'^CVflll*.. i - :-^ ^ ,•> "*••■ f *- Z U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY— BULLETIN NO. 78. B. T. GALLOWAY, Chief of Bureau. IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF WHEAT. BY T. L. LYON, Agriculturist and Associate Director of the Agricultural Experiment Station of Nebraska, and Collaborator of the Bureau of Plant Industry, VEGETABLE PATHOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS, IN COOPERATION WITH THE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION OF NEBRASKA. Issued October 24, 1905. m. WASHINGTON: government printing office. 1905. BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY. B. T. GALLOWAY, Pathologist and Physiologist, and Chief of Bureau. VEGETABLE PATHOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS. Albert F. Woods, Pathologist and Physiologist in Charge, Acting Chief of Bureau in Absence of Chief. BOTANICAL INVESTIGATIONS AND EXPERIMENTS. Frederick V. Coville, Botanist in Charge. GRASS AND FORAGE PLANT INVESTIGATIONS. W. J. Spillman, Agriculturist in Charge. POMOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS. G. B. Brackett, Pomologist in Charge. SEED AND PLANT INTRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION. A. J. PiETERS, Botanist in Charge. ARLINGTON EXPERIMENTAL FARM. L. C. CORBETT, Horticulturist in Charge. EXPERIMENTAL GARDENS AND GROUNDS. E. M. Byrnes, Superintendent. J. E. Rockwell, Editor. James E. Jones, Chief Clerk. VEGETABLE PATHOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS. SCIENTIFIC STAFF. Albert F. Woods, Pathologist and Physiologist in Charge. Erwin F. Smith, Pathologist in Charge of Laboratory of Plant Pathology. Herbert J. Webber, Physiologist in Charge of Laboratory of Plant Breeding. Walter T. Swingle, Physiologist in Charge of Laboratory of Plant Life History. Newton B. Pierce, Pathologist in Charge of Pacific Coa.s-< Laboratory. M. B. Waite, Pathologist in Charge of Investigations of Diseases of Orchard Fruits. Mark Alfred Carleton, Ccrealist in Charge of Cereal Investigations. Hermann von Schrenk, in Charge of Mississippi Valley Laboratory. P. H. Rolfs, Pathologist in Charge of Subtropical Laboratory. C. O. TowNSEND; Pathologist in Charge of Sugar Beet Investigations. P. H. DORSETT," Pa^/ioto^w^. T. H, Kearney, Physiologi.st, Plant Breeding. Cornelius L. Shear, Pathologist. William A. Orton, Pathologist. W. M. Scott, Pathologist. Joseph S CHAMBERhAiisi, b Physiological Chemi.st, Cereal Investigations. Ernst A. Bessey, Pathologist. Flora W. Patterson, Mycologist. Charles P. Hartley, Assistant in Physiology, Plant Breeding. Karl F. KEi.hERiiA's, Assi.stant in Phy.nology. Deane B. Sv<'i}iGLE, Assistant in Pathology. Jesse B. Norton, As.nstant in Phy.siology. Plant Breeding. James B. 'Rorer, Assistant in Pathology . Lloyd S. Tenny, As.nstant in Pathology. George G. 'Ret)GCO(:'k., Assistant in Pathology. Perley Spaulding, Scientific Assistant. P. J. O'Gara, Scientific Assistant, Plant Pathology. A. D. Shamel, Scientific Assistant, Plant Breeding. T. Ralph HoniNSoy;, Assistant in Physiology. Florence Hedges, Scientific Assistant, Bacteriology. Charles J. Brand, Assistant in Physiology, Plant Life History. Henry A. 1\\.i\aje.r. Scientific Assistant, Cereal Investigations. Ernest B. Bro'K-s, Scientific Assistant, Plant Breeding. Leslie A. Firz, Scientific Assistant, Cereal Investigations. Leonard L. Harter, Scientific Assistant, Plant Breeding. John O. Merwis, Scientific Assistant. W. W. Cobey, Tobacco Expert. John van Leenhoff, Jr. , Expert. J. Arthur Le Cler';-,'- Physiological Chemist, Cereal Investigations. T. D. Beckwith, Expert, Plant Physiology. a Detailed to Seed and Plant Introduction and Distribution. b Detailed to Bureau of Chemistry. c Detailed from Bureau of Chemistry, LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Plant Industry, Office of the Chief, Washington, D. C, April 15, 1905. Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith the manuscript of a lechnical paper entitled "Improving the Quahty of Wheat," pre- pared by Dr. T. L. Lyon, Agriculturist of the Agricultural Experi- ment Station of Nebraska, who, as a collaborator of this Bureau, is in charge of the cooperatiye breeding experiments conducted by the Nebraska Agricultural Experiment Station and the Department of Agriculture, and I recommend its publication as Bulletin No. 78 of the series of this Bureau. Respectfully, B. T. Galloway, Cli ief of Bureau . Hon. James Wilson, Secretary of Agriculture. 3 PREPACK. The following' technical paper on "Improving the Quality of Wheat," })y Dr. T. L. Lyon, of the Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion of Nebraska, embodies the results of extended investigations on the application of chemical methods to the selection and improve- ment of wheat. The investigations were carried on mainly at the Nebraska Agricultural Experiment Station in connection with the cooperative work of that institution and the Plant-Breeding Labora- tory of this Office. Li the breeding of wheat more extended data are greatly desired so that more intelligent methods of selection may be devised. The investigations of Doctor Lyon, it is believed, have established methods which wdll be of great value to wheat breeders and mate- rially facilitate the work in their field. This paper was originalh' presented as a thesis to the faculty of Cornell University for the degree of doctor of philosoph3\ The author wishes to express his api)reciation of the guidance of Prof. L P. Roberts, Prof. G. C. Caldwell, and Prof. Thos. F. Hunt, who constituted the committee having his work in charge, also of the assistance of Prof. L. H. Bailey and Mr. G. N. Lauman, with whom he frequent!}^ sought counsel. For the analytical work, extending tlu'ough a ]:)eriod of seven years and involving several thousand chemical determinations, he is indeljted to Prof. S. Aver}', Mr. R. S. Ililtner, Prof. R. W. Thatcher, Mr. Y. Nikaido, ISIiss Rachael Corr, ]\Ir. II. B. Slade, and Mr. G. II. Walker. I\Ir. Alvin Keyser has kept the records of wheat-breeding plats and Mr. E. G. Montgomery has assisted in keeping other records. A. F. Woods, Pathologist and Physiologist. Office of Vegetable Pathological AND Physiological Investigations, Washington, D. C, March 31, 1905. 5 INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT. Wliile the art of plant breeding has been practiced for nearty a century, the last decade has witnessed a marvelous awakening of interest in the subject, both from a scientific and practical stand- point. The keen competition in crop production and the resulting cheaper prices, the great and varying demands of modern trade con- ditions, etc., render it necessary that the modern plant breeder have the most thorough knowledge possible of the plant which he is striv- ing to improve. Not only must we secure varieties and races differ- ing in external characters and yielding more heavily under a certam set of conditions, but we must also examine the chemical constit- uents of the product and strive to change and improve them in order that they may better fit our purpose. The great achievements of plant breeding in the past have been mainly in physical characters, requu'ing only superficial knowledge and gross examination for recognition. Many of the improvements now demanded, however, require the most careful chemical exami- nation of the product and the devising of careful means and methods of selection based on the knowledge thus obtained. The first and still the most noteworthy achievement of this nature is the increase of the sugar content in the sugar beet. When the work on this subject was first started by Louis Vilmorin, the mother beets, which were supposed to contain the most sugar, were separated by their greater density, this being determined by throwing the beets into a solution of brine of such density that the greater number of them would float. The few heavier ones which were found to sink were retained as mothers and planted to raise seed. Later the methods were improved, and finally the percentage of sugar content in the different individual beets was determined by actual chemical analy- sis. This careful method of selection has been in operation for more than forty j^ears, and has resulted in greatly increasing the sugar content in the beets, and has rendered their cultivation profitable w^here otherwise the industry would have failed. The second most noteworthy case of increasing certain chemical constituents in a plant b}- careful breeding is that furnished by the investigations of the Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station in increasing the nitrogen, oil, and starch content in corn. These note- worthy experiments carried out by Doctor Hopkins and his assist- ants have greatly stimulated breeding work of this nature, and have paved the way for further research of a similar kind. In wheat it is particularly necessary that a thorough knowledge be obtained of the variations in the chemical constituents and their relation to the other characters of the plant, such as yield, size of 8 INTRODUCTORY STATIMEN^T. kernel, size of head, season of maturity, etc. Doctor Lyon's exten- sive researches will thus be found very valuable in enabling us to understand more clearlj^ these complex relations and in pointing out the main factors to be considered in breeding wheats to increase the gliadin and glutenin content, and still obtain increased yield and better bread-making qualities. The gross selection of wheat seed heretofore has largel3" been based on the separation of large and heavy kernels. Doctor Lyon's re- searches have demonstrated that the smaller and lighter kernels contain the largest percentage of nitrogen, and that while the yield from kernels of this kind at first gives a smaller yield of grain, the total yield per acre of nitrogen is nevertheless greater. By con- tinuous selection of the smaller and lighter kernels for several gen- erations he shows that the grain 3'ield gradually increases and finally approaches or equals the 3'ield derived from the select large and heavy kernels. This gives us a new view of the process of wheat" selection necessar}^ to increase the nitrogen yield per acre. The very numerous chemical anal3"ses made by Doctor L^^on give an indication of the great variation of the percentage of proteid nitrogen present in different plants. In the analyses of samples in 1902 the plants varied from 2.02 per cent to 4 per cent, while in the analj'ses of the next jesir a variation from 1.20 per cent to 5.85 per cent was found. The existence of this wide variation affords abund- ant opportunity for improvement hj selection. Evidence is also given which shows conclusivel}^ that the average composition of a spike of wheat may be judged from the analyses of a row of its spikelets. A satisfactory method of conducting selec- tions has thus been devised. The results also show. that early-maturing plants give much the largest average yield, which is a most important point in guiding selection to increase the j-^ield. The percentage of proteid nitrogen is rather less in the early plants, but the total nitrogen per plant is probably greater. The quality of the gluten largely determines the bread-making value of a variety of wheat, and it is thus important to keep the ratio of the two elements constituting the gluten — the gliadin and glutenin — the same. Doctor Lyon has shown that as the gluten content is increased b^^ selection the ratio of gliadin to glutenin remains about the same, so that the value of the wheat for bread- making purposes is not impaired. The extensive data presented in this bulletin bearing on important matters relating to the improvement of wheat b^^ breeding will enable wheat breeders to plan and conduct their operations with a degree of certainty which would otherwise not be possible. Herbert J. Webber, Physiologist in Charge of Lahoratory of Plant Breeding. Washington, D. C, MarcJi 30, 1905. CONTENTS. Page. Object of the investigation ; 13 Part I. — Historical: Some conditions affecting the composition and yield of wheat 17 Composition as affected by time of cutting 17 Influence of immature seed upon yield 20 Influence of climate upon composition and yield 20 Influence of soil upon composition and yield 23 Influence of soil moisture upon composition and yield 29 Influence of size or weight of the seed-wheat kernel upon the crop yield.. . 30 Relation of size of kernel to nitrogen content 35 Influence of the specific gravity of the seed kernel upon vield 37 Relation of specific gravity of kernel to nitrogen content 39 Conditions affecting the production of nitrogen in the grain 40 Part II. — Experimental: Some properties of the wheat kernel 49 Yield of nitrogen per acre 72 Method for selection to increase the quantity of proteids in the kernel 76 A basis for selection to increase the cjuantity of proteids in the endosperm of the kernel 84 Improvement in the quality of the gluten 91 Some results of breeding to increase the content of proteid nitrogen 95 Yield of g ain as affected by susceptibility to cold 100 Yield and nitrogen content of grain as affected by length of growing period. . 104 Relation of size of head to yield, height, and tillering of plant Ill Summary and conclusions 118 9 TABLES OF EXPERIMENTS. Pago. Table 1 . Analyses of kernels of high and of low specific gravity 49 2. Proportion of light and of heavy seed 50 3. Analyses of large, heavy kernels and of small, light kernels 50 4. Analyses of spikes of wheat, arranged according to nitrogen content of kernels. Crop of 1902 52 5. Summary of analyses of spikes of wheat, arranged according to nitrogen content of kernels. Crop of 1902 56 6. Summary of analyses of spikes of wheat, arranged according to specific gravities of kernels. Crop of 1902 56 7. Sunnnary of analyses of spikes of wheat, arranged according to weight of average kernel. Crop of 1902 57 8. Analyses of plants, arranged according to percentage of proteid nitrogen. Crop of 1903 59 9. Summary of analyses of plants, arranged according to percentage of pro- teid nitrogen. Crop of 1803 64 10. Analyses of plants, arranged according to weight of average kernel. Crop of 1903 65 11. Summary of analyses of plants, arranged according to weight of average kernel. Crop of 1903 71 12. Summary of analyses of plants, arranged according to grams of proteid nitrogen in average kernel. Crop of 1903 72 13. Crops grown from light and from heavy seed for four years 73 14. Analyses of twenty-five spikes of wheat, showing their total organic nitro- gen 77 15. Analyses of twenty-three spikes of wheat, showing their percentage of proteid nitrogen 77 16. Analyses of twenty-one plants, showing total nitrogen and proteid nitro- gen 78 17. Analyses of spikes of wheat, showing difference in proteid nitrogen 79 18. Variations in content of proteids 80 19. Relation of gliadin-plus-glutenin nitrogen to proteid nitrogen 85 20. Summary of analyses, showing relation of gliadin-plus-glutenin nitrogen to proteid nitrogen 88 21 . Relation of proteid nitrogen to gliadin-plus-glutenin nitrogen 88 22. Summary of analyses, showing relation of proteid nitrogen to gliadin-plus- glutenin nitrogen 91 23. Ratio of gliadin to glutenin as the content of their sum increases 92 24. Summary of analyses, showing the ratio of gliadin to glutenin as the con- tent of their sum increases .- 94 25. Analyses showing transmission of nitrogen from one generation to another 96 11 12 TABLES OF EXPERIMENTS. Page. Table 26. Summary of analyses, showing transmission of nitrogen from one genera- tion to another 98 27. Analyses showing transmission of proteid nitrogen in average kernel 99 28. Analyses showing transmission of kernel weight 100 29. Yields of plants, arranged according to percentage killed in each family. . 101 30. Summary of yields of plants, arranged according to percentage killed in each family 104 31. Yield and nitrogen content of grain, tabulated according to length of growing period 105 32. Summary of yield and nitrogen content of grain, tabulated according to length of growing period '. Ill 33. Summary of nitrogen content, etc., tabulated according to yield per plant Ill 34. Summary of yield, etc., tabulated according to nitrogen content Ill 35. Relation of size of head to yield, height, and tillering of plant 112 36. Summary of relation of size of head to yield, height, and tillering of plant . 118 37. Relationof yield of plant to height and tillering, and to the yield per head . 118 38. Relation of yield per head to yield, height, and tillering of plant, and to weight of average kernel 118 B. P. I.— 158. V. P. P. I.— 133. IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF WHEAT. OBJECT OF THE INVESTIGATION. Efforts to improve the wheat plant have been numerous and have accomplished important results. The work of Fultz, Clawson, Rud}^, Wellman, Powers, Hayne, Bolton, Cobb, Green, and Hays in improving by selection, and of Pringle, Blount, Schindel, Saunders, Farrar, Jones, Carleton, and Hays in improving by hybridization, has resulted in giving this country many prolific strains and' varieties of wheat, while Garton Brothers, of England, Farrar, of New South Wales, Vilmorin, of France, Rimpau, of Germany, and others have accomplished the same for other portions of the world. Attempts at improvement have, however, been directed primarily toward effect- ing an increase in the yield rather than in the quality of the crop. While the latter property has not been entirely lost sight of, selection based on quality has never been applied to the individual plant, but only to the progeny of otherwise desirable plants. Why selection for quality of grain in the individual plant has not gone hand in hand with selection for other desirable properties is perhaps to be explained by the fact that no method for such selection has ever been devised. Mr. W. Farrar, of Queanbeyen, New South Wales, in an address made a short time ago, said: Before we can make any considerable progress in improving the quality of the grain of the wheat plant we shall have to devise a method for making a fairly correct quantitative estimate of the constituents * * * of the grain of a single plant and yet have seeds left to propagate from that plant. In devising a method for increasing the percentage of nitrogen in wheat it becomes desirable to know the causes that produce variation in this constituent of the kernel. Numerous experiments and obser- vations have been made on this subject, the results of which agree in the main in attributing such variation to the following conditions: (1) Stage of development of the kernel. (2) Variation in temperature of dift'erent regions. (3) Variation in temperature of different years in the same region. (4) Variation in the supply and form of soil nitrogen. (5) Variation in the supply of soil moisture. 13 14 IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF WHEAT. All of these factors have been studied, and are recognized as opera- tive. Nothing, however, appears to have been done to show their influence upon the actual amount of nitrogen taken up by the wheat plant and deposited in the kernel. This is really the point of greatest interest; for although it is desirable to secure a wheat of greater nutri- tive value, it should not be done at the sacrifice of yield of nitrogenous substance. Admitting that variation in the nitrogen content of wheat is induced by the conditions mentioned, it is essential to the plant breeder to know whether a high or low nitrogen content may be, under similar conditions, a characteristic of an individual plant; whether this cpiahty is transmitted to the offspring; Avith what con- stant characteristics it is correlated, and whether a high percentage of nitrogen in a normal, perfectly matured wheat plant is an indica- tion of a large accumulation of nitrogen by that plant. The data contained in this paper cover the points mentioned, and it is hoped that some definite information has been gained that will lead to a practical solution of the problem of improving by breeding the quality of wheat for bread making. fj^:rt I. HISTORICAL 15 SOME CONDITIONS AFFFXTING THE COMPOSE TION AND YIELD OF WHEAT. Experiments to ascertain the effect of different conditions upon the composition and yield of wheat have been conducted mainly along the following lines: (1) Stage of growth at which the grain is harvested. (2) Influence of immature seed upon the resulting crop. (3) Effect of climate. (4) Effect of soil. (5) Effect of soil moisture. (6) Influence of size or weight of seed upon the resulting crop. (7) Influence of specific gravity of seed upon the resulting crop. A brief summary of a number of these experiments is herewith given. COMPOSITION AS AFFECTED BY TIME OF CUTTING. In 1879," and again in 1892,^ Dr. R. C. Kedzie conducted very careful experiments to note the chemical changes that occur in the wheat kernel during its formation and ripening. These agree in the main in showing a gradual decrease in the percentage of total nitrogen, albuminoid nitrogen, and non-albuminoid nitrogen from the time the grain set to the time the kernel was ripe. The decrease in all of these constituents was much more rapid during the first than during the last stages of this development. The percentage of ash decreased at the same time. In 1897 Prof. G. L. Teller^ carried on some experiments in which he covered the ground already gone over by Doctor Kedzie and also contributed to the knowledge of the subject some very important data concerning the proportion of the various proteids contained in the wheat kernel during the process of development. Teller found that the proportion of total nitrogen in the dry matter steadily decreased from the time the kernel was formed up to about a week before ripening, but that, unlike Doctor Kedzie's results, it gradually increased from that time on. He intimates that this increase before ripening may have been due to defective sampling and hoped to « Report of Michigan Board of Agriculture, 1881-82, pp. 233-239. '' Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 101. '■ Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 53. 27889— No. 78—05 2 17 18 IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF WHEAT. repeat the experiment to remedy this, but he has j^ubhshed nothing further. The amid nitrogen continued to decrease up to the time of ripening, as did also the ash, fats, fiber, dextrins, and pentosans. There was a gradual and marked increase in the proportion of gliadin up to the time of ripening, and a somewhat less and rather irregular decrease in the proportion of glutenin during the same period. Failyer and Willard " report analyses of wheat in the soft-dough stage and when ripe. The ash, crude fiber, fat, and the total and albuminoid nitrogen were higher in the soft-dough wheat, and the nitrogen-free extract and non-albuminoid nitrogen were higher in the ripe wheat. Dietrich and Konig ^' quote results from five experimenters — Reiset, Stockhardt, Heinrich, Nowacki, and Handtke. Only in one case (Heinrich) is there a constant decrease in total nitrogen as the grain approaches ripeness. There is much inconstancy in the results, there being in some cases a decrease in nitrogen between the milk stage and full ripeness and sometimes an increase. There is little informa- tion to be gained from the results quoted by Dietrich and Konig. Kornicke and Werner in their ''Handbuch des Getreidebaues "'^ refer to the work of Stockhardt, and also that of Heinrich, to show that during the process of ripening the percentage of nitrogen in the wheat kernel gradually diminishes, as does also the percentage of ash, and that, on the other hand, the percentage of carbohydrates increases during the same period. Heinrich also shows by a state- ment of the number of grams of these constituents in 2,600 kernels at different stages of development that the absolute amount of nitrogen and ash increases up to the time of ripening, and that consequently the decrease in the percentage of these constituents is due to the rapid increase in the cai*bohydrates. The results obtained by Heinrich appear as follows when tabulated: stage of growth. Starch. 14 days after bloom Beginning to ripen. Ripe Overripe Percentage in 100 parts of dry matter of kernel. 61.44 74.17 75.66 76.38 Grams in 2,600 kernels. Protein. Ash. Percentage in 100 parts of dry matter of kernel. 22.0 58.5 67.0 70.0 14.05 12.21 11.82 11.67 Grams in 2,600 kernels. 5.0 10.0 10.5 10.7 Percentage in 100 " parts of dry matter of kernel. Grams in 2,(;oo kernels. 2.48 2.14 1.97 1.88 0.84 1.70 1.75 1.79 Nedokutschajew'' analyzed wheat kernels at different stages of development and found an almost uniform decrease in the percentage (' Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 32. b Zusanimensetzung u. Verdauliolikeit der Futtermittel, 1, p. 419. f Handbuch des Getreidebaues, Berlin, 1884,.2, pp. 474-476. <'Landw. Vers. Stat., 56 (1902), pp. 303-310. COMPOSITION AS AFFECTED BY TIME OF CUTTING. 19 of total nitrogen, a slight but irregular decrease in the percentage of })roteid nitrogen in the dry matter, and a constant decrease in the percentage of amid nitrogen. He holds that the amid substances are converted into albumen as the kernels ripen as follows : His figures are Date. July 13.. July 18.. July 24.. July 29.. August 3 August 9 Weight of kernel Percentage of— Dry Total Proteid Aspara- (mg.). matter. nitrogen. nitrogen. gin nitrogen. 9.17 30.14 2.87 1.90 0.29 15.80 37.23 2.55 1.94 .20 30.79 45. 18 2.65 2.33 .19 37.99 38.37 2.46 2.08 .16 46.39 51.. 52 2.32 1.98 .13 45.46 49.83 2.37 2.13 .11 Amid nitrogen. 0.68 .41 .13 .22 .21 .13 Judging from these results there can be no doubt that the per- centage of nitrogen, both total and proteid, decreases as the kernel develops, owing to the more rapid deposition of starch that goes on during the later stages of growth. The larger part of the nitrogen used by the wheat plant appears to be absorbed during the early life of the plant. This is transferred in large amounts to the kernel in the early stages of its development, after which nitrogen accretion by the kernel is comparatively slight. The deposition of starch, on the other hand, continues actively during the entire development of the kernel. It would further appear that the amid nitrogen is converted into proteid compounds as development proceeds. As showing the stages of growth of the wlfeat plant at which the greatest absorption of nitrogen occurs, some experiments may be quoted. Lawes and Gilbert " say : In ISSJr we took samples of a growing wheat crop at different stages of its progress, commencing on June 21, and determind the dry matter, ash, and nitrogen in them. Calcu- lation of the results showed that, while during little more than fiye weeks from June 21 there was comparatiyely little increase in the amount of nitrogen accumulated over a given area, more than half the total carbon of the crop was accumulated during that period. Snyder's analyses* show that of the total amount of nitrogen taken up by the wheat plant, 85.97 per cent is removed from the soil within fifty days after coming up, 88.6 per cent b}^ time of heading out, and 95.4 per cent by the time the kernels are in the milk. Adorjan'' finds that assimilation of plant food from the soil is not proportional to the formation of dry matter in the plant, but that it proceeds more rapidly in the early stages of growth. During early growth nitrogen is the principal requirement. The nitrogen stored « On the Composition of the Ash of Wheat Grain and Wheat Straw, London, 1884. f> Minnesota Experiment Station Bulletin 29, pp. 152-160. '"Abstract, E.xperiment Station Eecord, 14, p. 436, from Jour. Landw., 50 (1902), pp. 193-230. 20 IMPEOVING THE QUALITY OF WHEAT. up at that time is, he says, used kiter for the development of the grain. It is too well known to require substantiation by experimental evidence that the yield of grain per acre and the weight of the indi- vidual kernel increase as the grain approaches ripeness. It is there- fore quite evident that immaturity, although resulting in a higher percentage of nitrogen in the wheat kernel, would curtail the pro- duction of nitrogen by the crop, and, furthermore, that the produc- tion of proteids would be still further lessened by reason of the greater proportion of amid substances present in the grain at that time. INFLUENCE OF IMMATURE SEED UPON YIELD. Georgeson " selected kernels from wheat plants that were fully ripe, and from plants cut while the grain was in the milk. He seeded these at the same rate on 2 one-tenth acre plots of land. The immature seed yielded at the rate of 19.75 bushels per acre of grain and 0.8 ton of straw, while the mature seed produced 22 bushels of grain and 1.04 tons of straw per acre. Georgeson says that in a similar experi- ment the previous year the difference in favor of the mature seed was still more pronounced. Although the evidence is limited, it may safely be considered that the use of immature seed will result in a smaller jaeld of wheat than if fully ripe seed be used. INFLUENCE OF <*LIMATE UPON COMPOSITION AND YIELD. Lawes and Gilbert'' state that "high maturation in the wheat crop as indicated by the proportion of dressed corn in total corn, propor- tion of corn in total product (grain and straw), and heavy weight of grain per bushel, is, other things being equal, generally associated with a high percentage of dry substance and a low percentage of both mineral and nitrogenous constituents." This is based upon the wheat crops at Rothamsted for the years 1845 to 1854, inclusive. More recent publications '^ by these investigators reaffu'm their belief that the composition of the wheat kernel depends more largely upon the conditions that affect its degree of development than upon any other factor. The}^ found almost invariably that a season that favored a long and continuous growth of tlie plant after heading, resulting in a large jaeld of grain, a high weight per bushel, and a plump kernel, produced a kernel of low nitrogen content. « Abstract, Experiment Station Record, 4, p. 407, from Kansas Experiment Station Bulletin 33, p. 50. & On Some Points in the Composition of Wheat Grain, London, 1S57. <' Our Climate and Our Wheat Crops, London, 1880, and On the Composition of the Ash of Wheat Grain and Wheat Straw, London, 1884. INFLUENCE OF CLIMATE UPON COMPOSITION AND YIELD. 21 Kornicke and Werner " cite an experiment in which winter wheat grown in Poppelsdorf for several years was sent to and grown in the moist cUmate of Great Britain, in Germany, and in the continental climate of Russia (steppes) . The results were as follows : Locality. Great Britain. . . Germany Soutliem Russia Number of exper- iments. Weight (in grams) of— Percentage of — 37 18 19 100 plants. 600 500 365 Kernels from 100 plants. 227 204 160 Grain. 37.8 40.8 44.0 Straw. 62.3 59.2 56.0 These investigators conclude from the results that in a moist cli- mate relatively more straw and less grain are produced than in a dr}", warm climate. The thickness of the straw and the weight of the kernels from 100 heads are greater, while the percentage by weight of kernels to straw is much less in a moist climate. They also quote Haberlandt as saying that a continental climate produces a small, hard wheat kernel, rich in gluten and of especially heavy weight. Deherain and Dupont ^ report some interesting observations as to the effect of climate on the composition of wheat. They state that the harvest of 1888 at Grignon was late and the process of ripening slow. There was a heavy yield of grain having a gluten content of 12.60 per cent and a starch content of 77.2 per cent. The following season was diy and hot, with a rapid ripening of the grain, resulting in a smaller crop. The gluten content of the grain was 15.3 per cent and the starch content 61.9 per cent. They removed the heads from a num- ])er of plants. The next day the stems were harvested, as were also an equal number of entire plants. The stems w^ithout heads showed that carbohydrates equal to 5.94 per cent of the dry matter had been formed. The stems on which the heads remained one day longer contained 1.63 per cent carbohydrates. They argue from this that the upper portion of the stem, provided it is still green, performs the functions of the leaves in other plants and thus ela})orates the starch that fills out the kernel in its later development. A report from the Ploti Experiment Station ' states that the con- ditions that favored an increase in yield caused a reduction in the relative proportion of nitrogen in the grain. Excessive humidity favored the process of assimilation of carboh3'drates, while drought hastened maturation and produced a grain relatively rich in proteids. "Handbuch des Getreidebaues, Berlin, 1884, pp. 69, 70. ''Ann. Agron., 1902, p. 522. '.Abstract, Experiment Station Record, 14, p. 340, from Sept. Rap An. Sta. Expt. Agron. Ploty, 1901, pp. xiv-180. 22 IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF WHEAT. Wiley" sent wheat of the same origin to Cahfornia, Kentucky, Maryland, and Missouri. The original grain and the product from each State were analyzed. The results of one year's test were reported. Regarding the effect of climate, he says: There appears to be a marked relation between the content of protein matter and starch and the length of the growing season. The shorter the period of growth and the cooler the chmate the larger the content of protein and the smaller the content of starch, and vice versa. Shindler,* in his book upon this subject, says (p. 75) : With the length of the gi-owing period, especialh' with the length of the interval between bloom and ripeness, varies not only the size of the kernel, but also the relative amount of carbohydrates and protein it contains. Again, on page 76, Shindler says: All this shows that the protein constituent of the kernel depends in the first place upon the length of the growing period and next upon the richness of the soil. Melikov '" made analj^ses of different varieties of wheat of the crops of the years 1885-1899 grown in southern Russia. The protein varied in different years from 14 to 21,2 per cent. Melikov concludes that the nitrogen content is highest in dry years and lowest in years of larger rainfall, in which years the yield of wheat per acre is also greater. Gurney and Morris,'^ in one of their reports, say: This increased gluten [over previous years] is probably largely due to differences in the seasons, the weather being hot and dry while the grain was ripening, since it is character- istic not of these wheats alone but of most of the grain grown in the colony. The conclusion to be inevitably derived from these observations is that climate is a potent factor in determining the yield and compo- sition of the wheat crop, and, further, that its effect is produced by lengthening or shortening the growing season, particularly' that por- tion of it during which the kernel is developing. A moderately cool season, wi*h a liberal supply of moisture, has the effect of prolonging the period during wliich the kernel is developing, thus favoring its filling out with starch, the deposition of wliich is much greater at that time than is that of nitrogenous material. With this goes an increase in volume weight and an increased yield of grain per acre. On the other hand, a hot, dr}- season shortens the period of kernel development, curtails the deposition of starch, leaving the per- « Yearbook U. S. Department of Agriculture, 1901, pp. 299-308. ^ Der Weizen in seinem Beziehungen zum Klima und das Gesetz der Korrelation, Berlin, 1893. f Abstract, Experiment Station Record, 13, p. 4.51, from Zhur. Opuitn. Agron., 1 (1900), pp. 256-267. '^Agricultural Gazette of New South Wales, 12, pt. 2, pp. 1403-1424. INFLUENCE OF SOIL LTPON YIELD. 23 centage of nitrogen relatively higher, and gives a grain of lighter weight per bushel and smaller yield per acre. The fact that one variety of wheat is adapted to a hot, dry climate and another to a cool, moist one does not mean that the former under- goes as complete maturation as the latter, even though the grain is not shriveled. This is shown by the fact that a variety of w^heat well adapted to a hot, dry climate will, when planted in a cool, moist one, immediately grow plumper and the kernel weight will increase, as was the case in the experiment of taking Minnesota wheats to Maine. INFLUENCE OF SOIL UPON COMPOSITION AND YIELD. In considering the effect of the soil upon the wheat crop there will naturally be included experiments designed to show the effect of fertilizers upon the crops. It is, in fact, upon experiments with fer- tilizers that we must depend for most of our information on this subject. Experiments to ascertain the effect of fertilizers upon the composi- tion of the w^heat kernel were conducted b}^ Law^es and Gilbert for a period of years extending fro in 1845 to 1854." Plots of land in Avhich wheat was grow n continually were treated annually as follows : Unmanured, manured with ammoniacal fertilizer alone, and manured Avith ammoniacal fertilizer and proportionate amounts of mineral salts. In composition calculated to dry matter, the wheat on the plots receiving ammoniacal fertilizer alone contained quite uniformly a slightly larger amount of nitrogen than either of the other two. The averages for the ten. years were as follows : Percentage of— Weight of grain per bushel (pounds). Percent- age of good kernels. Yield per acre (povmds). Band of fertilizer, if any. Nitrogen in dry matter. Ash in dry matter. 2.13 2.26 2. 22 2.07 1.85 1.96 .58. 51 58.9 60.2 90.6 90. .3 92.8 1,045 Animoniiim salts 1,668 Minerals and ammonium salts 1,969 There w^as practically no difference in the nitrogen content of the straw^ From these experiments the authors quoted conclude that there is no evidence that the nitrogen content of the wheat kernel can be increased at pleasure by the use of nitrogenous manures. Ritthausen and Pott '' report an experiment in which plots of land were manured (1) with superphosphate alone, (2) with nitrate alone, (3) with a mixture of superphosphate and nitrate, and (4) w^ere left « On Some Points in the Composition of Wheat Grain, London, 1857. &Landw. Vers. Stat., 16 (1873), pp. 384-399. 24 IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF WHEAT. unmanured. There were three plots of each. The following is a tabulated statement of their results : Kind of fertilizer, if any. Unfertilized Superphosphate Nitrate Superphosphate and nitrate Weight of 52 c. c. of kernels (grams) . Yield of grain on plot (kilos). Percentage of nitrogen in dry .matter. 1,306 1,339 1,413 1,451 2.72 2.30 2.03 2.60 3.49 3.43 3.62 It will be noticed that the effect of the nitrate fertilizer was to decrease the yield of grain, but to increase the size of the kernel and its content of nitrogen. Wolff/' as early as 1856, in summing up the experiments of Hermb- stadt, Muller, and John with barley, and of Lawes and Gilbert with w^heat, says : In the presence of a sufBcient amount of phosphoric acid and alkali the effect of manuring with an easily soluble nitrogen compound is an improvement in the grain both in quantity and quality [meaning plumper kernels]. The kernels decrease in percentage of nitrogen, l)ut become plumper, become absolutely and relatively richer in starch, and have a better appearance and a higher commercial value. But when the nitrogenous food in the soil exceeds a certain relation to the temperature and rainfall the quality of the grain becomes poorer [harder], it becomes lighter and smaller, takes on a darker color, and generally becomes richer in percentage of nitrogen in the air-dry substance. Yon Gohren^ also reports results of experiments in fertilizing wheat. All experiments were apparently made in the same year. He grew the crop on six different plots of land, five of which were manured and each with a different fertilizer. In the crop he distinguished between large kernels and small kernels to show the quality of the product. Determinations of proteids and starch were made, and these were calculated to the jaeld of each constituent on each plot. The following table shows the jdeld of each of the characters deter- mined, and compares those raised on the unmanured plot with those on the manured ones by taking the former as one and reducing the others to the corresponding figure : Yield and percentage. Yield of grain Yield of large kernels. Yield of small kernels. Yield of proteids Yiel 1 of starch Percentage of proteids Percentage of starch . . Unferti- lized. Ashes. 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 14.42 62.67 1.011 .146 . 9.53 .999 1.009 14.25 62.56 Oil cake. 1.071 1.928 .704 .915 1.081 12.70 63. 25 Bat guano. 1.143 2.552 .538 .936 1.174 11. SI 64.41 on cake and ashes. 215 226 781 070 264 70 65.24 Peruvian guano. 1.286 2.786 .642 1.114 1.303 13. 22 63. 55 The results show an increased yield from the use of fertihzers, the production increasing with the application of complete manures. « Die naturgesetzlichen Grundlagen des Ackerbauer, Leipzig, 1856, p. 774. 6Landw. Vers. Stat., 6 (1864), pp. 15-19. INFLUENCE OF SOIL UPON YIELD. 25 The yield of grain of good quality increases in the same way, and the yield of grain of poor quality decreases proportionately. It must be remembered that by good quality of grain in these early writings is meant plump kernels and not necessarily what would be considered wheat of good milling quality at the present da.j. The production of proteids per acre decreased with the use of the incomplete fertilizers, ashes and oil cake, and even with the bat guano. It increased, how- ever, with the use of oil cake and ashes combined and of Peruvian guano. The percentage of proteids was greatest in the unfertilized grain and the percentage of starch least, with the exception of one fertilized plot. The very evident effect of the fertilizers in this case was to produce a more completely matured kernel. It will be noticed that the plots producing grain of highest starch content were those having the greatest proportion of plump kernels. Again, in 1884, Lawes and Gilbert" report results obtained from manured and unmanured soils. These experiments cover a period of sixteen j^ears and are divided into two periods of eight years each. In one of these periods the seasons were favorable for wheat, in the other unfavorable. Character. Favorable seasons. Unfavorable seasons. Barnyard manure. Weight of grain per bushel (pounds) 62.6 Percentage of grain to straw . j 62. .5 Grain per acre (pounds) I 2, .342. 0 Straw per acre (pounds) ; 6,089.0 Percentage of nitrogen in dry matter ' 1. 7.3 Percentage of ash in dry mat- I ter i 1.98 Nitrogen per bushel (pounds) 1. 083 Un- manured. 60.5 67.4 1,156.0 2, 872. 0 1.84 1.96 1. 11,3 Ammo- nium salts alone. Barnyard manure. 60.4 66.2 1,967.0 4, 774. 0 2.09 1.74 1.262 57.4 54.5 1,967.0 5, 574. 0 1.96 2.06 1.125 Un- manured. 54.3 51.1 823. 0 ,4.33.0 1.98 2.08 1.075 Ammo- nium salts alone. r-,3. 7 46.7 1,147.0 3,601.0 2.25 1.91 1.208 It is evident from this statement that the largest crops and best developed kernels were obtained from the soils treated with barnyard manure, and that these kernels contained the lowest percentage of. nitrogen. The crops on unmanured soil stood next in these respects, except in jaeld. Those on the soil receiving ammonium salts pro- duced the most poorly developed kernels and those of highest nitrogen content, but gave larger yields than the unmanured soil. In the unmanured soil there was a very evident lack of plant food, as indicated by the light crops. The effect upon the kernel was to curtail its development, leaving it of hght weight and with a relatively high nitrogen content. « On the Composition of the Ash of Wheat Grain and Wheat Straw, London, 1884. 26 IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF WHEAT. Hermbstadt obtained some curious results, as quoted by D.G.F. MacDonald/' as follows : He sowed equal quantities of wheat upon the same ground and manured them with equal weights of the difi'erent manures set forth below. From 100 parts of each sample of grain produced he obtained starch and gluten in the following proportions: Kind of fertilizer, if any. Unfertilized Potato peels Cow dung Pigeon duug Horse dung Goat dung Sheep dung Dried night soil. . . Dried ox blood Dried human urine starch. Produce. 66. 7 Threefold. 65.94 62.3 63.2 61.64 42.4 42.8 41.44 41. 43 39.3 Fivefold. Sevenfold. Ninefold. Tenfold. Twelvefold. Do. Fourteenfold. Do. Twelvefold. These results are not to be considered seriously, representing as they do an impossible condition. Prof. H. A. Huston'^ treated 0.01-acre plots of land each with nitrate of soda, dried blood, sulphate of ammonia, rotted stable manure, and muck, respectively, either in the autumn or spring, or in both seasons. In 1891 all the plots treated with nitrogenous com- pounds showed marked increase in the percentage of nitrogen in the grain. In 1892 the results were by no means so uniform and would not justify the conclusion that nitrogenous fertilizers increased the nitrogen content of the wheat. Vignon and Conturier^" tested the effect of phosphate fertihzer alone upon the nitrogen content of the grain of two varieties of wheat. On Plot 1 they used 75 kilograms of phosphoric acid per hectare; on Plot 2, 150 kilograms, and on Plot 3, 225 kilograms. Variety. Percentage of nitrogen in grain. Plot 1. Plot 2. Plot 3. 1.83 2.07 1.61 1.54 1.98 1.82 There was a very evident decrease in the nitrogen content of the crop as the quantity of fertilizer was increased. It was concluded from experiments conducted at the Ploti Experi- ment Station^' that, with favorable meteorological conditions, manure increased the total amount of nitrogen taken up by wheat, but, « Practical Hints on Farming, London, 1868. ''Indiana Experiment Station Bulletins 41 and 45. cCompt. Rend., 132 (1901), p. 791. ''Abstract, Experiment Station Record, 14, p. 340, from Sept. Rap. An. Sta. Expt. Agron. Ploty, 1901, pp. xiv-180. INFLUENCE OF SOIL UPON YIELD. 27 although it thus increased the total production of nitrogen, it decreased the relative proportion of nitrogenous substance. Bogdau " conducted investigations the results of which indicated that with an increase in the soluble salt content of 22 alkali soils the nitrogen and ash contents of the wheat kernels increased, but the absolute weight of the kernels diminished. These soluble salts are rich in nitrates. Experiments were conducted by Whitson, Wells, and Vivian* in which plants were grown in pots the soils of which were in some cases fertilized with nitrates and in others with leachings of single and of double strengths from fertile soils. Field experiments were con- ducted on manured and unmanured plots. All of the analyses, except in the case of oats, were of the whole plant. Of the ripe oat kernels those from the unfertilized soil contained 2.57 per cent of nitrogen, while the average of those from the fertilized soil was 2.78 per cent. Guthrie'" conducted experiments with fertilizers for wheat during two years, in which he kept a record of the yield and gluten content of the grain. The following is a statement of the results: Kind of fertilizer, if any. None Ammonium sulphate Superphosphate Potassium sulphate Ammonium sulphate, superphosphate, potassium sulphate Experiments in 1901 — At Wagga. Yield per acre (bush- els). 7.7 8.7 13.3 13.0 10.0 Percent- age of gluten. At Bathurst. Experiments in 1902, at Wagga. 11.90 10.43 12.0ti 12.02 11.70 Yield per acre (bush- els). 13 16 13.. 5 13.0 13.7 Percent- age of gluten. Yield per acre (hush- els). 11.80 11.21 12.01 11.29 12.05 17.6 17.6 22.6 19.2 20.3 Percent- age of gluten. 9.8 8.7 11.4 10.0 12.0 In this experiment there was in each case a higher percentage of gluten in the wheat raised on the fertilized soil than in that from the soil fertilized with ammonium sulphate, and in the latter less than in the grain fertilized with other material. The most striking feature of these results is their apparent lack of uniformity. In some cases the use of nitrogenous fertilizers was accompanied by an increase in the nitrogen content of the grain and in other cases no increase appeared; in some cases phosphoric acid fertilizers apparently increased the nitrogen content and in others the}" did not have this effect. Climatic influences have doubtless operated largely in these results, but they are not considered by any of the experimenters except Wolff. ^'Abstract, Experiment Station Record, 13, p. 329, from Report of Department of Agri- culture, St. Petersburg, 1900. ''Wisconsin Experiment Station Report, 19 (1902), pp. 192-209. f Agricultural Gazette of New South Wales, 13 (1902), Xo. 6, p. 664; and Xo. 7, p. 728. 28 IMPKOYING THE QUALITY OF WHEAT. It is evident that in all experiments with depleted soils the plants on the plots receiving complete fertilizers would take up larger amounts of plant food, including nitrogen, than would plants on unmanm-ed soils. Any conditions that would prevent the normal ripening of the crop on both soils woidd therefore leave a liigher percentage of nitro- gen in the plants upon the unmanured soil. On the other hand, imder conditions wliich would permit of a complete maturation of the crop there might be no difference in the composition of the grain from the manured and unmanured soils. It is evident, however, that the production of both nitrogen and starch in pounds per acre would be greater on the manured soils. Another condition that may affect the results is the arrested devel- opment of kernels on unmanm-ed soils that are seriously' depleted of plant food. Such depletion may interfere with complete matiu-ation of the crop while the crop on the manured soil ^vill mature fully. In consequence the grain on the unmanured soil will contain a highef percentage of nitrogen but a smaller yield per acre. The use of a nitrogenous manure alone on exhausted soils mav hkewise result in. a grain of higher nitrogen content. Expressed in a more general way. this means that wheat of the same variety grown under the same chmatic conditions will have approximately the same percentage of nitrogen if allowed to mature fully, but any permanent interruption in the process of maturation will result in a higher percentage of nitrogen, and in the latter case the percentage of nitrogen will depend upon the stage at which develop- ment was interrupted, and also upon the amount of nitrogen accumu- lated by the plant, that being greater on soils manured with nitroge- nous fertihzers alone than on exhausted soils, and greater on soils receiving complete manures than on exhausted soils receiving only nitrogenous fertihzers, provided the stage at which development ceased be the same in both cases. It thus happens that wheat grow- ing on the soil allowing it to absorb the largest amount of nitrogen will, other things being equal, have a higher nitrogen content if the development of the kernel be permanently checked, although if it were allowed to mature fully it would not have a greater percentage of nitrogen than that gro^m on the soil affording less nitrogen. Reviewing the experiments, we find that in Lawes and Gilbert's first experiment the percentage of nitrogen in the unmanured soil was less than on the soil receiving only nitrogenous fertilizer, and that the weight of grain per bushel and the percentage of good kernels on the two plots v.ere practicaUy the same. It would not appear, therefore, that the wheat on the plot receiving the nitrogenous fertilizer was less well matured than that on the unmanured plot. In this case there appears to be a shght increase in the percentage of nitrogen, due entirely to the use of nitrogenous fertilizers. Comparing the giain on INFLUENCE OF SOIL MOISTURE UPON YIELD. 29 the plot receiving only nitrogenous fertilizer with that receiving the complete fertilizer it will be seen that the former has a higher percent- age of nitrogen, but this is evidently due to the poorly developed ker- nels wliich weigh l^ss per bushel than the grain on the completely fertilized plot. Yon Goliren's results show plainly that the kernels on the manured land developed better than on the unmanured. and with this better development there was an increase in the percentage of starch and a decrease in the nitrogen. In Lawes and Gilbert's second experiment the percentage of nitro- gen in the wheat on the soil manured with ammonium salts was less than that in the wheat on the unmanured soil, but the weight of grain per bushel shows that the higher nitrogen content was due, in part at least, to incomplete maturation. The liigher percentage of nitrogen in the wheat on the soil receiving only nitrogenous manures as com- pared with that receiving complete manures can be traced to the same condition of the grain. INFLUENCE OF SOIL MOISTUTJE UPON COMPOSITION AND YIELD. Experiments were conducted by D. Prianishinkov " in which wheat was raised with different degrees of moisture, but in the same soil and under the same conditions of light and temperature. With a larger amount of moisture in the soil there was a lower nitrogen content in the grain. It was also stated that the duration of the period of vege- tation was somewhat shorter when the moisture supply was greater. Traphagen^' reports marked changes in the composition of wheat grown with and without irrigation at the Montana Experiment Station. A wheat grown under uTigation on the station farm was planted the following year on land not irrigated. Presumably the land was of similar character. The two crops of grain were analyzed and the percentages stated below were found. „ Mois- Crude Ether ^^\^^^f^' Crude '-'■"P- ture. protein, extract. exWaet. *''^'"" free ^J?'^^ Ash. Per ct. Per ct. Per ct. Per ct. Irrigated wheat 7.87 8.81 1.93 76.99 Vnirrigated wheat 7.65 14.41 2.23 -1.33 Per ct. 2.60 2.65 Perct. 1.80 1.70 No records of yields or of weights of kernels are given, but it is fair to suppose that the unirrigated wheat possessed the light, shrunken kernel wMcli is characteristic of wheat raised without sufficient moisture. "Abstract, Experiment Station Record. 13, p. 631, from Zhur. Opiiitn. Agron., 1 (1900), No. 1, pp. 13-20. * Montana Experiment Station Report (1902), pp. 59-60. 30 IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF WHEAT. Irrigation experiments were conducted by Widtsoe ^' in which wheat of the same variety was raised on plots of land each one of which received a different quantity of water. A record was kept of the yield and composition of the grain on each plot. Plot. Water applied (inches). Yield per acre (bush- els). Percentage of— Yield (in pounds) per acre of— Protein in grain. Ash in grain. Nitrogen. Ash. 317 319 320 318 321 325 322 326 327 328 329 330 4.63 5.14 8.73 8.89 10.30 12.09 12.18 12.80 17.50 21.11 30.00 40.00 4.50 3.83 10.33 11.33 14.66 11.16 11.66 13.00 15.33 17.33 26.66 14.50 24.8 23.2 19.9 19.4 18.4 21.3 23.1 17.1 17.2 15.9 14.0 17.1 2.50 3.07 2.54 2.93 2.34 3.25 2.88 2.52 2.57 2.34 4.14 2.52 10.7 8.5 19.7 21.1 25.9 22.8 25.8 21.3 25.3 26.4 35.8 23.8 6.75 7.05 15.74 19.72 20.24 21.44 20.30 21.50 23.64 24.33 66.20 21.92 The results show that with an increase in the water used for irriga- tion up to 30 inches there were in general an increase in the jdeld of grain and a decrease in the nitrogen content. No volume weights or other means of judging of the development of the kernels on the different plots are given, but there is no reason to suppose that the grain on the plots receiving small quantities of water was not poorly developed. The column added showing the yield of nitrogen in pounds per acre indicates a lack of nutriment in the grain on these plots.* High nitrogen content arising from a small supply of soil moisture is sometimes due to a restricted development of the kernel. There is nothing in these results to indicate a greater absorption of nitrogen by the crop on soil having less moisture, but results of this nature are cited elsewhere in this bulletin. INFLUENCE OF SIZE OR WEIGHT OF THE SEED-WHEAT KERNEL UPON THE CROP YIELD. Sanborn ^ reports experiments to ascertain the effect of separating seed w^heat into kernels of different grades to ascertain the effect upon the yield. He divided the kernels into large, medium, small, ordinary (grain as it came from the thrasher), and shriveled, and continued the experiments for four j^ears. Apparently the large kernels were separated from the crop grown from large seed the previous year, and « Utah Experiment Station Bulletin 80. ^ Nitrogen has been calculated from proteids by dividing by 6.25. c Utah Elxperiment Station Report, 1893, p. 168. INFLUENCE OF SIZE OR WEIGHT OF SEED KERNEL. 31 SO with the other classes of kernels. He tabulates his results as follows : Kind of seed. Yield of grain on plots (in pounds). Average for 4 years. 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893. Bushels per acre. Larsfe S8.5 72.5 70.0 105.0 95.0 43.0 Ill 63.0 87 67.0 64 74.0 87 29.5 78 31.0 18.72 16.60 Smnll 94.0 84.0 18.72 16.42 Shrivpled 11.25 The relation between yields of the crops representing different sized kernels is so irregular from year to year that suspicion is aroused regarding the accuracy of the results, due to lack of uni- formity in soil. Sanborn's conclusion is that very little, if any, advantage is to be gained by separating seed wheat and planting the large kernels. At the Indiana Experiment Station, Latta" conducted experi- ments in which wheat was separated by means of a fanning mill into heavy and light kernels, but impurities and chaff}^ seed were fanned out of each lot of wheat. The experiments were continued three years, but the separations were made each year from seed that had not been so separated the year before. The average gain from the large seed for three years was 2.5 bushels per acre. Georgeson,^^ at the Kansas station, seeded plots of land with (1) light seed weighing 56 pounds per bushel, (2) common seed weighing 62.5 pounds, (3) heavy seed weighing 63 pounds, and (4) selected seed, obtained by picking the largest and finest heads in the field just before the crop was cut, weighing 61.5 pounds per bushel. Seed was separated each year from wheat not grown from previously selected seed. The average results for three years were as follows: Grade of seed. Light Common. Yield of grain per acre (bush- els). 25.19 26.57 Grade of seed. Heavy Select (average for 2 years) . Yield of grain per acre (bush- els). 27.07 25.82 Desprez'' reports experiments extending through three years in which large kernels were selected from a crop grown from large seed « Indiana Experiment Station Bulletin 36, pp. 110-128. & Kansas Experiment Station Bulletin 40, pp. .51-62. '^ Abstract, Experiment Station Record, 7, p. 679, from Jour. Agr. Prat., 59 (1895), 2, pp. 694-698. 