nuich institute work should be done by station men. it is easy to see that a iwrtion of their time can be profitably spent in this way. We need in the West more men who have been trained in gathering data and have the faculty of communicating it to men engaged in practical affairs. We have not such a large number of graduates of agricultural colleges to draw from as you have in the East. Our institutions are young and robust, but have not as yet a large list of graduates. 20 A iv^'ular system of institutes is now in force in Oregon, Washington, and Idalu). The latter States receive support for institute worlc by regular appro- priations from the State legishitures. Oregon as yet does not receive such support, I believe. In our own State the work is g)-owing rapidly and demands a still more liberal support, so that more instructors may be employed. Trans- portation companies are doing much to assist in overcoming the large expense necessary to reach remote parts of the State. It costs nearly as much to go from the northern end of our State to the southern as it does to go to Chicago and requires nearly as much time. It is not an uncommon occurrence to travel by rail 800 miles to attend a farmers' institute in our State. These are a few of the thoughts whi<'h occur to me which may be of interest to others who no doubt have equally difficult problems to solve in carrying for- ward this grand system of education which means so much in the development of the great resources of the country as well as in the increase of human happi- ness and comfort. ILLINOIS. By A. B. HosTETTER, tSpringfield. One hundred and five institutes were held ; G3 of these were of two days' and 42 of three days' dui*ation. Total number of sessions, (JOO ; total attendance, 84,(>81 ; total sum spent directly for institutes, .flO.f.T."..?!). This does not include office expenses, salaries,* nor expenses of directors. Seventy-five dollars is ap])r()- priated to each county by the State, and twelve county boards made additional appropriations varying from '$'>() to .$200 each. No salaried speakers were employed. Nineteen members of the faculty of the college of agriculture attended a total of 159 sessions, SO per cent of the counties securing help from the college. The other speakers, with a few exceptions secured from other States, were taken from the ranks of active farmers, housekeepers, and teachers. Sixty county superintendents of schools cooperated with the county organiza- tion in promoting the institute and interesting the farm boys in corn growing. Seventy-six per cent of the institutes had exhibits, and seventy institutes had domestic science represented on their programmes, and the majority of these gave one entire session to the subject. The subjects which were made a spe- cial feature for the year were maintaining soil fertility and teaching agriculture in the public school. A new, live, and special feature was the exhibition of and awai-d of prizes on corn grown by boys under 18 years of age from pure seed sent out by the insti- tute. This corn-growing contest greatly increased the attendance of young people at the institute, and was regarded so favor:d)ly that corn was sent again to 5,521 boys in the spring of 1904, to be grown and exhibited at the institutes of 1904-5. Two hundred traveling libraries were kept in circulation during the j'ear, visiting over oOO connnunities. The class work at the annual round-up institute, February 23-25, 1904, although not a new feature, was extended to include classes in live stock, with specimens of horses, cattle, and hogs, for comparison and demonstration ; class in poultry ; class in dairying, with demonstrations of testing, separating milk, and making butter, all carried on on the rostrum of a church; classes in domes- tic science, in corn judging, and in iKirticulture. We have found that there is great educational value in the doing of things before an institute audience. Twenty thousand copies of an annual report of .300 pages were printed and distributed. During the months of April and May, 1904, conferences of the 21 institute directors and a I'epresentative from each county institute in the Con- firessional district were held ; the superintendent of institutes attended these conferences and circuits of institutes, and dates and phices for the ensuing year were agreed upon. One hundred and nine schohirships in the college of agriculture were awarded through the institute. In reply to questions by Mr. Creehuan, Mr. Hostetter stated that about 10,000 copies of the annual report of the Illinois farmers' institutes were distributed to the institute organization through its officers, and 10,000 copies were turned over to the secretary of state for distribution to libraries, members of the legisla- ture, and others. The report is printed by the State as a p;irt of the regular State i)rinting. INDIANA. By W. C. Latta, Lafayette. Number of institutes lield, 175 ; two-day meetings, 1(55 ; one-day meetings, 10 ; total, 340 days and 832 sessions. Every comity had one institute and many had two or more. The average attendance, 338 ; aggregate, 59,189. Assigned si)eakers, 48, 9 being from the university and experiment station staff. Ten or twelve separate sessions for women were held. Women had charge of a few general sessions of the farmers' institutes. Two speakers, as a rule, are assigned to each institute. The average cost to the State for speakers was about .$33. The direct allowance to each county for local expenses was, as heretofore, $25. The aggregate cost to the State for speakers and local expenses was about $47. The expenses of the superintendent's office, including salaries, printing and stationery, postage, etc., were about $2,000. During the past year, over half of the counties adopted the permanent form of local organization for institute work recommended by the general man- agement. Woman's auxiliaries exist in eight or ten counties. Steps have already been taken to have a general organization of the farm women of the State. The si)ecial features of the work during the past year were corn judging at many of the meetings, live-stock judging at a few institutes, and the presentation of the subject of good roads at about 25 of the meetings. Attention is now being called to the importance of interesting the young people of the farm and iutrodui-iug the subject of nature study and agricul- ture in the public schools. Steps already taken insure that these important matters will receive attention at most of the institutes the coming season. Mr. Latta, replying to questions, stated that definite agricultural instruction is not given in the public schools of Indiana except in a few instances. Dui-ing the past year for the first time a few teachers began the use of some of the ele- mentary treatises ou agriculture. lie has urged the development of nature study. LOUISIANA. By J. G. Lee, Baton Rouge. I want to preface my report by saying that there is each year a continued and greater interest manifested in my State in the farmers' institute work — a work only limited in its possibilities for doing great good to the adult farmers by the 22 funds at our t'ommand. It is those mostly whoiu we desire to reach and teach, and from all parts of the State comes a constant demand for institute organiza- tions. We held, during the year coming to a close, 50 institutes in 37 of the 59 parishes, with an average attendance of 280, and a total of more than 14,000. In addition to these institutes, there are some forty-odd fruit and truck grow- ers' associations, now well organized, conducting their affairs with material suc- cess and development of this industry, for which jiai'ts of the State, both alluvial and hill lands, are well adapted. In all cases where intensified farming is fol- lowed with close attention to the requirements of particular fruits and vege- tables, with liberal use of suitable fertilizers for products and soil, the net re- sults per acre have been largely remunerative, surpassing the yield and net results of any yield of staple crops, such as cane, cotton, and rice. In many instances, and one in particular, at Roseland, Tangipahoa Parish, where busi- ness methods and careful attention are paid to all the details of truck farming, supplemented with the free use of fertilizers best adapted to the soil and irri- gation from pumping wells is followed, the profits have been enormous. At Roseland, a small farm of 25 acres, with 10 acres in pasture and 15 in cultiva- tion, the vegetable crops have netted a yield of $5,000 after all farm expenses, including cost of marketing, had been paid. Many farmers are embarking in this industry, and, A\'ith railroad facilities and lands adapted to the growth of garden products, are reaping a good annual income. The department keeps in touch with all these organizations, encouraging and lending every assistance possible by sending practical and successful truck growers to lecture and give instruction along these lines, which have awakened many farmers to the im- portance of this industry, and done much to improve methods and give a clear conception of the great importance of divei'sified farming. At the places of meeting permanent local farmers' institute clubs are organ- ized, with a local president, secretary, and vice-president for each ward in the parish in which these institutes are held. The local organizations serve as local headquarters for the annual visit of the corps of institute workers, and assist materially in the distribution of agricultural literature, jirogrammes, and posters, and doing missionary work in advance of the meetings, and acting as representatives, locally, of the I;Ouisiana State board of agriculture and immi- gration. These local organizations are composed of progressive farmers seek- ing agricultural knowledge and desiring in every way to improve their condi- tions along these lines, and tliey form the official link connecting the local organ- izations with the State department of agriculture at the capitol l)uilding. It is also the purpose of the commissioner to hold, at as early a date as practicable, a general " round-up " of all the institute workers and members of club.s at the Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, at Baton Rouge, La., for the purpose of consulting, exchanging views and opinions, and receiving suggestions looking to the continued expanding, improvement, and bet- terment of this important work undertaken and being done l)y our department. The work is not over, as the closing results indicate that our institutes have a larger attendance than those held in any previous year. The work is not only well in hand witli the smaller farmers, but is rapidly extend- ing to the large sugar, cotton, and rice planters, with promise of good results for the future. Another new feature that I desire to mention Is the discussion of the good-]-oads movement by the department and the cooperation of the United States good-roads expert, to seriously engage the attenion and thought of our people, and from now on this will be the slogan of the department until the good work is accomplished and some systematic laws passed by which we can see the fruit of our labor c:irrie;l (,:i more economically and successfully. Through the work of the farmers' institute:-, the State board of education has 23 senirod llic tcicliiui; of olonioiit.iry iij^ricnltiire in the public schools of the State. It is now also the cooperative worlc of the two departments of education and airricultiire to establish school sardens in connection with the rural public schools, thereby giving practical instruction to the young mind whose calling in after life is to be that of an agriculturist. Those composing the institute corps for the year clo.slng were as follows : Fourteen expcrinient station and agricultural college men, who are regular lecturers; 4 from other States; 2 from the U. S. Department of Agriculture, and 10 from the practical and successful farmers of the State. Thus it will be seen that our institute corps is made up largely of specialists from our agricul- tural college. ex])eriment stations, lecturers from other States, and our own practical and most successful farmers, and it will be my constant aim and policy to elaborate and make this important work more and more effective. I should here mention that .$2,000 is annually set aside from the appropriation made by our legislative body for this institute work, but it is inadequate to carry out tlie full scope of the work that I have mapped out to its legitimate effectiveness, and hence this department is handicapped in developing and broadening the field of its work as rajiidly as is desirable to cover thoroughly and effectively all the r>9 parishes of the State. But to those who have learned •' to labor and to wait " these results are bound to come, for everywhere there is an awakening interest among the farmers, and their representatives see and know the necessity for a more liberal appropriation, which will doubtless be made in the future. As regards the department's' work along the lines of encouraging immigra- tion to our inviting and fertile fields, I would state that a vast amount of literatiire — Louisiana's Invitation, hand maps, showing alluvial and hill lands, nature of soil, etc. — is distributed to all parts of the United States and foreign countries direct from the department and through the efforts of the railroads, the Illinois Central, Missouri Pacific, Southern Pacific, and Red River Valley being most active in cooperating and are using every legitimate means to attract worthy immigrants and settlers to the splendid advantages offered in Louisiana to come and settle here while lands are comi)aratively cheap. Louisiana was quick to recognize the importance of this great work and was the first southern State to inaugurate a permanent farmers' institute sys- tem, and ours A\-as the first southern State legislature to recognize their value and to appropriate funds for their conduct, which ai)propriation has been made annually since the work was first started. Thus, Mr. President, you will see that we are abreast of the times and keep- ing pace with the new ideas, thoughts, and progressiveness of other States. MASSACHUSETTS. By J. L. Ellsworth, Boston. I regret that T have not a written report, but I shall try to give you a brief statement of the work in Massachusetts. The jumiber of institutes held was about 100. The cost of the institutes was somewhere about .$1,000, making the average, I believe, a little over $10 at each institute. Now, I can tell you the reason why this is so low. Massachusetts is one of the small States of the Union, as you are aware, and its agricultural interests are of minor consequence, it being a great manufacturing State. Travel from place to place is necessarily very light, and we use many of the professors of the agricultural college. The price paid for each speaker is $10 and his expenses, and when the secretary of the board is called out he goes free, as both liis salary and the expense are paid by the State. 24 The nnnibev of siseakers CDiployed I will not attempt to give you. The board of agriculture that lias charge of this work gets out each year a list that includes the professors in the agricultural college and many prominent speakers in New England States, and when we get one from outside the State we usually attempt to keep him for a week, which makes his traveling expenses very light. The new lines of work that are being taken up in IXIassachusetts are demon- stration work. A general institute was held at the agricultural college last sum- mer, and all the different lines or different organizations of the State were invited to cooperate in it. The fruit growers' association, the cattle owners' association, the creamery interest, and the grangers were all invited. We had a very fine institute. There were demonstrations in creamery work, wdiich is of special interest in the western part of the State. A part of one day was used in the mixing of insecticides and fungicides and the exhibition of spray pumps. The fruit men were very much interested, and the fighting of the insects and of fungus growth on the fruit and vegetables is of great impor- tance among the market gardeners of Massachusetts. We had a very large attendance, and it was probably one of our best meetings ever held in Massa- chusetts. The average attendance of our institutes is 104. The largest attendance was something l)etween :'.()() and 4(X). and ])erhaps the smallest was about 2."). Some- times we have small attendance owing to conditions beyond our control — that is, the weather. If we have an institute advertised on a day when the weather is stormy and the roads bad, the attendance is naturally small. I ])resume this is the same way in other States. I wish to say that the institute work in Massachusetts is growing, as I presume it is in all other States; that the farmers are beginning to realize that the speakers that we employ are from the experiment stations and have had practical experience. Occasionally we get a very successful man who has farmed and made lots of money, and people interested in the same line of agri- culture vi'hich he has pursued want to know Iww he has done it, and we per- haps get hold of such a practical man. So they are finding out that the insti- tute is one of the great teachers. Another plan is also getting the grange to help. In some instances where the Pomona Grange took hold with the regular farmers of a county or town the attendance has been very largely increased.. MICHIGAN. By L. R. Taft, Lansi)i(/. I can report verbally that during the past year we held in Michigan .300 institutes, of which 75 were two-day county institutes, covering practically all the counties in the State, except some of the mining and lumber counties in the noi'th, with 224 one-day institutes scattered through the counties and a three-day institute at the agricultural college as a sort of round-up. The appropriations for institutes last year was JfH.OOO, of which about $5,000 was spent for the one and two day institutes paying the per diem expenses of the speakers, and the remainder for the round-up institute and salaries, the printing and mailing of the rei)oi-ts. We secured, and have for years secured, mailing lists from the various counties through the membership list of the dif- ferent county institute societies, and when printed the reports were mailed direct to each member. Others were sent, of course, to libraries, newspapers, prominent farmers, etc. The speakers regularly on the list numbered about 00, but we had in addition some 15 at the round-up institute, several of whom came from outside the State. In this list of speakers we had 15 ladies, and at practi- cally all of the two-day institutes we had a lady upon the programme for about 25 four talks, many of tlieiu discussing matters relating to butter making, poultry raising, and other outdoor matters, as well as education and the household. In some cases, ijerhaps ."»() i)er cent of the meetings, we had domestic science upon the progranuue. These talks, however, were given in connection with the women's section, and these with us are no new venture. Tliey have been held tor some eight years and they have been a very valual)le i»art of our institute work. The rouud-up institute and the college hatl a joint meeting with the State dairymen, the horticultural society, the bee keepers' association, and we received the heartiest assistance of various other organizations, iuchuliiig the State grange, the State farmers' clubs, and the different stock l)reeders' associatious, giving up one or more sessions to each, aud besides that most of them held separate sessions. We gave up the evenings to matters relating to legislation aud education, with various other topics in the afternoon along those lines. During the first two hours of the forenoon we had sectional lectures in various dei)artments of the colleges. On some morning when the dairymen were there we had the dairy work explained by the instructor in charge. The same was true in horticulture and stock feeding, or, perhaps I should say, stock judging and corn judging, and in the women's department. The liltraries were all open and in certain hours of the day the work of the college was explained and the laboratory work of the students was investigated. 1 will say that we issue !»,0C»0 copies of the institute reports, and for the first time have mailed them direct to the members. Before that they were sent " to the county secretaries to be given out at the meetings. But we are able to put them in the hands of the farmers several months earlier and have been well repaid by the benefit secured. I'rintiug and postage are paid for by the , State. MINNESOTA. By O. C. Gregg, Lynd. We have held during the pf'St year 154 institutes, made up of 120 one-day institutes and 25 two-day institutes, the total number of sessions being .378. Our total attendance, figured according to the association method, has been 40,210. The two-day institutes were held in the larger towns of the State, and had an average attendance of 510. The single-day institutes were held in the smaller towns, with an average attendance of 259. Our appropriation for the year was $18,000. This paid all the expenses of the institutes, including salaries and the publishing of our institute annual. We have employed 13 speakers in all. We have conunenced the organization of a women's department of our institute work, 19 local institutes being organized during the year. These different institutes hold monthly meetings, and reports show that the membership and interest have increased steadily. Each month we have selected a bulletin from the list furnished by the U. S. Department of Agriculture, and a copy of it has been forwarded from Washington to each individual member. These bulletins have been studied at home and then discussed at the meeting. Plans for the distribution of other literature are now being considered. A circuit of 11 institutes was held, in which particular attention was paid to the potato industry. These meetings were held in the potato district north of St. Paul aud Minneapolis. 26 MISSISSIPPI. By J. C. Hardy, Arjriciilfiiral College. The number of meetings held in Mississippi ilurinj^ the past year was prob- ably inoi'e than have been held during the entire history of the farmers' insti- tute— ir,r». ;Money si)ent, .^rj.OOO. The first appropriation ever made was in 1900, $500; in 1002, $l,r)00 ; and this last January, $3,000 a year. Number of speakers employed, 18. We have had no permanently organized institutes in our State until about two years ago. This year we have undertaken to perfect the organization, and we have done so, with the exception of the Delta, where we have never undertaken to hold institutes, the Delta people believing purely in the negro and the mule, and thinking that scientific agriculture can do them no good at the present stage. ^Ye have located an experiment station in the Delta, however, and expect, with the menace of the boll weevil threatening our people, that we can do some work there and demonstrate that there is more possibility in the Delta than mere King Cotton in the raw state. AYe have mapped the State out into districts — the horticultural district, the dairy district, and the general agricultural district, and so on — and sent speakers especially adapted for the different sections. About three weeks is the time occiipied by each tour. In addition we have what is called the country district and the river district. Through the country district the institute staff generally go about six weeks, with two teams. What we have tried to push this year is bee keeping and poultry work, which we expect to make prominent in the experiment station. Terracing has also received much attention. Our people since the war have been given almost entirely to cotton raising. As a result, our lands have been badly washed. We have therefore been emphasizing the importance of reclaiming these lands by means of controlling the water, by terracing, and otherwise. As a demonstra- tion we actually terraced a man's field for him in some of our institute work. We consider this a very practical method. We have just organized in our college industrial pedagogy, probably the first course of the kind that has been organized, for the puri)ose of educating our teachers in agriculture and manual training in our schools. We realize that we nuist have trained teachers for this work. We also expect to hold a naral school at the college for four weeks next year. MISSOURI. By G. B. Ellis, Colmnbia. The farmers' institute work in Missouri is under the control of the State board of agriculture, and the secretary of the board is the institute director. We try not to be governed in our work in Missouri I)y any hard and fast rules, but are trying to develop a system of farmers' institute work suited to our needs by adopting the best methods we can borrow or that we can work out our- selves, modified, of course, to suit our own local conditions. During the year ending .lune .30, 1004. we held 147 meetings, of which 141 were one-day, ;"* were two-day, and 1 three-day meeting. The total attendance was 30,220. The institute .season began October 12 and ended April 2. The appropriation for the year was $.5,000. out of which a little more than $1,000 was used for printing and part pay of the director's salary, liut to balance this expense the clerical help is paid for out of other funds. We get no money from any other source whatever. 27 Twenty-eight uien wert> on the institute staff, 1.*? from \ho agricultural college and experiment station and ir» others. Throe Iccttn-crs wn-o cmployod from other States. No woman's work has been introduced, owing to the disapproval of the board. I hope, however, to overcome the oppositioti soon and take up woman's work. Our aim is to giv«> the farmers something they can use, and to accomplish this we use as much illustrative and demonstrative material as possible. A passenger car, fitted ui) in what might be called an institute laboratory, has been used in a lunnber of meetings, and has given excellent results. (See Thirty- fifth Annual Report of the Missouri State Board of Agriculture, p. 15.) Our soil, climate, and crops are so diversified that we nmst consider a very wide range of subjects, which makes it very difficult for us to secure the necessary help iu our institute work, but I am glad to say that we can report material progress during the year and an increased interest in our work among the farmers of the State. NEBRASKA. By E. A. Burnett, Lincoln. The institutes in Nebraska have become prominent factors in the agricultural development of the State. The institute season began November 23, 190?,. and closed March 24, 1904. Forty-three one-day institutes and 49 two-day institutes, total 92, with a total of 330 sessions, were held. The total attendance was 26,000 people, figured according to Government methods. Institutes were held in 57 counties. The State appropriation for institute work is .$G,(X)0 per year. Institutes are oper- ated under the regents of the university, and not under a special enacted law. Ten men connected with the university and station did institute work, spend- ing 52 days in the work. Fourteen other lecturers were employed by the State, these giving their entire time to the institutes while in the work. We combine local and central organizations, holding no institute except on request, and always ask the community to bear a part of the expense, generally amounting to the hall rent, local advertising, and local entertainment of speakers at hotels. Dates are made at least six weeks in advance and institutes arranged in series. The subjects of .soil tillage, varieties of wheat, oats, and corn, and of forage crops are all prominent. Alfalfa growing is a leading subject in many local- ities, and the efforts of the institute force is constantly exerted to extend the area of alfalfa. The breeding and selection of seed corn is a prominent factor in our institutes and many exhibits of seed are made for purposes of competi- tion. These exhibits are judged by a competent man on the institute force. In a few places contests among the boys in growing corn are being carried on. The treatment of animal disease is one of paramount importance in Nebraska and ably treated at our institutes. Being a great live-stock State, the questions of feeding cattle, sheep, and hogs are much discussed. During the regular season we employ two speakers to talk on economic pork production and one man to talk cattle feeding when- ever such a man is available. Questions of crop i-otations and soil fertility are coming to be much discussed, especially in the older sections of the State, where land is now high in price and rentals corresi)ondingly high. Poultry products form a leading factor in our industry and receive attention from the institute platfoi-m. Recently we are giving attention also to the rearing of horses. 28 Last ycjir I'tiv IIk^ first time tlic siiltjoct of road building rccoivod attention in an effort to iuii)rove the earth roads of the country. The subjects assigned to any particubir institut«> depend on tlie local de- mands. An effort is made to send .speakers familiar with the needs of the several localities and to conform so far as possible In matter of sul).iects to the requests of the local coumiittee. Lady speakers are used, though not extensively, confining their sul>.iects to household-science topics, poultry, etc. In a few institutes separate women's sessions were held and these were usually successful. NEW JERSEY. By Franklin Dye, Trenton. Tlie numl>er of farmers' institutes held in New Jersey during the fall and winter of 1903-4 was 27. This does not include the annual meeting of the State board of agriculture, covering three days and seven sessions, nor the meeting of the State Horticultviral Society — two days. The amount of money expended in the institute work was $1,616.55. There were 86 sessions held. There were 8 speakers (3 of whom were from another State), not including the conductor nor a half-dozen othei-s who made but one, two, or three addresses. The subjects treated included fruit production, l.irge and small ; marketing farm produce ; asparagus production ; potato, tomato, pepper, and melon grow- ing; dairy matters in general; poultry and egg production; soils — composition, variety, requirements, etc.; plant food in general; entomology; grass produc- tion; intensive and extensive farming; home life and home adornment; sanita- tion and hygiene, etc. New subjects are considered from time to time as their importance seems to demand and as our farmers take them up in practice. For example, last season we presented, at suitable places, " squab raising." It is a growing indus- try in New Jersey. The question of soils, already referred to, is a new sub- ject, although the soils are old. They have not hitherto been scientifically studied and presented to the farmers in such a way that they could understand and adopt the teachers' conclusions. This subject was considered in a general way at a numl)er of institutes last winter. During the coming institute season the question will be presented more in detail and will cover nine subdivisions, or heads. Similarly the sub- ject of asparagus production. This is a very important crop in New Jersey, and last year at a number of places, where the soil is adapted to its production, the best methods of culture were given by a leading producer of this crop. The interest manifested in the subjects presented, as indicated by the ques- tions asked, was deeper and more intelligent than heretofore. The effect pro- duced by the institute in the localities where held is more extended and the influence more abiding. This improvement is shown by the adoption of the sug- gestions presented at the institute, and where these new theories and methods produce better results than the old did the institute as a help to the farming profession has passed beyond the experimental period. Our plan of work is simple. The first notice sent out contains a list of all the meetings to be held, the place, and the date. This notice goes to the news- papers and the various farmers' organizations. The next notice is the pro- gramme of the meetings, containing place of meeting, hall, list of subjects and speakers, a few paragraphs on the purpose of the institute, and a short state- ment of who the speakers are. These programmes are sent to the press in 29 the iR'i.^Iiliorliood wlicrc t'Mch institute is to be held, also to the local coni- luittee. if siu-li there he. to distribute among the farmers by mail or otherwise. In some cases they are mailed from the State board ofHce direct to the farmers. The third advertisement of a meeting is Ijy large posters. These are sent to the local connnittee about eight or ten days liefore the date of the meeting, to be i)ut up in various i)ui)lic places. We are of the opinion that plenty of judicious advertising secures a larger attendance than is lilcely to prevail where but little notice of the meeting has been given. The farmers' institute work in New Jersey is steadily improving. In reply to questions that have been asked, I would say that the State prints our reports. The institute is under the management of the State department of agriculture. We pay our own postage and expressage. We obtain a list of farmers from the granges and from other sources, and usually have some prominent farmer in the grange or other locality to whom we can express a lot of reports and have them distributed by him. A number of years ago, just before I came into the position of secretary, the reports were sent out by mail, and it made an inroad on the funds of over $700, which we could not stand. The subject of good roads we do not take up. We take up, however, the sub- ject of better roads. NEW YORK. By F. E. Dawley, Fayetteville. The winter of 1903-4 marked one of the most successful seasons that New York has ever experienced. AVe began our meetings with a Normal institute at the State experiment station, at Geneva, lasting three days, which was fol- lowed by one at the agricultural college at Cornell University for the same length of time. Immediately following these, our men began the regular insti- tute work, and were in the very best condition for a strong winter's campaign. Our first meetii'.g was held November 4 and we closed on March 19, holding 267 meetings ; of these, 100 were one-day meetings, 163 two-day meetings, and 4 were three days or more. One thousand one hundred and fifty-four sessions were held, and the total attendance was 64.347. This shows a slight dropping off from the year before ; still, when we take into consideration the fact that the winter of 1903-4 was the most inclement one that New Y'ork has experi- enced in years and that at many of our meetings the roads were in an impassable condition, so that the attendance dropped down to almost nothing, some sessions having been lost entirely, I believe that we can report progress. We held institutes in every county in the State, except Richmond and Kings. One of the most successful that was held was a special horticultural meeting held on Forty-fifth street, in New York City. Our appropriation is the .same that it has been for a number of years. $20,000. with no receipts from outside sources. .\side from these regular institutes, quite a few summer meetings and inde- pendent institutes were held, with an attendance of something over 35.000, giving us practically 100,000 for our attendance for the year. We still adhere to our system of central management, sending from two to six speakers to each meeting and taking up the greater portion of the time with tlie State speal^ers, our loc.-tl people being far Itetter pleased with this than with any other system. Our special boys' and girls' sessions were very success- ful, and we find that we are interesting a large number of young people in tak- ing a higher agricultural education. We discourage the idea of exhibits of implements and products at our meetings, but do wish to have a small display to be used in decorations. The period devoted to the question box is one of the features of New York's institutes, and an examination of the questions which were all sent to the 30 central office at the close of the meetings last year would indicate the wide range of the sulgects discussed. New York State's agriculture is more varied than that of any other State. Our people are engaged in every line of special work, and in some sections of the State we have given up an entire session to such subjects as growing violets under glass, rose culture, growing carnations, commercial cabbage growing, growing sugar beets, and many othei's, to say nothing of the more general subjects which come up. For some years we have been holding special poultry institutes, special horticultural institutes, and special bee-keepers' meetings, and these are increasing in attendance and interest each year and are among the most profitable features of our work. On the whole, the institutes have never been more popular in New York than they are at present, and we have more applications ou file already than could be grati- fied in four years with our present appropriation. NORTH CAROLINA. By Tait Butler, N ale iff h. Farmers' institute work in North Carolina is supported by and is under the control of the State department of agi'iculture. During 1904 institutes have been held in CO counties of the State. This is probably twice the number held in any previous year. On the whole, these insti- tutes have been comparatively well attended. In fact, in most of the counties where institutes were held last year the interest manifested and the attendance this year have been such as to give great encouragement for the future success of the work. No record of the attendance at the institutes was kept previous to 3903, but I am certain that during 1901 and 1902 it did not average over 100. During 1904, while many more institutes were held, and (juite a number of these in the sparsely settled mountain region of the State, where institutes had rarely or never been held before, still 5 institutes had an average attendance of 510 each, 12 an average of 405 each, 29 an average of over 300 each, and the whole series of GO had an average attendance of 203. Three of the 60 institutes were of two days' duration, with two sessions each day ; 55 were one-day institutes of two sessions each, and 2 were of one session each. Twelve speakers were employed from the State department of agriculture, experiment station, and agricultural college; the State department of agri- culture and experiment station furnishing nearly all of them. In addition, about 20 local unpaid speakers were used, principally at the two-day institutes. The cost of holding these 60 institittes, including advertising, traveling expenses, etc., but exclusive of salaries, was about $1,550. Nomiaajly the commissioner of agriculture is director of farmers' institutes in North Carolina, but for the past two years I have had virtual char,;,v' of this work Since no previous attempt at organization had been made, the plan of cam- paign adopted aimed at getting in touch with as many farmers as possible in each institute district or county. A list of the leading farmers, numbering from 200 to 500 in each county, was obtained through the justices of the peace in each township, and to each of these farmers was sent a circular letter and a copy of the progranmae of the nearest institute. In addition, posters adAertising the institutes were sent to each post-office and coinitry store in each county and a copy of the programme published in the local and county papers. Schedules giving location and dates of all institutes were published in the leading daily, agricultural, and other State papers. 31 As ft nucleus for a penuaneiit Icnal organization that will finally take charge of the arrangements for the institute and push tlu' woik to tiie point of making it of popular interest, a successful effort has been made to organize a committee of active farmers in most of the counties where institutes have been held this year. One at-tive man was selected by those at the institute from each town- shii) in the county and a chairman chosen from among their number. To a limited extent this plan of organization was adopted last year and this J ear. Our most successful institutes haA'e been in cooperation with and through the assistance of these local institute connnittees. NORTH DAKOTA. ' By E. E. Kaufman. Bisnnirck. The total number of institute jueetings in North Dakota during the past year was -lc>. Twenty-three were one-day and 2o two:day meetings, making a total of sixty-nine days of institute work, holding 151 sessions. The attendance at all institutes was lo.OC.T. The method of computing the attendance was that suggested by this association last jear. It has been our system to hold one and two day meetings with the same force, but owing to the larger number of speak- ers reqiiired for the two-day meetings I think this plan will be discontinued. It is quite likely that a series of two-day meetings will he held and then fol- lowed up with a series of one-day meetings, ^fixing the two and one day institutes causes considerable rearrangement in the presentation of subjects by the speakers. The total amount of money expended for institute work the past year was .'F4.34.94, out of which must be paid the salaries of the institute speakers, hotel expenses, railroad fare, adver- tising, stenographer, and all other necessary office expenses. The places where institutes were held were retjuired to furnish a hall, properly heated and lighted, and assi.st in advertising the meeting. By this means the institute board was able to save some of the money appropriated by the State for more important work in connection with the institutes. The total numl>er of speakers employed during the institute season was 14. Five of these were from the agricultural college and experiment station and in some ca.ses attended but two or three meetings. The regular number of speakers supplied for a two-day meeting was five, and as our one and two day meetings were not separated there was usually five speakers at each of the one- day institutes, which, in my .iudgment, is at least one too many. Three series of institutes were held the past year. The first series opened December 1 and continued until the holiday period. The second series opened January 4 and continued until March 5. The third was a series of seven meet- ings held during the month of .June. As before stated, the one and two day- meetings were held in conjunction. In scheduling the institutes the institute board considered the applications on file, which numbered 75, and used their best judgment in locating the institutes. The schedule was so arranged that each institute was advertised four weeks in advance. I>arge posters were fur- nished the local counnittee by the institute board. Other methods of advertising were then suggested to the local committee, and in nearly every instance where the local committee was esi)ecially active the attendance was large and the interest correspondingly marked. 23344— No. 1.54— <»5 m 3 32 It was not especially planned to inaugurate any new lines of work, but one subject tbat was made particularly prominent at all meetings was tbat of dairy husbandry. For the first time in North Dakota institute work a woman speaker was added to the C(»r]ts for a part of the meetings. This feature was so enthusias- tically received that a woman speaker wil! be regularly attached to the insti- tute corps and an effort made to have her speak at every meeting held the pres- ent year. OKLAHOMA. By J. B. Thoburn, Guthrie. While farmers' institute meetings have Iieen held in Oklahoma for ten or twelve years past, there was no attempt at systematic effort along this line, save what was put forth by the agricultural ;ind mechanical college and experi- ment station, and, in the nature of things, the college faculty and experiment- station staff could not act in an organizing capacity in distant parts of the Territory. The board of agriculture was organized under the laws of the Territory December IS, 1902, and its office was opened at the Territorial capital April 3, 1003, since which time a systematic effort has been made to organize the institute work on a permanent and progressive basis. As constituted by law, the boanl of agriculture stands in very intimate as well as representative relationship to the farmers" institute, as the six members of the board are selected, two each year for three-year terms, by a meeting composed of one delegate from each chartered county farmers' institute. Besides the county institutes, which are organized under the provisions of the law, local institutes are also organized. These local institutes are usually permanent organizations also. During the twelve months ended June 30. 1!)04, there were 52 institute meetings held in the Territory, with a total attendance of 5,400. While the ■work is a new one, it has l)een welcomed by the people in nearly every com- nuniity in which it has been introduced, iind the farmers' institute workers, who have had the work in charge, feel greatly encouraged by the prospect. An effort will be made to establish permanent organizations in the Indian Territory as soon as the two Territories are united into one Commonwealth. The diversity of soil and crop conditions in Oklahoma, together with the composite character of its population, renders the necessity of effective farmers' institute work doubly appai-ent at this time. Public sentiment among the people generally and in the press is very favorable to the movement. ONTARIO. By Georoe a. Putnam, Toronto. In reporting tb^ work of the fanners' and women's institutes for the past year I may state, in the first place, that the system followed for the past few .A ears has jiroved to be i>roductive of such good results that no material changes liave been made for some time. The system followed was very fully exi)lained Ity my predecessor before your convention of last year. It is impossible to give an exact and distinct report for the farmers' and women's institutes in all particulars. The niniilier of meetings held by the farmers' institutes during the past year was 833. Seven hundred and fifteen of these were under the direct control of the sui)erinti>ndent, while the others were special meetings gotten up by the officers of the institutes concerned. Of the 715, 599 were one-day meetings, 38 G two-day meetings, and 104 consisted of single sessions, i. e., a session would be held in one place in the afternoon and another in an adjoining town or village in the evening. By holding the majority of meetings in the smaller towns and country places nearly every farmer in the province is given an opportunity of attending one or more meetings near his home. The local officers are requested to take part in the discussions and to induce the best farmers of the locality to be present and give their assistance iJi malting the meetings a success. The total expenditure by the farmers' and women's institutes amounted to about $40.(X)0. Fourteen thousand nine hundred dollars of this was voted by the legislature of the province, while the balance was secured by special grants from county and township councils, membership fees (2.5 cents per annum), the running of excursions, etc. The proportion of the itrovincial grant used for women's institute work was about .$3.50U, the cost of printing the annual report was $73G, and the !)alance of the Government grant — .$10,GG4 — was devoted to sending out speakers to farmers' institute meetings and defraying the general expenses of the office of the superintendent, including all salaries and wages. The number of speakers employed was Go — i3 men and 22 women. For the most i)art the speakers sent out to address farmers' institute meetings are prac- tical farmers who have made a success in their special lines. Each deputation is composed of two speakers — a general farmer and a fruit man. a dairyman and a fruit man. a beef man and an authority on horses, or some other combi- nation of speakers best suited to the district to be visited. The province is divided into sections and speakers selected who are thought to be best able to give the instruction desired in the several localities. In sending out lady speakers the aim is to have at least one member of the deputation a person who has had practical experience on the farm and is v/ell acquainted with rural conditions. The other member is usually one who has had training in a school of domestic science. It is usual for the institutes to give special attention to some line or lines of work each year. During the past season the subjects of pure seeds and weeds were given prominence, and the good results following the campaign for a bet- ter class of seeds are quite apparent throughout the province. At a number of meetings the spealiers arranged to have representatives of different kinds of live stock brought to the meeting, in order to demonstrate to their audiences the desirable and undesirable points of the animals under examination. It was usual also for those in attendance to be given an opportunity to place the animals in order of merit. The institute delegate woidd then criticise the judgment of his class and give reasons for his placing of the animals. This promises to be a very interesting and instructive feature of institute work. The work and influence of the women's in.stitutes has continued to expand, and the interest in the different districts is well maintained. The increase in membership during the past year has been about 20 per cent, while the attend- ance has more than doubled. The number of meetings held throughout the year was 9G0, and there were 1.848 papers read and addresses delivered. Two hun- dred and twenty-one of the meetings were arranged for by the superintendent, while the balance consisted of regular monthly meetings and special sessions ar- ranged for by the officers of the institute concerned. Previous to the summer of 1903 the meetings of the women's institutes were held in conjunction with the farmers' institutes, but now it is general to have them entirely separate, except at a few places in the winter season, when joint sessions are held in the even- ing. Some of the more progressi\e of these institutes have an average monthly attendance of from 50 to 60 of their members, and the subjects dealt with embrace any and all subjects which make for the betterment of home conditions. 34 PENNSYLVANIA. By A. L. Martin. Harrisburg. The year's institutes ending June 1, 1904. may be fairly classed as carrying with them a larger attendance and higher degree of interest manifested on the part f)f the great mass of farmers of the State than in any iirevious year. There were held in all 325 days of institute, divided into 804 sessions, with an average attendance per session of 180. The State college and experiment station sup- plied Prof. George C. Butz to do institute work fourteen days and Prof. M. S. McDowell forty -eight days, making a total of sixty-two days' service rendered institutes by the State college and experiment station, in one of the five sections which were in progress at the same time. Those representing scientific agricul- ture attending the other four sections were Prof. R. L. Watts, Scalp Level. Pa.; Prof. Franklin :Menges, York, Pa. ; I'rof. Wells W. Cooke. Washington, D. C, and Dr. I. A. Thayer, New Castle, Pa.; these last four representing 272 days. The State aj>propriated for carrying on the work in 190:^4, $17,500. There were employed in all 57 lecturers representing the State and ;>39 local speakers, or persons from the locality where institutes were held, who joined with the State force in giving instruction. Amongst this number were most of the county superintendents of schools, who attended our educational sessions and addressed the institutes on one of the most vital ([uestions, namely, the importance of rightly directed education for the farming people. A farmers' normal insti- tute was held at Bellefonte, Pa., October 11-15, 1905, at which prominent institute instructors were present from adjoining States. The United States Department of Agriculture favored us w ith the presence of D. .T. Ci"osl\v, who gave an illustrated lecture on Nature Study and Agriculture in the I*ul)lic Schools. Prof. W. G. Johnson, editor of the American Agriculturist gave an address on The Art of Instruction as a Science. Mr. T. D. llarman, editor of the National Stockman and Farmer, made an address on The Influence of Local Institute Workers. I'rof. John Hamilton, farmers' institute specialist from the National Department, Washington, I). ('., ]»resented a paper on the subject Nor- mal Schools of Agricultiu'e for Institute AVorkers. The success of this meeting is largely due to the Pennsylvania State college and experiment station for instruction on the lines of soil improvement, fertilizers, animal industry, fruit culture, dairy instruction, etc. As a result of this meeting a more uniform instruction has been carried on the past year throughout the State, and year Ijy year it is l>ecoming more manifest that a knowledge of agricultural chemistry and botany is an essential equipment which the institute instructor must iiosse.ss in order to give the best instruction at farmers' institutes ; that is, this knowl- edge coupled with .actual practice and experience upon the farm. In l)rief, the I'ennsylvania farmers' institutes are multiplying rai)idly their field of useful- ness and opening up the way for the adoption of the most approved methods of agriculture. QUEBEC. By C. A. GiGAULT, Quebec. Agricultural lecturers during year 1903-4 : W. Grignon, O. E. Dalaire, Gus- tave Boyer, Henri Groulx, Gustave C. Dubuque, W. I'. Nelson, L. E. Carufel, (Jeorge Moore, and Moise Bazinet. Amount paid for fees, traveling expenses, etc., .$G.745.(>4. Moreover, traveling expenses of lecturers coming from Ottawa to treat si)ecial (piestions and to whom traveling expenses amounted to more than .^SOo were paid by the Quebec government. Number of lectures, 431 ; attendance, 53.000. 35 TENNESSEE. By J. B. KiLLEBREW. Xaslirillc. I am not authorized to represent Tennessee on this occasion, but Mr. Ogilvie, the present commissioner of af;criculture for Tennessee, is absent, having met with a severe liereavement, and I would lilce to respond for Tennessee, in order that the State may not be unrepresented. The biennial aiiiirojiriation for farmers' institutes in Tennessee is .$.^.000. The institutes are held in about ten counties of each of the three natural divisions of the State. Generally there is a large attendance, and that attendance is due ti,s much to the interest felt by the farmers of the State as to another thing that I hope every single institute will be able to get, and that is the cooperation of the railroads. Two of the railroads of the State during the past year and the year before gave free transportation to every institute held in the State on their lines, and this, of course, has resulted in a very large attendance, and has brought the railroads and the farmers into better relation.s. In reference to the teaching of agriculture, I maj' say that as early as 1S78 the legislature of Tennessee authorized agriculture to be taught in the i)ul)lic schools there; also elementary geology, supposing that the study of that lies at the foundation of a knowledge of the soil. The subjects embraced in the programmes of the institutes are very extensive, embracing almost everything, from fertilization to the public roads. The public roads especially have claimed a great deal of attention, although the State has probably as many good public roads as any other State in the South. The subject of fertilizers is always on the pi-ogramme. I suppose that results from the fact that within the last eight or ten years great beds of phosphates have been discovered in the State, and a gi-eat deal of fertilizer is used. For this reason the advantages of the use of fertilizers always forms one of the .subjects treated in the institutes. The feeding and care of live stock during the winter and summer and the raising of forage plants for this purpose also receive attention. WEST VIRGINIA. By J. B. Garvin, Charleston. Since the last meeting of this association, which includes the greater part of two seasons' work, 1.52 institutes have been held. Of these, .37 were one-day meetings, usually of two sessions each, and 11;"» two-day meetings of three to four sessions each. The estimated attendance reported was 18,729. These institutes were conducted by 21 instructors, part of them being selected from among the most intelligent practical farmers and by members of the board. We also employ young men who have either attended or are graduates of the agricultural college. The aim is to encourage and help develop such young farmers, and those who show aptitude for the work are retained on the force. We also receive valuable assistance from the college of agriculture and some from the experiment station. Two sp«'nkers and one assistant are assigned to each section, which usually extends for a period of from two to three weeks. For the period embraced in this report, $,~),779.69 was expended for institutes in the way of printing progrannnes. posters, secretaries of local institutes, and per diem and exjjenses of instructors. The instrui-tors are paid .$4 per day and expen.ses, and the assistants receive $2 to ,$.3 per day and expenses. Two speakers were employed from outside the State to assist in the institrite work for the sea- son just closed, for which we paid $") per day and exi)enses. 36 The plan of having requests by petition from the different localities was adoi)ted a year ago, which requires that a petition be signed l)y at least ten farmers who will agree to take an active interest in helping to work up the meetings. This petition is filed with the superintendent to be used in making up the schedule. The schedule is arranged l)y a connnittee ajipointed by the board, consisting of two of its niemljers and the su])erintendent. At the regular semiannual meeting of the board in April the coumiittee arranges the schedule of institutes and assigns the speakers. So far we have never held an annual round-up meeting, but last winter or- ganized a State Farmers' Normal Institute Society, lor tlie purpose of Ijringing together farmers' institute workers and those who might be interested and hold a regular school of instruction and methods for a week or ten days. The next meeting will be held in Charleston, beginning January 23, 1905. WISCONSIN. By Geo. McKerrow, Madison. One hundred and one meetings and eleven cooking schools were held in Wis- consin, with an aggregate attendance of 51,000. Sixty thousand coines of Farmers' Institute Bulletin No. 17, 320 pages, were issued and di;strilinted to the farmers and libraries of the State. The interest in institute work was never better, and we believe the work done was fully uit to or even ahead of that of previous years. Short talks and long discussions \\ere the rule and j^eemed to bring out the points of excellence upon each subject much better than longer talks and shorter discussions. The subjects discussed at these meetings covered the whole range of Wis- consin agriculture. Dairying in all of its phases, horse, cattle, sheep, and swine husbandry, poidtry, horticulture, grass and grain growing, general management of farms, farm laiildings, good roads, and lumsehold economy have all been treated under different headings so as to cover the whole range of our agri- culture. REPORT BY THE FARMERS' INSTITUTE SPECIALIST OF THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. By John Hamilton, Washington, D. C. The work of the farmers' institute specialist of the United States during the past year has for the most part been in tiie direction of securing information as to the condition of the institutes in the several States and Territories. A com- plete list of the names and post-office addresses of the farmers' institute lec- turers of the I'liited States in the emploj- of the State directors has been obtained and published. They number over !)()(», and of tliese the personal history of about 700 has been obtained, which shows that they are men thoroughly qual- ified by education and ex])erience for the work that they have assumed. Lists of the names of the lecturers were furnished to all of the experiment station directors of the United States, accompanied with the request that they send to each lecturer copies of their lists of bulletins. They were also requested to supply the lecturers, upon application, with copies of such Inilletins as they might desire. An arrangement was also made with the Division of Publications of the National Department of Agriculture by which the monthly list of publi- cations would be regularly sent to these State lecturers, from which they would 37 be ;it liberty to select bulletins in whir-h they are specially interested and receive them by addressing their requests to the farmers' institute specialist. Blank forms containing queries addressed to the State directors were prepared and sent out. The information thus obtained was collated and published in the Animal Report of the Oflice of Experiment Stations for the year ended .Tune 30. IIML'J. The statistics show that 3,1 T'J institutes were lu'ld during that year and that there was a total attendance of 904,054 persons at the institute meetings. The appropriations for the year aggregated .$187,220. The total number of days «!f institutes held during the year amounted to 4,880, and the entire number of sessions was 0,570. The cost per session ranged from .$:> to $82, the average being $16.85. The institutes cost at the rate of $39 per day. The reports of the State directors for the year ended June 30, 1904, have been received, with the exception of three States. Those thus far received show an attendance of 798,228, and that there were held 3,080 institutes, made up of 9,940 sessions. The appropriations for institute purposes for the year amounted to $197,711. The number of one-day institutes reported was 1,564 ; of two days, 1,448, and of three or more days, 74. The number of lecturers reported on the State force was 953. Of "this number 345 were officially connected with the agricultural colleges or the experiment stations. A number of State directors did not reply fully to the qtiestions asked, and consequently it is impossible to make comparisons that will embrace all of the States. Taking, however, those who have answered the questions, we find that while there has been a considerable increase in the amount of money appro- l)rlated for institute purposes, the attendance has fallen off about 57.0()0. Some of the facts, in a comparative way, giving data for the year ended June 30, 1904, as compared with the reports from the same States for the year which ended June 30, 1903, may interest you. The total attendance for 1903, in the States referred to. was 8.50.032 ; that for the year 1904. 793,028. The number of insti- tutes held in 1903 was 2,904 ; the number held in 1904, 3,086. The number of days of institutes held in 1903 were 4,.545 ; the number of days held in 1904, 4,319. The number of sessions held in 1903 was 9,056; in 1904. 9,673. The appropriations made in the States whose reports are compnraI)le amounted in 1903 to $176,726; in 1904 to $197,711. Notwithstanding the falling off in attend- ance, the number of sessions held, which is the proper unit in comjiuting the amount of institute work, was 617 more than in the previous year, and the amount of money contrilnited for institute purposes in the States compared was $20,985 more in 1904 than in 1903. Your attention is called to the fact that there has been a falling off in a num- ber of older institute States, both in the number of sessions held and in the total attendance at the institutes. Delaware. Florida, Indiana. Kansas, Ken- tucky. Louisiana. Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Penn- sylvania, West Virginia, and Wisconsin show a decreased number of sessions in 1904, amovniting to 778, and a diminished attendance amounting to 175,818. It maj' be well for the institute workers connected with this association to seri- ously consider whether there is not now needed some new form of institute organization in order to prevent the apparent falling off in interest which the reports from the States mentioned seem to indicate. In the discussion following this paper it was suggested that the falling off in attendance reported might lie due to the se\ere winter weather of the past year in the more northern States and provinces, and also to the fact that actual counts of attendance have taken the place of estimates. It was also shown that the decrease in the number of sessions of farmers' ins^titutes was due in part to the bad weather and the inaccessibility of some of the places chosen for meetings. 38 Place of Next Meeting. Mr. J. G. Lee, of Louisiana, i>resentefl a cordial invitation to the association to hold its next meeting at Ilaton Rouge, which was accepted. A telegram from F. E. Dawley. of New York, expressing regret at his inability to attend the meeting and extending good wishes to the association, was read by the secretary. The convention then took a i-ecess until 2 ]>. m. Afternoon Session, Wednesday, October 10, lOO-t. The convention reconvened at 2 o'clock p. m.. Mr. Kaufman in the chair. The following topics were discussed : The Relation of the Agricultural College to Farmers' Institute Work (see p. .">3), Advertising Farmers' Institute Meet- ings (see p. 50), and County Organization for Institute Work (see p. 59). Appointment of Committees. The chairman announced the appointment of the following committees: Committee on nominations — Messrs. Amoss, Easterly, and Clinton. Committee on resolutions — Messrs. Latta, Conner, and Putnam. (For reports of these committees, see p. 45.) Thereupon, at 4.20 p. m., the convention took a recess until 7.30 p. m. Evening Session, Wednesday, October 19, 1904. The convention met at 8 o'clock in the Illinois State Building, Vice-President Kaui'man in the chair. The Chairman. Those who were at the Toronto convention last year will remember with i)leasuiv the address of Mr. James, of Ontario. He is with us again this year, and I take jileasure in introducing him to this audience. ADDRESS OF HON. C. C. JAMES, Deputy Minister of AgriciiU me for Oiildrlo, (Uniadn. Mr. President, Ladies and (iENTLEMEN : I feel it is no small privilege, no small honor, and no small resi)onsibility to be permitted to address a gathering which represents the greatest industry on the continent of America. There have been conventions of various kinds on the Fair Grounds here in the city of St. Louis, and I think you will perhaps allow me to say that there is none with wider intei*ests and having greater possibilities than that with which you are ct)nnected. A few of us have come down from the country to the north of you. from Canada, to take part in these deliberations, that we may get some help and inspiration from them, and perhaps be able in small measure to give you in return some little helj). On this occasion it is peculiarly apjiropriate that Canada should be represented in any convention that should be held in St. Louis. Perhaps all of you may not be aware that this city of St. Louis was founded by Canadians. That was a good many years ago, and perhaps the impress of those early French Canadians may not be very noticeable here now. I bring to-night not merely the greetings of the Province of Ontario, but also that of the great agricultural industry of the Dominion of Canada, that which is paramount in our great country's life. You ai-e more ])articularly interested in the fai-niers' institute work of agriculture than any other of its aspects, and I would like to say at the outset that in Canada, and especially in Ontario, we owe a great deal t(j the farmers' institute movement. We got it originally from 39 you. and in sonio respec-ts \ve tlilnlc we have improved on what we got. We changed it and adapted it to suit our own conditions, and it has lieen the great, potent intlnence in helping ns to develop tlu> great agricultural interests of our rrovini-e. It was the tirst nicjiiis wliereliy as a department we got a grip upon the farmers of our Province. It was the first means wherelty we set into oiiera- tion those forces and movements which have i)een s(» heliifid in developing that great industry. Up to that time agriculture was more or less carried out in a sort of perfunctory way. The interest was of a mild type. It is only since we have begun to develop the farmers' institute movement that, so to speak. we have put life into the agriculture of our I'rovince and have brought it along the line of high development and prosperity, about which 1 shall sjieak to you for a few moments. The farmers' institute movement has been the key to any success we have had. We have adai>ted its means and methods to other lines of organization. Through.it we have made our agricultural college the most progressive and most successful educational institution in the country. Through it and by it we have organized those special organizations, associations that have been given special work, and by it, as I have said, we have at last a grip upon the farming conununity and have got their confidence, so that any undertaking we now have in hand we can carry out knowing that we will have the hearty cooperation and sympathy of our farming community. The history of agriculture in the Province of Ontario has been very much the history of agriculture in some of your northern States. Briefly, let me refer to it — and you will pardon me if in my address to-night I seem to be talking a little more than, perhai)s to some, might seem necessary about our own work, but it is one's privilege, and I suppose one's duty, to talk about that with which he is best acquainted. When the Province of Ontario was first settled it was, like the Northern States, a forest wilderness, and those who went in to make their homes had to cut them out from the primeval forests. In the early years — in the early decades — in the early generations, in fact — the products of the forest were to a large extent the products of the farm. As. however, the forest melted away before the pioneer's ax and the fields became cleared so that they could be sown with different crops, then wheat became king where the forest had reigned supreme before. Gradually, however, as the population increased, but especially as there came from the lands across the sea an increase to our people, there sprang up — there was added to our grain production — the great live-stock industry, which gradually grew and assumed such large proportions. This was (juite a step forward. And then, succeeding that, we began to specialize. And just as we were getting nicely under way and our agriculture was appar- ently making satisfactory headway, something happened which, perhaps, now we can refer to even on this side of the line wltliout any hesitation whatever, l)ut which, at that time, was a very sore point with us. .Just as our agricul- ture was apparently. I say, getting into a prosiierous condition there was raised between your country and ours that high wall of separation which still remains— the great tariff wall. On account of the raising of that wall the farmers of Ontario were ])laced in a somewhat desperate condition. They had built uii a large market in the American cities for their barley, a large market in sheep, a large market in eggs, a large market in horses. They had been looking continually to the cities to the south for their market, and all at once- all in a day. so to speak— that market was cut off by the rearing of that tariff wall. Our farmers naturally were very nuich disturlied in their condition, and their future at first seemed to be almost hopeless. It was at this time, however, that our farmers' institute work was making very rapid progress, and 40 every person who had any concern in connection with the agriculture of our c*ountry was compelled to give most serious consideration to the depressed con- dition of our farmers. Being shut off from this marlcet to the south we naturally had to look across the Atlantic for a market, and by the assistance of our farmers' institute we began to build up a new agriculture in the Province of Ontario. Instead of raising grain for export we began to turn that grain into finished products — to produce beef and bacon and cheese. Gradually we emerged from that slough of despond into which we had been thrown, and I want to give you here the results in a few brief figures. It took some time, of course, to produce results, but here are the results in a few figures, which will show you how successfully the whole agriculture of the Province of Ontario has been changed and how we have had it placed upon a much surer foundation than it Avas before. In the year 189G the farmers of tlie Province of Ontario produced in these three products to which I have referred 31 million dollars' ^^■orth — beef, bacon, and cheese. Last year these three products aggregated 65^ million dollars. Now, an industry that will increase its output by 34i million dollars in seven years nuist certaiidy be in a very successful and prosperous condition. The effect of that has been that for the last six or seven years — more espe- cially for the last four years — we have enjoyed throughout the Province of Ontario a prosperity that has never been surpassed, that has never been equaled before. We have not had that stress of commercial conditions which I believe you have felt here to the south of the line. The times have been good and they have continued good, and all through our Province at the present day yon will find that these conditions are keeping up and that everybody is in a prosperous and happy state. This we attrilnite, to a large extent, to the change that has been brought about in the agricultural conditions of the country. AVe have changed our condition from that of the production of grain for export to the production of those finished articles to which I have made reference — namely, beef, bacon, and cheese. At the time it seemed to us rather harsh treatment we were receiving, and though darkness and despair seemed to be ahead of the farmers of Ontario at the time you can see now that good has come out of it and our farmers are in a more prosi)erous condition than they ever were liefore. Now, how has this been accomplished? How have we been able to turn our farmers from grain production to the production of those finished articles? Mainly, as I have hinted, by means of our general farmers' institute work. Through it we have carried on year by year a missionary enteriirisc which has worked in season and out of season, slow in producing results, but sure ; and from our farmers' institutes we have organized on a similar basis those special associations which have done so much. For instance, we have organized pro- vincial cattle breeders' associations and we have organized sheep breeders' asso- ciations and we have organized swine breeders' associations. These have carried on the work intrusted to them in connection with those three lines, and then they have amalgamated in a successful fair, which we call our winter fair. In refei'ence to our bacon industry, we can attribute success move to the farmers' institute than anything else. There the whole thing was carefully planned and carried out successfully from the beginning. The building up of the great bacon industry to the north of you has been largely due to the missionary work carried out through the farmers* institute. The development of our cheese industry can be traced back to a similar line of work. And so I say that the position we are in to-day is largely due to the farmers' institute work, which we adopted in its original form from the farmers' insti- tute of the United States and which we adapted to the circumstances and con- 41 ditions which we found necessary in our own province. Not only have we greatly increased the annual output of tlie farmers of the country, but as a consequence we have materially increased their capital. If the capital of the country is more productive, of course it will increase in value, and the conse- quence has been that during the last six or seven years farm values of the Province of Ontario have been rising steadily, an increase in value amounting to .*i;iST,building of our agricultural counuunity by educating the boys and girls, rather than the fathers and mothers. 48 I ..„.,..,„.,...,„„„.,.„.„.. .„,. ^B best we can in our various coniniuiiities tlirough our fanners" institutes, and ^M you will find, as we have in our own rrovinco. that it is a difficult matter to ^H get the fanners of a community so aroused to the importaTice of u question i^' that they will take hold of it as a live issue. I'ut a question of that kind before the men of the cities — the financiers, the hankers — and they will n,i,a-ee with you at once; they will s.-iy, " Of course, that is it : that is what you ought to do; that is what is right and i)roi)er," because these men recognize better than ;i!iyb(Mly else that it is from the farms that their wealth ultimately comes, and that with an onlightened farming condition they will succeed better than if the cduntry is given over to men uneducated and undevelojied. But when you come to carry out a cimpaign of th.at kind in connection with the farmers themselves you will be met at first with indifference, if not with opiiosition. We found it so with us. lUit you nuist keep at it and at it and at it. The agricultural coiiniuuiity of your State, as of our I'rovince, is slow to be moved. It takes a longi'r time to consider (juestions of this kind, but once you get the agriculturists of a community nioved nothing will stop them, and if we can only get this one iiuestion ground into their very being — that an agricul- tural education must begin with the boys and girls at the earliest age — as soon as we can g«'t that kneaortance of this in its relationshi])? For Instance, here is a man who takes u]i some great mannfactui'ing line of work. He throws his whole mind, soul, and body into it, and he makes. wonderful suc- cess of it. That success results in the accumulation of a large amount of money. Now, that man by the accumulation of that large amount of money is benefiting himself, his family, and perhaps his innnediate associates. He cau not keep his nione.y : of course it must l)e spent ; but to a large extent the benefits of that accumulation are narrowed down to the man and his inmiediate relations. He may pick that up and carry it off to some other i)lace; it is portable ; it is not tied down. But just consider what the agricultural mis- sionary is doing. He is helpii'ig to develop the farmers of a connnunity. He has his hands, so to speak, on the agricultural work of a large area, a large district : he is helping this farmer and the next farmer and so on down the whole line, helping them to improve their farms, their buildings, their style of agriculture, so that gradually they l>ecome more in-osperous. As the farmer becomes more and more prosperous you are, so to speak, tying him more and 44 more to the land ; you are putting bim In a position where he is becoming a more and more important citizen in that country. You are at the same time helping in the diffusion of wealth, which, after all. is better than the accumu- lation of wealth in the hands of a few persons in the State. In connection with this agricultural work, then, those two things, it seems to me, ought to be kept in mind, and perhaps they will enable us to tide over some of our periods of despondency. In uplifting the agricultural connnunity you are in the best way possible encouraging the diffusion of wealth, and yon are at the same time building up a citizenship that makes for the best interests of the whole country. You are building up men who will be the last of all to rebel against constituted authority; you are building up men who will be attached to their own homes; you are t)nilding up men who are at the foundation of all the other industries in the country; you are Itnilding up, as a rule, men who are strong in moral character and strong in moral fiber. 16 we can only get that aspect of the question clear in our minds — that in this great agricultural movement we are not simply working to build up men's dollars, that we are not simply working to make our country wealtiiier than some other country. Init at the same time by means of this work we are helping to build up a citizenship — we are helping to build up a class of people ; a yeomanry, if you wish to call them that, a great class of people, who will be the backbone of that community, who will add to that community those great moral forces which are so important in forming great public opinion. If you will keep that before you, you will go on with your work with fresh vigor and fresh inspiration and fresh hope of success. Not to talk at any greater length. I trust, in this work wherein we of the North and you of the South can cooperate and wlicre tnriff walls and other things count for nothing in the consideration of these great agricultural questions — I trust that you will get through our movement whatever is beneficial and that you will allow us to get from you whatever is beneficial to us, and that you will cooperate as we have done in such associations as we have here, and that the great agricultural questions of Canada and the T'nited States will be worked out peacefully, quietly, and well, so that there may grow up on both sides of the line a happy, contented, and prosperous jieople ; for so long as that is the case, no matter what politicians or others that may VA'ish to stir ui) trouble may say, so long as we have a ha])py. prosi)erous, agricultural iieople. so long we shall l>e at peace and we shall help to work out the great destinies that Providence has or- dained in connection with the North American continent. The convention was then entertained informally by Illinois delegates, and after refreshments had been served the meeting adjourned to reconvene Thurs- day morning, October 2U. Morning Session, Thursday, October 20, 1904. The convention met at 10 o'clock a. m., Mr. Kaufman in the chair. Papers on Women's Institutes were presented and discussed. (For papers and discussion on this subject, see p. 63.) Separate Sessions of Institutes tor Women. Mr. Creelman, ex])ressing his high api)reciation of the i)a])ers i)resented l)y the ladies and of the value and interest of their contril)ntions to the discusions. said that in his opinion arrangements should be made for sejiarate women's sessions as well as union meetings, 45 After considerable discussion of tiie subject by Messrs. Gregg, Latta, New- berry. Creelman, Greeley, and Conner, Mrs. Easterly and Mrs. King, it was voted tbat the men letire so that the ladies iniKbt hold a separate meeting to consider the snbjeit. (I''or action of this meeting, see p. (i3.) Before taking the action ordered the convention received and accepted an invi- tation to visit the Nebraska exhibit in the Agricultural Building of the Exposi- tion after adjournment of the day's session. At 12.1") the convention took a recess until 2 p. m. Afternoon Session, Thursday, October 20, 1904. The convention convened at 2.25 o'clock p. m., Mr. Kaufman in the chair. The secretary read the report of the meeting called to consider the advisa- bility of forming separate women's institutes, as follows : Mrs. S. Noble King, of Illir.ois, was called to the chair, and Miss Blanche Maddock was appointed secretary. The general opinion of those present seemed to be in favor of appointing a committee to confer with the executive committee of the American Association of Farmers' Institute Workers regarding separate sessions to be held. It was moved and seconded that a committee be appointed by the chair for that pnr[)ose. The following committee was appointed : Mrs. Joseph Carter, Champaign, 111. ; Mrs. Bertha Dahl Laws, Appleton, Minn. ; Miss Blanche Maddock, Guelph, Ontario ; Mrs. Henry M. Dunlop, Savoy, 111.: Mrs. J. W. Bates. Broad Ripple, Ind. ; Mrs. S. Noble King, chair- man ; Miss Blanche Maddock, secretary. The report was accepted and referred to the executive committee of the association. Papers and discussions on the following subjects were then presented: The Relation of the Exj)eriment Station to Farmers' Institute Work (see p. 71) ; How to Train the Farmers' Institute Worker (see p. 78) ; and New Problems and Methods in Institute Work (see p. 81). Repoet of Committee on Nominations. Mr. Amoss. The committee on nominations reports as follows : President — J, C. Hardy, of Mississippi. Vice-i)resident — E. A. Burnett, of Nebraska. Secretary-treasurer — G. C. Creelman, of Ontario. Executive connuittee — J. G. Lee, of Louisiana : F. H. Hall, of Illinois ; L. A. Clinton, of Coiniecticut. On motion, duly seconded, the report was accepted. Report of Committee on Resolutions. Mr. Latta, from the committee on resolutions, made the following report : Your committee ai)pointed to formulate the sentiments of this meeting respect- fully submits the following resolutions: (1) That we regret that temporary in(lisi)ositi()n has prevented our president, B. W. Kilgore, of North Carolina, from attending this meeting, and we trust he may soon recover his usual health and vigor. (2) That we are pained to learn of the sudden death of our fellow institute worker, II. F. INIcMaban. of Indiana, whose name appears on our programme. We tender sincere sympathy to the family and friends of the deceased. (3) That we heartily connnend the thoughtful, scholarly, and eminently practical addresses and talks of Mr. C. C. James, deputy minister of agriculture for Ontario. Canada ; Mr. Frank IT. Hall, superintendent of farmers' institutes for Illinois, and Mrs, S. Noble King and other ladies, on important phases, 46 purposes, and aecoiiiplishments of the farmers' institute work. We trust that their addresses may have a wide reading l).v the .ireneral public and that they will be carefully vead and applied by institute workers. (4) That we reco.ijnize the great educational value of these annual meetings of the American Association of Farmers' Institute Workers in extending pleasant and profitable anpiaintance among the workers, in giving up-to-date inform-ition as to the newest lines and best methods of work, and in pointing out the mistakes of the pioneers for the benefit of the iuexperienc(>(l in this great !i<'ld of practical agricultural education. (5) That while we are .iustly proud of the success of the farmers' institutes in helping the farmer of yesterday and to-day. we recognize that we confront the more important and far-reaching work of training for enlarged usefulness, success, and happiness the farmer of to-morrow. ((I) That we note with i)leasure the growing recognition of the fact that the school children nmst be inocuhited with the leaven of agricultural and domestic science education, and we rejoice that already agricultural ct)lleges. farmers, public school ofiicials, and teachers are uniting their efforts with general and local institut.' managements to this end. (7) That we are highly gratified to note the largely increased cooperation of the agricultural colleges and ex!)eriment stations in the farmers' institute work, as shown by the fact that over one-third of the State lecturers are from college and stationstaffs and that over 2,000 days of services were contributed by these workers during the iiast year. (S) That we realize that a highly important mission of the farmers' insti- tute is to sweeten the toil, render more effective the labor. Increase the cheer, nuiltiply the comforts and attractions, train, lift up, and inspire the inmates, and thus strengthen and hallow the influences of the home. We therefore rejoice in the progress that has been made in the ))rei)aration and training of the home makers of our country, and we hail with delight the favorable omens for a larger and better work at farmers' institutes in behalf of our mothers, wives, sisters, and daughters. (9) That we apin-eciate the very effective Avork, encouragement, and effer- vescent good cheer of our genial secretary-treasurer, Mr. G. C. I'reelman. We congratulate him on his promotion to the more resi)onsil)le position of president of the Ontario Agricultural College, and we are very glad that his new duties will permit him to continue to serve the association as its secretary-treasurer. (10) That we tender hearty thanks to our farmers' institute specialist. Mr. John Hamilton, for his instructive exhibit of illustrative material and for many thoughtful attentions ; to Mr. F. W. Taylor, chief of the department of agri- culture and horticulture of the Louisiana Purchase Exiiosition. for his kindly greeting and other courtesies; to the Illinois State Farmers' Institute for the lu-ivilege of holding one of our sessions in their iialatial State Imilding on the fair grounds, and for their very pleasant imi)romptu and infornuil reception tendered the members and friends of our association; also to the press for notices and reiiorts of the several sessions of our meeting. (11) That the secretary be instructed to furnish coiiies of these resolutions to the newspaper and agricidtui'al ])ress of the counti-y. Respectfully submitted by the conmiittee on resolutions. W. C. Latta, Indiana. G. A. Putnam, Ontario. C. M. Conner, Florida. Mr. J. G. Lee reiterated his invitation to the association collectively and indi- vidually to come to the meeting at Baton Rouge, and assured them a cordial welcome. Mr. Newberry invited those in attendance at the meeting to visit the Oklahoma exhibit in the Agricultural Building. The convention then adjourned sine die. PAPERS, ADDRESSES, AND DISCUSSIOXS. The followinsr paper \A-as presented l»y John Hamilton, farmers' institute spe- i-ialist. of the Ottice of Experiment Stations. U. S. Dei»artment of Asrricniture : THE USE OF ILLUSTRATIVE MATERIAL IN INSTITUTE WORK. It is unnecessary to occupy time in discussing the value of illustration in teach- ing. It is now agreed that no method of imparting information, whether hy oral delivery or otherwise, is complete that does not provide for appropriate illustra- tions. The almost universal use of the cartoon hy the pul)lic press, of the half- tone engraving hy magazine writers and text-hook authors, and of stage settings hy theatrical managers, in which the story itself is represented l)y living actors, are all evidence of puhlic appreciation and approval of tlie demonstration method in teai'hing. \\ hether tlic purpose he simply to amuse or. on the other hand, to impart valuahle information, the illustration method is now adopted hy those who are most siu-cessful. and the degree of success is usually according to the appropriateness of the illustrations and the skill with which they are presented. PURPOSE OF THE INSTITUTE. In the farmers' institute the purpose in presenting a suhject at all is usually threefold — lirst, to interest the audience; second, to impart instruction, and third, to induce individuals to adopt and put into practice the truths presented. The methods in use in accomplishing these ends are — lirst, a statement of the truths to he taught presented in such orderly arrangement as to develop the thought most clearly and to fit it for the comprehension of the hearers ; second, illuminating the subject through illustrations, either verbal or by the use of objects, so as to create and maintain interest and fix the important points in the mind of the hearers. MATERIAL FOR ILLUSTRATION. The utensils used in illustration are numerous and (luite dissimilar. Anec- dotes, word pictures, anuising stories, intonation, gesture, are familiar forms of illustration within the reach of every speaker and are effective when discreetly and skillfully used. On the other hand, the delivering of stupid or worn-out stories, or for a speaker to intone, gesticulate, or pose in a studied or artificial way is to hinder rather than help his address. The individuality of each speaker enters quite largely into the question and is often such as to make proper and effective the use of a method or illustration by one man that would be inappro- priate and perhaps altogether improper if presented by a:ny other. No doubt the purpose of the connnittee in assigning this subject was to call attention to illustrative material of an entirely different character from that which has just been referred to ; to the use of objects or some visible form of demonstration that will both interest and instruct. y Signor Blitz, was tired for a moment or has lost the delightful impression tluni received and has not had a greater regard for l)ird life ever siiiceV A horse, a beef animal, a dairy cow, a well-bred rooster, or a prize hen, exhibited by a lecturer qualified for the work, will hold any audience for an hour as effectually as the most attractive play that the theaters present. A living model impresses one with the feeling that the lecturer is dealing witli problems that are real instead of mere theories, with the feeling that we are in the presence of a most wonderful macliine, whose marvelous properties the lecturer is endeavoriug to explain, and not that of a mere inert and senseless form. The difference in interest between the living thing and the representa- tive of that thing is that of the difference between the thrill one feels wlieu going at a gallop njion tlie back of a well-])red and finely gaited liorse, and the sensation of a ride on a wooden model in a merry-go-round. THE USE Oi" SPECIMENS. The next most effective method of illustration is i)erhaps that of the use of specimens of the article, duplicates of which, when they are of moderate size, can be passed around through the audience for examination as the subject is discussed. This handling and personal examination fixes the points in the hearer's mind in a way that he can never forget, and at the same time makes him confident that he will lie aide to recognize the article, whether it be an insect, fungus growth, variety of fruit, or other object, wherever he may meet it in the future. A balanced ration exhibited by using the forage itself in its proper proportions will be remembered nuich hmger and be l)etter compre- hended than the presentation of the subject by giving the mere names of the ingredients, with figures to show the percentage of each. There is a value in the use of the real thing that is peculiar and which is not approached when pictures or models are substituted, no matter how skillfully they may be made. There is always a suspicion that the model is not true to the facts, which is, of course, altogether absent when the natural object is held 49 in one's hands, and we are able i)ersonally to verify every statement that the lectnrer makes. It is this tliat has yiven nature study ljy modern methods its su|»eriority over tlie old text-booli system. One uses the object itself, the other its representative as presented in a picture or written descrijition. The one is jienuine. real, the other hicks l>otli of these (pialities, and aceordinicly requires a de{?ree of credulity to fully acceiit. There is in us an almost irresistible desire to touch objects that excite our inter- est, or, if aromatic, to test them by the sense of smell, or, if they appeal to the palate, the sense of taste. "Hands off" is a si^Mi that is most frequently seen at fairs and exhibitions, and it takes a good deal of self-restraint at times to keep from touching some of the things we see. We instinctively reach out to aid our sight by touch. The lecturer ought, therefore, to make use of these natural iiualitlts whenever possible in illustrating and impressing truth, and an effective method of doing this is by placing in the hands of his audience s])ecimeus of the object that he is endeavoring to explain. THE UTILIZATION OF FACTORIES AND FAKMS. There are two other methods of object teaching that each county institute could adopt with advantage, one of which one State has practiced. Before stating these, permit me to say that illustrative material in institute woi-k ought not to be confined to representations such as can l)e used only on the platform of a lecture hall, but ought to be extended to such demonstrations and experi- ments as are conducted out in the stables, fields, and factories of the country. The farmers" institute is not a lyceum bounded by the four walls of an assembly hall. The institute is an organization, living out on the farms and in contact with practical demonstration work for twelve months of the year. The illustra- tions that it most needs are not simply the spectacular features of a .subject shown in a hall. l)ut the practical exhibition of it demonstrated out on the farms. There is, of course, an etymological difference between the terms illustration and demonstration that ought not to be confused, and yet they unite in agri- culture in so far as the illustration demonstrates, or the demonstration illus- trates the truth of the theory that it proves. Tlie growing of 40 bushels of w heat upon an .icre of ground by careful culture is both an illustration and a demon- stration. Much of the illustrative material for use in institute work shoulu I)e of this out-door character. The question is, how can this kind of materia! be utilized? One State institute director has for several years with great success taken one or two representatives, chosen from each institute l)y its members, on a visit to farms and factories in his own and other States where are exemplified some important features of interest to farmers. These representatives are required to submit reports of their visit to their institute at its next meeting, descril)ing what they have seen that is worthy of note, and giving in detail the methods pursued and the results secured. This method of taking men to see the illustration and certify it to their neigh- bors carries conviction as no representation by a stranger, however noted, could jKJSsibly do. UTILIZING DEMONSTRATION FARMS. The other method of suiiplying and utilizing outdoor illustration is for the county institute to make up a list of sul)jects for experiment that need to be demonstrated in that community and call upou some of the members to under- 50 take the work. The experiments may embrace horticulture, dairying, cattle feeding, crop grf)\\ing, and other features of farm practice, to lie conducted during the season and reported at the next meeting. Such experiments can be readily visited and inspected by tli(> members of the institutes during the year and the progress of the tests be seen by all who are interested in the results. Another method is to have several or all of the members of the institute try the same experiment and each present a sei>arate report. Still another is for the institute to select a set of farms suited for the several purposes of the experiments to be undertaken and agree to bear the extra expense of conducting the experiments over and above the value'of their pro- ceeds, which are to be the projierty of the owner of the farm. Such experiments could be under the control of a committee of the institutes and be reported from year to year as the experiments progressed. In these ways a large amount of illustrative material would be available of a kind most interesting and instructive. THE USE OF CHARTS. There remain two other forms of illustration, both of \Ahich have been found to be of great value. The first is l)y the use of diagrams or charts. A well-constructed diagram or chart, giving the salient points of a subject arranged to bring out some truth, is a striking form in which to disi)lay illus- trative material, and in the hands of a compett'ut man may i)e made most effect- ive as a means of conveying information to an audience. Tabular matter arranged so as to show by contrast the effect of one practice with another is a common feature of this kind of work. The form of chart is frequently extended to pictures of plants iind animals, often giving sections .MUd individual organs of these plants or .-inimals in magnified form. Such charts hold attention and keep the lecturer to his topic without the use of manuscript or notes. LANTERN .SLIDES. The other form is by the use of photograiihic lantern slides projecting the pic- tures upon a screen. The principal objection to the use of the lantern is that it is difficult to trans- port where institutes are held in districts off the railway lines. The lantern itself is inconvenient to carry and when the lime light is used the tanks for holding the gases are heavy and diittcult to keep replenished during the season's campaign. There must also be a competent assistant to i-un the lantern during the lecture. An outfit of this character liecomes a most expensive feature of an institute. There is also the other fact that in most schoolhouses and churches where institutes are held no means are at hand for darkening the room. As a conse- quence the lantern can only be used during the evening session. There is always, even under the best conditions, the danger of disturbance in a darkened hall from disorderly persons who have no interest in the subject. This has necessitated the use for the most part of spectacular pictures. ;ind even these must be freipiently changed in order to hold iittention. Taltular matter of the kind connnonly used in charts in a lighted room would require to be held too long upon the sci'een for their proper explanation, thus rendering the ill-disposed impatient, and invite disturbance. Because of these difficulties the lantern has not hitherto I)een used in institute work to the extent that its merits justify. Many sulijects can not lie properly presented or understood without being accompanied by the objects themselves. Frequently it is impossible to have at I 51 hand tlio material itself or a pietnre of the scene that is needed in order to an understanding of the topic, and the only way remaining is to omit it altogether or else employ the lantern slide and show the objects on a screen. The introduction of acetylene gas as a substitute for the oxyhydrogen flame has greatly simplified the (|nestion of transportation jjiid supply of proper light- ing for the display of photographic slides. The employment of acetylene for lighting is now permitted by the underwriters of all of the insurance companies, and thus the way is opened for its use in lantern lecture work, thus greatly reducing both the cost for gas and the bulk and weight of tJie apparatus needed for generating light over the unwieldy and heavy gas tanks necessary in former years. OVEKCOMING OBJECTIONS. The other objections to the use of the lantern in institute work still remain. but the advantages of this method of teaching are so great that the National Department of Agriculture in its institute ortice is endeavoring to overcome the two chief difficulties hitherto encountered — that of maintaining order in a darkened hall during an hour's lecture and the other equally important one of interesting a general audience in subjects somewhat technical and of jiractical importance chietiy to farming peoi)le. A number of experts who have each given s[)ecial attention to some phase of agriculture have been engaged by the Department to prepare sets of 40 to 50 photographic illustrations of their subjects, representing each subject in its early stages of development and continuing in jti'ogressive series until the finished product has been obtained, these photographs to be exhibited i)y a lantern on a screen. The illustrations are accompanied by a syllabus treating of the subject in all of the phases exhibited by the photogi-aphs. to be used as a guide by the lecturer in his presentation of the subject to the audience. The syllabus contains references to the literature of the subject so that anyone desiring to pursue the study further and discover what is known upon that topic will have at hand the names of the i>ublications bearing upon it and the places where these publications can be had, together with the price of each. An appendix, with taldes for reference, is also a featvire of the syllabus. These printed syllabi are to be distributed through the audience, to be retained as memoranda of the lecture for future reference. By selecting for discussion subjects of interest and by ])roviding for the fre- quent change additional advantage of enabling the speaker to retain control of his audience with no danger of its breaking away into a carnival of fun. The introduction, therefore, of ajipropriate illustration in farmers' institute work is an addition to its usefulness that has not received the attention of insti- tute directors in the past to the extent that its imi»ortance deserves. It fre- quently not only relieves an address from the dead level of monotony into which many are apt to fall, but rightly used also makes more clear the thought which the speaker wishes to impress. It serves both to interest and instruct, and furnishes a flash light that the lecturer may use in photographing truth ui)on the minds of his hearers, appear- ing and disappearing as the interests of the topic seem to demand. Discussion. Mr. Creelman commended the address, but (luestioned the general applicability of the use of the blackboard for illustration purposes. Both he and Mr. Dye. of New Jersey, spoke of successful use of a blackboard which could be rolled up and was thus easily portable. Mr. Dye also stated that he had found live ani- mals, specimens of fruits, and other products, as well as diagrams, useful in certain cases. 53 Mr. Clinton, of Connecticut, cantionoil against putting too much dependence in illustration. "Some of tbe poorest lectures I have heard at farmers' insti- tutes hav(> been most fully illustrated with lantern slides, and I fear that one trouhle the lecturers may get into is the mistake of thinking that the lantern slides will carry them through, instead of depending upon the merit of the lecture itself." Mr. Amoss, of Maryland, stated that he had tried nearly all the suggestions made by Mr. Hamilton and had found some ai»plicahle to one section of Mary- land and some to another, the different sections differing very much. '* I suppose that holds good with all the States. Some States can adopt one or more or all, and some will have to follow ways of their own." THE RELATION OF THE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE TO FARMERS' INSTITUTE WORK. Frank H. Hall, of Illinois. The principal function of the experiment station is discovery. The principal function of the agricultural college, the high school, the district school, and the farmers' institute is dissemination. The agricultural college looks to the exix'riment station and to the investiga- tors of all ages for its facts and theories. With these as educative material it attempts to prepare students for every Aocatlon that is closely related to suc- cessful soil culture and rural home making. The agricultural college may and should prepare some of its students for each of the following lines of work : (1) As teachers in the college itself. (2) As investigators at the experiment station and elsewhere. (3) As teachers in the high schools and in the normal schools. (4) As managers of enterprises in which thorough technical knowledge of soils, plants, and animal husbandry is reciuired. (.j) As speakers at institutes and as leaders in spreading the gospel of a better agriculture. It may also prepare men for actual work on the farms, .