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Ay eed Catt Le mana Rane ly Wh cep dteeh aenetitwyt ARI MARAAAMAN Oa A GIES aca Jee { i ie pNAR fas a ADA AA ANA th ly Ne te a awe of ri cae aca tea ap , - } Ls eae sa fi PAR ann WAV TTY. anc Ds ra cy naa why aeneL ry | el a a 8 - tagaana'e os agai if vi “ASAAARa gana Ma Se HHApABA Ange Menon ape f pre ON jet Hi) ih snare nan tl . aye | dage/ AM ant a, ; any Biel ala ry aA am Apes" | ret. Pushes & A aan, TLL sreaniinee saandbaabs parasno” Arsutyyart abe ee 5 1 a afia; ae ee eae «|e ae [NAR >» BPP TY a0 ie? a: a ~~ a a aaAAak: ape aah ASPB, op Inf» cabana f- pes if ; ate Viana Peart cael oh a~- ae Ag hae Petiete ‘ ; . hy re ea ‘ ST f : eo USS) DEPARYTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY—BULLETIN No. 82. L. O. HOWARD, ENTOMOLOGIST. PROCHHDINGS OF THE SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE ASSOCIATION OF ECONOMIC EX TOMOLOGISTS —=— FF r= oS WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. OOo: LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. Unirep States DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, Bureau or Enromowoey, Washington, D. C., March 20, 1905. Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith the manuscripts of the Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual Meeting of the Association of Economic Entomologists, which was held at Philadelphia, Pa., De- cember 29 and 30, 1904. As the papers presented at the meetings of this association are of very considerable economic importance, and as the Department of Agriculture has hitherto published the reports of the secretaries of these meetings as bulletins, I recommend the publication of the present report as bulletin No. 52 of this Bureau. The text figures are necessary for the Ulustration of the text. Respectfully, L. O. Howarp, Entomologist and Chief of Bureau. Hon. James WItson, Secretary of Agriculture. (2) GONTENTS Page. SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE ASSOCIATION OF EcoNoMIC ENTO- MOLOGISTS. Some Present-Day Features of Applied Entomology in America, : A. L. Quaintance_- 5 “ Experiments with Lime-Sulphur Washes ________________. EP? Reltes) 25 Notes on! Cuban Imsects (abstract) ....... ..........-. _Mel. T. Cook-- 28 ‘Some Observations on the Cotton Boll Weevil (illustrated), E. Dwight Sanderson_- 29 The Fall Webworm Partially Double-brooded in Connecticut, W. E. Britton_- 42 Preliminary Report upon Work against a Destructive Leaf-Hopper (Empoasca mali Le B.) (illustrated) __-_________. F. L. Washburn_ - 43 Additions to our Knowledge of the Cabinet Beetle (Anthrenus verbasci alinme a alittstrated))) 2... 2 veloc eos l 2 esse Henry L. Viereck_- 48 *Spraying Apples against the Plum Cun Guilige pease ay A. Forbes... 49 *Value of Copper Sulphate against Mosquito Larve___C. L. Marlatt_- 49 Brief Notes on Ohio Insects for 1904____________.___- eas Osborn._ #49 Naeressonmtbe-Year— New York... 2. =... 2i.---L-----: E. P. Felt: 51 Some Economic Insects for the Year 1904 in Ohio __ ..-A. fF. Burgess. - 52 Injurious Insects in Minnesota in 1904_____________. E. L. Washburn _- 55 Insects of the Year in Colorado (illustrated) _.________- CPPS Gillette: 58 Distribution and Migrations of the Mormon Cricket (Anabrus sim- plex Hald.) in Colorado (illustrated) _____.-..__S. Arthur Johnson_- 62 Miscellaneous Notes from Texas_._____.___________._-2 A. F. Conradi_- 66 Insects of the Year 1904 in Georgia__Wilmon Newell and R. I. Smith _- 69 The Present Status of the Predatory Insects introduced into New Jersey, John B. Smith _- 74 Report on the *‘ New Orleans”? Ant (Jridomyrmex hum a is Mayr) (illus- REA!) oles Ss Re ee ee EH. S. G. Titus -- 79 The Cottony Maple Scale: An Unusual Outbreak, and Experiments watoeimsectie1rdes'-_ =.) 2. Pia panaTe. hoe S. Arthur Johnson_- 85 Some Experiences with Pulvinaria __.________- Howard Evarts Weed_- 88 . *Laboratory Experiments with Carbon Bisulphid___F. L. Washburn_- 95 » Some Notes on the Fumigation of Household Insects and their Eggs Pviiaeenydnocyanic=AcidiGase. -.- ji.) 2 ee eee J. L. Phillips_- 95 *TInsects Collected from the Flowers of Tree and Bush Fruits, W. E. Britton and Henry L. Viereck_- 97 *A Destructive Ptinid New to North America_______- James. Fletcher _- 97 *Injurious Insects of the Year in Canada ___________- James Fletcher _- 97 *The Amount of Injury from the Cotton Boll Weevil, E. Dwight Sanderson_- 97 The Coffee Leaf-Miner (Leucoptera coffeella Stain.) __.. Mel. T. Cook_- o7 *Gypsy Moth and Brown-tail Moth Conditions during 1904, C. L. Marlatt. 100 LTP SUES TEN (Seb 00 GCS ee RNS ee a A ee A. F. Conradi.. 100 The Fumigation of a Fruit House for Controlling the Codling Moth, A. F. Burgess.. 101 The Inportation and Breeding of Honey Bees of Various Types Frank Benton__- 108 * Withdrawn for publication elsewhere. (3) IAG vo SED Ot LELUS DRA TONS: Section of radish, showing injury from maggot of Anthomyia sp -- Cross section of radish, showing injury from Anthomyia sp Map showing territory infested by Anabrus simplex in Colorado _ _- Persimmons, showing protective covering made by Iridomyrmex 5 5 d ' [DOTS — ees esse (4) Page. Diagram showing normal mean monthly temperature and the mean monthly temperature during 1904 at Victoria, Tex Outfit used for spraying young apple trees for Empoasca mali . Egg of Anthrenus verbasct Bi) 45 48 60 60 64 80 THE SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE ASSOCIATION | OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGISTS. MORNING SESSION, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1904. The Association met in the laboratory of physiology and pathology of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa., on December 29 and 30, 1904. The following were in attendance at the several sessions: W. B. Alwood, Blacksburg, Va.; G. M. Bentley, Raleigh, N. C.; Frank Ben- ton; Washington, D: -C.; F. C. Bishopp, Washington, D. C.; W. E. Brit- ton, New Haven, Conn.; A. I. Burgess, Columbus, Ohio; C. E. Chambliss, Clemson College, S. C.; M. T. Cook, Santiago de las Vegas, Cuba; E. B. Engle, Iiarrisburg, Pa.; E. P. Felt, Albany, N. Y.; H. T. Fernald, Amherst, Mass. ; James Fletcher, Ottawa, Canada; S. A. Forbes, Urbana, Ill.; H. Garman, Lex- ington, Ky.; C. P. Gillette, Fort Collins. Colo.; L. O. Howard, Washington, D. C.; W. D. Hunter, Washington, D. C.: William Lochhead, Guelph, Ontario, Canada; A. D. MacGillivray, Ithaca, N. Y.; C. L. Marlatt, Washington, D. C.; G. W. Martin, Nashville, Tenn.; Leslie Martin, Washington, D. C.; Yasushi Nawa, Gifu, Japan; Herbert Osborn, Columbus, Ohio; J. L. Phillips, Blacks- burg, Va.; A. L. Quaintance, Washington, D. C.; W. A. Riley, Ithaca, N. Y.; BE. D. Sanderson, Durham, N. H.; William Saunders, London, Ontario, Canada: W. M. Scott, Washington, D. C.; Henry Skinner, Philadelphia, Pa.; M. V. Slingerland, Ithaca, N. Y.; J. B. Smith, New Brunswick N. J.; H. E. Summers, Ames, Iowa;-H. A. Surface, Harrisburg, Pa.; E. S. G. Titus, Washington, D. C.; H. L. Viereck, New Haven, Conn.;,F. L. Washburn, St. Anthony. Park, Minn.; k. M. Webster, Urbana, IJ]. The meeting was called to order at 10 a. m. by the president, Mr. A. L. Quaintance, who delivered his annual address as follows: SOME PRESENT-DAY FEATURES OF APPLIED ENTOMOLOGY IN AMERICA By A. L. QUAINTANCE, Washington, D. C. It is one of the present-day beliefs that we are living in a period of unexampled scientific activity. A census of achievement during the past two or three decades would undoubtedly furnish evidence that this belief is well founded. This activity has been as notable in applied as in pure science. Indeed, the tendency toward almost immediate utilization of scientific discoveries in practical affairs has (5) 6 been characteristic of modern times, and to this must be attributed much of the advancement which, as a nation, we have made in agri- culture, in commerce, and in manufacture. Agriculture, especially, has benefited by this activity. Agricul- tural chemistry, plant pathology, horticulture, bacteriology, ento- mology, and other branches of pure and applied science have each made notable contributions. It would be to no purpose to discuss the relative importance of the contributions which these respective sciences have made and are making to agriculture, for they are as the links in a chain and are closely related in theory and in practice; but a prominent place must be conceded to economic entomology, which has, perhaps, been as productive of immediate practical results as any other. Although, in the United States, among the youngest of the sciences concerned with problems relating to agriculture, the results achieved have placed economic entomology in the front rank. In explanation of its phenomenal growth it may be said that one of our necessities, as a rapidly developing country, has been the reduc- tion of insect losses to permit the profitable cultivation of many of our important crops. With the constantly increasing population, new regions have been settled and the lands planted in crops, the more or less isolated farms of former days giving way to practically unbroken areas of corn, wheat, cotton, and other crops, often of many miles in extent, thus furnishing ideal conditions for the development and spread of noxious species. Being preeminently a practical peo- ple, we have devised ways and means as the demand has grown, and at. the present time the status of economic entomology is quite in keeping with our agricultural conditions. The rate and magnitude of our agricultural growth and the conse- quent stimulus to applied entomology may, perhaps, be fairly judged from certain statistics concerning the production of some of our staple crops during the decade covered by the Twelfth Census. ‘The increase in plantings of corn from 1889 to 1899 in the United States was 22,829,159 acres, an increase of 31.7 per cent. In the decade from 1890 to 1900 the area of wheat in the country shows a gain of 56.6 per cent, or about 19,000,000 acres. The increase in the area of cotton from 1889 to 1899 was 4,099,831 acres, a gain of 20.3 per cent, and it bears on the subject to note that of this total increase Texas, Oklahoma, and Indian Territory furnished 3,637,398 acres, or 88.7 per cent. The State and Territories mentioned, it will be remem- hered, are at the present time suffering more severely from inseet depredations on cotton than is any other part of the cotton belt. The increase in plantings of deciduous fruits has been scarcely less remarkable. At the present time there are numerous orchards, of 7 peach especially, with from 2,000 to 3,000 acres in practically unbroken rows of trees. Orchards of still larger size are planned and are being planted at the present time. In the following table, compiled from che reports of the Twelfth Censns, is indicated the increase in bear- ing trees, during the decade 1890 to 1900, of the more important pomaceous and drupaceous fruits: TaBLE I.—Nuwmber of bearing trees in orchards in 1900 as compared with those in 1890. Bearing trees. Increase Class. — = | urine dee= 1900. 1890. ade. ENT ONE a3 505.) Her ae) ate Se ee ea 201, 749, 764 120, 152, 795 81,841,969 Peaches and nectarines _________- | 99,919, 428 53, 885, 597 46, 033.831 PPBAS). os eee ag soe eee 17,716, 184 5, 115, 055 12,601, 129 ie ilpirmavs; cerns) fore wiTaeys SS a 30, 780, 892: 7,078,191 23,702, 701 ‘CHGTHEGE 325. s5 ete Rs ee ee ree 11, 948, 287 5,638, 759 6, 304, 528 JNjOTVeOES 8 28S a eee 5,010,139 1,582, 191 3,429,948 total 33 She ee eee 367,164,694 | 193, 452,588 153, 712, 106 The total increase in plantings of fruit trees of this class is thus seen to have been 153,712,106 trees, a number sufficient to plant a solid orchard, with trees 20 by 20 feet apart, of somewhat more than 1,400,000 acres. More recent information indicates a still greater proportionate increase during the present decade. Thus, in the State of Georgia I am informed that the present estimated plantings of peach trees are aproximately 18,000,000, both young and _ old. Leaving out of account the unreported young trees of the census of 1900, this shows the enormous gain of about 7,500,000 trees in four years. The increased plantings of apple, notably in Missouri, are also remarkable. In that State alone over 20,000,000 trees are re- ported for 1900 as against 8,000,000 for 1890. These figures, I think, explain one of the principal causes for the rapid development of economic entomology in America. The sudden and wide disturbance of nature’s balance between insects and their food plants by the cultivation of large areas of crops has resulted in insect depredations, both from native -and introduced species, of such proportions as to render relief immediately necessary. Our problems have been. therefore, largely of a character to de- mand earnest and instant effort for their solution, and the rapidity with which one problem has succeeded another has utilized to the fullest extent our capacity for work. The results of investigations have been of a character to justify the public in providing for their continuance and extension, and the demand for workers has been greater than the supply. This continued activity has brought about a considerable accumulation of knowledge concerning injurious spe- 8 cies, and our economic literature to-day is doubtless more extensive than that of any other country. Most fortunately traditions and theories have had but little place in applied entomology. The accuracy of published statements con-. cerning the life and habits of insects and the value of remedial meas- ures proposed have often been at once put to practical test and their soundness or futility determined. Investigations by several different workers over a considerable range of territory have been a most fertile means of rapid accumulation of knowledge concerning the biology of a given species and of the means to be used in reducing its ravages. Much of error, in theory and in practice, which might other- wise have lived for many vears with a corresponding baneful influence on the standing of the science has thus been quickly eliminated. Our official existence has been strenuous, and, were it not for the considerable number of investigators often engaged on the same problem and the immediate practical test of conclusions, our rate of progress could but mean superficial work. Many of the problems with which economic entomology concerns itself must be worked out from the beginning, and many of our economic workers have been forced to do strictly systematic work as a basis for contemplated work along economic lines. The common observation that applied science does not wait, in its development, on the theoretically neces- sary precedence of the pure science on which it is dependent is per- haps nowhere so well illustrated as in the case of applied entomology. Of necessity many of our workers are svstematists, and their accom- plishments in this field are scarcely less than in the domain of practical entomology. In addition to having an acquaintance with the details of insect classification and with fundamental biologie facts, an economic entomologist must be versed in the details of agricultural and horticultural practices, in chemistry, in botany, in forestry, in plant pathology, in animal husbandry, and in business methods. Under conditions and requirements such as these has applied ento- mology grown to its present condition; and, although young in years, there 1s probably no branch of the utilitarian sciences which so nearly touches every human interest. There are at the present time some features of applhed entomology in the United States which are significant of its increasing scope and importance and which appear to me appropriate for consideration on an occasion of this kind. The very existence of this association, with its present membership of 175, is but one of the signs of the times. The writer doubts if there are similar scientific bodies which can show a higher average attendance or which are pervaded with a greater degree of professional interest than are the meetings of this 9 Association. Its influence, directly and indirectly, for the better- ment of applied entomology has been most important and is increas- ing from year to year. The bulletins which contain the proceedings of the 16 annual meetings of the association, and which cover in all 1,541 pages, are a most valuable feature of our literature. It must be a matter of much satisfaction to all entomologists to note the increasing appreciation in which the work of the economic entomologist is held, both by his constituents and the general public. Tn the earlier days of the science his work was often far from appre- ciated at its true worth. Experience, however, has been a constant teacher. Certain injurious insects, by their widespread injury to important farm and orchard crops, have served to bring prominently ‘before the people the importance of the role which insects play, not only in the matter of crop production, but in influencing the price of staple articles of food and clothing in the markets of the world. The recently established fact of the transmission and carriage of diseases of man by mosquitoes and flies has arrested the attention of people of many classes, and, along with other discoveries of scarcely less importance, has been the means of exciting the interest and attention of many who previously were largely ignorant of the work and aims of the science. The considerable alarm following the announcement of the establishment of the San Jose scale in the East had scarcely begun to wane before the increasing ravages of the Mexican cotton boll weevil brought this species into wide notoriety, and probably never in the history of the world has an insect species been more generally the subject of comment than has the latter. The present recognized importance of insect control in its relation to the welfare of our agricultural classes can not be better indicated than by calling attention to the prominent mention given to ento- mological matters by the President in his recent message to the Congress of the United States. The following are his words: The cotton crop of the country is threatened with root rot and with bollworm and the boll weevil. Our pathologists will find immune varieties that will resist the root rot, and the bollworm can be dealt with, but the boll weevil is a serious menace to the cotton crop. It is a Central American insect that has become acclimated in Texas and has done great damage. A scientist of the Department of Agriculture has found the weevil at home in Guatemala, being kept in check by an ant which has been brought to our cotton fields for observation. It is hoped that it may serve a good purpose. * * * The insect friends and enemies of the farmer are getting attention. The enemy of the San Jose scale was found near the Great Wall of China and is now cleaning up our orchards. The fig-fertilizing insect imported from Turkey has helped to establish an industry in California that amounts to from 50 to 100 tons of dried figs annually, and is extending over the Pacific coast. A parasitic fly from South Africa is keeping in subjection the black scale, the worst pest of the orange and lemon industry in California. 10 Careful preliminary work is being done toward producing our own silk. The mulberry is being distributed in large numbers; eggs are being imported and distributed; improved reels were imported from Europe last year, and two expert reelers were brought to Washington to reel the crop of cocoons and teach the art to our own people. However, in this general awakening of the public the importance of other factors than widespread insect ravages must not be over- looked. The numerous well-illustrated books, more or less popular in character, and the frequent magazine articles dealing with general or economic aspects of the science have brought the subject, in this day of much reading, to the attention of a much larger number of people than could have been possible even a few years ago. Nature study in schools, which usually includes work with insects, has awakened many an American youth, and through them their parents, to the presence of these interesting creatures. Many of our agricultural colleges and other institutions giving courses in agriculture have now for some years been giving instruction in apphed entomology, and students have returned to their homes and put in practice the methods learned for reducing insect losses. In many communities there have thus been object lessons which have been the means of inducing others to take up the fight against insects. But probably the most important single factor in awakening this widespread interest in insects remains to be mentioned, namely, the influence of the economic entomologist himself. In the lecture room, at farmers’ institutes, at horticultural and agricultural meetings and elsewhere, 1n season and out of season, it has been his custom to speak from the text of injurious insects. I would not convey the impression that I believe the farmers, fruit growers, and others are availing themselves tothe fullest extent of the means placed at their disposal for mitigating insect losses. While most commendable progress has been made in this direction, vet our most important problem still consists in inducing utilization, by those in need of them, of the means known to be of value in reducing insect injuries. Emergencies such as those brought about by the ravages of the San Jose scale or the boll weevil leave but little alternative to the sufferer, and while the experience is costly, the lesson is well learned. In the writer’s opinion, the notable improvement in this direction during recent years may be held to prophesy a rapid increase in the adoption of insect remedies and preventives in the future. The extent of increase in the number of workers in economic entomology during recent years may not, perhaps, be generally real- ized. As nearly as I have been able to ascertain, there are at present, in the United States and Canada, 145 persons trained in methods of entomological research, devoting the whole or a part of their time to the study of injurious insects. If account be taken of the many inspectors employed by various States and State horticultural organi- 11 zations in the enforcement of crop pest and nursery inspection laws, the number of persons officially engaged in work pertaining to insect control would be easily doubled. — Investigations in economic entomology are made leading lines of work in 43 out of 48 of the agricultural experiment stations, and this subject is taught in practically as many of the agricultural colleges. Much valuable work is being done by several of the State departments of agriculture and State boards of horticulture. In the Bureau of Entomology of the United States Department of Agriculture the force now engaged in strictly entomological work numbers 59 as com- pared with 14 under the division organization of 1900. The increase in workers has naturalivy been dependent on an increased financial support. At no previous time has so large a sum of money been devoted to the study of injurious insects. The sum total of money annually devoted to work of this character may be only approximately indicated, for separate accounts are not kept in most of the agricultural colleges and experiment stations of the money spent in entomological research. However, from actual figures, in many cases, and from conservative estimates, I would place the amount at not less than $285,000. This, of course, does not include special appropriations, as, for instance, that by the Federal Govern- ment of $250,000 for work against the boll weevil and other cotton insects and diseases, the $25,000 appropriated by the State of Loui- siana for the same purpose, and notable emergency appropriations of the past, such as that for the gypsy moth. Viewed from a business standpoint, it is pertinent to quire what economic entomology has done in the way of returns in dollars and cents for the money invested by the pubiic. A balance sheet which would show the present status of the account and be even approxi- mately correct can not be prepared, owing to the difficulty of accu- rately estimating the credits. We can, however, make estimates so well within the bounds of reason as to run no possible risk of over- stating the case. I have therefore gone over the literature with a view to deciding how far economic entomology has been instrumental in increasing the output of some of our staple crops and fruits. The original estimates were cut in half, and there still remains a credit sufficiently large to satisfy the ideas of profit of some of our present- day multimillionaire corporations. The following table shows the value of certain classes of crops in the United States for the year 1899, as reported in the Twelfth Cen- sus, with the estimated benefits resulting from the teachings of economic entomology stated in percentage and also in dollars and cents. The writer believes this to be a most conservative estimate of 12 the annual saving, to the producers of the crops mentioned, resulting directly or indirectly from the efforts of economic entomologists: TABLE IIl.—Values of certain crops in the United States, and the percentage and value of the increased production due to economic entomology. Percent- age of in- cel Class of crops. Value in 1899. | creased ves oe produc- 2 tion. | | | Orchard fruits: 22-2 2522 eee eee eee $83, 751, 840 | 25 $20, 937, 960 Gna GS Mee bre. ss 5 ka Oe ma 14,090, 937 | 20 2,818, 187 Suptropicaltruits. -- 35 ee eee 8,549, 863 10 854, 986 Ibinpelte Gixoy Hse waKel poakey ll aBabihRs) 3 oe eke ek 98, 894, 319 20 19, 778, 863 @orealsts2. 222): 8: Se ee ee eee 1, 484, 231, 038 5 74,211,551 CWottones | 2.2 2. 2252 oe eee eee 370, 708, 746 10 | 37, O70, 874 Total ‘annual increases esse sesc eee ee eee : By | BS eee 155, 672, 421 Notwithstanding the progress which has been made in reducing loss from insects, this loss, by reason of our increased plantings of crops of all kinds, continues to be very great. Estimates have been made from time to time indicating, in dollars and cents, the losses ‘aused by one or more species over a greater or less territory. Re- cently, interesting comparisons have been made by Professors Webster and Slingerland of losses to crops in certain States and the country at large as compared with the amounts of money required for the support of our various institutions. Thus we are told that the annual loss occasioned by insects in the United States amounts to more than is required for all educational purposes; nearly twice as much as is required for the support of our Army and Navy; over twice the losses from fire, and nearly three times the estimated value of the products of all fruit orchards, vineyards, and small fruit farms in our country. Careful estimates have shown that the total annual loss from insect depredations in the United States at the present time is not less than 3800,000,000. In the face of such figures it would appear that we have scarcely entered the threshold of achievement in conquering injurious species. It may not, however, be argued from the figures given that little has thus far been accomplished. It will be remem- bered that years ago, in 1860, insect losses in the country at large were placed by Walsh at not less than $300,000,000 annually. If these estimates are correct the losses appear to have been held sta- tionary, notwithstanding our great agricultural development during the forty years intervening. Present-day estimates are based on a 10 per cent reduction of all crops by the combined attack of the vari- ous species which prey upon them. In Walsh’s time the percentage of injury must have been much higher, as determined by the value of farm products at that time. 13 It has been pointed out by Doctor Howard, and possibly others, that widespread injury, such as that from the Hessian fly or the chinch bug, while undoubtedly resulting in a great diminution in the output of the crop attacked, does not represent a corresponding loss in money to the growers, for the resulting scarcity of the commodity brings about an increased valuation which may really leave the farmer little, if any, the worse off financially. Taking this into account, present-day estimates of insect injuries may, on the whole, be too high, but it should be noted that the burden is simply transferred to the consumer, who pays the farmer, or more often the speculator, for the ravages suffered. Present resources in the ways and means of reducing insect rav- ages place a much greater responsibility on the farmer, fruit grower, and others subject to injury than heretofore. In the case of many of our prominently injurious species their life histories have been worked out, their most vulnerable points of attack shown, and appro- priate means for reaching them indicated. A mere list of the various insecticides and mechanical methods employed in insect warfare would require more time than is here available and would serve no useful purpose, for the tendency at the present time is mainly toward the use of certain few substances to the exclusion of others formerly in considerable repute. Paris green and other arsenites, kerosene emulsion, hydrocyanic- acid gas, carbon bisulphid, and the lime, sulphur, and salt wash com- prise the more important insecticides used to-day. To the three principal periods in the evolution of insecticides in the United States must now be added, in the writer’s opinion, that in which was dis- covered the efficiency of the lime, sulphur, and salt wash in the East. The demonstration of the value of this wash, made almost simul- taneously by several workers, ranks among the most important of the notable advances in economic entomology in recent times. The extensive experiments made with this wash under varying weather conditions in Illinois, Georgia, Ohio, Maryland, New York, Con- necticut, and other States now permit no reasonable doubt as to its efficiency in controlling the San Jose and other scales in orchards, and it has already been largely adopted by commercial orchardists. It is possible that further experiments may reduce the inconvenience at present involved in its preparation, and may modify its disagree- able character. Should this be accomplished, the two features which now constitute a ground for objection to its use would be eliminated. The importance of purely agricultural methods in reducing insect losses, especially to some of our staple crops, is becoming much more generally realized than heretofore. A series of demonstrations of this character during the past few years may be held to mark another 14 era in the evolution of methods of insect control. Such a simple expedient as delaying the time of planting wheat so as to avoid injury from the fall swarm of the Hessian fly has been the means of saving millions of dollars to the wheat grewers in the territory infested with this insect. The important work on this species by Doctor Hopkins permits the determination of the normal time of appearance of the fall brood for any latitude or altitude. Professor Webster, by observations extending over many years, has been able to chart the State of Ohio into belts indicating the safe periods for the planting of this crop. The recognition of the value of late fall or winter plowing, of rota- tion of crops, of certain classes of fertilizers, and of better cultivation in the control of noxious species will make this class of work very important in the future. During the last few years the importance of improved cultural methods has been demonstrated on a large seale in the control of two serious pests of the cotton plant, namely, the boil weevil and the bollworm. In the case of the cotton boll weevil its advent in the cotton fields of Texas coincided with conditions of cotton culture which greatly ageravated its destructiveness. The natural fertility of the land and the tenant system largely in vogue had brought about an indiffer- ence to those economical methods of farming found necessary in older sections, where the fertility of the land is less and the difficulty of producing profitable crops is greater. Indifferent preparation and cultivation of the land, the use of unselected and more or less run- down seed—often from the public ginneries and of absolutely un- known variety—nhad placed the cotton-growing industry in a condi- tion to be seriously threatened by the introduction of any inimical factor. The remedial measures now found necessary are along the line of better farming, and we have the not unusual case of entomologists showing the farmer how to farm. The success with which this work has been carried out must in part be attributed to the readiness of landowners to adopt methods which they recognized as practicable and desirable in themselves, to say nothing of their value in circum- venting weevil injury. In a recent communication from Mr. W. D. Hunter, in charge of the cotton boll weevil investigations of the Bureau of Entomology, he mentions certain phases of his work which are pertinent here as bearing on the methods and extent of this cul- tural work as applied to what is one of our most important present day insect problems. He writes as follows: During the several years that the Bureau of Entomology of the United States Department of Agriculture has carried on investigations of the Mexican cotton boll weevil it has been possible to perfect a system of avoiding damage by the pest. This system, founded upon a careful study of all the habits of the insect, is now generally known as the ‘cultural system.” Its basis is in the fact 15 that a very small percentage of weevils survive the winter. Consequently, in the fall it is possible to practice a strictly remedial step, namely, the destruction of the plants in toto as soon as the possibility of obtaining any more cotton becomes remote. Experiments have shown that a very high per- centage of weevils which would hibernate to damage the crop during the next season can be destroyed. Following this all-important step, the work of the Bureau of Entomology has shown the necessity of obtaining an early crop. The remarkable powers of reproduction of the pest allow such an increase by the middle of summer that the progeny of a very few hibernated individuals is sufficient to practically destroy all new fruit as it is set upon the plants. The fall destruction of the plants can be practiced without important modifications in any quarter. However, there are many modifica- tions of the system of hastening the maturity of the crop that must be prac- ticed in different regions, owing to diverse climatic and soil conditions. During the serson of 1904 the Bureau has established a number of experimental farms to ascertain definitely what these modifications must be. In Texas and Louisiana at present there is a weevil-infested region of at least 9,000,000 ecres of cotton land. This extends from Brownsville northward a distance of 500 miles over very diversified soil formations, with their consequent diversity in plantation practices. The extent of the infested territory, from west to east, is also in the neigh- borhood of 500 miles. In this territory the rainfall varies from such a small amount as to make irrigation absolutely necessary, in the west, to the Red River in Louisiana, where the normal annual precipitation is in the neighbor- hood of G69 inches. These two variations in soil, involving the essential farm operations, and in rainfall, changing the development of the weevil very considerably, are the factors that have made it necessary to establish experi- mental farms at a number of points. Fifteen of these farms have been in operation. In most cases in the neighborhood of 100 acres is devoted to each one. In the aggregate about 1,800 acres are involved. Although the work on these farms is strictly experimental, they have an incidental value as demon- stration farms. From the experimental standpoint it has been necessary to evolve a careful system of checks. Consequently, whenever a plat is planted with the seed of a certain variety, or with certain fertilizers, or cultivated in some certain way, one alongside of it is treated in all respects according to the ordinary methods in vogue among the planters of the locality. It is fortunate for the performance of such work that the boll weevil moves about but little in the fields until at least as late as midsummer. Were this not the case, it would be necessary to have the plats far removed from one another. How- ever, sufficient separation is brought about by simply planting a few rows of sorghum or some similar crop between the different plats. The actual weevil conditions in each plat are determined by careful observations each week or ten days. Early in the season the number of adult weevils per plant is estimated by the examination of a fixed number in the plats. Later, when the fruit is being damaged, the exact status is determined by the figuring of the percentage of infested fruit on groups of ten or more plants in three different locations in a plat. Of course the yield of cotton is important, but from an entomological standpoint the tables showing percentages of infestation are the exact indication of the effects of the work. All this field work is carried on under an original system, which relieves the Bureau of the trouble and expense of running the land and working the crop, but at the same time gives it absolute charge of as much area of cotton land as it is desired to utilize for experiments. Contracts are entered into with 16 reputable planters. This contract binds the planter to follow the directions of the Bureau in all respects, from the preparation of the soil through to the marketing of the crop. In consideration of this agreement on the part of the planter, the Department guarantees him a certain yield per acre. ‘The amount of this guaranty is determined as far as possible upon the competitive bid basis, although the personal attitude of the planter is considered to be fully as important as the lowness of the proposal. This system has been found to work in a very satisfactory manner. On seven of the fifteen farms in operation Curing the past season the crop produced has been more than the amount guaranteed. The work on about TOO acres, therefore, cost the Department nothing. On some of the remaining farms, owing to intentional late planting, or to other conditions, the yield has been much below the amount guaranteed. In such cases the contract binds the Department to pay the planter for the difference between the amount actually produced and the amount guaranteed at the average price received for what crop the land did produce. A novel method for securing the subjugation of an insect was adopted by the State of Texas. The legislature of that State voted a reward of $50,000 to the person or persons who should devise a practicable, cheap, and effective plan for the control of the boll weevil. A commission of farmers was appointed to pass upon claimants for the reward and to put the various plans to a practical test. The chairman of this commission, Hon. Jefferson Johnson, of Aus- tin, Tex., has kindly furnished a brief statement, which may be of interest, concerning the varieties of remedies proposed. This work has involved an outlay of considerable time. ‘There were more than 300 claimants for the reward. Not all of these, however, complied with the requirements of the law. Three thousand letters have been received from people who believed that they knew something that would be of value to the commission. It would be hard to determine how many principles were depended upon to support these various claims. The majority of them trusted to cultural methods. A large number presented some form of poisoning. There was quite a number of theories for fumigation either to kill the weevil or drive it from the field. Several claims depended upon placing in the soil some ingredients or poison that would be taken up by the plant and thus make the plant distasteful or poisonous. Others along the same line proposed methods to make the plant immune. There were several Claimants who depended upon inoculation of the weevil with some contagious disease, and in this manner so destroying the powers of propagation as to rid the country ef the pest in this way. Several Claimants insisted that Providence had sent the insect, and that Providence aione could remove it, and these trusted in supplication. Net a few advanced the theory that noxious plants could be grown with the cotton, thus either destroying the weevil or keeping it from the field. One claimant submitted a proposition to plant poppies, thus destroying the weevil by the opium that the insect would get from this plant. Many ingenious machines were made for catching weevils and for picking up by mechanical process the squares from the ground. Other machines were invented and tried for burning the squares on the ground, and others for passing the squares between rollers. These claimants came from every quarter of the globe, and letters were addressed to the commission in the language of almost all of the civilized world. 17 Some of these letters were not answered because of the fact that we were not able to get a proper translation. No adequate conception of the difference of these plans and the range covered by them Gan be given in so brief a statement. None of the plans were found satisfactory. Anyone who has attempted to keep up with the present-day litera- ture of economic entomology must have been impressed with its in- creasingly heterogeneous character. Possibly nothing so well illus- trates the widening scope of the field of applied entomology as the great range of subjects treated, covering, for instance, such subjects as: Smyrna Fig Culture in the United States. Extermination of Malaria-Breeding Mosquitoes. Aquatic insects of New York State [as bearing on the food supply of fishes]. Insect Enemies of Forests and Forest Products. Contributions to a Study of the Insect Fauna of Human Excrement, with especial reference to the spread of Typhoid Fever by Flies. Combating Insects with Fungons Diseases. 7 Intraradical Nutrition of Diseased 'l'rees for the Purpose of Curing them and Destroying Parasites. A long list of titles might be presented, but it is unnecessary. In so fertile a field the literature of economic entomology must become more and more diverse in the future. A very important question arises, namely, How may one keep reasonably well informed as to the results obtained by his co-workers in lines somewhat different from his own? This point has been referred to during previous meetings of this association. Doctor Smith, in his presidential ad- dress before this society on the occasion of its seventh annual meeting, expressed himself in reference to this matter as follows: Can we not devise some plan by means of which we can keep informed of what is going on without the necessity of wasting time by examining every- thing and then missing it all? Perhaps the writer feels more strongly on this point than the situ- ation warrants, but in his efforts to catch up with economic literature after about two years of work in the field under conditions discourag- ing to efforts of this character, he has been impressed with the desir- ability of some scheme, as suggested by Doctor Smith. The whole matter has appeared to be of sufficient importance to warrant the con- sideration of some plan whereby the desired results might be secured. Simply to put the matter in more definite shape for consideration, I would propose that a person be annually designated for each of the principal natural divisions of the general subject whose duty it will be to present, at the following meeting, a résumé of the principal results achieved in that particular branch during the year. The reports of these several persons would become a part of our proceed- ings and could be referred to at will by workers in other lines.. 25524—No. 52—05 M 2 18 To further promote the end in view I would suggest the following division of the general subject: (1) Staple and miscellaneous crop insects. (2) Small fruit and truck crop insects. (3) Deciduous fruit tree insects, including those infesting nursery stock. (4) Citvus and subtropical fruit insects. (5) Ornamental plant and greenhouse insects. (6) Sbade tree and forest insects. (7) Insects injurious to stored foods, dwellings, clothes, books, and mis- cellaneous substances. (S) Insects affecting man and the domestic animals. (9) Insects concerned in the transmission and carriage of disease. (10) Beneficial parasitic and predaceous insects. (11) Inseets useful to man as furnishing food, clothing, ete. (12) Insecticides and machinery. A most commendable feature of our present-day literature is the increasing amount of thorough and painstaking work on the biology of insects. Shortly after the establishment of the several agricultural experiment stations entomological publications were, probably of necessity, largely compilations, owing to the fact that there was need for placing before the public for immediate use such information covering injurious species as had already been obtained. As informa- tion of this character has become more and more familiar, its presen- tation and repetition have become less necessary, and more original work has been brought forth. Revised bulletins on insecticides and spraying machinery must of necessity be gotten out from time to time as progress is made along these lines, but the notable decrease of purely compiled bulletins and papers concerning insects 1s a most favorable indication. Many recent entomological publications, in the quality of subject- matter, character of illustrations, and wealth of detailed observations feave little to be desired. Improved facilities for careful lfe-history work have rendered possible the many excellent papers which are at once a credit to the literature of the science and an inspiration to other workers. Careful life-history studies have been an important means of separating two or more species long held to represent but one. Witness the case of the aphids designated as Aphis mali, which Sanderson has shown represent several species. Similarly, Morrill has been able to separate Aleyrodes packard? from Aleyrodes vapora- yiorum. Certain species may only be distinguished by a compara- tive study of their respective larval stages, as in the case of Chilocorus bivulnerus and C. similis. In addition to careful biologic studies of insects, the consideration of life zones, of effective temperatures, and of the number of genera- tions in various parts of the country, of forms widely distributed should be given more attention than has been the case in the past. 18) The value of a knowledge of effective temperatures is well illustrated in the case of the Hessian fly, and if we had more exact data of this character concerning many of our pests it is not improbable that valuable suggestions in their control would result. The paucity of exact knowledge on some of these points with so common a species as the cotton bollworm was brought to my attention recently in the course of an attempt to determine the number of generations of this species throughout the United States and Canada. Insects of such wide distribution offer exceptional opportunities for studying the laws of temperature limitations and other factors of the greatest interest and probable value. On such problems cooperation must necessarily be secured. The desirability of this has often been the occasion of remark in the proceedings of this Association and else- where, but its accomplishment appears no nearer realization than during the early days of the society. Recent years have witnessed an important change of sentiment with regard to insect legislation, and its extent at the present day may doubtless be held as proof of its recognized value. However this may be, the fact remains that, with few exceptions, the various States have adopted laws which have for their end the restriction of one or more species and, in numerous instances, the enforced control of pests tlready established. A recent census of legislation in the United States bearing on the control of insect pests shows that of the forty-eight States and Terri- tories the following only are yet without operative laws, and some of these have bills in preparation for passage at coming legislative assemblies: Arizona, Florida, Kansas, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mex- ico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, Vermont, and Wyoming. - The following insects are mentioned as coming under the operation of various laws, and in many cases provision is made for the designation of other species which at any time it may be judged desirable to quar- antine or whose control should be enforced. PHYTOPTID®. Pear blister mite (Hriophyes pyri Pagenst.). ORTHOPTERA. Grasshoppers (Melanoplus spretus 'Thos.; MM. atlanis Riley; WM. bivittatus Say, ete.). HEMIPTERA. San Jose scale (Aspidiotus perniciosus Comst.). Cherry scale (Aspidiotus forbesi Johns.). Huropean fruit-scale (Aspidiotus ostreeformis Curt.). Greedy scale (Aspidiotus rapax Comst.). Walnut scale (Aspidiotus juglans-regia Comst.). 20 Gloomy seale (Chrysomphalus tenebricosus Comst.). West Indian peach seale (Diaspis pentagona Targ.). Scurfy scale (Chionaspis furfura Fitch). Euonymus seale (Chionaspis euonymi Comst.). Oyster-shell scale (Lepidosaphes ulmi Linn. ). Peach scale (Hulecaniwm persice Fab.). Plum Leeanium (Hiulecanium prinastri Fonse.). Pine Chermes (Cherines piiicorticis Witeh). Strawberry root-aphis (Aphis forbesi Weed). Black peach aphis (Aphis persice-niger Erwin Smith). Woolly apple aphis (NSchizoneura lanigera Wausm.). Pear Psyla (Psylla pyri Linn.). LEPIDOPTERA, Gypsy moth (Porthetria dispar Linn.). srown-tail moth (Huproctis chrysorrh@a Liiin.). Canker-wortms (Paleacrita vernata Peck; Alsophila pometaria Harr.). Fall webworm (Hyphantria cunea Drury). Apple-tree tent-caterpillur (Jlalacosoma americana Harris). COLEOPTERA. Cotton boll weevil (Anthonomus grandis Boh.). Sinuate pear borer (Agrilus sinuatus O1.). Imported willow borer (Cryptorhynchus lapathi Linn.). Strawberry crown-borer (Vyloderma fragariev Riley). When it is stated that of this list only the San Jose scale is common to all States which have enacted laws for insect control, the diversity of the requirements of the different States is plain. In a country so diverse, climatically and industrially, as ours the legislation adopted must needs be more or less dissimilar, but the lack of uniformity in legislation of this character greatly interferes with the attainment of results the accomplishment of which has been the principal excuse for its establishment. The principal exciting cause of the enactment of laws has been and still is the control of the San Jose scale, and the hasty manner in which many of these were called into existence fol- lowing the discovery of this pest in the East must be largely held responsible for their present diversity. A crisis of a somewhat similar character is now facing the cotton growers of the South, and several States have made provision for the restriction of the cotton boll weevil. There has, however, been a notable improvement in the details of this work, in that the entomolo- gists of the several States interested have agreed on a certain uni- formity in the measures to be adopted which will add much to their possible effectiveness. A most stupendous attempt at msect control is now being contem- plated by the State of Texas, designed to reduce injury from the cotton boll weevil by the enforced adoption of certain radical changes in the agricultural practices of their cotton planters. The extent 21 ‘and difficulty of the proposed plan can only be appreciated in con- nection with a knowledge of the enormous territory affected and the peculiar farming conditions which are there in vogue. According to the Twelfth Census the cotton interests of Texas are approximately equal to one-fourth of those of all cotton States combined, covering in 1899 6,960,367 acres. It has been determined by the investigations of the Bureau of Entomology that probably the most important single way in which the wholesale destruction of the weevil may be obtained is by the early destruction of the cotton plants in the-fall before the weevils are ready to go into hibernation quarters. The difficulty of enforcing destruction of fields of cotton over so wide a territory and at a time when the prospects for continued yield are good need not be commented upon before an audience many indi- viduals of which have had experience in the execution of laws requiring the destruction of a greater or less number of comparatively worthless infested fruit and other plants. The present: status of our knowledge concerning our destructive insects and the efficiency of present methods of control is a subject that might well be enlarged upon did time permit. Undoubtedly the three dominant entomological events of the past few years have been the establishment of the San Jose scale in the East, the invasion of Texas by the cotton boll weevil, and the widespread interest aroused in mosquitoes following the discovery of the r6le which these insects play in the transmission of malarial and yellow fever. Since about 1894 the San Jose scale has occupied the attention of many of our Eastern entomologists to the practical exclusion of everything else. The matter of control of the insect in nurseries was early solved by a system of inspection and fumigation. Its con- trol in orchards has until recently continued to be a most perplexing problem. The unsatisfactory results following the early experiments with the lime, sulphur, and salt wash practically eliminated this insecticide from consideration among possible remedies. Attention was therefore directed to other means of control. Kerosene and crude petroleum, pure and in mechanical mixture with water and in soap emulsions of varying strengths, various soap washes, hydro- eyanic-acid gas, parasitic fungi, and, in fact, almost the whole gamut of insecticides was run through only to discover, after some years, that the hme, sulphur, and salt wash was, after all, a most satisfactory treatment. The establishment of this fact came, so to speak, in the nick of time. While there is abundant testimony as to the safeness and efficiency of the mineral oils in the control of this insect on such fruit trees as the peach and plum, yet the trouble lies in the dangei following the injudicious applications which persons inexperienced in such work are likely to make. The many instances of severe and often fatal injury are calculated to bring the recom- 29 mendations of the entomologist into disrepute. However, the ques- tion of a safe and efficient treatment of this insect in orchards appears now to be settled, and, aside from questions of convenience in prepa- ration and the time of appleation, the experimental stage is prac- tically passed. There is a tendency, however, in the recent lterature on the lime, sulphur, and salt wash, the advisability of which is perhaps open to question. I refer to the publication for the use of the fruit grower of the various formule known in its preparation. He is scarcely able to know what is best; consequently he must simply pay the money and take his choice. As a matter of fact, there appears to be room for great latitude in the proportions of the ingredients used and in the manner of preparation without injuriously affecting the efficiency of the wash. The tendency is perhaps to adopt the so-called even-quantity formula, namely, one part each of the lime, sulphur, and salt to three parts of water. It would appear highly desirable that a standard formula be adopted for the convenience of fruit growers, as the directions for its preparation at the present time differ more or less for almost every State. Or is it, perhaps, true that climatic and other conditions vary so much in the Eastern States that a formula found effective in Virginia, for instance, would not necessarily be as effective in Maryland, Ohio, or Connecticut ? The interest in mosquitoes, which had been steadily growing from about 1894, as a result, primarily, of the work of Doctor Howard, was given a great stimulus in the latter part of that decade by the demonstration by a group of medical men of the rdle which these insects play in the transmission of malarial and yellow fever. Imme- diately these insects became objects of the greatest interest, and entomologists were called wpon to furnish information concerning their life histories, habits, and classification. The mosquito has been studied in many quarters, and the contributions of American ento- mologists have been very important. Since 1900 a remarkably large amount of work has been done, as the following partial list of publi- cations treating of the Culicids testifies: Notes on the Mosquitoes of the United States. Howard, 1900, pp. 70. Gnats and Mosquitoes. Giles, 1900, pp. 314. Malaria. Hyre. 1900, pp. 275. Monograph of the Culicidze. Theobald. Vols. I and II, 1900, pp. 817, plates 59. Mesquitoes. Howard, 1901, pp. 241. Our Near Neighbor, the Mosquito. Rich, 1901, pp. 58. Gnats and Mosquitoes. Giles, 2d ed., 1902, pp. 530. Laboratory Work with Mosquitoes. Berkely, 1902, pp. 112. Mosquito Extermination, North Shore, Long Island. 1902, pp. 125. Mosquito Brigudes. Ross, 1902, pp. 98. First Anti-Mosquito Convention. 1905, pp. 83. Monograph of the Culicids. Theobald, Vol. III, 1908, pp. 589. Common Mosquitoes of New Jersey. Smith, 1904, pp. 40. 23 The astonishing total of 3,385 pages is shown by the works men- tioned. Probably no group of insects has so quickly sprung from comparative obscurity as has this family. The great importance of their control in the lessening and prevention of diseases and in add- ing to the comfort of our citizens warrants the behef that these insects must receive considerable attention at the hands of economic entomologists in the future. Along with the work on the San Jose scale, the boll weevil, and mosquitoes, much other important and good work has been accom- plished. On a closer examination many of our old-time pests are still disclosing new facts. Native or introduced species, previously of but little importance, have, under favorable conditions, become so numerous and injurious that their prompt and thorough study has become necessary. The efficiency of insecticides and remedial prac- tices has been constantly improved. Recent experiments with arse- nate of lead for the codling moth give promise of a still greater re- duction of the percentage of wormy fruit. The evolution of our knowledge concerning the life and manners of almost any insect species and the development of measures for its control would furnish an interesting chapter in the history of economic entomology in this country, and the gradual accumulation of facts and improvements in remedial measures may properly be compared to the evolution of a harvester or sewing machine. Looking back over the subject, points in life history which at the time of their discovery appeared trivial enough, are seen, in the ight of the completed record, to have been the key to the situation. The determination of all points connected with the life and habits of an injurious species is not only warranted for scientific reasons, but we are only able to judge of the importance of any point after all the facts concerning it have been completely rounded up. The growing efficiency of our battery for insect warfare and the increasing familiarity of growers of crops with its use must result in the important lessening of insect injuries. With numerous spe- cies, as the Colorado potato beetle, cankerworms, cabbage worms, and other species feeding on exposed portions of plants, the arsen- ites are practically specifics, and the question of preventing losses resolves itself largely into inducing the utilization of these remedies. The successful control of other species is frequently more complicated and requires the exercise of considerable judgment. Thus spraying for the codling moth must be done with reference to the stage of development of the young fruit. The sowing of fall wheat, to avoid injury from the Hessian fly, must be timed with nicety. Poisoning cotton for the cotton boll worm must be done with reference to the condition of adjacent corn. It has perhaps been a standing excuse with us, in accounting for the 24 failure of growers to get satisfactory results in the employment of the recommended measures, that directions had not been properly fol- lowed. Operations against certain pests, to be successful, must be done with exactness. The requirements are sometimes too compli- eated, involving considerable familiarity with entomology, so that the average man is unable to properly carry out directions. For such cases demonstration work has a legitimate field. It is perhaps an open question whether the responsibilities of the economic entomolo- gist go any further than to study the life and habits of a given pest and to point out the appropriate remedy, leaving the matter of its utilization entirely with those directly concerned; but it has been much to the good of the cause that many workers have demonstrated, sometimes over and over again, the benefits to be derived from insecti- cidal applications. Indeed, this has been no small part of the work thus far. Future problems will probably not materially differ in character from those of the past, but more and more should methods of preven- tion replace the actual appleation of insecticides. If there is any- thing in the idea that varieties differ with respect to their suscepti- bility to insect attack, this matter should be thoroughly investigated. Certain facts might be adduced that seem to indicate that this is, in a_ limited way, true. Certain of our native vines are more resistant to Phylloxera than European varieties descended from Vinifera. The Northern Spy apple is said to be much less subject to attack from the woolly aphis than other varieties, and its roots are often used as graft- ing stock on this account. The immunity of the Kieffer pear from the attack of the San Jose scale is a matter familiar to most of you. The different varieties of plums vary much with respect to their sus- ceptibility to the curculio. Other similar instances might be given. The possibility of protecting trees and plants from msect attack Ly the use of certain fertilizers or the introduction into the circulation, through the roots or otherwise, of substances objectionable to msects, has often been suggested. Recent investigations abroad indicate sue- cess in this method of preventing insect injury. Doctor Smith, in this country, has been able to reduce the injuries of the pear midge by the use of kainit, and this same fertilizer is considered valuable in protect- ing cabbage, onions, and numerous other plants from certain of their insect enemies. Thorough detailed life-history studies must replace the often scant remarks concerning the four principal stages of insects, and this improvement is already well under way. The inter- relations between insects and their environment, e. g., their parasites, and the influence of climate, altitude, and soil, is as yet almost an untrodden field. A more accurate knowledge of the laws governing the distribution and successful existence of insects must furnish ech of practical value. 25 Along these various lines will the economic entomologist find oppor- tunity for valuable work in the future. At the present rate of prog- ress the next two or three decades must witness many important discoveries and improvements, and it may be safely predicted that the science will not fail to respond to the demands made upon it with the increasing material development of our people. After the conclusion of the president’s address the report of the secretary-treasurer was read and referred to an auditing committee consisting of Messrs. Fletcher and Sanderson. On motion, an assess- ment of 25 cents was levied on all members present at the meeting. On motion of Mr. Burgess the following committees were ap- pointed: Nominations ::-Messrs. Slingerland, Osborn, and Phillips. Membership: Messrs. Smith, Chambliss, and Titus. Resolutions: Messrs. Felt, Burgess, and Washburn. Progranime: Messrs. Summers, Marlatt, and Skinner. The following paper was presented : EXPERIMENTS WITH LIME-SULPHUR WASHES. Syn Bee. er AlDaniys Ni. OY. Experiments with lme-sulphur washes were continued last season largely for the purpose of testing their efficiency and also to gain an idea as to the relative merits of different methods of preparation and the best quantities to use. Several formule, which gave good results last year (1903), were further tested the past season (1904) , the principal ones being 25 pounds of lime and 20 pounds of sulphur to 50 gallons of water; 25 pounds of lime to 12 pounds of sulphur, and 30 pounds of lime to 15 pounds of sulphur, respectively, to 50 gallons. All of the washes were prepared as in previous years, the lime being slaked in a few gallons of hot water in a kettle over a fire, the sulphur added, the whole stirred, and the boiling continued actively from half an hour to an hour and a half. Our observations failed to show that the long boiling gave a more effective wash than the one produced by the quicker method. Our experiments confirmed previous conclu- sions that a little more lime than sulphur was an advantage, and. after consultation and comparison of data with Prof. P. J. Parrott, of the Agricultural Experiment Station at Geneva, N. Y., we both decided to recommend 20 pounds of lime and 15 pounds of sulphur, with at least thirty minutes active boiling, the use of salt being optional. A wash wherein a large amount of lime is used for the purpose of gen- crating heat, so that boiling is not necessary, can be made as recom- 26 mended by Mr. A. N. Brown, of Delaware, and this preparation undoubtedly kills a considerable proportion of the scale inseets upon a tree, but the results are not equal to those obtained where a boiled wash is employed, and we confess to feeling that in the end it will prove unsatisfactory, though we have known of instances where very fair results were secured. We have developed a new lime-sulphur wash in which sal soda is used to assist in bringing about the chemical combination instead of caustic soda. Our results with this were most gratifying. Several formule were employed, and as the outcome of our experiments we have decided to recommend for further experimental work the same amounts of lime and sulphur as before mentioned and 10 pounds of sal soda to 50 gallons of wash. This may be prepared by placing five or six pails of hot water in a barrel, preferably a thick pork or oil barrel, adding the lime, and quickly following that with the sulphur and sal soda, and then stirring till the slaking is prac- tically completed. It may be necessary to add cold water at inter- vals to keep the mixture from boiling over. After the rapid bubbling or boiling 1s practically completed cover the open barrel with burlap and allow it to stand thirty minutes or more. A caution regarding stirring should be made here, since it seems to affect the composition of the mixture. There should be enough agitation to keep the mate- rials from caking at the bottom, and yet not so much as to seriously hinder the slaking of the lime and accompanying chemical changes. This method of preparation gives an excellent compound, so far as deep color and little sediment is concerned, provided it is properly prepared, and one of the essentials in making it appears to be thorough stirring at the outset in order to intimately mix the lime, sal soda, and sulphur. A deep red or even pea-green color should be secured. This wash sprays nicely, and in experiments com- menced last spring has given as good results in killing the San Jose scale as any of the lime-sulphur washes. It has several advantages. Jt requires no boiling, and the sal soda is a common material, easily handled and obtainable in almost every locality. It is also a little cheaper, as the amount of sal soda necessary costs less than the quan- tity of caustic soda advised for preparing 50 gallons of wash. This material has been used but one season, though it was tried in several localities. Professor Lochhead, of the Ontario Agricultural Col- lege, states that in his hands it was just as successful as other lime- sulphur washes, and a few others obtained from good to excellent results in spite of their inability to give it a thorough trial. In this connection it might be well to add that experiments were tried with the caustic soda solution, using about 1 pound to G gallons of water, and also with a bordeaux mixture to which 2 ounces of cor- rosive sublimate were added to each 50 gallons. The results showed 27 that at the end of the season the treated trees were very little bet- ter than the checks, and consequently neither material can be consid- ered as valuable in checking the San Jose scale. Recent disquieting reports, emanating from New Jersey, as to the poor success obtained with lme-sulphur washes led us to inquire rather closely into New York conditions, with the result that, so far as we could learn, wherever the trees were thoroughly sprayed with a lime-sulphur wash the scale was kept in control in a very satisfac- tory manner. This does not reflect in the slightest upon the work done in New Jersey, but refers simply to our New York conditions, and the statement is made at this time because we can not help feeling that lime-sulphur washes at present afford the most practical method of controlling the San Jose scale, despite the fact that their prepara- tion is laborious and their application exceedingly disagreeable. Mr. Smith stated that Jime-sulphur mixtures have not been as successful in New Jersey during the past season as in former years. On apple and plum they were especially ineffective. In 1903-4, after a thorough examination of certain areas. the lime-sulphur washes were recommended quite extensively. Several persons made a busi- ness of spraying, and careful examination showed that they were doing thorough work. Caustic soda was used in some cases, but no good results were obtained. Lime-sulphur mixtures were made in all ways, but uniformly poor results followed their use. When apple and peach were planted alternately the results on peach might be ex- cellent, while on the apple failure resulted. One grower who had been using petroleum for years in 1903-4 used lime-sulphur wash on half his trees, consisting of apple and pear. A large share of the pears sprayed with the lime-sulphur-salt mixture were so badly in- fested as to be unsalable, while the fruit on the oil-sprayed trees was clean. In the case of apples, it seemed as if the pubescence kept the wash from touching the scales, and these get out on the fruit, al- though the twigs might be practically free from them. While no very marked difference was observed, the boiled wash seemed on the whole to be better than the unboiled. Mr. Gillette said that perhaps climatic conditions might have been responsible for the failure in these cases. Mr. Smith said that it had been an excessively cold winter. Mr. Phillips stated that if carefully prepared the so-called uncooked lime-sulphur mixture really boiled from fifteen to thirty minutes, hut in order to secure a long boiling period it is necessary to husband the heat from the slaking lime very carefully. The method sug- gested was to put the lime and sulphur in the barrel together and use sufficient boiling water to slake the lime, being very careful not to let 28 it get dry. The whole mass is stirred until it is reduced to a thin paste, and the barrel is then covered to retain the heat, but should be opened and the preparation stirred about every five minutes to prevent it from caking at the bottom. Considerable experience is necessary to make a wash by this method, and the strength of the product is very uncertain. The specific gravity indicates that quite a good deal of the sulphur is left undissolved. The results with this wash in Virginia have not been good, and it is not recommended. They are recommending the regular boiled preparation, which, he states, should be boiled vigorously for from thirty to forty minutes. Mr. Surface said that in Pennsylvania, with conditions quite simi- Jar to those in New York, about the same results had been reached. Climatic conditions, however, were certainly not wholly responsible for such differences in results as were reported by Professor Smith, of New Jersey. Occasionally some persons would get entirely satis- factory results, while others would fail in the same county. The greatest factor in producing unsatisfactory results is lack of care in boiling and preparation. In some cases the lime-sulphur-soda mix- tie prepared without boiling has given excellent results. AFTHRNOON SESSION, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1904. The meeting was called to order by the president at 2.30 p. m., and the following papers were presented : NOTES ON CUBAN INSECTS. By Met. T. Cook, Santiago de las Vegas, Cuba. [Abstract. | The short time the writer has been in Cuba makes it impossible to give more than a preliminary report. Natural conditions are favor- able to a multitude of insects, and this report will be confined to those of economic importance. Lepidoptera are among the most conspicuous and many are very destructive. Cutworms are very numerous, especially on corn and tobacco. They are frequently parasitized by dipterous and hymenopterous insects. Leaf-miners are very abundant on beth wild and cultivated plants. The coffee leaf-miner (Leucoptera coffeella Stain.) is of greatest importance. Many of the Lepidoptera have very short periods of pupation. From 15 species we have the following ngures: Species. JEG JOU) Gee isthe 0 eee pe eNOS IP Wea To Beh a) IN AN | aoe a ee ea l iM) [PIT TOV Bey KOM Me ReYsrnEACO Feet AN IE Poel a 9 LING OUPARSIRTCEN! Gays lo Se Se ee ee a Raa ree ee ie ns oe ee ag ele cat bt a, 1 My pPUpPAMbWenLy-tWo» tOstwenliy—btliree; (ays em eee ne ee 2 TMM pUpAMEWelby=Sevien“dayS=: Fig. 2.