32 IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF WHEAT. for several j^ears and small seed from a crop grown from small seed for several j^ears. Five varieties of wheat were used. The average results for three years were a difference of 1,067 to 1,828 kilograms of grain ])er hectare in favor of the large seed, but the difference was in general greater the first year than later. The use of large seed gave a crop with kernels larger than those grown from small seed. Middleton ^' reports the yields obtained from large wheat kernels to be almost doulile those obtained from small seed kernels. Bolle}^'' as the results of experiments continuing for four years in which plump kernels of large size and plump kernels of small size were selected for seed, concludes that ''perfect grains of large size and greatest weight produce better plants than perfect grains of small size and light weight, even when the grains come from the same head." ' At the Ontario Agricultural College. Zavitz'' selected large plump seed, small plump seed, and shrunken seed of both spring and winter- wheat. Experiments were continued for eight years with spring wheat and five years with winter wheat, the selections each year being from a crop grown from previously unselected seed. His results are as follows: Kind of seed. Yield per acre (in busliels) . Spring wheat. Winter wheat. Larerp tjIuitii) 21.7 18.0 16.7 42.4 34.8 Shninkpn 33.7 Deherain and Dupont*^^ report that the yields from small and large kernels of a number of varieties of wheat were in all cases in favor of the large kernels, but a large difference in yield was obtained only when there was a marked difference in the weight of the kernels. Soule and Vanatter* conducted experiments for three years in which large and small kernels were separated by means of sieves. In addition a plot of unselected seed was planted. The large seed was, each year after the first, selected from the crop grow^n from large seed the previous year. The same was true of the small seed. These investigators say: « Abstract, Experiment Station Record, 12, p. 441, from 'Univ. Coll. of Wales Kept., 1899, pp. 68-70. '' North Dakota Experiment Station Report, 1901, p. 30. 'Ontario Agricultural College and Experiment Farm Report, 1901, p. 84. '' Abstract, Experiment Station Record, 15, p. 672, from Compt. Rend., 135 (1902), p. 654. « Tennessee Experiment Station Bulletin, vol. 16, No. 4,. p. 77. INFLUENCE OF SIZE OE WEIGHT OF SEED KERNEL. 33 The average difference in 3'ieid at tlie end of three years between large grains (607 per ounce), commercial sample (689 per ounce.), and small grains (882 per ounce), with Med- iterranean wheat, was 2.06 bushels in favor of large grains as compared with the commercial sample, and 5.18 bushels in favor of large grains over small grains. The difference in yield between the large grains and the commercial sample chiefly occurred the first year; but it is possible, though hardly probable, that the difference was partly due to variation in the soil. The experiment has been carried on in different parts of the field for the last two years, and the difference in yield is now only 0.32 Ijushel per acre in favor of the large grains. Cobb" reports tests of various grades of wheat kernels with respect to size, and conckides that large kernels give better yields of grain. The seed of one year was not the product of the corresponding grade of the previous one. Grenfell'^ selected plump and shriveled kernels from the same bulk of grain. Of these 150 kernels were sown in each row, with rows of plump and shriveled kernels alternating. The germination in both ro\vs appeared much alike, but the plants in the rows sown from plump grain soon began to gain on the others and kept ahead for the remainder of the season. The tillering was better in the plump- grain plants. Grenfell tabulates his results thus: Variety. Kind. Stein wedel Plump Do Shriveled. Purple Straw do Do Plump Do Shriveled . Do Plump Do Shriveled . Plump-kernel averages Shriveled-kern( 1 averages ''oTptnTs'^N^^'^^'- tha?g,w.i°fhe'^d- 96.0 89.3 89.3 90.0 7fi.O 92.0 98.0 92.7 88.5 Average Tillering >'i|ld per Po^^-e'-- (bush- els). 179 174 153 200 140 161 155 180 155 1.24 1.29 1.14 1.49 1.16 1.23 1.34 1.32 1.23 10.9 9.9 6.1 10 6.9 8.4 7.2 9.8 7.5 As bearing upon this subject some experiments conducted by Riinker'' are of interest. He weighed each of the kernels of a large number of heads of wheat of the Spalding Prolific and Alartin Amber varieties, and found that the heaviest kernels occur in the lower half of the spike. With spikes of different lengths and weights, the weight of the average kernel increases with the size of the spike. Weights of individual kernels from the same spikes show that there is a great range in this respect. One spike, of which Riinker gives the weights of all the kernels, and which is given as representa- tive of the average, shows kernels varying in weight from 36 to 71 milligrams. « Agricultural Gazette of New South Wales, 14 (1903), No. 2, pp. 14.5-169. ''Agricultural Gazette of New South Wales, 12 (1901 ), No. 9, pp. 1053-1062. c Jour. f. Landw., 38 (1890), p. 309. 27889— No. 78—05 3 34 IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF WHEAT. It is therefore quite evident that a sample of wheat taken from spikes of different sizes when separated into lots of light and heavy kernels would have both the larger spikes and smaller spikes repre- sented in each lot of kernels, but doubtless the proportion of kernels from large heads would be greater in the lot of heavy kernels. It would appear from these results that the evidence was over- whelmingly in favor of large or heavy wheat kernels for seed. Most of the experimenters selected seed of different kinds each year without reference to previous selection. If large seed or small seed represent plants of different characteristics and if these properties are hered- itary, the results of selection of large or small seeds for several years may be quite different from what they would be the first 3'ear. It is only those experiments in which selection of the same kind of seed has been continued for several generations that ma}^ be relied upon to indicate the value of continuous selection of large kernels for seed. Such experiments have been conducted by Sanborn, by Desprez, and by Soule and Vanatter. The work of Desprez indicates that the size of the kernel is a hereditary qualit} . That being the case, it is evident that the small seed of the first separation may be composed partly of seed that is small on account of immaturity and parth^ of seed that is small hj inheritance, but which is perfectly normal. When such seed is planted the immature seed will be largely elimi- nated in the crop, but the naturally small seed will have reproduced itself and will compose most of the crop. When the seed is again separated a much smaller percentage of small seed will be immature, and in consequence a larger number of kernels will produce plants. It would appear from Desprez's experiments, however, that those plants producing small kernels are not so prolific as those producing large kernels. Sanborn's results make a ver}^ good showing for the small kernels, but, as before stated, the extreme irregularity would lead to the belief that the soil on the plots lacked uniformit}', or that some other errors had influenced the results. To offset this the tests cover a period of four ^^ears, which should help to rectify mistakes, and in consequence the good showing made by the small kernels is entitled to some consideration. Soule and Vanatter's results fulfill exactly the conditions of the hypothesis that the small seed would the first j^ear contain a much larger proportion of immature kernels than it would in subsequent years, and hence yield more poorly the first year. Their results with heavy kernels as compared with ordinary seed offer little encourage- ment to the continuous selection of large kernels. RELATION OF SIZE OF KERNEL TO NITROGEN CONTENT. 35 The fact before referred to that both large and small kernels are found on the same head of wheat is perhaps an argument against the superior value of large seed. If the plant and not the seed is the unit of reproduction, small seed from a plant whose kernels averaged large size may be better than large seed from a plant whose kernels averaged small size. On the other hand, there can be no doubt that the majorit^^of the kernels in the lot of heavy kernels would be from plants having large spikes, and vice versa. This would give the kernels in the heavy lot some advantage. Again, the advantage that the large kernel is sup- posed to possess for seed may not be in producing a large kernel in the resulting crop, but in giving the plant a better start in life, or producing a more vigorous plant. RELATION OF SIZE OF KERNEL TO NITROGEN CONTENT. Richardson " has made a large number of analyses of wheats from different parts of the United States. The weight of 100 kernels was also determined in each sample. There can not be said to be any constant relation between the nitrogen content and the kernel weight, l)ut in the main the large kernels have a lower percentage of nitrogen than the small kernels, and inversely. PagnouF' reports that in a test of eleven varieties of wheat there was in the main a decrease in the percentage of nitrogen in the crop as compared with the seed when there was an increase in the weight of 1,000 kernels in the crop as compared with the seed. The same investigator'' again states that in an examination of seventy varieties of wheat there was no constant relation between the size of the kernels and their nitrogen content, but that in general the varieties with small kernels were the varieties richest in nitrogen. Marek'' separated wheat of the same variety into lots of large and of small kernels. He found on anah^sis that the large kernels con- tained 12.. 52 per cent protein and the small kernels 13.55 per cent protein. Woods and ^^lerrilP made analj'ses of a number of wheats grown in Minnesota and of the same varieties grown in Maine. The wheats uniforml}^ developed a larger kernel when grown in Maine. Grouping five varieties raised in ^Minnesota and five raised in Maine, it will be seen that with this increase in the size of the kernel there was a « U. S. Department of Agriculture, Division of Chemistry, Bulletins 1 and 3. '^Abstract in Centrlb. f. Agr. Chera., 1893, p. 616, from Ann. Agron., 1892, p. 486. c Abstract in Centrlb. f. Agi'. Chem., 1888, p. 767, from Ann. Agron., 14, pp. 262-272. ''Abstract in Centrlb. f. Agr. Chem., 1876, from Landw. Zeitung f. Westfalen u. Lippe, 187.5. p. 362. ( Maine Experiment Station Bulletin 97. 86 IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF WHEAT. decrease in the nitrogen content. The analyses, reduced to a water- free basis, are as follows : ■\^■here grown. Weight of 100 kernels (grams). Minnesota 2. 239 Maine 3. 109 Percentage of protein. 16.22 15.43 In a review of the experiments concerning the relation of weight to composition of cereals, Gwallig" says that the results obtained by Marek, Wollny, Miircker, Hoffmeister, and Nothwang divide barley and rye into one group, and wheat and oats into another, as regards this relation. With barley and rye, the largest, heaviest kernels are the richest in protein. With wheat and oats, the smallest, lightest kernels have the highest protein content. Gwallig sa3^s further that with an increased protein content there is a decrease in nitrogen-free extract. The fat and ash do not stand in a definite relation to the kernel weight, but the small, light kernels have a higher percentage of crude fiber, which circumstance is accounted for hy the larger surface possessed by the smaller kernels. Snyder'^ has divided small kernels into two classes — those which are small because shrunken and those which are small although well filled. He finds that as between small kernels of the first class and large, well-filled kernels, the former contain a higher percentage of nitrogen, but as between the small, well-filled and the large, well-filled kernels, the latter contain the higher percentage of nitrogen. In testing this he used large and small kernels of the same variety in each case, and the wheats represented a large portion of the wheat- growing area of the United vStates. As regards the relation of large, perfect, and small, perfect kernels there were twenty-four out of twenty-seven cases in which the large kernels contained a greater percentage of nitrogen. Johannsen and Weis,^ in experiments witli five varieties of wheat, find that as a general rule the percentage of nitrogen is increased with increasing grain weight, but that there are many exceptions to the rule. Cobb'' states that small wheat kernels contain a larger proportion of gluten than do large ones, but he does not submit any analyses to substantiate his statement. ^'Abstract in Centrlb. f. Agr. Chem., 24 (189.5). p. 388, from Landw. Jahrbiicher, 2.3 (1894), p. 83.5. '' Minnesota Experiment Station Bulletin 8.5. <■ Abstract, Experiment Station Record, 12, p. 327, from Tidsskr. Landbr. Planteavl., 5 (1899), pp. 91-100. «/ Agricultural Gazette of New Soutli Wales, 5 (1894), Xo. 4, pp. 239-2.50. INFLUENCE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF SEED KERNEL. 37 Kornicko and Werner" quote the experiments of Reiset to show that shriveled kernels have a higher nitrogen content than plump ones. With different varieties of wheat he found the following : Variety. Kind. Percent- age cf nitrogen in dry matter. Shriveled 2.48 Do - Plump 2.33 Vi.'»toria *- Shriveled Plump 2.44 Do 2.08 Shriveled 2.59 Do . Plump 2.35 Cai'leton'' records the weight of 100 kernels and the percentage of 'albuminoids" in sixty-one samples of wheat from various parts of the world. Dividing these into classes according to the weight of 100 kernels we have the following: Weight of 100 kernels (grams). Average weight of kernels (grams). Percent- age of albu- minoids. Number of sam- ples. 2 to 3 3 to 4 over 4 2.66 3.67 4.57 14.58 !2.31 11.62 6 25 30 Reviewing these experiments there would seem to be no doubt that shrunken kernels contain a higher percentage of nitrogen than do well-filled ones, but as between large and small kernels, both of which are well filled, there is not a great deal of information. Snyder's experiments are the only ones that cover this ground, but they are extensive and very uniform, and may be considered as deciding the question in favor of a higher nitrogen content for the large kernels, so far as small, plump kernels and large, plump kernels are concerned. But, as small and light kernels are usually not plump, taking the crop as a whole and dividing it equally into large and small or heavy and light kernels, the evidence would be in favor of the small or light kernels for high nitrogen content. As between wheats from different regions and of different varieties, those having small kernels are generally of higher nitrogen content. INFLUENCE OF THE SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF THE SEED KERNEL UPON YIELD. Sanborn'' separated seed wheat with a sieve into large, medium, small, and shriveled kernels. The large seed was separated by means "Handbuch des Getreidebaues, 1, pp. 520-521, Berlin, 1884. ''U. S. Department of Agriculture, Division of Vegetable Physiology and Pathology, Bulletin 24. •Abstract, E.xperiment Station Record, 5, p. .58, from Utah Experiment Station Report, 1892, pp. 133-135. 38 IMPRtn"ING THE QrALITY OF WHKAT. of a brino solution into two nearly equal parts. The seed thus sepa- rated was planted on separate plots. The experiment was con- tinued three years. The heavy seed yielded lO.S bushels and the light 16.3 bushels per acre. Unselected seed yielded 16.4 bushels per acre. Seed wheat of four varieties was separated by Church" by means of solutions of calcium chlorid havmg specific gravities of 1.247. 1.293, and 1.31. The seed was first treated with a solution of mer- curic clilorid to remove adherent air. Each lot of seed was planted separately. From the results the following conclusions are drawn: (1) The seed wheat of the greatest density produced the densest seed. (2) The seed wheat of the greatest density yielded the largest amount of dressed grain. (3) The seed of medium density generally gave the largest number of ears, but the ears were poorer than those from the densest seed. (4) Seed of medium density generaTly produced the largest number of fruiting plants. (5) The seed wheat that sank in water, but floated in a solution havmg the densitv 1.247. was of verv low value, vielding on an average oidy 34.4 pounds of dressed grain for every 100 ^'ielded by the densest seed. Ilaberlandt/' as the result of experiments with several cereals, has shown that the comparative weight of kernels is transmitted to the grain resulting from this seed. Tliis was the case with wheat, rve, barlev. and oats. The results with Avheat were as follows: Number of pounds. Weight of kernels. Light. Medium. | Heavy. 1,000 seed kernels. 1,000 crop kernels. Grams. ' Grams, i Grams. 29.5 31.2 33.0 34.3 35.5 i 36.3 Wollny" objects to the results of the experiments by F. Haberlandt, CIuutIi, Trommer, HelMegel, and Ph. Dietrich with various cereals, in wliich almost without exception the kernels of liigli specific gravity* produced the best yields, because no distinction was made between absolute weight and specific gravity in the kernels. He claims that the value of the seed lies in the kernels of absolutely heavy weight rather than in the kernels of high specific gravity. He concludes that the specific gravity of the seed exerts no influence on the yield of the crop. "Science with Practice. ''Jahresh. Agr. Chom.. 1S60-67, p. 298. . - •Abstract in Cent rib. f. Agr. Cheni., 1SS7, p. 169, from Forsclumgen a.d. Gebiete Agri- kulturphvsik, 9 (1886), pp. 207-216. SPECIFIC GRAVITY AND NITROGEN CONTENT, 39 In the light of the experiments that have been conducted with seed wheat of liigh and low specific gravities, it would appear that, in general, seed of very low specific gravity does not yield well, and it is evident that such seed must be deficient in mmeral matter and is probably not normal in other respects. There would not appear, however, to be any marked difference in the productive capacity of kernels of medium specific gravit}' and kernels of great specific gravity. RELATION OF SPECIFIC GKAVITY OF KERNEL TO NITROGEN CONTENT. Marek" found that with an increase in the specific gravity of the kei'nel there was a decrease in nitrogen content. Pagnoul,'^ in testing seventy varieties of wheat, found that the nitrogen content rose with the specific gravity, but not regularly, and that a definite relation could not be traced. WoUn}"'' took kernels of horm' structure and kernels of mealy structure. He says it is generally recognized that the hard, horny kernels have a higher specific gravity, and that it is commonly attributed to their higher content of proteids. He contends that as starch has a higher specific gravity than protein the meah' kernels must really have a higher specific gravity than the horn}' ones. Kornicke and Werner"' state the specific gravities of the various chemical constituents of the wheat kernel as follows: Starch, 1.53; sugar, 1.60; cellulose, 1.53; fats. 0.91 to 0.96; gluten, 1.297; ash, 2.50; water, 1.00; air, 0.001293. They state also (p. 121) that the specific gravity" of the kernel does not stand in any relation to the volume weight, for the factor which results from weighmg a certain volume mass is influenced b}' the au- spaces between the kernels, and these depend upon the form and size as well as the surface and acci- dental structure of the kernel. They also contend that there is no relation between the volume weight and the content of proteid material. Schindler'' shows that by tabulating a large number of varieties of wheat from different parts of the world, and representing different varieties, there is no relation between the weight of 1,000 kernels and the volume weight of 100 c. c. By separating these into varieties, even when grown in different localities, kernels of the same variet}' did show a definite and constant relation. The volume weight increased with an increase in the weight of 1,000 kernels. « Abstract in Centrlh. f. Agr. Cheni., 1876, p. 46, from Landw. Zeitung f. Westfalen u. Lippe, 1875, p. 362. ''Abstract in Centrlb. f. Agr.Chem., 1888, p. 767, from Ann. Agron., 14, pp. 262-272. ^Abstract in Centrlb. f. Agr. Chem., 1887, p. 169, from Forschungen a. d. Gebiete Agri- kulturphysik, 9 (1886), pp. 207-216. ''Handbuch des Getreidebaues. 2, p. 120, Berlin, 1884. ^ Jour. Landw., 45 (1897), p. 61. 40 IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF WHEAT. There has long been a desire manifested b}^ workers in this field to establish some definite relation between the specific gravity of the wheat kernel and its composition, or at least its nitrogen content. Very contradictory results have been obtained by several experi- menters, and little progress has been made. It is true that the various- chemical constituents that go to com- pose the wheat kernel have different specific gravities, and as those of the carbohydrates are all less than those of the proteids it might be argued that a wheat having a large proportion of proteid material would have a low specific gravity. However, the specific gravity of the ash is so much greater than that of any other constit- uent and the ash in wheats from different soils and climates varies so much that these factors completely prevent the establishment of a definite relation. The size and number of the vacuoles also influence the specific gravity. In general, it may be said that as between kernels of the same variety grown in the same season and upon the same soil, the specific gravity is inversely proportional to the nitrogen content. CONDITIONS AFFECTING THE PRODUCTION OF NITROGEN IN THE GRAIN. So far as the writer has been able to ascertain there is no literature bearing directly upon the conditions affecting the production of nitrogen in the grain of wheat. Regarding high nitrogen in the wheat crop as arising merely from failure on the part of the kernel to develop fully, it would seem that a high percentage of nitrogen would inevitably be accompanied by a small production of nitrogen per acre. This, however, does not always appear to be the case. Taking, for instance, the yields of wheat obtained by Lawes and Gilbert" for a period of twenty years, which they divide into two periods of good and of poor crops, each covering ten years, we have the following figures : Seasons. Good crop seasons. Poor crop seasons. Average yield of grain per acre (pounds). 1,833 1,740 Weight per liushel Yield of nitrogen per acre - IN Ut'l ill 1 C (pounds), (j^ounds) 60.2 57.1 28.0 29.8 It will be noticed that the largest production of nitrogen per acre was in those years in which the weight per bushel and the yield per acre were least. Of course this is not always the case, but that it should occur at all is an indication that the conditions that make for high nitrogen « On the Composition of the Ash of Wheat Grain and Wheat Straw, London, 1884. CONDITIONS AFFECTING PRODUCTION OF NITROGEN. 41 content in the grain also conduce to a large accumulation of nitrogen by the crop, or perhaps it. would be more accurate to say that the conditions which favor a large accumulation of nitrogen by the crop often result in giving it a high nitrogen content. Reference has already been made to the observations of Deherain and Dupont" on the wheat crops of 1888 and 1889 at Grignon. The figures for the yields of grain, the percentages of starch and gluten, and the production per acre of these constituents for the two years are as follows: Year. Yield of grain per hectare (kilos). Percentage of— Gluten per hectare (kilos). Starch per Gluten. Starch. hectare (kilos). 1S8S 3,44.5 2,922 12.6 15.3 77.2 61.9 434 447 2,6.59 1889 1,808 From tliis it will be seen that for the year in which the Aaeld of grain was less per acre the production of gluten per acre was greater. Apparent!}' the conditions were favorable for a large accumulation of nitrogen by the plant in 1889, but were unfavorable to the pro- duction of starch. If the latter had not been the case, the crop of 1889 would have been larger than the crop of 1888. A number of instances of this kind have occurred among the wheat crops at the Nebraska Experiment Station. In fact, it may be said that, in general, large yields of grain have there been accompanied by a low percentage of nitrogen per acre as compared with the same properties in small yields of grain. The following table will show this : Production of nitrogen per acre in wheat raised at the Nebraska Experiment Station. Variety. Year. Yield of grain per acre (pounds). Percent- age of proteid nitrogen. Proteid nitrogen per acre (pounds). Date of ripen- ing. Turkish Red 1900 1901 1902 1903 1900 1901 1903 1902 1903 1902 1903 1,980 2.370 1,800 1,864 1,320 1,794 f 962 1,60.5 1,891 1,475 1,830 3.02 2.00 2.86 2.40 3.01 2.18 2. .54 3.16 2.10 2.92 2.16 52.73 43.04 51.48 44.74 34.58 36.08 24.43 46.32 39.71 43.10 39.53 June 27 Do June 24 Do June 23 Do July 9 July 2 Do July 1 Do July 14 Weissenburs' June 24 Do July 10 Pester Boden June 24 Do July 10 Averaf'e 1,717 41.43 II Yield decreased Ijy lodging of grain. A word in regard to the character of the seasons that produced these crops may help to an understanding of their differences. « Ann. Agron., 28 (1902), p. 522. 42 IMPKOVING THE QUALITY OF WHEAT. The season of 1900 was rather dry and hot from the time growth started in the spring until harvest. There was no time when there was an abundant supply of moisture, but occasional rains wet the soil for a few d&js at a time. The temperatures during the day were high and the air was dry. In 1901 the spring was quite moist and cool until June, when it became extremely hot and dry. A few da3"s before harvest the temperatures ranged above 100° F. daily, with no rainfall. The season of 1902 was the direct opposite of that of 1901, except that the change came earlier. It was extremely dry and hot until the middle of May, when abundant rains came, and the temperatures were considerably below normal until harvest. The season of 1903 was wet and cool throughout. In general, it may be said that in those seasons, like 1900 and 1902, in which the temperatures were high and moisture scarce dur- ing all or the early part of the growing season, the grain had a liigh percentage of nitrogen, and there was a large production of nitrogen per acre. In years of low temperatures and abundant moisture, as in 1903, or even when such conditions obtained late in the sea- son, as in 1901, there were a low percentage of nitrogen in the grain and a small production of nitrogen per acre. High temperatures and scant moisture during early growth would, therefore, seem to favor the accumulation of nitrogen by the wheat plant. It may also be noted that these are the conditions favorable to the process of nitrification and to the accumulation of nitrates near the surface of the soil. Comparing the wheat crops grown at Rothamsted for a period of twenty years, the yields and nitrogen production of which have just been stated, with the averages for the Nebraska-grown wheats con- tained in the last table, it will be seen that the yields of grain were larger at Rothamsted, but that the production of nitrogen per acre was considerably greater in Nebraska. '' station. Yield (in pounds) per acre of — Grain. Nitrogen. Rothamsted station 1,786 1,717 28.9 Npbra ska station 41.4 The maximum production of nitrogen per acre at Rothamsted during the twenty years was 38.1 pounds, while at Nebraska it was 52.7 pounds. There can be little doubt as to whether this difference was due in greater measure to soil fertility or to climate. Nowhere is better « The yield of nitrogen at Rothamsted is calculated from total organic nitrogen, while at the Nebraska Station it is from proteid nitrogen. ■ CONDITIONS AFFECTING PRODUCTION OF NITROGEN. 43 tillage given or are crops more scientifically provided with food than at Rothamsted. It is true that of the ten plots of land on which these wheats were raised one received no manure and three were not sufficiently manured. In order to make the comparison more favorable to the English environment, the five plots completely manured and producing the largest yields may be taken. The jdeld of nitrogen per acre was 36.4 pounds for the years 1852-1861 and 34.6 pounds for 1862-1871. Even with the best manurmg the yields of nitrogen fall very much short of those in Nebraska. In Nebraska no commercial fertilizers had ever been used on the land on which the wheats were grown, but farm manure had been applied. The soil was a heavy one, well adapted to wheat growing, and had been well tilled. It had been well manured for corn in a rotation of corn, oats, and wheat. The varieties, with the exception of Turkish Red, had just been introduced from Europe and had not fully adapted themselves to the new environment. The average nitrogen production for the only acclimated variety, Turkish Red, was 48 pounds per acre. It would seem, therefore, that a cKmate affording high temperatures, dry air, and a moderately dry soil is favorable to the accumulation of a large amount of nitrogen by the wheat plant, provided there is a large supply of nitrogen in the soil. The heat and scant soil moisture are doubtless instrumental in making available the nitrogen of the humus, and the bright sunshine and dry, hot air stimulate growth and increase transpiration. It has just been said that hot, dry weather in the early growing season contributes to a large nitrogen accumulation by the wheat plant. The same conditions cut short the growing period of the plant and prevent the large accumulation of starch that takes place in the kernel of wheat raised in a cool or moist region. It thus happens that such wheats are high in nitrogen and low in starch. The properties of the wheat kernel characteristic of a continental chmate and rich soil are probably due to rapid nitrification and liighly stimulated growth causing a large accumulation of nitrogen by the crop, and to incomplete maturation, caused either by heat, or frost, or lack of moisture, resulting in high nitrogen. It would be interesting to know what relation the production of nitrogen per acre bears to the production of mineral matter, but the necessary figures are not at hand. The wheat kernel produced in a continental climate is not usually plump as compared with the kernel produced in an insular or coastal one. The yield of grain per acre is also usually less. That this is due to incomplete maturation is shown by the fact that winter varieties of wheat that make their growth early in the season always yield better than spring varieties. The latter, on the other hand, have a higher, percentage of nitrogen, but usually not so large a 44 IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF WHEAT. nitrogen production. Their disadvantage lies in the fact that their roots are not sufficiently developed to absorb a large quantity of nitrogenous matter at the time most favorable for its accumulation. As a maximum nitrogen accumulation is the chief desideratum, spring wheats are not desirable where winter ones can be grown. This does not mean that a variety of wheat which has been grown, for instance, in England will show all the qualities of an inland wheat when first grown in Kansas or Nebraska. Such a wheat will undergo modifications that will give it some of these qualities, such, for instance, as less well-filled kernels, and less weight per bushel. On the other hand, the Turkish Red wheat, when raised in a cool, moist climate, becomes later maturing, and the kernel becomes plumper, more starchy, and softer. It is betw^een varieties adapted each to its peculiar climate, and raised there for years, that these distinctions are most marked, but the fact that a modification of an}^ variety begins at once when transferred from one climate to another shows that such qualities as those mentioned are influenced by the climate. It must be quite apparent, although it has not often been remarked, that the ordinary selection of seed wheat to increase the yield has resulted in producing a grain of lower nitrogen content. This has been noticed by Girard and Lindet " and by Biff en, ^' and incidentally by Balland,'' who, in commenting on the decrease iii the nitrogen content of wheat in northern France and the increased yields, attributes the former to a deficiency of nitrogen in the fer- tilizers used, and states that the gluten in the wheat of that region in 1848 ranged from 10.23 to 13.02 per cent, while fifty years later it ranged from 8.96 to 10.62 per cent. In the same time the aver- age yield increased from 14 to 17.5 hectoliters per hectare. In the light of the results of experiments to ascertain the effect of nitroge- nous fertilizers upon the composition of wheat, it can not be supposed that tliis decrease in nitrogen content can be due primarily to lack of nitrogen. It would seem more likely that the increased yield was largely due to the deposition of starch in the grain, and that consequently the percentage of gluten was smaller. Has the improvement in the yield of wheat been accompanied by a greater yield of nitrogen per acre? It is evident that the increase in the grain and that in the nitrogen are not proportional, but it is « Le Froment et sa Monture, Paris, 1903. & Nature (London), 69 (1903), No. 1778, pp. 92, 93. c Abstract in Centrlb. f. Agr. Chem., 1897, p. 785, from Corapt. Rend., 124 (1897), p. 158. CONDITIONS AFFECTING PRODUCTION OF NITROGEN. 45 desirable to know whether there has been any increase in nitrogen per acre. Returning to the figures given by Balland it will be seen that the wheat of 1848 produced on an average 163 kilos per hec- tare, while that of fifty years later produced 171 kilos, an increase of about 5 per cent in gluten per hectare, with an increase of 25 per cent in jdeld. These figures can not, of course, be taken as strictly accurate, as they are based merely on what M. Balland refers to as the range of nitrogen content. Some data on this subject are available in the published records of wheat improvement at the ^Minnesota Experiment Station. « Yields and gluten content of improved varieties and of the original variety from which the improved strains have been developed by selection are given. The figures cover the same seasons for all varieties, and the averages of six trials are reported for each, as follows : Variety. Minnesota No. 149, produced from Power's Fife. . : Power's Fife, unmodified by selection Minnesota No. li 9, produced from Hayne's Blue Stem Havne's Blue Stem, unmodified by selection Yield per acre (bushels) . 25.6 23.fi 28.5 24.6 Percent- age of dry glu- ten. 13.5 14.0 12.5 13.4 Gluten Nitrogen per acre per acre (pounds), (pounds). 207.4 198.2 213.7 198.8 36.4 34.8 37.5 34.7 In each case the new variety yielded more grain per acre, possessed a lower gluten content, and produced more nitrogen per acre in the grain. It should be explained that determinations of gluten and baking tests were made of strains of wheat produced by the selection of individual plants, and that the cpiantity and quality of the gluten in these strains were considered in deciding which strain was to be perpetuated. For that reason the gluten content of the improved wheat is doubtless greater than it would have been if no attention had been paid to those ciuahties. Incidentall}^ it may be stated that the cjuality of the gluten in these new vaiieties of wheat origi- nated by Professor IIa3's is much better than that in the original varieties. The difference between selection for gluten carried on in this wa}^ and selection for gluten applied to the individual plant is that the latter must increase many times the opportunity for devel- oping a strain of desirable gluten content. Returning to the nitrogen production per acre, it is apparent that it is slightly greater in the improved wheats, or at least is not less than in the original varieties. This is encouraging, as it indicates the possibility of increasing the production of gluten per acre. « Minnesota Experiment Station Bulletin 63. 46 IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF WHEAT. Gluten is the valuable constituent of wheat. The wheat growing of the future may be looked upon as a gluten-producing industry. The pro})lem is to secure the highest possible quantity and quality of gluten per acre. If this can be done by sacrificing starch produc- tion, it will be economical. Starch can be more cheaply produced in other crops and, if necessary, added to the flour of wheat. It may be argued that this is not to the interest of the farmer. But it is clearly to the interest of mankind and any step toward its accomplishment must in the end redound to the advantage of the farmer. :r^^i?,t II EXPERIMENTAL SOME PROPERTIES OF THE WHEAT KERNEL. If a number of wheat kernels of the same variety and raised under simiLir conditions are separated into approximately equal parts with regard to their specific gravity, the kernels of low specific gravity will be found to contain a higher percentage of both total and proteid nitrogen than the kernels having a high specific gravity. A number of samples of wheat grown in different years and repre- senting different varieties were separated into approximately equal parts by throwing the kernels into a solution of calcium chlorid bav- ins such a densitv that about half the kernels would float and the other half sink. The specific gravity of the solution in which each sample was separated is given in Table 1 and the signs < and > are used to represent "less than" and ''greater than/' respectively. Thus '' <1.29'' means that the kernels have a specific gravity of less than 1.29, while ">1.29" indicates that the kernels have a specific gravity greater than 1.29. Table 1 . — Analyses of Tcernels of high and of low specific gravity. Serial number. gra\ity. 1 . <1.290 2 >1.290 30 . ... <1.286 31 >1.286 38 <1.250 39 >1.2o0 40 <1.265 41. >1.265 59 <1.264 60 >1.264 Percentage of — Total Proteid Nonpro- teid nitrogen. nitrogen. nitrogen." 3.51 2.49 1.02 3.27 2.39 .88 2.51 1.88 .63 2.51 1.94 .57 2.80 2.26 .54 2.78 2.15 .63 2.95 2.13 .82 2.Hf) 2.01 .65 3.30 2.41 .89 3.06 2.29 . II Name of variety and year of growth. >IIickman, grown in 1895. Turkish Red, grown in 1897. \Spring wheat, Marvel, growTi ) in 1897. jSpring wheat, Velvet Chaff / grown in 1897. JTurkish Red, grown in 1898. a Proteid nitrogen in this paper = nitrogen by Stutzer's method. Proteids = proteid nitrogen x 5.7. With the exception of serial Nos. 30 and 31 the kernels of low specific gravity have in each case a higher percentage of both total and proteid nitrogen than have the kernels of high specific gravity. It will also be noticed that the percentage of nonproteid nitrogen is greater in the kernels of low specific gravity. Samples of wheat were also divided into light and heavy portions by means of a machine which operates by directing upward a current of air, the velocity of which can be regulated. Into tliis current the grain is directed. The result is that the heavy kernels and the large 27889— No. 78—05- 49 50 IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF WHEAT. kernels fall, and the light kernels and small kernels are driven out. The separation thus accomplished is somewhat different from that effected by a solution, the difference being that the latter separates the kernels entirely according to their specific gravities while with the air blast a large kernel of a certain specific gravity might descend with the heavy kernels, when if it were smaller, although of the same specific gravity, it would be blown out. The number of light kernels that descend on account of their large size is relatively small, owing to the fact that large kernels are, as a rule, of higher specific gravity than small ones. The following test was made to determine the relation between the size of wheat ker- nels and their specific gravity. An average lot of wheat was nearly equally divided by means of two sieves into three portions represent- ing medium, small, and large kernels. Each of these portions was then thrown upon solutions of the same specific gravity, and the pro- portion by weight that floated, or light seed, and the proportion that sank, or heavy seed, were determined. Table 2. — Proportion of light and of heavy seed. Kind of seed. Heavy seed (grams). Light seed (grams). Ratio. Heavy. Light. Small 8.72 9.62 11.96 11.28 10.78 8.04 1 1 1 1.29 1.12 Larsre .67 The weight of light kernels among the small was nearly twice that of light kernels among the large seeds. Analyses of samples of wheat separated by this machine into light and heavy kernels gave about the same results as the samples sepa- rated by solutions of certain specific gravities. Table 3. — Analyses of large, heavy Tcernels and of small, light Icernels. Relative weight. Percentage of— Serial number. Total nitrogen. Proteid nitrogen. Nonpro- teid nitrogen. Name of variety and year of growth. 9 Light 2.99 2.76 2.77 2.70 2.91 2.65 2.45 2.19 3.12 3.02 3.13 2.95 3.30 2.46 2.35 2.11 2.21 2.04 2.11 2.04 2.29 2.04 2.00 1.96 3.10 2.93 2.82 2.65 3.06 2.24 2.13 1.94 0.78 .72 .66 .66 .62 .61 .45 .23 .02 .09 .31 .30 .24 .22 . - .22 .17 ISpring wheat, Marvel, grown 1 in 1896. 10 Heavy Light .57 [currell, grown in 1898. 58 Heavy Light 65 [spring wheat, grown in 1898. 66 Heavy Light 80 [Big Frame, grown in 1899. 81 Heavv Light 383 . . [Turkish Red, grown in 1900. [Big Frame, grown in 1900. 384 385 . . Heavv Light 386 Heavy Light 602 [Big Frame, gro^^^l in 1901. 603 Heavy Light 613 JTurkish Red, grown in 1901. 612 Heavy SOME PROPERTIES OF THE WHEAT KERNEL. 51 It thus becomes very apparent that the percentage of nitrogen is relatively greater in the light wheat selected in the manner described. It is well known that innnature wheat is of lighter weight than mature wheat and that it contains a greater percentage of nonproteid nitrogen. In a field of wheat there are always certain plants that mature early, others that mature late, and some that never reach a normal state of maturity. The last condition is very likely to occur in a region of limited rainfall and intense summer heat. The con- ditions most favorable for the filling out of the grain are shown to be an abundance of soil moisture and a fair degree of warmth. The more nearly the conditions are the reverse of this the more shriveled the kernel and the lighter the weight. In the same variety and in the same field there are kernels that are small and shriveled because of immaturity, disease, or lack of nutriment. All of these classes would appear among the "light'' kernels separated in this way. In order to approach the question from another standpoint, a num- ber of spikes of wheat of the Turkish Red variety were selected in the field, care being taken that all were fully ripe, and that they were composed of healthy, well-formed kernels. These spikes were sam- pled by removing one row of spikelets from each spike and the kernels so removed were tested for moisture, proteid nitrogen, specific gravity, and weight of kernel, and from the last two the relative volume was calculated. It will be shown later that a sample taken in this way permits of an accurate estimation of the average com- position of the kernels on the spike. The number of grams of proteid nitrogen in the row of spikelets on each spike was calculated from the data mentioned, and the average weight of the kernels on the row of spikelets was determined from their total weight and number, thus permitting of the estima- tion of the number of grams of proteid nitrogen in the average kernel on each spike. In Table 4 the spikes having a proteid nitrogen content of from 2 to 2.5 per cent are arranged in one group, and on the same line with each spike are placed the number of kernels on one row of spikelets, weight of these kernels, weight of average kernel, relative volume of average kernel, specific gravity of kernel, grams of proteid nitrogen in one row of spikelets, and grams of proteid nitrogen in average kernel. Spikes having a proteid nitrogen content of from 2.5 to 3 per cent are similarly arranged, and so with all spikes up to 4 per cent. The aver- age for each group is shown in the table. There are, in all, 257 spikes, of which 18 have from 2 to 2.5 per cent proteid nitrogen, 82 from 2.5 to 3 per cent, 107 from 3 to 3.5 per cent, and 49 from 3.5 to 4 per cent. 52 IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF WHEAT. Table 4. — Analyses of spikes of wheat, arranged according to nitrogen content of kernels. Crop of 1902. 2 TO 2.5 PER CENT PROTEID NITROGEN. Weight (ir grams) Percent- Proteid nitrogen Number of ker- of- - Volume of aver- Specific gravity age of (gram) in — Record nels on row of spikelets. number. Kernels. Average kernel. age ker- nel. of ker- nels. nitrogen in ker- nels. Kernels. Average kernel. 183 188 17 16 0 4772 0.0280 2.06 0.00983 0.000577 .4425 .0276 2.37 .01049 . 000654 W3 14 .3724 .0266 2.41 .00897 .000642 205 15 .4824 .0321 0.0241 1.3323 2.41 .01548 .000774 291 18 . 5221 1 .0290 .0209 1.3850 2.23 .01616 .000647 304 21 .5336 .0254 .0189 1.3424 2.24 .01195 .000569 318 22 .6708 .0304 .0220 1.3853 2.02 .01354 .000614 347 15 .4549 .0303 .0216 1.4031 2.44 .OHIO . 000739 357 15 .4063 .0270 .0192 1.4074 2.36 .00959 . 000637 3.58 i 21 .6689 .0318 .0235 1.3544 2.33 .01559 .CX)0742 380 14 .4336 .0309 .0225 1.3735 2.35 .01019 .000726 396 19 .4787 .0251 .0183 1.3680 2.28 .01091 .000572 402 17 .4594 .0258 .0188 1.3718 2.33 .01070 .000601 406 21 .5878 .0279 .0200 1.3915 2.44 .01434 .000681 415 13 . 2771 1 .0213 2.44 ' .00676 .000520 440 1 444 • 445 : Average... Yj 4566 0268 2.36 .01078 .000632 16 16 .4110 .4318 .0256 .0269 2.38 2.37 .00978 .01023 .000609 .000638 17 .4759 .0266 .0209 1.374 2.323 .01141 1 .000643 1 2.5 TO 3 PER CE> TT PROT EID NITROGEN. 181 182 19 17 0.4482 .4299 0.0235 .0252 1 2.66 2.76 0.01192 .01187 0.000625 .000696 1 185 19 ..5041 .0265 1 2.71 .01366 .000718 187 15 .3945 .0263 2.99 .01180 . 000786 189 18 .4871 .0270 1 2.64 . 01286 .000713 196 17 .4995 .0293 2.71 .01354 . t)00794 197 20 .5683 .0284 2.85 .01620 . 000809 199 17 .4589 .0269 2.99 .01372 . 000804 207 15 .4.584 .0305 0.0230 1.3248 2.73 .01709 .000833 210 14 .3955 .0282 .0288 1.2363 2.95 .01167 .000832 211 17 .5211 .0306 .0228 1.3416 2.90 .01511 .000887 212 15 .4298 .0286 .0211 1.3537 2.97 .01277 .000849 217 18 .6299 .0349 .0259 1.3461 2.86 .01802 . 000998 218 18 .5130 .0285 .0214 1.3303 2.. 58 .01324 .fK30735 219 19 .3862 .0203 .0157 1.2950 2.71 .01047 .000.550 222 19 .4611 .0242 .0182 1.333i 2.93 .01351 .000709 227 19 . 5.581 .0293 .0214 1.3704 2.71 .01624 .000794 229 . .. 17 .4849 .0285 .0206 1.3856 2.96 .01387 .000844 ''SO 15 .4867 .0324 .0234 1.3815 2.54 .01236 .000823 238 17 .5166 .0303 .0220 1.3794 2.70 .01395 .00U818 239 17 .3910 .0230 . 01649 1.3941 2.60 .01017 .000598 241 18 .4230 .0235 .0178 1.3196 2.76 .01168 .000o49 242 18 .4562 .0253 .0184 1.3753 2.96 .013.50 .000749 252 19 14 .4898 .3792 .02578 .0270 .0186 .0203 1.3875 1.3286 2.55 2.86 .01249 .01085 .000o55 .000772 277 288 17 .49.56 .0291 .0217 1.3428 2.82 .01398 .000821 289 19 ..5042 .0265 .0187 1.4155 2.53 .01276 .000670 293 17 .4858 .0285 .0206 1.3835 2.64 .01283 .000752 294 19 .4173 .0219 .0159 1.3813 2.56 .01068 .000561 302 22 19 . .5569 .4922 .0253 .0258 .0190 .0185 1.3312 1.3996 2.68 2.51 .01437 .01235 .000678 .0006.50 306 308 15 .4951 .0330 .0237 1.392 2.85 .01411 .000941 315 16 .4994 .0312 .0224 1.3916 2.75 .01373 .0008.58 319 17 .4644 .0273 .0203 1.3447 2.86 .01328 .000781 320 18 .5668 .0314 .0229 1.3710 2.98 .01689 .000938 322 16 .5107 .0219 .0236 1.352 2.55 .01302 .000813 329 12 .3903 .0325 .0234 1.3911 2.88 .01241 .000936 330 17 .3431 .0201 .0161 1.2498 2.62 .00899 . 000527 332 16 18 .4847 .5399 .0302 .0299 .0218 .0215 1.3879 1.3922 2.58 2.62 .01251 .01415 . 000779 334 .000783 335 18 .6474 .03.59 .0258 1.3928 2.82 .01826 .001012 337 15 .4497 .0299 .0215 1.3877 2.89 .01345 . 000864 340 20 .4155 .0207 .0153 2.74 .01138 .000.567 341 15 ,5058 .0337 .0243 1.3890 2.97 .01.502 .001001 342 14 .4486 .0320 .0228 1.4037 2.60 .01166 . aX)832 343 13 .4112 .0316 .0224 1.4107 2.. 50 .01028 . 000791 344 16 .4004 .025D .0184 1.3611 2.93 .01173 . 000733 345 18 19 ..5422 .6393 .0301 .0336 .0216 .0242 1.3919 1.3913 2. .56 2.55 .01388 .01630 .000771 346 .0008.57 348 18 .6328 .0351 .0262 1.3415 2.88 .01822 1 .001010 SOME PROPERTIES OF THE WHEAT KERNEL. 58 Table 4. — Analyses of sjyikes of wheat, arranqed accordinq to nitrogen content of kernels. Crop of 1902— Conthmed. ' 2.5 TO 3 PER CENT PROTEID NITROGEN— Continued. 1 Weight (in grams) [ Percent- Proteid 1 nitrogen 1 Record Number of ker- nels on row of spikelets. of- Volume of aver- Specific gravity age of proteid (gram) in— number. Kemels. Average kernel. age ker- nel. of ker- nels. nitrogen in ker- nels. Kernels. Average kernel. 349 17 0. 4573 0.0269 0.0195 1.3822 2.66 0.01216 0.000716 350 16 .4437 .0277 .0199 1.3891 2.64 .01171 .0(H)731 354 21 .6386 .0304 .0217 1.4002 2.73 .01743 .000830 355 16 .5008 .0313 .0223 1.4022 2.84 .01422 .0()0S,S9 356 19 ..5304 .0279 .0200 1.390 2.91 .01543 .(10II,H12 359 15 . 3882 .0259 .0186 1.3915 2.97 .011.53 .000769 360 24 . 6375 .0265 .0191 1.3840 2.89 .01842 .I.10076f) 361 14 .3297 .0235 .0170 1.3819 2.94 .00969 .OdOtiOl 364 18 .4724 .0262 .0191 1.3729 2.92 .01379 .000765 371 18 ..5695 .0316 .0227 1.3906 2.99 .01703 .0(10945 373 18 ..5861 .0325 .0235 1.3838 2.87 .01682 .0(K)933 376 12 . 2677 .0223 .0162 1.3747 2.60 .00696 .(KKI.'iSO 378 14 .4099 .0292 .0212 1.3761 2.75 .01127 .00(1803 383 12 .3416 .0284 .0206 1.3771 2.96 .01011 .000841 386 16 . 4921 .0307 .0223 1.3741 2.52 . 01240 . 000774 387 19 .5177 .0272 .0198 1.3758 2.73 .01413 .000743 389 21 16 15 .5830 .3547 .3494 .0277 .0221 .0232 .0204 .0171 .0165 1.3.569 1.2947 1.4070 2.96 2.94 2.70 .01726 .01043 .00943 .000820 . 000(1.50 . 0(K)626 392 393 394 16 .3897 .0243 .0180 1.3508 2.77 .01079 . 000673 395 17 .4805 .0282 .0206 1.3693 2.98 .01432 . 000840 419 14 15 .3448 .3097 .0246 .0206 2.86 2. .53 .00986 .00784 .000704 .000.521 421 424 18 .4991 .0277 2.62 .01308 . a)0726 428 430 17 18 .4635 .5714 .0272 .0317 2.60 2.82 .01205 .01611 . 000707 . 000894 434 436 438 16 22 23 18 19 13 .4624 .6138 .6997 .5600 .5327 .4131 .0289 .0279 .0304 .0311 .0280 .0317 2.86 . 2.88 2.67 2.98 2.93 2.51 .01322 .01768 .01868 .01669 .01561 .01037 . 000827 . 000834 .000812 .000927 .000820 .000796 439 441 443 Average... 17.07 .4791 j .0279 .0207 1.3680 2.76 .01332 .000776 3 TO 3.5 PER CENT PROTEID NITROGEN. 173 175 17R 190 191 192 194 195 198 .200 202 20 21 .20 18 17 17 13 19 18 18 14 16 0..5913 . 5773 .5804 .4673 .4279 .4126 .3218 .4924 .4683 .5764 .3824 .5251 0.0295 .0274 .0290 .0259 .0251 .0242 .0247 .02.59 .0260 .0320 .0273 .0328 3.08 3.46 3.10 3.25 3.25 3.12 3.43 3.. 33 3.18 ■ 3.24 3.13 3.07 0.01821 . 01997 .01799 .01519 .01091 .01287 .01104 .01640 .01489 .01868 .01197 .01612 0.000909 .000948 .000899 .000842 .000816 .000755 .000847 .000862 .000827 .001040 .000854 .001007 0.0200 .0241 1.3615 1.3614 203 206 17 .3392 .0199 .01.57 1.2709 3.44 .01166 .0006^5 208 19 .4939 .0259 .0192 1.3494 3.21 .01585 .000831 213 15 .4116 .0274 .0204 1.3415 3.31 .01362 .000907 214 16 .4371 .0273 .0208 1.3082 3.09 .01351 .000844 216 15 .3122 .0208 .0165 1.2588 3.33 .01040 . 000693 220 17 .5040 .0296 .0222 1.33.50 3.20 .01613 . 0(X)947 223 17 .4795 . 0282 .0204 1.3970 3.31 .01587 .000933 226 21 .5380 .02.56 .0170 1.4951 3.11 .01673 . 000796 228 14 .4143 .0295 .0211 1 . 3945 3.40 .01409 .(K)1(X)3 231 18 .5888 .0.327 .0242 1.3514 3.11 .01831 .001017 232 13 17 .3825 .5331 .0294 .0313 .0221 .0231 1.3280 1.3,5.58 3.11 3.32 .01190 .01663 .000914 .001039 233 234 16 .5201 .0325 .0243 1.3363 3.23 .01680 .(MlK^iO 236 25 .7451 .0298 .0220 1 . 3504 3.19 .02377 .1X10951 243 24 .6349 .0264 .0196 1.3487 3.47 .02203 .(XKWUi 244 • 19 .5839 .0307 .0214 1.4305 3.30 .01927 .001013 249 16 .4415 .0275 .0199 1.38.50 3.21 .01417 .000883 250 15 .4514 .0300 .0213 1.4100 3.12 .01408 .000936 251 22 .6190 .0281 .0203 1.3823 3.46 .02142 .000972 255 18 .5948 .0330 .0233 1.4146 3.03 .01802 .001000 256 21 .5277 .0251 .0184 1.3629 3.31 .01747 .OOORK 258 17 .4703 .0276 .0211 1.3065 3.38 .01590 . 000933 54 mrKovixcj THK Qr Ai.rrv I'KK I'KN r I'HorKin NrrKin;KN— Continued. nimihor 2tl2.. 2tW.. 2t)4 . . aw.. aw.. 2<>i>.. 270.. 271.. •2?>.. 273.. 275.. 27(> . . 278.. 281 . . 2S2 •iv.".! 3(X>.. Wl.. 305.. 307.- 310.. 312.. 314.. 316.. 317.. 321.. 323.. ;«4.. 325.. 327.. XW.. S3t>.. 331).. 351.. 352.. 3Xi.. 3(52.. 3(56.. ;U»7 . . 3(>S.. 3(i9.. 370.. 3?>.. 374.. 375 . . 377.. 37V».. oSl.. 3S2.. ;?8s.. 3SX).. a»i . . ;w . . 4(X1.. 401 . . 4t«.. 4(M.. 410.. 411.. 414. 41(i.. 41S. 4-2;?. 425. 42(>. 427 . 4-29. 431. 432. 433. 437. 442. WoiiTht (ill jrrains"* Xuil\l>lM' ' of of kor- iiols oil row of spikolots ,- ,, , .Vveragt? .\v»M"aw . IS IS IS IS 10 17 20 14 15 IS IS 15 15 21 IS 19 19 Iti 13 20 IS 15 15 17 17 IS 17 17 17 1(> Iti 13 Iti 15 15 1(1 19 17 20 19 19 17 17 17 IS 14 18 13 19 19 19 IS 12 20 16 17 18 20 14 19 15 21 IS IC IS 19 20 IS 21 20 16 17 17.4 0.4fiW . •.(Viti .■113S .44'29 .5010 .4531 . 51S3 .3275 .3858 .4559 .48(52 .3973 .4715 .6938 .4973 .5205 .4994 .5492 .3452 .4122 . 4Sti7 . 4;?24 .4122 .4157 .4412 .5484 . 4075 . 4230 .5110 .41W9 .4610 . 3tv^7 .;^8lX5 .3843 .4497 . 4726 . 52.VS .4214 .5;«1 .;5S77 . 55(iO .4-W .4811 . 5249 .5147 .3173 .5271 .3506 .5057 .5799 .47(i4 .4474 .3058 .5720 .34)96 .5000 .4286 .5368 .3479 .5044 .4-2(« .4995 .4845 .4801 .5166 .5433 .471H .4119 .6;?06 .5206 .4336 .4724 0.0255 .OJSO . 022*,) .0246 .0263 .0266 .0259 .023;{ .0257 .0253 .0270 .0264 .0314 .0330 .0276 .(K73 .I.V2(i2 .am .(V2(>5 .02tW .0270 .02S8 .0274 .IV244 .0259 .(WW .0239 .IV248 .0300 .0252 .IV2S8 . 027*) .0237 .0256 .(V29i) .lV2iV5 .0276 .0247 .0267 .IV204 .025)2 .ir247 .0283 .(Xi(VS .0285 .0-226 .IV292 .0269 .(V26t> .(K»5 .0250 .0248 .0254 .0286 .0249 .IV25U .0238 .0268 .0248 .0265 .0284 .0237 .0269 .03lX) .0287 .0285 .0235 .0228 .031X) .0260 .0271 .0228 .0270 VoUiuu> ' Spivific of aver- ' jiravity age ker- of ker- nel. I nels. Tereent- I'roteiii nitrogen iige of 1 (grain) in— ^irotoiil iutn\s;on | 0.0193 .0197 .0169 .0189 .0187 .0205) .0191 .0177 .0190 .0178 .0197 .0191 .(V226 .IV241 .02(X) .(V201 .Ol.SS .0249 .0197 .0140 .OUVS .IV210 .0-201 .0178 .0193 .0-207 .0177 .0180 .0-2-20 .0191 .(V.W .019S .0171 .01S6 .IV217 .0-211 .irjoi .0185 .0197 .0151 .0214 .OlSO .OJOii .0218 .O-JlXi .0174 .0213 .OIW .OUH .0221 .OlSl .01S2 .01S8 .0-2(Xi .ois;? .(V211 .OlA) 1.3-216 1.4-J(Xi 1.3544 l.o(X).". 1.40(>4 1.4-2-28 1.3711 1.3815 1.3tXX< 1.3693 1.3795 1 . 3ti(VS 1.3945 1.37S7 l.34;52 1.4727 1.3(>S1 1.3718 1.3657 1 . 37'.53 1.34-24 1.4lit;0 1.3487 1.3740 l.SlvxS 1.3-2-25 1. ;»,">»> 1.4102 i.;vS-28 i.;58i2 i.;i8-n) 1.3iVS8 1.3-01 1.33,"i() 1 . 3."vVi 1.3497 1.3t>21 1 . 37;v> 1.3714 1.4142 1.401S l.;?013 1.37lVi l.;i544 1.37-28 1 . 3773 i.ssix; i.;?i>2S 1 . 3837 1 . 3575 l.;«)-27 1.3221 in ker- Kernels, nels. jVverace kernel. .OIW 1.3666 3.20 3.-24 3.37 3. 30 3.11 3.21 3. 37 3.;«) 3.14 3. ;«) 3.;« 3. 15 3.12 3.-26 3. 02 3. (Hi 3.07 3.0>» 3.07 3. 19 3, Hi 3. 49 3. 16 3. 3ti 3. 43 3. 43 3.4;? 3. 19 3. 46 3. 4.5 3.-2ti 3.3ti 3. IV 3. 32 3.05 3.11 3. (V? 3.17 3.37 3.(X> 3.34 3.(X) 3.31 3. 15 3.41 3.47 3. IX) 3.45 3.-23 3.O.". 3.22 3. 2ti 3. 10 3. 35 3. 37 3.(Vt 3.;w 3.27 3.15 3.14 3.-24 3.lVi 3.14 3.;» 3. IX) 3.(Xi 3.04 3. -20 3.(X) 3. 12 3. 13 3.23 3.23 0.01473 ' 0.000816 .oii-.;5;! .(XXXX)7 .01395 . tXX)772 .01462 .(XX)S12 .01.V.8 .IXXVSIS .01454 .^xx)8,^4 .01747 . IXXVS73 .01110 . (XX)790 .01212 .(XXVS07 .01546 ' . (XH1858 .01619 .(XXXSiX) .01-251 .(XXVS;V2 .01471 .IXXX)S0 . 0-2-2(>2 .(X)1076 .01. -.02 .(XX)8;{4 .oi:.UXiO .010^0 .(XXVS14 .01315 .IXXH=57 .Ol.VW .(XXXS53 .01. MX) .IX)KX).5 .013(K? . (XX\St-)»i .01397 .(XXVS-20 .01513 .IXX)S88 .01S81 .(X)1043 .oims .(XX)8-20 .01349 .(XX)791 .OlTivS .IX)1038 .01393 .(XX)8t^9 .Ol.VV? .IXXX)39 .01-2-J2 .IXXX>37 .0r2ii6 .IKX)789 .01-J76 .(XX)851 .01372 .IXX)914 .01470 .00(X)17 .01593 .0(xvs;w .0U»6 .ixx)7s;? .01803 .IXXXXK) .01186 .(XXX.24 .01S57 .0(XX)75 .01-298 .(XX)763 .01."i5)3 .IXX)937 .01ti.V< .01X)970 .017,^5 .IXX)975 .01101 .IXX)784 .Olti-2*) .(XXXX)2 .01-210 .IXXXVJS .01633 .(XX)855) .017ti9 .IXXX)30 .Ol.vW .IXX)S05 .014,">9 .OOOSOS .(XXMS .01X)7S7 .01916 .000958 .0i;U7 .000839 .01,V20 .000894 .01414 .000785 .01755 .IXX)780 .01096 .IXX)7S1 .01584 .IXX)S;?2 .OKVs;? .1X109-20 .015-23 .01X)?23 .01521 .000815 .Ol.x^ .0005)90 .Ol55Xi .000887 .016«i2 .0lX)S72 .01^30 .(.XX)714 .0131S .000732 .0181)2 .000900 .01624 .1X10811 .01357 .000848 .01236 .000736 .01520 .IXXVS74 SOME IMIOPEKTIKS OF THE WHEAT KERNEL. 55 Table 4. — Amilyses of sjnkes of v^lieaf, arramifd arroifJint/ lo nilror/en content of kernels. '(Jioiiof l'.l()'2~VonUunc(\. ■iJ, T(J 4 I'KK VV.S'V I'liOTKIl) MTItOGEN. Number of ker- Weight (in gnims; I'ercent- Protflfl nitrogen Recorfl of Volume of nvcr- Specific gravity age of proteid Cgram; in nels on row of spikclets. 18 19 19 17 20 21 1.5 number. 174 177 179 \W 1H4 IWi 2()4 Kernels. 0. 402.5 .4073 . 4972 . .5202 ..5.512 ..5414 .401.5 Average kernel. 0.0223 .0214 .0201 .o;«)9 .0275 .02.57 .0207 age ker- nel. of ker- nels. nitrogen in ker- nels. 3.70 3. .57 3.85 3.. 58 3. 78 3.97 3.90 Kemelo 0.01513 .014.54 .01914 .01884 . 02084 .02149 .01.506 Average kemeT. 0.(K)0838 .(KX)704 .(KmK)5 .(Kill 10 .(X)IOIO .(X)1020 .(K)10t3 0.0198 1 . 3460 2fW 17 . 3.58S .0211 .0104 1 . 2828 3. 82 .01.371 .(KX)8<)0 21.-) 12 .3318 .0270 .0205 1 . 3493 3. 79 .012.58 .(K)1040 224 17 .4891 .0287 . 0220 1..3039 3. 05 .0178.5 .001048 225 19 . 4970 .0201 .0193 1 . 3.507 3. .5.5 .01760 .(KK)927 23r, 18 . .02.53 .0192 1.3104 3.65 .01063 . (KK)923 240 10 ..3984 .0249 .0177 1 . 4(e5 3. .53 .01406 . (XK)879 24.^ 1.5 .:«71 .0204 .02(Kt 1 . 3230 3.04 .01445 .mm] 24ti 18 .4.502 .02.53 .0194 1 . 30.58 3. 75 .01711 . (XXK)49 247 18 .4937 .0274 . 0202 1.. 3.501 3. .50 .01728 . (HX)9.59 248 17 .4017 .0271 .0193 1 . 4095 3.05 .01085 .(KXK)91 2.03 21 . .5900 .028.3 . 0203 1.3917 3. 03 .02163 .s91 408 im 412 413 417 420 422 4.3.5 19 17 10 17 19 17 23 20 17 . 44fi2 .4329 .3390 .4.393 .4.5.30 .41.50 . .5.395 .4310 .4425 .02.34 .02.54 .0211 .02.58 .()2U .0234 .0215 .0260 3. 04 3. .59 3.63 3.77 3.80 3.73 .3.-53 .3. .53 .3.75 .01024 .01.5.54 .01231 .016.56 .01721 .015.50 .01904 .01.521 .01659 . (XK)S.-_' .(XX»9I2 . (XX)700 . (XXK»73 .(KKKI04 .(KKl^llO . (XX)820 .0007.59 .000975 1" 1 440 Average . . 