-ind women for house- hold duties; but under itresent conditions this part of the held must lie mainly occujiied by the agricultural schools, the "short course" schools, the high schools, the conmion .school.s, and the farmers' institute. The agricultui-al college as a purveyor of knowledge looks to the experiment station for a large part of its supplies, and for its work of dissemination it must have its hand on all the lower schools as well as upon the fanners' institute. Educational i)rogress is usually from the top downward. The college deter- mines the course of study for the high schools, academies, and the normal schools. These in turn give form and content to the instruction in the common schools. The college of fifty years ago, with its classical course called "broad and general," but really narrow and specihc-. made Latin, (ireek, and mathe- matics the principal studies of the academies and high schools. When science secured a place in the college course coordinate with the classics immediately science was given a pla< e in the high schools and later, in a small way. in the grades. Now that the agricultural college has secured for itself a place in the university, coordinate with the other colleges, it must — it will' — make itself felt in the high schools. It is important above measure that the elements of agri- cultiu-al science should be given a place in the conmion school curriculum; but any attempt to force such a change without tirst according it a place in the high school and in the norma T school will he in the main abortive. The high schools and the normal schools prepare teachers for the common schools. Teachers who 54 are ignorant of agricultural science will not succeed in a bigli degree in inter- esting i)ui)ils in that branch of study, even could a public sentiment put this task upon them. Under present conditions the agricultural college will not, as a rule, be called upon for speakei's for the institutes. It is the experiment station men, and so-called " jjractical men," who are in close touch with the work of the station, that the people will come out to hear. It is the experiment station and not the agricultural college that has wrought such a marvelous change in the farmers of America toward scientific agriculture. Professor Chaml)erlain comments upon the change in the institutes that took place soon after the Hatch Act brought into existence the experiment stations, as follows : " It was my privilege to compare the agricultural conventions of this State (Wisconsin) at two periods sei)arated by a decade within which the exi)eriment station became a i)oteiit intiuence. The dominant intellectual and moral atti- tude uf tile earlier period was distinctly disputatious and dogmatic. * '■= * In the second period the dominant attitude was that of scientiflc confereiice." But while it is the stations that are giving new life and character to the institutes, it is the colleges that are the " head center " for the dissemination of agricultural truth. The stations working through the institutes may arouse the people and create a seutiment in favor of agricultural education, but the colleges working through the schools must do the main ]>art of the work of dissendnation. It may be said that tlie act that called the stations into existence provided for the distribution of the knowledge to be gained by means of bulletins and circu- lar!?. ];>ut this is insutlicient and inadetiuate. Only one farmer in twenty attends the institutes. Of those who attend, only one in twenty receives the bulletins. Of those who receive the bulletins, only one in two reads them. Of those who read them, only one in two jmts into practice the truth presented. One in l,(iU() in vital touch with the station — a lilieral estimate. And so it happens tliat "dissemination does not keep pace with discovery." Or, as the Hon. .John Hamilton puts it, " We have a great reservoir full of val- uable scientitic information to which the mains have not as yet been laid." To be sure, the tigricultural colleges have laid mains to this reservoir of scientitic truth, but they have not yet extended them through the lower schools to the l^eople. This is the one great jiresent need. The farmers' institute, too, has done a little tapping of the reservoir, but the flow is siuall, and only that which is immediately helpful is sotight. Great principles and underlying truths must come, if at all. through the other chan- nel— the college and the schools. Hence, the relation of the agricultui'al college to the farmers' institute is laainly indirect but important. (1) It is closely related to tlie experiment station, wliicli is the .source of life to the institute. From the exix^riment station it receives some of its most valu- able materi.-il. and it gives back to the station some of its very best product. (2) It should ])e closely related to the high school and to the normal school, for these are the sources of life to the connnon schools. From the high school it should receive its very best students. an-I to the high school it should give teachers and such a course of study as \\ill promote intei-est in c-ountry life and a thirst for higher agricultural education. (8) It is related more directly to the institute because of its part in prepar- ing the men who are sent out b\- the station as siieakers and leaders in the dis- cussion of agricultural topics. To be sure, the institute asks for men from the experiment stations, but the experiment stations ask for men from the agricul- tural colleges. I 55 And so it happens thnt in a sense the college is the " head center " of all, leachin.!; out t]irou.:,'li tlie experinioiit station to the adult fnriuers, and reaching out through the high, normal, and connnon schools to the next generation of fanners and farmers' \vi\es. There is yet another way in which the college relates itself to the institute. Every man that the college sends out to the farm to j'Ut in i)ractice the facts iind theories which he has learned at the college. iKvonies an iniportant factor in creating sentiment that favors agricultural education, and, therefore, farm- ers' institutes. And in such important work, it makes little differinice whether, us a student, he took the "short course" or the long course. If the college is a good one a single term will conviiK-e liic student of its advantages and make Lim foi-ever a friend and supporter of all that pertains to scientific soil culture. Hence, as it seems to me. those colleges that by iueans of "short courses" and long ones, by means of l)road courses and narrow ones, by means of deep courses and shallow ones ( vhen it is a necessary dioice between that which is narrow and superficial on tlie one hand and notiiing on the other hand), those colleges that bring the greatest numl'ter of ])eoi)le in toudi with scientific methods are' doing most to promote a sentiment that will continuously and cheerfully provide eiiuipment for more extended agricidtural ed-ication all alo:is the line, from the kindergarten to the university. I have spoken thus far oidy of what I believe slioidd be the attitude and influence (mainly indirect) of the college upon the institute. But what should the institute do for the college and for agricultural educa- tion in genei-al? A transaction or a relation to lie in the highest degree satis- factory nnist be mutually advantageous All the institutions herein referred to exist for the general good. Their purpose is the discovery, dissenunation, and practical application of truth. The institute nmst do its share. (1) It must help to create a desire for bettor methods in agriculture and for higher agricultural education. (2) It must help to strengthen the sentiment already exising in favor of generous sn]ii)ort of every institutioii lierein nametl. (3) It must encourage the introduction of elementary agricultural and domestic science into all the schools. It nuist especially insist upon their introduction into the high and normal schools, for in no other way can such teaching l)ecome general in the conmion or district schools, and in no other way can the connecting link be jmt in place that will bring the people into close and vital touch with the ;igricullni al college. (4) The institute must at this stage of tlie work invite the young people and their teachers to its sessions. It must help to convince them that educa- tion is for use ; that the higher life is the useful life ; that the highest life is the most useful life ; that the first purpose in education is to enable one " to earn his own living by the exercise of trained powers ; " that there is no vocation in which mental training and equipment will be more advantageous than in farming; that this vocation will give ample opportunity for the exercise of all the intellectual power one jiossesses ; that its rewards are inferior to none ; that its duties are no more burdensome than those of other occupations; that the chances for success are greater by far than in most occupations, and that nothing can be more honorable than, " i)y the help of (Jod, to cut a straight i)ath to one's own living through the sunshine and the rain and the sprouting grain," and that few things are more dishonorable than the attempt, by the help of the devil, to cut a crooked path to one's own living through the fortunes of other people. 56 The farmer has little temptation and little need to engage in the specula- tive or disreputal)le. For him the soil is on tap. What he gets diminishes no man's fortune. By the help of God and the experiment station he is the creator of wealth. But he needs the college, too. And the college needs him, and both need the experiment station. The vital relations of the theoretical and the practical, of the educative and the pro- ductive, are being understood as never before. The educators and all the people are beginning to believe what Doctor Baldwin, of Yale, said some time ago, that " the chief end of life is not to get an education, Init to use an education ; "' that the purpose of all education should lie increa.sed efficiency in doing something that needs to be done. Says James Freeman Clarke : " Theory without pi'actice to test it, to verify it, to correct it, is idle speculation ; but practice without theory to animate it is mere mechanism. In every art and in every luisincss theory is the soul and jirac- tice is the body. All success depends on practice, but all improvement on theory. Let neither despise the othei'." The agricultural college, with its coworkers in the educational field, is the soul of twentieth century agriculture. The experiment station, with its coworkers on the farms, is the body. Neither can do without tlie otlier. The institute should become one of the connecting links lietween them ; one of the forces to keep soul and body together. The soul without a body, in the cultiva- tion of the soil, is as useless as a body without a soul. The institute as it exists to-day is the child of the experiment station. Let it be nourished and fostered until it shall l)ecome the parent of higher agricul- tural education for the masses; until all the i)eople shall more clearly under- stand the relation of theory to practice, and shall more fully appreciate the measureless opportunities and the " marvelous attractions of rural and indu.s- trial life." Discussion. C. M. Conner, of Florida, stated that the relation of the agricultural college to the institute worker is somewhat the position of the teacher with refer- ence to his pupils, since men are nothing more than boys grown up, and since the agricultural college teaches the workers. lie thought that the agricultural college could assist the farmers" institutes by encouraging boys during their college course to prepare themselves for institute work. ADVERTISING FARMERS' INSTITUTE MEETINGS. Mr. Kaufman. Advertising the farmers' institute meetings is one of the most important things in connection with a successful series of farmers" institutes. At least such has been my experience in the brief period institutes have been held in North Dakota. This is especially true where the amount of funds at your disposal is limited, and you find it impossible to have what might proj)- erly be called an " advance agent " for the institutes. At the time of taking hold of the work in North Dakota I had never attended more than one-half dozen farmers' institutes and, knowing absolutely nothing as to how they had been advertised, a system of properly advertising had to be worked out to suit our conditions. In treating this subject it is not my intention to offer many suggestions as to how an institute meeting should be advertised, but to state how this work has been carried on in North Dakota, hoping thereby to bring out the experience of others along this line. 57 In tbo first plaro. I proparpd a blank form of appliration for a farmers' insti- tute meetiug. This was to be a formal application lor an institute, and wben signed by the local committee, tbey bad agreed to furnish a hall, properly heated and lighted, and to assist in advertising the meeting. I usually selected one of the committee who had signed the ai»plication with whom to carry on the correspondence relative to that institute. If possible, it was some one with whom I was pensonally acquainted. I also urged that in the selection of a local couunittee the business men and farmers should both be represented, and by all means the committee should be one in whom the farmers had confidence and wild bad been successful as farmers and business men. The only advertising matter furnished I)y the State is a large poster calling attention to the institute and the subjects to be treated during the meeting. These are sent out four weeks before the date of the meeting, and in nearly every instance I have fcmnd the committee did their work fairly well in distrii)Uting these posters. I also urged tlie raising of some funds for the payment of hall rent and for lighting and heating, in addition to getting out some advertising matter iocally. An excellent plan has been for the local connnittee to have a postal card printed and sent to each farmer invit- ing him to be [iresent at the institute, giving the time and place of the meet- ing, and urging him to come juepared to ask questions and give his expe- rience if called ujion. Some jilaces, in addition to the postal-card invitation, have had distributed a weelc before the institute a small poster announcing the speakers and the subjects that were to be taken up by them. At one of the best institutes held in our State the past year the business men arranged to furnish luncheon for all the farmers and their families who would attend the institute. This was at a small town in the northwestern part of the State, where the farmhouses are few and far between, but, nevertheless, there were over 2.")0 peoi)le attending the institute. I also endeavor to enli.st the local newspaper in the institute, either through the committee or by writing the editor a personal letter, if not already accjuainted with him. All but a very few are willing to give their space freely for advertising the institute, but in many instances, not having bad any experience with such meetings, they don't know exactly what is the best thing to do. To many of them, if you send a list of the speakers and the subjects each is to discuss, they will jiublish the list without any comment whatever. To get around this difficulty last year I took it upon myself to write notices of the institutes and send them to the editors ready to be put into print. This is usually more .satisfactory to them, but entails con- siderable labor upon the superintendent, for I can assure you it is no light task to write editorials on the farmers' institutes for a half dozen papers in the same territory and not say the same thing aliout each speaker. Nevertheless, I carried out the idea for the 4(J institutes held last year. If it was possible to visit the different i)laces where institutes have been scheduled, it would be advisable to have printed on the large poster the name of the hall in which the meeting would be held. Then about a week before the institute I think it W(.uld be a good plan to send to each of the country school-teachers within a radius of 10 or 12 miles a quantity of printed handbills stating where and when the institute would be held, the object of the meeting, the names of the speak- ers, and the subjects to be discussed. These handbills can be i»rinted in large (juantities very cheaply. A list of the teachers can be secured from the county superintendent of the schools, and every boy or girl in the country would thus be advertising the farmers' institute meeting by carrying home one of these handbills. At one of our especially well attended institutes the local com- mittee, the chairman of which, by the way, was editor of the local paper, had printed in large quantities a small handbill or " dodger," as it is called. This r 8 dodger simply stated where the institute was to be held, the time at which "the meetin,!j;s would opeu, nud iuvited everyoue to come aud briusjc the fauiily. These were distributed among the business men of the town, and for a week or ten daysbefore the institute every farmer purchasing a bill of goods found one of these little dodgers wrapped up nith it on reaching home. It was very effective ill making known the institute and bringing out a good attendance. The postal-carol invitation is a very good idea, and where there are plenty of funds the superintendent should have them printed and sent to the local com- mittee for addresses and mailing. At the same time, it is an excellent idea to have the local committee get out their own invitations, as it shows they are interested and will work to make the institute a success. At one place last year I know of $140 being subscribed by the business men for the institute. So far as I can learn they adopted every scheme that I could suggest for advertis- ing. It is needless to say they had a successful meeting. I thoroughly believe in having the locality assist the superintendent to the extent of furnishing a ball and paying for some of the advertising. If there is not enough interest in the meeting to attempt this nuich assistance it is e or as is desired. He thought sufficient attention was not given to advertising the lectures. Mr. Kaufman, of North Dakota, stated that the papers in bis State were quite ready to help in the institute work, but they did not know what to do or how to do it. They need assistance in advertising the meetings. The assistance of railroads in the way of reduced rates had heljied greatly in the attendance at the institutes. The feeling toward the agricultural colleges and experiment stations is one of respect aud confidence. Mr. Dye, of New Jei'sey. thought the iiroviding of luncheon added an attract- ive feature. The competitive idea was condemned l)y Mr. Gregg, of IMinnesota. He held that a good institute would advertise sul>se(inent meetings. Mr. Ellis, of Missouri, had found the competitive feature of value in Missouri when kept within limits and not allowed to overshadow the strictly educational part of the work. He thought this was also true of all entertainment features, although the tendency was for them to detract from the main object of the institute. The educational side of the competitive exhibits should be kept prominent. " In INIissouri we have no round-up institute meetings, but we have a number of State associations that hold annual meetings, and we coojierate with each of those associations. We arrange to pay from our institute fund the expenses of one representative from the agricultural club in the college to attend each of these meetings, and to I'oad a paper on some subject. We also seek out our best graduates that go back to the farms and try to arrange for them, the first year after they graduate, to do at least one week's institute work, paying them a small salary and their expenses. We put these young men forward as the r 59 conditions indicate arc best, and tlms try to develop some of thein into good institute workers. " We find it very dilliciilt to niaintaiu any local iicrnianent organization. Our organizations in the connty are nearly all teniiiorary. for one year only. Where we have [)ernianent local organizations, smli as ilairy or horticultural associations or granges, we work through them and do not try to bring about an independent organization. But where we have nothing of that kind we have some trouble in maintaining a permanent organization. "As has been said, the best plan to advertise an institute is to let it aordi- nates together and give the superintendent advice as to where they would like to hold meetings and as to the subjects that they would like to have presented by the speakers at those meetings. Very early in the season, perhaps in Febru- ary or March preceding the year when the VA'ork is d()n(>, the chairmen jire coun- seled to confer, to get an expression of the people in the different townships, and secure representation in the returns sent in. These are carefully arranged, and the meetings are grouped with a view of effecting an economy as far as possible, and witli a view also of assigning the workers who will treat the desired subjects. " We are now seeking to multiply the number of meetings in the ratio of the ,area of the counties. The smallest counties are to have two days of institute work, the next larger county three days; then, the larger county four days, and the largest counties five days of institute work, and these local oHicers will make this selection after conference with each other, the jnirpose being U> insure that all the localities shall have a fair chance for their portion of the meetings. " When this work is done in the superintendent's office, a schedule is made up and published, and a list, containing not only the assigned speakers but others as well, is sent out. The rest of the work' is left largely to these local 61 organizations. They liavp already named the places of meeting. They secure halls, schoolrooms, or snitable meeting places for their meetin.gs and do all such work, and conduct the meetings, the chairman acting as the in-esiding officer, as a rule. The meetings are rer>orted usually to the local papers, and always to the superintendent on hlanks furnished for that purpose, so that he keeps in touch with the work. "Over 50 of the 02 counties in the State effected permanent organizations on a uniform basis in the past year, and our conference recommended that the work go on, so I ])resunie the remaining counties, or most of them, will organize during the coming year, and we shall have then perfected the local permanent institute organizations in all parts of the State. " One of the necessities for perfecting this organization was the inequalities that were observed in the selection of places of meeting, where the institute had the privilege of voting for a place of meeting. Of course the place that had it this year, if it was a good meeting, had the right of way for the next one and the other points had no show. We definitely provide now that the officers shall constitute an executive connnittee and they, after conferring together, shall make selections, and of course they have time to do it deliberately and intelligently. So when meetings are located it will be in their judgment where they can be successfully held and where the people will actively serxe.*' Discussion. Mr. Putnam, of Toronto, Canada, stated that the system described by the previous speaker was in large part the same as that in use in Ontario. " I hardly know how we would start out to hold successful institute meetings in Ontario if we had not these local county permanent organizations. We have had these organizations since I first had anything to do with this work, fifteen years ago. We have somewhat extended these organizations since that time, of course perfecting them, but they are practically along the same line. We have from one to three or four organizations in each county, depending upon the size of the county and the poi)ulation. Each electoral district forms a permanent organization and appoints its officers. One of the great advantages of this is that you have men in each county, in each township, who feel a personal interest in the work, and if we want any particular work done in a certain township or county we feel that the secretary of the county or the electoral district has a man in that township or county that he can put to do the work and carry it on. We consider that the secretary of the county organi- zati(m is the man to whom the superintendent looks to have things carried out. " We do practically all of our arranging for meetings through correspondence with the county secretary. Of course we have a full list of the directors in the different townships and we write to them, spurring them on; but we leave a great deal of the detail to the secretary. We find that it is better to do that; tliat we can have more uniformity in that way. These officers are appointed at a special meeting called for the purpose of election of officers and the naming of the places where institute meetings are to be held that year. They look over the ground thoroughly to see whetlier a certain township or certain portion of a township has been neglected, or if they can not get another director in a cer- tain corner of a township who will work things up in that township. It seems to me the great need in Ontario is to have more men, or better men probably, appointed to take charge of the local work. There are a great many young men and a very great many farmers, even in Ontario where institutes have been held for eighteen years, who hardly know what an institute is yet, and the great 62 111-oblem before us is how we can reach more people, how we can get at the young peo])le. As I have said, we look upon the soc-retary as the chief officer in the county, and we do not want to '^•iiang" him from year to year: we want to keep the same man ;it that work, a umn wlio becomes famili.ir with the forms we require him to lill out. He studies the matter of advertising, and in that way is of great assistance to the superintendent. We generally find that as soon as the secretary is changed the work is apt to lag for a year or two, until the new secretary gets iinld of the ropes. "At the meeting for tlie selection of officers the directors select the places at which they wish meetings held during ihe following institute season, both where the regular metings are to lie hold juid the supitlementary meetings. We hold two series of meetings in caili county. The first series we call the regular meetings. Each county is allowed two of these meetings, and the department undertakes to pay the sjieakers' tra\eling exjienses and everything excei)t the advertising for those two meetings. For the four supplementary meetings we undertake to pay the wages of the sjieaker, while the local institute pays the traveling exjienses. Any additional meetings are paid for entirely I)y the local organization. Some of these local organizations hold as many as twenty meet ings during the year in an electoral district. " The way in which these local institutes are enabled to do this is this : They charge 25 cents memliership fee for every person who joins tlie institute. They are given a Government grant of ^'2~>. and they get a grant from their county council of ^'27>. The Government grant is given to tlicm on condition that they get the $1'.") from the county. "And another method which they have of raising money is running excur- sions to our agricultural college and experimental farm. A great many of the counties get special rates from the railroads and run an (excursion there, and some of them make as higli as ^l.jO, or ."fl'oo, or $!.'."»») out of their day's excursion, and they u.se that money for their local work. " I can not impress upon you too strongly the importance of li.iving good mem- bers of the Iioard of directors. They are useful in many ways, lint especially in assisting in tlie local advertising. "If a meeting which has been arranged and advcM'fised has to lie canceled on account of bad weather or sickness of the sjieaker or for any other cause, these local men are there and they will arrange for a meeting in two or three weeks, advertise it among themselves, and hurry it on, and probably have just as successful a meeting as otherwise would have lieen the case. They arrange for speakers themselves, through their own secretary, and carry on tliis meeting independent of the dejiartment at Toronto, although they are required to report and to superintend all meetings which have been held. "They also hold seed fairs, which are a very good feature. "As regards judging competitions. I \\ isli to enijiliasize the fact that you mu.st be very careful in arranging for fliem or you :ire apt to create local jealousies. It is much better to .get all the stock wliich you are going to use at a judging competition from one iier.son and ha^'e a competent person to point out the good and the li.id points of the different cattle in the exhibition, and, if possible, get a nundter of volunteers from the audience to enter the competition as judges. After they have expressed their judgment they are interested in it and are anxious to see what tlie man in ch.irge of tlie class will point out in the way of any mistakes that may have been made. " I think also that a f(>ature in connection with this work which should prove very beneficial is the holding of monthly meetings during the winter month.s. I would not advise it during the smnmer months. Iiut during the winter I think we can well furnish work for the various townships. 63 "I have in mind that I shall collect information from each locality as to its particular needs. Then when I ask an institute man to go to a certain locality to speak I will furnish him with the information which I have as to the par- ticular needs of that locality. lie can then have his address in readiness to be .suited to the people he is going to address. I think that is a very important feature of the work. " In some places in Ontario we have a canning factory here and a few miles from that we have a pork-packing establishment, and in the next county it may be that they give most of their attention to the raising of horses. We have to cater to the different localities, and we must Ije prepared to do that if we are going to educate the people in the true sense of the word." In reply to a (luestion. Mr. Putnam stated that he thought that the superin- tendent should spend nuich time in the field to learn local conditions and should arrange, if possible, to hear every speaker at least once. George W. Dean, of Illinois, spoke briefly of the growth of farmers' insti- tutes in that State. WOMEN'S INSTITUTES. Mrs. S. Noble King, of Illinois. In our State (Illinois) the question of holding separate women's institutes has never l>een raised. From the first the work of the women has been affiliated with that of the men ; but I will tell you as briefly as I can what we have accomplished and what we purpose to do in the future. A little less than seven years ago a few women who were interested in scientific methods of housekeeping decided that the farmers' wives ought to have subjects presented at the county institutes along lines of work peculiarly their own, and steps were taken to secure an organization in the different counties, to be known as " domestic science associations " and to work with their husbands and brothers in the county institutes. The purpose of these organizations was twofold — first, to learn and practice better methods in our homes ; second, to help to secure the introduction of domestic science into the public schools of our State, country schools as well as city and town schools. The presidents of the county institutes were asi?ed for the names of three or four progressive women. living near together, who would be likely to take up a work of this kind and who would inspire other women to do the same. Through these efforts 20 counties were organized the first year. Since that time the growth has been steady and gradual, and to-day 90 of our 102 counties are doing active work. It was soon found that a meeting held but once a year could be of vei-y little benefit, and the women decided to form study clubs which should meet once a month — some of them bimonthly. As these meetings were usually held at the county seat many women who would like to do so were unable to attend, and they formed auxiliary clubs in neighborhoods, some counties having five or six. The first organization in a county is responsible for the progranune of one session at the county insti- tute, and evei-y club is expected to send delegates to the annual meeting, which is held in connection with the State farmers' institute. These women are studying sanitation, hygiene, nutritive value and cost of food, bacteriology, care and diet of the growing child, diet for the aged and invalid, care of the sick in our homes, and many other topics which are of interest to the intelligent housekeeper. The first obstacle met with was lack of literature on the suli.iects whicii were to be studied. This was overcome l)y the generosity of the State farm- ers' institute, who gave us funds for a library, which is in care of our State 23344— No. 154—05 ii 5 64 secretary, and which is free, except postage on the books, to all the women in the State who are members of our organization. This library, which consists of 120 volumes, is made up wholly of l)ooks relating to some phase of home life. A club may take three or five books at one time and keep them three months. An individual member of a club may take one and keep it two weeks. While peojile are talking a good deal about domestic science and thousands of women are studying it, there are still many who think it is limited to the mechanical work of cooking and sewing. If household science meant that only, it would occui)y but a small ])art of the field which legitimately belongs to it. In studying the sub.iect of cookery the object is not to learn to make fancy desserts or new salads, but rather the chemistry of cooking and the application of the proper degree of heat to various food substances. We try to have our practice in cooking illustrate a principle, just as an experiment in the chemical laboratory does, thus eliminating " luck," which has so long been responsible for underdone bread, overdone steak, and poor coffee. In housework more than in any other occupation conservatism bars out new discoveries, and it is said that less progress has been made in this industry in the last two hundred years than in any other, but from present indications ttat can not truthfully be said twenty-five years hence. Tradition has been carried from one generation to another, and it is still believed by some that women have an intuitive knowledge of housekeeping and the care of children, and this, too, in the face of many dismal failures and the appalling mortality among children. Dr. Felix Oswald says that " In America alone the little sparks of 100,000 lives are annually smothered out by the igno- rance of their mothers." When our grandmothers were girls they were taught all the household arts with which their mothers were familiar. Beginning with the raw material, they made cloth, which they afterwards fashioned into garments; they spun yarn, which they knit into mittens and wove into bedspreads — those same bed- spreads which are now so highly prized by one who has fallen heir to this sample of her grandmother's handiwork. They were taught to jireserve meats for summer use, and fruit and vegetaldes for winter use, and even to dip or mold the candles upon which they depended for light. And we need not arrogate to ourselves all the knowledge of scientific cooking. Many of our mothers cooked as scientifically as do the teachers of to-day, but they learned it by long and careful experiments. They learned when quick cook- ing would give the best results and when slow cooking was iiecessary. They knew the conditions necessary to make good bread, and they were adepts in the art of seasoning. In these and many other ways they were taught to take responsibility, which made them strong, capable women. With the change in social and economic conditions the industries that were formerly carried on in the home have been gradually absorbed by factories until it is not unconnnon to find housekeepers depending largely upon the manu- facturer for food that can be served with only a minimum of labor and with little reference to its nutritive value or relative cost. We need to ask ourselves the question why so few girls are in the home help- ing their mothers, while an army can be mustered for service in store, otHce, or factory. Probably there would be many answers, but it seems to me the one lying nearest the truth would be found in the low valuation set upon housework by the women of the present day. We are fond of saying that the home is the bulwark of the nation, but the work necessary to the maintenance of the home has, some way, fallen into disrepute. The iiendulum has swung to the extreme, and any measure that will help to start it in the other direction should be wel- comed by all right thinking men and women. 65 students of sociology believe that the study and practice of domestic science would give to domestic employment the dignity which it deserves and would help to solve the problem of better living at less cost. It would give to the mistress of tlie liome a knowledge of foods in the widest sense. She would be able to select such as would best serve the purpose of the growing child, the laboring man or woman, the aged, and the invalid. She would see that the muscle and bone building material were supplied in proper proportion to the energy producers. There are mothers who are studying the subject of balanced rations for their families as the farmers do for their stock, realizing that every child has a right to the best possible physical and mental development. It is no longer a question whether the character of the food eaten aCCects the mental and moral status of the individual. The mistress of a home should be able not only to select food intelligently, but she should be able to cook and serve it in such a manner as to render it palatable and attractive. Cooking is a fine art — just as much of an art as is music or drawing — and she who is master of it is deserving of as much credit as she who excels in picture or song. We need to keep in mind the ideal which Ruskin so beautifully set before us when he said " Cooking means the knowledge of Medea and of Circe and of Calypso and of Helen and of Rebecca and of the Queen of Sheba ; it means the knowledge of all herbs and fruits and balms and spices ; and of all that is sweet and healing in fields and groves and savory in meats ; it means careful- ness and inventiveness and watchfulness and willingness and readiness of appli- ance. It means the economy of your great-grandmother and the science of modern chemists ; it means much tasting and no wasting ; it means English thorough- ness and a French art and Arabian hospitality. Needlework, too, is an art, and she who knows how to use her needle deftly and how to fashion garments be- comingly is just as truly an artist as is the painter who drapes the figures on his canva.s." But again I repeat that cooking and sewing are only phases of domestic science. Every woman who is mistress of a home needs to know the sanitary condi- tions of that home without the intervention of the board of health. She needs to know something about bacteria — those tiny plants that play such an impor- tant part in her work. She needs to know that some are friends and some are foes, and she should know how to cultivate the one and how to destroy the other. Every housewife should underscand something of chemistry and of the laws that govern chemical changes and combinations. She needs to know something of biology, that she may understand the processes of life and growth. She will learn that sunlight is the great germ destroyer, and that dark and ill-ventilated rooms invite dis- ease germs. It is said that the prosperity of a nation depends upon the moral and phys- ical condition of its people, and their moral and physical condition depend largely upon the food they eat and the houses they live in. The habits of industry and the sense of responsibility gained by a training in domestic affairs is of no small value in forming the girl's character, in estab- lishing in her mind the difference between being a partner in the world's work and being a parasite, enjoying always the fruit of others' labor. On no account would we be understood as advocating industrial training to the exclusion of other studies; but it seems to have been proven that this work can be taught in the schools without loss to other branches of study. 66 Let us educate our girls on broad lines, in literature, in science, in art, and in music. All these will help them to be a greater power in the home, but at the same time let them have instruction in practical home affairs and the manual ability to meet the common industrial wants of the average home. But, more than all else, if the art and science of housekeeping be taught in the schools, girls will learn to regard housework not as drudgery to be escaped from, but as work which lays under tribute many sciences and which is more conducive to contentment and happiness in the home than all other arts com- bined. Discussion. Miss Blanche Maddock, of Ontario. I would like to speak more particularly of our work in Ontario. Three years ago, at the international meeting in Buffalo, the work of the women's institnte was in its infancy, and many doubts were expressed in regard to its future. Those doubts, however, are being removed. I notice a difference in this national association meeting. Three years ago there was comparatively little interest taken in the women's department. A year ago, in Toronto, a few of the States, as they reported, mentioned the women's work ; but, so far as I remember, even the Illinois institute did not think it worth while or sufficiently important to mention the Illinois women's work. I notice a great change here. A large majority of the different State reports speak of the women's work and the good that it is doing. Three years ago we had 1,000 members in Ontario. We have to-day about 7,000 members. We have about 250 different organizations; that is, we have 58 district institutes, with a number of branches in each district — from 1 to 7 or 8. There are many present familiar with the working of the women's institute system. But there are a number here who have not attended one of these inter- national meetings before, and I will go into it briefly. The women's institute is under the farmers' in.stitnte and is conducted on the same plan. It is called the women's institute in order that it may be recognized as a department of the farmers' institute work. I have heard of the Illinois Association of Domestic Science, but did not associate it with the great farmers' institute movement. It is under the same superintendent, as I understand. Our ex-superintendent, Mr. Creelman, has really made the success of the women's institute so far. He has gone to the trouble and taken the time to aid materially in its success. Our new superintendent, Mr. Putnam, is introducing new work that I believe we are going to have a great deal of success with in the future. There is a separate grant, however, aside from the farmers' institute grant. For the last two years there has been a provincial grant of $.?,000 for carrying on the women's work. This is used for a great many different purposes. Part of this money was used for a series of summer meetings for women. This last year, through May and June, we had about 225 women's institute meetings. Each meeting was attended and addressed by two delegates, two women sent out by the department. One usually demonstrated while the other would take up some other subject. Then, again, there is a grant given to each district institute of .$10 from this fund. In addition to this, there is a $10 grant from each farmers' institute, and very often a county council grant of $25. In that way w^e have money enough to carry on the work. This money is used for literature, subscribing for magazines, passing these magazines around, or bonusing one or more papers so that members get their papers at reduced iirices. Every electoral district is entitled to an institnte and this grant. When an institute is organized it may be found that there are women living four or tive 67 ruilos awny who aiv interpstod. and, if tlioy wish, thoy arc allowed to organize a itraiK'h. lioldinj; iiu'('tiu.!j;s at the different lioiucs. They have a local fee of 25 cents a year. This is for advertisiiii: or for rent of a hall. 'JMie round-up at Gueli)h is a gvc:\t feature of our work. It conies at the time of the winter fair and the experimental union and the reunion of the students of the college. We have a week of it. For the last three years we have had a deputation or a delegate from each institute in the Province sent to the round-up. They como with reports. We aim to have speakers not only from Canada, but from different parts of the ITnited States. lUit what are the women's institutes doing? Are they here to stay? Is the life of the farmer's wife happier and more social, are they better housekeepers and cooks than before this organization was formed? What are the practical results? Four years ago, when attending a farmers' institute meeting for the purpose of organizing a women's institute meeting, I found in many instances the women had to be introduced to each other. I have heard this remark over and over again : " I know your husband and your sons, because they come to see my husband and sons," and then, in a tone of apology, " You know we women haven't time to get acquainted." Then, in other sections, I have found that certain women would not join because members were not in their class or set. In other sections women in a certain church or denomination seemed to clique together; one denomination seemed to be oblivious of the existence of any other denonnnation. Four years later, visiting in different parts of the Prov- ince, I find a marked change and improvement. I have found that women of all circles and denominations are drawn together, that they are one in dis- cussing anything that will benefit the home or make the home work easier or pleasanter, introducing new ideas, and making the home life happier and brighter. That the home life is brighter is easily proven. Women, earnest, thoughtful women, worried and tired by their duties at home, after attending a meeting of the women's institute, go home soothed in thought and mind ; they go home with the idea of putting in pi-aetice some of the sugggestions which they have heard at the institute meeting; they go home with new ideas and tho retlex inttuence of sunshine and gladness is felt upon every member of the home. But are they better cooks and housekeepers? By better cooks I do not mean whether they are able to put a greater variety and a greater quantity on the tables. Rather the re\erse. In fact, one object of our institute is to do away with the tables we sometimes see, and rather than have two or three kinds of meat, pies galore, and cakes which vie with each other in fancy coloring and design, we may find a made-over dish or a relish, and well-made bread and butter. Four years ago, when introducing the principles of nutrition, trying to teach the foods that are suitable for different seasons of the year and for different members of the family, we had to go very slowly and carefully. At first simply the rudiments of the sul)ject were discussed. But now I find that by the dis- cussion entered into this subject is almost as familiar to the members of the institutes as to the Department. This is due to the literature that has been sent out. The Department sends literature, and some of the grant money is expended in literature; and in some cases we have a separate library with books relating to this subject; or where there is a library already established in a village or town, certain books relating to the subject have been placed in those libraries. The members are allowed to draw these out and they prepare papers on various subjects along that line. In that way o!H' members are becoming conversant with subjects that two or three years ago they considered altogether too technical. Our women's insti- 68 tutes are not only taking up this subject or food, but many other subjects reUiting to the home which are quite as important. Domestic science does not mean cooliing, and cooking alone. 1 think we have had a wrong idea of that to a certain extent. There are other subjects almost, if not quite, as important. There is the subject of ventilation, the need of pure air, the need of sunshine and health, that is quite as important as any other. All these subjects are taken up and discussed. We aim in our institute work to develop the all-round wonmn, with a love for the beautiful, and to strengthen the spiritual and moral. The cultivation of a love fur tlu' beautiful has been one of our specialties for the last year or two. We have encouraged the members of our institute to have a women's institute exhibit at our fall fairs. I noticed last year a tendency on the i)art of the members to note the little things around them in a way they did not do formerly, and to find beauty in the things around them that had previously been entirely overlooked by women living on the farm. As a result, we have more wild-flower bouquets, and we noticed a difference in other respects in the country home. The other day I was asked to note the vines on a tumbled- down veranda. It was a beautiful place, almost like fairyland, yet it was an old-fashioned house. The gentleman who called my attention to the matter said, " Every one of these vines has been found within half a mile of this house." I notice this tendency is increasing year by year, and we try to develop the love for the beautiful in our institute work. In order to help mental development we have in some of our progressive in- stitutes a roll call. As each member's name is called, instead of simply answer- ing "present" she gives a quotation from an author, or. if she prefers, some- times a recipe of some sort — for instance, it may be a recipe for removing stains. In connection with this method of giving a quotation or a recipe it was found that one woman in one institute did not seem to know anything about what was going on in the outside world. She, like a great many others, had been living her own little life, and had heard little about the outside world. In that institute they decided to have each woman respond to her name by giving a quo- tation from some public man. This has resulted in wider reading and a broad- ening of views in the family. We believe we are solving a problem that has caused some of the greater minds of the United States and Canada many an anxious thought, viz, how to bring the women of town and country together, to interest and broaden the minds of the women living a secluded country life by meeting with women from town, and to give the women from town an idea of the peaceful life of the coun- try; and at the same time interesting each in the pleasures and difficulties of the other. As in many sections of our Province the meetings are held alter- nately in town and country, this is possible of accomplishment. The women's institute is a purely home organization and of course is of interest to women of town and country. Again, I believe we are becoming more cosmopolitan in our ideas as we read and think and come together. Are the institutes to succeed? I believe they are. In my mind their future success is assured, because their object is the milifting, the developing of the home, the mainspring of society, and the pulse of the nation. Mrs. J. W. Bates, of Indiana. Women's institutes teach efficiency, accuracy, and contentment. They teach the farmers' wives to see nature and home sur- roundings in a new form. Washing, ironing, cooking, mending, and the care of children ai'e not held as duty alone, but with the knowledge of how and why these tasks are performed the once irksome duties become a pleasure. Woman's work is placed beside man's work in every department where her efforts and ability place her in competition. Her influence is recognized for I 69 refinement and betterment wherever her \\ork is found. Her Timitation is not the home or field alone, for her influence is already felt in several States in farmers' institutes and women's institutes^ The home maker's brain should be educated as well as her brawn. For does not the physical condition of the child from infancy to manhood depend upon her? The skilled home maker, with her magical tools of flour, butter, meats, and vegetables, stands equally with the skilled mechanic. We hear so much about balanced food rations for our live stock. The dairyman knows just what to feed for the greatest milk supply, the beef man knows the elements of feed to produce the greatest amount of fat and nmscle in the shortest time and for the least expense. Charts line our institute halls giving the minutest detail for all grades of animals, but the farmer's wife trusts in Providence and fries her beefsteak without the assistance of chart or teacher. There is no practical school where the farmers' wives can attend and be taught the elementary principles of home making, and if there were, their time is consumed with household duties and rearing of children. They can no longer shift responsibility, they are helpmates, and, in a sense, bi-ead winners. Women's institutes become a postgraduate course. Timid women, with years of wise experience, become enthused and give the benefit of these years to younger ones. Association of ideas brightens the intellects. Personal contact brings out new thoughts. Women's institutes teach dignity and poise of man- ner. They give a parliamentary and intellectual drill to all who take a part in the discussion. Our women and our homes hold a high rank, and our agri- cultural interests are advancing rapidly, but the interests of these homes must be represented at our farmers' institutes to maintain their dignity. Special institutes for women are held in 15 States. Does this mean that only 15 States recognize the value of women in the home and agriculture? Our home conditions must keep pace with the new methods employed upon the farm. And to improve tliese conditions we must have a new ideal to strive for. An ideal home should be the ambition of every home maker, but ideality should be tempered with realit}', so that the personality of the home maker is not lost. Domestic science covers the entire field of the woman's work, but as that term is so diversified several avenues of work can be weeded out. Any work that comes to the home maker and is done thoroughly and scientifically comes under this heading. Domestic science is household education. It elevates and broadens the sphere in which the home maker is placed and reduces the mis- taken idea that housework is a drudgery. It also olfliterates the stigma of the American home, the misused and sadly abused term " servant girl." Women's institutes afford an opportunity to glean helpful instruction of a nature suited to her peculiar individuality. An illustrated talk on household conveniences will shorten her steps and lighten her work, also teach her what to do with the least exertion and what can be left undone. An illustrated anatomical chart and a good lecture will cause the mothers of girls to give their lu-allh more consideration and attention. In all, women's institutes teach the ear to hear, the eye to see, and tlie soul to reach out for higher attainments in the daily life. And wherever we find women actively and earnestly employed in seeking the true conditions of their home life, we find them more efficient to master the problems of finance, and through the medium of women's institutes they are more able to meet every demand in the home. Mrs. H. M. Dunlop, of Illinois, explained the_ work of the .school of domestic science in the woman's building on the State fair grounds at Springfield. " Every county in the State that has a domestic science society of any kind has the privilege of sending one girl to this school. The building has u large 70 dormitory and a dining room and kitchen. The girls are selected, and all the expense that attaches to their coming to this school for two weeks (one week before and one week during the fair) is their railroad fare and the expense of their food while there. The instruction is free. The girls are divided into classes, or sections, or groups of four. The work is changed dailj. They per- form all the labor in connection with the school. One girl one day is supposed to do the dining-room work, attend to the setting of the table and the clearing off of the food and dishes. The work in connection with the dining room is under a competent instructor. Another group of girls the same day attends to the cooking, under a competent instructor. We have a large demonstration table in the center of our kitchen where 10 girls can cook at one time. Another group of girls may be doing the dormitory work for that day and another group the dish washing. We think this is exceedingly practical. All the work must be done daily and it is done vinder instructors who understand the business. So you see they must learn much in that two weeks' course of instruction there. There are two public lectures daily during the fair. " We lay special stress upon the food ration of a family and the importance of simple and wholesome foods. I think we are just beginning to realize what it means to feed this body of ours as we should in a rational way. We know what it means to feed our stock properly, but we do not know, or have not known, what it means to the child. " We first thought we would only have girls, but then we found so many married women clamoring to come in that we have taken that l>arrier away and the married women have the privilege. At the last school we had G of them in addition to over 40 girls. The schools have done a wonderful amount of good. These girls are going back into their county institutes, and oftentimes they are asked to go to other farmers' institutes. They tell something of what they learn and you can see how readily the information will be disseminated in that way." Mr. A. B. HosTETTER, of Illinois. I think it is due to our State board of agri- culture to have it said that the State board of agriculture pays all the expensed of the teachers and everything pertaining to that domestic science school. Mr. Putnam called attention to a handbook relating to women's institutes pre- pared by Ml-. Creelman, and made a brief statement regarding the McDonald Institute at Guelph : " This institute is a part of the Ontario Agricultural College. Nearly $200,- 000 have been spent in buildings and equipment. There are in attendance 150 young ladies. Some of them are taking a three months' course, some are taking a one year's course, and some of them are taking a two years' course. This, it is believed, will greatly strengthen the women's institute movement." Dr. Mary S. Whetstone, of Minnesota, suggested that it is worth while to encourage the women's institutes, because it will bring more men to the insti- tutes. She also thoiight that the bringing of city and country women into con- tact would result in mutual helpfulness. " The women need every influence and effort for the uplifting of the home. If you want to elevate the home you must educate the women ; you must let them get a glimpse into the breadth of life. There is very much to be said in favor of the women's institutes, and I certainly hope every superintendent and representative here will go home and do all in his power to establish women's institutes in the several States." Mrs. Laws, of Minnesota, urged the importance of trying to impress iipon the minds of young people the* attractive features of farm life as compared with city life. 71 "A groat many of tlioni now look to the city for the faseination and charm of life. They look ui)oii their homes as j)laces of drudgery and are anxious to get away to the city. I found that thoy had heon brought ni) to despi.se housework and the work that relates to the homes. As I have seen these girls and their homes, I realize that it is important to make them feel that they don't need to come to the city or away from their homes to find work and noble work. Their homes can be made fascinating. I think it is worth our while." THE RELATION OF THE EXPERIMENT STATION TO FARMERS' INSTITUTE WORK. L. A. Clinton, Storrs, Conn. The greatest agencies which are making for the advancement of agricultural education at the nresent time are the agricultural press, the farmers' institutes, the agricultural colleges, and the agricultural experiment stations of our country. These are not necessarily placed in their order of relative importance, but without doubt the greatest agency in popular agricultural education is the press. The number of readers of the agricultural papers each week and month is unquestionably greater than the number reached by any other means. Farmers' institutes had their origin in this comitry about 1ST0. While agri- cultural meetings had been held previous to this time, and even as early as the beginning of the nineteenth century instruction was being given by means of lectures, yet no organized effort was made to hold farmers' institutes until about the date above mentioned. Iowa and Massachusetts were among the first to organize a campaign of agricultural education through farmers' insti- tute methods. In Michigan as early as 1801, in the law organizing the State agricultural college, an authorization was given for the disseminating of agri- cultural education by means of university extension methods. The agricul- tural college was authorized to institute a winter course of lectures for others than the students of the institution, under certain rules and regulations. The State agricultural college movement began with the organization of the Mich- igan Agricultural College under act of the legislature of 18(U. Under this act was organized the first State agricultural college in the United States. It will thus be seen that the farmers' institute movement and the organization of agricultural colleges took place at about the same time. The Morrill Act, under which there has been organized an agricultural college in each State, was passed by Congress in 1802. The real foundation for the widespread farmers' institute movement and for the organization of agricultural colleges under Federal aid lay in the fact that a need was felt for the practice of better methods of agriculture. The instructors in the early days in farmers' insti- tutes and in agricultural colleges found their work quite different from that of the instructors of to-day. It was then that the professor of agriculture was expected to teach all of the branches in the college which related to agriculture, soils, farm crops, stock feeding and breeding, and the farmers' institute lecturer was expected to be a specialist in all that related to farming. After the agricultural college movement was well under way and colleges were organized inider the land-grant act, the most noticeable difiiculty was in providing instructors who had definite information with reference to the sub- jects they were expected to teach. To be sure, their knowledge was a i»rac- tical kind, and it had largely been obtained through actual management of the soil itself and through handling the various crops and animals found on the farm. While the knowledge which they jiossessed was the most important kind, yet they were compelled to draw largely upon their own limited expe- rience for their facts, and it soon became evident that the greatest drawliack 72 in agricnltural education was the laolv of definite Ivnowledge witli reference to the subjects to be taught. Those who were most intimately associated witli tlie agricultural instruction being given at that time saw most clearly the need for carefully planned and definite experiments which would lead to a broader knowledge of agrii-ultural affairs. This was true because the early agricul- turist was usually a practical farmer or chemist who had little knowledge of practical farm affairs, either from his own experience or the experience of others. The agricultural instruction received by the students in our agricultural col- leges and at farmers' institutes even at as late a date as ISOO was quite differ- ent from the instruction which is being given at the present time, and the change in agricultural teaching all along the line has been wrought more through the knowledge gained by the agricultural experiment stations than from any other reason. So strong was the demand for definite information relating to agri- cultural affairs, for experiments wliich would prove or disprove what was being taught, that the result was the organization of agricultural experiment stations. For some years before the passage of what is known as the Hatch Act, under which the Federal experiment stations were organized, high-grade experiment work was being conducted in connection with several of the agricultural colleges, and especially were Connecticut. New York, Michigan, and Massachusetts pio- neers in the line of agricultural experiment work. The successful farmers' institute lecturer of the present day is possessed with a mass of data and facts which has been largely secured as the result of experi- ment station work. So generally accepted now are many of the facts relating to agriculture which a few years ago were unheard of that wo even forget that it is only within recent years that these facts have been discovered and the prin- ciples underlying them demonstrated. No farmers' institute lecturer at the present time would attempt to disconrse upon the subject of soils without a knowledge of the work done by King of Wisconsin, Ililgard of California, and Whitney of Washington. No expert upon the subject of animal feeding would attempt to give a lecture at a farmers' institute without a knowledge of the work done by Armsby, Henry, and Jordan, and these men mentioned have all been pioneers and leaders iij experiment station work. Along other lines of agricultural knowledge than those mentioned is the mark of the experiment station equally evident. Agricultural bacteriology was a science practically unknown until within recent years, and even dairy bacteriology, which the farmers' institute lecturer will discuss learnedly, was almost unmentioned ten and fifteen years ago. The best experiment station work has been done by the men who saw the most apparent need for such work, by men who realized most fully the shortcomings of agricultural knowledge and the deficiency in agricul- tural instruction. Much of the best work has been done by men who have, to a considerable extent, been occupied by other matters. The experiment stations and farmers' institutes were both organized for work in part along parallel lines. But while the farmers' institute is clearly an educational proposition, the experiment station is not only for the dissemination of information, but it is first of all for the securing of information at first hand. The duties of the experiment stations were stated in the act of Marcli 7, 1SS7, commonly known as the Hatch Act, and they were said to be " to aid in ac(iuir- ing and distributing among the people of the United States useful and valuable information on subjects connected with agriculture, and to promote scientific investigation, and to experiment respecting the i»rinciples and application of agricultural science." It is thus evident that the experiment stations were organized for the specific purpose of acquiring and disseminating agricultural information. Without doubt some of the experiment stations have laid too 73 much stress upon the dissemlpation idea, and have at times become university extension departments of some college or university, and have neglected some- what the investigational work for which they were organized. This charge can not be made against the experiment stations to any extent at the present time. Owing to the wide dissemination of agricultural information through the farmers' institute and through the agricultural press it is unnecessary at the jiresent time that the experiment station should attempt to reach every farmer in the State. Their means are too limited; and rather than divide the funds and cripple the work of investigation it is far wiser to hold very strictly to the lines of investigation, publishing the results in form which will be available for the farmers' institute lecturers and the press. There is a limit to the numl)er of bulletins which can be issued by the experiment stations, and this limit is reached long before the people of the State who need information have been supplied. If the Federal funds are supplemented by State funds, the popular bulletin may be a wise form for disseminating information. But where Federal funds are used for paying the printing bills we question whether the popular bulletin is a wise move. The institute lecturer and the press will give the information a popular form if it is worthy. The experiment station may be of value to the farmers' institute workers, not only through experiments which have for their object the determining of new truths, but by those which are illustrative in their nature. Certain facts are well known in relation to agriculture, but these facts are often not adopted and put into actual practice because their value in certain localities has not been demonstrated. The effect of tillage is well known to the experiment station worker who has investigated it, but it will be continually necessary to demonstrate so simple a thing as the effects of tillage upon plant growth, even though no additional light is brought to the subject. Cooperative experiments between the stations and farmers throughout the State are popular in some sections. These experiments result in the dissemina- tion of information by the stations. They are largely educational in their nature and seldom result in securing any data which is of definite scientific value. Their practical value as educators can not be questioned. Where the Federal funds are supplemented by State funds, so that cooperative work can be looked upon I'ather in the nature of university extension work, having for its object the dissemination of information rather than for pure investigation, this work may become valuable, indeed, as a supplement to the agricultural educa- tion of the State. Where the funds of the station are limited to the Federal appropriation, it seems unwise to spend any considerable amount of this in conducting cooperative experiments with farmers throughout the State. Greater educational results will be secured by cai-efully conducted experiments under the personal supervision of the station force, securing results of practical and scientific value. These results can then be published in bulletins and be given wide circulation by the press or by the farmers' institute lecturer who is not engaged in station work, but who uses as a basis for his lectures informa- tion which has been secured by the experiment station. So far as possible, without interfering with the experiments, the station workers should actively engage in farmers' institute instruction. This is true not only because infor- mation given at fii'st hand can be made especially interesting ; it is true not only because the farmers may be benefited by the instruction which they would receive, but it is especially true because of the benefit the station workers will receive by contact with the farmers throughout the State, who are meeting every day with practical problems which have not yet been solved by any oxperimeut station. The moi^ successful experiment station worker is the one 74 who comes in closest touch with the men who are most specifically interested in the results of his work, namely, the agricultural classes. A man may be a most careful investigator and a thoroughly scientific investi- gator and yet be an utter failure as a farmers' institute lecturer. This is especially unfortunate for the investigator as well as for the audience. The farmers will get the benefits of the results of his work through some other lecturer who is able to take the facts which have been revealed and present them to an audience in an interesting manner. The station worker is never- theless an active factor in the farmers' institute work, even though he himself does not possess the faculty of presenting facts to the farmer. Some of our best experiment station men are capable of putting an audience to sleep inside of ten minutes. Some other man, however, like an Agee or a Rice or a Gould, will take these same facts and present them to an audience and it will declare that the lecture was most interesting. The closer the relations maintained Ijetween the farmers' institute lecturer and the experiment station in every State the better will be the quality of the farujers' institute work done and the more practical will be the station work. The time has passed when general statements of information and funny stories can be palmed off on an audience of farmers. They are demanding facts ; they are demanding specific informa- tion, and for this type of information the experiment stations must be drawn upon. The plan which has been adopted by New York State might well be adopted by other States. Every year before the beginning of institute work the entire lecture force is rounded up for a time at the State Experiment Station, at Geneva, and for a time at the Cornell Experiment Station. The men who are to go out into the State and sow broadcast agricultural information are required to spend several diiys in actual work and consultation with the experiment station men and discuss with them the latest information with reference to the topics to be discussed. A recent report from the Office of Experiment Stations shows that 323 experiment station workers engage in farmers' institute work. This large number shows that there is an active cooperation between the men who are devoting their time largely to work of investigation and the men who devote at least a part of their time to giving agricultural instruction throughout the State. The experiment station can be of greatest value to farmers' institute work as this relation becomes closer. While it is not always a matter of con- venience or pleasure, and not always of i)rofit. for the station worker to leave Lis home surroundings and his work, which is congenial, and go up and down the State, putting up at so-called hotels, where even a fair night's rest can not be secured, yet a certain amount of this work may be of great benefit. It is important to get the farmers' point of view, to enter somewhat into their life, and the station worker who goes out for the first time to address some wide- awake audience is likely to b(! called upon to answer questions which lie lias never thought of before, and enough problems foi- investigation may be sug- gested to him to keep him busy for the rest of his natural life. The experiment station is best doing the work for which it was organized when it is doing work wdiich will advance the agricultural interests of the community. This can only be done when a definite knowledge is had of the needs of the com- munity. This knowledge can best be secured by actual contact between the investigator and the farmer. While illustrated lectures and lantern slides have their place, yet they are too often made the end rather than a means to the end. The farmer wants facts clearly stated, and it is not necessary to turn a farmers' institute into a school of farce. Tlie experiment station worker needs to have not only facts, but he 75 needs to have these facts s5-stematizecl. arranged, and classified. He needs to have them not only written down on a slip of paper, hut he must he so familiar with his subject that he can proceed without a moment's hesitation. Could every station man talie a part in the farmers' institute work of his State every winter lie would be a better station worker for it. Could every farmers' institute lecturer spend one or two weeks at his State experiment station before beginning his winter's campaign, at the close he would be the better prepared for his work. Closer relations would be established between the scientific worker and the class to be benefited by his work. As a result the benefits would be mutual. The work of investigation would be given a more practical turn, and the farmers' institutes would become more truly agricultural schools. Thus would both institute and station be more fullj' meeting the requirements for which they were organized. Discussion. Mr. C. A. Zavitz. of Ontario. I think, perhaps, the keynote of the paper to 'vhich we have just listened might be embodied in two ideas : First, cooperation, and second, the proper sympathy and understanding between the farmers' insti- tute worker and the needs of the people. I will dwell briefly upon those two points. I thinlc we have all been thor- oughly impressed during our meetings of the last two days with the impor- tance of cooperation. Here we have met together ; we have been talking about the work of the agricultural colleges ; we have been talking about the work of the experiment stations ; we have been talking about the work of the farmers' institutes, and the greater sympathy and cooperation there is between those dif- ferent lines of work, those different institutions, the greater will be the results of any one of them. I think that one of the most important things in connection with our institute work is that those who take up the work will come closely in touch with the people with whom they are dealing. In one of the papers that has been read it is men- tioned that we should be thoroughly conversant with the work of Armsby and Henry and such men. That is true. It was also mentioned that we should be in touch with the needs of the people. That is just as Important, I think, as the first. Now, how can we get in close touch with the people? There are different phases that might be taken up, many of which have been referred to already ; but there is one line of work which has been touched on here this afternoon, on which there has not been very much said in the meetings of the past two days, and therefore I will dwell upon that phase for a little while. It was just touched upon by the speaker. I refer to the cooperation between the station and the farmei's. Some eighteen years ago, when I became connected with our agricultural college and experiment station work, I felt that there was a need of liringing the results of the experiment station in closer touch with the farmers than had been done in the past. Our experiment station had been running then for about ten years. We were obtaining some valuable informa- tion, which was being brought out in bulletin form and disseminated among the people ; but you know that a great many of the farmers can not take the bulletins and reports and glean out of them the real cream of the work and make practical application of that work as well as if they were better trained along certain lines. AVe started about eighteen years ago in a very simple way to see what we could do in establishing a system of cooperative work among the farmers. The first year we sent out letters, and we got 12 ex- students of the college to conduct experimenttU work on their own farms, at their own homes, in connection with the work at the college. We sent them 76 instructions and sent tliem seeds and encouraged them in tlieir work, and tliey carried on experiments ; and from those 12 experimenters we received eight good reports. The next year tliere were GO ; the next year there were 93 ; and the worlv increased in interest and in value among the ex-students and also among the farmers generally throughout the Province who came in touch with the cooperative work. In 1889 there were about 225 and the next year about 400 experimenters. The work has gradually increased from year to year until this year we have 4,050 farmers upon their own farms carrying on experiments in connection with the station work. I remember that we had been engaged in the work about six years when I wrote to a large number of the agricultural experiment station people and many of them thought that there was not much value in cooperative work, that the farmers could not carry on scientific experiments, the results of which would be of general interest. That is true to a certain extent; but, still, what are our agricultural colleges for, and what are our experiment stations for? They are to help the farmers, and anything we can do, whether through our colleges or through the experiment stations, that will assist the farmers, I think, is the line of work we should take up. We have been following this work for some eighteen years in Ontario, and not only have we studied the results of the experiments, but have also studied the men themselves, as well as the crops with which they have been carrying on the experiments. And we have now a considerable number of men who have been carrying on experiments for five, six, seven, ten, and even a dozen years, on their own farms, and they are thoroughly trained in this work ; and I believe I am safe in saying that there has been no feature of the work that is particularly the station work and the college work, more in touch with the farmers. We now have experiments in agriculture, in horticulture, in live stock, in poultry raising, in forestry, and also in other lines. In agriculture alone we now have over 4,000 experimenters. During this last year we had thirty-five distinct experiments, covering nearly the whole field of agriculture. Do we realize the great importance of the farm crops of our two great countries? I do not know the exact average market value of the farm crops of the United States, but it must be an immense amount, for in the Province of Ontario the market value of the farm crops now amounts to about .$150,000,000 a year. You see how important it is that the experiment station should be brought in close touch with the farm. We carefully study the work of our experiment station and then arrange 35 experiments in agriculture, and have 4,000 farmers cooperate with us in making a practical application of this work on their own farms. We find It brings them in touch with the most im- portant results of the experiment station work in an admirable way. Besides being interested in the cooperative work, they also become interested in the other work of the experiment station. What is the result? Not from the cooperative work alone, but from the farmers' institute and the agricultural college, from the experiment station and from the cooperative work all com- bined, we fiud that there is an entirely different feeling in connection with the college work and the station work now from what there was a few years ago. I'erhaps this is one of the reasons why there will be some 35,000 farmers within the month of June who will get up in the early mornings and drive 5 or 0 miles and take the train and come .50 or 100 or 150 miles to the college and go out to the experiment plats, for an hour and a half in the burning sun, as they do each year. They are intensely interested, as shown by the questions they ask, and we have a splendid time together. They take up the questions that they liave to deal with every day. They take up those practical questions that they are interested in in their everyday work on the farm. It may be such 77 questions as to whether it is better to put in the corn in rows or in hills ; whether it is better to cultivate roots on the level or in drills; whether it is better to sow grains of certain selections or grains of other selections, etc. They become interested in plant-breeding work along those lines which the farmers can take up to advantage for themselves, and so one experiment after another is discussed. AVlien the people, numbering 500 and 600 in a group, ask questions dealing with those things that they meet with in everyday work on the farm, they are in real earnest and are after information that will help them. 1 have sometimes heard it mentioned that there are some lines of experi- ment station work that are not of as high a class as other lines of station work. E'or instance, the testing of varieties and the testing of methods of cultivation, and that sort of thing. To me, the line of work that is going to do the n*ost good for the people we are working for is the highest class of work we can take up. Scientific problems are of great value, but while going into them we must not forget the men who are working on the farms day after day from morning till night and are meeting questions every hour of the day regarding which they want information, and let us, as institute workers, come in contact with those people and go out with them on the farms ourselves. I have been connected with institute work, perhaps, more than anj' one else at our college, simply because I wanted to do it. I wanted to do it for two reasons. One was that I wanted to keep in touch with the people themselves and to know their needs, and the other was to bring the results of our experiment work before the people. Therefore. I have been in touch with the work for the last thirteen years at the various institute meetings. This, in connection with the excursions to the experiment station where they come in numbers varying from 1100 to 3,000 a day throughout the entire month of June, gives an opportunity to come in contact with these people and understand their conditions, and also gives them an oppor- tunity to understand our conditions. You will see that there is cooj^eration running all through beween the college and the station and between the station and the farmers on the little experiment farms all over Ontario. Just think of it — i,000 exiserimenters. What does it mean? Four thousand little .stations all sending out their infiuence, each one being a center of information. Two years ago I asked how many people saw just one of the 35 cooperative experi- ments, and I learned that fully 25.000 people saw this one expei'imeut on one farm or another. That was only one experiment. And we have 35 experiments altogether. You see it gets the people in touch with the idea of experimenting and investigating for themselves. It was mentioned in the paper that coopera- tive work among farmers is largely educational work, but not of much scientific value. Well, supposing it is. Is the experiment station for the people or are the people in existence to build up the station? I believe the stations are established for the benefit of the people, and whatever we can do to help the people to become better farmers is wliat we should do. This cooperative work opens up new lines of thought. I have been asked the question, " Well, a man or a woman will write to the college because he or she may want to get something for nothing, may want to get some seeils, simply because they think they can get something for nothing. What do you think of that?" Suppose they do. They are the men and women we want to get hold of. What does it mean? It means that if we can take that man or that woman that asks for that seed because it can be obtained for nothing and we can keep those people in our minds right through and finally get them to think and work along better lines than formerly, we have done one of the greatest works which it is possible to do for those people. We try to get the farmers interested in this experiment work, and as soon as we get them to experimenting they do not look upon it as the college experiment, 78 but as their own experiment. You put a farmer upon his honor and he feels he is somebody. It lias been stated that cooperative experimental work by the farmers is valueless unless some official is appointed to visit the experimenters and take full charge of the work. 1 say no; that we do not want that. We give them carefully prepared directions, and we want those people to feel that it is their experiment in every case. Suppose the result is not of great scientific value. At least you get that man started to observe. That man then takes his neighbor to his plats, and he says, " I have some varieties of oats that I am experimenting with," and they begin to talk it over. Perhaps the next year another variety of oats will come in the neighborhood, and this same man will say. " Well, I didn't take much interest when I started to experiment last year ; I thought it would I)e difficult to carry it out. But it is not so very difficult after all, and I am going to get some of this new variety of oats. I will put in a plat of this new variety, and also a plat of the variety which gave the best results last year, and another plat of the variety I have been growing for the past ten years." Suppose that this man happens to drop into a farmers' insti- tute meeting and the subject of oats is being discussed. He will be on his feet giving his experience in growing oats before he is aware of it, and will perhaps be in a position to give better infornnition on oats than any other man in the room. This answers as a simple illustration of the beginning of results of one of the very simplest experiments. I believe this to be one of the most practicable lines of work which the sta- tions can take up. I know there is a good deal said against it; but this cooper- ative work has been a hobby of mine. Eighteen years ago I had the greatest faith in this work, which I have been at ever since, and the work has been increasing steadily during all this time, and my faith in it is stronger every year. It has the right elements of education in it ; it has the right elements of training iu it; and you will see — mark my words— that the cooperative work will become a very important factor in connection witli the agriculture of North America. You get the farmers interested along these new lines of work, and then they are going to be friendly toward advanced agriculture and have a greater influence in the world. As mentioned a while ago, we are simply on the fringe of this great movement. I do not know very much yet, but I know a great deal more than I did know eighteen years ago, and we want to work together in this, and if we do I am sure it will have a very great influence. We know the influence it has had in Ontario already. Our crops have increased about GO per cent during the last se\en years. What has done it? The cooper- ative experimental work, the experiment station, and the farmers' institutes all working together have certainly exerted a very great influence. The fact that there is so much cooperation in this meeting is why I have enjoyed it so thor- oughly. I think the future should be very bright. HOW TO TRAIN THE FARMERS' INSTITUTE WORKER. F. E. Dawley, Fayetteville, N. Y. Twenty years ago, when the institute work was new, almost any successful, practical farmer who had ability to express his thoughts and who had convictions made an acceptable institute worker, and to-day in many sections and before many audiences a man of this type furnishes the best of help ; but he must be something more than a practical man who has achieved success. His success must have come from agricultural practice car- ried out along orthodox lines, and Ins oi)inions must be backed by scientific information. We have come to a time in the history of the farmers' institute movement when the best work will be done by men and women especially equipped for 7ointed exiiert jndges for the fall fairs in the Province of Ontario. !rhey thus get information, so that when they are called upon suddenly as demonstrators at farmers' institutes they know what they are talking about, whether it relates to cattle or what not. This year Mr. Putnam has arranged a line of instruction for his institute \vorkers at the fall fairs. He gives the men work for a longer time, and in this \vay gets better men. It is a mistake to send out men not well experienced, especially yoimg men. I find that they come back in one of two ihoods : Either they have made up Jheir minds that they are the best institute workers that bave ever been out, or, having run up against some pretty strong opposition and not getting as good a Welcome as they expected, they are discouraged and do not want to go out again. It is not necessary to tell you managers that, but I have found it is well to pick out a good, strong, experienced man and put a young fellow with him, following that up by sending the best literatun' yon can. When I find some- Ihing new I send innnediately and get a copy for our worlcers. I do not wait until the edition has run out. I write a personal letter to each worker, calling l)articular attention to certain features of the publication applicable to his case. 1 find it accomplislies a great deal more to write a personal letter in this way, calling attention to certain paragraphs, than simply to ha^e literature sent. I also send every one of my men, and pay for it out of the State grant, at least one good agricultural newspaper every weelv. I select some paj)er that uses a {;ood deal of farmers' institute informaticm. Then e\very week or every two weeks the superintendent can put in the jiaper a colunm or two or three, or a r-age, not necessarily over his signature, of good institute stuff, which, wjth the understanding of the editor, he will publish.. 81 If too much is not atteip.ptod :uul the workers :ire only hold rosponsihlo for the suhjocts they are expected to tench, you so'm have a corj>s of trained institute worlcers. We now have sixty workers in the Province of Ontario, whereas ten \ears ago there were none. The Mrst and second years we had the professors of the college, the third year we had one professor and two farmers, and now the professors have all dropiied out and we use thorn i)i an advisory capacity only. We now depend ui>on the profe.ssor to he a final judge with reference to varieties and fertilizers and such things as he has made a specialty of during the year. With all of this I l)elieve the farmers' institute work of the Province of On- tario can take credit, in conjunction with Mr. Zavitz and the agricultural college, for having done what he has mentioned. We have doul)led the output of the Ontario farms in ten years without any appreciahle increase in population or acreage. H. A. Huston, of St. Louis. One thing that specially interested me in Mr. Clinton's remarks was the statement that no man would think of discussing the ([uestion of soils without ho was familiar with the work of the foremost soil investigators. This should he the case generally, hut unfortunately there are a great many who discuss soils who know little ahout the suhject. It is along that line that I helieve you need to exercise great care, because the soil is the fundamental thing in agriculture. Large numbers of men are specializing in fruit, in live stock, and in all soi-ts of lines, and trying to inform themselves thoroughly on those subjects, but the men who undertake to make themselves really masters of the soil question are exceedingly few and far between. The most of our institute workers are what might be called local farm specialists, n)en who have done good, successfi.il work in certain lines, but oftentimes they have been successful because of local conditions which do not apply generally. 'J'hey do not alw.nys realize this fact, however, and they go into other regions and give advice which the conditions do not warrant. Whatever may be the merits or demerits of the case, I helieve the subject requires attention. If you can teach some of the specialists along lines which are remote from soil study to keep quiet about the rpi'^stion of soils, or jiersuade them to refer in(iuiries to sources where they can get reliable information, I think you will have accomplished a good deal in the training of institute workers. NEW PROBLEMS AND METHODS IN INSTITUTE WORK. PROBLEMS IN THE EAST. Mr. Franklin Dye, of New Jersey. The tirst problem I name is the insti- tute itself. Who will prophesy as to its permanency and its usefulness".'' The former will be determined l)y the latter. Will it outlive its missionV The answer to this question will depend somewhat upon our conception of the work of the institute its an educator in its relations to other agricultural educa- tional forces. The teaching methods of the institute are, in some respects, original and pe- culiar to it. They cond>ine the lecture of the practical teacher, whether from the laboratory or the field, with the (luestions of the held workers and the an- swers of the teachers thereto, making a method of instruction (luite unique. In most other schools of instruction the pu])ils have had little if any practical ex- perience in the application of the theories and principles they are studying; this comes after graduation. 82 III the institute the pupils never j,'r:uluate ; the lessons are few and far between ; new problems confront them year after year, and the institute provides an op- portunity, usually, for their solution. The institute occupies a position similar to that of the care-taker of farm stock. Our stockman must select, prepare, and bring to each animal the food best adapted to accomplish the jnirpose for which it is allowed to exist. So the institute manager and speaker nuist find the best and most appropriate information available, year by year, and carry it to the workers on the farms in their several neighborhoods. They can not go to the agricultural college. They can not, many of them, assemble in a far-distant con- vention. Their work keeps them close at home, and their means, usually,, will not allow the expenditure for long absence and trdvel. This is the province of the institute, and it is peculiar to it. The sources of information, however, are not confined to the institute; these are everywhere. The most prominent and in many respects the most valual)le is that afforded by our agricultural colleges and experiment stations. The wise institute worker, realizing this, will endeavor to draw into his budget of informa- tion all of this that can be utilized in the teachings of the institute. He can not afford to ignore it. The man of the farm who continues his fling at " book farming " is fast becoming an extinct species, and may usually be ignored if he can not be converted. To further solve the problem of the institute itself it is highly important that the farmer and his family should be convinced that the institute is for them. Its mission is to help them in every way possible. It is their school. How best to interest the farmers in this work, so that they will consider it as their organization and take an active part in making their institute the best in the county, is somewhat of a problem by itself. The farmers' institute must inter- est and help the farmer. When it fails to do this its mission will end. Women's institutes are closely identified with tlie foregoing. What can be done to introduce and popularize this branch of institute work? Its field is large, its woi-k among the most important. Another problem, in some States at least, is where and how to secure the money for meeting the expenses connected with the work. When the agricul- tural population is in the majority in any State, this may not l)e so difficult a problem. Votes have a mighty persuasive force in matters of legislation. This word " legislation " implies that we expect the money to be provided l>y the State ; but there are those in other callings who can not understand why the State should thus help agriculture and not help other trades as well. I will not debate that point here. In some States, and I believe in some of the provinces of Canada, the farmer pays an annual membership fee, a small sum in addition to that provided by the State, and thus he beconies a member of the institute, entitled to all its benefits. This plan has its advantages. In some of the Eastern States of the United States the agricultural popula- tion is but a small per cent of the total. To obtain State funds for the assist- ance of so small a proportion of the population may not be so easy as it is where the agriculturist can make and unmake legislators. But we will not hunt for trouble. Each field has conditions peculiar to itself, and the workers will no doubt find a way for the perpetuity of an, institution that has so many possi- bilities of usefulness before it. Another problem for institute workers in the East is to popularize the busi- ness and the work of agriculture. Both these have within (piite recent years become so unpopular that farmers' sons are seeking other callings, and labor- ing men will not take up the work of the farm except as a last resort, and 83 sometimes not even then. The cause or causes of this reaction from this essential industry sliould be found, if possible, and the remedy applied. The hope of lar.!J:er and (luiclcer pecuniary returns than the farm as usually managed affords tenii»ts the farmer's son to seek both in some other business, and a working-day of fewer hours than the farmer's day, a definite time to begin aud quit the day's work, with absolute freedom from work nights and Sundays and prompt payment every week are inducements that tempt labor- ing men away from the farm, and these facts should not be ignored by the farmer when deploring the scarcity of farm help. If our institute methods, as now carried on, and the instruction now given, will helj) the farmers to reap greater profits than they have hitherto received, will encourage them to make the farm home and the farm life more attractive and the work less onerous, we are ]>ursuing the right course. But if we are failing to reach these results, even to a limited degree, there is a failure to recognize opportunity and fulfill a responsible obligation. Another problem peculiar to the position of institute manager, old and yet always new, is the selection of properly qualified institute conductors and competent speakers. Each i)osition requires a fitness peculiar to it. The institute platform has special attractions for the would-be public speaker. The novice, with a few glittering generalities, is everywhere offering his services as institute speaker. But there are other novices who have excel- lent ideas and a measure of knowledge who are diffident. These need encour- aging in order that they may become thoroughly competent for this responsible work. I have used the term " selection." Fortunately there are enough profes- sional conductors and speakers available at this period of institute growth. But how and by what methods shall these important positions be filled? Arrangements, organization, attendance may each be all that could be desired, but a misfit here will brhig disaster. A round peg in a square hole or a square peg in a round hole will not answer. The conductor and the speaker should each size up to the requirements as nearly as may be possible. How select? Well, that is your problem, Mr. Institute Manager. If you can have a civil-service examination without being uncivil to the candidate, have it. But there are other ways of deciding. AVith all our teaching along other lines, what should we do and what can we do in the way of implanting, increasing, and fixing a high moral standard among our farmers? A standard of character and action founded on the teachings of God's eternal truth and a keen sense of their responsibilities as heads of family and citizens of a great country. Fellow institute workers, let us encourage them to higher ideals and nobler ambitions, both in their pro- fession and in their influence as citizens. With the farmers right and united the country will be safe. NEW METHODS. One ever new method will be needful, and that is to so arrange the topics from year to year that the institute as an educative organization shall not go so slow that the farmers will precede its teachings in actual practice, and, on the other hand, not press on to new questions or the deeper scientific ones before the farmers are ready to intelligently and fairly apprehend what is presented, else they will become discouraged. In a word, keep just ahead, on the agricultural skirmish line, but not so far as to lose sight of the advance column. Hold to the farmer with one hand and reach out to the lines of progress as they are revealed from year to year by science, study, and practice with the other, and thus bring the two together in the institute. 84 New methods will be required in the presentation of the subjects to be con- sidered each succeeding year. Some of the subjects are old. They have always belonged to agriculture — tbev are a part of it. For example, the soil and its products; what the soil is and how it produces its ;innnal harvests were (lues- tions but little studied and l»ut partially understood prior to the work of the chemist. True, there were some, here and there one, who thought upon these matters. So Tull. of Berkshire, England, 17()1-17;^.1. thought on the question, " How plants grow." By what process are they built up and what and from whence came the materials? His conclusion was that, in some way, they took up the finer particles of soil and incorjxirated them into their body, fiber, and fruit. From this erroneous hypothesis ho deduced the pro])osition that, the finer the soil was pidverized, the more rapidly and i)erfectly would bis crojts develop. His theory of fining the soil did, no doubt, show some favorable i-esults in his case, but not in the way he supposed. What he guessed at is now made plain, and it should be the business of the institute managers to introduce the study of the old subjects and so present them that the farmers shall be encouraged to think upon them from a correct foundation, in order that greater intelligence may obtain in field practice and larger profits be secured. So, too, concerning all the staple crops in their different requirements in the matter of plant food, methods of cultivation, etc. Domestic or farm stock has been with us from the beginning. Itut its almost marvelous develoimient in beauty, size, and i)roductiveness is compar;iti\'elj' recent. These questions, with many others, nuist claim the attention of the agriculturist so long as men live by the products of the ground. And the institute worker must present them in some form each year. Tb.e problem for the conductor is how and under what subdivisions and form of topic should they be considered. Again, staple crops in one locality may be introduced in a neighborhood where they have not pre- viously been grown. They become new crops there, and the institute speaker may treat them there exhaustively, beginning with the first principles. Agricultural educiition in the common school is an important (piestion. What can the institute conductor do to help on this change? What method can be adopted whereby he may enlist the approval, and, if i>ossible, the cooperation of the makers of our teachers, the authorities in our State normal, model, and other training schools, .at least to make a beginning, though small at first, in directing the young minds to the wonders of nature all around them and the beauty and value of such knowledge. Nature study is coming to the front. Wise methods will be reqiiired to so direct it that practical and permanent benefits shall accrue to agriculture and agricultural workers. Most all the work of our farmers is connected with nature study in some form and most of our institute toi>ics have to do with such subjects. A part of our work may be to get back to the starting point, anticii^ating and preceding the agricultural college by having the first j)rinciples of agriculture taken up in the home, the rural school, and the farmers' institute. Can we introduce the beginners' institute for farmers' boys and girls, with speakers — common-sen.se teachers — to explain and illustrate the first things, the foundation iirinciples, correctly, thus forming a helpful base for full develop- ment? If so, what method will serve our pur]iose best? New problems and methods — they are not confined to the work of farmei's' institutes. Problems new and old are everywhere; they are associated with all human activities. Their solution requii'es new methods. The man who would succeed in his undertakings must make his work his study. A general super- 85 vision, coupled with close attention to detail, is necessary. And this applies to the institute worker as well. Life itself is a problem. Each new life connnitted to i)a rental care is to them a problem. What will be its tendencies, where its place? How shall they direct its choices and educate its mental activities so as to make a grand and useful career? Aijain, to the develoiiing mind of the observant child; what a j)robl('m of mysteries and wonders is this new world of marvelous activities to it. Ah I my fellow- workers, even we who are older have not solved all of life's problems. To-morrow may brini; new complications and present problems hard to solve. And what of that far-distant, mystical soul future, encircled by the term " innnortality." For the solution of all life's problems, let us use the light we have, and ever press forw^ard assured that success will ci-own the efforts of the faithful workers. Discussion. Mr. W. L. Amoss, of College Park, Md., called attention to the success of the practice followed in ^laryland of sending out, at the expense of the institutes, representatives of the local institutes to visit and report on representative farms in different parts of the coiuitry. " In selecting such men, of course, there is some danger. I ask that a committee of five be named to select a man and report at another session." PROBLEMS IN THE WEST. M. F. Greeley, of South Dakota. The selecting of speakers for the work is, it seems to me, the paramount issue in the institute work, especially in our northwestern coinitry. The problem is to get men competent to go on the plat- form and tell what they have done and how they did it in a sympathetic, earnest way that will appeal to the farmer. If I could say one word about the selection of the speakers it is this: If possible, have them come to the platform from their own farms and barnyards and have them talk on problems they have solved. The farmers are not suspicious of that class of men. The selection of conductors of farmers' institutes is another problem in this northwestern countiy. In the West we need men with broad connnon sense w'ho have been intimately associated with farmers and have heard them discuss the unpaid mortgage and the bad crops and that sort of thing. Such a man can take hold of an institute and get right down close to the farmers and help them in tlieir everyday life. From such a meeting every man will go home better able to handle the i)roblems that confront him. In conducting these meetings it increases the interest to bring in live ques- tions that are particularly local in their application. Above everything else we l)elieve in the West in short tallcs. We feel that we must have vigorous talks that will send the people back to their homes and farms discussing what they have heard. Discussion. J. B. Thoburn, of Oklahoma, spoke of the importance of interesting the boys by means of comjietitive exhibits, etc. PROBLEMS IN THE CENTRAL STATES AND PROVINCES. Mr. A. B. HosTETTER, of Illinois. In the Central States we find the largest number of w'ell-improved farms and the highest priced land. Here is the center of the pure-bred live-stock industry ; here is the center of the dairy industry ; 86 here we find the best soil and most favorable conditions for growing corn to be found anywhere in the world. The new problems which will continue to arise in this section, and which will become more complicated as the years go by, will always have relation to live- stock breeding and feeding, dairy products, corn growing, and the maintenance of soil fertility, the foundation upon which all prosperity rests in this central division. Our agricultural colleges and experiment stations are thoroughly equipped, are sustained by liberal State appropriations, and in charge of the ablest scien- tists and insti-uctors that the country affords. Our stations are constantly making discoveries of new truths, establishing principles, and demonstrating new methods, all of which are of vital importance to the continued growth of the great industries above mentioned. The all-important problem, therefore, is the dissemination and application to farm practice of these discoveries and teachings of the experiment stations. The farmers' institute should be made a more efficient agency in the dissemina- tion of this scientific knowledge. AVe have found in Illinois that the experiment station bulletins secure better results when used in connection with material demonstrations and the doing of things. The Illinois boys' corn-growing contest, a detailed account of which has been published in Mr. Hamilton's report, is an example of the benefit of extending the institute work into the field of practical demonstration ; through this effort. 