—Outfit used for spraying young apple trees for Empoasca mali (original). horizontals when one pump is used alone, or into one horizontal under the same condition; or when both pumps are used the liquid is forced equally into the entire system of piping. As a matter of fact, we found that in using kerosene emulsion one pump could easily make a good spray from all the nozzles. It is evident that this outfit can be used with any spraying compound. The tank, resting on the plat- form between the wheels, was made of strong galvanized iron and was 2 feet 10 inches in diameter and 34 feet high, holding about 165 gallons. The faucet in the bottom behind permitted the empty- ing of the tank at any time, and there was a hole 14 inches square in 46 the top for filling it. We used a heavy horse, and placed on the back of the animal an old saddle, which seemed to relieve his back of any undue strain. However, as before stated, the weight was so well balanced on the axle that the outfit was not at all severe on the horse and was drawn with apparent ease when the tank was from one-half to two-thirds full. We had planned to spray early in July, but owing to delay in get- ting the cart completed the first spraying was not given until July i4. At that time kerosene emulsion was used at the rate of 1 part of stock emulsion to 12 parts of water. The machine worked perfectly, one man and one pump being sufficient to envelop each tree in the row in a complete fog. In this fog were thousands of hoppers fly- ing from the trees, but unable to escape the spray. This strength of emulsion, however, while it killed the young hoppers, did not per- manently affect the adults. On July 19, therefore, we increased the strength, using 1 part emulsion to 10 of water. This in no way in- jured the trees, nor did it, unfortunately, kill the adults, which were very numerous at that date. Learning from the Missouri station that they were using a mechan- ical mixture of kerosene (10 per cent) and water with considerable success, I sent for a kero-water pump, which is shown in figure 2 (at the right) fitted to the platform. The writer has yet to see one of these kero-water machines which pumps true to the indicator. Our experience has been that if the indicator points at 10 per cent one is not at all sure of obtaining that percentage of oil in the water; in fact, he is quite sure not to. When the indicator of our pump “ in- dicated ” 20 per cent we found by actual test that we were pumping 10 per cent, and 25 per cent indicated gave only 15 per cent. With the indicator at 30 per cent we obtained 25 per cent, while 50 per cent on the indicator gave nearly 50 per cent by actual test as it came from the nozzles. The indicator’s 10 per cent and 15 per cent gave such a small percentage of oil, far below the figure indicated, as to be prac- tically worthless for our purpose. We found, further, that when the oil in the oil tank got quite low the percentage materially changed. For instance, with the indicator at 25 per cent we pumped 15 per cent steadily until ‘the tank was nearly empty, when test showed that we were getting only 5 per cent. This inaccuracy and variation 1s com- mon to all the kero-water punips with which I have had experience, and is a serious objection to their use. Nevertheless, once understood, and frequently tested in the field, these machines may do good service. Our kero-water outfit arrived too late in the season to be of real practical benefit. It was used August 5 for the first time, and kero- water with 15 per cent of kerosene was apphed. At that date the hoppers were becoming decidedly less in number, and, further, the 47 pump could only supply liquid sufficient to fill the lower nozzles. This difficulty was overcome by obtaining another pump, so that next season we will be prepared at the very outset to put up a good and, I hope, a successful fight against this pest, which is costing the nursery- men several hundreds of dollars loss annually. At Adrian, Minn., Mr. Fred Mohl, proprietor of a large nursery, has kindly cooperated with the Entomologist, and has been making a series of experiments with the dust spray. Mr. Mohl sprayed twice with the “caustic lime ” mixture, and once with the “ general formula.” At the date of my visit, July 12, the trees were looking very well, though they were not free from leaf-hoppers. Mr. Mohl is of the opinion that, if he had begun earher, “ before the hoppers appeared,” as he expressed it, and spraved three times, he could have kept them well under control. While the writer is quite willing to be convinced, he has not absolute confidence in the efficacy of dust spraying in this connection. I beheve the possibilities foreshadowed in the success of the cart as a sprayer are almost unlimited. A cart to straddle one row and spray the straddled row and the two adjoining rows could be easily constructed. These carts, too, including the one we are now using, could be made automatic by connecting the pumps with the wheels by proper gearing. Mr. Smith concurred in the view that kero-water pumps were in general unreliable. He hoped that experiments already under way on the production of so-called “ soluble petroleum ” would solve the difficulty. Mr. Slingerland said that in New York they had gone through similar experiments for the leaf-hopper on grape vines. With diluted kerosene emulsion or whale-oil soap the young hoppers were easily killed, but the only way to kill the adults was to first get them off the vines. They were knocked down by a 5 per cent kerosene spray, but they would recover from this: consequently it was necessary, while they were on the ground, to spray again with a 25 per cent mixture. Mr. Sanderson said that he had failed to find any satisfactory form of kero-water pump. Mr. Osborn said that he had killed some species of hoppers on potatoes with 5 per cent emulsion, but it was necessary to keep them in the air for this to be effective. Mr. Fletcher called attention to the fact that hoppers might often be fatally injured even though they appeared all right for a time after the spraying, death occurring later. He said that Mr. Lugger had killed grasshoppers by dipping One leg in kerosene. 48 The following paper was read: ADDITIONS TO OUR KNOWLEDGE OF THE CABINET BEETLE (ANTHRENUS VERBASCI Linn.). By Henry L. ViEREcK, New Haven, Conn. While at the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station the writer made some observations on this species which seem to be new. Larve of Anthrenus verbasci had been kept in a tube with cotton fibers during the winter. After subsisting on the cotton the speci- mens were transferred, in the spring, to Syracuse watch glasses, lined with black woolen cloth, where they could be readily watched and fed with dried insects. One day a female specimen was observed with an egg partly pro- truding from its ovipositor. When first seen it had the ovipositor, with the egg, inserted in the woolen cloth; then it seemed disturbed, for it walked around with the egg nearly all the way out, but made no apparent effort to drop it. A short time after this observation the egg had been dropped. The laying of this egg could not have taken more than five minutes. Eggs were first noticed about March 1. On March 15 four eggs were. put on a piece of cloth, which was pinned into a Schmitt box with no insecticide in it; another lot of four eggs was put on a piece of cloth and pinned into a box containing three naphthalin cones. April 7 the eggs in the box without naphthalin had hatched and the larve were lively. In the box with the naphthalin two eges had matured embryos or. young larve; one Fie. 3—Eegg of Anthre. larva had eaten the end off the egg preparatory to nus verbasci, greatly emerging, but there died; the other did not suc- a cea ay secede cutting through the cover, though it was apparently as far advanced in development as the first specimen. The second embryo had evidently inhaled the fumes of the naph- thalin through the thin membrane or the micropyle. This experiment seems to demonstrate that naphthalin does not retard the growth of the embryo in the egg, but does prevent the young larva from emerg- ing. When laid, the eggs are soft, with a membranous covering con- taining the whitish granular fluid, and measures 0.60 mm. in length and 0.29 mm. in width. They are bare, except at the blunt end, where hairs occur. At the time the larva emerges everything in the egg has been taken up and only the thin outer membrane or skin re- mains as a wrinkled tissue. The accompanying sketch (fig. 3) will help to convey an idea of the characters presented by the egg. 49 Mr. Smith said that he had placed naphthalin in boxes that were well infested with Anthrenus; this prevented development so long as any of the material remained, but after it all disappeared, which in one case took over a year, the larvee developed. The following papers were then presented : SPRAYING APPLES AGAINST THE PLUM CURCULIO. By S. A. Forses, Urbana, Til. [ Withdrawn for publication elsewhere. ] VALUE OF COPPER SULPHATE AGAINST MOSQUITO LARVZ. By C. L. Marguatr, Washington, D. C. [ Withdrawn for publication elsewhere. | MORNING SESSION, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1904. The meeting was called to order at 10 a. m. by President Quaint- ance. On motion it was decided to defer the discussion on the follow- ing series of papers on miscellaneous insects until all of them had been read. The following papers were then presented, the last two by title: BRIEF NOTES ON OHIO INSECTS FOR 1904. By Hersert Osporn, Columbus, Ohio. No particularly serious or widespread insect outbreaks have been noted in Ohio during the past season, but there have been a number of cases of local abundance and destruction, some of which may well be placed on record. The pear slug (Lvriocampoides limacina Retz.) was noticed in Huron, near the lake shore, in small orchards of cherry trees, in which many of the trees were so seriously infested as to appear quite brown and burned. This condition was noticeable from a consider- able distance, and closer inspection of the trees showed the foliage to be almost completely destroyed by the numerous larve. This occur- rence was during the latter part of July, and at this time the larvie were apparently reaching maturity. The willow. weevil (Cryptorhynchus lapathi Linn.). Specimens of this introduced species have been handed to me by Prof. EK. H. Edwards, of Cleveland, who tells me that the insect occurred in large numbers on willows and probably also on poplars in the vicinity of Cleveland. Both larve and adults were observed and the damage 25524—No. 52—05 m——4 D0 occasioned was quite noticeable. It will be remembered that the appearance of this species in this State was recorded by Professor Webster three years ago, and it would seem from this occurrence that the species has been spreading and that it is likely to prove of considerable importance where the trees it infests are of any value. The elm leaf-beetle (Galerucella luteola Mill.). This species, which has been so injurious in different parts of the eastern United States, has been reported as introduced at Dayton, Ohio, specimens in con- siderable numbers being secured by Mr. A. F. Burgess, chief in- spector of orchards and nurseries. This is the first occurrence of this species in the State, and its appearance at a point so distant from any of the other localities where it occurs is a matter of con- siderable interest. The peach borer (Sanninoidea exitiosa Say). This common eAemy of peaches has apparently been somewhat more numerous than usual during the past season, although regularly a common species in peach orchards. The occurrence of the screw worm (Chrysomyia macellaria Fab.) is perhaps worthy of notice, although it has doubtless been a common species in the State for many years. It has been found on the beach at Cedar Point as one of the most abundant species, feeding on the dead fish that are thrown ashore. No instances of its attack on man have come to our notice. The species seems at that point fully adapted to the particular food supply which is furnished it in the drift from the lake. The Hessian fly (/ayetiola destructor Say), which has been some- what less destructive the last two or three vears, seems this year, from reports, to be on the increase. I have not myself had much oppor- tunity of noting its abundance in the fields, and therefore judge simply from reports which have been sent to me. The chinch bug (Blissus leucopterus Say), while present and com- ing to light in collections during the year, has not, so far as I know, ‘raused any considerable destruction. No reports of its serious abun- dance have come to me. The squash bug (:lnasa tristis De G.) has put in its regular appear- ance, and I have noticed some quite destructive work on squash vines during the latter part of the season. This species is doubtless locally abundant almost every year and must be responsible for no small amount of damage. The bagworm (Thyridopteryx ephemerwformis Steph.) has not, perhaps, been much more abundant than in former years, but has attracted attention. It does not appear to multiply very greatly and its range is probably not changing materially. The fall web-worm (Hyphantria cunea Dru.) has again been o1 noticed as quite abundant, the webs being formed as early as in the first part of July in the vicinity of Sandusky. The northern corn rootworm (Diabrotica longicornis Say) is apparently increasing in numbers, the adult beetles being quite plenti- ful during autumn of the present season. The plum curculio (Conotrachelus nenuphar Hbst.) was probably less abundant than in average years and the crop of plums was abun- dant and quite free from injury. The apple maggot (?hagoletis pomonetla Walsh) has not been more abundant than in previous years, so far as observations would indicate. It may be considered, however, as a well-established species in this section and some damage may be expected from it every year. The codling moth (Carpocapsa pomonella Linn.) has not been noticed in detail, but fruit has shown its presence in the usual months and there has doubtless been an average amount of loss except where erchards have been sprayed. NOTES FOR THE YEAR—NEW YORK. By h. RP. Perr, Albany, N. Y. The season of 1904 has been notable because of the remarkably small amount of insect injury to agricultural crops. Plant lice and the pear Psylla (Psylla pyri Linn.), so abundant in 1903, hardly attracted attention last year. The San Jose scale (Aspidiotus per- niciosus Comst.) has become thoroughly established in a number of localities in the State, and the best method of controlling it in com- mercial crchards is now an urgent problem. The elm leaf-beetle (Galerucella luteola Mill.) has been remarkable for its searcity, and the only thing worthy of special note in this connection is its occur- rence in considerable numbers in the village of Glens Falls, which, so far as known to us, is its northernmost locality. The violet sawfly (Emphytus canadensis Wirby) attracted some attention about the middle of June, because of its depredations on pansies at Nassau. The stalk borer (Papaipema nitela Guen.) has been unusually abun- dant in some sections of the State, working as usual in thiek-stalked plants and injuring tomatoes, potatoes, and corn in particular. An interesting injury: by young of what were probably buttalo tree hoppers (Ceresa bubalus Fab.) was brought to notice. They estab- lished themselves upon the stems of the common balsam and sucked the juices therefrom to such an extent that the plant was unable to support itself, and the part above the point of injury lopped over and eventually died. o2 A third shipment of the Chinese lady beetles (Chilocorus similis Rossi) was obtained last June through the kindness of Prof. Wilmon Newell, State entomologist of Georgia, and established in a_ badly infested orchard at Kinderhook, Columbia County. Untortunately we were unable to find larve or signs of breeding, as had been the case with earher shipments in the years 1902-8, and it is possible that most of the insects availed themselves of their freedom and spread to other trees. It is sincerely hoped that some have found conditions to their hiking, where they have bred freely, and that the species will become established in that section and prove of considerable service in controlling the San Jose scale. It will be well, in this connection, to allude to some recent work done in continuation of the investigations begun in 1902 upon the grapevine rootworm (idia viticida Walsh). This insect was not nearly so abundant in the Chautauqua grape region during the season of 1904 as it was the preceding year, and it was somewhat difficult to obtain suitable conditions for experimental work. (ae (OkoR! Seen as Seana ipounGditorsreallons pease ss bese ose No benefit. Hla Eree soap. s-.- 222225 - 2, pounds to gallon |i=22 2223/52 dass eae Scales all dead | ‘ and shriveled. iptv eae (GOSS ea Se ee ieipound tol? callonss|222-2= | seen 60} About two- | thirds dead. Wheckmemer es net ee se RCM See Ea saese el pees | 25 | One-fourth dead. | Results of later applications in Curtis Park. [Treated February 19, 1904; examined March 1, 1904.) ] Insecticide. Strength. Alive. | Dead. fPeneoee Remarks. | ‘ | Lime-sulphur-salt (Illinois for | Full _-_-.........--..-- 87 192 | 70 mula). | Kerosene emulsion_-__.._--_.-._--- HOpericent=s--=4----< 0 404 | 100 UI) Oe ee ee esha kkiey el (sis alese Celeioyme SU ee Te ) 310 100 ID V0). . SG See ee ee 2p spelGent a s=) ee an by 274 | 98 IDO] Leas eee Ses ee ee ea iqmenicemta. sen nose ih 163} | 99 1D) a eye ee (ie pericenteas 2s 2c5 14 229 94 Won neew ec sks be See Se BS. 10\perjcent2=- =.= ---- 299 688 69 Whale-oil soap (hard)--_--..------| 1 pound to 1 gallon _- 3 171 | 98 ID Yo. ae eet NS ea ee | 1 pound to 2 gallons - 117 563 | 84 1D ee eee ee 1 pound to 3 gallons - 26 | 81 | 76 IDG) Soca ee eae 1 pound to 4 gallons - 128 154 | 55 LO YO) Sn = wets Se eae eee | 1 pound to 8 gallons - 118 154 | 57 CHNG@GW 2 sete Sees ae ee ee Ree ee as Pee ee ee | 256 | 421 | 62 PREPARATION OF INSECTICIDES. The kerosene emulsion was emulsified with whale-oil soap. The tobacco stems were very dry when weighed and were boiled one hour In enough water to cover them, after which the concoction was diluted to the strengths given. The tree soap employed was used in the first series of experiments and hard whale-oil soap, purchased at a drug store, in the second. The lime-sulphur-salt wash was pre- pared according to the Illinois formula and boiled three hours. APPLICATION OF THE INSECTICIDES. Both seneca and vermorel nozzles were used. The latter did good work and is rather to be preferred on account of economy of material. Only the lower branches of the trees were sprayed and in some cases two applications were made on different parts of the same tree. With the lme-sulphur-salt wash two entire trees were treated. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS. A glance at the percentage column shows that the effective rem- edies stand out prominently. They are kerosene emulsion in strengths of over 10 per cent and whale-oil soap at the rate of 1 pound to the gallon. Tobacco-stem decoction and lime-sulphur- salt wash appeared to be ineffective. The lime-sulphur-salt wash yas especially disappointing. After several weeks the scales under it appeared bright and healthy, and it almost seemed as if they enjoyed the protection of an extra covering during the cold weather. The insects take little or no nourishment during the winter and might thus be able to withstand for a time an application which deprived them of their food supply. As a result of these experiments kerosene emulsion in strengths of 1 to 6 or 1 to 8 was recommended. Applications were made by the park authorities on April 16. The trees were examined on May 13 by Professor Gillette, who macle the following note: Where Mr. Smith applied kerosene emulsion that was one-sixth kerosene the scales appeared to be all dead over the greater portion of the trees. Some limbs have seattering living scales and occasionally limbs were found where the seaies were quite abundant. From the fact that the lice are all dead in places where they were very abundant, it seems evident to me that the living lice were those that were not well treated. Mr. Smith was also of the same opinion. The entire park was not sprayed last winter, and as a result the infested trees have deluged the whole grove with the scale. Treat- ment is bemg made at this writing with kerosene emulsion in the strength of one-sixth kerosene. Judging from twigs sent to the laboratory, the application is all that could be desired, the scales all being Ialled. Some scales will doubtless be missed by the spray, but these can be trimmed out as soon as the wax becomes conspicuous in the spring and before the eggs have hatched. In the absence of the author, the following paper was read by the secretary : SOME EXPERIENCES WITH PULVINARIA. $y Tlowarp JEEvarts WEED, Chicago, Ill. The entomological literature regarding Pulvinaria innumerabilis Rathv. contains so many misleading statements that it 1s certainly time for attention to be called to them. The two principal misstate- 89 ments are: (1) That “ the insect is rarely injurious in two consecutive years,”* and (2) that the remedy consists in a “summer spraying with a dilute kerosene-soap emulsion.” ’ These, or similar statements, have appeared in every article heretofore written on this subject, and during the past summer I have been shown a score of letters from entomologists making these statements. Early in June of this year I received a note from the chairman of the North Shore Park Commission stating that a committee of the Rogers Park Improvement Association had been appointed to devise means for the elimination of the cottony maple scale. This com- mittee asked me to investigate the subject and undertake the work of spraying in the territory of Rogers Park—a Chicago suburb, but within the city limits. Upon investigation I found the soft or silver-leafed maple (Acer dasycarpum) to be the principal shade tree here, and every tree was covered with the white egg masses of the Pulvinaria. ‘These insects have been present in this territory in large numbers each year since 1886 at least. In 1897 a large number of the trees were severely pruned, the supposition being that this would eliminate the scale, and the beauty of the trees was thus largely spoiled. The insects have been so numerous that they have destroyed the lower and smaller branches and killed hundreds of trees out- right. The work of the Pulvinaria, together with the pruning in an effort to get rid of it, has caused the trees to look anything but beau- tiful. This same condition exists at other places around Chicago, especially at Evanston and Irving Park. No soft maples are now being planted in this territory on account of the ravages of the insect. During the past summer the eggs were slow in hatching, as the season was very backward. Up to June 25 practically no eggs were hatched. Two quite warm days occurred about July 10, and this served to bring them out. At this time the larger limbs and branches were fairly alive with the young going from the egg masses to the leaves. Persons pruning the trees at this time would get the insects in the hair and upon the person and clothes in the same manner as chicken mites. The insects were scattered to surrounding shrubs and flowers in vurious ways, especially by the falling of the weakened leaves, so that during August they were to be found on practicaily every shrub. The list of plants upon which I have found the Pulvinaria is con- siderably larger than heretofore given. Of course a distinction should be made as to what constitutes the normal food plants, or those -upon which it occurs in both summer and winter forms and the food plants upon which it may have drifted for the summer. My own observation gives the following as the normal food plants of the @Bul. 22, Div. of Ent., U. S. Dept. Agric., p. 16. b Loe. cit. 90 species, those most affected being mentioned first in the list and those least affected last: Soft or silver-leafed maple (:lcer dasycarpum), box elder (Acer negundo), linden (Tilia), Virginia creeper (Ampe- lopsis quinquefolia) , bittersweet (Celastrus scandens), sumac (Rhus), grape (Vitis), and willow (Salix). The summer food plants observed have been Spirwa Van Houtteii, S. arguta, and 8. pruni- folia; Philadelphus grandifiorus and P. coronarius; Cornus mascula, C. siberica, C. stolonifera, and C. paniculata, Ribes aureum and LR. sanguineum, Hydrangea; Rudbeckia; Symphoricarpus racemosus and S. vulgaris; Syringa, several varieties; Viburnum, several varie- ties. I have not found it upon either the sugar maple (Acer sacchari- num) or the Norway maple (4A. platanoides), even where these trees were surrounded by the soft maples, except in such small numbers as to be very inconspicuous. The work of spraying began the middle of July and continued until September 1. The work was done under my constant super- vision by some senior students of the Michigan Agricultural College. Two outfits on wheels with hand pumps were used, these being the most convenient in getting around from tree to tree. Both the vermorel and bordeaux nozzles were used. The trees sprayed were mostly quite large, requiring a 60-foot hose to reach the top. The operators wore fireman’s oiled suits and began the spraying at the top by climbing the tree, finishing at the bottom limbs. ‘The work was thoroughly done, so far as possible every leaf being covered. When I first took hold of this work I had expected to kill the in- sects readily “ with a weak kerosene emulsion.” All the entomolo- gists said this was the remedy, and my own fourteen years’ experience in practical spraying work told me the same thing. I began with an § per cent kerosene emulsion, which was increased within a few days to 10 per cent, then to 124, and finally to 15 per cent. Practically none of the insects were killed with either the 8 or 10 per cent emul- sions. An examination at Professor Forbes’s office of leaves sprayed with 124 per cent, some days after, showed that something over 50 per cent were killed, but the death of some of these was doubtless from natural causes. The 15 per cent emulsion killed the greater portion cf the Pulvinaria, but as this strength took practically all the leaves off the box elders, all from the lindens, and fully one-half from the maples, the remedy was at least equal to the disease. A 10 per cent emulsion is all that can with safety be apphed to the linden or box elder, while a 124 per cent is all that can safely be apphed to the maple. In this connection some experience in the making of the emulsion may be of interest. With 2,500 large trees to spray, scattered over a large territory, the matter of making the emulsion was of consider- able importance. But, as “ necessity is the mother of invention,” it At so happened that a sample of soft soap containing 50 per cent of naphtha was sent me for trial. A single trial convinced me of its merits, and 500 pounds were ordered. This soap readily dissolves in cold water and takes up the kerosene very readily when pumped through a bucket force pump. I found that the best proportion was 1 pound of the soap to 24 gallons of kerosene. In the making of a 10 per cent emulsion in this way I first dissolved 1 pound of the soap in 24 gallons of water. I then added 2 gallons of oil and pumped the whole through a bucket sprayer and added it to 20 gallons of water. Toward the end of the spray work Professor Close, of the Dela- ware station, visited me and told of the experiments which he had just completed with the hydrated-lime emulsion. I obtained some of the hydrated lime at once, intending to give it a trial, but as the season was then rather late and my landscape work took up my entire time, I was unable to conduct the desired experiments. During the coming spring I expect to spray extensively with the hydrated-lime emulsion. T have endeavored to ascertain the experience of the other entomol- ogists with Pulvinaria so as to compare results, but without exception the reply has come, “I have had no experience with this particular insect.” My experience leads me to conclude that the Pulvinaria is as hard to down as the San Jose scale. It also teaches that we can not reason from analogy as to the remedies for insects. If we have had no personal experience with an insect we really know nothing about it, and we should be extremely careful in making statements recommending remedies. The comment of a resident of Rogers Park, after the receipt of a letter reading “ remedies are not necessary, as the insects are rarely numerous,” was, “ He can’t make me believe that.” I trust that no such letters will hereafter be written. Mr. Titus said that there had during the past few years been much trouble from Pulvinaria in the Chicago city parks. He had visited there frequently and had found employees using sponges saturated with kerosene. ‘These sponges were rapidly passed along the infested limbs. Apparently the method was very efficient, so far as it reached the scales. Those on the leaves were, of course, missed. AFTERNOON SESSION, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1904. The president called the meeting to order at 2 p. m. The com- mittee on nominations reported as follows: For president, H. Garman, Lexington, Ky. For vice-president, E. Dwight Sanderson, Durham, N. H. For second vice-president, i. L. Washburn, St. Anthony Park, Minn. 92 For secretary-treasurer, H. 2. Summers, Ames, Iowa. For members of the council, C. L. Marlatt, Washington, D. C.; Herbert Os- born, Columbus, Ohio. Respectfully submitted. M. V. SLINGERLAND, Chairman. HERBERT OSBORN. Jo PriEETes: On motion, the secretary was instructed to cast the ballot of the association for the officers nominated, and they were duly elected. The committee on membership recommended the following for membership, and on motion they were declared elected : For foreign members: H. A. Ballou, Imperial Department of Agriculture, Bar- bados, West Indies; W. E. Collinge, University, Birmingham, England. To be changed from associate to active members: F. C. Bishopp, Washington, D. C.; C. T. Brues, Washington, D. C.; A. A. Girault, Washington, D. C.; $. Arthur Johnson, Fort Collins, Colo.; G. W. Martin, Nashville, Tenn.; E. P. Taylor, Urbana, I]. For active members: J. C. Crawford, jr., Dallas, Tex.; Edgar L. Dickerson, New Brunswick, N. J.; C. O. Houghton, Newark, Del.; W. J. Phillips, Urbana, Ul.; W. Dwight Pierce, Dallas, Tex.; George I. Reeves, Washington, D. C.; C. E. Sanborn, College Station, Tex.; H. L. Viereck, New Haven, Conn.; B. H. Wal- den, New Haven, Conn. For associate members: Gordon M. Bentley, Raleigh, N..C.; F. D. Gouden, Washington, D. C.; Harper Dean, jr., Blacksburg, Va.; Enos B. Engle, Harris- burg, Pa.; W. A. Hooker, Amherst, Mass.; John Isaac, Sacramente, Cal-; A, D. MacGillivray, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y.; Leslie Martin, Washing- ton, D. C.; A. C. Morgan, Dallas Tex.; H. EF. Phillips; Philadelphia, Paz; H. J. Quayle, Berkeley, Cal.; John M. Rankin, Washington, D. C.; W. A. Riley, Ithaca, N. Y.; J. G. Sanders, Washington, D. C. JoHN B. SmirH, Chairman. C. EH. CHAMBLISS. IDE Se KGig ARMS, The following were reported as having been added to the list of active members during the year by the secretary, in accordance with eee: , the constitution: rank Benton, Washington, D. C.; Mel T. Cook, Santiago de Jas Vegas, Cuba; D. L. Van Dine, Honolulu, Hawaii. The committee on resolutions, Messrs. Felt, Burgess, and Wash- burn, reported resolutions thanking the Secretary of Agriculture for his courtesy in publishing the proceedings of previous meetings, and asking him to continue that courtesy; and thanking the University of Pennsylvania, the Zoological Society of Philadelphia, the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, and the American Entomo- logical Society for favors and courtesies extended. The secretary called attention to the limitation of size of the pro- ceedings and suggested the appointment of a committee to edit these, with power to require the preparation of abstracts from members 28: where it was deemed necessary. On motion the president appointed as such committee Messrs. Summers, Smith, and Marlatt. On motion the following amendments to the by-laws, laid on the table at the last meeting, were adopted: That in the interpretation of the paragraph of the constitution regarding the election of new members it be understood that an “ economic entomologist” is a person who has been trained in entomological work and whose known work or published papers show him to be capable of conducting original work in economic entomology. That the term “practical entomologists,” referring to associate members, be held to indicate persons who have done general work in entomology and who have, by published papers or otherwise, given evidence of their attainments in such work. That associate members be listed separately in the published roll, or the fact that they are associate members be indicated in the list. The committee on nomenclature made the following recommenda- tions: That there be published a list of species, giving a single name, the one current for a large part of the world or throughout the range of the species, and that every entomologist be urged to use this name, and this only, for an English name in his publications, and that the Latin name be included but once, and in as inconspicuous a manner as possible. That copies of this list be furnished to the leading agricultural papers of the country, and that the editors of such papers be requested to use these names, and these only, in all articles referring to such species. That a second report, to include other names in current use, but which are less firmly established, less definite in application, or limited to less territory, be privately distributed among the members, the name first given to be the pre- ferred name and its use alone urged wherever the entomologist believes it can be done with due regard to his constituency, and a second local or other name used where deemed necessary for the service of his State. That in choice of scientific names for any species in purely economic papers, eare be taken not to change from a long-used and current name to a new or resurrected name until its continual use in_scientific papers or adoption in a monograph or catalogue,of authority shall furnish evidence that it will remain in use. LIST OF NAMES RECOMMENDED FOR EXCLUSIVE USE. American cockroach, Periplaneta Bean-weevil, Bruchus obtectus Say. americana Linn. Bedbug, Clinocoris lectularia UL. Angoumois grain-moth. Sitotroga Boll-weevil, Anthonomus grandis Boh. cerealella 1. Boll-worm, Heliothis obsoleta Fab. Apple-leaf skeletonizer, Canarsia ham- Brown-tail moth, Huproctis chrysor- mondi Riley. rhea L. Apple-aphis, Aphis pomi Ul. Buffalo tree-hopper, Ceresa bubalus Army-worm, Heliophila unipuncta Fab. Haw. Cabbage aphis, Aphis brassice L. Asparagus beetle, Crioceris asparagi Carpet-beetle, Anthrenus scrophularie 1p L. Bag-worm, Vhyridopteryx ephemere- Carpet-moth, Trichophaga tapetzella formis Haw. Linn. Cattle-tick, Boophilus annulatus Say. Cecropia-moth, Samia cecropia L. Chinch-bug, Blissus leucopterus Say. Clover-hay worm, Hypsopygia costalis Fab. Codling-moth, Carpocapsa pomonella L. Colorado potato-beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say. Cotton-stainer, Dysdercus H.-Sch. Cottony maple-scale, Pulvinaria innu- merabilis Rathy. Cottony cushion-scale, Icerya purchasi Mask. suturellus Fall) canker-worm, Alsophila pome- taria Harr. Fall web-worm, Hyphantria cunea Drury. Granary-weevil, Calandra granaria I. Grape-phylloxera, Phyllorera vasta- trix Planch. Gypsy-moth, Porthetria dispar L. Harlequin cabbage-bug, histrionica Hahn. Hessian-fly, JZayetiola destructor Say. Honey-bee, Apis mellifera IL. Hop-aphis, Phorodon huwmuli Schrank. Horn-fly, Hamatobia serrata R.-D. Horse bot-fly, Gastrophilus equi L. House-fly, JZusca domestica UL. Indian-meal moth, Plodia interpunc- tella Hiibn. Larder-beetle, Dermestes lardartus %. Murgantia 94 Leopard-moth. Zeuzera pyrina L. Mediterranean flour moth, Hphestia kuehniella Zell. Onion thrips, Thrips tabaci Lind. Oyster-shell scale, Lepidosaphes ulmi L. Peach-borer, Sanninoidea exitiosa Say. Peach-scale, Hulecanium persica Fab. Pear-slug, Hriocampoides limacina Ratz. Pea-weevil, Bruchus pisorum L. Plum-curculio, Conotrachelus nenuphar Ubst. Plum-gouger, Walsh. Rice-weevil, Calandra oryza L. Red-legged locust, MZelanoplus femur- rubrum DeG. Rose-chafer, Macrodactylus subspino- sus Fab. San José scale, Aspidiotus perniciosus Comst. Scurfy scale, Chionaspis furfura Fitch. Silkworm, Bombyx mori Linn. Spring canker-worm, Paleacrita ver- nata Peck. Squash-bug, Anasa tristis DeG. Striped blister-beetle, Epicauta vittata Fab. Tarnished plant-bug, Lygus pratensis L. Tomato-worm, Joh. Anthonomus prunicida Phiegethontius sexta Nore.—The list of common names of insects published above differs radically from that in use in the Bureau of Intomology as regards the system of hyphenization, hence it should be understood that it is not authorized by this Bureau.—Hp. Mr. Sanderson spoke of the possibility and desirability of there being some publication which could be regarded as the semiofficial organ of the Association and in which members could publish eco- nomic notes and papers. It was moved and seconded that a com- mittee of four be appointed to consider the feasibility of making an arrangement with Entomological News, similar to that now existing between Science and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. The motion was carried, and the chair appointed as such committee Messrs. Skinner, Sanderson, Smith, and Titus. The following paper was presented : . 95 LABORATORY EXPERIMENTS WITH CARBON BISULPHID. By F. L. Wasupurn, St. Anthony Park, Minn. [Withdrawn for publication elsewhere. ] The committee on bibliography presented the following resolution relative to the publishing of a bibhography of current economic entomology : To facilitate the more prompt distribution of information on the literature of economic entomology, the Association of Hconomic Entomologists respect- fully request the Office of Experiment Stations of the United States Depart- ment of Agriculture to enlarge its present bibliographical work in this direc- tion, in accordance with the following suggestions : (1) That the bibliography now being published by the Office of Experiment Stations in the Experiment Station Record be issued also as a separate, and that a copy be mailed to each member of the Association. (2) That copies of this bibliography be printed on stiff paper in such form that they may be cut apart and used as a card catalogue, a copy of this style of issue to be sent to each member of the Association desiring it. (8) That the monthly reports be combined at the end of each year, properly classified by subjects, and reissued as a special bulletin with full index. This yearly bulletin to be published by the Office of Experiment Stations or by the Bureau of Entomology, as may be arranged, and to be in effect a continuation and supplement of the Bibliography of Economic Entomology, published hith- erto from time to time by the Bureau of Entomology. C. L. MARLATT, H. T. FERNALD, EK. D. SANDERSON, Committee. On motion the report of the committee was adopted. Mr. Sanderson reported for the auditing committee that the report of the treasurer has been examined and found correct. On motion the report of the committee was adopted. The following paper was read: SOME NOTES ON THE FUMIGATION OF HOUSEHOLD INSECTS AND THEIR EGGS WITH HYDROCYANIC-ACID GAS. By J. L. PuHitites, Blacksburg, Va. Some buildings used as living apartments near Blacksburg were found in the early summer of 1904 to be plentifully supphed with Clinocoris lectularia Linn. in all stages of development. It was finally decided to fumigate one of these buildings with hydrocyanic- acid gas. The building is a four-story brick and contains approxi- mately 150,000 cubic feet of air space distributed in eight sections. The windows were tightly wedged, and then calked with old cloth to prevent as much as possible the escape of the gas. The quantities used were 80 avoirdupois pounds of potassium cyanide, 96 pounds of sulphuric acid, and 240 pounds of water. The water and acid were first put into the jars, of which there were one or more to each section, 96 and the cyanide was weighed out and placed by the jars. Every- thing being in readiness, the attendants put in the cyanide by begin- ning on the upper floors and passing rapidly to the lower floors. The doors were then closed, locked, and kept so for two days. Brick walls being porous, and the windows not as tight as desired, much of the gas escaped. Persons walking within 100 feet of the building, on all sides except that from which the wind was blowing, could detect the odor of the gas the entire time. This made it desirable to leave the building closed for a period longer than usual. When the building was opened two days later most of the gas had escaped. The insects were very abundant and in all stages of growth, and in many cases the eggs almost coated the slats on the beds. Many of the eggs had hatched several weeks earlier, however, and it was nee- essary to pick them over carefully to find good ones for observation. This was done, and 10 apparently sound eggs were taken to the laboratory and placed in “ stender ” dishes for examination before the charges were placed. The day after the building was opened 101 eggs that had not hatched were collected, and these also were placed in “stender” dishes for examination. All of the eggs in the first lot (4. e., those taken before fumigating the building) hatched within ten days. ‘The eggs collected after the building was fumigated were examined every few days for two weeks, but not a single one hatched, and they shriveled up and lost their plump appearance after a few weeks. An examination of the insects the day after the building was opened proved that all were dead and no eggs appeared to hatch afterward, although examinations were made frequently for a period of several weeks. Though this work was done in June, scarcely an insect could be found in the building as late as December 22. This appears to be conclusive evidence that fumigation with hydrocyanic- acid gas will destroy some classes of insect eggs. It is likely to be most effective on those with a large micropyle, like that of the eggs in question, and might not be effective on those with heavy shells suited to stand weather conditions in the field. We are now arrang- ing to study its effect on the eggs of the scurfy scale (Chionaspis furfura Fitch). Rooms used for storing food products have been treated by fumi- gating with hydrocyanic-acid gas under our directions also. These rooms had become seriously infested with the croton bug (Blattella germanica Linn.). Before fumigating these rooms all food prod- ucts that had been opened, such as butter, lard, etc., in fact, all materials with a moist exterior, were removed from the building. Such materials as boxed oatmeal, coffee, flour, sugar, canned goods, sealed packages of preserves, etc., were left inside. oie The charges were placed at night after the workmen had left, but one room above was not fumigated. The next morning, after airing the building for a couple of hours, the insects were brushed up and destroyed. Quite a number of these insects were found on the upper floor where no charge was placed. They appeared to have been stupefied, and staid in that condition till they could be swept up and destroyed. Mr. Sanderson had found such fumigation for fleas effective, even under circumstances where eggs must have been present. Mr. Titus reported, however, that he had known instances where even two or three trials had failed to eradicate fleas. The following papers were then read: INSECTS COLLECTED FROM THE FLOWERS OF TREE AND BUSH FRUITS. By W. BH. Brirron and HENRY L. VIERECK. {Withdrawn for publication elsewhere. | A DESTRUCTIVE PTINID NEW TO NORTH AMERICA. By JAMES FLETCHER, Ottaiva, Canada. [ Withdrawn for publication elsewhere. | INJURIOUS INSECTS OF THE YEAR IN CANADA. By JAMES FLETCHER, Ottaiwa, Canada. [Withdrawn for publication elsewhere. ] The following paper was then presented : THE AMOUNT OF INJURY FROM THE COTTON BOLL WEEVIL. By E. DwicHTt SANDERSON, Durham, N. H. [Withdrawn for publication elsewhere. | THE COFFEE LEAF-MINER (LEUCOPTERA COFFEELLA Stain.). By Met. T. Coox, Santiago de las Vegas, Cuba. Probably the greatest enemy of coffee in the West Indies, and espe- cially in Cuba, is a small moth, the coffee leaf-miner (Leucoptera cof- feella Stain.). According to the Annual Report of the Office of Experiment Stations (1903), United States Department of Agricul- ture, from 20 to 40 per cent of the leaves on each tree in Porto Rico were affected. The coffee on the farm of the Cuban experiment sta- 25524—No. 52—05 M——7 98 tion consisted entirely of small trees and these were seriously affected. Examination of trees on neighboring farms showed that frequently as much as 564 per cent of the leaves were affected and that those plants growing in the shade, or very clese together, were more seriously affected than those in the open. However, the small trees upon the experiment station farm were suffering more than the large trees upon the neighboring farms. LIFE HISTORY. The adult insect is about 2.5 millimeters in length and of a silver- gray color, tipped with black on the posterior end. When not in flight the wings are folded close to the body. The length of life in the adult stage is probably not more than forty-eight hours, and it is improbable that the insect travels to any great distance, unless carried by air currents. Within twenty-four hours after emerging from the pupa the female insect punctures the upper surface of the young leaf and deposits her eggs. In fact the adults usually emerge from the pupa during the night and deposit their eggs during the following night. It is possible with the unaided eye to see the small slits in the leaves, and they are clearly visible with the aid of a small hand lens. Within four or five days small black spots surrounding the punctures make them clearly visible to the unaided eye and indicate that the egos have hatched and that the larve are working within the meso- phyll of the leaf. The larva lives within the mesophyll of the leaf for about three weeks, causing large, black, irregular spots, which indi- cate the area through which the mesophyll has been destroyed. Fre- quently the punctures are so close together that the galleries become united into one very large area. In some cases every leaf on a plant is affected and many of them are entirely destroyed. Young trees are often entirely defoliated. After about three weeks within the leaf, the larve cut their way out through the upper epidermis and in a very short time seek a protected - place on the under surface of the leaf and pupate. The larvee are 3 to 4 millimeters in length, and in pupating first weave a delicate web in the form of a letter H with a very broad crossbar. Between this web and the surface of the leaf the small pupa is formed. The web and the pupa are very delicate and are so placed on the under surface of the leaf that they are protected from the excessive rains of the ‘ainy season. Within three to seven days the adult moth comes from the pupa, and the life cycle is complete. TREATMENT. The location of the larva within the leaf makes any treatment at this stage practically impossible. However, the delicate character of the pupa furnishes a vital point for attack, and experiments were og commenced on August 15, using a kerosene emulsion made with 1 part of kerosene, 1 part of whale-oil soap, and 8 parts of water. This was apphed to a few plants to note the effect of the emulsion upon the plants. A few applications showed practically no effect, but repeated applications showed the burning of small spots, and also the burning of the tips of the leaves. However, the injury is not sufficient to be of any great importance. An experiment to demonstrate the effect of the emulsion upon the pupe was conducted as follows: Two lots of leaves were selected on which were a large number of pup. One lot was treated with the emulsion and the other not treated, and both lots put into breeding cages. From the leaves not treated a large number of insects were hatched, while from those treated only two emerged. Accordingly, on August 18, experiments were commenced upon the coffee on the Experiment Station farm. The coffee field contained 231 plants, ranging from 6 inches to 6 feet in height and well shaded by bananas. All the plants were badly affected at this time. At first the plants were sprayed on Mondays and Thursdays. This was continued until October 3. After that date they were sprayed on Oc- tober 13, 17, 21, 26, and 31, and on November 5. The trees were num- bered, and a careful record was kept of the number of affected leaves on each tree. From time to time the injured leaves were picked from such trees as were entirely free from recent attacks. Care was taken not to pick the leaves from a tree until it was evident that the leaves had been deserted by the larvee. These leaves were placed in breeding cages and careful records were kept of the number of adults which came from them; thus we know that only a very few insects were removed in this manner, The picking of these deserted leaves facilitated the work in two ways: (1) The absence of the old leaves made it very much easier to look for newly affected leaves; and (2) trees that were not affected were not sprayed. For the first six weeks the trees yielded to the treatment very slowly, and September 26 only about one-third of the trees were unaf- fected. After that date the trees yielded to the treatment more rapidly, and on November 5 they were absolutely free from the insects and were in excellent condition. The small trees responded to the treatment much more rapidly than the large ones. The writer is reasonably sure that the treatment above described is a good one, but it is impossible at this time to say how effective it will prove, owing to the fact that at this season of the year the insect enters a quiescent period which prevents our continuing the experi- ments or determining to what extent the reduction was due to natural causes and to what extent to our treatment. 100 The following paper was presented : GYPSY MOTH AND BROWN-TAIL MOTH CONDITIONS DURING 1904. By C. L. Marnatrr, Washington, D. C. [ Withdrawn for publication elsewhere.7@] The following two papers were read by title: BLACK-FLY STUDIES. By A. F. Conrapt, College Station, Tex. The black-fly (Stmaulium venustum Say) is responsible for much annoyance in many parts of New England, especially about mland summer resorts. For some time it has threatened the business of summer hotels in such localities. This pest becomes troublesome about May 1 in southern New Hampshire and about May 20 in the northern parts of the State, according to data gathered from different hotel managers interested in the extermination of the scourge. There is no distinct definition of broods; all stages can be found during the entire summer. The life history lasts from five to nine weeks, depending upen the conditions of the breeding places. Shal- low, sunlit water rippling over a pebbly bottom forms the ideal breeding ground. The first experiments for the purpose of extermi- nating this insect that were made in New Hampshire were at Dix- ville Notch, in the‘northern part of the State. The results were recorded in the sixteenth annual report of this Association. Since that time experiments have been continued by the writer in several parts of the State, all of which go to show that this species can be reduced to an inconsiderable pest in all localities where it occurs. The methods of extermination consist: (1) In applying phinotas oil to the breeding grounds; (2) scrubbing with stable brooms where the breeding place covers a small area, and especially when the bottom of the stream is composed of solid rock; (3) damming streams; (4) raking with iron rakes. The last three methods are to be employed when there is danger of killing the fish in such streams as feed lakes reserved for fish culture. The first oil experiments were conducted at the Hotel Balsoms, Dixville Notch, N. H., in the waste way of the hotel lake, which is the source of Mohawk Creek. The breeding ground from which the hotel was infested was about 5 feet wide and 20 feet long in the sunlit waters of the waste way. Here the immature stages were present at the rate of 64 to the square inch, making a total of about a Published as Circular No. 58, Bureau of Entomology. ———— —. 101 1,000,000 specimens. With one-half gallon of oil this breeding place was destroyed, whereupon almost complete relief at the hotel fol- lowed. In shallow streams several feet wide and half a mile long the hot- toms were so densely covered with larvae as to give them the appear- ance of a dense covering of moss. Here sufficient black-flies emerged daily to make life unbearable for an entire community. It required only a few minutes to put dams across the streams to check and deepen the water, as a result of which the larvee and pupe died. In Mount Washington brook the problem presents a different aspect. Damming would be out of the question in most places on account of the boulders and the great velocity of the current. Miles of such breeding ground can be swept with a stable broom or raked with iron rakes in one day. When such larve are loosened and carried to deep water, they will die, but where shallow, noninfested water is ahead the operations may simply transfer the breeding places. If in such cases a cheese-cloth net is stretched across the stream, nearly all larve can be captured. If a stick pointed at one end is fastened to each end of the cloth, it can easily be adjusted to streams of any width by winding. Through experiments made at Dixville Notch and at Durham, N. H., it was found that 5 gallons of oil poured in at the source of a stream averaging 10 feet wide and containing many shallow breed- ing places would kill so many of the larve as to leave only an incon- siderable number for a distance of 31 miles, and the water at the end of a mile would not be too offensive for cattle to drink. Fish apparently escaped down the stream. As this species will shift its breeding grounds, it is not advisable to make permanent dams, but instead cheap water gates may be constructed which can be opened and closed at will. THE FUMIGATION OF A FRUIT HOUSE FOR CONTROLLING TEE CODLING MOTH. By A. F. Burcess, Columbus, Ohio. Many larve of the second brood of the codling moth (Carpocapsa pomonella Linn.) do not emerge from the fruit until after it is picked and placed in storage; hence it is usually possible to find cocoons in the fruit boxes or in crevices in the fruit house during the spring. Last April an examination of the boxes in which apples were stored in a fruit house at Delaware, Ohio, disclosed the fact that many larve were present within their cocoons, and, as the building was well constructed, an excellent opportunity was offered for test- ing the effect of hydrocyanic-acid gas on this insect. After remov- ing the fruit the empty boxes were wllowed to remain in the house 102 and the doors and ventilators were kept open for several days, so as to allow it to become as warm as possible, in order to render the larvee more active. The maximum temperature from April 25 to May 12, the date when the house was fumigated, was 84° and the minimum 33° F. May 11, the night before the treatment was applied, the thermometer dropped to 33°, but rose rapidly the following day, registering 80° F. in the afternoon. Before charging the house, my assistant, Mr. Swezey, who was sent to do the work, examined many cocoons, and active larve, but no pup, were found. ’ The formula used was 1 ounce of potassium cyanide 98 per cent pure, 1 fluid ounce of sulphuric acid, and 2 fluid ounces of water to each 100 cubic feet of space. As the house measured 32 by 24 by 14 feet, 62 pounds of cyanide were required; this was divided into three equal parts and placed in separate jars. The ventilators were tightly closed and the house charged at 3 p. m., and the door was opened at the expiration of twenty hours. The odor of gas was then very strong, and, after airing for one hour, Mr. Swezey made an ex- amination of cocoons taken from several boxes. Sixty-nine worms were removed and placed in a jar, and as about one-third of these showed signs of life when they were taken the house was closed and allowed to remain so for over a week. An examination of the avorms in the jar, which was made five hours after they were taken, showed that 39 were alive and 30 were appar- ently dead. al ee ee 3s Stalkdestrmiction jas) only remedy aes a ee 40 $50,000 reward for control, results of Texas offer______ 16 Bord eax sm iEXtune USE LO eS ae OSE) Sel Cee ee ae 26 Borer coals |Coloradosreport Lory LO Ok ee eee Se ee eee 59 Boxielders infestatlor! wolitlal oral Sry alee Sern 0 eC eee Tf Breeding and importation of honey bees of various types, paper by Frank Benton Lek ee 67 Breeds; various, Of bees: importation se ee ee 104 Brirron, W. E., paper on “ The fall webworm partially double brooded in’ ‘Connecticut.” 2 ee a ee Broods: boll weevils, Oc emis e mc ewes ees ee eae ee ee Baia (aia Hessian fy, southern United States) note====" === al Mormon cricket (Anabrus simplex), notes___-_=_ === == === eas" 62, 63, 64 sugar-beet webworm, comparison of injuries___________-___+____ 60 Butfalo tree-hopper, New York report, 19042. eee 1 Burcess, A. F., paper on ‘Some economic insects for the year 1904 in” OHIO?) eek Je ee ee 52-55 “The fumigation of a fruit house for control- line cod line im Othe 101-103 By-laws, Association of Economic Entomologists, amendments___________ 93 Cabinet beetle, Anthrenus verbasci, additions to our knowledge, paper by Elenwrylu., Viereck 2.2. Se ah EL ree p22 2h) ee 48-49 Cankerworms Spring, Ohio, TEM Ort, LO A eee ae ere ee hte 53 Carbon: bisulphid, WUse agsainst AGS 1 oe ee 84 Sweet potato weevil 22 seen \ 67 Page Carniolam bees, characteristies__._.-._..__--__== 2 ke 2 AE ens See 105 Carpocapsa pomonella. See Codling moth. Carpophilus dimidiatus,-Georgia report for 1904__.______:____.______=- val eR VUlLac Hoon tt mOMmOEreport, LOL. 2 2 53. Ped sianmvees wm ChanaCleriShiGst. <2 288 20.0 20 Pe a ee 105-106 Caustic soda solution, experimental use against San Jose scale__________ 26, 69 Cecidomyia spp. See Gall makers. Cecidomyiidse; member of family as enemy of grape___________________+_ 54—55 IOeRe SOMO LUSH OINE Wa Ons, Teport,; LOQA =e Ail Cenoplastes floridensis, distribution and care by ats. --__§__ ee SO Chalcodermus cneus, Georgia report for 19Ci, injury to cotton ___________ 70-71 Cherryapnis. plack. Colorado report for 1904-—-— 2. 58 scale, Colorado, 1904, report of first appearance_________________-_ 59 Mica Owwonk a2 msc, cottony, maple scales = 922 2 89-91 Chilocorus bivulnerus, check on San Jose scale_____-_______=______--__- 75 similis. See Ladybird. Chincmbues Minnesota. report tor 1904.2 2-2 2 ee 56 OMIOBREP Ol OO AE eras seen ieee We kel el) oe 50 Chionaspis furfura, proposed cyanide fumigation_______________-______- 96 GhrysOchus auratus, Georgia report: for 1904... - =. / 70 Chrysomyia macellaria, occurrence in Ohio in 1904_____________________-_ 50 ead mOMiOPrepoRt tO mO04 su wes oo ee ee ee tek 54 Citrus trees, infestation by mealy bugs under care of ants_____---_--_-~_- 81 Giinirateerelanon to couton. boll weevil________- 14-17 IMSSCHMIMIUELES iM GeOreian tne IOO42 ss Se eet ee ee ess 70, 71 planting, chahges of practices, enforcement proposed____-____-_~_ 20 DLICOmrelatOneOme DOU wWeeVvilla notes. == 28 8 2 2 ee ee 41 SUAS tI eno Olly weevilk aktachk= =a 36s 922s Te ee 33 stalks, destruction as method of weevil control____________--_-__ 31, 40 Cotton-seed! medal) insect epee mr ee Cottonwoods, insect injury am Colorado in A9042. ee ee Cowpeas, relation to injury of cotton by Chalcodermus cneus “Crazy ant.” See Ant “ New Orleans.” Creosote, failure as remedy for powder post beetle__________________-___ Crepidodera rufipes, injury to peach orchard in Ohio____-______=_____=__ Cricket, Mormon (Anabrus simpler), distribution and migrations in Colo- Ado. paper by Ss. Arthurs Johnsons... === ase conclusions from study of migrations and distribution __ ORwldaho» Colorado: reporteLon | 90422 ee ee Crop areas, increases as shown by Twelfth Census__.__.-_---________ == SLOWINS MEGHOUS fOr TSEC Corts: Olea eee Crops) farmeansectienemies in Coloradow 9043S eee losses by insects and savings by economic entomology_____________ Cross-breeding bees, securing of desirable traits_______________________ Croton bug, fumigation with hydrocyanic-acid gas Cryptocephalus obsoletus, Georgia report for 1904 ______-_______________ Cryptorhynchus lapathi.. See Curculio and Willow weevil. Cubanvexperiment station;:cotiee leafminer] === = sae eee iINSects, notes, paper by. Meld (Cooks 35222 eee Culicidzes Mosquitoes; publications S24] oes 22 oe ee eee Cureulio, imported willow, Minnesota report for 1904_________________ plum, injury to peaches in Georgia in 1904__________________ Minnesota report ton 1904 oe eee eee Ohio *veport;, U904 22.22. ee ee eee Currants, insect attacks in Colorado in 1904, note Cyanide. See Potassium cyanide. Cylas formicarius. See Weevil, sweet-potato. Cyprian and other Hastern bees, characteristics. — 24) 2 eee @yprio-Carniolan’ bees; desirable: (tralts!==2 = eee Diabrotica 12-punctata, Georgia report for 1904 longicornis: Ohior report, 190422 Diaired saccharaus, Georgia reports tor 190422 ee eee Dust spray, experiment in Minnesota against leaf-hoppers______________ Donastes tityus, Georeia report tor .904 = eee Eggs, bedbug, destruction by use of hydro¢yanic-acid gas________________ fall webworm (Hyphantria cunea), color, ete., remarks __________ . Mormon cricket (Anabnus siniplen)), NOLES ae ee er sweet-potato weevil, notes from Texas for 1904___________________ Hlm) Jeat-beetle, appearancevay, Dayton, Ohio= 2222 Elms, infestation with leaf-beetle in Ohio in 1904_-______________________ Hmphytus.canadensis, New, York repo: 1960 Empoasca mali. See Leaf hopper. Entomological events, most important in recent years, note________-_____ Investigation, Promisine Meld]! sen ae News, proposal as semioflicial organ of association, com- mitteé:.. 2-222 h28 of) ee oe ee ee eee Entomologists, attendance on association meetings, list of names_________ increase in number of workers on economic subjects_————_ Entomology, applied, present-day features in America, address of presi- dents:A.’ ii. Quaintari ce 222 Se ee ee ee ee ee economic, factors in awakening interest______________=+_____ growth and benefit to agriculture. ===" — ~~ literature, extent, character, and plan for résumé_ Ephestia kuehniella. See Flour moth. EV PtGOuUusa PennSyYLVAniEd. "NExasS GED OTt LON Lg Opes eee eee Epinmacrcucumeris, Colorado, report for lO 04 Se eee Hpocnna.canadensis, Colorado reporitor 904 ee EHriocampoides limacina, injury to cherry trees in Ohio____-_____________ EHriophyes populi, gall maker, Colorado report for 1904__________________ Experiment station, economic entomology investigations, note ___________ 62, 63 67 ewe Page Hxperiment Stations, Office, bibliography of econcmic entomology, sug- (EARS CI OMONSS "ge a ge Seep eG 95 Experimental farms for cotton boll weevil contro] -___--_.._-___________ 15 Fall web-worm, Ohio report, 1904 (see also Webworm, fall) __~_-__________ 50-51 Farm crops, insect enemies, Colorado report for 1904 ___________________ 60 production, losses by insects and savings by economic entomology __ 12 Farmer, preference for Paris green and other remedies, note _____________ 39 Farming methods for control of cotton boll weevil______________________ Tb Farms, experimental, cotton boll weevil control _.______________________ 15=16" Fett, E. P., paper on“ Experiments with lime-sulphur washes”___________ 25-28 “Notes for the year—New York”. .____=___z___ 51-52 HERNAL Dae OPINION as tO, teStine IMSeCtiClIdess2 = 2-92 74 midiaguuneiad, Ohio and New York reports, 1904. - == a 52, 54 Flea-beetle, potato, Colorado report of heavy loss in 1904________________ 6 red-legged, injury to peach orchard in Ohio_________________ 53 MCAS LUM AAnOMN with Mydnrocyamic-acid gas; mote:—-=- =) == 97 Hioodssbrazos, destruction.oL, cotton boll weevil_—-.--- 22 2 ee oe Flour moth, Mediterranean, Georgia report for 1904_____________________ 72 Minnesota nepont tor 19042 see eee 56 JSUT AS ear sae ep eRe os es a 73 Hiowerscestruction by, ant Jidomynmen Iumilise = 2. = 83 Fly. See Frit and Hessian. Formule, lime-sulphur wash and method of preparation ________________ 25-26 HGiictivea UmnmleSOtaltepoit fOr L904. 