17.3 .4517 .02.57 .01987 1..3494 3.70 .01672 .000982 Table 5 shows at a glance the averages for each of the clas.ses of spikes just tabulated, and permits of a comparison of the average figures for each class/' "The determinations of .specific gravity were made by the following method, devised by Prof. S. Averj-: A light ba.sket of wire gauze was suspended by aliair from the hook tliat supported one of the pan hangers of the balance. The ba.sket was allowed to hang in a beaker of benzol supported by a shelf above the pan. By using a counterpoi.se the balance was now brought to the zero point. The balance was kept at zero by the occasional adjust- ment of a rider on the left aim of the beam. The wheat was weighed on the pan of the balance, then transferred to the basket and weighed in benzol, and the temperature of the latter carefully noted. The specific gravity was calculated from the well-known formula: Wt. in air X -sp. gr. in benzol at T^._ g \Vt. in air wt. in benzol 56 IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF WHEAT. Table .5. — Summary of analyses of spikes of icheat, arr'anged according to nitrogen content of l-ernels. Crop of 1902. Range cf Per- centage of pro- teid nitro- gen in kernels. Number of — Weight (in grams) of— Volume of aver- age ker- nel. Specific gravity. Proteid nitrogen (gram) in — percentage cf proteid nitrogen. Analy- ses. Kernels on row of spike- lets. Kernels. Average kernel. Kernels. Average kernel. 2 to 2.5 2.5to3 3 to 3.5 3.5to4 2.32 2.76 3.23 3.70 18 82 107 49 17 17.1 17.4 17.3 0. 4759 .4791 .4724 .4715 0.0266 .0279 .0270 .0257 0.0209 .0207 . 0199 .0199 1.374 1..368 1.367 1.349 0.01141 .01332 .01520 .01672 0. 000643 .000776 . 000874 .000982 From this table it will be seen tliat with an increase in the percent- age of proteid nitrogen the number of kernels on a row of spikelets remains about constant; that in general there were a decrease in the weight of the kernels on a row of spikelets and a slight decrease in the w^eight of the average kernel; and that the volume of the average kernel decreased, as did the specific gravity. It may safely be stated that a high percentage of proteid nitrogen was in these spikes associated with a kernel of low' specific gravity, light weight, and small relative volume, and, as the spikes were selected for their ripeness and healthy appearance, this relation can not be attributed to immaturity or disease. The table last referred to show^s a decrease in the weight of the kernels on the spike as the percentage of proteid nitrogen increases; but it also shows that in spite of the decrease in the weight of the kernels there is an increase in the actual amount of proteid nitrogen they contain, and that the same is true of the average kernel. Table 6 gives a summary of the same analyses, arranged according to the specific gravities of the kernels. All spikes whose kernels had a specific gravity below" 1.30 are grouped in one class, those having a specific gravity of 1.30 to 1.33 in another class, and so on until finally all spikes having a specific gravity of more than 1.42 form the last class. Table 6. — Summary of analyses of spikes of wheat, arranged according to specific gravities of kernels. Crop of 1902. Range of specific gra\nty. Specific gravity of ker- nels. * Number cf— Weight Percent- age of proteid nitrogen in ker- nels. Weight of aver- Proteid nitrogen (gram) in— Analy- ses.. Kernels. of kernels (gram). age kernel (gram). Kernels. Average kernel. Below 1 30 1.255 1.315 1.347 1.375 1.399 1.463 8 17 50 71 40 8 16.7 16.5 17.3 17.2 16.7 19.1 0.3887 .4315 .4008 .4794 .4848 .5287 3.29 3.35 2.91 3.06 3.03 3.07 0.02331 , 0.01280 .02617 ! .01446 .02366 1 .01508 .02786 .01462 0. 0007662 1.30 to 1.33 1 33 to 1 36 . 0008762 . 0008756 1 .36 to 1 .39 . 0008.559 1 39 to 1 42 . 02899 . 02773 .01459 .01605 .0008729 1.42 and over .0008371 SOME PKOPERTIES OF THE WHEAT KERNEL, 57 This table shows no constant relation between the specific gravity and the number of kernels on the spike. With an increase in the specific gravity there is an increase in the weight of the kernels on the spike, and with some exceptions an increase in the weight of the average kernel. As the specific gravity increases, the percentage of proteid nitrogen decreases, which agrees with the previous table. The grams of proteid nitrogen in the kernels on the spikes and in the average kernel increase with the specific gravity. Table 7 shows the summary of the same analyses, arranged accord- ing to the weight of the average kernel. Spikes whose Jvernels have an average weight of less than 0.024 gram form the first class, and each succeeding class increases by 0.002 gram. Table 7. — Summary of analyses of spiJces of wheat, arranged according to weight of average Icernel. Crop of 1902. Range of weight of average kernel (gram). Below 0.024 0.024 to 0.02fi 0.026 to 0.02S 0.028 to 0.030 0.030 to 0.032 0.032 and over. . . Weight of aver- age ker- nel (gram). Number of — 0. 02214 .02528 . 02705 .02896 .03089 .03324 ^^- Kernels. 27 38 48 40 26 19 16.9 17.5 17.0 17.0 17.0 16.8 Percent- Weight SpeeUie age of of ker- gravity proteid nels of ker- nitrogen (gram). nels. m ker- nels. 0.3812 1.341 3.197 .4425 1.361 3.28 .4609 1.360 3.22 .4916 1.372 3.11 ..5274 1.388 2.86 .5588 1.373 2.88 Proteid nitrogen (gram) in — Average kernel. Kernels . 0.0007184 .0008294 .0008711 .0009090 .0008787 .0009594 0.01215 .014.38 .01475 .01546 .01506 .01617 There seems to be no relation between the weight of the average kernel and the number of kernels on the spike. The weight of all the kernels on the spike naturally increases with the weight of the average kernel. The specific gravity of the kernels increases with the weight of the average kernel. The percentage of proteid nitrogen decreases with an increase in the weight of the average kernel, in which respect it agrees with the two previous tables. The grams of proteid nitrogen in the average kernel and the total proteid nitrogen in the spike increase with the weight of the average kernel. Samples from each of the spikes of wheat from which these data were derived were planted, together with samples from other spikes, all of which have been analyzed, aggregating 800 in all. Each kernel was planted separately at a distance of 6 inches each way from every other kernel. The kernels from each spike were marked by a stake bearing the record number of the spike. During the winter a considerable number of plants were killed, so that the stand was irregular in the spring. In some cases all of the plants resulting from a spike of the previous year were killed, and in other cases only a portion of such plants. The result was a some- what uneven stand, which doubtless gave certain plants an advantage over others in growth and yield. 58 IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF WHEAT. When the crop was ripe in 1903 each plant was harvested sepa- rately, and all of those resulting from spikes which the previous year had shown a proteid nitrogen content of more than 4 per cent or less than 2 per cent were analyzed, as were also a certain number resulting from spikes of intermediate values. The good kernels on each plant were counted and weighed, thus giving a record of the yield of each plant. From these data the average weight of the kernels per plant was calculated. The specific gravity was not determined and consequently the average volume of the kernels on. each plant was not calculated, as was done the previous year. In Table 8 the plants harvested in 1903 are arranged in classes of 1 to 2 per cent proteid nitrogen, 2 to 2.5 per cent, 2.5 to 3 per cent, 3 to 3.5 per cent, 3.5 to 4 per cent, 4 to 4.5 per cent, and over 4.5 per cent. The number and weight of the kernels on each plant are stated, as is also the average weight of each kernel. The number of grams of proteid nitrogen in all the kernels of the plant is shown, and also the number of grams of proteid nitrogen in the average kernel on each plant. Table 9 shows the average for each class. These results, so far as they cover the same ground as those of the previous year, have the same significance. They show a quite uniform although slight decrease in the weight of the average kernel accom- panying an increase in the percentage of proteid nitrogen, and a very marked increase in the number of grams of proteid nitrogen in the average kernel. Especially marked is the increase in the amount of proteid nitrogen in the average kernel, amounting to 28 per cent of the weight of the kernel for every 1 per cent increase in the content of proteid nitrogen. One column of this table, not contained in that compiled from results of the previous year, shows the number of grams of proteid nitrogen contained in all of the kernels on the plant; or, in other words, the proteid nitrogen production of the plant. This appears, on the whole, to increase with the percentage of proteid nitrogen, although the results are not sufficiently consistent to permit of an unqualified statement to that effect. The uneven stand of the plants, before referred to, doubtless accounts for these inconsistent results. Two other columns contain data not obtained in 1902. The first of these shows the number of kernels per plant, which apparently decreases slightly as the percentage of proteid nitrogen increases, but this can not be stated unqualifiedly. The next column shows the weight of kernels per plant, or the yield per plant, which likewise seems to decrease slightly with an increase in the percentage of pro- teid nitrogen. . SOME PEOPERTIES OF THE WHEAT KERNEL. 59 Table 8. — Analyses of plants, arranged accordinq to percentage of proteid nitrogen. Crop of 1903. 1 TO 2 PER CENT PROTEID NITROGEN. Percent- Number Weight (in grams) of— Total pro- Proteid age of teid nitro- nitrogen in Record num- ber. proteid nitrogen in kernels. of ker- nels per plant. Kernels per plant. Average kernel. gen in all kernels (gram). average ker- nel (gram). .32206 1.81 507 10.4036 0. 02052 0.18831 0.0003714 32605 1.20 225 5.2268 . 02323 .01)272 . 0002788 .33407 1.62 305 7.0889 .02271 .11223 . 0003679 33408 1.39 77 1.1132 .01446 . 01.547 .0002009 33905 1.61 508 11.1476 .02194 . 17948 .0003.533 42206 1.46 25 .3161 . 01264 .00462 .0001846 4.5606 1.91 220 4.0358 .01834 . 07708 .0003.504 45S05 1.84 124 1.5298 .01234 .02815 .0002700 48407 1.50 718 11.2890 .01572 . 16933 .0002358 51005 1.34 862 15. 5935 . 01804 .20881 . 0002422 55307 1.89 342 5.6864 . 01663 . 10747 .0003142 57.308 1.69 577 9. 8378 . 01705 . 16626 . 0002S81 57405 1.98 41 .8328 .02031 .01649 .0004022 57607 1.73 736 16.4433 .02234 .24847 .0003865 .58806 1.88 95 1.9469 . 02049 .03660 .0003853 60605 1.87 35 .5952 .01701 .01113 .0003180 63505 1.90 208 4.0230 .01934 .07644 .0003674 69806 1.66 5.58 12.0136 .02153 . 19943 .0003574 72606 1.89 543 9.3629 .01724 .18538 .0003414 74305 1.98 216 4.4222 . 02047 .087.56 .00040.54 80305 1.81 729 15.7835 . 02165 . 28569 .0003919 SI 705 1.98 1.92 465 396 9.7922 9.1411 .02106 .02308 .19388 . 17550 .0004170 .0004432 S1710 92407 1.66 53 .8983 .01695 .01491 .0002814 94205 1.65 64 1.2117 .01893 .01999 .0003124 94605 1.95 56 .7319 .01307 .01427 .0002549 94908 1.96 125 2.3678 .01894 .04641 .0003713 95510 Average . . 1.81 159 2.83.56 . 01783 .05132 .0003228 1.749 320.3 6.23823 .01871 . 10655 .00032914 2 TO 2 5 PER CENT PROTEID NITROGEN. 17405 2.13 738 15. 6996 0. 02127 0. .33441 0.0004531 17408 2.18 497 9.2038 .018.52 .20065 . 0004037 18805 2.02 2.16 137 84 2. 1462 1.7216 .01.567 . 02050 . 04335 .03718 . 0003164 .0004427 21212 21705 2.45 2.19 .58 582 1.5420 12. .3685 . 02659 .02125 .03778 . 27086 .0006514 .0004654 21707 21708 2.33 .390 9. 2850 . 02381 .216.34 . 0005547 21709 . ... 2.47 2.31 2.41 2. .36 361 510 891 777 7. 7296 9. 7236 16. 4061 19. 1854 . 02141 . 01907 .01841 . 02469 . 19092 . 22461 . 39539 . 4,5276 .0005289 . 0004404 . 0004437 . 0005827 21912 27205 27206 27306 2.47 684 13.3011 .01945 .328.53 .0004803 27.505 2.12 539 12.0399 . 02183 .24942 .0004627 33107 2.35 318 6. 1026 .01919 .14341 .0004510 33405 2.03 421 8. 1268 . 01930 . 16498 .0003919 33605 2.39 301 7.0596 .02.345 . 16872 . 0005605 3.3606 2.21 382 8. 1890 .02144 . 18098 .00047.38 .34208 2.13 1.56 2. 9886 .01916 . 06366 . 0004081 37706 . ... 2.34 56 1.2069 .02155 . 02824 . 000.5053 37906 2.44 19 .2063 .01086 . 00.503 . 0002649 .39205 2.11 1,031 21.5399 .02089 . 45435 . 0004407 39606 2.37 346 4. 6383 .01341 . 10967 .0003177 44607 2.44 101 1.8246 . 01806 .04452 .0004408 48106 2.38 608 11.6655 .01919 .27765 . 0004567 48409 2.02 2.48 314 167 6. 4302 2. 3160 .02048 .01507 . 12989 .06240 .0004137 . 0003736 .5.5305 5.5.306 2.18 214 4. 1323 .01931 .09008 .0004210 5.5608 2.31 837 22. .5848 .02699 . 52194 .0006236 5.5908 2.42 .562 12. 2210 .02175 . 29575 .0005262 .55909 2.30 302 9.2120 .0.3050 .21187 . 0007016 ,56206 2.42 509 9. 3093 .01829 .22529 . 0004426 .56207 2.34 462 10. 9073 . 02361 .25522 .0005524 ,57307 2.43 261 4.7117 .01801 .11445 . 0004387 .57.508 2.21 380 12.0728 .03177 .26680 . 0007021 58905 2.43 170 2. 3031 .01355 . 0.5.596 . 000:^292 .59605 2.12 2.16 382 567 7. 1828 9. 7084 .01880 .01712 . 1.5228 . 20970 . 0003986 . 0003698 59606 63107 2.43 417 9.3120 . 02233 . 22628 .0005426 60 IMPROVING THE QLTALITY OF WHEAT. Table 8.— Analyses of plants, arranqed according to -percentage of proteid nitrogen. Crop of J90.i— Continued. 2 TO 2.5 PER CENT PROTEID NITROGEN— Continued. Percent- Number of ker- nels per plant. Weight (in grams) of— Total pro- Proteid Record num- ber. age of proteid nitrogen in kernels.! i 1 Kernels per plant. Average kernel. teid nitro- gen in all kernels (gram) . nitrogen in average ker- nel (gram). 63506 2.44 153 2. 3986 .01568 0.05853 0.0003825 6.5306 2.41 544 9. 8298 .01807 .23690 .0004355 65307 2.28 373 7.0051 .01878 . 15971 . 0004282 65308 2.09 583 11.7066 .02008 . 24468 .0004197 69505 2.29 225 4.7116 .01847 . 10790 . 0004231 71905 "2.47 1,260 i 28.2136 . 02239 .69688 . 0005531 72705 2.13 372 9. 1522 .02191 . 19936 . 0004668 72708 2.27 398 9. 0386 . 02270 . 20518 . f)0051;)4 72905 2.48 167 2. 6462 .01585 . 06563 . 0003930 73306 2.45 414 8. 5373 . 02062 . 20918 . 000.50,52 73307 2.39 25 .5572 .02229 . 01332 . 0005327 74606 2.30 464 9. 6451 . 02079 .22184 . 0004781 76205 2.35 498 8.4407 .01695 .19836 . 000.3983 81707 2.34 786 18.3614 . 02336 . 42965 . 0005466 81708 2.41 287 7. 3993 .02.578 .17833 .0006213 81709 2.28 757 16. 4692 .02175 .37548 .0004960 84405 2.48 428 8. 7448 . 02043 .21687 . 000.5067 84905 2.32 37 .7130 .01927 .01654 . 0004471 88608 2.47 74 1.. 53.55 . 02075 . 03793 . nOO.5125 88609 2.42 470 9. 8719 .02100 .23890 . (;mjo.50S2 92409 2.30 315 5.7131 .01814 .13140 .0004171 94209 2.49 190 3.6006 .01895 . 0S965 .0004719 94406 2.47 549 10. 5556 .01923 .26073 . 0004749 94407 2.07 419 6.7664 .01615 . 14007 . CKH)3343 94905 2.. 35 286 4.4423 .01.553 . 10439 . 0(K)36.50 9.5.509 2.48 138 2.9475 .02136 .07310 . 0U0.5297 9.5707 2.47 52 .7577 .014.57 .01872 .000.3599 Average 2.319 396.8 8.2502 .020113 . 190316 .0004660 2.5 TO 3 PER CENT PROTEID NITROGEN. 17409..., 17410.... 20706... 20707... 20708... 20710... 21207... 21305... 21306. . . 21710... 21711... 21805... 21806. . . 21807... 21808... 21809. . . 21810... 21905. . . 22205... 22207... 2.5205... 2.5206... 26106... 26S05... 26806. . . 26807... 26905... 26906... 26907... 26908... 26909... 27005. . . 27207... 27,305. . . 27307... 27.506... 27,508... 27.709... 28S05. . . 32606... 2.78 2.77 2.58 2.83 2.96 2.67 2.90 2. .59 2.71 2.69 2.71 2.73 2.73 2.69 2.64 2.81 2.77 2.71 2.76 2.63 2.81 2.60 2.76 2.71 2.61 2.96 2.80 2.63 2.92 2^58 2. ,53 2.70 2.64 2.90 2.91 2.88 802 744 163 444 122 867 118 312 226 59 873 1,232 599 377 1,156 418 52 791 283 169 522 205 90 220 1.52 721 326 228 102 192 180 866 166 267 167 444 251 243 87 94 14. 8957 16. 9987 3.3138 9.9070 2.4690 17.1115 2.3066 6.2514 4.1516 .8478 17. 1820 20. 9290 14.24.50 9.4172 19. 7446 8.0214 1.0304 14.3111 2.6965 3. 2787 10. 7836 4. 6754 2.0737 4.9456 2. 7255 17. 2324 6.4102 4. 2376 1.8276 3. 9797 2. 9999 16.4120 3. 3266 5. 5666 3.08,50 10.0005 5. 5324 5.3615 2. 1851 2.0162 0.01857 . 02285 . 02033 . 02282 . 02024 .01974 .01955 .02004 .01837 .01437 . 01968 .01699 . 02378 . 02498 .01708 .01919 .01982 .01809 . 00953 .01940 . 02066 . 02281 . 02304 . 02248 .01793 . 02390 .01066 .018.59 .01702 . 02073 .01667 .01X95 .0211(14 . 02085 .01847 . 022.52 . 02287 . 02206 .02512 .02145 0. 40964 . 48957 .09212 .27443 .06399 . 48428 .06804 . 16691 . 12039 .02196 . 46563 . ,56299 . 38604 . 25709 .,50744 .21898 . 02772 . 37781 . 07577 .09082 . 28560 .12904 .0.5454 . 13897 . 07086 . 48250 .17692 .11484 .04995 .11780 . 08400 . 43164 .09712 . 14362 .07805 .27003 . 14608 . 15549 . 063,59 .05807 0.0005108 . 0006580 . 000.5652 .00061S1 .0005221 . 0005586 . 0005766 . 00053.50 . 0005327 .0003722 . 0005334 . 0004569 . 0006444 . 0006664 .0004389 . 0005238 . 0005330 . 0004777 .0002677 . 0005374 . 0005,599 . 0006295 . 0006060 .(X106317 .0004662 . 0006692 . 0(X)5427 0005037 . 0004677 . 0006135 . 0004667 .0004984 .000,58,50 . 0005379 . (KX)4674 . 0(X)6082 . 0(X)C037 . 0006,399 . 0007309 .0006177 SOME PROPERTIES OF THE WHEAT KERNEL. 61 Table S.-^Anahjses of plants, arranged accordim/ to percentage of proteid nitrogen. Crop of 1903— Cont'nmed. 2.5 TO 3 PER CENT PROTEID NITROGEN— Continued. Percent- Number Weight (in grams) of — 1 Total pro- Proteid age of proteid nitrogen in kernels. teid nitro- gen in all nitrogen in average ker- nel Record num- ber. of ker- nels per Kernels Average plant. per plant. kernel. (gram). (pram). 33105 2.91 132 2.5601 0. 01939 0.07450 0. 000.5644 33106 2.94 18 .3089 .01716 .00908 j . 000.5045 33406 2.87 283 4.6045 .01627 . 13215 .0004670 33906 2.81 119 2.2862 .01921 .06424 .000.5399 34205 2.73 464 9. 1498 .01972 . 24979 : .0005383 34207 2.84 611 13.5556 .02219 .38505 .0006273 37305 2.96 2.64 2.94 309 461 193 6. 1394 8.0905 3.3004 .01987 .01972 .01710 .18173 . 23998 .09670 .000.5881 .000.5327 .000.5010 37705 37707 37905 2.53 37 .9452 .025.55 .02391 .0006463 38(X)5 2.84 139 2.5134 .01808 .07138 .0005135 38506 2.89 85 1.6799 .01975 .04855 .0005712 38606 2.63 401 8. 4605 .02110 . 22251 .0(X).5.549 38608 2.82 158 3.0228 .01913 .08.522 .000.5394 38609 2.74 293 6. 7665 . 02309 . 18540 . 0006475 38706 2.59 365 7.2545 .01988 .18789 .0005148 39405 2.88 447 9.3541 .02093 .21399 . 0006027 39506 ... 2.93 67 1.9218 . 02869 .0.5631 .0008404 40505 2.82 170 4.1546 .02444 .11716 . 0006892 43405 2.92 124 2.8000 .022.58 .08176 .0006594 44505 .... 2.94 340 5.9990 .01764 .17637 .0005187 44605 2.86 .55 1.1271 .02049 . 03223 . 0005861 44606 2.90 124 2.5235 .02035 .07318 .0005902 45605.. . . 2.82 61 .7081 .01161 .01997 .0003273 46106 2.54 82 1.6103 .01964 .04090 .0004988 46107 2.54 478 8. 3935 .017.56 .21319 . 0004460 48305 2.87 473 12.0278 .02543 .34524 .0007299 48408 2.81 27 .34&5 .01291 .00979 .0003627 4&507 2.64 70 1.6036 .02296 .04233 .0008062 48508 2.76 603 11.2008 .01858 .30986 .0005127 48806 2.70 2.80 547 35 9. 8346 .4701 .01798 .01343 . 26.553 .01316 . 0004877 .0003761 50706 55008 2.60 944 17.4226 .01846 .4.5299 . 0004799 55206 2.56 578 11.3.592 .01965 . 29079 .0005031 55308 2.54 397 9. .5078 .02395 .241.50 .0006225 55506 2.80 866 17.8506 .02062 .49995 . 0005773 55507 2.63 504 9.8228 .01949 . 25834 .0005126 55605 2.64 500 10.9180 .02184 .28823 .0005765 55606 2.58 503 11.0930 .02205 .28580 . 0005690 55607 2.69 138 2.3931 .01734 . 06437 . 0004665 55905 2.67 2.81 331 499 5.7948 7.9968 .01751 .01603 • .15170 .22471 . 0tK)4674 . 0004.503 55906 55907 .... 2.59 749 19. S966 . 02590 .50238 . 0006707 56105 2.73 336 5. 7431 .01709 . 15679 . 0004667 56106 2.57 644 12.0161 . 01866 . 30881 .0004795 56107 2.96 872 14.45.56 .01658 .42790 .0004907 56205 2.51 333 6. .5232 .019.59 . 16373 .0004917 56208 2.61 563 13. .5720 . 02356 . 34616 .0006149 56209 2. .59 9.50 15.8086 .01664 . 40945 .0004310 57005 2.71 88 1..5364 .01746 .04164 .0004731 57006 2.76 701 10. 1836 .01453 . 28107 .0(X)4010 57007 2.65 168 3.3176 .01975 .08792 .000.5233 57105 2.76 407 3. 7263 .00916 . 10285 .0002.527 57306 2.86 434 7.9772 . 01838 .22815 .0005257 57406 2.75 135 2.4923 .01846 .068.54 . 0005077 57407 2.62 762 14.9992 .01968 .39297 .00051.57 57408 2.61 596 12. 2004 .02047 .31842 .0005343 57506 2.80 180 2. 7616 .01.534 . 07733 . 0004296 57507 2.85 359 6.9861 .01946 . 19905 . 0005545 57509 2.54 611 10. 6261 .01739 . 26990 .(K)04417 57606 2.74 132 3.0790 .02333 . 08436 .0006391 57608 2.64 438 8.6189 .01968 . 22756 .0005195 57805 2.87 270 4.8988 .01814 . 14060 .0005207 58206 2.67 148 1.3961 .00943 .03728 .0002519 58505 2. 95 273 7.4516 .02730 . 21982 .0008052 58805 2.74 1,1.58 23. 1471 .01999 . 63422 . 0005464 63106 2.79 165 3. 3006 .02001 . 09208 . (XK)5581 66005 2.63 1 2. 50 370 I 663 7.6690 13. .5696 : . 02073 . 02047 .20170 .33923 . 0005451 .(K)05117 69.506 69705 2.50 2.95 244 430 3. 7810 8. 2929 .015.50 .01929 .094.53 . 24464 . 0003874 . {K105689 72406 73308 2.92 624 14.2986 .02291 .417.52 . 0006.539 74506 2.73 23 .4096 .01781 .01118 . (M)04862 74508 2.60 57 .8172 .01434 .02125 . (H103728 74605 2.60 399 7.1181 .017&4 .18507 .0004638 62 IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF WHEAT. Table 8. — Analyses of plants, arranged according to percentage of proteid nitrogen. Crop of ^90.3— Continued. 2.5 TO 3 PER CENT PROTEID NITROGEN— Continued. Percent- Number of ker- nels per plant. Weight (in grams) of— Total pro- Proteid Record num- ber. age of proteid nitrogen in kernels. teid nitro- gen in all kernels (gram) . nitrogen in average ker- nel (gram). Kernels per plant. Average kernel 74607 2. .56 491 S, 3406 0.01699 0. 21352 0.0004349 81405 2.62 2.94 240 146 4.. 5737 2. 8327 .01862 .01940 .11710 .08328 . 0004879 . (XX)5704 81505 81706 2.71 722 15.3928 .02132 .41715 .000.5778 85205 2.60 214 3.4766 .01625 .09039 . 0004224 85206 2.66 376 4.9315 .01312 .13118 .0003332 86105 2.56 2.63 203 436 3.0282 7.6241 .01495 .01749 .07964 .20052 .0003923 .0004.")(H) 86106 88605 2.80 69 1.6362 .02731 .04581 .0ai76J0 88606 2.53 481 9.9456 .02068 .25162 .0005231 88607 2.61 234 5.1584 . 02205 . 13463 . 0005754 88905 2.83 293 5.3069 .01811 . 1.5019 .0005126 88906 2.65 546 9.9034 .01814 . 26245 .0004807 91906 2.81 200 3. .5486 .01774 .09972 .0004986 92205 2.74 345 5. 2616 .01525 . 14417 .0004170 92206 2.67 46 1.1074 .02407 .02957 .O00'i428 92207 2.55 209 3.6926 .01767 .09416 . 0004.505 92208 2.72 3.53 6. 6206 .01876 .18008 .0005102 92305 2.93 160 2.3859 .01491 .06991 .0004369 92408 2.97 207 3.7820 .01827 . 11233 .000.5426 92507 2. .58 505 9.6779 .01916 . 24969 .0004944 94206 2.78 402 7.5006 .01866 . 20851 .0005187 94207 2.86 718 13. 70.57 .01909 .39190 .000.5460 94907 2.94 626 12. 1918 .01948 . 35844 .0005726 95505 2.81 37 .3146 .00850 .00884 .0002.389 95506 2.74 597 11.0548 .018.52 .30291 . 0005074 9.5507 2.59 571 12. 1592 .02030 . 31492 . 000.5515 95508 2.56 740 14.4617 .019.54 . 37023 .0005003 9.5705 2.54 636 10.3426 .01626 . 26270 .0004131 95706 Average 2.73 267 5.1629 .01934 .14095 .000.5279 2.731 370.36 7. 1755 .019354 . 194423 .00052706 3 TO 3.5 PER CENT PROTEID NITROGEN. 17305 3.03 3.09 183 243 3. 6302 3. 9968 0.01984 .01645 0.10999 . 123.50 0.0006010 .0005082 17306 17307 3.46 138 3. 14.54 . 02280 . 10883 .0007886 17308 3.25 61 1.2275 .02012 .03994 .0006540 17406 3.29 124 2.0907 .0168) .06878 . 0005547 18906 3.48 65 .9229 .01420 .03212 .0004941 20705 3.09 109 1.8517 .01698 .05722 . 0005249 20709 3.05 258 5.3229 .02063 .16235 . 0006292 20805 3.32 697 14.6942 .02157 .48784 . 0006999 21205 3.16 123 2.3642 .01922 .07471 . 0006074 21208 3.24 287 5. 1.594 .01798 . 16712 . 0005824 21211 3.15 10 .2806 .02806 .00884 . 0008839 21307 3.04 143 2.. 5691 . 01796 . 0-810 .000.5461 21308 3.45 354 5.8080 .01641 .20038 . 0005660 21906 3.18 408 10. 4800 .02.563 . 33403 .0008168 21907 3.35 158 2.9248 . 01851 . 09-98 . 0006201 21913 3.01 492 10. 1925 .02072 .30680 . 0006235 22206 3.22 146 2. .5712 .01720 .08086 .000.5.538 22208 3.18 118 1 . 9090 .01619 .06071 .0005144 22210 3.17 298 6.0173 .02019 . 19075 .0006401 22211 3.17 561 11.. 56^5 .02062 .36671 .0006537 26105 3.02 131 1.8242 .01393 .05508 .0003662 26808 3.09 222 3.8811 .01748 .11992 .000.5402 27507 3.08 75 1.3746 .01833 .04234 .0005646 28206 3.07 219 4. 3698 .01996 .13415 .0006126 2SS06 3.02 6&5 14.4630 .02111 .43679 . 0006376 32207 3.48 69 1.2,5"3 .01822 .04375 .0006341 33305 3.41 150 3. 13-16 .02090 . 10689 .0007126 33607 3.22 136 2. 8903 .02125 .09307 . 0006843 34606 3.12 280 6. 1962 .02213 . 19332 . 0006 .0007373 . 01994 1 7S7.T _ mnsfi.'i.T 43505 45705 55007 69305 76206 92506 Average 93 ' 1.4464 44 1 . 7532 118 2. 1571 103 2.0430 447 5.4411 229 3. 8709 .015.55 .01712 .01828 .01984 .01217 .01690 . 05974 . 0006423 .03148 .0007155 .09082 : .0007696 .09030 : .0008767 .24213 ; .000.^417 .16993 : .0007421 4.27 292.6 j 5.03397 .017689 .21674 .00075594 MORE THAN 4.5 PER CENT PROTEID NITROGEN 17505 4.70 29 0.3885 0. 01340 0.01826 0.0006296 21206 5.23 149 2. 8564 .01917 . 14939 .0010026 21210 5.03 237 3.9143 .01578 . 19689 .0007934 21706 4.71 807 19.3318 . 02390 .91052 .0011283 21911 5.48 383 8.4593 .02209 .46356 .0012103 38605..^ 5.85 61 1.2124 . 01988 .07093 .0011627 38607 4.55 19 .3037 .01598 .01382 .0007273 40205 4.69 194 3. 6302 .01871 . 17026 .0008776 48406 4.87 249 3.2964 .01324 . 16053 .0006447 65305 4.92 78 1.8018 .02310 .08865 .0011365 69805 5.82 110 2.4420 .02220 . 14213 .0012921 72605 4.65 65 1. 1166 .01718 .05192 .0007988 72607 5.59 188 3.4442 .01832 . 19253 .0010241 92306 Average 4.93 347 6.0091 . 01732 .2962.5 .0008539 5.07 208. 28 4. 15727 . 01859 .208974 .0009487 Table 9. — Summary of analyses of plants, arranged according to percentage of proteid nitrogen. Crop of 1903. Range of per- centage of proteid nitrogen. Percent- age of proteid nitrogen in ker- nels. Number of— Weight (in grams) of— Proteid nitrogen (in grams) in — Analy- ses. Ker- nels. Kernels. Average kernel. All ker- nels. Average kernel. 1 to2 1.749 2.32 2.73 3.18 3.69 4.27 5.07 28 65 145 66 22 11 14 320.3 396 370 235 190 292 208 6.2382 8.2502 7. 1755 4.38.56 3. 6895 5.0340 4. 1573 0.01S71 .02011 .01935 .01837 .01867 .01769 .01859 0. 106.55 . 19032 . 19442 . 13966 . 13698 . 21674 .20897 0. 0003291 . (K)04660 . 0005271 .0005816 . 000^872 . 0007559 .0009487 2 to 2.5 ... 2.5 to 3 3 to 3.5 3.5 to 4 4 to 4 5 4.5 and over Table 10 shows the analyses of the crop of 1903 arranged on the basis of weight of average kernel. Determinations of gliadin and glutenin were made in these analyses and the sums of these are inserted in this table/' All plants having an average kernel weight o Determinations of gliadin and o:lutenin were made by methods practically the same as those described by Prof. Harry Snyder in Bulletin No. 63 of the Minnesota Experiment Station, except that smaller quantities were used. SOME PROPEKTIES OF THE WHEAT KERNEL. 65 of less than 0.010 gram form the first class and each succeeding class increases by 0.002 gram. Table 11 is a summary of these analyses. Table 10. — Analyses of plants, arranged according to weigTit of average Tcemel. Crop of 1903. AVEIGHT OF AVER.YGE KERNEL, 0.000 TO 0.010 GRAM. Record number. \yeight Xum- ^y i i^t of aver- bei of ^ ^ ? , ke^'el "^X'' on plant (S. .plant. ,^S'-''^^^^ 22205. . 57105. . 58206. . 95505. . 0.00953 .00916 .00943 . 00850 283 407 148 37 2.6965 3. 7263 1.3961 .3146 Average . .00915 219 2.0334 Per- centage of pro- teid ni- trogen in ker- nels. 2.81 2.76 2.67 2.81 Proteid nitrogen (gram) in — Average kernel. 0.0002677 .0002527 . 0002519 .0002389 Kernels on plant. 0.07577 . 10285 .03728 .00884 Percent- age of gliadin- plus-glu- tenin ni- trogen in kernels. 1.97 Gliadin-plus-glu- tenin nitrogen (gram) in — Average kernel. Kernels on plant. 0.0001877 0.05312 .0002.528 .05618 1.97 .0001877 .05312 WEIGHT OF AVERAGE KERNEL, 0.010 TO 0.012 GRAM. 37906 45605 50905..... 57905 58705 94208 Average . 0.01086 .01161 .01085 .01118 .01082 .01175 1 19 61 221 221 I 235 j 322 I 0. 2063 . 7081 2.3982 2.4731 2.5436 3.7828 2.44 2.82 3.30 3.18 3.01 3.10 0. 0002649 .0003273 .0003581 .0003556 . 0003258 . 0003642 0.00503 .01997 . .07914 . 07859 .07656 . 11727 2.92 2.47 6. 6663264 .0002673 0.07221 .06283 .01118 179 1 2.0187 2.98 .0003326 . 06276 2.69 ■ .0002968 .06752 WEIGHT OF .WERAGE KERNEL, 0.012 TO 0.014 GRAM. 17505 22209 25105 39606....". 40405..... 42206 4.5005 45805 48405 48406 48408 48505 50706 ,58207.... 58905 62805. . . . 76206 8.5206 94605.... Average 0.01340 .01399 .01393 .01341 .01373 .01264 .01376 .01234 .01276 .01324 .01291 . 01398 .01343 .01375 .013.55 .01212 .01217 .01312 .01307 29 31 131 346 46 25 235 124 76 249 27 137 35 307 170 111 447 ,■',76 56 0. 3885 .4336 1.8242 4.6383 .6316 .3161 3. 2340 1.5298 .9701 3. 2964 . 34&5 1.91.54 .4701 4. 2207 2.3031 1.3451 5.4411 4.9315 .7319 . 01323 1.55. 7 2.0.510 4.70 3.84 3.02 2.37 3.17 1.46 3.58 1.84 3.31 4.87 2.81 3.66 2.80 3.09 2.43 3.25 4.45 2.66 1.95 3.12 0. 0006296 .000.5371 . 0003662 .0003177 .0004352 .0001846 .0004927 . 0002700 . 0(K)4225 . 0001i447 . 0ffl)3627 .0005117 .0003761 .0004248 . 0003292 . 0003938 .000.5417 . 0003332 .0002549 0.01826 . 01665 .05,508 .10967 .02002 .00462 .11575 .02815 .03211 . 160.53 .00979 .07010 .01316 . 13042 . 05.596 .04272 . 24213 .13118 .01427 .0004120 .06687 1.36 2.25 'i.76 2.49 "'i.'os 1.98 0.0001871 0.04398 .0002979 . 0002460 .'6663424' .0002471 .0002641 .08168 .63371' . 10510 .'11646' .07499 WEIGHT OF AVERAGE KERNEL, 0.014 TO 0.016 GRAM. 18805 0.01567 137 18905 .01443 103 18906 .01420 65 21210 .01577 237 21710 .01437 59 21812 .01507 983 26107 .01416 144 33408 .01446 77 38607 .01598 19 43.505 .01.5.55 93 48407 .01572 718 .50906 .01516 114 55006 .01593 451 .5.5305 .01507 167 57006 .01453 701 2. 1462 2.02 1.4864 3.81 .9229 3.48 3.9143 5.03 .8478 2.59 14.8139 4.26 2.0390 3.92 1.1132 1.39 .3037 4.55 1.4464 4.13 11.2890 1.50 1.7280 3.57 7.1852 3.16 2.5160 2.48 10. 1836 2.76 0.0003164 .0005498 .0004941 .0007934 .0003722 .0006420 .000.5.551 . 0002(X)9 . 0007273 .000o423 .0002358 .0005411 .0005034 .0003736 .0004010 0. 04335 .05663 .03212 . 19689 .02196 '.63107 . 07993 . 01.547 .01382 . 0.5974 . 16933 .06169 .22705 .06240 .28107 1.54 1.34 2.02 1.35 0.0003218 .0002113 .0003044 .0001912 0.03315 1.75 1.97 .05245 . 29934 .02753 .0002788 .12.574 .0002969 .04957 27889— No. 78—05- 66 IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF WHEAT. Taele 10. — Analyses of plants, arranged according to weight of average Jcernel. Crop of 1903— Continued. WEIGHT OF AVERAGE KERNEL, 0 014 TO 0.016 GRAM— Continued. Record number. Weight of aver- Num- ber of Weight of kernels Per- centage of pro- teid ni- trogen in ker- nels. Proteid nitrogen (gram) in- Percent- age of {.'liadin- plus-glu- tenin ni- trogen in kernels, Gliadin-plu?-glu- tenin nitrogen (gram) in- age kernel (gram). k«™^'^ on plant plant. (^'•^^^)- Average Kernels kernel. on plant. 1 Average kernel. 1 Kernels on plant. 57506 63506 69705 72905 74508 86105 92205 92305 92905 92906 94905 95707 Average . 0.01534 .01568 .01550 .01585 .01434 .01495 .01525 .01491 .01534 . 01,592 .015.53 .01457 i 180 I 2.7616 1.53 i 2.3986 244 i 3.7810 167 i 2.6462 .57 , .8172 203 3.0282 345 ' 5.2616 160 ' 2.3859 176 , 2.7000 181 ; 2.8816 286 ; 4.4423 52 1 .7577 2.80 2.44 2.50 2.48 2.60 2.56 2.74 2.93 3. .50 2.99 2.35 2.47 0.0004296 . 0003825 0.077.33 . 05853 2.34 ' 0.0003590 0.0r;4r2 .0003874 , .09453 .0003930 ! .06563 .0003728 .02125 .0003923 .0004179 . 0004369 . 07964 . 14417 .06991 .0005369 ! .094.50 .0004760 .0003650 .0003599 . OS.; 16 . 10439 .01872 .01516 232 3.5480 3.00 .0004555 . 10619 1.76 .0002805 .09320. WEIGHT OF AVERAGE KERNEL, 0.016 TO O.OIS GRAM. 17306 0.01645 243 17406 .01686 124 17507 .01795 43 20705 . 01698 109 21208 .01798 287 21209 .01627 89 21307 .01796 143 21308 . 01641 354 21805 .01699 1,232 21808 .01708 1,1.56 22206 .01720 146 22208 .01619 lis 26806 .01793 1.52 26808 .01748 222 26907 .01792 102 26909 .01667 180 27308 .017^7 254 33106 .01716 18 33406 .01627 283 37707 .01710 193 39507 .01699 111 44.505 .01764 340 4.5705 .01712 44 46105 .01775 260 46107 .01756 478 48306 .01692 157 48506 .01701 5,56 48705 . 016.52 264 48706 ,01635 379 48806 .01798 547 55205 .01723 40 55307 .01663 342 55508 . 01732 216 55607 .01734 1.38 .55905 .01751 331 55906 .01603 499 56105 .01709 336 56107 .01658 872 56209 .01664 9.50 57005 .01746 ,88 57305 .01666 501 57,308 .01705 577 57509 1 .01739 611 59606 ! .01712 567 60605 .01701 35 63105 .01717 90 66006 .01642 366 3.9968 2.0907 .7720 1.8517 5. 1.594 1.4484 2. 5691 5. 8080 20.9290 19.7446 2. ,571 2 1.9090 2. 72.55 3.8811 1.8276 2.9999 4.5123 .3089 4. (i045 3. 3004 1.8862 5.9990 .7532 4.6146 8. 3935 2. 6571 9.4585 4.3615 6. 1986 9. 8346 .6893 5.6864 3. 7407 2. 3931 5. 7948 7.9968 5. 7431 14. 4,5,56 15. 8086 1.5364 8. 5777 9. 8378 10. 6261 9.7084 .5952 1.5452 6.0090 3.09 3.29 3.80 3.09 3.24 3.61 3.04 3.45 2.69 2.57 3.22 3.18 2.60 3.09 2.61 2.80 4.15 2.94 2.87 2.93 3.02 2.94 4.18 3.00 2.54 3.29 3.20 3.13 3.00 2.70 3.10 1.89 3.11 2.69 2.67 2.81 2.73 2.96 2.59 2.71 3.19 1.69 2.54 2.16 1.87 3.24 3.54 0.0005082 . 0005547 . 0006822 . 0005249 . 0005824 .0005875 . 0005461 .0005660 .0004569 .0004389 . 0005.538 . 0005144 . 0004662 . 0005402 . 0004677 . 0004667 .0007373 .0005045 .0004670 .0005010 .0005132 .0005187 .0007155' . 000.5324 .00044(0 .0005568 .0005444 .0005171 . 0004906 . 0004877 .0005342 .0003142 .0005386' . 0001665 . 0004674 . 0004503 .0004667 .0004907 .0004310 . 0004731 . 0005826 .0002881 .0004417 . 0003ti98 .0003180 . 0005563 .0005812 0. 12350 .06878 .02934 .05722 . 16712 . 05228 .07810 .20038 . 56299 . 50744 . 08086 .06071 .07086 .11992 . 04995 .08400 . 18726 .00908 .13215 . 09670 . 05696 . 17637 .03148 .13843 .21319 . 08742 .30267 . 136,52 . 18.596 . 265,53 .02137 . 10747 . 1 16.36 .06437 .1.5470 .22471 . 15679 . 42790 . 40945 .04164 .29188 . 16626 . 2n990 .20970 .01113 . 0.5007 .21272 2.15 1.9:1 2.11 2.14 2.28 'i.'ss' 2.10 2.08 2.13 2.17 1..56 O.C0033 6 0 11093 1.56 1.96 1.75 1.47 2. 12 2^23 2.21 2.09 1.38 . 0003348 .00036-;9 .0003465 .OOOSOGa .'6603i34 .0003.591 .00036.52 . 0003' 04 .0003(91 . 0002577 .0002.594 .0003395 .0003064 . 0002356 . 0003622 .0003697 .0003677 .0003649 . 38700 . 05425 . 040S4 .08849 . 6.564Q .0.931 . 17458 .05660 . 20525 .0*^804 .08871 .07332 . 10141 .117.55 . 12175 .32236 . 34937 .03211 .0002266 .08292 SOME PEOPERTIES OF THE WHEAT KERNEL. 67 T^BLE 10. — Analyses cf plan s, arranjed according to xveight of average Icernel. Crop of J903—Vonthmod. WEIGHT OF AVERAGE KERNEL, 0.016 TO 0.018 GRAM— Continued. Rrcord Weight of aver- Num- l;er of Weight of kernels Per- centage of pi-o- teid ni- trogen in ker- nels. Proteid nitrogen (gram) in- Percent- age of gliadin- plus-glu- tenin ni- trogen in kernels. Gliadin-plus-gUi- tenin nitrogen (gi-am) in- nuni.er. | ^;^^^^^y (gram). plant. |(g'-ams). 1 1 Average kernel. Kernels on plant. Average kernel. Kernels on plant. 72MI'.. -. 0.01 718 65 1.1166 543 9. 3629 23 .4096 4.65 1.89 2.73 2.60 2.56 2.35 3.31 2 60 2.63 3.36 2.81 2.55 4.93 3.10 1.66 3.00 4.39' 2.32 2.07 3.60 1.81 0.0007988 .0003414 . 0004862 . 0004638 . 0004349 . 0003983 .0005697 0. 05192 . 18.538 .01118 . 18.507 .213.52 . 19836 .04101 7450O 74605 74607 76205 81405 8.5205 8610ii 91905 9190.i 92207 92306 92405 92407 92505 92.506 92908 .01781 .01784 .01699 .01695 .01721 .01625 .01749 .01739 .01774 .01767 .01732 . 01605 .01695 .01706 .01690 399 491 498 72 214 436 7.1181 8.3406 8. 4407 1.2391 3.4766 7.6241 0004 ''24 0')(I39 .0(W4599 . 0005844 . 0004986 . 0004.505 .0008.539 . 0004977 .0002814 .mOolIS .0007421 .0004018 .0003343 . OOOaiOH . (V)032'5S .200.52 .11570 .09972 .09416 198 3.4436 200 3.. 5486 209 347 214 53 156 229 187 419 218 3.6926 6.0091 3.43.56 .8983 2.6615 3. 8709 3.2388 6. 7664 3.6977 .29625 . 10n.50 .01491 .07985 4.06 0. 0007032 0.24397 . 16993 -.07514 . 14007 .13312 .05132 94407 i .01615 94909 ' 01696 95510 , .01783 ; 1.59 | 2.83.56 95705 nifi'W 6.36 i 10.. 3426 1 2.54 ' .0004131 . 26270 1 ! Average . .01709 305.9 5.2055 2.93 1 .0005020 1 .14618 2.07 .aH)3519 .13.548 I 1 WEIGHT OF AVERAGE KERNEL, 0.018 TO 0.020 GRAM. 17305... 17408. . . 17409... 20710... 2120"^ . . 212m;... 21207... 21306... 21711... 21809... 21SU1... 21813... 21905... 21907... 21912... 22207... 26905... 2690")... 270t)5... 27205... 27306... 27307... 27.507... 28206... 32207. . . 32608. . . 33105. . . 33107... 33405... 33906. . . 34205. . . 34203... 34208. . 34405. . , 36905.. 37305.. 37705.. 38005.. 38,506.. 38605. . 38608. . 38706.. 40205.. .019^ 183 .01852 497 .01857 802 .01974 867 . 01922 123 .01917 149 .019.55 118 .018.37 226 . 01968 873 .01919 418 .01982 52 .01877 216 .01809 791 i .01851 1.58 1 .01907 510 . 01940 169 .01966 326 .018.59 228 .01895 866 .01841 891 .01945 684 .01847 167 .01833 75 .01996 219 .01822 69 .01851 55 .019.39 132 .01919 318 .01930 421 .01921 119 .01972 464 .01968 81 .01916 1.56 .01994 207 .01880 267 .01987 309 .01972 461 .01808 139 .01975 85 .01987 61 .01913 1.58 .01988 365 .01871 194 3.6302 9. 2038 14.89.57 17.1115 2.3642 2.8564 2. 3066 4. 1516 17. 1820 8.0214 1.0304 4.0258 14.3111 2.9248 9.7236 3. 2787 6.4102 4. 2376 16.4120 16.4061 13.3011 3. 08.50 1.3746 4.3698 1.2573 1.0183 2.. 5601 6. 1026 8. 1268 2.2862 9. 1498 1.5940 2.9886 4. 1281 5.0200 6. 1394 8. 0905 2.5134 1.6799 1.2124 3.0228 7. 2545 3.6302 3.03 2.18 2.75 2.83 3.16 5.23 2.96 2.90 2.71 2.73 2. 69 4.04 2.64 3.35 2.31 2.77 2.76 2.71 2.63 2.41 2.47 2. .53 3.08 3.07 3.48 3.78 2.91 2.35 2.03 2.81 2.73 3.73 2.13 4.33 3.88 2.96 2.64 2.84 2.89 5.85 2.82 2.59 4.69 0.0006010 .0004037 .0005108 . 0005586 .0006074 .0010026 . 0005766 .0(X)5327 . 0005334 . 0005238 . 0005330 . 00075S2 . 0004777 .0006201 . 0004404 . 000.5374 .000.5427 . 0005037 .00()49S1 .00O443'7 . 0004803 . 0004674 . 0005646 .0006126 .000;i341 . 0006998 .000.5611 .0004510 .0003919 .0005399 . 0005383 .0007340 .0004081 . 0008635 . 0(.K)7295 . fK)05881 . 0005327 .0005135 .000.5712 .0011627 . 0005394 .oor)5T5rs .0008776 0.10999 ! .20065 I .4()9ii4 .48428 ! .07471 i .14939 ; .06804 I .12039 .465(13 .21898 j .02772 ' . 16377 .37781 .09798 i .22461 .09082 i .17692 I .11484 i .43164 . 39539 . 32S.53 . 07805 .04234 . 13415 .04375 .03849 . 074.50 . 14341 . 16498 . 06424 .24979 . 0.5946 . 06366 . 17875 . 19478 . 18173 . 23998 .07138 . 04855 .07093 .08.522 .18789 . 17026 2.00 2.18 2.14 2.18 2.15 1.82 2.09 1.82 1.90 1.70 0. 0003948 .0004183 .0004017 . 0003944 . 0003980 .(XX)3531 .0004109 .0003.383 . (HX)3fi00 .0003130 0. 34222 2.42 3.50 1.92 2.44 2.29 1.26 1.23 1.73 '3.07' .0004830 .0006787 . ooSTieS .0004865 .0004550 . 000248.5 .0002224 .0003309 .'6065744' . 17487 .08615 .31198 .06288 . 05967 . 13398 .07712 .31182 . 27890 . 10.575 . 07450 . 12643 . 1(M173 . 14060 .10194 .03091 . 05229 ."iii45' 68 IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF WHEAT. Table 10. — Analyses of plants, arranged according to ireight of average Icernel. Crop of i90'(95— Continued. WEIGHT OF AVERAGE KERNEL, 0.020 TO 0.022 GRAM— Continued. Record num.^er. Weight of aver- age kernel (gram). Num- ber of kerne's on plant. 21212... 21305. . . 21707... 21709... 21S11... 21908. . . 21913... 22210. . . 22211... 25205. . . 26908. . . 27207. . . 27305..- 27505... 28806... 3220a... 32fOS... 33305... 33608... 33607 33905 37705 38606 39205 39405 40305 44605 44606 48409 5.5005 55506 55605 5.5908 57405 57408 58806 63106 65308 66005 69506 69806 72705 72707 73306 74305 74606 80305 81705 81706 81709 84405 88606 88608 aS609 92406 92907 95507 95509 Average . 0.02049 .02004 .02125 .02141 .02101 .0205« .02072 .02019 .02062 .02066 .02073 .02004 .02085 .02183 .02111 .02052 .02145 .02090 .02144 .02125 .02194 .021.55 .02110 . 02089 . 02093 .02011 . 02049 .02035 . 02048 . 02028 . 02062 .02184 .02175 .02031 .02047 . 02049 .02001 .02008 .02073 . 02047 .02153 .02191 .02036 .02062 . 02047 . 02079 .02165 .02106 .02132 .02175 .02043 . 02068 . 02075 .02100 .02168 . 02040 .02029 .02136 .02085 84 312 582 361 567 173 492 298 561 522 192 166 267 539 685 507 94 150 382 136 508 56 401 1,031 447 179 55 124 314 393 866 500 562 41 596 95 165 583 370 663 558 372 225 414 216 464 729 465 722 757 428 481 74 470 380 219 571 138 386.6 Per- ,vei„nr ^f pro- of kernels -^ ^^_ on plant tj-oeen (grams). [^.^I^;! nels. 1.7216 6.2514 12. 3685 7.7296 11.9114 3. 5574 10. 1925 6.0173 11.5675 10. 7836 3.9797 3.3266 5. 56li6 12.0399 14. 4630 10. 4036 2.0162 3. 1346 8. 1890 2. 8903 11.1476 1.2069 8. 4605 21.. 5399 9.3541 3.6(X)3 1.1271 2. 5235 6.4302 7.9684 17.8506 10.9180 12.2210 . 8328 12. 2004 1.94K9 3.3006 11.7066 7. 6fi90 13.5696 12.0136 9. 1522 4.5806 8. 5373 4. 4222 9.6451 15.7835 9. 7922 15. 3928 16. 4692 8.7448 9.9456 1 . 5355 9.8719 8. 2366 4. 4673 12. 1592 2.9475 8. 1267 2.16 2.67 2.19 2.47 3.75 3.82 3.01 3.17 3.17 2.71 2.96 2.92 2.58 2.12 3.02 1.81 2.88 3.41 2.21 3.22 1.61 2.34 2.63 2.11 2.88 3.11 2.86 2.90 2.02 3.05 2.80 2.64 2.42 1.98 2.61 1.88 2.79 2.09 2.63 2.. 50 1.66 2.13 3.49 2.45 1.98 2.30 1.81 1.98 2.71 2.28 2.48 2.53 2.47 2.42 3.11 2.56 2.59 2.48 Proteid nitrogen (gram) in— 2.60 Average kernel. 0.0004427 .0005350 . 0004654 .000.5289- .0007877 .0007855 . 0006235 . 000c)401 . 0006537 . 0005,599 .0008135 .000.58.50 .0005379 . (K)04627 . O0OH376 .0003714 .0006177 .0007126 .0004738 .0006843 .0003533 .0005053 .0005549 . 0004407 .0006027 . 0006255 .000,5861 .000.5902 .0004137 .0006185 .0005773 .0005765 .(X)05262 . 0004022 . 000,5343 .0003853 .000.5.581 .0004197 .0005451 .0005117 .0003574 .00046(58 .0007105 .00050,52 .0004054 . 0004781 . 0003919 .0004170 . 000.5778 .0004960 .(X)05067 .000.5231 .0005125 .0005082 .000.,741 .0005220 .000.5515 .0005297 .000.5422 Kernels on plant. 0.03718 . 16691 . 27086 . 19092 . 44666 . 13589 .30680 . 19075 .36671 . 28560 . 11780 .09712 . 14362 . 24942 . 43679 . 18831 .05807 . 10S89 . 18098 .09307 . 17948 .02824 . 22251 . 45435 . 21399 .11197 .03223 .07318 . 12989 . 24.303 . 4995 . 28823 .29575 .01649 .31842 . 03660 .09208 . 24468 . 20170 .3.3923 . 19943 . 19936 .1.5986 .20918 .08756 . 22184 .28569 . 19388 .41715 . 37548 . 21687 .25162 .03793 . 23890 .25616 .11436 .31492 .07310 Percent- age of gliadin- plus-glu- t.enin ni- trogen in kernels. . 20510 1.97 Gliadin-plus-glu- tenin nitrogen (gram) in — Average kernel. 0. 0003948 0. 12315 Kernels on plant. 2.16 1.88 1..55 1.69 2. 16 1.95 1.73 l.(:5 1.86 2.41 2.' 4,5" 1.39 1.84 1.44 1.29 1.50 1.99 2.20 1.96 1.96 1.92 . 0004538 . 0003955 .0003129 .0003485 .0004478 . 0003908 . 0003607 . 0003602 .0003926 .0005037 .066526(3" .0002933 . 0003844 .0003014 .0002625 .0003072 . 0004036 . 0004536 . 0004281 .0004263 . 0003999 WEIGHT OF AVERAGE KERNEL, 0.0:2 TO 0.024 GRAM. 17307, 17410. 20707 21706 21708 21806 21909 21911 0.02279 .02285 .02282 .02.390 .02381 .02378 .02317 .02209 138 744 444 807 390 599 525 383 3. 14.54 16.9987 9.9070 19.3318 9. 2850 14. 2450 12.1819 8.4593 3.46 2.88 2.77 4.71 2.33 2.71 4.43 5.48 0. 0007886 .0001)580 .0008181 .0011283 .000.5.547 .0006444 .0010265 .0012103 . 25728 . 06688 .09327 . 19548 .08596 .06487 . 09630 . 19866 . 26901 .07554 .'67081' .11760 . 39635 . 13470 .03255 .09(,45 . 1.5857 .39272 .21400 . 23953 1.64 I .0003357 1 .20008 2.20 .0004402 .072('l 1.95 1 .0003916 .22828 2.18 ' .00045;9 . 16714 2.05 ■ .0004262 .19772 1.77 i .0003832 .27937 1.96 .0004128 : .19193 2.03 '• .0004328 i .31248 . 17351 70 IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF WHEAT. Table \0.— Analyses of jdants, arranged according to weight of average 'kernel. Crop of i90.i— Continued. WKIGHT OF AVERAGK KERNEL, J.022 TO 0.024 GRAM-Coutinued. llccord iuiui.:er. Weight of aver- age kernel (gram). 25206 2ol0i> 26805 26807 27506 27508 27509 32f0o 33407 33605 34207 34(06 38.505 38609 42405 43405 48507 55308 55606 56207 56208 57606 57607 63107 65305 69805 71905 72708 73307 73308 81707 81710 88607 91305 Average . 0. 02281 .02304 .02248 . 02390 . 02252 . 02287 . 02206 . 02323 . 02271 . 02345 . 02219 .02213 .02252 .02309 .02251 .02258 . 02296 .02395 .02205 . 02361 . 02356 . 02333 . 02234 .02233 .02310 .02220 .02239 . 02270 . 02229 .02291 . 02336 . 02308 . 02205 . 02242 . 02285 Weight Ver- centage of pro- Nuin- l:erof ,,fkcniels ^'.P™: k«™«l« on plant !^"1 "^ (grams) . Proteid nitrogen (gram) in— on plant in icer- iiels. Average kernel. 205 90 220 721 444 251 243 225 305 301 611 280 563 293 66 124 70 397 503 462 563 132 736 417 78 110 1,260 398 25 624 786 396 234 138 388.1 4.6754 2.0737 4.9456 17. 2324 10.0005 5. 5324 5.3615 5. 2268 7.0889 7.0596 13.5556 6. 1962 12. 1088 6.7665 1.4892 2.8000 1.6036 9.5078 11.0930 10.9073 13. 5720 3.0790 16.4433 9.3120 1.8018 2.4420 28.2136 9.0386 . 5572 14.2986 18.3614 9.1411 5. 1584 3.0940 8.8879 2.76 2.63 2.81 2.80 2.70 2.64 2.90 1.20 1.62 2.39 2.84 3.12 3.61 2.74 3.07 2.92 2.64 2.54 2. .58 2.34 2.61 2.74 1.73 2.43 4.92 5.82 2.47 2.27 2.39 2.92 2.34 1.92 2.61 3.21 0.0006295 .0006060 .0006317 . 0006692 .0006082 .0006037 .0006399 .0002788 .0003679 .0005605 . 0006273 . 0006904 . 0007764 .0006475 .0006927 .0006594 .0006062 .0006225 . 0005690 . 0005524 .0006149 .(I(H1H391 . 0003865 .0005426 .0011365 .0012921 .000.5.531 .00051.54 . 0005327 .0006539 . 0005466 .0(X)*432 . 0005754 . 0007197 Kernels on plant. Percent- age of pliadin- pluF-glu- tenin ni- trogen in kernels. Oliadin-piu.-'-glu- tenin ni.^rogen (gram; in — Average kernel. Kei'nrjs on plant. 0. 12904 .0.5454 . 13897 . 48250 ! .27003 . 14608 . 1.5,549 . 06272 i . 98 6. 66644.59 6. i9866 2.32 .000.5306 .12835 1.09 .0002405 .0.-844 .11223 . 16872 .38.505 19332 i.'92" "."6064.562' . i3554 .43713 . 18540 . 04572 .08176 .04233 .241.50 . 28580 . 25522 ..34616 .0843.) .248'i7 . 22628 .088i.5 .14''13 . 69fi88 .20-18 .01332 .41 ",52 1.77 .0003986 1.34 .0003094 .21432 .09067 1.18 .6662664 .03304 1 i.49 .6662669 1.83 1 .0004321 1.95 .0004594 . 16529 . 199t0 . 26465 1.94 1 .0004.307 . 04738 .4291:5 . 1~.5.50 . 13-163 .09932 I 2.90 .0006624 . 25166 .747 .0004011 . 15515 WKIGHT UE AVERAGE KERNEL, 0.024 TO 0.026 GRAM. 17506 21807 21906 27206 28805 37905 40505 48305 55907 72706 81708 92206 94105 Average 0. 02460 93 . 02498 377 .02.563 408 .02469 777 . 02512 87 .02555 37 .02444 170 . 02543 473 .02590 749 ; .02484 591 1 .02578 287 .02407 46 .02543 2? 2.2881 9.4172 10.4800 19. 1854 2.1851 .9452 4. 1546 12.0278 19.3966 14. 6802 7.3993 1.1074 .5,595 .02511 316.7 7.9866 3.52 2 73 3 18 2.36 2 91 2.53 2 82 2 87 2 59 3 86 2 41 2 67 2 67 2 86 0.0008660 .0006664 .0008168 .000.5827 .0007309 . fX)06463 . 0()0(iS92 . 0007299 . 0006707 . 0009588 .0006213 . 0006^128 . 0006790 0.08044 . 25709 . 33403 .45276 . 063.59 .02391 .11716 . 34524 . 50'^38 . 56666 . 17833 . 02957 .01494 2.23 I 0.0005486 0.05102 2.11 2.10 1.46 1.55 . 0005271 . 0005382 .0003(05 .0003894 , 19870 . 22008 .280 10 .0.3387 2.19 1.77 1.61 .000.53.52 . 0004.501 .0004170 .09099 .2r2i-9 .31229 1.64 . 0004228 ,1213.- .0007154 . 22816 1.85 . 0004654 . 16903 WEIGHT OF AVERAGE KERNEL, 0.026 GRAM AND OVER. 21211 1 0.02806 21705 1 .02659 39,506 ; .02869 49905 ! .029,39 55608 02699 55909 03050 .57.508 • .03177 58505 ' .02730 724(l-> 03963 10 0.2,806 3. 15 58 1.5420 2.45 67 1.9218 2.93 23 . 6760 3.62 837 22.. 5848 2.31 302 9.2120 2. 30 380 12.0728 2.21 273 7.4516 2. 95 213 8.4415 3.36 0. 000S839 .0006514 .0008^04 .0010(UO . 0006236 .(KHrOHi .0007021 . 0(K)8052 .0013316 0. 00884 .03778 .0.5631 . 02-136 .,52194 .21187 . 26680 .219,S2 . 28363 Average . .02988 240.3 7.2425 2.81 .0008449 , 18126 ! 2.66 6.666.5915 6.03959 i : l.(i6 ! .000.-)0(!3 ' 2.05 1 .000(^513 1 .1,5292 . 24750 1 1.92 .0(X),5.S29 . 14667 SOME PROPERTIES OF THE WHEAT KERNEL. 71 Table 11. — Sunnnary of analyses of plants, arranged according to weight of average 'kernel. Crop of 1903. Per- cent- Proteid nitrogen (gram) in — Per cent- age of glia- Glia din-pl u s- glutenin nitro- gen (gram)tn — Weight of aver- age ker- • nel (gram). Range of weights of Num- ber of Num- ber of kernels. Weight of ker- age of pro- din- plus- average kernel (gram). analy- ses. nels (grams). teid ni- trogen Average Ker- glu- tenin Average Ker- in ker- kernel. nels. nitro- kernel. nels. ■ nels. gen m ker- nels. 0 000 to 0 010.... 4 0. 00915 219 2. 0334 2.76 0.0002528 0.05618 1.97 0. 0001877 0.05312 0.010 to 0.012.... 6 .01118 179 2.0187 2.98 . 0003326 .06276 2.69 . 0002968 . 067.52 0.012 to 0.014.... 19 .01323 155. 7 2.0510 3.12 . 0004120 . 06687 1.98 . 0002641 . 07499 0 014 to 0.016.... 27 .01516 232 3. 5480 3.00 . 0004555 . 10619 1.76 . 0002805 . 09320 0 016 to 0 018.... 69 .01709 305.9 5. 2055 2.93 .0005020 . 14618 2.07 .0003519 . 13548 0 018 to 0 020.... 103 .01901 349. 6 6. 6327 2.88 . 0005476 .18039 2.08 .000.3979 . 15541 0 020 to 0.022.... 64 .02085 386. 6 8. 1257 2.60 .0005422 . 20510 1.92 .0003999 . 17351 0 022 toO 024.... 42 . 02285 388. 1 8. 8879 2.90 .0006624 . 25166 1.74 .0004011 . 15515 0.024 to 0.026 ... 13 .02511 316.7 7.9866 2.86 .00071.54 .22816 1.85 .0004654 . 16903 0.026 and over.. 9 . 02988 240. 3 7. 2425 2.81 .0008449 .18126 1.92 . 000.5829 . 14667 With an increase in the weight of the kernel, as shown by this table, there is an irregular increase in the number of kernels on the plant up to a point somewhat beyond the kernel of average weight, after which there is a decrease. The weight of the kernels on the plant seems to follow the same rule. The percentage of proteid nitrogen in the kernels decreases, in general, with the w^eight of the a^^erage kernel, while the number of grams of proteid nitrogen in the average kernel increases steadily. The grams of proteid nitro- gen in all the kernels on the plant increase up to the same point as do the number of kernels on the plant, and then decrease. Table 12 shows the summary of the analyses of the crop of 1903, arranged according to the grams of proteid nitrogen in the average kernel. All plants having less than 0.0003 gram of proteid nitro- gen form the first class, and the following classes increase wdth each 0.0001 gram of proteid nitrogen. It is difficult to trace any relation betw^een the grams of proteid nitrogen in tho aveiage kerne] and the number of kernels on the plant, or the weight of the kernels on the plant. The weight of the average kernel increases directly with the grams of proteid nitrogen in the kernel. The percentage of proteid nitrogen increases regularly with an increase in the grams of proteid nitrogen in the average kernel. The grams of proteid nitrogen in all the kernels on the plant show no definite relation to the grams of proteid nitrogen in the average kernel. It becomes evident from these results that selection of large, heavy kernels for seed would result in discarding the immature and unsound kernels, but that there would also be discarded many sound kernels, which, although small and of low specific gra^•ity, would contain a high percentage of proteids. 72 improvijStg the quality of wheat. Another effect of such selection, as indicated by the foregoing results, would be to increase the yield of grain from each plant when grown under the conditions that obtained in these experi- ments. What the effect would be upon the yield under ordinary field conditions these experiments do not indicate. On the other hand, selection based upon percentage of proteid nitrogen alone would not result in securing plants of greatest yield when raised under these conditions. It would, moreover, not result in obtaining plants producing the greatest amount of proteid nitro- gen, nor even of kernels containing the largest quantity of proteid nitrogen. Table 12.- -Summary of analyses of plants, arranged according to grams of proteid nitrogen in average kernel. Crop of 1903. Range of proteid nitrogen in average kernel (gram). Below 0 00030 .. . 0.00030 to 0.00040 0.00040 to 0 00050 0.00050 too 00060 0.00060 to 0 0(X)70 0.00070 to 0.(K)080 0.00080 to 0.00090 0.00090 to 0.00100 0.00100 and over. Proteid nitrogen in average kernel (gram). Num- ber of analy- ses. Number of ker- nels on plant. Weight (in grams) of— 0. 0002.509 . 0003602 . 0004537 . 0005406 . 0006409 . 0007430 . 0008538 . 0009588 .0011578 14 42 80 116 59 24 9 1 11 257.9 266.7 409.2 341.5 310. 3 204.9 189.1 591.0 244.9 Kernels on plant. 3. 9190 4. 6742 7. 5309 6. 7159 6. 7257 4.5158 4.2480 14. 6802 6. 6082 Average kernel. 0.01.364 .01628 .01811 .01908 .02137 .02110 .02334 . 02484 .02875 Percent- age of I)roteid nitrogen in ker- nels. 1.96 2.31 2.54 2.86 3.07 3.66 3.79 3.86 4.62 Proteid rutrogeri in ker-' nels on plant (gram). 0. 06531 . 09644 .18644 .18440 . 19805 . 15318 .15944 . 56666 . 27980 It will be shown later that the determination of gliadin-plus-glutenin nitrogen is a safer guide to the bread-making value of wheat than is a determination of proteid nitrogen, but whether selection should bB based upon the percentage of nitrogen or the total production of nitrogen by the plant, or upon the amount contained in the average kernel, is a question that can not be solved except by trial under field conditions. wSome results of experiments with light and with heavy seed con- ducted on large field plots for several years may throw some light on this subject, and are given herewith. YIELD OF NITROGEN PER ACRE. It is important to know whether the absolute amount of nitro- gen per acre of grain raised is greater in light or in heavy wheat. If the absolute amount of nitrogen per acre is less in light than in heavy wheat the supposition would be justifiable that the kernels were immature or had been prematurely checked in their develop- ment. On the other hand, if the amount of nitrogen per acre is greater in the light wheat it would be reasonable to suppose that, as both had been raised under the same conditions, the light wheat had, in part at least, come from plants that possessed greater ability to acquire and elaborate nitrogenous material. YIELD OF NITKOGEN PER ACRE. 73 To afford information on this point analyses were made of crops grown from light and from heavy seed. Records of the yields of the plots were kept in each case so that the actual amount of proteid nitrogen contained in an acre of each kind of wheat can be calculated. The number of grams of proteid nitrogen in 1,000 kernels of each seed and crop sample is also stated. The first samples separated, Nos. 78 and 79 of the Turkish Red variety and 80 and 81 of the Big Frame variety, were taken from seed that had never before been treated in this wa3^ When planted they produced the crops indicated in- Table 13 by 78b, 79b, 80b, and 81b, respectiveh^. Each of these crops was then separated into two portions, of which the light portion of the light wheat was retained for analyzmg and planting, and the heavy portion of the heavj' wheat likewise retained. Thus No. 383 is the light portion of No. 78b, and No. 384 is the hea^n,^ portion of No. 79b. The accuracy of the records of relative yields of light and heavy seed harvested in 1902 being open to suspicion, samples of the same seed were sown again in the autumn of 1902 and harvested in 1903. The results from this test are stated at the bottom of the table under the heading ''Check experiment." These experiments are to be understood as duplicating those of 1902, which, as regards the relative peld of light and heavj* wheat, should be accurate, although tried ill 1903. The difference between this check experiment and the regular one of 1903 is that in the check experiment the seed of the crop of 1901 was used, while in the regular experiment m 1903 the seed of the crop of 1902 was used. Table 13. — Crops grown from light and from heavy seed for four years. SEED. Farm num- ber. Variety. Percentage of— Weight of Proteid Total Proteid nitrogen, nitrogen. Non- proteid nitrogen. Relative weight. 78 Turkish Red 17.24 '... Light. Heavy 79 do . . . 30.63 80 81 383 Big Frame do Turkish Red 2.45 2.20 3.12 3.02 3.13 2.95 2.00 0.45 1.96 . .24 3.10 .02 15.57 0.3120 28..56 .5606 27.11 : .8401 28.47 .8350 27.11 1 .7642 28.09 .7446 Light. ' Heavy. Light, Heavy. Light. Heavy. Light. 384 385 do Big Frame 2.93 2.82 2.65 .09 .31 .30 386 do Turkish Red do Big Frame Light. Heavy do 957 Turkish Red 3.33 3.06 2.88 2.87 , .46 2.86 ' .20 2.63 ! .25 Light. Heavy 956 do Big Frame do 952 Light". Heavy. Light. Heavy. 953 CHECK EXPERIMENT. Turkish Red do 1 Big Frame Light. do Heavy. \ 74 IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF WHEAT. Table 13. — Crops grown from light and from heavy seed for four years — Continued. CROP. o Variety. Yield per acre (bushels). Weight per bushel (pounds). Percentage 3f— Proleid nitrogen per acre (pounds). SX c3 . Proteid nitrogen in water- f ee material. Proteids (proteid ' N. X 5.7). Proteids (proteid N. X5.7). ■'4 12.23 16. 69 1 ( 7-0 731 7 2 733 2.09 3.18 2.41 2.06 2.76 2.09 2.29 1.61 2.01 2. 85 1.87 1.75 3. 57 2.63 1.97 2.98 1.77 2.79 1.83 2.29 2.22 3.48 3.48 1..33 3. 55 2.43 2.30 2.14 1.67 2.14 3. 72 2.47 2.93 2.02 2.18 2.20 11.92 18.18 13. 78 11.77 15. 73 11.96 13. 09 : 9.20 11.44 16. 26 10.71 9.99 20. 36 15.02 11.23 16.99 10.10 15. 95 10.44 13.06 12.66 19. 85 19.87 7. .53 20. 29 13. 00 13. 15 12. -24 9.54 12. 25 21. 21 14.12 I 16. 72 ; 11.. 56 12.47 12. .57 766 76, 768 760 2.87 2.22 2.45 2.37 1..37 1.02 2. 00 1.73 2. 32 1.88 2.28 2.80 1.98 2.35 2.85 2.79 2.64 2.81 1.92 2.25 3.29 2.95 2.13 2.20 2.86 3.02 2.16 2. 32 2' 82 2.48 2.45 2. 20 2.95 2.18 2.02 16.41 12.69 13.98 2.11 .3. o:i 2.64 4.10 2.51 2.27 2. .3.3 2.43 2.48 1.87 .3. 07 2.12 1.87 2.10 2. OS 2.61 2. 20 2.16 3. 23 2.77 2. .38 3. 14 2.16 1.80 2.14 2.16 2.18 2.04 2. 32 2.19 1.70 2.49 2.92 12. 07 17.29 15.09 23.42 14.33 12.96 13.34 13.94 14.18 10.69 17.52 12.09 10. 67 12.00 11.87 14. 88 12. .58 12. 32 ' 18. 44 15.81 13.61 17.91 12.35 10.29 12.22 12. 36 12.43 11.67 13.26 12. .52 10. 23 14.22 16.46 13.51 00' on? :o ) 701 702 70 ' 7 '4 7.>5 7-6 737 738 770 771 772 773 774 7.86 9. 27 11.42 9.87 13 26 739 10.76 704 70 i 740 74! 742 74i 744 745 ;76 13.03 16.02 700 70- 70^ 70 • 778 779 1 780 781 7'2 783 784 7,'5 7S6 787... 788 789 11.33 13. 40 16.29 15.94 710 711 712 7i:* 746 747 748 740 7.50 751 7.52 7.5-! 7.54 7o/> 15.09 16.02 10.96 12.88 714 71.") 18. 75 16. 82 71fi 717 12. 17 12. 57 71S 7)0 790 791 792 793 794 795 790 797 798 799 io.;-2 17. 22 720 721 756 12.36 13. 24 ;22 75S 10. 11 72! 724 72."> 7.50 760 ■ 761 762 76" 764 765 14. 15 14.00 12 56 720 16. .'■2 12.48 720 800 11.57 It will he noticed that there is a very large range of variation in the proteid nitrogen content of these wheats, running from 1.12 to 4.95 per cent. By referring to Table 8, it will be seen that an equally large variation occurred between the plants when the whole plant was sampled. In the 351 anah'ses the nitrogen ranges from 1.20 to 5.85 per cent. This is due in the main to the ability of the plant to gather nitrogen from the soil. In no one of the experiments to ascertain the effect of nitrogenous manures on the composition of wheat has there been an increase of more than a few tenths of 1 per cent, even when the nitrogenous fertilizer was added to an exhausted soil. It is, therefore, not lils;ely that such large variation in nitrogen content could be due to irregularities in the supply of soil nitrogen. If this ability of the plant to store up a large amount of nitrogen in the kernel is hereditar}^, as results given later indicate, there is ample onportunity to develop by selection a strain of wheat of high nitrogen content. 