5,521 boys received not only a jjackage of pure-bred seed corn, but they received copies of a score card and instructions for its use; their attention was directed to the experiment station and its work. Twenty-nine agricultural papers called the attention of its readers to this contest, and most of them in subsequent issues published articles on corn growing, getting their data from experiment station bulletins. One paper secured a series of lessons from an agricultural college professor on corn growing and sent copies of papers con- taining same to the 5,000 boys. Three strictly educational school journals called attention to this corn contest, and approved the idea of teaching agricul- ture in the schools. Fifty county superintendents of schools issued circulars to the teachers on the subject, asking them to cooperate with their boys in the experiment. During the cdfuing Institute season, when the boys come to the meeting with their corn exhibits, many of the schools will attend in a body. Professors from the college of agriculture will be present to give instruction. In these ways the discoveries of science can be disseminated and put into practice. We are now receiving letters daily from the boys narrating the causes of their failures to grow corn worth exhibiting at the institute. Here is an opportunity for further distribution of scientific instruction under con- ditions where it will receive attention. To take advantage of this opportunity there must be clerical help ; the lessons of the experiment station bulletin must be put in shape for primary instruction, and postage will be required to send it. If the farmers' institute superintendent could be granted the franking privi- lege on institute matter, the States could supply the literature aud in this way the dissemination of scientific methods greatly extended. Without doubt, the best instructors we have in our institute work are the scientific specialists, who know things which the farmer ought to know and who can tell them in language the farmer can understand, and the practical men who can do things the farmer would like to do and who can show him how to do them. To bring together the farmer who needs help and the man who can help him is a problem for the institute to solve. To accomplish this desired end the institute needs organizers, promoters — men of ability and tact, who can go into 87 n community and dovoto thoir tiino and talent in loarnin.<; the conditions that jn-evaii in tiiat connnunity l)y which some farmers succeed and others fail, so that he can direct and lead the farmer who needs help to the institute meet- ini:. where he can come in contact with the party who can help him. There is a tendency on the part of many institute instructors to overestimate the capacity of a farmers" institute audience to receive and assimilate. They win gorge their hearers with i^^odd tliiuiis until the danger is that none of it can be digested. If the instruction can not be illustrated by material things to secure the attention of the eye as well as the ear. then a syllabus of the address or oral instruction should be distributed, to be taken home for future study and reference. 'Ibis syllabus should be bi-ief; should explain scientific and unusual terms, and direct attention to bulletins and books for further information. Discussion. C. H. McCoRMCCK, of Ohio. There is too nuicli repetition and there is a good deal of filler in many of our agricultural articles and addresses. We want to elinunate anything in the way of filler, and in its place we want to have practi- cal everyday thoughts from i)ractical men as to the actual work on the farm. PROBLEMS IN THE SOUTH. J. C. Hardy, of Mississippi. The new problems in the South, I suppose, are the new problems in the West and the North. Institute work, in my judgment, is the strongest power that has ever been organized for the reaching of all the people for the benefit of better civilization. We have come to realize that the farmers' institute movement's main function is to take the work of the experiment station and incorporate it in practice. Our effort should be to make the people take principles and vitalize them in practice. Education which does not give power is a false education. The great secret of the I'apid growth of the agricultural and mechanical colleges in the last few years Is that the people have realized that men that come out from them have knowledge that can be incorporated in something concrete. The purpose of the farmers' institute movement is to incorporate knowledge in the practice of agri- culture. The work of the farmers' institute nuist be in vital touch with the needs and conditions of the people. We do not want cut-and-dried methods, but methods should be changed in e^■ery institution to meet the needs as they are found there. Discussion. W. R. DoDSON, of Louisiana. Truly a new problem of great significance has arisen in the South to confront the directors of public education in agriculture. The solution of the now greatest question before the southern people concerns not only those engaged in agriculture, but every man and every, industry that is affected by the cotton crop of the world. These diversified interests ramify, into other branches of agriculture, manufacture, commerce, aud finance, till it becomes not only a national but an international question. The great money crop of the South is cotton. In many States it is almost the only farm crop of great value. Eleven States produced a crop in 1903 which sold for more than .?(j(>().(>(»0.000, the largest amount ever paid to any country- for the croj) from one plant for one year. A new insect pest has appeared which destroys the cotton to an extent that threatens to modify the industri.il and sociological conditions of several millions of people. The Mexican boll weevil is now dis- 88 tributea over a large portion of Texas, the largest cotton-producing State in the United States, and is invading the western l)orders of Louisiana, leaving in its wake desolation and often despair. When Sherman made his long and nienioral)le march to the sea. he left no soldiers behind to menace and annoy; new crops sprang up to feed the pe(>i)le, new herds soon poi)ulated the fields and meadows, new homes were built from the i)roducts of the forests, and prosperity and happiness followed soon in the path of peace. But when this great army comes on its nnssion of destruction, it comes, so far as everything now indicates, to tai^e permanent possession of the land. This ever-multiplying army is rapidly pushing its conquest eastward, and there seems to he no hope of i)lacing a barrier before it that is insurmount- able. It is only a matter of a few years till the entire cotton-producing area will be infested. It is a question of vital importance to know what we are going to do when the boll weevil is with us all over the South. Those who have studied the question most tell us that we mu.st change our system of agriculture, that an intensified and modified system of cultivation and fertilization must be practiced, that the cotton acreage must be diminished and a system of rotation and diversification adopted, to aid in combating the effect of this pest. That we must raise more of what is consumed on the farm and make the cotton crop a surplus crop — that is, what we can raise in spite of the boll weevil. But this is not a proposition easy of accomplishment. These great changes must be brought about in a few years with people who are already advanced in age, as well as with the young farmers. Those who have had experience in trying to teach new methods will appreciate how ditticult this is. and the difiiculties become magnified In proportion to the ignorance of the man you have to deal with. A large proportion of the cotton crop is produced by the negro, and at present he seems inseparably wedded to this crop. There are many .stories of distress and poverty among the negroes and poor whites in the boll- weevil section of Texas, and in many instances they have been saved from actual starvation by the generosity of the more fortunate sections. And yet, these people show very little dispositicni to try to i»roduce on the farms crops needed to meet their daily wants. Thousands of people have moved out to other States where there are no boll weevils, and are continuing the cultivation of cotton, but the time will soon come when they will not be able to do this and must turn and face the enemy, and stand to their guns. What will be the effect on the agriculture of the country when we have adopted what is suggested by the wise ones, supposing that the suggested solu- tion is the only one to be found and that it can be v^arried out? Suppose the tenant farmer begins to raise his own meat and meal and other food stuff. The landowner who has depended largely upon his mercantile dealings with the ten- ant for making his profits that sustain him and i)rotect his rentals nuist look to other sources of revenue; the packing houses in St. Louis, Kansas City. Chi- cago, and other ijacking centers nuist seek another outlet for a large iwrtion of their output. The nulls of the grain sections will lose an important field of revenue. The farmers of the stock-raising and gi'ain-]iroducing sections nuist throw their products on a more restricted market and suffer a depression of prices. Suppose the cotton i>roducer should begin to raise his own mules and horses, how long would it be Itefore we would hear a wail coming from Kentucky and Missouri? When we teach him to raise his own vegetables and live at home, the thousands of carloads of canned goods that are annually consumed in the South, put up in the eastern and northern States, nmst find another market or 89 go unsold. When he raises his own feed stuffs the upper Mississippi Valley and the West will feel the depressing effect in tlie markets for hay, corn, and oats, which are so largely consumed by the cotton planter. Will it be the best thing for the country at large for the cotton farmer to be<'oine a diversified i)roducerV This lu'comes a very important que.stion to the northern and western farmer. Take the census of the United States and tabu- late the names of 11 States producing the largest tonnage of hay. and you find 9 of the 11 are southern States, and you farther find that the first .'i standing highest in the list are all southern States. With her long seasons for pasture and tiie possibility of growing alfalfa over a large portion of her territory, the mild winters, and other conditions favorable to pi'oduction of green feed stuffs at small cost, with the proper training and the stinudant backed by necessity should it come to a struggle of survival, the South coidd surmount the difficul- ties at present in the way and drive the North and the West out of business in dairy and live-stock production. But I do not believe it will ever come to that. I believe the cotton States will always produce cotton, boll weevil or no boll weevil. We have never struck an obstacle yet that permanently barred our advancement and progress, and I don't believe we ever will. The negro is witi; us to stay. He may locally migrate, but he will never leave the South. How the question will be solved I don't know, but I believe a solution will come, and it will need consecrated thought arid concentrated effort. The negro can not be reached through the press, but he can be to some extent by example, as he is an imitator. This is probably the only method of great importance that we can adopt. Some negroes attend nearly all of our institutes, but instruction to them nuist be line upon line, and we hope to be able to keep our heads above water till rescue comes in some form or another, and the negro, the nuile, and the cotton crop may remain as characteristics of Dixie Land. How we are to adjust our agriculture to the boll weevil is yet to be solved, and we need and have a claim on the sympathy and assistance of almost every section of this great country, because, as I have said before, its influence radiates to almost every State in the Union and to other nations. The National Department of Agricultui'e appreciates the seriousness of the situation and is, I believe, devoting more attention and more money to it than to any other one subject at present engaging the attention of that great army of scien- tific workers. Much scientific and practical information has been obtained regarding the boll weevil, and the institutes will be able to largely influence adoption of the methods that may prove best suited to the demands. INDKX OF NAMES. AM'ott, A. N., 8. Allen. R., 8. Amoss, W. L., 8, 12, 53, 85. A moss, Mrs. W. L., 8. Antliony, Miss S., 8. Harrow, C. J., 8. H.issett, L. C, 8. Bates, Mrs. J. W., 8, 12, 45, 68. lUMlford, Miss' C. C. 8. r.urnett, E. A., 7, 8, 27, 45. r.iirroughs, E. W., 8. imtler, T., 30. Carter, Mrs. J., 45. Cnry, C. A., 12, 17. Clinton, L. A., 7, 8, 12, 18, 45, 53, 71. Cobb. E. N., 8. Conner, C. M., 8, 12, 18, 46, 56. Corbell, J. E., 8. Cottrelle. G. R.. 8. Creelman, G. C, 7, 8, 12, 45, 52, 79. Dawley, F. E., 12, 29, 38, 78. I>ean. G. W., 8, 63. Dean, M. L,., 8. Dickinson, J. K., 8. Dodson, W. R., 8, 12, 59, 87. Dunlop, Mrs. H. M.. 8, 45, 69. Dye, F., 8. 12, 28, 52, 58, 81. Dye, Mrs. F., 8. Easterly, II. G., 7, 8. Easterly, Mrs. H. G., 8. p:iderkin, B. B., 8. Ellis, G. B., 8, 26, 58. Ellsworth, J. L., 8, 23. Erf, O., 8. Fanton, I. C, 8. Frake, J., 8. French, H. T., 12, 18. Fuller, F. L., 8. Fuller, Mrs. F. L., 8. Garrett, W. C, 8. Garvin, .1. B., 8, 35. Gigault, C. A., 34. Greeley, M. F., 8, 85. Gregg, O. C, 8, 25. Hall, F. H., 7, 8, 12, 45, .53. Hamilton, .T., 8, 12, 13, 36, 47. Haney, Miss V. C, 8. Hardy, .T. C, 7, 8, 12, 26, 45, 87. Haward, R. E., 8. Hoar, H. C, 8. Holden, T. G., 12. Hostetter, A. B., 8, 12, 20, 85. Hostetter, Mrs. A. B., 70. Hughes, W. D., 8. Hunt, G. A., 8. Huston, H. A., 8, 59, 81. Hutchinson, W., 8. .lames, C. C, 8, 12, 38. Kaufman, E. E., 7, 8, 12, 13, 31, 56, 58. Kaufman. Mrs. E. E., 8. Kilgore. B. W., 7. 12, 13. Killebrew, .1. B., 8, 35. Kirazey, W. R., 8. King, D. W., 8. King, Mrs. S. N., 8, 12, 45, 63. Latta, W. C, 8, 12, 21, 46, 59. Laws. Mrs. B. D., 8. 45, 70. Lee, .T. G., 7, 8, 12. 21. 38, 45, 46. MacMurphy, Mrs. H., 8. Macoun, W. T., 8. Maddock, Miss B., 8, 12, 45, 66. Martin, A. L., 12, 34. Mason, .J. L.. 8. Mason, J. P., 8. Mason, S. B., 8. Maxwell, F. L., 8. McCartney, .T. F., 8. McCormick, C. H., 8, 87. McCormick, Mrs. C. H., 8. McKerrow, G.. 7, 12, 36. McMahon, H. F., 12. McNabb, C. A., 8. Menges, F., 8. 58. Menn, F. I., 8. Miles, H. C. C, 8. Miller, W. W., 12. Moore. S. W.. 8. Newberry. H. .!., 8. Newman. .!.. 9. Orr, T. E., 9. Orr, Mrs. T. E.. 9. Putnam, G. A., 9, 12, 32, 46, 61, 70. Race, T. H., 9. Rankin, F. H., 9. Rossiter, F. C, 9. Shamel, A. D.. 12. Starcher, G. C, 9. Stilson, L. D., 9. .Stubbs, W. C, 9. Sweet, M. K., 9. Sweet, Mrs. M. K., 9. Taft. L. R., 9. 24. Taylor. F. W.. 5. 9. 12. 13. Thoburn, J. B., 5, 9, 12. 32, 59, 85. Trow, A. W., 9. Utter, D., 9. Vincenheller, W. G.. 9. 17. Webb, W., 18. Whetstone. Dr. Mary S., 9, 70. White, .T. M.. 9. Wyman, B. F., 9. Zavitz, C. A., 9, 12, 75. (91) o OFFICIALS IN CHARGE OF FARMERS' INSTITUTES STATES AND CANADA— Contimied. IN THE UNITED Name of official. Post-office. United States— Cont'd. ■- New JelSiey New Mo.Ki<-<)., New York ..- North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma _ --. Oreiroii Pennsylvania Porto Rico- Rhode Lsland South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas. Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia...^. Wisconsin -..-.-. Wyoming. ■;.:.'---- Canada : British Columbia.. Manitoba New Brunswick... Northwest Terri- tories. Nova Scotia Ontario .............. Prince Edward Is- land. Quebec Franklin Dye, Secretary State Board of Agri- culture. Luther Foster, President Agricultural and Mechanical College. F. E. Daw ley, Director Farmers" IiLstitutes S. L. Patterson, Commissioner of Agriculture . . E. E. Kaufman, Director Farmers' Institutes- , W. W. Miller, Secretary State Board of Agri- culture. ■ J. B. Thoburn, Secretary Board of Agriculture. J. Withycombe, Director Agricultxiral Exper- iment Station. A. L. Martin, Deputy Secretary of Agriculture. W. H. Elliott, Dii-ector Farinei-s' Institutes John G. Clarke, Secretary State Board of Ag- riculture. J. S. Newman, Director Farmers' Institutes... Thos. E. Miller, President Agricultural and Mechanical College. James W. Wilson, Director Agricultural Exr periment Station. ,- W. W. Ogilvie, Commissioner of Agriculture.. J. W. Carson, Dii-ector Farmers' Institutes — John A. Widtsoe. Director Agricultural Exper- iment Station. C. J. Bell, Secretary State Board of Agricul- ture. G. W. Koiner, Commissioner of Agi'iculture.. E. A. Bryan, President' Agricultural College and School of Science. if. 3. Garvin, Director of Institutes.. G. McKerrow, Director Farmers' Institutes . . B. C. Buffum, Director Agricultural Experi- ment Station. j Trenton. ' Mesilla Park. Fayetteville. , Raleigh. [ Bismarck. ' Columbus. i Guthi'ie. I Corvallis. Harrisburg. San Juan. Providence. Clemson College. Orangeburg. "Brookings. Nashville. College Station. Logan. East Hard wick. Richmond. Pullman. Charleston. Madison. Laramie. J. R. Anderson, Deputy Minister of Agricul- j Victoria. ture. I Hugh McKeller, Deputy Minister of Agricul- Winnipeg. ture. Thomas A. Peters, Deputy Commissioner of Frederickton. Agriculture. G. Harcourt. Superintendent of Fairs and In- Regina. stitutes. B. W. Chipman, Secretary of Agriculture Halifax. G. A. Putnam, Superintendent Farmers' In- j Toronto. stitutes. J. C. Ready, Seci-etary of Agriculture. i Charlottetown. C. A. Gigault, Deputy Minister of Agriculture.. Quebec. F 76S U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS— BULLETIN NO. 155. A. C. TRUE, Director. AGRICULTURAL INSTRUCTION FOR ADULTS IN THE BRITISH EMPIRE. BY JOHN HAMILTON, FARMERS' INSTITUTE SPECIALIST. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1905. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OF THE OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS ON FARMERS' INSTITUTES. Bulletin No. 79. Farmers' Institutes: History and Status in the United States and Canada. By L. H. Bailey. Pp. 34. Bulletin No. 110. Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Meeting of the American Association of Farmers' Institute Workers, held at Buffalo, N. Y., Septem- ber 1-8 and 19, 1901. Edited by A. C. True, D. J. Crosby, and G. C. Creel- man. Pp. 55. Bulletin No. 120. Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Meeting of the American Association of Farmers' In.stitute Workers, held at Washington, D. C, June 24-26, 1902. Edited by A. C. True and D. J. Crosby for the Office of Experi- ment Stations and G. C. Creelman for the association. Pp. 119. Bulletin No. 135. Legislation Relating to Farmers' Institutes in the United States and the Province of Ontario, Canada. By John Hamilton, farmers' institute specialist. Pp. 53. Bulletin No. 1.38. Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Meeting of the American Association of Farmers' Institute Workers, held at Toronto, Ontario, June 2.3-26, 1903. .Edited by W. H. Beal for the Office of Experiment Stations and G. C. Creelman for the association. Pp. lia" Bulletin No. 154. Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Meeting of the American Association of Farmers' Institute Workers, held at St. Louis, Mo.. October 18-20, 1904. Edited by W. H. Beal and John Hamilton for the Office of Experiment Stations and G. C. Creelman for the association. Pp. 91. Circular No. 51. List of State Directors of Farmers' Institutes and Farmers' Institute Lecturers of the United States. By John Hamilton. Pp. 30. Farmers' Institutes in the United States. By D. J, Crosby. Reprint from Annual Report of the Office of Experiment Stations for the year ended June 30, 1902. Pp. 25. Farmers' In.stitutes in the United States. By John Hamilton. Reprint from Annual Report of the Office of Experiment Stations for the year ended June 30, 1903. Pp. 57. Farmers' Institutes in the United States. By John Hamilton. Reprint from the Annual Report of the Office of Experiment Stations for the year ended June 30, 1904. Pp. 63. Farmers' Institutes. By John Hamilton. Reprint from Yearbook, Department of Agriculture, 1903. Pp. 149-158, 519. 580. 581. . ^ Farmers' Institutes in the United States, By John Hamilton. /Prepared for dis- tribution at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. Pp. 20. Farmers' Institute Lecture No. 1. Syllabus of Illustrated Lecture on the Care of Milk. By R. A. Pearson. Pp. 12. Farmers' Institute Lecture No. 2. Syllabus of -illustrated Lecture on Potato Diseases and Their Treatment. By F-t-G. " Stewart and II. J. Eustace. Pp. 30. - ^ Farmers' Institute Lecture No. 3. Syllabus of Illustrated Lecture on Acid Soils. By H. J. Wheeler. Pp.-28. I'armers' Institute Lecture No. 4. Syllabus of Illustrated Lecture on Profitable Cattle Feeding. By F. B. Muniford. Pp. 21. 768 U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS— BULLETIN NO. 155. A. C. TRUE, Director. AGRICULTURAL INSTRUCTION FOR ADULTS IN THE BRITISH EMPIRE. BY JOHN HAMILTON, FARMERS' INSTITUTE SPECIALIST. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1905. OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS. A. C. True, Ph. D.— Director. . E. W. Allen, Ph. D. — Assistant Director and Editor of Experiment Station Record. W. H. Beal — Chief of Editorial Division. Walter H. Evans, Ph. D.— Chief of Division of Insular Stations. John Hamilton — Farniers' Institute SneciuJist. C. E. Johnston — Chief Clerk. editorial departments. E. W. Allen, Ph. D., and II. W. Lawson — Chemist ri/. Dairy Farming, and Dairyinij. W. H. Beal — Agricultural Physics and Engineering. Walter H. Evans, Ph. D. — Botany and Diseases of Plants. C. F. Langworthy. Ph. U. — Foods and Animal Production. J. I. Sciiulte — Field Crops. E. V. Wilcox, Ph. D. — Entomology and Veterinary Science. C. B. Smith — Horticulture. D. J. Crosby — Agricultural Institutions. (2) LETTI^R OF TRANSMITTAL. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Office of Experiment Stations, Washington, D. C, May 10, 1905. Sir : The act of Congress making provision for the appointment of a farmers' institute specialist in the Department of Agriculture defines his duties to be " to investigate and report upon the organiza- tion and progress of farmers' institutes in the several States and Territories, and upon similar organizations in foreign countries, with special suggestions of plans and methods for making such organiza- tions more effective for the dissemination of the results of the work of the Department of Agriculture and the experiment stations, and of improved methods of agricultural practice." The condition of the farmers' institute work in the States and Terri- tories of this country has been to some extent ascertained, and its principal features have been presented in the several reports of the institute specialist to the Director of the Office of Experiment Stations and in circulars and bulletins of information issued by the Office. Suggestions have also been olfered, accompanied with plans and methods for rendering the institutes more effective for the dis- semination of the results of the work of the Department of Agricul- ture and the experiment stations. Compliance with the remaining specification of duty enjoined by the act of Congress, namely, " to investigate and report upon the organiza- tion and progress of similar institutions in foreign countries," has been delayed owing to the difficulties attending the conducting of for- eign correspondence and to the pressure of other duties connected with the work of the institute specialist. The accompanying manuscript, entitled "Agricultural Instruction for Adults in the British Empire," gives the result of such investi- tions as the farmers' institute specialist of this Office has been able to make respecting the methods that have been adopted by the various governments included in the British Empire in the dissemination of agricultural information among their rural populations. (3) In some instances it has seemed necessary, because of the rehition that unites this form of instruction Avith the general system of public education adopted by the respective governments, to discuss with some particularity the higher institutions of learning, at least so far as their work is associated with that of agricultural instruction of adult farmers. The manuscript is recommended for publication as Bulletin 155 of this Office. Respectfully, A. C. True, Director. Hon. James Wilson, Secretary of Agriculture. CONTENTS. Pase. Introthiction ' Australia NewSoiTth Wales 12 Queensland 1* South Australia ^^ -IK Tasmania ^"^ Victoria ^° Western Australia ^^ Canada British Columbia 2* Manitoba ^^ New Brunswick ^^ Northwest Territories ^^ Ontario ^^ Quebec ^^ Great Britain ®5 Ireland ^* (5) INTRODUCTION The iDOsition that agriculture occupies in the British Empire is one of first importance, and for many years the Government has given special attention to its development. The unusual interest manifested is no doubt partly due to the fact that those who control British leg- islation are, for the most part, landed proprietors, and are therefore personally injured by the decline of this industry and profited by its proper advancement. Aside from this motive of self-interest, there is also the great national problem of feeding the multitude of work- ing men who are engaged in manufacturing occupations throughout the British Isles. Special attention by the Government to this industry has been neces- sary also by reason of the diverse character of the British possessions. Located as they are in every continent, with every variety of soil, cli- mate, and production, with densely populated districts, as England and Ireland, and those sparsely settled just emerging from primi- tive conditions, as portions of Australia and the Northwest Terri- tories of Canada, the British Government has been compelled to carefully study the entire field of agricultural production, and devise means whereby the interests of this gi-eat industry can best be ad- vanced in all of the countries under her control, and endeavor to put in operation such agencies as would most effectually assist in increas- ing agricultural production and in economizing its cost. Her problems have been to discover how in her older settled districts the fertility of her lands may be increased while producing abundant crops, and in her newer provinces how primitive soils may be econom- ically brought to tillage conditions and their productive capacity not only be maintained but gradually increased. The conclusion reached years ago by Great Britain's wisest states- men was that the only solution of the question of improving agricul- ture sufficiently to enable those who pursue it as a calling to maintain themselves in comfort for all time to come, and at the same time to produce a surplus sufficient for the use of those engaged in other occu- pations, lies in the proper education of those who conduct its opera- tions. Accordingly the Government established schools and colleges of agriculture at home many years ago, and has since encouraged their erection in all of her dependencies until now agricultural education (7) 8 in some form or other is given in almost every country under British rule. State departments of agriculture have been established and equipped witli scientific apparatus, and officered by expert officials who devote all of their time to the interests of agriculture. Univer- sities, colleges, normal schools, academies, secondary schools, com- mon schools, and numerous special classes are everywhere in opera- tion. In almost all of them the giving of instruction in agriculture is made obligatory. Although the purpose of this publication is to present the methods in use in providing for the education in agriculture of the adult rural population through the agency of itinerant teachers, it has been found that this instruction work is in many instances so combined with the system of general education that prevails as to be practically insej^arable from it. In some of the coiuitries, for example, the insti- tutions for higher education engage in the dual service of instructing the youth in agriculture in fixed schools, as universities, colleges, and high schools, and also in the work of carrying information to the adult agricultural population by means of traveling schools and itinerant teachers who visit localities, hold institute meetings, and instruct temporary classes in special faruiing subjects. Where this method is adopted as in England, it has been neces- sary, in order to its proper understanding, to give wnth considerable particularity the details of the entire educational system, and also the connection that exists between the forui of instruction conducted by the universities and colleges, and that organized and operated by the district governments. The giving of instruction in agriculture to adults by itinerant methods is no longer an experiment in foreign countries, and work in this direction is regarded by educators and the public generally as being equally important with that performed in the class rooms of the colleges and higher technical institutions. It has become a recognized part of their educational system, as necessary as the col- lege, the high school, or the university, and the character and quali- fications of the instructors engaged in this form of education are in most of the countries fully equal to those of the professors in the old- established institutions. The high estimation in which peripatetic instruction is held abroad is shown by the following memoranda on this subject by the Right Hon. Horace Plunkett, vice-president of the department of agri- culture and technical instruction for Ireland, who was a member of the recess committee of Parliament apjDointed to visit continental countries and make investigations and report upon the various sys- tems of agricultural education in use in these countries. He says : If there is one feature of agricultural education which, having been tested to the utmost In everj' country of the world, has stood that test better than any other, it Is the itinerant Instructor. In our searches, at the time of the recess committee, this was a feature which in every country the demonstrator and educationist laid stres.-< upon as showing, invarialily. the most fruitful results. ;ui(l all of the experience of the department since has contirmed us in the faith, which experience both in England, Scotland, the Continent, and in Canada and America had implanted in our minds. The methods in use in the British Empire for disseminating agri- cultural information among the rural population are worthy of care- ful study by the farmers' institute workers and other agricultural teachers of the United States. They are the result of many years of experiment in agricultural education by the most capable and practical agriculturists and scientific experts of the Old AVorld. Out of this long experience and careful study there have been evolved the present forms of agricultural education that have stood the test of years of actual operation, and have had ihcir value demonstrated by the results that have been accomplished in the improvement of agriculture wherever they have been fairly tried. They have sup- plemented the elementary and primitive forms l)y which farmers undertook to instruct themselves through neighborhood meetings for conference and exchange of views, substituting for these dis- putatious methods, which too often left the audience in- doubt and the contestants unconvinced, local and itinerant schools of instruc- tion, taught by capable specialists of acknowledged attainment and experience, whose statements are substantiated by results secured on experiment farms and demonstration fields. In preparing this bulletin for the use of farmers' institute workers of the United States, the value of the methods adopted by the several governments in providing for agricultural education and for dis- tributing agricultural information, as compared with those in use in this country, is so nuu-h a matter of individual judgment that no discussion of that feature has l)een attempted, it being thought best to simply collect the facts and leave the determination of their value to the individual student who may Avish to perfect the methods in use in his own State or locality. A comparison of the farmers' institute systems that prevail throughout the United States with the methods of instruction found to be most satisfactory in the countries comprising the British Empire will no doubt convince the student that there is room for improvement in our American methods, and perhaps will induce some of those in charge of the institute work in the United States to adopt so much of that which has been successful abroad as our conditions and circumstances seem to justify. John Hamilton. AGRICULTURAL INSTRUCTION FOR ADULTS IN THE BRITISH EMPIRE. AUSTRALIA. In order to properly understand and appreciate the value of the methods used in Australia in reaching the rural population with suit- able infornuition adapted to the diverse agricultural conditions that exist throughout the Commonwealth, knowledge of the variety of crops grown, the extent of the population, and the vast area of terri- tory to be covered is necessary. The six States that compose the Commonwealth had in 1901 a popu- lation of 3.773,370 and a total area of 2,973,070 square miles. This is about equal in extent to that portion of the United States which lies east of the Rocky Mountains. The sparse settlement of the coun- try is better realized by comparing the areas of the several States with that of Ohio, which contains 41,0G0 square miles and has a popu- lation of 4,15r,5-t5: Area in State: square miles. New South Wales 310.700 Queensland 668. 497 Victoria 87. 884 Western Australia 075. 020 South Australia 90.3.690 Tasmania 26. 38.5 Total 2, 97.3, 076 The eastern section has an abundance, and in some localities a suiDerabundance, of rainfall, but the interior and western parts are very deficient in this respect, the annual rainfall varying in these sections from 20 inches to almost nothing. The agriculture of the country, therefore, necessarily varies according to the locality. The east, with its mild and moist climate, the annual rainfall averaging from 50 to 80 inches, is devoted largely to the production of cattle and sheep ; the south and west to the growing of grain. Each State has a department of agriculture engaged in endeavoring to solve the particular agricultural problems that are peculiar to it. Among these is that of disseminating information among farming (11) 12 people of a kind that will aid them in overcoming the obstacles that confront them in their agricultural operations. In undertaking this, various methods have been adopted by the several States, the manifest intention being to adopt such methods as are best adapted to the peculiar conditions that prevail as to climate, crops, and population. The following table giving the acreage under cultivation in each of the States and the percentage of each crop grown exhibits the diversity of condition that prevails, and is of interest as showing the variety of products that can be grown in this island continent : Acreof/r oiid percentatic of each crop f/rown in Anstralid. Cultivated acreage Wheat per cent.. Corn __do Barley __. do Oats. _ _do Potatoes do Hay. do Vines do Sugar cane _.do Other crops do Total do.... New South Wales. 1,426,166 58.4 8.8 .3 1.3 1.4 22.7 .4 .9 5.9 100.0 Victoria. 2,165,693 68.6 .3 2.5 8.6 1.8 14.3 .9 3.0 100.0 Queens- land. 52,527 12.5 26.2 1.8 .2 2.5 14.0 .5 26.3 16.0 South Australia. 1,821,137 Western Australia. 84,516 81.3 .9 .4 13.9 .9 1.9 100.0 100.0 45.4 .1 2.1 2.1 1.5 42.3 1.7 4.8 100.0 I Tasmania. 64,328 28.6 .1 3.4 »).() 12.0 18.8 17.1 100. 0 There is no national system of farmers' institutes in Australia. The organization and control of the work is altogether committed to the agricultural departments of the several States. These depart- ments have not united upon a single method. Ijut each lias formulated a separate and distinct system. In order, therefore, that the various methods in use may be clearly presented, it becomes necessary to take them separately and discuss them under the names of the States with which each is identified. NEW SOUTH WALES. Nothing corresponding to the farmers' institute system of the United States is in operation in New South Wales. QUEENSLAND. Queensland has no system of instruction for farmers corresponding to that of the farmers' institutes of the United States. There is a State department of agriculture and there are local agricultural societies, but the function of the local societies is principally confined to the holding of an annual show. The State department occasion- ally sends out one of its members to address an agricultural meeting, but this work of instruction is not organized so as to be a part of the educational system. The department, how^ever, is equipped with a corps of specialists, who give advice to farmers and visit various 13 sections to study the agricultural conditions that exist, with a view to sugiresting methods of improvement. This force consists of the principal of the Queensland Agricultural College, the agricultural chemist, the botanist, entomologist, an instructor and assistant in- structor in fruit culture, a viticulturist, tobacco exjDert, instructor in coffee culture, a quarantine inspector, the director of the botanical gardens, the manager of the State nursery at Kamerunga, the man- ager of the State farm at AVestbrook. manager of the State farm at Hermitage, manager of the State farm at Biggenden. manager of the State farm at Gindie, and the chief inspector of stock. The honoraljle secretary of agriculture for Queensland, in his re- port for the year 11)01, in commenting upon the lack of organization for agricultural improvement in that State, makes the following statement : Till' twu ciusi's assigned for the satisfactory coudition of agriculture in the more progressive .States of Europe are the extent to which cooperation and combination i)revail among the farmers and the extent to which the principles of scientific tillage are diffused among them. Queensland has many agricultural societies, hut there seems to be no ma- chinery by which they may be brought to combine readily for any puri)ose ; no central body empowered to speak in behalf of all or even a majority of the societies has yet been called into existence. It is to be added that, beyond holding shows and bestowing prizes for exhibits not exclusively agrieultural. these societies have done little or nothing to repro- duce here in any fullness the continental model. SOUTH AUSTRALIA. In South Australia the work of disseminating agricultural infor- mation among farmers is in the hands of an agricultural bureau. This bureau is a subordinate division in the department of agricid- ture and consists of a board of twelve members, who hold office by appointment and serve without salary. Each member of this cen- tral bureau or board is a specialist distinginshed for service in some important line of agricultural industry. The bureau upon ai)plication of at least six residents of a district is authorized to appoint subordinate branches, distributing them throughout the country at points not nearer than 12 miles from any established branch. The membership of a branch is limited to 15, but there can be an unlimited inimber of honorary members. The difference between the two is that the honorary members are not eligil)le to hold office, to l)e appointed as official delegates to the annual congress of branches, or to receive free the Monthly Journal of the department. The members of. the branches are appointed by the central bureau, known as the " council of agriculture." Beyond this, and in being 14 debarred from discussing purely political questions, they are self- governing. The branches usually meet monthly, except during the harvesting seasons. At those meetings they discuss papers prepared by their own members or criticise papers by other branches or reports of the departmental work and experiments. No special officer or officers of the state department are ajipointed to visit these meetings, but whenever possible the different experts attached to the department do Avhat they can in this direction. In addition to the ordinary meetings, neighboring branches in vari- ous districts combine to hold a conference to Avhich the department always endeavors to send one or more representatives. The branches also arrange for field trials of implements, shows of produce and stock, pruning demonstrations, meetings at homesteads, factories, etc., where information of value is likely to be obtained. Each year in the sjDring a general congress of the bureaus is held in Adelaide, and the department provides free railway transportation for two representatives from each branch. This gathering extends, as a rule, over three days, and occurs on the occasion of the spring show of live stock and implements, held under the auspices of the Royal Agricultural and Horticultural Society. Generally the bureau may be termed a cooperative organization for the dissemination of information through the interchange of ex- periences of the members. The branches find their own meeting rooms, light, etc., while the department finds stationery and postage, and pro- vides such agricultural literature as is available and also arranges at different times for experiments with manures, seeds, spraying of trees, etc. No member of the bureau receives pay in any shape or form from the department, and the members of the subordinate branches like- wise perform such service as the organization requires without compensation. The bureau has been in existence since 1888. In 1899 there were 1,400 active members connected with the various branches, and in 1901 106 branches were reported. The twelfth annual conference, held in 1900, was attended by 215 representatives of the branches. The secretaries furnish reports of the monthly meetings to the department. In 1901 806 such reports were made to the central bureau for that year. These are condensed and published in a monthly journal called the Journal of Agriculture and Industry, a copy of which is sent free each month to every mem- ber of each branch. The membership are thus kept in touch with v.hat is being done by the various branches elsewhere throughout the State. 15 The State appropriates for the use of the bureau annually al)out $4,000, which is used in the publication of the official journal, for post- age exjjenses incurred by the several branches, and for other adminis- trative items. About $2,500 additional is also appropriated for sal- aries of the secretary, clerks, and other employees engaged by the bureau in administering its work. A feature of the system that is distinctive is the gathering and pub- lishing of the papers and addresses presented before the various branches in a monthly journal, which is distributed to the active mem- bership in all of the branches throughout the State. By this means there is kept up a degree of interest and mutual helpfulness that has been found to be of great service. The practice of assembling representatives from all of the branches in a general conference each year is also w^orthy of careful considera- tion. Perhaps the most radical departure from the methods usually ado})ted in the forming of local organizations is in the '* appointing " of the active membership by the central bureau and limiting the num- ber to 15 in any one branch. By this means those responsible for the work of the branches are selected from among the most successful and intelligent farmers. This insures efficient administration. At the same time the system of honorary membership permits the gen- eral farming public also to have the advantage of the educational work of the association. TASMANIA. The methods employed for the improvement of agriculture in Tas- mania are nuich the same as those in use in South Australia. Each has a central administrative board and a system of branch boards extending throughout the rural districts with limited membership and holding monthly meetings for the discussion of practical matters relating to agriculture. The organization Avas created by act of Par- liament in 1891 and is officially known as the council of agriculture. It consists of eleven members elected by the local branches for a period of two years. The president of the council is chosen b}^ the members from among their number. The secretary is appointed by the governor on the recommendation of the council and must not be a member of that body. The council is required to meet at least once every two months, and the proceedings of these meetings are pub- lished in the official journal of the council. The act provides that the powers and duties of the council shall be — (1) To appoint boards of agriculture, nominated by five pei'sons in any dis- trict in which no board of agriculture exists, and to maintain correspondence and cooperation with all boards of agriculture with a view to advance the inter- ests of agriculture generally. (2) To collect and publish, by means of the press and by aid of the boards of agriculture, information of every kind calculated to prove beneficial to colonists 16 engaged in agricultural, horticultural, pastoral, and other pursuits connected with the culture of the soil. (li) To employ from time to time, with the approval of the governor in council, persons competent to give instruction of a practical character in matters appertaining to agricultural or horticultural science, and to arrange for occasional lectures on subjects of interest to cultivators of the soil. (4) To furnish, under restrictions and regulations authorized by the council and approved by the minister, analyses of soils and manures free of cost to agriculturists. (5) To supply, under the direction of an expert, small parcels of seeds, plants, trees, and manures for experimental purposes to such persons as are willing to undertake the conduct of experiments in accordance with regulations promulgated by the council. (6) To arrange for holding occasionally an agricultural congress, at which the council and the boards of agriculture may be represented, for the purpose of advancing generally the objects of the council. (7) To furnish annually to the minister, for presentation to Parliament, a general report of the proceedings of the council, together with an audited account of the receipts and expenditures for the year. In carrying out the provisions of the above act the members of the council direct the expenditures voted by l*arliament in aid of ag-ri- cukure, and also pass upon the (pialihcations of persons recommended for membership in the various branches, receive reports of the pro- ceedings of the meetings of the branch l)oards, and publish r.bstracts of these reports iu the Monthly Agricultural Gazette, which it edits and distributes free to the members of the various branches. The board likewise has prepared froui time to time and publishes circulars of information aiul ])amphlets upon agricultural subjects, which it supplies to the membership free of cost. The council has now in its employ four persons whom it seuds out to lecture before the branch meetings. One gives instruction in dairy husbandry, one in poultry rearing, one is^an entomological expert, and the fourth lectures upon agricultural chemistry. These lecturers are employed by the year aud are paid by the State from appropriations made for that i)urpose. In addition to the work of lecturing before the branch boards these experts are sent to give advice to individual farmers whenever requests are made which the cotmcil deems Avorthy of special atten- tion. When visits of this character are made notice is usually pub- lished in advance throughout the neighborhoods where the visits oc- cur, and farmers from the surrounding country are invited to bo present and witness whatever takes place. For some years a traveling dairy school has been in operation, equipped and sent out under the direction of the council. The conditions uj^on which a course of in- struction in dairying is granted are the following: The committee applying— must provide transportation of the plant from the nearest railroad station; must furnish free a building at least 20 by l.j feet in which to work the sepa- 17 rator; also a daily sui)ply of 50 gallons of luilU : a laborer to assist in the r((uired in that district hefiire Icav- iii.i: for another. The product of the milk will be returned to the society com- mittee. Branch Boards. The branch boards are organized and governed, as has been stated, in much the same way as those of South Australia, except that in this State the membership is not limited, but the recommendation of the council to the local board is that *' twelve is a sufficient number for administrative purposes." Monthly meetings are required and regu- lar reports to the central council. Occasional conferences, composed of a number of boards in neighboring districts are frequently held, and a general convention of delegates from all of the boards assem- bles annually at the capital. How TO Form a Branch Board. The following method of procedure has been recommended by the council for the formation of a local branch board: An active, progressive, and i)ractical farmer resident in any district at a rea- sonable distance from any existing branch board, who may desire to assist him- self and his brother farmers, should communicate with four or five other resi- dents of the neighborhood and arrange for holding a meeting, preferably at his own house. When met together they can select any number of farmers within an area not too large to act with them. The names and addresses of the gentlemen chosen should be sent to the secretary of the central council for sul)mission to the council for approval. After approval the secretary will send to the secre- tary of the branch board a minute l)ook and the necessary stationery and instruc- tions for the working of the branch. The board nuist provide a place of meet- ing at its own cost. When once started a sufficient number of copies of the Journal of the Council of Agriculture and such other publications as may be issued by the council will be forwarded for free distrii)Ution among the members of the branch, and all seeds, plants, etc., distributed by the council will be sent through the branch and every facility offered for carrying on its work. The powers and duties of the branch boards, as prescribed by tlie central council, are as follows : (1) Record names and addresses of persons to whom seeds, cuttings, plants, etc., have been or may be supplied for experiment. (2) Ascertain if any reports are due from persons to whom plants, cuttings, seeds, etc., have been distributed. (3) Ascertain if any strange or alien plants or fungi, in.sects, or other pests exist in the district; if unknown, procure specimens and forward to the council for identification, if possible. 30372— No. 155—05 m 2 18 (4) Record any means adopted for eradicating pests and results. (5) Record observations upon all kinds of crops cultivated in the district, weather, rainfall during' the month, character of soil (where new kinds of crops are cultivated), progress, and prospects. (0) Inquire whether any diseases or ailments exist among live stock in tlie district. (7) Report all observations to the council, in order that they may be included in the periodical reports. (S) Consider any suggestions calculated to advance the prosperity of the dis- trict. (U) Send as soon as possible report of all practical conclusions, digest of dis- cussions, papers read, etc., to the secretary of the council for communication by him to the press, and for publication in the Journal of the Council. The branches from time to time recommend to the council matters of importance and of interest to agriculture for its consideration. If the council approves the recommendation, it transmits the same to the government for legislative action. In 1903 there were 48 branch bodies in the State, all holding monthly meetings and sending in reports regularly to the central council for publication. By means of these boards the council of agriculture is able to reach the leading farmers of the State Avith information that is of value and to secure their cooperation in its efforts to procure legislative assist-, ance for the advancement of the agricultural interests of the State. The fact that the membership of die several boards is composed of the most influential and intelligent farmers in each connnunity adds very greatly to the strength of any reconnnendation that may come up to the council for its approval, and the frequent reports that are made of the condition of agriculture and its needs in the various dis- tricts, published and distributed to all of the branches, provides an educative means that might well be adopted by ev^ry country that is endeavoring to assist agricultural people. VICTORIA. Short courses of instruction in agriculture for farmers and farmers sons were inaugurated in 190'2 by the director of agriculture for Vic- toria. The classes were to be held during the winter months, as being less likely to then interfere with farming work than at any other season. In organizing the classes, use was made of existing agricul- tural societies in the several districts, whose cooperation was solicited by iuA'iting them to secure the names of farmers and farmers' sons or persons working on farms who were desirous of having short courses established in their district. The first class was organized at Tatura, August 26, 1902. The course extended through two weeks. Three classes only were held during that year. 19 In 1003 there were six classes and the courses were extended to four months. The average attendance of students at the several points was 42, 25, 19, 47, 35, and 20. These averages do not include the numerous visitors who were present at most of the meetings. In 1004 classes were held in seven centers, each class continuing four weeks, with an average daily attendance at each center of 55, 38, 33, 2G, G5, 35, and 52. Eighteen lecturers were employed in giving instruction, each representing some specialty in agriculture. The meetings were held during the afternoon hours, with an occasional lantern lecture in the evening. At the completion of each course there is an examination, any pupil being at liberty, however, to take it or not, as he prefers. If he elects to take it, and passes, a certificate of the fact that he has passed is given to him, and he is then in position to contest for certain prizes that are offered for the best examination papers presented. The following schedule of regulations prescribed for the short courses of instruction for farmers and farmers' sons, held in 1003, in the toAvns of Horsham, Boort. Kyneton, Ballarat, Geelong, Sheppar- ton, Matfra, and Warrnambool, explains the conditions under which these classes are conducted: Instruction will continue for a period of four weeks in each center. Three lectures will be delivered in the afternoon of each day for five days a week. No charge will be made for instruction. Farmers and farmers' sons, or men who have worked at least one year on the land, are eligible for admission. Those attending may be of any age over 10 years. No entrance examination will be held. A final examination in every subject will be held, but attendance at this examination will be optional. Those who pass the final examination with credit will be awarded a certificate. The Australian Natives' Association will present a gold medal to the most successful student of all those attending the short courses of instruction. A free library, consisting of approved text-books, will be available, under regulations, during the month at each center. Classes will be formed at the above-mentioned towuis if the following condi- tions are complied with : (1) At least 40 eligible students must be enrolled before May 15. (2) The agricultural society or some local body must bear all local expenses, such as providing a suitable hall, advertising in local papers, etc. If the above conditions are not complied with no class will be held in that particular center this year. These classes are not intended for local students only. Any farmer or farmer's son in the State of Victoria may attend. Arrangements have been made with the railway department that return tickets available for one month will be issued to those traveling to attend the classes at holiday-excursion fares. 20 Such tickets will be obtainable on presenting a certificate to the station master, signed by the secretary of agriculture, stating that the passenger is a student proceeding to attend a course of instruction at one of the centers. The secretaries of agricultural societies will prepare a list of resi)ectable and comfortable lodgings. Intending students should, consequently, correspond with the secretaries of agricultural societies regarding rooms. A comfortable room with board can be had for 17s. to £1 a week in each center. During the course at Geelong instruction will be given in analytical chemistry and wool sorting for three hours in the forenoon, viz, from 10 a. m. to 1 p. m., during five days in the week. This addition to the course is for the purpose of occupying the whole time of the students who come from a distance and lodge in the town. Consequently those who attend from other parts of the State should select Geelong. As accommodation is limited for analytical work and wool sorting, preference will be given, first, to students coming from a distance; and, secondly, to those who travel to Geelong daily by train. A charge of 6s. will be made for chemical apjiaratus, payable only by students who take the class in analytical chemistry. The following programme of a four-Aveeks' course of the agricul- tural class held at Nhill shows the order in which the several topics are j) resented : PBOGEAMME OF LECTURES. First week. March. Tuesday, 1, 3-4 p. m. Introductory lecture on the principles of manuring. Wednesday, 2, 10.30 a. m. Land surveying, stack and dam measurement. 2-3 p. m. Farmyard manure. 3-4 p. m. Introductory lecture on principles of chemistry. 4—5 p. m. Insect pests and plant diseases. Thursday, 3, 10.30 a. m. Land surveying, stack and dam nieasiu'oment. 2-3 p. m. Lime and its functions in agriculture. 8-4 p.m. Theoretical chemistry. 4-5 p. m. Insect pests and plant diseases. Friday, 4, 10.30 a. m. Land surveying, stack and dam measurement. 2-3 p. m. How to cultivate for wheat growing. 3-4 p. m. Theoretical chemistry. 4-5 p. m. Insect pests and plant diseases. Second week. Monday, 7, 2-3 p. m. Commercial fertilizers. 3-4 p. m. Theoretical chemistry. 4-5 p. m. Valuation of artificial manures. Tuesday, 8, 10 a. m.-l p. m. Demonstration of breaking and handling horses. 2-3 p. m. Theoretical chemistry. 3-5 p. m. Veterinary science. Wednesday, 9, 10 a. m.-l p. m. Demonstration of breaking and handling horses. 2-3 p. m. Theoretical chemistry. 3-5 p. m. Veterinai'y science. 8-10 p. m. Veterinary science. 21 Tluir.sday.lO, 10 a. m.-l p. in. Demonstration of cattle spaying. 2-S p. ni. Manures for the northern area.s. .".-4 p. 111. .V.Lcrlcultural chemistry, -t-op. 111. Seeds — structure and development. I'riday. ll,i:-yp. m. Itutations and their possibilities in the north. 3-4 p. m. Agricultural chemistry. 4-5 p.m. The plant — stem, bud. leaves, and their functions. Third week. Monday, 14. 2-op. m. The principles of stock feeding. 3-4 p.m. Agricultural chemistry. 4-;") p. m. Flowers — arrangement, structui'e. and fertilization. Tuesday. ]">. 2-3 p. m. Food requirements of the working horse. 3—4 p. m. Agricultural chemistry. 4-5 1). m. Fruit — structure and methods of seeding. Wedne.sday, IG, 10 a. m.-l p. ni. Care of foals — treatment of feet. 2-3 p. m. Agricultui-al chemistry. 3-5 p.m. Importance of poultry industry, locality, etc. Thursday. 17. 10 a. m.-l p. m. Shoeing, surgical shoes, htting, etc. 2-3 p. m. Agricultural chemistry. 3-5 p. m. Breeds of iioultry. food and feeding, etc. Friday. 18. 2-3 p. ni. Agricultural chemistry. .3-5 1). m. Poultry diseases — cause and cure ; chickens, etc. 8-10 p. m. The poultry industry. Fourth week. Monday, 21, 2-3 p. in. Diseases of cereals. 3-4 p. m. Agricultural chemistry. 4-5 p. m. Diseases of cereals. Tuesday, 22, 2-3 p. m. Agricultural chemistry. 3-5 p. m. Demonstrations in poultry dressing. 8-10 p. m. Demonstrations in poultry dressing. Wednesday. 23, 2-3 p. m. Agricultural chemistry. 3-5 p. m. Sheep breeding, wool shearing, preparation. Thursday. 24, 2-3 p. m. Agricultural chemistry. .3-5 p.m. Large clips, skirting, rolliilg. etc. Friday. 2.5. 2-3 p. m. Agricultural chemistry. 3-5 p.m. Small or farmers' clips, classing, etc. A report by the officer intrusted witli tlie management of tlie classes for tlie year 1904 contains the following statement: I have been much imiiressed by the e\ident desire of the students at all cen- ters to learn. The lectures were closely followed and notes made by the ma- jtirity of the students. * * * It is not too much to assume that the short course system of lectures has proven a success. Three years only has it been on trial, and yet it is safe to say that it has thoroughly commended itself to the practical mind of the farmer. The director of the agricultural department of Victoria, in discuss- ing the subject of agricultural education in his annual report of the 22 department for 1904, takes up the question of the education of the adult rural population along agricultural lines. He states that — The department of agriculture has fur years had officers on the staff whose duty it has been to give single lectures ou agricultural subjects to meetings of farmers held under the auspices of agricultural societies. This work, although useful and interesting, can not be called very educational, as the information given in one lecture does not lead to a better understanding of the next. To meet this difficulty I have had classes of instruction for farmers and farmers' sons, extending over several weeks, held during the last two seasons, and this winter the classes are more popular than ever. * * * This method of in- struction has come to stay in Victoria and will extend over the whole of Aus- tralia. Inquiries have reached me fi'om other States, and it is only a matter of time before Australian agriculturists will realize that this is the best method of instruction for the greatest number which can be had at the least sacrifice of time and money. However excellent this system may be, the winter season as a rule is the only time farmers and their sons can devote their days to lectures and study. To meet all demands for classes during the winter months the depart- ment would be required to maintain for a whole year the staff of lecturers, who would work for three or four months only, or depend upon picking up suitable men for the work during the winter season. Engaging men specially can be done to a small extent, l)ut if it were attempted on any large scale failure would be the result. I, therefore, after a great deal of consideration and consultation, matured a ])lan of keeping the lecturers employed throughout the year. The method I propose is to hold evening classes of two weeks' duration at farmhouses, the number of farmers attending at any center to be from 10 to 12 and the classes to be held the year round, excepting in the winter time, when the officers would be engaged at the farmers' classes held in each township, ai^ is being done at present. The lectures would be held in the evening, say one and one-half hours' lecture and one-half hour devoted to the asking and answering of questions. Four lec- turers would be required ; one, who would arrive on a Monday and stay three days, giving lectures and discussing such subjects as manuring suitable to the district, tillage, rotation of crops, and kindred .topics. On the fourth day he would leave for another center, say 20 miles away, and would be replaced by an officer competent to lecture on farm stock, their breeding and management. In two days the second lecturer would leav(\ being rejilaced by a third, who might lecture upon poultry. Two days later this lecturer would be replaced by a fourth, who would lecture on other agricultural subjects. The course of instruc- tion at this farmhouse would then terminate after ten days' duration. Four classes, therefore, would be in progress at one time in farmhouses sufficiently far apart to prevent overlapping, and yet near emmgh for the officer to reach the next center and lectui-e on the same day. I propose that these farmhouse classes should I)e tried in August, when the farmers' classes held for a month in townshiits are finished and the officers are available to do the work. By this method it is proposed to overcome the difficulty that noAv confronts institute directors in almost all countries — that of securing a sufficient number of capable men for the work of instruction. By employing them for the entire year institute teaching will become a profession, and many will doubtless find it to their advantage to pre- pare themselves for it and adopt it as a career. Day schools for adult 23 farmers during the winter months and night schools durino^ the sum- mer months is a possible solution of the difliculty. WESTERN AUSTRALIA. No ormmized system of'ajj^ricidtural instruction for adult farmers lias been adopted in Western Australia. The department of agricul- ture occasionally sends out experts to farmers' meetings and to indi- yiduals who apply for specific information. In addition to these a course of lectures on agricultural subjects is giyen by officers of the agricultural department during the winter months in the museum of the department of agriculture at Perth. The course for 1004 extended from June 3 to September 2, one lecture each week. The acting director of agriculture states that — Farms and orchards are visited by the officers of the department and instruf- tion given on the spot. In the centers of the various farniinj,' districts lectures are given at irregular intervals. At these lectures discussion is encouraged, and when possible they are illustrated by models, views, or lime-light lantern slides. CANADA. The farmers' institutes of Canada are not conducted under the direction of the general goyernment, but each proyincial territorial authority organizes its work independently. The Proyinces and territories haying institute organizations are the Northwest Territories — British Columbia, Manitoba. Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Noya Scotia, and Prince Edward Island. The Dominion department of agriculture has undertaken to aid the Proyinces in their institute work by acting in an adyisory ca- pacity. The liye-stock commissioner of the dej^artment is the offi- cial to whom has been committed the work of furnishing expert advice to the several Provinces and of aiding the institutes so far as the general government has gone in giving this movement official recognition. In order to encourage the provincial directors, the Dominion de- partment agrees, on condition that certain forms of institute organi- zation are eifected and certain prescribed rules observed by the several Provinces, to send out expert speakers to aid in institute work, paying the salaries and expenses of these lecturers from the time they leave home until they reach the confines of the Province requiring their services, and the Province requiring the services of these men pays their salary and expenses from the time they reach the confines of the Province until they return thereto on their return trip. 24 The purpose of the department in requiring: the Province to bear a share f)f llic expenses of tliese lecturers is (o cause theni to economize their tiuie and to hiy out their series of meetings so as not to cause undue traveling or expenses. The Dominion department requires that full reports of the work done at each meeting by each speaker shall be made out by the insti- tute director and be forwarded to the Dominion superintendent of institutes. The national department of agriculture is endeavoring to secure closer relations with the provincial directors of institutes by arranging to pay to the deputy minister of agriculture or the acting superintendent of farmers' institutes a certain annual sum in aid of the institute work. BRITISH COLUMBIA. The farmers' institute system in British Columl)ia was inaugurated in 1897, and, as in the other Canadian Provinces, it is in connection Avith and under the supervision of the deputy minister of agricul- ture. The superintendent of institutes is appointed by the lieutenant- governor in council, and is charged with the duties imposed by the several acts establishing the farmers' institute system of the Province. Inasmuch as the details of the entire system are fully set forth by the various acts of the provincial assembly pro Abiding for institute instruction, they are herewith presented in consolidated form as arranged for convenience of reference by the deputy minister of agri- culture and suiDcrintendent of institutes. ACTS OF ASSEMBLY RESPECTING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF FARM- ERS' INSTITUTES. Her Majesty, liy and with tlie advice and consent of tlie le,i;islative assembly of tlie Province of British Colinnbia, enacts as follows: Short Title. 1. This act may be cited as the " Farmers" Institutes and Coojieration Act." Interpretation. 2. In the construction of this act, and the rules and recjulatitms framed under the authority thereof, the following wcjrds and expressions shall have the mean- ings hereby assigned to them, unless the same be repugnant to or inconsistent with the context (that is to say) : "The department" shall mean the deitartment of agriculture of the Province of British Columbia. "The minister" shall mean the minister cf .-igriculture of the Province of British Columbia. "The superintendent" shall mean the sui)erintendent cf the farmers' insti- tutes in tlie Province of British Columbia. "Division" shall mean a division as set ft)rtli in Schedule A" of this act con- taining districts. o Schedule (iiiiitted \'vu\i\ tliis publication. 25 " District " shall mean the distrift ooniposed of the imuiieipalities or other limitations set forth in Schedule A " of this act. " I{et,'ular mcctin.us " are those at which delci^rates sent by llic (It'partnient are jiresent and whose expenses are paid hy the department. ■■ Supplementary meetings" are those conducted by the local oHicials. "Regular (U'legates " are those sent annually to assist local oflicers to bold regular meetings. " Supplementary speakers " are those sent at the request of the local officers to assist said officers to hold supplementai'y meetings. 'A. The minister may authorize the organization of farmers' institutes in any electoral or other division into which this ri-ovince now is or may hereafter be divided. The authority for the organization of farmers' institutes may be given after a petition, duly filled up and signed by at least fifteen persons who are resi- dent in the said district, and who have paid in to the secretary-treasurer pro tern. not less than fifty cents each, has been filed in the deiiartment in the form set forth in Schedule B hereto. 4. The objects of such farmers' institutes shall be the dissemination of infor- mation in regai'd to agriculture, and shall include the encouragement and imi)rovement of agriculture, horticulture, arboriculture, manufactures, and the useful arts : (a) By holding meetings for the discussion of and hearing lectures on subjects in connection with the theory and practice of improved husbandry or other industrial purposes. (b) By promoting the circulation of agricultural, horticultural, arboricul- tural, and mechanical bulletins and rei)orts. (c) By importing and otherwise procuring and distrilMiting seeds, plants, and animals of new and valuable kinds. ( (/ ) By offering prizes for essays and questions of scientific inquiries relating to agriculture, horticulture, arboriculture, manufactures, and the, useful arts, and for shows or displays of agricultural products. (c) For disseminating information regarding bee keeping. if) By cooperation for carrying on any industry or for any purpose relating to agriculture within the district, as provided for in section 15 of this act. ~K In granting authority for the formation of a farmers' institute under sec- tion ?, of this act. the minister shall appoint the place within such division and fix the day and hour at which the first meeting for the organization of the institute shall be held, of which the minister shall give at least one month's previous notice by advertisement in the British Columbia Gazette and in writ- ing to the secretary -treasurer pro tem. of the proposed institute, who shall thereupon cause to be i)osted up, at not less than five of the most frequented Itlaces in the district, notices containing full particulars as to the object, place, date, and hour of the meeting. At such meeting the persons present who signed the petition, as ]>i-ovided in section 3, and such others as may have paid at least fifty cents each to the secretary-treasurer pro tem. prior to the time appointed tor the meeting, for the receii)t of which subscription the secretary-treasurer pro tem. shall l>e in attendance at the place of meeting at least one hour prior to the time for which it may be called, shall elect from among members such officers as are required to be elected at the annual meeting of such institute, which officers shall remain in office until the date of the next ensuing annual election. 6. The lieutenant-governor in council, upon recommendation of the minister, may subdivide divisions and districts in which institutes are organized under this act. a Schedule omitted from this publication. 26 7. Each farmers' institute organized under tliis net shall be known as the " [here insert the name of the district] Farmers' Institute," under wliich name each institute shall lie a body politic and corporate. 8. The officers shall t-onsist of a president, vice-president, and secretary- treasurer, and sucli number til! directors as may be provided in the rules and regulations framed under the authority of this act. who shall be elected annu- ally, and who together shall constitute a lioard of directors, the majority of which shall be practical farmers. 9. The superintendent of farmers' institutes shall be an officer appointed by the lieutenant-governor in council, to whom shall belong the duties assigned in the rules and regulations passed under the authority of this act. 10. Each member of an institute shall be entitled to receive a copy of "all pub- lications published by or issued under the authority of the department of agri- culture for the Province of British Coliunbia. 11. The legislative assembly may each year set apart a certain sum of money for aiding farmers' institutes whose returns have been transmitted and who have complied with the provisions of this act and the rules and regulations that may be passed liy the lieutenant-governor in coiuicil. To each institute whose membership is shown to amount to from fifteen to one hundred a sum of fifty cents for each paid-up member up to one hundred, and twenty-five cents for each paid-up member over one hundred will be allowed : Provided, That in case the amount so voted or set apart shall not be sufficient to cover tlie total amount of apportionment in this manner, then the apportionment shall be made pro rata on the same basis. 12. The council of any nuuiicipality may grant money in aid of any duly organized farmers' institute. 13. Every farmers' institute shall be entitled to receive the moneys provided for in section 11 of this act from the treasury of the Province tipon the following conditions : (a) That the number of members is at least fifteen, each paying an animal fee of not less than fifty cents. (&) That the provisions of this act and the rules and regulations approved by the lieutenant-governor in comicil shall have been carefully observed. (c) That all re])orfs or returns required to be made under the jn-ovisions of this act shall have been received to tlie satisfaction of the dejiartmenf. (rf) That at least two regular meetings and two supplementary meetings shall be held during the year. 14. The funds of the farmers' institutes, howsoever derived, shall not be expended for any object inconsistent with those mentioned in section 4 of this act, and shall n. Notwithstanding the jirovisions of any act in forc(> in this Province upon application to the minister of ten or more resident and bona fide farmt'rs of the district, such applicants may engage in and carry on, on a cooperative basis, any of the following, viz: (a) A farmers' exchange for buying and selling farm produce; (h) a cheese factory; (c) a creamei\v ; (d) a fruit-canning, preserving, or evaporating factory; (c) a mutual credit association for the pur- pose of receiving deposits and loaning money to its members; (f) or in any other enterprise that may be api)roved by the lieutenant-governor in coiincil as coming among the objects and within the meaning of this act, and such appli- 27 cants shall be eoustrueiT " provisional directors " and shall possess the ixtwers and antliority mentioned in and conferred by any order in council for managing the affairs of the association nntil the first annual election of officers, and under this act the association shall |)ossess all the jiowers of an incorporated company under the "Companies act, ISltT." to hold property, to sue and he sued, make by-laws, and do all things necessary and purtenant to the carrying on of any business for the nuitual benefit and profit of the members subscribing and holding stock : rrovldcd alirai/f) — [(I) That a notice of incor])oration containing the names of such applicants be published in the British Columbia (Jazette, for which a fee of ten dollars shall be charged ; (/;) That no subscriber may hold or thereafter aciiuire more than one-tenth of the stock allotted by the association; (c) That twenty-five per cent of the capital stock be subscribed at the time of making aiijilication ; (rf) That all elections shall be by ballot, and each member shall be entitled to one vote only. ISA. Every farmers' institute organized prior to the 20th day of May, 189S, and every association incorjiorated iirior to said 20th day of May. 1S9S, under section 1;" of this act. shall be deemed to have been duly and completely organ- ized or incorporated, as the case may be. according to law, and to have complied with and fulfilled every condition and requirement made and imposed by law in that behalf. in. It shall be the duty of the secretary of the association so organized to make a return to the superintendent within thirty days after the first of Janu- ary in e?ich year, containing a full statement of the affairs of the association for the year last past, which shall include a duly audited and certified balance sheet, the number of stockholders and the amount of stock held by each, the paid-up capital, assets, and liabilities, the number and class of employees, the rate of wages paid in each case, the quantity and value of output, and the quantity and v.-ilue of goods sold and exported. Such statement shall be certi- fied to by the secretary as correct and by the president, or in his absence by. two of the directors. 17. The procedure for the liquidation, winding up. and disposal of the busi- ness of any associaticm under this act shall be that iirescribed by the lieutenant- governor in council by order in council from time to time in that l)ehalf. 18. The penalty for infraction of section 10 of this act shall be a fine of not less than one dollar and not more than twenty dollars for each offence upon summary conviction before a stipendiary magistrate or two justices of the peace having jurisdiction in the district, who shall have power to inqxose costs and order distraint in default of payment. 19. It shall be competent for any agricultural, horticultural, or dairyman's association at present in existence to be incori)orated or amalgamated with the district farmers' institute in which such association is situated upon the nuijor- ity vote of tlie members of such association at the regular meeting being passed in its favor, providing that prior to the holding of such regular meeting at least sixty days' notice shall be given in writing to the members of the intention to move a resolution to that effect, and if thought advis.ible by a notice pub- lished in a newspaper circulating in each division ; and in case of such incor- poration or amalgamation the combined associations and district institute shall be entitled to any moneys voted by the legislature in supi^trt of any association or institute so incorporated or amalgamated. an. The executive conmiittee shall, if appointed, carry into effect the plan of work decided upon by the board of directors, and shall arrange the details of the same. 24. The president shall preside at all meetings of the board of directors and executive committee, and in his aitsence the vice-president shall preside, and in the absence of both, then a chairman shall be elected from amongst the members present. 25. The secretary shall have the powers of managing director, acting under the control and with the approval of the executive committee. He shall call all meetings of the executive committee and board of directors upon the authority of the president or of any two officers or dii'ectors, give notices of all meetings as retjuired by these rules, make returns, keep correct minutes of the proceedings, and conduct all correspondence in the name of the institute. All reports and returns re0. The secretary shall, when possible, retain the maiuiscript of all papers read at meetings of the institute by local talent, in order that he may, when re(iuired. furnish the superintendent with the same. Each institute is required to forward at least two such papers each year, whicli may i)e iniblished as the superintendent decides. Secretaries or essayists are not required to rewrite papers before sending them to the superintendent, but may forward them as read at the local meeting. 32 31. It shall be the duty of the treasurer to receive and account for all moneys belonging to the institute and disburse the, same under the instructions of the executive committee, without whose order no money shall l)e paid out. He shall also prepare in detail and present to the annual meeting a duly audited statement of recei])ts and expenditures. 32. He shall use such cash and receipt hooks, membership tickets, etc., as may be required by the superintendent. 33. An officer or director who has not during the current year attended any meeting held in his district (except when prevented by sickness), or otherwise rendered valuable assistance to the institute, shall not be eligible for reelection to office for the ensuing year. 34. It shall be the duty of the superintendent to generally conduct the corre- spondence relating to the institutes and to supervise the work so far as pro- vided for under the acts and rules and regulations. Acting under the instruc- tions of the minister, it shall be his duty to arrange for regular and supple- mentary delegates to be present and address regular and supplementary meet- ings at the request of farmers' institutes, to prepare circular letters, to receive' and i)ublish reports, to supply all forms, books, etc., to local secretaries recpiired under these rules, and to prepare and issue from time to time suggestions to officers and directors of the institutes. 35. Every officer and director sliall pronq)tly answer all official communica- tions addressed to him by the superintendent, and should make diligent efforts to furnish any information re(iuired of him relative to the affairs of the institute. Procedure, Order of Meetings, Etc. 36. At any meeting of an institute, if duly advertised as set forth in these rules, 10 members shall form a (luorum to do business at an annual or other general meeting when the membership is over 32. At a directors' meeting half of total number of board of directors shall form a quorum— half of five to be reckoned as three, and the half of seven as four. At an executive connuit- tce meeting three shall form a quorum. If at any meeting a (luorum is not pres- ent, those present shall adjourn, and the meeting shall again be called, as pre- scribed in these rules. 37. The officers and directors shall act as far as practicable upon the recom- niendations of the superintendent, and shall submit to him, through the secre- tary, all questions relating to the welfare of the institute upon which advice may be required. 38. (a) Except by permission of the presiding officer, no member or other person shall speak other than to ask a question or to introduce or to speak to a motion. (b) In the discussion following the introduction of a subject, no person shall speak more than twice, nor for a longer time than five minutes, except by a vote of the meeting. (c) When a question is under consideration no motion shall be in order except the following: (1) To adjourn, (2) to postpone, (3) to amend; these motions taking precedence in the order named, and the first two shall be decided without debate. (d) Before the vote is taken on any motion or amendment the president shall ask, "Is the meeting ready for the question?" The question shall not be put so long as any member desires to speak and is in order. Any member desirous of asking a question on the subject introduced may do so verbally ; but if be desires to ask more than two questions, he must submit them to the secretary in writing. 33 39. Every member is eutitled t<> the following' privileges: («) To protest against any decision of the institute, and request his objection to l)e recorded in tlie minutes. (b) To protest against tlie decision of tlie chair and api>cai to tlic meeting, stating the grounds of appeal, which shall then he put without debate in these words: " Shall the decision of the chair be sustained? " 40. A motion to reconsider any (piestion decided by the institute shall be in order, providing such motion be not made on the same day on which the resolu- tion is carried. 41. Order of business for general meetings other than the annual : (1) Calling the meeting to order by the president. (2) Reading and disi»osing of communications. (.">) Reports of committees. (4) Programme of the day and discussion. (5) (Question drawer. (G) Ailjournment. 42. Any change of address or any failure to receive the bulletins and reports issued by the agricultural department should innnediately be reported to the superintendent. 43. The blank books used shall be those authorized by the department. Blank forms for reports of meetings, financial statements, list of members, membership books, mailing books, cashbooks, etc.. shall be supplied by the superintendent. MANITOBA. The farmers' institutes of Manitoba are made a part of the work of the h)cal agricultural societies. The societies are incorporated organizations with power to " lease, sell, alienate, and convey, or otherwise dispose of any real or personal property of the society, to borrow any money for the purposes of the society, and for the pur- pose of securing the repayment thereof may hypothecate, mortgage, or pledge the real or personal property of said society." The lieutenant-gov^ernor in council is empowered to authorize the organization of agricultural societies, which authorization may begin aftey a petition, duly filled out and signed by at least 50 members (none of whom shall be a member of any other agricultural society), and who must have actually paid to the secretary-treasurer pro tem- pore not less than $1, has been filed in the department in a form pre- scribed by the department of agriculture of the Province, promising to continue to pay to the treasurer of the society, so long as they remain members of it, not less than $1 each annually. The meeting for organization is called by the lieutenant-governor in council, who selects the time and place at Avhich it is to be held. It then becomes the duty of the minister of agriculture to give public notice of the meeting by advertisement in the ISIanitoba Gazette and in writing to the secretary-treasurer pro tempore of the proposed society, who is directed to post up throughout the district notices con- 30372— No. 155—05 m 3 34 taining full particulars as to the object, date, place, aud hour of meeting. When the meeting convenes those who have paid $1 to the secretary- treasurer pro tempore shall nominate and elect from among their own members 10 directors and 1 auditor. The directors so elected are required to meet within one week therefrom and elect from among themselves a presideint and a first and second vice-president, and either from among themselves or otherwise a secretary-treasurer, and from outside their number an auditor, who shall n(i)t be the auditor elected at the meeting by the members. A copy of the minutes of this meeting must be sent to the provincial department of agricul- ture M-ithin two weeks after the annual meeting. Failure to so report deprives the society of its portion of the provincial grant for the year next following that meeting. These societies were originally organized for the purpose of hold- ing agricultural fairs, and each society Avhose total receipts in any year from this source amount to from $150 to $350 shall be entitled to an equal amount from the provincial fund in aid of agricultural societies, except that '' from and after the year IDOO the sum of $50 of the provincial grant shall be withheld by the- minister of agricul- ture from those societies not engaged in farmers' institute work. When the farmers' institute idea was taken up in the Province, instead of erecting an independent organization for conducting them they were attached to the local agricultural societies, and it was made a part of their duty to conduct the work. The following regulations, approved by the lieutenant-governor in council, show the relation that exists between the institutes and the agricultural societies: r. EiR-li agricultural society shall hold at least three meetings every year other than the annual meeting, the exhibiti(jn, and the meetings specially arranged by the department. II. At these meetings pai»ers shall he read or addresses delivered on to])ics relating to agriculture, horticulture, dairying, or kindred subjects. Free dis- cussion shall be encouraged. III. The order of meeting is to be similar to the regular meetings of the society and under the management of the directors of the society. IV. The department will endeavor to supply speakers to address two extra meetings each year. V. The directors of each society shall arrange for places of meeting, adver- tising meetings, and pay all expenses incurred thereby. VI. The secretary of the society shall comi)ile all reports regarding institute work as required by the department. Failure on the part of any agricultural society to hold institute meetings as provided forfeits $50 of the provincial grant for that year, the saijie being required to be withheld by the minister of agri- culture from such society. The deputy minister of agriculture is the superintendent of farmers' institutes of the Province. 35 NEW BRUNSWICK. Fanners'' institutes were held in the Province of New Brunswick as early as 1888, but it was not until 1897 that the work was assumed hy the provincial department of agriculture and a superintendent of institutes provided. The law places this work under the innne- tliate direction of the deputy connnissioner of agriculture. The nys- tem provides for local organizations in each county, no limit being fixed to the number, several counties having as many as seven, each having a president, vice-president, and secretary-treasurer, and known under a specific name and by a number received at the date of its acceptance as an institute society by the provincial superintendent. Under the amended regulations of the agricultural act of 1888, approved June 4, 1901, it is provided that — Where agrifulturul societies now existing, or liereafter iueorpo rated under tbe agrieiiltural act of ISSS or amendments thereto, will undertake to hold meetings uniler regulations made by the lieutenant-governor in council untler section 3 of this act, they shall in their districts be considered as farmers' institutes. The general policy of the government in the matter of forming- independent institute organizations or associating them with existing aiiricultural societies is set forth in the agricultural act of 1888. The act says : It is desirable that all agricultural societies should conduct institute work and so avoid the necessity of two organizations in one district. For this a special grant of .$l.j will be given by the department, and 25 cents of each mem- bership fee received by the society shall, with the said grant, form a fund for the carrying on of the work under the institute act. The following rules and regidations approved by the lieutenant- governor in council have the effect of law, and inasmuch as the details of the system in use in this Province in institute work are fully set forth by this, they are therefore given in full : RULES AND REGULATIONS. [Approved by the lieutenant-governor in council.] 1. The New Brunswick legislature having voted a sum of money for the estab- lishment of farni'>rs' institutes throughout the Province, a grant of tifteen dollars will i)e given to one institute in each district, on such conditions as are herein- after contained. 2. The object of each local institute sha'' be the dissemination of agricultural knowledge in its district and the development of local talent. The officers shall endeavor to bring the rank and tile of the farmers into touch with the most suc- cessful local men, that the masses may become more conversant with the best and most profitable methods of farming, stock raising, dairying, fruit culture, and all branches of business connected with the industry of agriculture. It is desirable that agricultural societies should take mi this work, rather than that two organizations should be formed iu the same district. 36 Organization of Institutes. 3. One institute may be organized in eacli district of the Province, or in sudj otlier divisions as tlie lieutenant-governor in council may authorize. 4. The organization meeting may be called by the superintendent of farmers' institutes, or by any five farmers of the district; and at least two weeks' pre- vious notice shall be given by advertisement in two newspapers published in the district, or by placard, in which shall be stated the object, time, and place of meeting. 5. As soon as organization is completed the superintendent shall be notified, and the names and addresses of the officers and directors shall be forwarded to him. 0. All membership shall terminate the oUth of November each year. (See clause 57.) 7. Each institute shall be known by a distinctive name and number. OlFICEKS. 8. The officers shall consist of a president, a vice-president, and a secretary- treasurer, and one or more directors from each iiarish included in the insti- tute district, except in new or thinly settled districts, when directors may be elected irrespective of the parishes. The president, vice-president, and directors shall be elected annually, and together with the secretary-treasurer shall con- stitute a board of directors, the majority of whom shall be practical farmers. y. There shall be an executive conmiittee composed of the president, the vice- president, and the secretary-treasurer. 10. There shall be elected annually an auditor to audit the accounts of the institute. 11. If the secretary-treasurer resigns, or for any cause does not perform the duties of his office, or if he removes from the district, the president shall imme- diately issue a letter calling the officers and directors together, giving each at least ten days' notice. In the meantime the president shall perform the duties of the secretary-treasurer. At the time and place appointed the officers and directors present shall appoint a secretary-treasurer. In case the presidency is vacant, or the president does not take action within ten days, the vice-president shall assume the power of president. Other vacancies shall be filled in like manner. 12. Any change in the personnel of the executive or directorate shall be reported to the superintendent forthwith. Annual Meeting. i date and place of holding. l'.\. The institute year shall begin December 1 and end November 30. 14. The annual meeting of each institute shall be held on some date to be selected between the 1st and 30th of November of each and every year. (See clauses 1(J, 17, 18, and 19.) 15. The newly elected board of directors shall take office at the close of the annual meeting. The old board shall I'emain in office until this time. 10. Each year a meeting of the directors shall be called I)y the secretary to meet some time before the 15th of Septeml)er. The special business of this meeting shall be to arrange for holding the annual meeting. 37 17. If it is tlioujjlit desirable hy tlie directors jiresent at this lueetiug that a delegate or speaker be in attendance at the annual meeting the same may be arrangetl for through the superintendent. (See clause 34.) 18. If it is decided that a request he sent to the sui)erintendont for a speaker to attend the annual meeting, the directors shall, in addition, select the ](lace for- holding above meeting, the date being selected by the superintendent, as in the case of winter meetings. If, however, it is decided not to ask for a speaker through the superintendent, the directors shall select both d.ate and place for holding annual meeting, conforming with clause 14. 10. A full rcjiort of this directors' meeting shall be forwarded by secretary to the superintendent on or before the 1st daj' of October. BUSINESS AT ANNUAL MEETING. 20. At the annual meeting the directors and auditor shall !.(> elected for the ensuing year. (See clauses S and 10.) 21. At the annual meeting the method of election shall be by ballot or other- wise, as decided by the members i^resent. No person shall be eligible for office or be entitled to vote at the annual meeting who has not paid his fees in full for the meml)ership year beginning 1st December next following date of such annual meeting. (See clause G.) 22. At the annual meeting members may suggest points in the district where institute meetings may be held during the succeeding institute year, first as to regular, and seconflly, as to supplementary meetings. 2?>. At the annual meeting the executive officers for the past institute year shall, through the secretary-treasurer, present to the meeting in writing a care- fully in-epared report of the proceedings of the year, in which shall be stated the number of institute meetings held since the last animal report, the attendance at each session, the total number of papers read and addresses delivered, and a statement of the financial condition of the institute. The financial statement shall first be audited and certified thereto by the auditor. 24. The annual meeting shall be devoted to the business of the institute as specified in clauses 20, 21, 22, and 23, and in carrying out the progrannne of the annual meeting, and in considering ways and means whereby the institute can be improved. 25. The annual meeting shall be advertised by mailing to each member, at least ten days before the date thereof, an announcement calling the members together. Said announcement shall specify the date, place, and hour of meet- ing, and shall contain a programme of said meeting. If the executive conunit- tee deem it in the interest of the institute, posters and newspaper advertising may also be employed to make this meeting i)ublicly known. ORDER OF BUSINESS FOB ANNUAL MEETING. 2G. (1) President's report. (2) Discussion thereon. (3) Report of the executive committee presented in writing by the secretary- treasurer. (4) Auditor's report presented in writing. (")) Suggestion of points at which to hold regular meeting. (G) Suggestion of points at which to hold supplementary meeting. (7) Election of dii'ectors, election of auditor. (5) Suggestions as to how the institute can be improved or niad(> more useful, if it has not already Imvu considered by the president in his opening address and in the discussion following. (9) Addresses, etc. 38 27. At the close of the annual meeting the new board of directors shall meet and elect from among themselves a president and a vice-president, and shall finally decide at what points in the district regular and supi»lementary meetings shall be held during the current institute year. The points selected shall be entered on page C of the secretary's minute book, and a copy of this page shall be sent to the su])erintendent and shall be considered as i)art of the report of the annual meeting. 28. The board of directors sliall, at the close of the first annual meeting, and when afterwards necessary, appoint from among themselves ov otherwise a secretary-treasurer, who shall remain in office during pleasure. 29. In case an institute shall, through any cause, fail to hold its annual meet- ing within the time specified, the superintendent may appoint a date for hold- ing same, the meeting to be called as provided for the regular annual meeting, and this meeting shall, in all pnrticulars, be taken as the annual meeting of the institute. Other General, Meetings. 30. In addition to the annual meeting, each institute shall hold at least two meetings each year, at which iiai)ers shall be read or addresses delivered on topics relating to agriculture, horticulture, dairying, or kindred subjects. Free discussion shall be encouraged. .31. All institutes orgnnized under the act shall be strictly nonpartisan and nonsectarian in every ijhase of their work, and no institute shall be operated in the interest of any party, sect, or society, but for the equal good of all citizens and the farming community. ?,2. No subject shiill l)e presented at an institute meeting, or discussion allowed, of a political or sectarian nature; nor shall any speaker be allowed in his lecture, essay, or speech, or in any discussion, to advertise wares, or schemes in which he has a direct or indirect pecuniary interest. The delegates and offi- cers of the institutes shall stn^ that the exercises are not suliordinate to any low or frivolous entertainments, or to the aggrandizement of any individual, Iiarty, or sect. 33. The regular delegation shall visit two ])oints only in one year in each institute district, or when said d(>leg;ition spends two days at one ])lace, that point only shall be visited. The government will defray the cost of sending these delegates, but officers and members of institutes are expected to lighten as far as possible the expenses of delegates while in their district. .''.4. Should any institute require a speaker or speakers at any other period during the year to assist in holding supplementary meetings, • apitlication for assistance shall be m:ide to the superintendcMit at the time of rejiorting the annual meeting. The department will pay for the services of such supple- mentary speaker or speakers for two days in each year for each institute dis- trict, but the institute recjuiring the services of said speaker or speakers shall pay all legitimate expenses from the time said person or i)ersons leave home until they return thereto. When a delegate or delegates address meetings in more than one district, the expenses will be equitably divided between said insti- tutes and collected from the institute or deducted from their grant. 35. If an institute decides to hold supplementary meetings other than those asked for at the time of reporting the annual meeting, or for more than four days during one year, said institute shall pay all expenses and wages. This clause shall not apply to the annual meeting. 36. If a regular or supplementary meeting has been granted, and the time and place published in the annual bulletin, no change shall be made in said time or S9 place. Any institute failing to bolil a supplementary meeting. i)ublishe(l as aforesaid, shall be required to pay the expenses notwithstanding. 37. All requests for assistance to hold agricultural, horticultural, live-stock, or dairy meetings shall be made through the secretary of the district institute. Applicants should state what subjects they wish the speaker to discuss. 38. Every meeting of an institute, except the annual meeting, should be adver- tised by issuing posters, not less than 14 by 20 inches, on which should be printed an attractive programme of the meeting, giving date and place of meeting, hour of opening, tlie name and address of the speakers, topics to be discussed by each ; also the hour at wliidi each speaker will address the meeting, the time to be occupied by each address, and such other information as the executive deems necessary. A copy of said bill should be sent at least two weeks previous to the date of meeting to each postmaster, each schoolmaster, each miller, each black- smith, and to other places of public resort in the district, which are within a radius of 10 miles of the place of meeting, with a recpiest to post in a conspicu- ous i)lace. It sliall be the duty of the officers and directors to exercise diligence to insure the proper posting of said bills. In addition thereto, a progranmie of convenient size, containing similar information, should be distributed so as to reach its destination at least ten days previous to the date of meeting. A copy of said i)rogrannne should be sent to each member of the institute, to farmers, journalists, pulilic men, and others in the district who reside within 10 miles of the place of meeting. Such posters and programmes should announce that all interested are welcome, whether members of the institute or not. Copies of said I»rogrammes should be sent to the school-teachers in the district, with the request that they be carefully distributed among the children. 