2s tee 56 Frosts, killing, in Texas, occurrence and effect on boll weevil_____________ 30 BGuiEtiy,. 2ooseberry, Colorado report for 1904... = 2 2 59 Fruit-house fumigation, control of codling moth______________________ 101-103 HEME MOin es rape Onmorireport, 1 OOL! -s.. 2a 28 a ek ee eb Se nyt Biit-wOrmM coosebenty. Colorado report for 190422) 2) 2 59 Eruits, deciduous, increase in plantings, 1889-1899________-_§_-___-_____.__ (650 INEST AON MWwaibblamedkyabUeSs Motel. = 2 eee eee 81 Fumigation, fruit-house, for controlling codling moth, paper by A. F. Bur- OCS Pere ee ee radon ee Baek ae RUT Net Oe 2 Be ee as 101-108 household insects and their eggs with hydrocyanic-acid gas, some notes, paper by J. L. Phillips pe tee ina re ceric ont ea 95-97 Galerucelia. luteota, appearance at Dayton; Ohio____=____ += 50 Grllpmakers.. Minnesota report ctor 1904 ee 57 GrilenrojaieimosinSeciss (Cuba motes 2s =i 2 ee ee 29 Garden vegetables, insect injuries, Colorado report for oO Ay eee BAP en ee 59-60 Gas. See Hydrocyanic-acid gas. Georgia, insects for the year 1904, paper by Wilmon Newell and R. I. SSIs | ee eS ree tere A ee Se ee a a 69-74 Cimnrre: C©; P. paper on Insects of the year in Colorado ?_- = —_2 = 58-61 Gooseperries: insect attacks in Colorado in! 19042 = = 59 Gooseberry. See Fruit-fly and Fruit worm. Government, National, relation to cotton boll weevil control___:_~_______ 41 CGrapeakculit moc Ohiomrenori ) MOOS oe ee ee 54 AMF Te Sanrie ©) LN Oma 4: ewes cope ce ee Ss Maes 54-55 new enemy, member of Cecidomyiidz, appearance________________ 54-55 Grapevine, protection from leaf-hopper, use of spray_____-___-_-____-_____ AT rootworm, Ohio and New York reports for 1904______________ 52, 54 Craccshiopperssi colorado neporniuetor 1904-2. oo Se 8 ee ea eae 61 CMUSvIO tie proplem~: or Control moles. == s)- == = sae. ee 40, 41 COUT OUSOUCLG- Georgia Teport for O04. 2 ee 70 Hemipreransceneral subject. to lecislation= == — os 32 Pes 8 Soe ee 19 Hessian fly, avoidance by delay in wheat planting__________________~ eh, 14 diminution of numbers by destroying volunteer wheat ___-___~ 2 GEO ANE DO Tah O Wal GO eee ee ee et ee 71-72 MNCL asewam li Owing: 9 As te ee See 50 Minnesotasand. Ono reports: tor 1904 0 = bes. et 55 Liberation, cotton) bolli weevil) remarks 221-92) Ue 15, 29, 30, 31 Hippodamia convergens, Georgia report for 1904__________________-___-_- 70 Page Ioney and beenindustry, branches =o" 22 see ee 103 bees. See Bees. Hopper, tree, buitalo; New Yorkreport, 1904259) eee 51 Household insects. See Insects, household. Hydrated lime emulsion, insecticide use, note_________-_____________3 2%. 91 Hydroecyanic-acid gas, fumigation of household insects and their eggs, some notes, paper by J. L. Phillips_____________ 95-97 WEY ree iin KeoCollbnves aanKoyhay ee 101-103 Eymenopterous insects i@ubans WSen limes ees sem eee eee 29 Hayperaspis sp:,, Minnesotarsteport for 904222522 ee eee Ot Hyphantria cunea. See Web worm, fall. texto Georgia report for 19042 eee 70 Tcerya purchasi, destruction by Novius (Vedalia) cardinalis_____-_______ 75 Idaho cricket. See Cricket. Insect control, importance, remarks (see also Insects) ___________________ 9 planting and scultivearion relations eee eee 14 rs Mexas' ‘proposalés— sis. 2e0 Sah ae ee ee 20-21 depredation, Josses*in'farm production ee a, relation to increase of crops and orchards___________ a emergence, raintall asta ctor 2. See ee eee 36 IeeaisHenoeyay abo |Ufoulmerel Sirenelst Sibhamaneheye ee 19-20 pest, study; “sugvestions# =. 220. 26. 22s ee eee eee 37 PLOblEeMS, ISUSZESTIONS VOL MEME C CS = ee ee 24 Insecticide, sweet-potato weevil, use of arsenates (see also Arsenate) _____ 7 Insecticides and parasites for insect pests, variableness of results________ 715 experiments for cottony maple) scales =) a ae eee 85-88 kinds! for useragcainst/ ants. 22 ee eee 84 maple scale, preparation and application___________________ ST : more important note]. =) es ee eee 13 proprietary, testing, remarks! 2220) ee eee iC testing, committee on cooperation, names___________________ 7 Insects, codline moth and other, remedies; notes2= "= eee eee 23 Cuban,-paper by Mel 2. Cok. 2.223225 ee eee 28-29 economic, of the year 1904, in Ohio, paper by A. F. Burgess_______ 52-53 Georgia, for year 1904, paper by Wilmon Newell and R. I. Smith __ 69-74 hibernating as adults, hypothesis for fixing date of maximum emerfence flu! fen =e S332 eee 8 eee eee 34-37 household, and their eggs, fumigation with hydrocyanic-acid gas, paper by duc Phillipss 2. et _ 2 e eee ee 95-97 injurious, in Minnesota in 1904, paper by F. L. Washburn________ DD-OT instances Of widespread Gdamarce =.= ee eee eee 9 IireeT TIS ane en DKO hes Ve meCeVn abel @siee a ou EE eS 18-19 names recommended for exclusive use, list______-________--______ 93-94 notes for: thesyear, New York 222205 utes ee eee 51-52 of the year [1904] in Colorado, paper by C. P. Gillette___________ 58-61 Ohio, brief notes for 1904, paper by Herbert Osborn____________- 49-51 (pests), shade tree; Colorado report’ tor 9042 = ee eee 59 predatory, introduced into New Jersey, present status, paper by John B...Smitth), 2.22225 5225 ee ee eee T4-79 température: relation. = 2.22 2a eee eee 19 Texas, miscellaneous notes, paper by A. F. Conradi_____-_—-_==_ 66-68 Tridomyrmex humilis. See Ant. Italian bees; characteristics 24-2. 3) eee eee eee 105 Ithycerus noveboracensis, Georgia report for 1904______________________ 70 JOHNSON, JEFFERSON, statement regarding $50,000 prize for boll weevil eontrol: 222 8 2 Se ee ee eee ee ee 16-17 S. ARTHUR, paper on “Distribution and migrations of the Mor- mon cricket (Anabrus simplex) in Colo- PAAG Vie. SCD UP eee eS) he 62-66 ‘ “The cottony maple scale; an unusual out- break and experiments with insecticides’ 85-88 io) Page. Kerosene. See Coal oil. emulsion, insecticide, experiment against maple scale_______ 86, 87, 88 : use against coffee leaf-miner_____________ 99 cottony maple scale _-________ 90-91 SULayin sw weceamillme Species = = tt ee ee oT use against leaf-hopper in Minnesota________________ 45, 46 Mero-wealer, Sprayine Lecanium species... ~.-..--.2 D7 use against leaf-hopper in Minnesota______________________ 46, 47 Klinophilos lectularia. See Clinocoris lectularia. Lady beetle. See Ladybird. PA OITOPASIAMe, Use atainst Scale insects... 2.2 -*--- 69, 79 (Chilocorus similis) introduction into New Jersey____________ 76-17 (lady beetle) Chinese, New York report, 1904__.______________ 5152 OMPORT ET Ora teehee Ope seen eee ee TY A ee 52-53 Ladybug. See Ladybird. laurent, Philip, work with Paratenodera sinensis, note__________________ Tithe Lead, arsenate. See Arsenate of lead. Leaf worm, cotton, value in control of cotton boll weevil, note___________ 30 ieat-peetle, elm, appearance at Dayton, Ohio___-—______________§______- 50 IN GNVACO DISSE EC DO tlw (ie ar es ee 51 OMmomeporterorel QU a Sea ee ee ee 5D Leaf-hopper, destructive, work for control, preliminary report, paper by TE Lk. VY GEISI 0) OU eT See ea AL Se a a ee eee ere ae 43 AT Ai poOasca man, lite history; remarks. —.-- 2-22 44 STAPe Vines PLOLeCWOMe MSC, Ob Spray oe AT Wiinnesotay Reporte fOr WOOL: 2 se eee 2 56 SORA INO COMULOMR =e ee eee ee PS eee eee 46-47 Iheaf-miner, beet, Colorado report for 1904___._._________~§_-______ 61 entree; importance: in Cubase ==) == = fed pees ae We 28 Ifeshistoryaand: treatments - 9 222 ses ee ee 98-99 DApe tO yee GOO ke ens = Pe Peete eee 97-99 Dickine of coffee leaves im Spraying. 2-2 3 99 mecaninm, Species: Minnesota report for 1904. Dil Legislation, insect, statement for United States______._____._____________ 19-20 DLOPOsdla lor COnULOl Of Dolloweevil=— 22" = Se 40 iiemion trees, injury by ant, Iridomyrmex humilis____________.__.______ 83 Memiagptera. Cubans pupation: Periods 2-2 22 28 SENECEALS ID CC tOmleois AtlOne 2 == = Se ee 20 Leucoptera coffeella. See Leaf-miner, coffee. Lice, plant. See Plant lice. PGURUSKRILGOICEDS GeOoreiaTepOLt mor 1904 22-228 72 Lime and Paris green mixture, use against Alabama argillacea__________ 70 My Giraked suse aS WMSeCticlde wmotes 2 22 Je 91 Salenanadgswlphnur wash userulmess: notegs o-oo Dil, sulphur, and salt wash, usefulness in eastern United States________ 13 Lime-sulphur-salt insecticide, experiment on maple scale ____________ 86, 87, 88 wash, new. formula and preparation___..--___-.___ == 26 HOO SUCCESS PIMUINEeW verse y 2 ee ee 2 use against San Jose scale in Georgia__-________+___ 69 washes, experiments, paper by E. P. Felt___-_______________ 25-28 “Lineoln bug.” See Cryptocephalus obsoletus. imvesouk observation of ant. mests;, mote -.2..- 2 80 Mocisin back. intestation by fea-beetle.— -.2) oe 53 Mest AOOR withieallenralerseunO Les = sons ee one ee eee Sif Ssaventeen-year, Ohigqnnrepock Lorn 904 22 2 ee ee ee ee 54: Locusts, black, infestation with cottony maple scale, note_______________ $5 Louisiana, distribution of ant Iridomyrmex humilis______-_____________ 82-84 NeW Orleanissrania Mest weenOrte 22 828 8 79-84 Loxostege sticticalis. See Webworm. A SESUALOMIS Ma UIsy: LOD CleCtiiG@Garses. 22 es 58-54 iS =OtemoOLem@liTo report, WG04s 22220 fa 51 GIS mOolorago Leport fom 1OO4s 2.2) 2 8 59-60 wheat-stem, Minnesota report for 1904_____________ eg ale ese SL 56 Page. Macnolia, insect injuries in iGeorsiatiny 1904522222. s2e Sse ee Malacosoma americana, OhiorrepoLh Lore 904S2 = eee eee 53, Malaria, spread by mosquitoes, Texas observation__-=——-=— === 77 eee 68 Mantid, Paratenodera sinensis, introduction into New Jersey_—--__-----~ 77-78 Mantis, danger to aphid-eating cocecinellid, note.______-________________ 79 Mantis relioiosa, introduction into) New Jersey— 2-2 — === = 78 Map: Mormon cricket territory, «Colotadol2 2s) = 64 Maple, infestation with cottony-maple scale, note ---_______-_____-__==_= 5ST scale; cottony, Coloradoweport tor 00S ———————e 59 food. (plants! slist2 U2 =. ae ee oe Ee: 90 lifevhistory and sprayiney remy eit ki See ee ee 85 Minnesota’ report for 190422022222 eee 57 unusual outbreak and insecticide experiments, paper by: SecActhun ohm Som =e 85-88 work for destruction at Chicacol ===. =.—=.—— 89-91 Soft, infestation withicottony maple Scale]=== = 85-91 gall-makers!, note eee 57 Mayetiola destructor. See Hessian fly. s Mealy bugs, infestation of sugar cane and citrus fruits___________-_____- 80, 81 Mediterranean flour moth. See Flour moth. Megapis dorsata and M. zonata. See Bees, giant. Melanoplus spp.. Colorado report (or eee 61 Melittia satyriniformis, Georgia report, broods, etc., for 1904 __________-__ 72 Melon aphis; Colorado report for 19042 "22-2 )2 = eee 60 Members, Association of Economie Hntomologists, list-______-___-__---__ 109-112 Meraporns sp) Cecidomyiid parasitel= 22 — = ————————— 57 Meromyza americana, Minnesota report for 1904__----__-______-___=_=== 56 Micration, Sweet-potato weevil, remarks 2-) 2 ee 67-68 Migrations, Mormon cricket (Anabrus simplex) in Colorado in 1904______ 62-66 Minnesota, injurious insects in 1904, paper by F. L. Washburn_____-----__ 55-57 nurseries, destructive léeat-hopper; novtel== ss. = =.=. sae 43 Mite; phy toptus) Colorado report for 90422322222 eee 59 Mormon cricket. See Cricket. Mosquitoes, Dexas observations in 190423522 sess sss eee 68 transmission of disease, study and publications_____________ 22-23 Moth. See Codling moth, Flour moth, Gypsy moth, and Webworm. Myzus cerasi, cherry aphis, Colorado report for 1904____________-____-=_= 58 Naphthalin, effectionlerss of cabinet beetles=s === ss ss eee 48 Nectarophora pisi, pea aphis, Colorado report for 1904_____-____________-_ 60 New Bneland: black=fly as pest==_ ==" 235-2) ee ee eee 100 Hampshire, black-fly, annoyance and means of extermination_____ 100-101 Jersey, insects injurious and beneficial, discouraging condition______ 7& lime-sullphiun wash, 00m SUCCESSS =e === == Zit present status of predatory insects introduced, paper by John''B: Smith. 2522253.) See eee 74-79 Orleans, occurrence of pest of ant Jridomyrmex humilis, paper by BS. Gs Mite 22227 = = S Se ee ee ee 79-84 York, insect notes for the year [1904], paper by E. P. Felt__________ 51-52 spraying grapevines for control of leaf-hopper_________-__-_= 47 NEWELL, WILMON, aid in introduction of ladybird into New Jersey______- (06 and R. I. SmirH, paper on “ Insects of the year 1904 in Georgia?” — 2-2 2 a ee ee eee 69-74 Nomenclature, committee> recommend ations= 9232222) ee 93, Novius (Vedalia) cardenalis, California work, note__-_________________ 75 Nurseries) control of San! Jose sealet m0 ten ae 21 injuries by leaf-hopper (Hmpoasca mali), notes__----------_-~ 43, 44 Oaks insect injury: in\Georgiagin 904222 See ee ee 2 Officers, Association of, Economic Entomologists, nomination and election. 91—92 Ohio, economic insects of 1904, paper by A. F. Burgess__-__-_____________ 52-55 insects, brief notes for 1904, paper by Herbert Osborn____~_ lie se 49-51 Oil. See Coal oil. Omorgus (Campoplex) frumentarius, Georgia report for 1904___________ G2, Oncideres cingulata;, Nexas report for 1902 =e ee ee 66 Onions; insect injury in Texass2 22223-2262 eee 66 ee ee ee ee 1 . ; Page. mrenardsenemies, Colorado report for 1904_-_~-_ 22.2 ete 58-59 Orchards, increase in trees in United States, 1890-1900__________________ 1 Orthoptera, grasshoppers subject to legislation________-»___________.-____ 19 OsporRN, HERBERT, paper on “ Brief notes on Ohio insects for 1904 "____ 49-51 PeeiicesOLO 7 VUNmesoutsreport tom 1904s. - 2 ee ee eee 56 Oviposition, date, hypothesis for insects hibernating as adults___________ 34-3 Mormon cricket (Amabrus, simples), notes 2-2 62, 62 Sweet poOtalOonweevnl, ReMmankGys 225 2. 2.2! 2 eee 67 wacoda, Colorado, numbers of Mormon crickets__._.. = 4/2 65 MMUciehuOrueLnaLl. Omo report; 1904-2 es oe ee 53 PAMSimTestation with mealy bugs, notese-_..-2.2..+..- ..-.22_--2_-__ 80, 81 MIniipema Nniteld, New ork report, 1904-0). _.--. 51 Parasites and insecticides for insect pests, variableness of results________ 75 Paratenodera sinensis, introduction into New Jersey________-___________ T7T-78 Paris green and lime mixture, use against Aletia argillacea______________ TO opposing views as to use against boll weevil_________________ 42 wse-and failure as boll weevil remedy __—+——.--- 2. - += 39 Beep nism Coloradomepont or W942 eile ee ee Se eS 60 Redcap Mic plack. Colorado meport for 1904 2 2 2 59 HOEK eESmiily OL s 1 OOA tere ie eee ee ee 5O orchard, injury by red-legged flea-beetle in Ohio___________________ 53 OK CharaswiMT UE Oya lM peUreMlIiO== a= see ee es eee 6¢ trees and blossoms, injuries by insects in Georgia_________________ 70 Pera nimnsecistascmerdns Ob spread]. 2) ki te 108 Swine Newa vOckeneDOrGTOn tOOt 225 leks oo ee 51 Sen UE tO nehenry: —urees inv Ohion..- 2. les oe Te 49 means (estrucnou Dy ant, midomyrniern humilis. 835 Eee. Injury. Dy aMnsects im Georgia in J904_ 2 70 MEU OHEY OMI CHLG MOOlOLaAdoOeneport. PO04F2.2 Bos ee a et 61 enncvivaltlawUse OL, lime=Sulphinr wash. <2. eee 28 Pentilia misella, occurrence in New Jersey, note__________-____-__--____ ana Pests. See Insects. mhanerotoma tibialis, Georgia report for 1904....--_.__.--2 (3° PuHituies, J. L., paper on “Some notes on the fumigation of household MSCCES MVE YVCLOC VAM GSA ClO nas?) a oe kk oe ee 95-97 FSM O AS TON sUISerAc ans ie Ola Ckefhy = seee.s . at at ee 100 EMtOp Gs. cenus Subject to Lécislation._ =~ 2 2222-2 19 iivtopuuisiite, Colorado report for W904. 2-2 2 ee ee 59 EIMmestiinestaglon: with Woecamium. 228 22222 2 Te ee S37 Plant. lice, Colorado report for 1904 (see also Aphis) ___-_______-__=____ 58-59 CISD TOM CAG meGAneaDyaiiisee = = ee ee eee 80, 81 ING Wge eG O TS eC Tale ak) (Ale ak an Pe ty es SR a 51 lnmeaphis:,sreen. Colorado report for 1904.2 -2-- 58 CGULGUMNOmGECOLeiNmhepOre monn O04 oe . oe eee Se ee ee 69 Minnesota report for 1904___________ Dipl fa SAE! Aes See, 56 MOM ENO Tato pl Ae ess yee ee So tal eh ee 51 BOLYVGHroOsSisiiteand. Oho reportmor 1904.5 2. - D4 Poplar, infestation with oak borer in Colorado, note_______.__-_________ By! Oars attack ion willow weevils notes.222) 2222 51 IMEC TACLOMM WhGhywaLLOVws GCURCUINIOS = 8 ee eee 56 IMNSCCEIMIULVINeEcolorado: inv I9O4snotes=] = 5.3 esos ee ee 59 Porto Rico, coffee trees, infestation with leaf miner_-___-_-~_________-___ 97 Potassium cyanide, use in fumigation against codling moth ____________ 102 : INSCCHIGIGE) HUMMIe abl OMe see eee ee 95 Potatounea-peetie, Colorado report for 1904.2 - = 6 Feraroecsmsweet. dnjury by Weevile. 2) {ses See ee ee OT Lowder post beetle, injurysto electric cars-22 = 322 ee ee 53-54 President, United States, remarks on protection against insects __________ 9 MOnOLUSiUS: nOviNic, Colorado, report for 1904. 2222225) 2 ek 59 ERGpneckarnvinsecticides, testing, remakes. - 2! 2 ee 74 NeCUCOGOGCUS Cir), distribution and care by anise.) 222 -2 2228. so LCE DUR ENG WANCOriccrenotin Lots kaa. Let 2 ee be 51 Publications, economic entomology, character ___~______________________ 18 use of trade names, names of persons, ete____________-_-_- 13 / jy Page. Pulvinaria amygdali, destruction by Asiatic ladybird, note_______________ 69 innumerabilis. See also Maple scale, cottony. misstavéements =. U2 Se eee 89 some experiences, paper by Howard Evarts Wieediaeee 300i eee 88-91 QUAINTANCE, A. L., address on ‘“ Some present-day features of applied en- tomology in America®’. =- 22) Sees. 2 ee eee 5-25 Quarantine: insect, iImefkectivemeSSimOhem ss] 2 eee 41 Radish mascot; Colorado report torn wo04 2 eee 59 Rainfall, destruction of hibernating brood of boll weevil________________ 33 relation=to insectiemercence2= a=) eee eee 36 iriation in weevil-infested region of cotton growing______-_____ al) Red-legged flea-beetle, injury to peach in Ohio__________________________ 53 “ Remedies,” boll weevil, improbability of discovery ____________________ 39 ihagoltetis: pamonetia. Ohio report, 1904s eee 51 Rhizobius lophante, introduction into New Jersey, result_______________-_ 75-76 Root-worm, corn, Ohio report, 1904 (see also Grape) —___________________= 51 orapevine, work Jn New Yorkin G04 2 eee 52 Rotation, cotton with cowpeas; relation to Chalcodermus cneus__------. Tal Salt, lime, sulphur wash. See Lime. San Jose scale, coccinellid, introduction, necessity of care_____-_______-__ a Colorado report for 19042 4 ss ee ee eee 59 distribution and lesislationS==) 22 20, 21 Georgia) report for 1904-22"). eee 69 New York report, 19042. 22 52a 22 Nae ae Dee eee eee Anal parasites, failures in introduction into New Jersey____-_~ 75-17 predatory insects for control; probleml=2_2_ =e 74-15 Texas) report: for) 9042 2 SN ea 66 SANDERSON, E. Dwicut, paper on “ Some observations on the cotton boll OVO ONL Ye ye a ares oe RT he et ae 29-41 Nanminoidea exitiosa, numbers in). Ohio; 19042222 eee 50, Savwily., violet. New York reports 19045287 Sasa see Sea eee EL Scale insects, kinds subject of legislation (see also Cherry, Maple, San Jose. and Towmevella Gungid@) ae =e ee 19, 20 Scurty, proposed. cyanide fumigation === eee eee 96 senizoneura lanigera, Colorado report, for) 19042242 eee 58 SGlENLINGs ACHIVA LY. OLESEN ATS Ses oe eee ee 5-6 Serew, Worm, occurrence in Ohiovins 1904.22 es eee 50 Sceymnus marginicollis, introduction into New Jersey, result______________ 75-76 Shadevtree! pests; Colorado report itor. O04 2 sss a eee 59 trees, infestation: with cottony maple scales 57 Sills production, Ameriean. prelimi airy. wi Wl s eee 10 Simuliium venustum. See Black fly. sinozylon basilare, Georsia report ton 19042 282s eee 70 Slug pear injuryato cherry trees in (Ohio === 49-51 SmirTH, JOHN B., paper on ‘* The present status of predatory insects intro- duced into New Jersey 722 ee eee 74-79 R. I. and Wi~tMon NEWELL, paper on “ Insects of the year 1904 in GeO rta L Le Te TEs RTE Doe AGS ch fe CO 69-74 Soap, soft, 50 per cent naphtha, use in kerosene emulsion_________~_____~_ 91 Soda arsenate; insecticide wse; note.) ee ee eee 13 caustic and sal, use in lime-sulphur wash (see also Caustic soda) —__ 26 Sorchum, Shelter for CotCOmpaio ole sy ee| vail] ees see eee a ee 31 Spray, dust, experiments against leaf-hoppers in Minnesota_____________ 47 kerosene emulsion and kero-water, use against leaf-hoppers______ 46 Spraying, codling moth, Colorado report for 1904__-___=_-______________ 5S cottony maple Scales SUSeeS ETO sae eee ee eee 85 machine, for leaf-hopper, details of, construction ______________ 44-46 maple seale; mSse‘o£ kerosenecemulSion= 2a ee ee ee 90-91 use. o£ Jime-sulphurandiothernwashes Sees ots eee 25-27 Squashvbug. Ohio report; 19042 ee Ee eee ea eee 50 Stalk: borer New. York report: 1904-350) ee ee eee 51 Stalks: cotton. destruction asi means of weevil) controle=22 "= 2 eee 31, 40 Sugaricanesintestation- pyzmealy bugss=3s) 2 ee ee 81 ', ee SS eee eee —_—* 7 123 : Page Sugar-beet webworm. See Webworm ; Sulphur, lime, salt wash. See Lime. ; Sulphuric acid, use in making hydrocyanic-acid gas for fumigation_____ 95, 102 Summers, heat and dryness, relation to boll weevil increase... | 37 Sweet-potato weevil. See Weevil. among Georsia report for 1904.2 2 Tal Memperature, effect on cotton boll weevil, remarks _.__________-_-___-___ 29 ; LMU ONROMINSC EMEC tse ws ee ee 19 relation to emergence of boll weevil____________________ ba, o4—o 0 Momeetlerpillars Onio report, 1904.2. 2 ee 53 Tests, proprietary insecticides, remarks, and committee _~______________ TA SiG HWS) She, CeCldomylid parasite... 57 texas; climatic variation, relation to boll weevil _-____.________________ Slee cotton boll weevil problem, $50,000 reward for control, results of QHECR te oe Les Se es ee een 16 IMSechacCONtTol proposed, .remanks-. 22222 oe et 20-21 miscellaneous notes [insects], paper by A. F..Conradi_____________ 66-68 southern, climatic conditions, as cause of loss of cotton by weevil__ 32,33 miyridopteryxr ephemerefoymis, Ohio report, 1904 _..__-__________-_____ 50 mpicen sepiendeciny, cicada, Ohio report for 1904L__._..-_______________ 54 Titus, E. S. G., paper on “ New Orleans ant, Jridomyrmex hunvilis ?_____ 79-S+ Tobacco stems, insecticide, experiment against cottony maple scale_______ 87, 88 ; Hschactinst woolly apple aphis; note... 6 2 es 58 Toumeyella turgida, GECeonsiaeneponicor dOO4 ees a eee ie eee 72 mirage names, use in publications, discussion... = ee ite Ap Ecrop;, cowpeas, for Chalcodermus wneus_- ee (al hehis; useacamst Oncideres cingulata in Texas_— =. === 66 Minee-hoppers, buifalo, New York’ report, 1904_-..--..._._________--_ 51 Magee rood plants of cottony maple scale; list...-....- § 2 90 Micronia, Lex., observations on cotton boll weevil________________-___ B10), Aas: VYtrreck, Henry L., paper on “Additions to our knowledge of the cabinet RM eEn CANE REIILSE UCILOCSCD ire ee Se ee ee oe ee ee A849 PeciasawilyerNews Or report, 1904. 2 ee a 51 Miramia lime-sulphur wash, poor result_2.-._--- * 2 28 Wash, lime-sulphur-salt. See Lime. WASHBURN, F. L., paper on “ Injurious insects in Minnesota in 1904 ’____ 55-57 “Preliminary report upon work against a de- structive leaf-hopper (Hmpoasca mali) ____ 43-47 hueaoner effect on Eessian fly in Georgia___.2.-2 71 fall and winter, effect on cotton boll weeyil_______ 15295 30 Sil82) oo Felaton: to poll sweevilwemencences.. = ah ae ee 3D cultural methods for control of boll weevil________ 39-40 Webworm, fall, broods in Connecticut, paper by W. E. Britton___________ 42-43 Ohiowmreponin wlG (sess wee Pe Oe ASE 3 TU a 50-51 Sugarbeet, Colorado report or l904e2 ee 60-61 WEED, Howarp Evarts, paper on ** Some experiences with Pulvinaria ”’__ 88-91 Weevil, cotton boll. See Boll weevil, cotton. SWeei=pOLaLOn Litem histoOby.. NOTES = —=2 8 a 67 MexaSerepOlietoOn lt GU4E = yo ee) 2 2 ON ee 66-68 WULOWeR SD LGAGaiiie OO pe Se Mee te ee 49-50 Whale- oil soap insecticide, experiment against maple seale___________ 86, 87, 88 SuedieecLiessian Hy damage in Georgia_-__.---=- 2-2 5 a. Wiheat-stem maggot, Minnesota report for 1904______-_______--- = 56 Williams River Mountains, Colorado, breeding ground of Mormon cricket_ 62, 63, 64, 65 Willow curculio, imported, Minnesota report for 1904___________________ 56-57 tree, New Orleans, infestation with ant, Iridomyrmex humilis___ 83 Oe GI Red Gi time GC Om asa aa meet eal Dele athe Sis lis 49-50 PMllLoOMcmatiack= of willow weevil, notes 222.0522 3) 8 50 Winter relation, to cotton boll weevil’ control---2-= 2. 15 Riou shelter for cotton: boll weevile 2-2 3 MMociascrew. Occurrence in Ohio in 1904-2020 50 Zopnodia grossulariec, Colorado report for 1904_________________________ 59 O tue és ' ARD, Entomologist. oo 4 - at - OF THE t AT THE ; aos IS AND CLARK CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION, | PORTLAND, OREGON, 1905. <--s> os COMPILED UNDER THE DERECTION OF THE ENTOMOLOGIST BY . ROLLA P. CURRIE. oF WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. fe Ses AOR. ee =e Saunt oe Ne f al IL. Hiinnanan: in Sohcree e posit experiments ae A. D. Hopxrys, in charge of forest insect investigations. — “Ww. D. Hoyter, in charge of cotton boll weevil investigations. FRANK BEnton, in charge of apicultural investigations. _F. M. Wesster, in charge of field-crop insect investigations. a: ve “A. a: QUAINTANCE, in charge of deciduous-fruit insect investigations. ; eke A. Scuwarz, D. W. CoQui=Lert, Th. PERGANDE, NATHAN BANKs, -Entomologists. OR 8. Cuirron, Chief Clerk. eeaire He G. ae age, READ? Gscone Wosistagiee ( “tp. C. ALTHOUSE, W. F. Taster; Mary G. CHAMPNEY, Dede Lowren, 1 T. A. Kevener, Jessie E. Mars, Stenographers and Clerks. ~Lanntan L. Howensrein, Artist. . ie Mase. LOOP; Librarian. Ginos Meee k C. Snore os . Hapy, R. © Viowen cngnge boll weevil’ investigations. # md: L. Wess, H. EF. Burke, W. 1s Fiske, y F. Smnauss, engaged i in forest gations. ti M. Rankin, Lesiiz rer ea EK. F-. Puiiiies, poueud im ipundieae investigat mer I. Reeves, W. J. Paiwirps, engaged in field-crop insect investigations. f .. a _Frep JOHNSON, A. A. Girautt, J. H. Bearnis, engoge im deciduous- fre seet in 1. as Reruns W. A. KEeLeuer, Marie Rey, Mrs. JENNIE Looks, engaged. h investigations. ae R. SAsscer, Student Assistant. J. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY—BULLETIN No. 53. L, O. HOWARD, Entomologist. CATALOGUE « " ee At : = re: a ally WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1905. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. Unirep States DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, BurgeAv OF ENTOMOLOGY, Washington, D. C., April 11, 1905. Srr: I have the honor to transmit herewith the copy for a catalogue of the exhibit of economic entomology made by the Bureau of Ento- mology at the Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition held at Portland, Oreg., during the present year. It has been compiled, under my direction, by Mr. Rolla P. Currie, assistant in the Bureau of Ento- mology, and I recommend its publication as Bulletin No. 53 of this Bureau. Respectfully, L. O. Howarp, Entomologist. Hon. James Wrtson, Secretary of Agriculture. (2) ENT RODUE TION. The following catalogue of the exhibit of economic entomology made by the Bureau of Entomology, U. S. Department of Agriculture, at the Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition, will, it is believed, increase the usefulness of the exhibit by furnishing the visitor, in a convenient form for future reference, much of the data contained on the labels, and by supplying him with references to published articles from which additional information can be gained. The catalogue has been compiled from Bulletins Nos. 47% and 48? of this Bureau and includes all portions of each of these bulletins, revised and corrected, which relate to the exhibits installed at Portland. Owing to the fact that less space was available for the exhibit by the Bureau of Entomology at Portland than at St. Louis, it has been necessary to reduce the size of the exhibits considerably, and this has in most part been accomplished by leaving out insects which affect strictly eastern or southern crops. In other respects, however, the exhibit is very similar to that made at St. Louis, and includes all those features which proved of especial interest there. Care has been taken to retain such insects as are of especial importance on the Pacific coast and those which affect important Pacific coast industries, such as fruit raising and lumbering. Persons desiring further information than can be gained from this catalogue, or from conversation with the attendant in charge of the exhibit, are requested to address the writer at the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. L. O. Howarp, Entomologist. «Catalogue of the Exhibit of Economic Entomology at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Mo., 1904; by E. 8. G. Titus and F. C. Pratt. bCatalogue of Exhibits of Insect Enemies of Forests and Forest Products at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Mo., 1904; by A. D. Hopkins. (3) CONTENTS. ORDER OF CASES IN EXHIBIT. Page Insects injurious to orange and lemon (4 cases)..............2..----...----- 7 (1 SSELP ROSTERS ee eS a Ae a ee ee 12 Pee Bn uTiOls; tO applei(G cases) 22-22) 2250522522. .- c Sele ese cll ee se 12 PP EMITNNIE OMS HONEA iso cos Ses hon sae ee Sones Sede co SS eee eke 19 PEERS to;pear and pliums.= 2.2 2.25200. 2. eck ek nce ec ee 20, 21 Peete Sern UrOUStO,Crape (2 CASes)/ <5. 25 25-2. tck ccs 2 ec oe teed aces sc lece ces 21 Pee nay ITIOUS, LONStraW WELny. <6 oes 5. oho. Soest acdc sseseckesccace ee 24 tasects injurious to blackberry and raspberry.............-..-.------2--.--- 26 insects injurious to currant and gooseberry --.--.......-...----.--2-+2---.-e 28 Tnsects injurious to grasses and alfalfa (2 cases).....................--.----- 29, 31 Perce tmpurious to clover (4 cases)- 0222225. 02-05 si.00025ce-- eee e cece ene 32 Insects injurious to small grains (wheat, oats, rye, barley, etc.) (3 cases)... - 38 Peay TOUS POUNLOD See eats See eine ek oon Se ence ceetens 41 Peeeroicam cotton boll weevil 22.22 ac.202 fos < sok se Ses So ck en na oe 42 See seouton bollworms Cormm-ear WOrm .:-..-.. <2. J. 2220s gp oend ese cecen. 42 Insects injurious to sugar beet (4 cases) ..............----- Se es, Se 43 adects injurious to beans and’ peas (2 cases).-..-.-......22--------s-2s---- 47 _ Insectsinjurious to crucifers (cabbage, cauliflower, cress, mustard, etc. ) (2 cases) - 50 Be SABE MOUs LOWDOLMOL Ss He! 2 Sate iS sce ons o5n8 sok oe on cou ees sac Bees 54 iaisects injurious to sweet potato and tomato: ..-.........-.2...--.-...2---.. 56, 57 ee SPMD UTIOUSLO) ASPANAMNS 0s + jo 2552 sa0 cee -25cec oes ceeebetedecccoleus 57 Insects injurious to cucurbits (melon, cucumber, squash, pumpkin, ete.) ..__- 59 Insects injurious to stored products (2 cases) ............-.---.- Spry ees ace 60 MMs BUI RITIGEEC (8 eee ert Ee On Ae SoS ats ey ho es eee. oe Sut 64 Peecamuechnmiay Spread. disease. 2.2 52.5222 25 8c lec oo bcods access oct 65 Insects which directly injure or annoy human beings................_._.... 66 PLeesimiyarious to domeshic amimals:....252.5. 0.2... Excavates one or two transverse galleries from a central burrow in bark and sur- face of wood of living, injured, and recently felled western hemlock, causing ‘‘gum spot’’ defects in the wood of living trees, and may cause the death of the best tim- ber. Newport, Oreg., and Port Angeles, Wash. Exuisir; Adult and work. CASE 12. 43. The Douglas Spruce Hylesinus. Hylesinus nebulosus Lee. Excavates two short, straight, longitudinal galleries from a central entrance burrow in the living bark of injured, dying, and recently felled Douglas spruce. California to British Columbia, and eastward to Idaho and Colorado. V ery common. Exuisir: Adult and work. 76 44. The Single Spine Scolytus. Scolytus unispinosus Lec. Excavates two short, straight, longitudinal galleries from an entrance burrow in living bark of injured, dying, and recently felled Douglas spruce and western larch. Pacific coast, Cascade and Rocky Mountain region. Common. Exuipir: Adult and work. 45. The Fir-Branch Scolytus. Scolytus n. sp. Excavates two short, longitudinal galleries from a central burrow and side cavity in living bark of the branches of recently felled lowland fir. Cascade Mountains near Grants Pass, Oregon. Exursir: Work. - 46. The Smaller Fir-Tree Scolytus. Scolytus n. sp. Excayates two transverse or oblique, slightly curved galleries from a central entrance burrow and side cavity in the bark and surface of wood of injured and dying lowland fir. Kootenai, Idaho. Exuisir: Adult and work. CASH 13. 47. The California White Fir Scolytus. Scolytus preceps Lec. Excavates two nearly straight, transverse galleries from a central entrance burrow and basal cavity in living bark and surface of wood of California white fir. Mount Shasta, California, and lowland fir, Sand Point, Idaho. Closely allied in character and habits to No. 48. Exuisir: Adult and work. 48. The Fir Tree Destroyer. Scolytus subscaber Lec. Exeavates two long, nearly straight, transverse galleries from a central entrance burrow and central or side cavity in bark of living, injured, and declining lowland fir, white fir, and doubtless other species of fir. California to British Columbia, east- ern Washington, and western and northern Idaho. The healed-over wounds in living trees cause serious defects and rapid decay of the heartwood. Exuipir: Adult and work. BARK AND WOOD-BORING GRUBS. ORDER COLEOPTERA, FAMI- LIES BUPRESTIDZ AND CERAMBYCIDZ. CASH 14 AND PART OF CASE 15. 49. The Douglas Spruce Bark-Borer. Asemum nitidum Lee. A round-headed bark-boring grub, boring transverse and winding galleries in the bark of living, injured, and declining Douglas spruce and western hemlock. Cascade Mountains, near Detroit, Oreg., St. Helen, Oreg., and Port Williams, Wash. A very common and destructive enemy of the Douglas spruce. The healed-over wounds in the wood cause serious defects, and the trees die from successive attacks. Exuipir: Adult and work. 50. The White-Pine Sawyer. Monohammus scutellatus Say. A large, whitish, round-headed bark and wood boring grub, excavating burrows through the sapwood and deep into the heartwood of fire-scorched, declining, dying, dead, and recently felled mountain or silver pine. Kootenai, Idaho, and white pine in eastern and northern United States. Common and destructive. Exuisir: Adult and work. (a 51. The Ponderous Sawyer. drgates spiculatus Lee. An exceedingly large, round-headed, bark and wood boring grub, excavating large and deep burrows in the sapwood and heartwood of dead and felled western yellow pine; destructive to the wood of timber that has been dead or felled one or more years. Southern Oregon. Exuisir: Adult and work. 52. The Western Cedar Bark-Borer. Hylotrupes amethystinus Lec. A medium-sized bark and wood boring grub, excavating long, winding burrows in the living bark and surface of the wood and boring into the sapwood of injured, dying, and recently felled giant arborvitee and incense cedar. Northern California to Washington. Exuisit: Work. 53. The Bronze Birch-Borer. Agrilus anxius Gory. A long, flat-headed, slender wood-boring grub, excavating long, winding burrows in the bark and surface of the wood of living and injured birch, aspen, and cotton- wood trees in northern Idaho, northern Maine, and mountains of West Virginia; also recorded from northern Michigan, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Quebec, and Ontario. A destructive enemy of the birches, aspen, and cottonwood. Exuisir: Adult and work. INJURY BY GALL INSECTS. ORDER HYMENOPTERA. VASE OH CAS i de: 54. Bird’s-eye Pine. Chaleidid? A common condition of the wood of the western yellow pine, evidently caused by a minute four-winged gnat, fragments of which were found in pitch galls in the bark of the main stem of young living pine. The formation of corky wood cells around the accumulation of pitch in the wound produces in the subsequent layers of wood the wavy and so-called bird’s-eye effect in the wood of larger trees. Insects found in specimen at Albany, Oreg. Specimen of wood from Grants Pass, Oreg. Exursit: Work. 55. The Oak-Twig Ormyrus. Ormyrus sp. A minute four-winged gnat breeding in small gall-like cavities in the ys bark on the branches and twigs of the Pacific post oak in western Oregon, causing the small and large oak trees ‘to present a dying appearance, due to the area numbe or of dying twigs and dead leaves. The healed-over wounds produce deformed branches and defective wood. Exarsir: Work. INJURY BY BARK AND WOOD-BORING GRUBS. oe COLEOP- TERA, FAMILY BUPRESTIDZ. GASSmy Gs 56. The Western Hemlock Bark-Borer. Melanophila drummondi Kirby. A medium-sized, flat-headed, bark-boring grub, excavating shallow, winding bur- rows through the inner layers of bark of living, injured, and recently felled western hemlock and Douglas spruce; California to northern and eastern Washington and western Idaho, and in the noble fir near Detroit, Oreg. A very common and destructive enemy, killing the largest and best trees, or causing serious ‘‘ gum spot”’ defects in the wood of living ones. Exuisir: Adult and work. 78 INJURY BY BARK-WEEVILS. ORDER COLEOPTERA, FAMILY CURCULIONIDZA. PASE AL @ RY CrAl See 57. The Sugar Pine Bark-Weevil. Pissodes sp. Adult snout-beetle deposits eggs in the outer bark of young living and injured sugar pine, producing small whitish grubs which mine through the inner bark and change to the adult in oval cavities excavated in the surface of the wood, causing the death or abnormal development of the trees. Grants Pass, Oreg. Exuisir: Work. 58. The Douglas Spruce Twig-Weevil. Curculionid. A small snout-beetle which deposits eggs in cavities in the bark of the small cen- tral shoots and terminal twigs of young, living Douglas spruce. The small whitish grubs mine through the inner bark and enter the pith to change to the adult, killing the twigs and causing a deformed development of the tree. St. Helen, Oreg. Exuisir: Work. 59. The Pine Fungus-Gall Weevil. Curculionid. A small snout-beetle breeding in the bark and wood of a common fungus gall on the shore pine and western yellow pine, causing the death of the branches and young trees. Newport, Oreg., and Moscow Mountains, Idaho. Iexuipir: Work. INJURY TO DEAD WOOD AND BARK BY POWDER-POST BEETLES. ORDER COLEOPTERA, FAMILY PTINIDZ. PATE OF) GAS B77 60. The Pine Wood Perforator. Ptinid ? Small white grubs burrow through the dead wood of western yellow pine logs, caus- 54) ing rapid decay. Grants Pass, Oreg. ‘XHiBiT: Work. 61. The Giant Arborvitz Ptinid. Ptinid. Small white grubs boring in the dead heartwood of living giant arborvitee, con- tributing to the rapid decay of the heartwood. Port Angeles, Wash. Exuipir: Work. 62. The Giant Arborvitz Dryophilus. Dryophilus sp. A small whitish grub and brownish beetle, breeding in the outer bark of the giant arborvitee. Its work is very common. Detroit, Oreg., and Port Angeles, Wash. ‘Represents a European family and genus heretofore unrecorded from North America.’’ (Schwarz. ) Exuisit: Work. INJURY TO TWIGS BY BARK MAGGOTS. ORDER DIPTERA, FAMILY CECIDOMYIIDA. PART @ORWG ANS Hels 63. The Pine Twig-Maggot. Cecidomytid. Minute reddish maggot, living in the bark of terminal twigs of the western yellow pine, causing the leaves to turn yellow and die. Moscow Mountains, Idaho. Common. Exuis:t: Work. : 79 INJURY BY GALL INSECTS. ORDER HEMIPTERA, FAMILY APHIDIDA. CASE 18. 64. The Sitka Spruce Gall-Aphis. Chermes sibiricus ? A minute insect forming cone-like galls on the terminal twigs of the Sitka spruce at Newport, Oreg. Very common and injurious to young trees. Exuisit: Work. 65. The Engelmann Spruce Gall-Aphis. Chermes sibiricus ? var. Same habit as 64, but probably a variety or different species. Common on Engel- mann spruce at Sand Point, Idaho. Exursit: Work. INJURY BY CICADA. ORDER HEMIPTERA, FAMILY CICADIDZ. CASE 18. 66. Small Western Cicada. Cicada sp. Injuring twigs of Douglas spruce, St. Helen, Oreg. Exuisir: Adult and work. INJURY BY TWIG-MINER. ORDER LEPIDOPTERA, FAMILY TORTRICIDZA. CASH 18. 67. The Pine Twig-Miner. Tortricid. A caterpillar of a moth with similar habits to that of the pine moth of Nantucket, excavating burrows through the pith of the terminal twigs and shoots of young western yellow pine. Moscow Mountains, Idaho, where it was common and quite injurious. Exuipit: Work. NORTHEASTERN STATES. INJURY BY BARK AND TWIG-BEETLES. ORDER COLEOPTERA, FAMILY SCOLYTIDZ. CASE 19. 68. The Balsam Fir Cryphalus. Cryphalus n. sp. Excavates irregular, broad, elongate egg chambers to one side of the entrance bur- row in the bark and surface of wood, the larval galleries radiating in all directions and deeply grooved in the surface of the wood of the branches of dying and dead balsam fir. Shores and islands of Parmacheene Lake and Rump Mountain, Maine. Exursit: Work. 69. The Spruce Cryphalus. Cryphalus n. sp. Excavates broad transverse egg chambers in the bark and surface of wood; the larval galleries but slightly grooved in the surface of the wood of dying and dead red spruce and balsam fir. Islands and shores of Parmacheene Lake and near Portland, Me. Common in bark of small dying and dead red spruce. Exursit: Adult and work. 80 - 70. The Minute Oak Bark-Beetle. Pityophthorus minutissimus Zimm. Excavates two straight transverse galleries from a central entrance burrow and elongate longitudinal chamber in the bark and surface of wood of branches on living, dying, and felled trees, rarely in the thicker bark on the main trunk, of red oak, southern Maine, and other oaks in the eastern United States. Exursir: Adult and work. 71. The Minute Birch Bark-Beetle. Pityophthorus n. sp. Excayates galleries like that of the minute oak bark-beetle (70) in the living and dying bark of branches of the paper birch. Southern Massachusetts. Exuisir: Adult and work. 72. The White Pine Twig-Beetle. Pityophthorus n. sp. Excavates several long winding galleries from a central chamber in the bark; deeply grooved in the surface of the wood of small dying and broken branches of white pine. Camp Caribou, Maine. Exuisir: Adult and work. 73. The Minute Spruce-Twig Wood-Engraver. Pityophthorus n. sp. Excavates a large central chamber and several curyed galleries in the bark and deeply grooved in the surface of the wood of small branches of felled red spruce. Shores of Barkers Lake, Maine, and West Virginia. Exuisit: Work. 74. The Spruce Wood-Engraver. Pityophthorus cariniceps Lee. Excavates many short, radiating, curved galleries from a large central chamber in the bark and surface of the wood of tw igs and branches of dying trees and main stem of young dying red spruce. Western Maine to Morgantown, W. Va., and Detroit, Mich. Exnuisir: Adult and work. 75. The Black Spruce Wood-Engraver. Pityophthorus n. sp. Excavates short longitudinal galleries from the entranee burrow in the bark and surface of wood of small dying black spruce. Shores of Parmacheene Lake, north- western Maine; Peakes Island, in Casco Bay, Maine, and Adirondacks, New York. Exursir: Adult*and work. 76. The White Pine Wood-Engraver. Pityogenes n. sp. Excavates numerous short, radiating, curved egg galleries from a large central chamber in the bark and surface of wood of large and small branches and small dying white pine. Northern Maine to West Virginia. Common. Heretofore rec- ognized as Pityophthorus sparsus Lee. Exursir: Adult and work. GASH 20: 77. The Small Red Spruce Bark-Beetle. Dryocetes n. sp. Exeavates three or four short, curved galleries from a small central cavity in the bark and surface of the wood of injured, dying, and recently felled red, white, and black spruce, Maine to northern New York, and the red spruce in the mountains of West Virginia. Common. Exaursir: Adult and work. Sl 78. The American Spruce Bark-Beetle. Dryocetes n. sp. Excavates short, irregular galleries in the living bark of injured, dying, and recently felled red, white, and black spruce in Maine, spruce and pine in West Virginia; also in spruce and pine in Europe. Widely distributed in Europe and eastern North America. Exuisir: Adult and work. 79. The Birch Bark-Beetle. Dryocetes n. sp. Excavyates irregular galleries in the bark of living, injured, and dying birch. Northwestern Maine and mountains of West Virginia. Common. Under favorable conditions causes the death of large trees. Exuisir: Adult and work. 80. The Balsam Fir Bark-Beetle. Tomicus balsameus Lee. Excavates several radiating, curved, transverse galleries from a small central cham- ber in the living and dying bark of injured and dying balsam fir and red and black spruce. Western Maine; also recorded from northern Michigan and New York. Exuisir: Adult and work. 81. The White Spruce Bark-Beetle. Tomicus n. sp. Excavates several long, radiating, longitudinal egg galleries from a large central chamber in the living bark of recently felled white spruce. Near Camp Caribou, northwestern Maine. Exursir: Adult and work. 82. The Hudson Bay Tomicus. Tomicus ni. sp. Excavates one or two longitudinal primary galleries from a central burrow and small central chambers in the living bark of recently felled white and red spruce. Northwestern Maine; also recorded from Canada and British Columbia. Exuisit: Adult and work. CASH 21. 83. The Spruce Bark-Beetle. Polygraphus rufipennis Kirby. Excavates three or four short, curved egg galleries from a large central chamber in the surface of the inner bark, through the bark and slightly grooving the surface of the wood of injured, declining, dying, and recently felled black, red, and white spruce, and rare in balsam fir. Very common throughout the northern and Appa- lachian spruce regions. Exuisit: Adult and work. 84. The Cedar Bark-Beetle. Phleosinus dentatus Lec. Excavates a single short longitudinal egg gallery from the entrance burrow and basal chambers in the bark and surface of wood of injured and dying red juniper and arborvitz. Eastern and northwestern United States and Canada. Common. Exauisir: Adult and work. 86. The Parmacheene Bark-Beetle. NXylochinus n. sp. Excavates short, irregular egg galleries in the dead bark of small red spruce and balsam fir. Islands of Parmacheene Lake, Maine. Exuisit: Work. : 25916—No. 53—05 (b>: 82 87. The Red Spruce Scolytus. Scolylus 1. sp. Excavates two longitudinal egg galleries from a central entrance burrow and small lateral cavity in the living bark of branches of dying and recently felled red spruce. Northwestern Maine and Peak’s Island, near Portland, Me. Exuisir: Adult and work. CASH 22. 88. The Minute Spruce Bark-Beetle. Crypturgus atomus Lec. Enters the galleries of other bark-beetles, from which it excavates numerous very small, irregular galleries through the inner bark of dying and dead black and red spruce and white pine. Northwestern Maine. . Exuisir: Adult and work. 89. The Spruce-Destroying Beetle. Dendroctonus picexperda Hopk. Exeavates long, longitudinal egg galleries from a basal entrance burrow in the bark, and grooving the wood of living and injured red and white spruce trees. Very destructive to the largest and best timber. Northern Maine to New York and New Brunswick. This is the great enemy of the red and white spruce of the northeastern spruce region, having caused the death and loss of a vast amountof timber. For methods of preventing losses, see Bulletin 28, n. s., Division of Entomology, U.S Department of Agriculture. Exuipir: Adult and work. ENEMIES OF BARK-BEETLES. BIRDS AND INSECTS. PART OF CASE 23. 90. Work of woodpeckers in spruce bark, when infested with the spruce- destroying beetle. These birds are exceedingly beneficial in destroying the greatest enemy of the spruce. Exuisit: Work. 91. The Cloudy Bark-Beetle Destroyer. Thanasimus nubilus K1. The adults feed on the adults of the spruce-destroying and other bark-beetles, and its young or larvee prey upon their developing broods. Very beneficial. The specimen of bark shows the pupa case of the Clerid in an egg gallery of the spruce- destroying beetle. Exuipsir: Adult and work. 92. Polyporus volvatus Peck. A fungus growing from entrance and exit burrows of the spruce-destroying beetle in the bark and the spruce-timber beetle in the wood, and from those of ‘other bark and wood boring sects in dying and recently dead spruce trees killed by the spruce- destroying beetle in the Northeast and the fir- destroying Scolytus in the Northwest. The presence of this fungus usually indicates the destructive work of insects. Exaisit: Work. 93. Parasitic Enemy of the Spruce-Destroying Beetle. Bracon simplex Cress. The adult deposits eggs in the bark with the developing brood of the bark-beetle; the young maggot-like larvee feed upon and kill the young. Very common and bene- ficial. Maine to West Vi irginia. Also attacks numerous ‘other bark- infesting insects. The bark specimen shows the cocoon in which the matured larva develops to the adult. Exuisir: Adult and work. 83 INJURY BY BARK AND WOOD BORING GRUBS. ORDER COLE- OPTERA, FAMILIES BUPRESTIDZA, CERAMBYCIDZA, AND MEL- ANDRYIDZA. CASH 244. 94. Buprestid. Work of flat-headed bark and wood miner in wood of dying balsam fir. Exarsir: Work. 95. The Destructive Spruce-Wood Borer. Tetropium cinnamopterum Kirby. A slender, round-headed bark and wood boring grub which excayvates winding burrows through the inner bark and surface of the wood, then enters the sapwood and changes to the adult. Infests slightly injured, declining, and recently felled red, black, and white spruce. Maine to West Virginia. Coramon, and very destructive to the wood of dying trees, and may also cause the death of slightly injured ones. Exuisir: Adult and work. 96. The Cedar Tree Borer. Hylotrupes ligneus Fab. A slender, whitish, bark and wood boring grub, excavating winding burrows in the bark and surface of the wood of living arborvite, causing the death of the trees and sericus defects in the wood of living ones. Common in northwestern Maine. Exuipir: Adult and work. 97. The Blazed-Tree Borer. Serropalpus barbatus Schall. A slender, whitish, wood-boring grub, which enters at wounds on living trees and bores deep into the sapwood and heartwood, causing a rapid decay of the infested parts. Common in ‘*blazed’’ wounds on balsam fir and spruce trees along the trails in northwestern Maine. Exuisit: Work. 98. The Mountain Ash Borer. Saperda sp. A destructive enemy of the mountain ash, boring in the healthy wood of the main stem. Northwestern Maine. Exurpit: Work. INSECT ENEMIES OF FORESTS IN GENERAL. INJURING THE FOLIAGE, CATERPILLARS OF BUTTERFLIES AND MOTHS. ORDER LEPIDOPTERA. CASE 25. 99. The Violet-Tip Butterfly. Polygonia interrogationis Fab. Larve on elm. Exaisit: Adults, larva. 100. The Mourning-Cloak Butterfly. Euvanessa antiopa Linn. Larvee on foliage of elm, willow, and poplar, sometimes defoliating trees. Exutsir: Adults, larvee and pupa. 101. The Viceroy Butterfly. Basilarchia archippus Cram. Larvze on willow and popiar. Exnuisir: Adult. 54 102. The Buff-Tipped Butterfly. Limenitis bredowit Hbn. Larvee on oak in California. Exarsir: Adult. 103. The Common Hackberry Butterfly. Chlorippe celtis Bd. & Lee. Larvee on hackberry. Exutpir: Adult, pupa. 104. The Pine Butterfly. Neophasia menapia Feld. Larvie defoliate pine in the Pacific States. Exuiprr: Adults. 105. The Locust Leaf Folder. Epargyreus (Eudamus) tityrus Fab. Larvie on locust. Exuisir: Adults, larva, pupa, cocoon. 106. The Walnut Sphinx. Cressonia juglandis 8. & A. Larvee on hickory and walnut. Exatsir: Adults. 107. The Pine Sphinx. Lapara coniferarum S. & A. Larvee on pine in the Eastern States. Exnuisir: Adults, larva. 108. The Catalpa Sphinx. Ceratomia catalpe Bd. Cd The larvee feed upon and frequently defoliate catalpa wherever this tree is native. Exnisir: Adult, larva. 109. The Wavy Ash Sphinx. Ceratomia undulosa Walk. Larvee on ash. ; Exaursir: Adult, larva. 110. The Ash Sphinx. Sphina (Hyloicus) kalmiw 8. & A. Larvee on ash in the Eastern States. Exursir: Adult. CASH 26. 111. The Four-Horned Sphinx. Ceratomia amyntor Hbn. Larvee on elm. Exaursir: Adults, larva. 112. The Western Cottonwood Sphinx. Pachysphinx modesta var. occidentalis Hy. Edw. Larvee on cottonwood in the Western States. Exursir: Adult. 113. The Polyphemus Moth. Telea polyphemus Cram. The large green larvee occur on maple, oak, birch, and a variety of other forest trees. Exuisir: Adult. 85 114. The Hickory Horned Devil. Citheronia regalis Hbn. Larvee on hickory and walnut. Kxuipir: Adults, larva. 115. The Imperial Moth. Basilona imperialis Dru. The larvee feed upon pine and many other species of coniferous and deciduous trees. Exuisir: Adults, larva, pupa. 116. The Orange-Striped Oak Worm. Anisota senatoria Hiibn. The larvze defoliate oak in the Eastern States. Exaisir: Adults, larvee, pupze. CASE 27. 117. The Spiny Oak Worm Anisota stigma Hbn. Larvee in large colonies on oak, sometimes defoliating trees. Eastern States. Exurisir: Adults, larvee, pupee. 118. The Green-Striped Maple Worm. Anisola rubicunda Fab. Larve in colonies on maple, sometimes defoliating trees. Eastern States. Exuisir: Adults, eggs, larvee, pupee. 119. The Buck Moth. Hemileuca maia Dru. The black spiny larvee feed in colonies on oak. Eastern States. Exaisir: Adults. 120. The Pale Tussock Caterpillar. Flalisidota tessellaris Harr. The pale-yellow, black tufted larvee feed on elm, sycamore, maple, walnut, oak, ete. Exuisir: Adults. 121. The Pine Tussock Caterpillar. Euschausia argentata Pack. The larvee feed in colonies on pine, cedar, Douglas spruce, ete. Northwestern States. Exautsir: Adults, pupze, cocoon, work. 122. The Hickory Tussock Caterpillar. Halisidota caryxe Harr. The white wooly caterpillars, tufted with black, feed in large colonies on hickory, walnut, elm, and other forest trees, sometimes becoming very destructive. Eastern States. Exutisir: Adults, cocoons. 123. The Oak Tussock Caterpillar. Halisidota maculata Harr. The orange and black tufted larvie on oak, elm, alder, etc. Northern States. Exuisir: Adults. s 86 124. The Fall Webworm. Hyphantria textor Harr. Larvee construct large tents on most species of deciduous forest trees. At times very destructive. Exuisir: Adults, larvee, pupa. 125. The American Dagger-Moth. Apatela americana Harr. The larvee occur on maple, elm, and a variety of other forest trees. Exarpir: Adults, larva. 126. The Smeared Dagger-Moth. Apatela oblinita S. & A. Larvee occur on nearly all varieties of deciduous trees. Exuipit: Adults, larvee. CASH 28. 127. The Underwing Moths. Genus Catocala. The large gray larvee of these moths, of which there are many species in the United States, are nocturnal in habit, and conceal themselves during the day in the crevices of the bark on tree trunks and limbs. They devour the foliage of oak, hickory, wal- nut, poplar, birch, and other species of forest trees. Exarsir: Adults of the following species: Catocala retecta Grote, Catocala vidua S. & A., Catocala obscura Strk., Catocala cerogama Guen., Calocala unijuga Walk., Cato- cala concumbens Walk., Catocala cara Guen. 128. The Semi-Looping Maple Worm. Homoptera lunata Dru. The slender green larvee occur on maple, willow, ete. Exuipir: Adults, larva, pupa. 129. The California Phryganidia. Phryganidia californica Pack. Larvee on oak, sometimes defoliating trees in California. Exuisit: Adults, larvee. 130. The Poplar Tent-Maker. Melalopha inclusa Hubn. Larvee construct small tents on aspen, cottonwood, and willow. Eastern States. Exuisir: Adults, larva. 131. The Black Hickory Caterpillar. Datana integerrima G. & R. Larvee in colonies on hickory and walnut, sometimes defoliating the trees. East- ern States. Exuisir: Adult, larva, pupze. 132. The Yellow-Necked Apple-Tree Caterpillar. Datana ministra Dru. Larvee in colonies on birch, oak, and other forest trees, as well as on apple. East- ern States. Exuisir: Adults, eggs, larvee, pupa. 133. The Striped Hickory Caterpillar. Datana angusti G. & R. Larve in colonies on hickory and oak. Eastern States. Exuisit: Adults. 87 134. The Green Oak Caterpillar. Nadata gibbosa 8. & A. Larvee on oak, maple, and other forest trees. Exuisit: Adult, larve. 135. The Rosy Hyparpax. Hyparpax aurora 8. & A. Larvee on oak in Eastern States. Exarsir: Adults. CASE 29. 136. The Red-Humped Qak Caterpillar. Symmerista albifrons S. & A. Larve on oak, sometimes defoliating trees in the Eastern States. Exuisir: Adults, larva, pupa. 137. The Rusty Tussock-Moth. Notolophus antiqua Linn. Larve on most species of deciduous forest trees in America and Europe. Exnuisir: Adults. 138. The California Tussock-Moth. Hemerocampa vetusta Bd. Larvz on yarious species of deciduous forest trees in California. Exuripir: Adults, larva. 139. The White-Marked Tussock-Moth. Hemerocampa leucostigna S. & A. Lary sometimes defoliate elm, maple, and other deciduous forest trees in the Eastern States. Exuresir: Adults, egg-mass, larva, cocoon. 140. The Dark Tussock-Moth. Olene achatina S. & A. Larvee on various deciduous forest trees in the Eastern States. Exurisir: Adult. 141. The Brown-Tail Moth. Euproctis chrysorrhea Linn. Introduced from Europe and destructive to deciduous forest trees in Massachusetts and New Hampshire. Exuisir: Adults. 142. The Gypsy Moth. Porthetria dispar Linn. Introduced from Europe and very destructive to nearly all deciduous and a few coniferous forest trees in Massachusetts. It has recently become established in por- tions of the city of Providence, Rhode Island. Exuisir: Adults, larve. 143. The Forest Tent-Caterpillar. Malacosoma ( Clisiocampa) disstria Hbn. Larvee at times very destructive to maple, oak, aspen, cottonwood, gum, and nearly all other deciduous forest trees throughout the United States. Exursit: Adults, eggs, larvee, pupa, cocoons. 88 144. The Tufted Tent-Caterpillar. Malacosoma (Clisiocampa) constricta Stretch. ‘ Larvee on oak in California. : ExHipir: Adults, eggs, larvee. 3 145. The American Tent-Caterpillar. | Malacosoma (Clisiocampa) americana Fab. Larve principally destructive to fruit trees, but also to wild cherry and a few other forest trees in the Eastern States. Exnisir: Adults, eggs. 146. The Rocky Mountain Tent-Caterpillar. Malacosoma (Clisiocampa) fragilis Stretch. Larvee feed on deciduous forest trees generally, and are at times very destructive. tocky Mountain States. Exuisir: Adults, eggs, larvee. 147. The Northwestern Tent-Caterpillar. Malacosoma (Clisiocampa) pluvialis Dyar. Larvee on most species of deciduous forest trees in the Northwestern States. Exnaipir: Adults, larva, cocoon. 148. The Californian Tent-Caterpillar. Malacosoma (Clisiocampa) californica Pack. Larvze on oak in California. Exaipir: Adults, larva. 149. The Spring Canker-Worm. Paleacrita vernata Harr. The larvee feed upon the surface of the leaves of various forest and shade trees, especially upon elm in the Eastern States. Exuierr: Adults, pupa. CASE 30. 150. The Cherry-Leaf Webworm. Calocalpe undulata Linn. The larvee live in webs on the terminal shoots of black cherry. Exnarpsir: Adults, work. 151. The Western Oak Span-Worm. Therina somniaria Hulst. The larvee occur on oak in the Northwestern States, sometimes defoliating trees. Exaisir: Adults, pupee. 152. The Large Forest Span-Worm. Sabulodes transversata Dru. Larvee occur on maple, poplar, oak, ete. Exuipir: Adults, larva. 153. The Crinkly Flannel Moth. Lagoa crispata Pack. The larve, which somewhat resemble the slug caterpillars, feed upon oak, poplar, and a variety of other deciduous trees. Exuisir: Adults. 89 154. The Oak Webworm. Archips (Cacecia) fervidana Clem. Larve: live in colonies on oak, sheltered by a web inclosing leaves and a mass of excrement. Exuisir: Adults. 155. The Slug Caterpillars. Family Cochlidiide. These bright-colored slug-like larvee feed very generally on foliage of most decidu- ous trees. Exursir: the following species: Sibine stimulea Clem., adults, larva, cocoon; Huclea delphinii Bda., adult; Huclea indelermina Bd., adult. THE FALSE CATERPILLARS OR SAWFLIES. FAMILY TENTHRE- DINIDZ. ATR Om CAS Hh! SO: 156. Abbot’s White-Pine Sawfly. Lophyrus abbotii Leach. This species, together with several closely allied forms, is at times very destructive to pine. Exnuipir: Adults, larvee, cocoons. 157. The Larch Sawfly. Nematus erichsonii Hartig. One of the most destructive forest insects; the larvee at various times past entirely defoliated the larch throughout the Northeastern States and caused the death of a large proportion of the trees. Exuisir: Adults. , 158. The Large American Sawfly. Cimbex americana Leach. Larvee destroy foliage of elm, willow, poplar, and linden. Exuisit: Adult. MISCELLANEOUS FOLIAGE INSECTS. IPAS Oi GASH 30. 159. The Common Walking Stick. Diapheromera femorata Say. Young and adults devour foliage of deciduous forest trees. Exursir: Adult. 160. Katydid. Microcentrum laurifolium Linn. Young and adults feed on foliage of trees. Exuarsir: Adult, eggs. LEAF-BEETLES. FAMILY SCARABAIDZ. PACH OH CASH Si: 161. The Rhinoceros Beetle. Dynastes tityus Linn. Larvee mine in decaying stumps; adults destroy foliage of ash. Exuisir: Adults. 162. The Goldsmith Beetle. Cotalpa lanigera Linn. Adults on oak, poplar, and other deciduous trees, sometimes defoliating them. Exursit: Adults. 90 THE LEAF-BEETLES. FAMILY CHRYSOMELIDS. PARTE OF CASH Si. 163. The Imported Elm Leaf-Beetle. Galerucella luteola Mull. A very serious enemy to the elm in the Eastern States. Exuisitr: Adults, work. 164. The Larger Elm Leaf-Beetle. Monocesta coryli Say. Adults and larvee destroy foliage of elm in sections of the Middle West. Kxuterr: Adults, work. 165. The Striped Willow Leaf-Beetle. Melasoma scripta Fab. 3oth larvee and adults feed on foliage of poplar and willow, and are at times very destructive to these trees. An especial enemy of the osier willow industry. Exuipir: Adults, pupee. 166. The Spotted Willow Leaf-Beetle. Melasoma lapponica Linn. Habits similar to the apove, but less abundant and injurious. Exursir: Adults. INJURING THE FRUIT. THE WEEVILS. FAMILY CURCULIONIDZE. TAS EVE OI SOAS Se esis 167. The Nut Weevils. Genus Balaninus. There are numerous species, the larvee of which live within acorns and nuts of various sorts. Exuipit: Adults of the following species: Balaninus nasicus Say, Balaninus caryx Horn, Balaninus quercus Horn. 168. The Walnut Fruit Weevil. Conotrachelus juglandis Lee. The larvee live in green fruit of walnut. Exurpits: Adults. CONE AND NUT WORMS. ORDER LEPIDOPTERA. PART OF CASE 31. 169. The Hickory Husk-Worm. Grapholitha caryana Fitch. The larve live within the immature nuts and husks of the hickory and pecan. Exuisirr: Adults, work. 170. The Spruce Cone-Worm. Dioryctia reniculella Grt, Larvee attack cones of spruce. Exutipsir: Adult, work. 171. The Southern Pine Cone-Worm. _ An insect closely allied to the spruce cone-worm which attacks the cone of the Southern longleaf pine. Exutsit: Work. 91 INJURING THE TWIGS AND SMALLER BRANCHES. THE CICADAS. FAMILY CICADIDZ. PART OF CASH, Si. 172. The Seventeen-Year Cicada. Tibicen septendecim Linn. A most destructive species, but owing to the long period required by the young to reach maturity only injurious during certain years. Exursir: Adults, pupa, work. THE SCALE INSECTS. FAMILY COCCIDZ. PART OF CASE 31. 173. The Cottony Maple Scale. Pulvinaria innumerabilis Rathy. Becomes at times very abundant on twigs of maple. Exuisir: Adult scales on twigs. 174. The Gloomy Maple Scale. Asgpidiotus tenebricosus Comst. At times very abundant on maple. Principally injurious to shade trees in the neighborhood of towns. Exuipir: Adult scales on bark. 175. The Hickory Soft Scale. Lecanium sp. At times abundant on hickory and pecan in the Southern States. Exurisir: Adult scales on twigs. THE TWIG WEEVILS. FAMILY CURCULIONIDZ. PART OF CASH 32. 176. The Western Spruce Weevil. Pissodes sp. Attacks and kills the terminal shoots of Sitka spruce, causing deformed trees. Northwestern States. Exuisir: Adults, larvee, work. 177. The White-Pine Weevil. Pissodes strobi Peck. Attacks and kills the terminal shoots of white pine, spruce, and deodar, causing serious deformity to the tree; also breeds in the bark of the lower portions of the trunk of pine and spruce, hastening the death of injured trees. Eastern States. Exuisir: Adults, work. Sections of young white pine showing nature of Injury to terminal shoots. (Large case. ) ROUND-HEADED BORERS. FAMILY CERAMBYCID. PART OF CASE 32. 178. The Oak Pruner. Elaphidion villosum Fab. The laryee bore in twigs of living oak, hickory, etc., causing them to break and fall. Exuisit: Adults, work. 92 179. The Hickory Twig Girdler. Oncideres cingulata Say. The adult girdles the twigs of oak, hickory, persimmon, and other trees, sometimes so extensively as to cause serious injury. Exuisir: Adults, work, figure. INJURING THE INNER BARK AND SAPWOOD. THE BARK WEEVILS. FAMILY CURCULIONIDZE. CASE 33. 180. The Cypress Weevil. Eudocimus mannerheimii Boh. The adults feed on the bark of bald cypress twigs, causing their death, and the larvee mine the inner bark of injured and recently felled trees. Southern States. Exnipir: Adult, larva, work. 181. The Pales Weevil. Hylobius pales Hbst. The larve bore into the inner bark of stumps and roots of recently felled, dying, and injured pine. Eastern States. Exuisir: Adults. 182. The Pitch-Eating Weevil. Pachylobius picivorus Germ. Has habits similar to the pales weevil. Eastern States. Exnisir: Adults. 183. The Walnut Weevil. Cryptorhynchus parochus Hbst. The larve mine the inner bark and sapwood of weakened and recently dead walnut. Exuisir: Adults, work. 184. The Fir Weevil. Pissodes dubius Rand. The larvee mine the inner bark of balsam fir, hastening the death of injured trees. Northeastern States. Exnisir: Adults, larvee, work. THE ROUND-HEADED BORERS. FAMILY CERAMBYCIDZ. CASE 34. 185. The White-Pine Sawyer. Monohammus scutellatus Say. Larvee mine the inner bark and bore deep into the sapwood of white and silver pine, hastening the death of dying trees and injuring saw logs. Exuipir: Adults, work. 186. The Common Pine Sawyer. Monohammus confusor Kirby. The larvee mine the inner bark and bore large holes into the sapwood of dying trees and saw logs of pine and spruce. Exuipir: Adults, larva. 187. The Ponderous Pine-Borer. Ergates spiculatus Lee. Larve bore in dead pine logs, injuring them for timber. Northwestern States. Exuipsir: Adults, larva, work. 93 188. The Knob-Horned Pine-Borer. Acanthocinus nodosus Fab. The larve mine the inner bark of pine stumps and large logs. Exuisir: Adults. 189. The Obsolete Pine-Borer. Acanthocinus obsoletus O1. The laryee mine the inner bark of freshly killed pine. Exuisir: Adults. 190. The Small Pine Bark-Borer. Ceratographis pusillus Kirby. Larvee mine the inner bark of dead and dying pine. Exuisir: Adults. 191. The Lesser Pine-Borer. Asemum meestum Hald. Larvze bore into sapwood of dead pine and spruce logs and stumps. Eastern States. Exuipit: Adults. CASE 35. 192. The Poplar Borer. Saperda calcarata Say. Larve bore in trunks of living aspen, cottonwood, and willow, causing great destruction to these trees. Exuisitr: Adults, work. 193. The Common Elm-Tree Borer. Saperda tridentata Ol. The larvee mine the bark and sapwood of dead, dying, and healthy elm, often causing great destruction. Exnuisir: Adults, work. 194. The Poplar Girdler. Saperda concolor Lee. Larvee mine in green bark of aspen and cottonwood saplings, girdling the trunks and causing large swellings; also attack willow. Exuisir: Adults, work. 195. The Sugar-Maple Borer. Plagionotus speciosus Say. Larvee mine the inner bark and sapwood of recently dead, dying, and living maple, often causing the death of weakened trees. Exuipir: Adults. 196. The Locust Borer. Cyllene robinix Forst. Larve mine the wood and bark of living locust, causing great damage and destruc- tion. Exauisit: Adults, work. 197. The Linden Borer. Saperda vestita Say. Laryee mine the inner bark and bore into the trunk of linden, causing much injury. Exuisir: Adults, work. o4 198. The Chestnut Callidium. Callidium xreum Newm. Larvee mine inner bark of chestnut, hastening, and perhaps causing, death of aged or injured trees. Exursir: Adults, larvee, pupa. 199. The Belted Chion. Chion cinctus Dru. The larvee mine the inner bark and bore into the wood of trunk and branches of dying and recently dead hickory, chestnut, oak, ete. Exursir: Adults, larva, work. 200. The Dusty Oak Borer. Romaleum atomarium Dru. Larvee in stumps and logs of recently dead oak. Iexnmipir: Adults. CASH 36. 201. The Beautiful Hickory Borer. Goes pulchra Hald. Larvee bore in hickory. Exarpir: Adults. 202. The Tiger Hickory Borer. Goes tigrina DeG. Laryee mine the inner bark and sapwood of living hickory and oak. Exureir: Adults. 203. The White-Lined Cypress Borer. Physocnemum andree Hald. Larve mine the inner bark and outer sapwood of bald cypress logs. Southern States. Exarsir: Adults, larva, work. 204. The Common Hickory Borer. Saperda discoidea Fab. Larvee mine the inner bark of injured, dying, and recently dead hickory. Exuipit: Adults. 205. The Blue-Winged Walnut Borer. Gauroles cyanipennis Say. Larvee infest walnut. Exursir: Adults. 206. The Lichen-like Beetle. Leptostylus aculiferus Say. Larvee mine the inner bark of dying and dead tulip-tree (Liriodendron). Exuisir: Adults. 207. The Ash-Colored Mulberry Borer. Heteemis cinerea Ol. Adults feed on the foliage and larvee mine the green bark and sapwood of dying and injured mulberry. Exnrisir: Adults. 208. The Painted Hickory Borer. Cyllene picta Dru. Larvie bore in the trunks of dead, dying, and sometimes healthy hickory trees. lexarpir: Adults. 95 CASE 37. 