84 IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF WHEAT. A BASIS FOR SELECTION TO INCREASE THE aUANTITY OF PROTEIDS IN THE ENDOSPERM OF THE KERNEL, White bread flour, which constitutes the major portion of the wheat flour consumed in this country, is derived entirely from the endosperm of the Avheat kernel. The portions of the kernel not entering into the flour are the germ and the seed coat, attached to each of which discarded constituents are portions of the endosperm. The larger part of the aleurone layer either adheres to the hull and constitutes the "bran" of commerce, or appears in the product known as "shorts," and sometimes in low-grade flour. As it is the flour in which it is desired to increase the nitrogen, and as the flour consists entirely of the endosperm, it becomes desir- able to have some way to determine the nitrogen content of the endosperm alone and to select for reproduction plants possessing a large amount of nitrogen in this portion of the kernel. It is a question how this can best be done. A determination of gluten by the ordinary method of washing, to carry off the starch and fiber while the gluten is being worked in the hand, is not well adapted for use with the small cpiantities of wheat obtainable from a single plant. This also has the disadvantage that it gives no indication as to the quality of the gluten. Determinations of gliadin and glutenin promise to be of some help in affording a basis for selection from individual plants. It has been shown by Osborne and Yoorhees " that the gluten of wheat is composed of gliadin and glutenin. It does not necessarily follow, however, that the sum of these two substances is a measure of the gluten content of the sample analyzed. Osborne and Campbell'^ have stated that the embryo of the wheat kernel does not contain either gliadin or glutenin. This being the case, the sum of the gliadin and glutenin would represent these proteids in the endosperm,j with, perhaps, a small amount in tlie hull. A recent investigation byNasmith' leads him to conclude that ghadin exists in afl portions of the endosperm, including the aleu- rone layer, but that glutenin is contained only in the starch-bearing^, portion of the endosperm. A determination of glutenin may, there- fore, give an indication of the gluten content of the wheat. Table 19 shows the percentage of proteid nitrogen, the sum of the gliadin and glutenin nitrogen, the amounts in grams of proteic and of gliadin-plus-glutenin nitrogen in the average kernel, and thej grams of proteid and of gliadin-plus-glutenin nitrogen in all of the kernels on each plant. The plants are grouped into those having "American Chein. Jour., 1893, pp. 392-471. 'Connecticut Experiment Station Report, 1899, p. 305. 036 .0011.3399 . 0003916 . 0004262 .0001495 . 0004228 27206 27.505 .33107 33605 39205 48106 48409 55:309 55908 55909 56206 56207 57508, 65306.. 65307 65308 74606 81707 81708 Average.. 2.30 1.68 489.6 10.5874 .02173 .24272 . 17872 .0004991 . 0003652 2.5 TO 3 PER CENT PROTEID NITROGEN. 20706 2.78 2.77 2.83 2.05 1.85 2.00 163 444 867 3.3138 9.9070 17.1115 0.02033 . 02282 .01974 0. 03212 . 27443 . 48428 0. 06793 . 18328 . 34222 0. 0005652 .(K1061S1 .0005.586 0.0004168 . 0004222 . 0003948 20707 20710 21207 2.96 .17 118 2. 3066 .019.55 . 06804 . 00392 . 1KK)5766 . tX)00332 21.305 2.67 1.97 313 6.2514 . 02004 . 16691 . 12315 . 0005353 . 0003948 21306 2.90 .97 226 4. 1516 . 01837 . 12039 .04027 . 0005327 .0001782 21805 2.69 2.73 .23 2.11 1,2.32 377 20.9290 9. 4172 .01699 . 02498 .56299 . 25709 . 04704 . 19870 . 0004569 . 0006664 .0000391 . 000.5271 21807 21808 2.57 1.96 1,156 19. 7446 .01708 . 50744 .38700 . 0004389 . 0003348 21809 2.73 2.18 418 8.0214 .01919 . 21898 . 17487 . 0005238 .0004183 21905 2.64 2.18 791 14.3111 .01809 . 37781 .31198 . 0004777 . 0003944 22205 :. 2.81 1.97 283 2.6965 . .00953 . 07577 .05312 . 0002677 . (X)01.877 22207 2.77 1.82 169 3. 2787 . 01940 .09082 . 05967 . 0005 174 . 000"531 26905 2.76 2.71 2.09 1.82 326 228 6. 4102 4.2376 . 01966 . 01859 . 17692 .11484 . 13398 .07712 . 0005427 . 000.5037 .0004109 .0003:;8.3 26906 26908 2.96 2.80 2.16 1.88 192 180 3. 9797 2.9999 .02073 .01667 . 11780 . 08400 . 0S596 .05640 .0(K)6135 . 0004667 . 0(X)4478 .00031.34 26909 27005 2.63 1.90 866 16.4120 . 01895 . 43164 .31182 . 000 1984 . 01X)3600 27207 2.92 1.95 166 3. 3266 . ()20(M . 09712 . 06487 . 000.5850 . (X)039()S 27.305 2.58 1.73 267 5. 5666 . 020.^5 . 14362 . 09630 .000.5379 . 0(«).i607 27307 2. .53 .82 167 3. 0850 .()1,''47 . 07805 .02.530 . (M)04674 .0001515 27506 2.70 2.64 1.98 2 32 444 251 10. 0005 5. .5 '24 . 02252 .02287 . 27003 . 14608 . 19800 .128.35 . 000G082 . 0006037 . 0(X)4459 . (KX15:;66 27.508 27509 2.90 1.09 243 5.3615 . 02206 .15549 . 05844 . 0006399 . 0002405 86 IMPEUVING^ THE QUALITY OF WHEAT. Table 19.— Relation of (iliadin-plus-c/lutenm nitvo(jen to proteid nitrogen— Cont'nmed. 2.5 -TO 3 PER CENT PROTEID NITROGEN— Continued. Weight (in grams) of- Ker- nels. 2. 1851 2. 5601 6. 1394 8. 0905 3. 3004 2. 5134 8. 4605 3. 0228 6. 7665 9. 3541 1.9218 4. 1546 2.8000 5. 9990 2. 5235 8. 3935 12. 0278 9. 8346 17. 4226 11.3592 9. .5078 17. 8506 9. 8228 10. 9180 11. 0930 5. 7948 7. 9968 19. 3966 5. 7431 12.0161 14. 4556 6. 5232 13. 5720 15. 8086 1.5364 2. 4923 14.9992 12. 2004 2. 7616 6.9861 4. 8988 23. 1471 3. 3006 7. 6690 2. 8327 15. 3928 Average kernel. 0. 02512 .01939 .01987 . 01972 .01710 . 01808 .02110 .01913 . 02309 . 02093 . 02869 . 02444 . 02258 .01764 . 02035 . 017.56 . 02543 . 01798 . 01846 . 01965 . 02.395 . 02062 . 01949 . 02184 . 02205 . 01751 . 01603 . 02590 . 01709 . 01866 . 01658 . 01959 .02356 . 01664 .01746 . 01846 . 01968 . 02047 . 01.534 . 01946 .01814 . 01999 . 02001 . 02073 .01940 . 02132 Proteid nitro- gen in kernels. 0.03 '59 .07450 . 18173 . 23998 . 09670 . 07138 . 22251 . 08522 . 18540 . 21399 . 05631 .11716 .08176 . 17637 . 07318 . 21319 . 34524 . 26553 . 45299 . 29079 . 24150 . 43995 . 25834 . 28823 . 28580 . 15470 . 22471 . 50238 . 15679 . 30881 . 42790 . 16373 . 34616 . 40945 . 04164 . 06854 . 39297 . 31842 . 07733 . 19905 . 14060 • . 63422 . 09208 .02017 . 0S32S .41715 Gliadin- plus- glutenin nitre- , gen in l.ernels.l Proteid nitrogen in f ver- age 1- er- nel. 0. 03387 . 03960 .14060 . 10194 . 06931 .03091 . 11760 . 05229 . 09067 . 13470 . 03959 . 09099 . 03304 . 04199 . 03255 . 17458 . 21289 . 07376 . 27528 .21241 . 06180 . 39272 . 20333 .21400 . 16529 .10141 .11755 . 31229 . 12175 . 25174 . 32236 . 12068 . 26465 . 34937 .03211 . 05309 . 27898 . 20008 . 06462 . 10828 . 13126 . 488.39 .07261 .16714 . 07507 . 31248 .0007.309 . 0005644 .0005881 .0005327 .0005010 . 0005135 . 0005549 . 0005394 . 0006475 . 0006027 . OOOS404 . 0006892 . 0006594 . 0005187 . 0005002 . 0004460 . 0007299 . 0004877 . 0004799 . 000.5031 . 0006225 .0005773 .0005126 . 0005765 . 0005690 . 0004674 .0004.505 .0006707 . 0(X)4667 . 0004795 . 0004907 . 0004917 .0006149 . 0004310 . 0004731 . 0005077 . 0005157 . 0005343 . 0004296 . 0005545 . 0005207 . 0005464 . 0005581 . 0005451 . 0005704 . 0005778 Gliadin- plus-glu- tenin ni- trogen in average kernel. 0. 0003894 . 0006787 . 0004550 . 0002485 . 0003591 . 0002224 . 0002933 . 0003309 . 0003094 .0003014 . 0005910 . 0005352 .0002664 . 0001235 . 0002625 . 0003652 . 0004501 . 0001348 .0002917 . 0003675 . 0001557 . 0004536 . 0004034 . 0004281 . 0002609 . 0003064 . 0002356 • .0004170 . 0003622 . 0003900 . 0003697 . 0003624 . C004594 . 0003677 . 0003649- . 0003932 . 0003660 . 0003557 . 0003590 .000.3016 . 0004861 . 0004218 . 0004402 .0004519 .0005141 . 0004328 419. 3 8. 2271 .01991 . 22222 . 14658 . 0005468 . 0003557 ■ 3 TO 3.5 PER CENT PROTEID NITROGEN. 20709 1 3.05 3.32 3.16 3.24 3.04 3.18 3.35 3.22 3.18 3.17 3.17 3.09 3.07 3.02 3.41 3.22 3.29 3.20 2.31 2.26 .22 2.15 .46 2.10 2.15 2.11 2.14 1..55 1.69 2. 28 2.42 1.86 2.41 2.45 2.13 2.17 258 697 123 287 143 408 158 146 118 233 561 . 222 219 685 150 136 157 556 5. 3229 14. 6942 2. 3642 5. 1594 2. .5691 10. 4800 2. 9248 2. 5712 1.9090 6. 0173 11.5675 3.8811 4.3698 14. 4630 3. 1346 2.8903 2.6571 9. 4585 1 0. 02063 .02157 . 01922 .01798 . 01796 .02563 .01851 .01720 .01619 . 02019 . 02062 .0F48 .01996 .02111 . 020nQ .02125 .01692 .01701 0. 16235 . 48784 .07471 . 16712 .07810 . 33402 . 09798 . 08086 .06071 . 19075 . .36671 .11992 .13415 . 43679 . 106S9 .'09307 . 08742 . 30267 0. 12296 . 33208 .00520 .11093 .01182 .22008 .06288 .05425 . 04084 .09.327 . 19548 .08849 . 10.575 . 26901 . 07554 .07081 . 05660 . 20525 0. 0006292 . 0006999 . 0006074 . 0005824 . 0005461 .000X168 . 0006201 . 0005538 . 0005144 . 0006401 .0006.537 . 0005402 .0006126 . 0006376 . 0007126 . (NX)6843 . 0005568 . 0005444 0. 0004766 . 0004875 . 0000423 . 0(X)3866 . 0000826 .0005382 . 0003980 .000362?) . 0003465 .0003129 . 0003485 . 0003985 . 0004830 . 0003926 . 0005037 . 0005206 . 0003604 . 0003691 20805 21205 21208 21307 21906 21907 22206 22208 22210 22211 26808 28206 28806 33305 33607 48306 48506 SELECTION TO INCREASE PROTEIDS IN ENDOSPERM. 87 Table 19. — Relation of gliadin-plus-glutenin nitrogen to proteid nitrogen — Continued. 3 TO 3.5 "per cent PROTEID NITROGEN— Continued. Record number. 4S70.^. 48700. 5.5005. 55006. 5.550S. 57905. 58207. 5*^705. -Vverage Percentage of— Pro- teid nitro- gen. 3.16 Glia- din- plus- glu- tenin nitro- gen. Num- I'er of ker- nels. 3. 13 1. .56 3.00 .71 .3.05 1.99 .3.16 1.75 3.11 1.96 3.18 2.92 3.03 2.49 3.01 2.47 ( 37< .393 451 216 221 .307 235 Ker- nels. 264 I 4. .3615 6. 1983 7. 9684 7. 18.52 3. 7407 2. 4731 4. 2207 2. 5436 1.95 ; 239.5 i 5.5817 Weight (in grams) of— Average kernel. 0.016.52 . 01635 . 02028 . 01593 . 01732 .01118 . 01375 . 01082 .01817 Proteid nitro- gen in kernels. Ghadm- p^.-j^j Gliadm- glutenin ,„ ^.f,." tenin ni- °'"?" age ker- ^'■'^g"^ i^ genm *^„pi , average Iiernels. kernel. 0.06S04 0.0005171 ! 0.0002.577 .0004906 .0001161 .0006185 .0004036 . 0005034 . 0002788 . 0005386 . 0003395 . 000.3556 . 0003264 . 0004248 . 0003424 . 0003258 . 0002673 . 18.596 .04401 . 24303 . 1.5857 . 22705 . 12574 1 .11636 . 07332 . 07859 . 07221 . 1.3042 . 10510 .07656 .06283 1 .17602 .10889 .000.5741 . 0003516 3.5 TO 4 PER CENT PROTEID NITROGEN. 17.506. 18905. 21811. 2190S. 26107. .38.505. 42205. 45005. 4.8.505. 66006. Average . 3.52 2.23 3.81 1.54 3.75 2.16 3.82 1.88 3.92 1.35 1 3.61 1.77 3.63 2.73 ' 3.58 1.36 3.66 1.76 3.54 1..38 3.68 1.82 93 103 567 173 144 563 94 235 1.37 366 2.2881 1.4864 11.9114 3. 5.574 2.0590 12. 10-iS ] . 8434 3. 2 34 J 1.91.54 6. 0030 0. 02460 .01443 . 02101 . 02056 .01416 . 02252 . 01967 .01376 . 01.398 .. 01642 247.5 : 4.6399 .01811 0. 0S044 . 05663 . 44666 . 13589 . 07933 . 43713 .06713 . 1 1 575 . 07010 . 21272 0. 05102 .03315 . 25728 .06688 . 02753 . 21432 . 0.5049 . 04398 . 03371 . 0S292 0. 0008660 .0005498 . 0007877 . 0007855 . 000.5551 . 0007764 .0007142 . 0004!"'27 .0005117 . 0005^12 . 17024 .08613 .0006620 0. 0005486 . 0003218 . 0004538 . 00039.55 .0001912 . G003986 . (X)05370 . 0001871 . 0002460 . 0002266 . 0003506 4 TO 4.5 PER CENT PROTEID NITROGEN. 21812 21813 4.26 4.04- 4.43 4.33 4.21 4.45 2.02 2.14 1.98 2.44 2.21 2.03 983 216 525 207 lis 447 14.8137 4.0258 12. 1819 4. 1281 2. 1571 5.4411 0. 01507 . 01877 0.63107 0.29934 0.0006420 16377 08615 0007582 I 0. 0003044 fll 1114(11 T 21909 34405 .02317 01994 .53889 .29346 .0010265 ; .000.5677 5.5007 76206 Average .. .01828 .09082 .04767 .0007696 !6()64040 .01217 1 .24213 .11046 .0005417 .0002471 4.29 2.14 416 7.1230 .01790 . 30757 . 15714 , . 0007669 .0004019 MORE THAN 4.5 PER CENT PROTEID NITROGEN. 21206 21210 40205 48406 69805 72607 92306 Average . . 5.23 0.22 149 2. 8564 5.03 1.34 237 3. 9143 4.69 3.07 194 3. 6.302 4.87 2.25 249 3. 2964 5.82 1.94 110 2. 4420 5.59 2.51 188 3. 4442 4.93 4.06 347 6.0091 5.16 2.198 210.6 3. 6561 0.01917 .01.577 .01871 . 01324 . 02220 . 018.32 . 01732 0. 149.39 . 19639 .17026 . 16053 . 14213 . 19253 . 29625 .01782 ' .18685 0.00628 10.0010026 .0.5245 ' .0007934 .11145 . 08168 . 047.38 . 08645 . 24397 . 0008776 . 0006447 . 0012921 . 0010241 . 0008.539 0. 0000422 .0002113 . 0005744 . 0002979 . 0004307 . 0004598 . 0007032 .08995 .0009269 I .000.3885 88 IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF WHEAT. Table 20— Summary of analyses, showing relation ofyliadin-plus-glutenin nitrogen to proteid nitrogen. Percentage of- Range of per- centage of proteid nitro- gen. lto2 2 to 2 5 2.0 to 3 3 to 3.5 3..5to4 4to4..5 4. 5 and over Num- ber of analy- ses. Pro- teid nitro- gen. GUa- din- plus- glu- tenin nitro- I gen. Num- ber of ker- nels. I 3 21 70 26 10 1.89 2.30 2.74 3.16 3.68 4.29 5.16 1.76 1.68 1.73 1.95 1.82 2.22 2.20 512.0 489.6 419.3 299.5 247. 5 416.0 210.6 Weight (in grams) of- Kemels. 10.4207' 10. 5874 8. 2271 5. 5817 4. 6399 7. 1230 3. 6561 < Gliadin- Proteid plus-glu- Average nitrogen tenin kernel, in ker- nitrogen 0.01978 .02173 .01991 .01817 .01811 .01790 .01782 nels. 0. 19568 . 24272 . 22222 . 17602 . 17024 . 30757 . 18685 in kernels. Proteid nitrogen in average kernel. 0. 18667 . 17872 . 13948 . 10889 .08613 . 15714 .08995 0.0003744 .0004991 .0005468 .0005741 .0006620 .0007669 . 0009269 GUadin- plus-gli:- tenin ni- trogen in average kernel. 0.0003518 .0003652 .0003442 .000.3516 . 0003.506 .0004019 . 0003886 The figures in Table 20 sliow that while gliadin-pliis-gliitenin nitro- gen increases with proteid nitrogen it does not do so in the same ratio, the increase in proteid nitrogen being due in large measure to an increase in other proteids. The same anal.yses are tabulated in Table 21 according to the increase in ghadin-plus-glutenin nitrogen, and the averages for each group are stated in Table 22. In the latter table the increase in proteid nitrogen does not keep pace with the increase in gliadin-plus- glutenin nitrogen, there being 1.74 per cent other proteid nitrogen in the first group and 1.25 per cent in the last. It thus becomes evident that a determination of proteid nitrogen in the kernel is not an accurate guide to the content of gliadin plus glutenin, and that a direct determination of these substances is necessary. It is, furthermore, apparent that a determination of gliadin-plus- ghitenin nitrogen will permit of the selection of kernels having a large percentage of these substances. Table 21 .—Relation of proteid nitrogen to gliadin-plus-glutenin nitrogen. GLIADIN-PLUS-GLUTENIN NITROGEN, 1 TO 1.5 PER CENT. Percentage of— Weight (in grams) of— Record num- ber. Gliadin- plus- glute- nin ni- trogen. 21210.. 2H107.. 2720.i.. 27509.. 37705. . 38005. . 38606.. 38609.. 39405.. 43405. . 44606., 45005. 55606. 55906. 66006. Proteid nitro- gen. 1.34 1.35 1.46 1.09 1.26 1.23 1.39 1.34 1.44 1.18 1.29 1.36 1.49 1.47 1.38 Num- ber of ' ker- nels. Kernels. Average kernel. Average . . 1.34 5.03 3.92 2.36 2.90 2.64 2.84 2.63 2.74 2. 88 2.92 2.90 3.58 2.58 2.81 3., 54 237 144 777 243 461 139 401 293 447 124 124 235 505 499 366 3.9143 2.0390 19. 1854 5.3615 S.0905 2.5134 8. 4605 6.7665 9.3541 2.8000 2. 5235 3. 2340 11.0930 7.9968 6.0090 0.01575 .01416 . 02469 .02206 .01972 .01808 .02110 .02309 .02093 .02258 .02035 .01376 .02205 .01603 . 01642 Gliadin plus-glu- tenin ni- trogen in kernels. 3.08 333 6.6228 .01939 0.05245 .02753 . 28010 . 05844 . 10194 .03091 .117(10 .09067 . 13470 .03304 .03255 .04398 . 16529 . .11755 . 08292 .09198 Proteid nitrogen m ker- nels. Gliadin- plus-glute- nin nitro- gen in aver- age kernel. Proteid nitrogen in aver- age ker- nel. 0. 19689 .07993 .45276 . 1.5549 . 23998 .07138 . 22251 . 18540 . 21399 .08176 .07318 .11.575 . 28580 .22471 . 21272 . 18748 0.0002113 .0001912 .0003605 .0002405 . 0(J024S5 .0002224 . 0002933 .0003094 .0003014 .0002664 .0002625 .0001871 . 0002r.09 . 0002356 .0002266 0. 0007934 .0005551 . fX)05827 . 000ti399 . 0005327 .0(.)05135 . (KKK")549 . 000i;479 .O00(;027 . OOOti.594 . 0005902 . 0004927 . 000.5li90 . 00()4.")03 .000.5812 .0002545 .0005843 SELECTION TO INCREASE PROTEIDS IN ENDOSPERM. 89 Table 21. — Relation of proteid nitrogen to gliadin-plus-glutenin nitrogen-^-Continued. GLIADIN-PLUS-GLUTENIN NITROGEN, 1.5 TO 2 PER CENT. Percentage of^ Num- ber of ker- nels. Weight (in grams) of — Record num- ber. Gliadin- plus- glute- nin ni- trogen. Proteid nitro- gen. Kernels. Average kernel. Gliadin- plus-glu- tenin ni- trogen in kernels. Proteid nitrogen in kei- nels. Gliadin- plus-glute- nin nitro- gen in aver- age kernel. Proteid nitrogen in aver- age ker- nel. 18905 1.54 1.85 1.97 1.96 1.88 1.98 1.97 1.82 1.55 1.69 1.82 1.88 1.90 1.70 1.95 1.73 1.65 1.98 1.55 1.86 1.92 1.77 1.73 1.84 1.80 1.77 1.50 1.76 1.56 1.99 1.75 1.58 1.87 1.97 1..56 i;96 1.96 1.75 1.61 1.96 1.66 1.85 1.95 1.83 1.95 1.86- 1.64 1.55 1.68 1.81 1.95 1.94 1.76 1.96 1.64 3.81 2.77 2.67 2.57 3.82 4.43 2.81 2.77 3.17 3.17 2.71 2.80 2.63 2.41 2.92 2.58 2.12 2.70 2.91 3.02 2.39 3.61 2.82 2.11 2.38 2.87 2.02 3.66 3. 13 3.05 3.16 2.60 2.57 2.48 1.89 3.11 2.64 2.67 2.59 2.42 2.30 2.51 2.42 2.34 2.61 2.62 2.61 2.85 2.41 2.28 2.09 5.82 1.81 1.98 2.41 103 444 312 1,156 173 525 283 169 298 561 228 180 866 891 166 267 539 444 87 68.5 301 .563 158 1,031 608 473 314 137 264 393 451 944 578 167 342 216 .500 331 749 .562 302 333 .509 462 563 762 596 3.59 544 373 583 110 729 465 287 1.4864 9.9070 6.2514 19. 7446 3.5574 12. 1819 2. 6965 3.2787 6.0173 11.5675 4. 2376 2.9999 16.4120 16.4061 3.3266 5.5666 12.0399 10.0005 2.1851 14.4630 7. 0596 12. 1088 3.0228 21.. 5399 11.6655 12.0278 6.4302 1.9154 4.3615 7.9684 7.1852 17.4226 11.3592 2.5160 5. 6864 3. 7407 10.9180 5. 7948 19.3966 12.2210 9.2120 6. .5232 9.3093 10.9073 13. 5720 14.9992 12. 2004 6.9861 9. 8298 7.0051 11.7066 2. 4420 15. 7835 9. 7922 7.3993 0.01443 .02282 .02004 .01708 .02056 .02317 .00953 .01940 .02019 .02062 .0ia59 .01667 .01895 .01841 .02004 .02085 .02183 .02252 .02572 .02111 .02345 .02252 .01913 .02089 .01919 .02.543 .02048 .01398 .01652 .02028 .01593 .01846 .01965 .01507 .01663 .01732 .02184 .01751 .02590 .02175 .030.50 .019.59 .01829 .03361 .02356 .01968 .02047 .01946 .01807 .01878 .02008 .02220- .02165 .02106 .02578 0.03315 .18328 . 12315 .38700 .06688 .29846 .05312 .05967 .09327 . 19548 .07712 .05640 .31182 . 27890 .06487 .09630 . 19866 .19800 .03887 .26901 . 13554 .21432 .05229 .39635 .20997 .21289 .09645 .03371 .06804 .15857 . 12574 .27528 .21241 .04957 . 08871 .07332 .21400 . 10141 .31229 . 23953 . 15292 .12068 . 18153 .19960 .26465 .27898 .20008 . 10828 . 16514 .12680 .22828 .04738 .27937 . 19193 . 12135 0.05663 .27443 . 16691 .,50744 . 13589 ..53889 . 07577 .09082 . 19075 .36671 .11484 .08400 .43164 .39539 .09712 . 14362 . 24942 .27003 .063.59 .43679 . 16872 .43713 .08522 .45435 . 27765 .34.524 . 12989 .07010 . 13652 .24.303 .22705 . 45299 .29079 .06240 . 10747 . 11636 .28823 .15470 .50238 . 29575 .21187 . 16373 .22529 .25522 .34616 .39297 .31842 . 19905 . 23690 . 1,5971 .24468 . 14213 .28569 . 19388 . 17833 0.0003218 .0004222 .0003948 . .0003348 . 0003955 . 0005677 .0001877 .000.3531 .0003129 . 0003485 . 000.3383 .0003134 . n003e'00 .O(K)3130 . 0003908 . 0003607 .0003602 . 00044,59 .0003894 . 0003926 .0001,502 .0003986 .0003309 .0003844 . 0003454 .0004.501 .000.3072 . 00024^0 . 0002577 .0004036 . 0002788 .0002917 . 0003675 .00029(^9 .0002.599 . 0003395 .0004281 . 0003064 .0004170 . 00042h3 . 000.50r3 . 0003624 .0003566 . 0004321 .0004.594 .0003660 .0003357 .0003016 .0003036 .0003399 .0003916 .0004307 .0003832 .0004128 . 0004228 0.0005498 20707 .0006181 21305 . 0005350 21808 .0004389 21908 . 0007855 21909 .0010265 22205 . 0002677 22207 .000.5376 22'10 . ... . 0006401 22211 . 04034 . 0001042 . 0000896 .0001210 . 0003677 . 0003649 . 0003932 . 0f)03590 . 0006513 . 0003424 . 0002673 .0004218 . 0004402 . 0004519 . 0004262 . 0002471 . 0004328 Proteid nitrogen in aver- age ker- nel. O.OOOMOS .OOOii-.'liI .oo(i:..">:;n .0(lll."il44 . 000."i-!02 .0005427 .0006135 . 0006037 .0006126 . 0004510 .0007126 . 0006843 . 0008635 . 000.5881 .000.5010 . 0008404 . 0006892 . 0004460 . 0005568 . 0006447 . 0005444 . 0007696 . 0005773 . 0005126 . 0004667 . 0004795 . 0004907 . 0004310 . 0004731 . 0005077 . 000-1296 . 0007021 . 0004248 . 0003258 . 0005464 . 0005581 . 0005451 . 0004781 . 0005417 . 0005778 7. 2520 . 01935 . 14641 . 215.35 . 0004063 . 000587 GLIADIN-PLUS-GLUTENIN NITROGEN, 2.5 TO 3 PER CENT. 42205 2.73 3.63 94 1. 8494 0. 01967 0.0.50049 0. 06713 0. 0005370 0. 000- "142 57805 2.68 2.87 270 4. 8988 .01814 .13126 .14060 . 0004861 .0011. .207 57905 2.92 .3.18 221 2. 4731 .01118 .07221 . 07859 . (H)0'264 .000 551) 72607 2. 51 5. .59 188 3. 4442 . 018'2 . 03645 . 19253 . 000 .'508 .00: 0241 81505 2.65 2.94 146 2. 8327 .01940 .7507 .0S328 .0005141 .000. )704 Average . . . 2.698 3.64 183.8 3. 0696 . 01734 . 08310 . 11243 . 0C04647 . 0006370 GLIADIN-PLU.S-GLUTENIN NITROGEN, 3 PER CENT AND OVER. 40205 02306 3.07 4.06 4.69 4.93 194 347 3.6302 6.0091 0.01871 ' .01732 0.11145 .24397 ; 0. 17026 ! . 29625 0. 0005744 . 0007032 0. 0008776 . 0008539 Average 3.56 4.81 270.5 4.8196 ..01801 .17771 : .23.325 i .0006388 .0008657 IMPROVEMENT IN QUALITY OF GLUTEN. 91 Table 22. — Sinnman/ of analyses, shoicing relation cf proteid nitrogen to gliadin-phs- ghitenin nitrogen. Percentage Number of— of— Range of percentage of gliadin-plus- glutenin ni- trogen. Glia- din- plus- glii- tenin nitro- gen. ^'^°- An- teid A^,. nitro- *'^ gen. ses. Itol.o 1.34 1.5 to2 1.80 2 to 2.5 2.18 2.5 to3 2.70 3 and over — | 3. 56 3. 08 2.76 3.08 3.64 4.81 Ker- nels. 15 i 333 55 52 5 2 442.5 3S0. 1 183.8 270.5 ■Weight (in grams) of- Kernels. 6. 6228 9. 0243 7. 2520 3.0696 4. 8196 Average kernel. Gliadtn- J plus-glu- tenin ni- trogen in ker- nels. I 0. 019.39 .02016 . 01935 .01734 . 01801 0. 09198 . 16392 . 14641 . 08310 . 17771 Gliadin- Proteid plus-glute- nitrogen nin nitro- in ker- gen m nels. average kernel. 0. 1S74S 0. 0002545 . 23S01 . 00036.53 .21.535 . 0004063 1 . 11243 . 0004647 .23325 .0006388 Proteid nitrogen in aver- age ker- nel. 0. 0005S43 . 00)5538 .00()5S72 . 0006370 . 0O0S657 IMPROVEMENT IN THE aUALITY OF THE GLUTEN. It is well known that large differences exist in the bread-making values of different varieties of wheats even when they have approxi- mately the same gluten content and are raised in the same locality. This fact is generally attributed to differences in the c^uahty of the gluten. W. Farrar" points out the difference in the bread-making qualities of two wheats due to the cjuality of the gluten. He compares Saxon Fife wheat, which had a gluten content of 9.92 per cent, and which produced 309 pounds of bread from 200 pounds of ffour, with Purple Straw Tuscan wheat, which had a gluten content of 9.94 per cent, and which produced only 278 pounds of bread from the same quantity of flour. In this case it was not the amount but the quahty of the gluten that determined the greater excellence of the Saxon Fife wheat. It has further been stated by Girard,'' Snyder,' and Guthrie'^ that the ratio in which gliadin and glutenin exist in the gluten determines its value for bread making. It was considered desirable to ascertain whether the proportions of these two constituents remain about the same in wheats of high and of low content. If the quality of the gluten remains constant as the quantity increases, the value of the wheat for bread making wiU improve in about the same ratio. If, on the other hand, there is a tendency for the quality to deteriorate as the quantity increases, there would be greater difffculty in effecting improvement. In Table 23, analyses of the crop of 1903 are arranged in groups according to their content of gliadin plus glutenin. The first group comprises all plants having less than 1 per cent, ^ind each succeeding group increases by 0.25 per cent. It is foUowed by Table 24, which is a summary of Table 23. « Agricultural Gazette of New South Wales, 9 (1898), pp. 241-2.50. ''Conipt. Rend., 1897, p. 876. '"Minnesota Experiment Station Bulletins ,54 and 63. <^ Agricultural Gazette of New South Wales, 9 (1898), pp. 363-374. 92 IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF WHEAT. Table 23. — Ratio of gliadin to glutenin as the content of their sum increases. GLIADIN-PLUS-GLUTENIN NITROGEN, BELOW 1 PER CENT. 1 Percentage of— Proportion of— Percentage of— Record number. pUis- glutenin nitrogen. Gliadin nitrogen. Glutenin nitrogen. Gliadin. Glutenin. Protdd Oth|r nitrogen. J?;«^^|^S01 72806 .01906 7''901 72905 ! 74.305 .01.585 74301 . 02047 74.501 74.506-8 . 05084 74601 74605-7 .05562 76''01 7620.5-6 .02912 80301 80305 .02165 81401 8140.5-6 .03,583 81501 81.505 84405 . 01940 84401 . 02043 84901 84905-6 . 03902 8.5201 8.520.5-6 8610.5-6 .02937 86101 . 03244 88601 8860.5-9 .11179 88901 8890.5-6 92205-8 . 03625 92201 . 07575 92301 92305-6 . 03223 95701 95705-7 .0.5017 Average . 3.239 .000875 [ . 02700 Average . 2.932 .00056037 . 019189 3.5 TO 4 PER CENT PROTEID NITROGEN. ISSOI 212(J1 22201 25201 26101 27501 .3.55 1 18805.... 3. 50 i 2120.5-12. 3.65 II 2220.5-11. 3.63 I I '■ 2.520.5-6.. 3. 76 ' 2610.5-7. . 3.58 1 27,505-9.. 2.02 3.567 3. 165 2. 735 3.19 2.688 0. 0003164 . 0054768 . 0037042 .0011.894 . 0015273 .0028791 0.01.567 .1.5672 .11711 . 04347 .05113 . 10761 27889— No. 78—0.5- 98 IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF WHEAT. Table 25.— Analyses showing transmission of nitrogen from one generation to another — Continued. 3.5 TO 4 PER CENT PROTEID NITROGEN— Continued. i9oa 1903 Record num- ber. Percent- age of proteid nitrogen in ker- nels. Proteid nitrogen in average kernel (gram). Weight of average kernel (gram). Record num- ber. Percent- age of proteid nitrogen in ker- nels. Proteid nitrogen in average kernel (gram). Weight of average kernel (gram). 3.3901 3.59 3.82 3.79 3.98 3.65 3.55 3.63 3.57 3.79 3.87 .3.55 3.87 3. .53 3.61 3.55 .3.79 3.76 .3.80 3.64 3.80 3.53 .3.91 3.78 3.57 3.56 33905-6 2.21 2.84 3. 718 2.11 2.975 2.37 .3.07 2.94 .3.58 2. .365 4.18 I..S4 2.90 3. 62 2.846 2. 555 2.37 2.87 3.18 2.31 1.87 2.82 2.27 3.21 3. .32 0.00089.32 . 0005135 .0016318 . 0004407 .001.3536 .0003177 . 0006927 .0005187 . 0004927 . 0-5 48409 ....do... 48.506 do... 48507 ....do... 48.508 ....do... 48806 ....do... 55005 ....do... 5.5006 ....do... 7. 1852 3.16 .01593 .22705 . 000.5034 5.5305 ....do... 2.5160 2.48 . 01507 . 06240 . 0003736 55306 ....do... 4. 1323 2.18 .01931 . 09008 . 0004210 5.5307 ....do... 5.6864 1.89 .01663 . 10747 .(X)03142 55308 ....do... 9. 5078 5. 7431 2.54 2.73 . 02395 . 01709 .24150 . 15679 . 0006225 . 0004667 56105 ....do..; 56205 ....do... 6. 5232 2.51 . 01959 . 16373 .0004917 57005 .. do... 1. 5364 10. ia36 2.71 2.76 .01746 . 01453 .04164 . 28107 . aK)4731 .0004010 57006 ....do... 57007 ....do... 3. 3176 3. 7263 8. 5777 7. 9772 2.65 2.76 3.19 2.86 . 01975 .00916 . 01666 . 018.38 . 08792 . 10285 . 20188 . 22815 .0005233 . 0002527 . 0005S26 . ai05257 57105 ....do... 57305 ....do... 57.306 ....do... .57.307 ....do... 4.7117 2.43 .01801 .11445 . 00O43S7 57.308 do... 9. a378 . 8328 1.69 1.98 . 01705 .02031 . 16626 .01640 . 0002881 . 0004022 57405 ....do... 57406 ... ... do . . . 2. 4923 14.9992 2.75 2.62 -.01846 .01968 . 06854 .39297 . 0005077 .0005157 57407 ....do... YIELD, ETC., AS AFFECTED BY GROWING PERIOD. 107 Table 31.^Yield and nitrogen content of grain, tabulated according to length of growing period — Continued. DATES RIPE: JULY 11 TO 15, 1903— Continued. Record number. Date ripe. Yield (grams) . Percent- age of proteid nitrogen. Weight of aver- age ker- nel (gram). Proteid nitrogen (gram) in— Kernels. Average kernel. 57408 July 13 ....do... 12. 2004 2. 7616 2.61 2.80 0. 02047 . 01534 0. 31842 . 077.33 0. 0005343 .0004296 57506 57.507 ....do... 6. 9861 2.85 . 01946 . 19905 . 0005545 57508 ....do... 12. 0728 2.21 .03177 .26680 . 0007021 57.509 ....do... 10. 6261 2.54 . 01739 .26990 .0004417 57606 ....do... 3. 0790 2.74 .02333 . 08436 . 0006391 57607 ....do... 16. 4433 1.73 . 02234 .24847 . 0003865 57608 ....do... 8. 6189 2.64 . 01968 . 22756 .0005195 58206 ....do... 1..3961 2.67 .00943 .03728 .0002519 .58207 ....do... 4.2207 3.09 . 01375 . 13042 . 0004248 6.5.305 ....do... 1. 8018 4.92 .02310 .08865 .0011365 65306 ....do... 9. 8298 2.41 . 01807 .23690 . 0004355 65307 ....do... 7. 0051 2.28 .01878 . 15971 . 0OO42N2 65308 ....do... 11. 7006 2.09 .02008 .24468 .0004197 94905 July 11 4. 4423 2.35 . 01553 . 104.39 . 0003050 94906 Average. . ....do... July 13 12.3862 3.41 .01808 . 42236 .0a)6166 7.6611 2.81 .01887 .20820 . 0005290 DATES RIPE: JULY 15 TO 19, 1903. 18906 July 15 do 0. 9229 19.3318 12.3685 1.8242 4.6045 1.5940 2.9886 .2062 3.2340 .7081 .9701 1.9154 15. 5835 1. 5452 3.3006 6.0090 1.1166 2.0970 7.1181 9. 7922 5.3069 9.9034 3. 4436 3.5486 5.2616 1.1074 3.6926 6.6206 2.38.59 6.0091 8. 2366 .8983 3. 7820 5.7131 3.8709 9.6779 2.7000 2.8816 4. 4673 3.2388 10. 1363 .5595 1.2117 7. 5006 13. 7057 3. 7828 10. 5556 6. 7664 .7319 11.8435 3.48 4.71 2.19 3.02 2.87 3.73 2.13 2.44 3.58 2.82 3.31 3.66 1.34 3.24 2.79 3.54 4.65 3.01 2.60 1.98 2.83 2.65 3.36 2.81 2.74 2.67 2. .55 2.72 2.93 4.93 3.11 1.66 2.97 2.30 4.. 39 2.58 3.50 2.99 2.56 2. .32 2.70 2.67 1.65 2.78 2.86 3.10 2.47 2.07 1.95 1.80 0. 01420 .02390 . 02125 . 01393 .01627 .01968 .01916 .01086 . 01376 .01161 . 01276 . 01398 .01804 .01717 .02001 .01642 .01718 .01906 .01784 .02106 .01811 .01814 . 01739 .01774 .01525 . 02407 . 01767 . 01876 . 01491 .01732 . 02168 .01695 . 01827 .01814 .01690 .01916 .01534 . 01592 .02040 .01732 .01916 .02543 .01893 . 01866 .01909 .01175 . 01923 .01615 . 01307 .07.544 0.03212 .91052 .27086 .05508 . 13215 .05946 .06366 .00503 . 11575 .01997 .03211 .07010 .20881 .05007 .09208 .21272 .05192 .06312 . 18507 .19388 . 1.5019 . 26245 . 11.570 .09972 .14417 .02957 .09416 . 18008 .06991 .29625 .2.5616 .01491 .112.33 . 13140 . 16993 .24969 .09450 . 0S616 . 11436 .07514 .27367 .01494 .01999 .20851 .39199 .11727 .26073 .14007 .01427 .21319 0. 0004941 .0011283 .0004654 .0003662 .0004670 . 0007340 . 0004081 . 0002649 .0004927 .0003273 .0004225 .0005117 .0002422 . 0005563 .000.5.581 .000.5812 .0007988 .00057.38 . 0004638 .0004170 .0005126 . 0004807 . 0005844 . 0004986 .0004179 . 0006428 . 0004505 .0005102 .0004369 . 0008539 .0006741 . 0tX)2814 . 000.5426 .0004171 .0007421 . 0004944 . 0005369 . 0004760 .000.5220 .0004018 .0005173 . 0006790 .0003124 .0005187 . aj05460 . 0003642 . 0004749 . 0003343 . 0002549 .0013.576 21706 21707 ....do... 26105 ....do... 3.3406 July 18 . . do . . . 34206 34208 ....do... 37906 . July 15 .. .do... 45005 45605 48405 ....do... do 48505 ....do... 51005 ....do... 63105 July 18 do. . . 63106 66006 72605 ....do... do... 72806 ....do... 74605 do 81705 .. do... 88905 July 16 do... 88906 91905 91906 92205 ....do... ....do... . .do... 92206 ....do... 92207 92208 ....do... ....do... 92305 92306 92406 ....do... ....do... ....do... 92407 do 92408 92409 '.. ....do... ....do... 92506 .do.. 92.507 ....do... 92905 do 92906 ....do... 92907 92908 ....do... ...do... 92909 ....do... 94105 July 15 July 16 ....do... ....do... ....do... ....do... ....do... ....do... ....do... 94205 94206 94207 94208 94406 94407 94605 94606 Average. . July 16.2 5. 1354 2.87 .01869 . 14452 .0005222 108 IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF WHEAT. Table 31. — Yield and nitrogen content of grain, tabulated according to length of growing period — Continued. DATES RIPE: JULY 19 TO 23, 1903. Record number. Date ripe. Yield (grams). Percent- age of proteid nitrogen. Weight of aver- age ker- nel (gram) . Proteid nitrogen (gram) in— Kernels Average kernel. 17409 July 21 July 20 July 21 do. . . 14.8957 .3885 2. 1462 9. 9070 2. 4690 .2806 4. 1516 5. 8080 .8478 17. 1820 .4336 2. 7255 17.2.324 3.8811 4. 2376 1.8276 2. 9999 2.0162 2. .5601 11.1476 2. 2862 8. 4605 .30.37 3.0228 6. 7665 7. 2545 .6316 .3161 1.8246 11.665.5 12. 0278 2.6571 6. 1989 2.1571 17. 4226 11.3.592 23. 1471 9. 7084 9.3120 4. 0230 3. 1555 2. 0430 28. 2136 9. 3629 3. 4442 9. 1522 14. 6802 4. 5806 9. 0386 9. 2130 5.4411 .7130 7. 5438 4.9315 3.4356 3.6006 2.75 4.70 2.02 2.77 2. .58 3.15 2.90 3.45 2.59 2.71 3.84 2.60 2.80 3.09 2.71 2.61 2.80 2.88 2.91 1.61 2.81 2.63 4. 55 2.82 2.74 2.59 3.17 1.46 2.44 2.38 2.87 3.29 3.00 4.21 2.60 2.56 2.74 2.16 2.43 1.90 3.59 4.42 2.47 1.89 5. .59 2.13 3.86 3.49 2.27 3.02 4.45 2.32 3.43 2.66 3.10 2.49 0.01857 .01340 .01567 .02282 .02024 . 02806 .01837 .01641 .01437 .01968 .01399 .01793 .02390 .01748 .018.59 .01792 .01667 . 02145 .01939 . 02194 .01921 .02110 . 01.598 .01913 .02319 . 01988 .01373 . 01264 . 01806 .01919 .02.543 .01692 .01635 .01828 .01846 .01965 .01999 .01712 .02233 .01934 .01814 .01984 .02239 .01724 .01832 .02191 .02484 .02036 . 02270 .01869- .01217 .01927 . 01975 .01312 .01605 .01895 0.40964 .01826 .04335 . 27443 .06399 .00884 . 12039 . 20038 .02196 . 46563 .01665 . 07086 . 48250 .11992 . 11484 .04995 .08400 . 05807 .074.50 . 17948 . 06424 . 22251 .01.382 .08522 . 18540 . 18789 . 02002 .00462 .044.52 . 27765 ..34.524 .08742 . 18596 .09082 .45299 .29079 . 63422 .20970 . 22628 .07644 .11328 . 09030 .69688 . 18538 . 19253 . 19936 . 56666 . 15986 .20518 . 27823 .24213 .01654 . 25873 .13118 . 10650 .08965 0.0005108 . 0006296 .0003164 .0006181 .0005221 . 0008839 . 000.5327 .000.5660 . 0003722 . 0005334 .000.5371 . 0004662 . 0006692 . 0005402 . 000.5037 . 0004677 . 0004667 .0006177 . 000.5644 . 0003533 . 000.5399 . 0005549 .0007273 .0006394 .0006475 .0005148 . 0004352 . 00O1S46 . 0004408 .0004567 . 0007299 . 00055t)8 .0004906 . 0007696 .0004799 .000.5031 . 0005464 . 0003698 .0005426 . 0003674 .0006510 . 0008767 .000.5.531 .0003414 .0010241 . 0004(i68 .0009588 .0007105 .0005154 . 0005644 . 0005417 . 0004471 . 0006773 . 0003332 . 0004977 .0004719 17.505 18805 20707 20708 July 20 July 21 July 20 ....do... July 21 21211 21306 21.308 21710 21711 22209 26806 26807 ....do... July 20 do... 26808 ....do... 26906 . . . July 22 July 20 26907 26909 32606 July 22 July 21 do. . . 33105 33905 . . 33906 ....do... 38606 38607 38608 38609 ....do... ....do... ....do... . .do.. . 38706 40405 42206 July 20 July 21 .. .do. . . 44607 July 20 July 21 July 20 do. . . 48106 48305 48306 48706 55007 ....do... ....do... 5.5008 July 21 ....do... July 20 do.. . 55206 58805 59606 63107 6.3505 ....do... July 21 July 20 ....do... ....do... 66008 69305 71905 72606 72607 ....do... ....do... 72705 do . . 72706 ....do... 72707 July 21 July 20 July 21 July 20 ....do... 72708 74507 76206 84905 84906 85206 ....do... July 21 do 92405 94209 . do... Averas^e. . July 20.1 6.5399 2.93 .01886 . 18064 .0005482 DATES RIPE: JULY 23 TO 27, 1903. 17305 July 23 do.. . 3. 6302 3. 9968 1.2275 2.0907 9. 2038 16.9987 1.8517 3.3138 17.1115 14. 6942 3.03 3.09 3.25 3.29 2.18 2.88 3.09 2.78 2.83 3.32 0.01984 . 01645 .02012 . 01686 . 01852 .02285 .01698 .02033 . 01974 .02157 0. 10999 . 12350 . 0.3994 . 06878 .20065 . 48957 . 05722 .09212 .48428 .48784 0. 0006010 . 0005082 . 0006540 . 0005547 .0004037 . 0006580 .0005249 . 0005652 .0005586 .0006999 17306. 17308 17406 ....do... ....do... 17408 ....do... 17410 ....do... 20705 ....do... 20706 . . . .do... 20710 ....do... 20805. . . . ...do... YIELD, ETC., AS AFFECTED BY GROWING PERIOD. 109 Table 31. — Yield and nitrogen content of grain, tahulated according to length of growing period — Continued. DATES RIPE: JULY 23 TO 27, 1903— Continued. Record number. Date ripe. Yield (grams). Percent- age of protein nitrogen. Weight of aver- age ker- nel (gram). Protein nitrogen (gram) in — Kernels. Average kernel. 21307 July 24 2.5691 3.04 0.01796 0.07810 0. 0005461 21705 July 23 1.5420 2.45 .02C.59 .03778 .0006514 21708 ....do... 9.2850 2.33 .02381 .21634 . 0005547 21709 do>. . 7.7296 2.47 .02141 . 19092 . 0005289 22206 ....do... 2.5712 3.22 .01720 .08086 . 0005538 22208 ....do... 1.9090 3.18 .01619 . 06071 .0(J05144 26905 July 24 6. 4102 2.76 . 01966 .17692 . 0005427 26908 ....do... 3.9797 2.96 . 02073 .11780 .0006135 27507 July 23 1.3746 3.08 .018.33 .04234 . 000.5646 27509 ....do... 5. 3615 2.90 .02206 . 15549 . 0006399 2NS(I5 ....do... 2.1851 2.91 .02512 .043.59 . 0007.309 2SS06 ....do... 14. 4630 3.02 .02111 . 43679 . 0006376 33106 ....do... .3089 2.94 .01716 .00908 . 000.5045 33107 ....do... 6. 1026 2.35 .01919 . 14341 .0004510 33405 do 8. 1268 9. 1498 2.03 2.73 .01930 .01972 . 16498 .24979 .0003919 .0005383 34205 ....do... 34207 ....do... 13. 5556 2.84 .02219 . 38505 . 0006273 38506 July 24 1.6799 2.89 .01975 .04855 .000.5712 3SI105 July 23 1.2124 5.85 .01987 . 07093 .0011627 ■1112(1."! ....do... 3. 6302 4.69 .01871 .17026 .0008776 40305 ....do... 3.6003 3.11 .02011 .11197 . 0006255 42905 ....do... 1.2499 3.17 .01866 . 03650 . 000.5447 44.505 do 5.9990 2.5235 2.94 2.90 .01764 .02035 . 17637 .07318 .0(K)5187 . 0005902 44606 ....do... 45606 ....do... 4.0358 1.91 .01834 .07708 .0003.504 45705 ....do... .7532 1.5298 4.18 1.84 .01712 .01234 .03148 . 02815 .00071,55 . 0002700 45805 ....do... 46107 ....do... 8.3935 2. .54 .01756 .21319 .0004460 50705 ....do... .5958 3.54 .01986 . 02109 . 0007032 50706 .. do . . .4701 2.3982 .6893 4. 8988 2.4731 2.80 3.30 3.10 2.87 3.18 .01343 .01085 .01723 .01814 .01118 .01316 .07914 .02137 . 14060 . 07859 .0003761 .0003581 . 0005342 . 0005207 .00035.56 50905 ....do... 55205 July 24 do 57805 57905 ....do... 58505 July 23 do 7.4516 2. 5436 ..5952 1..3451 9. 6451 8. 3406 3.0940 2.6615 2.95 3.01 1.87 3.25 2.30 2. .56 3.21 3.00 .02730 .01082 .01701 .01212 . 02079 .01699 .02242 .01706 .21982 . 07656 .01113 .04272 .22184 . 21352 . 09932 .07985 .00080.52 . 0003258 .0003180 . 0003938 .(l(K)4781 .0004349 .0007197 .0005118 58705 60605 ....do... 62805 ....do... 74606 . do. . 74607 ....do... 91305 JiUy 24 92505 Average.. July 23.2 4.9015 2.93 .01878 . 13654 .0005544 DATES RIPE: JULY 27, 1903, OR LATER. 17307 July 27 do... 3. 14.54 15. 6996 2. 2881 .7720 3.46 2.13 3. .52 3.80 0. 02279 .02127 . 02460 . 01795 0. 10883 . .33441 . 0'044 .02934 0. 0007886 . 0004531 . (HK)S660 .0006822 17405 17506 ....do... 17.507 ....do... 18905 ....do... 1.4864 3.81 .01443 . 0.5663 .IKHr)49S 20709 ....do... 5. 3229 3. 05 .02063 . 162.35 .1)006292 21205 do... 2. 3642 2. 8564 3.16 5. 23 .01922 . 01917 . 07471 .14939 . 0I.HJ6074 .0010026 21206 ....do... 21207 ....do... 2. .3066 2.96 . 019.55 . 06804 . 0005766 21208 ....do... 5. 1594 3. 24 .01798 .16712 . 000.5824 21209 ....do... 1. 4484 3.61 . 01627 . 05228 . 0005875 21210 ....do... 3.9143 5. 03 . 01,577 . 19689 . 0007934 21212 ....do... 1. 7216 2.16 . 02049 .0.3718 . (H)04427 21305 ....do... 6. 2514 2.67 . 020037 . 16691 . 0005350 22207 ....do... 3. 2787 2.77 . 01940 . 09082 . (X)0.>?74 25205 ....do... 10. 7836 2.71 . 02066 . 28560 . (MK15.590 25200 ....do... 4. 6754 2. 0737 2.76 2.63 .02281 . 02304 . 12904 . 05454 .l)(M)ti295 . 0006060 26106 ....do... 26107 ....do... 2. 0390 • 3. 92 .01416 . 07993 . 0005551 26805 ....do... 4. 9456 2.81 . 02248 . 1.3897 .0006317 28206 ....do... 4. 3698 3. 07 . 01996 . 13415 .000()126 32206 ,....do... 10. 4036 1.81 . 02052 .18831 .0003714 .32207 l....do... 1. 2573 3.48 . 01.S22 . 04375 . (KK16341 32605 ....do... 5. 2268 1.20 . 02.323 . 06272 . (KK)2788 no IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF WHEAT. Table 31. — Yield and nitrogen content of grain, tabulated according to lengtli of growing period — Continued. DATES RIPE: JULY 27, 1903, OR LATER— Continued. Record nunil:ier. Date ripe. Yield (grams). Percent- age of proteid nitrogen. Weight of aver- age ker- nel (gram) . Proteid nitrogen (gram) in— - Kernels. Average kernel. 32608 July 27 ....do... 1.0183 3. 1346 3.78 3.41 0.01851 .02090 0.03849 . 10689 0. 0006998 .(XH)7126 33305 33407 ....do... 7. 0889 1.62 .02271 .11223 .(KH)3679 33408 ....do... 1.1132 1.39 .01446 .01.547 .(10(12009 33605 ....do... 7. 0.596 2. .39 . 02345 . 16872 .(M)(l5(i05 33606 ....do... 8. 1890 2.21 . 02144 . 18098 . 0004738 33607 ....do... 2. 8903 3.22 .02125 .09307 . 0006843 34405 ....do... 4. 1281 4. .33 . 01994 . 17875 . 00OSstigationR. P.eginning with the date of organization of the Bureau, the several series o'f Bulletins of the various Divisions were discontinued, and all are now published as one series of the Bureau. -A list of the Bulletins issued in the present series follows. Attention is directed to the fact that " the serial, scientific, and technical i)nb- lications of the United States Department of Agriculture are not for general dis- (rilintion. All copies not required for otticial use are by law turned over to the Sui)erintendent of Documents, who is empowered to sell them at cost." All applications for such publications should therefore be made to the Superintend- ent of Documents, Governnjent I'rinting OtRce, Washington, D. C. No. 1. The Ptelation of Lime and Magnesia to Plant Growth. 1901. Price, 10 cents. 2. Spermatogenesis and Fecundation of Zamia. 1901. Price, 20 cents. 3. Macaroni Wheats. 1901. I'rice, 20 cents. 4. Range Improvement in Arizona. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 5. Seeds and Plants Imported. Inventory No. 9. 1902. Price, 10 cents. G. A List of American Varieties of Peppers. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 7. The Algerian Durum AA'heats. 1902. Price, 1.5 cents. 8. A Collection of Fungi Prepared for Distribution. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 9. The North American Species of Spartina. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 10. Records of Seed Distribution and Cooperative Experiments with Grasses and Forage Plants. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 11. Johnson Grass. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 12. Stock Ranges of Northwestern California. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 13. Range Improvement in Central Texas. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 14. The^Decay of Timber and Methods of Preventing It. 1902. Price, 55 cents. 15. Forage Conditions on the Northern Border of the Great Basin. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 16. A Preliminary Study of the Germination of the Spores of Agaricus Cam- pestris and Other Basidiomycetous Fungi. 1902. Price, 10 cents. ■ 17. Some Diseases of the Cowpea. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 18. Observation's on the Mosaic Disease of Tobacco. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 19. Kentucky Bluegrass Seed. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 20. Manufacture of Semolina and Macaroni. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 21. List of American Varieties of Vegetabtes. 1903. Price, 35 cents. 22. Injurious Effects of Premature Pollination. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 2.'>. Borseem. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 24. Unfermented Grai)e Must. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 25. Miscellaneous Papers: I. The Seeds of Rescue Grass and Chess. II. Saragolla Wheat. III. Plant Introduction Notes from South Africa. IV. Congressional Seed and Plant Distribution Circulars. 1903. Price, 15 cents. 20. Spanish Almonds. 1902, Price, 15 cents. 27. Letters on Agriculture in the West Indies, Spain, and the Orient. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 28. The Mango in Porto Rico. 190.3. Price, 15 cents. 29. The ICffect of Blade Rot on Turnips. 1903. Price, 15 cents. 30. Budding the I'ecan. 1902. I'rice, 10 cents. 31. Cultivated Forage Crops of the Northwestern States. 1902. Price 10 cents, [Continued on ijagc 3 of cover.] U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY— BULLETIN NO. 79. B. T. GALLOWAY, ChiiJ of Bureau. THE VARIABILITY OF WHEAT VARIETIES IN RESISTANCE TO TOXIC SALTS. BY L. L. HAKTER. Scientific Assistant, Laboratory of Plant Breeding. \'EGETABLE PATHOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS. Issued July 27, 1905. WASHINGTON: government tkinting office. 19 0 5. BLREAl OF PLANT INDUSTRY. B. T. (JALLOWAY, Putholoijist and J'liysiologist, and Chief of Jiincau. VEGETABLE PATHOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL INVEST! 3ATIONS. \LnEKT F Woons, Palhohn/ist and I-hysioln;,ist in Charfjc, Actini, Chief of Bureau in Absence of Chuf. BOTANICAL INVESTIGATIONS AND ENPERIMENTS. PUEDERICK V. CoviLLE, Botunisl in Charge. GRASS AND FORAGE PLANT INVESTIGATIONS. W. J. Spillman, Agrostologist in Charge. POMOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS. (;. B. Bu.vcKETT, Pomologist in Charge. SEED AND PLANT INTRODUCTION AND DISTRIBTTION. A. J. PiETERS, Botanist in Charge. ARLINGTON EXPERIMENTAL FARM. L. C. COUBETT, Horticulturist in Charge. EXPERIMENTAL GARDENS AND GROUNDS. E. M. Byrn'es, Superintendent. \ J. E. Rockwell, Editor. .T.\MES E. .Toxes, Chief Clerk. VEGETABLE PATHOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS. SCIENTIFIC STAFF. Albert F. Woous, Pathologist and Physiologist in Charge. Krwix F Smith, Pathologist in Charge of Laboratory of Plant Pathology. Georce f. Moore. Physiologist in Charge of Laboratory of Plant Physiology. Hekbert J. Webber, Physiologist in Charge of Laboratory of Plant Breeding. Walter T. Swingle, Physiologist in Charge of Laboratory of Plant Life History. Newtox B. Pierce, Pathologist in Charge of Pacific Coast Laboratory. M. B. Waite. Pathologist in Charge of Inrestigations of Diseases of Orchard Fruits. Mark Alfred Carletox, Cerealist in Charge of Cereal Inrestigations. IIer.maxx vox ScHitEXK, in Charge of Mississi])pi Valley Laboratory. P. H. Rolfs, Patholngi.yt in Cliarge of f!uhtropie.lpii Ror.iNSOx. Assistant in Physiology. Florexce Hedges, Scientific Assistant, Bacteriology. CiiARLE.; .T. Brand, .issistant in Physiology, Plant Life History. IIi:xi;v A. Miller, Scientific Assistant, Cereal Inrestigations. Erxe'-'T B. Buowx, Sciulletin will be of interest to experimenters who are working on tlie problems of securing alkali-resistant strains of agricultural crops. Respectfully, B. T. (talloway. Chief of Bureau. Hon. James Wilson, Secretary of Agriculture. i i PREFACE. The main object of the accompanyino- paper is to prove that differ- ent varieties of a single species behave differently in the presence of the harmful salts that are present in the so-called alkali soils of the western United States. The work has been done with varieties of wheat on account of the great importance of that crop in the region indicated and because, being grown under a great diversity of conditions as regards climate and soil, wheat varieties would be exjoected to differ much among themselves in their power to with- stand the effect of excessive amounts of salts in the soil, just as they differ widely in their capability of withstanding drought, cold, and parasites. The experiments were made with young seedlings, their roots being exposed for periods of twenty-four hours to the action of pure solu- tions of the salts used, the greatest strength of solution in which the root tips could survive being taken as representing the limit of endurance of each variety to each salt. The salts used were the car- l)onate, bicarbonate, sulphate, and ehlorid of sodium, and the sul- phate and ehlorid of magnesium. These are salts that are generally present in the largest quantity in alkali soils. Nine varieties of wheat, both from the Old AVorld and the Xcav, representing widely different climates and soils, were compared. It was found that the varieties differed greatly in their ability to withstand the poisonous action of the salts used. This was more strikinfflv broui»"ht out in the case of some salts than of others. To magnesium sulphate, for example, some varieties are three times as resistant as are others. Tables are given in the following paper showino- the limit of concentration of each of the nine varieties foi each of the six salts. It was also clearly demonstrated that the dif- ferent individuals of each variety differ much in resistance, and the limits of the varieties as established are only the means of the limits for all the individuals tested. Analyses of the ash of each lot of seed used were obtained from the Bureau of Chemistry, but no correla- tion could be shown between ash composition and resistance to action of toxic salts. On the other hand, it was clearlv demonstrated that C PREFACE. with few exceptions tlie varieties that have orig'inated in arid regions, Avhere the soils are usually more saline than in humid regions, are those that are most resistant to pure solutions of sodium and magne- sium salts. Three varieties of southeastern Eussia, with one excep- tion, were found to be the most resistant of all those tested. ' It is believed that the laboratory work upon which this paper is based has a direct practical bearing, as it gives us an indication of what A'arieties are most likely to succeed in arid regions where the soils are more or less salty. Furthermore, as some one salt — e. g., sodium chlorid — sometimes strongly predominates in the soils of a particular region, and as these experiments show clearly that, while one variety may be more resistant than another to sodium chlorid. the second is often more resistant than the first to sodium carbonate or to magnesium sulphate, we can thus obtain information as to which of the many varieties of a great crop can be sown with the best chance of success upon a given type of alkali soil. In other words, a few weeks of simi)le lal)oratory experiment may save years of costly trial in the field, although, of course, the water-culture exper- iments can not be considered as giving more than an indication of what we can expect each variety to do. and the final test must be the growing of the crop upon a practical scale. The great individual variability in resistance brought oiit in these experiments shows that not merely have we found a guide as to which of existing varieties are best adapted to diiferent types of saline soils, but that there is an excellent opportunity for increasing their resistance by selecting seed from the most resistant individuals. The present investigation alfords further evidence that it is practi- cable to apply plant-breeding methods to the " alkali problem "' and adapt crops bj^^ selection to the unfavorable conditions presented by soils that contain excessive amounts of soluble salts. A. F. AVooDS, Patholof/ist and Physiologist. OFriCE OF Vegetable Pathological AMD PlIYSIOLO<;i(AL INVESTIGATIONS, Washington, D. 6'., April 26, 1005. C 0 X r 1: \ T S Page. Introduction 9 Salts used 11 A'arieties selected . : 11 Preston 12 Turkey 13 Zimmerman ..- 13 Kharkof 14 Padui -. 14 Chul . 14 Budapest . . 1 o Kubanka . 15 Maraouani . 16 Methods of experiments ... 16 Method of establishing the toxic limits _ 21 Results of experiments 23 With magnesium sulphate 23 With magnesium chlorid 25 With sodium carbonate 27 With sodium bicarbonate 28 With sodiiim snl])hate _ 30 With sodium chlorid- . .. 32 Summary of tables 34 Comparison of results with different species _ . . 35 Ash analyses . . _ • _ 37- Individual variability 37 Neutralizing effect of the salts employed upon other toxic substances 39 Dilute solutions as stimulants 42 Practical value of results 44 Summary _ . 45 Bibliography 47 X i B. r. I.— 159. V. p. r. T. — in4. THE VARIABILITY OF WHEAT VARIETIES IN RESISTANCE TO TOXIC SALTS. INTRODUCTION. It has been shown quite conchisively in recent years that different species and genera differ very much in their ability to resist the influ- ence of toxic salt solutions. Numerous investigations of the action of acids and salts upon plants have been made, especially during the last four or five years. In\'estigations of this nature are not only of great scientific interest, l)ut promise in some cases to be of consider- able practical importance. One phase of this subject which is espe- cially interesting from this latter point of view is that of the relation of plants, particularly cultivated plants, to the components of the saline or alkaline soils that are so common in the arid part of the United States and of many other parts of the world. A preliminary investigation of this phase of the subject was made by Messrs. Kearney and Cameron," Avho showed by a large number of experiments on LupiuK^ albus and Medtcago satioa that the death limit of the root tips was very different for different salts. For instance, the limit for Liipinus alhiis in sodium chlorid was found to V)e 0.02 of a normal solution, and in magnesium sulphate 0.00125. For Medicago sativa, in mixed solutions containing an excess of two calcium salts, the limit was 0.35 in magnesium sulphate and 0.20 in sodium chloi'id.'' Much work has been done in comparing different botanical species as to their resistance to the effect of salt solutions,'' but the compara- a Report No. 71, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture (1902). ^ Messrs. KalilenlKH-g and True, who have done considoraI)le work along this lino, particailarly with salts and acids, give some very interesting results. They loiuid (On the Toxic Action of Dissolved Salts and Their Electrolytic Dissocia- tion. Bot. Gaz., 22:81, 180(5) that Liiphius alhus would just survive in -^^1^^^ gram mol. per liter of copper salts. They found the same limits with ferrous suli)hate (FeS04). nickel sulphate (NiSOJ, and cohalt sulphate (CoSOJ, but for mercuric chlorid (HgCU) y^loo, '"^^l mercuric cyanid (HgCn„) only '■The experiments of Heald (On the Toxic Effect of Dilute Solutions of Acids and Salts upon Plants, Bot. (Jaz., 22: 12."). 1S'.)(>), and later those of Moore and Kellerman, are among the most interesting in this connection. Ileald, in a series of experiments resembling those of Kahlenberg and True, obtained some valuable results with CuviirhUa pcpo, Zca nicu/s; and Pisuin •sail- 30012— No. 7U— 05 m 2 9 10 WHEAT RESISTANCE TO TOXIC SALTS. tive resistance of tliit'ereiit varieties, or races, of a single species has received little attention.'^ During the autumn of lOO)), and again in 1004, the writer had occa- sion to re})eat. at tlie Departiucnt of Agriculture. AVashington, I). C. the experiments previously conducted b}^ Kearne}^ and Cameron wiOi nnii. lie foiuid tlie limit of /'ixiiiii .■^ulinnii to be -^jIq-q gram mol. per liter for copper suli»li!ite (CuSOJ as the strengtli wbit-h will barely ]H'riuit the roots to Hve, and that for Zca viuiix to be osooo- I^*^' ohtained results with various salts, but this will sulHce to show the variability between plnuts widely sep- arated in relationshi]). Moore and Kellermun (A ]\Iethod of Destroying or Preventing the Growth of Algte and Certain Pathogenic P>acteria in "Water Sup])lies, lUil. VA. P>ureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture, T.Xi-t) say: In dealing with alga- the toxic concentration varies greatly for different gen- era, even for different species of the same genus. Niigeli demonstrated the extreme sensitiveness of iiplroiiijia iiitida and >S. dubiu to the presence of copper coins ill the water. Oscillatorhi. Chidopliora, (Edogoiinun, and the diatoms succumb in six hours to a copper-sulphate solution of 1 to 20,000 and in two days to 1 to 50,000 according to I'okorny. * * ■■' According to Ono, weak solutions of the salts of most of the metals encourage the growth of alga^ and fungi. Mercury and copper, however, at O.OOdO.") jier cent and O.OOCOl jier cent, respectively, distinctly inhibit growth. This was the <-ase with !ure;ui of Soils. United States Department of Agriculture, he has found a very wide variation in the development of seedlings of different varieties of wheat when grown in the same artificial nutrient solutions and also aqueous extracts of soil, and W. II. Ileileman. in the same laboratory, has shown very similar results to those i)resented in this investigation when using different varieties of wheat in i)ot cultures of natural and artificial alkali soils. It has also been shown that the vig(n' and rate of gernunation of seeds of different varieties are very different when previously soaked in any given solution of an electrolyte. Cameron and Breazeale (The Toxic Action of Acids and Salts on Seedlings, Journal Phys. Chem.. vol. S. No. 1, p. 1, Jan., 1904) have shown ;i wide varia- tion in the toxic action of different salts and acids on seedlings of plants widely separated in relationship. From certain ])oints of view, especially as bearing on current chemical theo- ries, the paper of Dandeno (American Journal of Science, Vol. XVII, June, 1904) in this field is especially interesting, but a direct comparison of results in toxic salt solutions can not be made, owing to the fact that seedlings of differ- ent plants have been used. VARIETIES SELECTED. 1 1 LupiiiiuH alhu.s. Although the order of toxicity of the various saUs leninined the same in the three series of experinieuts, quite diill^'ereiit limits of endurance Avere obtained, those in the first series made l)v the Avriter being nuich higher than those obtained hy Kearney and Cameron and by the writer in his second series. The idea Avas at once suggested by these results that while possibly the second lot of seed may have dilfered only in bein.g younger or otherwise more vigorous it was also possible that different varieties or even merely straius from different sources of the same species might differ con- siderably in their power to resist toxic salt solutions. It Avas there- fore-Avitli a vieAv of determining Avhether or not this Avas true that the series of experiments Avhich forms the subject of this ]-)a]i(>r Avas undertaken Avith difi'ereut varieties of AA'heat. Attention should be directed at the outset to an important condi- tion under which this AAork Avas carried on. Most of the Avork of this kind has been conducted Avith comparatively few seedlings. But indi\idual variation in resistance is Avell knoAvn to be exceedinsrlA' great, and enough seedlings must be tested to eliminate all such differ- ences. The a\'erage of the resistances of a large luimber of seedlings nnist be ascertained. The Avriter has in every case used from 50 to 100 seedlings, and more in some cases, the number tested being con- sidered sufficiently large to eliminate indiAndual variation and give fairly consistent results. The total number of seeds cxi^erimented Avith aggregated nearly 5,000. The Avork, the results of Avhicli are shoAvn in this paper, Avas taken up at the suggestion of ]Mr. Thomas H. Kearney^ Physiologist, of the Laboratory of Plant Breeding of the Department of Agriculture. SALTS USED. It Avas decided to employ the same salts used by Kearney aud Cameron in their Avork Avith Lupin.us alhus, i. e., sodium chlorid (XaCl), sodium sulphate (Xa.SOj), sodium carbonate (Na.COo), sodium bicarbonate (NallCOa), magnesium sulphate (MgSO^), and magnesium chlorid (jNIgCL). A basis for direct conq^arison is thus ol)tained. It Avas thought best to use these salts, also, because of their counnou occurrence in saline soils, and their tendency, in a greater or less degree, to inhibit A'egetable groAvth. VARIETIES SELECTED. The selection of the A'arieties of Avheat to l)e used in this Avork has not beeri an easy matter, there being a number of details to consider in making the choice. To prove Avhether there is a difference in the ])<)\ver of different varieties of the same species to resist the action of toxic salt solutions it Avas decided to use A'arieties representing A'ery 12 WHEAT RESISTANCE TO TOXIC SALTS. diti'erciit conditions of climate and soil, and selections Avere made, Avith the aid of Mr. M. A. Carleton, Cerealist of the Bureau of Plant Indnstrv, with this end in view. All conditions under which Avheat is grown are not, of course, represented. AVheat is raised in nearly every portion of the temperate zone and under as diverse conditions of soil and climate as could well l)e imagined. An attempt has been made, however, to obtain varieties representative of the regions presenting the greatest contrast in these respects. Cerealists have discovered that wheats well adapted to a humid region will not thrive in an arid or semiarid region, nor will varieties that are best adapted to the latter conditions thrive in a humid environment. Varieties representing each of these different climatic types were used in the experiments. Unquestionably the soils of the various regions from Avhich the seeds were obtained differed chemically to a great extent, but in most cases data as to soil composition were not obtainable. The influence of climatic and soil factors is complicated by the fact that seeds are often transferred from one region to another. For example, a certain variety might have been grown for a nimiber of years in strongh' saline soil to Avhich it has become thoroughly adapted, and then transferred to a semiarid region and a soil con- taining less salt. AVere the seed procured from the iicav region soon after the transfer, while the variety was not yet adapted to the new conditions, probably it would still show the high degree of resistance acquired under the former conditions. In some cases it was possible to learn the exact history, for several generations^ of the seed used, but in others it Avas impossible to obtain such definite information. To meet the conditions of the experiments it was thought advisable to select varieties from regions widely separated geographically. Therefore, one variety from Africa, two from Euroi)e, one from Asia, and six from America were obtained. Two of the varieties are durum wheats and consequently of a different species ; the rest are soft grained. The following descriptions of the individual varieties- will render more intelligible the conditions under which they grew originall}': PRESTON. Tlie variety of wheat known as Preston (Tritieum indgarc) is a hybrid, i:)roduced by Dr. AVilliam Saunders, of the agricultural ex- periment station at Ottawa, Canada. In the spring of 18S8 Doctor Saunders crossed the varieties Red Fife and Ladoga, obtaining a new sort, which was called Preston. Red Fife was taken as the male and Ladoga as the female jiarent. The progeny, he says, resembles some- what both parents. The grain is very much like Red Fife. Both the parent varieties are well established in that ^y^vi of Canada and were VARIETIES SELECTED. 