39. A copy of each poster and each progranmie shall be sent as soon as pub- lished to the superintendent and to each speaker advertised. 40. When institutes are notified of the dates assigned for their meetings, and are furnished with the names of the speakers and a list of topics, the execu- tive couunittee should proceed to complete arrangements according to these rules. They should finally engage the hall, select local talent, etc. At least half of the time of each meeting should be occupied by local talent. The hall or other buildings to be u.sed for the holding of the institute meetings should be lighted and heated, when such is necessary, at least half an hour before the time advertised. When light and heat are not retpiired s;iid places should be opened and prei)ared for holding the meeting at least one-half hour before the time advertised. 41. The time allowed speakers should be from five to thirty minutes, to vary according to the subject and flie ability of the sjieaker. It is no breach of cour- tesy to limit each speaker to the time allotted him in the programme. When the programme has been carefully prepared on that basis no speaker should be allowed to exceed the time, to the end)arrassment or detriment of the speakers who are to follow him. If the sjieakers are hehl down to their time, the work of the institute, as a rule, will be benefited. Sessions should not be too long. 42. No one should be named on a programme who has not agreed to do the specific thing he is advertised to do. 43. At each meeting of the institute a committee should be appointed to canvass the audience for members. Board of Directors. 44. The board of directors, under these rules and regulations, shall have full control of the affairs of the institute. They shall arrange time and places of meeting when not otherwise arranged for and shall outline the work and policy of the institute. 40 45. The directors of each local institute shall convene each year, in the month of Sei)tein))er, for the juirpose of arranging for the annual meeting. (See clause IC). ) At this meeting the order of husiness shall he as follows: ( 1 ) Selection of a ])lace for holding the annual meeting. (2) Shall a request he sent to the superintendent for a delegate to attend the annual meeting? (r{) If it is decided not to send a request to the superintendent for the services of a delegate, the director shall select a date on which to hold the annual meet- ing, which shall Ik' l)etweeu the 1st and 30th of November. (See clauses 14, IG, 17, and 18.) Executive Committee. 40. The executive connnittee shall carry into effect the ])lan of work decided upon liy the lioard of directors and shall arrange the details of the same. (See clauses !) and pointed by the committee. SECRETARY-TREASURER. 49. The secretary-treasurer shall have the ])Owers of a managing director, acting under the control aud with the approval of the executive committee. SECRETARY. 50. It shall be the duty of the secretary to call meetings of the executive com- mittee and board of directors, upon the authority of the president or any two officers or directors, to give notice of all meetings as recpiired by these rules, and keel) correct minutes of the proceedings. 51. All official correspondence relating to the institute shall be conducted by the secretary or in the name of the secretary. 52. In all correspondence relating to the institute the name of the institute shall be given in full after the signature of the officer, except in cases where an official heading is used, giving the name of the institute. 53. All reports and returns required by the superintendent shall lie mndc upon forms especially i)i-ovided and in the manner indicated. 54. The secretary shall keep a book in which shall be entered the names and addresses of members in alphabetical order, also a book to be used as a mailing list, which shall contain the names of parties to whom posters, programmes, etc.. may be sent. 55. It shall be the duty of the secretary to i)repare and submit to the execu- tive conujiittee the annual report, as set forth in clause 23, and to present the linal report to the annual meeting. 41 no. Xot later than 1st day of Doeeiiilicr in each and cvory year lie shall for- ward to the superintendent hy registered mail, oi- otherwise, copy of said report, to,i:<'ther with a copy of the financial statcnicnf, and the name and address of each orticer and director elected for the ensuing institute year, and also a list of nienihers for ensuing year. 57. On or I)efore the 10th day of March of each year the secretary shall send a revised list of members for the current membei'ship year to the sui)erintcndent. and on or Ijefore the 10th day of each succeeding month he shall forward the name and address of each additional person who has since the previous return liecome a member of the institute. (See clause 0.) 58. Within one week after the close of each institute meeting or series of meetings the secretary shall forward to the superintendent a detailed report of said meeting or meetings, in which shall be stated the name of the place or ] laces where sessions were held, the number of persons present at each session, the name and address of each person who read a paper or gave an address, the title of the address or paper, and a connnent upon its value — whether good, fair, or indifferent. (Use Form A of secretary's minute book for making returns reijuired by this clause.) 59. On or before 1st day of October the secretary shall rejiort to the super- intendent— (1) The name of place selected for holding the annual meeting, also the name of the hall in which it will Ite held. (2) The decision of the directors as to whether or not they wish the superin- tendent to arrange that a speaker address their annual meeting. (3) The date chosen for holding the annual meeting if section 2 is ) to assist in circu- lating agricultural, horticultural, live-stock, and dairy literature or periodicals among the members, or to establish a circulating agricultural library for the use of members; (4) to remunerate the secretary and others for services rendered. Quorum. 71. At all meetings of the institute or of the officers, if duly advertised as set fortn in these rules, ten members shall form a quorum to do business at an annual or other general meeting. At a directors' meeting five shall be a quorum. At an executive committee meeting two shall be a quorum. If at any meeting •a quorum is not present, those present shall adjourn, and the meeting shall again be called as prescribed by these rules. (See clauses 25 and 47.) General Rules. 72. Each member of an institute shall be entitled to receive the publications issued by the deiiartment of agi'iculture for the Trovince of New Brunswick. Any cliange of address or any failure to receive the publications issued by the agricultural department should be reported immediately to the superintendent. The names of all officers and directors shall be included in the list of members. 7.*'. The blank books used shall be those authorized by the department. Blank forms for reports of meetings, linaucial statements, and lists of members, mem- bership books, mailing books, cashbooks, etc., may be had from the superin- tendent. 74. All institute returns shall be made to the superintendent. Oruer of Meetings. 7r». (ff) Except by permission of the presiding officer, no member or other person shall speak other than to ask a question or to introduce or speak to a motion. 43' (h) In the discussion following the introduction of n sulyect, no person shall speak more than twite nor for a longer peri(j(l than five minutes, except by a vote of the meeting. {(■) When a question is under consideration, no motion shall he in order except the following: (1) To adjourn, (2) to postpone, ('A) to amend, and (4) those motions taking precedence in the order named, and the first two shall he decided without dehate. (rovided for in clause '7"). In order to meet the expenses of each director so engaged, a commission of 25 per cent may be allowed on each subscriptiou taken by him iu the section of the parisli he represeuts. lu a 44 thickly settled district an industrious man should take at least 20 names a day. His commission would be $1.2"). OHicers wliose expenses are paid otherwise tlian l)y commission should be required to exercise strict economy. A statement of all such expenses should be presented in detail at the annual meeting. If the officer's expenses are paid while attending a meeting, he should not be allowed a commission and expenses also. Posters and programmes should be printed in the most attractive manner pos- sible. Each institute should adoi)t and constantly use a certain color of paper, ink, and a certain typographical arrangement, which would soon become familiar to the people, and therefore recognized and noticed wherever seen. Red ink on white paper makes a bill noticeable. The bill and the programme should each give, as far as possll)le, the same information, and the typograi)hica] appearance should be the same, the only difference being the size of the type and the size of the paper used. The most desirable size for the poster is about 27 inches long by 14 inches wide. The paper used for posters slKnild be not lighter than .W pounds to the ream nor more than CO pounds ; the latter is the best weight. When tacked on a wall or pasted on boards, bills of this weight last much better than the lighter ones. They are stiffer and hang better from a cord when put up in stores. Programmes should l)e printed on jiaper HO pounds to the ream, and may vary in size from ."» by 10 inches to 0 by 12 inches, according to the size of the sheet from which they are cut. Sheets of this size printed on one side only will be found cheaper and ,iust as useful as smaller folders printed on both sides. When an officer or director is canvassing for members each should take with him copies of the pul)lications sent free to members during the past year. By showing these many more subscriptions can be obtained. Each person becoming a member should be given an annual membership ticket or badge, the latter preferred. When badges are used each member should be requested to wear same whenever he or she is attending institute meetings. This will tend to advertise the institute and will make more easy and eft'ecutal the work of those selected to canvass the meeting. When possible the institute should take the form of a farmers' club. Public meetings should be held in each i)arish at least once during each year; more frequently if practicable. A sample member's card given below is a very good form : Farmers' Institute No. 1. addington and eldon, restigouche county, 1901. MEMBER'S TICKET 25 cents. Mr Sold by Secretary. This card entitles bolder to all publications issued by the department for agriculture of New Brunswick. 45 Rules Governing Delegates. 1. Each speaker is expeoted to be thorouj^lily acciu.-iiiiti'd with the act and the ruU's goveriiiiifj farmers' institutes. 2. Each delegate is requested to study carefully the conditions and needs of the district to which he is sent as a speaker, and to prepare his addresses or papers accordingly. 3. The person whose name is placed tirst on the list in each division is cliair- nian of that delegation, and is expected wisely to direct and control the work of that delegation, also the institute meetings to which he is sent. 4. Each delegate is requested to do all in his power to cause full and free dis- cussion after each paper or address has been delivered, and to procure and for- ward to the superintendent the name and address of each successful local speaker or essayist, and to obtain all the information possible concerning such persons; also to inform the superintendent concerning the peculiar needs of the district visited as far as the institute work is concerned ; also to forward a short report of each meeting. Was each gathering successful? If not, why not? After the meetings are thus reported the superintendent will be pleased to receive from each delegation or speaker suggestions or advice regarding insti- tute work in general or with regard to any particular section. How can the efficiency of this important department of agricultural education be increased and made more valuable to the country? Each delegate or delegation i& expected to give the superintendent and the officers of institutes generally the full benefit of this experience. 5. The dates of the institute meetings delegates are to attend will be pub- lished. Each delegate is expected to arrive at each place for which he is adver- tised at the hour named or a little before, and to continue in attendance during said meeting and enthusiastically and promptly to do his duty irrespective of what others may do. Should sickness or other serious cause intervene, the chairman of the deputation of the delegation shall telegraph the superintendent, in order that the vacancy may he promptly filled. 6. Long speeches or those calculated to advertise the property of the speaker are contrary to the rules governing institutes. Party politics in any form must be avoided by each speaker. The chairman of each delegation and the officers of each institute are expected to see that nothing of this kind occurs. Institute speakers are expected to teach practical agriculture, nothing else. 7. A check for a suitable sum to pay actual expenses of the deputation will he forwarded by the superintendent to the chairman of each deputation before the opening of the first meeting. 8. Each delegate shall pay his expenses to the opening meeting. The chair- man of each respective deputation will refund said sum and will thereafter pay all expenses of the deputation. If a delegate does not know the way to reach the tirst place of meeting most quickly, the necessary information may be obtained by writing to the superintendent or, better still, by calling on the nearest railroad ticket agent, who will give the necessary information. 9. As soon as a delegate conqiletes the work assigned to him he shall forward to the superintendent a bill for his time. Each delegate is also required to for- ward to the superintendent a coiiy of at least one of his addresses (the one which has proved most acceptable to the hearers preferred or the one chosen by the superintendent), and if possible a synopsis of the del)ate thereon and ques- tions and replies thereto, which nia.v I>e published in the annual report of the farmers' institutes or elsewhere, as decided by the superintendent. Some speakers withhold their best addresses, not wishing them published, fearing that 46 it would detract from their future usefulness. This is a mistake. The puhliea- tion of an ahle address increases the demand for the si)eaker and the ituhlic desire to hear that particular address delivered. 10. As soon as the work of a deputation or speaker is completed the chairman shall forward to the superintendent all aforesaid reports on forms provided for the purpose. The tinancial statement shall he furnished in duplicate. All sums of $1 and upward nuist he verified hy a voucher. 11. The necessary expenses of each dele.i^ate are paid hy the department from the time he leaves home until said persons return thereto; but each is expected to exercise due economy. Each delegate will receive a daily i-emuneration for services for the time absent from home, Sundays excepted, lint I'acli must go and return by the shortest and (luickest route. A check in ])ayment for services will he sent each delegate as soon as the work assigned him or her is completed and the required returns and a copy of an address prepared by said delegate is received by the superiutendeut. 12. F'uHiUy rcinviiihcr: Thorough i)reiiaration is the key to success as an institute worker. If you have had but little experience as a public speaker, cai-efully write your papers and make them short. Use these papers to assist you when addressing a meeting. The speakers should be careful to ascertain the time Hunt assigned tliem on the ])rogrannne and he sure to keep within said limit. The papers and talks should I)e illustrated as far as possible by means of blackboard work, charts, diagrams, models, specimens, etc. Discuss themes on which you are thoroughly and practically well informed, and use your own experience and that of others to confirm what you say. Avoid per- sonalities. Be courteous; be helpful. Hold yourself in readiness to promote the success of the institute in every way possible. Every time you speak aim to enforce some practical lesson adapted to the needs of the audience. Special Instructions and Explanations to Institute Officers and Delegates. delegates. The farmers' institute system is nonpolitical in the strictest sense. (See clauses 31 and 32 of the acts and rules governing farmers' institutes.) Per- sons sent as delegates and officers and directcu's of institutes are instructed to enforce these rides to the very letter. Delegates are expected not to discuss, either directly or indirectly, political or sectarian rting and otherwise procuring seeds, plants, and anim.ils of new or valuable kinds. IV. By holding exhibitions, as hereinafter provided, at which prizes may be awarded for — (rt) E.xcellenee in the raising or introduction of live stock. (b) The invention or improvement of agricultural machines or implements. (c) The production of grain and all kinds of vegetables, plants, animals, fruits, home manufactures, and works of art, and generally for excellence in any agricultural production or operation. V. By offering prizes for essays on subjects relating to iigriculture, including tlie prevention of prairie fires and the eradication of noxious weeds. VI. By taking action to eradicate poisonous and noxious weeds and to exter- minate such animals as are found to injure or impede agriculture. VII. By carrying on experiments in the growing of crops, the feeding of stock, or any branch of agriculture. ro- mote the study of plant life or the destruction of injurious insects or pests. The societies are organized b}' not less than 50 persons over 18 years of age and not belonging to any other agricultural society sign- ing an application to the connnissioner of agriculture and by each paying at least $1 as a membership fee, or as part of his first annual subscription to the funds of the proposed society. If the commis- sioner approves of the application, he declares the subscribers to be organized into an agricultural society and i.ssues a certificate to that elfect. Thereupon the society becomes a corporation, with i)ower to hold real estate necessary for the business of the society. The officers of the society consist of a president and 2 vice-presi- dents, who are ex-officio directors, and 9, 12, or 15 additional elected directors as may be determined by the society, a secretary, and a treasurer, and 2 auditors. The president, vice-presidents, directors, and auditors hold office for one year. The secretary and treasurer are appointed from time to time by the directors to hold office during pleasure. The societies are required to hold an annual meeting within the first ten days of December in each year. Each society thus constituted is entitled to receive grants made by the legislative assembly in aid of agriculture: One dollar for each paid-up member; $5 for each agricultural experiment conducted by the society under the direction of the territorial department, and where a society holding an agricultural exhibition expends a sum in excess of $250 for prizes an amount equal to OOf per cent of the amount actually paid for such prizes not exceeding $1,000. 30372— No. 155—05 M 4 50 A list of tlie officers elected at the annual meeting and a copy or summary of each report and statement presented thereat is required to be transmitted to the department by the secretary on or before the i23d day of December in each year, and in case these particulars are not transmitted from any agricultural society within this date it can not receive any portion of the legislative grant unless the commis- sioner is satisfied by the explanations given that such delay was unavoidable or inadvertent, in which case he may pay the grant after deducting $5 for each week of such delay. The institute meetings are usually of one day's duration and often consist of but a single session. There is no regular stall" of lecturers, but the superintendent depends upon securing from time to time the services of such men as he may discover to be available. The first institute meetings, 19 in number, were held in 1890. The number has increased until in 1903 there were lOG, and the amount expended for institute purposes for that year was $8,200. The methods folloAved by the Territories do not differ materially from those in use in the United States, namely, meetings of farmers to which lecturers are sent by the department, who discuss various .subjects relating to agriculture. The system, however, is Avorthy of the special attention of institute workers from the fact of its coordi- nating the institute work with that of the agricultural society, and also because of the extent of the supervisory poAver exercised by the department over these local societies. This method consolidates the agricultural organizations into a single society in each county or dis- trict and empowers it to be the recipient of Government grants, and at the same time makes it subject to governmental supervision and control by the department of agriculture. Instead, therefore, of being weakened by having nuiny societies or a society for each specialty in agriculture, all subjects are included in one organization and recognized in the organization by classifying them and thus securing for each the interest and support of all of the members of the societv, the farmers' institutes having the interest and help of the farmers' associations and the farmers' associations in turn having the aid of the institutes. ONTARIO. The farmers' institute movement in Ontario w\is organized by Dr. James Mills, president of the Ontario Agricultural College. The first meetings were held in January, 1885. The next year 26 meet- ings were held and the third year there Avere 40 institutes. In 1890 the Province was divided for institute purposes into seven districts, and to each institute meeting held in these districts three lecturers- were sent — a professor from the agricultural college, a leading farmer, \ 51 and a leading fruit grower. In 1804 the work had reached such |)roportions as to require the entire time of a superintendent. The movement has steadily grown until the number of meetings reported by the superintendent for the year ended June 80, 1904, had reached 833, consisting of 1,()23 sessions and having a total attend- ance of 10(),710 persons. The membership for the first six months of 1004 was 20,057. Thirty-eight lecturers were in the employ of the l)rovincial superintendent last year, who spent from two to ten weeks in the Avork. One of the special features of the farmers' institutes in Ontario is the women's institute. In 1800 the superintendent of institutes ad- dressed a letter to the women of the Province, asking their coopera- tion in the formation of women's institutes. The response was such that '20 organizations were formed the first year, and in May, 1002, the number had reached 44, with a membership of 2,81(5. The move- ment had now become an assured success and was regarded as entitled to the same recognition and support by the Government as the regular institute. Accordingly, in 1002, Parliament passed the following amendment to the original farmers' institute act : The formation of women's institutes for the purpose of improving rural home life and imparting information in regard to woman's work upon the farm shall he permitted under this act. The lieutenant-governor in council may, upon the reconnnendation of the minister of agriculture, adopt rules and regulations in regard to the organization of women's institutes, the general guidance or direc- tion of such institutions, their relation to the farmers' institutes and the depart- ment of agriculture, and the grants of money to which they shall he entitled, with the conditions for payment of the same. The result has Ijeen remarkable. The superintendent of institutes for the Province states under date of September, 1004 : At present we have organizations in .jT electoral districts, and each of these districts has from 1 to 8 branches, making a total of about LMM) places where regular monthly or bimonthly meetings are held. During the past year 960 meetings were held, at which 1.S4S pai)ers and addresses were given. The total attendance was 44,tjlt8. The institutes in this Province had the advantage of having been organized by a leading educator in agriculture and in having had in their development the active support of the faculty of the agricultural college at Guelph and the provincial department of agriculture, whose members devoted a large amount of their time to giving instruction in institute meetings. ]Much of the success of the work has been due to the wisdom dis- played in the constructi(m of the system under which the institutes are oriranized and to the choice of officers to take control of the work. That the system has operated remarkably Avell is evidenced by the interest and success that has distinguished the work from the begin- ning. Through the instrumentality of the institutes 40,000 i^ersons 52 visited the agricultural college at Guelph in the month of June, 1003, These visitors were mostly farmers and their families, who took a day to go to the college and see the work that is being done in their inter- est on the experiment farm and to become acquainted with the presi- dent and members of the college faculty of instructors. The work of the institutes has extended so as to include the im- provement of the local fairs with a view to making them more highly educational and directly useful. The methods pursued in carrying on the institute Avork are fully outlined in the accompanying act of the provincial Parliament pro- viding for their organization. Farmers' Institutes of Ontario, 1899. In the construction of the farmers' uistitutes act and of the rules- CD "The department" shall mean the department of agriculture of the Province of Ontario. (2) " The minister " shall mean the minister of agriculture of the Province of Ontario. (;i) "The superintendent" shall mean the sniierintendent of farmers' insti- tutes for the Province of Ontario. (4) "District" siiall mean a district composed of nuuiiclpalities as set forth in Schedule A « of the act, rules, and regulations. {')) "Regular meetings" are those at which delegates sent hy the superin- tendent are present and whose expenses, etc., are paid hy the department. ((■)) " Supplementary meetings" are those conducted hy the local officers. (7) "Regular delegates" are those sent annually to assist local officers to hold regular meetings. (8) " Supplementary speakers " are those sent at the re(iuest of local officers to assist said officers when holding supplementary meetings. FARMERS' INSTITUTE ACT. Sec. 4C>. The formation of farmers' institutes for the purpose of disseminating information in regard to agriculture shall he permitted under this act. one for each district as given in Schedule "A" « to this act, but the lieutenant-governor in council may, upon the reconnnendation of tlie nnnister, authorize the organi- zation of additional farmers' institutes or make changes in the limits of the various districts, so far as farmers' institutes are concerned, in order to increase their efficiency. Sec. 47. The lieutenant-governor in council may, upon reconnnendation of the minister, adopt rules or regulations for the general guidance en- direction of such farmei-s' institutes. Sec. 48. Every farmers' institute shall be entitled to receive such money out of the unappropriated funds in tlie hands of the provincial treasurer as the legis- lature may grant ; provided — (a) That the number of members is at least 50, each paying an anmnil fee of not less than 2.5 cents. {b) That the i-\des or regulations approved by the lieutenant-governor in council have lieen carefully observed. (c) That all reports or returns i-equired to be made to the superintendent have been made to the satisfaction of the minister. a Schedule omitted from this publication. 53 Amendments Passed in 1902. Section 40 of the saifl act is amended by adding the following : (o) The formation of women's institutes for the jnirpose of improving rural home life and imparting information in regard to women's work upon the farm shall be permitted under this act. Section 47 of the said act is amended by adding the following : («) The lieutenant-governor in council may. upon the recommendation of the minister, adopt rules and regulations in regard to the organization of women's institutes, the general guidance or direction of such institutes, their relation to the farmers' institutes and the department of agriculture, and the grants of money to which they shall be entitled, with the conditions for payment of the same. RULES AND REGULATIONS. [Approved by the lieutenant-governor in council.] 1. The Ontario legislature has voted an appropriation for farmers' institutes for a grant of $25 to one institute in each district, on condition that an equal sum be granted by the county council or the nninicipalities in which the insti- tute is organized, and on suth further conditions as may be imposed by regula- tions of the minister of agriculture. 2. The object of each local institute shall be the dissemination of agricultural knowledge in its district and the develojjment of local talent. The officers shall endeavor to bring the rank and file of the farmers into touch with the most successful local men, that the masses may become more conversant with the best and most profitable methods of farming, stock raising, dairying, fruit culture, and all l>ranches of business connected with the Industry of agricul- ture. Organization of Institutes. 3. One institute may be organized in each district of the Province, exclusive of cities, or in such other divisions as the lieutenant-governor in council may authorize. 4. The organization meeting may be called by the superintendent of farmers' institutes, by the head of a municipality, or by any fiA-e farmers of the district; and at least two weeks' previous notice shall be given liy advertisement in two newspapers jiuldished in the district, or by placard, in which shall be stated the object, time, and place of meeting. 5. As soon as organization is completed the superintendent shall be notified, and the names and addresses of the oflicers and directors shall be forwarded to him. ('.. All memberships shall terminate the 31st of December of each year. (See clause 57.) 7. Each institute shall lie known by a distinctive name. Officers. S. The officers shall consist of a president, a vice-president, and a secretary- treasurer, and one or more directors from each municipality included in the institute disti'ict, except in new or thinly settled districts, when directors may 1,H elected irrespective of the municipalities. The i)resident, vice-president, and directors shall be elected annually, and, together with the secretary-treasurer, 54 shall constitute a board of clireotors, the majority of whom shall be practical farmers. n. There shall be an executive committee composed of the i)resident. the vice- president, and the secretary-treasurer. 10. There shall be elected annually two auditors to audit the accounts of the institute. 11. If the secretary-treasurer resigns, or for any cause does not perform the duties of his office, or if he remove from the district, the president shall imme- diately issue a letter calling the officers and directors together, giving each at least ten days' notice. In the meantime the pn'sident shall iierform the duties of the secretary-treasurer. At the time and place appointed the offict>rs and directors present shall appoint a secretary-treasurer. In case the presidency is vacant, or the president does not take action within ten days, the vice-president shall assume the power of president. Other vacancies shall be filled in like manner. 12. Any change in the personnel of the executive committee or directorate shall be reported to the superintendent forthwith. Annual Meeting. date ann place of holding. 13. The institute year shall begin June 1 and end May 31. 14. The ainuial meeting of each institute shall be held on some date to be selected between the 1st and 2(»th of June of each and every year. (See clauses IG, 17, IS, and 1!).) 15. The newly elected board of directors shall take office at the close of the annual meeting. The old board shall remain in office until this time. Ki. Each year a meeting of the directors shall be called by the secretary to meet some time before the 1st of March. The special business of this meeting shall be to arrange for holding the annual meeting. 17. If it is thought desirable by the directors present at this meeting that a delegate or speaker be in attendance at the annual meeting, the same may be arranged for through the superintendent, in which case the local institute shall pay the actual traveling exi)enses of the delegate or speaker from the time he or she leaves home until he or she returns thereto. (See clause .'U. ) 18. If it is decided that a request be sent to the superintendent for a speaker to attend the annual meeting, the directors shall, in addition, select the ]ilace for holding above meeting, the date being selected by tb(> su])erintendent. as in the case of winter meetings. If, however, it is decided not to ask for a si)eaker through the superintendent, the directors shall select both date and plr.ce for holding iinnual meeting, conforming with clause 14. IS). A full report of this directors' meeting shall l)e forwarded by the secre- tary to the superintendent on or before the 1st of ^larch. Business at Annual Meeting. 20. At the annual meeting the directors and auditors shall be elected for the ensuing year. (See clauses 8 and 10.) 21. At the annual meeting the method of election shall be by ballot or other- wise, as decided by the members present. No person shall be eligible for office or be entitled to vote at the annual or any other meeting who has not paid his fees in full for the current membership year. (See cl.Muse (5.) 22. At the annual meeting members may suggest points in the district where institute meetings may be held during the succeeding institute year, first as to regular and secondly as to sui»plementary meetings. 55 « 23. At the anmuil nieetinj? the executive officers for the past institute year shall, tlu-ou.uh the secretary-treasurer, present to the meeting', in writing', a (•arclully prepared report of the proceedings of tlie year, in wliidi sliail he stated the nuuii»er of institute nieetiuKs held since the last annual report, the .itteiidance at each session, the total nunilxM- of pajters read and ad(h-esses delivered, and a statement of the tinancial condition of the institute. The financial statement shall first he audited and certified thereto l>y the auditors. 24. The aiuuial meeting shall he devoted to the business of the institute, as specified in clauses 20. 21. 22, and 2n. and in carrying out the " i)ro^'ranune of the annual nieetinj,'," and in considering' ways and means whereby the institute can he improved. 25. The annual meeting shall be advertised by mailing to each member, at least ten (hiys before the date thereof, an announcement calling the members together. Said announcement shall specify the date, place, and hour of meet- ing, and shall contain a programme of said meeting. If the executive deem it in the interest of the institute, posters and newspaper advertising may also be employed to make this meeting publicly known. Order of Business for Annual Meeting. 20. (1) President's report. (2) Discussion thereon. (8) Report of the executive committee, presented in writing l)y the secretary- treasurer. (4) Auditors' report, presented in writing. (5) Suggestion of points at which to hold regular meetings. ((>) Suggestion of points at which to liold supidementary meetings. (7) Election of directors ; election of auditors. (8) Suggestions as to how the institute can be improved or made more useful, if this has not already been considered by the president in liis opening address or the discussion following. (9) Addresses, etc. 27. At tlie close of the annual meeting the new board of directors shall meet and elect from among themselves a president and a vice-president, and shall finally decide at what i)oints in the district regular and supplementary meetings shall be held during the current institute year. The points selected shall be entered on page C of the secretary's minute book, and a copy of this page shall be sent to the superintendent and shall be considered as part of the report of the annual meeting. 2S. The board of directors shall, at the close of the first annual meeting, and when afterwards necessary, appoint from among themselves or otherwise a secretary-treasurer, who shall remain in office during i)leasure. 20. In case an institute shall, through any cause, fail to hold its annual meet- ing within the time specified, the superintendent may appoint a date for holding same, the meeting to be called as provided for the regular annual meeting, and this meeting shall, in all particulars, he taken as the animal meeting of the institute. Other General Meetings. 80. In addition to the annual meeting, each institute shall hold at least four meetings each year, at which papers shall be read or addresses delivered on topics relating to agriculture, horticulture, dairying, or kindred subjects. Free discussion shall he encouraged. (See exi>lanation. p. 01. clause P..) 81. All institutes organized umler the act shall be strictly nonpartisan and uonseetarian in every phase of their work, and no institute shall be operated 56 in the interest of any party, sect, or society, but for the equal good of all citizens and the farming community. 32. No subject sliall be presented at an institute meeting or discussion allowed of a political or sectarian nature ; nor shall any speaker be allowed in his lec- ture, essay, or speech, or in any discussion, to advertise wares or schemes in whicli he has a direct or indirect pecuniary interest. The delegates and officers of the institute shall see that the exercises are not subordinated to any low or frivolous entertainments or to the aggrandizement of any individual, party, or sect. 33. The regular delegation shall visit two points only in one year in each institute district, or when said delegation spends two days at one place tliat point only shall be visited. The government will defray the cost of sending these delegates, but officers and members of institutes are expected to lighten as far as i)()ssible tlie expenses of delegates while in their district. 34. Sliould any institute require a sjieaker or speakers at any other period dur- ing the year to assist in holding supplementary meetings, apidication for assist- ance shall be made to the superintendent at the time of reporting the annual meeting. The department will pay for t'ae services of such supi)lementary speaker or speakers for four days in each year for each institute district, but the institute reciuiring the services of said speaker or speakers shall pay all legitimate expenses from the time said i)erson or persons leave home until tliey return thereto, ^^'llen a delegate or delegates address meetings in more tlian one district the (expenses will lie (Miuitably divided between said institutes and collected from the institute or deducted from their grant. 35. If an institute decides to liold supplementary meetings other than those asked for at the time of reporting the annual meeting, or for more than four days during one year, said institute shall pay all expenses and wages. This clause shall not apply to the annmil meeting. 3^). If a regular or sui)iilementai'y meeting has been granted and the time and place published in the annual ]»ulletin, no change shall be made in said time or place. Any institute failing to hold a supi)lementary meeting published as aforesaid shall be required to pay the expenses notwitl)standing. 37. All requests for assistance to hold agricultural, horticultural, live-stock, or dairy meetings shall be made through the secretary of the district institute. Applicants should state what subjects they wish the si)eaker to discuss. 38. Every meeting of an institute, except the Jinnual meeting, sliould l)e adver- tised by issuing i)osters, not less in size than 15 by 20 inches, on which should be printed an attractive programme of the meeting, giving date and jilace of meet- ing, hour of oi)ening, the name and address of the si>eakers, topics to l)e disctissed by each; also the hour at which each sj)eaker will address the meeting and the time to be occupied by each address ; also the time allowed for discussion after each address, and such other information as the executive committee deems necessary. A co])y of said Itill should be sent at least two weeks jtrevions to the date of meeting to each postmaster, each schoolmaster, each miller, each black- smith, and to other places of public resort in the district which are within a radius of 10 miles of the place of meeting, with a request to post in a conspicu- ous place. It shall be the duty of the officers and directors to exercise diligence to insure the proi)er posting of said bills. In .addition thereto, a programme of convenient size, containing similar information, should be distributed so as to reach its destination at least ten days previous to date of meeting. A copy of said iirogramme should be sent to each member of the institute, to farmers, journalists, public men. and others in the district who reside within 10 miles of the place of meeting. Such posters and programmes should announce that all 57 interested are welcome, whether menibers of the institute or not. Copies of said prnjiranniu's slioiild l)e sent to the scliool-teacliers in tlie district, witli tlic re(iuest tliat tliey l)e carefully distributed anionj^ the children. 30. A copy of each poster and each progrannne shall be sent, as soon as jaili- lished. to the superintendent and to each speaker advertised. 40. When institutes are notified of the dates assigned for their meetings, and are furnished with the names of the sjjeakers and a list of topics, the executive connnittee should proceed to complete arrangements according to these rules^. They shoidd finally engage the hall, select local talent, etc. At least half of the time of each meeting should be occupied by local talent. The hall or otlier l)uild- ing to be used for holding the institute meetings should be lighted and heated, when such is necessary, at least half an hour before the time advertised. When light and heat are not required, said places should be opened and iirciiaicd for holding the meeting at least one-half hour before the time advertised. 41. The time allowed speakers should be from five to thirty miiuites, to vary according to the subject and the ability of the speaker. It is no breach of courtesy to linut each speaker to the time allotted him in the programme. When the ])rogrannne has been carefully jirepared on that basis, no speaker should be allowed tt) exceed the time, to the embarrassment or detriment of the speakers who are to follow him. If speakers ai-e held down to their time the work of the institutes, as a rule, will be benefited. Sessions should not be too long. 42. No one should be named on a programme who has not agreed to do the specific thing he is advertised to do. 43. At each meeting of the institute a committee should be appointed to can- vass the audience for members. Board or Directors. 44. The Itoard of directors, under these rules and regulations, shall have full control of the aff.iirs of the institute. They shall arrange time and places of meetings, when not otherwise arranged for. and shall outline the work and policy of the institute. 4;"). The directors of each local institute shall convene each year in the month of February for the purpose of arranging for the annual meeting. At this meeting the order of business shall be as follows: (1) Selection of a place for holding the anniial meeting. (2) Shall a request be sent to the superintendent for a delegate to attend the aimual meeting? (3) If it is decided not to send a request to the superintendent for the serv- ices of a delegate, the directors shall select a date on which to hold the annual meeting, which shall be between the 1st and 20th of June. (See clauses 14, 10, IT, and 18.) Executive Committee. 4(i. The executive committee shall carry into effect the plan of work decided upon by the board of directors and shall arrange the details of the s.-ime. (See clauses 9 and 66.) Notice of Meetings. 47. A meeting of the directors or of the executive committee may be held at any time, provided one week's notice by letter be given to each director, in the case of a directors' meeting, and a similar notice to each executive othcer in case of an executive connnittee meeting. Meetings of the executive ollicers or of the directors nniy be held on shorter notice', provided each director or executive officer be otherwise notified and agrees thereto. (See clause 25.) 58 Duties ok Officers, pkesiuent. 48. It shall be tlio duty of tlio president to preside at all meetings of the board of directors and of the execntive committee. In the absence of the presi- dent the vice-president shall preside, and if both are absent a chairman shall be appointed by the conmiittee. SECRETARY-TREASURER. 49. The secretary-treasurer shall have the powers of a managing director, acting under the control and with th(> approval of the execntive conunittee. SECRETARY. 50. It shall l>e the duty of the secretary to call meetings of the executive conunittee and board of directors upon the authority of the president or any two officers or directors; to give notice of all meetings as required by these rules, and keep correct minutes of the proceedings. 51. All official correspondence i-elating to the institute shall be conducted by the secretary or in the name of the secretary. 52. In all correspondence relating to the institute the name of the institute shall be given in full after the signature of the officer, except in cases where an official heading is used giving the name of the institute. 5.3. All reports and returns required by the superintendent shall be made upon forms especially provided and in the manner indicated. 54. The secretary shall keep a book in which shall be entered the names and addresses of members in alphabetical order, also a book to be used as a mailing list, which shall contain the names of parties to whom posters, programmes, etc., may be sent. 55. It shall lie the duty of the secretary to i)rei)ar«> and sultmit to the execu- tive conmiittee the annual report as set forth in clause 3. and to present the final report to the annual meeting. 56. Not later than the 1st day of July of each and every year he shall for- ward to the sui)erintendent, liy registered mall or otherwise, copy of said report, together with a copy of the financial statement and the name and address of each officer and director elected for the ensuing institute year. 57. On or before the 10th day of January of each year the secretary shall send a revised list of members for the current membership year to the superin- tendent, and on or before the loth . (a) Except by permission of the presiding officer, no member or other person shall speak other than to ask a question or to introduce or speak to a motion. (?>) In the discussion following the introduction of a subject, no person shall speak more than twice nor for a longer time than five minutes, except by a vote of the meeting. (c) When a question is under consideration, no motion shall be in order ex- cept the following: (1) To adjourn; (2) to postpone; (3) to amend— these motions taking precedence in the order named, and the first two shall be decided without debate. {(}) Before the vote is taken on any motion or amendment, the president shall ask: "Is the meeting ready for the (piestionV" The question shall not lie put so long as any member desires to speak and is in order. Any member desirous 61 of asking a quostioii (in tlic subject iiitrodiicod may do so vorl)ally. but if he de.sires to ask more than two (jiiestions be must submit them to tlie secretary iu writing. 76. Every member is entitled to the following privileges: (a) To i)rotest agaiust any decision of tlio institute, and request bis objection to be recorded in tlie minute l)ook. (h) To i)rotest against the decision of tlie Chair and appeal to the meeting, stating the grounds of appeal, which shall then be put without debate in these words: " Shall the decision of the Chair l»e sustained?" 77. A motion to reconsider any (piestion decided by the institute shall \>e in order, providing such a motion be not made on the same day on which the reso- lution is carried. 78. Order of business for general meetings other than the annual: (1) Calling the meeting to order by the president. (2) Reading and disposing of communications. (3) Reports of committees. (4) Progrannne of the day. and discussion. (5) Question drawer, (ti) Adjournment. Explanations. A. In framing the act and rtiles special care has been taken to lessen rather than increase the work of the local secretaries. B. (See clause 30.) The four meetings referred to in clause 30 may include the regular and supplementary meetings of the institute ; picnics, if addresses on agricultural subjects are given, or if the point visited is one of agricultural interest, such as an experimental station, a noted farm, etc. : also official meet- ings called to meet the superintendent. A meeting continuing two days may be counted as two meetings. Each of the aforesaid meetings should be reported as set forth in clause 58. Legislative Grants. C. The reports of the aminal meetings must be sent to the superintendent not later than July 1. As soon as these have been completed in satisfactory form, the superintendent will notify the minister of agriculture, and the legislative grants will be paid as soon as convenient. If all reports are made out and for- warded in accordance with these instructions, the ofhcers will receive the grants about August 1, or within a few days thereafter. aUEBEC. The farmers' institute work in the Province of Qnebee is ornranized in the form of incorporated farmers' chibs. The chib has tlie power '• to acquire and possess hinds for hokling exhibitions, for establish- ing agricultural schools or model farms, and may sell, lease, or other- wise dispose of the same, but can not own more than 200 acres of land at a time." Any agricultural club may have " animals of improved breed, sold by auction or otherwise, without paying the duties required by law, provided the i)urchasers undertake to keep such animals within the territorial district of the club during such time and upon such con- ditions as the club may determine." 62 The clubs are empowered to "' promote and favor experiments in farming, manuring, and improved agricultural machinery and im- plements; encourage the study of the best methods of fattening cattle, the production of milk or manufacture of butter or cheese, and the improving and draining of lands." The funds the clubs derive from subscription of its members and from public grants are not allowed to be expended for refreshments, visits, entertainments, or anything similar thereto. Formation of Clubs. The statutes provide that — (1) One or more farmers' clubs may be formed in any territorial division erected for tbe purjjose of estal)lishing aKricnltnra) societies, and such clubs shall enjoy all of tbe advantages and privileges of such societies. (2) There can not be more than one club in any parish whatever may l)e the number of municipalities in such parish, nor more than one club in either nuniicipality or township. {:^) The club nuist have at least 25 niemljers who have subscril)ed the total amount of $30 and who signed the following agreement and transmitted the same to the minister of agriculture : " We, whose names are subscribed hereto, agree to form ourselves into a clul), under the provisions of the law respecting agriculture and colonization, to be called the Farmers' Club (of the parish or nuniicipality, as the case may l,e) of ; and we hereby and severally agree to pay to the treasurer yearly while we continue nieml)ers of the club tbe sums set opposite our respective names, and we further agree to conform to the rules and by-laws of the said club." If the minister of agriculture deems it expedient to authorize the formation of the club, he immediately causes a notice of its formation to lu' published in the Quel)ec Otlicial Gazette. (4) The club is composed of the persons wlio liave signed such declaration as hmg as they continue to pay an annual subscription, and of all persons who in the future shall pay such annual subscripti(»n. (5) The amount of the annual subscription to become a member of the clult is fixed at $1, but members may subscril^e more if they wish so to do. (0) If more than $2 is paid l)y any one member, the board of managers is authorized to give him seed and fertilizers, or any other thing calculated to aid in his farming operations, to an amount eiiual to the additional sum paid by him. Meetings of Clubs and Elections of Directors. 1G75». An annual general meeting of the niembei's of every club shall be held on the second ^Yednesday in December in each year, and, in the territorial dis- tricts where there is no club, a meeting for the formation of a club may be held on the same date. ' 16750. Such meeting shall l)e convened I)y notice posted up or read at the church doors, or at any other public place in the territorial district of the organized or projected club, at least eight days before such meeting, by order of the president of the club or, in his absence, of the vice-president of the society ; and in districts where no club has yet been organized the same shall be done by order of the mayor or a councilor of a municipality, and the person who 63 shall have called the said meeting shnll l.c riilitlcd t(. preside at the said meet- ing until a jircsidont is elected. Hilop. At such meeting tlie club elects seven directors, who must l)e ciioseii from amongst the members of the club. KJTof/. At its first meeting after the annual general meeting, or on the day of the ammal meeting, if all the directors are present, the board of directors elects a president and a vice-president from amongst the directors, and a sec- retary-treasurer, who must be taken from outside of the board of directors, and who, after his election, does not form part of such board. 107.J/-. The meeting for the formation of a club or the election of directors of a newly organized club, may be held at any time after notice published in the manner indicated in article lOToo; but no club is entitled to any share of the grant for the year during which it was organized unless the organization and election of directors have taken place before the 1st of May of su<-h year. lOTo.s. The ofhcers and directors of each club shall, during the year immedi- ately following the annual meeting, and until the election of their successors, exercise all the powers conferred on the club by this section. In case of vacancies during the year among the ofhcers or directors, such vacancies shall be filled up by the board of directors. mirjt. They shall hold their meetings according to the terms of the adjourn- ment or to a notification in writing, forwarded to each of them by order of the president, or, in his absence, by order of the vice-president, or of the president pro tempore, three days at least before the day fixed for the holding of such meeting. 1(375//. At any meeting foiu- shall form a (luorum. 1675/-. The officers and directors shall have full power, at every meeting, to make regulations and by-laws for the government of the club and to modify and reiif.il the same: I'roridrtl alinn/s. That such regulations and by-laws be consistent with those published by the council of agriculture and be sub- mitted in every case for the approval of the minister of agriculture. Idlow. The directors shall, whenever the minister of agriculture deems ex- pedient, convene a general meeting of the members of such club, at which lectures on agriculture shall be given. The public shall be admitted to such lectures. In default of holding such meetings when required by the minister of agri- culture, the provincial grant may be taken away. During the fifteen days following such meeting the president and secretary shall sign and transmit to the minister of agriculture a report setting forth the date of the meeting, the name of the lecturer or lecturers, the subjects dealt with, and the approximate number of persons present. 1075.7-. The directors shall draw u]) and submit, at the annual meeting, a detailed report of their operations during the year that is about to end, declar- ing and showing the names of all the members of the club, the amount sub- scribed and paid by each of them, the names of all persons to whom prizes shall have been awarded, the amount of each such prize, and the name of the article or head of cattle for which the prize was awarded, the number and date of the general meetings, the name of the lecturer or lecturers, the subjects treated and the approximate number of persons present, together with such other re- marks on the agriculture of the county and the improvements which either have been or may be introduced into the same, as the board of directors is in a i>osi- tion to offer. 1675//. They shall further submit at the said meeting a detailed statement of the receipts and expenditures of the 75(/fy. If a club neglects for two years to comply with the requirements of the present section the minister may declare it dissolved, realize its property, and employ the proceeds in paying the debts of such club, and use the surplus of the assets over the liabilities for encouraging agricultural institutions and for ]ir(»moting the general interests of agriculture in. the county in which such club existed. l(ur)hbh. After an existence of live years such society may at any time be dissolved by the minister upon petition of the majority of the clubs composing the same. The minister may, if he orders tbe dissolution, take possession of the property of the dissolved society, realize it, pay the debts, as well out of the proceeds of its property as oiit of the grants to the clubs of the county, and if there is any surplus may distribute it among the agricultural institutions of the same county or territorial division. 1675CCC. Every club forming part of a society and not having the amount of subscriptions and the number of members reipiired by law may, however, con- tinue to exist and to receive its grant, provided it has at least 15 members and $15 of subscriptions. l(J75rf(Zf/. All the provisions of the revised statutes respecting clubs and agri- cultural societies apply to clubs' societies and to the clubs composing them, in so far as they are nut inconsistent with this section. The deputy minister of agriculture for the Province, who has direction of the institute work, reports that over OOO farmers' chibs « Schedule omitted from this publication. 65 wore in operation in the Province in 1902, of which nnmber 555 com- plied with all of the conditions imposed by the law, and received altogether $-22,4-^-'">0 from the government grant. The institute lecture force consists of two permanent lecturers appointed by the provincial government, assisted by s'i)ecialists and good practical farmers. Lectures are also given by experts sent in by the Dominion government. The institute meetings are not con- tined to any particular season of the year, but may be held at any time convenient for the farmers of the locality. The number of members in 11)0-2 was 48,294, and to each of these the Journal of Agriculture and Horticulture was sent gratuitously twice a month. The superintendent states also: '' We consider fann- ers' clubs to be more effective as they are organized than if they were mere institutes. The lectures and the increased circulation of the Journal of Agriculture, as well as the purchase of improved live stock, has greatly contributed to the improvement of agriculture in the Province." Most of these clubs own standard breeds of stock, and in 1902 they bought high-bred animals to the value of $11,239.37. Extracts from By-Laws. Article .".Sa. Article 53 of the by-laws of the council of agriculture is appli- cable'to the farmers' clubs iu fixing the total value of the distribution at an amount whieh shall not exceed the sul)Scription of each member, except in alto- gether si»ecial cases, of whic-h the council shall be the judge. Article 53b. In the case where clubs should consider it advantageous to hold a competition for the best-kept farms, suc-h clults shall be obliged to offer not less than Ave prizes, viz: First prize, $5; second prize, $4; third prize, .$3; fourth prize, .$2 ; fifth prize, .$1. Each club may, nevertheless, offer prizes of a greater value. These prizes shall only be paid iu bo(jks treating of agriculture, in improved agricultural implements, in seeds, or high-class breeding stock, as the directors may decide. Article 53c. Every member of a club who shall have paid his subscription of $1 and an additional special entry of 25 cents before the 1st of May shall have the right to compete in the ctanpetitions for the best-kept farms. Article 92. No competitor shall be entitled tp more than one prize in the same class, and no animal can compete iu more than one class except for prizes offered for the best herds. Article 121«. Agricultural societies and clubs have the power in comix'titions for the best-kept farms to admit or to refuse t(j admit to the next competition the person who carried off the first prize at the last competition, as they may consider it most advantageous to their respective associations. GREAT BRITAIN. The movement in aid of agriculture in Great Britain culminated in 1887 in the appointment by Parliament of a departmental commis- sion, for the liurpose of " inquiring into and reporting upon agri- cultural and dairy schools in Great liritain, which may api)ropriately 30372— No. 1.5.5—05 m 5 66 i.pceivp Government grants, and to advise as to the department whicii shoidd be charged with the administration of such grants." In an ehiborate report dated December 9, 1887, and in a subse- quent final report, under date of February 2T, 1888, the commission outlined a system of agricultural instruction which was substan- tially adopted by Parliament the same year. The report recom- mended the extending of Government aid to certain institutions, charging them with the duty of providing instruction in agriculture, the distribution of the parliamentary grants to be in the hands of a board of agriculture, to be created for this purpose. The plan contemplated the establishing of a collegiate center in each of the five produce districts of England, and witli two addi- tional for Scotland. The produce districts referred to w^ere each made up of a number of counties which the agricultural department treat as a unit in making estimates of crops. The first annual grant was £5,000, and was appro]u-iated in 1888. It was made the duty of the college receiving aid from the Govern- ment grant to provide not only for giving instruction in agricul ture indoors, but to extend its work through the particular produce district or area of which it Avas the recognized educational center. Migratory Schools. In providing agricultural instruction for the outlying counties, " migratory schools " under the direction of the collegiate centers were organized. The conditions under which these schools are operated vary somewhat in the different districts. The report of the insi^ector appointed to visit and report upon the work of the travel- ing schools in the Swindon district gives the details of the method that is pursued in establishing and conducting a traveling dairy school. The report states that — The society (Bath and West of England Society) with the assistance of a local committee organizes the school and provides teachers and necessary appli- ances. The local conunittee guarantees suitable premises free of charge, also as much milk and cream as may he required, together with the attendance of not less than ten students. The society gives, as a rule, two complete courses of instruction of ten days each, charging : £ s. d. For the entire course of ten days or over 110 For one week's instruction ^ 15 <> For one day's instruction ^ '• The manufactured produce is in all cases the ])n)perty of the local committee. During the year 1889 this society organized and conducted 8 such schools, aggregating one hundred and sixty days of instruction arid attended by 218 students. Similar peripatetic schools were con- ducted during this period by the University College of North Wales, 67 the Leicester Educational Coiiiniittee, the P^astern Counties Dairy Institute, and the British Dairy P^inners' Institute. As has been stated, the board of agricuUure, in organizing the work of agricuhural education for Great Britain, adopted the plan of grouping the counties, establishing an agricultural college or high school in each group, the work of agricultural education in each to be largely under the general direction of the central institution. In 1S!)0 an important nioditication of the work of providing for agricultural instruction was brought about through the passage of an excise act by Parliament, whereby the local authorities, known as county councils, were ait'orded large additional resources derived from local taxation, and were intrusted with discretionary power to use the funds thus supplied, in providing such forms of agricultural teaching as were embraced in the technical-instruction act of 188{\ Until this time financial support for local agricultural institutions was from the Government grant, and the formation of the courses of study was in the hands of the central college established for the dis- trict. The legislation of 1890 rendered the counties independent of Government aid in carrying on their agricultural education work and enabled them to inaugurate a system of instruction of their own. The sums thus placed at the disposal of the county councils are quite considerable. In 1901-2 the receipts from the excise tax, available for technical instruction in England and Wales, a^mounted to £708,517. Of this sum £88,893 were used directly in 1902-3 in aid of agricultural education. The distribution for that vear was as follows : General exiienditures . £7,223 Dairy instruction 12,845 Agricultural lectures 5,715 Poultry keeping 3,284 Farriery and veterinary science 2, 542 Bee keeping 1' 380 Horticulture lf>' o6- Manual processes 1,'511 Miscellaneous -^' "^'^ Scholarships W- '"^00 Colleges and schools 28.288 Total S«.893 AVhen the Government grant for agricultural education was first made and for two years thereafter the board of agriculture aided the county councils from this general grant, but when the act of 1890, making provision for agricultural educational work in the counties, became effective the funds belonging to the parliamentary grant were devoted exclusively to the aid of the colleges which had been estab- lished as centers of education in agriculture in the various districts, 68 iuul the counties were left to carry on tlieir work from tlie proceeds of the excise funcL For a time the county councils appropriated the entire excise fund to local purposes, but later they also assisted the agricultural colleges of their respective districts and aided as well a considerable number of secondary agricultural schools. In ISOO-IDOO, the latest classified date given in the reports of the board of agriculture and fisheries, the assistance given to the agricultural colleges and schools in England and Wales by the county councils amounted to £25,()1('), and £8,i25(» additional was devoted to meeting the expenses of scholarships of stu- dents sent to agricultural colleges by the respective counties. In that year the county councils of England and Wales contributed to the maintenance of 23 local secondary schools in Avhich agriculture was taught, and to 37 collegiate centers. Ten of these collegiate cen- ters had been established by Cambridge University, 5 by Reading College, 3 by Durham College, 4 by Nottingham University, 2 by Southeastern Agricultural College, 3 by Yorkshire College, 5 by the University of North Wales, and 5 by the University College of Wales. It will thus be seen that the Avork of agricultural education in Great Britain is divided, part being intrusted to the colleges and schools of agriculture supported from the general grant by Parliament distrib- uted by the board of agriculture and part placed under the con.trol of county councils, Avho meet the expenses of their maintenance from the local tax or excise fund. The county councils at first constructed courses of study in agricul- ture for these local schools independent of outside aid. Noav, how- ever, they are cooperating Avith the board of agriculture and are availing themselves of the assistance of the board in its advisory capacity respecting their educational purposes. The secretary of the board in his report for 1901, in discussing the cause that led to this cooperation, says : It is satisfaetoi-y to I)e able to report that comity councils are evincing an Increasing desire to avail themselves of the assistance of the J)oard in its advisory capacity in the develoi)nient of their educational schemes so far as these hear upon agriculture and rural science. The advice and guidance which the hoard have been thus able to give have resulted not only in tlu- fuller utilization of existing machinery, but as well in the avoidance of duplication of local agencies. Without such central coordinating influenct' there is a tend- ency on the part of the local authorities to proceed without due regard to developments outside their own area, whereas joint action may often result in improved efficiency concurrently with greater economy. When the traveling schools were introduced the policy Avas adopted of concentrating the instruction upon one subject. Dairying Avas accordingly selected, and all the strength of the teaching force Avas concentrated in that direction. Gradually the policy was widened to 69 include lit'c keppin":. farriery, poultry keeping, horticulture, garden- ing. and other branches of agriculture. The details of the various methods pursued and scope of the work noAv heing done hy the county councils in promoting agricultural edu- cation can best be understood from the reports of the several in- spectors of the hoard of agriculture, whose duty it is to visit the counties ])eriodically and inspect their work. Eeports from several of the counties are presented for purposes of conij)arison. The folloAving statement is by the inspector for the county of Bed- ford for 1899-1000:" County of BEnFORo. The county provides a farm school at Ridguiont, near ^YohlU•n, for sons of small farmers and laborers, to whom instruction is given in agriculture, market gai'dening, bee keeping, and poultry keeping ; a grant is also given to the agri- cultural department, Cambridge University. There is acconnnodation at the school for 20 students, all of whom nuist have been actually engaged on the laud and nmst hold- county scholarships which entitle them to two years' board and residence with instruction free. In 1899-1900 there were 14 resident scholars and 2 ex-scholars were retained to assist in the work of the farm. Lectures are given throughout the county in horticidture and poultry keeping, while demonstrations and competitions are organized in various manual proc- esses. Classes in general agriculture are also held in the villages. Particulars of the work done in these subjtM-ts in 1S00-1!)OO are furnished below : Af/riciiUiirc. — Classes were held at 2G centers during the winter, ;ind ,168 pupils received instruction, of whom 427 were farm lads, the teachers being drawn from the element.-iry schools. Horticulture. — Practical gardening classes by the county staff instructor were held at 2 centers; lectui'es were given at 9 centers and at a reformatory school. PduJIrii l-rcpiiii/. — Courses of lectures were given at ."> centers by the master of the farm School. MtnuKil iiroccssdi. — Demonstrations and comi)etitions were held in shee]!- shearing, horseshoeing, plowing, hedging .-md ditciiing, and stacking and thatching. Scholarsliips. — Seven agricultural scholarshi]is, tenalde at the Ridgmont Farm School, were awarded in J.S',)'.»-11MI0. In addition, 10 scholarshiiis were awarded to enable teachers to attend the three weeks' summer course at Camitridge. County of Berksiitre. The county works in conjunction with the Reading College, to which it makes an annual grant of £200, together with an additional gi-ant of £r)0 for field exi)eriments. Local classes were held in 1900 at a number of centers, in poultry keeping and horticulture, rarticnlars of these classes are given below. a It is proper to explain that the data presented in this statement of the edu- cational system of Great Britain, as well as tliose respecting the systems in use in other countries, have i)een selected from such reports as seem to most satis- factorily exhibit the methods in ust>, although in some instances not the latest publications upon the subject. 70 TlorticuUurr. — Courses of six lectures encli on this sul).ieft were given. The !;ist lecture of the series is us\ially on some such subject as " Soils iuul manures," and given l>y one of the staff of Reading College. At one center a long course of 15 lectures was given, for which 25 pupils, gardeners, and allotment holders entered, 8 of whom afterwards sat for the Royal Horticultural Society's examination and received certificates. At one other center oidy 2 lectures were given. Poultry hrepiiif/. — Ten courses of 4 lectures each, with an average attendance of 29, were held in different parts of the county, and (> classes for practical instruction in poultry trussing wer& also held. Bee keeping. — The technical education committee makes an annual grant of £50 to the Berks Beekeepers' Association. The county has been twice covered by the bee-van tours", and in 1900 the work was confined to :i general tour of the county by experts, who gave i)ractical advice when it was needed ;ind collected statistics as to the progress made in bee keeping. MdiiiKil procex-'^es of aiirU-iiltnve. — No iM'ovision has hitherto been made for this class of instruction in the county, but the technical education committee are prepared to give careful consideration to any ai»i)lication from a district for instruction of this character. SclioUiiKliipn. — Four agi-icultural and horticultural senior scholarships of £.50 each, four agricultural exhibitions of £.35 each, and ten dairy scholarships of £10 each were offered in 1899-1900. The agricultural scholarships are tenable at Reading College, the dairy scholarships are tenable at the British Dairy Insti- tute, and those on horticultiu-e are tenable at the horticultural collcg(\ Swanely. There were no candidates for the agrii-ultural scholarships and exhibitions. One horticultural scholarship and seven dairy scholarshiiis were awarded. The agricultural exhibitions of £35 each were tenable at the Dauntsey Agri- cultiu-al School, West I^avington, Imt it is in contem])lati(Mi to re]»lace these by four agricultural exhibitions of £.">0 each, tenable at Reading College for a six months' winter course. They will be open to candidates between the ages of 16 and 25, and are intended for those already familiar with the general routine of farm work who aim at becoming practical farmers. Since 1893 10 senior scholarships in agriculture and 4 in horticulture have been awarded. Experiments. — Manurial ;ind other experiments were carried out at eight centers. County of Cheshire. There are in this county two principal centers maintained by the county council, viz, the Agricultural and Horticultural ScIukiI at Holmes Chapel and the Dairy Institute at Worleston. The Holmes Chapel School was opened in 18!)5. It provides a complete agri- cultural course lasting three years, a diploma or certificate being granted to successful students at the end of the course. The number of county council scholarsbii)s, which cover board and fees, held at this school in 189!>-1900 was 29, and the total nunilier of pupils in April, 1900, amounted to 45. Various experiments are carried out on the farm attached to the school, and nearly the whole area of the farm, which amounts to 100 acres, is now under experiments. The experimental work in 1899-19(t() included the cultivation of potatoes, grain crops, roots, grasses, etc. ; the spraying of charlock, and experiments in tuber- culosis with the cattle at the Holmes Chapel and Worleston schiiols. For instruction in horticulture a garden of 7 acres, with greenhouses, is provided. The Dairy Institute at Worleston was taken over by the county council in 1891. To it is attached u grass farm of 170 acres, maintaining a milking herd 71 of nearly 00 cows. Resident aeoonimodatlon is i)rovicled for IS pupils. Tliei-e were ~u pupils during tiic years lS!»I»-llH»(t, the averaf,'e len^tli of tiieir stay l)eiuf^ twelve and one-half weeks. Seholarships tenable at this school are granted hy the technical instruction committee, usually for ten weeks, hut this period will in future be extended to twelve weeks. The total (if sudi st-holar- ships (Ids. a week I held in 18!>!t amounted to M(i. There were also is duniestic scholarships (£4 lUs. each), which include instruction in butter makiuir. ht'hl at ihe institute in 1899-1900. r.ectures are given in the county on general agriculture, dairying, horticul- ture. veteiMuary science, and bee keeping, r.-ii'ticulars of these for ISIi'.t P.KMJ are as follows : Ai/riciilt lire. — Two lecturers were employed by the technical instruction cora- uiittee to give 10 lectures a week each. Classes in the princi[)les of agriculture were held in secondary schools (average number in class l.">) and similar in- struction was also given in a few good elementary schools, where there was a sulticient mnnber of boys of a suitable standard; 5 such schools were visited, the class averaging 33. Evening courses of 0 lectures were given at 13 centers (average attendance 23) and of 1 lecture at ('> centers (average attendance 34), and there were also special courses of two to three months or more at 3 centers. Ddiri/iiii/. — This form of instruction is given at farmhouses where possible. Classes for both dairying and butter making lasting four days each were held at 7 centers, the average attendance of pupils being 9 ; classes for butter making only, lasting eight days, were held at 13 centers, the average attend- ance being 13. A butter-making competition, at which students who made ."» or more attendances were eligible to compete, was held in April. A dairy demon- stration was also held at the Cheshire Agricultural Society's show at Northwich in .Vugust. JhiiticiiltKrr. — Courses, usually of three lectures, were held at 8 centers (the average attendance was 44), and a special lecture on fruit growing was given to the members of the Nautwich Farmers' Club. Veterinary science. — Courses of 3 lectures were given at 5 centers; the aver- age attendance was 30. Bee heepinfj. — Lectures were given at 8 centers. tSckolarshiiix. — In 1899-1900 there were '29 agricultural and borticnltural scholarships held at the Holmes Chapel School. These scholarships, which cover the expenses of board and fees, are granted for one year, but are renew- able for a second and thii-d year if the reports as to progress and conduct are satisfactory. At the Worleston Dairy Institute 3ti dairy sch(»larships and 18 domestic scholarships were held. The former are for a ten weeks' course in dairy work, while the latter are for a nine weeks' course in i)utter making, bread baking, cookery, laundry work, dressmaking, needlewoi-k. and sick nursing. K.rperiment!^. — Experiments were carried out under the direction of the staff of Holmes Chai)el Agricultural School in the manuring of mangolds and swedes, in the cultivation of different varieties of grain and i)otatoes, in charlock spray- ing, and in seeding for grass. Separate reports, in pamphlet form, of the first four were prepared and circulated. Invitations were issued to agricul- tural bodies in the county to inspect the experimental plats at the farm, which were freely accepted. Lectures in connection with the experiments were given at (! centers. County of Cumberland. Direct agricultural instruction is provided by the maintenance, in conjunction with Westmoreland, of a dairy farm and school at Newton Kigg, near Penrith, by a traveling dairv school and by migratory lecturers on various subjects. The 72 Newton Riggs School provides systematic and practieal iiistrurtinn in cheese and hutter making, rearing of live stock, rearing and dressing of iK)nltr,v, and gen- eral farm work. A cheese dairy has heen recently added. There is accommoda- tion for 10 resident pupils at a time. The course for male ])Ui)ils lasts sixteen weeks and that for females for half this period. The county scheme provides for two founty agricultural scholarships of £5D, tenahle for two or three years, at the agricultural college, Aspatria, or any college in receipt of aid from the board of agriculture ; one exhibition of £l^>5 from the Newton Kigg School to a special coiu'se for farmers' sons at the Dur- ham College of Science, and also for lio farm studentships, of the value of £4 and £5 each, tena))le for periods of from eight to sixteen weeks at the county dairy farm and school. Field experiments are conducted by arrangement with the Durham College of Science under the direction of the professor of agriculture at that college. The work jierformed during l,S0!)-ir)(»O was as follows: Af/riciiUure. — Lectures were given at Hi centers before an average audience of 25. Each lecture dealt with some particular subject, but calf rearing and turnip growing were most frequently selected. Diiiri/iii!/. — Owing to a vacancy in the post of teacher, the traveling dairy van did not go out in the spring and sunnner, but an autumn cour.se was held, when 5 centers were visited, with an attendance of GO pupils. Hortii-iiltnrc. — Lectures are delivered on this subject in ever.y alternate month by the lecturer in horticulture at the Durham College of Science in vii'tue of an arr.-iugemeiit between the county councils of Cumberland and Northumberland with the authorities of the college; 75 centers were visited, and the attendance averaged 20, more hearers being generally attracted in the spring and sunnner than in the winter. PoiOtnj k(;> on the average. ScJiol(in<]iii)s. — No major agricultural scholarships were awarded during the year, but nine studentships of £5 each, one of £4 10s., six of £4, and one of £3 were awarded at the Newton Kigg Farm School. Experiments. — The field exiicrimeiits were conlinued on much 1lic same lines as before and have l)een noticed in connection with the woric done by the Dur- ham College of Science. County of Esskx. The technical education connnittee have estal)lislied county technical labora- tories at Chelmsford. In connection with these "schools" of horticultm-e and agriculture have been organized. Two courses in agriculture, each of three weeks' duration, are held in the autunni and wint(>r at the lalioratories, while there are three weeks' elementary courses in horticulture in the sunnner. autunm, and winter, as well as a more advanced course of four weeks in the spring. A garden has been acquired and is divided into four maiu divisions, viz, botanical, A'egetable, fruit growing, and experimental. Arrangements have also been made for the analysis, at the county laborato- ries, of fertilizers, feeding stuffs, soils, nnlk, butter, water, etc., and for the examination of seeds and diseases of plants, etc., for Essex farmers at moderate fees. Ten days' courses of ])ractical lessons in butt(>r and soft cheese making are pnnided by a traveling dairy school, which visits \nrious centers. These elasses are limited in each case to Id jinpils. but visitors are ;i(biiitt("d as spec- tators. Lectures are also given on the bacterial contaminations antl on the 73 chemistry '>f milk. :ii 1 ustructum is also itrovided in dressing and trussing jjoultry. Field experiments are c-arried out at various ccMters tlu-ougliout the county. Arrangements are made for supplying farriery instruction at suitahle centers. Agricultural, liorticultur.il. (hiirying. and p(»ullry scjiolai-ships. tenalile at various institutions, are awarded hy tiie t<"chnii-al education conniiitlce. 'IMie county also contributes to the maintenance of the agricultural department of Cambridge University by means of an annual grant. Particulars of the work carried out in 1899-1000 are as follows: Cent nil JahonttoricH. — The two agricultm-al courses at the county laVmrato- ries, Chelmsford, were attended by 1(» and It pupils, respectively ; the three elementary horticultural eour.ses were attended bj- an average of It jtninls, and the advanced course of four weeks attracted 10 students. Ar/rici(ltiirr. — Courses of fi-om 4 to S lectures were given on chemistry as apjilied to agriculture at 11 centers (average attendance, HO) and of ."» lectures on agricultural biology at 3 centers (average attendance, 15). Dairying. — The traveling dairy school visited 9 centers: the number of pupils was 102, of whom 82 took the full course of nine days. Lectures on dairy bacteriology and the chemistry of milk were given at each class. Hart Iriilt lire. — Courses of 1 to t>, and in one case 10, lectures were given on horticulture at 41 centers (average attendance, 18). Poult ri/ rearinfr. — Lectures, usually 4 each, were given at 14 centers ; the average attendance was 27. Manual processes. — Instruction was given at 12 centers in plowing, sheep- shearing, hay binding, and farriei-y, a second class being held at one of them. The number of lessons varied from f) to 12; the total number of students was 172. Visit to Holland. — An excursion to Holland was organized by the technical education committee for Essex farmers with the object of studying agricultural education and the organization ajid practice of the agricultural industry in that country. Local committees. — In addition to the above, classes and lectures were organ- ized by local committees throughout the county, consisting of 5 on bee keeping, with KiO students; ft on fai'riery, with 111 students, and 3 on live stock, with i')2 students. Scholarships. — Two horticultural scholarships of lAvt each, tenable for two years at the Swanley Horticultural College or the Royal Horticultural So- ciety's gardens, at Chiswick, were awarded in 1899-1000. Four dairy scholar- ships, tenable for five weeks at the British Dairy Institute. Reading, and five poultry scholarships for the three weeks' course at the Eastern Comities Dairy Institute, tpswich, were also awarded. E.ijicrinients. — Experiments were made on the treatment of rotation crops and permanent pasture, the residual value of manures, the preventiow of clover sick- ness, etc., at 21 centers. Exi)lanatoi'y lectures were given, and an exhibition of specimens of the experimental crops was jirranged af the agricnltm-al show. County or Kent. • The principal center for agricultural instruction in the county is the South- eastern Agricultural College, Wye, which is supported by the county in con- junction with Surrey. During the year 1899-1000 20 students from Kent attended the college, and. with one exception, were present throughout that period. In addition, the college undertakes to deliver a certain number of out- 74 sido lectures in the t-onnty during the session and to ])rovide instruction in farriery hy means of a traveling van fully eiiuipiu'd with forges, tools, etc. The county also makes use of the horticultural college at Swanley, offering each year 12 horticultural scholarships of £rsons to avail themselves of the lengthened courses in cheese and butter making held at the school. At the Bangor dairy school, oi)ened as usual at the college, 14 pui)ils attended a sjiecial fortnight's, course in butter making, all having l)een awarded scholar- ships for this purpose by the coun<'ils for Anglesey and Carnarvonshire, after they had shown aptitude as pupils at the traveling schools held in those two counties. Examinations were held twice during the year at the Denbigh school and once at the Bangor school. The awards at these examinations were — Advanced certificates in dairy work 5 Ordinary certificates in cheese making 14 Ordinary certificates in butter making 41 Traveling schools for butter making instruction were held as follows: In Anglesey there were courses of ten days' instruction given at 2 centers. The pupils numbered 'SA, and of these 18 took the full course. In Carnarvonshire instruction was given at '■'> centers, a second course being held at one of them. Forty-two pupils attended, of whom :'.4 took a full course. In Flintshire courses of ten days' instruction were lii'ld at 3 centers. At 2 of these the instruction was on cheese making, and at the other on butter making. The courses were attended by 10 i)ersons. all of whom remained for the full period of instruction. In Denbighshire similar courses were held at o centers, those at 2 centers being on butter making, and at the remaining center on cheese making. The total pupils who attended numbered 30, of whom all Init two took the full course. FichI th'iiioiistratioihs. — In Anglesey, irrespective of the college farm, experi- ments were conducted at 5 centers. At 3 of these the experiments were of a manurial character, the crops being swedes or pasture; at the remaining 2 centers the exi)eriments had reference to the suitability of different seed mix- tures in laying land down to gi-ass. In Carnarvonshire experiments on the manuring of swedes and pasture took place at 5 centers, while the interesting series of experiments on the improve- njent of rough hill pasture, referred to in previous reports, was continued at 5 centers. Charlock spraying exiteriments took place at 3 centers. In Flintshire experiments were conducted at 4 centers, all on grass land, one set being on the hill pa.sture just mentioned, while in Denbighshire pasture experiments were in progress at 2 centers. 79 III M()iits"iii<'f.v^li''"f tlieiv \v;is ;ui i'X[)eriiiu'iit on liill icisturt' ;it 1 ((Miter. I.rihins.^lu Aiitxlcscy courses viiryiiij; from 2 to S Icctun-s imcIi were tlelivori'd ;it 7 (ciitcrs on one or other of the various suit.jeets otTered liy tlie oolle.ilt'- 111"' lectures were attended I>.v an average of .",4. In ("arnarvonshire courses of from 2 to 5 lectures were given at r, centers, hut a second course was given at 1 of these, and no U'ss than 4 courses (making in all 112 lectures) at another center. The average attendance was ;U. Ill I (eiihighshire courses were given at r. centers, the average attendance heiiig 47. while in Flintshire a course of 5 lectures on f.iriii croits and their cultivation was given in an intermediate school to a cla.ss of 111 hoys. In Montgomeryshire the centers where lectures were given iiumhered 8. and those who attended theui averaged 40 at each center. Yorkshire College, Leeds, external work. DatnjiiKj. — The traveling hutter school was only at work in the West Riding, where 10 centers were visited, at 1 of which a second i-ourse was held. A total of 1)2 pupils came under instruction, of whom <>0 took the full course of ten diiys. F'irliJ ilrnionxtrafidiis. — As mentioned in last year's repoi't. these are all arranged so as to have some connection with those conducted under the most careful supervision at the county farm. The numher of centers in the East and West Ridings at which they were conducted amounted last year to 24, com- jUMsing 44 experiments with cereals, roots, and grass. In every instance a lecture was given at the center, explaining the results. Lectures. — In the East Riding courses of lectures oif general agricultural sulijects were given at 7 centers, and single lectures on the results of experi- ments at 12 centers. Courses on horticulture were given at S centers, and on [loultry keeping at 2 centers. The average attendance at all these lectures was 38. In the West Riding the centers where courses on agricultural subjects were delivered numbered 10, and where single lectures were given numbered 18,- of which .■) were places where courses had also been given, the lecture in this case, as in most others, dealing only with the results of the field experiments. Horticultural instruction was given at 10 c(>nters, the courses at 17 of these being of T) lectures, while a second course, similar in length, was given at 1 of them. Lectures on poultry keeping, consisting in most instances of a course of five lectures, were delivered at 11 centers. The average attendance per center was .30, and on this basis the total number attending these lectures must have been over 2,300 iiersons. In the North Riding courses in agricultural subjects were given at 14 centers, and a second course at 2 of them, G of the courses consisting of lectures and the remainder of ."> lectures. Those on horticulture, all of which were 5 in number, were given ;it 21 centers, and those on [loultry keejiing of similar length, at 12 centers. The average attendance at each center was 36. It is now nearly ten years since lecture work at local centers was luidertaken in Yorkshire by this college, and it was thought a few years ago that the interest they called forth would gr.idually cease. The contrary .seems to be the case, and the lecturers report that not only are the best centers those where lectures have been held liefore. but that amongst f;irmers generally in the county there is now an altogether higher scale of intelligence from a scientific point of view, and matters can now be profitably di.scussed ainong.st them which it would have been impossible to treat upon six or eight years ago. 80 ^' ,-■ It must be iiotod that in tlu> East and West Ridings tlie work of liorticultui'e is not confined to lectures. (Jardens' are started in a variety of places, as mentioned in last year's report, for the young, by means of "school" gardens in connection with the evening continuation schools, and for those who are older by means of what are termed "education" gardens. In each case, how- ever, the gardens are under the general supervision of the horticultural staff at the college, and thoroughly useful work seems to be performed. Cambridge University, external work. Field (Jrmonsit rat inns. — These, which have consisted of experiments on a variety uf crops, have been conducted iu conjunction with the various county councils, as follows : In Cambridgeshire, at 7 centers, 2 of the experiments being on a rotation of crops. The manurial treatment of fruit trees formed the subject of experi- ment at o centers. In Hertfordshire experiments wore carried out at 2 centers. At one of these the experiment was on the hay crop ; at the other 3, separate rotation experi- ments were conducted. In Huntingdonshire an experiment was conducted at 1 center on the hay crop, and at another, of 8 acres, on various mixtures for laying down to grass. In the Isle of Ely experiments on the potato croii were carried out at 2 centers. In Norfolk exiierinients were conducted at 2 ci-nters on laying down land to grass, while at one of them a second trial was made on the growth of sugar beet. In Northamptonshire an exi)eriment was carried out at 1 center on manur- ing for the hay crop. In East Suffolk the county station at Bramford, together with a fresh one in a different part of the coiuity, came under the supervision of the agricultural dei)artment of Cambridge. An experiment on a rotation of crops was also comniencAI by the department at the Colonial College, Holllesley Bay. In West Suffolk, at 2 centers, a rotation experiment was carried on. In addition to these, experiments on the influence of manures on the produc- tion of nuitton were commenced at 4 centers. In Northamptonshire, on an area of over 30 acres, the trial was conducted on I)ehalf of the board of agri- culture on precisely the same lines as the original experiment in Northumber- land. In Cambridgeshire, on an area of 1(3 acres; in Essex, of 18 acres; and in Norfolk, of 20 acres, an experiment was connnenced which was a niodilica- tion of the original one. During the past year on all these stations the grazing tests were of a preliminary charaeinj: ciUTit'il out at ."5 of them. 'I'lic ci^ips concci-ned were i)otatoes. barley, and swedes. In addition tliere were various ciiarloi k spraying' demonstrations, while the e.xperiment on cropping; a poor sandy soil with a view of endeavoring to increase its fertility, which was connnenced some few years back, is being continued. In Leicestershire an experiment was conducted at 1 center to test the inliu- ence of nuinures on tlie mangel crop. Lrctiirrs. — In Lincohisliiiv courses of o or C lectures on general agricultural or dairy subjects were delivered at 9 centers, the average attendance being 15. Courses of <"> lectures on veterinary subjects were given at 2 centers to an aver- age audience of .'15. Horticultural lectures, numbering 3 or 4 at each place, were given during the winter at 10 centers, the average audience being 24, while in the previous sununer 2 lectures each were delivered at 5 centers to an average audience of 20. In Nottinghamshire courses of 3 or 4 lectures on gen(>ral agricultural subjects were given at 3 centers, while single lectures were delivered at 3 other centers, the average audience numbering 30. Veterinary lectures were given at 4 cen- ters, the course consisting of U lectures at 2 of the centers and 4 at the others, the audience averaging 38. Horticultural lectures or demonstrations were given in the sununer at (! centers to an average audience of 24 persons, while courses of 3 or 4 lectures in winter were given at 10 centers to an average audience of 44. Courses of 3 lectures on poultry keeping were given at 0 centers, the audi- ence averaging 50. In Derbyshire courses of 4 lectures on general agricultural subjects were given at S centers to an average audience of 18, while courses of 3 lectures on poultry keeping were given at 10 centers to an average audience of 4T. Lectures on horticulture by the county instrucdir. who is now also on the general staff of the institute, were given at 10 centers during the winter, the average audience l)eing 44. During the sununer demonstrations were given on the two county fruit plats and in gardens or allotments at 13 other places. They were attended by an average audience of 4(; persons. In Leicestershire single lectures on dairying were givtm at 3 centers to aveiage audiences of 3(>. Courses of 4 lectures each on veterinary subjects were given at 3 centers to average audiences of 32, while courses of 3 or 4 lectures on poultry keeiiing were given at 4 centers to audiences averaging 41. Horti- cultural courses of (with one i-xception) 4 lectures each \yere given at (i centers. The average audience was 2."). Sununer lectures or demonstrations were also given at 2 centers, being attended by an average audience of 27 persons. The other collegiate institutions aided by Parliament conduct simi- lar operations. The four here given are, however, typical of the practice of all. It is manifest that these colleges regard the external work that they have undertaken in aid of agriculture as most important, for lu endeavoring to fulfill their mission, Avhich is to oct-upy the entire field of agricultural instruction, they have had the courage to break away from the traditional practice of colleges of learning in the past that 30372— No. 15o— 0.3 M 6 82 confined their teaching to the walls of the class rooms of the institu- tions themselves, and have extended their aid to men and women unable to leave their homes and go to school. An interesting and important feature of the traveling school of instruction is indicated in the courses prescribed Ijy the county coun- cils under the designation " manual processes." These are taught in courses adapted to each subject and constitute an important branch of education. They comprise bee keeping, farriery, veterinary science, dairying, fruit cultm-e, market gardening, cider and vinegar making, sheep shearing, plowing, stacking, ditching, thatching, care of live stock, pruning, milking, etc. The usefulness of knowledge and skill in the performance of all of these processes is acknowledged, but, as has been stated, it is only recently that the higher agricultural institutions of learning have come to realize that part of their duty is to see that information respecting these and kindred subjects is made accessible to the mass of country people. The effect of the new departure in giving instruction in agricul- ture in Great Britain is strikingly exhibited l)y comparing a state- niMit made in the report of the parliamentary connnission appointed in 1887 to investigate the condition of agricultural education in Great Britain with a corresponding statement by the board of agriculture made in 1895. The commission called attention to the fact that a Scotch Avitness stated that certain associations of farmers desiring to improve their systems of dairying endeavored to ol)tain a skilled teacher in the art of butter making, and " that they had to send to Denmark and engage a Dane to come to the district and teach them to make butter." It was also stated that scarcely two years prior to 1887 " the managers of the Cheshire Dairy School could find no effi- cient teacher of butter making in Great Britain, and had to engage the services of a skilled dairy maid, who had been instructed at the Merster Dairy School near Cork." Contrast this with the report jnade by the secretary of the board of agriculture of Great Britain seven years later— in 1895. The secretary states that '' dairying is now taught in some form or other under the county councils of all of the counties of England and Wales, excepting London and Middle- sex. Similar instruction is now given in more than half of the ad- ministrative counties of Scotland." The change in this brief period in this one industi-y has been wrouoht through the new methods of education which were begun in 1888, which consist in conveying valuable, practical instruction in agriculture, by means of skilled teachers, to people at work upon the land without requiring them to leave their homes or neglect their daily duties in order to receive the information Avhich is offered. 