209. The Curious Cypress Borer. Curius dentatus Newm. Larve mine the smaller branches of young bald cypress. Exuisitr: Adults, work. 210. The Banded Ash Borer. Neoclytus caprea Say. Larvee very injurious to dying trees and saw logs of black ash, boring numerous holes through the wood. Exuipit: Adults, work. 211. The Rigid Cypress Borer. (Eme rigida Say. Larvee mine inner bark of girdled bald cypress and dying white cedar. Exaisir: Adult, larva, work. 212. The Southern Oak Borer. Mallodon dasystomus Say. Larve bore in healthy live oak, hackberry, and hickory trees, greatly injuring them. Southern States. Exarsir: Adults. 213. The Live-Oak Root-Borer. Mallodon melanopus Linn. Larve bore into the roots of young oaks, causing dwarfed and worthless trees. Southern States. Exuisit: Adult. 214. The Variable Oak Borer. Phymatodes variabilis Fab. Larvee mine inner bark of dying and recently dead oak; are also injurious to tan- bark. Exursir: Adult, work. 215. The Thunderbolt Beetle. Arhopalus fulminans Fab. Larvee mine the inner bark and sapwood of chestnut and oak. Exuisit: Adults. 216. The Lesser Prionus. Orthosoma brunneum Forst. Larva in decaying logs and stumps of nearly all forest trees. Exnuisit: Adults. 217. The Cottonwood Root-Borer. Plectrodera scalator Fab. Larve in roots of aspen and cottonwood. Exnuisit: Adults. 218. The Broad-Necked Prionus. Prionus laticollis Dru. Larvee in roots of oak, aspen, and cottonwood. Sometimes destructive. stumps of pine. Exutsit: Adults. Also in 96 JASE 3s. 219. The Destructive Spruce Wood-Borer. Tetropium cinnamopterum Wirby. Larvee mine green bark and wood of injured and dying spruce, hastening death and promoting decay. Exnuisir: Adults, larvee, work. 220. The Wavy Spruce Borer. NXylotrechus undulatus Say. Larvee mine the inner bark and sapwood of Douglas spruce, fir, and hemlock. Exuipir: Adults. 221. The Canadian Leptura. Leptura canadensis Fab. Laryee mine sapwood of dead spruce and hemlock, inducing rapid decay. Exuisir: Adults. 222. The Red-Headed Clytus. Neoclytus erythrocephalus Fab. Larvee mine in dead and dying bark and sapwood of a great variety of forest trees, maple, ash, hickory, sweet gum, bald cypress, ete. ° Exuisir: Adults. 223. The Ribbed Pine Borer. Rhagium lineatum Ol. Larvee mine the inner bark of dying and dead pine, spruce, and some other conifers. Exuisit: Adults, larvee, pupa, work. 224. The Black-Horned Pine Borer. Callidium antennatum Newm. Larvee mine inner bark and wood of dying and dead pine, cedar, ete. Exarsir: Adults, work. 225. The Four-Marked Ash Borer. Eburia quadrigeminata Say. Larvee infest ash and hickory. Exaursit: Adults. 226. The Cedar Borer. Hylotrupes ligneus Fab. Larvee mine inner bark and sapwood of white cedar, causing the death of the trees. Exuipit: Adults, larvee, pupa, work. 227. The Banded Urographis. Urographis fasciatus Horn. The larvee mine the inner bark of dead oak, maple, chestnut, sweet gum, hickory, walnut, sourwood, dogwood, and probably nearly all deciduous trees. Eastern States. Exarsir: Adults. 228. The Rustic Borer. NXylotrechus colonus Fab. Larve mine the inner bark and sapwood of recently cut or dying oak, chestnut, hickory, maple, and other hard woods. Exuisir; Adults. 97 THE FLAT-HEADED BORERS. FAMILY BUPRESTIDZ. CASE 39. 229. The Bronze Birch Borer. Agrilus anxius Gory. The larvee mine the inner bark of living and injured birch, aspen, and cottonwood. Very destructive in the Northern States. Exuipit: Adults, work. 230. The Two-Lined Chestnut Borer. Agrilus bilineatus Web. The slender larvee mine the inner bark of recently dead, injured, and healthy chestnut and oak. One of the principal causes for the wholesale destruction of chestnut in the Southern States. Exuisir: Adults, work. 231. The Eastern Hemlock Bark-Borer. Melanophila fulvoguttata Harr. Lary mine the inner bark of recently dead and injured hemlock in the Eastern States. Exuisir: Adults, work. 232. The Flat-Headed Apple-Tree Borer. Chrysobothris femorata Fab. The larvee mine the inner bark of recently dead and injured oak, chestnut, hickory, maple, and some other deciduous forest trees. Eastern States. ; Exuisir: Adults, larvee, pupee, work. CASE -t0. 233. The Flat-Headed Pine Bark-Borer. Chrysobothris dentipes Germ. Larve mine the inner bark of recently dead and dying pine. Exuisir: Adults. 234. The Flat-Headed Hickory Borer. Dicerca obscura Fab. Larve bore into the trunk and limbs of hickory, maple, and some other deciduous trees. Exursir: Adults. 235. The Western Hemlock Bark-Borer. Melanophila drummondi Kirby. The laryee mine the inner bark of dead and healthy western hemlock and Douglas spruce, causing defects in the lumber and killing trees. Northwestern States. Exuisir: Adults, larva, pupa, work. INJURING THE WOOD. THE FLAT-HEADED BORERS. FAMILY BUPRESTIDZ. Ew ASEVsi @iklnG Acs Hi Os 236. The Turpentine Borer. Buprestis apricans Hbst. The larvee bore into the solid resinous heartwood of longleaf pine after ‘“‘boxing”’ by turpentine workers, so weakening the trunk as to cause it to break and spoiling portions of it for lumber. Exureit: Adult, work. 25916--No, 53—05——7 98 237. The Golden Buprestis. Buprestis aurulenta Linn. Lary:e bore into trunks of dead pines, spruce, fir, and other conifers. Exnisir: Adults. 238. The Heart-wood Pine Borer. Chalcophora virginiensis Dru. Larvee bore into trunks of dead pine and spruce and into heartwood of living oe Adults, work. THE TIMBER BEETLES. FAMILY SCOLYTIDA. PART OF CASH £1. 240. The Hickory Timber-Beetle. Nyleborus celsus Kich. The adults excavate long branching galleries in dying trees and logs of hickory. Exuisit: Adults, work. THE POWDER-POST BEETLES. FAMILY PTINIDZA. PART OF CASE 41. 242. The Red-Shouldered Ptinid Borer. Sinoxylon basilare Say. Adult bores short curved galleries in branches of dead hickory, persimmon, and most other deciduous trees; the larvze bore the solid wood. Exureir: Adults, work. 243. Powder-Post Beetles. Genus Lyctus. Exuipir: Work, sections of seasoned ash and hickory showing characteristic injury by the beetles and larvee. THE TIMBER WORMS. FAMILIES BRENTHIDZ AND LYMEXYLIDZ. PART OF CASE 41. 244. The Northern Brenthis. Pupsalis minuta Dru. The larvee excavate extensive galleries in solid wood of recently dead and dying oak, chestnut, beech, elm, bald cypress, and most other species of deciduous forest trees. Exuipir: Adults, work. 245. The Chestnut Timber Worm. Lymexylon sericeum Harr. The larvee excavate extensive galleries in the heartwood and sapwood of living and dead chestnut and oak. Exnipit: Adult, work. THE CARPENTER WORMS. ORDER LEPIDOPTERA, FAMILY COSSIDZE. CASE 42. 246. The Leopard Moth. Zeuzera pyrina Fab. An introduced species very injurious to forest, shade, and orchard trees in the vicinity of New York City. Exuisit: Adults, larvee, pupa, work. 99 247. The Oak Carpenter Worm. Prionoxystus robinize Peck. The larvee mine in living oak and locust, and are sometimes very destructive, espe_ cially to aged trees. Exurpir: Adults, work. 248. The Poplar Carpenter Worm. Cossus centerensis Lint. The larvee mine in trunks of cottonwood. Exarsir: Adults. THE HORNTAILS OR WOOD WASPS. FAMILY UROCERIDZ. CASH 43. 249. The Pigeon Tremex. Tremex columba Linn. Larve mine the sapwood of hickory, oak, poplar, maple, and other deciduous forest trees, hastening the death of those weakened by other causes. Exaipsir: Adults, work. 250. The Pale Tremex. Tremex sericeus Say. Habits like the pigeon tremex. Exursir: Adults. 251. The White-Horned Horntail. Urocerus albicornis Fab. Attacks spruce, hemlock, and fir. Exuisir: Adults, larva, pupa, work. 252. The Blue Horntail. Paururus cyaneus Fab. Attacks spruce and fir. Exutsir: Adult. ° 253. The Banded Horntail. Urocerus abdominalis Harr. Attacks spruce. Exarsir: Adults. 254. The Yellow-Winged Horntail. Urocerus flavipennis Kirby. Attacks spruce. Exursir: Adults. 255. The Small-Pine Horntail. Paururus pinicola Ashm. Larvee in pine. Exursir: Adults. 256. The Black-Pine Horntail. Paururus hopkinsi Ashm. Larvee in pine. Exuisir: Adults. 100 PARASITIC ENEMIES. FAMILY ICHNEUMONIDZ. PART OF CASE 43. 257. The Lunated Long-Sting. Thalessa lunator Fab. There are several quite similar species of these insects, which, by means of the long, thread-like appendage to the body, deposit their eggs within the galleries of the horntail larvee, upon which their own larvee are parasitic. Exuisits: Adults. INJURING INNER BARK. THE BARK-BEETLES. FAMILY SCOLYTIDZ. CASE 44. 258. The Pine-Destroying Beetle of the Black Hills.: Dendroctonus ponderose Hopk. Attacks healthy pine and spruce in the Black Hills of South Dakota and Rocky Mountain region. The adult beetles excavate characteristic galleries in the inner bark of dead, dying, and healthy trees. Their eggs are deposited along the sides of these galleries, and the larvee developing from them mine the inner bark. It is esti- mated that it has been the primary cause of the destruction of 1,000,000,000 feet of western yellow pine ( Pinus ponderosa) in the Black Hills. Exursir: Adults, work. Sections of trunks of western yellow pine attacked by beetles showing pitch tubes on surface and marks of galleries in inner bark. CASH 45. 259. The Destructive Pine Bark-Beetle. Dendroctonus frontalis Zimm. Attacks healthy pine and spruce in the Southern States. It is capable of enormous destruction and, though usually held in check by natural causes, has at various times past so increased as to seriously menace the entire stand of pine and spruce in por- tions of the Southeastern States, notably in West Virginia in 1891-92. Exuisir: Adults, work. Markings on surface of wood of beetle-killed tree; appear- ance of outer bark of beetle-killed trees; outer bark of tree scaled off by woodpeckers in search of beetles and their Jarvee. 260. The Oregon Tomicus. Tomicus oregon Eich, A secondary enemy of pine, attacking and hastening the death of trees primarily attacked by the pine-destroying beetle. Exuresir: Work. Section of top of western yellow pine, showing galleries of adult beetles in inner bark. 261. The Companion Bark-Beetle. Tomicus avulsus Eich. A common species infesting pine in the Southern States. When abundant it attacks and kills healthy trees, but it is°especially common as a secondary enemy in com- pany with the destructive bark-beetle Dendroctonus frontalis Zimm. Exuipir: Adults, work. CASE -t6. 262. The Lawson Cypress Bark-Beetle. Phileosinus cupresse Hopk. Attacks transplanted Lawson and Monterey cypress in California. It also attacks redwood. Exutsir; Adults, work, 101 263. The Hickory Bark-Beetle. Scolytus quadrispinosus Say. A common bark-beetle in hickory, frequently causing the death of trees. The adults also do some damage by gnawing the base of small twigs, causing their death. Exaisir: Adults, work. CASH 447. 264. The Mountain Pine Dendroctonus. Dendroctonus n. sp. Attacks living, injured, and recently felled mountain or silver pine, sugar pine, and lodgepole pine in the Northwestern States. Very common and capable of great destruction to the best timber. Exarsir: Adults, work. 265. The Arizona Dendroctonus. Dendroctonus n. sp. A common bark-beetle in the southern Rocky Mountain region, attacking healthy western yellow pine, and, in company with several closely allied species, causing ereat destruction of large quantities of the best timber. Exuisitr: Adults, work. 266. The Bald Cypress Bark-Beetle. Phleosinus n. sp. Attacks recently felled and girdled bald cypress in the Southern States. Exurpir: Adults, work. PREDACEOUS AND PARASITIC ENEMIES OF DESTRUCTIVE FOREST INSECTS. THE CLERIDS. FAMILY CLERIDZ2. CASH 48. 267. The Dubius Clerid. Thanasimus dubius Fab. The beetles destroy the adults, and the larvee prey upon the developing broods of many species of bark-beetles in pine and spruce, and are frequently of the greatest benefit in holding in check the more destructive of these. Exuisit: Adults. 268. The Spider-like Clerid. Clerus sphegeus Fab. The adults feed upon the adults and the larve upon the developing broods of numerous destructive bark-beetles in pine, spruce, and fir. Western States. Exuisir: Adults. 269. The European Bark-Beetle Destroyer. Thanasimus formicarius Linn. Is very destructive to bark-beetles infesting pine and spruce in Europe, and was introduced into America in 1892 to act as a check to the alarming increase of the destructive bark-beetle (Dendroctonus frontalis) in West Virginia. Exuisir: Adults. 270. The Orange-Banded Clerid. Clerus ichneumoneus Fab. The larve prey upon the developing broods of the hickory bark-beetle (Scolytus prey up ping J quadrispinosus ). Exuisir: Adults. 102 271. The Hairy Clerid. Chariessa pilosa Forst. The larvee prey upon and do much toward preventing the increase of several of the destructive flat-headed borers (Buprestidxe) in deciduous trees. Exuipir: Adults. THE CLICK BEETLES. FAMILY ELATERIDZ. 272. The Eyed Elater. Alaus oculatus Linn. As a larva preys upon numerous species of bark and wood boring insects in deciduous trees. Exuisir: Adults. 273. The Small-Eyed Elater. Alaus myops Fab. As a larya preys upon the larger species of borers in coniferous trees. Exuisir: Adults, larva. 274. The Four-Winged Parasites. Order Hymenoptera. Families Ichneumonide, Braconide, Chalcididx, ete. Exuisit: Two larval galleries of the rigid cypress borer (Q!me rigida), in one of which the insect attained full development, while in the other it was attacked and killed by a parasite, Bracon sp. Adults and cocoons of several species which attack larvee of butterflies and moths. Adults and cocoons of several species which attack laryee of wood-boring insects. THE TROGOSITIDS. FAMILY TROGOSITIDZ. 275. The Green Trogositid. Trogosita virescens Fab. A very important enemy of nearly all the larger and more destructive bark-beetles. The adults conceal themselves in the outer bark, and the larvee enter the galleries and prey upon the insects therein. Exursit: Adults. THE COLYDIIDS. FAMILY COLYDIIDZ. 276. The Tuberculate Colydiid. Aulonium tuberculatum Lee. The adults enter the galleries and with the larvee feed upon various species of bark- beetles in all their stages. Exurpir: Adults. 2'7'7. The Line-Marked Colydiid. Colydium lineola Say. The adults enter the galleries and their larvee feed upon the developing brood of various species of Ambrosia beetles. Exuisir: Adults. SPECIAL EXHIBITS. ENLARGED MODELS OF INSECTS, AND OF INSECTS AND INJURED PLANTS. MALARIA MOSQUITO. Anopheles maculipennis Meig. Enlarged model. This and other species of Anopheles are the only known trans- mitters of human malaria. The parasitic organism causing malaria inhabits the red- blood cells of human beings. It is taken with the blood into the stomach of the mosquito. There it undergoes a sexual development, reproduces, and the offspring are carried with the mosquito poison into the circulation of healthy human beings. YELLOW FEVER MOSQUITO. Stegomyia fasciata Fab. Enlarged model. This mosquito transmits yellow fever, and it is now the opinion of the best-posted experts that only through its bite can one contract this disease. SALT MARSH MOSQUITO. Culex sollicitans Walk. Enlarged model. This mosquito is not known to carry any disease, but is very annoying at many seaside resorts. THE HOUSE FLY. Musca domestica Linn. Enlarged model. The house fly is not merely a nuisance, but also acts as a carrier of many diseases, especially of typhoid fever in the United States. HESSIAN FLY. Mayetiola destructor Say. One of the most injurious enemies of wheat in the northern and central States. The larva attacks the stem. The average yearly damage to the wheat industry in this country from this insect is $60,000,000. Enlarged models of the adult fly, and of an infested stalk of wheat showing the puparium or so-called ‘‘flaxseed,’? which encloses the pupa stage of the insect. Two natural-size models, one representing a healthy, unaffected young wheat plant to contrast with the same attacked by the Hessian fly; the other illustrating the effects of the attacks of the Hessian fly. THE SILKWORM. Bombyx (Sericaria) mori Linn. Enlarged model of the larva, showing its complete anatomy; the muscles, nerves, trachez, viscera, the silk apparatus in its whole extent, the silk-secreting gland, and the gland discovered by Auzoux, which secretes a liquid the use of which is most probably to convert the silky matter into insoluble threads. In one of the prolegs may be seen the muscles which move the claws and sucking disks which enable the animal to walk with its true feet in the air. Enlarged models of the moths, male and female. In each model is shown the atrophy of the digestive tube and the development of the marvelous organs by which the species is perpetuated. (After Auzoux. ) 103 104 HOP APHIS. Phorodon humutli Schr. UnarrecTeD Hop Piant.—A spray of hops, modeled in wax, representing the plant as it appears in vigorous growing condition and free from the attacks of its principal enemy, the hop aphis. This is to call attention to the stronger foliage and the more abundant and larger hops produced by plants from which the hop aphis has been eradicated by the use of proper remedies. ArrecreD Hop Piantr.—A spray of hops, modeled in wax, representing the vine as it appears when attacked by the hop aphis, § showing the blac kening and dis- | coloration of the leaves and the small and inferior hops, which are also ‘discolored and otherwise unsuitable for market. Winter Eaes.—Enlarged model of the winter eggs, which are attached by the sexual female to the terminal tw igs of the plum, in crevices around the buds. Srem-Morner.—The stout female aphis shown in this enlarged model hatches from the winter egg and is characterized by shorter legs and honey- -tubes. It gives birth, without the intervention of the male, to living young, of which three genera- tions are produced on the plum trees, the last being winged and migrating to the hop. Wincep Mierant.—This enlarged model represents the first winged generation, the third produced on the plum. It instinctively flies to the hop plant and is the progenitor of from five to twelvé wingless generations of virgin females, which infest the hop plants until autumn and are the sole forms w hich depredate on the hop. In autumn the last generation again produces winged females which fly to the plum trees. Hop-Arrectine Stace.—This enlarged model represents the structure and appear- ance of the five to twelve wingless generations of virgin females which people the hop plant until autumn. These are the progeny of the winged migrants and are the sole forms which injure the hop. Rerurn Micrant.—This enlarged model represents the last generation produced on the hop, the winged migrant form which in September returns again to the plum and gives birth to three or more young, which are the true sexual females, the first, perfect sexual females produced in the cycle up to this point. Pupa or Rerurn Micrant.—This model represents the pupal stage of the return migrant. The striking features are the wing pads, which with another molt become the ample flight organs seen in the model of the adult. TruE SexuAut Femare.—This enlarged model represents the generation born of the return migrant, which never acquire wings and never leave the plum tree. Maturing in a few days, according to the temperature, they are fertilized by the true winged males which have been subsequently developed on the hopsand have come from the hop fields to the plum. Shortly after fertilization the winter eggs, like those with which the cycle started, are deposited. Youna Sexuat Femare.—This enlarged model represents the newly hatched stage of the only perfectly developed sexual female produced in the life cycle of this insect. Wincep Maurn.—This enlarged model represents the first and only male genera- tion produced in the life cycle « of the hop aphis. This is developed in the autumn and flies from the hop to the plum and fertilizes the true sexual females. _ ' CHINCH BUG. Blissus leucopterus Say. THE Eacs.—This enlarged model represents the form of the egg and the terminal cap. The eggs are three-hundredths of an inch long, the top being squarely docked and surrounded by four round tubercles near the center. Color from pale whitish to amber. First Larvat Stace.—This stage, represented enlarged in this model, differs from the adult in being more elongate and in haying two- jointed tarsi, the head broader and more rounded and the joints of the body subequal. The prevailing color of the whole body is red. Seconp LarvaL Sracr.—After the first molt the form represented in this enlarged model is assumed. The red becomes a brilliant vermilion and contrasts with the pale band across the middle of the body, while the head and prothorax are dusky and coriaceous. Two broad marks appear on the mesothorax and the second, fourth, and fifth abdominal sutures, and one at the tip of the abdomen, Pupra.—The pupa shown in this enlarged model approaches still more nearly the form of the adult, and is not unlike the ‘last larval stage except in being darker and in the appearance of wing pads, which extend almost across the pale basal abdominal joints. 105 Tue Imaco.—The mature insect which is represented enlarged in this model is elongate, blackish, and with numerous hairs, or pubescence. Its length is about three-twentieths of an inch. The outer w ings are whitish, with a strong distinctive black spot. THE SAN JOSE SCALE. Aspidiotus perniciosus Comst. Ten enlarged models are exhibited illustrating the life cycle of this pest, which has caused more damage to the fruit industry and been the object of more legislation than any other insect. Its small size and inconspicuous appearance often leave it undetected until the infested trees are beyond recovery. The scale may be killed by fumigation or spraying. Enlarged models are exhibited of the jirst and second larval stages, of the young crawling larva, nearly full-grown larva, male pro-pupa, male pupa, adult male, adult female, and of the half-grown scale, full-grown male scale, and full-grown female scale. THE ASIATIC LADYBIRD. Chilocorus similis Rossi. Two enlarged models are exhibited illustrating the adult and the larva of this insect, which was introduced by the U.S. Department of Agriculture from China, where it is the important agent in keeping the San José scale in check. THE CODLING MOTH. Carpocapsa pomonella Linn. Four enlarged models illustrating the life history of this insect, which 1s the cause of the ‘‘wormy apples.’’ The damage from it in this country is estimated at $11,000,000 annually. Models are exhibited of the /arva and of the adult moth; and also an enlarged sec- tion of a piece of bark, cut so as to show a cocoon and pupa of the codling moth beneath it, and an enlarged section of ‘‘wormy’’ apple showing egg, young and mature larva and their work. THE MEXICAN COTTON BOLL WEEVIL. Anthonomus grandis Boh. Enlarged model. This insect is a native of Cuba and Mexico; upwards of ten years ago the weevils crossed the Rio Grande near Brownsville and have now spread over nearly the entire cotton belt of Texas and into the western parishes of Loui- siana. Its rapid extension, great destructiveness, and the unusual difficulties in the way of its control have caused grave fears for the future of the cotton industry in the United States. The Federal Government last year appropriated $250 000 for com- bating this insect. THE HONEY BEE. Apis mellifera Linn. Enlarged models, showing the insect in six different forms—queen, male, wax- worker, worker, bee with propolis, and the bee with pollen. In these are shown the external and internal characters which distinguish each type. Also a model of a comb in the same proportion, in which are seen the cells tor honey, for pollen, and for the eggs to produce queens, drones, and workers, with eggs, larvee, and pupe> in different stages of development. (After Auzoux. ) FLUTED SCALE. Icerya purchasi Mask. Model in wax of a twig of orange infested with the fluted seale (Icerya purchasi) copied directly from nature, the actual scales being transferred to the model plant. Illustrates the characteristic appearance of the infested plant. Move. or NoNINFESTED ORANGE.—The model in wax contrasts with the one repre- senting the characteristic appearance of infested plant. Illustrations from the publications of the Division of Entomology, representing the different stages of the fluted scale and its principal enemies. 106 AUSTRALIAN LADYBIRD. Novius ( Vedalia) cardinalis Muls. (Principal enemy of the fluted scale [Icerya purchas‘]. ) Snlarged model of the adult of this insect, the introduction of which from Australia has effected what was impossible by any other means—the practical annihilation of the fluted scale in California. Enlarged models showing structure and characteristic appearance of the larva and and pupa. THE ‘‘ KISSING BUG.” Reduvius personatus Linn. Enlarged model of one of the group of true bugs, generally known as ‘‘ assassin bugs,’”? which of late years have acquired a certain newspaper notoriety through their supposed preference for the human lips. They feed on other insects, which they pierce with their strong beaks; some species are frequently found in houses, attracted by light, and they may, oti they believe them- selves in danger, accidentally or in defense, pierce the human skin with their beaks, causing a painful wound, and often blood poisoning through the introduction of the germs of putrefaction. ORANGE RUST-MITE. Hriophyes (Phytoptus) oleivorus Ashm. Wax models of oranges. showing work of the orange rust-mite. ENLARGED MODELS OF THE PARASITE CAUSING MALARIA (ZESTIVO-AUTUMNAL FEVER). Plasmodium malariz. Twenty-nine enlarged models, illustrating the life history of this parasite in the blood of man and in the mosquito (Anopheles). The models exhibited show: Development of spores in the blood of man; develop- ment of ‘‘ crescent’? in the blood of man; development of ‘‘gamete”’ in stomach of mosquito; development and fertilization of “zygote ”’ in stomach of mosquito; devel- opment of ‘‘zygote’’ in stomach wall of mosquito; ‘“zygote”’ filled with ‘blasts? and ready to burst; free endospores, free blasts, and spermatozoa. PHOTOGRAPHS OF INSECT DAMAGE TO FORESTS. Western yellow pine trees killed by the pine-destroying beetle. Black Hills, South Dakota. Section of shortleaf pine tree killed by the destructive pine bark-beetle. North Carolina. Trunk of western yellow pine killed by the Arizona Dendroctonus, showing work of beetles. New Mexico. Western yellow pine tree, showing injury caused by the dark-red turpentine beetle at base. New Mexico. Monterey pine tree, showing injury of the dark-red turpentine beetle at base. California. Western hemlock trees killed in 1892 by the hemlock span-worm. State of Washington. Trunk of hic ‘-kory tree killed by the hickory bark-beetle, showing growth of white fungus following attack. Detroit, Mich. Silver pine trees killed by the mountain-pine Dendroctonus. Priest River Forest Reserve, Idaho. (2.) Bark from aan of giant arborvitee, showing mines of the cedar bark-beetle. State of Washington. Log of Doug: as spruce, showing galleries of the Douglas spruce Dendroctonus. State of W ashington. Storm-felled Doug: is spruce offering favorable conditions for the propagation of the Douglas spruce Dendroctonus and other bark-bettles. State of Washington. 107 Bark from storm-felled log of Douglas spruce, showing galleries of the Douglas spruce Dendroctonus. State of Washington. Group of longleaf pine killed by so-called ‘‘ worm deadening.’’ Eastern Texas. Young Sitka spruce, showing top killed by western spruce-weeyil. State of Washington. Cottonwood tree killed by the bronzed Agrilus, showing the galleries of laryee in trunk. Priest River Forest Reserve, Idaho. Young chestnut killed by the two-lined chesnut borer. Western North Carolina. Large chestnut, the death of which was hastened by insect injury. Western North Carolina. Girdled bald cypress tree injured by timber beetles. South Carolina. Trunk of hickory killed by hickory bark-beetle, showing galleries on surface of wood. Western North Carolina. LIVING INSECTS. By means of aquaria, vivaria, and other forms of insect cages, living insects will be on exhibit, subsisting on their natural food and undergoing their usual trans- formations. In the aquaria, stages of some of the species of mosquitoes occurring on the Pacific coast will be shown, as also aquatic beetles and bugs and the aquatic larvee of various insects which are terrestrial in the adult state. INDEX TO SYSTEMATIC NAMES.’ Woot (LOphy Tus). ssse ae anes - eee settee = abbotii (Sphecodina)..- iP OO AENWUCE SaaS Seneeeee Cocu RecA een Aes POGONMD AS Saas cen seas oce shee ane vicccls 99 ACHE — OMNOCOLIS=-s2an- 5-4 - 2th => sole 67 PNG ATMO CUMS stats tte oi estos ait iat ote eae 93 OMENTITT 2S 6 BO Se ee es Se See ema 87 ACHE ONE eee een. wen, Sates e scone cls 22 INCLOTISEE EP EE etn ae Seen Gacnicteasen stesceeac 15 OUGES) OS ot Mish oS Se R ee eee ES aa eee 30, 49, 52 Mcnazuwm — Sehistocerca...-----=.----2.06 <= 32 ACEO CHO APalela a. c scene == - ae 26, 27, 35, 86 HICMUICCIIIE Sn sneeo tesa S ace ae ee See eer cee 75 CGT AUR 0 See ee ee ee ea Bee. 94 ANGINA Se SS Seo aa = ee a a ee eae 17,41 KGUOYOOKO HES) Sic oe SS aes ae ote ee eS ee 53 MORUCII ARs ns ent Mate circa siete we ak 61 EE UES coe SOUR aera 25, 28 j 59 39 27 94 ia 45 TEAS SIAN sya ee se eee ee ae 28 PCTS ne ee eicice ne cece abet satns ee 2 21, 26, 77,97 NOMA nial eel c= ae eeniecateeete nee ec 57 JNSTOING) 4.6 5265.5 h GCSE eee ee eee ee 51 ISIQVUUS 5 GES SEAS ECORI EDEO oe ee SEE Oe eas 102 CUlonCormins: 5s ROE. een ee Ue ec ees ama ae 99 ailbiGar(MacropasiS) soac----cccaece- ct see bee 55 apes (SVNeta) sere esse seah= ee cesses. xe 17 FUL UN OTIS tomar latee scien = cicsie siawien slewciene cscs 87 CillosN GM VetNG 4 bee oe decease coC een aerSeeees 39 SUIDLOMICH 2astee seace ane neces eas eos fsee temas 53 PME MTOM eset se totes se osc tac ceess suedses cs 9, 32 Aor ae. 2. 22 =). Roe ete ee core yaterecoteete 18 FAM PAULO UMISE. cseemeSecccen soccocecsests cece 63 FAUSC)PMN emeemtysane says ey iae yeas Senen ice 16 NE TMA see sa ar osc siniceiiecis Sais ecinctacince Le 64 AINE ee poh 3 eee Set ea ee 23 AMETICANT CA PALClA)ieeccscine asic ste eta cce 86 am eriGanma (CimMPex) a. as.-seec moose cee cs ose 89 PIMC HICRM aN (EVMEEISING) joc... = ees ccec hess cose 23 americana (Malacosoma) ...--.....--..-.-- 15, 88 gimenicana: (Meromiyza) sos. =c.- cs cecce tee 31,41 americana (Periplaneta) ...-....-.......-.- 64 americana, (Schistocerca) ...----.-:-2-2---- 32 Ameticantis (Syrphus)=- soso. sss--- cs. sce es 40 AMEN CANS) (MAPAMUS)) 22 -52sss-cvs-cccee 68 SUELO ENVIS UITNIAN ete'= cia aici = =m ints See iatore citings uth ASTID OLOPRAP A sea en tose cae we coco emwoeee 23 AMUPCLOD MMs ne aa nena ceiscee accesses nates 65, 66 PAU MEG OTUS mse saeeis.saces ccecnscoeecmebracs 13, 22 Amphisa=Coelostathma .-.-....-..----..--. 34 amyntor Anabrus Anaphora Anarsia PANIUSLS HS 523. e 5210 FATIATIS): 322 - anchorago PATON epee see anne Hla Gees Aetlememeasies.ce 15, 26, ancylus andre Angerona=Xanthotype angusii angustatus - AMNISOMONPUA coe cacencsreticass-ccsceccenaeeee 9 Ansoptenyjc—Alsophila. so... -:.--os2-2+-sne : 16 Page 85 annex. Dee te sek Mem ee orem inte se eee eee Seb eee 29, 51 42 Seats Mae ee aiatts Sas See eee 5 tees tole ao 54 PHAOWIET ACES SaaS a aes cae eae ep Spee eee ee 66 aMMUMUPES! ease Sao sence seee eee smese ree 18 Anobium (see Sitodrepa) ...---...-..-.----- 62 PATIOMN BI Baas cys =e ia see cisisoee obi e lee aeee 24 ATIOM AONE tee mer te catenins tesa ee sae 39 ELT OMY Bye eee seis a elo eee ee cle tees Seek 39 AMophelessen es ssc t ee se eaee ane a 65, 103, we PO ICE os sae aS orichebogacds sone eae eDSoaSt BUCS AGU eee easels ae oeiee ince see ae ae a6 ARTRONUY LU —e2O Ni tice sents acetate eae nee 53 At RONOMIUSS sass serene ese 18, 21, 26, 42, 105 AuTthTemus es 22 ae sae He tee ete Sete ces elec 62, 65 antiopa Seek Gace rea e esas nse cee eee eee Se 83 BMA SEs = oe eae ae See oe ence Baers 87 QIMRUISe 2 Me mist cece sec tte eee eee ocecrtes 77,97 CAOVANG NDUTEN Os Rare teat PACE seca 11 A PAMTESISES 2 ho. ec oes ches Higa dace edeasdc 29, 36 AHL aspect csscwass eceee ets Soe See 26, 27, 35, Ey ANOVA OE a 5 Saeed Es AOD A aed Se SS ener a A ISee ese teaark st cic. ps one eeee 10,17, 3 Aphis=Macrosiphum, Siphocoryne.......-.. 40 ClO CET CS ae teh os eee ee Teer 39 PADIS ee oe ee See pcre ee as Se Se eee een ere 105 appendic ulatus=Pristophora grossulariz -- 29 HPVICANS ate sccieeae sc eeee cee sae eee 97 ATBCOLUS 5225 2.n22-i52 sca se eeecieee sete cce 7 ATA MI SUS S556 Hat oe ot me eee eae a aes one 7 ATCHUpPPUS! sas oaa- soe Seas see eees cewciae Sole 8&3 AT CHUPSS Set caer eh ne see ees sochieeeee 15, 34, . IAT ChY taSpascacescess ccseteeceessaceee SpA Arctia=Apantesis Seen cee alas = tte see 39 CROW RU IRCS Aer Memenocace: Par One Eseeernc once 25, 30 SVOMANIUS enna ees eae meee jae os ssacanems seers 45 ar PeMbalae ssa se ase See era eee tae ee oe 85 CiaSUK Gabmciaauobabocuddeebounuacceec ooscbe0ES a7 AO Dp gluse irs ete ea elampoyennic ame ne eats 95 ATISbOtClIAA sem onmed een Ae ae scl cle maee cess 34 armiger= Heliothis obsoleta -.......-- 42, 50, 57,58 QTMIGS CTA vss See eae nes canoe tae teomeetee seen e 60 BTMOLACI ssa soe esses cose nea sesce sence 53 AISEIDUS seme neato et eaeeemencact eer ese aes 8 ANVENSIS/Sass.. acasseese coe seeeecessecs sees 40 FAS CUMMINS saya cise cietictionie aaeciote amine seas ate 76, 93 SIN 2 seieee eet eeasnss ees c semsnseceshaceee 69 Asopia=Hypsopygia.....-..---------------- 37 ASODiG—=PYTAliS! st -22sa262c2ss545 csneeeee ses 61 ASPATAGE Coes sone eee t ance cine ree enema cece 58 SSpeneCOlIS meee sareeeeeac emote macs se eetene 75 Aspidiotus...... 11, 12, 13, 14, 19, 20, 21, 22, 28, 91, 105 Aspidiotus—Chrysomphalus Jase Sacsewedeees 11 ASpidisca—COPLOdISCaR ss =s jeea== =a eee 15 AS PIG OSLOSSae seme ee sere ais eee nie erate 21 Aspilates=Catopyrrha ...---- Be eae cc 35 ASSIS Cesare cae aaa see te 43 Chi Chobe A eeondodbosboconepecooS acs 30, 37, 38, 43, 2 APOMLATLUMY Ss 55552 reece eee cece sencee re SALOMMUSis sees ceser ae See toe eseinne condense s STATUS S22 see eae eaten oameiseis sinter imiatese 68 GUT eMIITIS Ae eae ars eee neat cc nce acc caias 55 Atropos—Rroctessetem sszceteoen ss cetece cess 64 SUT OD OS ie eee eee eases nists = ieinlele owinwle aia\-! == .e)= 68 ELINOR? oh sp opakgicant Sate Sen BOOS ROnpEacTaneaS 39 PANG DSC IMUIS ore seirne Oe ae ee eas eee raters sinieie aim a= 61 PASLOMMUTN MAES 5 oo ne Meee ce ais cies cietioecitic =.= 102 DULAC eseses a eta memes eer eames te classe 11 aurichalcea=Coptocyela bicolor ...-...-.---- 55 a Many of the forest insects are species which have not yet been described. The reader will, there- fore, find these under the generic name, or in the Index of Common Names, (109) Page Pi lintay t Raen cc podononooeeicb one sodsabsoAaanage 87 HULUleNtas = os ces ceases ede secs ascces sos 98 ATICOMELIS: Saccerse ose eee eee ere cena 16, 35 Autographearc Fass ssese sss seewmiseee sel 36, 45, a AVE ois. ceuee ess Sees cee te eee ees erates AVUISUS SH Sores eee ence nace see eeeece. 100 BAC Ch aivertes se ote Sa os ade eas eee ae 10 BalamiMusS.=- escacdeococoeeciess soos Sa eee 90 balsameus'soesecce eens pee teeter. 81 Darbatas sosses fcc josveretease eee sete iaaes 46 parbatusssece scsi. iacccce se oe seecesiaceeee= 83 Basilarchia: <= 7 «3-62 o-beceee see eee cc aaicie 83 DASWATC : 55/525 ss 222 cleiseiiece sccs sistas scioe sce 22,98 IBasllOnaiececs Soaee ee 1) sacs Seen eee 85 eCKsy.- anos coco ask cone says cwminss sce ees 11 iRembeCisgies-ce.: soci sale ee See oe eee 26 lakerbGly WY Se Gd aac agaspcodassoscccseapease 13, 22 Micolon (Coptocyela)ce-s-esases- seen eee 55 DIGORMIS saosin ee cee eee econ emaee 31 UlimertusxCAlorilis)i eee ceteaeee- eee see 97 bilineatuss(Lelephorus)i2---2s9---a-— eee 18, 32 Dimacwlatace: sono. scene tonccoeesacecine 26 bimaculatus,.--c. -=-s-o. ceases ae SeEosS 8 DUN OLAGUSSseoeecerce se sone ceo ore: Remar aeee 31 bipunc tallisseeeeeeeaa ee eee eee ere ereee 53 bipunctata, 2252s. .ech ses toca closes corsets 17, 41 Diselliellais Saas es eis tae sss sees se eeee 65 INMISHUS: ac os seces sese sees sees eee ae 8 DLVALDAtA one eee ok eee cee emer cee tee. 56 bivittatus (Melanoplus)........--.--- 31, 37, 43, 58 bivittatus (Trypodendron)..-............--- 71 PUNTO TS sae cte.c oe iatersiotscistsinee stra sactteetalee 55 ola Mai snae soe chee ee ci eer ceioe eee ce mem ans 46, 48 1 DTIC) SSO On eRAEC EEA Capen esate aE oma 64, 67 Blattellace i seecs sos yas saeacs-caee eae 64 BIEnMOCAM Parma ce seen = Sone ras se eee eee 23 IBUISSDISS Ss 5 doaocasaenagacdactseObasasesae 40, 45, 104 VAM) VEO ONS Soggccsbacenssouescessosc 34 Boanmt—Cleoraeessee nacre eee 59 ISYOMM OWO< daa cannnoconAssacdspeasousnaseccsas 103 BOOpHWUS ces ctwicas secs. .s-aeeeeee 33, 46 gibbosa(Nadata) 2 o25 sees cete =e eee eee 87 glacialis’.--- 202-2 soe enema eee 55 glaucaria=Synehlora erata ......-....----- 27 ploverii( Copidnyas)psssees eee eee eee 44 gloveri (Lepidosaphes))-<-< 2. esos 11 Gnathotrichus:2:2 2522522 sossenae eee 70 GOES}. 5 Sas «ce cite oeeieeoeaeie see eee ee eee 94 Gorty Mar ssiscses onsen See eee 42 Gortyna=Papaipema ......------ Shoes 39, 54, 57 SOSSYPIs =e ass eee eae eee 10 graminuM ......-.-.---2-22---22--22225-2-- 54 granaria (Calandra)...-..-.---.-..----.--.- 63 granaria (Macrosiphum) ...-.....-.-.------ 40 PTANGEs oji55 one Beet eee Cees 41 grandis t Anthonomus) a5: e2 =-2-22 2-22 42, 105 grandis: (hebia)\- cess ~- eee ae eee 55 eranellaicssccn- cee seco ats =e eee 60 OTAMULAUUS Sem areie sieesciefs e ne eae 75 Graphisur us (seeCeratographis) ....-.------ 93 Grapholithayo2025 4s Se ose eee ce seer 90 Grapholitha=Enarmonia .......-.---------- 38 (GTA PHOPS ss sein motets imtalal= eee aoe ee 25 (EpdyolaVordabhalbisy esas een Se eee A cee anh eaooss 33 Grapta = Poly gona ese eee 29, 42, S Dee Peso aSSRHaTioUl Toamobomeriaauobeseertcoce eratania 2. 2.06 -/oetes penance na eee eee 33 grossularice (Pristiphora)...-.....-..-...--- 29 grossularie (Zophodia) ...--.--..---------- 29 ALO] (oP mR AR EI So mC ocEC MSE Bob cecuacosoce Scbbo 18 Gryllotalpaieicesacaesnccs see o- aaa ee eee 9 Grylls). 3383. 8 sao eee eee eee 64 guitata=Coptocycla signifera.......---..--- 56 ‘Gymnonychus appendiculatus (see Pristi- ‘phora grossularie) ....-..--...- acecesvases 297. Page. ANAT Cie role ageless eictine 5 2oe cidsee seen ance 52 TAO ROT TG ee aa ele OP e aera eens ciel ei 45 ET MITE DLS e aoe c's siecle iqe"Cesise Sas crekis Aye slic 69 IGE AUO PUM S Es. 2a - ee is- Ss Sane since Sen 69 PELL OD SIS eae ea cter seer. oesee wesc seer 35 PTOI STOO tHe see ie oe Se ee ee eae Soe Le 85 (See also Euschausia. ) IBbiQlnen: Os aes OSES Mane BC Ac Seen Ane ee eee 23, 25 PURI C Hess ee a ee Soe etna s cae steels os 45,49 iInDIMETAO 0Chl Slee R ese Saree Some Ce ee eee 15 EAGT) LO tess eae aires iais seater oteinjecape oleic Seiecle 19 TRL PURO IYO} 0 Ut he aes eo ne eke ee 17 AMO UUS eee Ser. nee ose acs 21,55 Mp IP MOLUS cece cioee as ste soem crs cee aee bene 25 LEICA See ee SS ea ee Co eee ee 23 Liv etG GIS i ase cae ee ee ee Beane 11 Re Oph hese. ec cccee cocci cose a2 29, 35, 39, 43 HeITOuRISme sas soc ose ec cee ene 42, 50,57, 58 TOMI eee shee ne ect wade Sena saewioe 54 ISIGTTMUERO OUTS) Ao See Se Soren rt sten aie eee Sa eae 10 eM erOCAMpH +... cee oesiee nes Scone ec see nes 16, 87 RETO CU CAN esc crave comer csitact cass see sea 89 METHISM NOMIC Asem ec ac- oe cease da ce tsicce coecies 10 EPO GS psn see ea sac e a asics Sees lecesne steele 36 LNG ETI UIT es oie a eer 10 ISIGU@S MIS MS ae ee ae Cn es ae eee ce 94 PRMERIIO— PLAN SH eset aces secant ceesecckne 16 MATISE(GMEVSODS) aa eence Scie cite masse ste we 68 Lats) (ONISVADE) Ie Se ee 9,55 PEMINGIVEL ALCS ee fen eee ee sieise ie wie se seis 66 PN DOG sas. e 2 Ses comes ses seseee aoe 17, 40, 55 Levi OD OLS A Se ee eee ee 41 ES PROMS H oe ispie Somes e oe a sc Senees soon Soc 7,13 SUTIN CARS eine Nonsense OF soe wie ee ceiocoe ciainie 52 FROMMSTLOMUY Shee ances Not ee encs ects as sone sles 66 Homoptera Sees eine dcckzieoctets EM aaeeire £ ee srigs 29, 86 LNG OLESTING cei a Sea Sets Ae tee eae eR 99 LOTR OVE)! 2 ete Aaa 6 Se ate ae ae ates eee 41 OOOO Cy PENA) 25 cee ese fs ns cess nese 42 HMM CE WOTOG OM) S22 ese e cs 25 os 22 =e 21, 41, 104 LN GUI CIC GS S5e™ Nene ai ee 59 Hydrecia=Papaipema ...........-...----.- 54 ERY sieS—= EVAR SLUMS met asia ye elec eee oe 32 LEWIS UUMUG) Si Ree ee ee ee 32 IERVLES OS) ee = aS i a oe 75 EMO ISIS meres cies ya sje ois cieiiidae maeca diese 92 PEGS —S PHUIRe hee re seca = Seis ~eies necels 84 [RIVA GI OSS Caan ae ae Ae eae ae 77, 83, 96 ERVANIE ODS racie otc nce sees ccmis ees ee cweaies 74 ERGD ANDAR Serene aces esos closes o hesecern aes 87 JEN QS0 dere DS SOs Ae EHEC O ce Se EASE Sere 42 Hypena=Plathypena............--...------ 35 EU NEN ChiTt7A—AUtOMELIS =\.- 2 = dee 2 sees 2 16,35 RAMU Ae oe ence ce ciscees seems emes 16, 27, 86 BEI OG ELM Ay eye secre aloe sale sinl- eee os eye eee i~ = 69 VEIN OYOY 0) Gi SAS) Seeker ee a 36 Hypostena : 46 ih ypothenemus 13 13 \y) OS) h(a) We A ee ee ee 37 CSR y erate ciate eisiers siela'e 2 foe's oes wise cece 10, 105, 106 HEHE HIM OMe aes coe e os soe te Jace case teenie 15 TEMMICUMIOM EUS = seer. 6 = 2-15) ee nie o wis soe = See 101 GCL LOTUUU me Ne saat ale simian asain = ee eesiamra 102 Ichthyura (see Melalopha) ...-.....-...-.-..- 86 TRON oe ee ee ee ee 25 MEMO CHG Siar oe jepson oes Se cect signa nee 17, 38, 45, o LN ROS oe Gee oa e eee ee a eae IATA UU See a tie ae aes eee ne eatin ree ace 2 LU OUI MIS MR sete are ino oe ewes a bisos csteicte 85 INTE DONTE So ee ie ere eee eee eee 24 RENGET UU SMEG eee noe emetic Se oe sc cictiigsewen 26 TONED, 6 Begone weet ae eee eee ee 86 TIO OAS) Ly = eee ee en er 18 GLE LO RUMI Ae seta. ciac ihn Ossi fme cic eae stmiasje ceo aid 89 MIMOSA E Lites ere ota eisteicraicte oie cies cisedacwece 15 EB UREA Se oe ORS Bae 8 ACCT ASA Sey ae sce sc Ae Selden Sad occu ece 67 De Tpae Seay OM Re ees Re ee ee ae eee 22,91 DOGO) Che eee Bee Sse ee eee ees 37 HIMIG GCs -enceso taser EAS Oe ee eee 73 ME CRIN Ammen re ae cia 25. o aaa has ese sale 86 MIME RP UMC LOU Wane 2 4 oe eiajoier eee as see encce 61 AUPEINOSAMNOMIS yes ee o5- o/s.oe= 2 ncn beeches 42,83 MWMUETSPUMLCLAT amee em chi 6 occ Sele caeeesee “38 10) a Sea Eee Gao oes GaSe eee eee es 16,35 EMT LATS toe totes oe meet ne ane Sansone Seesiiees 67 25916—No 53—05——8 | Lopidea STR aie Soe inate eee eae TSOSOIDAR oso soecceee ects TPH COLUSA Al see ceseerceeecce juglandis (Conotrachelus) juglandis (Cressonia ) juncta Kkajlimice: (Sphimsa))-.--ceo som sce KeHNSAMNUS we sci es cman ile cisine ATSC lieve Sten iae ae soos atte ee Klinophilos=Clinocoris. ...--- kuebniellar 236 22 snakes es MachWOSterndhe- sesso nese ess Leemophlceus-...-. Sejm ores MUS Seesere st sas se ee ee WAPOA ens ct cetera en eae oe aMpronOwuSie 222. -e2s2--2= 5 AMEN As soayeseeeeeies ose aee lanigera (Cotalpa) lanigera (Schizoneura) Lapara Many mn aes Sen oe acme notes lapponica lardarius Lasioderma VAtICINENECA) saci ee se oe ee IBM COMMIS Sas ae ene cena eee JAtiGenstsqes:aerisasae seas e cee LAGINASUS ed see aeea acess See latipenniseses-nceseee sesso - LAWTON Esse ces eee see Loge] 0) bil a alle Pn Ce a a WHeca nia Sse cer pew boone see ECONO —COOCCUSae- =r. soe Lecanium=Euleeanium Lecanium=Saissetia lecontei_ Ve giibim Rae eee Se Soieciad eee leguminicola Lema THENLONTAS oe oases cele ce ecto ate WemblSemeae eee seta se erties Lepidosaphes...--...---.----- Hepismigee sce meee oscs cleeceens Bertin otarsa ae ra He PHUISter a cence ec se eee eee Leucania=Heliophila ......-- Leucarctia= - Estigmene saci naneoetin heucotermres \ 5. -- = s--- = 4-1 ligneus lemoselluse 2 aos as ease etce Mi ACI aoe meee ee - Limacodes=Prolimacodes -.-.- IDNA MIN eegeebeee oeeeetSonees (MINAS Seeker emcees Limneria Lina (see Melasoma).-..--...--- lineata (Deilephila) lineata (Hypoderma) Mimeatela see. eres ees sen eee lineatum NMC ALUS ee aieter cic sacice see clas lineola (Colydium) lineola (Tabanus) lisa ( Terias) = Eureme euterpe Ate EnthomiMn eae ceeiee ne longicornis Jon gIpesi: Soo es ceo eens longispinus Lophoderus=ulia....-...---- Oph ynuseasase cer oily Wacnancecoonsroekoancoctnepondads 98 ysiphlebuS) == .<<.se22252 0225 25222 eae 40 macellariav. 5225-0 econ tte osee emacs 66, 69 Macrobasisincecs cece sac ce sesso e eee 33, 47, 48, 55 Macrosila=Phlegethontius ................. 56 Macrosiphumisssecseececeec: soos ase 37, 39, 40 MACUL AtANH PICAULa)) Rasa nee eee eee 47,56 maculata, (HaglisidOta))=sse= sess eee eee 85 maculata (Mer ill a) sees cmscta- lteter 55 maculatus) (Hanpiphorus)Pesss--5-2ssseeoe 25 maculipennis (Anopheles) ......-..--...-- 55, 103 maculipenniss(Plutelilal))s2ss.s-2sssee eee ee 52 NLA Aue) s Sal clskins on eaten eee ese cee ome 85 Malacosomais.- =<. .a--c2 ssc cea eee acces 9, 89 MMU TIS Maso ate oe sense ce cmmac ce aocsaeene cise 45 MAM COl are smc oso os cccc ewe oeenes syaosee nee 15 MINIBUS Sac, s.s'scs.cs5 os snsiescicisawies mae cease ene 36 MMINISHTAs cao geese sense cewe cece cack eae 86 mMorimUuta(ACleris)paace case sece cee e eo eeec seen 15 muita; (HUpsalis) ese seacesa-seceieeeeesceeee 98 MINUEISSIMUS 202-4 ce eeesesae see se eee cee 80 misellays-6 .s2e22 Gasscee sssccess cae caeeeeese 12 mOGest@is:s-ssc-bsececncceccsasesecs as seeenee 84 moestumM< <2 2% sacs assess see ee Seee ree 93 | MOON += ssesensasceaneseencssosssseserenece 62 MOllipPes 2 =22 2 Lecco ntsc cose cess oe eee sees 40 Monarthrum=Pterocyclonss:2-2-422-s2-424- 12 Monocesta j22secac2s jdecce xe shoes Seeeeeeces 90 MOonocrepidius!:..2..2-+ssssssecceen oe eee eee 46 MOnOdACty US): =. 3. <2 see aee ae cee eee eee 56 Monohammius.c: =32-s)s5-02se5ess eee eee 76, 92 MONOMOPIUM :,: 2225 5sa2255.5555-2525e0 42 2ee 65 Monophadnoides se snss-csanseeoaneseeeaeeee 27 Monophadnius=Monophadnoides .-.....-.-- 27 Monoptilotartsesnoseecn te s-2 2c sheen eee 47 Monoxial: ssaccbocceseneceeoesseeas cece anes: 46 MonUSte 22252255525 ise assseseeeorsecioe somes 51 Moreliliaecs...25sss555 Sacaeese eee ee eee 66 MOV Js ossd5c sssdo5s oo at ects aa seas 103 MOZOTGI sc Sac che cs cess nee eee ee ee 32 Murgamitia, 2: 23555,625 22220 see0e se penne 52 IMGUSGENS Ss. SacinshoSic cacao eS eens eee eee 66, 108 THO) SS econo oDb backhoes poceesbanaucossanode 102 Page. MY TON: cmc cise ete See Ae eee 23 myti laspidis Pesan ee teres PN es ae 8 Mytilaspis=Lepidosaphes........... ....--- 11,14 Nadata,: 2: 0-0 22i655. ene oses- =a 87 MAIS... sent seen eae Sse ce se eee eee 29, 36 NASAlISs Passse see eee ee ee ee 69 NASICUS'; Ao5. 5. . Sooo tones eee Oe eee 90 nebulosus=Diastrophus turgidus ........... 26 mebulosus (Graphops)==-- 25) -ss-eeeeee setae 25 mebulosusi(ilylesimtis)/osss22 seen oe See 75 nebulosus (Sphragisticus)............------ 45 Necrobiaz- 3.5.2) Sas5ecees ne peo eee 65 Nectarophora=Macrosiphum ..........--..- 40 Nema tus! hs s5acdecaSaeseeee eee eae 89 Nematus=Pteronus, Pachynematus .......- 29,40 MenUp hare as. 5 Sees ee eee ee eee eee 18, 21 Neoclytus:. oo8.5 sseeees tos. Seo ee 95, ae Neophasia:nss2sccusce Sone tee eee Nephelodes sn sect cee ee eee 6 neriti—Aspidiotus heders...-......2...2...- 11 N@ZAT aes nase se mew cee eae kee ee ee eee 9, 55 NICIPPCr2 aes. Nas oe sect cee eee 37 MiSTiCANG ss sac.s5 cea eee ae ese ee eee 50 MiG LipPes) a2 ho Sse eee eee 56 nigrotasciatumlese: --ss-s eee eee ee eee eee 28 Nigrovittatus' = j-2- osascc cose eee eee 68 Mitel ano 25o se Jae ee ee ee eee 39, 54,57 NiteMS! j22..- sc sess eee ee 66 Mitid acs 225 Ge Se osesee ce ee ee 18 Ditidalis)c2.s2sc. cece a ee ee ee Ag MLtiGwlUs).< 2 scence Shae cee eee ee 72 nitidum..2ys02. 25.5 Seo cs eee eee 76 DIV CUS esis Sass ae See oe eee 22, 26 NOCtUa': wo 25S os sects Stace saan Pee 30, 52 Nodonotal::2- 2. .2osc5 5 eeeeoeee ee nCee eee 25 MOGOSUSh .. 5. 222s salecs Scene ee eee ere 93 Notolophiis::. 252222 t.cccchsesse see c ee eee 87 MOVE DOLACENSISS = 4-2 eee eee eee 13 novemmotatar ss - See pecs eee eee 17,55 INOVIUS" =-!2a5 a nceeniocdle tee ne coe eee eee 106 mubeculana:..2 2.02 Scehasee secs cee eee 15 mubtlelia. 232 6e0 he oo ae Re ee eee 47 MUpIiis. 3-256 5s2eeeses seen ee ee eee 82 Nuttall ees Nese has oe eee 39, 47, 48 NYVSiUS, = 322252. gsc enews Senos eee eee eee 45 Oberea ss.222 52 2525.2 ost etee soe ee eee 26 oblinita:. 2:42. 22co-2 3. See eee eee 26, 27, 35, 86 obscura (Catocala)) s22ce-. ses. = epee 86 obscura; (Dicerca)) acess. - eae ee eee 97 obscura (Heliothis), erroneously used for H. obsoleta..5-Accae a secsec cece eee eee 42 obscurus (Henebrio)s2ss-oeea- ee eee 62 obsoleta. 3.52.2 25 acer poe ae eee 42, 50, 57, 58 obsoletus .....--- son Stinceoe eeciseers accesses 93 obtectusizs: 2a5sqsn soccer oe eeeee 49 occidentalis (Cephus)) 55222 -s5e---sssaeeeeee 40 occidentalis (Marumba) .......--.-....--.. 84 OCAMANG = So56 sjaqs tease ae See eee eee 15 ochreus (Sphenophorus)= cequalis ......-.- 39 Ocnenia—Porthetriavaece.- see eee eee 17 octomaculatai ss. -5522s4-ns22e2 oe eee eee 23 ocuIatuUs: 2 foo 522 echt asec Seo eee eeeee 102 Odontotar2 222425554 o5ecesseeee pee e eee 48 @canthusis.25 2s. F.ces asses eee eee eee 22, 26 (i) iY Reppmancbosdbosop Eb abencemoEtonscezesc 95, 102 GHEStIUS! fe oie etic i ae ee eee eee 69 Ogdocontass: fas 2322-0 2e dscns serene eee 49 OlOR isa 5 Se sg 25 $8 Face ossectisene eee ee 11,14 | OlCIVOTUS. 225.55 o252.cc5s552 se Seoeck ae eee 9, 106 Olene@ssnc5<5 steed Sass eeeee ese e eee 87 OlETACER s.o5c465 260 Seas boar eee eee 51 Olethreutes 252622525462 52-siss see 37 Oncidlerés os ss42222 eo see sce ee eee eee 92 QOncognathus:.5. - 5222 iseassce-ee = eee 31 Oncometopial iss s-= ssasess os eee eee 24 OPCLCULALISitee een e eae sae eee eee 8 operculle llateeemeasasae)ans aces eee 54 Ophion sass sss oteee ee seleels eee 44 ODPOSITUSSe saeeeeeerisn ence sae sce eee 59 Orchestess os -ciscease ces canisesmeeseateeeaee 17 OLELONT 2 is. cos setae eee eee 73, 100 Orgyia. (See Notolophus and Hemero- campa. ) orientalis... 22520). Sees aa ieta ns eeee see ee 64, 67 OTPMY TUS ooh ssc e soe seca eee eee eee el Orthosoma ......-..--- Sees esses sseeceee 95 63. | 63 | Page. Page. OSCINIS Enact Cea ea. tee cinace ace ccee ceo esienets AES PIDPIONS (siejarainie\c's ase cs hee =). 2e see eee ee 67 OSeints—ACAPLOUNV. Za aoe = teen eee eae = DAUM APISOLUMIe S22 ts 2 ae AT 2 BATRA ey eee 49 OSUNCHOLONUMAG aotearoa oe ieee saee ears 14S SRissodes}) se. 2- SaaS Stace ee 78,91, 92 OPO UMYMCMUS I) Soe = asts sate ecieeies © cisisie 24 E MEICY OP CM eSP Sass. 52 3o.o eine cro nan eee eee Cee 72) 80 OVO peat see ate ee SSO E a meee DAS SPitwoputhonusessseese sa2- 25. one eco moee eves ae NUTS eee oe eter a slee yee eee Sees cciae 69 Pityophthor uis\(see Pityogenes) 2.2.2) 222528 CRU sacceduO oe ete e tees es aoe SEnae nee eee OO TIBDIS CLOUGH Sees rete ne fae: Se ee a (Deano sllitG) Ae nese sabes ssobees caenes eee 23 bla glONOUUS mot eereaer ao a ensece eee 93 las GUM ee ree Soe eras s soak ee be 106 PACHINGENS se tin ocr: ce ceee cae encase + eenestcss Wil Selah pentect cssepeme ess. kisses ee 35 [ES eLiC lO iC Bae ac Seat eC a ea aes eee OOF eb siGysnNO bar eee ep ae en et). ne re 8, 34 My MEM OUS ees Maer: nes eee tecels seme ions AQ) MR aiiyi pistes eee ee ern nae ae Ls 7,70 AChYSPhieo—MATUMMDE 2-2 eee 22 84); | pPlectroderaeeascms ca sacae ac seclaccer sm oclacisiols 95 ACI ZAMG] Where sereeteceie es oe ec series nes Dobe |p LOG a eames sare teen eae mises aicteye 61 AEH CEU race eits ee ari i- ale cee eihaene sis GNSS lO malo WNT ase eee cra ee eerie ot ae te 10 PULCSP EER ee css oe se deiceccis cae momeineless Gon ebuisT— Autor ra planes cc se etine ees t 36, 52 PH ANITCONMISe ery ee a cia= Sects esate = canons pM MeL UC Lata acy wees same ee silos 52 PUNO Dyer eee espe Sei sio cite eae se esiea Aaa BULL VREUIIS ese =p- ers ae anes oe iene Se rele eos 88 FEMMES Seti oe ae se nccislec eee ciomenie ee G2 oME OCA DTUSt mee ek. aan oe rice aes n gee Sacer 40 MULE Close en oe ee Seas wake canmee sees DV a POGISUIS Se ee fe ope ee acc iets tees eee 9, 55, 58 PUNO Sac SSIS RASS ROBE Aan ae EA aele 63) | SReecilocapsus = 22./12 22-2245 2-Saeeeee essen 33 PANU UN Ae Aetna tea ic = clei Oe SON IR OMSECS cee eet een te me ee ne ee 42, 55 AML COA pe ae rae ere oa ae se yee Soe © G2 POMS tILO RMS ae eer eter ae 21 (EVORNY Sian: Aes ee eee ee ne ABEL AY/ Ell MICK OlonO Gites oS eeaantte enced sae Cnar sane eee 24 NAMI fre ottatale sae cine cee Sess e omens aces Shih Oly POMS eet se aan noes tree oe acess eee dees DALGMUMESTS eres eek ek = fee hice ecaneenses A0}aboly orp ius hee hoe cess oes 81 PAIS OLM eter = lenis So ies sews st=is oS cia is oee os 1218 Oly PWEMUIS Ss eaten. Sane a cee = laos bee ee 84 (IGN OOD Et. Gate Ree OM SOS REC a See eee ee OOO lM PORUSiy a. ae cele cee eee meee rec ee Rem 82 IVE MAUI Sette ot et classe sia siete cre ale 2 Since 30) |Ppometariatc a. to- oan ss ee ee econ 16 HAHSIUMU GINS cee AE ei ecar secs s cscs e Slee Scie sere sais DOTDOMMIS cee cree cee ooe a eh eae ae 17 MUS - pe sdeoeee as oSe eee SOeS a anee ee ees OO MDOMUULOMIel a esas se ae nao eee ees 15 ME CHOUGIIS HR es eee See a ce ethsicrateese,ie seeps 50 | pomonella (Carpocapsa) ...........-.--.-- 18, 105 BE CUALUM Ee: Yee cs seae oecccisce sees ine ows 66,68 | pomonella (Rhagoletis)-.....-.---.....-..-- 18 ECC INS Spr aeitas as ate crake oye oe soo ese )velaise cy 67 | pomorum ( Mytilaspis) = Lepidosaphes ulmi. 14 EP OMe mc crise ce ancliae ei-icie aS eis:c:ciels mjatereis ABD Sy OMG CLOSES secre syne cinia we arereie eioecls ee a Ane mean 100 De ltome Wl Aee ese se cere cece t= aies s Sse es5= OAR ROM alas sen 2b ake Sex See oe ce os weet ctinoee one 50, 51 POSUNTE VGC) a tele Payee ei oh een Ae eres BON POD GAMCE eyes eee eo ce ets eee eae noe 34 EMC Clty acsrrds occ tate eet oasis cee eT |) AL EPOT A) SYOUI ee ee es ee eek ee mie ae aes Me 17, 87 penunsylvanica (Epicauta).....-....---...-- SMD oT DUCES acs sie 2 Sete ace ss 22 oe cee e sos 76 pennsylvanicus (Chauliognathus) .....--... LSe2Ies rae NSIS! (BU ODIL) eae-2 oases eee 32 LXE PAP BUSOU) Mike Ree SeseSeorneeeEeoee soe Sen MO RALEMSIS | (UE EMIS) eae oat i= vepa wpeefertetoe 33, 49, 52 Bemiinly temereeeeM eras apiece seco doccacasceae LOE MERLOT OX SEUSS jee caee ae cme a= a teen eee eae 99 PUP Clas eeco ce see sciciecw sec ciseeccseac 108 |B Oise eee eh meee eo eee ee eee 21,95 eriGmonl eer etes cosicsictocisjeis seaie-oe BINS; 4o Ade piel ens tip WON see see cease saee eso acereeteceeee 29 Danton eee nee ae ae eee GAS TIVES ee ee See ore meceae cee ae ees oe ee 56 Ch PDL CLO 13) blithe cate = ome a\e Selene > a= 646m |e eroconia—Oncometopie 22-- sree sn - eee o-te 24 MERISCCUOHCHY NMG sxcicce cc osse ace sesceceee ce SG RPE ROCHUS—s ELA NTI GUN Mare oo iayst ere eater ero eee 23 SUMO a eres eae acne cere cat ie ON, WL ELOGEDIA: = so seco oe ca se:arc cee encccesmeneee Spe WELUNICIOSUS = cm a.0 asscn-n emia sccsee TOMS 2 O28 a O5 Fi pO LIC wear ae ecle oe meee ee cis sericea sane eee 29 eT Goer csme nice Son -ceeeea ace LON Repro lint aCo Gest ares else aoce seers 8 (CEIROCMAWIKY Ce oa Sse eteeoce aes Tee ee Soe LOGI) PLO PUM GUNS ea ose arate ape alsa Schone ores 58 ES TSMEUIS = eters ors eis Seana evn seein sec GORI DEOLCUSH: setae see soe ea Soe Cree suno Soe saaes 49 REA OUS wt = -teteraiclcvarssisei= eernie Meets ne ere a Gb) | pPrOLOGIG ete sc memes mae cee acetic asec ee 51 ham xOn OUR a \arrec a. sso sof csescceecses ees 61 | Protoparce=Phlegethontius .......---...... 57 Philampelus=Pholus ....-.----.-.----.----- DOK Pal NE O XGA fare Me eh eysmecet,< ercre lin rove 2 siaterese ejects 41 AIL OG Geeerterse =a socal ac coe sees eee eos cee 37 | prunicida=Anthonomus scutellaris -.....-- 21 EMC PUNO NDS secs aoe -sce stems asecin cine HONE Tail MSC DOCELUSIs = nae ee cnemceace Sersicee cee woos 28 PZNUOLO PUN ORU Semen e = ets ern s =< bie ceeece cies [9M -PSCUGOCOGCUSE 38 -S22cer neries sa aco ceeemnr 10 IRDOEOSUMUSS secre cc asemccs soos (es HCH UC OSGi |) eam eS SIN ONG IES) BAS e = be Boob ane oose san sosses 64 Phiewotribus=Phiceopthorus..............--- OM easy Che — BUC yUterU Sys seer eee eee tee 8 [PINGIWS: o Gaycecda snus dae SHb6 a5 aon eee vaneEe DOK Sill ayer ees ec eciecett ose. nk ee cee saeco 20 HOTLOCO Mae teeth ass cmcmeasaeccieciasscs PA Alene Syl OGEStise mannan fe eciaeree eee cence cee 46, 60 PAO LODLCTIS—ANGCYIUS os sos. 26 Sescce eee 26, ia (DE LCKOCY.CLOMPES seen acer oe oon cee aee 12 EV OMA a ave om cree Ne/aieiseineccpesiside rece eels SEGA BH PLAST RO) OUD Kept hs etre PRE Sy peer ae nes oa ne 29 INGEN G Meee tes an Se emanate aes cise GT MRterOPHOLUG osama a 35 ee ee ccna eee 56 MUM ONIMICCD = Sees 0 a ierine semininigecee oeeteieres me 540 |p etinidh\(Giantanborvitee)/s--sce. 22 scenes ~ ee 78 PAIN VLLO PIS sey eisete oe ormiai= afore ee ieeepae cide e 9 | Ptinid (Pine wood-perforator) ............-. 78 Aah oo aap eoasgodgoRpsasesesders 50" PUN Bie as sie eerie as ise on secc ease oes 62 EMV UO MOT Mee nsec eine cies: ce Sen oe aoe eeee 22) | pubescens=Xyleborus affinis...............- 7 ESERIES er eR oeiee © ciel ova cee cic crac oxen ries layne GbrilPUUPEMMIS)2 sae cas 226 =ciscate ceecew cea sccm 71 FREE SOCMOMAUUIIM ye seisio eae 2. <1s 512 2 es ere lars oteleis aa O48 pullehnaeeseys a-55-.-Seteete ene ee ewes ees 94 EOIN SOM OLA cee Nees = oni ercie eaten ec eceooes Dim ieeled— OlCNOCEPNAUS= ss. nee eee eee 67, 69 [PLO VUOTXO MUS Saas SoS See roe SABO SEeeeeeeEAeS S2e DUN Carian owas scenes cece es ao ise eeaere mee 27 EEMULODGLS —TINOPINVCS, ese. te Sac sies nics 225% O06 Bullivan arias eecemics. cational eee tees ome 22,91 ICO CDCR Memes mee cel ince alent is cesta 82) | FPUMUIS 222225 dee mecca oreeoceeeecsceseL aces 73 pIceus) CAV MILO bIIUS)) <25e= 5-55 20 sc ciscleie <= punctatus) (Phlccosinus)sssssses-e2]2- == eee 73 DICCUSH PATTIE GMS) yee aeiais eeisie cess oe oe 61 | punctatus (Phytonomus)....-.--.........°-. 32 DICH YOR) so She SoeRS BeBe oBete Ga eae ee eee 92) |e pUMetICOlLIsh (Monomi a) Beenene sass see eee. 16 renvete) (OMAK 2) | ae neo eee 945 | puncticollisi(Nodomota) =. 2-....-5... 5-62-46 25 Peta CHIAGMLOMIE \is seca ne ais cicaanccae = cl. 17 | puncticollis (Pityophthorus)............--- 72 mictai(Mamestra))\ 2 225ck -e222-fe0 252: 3654455358) || PULCbnetue setae avara oasceieetes cee nce sic cso cate 68 WETS aOUMEL A mer etree cys asin sloieis fae meine SOSH 1s eNO ULING GUM a Tate eee ieicars since cars cearcisies ear 60 PUIIMOMURIS ee nase ccs Jace aeicicoceesecescess 42) Spungens (Culex) —C. pipiens*-.--~---2---=-- 67 PL OSE ie nee cmc ne cece caina ceed ois LOZ | PUNCH ASI tes teetaete Piacoa 1 sa cinsaceis = 5 = 41 DEE PUT ARUUGL PS) eae alee eta Erasers ios Saeieinn's wine 32 PROT LOR ere eens pe es ee acs ecta < 64 BO POMERIMN A aoe ce see poe see sta sasieaie cea s 62 Page Trogosita ..... Wa inien co dete wd Sone ae eee 102 Erogosua—TeEnebroides) +a. .aces-.neene eens 62 LUNG AUS eee ei alae = a iaraialse ac mies ieee Sats 63 ay perdi — war Olepihenss 02 case ese eee ones 18 Muy pod enadnomy sess. csse4-co se. eee Sore eee 71 CUpErCWIALUMe ec ame ease toe eons «coco eee 102 CUTE TCUSI Ne een cee eccse sacle cecicne cece 26 DVIOG Erin aware eee ee wore a kee. 2 ee eye 24 sYPNLOCY DUaaseee se oceteee oo essee ce cisen ees 24 yi phcediis=s a cheese eee Seats cate patent Se 61 (Dy POPHOLUSess ce sees See sees eee 25 Wher see seas ose ices seer ease erence ei 45,49 WUT See Sate cise coe cen aa ee ee Ee 14 UY LB Senne yay Pree nee eras eee one eee 54 [OH OVO YE 1s taal ease sesame SLs pees oetepe ee eee 24 ohaYe Lo Uys ch eee ee eee Se ee a ee as 88 Uri Cai UIseene see ee aaa pepo cee eee 96 Und WLOSH yaeeee tee cedoee seco eee Sears 84 UWMICOLOMSGLE ee ease esac ees aces eee 33, 47, 48, 55 WMI UP Asa os es seme ase ieee eee 86 CLT Oe eee ye eee a ee en ee eer ee eg Se 23 WE PU Ghar a ase ee ee alee eae 29, 35, 39, 43 UDIPUNC tatae eases eee aeae eee oeeee LL eer eae 7 WEIS PIN OSUS? = aoe sana seers aoe Becee 76 Wiran OtCShe eee Canc emasshl- eaten ne ee eee 50 Wrocerus ere een see seas akin Ce eaten nae 99 LON RGA) OBL ar Sees nea EAE amas SHaae sea 96 MLV ee ca ciatereia sce icta le oe nto ie/ets ols, ora/afate\apelay oe peialaiae tase S 22 VAG OSUS Sh oeneee ssn sel tes eet oe nee 33 NRK ofS see ee ee Passe bi nye: s. Beasel ments cay reese 74 VOTESsa— ELV all CSSO\e arlete eet oleate aieie arson ore 83 rivets oil Ses eS apa date aloe BS Lee ae i Cees 95 N/E TIRUG ROG) SLI 6) Segre ere gee Erg oar aed a 24 varius=Anthrenus verbasci .........-.----- 62 NVEISUG A Orc ya Ae RU eee ee oem eke Yen 9 SS ee a 22 HEC AiCO—INOMINIS see eiseticie ch cee roe ea 106 ventricosus (Nematus)=Pteronus ribesii. .-.- 29 WICTIORSC lira nate mete as oiprorsra ae Sherer airs Meee 62 VERMA as Ae em se as Stee eres oe See Serer 16, 88 IMESDENUUNTIS oe east ate eene enya es 46 VESUIMIOM Se haere Gece cietee sece erate ere re 67 MESUILE Ame eee Sark ee ate aee mee Eee Cs 93 MebUStanet so oe oe pais toptte AO INS 87 NOU SHOR SE SRS. |i een pean Ree NES Bs yaa 43 NAUS (VEST re Nes hate ae ames oats Si RAS A ap ane 86 VA OSU ee Lio eee ee yh eee 13, 91 NI TCSCGLIS ieee eee eS ane ee es oe toe etal OY, VATSINICAN(DIACTISIG) Mee cee eee eee eee 49 Wirsinies Ghetrachal): eo. ceases n eee ee 55 WITS IML USIS aes see Le ee ae cca can eieare 98 VARIG Aen Some mmniccs Set seme io tes oe Site 22 utifer— Dy phlocyba) COMES!)-2- 6. e.cce sees. 24 UTI SS ee oe a oP ene Sosa semtene 24 Vittata(GDialbrotica))) {mn oscessceccies Soccecee 59 vittata (Epicauta)-.......-. 2 feel cee 47, 55 Vibiata(ehvotrets)\en ec. sees acess. a ee 53 VALDES DUIS mee a See et Pesce ae ceie smisincere es 68 UI GLU tee ee mee ene se pene Mba re 69 VOHUUIS GELS Sacer meee Wa ke a Sem eestor 87 MOMV AUST eee Se Semen eee Satan cee sees 82 VI SV AOC LISE sameeren ere Seale ee eee 30 MAM Om Clen ayes oh a+ ecm ecieienen eee see 46 SaAMthOnaye a= sae sas eee Gssced jones 18 WANGHOLVDemaeeen soe ae eee «=e seesseee soa ae 29 Mev GHOnISe seme ree sees c eh se asc penke 7, 13, 20, 71, 98 Xylina 18 Xylochinus 81 EXSV LOCUS See eye Grete cisco ene Serica 28 aylographus=Xyleborus saxeseni........--- 13 NEVIOLTECHIIS he see Sas neice a are sels See ea 96 VPS OMe ose ee cee se ccee ce eee oe eee eee 51 LOTENC So sad incase oe es Asie sae ais osetia 36 ZCUZCTA sah cesar ea ciame ne Se Oe ete aens fel 98 zimmermani=Phyllotreta sinuata........--- 53 ZOPHOMIAP eee see ses sions cece ia clesce Sze cies 29 INDEX TO COMMON NAMES. Page. Abbot’s sphinx. (See Sphinx.) Bagworm, the common ...........--------- 8,16 white pine sawfly. (See Sawfly.) Banded flea-beetle. (See Flea-beetle.) Achemon sphinx. See Sphinx.) Hormtailies 3s. 2se eae se eee 99 Alder, white, bark-beetle._...-.-.-.....--.- 75 Wropmap hig ss ssses eee eae eee 96 : es Aleyrodes. (See White-fly.) Bark-beetle, American spruce.....--------- 81 clover. (See Clover.) aSh=treew jonas ee eee 7) Alfalfa webworm. (See Webworm.) baldicypressseee-sssss2 see eee 101 Ambrosia-beetle, cosmopolitan. .....-..---- 13 bal samehite sae eee eae eer 81 OB! PAs INeA SESS oa aos 7 binchies sees See wee eee 81 Ambrosia-beetles .....--.:.-..----+--+------ 70 Ged anscte2 2 dete sce eee eee 81 Ameriean cockroach. (See Cockroach.) COMpanions.- 2-42-26 -= =r 100 copper. (See Butterfly. ) densely-punctured ........---- 71 dagger-moth. (See Moth.) destroyer, cloudy ...--.-...---- 82 frit-fly. (See Frit-fly.) HUTOPEAM aes eeeaee 101 gad-fly. (See Gad-fly.) destroyers. (See Clerids. ) locust. (See Locust.) Gestructive pine s222- caesar 100 sawfly, large. (See Sawfly.) truit-tree (shot-hole borer). 18,19, 20 spruce bark-beetle...........---- 81 grand dit {Seeeee see eee eee 75 tent-eaterpillar. (See Caterpil- IMO MONE ep oaeaseaaneenccsesecos 101 lar. ) knobcone pine ....------------ 71 Angoumois grain-moth. (See Grain.) larger fir-tree......------------ 79 Angular-winged katydid. (See Katydid.) Lawson Cypress -.-.----------- 100 AT omell a avail CGe= arses cee ceeterteantetale 24 lodgepole pine .--------------- ‘1 IAC RIIEtIE Odie. heme e Soke meee hore ee ee 65 MMe; Dinca eee 80 WLC la cones Renee cone ecee neces emer 64 oak ....-..------------ 80 INNES (0) 0) Oe soe ceenoseecebonscsnesedeupoes 17 ___Spruce....------------- 82 Gabba ese enc ene na eres serena 53 MAbLLVe PCAC Hearne ea 19 GIOVETS cae ee ae 37 Parmacheene .-.-..:.-----=---- 81 COULOTI SE ates eee een ee see ec eee 10 redwood ....----------+-+--++- i eran elishis ses — seeeeeseeee eee a 40 smaller fir........-----+------- 72 DOVE aceond sated laaoadac 40 small Ted!sprucei=-as=-eose=—=— 80 : (QAGNGN goncosonccucesccdansee 39 spruce.......--.----+-++++++--- 81 HO Disses east oe acon eee eaeeee 21, 41, 104 western cedar BE SeRnoocencitioc > 73 OLATIES eee ee a eens sterner eeeer 10 fir ......------++++---- a2 WOoilhy Ay Moe sosconqresosseseacec 12 hemlock -....-------- us) INN CRS Acongeseesoaseso cocorocesaces 17 : Oak... ....------+-4-- it CULCUITOS Se 2 asset en eee se 18 | white alder ........----------- 15 ATUMbIMAP Ot. cence ed. eaeeeeeee sa eer 18 SO SS eo SD ie 81 leaf Rare I ay a hr he 17 | Bark-borer, Douglas spruce .....-...------- 76 leaf-folder, lesser......-------------- 15 eastern hemlock....----------- 97 RETA TT Ci hese ce oe a a 16 flat-headed pine ......--------- 97 Sewer) Chapinis wanes. seseeaaen 15 | small pine ......-------+--2+-7- 93 SIEGIOLOMN Zeno eee tees 15 western cedar .....------------ ber iii tree borer, flat-headed .......-.----- 12,97 | = hemlock ....---------- 17,97 round-headed ....:.----. 12 , Bark-louse, (See Scale.) Buccwlatri xe eee eee 15 weevil, sugar pine.....--------------- 78 eaterpillar, yellow-necked ...-- gg Barley-straw worm. ...--.------------------ 41 ECU eT eee ee eee een 13 Barnacle scale. (See Seale.) ST tres Same eS 13,99 , Bean cutworm ..-...---.-------------+++++- 49 shot-hole borer..-..-...--------- 13 ladybird. .....----------+--+---------- 48 tent-catenpilllareesees= sees ee =e 15 leaf-beetle ...-.----------+++------7--- 418 twig bectlous wo, cee nns nea eeee 7.13 stem-borer, Lima.....-..------------- 47 “BOTT OS ae ee ee ee 13.22 weevil, common....-.---------------- 49 TVOO GES Tarn G1 eee = ae "19 European .....-.------------- 50 WOO yj Ai LG ie oe yee eee et 12 four-spotted ......-.---------- 50 worm (codling moth) -.......-.----- 18 os Mexican -.-.--.--.--.-------> 50 Arborvite, giant, Dryophilus ............-- 7g | Beautiful wood nymphs. (Large and small.) ptinid 78 (See Wood nymphs. ) Bees Seceeie eee é Serie : ’ Argus tortoise-beetle. (See Tortoise-beetle. ) Bedbug hickory bere! ee fy Arizona Dendroctonus ......-.------------- 1OU | Bee: honey. ses. oaks ee 105 ey On ae 185,39,43 | Beet army worm ..202.0.000000 2. ec eeeoe M4 fall 1... 11s. /J--+. 80,81, 84) 89, 44,52 CHLOTOpS 3 #227 sot ee ae i wheat-head .........------++-- 39 | Beetle (See nee “Ambrosia, “Asparagus, Ash borer, panded. sors weve st eee reece sects 2 Bark, Blister, Cucumber, Flea, sl ha ete taea ret ep at PE eT a 2 Flour, Flower, Grain, Leaf, Pine, pal gray liste r-beetle. (See Blister-beetle. ) ; Potato, Spider, Timber, and Tor- Sp = pee OCOD OO ROTC SCOD OCI R OG ROH c ei | toise beetles. ) _ tree bark-Heetlecn alesse me seeker ade 75 pater hipeietn Ga pe a Asiatic ladybird. (See Ladybird. ) carpet secede sce ee 65 Asparagus beetle, common....-..-.----.--- 58 blag ins ee eT ae twelve-spotted ....-.---- 58 cigarette. .0 2s. seeees eee 63 2 EMG oS sasco2seqqgoanasopeo cos 57 rueystore sence seen eee eeeeee 62 Australian ladybird. See (Ladybird. ) | PIPDOUSHNMNG See tlee eae see ete 33, 46 Page Beatle mw POLdSMiUbh taxes ccc icaceseenseccice cae 89 wunmer(whiteyorup))secscsscsese sss =e 25, 30 lard erererc cass <2 = sts eee ceee see 65 ehenalike rs 80)9 325. oe seers 94 IM Byres eee asia bn sae's So ee ee arise 30, 46, 49 pear-Dlight. 22. f24sceceneer eee ease 13, 20 FEM GhUNMIP vaso acco eee eae ers 53 NIN OCELUS shin cise = serene see 89 Ssapycormand mealie-esces=-= is. 62 snout, imbricated............ il7f, 33, 45, 48 THUG erboOltea2--eeeee eee oe eceee 95 BelteGkeChionr ot woe ee eee eneniewe sane 94 Bille pues bie STASS,..csseeeerecemens eos. se 30 clay- colored @eeeseee ee eeeoee sence 39 Binchwoark=peetle’ san ssocmeeeiccs aeec ce see cin 81 TMM C eee ae otras = ttre ste 80 MOLEr DON Ze Bae aon eee ae aa ssine si 77,97 timiberspeetletss-- ee se cscs aoccce cee aee 71 IBINASCVEIPING 2s < ae sacle eens ceiekie se siocneces 77 Black ‘‘ beetle.” (See Beetle.) blister beetle. (See Blister beetle.) bordered yellow. (See Butterfly.) carpet beetle. (See Carpet-beetle.) ecutworm. (See Cutworm.) gadfly. (SeeGadfly.) gooseberry borer. (See Gooseberry.) legged tortoise-beetle. (See Tortoise beetle.) scale. (See Seale.) striped, ear-fly. (See Ear-fly.) gad-fly. (See Gad-fly.) Blackberry gall-maker ....................- 26 1a FiZzeCol i eYae| OC) Xess ees ae ee eee 83 Blister-beetle, ash-gray.............+. 83, 47, 48, 55 OES eee SCO CE aeESr eR EeEe 47, 65 ee Bate at takave sie eres crerntatele 55 Ey Seatere aie aiaiars mn lsie cleo ese 47, 55 Nuttall Sl pee dhosecere rooee 39,47, 48 SPOUMlEG a asiaie asin Hoe ae ios 47,56 Sinipe dpeae seen ect ae aiace 47,55 Ni AOUINe) Petes pt ade oe cee mes 55 MULE BD eal oes aco aee wee ee eee 20 Blood-red ladybird. (See Ladybird.) Suckine(cone-nOsenss asa. soos ss oe 67 Blue-grass bill-bug. (See Bill-bug.) WO Ral ps Sete te ctacorsicic's sine a oeste le Sale 99 spangled peach-moth .............-.... 19 Body louse. (See Louse.) Borus potato beetle: 2.2. .2+-----2-2-ssce=- 5d Boll, cotton, weevil. (See Cotton.) worm. (See Cotton.) BOO ks QUSG HES ses oe ne on sesoG sect ec ee 64 Borer, ash-colored mulberry ...........-...- 94 bandedwash = sess poome see sicsses 95 DE AUpMMLhICKOLYssssceees sees aes nee 94 blackehormied( pines. -422- 246 sne~.l- 96 blazedrtree 228s ese dss Saws saeictacieshs 83 blue-winged walnut ---224/.-:---.- 94 Drom ZeVpINC essere nie oe ieaese ee 77,97 COCA ste sas ons nies ase eee aotes 96 Cedar treen assent ee seca ate sees 83 commonielm-treels 2. sa... see sec ee 93 COMMON MI CKOLYs so 4-6 ee sons = eee 94 CUNLOUSIGYPLeSsess-osa4= cise ee aoe 95 destructive spruce wood .....