13 grown there with great success for many years previous to the origin of this hybrid. Preston has proved to be a better variety than either of its parents, both in yiekl and in range of adaptability- The region in Avhich its parent varieties grow is very humid. Doctor Saunders chiinis that Preston ripens its grain from three to four days earlier than either of its parents. In view of this fact it is reasonable to con- clude that it is better adapted to regions having diminished rainfall during the latter part of the season, and experience has justified the conclusion. Preston has given the best results of all the spring wheats introduced into the Northwest. It is to-day grown success- fully in the southern part of Canada and in a part of the United States that includes North Dakota, eastern Montana, Minnesota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin." TURKEY. Turkey Avheat {Triticiim vvlgare) is considered the hardiest vari- ety grown at the present time in the United States. It is a bearded sort, with white chaff, small head, and red grain. It is especially Avell adapted to semiarid regions, as is readily seen from the region in which it is grown. This variety was introduced into Kansas about twenty-five years ago. For a while it was confined to a small district of that State, but during the past twelve or fifteen years its excellent (puility has become generally known, and consequently it is grown on a much larger area. It came originally from Crimea and other i)ortions of Taurida, in southern Russia. That country does not differ greatlv from the section of the United States in which the variety has given such good results. Though it is not a variety giving unusually heavy yields, it is well adapted to resist droughts and may be depended upon for a greater average yield than any other variety grown in Kansas. It ripens rather early, and thus escapes the excessive droughts which frequently prevail during the latter part of the wheat season in that district. It is especially adapted to the Great Plains region, including, roughly, Kansas, Okhthoma, southern Nebraska, southern Iowa, northern Texas, and portions of Missouri and Arkansas.'' ZIMMERMAN. The variety known as Zimmerman {Triticum indgarc) is grown to some extent in the same region as the one just described. How- ever, it has a number of essential points of difference and some char- n Dr. William Saunders, Cereals and Root Crops, Ottawa, Canada. 1902. '' Carlcton. M. A.. Basis for the Tniiirovcnient of American Wheats. Bui. 24. L)ivisi()n of Vegetahle Physiology and I'athology, U. S. Department of Agricul- ture, 1900. 14 WHEAT RESISTANCE TO TOXTC SALTS. acteristics that make it preferable for the experiments described here. As a whole, it is inferior to the Turkey wheat, being less resistant to drought, and it is grown principality in regions which have a greater annual rainfall. Zimmerman wheat has two good qualities to rec- ommend it — it is l)eardless and ripens from four days to a week ear- lier than other varieties in the same locality. It is a fairly hardy sort, and is as resistant as the average variety to the cold of severe winters. It is best adapted for cultivation in southern Kansas, Oklahoma, northern Texas, Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkan- sas, and farther southw-ard. This region has a much larger annual rainfall than the one inhal)ited by the Turkey variety, with the exception of the States in common— Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas. KHARKOr. The seed used of the Kharkof variety of wheat {Triticvm rnlgare) w\as obtained by the United States Department of Agriculture from the Agricultural Society of Kharkof, Russia, in the Starobielsk district. Kharkof is in the southern part of Russia, about oOO miles north of the Black Sea and about 350 miles west of the Volga River. The winters are very dry and at no season of the 3^ear is the rainfall great. Kharkof is a red-bearded, hardy winter wheat. The seed was obtained from the crop grown in Russia during the season of 1902. PADUI. Seed of the Padui variety {Trit'inim riiJf/are) was obtained from Saratof, in eastern Russia. Saratof is located on the Volga River, about 100 miles from its outlet into the Caspian Sea. Padui is a soft or semihard winter wheat, and is adapted to all northern winter- wheat States from Xew York to Kansas and southward to the thirty- fifth parallel. The seed with which these tests have been made was imported directly from Russia. Padui is very resistant to drought, the rainfall in the region where it is grown falling as low as 12 to 15 inches per annmn. This variety is cultivated to some extent in the same region as Kul)anka (descril^ed later), and, therefore, is sul)- iected to the same climate and probably to the same soil conditions. CHUL. Dr. PI A. Bessey describes the conditions under which the Chul variety {Tritieum vvlgare) is grown in Turkestan and in the south- ern part of central Asia, about Samarkand. It is found more or less in this whole steppe region, from which it derives its name, Chul meaning steppes. It is a hard grain and grows without irri- gation, vields two harvests, and can be sown as either winter or VARIETIES SELECTED. 15 spniiii- wheat. The seed for these experiments was obtained by Doctor liessey for the Department of Agriculture from its native country, being taken from the crop of 1902. BUDAPEST. The variety Ivuown as Budapest {TriticKm imlgare) is one of the hard winter wheats imported originally from Hungary. It is noAV grown in Michigan and adjoining States with great success. Of all the varieties imported from Hungary, Budapest has proved the best. It is Avell suited for cultivation in the North Central States, including ^Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, western Xew York, Kentucky, and perhai)s farther south. It is a bearded wheat, with white chaff and red, medium hard grain. It is a success only in regions with a fairly large rainfall. KUBANKA. The two varieties of durum wheat {Tritlciim dufui/i), Kubanka and Maraouani, were selected outside of the species vvlgare in order to find types grown under extremely arid conditions. The seed of Kubanka was obtained originally from Russia. The seed used was of the fourth generation grown in the United States and should show something of the effect of soil and climatic conditions here, provided these differ essentiall}^ from those of the country where it originated. Four years is doubtless sufficient time to acclimatize the variety fairly well. Kubanka is grown in an extensive area of eastern Europe and western Asia, especially along the Volga River. The best Kubanka is found east of the Volga, on the border of the Kirghiz Steppe. It is about the oi\\y variety found along the Sibe- rian border, where it is impossible to grow any ordinary sort because of drought, and is grown extensively by the Turgai and Kirghiz people. The rainfall over this whole region often does not exceed 10 inches per annum. The Kubanka variety matures veiy quickl}^, an absolute necessity in a region where the rainfall is very slight and often confined to a small part of the year. Because it is drought- resistant and matures early it is now being grown throughout the Volga territory from Kazan to the Caspian Sea and east to the Kirghiz Steppe and Turkestan. It is a macaroni wheat, and takes its name from Kuban territory. In this country it is best adapted for the northern plains region as far south as Kansas. There is little doubt that the varieties Kubanka and Padui, in some regions at least, grow on soil containing considerable salt. Both varieties have become well adapted to the region just north of the Caspian Sea along the Volga liiver. Here salt abounds in great in pure solutions to be the most toxic of all the salts. The writer found the same true for the lupines. But when other salts are added to a solution of magnesium sulphate, toxicity, both absolute and relative, is altered. Kearney and Cameron " say: Addition of sodiiuii sulphate, wliifli itself is injurious in pure solution, raises the limit of nia,i,'nesiuni sulphate three times, while the presence of calcium sul- l)liate allows a small ])roi)ortion of the roots to barely survive during twenty- four hours in a solution of magnesium sulphate 480 times as concentrated as that wliifli in ]>nre solnlions represents the limits of endurance. To lower classes of plant life magnesium sulphate is apparentW much less toxic. Dr. B. M. Duggar '' has made some experiments with marine'alga' to determine the nutrient value of the salts of some of the alkalis and alkali earths when added to sea water. He found that after the acids and some of the salts of the heavy metals the potassium phosphates proved most toxic. The least toxic were the salts of sodium and magnesium, while the sulphate of magnesium was the least injurious of all the salts used. The less injurious effect "Some Mutual Relations I'.ctween Alkali Soils and Vegetation. Ueiuirt No. 71, I'. S. l)ei»artm(M!t of Agriculture (1!!02). ''Tin* Toxic lOffccl of Some Xulrit>n( Salts on Certain .Marine Alga". Science, N. S., IT: i",'.) (i;)03). SBSULTS OF EXPERIMENTS. 25 of the magnesium salts is probably due to the presence of neutraliz- ino- salts in the sea water to which he added the magnesium com- IDOunds, although we are not yet in a position to say that magnesium may not be far less toxic to the AlgtB than to the LeguminosiB or Graminea^. To show the relative toxic effect of magnesium sulphate to some of the other salts, Loew " has made some interesting observations, and -tates that Spirogyra died within four or five days in a 1-per-mille solution of magnesium suli:>hate, but remained ali\'e for a long time in corresponding solutions of the sulphates of sodium, potassium, and calcium. Upon the roots of some higher plants the same investiga- tor made similar observations, and says that Vicia and Pisum do not start lateral roots when kept in a solution of 0.5 per cent of mag- nesium sulphate or nitrate, and the root cap and ei)idermal cells die after a few days. Seedlings of Phaseolus placed in a solution of 0.1 per cent magnesium sulphate with 0.1 per cent of monopotassium phosphate showed injury to the roots after five days, and the entire plant succumbed soon afterw^ards. Coupin '' found during the course of some experiments with wheat that magnesium chlorid was more toxic than magnesium sulphate. He gives the limit for magnesium sulphate at 1 per cent and for mag- uesium chlorid at O.S per cent. RESULTS AVITTI jMAGNESIUM CHLORID. The following table shows the results obtained for the different varieties with pure solutions of magnesium chlorid : Name of wheat variety. Maximum limit of endurance. Parts per'Fractional solution, goi^tion. ZiTTimemian 72 0. 015 48 . 01 48 .01 Kharkof Padiii Tvubaiika 43 36 48 60 .00875 .0075 .01 .0125 Turkey Maraoujini Budapest 24 .005 24 .(1)5 Chul AveruLTc fur all varieties. - 40 .00931 "The Pliysiological Role of Mineral Nutrients in IMants. r.ui. 4.",, llnieau of n.iiit Industry, U. S. Depai-tniont of A.!?riculture (19U3). '' Sni- la Toxicite (lu Chlorure de Sodium et de I'Eau de Mer a !'IvL,'ard des Vegetaux. Uevue GenOrale de Butanique, lU : ISS (IS'JS). ^6 WHEAT RESISTANCE TO TOXIC SALTS. Magnesium clilorid, like the sulphate, seldom occurs alone in nature in sufficient quantity to be of very gi'eat consequence. It is iiearly, if not always, associated in the soil with some other salts, such as those of sodium and calcium, which tend to neutralize its effect upon plants. In these experiments with wheat, as in those wdth lupines, it was found to i-ank next to magnesium sulphate as a toxic agent when in pure solutions. The average limit of concentration of magnesium chlorid for wheat seedlings is 0.00931 of a normal solution, as against O.OOTSG for magnesium sulphate. Again, referring to Kearney and Camer- on's results wdth the same salts for lupines, we find some variations. As is easily seen wnth the writer's results with wheat, magnesium sul- phate is only about one-third more toxic than magnesium chlorid, while Kearney and Cameron's results show the suli3hate twice as toxic as the chlorid. The investigators named found the roots of lupines to barely survive in 0.0025 of a normal solution of mag- nesium chlorid, while Kearney showed that Zea mays would live in a solution a little more than thirty times as concentrated. Magne- sium chlorid is twice as toxic to the wdiite lupine as to the least resistant variety of wdieat tested, and six times as toxic to the lupine as to the most resistant variety of wheat. It is a surprising fact that some varieties of wheat are six times as resistant and that maize is thirty times as resistant to this salt as Lupinus alhus: It will be seen that the variation of the wheat varieties among themselves is more pronounced in the chlorid than in the sulphate. While the toxic limit for the least resistant of the varieties is the same (0.005 of a normal solution) for the two salts, that of the most resistant variety (0.015 normal) is much higher in magnesium chlorid than in the sulphate. The ratio of variation between the two ex- tremes of resistance with magnesium sulphate was 2 to 1, as against 3 to 1 with the chlorid. RESULTS or EXPERIMENTS. 27 RESULTS WITH SODIUM CARBONATE. The following table gives the results with pure solutions of sodium carbonate : Name of wheat variety. Zimmerman Kharkof Padui - Kubanka Turkey _ _ - Maraouani - _- Budapest Preston Chul -_ Average for all varieties Maximiim limit of endurance. Partsper!Ff^^^;°"f solution. m 78 52 39 78 41 26 65 65 normal solution. 0.(1125 .015 .01 .0075 .015 .008 . (H k') . 0125 .0125 .0109 The results shown by the above table are not materially different from those with magnesium chlorid. Sodium carbonate in pure solutions is slightly less harmful, as shown by the comparison of the average of all the varieties, being in the case of magnesium chlorid O.OOO:^ and for sodium carbonate 0.0109 of a normal solution. The extremes in both cases are the same, though there are two varieties with a resistance of 0.015 for sodium carbonate as against one for maanesium chlorid. Five varieties in the case of sodium carbonate have a resistance above the average as against four in the case of magnesium chlorid. One variety alone, Budapest, has a resistance of only 0.00.5 as against two for magnesium chlorid. Of the three salts so far described, sodium carbonate is in the soil generally the most harmful, (1) because in excessive quantity it is more widely distributed, and (2) because it is less easily neutralized by other salts with which it is usually associated. The opinions of experimenters differ considerably as to the rela- tive toxic effect of this salt. Kearney and Cameron showed that, in the case of Lvphius alhus at least, sodium carbonate is but little more injurious than sodium sulphate, the toxic limit in each case being 0.005 and 0.0075 of a normal solution, respectively. It will be seen that the limit for the lui)ine obtained by them with sodium car- bonate is the same as the resistance for Budapest wheat, but only one-third of that for the Turkey and Kharkof varieties. The limit of concentration for the lupine, as shown by their report, is about equivalent to one-half of the average for the several wheat varieties, ill the same salt solution. Kearney found Zea mayfi to survive in the same salt at a concentration three times as great as that repre- 'm WHEAT RESISTANCE TO TOXIC SALTS, Renting the limit for the hipine, and equal to that for the most resist- ant varieties of wheat. Coupin <* found the toxic limit of wheat in sodium carbonate to be about 1.1 per cent. In view of the fact, however, that he noted the death of the whole plant and not the root tips, the limit of concen- tration as determined by him would necessarily be much higher. RESULTS WITH SODIUM BICARBONATE. The limits in })ure solutions of sodium bicarbonate are shown in the following table : Name of wheat variety. Maximum limit of endurance. Partsper UH),0(IO of solu- tion. Fractional parts of a normal so- lution. Zimmerman 234 251 2:« 209 230 188 209 209 209 0. 028 .03 .0275 .025 .0:>75 . 0225 .025 .o;i5 .025 Kharkof .. - Padui - Kuhanka. Turkey _ Maraouani _._ _ Budapest Preston Chul _.. Average for all varieties. . 219 .026 Of all the salts used sodium bicarlionate seems to bring out the least variation in resistance so far as these experiments are concerned. The least resistant variety was Maraouani and the most resistant Kharkof, which were able to survive in a 0.0225 and 0.03 normal solution, respectively. These results do not dili'er to an important extent from those of Kearney and Cameron for Lupinus alhtis, the toxic limit of which was slightly low^er (0.02) than that for Maraouani wheat. The writer finds sodium carbonate to be about two and six-tenths times as injurious to wheat when in equivalent concentration as sodium bicarbonate. Kearney found the difference to be even greater in the case of maize, the ratio being about -t to 1. Coupin '' reverses the relative toxic order of these two salts. This difference in the o Sur la Toxieite du Chlorure de Sodium et de TEau de Mer a I'Esard des Vegetaux. Itevue Generale de Botanuiue, 10: 180 (1898). 6 Sur la Toxieitt' des Composes de Potassium et de rAnunonium a FEtxard des Vegetaux Superieurs. Kevue Geuerale de Botaui.ciue, 12:180 (1900). RESULTS OF EXPERIMENTS. 29 criterion of toxic action, i. e., the death of the whole i)hint rather than of the root tip alone, should not alfect the relative toxic influence of the two salts. Coupin's results sho\ved that it required a 1.1 per cent solution of sodium carbonate to kill wheat seedling-s, while only O.C) per cent Avas necessary to produce the same effect when sodium bicar- bonate Avas employed. As to the relative toxic order of the carbonate and bicarbonate, the results recorded agree quite Avell with those of Sigmund," who found that Avlieat development Avas retarded and germinating seeds of vetch and rape Avere killed in a 0.5 per cent solution of sodium carbonate, while the same concentration of sodium bicarbonate Avas quite harm- less. Kearney and Cameron found sodium bicarbonate someAvhat less toxic than sodium chlorid for the lupine, and, further, that a 0.02 normal solution of sodium bicarbonate permits plants to surviA^^ in uuich better condition than in the corresponding concentration of the chlorid. Kearney has also shoAvn by experiments that the bicar- bonate is less toxic to maize than is sodium chlorid, the death point for the bicarbonate being established at 0.05 and for the chlorid at 0.04 of a normal solution. In A^eAV of all these differences it Avill be no easy matter to decide the relative harmfulness of these sodium salts. Experiments Avill haA^e to be performed on a large number of plants of Avidely different relationship before any definite conclusions can be reached. There is great probability that the order of their toxicity is not the same for all species of plants. This is A^ery Avell demonstrated by a compari- son of the Avriter's results Avith those of Kearney and Cameron, Avho found sodium sulphate more toxic to Lupinus (ilhus than sodium bicarbonate, Avhile the Avriter found the rcA'erse to be true for Avheat. There is a tendency among physiological experimenters to draAV gen- eral conclusions for the Avhole plant kingdom from the results ob- tained for a fcAv varieties, species, or genera, Avhich is absolutely unjustifiable. Too much emphasis can not be used in condemning such inferences. The results here obtained, it is thought, Avill hold good for these particular varieties of Avheat, but they are not indica- tiA^e except Avithin rather Avide limits of what others shoAV.'' They « Ueber die EiiiAvirkung Chemischer Agentien auf die Keimung, Laudw. A'ers. Stat, 47: 2 (1896). 6 This point is brought out in a most marked wAy by the work of Cameron find Breazeale upon the effect of acids on wheat, maize, and clover, respectively. (The Toxic Action of Acids and Salts on Seedlings, Journal Phys. Chem., vol. S, No. 1, p. 1, Jan., 1904.) 30 WHEAT RESISTANCE TO TOXIC SALTS. will serve for iiiakiiio- comparisons, hut not J'or drawing conclusions as to the behavior of plants in general. RESULTS WITH SODIU^M SULPHATE. The comparative effect of pure solutions of sodium sul2)hate upon the difi'erent varieties is shown in the table which follows : Name of wheat variety. Zimmerman .. Kharkof Pacini - Knbanka . Tnrkey Mai-aouani Budapest Preston Chul Average for all vai'ieties Maxiranm limit of endurance. Parts per 1(X),(KK) of solution. Fractional parts of a normal so- lution. 353 m) 818 '.m 300 336 2tj.j 242 283 305 fl. 0.5 .0425 .045 .05 .0425 .0475 .0375 .035 .04 .0433 In sodium suliihate, as in sodium bicarbonate, the toxic limits for the dilferent varieties show less variation than in the case of other salts used. The least resistant to this comparatively harmless salt, as to most of the others used in these experiments, is the Preston wheat. This variety has been grown for a number of years in a semihumid region where alkali soils do not occur. In view of these facts one would expect this variety to be somewhat less resistant to these salts. Since there is no excess of soluble salts in the soils of this region, Preston has had no opportunity to develop salt resist- ance. The varieties most resistant to sodium sulphate are Zimmer- man and Kubanka, both surviving as well in a 0.05 normal solution as Preston in 0.035. As to the origin of these varieties, also, it is just what would be exjjected from their resistance to salts. Both sorts came from arid or semiarid regions, Avhere saline soils are abundant. Kubanka is grown in regions containing numerous salt marshes and lakes, and that it should have acquired ability to resist salts in the soil is only natural. Zimmerman likewise was obtained from a region having soils of more or less saline character, and to this is probably due its power of resistance in salt solutions. It is not unlikely that the soils from the regions from which the remaining varieties were obtained contain a less amount of sodium sulphate RESULTS OF EXPERIMENTS, 31 prop(n^tionato to their smaller resistance to this salt as shown in these water cultures. This can not definitely be known until experi- ments have been made correlating- the amount of the ditlerent salts in the soil upon Avhicli the dilt'erent varieties grew, Avith their resist- ance in pure solutions. Some interestino- diti'erences can 1)e noted here between the resist- ance of wheat and of lupines to sodium sulphate. The Preston vari- ety is -ij times as resistant, and Zimmerman and Kubanka Of times as resistant, as Lupiims cdbus, the toxic limit of the latter having been established by Kearney and Cameron at 0.0075. They found sodium sulphate more toxic to Lupinus than sodium bicarbonate, while for every variety of wheat in these experiments the reverse is true. AVith maize Kearney showed that the seedling would sur- vive equally w^ell in both salts, and established the limit at 0.05 of a normal solution. Hilgard states that few plants can bear as much as 0.1 per cent in the soil of sodium carbonate, or about 3,500 pounds per acre to the depth of 1 foot. For sodium chlorid the limit in the soil is about 0.25 per cent. In the case of sodium sulphate, most plants can grow in the presence of 0.45 to 0.50 per cent in the soil. In view of this fact sodium chlorid under soil conditions would seem to be more toxic to most plants than the sulphate. Stewart " has made a number of interesting tests on the power of seeds to germinate in the presence of sodium carbonate, sodium sul- phate, and sodium chlorid. He found the carbonate and the chlorid to be more injurious than the sulphate. With one exception (rye seeds in the presence of the chlorid), 0.50 per cent of either carbonate or chlorid j^roved fatal to germination. Stewart showed that sodium sulphate is far less injurious than either of the other salts. The character of his experiments indicates, however, that they are not directly comparable with such as are here described. His seeds were l^laced for germination in sand on tin plates and watered, the nature of the water used not being stated. Kearney and Cameron have shown that these salts are decidedly different in the degree to which their toxic effect can be neutralized by the addition of other salts, such as the chlorid or sulphate of calcium. It is possible that the sand ol- the water, or both, used by Stewart contained more or less calcium salts. The results of Kearney and Cameron, above referred to, show that the toxic effect of sodium carbonate, and next to it that of sodium chlorid, are neutralized far less effectively by calcium sul- " Effect of Alkali on Seed termination. Ninth Annual Report, Utah Agricul- tural Experiment Station, p. 2(3 (1898). 32 WHEAT RESISTANCE TO TOXIC SALTS. phate than is scKliuiii siil])hat('. They foiiiul dial tlio resistance of sodium siilj)hate was raised (U) times by adding calcium sul])hate. In the light of these facts it is easy to accept Stewart's residts. In tact. Kearney and Cameron showed that when other saHs were added the limit for Liiptmi.^ allnix in sodium sulphate could be raised to ().;^0 of a nornuil solution, and that for sodium chloi-id only to 0.>J(), while in pure solutions the limit for sodium sulphate was a concentra- tion of 0.0075 and for sodium cldorid 0.02. This also explains Hil- gard's results as to the comparatixe harmlessness of sodium sulphate in the soil where other salts are always present. RESULTS WITH SODIIM CirLOKU). The results obtained by the writer Avitli pure solutions of sodium chlorid are shown in the folloAvinc table: Maximum limit of eudurance. Name of wlieat variety. Zimmerman Kliarlcof Padui _ Kubanka Turkey Maraouani _ Budapest _ Preston ,. Chul Average for all varieties _. Parts per Fractional 100,000 of solu- tion. part of a noi'iiial solution. 377 319 333 333 290 319 275 319 261 314 0.065 .055 . 0575 .0575 .05 . 055 . 0475 .055 .045 . 0542 That sodium chlorid is the least toxic to wheat of all the salts used is evinced by the table above. Next to it, of course, is sodium sulphate. Comparing the results with those obtained by Kearney and Cameron for lupines, the ^varieties of Avlieat are two and one-half to three times as resistant. Coupin " also found wheat more resist- ant to sodium chlorid than the white lupines. He has experimented Avith several species of plants and found the whole plant to be killed in the following concentrations: Wheat, 1.8 per cent: peas, 1.'2 per a Sur la Toxicite clu Clilorure Sodium et tie I'Eau de Mer a I'Egard Aei Vegetaux. Revue Geuerale de Botanique, 10:178 (1898). RESULTS OF EXPERIMENTS. 33 cent; vetch, 1.1 ]ier cent: maize, 1.4 per cent, and white hipine, 1.2 per cent." "Guthrie, F. B., and Holmes, R. (Roy. Soe. New South Wales, Oct. 8, 19(t2), conducted some experiments on wheats in two kinds of soils. To one of the soils was added a fertilizer consisting of a mixture of 15 grams of sulphate of amiuonia, G grams of superphosphate, 4 grams of sulphate of i>otash, and varying quantities of other substances. The composition of the first soil was as follows : Per ceut. Moisture 3. 83 Organie matter 13. 75 Nitrogen • -08 Soluble in hydrochloric acid : Lime • 1 It (la pest. — In connection with the experiments wdth the Budapest variety two striking instances have been noted, one with sodium bicarbonate and the other with magnesium sulphate. The toxic limits for these two salts are 0.025 and 0.01 of a normal solution, resi)ectively. In one experiment, out of a number of seedlings in 0.015 normal sodium bicarbonate two died. In the case of magne- sium sulphate, in one experiment all the rootlets were dead in 0.015 normal except one, which survived. Here are Iavo instances with remarkable extremes. In the former case the two seeds w^ere of exceedingly low vitality, while in the latter instance one seed had remarkably great vitality. CJ,yl.—ko very marked individual variations presented them- selves during the experiments with the Chul variety. Turl-ey. — Few remarkable variations were observed with the Tur- key variety. But one instance deserves special attention. The aver- age toxic limit in magnesium sulphate is 0.01 normal, but in a num- ber of tests a few seedlings were readily killed in a solution only half as concentrated as the solution in wdiich one-half of the total number of individuals exposed to it survived. Preston. — The experiments with magnesium salts brought out two interesting cases w'ith the Preston variety. The toxic limit for this a Moore and Kellenuan (Bui. 64, Bureau of Plant Industry. IT. S. Dept. of Agriculture) have given some excellent instances of individual variability with respect to resistance to toxic agents. They have made numerous experiments with copper sulphate upon different alg;e which are found in water supplies. They found that 1 part of copper sulphate to 2,000 of water was sullicient to kill one-half of the individuals of Clilaiiiydomoiias pirifonitis exposed to it in two days, while the same concentration was sufficient to kill only one-tenth of the same form in three following days, and in three other days only one-fourth. With DesmuHum swartzii 1 pa t of copper to 100,000 was sufficient to destroy one-liajf nnd three-fourths, respectively, of the individuals involved in two different sets of experiments. Numerous other instances might he cited, but tliese will suffice to show that individual variation in this resi)ect is not c<.n- tined to wheat alone. ISIEUTKALIZING EFFECT OE SALTS EMPLOYED. 31> variety Avitli both the chlorid iukI the sulphate of inagiiesium is O.OOa iiorinal. In both salts, however, rootlets of some of the plants survived in solutions twice as concentrated. In the case of magne- siuui chlorid, 8 out of 25 survived, while with the sulphate only 2 out of the same number survived. Kharkof. — In solutions of sodium chloi-id and sodium sulphate of a concentration of 0.045 and 0.085 normal, respectively, one seedling of the Kharkof variety was dead in each, the limits fixed for these two salts being 0.055 and 0.0425. The root tips of two seedlings were killed in 0.02 normal of sodium bicarbonate, for which the average toxic limit is 0.03. Z'nnmeA^man. — The Zimmerman variety, while the most resistant of all, shows some very marked individual variation. A striking in- stance occurred with magnesium chlorid, the average toxic limit of which is 0.015 normal. In a solution one-third as concentrated (0.005 normal) 2 seedlings out of 20 could not survive. The limit of con- centration for this variety in sodium chlorid is 0.0(')5 normal, but the rootlets of one seedling could not survive in 0.015. Similar to this are the results with sodium sulphate, the toxic limit being 0.05, but the root tips of two individuals did not survive in 0.035 normal solution. Padui. — No variation of any importance. Afaraouaiii — The rootlets of two seedlings of the Maraouani vari- ety Avere killed in 0.005 normal magnesium sulphate, while ?> out of 20 iudividuals survived in 0.015. The average toxic limit for this salt is 0.0075 of a normal solution. Knhanl-a. — No important variations. NEUTRALIZING EFFECT OF THE SALTS EMPLOYED UPON OTHER TOXIC SUBSTANCES. Because of a discovery which was made when these experiments were almost completed it is necessary, to add a few remarks upon the neutralizing effect upon other toxic substances of the salts of sodium and magnesium. During the whole course of the experiments the writer was unable to get seedlings to grow or even to live for twenty-four hours in the distilled water used. This seemed unac- countable, as it quite disagreed with the results of other experi- menters. Coupin found the roots of wheat seedlings to thrive well in perfectly distilled water, and Deherain and Demonssy « showed absolutely pure water to be perfectly harmless to root growth. Numerous experiments have been made to determine this point, with more or less varying results. Certain experimenters have held that distilled Avater was not conducive to good growth. " Sin- lii Germination dans I'Eau DistillO, Coiupt. Rend., Paris, 132 : 523 (1901). 40 WHEAT EESISTANCE TO TOXIC SALTS. This is probal)ly an error so far as young seedlings are concerned. The seed contains everything necessary for the early grovrth of the plant, and the absence of all minerals or other nutrient com- pounds in the surrounding solution should produce no bad effect during the earliest stages of growth. Those who claim that dis- tilled water is injurious will probably find, upon closer observa- tion, that it is some injurious substance in the water which is really toxic to the roots. In the case of many plants one of the most toxic substances known is copper, and it is more than likely that it is present in much of the water which experimenters have found to be injurious. Coupin states that one part of copper to 700,000,000 of -water is sufficient to retard the root growth of wheat seedlings. A mere trace of copper is sufficient to retard growth in many cases. As a result of an analysis made in the Bureau of Chemistr}^ of the Department of Agriculture of the distilled water used in these experiments, it Avas found to contain a considerable quantity of zinc, but no trace of copper. The harmful effect probably should be attril)uted to zinc alone. The water used in these experiments was distilled but once, and was collected in a porcelain tub as a receiver. It was thought while the work with wdieat seedlings was in prog- ress that copper or zinc might be the cause of the injurious effects, but the writer used the water from the same still for all experiments with Lupinus albus, and no toxic effect of the distilled water was noticeable. Control checks with lupines were carried in both dis- tilled and hydrant Avater, and no difference was found in the rate of growth. It was this observation which at the outset of the work with wheat gave the writer confidence in the quality of the distilled Avater. This is apparently another indication that different species of plants vary greatly in their ability to resist the influence of toxic salts. Wheats are apparently much more sensitive than lupines to pure solutions of zinc salts, although nuich less sensitive to pure solutions of sodium and magnesium salts. At first thought one would conclude that since the distilled Avater used contained harmful substances the experiments aboA'e described are practically Avithout A'alue; but such is not the case, as aaIII be seen before this discussion is completed. In order to compare closely the Avater used during most of the experiments Avith absolutely pure water, some exi^eriments Avere made. To secure absolute purity in the water a ncAv still was made of the best nonsoluble glassware, hav- ing no metal in any of its parts. The same AA'ater that had been previously used Avas redistilled for the purpose. The Avheat seedlings AA'ere treated in CA'ery AAay as before. A control Avas also carried in Potomac Eiver Avater for comparison, and each lot of seed was taken up each day and the elongation of the roots measured and recorded for four consecutiA'e daA^s. In the tAvice-distilled Avatcr they grew NEUTRALIZING EFFECT OF SALTS EMPLOYED. 41 about as well as in hydrant water. In order to show to what extent the impurity of the water used Avould affect former experiments, salt solutions of a dilution far below the toxic limits, as already estab- lished, were made, using the water which was but once distilled. The results showed that the toxic element in the water was effectively neutralized by the addition of even minute quantities of any one of the salts used in the experiments. For compai:ison equal numbers of seeds were tested at the same time in the water distilled twice, in that distilled but once (that used throughout the above-described experi- ments), and in dilute salt solutions made up with the once-distilled Avater. The following table embodies the results obtained with very dilute solutions of the salts, with distilled water, and with hydrant water : Water or solution. Water distilled once Water distilled twice Magnesium sulphate lO.dill normal I'l . Magnesium chlorid {U.Wl normal )«._. Sodium carbonate (0.001 normal)" Sodium bicarbonate (0.0(C5normal)n . Sodium sulphate (0.015 normal)" Sodium chlorid (0.015 normal)" Hydrant water Elongation of roots at the end of a given time. First day. mm. 2.2 11.1 10.6 16.8 11.3 10.6 8.5 r.8 9.4 Second day. mm. 2. 26. 21. 30. 14. £4 22 15 23. Third day. mm. 2. 33. 27 37. 16. 31 31. 19 37. Fourth day. 2.2 36.3 27.6 38.2 17.8 32.4 34.8 22 46 « The mean toxic limit of all varieties of wheat tested in the presence of the salts here employed is shown as follows : Parts of nor- mal solution. Magnesium sulphate 0. (KI736 Magnesium chlorid • 00931 Sodium carbonate • 0109 Sodium bicarbonate . 026 Sodium sulphate .0432 Sodium chlorid . 0542 A comparison of these figures with the table above shows that from one-third to one- tenth the concentrations of the solutions which represent the limit of endurance of the wheat varieties is sufficient to neutralize the harmful efCect of the zinc present in the distilled water. The above table shows that after an elongation of '2.2 mm. during the first day in 'the water distilled once no further growth toolv place. A comparison of that with absolutely pure water (in this case redis- tilled) shoMS that there was some element in the first water which hindered growth and which was not found in the second. This, as the chemical analysis above referred to showed, is probably zinc. The results in the dilute salt solutions which were made up with the injurious once-distilled water showed that there Avas no material dif- ference in the elongation made in them and in the checks in redis- tilled and hydrant water. It is not assumed that these dilute solu- 42 WHEAT RESISTANCE TO TOXIC SALTS. tions were in the exact proportion that wouhl have permitted tlie greatest ek)neation. The ol>iect Avas merely to show that at the con- centrations used in these experiments the salts of magnesium and of sodium effectively neutralize the injurious element present in the once-distilled water. The only noticeable difference Avas in the case of sodium carbonate and sodium chlorid. in which the elongation was somewhat below the average in the pure-water check and in the solu- tions of other salts. The use of a more dilute or a more concentrated solution would doubtless have removed this difference. On the other hand, a 0.001 normal magnesium chlorid was conducive to better development than any of the others. Avitli the single exception of hydrant water. It Avill be noticed that at the end of the third day there was even a slight advantage in favor of magnesium chlorid over river water. The elongation the fourth day Avas but a slight increase over that •a{ the end of the third. Avith the one exception of the seeds in the hydrant Avater. This is just Avhat Avas to be expected. During these four days the seeds Avere compelled to Hac on the nutriment stored up in the endosperm. This had been jDractically all used up at the end of the third day ; hence the cessation of grov.th. With hydrant Avater the conditions Avere different. Certain nutritive substances are con- tained in this Avater upon Avhich the roots can draAv Avhen those con- tained in the endosperm have been exhausted. InvicAv of the experiments, small quantities of these sodium and magnesium salts, instead of being injurious Avhen present in the soil, might be actually beneficial in case the soil contains very toxic substances, e. g., zinc or copper. In fact, these salts are injurious only Avhen present in excessiA^e quantities, as in the so-called " alkali soils "" of the West. DILUTE SOLUTIONS AS STIMULANTS. Incidentally, throughout these experiments, eA'idences of stimula- tion in dilute solutions Avere obtained. This has been shown to occur by many iuA'estigators Avith other salts and Avith some acids." Kearney and Cameron. Avho made similar observations Avhen ex- perimenting Avith Lupinus alb us, say : In the f-ase of certain salts, when plants are exposed to pure sol-itions wliich are nuu-h too dilute to produce any toxic effect, there occurred .i decidedly n Some fungi have heen known to he stimulated ))y the presence of small quantities of poisons. Th^ germination of sjiores has likewise heen hastened when in tlie presence of acids or salts. Townsend (Bot. Gaz.. 27 : J.lS—tOG, 1800) found that the germination of various seeds and spores has heen stimvdated hy the ])resence of traces of ether, and (Bot. Gaz.. .31: 241-2(!4, 1001) that the presence r plants, but an exceedingly small amount is sufficient when the solution has an acid reaction. Plants are often benefited by sodium salts.'' AVhile three of these salts — the chlorid, bicarbonate, and carbonate — are not indispensable to the plant, they accelerate ripening in some of the cereals. Loew asserts that sodium, manganese, and silicon are often bene- ficial but not indisj^ensable to phanerogams. Sodium salts are not essential in the iDliysiological processes of plants, but are indispen- sable to animals. PRACTICAL VALUE OF RESTJLTS. There is certainly a very practical lesson to be drawn from the results described in this paper. It has of course long been known that plants of difl'erent genera and species show very difterent a The Physioloarical Role of Mineral Nutrients in Plants. Bui. 45, Bureau of riant Industry. V. S. Dept. of Airriculfnro (10(t:^). ^ Chittenden and Waehsnian are of the opinion that the conversion of starch into dextrin and sugar (diastase) is more vigorous in the presence of small (quantities of sodium chlorid (0.24 per cent). Several investigators, prominent among whom are Sprengel andT,iebig, have shown that various crops, and more especially beans, are nmeh benefited by the application of small quantities of common salt. Pethybredge ( P.ot. ("entralbl.. No. :',?>, 1001) is authority for the statement that the color of wheat leaves is intensified when sodium chlorid is applied. S. .Suzuki (Bui. Coll. Agric. Tokyo, 5: No. 2. p. 10!)) showed that potassium iodid, even in very high dilutions, exerted a stimulating action on the growth of the ]>ea: and (ibid.. No. 4. p. 473) that dilute (piantities of potassium iodid stimulated oats. In o]»[)osition to these stimulating effects the same investiga- tor has found (ibid.. No. 4, p. 513) that vanadin sulphate, even in very dilute quantities, produced little or no stinuilating action on barley, though he states that a very weak stimulating action on the roots seemed to have taken jlace in a 0.01 per mille of vanadin sulphate, lie. further shows (ibid.. No. 2) that potassium ferrocyanid acts .-is a poison on jilants in water cultures even in ^ery high dilutions. SUMMARY. 45 behaA'ior Avheii brought into relation with saline or alkaline soils. But the species itself may include a great number of ditt'erent varie- ties or races, as in the case of wheat. It is not enough to know that wheat in general is better adapted to a certain region because of soil or climatic conditions than is Indian corn or cotton, but in addition it is necessary to know Avhioh of the many varieties of wheat is best suited to that region. wSnch knowledge might save many years of constant selection with a view to acclimatization. Soils are often known to contain sodinm chlorid or magnesium sulphate or some other salt in such quantity as to be fatal to some varieties, while permitting others to flourish. Now, it has been pos- sible by these experiments to determine that some varieties of wheat are much more resistant to a particular salt than others, and they are the ones which would be expected a priori to thrive best in a region where that salt predominates, other conditions being equal. By some of the experiments it was found that some varieties would thrive equally well in three times the concentration of sodium carbonate as others. A simple deduction from such results would be that for a region containing large quantities of " black alkali '' the variety shown to have the greatest resisting power should be selected. A knowedge of the limits of individual variation within each variety is likewise very essential. Often the most resistant varieties are not always the most desirable in other respects and a sort which is less resistant would be preferable. In case such a sort has a great individual variation in resistance to salts it should be compara- tively easy to introduce it by gradual selection of the most resistant individuals, though a little more time would naturally be required than in introducing a variety that is already more resistant, as a smaller percentage of the plants would survive to furnish seed for the next crop. It is believed, therefore, that the results of these exiieriments afford additional j)roof that the adaptation of useful cultivated plants to saline or alkaline soil conditions is one of the most promising of plant-breeding problems. SUMMARY. (1) The salts with which the experiments were made are injurious to wheat seedlings in the following order: ^Slagnesium sulphate, magnesium chlorid, sodium carl)onate, sodium bicarbonate, sodium sulphate, and sodium chlorid. This is asserted as true only of wheat, and a quite (liferent order might possibly be established for other plants. (•2) The results obtained from a few individual seedlings are inac- curate and unreliable. A large number nuist be tested in order that 46 AVHEAT RESISTANCE TO TOXIC SALTS. individual variation may be eliminated. Usually about ten days of experiment and from GO to 100 seedlings were employed to estab- lish the toxic limit for each variety in each salt. (3) Wheat is one and a half to six times as resistant as white lupines, according to the salt used. In sodium bicarbonate the least and in magnesium sulphate and sodium carbonate the greatest differ- ence in resistance between these two plants is shown. • (4) Different varieties, representing the two extremes, vary in the ratio of 1 to o in their resistance to the toxic effect of different salts. This is especially true for sodium carbonate and magnesium chlorid. In magnesium sulphate they vary in the ratio of 1 to 2. (5) The variety most resistant as a whole is not necessarily the most resistant to every salt. The variety that averages least in resistance may be twice as resistant to some one particular salt as that which averages highest. In this fact may be found the secret of selecting a variety for a locality where the soil contains an excess of some one salt. (G) The least resistant variety is not always the least resistant for every salt used. It may be exceedingly resistant to one or more salts and yet have a very low sum total resistance. (7) It is not possible from the results with a few varieties to draw general conclusions for all sorts of wheat. Each will have to l)e, worked out for itself. (8) Varieties which come from localities where saline salts abound are the most resistant in water cultures to these toxic salts. Varie- ties from humid regions are less resistant. (9) In general, the more toxic the salt the greater is the ratio of resistance of one variety to another. The less toxic the salt the smaller is the ratio. For sodium carbonate and magnesium chlorid the ratio of resistance is greatest, being as 1 to 3. For the remaining salts it is smaller. (TO) Individual variation is more prevalent and makes the estab- lishment of the toxic limit much more difficult in some varieties than in others. (11) All the salts used act as stimulants in dilute solutions except sodium carbonate and sodium chlorid. which were neutral even in very dilute solutions. In some cases the elongation in dilute solutions was nearly twice that occurring in the controls of hydrant water. (12) Absolutely pure distilled water does not hinder development, but traces of zinc are sufficient to kill the root tips in twenty-four hours. (13) The economic importance of these results is based upon the fact that water-culture experiments may be a means for saving seA'eral vears of selection bv indicatina- whether a certain variety is adapted to soil conditions in a particular region. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Camerox. F. K., and P.reazeale. J. F. The toxic action of acids and salts <;;i seedlings. Journnl Phys. Cliem., vol. 8, No. 1, p. 1 (Jan.. 1004). Carleton. M. a. Basis for the iniprovenient of American wheats. Bnl. -4, Div. Vegetable Physiology and Pathology. U. S. Dept. of Agricnltnre (I'.MXt). Charabot. F.. and Hehert. A. Contribution a I'etnde des modifications cheiu- iqnes chez la plante sonnuse a rinHuence dn chlorure de sodium. Compt. Rend.. Paris, 1S4: 181 (1902). Copelam). K. V>. Chemical stiuuilation and the evolution of carbon dioxido. Bot. (Jaz.. nr, : 81-98 (1903). Coupi.N. IIenhi. Sur la sensihilite des vcgi'taux superieurs a des doses tr, '•. faibles de substances tiixi(iues. Compt. Bend.. Paris. 132 : 64.5 (1901). Sur la toxicite du chlorure de s :diuui et de I'eau de mer. a regard dt^s vegetaux. Revue Generale de- Botanhiue. lo: 188 (1898). Sur la toxicite des composes de sodium, de potassium, et de Tannno- nium a I'egard des vegetaux superieurs. Revue Gencrale de Botanique, 12: ISO (1900). Daxdexo, .J. P.. The relation of mass action and physical allinity to toxicity. with incidental discussion as to how far electrolytic dissociatinn may be involved. Amer. .Tournal of Science, vol. 17 (.Tune, 1904). Deheraix and Demoussy. Sur la germination dans I'eau distillr. Cnm])!. Rend., Paris, 1.32:523 (1900). KroGAi!. B. M. The toxic effect of some nutrient salts on certain marine alga\ Science. 4.".9 (1903). Fsche.xhagen. Ueber den einfluss von l()sungen verschiedener concentration auf den wachstum der schimmelpilze. Stolp (1889). CrxHRiE and Helms. Pot experiments to determine the limits of endurance of different farm crops f(n- certain injurious substances. Roy. Soc, New South Wales. 30: V.tl (1902). IIeald. F. I>. On the toxic effect c.i dilute solutions of acids and salts up.on plants. Bot. Gasz., 22:12.") (1890). Kaiilexiuko and True. On the toxic action of dissolved salts and their elec- trolytic-dissociation. Bot. Gaz., 22 : 81 (1890). Kearney and Cameron. Some nuitual relations between alkali soils and vege- tation. Hept. No. 71, r. S. Dei)t. of Agriculture (1902). Loew. Oscar. The physiological role of mineral nutrients in plants. Bui. 4.'i. Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture (1903). 'Moore and Kellerman. A method of destroying or preventing the growth of alg;e and certain pathogenic bacteria in water supplies. Bui. 64, Bureau of Plant Industry, V. S. Dept. of Agriculture (1904). Pethyiiredoe. Beitriige zur kenntniss der einwirkung der anorganischen salze auf die entwickelung und den ban der i)tianzen. Bot. Central!)., 87:2,3.5, No. 33 (1901). 47 48 WHEAT RESISTANCE TO TOXIC SALTS. Raulin. J. Etudes chimiques siir la vegetation. Ann. des Sci. Nat. Botanique, 5e Ser., 11 : 93. Saunders, Wiixiam. Cereals and root eroi)S (1902). SiGMUNU, W. Ueber die einwirknng cbeniiscber agentien auf keimung. Landw. Vers. Stat.. 47:2 (189G). Stewart. John. Etfect of alkali upon seed germination. Nintb Ann. Rei)., Utab Agric. Exp. Sta. (ISOS). Suzuki. S. On tbe action of bigbly diluted liotassium iodide on agi-irnltural plants. Bui. Coll. Agric. Tokyo. 5: No. 2. p. 19!) (19(i2). On tbe inlluence of potassium iodide on oats. Ibid. No. 4. p. 4T:J (1903 i, _.^ On tbe action of vanadin compounds on plants. Ibid. No. 4. p. 513 (1903). On tbe poisonous action of potassium ferrocyanide on plants. Ibid, 5: No. 2, p. 213 (1902). TowNSEND, C. O. Tbe efftct of etber upon tbe germination of seeds and spores. Bot. Gaz.. 27:458-460 (1899). . Tbe effect of bydrocyanic acid gas upon grains and otber seeds. Bot. Gaz., 31:241-2()4 (1901). o U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY^BULLETIN NO. 80. B. T. GALLOWAY, Ckkf of Bureau. IGRICULTURIL EXPLORATIONS IN ILGERIA BY THOMAS H. KEARNEY, I'hiislologist, Vegetable Pathological and Physiological Investigations, Bureau of 'Plant Industry, AND THOMAS H. MEANS, formerly uf the Bureau of Soils. SEED AND PLANT INTRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION. Issued August 19, 1905. WASHINGTON : GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1905. BTTIiliETINS OF THE BUREATJ OF PLANT INDUSTRY. The Bureau of Plant Industry, wliich was organized July 1, 1901, includes Vege- table Pathological and Physiological Investigations, Botanical Investigations and Experiments, Grass and Forage Plant Investigations, Pomological Investigations, and Exi^erimental Gardens and Grounds, all of which were formerly separate Divisions, and also Seed and Plant Introduction and Distribution, the Arlington Experimental Farm, Tea Culture Investigations, and Domestic Sugar Investigations. Beginning with the date of organization of the Bureau, the several series of Bulle- tins of the various Divisions were discontinued, and all are now published as one series of the Bureau. A list of the Bulletins issued in the present series follows. Attention is directed to the fact that "the serial, scientific, and technical publica- tions of the United States Department of Agriculture are not for general distribution;. All copies not required for official use are by law turned over to the Superintendent of Documents, who is empowered to sell them at cost." All applications for such pul)lications should, therefore, be made to the Superintendent of Documents, (iov- ernment I'rinting Office, Washington, D. C. No. 1. The Relation of Lime and Magnesia to Plant Growth. 1901. Price, 10 cents* 2. Spermatogenesis and Fecundation of Zamia. 1901. Price, 20 cents, o. Macaroni Wlieats. 1901. Price, 20 cents. 4. Range Improvement in Arizona. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 5. Seeds and Plants Imported. Inventory No. 9. 1902. Price, 10 cents, ti. A List of American Varieties of Peppers. ]902. Price, 10 cents. 7. The Algerian Durum Wheats. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 8. A Collection of Fungi Prepared for Distribution. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 9. The North American Species of Spartina. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 10. Records of Seed Distribution and Cooperative Experiments with Grasses and Forage Plants. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 11. Johnson Grass. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 12. Stock Ranges of Northwestern California. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 18. Experiments in RangelmprovementinCentral Texas. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 14. The Decay of Tind^er and Methods of Preventing It. 1902. Price, 55 cents. 15. Forage Conditions on the Northern Border of the Great Basin. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 16. A Preliminary Study of the Germination of the Spores of Agaricus Campes- tris and Other Basidiomycetous Fungi. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 17. Some Diseases of the Cowpea. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 18. Observations on the Mosaic Disease of Tobacco. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 19. Kentucky Bluegrass Seed. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 20. Manufacture of Semolina and Macaroni. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 21. Listof American Varieties of Vegetables. 1903. Price, 35 cents. 22. Injurious Effects of Premature Pollination. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 23. Berseem. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 24. Unfermented Grape Must. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 25. Miscellaneous Papers: I. The Seeds of Rescue Grass and Chess. II. Saragolla Wheat. III.. Plant Introduction Notes from South Africa. IV. Congres- sional Seed and Plant Distribution Circulars, 1902-1903. 1903. Price, 15 cents. = ■ 26. Spanish Almonds. 1902. Price, . 15 cents. 27. Letters on Agriculture in the West Indies, Spain, and 'the Orient. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 28. The Mango in Porto Rico. 1903. Price, 15 cents. 29. The Effect of Black Rot on Turnips. 