83 SUMINIARY. Tlu' institutions in Great Britain charged with oarryinfr <^n the work of giving agricultural instruction may be grouped into two distinct classes, not iu( luding the board of agriculture, which is the head of the entire system. The first is composed of the -agricultural colleges and schools acting as centers for groups of counties, and confining their efi'orts for the most part to the development of education in the areas which have been assioned to them. Their work consists in : I. The giving of advanced class-room instruction to resident stu- dents. II. The establishing of secondary schools of agriculture through- out their respective districts, usually confining the Avork of instruc- tion to a single subject. III. The equipping of peripatetic schools which visit various localities and give instruction to classes for periods of from one week to ten or fifteen days, each course being limited to the treatment of but one branch of agriculture. IV. The establishing and maintaining of experiment and demon- stration farms throughout their several districts. The second class is made up of the county councils, who are in control of technical education work in the several counties. Under their direction are established : I. Secondary schools of agriculture maintained wholly or in part by the county councils out of the excise fund. II. Itinerant schools which visit various parts of the several counties and give short courses of lectures and demonstrations to classes on agricultural sul)jects. III. Demonstration farms for testing the effects of various fer- tilizers, the adaptil)ility of seeds, the value of various breeds of live stock, methods of culture, etc. The county councils also : I. Establish and maintain scholarships in agriculture in the col- legiate centers of their districts, available to young men of merit who wish to secure an agricultural education. II. They likewise grant premiums for meritorious work in agri- culture in their several counties. III. They aid their agricultural colleges by making annual api)ro- priations for their support from the excise fund. IV. They cooperate with the board of agriculture of Great Britain in devising and introducing improvements in agricultural education throughout the Kingdom. The markf'd features of the system as a whole are: I. That it reaches all classes of farmers in all parts of the country with valuable instriiction. and does this systematically and every year. 84 II. That the universities and colleges have extended their activities to the outlying connnunities. They have recognized their duty to the farming people, who are unable to leave their farms to attend classes at the collegiate centers, by carrying instruction to them at their homes. III. That each county is provided Avith means to carry on its edu- cational work independent of support from the general government, and that a capable and responsible body in each county is intrusted with the oversight and control of the work, and with the disposition of the public money contributed in its behalf. IV. That it is equipped with teachers who are expert authorities in some one branch of agriculture. V. That it is organized upon a firm and substantial basis, and is recognized bv both local and national authorities as an important part of the general system of public instruction. VI. That it is adapted to future improvement and expansion as knowledge increases and the requirements of agriculture demand. IRELAND. The control of the work of providing instruction in agriculture in Ireland is under the supervision of a department constituted by act of Parliament in 189!). The act provides that '' there shall be estab- lished a department of agriculture and other industries and technical instruction for Ireland, with the chief secretary as president thereof, and a vice-president appointed by and removable at the pleasure of one of Her Majesty's principal secretaries of state." The department is authorized " to make, or cause to be made, or aid in making such inquiries, experiments, and research, and collect or aid in collecting such information as they may think inq^ortant for the purposes of agriculture and other rural industries," and Avith the consent of the lord lieutenant and the treasury '' to appoint or employ a secretary, two assistant secretaries, one in respect of agri- culture and one in respect of technical instruction, and such inspec- tors, instructors, officers, and servants as the department may require. For the purpose of assisting the department in carrying out the objects of this act it is provided that *' there shall be established {(/) a council of agriculture; (h) an agricultural board; (c-)a board of technical instruction." The rouncil of agrkulture is composed of '' two persons appointed by the county councils of each county (other than a county borough) in each province, and a number of persons resident in each i)rovince equal to the number of counties (exclusive of county boroughs) in the province to be appointed by the department." The members representing each province " shall constitute separate connnittees 85 on the ("oiuK'il and shall be styled the |)r()vin('ial connnittees of the respective provinees." Tlie cKjriciiltiti-al hoard consists of two persons appointed by the provincial committees of each province and four persons appointed by the department. The hoard of technical instruction consists of («) " 3 persons appointed l)y the county councils of each of the county boroughs of Dublin and Belfast; (h) 1 person appointed by a joint committee of the councils of the several urban districts in the county of Dublin, such committee to consist of 1 member chosen out of the body l>y the , council of each such district; {c) 1 person appointed by the council of each county borough not above mentioned; {d) 1 person appointed by the provincial committee of each province ; {e) 1 person appointed by the commissioners of national education; (/) 1 person appointed by the intermediate education board; {g) 4 persons appointed by the department." The duties of the council and of the several boards are defined by the act. as follows: I. The council of agriculture shall meet at least once a year, for the purpose of discussing matters of inihlic interest in connection with any of the purposes of this act. II. The agi-icultural l)oard shall advise with the department with respect to all matters and questions suhmitted to them hy the department in connection with the i)urposes of agriculture and other rural industries. III. The Ixtard of technical instruction shall advise tlie department with respect to all matters and questions suhmitted to them hy the department in connection with technical instruction. The corporate name of the department is "The Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction for Ireland," and it is clothed with the power to acquire and hold land for the purposes of the act and may sue and be sued as in case of other corporate bodies. Par- liament by this act places at the disposal of the department funds derived from a number of separate sources, and also prescribes the method of their apportionment. There is also established by this act a committee of 5, known as a " consultative committee," for the purpose of coordinating educa- tional administration. The committee is composed of the vice-presi- dent of the department, who is ex officio its chairman: 1 person appointed by the commissioners of national education: 1 person appointed by the intermediate education board: 1 person api)<)iuted by the agricultural board, and 1 i)erson apjiointed by the board of technical instruction. The coinuiJ of agriculture consists of 104 members, 68 of whom are appointed by the county councils and 34 by the department from the several provinces, with the president and vice-president of the depart- 86 ment as ex officio members. The members of this council hohl office for three years. The agricultural hoard as constituted consists of 12 members, 8 ap- pointed by tlie provincial committees and 4 by the department of agriculture. The hoard of technical instruction consists of 21 members, who hold office for three years, whose duties, as in the case of the agricultural board, are advisory. They" advise the department with respect to all matters and questions sulimitted to them by the department in con- nection with technical instruction.'" The considtative committee of education, is composed of 5 meml)ers, and their duty is to " coordinate educational administration." The importance of the functions of such a committee is manifest, for the educational work of the department as resj^ects agriculture is inti- mately associated with that of primary as well as secondary and higher education. The harmonizing of these systems so far as the work relates to agricultural industry is therefore the imjDortant duty assigned to this committee. All work, therefore, relating to agri- culture or instruction in agricultural subjects in Ireland is performed under the supervision of the department of agriculture and technical education. The act, nevertheless, provides for local cooperation. County and urban district councils are authorized to raise annually a sum not ex- ceeding 1 penny per pound on the ratable value of such ratable or rural district, and may apply the revenue that is derived for the pur- poses of agriculture or " for any other purposes for which they are authorized by the act to expend money." The six county boroughs are authorized to formulate their own schemes of agricultural instruction, and the counties outside of the county boroughs are, under the administration of the act, intrusted by the department with the local administration of such schemes of instruction as they, in consultation with the department, may adopt, tke declared i)urpose being to " strengthen the spirit of economic and social self-help among the people " by bringing " the local bodies thus into contact with the difficulties of the problems to be dealt with." The council in each county has authority, under the agriculture and technical instruction act of 1889, to appoint a county committee to have charge of the work of technical instruction in agriculture, which committee has authority to select the districts at wdiich lectures shall be given and to appoint district committees each with a local secre- tary. This local secretary is charged with the duty of selecting the building for meeting and arranging for the hiring, warming, and lighting of the hall. Assistance in local organization is i-endered by the department by sending representatives to Aasit and confer with every local authority 87 and, after careful inspection and examinations of the local conditions, aid by offerino- them expert advice. The purpose of this dual oi-oan- ization is to encourage, on the one hand, local initiative and respon- sibility, and on the other, to guard against the indiscriminate multi- plication of unrelated local organizations by providing a central authority to see that the work is coordinated so as to promote the best interests of the country as a whole. The method pursued by the department in organizing and conduct- ing itinerant schools is given in the following scheme of instruction in agriculture : (1) The department is preiiared, ])rovided a suitable instructor in agriculture can be obtained, to approve of the appointment of at least one such person for each county in Ireland. (2) The deimrtment will, as far as possible, assist the county eonnnittee in obtaining an instructor, by sui»plying the names of persons qualitied for the post. (.3) The remuneration of the instructor shall not, except iu special cases, exceed £200 per annum, inclusive of maintenance and hotel expenses, in addi- tion to ex]ienses of locomotion, which include second-class railway fare, car hire when nt'cessary. or a liicycle allowance of 2d. i)er mile in lieu thei'eof. (4) The appointment of the instructor shall be tenninable at any time by three months" notice in writing on either side. (.5) It will be the duty of the instructor to deliver courses of lectures on agi'i- cultural subjects, such as soils, manures, seeds, pastures, crops and their cidtiva- tion, breeding, feeding, and management of live stock ; to visit farms ; to con- duct such experiments and demonstrations in spring and sunnner as may be approved l)y the department ; to select suitable land for this purjiose ; to super- vise tlie sowing of the seeds and manure and the keeping of the plats free from weeds; to weigh the produce, tabulate the figures, and prei):ire a report on the results ; to reply to letters from farmers seeking information ; to advise farmers how they may avail themselves of the department's live-stock schemes and of the department's seed-testing station; to make known the provisions of the fertilizers and feeding stuffs act ; to advise farmers how they can best avail themselves of all schemes which may be adopted by the county conmiittee and by the department, and how they may take advantage of agricultui'al organ- ization; to report to the department and to the county connnittee regarding the progress of his work as may be required; and, generally, to give his whole time to the work and do all in his jiower to further the interests of agriculture in the county. ((■>) For the purposes of this scheme the county should be divided into cir- cuits, each comprising not less than 5 centers. The instructor should work for at least ff)ur weeks in each circuit, and deliver one lecture per week at each center during that time. The instructor will, when invited to do so. visit, either on the day of the lecture or on the following day. any of the farms in the neighborhood, and give such information on practi<"il subjects as the circum- stances of the case may suggest. The coxuity connnittee are alone responsible for the selection of centers and arrangement of lectures. No work of this nature should I)e undertaken by the instructdi-. though it is desiralile that hi' should be consulted. (7) It will be the duty of the county connnittee to select c(Miters at which the lectures will be given and to ai)i)oint a local connnittee. with an honorary secretary at each center, who shoidd select the school or other building and 88 arrange for the hiring. Hgliting, and warming of the room in which the lectures will be delivered. It will also be the duty of the county connnittee to undertake the responsibility of seeing that the instructor's tini(> is fully and usefully employed. The cuiunty connnittee shall keej) a sei)arate account of all expenditure under this scheme and shall furnisli detailed statements of such expenditure as may from time to time be retpiired Ijy the department. (8) Lectures should be arranged to be given in schoolrooms in the evenings, and should he held in rural centers. Towns and the larger villages should be avoided, as experience has shown th.nt the greatest success attends those lectures which are given in the rural parts of the county, especially when the lectm-es are d<'livered in a district where the greatest number of farmers is to be found. The local connnittee at each center should l>e responsible for appointing a reiiresentati\t> cbainnan for each Iccliu'e. as well as for the distrilmtion of the short syllabus of the lectures, which will be i)repai'ed by the lectni'ci' as soon as he is ajipointed. The local committee should undertake to have posters, which will be supiilied by the seci-etary of the county committee, effectively displayed throughout their district. Each lecture should he followed by a discussion, during which farmers will be invited to ask questions relative to their luisiness. (it) The lectures should connuence early in autunni and be continued until the end of the first week in March. (10) No action shall be taken by the county committee toward putting this scheme, or any part thereof, into oi)eration until the sanction of the department has been obtained in writing. It will be observed that while the instructor in any agricnltural subject is selected by the committee of the county in which he is to work, the choice of the committee is not final until the department has been satisfied as to the qualifications of the person selected and has sanctioned the a])p()intment in writing. This insures that only capable teachers will be engaged in instruction work in itinerant schools. Two classes of instructors are employed by the department in its technical instruction work in agriculture. The first is composed of what are known as itinerant instructors, who conduct short courses in some subject, such as poultry keeping, dairying, bi^e keeping, etc. These are trained men who are thoroughly qiuilifipd for the work which the subjects recpiire. The second class is composed of Avhat ai"(> known as pioneer lec- turers, sent out by Ihe department for the ])urpose of giving a series of pioneer lectures upon jiractical agriculture — dairying, poultry keeping, horticulture, and kindred topics — in counties which have been unable to secure itinerant instructors. In the case of the pioneer lecturers the dejjartment pa_ys out of the funds at its disposal the fees and traveling expenses of these lecturers. In the case of the itinerant instructors in agriculture, the department pays their full salaries, but the cost of traveling through the county is defrayed out of the local fund i-aised by the county council from the rate of 1 penny in the pound on the valuation of the county ])rop- 89 erty, suppiemented l)y at least an equal amount from the department funds. The salaries and expenses of all other instnutors are de- frayed out of this joint fund, which is aihninistered l)y the rounty committee. The itinerant instructors in agriculture are employed, as a rule, all the year round. In some counties, however, the instructors in poultry keeping, horticulture, l^ee keeping, etc.. are employed for nine months of the year only. During the winter months the instructor is em- ployed five evenings in the week in lecturing. He also replies to let- ters from farmers in the county under his charge, Avho ask advice on matters relating to farming operations, and visits during the daytime farmers in the vicinity in which the lectures are held. The visits are made for the purpose of enabling the instructor to acquaint himself with the character of the farm land in the district nnder his charge, thus enabling the lecturers to select suitable land for the purpose of the variety and mannrial tests which they conduct during the spring and summer months. These visits are also of value in providing opportunity for farmers to consult an expert respecting the local difficulties which affect them. The county committee is required to see that the instructor's time is fully and properly employed, and that a short syllabus of each lecture is prepared by the lecturer and distributed among the people. The assistant secretary of agriculture of Ireland reports that there were at work on the ."^Ist day of ^larch, 1904, SO county instructors distributed over 33 counties. The following table exhibits the char- acter and extent of this work : Number of instructors in agricultural subjects at work in Ireland during the year 1903-4 c^id t^'^ number of lectures delivered and average attendance thereat. Scheme. Ayiriculture Poultry keeping Butter making. - Horticulture Bee keeping Number dumber at work, structors. 14 31 10 U 18 15 32 12 a 14 7 Number of lectures. 1,159 1,594 550 Average attend- 90 52 70 60 a Of these, 6 gave instruction in bee keeping also. The expense for conducting this work during the year amounted to $152,855.24, of which amount $53,78().()2 was derived from the local tax of 1 penny on the pound referred to, and $98,568.(>-2 from the department funds. In addition to the courses of lectures delivered, the department from time to time issues leaflets on agricultural subjects. These leaflets are distributed free to applicants, and also to a regidar mail- 90 ing list of farmers whose names have been listed by the department. The subjects cover a varied and wide range of topics, as charlock spraying, fluke in sheep, wireworms, contagious abortion in cattle, prevention of ix)tato blight, the use and purchase of manures, etc. In order that the exact character of the itinerant schools may be understood, the following schemes, taken from reports of county com- mittees on agriculture for the year 1904, are presented: Scheme of Instruction in Poultry Keeping for Itinerant Schools of AciRi- CIII.TURE IN THE CoUNTY OF KlUDARE, IRELAND. Mr. has been appointed instniotor in poultry keeping at a salary of £.3 per week, with necessary expenses of locomotion in the county, which includes third-class railway fare, car hire when nec<'ssary. or a bicycle allowance of '2d. per mile in lieu thereof. The ai)pointment of the instructor shall be terminable at any time by four weeks' notice in writing on either side. DUTIES OF INSTRUCTOR. The instructor's duty shall be to deliver courses of lectures on poultry keep- ing, includint,' the selection of breeds; the hatching and rearing of chickens; the feeding and housing of poultry generally, and the marketing of the i)roduce; to visit poultry runs and give such practical advice as may be desired 1iy poultry keepers; to inspect egg-distrilmting stations; to report to the department and to the county connnitt(>e regarding the progress of his or her work as may be required ; and generally to give his or her whole time toward promoting improvement in the ])oultry keeping in the county. CENTERS. For this purpose the county will be divided into five circuits, viz, Naas, Athy. Carbery, Celbridge, and Kildare, each comprising not less than five centers. The instructor shall work for at least four weeks in each circuit, and deliver one lecture per week at each center during that time. The county conuuittee shall select the centers at which the lectures will be given, and appoint an lu)norary secretary and a local committee at each center, w^ho should select the school and arrange for the hiring, lighting, and warming of the room in which the lectures will be given. These lectur<>s shall l)e arranged as far as possible to be given in schoolrooms, and to be held in rural centers. Unless in exceptional circumstances, no lecture will be arranged for in a large village or town. Lectures will commence in November and be continued until May. The county conuuittee undertake the resi)onsibility of seeing that the instruc- tor's time is fully and usefully employed. DISTRIBUTION OF SETTINGS OF EGGS OF PURE BREEDS. There shall be offered twelve premiums of £~> each to select applicants who distribute at least C.O settings of eggs each : those who distribute less will be paid in proportion to the numl)er distril)uted. When the demand for settings of eggs Is not ])ressing tlie owner may set eggs foi- his own use, l>nt such settings of eggs will not count toward a i)remium. 91 Applicants for ]ireiiiiniiis must Ito i)rt'parc(l lo (■oinply willi tlic Inllowiiii,' t-oiidi- tioiis, viz : (1) To k('i'[) one pure lirood of poulti-y o.nly. (>n(> of Uic foUowini; Iji-ccds of lu'us and ducks must he selected : Lainiitj hrrcds. — Miiiorcas. White Leghorns, r.rown Leghorns. (j('iicrtil-ijuri)o.sc brccdx. — Iloudans, Plymouth Kocks, Orpingtons, Faverolles. Duckx. — Aylesbury. Kouen, Pekin, Indian Runner. (2) To sell or destroy any existing fowl on the farm of which the instructor or the deiiartnient may disapprove, and not to l)riug on the farm fow 1 of any descrii)tion without the approval of the instructor or of the department. (;i) To keep no male birds on the farm other than those used for stock ])ur- poses of the breed or breeds of fowl approved of. (4) When a premium is claimed for hens alone, to keep not less than .'ID nor more than (10 of the selected breed. If the premium is claimed in resjx'ct of hens and ducks, to keep not less than 20 nor more than (iO hens or pullets of the selected breed, and not less than 10 nor more than 30 ducks of the selected breed. One cock t)r cockerel must be kept for e\-ery 1t» hens or jpullets, and 1 drake for every (! ducks. (5) To provide proper housing where such does not already exist. (6) To feed and care for the birds in such a manner and in such a way as the instructor and the department may require. (7) To supply settings of eggs from these birds to any person in the county at Is. per dozen, and to replace infertile eggs that are returned within one mouth from the date on which they were sent out. (8) To stamp all eggs given out with a stamp provided for the jmrpose by the county connnittee. (0) To keep in a special book provided by the county connnittee an accurate account of all eggs laid and distributed. This book must be sent to the seci'e- tary of the county committee or to the department when asked for liy either of these bodies. The books should be returned to the secretary of the county committee at the end of the hatching season, which will commence on the 1st of January and terminate on the 31st of May. (10) To permit the instructor or the department to inspect the birds at any time. Any infringement of the above rules may entail the cancellation of the premium. An additional grant of 50 per cent of the actual cost, but in no case exceed- ing £2, may be made to the selected jiersons who ]irovid(» themselves with portable wooden fowl houses approved by the depai-tment. This will only apply to persons who are taking up the scheme in l!)03-4 for the first time. The county connnittee will invite applications from persons in the county who already possess, or are willing to purchase, pens of the approved pure breeds of fowls or ducks, or U) keep one or more j)ure-bred turkey cocks, as above, and who are prepared to comply with the above conditions. When these applications have been received the county instructor in poultry keeping will, as soon as possible, inspect and report to the county connnittee as to the num- ber of suitable api)licants. The names of the selected api)licants, with full particulars as to the breeds, numlter of birds, and housing, should llicn be submitted for the approval of the department, who may thereui)on further inspect the selected farms and submit a list of those of which tliey aiijtrove to the county connnittee for their final selection. The county comnnttee will not consider applications in respect of premiums under this scheme later than the 1st of December. 1903. 92 On aroonnt of tlio diffloulty of in-ocurins stock birds of pure breeds late in tbe season, it is reconiniciided tbat selected a]>iilicants wlio intend to adopt tins scheme should, if possilile, have all arrangements completed prior to the 1st of January, 1904. Not later than the loth of June the selected ajiplicants for premiums should for ward to the secretary of the county connnittee the record books referred to above, accompanied by a statutory declaration certifying that the entries in these books are correct, and that all the conditions of this scheme have been complied with. As soon as the department are satisfied as to the fulfillment of the conditions of this scheme, the secretary of the county connnittee will be notified that pay- ment may be made by the committee of the premiums or part premiums payable under this scheme. Forms for the declaration re(iuii'ed may be had on apjilication to the seereary of the county cwnniiittee, TURKEY PREMIUMS. Five premiums of £?, are offered to ])ersons who are prepared to comply with the following conditions: (1) To keep one or moi-e pure-l)red American In-onze stock turkey cocks for the service of turkey hens, the jn-operty of any persons residing in' the county, at a fee of (M. jier service. Each cock must serve 20 hens, exclusive of the owner's. If a snialler mnnber are served, the premium will be proportionately reduced. The turkey cock will rccpiire to be at least twelve months old. and not less than 23 pounds in weight. (2) To provide i)ro]ter housing accommodation, and to feed and care for the bird or birds in such a manner as the instructor or the department may require. (3) To keep in ;i special book, provided liy tb<> county connnittee, an accurate record of services. This book must be sent to the secretary of the county com- mittee or to the dei)artment when required, but otherwise returned to the secre- tary of the county connnittee at the end of the season, which will commence on the Ist of January and will terminate on the 31st of May. (4) To permit the instructor or the department to inspect the birds at any time. Any infringement of the above rules may entail the cancellation of the lireminm. An applicant will be eligible for only one premium, either for hens or for hens and ducks cond)ined, but he will, in addition, be eligible to hold a premium for turkeys. No premium, however, will be given for ducks alone Scheme of Instruction in Butter Making for Itinerant Schools of Agri- culture IN the County of Kildare, Irelano. DUTIES of instructor. The instruction shall take the form of daily lectures on dairying, acconqianied by practical instruction in butter making. Each course shall extend for a period of not less than two and not more than four weeks. Not more than 12 pupils shall l>e aduutted to each class. Pu|)ils must undertake to attend regularly. On the first day of visiting each center, the instructor shall give a public lec- ture and demonstration, and during the remainder of the course at that center shall conduct a class daily, in which pupils only shall take part, but which shall be open to the public. 93 Those classes shall he held, as far as iiossilijc. in schoolrooms and other suita- Itle l)uildin,i,'s in rnral centers. Unless in very exceptional circinnstances no clas-s shall be held in a larj^e villa^ic or town. The county counnittee undertake the responsihillty of seeing that the iustruct- or's time is fully and usefully employed. CENTERS. For this puri»ose the county will be divided into the same five circuits as for poultry keeping. Instruction will commence in May and be continued through the summer. The couuty committee will .select eight suitable centers at which classes will he held, and a[)point at each center an honorary secretary and a committee, who will be resi)onsible for tlie local arrangements necessary for the proper carrying out of the work, and who will be required to comply with the annexed conditions. A total sum, not exceeding £8, will be set aside for prizes, to be given to the most successful students at the close of the course of instruction at each center — three prizes of the value of lUs., Gs., and 4s., respectively, to be given at each center. CONDITIONS REQUIRED OF LOCAL COMMITTEES. (1) To secure premises suitable for a working dairj% if possible not less than 2.5 feet by IS feet or other dimensions affording similar tioor space. Either n pui)lic room, schoolroom, or barn with a good floor would be suitable for the liuriiose. (2) To secure a suflicient supply of water. (.'{) To provide on the premises means of lieating at least 1.") gallons of water at one time, for use in cleaning utensils, etc. (4) To provide suflicient milk and cream for use in the school, the local committee taking responsibility for the sale of butter. After the opening day at each center, about 3 gallons of milk and (> gallons of cream will be required for each day's work. Arrangements should be made to have the milk and cream delivered in the morning. i~>) To guarantee not less than 0 and not more than 12 pupils to attend on each of the days over which the course of instruction extends. ((») To arrange for the carriage of the utensils from one center to another. The weight of the utensils is usually from 25 to 30 hundredweight and they are somewhat bulky. Liiit uf iitciisilfs uf tnu'cliiiy dairy nvhool uf .six vlitini.s. £ s. d. G end-over-end churns, at £8 18 0 0 G butter workers, at 37s. Gd 11 5 0 G butter boards, at 2s 0 12 0 4 larger butter boards, at 3s. Gd 0 14 0 Gscoops, atls 0 6 0 (; sieves, at 2s. Gd 0 1") 0 (i pairs Scotch hands, at 2s. Gd 0 lo 0 G squeegees, at Is 0 G 0 G scrubbing brushes, at Is 0 G 0 G thermometers, at Is. Gd 0 9 0 () white enameled buckets, at r)s. Gd : 1 13 0 Giron biickets, at 4s. Gd 17 0 94 £ s. d. 4 shallow tins (cream), at 4s 0 K! 0 1 pair scales 0 1!) 0 1 set iron weights (7, 4, 2, 1. i. and i pound) 0 4 6 1 set hrass weights (2, 1, i, and i ounce) 0 5 6 1 set creamometers 0 6 6 1 lactometer 0 1 6 1 Gerber butter-fat tester (2 bottles), about 2 10 0 1 two-quart measure 0 2 6 4 quart measures, at Is. ;t(l 0 7 0 4 pint measures, at Is. od 0 5 0 2 skimmers, at 8d 0 14 1 hand separator (!) gallons per hour) 5 10 0 47 16 10 Scheme of Instruction in Horticulture for Itinerant Schools of Agricul- ture IN the County of Kildare, Ireland. Mr. has l)een reappointed instructor in horticulture at a salary of £3 ]ier week, with expenses of locomotion in the county (third-class railway fare), car hire, or bicycle allowance, as in the case of the agricultural instructor. Ilis ai)pointment shall be terminable at any time by four weeks' notice in writing on either side. duties of the instructor. His duties shall be to give lectures in the evenings, and personal advice to fruit, vegetal:)le, and tlower growers, in a similar manner to tluit described in the case of the itinerant instructor in agriculture; to visit orchards and gar- dens during the daytime, and to give practical demonstrations in planting, j)ruuing, grafting, etc. ; to report to the department and to the county commit- tee on his work, as may be required, and, generally, to give his whole time to the work and to do all in his power to further the interests of horticulture in the county. centers. Centers of instruction shall be fixed by the county committee, who shall also determine the length of the courses of lectures at each center. The county has been divided in the same five circuits as for agriculture and poultry instruction. In each of these circuits one demonstration plat will be .selected for the puri)ose of growing vegetables, flowers, and fruit, and showing improved methods of cultivation. A total sum not exceeding £36 has beeu set aside to cover the cost of seeds, manures, fruit trees, and, if necessary, fencing and labor, the labor, whenever practicable, to be given gratuitously by the per- son or persons providing the plats and the produce to be the property of the same persons. In cases in which such an arrangement is found to be imprac- ticable the committee may employ hired labor, retaining the produce. The plat in the Celbridge district may be situated in the Union grounds, as these are surrounded by at least 20 cottages. The selection of the different plats will" be made by Mr. , subject to the approval of the committee and the department. distribution or fruit trees. The conunittee may purchase fruit trees in liulk and resell to farmers and cottages in the county, provided no loss is incurred in the transaction. 95 Scheme oi Instruction in Bee Keepinc; for Itinerant Schools oe Aorktl- tlRe in the ("ointv of Kii.dare, IREJ.ANI). All instructor in bcc Ivccjiinj,'. \vli<) must satisfy the (U'i);irtinont as to his qualifications, shall he appointed hy the county committee, with the approval of the department, rreference shall he given to local bee keepers if qualitied. A sum of £27 has been set aside for this purpose. DUTIES OF THE INSTRUCTOR. Ilis duties shall lie : (1) To give instruction on the principles and practice of modern bee keeping by means of lectures and demonstrations at any center where application is made for his services. {'J) To deal with bee diseases. (o) To give advice generally and to assist in the promotion of the industry in such a manner as the county committee, with the approval of the department, may direct. The examples given shoAv the methods in operation in conducting itinerant schools. It is manifest that the scheme may be extended and adapted to include other agricultural specialties as rapidly as the mone}' and teachers necessary can be secured for the ]>urpose. The system as outlined is a distinct advance upon the method of holding a few meetings in each county, in which a number of lecturers are emploj^ed to appear and deliver lectures of thirty to forty min- utes, each lecture treating of a different topic. The new plan aiuis to do a fcAv tilings Avell rather than many in a superficial and indif- ferent way. Each endeavors to develop the educational feature of the farmers' institute, so as to make it of permanent and of direct and immediate use to the farming population in improving their practice. Provision is also made for the profitable employment of the insti- tute instructors during the entire year by making it their duty, in connection with their work as teachers, to select and recommend loca- tions for the carrying on of demonstration experiments throughout the several counties in which they work. When the individuals who are to conduct these experiments are selected by the county com- mittee and haA'e been approved by the department, the lecturer is expected to take charge of the work of organizing these experiment plats, to visit them from time to time and give advice as to their management, to keep records of their progress, and to report to the county committee the residts. The experiment plats are each one-twentieth of an acre in extent. Subjects and methods of experiment are prescribed by the depart- ment. Some of these subjects experimented upon in V.H)-2 were oats, barley, potatoes, cheese making, calf feeding, seed testing, tobacco growing, flax growing, turnip growing, hay and i)asture grasses, vegetable and fruit preserving, etc. The experiments in crops were chiefly mamirial and variety tests, except that those conducted with reference to hay and pastures in- 96 cliicled various niixtiires of seetls witli a view of securing the best varieties for these purposes. The county committees are also utilized by the department in its efforts to improve the live stock of the county, in its distribution of prizes, in the encouragement of agricultural fairs, in securing the estal>lishment and proper conducting of creameries, and in all of its other operations in the interests of agriculture in the several counties. The county connnittee, therefore, is the executive of the entire system, without which no part of the work could possibly be effec- tive. The moving force in the county committee is its secretary — a live, capable, active, and discreet secretary in every county is a necessity ; without this all of the machinery of the system like that of a locomotiA^e without an engineer will lie idle and useless, eventually to become fit only for the rubbish heap. On the other hand, Avith an effectiAe secretary in every county the work of agri- cultural education and rural development will be rapidly and suc- cessfully advanced. o 808 U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS— BULLETIN NO. 156. A. C. TRUE, Director. STUDIES ON THE DIGESTIBILITY AND NUTRITIVE VALUE OF BREAD AND M MACARONI AT THE UMYERSITY OF MINNESOTA 1903-1905. BY HARRY SKYDER, B. S., Professor of Chemistry, C'oUeije of Agriculture, University of Minnesota, and Chemist, Ayrieultural Experiment Station. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1905. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OF THE OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS ON THE FOOD AND NUTRITION OF MAN. .Nom-For those publications to which a price is affixed-application should be made to the Super- ntendentof Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C, the officer desi^nateTbv distribinio^"''*'"'"'? publications. Publications marked with an asterisk (*) are not avffife for ♦Charts. F°od^and^ Diet.^ By^ W. O. Atwater. ^Pour charts, 26 by 40 inches.) Price per set, *Bul. 21. Methods and Results of Investigations on the Chemistry and Economv of Food Bv W f) Atwater. Pp.222. Price, I."} cents. " ...... Bui. 28. (Revised edition ) The Chemical Compo.sition of American Food Materials Bv W O Atwater and A. P. Bryant. Pp.87. Price, 5 cents. • Bui. 29. Dietary Studies at the University of Tennessee in 189,5. By C. E Wait with comments bv *« , o, T..^- <^- Atwater and C. D. Woods. Pp. 45. Price, 5 cents. ' comments by *Bul. 31. Dietary Studies at the University of Missouri in 1895, and Data Relating to Bread and Meat hv "w nP^i?' 'J' Missouri By H B. Gibson, S. Calvert, and D. W. Mav, with c^mnfents *Tj, 1 oo r>^^^-o9-^.*^^^^^^"^C. D.Woods. Pp.24. Price, 5 cents. *Bul. 32. Dietary Studies At Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind., in 1895. By W. E. Stone with com- R.,1 .. V '^^"^S*"/ f-S^- Atwater and C. D. Woods. Pp, 28. Price, 5 cents. Bui. 35. Food and Nutrition Investigations in New Jersey in 1895 and 1896. By E. B. Voorhees Pr. 40. Price, 5 cents. : v-^ . ^.i . t^^V^Q^ ■rP'f ^^'^o?^",*?''^''' at the Maine State College in 1895. By W. H. Jordan. Pp. 57. Price 5cents Bui. 38. Dietary Studies vvith Reference to the Food of the Negro in Alabama in V and 18% Con: ducted with the cooperation of the Tu.skegee Normal and Industrial Institute and the wS Pp 69° Prlce^S c"^nts ^"'■^'^ "*" ^''^'«*"*- Reported by W. O. Atwater and CD Bui. 40. Dietary Studies in New Mexico in 1895. By A. Goss. Pp.23. Price, 5 cents Bui. 43. Losses in Boiling Vegetables and the Composition and Digestibility of Potatoes and Eggs. Rni 44 Po^Zt f^S^'^v'^'-'^-'^-^T"*^''-*'"'^.^-P-B''>'*^"t- PP-31- Price, 5 cents. ^^ Bul. 44. Report of Preliminary Investigations on the Metaboli.sm of Nitrogen and Carbon in the TtTo^L°n^?>"«f V^^ ^. Respiration Calorimeter of Special Construction. Bv W. O. wni 4.^ ^ Atwater, C.DWoods^ and F. G. Benedict. Pp.64. Price, 5 cents. Bul. 46. A Digest of Metabolism Experiments in which the Balance of Income and Outgo was Deter- *-D 1 .o tC- .'°*^";;. -^^^ ^^ • ^- Atwater and C. F. Langworthv. Pp. 434. Price 25 cents *Bul. 46. ^\^/7^'y|t;j,^ieSg™gNew York City in 1895 and 1896. ' By W. O. Atwater and C. D. Woods. Pp. Bul. 52. Nutrition Investigations in Pittsburg, Pa., 1894-1896. By, Isabel Bevier. Pp. 48. Price, 5 Bul. 53. Nutrition Investigations at the University of Tennessee in 1896 and 1897. By C E Wait Pp.46. Price, 5 cents. ' ,' """■ D?V^',.^'*-r?^l*"'^'°r,'^ Investigations in New Mexico in 1897. By A. Goss. Pp 20 Price 5 cents Bul. 55. Dietary Studies in Chicago in 1895 and 1896. Conducted with^the coopera ion of .Fane Brv«n^ p"*^7?*''^°J"'® h ""?*■ °^ ^"" Ho™e. Reported by W. O. Atwater and A. P. Bryant. Pp. 76. Price, 5 cents. *Bul. 56. History aption of some Chinese Vegetable Food Materials and Their Nutritive and Economic Tj„i ro T^ Value. ByW. C. Blasdale. Pp.48. Pnce, 10 cents. Bul. 69. Experiments on the Metabolism o in the Human Body. By W. O. Pri^e 10 cents ^^"'^^'ct, with the cooperation of A. ^V. Smith and A. P. Bryant. Pp. 112. *Bul. 71. Dietary'studies o^f Negroes in Eastern Virginia in 1897 and 1898. Bv H. B. Frissell anilsabel „ , uevier. f p. 45. Price. 5 cents. Bul. 75. I'leUp^Sto^dies^of University Boat Crews. By W. O. Atwater and A. P. Bryant. Pp. 72. Bul. 84. NutritwA Investigations at the California Agricultural Experiment Station, 1896-1898. By ■D 1 ut; I *^- J^' J^itta. , Pp.39. Price, 5 cents. - ■" Bul. 8.5. A Report of Investigations on the Digestibility and Nutritive Value of Bread. By C. D. Ti„i fio T, Woods and L. H. Merrill. Pp. ,51. Price, 5 cents. i ^ ■ Bul. 8J. ^''If^^^lf^fll^^^^^^^'^toj Muscular Work upon the Digestibility of Food and the Metab- Pp 77 Price 6 cent^ University of Tennessee, 1897-1899. By C. E. Wait. Bul. 91. Nutrition Investigations' at the University of Illinois, North Dakota Agricultural College oJ.^f "k'^.EJ'® .College, Ohio, 1896-1900. By H. S. Grindlev and J. L. Sammis E F Ladd Bul 98 T,^"^^!.^^eVBevier and Elizabeth C.Sprague. Pp.42. Pribe, 5 cents ' ' ' Bul. 98. The Effect of Severe and Prolonged Muscular Work on Food Consumption, Digestion, and of fitcvc P^«' hv R- r Atwater and H. C. Sherman, and the Mechanicaf Work and Effieiencv B 1 ini „ 01 iiicyclers, by R. C. Carpenter. Pp. 67. Price 5 cents Bul. 101. Studies on Bread and Bread Making at the University of' Minnesota in 1899 and 1900. Bv narry bnyder. Pp. 65. Price, 5 cents. [Continued on third page of cover.] 808 U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS— BULLETIN NO. 156. A. C. TRUE, Director. STUDIES ON THE DKIESTIBILITY AND NUTRITIVE VALUE OF BREAD AND OF MACARONI AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA 1903-1905. BY LIBRARY NEW YORK BOTANIC At riARDEN. HARRY SNYDER, B. S., Professor of Chemistry, College of Agriculture, University of Minnesota, and Chemist, Agricultural Experiment Station. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1905. OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS. A. C. True, Ph. J)., Director. E. W. Allen, Ph. D., Assistant Director and Editor of Experimnil Slatlou Record. C. F. Lanc^wortry, Ph. I)., Editor and Expert on. Foodie and Animal Production. Nl'TRITION INVESTHiATlONS. W. O. Atwater, Ph. D., t'liief of Nutrition Inrestigations, Middletoien, Conn. C. D. Woods, B. S., Special Agent at Orono, Me. F. G. Benedict, Ph. D., Physiological Chemist, Middletovm, Conn. R. D. MiLNER, Ph. B., Editorial Assistant, Middletoirn, Conn. (2) LETTER OF TRAXSMITTAE. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Office of Experiment Stations, Washhigfon, D. 6'., May 30, 1005. Sir: 1 have the honor to transmit herewith and recommend for pul)- lieation as a bulletin of this Office, a report of investigations on the dig'estibilit}" and nutritive value of bread, and of macaroni and a breakfast food made from American-grown durum wheat, carried on at the University of Minnesota in 11)03-1905 by Harry Sn3'der, professor of chemistry in the State University and chemist of the Agricultural Experiment Station. The studies are a continuation of the investi- gations on the nutritive value of cereal products conducted at the University of Minnesota by Professor Snyder and at the Maine Agricultural Experiment Station b}^ Prof. Charles D. Woods, and were undertaken under the same general conditions as the other nutri- tion investigations on the food of man conducted under the auspices of this Office. Thanks are due to the Oklahoma and Oregon experiment stations for samples of hard and soft winter wheats, and to the North Dakota Experiment Station and the North Dakota Substation for samples of durum wheat; also to the Minnesota Macaroni Company, of St. Paul, for making the macaroni from specially ground wheat. The results of the investigations with bread of different sorts are in accord with those obtained in former studies, and apparentl}^ warrant the belief that it ma}' be laid down as a general rule that bread from line patent flours is more thoroughly digestible and so has a higher nutritive value than that from the coarse flours ground from the same lots of wheat, although pound for pound it contains somewhat less protein and mineral matter. Furthermore, the investigations confirm the belief that all flours are quite thoroughly digested, and furnish additional proof of the high nutritive value of flour of all grades, The experiments with macaroni indicate that this product is very thoroughly digested, being very similar in this respect to patent flour bread, and that the American product made from native durum wheat is equal in digestibility and food value to European goods. Respectfully, A. C. True, Director, Hon. James Wilson, Secretary of Agriculture. C 0 N T 1: N T S. Page. The Digestibility and Nutkitivic Vai.ik ok Breaii 9 1 ntroduetion 9 Milling the samples of wheat 10 Description of samples of wheats and flours 1- Com position of samples of wheats and flours 1 •> Composition of samples of food materials ^^ Composition of feces and urine 1*> Experimental methods I ''^ Details of the digestion experiments -1 P'xperiments with entire-wheat, straight-grade, and Uraham flours (bread) from Oregon wheat -^ Digestion experiment No. 469 21 Digestion experiment No. 470 22 Digestion experiment No. 471 23 Digestion experiment No. 472 24 Digestion experiment No. 473 24 Digestion experiment No. 474 25 Digestion experiment No. 475 2fi Digestion experiment No. 476 27 Digestion experiment No. 477 - 27 Experiments with straight-grade, entire-wheat, and (irahani flours (l)read) from Oklahoma wheat 28 Digestion experiment No. 478 28 Digestion experiment No. 479 29 Digestion experiment No. 480 -^0 ' Digestion experiment No. 481 '^0 r Digestion experiment No. 482 •'! Digestion experiment No. 483 ■^- Digestion experiment No. 484 ■^■^ Digestion experiment No. 485 •'•» Digestion experiment No. 486 ■»■* Summary of results obtained with bread from different grades of flour. 35 Comparison of bread from the three grades of flour from the same lot of wheat "^*^ Comparison of bread from the same grade of flour from the two lots of wheat ^^ Undigested starch in feces "'" Experiments with bread from " bran flour" 39 Digestion experiment No. 487 Digestion experiment No. 488 Digestion ex{)eriment No. 489 Summary of results obtained with bread from bran flour 42 (5) 6 The Digestibility and Nutritive Value ok Bread — Continued. Page. Experiments with ))read from "germ flour " 46 Digestion experiment No. 490 4() Digestion experiment No. 491 47 Digestion experiment No. 492 48 Summary of results obtained with bread from germ flour 49 Tlie comparative pecuniary value of Graham, entire-wheat, and straight- grade flour 50 Income and outgo of nitrogen 51 General summary of results and conclusions of experiments with l>read 53 The Digestibility and Nutritive Value of Macaroni 55 Introduction 55 Milling of samples 56 Composition of samples of wheat and milling products 59 Manufacture of the macaroni 61 Composition of samples of food materials 62 Composition of feces and urine 62 Experimental methods 63 Details of the digestion experiments 64 Experiments with macaroni and durum wheat bread 65 Digestion experiment No. 493 — 65 Digestion experiment No. 494 _ 66 Digestion experiment No. 495 66 Digestion experiment No. 496 67 Digestion experiment No. 497 68 Digestion experiment No. 498 69 Experiments with macaroni 69 Digestion experiment No. 592 . 69 Digestion experiment No. 593 70 Digestion experiment No. 594 71 Experiments with durum wheat breakfast food 72 Digestion experiment No. 595 '. 72 Digestion experiment No. 596 72 Digestion experiment No. 597 73 Summary of digestion experiments with macaroni and durum wheat breakfast food 74 The results of American and other experiments with macaroni 77 Income and outgo of nitrogen 78 Conclusions of experiments with macaroni 79 ILLUSTRATIONS. PLATES. Page. Plate I. Corrugated rollers of mill 10 II. Bolting cloth No. 14 (magnified 48 diameters) throuiili which the straight-grade flour was passed - -- 12 III. Oregon and Oklahoma wheats. Fig. 1.— Entire kernels. Fig. 2.— Sections of kernels — 12 IV. Experimental flour mill used in the investigations 56 TEXT FIGURE. Fig. 1. General plan of milling system 57 (7) i DIGESTII^ILITY AND NITKITIM: \\\LUE OF BREAD AND OF MACARONI THE DlfxESTIBILITY AND NUTRITIVH VALUE OF BREAD. INTRODUCTION. Some years ago it was estimated that the amount of wheat consumed annually in the United States was 4.5 bushels per capita. This would be equivalent to about 200 pounds of Hour. Later estimates place the quantit}' at 6.23 bushels, which would be equal to 277 pounds of flour. Because of its importance no article of food has received more attention from investigators during recent years than flour. In 1897 an extended series of experiments was undertaken at the Maine and the Minnesota experiment stations to determine the digestibility and nutritive value of different grades of flour prepared from the same and from diflerent kinds of wheat. Preceding bulletins of this Ofiice contain accounts of the results of investigations at the Maine" and Minnesota'' stations for 1897 to 1902; similar work at the latter station for 1903—1 is reported herein. The general plan of these investigations has been to prepare the three common t3'pes of flour — Graham, entire-wheat, and standard patent — from the same lot of wheat, and then determine their com- parative digestibility and nutritive value by experiments with bread made from the flours. As stated in a former report,'" Graham Hour is unbolted ground wheat; entire-wheat flour contains all of the wheat kernel with the exception of a portion of the bran which is removed with a coarse screen, while the standard patent, or, as hereafter desig- nated, straight-grade, flour contains neither the bran nor the germ, but is fine white flour which has passed through a No. 14 bolting cloth with 193,211 meshes per square inch. The necessity for confining the comparisons to samples prepared from the same lot of wheat has also been pointed out.'' It is not pos- sible to compare accurately the nutritive values of the various types «U. S. Dept. Agr., Office of Experiment Stations Buls, 85, 143. b U. S. Dept. Agr., Office of Experiment Stations Bula. 67, 101, 126. cU. S. Dept. Agr., Office of Experiment Stations Bnl. 101, p. 8. d\J. S. Dept. Agr., Office of Experiment Stations Buis. 101, p. 6; 126, p. 8. (9) 1(3 of flour when each is prepared from a different lot of wheat, because of the wide variations in composition of different kinds of wheats. The investigations previously reported have shown that while the coarser flours are somewhat superior as regards the total protein and ash present they are inferior as regards digestibility, and that when these facts are considered together the advantage from the standpoint of nutritive value is with the finer flour. The earlier experiments were made with wheats from widely different localities, including Minnesota northern-grown hard spring wheat, Michigan soft winter wheat, Indiana soft winter wheat, Oklahoma hard winter wheat, and Oregon soft winter wheat, and it seemed important to determine whether similar differences in the composition and digestibility of bread from the different kinds of flour would be noted with flours ground from other types of wheat and whether it was not fair to saj that the differences observed were characteristic of all wheats, pro- vided flours were ground from the same sample of grain. The wheats selected for the present investigation were Oklahoma hard winter wheat and Oregon soft winter wheat secured from the Oklahoma and Oregon experiment stations, respectively. These are described in detail beyond (p. 12). Portions of each lot were milled into straight- grade, entire-wheat, and Graham flour, as described below, and the digestibility and nutritive value of each determined from digestion experiments with healthy young men. Furthermore, in order to ascer- tain the influence on completeness of digestion of the bran and the germ, generally removed in the milling of white flour, samples of bran and of germ were prepared and added to successive samples of Oklahoma straight-grade flour in about the same amounts as. were remov^ed during the milling process, and the digestibility and nutritive value of bread from these products likewise determined with the same subjects. MILLING THE SAMPLES OF WHEAT. The wheats used in the experiments previousl}^ reported were milled in one of the large mills of Minneapolis and in smaller mills in Michi- gan and Indiana, where somewhat different S3^stems of milling were employed. Although the products of the different systems were of the same general character, samples prepai'ed under uniform condi- tions afford data for more definite and positive comparisons. Accord- ingly, in the present investigation, a mill especially devised for experimental purposes, and procured mainly for these experiments, was used. The mill is provided with four sets of rollers, including both corrugated and smooth rollers (illustrated in Plate I), and has the essential features of a patent roller-process mill such as is used in large milling plants. It is supplied with a bolting and sifting attach- ment and is, in fact, a roller mill in miniature. By its use it is possible U. S. Dept. of Agr., Bui. 156, Office of Expt. Stations. Plate I. Corrugated Rollers of Mill. 11 to prepare straight-grade, Graham, or entire-wheat tlours from a small .sample of wheat. The Oregon and Oklahoma wheats were milled under the supervision of an experienced miller, and the tlour was suhjeeted to the inspection of the chief flour inspector of one of the largt^ milling companies of Minneapolis. The milling was carried on in the usutU way." The screened wheat was tirst passed through corrugated rollers to split the wheat kernel and flatten the germ. As in ordinary milling it was necessary, in grinding the samples, to dampen the wheat so as to prevent the bran from breaking up into tine pieces and contaminating the straight-grade flour. After passing through the second break, small amounts of break flour'' and granular middlings were separated by means of a tine screen and bolting cloths. The stock was removed from the second break and the tailings passed on to the third break, which resulted in the liberation and reduction of additional quantities of flour and mid- dlings, and then on to the fourth break. With each reduction the rollers were set a little closer. The granular middlings and stock were passed through the smooth rollers three times and tinally all brought together. All of the straight-grade flour was passed through a No. l-t bolting cloth (illustrated in Plate II) and thoroughly mixed, the bran, shorts, germ, and other ottals being removed at the difterent boltings from the several breaks. This process of milling is known as the gradual reduction process. Break flours are flrst produced and then the granular middlinigs are liberated from the tailings and bran and reduced. The second break flour is obtained largely from the interior or more floury portions of the wheat kernel and is more starchy in character than later break flours. The third break flour contains a higher percentage of gluten and other proteids than the second break flour. The middlings from the second break are more nitrogenous in character than those from the later breaks. During the process of milling the break flours become more nitrogenous, while the middlings })ecome more starchy in character. The difierent break flours and middlings, with the exception of a small amount which is separated as second clear or low-grade flour, are finally united, thoroughly mixed and bolted, forming straight-grade flour. In the milling of these wheats about 70 per cent of the entire wheat was obtained as straight-grade flour. In the large mills, where the «For a somewhat more detailed account of the milling process, see Minnesota Station Bui. 85, pp. 189, 190. 6 In each reduction or "break" the "break flour" is the portion passinof through the screen and bolting cloths. The "granular middlings" pass through the screen but not the final bolting cloth, and are afterwards reduced to flour. The portion not passing through the screen is known as the "tailings," and passes on to the next "break." 12 offals are subjected to more exhaustive milling-, about 72 per cent of straight-g-rade flour is secured. The milling of the samples in the laborator}' under chemical control has proven unusually satisfactory^ as it has enabled the dift'erent wheats to be milled and the flours pre- pared on a uniform basis, thus rendering the results more valuable. DESCRIPTION OF SAMPLES OF WHEATS AND FLOURS. A description of the wheats used in this investigation, together with the diflercnt grades of flour and milling products made from them, is here given: No. 269. Oregon white winter wheat weighing 60 pounds per ])nshel, grown at the Oregon p:xperiment Station, Corvallis, Oreg. (See Plate III.) Director J. Withyconihe, of the Oregon Station, states that this variety of wheat was introduced into western Oregon about sixty years ago by the Hudson Bay Company. It is a wheat with large white })lump starchy kernels. No. 271. Graham flour prepared from Oregon wheat, No. 269. Graham flour is practically wheat meal and consists of the entire wheat kernel, including bran, germ, and offal. As no sieves or bolting cloths are used in its preparation, there are many coarse unpulverized particles present in the product. No. 272. Entire-wheat flour from Oregon wheat, No. 269. Entire-wheat flour is prepared by removing the larger portion of the coarse bran, while the fine bran, or shorts, and germ are retained in the flour. This was done by the use of coarse wire screens. The flour was su])jected to two l)reaks on the coarse and two on the smooth rollers. Entire-wheat flour is of finer granidation than Graham, but mucli coarser than straight-grade flour. No. 273. Straight-grade flour from Oregon wheat, No. 269. The grain was run through three coarse rollers three times, the flour being taken out at each l)reak. The miildlings were passed through three smooth rollers three times and the flour removed each time. The bran was fairly free from flour. About 70 per ctnt of the wheat was recovered as straight-grade flour. No. 270. Hard winter Weissenljurg wheat weighing 62 pounds per bushel, grown at the Oklahoma Experiment Station, Stillwater, Okla. (see Plate III). Director J. Fields states that the original seed was obtained through W. T. Swingle, of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, and was designated No. 3821. This sample is char- acteristic of the winter wheat grown in that locality, and in yield compares very favorably with other leading varieties. The kernels were of medium size, amber color, and glutinous character. No. 274. Graham flour from Oklahoma wheat. No. 270. This was prepared in the same way as No. 271. No. 275. Entire-wheat flour from Oklahoma wheat, No. 270. This was prepared in a manner similar to No. 272, and 86 per cent of the wheat was recovered as entire- wheat flour. No. 276. Straight-grade flour from Oklahoma wheat, No. 270. This was prepared in the same way as No. 273. About 70 per cent of straight-grade flour was recovered. No. 413. Bran from Oklahoma wheat. No. 270. Bran consists of the coarsely ground episperm or outer covering of tlie wheat kernel. The sample was ground in a burr mill and then in a Maerker mill. No. 414. Germ from Oklahoma wheat, No. 270. The germ is the undeveloped plumule. In the process of straight-grade flour making it is excluded, because, as it is fermentable in character, it impairs the keeping qualities of the flour and pro- U. S. Dept. of Agr., Bui 156, Office of Expt. Stations. Plate II. I ^^■^^^^^^^^^^H 1 ^^^^ii m # mT^^^H 1 ^^« • • 9 • » <" *^V 1 ^ ■ • • V C 9 « 9 A^ 1 F ft 9 « H • 9 9 9 9 • m 1 '' 9 9 9 « 9 '« 9 9 9 • •' 1 » '# 9 9 9 • 9 V •' • * A 1 b ■ 9 ft 9 9 9 li 9 9 • »i 1 L « flii9ft«|ili(i«J 1 ^L 9 9'9'|l ft ** ^ 19 "i|^ 1 ^^^^ft mm m i^^l Bolting Cloth No. 14 (Magnified 48 Diameters' Through which the Straight-Grade Flour was Passed. V. U. S. Dept. of Agr., Bu!. 156, Office of Expt Stations. Plate III. Fig. 1.— Oregon and Oklahoma Wheats. Bows 1 and •>, Oregon white winter wheat from sample No. 269, containing 9.12 per cent i)rotein Kows 3 and 4, Oklahoma winter wheat from sample No. 270, containing l(i.82 per cent protein. Fig. 2.— Oregon and Oklahoma Wheats. Rows i and 2, sections of OreK'in wliile winter wiieat. Kows A and 4, sections of Oklahoma winter wheat. 13 duces ail inferior quality of bread. The sample was ground in the same way as the bran. No. 415. Bran tlour. The sample was prepared by adding 14 per cent of finely ground bran (No. 413) to the straight-gra j)er cent nitrog-en instead of 16 per cent, the value upon which the factor 6.25 is l)ased, which is commonly used for calculating protein from nitrogen. The use of the factor 5.7 gives lower values for the pro- tein, })nt the results undoubtedly represent more nearly the actual amoujit in the wheat than that obtained by the factor 6.25. However, for the sake of comparison with investigations previously reported in which the factor 6.25 was used, the protein is also computed b}' the use of this factor. The carbohydrates determined by dilierence are also estimated on the basis of protein as computed by both factors. The heat of combustion was determined by combustion in a Berthelot- Atwater bomb calorimeter, as described in a former publication.* In the case of the milk samples weighed blocks of cellulose were eniplo3'ed to absorb the li(iuid, according to the method described in a former report.^ The calculated heats of combustion of the wheat and flour samples were obtained by the use of the following factors: Protein, 5.!^, fat, I*.?); and carbohydrates, -t. 2 calories per gram. Earlier inves- tigations have shown that when the principal nuti'ients of wheat flour were separated, purified, and burned in the calorimeter they yielded the following values per gram: Wheat staivli 4.190 calories, wheat fat 9.282 calories, gliadin 5.92-f calories, and glutenin 5.879'^ calories. The calculated and determined heats of combustion of the flour samples agree (piite closely, though the agreement is not perfect because of the presence of cellulose and other substances which have a factor for heat of combustion difjerent from that used in the calculation. « U. S. Dept. Agr., Division of Chemistry Bui. 46, revised edition. ^U. S. Dept. Agr., Office of Plxperiment Stations Bnl. 101, p. 10. cU. S. Dept. Agr., Office of Experiment Stations Bui. 126, p. 9. <^U. S, Dept. Agr., Office of Experiment Stations Bui, 101, p. 13, 14 Tablk 1. — Composition and heat of combustion ofv)heats and flours. Sam- ple num- ber. 269 271 272 273 270 274 275 27(! 413 414 415 416 Kind of material. Oregon wheat... Graham flour from No. 269... Entire-wheat flour from No. 269 Straighl-grad e flour from No. 269 Oklahoma wheat Graham flour from No. 270... En ti re-wheat flour from No. 270 Straight-grade flour from No. 270 Bran Germ Bran flour Germ flour Wa- ter. Perct. 8.99 8.15 8.66 8.94 S. 65 7.73 7.46 9.93 9.91 8.73 9.69 9. 63 Protein. (N X 6.25) Per ct. 9.12 8.97 8.25 7.55 16.82 16.81 16. 63 15. 06 16.39 29. 88 15. 35 16.30 (N x6.7). Fat. Per ct. [Perct. 8.32 8.18 7.52 6.90 15.33 15. 33 15. 16 13.74 14.93 27.24 13.96 14.87 1.83 1.68 1.67 1.25 1.83 1.79 1.64 .92 4.50 11.23 1.48 1.66 Carbohydrates when protein is e.stimated a.s — N X 6.25. N X 5.7. Per ct. 78.30 79.48 80.35 81. 82 71.38 72. 35 73. 05 73.57 62.79 45. 45 72. 23 71. 54 Per ct. 79.10 80.27 81.08 82. 47 72.87 73.83 74.52 74.89 64. 25 48.09 73. 62 72. 97 Ash. Perct. 1.76 1.72 1.07 .44 1.32 1.32 1.22 .52 6.41 4.71 1.25 .87 Heat of combustion per gram. Calcu- lated. Calories. 3.997 4.023 4.016 3.998 4.160 4.196 4.201 4.065 4.022 4.716 4.077 4.124 Deter- mined. Calories. 4.008 3.990 3.900 3.880 4. 110 4.178 4.1.59 4.040 4.103 4. .597 3.876 3. 962 Table 1 illustrates the fact that different wheats and different tj^pes of flour vary widcl}^ in composition. Thus, straight-grade flour (No. 276) prepared from Oklahoma wheat contained a much larger amount of protein than Graham flour (No. 271) prepared from Oregon wheat. This emphasizes the importance, previously pointed out, of preparing the different kinds of flour for investigations of this nature from the same lot of wheat. Otherwise, if a straight-grade flour milled from one lot of wheat were compared with an entire-wheat flour milled from another and entirely different lot of wheat, the straight-grade flour might contain either more or less starch or protein than the Graham flour, according to the character of the wheats from which they were prepared. From the data in Table 1 it will be observed, however, that for both the Oregon and Oklahoma wheats the Graham flour con- tained more protein and fat and less carbohydrates than the entire- wheat flour, which in turn contained more protein and fat and less carbohydrates than the straight-grade flour. It will be observed from this table that the Oregon and Oklahoma wheats and flours were decidedly unlike in character. The Oregon wheat (sample No. 269) was starchy and characterized by a low pro- tein content, while the Oklahoma wheat (No. 270) was glutinous in char- acter and contained a high percentage of protein. The straight-grade flour from the Oregon wheat contained 1.-1:7 per cent of total nitro- gen, 70.1 per cent of the proteids being in the form of gliadin soluble in 70 per cent alcohol, while the straight-grade flour from the Okla- homa wheat contained 2.41 per cent total nitrogen, of which 59.75 per cent was in the form of gliadin. 15 As pointed out in a former n^port" the ash content varies so regu- larly in diflerent grades of milling products that it is possible to determine the grade of flour by determining the amount of ash which it contains. In these samples the ash content of the flour sample agrees closely with that known to l)e pivsent in .standard grades of straight-grade, entire-wheat, and Graham flour. COMPOSITION OF SAMPLES OF FOOD MATERIALS. The table below gives the data regarding the composition of the foods consumed in the digestion experiments. The values given in each case are the result of actual analysis, except that the percentage of fat in the dr}^ matter of the flour is used as a basis in the calculations for the fat content of bread. The results thus obtained are known to be more accurate than those secured from the anal3'sis of the bread, because during the process of bread making the fat of the flour is in part rendered insoluble.'^ A sample of 100 grams from each loaf of bread used was dried and a composite sample for anah'sis was then taken proportional to the weight of the loaves and the quantit}^ consumed. This has been found to be the most satisfactory method of sampling and preparing bread for anah'sis. A composite sample of milk was made for each of the digestion trials by reserving 25 cubic centimeters of the mixed milk taken at each meal, 100 milligrams of potassium bichromate being used as a preservative. Table 2.- -Conipositifm of bread and milk used in digestion txperimeiit>< uith Oregon and OJdahoma irheat breads. Sam- ple No. Kind iif material. Water. Protein (Nx6.25).c Fat. Carbo- hy- drates. A.sh. Heat of combus- tion per gram. Bread made from: Percl. Per cent. Per d. Perct. Perct. Calories. 277 Oregon entire-wheat flour 39.95 5.70 rfl.09 52. 39 0.87 2.566 294 Oregon .^traight-grade flour 34.95 5.41 d.89 57.86 .90 2.765 311 Oregon Graham flour 38. 55 6.11 dl.l2 52.68 1.54 2.562 328 Oklahoma straight-grade flour 37.65 10.13 d.64 51.14 .44 2.783 345 Oklahoma entire-wheat flour 41.31 10.60 rfl.04 46.11 .94 2.714 362 Oklahoma Graham flour 42.20 10.65 'il.12 44.58 1.45 2.516 379 Straight-grade flour with 14<^r bran. . 43.20 9.50 d.84 45. 55 .91 2.499 396 Straight-grade flour with l^t germ.. 38.00 11.07 dl.l3 49.12 .68 2.793 278 Milk, compo.site sample 88.34 3.62 3.58 3.77 .69 .613 295 do..... 87. 28 2.96 4.46 4.46 .84 .765 312 do 87.74 1.77 4.36 5.33 .80 .681 329 do 87.92 2.90 3.69 4.66 .83 .643 346 do 87. 53 2.87 4.30 4.60 .70 .709 363 do 86.88 2.94 5.86 3.45 .87 .690 380 do 86.95 3.49 4.93 3.60 •-l.O:} ..SOO 397 do 86.83 3.05 4.35 5.02 .75 .750 aV. S. Dept. Agr.. Office of Experiment Stations Bui. 101, p. 9. bV. S. Dept. Agr., Ofiice of E.xperiment Stations Bui. 67, p. 45. c For explanation of the use of the factor 6.25 for calculation of protein in bread see p. 18, d Fat content of drv matter of flour. eHigh a.sh due to abnormal amount of preservative used iu composite sample. 16 COMPOSITION OF FECES AND URINE. The feces for the experimental period were collected and analyzed by the usual methods. The separations of the feces at the beginning- and end of each period were effected l)y means of charcoal in gelatin capsules as a marker. " The data regarding the composition of the feces are here tabulated. Table '6. — Composition of dry matter of feces from digestion e.rjteriinetits irith Oregon and Okhdioma. irheat tiread. I Sam- ple No Whence obtained. 291 29'2 293 308 309 310 32n 32(1 327 342 343 344 359 360 361 376 377 378 393 394 395 410 411 412 Experiment No. 469. Experiment No. 470. Experiment No. 471 . Experiment No. 472. Experiment No. 473. Experiment No. 474. Experiment No. 475. Experiment No. 476. Exjieriment No. 477. E.xperiment No. 478. E.xperiment No. 479. Experiment No. 480 Experiment No. 481 Experiment No. 482 Experiment No. 483 Experiment No. 484 Experiment No. 485 Experiment No. 486 Experiment No. 487 Experiment No. 488 Experiment No. 489 Experiment No. 490 Experiment No. 491 Experiment No. 492 Protein (NX6.25). Fat. ! Carbo- hydrate.s. Per cent. 25.90 24. 05 25. 26 23.95 25.37 29.22 22. 41 21.57 32. 52 24. 88 28. 97 29.17 27.77 24.36 23. 87 22. 85 22. 46 23. 54 23. 90 22. 64 22. 30 30. 27 29.18 27.94 Per cent. 12. 78 9. 27 11. 26 12.64 1 11. 32 9.97 1 11. 21 10.48 I 11. 87 9.32 1 7 71 13 82 6 69 7 43 10.37 1 10 13 8 51 11 53 13 33 9.98 1 7 18 10 S3 10.38 16 19 Per cent. 38. 40 45. 80 41.75 31.59 27. 89 33. 3ti 48. 53 48.44 36. 52 39. 12 31.98 29. 80 49. 55 .50. 31 45. 20 49.93 52. 97 46.60 41.05 43.73 48.08 32. 45 31.11 30. 29 Ash. Heat of combii.s- tion per gram. Per cent. 22.92 20.88 21.73 31.82 35. 42 27. 45 17.85 19. 51 19.09 26. 68 31.34 27.21 15. 99 17.90 20. 56 17.09 16.06 18.33 21.72 23. 65 22. 44 26. 45 29. 33 25. 58 Calories. 4.500 4.457 4.500 4.619 3. 960 4.229 4.578 4.295 4.438 4.830 4.124 4.261 4.804 4.447 4.510 4. 726 3. 282 4. 452 4.540 4.200 4.930 4.874 4.330 4. 520 The urine of each subject was collected during each experimental period, beginning with 7 a. m. of the first day of the experiment and ending at 7 a. m. of the first day immediately following the experi- ment. The total amount and specific gravity of the urine and the per- centage of nitrogen in it were determined for each day. These data are here given : Taijle 4. — Amount, .'specific gravitij, and nitrogen of urine from digestion e.vperimenls irith Oregon and Oklahoma wheat bread. Sam- Sub- ple ject No. No. 279 1 282 1 285 1 288 1 280 2 283 2 286 2 289 2 Whence obtained. Experiment No. 469: First day Second day Third day' Fourth day Experiment No. 470: First day Second day Third day Fourth day Total amount voided. Specific gravity. Nitrogen Grams. Per cent. 1,119 1.023 1.30 972 1 . 025 1.45 6S5 1.029 1.90 1,759 1.018 1.21 747 1.027 1 45 730 1.030 1.79 515 1.030 1.96 1,014 1.027 1.84 aV, S. Dept. Agr., Office of Experiment Station.s Buls. 21, p. 58. 143, pp. 66-76, 17 Tahlk 4. — Aiiumiit, sf)eclfir yraiili/, and nitrogen of urine from digesdon experiments with Oregon and Oklaltoina. irheat bread — Continued. 364 367 370 373 365 2 368 2 371 2 374 2 366 3 369 3 372 3 37b ■■i Experiment No. 471: First day Second day Tliird day Fonrtli day Experiment No. 472: First day Second day Third day Fonrth day Exp>eriment No. 473: First day Second day Third day Fourth day Experiment No. 474: First day Second day Third day Fourth day Experiment No. 475: First day Second day Third 4ay Fourth day Experiment No. 476: First day Second day Third day ..> Fourth day Experiment No. 477: First day Second day Third day Fourth day Experiment No. 478: First day Second day Third day Fourth day Experiment No. 479 Fir.st day Second day Third day Fourth day Experiment No. 480: First d Se<'ond day Third day Fourtli day Experiment No. 481: First day Second day Third day Fourth day Experiment No. 482: First day Second day Third day Fourth day Experiment No. 483: First day Second day Third day Fourth day E.\periment No. 484: First day Second day Third day Fourth day Experiment No. 485: First day Second day Third day Fourlli day Experiment No. 486: First day Second day Third day Fourth day Total I o ;f.„ Nitrogen. Gr nmn. Itil 728 (i*»7 9fi5 1,386 979 1,066 1 , 775 888 1,398 638 1,196 948 774 1.2.52 1,314 691 876 911 l,.53:i 613 794 689 1,505 743 714 857 1,188 1.029 1.032 1.025 1.026 1.020 1.025 1.023 1.020 1.023 1.015 1.025 1.029 1.018 1.022 1.021 1.020 1.023 1.027 1.029 1.028 1.028 1.027 1.026 1.025 1.025 1.027 1.029 1.020 1,327 1.024 1,.592 1.026 1,891 1.022 2,361 1.022 989 1.027 h7S 1.030 892 1.029 2, 236 1.019 1,103 1.022 1,114 1.020 1,148 1.023 1,193 1.022 1,220 1.023 1,250 1.027 1,395 1.027 2,165 1.025 839 1.029 726 1.027 727 1.029 1,312 1.030 2, 079 1.015 1,749 1.01>S 1,352 1.019 1,086 1.023 1,841 1.021 1.440 1 . 025 1..520 1.025 2,5K2 1.023 944 1.026 1,102 1.029 801 1,027 781 1.029 1,:«7 1.018 1, 336 1.019 1,040 1.022 1 1,217 1.021 Per rrnt. 1.55 1.85 1.62 1.64 1.31 1.49 1.55 1.26 1.24 .96 1..56 1.24 1.11 1.21 1.24 1.24 1.38 1.42 1.46 1.52 1.37 1.66 1.44 1.19 1.44 1.42 1.69 1.20 1.53 1.60 1.56 1.52 1.60 1.93 1.96 1.32 1.26 1.37 1.50 1.44 1.29 1.63 1.76 1.66 1.48 1.86 1.77 2. 17 .55 .98 1.18 1.44 1.15 1.48 1.54 1.61 1.53 1.85 1.96 1.92 1.02 1.06 1.31 1.37 29604— No. 156—05- 18 Table 4. — Amoinil, xpirijii- (jrarihi, ami iiilroyai of vritte from digei^linn p.rj}eriweyits with Oregon aiul Oklohouia wheat bread — Continued. Sam- Sub- ple ject No. No. 1 381 1 384 1 387 1 i 382 2 1 385 '^ 388 2 383 3 386 3 389 3 . 398 1 401 1 404 1 399 2 402 2 405 2 400 3 403 3 406 3 Whciii'f obtKJiR'il. Kxperiment No. 487: First day Sucoiid day Third day Experiment No. 488: First day Second dav Third day' P^xperiment No. 489: First day Second day Tliird day Experiment No. 490: First day Second day Third day Expcriiiu'iit No. 491: First day Second dav Third day'. Experiment No. 492: First day Second dav Third dav Total amount voided. Grams. 1 1 Specific gravity. 1,195 1 1,3.=>4 IV «1. 1,924 I 745 1 804 !^ 1,467 I 026 1,099 1,203 721 1,518 l,lil2 1,753 .507 1,019 1,012 • 1.028 a 1.024 "1.026 a 1.028 1,060 ,1 1,070 \ a 1,112 i| 1.023 Nitrogen. Per cent. nl.47 a 2. 08 al..57 nl.62 nl.81 '11.46 « Composite sample. EXPERIMENTAL METHODS. The method followed in makino- the digestion experiments was simi- lar to that explained in detail in a former bulletin." A simple diet of bread and milk was eaten, each material being consumed ad libitum, but the amount taken at each meal weighed and recorded. The digestibility of the nutrients of the total diet was determined from the quantity of each in the food and feces. The digestibility of the nutri- ents in the bread alone was computed by assuming coefficients of digestiliility for the nutrients of the milk, as explained beyond. The bread was made by the short process of fermentation — that is, with a large proportion of yeast. Comparatively large amounts of salt and water were used in mixing the dough, but neither milk nor .shortening. For each experiment two bakings were made, the sub- jects preferring bread twenty-four hours old to fresh bread. The digestibility of the total diet of bread and milk was calculated from the difference between the total nutrients in the food consumed and those in the feces.^' The digestibility of the bread alone was cal- «U. S. Dept. Agr., Office of Experiment Stations Bui. 85. 6 It will be observed that, although the factor 5.70 is more nearly correct for the calculation of the percentage of protein in cereals from the percentage of nitrogen determined, the factor 6.25 has been used in these experiments. The same factor has been used for mil"k protein, in which case it is correct. The use of this factor for cereals also is merely for convenience in the computations of the digestibility of the protein. If different factors were used for the protein of different foods, the same differences in factors would have to be observed in estimating protein of feces, and this would involve complicated computations. Since the coefficient of digesti- bility would be the same whichever factor is used, provided the same factor is used for protein of both food and feces, the factor 6.25 has been used uniformly for convenience. 19 ciliated, as in former work, l\y assiiminjj that 1>7 per cent of the pro- tein, 95 per cent of the fat. and 1>S per cent of the carbohydrates of the milk were digested. These values have l)een deduced from the results of a lai'ge numt)erof digestion ex])erinients with l)oth ordinar}' and special diets." The undigested luitrients of the milk, as calcu- lated bv the use of these factors, subtracted from the total nutrients in the feces j^ive the estimated undig-ested nutrients from bread, and these subtracted from the total nutrients of the bread give the digesti- ble nutrients in bread. These last divided by the total nutrients in the bread and nudtiplied by 100 give the percentages or coetticients of digestibility of bread alone. The amounts of energy given for the l)read and milk and the total feces were determined ])y multiplying' the total weight of each mate- rial b}' its heat of combustion as determined with the bomb calorimeter. The proportion of energy in total food estimated to be available to the bod}^ was found by dividing the energv of the total digested food by the energy of the total food. In order to estimate the amounts of energy in the feces from bread alone, the energv of the feces from food other than bread (in this case milk) was computed by means of factors. Previous investigations'' have shown that the heat of combustion of the nutrients in dairy prod- ucts are, per gram, as follows: For protein, 5.65 calories; for fat, 9.25 calories; and for carV)ohydrates, 3. 9 calories. By multiplying the weights of the nutrients in the feces from food other than bread by these factors and adding the products an estimated enerj^y value is obtained. It is known, however, as pointed out on page 13, that the energy of food materials, when estimated by the use of factors, varies somewhat from the value obtained by actual combustion in the bomb calorimeter. A similar variation is found in the total feces, and undoubtedly would be found in the feces from a portion of the diet could a separation be ejected and the actual heat of combustion determined. In order to approximate this latter value as closely as possible, the energy of the total feces was also calculated by means of factors. In this case, how- ever, since the total feces were made up of the residues from two foods — milk and bread — the factors used were those computed * for a mixed diet, these values being per gram as follows: Protein, 5.65 calo- ries; fat, 9.1: calories, and carbohvdrates, 1.15 calories. It was then assumed that the diti'erence in values existing between the energy of the total feces as thus computed and as actually determined is propor- tional to the presumed difference in value between the energy of the feces from food other than bread as computed and the value which would be obtained could an actual determination be made. In other words, the calculated energy of the total feces is to the determined o Connecticut Storrs Station Rpt. 1899, pp. 84-86. b Connecticut Storrs Station Rpt. 1899, p. 104. 20 oneroT of the total feces as the calculated energ^y of the feces from food other than bread is to ,/', the value desired. For example, in experi- ment No. 469 the computed heat of combustion of the total feces was 745 calories, while the value obtained in the calorimeter was 787 calo- ries. The computed heat of combustion of the feces from food other than bread was 242 calories. The proportion was therefore as fol- lows: 745:787=242:;r, or i/'=257 calories. The heat of combustion of the feces from bread alone was found by suljtracting- this value from the determined heat of combustion of the total feces (787 calories). This result (530 calories) subtracted from the total heat of combustion of bread (4,770 calories) <^ives the heat of combustion of the estimated digestible nutrients in bread (4,240 calories), which divided by the total heat of combustion of bread (4,770 calories) and nuiltiplied by 100 gives the proportion (88.9 per cent) of the total energy of the bread estimated to be contained in the digestible nutrients. The value as thus determined, however, does not represent the energ}' actually available to the body, since a portion of the energy of the digested nutrients is lost in the incompletel}' oxidized material of the urine. The proportion of the energy of the total food and of the bread alone which was actually available to the body was computed as in previous investigations, according to the assumption that the amount of the energy lost in the organic matter of the urine was 1.25 calories per gram of digestible protein. Thus in experiment No. 469 the total amount of energy lost in the urine w^as found by multiplying the digesti})le protein in total food (401.4 grams) by 1.25, which gave 502 caloi-ies. This product was sul)tracted from the energy of the total food digested (9,756 calories), and the diti'erence (9,254 calories) divided by the energy in the total food (10,543 calories) and multiplied b}^ 100 gave the proportion of energy in the total food actually avail- able to the body (87.8 per cent). The proportion of energy in bread alone which was actually available (87 per cent) was obtained in like maimer by dividing the difference between the estimated energy in the bread digested (4,240 calories) and the energy lost in the urine (70.9X1.25 = 89 calories) by the total energy in the bread (4,770 calories). As pointed out in former reports, it is well known that the digestion coefficients obtained in the manner described are relative rather than absolute. It is believed, however, that while the figures for a single digestion experiment may be open to criticism, the results of a series of experiments as reported in this bulletin are comparable because whatever error is introduced in one experiment is common to all. Since the determinations of dry matter, nitrogen, and energy are known to be of greater accuracy than the other chemical data included, particular attention is given to the results and conclusions based upon these values. 21 DETAILS OF THE DIGESTION EXPERIMENTS. In thrsc investigations with Oroo'on and Oklahoma wheats two series of digestion experiments were carried on, each series consisting of three experiments with each of three subjects. The diet consisted of milk, and bread made from the different grades of flour. In the first series the first three experiments were carried on sinniltaneousl}-, the three subjects being fed on bread from the entire-wheat flour milled from the Oregon wheat, and in addition sufficient milk to make the diet palatable. Three more experiments followed in which bread from the straight-grade tiour was substituted for the entire-wheat bread, and, finally, in three more experiments Graham bread was used. In the second series the experiments were repeated in a similar way with bread made from the Oklahoma wheat. Besides these, two additional experiments were made with each sub- ject in order to determine the influence of the bran and germ upon the completeness of digestion. In the first of these the diet consisted of bread from bran ffour, eaten with some milk. In the second, bread from germ flour Avas substituted for the bran flour bread. The total number of separate experiments was therefore twenty-four. The period of duration in each of the experiments with the ordinary flours was four da3's, or twelve meals; in the experiments with the ])ran and germ flour breads it was three days, or nine meals. The subjects, designated in these experiments as Nos. 1, 2, and 3, were 3'oung men in good health. One was emploved as a laborer on the universit}^ farm at field work and the care of stock, and the other two devoted part of their time to university studies with several hours each day of miscellaneous muscular work. EXPERIMENTS WITH ENTIRE-WHEAT, STRAIGHT-GRADE, AND GRAHAM FLOURS (BREAD) FROM OREGON WHEAT. The following tables, Nos. 5 to 13, give the data of the nine experi- ments in the series with Oregon wheat. Accompanying each tal)le are statistics regarding the diet, subject, and date of the experiment, and a sunmiar}^ of the data of income and outgo of nitrogen during the experimental period. DIGESTION EXPERIMENT NO. 469. Kind of food. — Milk, and bread made from Oregon entire-wheat flour. Subject.— M.2in No. 1. Farm hand employed at average farm labor. Weight. — At the beginning of the experiment 180 pounds; at the close 180 pounds. Duration. — Four days, with twelve meals, beginning with breakfast, March 11, 1903. 22 T.\BLE 5. — Re.'iiilt.'t of digestion experiment No. 469. Sain- p.e No. Weight of material. Protein (Nx6.25). • Fat. Carbohy- drates. Ash. Energy. 277 Food consumed: Bread Grams. 1,859.0 9,412.0 Grains. 106.0 340.7 Grams. 20.3 336.9 Grams. 973.9 354. 8 Grams. 16.2 64.9 Calories. 4,770 278 Milk 5, 773 Total 446.7 357.2 1,328.7 81.1 10, 543 Feces ( water-free) 291 175.0 45.3 10.2 22.4 16.9 67.2 7.1 40.1 787 Estimated feces from food other than bread 257 Estimated feces from bread Total amount digested 35.1 60.1 530 ... 401.4 70.9 334. 8 1,261.5 913.8 41.0 9,756 Estimated digestible nutrients in bread 4, 240 Coefficients of digestibility of total food Per cent. 89.8 66.9 Per cent. 93.7 Per cent. 94.9 93.8 Per cent. 50.6 Per cent. 92.5 Estimated coefficients of digesti- bility of bread alone 88.9 Proportion of energy actually available to the body: In total food 87.8 In bread alone ! 87.0 1 During this experiment the subject eliminated 4,535 grams urine, containing 62.94 grams nitrogen. The average nitrogen balance per day was therefore as follows: Income in food 17.87 grams; outgo in urine 15.74 grams; and in feces 1.81 grams; implying a gain of 0.32 gram nitrogen, corresponding to 2 grams protein. DIGESTION EXPERIMENT NO. 470. Kind of food. — Milk, and bread made from Oregon entire-wheat flour. Subject. — Man No. 2. University student employed about two hours per day at miscellaneous manual labor; walked about 2 miles daily. Weight. — At the beginning of the experiment 159.25 pounds; at the close 158.5 pounds. Duration. — Four days, with twelve meals, beginning with breakfast March 11, 1903. Table 6. — Results of digestion e.vperiment No. 470. Sam- to. Weight of material. Protein (NX6.25). Fat. Carbohy- drates. Ash. Energy. 277 Food consumed: Bread Grams. 2,623.0 7, 998. 0 Grams. 149.5 289.5 Grams. 28.6 286.3 Grams. 1,374.2 301. 5 Grams. 22.8 .55. 2 Calories. 6,731 278 Milk 4,906 Total 439.0 314.9 1,675.7 78.0 11, 637 Feces (water-free) 292 176.0 42.3 8.7 16.3 14.3 80.6 6.0 36.8 785 Estimated feces from food other than bread 221 Estimated feces from bread Total amount digested 33.6 74.6 564 396.7 115. 9 298. 6 1.595.1 41.2 10, 852 Estimated digestible nutrients in bread 1,299.6 6,167 23 r.^Bi.K <). — Iit'.'. 470 — Continued. Sam- ple No. ^ Weight of iiialerial. Protein (NX6.2.5). Fat. Carbohy- drates." Ash. Energy. Coefficients of digestibility of total food . Percent. 90.4 77.5 Per cent. 94.8 Per cent. 95.2 94.0 Per cent. .52. 9 Per ceil I. (93. 3) (91.6) 89.0 Estimated eoettieientsof diKesti- bilitv of bread alone Proportion of energy aetnally available to the body: I n total food In bread alone 89.5 Durino^ thi.s experiment the subject eliminated S.OOO o-ram.s urine containing 5'2.65 grams nitrogen. The average nitrogen balance per da}' was therefore as follows: Income in food 17. 56 grams; outgo in urine 13.16 grams; and in feces 1.69 grams: implying a gain of 2.71 grams nitrogen, corresponding to 16.9 grams protein. DIGESTION EXPERIMENT NO. 471. Kind of food. — Milk, and bread made from Oregon entire-wheat flour. Suhject. — Man No. 3. University student employed one-third of the time at office work, with exerci.se the .same as subject No. 2. Weight. — At the beginning of the experiment 158 pounds; at the close 155 pounds. Duration. — Four days, with twelve meals, beginning with break- fast March 11, 1903. Table 7. —Results of digestion experiment No. 471. Sam- ple No. 1 Weight of material. 1 Protein (N.<6.25). Fat. Carbohy- drates. Ash. Energy. •>77 Food consumed: Bread Grams. ' 1,811.0 5, 302. 4 Grams. 103.2 192. 0 Grams. 19.7 189.8 'Grams. 948.8 199.9 Grams. 1.5.8 36.6 Calories. 4,ti47 278 Milk 3, 253 Total 295. 2 209.5 1,148.7 .52. 4 7,900 Feces ( water- free ) 293 150.0 37.9 .5.8 16.9 9.5 62.6 4.0 32.6 675 Estimated feces from food other than bread 147 Estimated feces from bread Total am^oiint dice.sted 32.1 58.6 528 257.3 71.1 192.6 1,086.1 890.2 19.8 7,225 Estimated digestible nutrients 4,119 Coefficients of digestibility of total food -. Per wilt. 87.2 68.9 Per cent. 91.9 Per cent. 94.6 93.8 Per cent. 37.7 Per cent. (91.5) Estimated coefficients of digesti- bilitvof bread alone (88.6) Proporiion of energy actually available to the body: 87.4 Tn bread alone 86.7 1 24 During- this experiment the subject eliminated 2,854 grams urine, containing- 47.79 grams nitrogen. The average nitrogen balance per day was therefore as follows: Income in food 11.81 grams; outgo in urine 11.95 grams; and in feces 1.52 grams; implying a loss of 1.06 grams nitrogen, corresponding to 10.4 grams protein. DIGESTION EXPERIMENT NO. 472. Kind of food. — Milk, and bread made from Oregon 8traight-grad'e~ flour. Subject. — Man No. 1. Conditions as in experiment No. 469. Weight. — At the beginning of the experiment 174.5 pounds; at the close 174 pounds. Duration. — Four days, with twelve meals, beginning with breakfast March 26, 1903. Table 8. — Results of digeHtion experiment No. 472. Sam- to. Weight of material. Protein (N X 6.25). Put. Carbohy- drates. Ash. Energy. 294 Food consumed: Grams. 2, 544. 0 9, \f)Z. 8 Grams. 137. 6 271.0 Grams. 22. 6 408.3 Grams. 1,471.7 408.3 Grams. 22.9 76.9 Calories. 7,034 29.') Milk 7,003 Total 408.6 430.9 1, 880. 0 99.8 14.037 Feces i water-free \ 308 117.0 28.0 8.1 14.8 20.4 37.0 8.2 37.2 I 540 Estimated feces from food other 320 Estimated feces from bread Total amount digested 19.9 28.8 •220 380.6 117.7 416.1 1,843.0 1,442.9 62.6 13,497 Estimated digestible nutrients in bread 6,814 Coefficients of digestibility of total food Per cent. 93.1 85.6 Percent. 96.6 Per cent. 98.0 98.0 Per cent. 62.7 Per cent. (96. 2) Estimated coellicientsof digesti- (96.9) Proportion of energy actually available to the body: In itiia\ food 92.8 Tn hrf^rtd alone 94.8 During this experiment the subject eliminated 5,206 grams urine, containing 71.64 grams nitrogen. The average nitrogen balance per day was therefore as follows: Income in food 16.34 grams; outgo in urine 17.91 grams; and in feces 1.12 grams; implying a loss of 2.69 grams nitrogen, corresponding to 16.8 grams protein. DIGESTION EXPERIMENT NO. 473. Kind of food. — Milk, and bread made from Oregon straight-grade flour. /Subjeet. — Man No. 2. Conditions as in experiment No. 470. Weight. — At the beginning of the experiment 152.5 pounds; at the close 154 pounds. 25 Duration. — Four days, with twelve meals, beginning with breakfast March 26, 1903. Table 9. — i?c.s(«//.s of digestion experiment Xo. 473. Sam- ple No. Weight of material. Grams. 3,04.5.0 8, 034. 0 Protein (Nx6.25). Fat. Carbohy- drates". Ash. Energy. 294 Food consumed: Bread Grains. 164.7 237. 8 Grams. 27.1 358. 3 Grams. 1,761.5 3.58. 3 Grams. 21. A 67.5 Calories. 8,419 295 Milk 6,147 Total 402. 5 385.4 2,119.8 94.9 14, .566 Ppf>f»c f water- free) 309 97.0 24.6 7.1 11.0 17.9 27.0 7.2 34.4 384 Estimated fecesfrom food other 2.55 Estimated feces from bread Total amount digested 17.5 19.8 129 377.9 147. 2 374.4 2, 092. 8 1,741.7 60.5 14, 182 Estimated digestible nutrients 8,290 Coefficients of digestibility of total food Per cent. 93.9 89.4 Per rent. 97.2 Per cent. 98.7 98.9 Per cent. 63.8 Per cent. (97.4) Estimated coefficients of digesti- V»ilit\.' of lirpjid alone (98.5) Pn)portion of energy actually available to the body: Tn tcital food 94.1 96.3 During this experiment the subject eliminated 4,120 grams urine, containing Vd.Ol grams nitrogen. The average nitrogen balance per da}' was therefore as follows: Incom.e in food 16.10 g-rams; outgo in urine 12.27 grams; and in feces 0.98 g-ram; implying a gain of 2.85 grams nitrogen, corresponding to 17.8 grams protein. DIGESTION EXPERIMENT NO. 474. Kind of food.— MWk, and bread made from Oregon straight-grade flour. Suhject. — Man No. 3. Conditions as in experiment No. 471. Weight.— Mih^ beginning of the experiment 155 pounds; at the close 155.5 pounds. Duration. — Four da3's, with twelve meals, beginning with breakfa.st March 26, 1903. Table 10. — Results of digestion experiment No. 474- Sam- ple No. Weight of material. Protein {Nx6.25). Fat. Carbohy- drates. Ash. Energy. 294 Food consumed: Grams. 2, 463. 0 6,192.0 Grams. 133.2 183.3 Grams. 21.9 276.2 Grams. 1,424.8 276.2 Grams. 22. 2 E'lo CaJories. 6,810 295 Milk 4,737 Total 316.5 298.1 1,701.0 74.2 11,. 547 310 111.0 32.4 .5.5 11.1 13.8 37.0 5.5 30.5 469 Estimated feces from food other 192 Estimated fecesfrom bread Total amount digested 26.9 31.5 277 284.1 287.0 1,6&1.0 43.7 11,078 26 Table 10. — Rr.viH.^ of iligrstimi experhnent No. 474 — Continued. Sam- ple No. Estimated digestible nutrients in bread Coeflicients of digestibility of total food Estimated coetlicients of digesti- bility of bread Mlone Proportion of energy actually available to tlie body: In total food In bread alone Weight of material. Grams. Protein (Nx6.'26). (Jraiii,^. IOC). 3 Per cent. 89.8 79. H Fat. Orams. Per cent. 96.3 Carbohy drates. Gramg. 1,393.3 Per cent. 97.8 97.8 Ash. Gram.'!. Per cent. 58.9 Energy. ( 'aloi-iex. 6, 533 Per cent. (95. 9) (9.5.9) 92.9 94.0 During this experiment the subject eliminated 4,288 grams urine, containing- 51.71 grams nitrogen. The average nitrogen balance per day was therefore as follows: Income in food 12.66 grams; outgo in urine 12.93 grams; and in feces 1.29 grams; implying a loss of 1.56 grams nitrogen, corresponding to 9.8 grams protein. DIGESTION EXPERIMENT NO. 475. IRnd of food. — Milk, and bread made from Oregon (xraham flour. Suhject. — Man No. 1. Conditions as in experiment No. 469. Weight. — At the beginning of the experiment iT-t pounds; at the clo.se 174 pounds. Duration. — Four days, with twelve meals, beginning with breakfast March 30, 1903. Table 11. — ReHultH of digestion experiment No. 475. Sam- ple No. Weight of material. Protein (NX 6.25). Fat. Carbohy- drates. Ash. Energy. 311 Food consumed : Bread Grams. 3,431.0 8,194.0 Grams. 209.6 145. 0 Orams. 38.4 357. 3 Grams. 1,807.5 436.7 Grams. 52.8 65.6 Calories. 8,790 312 Milli. 5,581 Total 354.6 395.7 2,244.2 118.4 14,371 Feces (water-free) 325 388.2 87.0 4.4 43.5 17.9 188.4 8.7 69.3 1,777 Estimated feces from food other than bread 237 82.6 179.7 1,540 Total amount digested 267.6 127.0 352.2 2,055.8 1,627.8 49.1 12, 594 Estimated digestible nutrients in bread 7,250 Coefficients of digestibility of total food Per cent. 60.6 Per cent. 89.0 Per cent. 91.6 90.1 Per cent. 41.5 Per cent. (87. (i) Estimated coefficientsof digesti- bility of bread alone (82. 5) Proportion of energy actually available to the body: In total food 8.5.3 80.7 27 Duriiio' tills experiment th(> subject eliminated 4,(»li jifranis urine, eontainiug HS.SS g-rams niti'ogen. The average nitrogen balance per day was therefore as follows: Income in food 14. U) grams; outgo in urine l^.O") grams; and in feces 3.48 grams; implying a loss of 3.94 grams nitrogen, corresponding to 24.0 grams protein. DIGESTION EXPERIMENT NO. 476. Kind of food. — Milk, and bread made from Oregon Graham flour. Suhject. — Man No. 2. Conditions as in experiment No. 470. Weight. — At the beginning of the experiment 154 pounds; at the close 15() pounds. Duration. — Four days, with 12 meals, beginning with breakfast March 30, 1903. Table 12. — Results of digestion experiment No. 476. Sam- Weight of material. Protein (NX6.25). Fat. Carbohy- drates. Ash. Energy. 311 Food consumed: Bread . Grams. 2,736.0 7, 894. 8 Grams. 167.2 139.7 Grams. 30.6 344.2 Grams. 1,441.3 420.8 Grams. 42.1 63.2 Calories. 7,010 312 Milk 5, 377 Total 306.9 374.8 1,862.1 105. 3 12, 387 3''() 288.5 62.2 4.2 30. 2 17.2 139.8 8.4 56.3 1,239 Estimated feces from, food other 220 EHtimated feces from bread Total amount (iicested 58.0 131.4 1,019 244.7 109. 2 344.6 1,722.3 1,209.9 49.0 11, 148 Estimated digestible nutrients 1 n bread 5, 991 Coefficients of digestibility of total food Per cent. 79.7 6h. 3 Per cent. 91.9 Per cent. 92.5 90. 9 Per cent. 4(1. 5 Per cent. (90.0) Estimated coetticientsof digesti- Viilitv of bread alone (85.5) Proptn*tion of energy actually available to the body: 87. 5 83.5 During this experiment the subject eliminated 3,601 grams ui'ine, containing 49.41 grams nitrogen. The average nitrogen balance per day was therefore as follows: Income in food 12.28 grams; outgo in urine 12.35 grams; and in feces 2.49 grams; implying a loss of 2.56 grams nitrogen, corresponding to 16 grams protein. DIGESTION EXPERIMENT NO. 477. Kind of food.— MWk, and bread made from Oregon Graham flour. Std)ject. — Man No. 3. Conditions as in experiment No. 471. Weight.— Kt the beginning of the experiment 154.5 pounds; at the close 151.5 pounds. Duration.— Fowl- days, with twelve meals, beginning with break- fast March 30, 1903. 28 Table 18. — Rennlls of dlge.'stion experiment No. 477. Sam- ple No. Weight of material. Protein (Nx6.25). Fat. Carbohy- drates. Ash. Energy. 311 Food consumed: Bread Grams. 1,563.0 6, 398. 4 Grams. 95. 5 113.2 Grams. 17.5 279. 0 Grams. 823.4 341.0 Grams. 24.1 51.2 Calories. 4,004 312 Milk... 4, 358 Total ... 208. 7 296.5 1,164.4 75.3 8, 362 Feces ( water-free ) 327 185. 3 60. 2 22. 0 14.0 67.7 35.4 i 822 Estimated feces from food other than bread 3.4 6.8 173 Estimated feces from bread Total amount digested 56.8 00.9 649 148. 5 38.7 274. 5 1,096.7 762. 5 39.9 7,540 Estimated digestible nutrients in bread 3,355 Coefficients of digestibility of total food . . . Per cent. 71.1 40.5 Per cent. 92. 6 Per cent. 94.2 92. 6 Per cent. 53.0 Per cent. (90.2) (83.8) -88.0 Estimated coefficients of digesti- bility of bread alone . . Proportion of energy actually available to the body: In total food In bread alone •82.6 During- this experiment the subject eliminated 3,502 grams urine, containing 49.58 grams nitrogen. The average nitrogen balance per day was therefore as follows: Income in food 8.35 grams; outgo in urine 12.40 grams; and in feces 2.41 grams; implying a loss of 6.46 grams nitrogen, corresponding to 40.4 grams protein. EXPERIMENTS WITH STRAIGHT-GRADE, ENTIRE-WHEAT, AND GRAHAM FLOURS (BREAD) FROM OKLAHOMA WHEAT. The data of the experiments w ith bread made from the tiiree grades of flour milled from tiie Olvlahoma wheat are given in Tables 14 to 22, which follow. DIGESTION EXPERIMENT NO. 478. Kind of fockl. — Milk, and bread made from Oklahoma straight-grade flour. Suhject. — Man No. 1. Conditions as in experiment No. 469. Weight. — At the beginning of the experiment 173 pounds; at the close 175 pounds. Duration. — Four days, with twelve meals, beginning with breakfast April 8, 1903. Table 14. — Results of digestion experiment No. 478. Sam- ple No. Weight of material. Protein (Nx6.25). Fat. Carbohy- drates". Ash. Energy. 328 Food consumed: Bread Grams. 3, .558.0 11,625.0 Grams. 360.4 337.1 Grams. 22.8 428. 9 Grams. 1,819.6 541. 7 Grams. 15.6 96.5 Calories. 9, 902 329 Milk 7,476 Total ... 697. 5 451.7 2,361.3 112.1 17, 378 2d Table 14. — Results of diyestion t'xperlnu'iit \„. 478 — Continued. Sam- ple No. Weight of material. Protein (NX6.25). Fat. Carbohy- drates. Grams. 71.2 lO.S Ash. Energy. 342 Feces (water-free) Grams. 182. 0 Gra ms. 4.1. 3 10.1 Grams. 17.0 21.4 ■ Grams. 48.5 Grams. K7Q Estimated feces from food other than bread Qr.i! Estimated feces from bread Total amount digested •-""-' 35.2 60.4 511 652. 2 32.i. 2 434.7 2,290.1 1,7.59.2 63.6 16 499 Estimated dige.stible nutrients in bread 9,391 Coefttcients of digestibility of tota 1 food Per cent. 93.5 90.2 Per cent. 9{;. 3 Per cent. 97.0 96.7 Pit cent. 56.7 Per cent. (94.9) (94.8) 90.3 Estimated coefficients of digesti- hilit V of bread alone Proportion of energy actually available to the body: In total food In bread alone 90 7 During this experiment the subject eliminated T.LTl j^-rams urine containing 111.16 grams nitrogen. The average nitrogen l)alance per da^' was therefore as follows: Income in food 27.90 grams; outgo in urine 27. TO grams; and in feces 1.81 grams; implA'ing a loss of 1.70 grams nitrogen, corresponding to 10.6 grains protein. DIGESTION EXPERIMENT NO. 479. Kind of food. — Milk, and bread made from Oklahoma straight-grade flour. Siihject. — Man No. 2. Conditions as in experiment No. 170. Weight. — At the beginning of the experiment 156 pounds; at the close 162 pounds". Duraiixm. — Four days, with twelve meals, beginning with breakfast April 8, 1903. Table 15. — Resii/ts of . 2.'i8. 2 201.9 Grams. 16.3 256. 9 Grams. 1,303.5 324.4 Grams. 11.2 .57.8 Calories. 7,094 329 Milk 4,474 Total 460.1 273. 2 1,627.9 69.0 11,568 344 104.0 30.3 ' 6.0 14.4 12.8 31.0 6.5 28.3 443 Estimated feces from food other 182 Estimated feces from bread Total amount difxested 24.3 24.5 261 429.8 233. 9 258. 8 1,596.9 1,279.0 40.7 11,125 j:stimated digestible nutrients in bread 6, 833 Coefficients of digestibility of total food Per cent. 93.4 90.6 Per rent. 94.7 Per rent. 98.1 98.1 Per cent. 59.0 Per rent. (96.2) Estimated coefficients of digest- (96.3) Proportion of energy actually available to the body: Tti total fnod 91.5 92. 2 During this experiment the su])ject eliminated 4,558 grams urine, containing 63.56 grams nitrogen. The average nitrogen balance per day was therefore as follows: Income in food 18.40 grams; outgo in urine 15.89 grams; and in feces 1.21 grams; implying a gain of 1.30 grams nitrogen, corresponding to 8.1 grams protein. DIGESTION EXPERIMENT NO. 481. Kind of food. — Milk, and bread made from Oklahoma entire-wheat flour. Subject. — Man No. 1. Conditions as in experiment No. 469. Weight. — At the beginning of the experiment 174 pounds; at the close 173.75 pounds. 31 I)iir(ilio)i. — Four days, with twi^lvc moals. iM'oiiiniiiii' with breakfast April 1."). 1903. Table 17. — Re^nUs :->0 grams urine, containing- W.^^\ grams nitrogen. The average nitrogen l)alance per day was therefore as follows: Income in food 28.53 grams; outgo in urine 24,15 grams; and in feces 1.1(» grams; implying again of 0.28 gram nitrogen, corresponding- to 1.8 grams protein. DIGESTION EXPERIMENT NO. 482. Kind of food. — Milk, and liread made from Oklahoma entire-wheat flour. Suhject. — Man No. 2. Conditions as in experiment No. ITO. Weia/tt. — At the beginning of the experiment 155.5 pounds; at the close 155 pounds. Duration.— YowY days, with twelve meals, beginning with l)reakfast April 15, 11>03. Table 18. — Results of digestion experiment No. 4S^. Sam- ple No. Weight of material. Protein (NX6.25). Fat. Carbohy- drates. Ash. Energy. 345 Food consumed: Bread Grams. 2, 449. 0 Grams. 2.59. 6 Grams. •25. 5 Grams. 1,129.2 Grams. 23.0 Calwies. 6,646 346 Milk 7,730.0 j 221.9 :«2.4 i .54. 1 5, t81 Total 481.5, 357.9 1,484.8 1 77.1; 1-2,127 ■ppppa fii'ator-free^ 360 193.5 47.2 1 14.4 97.3 34.6 1 860 Estimated feces from food other than bread 6.7 16.6 7.1 235 Estimated feces from bread TnfHl flTnoiiiit dipested 40.5 90.2 625 434.3 34:?. 5 1.387.5 42.5 1 11, -267 Estimated digestible nutrients in bread 219.1 j 1.039.0 6.'021 ( 32 Table 18. — Remits of digestion experiment No. 482 — Continued. Sam- ple No. Weightof material. Coefficients of digestibility of total food Estimated coefficients of digesti- bility of bread alone Proportion of energy actually available to the body: In total food In bread alone Protein (NX6.25) Per rtiil. 90.2 84.4 Fat. Per cent. 96.0 Carbohy drates. Per rent. 93.4 92.0 Ash. Per cent. 55.1 Energy. Per cent. (92.9) (90.6) 88.4 86.6 During this experiment the subject eliminated 3,604 grams urine, containing- 07.26 grams nitrogen. The average nitrogen balance per day was therefore as follows: Income in food 19.26 grams; outgo in urine 16.82 grams; and in feces 1.89 grams; implying a gain of 0.55 gram nitrogen, corresponding to 3.4: grams protein, DIGESTION EXPERIMENT NO. 483. I{/md of food. — Milk, and bread made from Oklahoma entire-wheat flour. Subject. — Man No. 3. Conditions as in experiment No. -171. Weight. — At the beginning of the experiment 154.5 pounds; at the close 151.5 pounds. Ihiratioti.— Four days, with twelve meals, beginning with breakfast April 15, 1903. Table 19. — Results of digestion experiment No. 4S3. Sam- ple No. Weightof material. Protein (NX6.25). Fat. Carbohy- drates. Ash. Energy. 346 Food consumed: Grams. 1,731.0 8. 173. 5 Grams. 183. 5 234.6 Grams. 18.0 351.5 Grams. 798.1 376.0 Grams. 16.3 57.2 Calories. 4,698 346 Milk 5,795 Total 418.1 369.5 1,174.1 73.5 10, 493 Feces ( water-free ) 361 193.6 46.2 7.0 20.1 17.6 87.4 7.5 39.8 873 Estimated feces from food other 247 Estimated feces from bread Total amount digested 39.2 79.9 626 371.9 144.3 349.4 1,086.7 718.2 33.7 9,620 Estimated digestible nutrients 4,072 Coefficients of digestibility of Per cent. 89.0 78.7 Per cent. 94.6 Per cent. 92.6 90.0 Per cent. 45.9 Per cent. (91.7) Estimated coetticients of digesti- hilitv iti hrpad aloiie (86.7) Proportion of energy actually available to the body: 87.3 82.9 33 During this exporiiiient the suhjct-t oliiiiinatcd V>,2i}i^ graiD.s urine, containintr 60.17 grams^ nitrogen. The average nitrogen balance per day was therefore as follows: Income in food 16.72 grams; outgo in urine 15. 0-i grams; and in feces 1.85 grams; implying a loss of 0.17 gram nitrogen, corresponding to 1.1 grams protein. DIGESTION EXPERIMENT NO. 484. Kind of food. — Milk, and ))read made from Oklahoma Graham flour. Suhjeet. — Man No. 1. Conditions as in experiment No. 469. Welg/tt. — At the beginning of the experiment 175 pounds; at the close 173.75 pounds. Duration. — Four days, with twelve meals, beginning with break- fast April 20, 1903. T.\BLE 20. — Results of digc'^tion cvpenment No. 484. Sam- ple No. Weight of material. Protein (NX 6.25). Fat. Carbohy- drates. Ash. Energy. 362 Food consumed: Bread Grams. 3, 635. 0 12,281.0 Grams. 387. 1 361.1 Grams. 40.7 719.7 Grams. 1,620.5 423. 7 Grams. 52.7 106.9 Calories. Q 14S 363 Milk 8,473 Total 748.2 760.4 2, 044. 2 1.59. 6 17 618 , Feces (wator-free) 376 486.0 111.0 10.8 49.2 36.0 242. 7 8.5 83.1 2,297 470 Estimated feces from food other than bread Estimated feces frombread . Total amount digested 100.2 234. 2 •1 8''7 637.2 286.9 711.2 1,801.5 1,386.3 76.5 15, 321 7 318 Estimated digestible nutrients in bread Coefficient.s of digestibility of total food Per cent. 85.2 74.1 Per cent. 93.5 Per cent. 88.1 85.6 Per cent. 47.9 Per cent. (87.0) (80.0) 82.4 Estimated coefficients of digesti- bility of bread alone Proportion of energy actually available to the bodv: In total food In bread alone 76.1 ! ] During this experiment the subject eliminated 7,383 grams urine, containing 107.46 grams nitrogen. The average nitrogen bahmce per day was therefore as follows: Income in food 29.!>o gi-ams; outgo in urine 26.87 grams; and in feces 4.44 grams; impl34ng a loss of 1.38 grams nitrogen, corresponding to 8.6 grams protein. DIGESTION EXPERIMENT NO. 485. Kind of food. — Milk, and })read made from Oklahoma Graham flour. Subject. — Man No. 2. Conditions as in experiment No. 470. Weight. — ^At the beginning of the experiment 155 poimds: at the close 156 pounds. Duration. — Four days, with twelve meals, beginning with l)reakfast April 20, 1903. 29(304— No. 150—05 3 34 Table 21. — Resultf! of digestion experiment No. 485. Sam- ple No. Weight of material. Protein (NX6.25). Fat. Carbohy- drates. Ash. Energy. 362 Food consumed: Bread Grams. 2, 672. 0 7,2.34.3 Grams. 284. 6 212. 7 Grams. 29.9 423. 9 Grams. 1,191.2 249. 5 Grams. 38.7 63. 0 Calories. 6, 723 363 Milk 4,991 Total 497.3 453. 8 1,440.7 101.7 11,714 Feces (water-free) 377 254.0 .57.1 6.4 21.6 21.2 134.5 .5.0 40.8 834 Estimated feces from food other 193 Estimated feces from bread 50.7 129. 5 641 440.2 233.9 432.2 1,306.2 1,061.7 60.9 10, 880 Estimated digestible nutrients 6,082 Coefficients of digestibility of total food Per cent. 88. 5 82. 2 Per cent. 95.2 Per cent. 90.7 89.1 Per cent. 59.9 Per cent. (92.9) Estimated coefficients of digesti- bility of brcnd alone (90. .5) Proportion of energy actually available to the body: 88. 2 In bread alone 86.1 1 1 During this experiment the subject eliminated 3,628 grams urine, containing 65.53 grams nitrogen. The average nitrogen l)alance per day was therefore as follows: Income in food 19.89 grams; outgo in urine 16.38 grams; and in feces 2.28 grams; implying a gain of 1.23 grams nitrogen, corresponding to 7.7 grams protein. DIGESTION EXPERIMENT NO. 486. ITind of food. — Milk, and bread made from Oklahoma Graham flour. Srihject. — Man No. 3. Conditions as in experiment No. 471. Weight. — At the beginning of the experiment 153.5 pounds; at the close -152.5 pounds. Duration. — Four da3\s, with twelve meals, beginning with breakfast April 20, 1903. Table 22. — Results of digestion experiment No. 4^6. Sam- ple No. Weight of material. Protein (NX6.25). Fat. Carbohy- drates'. Ash. Energy. 362 Food consumed: Bread Grams. 1,661.0 7,089.8 Grams. 176.9 208.4 Grams. 18.6 415. 5 Grams. 740.5 244.6 Grams. 24.1 61.7 Calories. 4,179 363 Milk 4,891 Total 38.5.3 434.1 985. 1 85.8 9,070 Feces ( water-free) 378 210.0 49.4 6.2 24.2 20.8 97.9 4.9 38.5 935 Estimated feces from food other than bread 251 Estimated feces from bread Total amount digested 43.2 93.0 684 335.9 133.7 409.9 887.2 647.5 47.3 8, 135 Estimated digestible nutrients i n bread 3,495 Coefficients of digestibility of total food Per cent. 87.2 Per cent. 94.4 Per cent. 90.1 Per cent. 55.1 Per cent. (89.7) 35 Table 22. — Re.mlt.'^ of digestion experiment Xo. 486 — Continued. Sam- to. Weight of material. Protein (NX6.25). Fat. Carbohy- drates." Ash. Energy. Estimated coefficients of digesti- bilitv of ))read alone Per cent. 75.6 Per cent. Per cent. 87.4 Per cent. Per cent. 1 (83.6) Proportion of energy actually available to the body: In total food 8.5. 1 In bread alone 79. 6 I During thi« experiment the subject eliminated 4:,920 grams urine, containing 57.9!^ grams nitrogen. The average nitrogen bahmce per da}' was therefore as follows: Income in food 15.41 grams; outgo in urine l-t.SO grams; and in feces 1.98 grams, implN-ing a loss of 1.07 grams nitrogen, corresponding to 6.7 grams protein. SUMMARY OF RESULTS OBTAINED WITH BREAD FROM DIFFER- ENT GRADES OF FLOUR. The results of the experiments showing the digestibility of the nutri- ents and availability of the energy of the three grades of flour are summarized in the following tables. Table 23 shows the percentages for the total food (bread and milk) and Table 24 the values computed for bread alone in the manner previously described (p. IS). These latter values are of particular interest. Table 23. — Digestibility of nutrients and availability of energy of total food. Experi- ment No. Sub- ject No. Kind of food. Protein. Fat. Carbohy- drates. Energy. 469 470 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 Experiments wUh Oregon wheat. Milk and entire-wheat flour bread do Per cent. 89.8 90.4 87.2 Per cent. 93.7 94.8 91.9 Per cent. 94.9 95. 2 94.6 Per cent. 87.8 89.0 471 do 87.4 Average 89.1 93.5 94.9 88.1 Milk and .straight-grade flour bread 472 93.1 93.9 89.8 96.6 97.2 96.3 98.0 98.7 97.8 92.8 473 do 94.1 474 do 92.9 Average 92.3 96.7 98.2 93.3 Milk and Graham flour bread 47.5 75.5 79.7 a 71.1 89.0 91.9 92.6 91.6 92.5 94.2 86.3 476 do 87.5 477 . . .do 88.0 Average 77.6 91.2 92.8 86.9 Experiments with Oklahoma wheat. Milk and entire-wheat flour bread 481 85.6 90.2 89.0 95.4 96.0 94.6 91.7 93.4 92.6 8,5.9 482 ... .do 88.4 483 do 87.3 Average 88.3 9.5.3 92.6 87.2 Milk and straieht-errade flour bread . 