-...--- $3, 96 CUIStYHOR Ki APE Resa eras as eeu sass 94 flat-headed apple tree..............-. 12 hickory ess = Sa26se oe ose 97 ING seks sec assesses 97 four-msarkediash) == sss22s5s5e-secse cs 96 Heartwood pine. sos scsose ee ee eee 98 knop-horned pine=- -.-=-=---2----- == 93 Nts (SOS eerie Se ee ese ee ee 93 | LOGUSt yeah See ese sacs tanec oacte 93: | AONE TENUM EV a Ge Bo oooaeseeodh asceodas 83 opsoletespines-s..xcssseciecsde cece c~c 93 paAintedshiekomye-ceeees- aaa neseee 94 IPINeMLesSe@R syn atios seco essences 93 NeavEwOOd i aatectaceeer os cae =e 98 POPLAR oseeee oon ee oe waicteasiwres's 93 red-shouldered ptinid..............- 98 WUD bEG PIN eC aaewrecses aoe oee ee cece 96 TIPIC |CYPTCSS\-5-oas os aes ae eee eis Se 95 round-headed apple tree............ 12 MUSUIC 52 Saga2 aa soe jasaa se aaa. Se ee 96 SIO CE tee eter oe oh eee nie simone 13, 20 SHOtshOle@ ee aseace as sees na basen eee we 13 Page IBOLEL, PSUS ALM APLC snares oe sleleis/slalelatnialsiyaise 93 bipersniCkOny sss. scee ee eee nee 94 CUEpeNLIMe A Ts <2 .s.scenonseee ets 97 two-lined chestnut.................- 97 WarlablevOadke-neccncs dewesencnnteneee 95 WAV VISDUNCC Era este e es eccrcts So cicieoe oops 96 white-lined cypress ................- 94 (See also under Apple tree, Bark- borer, Cane, Clover, Corn, Currant, Gooseberry, Grain, Grape, Peach, Raspberry, Root, Squash-vine, Stalk, Stem, Strawberry, Sweet potato. ) : Borers flat-headed! saca-eaes eee ee occasion cine 97 Tround-headed! ©). 95222 he.5-2 a. 83, 91, 92 IBOUONS 2th cance aes saben ose eee ee melee 69 Bot-tlvs horses: Wyte seen see cee eee 69 SHEED iden eeeweccewsese wale Oo Onone 69 Bren hissnort hernias eee sete eee 98 Broad-horned flour-beetle. (See Flour- beetle.) nosed grain-weevil. (See Grain.) Bronze birch borelesascacseee. eee eee ce ee 77,97 Bronzed cutworm. (See Cutworm.) Brown dung fly. (See Fly.) leaf-hopper. (See Leaf.) spider-beetle. (See Spider-beetle. ) talon othysosh ss oe sasss oye een eee 17, 87 (See also Moth.) Bucculatrix. (See Apple tree.) IBuUcksmOthest ase soe asta ss seem oe eae eee 85 Budimotheye-spoued es ccenes see eee eee 15 WONT TASC era aerate enon eileen ese 58 Buffalo. (See Gnat, Tree hopper. ) ‘*Buffalo-moth.” (See Carpet-beetle. ) Buii-tippedbuitertlys 22-4. sssceeseeees seer 84 Bug. (See Bedbug, Bill-bug, Plant-bug, Squash bug.) Chin@h yore er sete nesses aeoenees 40, 45, 104 clouded pigweed ........:-.2....-..---- 45 GCLOlODNE oe tee iho ae mine oie aioe sheets 64 false chinchl 2 =osco2 - acess te seas 45 harlequintcabpaperere wens eeeees ss 52 WEISS I partes aeiaictss a Nea Nitti seme 106 mealivses eee Een antec ence wins 10 MiIilitanyeeosse cena as oases eee 45 Meso Witte As S25. shee sa sncs sae es 27 DUCS ANON es aaaacs fs acsos as ata seeesoae 45 PEG (DY SAENCUS) eee see ses oe Sasa 9 Teak ((Leptus) ese ss5ceaoas ccs eeeee eae 67 Sandyioroundhas tne hee ees oe ee 45 Buprestissrolden\s ssasses-esaceseccoas =e 98 Butterfly, American copper..............-- 36 black-bordered yellow....-.-.-..- 37 bufi-tipped's sa. sa.scc cs emcee sane 84 cabbage larce:sssss4.-<- eos sees 51 cloudless sulphur...............- 37 COMMAS se sao ctece anne males eee eee 42 COMYMtAS) 2428 accor an tenes eee 36 pray hair-streaikc. 2 ss2s2 ss. sce 50 hackberry, common ........-..... 84 Lite sulphunisss sass ocm sacs asseee 37 mourning-cloak ¢......2..2--2--- 83 northern cloudy wing ........--. 36 Orange silphunisssscce ose eae 36 DING pases sae eee ase atta 84 DOMME De Ase sees cece tas ae 51 SemiICOlOM Ass sasso-cose af asecee ees 42 southermidop-faces.- 25. --2s242- 36 WIGCLOY cies cess osteo eee ese 83 VIGLEt=thipr 25 5 24S a2555) 35s 83 VellOWis sfsscgusas decaetoreseseene 37 Cabbage, -aphis 34s scnocsntae seeetecteetia os 53 Dugsharlequinkeeseeeseremececce se 52 butterfly, Jargesssossee sno. bids 51 GULCUIIO NS jasees toes ces seteeeececd 54 flea-beetle, WESLETIIG Sw aa suie ae 53 leaf-miner, IM POLbed san aseeeseeeee 54 IGODEM esate eo cheese eateasse sas 36, 45, 52 MALOU ask ass cai cemesecesscecs 53 web-worm, imported ............. 54 WiOrm, (Cross-Striped= -4---.-cs- cee 52 imported 50 southern 51 Cabinet beetle. (See Beetle.) Cad Olle eect ino oe sles iaee oat es 62 Californiarediscaleysccs-cae-- cee scc ese es 11 Page. Galifomia tussockamothijeccena-eee se seeee 87 Phryganidiaes. 42 sess see &6 Californian tent-caterpillar ...............-. 88 Callidium: chestmutisseeas ses. coeeeceeneee 94 Canadian vhep tara se cen -sseeee eee 96 Cane-borer, Taspberryenn = ee eee eee eee 26 red-necked es. treet aye oe 26 Canker-worm falls etre ate ecianeaee ner SPHN GE icckesansseme- eee 16, 88 Carolina. (See Locust.) Carpenter worm Oak. 22a tees 99 POPlanse sae eee esse 99 Carpet beetle sass sipsceeeoc es acess faieese 65 aCe s = Se ytrciee eeepc 61 MO tha as soe Se cence acca eens 65 Case-bearer, orange. (See Orange.) DiStOh esse wascte eee cena 15 making clothes moth. (See Clothes moth. ) Cat and dog flea. (See Flea.) Catal pas phimxee ess cosenceeadere see eeecar 84 Caterpillar; American tent.-...---..:--2:-- 88 apple-tree tent.........-.--.... 15 86 Califormiantent sss. see ssee eee 8s forest tenibe eee eee 64 Codling moth (apple worm) ......-....---- 18, 105 Coffee-bean’ weevill<.-=: ec.2 6 ee eee eee Colaspis, grapevine. (See Grapevine.) Colorado potato-beetle. (See Potato.) Coly@lids 2222 55Noscdok ce ee eee eee 102 Comma butterfly. Commelina owlet-moth. (See Butterfly.) (See Owlet-moth. ) Companion bark-beetle .< 100 Comyntas butterfly. (See Butterfly.) Cone nose, blood-sucking ........-........- 67 WOLD, SSPLUGC+s4=- a -cee se eee 90 southern pine 22... -2esnee sees 90 Confused flour-beetle. (See Flour-beetle. ) Convex flea-beetle. (See Flea-beetle. ) Copper -AmeniGanin. ice. caeeae ee eee 36 Cornsear worm 2. 22eeesesereeeeeer eee 42, ou 57, 58 root-worm, westerm...--..4.-2---5-- 33 sap-beetle: <2 5 tece cnet etomee eee eee 62 C ‘osmopolitan ambrosia beetles = 2s----scsse 13 timber-beetle............-..- 71 Cotton aphis. 525 2 2Sci-e-tieeee eee eee 10 boll weevil, Mexican -...5-..2.25% 42,105 WOT sone coor e none 42, 50; 57, 58 Stainer sfc h203e Sas ee eee 9 Cottonwood root-borer:~..- 22-5... 6-seeees 95 Sphinx; “western: e455 eens 84 Cottony cushion seale. (See Seale.) maple scale. (See Seale.) Cow ped Weevili jn2-20 ease. foe os eae es 50 Crab louse. (See Louse.) Grambus) varabond= ss 2¢-co-== eee aeee eee 30 Cranberry lo0peraca.cec-ees- eee 29 SCRIC A= haste ok ee eee 14, 19, 28 SPAN WOLM ie seen te oeee temas 59 Cricket; houses soe cee eee eee ee ee 64 mole; Mortherny oo. see 9 short-wanged) 222-52) eeee 54 SNOWY treet: -2 22... ccs. See ee ees 22,26 Western) j....65552eee ners eee 39 Crinkly flannel moth- 22225. nea 88 Cross-striped cabbage-worm. (See Cabbage. ) Croton bug. (See Bug.) Crow blister-beetle. (See Blister beetle.) Crown-borer. (See Strawberry.) girdler. (See Strawberry.) moth. (Sce Strawberry.) Crumpler; leat... eas Stans eee 15 Cryphalus, balsam fine: 322 jeese- =a ee 79 BOIL enn as eee 71 SPIUGE:s 20 cis so oace ce oe See 79 Cucumber beetle, striped .......-.-..+.2-..- 59 twelve-spotted.. 33, 46, 48, 58, 60 Hlea-beetles...= 2... seo nee 47, 56, 60 Curculio, apple 222. csc. ae eee ee 18 Cabbageiscccetce ncn cesta eee 54 DIUM oi 2: oat ene hoes oa eRe 18, 21 Currant borer7importeds.= ss sees eee 28 clesr-wing moths ee sae eee see 28 moth \Gnledy. sane csse hese ae 60 stem-borer, Native....-.2---22-2 2.5 28 Worm, imported - ~~~ ~~ 22-2 - see eee 29 NATIVE: ...... ese SeGceee cee ee 29 Gutworm, beanis.. 2: 2efasccsesseeeeeee eee ee 49 bla@k es cece. ate ee eee 51 bronzed) .2)0.0 <2 tees sa eo 36 Clim Ding -c.22,4-25o- 2 eee eeeee ee 17 Page. CUD WORTI I ClOVIGL ats isisiaa nitlelsis/a' cls sees acide = 35, 44 Gamkesid cults: sent cue ses ee eens 35 CUM Visoee nth cae ko otic teases 49 PAGISENS 6 Sa eee eee ae ee 52 SVAN ULAtEd = 3355s ace cecee eee ees 29, 51 PLGUCY a2 ote as BSS eet erie ee eee 59 shaerecned:2s.-)- see eee. toes 51 small white bristly ........--.--- 35 speckled: 2.5. inad2-teseee ce so = 51 spotted a4. toe cee ecteccess 30 Striped’ 2; sseeersssee eae eee ecesese 51 Variegated: tesa sssn== ase 31, 35, 42, 44, 51 Wamlarkediy eens sce sante-c cei: 52 Cypress, bald, bark-beetle..:..............- 101 borer, GUTIOUSN- Are cece coeee ees 95 TG eee SS ceRn Eee eens 95 winite-lintedi.< Jost assi-.s 2s: 94 Lawson, bark-beetle ..:..........- 100 iW COM Dect re wie eenee set eclnte cocis seers 92 Dagger-moth, American............¢......- 86 SmMeared! 22.2 seee sss 26. 26, 27, 35, 86 Dark meal-worm. (See Meal-worm.) red turpentine beetle......:.........- sided cutworm. (See Cutworm. ) BUSSOGK-MOt aces asec ss cet. eee s 3 87 Dendroctonus, Arizona... . .----- SS tece 95 Locust. (See Cicada, 17-year locust.) ANIMONIGRM =a esac oes eee wee 32 Caroling essseseccse se tesecie seeks 31,43 cledrewineed. = sa) ..sasceo2--0% $228 39 differential 233. .2seees cen oe 31, 38, 43 NESSCT es factee sscasesaens 30, 37, 38, 43, 58 reer Fal Ceveye(e IE ee ye tee tee 38, 43, 58 Rocky Mountain ..........- 32, 38, 39, 43 Uy.O-SurIped a: = Sees ees eS Shs. 31, 37, 43, 58 Locust beetle, leaf-mining ................- 8 | OC} =) he Ee en ne ye ee aE ar 93 leattoldensas_sioce tt aces 84 Long-nosed ox-louse. (See Louse.) seale. (See Scale.) spined mealy-bug. (See Mealy-bug.) Looper. (See Cabbage, Cranberry.) Louse. (See wnder Aphis.) DOG Veen ae eee eee 67 boolk:s=-2-- 2 Ns Ree care ee bosses 64 GHDULG ep aaeecee sasccaciseec cece anicns 69 Creabyasyare scone caseers sasecmeeeenne 67 [OKO Le eis nrg eee tae eee 67 HOTSCM SUCK Ceara ne ceeene 69 Ox wlonr=noseditanss suet e ae ea 69 SHOEGIOSEO sss te te eee are 69 Sheep. Gib smese eee Sele a weebeaee 69 Lubber grasshopper. (See Grasshopper.) HouMated lon e-stin fiy-ne. ccc cae asec Mees ccees 100 Maggot. (See Apple, Cabbage, Cherry, Sheep, and Wheat. ) Malaria mosquito. (See Mosquito.) Maple scale, cottony. (See Scale.) gloomy. (See Scale.) Page. Maple sugar, borer............. SS acu enm as 93 Worm), preen-striped ..°.. = ees 85 worm, Semi-loOping: ..)..0 4) ee seal 36 Marginedblister-beetle. (SeeBlister-beetle. ) MalyabeGetle seen eniscancaeene se nse ee ee 30, 46 Gisten ded tse i Uee hea ene 30, 49 Meadow worm. (See Leather-jacket.) Meal sap-beetle. (See Sap-beetle.) snout-moth. (See Snout-moth.) WOM Wan Kr mene es otal S 62 VELLOWMeeeace ee cete kate 62 Mealy-burwdesinictivesssess eaesee eee ce cce 10 long-spimedivas seseseseee eee see 10 WANS. twahnitestiv) sence seems ee diac te se 9 Mediterranean flour-moth. (See Flour.) Melon caterpillar. (See Caterpillar. ) Merchant grain-beetle. (See Grain.) Mexican bean-weevil. (See Bean.) cotton boll weevil. (See Cotton.) gadfly. (See Gadfly.) Military bug. (See Bug.) Millinedesningede. goss serene eee ea ees 54 Miner. (See Asparagas and Leaf-miner. ) Midge, clover-flower. (See Clover.) clover-leaf. (See Clover.) Mite. (See Clover, Orange, Pear.) Orangeifruliti S222 sos20 feelo eee ee es 9 peariblister: sss ee2 es asses eee eee 20 Mole-cricketmorthern=. 222.22 esssee ee yee 9 short-wingediena- = seen eeee 54 Mosquito houselse. +22. sso ese cee oes 67 MMLATIOS Vso 2 sacasonsee sees ease 65, 103 Salt-marshee sss es5 one tee 103 VellOWsIEVeR=as. soe eeeee 65, 103 Moth. (See under Bud, Flour, Fruit, Hawk, Grain, Owlet, Plume, Snout, Tus- sock, and Tiger.) blue-spangled peach ........-----.-.- 19 OLG Wastes seen k Gt ee es St ae 17,87 DUCK ee eae came sete he ence are 85 CALPCL Se crj tien aise ee ee eee 65 GECLOPIa ease este ee setae ae ee oes 17 ClO UTES TAS ee Sse ee cee cee 64, 65 eogling ae seoes. ies shoes ote ce eer ee 18, 105 Gcrinkiyetianneleesess ea ey seen eee 88 CULTaMb CLEAR WINGS s2c2es=-eeeneee- oe 28 dagger American; och. s.a-t oon eee 6 Emeared mano acsseee cee ee 86 Giamond-=bac kee. ss eeeae sees eee ne 62 dricdFcurrantis 255252222 220 eee eee 60 PYVDPSVsesas scat cc oceec eee ee aee eee 17, 87 TIMPCLigllek ee scne ceeeee eee eee seer eee 85 LM POVtedupeaker ics cess. see ee ee 50 andicm=meall eee sa= se oes seeee eee we 61 IOs eRe cance aa nee eae Anes oe ano ee sees 3, 89 LeOpanrde 2 =f 228= sh sesatsinese teen eee 98 lime-tree winter->:-----2222-22-5-2-< 16 Mediterranean flour............-...- 60 PEACOEUWAR ena saaa oxic eae caine aoe 19 PoOlyphemusteess ste esse ee sone &4 Strawberry CLlowls-c2- 5. -225-ceea- 25 white-marked tussock......--------- 87 WOline= eee ae LS ea ee ceete ohne ceiea 60 Mottled tortoise- beetle. (See Tortoise- beetle. ) Mounitaingash) bOrenee-essseseesesesss sole. 83 Mourning cloak butterfly .........--------- 83 Mulberry borer, ash colored.......-------.- 94 Nais tiger-moth. (See Tiger-moth.) Native currant stem-borer. (See Currant.) currant worm. (See Currant.) peach bark-beetle. (See Peach.) Negro-bug, little.....-. Lope tans eemeaac eae 27 New York weevil. (See Weevil.) Northern Brenthissseseressn-secess-=+ aces 98 cloudy-wing. (See Butterfly.) grass-worm. (See Grass-worm.) leaf-footed plant-bug. (See Plant- bug.) mole-cricket. (See Cricket.) tobaceo.worm. (See Tobacco.) Northwestern tent-caterpillar..........-... 88 INiitaWie ews’ s saa soos eee se sce as 90 Nuttall’s blister-beetle. (See Blister-beetle. ) Oak ambrosia beetle. (See Ambrosia.) park-beetle; minutes 7s. ecsee oes 80 Page. Oak bark-beetle, western ........-.....---- 71 borer, Gusty; 2 os. ne costes ee ee eee 94 southern! <: $52 9tjsnee eee eees 95 variable... ..3=c500 isaes seeerece 95 Carpenter WwOnmMtce spaces eects 99 caterpillarjore ents see laee oes eee 87 redshum ped s-seeeeseces se 87 live TOOt-DONer 2s 5e Soe Lees eeeiaee eee 95 {DUUY A Woo SSRaBE Ane or SDahosapeccuasede 91 span-worm, western........----------- 88 timber-worm. (See Northern Brenthis. ) tussockichiterpilll aise: seerreee =m ise 85 CwastOrmiyrusian= eee eee cee eee 77 WiGDWOLM 22 see seme cnee cetera nae eee cee 89 WOrm, ‘orange-striped) 2-7(.-- = - = oe = 85 WOLD) SPINY saccese seed tec een ee ee 85 Oblique - banded leaf-roller. (See Leat- roller.) Oleander seale. (See Seale.) Orange: aphis sc: esc.nccte sean eee ce eee 10 bandedclerid@s i gesseeeee = seen eee 101 GaS@-Dearer:s.5% <).sjeciae stories sicreiets ite 8 ChiOnaspiss oa5-cene ose eee ose 11 Chrysobothrist2n!2s2se-essss- seca i dogi(hogicaterpillan))< 2 o- -l <1 8 frUlt=mite.2 22 -eesscee eee 99 Pirdler :33-422 So see eee eee eee 93 tent-maker a... j-22esnenoeesee 86 Potato) beetle, bogustes-c-ses ec eee eee 55 Colorado .ctc4 acce. eee 5d three-lined 2.24.22. ce eee 55 stalk-weevil2u..2. (ieee See 54 tuber wWOrMm). 225. access ssc eeeeee 54 Pot-herb butterfly. (See Butterfly.) Powder-post’ beetles 22. 2-2-2. --sses ee eee 98 Pretty cutworm. (See Cutworm.) Prionus broad-necked =) oss ease eeeee 95 lessens heise eee eee ee een eee 95 tile-hormied |=. 5.0 scee acc Soe eae 21 Pruner, apple-tree. (See Apple.) Oakes Fao ec ccace ce etinemin sees ear 91 Psylla. (See Pear.) Ptinid, borer, red-shouldered ...-.......--- 98 pliant arborvilee |. 2.---2seeeeee see 78 Punctured flea-beetle. (See Flea-beetle.) Purple seale. (See Seale.) Purslane WUe <2 shes coe se ee eee 45 caterpillar: ...5 <4 S.)ceseeeeeaemiee 44 Putnam’s seale. (See Scale.) Pyralid) caulitlower= see. -en-sceae eee 53 Raseal leaf crumpler. (See Leaf-crumpler.) Raspberry, Cane-borer oo... ---=eree see 26 leafsroller vs .{osss-eeker eae 25, 27 root-DOLel a-4-0 0 ce eon eee 26 e SAWIY: cos5 2 cake east eee 27 joy oh@riedlen SS en ecere cere noses cS 27 Red-banded leaf-roller. (See Leaf-roller. ) | Red bugaQysderncus) = s-s-- sen ee eee 9 (Geptdis) eee wae eigeeemseeee meee 67 | Red grain-beetle. (See Grain.) Red-headed Clytuse e225. 4c~e eee 96 legged flea-beetle. (See Flea-beetle.) ham-beetle. (See Ham.) locust. (See Locust.) necked cane-borer, (See Cane-borer.) SCalesaseccs csc cen ee tenia cese n eeerineets 11 shouldered ptinid borer.........--.... 98 125 Page. Red-shouldered twig-borer. (See Twig- borer.) SpiderstwO-sSpOtted (7. sae ceecieicec sows ce 8 turnip beetle. (See Turnip.) Redwood bark-beetle.............---------- 74 Resplendent shield-bearer. (See Shield- bearer.) eMOCeTOS DECHE. .\sseis-rcios- =e sin a 89 Ringed millipede. (See Millipede.) Rocky Mountain locust. (See Locust.) tent-caterpillar.........-- 88 Roller worm. Root aphis, corn. -borer, clover. (See Worm. ) (See Corn.) (See Clover.) COULEDIWIOOGE ence et tseicis a siete e) eee = = =~ 81 AMOETICAN cs. 7-2-2 oes 81 MINUS eee nee eo eeeoac 82 Smallired!=e-ses-ceonsen 80 Willit@Menacccssacceicoeeee 81 black, wood-engraver......-.------- 80 JOWELE \VEIVAs Scag GeCone See yne esse ACOs 96 CONE- WORM eases see Sees Seen ae 90 @ryphailusss:sece.n> sos sew cece eee 79 destroying beetle ...........-.------ 82 Douglas, bark-borer.........--.----- 76 Dendroctonus ............- 74 Page. Spruce, Douglas, Hylesinus ................ 75 twig-weevil .........---.. 78 Engelmann, gall-aphis -............ 79 Ted; SCOVUUSE ie eee ce ee teres sation 82 small bark-beetle ....:-....-:.- 80 Sitkan Dolungusi=eremseeeeeeeeeeeeee 73 gall-aphis)tsecacact ae cere cee 79 Ebylurgopsac-aee cer Sesieee 74 TOMICUSE Ros entekn Ss soe l= sats 73 twiecbectles 2 22252 -ee es oe. 72 timber-beetle:. eee aseoae eee ees 71 twig wood-engraver, minute....... 80 Weevil swestGrms---e2--e- eee eee 91 white, bark-beetle....--.-.=.....- 81 wood-borer, destructive ........--- 83, 96 WoOUd-enpra vere esse. see eee 80 Square-necked grain-beetle. (See Grain.) Squash-bugy Common sss sese a eee eee 60 horned! 322s. seen eae oe sees 60 Jadvibind'soscesasshee ceca tears 60 WAN C/POTEL ass. cee tece ee Sele eee 59 Stable fly. Stainer, cotton. (See Fly.) (See Cotton.) Stalkeporenci. s2 seem accesses nea 39, 54, 57 COnmesmallenze ss se ese sce eee 48 Stalk=weevils potatOemsss-ses-o- ss sseee se 54. Sbem=borers CLOVE sere eeaaeensccnesaceen ce 32 lima bean e.5: ooo scetaees See 47 WAVE CULraibaee eae se eee ae 28 Stinging caterpillar. (See Caterpillar.) Strawberry _crown-borer: ....--2+------<.-- 24 Pirdlersstaswsssee ee eee 24 MMOthiz sameeren se 25 falSenwOnmiaw esse esere ce sr 25 fea-peetlesi.--eenst Wes. ose ee 25 leathbeetle s)--cknnce ee ea eee 25 spottediases. ole secs 25 Chiatier-aseees ates fee ctee cen 25 TOWER Me eee ee ees 26, 27 TOOU-DOLET sat ssaesta noe eee ee 25 weevil. tact adaiiek aheecoeeees 26 Straw-wornl barley 222552 eosceieeee ees 41 preaterswileatme. se cess aceeee 41 Striped blister-beetle. (See Blister-beetle. ) cucumber-beetle. (See Cucumber. ) ecut-worm. (See Cut-worm.) flea-beetle. (See Flea-beetle.) Sucking horse louse. (See Louse.) Sugar-beet. (See Leaf-beetle and Webworm.) Mra plesPOrer=.. Asoc sw eee 93 Sulphur, cloudless. (See Butterfly.) (ollonreral Ubtorthab.¢ 5-2 6o5n5ueecconosne 34, 59 little. (See Butterfly.) orange. (See Butterfly.) Sweet-potato flea-beetle ..............-.---- 56 In aiyyican O Ghee ees eee 56 plume=moth ==. -=s-2-seese ace 56 TOOtDOLCE Baecte coe eens 56 Sa Willy, labeen socenece sacs cee 56 Swollen May-beetle. (See May beetle. Tapestry moth. (See Carpet moth.) Tarrished plant bug. (See Plant bug.) Ten-spotted Xanthonia. (See Xanthonia.) Tent-caterpillar. (See Apple.) ATI CTC Ailee aeeee seers p 88 Californian) Sess2455- eee 88 TOTCSE Re ee aeee eo 87 nNorvthwestemlesas-s 26s esee- 88 Rocky Mountuin-...-....- 88 tufted |. aos.. seea ese ee eee 88 maker\poplaesceas sae see eee aes 86 Terrapin scale. (See Scale.) Thick-thighed walking stick. (See Walk- ing stick.) Three-lined potato beetle. (See Potato beetle.) Th wipS Miwa foe as co 2 sees we ee eee 32 Mhunderboltipectless-- = s5--- .s2- enero 95 TiGkCattlets ts sete kee soe nee Soe 66 SCOP sss cece ene eee eens oeee 69 Ticermoth, eae 30, 36,44 MAIS Soc deo sees e eae eee 36 Tile-horned Prionus. (See Prionus. ) Mimberzbeetles birch oe sseee ease eee 71 cosmopolittaniees-ceese sees 71 hickory essacs sc eessee ees 98 SPLUCCRetevisee serinelsinierele are 71 6 Page. Timiber worm |Chestnitaseseeeessesseeeeeee 98 oak. (See Northern Bren- this. ) Timothy plant bug. (See Plant bug.) Tobaccorsplit-wornle sess sees eee eee 54 worm) NOrthernls see. seee eee 57 SOUtM eM es sess eee eee 57 Tomato cwOrMm:-ee-c see eee ee eee eee 57 MOMICUS, TOUT-SPIN eds sees eee eee ee 73 Hudson" Bays. ee eee 81 Oregonian eee 73, 100 silver pine! {22 --s-eseo eee eee 102 Lutted tent-caterpilllar 2. . seen eee 88 Turkey gnat. (See Gnat.) Rurmip=-heetles medi: 2. seesn see eee eee 53 Turpentine-beetle, dark red................ 74 ‘ boOrerss. -4e- see teoee eee eeee 97 Tussock-caterpillar, hickory ---...----.-.-- 85 OBS She eee See 85 Dales seen eee sees 85 PlNe sas eee eeeees 85 white-marked......... i6 moth; Calitonnidmeseaseeseeseeeeee 87 @ark 32) oo se oer 87 USL, es -eee we Ses nna eee eee 87 white-marked!! 222 seesseee= 87 Twelve-spotted asparagus beetle. (See As- paragus. ) cucumber beetle. (See Cu- cumber. ) Twice-stabbed ladybird. (See Ladybird.) Twig-beetle. (See Apple.) Jefinre yi pines sess. 9= === se aeee 72 Momtereyapine sess ee eee 72 Sitkasprucets-nesteees a eeeeee 72 white pine 75 esse ee eeeenee 80 borer. (See Apple.) red-shouldered! 32222-2222 se52= 22 girdler, hickory 2 ssen eee eeeeeee 92 MAL LOL PINES somsceeeoe eee eee eee 78 MimMerspIME 5 Ase neecse cane eee see eee 79 weevil, Douglas spruce.....--.-......- 78 Two-lined chestnut borer .................. 97 spotted red spider. (Sce Red spider.) striped locust. (See Locust.) tortoise-beetle. (See Tortoise- beetle.) walking-stick. (See Walking- stick.) Tyer, greenhouse leaf. (See Leaf-tyer.) Urographis banded! ase seseees=-e-ee ee eee 96 Vagabond Crambus. (See Crambus.) Varied Anomala. (See Anomala.) Variegated cutworm. (See Cutworm.) Viceroy butterfly: {S222 see ee eee eee 83 Winegar tly cecpens cae pccenice ee eaen eeteiner 69, 66 Violet-tipibuttertlyecc=scsa-e eee er eee eee 83 Walkine-stick; common’. -<..---2)4 24-2405 es 89 two-striped!s:----4--ss-eee= iS) Walnut borer, blue-winged...........------ 94 Page. WinlaMtetMb weevil. 2-2-2. cosh te costa cone 90 SIME Renee se ae a Shien ote Meee eae 84 WCE WILee nes Poets FE. M. Wesster, in charge of field-crop insect investigations. = ee 3 o AY L. QUAINTANCE, in charge of deciduous-fruit insect investigations. oy 2 is E. A. Scuwarz, D. W. CoQuILLerT, TH. fens NATHAN “BANKS; Assis 3 _Entomologists. FES Spin te te ie ae ORS “S. CLrrron, Chief Clerk. — eee rea Sie mee OY 8. G. Tirus, F.C. Pratt, Avcus? Buscx, Orro- HEIDEN, A. N ee R.P. Currig, J. G. SANvERs, F. D. CouvEN, Assistants. asi = R. Cc: ALTHOUSE, W.. E> TASTET, - Mary G. CuaMpney, A, fe Leister, J Us! beg: KELEHER, JESSIE EK. Marks, RENCE ‘aphers ae: Clerks. “Laruian L. HoweENsTEIN, Artist. Bees See er Maper Cotcorp, Librarian. Bike URGE} ee ta W. B. HINDSs, Ax WwW. MORRIE, SPRINGER Gors, C3 fe Crawron, W. - < J. L. Weise, H,. Be. aoe? W. F. ee J. F. Srrauss, engaged in 5 forest ins ct investigations, — 1 sie eres =e Be M. RANKIN, Lestiz Martin, E. B PHILLs, engaged in “apicuttural esti- gations. = _ G.I. REEVES, Ww. oa PHILLIPS, engaged in field- crop insect imsbetignstten 2) ‘Frep. JoHNson, A. A. GIRAULT, 5 fetal BEATTIE, enguged in deciduous-fr it investigations. " 2G: J. Giutiss, W. A. KEeLener, ‘Mari Rey, Mrs. Jenne Tote) engaged im investigations, — ae: Bs _H. R. Sasscer, Student Assistant. . é . Reo ey ys : xy 2 BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY—BULLETIN No. 54. L. O, HOWARD, Entomologist. S Ove MISCELLANEOUS RESULTS OF THE WORK OF THE BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY. aa es oe oe PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE ENTOMOLOGIST. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. U.S. DerpartMENT OF AGRICULTURE, 3UREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY, Washington, D. C., May 1, 1905. Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith the manuscripts of sev- eral articles and shorter notes, none of which are of such a nature as to justify their publication at this time in separate form. The matter presented is similar to that which has been published in seven earlier bulletins, and I recommend its publication under the title ‘“ Miscella- neous Results of the Work of the Bureau of Entomology—VIII,” as Bulletin 54 of this Bureau. The initial article on the sugar-cane beetle is a report of an investigation conducted during 1904, which was made necessary by the fact that the insect in question had received practically no attention at the hands of entomologists for a quarter of a century. The suggestion as to remedies will, it is hoped, be found useful to sugar planters of the South. The report on “ Conchuela,” a cotton pest of Mexico, contains an account of investigations conducted because of an unusual outbreak during the year, which afforded the possibility of a thorough study of this insect. It may be in time a dangerous enemy to cotton cultivation in Texas, and possibly in other near-by States in which it also occurs. The sugar-beet crown borer has not previously been detected injuring sugar beet or other useful plants. The dock false-worm, considered in the next article, is also hew as a pest, as is the pepper weevil, so far as regards published rec- ords. Everything points to the accidental introduction of the weevil from Mexico. _ The article on cold storage for cowpeas is of value for obvious reasons, one of which is that the experiments reported have been conducted over a considerable period and the cost of this method of treating seeds has been definitely ascertained ; it is also shown that the vitality of the seed is not injured by treatment. The larger canna leaf-roller and pond-lily leaf-beetle have been unusually destructive during the year, and have not previously been treated in any publica- tions of this Department. The report on the grasshopper conditions of the West shows that grasshoppers have been, on the whole, very much less destructive during the year 1904 than is usual. It also (3) 4 demonstrates the value of remedies, which are more effective when the insects are not overabundant, and should then be practiced as a means of limiting injurious occurrences in the immediate future. The article entitled “ Collective Notes on the Behavior of the Colo- rado Potato Beetle in Great Britain” indicates that this Amert- ‘an Insect does not now exist in England, but that it is capable of flourishing to a remarkable degree on the Continent. Some interest- ing facts in regard to the use of hydrocyanic-acid gas aS a-remedy for indoor insects have been gained during the year, a portion of which are embodied in an article and a note in this series. During the year Mr. Frederick Maskew, of California, has cooperated with this office in several investigations, two of which are made public—one on the subject of Fuller’s rose beetle and the other on the success of an intro- duced ladybird beetle. Among general notes are short accounts of a very injurious caterpillar enemy of velvet bean in Florida, an instance of the complete destruction of the imported cabbage worm by para- sites, and other notes of minor interest. Respectfully, L. O. Howarp, Entomologist and Chief of Bureau) Hon. James Wrison, Secretary of Agriculture. GONEEANCES?: THE SUGAR-CANE BEETLE (Ligyrus rugiceps Lec.), WITH NOTES ON ASso- CUATEDSOPECINS @llUsthated)paeee= mm eee te er See! 3 FE. S. G. Titus_- REPORT ON A MEXICAN COTTON PEST, THE ‘‘ CONCHUELA’’ (Pentatoma og mioasave a ullistrated wees tees pee See ede A. W. Morrill _- THE SUGAR-BEET CROWN-BORER (Hulstea undulatella Clemens) (illus- trated pee. a. eect ie Ee a eee eS Ga Runuse THE Dock FALsSE-worM (Taxonus nigrisoma Nort.), F. H. Chittenden and HOS. Ge Litus= THE PEPPER WEEVIL (Anthonomus ceneotinctus Champ.) (illustrated). CO. M. Walker _- CoLD STORAGE FOR COWPEAS (illustrated) _-.___-------- J. W. T. Duvel_- THE LARGER CANNA LEAF-ROLLER (Calpodes ethlius Cram.) (illustrated). FI. H. Chittenden _ - THE Ponp-LILY LEAF-BEETLE (Galerucella nymphee Linn.) (illustrated). F.. H. Chittenden _- GRASSHOPPER CONDITIONS IN NEBRASKA, NORTHEASTERN COLORADO, WYO- MING, MONTANA, AND WESTERN KANSAS DURING THE SUMMER OF 1904. Lawrence Bruner _. COLLECTIVE NOTES ON THE BEHAVIOR OF THE COLORADO POTATO BEETLE ICR MECHA RDDATNG v2 2-tee 0. Po Se a ee Fred. V. Theobald_- AN EXPERIMENT WITH HyYDROCYANIC-ACID GAS AS A REMEDY FOR THE CIGARETTE BEETLE IN DWELLINGS__F. H. Chittenden and F. C. Pratt_- NOTES ON FULLER’S ROSE BEETLE IN 1904_._._________--. Fdk. Maskew_- THE Grant SuGAR-CANE Borer (Castnia licus Fab.) (illustrated). C. L. Marlatt_- SES IE WE ISUG Soe Ap tes eee: SRO POE be alk Oh Ae Ae ae VO) SS a eg Oe ieee Peter gees Reported Success of an Introduced Ladybird Scale Enemy in California (p. 75); Locusts, Malaria, and Mosquitoes in the Transvaal (p. 76); The Caterpillar of Anticarsia gemmatilis Hbn., Injuring Velvet Bean (p. 77); An Instance of Complete Parasitism of the Imported Cabbage Butterfly (p. 79); Spread of the Mediterranean Flour Moth in Pennsylvania (p. 80); Tussock Caterpillars in Florida (p. 80); A Squeaking Sphinx Caterpillar (p. 80); A Jumping Gall (p. 84); The Great Elm Leaf-beetle (Monocesta coryli Say) (p. 81); The Malodorus Carabid, Nomius pygmeeus Dej., in Oregon (p. 83); Re- ported Occurrence of the Asparagus Beetle in California (p. 83); The Scientific name of the Plum Gouger—a Correction (p. 83); Unusual Food-plants for the Squash Ladybird (Epilachna borealis Fab.) (p. 84); Notes on Orthoptera Collected on Sugar Beets in 1904 (p. 85); A Mexican Kissing Bug (p. 86); Hydrocyanic-acid Gas Against the Bed- bug (p. 86); Singular Increase of ‘‘ Lerp’’ on Trees of the *‘ Yellow Box” (Eucalyptus melliodora) (p. 87); A Red Spider on Cotton (p. 87); Some Sugar-cane Insects (p. 88); Some Observations on Kansas Insects (p. 88); Some Local Names for Common Insects (p. 89). (5) Page. ILEVUSTRA TRONS PLATES. PuateE I. Fig. 1.—Anthonomus ceneotinctus: weevil, work, and pupa in Fia. situ. Fig. 2.—Work of pepper weevil, showing punctures, Varval imisitus amd’ esxaitilt Ole seme yee ce ess ee eee II. Fig. 1.—Weevil-eaten cowpeas kept under trade conditions. Fig. 2.—Cowpeas from cold storage - ears ee eee Ill. Fig. 1.—Cowpeas in cold storage on March Te 1903, to Mage: 1903, after which time they were stored in the Seed Labora- tory. Fig. 2.—Cowpeas in cold storage from March 7, 1903, to November il 904 toe came nie ee oe ee Ve Casinialicus:-stagessand detallce ns sates Bees Ao oat Ct He CO WO TEXT FIGURES. > LGU TUS TUGLCe DS: Canes SHO willl Oy Tn (CLs yas s MNGYyTUs TUGUCeps: (Cor Showin eniny Ty ee a LAGYTUs Tug iCceps: lav Vaiss 222 = S505. se One ee oe eee ees . Ligyrus rugiceps: stubble cane, showing feeding place of larva ____ Chalepus trachypygus: beetle, larva and details -______-_--_-_--__- . Brax lateralis: fly. larva, puparium, and details -___-.-..--+-----= » Pentatoma ligata: adult andvegese seas ee . Pentatoma ligata: supposed work on cotton boll ___--_-----.------ Hulstea undulatellas adult-and larval s2 85. 9 . Hulstea undulatella: longitudinal section of injured beet_-__. ____- . Hulstea undulatella: upper portion of injured beet _----_--____--- \baeorista pyste 22! JL. SPs sae Soe See ee eae Cheloniustridescens 22228 Se a2 ee Fe ee ee ee eee ES PULOCI GUStLO TU UIUC t an ee =a een eee le rel ey NR era Sele 15. . Anthonomus ceneotinctus: weevil, much enlarged -_.____-__.------ . Bruchus obtectus, B. chinensis, and B. quadrimaculatus____------- .-Calpodes ethiius: adult. larva. and ipupes sao. eee ee te . Galerucella nymphee: adult __....-.--------2---- pee tre eee ee . Anticarsia gemmatilis: moth, larva, and details- ._-.-.-.---------- Taxonus nigrisoma: larva, cocoon, and adult --___ __-__+-21. 27] (6) Page. SOME MISCELLANEOUS RESULTS OF THE WORK OF THE BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY. VEE THE SUGAR-CANE BEETLE. (Ligyrus rugiceps Lec.) [With notes on associated species. ] Bye besa Ga Linas: In 1880, in southern Louisiana, there occurred a serious outbreak of the stigar-cane beetle, so disastrous in its effect on the sugar yield that many planters gave up the growing of this crop and turned their energies to rice cultivation. This was especially true along the Mis- sissippl River north of New Orleans and at some points along the Southern Pacific Railroad. From 1880 until the present time there have been many reports of injury caused by this beetle (and some other closely related species) to sugar cane, corn, and other crops. Throughout Louisiana, Missis- sippl, and other Southern States, and even so far north as North Carolina in the east and Iowa in the west, have come reports of a beetle that “eats into the plant to the heart.” The injury to corn in the north is usually caused by Ligyrus gibbosus DeG., a species very closely related to the sugar-cane beetle. The reports of injury to sugar cane appear to be on the increase throughout the sugar-cane growing States, doubtless partially owing to the fact that consider- able new land is each year being opened for cultivation and also to the fact that the planters are beginning to notice more closely when they see their crops suddenly cut down. Under instructions from the entomologist, two trips were made by the writer in 1904 to Louisiana to study the life history of this in- sect—one in April and May and the other in the latter part of Octo- ber, when the cane harvesting was in progress. An investigation of the 1880 outbreak was made by Dr. L. O. How- ard in the spring of that year, his report being published as Special Report No. 58 of the Department of Agriculture, and later appearing in the report of the Commissioner of Agriculture for 1880.¢ In this report there is given a very complete account of the history of the 41881: Rept. Comm. Agric. f. 1880, pp. 236—240. (7) 8 beetle as known at that time, its method of attack, and some sugges- tions regarding remedies. The sugar-cane beetle measures from one-half to five-eighths of an inch (15 to 18 mm.) in length, is jet black above and black and piceous beneath; head roughly shagreened; thorax with minute rather sparse punctures; elytra with longitudinal strize and many small punctures; thorax and elytra polished and shining; on each wing cover near the tip a smooth, slightly elevated prominence, be- yond which the elytra are abruptly truncate; abdomen projecting slightly beyond the tips of the elytra. The legs are coarsely spined, the front tibia being broad and armed with four large, broad teeth. This species can be readily separated from the rice beetle (Chalepus trachypygus Burm.) by its smaller size and’ more parallel sides. ‘The rice beetle is more rounded across the thorax and elytra. The carrot beetle (Ligyrus gibbosus DeG.) is distinguished readily by the under side of the abdomen being quite densely covered with reddish hair. HABITS AND METHOD OF ATTACK. At the time of the first trip in 1904 much of the sugar cane was from 10 to 18 inches high. The previous season had been rather unfavorable, owing to excessively dry weather, and in some fields the cane was sprouting poorly. Plant cane continued to sprout and push through the ground until late in June, and many of the buds on mother cane that were examined in April and May had died from lack of sufficient moisture. During the four weeks of the first trip the principal cane-growing regions of Louisiana were visited, special attention bemg paid to plantations at Olivier, Berwick, Morgan City, Broussard, and St. James. At all places visited the beetle was found injuring cane severely. In some of the districts it was reported that this was the first year there had been serious injury, but most of the planters interviewed stated that they had had more or less loss from the beetles for several years. Those who had been raising cane for long periods could recall records of injuries at varying intervals for the past forty- five or fifty years. Especial injury was reported to have occurred in 1884, 1880, 1876, 1872, and once before the civil war—about 1856-57. At times, in some areas, almost the entire cane and corn crops had been cut down. This past year (1904) the beetles commenced work on the cane before the tips had appeared above the ground and continued until early in July to do serious damage. The injury to corn began as soon as the corn appeared above ground, whole fields being, in many vases, completely laid bare; and even the second planting was destroyed. 9 The injury is usually made a few inches below the surface of the ground, in cane generally 1 or 2 inches above the base of the stalk. Vic. 1.—Ligyrus rugiceps: cane showing injury—one-half natural size (original). The depth below the surface of the ground of course depends much upon the previous treatment of the cane and the amount of dirt 10 thrown up by the early cultivations. The beetles cut a horizontal burrow into the growing stalk until they reach the center, the center roll of leaves usually being cut through. The coarser fibers of the outer sheaths are shredded away with the mandibles and front tarsi, the latter being used more especially to pull away the stringy fibers after they have been cut loose at one end. As soon as the hole is large enough for the head and a portion of the thorax, the beetle uses the middle legs as braces while it cuts its way deeper into the stalk (fig. 1). Some instances were noticed where small and tender shoots had been entirely cut through and in a few cases shoots that stood against a larger stalk had been cut through, the beetle continu- ing its work into the next stalk. The beetles seemed indifferent to the size of the stalk attacked, larger older shoots being injured as often as the small tender ones, even when growing in the same clump of cane. The effect on the shoots is very different from that on the older stalks, the latter sometimes recovering from the injury if not too severe, while the former soon wilt, the center leaves dying first. On account of the beetles’ habit of working underground it was found very difficult to determine the length of time necessary to cut a hole to the center of the stalk. One beetle was seen to enter the ground, and twenty minutes later it had reached the center of a a stall three-fourths of an inch in diameter, as was readily de- termined by pulling out the cen- tral core of leaves. At times stalks containing several partially completed and one complete burrow are to be found. Usually but one cutting is made on a stalk, and, if this reaches through the cen- tral core of rolled leaves, the shoot quickly dries up and in a few days falls to the ground. When examined, the point at which the cutting was made now appears decayed, and in and on the rolled leaves in the interior may often be found small dipterous larvee feed- ing on the fermenting and decaying cane or corn. Corn is attacked in the same manner as cane (fig. 2), but the injury is usually closer to the base of the stalk and more disastrous in its Fia. 2.—Ligyrus rugiceps: corn showing injury (after Comstock). iis effect, since corn rarely suckers when thus cut back. On grass, on account of its small diameter, the beetles nearly always sever the attacked stem. LIFE HISTORY. The female beetle does not appear to attack the stalk, primarily at least, for the purpose of obtaining food, but in order that the cane may be deadened and the roots may soften and decay so as to afford a place for the young larvee to live and feed. The female, after cut- ting the hole in the stalk, burrows down among the young rootlets alongside the stalk, sometimes going beneath the old stalks of mother cane, and there deposits an egg. It was not possible to ascertain the number of eggs laid by a single beetle. Under natural conditions the beetles appear to always lay the egg after having made the cut in the stalk. Usually but one egg was found for each cut in a cane stalk, but some instances were discovered where there were two or more and in one case ten. The case where the ten eggs were found was in stubble cane, a large clump having but a single sprout growing from it. Some stalks were found that had been attacked by beetles as many as six times, and in one there were four of the cuts that reached to the center or beyond. No attempt was made to ascertain the exact number of eggs contained in the ovaries of the female, but from those examined I should judge it would exceed a hundred. Eggs of this beetle were first found in the ground April 28, but the size of young larvee present at that time in the cane fields—which I could not distinguish from those later hatched from the cane beetle eg would show that the egg-laying period begins much earlier. The egg of Ligyrus rugiceps is pure white, shining, smooth, pol- ished, globular, 0.75 mm. in diameter, and does not appear to differ from the egg of Chalepus trachypyqus, Ligyrus gibbosus, or Cyclo- cephala immaculata except in size. It 1s shghtly smaller than the eggs of the first species mentioned, somewhat larger than the second, and nearly twice the size of the last. The young larve begin to show in the egg the third day after deposition, but the time of emergence varies greatly, from six to fif- teen days being required in those under observation in the field. Hot, moist soil hastens their development, while cold soil with either ex- cessive wet or dry weather retards it, and cold, wet weather even causes some larvee to die in the egg. The larva on emerging makes but a small cut and then splits the shell open by movements of the head and body. The newly hatched larva is almost transparent; the anal end is densely white, while the head and appendages (except the white palpi and the black tips of the mandibles), the tips of legs, and the first thoracic segment are dark brown. Young larve hatching from eggs lying on top of the soil in a oS— 25 12 warm, damp box made no attempt to enter the soil until from fifteen to twenty-nine hours old. Young, apparently freshly hatched larvee in the field were often found in the soil near to the eggshell from which they had probably emerged. Those larve observed were not seen to feed until at least twenty-four hours had elapsed, and then a shght discoloration began to show through the thin skin. Fine particles of dirt were found at this time in the digestive organs. The larve are very sluggish in their movements, unless turned out on a dry, warm soil in the sun, when they hasten to burrow beneath the surface, going only a short distance and soon making a tiny cell in the earth, where they curl up in the characteristic manner of white grubs. The life history from the middle of May until the last of October is not yet definitely known. The last of October larvee were found in the fields in considerable numbers in the same positions as those seen in the spring; also in the mother cane, upright stubble cane, and even at the bases of growing cane. stalks. Quite a number of the larve are how in our breeding cages in Washington (April 1), but none have as yet transformed. Many of those dug out of the cane fields in October had formed earthen cells of considerable solidity and were evidently full grown. These cells were usually placed 5 to 6 inches below the surface and often close to the ae 8— Ligyrus “rugiceps: larva) slightly en= canes. A few were found amet arged; b, leg; c, face view of head, more en- larged (original). mother cane. Some were dis- covered at the summit of stubble cane, 3 to 4 inches beneath the surface, where they had apparently fed for most of their lives (see fig. 4). None of the cells found in the sane fields had parasites in them, but Haz lateralis larvee, one to two- thirds grown, were several times found near injured white grubs. But two pupe were found in the fields, and from one of these, early in November, there emerged an adult of Ligyrus rugiceps. The other pupa was injured in transportation and died. A few adults of Ligyrus rugiceps and one of L. gibbosus were found in earthen cells at Olivier and St. James. Adults are not usu- ally common in the fields in October, but a few may be found in the soil of fields that have shown the most injury the previous spring, some being in earthen cells, others in the loose soil. A few adults were also found in the soil at the bases of clumps of “ Grand Marais ” grass (Paspalum dilatatum). Adults did not appear at lights at any time in October and very rarely in the spring, nor were they seen 13 flying in the daytime in the fields, as was the rice beetle. In April and May collections of beetles coming to light were made at Morgan Fic. 4.—Ligyrus rugiceps: stubble cane showing feeding place of larva—two-thirds natural size (original). 14° City, on the shores of Atchafalaya River, Berwick, Olivier, St. - James, Donaldsonville, Lafayette, New Iberia, and St. Charles in Louisiana, and at Beaumont in Texas. The percentage of cane beetles coming to light was extremely small when compared with Chalepus trachypygus, the rice beetle. In the fields in the spring practically no rice beetles occurred, while at lights fully 90 per cent of the beetles belonged to this species. The remaining percentage was divided among IHydrophilide, Lachnosterna, and the sugar-cane beetle. Ligy- rus gibbosus was rarely seen at lights, and not over 3 per cent of the beetles were L. rugiceps. OTHER SPECIES OCCURRING IN FIELDS. Of the other white grub larvee occurring in the cane fields in early’ spring and summer, the most common appears to be that of Cyclo- cephala immaculata Ol. The adult of this species is a much smaller beetle, pale in color, and with dark markings. Nearly full-grown ~Fic. 5.—Chalepus trachypugus: a, beetle; b, larva, natural size; c, under side of head in detail, enlarged (after Comstock). larvee were found not uncommonly in the fields in April and May. ‘They occur at the bases of the stubble cane and_ be- neath grass roots along the margins of the fields. It may be this species that is reported as cutting suckers of the cane late in the summer. The in- jury is reported to be of nearly the same character as that of the cane beetle, but the holes are smaller. Adults appeared in our breeding cages in Washington early in July and laid their eggs freely in rich soils. The eggs hatched from six to fifteen days after deposition, the white grubs at once forming tiny cells in the soil and within twelve hours beginning to show traces of soil in their intestinal tracts. It is quite probable that the eggs in nature are laid in the same gen- eral way as those of Ligyrus rugiceps, but since the species appears so late in the year there will rarely be sufficient damage to cause rem- edies to be sought for other than those later on recommended for the sugar-cane beetle. It is probable that the rice beetle does some damage to the cane fields, especially in the rice regions, where it occurs in enormous numbers. Very rarely was it found in the spring, in the soil around the cane, or cutting cane, as was the cane beetle. Eggs were twice found that apparently belonged to this species, but they could not in the field be distinguished from those of the Ligyrus. Attempts to 15 vet egos from adults in captivity were unsuccessful, but eggs, appar- ently fully developed, were dissected from these beetles. Ligyrus gibbosus occurs in the fields, but not commonly. It was bred from larve found beneath young cotton plants in recently manured soil. It was also noticed in a few instances cutting cane. Its eggs are a trifle smaller than those of the sugar-cane beetle and are placed in the same positions about the roots of the cane. Adults bred from the cotton fields emerged early in May from pupx formed in captivity about ten days previous. In the northern part of Louis- jana this species has at times been very destructive to corn in early spring, and its ravages in the northern corn States are well known. At times it occurs in truck gardens and will doubtless be found breed- ing wherever the soil is enriched sufficiently with stable manure. ENEMIES. Birds.—Blackbirds may be considered as one of the most efficient enemies of white grubs throughout the South. Unfortunately, how- ever, they are becoming each year more scarce in many parts of icine, owing to the fact that the class of immigrants now coming into the State as plantation Jaborers are constantly, in their spare time, on the outlook for birds, and especially all small birds, for use as food. In the evenings I have several times noticed laborers com- ing home from a hunt with blackbirds, quail, sparrows, and other small birds. None of these seem to come amiss for food and the direct result is rather hard on the bird population. Insects —Cocoons of a hymenopterous parasite, probably a species of Tiphia, were found in the cells of a Cyclocephala and a Ligyrus in a few fields at Olivier, and in several places in cells of white grubs beneath the roots of Grand Marais grass. But one specimen was bred out, and this was too badly damaged to admit of iden- tification. Dipterous larvee (Brax lateralis Macq.) (fig. 6), were not uncom- mon at several places in the sugar-cane region. These usually occurred at the base of stubble cane or in decaying mother cane, but a few were found among grass roots. In almost every instance there were found with them either injured white-grub larve or portions of the harder remains of such larvae or pup. From nearly full-grown larvee taken in the spring there emerged, during the latter part of June and early July, several specimens of a predaceous fly deter- mined by Mr. Coquillett as Hrax lateralis Macq. The full-grown larve are about 20 to 25 mm. long, very slender, shining white, with darker spiracles and a dark chitinous head. The puparia are deep brown in color, the spines being almost black. Adult flies vary considerably in size, being from 20 to 28 mm. in length; the thorax is dark brown, more or less covered with a gray 16 pubescence ; abdomen black, shining, with a narrow band of gray hairs at tip of first segment, sometimes interrupted in the middle; second and third segments with apical triangular gray patches at sides; anal segments pale or covered with pale pubescence; the other seg- ments may have gray patches on the sides. Adults of this fly were not uncommonly taken in October, and were at that time seen cap- | turing wild bees of several species and an unidentified butterfly. They are very swift fliers. Small dipterous larve, found in the fall in the cane fields with injured larve of white grubs and in cells made for pupation, will doubtless prove to be this same species. Fic. 6.—Eraz lateralis: a, adult; b, face view of head of adult; c¢, iarva; d, head of larva; e, puparium—all enlarged (original). Several carabid larvee were seen in the fields feeding upon young white grubs, but none were reared to maturity. REMEDIES. Cultural remedies.—These will doubtless prove to be most sue- cessful. Doctor Howard, in his report on this insect in 1880, advised postponing the planting of infested fields until spring. This will prove to be one of the best remedies, especially on the higher, lighter souls. On two large plantations at Broussards it was suggested by the writer that the owners “ offbar” the cane in Apri] and May and keep the dirt away from it as late as possible. This suggestion was Wi also tried at St. James on a portion of one plantation. The other fields on this plantation were handled in the ordinary manner. The offbarred stubble-cane yielded from 15 to 17 tons, while.that handled in the ordinary way was yielding from 8 to 12 tons per acre, and much of this was of a rather poor grade. The offbarred cane suckered well, and the suckers grew well and were not nearly so badly injured -as those growing on the other cane. Mr. Leche, at St. James, put in a few acres of cane in the fall of 1904, but will plant most of his cane in the spring. This will give him opportunity to thoroughly clean the stalks and also to stir the soil in the spring and disturb the beetles that are hibernating or the pup of those not yet fully devel-- oped. No fall cane was put in on ene large plantation at Broussards, while at most of the other places visited the planters have planted as much cane this past fall as the season would allow. It is the custom on many plantations to allow the trash to remain on the field as it falls from the knives at the time of cutting. This is plowed under, either in the fall or the next spring, and the plant cane thus gets the full benefit. It serves, however, as an admirable hiding place through the winter for all kinds of insects that are present in the fields, and even when plowed under serves the same purpose for other insects that prefer to go beneath the soil for winter, It is the general practice to follow stubble-cane with corn. Some planters, however, are still attempting to run stubble-cane for two or three years before making the change. Cornfields that follow second or third year stubble suffer a much greater percentage of injury than those following only first-year stubble. Where plant-cane was injured badly it was found that the cane had been laid in the same rows that were in corn the previous year, the furrows being cut out down the corn row, the canes laid in, and then dirt, stubble, and trash turned back over them. In any of the plans used, there is bound to be more or less trash buried with the cane at the time of planting, and often three successive layers of decaying vegetable matter are found, the two lower of which ‘are scarcely disturbed throughout the year. It will readily be seen that this affords an ideal place for the breed- ing of white grubs of all kinds, as well as the larvee of several other insects. The headlands and roadsides in the fields almost invariably con- tain grass sod, sometimes sufficient to enable quite a cutting to be made for hay. In this sod were found the larvae of several species of white grubs, wireworms, and rootworms, all of which are injurious to corn or cane in either the larval or adult stage or both. It would appear that some such simple remedies as the following would materially aid in reducing the ravages of these insects, espe- cially that of the sugar-cane beetle: Clean culture of headlands, 28739—No. 54—05 m——2 18 ditch banks and roadsides; burning off in the fall of all trash on stubble field—both corn and cane ground; thorough cleaning of cane before planting; running no second or third year stubble, and offbar- ring stubble-cane as late in the spring as the weather will allow. Hand-picking of the beetles in the spring was quite successfully employed by one planter. Children were paid small sums to follow the * hoe gangs” and plows and pick up the beetles turned out. While further studies on the life history and habits of this insect ure necessary and desirable, there are some points in its con- trol which will readily be evident. One of the most important of these is the disturbing of the grubs in the ground after freezing weather sets in. Rather deep fall plowing will turn them out and kall many, and if this is followed by a heavy harrow many more will be destroyed. Planters in almost all the districts visited have stated that this would also be of advantage to the soil. REPORT ON A MEXICAN COTTON PEST, THE ‘ CONCHUELA.” (Pentatoma ligata Say.) By A. W. MorRILt. INTRODUCTION. A report reached the Bureau of Entomology in March, 1904, to the effect that a considerable falling off in the cotton crop for the season of 1903, on a large plantation in the Laguna district of Mexico, was believed to be due to the work of an insect. It was desired that the matter be investigated by this Bureau, owing to the possibility of obtaining information of value in connection with the study of cotton pests in the United States. The writer was consequently detailed to visit the plantation, the, headquarters of which are at Tlahualilo, State of Durango, Mexico, and to ascertain if an insect was concerned in the reduction of the yield of cotton for the previous season. At this plantation can be seen probably the most extensive con- tinuous cotton fields in the world, covering from 25,000 to 30,000 acres of land very nearly level, and comprising a portion of an old lake bed, with fine alluvial soil, the great fertility_of which would. be almost entirely unavailable but for water which comes through irri- gation ditches from the Nazas River, some 40 miles ican Sur- rounding the many thousand acres of cultivated lands is a desert, the principal vegetation of which consists of scattered mesquite trees. At the time of the writer’s first visit (March 7 to 10) there was absolutely no green vegetation on the estate, except a few cactus plants in the outlying uncultivated portions, thousands of poplar trees growing along the banks of the irrigation canals, and a few ornamental trees and shrubs growing about the offices and living quarters of the managers, iy, > The decrease in yield per acre of planta (planted) cotton on this plantation for the season of 1902-8 as compared with the average yield per acre amounted appreximately to one-third bale, or a total in round numbers of 6,000 bales. The resident manager of the plantation ascribed a considerable part of this difference to lack of water for irrigation at the most advantageous times on certain parts of the estate. In the cotton fields an examination of various portions indicated that fully 10 or 15 per cent of all the bolls had been ren- ‘dered valuless by some agency. . makes a sound, which has been compared to the squeak of a mouse. There has been wide difference of opinion as to the manner in which these sounds are produced, and the reader is referred to Tutt’s British Lepidoptera, Vol. IV, pages 444-453, where the matter is treated in I ’ » pag detail. The pupa, shortly before emergence, is capable of emitting a sound similar to that of the moth, although fainter. t=) A JUMPING GALL. July 6, 1904, Dr. Morris Gibbs, Kalamazoo, Mich., sent a number of galls found underneath oak trees. When received nearly all of the specimens were jumping about in a very lively manner and to a considerable height for such small objects. Their motions are considerably different from those of the better-known jumping bean, which are caused by a lepidopterous larva similar to the codling moth, and known as Carpocapsa saltitans. These galls occur at the rate of a thousand to a single leaf, and are formed on the under surface of different species of oak. They have at first glance the appearance of a clover seed, having an average diameter of only 1 mm. Closely examined they are found to resemble a miniature acorn. The insect which produces this gall is a eynipid fly, Vewroterus saltatorius Hy. Edw., a common species, reported from Ohio to Michigan and Mis- sourl and westward to California. It has been surmised that the peculiar bounding motion of this gall is caused by the larva within, whose motion is similar to the leaping of the cheese skipper (Piophila casei Linn.). A technical description of this gall was given by Riley in the Transactions of the Academy of Science of St. Louis (Vol. III, p. exci). The same writer also mentioned this species on page 142 of the Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Vol. XII, fifth series, 1883. THE GREAT ELM LEAF-BEETLE. (Aonocesta coryli Say.) During the past two years injury by this species, which is ordi- _ narily rare, has been observed in Virginia. September 21, 1903, Prof. William B. Alwood, Blacksburg, Va., wrote of damage by this 28739—No. 54—05 mM——6 82 beetle and its larva at Manassas Gap. It was feeding on red elm, and in one case utterly defoliated a tree 16 or 18 inches in diame- ter. July 25, 1904, Mr. W. C. Davis sent specimens in the egg, larval, and adult stages found on elms which were being injured at Rockbridge Baths, Va. A good account of this species, with descriptions of its various stages, was published in the Report of the Entomologist for 1878 (Report of Commissioner of Agriculture, pp. 245-247, Pl. IV). which includes illustrations of the different stages, with a very brief account of the life cycle, the impression evidently being that the insect was single-brooded. It was stated that “toward the end of July and early in August the worms cease feeding and descend into the ground, burrowing therein and forming a simple oval cavity a few inches below the surface. They le dormant therein through the fall, winter, and early spring months, assuming the pupa state but about a week before the beetles issue.” The experience of the present year indicates a possibility of two generations or a long gen- eration due to a long egg-laying period, as the eggs received July 25 hatched before the end of the month and the first week of August, larve attaining full growth during the latter half of August. August 27, 1904, Mr. Otto M. Von Schrader, Charlestown, Jeffer- son County, W. Va., sent specimens of the larva, none of which had transformed to pupa when received on the 29th. By request Mr. Davis kept this species under observation, and August 24 sent specimens of the nearly mature larva, with leaves almost completely skeletonized. In regard to the possible occurrence of a later generation he wrote substantially that July 12 the beetles were very abundant, but by the 25th they had left many of the trees entirely. In our rearing cages the beetles remained well into the first half of August. At Rockbridge Baths a considerable number of egg clusters remained, although the number observed seemed out of proportion to the numbers of beetles, fair evidence that the beetles do not deposit more than two egg masses. August 1 the eggs began to hatch. Although the larvee were not more abundant in the latter part of August, the damage accomplished was ten times greater, as they destroyed the leaves more rapidly and more thoroughly by skeletonizing them. They prefer the under surface of the leaves, as do nearly all of their kind. Often, however, they are found feed- ing on the upper surface, presumably when this portion is in the shade. They sometimes eat through the leaf, but normally skeleton-— ize it. Many leaves turn brown and drop without showing any signs of having been touched by the beetles, 83 THE MALODOROUS CARABID, NOMIUS PYGMEUS DEJ., IN OREGON. From time to time we have had occasion to mention this offensive little ground beetle and its occurrence in various portions of this country, from the Pacific coast to Michigan. August 20, 1904, Messrs. Woodard, Clarke & Co. called attention to an invasion in Portland, Oreg., where the insect was the occasion of unpleas- ant comment on the part of those who were so unfortunate as to be obliged to work in the vicinity of the bugs. Considerable ex- pense was incurred in the payment of plumbers’ bills for efforts to locate dead rats which failed to materialize, and employees of the firm feared typhoid fever, and were loath to remain at their post of duty. Our correspondents stated that there was no evidence that these beetles were dependent on extraneous influence or disturbance as a cause for their emitting the odor. They watched very care- fully around a drain pipe on the lower roof, and the beetles seemed to emit the odor at all times. It was believed that their presence in numbers might be accounted for by dense forest fires which might have driven them from the woods and surrounding fields, the air being at times thick with smoke. This beetle is discussed more in detail in Bulletin No. 9, n.s., of this Bureau, pages 49-53. REPORTED OCCURRENCE OF THE ASPARAGUS BEETLE IN CALIFORNIA. During December, 1904, we received word from Mr. R. E. Smith, plant pathologist at the University of California Agricultural Ex- periment Station at Berkeley, Cal., reporting that the common asparagus beetle (Crioceris asparagi Linn.) now occurs quite com- monly in that State in certain localities, and that it is becoming a serious pest. It was, he writes, observed incidentally in connection with asparagus rust, and growers were satisfied that they had seen the insect only within recent years, and that it seemed to have come at about the same time as the rust, which has been prevalent since 1901 or 1902. It is not as yet generally distributed over the State. No specimens of the species appear to have been seen by an ento- mologist, hence some doubt attaches to this report. THE SCIENTIFIC NAME OF THE PLUM GOUGER—A CORRECTION. There has been so much confusion in regard to the scientific name of the plum gouger, particularly since the appearance of our note on this subject in Vol. II of Insect Life (pp. 258, 259), that it seems desirable to bring the matter up again. As long ago as 1876 Le Conte wrote, in his Rhynchophora of North America (p. 194) that Anthonomus prunicida Walsh., which was originally described in the 84. Prairie Farmer for 1863, and redescribed in the Proceedings Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. (Vol. EX, p. 309), was a synonym of A. seutellaris Lec., the latter having been described in 1858 (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., p. 79), thus antedating Walsh’s name. In Doctor Dietz’s revision of the Anthonomini (Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., Vol. XVIII, 1891, p. 191) this point of synonymy is only briefly mentioned on the authority of Le Conte. Until the appearance of the note in Insect Life quoted above, Henshaw, in his Bibliography of Economic Entomology, corrected this synonymy in accordance with Le Conte’s views; but in consideration of the facts that Dietz did not see speci- mens of A. prunicida Walsh, and that many are still in doubt concern- ing the right name to use, some further elucidation of the matter seems desirable. We have therefore asked the opinion of Mr. KE. A. Schwarz, custodian of the coleoptera of the National Museum collec- tion. He reports that there is in the museum a specimen in the handwriting of Walsh and from the old Riley collection, labeled prunicida, which agrees with the description and specimens of scu- tellaris of Le Conte as accepted by systematists. Therefore the true name of the plum gouger is Anthonomus scu- tellaris Lec. As to Coccotorus scutellaris Lec., the name Coccotorus is treated as a subgenus by Dietz. Mara. Baker mentions an Anthonomus scutellaris reared in great ae from wild plums in Colorado (Kntom. News, Vol. VI, 1895, p. 29), which may belong to this same species or to A. hirsutus Bruner, recorded, so far as we know, only from Nebraska (West Point) and on a single food plant, Prunus pumilo. Hence the note by Bruner in Vol. I, Insect Life, page 89, really refers to his new species, Adrsutus, and the figure there used should be continued for scutellaris in preference to the two figured in Vol. III of the same publication, neither of which is quite correct. UNUSUAL FOOD PLANTS FOR THE SQUASH LADYBIRD. abouts & 0- thine grown feeding on cae of icicles bee ans, aid Ambrosia artemisivfolia. These larvee were kept in separate breed- ing cages and reared to maturity. They fed freely on the plants on which they were found, pupated at about the same time, and the pupal period was practically: the same—eight to ten days. There was no squash or pumpkin growing in the fields where these larvee were found and no cucurbit in the field where those on bean and Ambrosia were taken. The muskmelon field was separated by shrubbery from the bean field. It is, however, extremely doubtful if this species could develop from egg to adult on any other than cucurbits.—E. 8. G. T. NOTES ON ORTHOPTERA COLLECTED ON SUGAR BEETS IN 1904. During a trip through portions of the sugar-beet growing sections of the United States made in May and June and in September and October, 1904, a number of Orthoptera were collected, and these have recently been identified by Mr. A. N. Caudell, of this Bureau. Only those marked by a star (*) in the list have been previously reported on this crop. Most of the Orthoptera taken the first trip were immature and could be identified at the most only to the genus. Nymphs identified by Mr. Caudell as belonging to “J/elanoplus atlanis Riley or MW. femur- rebrum DeG.” were found at Longmont, Colo.; Montrose, Colo. ; Paonia, Colo., and Lehi, Utah, doing considerable damage to young beets. At Echo, Oreg., several species were captured feeding on beets adjoining an alfalfa field that had recently been cut. They had entirely defoliated the beets along the borders and in some places had advanced well into the field. At no other points were grasshop- pers seen doing serious injury, though several of the beet growers complain of severe injury in years past. The following is a list of the species identified : Ageneotettiz scudderi Brun.: Lagrande, Oreg. (14 Sept.), 1 ¢; Spreckels, Cal. (20 Sept.), 2 9. Circotettix occidentalis Brun.: Spreckels, Cal., 8 $,3 9. Gomphocerus clavatus Thom.: Longmont, Colo. (8 June). Arphia pseudonitana Thom.: Fairfield, Wash. (10 Sept.), common. Chortophaga viridifasciata De G.: Fort Collins, Colo. (1 Oct.) ; Longmont, Colo. * Dissosteira carolina L.: Menominee, Mich. (5-6 Sept.) ; Daggett, Mich., (5 Sept.) ; Waverly, Wash. (10 Sept.) ; Fairfield, Wash. (10 Sept.) ; Lagrande, Oreg.; Echo, Oreg. (15 Sept.) ; Spreckels, Cal. (20 Sept.)—common at all places. Dissosteira spurcata Sauss.: Waverly, Wash., rare. Camnula pellucida Scudd.: Fairfield, Wash., common on high ground. Sphragemon collare Seudd.: Menominee, Mich., rare in beet fields. Trimerotropis juliana Scudd.: Lagrande, Oreg. Trimerotropis n. sp.: Spreckels, Cal.; 2 specimens. Trimerotropis vinculata Scudd.: Lagrande, Oreg., Hcho, Oreg., Spreckels, Cal., Delta, Colo. (14 June), several. Schistocerca venusta Seudd.: Hecho, Oreg., rare. *Velanoplus atlanis Riley: Waverly, Wash., Fairfield, Wash., Lagrande, Oreg., Echo, Oreg., Spreckels, Cal., very common at all these places. *Melanoplus bivittatus Say: Menominee, Mich., Daggett, Mich., Fairfield, Wash., Waverly. Wash., Rocky Ford, Colo. (29 Sept.), Fort Collins, Colo., Olney, Colo. (4 Oct.), very common. At Olney was also taken 1 specimen of the brachypterous form. Melanoplus devastator Scudd.: Spreckels, Cal., rare in beet fields. *Melanoplus differentialis Thom.: Menominee, Mich., Daggett, Mich., Olney, Colo., Rocky Ford, Colo., Manzanola, Colo. (3 Oct.), common. Melanoplus femoratus Burm.;: Fairfield, Wash. Stipator minutus Thom.: Olney, Colo. (4 Oct.), 4 @. 