1903. Price, 15 cents. [Continued on page 3 of cover.] Bui. 80, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate I. < a. < Q o z 3: o r CO en UJ < CO CO CO < O U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY— BULLETIN NO. 80. B. T. GALLOWAY, Chief of Bureau. AGRICULTURAL EXPLORATIONS IN ALGERIA. BY THOMAS H. KEARNEY, Physiologist, Vegetable I'atlwlogical and PJii/siologicul Incestigatioiis, Bureau of Plant Industry, AND THOMAS H. MEANS, Formerly of the Bureau of Soils. SEED AND PLANT INTRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION. Issued August 19, 1905. WASHINGTON : GOVEENMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 19 0 5. BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY. B. T. GALLOWAY, Pathologist and Physiologist, and Chief of Bureau. \^EGETABLE PATHOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS. Albert F. Woods, Pathologist and PJn/siologist in Charge, Acting Chief of Bnreau in Absence of Chief. BOTANICAL INVESTK^ATIONS AND EXPERIMENTS, Frederick V. Coville, Botanist in Cltarge. GRASS AND FORAGE PLANT INVESTIGATIONS. W. J. Spillman, Agricidturist in Charge. POMOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS. G. B. Brackett, Pomologist in Charge. SEED AND PLANT INTRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION. A. J. PiETERS, Botanist i)t Charge. ARLINGTON EXPERIMENTAL FARM. L. C. CoRBETT, Horticulturist in Charge. EXPERIMENTAL GARDENS AND GROUNDS. E. M. Byrnes, Superintendent. J. E. Rockwell, Editor. James E. Jones, Chief Clerk. SEED AND PLANT INTRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION. SCIENTIFIC STAFF. A. J. PiETERs, Botanist in Chargr. W. W. Tracy, sr.. Superintendent of Testing Gardens. S. A. Knapp, Special Agent. David Fairchild, Agricultural E.vplorer. John E. W. Tracy, Assistaid Superintendent of Testing Gardens. George W. Oliver, Expert. W. W. Tracy, jr., Assistant Botanist. LETTHR OF TRANSMITTAL U. S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Plant Industry, Office of the Chief, WcushimjUm, D. C, April 3 J^, 1905. Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith, and to recommend for pul)lication a,s Bulletin No. 80 of the series of this Bureau, the accom- panyino- manuscript entitled ''Agricultural Explorations in Algeria." This paper was prepared hy Thomas II. Kearney, Physiologist, Vege- table Pathological and Physiological Investigations, Bureau of Plant Industry, and Thomas II. Means, at that time in charge of Soil Survey, Bureau of Soils, and has been su])mitted by the Botanist in Charge of Seed and Plant Introduction and Distril)ution, under whose direction the explorations described were conducted, with a view to its publication. The four half-tone plates are necessary to a complete understanding of the text of this bulletin. Respectfully, B. T. Galloway, Ch ief of Bureau. lion. James Wilson, Secretary of Agriculture, PREFACE While the af^rieultural explorers sent out l\y this Office are, as a rule, sent for the purpose of securing- some special seeds or plants desired for introduction into the United States, they are also expected to make themselves as familiar as possible with the agricultural prac- tices of the countries they visit and with the crops that succeed under the conditions described. That some of the practices observed may be profitably followed in those parts of the United States having simi- lar soil and climatic conditions is more than probable, and that certain of these crops will prove useful has alreadj" been demonstrated. The American farmer of to-da}' wants to know what is being done elsewhere, and he is especially interested in hearing how other people meet difficulties similar to those with which he has to contend. The reports of our agricultural explorers, we believe, will therefore fill a distinct place in agricultural literature. This report points out clearl}^ the close similarity in climate existing between certain portions of the Southwestern States and Algeria, making it plain that we must look to that country for the introduction of many useful plants into our arid and semiarid districts. We have, indeed, already availed ourselves of the opportunities thus offered. The date palms so far secured have come largely from Alge- ria; certain grains from that country, now being tested, give promise of unusual value; and the writers of this report brought back a quan- tity of alfalfa seed from salt-resistant plants, which has already l)een tested and gives promise of decided usefulness in Arizona and Cali- fornia. To throw as much light as possible upon the conditions under which crops are grown in Algeria, chapters upon the topography, climate, irrigation, and soils are included. These, together with the brief his- torical and political sketch, have been prepared by Thomas H. Means. The remainder of the report was written ))y Thomas II. Kearne3^ The writers wish to acknowledge the services cordially rendered them b}' the following-named gentlemen in the prosecution of their Avork: Mr. Henri Vignaud, of the United States embassy in Paris; the Governor-Cjeneral of Algeria, and the French Resident tit Tunis; Dr. L. Trabut, of the botanical service of the government of Algeria; 5 6 PREFACE. the Commandant, of the Bureau des Affaires Indigenes at Algiers; the commandants of the military circles of Biskra and Tougourt; Lieu- tenant Bereaud, Chef du Bureau Arabe at the latter place; M. Colombo, of the Compagnie de TOued Rirh at Biskra; Mr. Daniel Kid- der, United States consul at Algiers; M. Vilmorin, of the seed tirm of Vihnorin-Andrieux & Co., and M. Emerich, agent of that tirm for America. A. J. PiKTERS, Botanist in Charge. Office of Seed and Plant Introduction and Distribution, W(/s/i/'v(/fo», D. C., J^rhrut/ri/ 17, 1905. CONTEXTS Page. Introduction 11 Topography 12 Coast region 14 Higli plateau or steppe region 15 Desert region 16 Climate - 18 Coast region 19 Temperature. .■ 19 Humidity 22 Precipitation 22 Wind 24 High plateau region - 25 Desert region 26 Temperature 26 Humidity 27 Precipitation 28 Irrigation ^ 29 Coast regii m 31 High plateau region 36 Desert region 36 Soils ' 38 Coast region 39 Littoral zone 39 Valley and plain zone 39 Mountain zone - 40 High plateau region 41 Desert region 41 Saline soils 42 Coast region 43 Desert region 45 Soil management 46 Rotations 46 Fertilizers 4 / Preparation of the land 48 Clearing and leveling 48 Plowing 48 General economic conditions 49 Historical and political 49 Land values 50 Farm labor 50 Agriculture of the native population 52 Among the Arabs 52 Among the Kabyles 52 Among the Saharans - 54 Crops of the colony 55 Geographii-al distribution 56 Coast region 56 Littoral zone 57 Valley and plain zone 57 Mountain zone 58 High plateau region 59 Desert region 59 7 8 CONTENTS. Crops of the colony — Continued. Page. Principal crops in detail 60 Fruit crops 60 Grapes 60 Wine grapes 60 Table grapes - 64 Olives 64 Figs 67 Citrus fruits 68 Dates 69 Less im])ortant orchard crops , 70 Truck crops 71 Cereals 73 Winter cereals 74 Wheat 74 Barley 75 Oats 76 Summer cereals 76 Sorghum 76 Indian corn 77 Forage crops 77 Wild forage 77 Fallow-land forage 77 Forage of natural meadows and jjrairies 77 Cultivated forage 79 Leguminous crops 79 A Ifalfa, or lucern 79 Horse beans 83 Sulla 83 Fenugreek 83 Berseem 83 Vetches 83 Tree crops as foi-age 84 Carob, or St. John's bread 84 Indian fig 85 ]\Iiscellaneous crops , 85 Tobacco 85 Fiber plants 86 Perfume j^huits 86 Live stock 87 Cattle 88 Horses 88 Donkeys 89 Mules 89 Camels 89 Sheep 89 Goats 90 Forestry - 90 General conditions - 90 Forest products 93 Fuel - 93 Timber 93 Cork : 94 Tan bark 95 Alfa 95 Dwarf palm 98 ILLUSTRATIONS Page. Plate I. Oasis of Biskra, Algeria, showing date palms Frontispiece. II. Fig. 1. — Salt land near Relizane, in the coast region of Algeria. Fig. 2. — Vineyard of wine grapes, in the Mitidja plain, near Algiers 98 III. Fig. 1. — Garden of the kai'd, at Tougourt, showing cabbage, pep- pers, and other vegeta])les grown in the shade of the palms. Fig. 2. — Date palms planted in very salty land by a French company at Onrlana, in the Sahara 98 IV. Fig. 1. — Valley of the Habra, lielow the reservoir dam, near Per- regaux, showing width of flood plain and small size of the stream in summer. A typical landscape in the coast region of western Algeria. Fig. 2. — Alkali-resistant alfalfa near Temacin, Algerian Sahara 98 9 B. P. I.-ICO. ' S. P. I. D.-49. AGRICULTURAL EXPLORATIONS IN ALGERIA. INTRODUCTION. The principal object of the writers' visit to Algeria was to secure for trial in the '' alkali " lands of the western United States seed of such of the important field crops as might show indication of an unusual desfree of resistance to salt in the soil. There was reason to believe that in northern Africa, if anj^where in the world, useful plants would be found to have developed such resistance through long cultivation in saline soils under a dry, hot climate. Agriculture is too new in the arid part of America to make it likel}" that races in which the quality of resistance to "alkali" has become fixed should as yet have arisen there without direct eli'orts to breed them. But in the Sahara Desert, and in adjacent regions, all the con- ditions are favorable to the production of such races through natural selection. There we find the greatest continuous body of desert land in the world. The cultivated soils and the water used in irrigation often contain an excess of soluble salts. Finally, agriculture has been practiced there for thousands of years, and well-marked varieties of various cultivated plants have been developed. As a matter of fact, it is already known to the Department of Agri- culture that such salt-resistant races exist in northern Africa. Sev- eral of the agricultural explorers sent out by the Department have reported this to be true of Algerian wheats and ))arle3's. Mr. W. T. Swino-le brouoht back with him from the oases of the Sahara seed of alfalfa that was growing in soils containing a high percentage of salt. It was desirable, however, to determine just how resistant this Alge- rian alfalfa is and to obtain a larger quantity of the seed, in order that it could be fairl}- tested in the southwestern United States. It is believed that this oI)ject was accomplished. The fact that alfalfa in the oases withstands a greater amount of soluble salts in the soil than ordinary American alfalfa was established beyond reasonalde question. A suflicient quantity of seed was obtained to insure a thorough trial of it in parts of our countr}- where a similar climate 11 12 AGRTCULTUKAL EXPLORATIONS IN ALGERIA. prevails. At the .same time a careful search was made in various parts of Algeria for such other cultivated plants as might prove useful for salt soils. Incidentall}^ the writers procured all possible information as to the character of the saline soils of Algeria, the way in which the}^ are handled, and such attempts as have been made to reclaim them. The coast region of Algeria strikingl}' resembles the corresponding part of California in climate, in ph3-siography, and in the crops grown. The interior of California, and of the extreme southwestern United States generally, corresponds in many ways to the steppe and the desert regions of northern Africa. It is true that in some respects agricul- ture has reached a more advanced stage of development in California than in Algeria; yet there are prol)ably some matters in which the French colony can give lessons to the American State. For this reason itseems advisable to present a sketch of Algerian agriculture as a whole, in addition to a more detailed account of the special subjects which the writers were sent out to investigate. The writers' stay in Algeria was limited to one month, from July 20 to August 20, 1902. It is fully realized that this length of time was entirely inadequate for anything like a thorough study of agriculture in the colony, especially as the mild winter permits crops to be grown at all seasons of the year. The date of the writers' visit to Algeria was determined partly by the necessity of reaching Egypt in time to study cotton at the height of its development, and partly ])y their desire to visit the oases of the Sahara at the season when the seed crop of alfalfa is being made. The information they could obtain by direct observation was neces- sarily fragmentary in the extreme. To supplement this, recourse has been had to the rather extensive literature of Algerian agriculture. In the preparation of this report the excellent work of Battandier andTrabut, entitled "L'Algerie'' (Paris, 1898), has been freely con- sulted. Much information has also been drawn from papers upon special subjects by Doctor Tral)ut and others, « from the important "Manuel Pratique de I'Agriculteur Algerien " (Paris, 1900) of Riviere and Lecq, and from various other sources. TOPOGRAPHY. The French colony of Algeria is situated in northern Africa, between Morocco on the west and Tunis on the east. In general outline it is a rectangle, of which the greatest length— that from east to west— is about 6.50 miles. The area of Algeria is about 230,000 square miles, of which approximately 20,000,000 acres are under cultivation. The Mediterranean forms the northern boundary, while on the south the o Published chief! v in the "Bulletin Agricole de I'Algerie et de la Tiuiiyie." TOPOGRAPHY. 13 frontier extends well into the great desert of Sahara, the present outposts being- from 300 to 500 miles from the coast. The vast desert to the southward cuts off Algeria ph^^sically as well as politically from tropical Africa. The influence of the sea upon its climate and the fact that almost unbroken overland communication with Europe b}'^ way of Morocco and Gibraltar has alwa3's been easy make Algeria rather an outpost of Europe than an integral part of Africa. In climate, ph3'siography, flora, and agriculture Algeria is closelj'^ related to the countries that border the northern shore of the Mediterranean — Spain, southern France, and southern Ital3^ Indeed, geologists tell us that northern Africa was separated from southern Europe at only a comparatively recent period. The part of the United States which Algeria most nearly resembles is California. The climate, agriculture, and state of development of the two countries are remarkabl}' similar. In their general aspects thev are much alike. In both, the coast region, being limited to a narrow strip b}' a range of mountains that parallels the seashore, has a comparatively mild, e({uable climate. In both countries this zone is preeminentl}" adapted to fruit growing. Citrus fruits, olives, figs, and vines flourish there. A striking analogy exists between the great plain-like valleys of Algeria, occupied largely by vine3'ards and fields of cereals, and the San .loaquin and Sacramento valleys of California. Finally, the conditions obtaining in the Desert of Sahara are in great part reproduced in the Colorado and Mohave deserts. But to the steppe or high plateau region that occupies the central part of Algeria it would be more difficult to find a counterpart in California, portions of Nevada, Arizona, and New Mexico presenting a closer resemblance. If we take into consideration biological — including agricultural — conditions, as well as the topographical features of the country, there are three principal regions into which Algeria can be divided for con- venience of description. These are (1) the coast region, extending to the crests of the series of mountain ranges which follow the coast, (2) the high plateau or steppe region, occupying the central portion of the colony between the two great mountain systems and comprising the southern slope of the northern ranges and the northern slope of the southern chains, and (3) the desert region, comprising the Algerian Sahara and the southern slopes of the mountain s^'stem which forms the northern boundary of the Sahara. The second and third regions are, on the whole, more homogeneous than the first, or, at any rate, their agricultural importance is too small to make it desirable to subdivide them. Three subdivisions of the coast region are, however, to be recognized, (1) the littoral zone, comprising the immediate coast and the lower slopes of the hills and mountains which border it, (2) the vallej^ and plain zone, comprising 14 AGRICULTURAL EXPLORATIONS IN ALGERIA. the larger, often plaiji-like, valleys of the coast region which lie inside the line of hills that follows the seashore, and (3) the mountain zone, including- the higher elevations of the coast region southward to the crest of the ranges that form the northern boundary of the high plateau region. COAST REGION. The "Tell," as the coast region is known among the Arabs, is, from an agricultural point of view, the most important part of Algeria. A great proportion of it is capable of cultivation. It has been esti- mated that a population of 12,000,000 could be supported in this region alone. It strikingly reseml)les the Mediterranean coast of Europe, and is no less close in its likeness to the coast region of Cali- fornia, so that a description of one will answer in many respects for both. The immediate seashore is bordered b}^ hills and mountains, such as the Sahel of Algiers, the lower slopes of which are occupied largely 1)}^ orchards and vine3"ards. In the higher elevations in the mountains agriculture is more difficult. Here there are extensive areas of grass land, grazed by flocks and herds, and important forests. Opening back from the coast and mainly parallel to it are a number of large valleys. Some of these, like the Mitidja, near Algiers, and the Chelifl', in the western part of the colony, are so extensive and so level of surface as to be practically plains with great areas of cereals and vineyards. The San Joaquin and Sacramento valley's in California are remarkably like these great valleys of Algeria. Smaller valleys, like the Mina and the Habra, where the bordering ranges of hills and mountains are not so far apart and there is less level surface, may be compared to the Santa Clara, Pajaro, and Salinas valleys in California. These valleys and the lower slopes of the hills and mountains are the most highly cultivated part of the country, and support the densest population. The more distinctiveh^ mountainous regions are naturally less adapted to agriculture; 3^et in the country known as Great Kabylia, the "Switzerland of Algeria," which contains the highest mountains of the colon}', there is a very large population, the greater part of which is devoted to farming. This district lies to the east of Algiers. It forms an arc, of which the Djurdjura range of mountains is the chord and the seacoast is the circumference. For a long distance the crest of the Djurdjura range does not fall below 1,000 feet, while there are several peaks that exceed 7,000 feet in elevation. Leila Khedidja, the highest summit, has an altitude of 7,611 feet. Between this great chain and the coast there is a succession of high ridges sep- arated by deep, narrow valleys and gorges. Anyone who has seen both regions will be struck by the resemblance between Great Kabyha TOPOGRAPHY. 15 and the Santa Lucia ^Mountains district of the western part of Monterej^ Count}', in California. Numerous streams arise in the mountains of the coast region, trav- erse the Tell, and empt}" into the sea. Most of these are torrents, discharging large volumes of water in winter, but in summer dwin- dling to mere rivulets. Not infrequent!}' no water is to be seen in the channel, but in that case it is generally to be found under the bed of the stream. Owing to their relatively great fall, and the denuded condition of much of the soil, the amoimt of erosion accomplished by Algerian water courses is disproportionately large. These character- istics are especially marked in western Algeria. In the eastern part of the colony, where the rainfall is better distributed and more of the surface of the country is forested, the How of the streams is more regular. The small importance of Algerian water courses is doubtless to be accounted for by the fact that most of the precipitation occurs on or near the coast, while the interior of the country is extremely arid. Only one I'iver of the Tell region also traverses the high plateau region. That is the Cheliff, the most important water course in Alge- ria, which rises in the mountains that border the Sahara on the north. It has a total length of about 330 miles, draining an area of about 7,500,000 acres. Its flow in summer is only 100 to 175 cubic feet per second, although in winter from 500 to 2,000 cubic feet are discharged. It is obvious that only a small portion of the valley of the Chelifi' can be irrigated throughout the year. Not even this stream is navigable, except, near its mouth, for small boats. HIGH PLATEAU OR STEPPE REGION. Between the two chief mountain systems of Algeria extends a vast region of elevated plains, with an average elevation of a little more than 3,000 feet above sea level. The greatest width of the high pla- teau in Oran Department is about 125 miles, whence it diminishes grad- ually toward the east until on the frontier of Tunis a narrow river valley is all that remains. In topography, and to some extent in vegetation, this region greatly resembles parts of Nevada and New Mexico. In its widest part it consists of a gently rolling expanse, sometimes with- out a hill to break the monotonous horizon. In other places isolated mountain groups rise like islands out of the sea. Near its northern and southern borders spurs from the mountain chains that bound it extend into the plain. Toward the east the mountains are higher and approach nearer together. In the Department of Constantine the dis- tinctive character of the high plateau is lost, and it breaks up into a series of valleys a few miles wide, with gently sloping sides, separated by high hills and mountains. The great masses of the Aures and 16 AGRICULTURAL EXPLORATIONS IN ALGERIA. Babors groups, which border this part of the region, reach altitudes of 7,000 feet. A marked feature of the steppe region is the frequently occurring •*da3'as" and "chotts" — salt ponds or lakes without outlet — which receive the drainag'e from the southern slopes of the coast mountains and the northern declivities of the Saharan range. They occupy basin- like depressions, and are often dry or merel}^ marshy in summer, their beds being then covered with a shining crust of salt. The "bolson" plains of the Sonoran region in North America have a similar hydrog- raphy. There is very little water in the high plateau region suitable for drinking or for the irrigation of crops. Occasional wells occur, and here and there are small pools where sheep and cattle drink. As a rule, however, travelers in this region must carr}' with them their sup- ply of drinking water. Attempts to find artesian water have generally been unsuccessful. In places the topograph}" of the steppe region becomes almost iden- tical Avith that of the desert — notably where areas of sand dunes occur and the vegetation is very scanty. Such localities difl'er from the desert proper only in their greater elevation and more severe winter climate. DESERT REGION. A considerable portion of the largest desert in the world, the Sahara, lies within the boundaries of Algeria. Contrary to the general notion, the mean elevation of this desert above sea level is considerable, being placed by some authorities as high as 1,540 feet. Broadl}^ speaking, the surface of the desert is convex, the central portion being generall}^ higher than the borders. The desert is conmionly pictured as a vast billowy expanse of sand blown about b}^ the sirocco and dotted with oases. This conception is only partly true. As a matter of fact, the topography of the Sahara is as diversified as that of most areas of equal extent in other parts of the world. In this respect it is to be com- pared with the desert regions of the southwestern part of the United States. The Sahara contains mountains nearly 7,000 feet high, upon whose sunmiits snow remains throughout the winter. Other parts are consideraV)ly below sea level. Much of its surface is broken by ranges of sand dunes and of rocky hills, between which lie narrow ravines or wide valle3's. In other quarters extensive plateaus occur. The courses of streams that must once have carried a considerable volume of water can be traced in many places. The infrequent rains that fall in the Sahara sometimes fill the bottoms of these channels with water for a few brief hours. But even such transient torrents can effect a tre- mendous amount of erosion in the loose soils of the desert, there being little vegetation to hold them in place. Lakes and ponds are iiumer- TOPOGRAPHY. 17 ous in the lower portion. Here and there, but forming onh' a small fraction of the entire area, are oases, watered b}^ springs and wells, where groves of date palms flourish. Schirmer'^' gives a graphic description of the Sahara. He writes: The desert, more than any other part of the surface of the globe, has the appear- ance of immobihty. The iuijjlacable climate has depopulated the land. The great I)lains have an aspect of absolute emptiness. The mountains are like skeletons from M-liich the sun has devoured the flesh. The dunes look like solidified waves of dull gold. The absence of sound is such that, as one traveler has put it, "One hears the silence." Everything appears unchangeably fixed in the intense light. Pomel estimates that only about one-ninth of the total area of the Sahara is covered with sand dunes. The higher dunes occur in more or less regular chains, which have often been likened to the waves of the sea, caught and petrilied. These sand hills sometimes reach a height of 1,000 feet. Smaller dunes, very regular in their rounded outline, often cover extensive areas, as, for example, between Biskra and the Melrirh Chott. Dunes of this character are generally formed by vari- ous desert shrubs and her))s that are able to send up new shoots through the sand which drifts over them from time to time, thus con- tinuall}^ raising the height of the dune. The largest sand hills are often formed about rocks and clitl's, which arrest the driftino- ,sand. The soil of the dunes is a fine and remarkabl}' homogeneous sand. Contrary to the general notion, the larger dunes are not continually shifting their position, but are suiBcientl}^ permanent features of the landscape to have received in many cases names that are handed down by the Arabs from generation to generation. For this reason, and because drinkable water and vegetation are more apt to occur near the dunes than elsewhere, the caravan routes in the Sahara follow the dunes wherever possible. In western Algeria the desert is high. Hills and mountains of sun- scorched rock, with smooth surfaces and sharp, unworn edges, rise out of stony plains. Jagged cliffs, often of the most fantastic form, stand sentinel over the deep canyons and gorges that have been cut out by occasional torrents. Oases are few and far between. This is, indeed, the most barren and inhospitable part of the desert. Toward the east the altitude of the desert decreases until, near the frontier of Tunis, a region of chotts, or salt lakes, lying below sea level, is reached. During most of the year the bottoms of these basins are dry or, at most, muddy beneath a crust of glittering white salt, which gives rise to remarkable displays of mirage. But during the wintei; they are partly tilled by streams that descend from the moun- tains on the west and north. The eastern part of the Sahara in Alge- ria is mainly flat or gently rolling. Its surface is covered with sand. «Schirmer, Le Sahara, p. 139 (1893). 28932— No. 80—05 2 1 18 AGRICULTURAL EXPLORATIONS IN ALGERIA. often collected into dunes of g-reater or less size (erg). There arc also extensive areas where the nearly- plane surface is composed of smooth rock or hardened alluvial clay (hamada). A great valley, some 60 miles long and about 12 miles wide, known as the "Oued Rirh,'' forms the most valuable portion of the Sahara of Algeria. It is realh' the bed of an extinct river. It is largeh' below or only slightly above sea level, the maximum depression — the exten- sive salt lake known as "Chott Melrirh'' — being 1(>7 feet below sea level. Subterranean streams of considerable volume underlie the surface in this region. These are doubtless fed b}' water which flows down from the mountains and sinks through the desert sands until it meets an impermeal)le layer of clay or of rock, over which it flows. The Oued Rirh Vallev has been described as a ''small Egypt with a subterranean Nile." B}^ means of w'ells this water has been utilised ^ in the creation of oases, where hundreds of thousands of date palms flourish. M The idea, once generalh' held, that the entire Sahara is the bed of " an ancient sea has been abandoned. Only for the part known as the Oued Rirh, a small fraction of the whole desert, is this theory still entertained by some authorities. Here there is a series of large salt lakes, some of them below the level of the sea, which extends across Tunis almost to the Gulf of Gabes. CLIMATE. The greater part of Algeria has a warm, temperate climate, very similar to that of California. The climates of both countries are determined in large measure bv the combined influence of three fac- tors — the ocean, the mountains, and the desert. In Algeria, as in i California, most of the rainfall occurs during the mild winter, while the long summer is almost perfectly dr}'. Furthermore, the direction of the prevailing winds at different seasons is in both countries largelv j efl'ective in regulating conditions of temperature and of rainfall. The " lower part of the coast region has a wet and a dry rathei' than a warm and a cold season. The higher mountains, however, and the high plateau are characterized bv a decidedl}- cold winter. Algeria would be wholly a desert were it not for the northwest winds, charged with humidity, which blow from the sea, especially during the winter and spring. Their influence is, of course, most marked in the coast region, which has, in consequence, the heaviest rainfall, the most humid atmosphere, and the most luxuriant vegetation of any of the three zones. The mountain chains which follow the coast line intercept a large part of the moisture carried by the sea winds, so that, while their northern, seaward slope has a comparativelv heavy rainfall, their CLIMATE. 19 southern slopes and the high plateau region beyond are quite arid. What moisture passes across the mountains of the first system is largely withdrawn from the atmosphere when it reaches the second, which bounds the steppe region on the south. Consequently, the desert beyond receives an insigniticant share of atmospheric moisture from the Mediterranean. Winds that come from the opposite direction — out of the Great Sahara — are, of course, at all seasons extremely dry. It is in late summer — especially in September^that the dreaded sirocco, the hot, sand-laden wind of the desert, is strongest and most frequent. Then it blows for days at a time over the high plateau and the two moun- tain ranges that form its boundaries, into the Tell, and even across the Mediterranean into southern Europe. The three principal physiographical regions coincide with the most important climatic regions of the colony. For a further examination of this subject it will therefore be advisable to take up each in its turn, beginning with the coast region, or Tell. In the tables given below, climatic data from Algerian localities are copied from Thevenet's ''•Essai de Climatologie Algerienne."" For comparison, data from various places in the western United States where similar conditions obtain are also included. These are taken from publications of the United States Weather Bureau. Much infor- mation regarding the climate of Algeria has also been drawn from the excellent little work of Battandier and Trabut, previously mentioned. Owing to the paucity of accurate records and the small agricultural importance of the high plateau region, no tables are given for that part of the colon}". It should be remarked, however, that Setif, which has an elevation of 3,560 feet, although here included in the tables for the coast region, is sometimes considered as belonging to the high phiteau, and the climatic data from this point are doubtless fairly applicable to the uncharacteristic eastern portion of that region. Again, Bou Saada, figures from which localit}^ are given in the tables of climate of the desert region, really belongs to the extremely desert-like portion of the high plateau. COAST REGION. TEMPERATURE. The littoral zone of the coast region has a mihl winter, resembling that of the California coast. Temperatures at noon of 70^ to 75- ¥. for fifteen days or a month at a time are not of rare occurrence in winter. The temperature never descends much below freezing, and does not remain at that point for an}' length of time. Still, tempera- tures of 23^ F. , such as are sometimes recorded by thermometers placed 4 inches above the surface of the ground, can do considerable damage 20 AGRICULTURAL EXPLORATIONS IN ALGERIA. to the winter crops of garden vegetables, although the soil itself is never frozen to any considerable depth. The cold often seems more intense than is actually the case, because of the humidity of the atmosphere and the lack of facilities for heating the liouses. A tem- perature of 45"^ F. is considered very disagreeal)lo. A few miles back from the shore line, ))ehind the tirst i-ange of hills, for example, in the Mitidja plain, near Algiers, light frosts are frequent and have been known to occur as late as May. Snow, which has never remained on the ground for an entire day at Algiers, has lain for three days to a depth of 7.5 inches in the countr}- only a few miles back from the coast. In summer, except during the sirocco, the shade temperature of the littoral zone rarely exceeds S6-' F., ])ut sometimes rises to 10.5° F. when the Avind from the desert is blowing. At such times the nights are often as hot as the days. The moderate summer temperatures are largely due to the sea breeze, which rises every morning at about 10 o'clock. As far iidand as the influence of this wind is felt compara- tively mild summer temperatures prevail. The climate of the littoral zone is much like that of the coast of southern Europe; but fall-sown crops mature even earlier than there, by reason of the milder winter and the higher tempei'atures in spring. Hay is harvested in May and cereals in June in this zone. The valley and plain zone of the coast region has a more extreme] climate than the littoral zone. This difference has already been indi- cated in comparing the Mitidja Valley with Algiers, on the neighbor- ing coast. The great Chelitt' Valley, farther west, presents a still more marked contrast. Here, owing to the greater dryness of the I atmosphere, frosts are more frequent and more severe in winter and spring than along the coast. On the other hand, in sunnuer the hills which ))ound these valleys on the north shut off the sea ))reeze, and the heat is consequently moi'e intense. Sunstroke and prostration from heat are by no means unknown in the Chelifl' Valley. The sirocco, i also, is more severel}^ felt than in the littoral zone, which is partly protected against this south wind by the rampart of hills that risesj a short distance back from the shore. More elevated places, like] Setif, have even severer winters, resem])ling those of the high plateau! region. Sharp frosts are frequent as late as A[)ril and May. The] summer temperatures are often very high in the daytime, but the air is fresher than in the valleys and the nights are nearly always cool. The mountain zone of the coast region is not dissimilar in climatej to mountainous regions of southern Europe. The winter, especially at the higher altitudes, is much moi'e severe than in the littoral zone.] On the crest of the Djurdjura range, at 7,000 feet elevation, snowl often reaches a depth of 3^ feet and remains on the ground until the! latter part of July. The summer temperatures are almost invariably] moderate in the mountain region, except when the sirocco is blowing. CLIMATE. 21 The smaller relative hiiniidit}^ also contributes toward making the summer climate an agreeable one. Springs with a mean annual temperature of 45^ or 50^ F. are not infrequent at high elevations in the Djurdjura range. Table l.—i]fean temperatures (in degrees Fahrenheit) of localities in the coast region of Algeria, as compared with the California coast. Algeria . California. Month. Oran. Or- leans- ville. Algiers. Fort Nation- al. Setif. Los Ange- les. San Lui.s Obispo. San Fran- cisco. Fresno. Sacra- mento. Col- fax. January February March April 50.9 51.8 55. 4 69.2 64.0 69.4 74.1 75.4 71.1 63.7 57. 2 51.6 45.8 47.7 53.1 55.8 63.5 71.6 80.1 79.7 72.3 61.0 53. 2 46.8 54.0 54.0 56.5 59.5 64.6 70.0 75.4 76.1 72.9 65.8 60.4 54.0 41.2 42.2 46.8 50.2 55.9 66.6 74.7 75.4 67.3 5671 48.9 42.2 39.0 40.4 46.0 49.8 56.7 66.7 74.8 73.4 66.5 53.6 45.2 39.6 53.0 64.4 56.4 60.0 62. 0 6.5.9 70.8 72.0 68.5 64.0 60.0 56.4 51.2 55.3 52.2 56.0 57.6 62.9 66.2 65.0 65.4 62.0 57.8 52.6 50.1 52.2 53.6 55.0 57.0 59.0 58.8 59.3 60.9 59.9 56.4 51.6 4.5.2 51.5 54.0 60.9 67.3 74.6 82.1 81.4 74.2 63.4 54.7 46.3 45.2 49.6 54.3 59.0 64.5 70.0 73.6 70.6 70.0 60.0 53.4 47.2 44.3 45.8 49.1 54.2 May 61.7 June 71.4 July 76.1 August September October November December 77.0 69.7 69.8 51.4 46.3 Year 62.0 60.9 63.6 55.6 54.2 62.0 58.7 56.2 63.0 59.7 58.8 A comparison of the temperatures of localities in Algeria and in California, as given in Table 1, is instructive. Of the Algerian stations, Oran and Algiers are situated on the seaboard, the tirst in western, the second in central Algeria. Data from these localities should be representative of conditions along the coast, except in the extreme eastern part of the colony. With them are to be compared San Francisco, San Luis Obispo, and Los Angeles, representing the coast of California. Orleansville is the metropolis of the great valle}^ or rather plain, of the Chelitf, the most important of the large inland valleys of the coast region in Algeria. Setif, as has already been remarked, lies south of the mountain chain that bounds the coast region, and has an elevation of over 8,000 feet. Topographically, and in some of its climatic peculiarities, it belongs rather to the high plateau than to the coast region, although agriculturally it is more nearly related to the latter. Fresno and Sacramento are representa- tive points in the two great interior valleys of California — the San Joaquin and the Sacramento. They should afford an interesting com- parison, especially with Orleansville. Fort National, at an elevation of over 3.000 feet, in the heart of the most mountainous region of Algeria, is to be compared with Colfax, in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada, north of the center of California. Oran has the same mean yearly temperature as Los Angeles, but has higher mean temperatures for the summer and lower for the win- ter months, so that Los Angeles has the more equable climate. At Algiers the yearly mean temperature is not very different from that at Oran, but the mean temperatures for the winter months are gen- (>rally higher. San Francisco and San Luis Obispo fall considerably 22 AGRICULTURAL EXPLORATIONS IN ALGERIA. below the Alg-eriaii coast towns in yearly mean temperature. The mean temperatures for the suumier months also are decidedly lower at the California localities. The mean temperatures in winter cor- respond more closely. Orleansville shows a remarkable resem})lance in distribution of tem- peratures to the similarly situated town of Fresno, in California, and in this repect somewhat less to Sacramento. In yearly mean tempera- ture, however, Orleansville is nearer Sacramento. Setif, as would be expected, differs considerably from Orleansville, Fresno, and Sacra- mento in yearly and monthly means of temperature. Its resemblance to the high plateau is expressed in the fact that the nights are always cool in summer and the winter temperatures are low, falling at times to 12° F. The mountain stations. Fort National and Colfax, show a close approximation in monthly and yearly mean temperatures. HUMIDITY. The relative atmospheric humidity in the littoral zone is fairly uniform throughout the year. Owing to the proximity of the sea it is at all seasons considerable, the average for the year being 73 per cent. This condition of humidity is interrupted only when, generally in late summer and in early autumn, the sirocco blows for a day or more at a time. The humidity is far greater in the eastern than in the western part of the colony. The large percentage of moisture in the atmosphere causes the discomfort from cold in winter, and from heat in summer, to be out of all proportion to the actual temperature. The dry season, so far as the littoral zone is concerned,. owes its character to the lack of actual precipitation rather than to the absence of humiditv in the air. Night fogs are frequent when east or northeast winds are blowing, and in August it is often t) o'clock in the morning before they disappear. Dew is also copious at this season. Atmospheric humidity, like precipitation, decreases as one goes far- ther from the coast. It is already perceptil)ly less in the mountainsj and in the great valleys of the coast region than along the seaboard. PRECIPITATION. In Algeria precipitation is almost synonymous with rainfall, except f in the higher mountains, for elsewhere the amount of precipitation in the form of snow is unimportant. Hailstorms are fairly frequent, occurring, on an average, seven times a year. Market gardens of the littoral zone sometimes suffer severely from spring hailstorms, and, in exceptional localities, vineyards and orchards are occasionally dam- aged. Hail is more important for this reason than as contributing much to the total precipitation. In the coast region of Algeria, as in many warm tempci-ate and tropical countries, the distribution of the rainfall is more important CLIMATE. 23 than that of heat in determining- the characteristics of the principal seasons of the year. Its distribution is largely controlled by the direction of the prevailing winds. In winter strong northwest winds, blowing from the Mediterranean, are of frequent occurrence and bring most of the rainstorms. They begin in the autumn, sometimes as early as the first of September, and usually cease in May or June. Even in midwinter, however, a clear sky for fifteen or thirty days at a time is not a rare event. During the summer there is a light sea breeze during the day, but winds of greater violence come almost wholly from the south, and are dry and hot. More rain falls annually on the coast of Algeria, especially on the eastern coast l)etween Algiers and Tunis, than in a great part of Europe. Notwithstanding this, Algeria has a decidedly more arid sunmier than any part of Europe, except, perhaps, extreme southern Italy and portions of Spain. This is due to the uneciual distrilnition of the rain among the different seasons. In the littoral zone winter is a wet rather than a cold season. It is then that most of the native vegetation, as well as crops that are not irrigated, must make their growth. The dry season is a period of rest for soils that are not artiticially watered. Light showers of brief duration, such as occasionally fall during the summer, are of small importance in their effect upon the climate and vegetation. In the large inland valleys of the coast region the summer drought is still more pronounced than on the coast. In the mountain zone, particularly at the higher elevations, rain is more evenly distributed, and the seasons are more like those of middle Europe. The rainfall in March and April is particularly heavy. In Great Kabylia thunderstorms and hail, which in the littoral zone occur only in winter, are not infrequent throughout the summer. This, with the partial protection from the sirocco afforded by the higher ranges, makes the summer drought less pronounced than in the littoral zone and in the valley and plain zone. But the total amount of precipitation in sununer is, after all, comparatively insignificant. Even in the mountains, sunmier retains its characteristics as the dry season of the year. In winter the rainfall is quite considerable. The northern slopes of the Djurdjura range receive the heaviest precipita- tion occurring in the countrv— over 40 inches a year. These high mountains form a barrier which intercepts most of the cloud-laden winds from the sea, so that the country immediately to the south of them is extremely arid. Rainfall is very unevenly distributed in different parts of the coast region and even of the littoral zone proper. One reason for this is the great difference in latitude— about two degrees— between the east- enmiost and the westernmost point of the Algerian coast. Whil<> tiie total annual precipitation on the coast near the Tunisian border 24 AGRICULTURAL EXPLORATIONS IN ALGERIA. amounts to nearly 40 inches, on the frontier of Morocco it is less than 16 inches. From year to year, also, the total amount and the dis- tril)ution vary enormously. Table 2.— Rainfall {in inches) of localities in the coaxt region of Algeria, as compared ivith the California, coast. Algeria. California. Month. Oran. Or- l^ans- ville. Algiers. Fort Na- tional. S6tif. Los An- geles. San Luis Obispo. San Fran- cisco. Fresno. Sacra- mento. Col- fax. January February Marcli April 3.05 2.64 2.42 1.67 1.42 .29 .07 .08 .65 i.ei 2.38 2.90 1.73 1.85 2.28 2.15 1.38 .55 .06 .08 .76 1.78 2.29 2.48 4.35 3.68 3.42 2.36 1.40 .57 .06 .28 1.12 3.11 4.37 5.49 5.58 3.49 6.24 5.20 2.99 1.13 .22 .28 1.75 4.51 4.99 7.30 1.62 1.68 2.34 2.a5 1.82 1.08 .28 .79 1,17 1.44 1.52 2.05 2.93 3.27 2.98 1.36 .43 .10 .02 .03 .08 .74 1.38 3.98 5.69 1.55 3.46 .93 .35 .19 .01 .03 .36 1.62 1.16 3.08 4.92 3.49 3.22 1.84 .73 .14 .02 .02 .22 1.02 2. 72 4.99 1.53 1.33 1.74 1.11 .50 .18 Trace. .01 .26 .67 1.15 1.78 3.82 2.80 2.86 2.13 1.01 .17 .02 .01 .32 1.11 2. 20 3.69 8.81 6.89 6.78 4.48 Mav 2.36 June .62 July .03 August September October November December — ..01 .53 1.95 4.40 8.70 Year 19.18 17.39 30.21 43.68 17.84 17.30 18.43 33.33 10.27 20.14 45.56 When we compare Algeria with California as to rainfall, we find that the annual total precipitation at the two coast towns, Oran and San Luis Obispo, is very nearly the same. At Los Angeles it is some- what less. January is the month of greatest rainfall at Oran and San Luis Oliispo, February at Los Angeles. July is the month when the least rain falls at all three points. The precipitation is much heavier, and nearly the same in total amount at Algiers and at San Francisco. There is also considerable similarity in the distribution during the year of the rainfall at these two places. The rainfall at Orleansville greatly exceeds that at Fresno, but is somewhat less than that at Sacramento. Setif agrees closely with Orleansville in yearly total and in distribution of the precipitation. As for the mountainous districts of the two countries, as represented by Fort National and Colfax, there is a very close correspondence in yearly totals, but in respect to distribution the resemblance is less striking. The rainfall in summer at Fort National is greater and that in winter less than at Colfax. WIND. Winds from every point of the compass occur at different seasons in the coast region. As has already been mentioned, the characteristic winter wind is from the northwest, off the Mediterranean. This often rises to the height of a gale, and is of sufficient importance to decide the direction in which trees along the seashore are bent. West w inds are also common in winter. In summer, the most violent wind is the occa.sional sirocco, from the Desert of Sahara, an extremely hot, dry wind, which sometimes blows day and night for several days at a time, CLIMATE. 25 tilling the air with the fine dust it carries. It often does great harm to crops, vineyards and ripening grain being particularly liable to injury. The sirocco also blows in winter, but its violence is less at that season and it is cooler and moister. The regular summer wind is, however, the sea breeze from the northeast, which springs up every morning and is of great importance in moderating the temperature. East winds are also frequent in summer. At night, on the other hand, the prevailing wind is from the south. Absolute calm is not infrequent. In proportion as we travel farther from the coast, the effect of winds from the sea becomes less perceptible and that of the desert winds more pronounced. This difference becomes strongly marked after the northern mountain system is crossed. The sirocco is the most striking climatic feature in which Algeria differs from California. In southern California a wind from the des- ert, known as the ''Santa Ana" wind, blows occasionally, but induration and severity it is not to be compared w4th the Algerian sirocco. HIGH PLATEAU REGION. The small agricultural importance of the high plateau region makes it unnecessary to discuss its climate at any great length. Owing to its greater elevation and distance from the sea, conditions are more extreme than in the coast region. The winters are colder and the summers hotter. Winter temperatures as low as 7" F. have been known, while in summer a temperature of 105*^ F. is often experi- enced. Daily variations amounting to 85 degrees have been recorded. In its severe winters the high plateau region resembles the highest alti- tudes of the mountain zone of the coast region, but differs in its hotter temperatures in the daytime in summer. In the latter respect it resembles the desert region, but there the nights are warmer in sum- mer and the winter is much milder. Battandier and Trabut« mention one point in the high plateau region, at an elevation of about 4,700 feet, where the mean temperature for ten years was about 44.-5^ F. in winter, 55.5 F. in spring, 79- F. in summer, and 62 ^ F. in autumn. The yearly mean temperature was 62^ F. The rainfall is much less than in the coast region, but no exact data on this point are available. Rain falls usually in sudden and violent showers. Storms are more frequent during the summer than is the case along the coast. The amount of precipitation is trivial, although sometimes sufficient to moisten the ground. Durmg the winter the soil, especially in depressions, contams enough water in occasional years to bring a crop of barley without irrigation. The atmospheric huraidit}^ is almost always very small. aL'Algerie, [k lis. 26 AGRICULTURAL EXPLORATIONS IN ALGERIA. DESERT REGION. TEMPERATURE. If we had no other data concerning the climate of the Sahara than the mean annual temperature, we should .suppose it to be a very mild one. The variations from the yearly, monthly, and daily mean.s are, however, enormous. Winter temperatures of 18 F. and summer temperatures of 112° F. are by no means uncommon. The daily range sometimes exceeds S6 degrees. The unshaded soil — sandy or rocky— becomes heated up to 160'^ F. At Biskra, which is by no means extreme in its summer climate, it is said to be possible some- times to cook an egg in the sand. In the Oued Rirh region, on the other hand, ice sometimes forms in winter in the irrigation ditches. Evaporation is imdoubtedly very great, but no accurate records of this phenomenon havQ been kept in the Sahara. Table 3. — ifean temperatures (in degrees Fahrenlieil) of localities in the desert region of Algeria, as compared with similar localities in the southwestern United States. Algeria. United States. Month. Tou- gourt. Biskra. 0uar,ly colder in winter than the Atlantic Ocean to the west and the Mediterranean Sea northward. Consequently, the general direction of winds in winter is from the center toward the edge of the desert, which precludes the possibilit}^ of much rainfall at that season. In summer, on the other hand, the normal winds blow toward the highly heated center of the desert, although there are occasional siroccos in the contrary direction. These normal summer winds from the Atlantic and Mediterranean would cause rainfall in summer were it not that physiographical con- ditions intervene to prevent this. Winds from the west encounter a cold current that follows the Atlantic coast of northern Africa, and the greater part of the moisture they carry is condensed before they reach the mainland. The high summits of the coastal mountain sys- tem of Algeria intercept and condense most of the water vapor that is brought in by winds from the Mediterranean, What little moisture escapes this barrier and crosses the high plateau is mostly given up when the mountains along the northern border of the Sahara are encountered. Furthermore, in the desert itself there are few moun- tains of sufficient elevation to condense what water vapor passes the second barrier. Notwithstanding these conditions, rain is b}" no means unknown in the Sahara. Heavy precipitation sometimes occurs, ))ut its distribution is ver}' irregular, both in point of time and of place. Localities in the desert are known which have received no appreciable amount of rain for ten years or more. At other times a cyclone may cause a sudden heavy downpour. Violent torrents are formed and a great amount of erosion is accomplished in a few hours. The higher elevations of the isolated mountain masses of the Sahara have a somewhat more regular rainfall, but it is believed that, on the whole, evaporation exceeds pre- cipitation in the Sahara, and that its aridity is steadily, although imperceptibly, increasing. IRRIGATION. 29 Tablk 5. — Rainfall (in iiiclics) of loralitirs in tlw deserf region of Algeria, as compared with si))til are generally irrigated by means of the " noria,*" a water-lifting machine that has been in use for ages in the Mediterranean region. It consists of a vertical wheel, to the rim of which buckets are attached, and which turns by inter- locking its cogs with those of a horizontal wheel. To the latter an animal, usually a horse or a donkey, is hitched, and is driven around in a circle. A second animal is kept to relieve the first, generally ever}' two hours. By means of the noria one horse can raise 150 gallons of water 11 feet in a minute, which is equivalent to 0.33 second- foot. The water is collected in a basin that generally holds from 1,000 to 1,800 cubic feet.. Even field crops and vineyards can be profitably irrigated with the noria if the water supply is ample and the lift does not exceed 40 feet. But its greatest usefulness is in connec- tion with the intensively cultivated and very remunerative truck crops. The noria is said to be more economical for raising water than any hydraulic machine, only one-fifth of the total power expended being lost. Near Algiers, where the irrigation of gardens is most expensive, the annual cost of watering 1 acre with the noria is placed at $65. The water used for irrigation in the coast region, except in some of the valleys of western Algiera, is generally ver}- good, rarely contain- ing a harmful (Quantity of salts. However, no attention has been given to the matter of drainage of irrigated lands. Particularly in western 36 AGRICULTURAL EXPLORATIONS IN ALGERIA. Algeria, large areas of once fertile .soil have in consequence become subirrigated and salty. In many cases considerable tracts have had to be abandoned for this reason. ^ HIGH PLATEAU REGION. A very insignificant area is irrigated in the high plateau reg'ion. There are almost no running streams, except after an occasional heavy rain in winter. The water of the chotts or lakes that fill the depres- sions is far too salty to be used for irrigating purposes. Here and there a small patch of grain, forage plants, or garden vegeta))les is watered from a well, but artesian water seems to be generally lacking. DESERT REGION. Oases of greater or less extent occur in all parts of the Sahara. They are particularly numerous, however, in the lower eastern portion. In the region known as the Oued Rirh, a larger percentage of the total area is occupied by cultures than anywhere else in the desert. The oases (see PI. I), almost without exception, are probably of artificial origin. The date palm, to which they owe their life, is believed to have been introduced into Algeria by man. In some places near the base of the mountains, as in the region of the Zibans, there is flowing water on the surface of the ground which can be diverted directly into canals. At most, a few rude dams arc needed to raise its level a few inches. Elsewhere wells must be dug and the water nuist generally be raised by hand or by the noria in order to water the crops. The source of the water thus utilized is to be looked for in the high mountains adjacent to the Sahara, where the rainfall is much heavier than in the desert itself. This water fiows down to the lower levels, at first over the surface of the frround, then beneath it. Subterranean streams of considera])le volume nuist occur in the eastern part of the Sahara. There is no foundation for the idea sometimes entertained that the oases are nat- ural subirrigated spots in the desert. Most of the desert soils are too saline to permit of subirrigation without injury to the crops. As a matter of fact, agriculture would be almost impossible in the Sahara were not careful provision made for drainage. From very ancient times irrigation has )»een practiced in the desert. When the Romans governed northern Africa the area under cultiva- tion in the Sahara was much larger than it is to-day. By many centu- ries of practice the natives of the Sahara have acquired great skill in procuring and managing water for irrigation. The art of well boring, as originally practiced in the Oued Rirh, is a dangerous one. The work is begun by scooping out a hole in the sand, the sides of which are incased with wood as fast tis the digging proceeds. Finally, a layer of rock or of stiff clay, overlying the sheet of water, is reached. IRRIGATION. 