478 93.5 94.2 93.4 %.3 97.4 94.7 97.0 98.2 98.1 90.3 479 (io 92.0 480 do 91.5 93.7 96.1 97.8 91.3 Milk and Graham flour bread 484 8.5.2 88.5 87.2 93. .5 9.5.2 94.4 88.1 90.7 90.1 82.4 48.5 do 88.2 486 do 85.1 Average 87.0 94.4 89.6 85.2 a Omitted from average. 36 Table 24. — Digestibility of nutrients and availability of energy of bread alone. Experi- Sub- ment ject No. No. 469 1 • 470 9 471 3 472 1 ■473 9 474 3 ■17.'i 1 47(i '7 477 3 481 1 482 •) 483 3 478 1 479 2 480 3 484 1 485 2 486 3 Kind of food. Experiments with Orefimi wheat. Entire-whciit flonr bread. ....do ....do Average . Straight-grade flonr bread ....do..: ...do .Average . Graliam fionr bread , ....do ....do Average E.rpcrimciits witli Oklnhdiiin irlirat. Entire-wheat fionr bread. ....do ....do Average . Straight-grade fionr bread .do .do Average . Graham flour bread. do do .\verage . Protein. Per cent. 66.9 11. "^ 68.9 Carbohy- drates. Per cent. 93.8 94.6 93.8 77.3 Energy. Per cent. 87.0 89..') 86.7 71.1 94.1 87.7 8.'i. 6 89.4 79.8 98. 0 98.9 97.8 94.8 96.3 94.0 84.9 98.2 95.0 60.6 6^. 3 « 40. 5 90.1 90.9 92.6 80.7 83.5 82.6 63.0 91.2 82.3 75.7 84.4 78.7 89.6 92.0 90.0 81.9 86.5 82.9 79.6 90.5 83.8 90.2 91.9 90.6 96.7 98.2 98.1 90.7 93.3 92.2 90.9 97.7 92.1 74.1 82.2 75.6 85.6 89.1 87.4 76.1 86.1 79.6 87.4 80.6 a Omitted from average. COMPARISON OF BREAD FROM THE THREE GRADES OF FLOUR FROM THE SAME LOT OF WHEAT. In the experiments with Oregon wheat, the ligure.s in Table 2-i show striking differences in the digestion of protein of the same flour by the different subjects. Thus, subject No. 2 digested 65.3 per cent of the protein of Graham bread, whereas subject No. 3 digested only 40.5 per cent. The latter figure is considered abnormall}^ low and is not included in the average. In the experiments with the entire-wheat bread, subject No. 1 digested 66.9 per cent of the protein, and subject No. 2 digested 77.5 per cent; and the variation was nearly as wide in the experiments with bread from straight-grade flour, ranging from 79.8 per cent with subject No. 3 to 89.4 per cent with subject No, 2. On the other hand, in the case of the carbohydrates and energy, the variations for the different subjects with the same flour were com- paratively small. Notwithstanding the wide range in the digest- ibility of protein of the same flour by the difl'e rent subjects, the results are in perfect accord in this respect, that each subject digested the nutrients of the straight-grade flour more thoroughly than those of 37 the cntiro-whoat, and tlio nutrients of the hitter more thorouulily than tho.se of the (xrahaiii Hour. Likewi.se the enero-y of the .stnii^ht-iijrade flour was more avaihibh'. than that of entire-wheat or Graham. In the experiments with Okhihoma wheat, tiiere were also a[)pre- ciable differences in the digestibility of the protein of the entire-wheat flour by the different subjects, and the same in the case of the (Iraham flour. The results for the protein of the straight-grade flour were in close agreement. As was the ease with the Oregon flours, the results with the different subjects on the same flour agreed quite clo.sely in respect to the digestibility of carbohydrates and the availability of energy. Furthermore, with each su])jeet the digestibility of the •nutrients and the availability of the energy of the ditterent flours was in the following order: Straight-grade, entire-wheat, and Graham. In l)rief, then, the flours from both kinds of wheat give the .same results, namely, the nutrients of the straight-grade flour are more digestil)le than those of the entire-wheat flour, and the latter are more digestible than those of the Graham flour. This means that, when the three flours compared are ground from the same lot of wheat, in actual nutritive value the straight-grade flour stands flrst, entire-wheat flour next, and Graham flour last. This mav be more clearly apparent when the data are summarized in the manner shown in the following ta])le: Table 2b.—Pv(>portiuii of total and digediUe nutrients and total and available energy in different gradei^ of Oregon and Oklahoma flour as milled. Kind of flour. Protein (Nx6.25). Carbohydrates. Energy per gram. pie No. Total. Digest- ible. Total. Digest- ible. Total. Avail- able. 271 Orpffon CTrfthftni flour Per cent. 8.97 8.25 7. 55 16.81 Per cent. 5. 65 5. 87 6.41 12.99 13. 24 13.69 Per cent. 79.48 80. 35 81.82 72. 35 73.05 73.57 • Per cent. 72.49 75.61 80.35 63. 23 66.11 71.88 Calories. 3.990 3.900 3.880 4.178 4.159 4.040 Calories. 3. 284 272 273 274 OreKoii entire-wheat flour Oregon straight-grade Hour OkliilininM (iriilijim flour 3. 420 3. 686 3.367 275 276 Oklahonm entire-wheat flour Oklahoma .straight-grade flour... 16.63 15.06 3.485 3. 721 In the case of the Oregon wheat, considering total protein, the (Ti-a- ham flour contained 8.97 per cent, the entire- wheat 8.2.5 per cent, and the straight-grade 7.55 per cent; but, considering digestible i)rotein, the straight-grade flour contained 6.41 per cent, whereas the Graham flour contained only 5.65 per cent. Likewise the total energy per gram was 3.990 calories for Graham flour and 3.880 calories for straight- grade; but the available energy per gram was 3.686 calories for the straight-grade flour and only 3.28-1: calories for the Graham flour. In the case of the Oklahoma wheat also the proportions of total protein and enero-y were laroest in the Graham and smallest in the straight- o«^ • •1*1 grade flour, whereas tiie proportions of digestil)le protein and avail- able energy were largest in the straight-grade and smallest in the 38 Graham flour. That is, in the flours from both kinds of wheat the rehitive nutritive values of the three grades, as shown b}^ digest- ible protein and available energy, were, first, straight-grade and, last, Graham. In this respect the results obtained in these experiments are exactly in accord with those obtained in similar investigations with wheat from other localities. This means that from the same quantity of the three grades of flour from the same lot of wheat the body would actually obtain more protein and energy from the entire-wheat flour than from the Graham, and still more from the straight-grade flour than from the entire-wheat flour. In general it may be said that the results obtained with the two sorts of wheat studied in the investigation here reported are in accord with those obtained in the earlier investigations of the series. This fact is a conflrmation of the belief that the conclusions drawn regarding the nutritive value of difi^erent sorts of flour hold good for all varieties of wheat, provided the difierent flours are ground from the same sample. COMPARISON OF BREAD FROM THE SAME GRADE OF FLOTJR FROM THE TWO LOTS OF WHEAT. Certain differences are noticeable in the digestibility of the nutrients and availability of the energ}^ of the breads from similar grades of flour produced from the two lots of wheat. It will be observed that the percentage of digestible carbohydrates and available energy is larger, on the average, for each grade of flour from the Oregon wheat than for the same grade from the Oklahoma wheat, though the difler- ences are not great. With the protein, on the other hand, the differ- ences are larger and the conditions are reversed, the digestibility of the flours from the Oklahoma wheat being greater than that of the cor- responding flours from the Oregon wheat. As previously noted, the flour from the Oregon wheat was comparatively low in protein,-whereas that from the Oklahoma "wheat was high. In a former investigation '^ an attempt was made to determine the efl'ect upon digestibilit}' of adding wheat starch to a flour relatively rich in protein, in order to reduce the proportion of ])rotein. In those experiments the difference between the percentage of protein in the normal flour and that in the same flour modifled by the addi- tion of starch was not so large as the difference between the protein content of the Oklahoma and that of the Oregon flour used in the present experiments. In the former experiments the digestibility of protein was lower in the flour with the increased starch content (i. e., reduced protein content) than in the normal flour. Similarly, in the present experiments, the protein was less digestible in the flour with " U. S. Dept. Agr., Office of Experiment Stations Bui. 101, p. 54. 89 the lower protein content, the differences in the present instimce being even more pronounced than those in the earlier experiments. In both cases, then, the indications are that the widening of the ratio of protein to starch in the Hour lowers the digestibility of the protein. As mentioned before, the differences in digestibility of the carbohy- drates of the same grade of Hour from the two lots of wheat were small, being largest in the case of the entire-wheat and Graham flours. In the case of the straight-grade tlours 98,2 per cent of the carbohy- drates from the Oregon wheat and 97.7 per cent from the Oklahoma wheat were digested. Since the carboh\drates of wheat flour are com- posed largely of starch, it is evident that wheat starch is a highly digestible nutrient, and more thoroughly digested in the form of straight-grade than in the other flours. The average difference in the digestibility of the carbohvdrates of the breads made from the Graham and straight-grade flours amounts to 8.7 per cent in favor of the straight-grade flour. UNDIGESTED STARCH IN FECES. In former reports it was pointed out that the large particles observed in the fecal matter from the Graham and entire-wheat flours contained unaltered wheat-starch granules, which had escaped com- plete digestion. In the present digestion experiments also, microscopic studies showed the presence of unaltered starch grains in the feces from the Graham and entire-wheat flours. EXPERIMENTS WITH BREAD FROM "BRAN FLOUR." As pointed out in the preceding experiments in the present bulletin and in similar experiments previously reported, the Graham flour which contains the whole of the wheat kernel, including the bran, and is more coarsely groiuid than entire-wheat or standard patent flours, is less digestible than either of these two grades. The cause of this differ- ence has sometimes been attributed to the coarseness of the brann}' particles. In order to determine what influence bran in a fine state of division would have upon the completeness of digestion, three experi- ments were made with straight-grade flour to which ver^- flnely ground bran was added. For convenience this material has been designated '•bran flour." This bran flour was prepared from milling products of Oklahoma wheat, described on pages 12 and 13. A (luantity of the bran (No. 1:13) was ground in a burr mill and then in a Maerker mill until it was very tine. Some of the ground bran was then mixed with straight-grade flour (No, 276), the quantity of bran in the mixture (No. 415) being 14 per cent of the total, which was about the proportion of bran removed in milling. Bread was made from this modifled flour in the same way 40 as from the ordinary flours (see p. 18), and was u.sed in digestion experiments with the same subjects as in the preceding experiments. One experiment was made with each subject. The data of the experi- ments are given in Tables 26 to 28, which follow. DIGESTION EXPERIMENT NO. 487. Kind of food. — Milk, and bread made from bran flour. Subject. — Man No. 1. Conditions as in experiment No. 469. Weight. — At the beginning of the experiment 182 pounds; at the close 179.5 pounds. Duration. — Three days, with nine meals, l)eginning with breakfast May 23, 1903. Table 26. — Results of digestion experiment No. 487. Sam- Weight of material. Protein (Nx6.25). Fat. Carbohy- drates. Ash. Energy. 379 Food consumed: Bread Grams. 2, 043. 0 8, 854. 6 Grams. 194.1 309.0 Grams. 17.2 436. 5 Grams. 930.6 318. 8 Grams. 18.6 91.2 Calories. 5 105 380 Milk 7 084 Total 503. 1 453.7 1,249.4 109.8 12, 189 Feces ( water-free) 393 17.5.0 41.8 9.3 23.4 21.8 71.8 6.3 38.0 795 Estimated feces from food other than bread 296 Estimated feces from bread Total amount digested 32.5 65. 5 499 461.3 161.6 430.3 1,177.6 865. 1 71.8 11,394 Estimated digestible nutrients in bread 4 606 Coefficients of digestibility of total food Per cent. 91.7 83.2 Per cent. 94.9 Per cent. 94.3 93.0 Per cent. 65.4 Per cent. (93.5) (90.2) 88.8 Estimated coetiicients of digesti- bility of bread alone Proportion of energy actually available to the body: In total food In bread alone 86.3 During this experiment the subject eliminated 4,473 grams urine, containing 65.75 grams nitrogen. The average nitrogen balance per day was therefore as follows: Income in food 26.83 grams; outgo in urine 21.92 grams; and in feces 2.23 grams; implying a gain of 2.68 grams nitrogen, corresponding to 16.8 grams protein. DIGESTION EXPERIMENT NO. 488. Kind of food. — Milk, and bread made from liran flour. Siihject. — Man No. 2. Conditions as in experiment No. 47(>. Weight.— At the beginning of the experiment 155 pounds; at the close 155.5 pounds. Duration. — Three days, with nine meals, beginning with l)reakfast May 23, 1903. 41 Tabi.k '11. — Rrsullx of (liijestion e.rperiment No. 4^S. Sam- No. 1 Weight of material. 1 Protein ^N X (i.2.'i). (irdiii)'. \rv.',.o 1S2.2 Kat. 1 Carbohy- drates! 1 Ash. Knergy. 379 3S0 Food consumed: Grawit. 1,611.0 5, 220. 0 Graiiix. 13.5 257.4. 1 Grams. ' 733. S 187.9 Grams. 14.6 .53. S Calorics. 4,026 Milk 4,176 Total 335. 2 270.9 921.7 (is. 4 8, 202 394 129. 5 29.3 5.5 12.9 12.9 56.6 3.7 30.7 1 1 544 Estimated feces from food other 172 Estimated feces from broad 23.8 .52. 9 372 305.9 129. 2 258.0 1 865.1 680.9 37.7 7,658 Estimated digestible nutrients 3,6.54 Coefficients of digestibility of total food Per cent. 91.3 84.4 Per cent. 95.2 Prr cent. 93.9 92.8 Per cent. 55.2 Per cent. (93.4) Estimated coefficients of digest!- (90.8) Proportion of energy actually available to the body: Tn f(»tfll food 88.7 86.8 During- thi.s experiment tlie .^^ubject eliminated 3,016 grams urine, containing 62.73 gram.< nitrogen. The average nitrogen balance per da.v was therefore as follows: Income in food 17.88 grams; outgo in urine 20.91 grams; and in feces 1..56 grams; implying a loss of 4.59 grams nitrogen, corresponding to 28.7 grams protein. DIGESTION EXPERIMENT NO. 489. Ixmd of food.— MWk. and bread made from bran flour. Suhjeef.—M'dn No. 3. Conditions as in experiment No. 471. Wcighf.— At the beginning of the experiment 158.5 pounds; at the close 156 pounds. Duration. — Three days, with nine meals, beginning with l)reakfast May 23, 1903. Table 28. — liesults of digesliuii crperhnnU No. 489. Sam- to. Weight of material. Protein , p . (NX6.25). ^'"• Carbohy- drates. Ash. Energy. 379 Food consnmed: Bread Grnm^. 1,. 5.58.0 Grams. 148.0 Grams. 13.1 279.0 Grams. 709.7 203. 8 Grams. 14.2 Calories. 3,893 380 Milk 5,060.0 1 197.5 ,58. 3 4, iyj.li Total 345.5 1 292.11 913.5 1 72.5 1 8,421 395 T?(jf»iiu ( wa teT-free^ 93.3 20.8 5.9 6.7 44.9 20.9 1 14.0 I 4.1 460 Estimated feces from food other than bread 224 Estimated feces from bread 14.9 ' ! 40.8 1 1 236 324. 7 285. 4 868.6 51.6 7,961 Estimated digestible nutrients in bread ' 133. 1 668.9 3. 657 42 Table 2S.—R(snlts of digestion, experiment Xo. .^9— Continued. Sam- ple No. of Coefficients of digestibility total food Estimated coefficients of digesti- bility of bread alone Proportion of energy actually available to the bddy: In total food In bread alone Weight of material. Protein (NX6.25). Per cent. 94.0 90.0 Fat. Carbohy d rates. Pel- cent. 97.7 I'd- cent. 95.1 94.3 A.sh. Per cent. 71.1 Energy. Pir rent. (94.5) (93.9) 89.7 89.7 During- the experiment the subject eliniinated 3,023 grams urine, containing 47.40 grams nitrogen. The average nitrogen balance per day was therefore as follows: Income in food 18.43 grams; outgo in urine 15.82 grams; and in feces l.ll grams; implying a gain of 1.50 grams nitrogen, corresponding to 9.4 grams protein. SUMMARY OF RESULTS OBTAINED WITH BREAD FROM BRAN FLOUR. The results of the experiments with bread from bran flour are sum- marized in Table 29. For purposes of comparison the table also includes the average of experiments with bread made from the same flour with- out the bran. Table 29.— DigestibiUty of nutrients and availaUlitii of energy of bread from straight- grade flour with and vithout bran. Experi- ment No. Sub- ject No. ♦Kind of bread. Protein. Carbohy- drates. Energy. 487 488 489 1 2 3 1 2 3 Bread from straight-grade flour with bran added (Jo Per cent. 83.2 84.4 90.0 Per cent. 93.0 92.8 94.3 Per cent. Hfi.3 80. 8 do 89.7 Average ■ 85.9 93.4 87.6 478 479 480 90. 2 90. 7 91.9 98.2 90.6 98.1 90.7 do 93.3 do 92.2 90.9 97.7 92.1 In the experiments with the straight-grade flour without the ))ran the results with the three subjects were in very close agreement. In the experiments with the same flour plus bran the results for carl)o- hydrates and energy agreed fairly well, but subject No. 3 digested more of the protein than either of the other subjects, the results for these two being close. Subject No. 3 dig'ested practically the same proportion of the protein from the flour with the bran as from that without it, but with the other subjects the protein of the bran flour was noticeably less digestible than that of the straight-grade flour. With all three subjects the digestibility of the carbohydrates and the availability of the energy were lower for the bran flour than for the straight-grade flour. 43 Considerincr the averages of the exporiinents with l)otli kinds of flour, the dio-estibility of the bread from the flour with the bran was, for protein 85.9 per cent and for carbohydrates 93. A per cent, whereas that of the bread from the same flour without the bran was. for pro- tein 90.9 per cent and for carbohydrates 97.7 per cent. The inference from these results is that the addition of the flnely g-round bran decreased the digestibility of the product. . Though the bran flour contained a larger percentage of protein than the flour without the bran, in consequence of its lower digestibility the nutritive value of the former was actually less, as will be apparent from a comparison of the data summarized in the following table, showing the percentages of total and digestible nutrients and the total and available energy per gram in both kinds of flour: Table 30. — Comparison of total and digestible nutrients and total ami available energy in the same flour with and without bran. Sam- Kind of flour. Protein (Nx 6.25). Carbohydrates. Energj- per gram. t'. Total. Digesti- ble. Total. ^^f,-«- Total. Avalla- 415 276 Straight grade flour with bran added . Straight grade flour without bran Percent. 15.35 15.06 Per cent. 13.19 13.69 Percent. 12. 23 73.57 Percent. Calories. Calories. 67. 46 3. 876 3. 395 71. 88 4. 040 3. 721 There was a larger percentage of total protein and a smaller per- centage of total carbohydrates in the flour with the bran than in that without it; but comparing the digestible nutrients it will })e observed that what little was gained in total amount added by including the finely ground bran was more than lost in the decreased digestibility due to the addition of the bran, the proportions of digestible nutrients and available energv being larger in the flour without the bran added. This means that from the .same amounts of both kinds of flour the bod}' would actually derive more nutrients and energv from the flour without the bran in spite of the fact that the amount of protein is larger in the flour with the bran added. It is interesting to compare the average values for the digestil)ility of Graham and entire-wheat flours, that is, flours normally containing more or less coarse bran, with the average results obtained in diges- tion experiments with straight-grade patent flour to which flnely ground bran was added. Such a comparison is made in the following- table, wliich also shows the digestibility of .straight-grade flour: Table 81. — Xutrieuts digested from bread from different kinds of flour. Kind of flour. Protein. Carbo^by. drates. Graham flour Entire wheat flour Straight-grade flour with bran added Straight-grade flour ■cent. Per cent. 77.3 87.4 79.6 90.5 85.9 93.4 90.9 97.7 44 As has been explained, the Graham Hour contained the whole of the wheat kernel and was practically wheat meal, and the entire-wheat flour contained all of the kernel except the tough outer skin and was somewhat more tinel}' g-round than the Graham. The bran flour con- sisted of straioht -grade flour that contained neither bran nor germ, to which was added the same amount of bran that had been removed in milling, the bran having been specially ground until it was about as line as it seemed possible to make it. The entire- wheat flour was somewhat more digestible than the Graham, and the bran flour was more digestible than the entii-e- wheat, but less so than the straight- grade flour. It would seem from these data that the tiner grinding of the bran increased its digestil)ility to a certain extent; but apparently its defective digestibility is not entirely due to imperfect grinding, because even when tinely ground, flour containing it was still less digestible than the flour without the bran, which indicates that bran has some inherent property of resisting the digestive juices. That is to sa}', apparently, when bran was in a tine state of division, as in these experiments, it not only failed to digest completely itself, ))ut it also prev;ented the complete digestion of the white flour with which it was associated. The question has been studied by other investigators, and, in gen- eral, it may be said that in the majority of cases when the experi- mental conditions were uniform the results obtained are in accord with those reported here. No attempt is made here to refer to all of this work, though the reports of all such experiments which have been found are included in an unpublished bibliography of bread and related foods prepared in connection with the nutrition investigations of the Department of Agriculture and referred to in a previous publication/' In a study of the comparative nutritive value of homemade and bakers' bread, Alice M. Fittz'' found that a 10-cent loaf of bakers" whole-wheat bread was a little heavier, but contained a smaller per- centage of protein and energy, than 10-cent loaves of three sorts ol bakers' white bread. With bread prepared at home from uniform quantities and under uniform conditions less pronounced ditt'erences were noted in the composition and energy value of whole-wheat and ordinary breads. Hutchison* gives results obtained by Goodfellow, showing "that the waste in milk is greater b}^ 3 per cent when given along with whole-meal bread than when taken alone. This, as we have seen, is the very reverse of the ett'ect exercised t)y ordinary bread." Experiments by Romberg' have shown that a mixture of tinely «TT. S. Dept. Agr., Rpt. Director Office Experiment Stations 1902, p. 267. 6Amer. Kitchen Man., 17 (190:-!), p. 139. cFood and tlie Princijiles of Dietetics. London: Edward Arnold, 1901, p. 206. t^Arch. Hyg., 28 (1897), p. 244. 45 jrround rye bran and flour is not so completely absorbed as the flour without the bi-an. A number of digestion experiments were made b}'' him to determine the comparative digestibility of the diflerent kinds and grades of rye flour. The experiments, which are of especial inter- est in connection with a discussion of the efl'ect of the presence of bran in the flour on the digestibility of bread, are summarized in the table below. The data as originally published showed the percentage amounts which escaped digestion, but in quoting the results the}- have been recalculated to show the coefficients of digestibilit}^ so that they may be more readily compared with those reported in this bulletin. Table 32. — Coefficients of digestibility of different kinds of rye bread. Kind of flour used for making bread. Fine light-colored rye flour Fine rye flour containing ii little bran Fine dark-colored rye flour containing considerable bran Rye graham flour mixed with a littlt tine flour Rye flour ground from entire grain Dry matter. Protein. Per cent. Per cent. 95. 85 77.93 92. 49 71.37 86.36 64.49 79.93 59. 97 94.22 67.98 i Carbohy- drates. Per cent. 98.34 95. 85 91.92 85. (H) 97.59 From these tests and others made with the dititerent r3'e milling pro- ducts the conclusion was drawn that adding the bran, even if flnely ground, diminished digestibility and that bran can not be so prepared b}' grinding that it is suited for human food. Pannwitz." in a study of the nutritive value of diflerent sorts of arm}' bread, also reported at length by Plagge and Le))bin,'' took into account the efl'ect of the presence of different proportions of bran on digestibility. In these experiments the diet consisted of bread alone. The following table summarizes the principal results and, as before, the data have been recalculated to show the coefficients of digesti- bility instead of the amounts which escaped digestion: Table 33. — Coefficients of digestibility of different sorts of bread. Kind of flour used for making bread. Decorticated rye flour with 15 per cent bran removed Coarse decorticated rye flour with 7.5 per cent bran removed Coar.se decorticated rye Hour with 15 per cent bran removed Finely ground decorticated rye flour with 10.84 percent bran removed .. Finely ground undecorticated rye flour with 12.68 per cent bran removed Finely ground undecorticated rye flour with 25 percent bran removed... Fine wheat flour with 30 per cent bran removed Finely ground bran Coarsely ground rye. no bran removed — ' pumpernickel " Entire-fye bread made from crushed grain without previous grinding . . . Dry matter. Protein Per cent. Per cent. 86.80 56.65 84. 12 43.35 87.76 58. 56 87.76 66.38 87.39 (H).88 90.51 66. 25 93. 93 81.31 57. 65 43. tSH 84.34 47.96 78.59 49.65 The conclusion was reached that the value of flour depended upon the amount of bran removed, and that bran, even if flnely ground, was not suitable for human food. In the author's opinion, decortication before grinding is not necessary provided 15 to 25 per cent of the bran alnaug. Diss., Univ. Berlin, 189.S. '' ViToffentl. Mil. Sanitiitsw., 1897, No. 12. 4(^ present is removed in milling; and, furthermore, unless 15 per cent of tiie bran is removed, the decorticated yrain, either finely or coarsely ground, gives a bread of inferior dioestibility. In a study of the relation of decortication and grinding to digesti- bility Lehmann" reports data which have to do with the effect of bran on the digestibility of bread. The data are summarized in Table 34. Table 34. — Coefficients of digestibility of different sorts of bread. Kind of flour used 'for making bread. Coari=ely ground decorticated rye flour, Steinmctz process, 9 1 per cent of the grain. Finely ground rye flour, old jiroeess, 70 per cent of the grain Rather coarsely ground decorticated rye flour, Steinnietz process, 82 per cent of the grain Finely ground rye flour, old process, 62 per cent of the grain Finely ground commercial rye flour, 75 per cent of the grain Dry matter. Protein. Per cent. 85. 73 8'.». 25 87.71 88.66 87. 52 Per cent. 45. 30 44. 25 54.08 61.70 53.37 In the author's opinion the flour specially ground by the Steinnietz process, which contained not less than 15 per vent of bran, was about as dige.stible as ordinary rye-flour bread when it forms a part of a mixed diet, and, in general, he concludes that there was no marked and regular difierence in the digestibility of flour from which 18 to 38 per cent of the ])ran was removed. Lehmann's conclusions are not in accord with the others cited, and it seems fair to say that the consensus of opinion is unfavorable to bran as a constituent of flour. EXPEEIMENTS WITH BREAD FROM "GERM FLOUR." Experiments simihir to those with bran were also made to determine the influence of the addition of germ to white flour. A sample of germ (No. 1:11:, obtained in milling flour No. 276) containing 29.88 per cent of protein and 11.23 per cent fat was ground in the same manner as the bran. A mixture, designated as "germ flour," was then made, containing 93 per cent of Oklahoma straight-grade flour (No. 276) and 7 per cent of the finely ground germ, the germ being added in about the same proportion as is removed during the milling process. Bread was made fiom this mixture as previously described, and a digestion experiment with each of the three subjects of the preceding experiments was conducted in the usual manner. The data of these experiments are given in Tables 35 to 37 following. DIGESTION EXPERIMENT NO. 490. Kind of food. — Milk, and bread made from germ flour. Suhject. — Man No. 1. Conditions as in experiment No. 469. Wci(/ht. — At the beginning of the experiment ISO pounds; at the close 178 pounds. «Arch. Hyg., 45 (1902), p. 177. 47 Dnration. — Three davs. with nine meals, besfinninfr with l)reakfast May 28, l'J03. Table 85. — Results of digeslion e.cperiment No. 490. Sam- Weight of material. Protein (NX6.25). Fat. Carbohy- drates. Ash. Energy. 396 397 Food fonsumert: Bread Milk Grams. •2,39.3.0 8, 895. 0 Grams. '265. 1 •271.3 Grams. •27.1 386.9 Grams. 1,176.4 446.5 Grams. 16.3 66.7 Calories. 6,689 6,671 Total 536.4 414.0 1,6'22.9 83.0 13 360 Feces ( water-free ) Estimated feces from food other than bread Estimated feces f njm bread Total amount digested - ..... 410 135.3 41.0 8.^2 14.6 19.4 43.9 8.9 35.8 659 312 3^2. 8 35.0 347 . 495. 4 •23'2. 3 399.4 1,. 579.0 1,141.4 47.2 12, 701 Estimated digestible nutrients i 11 bread 6, 342 Coefficients of digestibility of total food Per cent. 9'2.4 87.6 Per cent. 96.5 Per cent. 97.3 97.0 Per cent. 56.9 Per cent. (95.1) (94.8) Estimated coefficientsof digesti- bility of liread alone Proportion of energy actually ayailable to the body: In total food ". 90.4 In bread alone 90.5 Duiino- thi.s experiment the .subject eliminated 4,913 grams urine, containing 79.59 grams nitrogen. The average nitrogen balance per day was therefore as follows: Income in food 28.61 grams; outgo in urine 26.53 grams; and in feces 2.18 grams; impl3'ing a loss of 0.10 gram nitrogen, corresponding to 0,6 gram protein. DIGESTION EXPERIMENT NO. 491. jLind of food. — Milk, and l)read made from germ Hour. Suhject. — Man No. 2. Conditions as in experiment No. 1:70. Weight. — At the beginning of the experiment 155 pounds; at the close 154 pounds. Duration. — Three days, with nine meals, beginning with breakfast May 28, 1903. Table 36. — Results of digestion e.iperiment No. 491. Sam- ple No. Weight of material. Protein r-,,, (Nx6.'25). '^'*'- Carbohy- drates. Ash. Energy. 3'.l(i Food consumed • Bread Grams. 2,139.0 6, 5.t0. 0 Grams. •236. 8 199.8 Grams. S4.2 Grams 1.050.7 Grams. 14.6 49.1 Calories. 5,974 397 Milk •284.9 1 3-28.8 4,913 Total 436.6 :i09.i 1,379.5 63.7 10,887 Feces ( water-free) 411 93.0 •27.1 9.7 14.3 '28. 9 6.5 •27.3 403 Estnnated feces from food other 6.0 •213 Kslinijileil feces from hri'ad 21.1 •2^2.4 190 409.5 215.7 •299.4 1,350.6 1, 0-28. 3 36.4 10,484 Estimated digestible nutrients in lirpfltl 5,784 48 Table 36. — Results of digestion experiment No. ^.9/— Continued. Sam- ple No. Weight of material. Protein (Nx6.25). Fat. Carbohy- drates. Ash. Energy. Coefficients of digestibility of total food ." Per cent. 93.8- 91.1 Per cent. 96.9 Per cent. 97.9 97.9 Per cent. 57.2 Per cent. (96.3) (96. ,S) 91 6 Estimated coefficients of digesti- bility f>f bread alone Proportion of energy actually available to the body: In total f ( lod In bread alone i 92.3 1 During this experiment the subject eliminated 2,598 grams urine, containing 47.02 grams nitrogen. The average nitrogen balance per day was therefore as follows: Income in food 23.28 grams; outgo in urine 1.5.67 grams; and in feces 1.45 grams; implying a gain of 6.16 grams nitrogen, corresponding to 38.5 grams protein. DIGESTION EXPERIMENT NO. 492. Kind of food. — Milk, and ])read made from germ flour. Siihject. — Man No. 3. Conditions as in experiment No. 471. Weight. — At the beginning of the experiment 152 pounds; at the close 152 pounds. Duration. — Three da3\s, with nine meals, beginning with breakfast May 28, 1903. Table .37. — Results of digestion experiment No. 492. Sam- ple No. Weight of material. Protein (N ;■: 6.25). Fat. Carbohy- drates. Ash. Energy. 39ti Food consumed: Bread Grams. 1,750.0 5, 600. 0 Grams. 193.7 170.8 Grams. 19.8 ■M3 fi Grams. 859.6 281. 1 Grams. 11.9 Calories. 4 s;88 397 Milk 42.0 4,200 Total 364.5 1 263.4 1,140.7 53.9 i 9,088 Feces (water-free) 412 79.0 22.1 1 12.8 5.1 12.2 23.9 5.6 20.2 357 F:stimated feces from food other than bread 171 Estimated feces from bread Total amount digested 17.0 : 18.3 186 342.4 9.50 fi : 1 116.8 33.7 8,731 i 702 Estimated digestible nutrients 1 n bread 176.7 841.3 Coefficients of digestibility of total food Per cent. 94.0 91.3 Per cent. 95.1 Per cent. 97.9 97.9 Per cent. 62.5 Per cent. (96.1) (96.2) 91.4 Estimated coefficients of digesti- bilitv of bread alone Proportion of energy actually available to the body: In total food In bread alone 91.7 During this experiment the subject eliminated 3,542 grams urine, containing 51.71 grams nitrogen. The average nitrogen balance per day was therefore as follows: Income in food 19.44 grams; outgo in urine 17.24 grams; and in feces 1.18 grams; implying a gain of 1.02 grams nitrogen, corresponding to 6.4 grams protein. 49 SUMMARY OF RESULTS OBTAINED WITH BREAD FROM GERM FLOUR. The results of the experiments with ])read made from the mixture of stniight-o-rade flour and ground g-erm are summarized in the follow- ing talkie. F.or comparison the results of experiments with bread made from the .same Hour without the germ are also included. T.\BLE 38. — Digestibility of nntrietil.^ (uid amilabiUtij of energy of bread from straight- grade Jioar with and without germ. E.xperi- Sub- meiit ject No. No. 490 1 491 2 492 3 ■ITS 1 479 2 4>S0 3 Kinrt of bread. Bread from flour with germ added . do ....do Average . Bread from flour without germ , do .do. Average . Protein. Carbohy- drates. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. 87.6 91.1 91.3 97.0 97.9 97.9 Energj'. 90.0 97.6 90.2 91.9 90.6 96.7 98.2 98.1 90.9 97.7 90.5 92.3 91.7 91.5 90.7 93.3 92.2 92.1 Subjects Nos. 1 and 2 digested slightl}^ less and subject No. 3 slightly more protein from the flour with the germ than from that without it, the average from the latter flour being practically 1 per cent higher. The average for carbohydrates was the same for both kinds of flour, and the availability of energy was a trifle higher in the flour without the germ, but on the whole the differences in results were so small as to be negligible. Apparently, then, the presence of the finely ground germ exerts no appreciable influence upon the digestibility of the flour. The relative nutritive value of the flour with and without the o-erni is illustrated 1)v the data here summarized. Table 39. — Comparison of total and digestible nutrients and total and available energy in the same flour with and without germ. Sam- ple No. Kind of flour. (Ix6-i"). Carbohydrates. Energy per gram. Total. Digesti- ble. Total. Digesti- ble. Total. Availa- ble. 416 276 Straight-grade flour with germ added.. Straight-grade flour without germ Per ct. 16.30 15.06 Per ct. 14.67 13.69 Per ct. 71.63 73.67 Per ct. 69.91 71.88 Calories. 3.962 4.040 Calories. 3.625 3.721 As will be seen from the data in Table 1, the proportion of protein in the germ is much larger than that in any othei- milling product from the sam(» wheat, being in the sample analyzed nearl}' twice as 29604— No. 156—05 4 50 large as in the straight-grade flour. Accordingly, the mixture of germ and straight-grade flour containing only 7 per cent of the former had an appreciabl}^ larger percentage of total protein than the straight- grade flour alone, 16.30 as compared with 15.06 per cent. Since the digestibility of the protein in the mixture was nearly the same as that in the flour without the germ, the percentage of digestible protein was also larger in the former, being 11.67 as compared with 13.69 per cent. The proportions of total and digesti])le car])ohydrates, on the other hand, were both larger in the straight-grade flour alone, and their excess was sufiicient to make the total and available energ}^ per gram also larger in the flour without the germ. On the whole, then, the total nutritive value of the flour containing the germ is no greater than that without it. Under certain circumstances, for example, where bread forms a consideralfle part of the total diet, a flour with a large protein content and a smaller starch content might be advantageous, because the proportion of starch to protein in flour is so large that a deficiency of protein might be characteristic of such a diet. The addition of the finely ground germ would then be an advantage, because, as shown above, the germ is rich in protein, and appreciably increases the protein content of the mixture; and the digestibility of the mixture is practi- cally equal to that of the flour without the germ. The particular disadvantage in including the germ is the effect it has upon the quality of the flour. The ground germ is easily fer- mentable and becomes rancid, and when present the flour does not keep well. Furthermore, it has been shown that the proteids of wheat germ are decidedly difterent in character and composition from wheat gluten, and that the agglutinating properties of the germ are poor." A loaf from flour containing the germ, though sweeter in taste, is some- what smaller in size and less attractive in appearance than one from straight-grade flour without the germ. From a practical standpoint, however, this latter feature is of much less importance than the poor keeping quality of the flour. THE COMPARATIVE PECUNIARY VALUE OF GRAHAM, ENTIRE- WHEAT, AND STRAIGHT-GRADE FLOUR. While the composition, digestibility, and palatabilitv of a food are important factors in determining its value, the cost or comparative pecuniary value also requires consideration. Grahani and entire- wheat flours are usually sold at a higher price than white or ordinary bread flour. Since the white (straight-grade) flour contains somewhat more digestible nutrients than either Graham or entire- wheat flours, it will readily be seen that for a given sum of money white flour would a Minnesota Station Bui. 6.3, p. 527. a 51 furnish the largest amount of dig'estible nutrients and available energ}'. At the time of this investig'ation llour was selling in the principal mar- kets of the Northwestern States at a cost not exceeding- 14.50 per bar- rel, while entire-wheat and Graham flour sold in small packages at the rate of $6 to $8 per ]>arrel. In some cases much higher prices are charged for entire-wheat flour and similar preparations, as noted in studies carried on at the Maine Experiment Station." In the following table the comparative amounts of digestible nutri- ents which, at the prices given above, can be procured for 10 cents in the three types of flour milled from the Oklahoma wheat are given: Table 40. — Comparative amounts of digestible nutrients obtained for 10 centx in different grades of four. »Kind of flour White flour Entire-wheat tlour Graham flour Price per pound. Total quantity obtain- able. Pounds. 4.4 3.3 3.3 Protein obtain- able. Cents. 2.25 3.00 3.00 Pounds. 0.60 .44 .43 Carbohy- drates ob- tainable. Pounds. 3.16 2.18 2.09 At the prices given 10 cents will purchase 4.4 pounds of white and onh^ 3.3 pounds of entire- wheat or Graham flour. The 4.4 pounds of white flour contain 1.24 pounds more of available protein and carbo- h3^drates than 3.3 pounds of Graham costing the same amount of money. The 4.4 pounds of white flour contain 1.14 pounds more digestible pro- tein and carboh3'drates than the 3.3 pounds of entire- wheat flour costing the same amount of money. From a pecuniary point of view it is evident that the white flour is much the cheaper. INCOME AND OUTGO OF NITROGEN. Table 41 summarizes data regarding the income of nitrogen in the food and the outgo in the feces and urine, as well as the gain or loss by the body in the digestion experiments with the difl'erent sorts of bread reported in the preceding pages. The flgures in each case represent the average amounts per day. a Maine Station Rpt. 1899, pp. 92-106. 52 Table 41. — Average, daili/ income and outgo of nitrogen in digestion experiments Nos. 469-49L Experi- ment No. 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 Sub- ject No. Kind ol' food. Nitrogen. In food. Oregon ivheat. Entire-wheat flour bread witl> milk . . do do Straight-grade flour bread with milk. do do Graham flour bread with milk do Ch .do. Oklahoma tvheat. Straight-grade fiour bread with milk. do do En tire- wheat flour bread with milk . . do do Graham flour bread with milk do do Brail flour. Bran flour bread with milk. do do Ocriii flour. Germ flour bread with milk do do anis. 17.87 17.56 11.81 16.34 16.10 12. 66 H.19 12. 28 8.35 27. 90 19. 55 18.40 28. 53 19. 26 16.72 29. 93 19.89 15.41 26. 83 17. 88 18.43 28.61 23. 28 19.44 [n urine. ( In feces. Grains. Grams. 15.74 1.81 13. 16 1.69 11.95 1.52 17.91 1.12 12. 27 .98 12. 93 1.29 14.65 3.48 12. 35 2.49 12. 40 2.41 27.79 1.81 19.94 1.14 15.89 1.21 24. 15 4.10 16. 82 1.89 15. 04 1.85 26. 87 4.44 16.38 2. 28 14. 50 1.98 Gain (-I-) or loss (-). 21.92 20. 91 15. 82 26. 53 15. 67 17. 24 2.23 1.56 1.11 2.18 1.45 1.18 Gramg. -fO.32 -1-2.71 -1.66 -2.69 -t 2. 85 -1..56 -3.94 -2. 56 -6.46 -1.70 -1.53 -1-1.30 + .28 + .55 - .17 -1.38 + 1.23 -1.07 -f2.68 -4.59 -f-1.50 - .10 +6.16 + 1.02 The amount of nitrogen taken per day varied within rather wide limits, and it is noticeable that subject No. 3, in each series of tests, received considerably less nitrogen than the other two subjects, owing to the fact that he ate smaller amounts of food. In experiments of a few days' duration it is not absolutely certain that the nitrogen of the urine represents that of the diet, though it seems proba))le that such is the case, as is indicated by the fact that marked changes in the nitrogen consumed are quickly followed by corresponding changes in the amounts excreted in the urine. In 11 of the experiments there was a gain of nitrogen and in 13 a loss. How- ever, too much importance should not be attributed to these gains and losses, as the experimental periods were short and it is probable that in all cases nitrogen ecjuilibrium would have been reached with the amounts consumed if the period had ])eeu longer. It is noticeable that on an average the feces from the coarser breads contained a larger proportion of the nitrogen consumed than was the case with the bread from straight-grade flour, a fact which has been brought out in refer- ring to the lower coefficients of digestibility of the breads from the coarser flours. In general, no differences in the gains or losses of nitrogen were observed which could be attributed to the consumption of breads from different grades of flour. 53 GENERAL SUMMARY OF RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS OF EXPERIMENTS WITH BREAD. In eighteen digestion experiments with men it was found that white (straight-grade) flour was more completely digested than either (xra- ham or entire-wlieat flo:ir, and yielded a larger amount of digestible nutrients and available energy. While Graham and entire-wheat tiours contain more total protein and fat and have a higher heat of combustion, they actually yield to the body, because of their lower digestibility, smaller percentages of digestible nutrients and available energy than the straight-grade flour. The same general differences in digestibility of the three grades of flour have been noted in experiments with hard northwestern spring wheats grown in Minnesota and Dakota, hard winter wheat grown in Oklahoma, and soft winter wheats grown in Michigan, Indi- ana, and Oregon. In tifty-four digestion trials with both hard spring wheats and soft winter wheats in which six separate samples of wheat have been milled so as to produce the three types of flour — Graham, entire-wheat, and straight-grade — uniform results have been secured, and in all of the comparative trials the largest amounts of available nutrients and energy have been secured from the wdiite flour. In the three digestion trials in which flnel}^ pulverized bran was added to white flour in the same proportion as is removed in milling, it was found that the addition of the bran lowered the digestibility of the flour so that a smaller amount of digestible nutrients and available energy was obtained from the bran flour than from the white flour with which the bran was mixed. The flour containing flnely pulverized bran was more digestible than the coarsely grantdated Graham flour, ])ut less digestible than the white flour. When bran was flnely pulverized it failed to digest as completely as the white flour and, therefore, the addition of the bran lowered the food value of the flour. In three digestion trials in which flnely pulverized wheat germ was added to white flour in the same proportion as is removed in milling, it was found that the addition of the germ did not materially change the digestibility of the flour, and that the amount of total digestible nutrients and available energy in the germ flour and the white flour was about the same. There was no material gain in total digestible nutrients by the addition of the germ to the white flour. The germ flour produced a smaller sized, sweeter, but less porous loaf than the white flour. Because of its fermentable character wheat germ is excluded from white flour. As to pecuniary value, a larger amount of available nutrients and energy can be procured at the usual prices for a given sum of money in the form of white, that is, straight-grade, flour than of any other flour. White flour contains the largest amount of available nutrients, and is not only the most digestible, but at present average market prices is 54 also the cheapest kind of flour. It should not be inferred, however, that the use of entire-wheat and Graham flour is to be discouraged. All the flours are very nutritious and economical foods, and experience has shown that they are wholesome as well. The difl'erences in the amounts of total nutrients furnished the body by the various grades of flour are comparatively slight, all grades being quite thoroughly digested. In discussing the nutritive value of the breads made from the three kinds of flour, the quite noticeable efl'ect of the breads upon the sub- jects is of interest. In the experiments reported all the subjects expressed a preference for the white bread. The Graham bread, when it furnished the bulk of the ration for four days, produced a little discomfort, suggesting a slight irritation of the digestive tract. The ration of white bread and milk was less bulky in character and gave • better results as to satiety and particularly as to ease of digestion. It should be borne in mind, however, that the tendency of the coarser flours to increase the peristaltic action of the intestines is often of undoubted value, particularly to persons of sedentary habit, and that their use as a laxative is in many cases extremely beneflcial. The use of difterent g-rades of flour for bread making is a convenient means of increasing the variety of the diet. Because of varying requirements no general rule can be laid down in the matter, and the extent to which the various grades of flour should be used must be determined largely by the individual himself. In this investigation the comparative digestibility of the phosphates and other mineral constituents was not determined, nor were the quan- tities consumed and the amounts and proportions excreted in the urine and feces studied. As yet entirely satisfactory methods have not been generally adopted for determining the digestibility of mineral constit- uents, and consequently there is a lack of deflnite knowledge concern- ing body requirements and the changes which are involved in the metabolism of the ash constituents of the diet. Considerable work along these lines is now being carried on by a number of investigators in France and elsewhere in Europe, and in the United States studies of the forms in which ash constituents, especially phosphorus, occur in food products, methods of estimating phosphorus, sulphur, and other ash constituents in food and excretory products, and various problems concerning the functions of these elements are l^eing taken up in connection with the nutrition investigations of this Office and by experiment station workers and other investigators. It is believed that this work maj' be more appropriately summarized when the investigations now in progress have been continued for a longer time. THE DIGESTIBILITY AXD XUTRITIVE VALUE OF MACARONI INTRODUCTION. Macaroni and similar foods, grouped together under the name of Italian pastes, are conimonl}- said to be of Italian origin, but as pointed out in a recent journal" there is reason for believing that the}' were introduced into Sicily and Calabria ])y the earh' Greek settlers, and that the invention of these food products is to be ascribed to the Greeks. There are undoubtedly grounds for this statement, yet it should be remembered that similar food products have been known since early times in China and Japan, where they are still manufac- tured in large quantities. Italian pastes are usually made from durum, or macaroni, wheat; that is, varieties which are of a glutinous character. The wheat is ground less finely than for ordinary fiour-making purposes, the product being a coarse granular middlings known as semolina. In making macaroni this semolina is made into a stifi" dough, kneaded and then pressed into tubes and dried. Though prepared for the table in a number of ways, the first treatment usually consists in parboiling the dried macaroni twenty to thirty minutes. In connection with investigations carried on by the Bureau of Plant Industr}' of this Department regarding durum wheat, information is given regarding the process of manufacture of macaroni and related topics in a recent bulletin,* and also in earlier publications the character of such wheat, the relative value of different varieties, and other questions are considered. At the South Dakota Experi- ment Station'* the value of durum wheat flour for making bread, cake, and similar foods has been studied, and tests on the milling of this wheat and the maiuifacture of macaroni have also been made. The composition of macaroni and similar Italian pastes has often been determined by analysis, some of the work of this character hav- ing been carried on by experiment station investigators or those con- nected with the nutrition investigations of this Department. Rubner,'' Jacoangeli and Bonanni,' Cappelletti,' and perhaps other investigators "Home Sd. Maj;., 20 (1908-4), p. 271. '>U. K. Dept. Agr., Bureau of Plant Industry Bui. 70. t' South Dakota Station Buls. 77 and 82. 3|g 57 duruni wheat was selected as this appears to be one of the best vari- eties l)oth as regards yield and the quality of its milling- products. In each series of experiments the wheat selected was sound, bright, clean, and free from weed seeds, that used in 1904 weighing about 60 pounds to the bushel and that in 1905 about 63 pounds. As in ordinary milling, the wheat was softened or tempered by the addition of water prior to grinding. This prevents the bran from breaking up into fine WHEAT 16 A \ /@w \^. BOT 40 f //«x BOT 60' BOT /J" BOT 2-Bf>f( No. 353 ^irrcR _> ^ riou/? J S % 1^ ^ A 34-'x Bor Bor S^. Bor Bor hAi/D i 2-^/0 2. /Vo./ SrVLS B ASP/ZfArofi SO'" /O^r Bor Bor SO' Bor Bor \^ rrro \^£6RWQ A- Fig. 1. — General plan of milling system. pieces and contaminating the flour. Owing to the hard, flinty nature of the durum wheat a longer time and more water is requii"ed for tem- pering than with ordinary wheat flour. About a (juart of water per loo pounds of wheat was u.sed, and the dampened grain was allowed to stand for twenty -four hours at a temperature of 20^ C. before grinding. The samples were milled under the supervision of Mr. Ro))ert Dewar, an experienced miller, who at the time was engaged in special 58 work in wheat and flour testing- at the Minnesota School of Agricul- ture. The amount ground in 1904 weighed 250 pounds, and that in the following year 172 pounds. It was noted that the electric current used for running the mill registered 28 to 35 amperes instead of 25 to 32 amperes, as in milling ordinary hard Kansas and Dakota wheats. The following table shows the kinds and amounts of milling products obtained from the two lots of wheat ground: Table 42. — Milliny products ohla'med from durum wheat. Kind of jirodupt. Experimcntit made in 1901,- First middlings flour Second middlings flour Coarse middlings flour Break flour Flour recovered from tailings Flour recovered from feed Bran Shorts and fine bran Feed Aspirator bran and dust Elevator boots, flour and stock in Loss Total. Experiments made in 1905. First middlings flour. . . Second middlings flour Coarse middlings flour. Break flour Tailings flour Bran Shorts Loss (dust). Total. Amount )btained. Pounds: Per cent. 33 13.2 32 12.8 78 31.2 10 4.0 16 6.0 5 2.0 21 8.4 38 15.2 7 2.8 3 1.2 5 2.0 3 1.2 250 100.0 31.8 18.4 38.5 22. 4 16.5 9.6 7.5 4.4 12.5 7.3 29.0 16.8 33.5 19. 5 2.7 1.6 172.0 100.0 In the first milling test 71.2 per cent of the wheat, as milled was recovered as flour; 26. •! per cent as bran, shorts, and feed, and 1.2 per cent as aspirator dust. The total material recovered was a little less than the amount used, the loss in grinding being 1.2 per cent. In the second test 62.1 per cent of the wheat vised was recovered as middlings and flour of difi'erent grades, and 36.3 per cent as offals. The loss in milling was 1.6 per cent. The higher flour yield in 1904 was largely due to regrinding the tailings and offals. This resulted in lowering the commercial grade of the flour, and hence was omitted in 1905. As noted above, in milling durum w^heat the bran breaks readily and forms fine particles which find their way into the shorts, and so it happens that the relative amounts of bran and shorts are about the opposite of those found in milling ordinary wheat. In milling ordi- nary varieties of hard wheat by this same milling system 70 to 75 per cent of the grain is obtained as flour, including all grades. It will be seen, therefore, that there is little difference in the total yield of flour from durum and ordinary varieties of hard wheat, when the offals 59 from the durum wheat are remilled. A comparison of similar data for the two sorts shows the relative proportion of different grades of rtour varies with the two types of wheat. Owing to the flinty character of the durum wheat there is a tendency for the stock to resist reduction and to find its way into the tailings. This results in an unequal division of the work of reduction among the various stands of rollers. When the coarse middlings and tailings are reground the final milling products obtained are about the same as with ordinary wheat. COMPOSITION OF SAMPLES OF WHEAT AND MILLING PRODUCTS. For purposes of comparison, samples of hard Scotch fife spring wheat, o-rown under the same conditions as the durum wheat, were milled. The following table shows the composition of the durum wheats and the Scotch fife wheats selected for comparison, and their milling prod- ucts, as well as of the macaroni made from the durum wheats: Table 43.—Co>iiposUion of durum and hard spring wheats and their milling products. Sam- ple No. 486 487 488 489 490 495 493 494 491 492 495A 496 497 498 499 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 582 608 609 610 611 Kind of material. Experiments made in 190/t, Durum wheat Durum wheat milling products: First middlings flour Second middlings flour Coarse middlings flour Break flour Mixed flour (Nos. 487, 488, 489, 490) Shorts Feed Bran , coarse Bran, flne Macaroni made from mixed flour No. 495... Hard Scotch ttfe spring wheat Hard Scotch flfe spring wheat milling prod- ucts: First middlings flour Second middlings flour Break flour Experiments made in 1905. Durum wheat Durum wheat milling products: First middlings flour Second middlings flour Coarse middlings flour Break flour Tailings flour Bran Shorts and feed Macaroni made from mixture of flours Nos. 601,602,603,604 Hard Scotch fife spring wheat Hard Scotch fife spring wheat milling prod- ucts: First middlings flour Second middlings flour Break flour Water. Per ct. 8.76 10.85 10.82 10. 72 11.32 10.77 11.62 10.00 11.86 11.79 11.77 11.99 11.95 10.84 11.51 10.48 10.84 9.91 10.36 12.09 10.43 11.77 11.10 7.57 11.91 11.15 9.61 11.95 Pro- tein. Per ct. 12.37 11.69 10.78 11. 75 12. ;36 11.64 14.05 12. 37 12.82 14.36 11.80 14.30 11.96 11.89 13. .54 12. 45 11.11 11.95 12. 32 11.08 13.69 13.28 12.99 11.57 12. 09 10.60 11.39 11.00 Fat. Per H. 2.07 1.47 1.21 1..52 2.10 1.27 3. 42 3.22 4.21 5.48 1.27 2.05 1.11 1.28 1.42 Total carbohy- drates. Crude fiber. Nitro- gen- free ex- tract. 2. 48 2.04 2.24 1.67 2.19 2.14 .5.39 7.93 .89 2.16 1.11 1.35 1.40 Per ct. 74. 92 75. 20 76. 52 75. 29 72. 92 75.56 68.59 72. 47 65.86 63.31 74.46 69.81 74.56 75.54 73.00 2.83 i 70.09 75.47 75.36 74.77 73.97 73. 20 9.09 I 56.67 8.64 I 56.79 79.06 2. 58 I 69. 19 76.66 77.01 74.70 Ash. Per ct. 1.88 .79 .67 .72 1.30 .76 2.32 1.94 5.25 5.06 .70 1.86 .42 .45 .53 1.67 .54 .54 .88 .67 .54 3.85 2.55 .91 2.07 .48 .64 .95 60 As will be seen, the durum wheat used in 1904 contained 12.37 per cent of protein, while the hard Scotch life wheat grown upon an adjoining held contained 14.30 percent; the durum wheat used in 1905 contained 12.15 per cent and the hard Scotch life wheat 12.09 per cent. As is often the case, there is some difference in the appearance of the individual kernels of the durum wheat, and in connection with some work carried on at the Minnesota Experiment Station" the amount of protein in kernels of various character was studied. An average sample of the durum wheat milled in 1904 contained 12.37 per cent protein. Selected, dark-colored, hard, glutinous kernels showed 12.76 per cent, and light-colored, soft, starchy kernels, 10.60 per cent. Medium perfect kernels contained 12.56 per cent and small but equally well-tilled ones 11.19 per cent. In former investigations'' it has been shown that as a general rule the proportion of protein in standard pat- ent flour is only 0.6 to 0.7 per cent less than in the wheat from which it was milled. In the case of the durum wheat the mixed flour or semolina contained 0.73 per cent less protein than the whea or approximately the same proportion as in the case of average hard wheat. As shown by the analyses reported, the durum wheat flour ground in 19(U and the flour and other milling products made from it contained about the same percentage amounts of protein, fat, and carbohydrates as are found in an average bread wheat and its milling products. In durum wheat flour No. 495 it was found that 48.9 per cent of the total nitrogen present was in the form of gliadin. In patent flours made from hard spring wheat the gliadin nitrogen constitutes 52 to 61 per cent of the total nitrogen.^ In the milling test carried on in 1905 it was observed that the durum wheat and also the ordinary wheat grown in the same locality contained less protein than the wheats ground the preceding year, and in fact a smaller proportion of this constituent than is usually the case with the local hard wheats. This is due, it is believed, to unusual climatic conditions, i. e., excessive rain- fall and low temperature which prevailed during the growing season of the wheats. Notwithstanding its low protein content, the durum wheat selected is believed to be typical of similar wheats grown the same season in that part of Dakota. The flour samples milled from the durum wheat show in general the same percentage composition as those milled from the ordinary hard spring wheat selected for pur- poses of comparison. n Minnesota Station Bui. 85, p. 186. '^ U. S. Dept. Agr., Ofiice of Experiment Stations Bui. 101, p. 10. c Minnesota Station Bui. 85, p. 207. 61 MANUFACTURE OF THE MACARONI. In both tests the semolina used for the niaiuifacture of macaroni included all the flour and middlings except the dark-colored l)reak flour. The mixture was somewhat more finely ground and a little darker in color than that used for the commercial grades of macaroni, but it was the object to use as much of the wheat kernel as possible without including the break flour and ofl'als rather than to prepare a high-grade commercial article which would include only a part of the middlings. The macaroni was made in the presence of the author, the process of manufacture being as follows: The semolina was flrst mixed with about 30 per cent of water and made into a stitt' dough by means of a mixing machine such as is used for bread-making purposes in many bakeries. The dough was then kneaded in a second machine provided with heavy iron rollers and passed to a third machine, where it was rolled into long thin sheets and finally made into rolls a foot or so in diameter and about 3 feet long. These rolls were placed in cylindrical presses provided with a perforated plate in the bottom with a wire sus- pended in each opening, though not so as to completely close the per- foration. The dough is pressed through these orifices, making long, hollow tubes about one-eighth inch in diameter. The macaroni as it comes from the machine is spread by hand on trays, is cut into the desired lengths, and placed in racks to dry in the curing room at a tem- perature of 70^ F. From seven to ten days are required for the drying and curing of the macaroni and it is then packed and ready for use. The water used in mixing the dough is practically all removed in drying the macaroni, and, in this investigation, the analysis of the dry macaroni showed that it contained about the same percentage of mois- ture as the original flour or semolina. The conditions under which the drying takes place would suggest that but little loss of dry matter due to fermentation is possible. Indeed, mechanical losses appear to be the main losses in the preparation of macaroni, and these are not large. The conditions under which this macaroni was made did not permit of careful weighing of the flour and the finished product with a view to studying the losses and changes duritig manufacture. In fact, a study of its nutritive value was the* object sought rather than a technical chemical study of the preparation of macaroni. In the first test the composition of the mixed flour used for macaroni making was recorded. As will be seen by referring to Talkie 43, this flour (No. 495) and the uncooked macaroni made from it (No. 495A) have practically the same composition. A microscopic examination of the macaroni suggested that there was a slight change in the form 62 and character of the starch granules due to the treatment received during the process of manufacture. The action of the water, the kneading, rolling, and drying influenced the physical character of the macaroni and possibly caused a slight hydration of the starch and proteids without materially affecting their percentage amounts. COMPOSITION OF SAMPLES OF FOOD MATERIALS. In connection with the digestion experiments samples of the food materials were analyzed in the usual way (see page 13). In the case of macaroni, samples of the raw material were analyzed. Composite samples of the bread were prepared for analysis in the way described on page 15. For each experimental period a composite sample of the milk or cream, which formed a part of the ration, was prepared by placing in a can each day quantities proportional to the total amounts consumed, potassium })ichromate being used as a preservative. The following table shows the composition of the foods used in the diges- tion experiments: Table 44. — Composition of food materials used in digestion experiments with macaroni and durum wheat breakfast food. Sam- ple .No. Kind of material. Water. Protein (NX6.25). Fat. Carbo- hy- drates. Ash. Heat of combus- tion per gram. 501 500 Experiments made in 190/,. Macaroni, cooked, air-dry Durum wheat flour bread Per rt. 12. 01 36. ,50 32. 70 86. 20 86.48 7.57 11.36 87.18 79.44 Per ct. 11.64 8.18 8.67 3.25 3.44 11.57 11.14 2.98 • 3,37 Per ct. 1.27 .89 .94 4,87 4.68 .89 2.12 4.12 10.65 Per ct. 74.37 53. 46 56.67 4.90 4,66 79.06 73.85 4,92 5,72 Per ct. 0.71 .97 1.02 .78 .75 .91 1.54 .80 .82 Calories. 3.860 2.813 516 502 do Milk coniDosite HamDle 2.982 826 509 do 834 582 Experiments made in 1905. Macaroni raw 4.160 587 Durum wheat breakfast food 4.020 593 Milk 770 583 Cream 1.680 COMPOSITION OF FECES AND URINE. The urine and feces were collected for analysis in the usual way, the separation of the feces pertaining to each experimental period being secured by the use of lampblack taken in capsules.'* A composite sam- ple of urine was prepared for analyses by uniting aliquot samples of the quantities voided each day. A small amount of formalin was used to prevent fermentation, and the samples were kept in a cool place. Tables 45 and 46 show the composition of the dry matter of the feces and the amount, specific gravity, and nitrogen content of the urine in the digestion experiments. «U. S. Dept. Agr., Office of Experiment Stations Bui. 143. 63 T.\BLE 45. — Coinpodtion of dnj mailer offeceK from digestion experiments vrith macaroni. p;'m- §0 503 504 505 513 514 515 597 598 599 588 589 590 Whence obtained. E.xperiment No. 493 Experiment No. 494 E.xperiment No. 495 Experiment No. 49t) Experiment No. 497 Experiment No. 498 Experiment No. .")92 Experiment No. 593 E.xperiment No. 594 Experiment No. 595 Experiment No. 59ti Experiment No. 597 Protein Fat. Per cent. (NX6.25). Per cent. 29. 52 1(1. 45 24. 10 14.86 27. 2Z 10. 42 28. 07 12. 24 23. 94 10. 0() 32.59 10.07 29. 7(j 9. 40 23.75 8.62 28.97 13.47 20. 15 8.01 16. 92 8. 52 21.91 11.06 Carbo- hydrates. Per cent. 29. 92 37. 40 41.49 29. 69 39.07 29. 91 30.34 . 39.07 33.03 51.09 58. 90 51.14 Ash. Per cent. 24.11 23. 64 20. 87 30. 00 26. 93 27. 43 30. 44 28. .56 24.53 20. 75 15.66 15.89 Heat of combvis- tion per gram. Calories. 4.879 5. 302 4.269 4. 197 5. 106 4. 240 4. 1.59 4. 776 4.993 4.774 4. 969 4. 920 T.^BLE 46. — Amount, specific gravity, and nitrogen of urine from digestion experiments with macaroni. Sam- Sub- ple ject No. No. 506 1 507 '2 , 508 3 510 1 511 2 512 3 594 1 .595 2 ,596 3 584 1 .585 2 586 ' Whence obtained. Experiment No. 493 . Experiment No. 494 . Experiment No. 495 . Experiment No. 496 . E.xperiment No. 497 . Experiment No. 498 . Experiment No. .592 . Experiment No. 593 . Experiment No. .594 . Experiment No. .595 . Experiment No. 596 . Experiment No. 597 . Total amount voided. Specific gravity. Nitrogen. Grams. Per cent. 5, .506 1.027 1.28 4, .546 1.033 1.62 5, 230 1.025 1.13 6, .545 1.027 1.06 6, 655 1.031 1.20 6,656 1.027 1.04 1,619 1.024 1.04 3, 826 1.032 1.20 4,722 1.029 1.25 3,828 1.025 .86 4,021 1.030 1.19 5,482 1.022 .79 EXPERIMENTAL METHODS. The general plan of these digestion experiments was the same as that for the comparison of the entire-wheat, graham, and straight- grade breads, described on page 18. All of the food consumed for a period of four days was weighed, .sampled, and analyzed, as well as all the urine and feces pertaining to the experimental period. In the calculation of the digestibility of the macaroni and durum wheat flour bread together, in the experiments made in 1904, and of the macaroni in those made in 1905, the milk which formed part of the ration was assumed to have the following digestibility: Protein, 97 per cent; fat, 95 per cent; carbohydrates, 98 per cent; energy available to the body, 95 per cent. These are the figures used in the digestion experiments with bread and milk already described in this bulletin. The digestibility of the cereal alone in the experiments made with the breakfast food prepared from durum wheat was computed on the assumption that 97 per cent of the protein and 95 per cent of the fat of the cream eaten with it were digested. 64 DETAILS OF THE DIGESTION EXPERIMENTS. In the tirst series of tests six experiments were made to determine the digestibility and nutritive value of the speciall}^ prepared macaroni. In order to give variety to the diet without using an}^ considerable number of food materials, bread made from some of the flour used for the manufacture of the macaroni formed a part of the ration. This flour made bread of good quality, with a characteristic yellow tinge. The loaf was not quite as large or of so good quality as that made from a like amount of the hard wheat patent flours made from samples Nos. 497 and 498. The only food used in addition to cooked macaroni and bread made from durum wheat flour was milk. In the flrst three experiments about one-third more macaroni than bread (on the dr}^- matter basis) was used, while in the last three experiments the ration contained about two and a half times as much macaroni as bread. The subjects were healthy men engaged in moderately severe labor. In each case three subjects were used, and each experiment covered a period of four days. The macaroni was prepared for the table by cooking in boiling water for twent}^ minutes, and a Aveighed quantit}^ of the dried mate- rial was cooked separatel}" for each subject. The water was drained off and a small amount of milk added. The macaroni was then warmed in an oven and served. Analyses were made of the waters drained from the cooked macaroni and it was found that they contained from 0.03 to 0.04 per cent of the total nitrogen originall}' present in the macaroni, as well as a somewhat larger amount of carbohydrates. In ordinary household practice the material removed would be lost, as the water in which the macaroni was cooked would be thrown awa3\ The material lost constitutes about 2.25 per cent of the soluble mate- rial originally present in the macaroni, which is about the same quan- tity as is lost by the processes of fermentation followed in bread making." It is natural to suppose that the quantity of water used would affect the amount of material dissolved from the macaroni, and it is obvious, therefore, that where strict economy is desired small rather than large amounts of water should be used. In calculating the results of the digestion experiments made in 1904 a correction was introduced for the proteids lost in cooking by deducting 0.03 per cent of nitrogen from the total amount present in the original material. With this correction it was found that the dry matter of the uncooked and the cooked macaroni had practically the same percentage compo- sition. When compared on the basis of dry matter, little, if any, difference was observed between the composition of the durum flour, the cooked macaroni, and the durum-flour bread. In the experiments made in 1905, the quantities of nutrients supplied by the cooked «U. S. Dept. Agr., Office of Experiment Stations Bui. 67, p. 33. 65 macaroni were computed on the basis of the compo.sition of the raw material, as the work of the previous year had .shown that the com- position of the air-dried, cooked, and raw macaroni was so similar that no appreciable error was introduced Y)y this method. In the second series, three dig-estion experiments were made with a ration limited to macaroni and milk. The subject.s, healthy young- men engaged in moderate muscular work, were not inconvenienced by the simple character of the diet and it is believed that the results obtained may be regarded as normal. For purposes of comparison three digestion experiments were also made with a breakfast cereal made from durum wheat. During the processes of manufacture of this rolled-wheat preparation a part of the bran was removed. This breakfast food, cooked in water in the usual way, was palatable and in flavor very much like similar break- fast foods prepared from ordinary wheat. It was eaten with cream, these two articles constituting the entire ration. The details of the separate digestion experiments and the income and outgo of nitrogen are given in Tables -17 to 52. EXPERIMENTS WITH MACARONI AND DURUM WHEAT BREAD. DIGESTION EXPERIMENT NO. 493. ^nd of food. — Milk, macaroni, and bread made from durum flour. Subject. — Man No. 1, 24 years of age, employed at farm labor. Weight. — At the beginning of the experiment 173.5 pounds; at the close 173.25 pounds. Duration. — Four days, with twelve meals, beginning with breakfast eJune 11, 1904. Table 47. — Results of digestion e.tperiment No. 493. Sam- ple No. Weight of material. Protein (Nx6.25). Fat. Carbohy- drates. Ash. Energy. 501 Food consumed: Macaroni • Grams. 900.0 965. 0 7. 0.50. 0 Grams. 104.8 78.9 229. 1 Grains. 11.4 8.6 343.4 Grams. 669.3 515. 9 345. 5 Grams. 6.4 9.3 55.0 Calories. 3 474 500 Bread 2 715 502 Milk 6,823 Total Feces (water-free) 412. 8 363.4 1,.530.7 70.7 12,012 503 86.0 2.5.4 6.9 14.2 17.2 25.7 6.9 20.7 420 Estimated feces from milk 247 Estimated feces from mac- aroni and bread 18.5 18.8 173 Total amount digested 387.4 165.2 349.2 1,505.0 1,166.4 50.0 11,592 Estimated digestible nutrients in macaroni and bread 6,016 Coefficients of digestibility of total food Per cent. 93.9 89. S Per cent. 96.1 Per cent. 98.3 98.4 Per cent. 70.7 Per cent. {%.5) (97.2) 92.5 Estimated coefficients of digest- ibilty of macaroni and bread. . Proportion of energy actually available to the body: In total food In macaroni and bread ' 93.9 29604— No. 156—05- 66 During- this experiment the subject eliminated 5,506 ^rams urine, containing 70.48 grams nitrogen. The average nitrogen balance per day was therefore as follows: Income in food 16.51 grams: outgo in urine 17.62 grams; and in feces 1.02 grams; implying a loss of 2.13 grams nitrogen, corresponding to 13.3 grams protein. DIGESTION EXPERIMENT NO. 494. Kind of food. — Milk, macaroni, and bread made from durum flour. Subject . — Man No. 2, 21 years of age, emplo^^ed at farm labor. Weight. — At the beginning of the experiment 178.5 pounds; at the close 179 pounds. Duration. — Four da3's, with twelve meals, beginning with breakfast June 11, 1904. T.^iBLE 48. — Re>. 019. 4 54.8 14, 971 Estimated digestible nutrients in macaroni and bread 1, 605. 7 8, 192 Coefficients of digestibility of total food Per cent. 93.5 89.7 Per cent. 95.2 Per cent. 97.4 97.3 Per cent. 61.7 Per cent. (9.5.2) (95. 0) 91.2 Estimated coefficients of digesti- bility of macaroni and bread . . ... Proportion of energy actually available ti> the body: In total food In macaroni and bread 91.7 During this exi:)eriment the subject eliminated 4,516 grams urine, containing 73.65 grams nitrogen. The average nitrogen balance per da)^ was therefore as follows: Income in food 21.44 grams; outgo in urine 18.41 grams; and in feces 1.39 grams; implying a gain of 1.64 grams nitrogen, corresponding to 10.3 grams protein. DIGESTION EXPERIMENT NO. 495. Kind of food. — Milk, macaroni, and bread made from durum flour. Subject. — Man No. 3, 25 3'ears of age, employed at janitor work. Weight. — At the beginning of the experiment 140.5 pounds; at the close 140.5 pounds. Duration. — Four days, with twelve meals, beginning with breakfast June 11, 1904. 67 Table 49. — Results of digestion experiment No. 495. Sam- ple No. Weight of material. Protein (NX6.25). Fat. Carbohy- drates! Ash. Energy. 501 Food consumed: Macaroni Grams. 1,2.50.0 1,283.0 6,32.5.0 Grams. 145. 5 104.9 205. 6 Grams. 15.9 11.4 308. 0 Grams. 929. 6 6.S5. 9 :W9.9 Grams. 8.9 12. 5 49.3 Calories. 4, 825 3,609 5, 224 500 Bread 502 Milk Total 4.5G. 0 33.5.3 1,925.4 70.7 13,6.58 505 Feces ( water-free) 149.0 40.6 6.2 15.5 15.4 61.8 6.2 31.1 636 203 Estimated feces from milk Estimated feces from mac- aroni and bread ! 34.4 5.5.6 433 Total amount digested Estimated digestible nutrients in macaroni and bread 41.5. 4 216.0 319.8 1,863.6 1, 559. 9 39.6 13,022 8 001 Coefficients of digestibility of total food 1 Per cent. 91.1 86.3 Per cent. 95.4 Per cent. 96.8 96.6 Per cent. 56.0 Per cent. (95.3) (94.9) 91 5 Estimated coefficients of digesti- bilitv of macaroni and bread.. Proportion of energy actually In total food ". In macaroni and bread 91 7 .... During this experiment the subject eliminated 5,230 grams urine, containing 59.10 grams nitrogen. The average nitrogen balance per dav was therefore as follows: Income in food 18.24 grams; outero in urine 14.78 grams; and in feces 1.62 grams; impl^-ing a gain of 1.84 grams nitrogen, corresponding to 11.5 grams protein. DIGESTION EXPERIME!NT NO. 496. Kind of food. — Milk, macaroni, and bread made from durum flour. Suhject. — Man No. 1. Conditions as in experiment No. 493. Weight. — At the beginning of the experiment 173.25 pounds; at the close 174 pounds. Duration. — Four days, with twelve meals, beginning with breakfast June 15, 1904. Table 50. — Results of digestion experiment No. 496. Sam- ple No. Weight of material. Protein (Nx6.25). Fat. Carbohy- drates! Ash. Energy. 501 Food consumed: Macaroni Grams. 1,275.0 630.0 8,875.0 Gravis. 148.4 54.6 305. 3 Gratns. 16.2 5.9 415.4 Grams. 948. 2 357.0 412. 7 Grams. 9.0 6.4 66.6 Calories. 4 921 516 509 Bread Milk Total Feces (water-free) Estimated leces from milk 1,879 7, 402 508. 3 437.5 1,717.9 82.0 14,202 61S 123.0 34.5 9.2 15.1 20.8 36.5 8.3 36.9 516 293 Estimated feces from mac- aroni and bread 25.3 28.2 223 Total amount digested 473.8 177.7 422. 4 1,681.4 1, 277. 0 4.5.1 13, 6S6 Estimated digestible nutrients in macaroni and bread 6, 577 68 Table 50. — Results of digestion experiment No. 496 — Continued. Sam- ple No. Weight of material. Protein (Nx6.25). Fat. Carbohy- drates. Ash. Energy. Coeflficlents of digestibility of total food Per cent. 93.2 87.5 Per cent. 96.6 Per cent. 97.9 97.8 Per cent. 55.0 Per cent. (96.4) (96.7) 92. 2 Estimated coefficients of digesti- bility of macaroni and bread. . Proportion of energy actually available to the body: In total food In macaroni and bread 93.5 During this experiment the subject eliminated 6,545 grams urine, containing 69.38 grams nitrogen. The average nitrogen balance per day was therefore as follows: Income in food 20.33 grams; outgo in urine 17.35 grams; and in feces 1.38 grams; impl3nng a gain of 1.60 grams nitrogen, corresponding to 10 grams protein. DIGESTION EXPERIMENT NO. 497. Kind of food. — Milk, macaroni, and bread made from durum flour. Suhjeci. — Man No. 2. Conditions as in experiment No. 494. Weight. — At the beginning of the experiment 179 pounds; at the close 177.5 pounds. Dioratlon.— Four days, with twelve meals, beginning with break- fast June 15, 1904. Table 51. — Results of digestion experiment No 497. Sam- ple. No. Weight of material. Protein (Nx6.25). Fat. Carbohy- drates. Ash. Energy. 501 Food consumed: Macaroni Gram.f. 1,575.0 816. 0 9, 275. 0 Grams. 183.3 70.7 319.1 Grams. 20.0 7.7 434.1 Grams. 1,171.4 462.4 431.3 Grams. 11.2 8.3 69.5 Calories. 6,080 516 Bread 2,438 509 Milk 7,735 Total 573.1 461.8 2, 065. 1 89.0 16, 248 Feces (water- free) 514 132.0 31.6 9.6 13.3 91 7 51.6 8.6 35. 6 674 Estimated feces from milk 376 Estimated feces from maca- roni and bread 22.0 43.0 298 Total amount digested 541.5 232.0 448.5 2,013.5 1,590.8 53.5 15,574 Estimated digestible nutrients in macaroni and bread 8,215 Coefficients of digestibility of total food Per cent. 94.5 91.3 Per cent. 97.1 Per cent. 97.5 97.4 Per cent. 60.1 Per cent. (9.5. 9) Estimated coefficients of diges- tiVjility of macaroni and bread. Proportion of energy actually available to the body: In total food (96. 5) 91.7 In macaroni and bread 93.1 During this experiment the subject eliminated 6,655 grams urine, containing 79. 86 grams nitrogen. The average nitrogen balance per day J 69 was therefore as follows: Income in food 22.93 grams; outgo in urine 19.97 grams; and in feces 1.26 grams; impking a gain of 1.70 grams nitrogen, corresponding to 10.6 grams protein. DIGESTION EXPERIMENT NO. 498. Kind of food. — Milk, macaroni, and bread made from durum flour. Subject. — Man No. 3. Conditions as in experiment No. 495. Weight. — At the beginning of the experiment 140.5 pounds; at the clo.^^e 138.5 pounds. Duration. — Four days, with twelve meals, beginning with tn-eakfast June 15, 1904. Table 52. — Results of digestion experiment No. 498. Sam- ple No. Weight of material. Protein (Nx6.25). Fat. Carbohy- drates. Ash. Energy. 501 Food consumed: Macaroni Grams. 1,305.0 657.0 6, 225. 0 Grams. 151.9 57.0 214.1 Grams. 16.6 6.2 291.3 Grams. 970.5 372. 3 289.5 Grams. 9.3 6.7 46.7 Calories. 5,037 1,959 5,192 616 509 Bread .' Milk Total 423.0 314.1 1,632.3 62.7 12 188 Feces (water-free) 515 124. 0 40.4 6.4 12. 5 14.6 37.1 5.S 34.0 526 204 Estimated feces from milk Estimated feces from mac- aroni and bread 34.0 31.3 322 Total amount digested 382.6 174.9 301.6 1,595.2 1,311.5 28.7 11 66'' Estimated digestible nutrients in macaroni and bread 6,674 Coefficients of digestibility of total food ". Per cent. 90.5 83.7 Per cent. 96.0 Per cent. 97.7 97.7 Per cent. 45.7 Per cent. (95.7) (9.5.4) 91.8 Estimated coefficients of digesti- bility of macaroni and bread. . Proportion of energy actually ayailable to the body: In total food In macaroni and bread 92.3 , During this experiment the subject eliminated 6,655 grams urine, containing 69.21 grams nitrogen. The average nitrogen balance per day was therefore as follows: Income in food 16.92 grams; outgo in urine 17.30 grams; and in feces 1.62 grams; implying a loss of 2 grams nitrogen, corresponding to 12.5 grams protein. EXPERIMENTS WITH MACARONI. DIGESTION EXPERIMENT NO. 592. Kind of food. — INIacaroni and milk. Suhject. — Man No. 1. College student 27 years old, engaged part of the time at light work. - Weight. — At the beginning of the experiment 150 pounds; at the close 150i pounds. Duration. — Four da3's, with twelve meals, beginning with breakfast February 21, 1905. 70 T.\BLE 53. — Result.^ of digeMion e.vperiment No. 592. Sam- ple No. Weight of material. Protein (Nx6.25). Fat. Carbohy- drates. Ash. Energy. 593 Food consumed: Milk Grams. 4,070 1,225 Grams. 121.29 141.73 Grams. 167.68 10.90 Grams. 200.24 968. 49 Grams. 32. 56 11.15 Calories. 3, 133. 9 682 Macaroni 5, 096. 0 Total Feces ( water-free ) 5, 295 263. 02 178.58 1,168.73 43.71 8, 229. 9 597 98 29.16 3.64 9.27 i 29.73 8.38 ! 4.00 29.83 407. 6 Estimated feces from milk 123. 5 Estimated feces from maca- roni 25.52 25. 73 284. 1 Total amount dig-ested 233.86 169.31 i 1.139.00 13.88 7, 822. 3 Estimated digestible nutrients from macaroni 116.21 942. 76 4 811 9 Coefficients of digestibility of total food Per cent. 88.91 81.99 Per cent. 94.81 Per cent. 97.46 Per cent. Per cent. (95. 05) (94.42) 91.49 Estimated coefficients of digesti- bility of macaroni 97.34 Proportion of energy available to body: In total food... In macaroni alone 91.67 During this experiment the subject eliminated 1,619 grams urine, containing- 16,84 grams nitrogen. The average nitrogen balance per day was therefore as follows: Income in food 10.58 grams; outgo in urine 4.21 grams; and in feces 1.17 grams; implying a gain of 5.20 grams nitrogen, corresponding to 32.50 grams protein. DIGESTION EXPERIMENT NO. 593. Kind of food. — Macaroni and milk. Subject. — Man No. 2. Student 22 years old, engaged tbree hours per day at manual labor. Weight.— Xi the beginning of the experiment 183 pounds; at the clo.se 182 pounds. Duration. — Four days, with twelve meals, beginning with breakfast February 21, 1905. Table 54. — Results of digestion experiment No. 593. Sam- ple No. Weight of material. Protein (NX6.25). Fat. Carbohy- drates. Ash. Energy. 593 Food consumed: Milk Grams. 5,050 1,500 Grams. 1.50. 49 173.65 Grams. 208.06 13.36 Grams. 248. 46 1, 185. 90 Grams. 40.40 13. 65 Calories. 3, S88 5 582 Macaroni 6, 240. 0 Total 6,560 324. 04 221.41 1,434.36 64.05 10, 128. 5 Feces (water-free) 598 100 23.75 4.61 8.62 10.40 39.07 4.97 28. 66 477.6 Estimated feces from milk 178.6 Estimated feces from mac- aroni 19.24 34.10 299.0 Total amount digested 300.29 154. 31 212. 79 1,395.29 1,151.80 9, 6-50. 9 Estimated digestible nutrients from macaroni 5,941.0 71 Table 54. — ResuUs of digestion e.vperimenl Xo. 593 — Continued. Sam- Weight of material. Protein (NX6.25). Fat. Carbohy- drates" A.sh. Energy. Coetlicients of digestibility of total food Per cent. 92.67 88.91 Per cent. 96.11 Per cent. 97. 28 97. 12 Per cent. Per cent. (95. 28) (95.21) 91 28 Estimated coefflcientsof digesti- bility of macaroni Proportion of energy available to body: I n total food In macaroni alone 91.73 During this experiment the subject eliminated 3,826 grams urine, containing 45.91 grams nitrogen. The average nitrogen balance per day was therefore as follows: Income in food 12.96 grams; outgo in urine 11.48 grams; and in feces 0.95 gram; implying a daily gain of 0.53 gram nitrogen, corresponding to 3.31 grams protein. DIGESTION EXPERIMENT NO. 594. Kind of food. — Macaroni and milk. Suhjicf. — Man No. 3. College student 23 years old, with exercise equivalent to two hours per da}' of light work. Weight. — At the beginning of the experiment 182 pounds; at the clo.se 180 pounds. iJuration. — Four days, with twelve meals, beginning with breakfast February 21, 1905. Table 55. — Besulls of digestion e.vperimenl Xo. o94- Sam- ple No. Weight of material. Protein (X,-:6.25). Fat. Carbohy- drates. Ash. Energy. 593 582 Food consumed: Milk..... ^lacaroni Grams. 4,850 1,375 Grams. 144. 53 159. 09 Grams. 199. 82 12.24 Grams. 238. 62 1,087.08 Grams. 38.80 12. 51 Calories. 3,734.5 5, 720. 0 Total Feces ( water-free) 6, 225 303. 62 212. 06 1,32.5.70 51.31 9, 454. 5 599 114 33.02 4.34 15. 35 9.99 37. 65 4.77 27. % 569. 2 Estimated feces from milk 158. 3 Estimated feces from mac- aroni 28.68 5.36 32.88 410.9 Total amount digested 270. 60 130.41 1%.71 6.88 1,288.05 1,0.54.20 23.35 8,885.3 Estimated digestible nutrients from macaroni 5,309.1 Coefficients of digestibility of totiil food Per cent. 89.12 81.97 Per cent. 92.76 56.21 Per cent. 97.16 96.97 Per cent. Per cent. (93.98) Estimated coefficients of digesti- hilitv of TtiflCfironi (92. 82) Proportion of energy available to body; 89. 97 Tn TTiflf^flroni fl lone 89.34 i During this experiment the subject eliminated 4,722 grams urine, containing 59.03 grams nitrogen. The average nitrogen balance per day was therefore as follows: Income in food 12.15 grams; outgo in urine 14.76 grams; and in feces 1.32 grams; implying a daily loss of 3.93 grams nitrogen, corresponding to 24.56 grams protein. 72 EXPERIMENTS WITH DURUM WHEAT BREAKFAST FOOD. DIGESTION EXPERIMENT NO. 595. Kind of food. — Durum wheat breakfast food and cream. Suhject.—Vi.'iiiW No. 1. College student 27 years old, engaged part of the time at light work. We'ujld. — At the beginning of the experiment 153 pounds; at the close 1.^2 pounds. Duration. — Yowx days, with twelve mealy, beginning with breakfast Pebruary 17, 19U5. Table 56. — Besufts of digestion experiment No. 695. Sam- ple No. ] Weight of material. 1 Protien (Nx6.25). Fat. Carbohy- drates. Ash. Energy. 583 Food consumed: Orams. 1,720 1,075 Grams. .57.96 119.76 Grams. 183. 18 22. 79 Gravis. 98.38 793. 89 Grams. 14.10 16. 56 Calories. 2,889.6 687 Durum wheat breakfast food Total 4,321.5 •2, 79.5 177. 72 205. 97 892. 27 30.66 7,211.1 588 182 36.67 1.74 14.58 9.16 92.98 1.97 37.77 868.9 121.6 Estimated feces from du- rum wheat breakfast food Total amount digested Estimated digestible nutrients from durum wheat breakfast food 34.93 5.42 91.01 747.3 141.05 84.83 191. 39 17.37 799. 29 702.88 6, 342. 2 3, 574. 2 Coefficients of digestibility of total food Per cent. 79.37 70.83 Per cent. 92.92 76.22 Per cent. 89.58 88.54 Per cent. Per cent. (87.95) Estimated coefficients of digesti- bility of durum wheat breali- (82.77) Proportion of energy available to body: 85.56 In durum wheat breakfast 80.25 During this experiment the subjec-t eliminated 3,828 grams urine, containing 32.02 grams nitrogen. The average nitrogen balance per day was therefore as follows: Income in food 7.11 grams; outgo in urine 8.23 grams: and in feces 1.17 grams; implying a daily loss of 2.59 grams nitrogen, corresponding to 10.19 grams protein. DIGESTION EXPERIMENT NO. 596. Iu7ul of food. — Durum wheat breakfast food and cream. Sid)ject.—ls\2a\ No. 2. Student 22 years old, engaged three hours per daj' at manual labor. Weight. — At the beginning of the experiment 182 pounds; at the close 181 pounds. Duration. — Four days, with twelve meals, beginning with breakfast Februarv H, 1905. 73 Table 57. — Resulls of digestion experiment Xo. 596. Sam- ple No. Weight of material. 1 Protein ^-^^ Carbohv- . . (Ny6.25). ^^^- drates! ''^^^- Energy. 5S3 Food consumed: Cream Grams. 2, 240 Grams. Grams. 75.49 i 238. .56 Grams. 128. 13 1,033.90 Grams. 18.37 21.56 Calories. 3, 763. 2 587 Durum wheat break fast food. Total 1,400 l.'i.5.96 I 29.68 5, 628. 0 3,640 ! 231.45 268.24 1 1,162.03 39.93 9,391.2 Feces (water-free) Kstimflted feoea from cream.. 589 234 39.-59 i 19.94 2.26 11.93 137.83 2.56 36.64 1,162.7 157.4 Estimated feces from du- rum wheat breakfast food Total amount digested 37.33 8.01 135. 27 1,005.3 191.86 248.30 1,024.20 8, 228. 5 Estimated digestible nutrients from durum wheat breakfast food 118.63 ! 21.67 1 898.63 4, 622. 7 CoefBeients of digestibility of total food Per cent. \ Per cent. 82. 89 92. 56 Per cent. 88.14 86. 92 Per cent. Per cent. (87. 62) Estimated coefficients of digesti- bility of durum wheat break- fast food 76.06 73.01 (82.14) Proportion of energy available to body: 85.07 In durum wheat breakfast food alone 79.50 1 1 During this experiment the subject eliminated 4,021 o-rams urine, containing 47.85 grams nitrogen. The average nitrogen balance per da}' was therefore as follows: Income in food 9.26 grams; outgo in urine 11.96 grams; and in feces 1.58 grams; implying a daih' loss of 4.28 grams nitrogen, corresponding to 26.75 grams protein. DIGESTION EXPERIMENT NO. 597. • Ji^ind of food. — Durum wheat breakfast food and cream. Suhjeci. — Man No. 3. College student 23 years old, with exercise equivalent to two hours per da^^ of light work. Weight. — At the beginning of the experiment 184 pounds; at close 182 pounds. Duration. — Four days, with twelve meals, beginning with breakfast February 14, 1905. T.\BLE 58. — Results of digestion experiment No. 597. Sam- ple No. Weight of 1 material. Protein (Nx6.25). y Carbohy- '^^- drates. Ash. Energy. .583 Food consumed: Cream Grams. 2,720 Grams. 91. 66 189. 38 Grams. Grams. 289.68 155.58 36.04 1,255.45 Grams. 22. 30 26.18 Calories. 4,569.6 587 Durum wheat breakfast food . Total 1,700 6,834.0 4,420 2M.04 32.5.72 1,411.03 48.48 11,403.6 590 253 55. 43 2. 75 27.98 1 129.38 14.48 1 3.11 40.20 1,244.8 180.7 Estimated feces from du- rum wheat breakfast food .52. 68 13.50 : 126.27 1,064.1 225. 61 1136. 70 297.74 ' 1,281.65 1 22. .54 1,129.18 1 10, 158. 8 Estimated digestible nutrients i from durum wheat breakfast , food alone 5.769.9 74 Table 58. — Resnlls of digestion experiment No. 597 — Continued. Sam- ple No. Coefficients of digestibility of total food Estimated coefficients of digesti- bility of durum wheat breali- fast food Proportion of energy available to body: In total food In durum wheat breakfast food alone Weight of material. Protein (NX6.25). Per cent. 80.28 72. 18 Fat. Per cent. 91.41 62.54 Carbohy- drate.s. Per cent. 90.83 89.94 Ash. Per cent. Energy. Per cent. (89. OS) (84.43) 86.61 81.93 During- this experiment the subject eliminated 5,4S2 grams urine, containing 43.31 gram.'-; nitrogen. The average nitrogen balance per da}^ was therefore as follows: Income in food 11.24 grams; outgo in urine 10.83 grams; and in feces 2.22 grams; implying a daily loss of 1.81 grams nitrogen, corresponding to 11.31 grams protein. SUMMARY OF DIGESTION EXPERIMENTS WITH MACARONI AND DURUM WHEAT BREAKFAST FOOD. The table below summarizes the results of the digestion experiments which were made with a ration of macaroni with durum wheat flour bread and milk, macaroni with milk, and durum wheat breakfast food with cream. For purposes of comparison the average results obtained in 21 experiments previou.sly reported," with a diet of patent wheat flour bread and milk, are also included. Table 59. — Digestibility of nutrierds and availahility of energy of entire rations containing macaroni ana durum wheat flour products. Experi- ment No. Sub- ject No. Kind of food. Protein. Fat. Carbohy- drates. Energy. 493 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 Macaroni and durum wheat flour bread 1:1 with milk Per cent. 93.9 93.5 91.1 Per cent. 96.1 95.2 9.5.4 Per cent. 98.3 97.4 96.8 Per cent. 92.5 494 do 91.2 495 do 91.5 92.8 9.5.6 97.5 91.7 Macaroni and durum wheat flour bread 2:1 with milk 496 93.2 94.5 90.5 96.6 97.1 96.0 97.9 97.5 97.7 92.2 497 do 91.7 498 ...do 91.8 Average of 3 exneriments 92.7 96.6 97.7 91.9 92.8 96.1 97.6 91.8 592 88.9 92.7 89.1 97.5 97.3 97.2 91.5 593 do 91.3 594 do 90.0 AvprasTP of 8 pxDPrinifiits 90.2 97.3 90.9 Average of all above experiments Durum wheat breakfast food with cream — do 91.9 96.1 97.5 91.5 595 596 79.4 82.9 80.3 89.6 88.1 90.8 8.5.1 84.5 597 do 86.6 80.9 89.5 8.5.4 Patent flour bread with milk, average of 21 93.3 95.6 98.1 92.3 a U. S. Dept. Agr., Office of Experiment Stations Buls. 85, 101, 126, 143. 75 From Table 59 it will be seen that on an average 92.8 per cent of the protein of a ration of macaroni, bread made from durum wheat flour, and milk wa.s dio-e.sted and 91.8 per cent of the energy was available. As will be seen by reference to the table practically the same results were obtained when the ration contained large and small proportions of the bread made from durum wheat flour. With a ration of macaroni and milk the results obtained were ver^" similar, 90.2 per cent of the protein being digestible and 90.9 per cent of the energy available. Considering the average values for all the rations containi.ig macaroni, 91.9 per cent of the protein was digestible and 91.5 per cent of the energy available. The results obtained with a ration of durum wheat breakfast food and cream were lower, 80.9 per cent of the protein being digestible and 85.4 per cent of the energy available. Table 60 shows the calculated digestibility of the macaroni and durum wheat flour products alone, and for purposes of comparison the calculated digestibility of patent flour bread when forming part of a ration of bread and milk. The methods of calculating these results and the factors used have been explained on page 63. Table 60. — Digestibility of nutrients and availability of energy of macaroni and durum wheat flour products. Experi- ment No. Sub- ject No. Kind of food. Protein. Carbohy- drates. Energy. 493 1 2 Maoaroni and durum wheat flour bread 1 ■ 1 Per cent. 89.8 89.7 86.3 Per cent. 98.4 97.3 96.6 Per cent. 93.9 494 do 91.7 495 3 ...do 91.7 Average of 3 experiments 88.6 97.4 92.4 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 Macaroni and durum wheat flour bread 2:1 do ''^ Averafire of 3 exDeriments 496 497 498 87.5 91.3 83.7 97.8 97.4 97.7 93.5 93.1 92.3 87.5 97.6 93.0 Average of above 6 experiments 88.1 97.5 92.7 Macaroni do do 5D2 593 694 82.0 88.9 82.0 97.3 97.1 97.0 91.6 91.7 89.3 84.3 97.1 90.9 Averafire of all above exDeriments 86.8 97.4 92. 1 Diiriim wheat breakfast food 595 70.8 76.1 72.2 88.5 86.9 89.9 80.3 596 do 79.5 597 do 81.9 A vpraerp of 3 exDeriments - 73.0 88.4 80.6 Patent flour bread averaere of 21 exDeriments 88.1 97.8 92.0 On an average 88.1 per cent of the protein of macaroni and bread made from durum wheat flour was digested and 92.7 per cent of the energy was available. Considering the above average values and the range in the results of the individual tests, it will be seen that 76 the presence of large or small proportions of bread made from durum wheat flour had little effect on the digestibility of the total cereal food in the ration. This would indicate that the bread made from durum wheat flour had practically the same digestibility as the maca- roni— that is, that it made little difference as regards digestibility whether the flour was made into a paste which was dried, boiled, and eaten or into a dough which was baked. In the tests in which macaroni was eaten without bread on an average 84.3 per cent of the protein was digested and 90.9 per cent of the energy available. Considering both range and average values, the figures obtained for macaroni alone agree quite closely with those obtained for macaroni plus durum wheat flour bread. When all the rations containing macaroni are taken into account it is found that on an average 86.8 per cent of the protein was digestible and 92.1 per cent of the energy available. Somewhat lower results were obtained with the durum wheat breakfast food than with the macaroni made from the same lot of wheat, the coefficient of the digestibility of protein being 73.0 per cent and the coeflicient of availability of energy 80.6 per cent. As will be seen by Table 60 the results obtained with macaroni differ little from the average values obtained with bread made from straight- grade flour. As to the cost of nutrients of bread and macaroni, prices differ in different localities and at different times to such an extent that only general comparisons are possible. A pound of dry macaroni retailing for 10 cents contains approximately the same amount of nutrients as are present in 1.3 to 1.4 pounds of bread costing from 6 to 10 cents, the difference in nutritive value per pound of the two mate- rials being due largei}-^ to a difference in water content. In other words, macaroni furnishes, pound for pound, somewhat more nutri- tive material than bread but at a higher cost. The use of macaroni in the diet is a matter which depends quite largely upon food habits and the relative cost of materials. In Italy, as is well known, this food is much more commonly used than in the United States. The results of dietary studies made in Chicago^' confirms the belief that after immi- gration to this country the Italians retain in large measure their food habits, and macaroni is still a verj^ important article of diet, replacing bread and other common cereal foods to a considerable extent. Maca- roni and similar Italian pastes are favorite articles of diet in many American families. The experimental and other evidence available confirms the opinion that the Italian pastes are digestible and nutri- tious articles of diet, but that at ordinary prices bread is a somewhat cheaper source of nutrients. The use of macaroni is, however, desir- able because of the variety which it introduces into the menu and the aU. S. IXept. Agr., Oflfice of Experiment Stations Bui. 55. 77 possibility it aii'ords of making satisfactoiy combi nations with other food materials. As reo-ards the use of durum wheat for making breakfast foods, the experiments reported herewith show that it is possible to produce goods which in composition and digestibility compare favorably with whole-wheat flour. The superior digestibility of the macaroni and bread is probably due to the fact that the ground grain from' which these products are made offers a better opportunity for the action of the digestive juices than the flaked kernels of the breakfast food. THE RESULTS OF AMERICAN AND OTHER EXPERIMENTS WITH MACARONI. As noted on another page (p. 5.5), Rubner, Jacoangeli and Bonanni, and Cappelletti have studied the digestibility of macaroni and similar products, and it is interesting to compare the results of their experi- ments with those obtained in the investigations carried on at the Min- nesota Experiment Station. . The earliest of these experiments are those made by Rubner wath a healthy man who lived exclusively on the mate- rials studied. In the macaroni tests these were macaroni noodles made with and without the addition of wheat gluten. In one of tlie tests "Spaetzels,'- a sort of flour paste poured through a sieve into boiling water and quickly cooked, constituted the entire ration. When cooked this material seems comparable with macaroni or similar foods, though of course it is unlike them as regards method of preparation. In connection with an investigation of the value of Indian corn, alone or with wheat, for making alimentary pastes, Jacoangeli and Bonanni studied the digestibility of macaroni made from wheat, as well as that of pastes from corn and corn and wheat, and also of corn-meal nuish, such as is commonly eaten in Italy, i. e., polenta. The subject of the experiments was a healthy man. In the test with macaroni and other pastes these foods constituted the entire diet, being eaten in the form of soup.' In all the tests two meals were taken each day, one at 10 o'clock in the morning and the other at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. So far as can be learned, the studies of the value of Indian corn for use in the manufacture of alimentary pastes, though undertaken upon a comparatively large scale, never passed the experimental stage. Using three men as subjects, Cappelletti studied the digestibility of macaroni or a similar Italian paste, rice and '' sitos," ij sort of l)reak- fast food made from a Sardinian variety of durum w heat by splitting the grain lengthwise and removing the outer layer. The foods were eaten in the form of thick soup. The following table summarizes the results obtained by these inves- tigators as well as the average results obtained at the Minnesota Experiment Station. In the case of the experiments cited for com- 78 pai'i.son, data reg-arding the coefficients of the availability of energ}^ were not reported nor could these values be calculated from the experimental data included in the original publications. Table 61. — Sainmarn of American and other experiments on the diijestihiliti/ of macaroni. Kind of food. Macaroni noodles (Rubner) Macaroni noodles with wheat gluten ( Rubner) Spaetzels (Rubner) Macaroni made from best quality wheat flour (Jacoangcli and Bonanni) Macaroni made from low-grade flour (Jacoangeli and Bonanni) Macaroni ( Cappelletti) Durum wheat breakfast food (Cappelletti) Macaroni with durum wheat flour bread (Snyder) . Macaroni (Snyder) Durum wheat breakfast food (Snyder) Dry matter. Per cent. 95.7 94.3 95.1 96.1 94.8 Protein. Percent. 82.9 88.8 79.5 91.2 90.8 8t;.9 78.7 88.1 84.3 73.0 Fat. Per cent. 94.8 93.0 87.6 86.2 87.9 92.0 Carbohy- drates. Per cent. 99.8 97.7 98.4 97.5 96.3 97.4 96.1 97.5 97.1 88.4 Energy. P, r cent. 92.7 90.9 80.6 It will be seen from the figures in the above table that the results obtained with macaroni in the experiments at the Minnesota Experi- ment Station agree quite closel}' with those obtained b}" the European investigators quoted. In other Avords, the American-grown durum wheat produced macaroni which was equal in this respect to that made from European wheats. When it is remembered that the American macaroni is of excellent quality, and in appearance, ilavor, and comj)©- sition ver}^ like the standard P^uropean products, the conclusion seems warranted that in all important respects the American material is equal to the European. As previously noted, the breakfast food tested at the Minnesota Experiment Station had somewhat lower coefficients of digestil)ilit3" than the macaroni made from the same lot of wheat, and it is interesting to note that Cappelletti also found that the durum wheat breakfast food contained somewhat lower propor- tions of digestible nutrients than the macaroni. The published data at present available regarding the average coefficients of breakfast foods from ordinary varieties of wheat are too limited for satisfactory com- parisons, but it seems probable that durum wheat breakfast foods compare favorably with other wheats in this respect. INCOME AND OUTGO OF NITROGEN. In connection with the digestion experiments with macaroni and durum wheat breakfast food the income and outgo of nitrogen was determined. The data of this character for the individual experi- ments is summarized in Table 62: 79 Table 62. — Arerage daily income and outgo of nitrogen in digestion experiments Nos. 493-498, 593-597. Experi- Sub- ment ject No. No. 493 1 494 •> 495 3 49ti 1 497 2 498 3 592 1 598 2 594 3 595 1 59(5 2 597 3 Kind of food. Macaroni and durum wheat with milk flour bread 1:1 do do Macaroni and durum wheat flour bread 2:1 do do Macaroni with milk do do Durum wheat breakfast food do with cream do Nitrogen. In food. Grams. 16.51 21.44 18.24 20.33 22. 93 16.92 42.33 51.85 48. 58 28. 43 37.03 44.95 In urine. Grams. 17.62 18.41 14.78 17.35 19.97 17.30 16.84 45. 91 59. 03 32.92 47.85 43.31 In feces. Gain (+) or los.s (-). Grams. 1.02 1. 39 1.62 1.38 1.26 1.62 4.67 3.80 5.28 5.87 6.33 8.88 Grams. -2.13 +1.64 + 1.84 +1.60 +1.70 -2.00 + 5.21 + .54 -3.93 -2.59 -4.29 -1.81 In six of the experiments there was an average daih' gain of nitro- gen and in an equal number there was a loss. As was noted in the discussion of data regarding the income and outgo of nitrogen in experiments with different sorts of bread reported earlier in this bul- letin (p. 52), it is probable that in every case nitrogen equilibrium would have been reached if the experimental periods had been longer. On an average the proportion of nitrogen excreted in the feces was greater with the durum wheat breakfast food, i. e., with the coarser product, than with the macaroni, as might be inferred from the some- what lower digestibility of the breakfast cereal referred to in the dis- cussion of the digestion experiments. In general, no differences in the nitroo-en balance were observed which could be attributed to the durum wheat products consumed. CONCLUSIONS OF EXPERIMENTS WITH MACARONI. In these investigations two samples of durum wheat grown in North Dakota were milled with an experimental mill at the Minnesota E^xperi- ment Station and the product obtained was made into macaroni, which was used for digestion experiments with healthy young men engaged in a fair amount of muscular work as subjects. It was found that when the offals from the durum wheat were remilled the total yield of flour from durum wheat was approximately the same as from ordinary wheats, but that the different grades of flour were obtained in somewhat diflerent proportions. The durum wheat was somewhat harder to reduce and required more power in milling than ordinary wheat. The manufacture of semolina from durum wheat requires somewhat differ- ent tempering, granulation, and bolting than are required in the manu- facture of flour for bread-making purposes from ordinary wheat. In the manufacture of macaroni the semolina or coarse flour undergoes 80 both physical and chemical changes. Water is removed in drying the macaroni and the starch and gluten apparently undergo a slight hydra- tion. When macaroni is cooked in water about 2.25 per cent of the soluble matters present are extracted, which suggests that as little water as possible should be used in cooking the macaroni when strict economy is desirable. As shown by experiments with healthy men, macaroni has approxi- mately the same digestibility and supplies about the same amount of nutrients, pound for pound on a dry -matter basis, as bread made from straight-grade flour. Consuming either large or small amounts of bread made from durum wheat flour with the ma-caroni exercised no appreciable effect upon the digestibility of the nutrients and the availa- bility of the energy present. Macaroni is a highlj' digestible and nutritious article of diet, cor- responding in these respects quite closely to bread, though at ordinary prices it furnishes nutrients at a somewhat greater cost than bread; nevertheless, it may be fairly considered an economical article of diet. Macaroni may be readih" combined with other food materials and thus may be used to give variety to the diet. The durum wheat breakfast food resembled quite closely in compo- sition the macaroni made from similar wheat. It was not quite as thoroughly digested, though its digestibility was fairly high as com- pared with man}" vegetable foods. The observed differences in digest- ibility of the breakfast food and the flour products are undoubtedly due to methods of manufacture, the flour products being rather tinely ground and therefore in a condition favorable for the action of the digestive juices. Taken as a whole the tests show" that these American-made macaronies were directly comparable with standard-made goods of European manufacture. The general summar}" of results and conclusions on the digestibility and nutritive value of bread is given on pages .53 and Si of this bulletin. o LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OF THE OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS ON THE FOOD AND NUTRITION OF MAN-Continued. Bui. 102. Experiments on Losses in Cooking Meat, 1S9,S-1900. By H. S. Grindley, with the coopera- tion of H. McCormack and H. C. Porter. Pp. 64. Price, 5 cents. Bill 107 Nutrition Investigations among Fruitarians and Chinese at the California Agricultural Experiment Station, 1899-1901. By il. E. Jaffa. Pp. 43. Price, 5 cent.s. Bui. 109. Experiments on the Metabolism of Matter and Energy in the Human Body, 1898-1900. By W. O. Atvvater and F. G. Benedict, with the cooperation of A. P. Bryant, A. W. Smith, and J. F. Snell. tp. 147. Price, 10 cents. " . Bui. 116. Dietary Studies in New York City in 1896 and 1897. By W. O. Atwater and A. P. Bryant. Bui 117. Experiinents on the Effect of Muscular Work upon the Digestibility of Food and the Metab- olism of Nitrogen. Conducted at the University of Tennessee, 1899-1900. By C. E. Walt. Pp. 43. Price, 6 cents. Bui. 121. Experiments on the Metabolism of Nitrogen, Sulphur, and Phosphorus in the Human Organism. Bv H. C. Sherman. Pp., 47. Price, -^ cent.s. Bui. 126. Studies on the Digestibility and Nutritive Value of Bread at the University of Minnesota in 1900-1902. Bv Harrv Snyder. Pp. 52. Price, .5 cents. Bui. 129. Dietary Studies in Boston and Springfield, Mass., Philadelphia, Pa., and Chicago, 111. By Lvdia Southard, Ellen H. Richards, Susannah Usher, Bertha M. Terrill, and Amelia Siiapleigh. Edited bv R. D. Milner. Pp. 103. Price, 10 cents. Bui. 132. Fiirther Investigations among Fruitarians at the California Agricultural Experiment Station. Bv M. E. .Jaffa. Pp. 81. Price, .5 cents. Bui. 136. Experiments "on the Metabolism of Matter and Energy in the Human Body, 1900-1902. By W. O. Atwater and F. G. Benedict, with the cooperation of A. P. Bryant, R. D. Milner, and Paul Murrill. Pp. 3.57. Price, 20 cents. , . Bui. 141. Experiments on Losses in Cooking Meat, 1900-1903. By H. S. Grindley and Timothy Mojonnier. Pp. 9-5. Price, -5 cents. Bui. 143. Studies on the Digestibility and Nutritive Value of Bread at the Maine Agncultural Experi- ment Station. 