86 *Melanoplus femur-rubrum DeG.: Menominee, Mich., Daggett, Mich., Lagrande, Oreg., Echo, Oreg., Spreckels, Cal., Olney, Colo., common. Melanoplus fordus Scudd.: Olney, Colo.,2 ¢,2 9. Melanoplus gracilipes Seudd.: Spreckels, Cal. Melanoplus intermedia Scudd.: Spreckels, Cal. Melanoplus lakinus Scudd.: Fort Collins, Colo., Olney, Colo., several. Melanoplus marginatus var. pauper Seudd.: Spreckels, Cal. Melanoplus tenuipennis Scudd.: Spreckels, Cal. Melanoplus sp.: Fowler, Colo. (9 June), Longmont, Colo. (8 June), Fort Collins, Colo. (6 June), Montrose, Colo. (13 June), Delta, Colo. (15 June), Paonia and Hotchkiss, Colo. (14 June), Lehi, Utah (17 June), Byron and Durand, Mich. (29 June), all nymphs and very common. Phetaliotes nebrascensis 'Thom.: Lagrande, Oreg., Echo, Oreg. Conozoa behrensi Sauss.: Echo, Oreg., Spreckels, Cal., common. Xiphidium fasciatum (7) DeG.: Byron, Mich. Cordillacris sp. (nymphs): Greeley, Colo. (2 June), Grand Junction, Colo. (12 June).—HE. S. G. T. A MEXICAN KISSING BUG. Under date of September 12, 1904, Prof. A. L. Herrera, Comision de Parasitologia Agricola, Mexico, D. F., wrote that a large form of bug commonly known in that country as “ chinche voladora,” a specimen of which he furnished and which proves to be M/eccus pal- lidipennis, Stal., is the cause of considerable apprehension of serious injury, especially to children which it attacks by puncturing the skin with the beak and sucking the blood. The species is a reduvud, larger than our native so-called “ kiss- ing bugs,” and is closely related to Conorhinus, the genus which includes the cone-noses, our most bloodthirsty species. It measures upward of 14 inches in length, and is five-eighths of an inch wide across the middle of the abdomen. It is black, with two triangular bands converging at the apex of the scutellum, while each segment of the connexivum or reflexed sides of the abdomen which border the tegmina is variegated with white, resembling the markings of certain of our common turtles. Its beak is a little longer than the elongate, pointed head. The insect is so large and of such formidable appear- ance that we would naturally expect it to be capable of a dangerous SSprtes HYDROCYANIC-ACID GAS AGAINST THE BEDBUG. March 17, 1905, Rev. Ruter W. Springer, chaplain, U. 5S. Army, Fort Washington, Md., states that he has used the hydrocyanic-acid gas process for the extirpation of the bedbug in the barrack buildings of that fort with considerable success. He reports as follows: The experiment was first tried in a large barrack building, according to direc- tions. Several receptacles were broken in mixing the acid, but the intended results were perfectly satisfactory. Since then my own residence was twice invaded, beyond the reach of ordinary remedies. In each case the effort at relief was perfectly successful, The last time a half a dozen insects were cap- 87 tured and placed in a glass. The glass was thoroughly wrapped up in a folded sheet, then in a pair of blankets, and then in a quilt. At the close of the experi- ment these insects were all found dead. As to pasting up cracks, I discovered that inch strips of newspaper, soaked for some time in water, and patted into place with the hand, would make an excellent gas check for any reasonable length of time, and afterwards would come off easily without requiring hours of labor SINGULAR INCREASE OF “* LERP ” ON TREES OF THE “ YELLOW BOX.” When traveling on the train between Melbourne and Macedon, I noticed a patch of probably some hundreds of acres of land on which the trees of Hucalyptus melliodora appeared to be covered with snow, but which on close inspection proved to be an enormous number of the lerp insect (Lastopsylla rotundipennis Frogg.), covering the leaves so closely as to give the trees the aspect before alluded to. I can not account for this abnormal increase, as, although the lerp insects are common enough in the forests around Melbourne, never before in over fifty years of occasional bush life have I seen these singular waxy coverings in such great profusion. ‘This season has been a hot one, and the lerp is by no means confined to the one species of Eucalyptus. It will be interesting to note how far the trees will be affected, and I hope to supplement this short note very soon.—Cuaries FRENCH, Government Entomologist for Victoria, Australia. A RED SPIDER ON COTTON. Under instructions from the Entomologist the writer proceeded, July 9 to 10, 1904, to Batesburg, S. C., in order to ascertain the pri- mary cause of injury to cotton which had been reported in that section, whether red spider or some disease of the plant. On the plantation of Mr. E. F. Strothers was found a small field of cotton in which a red spider was becoming common. The field was first attacked, according to Mr. Strothers, on the south side, or nearest the road, and was found infested for a distance of some 200 or 300 yards into the field. Some plants were already dead, while others had lost nearly all of their leaves. The leaves at first have the pecul- iar scarlet appearance due to the attack of this mite. This coloring occurs between the larger ribs, near the base of a leaf, and gradually spreads in all directions. As the injury becomes common over the leaf, the red color dies out, giving place to a dirty yellow, which later fades out, and the leaf shrivels and falls. Larger and older leaves are attacked first and soon commence to curl; younger leaves, when attacked, do not curl until injury has spread quite extensively over the leaf. The mites also attack the squares, flowers, bolls, and stems. These mites were found on five plantations in and around Bates- burg, and in every case north or northeast of water oak or elm trees 88 that had been injured by red spiders earher in the year—presumably this species. On Mr. Cunningham’s place violets and roses had been injured by this red spider, these plants being in a northerly direction from seriously affected water oaks. Across the road from this place is a small piece of cotton which was the most seriously affected of any seen. A field adjoining the yard and west of the house showed no injury. Earlier in the year this region was visited by strong south- erly winds, and it is quite probable that the species living on the shade trees at that time were carried into the cotton fields. On Mr. Mitchell’s plantation, 2 miles out of town, injury was sheht, but the red spiders could be found over a considerable portion of the field. Other cotton fields on this place and between here and Batesburg showed no injury, not a specimen being found. Cotton fields in all directions from Batesburg were visited and general con- ditions were the same in all cases. Several insects (such as grasshoppers and smaller Hemiptera) were found on cotton leaves in infested fields with young red spiders attached to them. From material collected by the writer Mr. Nathan Banks deter- imined the species as Tetranychus gloveri Bks.—E. 8. G. T. SOME SUGAR-CANE INSECTS. Anomala semilivida Lec. and Myochrous denticollis Say were found feeding on leaves of sugar cane and corn at Berwick, Morgan City, Broussard, Billeaud, and Olivier in April and May, 1904. At Brous- sard they occurred in all the fields visited; at other places they were rare. At Berwick small red ants were noticed carrying living adults of M. denticollis to their nests. Larvee of the bollworm (//eliothis obsoleta |armiger| Hbn.) were found very rarely, feeding on the upper unfolded cane leaves in early spring, working downward from above. The sugar-cane borer (Diatrwa saccharalis Fab.) was quite rare in young stalks in the spring, but in the fall some fields of * Trinidad ” cane near Berwick were quite badly infested.—E. 8. G. T. SOME OBSERVATIONS ON KANSAS INSECTS. We are in receipt of a communication from Mr. F. F. Crevecoeur, Onaga, Kans., in which he reports a few observations made during 1904. During the fall he observed the twelve-spotted cucumber beetle (Diabrotica 12-punctata Ol.) feeding on apples that had been injured by birds or other insects. 89 The cotton worm (Alabama argillacea Abn.) and a common wasp (Vespa germanica Fab.) were also quite abundant, feeding on apples. The wasp especially was observed to eat apples so that nothing was left but the skins. October 2 a curculio, Conotrachelus posticatus Boh., was observed feeding on apple. May 15 one of the willow weevils, Dorytomus mucidus Say, was ob- served in the pupal stage under stones by the water’s edge along a creek. The adult issued two days later. June 15 he observed a dipteron, E'cthodopa pubera Loew., feeding on a wild bee of the genus Halticus. A moth, Glaphyria (Homophysa) sesquistrialis Hbn., was reared from larval cases in the nests of the ant, Cremastogaster lineolata Say. July 23 a large robber fly of the family Asilidxe, Promachus verte- bratus Say, was observed attacking a tachinid fly, Jwrinia aterrima Desvy. The Asilid mentioned is often seen attacking Melanoplus atlanis Riley and other grasshoppers. One of the long-horned grasshoppers, a species of Orchelimum, doubtfully referred to vulgare, was seen September 19 eating an adult soldier beetle, Chauliognathus pennsylvanicus DeG. SOME LOCAL NAMES FOR COMMON INSECTS. During August, 1904, we received a number of insects from Hon. J. D. Mitchell for identification and as a donation to the National Museum, with notes on their habits and the local names apphed to them. The most interesting species are as follows: Pyrophorus physoderus Germ., from Jackson County, Tex., known as the “ hominy beater,” a name which it shares with Alaus oculatus Linn. and other “snap bugs” as far north as Washington, D. C. This species is luminous, having luminous spots on the thorax. Monedula carolina Drury, the “ cicada wasp;” digs holes in the sand and has been seen killing cicadas frequently, but no other insects. Dasymutilla orca Blake, the “ cow-killer ant;” a solitary oS Arachnophroctonus ferrugineus Say, the “red spider hawk;” kills spiders and buries them. An individual was observed aeons along a large gray spider, INDEX. Page PCH CLORS Deal UE VA VaeAr CI LONUS? | ULLCIba eee et 71 ZHoloplus regalis, on weeds_________ ___ HEE LO Soy EAS A ek SE ee G ANLMUCMUONANGLULACEG-FeedIng.OM dppleas] =) a ea 2 ee 89 PA QUS OC LOLS tal O Cale mel Ml Carel ae tye ee Sy A ee Se es ee 89 Ambrosia artemisiefolia, food of Epilachna borealis___-_---_-_-_---______ 84 ANOMOL- SCnNlividd, om Sugar cane and!’ cornl—2-—>__ __=-=-- —~—=-==-=-=_- 88 AMimlononius jneovinctus, article by Cy M. Walker2=_ + ._2___-_-=—-__= 4349 COMLUSTON swith) boll weevil - ==... s= =e 43, 44 descrip tionso tages. e. ee ee Ere AT Latte St OSRRS spe ea at ee 46 DUO ee = eel Se ee ee 47 Dupaleeeliss= we Ate! Wee 46 (OKHETE TeV MEN KON at ee ek ee ee ee oe eee 44 distribution and. destructiveness____-__-_-__--__ 44 CMectzO le ln Ub yy se ee ey es eee 48 EXTOL OLIN Ui ys eek ee ee peel SEs Se 44, 45 foods ands tecding Nabitss= =] 2s eee 47 ANGACABLON SOlue ly UIT Vie knee oe eel ae eee 48 lifeshistorys andshabitssoe==s a) eee eee 45 LEMeCUAESUSCSSHONS Se = ere oe ote eS es 48 LONSILUUS ACOILeO strom will dephtimM= == 22 See ss eee 84 TNC P= AL we SCULCULCI US, = Stas eas ee Se a 83 SEIUCULC SHES yD OMY ys = nea SU eee eo ee 83-84 Anticarsia gemmatilis, injuring velvet bean, notes____-_._____--_____-___- 77-19 _Apanteles glomeratus, complete parasitism Pieris rap@_—_——-—--—— eee et 79 UOMCIRESES DUSSUD ES MONS COLLO Nee ae a sae eo oe ee ee 33 ENDO LG mene) OLtCUmEMenNl GS yim 2 ort ss Oe ee oe ae EU 88, 89 SCOMISRCULE ID VaPAIN@NULQUS (ULLCTI== = <= eee SE Pee as Fe Se cal PADDLES tal rays Vig) Vee Un DON IUSMILUGIZUS OU mee ee ee ee a ES 3 ATFAChhODLOGLONUS fELEUOulelus. LOCAL Names == S32 ae Se 89 ARONLIGIESENLLLET Us ALO DUS OLeUNES PAT wn WIN Wr ee eee te TOs ae AESEMICAIMSpLayeasaims telOCUStS=e—= Seo ew Ee ee we eee Ss ee 76 SpPLraysnagaimstepond-lilyslenf-beetles2 25 =a Sse 60 ASparatisncetlesreporu trom. Calitornid= 22 52 2ees ee ee 83 OLMAMENPAl My UY Dy ACL OWS: jUllenta= a ee 70 AL TOpUDElladonnd. ood plantlotepotato: beetles 2225 =— === sss 66 Aulocara elliotti, Hie \WWaaumularecan axel WMO Nicht ee See 6 femoretum, in Wyoming and Montana === = _ = = 6 Bean: velvet attack by Anticersia gemmatilis_—-=_=_ 3 == == 4. = 71-719 Beant weevilmconimnon= COLMStOragehs 225-2 bean So ek ee 49 four-spotted, cold storage___...- Fi fie ates Beas ote & ae 49 ve INDEX. Page Beans, injury by Hpilachna, VOnrealis= 2 ss eee S4 Galerucella nynphee ee eee 58 Bedbug;.notes-on -vemedy=2. == SA Re a Eee 86 seetles asparagus, OCCurrence ane G@alvtO rma eee oe eee 83 earrot. (Nee Ligyrus gibbosus.) cigarette. (See Lasioderma serricorne.) confused flour. (See Tribolium confusum.) GUCHIMHEH, LESLIE: OM Ao] | ee ee ee 88 offensive ‘ground: 2222.23.22) Se ee eS ee 83 potato. (See Leptinotarsa decemlineata. ) rice. (See Chalepus trachypygus. ) rose. (See Aramigus fulleri.) sugar-cane. (See Ligyrus rugiceps.) (See also Leat-beetle. ) Berryeplants) injury by Avamniqus jules 70 Birds.<7insectivOrous= S22. ast Se atl SES EE ee ee 15, 63, 77 Bolhworm: feedinesonssugar-cane S242 2s) 22 eee 88 Borer, crown. (See Hulstea undulatella.) giant sugar cane. (See Castnia licus.) larcericornistalk. spread wand stanves== (Ale 0 = “Smaller scorns Stalker t22 22 eS ee ee ee Te West Indian: sugar: cane: 22 = Ss a ee ee (elon BAGO wre CORNtIS— avUnOUTACONMNECUCLOT == = eee 40 Brasenia, Loom plant of GalericGeula wy Ni) Css eee ae 5S TE FUCHUS CHINENSTSS We Rv anticles- siete eee Se Ee ee ee 49 Hethodopa. pubera, feeding om wild-bees= 2252022 asa ee eee 89 Bilasmopalpus: lignosellus- 22225 2) 22 SS ee eee Ce Hlm leaf-beetle. (See Monocesta coryli.) red. defoliation by Jeaf beetle. 2220.2 0 2 eee eee 82 ENtCOPLOLOPWUSSOTAIAUS, LATIGY lm NTO es ee 6 Lipnestia, kuehnmelia, spread in’ Pennsylvanias= >) eee 80 EDUGGHNG OOTEMMUS DOLELOM fo OC aol amt eee ee ee 84 Bran lateralis Dreedine smote See IE eek ee 15 description. andehabitsses2: Stee Se eee ee ee 15-16 occurrence, near white orubs(=223 a2 See eee ee 12 Hucalyptus metliodora, increase offs lerp eee S7 SDD, Uj UL yay, AMT G AUS fll eT: ime e eee eeneereee 71 Haoriste pyste, parasite of Hulstea widulatetla_-_—=- = = 38 False-worm, dock. (See Taronus nigrisoma. ) IN Ooh, (HCA (Opts InyohRorercaanKe-eKen(nl etaisy ee 7 moth; Mediterranean, in, Penmsyaliveniil ase ee oe 80 Flour-beetle, confused. (See Tribolium confusum.) IRENCH,, (CHARLES, NOl@S 22. | Seen Ss See Se ee ee ee S87 Fuller’s rose beetle, article by Fdk. Maskew 2 22) ost) see eee ee 70-71 Galernuca sagitiamne—Galericella iyi pO ee eee ee eee 5S Galeruceltla nymphee, article by PF. MH. Chittenden —2-22_="= == eee 58-60 description: Of adult 223222 e3) = ee 58 egs and larval Sos Se ae 59 feeding ‘nalts 2S" See 2 ee ee ee 60 food; plants 22=" 12) tel 2S Ss eee eee 58, 59 OLAS AN GH GIS brs Lo wa Oa ee ee 58, 59 remedies*e: 3-338 72 ee eee 60 Gas lime; treatment for potato: bectie=2= 22 = eee 66 Germination of cowpea, effect of cold storase se eee 50-53 GAD YLIG SECOALUSUVTCIUSs Wine AUN US) al CS eS a 32 89 ‘“Grand Marais’? 2rass® LOO or sywaliite ser: tally See ese eee 12 Guape caterpillar So Gieuly. ee mitra er al ea by ii pee ee ee 40 Grasshopper conditions in the Western States, article by Lawrence Bruner_ 60-64 Grasshoppers: on Sugar beets; lists a eee 85-86 Grubs, white. (See Ligyrus rugiceps.) tiabrobracon hebetor, notes <2). 2252222 ee ee eee 40 parasite: of A wisteasundulatenG= === eee 39 Hackberry. 00d plant of Pentatomea toa ZS HaAhGthus Sp:,-predaceous, enemy 22 2a a ee ee 89 INDEX. 95 Page. INUIT USI UMECRILETGULTU ae a ee ee Se ot ee eee 40 Fleliothis obsoleta, feeding on sugar cane_______--_____-=-_-2--__~-+—_-=- 88 FICC EROGUNUD Ox ilOLnOiOswi. DOL) Ga ees ee eS Ee 80 ihesperotellia: speciosus. feeding habits, ete_———=-—- _--_=-_--_--_ _==____=_ 61 jaeteropterous insects: injurious to cotton — 2-2-4 _- ==} + +s. 33 PAELOMUMiva DEatelee sSCleMbiniCe Mame: Sea n= = Sos Se eee 89 Hulstew unauLlacella, article: by B.S: G. Titus_--=-—=--=—-=-s--=—_ = ar 34—10 . [OREO YG ES a a a ee Se SE 37 GIAO EOE TUR ee eee 34, 35 = Gescriphionsote larvarand adult] soe = 22s ee 38 GUS creat) OU CTY ON) Se a | Si Ne eee tee So 37, 38 elineasfaspossiplestoodsplanti= 222 ses ste 37 Ue Oe MMA ae eS Se eee = 35 POR ERSIN ESS = oR A ee ee ee eee 38, 39 eATTTNES | INOS ee OS ee eee ee 40 MyanoevInle-acidicas acsainst bedbug == ===. =e = ee S6 Gizarette-beetl esr. a ae ae Se 68 connused) Mout beet] em === 23 2s ee 69 JONES, B. Howe .t, letter regarding Castnia licus in British Guiana_____—~ 72-73 MMAminlierrimid.autacked by robber fly. _ ==. + -=.__---=-L--------= 89 imansas orassheppers: in 1904- other insects_2_-=-___--2--=-.__----_-=- 64, 88, 89 INeroOsenesaeainst ponudelily- leat-neetle+ | 2-2 s-xt 2 ee 60 aS SHH OM DLO UN Conl MO COs es ee ee Ee i a es Be 86 IMMmonvecd stood plantkof Raronus nigmisoma._--- = ==. 22-— == e 43 IEG vOIned wenemy ol scale in: Californias —_-_ == ee 75 BEMEMES IO UCC) peters te ae ete Le en th ed ae 2 ee ee = 67 OMNI, SUNS. wee ae Spe Pe a ee er 84 Ady Inds semect OG tumigation and Spraying =" = 22 =~ 2. = ee 76 DEES ECUILGLIES = ONE CO ULOM =e a ee re as fy eee ae 33 Lasioderma serricorne, remedy, article by F. H. Chittenden and F. C. SEES Toc} Le [ eee me ree ee rein nye ere sn et oS Sd Ne ee ae 68-70 asiopsylla rotundipennis, note on increase. ———=———--.2.==— ~---=-=-+--==- 87 eat hecrewareateelmnanOtes se = 2 soe Seu jln ts ee ee 81-82 pond-lily. (See Galerucella nymphee.) Leaf-roller, the larger canna. (See Calpodes ethlius.) LECITOMsKCOMUOROfe MND OmSCal Chee en ee ee ee 75 Leptinotarsa decemlineata, article by Fred VY. Theobald_-__--_--------~-- 65-68 Gna ONROhveSeuSt Ses = so. a oo ee 66 POO Cee |) Ani Spee ee ee es eee ee ee 66 emergence from hibernationz___--——==—.-~=__ 67 LINE SPEVS UE NCO) 0 Rie et en ee ee ee eee eee 66 OULHLeaAkSethy OULOVes. 2 == sel ee 65 NECAACCOUSPENEIN Vie = eee eae af OT LEPOLte Obs tp pean al Cem == ee me ee Seas 65 StaluSsinaGnreaite Bite sa ae eS OT treatment, of infested land] — = 2 65 EeDLOOLOSSUSHCOTMOLUS OMe COULO Me = eee an ey ee 33 BRO) sain ereaSeuONie Nell OW sO Xgay = eee ee es eS i 87 ELOMTILSHO LO UOSIES selteell LO Ni tmemes eam enna AS eed ey eA ks 14 LEDER ae Gla Oa @ ENN Cees ae pes ep ee a 15 96 INDEX. Page. EY Yl US GUVV OSS CE ie a ee iil how. distinguished 22s. a eer ee ee eee 8 larval-(cellss wok — Ss S260 ey ene ee cee aie ee nee TUGLCEDS, ar the le yy SH ea7S ci Gre SU TS eee - 7-18 Ut Vigra Ge cee ea ee a 12, 14 danage: torcane dn 190 4 se ee 8 corn’ in, 1904-2 = 2S eee a nae 8 description of adult} = 22.2 2 See es ee eee 8 CLR BE eS a ee en ial enemies, DILd Ss 22 = ee Pes eS ee 15 insects; - “parasitic. 22 2-548 We Bs Soe eee 15 predaceous. (See Hraxr lateralis.) fying in” fieldi:22=2 2-2 cs Re oe en ee 18 Larval “Gellsni 2 2 58 SUE Tu, Ss a nee 112) life Shistonys S222 = sane Se ee ee 11 Nature OL An JULY CO Caner s 2 =e. eee ee ee ee ee 9 CORN (22.2 2 es ee ee 10 PLE VIOUS MUIDVES ELE cated OMe eee 87 records Of inyury 5 2S ee Se ees 8 TEMeCMiCS As Saw Se ce ee ee ee 16-18 Hocusts: in) Dransyaals note by Ca SSS @ mes eee 76 Loxostege sticticalts, tubes for hibernation —-22 5s) eee 35 Malaniagin thetransvaal, note by. Cs Bassin somes sesso nen ees eee UI MANGUCESAtnOPOS, A SNAP PUN S Caters yi ely eee ee 80 MARLATR (O:Tu.,santicles -s- 22 222 acht Sale Toe Rae oe ee val INMVASIKEW,;, DK; -anticle == 2 22 ss es ee ee 70 NOte: Sass 2 oe ee ee ie ae ee ee 5) MCCCUSpAlidipennis,. avcaclSe Onl CL] dire nese ee ere 86 Mediterranenn flour=-moth in’ Pennsylvania 922 22 eee 80 WK OO UVES CRUG OSS PAREKOe Jone BIN Se S89 in Nebraska 2355 >. 22 es Se ee ee 61 vivitiatiiss In “Nebraskans ae ase ee ee pe eon ce 61 QfeEECreel ale S iM SNe IAS Keele ees ee G1 FEUUIN=TAL OT eT. lm ING TAS eave ae ee ee 61 iMnpantiliss in: sMo mite mes Se ee 6 lakinws, in UNe@braskay a= 222 = 22 soe Se ee oe 6) OCCUME TG CUES sire MUO Ya te A ee 6 packardus ini; Montanais.23 22255 — eae en eee 64 SpD:; in’ Mombamae s Soo ee ee ee 64 Melias Sp slOOdeOL ee CLOT MUUG CLC amt ee eee Pe ee pa 23 Mesquites LOOdeOE CTE CE ONT UC TUG CUE Cem me ee ee a DE ASS NE CSTOOT COU TICTOUTCS TEV RSS UTM NMS Crs eee ee a 6+ Mexican cotton pest. (See Pentatoma ligata.) NONEAULA CORON VO Gaile meri) Cee 89 Monocesta. Coryli, Notes sont S=, =e ee Se eee 81-82 MORRILE,;* A. W..-article. 22 = Se ee Bees ee eee 1s Mosquitoes: in. the “Lransvaale > 28s Soe Se ee ee 7 Moth; :death’s head, moises ce S282 55 Sea ees ae ek ea eae ae SL four, Mediterranean, in) ein sye liven see eee 80 iuerma utivis: injury by Anticarsta’ Genii gtilis i= ee ee 77 MUO AUG MUSETLONTGE. (OM COtt@ me 33 Muskmelony food! of Hiptlachna@s DOCS ee eee 84 INDEX. 97 Page Myochrous denticollis, on sugar cane______ ita 2 Se. Seem SO ee eS 88 MUS pISnCim COMM mcOCCINellid Teedings ON = os 2 See 75 EMEHOLCTIUSMS LUUULO TIES MEN OUCL os No ee ee ee le es ete 81 NMichishagesas food or potatorbeetle..= 22-205. 9h. 5 ee ee 66 INDIGO — TDINGAGL VIR TOO ES a eats ee eee 83 Nip Nate OO OteaG CErUCCLLa Ny mMphC A= sane as See ee 58 Nini tTOOd OfeGalenucella nymphedes esas = 223s See eee eee 58 Nebraska erasshopper Conditions, 90422552 _ se se ee se eee GO, 61, 68, 64 Asal ses O fre MO Vel Clits ase ee ee ae ee Bo Sates FS S1 CHEOPELUUSm US CLUES OMn COULO MPs ee ae as eS ee a ee ee 35 Oranges puLplewscalemimCalinormias == S-e 75 Ornchelunum culgare.(?), atbacking beetle. === -4) = 2 89 Orneconnofrensiverscround. beetle; remarks =~. 2 __§ 83 COinihapierasonusucarsveeisnghist=2 = ose ee ee ee 85-86 Mic mISeEac ans tpotatonbeetles=-==- = 28. £2 ee 66 nA STtISn rcCOMpPlehe wNOLeNOMe 222s ees seas eee Pe ee 79 USD UH UOLAUie tOOd. OF -wahite erubS= === = ==—=_ = 22 ee SN 12 BECO MOURi Cina wInlininteinellOAaveS! = 22 == xs hee nN eee 3D Bonnsvivaniaedamaces bye tOuranoth = * 2 o2 oer We foe eS a SO iPentaioma yauniperina, contused with P.ligata == + --- = ~_-______=__- 20 MOTI aAmiINGlenb yee Aer Wire VOLT ae = = ee Se Ee 18-3 bibliography, synonymy, and distribution_____________ 20 GHARACTET: +O lenin KOs CO LOT sa ee ere ee ee 30 COMMUISTONE NV LEh es FU Cie ee ee ee 20 CESERID LOMO fea GUitae e= ee ee eae ete eee 22 CD eee ee Sy Se ae a ee ee 20 INYO Ne SCA CS see ee ees ee 22, distinguished from Cimer rufomarginatus____~~-___-__ __ 23 egg laying, period of incubation, and hatching _________ Pa RECON SBA DIS et eee hive ee he Le ey ee ae 25 HOO CMD Lainie me eeeen ern Ha See ye eee one es oe ee ee 23 . SLOP AGLOUSMES y= Meee eens aor ats eee ey Lee Early te 26 Ma eShO feet OMe ee See ee 26 MMVI PHS NOS ete eee ee ee 28 MISCO VRO LES DCCICS es ee ee eee eS ee 19 UGE ESTO sf ea EL Te a ol 2 ee es De 19 iInjuLy torcotton at Wahualilo im W0S= 2" 2s = = see 25 TE LOAN Se esd 28 capalbilittvar == === = Sug a See aes 3 CVG EN COE oe he re Sis eg eed 29 extent of, on selected plants__________ 30 in} thesUnited:S tutes 33 Linke Ne CesSainye = Se oe es ee E 3 ONE CLOPS e POSSTOMlitty= ee ee 3 relation of mesquite to infestation of cotton fields_____ ey SHEPAGKOTEN [BD OWI Y oy eA eee a ee Se Se eee ee 24 suggestions for control and remedies____________-_____- 3 Si UME VentOe Wealtaginien QU eee ae See nN ee eee ae Pea Tnbiay le ANGI (QUE a === es BE Tal weevil. (See Anthonomus aneotinctus.) 28739—No. 54—05 M 16 98 INDEX. Peppers, varieties, injury, by pepper! weevile=_ 2 2 eee Pieris: rape; parasitism; notes =. 4232) 22 eee eee Piophilatcase? movements Of Tar:yjcee a es ee a ee ee Plum gouger,. SyMOnMYy MY {222 2 ee ee ee Polygonum amphibium, food of Galerucella nymphee lapathifolium, food of Taronus nigrisoma Pond-lily leaf-beetle. (See Galerucella nymphee.) Potassium cyanide, analysis of samples =22 eee Potato beetle. (See Leptinotarsa decemlineata.) “bug.” (See Leptinotarsa decemlineata. ) PRATT“ H. C., Ang SB. TE. © EERE ND EIN ee els Ll eee oe oe ce PFOCTIS=HAarrisiniGds = Ss a a a ee 2 ae PLOMAGHUS VCTLEOFALUS, aibeaAckane scale iii ini Ce eee ee Prussic acid. (See Hydrocyanic acid. ) Pyrophorussphysoderus; local name: 222 a eee aaved spidershaywik.. sscientiti Camame ts S= eas ses ee ee ee Red (spider On COvlone <= = Sas 25 eae See ee a ee eee Shade#trees== 235 2. aed es i eee ee Ae ee Riizobius lophanthe: bibliography = eee predaceous on purple scale=222 == Sa ae S¥NONYIMY 222. 32 2 tee hoe a oa Se eee Rice beetle. (See Chalepus trachypygus. ) Rose beetle, Fuller’s. (See Aramigus fulleri.) Rumer patientia or brittanicus, injury by Taronus nigrisoma yussian thistle: food oft Melanoplus leks ===) eee Sacittanias food or Galernucella@ myn pie ee ee scale, purple; enemy ~of, motes On] = ee ee ee STMPSON, VC. abs, “Notes: == = 2. ee ee Se ee ee Skipper, cheese; note: on, moOVeMents = see a ee ee ee Social Caterpillar eye. fee Chitra eh ea Te ee ee Sonchus oleraceus; Loodiplantiofspotatoy beetle ae ee eee Sow, thistlestood plantiolL potatorbee tl ease ee ee ee SDL OUTOPOS— Manduca OinOpOse = ee ee eee Spider, red. (See Red spider.) SPUOCHALCTS FOTIA DESTIN Ee TAO Te Se ee parasite of Hulstewwundulatele = Squash ladybird; stood, plants2=—- == esse ee Sterculia acerifolia;, injury, Dy ARanvvgis fuller i ae ee Storage. (See Cold storage. ) Strawberry plants; injury by. 47 angus (ule === eee Strongylogaster dbnorimis—PaLonus NMigntsOmd =. ee Sugar-beet crown borer. (See Hulstea undulatella.) sawfly injuring. (See Taronus nigrisoma.) WeDWODM © 22 25 38 a eo ee ‘ane beetle. (See Liguyrus rugiceps.) borer, giant. (Nee Castnia licus.) West Indian, orlargers2 422) eee insects: On, NOtes [ kes ee ee Taronus nigrisoma, article by F. H. Chittenden and EF. $ + Gi. bibliography. 2-2. 22) ee eee 89 35 Te a : INDEX. 99 Page. Haconus nlonisoma, description of adult_—=_=_— = = = oe 42 ; Mae Veilestel CC Sees ae ate a ee ae 41, 42 OUD Ope 2 ab ces te ae ee ee 42 feeding Rhabitsess ee senee kee ee eee eee 40 OO Clams TOM aa See 2 anes ee renee SIA eee eas Ae a 43 TS TAN Cy ae aes er ee ee a oe 45 FHCIRINUCHUS OLOVEnI. InjuLing cotton, Mote.) — == 2 87-88 MeEMASMChUus MICTOGastri, a secondary. parasite. _—__2_—-2 = 79 ‘WOES, TORN Si vend Fes Me) of 09 ec eee 43, 44 SIMONA BLoREDIE Vea RULClLe == neem mene res ee Sk 65 WCU Cn ULOT Ol CO LbO Mu ene eee es ee ee 33 MeN een Sen SAN en Hier THNDE Ne arurclens === 20k 40 QVPIOAS| > ee Se ed a ene 7, 34 CG Sane Eee Ee 2) La ewe Se 84, 85, 87, 88 Tribolium confusum, hydrocyanic-acid gas as remedy____-___----_------ 69 . nim. JEScI Ra AG eee eee 80 DES NUMOELINGIIGH.~atecding on pples_ == a = ee eee 89 Mima nreatelm-leat beetle, reports-=—~—_ += 2-224 __ 32s pees 81, 82 Wranikinn, Ob IM, Siti@ Q2> eee Se ee ee ee eee 45 DEST mal Le-eaicin erst O tesetenn Sree et SE ee Se 2 ee 89 Meio Stor hpeet, shibernabine tubes: == = Sos Le te 35 Mca Common oeadn COldwWtOnAneen= 2-2 oe Se ee ee 49 OMI ET ARC Ol GES CO Li XO se = ae ee cre ed ee ee ee 49 LOUL-SPOLLECe DCAM COlUMSTORAG C= =e. 2 St eee oe See 49 pepper. (See Anthonomus aneotinctus.) SOR TIEL CO NATIT Cy ces meee = eee = ee ne 2 Eee a ee ee ee 89 WestaVireiniaworeat elm-leat beetle, report _--=-=—-—-~-~---+.=__-_===- 82 White grubs. (See Ligyrus rugiceps. ) MMilowesiipiryabyeGalenuGella nympheG..— 22-2 sees ee 58 WECM ENOL ZOUMM |e nee ls law Ae ee oe 89 Worm, dock, false. (See Taronus niyrisoma.) MVOMNemoTASshoOpper conditions, 1904-22252 === =2= aN ee 62, 63, 64 Yellow dock, sawfly injuring. (See Taronus nigrisoma.) LL EROS: TRECAGH PAYS, CTD. QTE CONT ese a ee 33 rice eww Tes Se ae BUR piv. INSECTS, - PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE ENTOMOLOGIST BY E. F. PHILLIPS, Pu. D., Expert Apiculturist. —— MEENA “WASHINGTON: | -@OVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. / Sebi rane © ‘ 4 ; ‘ ‘ : oe i. O. Howarp, Enlomologi and Chap of Bureau, ce a Manian, Entomologist and Acting Chief i in absence af Chief. i ees Currton, Chief Clerk. : Ee be 3 "H. CHITTENDEN, in. ahange of breeding experiments. eae eee D: Hopkins, in charge of forest insect investigations. oe ey : bey tp Ne of cotton boll weevil se ago ® eek. 2 G: Tins, Aucust Buscx, Orro HeieMann, ae YN. Cans 2 R P. Cos : mam ea 7. ie Re es 7 ESSIE E. Manxs, Stenographers and Clerk. Linwian L. Howenstern, Artist. a - “Maser Coxcorp, Librarian. Ww. W. Voreuns ae C. “Moreay, W. D: Panon ER ©. Branore: or ow A “R. C. Hows, F. C. Prarr, Witmon Newe.t, EKieGy SANBORN, Ki. ee Harpy, ~W. O. Martin, engaged in cotton boll weevil investigations. z ae ak. REEVES, W. J. Puruwips, engaged in cereal and Sorage-plant insect investigations _ Frep. Jounson, A. - - Grnaunn, J. H. Bearris, qaoeger in ecdiicus iia ese westi- gations. =. ; < BS F. PHItups, J. M. Rankin, Lesuie econ. engaged in apicultural investigations ©. J. Gruuiss, W. A. KeLener, engaged in silk inpeali gations. , ls Se Beh: SASSCER, Student Assistant. ~ ete: 5 en, Me Peo OEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY—BULLETIN No. 55. L. O. HOWARD, Entomologist. THE REARING OF QUEEN BEES. PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE ENTOMOLOGIST BY E. F. PHILLIPS, Pu. D., Expert Apiculturist. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. OOS. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, BurEAU OF ENTOMOLOGY, Washington, D. C., October 14, 1905. Str: I have the honor to transmit the manuscript of a bulletin on the rearing of queen bees, by Dr. E. F. Phillips, Expert Apiculturist of this Bureau. It is hoped that the explicit directions given in this manuscript governing the production of queens will be of assistance to bee keepers throughout the country, and that it will prove the means of saving money for those who carry on apiculture except in the smallest way. I therefore recommend that this manuscript be pub- lished as Bulletin No. 55 of this Bureau. Respectfully, L. O. Howarp, Entomologist and Chief of Bureau. Hon. JAMEs WILson, Secretary of Agriculture. Peer a be. Bee keeping is primarily a breeding problem, for the honey surplus of a colony depends so much on the queen. In order to make more public some of the best methods of queen rearing, this bulletin is issued. Much of the labor of manipulation can be avoided by the use of the systems herein described. It is held by the best bee keepers that it is necessary to restock all colonies with new queens every year; but the practice is not as com- mon as it should be. It is hoped that the simplicity of the methods hereafter described will serve as an inducement to those bee keepers who have not adopted the plan to pursue it in the future. The rearing of queens has become a separate field, in that some men devote their entire apiaries to this purpose; and to these professional queen breeders must, to a large extent, be given the work of the improvement of stock; but it is far from wise for the ordinary honey producer to neglect this side of the industry. JOR OR ee Necessity of requeening Natural queen rearing - Swarming .......- Supersedure ...--- Queenlessness-.--- Artificial queen rearing Starting queen cells CONE IN TS: DexcripioOngotacelltcupsmees eee re aeee ee ome eee a ee eee eueees MRT AAS HE Tip Oa Tay cee ee eats eR ater Fe rs eee eee ce ae 2 Se ae Metiodrotstantingicellste- soa sense eer eecr ee scenes erences DP nikerer Cepia COS mereey yc eer tae rene de See Pe eye fe AL re Page Re er Swarm box .-- IDES Crip TOMO i DOKALK | Aseria reeset sence oe oe Ae eee Method igiserter= so sah eceeee eee eee hat eoScark Se smistusteee Le VES VSteM On COM StARUIN Ps -/.ctrc aise ws alae ami aicise alle we sjs'ajee aslo oa SITE pUISeXO fs ICOCOODN ee eae Nass cee = Se estate A seo eee ata teeferere ersiere aie Ba Comore cin cxquee neces en cece Sey ap een ee eee ice cee oe ines Incubators. -.- Styles of nursery cages.......---+ PR epee er eepetere mare (ents re mraererenieie Imtroducine queenicellae ss. 226 ass so ecco e eo clatio ccc cicscirs = sea ease Mating queens ---- “Comparison of diiferent‘sizes'of boxes -<....222.¢s2.5.-2s-.5- 565055 eno Chae iM a bln oxen erase eases secs see be teeeeioe Testing queens.......-. INCCESSIb VAG Ia ULCIS UOC Kammnerients ear Sena se ere reas mss ee ee eee aeeee Selection of drones -.-. EG sale oS bo “I 16. it CICA SM ree IONS: Standard frame with bar of completed cells on wooden flanged cups and baniof Doolittleswaxieellshesess eae eeere eee ase ae . Standard frame with bars of queen cells on wooden bases.-....------- . Two-story hive with perforated zinc honey board between the stories, the) top) tosbemsedi tor queentrearin aes seo ese eae eee . Swarthmore incubator holding sixteen cells on wooden bases -------- . Swarthmore incubator imirames. .Ysee essa. econ e ee ae ee . Swarm box, showing position of frames and inner side of lid, with wooden cells in place, ready for bees... =25.22 5205225055222 ees eee Swarm box irom: belows wathetoprot lide eee aaa ee . Frame with a strip of foundation only partly drawn out, with larvee in cells, cut according to Alley plan of cell starting -......-.------ . Titoff nurseries in frame holder, showing construction of nursery ---- Powarthmore nursery, with queensi==-sesee-eeesse eee cree aeons SO WwaLthimore nursery, dissectedsa- sense ee een etee eee ease eee eee . Swarthmore nurseries .in frame, showing method of storing forty- eleht queens. - <2. 2 sc 8ce no Qo Soe oe mee eee ee ose eee . A style of cage which answers all the requirements for convenience and usefulness as nursery and introducing cage_-........-.------- . Swarthmore nucleus with one frame removed to show construction -- . Swarthmore nucleus with introducing cage in place between the TPAINCS>. ob ee ee es I eer eee ee re 6 Page. THE REARING OF QUEEN BEES. NECESSITY OF REQUEENING. In modern apiculture it is necessary for the bee keeper to be able to get queens at any time. Many bee keepers requeen all their colonies every year; others requeen every two years; it is necessary, then, that they have some method of rearing good queens to use in this way. Even where frequent requeening is not practiced, it is nevertheless often necessary to replace queens which do not come up to the stand- ard in egg laying. Again, it often happens that a colony becomes queenless by the accidental death of the queen. Such a colony, if left to itself, will rear a queen, provided there are young larve in the combs, but few bee keepers are now willing to intrust so important a matter to the bees. Frequent requeening is a very necessary thing if the best results are to be obtained. It is a well-established fact that queens lay more ego's during the first year than in any other, and that the number of eggs laid gradually diminishes until the queen is replaced, because of inability to keep up the colony. Every bee keeper knows, too, that, all other things being equal, the greatest amount of surplus honey is produced by the most populous colony. It is evident, then, that frequent requeening means the maximum honey production. It has not yet been shown that requeening more than every second year pays for the extra labor, but the best bee keepers hold that queens should not be allowed to live longer than that time. There are, of course, exceptional cases in which the queen will keep up the population of a colony for two or even three years longer than the time given; but unless every colony can be watched constantly it will not pay to risk keeping queens more than two years old.“ It is also desirable to have extra queens on hand when the number of colonies in the apiary is to be increased by division or by any of the methods of artificial swarming. Ifa queen is provided as soon as «An exception to this rule occurs in large queen-rearing apiaries where it is desira- ble to have large numbers of choice drones always on hand. Since old queens lay a much larger proportion of drone eggs, it is often desirable to keep one or two old queens of select stock on this account. There is no evidence that drones from old queens lack anything in vitality. ~I 8 THE REARING OF QUEEN BEES. the increase is made, the new colony will gain about three weeks in brood production over a colony which has to produce its own queen. The question which arises in the mind of every bee keeper is: Will it pay me to rear my own queens? Very good untested queens can now be purchased for $1, or even less, it is true; but where a large apiary 1s to be requeened, this amount, though small for one colony, reaches considerable size when multiplied by a few score; and if this amount can be saved, and the total net receipts of each colony corre- spondingly increased with comparatively little labor, it would seem folly for the bee keeper to persist in purchasing queens. It will of course be necessary for the average bee keeper to buy some queens. The selection of fine strains of stock must be left to the professional queen breeder in most cases, and it will be well to buy the breeding stock from some such person. Where no particular improved strain of stock is desired, it may pay the extensive bee keeper to buy an imported queen to be used as a breeder. In the case of Italian bees this does not seem necessary, for very superior stock is reared in the United States, and queen bees of the Italian variety are actually shipped from this country to Italy to be used as breeders. In Carniolan, Cyprian, and other races not so much selection has been carried on in this country, and in consequence the desirability of inportations is greater in order to insure purity of stock. Few bee keepers are so situated that they can with profit rear their own breeding stock. It is the rule in some apiaries to choose the queen from the colony with the best honey record as the breeder for the following year, but this, while seemingly good policy, leads to curious errors. Unless it is certain that the queen is of pure stock or of a fixed cross she should not be used, for it is a well-known fact that when a first cross is used as a breeder the resulting offspring are most variable. It is the purpose of this bulletin to outline a plan for breeding queens in the home apiary which it is believed can be used with the minimum of labor and expense, one with which good results have already been obtained. Queen rearing can not be carried on without careful attention, but the methods are not, as many believe, so compli- cated as to make it impossible for the honey producer to afford the time. The beginner in bee keeping can scarcely expect to rear good queens during the first year, and no one can hope to do so until he becomes well acquainted with the habits of bees. It is impossible to give directions minute enough to cover every phase of the subject, and so that every emergency will be foreseen: a great deal must necessarily be left to the common sense and experience of the apiarist. The out- line herein given, however, ought to be sufficient for anyone who has had one year’s careful work with bees. THE REARING OF QUEEN BEES. 9 NATURAL QUEEN REARING. Before taking up any artificial methods of queen rearing, it is nec- essary to have well in mind the circumstances and conditions under which a colony of bees will undertake to rear a queen. It is well known to all bee keepers that workers are female bees, that, when a queen is to be reared, a larva which would under other circumstances become a worker is fed on a specially prepared food, and that thereby the reproductive organs are fully developed. All female larvee when just hatched from the eggs are alike in development, whether they are destined to become queens or workers. If then any female larva is chosen and so placed that this special food is given it, the resulting bee is a queen; on the other hand if the ordinary larval food is given it, a worker is the result. This discovery is generally attributed to Schirach, although the assertion is frequently made that the fact was known before his time. Since this change of food is exactly what is brought about in nature by the workers, in order to proceed intelligently, we must first know the conditions under which such a thing can be done; for, while bees are somewhat flexible in their instincts, too great a departure from their natural inclinations will result only in failure. The three conditions under which a colony will rear a queen in nature are (1) swarming, (2) supersedure, and (3) queenlessness. (1) Swarming.—In the spring of the year, as a rule, but at any time when the quarters in which the colony is located are too small, bees acquire what is known as the ‘‘swarming impulse.” In spite of all the work that has been done on the habits of these insects, just what brings this about and the exact physiological conditions leading up to it, are still unknown. Many weird and wild guesses have been made at various times, but it may be said, almost without fear of contradic- tion, that we are as far as ever from knowing the true cause of swarm- ing. It does not always hold true that cramped quarters produce the phenomenon, nor that sufficient room will prevent it. At any rate, when the swarming impulse is aroused the bees begin to build queen cells, and in these eggs are often laid by the queen. The queen cell is larger at its base than the worker cell and pro- jects, when completed, beyond the outside line of the comb, hanging down in an acorn-shaped projection with irregularly pitted walls. The number of such cells which are produced depends on many things, among which may be mentioned temperature and the race of bees. In colonies of Italian bees the number is usually not great, but in Cyprians there are often from 30 to 60 queen cells, while in Tunisians there may be several times that number. About the time the queen cells are capped, the old queen and part of the colony leave to establish a new one. 24152—No. 55—06——2 10 THE REARING OF QUEEN BEES. (2) Supersedure.—When a queen on account of age or other cause ceases to lay eggs enough to keep up the strength of the colony, the workers build queen cells and rear queens. When the first one of these emerges, an encounter ensues between the young queen and the old one, and almost invariably the latter is killed. (3) Queenlessness.—It may happen that the queen ina colony is killed, and in that case, if there are young larve in the combs, the workers will rear queens, one of which later becomes the mother of the colony. While in nature this is probably a more rare condition than is either of the two preceding, it is a normal and natural circumstance under which queens are reared. In the rearing of queens by the so-called artificial methods it is necessary to follow rather closely one of the three natural conditions. As will be shown later, queens can be reared in colonies with a lay- ing queen, provided a perforated zinc sheet be used to prevent the latter from tearing down the cells, but in such cases we probably approach the swarming condition. In practice the bee keeper can, if he wishes, take queens from nor- mally constructed cells. By making a colony queenless a considerable number of these will be reared, and by very careful watching almost all of them can be captured and caged before they kill each other or destroy other queen cells. To do this, however, it is necessary to look over the entire colony several times a day for several days, and thus it is far from a time-saving method. The plan is not to be recom- mended except where it is impossible to use some of the better methods. In the same way queens emerging from cells built in swarming time or during supersedure may be captured. There are, however, better methods of queen rearing; for, by modern appliances, the work is not only made much more simple, but also gives better results. A descrip- tion of these methods may seem rather complicated to one who has not tried them, but the manipulation is easily learned, and after a brief acquaintance with the appliances the whole subject of queen rearing becomes very simple. ARTIFICIAL QUEEN REARING. The methods to be described here are not those of any one system, but are the result of many investigations in this field. It is impossible to give credit to every one who has offered valuable suggestions on this subject, and no such attempt will be made; for it is often difficult to learn with certainty who first used and recommended any particular plan. The bee-keeping journals are full of valuable hints on this work, and methods long ago in use are repeatedly rediscovered and given as new. To prevent any injustice, then, it seems best to avoid giving credit in all cases, except where there is no doubt as to the origin of the plan. The author disclaims all credit of originality in THE REARING OF QUEEN BEES. ie this bulletin, but can say that all the methods described have been tried successfully by him, either in the apiary of the Bureau of Ento- mology or before entering the service of that Bureau. The object in writing such a bulletin is that the successful methods may become better known. In most cases the plans given are somewhat modified and are not exactly as used by the originators of the various systems. These modifications may not appear to everybody to be improvements, but they are such as have seemed desirable either in the work of the apiary of the Bureau, or in the experience of other queen breeders. In giving directions for each part of the work of queen rearing, several methods are described; for it is realized that not all bee keepers can conveniently use the same system. Wherea particular appliance is known commercially under a certain name, that name is used; for in such cases no dispute as to originality can arise and no injustice can be done. The author disclaims any responsibility in giving these names, but employs those in current use in apicultural literature. None of the appliances which are mentioned in this bulletin are patented and any bee keeper is at liberty to make them, either in the style described or with any modifications which he sees fit to make. The use of some terms which are rather current in bee-keeping lit- erature has been avoided, since several of the more common terms are not only useless but misleading. If the writers on apiculture were to be more careful in the nomenclature of the science, it would do much toward making their descriptions clear, and at the same time apicul- ture would be regarded with more respect by beginners and outsiders. An effort has also been made to exclude all discussion which does not bave a direct bearing on queen rearing. It is assumed that the reader is familiar with the principles of bee keeping, and consequently it has not seemed necessary to discuss other phases of the work of the bee keeper. : STARTING QUEEN CELLS. The queen cells used by various queen breeders vary greatly. Natural queen cells are sometimes used in queen rearing by cutting them from the comb and fastening them with wax to a bar the length of the top bar of the hive. These cells already stocked with royal jelly, the food of the queen larvee, are ready to use by simply remov- ing the larve already in them and replacing them with larve from the breeding queen. There are, however, several objections to such cells. They are far from uniform, and are not easily put into nursery cages when sealed; they are supplied with more royal jelly than is necessary; in most cases they are not easily obtained in sufficient number; and, finally, they can not be handled and removed, as can artificial cells. Where such cells are used it is often customary to allow the queens to emerge on the combs of the hive, but this necessi- tates the hunting for young queens, which is a waste of time. 12 THE REARING OF QUEEN BEES. DESCRIPTION OF CELL CUPS. It is much better to use a cell base artificially produced. These cells can be made of wax, or on wooden bases with a depression which is filled with wax. They are just as readily accepted by the bees, and because of uniformity and ease of handling are much preferable. The Doolittle cell, made by molding wax on a stick with rounded end of the exact diameter of a queen cell, is very good and was proba- bly the first artificial cell used in commercial queen rearing. The molding stick is dipped in hot wax, and when one layer of wax is cool, the process is repeated, each time the stick being dipped a shorter distance. The result is a cup with thin edges and heavy base. Such cells are also made by pressing out the wax ina mold. The cells are then fastened to a bar with wax preparatory to introducing the larve (see fig. 1). Some: AAR DORGARSE aa Fic. 1.—Standard frame with bar of completed cells on wooden flanged cups and bar of Doolittle wax cells (original). Cups with wooden bases are now widely used and have many advan- tages over the wax cups, in that they can be transferred from one bar to another without danger of breaking and can more readily be used again after the queen has emerged. ‘These cups are usually made of a cylindrical piece of wood with a concave depression in one end which is lined with wax. There is a nail point in one end which allows them to be fastened to a bar by pressure (see fig. 2), or, better, there is a flange at the upper end so that they can be put through holes bored in the bar (see figs. 1 and 2). TRANSFERRING LARVA. Having procured the cells to be used, with the requisite bars, the bee keeper is ready to transfer larvee to these cells. Before being THE REARING OF QUEEN BEES. 13 used for the first time, each cell should be thoroughly daubed on the inside with royal jelly. This seems to give to it the odor of a queen cell; at any rate the bees are much more ready to accept it. A small amount of royal jelly should then be put at the bottom of the concave Fic. 2,—Standard frame with bars of queen cells on wooden bases. The top bar holds cells of the Root pattern (original). depression, and a larva from the colony of the breeding queen placed on it. The larva must not be more than three days old, and it is far better to use one which has not been hatched from the egg for more than one day. This transfer from the worker cell to the artificial queen cell may be done with a match or toothpick which has been cut thin and bent on the end to an angle of about 45°. No special tool is necessary, although when this procedure is to be re- peated frequently it may be desirable to use a steel rod or some similar instrument, shaped as above described. The bar is then placed in a queenless colony, and the bees will build down on the cells until they complete Fig. 3.—Two-story hive with perforated zinc honey board them, at the same time feed- between stories, the top to be used for queen rearing ing the larvee with royal jelly (original). , . until the time comes for the cell to be sealed. Asa rule not all the cells are accepted, but just as many will be accepted in the case of artificial cells as when natural cells are fastened to a bar, as previously described. If a two-story hive is 14 THE REARING OF QUEEN BEES. to be used, the bar should be placed in the upper, and the queen con- fined in the lower, story. For the latter purpose a perforated zine honey board (see fig. 3) should be used. In a one-story hive the bar sbould be surrounded by a perforated zine incubator. A larger pro- portion of cells are usually accepted in a queenless colony. In case Fie. 4.—“‘Swarthmore”’ incubator holding sixteen cells on wooden bases (original). there is a colony with an old queen which is about to be superseded, a large number of cells may be started, and this is also true in a colony preparing to swarm. Here, too, for safety the queen of the colony should be kept away from the cells by perforated zinc. awe ow Fie. 5.—'‘Swarthmore” incubator in frame. The metal supports at the upper ends of the side pieces of the frame do not show (original) The chief difficulty in rearing queens by this method is to get the cells accepted. Once started, they are usually completed, even if transferred to a colony which does not readily accept cells. In many cases itis customary to start cells in aqueenless colony, and in twenty- four hours to transfer the bar to a hive with a queen, putting the cell THE REARING OF QUEEN BEES. 15 in an incubating cage of zinc (see figs. 4and 5). This gives the advan- tage of starting the cells under the most favorable conditions for their acceptance, and at the same time makes it unnecessary to have so many queenless colonies in an apiary, which is obviously not economical. METHOD OF STARTING CELLS. In starting cells it is desirable that the bar be placed at a level of about 3 inches from the top of the frames when standard-sized frames are used, since this puts the cells in the middle of the brood chamber where the heat is most uniform. This can be done by the method illustrated in figures 1 and 2. After cells are once started they may be kept at almost any level of the hive so long as they are fed and kept warm; and as many as three bars may be fastened in one frame where there are plenty of bees to cover all of them. It is possible to put three such frames of started cells in one story of a colony, but at least one frame of comb should be between each two cell frames, so that there may not be too large an opening in the hive. In this way a strong colony will readily complete and care for more than a hundred cells. DIFFERENCE IN RACES. Here, again, racial characteristics play a large part. Italians do not as readily accept and complete large numbers of queen cells as do either Cyprians or Carniolans. In yards in which Italian queens are reared, it riay therefore be desirable to keep colonies of Cyprians or Carniolans. It need scarcely be said that in such cases drone traps should be used. No fear need be entertained by the queen breeder that races producing large numbers of queens necessarily produce poor ones. Anyone familiar with the prolificness of the queens of these races could not hold such an idea. There is no evidence that under these circumstances the larve are less well fed; indeed in such colonies, as in those with fewer queens to care for, the larve always leave some royal jelly in the cells when they enter the pupal stage, during which, of course, no food is eaten. SWARM BOX. Since the greatest difficulty with this part of queen rearing is in getting the cells started, it is fortunate that we have a method by which the matter may be made more certain. It is desirable to get bees into the condition in which they will start large numbers of cells; this can be done by the use of what is known as the *‘swarm box.” We know that when bees are in too cramped quarters they acquire the swarming impulse, and that under this influence they begin to rear queens; hence if we confine bees in a hive or box the same condition is brought about, but ir a much shorter time. Whether the condition 16 THE REARING OF QUEEN BEES. under confinement is the same as the swarming impulse, we ao not know definitely; but, what is more to the purpose, we do know that they accept large numbers of queen cells. DESCRIPTION OF BOX. A style of swarm box which has proven very satisfactory in the Department apiary is made large enough to hold five frames of standard Langstroth size (see figs. 6 and 7). The bottom is covered with wire cloth, and small wooden strips, nailed on each end, raise the bottom from the table or floor on which the box rests and thus allow abundant ventilation. The top of the box is remov- able, and has cut in it two slots, into which are fitted two cell bars. Holes are bored in the latter to accommodate 16 flanged wooden cell bases. These slots, which run almost the hic. 6.—Swarm box, showing position of frames und inner side of entire length of the lid, with wooden cells in place, ready for bees (original). box, are so placed that if a frame of comb be put on each side of the box and another exactly in the middle, the slots are directly above the intervening spaces. This then places the cell cups directly over the two spaces left in the box. METHOD OF USE. In practice, this box is placed on the ground in front of any hive from which a considerable number of bees can be taken. The two side frames are placed in the box, and bees from about six frames of the hive are shaken into it, the middle frame is inserted, and the box is closed. The slots should contain the cell bars and the wooden cells, which are, however, still empty. The frames used in the swarm box must contain honey; pollen, and water, but no brood, and the operator must be absolutely sure that the queen of the colony from which the bees are drawn is not in the swarm box. To allow easy manipulation, the lid of the box should be nailed down or otherwise secured and the box removed to a cellar or other cool place for about six hours. It has been found even better to use only one frame, properly provi- sioned, in place of three, placing it in the middle of the box; but for THE REARING OF QUEEN BEES. 1. the beginner the use of three frames is recommended. When only one is used more bees should be shaken into the box. At the end of about six hours the wooden cell bases are removed one at a time, using an extra base as a plug to prevent the escape of any of the bees, and into each base is placed a little royal jelly and a very young larva from the colony of the breeding queen. It is not absolutely necessary to use royal jelly at this time, for if enough of the larval food be transferred from the worker cell with the larva to Fie. 7..—Swarm box from below, with top of lid. A blank baris in place in one slot, as used when only sixteen cells are to be started (original). Keep it moist for a short time, the confined bees will secrete royal jelly so rapidly that the larve will neither dry up nor starve. However, in every-day manipulation it may be better to use a very little royal jelly, and the small amount of extra time required for this is, in the hands of most manipulators, generally repaid by the fact that more cells are accepted. The cell bases now containing larve having all been replaced, the swarm box is covered with a quilt to keep the cells warm and is put away until the next morning, at which time the box = 18 THE REARING OF QUEEN BEES. is opened, the bees shaken out in front of their old hive, and the cells on bars hung in any colony which will complete cells. By this method a much iarger proportion of cells will be accepted, and the time required is very small. A schedule, which is in use in the Department apiary during the queen-rearing season, for the use of the swarm box, may not be out of place here to illustrate the small amount of time required for this manipulation, and to be used as a working plan: 9a.m. Shake bees into swarm box. (About 5 minutes. ) 3p.m. Insert royal jelly and transfer larve to cell cups. (About 10-15 minutes. ) 9a. m. (next day). Shake out beesand place cells in colony to be completed. (About 5 minutes. ) While the construction of a special box and this manipulation may seem like an undue amount of labor, the schedule shows that such is not the case. In actual use in the apiary of the Department of Agri- culture, it has been found not only to save time, but to be more satis- factory in every other way, particularly in the larger number and more uniform feeding of the cells accepted. . The swarm box has been criticised in various quarters as being opposed to the natural habits of the bees, and it is supposed that this is a valid reason for condemning it. It is a popular fallacy among some bee keepers that there must be absolutely no departure from the natural instincts of the bees, and a new or strange idea is frequently condemned on these false grounds. The same men will use movable frame hives and queen mailing cages, and will remove honey from the hives either by extracting or in the far more unnatural section. We must, as pointed out previously,” know the habits of the bees; but equally important in practical work is a knowledge of the amount of flexibility in the instinct. In fact, modern apiculture has come to be a study of the modification of conditions under which bees can thrive to bring about the best results for the bee keeper. | ALLEY SYSTEM OF CELL STARTING. There is another method of starting queen cells which gives very good results. Mr. Henry Alley recommends that a strip of comb, with young larve from the breeding queen, be cut wide enough for one row of complete cells to remain intact. The outer portions of the cells on one side are cut away and every second larva is killed or removed. This strip is then fastened to the bottom of a comb with the open ends pointing downward, and the whole put in any colony used for cell building. The queen cells are built very regularly and a large proportion are accepted. In the apiary of the Bureau it has been found easier to use partly drawn out foundation in which are young larvee, as shown in figure 8, thus avoiding the cutting away of aSee ‘‘ Natural queen rearing,’’ p. 9. THE REARING OF QUEEN BEES. 19 the ends of cells. This method is very simple, since it does away with the necessity for transferring, and gives good results; but the cells must be cut apart to be put in nurseries, and in this manipulation they lack the firmness of cells with wooden bases. It has also been recom- mended that drone comb be used in the same way, and that a larva be transferred into every other cell. This plan, however, does not possess the one really good feature of the Alley method, and has there- fore nothing to commend it. THE USE OF ‘‘ COCOONS.” Another plan, used by several queen breeders, is that of transferring the larva in the ‘‘ cocoon” to an artificial cell cup. The comb is cut down until quite thin (about three-sixteenths inch), and then bent back and forth until the lining of larval skins and the excreta, gener- Fic. 8.—Frame with a strip of foundation only partly drawn out, with larve in cells, cut according to Alley plan of cell starting (original). ally called the ‘‘cocoon” by bee keepers,-is loosened. This is trans- ferred by forceps, or on the end of a rounded stick with a depression in the end. This plan does not require the use of royal jelly; but it takes considerable practice to make the transfer successfully and seems to be no better than the method of transferring larve alone. COMPLETING QUEEN CELLS. INCUBATORS. The carrying up of queen cells to the time when the adult virgin queen emerges is much easier than the starting of the cells. Cells once started may be hung in a queenless colony without any covering or protection, and it is an easy matter to have a large number cared for. In the practical work of the Department apiary it is customary 20 THE REARING OF QUEEN BEES. to use cell bars holding sixteen cells each, and two or three of these bars are fastened in one Langstroth frame. Frequently two or even three such frames are put in one hive; but usually part of the cells are sealed or in nurseries, so that there are usually not more than fifty at a time which require feeding. These cells may also be put in any colony with a laying queen, provided an incubating cage of perforated zine 1s placed around them (see figs. 4 and 5), or in the second story of a two-story colony, with the queen kept below by a perforated zine honey board (see fig. 3). STYLES OF NURSERY CAGES. One day before the queens are due to emerge, each cell must be placed in an individual nursery, so that the young emerging queens ‘an not attack each other. This nursery may be made of wire cloth Fic. 9.—Titoff nurseries in frame holder, showing construction of nursery (original). or of perforated zinc, but wire cloth is perhaps better, since in one or two cases in our apiary, during the past summer, young virgin queens managed to get through the perforated zine and to do some damage before being discovered. The cell should not be put in a wire-cloth nursery more than one day before the queen is due to emerge, for the workers should he allowed to thin down the wall of the cell so that the queen will have no difficulty in gnawing her way out. Even when separated from the workers by wire cloth for one day, the queen usually takes a longer time in getting out, but no queen which has vitality enough to become a prolific layer will ever entirely fail to do so. Many different kinds of nursery cages have been advocated, and really there is little choice, between them, each queen breeder prefer- ring the one he has used, the choice frequently being made without trying any other. Before making a choice, however, it would be wise THE REARING OF QUEEN BEES. 21 for the prospective queen breeder to study the problem. The ideal nursery cage must at the same time be an introducing cage; so that from the time when the queen cell is put in until the queen is trans- ferred to another hive to be mated, no attention is necessary except to uncover the candy plug to allow the workers to eat the queen out. The Stanley cage, consisting of a cylinder of perforated zinc, will do re ES Fie. 10.—‘‘Swarthmore’’ nursery, with queens. Two cells removed to show construction (original). very well, provided it is modified so that it can be used as an intro- ducing cage, but it is awkward and not easily handled in a hive. The long West cell protector is also good, except that it is not so conven- ient for introducing and does not fit into any bar, but must be stuck onacomb. it may also be added that any cell protector is worse than Fig. 11.—‘Swarthmore’’ nursery dissected (original). useless where artificial cells are used. Where the old method of cut- ting natural cells from colonies and transferring these cells to queenless colonies is practiced, a cell protector is desirable and almost necessary, since the workers in repairing the cut edges of comb often gnaw entirely into the cell and kill the queen. The author has never known this to happen on artificial cells. The Titoff cage (fig. 9) is also very 22 THE REARING OF QUEEN BEES. good, but has the disadvantage of being awkward to handle in a frame and of being made for use without flanged cell cups. It is a con- venient cage for introducing, however. The Alley nursery, consisting of a block of wood with a large hole bored through it, is excellent. The openings are covered with wire - Fie, 12.—‘ Swarthmore ’’ nurseries in frame, showing method of storing forty-eight queens (original) . cloth, and a hole for the queen cell and one for the candy plug are bored to meet the central hole. It will be found that a cage made with a wooden frame will be better than an all-metal cage, since it is Fig. 13.—A style of cage which answers all the requirements for convenience and usefulness as nur- sery and introducing cage (original). more easily placed in the hive in any desired location, and is held in place with propolis. ‘These nurseries can be placed in an empty frame, and left until the frame is filled solid with them; and in this way a colony will keep a good many cells warm until the queens emerge. THE REARING OF QUEEN BEES. 23 The Swarthmore nursery,-shown in figures 10, 11, and 12, is excellent also, but it is unfortunate that when this form is used the queens must be removed to introducing cages. This nursery is more valuable when used for keeping queens on hand for some time after mating. Queens can be re- moved from the mating col- onies and.stored in them for several weeks even, without any harm; and the mating colony can be used several times in that period for mat- ing other queens. The size of this nursery is very con- venient, and 48 queens may be kept in a frame, as shown in figure 12. In the illus- tration these queens were actually Caucasian virgins, and the nursery had been used for emerging queens. This is not the most convenient nursery for virgin queens, and the author understands that the originator, Mr. E. L. Pratt. does not so use it. A nursery, then, should be so constructed that the queen will be separated from the workers by wire cloth; should be of such a form that any style of artificial queen cell may be placed in it; should contain a place for candy as food for the young queen; and should above all be useful as an introducing cage. The use of a special introducing cage of any type is not generally recommended. Even in introducing queens re- ceived by mail the shipping cage is as good as any ‘“‘improved” intro- ducing cage and saves time. Fic. 14.—Swarthmore”’ nucleus with one frame removed to show construction (original). INTRODUCING QUEEN CELLS. Fig. 15.