37 This is hiokcii through with a few strokes of the pick, and if the water ascends with considerable force, as is sometimes the case, the well dig-ger runs considerable risk of being drowned. In the more accessi- l)le parts of the Sahara, modern well-boring machinei-y has largel}^ replaced the ancient method. The natives are very jealous of the water that is obtained with so nmch difficulty, and numerous quarrels arise over its distribution. In the Zibans oases, where a system of canals exists, the water is con- trolled by an association which decides in what <[uantity and upon what days it shall be allotted to each person. It is measured by lay- ing the trunk of a date palm across the top of an earthen dam in the canal. Notches, corresponding to the width of the hand with the thumb closed, are cut into this trunk at intervals. The amount which passes each of these notches represents one share of water. In the Oued Rirh region, since the French occupation, a great many artesian wells have been bored, under the direction of M. Jus, who became famous through his connection with this work. The first was sunk in 1856. In 1898 there were 120 metal-cased artesian wells from 160 to 330 feet deep, in addition to .500 wells dug by natives. The total discharge of all these wells was about UO cubic feet per second, yet so far the water supply has sufl'ered no perceptible diminution. With the water thus obtained the area in date palms has been greatly extended during the past thirty years. It is estimated that during the last three decades the population of the Oued Rirh has doubled, and the wealth of the region has been increased tenfold. There are probably few other parts of the Sahara where such development is possible. Unlike the irrigating water of the coast region, that used in the desert region generally carries a high percentage of salts in solution. In fact, the water with which various crops are grown in the Algei'ian Sahara appears to be saltier than that used for this purpose anywhere else in the world. So far as is known, 500 parts of salts per 100,000 parts of water is the maximum concentration of water which is used with success in the United States, and, under ordinary circumstances, 300 parts is the limit for successful crop production. In the Sahara, however, water containing as much as 800 parts of salts {half of the total amount being sodium chlorid) per 100,000 parts of water is applied to soils that are themselves highly saline. A variety of culti- vated plants —various fruit trees, garden vegetables, and alfalfa- thrive under these conditions. It seems a fair inference that the maxinumi amount of soluble matter which can safely be allowed in irrigation water has been under- estimated by American writers. Where the soil is light and under- drainage is provided for, as is the case in the Algerian oases, it is 38 AGRICULTURAL EXPLORATIONS IN ALGERIA. probable that many waters that ha\e heretofore been condemned as too saline could safely be used in irrigating crops. The date palm is the most salt-resistant cultivated plant of the Sahai'a, so far as is known. The maxjnuim amount of salt in the irrigating water which this tree can endure without detriment to the crop has not been ascertained. It would appear, howev^er, to be something less than 1,000 parts per 100,000, for water of a pond containing 1,044: parts per 100,000 of soluble salts, of which 1,036 parts was sodium chlorid, had been found to be too salty for irrigating a young date orchard. A number of samples of artesian water used in irrigating the oases near Tongourt, in the Oued Rirh region, were taken by the writers and were analyzed in the laboratory of the Bureau of Soils of the Department of Agriculture. The results are stated in the following table: Table 6. — fhemlt-al miahisett of nrtes^ian irater used in irrigating gardens in Snliarnn oases, Algeria. Coiistiluent. Ions: Calcium (Ca) Magnesium ( Mg) Sodium (Na) Potassium ( K ) Sulpiiuric acid (SO4) Chlorin (CI) Bicarbonic acid ( HCO:i) Conventional combinations: Calcium sulphate (CaS04) Magnesium sulphate (MgSO^).. Magnesium chlorid ( MgCl2) Potassium chlorid (KCl) .'. Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCOa) . Sodium chlorid (NaCl) Total solids in 100,000 parts water . Well at Well at Wellatgar- ( )asis Ta- Oasis Kudi den of Ben bes-bes. Asli. Hadriah. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. 9.92 4.19 9.86 4.52 6.02 4.26 14.03 20. 48 14.18 4.27 2.35 2. 72 34.38 29. 43 17.59 28.06 36. 21 27. 05 5. 02 1.32 24.34 33.04 14.23 24.90 13.63 24. 29 7.04 7.23 4.41 16.72 8.12 4.48 5.19 6.92 1.81 33. 54 31.06 50. 78 -- _.■ - ■ ■ -- 12. 61 601.50 408. 10 571.90 These are fair average samples of the irrigation waters in use, and do not represent b}' any means the maximum of salinity. Field tests showed as high as 816 parts to 10 two causes — the nature of the underlying I'ocks and the climatic c> n ditions under which the soil was formed. Ditferent cla.sses of soils m ■ found in each ph^^siographic region and there are few types wh.ica are common to all three regions. In the littoral zone of the coast region much of the soil is of the adobe type, containing a considerable (juantity of claj'. In the alluvial bottoms, however, we rind extensive areas of other kinds of soil. In the mountain zone the soils are not I SOILS. 39 for the most part adobe-like. On the high phiteau the soils are largelv colluvial. In the desert we encounter vast areas of liuht, sandy soils, l)ut there are also extensive tracts of marls, clays, and alluvial soils. Very few samples of soil were collected, as no general investigation of the various types was attempted by the writers. It was observed, however, that in Algeria there appear to l)e no important soils which are not represented in California and Arizona by very similar types. Obseivations were largely directed toward the comparison of Algerian soils and their productivity with corresponding soils in America under similar climatic ccHiditions. COAST REGION. LITTORAL ZONE. An important and characteristic soil of the littoral zone is a bright- red "adobe,"''' very conmion in the vicinity of Algiers, near Oran, and elsewhere along the coast. It is sticky when wet and forms very hard clods when dry, cracking to a depth of from 12 to 24 inches. This soil is often naturally poor in phosphoric acid, nitrogen, and lime, l)ut responds readily to treatment. Its potash content is generally ade- quate. It is an excellent soil for vineyards, except in cases where a lime "hardpan" occurs too near the surface. Some of the best wines of Algeria ai'e produced on soil of this t^^pe. The American soils which most nearl}' resemble it are the San Joaquin red adobe, as it occurs in the San Joaquin and Sacramento valleys, and the Fullerton sandy adobe of the coast region of southern California. A mechanical anah'sis of one specimen of this soil is given on page 40, under No. 7663. This sample was collected a few miles south of Oran, and represents the heaviest phase of this red soil. We have not found in America a type of red adobe in which the average clay content is so high. The black adobes of the United States are some- times verv claye}', but most American adobes contain more silt than clay. The same soil type was also observed at Arzeu, in western Algeria, at various localities near Algiers, and, to a less extent, around Tizi Ouzou, in Great Kabjdia. River bottoms in the littoral zone are characterized l\v soils that are (luite diflerent from the red, clayey type just described; and are, in fact, mere continuations of the soils of the next zone. They are usually alluvial deposits, clayey or marly in texture, and are quite feitile. They contain an al)undance of potash, though they are some- times deficient in phosphoric acid. VALLEY AND PLAIN ZONE. The large vallevs, which in .some ca.ses are so extensive as to be virtually plains, contain a great variet}' of soils. The plains of the 40 AGRICULTURAL EXPLORATIONS IN ALGERIA. Mitidja, Chelitf, Mina, Habra, and Macta are typical of many other valleys and plains in Algeria. As before mentioned, they are similar in many ways to the interior valleys of California. The soils are mainly alluvial and are generally heavy. Around Kelizane and Per- reo-aux, where the writers made most of their studies, the soil is similar to the San Joaquin lilack adobe. In the Mitidja the heavier soils are well supplied with potash and are fairly well provided with nitrogen and phosphoric acid. In the Cheliti' Valley these elements are less abundant. Sample No. 7658, in the table given below,, shows the results of a mechanical analysis of the heaviest of the valley adobes. This sample was collected from a tield which was very fertile twenty yearsr ago, but which has since been ruined by the rise of salts, and is to-day valueless. This soil, before it had become saline, had exhibited great fertility during a long series of years. In former years it yielded grain of a superior grade and good crops of cotton. Sample No. 7660 represents a type of this adobe soil of medium heaviness. Soil of this kind is often planted to vines, fruits, and olives. The sample was collected near Perregaux, at La Ferme Blanche, headquarters of one of the largest vineyards in Algeria. A still lighter type, one closely approaching a sandy loam, is represented by sample No. 7»)61. This type is usually found in the higher portions of the valleys, and is planted to vines and alfalfa. MOUNTAIN ZONE. The soils of the mountain zone of the coast region can be divided into (1) valley soils and (2) soils of the hills and mountain slopes. The hills and mountains are covered with either residual or coUuvial soils. As a rule, these soils are more or less gravelly or stony, and are light and well drained. The lower slopes frequently have heavier adobe soils, similar in character to the adobes of the lower slopes of the Sierra Nevada and the coast range in California. The soils of valleys in the mountain zone are generally alluvial, being composed of the waste from adjoining hills and mountains. The smaller valleys have light, usually well-drained, soils containing some gra\el. Tahle 7. — Mechanical analyses of coaM regiun soils. No. 7068 7060 7661 7603 768S Locality. Rellzane La Ferme Blanche, near Per- regaux Debrousseville 2 miles south of Misserghin. 1.5 miles east of Batnu .3 0-24 0-24 0-12 0-lS o 0.01 .22 1.34 1.41 s 0.16 .12 .32 ^ I O o 0.08 .OK 1.08 .58 .28 OS rt oj a 0.12 .10 3. 00 1.94 .34 ■o a C 0.66 2. 00 2!S. 00 6.00 1.74 sa >»f-i fc.O 2.00 20.14 30. 02 0. 36 6.04 °a °a 40. 22 M.OO 20. 40 3.5. 70 45. .5B o a .56. 92 2'2. 94 16. OS 48.64 45.48 SOILS. 41 HIGH PLATEAU REGION. The soils of this region, derived larg-ely from cretaceous and ter- tiary rocks, are in great part alhiviai deposits washed down from the neighboring mountains. Particularly in eastern Algeria, soils very rich in phosphates occur. These would be extremely fertile if water wherewith to irrigate them were available. Calcareous hardpan undei'- lies a great deal of the surface of the high plateau. Where this impervious layer is quite near the surface the vegetation is sparse and woody plants are absent. The high plateau soils grade from stony soils on the lower slopes of the mountains, through sandy loams and loams, to heavy clay loams and clays in the bottoms of the depressions. These depressions, known among the Arabs as "" chotts," are a conspicuous feature of the steppes. AVhile occasionally liUed with water, the bottom is commonly dry and covered with a layer of salt. The chotts greatly resemble the "" playa " lakes of the (xreat Basin region in Utah and Nevada and of the " bol- son" plains of the southwestern United States and Mexi(;o. The soil in the bottom of the chotts is always heavy and impervious. DESERT REGION. The soils of the western part of the Algerian Sahara — which is of very little agricultural importance — more or less resemble those of the very arid parts of the high plateau. In the eastern part of the desert, where numerous oases occur, the character of the soil becomes a matter of greater practical interest. The combined area of all the oases amounts to but a small fraction of 1 per cent of the total surface of the desert. The limited localities where oases occur are determined by the presence of water rather than ])y an}^ exceptional fertility of the soil. As a matter of fact, there are vast tracts in the Sahara which are, probably, naturally more fertile than the oases and require only water to make them extremeh' productive. The field observations made by the writers were confined to a num- ber of typical areas in the Oued Kirh country. There are found the most important oases that are easily accessible from the Mediterranean coast. They are situated in what is prol)al)ly the hottest part of the desert and their elevation above sea level is only a few feet. In fact, several of the oases occur in a part of the basin that is below sea level. As a rule the soils of the oases in the eastern Sahara are light in texture. Sandy loams and sands predominate, though here and there are found soils heavy enough to be classed as true loams. Gypsum is an important. constituent of nearly all the soils examined, in some cases the subsoil being pi'acticall}' pure gypsum. This often acts as a cementing material, uniting the tiner soil grains into aggregates which give the soil a much more sand}' appearance than would be suspected 42 AGRICULTURAL EXPLORATIONS IN ALGERIA. from the re.siilts of mechanical aiuiljse.s. The chita afforded by a num- ber of analyses are given })elow. The natural fertility of these sandy soils is not great. They are almost devoid of oroanic matter and after a few vears of cultivation need fertilizing". This is suppliinl hy the Aral)s in the form of manure from donkeys, sheep, and camels. The soils of the date orchards that have l)een planted by the two French companies are also fertilized. The followino- table gives the results of mechanical analvses of a mim)»er of samples of soil collected in the Oued liirh region of the eastern Sahara. Chemical analyses have not been carried further than a determination of the water-soluble material. Table S. — Mecliunicul (imtliixetf of soils from Ihe Oued Rirli region 'm tlii' Snliara Desert. p. a o ■A 7686 76S7 7U83 7684 7685 7665 7666 7667 7668 7669 7670 7671 7672 7673 7674 7676 7677 7678 7679 7680 7681 7682 Looality. Oiirir. Hard orust among palms. . Subsoil of 76.S6 Ourlana palm orchard Subsoil of 7683 do , Ourlana among 13-year-old palms. Subsoil of 7665 Tougourt amid good alfalfa Subsoil of 7667 Tougourt amid alfalfa Suljsoil of 7669 Tougdurt amid alfalfa Subsoil of 7671 Ta-bes-bes Oasis Subsoil of 7673 Kuda Asli Oasis Subsoil of 7676 Dune sand, border of Djadjat'holt Oasis of Zoia de Temaein Subsoil of 7679 Oasis of Zoia de Temacin Subsoil of 7681 Q 0) ■a a C % o a a c'l > t c ^a o 0-12 0.76 0.52 1.76 12-26 .34 .20 1.88 0-12 .50 .54 .90 12-36 .08 .48 1.64 36-54 .04 . 8t! 2. .50 0-12 .14 2.46 3.96 12-36 .04 1.10 4.46 0-12 1.10 .20 1.32 12-24 .59 .16 1.30. 0-12 .73 .15 1.93 12-24 .62 .73 2. 51 0-12 1.47 .26 2.01 12-24 1.35 .12 1.41 0-12 .41 1..56 2.03 12-24 .16 .35 1.27 0-12 .66 1.12 4.76 12-24 .35 1.39 3.27 .47 .00 5.08 0-12 6. 30 .86 4.00 12-24 .27 1..50 .5.14 0-12 .44 1..54 6. 16 12-24 .21 . m 4. .54 =*a So ca osa I 3.74 1.84 1.14 3.70 2.84 8.06 5.74 3.98 3.06 4.63 5.37 4.98 4.07 1.72 1.33 6.75 4.39 12. 80 4.66 .5.90 4.24 2.60 21.02 29. .52 17.46 36.84 18.74 32. 52 31.70 34.44 28. 58 27. 71 32. 12 28. 22 28. 33 20. 24 25.94 28. 58 20. 38 51.54 22. 50 19.60 22. 70 19. 12 C A "a 18.98 21. 42 49.80 29.30 36.40 33. 56 40.94 37.98 45. 92 33. .59 33. 27 30.91 29. 82 32.53 34.40 32. 60 26. 42 18.40 17. 48 20. 24 39.10 30.94 i o o a a 4_. .— . 'r-t OS 21. 98 1.5.48 1 11.64 1 7. 64 19.40 5.42 4. .52 9. .52 8. 72 7. 98 5. 85 11 21 7 54 6.37 1 6 r>7 7.97 1 16 76 1 22 26 90 25 88 14 ,50 20 78 sa 31.26 2 i. 40 9.16 9.92 9.14 14.02 11.54 12.56 12. 12 24.01 20. 15 22.41 28. 71 35. 55 30.14 18.22 28.39 7.62 9.04 8.82 5.76 10.60 SALINE SOILS. As in all arid countries, particularly where irrigation is practiced, saline .soils are an important factor in the agriculture of Algeria. Extensive areas of the most fertile land of the colony have been injured by an excess of salts, and the alkali problem is to-day one of the most serious which confronts the Algerian farmer. Drainage is not generally practiced b}^ the colonists in their large irrigation dis- tricts, and the lack of it has been the cause of a great deal of damage. On the other hand, the natives of the Sahara show the utmost inge- nuity and skill in managing salty soils and in irrigating w4th saline waters. There is much in the methods practiced l)y these people that should interest the American farmer and that could be imitated by him with profit. SALINE SOILS. 43 COAST REGION. The littoral zone of tlic coast region comprises very little alkali oi- saline land. A few areas of salt marsh occur along the shore, but not much has been done toward their reclamation. The most extensive areas of salt soil in the coast region are those found in the great valle3\s and plains. Certain of these areas have existed for a long time. Others, inchiding some of the most serious, have been developed luider irrigation within the last fifty years. The most important tracts of salt land seen by the writers were near tiie towns of Kelizane and Perregaux, in the Department of Oran. At Relizane the area covered b}' the irrigation systems amounts to about 20,000 acres. As the water supply very frequently falls far short of the amount necessary for the irrigation of this large area, part of the land is ordinarily lying idle. The irrigation of surrounding fields, together with seepage from the canals and laterals, has so raised the water tat)Ie in this uncultivated land as to permit a constant upward movement of the water ))y capillary force. The result has l)een that salts which were formerly confined largely to the subsoil, or which have been carried into tlie soil by subirrigation, have risen to the sur- face and have accumulated there. The same process of accumulation of salts in the upper layers of the soil has caused serious damage in many parts of western North America. Around Relizane the old story has been retold that land once fertile and producing luxuriant crops is to-day bare of everything but a few stunted salt-loving weeds. Th(> remains of irrigating laterals, fences, and houses alone show that the land has ever been farmed. At Perregaux a simihir state of afi'airs prevails, but a nuu*h larger area is affected. The salt land covers ati extensi\ e tract in the lower part of the valley and includes fields that a few years ago were higiily productive. A few attempts at reclamation have been made, and some excellent fields were seen which were said to h;ive been l)adly saline at one time; but no large areas have been impr()\ ed. The soil and other conditions of saline areas in the irrigated districts of Algeria have no important peculiarities which distinguish them fioni similar localities in Amei'ica. The salts are generally " white alkali."" i. e., salts of sodium (other than the cai'bonate), magnesium, and lime. . Chemical analyses of samples of these soils taken by the writers are given on page 46. The predominant salts are of the "' white alkali "' type, common salt (sodium chlorid) being tlie most abundant. Very little ''black alkali"" (sodium carbonate) has been found in the coast region of Algeria. The question of salt land in Algeria has been discussed in a recent publication by Dugast. who devotes particular attention to the damage that has been wrought in the vin»\vards of western Algeria by the rise 44 AGRICULTUEAL EXPLORATIONS IN ALGERIA. of salts in the soil. We nia}' be excused for (luotiiig at some length from this author." It is sea salt — that is, true salt — that is generally found in Algeria, but magnesium salts have also been found in several vineyards. As for the alkali salts, or "black alkali," we have not yet come across them. They probably appear, however, when circumstances favoral)le to their formation exist. * * * But if their existence is transient, if washing does not take place to separate them from the other salts, it is difficult to determine their presence. In 1876 Pichard called attention to the presence of carbonate of sodium in several waters in Oran Department, accompanied by sulphates of sodium and calcium and chlorids of calcium and magnesium, sometimes by small quantities of alkali nitrates and traces of ammonium salts. These waters give an alkaline reaction and contain from 0.2 gram to 20 grams of sodium carbonate per liter. While the salt is directly harmful, it is also indirectly injurious ))y hindering the nitrification of the nitrogenous matter existing in the soil or added to it by manure. Hence it interferes with the alimentation of plants. In vineyards salt manifests itself in spots which differ in aspect according as they are old or new. When the salt is in small quantities in the soil, or, rather, when the soil still contains a considerable proportion of water, or when, again, the salt reaches only a part of the zone of soil occupied by the roots, the spots are charac- terized by a simple wilting of the vegetation. At other times the damage caused by the salt is sudden and nmch more pro- nounced. The places attacked then take the form of circular spots. The branches of the vines that bear grapes lose their leaves and dry up, and the grapes do not reach complete maturity. In 1898 and in 1899, at the time of our visit [to the vineyards of Oran Department], we saw numerous spots presenting these characteristics. Such spots were occupied by vines loaded with grapes, but the branches had completely lost their leaves. All around them the vines were green and were well loaded with a good crop of grapes. In the older spots, which are sometimes very extensive, most of the vines are dead. We find, however, here and there, some vines that have resisted the salt and have been able to put out badly developed branches bearing a few grapes of poor quality. These old spots, although due to salt, much resemble those caused by phylloxera. The reclaiming of salt land is difficult to accomplish in Algeria. The rainfall is always insufficient to bring about reclamation, and the supply of irrigation water is also scanty. For the present we must try to get along with the salt, doing our best to prevent its becoming too injurious. This can be done by working the soil to a depth of 20 inches, so that the rain water can be stored in that depth of the soil. In this way the fresh water can be prevented from penetrating sufficiently deep to dissolve the salt and by its pre.sence it restrains the salt from rising. It is necessary, of course, by superficial cultivation to break up the capillarity of the soil, so as to reduce evap- oration to a mininuun. Drainage ditches can also be used in certain lands for carrying off tlie salty water of the lower depths of the soil. Ditches can also be used in certain cases to prevent the invasion of new land by the sheet of salt water. Saline soils of purely natural orioin are found in and near the chotts which occupy depressions and receive the drainage of the surrounding land. In such places salt has been accumulating through long ages. « Agrologie de 1' Algeria, 1900, pp. 66, 58, 59, 71, 72, 77, 78, 80, 81,-89, 90. \ SALINE SOILS. 45 In the dry season the bottom of the basin is covered with a crust of suit, in some cases of suificient thickness to make its exploitation profit- able. In the wet season this gives place to a shallow lake of salt water. A number of such chotts occur near the coast in western Algeria. The writers visited one large salt lake near Arzeu and another near Oran. At the Salines d' Arzeu great ([uantities of commercial salt are prepared. These chotts correspond to similar salt, soda, and ""playa" lakes of Utah, Nevada, and other western States. Many salt lakes also occur in the high plateau region. In the eastern part of the Sahara the chotts cover extensive areas south of Tunis and of the Department of Constantine. There they are below sea level, and the country around them is ver}- hot and dry. DESERT REGION. The saline soils of the Oued Rirh region in the Sahara, so far as they were examined by the writers, generally contain a large amount of gypsum, (.'■'ee p. 46. ) Sodium chlorid and sodium sulphate are the next most abundant salts, while magnesium salts are present only in small quantities. The Saharan soils ai'e usualh' of xeyy light texture, and their proper irrigation demands large quantities of water. The water used contains a high percentage of soluble matter. Consequently, where proper drainage facilities have not been provided, the salt has [accumulated in the soil to an injurious degree. Yet, by digging open drains 8 feet deep at frequent intervals and irrigating once a week or oftener, the natives of the Sahara are able to maintain gardens con- taining a variety of plants not particularly resistant to salts in "the soil. More than this, using strongly saline water (see p. 38) the>^ are able to reclaim land that contains an excessive amount of salts. The writers visited a garden which had been established on the slope of the bed of a salt lake, in which alfalfa, various garden vegetables, and a variety of .young fruit trees were flourishing. The reclamation of this piece of land had l)een accomplished in three years by irrigating twice a week during that period. 46 AGRICULTURAL EXPLORATIONS IN ALGERIA. Table 9. — ('Jifinicnl (HKih/xrx of Kidinc or "«//.-a/(" fioilxfroiu Algirm. a 1 o 6 Locality. ^1 0)"" i ! .1 o 'it, S3 S Potassium (K). a o «3 sec Six a— 03 oi 5 a 5 c ■ eg oo AX u — 7658 Rpli7rtn(^ 3 niilps NW 0-24 0-1 0-12 12-36 0-12 12-24 0-12 12-24 0-12 12-24 0-12 12-24 Crust. 0-12 12-24 0-12 12-24 0-12 12-24 0-12 12-36 36-54 0-12 12-26 7.28 2.41 23.27 23.46 23. 81 25. 23 23. 90 24.71 23. 72 24.67 20. 27 19.11 .56 16. 03 19.75 22.83 24.00 22. 72 24.01 23. 38 26. 08 23.06 16.73 23.84 4.53 12. 15 .91 .49 .89 .66 .88 .58 1.13 .68 1.61 1.63 .66 3.27 1.96 1.21 1.05 .97 1.17 1.04 .98 .99 4.11 1.20 3.08 1.10 1.92 2. 24 1.82 1.51 1.82 1.76 1.68 1.93 2.10 1.94 .29 4.47 2.49 ; 1.56 1 -76 1.94 1.48 .92 .85 .99 1.77 1.16 18.48 15. 83 4.77 4.33 3. 52 2.63 3.28 2.84 3.90 2.86 1.34 7.84 37.08 6.86 6.03 4.51 3.92 4.90 3.33 5.15 2.15 4.92 10.89 3.90 27.31 9.70 59. 13 65. 30 66. 22 6.5.% 66.49 66.69 61.35 66. 28 61.38 61.13 3.82 56.18 61.83 63.90 65. 30 61.66 64.79 59.47 64.97 63.74 24.13 62. 10 34.22 56.86 8.35 2.09 1.87 1.87 1.24 1.26 6.46 1.76 4.96 5.27 56.99 7.96 4.79 4.02 2.95 5.08 3.60 8.54 2. 82 3.71 41.35 5.81 5.10 7659 do 1.95 7665 7666 7667 7668 Ourlana, among 13-vear-old palms do Tongourt Oasis, amid good alfalfa do 1.65 2.09 1.87 2.14 7669 7670 Tougourt Oasis, amid poor alfalfa 2. 39 2.16 7671 7672 Tougourt Oasis, amid yellowing alfalfa, do 1.76 1.82 7673 7674 Ta-bes-bes Oasis, amid alfalfa do 3.34 3.18 7675 7676 Kuda Oasis Knda Asli Oasis, amidgood alfalfa do .65 5.23 3.15 7679 Zoia de Temacin Oasis, amid good alfalfa 1.97 7680 do 2. 02 7681 76S2 7683 7684 7685 Zoia de Tcmacin Oasis, amid yellow- ing alfalfa do do do 2.73 1.62 1.50 2.15 2. .59 7686 1.02 7687 1 . 99 T.\Bi,E 10. — Conrciitioiial i-oinliimdhivst of fhe data in T(d>le 9. No. of 'sample. 7658 7659 7665 7666 7667 7668 7669 7670 7671 7672 7673 7674 7675 7676 7677 7679 7680 7681 7682 7683 7684 7685 7686 7687 Percent soluble matter. 2.47 6.14 4.36 4.02 4.49 4.48 4.50 4.43 4.76 4.62 3. 25 3.39 92.93 1.83 3. (15 4.,S7 4.72 3. .50 4.44 4.77 4.46 4.63 6.99 4.82 Calcium sulphate (CaSO,). 24. 78 8.17 79.23 79.69 80. 88 85.69 81.24 84.39 80.61 S3. 75 68.89 64.97 1.91 54.42 67. 01 76.64 81.65 77.01 81.64 79.48 87.17 78. 37 34. 20 80.99 Magne- sium sul- phate {MgS04). 12.31 4.91 4.03 2.44 4.42 3.30 4.39 2.89 5. 58 3.42 7.93 7. 55 3.07 16.03 9.64 6.03 5.19 4.79 5. ,54 4.19 4.87 4.92 Magne- sium chlorid (MgCU). 7.93 43. 78 .18 .16 .79 Potas- sium chlorid (KCl). 16. 13 5.93 5.99 2.11 3.67 4. 23 3. .56 2.90 2. 57 2.66 3.19 3.70 4.03 3.71 .55 8. .50 4.72 2. 95 1.43 3.71 2.83 1.76 1.61 1.90 3.37 2. 20 Sodium chlorid (NaCl). 41.95 38. 36 10.65 .15 .32 .80 8.19 5.03 5. 72 93. 42 6.43 4.20 4.35 3.76 5.48 3.60 11.73 3.40 4.62 26.55 7.85 Sodium bicarbij- uate (NaHCOa). 7.04 2.67 2.24 2^88 2. .58 2.94 2. 17 2. 21 2.43 2.50 4.58 4.36 .89 7.19 4.33 2.71 2.78 3.76 2. 20 2. 05 2. 95 3. .54 1.40 2.74 Sodium \ Other sulphate constitu- (Na.:S04). ents. 10.61 8.24 4.37 8.35 6.95 6. 63 9.54 13.69 7.43 10.10 6. 32 5.19 5. 25 4.10 a 1.28 n;90 6.65 hl8. 35 .29 .. aPotassium bicarbonate (KHCO.i). ^Calcivun chlorid (CaCU). SOIL MANAGEMENT. ROTATIONS, 111 the grain-producing- districts of Algeriii the rotation — if it can be called such -commonly followed consists of a yvwv (winter) in a cereal crop followed bv a year of fallow. In other words, the land lies idle I SOIL MANAGEMENT. 47 for sixteen or eighteen nionthn out of twenty-four. This sj'stem was followed by the ancient Greeks and Romans, and is still in vogue among their descendants in the Mediterranean region. It is to be recommended only for countries where the rainfall and the supply of irrigating Avater are too scanty to permit rotation with a soil-restoring crop and where manure can not be had in any considerable quantity. Such is the case in the most important cereal-growing districts of Algeria. A larger net profit is often ol)tained from 2 acres of grain managed in this way than from 1 acre that is heavil}^ manured. If deep and thorough plowing is included in this method of handling the soil, the benefit to the land that would accrue from the use of another crop in rotation can be partly compensated for. No leguminous crop has yet been found Avhich can be profitalil}^ grown on a large scale in Algeria in rotation with wheat and barley. The scarcity of irrigating water is chiefly responsible for this condi- tion, and wherever water is abundant the question of rotation ceases to be a troublesome one. In that case a crop of horse beans or vetch — or, if manure is obtainable, of beets, potatoes, or tobacco — followed by two crops of grain is found to make a satisfactory rotation. FERTILIZERS. Whatever may have been their natural condition, the cropping of Algerian soils for thousands of years, often without intelligent efi'ort to conserve their fertility, has resulted in greatly impoverishing them. In large areas the soil is low in phosphates and, to a greater or lesser extent, in nitrogen. Potash, on the other hand, is generall}^ suffi- fcientlv al)undant. In the coast region much of the soil can be bene- fited by liming. During the first few years after the French conquest no particular [attention was paid to questions of fertilizers and of rotation. Soon, ihowever, under the infiuence of the more intensive farming practiced by Europeans, the yield of crops began to diminish, and it became necessary to look for a remedy. In the littoral zone of the coast region, where there is intensive cultivation of market gardens, orchards, and vineyards, the use of farm manure and of commercial fertilizers has become general. In 1808 the uimual consumption of Algerian phosphates alone in the colony had reached 8,000 tons. In 1900 the total quantity of mineral fertilizers applied yearly to the soils of Algeria was estimated at 15,000 tons. The use of mineral fertilizers is limited almost entirely to the littoral zone. In the lai'ge valleys of the coast region, where vineyards and fields of grain co\'er extensive areas, it is estimati'd that not one-twentieth of the total amount of cultivated land is given any fei'tilizer whatever. The supply of farm manure is exceedingly scanty, as the absence of cultivated forage crops prevents the raising of many cattle. Where 48 AGRICULTURAL EXPLORATIONS IN ALGERIA. farm manure is obtainable it is thought to be more beneficial than any commercial fertilizer, since Algerian soils are often deficient in organic matter and manure has a very beneficial physical effect upon them. It is considered good practice to apply manure in the autunm, after a year of fallow, thus obtaining an abundant crop of wild forage the following winter. Grain is then grown during the second and third winters after the application of manure, PREPARATION OF THE I,AND. CLEARING AND LEVELING. In the coast region some of the best land is still covered with a dense growth of brush, comprising lentisk, jujube, heath, broom, and other characteristic shrubs of the Mediterranean region. This shrubby vegetation is luxuriant in proportion to the depth and fertility of the soil. Its remov^al generally costs about IK) an acre. In the neighbor- hood of cities this expense can partly be met l)y the sale of the wood removed and of charcoal made from it. It costs still more, from $20 to 124 an acre, to clear land which bears a heavy growth of dwarf palm, a deep-rooted plant that still covers extensive areas in Algeria. The roots of the palms can be loosened by means of a steam plow, and then removed with a pick. In the work of clearing land, Spanish, Moroccan, and Kabyle laborers are most expert. Leveling is done with scrapers, which are generally drawn by horses. The average expense of leveling an acre, if two men and three animals are employed, is about $8. PLOWING. The Arab plow, generally used in Algeria, has the forward part supported directly by the yoke or harness of the animal which draws it, while the working part is limited practically to the share. The Kab34e plow consists of two pieces of wood (often the forked branch of a tree) meeting at nearly a right angle, the upright piece being shaped so as to serve as a handle, while to the horizontal piece the iron share is fastened. Two wooden projections at the end of the horizontal piece, just above the share, serve to widen the furrow that is made. The beam is fastened, by means of a peg, into the angle made by the two pieces. One end of the beam is fastened by a strap directly to the wooden yoke of the animal wliich draws the plow. One man works the plow, driving the animal with one hand and holding the handle with the other. The instruments used ))y the natives break up the soil only to a very small depth. Among the European colonists improved modern plows are now coming into use. On the largest farms steam plows, operated by two 16-horsepower engines, are some- times used. In some of the larger towns steam plows can bo hired. GENERAL ECONOMIC CONDITIONS. 49 For culti\atiiii;' \ ineyards, .Vniericaii ^^'dn<^ plows arc preferred. The use of the disk harrow is widespread. In preparing for a crop of cereals the land is oeneralh" not plowed until fall. This is, however, a bad practice, for if there are heavy rains early in the autumn the land is sometimes too wet to permit of plowing before the first of the year. If, on the contrary, the rains are unusually late, the soil may be too dry and hard to make early plowino- possil^le. In consequence, the crop is sown late and is often dried up by the hot winds of late spring and earl}^ summer. S[)ring plowing- in preparation for a winter crop is therefore highly recommended by the best authorities. It is pointed out that as a result of this practice the soil loses less moisture during the sunuuer fallow, besides being in excellent condition to absorb the iirst rain that falls upon it in the autumn. It is, indeed, advisable to keep the surface of the soil in a well-pulverized condition at all times when there is no crop in the land. Deep plowing is found to have, up to a certain point, the same effect as rotation and the use of fertilizers. Beyond that point, how- ever, the yield of crops will diminish, no matter how thoroughly the land is plowed, unless some other means is taken to restore the fertility of the soil. At Setif good cultivation is made to take the place of irrigation, and. excellent crops of cereals and of leguminous food and forage plants are produced without artiticial watering. In i)reparing land that is comparatively flat, in order to establish market gardens, vineyards, and orchards, it has been found that a steam plow, turning the soil to a depth of from 20 to 24 inches, can be used to advantage. In lieu of this an ordinary plow, followed by a subsoiler, will answer the purpose. On hillsides that are too steep for the plow the soil is loosened with picks, usually to a depth of from 24 to 28 inches. The expense of preparing an acre in this way averages a))()ut $50. Sometimes the pick is also used for loosening the soil in orchards where the trees are set ver}^ close together and in market gardens. The plow used in market gardens is generally a very light one. GENERAL ECONOMIC CONDITIONS. HISTORICAL AND POLITICAL. According to the census of 189*!, the jxjpulation of Algeria, exclud- ing the army, was 4,o<)<>,0()(), of which SO per cent was Mohammedan. The great importance of agriculture^ is shown b}^ the fact that four- Hfths of the inhabitants live by farming or l)y raising animals, almost the whole of the native population being thus employed. The total area now under French dominion is about 150,000 sijuarc miles, but a large propoi'tion of this ai'ca is a l)arren desert, without water for 28932— Nu. 80— U5 -i 50 ACxRICULTURAL EXPLORATIONS IN ALGERIA. irrigation. An area of 3,460,000 acres, including- most of the best arable land, is held by European colonists, while about 17,290,000 acres is still the property of natives. The remainder, including large forested areas and vast tracts of steppe covered with alfa grass, is government land. There is one inhabitant to every 17i acres of land belonging' to Europeans, and one inhabitant to every 5 acres held b}' natives. California, with an area slightly exceeding that of Algei'ia (15<>,000 square miles), has a population of about 1,500,000. The combined populations of Arizona, California, Colorado, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming about equal that of Algeria. The traveler in vVlgeria does not, how- ever, get the impression that the colony is well populated. On the contrary, it seems a new country, and capable of far greater agricul- tural development than has yet been attained. LAND VALUES. In a country like Algeria, where climate, soils, and crops, not to speak of means of comnuinication and nearness to large coinmercial centers, vary so much in diti'erent regions, it is extremel}' difficult to generalize as to the value of the land. Within 20 miles of large towns, where there are good facilities for transportation by road or b}' rail- way, the best land is worth from $25 to $7o an acre. In proportion as remoteness from important centers and difficulties of communication increase, the value diminishes to $10 or less. An acre in vines near Algiers, a region unaffected by phylloxera, is worth from $80 to $23(». Orchard and truck land well supplied with artesian water sells for from $S() to $100, and the best market-garden land near Algiers at very nnich higher prices, sometimes as much as $230. Orange groves in full bearing are worth from $480 to $640 per acre. Olive orchards, in land of good ([uality but not capable of irri- gation, range in value from $80 to $240 per acre. An acre of tig trees is valued at $115 to $230. Facilities for irrigation, of course, enhance these values. FARM LABOR. The great bulk of the farm work in Algeria is done by the native population — Arabs and Kabyles — either in the eini)loy of European colonists or working for themselves on land they own or rent. The Kabyles, among whom the native agriculture of Algeria has reached its highest development, are generally more industrious and more skillful laborers than the Arabs. Particularly in the littoral zone of the coast region, where the Euro- GENERAL ECONOMK^ OONDITIONS. 51 pean population is donsost, imu-h of tho labor iu vineyards, orchards, and market gardens is performed by immiui-ants from southern France, Spain, Italy, the Balearic Islands, and Malta. In all those countries agricultural conditions resemble to a greater or less extent those prcv vailing along the African shore of the Mediterranean. The wages paid iiatixe laborers vary according to the locality, the season, and the nature of the crop grown. Wages to natives are liio-hest along the coast, where a day's labor in summer commands from 28 to 3S cents. Farther inland the wage varies between 24 and 2S cents. Harvest lal)or performed in the usual fashion, with a sickle, is paid at the rate of about -io cents a day. When the scythe is used from 65 to 75 cents a day is earned. Laborers are sometimes employed by the month, receiving, without board, $6.50 to $7.50. If somewhat more skilled than the average the}^ are paid as much as $9.50 a month, oi- a smaller wage is given, together with a ration of about 2 pounds of bread daily, and each month 2 quarts of olive oil and a few pounds of dried tigs and semolina. For tending small flocks owned by Euro- peans the native receives from $1.50 to $2.75 per month with food, or $2.75 to $4.75 without food. The employer always retains half of the wage agreed upon until the expiration of his contract with the shep- herd, as security for the proper care of his flock. Men whose families live in the neighborhood are found to be the most trustworthy laborers among the natives. European workmen are more intelligent and consequently better paid than natives. Their wages are higher in eastern Algeria and in the interior, where the conditions are less attractive to Europeans than in western Algeria. The heavier kinds of farm lal)or, if done bv inuni- grants, fall to the share .of Spaniards and Italians. French lal)orers are generally engaged in such work about the orchards and vineyards as requires more intelligence, and as overseers and foremen. The market gardens of the littoral zone, where large quantities of vege- tables are grown not only for consumption in Algeria but for expoi't to Europe, are rented and farmed for the most part by Mahonnais (natives of the Balearic Islands) and by Maltese. Unskilled Spanish and Italian laliorers, working by the day and flnding their own provisions, earn from 45 to 55 cents a day in winter and as much as 75 cents a day iu sununer. The day's work in winter lasts nine or ten hours, with an hour's rest at noon. In summer the workday is twelve or thirteen hours, but with two hours' intermission at noon and 'a quarter of an hour for rest in the middle of the morning and again in the middle of the afternoon. The same kind of lal)or, if employed ))y the month, commands from $5.50 to $11.50, board included. The more intelligent French laborers naturally receive nuich higher wages. 52 AGRICULTURAL EXPLORATIONS IN ALUERL\. AGRICULTURE OF THE NATIVE POPULATION. AMONG THE ARABS. The Arab, as a rule, is lazy and shows little skill and initiative in his farming. He works only to keep from starving-, his and)ition beino- .satisfied as soon as he has enough to keep body and soul together. The Arabs of the coast region are ehieHy tillers of tlie soil, living in rude huts or "gourbis," while those of the high plateau and desert regions are for the most part nomadic shepherds, dwelling in tents; but both pursuits — agriculture and stock raising — are often combined in the same family. Agriculture, as practiced l)y the Arab who has not been influenced b}' European methods, is of the simplest description. His plow is made with a few strokes of a hatchet from the branch of a tree, and usuall}' has no metal about it. Hitching to this rude instrument a hoi'se, a camel, or, perchance, his wife, he merely scratches the soil in the autumn and scatters his wheat or barley seed. He then goes over the held a second time Avith a plow, covering the grain to a depth of 3 or 4 inches. After that is done he folds his hands and waits for the crop which may or ma}' not come, satisfied that he can do no more and that the result is in the hands of Allah, in the spring, before the ground has dried out, he puts in sorghum or Indian corn in a simi- lar fashion. The yields of grain thus obtained are naturally scanty at l)est, while in dr}' years the cro])s sometimes fail entirely and there is much suti'ering among the Aral* popidation. In better soils, especiall}' where a little water can ])e had without nuich labor, beans, chick-peas, and melons are grown. Near streams the Arab often has a small orchard of Hgs, pomegranates, oranges, and apricots, or a vegetable garden. None of these crops receive any particular attention, and the j-ield and (juality of the product are gen- erally far inferior to those obtained b}' skillful European farmers. AMONG THE KABYLES. The Kabyles belong to the ancient Berber race that inhabited north- ern Africa before it was conquered by the Arabs — before even the Cai'thaginians and the Komans occupied the country. Nowadays the}^ are confined chiefly to the mountainous districts. Their principal territory is the region known as Great Kabylia, lying between the Djurdjura range of mountains and the sea. Here a dense population is crowded into a comparative!}^ small area, much of which is so mountain- ous and rugged that even these dauntless farmers can not make crops gi'ow upon it. Since the French occupation of Algeria, however, large numbers of Kabyles have left their mountain fastnesses, seeking work as farm laborers in the valleys and plains, or as porters in cities. GENERAL ECONOMIC CONDTTTONS. 53 Many of these eniigrants, however, spend only a part of the year in the lowlands, returning home with their savings and putting in the rest of their time cultivating their own land. Unlike the Arab, the Kabyle is a patient and persistent workman. He is a true mountain- eer— frugal, temperate, and hardy. It is astonishing with how little the Kabyle can sustain life. He often inherits the merest patch of land, or only a single tree— some- times oidy a branch of an olive tree that has its roots in another man's land. With this slender patrimony and what he can make by hiring his labor to others, he supports himself and his family. Now that Kabylia is thoroughly pacified and the tribal wars that formerly waged between almost every two neighboring villages have ceased, there is a much larger acreage available for cultivation than was form- erly the case. Every inch of arable land is -put into crops. Grain and forage plants are grown in the river valleys and lower slopes, figs and olives on the steeper hillsides. It is in horticulture, especially, that the Kabyles excel, the country they inhal)it being better adapted to orchard than to field crops. They are expert in grafting and other horticultural processes. Olive culture is a specialty of these mountaineers. Every year they graft large numbers of scions of improved varieties upon wild trees, and thus con- stantly extend the area of their olive orchards. Fig trees are also planted yearly in large numbers. They are handled with great skill, capi'ification l)eing carefully attended to. Of olive and fig trees, as well as of grapes and other kinds of fruit, there are a number of varieties that are more or less peculiar to Kabylia. The dried leaves of the fig and the twigs of the olive that are removed in pruning, as well as the leaves of the ash and the elm, are utilized by the Kabyles as foraoe for their domestic animals. It is said that two-thirds of the population of these mountains depend absolutely upon the olive and the fig for subsistence. Where these trees are present there are three or four inhabitants to every 5 acres, while in parts of Kabylia where they are wanting, from 5 to T acres of land are required to support each person. The Kabyles do not raise cereals in quantity suflScient to supply their own wants, and they nnist draw^ upon other parts of the colony for grain. Flour is made into semolina or baked in an earthenware tray into a sort of unleavened bread. Flour made from beans, nuts, Indian corn, and sorghum is mixed by the poorer classes with barley flour. Often wheat, barley, beans, and other plants are grown together in the same field. Fruits, excepting olives, figs, and grapes, are gener- ally of poor quality, although apricots, pomegranates, peaches, pears, apples, and, in some sheltered valle3^s, oranges are grown. Wheat, barley, and beans are sown in the autumn, sorghum and Indian corn in the spring. Otherwise, all these crops are handled in 54 AGRICULTURAL EXPLORATIONS IN ALGERIA. ;il)()iit the same way. Plowing is done with oxen, hitehed to a rude, homemade plow of veiy ancient pattern, which turns up the soil to a depth of about 5 inches. The yoke is so adjusted that the steepest slopes and even the soil about the roots of a tree can l)e plowed. A man follows the plow, breaking up the clods with a pick. Sowing is done by hand. The fields are kept very clean, the weeds that_ are removed being used as forage. Harvesting is done with the sickle or even by hand. Grain is thrashed by treading out beneath the hoofs of oxen on a floor of hardened clay. It is winnowed by tossing into the air, the wind carrying away the chafl". The valley lands are irrigated from the numerous streams that run bank full in the spring. The tiny garden, which every fairly well- to-do Kabyle possesses, is watered and manured with great care, and difterent vegetables follow^ one another in constant succession through- out the year. A plot of ground 40 by 80 feet is thus made to produce all the vegetables needed by a large family. Ovving to the small area of land in the mountains that can l)e spared for forage crops, the Kal)yles purchase in the lowlands most of the animals they use in their farm work, fattening and reselling them when the spring plowing is over. Donkeys are generally used for carrying loads, and mules for riding. The Kabyle, unlike the Arab, takes the greatest care of his animals, stabling them at night in his own house and doing his best at all seasons to provide them with sufficient food. AMONG THE SAHARANS. The population of the oases in the eastern part of the Algerian Sahara, the only part of the desert that is of much agricultural inter- est, is of mixed origin. It combines strains of Berber, Sudanese, and Arab blood. In winter great numbers of nomadic Arabs descend into the Sahara with their flocks and herds, which range during the summer over the plains of the high plateau region. But there is also a resident population, which su])sists entirely upon the products of the date palm and the various cultures that are grown in its shade. These, the true Saharans, are very skillful gardeners, understanding thoroughly tha highly specialized culture of the date palm. They are adepts in the management of soils and irrigating waters that contain excessive amounts of salt. Despite these disadvantages, which are combined with the most unfavorable climatic conditions, they succeed in growing in the oases a variety of fruit trees, garden vegetables, forage plants, and cereals. Not only in their own gardens, but in the plantations of palms recently established by French capital, the labor is performed entirely by natives. The climatic conditions, together with the large quantity of more or less stagnant water that is always present, make the oasis environment, at least in "summer, CROPS OF THE COLONY. 55 entiiel}' unfit for European labor. Indeed, the Arabs of the coast and hio-h plateau regions are hardly better inured to the summer con- ditions, which only the thoroughly acclimated natives of the Sahara can endure witht)ut suffering-. CROPS OF THE COLONY. The greatest wealth-producing crop of Algeria is the vine. The climate and soils of a great part of Algeria, as of California, are perfectly adapted to viticulture. The French colonists have put l)y far the greater share of their energy and capital into the growing of wine grapes. In 1S98 the average annual value of the j)roduct of Algerian vineyards was estimated at $5.i )00,0( »U. The red and the white table wines of the colon}' are steadily improving in quality and are coming more and more into favor among foreign consumers. There is also a consideral)le production of earl}^ table grapes for the markets of Europe. Various orchard crops are likewise a source of revenue. First and foremost stands the olive. Algeria is extending year l)y year the area planted to olives, a product for which northern Africa has alwavs been famous. As the inability of Italy and Spain to supply the world's demand becomes more and more evident, the export of olive oil from Algeria and Tunis will doubtless steadilv increase. Citrus fruits,^ particularl}' mandarin and other oranges, are exported in con- siderable quantities. In this industry, however, Algeria finds herself in competition with Spain, Sicily, and other countries which have the advantage of a larger or at least a better distributed rainfall. Figs are grown in most parts of the colony. In Kabylia they are dried and prepared for export, although the finest sorts of tigs for drying are not grown in Algeria. A considerable variety of other fruits is grown, chiefly for domestic consumption, among which may be mentioned pomegranates, apricots, almonds, peaches, cherries, plums, apples, and pears. Tropical fruits, such as the banana, pineapple, guava, and avocado, can be produced in the open only in a very few localities along the coast, and can never become crops of the first rank. The kaki and the loquat are more promising. A restricted yet important industry in Algeria is the production of dates. Especiall}' in the Sahara, dates form a staple food of the inhab- itants, who eat great quantities of the ordinaiy sorts. The finer varieties are now being grown in some quantity for export to Europe, and a considerable amount of French capital has been invested in this enterprise. Market gardens occupy a consideral)le area near the sea. Large (juantifies of vegetables are grown, not only for the use of the home 50 AGRICULTURAL EXPLORATIONS IN ALGERIA. population l)iit lor shipment to Kurope to supply tho winter and early spi'ing markets. Of those which are exported, artichokes, pota- toes, beans, and peas are the most important. The consumption of melons and watermelons in Algeria is very large during the summer. The principal iield crops of the colon}^ are cereals. \\'heat and l)ar- ley occupy about 7,<»()0,00() acres annually and supply a large export trade. Indian corn and sorghum are extimsively grown by the natives. Cotton and sugar cane, crops to ^^ Inch Egypt owes so nnich of her wealth, are of small importance in Algeria. The only valuable "industrial'"' crops are tobacco and certain plants used in the manu- facture of perfumery. The cork oak and the grass known as alfa, which contribute largely to the prosperity of the colony, are never artificially' planted and hence are not, strictly speaking, agricultural products. The acreage in forage crops is limited, particular!}- in summer, by the scanty water supply. Alfalfa is grown generally in small patches, although on the larger estates good-sized fields are sometimes put into this crop. Sulla has l)eeu fi'cquently reconnnended but has not come into general use. The pods of the carob tree, or St. John's bread, are used for feeding stock. They are consumed in consideral)le quantities in the colon}' and are also exported. Sorghum is also grown exten- sively and affords a valuable supply of summer forag(\ In the autumn, in some localities, vetches are sown with oats or barley and are harvested in the spring. This mixture, either green or cured, is an excellent food for cattle. Oats are grown for export only, barley being the grain commonly fed to horses. The greater munl)er of the cattle and sheep of Algeria are raised upon the wild forage which covers the uncleared portion of the hills and plains or springs up in the cultivated fields after the crop of grain has l>een taken oti'. The supply of green pasturage is abundant dur- ing the winter and spring, but the hot, dry sununer soon burns it dry. As cultivated forage is scarce in summer animals often have great ditiiculty in ol)taining feed at tliat season. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. COAST REGION. The great diversity which the coast region exhi])its in respeci. to climate, topography, and soils is paralleled by the great diversity of its agricultural conditions. A far greater variety of crops is grown there than in either of the other regions. The three zones — littoral, valley and plain, and mountain — are distinguished one from another by agricultural as well as by topographical and climatic peculiarities, so that it will be advisable to give a sketch of each in turn. Roughly speaking, the first is a zone of orchards and market gardens, the second CROPS OF THE COLONY. 57 of grain fields and A'ine^^ards, and the third of tree crops at lower ele- vations, giving place to pasturage on the higher slopes and crests of the mountains. But this generalization must not be carried too far. The lines that separate the three zones are vague at best, and the indus- tries especially characteristic of each are shared to some extent by all. LITTORAL ZONE. Along the shore of the Mediterranean is practiced the most intensive agriculture of the colony, if we except the oases of the eastern Sahara. The alluvial soils of the valleys, which usually expand into small deltas as they approach the sea, are largel}- occupied, especially in the neigh- Itorhood of the principal cities, by highly cultivated market gardens. The lower slopes of the hills and mountains that border the sea are ()ccui)ied b}^ orchards and vineyards. At slight elevations we find a great variety of fruits, every sort, in fact, that is commonly grown in warm temperate countries. In addition to the great vineyards of wine grapes, excellent table grapes are grown for European as well as for Algerian markets. Oranges of several kinds are produced in consid- erable (piantity. Lemons, apricots, nectarines, and almonds thrive. The Japanese persimmon, the loquat, the pecan, and other tree crops n(jt yet widely cultivated in that part of the world, promise to become a source of wealth. A few peculiarly favored situations, well sheltered from cold winds in winter and from the sirocco in sunmier, are adapted to fruits of a distinctl}^ tropical character, such as bananas, guavas, and avocados. Attempts are being made to produce some of these fruits under glass in marketable quantit}'. It must not be supposed, however, that the littoral zone is devoted wholly to growing fruits and garden vegetables. Where sufficiently extensive areas of alluvial soil occur, cereals are grown, giving larger yields than elsewhere because of the abundant supply of water. For the same reason cultivated forage plants do better in this zone than in the others. Alfalfa is the most important perennial forage crop, while, for winter forage, barley, often sown with vetches, is nuich used. As is also the case to some extent in the other zones of the coast region, natural meadows, furnishing green pasturage all the year round, occupy marshy places. Where such meadows occur, live stock can be kept in good condition throughout the summer, which is seldom possible in the high plateau region. An industry of secondarv importance, 3^et bringing a considerable yearly revenue into the colony, is that of growing plants used in the niaiuifacture of perfumery, notaldy the rose geranium. VALLEY AND PLAIN ZONE. The large valleys of the coast region, especially in the western part of the colony, of which the Cheliti' ma^' be taken as a type, are given 58 AGRICULTURAL EXPLORATIONS IN ALGERIA. up in great part to g-rain prodiu'tion. Of the 12,500,000 acres in Algeria which bear a cereal crop every one or two years, bj' far the largest part is situated in this zone. Wheat, barley, and oats are grown, the last in much smaller quantity than the others and solely for export. The bulk of the Avheat is of the hard or durum type, although soft wheats are also produced. Where water for iri'igation is to be had in summer — and this is the case in only a small fraction of the whole area — alfalfa, sorghum, and other forage plants, as well as tobacco, melons, etc., are grown. Cot- ton was extensively planted in some of the valleys of western Algeria during the civil war in the ITnited States, and proved very I'emunera- tive for a while. Under present market conditions, however, it can not be grown with'protit in the colony. The wild forage that springs up on the extensive areas of grain laiid lying fallow every year is an important resource to the farmer, enaliling him to keep his cattle in good condition during the winter. In sum- mer, however, unless a forage crop is grown under irrigation, the conditions for animals in this zone are unfavorable. MOUNTAIN ZONE. The oidy extensive district of high mountains in Algeria where agriculture is highly developed is Kal)ylia. In discussing the agricul- ture of the "mountain zone" we are therefore, as a matter of fact, describing that district. The lower elevations and the valleys of the larger streams present conditions not unlike those of the littoral zone. Even oranges can be grown in sheltered situations at low altitudes. On the higher slopes and the crests of the ridges, however, this is impossible. The iratun of the surface is not adapted to large vineyards and grain fields; hence^ aoriculture becomes reduced to horticulture. Oi'chards of tigs an( olives cover the middle elevations, often on the steepest hillsides,] Olive oil is produced in large quantities in the eastern part of this mountain region. It is extensively used b\" the inhabitants and i.