1899-1903. Bv C. D. Woods and L. H. Merrill. Pp. 77. Price, 5 cents. Bui. 149. St\idies of the Food of Maine Lumbermen. By C. D. Woods and E. R. Mansfield. Pp. 60. Price, 10 cents. „ tt . Bui. 150. Dietary Studies at the Government Hospital for the Insane, Washington, D. C. By H. A. Pratt and R. D. Milner. Pp. 170. Price, 15 cents. Bui. 152. Dietary Studies with Harvard University Students, By Edward Mallinckrodt, jr. Pp. 63. Price, 5 cents. FARMERS' BULLETINS. *Bul. 23. Foods: Nutritive Value and Cost. By W. O. Atwater. Pp. 32. Bui. 34. Meats: Composition and Cooking. By C. D. Woods. Pp. 32. Bui. 74. Milk as Food. Pp.39. Bui. 85. Fish as Food. By C. F. Langworthy. Pp. 32. Bui. 93. Sugar as Food. Bv Mary H. Abel. Pp.27. Bui. 112. Bread and the Principles of Bread Making. By Helen W. Atwater. Pp. 39. Bui. 121. Beans, Peas, and other Legumes as Food. By Mary H. Abel. Pp. 39. Bui. 12S. Eggs and their Uses as Food. By C. F. Langworthy Pp. 40. Bui. 142. Principles of Nutrition and Nutritive Value of Food. By W. O. Atwater. Pp. 48. Bui. 182. Poultrv as Food. By Helen W. Atwater. Pp.40. •. „,,-,., Bui 203 Canneil Fruit, Preserves, and Jellies: Household Methods of Preparation. By Maria Parioa. Pp. 32. CIRCULAR. Giro. 46. The Functions and Uses of Food. By C. F. Langworthy. Pp. 10. SEPARATES. *Food and Diet. By W. O. Atwater. Reprinted from Yearbook of Department of Agriculture for 1894. Pp. 44. . ' „ . ' ^ ^ .1- ,, , *Some Results of Dietary Studies in the United States. By A. P; Bryant. Reprinted from Yearbook of Department of Agriculture for 1898. Pp. 14. -r. . r, o^ .i ♦Development of the Nutrition Investigations of the Department of Agriculture. By A. C. I rue ana R. D. Milner. Reprinted from Yearbook of Department of Agriculture for 1899. Pp. lb. The Value of Potatoes as Food. Bv C. F. Langworthy. Reprinted from Yearbook of Department of Agriculture for 1900. Pp. 16. ^ ^ ,. . , . ^^ * * f Dietaries in Public Institutions. By W. O. Atwater. Reprinted from Yearbook of Department of Agriculture for 1891. Pp.18. ,,., ^ . .^r -l- k i, ..f The Cost of Food as Related to its Nutritive Value. By R. D. Milner. Reprinted from Yearbook of Department of Agriculture for 1902. Pp.19. . . ^^ .^^ w i f r>„^„,f Wheat Flour and Bread. By Harrv Snyder and Chas. D. Woods. Reprinted from \ earbook of Depart- ment of Agriculture for 1903. Pp.20. „ . . , - V I, 1, f The Respiration Calorimeter. By W. O. Atwater and F. G. Benedict. Reprinted from Yearbook of Department of Agriculture for 1904. Pp. 16. . ^ „^ ». ^ ^„„«„h Scope and Results of the Nutrition Investigations of the Office of Experiment Stations Reprinted from Annual Report of the Office of Experiment Stations for the year ended June 30, 1901. Dietary Studies of Groups, Especially in Public Institutions. By C. F. Langworthy Reprinted from Annual Report of the Office of Experiment Stations for the year ended June 30, 1902. Nutrition Investigations at the Government Hospital for the Insane. Wa.shington D. C. By W. 0. Atwater. Reprinted from Annual Report of the Office of Experiment Stations for the Dietetics in^Rehition^to Hospitals for the insane. By W. O. Atw-ater Reprinted from Annual Report of the Office of Experiment Stations for the year ended June 30, 1904. PP- 24. Investigations on the Nutrition of Man in the United States. By C. F. Langworthy and R. D. Milner. Pp. 20. S09 U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS— BULLETIN NO. 157. A. C. TRUE, Director. Water Rights on Interstate Streams: THE PLATTE RIVER AiND TRIBUTARIES. RESULTS OF INA ESTIGATTON. R. P. TEELE, Editorial AssiManl. WATER RIGHTS WITHIN THE STATES. ELWOOD MEAD, Ckief-hl Irrigalion-and Drainage Investigations. WASHINGTON:. GOVERXMENT PRINTI^rC^ OFFICE. 1905. 809 U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS— BULLETIN NO. 157. A. C. TRUE, Director. Water Eights on Interstate Streams: THE PLATTE RIVER AND TRIBUTARIES. RESULTS OF INVESTIGATION. R. P. TEELE, Editorial Assistant. uIBRARY NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN. WATER RIGHTS WITHIN THE STATES. ELWOOD MEAD, Chief of Irrigation and Drainage Investigations. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT TRTNTING OFFICE. 19 05. OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS. A. ('. True, Ph. I).. Di rector. E. W. Allen. Vh. D.. Assistant Director. IRRIGATION INVKSTIGATIONS. Elwood Mead, Chief. R. P. Teele, Editorial Assistant. C. E. Tait, Assistant, in Charge of Central District. Samuel Fortier, Irrigation Eiifjiiicer, in CJiarge of Pacific District. C. G. Elliott, Engineer, in CJiarge of Drainage Investigations. (2) LETTER OF TRANSMHTAL U. S. Department of Agriculture, Office of Experoient Stations, Washington, D. C ., May 25, 1005. Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith a report on water rights on interstate streams, as ilhistrated by the Platte River and Its tributaries. The report contains a discussion of the result of the investigation, by E. P. Teele, editorial assistant, and a discussion of water rights within the States, by Dr. Elwood Mead, chief of irri- gation and drainage investigations. It is recommended that this report be published as a bulletin of this Office. Respectfully, A. C. True, Director. Hon. James Wilson, Secretary of Agriculture. (8) CONTENTS, Page. Results of Investigation. By R. P. Teele 9 The Platte River and tribiitaries 9 Present conditions _ _ . - 10 South Platte and tributaries 14 North Platte and tributaries ! 19 Laramie River 20 The North Platte in Nebraska 21 Rights to water 25 Rights to water from South Platte and tributaries 2fi Colorado . 26 Nebraska 36 Questions between the States 39 Effect of physical conditions 42 Return seepage _ . 47 Rights to water from North Platte River and tributaries 58 Colorado 58 Wyoming 59 Nebraska 63 Interstate relations 65 Colorado-Wyoming 65 Wyoming-Nebraska - - 69 Interstate questions 74 Protection of rights in a lower State against diversions in an upper State ---- 77 Water-right systems ^0 Colorado 80 Wyoming 81 Nebraska 84 Acquirement of rights by appropriation 87 Transfers of water rights 88 Beneficial use 90 Conclusion — - 95 Water Rights within the States. By Elwood Mead 97 The evolution of property rights in water 101 How the Platte has been appropriated 1 03 Summary - - " 117 Index - (5) ILLUSTRATIONS. PLATES. Page. Plate I. Map of Platte River and tributaries — 10 II. Fig. 1.— A characteristic seepage ditch. Fig. 2.— Seeped sugar- beet field 50 III. Skyline ditch, carrying water from Laramie River drainage to Cache la Poudre drainage 66 IV. Fig. 1 .—North Platte River at Guernsey Canyon. Fig. 2.— North Platte River near Douglas, showing character of stream bed. . _ 72 TEXT FIGURES. Fig. 1 . Altitude and precipitation at points in valley of South Platte and Platte rivers . . 1^ 2. Altitude and precipitation at points in valley of North Platte and Platte rivers . 1^ 3. Diagram comparing volume of return seepage to South Platte River for two seven-year periods, 1889-1895 and 1896-1903, excluding 1897 51 (i) WATER RIGHTS 0\ IXTHRSTATE STKIL-VMS. RHSl'LTS OH LWKSTIGATION. By It. 1*. Teele, Editorial A>isifoming, and Nebraska; while the main stream is in Nebraska. A study of the relations between the rights to these streams, therefoi-e. involves the study of the laws and de- cisions regarding water rights in Colorado, Wyoming, and Ncbinska. " U. 8. iH'pt. Af,'!-.. (,)rti((> i>f Kxiici-iniciit St:itier sec. 276 91 221 149 181 207 330 Cu.ft. per sec. 181 Bear Creek at Morrison 47 Clear Creek at Porks Creek 113 Boulder Creek near Boulder 64 St Vrain Creek near Lyons 91 Big Thompson River at Arkins Cache la Poudre above Fort Collins. 103 175 Total 1,580 4,147 5,586 3,020 1,445 774 All these tributaries are located on the north and west side of the river. There are in addition a number of torrential tril)utaries on the south and east sides, which carry large volumes of water during heavy storms. Below the mouth of the Cache la Poudre several tor- rential streams come in on both sides of the river. These are shown on the map (PI. I). These streams are of little value for irriga- tion without storage, since the flow is so uncertain and lasts but a few hours or days at a time; but Avith storage they become valuable sources of irrigation water. Reservoirs have been built on some of these streams and more will probably be built. There is considerable irrigation above the points of measurement on the streams given in the table. There are small tributaries for which no measurements are available, and the measurements for the streams given cover different periods. The volume given for each month for each stream is the average of whatever measurements are 15 available. Therefore, the table is not to be taken as exact, but it gives a general idea of the average available water supply for the lands in the South Platte Valley. The average total supply for the period from April to September, inclusive, is •2J('u) cubic feet per second. Against this supply, rights" aggregating 30,507.47 cubic feet per second have been recognized by public; authorities in Colorado and Nebraska. (See p. 89.) That is, the rights to be sui)plied l)y this river system are more than ten times as great as the average flow of the streams. This statement of averages does not, however, give a correct idea of the relation between Avater supply and water rights. Many canals were built with the full understanding that water could be obtained only at intervals, and the frequency and duration of floods are of more importance to their owners than average flows. The conditions are more correctly represented by the tables given below, showing the maximum, minimum, and mean discharges of the South Platte at Deansbury and of the Cache la Poudre above P'ort Collins, with the differences between these discharges and the sum of nil decreed rights to water. The table which follows gives the maximum, mean, and minimum flows of the South Platte at Deansbury, Platte Canyon, or South Platte for the years 1890-189-2 and 189G-1903. The maximum for each month is the greatest discharge reported for that month during the period covered, rather than the mean maximum. The minimum is obtained in the same way. The sum of the decreed rights to water from the South Platte between the point of measurement and Denver is approximately 1,913 cubic feet per second. The differences be- tween this volume and the discharges of the stream are shown in the last column of the table. a Rights to water are theoretically based on use. jukI no one has a riirht to more water than he has put to use. However, the courts have decreed to some parties rights to more water than they have used and more than their ditches can carry. On the iiasis of the dec-rees the parties have these rights, while on the basis of the theory the rights do not exist. The figures given here are based on the decrees. (See pp. 2G-39.) 30437— No. 1.57—05 M 2 16 Discharye of South Platte River at Dcaiisbiiri/. J'latte Canyon, or South Platte, 1890-1892 and 1896-1903. Month. April May June July. August September Stage. Discharge. fMaximum •^Mean [Minimum . jMaximuni •^Mean (Minimum . [Maximum ■{Mean I Minimum. fMaximum -^Mean [Minimum . (Maximum ■^Mean iMinimum . (Maximum 2:),r)17. Adding to this the retiu'u made possible by the 200,000 acre-feet of stored water figxu-ed at the same rate, which is low for stored water, the total return to the farmers of Colorado situated in this basin was over .i;.~>.."»( )( ).( Mio. The irrigation season lu-gan in April in some of the districts and lasted through November on the main South Platte below Denver. To this should be added the returns from 122 small ditches scat- tered throughout all the districts. The ditches for which crop returns were secured are not those where the highest returns are 19 secured and were probably below the average; the total given by Mr. Adams is therefore considerably less than the actual return secured from the irrigated farms in the South Platte Valley in Colorado. This complete utilization of the water supply and the raising of high-priced crops ha\e been made possible only by the development of methods of distribution and exchange which are probably not equaled anywhere else in the United States." NORTH PLATTE AND TRIBUTARIES. The Xorth Platte River rises in North Park, Colorado, between the Medicine Bow Mountains on the east and the Park Range on the west, which, with the Continental Divide on the west, form a horse- shoe-shaped area comprising about 1,700 square miles in Colorado. The valley in this section has a general altitude of about 8,000 feet, and the mountains surrounding it rise to 10,000 to 12,000 feet. The streams draining these mountains unite in the center of North Park to form the North Platte River. Near the Colorado- Wyoming line the river enters a succession of canyons separated by stretches of rolliuir hills. This formation extends for about 20 utiles, beyond which the river enters a rolling country. The hills are not so high as those farther south and occasionally recede from the stream, leaving areas of bottom land varying from 10 to 1,000 acres in extent. The„se bottom lands are irrigated, usually not from the river itself, but from mountain tributaries. Beaver, French, Bnish, Cow, and Encampment creeks enter the river in this section. Far- ther down the valley broadens until it reaches a width of 1 to 3 miles on the west side and an average of about 4 miles on the east. This valley extends for 50 miles to the Union Pacific Railroad at Fort Steele. In this valley the river receives the discharges of Jack, Sage, Spring, and Pass creeks. The estimated area which can be reclaimed by irrigation in this valley is about 125,000 acres. The river receives its greatest perennial supply from these tributaries entering it in the section above Fort Steele. Irrigation is practiced to some extent in the valleys of these tributaries. From Fort Steele the river flows through precipitous hills for about 35 miles to the Seminole Mountains. The country on both sides is badly broken, and is used only for grazing. In this section the river receives the discharge of the Medicine Bow River, which rises in the Laramie Mountains. Irrigation is practiced along the course of the Medicine Bow. From the mouth of the Medicine Bow to the mouth of the Sweetwater River the land along the North Platte beeomes more and more sandy, until vegetation practically disapj^ears. From the mouth of the Sweetwater the river still flows through broken roll- aV. S. Dept. Agi-., Office of Experiment Station.s Buls. 92, 118, and i:U. 20 ing hills until it reaches Sevenmile Canyon. The walls of this cari- yon rise almost perpendicularly to a height of about 2,000 feet above the river bed. Beyond Sevenmile Canyon the river flows through another stretch of hilly country, then enters the Alcova Canyon. From Alcova to Casper the river is bordered by a high, level plateau. Between Alcova and Casper, Bates Creek, Poison Spider Creek, and Casper Creek enter the North Platte. These streams are not per- ennial, but are used for irrigation in the spring. There is almost no irrigation from the North Platte between Fort Steele and Casper, and little land which can be irrigated. Narrow strips of bottom lands along the tributaries are, however, irrigated, and this area is being constantly extended. From Casper to Orin the river flows in a wide valley, winding back and forth across this valley in a sandy bed. In times of low water it is divided into several channels. Surveys have been made for a number of canals to cover parts of this valley, but only one has been completed, and it is now out of repair. This section, however, affords some of the best examples of irrigation in the Platte Valley. Many ditches divert the waters of the tributaries of the Platte, reservoirs have been built, and the complete utilization of the water supply in the near future is assured. In this section, between Casper and Orin, Big Meadow, Deer, Box Elder, La Prelle, Wagon Hound, and La Bonte creeks enter the river. These streams are all used for irrigation, and supply very little water to the main stream. Below Orin on each side of the river for a distance of 5 or 6 miles there is considerable irrigated land, which is watered by three ditches, the largest of these being about 10 feet on the bottom and 2 feet deep. Ten miles below Orin the river enters broken coun- try, with occasional stretches of land which could be reclaimed by lifting water from the river. The valley broadens again at Guernsey, this valley extending to and beyond the State line. Several good- sized ditches take water from the river in this section and irrigate considerable areas of land. Other canals which are under construc- tion will irrigate between 25,000 and .50,000 acres. Elkhorn, Horse- shoe, Cottonwood, and Eawhide creeks and the Laramie River enter the river in this section. LARAMIE RIVER. The Laramie River rises in northern Colorado in the vicinity of the other streams which go to form the North Platte and flows through Wyoming in a course generally parallel to the North Platte, the two coming together near the Wyoming-Nebraska line. There is little irrigation along the Laramie in Colorado ; some of its water is, however, carried over the divide separating its headquarters from those of the Cache la Poudre, and is used in the valley of the latter 21 stream. In Wyoming the Laramie is extensively used for irrigation. Not far from the Colorado-Wyoming line it enters the Laramie Plains, which comprise an extended area of high level land, much of which is under ditches taking water from the Laramie. Below the Laramie Plains irrigation is confined to narrow strips lx)r(lering on the stream. The Wheatland Flats, which lie between Sj'bile and Chugwater creeks, where some ()5,000 acres is irrigated, are served by water taken out of the Laramie through a tunnel into Sybile Creek. The areas irrigated from the tributaries of the North Platte in Wyoming are given with close approximation in the order establish- ing rights to water and in the subsequent certificates of appropriation issued by the board of control. These amount in the aggregate to 360,000 acres. It has been estimated that about 53,000 acres are irri- gated from the North Platte itself. THE NORTH PLATTE IN NEBRASKA. The stream throughout its course in Nebraska is bordered by a val- ley of considerable width, back of which are the high plains, where the areas which can be reclaimed are limited only by the water supply. One large canal heads immediately above the Wyoming-Nebraska State line and carries water to land in Nebraska. Two other large canals head immediately east of the State line in Nebraska. Lands immediately adjoining the river throughout its length to the junction with the South Platte are under ditch, except for small areas where the hills come down to the river bank. The largest irrigated areas lie in the section from the State line to Bridgeport, a distance of about 75 miles, and in the point of land between the two rivers for a distance of about 20 miles west of the junction. One canal taking water from the North Platte crosses the South Platte and covers land on the south side of that stream. Below the junction the valley on the north side of the river slopes gradually up to the hills, and these hills are low, so that canals can be easily built to cover land at long distances from the stream. On the south side the hills are higher and come closer to the river. A number of large ditches have been built to cover the lands on the north side as far as the city of Kearney, which is about 90 miles be- low the junction. Short canals cover some land on the south side. The report of the State board of irrigation of Nebraska for 1001-2 states that the canals diverting water from the North Platte, in Nebraska, have an aggregate length of 780 miles and cover 338,220 acres. The canals on the main stream below the junction have an ao-oreo-ate length of 296.5 miles and cover 179,440 acres. Not all • •••11 1 of this land under ditch is irrigated, but it is impossible to make any 22 estimate as to what portion is watered. Along the North Platte irrigation is necessary for the raising of crops, so that a considerable portion of the land under ditch is watered. Below the junction crops can be raised without irrigation in most years, and some of the large canals, although they cover extended areas, supply very little water for irrigation. Along the North Platte, in Colorado, the chief crop is native hay. Owing to altitude few other crops can be raised. Hay was the first crop grown in Wyoming, also, but in recent years diversified farm- ing has been constantly gaining ground, until from Casper to the State line the crops are of the same general character as those grown along the South Platte. Along the Laramie, in Colorado, and on the Laramie Plains the crops irrigated are chiefly native hay and alfalfa, although some grain and vegetables are raised on the Lara- mie Plains. At Wheatland general farm cro])s are grown, including silfalfa, grain, corn, and potatoes. Experiments have been made with sugar beets, showing that they can be successfully grown here. In Nebraska general farm crops and some small fruits are raised. Potatoes have become an important crop in this section, and some sugar beets also are grown. Along the main river below th(> junc- tion large areas of corn are raised, usually without irrigation, but in some seasons corn is watered. It will be seen that conditions along the North Platte differ widely from those on the South Platte. Near the base of the mountains on the South Platte and its tributaries agriculture has reached a very advanced stage of development, while along its lower reaches the lands are now being reclaimed, and low-priced crojis are chiefly raised. On the upper sections of the North Platte the low-priced crops are grown, while the more highly developed agriculture is found on the lower reaches of the stream. Nowhere on the North Platte, however, has agriculture reached such an advanced stage as is found in places on the South Platte and its tributaries. The areas irrigated from the North Platte and tributaries are reported as follows: Ai'eas irrigated from the North Platte River and tributaries. Acres. Colorado 157, 965 • Wyoming 413, 000 Nebraska 338, 220 Total 900, 185 On the main river below the confluence the area under ditch is reported by the State board of irrigation as 179,440 acres. Few records of the flow of the North Platte and its tributaries have been made. No records of the flow in Colorado have been kept. A 23 record was kept for a part of the season of lOOli" at Saratoga, Wyo. This is given as follows: Dificiiarge of North I'htllc h'ircr. at Stinilofid. \Vi>o.. I!)03. TniiA • 6 ("iiliic feet Julie. per second. Maximum 8. (XK) Mean <;, ?,0(; Minimum 8, 580 July : Maximum 2, 912 Mean 1,230 ^linimum 4G5 August : Maximum 465 Mean 300 Minimum 220 September : Maximum 754 Mean 518 Minimum 20G October : Maximum : TOO Mean <;14 Minimum 490 Average 1.400 This does not, however, represent the supply for the lands below Saratoga, as below that jDoint the river receives maii}^ tributaries for which no records are available. Since 1894 the Wyoming State engineer's office has kept records showing the flow of the North Platte at Douglas, Grin, or (niernsey. Douglas and Grin are not far apart, and Guernsey is about CO miles below Doutjlas. In the table Avhich follows the nieasui-ciiiciits niv averaged as if all were made at the same point. Tt is not believed that the discharge varies enough between these points to introduce aii}^ considerable error. Laramie River and Horse Creek enter the North Platte below Guernsey, but the present and prospective storage of the flow of these streams makes the supply at Guernsey a fair approximation of what is available for future extension of the irri- gated area along the North Platte below that point. Kights belo\\ this point aggregate 11.172.66 cubic feet per second, a little less than three times the average flow of the stream for the irrigation months. This includes rights to water from llie main Platte, since it receives its principal supply from the Nortii Platte. In the table the maximum, minimum, and mean discharges of the a Discharge table made from data supplied liy A. .1. rarsliall. 1'. S. (ieological Survey. ''21 davs. lOtli to 30tli. botli inclusive. 24 river are given, with a column showing the difference between each discharge and the sum of the decreed rights: Dischnryc of Xorth I'latie River at Dour/hin. Oriu, or Guernsey, Wyo., 189J,-19(I3. Month. April May June _ July.. August September Stage. I Maximum . •{Mean (Minimum.. [Maximum . -^Mean (Minimum, _ [Maximum _ 7.69 1873 7,:il7.69 1874 1887 1888 1889 1890 7,479.19 1875 7,499.19 1876 8, 104. 19 1877 8.301.79 1878 1891 8,:^04.7n 1879 The total amount of the rights in this district is 4,319.08 cubic feet per second decreed to 219 ditches. Xo records of the flow of the streams supplying this district or of the diversions made in the dis- trict have been kept. The total area irrigated, as reported by the Avater commissioner for 1903, was 67,213 acres, or about K) acres per cubic foot per second of the amount decreed. Dhtrict 5.— District 8 includes the section of the South l*latte Iliver between the mouth of Platte Canyon and the mouth of Clear Creek and the tributaries of the Platte in this section. The first decree in this district was rendered in 1883 and governs the rights of all ditches which take water from the South Platte River itself. A later adjudication took place in 1890, by which a few ditches with 28 late priorities and a number of reservoirs all supplied from tribu- taries had their rights defined. The original decree unconditionally HAvarded each ditch a volume of water equaling its full capacity. The later decree also computed rights on the basis of the capacities of the ditches. Since 1890 a number of petitions to have rights defined have been brought by parties who neglected to come into the general adjudication. The court has denied none of these petitions, but has awarded the volumes claimed. About 15 ditches have obtained such decrees, giving them priorities dating from 1802 to 1889. A number of the reservoirs in this district have decreed rights also. Rights in this district are subject to prior rights in districts 2, 1, and 64. The following table gives the decreed rights in district 8, by years, and the sum of the prior rights in the lower districts : Rights to icater in district 8 and prior rights in lower districts. Rights in district 8. Prior rights in lower districts. Year. Rights in district 8. Pi'ior rights in lower districts. Year. Rights ac- quired. Sura to date. Rights ac- auired. Sum to date. 1860 Cubic feet per second. 67.00 54.30 22.50 34.00 79.01 34.30 31.27 Cubic feet per second. 67.00 121. :« 143. 80 177.80 256. 81 291. 11 323.38 Cubic feet per second., 1868 Cubic feet per second. 32.00 ■ 40. «) 285. as 1,184.00 42.95 5.40 Cubic feet per second. 354.38 3:H. 38 680. 21 4, 864. 21 1,907.16 1,912.56 Cubic feet per .second. 469.71 1861 1873 1,250. .59 1862. 29.77 77.ft5 167.21 224.06 469.71 1878 2, 708. 96 1863. 1879 2, 732. 59 1864 1865. 1882 1883 3,821.40 4,811.72 1867. There are in this district 95 ditches, with total decreed rights to 1,912.56 cubic feet per second. To supply this water in the season of 1903 the maximum flow of the river at Platte Canyon was 1,284 cubic feet per second for a single day. There was 300 cubic feet per second or over in the river on only thirty-one days and 200 cubic feet per second or over on only seventy-three days. Only two ditches received water throughout the seven months of the irrigating season. Five received some water in six months, and one, the largest ditch in the district, received w^ater on only eleven days out of the season. Many of the ditches in this district have rights prior to those in dis- trict 23 above, but no effort has been made to close ditches in the upper district to supply ditches in district 8. In addition to the water decreed to ditches as stated above, many reservoirs have decreed rights. These can be filled only outside the irrigation season or when there is more water than is needed for direct irrigation. No statement of the total quantity of water to be stored by these reservoirs can be made, owing to the fact that not all the decrees give the capacities of the reservoir. 29 District 9. — District 9 coniprisos the drainage area of Bear Creek and its tributaries. The decree governin«: riijlits in this district was rendered in 1883. Each ditch was decreed the amount of water the referee found to be its full carrying cajiacity. These findings of the referee were based on measiirenients made by a civil en<'-ineer em- ploj^ed for that purpose, so that there is i)robabl\- not the same excess in rights decreed oyer actual capacities that there is in other districts. The ditches on Bear Creek can be supplied from no other source, but their rights are subject to prior rights on the main ri\cr. These ditches are occasionally closed down to supply prior rights l)elow. The following table gives the decreed rights in district J) and the prior rights in the lower districts : Rights to u-ater in district 9 iiitd i)rior rinhts in loivcr districts. Rights in district 9. Prior rights in lower dis- tricts. Year. Rights in district 9. Prior rights in lower dis- tricts. Year. Rights Sum to acquired. date. Rights acquired. Sum to date. 1859 Cubic feet t Cubic feet per second.] per second. 11.58 11.58 Cubic feet ■ persecond.' 1868 Cubic feet per second. 17.21 7.94 1.49 28.42 12.00 26.68 4.01 75.87 Cubic feet per second. 281. 14 289.08 290. 57 318.99 330.99 357.67 361.68 Cubic feet per second. 469 71 1860 1861 35.76 32.99 50.59 30.86 25.47 67.74 8.94 47. 34 80. 33 1»). 92 161.78 187. 25 254.99 263.93 1869 1870 581.22 634.61 1862 29.77 77.65 167.21 224. (Hi 469.71 i 1871 682 19 1863 1874 1 , 793 07 1864 1878- 2, 708. 96 1865. 1881 1882 3,375.19 1867 437.55 3,821.40 The average flow of Bear Creek during the late summer, when there is likely to be a shortage of water on the main river, is considerably less than 100 cubic feet per second, and rights to this quantity in dis- trict 1) are prior to any rights on the main river below. Of the eighteen ditches in the district three received some water in each month of the season, and almost all of them received what was needed b}^ the land under them during May, June, July, and August. The average daily diversion by all the ditches for the season of 1903 is reported as 94 cubic feet per second. Eleven reservoirs in district 9 have decreed rights. These rights are based on the cajjacities of the inlet ditches, the sum of the rights being 212.98 cubic feet per second. This water can be diverted only outside of the irrigation season or when there is more water than is needed for direct irrigation. There are several other reservoirs, the rights of which have not been defined. District 7. — District 7 includes the drainage area of Clear Creek and its tributaries. Clear Creek discharges into the South Platte at the boundary line between districts 8 and 2, and the water of Clear 30 Creek not used in district 7 can be used to supply rights in districts 2, 1, and 64. Rights in this district were decreed on the basis of the carrying capacities of the ditches. The foHowing table gives the volumes of water decreed to the ditches in district 7 and the prior rights in the districts below : Rights to iratcr in district 7, <. 79 58.66 348.82 356.54 1.54.08 525.96 63.78 115.37 6.58 168.11 305.70 Cubic feet per seco7id. 116.85 225. 64 284, :* (i:^^ 12 Cubic feet per second. 1872 Cubic feet per .second. 2i\.Zi 378. 17 19.5.29 81.00 94.56 60. (!0 113.46 2.00 83.30 3.00 2.28 Cubic feet per second. 2,5.50.47 2,928.64 3,123.93 3,204.93 3,299.49 3,360.09 4,373.55 4,375.55 3.558.85 3.561.85 3,564.13 Cubic feet per second. l,i:«.4l 18()0 1873 1.250. .59 1861 29 77' 1875 1,979.57 1862 1863 1876 2, :i52. 21 989. (56 77. (55 1878 2,708.St6 1864 1, 143. 74 1,669.70 1,733.48 167. 21 224.06 469. 71 1879 2,7:i2.59 1865 1881 3,375.19 1866 1882 3.821.40 1868 1,848.85 469.71 581.22 2,023.54 634.61 2,;i».24 1 682.19 1885 5,081.72 1869 1889 6,2:^8.22 1870 1893 6,:^:^.22 1871 In 1900 a decree defining the rights of ten reservoirs was handed down. The capacity of each of these is given, the total being 174,056,228 cubic feet per second, the dates running from 1869 to 1893. Nine years after the adjudication certain ditches brought suit against other ditches in the district in an attempt to have their decrees cut down. It was alleged that the latter had never, up to the time of the decree, used any such amounts of water as were awarded them, but afterwards their capacities were enlarged and the area increased and the excess decreed put to use. The supreme court- held that the decree Avas res adjudicata, nine years having elapsed. '' One of the things determined and settled by the decree is the quantity of water to which the parties thereto are entitled."" No suits have been brought to close the ditches in this district for the benefit of those below. The early rights prior to any in the lower district are sufficient to absorb the ordinary flow of the stream. District 5. — District 5 comprises the drainage area of St. Vrain Creek and its tributaries except Boulder and Coal creeks, which are in district 6. This district can receive water from no other source than St. Vrain Creek and its tributaries, and the water from St. Vrain can be used in districts 2, 1, and 64. The decree defining rights in this district was rendered in 1882. In estimating the appropriations the referee found the areas actually irrigated by the ditches and the number of inches of water required. The duty of water, as estimated by the referee, varied from 1 cubic foot per second for 4 acres to 1 cubic foot per second for 48 acres. As a result of this method of computing rights many of the ditches were awarded more water than they could carry. The decree made the award in the terms of " customary inches." These inches were not defined, but they have since been reduced to cubic feet per second a Boulder and Weld Ditch Co. v. Boulder Ditch Co., 22 Cole, 115. 30437— No. 157—05 M 3 on the basis of the legal Colorado' inch — 38.4 inches equaling 1 cubic foot per second. The following table gives the amounts decreed and the sum of prior rights in loAver districts : Rights to water in district .'> (iiid prior ri(/Jifs in lower districts. Rights in districts. Year. Rights acquired. 1860. 1861 1862. 1863 1864. 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 47.31 85. 60 158.14 167.90 119.46 227.08 126.23 34.31 12.79 48.89 815. 52 257.04 Sum to date. 47.31 132. 91 291.05 458. 95 578. 41 805. 49 931.72 966. 08 978. 82 1,027.71 1,843.23 2,100.27 Prior rights in lower districts. 29.77 77.65 167. 21 234. 06 469. 71 469.71 469.71 581.22 634. 61 682. 19 Year. Rightsindistrict5.| Prior rights in Rights Sum to lower acquired, date, districts. 1872.. 1873 . . 1874 . . 1875 . . 1876 . . 1877 . . 1878 . . 1879.. 1880.. 1881 . . 1884 . . 163, 63 163. 73 207. 77 21.71 1.44 12.55 122. 19 50.27 16.14 3.77 9.11 2,263.90 2, 427. 63 2,635.40 2,657.11 2,f;5S..55 2,671.10 2, 793. 29 2, 843. 56 2..S,59.70 2,873.47 2,872.58 1,1.33.41 1,2.50.57 1,793.07 1,979. .57 2,352.21 2,584.28 2,708.96 2,732.59 3,277.69 3,375.19 4,961.72 Nine reservoirs have decreed rights amounting to 346,755,001 cubic feet. District k. — District 4 comprises the drainage area of Big Thomp- son River and its tributaries. Water can be secured from no other stream, l)ut the water of Big Thompson can be used in the lower end of district 2 and in districts 1 and 64. The decree for this district was rendered in 18S3. Some of the rights are based upon the acre- ages said to be irrigated, as in district 5, while others are based upon the capacities of the ditches. In speaking of the capacities of the ditches in this district the referee said: '' I find the capacity of the ditch by taking an average of the estimates." The following table gives the rights in district 4 and the prior rights in the lower districts : Rights to water in district .'/ and prior rights in tower districts. Rights in district 4. Prior rights in lower dis- tricts. Year. Rights in district 4. Prior rights in lower dis- tricts. Year Rights ac- quired. Sum to date. Rights ac- quired. Sum to date. 1861 Cubic feet per second. 99.63 37.14 42.73 139.92 74.45 97.03 3.77 31.51 39.04 40.00 13.21 Cubic feet per second. 99.62 136. 76 179. 49 319.41 393.86 490. 89 494.66 .526. 17 .565. 21 605.21 618.42 Cubic feet per second. 77.' 6.5' ! 167.21 224.06 469.71 5«1.22 581. 22 .581.22 634. 61 682. 19 l,ia3.41 1873 1874 Cubic feet per second. 2.50. 43 19.06 143. 41 103. 81 209.42 235. 51 6.22 191.53 626. 44 123.48 8.83 Cubic feet per second. 868.85 887.91 1,031.32 1,135.13 1,344. ,55 1,580.06 l,.58f!.28 1,777.81 2,404.25 2,527.73 2,536.56 Cubic feet per second. 1,2.50. .59 1863 1,793.07 1864 1875 1876 1,979. .57 1865 2, 352. 21 1866 1877-. 2,-584.28 1867 1878.. 2,708.96 1868 1879.. 2,732.59 1869 1880...: 3,277.69 1870 1881. - 3,375.19 1«71 1883 4,811.72 1872 1884.. -.- 4,961.72 There are a large number of reservoirs in this district, six of which have decreed rights amounting to 680,478,665 cubic feet. A suit was brouijlit by the Lower LaUiani ditch in (lislric( -2 to have certain ditches in district 4. with hiter rights than its own. closcih and the water officials have been ordered to r\o. Pri- vate lands in these ranges were taken after 1883. In range 42, imme- diately below the Colorado-Nebraska line, railroad lands were se- lected in 1892, and therefore have no riparian rights. Private lands in this section were acquired between 1883 and the present time. Under the decision in Crawford Company /•. Hathaway it is held that riparian rights extend only to the land acquired from the Gov- ernment under a single patent, and that in case of railroad lands it does not extend to the entire section, but only to the subdivisions usually disposed of by the Government. The South Platte River is a meandered stream, and most of the riparian lands were disposed of 38 in lots rather than in even fractions of a section. As a rule, there- fore, riparian rights extend to small areas only. The right of the riparian owner is to a reasonable use of water for irrigation, taking into consideration a like" reasonable use by all other riparian owners. It is therefore impossible to make any statement of the volume of water to Avhich these riparian lands are entitled. Under the com- mon-law doctrine the right of a riparian proprietor certainly goes no further than to have the stream continue to flow " as it was wont to flow." The flow of the stream in this section from the earliest exploration of this region has been extremely uncertain, the stream going dry in many years and being extremely low in parts of almost every year. (See p. 46.) It is therefore very doubtful whether these riparian proprietors could secure any damages due to shortage of water, since the ditch owners could probably prove that during the season when there is a scarcity of water the river was wont to run dry. The following table brings together all the decreed rights to water from South Platte River and tributaries, by years: Rights to irater from iSoiith Platte River and trihutaries. Year. 1859. 1860_ 1861. 1863.. 1864.. 1865.. 1866.. 1867.. 1868.. 1869.. 1870.. 1871. 1872.. 1873. 1874- 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880- 1881. 1882. 1883- 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. 1891. 1892- 1893- 1895. 1896. 1897. Colorado. Rights acquired. Sum to date. 1, Cubic feet per sec. 128.43 389.86 533.85 755.28 7&>. 46 605. 94 422.79 514. 70 481. 82 285. 90 245. 31 1,190.99 1,736.47 999.90 2,031.83 937.96 1,048.68 731.47 698. 65 1,619.09 2, 493. 66 629. 19 2,171.40 1,591.72 377. 21 693.65 619. 78 318. 71 183. 87 1,:W4.29 126.60 a3.oo 35.00 25.00 102.28 42.00 825. 86 50.00 50.00 60.00 Cubic feet per sec. 128. 43 518.29 1,052.14 1,807.42 2, 572. 88 3, 178. 82 4,601.61 5,116.31 5,598.13 5,884.03 6, 129. 34 7, 320. S3 9,0.56.80 10,056.70 12,08S..53 13,026.49 14,075.17 14,806.64 15, 505. 29 17,124.38 19,681.04 20,247.23 22,418.63 24,010.35 24,387.56 25,081.21 25,7(X).99 26, 019. 70 26,203.57 27.507.86 27,6:«.46 27,666.46 27,701.46 27, 726. 46 27,828.74 27,870.74 2S,(;96.6I) 2K,74t;.6() 28, 796. 60 28,856.60 Nebraska. Total. Rights acquired. Cubic feet per sec. Sum to date. 82.86 49.14 169. 93 222.00 6.29 Cubic feet per sec. 82.86 132.00 301.93 .523. 93 530.22 Sum to date. Cubic feet per sec. 128. 43 518. 29 1,0.52.14 1,807.42 2,572.88 3, 178. 82 4,601.61 5,116.31 5,. 598. 13 5,884.03 6, 129. 34 7,320.33 9,056.80 10,0.56.70 12, 088. 53 13,026.49 14.075.17 14,.H06.64 15, .505. 29 17,124.:« 19,(i81.04 20, 247. 2:3 22,418.63 24,010.35 24,;W.56 25,081.21 25,700.99 26,019.70 26,203.57 27,507.86 27,6:33.46 27,666.46 27,701.46 27,7;>6.46 27,828.74 2r,9.'j:3.60 28,801. :39 29,9:3:3.32 :30,007.25 30,597.47 39 As shown by the tables given, there is a stream discharge of 2,705 cubic feet per second, and established rights to this supply amount- ing to 30,597.47 cubic feet per second, or more than ten times the total supply as measured above the heads of the ditches. QUESTIONS BETWEEN THE STATES. Comparing the rights in Colorado and Nebraska on the supposition that the State line has no effect upon the rights to water, but that all rights on the stream are subject to prior rights, we find the following conditions : The earliest rights on the South Platte in Nebraska are the riparian rights attached to the lands in the vicinity of the junction of the North and South Platte rivers, acquired from the Government in 1871. Under the decisions of the Colorado courts, rights to 7,320.33 cubic feet per second were acquired prior to 1871. Alternate sections of the land in this vicinity were granted to the Union Pacific Rail- road Company. These were selected in 1874, prior to which date there had been acquired in Colorado rights to 12,088.53 cubic feet per second. Settlement as early as 1871 extended only a short distance west of North Platte. Beyond this, as far as the Colorado line, ripa- rian lands acquired from the Government by private parties were entered from 1883 up to the present time. Prior to 1883 rights to 24,010.35 cubic feet per second had been acquired in Colorado. The railroad lands from the vicinity of the town of Hershey to the town of Korty were selected in 1890 and have no riparian rights. From the town of Korty west almost to the State line railroad lands were selected in 1886. Prior to their selection rights to 25,700.99 cubic feet per second had been acquired in Colorado. The earliest right to water from the South Platte in Nebraska acquired by approi)riation is 1894. Prior to this, rights to 27,828.74 cubic feet per second from the South Platte and tributaries had been acquired in Colorado. From the above statement it is seen that before any rights were acquired in Nebraska, either by appropriation or by the purchase of riparian lands from the Government, rights to more than 7,300 cubic feet per second of water from the South Platte River and its tribu- taries had been acquired in Colorado. This is more water than the stream supplies, except in flood season, when there is i)lenty of water in the river, both in Colorado and Nebraska, for all existing rights. However, it is a well-known fact that a large part of the rights decreed to ditches built earlier than 1870 in Colorado are in excess of their carrying capacities, and this does not fairly represent the volume which can be used by canals on their priorities earlier than 1870. 40 The largest appropriations in the South Platte Valley in Colorado were made in the years from 1870 to 1882. All of the rights attach- ing to these ditches are prior to the acquirement of riparian lands either by private parties or the Union Pacific Railroad, except in the immediate vicinity of North Platte. The general conclusion as to rip-hts on the South Platte must therefore be that both under the doc- trine of prior appropriation and under the doctrine of riparian rights, as stated by the supreme court of Nebraska, Colorado ditch owners have the earlier rights. As to the relation of rights acquired by appropriation in Colorado to riparian rights in Nebraska, even if the supreme court of Nebraska had not held that lands acquired from the Government since 1889 had no riparian rights and that as between riparian rights and those acquired by appropriation the date of acquirement should govern, rights by appropriation in Colorado would probably be held to be superior to riparian rights of lands acquired from the Government since the acquirement of the rights in Colorado. The law of Con- gress of 1866 provides " that Avhenever by priority of possession rights to the use of water for mining, agricultural, manufacturing, or other purposes have vested and accrued and the same are recog- nized and acknowledged by the local customs, laws, and decisions of courts, the possessors and owners of such vested rights shall be main- tained and protected in the same." The rights in Colorado were acquired in accordance with local customs and laws, and would seem to be good as against the rights attached to lands acquired subse- quently, Avhether these lands are in a State where the same customs and laws are enforced or outside of it. Although there are sufficient rights in Colorado prior to any in Nebraska to exhaust the ordinary flow of the South Platte, there is sufficient return seepage from the river to provide, in some seasons of the year, a considerable flow in the vicinity of the State line (see p. 48). In district 64 in Colorado, which is immediately above the State line, several ditches have been constructed recently and are constantly enlarging their use of the water as more land is reclaimed. The rights of some of these ditches are subsequent to lioth riparian rights and those acquired by appropriation in Nebraska, and contro- v^n-sy may arise between the owners of the ditches in district 64 and those in Nebraska. It has been shown in the preceding pages that the rights decreed in Colorado are in many cases largely in excess of the quantities which have been used by the ditches. Mr. Adams estimates the amount decreed to the 109 ditches for which he kept records, in excess of their carrying capacities, at 4,164 cubic feet per second, or more than 30 per 41 cent of the total amount decreed them. These were, however, the hii>ger ditches. Tlie smaHer ditches received decrees even more iii excess of tlieir capacities. This estimate is based on the capacities of the ditches, not on the vohnne of water which lias been })iit to a beneficial use. The excess is, therefore, larijer than that iriven. How- ever, only a few of the large ditches in Colorado have rijrhts to more water than thev can carry, or more than is used under them when it can be secured, and few of them receive their full decreed amount during times of low water. The rights of most of the large ditches are prior to any rights acquired by appropriation in Nebraska. Therefore, the cutting down of the rights of the Colorado ditches to the amounts actually used by them would be of no benefit to Nebraska ditches, since the water taken from the early ditches would go to supply ditches in Colorado, which, although later than the ditches which would be cut down, are still prior to the ditches in Nebraska. What is true as to excessive rights in Colorado is equally true as to rights in Nebraska. The State board of irrigation of Nebraska held an adjudication on the South Platte and allowed rights to large areas which were not yet irrigated, on condition that the canals be constructed and the water applied to the land. In the case of The Farmers' Irrigation District v., Frank « the supreme court of Nebraska held that in a similar case on the North Platte the State board of irrigation had no authoritv to irrant rights, but was lim- ited to definins: rights as thev existed at the time of the adjudication; that therefore the conditions prescribed by the board would not liold and the ditch owners had absolute rights to the volumes allotted to them by the board, which rights could be lost only by abandonment, which required ten years' nonuse. Under this decision the situation in Nebraska is even worse than that in Colorado. In Colorado there was at least a claim that the water had been used or that ditches had been built, while in Nebraska no such claim was made, but the use was almost entirely prospective. Had the board known that it was not empowered to fix these conditions probably it would have defined the rights on the basis of what had been used rather than on the prospective use, but the decision of the supreme, court i)uts on the decree of the board a meaning which was never intended and which contains no element of justice to other appropriators from the stream. The court states that the board could not grant a right, while the effect of the decisions is that the board did grant a light. We have, then, in the two States conditions as to excessive rights dif- fering onlv in decree. In Colorado the courts in determining rights o 100 N. W., 28G. 42 decreed to many of the ditches more water than they had ever used or could carry. These decrees not being appealed from within the statutory period, the rights are held to be vested and can be lost only by abandonment. Other ditches have used the water belonging to the first ditches under these decrees, but not used by them; but the first ditches have been enlarged to use their surplus, or the excess over their need or capacities has been sold, thereby taking water away from those who had been using it perhaps for years. The excessive rights are therefore a menace to all later rights. In Ne- braska the board conditionally allowed rights for lands yet to be reclaimed, and the supreme court has removed the conditions, so that the rights have vested without the performance of the conditions and can be lost only by abandonment. This leaves all later rights liable to suffer from enlarged use under these excessive rights, and hence discourages development by making the title to the water uncertain pending the expiration of the statutory period for the loss of the excessive rights by abandonment. Fortunately this applies only to rights initiated before 1895 and adjudicated by the State board of irrigation. As these adjudications were held nearly ten years ago and little has been done toward putting to use the water allotted, the time will soon come when these rights can be declared aban- doned if proper actions are brought. The excessive rights in both States are a menace to all later rights in either State, but it seems that decrees of each State allowing them must be recognized by the other State until the rights are lost by abandonment." EFFECT OF PHYSICAL CONDITIONS. So far the rights to South Platte River have been discussed as if there was a fixed supply of water, which, if not taken by one ditch, would reuiain in the stream to be taken by others, and which, if taken by one ditch, was entirely consumed and not available for others. This, however, is not the case. If it were true, only a few of the earliest ditches could be supplied by the Platte River and its tribu- taries. To illustrate this: During the latter part of August, 1903, measure- aA judgment of a rourt of a sister State, authenticated as prescribed by act of Congress, is conclusive here upon the subject-matter of the suit. An action thereon can only be defeated on the ground that the court had no jurisdiction of the case and there was fraud in procuring the judgment, or by defenses based on matters arising after the judgment was rendered. (Snyder v. Critch- field, 44 Nebr., GG.) 43 ments of tho flow of the stream and the diversions in district 8 were made. The flow where the river enters this district was 91.85 cubic feet per second. Tiie flow at Denver, where the river leaves the dis- trict, was 46.30) cubic feet per second, while the diversion between the two points amounted to IS-t.oS cubic feet per second, showinjj: that there was diverted almost 50 per cent more water than was flowinjjj past the gauging station, while there remained in the stream at the loAver end of the district half as nnich water as there was enterinli2:ed to dijr holes to water their horses. He was of the opinion that this was in the years before 1870. John Lillie. of Littleton. Colo., stated that the South Phitte was dry in 1803 from a point 10 miles below Denver for 200 or 300 miles anyway, and he did not know how much farther. In some seasons there used to be some water in the South Platte in the neighborhood of the State line, and in other seasons it ran dry and disappeared in the sand for long stages. Judge Ames, of Littleton, Colo., says that he came to Colorado in 1800. The season of 1803 was unusually dry. Water flowed down the river only a short distance below Denver. He remembered that in that vear in particular the freighters told of having to dig holes in the sand in order to get water for animals. Ed. Montgomery, of Littleton, Colo., says that he came "West in 1860. In the summers of 1802-1804: he was freighting along the river and found plenty of water. However, in 1803 the river went dry ?nd it was necessary to dig holes to secure water. C. C. Hawley. of Fort Collins, Colo., says that he came West in 1860. He went along the South Platte River in the summer of 1863 and from a short distance below the mouth of the Poudre all the Avay down beyond to the State line the river was entirely dry and they Avere obliged to dig for water. He went down the South Platte to Jvdesburg late in the summer of 1864 in connection with the Indian troubles, as he was in the Army. The river was then completely dry, as before, there being only now and then a hole with a little water in it. Mr. Hawley understands from the oldtimers that, as a usual thing, the South Platte went dry every summer from below the mouth of the Poudre for a distance of 200 miles, very nearly to the junction of the North and South forks. Bruce Johnson, of Greeley, Colo., came out in 1850. He went up and down the South Platte two different years during the sixties, but did not remember which years. Both of these years the river was drv from Julesburg to the junction, and in one of these years- he thought it was in 1864— the river was dry from the junction to Fort Kearney, and farther down for all he knew. The river in the years mentioned was completely dry. • t. Hon. Eufrene F. AYare, formerly Commissioner of Pensums.Topeka. Kans., who\as with the United States troops along the Platte River 46 in the sixties, stated that in 18G5 he saw the buffalo pawing in the bed of the Platte to obtain water. J. J. Armstrong, of Denver, Colo., says that he came to Colorado in 1870. That in the early days, from Platteville down, the South Platte River was practically dry in August and September, except for a few small channels. In 1873 he rode from near Platteville or Greeley along the bed of the river, which was nothing but sand bars with a few small, trickling channels. Mr. Ryan, conductor on the Burlington Railroad between Nebraska City and Lincoln, Nebr., was freighting along the Platte River from 1860 to 1865. He stated that in 1863 the river was dry west of Julesburg for 100 miles. John Bratt, of North Platte, Nebr., says that he thinks the South Platte went dry in the sixties, the same as it does noAV. In the early seventies he bought land along the South Platte; since that time the river has usually gone dry at times in summer, usually in August, but in the early summer there was more water then than now, Charles McDonald, of North Platte, Nebr., was along the South Platte in the sixties. He says that the river went dry in 1862, and also in 1871. Hon. John Evans, of North Platte, Nebr., says that he has been living in North Platte since 1871 ; that in early times the river went dry in exceptional years. Since 1895 it has gone dry every year. W. A. Paxton, of Omaha, Nebr., who has had cattle ranches on the Platte since the early sixties, states that the river went dry in 1863, 1866, and 1871, and that it has gone dry every year since about 1885 or 1886. Henry T. Clarke, of Omaha, Nebr., built several bridges across the Platte River in 1874. He states that in that year the river was dry, and it was necessary to dig holes in the river bed to secure water for his cattle. Summing up these statements, the accounts of the early travelers and explorers, while not stating that the river was dry, all agree as to its being very Ioav in summer. The testimony of the i)arties living in the Platte Valley show that the river was dry in places, and for short periods at least, during the years 1863, 1864, 1865, 1866, 1871, 1873, 1874, and 1875. For these years we have definite statements. For the years 1863 and 1864 we have a large number of statements that the river was dry. In addition to these definite statements as to particular years, we have the statement of J. J. Armstrong that it usually went practically dry ; the statement of John Brewer that he heard freighters say that the water sank into the sand and that they were obliged to dig for water. Mr. Hawley states that he understood from the talk of oldtimers that as a usual thing the South Platte went dry below the mouth of the Cache la Poudre nearly to the June- 47 tioii of the North and South Phitte rivers. Mr. John Bratt, of North Phitte, states that it was his opinion that it went (hv in the sixties as now. It seems, from these statements, that there ean be no (luestion that from the time of the earliest travelers the river has gone dry during the summer, in some years at least, and that it has ahvays been very low in the late sunnner, and that in the summers of 18()2 to 18G0, before there Avere enough diversions in Colorado to have any effect upon the flow of the stream, the river went dry. In the early seven- ties, before the construction of most of the large canals in Colorado, there was another series of years when the river was dry. Since the building of the large canals in Colorado and the irrigation of large areas of land — that is, since 1885 and 188C — the river is said to have gone dry practically every year. The fact that there never have been and are not now any irrigating ditches of any considerable size along the section of the river innne- diately above the State line and between that point and the junction of the branches of the Platte would also point to the conclusion that there never has been any reliable supply of water in this section of the South Platte River. As has been stated before, the ownership of riparian land gives its owner no more than a right to have the river continue to flow as it was wont to flow. The above testimony shows conclusively that in the section of the river from the State line to the junction there never has been a reliable flow ; that the river has gone dry in many years and has been extremely low every year. Under the doctrine an- nounced by the Nebraska supreme court in Crawford v. Hathaway the riparian proprietor is not entitled to enjoin diversions for irriga- tion, but merely to damages resulting from the diversion of water by later appropriators. With the records shoAving that the river went dry in many years before irrigation began, it will be practically impossible for a riparian proprietor along this section of the river to prove that any damage which he may sufler from shortage of Avater is due to the diversion of the water above. RETURN SEEPAGE. It is contended by many people in Colorado and by some in Ne- braska that irrigation on the stream in Colorado not only has uot decreased the supply in Nebraska except during the spring flood, but has actually improved the condition of the river, or will do so m the future. The seepage measurements which are given below seem to show that an increase in the flow in the late sunnner is gradually pro- gressing doAvnstream and has already reached the State line. Measurements have been made in the fall of every year since 1889, with the exception of 1897, to determine the amount of water return- ing to the river in the form of seepage. The results of these meas- 3043T— No. 157—05 m i 48 iirements, with the exception of those made in 1903, as brought to- gether in the following table, are taken from the reports of State engineers of Colorado. The measurements in 1903 were made by Mr. C. E. Tait, of this Office. (See map, PL I.) Gain inflow of South Platte River from return seepage. Section. Platte Canyon to head of City ditch - Head of City ditch to Littleton . Littleton to Denver Denver to Brighton Brighton to Platteville _ _ Plattevill(i to Evans - Evans to Putnam ditch.. Putnam ditch to Fort Morgan . . Fort Morgan to Snyder '.-.- Snyder to Merino Merino to Sterling - - Sterling to Iliff Iliff to Crook Crook to Sedgwick Sedgwick to State line Total Dis- tance. Mites. 5.25 6.25 10.50 21.25 16.00 17. 0!) 27. 50 27.50 11.50 18.00 14. 50 10.00 1.5.00 17. 00 15.50 1889. Cu. ft. per sec. 49.91 1.00 26.16 56.31 63. 62 !-188.58 32. 75 4.44 332. 75 422. Ti 1890. 1891. Cu. ft. per sec. n.73 43. 88 43.30 ■ 78.00 156.69 50.58 [ 21. 5;^ 29.45 14. 05 Cu. ft. per sec. 27.57 52.61 16. 20 78.81 f 51.74 \ 72.28 119.50 51.80 79.73 33.36 28.07 -13.07 \ 3.31 449.21 602.00 1892. 1893. Cu.ft. Cu.ft. per sec' per sec. 25.32 44. 63 59.61 -13. 39 64.37 12.32 137.75 18.41 23.50 41.27 69.73 &5.91 61.11 85.85 113.89 34.72 33. 76 24.84 330.61 572.99 1894. Cu.ft. per sec. 49.23 25.59 118.92 84. 30 6.5.01 107.46 98.61 158.52 58.67 43.80 -34. 17 1895. 722.56 Cu. ft. per sec 20.21 55.23 117. 80 13.89 134.44 44.28 179.41 f 234.11 \ 14.82 145.26 f 46.80 I 16.99 [-48. 05 -32.89 942.30 Section. Platte Canyon to head of City ditch Head of City ditch to Littleton . Littleton to Denver Denver to Brighton Brighton to Platteville Platteville to Evans Evans to Putnam ditch Putnam ditch to Fort Morgan . . Fort Morgan to Snyder.. Snyder to Merino Merino to Sterling Sterling to Iliff. Iliff to Crook Crook to Sedgwick Sedgwick to State line Total Dis- tance. Miles. 5.25 6.25 10.50 21.25 16.00 17.00 27.50 27.50 11.50 18.00 14. .50 10.00 15.00 17.00 15.50 232.75 1896. Cu. ft. per sec. 10.18 14.76 33.95 67.29 92. 87 37. 59 87. 99 90.61 52.79 66. 21 32.60 21.36 608.20 1898. 1899. Cu. ft. per sec. 1.21 26.44 61.ft3 49.66 112.35 110. 97 160. 13 94.62 37.13 654.14 Cu. ft. per sec. 72.93 60.96 16.40 124.01 88.79 111. .50 150. 3K 97.74 72. 63 93.87 73.73 46.19 69. 38 —17. 13 41.23 1900. 1,102.61 Cu. ft. per sec. a3.96 40.17 16.22 70.27 56. 08 117. 10 79.14 99.79 - 83. 77 85.54 62.03 5.19 23.64 -50.69 77.98 800.19 1901. Cu.ft. per sec. 21.22 11.49 35. 63 73.29 i:«. 67 138.84 182. 24 90.89 65.87 97.04 47.00 32.04 12.12 I 3.73 941.57 1902. Cu.ft. per sec. 5.04 13.24 24.90 48.67 66.24 95.17 92.23 117.28 61.33 80. a5 97.17 7.27 29.83 I .10 \ 10.67 1903. 749.49 Cu. ft. per sec. .31.64 24.31 12.56 103. 60 44.42 85.56 139.77 85.27 46.24 34.76 73.92 39.27 4.61 1.71 1.97 729. 61 In 1903 measurements were carried on down the river in Nebraska so far as there was any visible flow in the stream. These measure- ments were made by Prof. O. V. P. Stout, of the University of Ne- braska. The first section measured extended from the head of the Western Canal to Ogallala, 26.5 miles, and showed a loss of 74.8G cubic feet per second. The second section extended from Ogallahi to Korty, a distance of 13 miles, and showed a loss of 7.71 cubic feet per second, making a total loss between the head of the Western Canal, which is very near the State line, and Korty, where the river was dry, of 82,57 cubic feet per second, or all the water in the strealn. The table given above shows that there is no uniformity in the gain in any section from year to year or in the stream as a whole. The amount of return seepage depends on so many factors which vary from year to year that it is not to be expected that there would be any 49 uniformity or any gradual increase or decrease in the seepage re- turns in any given section. The amount of water coming into the stream from the hinds bordering it in any section must dei)end pri- marily upon the amount of water received by these lands, either in the form of rainfall or irrigation. The amoimt of rainfall varies from year to year without any fixed law. and the amount used in irrigation depends upon the amount which can be secured for that purpose. In general, then, larger returns will be expected in wet years than in dry years, since in such A^ears the lands receive more Avater from both irrigation and rainfall. The rate of flow of water through soils is extremely slow, and water applied to land at some distance from the stream takes several years to reach the stream, so that the entire effect of heavy irrigation may not be shown immediately in the return seepage. This would tend to decrease the variations in the return flow due to wet and dry sea- sons. It is therefore practically^ impossible to establish any relation between the quantity of water received bj^ land and the amount of water which will be supplied by this land to the stream. The measurements given in the table for each year were made by a party which started at the canyon and Avent down the stream, the supposition being that the rate of progress made by the party would be about the same as the A^elocity of the flow of the river. In this wav anv chano-es would be attributed to losses or gains in the channel of the stream rather than to the rising and falling of the stream as a Avhole. It is impossible to eliminate entirel}^ the effects of increases and decreases in the flow of the stream as a whole, and to the extent to which such fluctuations occur the value of these meas- urements, as indexes of return seepage, is destroyed. Grouping these measurements into periods will help to minimize the effect of varia- tions since these Avill tend to offset each other. The measurements given cover fourteen years. Dividing these into two seven-year periods gives the results which are shown in the following table : Gain or loss in flow of tiouili Platte Hirer by seccn-yeur periods. Section. Length. Before 1896. Total. Per mile. Miles. Platte Canyon to City ditch 5.25 City Ditch to Littleton 6.25 Littleton to Denver. 10.50 Denver to Brighton -- 21.25 Brighton to Platteville 16.00 Platteville to Evans... IT. 00 Evans to Putnam ditch - ^''^'^1 Putnam Ditch to Fort Morgan 27.50 Fort Morgan to Snyder. - i^"T Snyder to Merino ii'kn Merino to Sterling - - --- }*-5! Sterling to nifE - , 10-00 nifE to Crook. I 15.00 Crook to State line ■ o2. 50 Sec-feet. 28.15 37.17 56.95 43.26 67.94 57.32 119.90 93.34 25.12 63. 35 32.03 16.58 -14.83 -21.25 Sec-feet. 5.36 5.95 5.42 2.04 4.25 3. 37 4.36 3.39 2.18 3. .52 2.21 1.66 - .99 - .65 After 1895. Total. Per mile. Sec-feet. 25.17 27.:^4 28.76 76. (i8 84. 49 99.5:^ 127.41 95.17 59.97 76.:«) 64.41 25.22 27.92 13.91 Sec-feet. 4.79 4.:« 2.74 3.61 5.28 5.85 4.63 3.46 5.21 4.24 4.44 2.52 1.8(j .43 50 In some years the sections between measurements were not the same as those given in the table, but inckuled two or more of the sections as given. In such cases the gain or loss in the larger section is divided between the sections as they are given in the table in propoi-- tion to the mileage. The results given in the table are shown graph-' ically in figure 3. In the figure the vertical scale represents gain in cubic feet per second per mile, and the horizontal scale represents distance from the upper measurements at Platte Canyon. The hatched columns show the gains in the first seven-year period, from 1889 to 1895. Tlie solid columns show the gains in the second seven- year period, from 1896 to 1903, excluding 1897. The difference in the heights of the two columns for any section represents the increase or decrease in the return waters for that section in the second seven- vear period over the return waters for the same section for the first seven-year period. The diagram shows that between Platte Canyon and Denver the return seepage was greater for the first seven-year period than for the second. This can be accounted for by the faci that water formerly carried in open ditches and used for irrigation in this section is noAV taken by the Denver Union Water Company into its pipe lines and used in the city of Denver for domestic pur- poses. In every section from Denver to the State line the gain in the second seven-year period is greater than that in the first. The smallest increase is in the sections from Evans to the Putnam ditch, and from the Putnam ditch to Fort Morgan. The largest increase is between Fort Morgan and Snyder, and the next largest between Iliff and Crook. The small increase in gain between Evans and Fort Morgan may be accounted for by the fact that along this part of the river there have been constructed many ditches to collect seepage water (PI. II). A large part of the seepage water which would otherwise return to the stream is collected by these ditches and used for irrigation, and hence does not show in the measurements. The large increase in the sections beloAv Fort Morgan is doubtless due to the fact that that part of the State is only now developing. The last two sections, from Iliff to the State line, showed losses in the first period and gains in the second period. The sands of the river bed seem to be getting filled so that water flows in the surface channels, where formerly it was all lost. Talcen as a whole, the measurements give every reason to believe that the flow of the stream in the lower reaches is increasing and will continue to do so. Up to the present time there has been very little storage of water and consequent irrigation in the late summer below the mouth of the Cache la Poudre. During the year 1904 two large reservoirs were constructed in this section, and plans for other reservoirs are being made. The filling of these reservoirs will make possible the use of U. S. Dept. of Agr., Bui. 157, Office of Exot. Stations. Irrig, and Drain. Invest. Plate II. « ^_ ^ ^"^ '''*^*''^ •MM *il 1 1 il I fr ^ V AflMttMM^^ ir-^^MflMI ''^^^^^^^H ••.•.fcv.. ^■IL " / mm ■^WS^H •*'■' ii^^M^m jlji^lMe ft ml ^ fell: « 3S' ' •» i-^-v: ^ fA -'•T*-- >/:*■,-. ... r ■ r^ ^s^^^-- ' (•.^ — - .-.jH < "^ fe?^:-/ ■-."^J;:^' > . >r* .^-. m ■di?^ JM, 1 -/ - \l-Tr-*'^ ■■^vi'iV -1 B ^^m^^^^F Ss^ .. ^'■. "-./L ■/'•*^''\'"-?"*'i 1 ■.>.■'>'.- 9 * ^^^^^^Pt ' ^^^BHiifl^USHJ *5 <^ :^aps^;^dHHy|UH - J ? jM^BIKj^HBj < 5^'-r-:: - ":': r ';:^^M 5' . f - - . -^^ ,•-■•- ^^,?« ■3€.*;,P«B'S SK'-^-^ tf?^^''^ ' ■' ^ . ■ Vv,v. -J^^^^^ ^^'■^. •«^>-_- ^^fccj*. ^ x<^M ^K x~ - ^ ¥ i^^^^^^^maFAi4Wit -^^fc^ «^ ^fmBomssum »r -^-:--"-v"^.'^.. ' ■ -v - - • * ri-' Fig. 1.— a Characteristic Seepage Ditch. Fig. 2.— Seeped Sugar-Beet Field. 51 Pl3tts Canon Cily OiTch LIttterof ^ Denver Brighton as fVarrevi/le oi £V9ns ^ N Putnam D/Tch ^/foryan. o, v. ^SSiiSSSSSSSSSSSiSSSS^iS^^ ^ p &^!i:^!j^^!!^y;^!;!^:;?!^!j!!;^^ ^^^^^^^^»^^^^^^!:y^J;iy;!^!!!^:^y;^^^^ iSiiSiSiS^SSiSSiSS^^ ;l^;!$!i(«SS$SSSS!SS<$!!i«!!SJSS^^ !$$S!SSS^$S¥SSSSSSSSSSSSS!i^^ ^;S«$SSSSSSSSJS$««SSSi!$!:»;!$¥!i^^ SS54«S»»«SS8ilS!iS«««45SiS!!^^ $i$i$«i$)ii$(iSi$Si^il$SSi(i$!S^^ :««4»S»5«»««N«««««N5«»S«5^»««!!«!!^!Si8^S«Si^ ^iSSSSSSSSS^iSSSS^iS^^ ^^ Fig. 3.— Diagram comparing volume of return seepage to South Platte River for two seven-year periods, 1889-1895 and 1896-1903, excluding 1897. 52 much more water in the late summer, thus keeping the soil along the stream filled with water, Avhich will gradually find its way toward the stream. The measurements reported in the previous tables cover periods only long enough to allow those making the measurements to travel alonir the course of the stream and make the measurements. All of these measurements have been made in the fall of the year when the flow is naturally small and when it is considered that most of the water in the stream comes from return seepage. These measure- ments are based upon the supposition that the party making the measurements will progress at about the same rate as the flow of the stream, so that any changes in that flow will not affect the results, but means have been adopted in each case to take into ac- count any changes which might have occurred in the flow of the stream — over night, for instance. A gauge w^as set at night, and if there had been any change during the night new measurements were made in the morning. It is believed, however, that records for a single day or for a few days are valuable chiefly because they are the only ones available. They are, nevertheless, conclusive as to the fact that there is a large return to the stream from this source. During the season of 1903 Mr. Adams obtained from the water commissioners of the various districts included Avithin the drainage area of the South Platte and its tributaries daily records of the quantities of water diverted by the ditches within their respective districts. These records are more or less complete, some commissioners keeping records of the flow of all the ditches, others measuring only the larger ditches and those which it was necessary for theui to regulate. Small ditches with early rights or those supplied by seepage and so located on the river that their diversions interfered with no one else were not measured in many cases. The records in district 8, which inchides the section of the river from the canyon to Denver, are very largely estimates made by the water commissioner and can not be considered as accu- rate for the daily flow, although they probably approach accuracy for the average flow of the ditches for various months. The records in district 2, extending from Denver to the mouth of the Cache la Poudre, are practically complete and are probably quite accurate. The records in district 1, which includes the river from the mouth of the Cache la Poudre to the east line of Morgan County, are also fairly complete. Those of district 64, which extends from the east line of district 1 to the State line, are much less complete and accu- rate. There are a number of ditches in this district which have no decreed rights and are below any ditches which have such rights. 53 and consequently the water commissioner paid no attention to tlieir diversions. On the tributaries the records of the diversions by the Lirger ditches are fairly complete, but in each district there is a large number of small ditches with early rights for which tliere are no records, so that the measurements on these tributaries can not be used in the computations of the return seepage. The flood period in the South Platte and its tributaries is usually in June. At this time flood water flows from these tributaries into the Platte and there are no measurements at their mouths, and therefore an accu- rate record of the supply in the main stream for the month of June can not be secured. During the months of July and August the reported diversions by the large ditches on the tributaries of the Platte leave so narrow a margin for supplying the small early ditches that it is fair to conclude that the entire flow of these tribu- taries is diverted during those months, and whatever water reaches the Platte from them is seepage water from the lands close to the river. For these two months, therefore, the records of flow and diversions on the South Platte will give a fair idea of the amount of return seepage in the river. The records of the stream flow are taken from the report of the United States (leological Survey (Water Suj^ply and Irrigation Paper Xo. 99). Records have been kept by the Survey at South Platte, which is above all diversions; at Denver, which is on the line between districts 8 and 2 ; at Kersey, which is on the line between districts 2 and 1 ; and at Julesburg, Avhich is at the lower end of district 64. This divides the river into three sections, one from the South Platte to Denver, which includes district 8; one from Denver to Kersey, which includes district 2; and one from Kersey to the State line, which includes districts 1 and 01. In the tables which follow the measurement at the upper station of each section gives the supply for the ditches within the section. The difference between the stream flow at the uj^per sta- tion and the sum of the diversions and the flow at the lower station represents the gain or loss in the section. The results of these com- putations are shown in the following tables. The first table gives the results for Jul)^ and the second for August, 1903. These tables are based upon the supposition that none of the natural flow of the tributaries reaches the main stream. Measurements of the flow and diversions of these tributaries are complete enough to show that this is a fair assumption. 54 Return sccpayc to Houth Platte River, July, I'JilS, in cubic feet per second. [In cubic feet per second.] South Platte to Denver : River at South Platte 353 Diversions 105 River at Denver 328 493 Gain 140 Percentage of gain 39.60 Denver to Kersey : River at Denver 328 Diversions 031 River at Kersey 192 823 Gain 495 Percentage of gain 150.90 Kersey to Julesburg : River at Kersey 192 Diversions 630 River at Julesburg 3 (539 Gain 447 Percentage of gain 232.81 River as a whole : River at South Platte 353 Diversions 1, 432 River at Julesburg 3 1, 435 Gain 1.082 Percentage of gain 307.08 Return seepage to South Platte River, AuguM, ]!)():1, in cuhie feet per second. South Platte to Denver : River at South Platte 1 217 Diversions 140 River at Denver 108 254 Gain 37 Percentage of gain 17.05 Denver to Kersey : River at Dernier 108 Diversions 384 River at Kersey 137 521 Gain 413 Percentage of gain 382.41 55 Kersey to Julesburg: River at Kersey 1^7 Diversions 302 River at Julesburg 130 432 Gain 295 Percentage of gain 215. 33 Stream as a whole : River at South Platte 217 Diversions 833 River at Julesburg "130 0(53 Gain 74G Percentage of gain 343.73 Gain, excluding flow at Julesburg (JIO Percentage of gain, excluding flow at Julesburg 283.41 The tables show that for July, on the stream as a whole, the average gain for the whole stream between South Platte and the State line is 1,082 cubic feet per second, and the diversions are slightly more than four times the supply at the upper station. For August the average gain, excluding a large flow at Julesburg, which was due to local rains, is G16 cubic feet per second, and the average diversions were nearly three times the supply at the upper station. These records show, however, that very little surface flow from either the natural 'flow of the stream or return seepage passes the State line. The average for July is but 3 cubic feet per second and that for August 130 cubic feet per second, but this high average is due to a large flow on a very few days caused by heavy local rains. The average flow for the month of August outside of these few days is but little larger than that for July. The fact that the tributaries of the Republican River rise so close to the South Platte and the fact that the stream has from the earliest settlement gone dry or nearly so in the sections below the mouth of the Cache la Poudre, have given rise to the belief that the water of the Platte sinks into the sand and finds its way into the tributaries of the Republican. To test the correctness of this theory Mr. W. ^y. Follett, under the direction of the late Col. E. S. Xettleton, made a series of measurements in 1S91." The water levels in lines of wells crossing the valley of the South Platte at various points were meas- ured to determine whether or not the water-bearing strata were above or below the level of the Platte at the points crossed. Mr. Follett's measurements show that west of the Colorado-Nebraska line the water in the wells measured and in the Frenchman branch of the a Largely due to heavy local rains August KJ and 23. b 52d Cong., 2d Sess., Ex. Docs. 41, 42. 56 Republican is above that of the Platte, and his conclusion is that this water comes from local precipitation. On the other hand, the water in the wells on a line passing north and south through North Platte is in a gravel stratum on a level with or below the South Platte, which extends to the tributaries of the Eepublican. Wliile these measurements are not conclusive, since the wells observed west of the State line do not go below the level of the Platte, and therefore do not prove that the water from the river does not get away to the south on a level lower than the wells, they seem to indi- cate that in Colorado the water of the Platte is retained in its own valley, either in the surface stream or as an underflow, and that some- where between the State line and North Platte the water begins to flow away from the valley as underflow and contributes to the flow of the trilDutaries of the Republican. The measurements made by Mr. Follett east of North Platte showed that these conditions exist along the river as far as Grand Island, where the measurements were dis- continued. The measurements of return seepage given in the table seem to l^ear out Mr. Follett's conclusions as regards the stream in Colorado. Ir- rigation along the stream has brought about a gradual increase in return waters which has now reached the State line. Mr. Follett's measurements give reason to suppose that this increase will not be as rapid in Nebraska as it has been in Colorado, on the supposition that not all the water used in the valley of the Platte will be re- tained within the valley, either in the surface stream or the sands of the valley. The volume of return w^ater in the surface streams will depend upon whether the supply added to the underground Avater by irrigation is greater than that which is lost through the underflow into the tributaries of the Republican and by evaporation. The velocity of underflow is supposedly very slow, and a large use of water in irrigation would probably supply it faster than it could be carried away by this underflow and would tend to produce a flow in the river. On the other hand, the bed of the stream in Nebraska is broader than it is above and evaporation will always be a source of great loss. The general conclusion regarding the efl^ect of irrigation in Colo- rado upon the supply of water in Nebraska is that the use of the water of the Platte in Colorado has reduced the size of the spring floods, and also to a less extent the flow in the late summer, but this summer flow has always been very unreliable. At present the im- provement in the flow of the stream during the late summer due to return seepage has reached the State line and may be expected to con- tinue down the stream. In that case the conditions along the stream in Nebraska w411 be better than they have ever been before. The floods will be less, but the supply after the floods have subsided will be 57 more reliable. ITnder the present arrangements there are irrigated from the South Platte and tributaries in Colorado about 750,000 acres of land yielding annual crops Avorth from $15 to $1,000 per acre," supporting a large population in comfort, not only Avithout working any lasting harm to the farmers in Nebraska, but actually improving their water supply. Stopping the use of the water in Colorado might increase the supply in Nebraska for a few years, until the water supplied to the soil by years of irrigation had drained out, but there is everj'^ reason to believe that eventually the river would return to its former condition, and Nebraska would receive no lasting benefit, while Colorado would sulfer the loss due to the return of 750,000 acres from intensively cidtivated and highly productive farms to their original desert condition or worse, because the natural grasses have been destroved. This Avoidd involve the loss of the capital invested in irrigation works, in railroads, in sugar factories, in farm buildings and implements, and in all the industries and business enterprises which are supported by a prosperous agricul- tural community. It would mean the ruin of other industries which now run on a narrow margin of profit, because of the increased cost of living due to the stopping of the local production of a food supply. Even assuming that the natural flow of the stream would reach Nebraska if it were not used iji Colorado, its use in Nebraska would necessitate the construction of new canals, farm buildings, grain elevators, mills, sugar factories, business houses, and residences. All over the United States the development of new sections by irriga- tion has been attended with financial losses and misunderstandings and recriminations between investors in irrigation works and the settlers under these works. The South Platte Valley in Colorado has passed through this period. At present 85 per cent of the land in the valley is watered by ditches owned by the farmers, and a satisfactory and economical system of ditch management has been worked out. This condition has been reached only after years of trouble between investors and settlers. Under present conditions the water used on the lands near the head- waters returns in part to the streams to be used again farther down along their courses. This process continues doAvn to the State line a Mr. Adams collected complete crop retiu-ns for 24..329 acres, sliowius annual returns of .$19.84 per acre. This land was not in the most hijilily productive section of the valley. The area i)lanted to sugar beets in l!)n;{ was l."..!)?:'. acres, with an average production of 1.3.4(5 tons per acre. At ^4.7>0 per ton. the usual price, this is $(;0..57 per acre, a total of .>?luiT.4S4 for the whole area. Raspberries yielded as high as .$1,018 per acre, potatoes $80 to ^S^y per acre, and alfalfa $15 per acre. The acreages of these various crops are not avail- able, hence no statement of total crop returns can be made. 58 and will iDrobably extend on into Nebraska. Supposing the use in Colorado is stopped and supposing the water reaches Nebraska, the return seepage, which will not be as great as it is in Colorado (see p. 56) will reach the stream below where water is needed for irriga- tion, and there will be but one use of water where now it is used over and over. Considered from an economic standpoint, the maintenance of the present status means the largest possible use of the water supply, since irrigation begins where the streams issue from their canyons, allowing the fullest opportunity for seepage return to the streams. It means the preservation of the homes and industries of the South Platte Valley in Colorado and the maintenance of the institutions which are the outgrowth of nearly a half century's experience, while Nebraska will receive a gradually increasing supply of water, which will eventually be better than would result from the stopping of irrigation in Colorado. BIGHTS TO WATER FRON NORTH PLATTE RIVER AND TRIBUTARIES. COLORADO. The course of the North Platte lies in three States. The nature of rights to the use of water in Colorado has been discussed on page 26. In "Wyoming, up to 1890, rights were acquired by diverting water and using it, but since that time they have been acquired by securing a permit from the State engineer, constructing works, and using the water. Hights acquired prior to 1890 are defined by the board of control, on the testimony of the interested parties and on sur- veys and measurements made by the State engineer and his assist- ants. Water-right holders are entitled to sufficient water for stated areas, with the limitation that no more than 1 cubic foot per second can be used for 70 acres. The North Platte and its tributaries in Colorado are in districts 46 and 47. Irrigation began in these districts in the early eighties and the rights were first adjudicated in 1892. The records of these adjudi- cations show that in both districts the rights were based on the areas actually irrigated and were computed on the assumption that in dis- trict 46 one cubic foot per second will supply 40 acres and in district 47 it will supply 50 acres. AMiere a right computed in this way exceeded the capacity of the ditch which served the land the right was limited to the capacity of the ditch. Second adjudications took place in 1900 for district 46 and in 1902 for district 47. In these adjudications the rights of those who were not represented in the first one and of those who acquired rights since these adjudications were defined. They were computed in the same 59 way as in the first adjudications, except that the duty of water was differently estimated. Testimony was introduced to show (Imt 100 acres of bottom land required 2 cubic feet of water per second ; 100 acres of upland required 2.5 cubic feet of water per second, except along the Canadian Kiver, where 100 acres requin^d 3 cubic feet of water per second. These estimates were followed in computiui; the rights in the second adjudication. Although these rights were i)ased upon the acreages actually irrigated, their owners are held to have rights to fixed quantities rather than to sufficient water for the lands irrigated. Any economy in use on their part would, therefore, give them a surplus of water which could be disposed of by them rather than left in the stream to supply lands lying farther down on the stream. Rights in these districts, as defined in the decrees above referred to, are shown in the following table : Rights decreed from l^^orth Platte River and tributaries in Colorado, districts >iG and ',''. Date of pri- ority. 1880 1881. 1883 1883 1884, 1885, 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. 1891. Area ir- rigated. Acres. 200 1(10 77.5 2, 180 2,2:35 6,925 4,670 18,375 24,913 16,292 13,080 5,375 Rights de- creed. Cubic feet per second. 4.00 2.50 26.50 44.00 46. .50 136.00 99.00 381.05 568.55 363.50 292.25 106.00 Sum to date. Cubic feet jjer second. 4.00 6.50 as. 00 77.00 123.00 2.59. 50 a58. 50 739.55 ],3aH.10 1.671.60 1,963.&5 2,069.85 Date of pri- ority. 1892 1893-. 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 19(K) 1901 Total Area ir- Rights de- rigated. creed. Acres. 170 3,780 3,.3a5 1,980 1,49(1 2,840 4,025 1,240 5,100 3,a50 132,430 Cubic feet per second. 4.00 93. 56 82. 45 49. 05 a2. 47 ()9. 60 113. .55 39.90 127.50 67.25 2,749.18 Sum to date. Cubic feet per second. 2 073. 85 2,167.41 2,249.8() 2,298.91 2, ;«!.:« 2.454.4:{ 2,681.93 2,749.18 WYOMING. The rights to the tributaries of the North Platte in Wyoming have been adjudicated by the board of control, but those to the river itself have not been. The various streams are indei3endent of each other, but the rights to water from them are subject to prior rights on the main stream. Thej^ can not therefore be considered absolutely set- tled until the main stream is adjudicated and a general table for the stream and its tributaries is made up. They are, however, practically settled, because the main stream supplies sufficient water for existing lights, and any rights acquired in the future will be subsequent to the rights on the tributaries. In making up this table the river is divided into three sections. The upper section extends from the Col- orado line to Fort Steele, the middle section from Fort Steele to Guernsey, and the lower section from Guernsey to the Wyoming- Nebraska line. 60 Rights to water from the tributaries of North Platte River in Wyoming. Date of priority. Upper sec- tion. Middle sec- tion. Lower sec- tion. Total. Total area irrigated. 1868 Cubic feet per second. Cubic feet per second. 0.54 Cubic feet per .second. 1.00 1.57 Cubic feet per second. 1..54 1.57 .53 33. 71 1.97 7.01 30. 06 37.01 60.17 :«.o7 76.99 87.04 51. 75 146.20 145.05 839. 40 413.60 615. 89 385. 19 412. 77 293. 98 156.49 231.09 114.80 78.80 45.43 61.37 156.81 170. 14 108. 09 131.95 122. 45 56. 68 78.39 Acres. 1869 110 1870 .53 1.71 1871 - -- 31.00 1.97 6.26 14.71 20.61 52.17 27.64 53.97 26.13 40.61 119.63 72.51 745. 99 241.67 193.36 135.04 338.57 167.46 44.60 148.40 30.72 36.28 2.28 21.51 37.77 27.80 16.60 13. 18 11.67 9.31 2,290 1872 138 1873 - .75 5.35 4.10 4.40 5.43 8.37 37.11 7.73 15.50 31.63 68. 04 79. (K) 280.64 187.04 92.97 60.41 57. 01 31.36 30.33 28.54 33.37 12.26 62.84 124.60 72.81 98.65 87. 4« 44.33 69.43 495 1874 1,370 1875 - --- 2.30 3.60 1,868 1876 - 4,189 1877 2,313 1878 14.75 23.80 3.42 11.08 40.91 25.37 92.93 141.89 63. 11 81.23 66.11 54.88 41.33 53.83 13.98 9.77 37.60 56.30 17.74 18.68 30.13 33.30 3.14 8.86 5,377 1879 6,100 1880 3, 607 1881 - 10,380 1883 10,100 1883 - 58,706 1884 38,870 43,869 1886 --- - 26,807 1887 - 28,697 1888 -- - 20,531 1889 10,877 1890 - - 15,456 1891 8,007 1893 - -- 5,501 1893 3,243 1894 -- 4,300 1895 - , 10,975 1896 --- 11,910 1897 7,559 1898 - 9,234 1899 8,577 1900. 3,967 1901 5,480 Total 919.93 1,644.14 2,591.88 5,155.94 359,673 There are on record in the State engineer's office several claims to water from the main stream filed before the adoption of the present law, and also a large number of approved applications filed under the present law. No certificates of completed appropriations can be issued until an adjudication is had in which the rights acquired under the Territorial laws have been defined. The records show, however, where proof of completion has been made and what permits have been canceled. The following table, made up from the records of the Wyoming State engineer's office, shows the status of rights so far as that office is concerned : Rights to water from North Platte River in Wt/oming, as shown hy the records of State engineer'' s office. Year. Works completed. No final action. Territorial claims. Total in force. 1875 Acres. Cu.ft.per second. Acres. Cu.ft.per second. Acres. 1,080 215 700 5,360 12,680 15,996 8,200 1,700 671,800 1,000,000 Cu.ft.per second. 264.50 Acres. Cu.ft.jyer second. 1880 1882 1883 106.22 92.39 1885 1886 1888 1889 1890 9,554.00 4,500.00 1891 . 11,500 280 15,560 10,493 3,000 164. 3 4.0 222.2 149.9 43.0 11,. 500 11,360 16,360 10,513 3,204 166 164.3 1893 11,080 800 20 204 166 158.3 11.4 .3 2.9 2.4 162.3 1894 233.7 1895 150.2 1896 45.9 1897 2.i 61 Rights to iratcr from North Platte River in Wyoiiiiitg. etc. — Continued. Year. Works completed.! No final action. Tt^rri torial claims. Total in force. 1898 Acres. 2,193 2«K) 199 275 550 Cii.ft.per second. \ 31.4 3.0 2.8 4.0 7.9 Acres. 781 Cii.ft.per second. 11.1 Acres. Cu.ft.per second. Acres. 2, 976 Cu.ft.per s8.18 1891 2,859.(M 1892 2,(m.41 1893 3,1(X;.26 1«94 7,492.91 1895 . - 8, 760. 74 189(i 1897 9,122.29 9,894.4:3 1898 _. 9,894.43 1899.. 1901 4()6.(X) 289.64 10,294.43 10,584.07 1901 1902 1903 1 1904 ' The table shows that the earliest right in Colorado was acquired in 1880, the earliest right in AVyoming in 1868, and the earliest right in Nebraska in 1884:. There are, in the upper States, rights prior to any in Nebraska acquired by ajjpropriation, amounting to 1,788.88 cubic feet per second. The main (juestion is, however, regarding rights immediately above and below the AA'yoming-Nebraska State line. As between these the ditches in Nebraska were built prior to most of those in AA^yoming, the largest rights in the lower section in AVyoming 70 having been initiated in 1901 and since, subsequent to all of those in Nebraska. In addition to the rights enumerated in the table for Nebraska, there are rights to water attaching to riparian lands. ( See p. 85. ) The earliest settlements along the North Platte in Nebraska, except in the immediate vicinity of the city of North Platte and a few isolated ranches, were made in 1883 and the years follow^ing. Prior to that year rights to 865.92 cubic feet per second had been acquired in Colo- rado and Wyoming. The railroad land grant extends up the South Platte, and the North Platte enters the limits of the grant in the neighborhood of Lewellen (see map, PI. I), consequently there are no railroad lands w^est of that point. In the vicinity of Lewellen railroad lands were selected in 1902, and therefore have no riparian rights, mider the decision that the law of 1889 abrogated the rule of riparian rights. Through Deuel County for a distance of about 40 miles the railroad lands were selected in 1886. These lands include alternate sections and probably comprise about one-half of the ripa- rian lands. Prior to 1886 rights in the upper States amounting to 3,098.81 cubic feet per second had been acquired. For the next 20 miles east of Deuel County railroad lands were selected in 1890, and consequently have no riparian rights. For about 10 miles above the junction of the North and South Platte rivers the railroad lands were selected in 1874, and along the main stream east of the junction they were selected in the same year. Prior to 1874 rights to only 65.39 cubic feet per second had been acquired in Colorado and Wyoming. Throughout much of the distance between the State line and the city of Kearney on the main stream, below which are no irrigation ditches, much of the riparian land is swampy and therefore Avill make no demand on the stream. As with the South Platte, no estimate of the amount of water which can be claimed by riparian owners can be made, but in view of the fact that only a small part of the railroad lands were selected before 1886, and that a large part of them were selected after the passage of the law of 1889 abrogating riparian rights, and that settlement along the river began as late as 1883, prior to Avhich many rights had accrued in Colorado and Wyoming, riparian rights on the North Platte may be considered of little imjior- tance from an interstate standpoint. As has been previously pointed out, the use of the water along the North Platte in Colorado occurs chiefly in the flood season, when there is plenty of water throughout the course of the stream and natural conditions are such that this use can not be greatly enlarged. Throughout the greater part of the course of the stream in Wyoming there is practically no irrigation. The question of interstate rights between Wyoming and Nebraska, therefore, coijies down to consider- 71 ation of the rights of ditches immediately above the State line in Wyoming and those in Nebraska. The rights in Wyoming along this section of the river are, for the most part, subsequent to those in Xebrasiva, and a large part of those given in the table have not vested, but depend upon the completion of works and the use of water in accordance with the [)ermits issued bv the State engineer. The largest outstanding i)ermits on this sec- tion of the North Platte in Wyoming are those of the Whalan Falls Canal Company and the Fort Laramie Canal and Reservoir Com- pany. The former has a permit to divert w^ater for 20,000 acres, the work to be completed in 190(). Some work has been done on this sj's- tem, and the State engineer has authority to extend the time for the completion of works, so that it may be some years before the rights of this company are settled. The Fort Laramie Company has a per- mit, dated 1904, to divert water for 36,107 acres, the work to be com- pleted in 1912. These two companies have pending rights which may equal more than 800 cubic feet per second, 300 of which can not be finally settled until 1900, and 500 of which can not be settled until 1912. The rights of the ditches in Nebraska, as given in the table, were not finally determined, but were conditioned upon the completion of the works as planned at the time of the adjudication. (See p. 41.) Very few of these ditches has been completed, and their rights as eiven in the table are therefore largelv in excess of their needs. The most striking example of this is the case of the Farmers' Canal, whu'h has the second right on the stream and was granted conditionally 1,142.8(') cubic feet per second, dating 1887. A decision of the su- preme court in The Farmers' Irrigation District /'. Frank « (see p. 41) has made this right absolute, except that it may be lost by abandon- ment. Not more than 2,000 acres have been irrigated by this ditcji, and if its rights were cut down to the volume which has bsen bene- ficially used they would not exceed 30 cubic feet per second. The Gering ditch, which heads immediately below the State line, was given a conditional right to 500 cubic feet per second, while its max- imum diversion in 1903 was 287 cubic feet per second, showing that its right, as given in the table, is nearly double the amount of water to which it can lay claim on the ground of use. But the use of water under this canal is being extended all the time, and it is probable that the ridit to the full volume can not be attacked on the ground of abandonment. In both States the full volumes of the rights ultimately acquired by these companies will date from the filing of the applications, or the bejjinning of work where no applications were filed. It has been to' o 100 N. W., 280. 72 shown (p. 24) that there is flowing in the North Platte at times more water than is required to supply all outstanding rights, but as a mat- ter of fact it is seldom that there is not more than enough water to sup- ply all existing demands. Plans are being made for the construction of new works to utilize this surplus by private parties and the Federal Government, But there is no way of telling from the present flow of the stream and present diversions what supply of water these new canals will receive. The enlargement of use under existing and pend- ing rights may absorb all the surplus except in extreme floods. A series of measurements of the North Platte and main Platte rivers, between the Colorado- Wyoming State line and the city of Kearney, Nebr., was made in the fall of 1903 by the agents of this Office to determine, so far as can be determined by a single series of measurements, the etfect of diversions in the upper sections of the stream upon its flow farther down. These measurements are given in the following table : Return seepage, North Platte River. Section. Colorado- Wyoming line to Douglas Creek... Douglas Creek to Sage Creek Sage Creek to Fort Steele Fort Steele to Dickinson's ranch Dickinson's ranch to Medicine Bow River... Medicine Bow River to Sweetwater River... Sweetwater River to Alcova Alcova to Delaware Springs. _. Delaware Springs to Muddy Creek Muddy Creek to Douglas Douglas to Horseshoe Creek Horseshoe Creek to Guernsey Canyon Guernsey Canyon to Whalen Whalen to Port Laramie __ _. Fort Laramie to Rawhide Creek . _ Rawhide Creek to Torrington _ . Torrington to Wyoming-Nebraska State line State line to Mitchell Mitchell to Gering _ Gering to Bayard Bayai-d to Bridgeport Bridgeport to Oshkosh Oshkosh to Hay land Canal Hay land Canal to Paxton Bridge Paxtuii Bridge to North Platte North Platte to Gothenburg _ Gothenburg to Lexington _ Lexington to Kearney Length. Miles. 8.00 52.00 22.00 21.00 n.oo 33. 00 12.00 21.00 36.00 40.00 43.00 16.00 14.00 6.00 9.(X) 8.00 12.00 14.00 10.50 18.50 13.30 45.50 30.00 24.00 34.00 36.50 24.50 36.00 Gain (-t-) or loss (— ) Cubic feet persecond. - 43.32 -165.72 - 41.12 + 6.74 - 28.75 + 9.58 + 3.18 - 17.25 + 70.85 - 43.81 - 7.89 + 55.01 + 7.37 - 10. 48 + 77.28 - 76.90 +120. 13 + 68.04 +i;*. 51 - 24. 18 +113.80 ~ 69.47 - 51.20 + 2a5.38 - 22.35 + 109.76 —164. 79 -209.62 Total gain ( + ) or loss ( — ) from upper sta- tion. Cubic feet persecond. - 43.32 -209.04 -250. 16 -243.42 -272. 17 -262.59 -269. 41 -276.66 -205.81 —249. 62 -257.51 -202.50 -195. 13 -205.61 -128.33 -205.23 - 85. 10 + 68.04 +198.55 +174.37 +288. 17 +218.70 +167.50 +402.88 +380. 53 +490.29 +325.50 +115.88 The course of the river throughout Wyoming is hard to follow, and the measurements were made at considerable intervals of time, leaving room for variations in the flow of the stream between the times of measurement. While the stream is more easily followed in Nebraska, Professor Stout, who made the measurements in thai*: State, notes waves of increase and decrease during the progress of U. S. Dept. of A2:r., Bui. 157, Office of Expt. Stations. Irrig. and Drain. Invest. Plate IV. ^ FiQ. 1— North Platte River at Guernsey Canyon— Low Water. Fig. 2.-N0RTH Platte River near Douglas, Showing Character of Stream Bed. 73 measurements, and attributes many of the changes to such waves rather than to return seepage. These waves are attributed to local ' precipitation, cloudy weather, which checks eva[)oration, or clear, Avindy weather, which greatly increases evaporation. The men makino; the measurements mav overtake such waves or be overtaken b}^ them in such a way that it is impossible to get any check upon their influence. It will be noted that throughout the entire portion of the stream measured there are alternating gains and losses in the How. This may be attributed partly to the waves of increase and decrease mentioned above and partly to changes in the channel. The stream in some sections flows over solid rock, in others over beds of bowlders (PI. IV, fig. 1), and in other sections winds back and forth over beds of deep sand (PL IV, fig. 2). Under such conditions varying i)ortions of the water which is finding its way down the val- ley will be in the visible stream which is measured. The measure- ments should not, therefore, be given too much weight. Considering long sections of the river, the measurements through Wyoming show a net loss, while those between the Wyoming-Nebraska State line and Kearney show a net gain. It is not safe to base on these meas- urements any positive statements as to what would occur if condi- tions were different, but they seem to indicate that if ditches in Colorado or the upper sections of Wyoming were closed only a part of the water shut out of these ditches would reach Nebraska. Meas- urements in Nebraska seem to indicate that the closing of the ditches along the upper section of the stream within that State would increase the supply lower down as far as the vicinity of North Platte, below which there are large losses in the stream. The stream between North Platte and Kearney has from the earliest times gone dry in many years and been extremely Ioav in every year, and it does not seem probable that the closing of the ditches above would noticeably increase the supply in the surface channel in this section of the river. The measurements of the water levels in wells, referred to on page 56, show that the water table for some distance north of the river has a slope to the south, which is not interrupted by the river, and indicate that water which passes into the sand in this section finds its way out of the valley of the Platte into the streams to the south. In the immediate vicinity of the Nebraska-Wyoming line there is a gain in the flow of the river, the notes of the measurements showing that in the section from Torrington to the State line the return seepage is almost exactly equal to the amount diverted in the section. There is prospect of large increase in the use of the water in this section im- mediately above the State line in Wyoming. The measurements seem to indicate that a large part of the water diverted in this section will return to the stream for use in Nebraska. A large number of irrigators and ditch men in the vicinity of 74 North Platte and along the ditches below that city were interviewed, and none of them seemed to feel that diversions in the upper States diminished their snpply of water. The general sentiment seemed to be that an increased use of water in Wyoming and along the upper valley in Nebraska would improve rather than injure the supply for the ditches below. The supply for these ditches has always been short in the late summer and could not be much worse. Their own- ers, therefore, look with favor upon the enlarged use of water above in flood season in the hope that the return seepage will maintain the flow below in the late summer. From the above discussion it will be seen that there is little likeli- hood of any interstate conflicts on the North Platte unless it should be between ditches heading close together immediately above and below the State line. At present the Mitchell ditch heads just above the State line in Wyoming and carries water for use in Nebraska. The owners of this ditch have neither made an application nor filed a claim in either State. The Farmers' Canal and the (xering ditch head just below the State line, and surveys are being made for canals to head in the section above the State line. Contests have arisen between the Mitchell ditch and the other ditches, but the Mitchell ditch has so far been beyond control, since the Wyoming officials had no reason to close it to satisfy Nebraska ditches, and the Nebraska officials had no authority to close head gates in Wyoming. Some provision must in the future be made for controlling these head gates. Wyoming ditches above this point have no reason to complain, since they get the first chance at the water. All complaints will, therefore, come from Nebraska ditch owners, and the question is how to protect rights acquired in Nebraska against diversions in Wyoming. It will be recalled that, regarding the South Platte, the conclusion was reached that the only probable conflicts would be between ditches immediately above and below the Colorado-Nebraska line. INTERSTATE QUESTIONS. The relations between rights on the same stream in adjoining States, or rather the interdependence of those rights, are not well defined. There is no legislation on this subject, either State or national, and few court decisions. In the State courts of Colorado but one decision even approaching this question has been rendered, and in that one decision » the court merely held that under the Colo- rado statute providing for the adjudication of water rights the dis- trict court w^as not authorized to determine rights to water to be diverted in Colorado for use in New Mexico. One of the ditches ttLamson v. Vailes, 27 Colo., 201. 