—‘*Swarthmore” nucleus with introducing ; a cage (as in fig. 13) in place between the frames But it may be asked, ‘Ww hy not et introduce queen cells directly to the colony where the queen is to stay until mated?” This method is all right where time is no object; but the queens might just as well be kept in a nursery until three to five days old, and thus they need not 24 THE REARING OF QUEEN BEES. be in the mating colony more than four or five days. If a queen cell be placed in a mating colony it means that for a day or two before the queen emerges, and for at least five days hefore she mates, the colony is unproductive; and commercial queen breeders can not afford such a loss. Such a method of introduction is easier, it is true, but certainly is not economical. In introducing from a nursery it sometimes hap- pens that queens are killed, but even this loss is not great enough to justify the method of introducing cells, especially since queens from cells are sometimes rejected also. The practice of putting a little honey on the tip of the queen cell when in a nursery, so that the emerging queen may have something to eat while gnawing her way out is not necessary, and has, when prac- ticed, sometimes led to the death of the queen by suffocation. MATING QUEENS. The best method of mating queens has perhaps been more discussed by bee keepers than any other phase of queen rearing, the bone of contention being the size of the colony which shall be used in mating. Some bee keepers insist that queens should be mated only in full colonies, while others go to the opposite extreme and claim that only a handful of bees are necessary to care for a queen during this period of her life. COMPARISON OF DIFFERENT SIZES OF BOXES. A comparison of the cost of the two methods will help to solve the difficulty, for bee keeping is a business proposition, and bee keepers desire the most return for the least expenditure of either time or money. Mating in a colony means that that colony is without any new brood for about a week; and since during the summer season the life of the average worker is about six weeks, the loss resulting is about equal to one-sixth the cost of the colony used. This is to some extent made up by the increased activity in brood rearing after such a period of rest; but at any rate a colony can make no increase in size when queens are being mated, and there is almost alwaysa loss. From this standpoint, then, the smaller the colony, the cheaper this part of the rearing will be; and if this were the only point to be considered there could be but one answer to the question. The time spent in manipulation is an important item, especially where large numbers of queens are to be reared. It is more difficult to introduce a queen into a large colony than into a small one, and this is a factor to be considered, since the chances for occasional losses of queens which may result in considerable loss of time are much reduced by the use of small colonies. In looking over mating colonies to see whether the queen is laying, there is everything to be said in favor of the small colony or ‘‘nucleus.” There is less comb area to THE REARING OF QUEEN BEES. 25 be covered, and, if any eggs are present, it is easy to see them ata glance; but the chief gain is in the time spent in finding the queen to remove her from the colony. To go over 8 or 10 or even 3 or 4 full frames requires ten times as much time as to open up a small nucleus and pick off the queen almost at the first glance. This much is in favor of small colonies, certainly. There are, on the other hand, certain disadvantages in the use of very small nuclei in the hands of the inexperienced. Queens can be mated from small boxes with a comb area not greater than that of a 1-pound section of honey, and with a mere handful of bees; but experienced bee keepers have failed to make these work successfully, merely through ignorance of the special manipulation necessary for the smaller colonies. The complaint is also sometimes made that these nuclei are robbed out because the small number of bees will not defend the hive against invaders and that the colony will ‘‘swarm out” or leave the box because it is too small. It is also claimed that the nucleus wil! not be a success unless there is unsealed brood in the comb to hold the bees. All of these general statements are too broad, for such colonies are not more easily robbed than large ones, do not swarm out if properly made, and brood is unnecessary under some circum- stances. However, there is a foundation for these complaints, every one of which comes from experienced men. The entrance to a nucleus of the smallest size should be very small, so that one bee can protect the hive from several robbers. If, by any chance, a small colony without brood becomes queenless, it will almost. invariably swarm out, and to this must be attributed most of the cases so reported. Unsealed brood undoubtedly helps to hold the bees in the colony, and certainly should be used in most cases. After the first laying queen is removed from a nucleus, this brood will be present; and from that time on there is no difficulty. To prevent the bees from swarming out with the first queen, brood may be given to them. If, however, the bees are confined in the colony for some time (to which there is no valid objection), they will rarely swarm out, even without brood, and to remove them to an out yard lessens this difficulty still further. Nuclei with not more than a few dozen bees will mate a queen, and this has been done, and is being done repeatedly. There is objec- tion, however, to the use of the smallest nuclei in the hands of the inexperienced, for they will die out unless watched, and often require restocking. In a large queen-rearing yard, this frequently amounts to considerable labor, and to avoid that feature a somewhat larger nucleus is desirable. Bee keepers are not always adepts at handling small nuclei, and in actual practice a colony should be in such condi- tion that it can be handled quickly, safely, and sometimes even rather roughly. bo 6 THE REARING OF QUEEN BEES. A size of nucleus which has proven to save both time and labor in the apiary of the Department of Agriculture is one having a comb area somewhat less than one standard Langstroth frame. The hive bodies were originally made large enough to hold five frames, as shown Fig. 16.—Benton mating boxes, showing method of combining frames to make a standard sized frame, and positions of feeders (original). in figure 16; but, in practice, three or even two are used, ana the extra room is an advantage in moving the frames quickly. The construction of the frames is shown better in the illustration than could be done by a written description. Any frame used in a nucleus should be so made that it can be used as part of a standard-sized frame, or so that a number of them fit into an empty frame; for other- wise it is dificult to get them filled with honey and brood before making up the nuclei. The frames of this particular nucleus box are one-third standard size, and two full ones and one only partly built out have given most satisfactory results. If the bees are ready to build, some place should be left for new comb; otherwise they will Fic. 17.—Benton mailing cages, showing construction, : The larger size is for shipment to distant countries. build small combs to the The smaller cage may be used for shipments to Europe az p : iginal). cover. A feederis attached (sm) either to the back of the hive body, or in front over the entrance, and these can be filled very rapidly when feeding is necessary. A colony of this size requires much less attention in this regard than the smaller size, and is correspondingly better. THE REARING OF QUEEN BEES. Diy. The comb area is small enough in this hive for the queen to be very quickly found, and, unless too many bees are put in, this part of the manipulation is very simple. The original cost of the hive is consid- erably more than that of the smallest sized nuclei, but the body is much more durable, and the cost as compared with that of the full- sized hive, which some breeders use, is small. This mating box was designed by Mr. Frank Benton, of the Bureau of Entomology. It is not intended that the inference shall be made that this nucleus box is the best in use. It is described merely as a guide to queen rearers, and any other style of box which combines the good features of this one will do equally well. No one can deny that queens may be mated in hives smaller than a full colony, but a question sometimes arises as to whether the queens are as vigorous and prolific after being mated from small boxes. To this, it may be answered that the successful mating of a queen depends on the drones which fly in the air; and this is in no way influenced by the size of the hive. It takes very few workers to feed a queen—wit- ness the mailing boxes—and this is the only function of the accompa- nying bees. If then a queen is herself strong and vigorous, and meets an equally vigorous drone, she will be successfully mated, will be just as prolific, and will lay just as long, when kept in a small colony to mate as in a full-sized one. From a practical standpoint it may be answered that queens mated in small nuclei when put to the test have actually proven as good as those mated under other circumstances. This is after all the true test to be used. PHENOMENA IN MATING. In from five to ten days after the emerging of the young queen from the queen cell, she leaves the colony for her mating flight. The first flights of a queen from the hive are very short, and, like young workers, she flies in circles near the entrance, as if fixing the location. Several such flights may be taken before she really takes a long one. Finally, however, she leaves the entrance and flies in ever-increasing circles upward, and, if there are drones in the apiary or near by, she is usually mated. The height to which she flies and the distance from the hive at which she meets the drone depend entirely on circum- stances; it may be near at hand or even a couple of miles away. This is a matter very difficult of observation, naturally, but the mating has often been observed by chance. It is a very simple matter to see the first circles of the virgin on leaving the hive entrance, and if drones are plentiful it is not hard to see that many of them start after her. Anyone can verify so much; the rest depends on chance observations. From dissections of virgins and fertile queens, it has been found that, in mating, the spermatheca or seminal receptacle is filled with spermatozoa or male sex cells. The spermatheca is a very minute sac 28 THE REARING OF QUEEN BEES. opening into the oviduct down which the eggs must pass in going from the ovaries to the outside of the body. As each egg is laid, if it is to be fertilized, it receives one spermatozoon from this spermatheca, and the male cell is received into the egg and unites with it. More than one spermatozoon may adhere to the outside of the egg, but no normal egg will admit more than one through the micropyle or opening in the end of the egg covering. In mating, the queen receives an enormous number of these sperma- tozoa, the number having been estimated at from two to twenty million. Since mating usually occurs but once, it is evident that these spermatozoa must be capable of independent existence for five years or more, for they are not capable of dividing or increasing in number in any way, and the queen is of course unable to produce new ones. Frequent cases have been reported of queens which have mated more than once, and this probably accounts for irregularity in the markings of the offspring of some queens. It is claimed by some that obviously the first mating must have been unsuccessful, but there seems to be no ground for that view, and there is no reason to believe that both matings were not complete. There is no reason whatever, so far as is known, why a queen can not receive a supply of spermatozoa from two drones, and some of the arguments to the contrary, with no basis of observation or knowledge of the anatomy, are not worthy of con- sideration. Cases have even been reported in which queens which have actually begun to lay have gone out for a second mating; but the evidence is as yet meager, and it will be well to wait for further obser- vation before considering such a possibility. Usually, however, a queen takes but one mating flight, and thereafter never again leaves the hive except with a swarm. The ovaries develop to such an extent that flight is impossible, without a previous stoppage in egg laying. TESTING QUEENS. If the honey producer is rearing queens for his own use, they may be introduced into full colonies as soon as they begin to lay. A fair idea of the value of the queen may be formed from the number and regularity of the eggs laid in the nucleus box, and if later she is found to be mismated, or not up to the standard in egg laying in a full col- ony, she should be discarded. A queen may be tested as to the purity of mating by allowing her brood to emerge in a small nucleus, but no estimate can be made in this way concerning her proliticness. In test- ing for pure mating, however, the entrance should be covered with perforated zine to prevent the colony from swarming out. If a queen is to be sold as *‘ untested,” she may be shipped as soon as she begins to lay after mating. Tested queens are those which have been kept until their progeny show the markings of pure mating. THE REARING OF QUEEN BEES. 29 Tested queens which’ have been kept in full colonies to observe purity of mating, and which after one season show that they possess ability to produce strong colonies, are sold as ‘‘ select tested.” How- ever, it is to be feared that some queen breeders are not careful enough about this test and that queens are often sold under this guaranty which are simply tested queens one year old, which simply means that their life of usefulness is thereby shorter by one year. For breeding, nothing but the very best of ‘‘ select tested” queens should be used. Great care should be exercised in choosing such queens by watching purity of mating, prolificness, honey production of workers, disposition of bees, tendency tokeepavery large colony of bees at all seasons; and especially, care should be taker that brood rearing does not cease as soon as the honey flow slackens in midsummer. Some bees, otherwise good, will stop brood rearing with the first sign of a decrease in honey, with the result that the colony enters the fall flow with old bees, and that scarcely anything but old bees are in the colony at the beginning of winter. This is probably the essential cause of the excessive death of bees in early spring, known as ‘* spring dwindling.” NECESSITY OF PURE STOCK. The necessity of purely-mated queens for breeding can not be too emphatically urged. The so-called ‘* hybrids,” or mismated queens, produce young queens of so much variability in every character that it is very unwise to use them. There is one phase of queen breeding which would doubtless prove useful, but which has not yet been tried to any extent. The first crosses of various races have proven very useful; as, for example, the cross between Cyprians and Carniolans, but no breeder to the writer’s knowledge has ever undertaken to fix the type. That this could be done seems very probable, reasoning from what we know of crosses in other animals, and by careful selec- tion of prolific queens whose workers showed all the characteristics of the first cross, these crosses would doubtless prove valuable as breeders. Under no other circumstances, however, should mismated queens be used. SELECTION OF DRONES. The selection of drones is one of the things in which the vast majority of bee keepers are notoriously careless. Queen breeders will select a breeding queen with great care and allow her progeny to mate with drones from any hive in the apiary, and just as long as this is done there can be no advance in the types. Drones should not be allowed to fly except from colonies where the queens are prolific and the bees good workers, and just as much care should be exercised in the choice of colonies for the production of drones as for breeding 30 THE REARING OF QUEEN BEES. queens. ‘The mere fact that mating takes place in the air, out of the control of the bee keeper, is no reason why care should not be taken in the selection of drones which are allowed to fly in the yard. When breeding any race, Italians for example, it is not enough that all the drones be Italians; they should be selected as to honey production of the workers, prolificness of the queen, or any other quality which is considered in choosing a breeding queen. Selection of drones may be accomplished by the use of drone traps or by cutting out drone comb. For absolute safety the drone trap is preferable, since some drone brood may escape observation. When most colonies are requeened every season, only queens of breeding value should be kept, since old queens produce larger numbers of drones. Page PAM INTC TIM CE Seer ses ceetaes te lateraret a Eee et a os NMI Sree oe Mice nein aaiacte meee heece 12 GUEeME Tearing cero eee eet ae ole ene eee chats oss 10-24 Age of'female larvee, for transfer to artificial cells.............-..-.--------- 13 J \WEN ATA TESS OORT CHM Sie io ee ee ee a, Sener 22, PELE THES GURY OS I BAU a 2 Se Pt ents 18 SQ SIVRTED OVE VERS Sa TY ae a ee Ere 18 Erna EGImAT ANAM ORS ert ee tS i alaiate alate alse latent omiottane qoq% oacaeacses 26-27 Breeding queens, mating.-.-...---.----- pnt SANE Oe PARES Te Seen te eRe ae 24-28 RUNPANI ern Pagar ees Soy ee eet oto ee Gate cina See eine 8 CanniG | AnBWees Mey ett hee ers eee ree Rie aoe eran suns Oo Aue wee meieieecemen 8, 15, 29 BP arernmuNqUeCnseet oo csae Rac acte see eas seni ssa aes soos cees secs ctenea 23. 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Well sirantittcralleeepe emer eee eee cera ele eae aS EA oe eeeie ee WZ Ea COCOONS. oUSeuLNNtraNsienriOl lanVee:s2n.c252 Secs es nS cle se argo ainic sie ciems eeiareters 19 Colonvarsizennematinp Oh GUCeNSit-.kaestesmase cones scene ee ceeeceomscemone 24 EON Mee eens eee eee ac oe Lon ee seaieins oe wie aeeinaine cies 8, 9, 15, 29 Wo olinbleserxa CUS t= Masher se Rice Ser eee Seer Soe ola, SN Seatels oye eS eons 1 Wronevcomb.usenniqueen rearing! “S255 55-52<0- - sees ee sa aee eee oe es ceeeee 19 productions desirability otoldiqueensiiorls2s--- 4-4-5 55--4 ee ose 7 iTAps Use Me BelechlonrOMmadnonessaee asses ass as ee eee ce ee eee 30 WD TONESMSE] COLO Iya ereteeya ay ek aie Slane erate = ete SE SS ee ts Base een 29 eon squecn.s ace as tactor in production. .2.-.--.2..-.ses5e see cee secre sete ee in Female larve alike in early development --..---.-..--.---------+---------- 9 J eM aM ONE (OYIBMEXE MONS es cas ey Sn SRN eee St ty Ee rs ages A ee 27 Hive sullkeuserasimatinowblVel === tassacb scteae occ eetce aces cose seceeees 24 GRAIN, HES Ti TORE aA ee peers tare ete aE ent ae aceret tage, Smee pein er 26-27 iwO-SLOGYAe OmemMeenl heaniMnot = n-22 5 sonceccce sees sc ewae eee ere ee aee 3 Eoneys boards tor@ueenseaningwe.. “ao keen ere skeen ete! 12 SL one be 14 oney production; frequent requeening for-2---.=-----2--.--2i..-+-------+--- 7 Eihvioricl src amo Crairommeuse a eess semen tem eyes ese ne ee os ee eee ae aes 8, 29 HIRATA WV OCS mem nee neces en eee oss NS wise Ses se Sayre Sie ore sels 29 rpdEbine quechs, desiraDuliGysencac oe nase acscc secs cscs sees se sea 8 ENC MO uO epee ae eet ee nes ast aah Neyo em asters tema ee ae neta Sets Se cope be ey ee eee 19 intiroduwcimesqueenicellss Sooeeeisecens aa secnieosccewies Soe eos stew cece eee 23 Ise (RES 4 oes See a nee me ee es IE Re te a Oe ae ee 8,9 ianvecsiemalexavenfontransien tojantinicial cellasseaaseee seaeeeeeree eres oee a. 13 alixenimueanivid evelOopmMenieeseeesseneateee retrace eaecceere 9 ue qllinaye? 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Mating, second? 22-5.0..0: s.5502stoceee cece. coe ee er 28 Natural queen cells, description’'and number --...--..2-.---2--5 322 oeeee 9 Objections) 42 22k< 3.2 e oe eee ea eee 11 rearing: ))) 2203 Uo SS 2s eee ie 9-10 Nomenclature imiqueen rearme 22252 eee ee ee ee aft Nucleus, small, advantages, disadvantages, and use...............----.-.----- 24-25 Nursery cages; different styles (compared 2 5--see ss 2 eee ee eee eee 20-23 | Odorofqueen:-celll ... 2. soa Sa5 Sas ae es ae eee ee 13 Patentsion/apphances: -4- 22.22 so 5a se cee nce ae me ee eee eee eee 11 Perforated :zinc for protecting cells_..222- 22222-22222. eee eee eee eee 14 Phenomena. in mating ...022....s2244... 20a ee 27 Pure traces, necessity .......25.°. 22. sid. ose02 SoStee oR eet eee eee 29 Oucen buying 2255. sad serjesisnas doceohceec See ce COL eee eee eee 8 Cells} completion: 2... 052 4et as aces = ese eee ae eee Eee 19-24 introduction .2...0.22- Jos cbees sciee ste been eee 23 ptantine: 25 <6+ Sto secnscenccmse Ones cee ee eee eee ial natural, description and number. 2.222.223... -.22ee 422s eee 9 disadvantages! :<2 2225. cet Sods e oo eee eee 11 rearing; artificial |.< 2 ssc cae ae See ete ce Soe eee ae eee 10-24 naturalls.5 ssc hs Ses cease teat hee eee eee eee 9-10 Queens) death insntroductionsinto hiverssscs sss s ee ee ee 24 importance in: honey production -. =. --2s2.c-<.4 soe eee 7 second: matings He. is22s 20 Be ses Sean Sacer eae Cee eee 28 Qucenlessness: 2 08. So. fn05 Sele Se sed sce bee eee eee ee oe ae eee eee 10 Requeening, frequency and necessity ..-.. 2 3. 542 .6ds-5 se see eee eee ih Royal:jelly, effect on larvae 22. 2 2cca- ccc ca wenger eee eee ee eee Eee 9 in transferring larvees:.-.5-- 2025-0542 50 Seen 2 ee eee eee 13 Supply. ass sic os Co Scee oe dee ea ee Goce eee ae Tale ey Selection of dronedis.. ..-2. 2. flece decodes ese sae gee ee ee eee 29 Spermatheca filled! on mating 2222 see8 —— =e eeee eee ee eae eee eee 27 Stanley care oo le eck i /snSe one a eee cone Seen 21 Supersedure, natural method of replacing queen.-..---.-----.-------------- 10 Swarm pox, descriptionjand method ot use sss. sssseeeese eens eee eee 16 schedulez . 222 oie: oe Shae soe as wehbe eae eee 18 Swarming i 23). 2c ed a ioe eae eh oese sete ae oe eee 9 ‘Swarming impulse?” s.. cL sshiccee ceebhs ee hansen eee Oe eee 9 Swarthmore nucleus box 22-522... aoe fe eeee Sos Sone ee eee 23 NUYSCry. CALC ss... kes wee oon Se eee eee ee 23 Resting queenss. i... 065.655 -L bce anc See wanes cae Ree ae ae eee 28-30 Mitofi Mursery cages... 2.555. 20.45 sde es sonae gee eee ee eee 21 Transferring larvee, methods and appliances .-..-..-.------------ See 12-15 im swarm Ox 2. sc. .s2e.56cctec ese ose eee eee 17 Munisian bees'.....52 42... Seis eee ee eo ee ee eee West:cell protector.-< 222 -.-. 2.0 ¢.0c0-2dsp2 es cece ee eee ee eee ee 21 TOMOLOGY—B “0, HOWARD, Ent mologist. 5 3 ee # " oo aaah Sond eae @ id: i r SS $ r ‘ “PURTHER NOTES ON TTS DISTRIBUTION, LIFE HISTORY, = | AND METHODS OF CONTROL. PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE ENTOMOLOGIST, BY A. D. HOPKINS, Pu. D., _ — dn Charge of Forest Insect Investigations. ae WASHINGTON: | GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, =i sy eal 1905. | | R S. Curren, Chief Clerk. : pip evans nm siacde of eee experiments. . Hopkins, in charge of forest insect investigations. Se | tate een ne _ W. D. Honrer, i in charge of cotton boll weevil investigtions. Bas ae ee Eyerk ee F. M. Wessrer, in charge of cereal and forage-plant insect investigations. aor _ A.L. Quarrance, in charge of deciduous-fruit insect. inwestigations. Frank Benton, in charge of apicultural investigations. — A -E. A. Scuwarz, D. W. uae, Tu. PERGANDE, "Nama ee oR. 0. Goose, W. F. Paar Mane G. puree A. é; Liner, i, C1 Kexeuer, Jessie E. Marks, Stenggeapere and Clerks. Litu1an L. Howenstern, Artist. LO i et Nae ie Mee _ Maser Cotcorp, Librarian. at 2 oe ee ELE. Re F. Fiske, J. L. Wess, J. f. sre enone m forest insect invest i eo i ‘Pututrs, J. M. Gane ieeene Martin, agapeass in apicultural oe ‘C. J. Ginuiss, W. A. pares engages in silk tamestigabions: ee Cermak tT MENT OF AGRICULTURE. BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY —BULLETIN No. 56. L. O. HOWARD, Entomologist. THE BLACK HILLS BEETLE, WITH FURTHER NOTES ON ITS DISTRIBUTION, LIFE HISTORY, AND METHODS OF CONTROL PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE ENTOMOLOGIST. BY Ae De HOPKINS. «Pa: 1D: In Charge of Forest Insect Investigations. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, LESION a. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, BurREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY, Washington, D. C., November 14, 1905. Sir: I transmit herewith the manuscript of the report of Dr. , A. D. Hopkins, of this Bureau, on an investigation of the Black Hills beetle, with especial reference to its occurrence in the Pikes Peak Forest Reserve and in the vicinity of Colorado Springs and Palmer Lake. This investigation was made at the request of the Bureau of Forestry, and I recommend the publication of the report, which brings the information concerning this species up to date, as Bulletin 56 of this Bureau. The figures and plates are necessary for the illustration of the text. Respectfully, L. O. Howarp, Entomologist and Chief of Bureau. Hon. JAMES WILSON, Secretary of Agriculture. CONT E Nas. Page NEED INSOLE LOL erat es tine Se here ee eg oe ieee tet SSyaic Saye S wise oe. Smee 5 fatten aber enon Cesar pee ta ee ee a i ee eis eee eat ee ek ere ad 5 Report on forest insect investigation in the Pikes Peak Forest Reserve... --- ~~. -- - 8 ia cetera me eee ae Ses Se oe HI eee ehh ha schoo sie akouue 8 OSC RG TUSTIN 2a, Ge em ae ets on ee 9 Summary of results, conclusions, and recommendations. .._..-...-.--.------ 9 a repeater ee ECU EG Orme ee oe eS ee ea es SE ks ease esate Sig eget 10 (OLSEN EEK AAT nS) 101K 1157209 oe HCN as ce A a ea ee og 11 Miri c hoist Ole wien oalenye ise 4 roe ie ere Fete WALD Se Salen 11 (Cuaracter ontheuniested treess- = 2222.24.05. eek At. eee ee 13 eice initia we eee hoe. rte tho le stele SN ae ee 15 Nanuitalana antitcialimiiuencess: 2... 2-5--..3-.2-.-5 205642 on5neeeeaceee 16 Hecate Min TRC OLGere tetera a ress ae Ok ois Se ine Ne So ewe ok 16 LDC E LSE TIA 2 oh5 8 ed Bir OO ager Beige oe VR cee Ses Te er ee 16 SUG TTES s Leey a a RER cage, ny L Fg a S 16 hing 2S: Maa ek, SEG Shee ee een ee ang ee eee eran 16 ( Scot mands SESE Py obi si the daghesapegaae aRe Ei aer ge ee enR RAE oe SA aha 17 SUHAIeT, CULCIME Hl PALChes. - 56 os cot te ee Geet e ec 17 EDTA HL EIS eee PR Sh AGE ee bole I Daa Ps MR ee P< ea eR 2 ca EO 17 UHL IEESUMERTG LEN CM EME fart eet arn ohn Leo ' Jee eRe eee BE rr 18 USE GGL VE nd ee is ela ci Sale rae Mea ae nhs Saul Oly ee eee ie ae a ae 18 ait Lee eee tarts teste) Tee Gust ser eel ra On ie ed 18 IDG ae Se Ole RISEN = ttt erp Sent Se te ULE, Ue SLE et Ee 18 Secondary enemies of the trees, and neutral insects..........--------------- 18 EERO TS: CLE GRTE CHE) | 20 SR I le rn 19 Application of the method in the Black Hills.....-.-...-.-.-.-.-.-.-2-.--- 19 Application of themethad mr Colorados®. 22 2). 22026. be ele. eee lie 20 Further recommendations relating to the control of the beetle.............-- 21 IN@IDS SS SSS GOSS OSS Le Ses SERCH IE El 22 SG DSS. ae IR ie eae 8 ee Oe oe ee 23 PES Pa? LOS: PLATES. Pirate J. Work of the Black Hills beetle. Fig. 1.—Primary galleries and larval mines in inner bark. Fig. 2.—Marks of primary galleries on surface of. score Chip.) i228 S525 See ee ee eee ee ee Il. Work of the Black Hills beetle. Fig. 1—Marks of primary galleries on surface of wood when bark is removed. Fig. 2.—Freshly attacked tree, showing pitch tubes; adjoining tree not attacked....-.-.---.- TEXT FIGURES. Bue. 1.) The Black ‘Hills beetle: ‘adult’ .225 535 S222. 2- es ony se eee 2. Work of the Black Hills beetle: primary galleries and larval mines in inner surtacevot living bark... 5225 Atco Se et ee ee eee 3. Work of the Black Hills beetle, in inner bark of dead tree -_..-.--------- 4. Work of the Black Hills beetle: pitch tubes on surface of bark... .--.--- 5.) The Black ills beetle: slarvayco 355 2e5oceas eee ee eo sotto eer eee 6. The Black-Hills beetle: spupai-cs-: Sao eee eee eee eee 4 Page. 12 14 11 12 13 14 15 15 THE BLACK HILLS BEETLE. (Dendroctonus ponderose © Hopk.) INTRODUCTORY. The object of this bulletin is to give additional information on the distribution, life history, habits, and methods for the control of the Black Hills beetle, based on further investigations by the writer and his field assistants, and information through correspond- ence with forest officials and others. It is now known that this beetle occurs in the eastern sections of the Rocky Mountain region from the Black Hills of South Dakota to northern New Mexico; and there is evidence that its distribution extends westward into Utah and northern Arizona. It attacks and kills the western yellow or bull pine (Pinus pon- derosa) and the white spruce (Picea canadensis) in the Black Hills of South Dakota; and the western yellow or bull pine, the limber pine (Pinus flexilis), and the Engelmann spruce (Picea engelmannt) in the Pikes Peak region. Wherever this insect is found in abnormal numbers its depreda- tions on living timber are more or less extensive. It has killed between 700,000,000 and 1,000,000,000 feet of timber in the Black Hills Forest Reserve, and is also demonstrating its destructive powers in central Colorado and New Mexico. The method for its control recommended by the writer and adopted in the Black Hills and Pikes Peak region has been sufh- ciently tested to show that it is both practicable and effective, and that, under proper management, a forest can be protected at a moderate expenditure, or almost without cost where there is a market for the timber. HISTORICAL REFERENCES. Probably the earliest published information on the destrictive work of this insect is that by Prof. H. S. Graves, in which he refers to the dying pine timber in the Black Hills of South Dakota. He stated that the patches of dying and dead timber are usually rec- tangular in shape, following the tops of the divide or ridges and running lengthwise up and down the slope, and that this injury was probably caused by bark-boring insects of a species of Scolytide. a Family Scolytide. b Ninth Rept. U.S. Geol. Surv., Pt. V, p. 87, 1897-98. 5 6 : THE BLACK HILLS BEETLE. Specimens of the bark-boring insects found attacking the living trees in the area mentioned by Professor Graves were sent to the Department of Agriculture in August, 1898, by Mr. William M. Pratt, from Piedmont, 8. Dak., and by Mr. H. E. Dewey, from Lead, S. Dak., and more specimens were sent in by Mr. Dewey in August, 1899. These were at first identified as Dendroctonus rufipennis Kirby, and as D. terebrans Oliv.; but in 1900 they were examined by the writer and were found to represent an undescribed species of Dendroctonus. Specimens of the same insect were also found in the collections of the American Entomological Society, at Philadelphia, and in the United States National Museum, labeled South Dakota, Utah, and Colorado, the latter from Pikes Peak, July 10, 1900. In September, 1901, upon the request of Mr. Gifford Pinchot, Chief of the Bureau of Forestry, and under the direction of Dr. L. O. Howard, Chief of the Division of Entomology, an investiga- tion of the trouble affecting the timber in the Black Hills Forest Reserve was made by the writer; and on October 23, 1901, a type- written report was submitted to Doctor Howard and Mr. Pinchot which, with additional data and illustrations, was transmitted for publication in January, 1902, and was issued in that year as Bulletin No. 32, new series, of the Division of Entomology. In this bulletin the new species found to be the primary cause of the death of the timber was described under the name of Dendroctonus ponderose, and certain facts in its habits and life history were presented, together with recommendations based thereon, for felling and barking the infested trees at a time of the year when the mere removal of the bark from the main trunk, without burning, would be sufficient to kill the broods. In July, 1902, Mr. John P. Brown, secretary of the International Society of Arboriculture, issued a “Special Rocky Mountain Bulletin on the Destructive Beetles of Pinus ponderosa,” in which reference is made to the destruction of pine timber in the Black Hills of South Dakota and in Colorado by two beetles, which he designates as the “large destructive barkbeetle’’ and the “small destructive bark- beetle,” but he omitted their scientific or technical names. There- fore it is not known to what particular species he referred, or whether or not he had two or more species confused. It is safle however, that the depredations in the Black Hills were caused by D. pono previously described. Mr. Brown recommended the remedy of felling and barking the trees and burning the bark with the tops; but his main argument was for the protection of insectivorous birds. . In 1902 Mr. J. L. Webb, special field agent in forest insect investi- gations, assigned from the Bureau of Forestry, and working under instructions from the writer, spent five months (May 28—October 30) THE BLACK HILLS BEETLE. a in the Black Hills Reserve, studying the life history and habits of the beetle. He also conducted extensive trap-tree experiments, in which over two hundred matured healthy trees were girdled or felled to determine their attractive influence on the Black Hills beetle and other forest-tree insects. In August, 1902, and June, 1903, the writer visited the reserve and made special studies of the beetle and of the trap-tree experiments. In October and November, 1902, and November, 1904, Field Assistant H. E. Burke visited the reserve for _ the same purpose, and Forest Ranger W. G. Courtney made records of observations on the trap trees from June to October, 1903. August 12, 1902, Prof. C. P. Gillette sent specimens of a barkbeetle from Bailey, Colo., with a statement that he had found it in dying pine trees. This proved to be the Black Hills beetle, D. ponderose, and was the first authentic record of its work in Colorado. During a special investigation in May, 1903, the writer found the same species in northwestern New Mexico, in the vicinity of Vermejo, where it was attacking and killing the matured pine timber over a large area. Here the method of cutting and barking the infested trees was recommended. In December, 1904, specimens of the beetle were sent by Mr. P. P. Blass, with a statement that a large amount of timber was dying in the vicinity of Palmer Lake. In reply, Mr. Blass’s attention was called to the dangerous character of this enemy of pine trees, and published data on the subject, supplemented by written instructions for the cutting and barking of infested trees, were sent him. Upon the suggestion of Mr. Blass, on February 15, 1905, a set of bulletins and written instructions were also sent to the town board of Palmer Lake. This resulted in the cutting and barking of a large number of infested trees by different people in that vicinity. Upon infor- mation from the clerk of the town board of Palmer Lake that the timber was dying in the forest reserve, adjoining the town property, information was conveyed by the writer to the Forest Service, to- gether with copies of recommendations for the cutting and barking of infested timber; also stating that upon receipt of information from the supervisor as to the character and extent of the trouble in the reserve, the Bureau of Entomology would take the matter up with them and, if necessary, send a man into the field to make special investigations. Later a report of May 11, 1905, addressed to the Forest Service by Supervisor Clarke, was referred to the writer on May 17. In reply to this, more detailed instructions were sent to Supervisor Clarke, for the identification of the trees which should be cut, with the statement that it would be more desirable for the Bureau to make an investigation in the fall. In a letter dated July 14, 1905, Prof. C. P. Gillette, State ento- mologist of Colorado, stated that during a visit to Palmer Lake he 8 THE BLACK HILLS BEETLE. noted that a large amount of timber was dying in that vicinity. The specimens sent to the Bureau of Entomology with his letter proved to be the Black Hills species, thus leaving no doubt regarding the primary enemy and the great danger of an invasion which might soon extend beyond control unless active measures were adopted. In the meantime, General Palmer, certain members of the faculty of the Colorado College, and others interested in the protection of the forests in the vicinity of Colorado Springs had inaugurated an active campaign to control the ravages of the beetle, in which the services of Prof. Lawrence Bruner, of the University of Nebraska, were secured to make investigations and give instructions in felling and barking the timber. Two reports were submitted by Professor Bruner to General Palmer, one dated August 2, the other September 19. These reports, together with correspondence and other data, were published in Arboriculture for October, 1905, pages 205-212. Under Professor Bruner’s direction between 600 and 800 trees on private lands in the vicinity of Glen Kyrie, Colorado Springs, and adjoining the reserve were felled during August, September, and October, and the bark removed and burned with the tops, to kill the insects with which they were infested. On September 16 a full report of the results of explorations by the forest rangers in the Pikes Peak Forest Reserve was submitted to the Chief of the Forest Service by Supervisor Clarke. This included specified descriptions of ranges and sections containing infested timber which General Palmer had requested permission to cut and bark at his own expense, for the further protection of the surrounding public and private forests. Copies of these typewritten reports and statements were submitted by the Acting Forester for consid- eration, and upon consultation with Mr. Gifford Pinchot, Forester, and Mr. Overton W. Price, Associate Forester, it was decided that the writer should proceed at once to make the necessary investiga- tion on which to base recommendations for the consideration of forest officials and others, in further efforts to control the destruc- tive insects in and around the Pikes Peak Reserve. This investigation was made October 5 to 13, 1905, and the fol- lowing report submitted: REPORT ON FOREST INSECT INVESTIGATIONS IN THE PIKES PEAK FOREST RESERVE. OBJECTS. The object of this special trip was to investigate the character and extent of depredations by the pine-destroying beetle of the Black Hills (Dendroctonus ponderose Hopk.) in the pine forests of the Pikes Peak Forest Reserve, in the vicinity of Colorado Springs and Palmer THE BLACK HILLS BEETLE. 9 Lake and at such other points as might be deemed necessary; to give instructions to the forest officials and others in carrying out our rec- ommendations for the control of this and other insects directly associated with the dying timber, and to determine for the Forest Service the approximate extent of necessary cutting of timber on the reserve to protect the remaining living timber in the vicinity of Col- orado Springs and adjoining private estates, as proposed by Gen. William J. Palmer. EXPLORATIONS. Beginning on the morning of October 5 explorations were made as follows: Glen Eyrie trail on mountain northward, returning via Douglass Canyon; October 6, from Glen Kyrie by way of Colorado City, Bear Creek Canyon, High Line road, to Bruin Inn, returning by way of North Cheyenne Canyon, Colorado Springs, and Palmer Park; October 7, from Glen Eyrie by way of Manitou, over Crystal Park trail to Crystal Park, returning by the Bear Creek trail, Bear Creek Canyon, and Colorado Springs; October 8, from Glen Eyrie, by way of Blair Athol, Pike View, Pope Ranch, and Palmer Park; Octo- ber 9, from Colorado Springs by way of Colorado Springs and Cripple Creek Railway to Clyde, thence by wagon to an altitude of about 10,000 feet, returning by same route to Colorado Springs; October 10, from Colorado Springs by way of the Colorado Midland Rail- road to Woodland Park, thence by wagon to Manitou Park; October 11, by saddle from Manitou Park east to Palmer Lake, thence by wagon southeast by way of Husted to Woodland Ranch; October 12, in the Colorado pinery on the Arkansas and Platte divide; Octo- ber 13, in the Colorado pinery, returning by way of Colorado Springs to Glen Eyrie. Additional explorations were made on the 12th and 13th by Mr. Edmonston, under my instructions, in the vicinity of Palmer Lake. During all but one of these trips | was accompanied by Mr. W. D. Edmonston, head ranger of the Pikes Peak Forest Reserve, who was designated by Forest Supervisor Clarke as the proper official to receive instructions in the identification of the infested trees to be felled and barked to kill the principal insect enemies. I was also accompanied on a number of the trips by General Palmer’s foreman, who received similar instructions. Supervisor Clarke accompanied us on two trips, General Palmer on three, and Forest Assistant Clement on two. SUMMARY OF RESULTS, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS. (1) The depredations by the Black Hills beetle (Dendroctonus ponderose Hopk.) within the area examined are by no means as extensive as we were led to believe from the reports and correspond- ence. 12405—No. 56—06——2 10 THE BLACK HILLS BEETLE. (2) The principal areas of recent damage by this beetle in the reserve and on private lands are in the vicinity of Cascade and Palmer Lake; but evidence of old and new work was observed to be more or less frequent in all sections visited. (3) The evidence found on old, dead, standing, and felled trees of the work of the Black Hilis beetle on pine, the spruce-destroying beetle (Dendroctonus piceaperda Hopk.) on Engelmann spruce, and the Douglas spruce Dendroctonus (D. pseudotsuge Hopk. MSS.) on Douglas spruce indicate that all of these species have been present and destructive to living timber in this region for at least fifty years. The number and distribution of such old beetle-marked trees indi- vate that very extensive depredations have been wrought by them in the Pikes Peak region within the past century; and present conditions also indicate that a large per cent of the vast destruction of timber, heretofore attributed to fire, was primarily due to the work of these insects. (4) The three species of bark beetles above mentioned are without doubt the most important insect enemies of conifer forests in the central Rocky Mountain region; hence they are a constant menace to the remaining living timber in and around the reserves of central Colorado. While at present the spruce-destroying beetle appears to be rare, and the Douglas spruce and Black Hills beetles are not common enough to cause extensive depredations, it is plain, from what is known of the destructive powers of these insects, that if neglected and if specially favorable conditions for their multiplication should prevail for two or more years in succession they could easily destroy all of the timber of commercial size and a large per cent of the reproduction. THE BLACK HILLS BEETLE. The Black Hills beetle (D. ponderosex) is at present the most com- mon and destructive enemy of the living pine timber in and around the Pikes Peak Reserve; therefore it should receive primary con- sideration. The best success in any efforts by forest officials or private owners of forests to control this beetle will depend on a sufficient knowledge of the species, its habits, life history, and the influences which are favorable or unfavorable for its increase and destructive invasions. Insufficient knowledge on these points results in the confusion of the primary and secondary enemies of the tree, unnecessary expendi- ture of time and money, by felling and barking trees at the wrong time of the year, or after the broods of the primary enemy have emerged, the felling of living trees which would have recovered, and the unnecessary destruction of beneficial insects and insect dis- eases by burning the bark. THE BLACK HILLS BEETLE. It The following description of distinctive characters of the beetle, its work, habits, life history, etc., is based on the results of our studies of the species in the field and laboratory, brought up to date, regardless of what has been previously published or given out in correspondence. CHARACTERS OF THE BEETLE (FIG. 1). The distinctive characters of the Black Hills beetle are its length, which is from one-sixth to one-fourth of an inch; its stout form, with broad head and prothorax; its black color, and the rounded or convex rear end of the body (declivity of the elytra), which is without conspicuous long hairs. The allied species, which may be mistaken for it, are distinguished as follows: The large red turpen- tine beetle (Dendroctonus valens Lec.) is much larger, is dark reddish in color, never black, and forms large masses of pitch at or toward the base of living and dying pine trees and stumps. The Colorado Dendroctonus (D. approxi- matus Dietz) is black, with broad head, but the body is more elongate, the front of the head is grooved, and the declivity of the elytra has long, stiff hairs; it lives in the bark of pine, but makes a winding, sometimes branched, gallery. The spruce- destroying beetle (Dendroctonus piceaperda Hopk.) is reddish brown to black, but with much narrower head, with long hairs on the iF : f Fig. 1.—The Black Hills beetle: a, declivity of the elytra, and is always found adult, enlarged; b, same, natural inesspruce. 1 the /Douglasispruce beetle %7 Cuthor’s Mlustration.) (Dendroctonus pseudotsugz n. sp.) is dark red or brown, and always breeds in Douglas spruce and western larch. The species which most closely resembles the Black Hills beetle is the mountain-pine beetle (Dendroctonus monticola Hopk.), which is only distinguished in the adult stage by the smaller size, slightly less stout form, less dis- tinctly roughened elytra, and more obscured rows of punctures on the sides of the elytra, the latter being the most important char- acter for its distinction. CHARACTERS OF THE GALLERY (FIGS. 2 AND 3 AND PL. I). The primary gallery excavated in the bark by the Black Hills beetle is distinguished from that of any other species as yet known to live in the pine of the Black Hills or Colorado by the slight curve at the entrance end and the almost straight course with the grain through the inner layers of bark, and grooving the surface of the wood. ‘There is only one pine-infesting species with which this form 12 THE BLACK HILLS BEETLE. of gallery can be confused, namely, the mountain pine beetle, which has not as yet been found in the same region. If it should occur, however, the galleries may be distinguished by the smaller size, more NA FES Wel ey3 LA ip, re ! = } { Se i Oo VT REEYAK O i , ie MS OH Fig. 2.—Work of the Black Hills beetle (Dendroctonus ponderose Hopk.). Primary galleries and larval mines in inner surface of living bark: a, entrance and basal chamber; }, ventilating holes in roof of gallery; c, termination. The larval mines radiate from the primary galleries. About one- half natural size. (Author’s illustration.) crooked and slightly winding course, and by the fact that they are more commonly met with in the silver pine, limber pine, and lodge- pole pine. Whenever the Black Hills species is found in spruce the co AF AW AIOU IVAN ee S| Vt tiie 4ivv _ “AZIS IWYNLVN GYIHL-3NO LNOdY CNOILVYLSNTT] S:HOHLAY) “MUVG YSNN| NI SANIJ] IVAYV7] GNV SaIuaTIVS AYVNIYG—'| ‘IJ “AZIS IYNLVN GYIHL-3NO LNOSY (NOILVYLSNTT] SCHOHLNVY) “dlIHD ONIYOOS 4O 30V4AYNS NO S3IYATIVS AYVWNIYd JO SHYVIN—'S ‘DIF Bul. 56, Bureau of Entomology, U, S. Dept. of Agriculture. PAmEals THE BLACK HILLS BEETLE. 183) gallery is distinguished from that of the spruce-destroying beetle by its slender form and more evenly distributed side or brood mines. CHARACTERS OF THE INFESTED TREES (FIG. 4 AND PL. IJ). Trees attacked by the Black Hills beetle between July and October will be indicated by the presence of pitch tubes, or sawdust borings, and upon removal of the bark the young broods will be found mining through the inner living layers, or the bark will be entirely killed on the main trunk; but the foliage will remain green, or will be but faintly faded until May and June of the following year, when the leaves on - the lower branches will turn yellow and die. This condition will rapidly extend to the topmost leaves, so that by the time the broods of maturing beetles are ready to emerge the foliage is yel- lowish red to light reddish brown in . color. This is the stage of death called ~sornel tops.” Later in the sum- mer and during the following winter, after all living ex- (oS Ope JR IS S ai WSs 5 Ap’ | : amples of the beetle ,,. 3 work of the Black Hills beetle, in inner bark of dead tree: have emerged, the a, primary galleries; b, larval mines; c, pupal chambers; d, exit holes. foliage is dark red- Reduced about one-half. (Author’s illustration.) dish brown, called ‘‘red tops.’’ This condition prevails during the second summer after attack; but by the third summer all, or nearly all, of the leaves have fallen, which gives the tops of the dead trees a blackish appearance, called ‘‘black tops.” Beginning with freshly attacked trees during the first summer, they are distinguished by the exudation of fresh whitish or reddish pitch forming small masses or tubes on the bark of the main trunk or by the presence of fresh reddish sawdust-like borings lodged in the loose bark and around the base of the tree. 14 THE BLACK HILLS BEETLE. Trees infested with partially to fully developed broods from the latter part of August to the first of November, and during the period of inactivity, are distinguished by numerous pitch tubes over and entirely around the middle portion of the trunk and extending more or less toward the base and | | top. The age of the pitch | tubes is indicated by their relatively moist or dry con- dition. A successful or vital _ infestation will be shown by the large number of pitch tubes surrounding the entire (| trunk,and also by their red- dish color and general ap- pearance. An unsuccessful attack—from which the tree will recover—is indicated after the first of November by a small number of smooth’ whitish pitch masses scat- | tered about over the trunk, confined to or toward the base; their absence on the middle to upper portion of the trunk or, if present there, their failure to completely surround it. | Positive evidence as to- | whether or not a green- ,| topped, pitch-marked tree is infested by living broods is determined only by cutting into the bark at different places, 4 to 8 feet from the base. This test should be made during the inactive period, when trees are being Fic. 4.—Work of the Black Hills beetle: a, pitch tubes on marked for ain aline ‘ surface of bark, much reduced; b, same, two-thirds Soon after activity begins natural size. (Author’s illustration.) in the spring, infested trees are distinguished by a pale appearance of the foliage, followed by a yellow or reddish brown color, as if killed by fire. Dead trees which have been killed by the Black Hills beetle but are no longer infested by living broods are distinguished during the summer, fall, and winter by the old dry pitch tubes on the bark and the dark reddish brown or ‘“black-topped’’ condition. The only PLATE II. Bul. 56, Bureau of Entomology, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. FiG. 1.—MARKS OF PRiMARY GAL- LERIES ON SURFACE OF Woop WHEN BARK IS REMOVED. (AU- THOR’S ILLUSTRATION.) WORMS (OF alls FiG. 2.—FRESHLY ATTACKED TREE, SHOWING PITCH TUBES. ADJOINING TREE NOT AT- TACKED. (AUTHOR’S ILLUSTRATION. ) BEACK (HIEES BEEREE: THE BLACK HILLS BEETLE. M5) exception to this is when the top portion of the tree or one side of the trunk is killed the first year and a brood develops in the remain- ing living bark the next year. This sometimes occurs, but is never common enough to require special notice. Its occasional occurrence, however, explains why broods of the beetle are sometimes found in trees which appear to have been dead for two or three years. LIFE HISTORY. The insect passes the winter, or inactive period, in all stages—as larve, pup, and adults—beneath the bark of trees attacked by the parent beetles during the previous summer and fall. Activity begins in the spring as soon as sufficient warm weather prevails, when the broods continue to develop and mature, but remain in the bark until about the middle of July (Black Hills, latitude 44°, altitude 7,000 feet), probably later northward and at higher altitudes, and earlier southward and at lower altitudes. When the adults (fig. 1) begin to emerge from the bark of the trees in which they had developed from eggs depos- ited the previous year, they usually fly in swarms, and attack the living trees, in which they excavate galleries through the inner layer of bark and groove jig 5 —tarva of the the surface of the wood. Along the sides of these Black Hills _ beetle. primary galleries excavated by the beetle, eggs ‘A™Horstlusttation) are deposited for the next generation, which, as be- fore, hatch into grubs or larve (fig. 5), which mine at right angles to the primary galleries through the inner bark, on which they feed. This feeding and growing stage continues during the first summer, some of the individuals completing their development before fall, so that all stages, including the pupe (fig. 6), may be found during the fall in the trees attacked in July. These with the younger broods remain dormant dur- ing the winter and complete their development the following spring in time to emerge in their regular Seperate CO during the following summer. Black Hills beetle. The period of flight of the beetles and of their attack (Author's illus- 9 living trees, as well as the ege-depositing period, is tration.) : = ° about seventy-five days, beginning about the middle of July and ending about the first of October. The exact time of the beginning and ending of this period in a given locality depends upon the latitude, altitude, and local conditions. The normal period of development of a brood from the time the living tree is attacked and the eggs deposited until the adults emerge from the 16 THE BLACK HILLS BEETLE. dying or dead trees is about three hundred and forty days. The period of activity—the feeding, growing, and maturing stages—of all broods of a single generation during the first summer is about ninety days—July 15 to October 15—and about one hundred and fifty days from the time activity begins the following spring—early in May—until the last individual has developed and emerged—early in October. Thus there is a total active period of about two hundred and forty days. The period of inactivity—from about October 15 to early in May—is about one hundred and ninety-five days, making the total period of infestation of all broods of a single generation about four hundred and thirty-five days. This, of course, provides for an overlapping of the last broods of one generation and the first broods of the next, during July, August, and September. NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL INFLUENCES. DROUGHT AND COLD. It has been a common belief that the dying of the timber is caused by drought, but it is now clearly demonstrated that wherever the Black Hills beetle is abundant it kills the healthiest trees under all conditions of dry and wet seasons, moist or dry soils, north or south slopes, ridges, etc. It has also been demonstrated that it can with- stand a temperature of 30° to 40° F., or more, below zero. LIGHTNING. It has been found that trees struck by lightning, or at least those struck in summer, are usually attacked by this beetle, and that such trees serve to perpetuate the species at times when it does not occur in sufficient numbers to kill trees on its own account. Such trees also serve to support the natural enemies of the beetle, including insects, diseases, and birds. STORMS. Storm-felled living trees also serve as emergency breeding places, and if the storm occurs at the proper time in the year to make the conditions especially attractive to the beetles when they are flying, they may be attracted for long distances. This concentration of scattering forces breeding in felled timber may form the nucleus for a destructive invasion. This has been demonstrated from time to time in Europe, where even secondary enemies of the genus Tomicus have been thus enabled to multiply in such great numbers as to attack and kill living forests. FIRE. Our observations so far have failed to reveal much evidence that this species will breed in trees injured or killed by fire in sufficient THE BLACK HILLS BEETLE. LT numbers to materially aid their increase. Indeed, newly fire- scorched trees observed near a sawmill in the Manitou Park section showed no trace of the presence or work of this beetle, although the trees were being attacked by several species of secondary enemies, including the true turpentine beetle (Dendroctonus valens Lec.). On the other hand, an extensive forest fire may contribute to the destruc- tion of the Black Hills beetle by burning the dead bark from the liy- ing and dying infested trees, which may explain the evident sudden endings of old invasions. COMMERCIAL CUTTING. The cutting of living trees for commercial purposes has appar- ently little or no influence on the multiplication of the beetle. While it will breed in freshly cut logs from living trees, our experiments show that it prefers to attack standing timber. Then, again, any operations which involve the removal of the bark from the logs for ties, mining timbers, etc., will destroy any broods which may be therein. Jf cut into cord wood, the bark will soon become too dry for the insect to live in. Slabs from freshly cut logs may favor its development in small numbers, but usually the conditions in such material are not favorable. Neither do the green stumps, so far as we have observed, offer sufficiently attractive breeding places for this beetle to warrant the barking of such stumps. Nothing in the slash will offer favorable breeding places, except the tops of the main trunk, and this is seldom sufficient to warrant any special treatment. SUMMER CUTTING IN PATCHES. The cutting of living infested trees and of healthy trees in local commercial cuttings is objectionable from the fact that we have found that when a few living trees are felled in the midst of a forest where this beetle is present in numbers it will be attracted by the odor and will attack the surrounding standing timber. Therefore such local summer cuttings should be avoided. TRAP TREES. This is a method of combating bark beetles in which trees are girdled or felled to attract the insects to them, after which the broods are destroyed by stripping off the bark or burning the entire tree. Trap-tree experiments were conducted by Mr. J. L. Webb, under the writer’s instructions, in the Black Hills Reserve in 1902, in which trees were felled, hack girdled, girdled to the heartwood, belt girdled, and hacked and peeled at intervals of five or six days between June 2 and October 30. The result of this experiment showed conclu- sively that no method of preparing the trap trees was of sufficient 18 THE BLACK HILLS BEETLE. value in its attractive influence on the Black Hills beetle to warrant its adoption in efforts to control this insect. While many of the trap trees were attacked, the percentage and density of the infesta- tion were no greater than in near-by or distant healthy trees. On the other hand, it was shown conclusively that the felled trap trees were especially attractive to one of the most important secondary enemies, namely, the Oregon Tomicus (Tomicus oregont Eichh.). NATURAL ENEMIES. INSECTS. While a number of insect enemies of the Black Hills beetle have been found during our investigations, they appear to have little effect when the timber is dying over large areas, but under normal condi- tions of scattering infested trees they seem to render valuable sery- ice in preventing the rapid multiplication of the destructive beetle. BIRDS. The work of woodpeckers is frequently seen on infested trees, but, like the beneficial insects, they do their greatest service, perhaps, in helping to preserve the normal balance in the struggle of the trees against insects and of the insects against their own enemies. DISEASES OF INSECTS. Evidence was frequently found of the destruction of part or all of the broods in an infested tree by fungous diseases, but to what extent this factor affects the decrease of the beetle has not been determined. SECONDARY ENEMIES OF THE TREES, AND NEUTRAL INSECTS. Insects which attack only weakened, dying, or dead trees, and those associated with a destructive or primary enemy are called sec- ondary enemies. Insects which simply live under the bark or feed on fungi, dead wood, and bark are in no manner responsible for injury to the tree. Thus they are either neutral insects, scavengers, or guests. There are so many of all of these classes of insects associated with the Black Hills beetle in trees killed by it that it would require too much space to discuss them in this connection; but it seems neces- sary to say that the greatest care should be taken to avoid confusing some of the species of secondary enemies with the primary one, and that when there is the slightest doubt specimens should be sent to this Bureau for identification. THE BLACK HILLS BEETLE. 19 METHODS OF CONTROL. The results of our investigations to date suggest but slight changes in our recommendations in 1901 and 1902, published in Bulletin 32 (pp. 21, 22), as follows: It appears that the pine-destroying beetle of the Black Hills, like its eastern relatives, depends on the trees killed by it for the augmentation of its numbers and the perpetuation of its power of killing more trees. Therefore it is only necessary that the attacking force be reduced to a point where it can no longer overcome the vital resistance of the trees on which it concentrates its attack in order to successfully defeat it. The fact that the attacking force of the enemy is already weakened from natural agencies suggests that they can be reduced by artificial means below their power of killing more trees next season, and thus bring the trouble to an end. Therefore the following are suggested and recommended as probably the best methods of accomplishing this result: (1) Determine the location and extent of areas in which trees were attacked during the summer and fall (of 1901) and the aumber of trees now infested with living broods of the pine-destroying beetle. (2) Select those areas in which there are the largest number of infested trees and mark the same for cutting. (3) Secure, by sale contracts or otherwise, the cutting of these trees and the removal of the bark from the infested parts of the main trunks and stumps prior to May 1(1902). The drying of the removed infested bark and surface of the wood will effectually destroy the insects. In addition the logs so treated will be protected next spring and summer from the attack of wood-boring insects, and thus be almost or quite as valuable for all commercial purposes as if cut from living trees. It is not necessary that all infested trees in the reserve or those of all other infested areas should be thus cut and barked, but it is important that a large percentage should be so treated in order to insure a sufficient reduction of the beetles to check their destructive ravages. Experience has shown quite conclusively that the above recom- mendations are entirely practicable, and it has also been demon- strated that whenever the felled trees are accessible for lumber, ties, mining timbers, or cord wood it can usually be sold for more than the cost of cutting and barking. APPLICATION OF THE METHOD IN THE BLACK HILLS. There has been a continued effort to control this destructive beetle in the Black Hills Reserve since 1901, but the adoption of the neces- sary radical measures was prevented by certain regulations governing the management of the reserve, which required the advertising and sale of the old dead and dying timber, for which there was not a suffi- cient demand in the State of South Dakota; and since a special pro- vision of the law prohibited the shipment of timber out of the State, it was practically impossible to accomplish anything of importance. We are informed, however, that the evident benefit in certain sec- tions resulting from cutting and barking the infested timber is such as to indicate that if more radical measures had been adopted under a more liberal policy of timber sales, and under a temporary amend- 20 THE BLACK HILLS BEETLE. ment of the laws relating to its shipment out of the State, the destructive beetle could have been brought under complete control and millions of feet of valuable timber saved without cost to the Government. APPLICATION OF THE METHOD IN COLORADO. Pursuant to our recommendations, a large number of trees were felled during the past summer (1905) on private lands in and around Palmer Lake, Colorado, where between 500 and 1,000 trees had been killed within recent years over a comparatively small area. Observa- tions by the writer in October, and explorations by Ranger Edmon- ston in that vicinity, indicated a very slight new infestation this year. It is evident, therefore, that the efforts of the town board and of the citizens in cutting and barking the infested trees has had the desired effect in partially, if not completely, checking the destructive work of the beetle. If this good work is supplemented with a like effort on the part of forest officials during the coming winter, there is every reason to believe that the trouble in this vicinity will be brought under complete control, and that with a little well-directed effort each suc- ceeding year it can be kept within normal bounds. The same method was adopted by General Palmer and others,under the direction of Professor Bruner, in the vicinity of Colorado Springs and the Colorado pinery on the Platte and Arkansas Divide. The operation of barking and felling the affected dead and dying trees extended over an area of probably 150,000 acres, and between 600 and 800 trees were felled and barked, and the bark burned with the tops. A thorough examination of this area by the writer indicates quite conclusively that the forces of the enemy have thus been sufficiently weakened to make their complete subjugation a comparatively easy matter, especially if the principal areas of present infestation in the reserve receive the proper treatment between now and the first of May. It is evident to the writer that in both localities considerable unnec- essary expense was involved in the cutting of old dead trees from which the enemy may have escaped and of those which might have recovered, as well as in burning the bark and tops, peeling the stumps, etc.; but it is plain that the losses from such unnecessary expen- ditures are of little consequence as compared with the great good accomplished. THE BLACK HILLS BEETLE. 21 FURTHER RECOMMENDATIONS RELATING TO THE CONTROL OF THE BEETLE. (1) Explorations should be made, preferably during August, Sep- tember, and October, to locate the principal areas of new infestation. (2) Mark for cutting all clumps or patches of infested trees and some of the more accessible scattering ones in the worst-infested sections. (3) The best time to fell and bark infested trees is between the middle of October and the first of May. (4) If there is no demand for the timber, and more can be accom- plished by piling the trunks and tops and burning them, or sufficiently scorching the bark to kill the insects, this method may be followed; _but barking the infested portion of the trunks, without burning the bark or tops, is preferable, since it will avoid the destruction of many beneficial insects, and the exposed broods of the destructive beetle furnish food for birds. (5) In some localities, and under certain conditions, it may be advisable to burn the tops, but if this is done to kill the insects it should be delayed until after the first of May and completed before the middle of June. (6) If for any reason the work of felling and barking the trees can not be undertaken or completed before the first of May, it may be done during May and June. The necessity for burning the bark and tops at such time will depend upon local conditions and requirements. (7) Summer operations should be avoided. There is nothing to be gained in felling freshly attacked trees which can just as well be cut in the fall and winter. In addition, there is danger of the freshly felled and barked trees exerting an attractive influence on the swarms of beetles which will cause them to attack the surrounding living timber. Then, again, any burning operations during the summer involves the danger of starting forest fires. (8) If it is especially desirable, on account of timber sale and logging contracts, to cut the old dead as well as the newly infested living trees during the active period of the insect—May to October— a thorough exploration should be made by a forest entomologist or a trained forester, who should be responsible for the marking of the infested living trees. It is also important that all cutting of infested timber be concentrated in the worst affected localities. (9) The burning of summer slash and the barking of stumps of trees which are healthy when felled is not necessary as a preventive measure against the Black Hills beetle, and the necessity for doing so against any other insect depends entirely on the species involved and local conditions. 22 THE BLACK HILLS BEETLE. (10) The result of experiments and observations indicate that the trap-tree method can not be successfully adopted for this insect. (11) Ifa large amount of pine timber is blown down at any time, but especially in June and July, it should be carefully watched during the first year or two to determine whether or not it is attacked by the Black Hills beetle, and, if so, the bark should be removed during the fall after the attack is made. NOTE. The statements in this bulletin under the headings of ‘Life His- tory,” ‘‘Natural and Artificial Influences,’’ and “Methods of Con- trol”’ relate to the Black Hills beetle alone and are not applicable to any other species of barkbeetle. LN DEX Page Adilincharacene = sc. se Sects. SESS i eet NE A ee opt ere ame 11 merack milvences sidinpyerinducing. 72. 2.225.502 b2se ile. Ss 2 Pee le lees osee 16 “leds ie Tei aeP AGG) Se ee ae are oe ae ee CIP De 18 Malcadaierhinenmientaiiitne: ao 6 2-8 Looe. oes Sl Pe eee 16 Colorado Dendroctonus, distinguishing characters. ........-.-----.------------- 11 Contre lines licks cil sep oe eae bo ee Sh RE be eh ee cali) o an Ws 19-20 Cia OL CmEE eee ee ere va aul srs eerie con AIA Cu vn dae eee 20 TPO AVG IS! 2 es cs RS RS ee ik at re ras gs a 19, 21 ID FRED ERD, GES NSD 3 eras Seco ens RO ee a iS a aa a 5 Dendroctonus approximatus, distinguishing characters.___-...------------------- 11 Colorado. See Dendroctonus approximatus. Douglas spruce. See Dendroctonus pseudotsuge. monticola, distinguishing characters. -.<.-.2----.2s-.22-. 2-2-2: 11 piceaperda, distinguishing characters.-....-...---.-.------------- 11 work in dead Engelmann spruce.--...--.-------- Le 10 ponderose—subject of this bulletin. pseudotsugz, distinguishing characters. ....-.-.------------------- 11 TOMWeSe DON Anh ernest Suyote ft Soi Piel neal? Fase 11 worm: dexd*Douglasspruce: so -So-% =. 20s 2625. 10 Ripe peUnis, wrone Geterminatlons = 2 ~ aes sacle asso eeeeo: os se oae 6 feRebiiLs, Wrone Getermimatlon.- 552.2520 <4 be ce Sees 6 valens, attacking fire-scorched trees.........-.------------------- 17 distingwishinoyeharacters: 2.92. 2. sce ach yt iif PE PRU DU, GUIN GUESS le Bis ook SRE eT ee a 2a al GA eee ne ea a 5 Woveiapmient, Litter ned Mirch ssaee rah AL Sea oA Seals ete os meson Suto cies ¥ = 2 Js 16 IDISET SE oot rin SEE E fis eee se ne me OP ee 18 Dstt DU nONe saat e see aerate eee eee ep pee elon, 3 anise ses ede 5 Douglas spruce, attacked by Dendroctonus pseudotsuge#.......-.---.------------- 10 Dendroctonus. See Dendroctonus pseudotsuge. Brovehi eas auecking infestation: ss - <0. <= 32st eS esos sca ca ss So. te ee oud 16 Pm CR CMC SDOSIEIND 52.0 oa e)n eee ues ae ea wee Se et 8 Ae ee 15 CURE SESS, VOSGGLE Ch 2 NRE RRR | Sereains nt ue cnt op a eo ene er Sees ee 18 Mite earEREC TIM MEOStATIONS 2 < v25 C2 tm nai aie a oie Semis sere Salanta n= ocetsibe vance aeae 16 UPR AEIR ER TIEUS es Ne a chee oie Sas oe, COIR meiste Sas SEES Ga Se ARC 5 RINE Conn RMincnn cca mea = oS. Foe Gea oo eee ea eh eae ee 18 eae Gu TC TAC Lempetn ere. ne 2 one bo oa ee ene See aus cum Barc ee ad fl infesteartreeswin dications ol attacks ~. 2-254. 22 sees os 2u- see seme ce ee eee ee 13 Larch, western, attack of Dendroctonus pseudotsuge ...-.-.--------------------- 11 basen CIS eas CS Se ey reer eet coy Tanne ee ey, Sey CV! a eS eh 18 SIGADTES |. se eo athe 0 2 aa eR te eee ck Pee be Nt Ae eae eR 15 LORS LTE RATE 2 BS Se eee ein 15 24 INDEX. Lightning, as cause of infestation= 2.52 2--<-m- + -eeeeesee eee eee Mountain-pine beetle. See Dendroctonus monticola. Natural. enemies: < 54 of ees ab ooo ce tce ete ae ee eee see Neuitral insects: :.2 S425: .20028k eb Sos. Sa See ee Oregon Tomicus. See Tomicus oregont. IPATASIUIG ENEMIES sae cre use eee eee Ae en eee eee een Picea canadensis, attack of Dendroctonus ponderosz engelmanni, attack of Dendroctonus ponderose.......--------------------- Pine, bull. See Pinus ponderosa. limber. See Pinus flexilis. western yellow. See Pinus ponderosa. Pinus flerilis, attack of Dendroctonus ponderose - . .. - - - ponderosa, attack of Dendroctonus ponderosx.. - - - iteh itubes!: 22sec See te ey te Oe nea iRredaceous) enemies 240-4 ete See ceases eee eae Remedial measures. See Control. Secondary enemies of trees. 2.2.20 2.5025..2.54 se 50555 Spruce, Douglas, attack of Dendroctonus pseudotsuge. Engelmann. See Picea engelmanna. attack of Dendroctonus piceaperda See also Picea engelmanni. white. See Picea canadensis. Spruce-destroying beetle. See Dendroctonus piceaperda. Storm-felled trees, inducing infestation Oregon. See Tomicus oregoni. Pra tTeesase 30 fc .ne BUA ae ee eiolats ae See a eee Ree Turpentine beetle, large red. See Dendroctonus valens. O Temperature, as affecting infestation............----- Tomicus oregoni, attack on trap trees.......---------- 16 16 18 * D epartm © “4 va \ ie te — t r ; ; cy’! ——, . é - . ad ; f SB i} ‘ CH > vt laa) : —- fa é aN S ie Ea | 3 eat ar ig Ve er ae te H es Oe es in fo) eo : & ee Pea 04 Hs oi oan WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT P pe os REPORT E. DWIGHT SANDERSON, en, Bureau of Entomology, in Cooperation with the Entomological Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas. _ PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE ENTOMOLOGIST BY R.S. CuiFT0n, Chief Clerk CP H. Cnimrenpin, in charge of breeding easperiments, « eee . Hoprxins, in charge of forest insect investigations. Ge : ). HUNTER, in charge of cotton boll weevil investigations. ; ¥ WEBSTER, 17 charge of cereal and fora ge-plant insect investigations. A. te -QUAINTANCE, in charge of decidwous- adult aac = on. sSesee Sea eee 47 29. “Nezara, hilariss-stages | = — Sones ae ees ae ee 48 30. Homalodisca triquetras adult-and mymiplhis/22- 2 ase= =e ee 50 31. Oncometopia lateralis: adult and mypmaihes= soe sees 2 eee 55 32. Oncometopia undata: adult and nymph. 22. 222-- == seen - deeee ee) 33:, Aulacizesirroratas adult tse .2 24 oe oo teen ee eee eee 58 4 KEPOKT ON MISCELLANEOUS COTTON INSECTS Nal EAS. INTRODUCTION. Economic entomology has heretofore been concerned with but a few of the many species of insects affecting the cotton plant. The leaf caterpillar and bollworm, and recently the boll weevil, have been exhaustively studied as being the most important insect enemies of the cotton crop, but very little attention has been given to numerous others which frequently cause more or less injury. The reason for this is found in the manner of the growth of cotton, the methods of its culture, and the nature of the injury done by these miscellaneous insects. Cotton is one of the most rank growing of all our staple crops, is cultivated over large areas, and matures its fruit normally for overa month. Consequently, any insect which does only local injury, which does not entirely destroy the young plant, and which does not defoliate the older plants nor destroy the most of their fruit, has been hardly worth combating; for the planter could better afford to stand the loss than to attempt fighting these pests by artificial means. But with the advent of the boll weevil, and the consequent necessity for early cotton and intensive culture with reduced acreage, conditions have somewhat changed, and injuries which before were unheeded are now decried as further reducing the small margin of profit in the weevil district. Any insect which destroys the young plants, necessi- tating replanting, or which checks their growth while young, prevents an early maturity and consequently exposes the crop more to the attacks of the weevil; and later in the season when the weevil has levied its heavy tax upon the crop, any additional injury by insect pests seems a most onerous loss to the planter. These considerations led to the investigation of the cotton insects of Texas reported below. A single season is far too short a time in which to thoroughly cover so large a subject over a State with such varied conditions, and the writer fully appreciates the incompleteness of this report. However, he has endeavored to collect or refer to all the available information concerning the economic aspect of the species treated, so that these notes may form the basis for a further and more exhaustive treatise upon cotton insects in the future. 6 MISCELLANEOUS COTTON INSECTS. It may not be out of place here to briefly refer to previous articles on cotton insects. Having briefly mentioned a few species during the preceding year, in 1855 Townend Glover included an article on cotton insects in his report to the Commissioner of Patents for that year, illustrated with numerous figures of the more common species.“ Later he engraved better figures of many of these species, with which he published a few notes.” In 1892 F. W. Mally, at that time an assistant in the Division of Entomology, in his report on the bollworm,’ mentioned several cotton insects whose injuries might be mistaken for those of the bollworm. Some portions of this report were republished in Insect Life. As a result of an investigation of the insects frequenting cotton fields in Mississippi, Dr. William H. Ashmead published several papers” in which he gives brief notes on the habits of the insects found. In 1896 Dr. L. O. Howard gave the first general account of cotton insects published since that of Glover.* Since the publication of this paper no general study has been made of cotton insects other than the boll weevil and bollworm, except that excellent work of Prof. H. A. Morgan upon the differential locust, which is noted in the account of that insect in the following pages. From his study of the life histories of the minor cotton insects and the methods of cotton culture, the writer believes that for but few of them will artificial remedies, such as poisoning, be found generally practicable. Like most of the insects affecting our staple crops, they must be largely controlled by general methods of culture and farm management, such as the destruction of their native food plants, rota- tion of crops, and winter or early spring plowing. More intensive cultivation of cotton will undoubtedly result in a material lessening of the injury by many of these pests, and, under such conditions, those which may be profitably combated by remedial treatments will be more successfully and generally treated. Most of the work upon the life histories described below was done by Mr. A. C. Lewis, who was in charge of a temporary laboratory upon the demonstration farm of Mr. E. H. R. Green, at Terrell, Tex., and by Mr. C. E. Sanborn at the laboratory at College Station. Mr. A. F. Conradi, at that time assistant entomologist of Texas, also helped in the work. The writer is indebted to Doctor Ashmead, of « Report of U. 8. Comm. Patents f. 1855, Agriculture, 1856, pp. 64-115, pls. 6-10. > Manuscript notes from my journal.—Cotton and the principal insects, ete., fre- quenting or injuring the plant in the United States. Washington, D. C., 1878, 2 pp., 22 plates. €1893: Bul. 29, o. s., Div. of Ent., U. S. Dept. Agric., pp. 29-33. - 41894-95: Insect Life, Vol. VII, pp. 25-29, 240-247, 320-326. 21896: ““The Cotton Plant.” Bul. 33, Off} Exp. Staz)-Us Ss: Dept. Acriceapn: 316-350, figs. 9-29, Pl. IV; and 1897: Farmers’ Bul. 47, U. 8. Dept. Agric., pp. 31, 8 figs., 1 pl. ; OUTWORMS. Mi the U.S. National Museum, for the determination of the parasitic Hymenoptera, to Prof. E. D. Ball, Logan, Utah, for the descriptions, and to Mrs. Ball for the drawings, of the Jassid nymphs. INSECTS AFFECTING THE YOUNG PLANTS. CUTWORMS. Observations were made upon three of the most common species of cutworms, and although the facts ascertained are not complete in any instance, so little has been written concerning the life histories of cut- worms in the South that it seems well to record the facts observed. Reports from numerous voluntary observers in different sections of Texas indicate that injury by cutworms to garden crops commences during the first half of March and ceases from the middle of April until early May, the exact dates depending upon the latitude. Thus in 1904 Mr. G. E. Miles reported that at Friendswood, Galveston County, cutworms commenced work on corn and potato about Febru- ary 20, were still at work March 30, and ceased injury about April 13. In Cherokee County injury commenced about March 1. In Anderson County the injury was most serious about March 15, subsiding about April 16, and cutworms were reported as being found in gardens dur- ing the entire winter. Little injury was reported to cotton in 1904, but correspondents state that in many previous seasons they were obliged to replant very largely, on account of cutworms. Planters state that the injury is much more serious if during the previous fall there has been an abundant rainfall, so that there is a rank growth of grass and weeds about October 1, and that in the spring the worms are found in greatest numbers at the sides and along the ends of the fields, where there has been more vegetation. After studying the following rearing records in Texas and other available data concerning these and other species in the South, the conclusion has been reached that the three species discussed below probably have much the same life history. It is probable that the insects may pass the winter in either the adult, pupal, or larval state; but the latter is by far the most common method, and wintering larve of all stages of growth have been found. The moths of this brood are seen about May 1. A second generation of moths appears during the first half of July, the larvee being found about the middle of June. During September considerable injury was observed in 1904 in fall gardens, the larve, doubtless, being the progeny of the July moths. The adults of this third brood probably deposit eggs during early October, the larvee from which pass the winter. It is very evident, however, that there is great variation in the life history, in Texas even greater than elsewhere, for, with the open winters and with but little if any frost in the southern half of the State, there is, doubtless, very & MISCELLANEOUS COTTON INSECTS. little true hibernation, and the different broods must overlap one another at all seasons. Doctor Riley states that the granulated cutworm, /¢é/tia annexa Treitschke, probably has three generations in Georgia, and that it is the most common cotton cutworm in the South. | From the writings of Doctor Riley and others, we believe that Agrotés ypsilon Rott. has one generation in the most northern States and two in the latitude of St. Louis, Mo. THE GREASY CUTWORM. (Agrotis ypsilon Rott. Fig. 1.) Our records concerning this species are as follows: Tasie 1.—Transformation records of the greasy cutworim, 1904. Place. Larva taken. | Pupated. | Days | Moth — | pupa. | emerged. Msi Qeeeeee ee Paty Oilers te fae aes.. 8 |. ee Merrell MLSX Paes as see en eee a eee eee 1890: Insect Life, Vol. II, p. 288. ¢1901: Bul. 29, n. s., Diy. Ent., U. S. Dept. Agric., pp. 46-64, figs. 9-11. THE GARDEN WEBWORM. a0 mary of our observations on the life history in Texas merely supple- ments his account. Taste IL.— Transformation records of the variegated cutworm, 1904. | ; . Days | Moth Place. | Larva taken. | Pupated. at | emerged. es oe | E Zz ee ee i(MamrehssilGooe se Aprilebe Sasa es | een ees OCTET USS ores aes eg Ses Bae aeec ae a ten \April 18 ...... April 25 ...... Rennes Persie oe | March 16..... March! 24 ~-=.- 18 | April 11 (CIM Siinliniohals M2) cee Oe ane Seen eee eee ei are neice 2 OPK CMe sere ste aieteeie cea etel| Sere cisions llatiaeoeisetets | corn. ' | | | Judging from the above records, the lite histories of the three species of cutworms discussed are evidently much the same. Fig. 3.--- Peridroma saucia; a, moth; b, normal form of larva, lateral view; c, same in curved position; d, dark form, dorsal view; ¢, egg from side; f, egg mass on twig (after Howard). THE GARDEN WEBWORM. (Lowvostege similalis Guen. Fig. 4.) In Texas and the Southwest, the common name which has been given this insect seems hardly suitable, for there it is primarily a pest of corn and cotton and only incidentally a garden insect. In 1903 very serious and widespread damage in north Texas and Oklahoma, as well as in other parts of Texas, to young cotton and corn, necessitated replanting after the plants were well started. This injury occurred most generally during the first two weeks of June. In 1904 the first moths were taken at trap light at College Station, April 10, 21, and 24. At Terrell the first was taken at light on May 24, and during the season there were more specimens of this moth iby MISCELLANEOUS COTTON INSECTS. caught at light than of any other affecting cotton; nota sufficient num- ber, however, to warrant the use of light as a remedy at any time. April 20, 1904, we received a report from Mr. 5. J. Berryman, Montalba, Anderson County, that there was ** some complaint of bud- worm (Lfelioth?s obsoleta Fab.) and webworm in corn.” No specimens of the webworm were received, but as we know of no similar insect commonly attacking corn in Texas, and as this pest is commonly known as the webworm and would injure corn about the time that injury by the ‘* bud- worm” would commence, there seems no good rea- son for doubting the iden- tity of the insect. A nearly full-grown larva was taken at Terrell about Fic. 4.—Lowostege similalis: a, male moth; b, larva, lateral May 17,1904. Mothstaken po rv dowel em: dang] amit ORS ay 4 cee somewhat enlarged: d, ¢, g, more enlarged (reengraved 26th. The egos are depos- after Riley, except c, from Chittenden). ited on either surface of the leaves in bunches of from 8 to 20 and hatch in three days. One female laid 48 and another 54 eggs. From these eges three genera- tions were reared up to September 29, as shown in the following table: Taste 1V.—Transformation records of the garden webworm. | te. Daye be | Days Days Days , | é | Total Egg laid eee || delennelovexolo|) eee Pupated. ae Moth. fore Ovi- | egg larva. pupa. “position. | save. | aa Mini: 26ise acters 35) Maiye29) 222 1 7al eames Lae OP PINES eee | 3 Bl SUNG 26e eee aes 3.| Jue 29... Oa YeN Peel OU tata: b= ae ae 7-8 | August 1....-- 6 | 42 AUPUISHS eee e.- | 4 | August 11. 22 | September 1 .. 8 | September 9 -. 6 | 38 Septemiberdp 222] se sth shee eae so line heen a Sa ecae clase te tnaline sora lal| Se elena | See eras ees) oeoe Eee eee OT aS eee aay Men eee Sul net eee ee 5 | 37 | | In the case of the second generation, one larva which had hatched June 29 was observed to molt July 7, 19, and 24, at which latter date it pupated. The eges laid September 15 had not batched on October 1 and were probably infertile. It has not been observed in what stage the winter is passed, but from the observations of Professor Gillette” on the nearly related species Lowostege stictical/s Linn. it seems probable that the larvee hibernate in the ground ina silken tube. It is entirely pos- sible, however, that in Texas the’ pupa or adult moth may pass the winter. In any event the hibernating brood first becomes mature by @Bul. 98, Colo. Agric. Exp. Sta., p. 6 THE GARDEN WEBWORM. 13 the middle of April in central Texas and larvee of the first brood are found nearly full grown by the middle of May. The moths of this brood oviposit late in May, of the second in late June or early July, of the third about August 8, and of the fourth about September 15. There would still be ample time for a fifth brood in the fall, especially in the southern part-of the State. Without rearing one series through an entire season it would doubtless be impossible to determine the probable number of generations, for the moths appear almost con- tinuously in July, as is seen by the following record, which shows the number of moths taken at trap light at Terrell on the dates given— Dihyia. 3: (, 4; 8,5; 9, 4: 10,5: 14, 6; 96, 4. Young cotton and corn are usually affected when about 8 inches high, so that replanting makes a very late crop. Alfalfa is also often seriously damaged, the injury occurring somewhat earlier in the spring than that to corn and cotton, and again in August or September. Undoubtedly the larvee working on the alfalfa in the fall remain in the fields over winter. In the spring they work upon the alfalfa, and, when that is cut, they move out into the cotton and corn adjoining in such numbers that this migration has often been observed and reported to us. About the middle of July, 1903, alfalfa was thus injured in Oklahoma. On August 24, 1904, Mr. Lewis found that the alfalfa near Scurry, Kaufman County, Tex., had been somewhat injured, and learned that the insect had done similar damage about the same time in 1908. On September 1 the same injury was found at Wolfe City. The larvee had migrated to the adjoining rows of cotton, which had been partly defoliated, and had then disappeared, evidently being in the pupal stage, as were those being reared in the laboratery at that time. September 12, 1899, Mr. W. D. Hunter sent to the Division of Entomology two moths of this species, stating that it had been exceed- ingly destructive to alfalfa in southeastern Nebraska during that year. As has been previously recorded, the favorite food of the insect is the common pigweed or ‘‘ careless weed” (Amaranthus), from which the insect received its local name of ‘‘ careless worm.” It is common throughout the arable portion of the State, as is evidenced by reports of its occurrence from near San Antonio, from Victoria, and from east Texas (Anderson County), but it seems particularly injurious in the northern part of the State. Many of the larve captured were para- sitized by Apanteles laphygme Ashm. and Cardiochiles explorator Say. One specimen was parasitized by a larva which emerged and formed its cocoon July 29, the adult, which proves to. be Mesochorus electilis Cress, emerging August 4. The species has also been found to be parasitized by Mror/sta hypense Coq. and Phorocera parva Bigot, specimens of which have been bred by Mr. Pergande. 14 MISCELLANEOUS COTTON INSECTS. Past history.—TVhe first account of this insect was published by Doctor Riley,“ who gives its past history, an account of its depredations, its food plants, and life history, and a partial description of the larva. Doctor Chittenden has published notes upon the species,’ and Dr. S. A. Forbes has also given an excellent account of the insect.° Remedial measures.— Dusting or spraying the affected crops with an arsenical will, of course, quickly check the depredations of the pest; but as some delay is usually involved in such an operation over a large area, considerable injury will have been done before it is completed. Preventive measures are more important. Of these the destruction of those native weeds upon which the larva feeds is of great impor- tance, especially where land is left uncultivated. The thorough culti- vation of the land in fall or winter will also probably be of great benefit, if the larva passes the winter in the soil, as seems probable. On this point, Mr. 5. J. Berryman, of Montalba, a careful observer, writes: I think the reason that Lam not bothered by them is because I have had all of my land broken in the winter and harrowed it several times. The blackbirds tollowed my plow all the time, and I think they got most of them. At least, I am not both- ered with the insects, and I hear no complaints from those who did the same way. In the case of alfalfa a thorough cultivation in late fall or early spring would doubtless be of value for the same reason. THE WHITE-LINED SPHINX. (Deilephila lineata Fab. Fig. 5.) The well-known and exceedingly variable larvee of this sphinx moth are common inhabitants of the cotton field about the time the young plants are being chopped. Usually their injury to the foliage of the young plants is noticed by the hands, who can destroy most of the caterpillars at this time. Occasionally, however, they become over- abundant and swarm oyer all the vegetation much as does the army worm, destroying every low-growing plant in their path. Such was the case near San Antonio in 1903, when garden crops and cotton were seriously injured by immense numbers of these caterpillars. On May 30, 1903, caterpillars in almost all stages of growth were common on cotton at College Station, and several were kept under observation. The first was ready to pupate June 1, and three entered the earth to pupate June 11. June 25 about twenty flies of Wrnthe- mia quadripustulata Fab. emerged from these. ‘Three moths emerged on July 3, 4, and 14, respectively. The caterpillars were not subse- @1885: Rept. Comm. Agric. f.. 1885, pp. 265-270. 61902: Bul. 33, n. s., Div. Ent., U. 8. Dept. Agric., pp. 46,47; and 1908: Bul. 43, l. ¢., pp. 39-40, figs. 36 and 37. €1900: 21st Rept. State Ent. Il]., pp. 108-109, fig. 335. THE WHITE-LINED SPHINX. 165) quently observed that season, and only rarely in 1904, so that it seems probable that the insect was checked by the parasitic fly mentioned. May 18, 1904, a number of larvee were taken at Terrell, Tex. The first pupated June 3, another June 7, and a third June 14. The moths from the two last mentioned emerged June 24 and July 2, respectively. On June 14 a pair of moths were taken ¢n co/tu. On the 16th, 96 nearly globular green eges were laid by the female on ‘the leaves, from one to eight eggs being deposited ina place. These Fig. 5.—Deilephila lineata: a, moth; b, pale larva; c, dark form of larva; d, pupa—all natural size (from Chittenden). hatched June 20, but, unluckily for the continuation of the experl- ment, the young larvee died. It would seem evident that there is another and possibly a third generation during the season in Texas, although no observations were made later in the year than those above reported. Riley states that there is but one generation in a year”, but Forbes? records two broods, the larve of the first appearing in July and August, and those of the l “1871: 3d Rept. State Ent. Mo., pp. 140-142, figs. 60-62; and 1884: Rept. Comm. Agr. f. 1884, p. 412. 01900: 21st Rept. State Ent. [[l., p. 155. 16 MISCELLANEOUS COTTON INSEOTS. second from the middle of September through October. The winteris undoubtedly passed in the pupal stage, as has been observed farther north. Although so common, no thorough study of the life history of the species seems to be recorded in entomological literature. Food plants. —& long list of food plants has been attributed to this species. Of these, purslane and chickweed are undoubtedly the favor- ites. Chittenden“ states that they feed on sugar beets, tomatoes, and apple and prune trees. Dr. Herman Behr? states that the species is nowhere as common as on the Pacific slope, and that in California the larve prefer plants of the family Onagracez, including Epilobium, Boisduvalia, Clarkia, Kucharidium, Godetia, GEnothera, and the intro- duced Fuchsia. He says also that there the insect rarely suffers from parasites, and that it easily adapts itself to other food plants, such as Rumex and Portulaca, but is not common on grape. Walsh and Riley give as food plants purslane, turnip, buckwheat, watermelons, and apple, and state that the species is commonly attacked by tachina flies.“ Saunders* mentions the larva as occurring also on plantain. There is no previous mention of the species as a cotton pest, though planters state that they have frequently noticed the larve. It is com- monly found on grapevines and may be considered as feeding on almost all low-growing vegetation. Of the methods of control, the most important is that of preventing the growth of the weeds upon which the larve normally feed. Only where these have been abundant does the species become injurious. When serious injury is threatened, the caterpillars may be readily controlled by dusting or spraying with arsenicals. To destroy the pupee, Jand grown up in weeds on which the caterpillars were known to have been feeding in the fall should be plowed and harrowed thoroughly in winter. MAY BEETLES. LACHNOSTERNA CRIBROSA Lec. (Fig. 6.) Injury by this species to cotton was first reported by Mr. J. H. Burton, of Valleyview, Cooke County, about the middle of March, 1904. On March 25 the work of the beetles on Mr. Burton’s plan- tation was observed by the writer. The beetles, which are about an inch long and shining black in color, remain in the soil during the day, emerging about an hour before sundown, or ona cloudy day at b1882: Papilio, Vol. II, p. 2. ¢ 1869: Am. Entomologist, Vol. I, p. 206. @1870: i cs, Voll, pw2bi- €1877: Can. Ent., Vol. IX, p. 66. LACHNOSTERNA CRIBROSA. ile f If near the old hole, a beetle will use it again; otherwise a new one is quickly made, and in a few minutes the beetle will have disappeared. The beetles were usually found about 3 inches deep in the soil, but Mr. Burton stated that he had found them in burrows running: hori- zontally to a vertical burrow some 4 or 5 inches deep. A hundred of the beetles were picked up around the edge of a cotton field ina few minutes. Some of them emerged from ground which had been covered with water, but seemed none the worse for it. They are exceedingly awkward, and when disturbed feign death, remaining in any conceiy- able position for several minutes. For the past two years they had destroyed peanuts and had injured strawberries, grape cuttings, and cowpeas in this locality. Young cotton was attacked in preference to anything but ragweed, which is the favorite food plant. When observed they were feeding on the ragweed along the fences around cotton. This is the usual place for them to appear. Subsequently they spread into the cotton, doing injury along the edges. One beetle is said to de- stroy a cotton plant 6 or 8 inches high during its evening meal. A number of beetles were observed to emerge in young corn. They did not feed, however, and many of those found were dead. They were not found in meadow land. During the previous year cotton had been planted on land where grain had been grown the year before. After the grain was cut the land had been left for the remainder of ,,, AH oe teem 1h sR the season to grow up to weeds, and it was — male—enlarged (author's illustra- not plowed until late the next spring, just = °°” before planting cotton. In this field the extent of injury to cotton was unprecedented. The cotton planted in 1904 was on land which had been well plowed and kept free from weeds during the previous fall and winter, and in this case the injury was not serious. The beetles do not seem to be injurious on land following corn. It seems probable that the females oviposit in cotton land and that if this is well cultivated and winter plowed the larve are killed. Larvee feeding on the roots of weeds along the fences where plowing is impossible will, of course, survive this treatment, but the number of adults emerging in the spring will be comparatively very small. On July 14, 1904, injury by this insect was observed along one end of a small piece of cotton at Wichita Falls, the land having been in wheat during the previous season. At this time the beetles had prac- tically all disappeared, although they were present in great numbers a few days previously. 15109—No. 57—06——3 18 MISCELLANEOUS COTTON INSECTS. The species was also reported from Fife, McCulloch County, where damage to garden crops commenced about March 15; from Wawaka, Ochiltree County, where they were injurious in gardens May 10, and from Canyon, Randall County, in the central part of the Panhandle, where some damage was done to cotton about July 20. In the last case the beetles had almost disappeared on August 25. Beetles contined under a cage over cotton in the field laid a few eges July 1, but unfortunately the eggs were destroyed by ants and no larye were secured. It was found that when Paris green was dusted upon the foliage the beetles readily succumbed to the treatment, so that there should be no difficulty in control- ling them by dusting the weeds around the edges of fields. This species was originally described from the Rio Grande Valley, and no other type locality was given. The only previously published ree- ord of injury is that in Insect Life, Volume VII, page 360, where the insect is reported to FIG. 7.—Lachnosterna lance. Dave destroyed several crops of wheat in Bay- lata: female-somewhat Jor County, Tex., the beetles having increased enlarged (author's illustra- » re tion). in numbers for several years previous to 1895. It is evidently most abundant in northwest Texas, and has not been observed east of Cooke County. LACHNOSTERNA LANCEOLATA Say. (Fig. 7.) This species, somewhat smaller than the preceding, is of a brown color and is well clothed with gray hairs. Specimens were received July 5, 1903, from D’Hanis, Tex., where, occurring in large numbers, they had done considerable damage to cotton. Beetles were found common, though not abundant, on cotton and sunflower leaves at Terrell. From specimens confined June 4 eggs were secured June 13. The white, globular eggs, about 2 mm. in diameter, were laid singly about 2 inches beneath the surface. They hatched June 25, and the larve: fed on cotton and grass roots during the summer and fall. July 15, 1902, the Division of Entomology received specimens from S. E. Russell, Duncan, Ind. T., stating that they were damaging young cotton. The species has also been reported from China Spring, McLennan County, Tex.,“ where it was injuring collards. It had been noticed commonly since 1890, and its favorite food plants were stated to be several species of Amaranthus common around corn fields. 21900: Bul. 22, n. s., Div. Ent., U. S. Dept. Agric., p. 107. THE DIFFERENTIAL LOCUST. 19 LACHNOSTERNA FARCTA Lec. This species has been reported as injuring cotton in southwest Texas by planters in Uvalde County, where it is occasionally quite abundant on young plants. According to previous accounts,“ the feeding habits of the beetles seem to be much the same as those of Lachnosterna crib- rosa Lec. November 3, 1895, Mr. E. A. Schwarz sent from Beeville, Tex., a larva of this species taken in a cotton field. Another larva, received from him from San Diego on December 14, was placed upon grass roots and was still active the following April. It was then given fresh sod and remained alive until September. In the Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture for 1879 Professor Comstock mentions an outbreak of this species on beans in Bexar County, Tex. The feed- ing habits of the beetles as described by him are similar to those of Z. cribrosa. It should be noted that the larve of none of these species of ** May beetles” have been observed in injurious numbers and that very little is known of their habits. THE DIFFERENTIAL LOCUST. (Melanoplus differentialis Thos. Figs. 8, 9, 10, and 11.) More or less injury is done by this locust every year in some locality in Texas. In the spring of 1904 an exceptional outbreak occurred in Fie. 8.—Melanoplus differentialis: adult—enlarged (author’s illustration). the south-central part of the State, along the Brazos River and its tributaries, being especially injurious in Grimes, Waller, Washington, Lee, Brazos, and Burleson counties. Owing to the very careful studies of the habits of this species made by Prof. H. A. Morgan in Mississippi in 1899 and 1900,? it did not seem necessary to devote much attention to that subject. Therefore, although a few observations on the life history are noted below, we were chiefly concerned in finding the most feasible means of combating the young hoppers over large areas. The eggs commenced hatching about the middle of March, 1904, and young nymphs continued to appear for about three weeks. the majority «L. c., p. 107; and 1880: Rept. Comm. Agric. f. 1879, p. 247. 61901: Bul. 30, n. s., Div. Ent., U. S. Dept. Agric., pp. 7-27, 12 figs. 5 20) MISCELLANEOUS COTTON INSECTS. before April 1, the season being an exceptionally early one. The eggs had been laid in the hard ground on the edges of fields and in fields uncultivated during the present season. Young of the first instar taken to the laboratory on April 23 molted April 25, May 10, May 23, and May 30 and became adult on June 8. The habit of ascending a stalk of corn or weed during the last molts is illustrated in figure 9. It was found exceedingly difficult to distinguish the different instars by any markings or by the general size of individ- uals, for in both these re- spects different individ- uals vary very greatly. It was found by measur- ing reared specimens, however, that the length of the hind tibiz was fairly constant for a given instar, and this proved true of a series subsequently measured. The length of the meta- tibia is as follows: First instar, 3-4 mm.; second instar, 5-6 mm.; third instar, 8-9 mm.:; fourth instar, 11-12 mm.; fifth instar, 15-16mm. These are the measurements of the cast skins, the meas- urements in the case of live or mounted speci- mens being slightly less in each instar. The time Fig. 9.—Mclanoplus differentialis on corn leaves: adult ia natural of molting varied for dif- position; Upper figure; pupa skin below on right—n vtural size ferent individuals and (author’s illustration). was governed by the amount of food available, so that no fixed dates can be given. In 1903, in a local outbreak, the first three stages, mostly the second and third, were found to occur on June 1. The development during these two seasons probably illustrates the extreme dates of early and late develop- ment for this latitude. THE DIFFERENTIAL LOCUST. Al Attention was first called to the 1904 outbreak by Mr. W. H. Brown, of Navasota, whose plantation lying along the Brazos River was visited by the writer April 1. At this time the young hoppers had been at work for about ten days, and were still hatching. They occurred in countless numbers around the edges of cultivated fields and on uncultivated ground among the weeds, from which they were migrating to the young crops as the food supply became scarce. In Fig. 10.— Velanoplus differentialis; young nymph—enlarged (author's illustration). such situations old logs were so covered with the young as to be com- pletely blackened by them. The ‘‘stand” of young corn and cotton had already been destroyed over several acres. In one field, where they first appeared, Mr. Brown had used dry Paris green and had largely checked the injury. It was found that by plowing fields where the stand had been badly injured or was poor, large numbers of the young hoppers were destroyed by burying, and the remainder migrated ~to the weeds at the edges of the fields. While still young they can not be readily driven as is possible when they are half or more nearly grown. All of the vegetation around the edges of the fields was therefore poisoned with Paris green or green arsenoid. In some care the poison was mixed with flour, which made it more adhesive. Over the fields, both those which had been plowed and those wherein the hoppers were feeding, poisoned bran mash was distributed, 1 pound of Paris green being mixed with 25 oie eae Coe eae pounds of bran. This treatment proved _ tration). exceedingly effective. Five days later, when again visited, the great majority of the hoppers were found dead among the weeds which had been thoroughly poisoned. The effect of bran mash is not so apparent, as the hoppers after eating it crawl beneath small clods of ‘arth and there die, but by examining the ground around a small pile of the mash from 12 to 20 dead hoppers were found, and many more had doubtless died farther away. To moisten the mash, water is found as effective as molasses. Around the edges of the fields, and in patches of weeds on uncultivated land, a spray of pure kerosene or of strong 22 MISCELLANEOUS COTTON INSECTS. kerosene emulsion was used with marked success. The planters pre- ferred using the pure oil, its effect being more quickly apparent. Paris green was used both as a dust and as a spray. The dust seemed to be much the better form of application and more effective, although more material is required. Several types of portable powder guns were used by various planters under our direction, and were found to apply the poison much more effectively and economically than is done by the use of asack. Where these methods were thoroughly practiced, the young hoppers were much reduced in numbers by the third week in April and their injury checked. An unfortunate feature of these methods of treatment lay in the fact that, after a field had been almost entirely rid of the pest, migration would take place from adjoining uncultivated land, possibly owned by a nonresident, or on a part of a neighboring plantation where no harm could be done the crops of the owner and where, therefore, nothing had been done toward checking it. This necessitated continued work by certain individuals, much later than would have been necessary had the whole community pur- sued the same methods; and in several instances caused vexatious losses after it was thought that a field had been entixely freed from the hoppers. Just after the young had hatched large numbers of asmall conopid fly, Stylogaster biannulata Say, were observed dart- Natural enemies. ing about and hovering over the young hoppers. It was impossible to observe their oviposition or to rear them from the hoppers subse- quently, but, owing to the previously observed habits of this species, there is little doubt that it was parasitic upon the young. During the last week of April large flocks of blackbirds and reed- birds or bobolinks appeared in the fields for a few days, and undoubt- edly did more than any other natural agency to check the pest. They consumed immense numbers of the hoppers, so that, with the methods previously employed, but little damage was done later in the season. Trapping in holes.—June 1, 1903, a small outbreak occurred a few miles from College station. At that time the locusts were slightly less than half grown. The eges had been deposited in a small strip-of grass and weeds along a ditch running through the center of the field, and from there the young hoppers had migrated for some little dis- tance on all sides and had destroyed considerable cotton, then about six inches high. In this case it was essential to prevent further injury as soon as possible, and although poisoning would undoubtedly have killed them in a few days much damage would have been done before they succumbed. A number of post holes were therefore dug ina double row, the holes alternating, near the center of the affected area, and several men and boys drove the hoppers toward them. Very large numbers were thus caught in the holes and were then easily THE DIFFERENTIAL LOCUST. 23 destroyed. It was demonstrated that for such conditions this is one of the most satisfactory methods for quickly checking the injury over a small area. Cause of 1904 outbreak.—In the summer of 1902 the- Brazos River overflowed in a most unusual manner, and again in February, 1903, a smaller overflow occurred. This resulted in large areas throughout the lower Brazos valley remaining uncultivated in 1903. This hard- packed soil gave ideal conditions for oviposition, and the weeds which came in furnished the favorite food of the hoppers, thus making their rapid multiplication certain. That an unusual outbreak should occur in the spring of 1904 was therefore to be expected. Throughout the bottom lands of central Texas this species is always common, and does more or less damage along the edges of the corn and cotton fields; but ordinarily the planters disregard the injury and allow the pest to multiply. Then, when such conditions as those above outlined oceur, the pest increases very rapidly and serious injury is widespread. Were the weeds around the edges of the fields dusted with an arsenical whenever grasshoppers are observed to be common, and were uncul- tivated areas plowed during the winter when possible, the num- bers would be so reduced that such outbreaks would not frequently occur. These conditions were exactly similar to those mentioned by Professor Morgan“ concerning the outbreak of this species along the Mississippi, after a crevasse had been formed in the levee and a con- sequent overflowing of the adjacent land had resulted. Use of fungous diseases. —Cultures of the fungous diseases with which experiments have been made in recent years as a means of com- ‘buting locusts were secured from several sources. The tubes received from Prof. Lawrence Bruner, of Nebraska, mentioned below, were stated to contain what was probably a species of Mucor. Those received from Prof. C. P. Gillette, of Colorado, had been sent him by Doctor Edington, of the Bacteriological Institute, Grahamstown, Cape of Good Hope. Those from the Bureau of Entomology were marked Culture C,” and were also of South African origin, although pre- pared by the Department of Agriculture. These cultures were han- dled according to the directions sent with them,’ and locusts dipped in the prepared solution were .freed where they were most abundant in the field. Corn meal moistened with the solution was also scattered in these localities. These distributions were made on April 19, at four points, several miles apart. Examinations on April 29 and May 9 failed to reveal any grasshoppers dead from disease, nor did the planters see any later in the season. After May 1 the locusts had been so depleted @1901: Bul. 30, n. s., Div. Hnt., U. S. Dept. Agric., p. 31. >See Howard, Yearbook U.S. Dept. Agric. f. 1901, p. 464; and Bruner, Bul. 38, Diy. Ent., U. S. Dept. Agric., p. 50. 24 MISCELLANEOUS COTTON INSECTS. in numbers by the remedial measures taken and by birds tbat they were not excessively abundant; but had the cultures been effective some diseased individuals would surely have been found three weeks after the first distribution, when the insects were still plentiful. Fur- thermore, at College Station, on April 4, a dozen locusts were dipped in the culture received from Professor Bruner and introduced into a field cage where several dozen live hoppers were given favorable con- ditions. These were supplied with food and the cage kept in good condition until June 4, during which time much rain fell, but no dis- eased specimens were observed. Early in June cultures of the South African fungus were received direct, through the courtesy of Dr. Alexander Edington. Upon learn- ing of an outbreak of J/. differentialis in north Texas, and upon the request of planters there, several of these tubes were sent them and were prepared and disseminated by them as directed. They were, however, unable to notice any diseased locusts as a result. These accounts of failures to secure any benefit from grasshopper cultures can not be regarded as at all conclusive concerning their lack of efficacy, but they at least add to the weighty evidence already reported against the value of such cultures for the control of grasshoppers. THE CLUMSY LOCUST. ( Brachystola magna Gir. Fig. 12.) Throughout the counties of west-central Texas, as far east as Bexar and Comal, this species replaces the common southern lubber grass- hopper (Dictyophorus reticulatus Thunb.), shown in figure 13. Unlike Fig, 12.—Brachystola magna. adult—natural size (author’s illustration) . the latter species, however, the ‘clumsy locust” occurs in large num- bers and often does serious damage. In 1904 it was much less injuri- ous than usual, and no observations upon it in the field were possible. Our information concerning its habits is, therefore, derived mostly from correspondence with Mr. L. B. Smith, of Rescue, Lampasas County, a prominent bee keeper and careful observer, whose accounts have been largely confirmed by others in neighboring counties. May 92, 1903, Mr. Smith wrote as follows: We are being bothered again by the wingless locusts. They are destroying the cotton crops by the wholesale, and, unlike most other insects, these come early and THE CLUMSY LOCUST. 25 remain until frost comes in fall, and do not seem to have any natural enemy or dis- ease. This insect has destroyed cotton in isolated districts of this section for several years past, but has appeared earlier and in greater numbers this year than ever. They are usually worse in June and July than at any other time. Some of us saved the larger part of our crops last year by unceasing fight against them with sticks, but we had to keep that up for about six or eight weeks, and it is very tedious work. They ate thousands of dollars’ worth of cotton last year. We think the principal cause of their increase is the destruction of the wild birds and the hog law. In neighborhoods near here where there is no hog law and hogs run at large the grass- hoppers do not get numerous. We have seen hogs eating them. _ Mr. Smith requested that if possible some more efticient remedy be suggested, and in our reply the use of poisoned bran mash and the Fig. 138.—Dictyophorus reticulatus: nymph above, adult below—somewhat enlarged (original). thorough poisoning of all weeds and grass was advised. In reply to questions concerning the habits of the locusts, Mr. Smith wrote on June 9, 1903: I shall answer your questions in regard to the cotton-eating grasshoppers as best I can. First, ‘‘ When do they appear first in the spring?’’ They usually appear in the latter part of May and first of June, but usually not in sufficient numbers to seriously affect cotton until about June 15. This year they were numerous by May 1 and have now become very destructive to cotton. Second, ‘‘ How late do they work in the fall?’’ They remain until freezing weather comes on, thovgh they do not seem so vigorous in August and September and do not eat cotton so much then. Third, ‘‘At what time do they become full grown in summer?’ Usually in July 15109—No. 57—06——4 26 MISCELLANEOUS COTTON INSECTS. they begin mating and depositing eggs, though many of them are grown [now], as the large pair I am mailing to-day. Fourth, ‘‘In what places are they most numerous and destructive?’’ In cotton fields. They have never seriously injured any other crop than cotton, though they are found in pasture far from any farm. They are destructive in Coleman, Runnells, Burnet, and Llano counties and as far west as Concho County, and I know not how much farther west. These grasshoppers are numerous in nearly all districts in these western counties in which the hog law has been enforced for the past few years. We can not use the poisoned bran mash here on account of the great honey dearth, as it would poison my neighbors’ bees as well as my own. However, the mash was tried, as Mr. Smith’s next letter, dated July 6, indicates. The hoppers are still giving me trouble, but we have them somewhat checked now by using the poison on them as suggested by you. Jam using the wheat bran sweet- ened with a cheap grade of molasses and arsenic mixed with it, and I believe it would have been a perfect success if I had commenced in time. I saw the first pair mating June 10. They get their full growth by the last of May. As to when and where they deposit their eggs, I have never been able to ascertain. Mr. Smith sent numerous specimens, which were kept in cages in the laboratory for some time, but all failed to oviposit. Undoubtedly the poisoned bran mash will prove perfectly effective for the control of these insects if employed plentifully early in the season. It is possible that the eggs are laid in grass land, and that they or the young hoppers may be eaten to a considerable extent by hogs where the latter are not restricted. Probably with larger areas of land under cultivation in these western counties the species will become less abundant, for, although it occurs as far north as Kansas and western Missouri, it is reported by Doctor Riley to be not very injurious there. The species has been well named the clumsy locust, for it is exceed- ingly awkward. The wings are shorter than those of the other lubber grasshoppers, and, unlike those of Dictyophorus, are not raised from the back when disturbed. The coloration is somewhat variable, being mostly a tawny brown, with markings of greenish or yellowish, the latter often being quite pinkish. THE BUR CLOVER APHIS. ( Aphis medicaginis Koch.) Associated with the common cotton or melon aphis, Aphis gossypi+ Glover (fig. 14), there was found another species concerning which no previous economic mention has come to our notice, although the Aphis sp. mentioned by Mally “ may be the same thing. The two species occur together on the young cotton plants just as the first leaves are forming. A. medicaginis may be found abun- dantly at this time, and for a week or two earlier, on the common bur 71891: Bul. 24, o. s., Div. Ent., U. S. Dept. Agric., p. 30. THE BUR CLOVER APHIS. i clover and a species of Oxalis. Mr. Sanborn has also noted it as occurring on clover (7rifolium bajariensis), cowpea, alfalfa, and coffee bean (Cassia occidentalis). Late in April it often becomes so abun- dant on bur clover as to cause the plant to wither, large swarms of flies buzzing around the infested plants attracting attention to them. Like the cotton aphis, the species is often so severely parasitized by Lysiphlebus testaceipes Cress. that it is killed out in a very few days. The young stages and the apterous females are not at first easy to distinguish from A. gossypii, but the apterous females are darker and have a shining reddish or brownish-black appearance, while those of gossypti are deep greenish in color and have the cauda very much Fig. 14.—Aphis gossypii: a, winged female; aa, enlarged antenna of same; ab, dark female, side view; 6b, young nymph or larva; ¢, last stage of nymph; d, wingless female—all greatly enlarged (after Chittenden ). longer. The winged forms are readily distinguished by the dark markings on the abdominal segments of medicagin7s which are lack- ing on gossypii. These markings, however, are only noticeable when the specimens are mounted in balsam. Specimens were determined as probably medicaginis Koch by Mr. Th. Pergande, who, however, seemed to share our own doubt as to their identity with that species. After a careful examination of Koch’s description and figures, though there are some noticeable dis- crepancies, it nevertheless seems probable that our species is that described by him, especially as some of its host plants have come from Europe. Koch states that the species is hardly distinguishable from 28 MISCELLANEOUS COTTON INSECTS. * Aphis cichorii” (Aphis intybt Koch), and his descriptions hardly distinguish the two species, the main differences being the smaller size of medicaginis and the coloration of the antenn and legs. In colora- tion of the legs the apterous females of our specimens resemble med/- caginis, but the coloration of the antenne is like that of c¢chor77. The size is difficult to determine from Koch’s figure. It appears probable that Aphis medicaginis Koch is synonymous with A. e¢chorti Koch (A. ‘ntyb/), but as it is practically impossible to determine this with- out the types, and as the. name medicagin/s has heretofore been used in American literature, it seems best to retain it. For those who are unable to refer to Koch’s description it is here given: Head, neck, and body black, legs yellowish white, the points of the femora, tibize, and tarsi, black. Honey tubes somewhat long and black. The middle joints of the antennz yellowish. This form is very closely related to and hardly distinguishable from A. cichorii. It is smaller, and is the smallest of the species which have yet come to my notice. The winged insect has the same colorings as A. cichorii, except that the two middle segments, namely the fourth and fifth [evidently of the antenna— E. D. S.J, are yellowish, and the stigma of the front wing is oy brown, darker on the margin, approaching yellow toward the base. The wingless mother is hardly larger than the winged, though a little broader, not as broad, however, as the same form of 4. cichorii. She is dark brown above and below, on the back somewhat blackened. Honey tubes and style black. Antenne and legs yellowish white. Thetwo end joints and the three shorter basal joints of the antenne, as well as the points of the femora of the third pair of legs, and the points of the tibize and tarsi of all the legs, black. The points of the femora of the second pair grade into brown at the tips. The coxre grade into smoky brown. The whole insect has very little glossy appearance. Only the back part of the abdomen shows itself somewhat flattened, and with a short brilliant gloss. The host plant is Medicago fulcata; the aphis appears on this in very large numbers, congregating in millions. They colonize on the twigs, and more seldom down on the leaves. The winged forms readily make their escape when they notice danger.— (Translation of C. E. Sanborn.) The species was first noticed in this country at St. Louis, Mo., in July by Monell.“ who gives its food plants as Caragana arhorescens, Robinia viscosa, and Melilotus ttalica. Monell notes the shining black dorsum, which agrees better with our description than that made by Koch, who states that it is glossy only for a short distance on the abdomen. This character is noted also by Thomas.’ The species is also mentioned by Céstlund in his Aphididee of Minnesota (p. 69), and by Osborn in his Catalogue of the Hemiptera of Iowa.“ Ina paper on the Hemiptera of Colorado” Cohen notes it on Astragalus bisulcatus, panei: alls in the racemes of the Owe ers, and on Glyc Yenc al epi «1879: aL U. S. Geol. Gee 5 Ns al ve Ne i epaweke 61895: 8th Rep. State Ent. ihe pp: 100-192. ¢1892: Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci., Vol. 1, p. 129. @1895: Bul. 31, Colo. Agric. Exp. Sta., p. 120. THE FALSE CHINCH BUG. 29 DESCRIPTION. Winged viviparous female-—Length, 1.99 mm.; width, 0.58 mm.; antenne, 1.33 mm.; segment IIT, 0.33 mm.; IV, 0.27 mm.; V, 0.22 mm.; VI, 0.10 mm.; VII, 0.27 mm.; wing expanse, 6.64 mm.; cauda, 0.11 mm.; cornicles, 0.34 mm.; metatibie, 0.91 mm. Head, thorax, antennze, cornicles, and cauda black; abdomen slightly lighter or more grayish-black; legs yellowish, except distal half of femora and distal fifth of tibia and tarsus, which are dark; stigma and insertion of wings yellowish; three lateral black- ish spots on margin of abdominal segments in front of cornicles, and fainter dark- brown markings forming broken bands on abdominal segments. Cornicles straight, tapering. Antenne with a row of about five sensoria on segment ITT. - Apterous viviparous female.—Length, 1.66 mm.; antenn:e, 1.19 mm.; segment III, O2oemm-=- svi Oslo mms?) Ve OMk7 mms Vile Oniimme: Vill 0/22, mm: ; candas 0:13 mm.; cornicles, 0.33 mm.; metatibiee, 0.86 mm. Reddish or brownish black when seen under lens, but otherwise apparently shin- ing black; cornicles and cauda black; sutures of caudal segments whitish, pulverulent; antennee yellowish, except black distal segments; legs yellowish, except tarsi, tips of tibiz, and tips of metafemora; cornicles slightly constricted at base, extending to or beyond tip of cauda. First and second instars.—Light yellowish brown, a light stripe bounded on either side by a darker brownish stripe along the dorsomeson; cornicles black and connected by a dark rusty band; head darker, rather greenish; legs and antennie similar to adult. Third instar (which will form pupa).—Deep pinkish, dorsal lines on abdomen as in previous instar; shoulders whitish, otherwise same as before. Pupa.—Deep pinkish. Fourth instar, apterous.—Deep reddish or maroon covered with whitish pulveru- lence; head rather greenish; at first the body is greenish or brownish, but gradually becomes uniform dark reddish as seen under lens, and finally blackish. In either this last or the adult stage the insects commence to turn blackish on the caudal portion, the change in color gradually extend- ing forward. At the same time the pruinosity is lost, and finally the adults become shining blackish. The color of the immature stages is exceedingly variable. THE FALSE CHINCH BUG. ( Nysius angustatus Uhl. Fig. 15.) During the spring of 1904 the false chinch bug occurred in unusual numbers over widely separated localities in Texas and Louisiana, dam- aging all sorts of crops, many of them not heretofore known to be injured by it, and among them cotton. Attention was first called to its occurrence by the citizens of Sabinal, Uvalde County, Tex., late in April; and on May 2 Mr. Sanborn visited the locality. The insect had been known there for several years, but until that spring had never done serious damage. The young bugs occurred at that time in countless numbers, having caused the mesquite trees to turn yellow, and destroyed the young cotton so as to necessi- tate replanting over large areas, more or Jess injury occurring over the 30 MISCELLANEOUS COTTON INSECTS. territory within a radius of 10 miles from Sabinal. The migration of the bugs was much like that of the true chinch bug (Blissis leucop- terus Say); they would remain in one place until the vegetation there yas destroyed and then move on. At this time hardly any adult bugs were seen. Late in May the writer visited the same fields, and hardly a specimen could be secured, although a few adults were found incorn. In this case the’ damage was done entirely by the nymphs; and the swarms disappeared after their devastation of the cotton as suddenly as they had appeared. Of the nymphs taken to the labora- tory all died before maturing, so that their identity can not be definitely established; but there seems to be no doubt, from a comparison with determined specimens, that they are Wystus angustatus. Early in May the same species appeared’in immense numbers in wheat fields in one or two localities in north Texas, greatly to the alarm of the owners, but no material injury was done. Later in the month speci- mens were received from several points in central Texas, where, occurring in immense numbers, they were doing serious damage to va- Fig. 15.—Nysius angustatus: b, last stage of nymph; c, rious garden crops. In Bra- adult—much enlarged (after Riley). : zos County they appeared sporadically in April, May, and early June, serionsly injuring gardens. They were also observed in the field working on prickly lettuce and other weeds. In most cases they appear suddenly, practically destroy the vegetation within a certain area, then move on, and nothing more is seen of them in that locality. In habits they are much like the true chinch bugs, many of them remaining in the soil at the base of the plant and quickly running into it when disturbed, so that it is exceedingly difficult to combat them successfully. This was observed at Sabinal, where the nymphs attacked the young cotton before it was fairly out of the ground. Late in May Prof. H. A. Morgan, State entomologist of Louisiana, forwarded specimens of this species collected by Mr. E. W. Dayton, who reported them as seriously injuring cotton at Jonesville, La. On June 15 Mr. Dayton wrote further: Just after receiving your first letter we had a hard rain, and that with the hot sun caused most of the insects to disappear, but there are spots of about one-fourth an acre scattered over the fields yet, and they are doing some damage. They dam- aged about 75 acres, reducing the stand to about one-half on this. I noticed a spot of about one-fourth an acre yesterday covered with them, and they seemed to be doing the usual damage. It would seem, therefore, that this pest feeds on nearly all low- erowing vegetation. Its favorite food seems to be plants of the THE COWPEA-POD WEEVIL. 31 family Crucifere, such as shepherd’s purse and pepper grass, under which the nymphs are frequently found in large numbers. All efforts to rear the insect or to determine its life history proved futile, as appears to have been the case in the past, for no definite observations seem to have been made concerning its life history. Professor Forbes@ states that Professor Osborn has taken the eggs in Amaranthus blossoms, but this would not necessarily indicate that to be the usual place of oviposition. Undoubtedly the winter is passed in the adult stage, and there is probably more than one brood in a season. The species is a difficult one for the entomologist to study, either from the economic or from the systematic standpoint. After the examination of a large series taken in various localities in Texas and on various plants, Mr. Heidemann considers all the specimens to be of this species, but he states that the genus is so poorly known that it is impossible to satisfactorily separate the species at present. The nymphs may be readily combated by spraying with kerosene emulsion, but the adults are difficult to handle. On garden crops we have found that by beating along the infested plants with a small screen covered with a sticky substance, such as is used for ** fly paper,” large numbers may be caught. Tobacco water applied copiously on the soil around the plants is also of value in the garden. A_ better knowledge of the life history would undoubtedly aid in devising means for controlling the insect on field crops, which fortunately, however, are not often attacked. THE COWPEA-POD WEEVIL. +. (Chalcodermus eneus Boh. Figs. 16 and 17.) This weevil was frequently sent to us, being mistaken for the boll weevil. In several instances, however, it was stated that it was doing noticeable damage to young cotton, as has already been reported by Doctor Chitten- den.’ Subsequent to his report, in May, 1904, serious injury was done by the species in Georgia. As it was impossible to investi- eee tencnses in bexas, «the: following AC> 16: “canieodermus wneus: lat: count of the injury in Georgiaand the habits eral view, much enlarged (from of the weevils has been kindly furnished — Chittenden). by Prof. Wilmon Newell, recently State entomologist of Georgia: Injury by this species was personally investigated at Herod, near Dawson, Ga., May 27,1904. Beetles were found upon about 15 acres of cotton, from 4 to 10 beetles on each plant. The plants were about 4 inches high. The beetles feed for the most a ——« - #1900: 21st Rept. State Ent. Ill., p. 95. b1904: Bul. 44, Div. Ent., U. S. Dept. Agric., p. 39. 32 MISCELLANEOUS COTTON INSECTS. part in the afternoon or early morning, and upon cloudy days, although a few may be found on the plants at noon on bright days. The beetle punctures the tender FIG. 17.—Work of Chalcodermus xneus: above, on young cowpeas; below, on young cotton. (Photograph by Wilmon Newell.) stem, often just below a leaf, and this puncture reaches to the very center of the stem or occasionally to the epidermis of the opposite side. Punctures occur upon SALT-MARSH CATERPILLAR. : 33 leaf stems and the upper tender part of the main stem, often just below a leaf, but rarely upon the base of the stem near the ground. The punctures upon leaf stems are so close as to practically sever the stem; the leaf soon withers and dies and drops. In some cases the beetles seem to stay over the puncture after it is made and suck up the sap which accumulates. In several cases we found.a beetle upon the shady side of a stem, remaining over or close to several punctures, indicating that a single individual may make several punctures and take the sap that accumu- lates in all of them. Punctures in a case of this kind are not over one-sixteenth to one-eighth of an inch apart, and from two to four are found in each group. Weare inclined to think that the punctures are made purposely for securing the sap and not for devouring the tissue. Eight punctures were counted on a plant not over 2 inches high, and in this field were found an average of from 5 to as many as 16 beetles on and about each plant. In this 15-acre field fully 25 per cent of the cotton stalks had been killed by the attacks of this beetle, and in some small areas as much as half had been killed. During the day the weevils hide for the most part in the loose dirt about the plants at a depth of from one-half an inch to 2 inches. They occurred also on neighboring farms, but in no other case in such injurious numbers. In all cases the owners of infested fields reported that the first appearance of these insects in the cotton was in those portions of the fields that had been in cowpeas the year previous. About three weeks later—May 27—the injury became less, owing to the more rapid growth of the plants, and perhaps also to the greater dissemination of the beetles. The use of arsenicals is not likely to result satisfactorily unless the treatment is exceptionally thorough. If cotton is not planted after cowpeas the pest will be dis- posed of, but the latter crop is very necessary in the rotation plans of the Georgia farmer. Where these beetles appear in the cotton fields in early spring we suggest merely that chopping be as long delayed as possible or until the amount of damage can be accurately forecasted. The injury will probably not result in more than a severe thinning, and if care is exercised in chopping a good stand may be secured in nearly all parts of the infested fields. In the laboratory adult beetles placed upon young cotton plants readily left them and migrated to young cowpea plants near at hand. S82 see eee 5 2 eee ea 49 On COMetomiCUniG Cte = a ns ees 57 Calocoris chenopodii, enemy of asparagus beetle -......-...-..----.------- Poy 46 TOPDUMUS SS ~ Ss a Ssh Sper (a ne neh oer oe eee ns 44-46 Galycopisicecnops= 2 Seis 5 sere one ais oS late oe ee eee 40 COMMUN COU UG em As eh arms pee are ee 30-96 Caragana arborescens, food plant of Aphis medicaginis......------------------ 28 Cardiochiles e. rplorator, parasite of Lowvostege similalis Be CaO tia Pe eT ON 13 ‘‘Careless weed.’’ See Amaranthus. “‘Careless worm.’’ See Lowostege similalis. Cassia ae food plant of Apis medicaginis 5) 2h oe. aaa eee 27 Castor bean--food plamtok Uranotes) rales ses tps a ee 4] Catalpa, occurrence of eggs of Homalodisca triquetra......------------------- Al Caterpillar, cotton. See Cotton caterpillar. salt-marsh. See ustigmene acrid. Caterpillars; Negfeating s? S-eaee eete sees ia anete ate eee 33-37 Celtis mississippiensis, food plant of Homalodisca triquetra...--.--------------- 49-50 Cercis canadensis, food plant of Oncometopia undata......-------------------- 56 Chaleodermus 2neusoo52205 S5ee2 0 oases Oe See Soe eee a ee ee 31-33 Chelonus texanus, parasite ob CamadminG ecu Uicis sem a= ce 36 Chenopodium album, food plant of Prodenia ornithogalli ...------------------- 43 Chickweed, food plant ot Wetleninla lineata. Sas a eee ee eee 16 China- berry hull, occurrence of eggs of Jadera hematoloma ....-------------- 47 Chinch bug, false. See Nysius angustatus. Chrysopid, preying on Homalodisca triquetra....---------+----+-++-+-2+2----- 5) Clarkia, food plant of Deilephilalineata 2222-23. 5-n 22 ee 16 Clover, ‘food plant of -Aphisimedecagims: = 222 = eos ee eee eee 27 bur, food plant/of Aphismedicagins 222 2223 22a se ee ee 26-27 Cockle, food plant.of Ataxia crypidia.-. 22 eine ee ee ee 38 Cocklebur. See Yanthiwm canadense. Coffee bean. See Cussia occidentalis. Collards, food plant of Lachnosterna lanceolata -~ . 2. 22 3- ~