75 appearing in the adjudication has its point of diversion in Colorado, but extends beyond the boundary line and covers land in both Colo- rado and Xew Mexico. In the adjudication the ditch was denied any right for the land in New Mexico. The supreme court affirmed the decision on the ground that the lower court, under the special statute, had no jurisdiction to award any right for land outside the State. The court expressly disclaimed any consideration of the ques- tion whether the right for land in New Mexico would be protected in another action in the Colorado courts against subsequent appro- jjriators in Colorado. The question of the relation of rights on interstate streams was before the supreme court of Nebraska in Cline i\ Stock.** Irrigation ditches in Nebraska had so used up the waters of the Republican River as to seriously interfere with its use for power by a Kansas mill owner who had used the water for power long prior to the con- struction of the irrigation ditches. It was contended by the defend- ants that the suit was an attack upon the sovereignty of Nebraska, and that the Kansas mill owner, being an appropriator outside the State, had no rights on the stream which the legislature of Nebraska must respect or might not authorize Nebraska citizens to disregard. In deciding against this contention the supreme court said : It would .seeui that the fatt of the phiiutiff's residence beyond the border of this State, and that his mill is located there, ought not to deprive him That is, it is not a right to enough water for a described area of land, but a right to a definite volume of water, which may be sold and transferred to any land that can be reached, provided no one is injured by the transfer. Until 1001 no procedure for making transfers was prescribed, and parties claiming to be injured were obliged to bring suit to prevent the transfer. In 1003 a law was enacted providing that parties wishing to change the place of diver- sion or use of water must apply to the court for permission to make the change. On such application being made a hearing similar to an adjudication is held, and all parties interested may be heard for or against the transfer, and it can be made only on approval by the court after such a hearing. AVithout exception the decrees in the districts including the South Platte and its tributaries confirm to the various ditches rights to defi- nite volumes based, in some instances, on the measured or estimated capacities of the ditches, in others on the statements of the interested parties as to what they had used, and in others computed from the area said to have been irrigated. These rights are held to be absolute even if the computations made in compiling the decree are shown to have been wrong.'' The right is to a continuous flow of the volume stated. Although an adjudicated right can not be questioned after the expiration of the statutory period for appeal, it may be lost by aban- donment. If a party does not make use of the volumes of water decreed the right Avill be open to attack on this ground and may then be cut down to the volume which has been put to beneficial use. WYOMING. Wvominar was organized as a Territory in 18G8. Prior to this there was almost no settlement and practically no agriculture. The o A priority of rijiht to tlio use of water for irrigation is a property right, and may be sold aud transferred sepjirateiy from tlie land in eonnection with wliieh it ripened. (Strickler v. Colorado Springs, 26 Pac, 318.) 6 Boulder aud Weld Ditch Company v. Lower Boulder Ditch Company, 22 Colo., 115. 82 first legislature adopted the common law of England so far as it was " not inapplicable." The supreme court of the State has held that this enactment did not establish the doctrine of riparian rights in Wyoming, as that doctrine is considered inapplicable." With the admission of W^yoming as a State, in 1890, an entirely new code of water laws was adopted. The constitution declared that all unappropriated water was the proi^erty of the State, and that rights to its use could be acquired by appropriation. Laws were enacted Avhich limited the right of appropriation and required any party washing to divert water to make application to the State engineer and receive a permit before construction began. This permit is not a deed to water, but merely gives the applicant the right to proceed with the construction of works and the diversion of water in accordance with the terms of the permit. None of the Territorial laws regarding water rights defined them in any way. Under these laws there was no litigation and conse- quently no court decisions setting forth the nature of rights to watei\ The law of 1886 required the filing of statements giving the date of construction, capacity of works, amount of the water claimed to be appropriated, the nmnber of acres^ " lying under and being or pro- posed to be irrigated " by the works. The law contains nothing which would give any indication as to which of these conditions was to govern the volume of the right. Only a few adjudications took place under the law of 1880. The first of these was to determine the rights on Bear Creek. The decree awarded definite quantities of water to the parties to the adjudication, only a few of those using water from the stream appearing. The court in this case apparently considered that the parties had rights to definite quantities of water. The decree defining rights to Crow Creek awarded to each party suf- ficient water for a definite area of land, not to exceed a fixed volume. No uniform rule was observed in fixing this maximum volume which could be used and no ditches were named. The rights would there- fore seem to have been considered as not attached to any particular areas, but they did not entitle their holders to fixed quantities of water, but rather to sufficient water for definite areas of land. The decree defining the rights to Horse Creek is similar to that on Crow Creek, « The eommon-law doctriDe relating to the ritrhts of a riparhin iiroprietor in the water of a natural stream and the use thereof is unsuiteil to our reiiuire- ments and necessities and never obtained in Wyoming. * * * ^ different principle, better adapted to the material conditions of this region, has been recognized. The i)riuci])le, Iiriefly stated, is that the right to the use of water for beneficial purposes depends upon a prior aitpropriation. We incline strongly to the view expressed by the supreme court of Colorado to the effect that such right and the obligation to protect it existed anterior to any legislation on the subject. (Moyer v. Preston, 6 Wyo., 308.) 83 except that the ditches are named. This woidd not, however, change the nature of the right. The same principle, that is, that the appropriator is entitled to enouo-h water for a specified area, is contained in the law adopted in 18U0. There is, however, the limitation that this use shall not exceed 1 cubic foot per second for 70 acres. The board of control has uni- forndy held that the rights acquired since 1890 are attached to partic- ular tracts of land. This ruling has, however, been reversed by the supreme court of the State in the recent case of Johnston v. Little Horse Creek Irrigating Company." A ditch company which had been awarded a right by the board of control sold a half interest in the right awarded to it, and a third party, whose rights were later than those of the seller but acquired prior to the sale, attacked the transfer on the ground that under the laws of Wvominji' a water rifflit is attached to the land and can not be transferred apart from the land. Regarding this contention the court saj^s : We are aware that notwithstanding the expressions and decisions in the cases above mentioned, which decisions were rendered in 1894, prior to the execution of the deed in question, there has existed in tlie minds of the administrative officers of tlie State cliarged witli the execution of the laws governing the appro- priation and distribution of water an opinion that, by reason of some provisions of our statutes, uulilie the statutory provisions prevailiug in most of the other arid States, water appropriated for the irrigation of land becomes not only ap- purtenant thereto, but inseparably connected therewith, and therefore incapable of transfer or conveyance separate from the land ; and the opinion, we under- stand, has prevailed among such officers that in the cases aforesaid the effect of our peculiar statutory provisions was not considered. In view of the fact that such decisions were rendered before the conveyance in tjuestion. and that the parties presumably relied thereon in granting and receiving the conveyance, the law ought to be found very clear to justify the court at this time in over- ruling them and holding the transfer void. It is not denied, nor can it be, that it has uniforndy been held in this country, wherever the doctrine of prior approi»riatiou is recognized, that a water right obtaineel by and for the irrigation of land may be sold separate therefrom. (Gould on Waters, sec. 234; Kinney on Irr., sees. 2G4, 265, and cases cited; Long on Irr., sec. 79; 3 Farnham on Water and Water Rights, sees. (j43, (i79.) Mr. Farnham says, in section (ITO of his work, above cited : " The right acquired by an appropriation of water being a property right, it is subject to trans- fer the same as any other species of property ; and this transfer may be separate from the land upon which it was intended to be used. And this sale may include all of the right to which the vendor is entitled, or it may be limited to a portion of it." And in section G4.'> the same author .says : " lUit there is no reason why it should remain attached to the land in connection with which it was first used, and therefore the rule is that it may be sold separate from the land." As an appropriator of water obtains by his appropriation that only of which he makes a beneficial use, it necessarily follows that he can not sell surplus water which he does not need, while retaining his original appropriation, and a 79 Pac, 22. 84 it has been held that, as against a subsequent appropriator, a senior appropriator can not give the water he does not use to another for a certain period, who other- wise would liave no right to use it. (Manning v. Fife (Utah), 54 Pac, 113.) So far as we are informed, however, every case in which that or a simihir prin- ciple has been decided admits that the water right may be sold and conveyed separate from the land, provided other appropriators are not injuriously affected by such sale. An individual appropriator of water for irrigation secures no surplus water ; hence he has no surplus which he can either sell or give to another, as against subsequent appropriations. His appropriation, and therefore his water right dependent thereon, is at all times limited, within the maximum of his appropria- tion, to the quantity capable of beneficial use and actually so used. If during any period he does not require the use of the water, it falls during that period to the subsequent appropriator who does need the same and can beneficially use it. What the ajjpropriator may sell is his water right. That is all he has to sell. That is all that would pass by deed of the land as an appurtenance. The water in the stream is not his property, but his right to use that water, based upon his prior appropriation for beneficial purposes, is a property right, and, as such, is capable of transfer. The only limitation upon the right of sale of a water right separate from the land to which it was first applied, and to which it has become appurtenant, laid down by any of the authorities, is that it shall not injuriously affect the rights of other appropriators. In other words, the burden upon the use must not be enlarged beyond that which rested upon it under the original appropriation, and while in the hands of the original appropriator as he was entitled to and did use it. This principle is the necessary result of the fact that the only property in the water owned by the appropriator is a right to use it as measured by his appropriation. NEBRASKA. The Territory of Nebraska adopted '' so much of the common law of Enghind as is applicable and not inconsistent with tlie Constitntion of the United States, with the organic law of this Territory, or Avith any law passed or to be passed by the legislature." This left the ques- tion as to Avhether the Territory adopted the common-law rule as to riparian rights unsettled and depending on the applicability of the rule. This question was not finally decided until the rendering of the decree in Crawford Company v. Hathaway ^ in 1903. The court held that the rule was adopted and remained in force until abrogated by statute. The first legislation of the State referring to irrigation was the act of 1877, which extended to irrigation canals the provisions of the laws relating to internal improvements. This empowered canal companies to issue bonds and condemn rights of way for canals. It made no mention of the right to take water from streams to fill these canals, and the court held that this law did not abrogate the rule as to riparian rights. Consequently, whatever rights were acquired rested on custom rather than legislation and were subject to riparian rights previously acquired. 0 93 N. W., 791. 85 Under the act of Congress of 1866, recognizing rights acquired by appropriations made in accordance with kx-al Liws, customs, or decisions, and making all [)iil)lic'dand thereafter disposed of subject to such rights, rights accpiired by appropriation in Nebraska are held to be superior to riparian rights attaching to lands acquired from the Government after the appropriations were made. No further irrigation legislation was enacted until 1889. In that year a law was enacted providing that rights to water from the streams, etc., of the State might be acquired by appropriation, priority giving the better rights as between appropriators. The water nnist be taken for a beneficial use, and when the use ceases the right ceases. Parties who had made diversions prior to the passage of this law were held to have acquired rights to water equal to the capacities of their ditches, but in no case exceeding the quan- tity claimed. This law is held to have abrogated the connnon-law^ rule, and lands acquired from the United States (Jovernment since its passage have no riparian rights. In regard to rights acquired by appropriation and by the ownership of riparian lands prior to the enactment of the law of 1880, the court says : The two doctrines stand side by side. Tliey do not necessarily overthrow each other. Init one supplements the other. The riparian owner acquires title to his usufructuary interest in the water when lie appropriates the laud to which it is au incident, and when the right is once vested it can not be divested, except by some established rule of law. The appropriator acquires title by apropria- tiou and application to some beneficial use and of which he can not be deprived, except in some of the modes prescribed by law. The time when either right accrues must determine the superiority of title as between coutlicting claim- ants. (Crawford Company v. Hathaway, 93 N. W., 791.) - That is, a right acquired by appropriation prior to 1889 is subject to the rights of riparian lands acquired from the Government prior to the appropriations, and riparian rights are subject to all rights acquired by appropriation made prior to the acquirement of the lands from the Government. Rights obtained by appropriation since 1889 are subject to the riparian rights attaching to lands acquired from the Government prior to that year. The nature and limitations of the water rights of riparian proprietors are fully brought out in the case cited. This decision is discussed by Mr. Dunton as follows: By the doctrine of Crawford r. Hathaway the rights of a riparian owner, to •Yhich he actpiires title when he secures the land on the banks of a stream, consist in the right to use the waters of the stream for domestic purposes, such as drinking and cooking and watering stock, and also in the right to a reasonable use of such waters for purposes of irrigation. " This right of a riparian owner as such to the use of water for irrigation is limited to riparian lands. The right can not be extended to lands contiguous to the riparian land, nor can water be diverted to nonriparian lands which might be used on ripar- ian lands, but is not. Land to be riparian nuist have the stream flowing over 86 it or along its borders." Its extent can not in any event exceed the area ac- qxiired l)y a single entry or purchase from the Government, and the court was strongly inclined to hold that such area should be restricted to the smallest subdivision of a section — that is, 40 a'^-es — or, in case of irregular tracts, a designated, nuniltcrcd lot in the Government survey, bordering on the stream. " This is not to be taken, however, as meaning that every rii)arian owner may claim the benefit of the stream for the purposes of a tract of that size in every case. It is to be taken as a limitation of the reasonable use permitted by law rather than as defining it. In case the size of the stream, the amount of water therein, and the number of ri])arian owners who may make use thereof are such that the irrigation of Ti acres, for example, would be an unreasonable use, the riparian owner would not be permitted to use water to that extent in derogation of rights of other riparian owners, and in consequence could not claim damages against an appropriator on that basis. (McCook Irrigation and Water Power Company r. ("rews. 07 N. W. ) For infringement upon his rights the riparian owner can not enjoin an irri- gation enterprise by an upper appropriator, nor can he do so even though his damages for injury to bis riparian rights have not been paid. His only remedy is to sue the irrigator for damages. The mere fact that he is deprived of the full flow of the stream adjacent to his land would furnish no l)asis for such damages. " [Merely diminishing the volume of water in the stream would not deprive the owner of property for which he could lay claim to a pecuniary compensation." In order to entitle him to comijensation he must suffer an actual loss or injury to his riparian rights as alxjve defined, which will mate- rially dejtrcciate the value of the land to which such rights are attached. One phase of the question of riparian rights was considered, but not decided, hi Crawford v. Hathaway, which is of especial importance in considering the I'latte rivers. The court states that " as to those streams of water flowing through the State which may lie classed as interstate rivers, and along the banks of which meander lines have been run by the (government in its survey of public lands, the question is left open as to whether or not the waters of such streams may not be treated as waters of navigable rivers and to which riparian rights of an adjoining landowner would not attach as against the right of the public to use the waters thereof t»y its appropriations and application to beneficial purposes." The Platte River is essentially an interstate river. Both it and its branches — the North Phitte and the South Platte — are meandered streams, and should the further decisions of the court affirm the al)ove doc- trine, to which Chief Justice Holcomb seemed inclined, the question of riparian rights would be entirely removed from any controversies over water rights from the Plattes. Regarding water rights acquired by apiDropriation and u:-e prior to its passage, the laAv of 1889 provides that the owners of ditches should be held to have rights to the capacities of their works, but not exceeding the amounts claimed, and that the place of use might be changed if others were not injured by the change. Under this law, then, the water-right holder had a right to a fixed quantity, which was not attached to the land, since he could change the place of use and sell the water apart from the land or sell the surplus not needed for his own land. The only limitation was that it must be put to beneficial use and kept in use or the right would lapse. Under the law of 1895 rights are acquired, as in Wyoming, by 87 tipplyino: to the State board of irriofation, biiilclinof a ditch, and using Avater. and the hohler has a right to sufficient water to ii'i'igate liis land, not to exceed 1 cubic foot per second for TO acres. This right attaches to the hind for which the application was made and aj^i^roved by the board, and the water can be used on no other land. The right, therefore, belongs to the land, not to the individual, and can not be disposed of apart from the land. The right is to suffi- cient water for the particular tract, within the limit of 1 cubic foot per second for 70 acres, and not to a fixed (piantity. If the full quantity is not needed for this land it remains in the stream and goes to supply later rights, instead of being sold by the holder of the earlier right. From the foregoing statement it appears that in each of the States in which the Platte rivers extend' rights have been acquired by appropriation: that water must be put to a beneficial use; that among appropriators the first in time is the first in right; and that in Colorado and AVyoming rights may be transferred from one tract of land to another, if others are not injured by the transfer. ACQUIREMENT OF RIGHTS BY APPROPRIATION. The right to appropriate water from streams is usually considered in its opposition to the common-law doctrine of riparian rights. But the doctrine of riparian rights is so manifestly unsuited to the conditions of the arid region and the diversion of water from streams is so essential to any considerable development of that region that it is not considered necessary to discuss appropriation in that light. Assuming that the water must be diverted from the streams in order that the country may be developed, and that its diversion is, there- fore, justifiable, two systems of acquiring rights are possible — appro- priation and grant or license. A system of grant or license requires that the water belong to the public, as it does, and that the State or nation allow its use only on the receipt of a grant from the authority controlling it. The most evident advantage of such a system is that there is always a complete record of rights and that rights will always be well defined, since they will be limited by the terms of the grants. On the other hand, the most evident disadvantage of a system of approi)riati()n is that there is no complete record of rights and the nature and limitations of rights are not defined. This has been the greatest evil of this sys- tem in its operation in the arid section of the United States. Canals Avere built and water used without any record of what was done. This process went on until there was not Avater enough for all. The principle of priority was generally recognized, but there were no records to show whose rights were prior, and where this was well 88 known there were no commonly accepted rules as to the limits of the rights of appropriators. Uncertainty as to these points has led to litigation, which ha:: been the greatest burden on the water users of the West. Various attempts, none of them successful, to provide for records of appropriations have been made. The most common is a require- ment that the party desiring to appropriate water must post a notice of the intended appropriation at the proposed point of diversion and file a copy of this notice with some public official, the notice to state fully the intentions of the claimant. Colorado now has such a law, and Wyoming and Nebraska have had them in the past. Their weak- ness lies in the fact that there is no limit on what may be claimed, and no public inspection of the work done to see that the water claimed has been diverted and used. As a result there are hundreds of claims on file with no record whatever to show whether the appropriations were ever completed. The records are, therefore, valueless as showing what rights exist, and they do not, of course, show anything as to the nature or limitations of rights. It is possi- ble to enact laAvs defining exactly the nature of rights and providing for inspection of claims filed and works built and the recording of the results of such inspection, which, if properly enforced, might do away with the evils which have so far attended the acquiring of rights by appropriati(m, but the experiment has never been tried. Wyoming and Nebraska have, however, gone further than the course suggested and adopted what amounts to a system of license, although the word " appropriation " is still retained in their laws. Un- der these laws the intending water user must make application to the State engineer, stating what his plans are, and before construction may begin this application must be approved, and it may be rejected if its approval is contrary to the public interests. The approved applications state the time within which the works must be completed, and the laws provide for the submission of proof of completion and for inspection of the works by public officials. After such proof and inspection, certificates are issued defining exactly the rights which have been acquired. The Wyoming law was enacted in 1890 and the Nebraska law in 1895, and there has been little litigation regard- ing rights initiated since these laws went into effect. TRANSFERS OF WATER RIGHTS. Colorado has provided by law for transfers, with the restriction that others shall not be injured. The board of control in Wyoming has uniformly held that transfers could not be made, but has been overruled by the supreme court of the State," while the Nebraska a Johnston v. Little Horse Creek Irrigation Company, 79 Pac, 22. See p. 83. 89 supreme court has followed the "Wyoming board of control in hold- ing that water rights can not be transferred. The most innnediate etfect of the ruling that, transfers can be made in Wyoming was to destroy the value of the records of the State engineer's office as a guide for the distribution of water by the State officials, since there was no provision for recording transfers: but a law providing for such records was at once enacted. A careful distinction should be drawn between transfers of rights from one piece of land to another and transfers which permit the holding of rights apart from any land and the sale of the Avater obtained on such rights. Against transfers of the first class there is no objection if they are safeguarded by such restrictions and public supervision as will insure that there is no enlargement in the demand upon the supply to the detriment of other rights, and if the diversion of the water at the new point does not lessen the supply for others. For example, the transfer of a right from the lower end of a stream where it is supplied by return seepage to the upper end of the stream where the water diverted would come from the natural supply of the stream might mean the taking of water away from others to their injury, while a transfer from the upper to the lower end of a stream might result in a decreased demand on the stream ori account of return seepage or an increased demand on account of losses rather than gains in the channel of the stream. Against transfers which permit of the ownership of water rights apart from land the fundamental objection is that it makes possible a monopoly of the water supply, which may lead to extortion. To guard against this throughout the arid region the use of water in irrigation is declared to be a public use, making it subject to public control, and giving to the public the right to regulate rates. The constitution of Colorado provides that the rates Avhich may be charged for water mav be fixed by the county commissioners of the various counties. Wyoming had such a statute until 1903, and the supreme court of Nebraska has held that in that State the law may interpose to prevent the collection of unreasonable rates, although there is at present no statutory provision for such regulation." There is, however, very little water sold or rented by ditch companies in the Platte valleys. In Colorado more than 85 per cent of the land watered by the Platte rivers is served by ditches owned either by the individual farmers using the water, by partnerships of such farmers, or by stock companies, the stock of which is principally in the hands of the farmers, notwithstanding the fact that irrigation has been practiced there for almost fifty years, and the right of transfer has always existed. In Colorado the present tendency is away from the a Frank c. Fanners' Irrigatiou District. 100 N. \\., 28G. 90 ownership of ditches for the sale of water, and irrigation districts are being organized to buy out the ditches, and a bill providing that such districts might condemn the ditches watering the lands of the districts was introduced in the Nebraska legislature in 1905, but was not enacted. Although there are few companies selling or renting water in the Platte valleys, there is an indeterminate amount of such traffic by individuals owning stock in ditch companies. The prevailing form of ditch company is the stock company, the stock entitling its holder to a share of whatever water the ditch furnishes. The stock of these companies may be bought and sold, and the water used on any land which can be reached by the ditches. The expenses of maintenance and operation are usually met by assessments on the stock, and the companies neither sell nor rent water, and consequently have no rates which can be regulated. The individual stockholders sell or rent their stock, and the rentals do not come within the provisions of the Colorado law. This practice is not uncommon, and in the North Platte Valley in Nebraska promoters of a sugar factory have secured control of several ditches by buying a majority of their stock. In Nebraska, however, stock ditch companies cover ex- penses by charging for water" rather than by assessments on stock, and it may be that these charges would be subject to regulation by law. If not, these promoters, owning a majority of the stock of the companies, can regulate charges to suit themselves. In fact, the claim that they can do this is used to bear the price of land to aid them in buying it up. To be effective, therefore, in preventing extortion, the JaAvs relating to the fixing of rates must be extended to control rentals of ditch stock in Colorado and rates charged for water in Nebraska by companies originally organized to supply water to their stock- holders, the stock of which has passed out of the hands of the water users. BENEFICIAL, USE. AMiere rights to water are acquired by appropriation, the appropria- tion must be for beneficial use, and, logically, the rights are limited by the beneficial use made. Under the doctrine of priority the party having made a beneficial use of Avater is entitled to continue that use as against anyone having subsequently taken water from the same source. Abstract justice to the subsequent appropriator requires that the use of water by the prior a]3propriator be such as to maintain conditions as they were at the time the subsequent appropriation was made, in so far as any change in conditions would affect the continuation of the use to which the water had been put by the later a Enterprise Company v. Moffitt, 58 Nebr., 642. 91 appropriator. That is, the right of an appropriator at any time would be limited to the right to continue the beneficial use which he had made up to that time, and any enlarged use or diU'erent use would be later and therefore subject to any rights acciuired by others in the meantime. This would be the logical result of basing rights absolutely on beneficial use, and this principle is at the foundation of water rights in the Platte Valley, although it is very much obscured by modifications adopted in applying it. It would be extremely difficult to make and enforce a table of prior- ities showing just when each enlargement in use by each approi)ria- tor took place. Under existing practice a single appropriator may have two or three or more rights with ditferent priorities, but if each canal had a separate priority for each piece of land as it was brought under cultivation, and if for each piece of land there was a series of rights with different dates, as the character of the crops grown and therefore the time of use and quantity used changed the distribution of the water of a stream in accordance with those rights would be so intricate and burdensome that the water would be hardly worth the cost of distribution. This has been avoided by basing rights on original construction and subsequent enlargements of works. In Colorado the right is dated at the time of beginning construction, the measure of the right being the carrying capacity of the works, provided the water is put to a beneficial use within a reasonable time. In Wyoming and Nebraska the measure of the right is the need of the area of land for which an application is approved by the State engi- neer, and the time within which the water must be put to the bene- ficial use is fixed in the approval of the application. If the water is put to use within a reasonable time in Colorado, and within the prescribed time in the other States, the right to the whole volume dates from the first step in its acquirement. This is known as the right of relation, and is a modification of the principle of beneficial use, made necessary in putting that principle into practice. The doctrine of relation has, however, a much more important bearing. It is necessary to the construction of large works, since without it there would be no assurance that when such works are completed there will be any wat^er left in the source of sup])ly. Other ditches begun later might be rushed to completion and the water all diverted, making whatever had been expended on the first ditch a total loss. Witiiout this modification of the principle of beneficial use it is doubtful whether any large canals would l)e built. Canals are usually built to water land previously uninhabited: a company building a large canal can not get settlers for all its lands at once. This must necessarily be a slow process, taking in some cases many years. Theoretically, the ai)plication of the water to land is neces- sary to the acquirement of the right, and the question of what is 92 reasonable diligence in securing settlers to make such application is hard to answer. The courts of Colorado have avoided it by ignoring it entirel}^ (see pp. 2(5-36 ) and decreeing rights usually on the basis of the estimated capacities of the ditches or on the areas under the ditches, dating the right to the full amount on the date of construc- tion, regardless of when the water was finally put to use or whether it has ever been used. In doing this the Colorado courts are, how- ever, clearly within the law, since the statute providing for the adjudication of water rights directs the courts to — * * * make and cause to be entered a decree determining and establishing the several priorities of right, by appropriation of water, of the several ditches, canals, and reservoirs in such water district, concerning which testimony shall have been offered, each according to the time of its said construction and enlarge- ments, or extensions, with the amount of water which shall be held to have been appropriated by such construction and enlargements, or extensions, describing such amount by cubic feet per second of time, if the evidence shall show sutticient data to ascertain such cubic feet, and if not, by width, depth, and grade, and such other descriptions as will most certainly and conveniently show the amount of water intended as the capacity of such ditch, canal, or reservoir, in such decree. (Mills Ann. Stat., sec. 2403.) The courts of Colorado have repeatedly held that the application of the Avater to a beneficial use was necessary to the acquirement of a right," and these decrees are, therefore, not final. The status of rights thus decreed is brought out by Justice Campbell, of the supreme court of Colorado, in two cases decided in 1895.'' In the first case a ditch Avas awarded a right in excess of its use and did not after the decree use the surplus, but after several years attempted to transfer it. In the second case it was alleged that a ditch was awarded more water than it had used up to that time; but after the rendering of the decree had used the volume decreed. It was held that in the first case the decree, not being appealed from Avithin the statutory period, was conclusive as to the rights of the ditch company, but its failure to put the volume of Avater decreed to it to a beneficial use Avithin a reasonable time constituted an abandonment. In the second case, also, the decree was conclusive,, but the water Avas immediately put to a beneficial use and the ditch had the right to the quantity decreed it, even if it had never used this volume prior to the rendering of the decree. Under these decisions a decree becomes someAvhat analogous to an approved application in Wyoming or Nebraska, Avith this differ- ence: The approved application states the time Avithin Avhich the 0 " Tlu' diversion ripens into a valid nppr()i)riati(m only when the water is utilized by the consumer." (Platte Water Company v. Nortliern Colorado Irrigation Company, 12 Colo., 5.31.) & New Mercer Ditch Company r. Armstrong, 40 Pac, 080 ; and Boulder and Weld County Ditch Comi»any r. Lower Boulder Ditch Company, 43 Pac, 540. 93 water must be put to a beneficial use, and the law provides for the submission of proof of the use of the water, while under the decree there is no such provision, but the burden of proof is on the adverse claimant, Avho nuist show abandonment. The Colorado adjudica- tions look like an abandonment of the principle of beneficial use, but a more correct vieAv of them is that they recognize the principle and go upon the theory that the construction of a ditch creates a presump- tion that the volume of water Avhich it will carry has been put to a beneficial use. This interpretation of the principle of beneficial use greatly sim- plifies the adjudication of rights and the distribution of water, but has been the cause of more trouble than any other one featui"e of the Colorado water law. Most of the adjudications of rights to the South Platte and its tributaries took place soon after 1880, and about the time that many of the large canals were constructed. Few, if any of them, were using their fidl capacities and no great care was exercised in determining ditch capacities, most of the decrees being based on estimates. (See pp. 20-36.) In this w^ay it happened that most ditches were decreed larger volumes of water than they Avere using and many of them more than they could carry. The sum of all the rights decreed was for more than the stream supplied, but since few took or attempted to take all they were decreed, there w-as enough to satisfy most of the demands. As the lands under these ditches were brought under cultivation there was an increased use of w^ater all along the line, until there was shortage. Then the injustice of the decrees began to be felt. The use of water by newcomers under the canals having the earlier rights took Avater awa}^ from those who had been using water perhaps for yenrn from canals having later rights. The expansion was not limited to using larger volumes but the time of use was extended. Ditches which served small areas and diverted water only part of the time Avere made to serve more land and diverted Avater continuously dui-ing the irrigating season; land Avhich Avas used for crops Avhich reciuired water only during the time Avhen the streams are high were i)lanted to crops Avhich required Avater late in the season Avhen the streams are low. All of these enlargements Avere at the expense of the holders of the later rights, and if the early rights had been limited to the quantity beneficially used at the time the later rights were acquired the enlargements could not haA^e been made. As a rule, the increased use Avas Avell within the decreed rights of the earlier ditches, but this did not lessen the hardshiji on the holders of the later rights. The same expansion in use is not possible under the Wyoming and Nebraska systems properly enforced. Irrigators are granted rights to sufficient water for certain areas, rather than fixed volumes. The 94 vohime used on a farm may increase with a change in the nature of the crops raised, as in Colorado, but this increase is small when com- pared with that which takes place when both the area and the use increase. It is, however, just as truly a dei:>arture from the principle of beneficial use and the hardship to the holder of the later rights is less in degree only. It is in connection with this increased use that transfers of water rights have been most objectionable. In many cases ditch owners who received decrees for more than they had used or needed to use, or more than their ditches could carry, sold the surplus to which, under the principle of beneficial use, they had no right. They con- tinued to use as much as ever, Avhile whatever was used by the pur- chasers of their surplus rights was taken from the holders of later rights. However, this can not be charged against transfers, as such, since if the rights had never been recognized they could not be transferred. As to the effect of differences in the nature of the water-right sys- tems of the three States on the just division of the water of the Platte River between the States, the preceding pages show that phys- ical conditions are such that there will be little occasion for con- troversy as to the division of the water of the North Platte between Colorado and Wyoming and that water rights in Wyoming and Nebraska are based on similar laws. The nature of the rights will not therefore affect the just distribution of the water of the North Platte between Wyoming and Nebraska. Although in general rights in Colorado and Wyoming differ in their nature, the Colorado decrees defining rights to water from Laramie River are exceptions to the rule and base rights on the needs of given areas of land, making them similar to rights to water from the same stream in Wyoming. The rights to water from the South Platte in Colorado are to definite volumes of water based very largely on liberal estimates of ditch capacities rather than on the volumes of water which had been used at the time the rights were adjudicated. Rights in Nebraska entitle their holders to sufficient water for given areas with the limit of 1 cubic foot per second to 70 acres. It is pointed out in the enu- meration of the rights to water from the South Platte that in both Colorado and Nebraska rights very largely in excess of what had been used or the stream supplied at the time the rights were adjudi- cated have been recognized. Since these rights in Colorado are for definite quantities of water, as time goes on the tendency Avill be for the use to increase up to the full volumes decreed, and for this water to be spread over larger areas as economy in use takes place. On the other hand, rights in Nebraska being based on the need of particular pieces of land, the volumes used Avill be limited to those needs, which will tend to diminish as the time that the land has been irrigated I 95 lengthens. The nature of her water rights, therefore, gives Colorado a theoretical advantage in the distribution of the South Platte. As shown by the tables of stream flow and of rights, the rights in Colo- rado prior to any in Nebraska exhaust the stream, and practically all the water which goes to Nebraska is local drainage and return seep- age wdiich can not be diverted in Colorado, and therefore the theoret- ical advantage has little to do with the division of the water. CONCLUSION. The foregoing report seems to justify the conclusion that under existing physical conditions and in view of the dates of the acquire- ment of existing rights the enforcement of rights as based on the laws of the three States will do no substantial injustice to the irri- gators in any one of the States. As between the States therefore, the whole question resolves itself into a matter of distributing the water of these streams to existing rights regardless of State lines. This can be accomplished by agreements between the States, but if it is not done in that way justice will demand that the Federal Govern- ment provide for this distribution. 30437— No. 157—05 m 7 WATER RIGHTS WITHIX THE STATES. By Elwood Mead. Chief of Irrigation and Drainage Inrpstigationa. Rising in South Park. soutliAvest from Denver, and fed by the snows of the eastern slope of the Rockies, the South Phitte River irri- gates one of the best-farmed sections of the arid region. Rising in North Park, northwest of Denver, the North Phitte irrigates a num- ber of separated areas which are being farmed with constantly in- creasing skill and success. The two streams unite near North Platte, Nebr., and form the main Platte River. Irrigation extends below this junction a short distance, but at the eastern end of the river the climate is humid and the value of water is neither fixed nor impor- tant. It is. therefore, omitted from this discussion. The arid portion of the river's drainage has an area about equal in size to the State of Ohio or the State of Virginia. Within this area the water needed for household and domestic purposes, for irrigation, for cities and towns, and for factories and power purposes comes from the river and its feeders. Fifty years ago this water had a limited use by Indians and travelers on the overland trail. The freighter voted the river a nuisance. He would have laughed at the idea that a right to control part of its flow would some day be worth more than a gold mine, because its value is more enduring. No one foresaw the potential riches of the river which are now Iwing realized. To-day it irrigates 1.924,463 acres of land. Before irrigation this land was a desert. Now the best land sells for $300 an acre, and none that is irrigated sells for less than $10 an acre. Fifty years ago the only settlements were outlying forts and a few stage stations. To-day Denver and its suburbs have 200.000 people. Cheyenne has 15.000 people, and there are a score of other towns having from 1,000 to 10.000 people. In the entire Platte drainage there are "28.000 people. ( )f these ])rol)al)ly 500.000 live in the arid portion. Within this territory man- ufacturing has already become an important industry. There are great smelters for the reduction of precious metals. Rolling mills, machine shops for railways, flour mills, paj^er mills, cotton mills, and beet-sugar factories are illustrations of the diverse character of the factories alreadv established. The wealth which they represent runs into tens of millions. The exact amount is not important, because it is 97 98 being augmented every day. This river and its tributaries are the arteries which feed these industries. Every farm must have water to be productive; not a factory could run without water to feed its boilers; not a household could be maintained without water for do- mestic uses ; all present development and all prospective development depends on the flow of this stream. Thousands of miles of ditches and laterals have been built to divert and distribute this w^ater supply ; scores of reservoirs have been con- structed to catch surplus and flood waters; wells are being dug, ditches and canals excavated to capture underground streams and water which escapes from irrigated fields as waste or from ditches as seepage. The amount expended on works to distribute water among users can not be definitely ascertained, but in the aggregate it is many millions of dollars, and the expenditure, if ascertained to-day would not answer for to-morrow, because the extension of old works and the construction of new ones is constantly going on. When the first ditches were built the idea of the w^ater itself having a property value was not considered. The prices charged for water rights in the first place were fixed by the cost of ditches and varied from $2.50 to $4 an acre. To-day water has a value entirely inde- pendent of the cost of diversion works or of the service required to distribute it among users. This price is fixed in part by the fertility and productiveness of the land, by the nearness to cities and towns, and by the priority and legal status of the right in the stream. The older the right the greater its value. Water rights which originally sold for $-t an acre now sell for $35^ an acre, and stored water sells for even higher prices. The rental of enough water to irrigate an acre of land has reached $15 a year. Factories and cities can afford to pay more for water than farmers, and as cities and towais grow and factories multiply their demand for water wall tend to augment its price. Thus far on this stream the use of w^ater for power purposes has not assumed great impor- tance, but in some sections of the West — -notably in Utah and Cali- fornia— early water rights are being bought by the owners of elec- trical power plants for the purpose of exercising control over the flow. The limit on prices for water rights in the future can not be foretold. It will be affected by the growth of cities, by the profits of agriculture, and by the limitations placed on speculative ownership of streams. If only rights to use are recognized, then the values will inhere in the farm and in the factory rather than in the water; but if rights to the water are made personal proj)erty, there is danger of water monopo- lies which will virtually control the values of all kinds of industries which depend on water. The extent to which cities and towns are to absorb this w^ater sup- ply and the influence which their growth w^ill have on the value of 99 water has not received much consideration, but that it is to be an im- portant factor is shown by the growth of the appropriations of water for the city of Denver. Originally its water right was for 30 cubic feet per second. Later there was added to this IH. cubic feet per sec- ond. AVlieu no more water was to be acquired by appropriation, additional rights were purchased, until to-day the corporation which supplies the city holds rights to 420 cubic feet per second for direct diversion and additional rights to an immense volume for storage in nonirrigation periods. In the arid region cities are large consumers of Avater. The needs for lawns and for streets nre greater than in humid districts. The city of Cheyenne has an appropriation of 12 cubic feet per second, which is more than the average flow of the stream and more than has ever been used, but as the city grows the consumption of water will also grow until it ab;;orbs the stream or equals the right. As all the water not taken by the city is used by irrigators, every increase in the city's consumption cuts down the supply of irrigators. Denver, Greeley, Fort Collins, and other cities in Colorado; Cheyenne, Laramie, Casper, and Douglas, in Wyoming, and other cities and towns in Nebraska must in time make a marked inroad on the supply and are a factor to be considered in fixing the ultimate limits of irrigation. The preceding pages of this report show that the average volume of w^ater supplied by the South Platte and its tributaries from April to September is 2,765 cubic feet per second, and the decreed rights to this supply aggregate 30,507 cubic feet per second, or more than ten times the supply. The average flow of the North Platte at Guernsey, Orin, or Douglas (see p. 24) from April to September is 4,013 cuiiic feet per second, and the decreed rights to water from the North Platte and Platte below that point aggregate 11,173 cubic feet per second, or nearly three times the supply. This situation is well understood, but the need for water and its prospective value is so great that appropriations are being made more aggressively than ever before. In 1903—1: filings from the South Platte drainage in Colorado were made on 11,842 cubic feet of water per second, and for 2,282 cubic feet per second from the North Platte drainage. In the same time filings on the South Platte in Colorado to fill reservoirs aggregated 39,802,108,745 cubic feet; on the North Platte drainage indie'^same State, 200,120,042 cubic feet. The records of Wyoming and Nebraska show corresponding activity. ;Many of these filings will be abandoned, but many will be followed by construction, and with each mile of new ditch built, each additional acre of land irri- gated, the struggle over water ownership will become more intense and the need for a definite understanding of the nature of titles to Avater more imperative. The situation along the Platte is not peculiar to this river or to 100 arid lands. It is one of innumerable illustrations of the constantly increasing importance of water to the health and comfort of man. Increasing use and augmented value is bringing about a fundamental change in the legal and economic status of streams which is pro- foundly affecting property values and social conditions throughout large areas of this countr}- and is destined to exert a still more com- manding influence in the future. AVater is ceasing to be regarded as valuable because of its relation to other forms of property, but is coming to be dealt with as a commodity valuable in itself, like crude oil from wells or coal from mines. This is especially true in arid lands and in the vicinity of great cities. The facts disclosed in this report show that under laws and court decisions rights are being established to the flow of creeks and rivers, which are being bought and sold like warehouse receipts for grain. It is, therefore, highly desirable that the subject of property rights in water should receive more consideration from trained investigators of economic prob- lems than has hitherto been given. Especially is this true in the arid region, where the right to use water lies at the very foundation of development and where its control, unless subjected to wise limita- tion, will in time reap all the benefits of that development. The need of expert and disinterested study is made all the more urgent because, as stated in President Roosevelt's first message, " We are now in the pregnant years when institutions are forming." The rights to water now being acquired under the liberal policies adopted in western States are made perpetual. They have not only great i^resent value, but are certain to affect the welfare of a large part of the people of that region for all future time. Unless they are subjected to proper limitations, there is danger that they may in the future embarrass or prevent the adoption of legal principles needed to protect the public welfare and prevent enduring wrong. Primarily this report is a discussion of two features of stream' ownership and control. One is the division of the water of a stream between States, and the other is the relation of the rights of appro- priators of water and of riparian proprietors to each other where both exist on the same stream. The Platte River has been dealt with because it is one of the best concrete illustrations of both these prob- lems. Three States are dealing with the same water supply. In one State, Xebraska. the laws recognize both rights of appropriation and common-law riparian rights. As these questions are quite fully dis- cussed by Mr. Teele in the preceding pages, this paper will only con- sider the character of the appropriations of water now being made in each of the States through which the river flows. This is the funda- mental question. A division of water betAveen States requires that the rights in each Commonwealth be aclj usted to a conunon standard. This 101 involves both a clear understanding of the principles which should be adopted to secure justice and the social well-beinof of the peoi)le and the manner in which the rights to water in the three States approach or depart therefrom. THE EVOLUTION OF PROPERTY RIGHTS IN WATER. The primitive conception that water, like air and sunshine, is one of the gifts of nature which are free to all alike, does not need to be questioned in sparsely settled or uncivilized regions, but this concep- tion must give way when countries become densely populated, or when special industries, like agriculture by irrigation, make so large de- mands on streams that there is not enough water for all. Free water on ^Manhattan Island is no more a possibility than free forests, and to talk of free water around Denver would be like talking of free coal. Great cities consume enormous quantities of water, the rate of con- sumption seeming to grow with advancing civilization. It requires all the water of a large territory to meet the needs of cities like New York, Boston, and Philadelphia. This consumption necessitates the absorption of streams and the extinction of vested rights in those streams. The common-law doctrine of riparian rights is as unsuited to these conditions as the old-time stagecoach is to the demands of modern travel. Hence new legal remedies must be devised. The last legislature of Xew York passed two important water laws, which illustrate this. One created a city water connnission to ascertain Avhere Xew York City can obtain a supply of pure, wholesome water. The other created a State commission whose consent must be obtained before anj^ city or town can take a water supply by condemnation. This is State ownership or control of public water sujiplies far in advance of many arid States. Even in England, with its rainy, foggy climate and a soil requiring drainage because of surplus water, the long-established riparian doctrine is having to give way because of the increasing use of Avater. To meet the enormous consumption of London, surface and underground streams are l)eing diverted into pipe lines and carried by means of pumps many miles away from the original channels. This is a violation of the connnon-law doctrine, because under it the rights of riparian lands were inalienable. In densely populated countries like Italy, Germany, Switzerland, and France, the water of streams is under private or j)ublic control, notAvithstanding the fact that the climate of each of these countries is humid. In cities water is now used for a nudtitude of purj^oses which had no place in the life of primitive peoples. The inven- tions which led to the use of steam as a motive power enormously increased the consumption and industrial importance of water. Improvements in machinery to utilize differences in level in the 102 generation of power, and the marvelous electrical inventions by which this power is transmitted to remote cities, have given to streams an entirely new and hitherto unthonght of value. In nearly every industrial enterprise, great or small, water is an indispensable factor. It feeds the steam boiler, it cools the jackets of steel furnaces, it is the solvent in most chemical processes, and is turned to use and made an agent in the creation of wealth in a multitude of ways which need not be enumerated. Moisture is necessary to plant growth, and in arid lands this mois- ture is supplied largely from streams. Hence in such regions the right to use rivers in irrigation is an indispensable requisite to any large creation of wealth in lands. As population increases and civ- ilization advances, there is not only a more extensive but a more in- tensive use of water. The higher the standard of living and the greater the skill of artisans, the greater is the number of needs of the household and the larger the number of uses to which water may be put. So extended have the demands for water become in arid and in many humid sections that the resources of individuals are entirely inadequate to meet them, and great corporations are formed for ac- quiring water, constructing dams, building storage works, canals, and pipe lines for the conveyance and distribution of water for differ- ent purposes. The future of New York City was menaced a few years ago by legislation which gave to a powerful private corporation the exclusive right to acquire water supplies needed or likely to be needed by that city. No field of engineering has made greater advances within the past half century than that connected with the regulation and distribu- tion of water. These are show^n in the lessening losses from seepage and evaporation, in the lessened cost and increasing durability of structures, and in the inventions and devices for the accurate divi- sion and measurement of water. A similar advance has been made with respect to the utilization of Avater supplied from beneath the earth's surface. Large sums of money are being expended in investi- gations to determine the extent and location of underground waters. Skilled engineers are constantly making improvements in the meth- ods of boring wells, building tunnels or galleries to intercept under- ground streams, and in cheapening and simplifying pumps and en- gines for lifting water to the earth's surface. State experiment sta- tions and the Department of Agriculture are studying how economy in the use of water in irrigation may be promoted, and cities find waste in domestic water supplies a serious evil. There is nothing in farming where rainfall is ample which cor- responds to the intensity of feeling which marks the struggle for con- trol of streams in arid lands, or the anxiety which besets irrigators 103 regarding the stability of their water titles. The fanner who remains serene of spirit when he sees his fields burning for lack of water and knows that his loss of crops is due to wasteful use by others is a rare if not impossible character. Advancing civilization has done more than augment the uses and value of water; it has increased the evils and dangers arising from w^ater. The ice gorges along the Ohio and Mississippi rivers were a matter of small concern when Indians were the only people concerned. Now they often cost millions of dollars and hazard many lives. Hence immense sums of money are being expended to protect com- merce from their action. Every reservoir, every diversion dam in a stream, every artificial waterway adds a new element of danger and insecurity to the lives and property below and gives ground for new- laws and regulations with respect to the management of water. The swamps and marshes created through the interrui)tion of under- ground water supplies by impervious strata are a matter of small concern in sparsely populated regions, but in highly civilized coun- tries they seriously impair the value of lands for agriculture and become a menace to the health and prosperity of cities and towns. HOW THE PLATTE HAS BEEN APPROPRIATED. In Wyoming and Nebraska the water of the Platte River is a State property. In order to divert it one must secure a permit from the State. In each State there is an administrative board which has control of the appropriation of water and of its distri- bution among the parties acquiring rights to its use. The theory of State ownership and the manner in which State authority is exercised is in many of its features analogous to the Federal owner- ship and management of public land. There is no such administra- tive machinery to govern the acquirement of water rights in the river in Colorado. The State exercises direction over the filing of claims and the building of dams, but it does not assert any control over the number or location of ditches, and the courts have held that the State can not enact laws either to fix the place where water is to be diverted or to restrict the building of diversion works. There is not water enough for all the ditches that can be built, and to build more ditches than can be filled means either that the money spent on the last one will be lost or that filling it will rob some earlier ap[)ro- priator. These two things have been conspicuous features of the assumed generosity of the Colorado water laws. After ditches are built the law in that State can be invoked to prevent any water being turned in them, but no one is permitted to pi-event the waste of money or conflicts over water which this lack of supervision involves. In AVvoming and Nebraska any one permitted to divert water 104 from the Platte has the amount and limitations on his right fixed in the permit. Compliance with its conditions is all that is necessary to establish his appropriation. Hence in these States every step in the acquirement of a water right is an administrative act. In Colo- rado the courts decide what the right is after the appropriation is made, fix the amount, and determine the order of priority. All three States have declared that water is public property." In Wyo- ming and Nebraska the basic idea in interpreting this provision is that this water is a public property; that the giving of a right to it is a surrender by the State of a public resource. In Colorado the basic idea is that the stream is there for everybody to take, and that the settlement of rights to it is a question which concerns only those who are seeking to acquire it. The State or the public in Colorado is never represented in the establishment of appropriations. No one appears in water-right adjudications but the appropriators. Where there is an actual scarcity of Avater the controversies are usually genuine and conflicting interests prevent the acquirement of excessive rights, but in the earlier litigation over this matter the necessity for restricting appropriations was not felt. Hence it sometimes happened that instead of attempting to restrict each other to their actual needs or uses the appropriators agreed among them- selves as to what each one's share should be and submitted testimony in accordance wdth this agreement. The vested rights to some of the tributaries of the South Platte were established in this manner. The water laws of Wyoming and Nebraska have several advantages over those of Colorado. The method of establishing rights is simpler and cheaper, and the results are more nearly in accord with actual uses than in Colorado. The full benefits of the Wyoming and Nebraska plan have not been reached because public sentiment will not support irrigation officials in enforcing regulations which rigidly limit rights to water in streams. We are as yet in the pioneer stages of development. The public resources are so great and the number of people using them relatively so few that men look with imjjatience on the efforts of those who seek to restrict the acquirement of these resources. Appropriators of water are not altruists. This a])plies to the ii-rigator who seeks water for his own land as well as those who appropriate water to rent or sell to others. All wish to make « Colorado and I\^ehraska. — " The water of every natural stream not hereto- fore appropriated, within the State of Colorado (Nebraska), is hereby declared to be the property of the public, and is dedicated to the use of the people of the State, subject to appropriation as hereinafter (hereinbefore) provided." Colorado Const.. Art. XVI, sec. .5; Compiled Statutes of Xebi-aska, sec. G450. Wlioiiiiiif/. — "The water of all natural streams, springs, lakes, or other col- lections of still water within the boundaries of the State, are hereby declared to be the property of the State." Wyoming Const., Art. IX, see. 1. 105 these appropriations in the easiest and cheapest way and to secure the hirgest possible amount. Practically, every ai)pro})riator would prefer absolute ownership. Where this is not possible they seek the nearest equivalent. So far as the general public is concerned, it is inditferent. Every perpetual right to water acquired means a lessen- ing of water for future appropriators, and every excess right allowed is a surrender of a birthright of future generations; but this fact does not awaken any protest against prodigal generosity either in the establishment of rights or in extending the privileges which accom- pany these rights. "Let the future take care of itself" is the i)re- vailing sentiment. This sentiment is not peculiar to the West. The East has given away streets; the AVest, rivers. Irrigation officials have struggled against this. The reports of the engineers in each cf these States have been filled with protests against this mistaken liberality and warnings against the dangers of personal or speculative ownership of streams. The most serious obstacle in Colorado to a proper limitation of rights for irrigation has been the provision of the law which gives appropriations to ditches and requires decrees to state the carrying capacity of ditches. This, as is explained later on, is not a determination of actual beneficial use, but of what has been taken as a convenient substitute. The laws of these three States all require that water must be bene- ficially used before a right to it can be established. No State can sell a share in a stream, nor can it give it away to anyone else but a user. The first user has the first right and the priorities of subsequent users are fixed by the time of original use. The rights of later appropri- ators are subject to the earlier ones. If there is not water enough in the stream for all the last appropriator has to do without, and the early rights are the last to be interfered Avith. The priority of an appropriation is, therefore, a controlling factor in determining its value. Early rights are far more valuable than later ones. In the arid West there is more land suited to irrigation than there is water to irrigate it. Control of the water means, therefore, control of land valuesT The danger of water monopoly will be lessened if the ownership of the land and the right to water are united in the same person. This gives to the farmer control of both elements of production and conduces to the security and confidence with which he carries on his work. The history of all irrigated countries shows that making the Avater of streams a form of property apart from land leads in time to their speculative ownership and to water-right charges which are a severe tax on agricultural development and prosperity. Speaking of this. President Roosevelt, in his first mes- sage to Congress, said : " Separate ownership of land and water can not prevail without causing enduring wrongs." Those provinces in 106 Spain where land and water are united have, without exception, a highly developed agriculture and contented and prosperous farmers. Those provinces where the ownershij^ of land and the right to water are separated are provinces with a decaying agriculture and a dis- couraged and impoverished body of farmers. Formerly the same statement was true of Italy, but since the assertion of governmental control over streams and the fixing by the Government of the condi- tions under which water is delivered to consumers, much has been done to mitigate these evils. More is being done by the gradual con- demnation and purchase of the old personal-property rights by farm- ers' cooperative associations, thus bringing about a union of the water right and land ownership. Along the Platte River the danger of separate ownership of land and water is magnified bv the mistakes made in the establishment of the amount of the early appropriations. Nearly all of these were for greater volumes than had actually been used. These rights are per- petual, and if they become separated from any particular place of diversion or any particular place of use there is grave danger of a water monopoly. The enormous aggregations of wealth in few hands and the abuses which have attended the formation of trusts and monopolies of other natural resources leave no question that legisla- tion should seek to prevent the establishment of monopolistic control of streams. A monopoly of water Avould be worse than a monopoly of oil or iron, because in the case of either oil or iron new stores of these materials may be found ; but whoever acquires a right to all the water of a stream has a monopoly which can never be broken. Water can not be shipped in from the outside, and there is no hope of the discovery of additional supplies. The danger of transfers and the danger of sales of water rights lie in the recognition of such ownership as will permit one individual or one company to acquire all the rights to a river and fix the condi- tions on which the supply will be disposed of to users. The ques- tion we have to consider in these States is whether a right to use water, as stated in their laws, means the same thing as a right to sell water. In each of these States the foundation of an appropriation is the use of the water, and the right granted is the right to use; and if this is rigidly construed it would seem to mean that only a usufructuary right is acquired. If this is true, when A irrigates his land to acquire a right, all that he acquires is a right to divert from the public water supplies the amount needed to continue that irrigation, and the needs of the land will for all time be the measure of the right. It is not maintained that this view has prevailed in the establishment of rights or in the interpretation of their character by the courts, but it is believed that to carry out the intention of the 107 statute this is the view which shouhi have prevailed. Instead of this idea of use governing the right, the huigiiage of the statute is con- strued to mean that in order to maintain an appropriation the holder of it must either use the water or provide for its use by others. That is, he can not hold the water unused. There is thus established a property right in the stream, and instead of the necessities of the land irrigated being the measure of the right, there is acquired an a Impropriation of a certain number of cubic feet of water per second as an equivalent of the amount originally used; then the idea of beneficial use soon loses its practical significance. If, in addition to this, A and B and C, after they have each ac(pnred a right to a cer- tain number of cubic feet of water per second, can sell those several rights to D, and D in turn can combine these several appropriations and peddle out the water so controlled to individual users, the lan- guage of the statute regarding beneficial use becomes largely mean- ingless as a limitation on appropriations. If A and B and C can sell their rights to D, why should the State insist on beneficial use at the outset? Why not the State sell this right to D in the beginning? Why not do directly what is accomplished in this way indirectly? Why assume to create users' rights when really creating property rights in the public water supplies? Another danger of recognizing sales of appropriations in a run- ning stream and the shifting of the diversions of water which goes with these sales is that it offers a serious obstacle to the action of the State in dividing the stream between appropriators. It must be kept in mind that the water diverted is not all destroyed. A considerable portion returns to the stream as waste or seepage. In some cases as high as TO per cent of an appropriation comes back to the stream and is available for the use of other appropriators below, and on an aver- age one-third of the water diverted comes back. Manifestly the loca- tion where an appropriation is used has much to do with the value of rights below it. If priority Xo. 1 is originally diverted above priority No. 2, Xo. 2 can not only avail himself of the surplus water which passes Xo. I's head gate, but of the seepage water of Xo. Vs appropriation which returns above Xo. 2's head gate ; but if priority Xo. 1 is later on sold and moved downstream below the head gate of Xo. 2, then Xo. 2 loses all the benefit of return seepage. It is true that the laws state that transfers shall not be made which injuriously affect the rights of other appropriators, but until recently these laws hare put on other appropriators the burden of protecting their riglits through litigation, and many grave injustices have been consunnnated because those injured had not the means or time to engage in litiga- tion. In all cases the question of injury should be determined by an impartial investigation of the State engineer's office, and no transfer 108 should be authorized until it has been examined and approved by the State irrigation authorities. It requires expert knowledge of the irri- gation conditions of a stream to determine the exact influence of a transfer. The full effects of return seepage do not manifest them- seh'^es the first year, nor can they be foretold in all cases. Hence when appropriations are shifted from year to year there can be no stability or certainty with respect to the amount of return seepage or the vol- ume of Avater which the water commissioner can count on at any point in the stream as available for the use of appropriators. With- out a knowledge of the manner in which the stream loses water by evaporation or is augmented by seepage, it is inevitable that great injustice in the division of the water sujjply between priorities must result. Refusing to permit of sales of appropriations and restricting rights to the use by which acquired has this inestimable advantage : It in- sures stability so far as return seepage is concerned. Where an appropriation is always used on the same area the return waters always reinforce the stream in the same place and are always availa- ble for the same users below. Under this interpretation of user's rights, A, when he irrigates his quarter section, acquires only a right to the water needed for that quarter section, and if he ceases to irri- gate this land his right ceases and the appropriation reverts again to the public. The statutes of many of the States seem to be based on this idea, as they state that wherever a use ceases the right ceases. If appropriations are measured by some particular use, those for irrigation will vary in the different months of the irrigation season with the needs of the crop grown on the land, and they will vary somewhat in different years. In a rainy year little water will be re- quired ; in a dry year more. The right will be limited to the irriga- tion season. This on the Platte will be for about one-third of the year. Mr. Adams found the average length of the irrigation period in 1903 was 114 days. The records of irrigation on the Arkansas in 190-1 shoAved the average for the season on that stream was 69 days. Such rights differ Avidely from an appropriation of a certain number .of cubic feet per second flowing continuously. These are not riglits of use, but assumed equivalents of such rights. They give a surplus in August and September, when water is most valuable, or, if based on the quantity used in August, limit irrigators unjustly in June. Hence a right to a uniform flow of a certain number of cubic feet per second is never in exact accord with the actual requirements of irri- gation. The canal companies, which have acquired large appropriations of water for supplying the needs of farmers instead of for use them- selves, have recognized the necessity of attaching the rights which 109 they gi-aiit farmers to specific tracts of land. Tlio contracts of these companies for perpetnal water rights always describe the land on which the water is to be used, they limit the amount which will be furnished to the needs of that land, and do not permit the farmer to a^jply any surplus he may have to other lands. Uses of water for other purposes than irrigation may require a uniform continuous volume, and hence the granting of a right to a uniform continuous flow is not an equivalent of the actual use. but based on actual use; but even in these cases where these rights can be severed from such use and applied to a different use. they ceaso to be usufructuary rights and become property rights. They may be and often are fair equivalents of the original user's right, and if this original right was not for an excessive amount of water one of the grave evils of transfers is avoided, but along the Platte practically all of the early rights were for an excessive amount of water, and the danger of substituting an equivalent for the original use is that it destroys the original measure by which excess might in the future be corrected and turns the mistake originally made into a valuable speculative property. Where an original right for irrigation is restricted to the original number of acres, the owner can never make use of the surplus without destroying his land. On the contrary, as the subsoil becomes filled and his methods become more skillful, care for profits will compel him to take less and less water from the stream. But if he can sell his appropriation the way is open to turn this excess into money, and his interest in irrigation becomes second- ary to his interest in the property he has in the stream. His ingenu- ity is not directed toward the skillful use of w^ater, but to making trades which will extend his control over the stream. Xo one famil- iar with the transfers of appropriations in Colorado and the litiga- tion which has grown out of these transactions during the past fifteen years can doubt that if water rights had been attached to the land irrigated it Avould have been a great gain to the peace and wel- fare of the farmers of that section. The different reports of the State engineers of Colorado and the information contained in Bulle- tin 118 of this Office, on pages 49 to 75, fully support this conclusion. Most of the irrigation rights to the Platte River and its tributaries in Colorado are described as a constant flow of a certain numl)er of cubic feet per second. They are therefore assumed equivalents of actual uses. In some respects they resemble warehouse receipts for grain — that is, the holder of an appropriaticm has a right to deuiand a certain amount of the flow of the stream every day. It differs from a warehouse receipt in this: He can not hold it out of use or claim credit if he fails to use it or i)rovide for its use: but in Col- orado, if he does not wish to use it himself, he can lend (?) it to some one who does, and as water b(icomes more valuable the inducements 110 to lend appropriations and thus utilize to the utmost the early rights to the injury of subsequent priorities Avill almost inevitably be aug- mented." Reference has been made to the fact that the early rights were largely in excess of actual uses. One of the early appropriations of water in the Territory of Wyoming would have covered all the land irrigated to a depth of about 560 feet in a single season, whereas 3 feet would have been an ample allowance. One of the early appro- priations of the Cache la Poudre River gave 32 cubic feet per second for the irrigation of 320 acres of land. Four cubic feet per second would have been a liberal allowance; hence there was an excess in this case of 28 cubic feet per second. As long as these excess rights w^ere attached to a particular ditch or a particular tract of land they worked no serious harm, but when these rights are separated from the original j^lace of diversion and use it gives the appropriator a valu- able iDroperty for which he has rendered no equivalent to the public, and demoralizes the efforts of the State irrigation authorities in try- ing to secure a just division of the stream among actual users. Captain Boyd, in his History of the Greeley Colony, explains that at the outset the irrigators of Colorado believed that these rights were attached to the ditches through Avhich the appropriations were acquired and could not be separated from them. The discussions of this question in the early numbers of the Colorado Farmer and the conversations of irri- gators and ditch owners with the writer from 1882 to 1885 were all to the effect that the excess rights of the early appropriations would never amount to anything, because the water decreed could only be used on the lands under those ditches, and the law which gave the water commissioner authority to prevent waste would limit the quan- tity diverted. When the first sale of one of these excess rights took place there w^as a general expression of indignation by other irri- gators over its recognition by the water commissioner, showing that this idea of an appropriation was not in accord with the natural sense of justice of water users. Another thing which has tended to destroy the idea of use as a meas- ure of a right has been the establishment of api^ropriations before the water was used, and in some cases before the ditches were com- a Since the above was written the supreme court of Colorado has rendered a decision greatly restricting the loaning of appropriations of water and cur- tailing the abuses which threatened to grow out of this practice. This deci- sion is a most important one and one which recognizes the true principles of an appropriation. " Under Sess. Laws, 1899. p. 2.36, c. 105. held, that a senior appropriator, who did not need water for his own land, could not, by loaning it, pass over appro- priators junior to him and confer it upon other appropriators junior to those ignored, where such loaning would operate to the injury of the ignored appro- priators. (Ft. Lyon Canal Co. v. Chew (Colo.), 81 Pac, p. 37.) Ill pleted. The appropriation of the I.arinier County ditcli. in Colo- rado, Avas dechuvd vested by the court before the ditch was c()nii)lete.d and nuuiifestly before all the water had ever been used in any wav, and this is only one illustration, of which numbers niiirht be given. The water laws of Wyoming and Nebraska were framed a'fler the evils of transfers of appropriations had become manifest in Colorado. In order to avert these evils the lands rather than the canals were made the appropriators of water. To ac(iuire a right for irrigation the land had to be actually irrigated, and the right to water, in tlie certificates of appropriation issued, is attached to this land. Instead of giving a right to canals to a certain number of cubic feet per sec- ond, as is done in Colorado, the certificates of approi)riation in Wyoming and Nebraska name the appropriator and the diverting ditch, but give to the land described a right to water sufficient for its irrigation, fixing, however, a maximum limit on the amount which can be taken, this maximum being an arbitrary and probably an unconstitutional restriction, but designed to prevent Avasteful or ex- cessive use. In both States the maximum allowance is 1 cubic foot per second to TO acres, which is largely in excess of ordinary necessi- sities. This was proven in several instances in Wyoming, Appro- priators claimed the right to take more Avater. They were notified that if a measurement showed they used more this right would be recognized. ^Measurements showed thev used less. There being no law authorizing a transfer from the land Avhere acquired to other lands or to other uses, it has been held by the State irrigation officials in both States thtit the right Avas restricted to the place Avhere acquired, that being the sole measure of use provided by laAv. The Avater laAvs of Wyoming and Nebraska are i)ractically the same. The irrigation officials of both States haA'e construed these laAvs as restricting rights to the place where acquired. This inter- pretation Avas upheld by the supreme court of Nebraska in a decision rendered in 1904." In this decision the Nebraska court referred to the Wyoming statute and its resemblance to the Nebraska hnv and held, in effect, that both hiAvs attached rights for irrigation to the lands where acquired, a portion of the decision reading as folloAvs: V>y the adoption of the Irrisation law or" ISO.j, v/hich was modeled upon the Wyoninii,' hnv. this State adopted the latter i)olicy. hy which the right to ns(> the water shall not he granted separate from the land to whic-h it is to be applied, and that the right to use the water should attach to the land, and when the land is sold be sold with it. The Wyoming State irrigation iaAv Avas passed in ISOO, cai'rying into eifect the constitutional declaration Avhich conferred on the State board of control authority to deal Avith the appropriation of "Farmers' Irrrigatlon District r. I'^rank, 100 N. W., 280. 304:^,7— No. 157—05 m 8 112 water and its diversion and use. For fourteen years the board of control ruled that approprations of water were limited to the uses for which acquired. During this time the irrigation interests of the State enjoyed a conspicuous freedom from controversy and litigation over water rights, which Avas in marked contrast to the numerous and costly controversies of all the surrounding States save Nebraska. In 1901, however, this ruling was set aside by a decision of the supreme court, which held that appropriations of water in Wyoming are property rights which can be sold and by the sale separated from any particular use.'' As this decision vitally affects rights to the Platte and its tributaries in Wyoming and is, in addition, regarded as establishing a dangerous extension of water ownership, a brief statement of the underlying facts seems warranted. The litigation leading up to this decision grew out of a sale of a prior appropriation on Little Horse Creek, in Avhich there was sought to be conveyed a right to the use of 10 cubic feet of water per second for one-half of the time. The attempted seller of this right had received a certificate of appropriation from the board of control, giving a right to water sufficient for the irrigation of 700 acres of land, not at any time to exceed 10 cubic feet per second. The land entitled to this water was named in the certificate of appropriation and more definitely located on the maps of the State engineer's office. As the use of Avater in irrigation is intermittent, the holder of this prior right seldom used 10 cubic feet of water per second, and prior to this sale when he did not use the full amount of his appropriation the second appropriator took it. "When the second appropriator had a surplus, it went to the third, but the third's periods of use were infrequent, and to improve his position in the list of priorities he bought the right to Xo. I's appropriation for half the time, thus practically displacing priority No. 2. After the sale No. 3 called on the water commissioner to turn the water alleged to have been purchased where he directed, instead of giving it to No. 2, as would have been done if the regidar order of priority of appropriation had been followed. The water cojnmissioner, acting on the advice of the State engineer, refused to recognize the sale as valid and liti- gation followed, ending in the supreme court sustaining the transfer. The refusal of the water connnissioner to recognize the sale was based on the folloAving objections to its validity: (1) That the original right Avas not for 10 cubic feet of Avater per second, but for the Avater needed by a certain tract of land. (2) That there Avas no laAV authorizing the separation of this right from that land. (3) That there was no measure for the right when separated from the land. He could not tell hoAV much to deliver to the purchaser. 0 Johnston r. Little Horse Creek Irrigating Company, 79 Pac, 22. 113 (1) That, tho riolit lieing for use, it could not be sold. If Xo. 1 did not wish to use the water, it belon<>ed to Xo. 2. There were certain other features of this sale which make its validity a menace to the State's ao-ricultural development. The seller of the right does not relinquish the right to irrigate a single acre of his 700. The buj^er does not designate how many acres he proposes to irrigate, or whether he will use it for irrigation. lie does not name the ditch in which his purchased right is to be turned. The water commissioner or the State board of control has no official knowledge as to where the purchaser of this right will use the water next year, or apparently any official control as to the ditch into which it shall be turned or the land on which it shall be used. The laws of the State recjuire careful surveys to be made at the State's expense to determine the lands entitled to water, but if the right can be separated from these lands without any examination and shifted from place to place without an}^ control by the State authorities, then this expenditure in the location of the irrigated areas is a waste of time and money. The State board of control is by the constitu- tion given control over the appropriation of water and its distribu- tion, but this board was not consulted with reference to this sale. Xo copy of the deed of transfer has ever been filed with the board. Except for the litigation, its authority in this matter was never recognized. Even noAv the board has no official knowledge of where the water purchased is to be used and no standard by which it can' limit the area to which it is applied or protect whatever rights priority Xo. 2 may have in the running stream. The decision seems to be based on the assumption that there was granted to the first appropriator a right to 10 cubic feet of water per second of time. If this assumption were correct, then there Avould be a strong pre- sumption that the holder of the certificate of approjn-iation was authorized to sell his right to this water for half the time, but this assumption is not supported by the certificate which first defined the right and is not in accord with the rulings of the board of control in interpreting these certificates, the language of the certificate in this case being: '' The Springvale Ditch Company, by reason of the con- struction of the Springvale ditch and the beneficial use of water for irrio-ation, is entitled to sufficient water from Little Horse Creek to irrigate 700 acres of land." This, as Avas pointed out by State Engineer Bond, in his report for 1899-1900. page 45, is something entirely different from a right to a continuous flow of 10 cubic feet per second or any fixed volume of water. Such an interpretation of the certificates issued by the State board 114 of control will greatly expaiul the volume of Avater controlled by them over that controlled under the interi^retation heretofore main- tained by the State irrigation authorities. As stated, these certifi- cates give only a right to the maximum amount of water during the times it is needed. Under this recent interpretation it gives a righl to the maximum amount of water all the time. It renders practically meaningless the law requiring the water commissioner to prevent waste. If each right is for a certain number of cubic feet per second flowing all the time, then the appropriator, if he does not desire to use it all the time, can, as in the Little Horse Creek case, sell it to some one who does. What should be treated as a surplus becomes a property of great speculative value. Repeated measurements in Wyoming have shown that water is not used in irrigation more than one-third of the j^ear, and the maxi- mum amount is not used more than thirty days in the year. The tendency of this decision will be to augment the value of early rights by extending the use of water under them. It is true that the decision holds that increased use is not lawful, the language being as follows : An individual appropriator of water for irrigation secures no surplus water ; hence he has no surplus which he can either sell or give to another, as against subsequent appropriations. His appropriation, and therefore his water right dependent thereon, is at all times limited, within the maximum of his appro- priation, to tlie quantity capable of beneficial use and actually so used. If during any period he does not require the use of the water, it falls during that period to the subsequent appropriator who does need the same and can bene- ficially use it. * * * In other words, the biu'den upon the use must not be enlarged beyond that which rested iii)on it under the original appropriation, and while in the hands of the original ai)propriator. as he was entitled to and did use it. This principle is the necessary result of the fact that the only property in the water owned by the appropriator is a right t(j use it as measured by his appropriation. In recognizing the validity of this sale, however, the court estab- lished a principle which makes the enlargement of rights not only possible but inevitable. In this particular transaction the seller retains his right to irrigate 700 acres of land, the buyer acquires a right to 10 cubic feet of Avater per second for half the time, with no restrictions as to where or how he is to use it. SUMMARY. This review has omitted many statements of specific facts because these are given in Mr. Teele's discussion. They seem to warrant the following conclusions : (1) That the rights as established, if measured by the original use, are for excessive amounts of water. 115 (2) That this tends to aug'nient tlie vahio of early rifrhts to the injury of hiter ones. (3) That the separation of rights from the phice of original use renders it difficult to correct excess decrees. (4) That the rights on some tributaries approach more nearly actual original uses than thev do on others, hence a tabulation of the appropriations now vested in accordance Avith their priorities would not serve as an impartial standard for the division of water between States. (5) That the limitations on property rights in the water of the river should be brought into an agreement, as a preliminary step to the division of water across State lines. Leaving interstate questions out of account, what limitations should be imposed on appropriations? AATiat is required to do justice to the appropriator and at the same time safeguard the rights of the public? In considering these questions we should remember that this water falls chiefly on public land: that by law it belongs to the public. In one of his messages to Congress President Roosevelt stated that the giving aAvay in perpetuity of this property or of rights which control this property to other than actual users is open to all of the objections which apply to the granting of free and perpetual fran- chises to the public utilities of cities. There are oljjections to recog- nizing personal oAvnership in streams even if those rights are paid for, but under the liberal laws of Colorado and AVyoming not only is the appropriation secured without compensation, but the admin- istration of the stream necessary to give these rights value is paid for by public taxation. In each of these States the rivers are gauged and the head gates regulated by public officers. The man whose in- terest in the stream has been given away pays for this service alike Avith the man Avho has been given that interest. If the appropriation of water for a farm is attached to that farm and the right ceases Avith the cultivation of that farm, then the pro- tection of that right by public officials is justified because men are therel)y encouraged to settle on desert lands and make them produc- tiA-e. Furthermore, this right is not always perpetual. Whenever the cultivation of that land ceases the Avater reverts again to the public. But there Avill be no rcA-ersion, no abandonment of rights, if these rights can be rented or sold. If the separate oAvnership of Avater and land is to be recognized, it would be better and safer to treat appropriations like franchises— instead of giving perpetual rights, give rights for a long period of time. There Avould be no ol)jection to permitting canals to appro- priate a certain number of cubic feet of Avater per second and per- mitting the oAvners of these canals to dispose of that water by rental or contract, if these appropriations Avere licenses and limited m time. 116 At the end of this time their inequalities with respect to each other and the evils which might have arisen in their management could be corrected. The possibility of such correction would be a potent hindrance to abuses. The experience of European countries shows that private capital is ready to undertake far costlier works than any built in this country for the diversion and storage of water under thirty-year licenses. Both canal companies and farmers realize that there is little danger of a just license not being renewed, and that there is great advantage to the people as a whole in having unjust ones corrected. There are, however, circumstances under wdiich rights to water should be separated from the place where acquired. As the country develops more water will be needed by cities and towns, hy factories, and for household purposes. Where all the water is appropriated, as it is on many of the Platte's tributaries, these needs can only be supplied by extinguishing existing rights. But it is not necessary that water rights be made personal property in order to provide for this, nor is it necessary to sacrifice the doctrine of beneficial use as a standard for rights to provide for this. The State of Wyoming through its con- stitution has provided for the increasing needs of cities by author- izing them to take, through condemnation, any earlier right needed for this superior use. Here the doctrine of use is maintained by the transfer being effected through the supervision of the public authorities. There are also cases where inferior lands have been irrigated or Avhere lands have become unproductive by excess of water or alkali. If the right of this land to water can not be shifted the water will still be used there, while if it could be transferred to better land it would secure larger returns. Where these conditions exist the cor- rection is not to be sought in making water rights personal pro])erty, or by giving a right to a certain number of cubic feet of water as an equivalent of the water used. The doctrine of use as a measure of the right can be maintained by simply shifting the right from the inferior land to an equal number of acres of better land. A pre- liminary requirement for all such shifts should be their approval and record by the State irrigation authorities. AMien such shift was made one acre would lose its right to water and another acre would succeed to it. Such transfers do not change the character of a right. They do not change the measure of a right. They do not surrender the principle of beneficial use, as the basis of a right. INDEX. Page. Adams. Frank 10,18,19,40,52,57,108 Administration of water rights 79-87, 101,103-114 Agriculture: development in North Platte Valley. 22 development in South Platte Valley. 18 Altitude in Platte River drainage basin . 11-13 Appropriation of water 9,25,87-88,103-114 Bartlett, W. F - 10 Bear Creek: flow 14 water rights - 29 Beneficial use of water. . 15, 25, 90, 95, 105, 106, 114 Big Thompson River: flow 14 water rights 32 Boulder Creek: flow - - 14 water rights 30-31 Cache la Poudre River: flow - 14-17 water rights 34 Canals: North Platte River 20,31 South Platte River 17-18 Clear Creek: flow 14,29 geography - - 29 water rights 29-30 Coal Creek, water rights. 30-31 Court decisions -. - 9-10, 31,41,71,74-79,82-87,111-112 Crop returns 18, 57 Crops: North Platte Valley 22 South Platte Valley 18 Crow Creek, Wyo., water rights 82 Diversions of water 25, 68 from Grand, North Platte, and Lara- mie rivers to South Platte basin ... 18 records - 18,54-55 South Platte River 54-55 Dunton, "W. B .--- 10,26 Duty of water 59 Economical use of water. 58,102 Fleming, B.P 68 Flow of streams .- 14-17, 22-34, 39, 38, 39, 43-47. 48-58, 68, 72, 79, 98, 99 Flow of water through soils 49 Follett, W. W 55 Grand River, diversions of water to South Platte basin 18 Page. Ground-water levels 55-56 Horse Creek, Wyo., water rights 82-84 Interstate relations: Colorado-Nebraska 39-42 Colorado- Wyoming 65-69 conclusions regarding 94-95 court decisions 74-79 physical conditions affecting ... 10. 42-43. 94 questions regarding. 39-.58, 74. 1(X) Wyoming-Nebraska 69-74 Irrigation: Laramie River 20-21 North Platte River 11, 19-20, 21 , 22, 58-68, 70-71 South Platte River 17,.57.97 where necessary for agriculture .. 11,14,22 Italy, government control of streams in . 106 Laramie River: diversions of water to South Platte basin --- 18 geography 20-21 irrigation 20-21 water rights - 63,67 Laws regulating water rights 9-10, 25.81-82,8.5-87,104-106 (See also Administration and Court decisions. ) Litigation.. 30,71,74-79,85-87,112 Little Horse Creek, water rights 112-114 Monopoly of water rights.. 89,105-106 Nettleton, E. S 55 North Platte River: canals 20 diversions of water to South Platte basin.. - 18 flow 23-24,72,99 geography - 19-22 interstate relations -74 irrigation 19-20, 21 . 22,58-68, 70-71 prioritiesof rights of different States. 59-70 water rights 23-24, 58-74 Platte River drainage basin, geogi-aphy 9-14, 19-22.97-100 Precipitation in Platte River drainage basin.. 10-1+ Records: of diversions of water 18, .54-55 of flow of streams 10, 14,16,17,22-24,48,49,54-55 of ground- water levels 55-56 of return seepage 4H-49. 5 1.52. .54-55 of water rights 27-^36, 58-59, 60-61, 69, 88 117 118 Page Bepublican Rivei-, gain from tinderflow . 56 Reservoirn: amount of water stored in 1903 18 South Platte River _ 14,17-18 water rights. 28.29,30.33,34 Return seepage 10, 40. 47-58. 68. 72, 108 Rights to water. ( .S'ec Water rights. ) Riparian rights - 9, 37-38, 39-40, 43, 47, 70, 75. 80, 100. 101 Roosevelt. President, quotations from mes-sage 100,105,115 St. Vrain Creek: flow --- 14 water rights - 31-32 Seepage 10, 40, 43, 47-58, 68, 72, 102, 108 Soils, flow of water through _ _ 49 South Park, geography..- 26 South Platte River: canals -- 17-18 flow 14-16,38,39,43-47,48-58,99 geography 12,14,97-100 ground- water level 55-56 interstate relations - 39^2 irrigation 17-19, 57, 97 priorities in Colorado and Nebraska.--- --- 39-42 reservoirs 14,17-18,98 water rights - 26-58,99 Spain, irrigation 106 Stout, O. V. P 10,43,48,72 Tait, C. E -- 10,43,48,68 Transfers of water rights 88-90, 94, Underflow of water from South Platte to Republican Rivei- 55-56 Value of water rights 97.98,100,101,103,115 Water rights: acquirement 9. 37, 58-59. 61, 64, 86, 87, 88, 103-114 administration 79-87, 101, 103-114 appropi'iatiou 9,25,103-114 based on beneficial Ujse 15, 25,9J-95,ia5,106,114 Bear Creek 29 Big Thompson River 32 Boulder Creek. 30-31 Cache la Poudre River 17 chai-acter :36 city of Cheyenne .-. 99 Page, Water rights— Continued. city of Denver 99 Clear Creek 29-30 Coal Creek 30-31 Colorado 9,26-36.38, .58-59, 65. 67, 69, 80-81, 99, 103-104, 109, 111, 115 compared with flow of streams 16-17 condemnation 106 contracts - 109 court decisions 1 9-10, 31, 41, 71, 74-79, 82-87, 111-112 Crow Creek, Wyo 82 evolution 25,101-103 excessive decrees 26-27,31,41^42,93. 114 Horse Creek 82-84 influence of return seepage 10 influence of stream flow 10 interstate relations. . . 9-10, 39-58, 65-79, 94-95 Italy 106 Laramie River 6;:!, 67 laws regulating. 9-10, 25, 81-82, 8,5-«7, 104-106, 111 limitations 24,58,115 Little Horse Creek 112-114 monopoly 98,105-106 Nebraska 9.26, 38,39,63-65,69,84-87,99,103-104,111 North Platte River .. 2:^-24,58-74, 99,10:3-114 physical conditions afEecting 10, 42-43 Platte River and tributaries. .. 9-10, 1(6-114 priorities.. - 39-42,59-70 property.. .. 25,27-36, 100, 101-10:3, 104-105, 115 records 27-36, 38, 58-59, 60-61, 64-65, 69, 88 reservoirs 28-30, 'yi-'-H riparian r'ghts ..- 9, 39-40, 43, 47, 7(1, 75. SO, 11)0. 101 St. Vrain Creek - 31-32 separate ownership of land and wa- ter - -- lOj-115 Spain 106 speculative ownership 105 South Platte River- 26-58. 99, 103-1 1 4 stability - - 103 transfers ---- 88-90,94,100,106-116 value -- 97,98,100,101,103,115 Wyoming... 9,;58,59-6:^.65, 67, 69, 81-84, 99, 103-104, 110. 111,115 Water supply of arid portion of Platte River Imsin 10-17,19,20,23,97 o "^ New York Botanical Garden Library 3 5185 00259 8470