«| also an important article of export from Bougie, the principal seaporl of the district. Other agricultural products of the mountain regioi which contribute to the export trade of the colony are dried tigs, th( pods of the carob, or St. eJohn's l)read, and capers. The last are not cultivated, but are gathered l)y women and children from the wil( plants, the young flower buds being the part used in conuuerce. About 450,000 pounds of capers were export(»d in iSOil. The mountaineer! raise in small gardens such cereals, yegetal)les, and forage plants as they require for their own use. These gardens are generally situatedl at the bottoms of valle3's and i-avines, where some alluvial soil hasj collected. I I CROPS OF THE COLONY. 59 The hig-he.st elevations of the mountain zone are not suitable for any sort of ag-riculture, l)ut are laroely covered with g-rass, which atiords abundant pasturage to flocks of sheep and g"oats. HIGH PLATEAU REGION. In the typical steppe region of central Algei-ia agriculture is limited to occasional low places where, by means of- the natural moisture of the ground or by irrigation with the water of a well, a crop of barley can bo made in winter. If conditions are exceptionally favoral)le, a small garden can sometimes be established. At sudi points as Sctif and Batna, in the eastern part of the colony, there are extensive areas in winter cereals, where crops are produced without irrigation. But, as we have alivady seen, these places are not to be regarded as typical of the high plateau region. Agriculturally, they belong rather to the vallev and plain zone of the coast region. The two great industries of the hig"h plateau region are grazing and the collection of alfa. Vast numbers of sheep and goats, as well as horses and camels, are pastured, especially in sunnner, on these ele- vated grassy plains. It is estimated that from (j to 10 million head of sheep and 3,500,000 g'oats range the high plateau. These animals are almost without exception the property of Arabs. Many of them are wintered in the Sahara, and in spring are driven by their owners up to the high plateau, where pasturage is more a)>undant and the heat less intense. The hides, meat, wool, and other products of these animals are ii very material source of wealth to the colony. Cattle are not raised in any considerable numl)er. Alfa, or esparto, covers vast areas of this region, often to the almost complete exclusion of other vegetation. The tough leaves of this grass form one of the most valuable exports of the colony, amounting' amuially to about $2,000,000. They are used in the manufacture of high grades of paper, basket ware, matting, hats, and cordage. The harvest takes place in the spring. Persistent exploitation is resulting in the rapid extermination of alfa grass, the more so because attempts to establish artiticial plantations have so far been wholly unsuccessful. DESERT REGION. The oases of the Sahara, and particularly those of the depression known as the Oued Rirh, in the eastern part, are the only portion of the •desert that is of much agricultural importance. There the presence of subterranean stieanis, carrying a considerable volume of water, has made it possible to plant thousands of date palms m groves of greater or less size. Within the last three decades the sinking of a number of artesian wells m the Oued Kirh region has much increased the su})pl3' of water 60 AGRICULTURAL EXPLORATIONS IN ALGERIA. for iirigatincr purposes. Consequently, it has been possible to create new oases and to extend greatly the area in date palms. Two French companies have set out many thousands of palms of the best varieties, especiall}' the celebrated Deglet Noor, and have introduced improved methods of cultivation and management. Dates have always been an important article of export from the Sahara to other parts of Africa. Recently a large export trade with P^urope has been developed. A considerable variety of fruits, vegetables, cereals, and forage crops is grown among the date palms in the oases. These, however, do not afford products for export to foreign countries, but serve merel}" to suppl}' the wants of the local population. The area avail- able is too small to allow these subordinate cultures to attain any considerable magnitude, even cereals and forage plants ])eing grown in gardens rather than in tields. Oranges are grown in the oases at the foot of the mountains that })order the desert, but do not succeed farther south l)ecause of the occa- sionally severe winter frosts. Olives for oil and the large sorts used for pickling, almonds, several kinds of figs and grapes, pomegranates, apricots, and other fruits are produced. The apricots grown are of a native t>'pe and are remarkable for the large size the trees sometimes attain. The different kinds of fruit trees are not set out in separate orchards, but are mingled together. The same system, or lack of system, is observed in the wa}^ garden vegetables are grown. Of these the more common are onions, broad beans, carrots, cab))age, tomatoes, okra, eggplant, |)umpkins, cucumbers, melons, and poppers. Alfalfa is grown in small, carefully tended patches, and is cut many times during the 3'ear. The cereals chieti}" grown are wheat and barle}' in winter, and sorghum and Indian corn \n summer. On the northern edge of the Sahara, where the slope is considerable and occasional heavy rains in winter cause a sheet of Hood water to sweep down over the land, this is taken advantage of in producing crops of grain in the open desert l)ordering the oases. Ridges of mud are thrown up at intervals, and are arranged so as to catch and retain for a while the flood water. PRINCIPAL CROPS IN DETAIL. FRUIT CROPS. GRAPES. Wijie gTapei<. — Grapes have long been an important product of Algeria, for even ])efore the French occupation about fifty \ arieties were known to the natives. In Kal^ylia particular!}-, well-defined local varieties had been developed. Some of these are grown only in that country, apparently, while others occur under different names in other parts of the Mediterranean region. Until within the -last three CROPS OF THE COLONY. 61 decades, umpe.s were orowii chietly fi)r eating' purposes, as the Moliain- inedau law forl)ids the use of wine. Since then, however, the pUmting of vineyards has made rapid progress among* the colonists, and in 1900 nearly 3.50,000 acres, about one-tenth of the land owned by Europeans, was in vines. The estimated total value of Algerian vineyards is $ll-t,000,OoO. Wine is now the most valuable product of the colony, the export amounting in 1899 to over 120,000,000 gallons. Most of the skill, energy, and capital of the French population is concentrated upon this crop. It has l)een computed that $6,(350,000 is paid out annuall}^ in wages to the laborers in Algerian vineyards. Fine wines and dessert wines form but a small part of the total yield, the Algerian product consisting chiefly of heav3'-bodied and, in the case of red wines, deeph' colored wines for blending purposes. These are being constantly improved in quality, and Algerian wines are now widely and favorably known in Europe — France, England, and (Jer- many, especially, importing large quantities. The varieties of wine grapes chiefly grown by P^uropean colonists are those of southern France. Carignane, from which red wine is made, is at present the favorite, and is being planted more extensively than any other variet3^ Other highly esteemed varieties that furnish red wine are Mourvedre, Morastel, Aramon, Cinsault, and Uliiade (Oeillade). Carignane is notaV)le for the rapidit}' with which it comes into bearing and for its large yields. At the satne time it reipiires more care than some other varieties, and is subject to fungous diseases. Mourvedre and Morastel, hardier varieties, but slower in developing and somewhat irregular in yield, are not as extensivelj^ planted as formerly. Cinsault and Uliiade are hardy varieties, and endure the trying conditions that prevail when the sirocco is l)lowing. The former, especially, is nuich grown. The latter is said to be very irregular in its yields. The variety known as ''Petit Bouschet'" is used for giving a deeper color to certain French wines made from other varieties. White wines are made from the Clairette, Ugni Blanc, Semillon, and other varieties, while a native varietv known as Feranah is highlv esteemed \}y some vineyardists. All these, however, give rather light yields, so that the making of white wines from grapes having a color- less juice is now much practiced, the skins being removed before fer- mentation begins. Cinsault, Aramon, and Mourvedre are especiall}^ used for this purpose. Excellent dessert wines are occasionally made from such varieties as Alicante and Muscat. Vines are grown in nearly' all })arts of the colony, even in the extremely moimtainous districts and in the oases of the Sahara; but the most extensive vineyards have been established in the great plains and valleys of the coast region, where the largest protits from the 62 AGRTCUI/rURAL EXPLORATIONS TN ALGERIA. growing- of wine orapos havo })ecn realized. Deep alluvial soils, con- taining a considerable amount of clay and of organic matter, are found to give the largest yields. These soils retain enough moisture during the sunnner to prevent much harm to the vines from the sirocco. The better qualities of wine are, however, commonly produced on hillside vineyards, at altitudes not exceeding 3,000 feet. Some districts that are otherwise perfect I3' adapted to vine3'ards suffer so heavilv ironi hailstorms in spring as to make them unprofitable for grape culture. The vines are planted to best advantage in squares or in a quincunx, i. e. , in s(}uares with one vineat each corner and one in the center. It is verj' important to arrange the vines so that the vineyard can be plowed in both (lii-ections. It is considered advisable, under Algerian condi- tions, when })lanting in scjuares, to set the vines 5, or, for some varie- ties, 0 feet apart each way. The vines are set out during the months of January, February, and Ahirch. Pruning is generally done in the latter part of the winter. The varieties most conunonl}- grown by the colonists, such as Carignane, arc trin)med back close to the stump, leaving a circle of 5 to 8 spurs. When trinmied long, the canes are trained on wire or are supported by forked sticks. Among the Kabyles, the vines are generally allowed to grow on trees. Close trimming is said to increase the ability of the vines to resist drought, wdiich is an important matter in Algeria. Grafting is resorted toi w^hen it is desired to replace the varieties in a vineyard with better^ varieties, and to render it more productive, March and April being the best months for this operation. In Algeria vines generally begin to bear in their fourth year, although a full crop is not obtained until the sixth or seventh 3' ear. Late in the winter, after trinuning is completed and ])efore the buds have begun to start, the vinevards are plowed, usually to a depth of 6 inches. This shoidd be done when the soil is fairh' dry. Occa- sionally the plow is followed l)v a subsoiler. Vines send their roots deep into the soil in Algeria, so that there is little danger of injuring them bv this treatment. A hoe or ])ick is used to loosen the soil around the roots of the vines. In some vineyards, in order to cover the roots, a cross plowing is then given which, like all subsequent plowings, is shallower than the first. During the summer the vine- 3'ard is given as many cultivations with the hoe or the scarifier as are necessary to I'id it of weeds and to preserve a loose mulch on the sur- face of the soil that will keep down evaporation. Bermuda grass is often a serious pest in Algerian vineyards. Although in vineyards careful cultivation will partly take the place of irrigation, the yield can almost always be increased l)y the judicious application of water. Irrigation in winter, so as to stoi'c up water in the soil, is recommended for such regions as the Chelift Vallej'', CROPS OF THE COLONY. 63 where the rainfall is siiiali. The Hrst irrigation in .summer generally takes place when the grapes ])egin to color, and the second about two weeks before the vintage. About '2 acre-inches of water is used in flood irrigation, but only about li acre-inches in furrow irriga- tion. It is desirable to follow each irrigation by a cultivation, in order to keep down weeds and prevent the surface of the soil from baking. Nitrogenous fertilizers are needed in maintaining the wood growth of Algerian vineyards, and phosphoric acid is also often required to promote productiveness. Farm manure is nuich used and is applied at the rate of 12 to 18 tons per acre. When wine making first began in the colony great difticulty Avas experienced in completing fermentation, and the (jualit}^ of the wine was nmch impaired by the presence of unfermented sugar. This was due to the high sugar content of the Algerian grapes and to the high temperatures prevailing during fermentation. These diffi- culties have been largely overcome, however, by observing certain precautions. If the weather during the vintage is very hot, the grapes are gathered and put into the vats in the early morning while they are cool, and the temperature of the vats is kept down by causing cool water to circulate on the outside of them. The fungous diseases, such as anthracnose, oidium, and mildew, which attack vines in Algeria, have been more or less successfully kept in check by spraying. Not so, however, with phylloxera, which has wrought terrible havoc in the vineyards of Oran and Constantine departments since its first appearance in the colony in 1883. A very rigid inspection law has failed to put a complete stop to its ravages. The practice of flooding infected vineyards, which has given such happ3' results in southern France, can not be generall}^ adopted in Algeria because of the scarcity of irrigating water. So far the vine- yai'ds of the central department, that of Algiers, have escaped damage from this destructive insect. In the vineyards of western Algeria consideral)le losses have been sustained through the rise of salts in the soil. The effect of salt in the soil upon Algerian vineyards has been discussed by Dugast (see p. 4-1 of this report), who calls attention to the existence of occasional more resistant plants. In some districts the vines have been killed, while in less extreme cases the quality of the wine has been much impaired by taking up more or less of the salt contained in the soil. A French law forbids the sale of wme containing more than one part per thousand of sodium chlorid, but in some of the wine produced in Oran Department thi> percentage has been exceeded. It is considered safe to plant vines in any soil that is not too salty to permit a good growth of flgs, pomegranates, alfalfa, or artichokes. 64 AGRICULTURAL, EXPLORATIONS IN ALGERIA. Tdhle grape)^. — Excclleiit tabic grape.s arc grown, some of whicli — the CHiisault, for cxani})le — arc valuable also as wine grapes, while others, like the Golden Chasselas, are grown ehieU}' for the table. The latter is ])y far the most popular variety. It is an excellent grape, bearing shipment well. Grapes mature earl}' enough for profit- able exportation in the littoral zone of the coast region onl}'. Near Algiers the Chasselas ripens in the first part of July and reachcnS the French markets in advance of home-grown grapes. Vines of this variety generall}' begin to 3'ield frcel}' in their fifth year. Reeds are usually planted as a wind-l)reak, the same as in market gardens. An average crop from an acre is 3 tons of fruit. The first Algerian grapes that reach the Paris markets are said to bring as nuich as $'26 per 100 pounds. Table grapes grown elsewhere than along the coast ripen too late for export, but often find a good sale in local markets. The varieties peculiar to the colony are generally of inferior quality, although some of them are not without value. Those grown in Kal^ylia are nearly all pruned to long canes, and often ascend to the tops of tall trees. It is difficult to gather the grapes from such vines or to spray them when infected with fungous diseases. Raisins are dried in small ((uantities b}' the Kabyles. Otherwise this industry has not developed in Algeria, although the climatic con- ditions would seem to be peculiarly favorable to raisin making. OLIVES. From the earliest times of whicli we have record the olive has been one of the most important products of northern Africa. The same varieties yield a higher percentage of oil in Algeria and Tunis than in southern Europe. The oil content varies greatly in different parts of the colony, l)ut as high as 34 per cent has been obtained from olive.' grown m the oases of the Sahara. African oils have a higher mar- garin content and are more easily fixed at a temperature of 40'^ F. than oil made from European olives. The annual production of oil in Algeria is estimated at 13,2()(),000 gallons, the bulk of which is con- sumed in the colony. The export trade is as yet comparatively insig- nificant, amounting annually to only about $200,000. In fact, Algeria does not produce enough for home consumption, importing annually from 2,500,000 to 3,000,000 gallons of edible oils. The number of grafted olive trees in the colony is estimated at 4,500,000, the greater part of them being in Kabylia. Tunis, the olive-growing country par excellence of northern Africa, is said to contain some 15,000,(100 grafted trees, covering about 500,000 acres. The olive is thoroughly at home in Algeria, especially in the Kat)yle mountain district, where several local varieties exist, some of which are of considerable value. :S I CROPS OF THE COLONY. 65 Like some of the vines, some of the olive varieties are found only in the colony, wliile others, >vhieh huxe received local names in Alyeriu, are wideh^ distri))uted in ^Mediterranean countries. The olive grov/s wild in almost every part of Algeria, here and there forming- actual forests, some of which were formerly of nuich greater extent than they are to-day. Tiie fruits of these wild trees are worthless, but the stocks are much used for grafting with improved varieties. In Ka1)ylia especially, the area in olive orchards is being ra})idly extended by grafting wild trees. The olive flourishes in a great variety of soils and is less sensitive than citrus fruits to cold and drought. Yet it has limitations, which nuist be considered when a new orchard is to be established. Well- drained soils, having a consideral)le slope, give the best results. The maximum oil production is said to be obtained from soils rich in lime. Sunny situations are to be preferred, although in districts subject to frosts in spring it is desirable that the trees should not lie in a position where the tirst rays of the sun can strike them in the morning. A paying crop can not be expected in districts where temperatures as low as 25 ' F. or exceeding 105"^ F. are fre([uent. In respect to elevation, olives will not thrive in Algeria at an alti- tude of much more than 3,000 feet, and appear to do best ))etween 1,()()() and 2,000 feet above sea level. In the immediate neighborhood of the sea the orchards suiter most from the ravages of certain insect enemies and of a bacterial disease. Olive orchards are particularly protital)le in districts like the Chelitf Valley, where they can be irri- gated three or four times during the winter. If irrigation in summer is also possilile, the 3'ield can often be doubled. At each wateiing, from 1..5 to 2 acre-feet is applied. AVhere an orchard is to be started with ,young trees, these are set out in most parts of Algeria to best advantage at intervals of 30 feet, in rows 50 feet apart. Sometimes the quincunx plan is adopted. On irrigated land, about 40 trees to the acre is the proper number. Planting is done during the winter, preferably in December or January. After six or eight years an orchard started with trees 5 feet high and 2 or 3 inches in diameter will generally i)ay expenses, and in tifteen years it will be in full bearing. Other cultures are not permitted in the orchard, unless the water supply is ample and the soil is either naturally very fertile or is well manured. Cereals are often grown among the trees, but this tends to diminish the yield of fruit, and is generally discontinued after the trees begin to bear. On the other hand, where water is plentiful, the growing of broad beans and similar leguminous crops in olive orchards is a good practice. 28932— No. 80— 05 d 66 AGRICULTURAL EXPLORATIONS IN ALGERIA. Fertilizers, applied in alternate years when the trees are not bear- ing, largely increase the yields. A good tree, if furnished about 500 pounds of farm manure every other year, will yield 550 to 650 pounds of fruit eveiy two years. The average j'ield from a tree 20 years old appears to be about 175 pounds, from 12 to 15 per cent of the weight being oil. The best method of keeping the soil of an olive orchard in lirst-class condition is to give it a good plowing as soon as the harvest is over. During the summer two or three cultivations are given, in order to keep the surface well nudched and thus reduce evaporation. The harvest begins in October, green olives, for pickling, being the first that are gathered. By fai" the greater part of the oil crop of the colony is obtained from fruit grown ))y the natives, who themselves manufacture two- thirds of the oil produced and also supply with fruit the oil mills that are operated by Europeans. European colonists have not, so far, ^ devoted as much attention to olive growing as the importance of the " crop would warrant. In western Algeria, however, in districts infected with ph3dloxera, olives are often planted in vine3'ards, so as to take the place of the vines in case the latter should be destroyed. Olive growing is the principal industr}^ of Kab3dia. Very little care is there given to the cultivation of orchards, this being generally limited to a single plowing in spring. The furrows are run horizon- tally along the hillside, so that as much rain water as possible can be retained in the soil. The trees are pruned with a hatchet while the fruit is being gathered. The whole family — men, women, and chil- dren— take part in the harvest, which is a sort of festival, like the vintage in European countries. Hired pickers are paid with a certain proportion of the fruit they gather. A woman can earn, during the two months of the picking season, olives enough to yield about 15 gal- lons of oil, worth perhaps |6. Europeans who manufacture olive oil purchase the fresh fruit from native growers, paying from -tO cents to $1 per 100 pounds. The fruit is })rought to the mills in baskets made of reeds or of olive twigs. In every Kabyle village there is a small oil mill, the miller being paid for his work with the product of the second pressing. The strong flavor of the oil made l)y the natives, which is very unpalatable to Europeans, is due to the fact that the fruit is not pressed while fresh, but is spread out for several months after gathering on a surface of hardened cla}", where it is exposed to the sun and Aveather. The Kabyles use oil almost wholly in place of butter and lard, frying food in it and eating it on bread and '' couscous." Olives for pickling are grown in Algeria onl}^ in a small Avay, gen- erally in the gardens of natives. 1 1 I I CROPS OF THE COLONY. 67 FIGS. The fig ranks next to the olive in importance among- the orchard crops of Algeria. Like the olive, it is most extensivcl}' grown in the mountain zone of the coast region, although common in every part of the colon3\ In Ivabylia no less than two dozen varieties, some of them of excellent quality, are known. Figs, both fresh and dried, form a large part of the food of the Kabyles, who also export to Europe a considerable (|uantity of the dried product. The finest varieties foi- drying, such as are grown near Smyrna, are not, however, grown in Algeria, except in an experimental way. Figs are cultivated in the shade of date palms in the oases of the Sahara; but neither in yield nor in quality do the desert-grown figs compare with those of the mountains. Fig trees do not endure well the severe climate of the high plateau. In the larger valleys of the coast region heavy yields can be obtained under irrigation. Some varieties grown in Algeria bear two crops a year; others, only one. In establishing a fig orchard, either nursery stock, budded from 2-year-okUwood, or root shoots from good trees are used. Budding is generally done in February or March. Growth is rapid, amounting often to 5 feet during the first summer. The trees, when old enough for the orchard, are set out in winter, generally about 30 feet apart. The only pruning done consists in removing the dead wood and the shoots at the base of the trunk. The orchard is occasionally given a shallow plowing or cultivation. In most Algerian soils it is found that fertilizers containing phosphoric acid and potash, if applied in late winter, materialh^ increase the yield of fig orchards. In Kabjdia, where the acreage in figs is constantly being increased, this tree bears well up to an altitude of 4,000 feet. More care is given by the Kabyles to fig than to olive orchards. The trees are sometimes jjeproduced by cuttings, l)ut preferably by root shoots. Pruning is Idone during the winter. In rianuary or February the first plowing is i^iven, and is followed by several others during the spring. Several Ivarieties grown in that district require to be caprified. In other words, [in order to set fruit, their flowers mu^t receive pollen from those of (the wild fig, and this is carried to them ])y a small insect (Blastophaga) [which Jays its eggs in the young flower clusters of the wild fig, or [caprifig. The first capritication usually takes place in June, and the operation is sometimes repeated three or four times during the sum- Imer. The method of the Kabyles is to thread together a few of the "male" figs or caprifigs and hang the chaplets thus made over the branches of the trees, the flowers of which are to be pollinated. Capri- [figs sometimes sell for (> cents a dozen among the natives. In fig orchards managed by Europeans the expense of capritication is esti- I mated at about $5 per hundred trees. (i8 AG-aiCULTURAL EXPLORATIONS IN ALGERIA. Ill the niouiitiiiiis the harvest of %s for drying, although at its height in S('[)tenil)er, covers a period of ahout three months, as the fruit does not all ripen at once. As fast as the fruit matures it is gathered and placed in shallow trays. These are spread out on the ground when the sun is shining, hut are piled together in the evening and placed under shelter when it rains. Tiie fruit is turned over from time to time until it is dry. Figs that arc kept for home use or foi- shipment to other parts of the colony are split down the middle and pressed in a mortar into a compact mass. Those intended for export are packed at the seaports into crates holding TU or 80 pounds, made of leafstalks of the dwarf palm. CITRUS FRUITS. Only a comparatively small portion of the total area of Algeria is suitable for citrus fruits. Even oranges can be grown successfully only in the coast region, up to an elevation of 1,7U0 feet or there- abouts, and in the northern oases of the eastern part of the Sahara, nota])ly at Biskra. In the oases, however, they are not very satisfac- tory in yield or quality. The best orange-growing district is that around Blida, in the Mitidja Valley at the base of the Atlas Range. Here has been developed an excellent type of early-ripening, sweet orange, known as the '' Blida," the harvesting of which begins in October. The Malta blood orange thrives both in the coast region and in the oases. Brazil, Portugal, Jatia, and other races are also grown in the colony. The natives grow oranges mostly from seeds, so that the quality of the fruit they produce is generally very infe- rior; yet some of the native varieties, notably in Ka))ylia and in the mountain ravines near Blida, are said to possess considerable merit. The expense of starting an orange grove in Algeria is sometimes lessened by growing truck crops in the young orchard for the tirst six years. This practice, however, is not recommended by the best authorities. A row of cypress trees is connnonly planted as a wind- break around orange groves. The average profit from an acre of oranges is said to be only about $45 annually. The ])itter orange (bigarade) is very hardy in the colony and is much used as a stock upon which to graft less resistant varieties. From its llowers perfumery is manufactured. Mandarins, which are extensively planted in Algeria, generally pay better than ordinary oranges. One authority estimates that an acre of these fruits gives an average net profit of $()») to $90. The harvest of mandarins at Blida begins in November. Lemons are less extensively planted, although they are quite hardy and yield well in the littoral zone. For the irrigation of citrus fruits in the manner usually practiced in Algeria — by means of shallow basins around the base of each tree — CROPS OF THE COLONY. 69 from 1.5 to -2 :u-re-inches of water is used at an application. If the soil is vcrv permeable, as is the case in the Blida region, the orchard must l)e watered every week. Otherwise, an irrigation every two weeks suffices. As to cultivation, a plowing in March to a depth of 1 foot, a second plowing in May, and a cultivation in August are rec- ommended. DATES." Except in a single locality, where peculiar conditions exist, the date palm does not i-ipen its fruit freely in the coast region. Nor is the high plateau, with its cold winters, adapted to this tree. The true home of the palm is the desert region, particularly the low, eastern part. (See Pis. 1 and III.) In the oases of the Oued Rirh district the finest varieties of dates— notably the celebrated Deglet Noor— reach the acme of their development. The environment in which the date flourishes is a peculiar one. It I can not grow in the dry desert if the ground water is l)eyond the reach of its roots unless it is copiously irrigated. To ripen the fruit of the best varieties, frequent sunmier temperatures of 105° to 110° F., together with a very dry atmosphere and a very small rainfall, espe- cially in the autumn, appear to be necessary. It is obvious that this combination of conditions is not to be met with everywhere. The area which possesses the needed climatic requirements is almost limit- less, but an abundant supply of water for natural or artificial irriga- tion is of rare occurrence in the desert. There are a o-i eat number of varieties of the date palm in the oases of Algeria— probalily at least 15(). These are usually easily distinguished by the character of the fruit, whether long or short, thick or thin, light or dark, with a large or small stone, etc. One of the couunonest types is Khars, an early-ripening- soft, sweet date not suita])le for exportation, but very popular among the inhal)itants of the Sahara. Dates of this kind are either eaten fresh or, pressed into a compact mass, are stored and carried from place to place, usually in leather bags. The Deglet Noor is the date which is most extensively grown for the European trade. Put up in small wooden boxes, with the dates attached to the branch upon which they grew, this fruit bears shipment admirably, retaining without difficulty its shape and firm texture. It is one of the finest of table dates, not only because of its flavor but for the reason that it is clean and easily handled. The fine color and the transparency of the flesh add further to its attractive- ness. During the last two decades the two French companies that are a For a full discussion of this interesting sul)ject by Mr. W. T. Swingle, see the Yearbook of the United States Department of Agriculture for 1900, p. 453, and Bulletin No. 53 of the Bureau of Plant Industry, 1904. 70 AGRICUETUEAL EXPLORATIONS IN ALGERIA. engaged in date growing in tlie Algerian Sahara have set out thou- sands of Deglet Noor trees. The natives also have planted them in large numbers. Of still another type are the dry dates which fur- nish a large part of the food of the population of the desert and are transported by caravans to every part of northern Africa. They are not sirupy like the Rhars type nor richly flavored like the Deglet Noor, but are a wholesome food and can be kept for indetinite periods. The best sorts are eaten either fresh or dry, while from the starchy flesh of inferior kinds flour is made and baked into a sort of bread. In addition to dates, the natives of the Sahara obtain various other useful products from the palms. Trees of inferior value are made to yield "lagmi,'' or palm wine, a sweet juice which is o])tained in a1)un- dance by cutting the bud at the summit of the stem. The wood of the palm is used for building houses, bridges, and dams, as well as for fuel. The leaves serve for thatching roofs, while from their flber matting, baskets, hats, fans, and other articles are manufactured. LESS IMPORTANT ORCHARD CROPS. A great variety of other fruits characteristic of warm temperate and subtropical countries are grown with more or less success in Algeria, but their importance is not sutiicient to warrant much more than an enumeration. The peach is most at home in sheltered ravines of the mountain zone, where it makes a i-apid growth and yields well. It is grafted upon Prumts mirobdan in deep, rich soils, and upon the almond in i thinner, limy soils. The fruit is often of line appearance, but gener- ally lacks flavor. The apricot is also grown most successfully in ravines and on shel- tered slopes at low elevations in the mountain zone. In the oases of the northern part of the Sahara it becomes a large tree and yields heavily, but the fruit is poor in size and quality. Nevertheless, dried apricots are much in demand in the markets of the Sahara. The apricot in the coast region is sometimes grafted on the plum. The almond is one of the fruit trees that is best adapted to the drier parts of Algeria. Two principal types are cultivated— the thin-shelled Princesse, which is exported in some quantity as an early fruit, and varieties with harder shell, which are generally dried. The cherry is most at home in the mountain zone, doing well on a variety of soils. There are cherry orchards of considerable value in some parts of Algeria. The plum thrives in rather deep soils, especially in the mountainous parts of the colony. The Reine Claude gives excellent results under irrigation at moderate elevations in eastern Algeria. The growing of prunes has not become an industry in the colony. CROPS OF THE COLONY. 71 The pear grows vigorously in I'avines and on shaded slopes in the mountain zone, especiall}^ in deep loamy and clayey soils. There are a numl)er of native varieties of small value. Improved European varieties rarely give satisfactory results. The apple is even less successful in Algeria, save in a few excep- tional localities. Among fruits characteristic of warmer parts of the world, the pomegranate should be mentioned. It is very hardy as to climate, but needs a moist soil in order to give the best results. Under irriga- tion good yields can be ol)tained. A number of types are grown in Algeria, the l)est sweet fruit being exported and bringing a good price. The l)etter sorts are propagated by cuttings. The spiny, unimproved type of pomegranate is nuich us(k1 as a hedge plant. The Indian fig, or prickly pear, is al)undant in the coast region, where it is almost perfectly naturalized. It also occurs in some of the oases, but the high plateau region is generally too cold for it. There are several ditierent races, some with yellow, some with red fruit. A white-fruited variety, of ver}^ limited cultivation, is said to [be the finest of all. Indian tigs are highly esteemed by the natives and bv Spanish and Italian immigrants, but are rai'ely eaten by the French. Japanese (kaki) persimmons do well in most parts of the coast region and promise to become one of the iniportant fruit crops of the colon}-. The hxpuit is more sensitive to cold, but thrives in the littoral zone. In a few sheltered places along the coast l)ananas can be successfulh' grown, the ""tig banana" being the t3q3e that yields best in Algeria. There is onh' a small area where the cultivation of such tropical fruits as the guava, avocado, cherimoya, and pineapple is possible. In the Aures Mountains walnuts flourish. Phmtations of chestnuts, established some years ago by the forestry service, are now bearing al)undant crops. The acclimatization of the pecan is being attempted b}^ the botanical service of the colony. TRUCK CROPS. A great many garden vegetables are grown in Algeria, among which may be enumerated artichokes, asparagus, beans (broad, kidney, and string), beets, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cardoon, carrots, cauliflower, celer}, chick-peas, chicory, cucumbers, eggplant, garlic, lentils, let- tuce, melons, onions, peas, peppers, sorrel, spinach, squash, straw- berries, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, turnips, and watermelons. Most of these are grown chiefly for the local mai'kets. In the littoral zone, however, the production in winter of early vegetables for export to Europe is an industry of considerable importance, some 20,000 tons being shipped out of the country every year. Artichokes, potatoes, peas, and string beans are the most important of these. The growing of early tomatoes for export is also becoming a profitable industr3^ 72 AGRTCULTURAL EXPLORATIONS IN ALGERIA. Near Algiers especially, market gardens abuumi. There the indus- try is chiefly in the hands of natives of the Balearic Islands, while in western Algeria the gardeners are generally Spanish, and in the eastern part of the colony Italians and Maltese. Neither the natives nor the French colonists have gone into the Imsiness of growing truck crops for export, although Arab and Kaliyle families usually have small ^-ar- dens in which they raise vegetal)les for their own use. There are a number of factors whicli combine to limit gardens as a connnercial enterprise to the neighborhood of the seashore. Nowhere else, except in the Sahara, are the winters sufKciently warm to allow Algerian vegetables to be put upon the markets of P^urope early enougl) to insure a remunerative price. As it is, the (M)mpetition of the Riviera, and other parts of the northern shore of the Mediterranean, has in recent years cut down by 40 or 50 per cent the prices formerly obtained. Facilities for rapid transportation by water, such as are ol)tainal)le near the coast, are essential to the success of this industry. An abun- dant supply of water for irrigation is indispensable. Finally, the laige (luantities of manure, sewage, etc., that are applied to the gar- dens can only be had in the large cities of the seaboaid. At Tunis, Archimedean screws placed in the drains are said to be used for lifting- sewage on to the tields. Mai-ket gardens are generally irrigated by means of the noria. For the first irrigation of the season about 2 acre-inches of water arc applied, while in each subseciuent irrigation about 1.5 acre inches ai-e used. Fxcept in the case of artichokes, which will stand heavy flood- ing, the irrigation of truck ci-ops demands consideral)le skill. The flow of the water should be gentle, and it should be allowed to stand at only a small depth on tlu^ Hclds. Bv abundant watering and heavy manuring and fertilizing, crop is made to follow crop with ha:dly any int(M-mission. From gardens thus managed the proflts are very large. A higii rent— often |75 or more an acre — is demanded for the best market-garden land in the vicinity of large cities. The gardener who leases the land usually lives upon it with his family. Fach small plat into which the garden is divided is usually surrounded by a wind-break of reeds, either the liv- ing plants l)eing set closely together to form a hedge or a fence l)eing made of the dead stalks. Sorghum and Indian corn are also used for wind-))reaks. Globe artichokes are the truck crop that is most largely grown for export. ''Grosvert de Lraon" (Large Green of Laon) and '' Violet precoce de Provence," or ''V^iolet hatif" (Early Violet of Provence), are the most popular varieties for this ]Mirpose. Artichokes are har- vested throughout the winter, from Octolx'r until April, the same plant yielding several heads in succession. The average yield from an established lield is al)out ;^0,000 marketable heads to the acre. CROPS OF THE COLONY. 73 The consumption of potatoes in the colon}^ l^eing- laroer than the quantity produced, there is a considerable importation of this vegetable. Yet the production of early potatoes, especially of the Holland or Koval Kidney variety, for export to European markets, is an important phase of Algerian truck growing. The largest tubers are shipped to England, while the Paris markets prefer tho.se of medium size. The best prices are obtained for potatoes marketed during Lent, especially just before Easter, when from ^2 to $3.50 per 100 pounds is paid in J\iris for Algerian potatoes. Potatoes grown for consumption in the colony are sown in seed ]hk\h in January and February, and are set out about the end of April. Yields of 9,000 to 1T,5(»»> pounds per acre are obtained. The prices [laid in Algerian markets for spring potatoes range from 50 to 85 cents per 1(H) pounds. CEREALS. The principal cereals of Algeria are wheat, barley, and oats, which are grown only as winter crops, and soighum and Indian corn, which occupy the land in sununer. Of these, wheat and barley are by far the most important. Algeria raises most of the grain needed for home consumption, importing only a relatively small (piantity of soft wheat, used in bread making. The colony exports large quantities of .wheat, barley, and oats. The area each year in cereal crops is esti- lated at T,ouo,ooO acres, which is about one-third of the entire culti- mted area; hence much more land is in cereals than in all other crops :;ombined. The mean annual production in the years 1890-1895 was )4:,331,000 bushels, ^nd the total value of the annual product of cereals 'averages $45,000,000. While more or less grain is produced in every part of Algeria, the lai'gest pro]X)rtion is raised in the valleys of the coast region, notabi}' in that of the Cheliti'. Owing to the generall^^ poor preparation of the land for cereals, the exhausted condition of much of the soil, and the fact that neither manuring nor rotation is generally practiced, the average yields are too low to make these crops as effective as the}^ should be in contributing to the wealth of the colony. Much the greater part of the grain is grown by natives and gives yields aver- aging 30 per cent lower than those obtained by European colonists. In districts where improved methods of cultivation, notably in respect to deeper plowing, have been introduced by the colonists, yields much higher than the average are obtained. The country around 8idi l)el Abbes, in extreme western* Algeria, and Setif, on the edge of the high plateau in the eastern part of the colony, is especially notable in this respect. The acreage in cereals that is in the hands of the natives, who depend for their crops entirely upon the rainfall and take no steps to conserve soil moisture, naturally varies much more from year to 3^ear than that farmed by Europeans. 74 AGRICULTURAL EXPLORATIONS IN ALGERIA. WINTER CEREALS. , Wheat. — The average area in wheat during the ten years ended in 1893 was over 8,OiH>,00() acres. Of this about three-fourths was owned and farmed by natives. The area in wheats of the hard or durum type, as compared with that in soft wheats, was as five to one. Less than 7 per cent of the area in wheat that is farmed by natives is devoted to soft wheats, whiU> the European colonists grow hard and soft varieties in about equal proportion. Algeria possesses excellent races of durum wheat, for which this part of Africa was famous even in Roman times." Often several varieties are mixed together in one field, although the Arabs are generally acute in distinguishing the diti'erent types. Some of the most widel}' grown Algerian hard wheats have long, bhu-k l)eards. Some have short, others long heads. In some varieties the grain is short and thick, in others it is long and narrow. Types in which the grain is clear and amber colored are particularly valuable for making macaroni and semolina, considerable quantities of which are manu- factured in the colony. Semolina forms the basis of "couscous," the national dish of the Arabs. Large (piantities of Algerian hard wheats are also used at Marseille in the manufacture of macaroni and similar products, for which the}" are considered nearly, if not quite, equal to any in the world. Authorities agree that the types of hard wheat already existing in the colony answer all requirements, and that it remains only to prac- tice careful seed selection in order to improve the yield and to secure pure strains. Several native races of soft wheats are also grown, including both bearded and l)eardless types. Soft wheats introduced from Europe have not, as a rule, proved a success. When grown near the coast they often fall a prey to rust, and are also lial)le to dr>' up without ripening when the hot weather begins in the spring. Recent experi- ments with the Richelle varieties, however, have indicated that this type is well adapted to Algerian conditions, giving good yields at several points. Wheat, which is commonly broadcasted, is always sown in the fall, generall}' in November, after the rains have begun. In very dry years the soil is sometimes not in a condition for plowing in preparation for a crop of grain until well into the winter. This entails late sowing, which often greatly diminishes the yield obtained. The harvest takes place in May or June, according to altitude, there being about four weeks' difference in time between the earliest and the latest localities in the colonv. A native takes from three to five «For descriptions and illustrations of the varieties of Algerian wheats, see C. S. Scofield, Bulletin No. 7, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 1902. CROPS OF THE COLONY. 75 days to harvest an acre of wheat with a sickle, the implement that is still used in the greater part of Aloeria. Recently, however, the com- bined reaper and binder has come into use in some places. Thrashing- is done as soon as possible after the harvest and in a very primitive way. The sheaves are spread out on a Hoor of hardened clay, which is unsheltered from the air and sunshine. They are placed in concen- ti'ic circles, with the heads turned inward. Horses, nuiles, or some- times oxen, are then driven around on the floor, again and again, until the grain is l)eaten out. Sometimes the animals are hitched to a stone roller. Two nuMi with three horses can thus thrash out 4(> l)ushels of wheat a day, or if a roller is used. To bushels. Al)out 5 cents a bushel is paid for thrashing- wheat. The modern thrashing- machines that are used in a few localities handle as much as 750 bushels in a day. On the large estates wheat is cleaned by means of fans. Generally, however, a method is used which has been practiced for ages in the Mediterranean countries — that of pitching into the air the mixture of grain and chafl', the wind carr3dng- away most of the latter. This can be done to advantage only on days when the wind is favorable. The straw is carefully saved and stacked, to be used as fodder, the stack l)eing usually protected by a covering of dried nuid mixed with short straw. An ingenious contrivance for storing- grain is in use among the Arabs. A piece of high ground having been selected, a hole 10 to IS feet deep and G to 10 feet wide is dug, with a narrower opening. The interior is thoroughly dried by burning in it straw or brush, and is then lined with a layer of matting and straw about 6 inches deep. The carefully dried grain is packed closely into this cellar, the mouth of which is then covered with straw, matting, and finally with clay. Earth is then shoveled over the top to hide the whereabouts of the store. Grain can be kept for long periods without deterioration in this uni(iue sort of granary. The Kabyles generally use earthenware jars for storing grain. The average yield of wheat obtained by European colonists is about 15 bushels per acre, although under the most favorable conditions very much higher yields are sometimes had. The natives, on the other hand, are v;e\\ satisfied with a yield of 8 or 9 bushels. Wheat receives irrigation in only a few districts, notably in some of the large valleys of western Algeria. A marked increase in yield is the result. An irrigation in the early autunui at the rate of 3 or 4 acre-inches puts the land into good shape for plowing and sowing. The distribution of rainfall during the winter regulates subsequent irriga- tion, which does not exceed 2.5 acre-inches at each application. Barlci/.— The area in barley averaged during the ten years ended in 1898 over 8,500,000 acres, 98 per cent of which was owned and cid- tivated by natives. Barley is even better adapted than wheat to native 76 AGRICULTURAL EXPLORATIONS IN ALGERIA. agriculture, beinj>- more drouj^bt resistaut and requiring less prepara- tion of the soil. The average yield for the entire colony is about 25 bushels per acre, but European colonists sometimes ol)tain 40 or 50 bushels. Barley forms a large part of the food of the native popula- tion and is also invaluable as forage, being almost the only grain that is fed to animals. Of the annual product of nearly 30,000,000 bushels, about one-eighth is exported. Much of this goes to northern France and to England, in which countries it is used in brewing. Algerian barleys are in high favor with European brewers, rather because of their cheapness than their quality. Improved races, like Chevalier, do not generallv succeed in Algeria, being too liable to shatter; yet in some localities certain of the two-rowed European brewing barle3^s have given good yields. Naked varieties having an easily shelled grain are those generall}- grown bv the natives to serve as food. They are very early and yield heavil}^ OdU. — Compared with wheat and barley, oats are an unimportant crop in Algeria. The average annual acreage from 1884 to 1893 was only 114,000; i. e., less than 4 per cent of the area that was in wheat and less than 3 per cent of that in barle}'. Oats are grown almost exclusively by P^uropean colonists for expoi't to Europe. Before the French conquest this cereal was practically unknown in Algeria. It is there considered by some authorities to be moi'e resistant to drought and to salt in the soil than is either wheat or ))arley. It also requires less preparation of the soil and gives larger 3Melds on newly cleai'ed and poorly prepared land, being less likely to l)e choked by weeds. "It can be sown up to the end of January — much later than wheat. The harvest tak(vs place about the middle of May, and the aveiage 3'ield is 45 to 55 bushels per acre. Oats are said to l)e very susceptible in Algeria to the attacks of ergot and of rust, and for this reason the common winter oat is the onl^' varietv that can usuall,y be grown at a proHt. SUMMER CEREALS. Sorghum. — Two varieties of sorghum are grown, chiefly by the natives. These are white sorghum, the "l)echna'' of the Aral)s, which is much used by the better class of Kabyles as a substitute for wheat flour in making "couscous" and bread; and black sorghum, or ""dra," from the seeds of which the thread of the poorer natives is made. Black sorghum is also fed to animals; the leaves and stalks are a valuable resource at a season when green forage is scarce in Algeria. If there is plenty of rain in April and May, and occasional showers in June, a good crop of sorghum can be made without irrigation. The heaviei- alluvial soils of the valley bottoms aiv considered best adapted to this crop, which is most grown in the mountain zone of the coast region. Sorghum is sown in April and ripens in August. CROPS OK THE COLONY. 77 In oood vears IS to 26 bushels of j>Tain are obtained from an acre. During the ten years ended in 185)3 the average area in sorghuni was 75,000 acres. Indian corn.—\x\ the irrigated soils of the large valleys Indian corn is the most profitable summer cereal, but without a good water supply it is rarely a paying crop. For this reason, and because of the scarcity of manure, comparatively little is grown. The average area grown by natives during the ten years ended in 1S1>8 was 20,000 acres. The varietv known as '" Quarantaiir' is esteemed for its earliness; " Cara- gua'' for its large yields. Yields of 22 to 30 bushels per acre are obtained under irrigation, and the grain sells for about $1 per bushel. Algeria exports an insignificant quantity of this grain. Among the natives, especially in the Kabyle mountain districts, the roasted ears of maize are much esteemed as food, l)ut with European colonists it is not in favor as a table vegetable. FORAGE CROPS. WILD FORAGE. Two sorts of wild forage are to l)e distinguished -that of fallow fields and that of natural meadows. F(d1ou--Jand forage.— MteA- the removal of the winter crop of cereals wild plants of various sorts, including a great variety of Leguminostv, spring up amid the stubble, especially when the autumn rains begin. This wild forage is generally most luxuriant during the first winter following the crop of grain. If the land is then left fallow for several years in succession a gradual deterioration of the wild forage, l)oth in quality and in quantity, is ot)servable. This can be prevented in large measure by occasional plowing. An application of farm man n re at the rate of about 10 tons per acre will cause large yields of natural forage to be produced for two or three years, besides putting the land into excellent shai)e for two successive crops of cereals at the end of that period. Forage of this kind is generally pastured. If made into hay, it is usually fed on the farm, not being of a sort that is well adapted for baling and shipment. In the oases of the Sahara, Bermuda grass, which the natives esteem as a forage plant, abounds. Almost every roadside and ditch bank is occupied by this grass. It is either grazed or is cut and fed green. Forage of mdural meadoirs and prairie.^.— The slopes of the hills and mountains of the coast region and the steppes of the high plateau, like the great plains of the Western States, are still covered in great part with a growth of grasses and other native plants, the value of which is enhanced by the presence of numerous species of vetch, clover, ])ur clover, and other Leguminoste. In the high plateau region large flocks of sheep and goats are pastured upon the natural herbage of the range, generally obtaining no other food. 78 AGRICULTUKAL EXPLORATIONS IN ALGERIA. Two sorts of n;itui:il inoiidow iire to be distinguished — sucxi its occu- pies land that is dry during- the summer and such as is moist through- out the year. The first type covers hy far the greater area. As in California and in countries where most of the rain falls during the winter months, the herbage is parched and brown in summer. With the first autumn rains, however, a sudden transformation takes place. The grass turns green as if liy magic, and innumerable flowering- plants spring- up to l)eautify the land. During October, November, and December, in the coast region, cattle and other stock are turned out to graze upon this tender young growth. At its best, 5 acres will support B head of cattle. Dur- ing the latter part of the winter and in the spring it is more profit- able to keep animals oft' the natural meadows, allowing a hay crop to be made. The greater part of the hay of the cohmy is produced by the dry meadows of the coast region. This is the hay that is pur- chased for the cavalry service of the army, and it is exported in con- siderable quantity to France in years when the crop of that country is short. Artificial treatment of these natural meadows is rarely attempted, yet in many cases occasional irrigations, plowings, and mannrings would verv largely increase the yields obtained. In some places it might be advantageous to seed to wild grasses and forage plants of better (juality than those now occupying- the land. Without treat- ment of any kind, however, natural meadows will last a long time in good soil — sometimes twenty years without serious deterioration. - Meadows that are moist and green throughout the year produce more abundant but coarser forage. A cutting of hay is sometimes taken in spring from such meadows, but during- the rest of the year they are used as pastures. They are a valuable resource in summer, when most of the grass land is scorched and dry. In the coast region, hay is cut between the middle of April and tlie middle of May, the date of harvest varying considerubly in different years and at difterent altitudes. The scythe is generally used, a native workman receiving from 05 to 75 cents for cutting an aci'e. There are some localities, like the Mitidja Valley, near Algiers, where the nature of the ground permits the use of a mowing machine, which reduces the cost to about 30 cents an acre. The average yield of hay from an acre of natural meadow is a little more than 1 ton. In the drier valleys, like the Chelift, the hay can be gathered into dou])le swaths by the horserake the day after it is cut. Two or three days later it can be stacked in ricks. The rick ordinarily contains from 2 to 2i tons, and is generally covered over .with a thatch composed of the coarse grass known as ''dyss'' (Ampelodesmos). In case it is not convenient to place the rick on high ground, care is taken to surround it with a trench to carr}^ off the rain water. One end of the rick CROPS OF THE COLONY. 79 always faces the west, tlie direction from which come the heaviest rainstorms. Hay is taken out as required at the other end^. In favor- able seasons 2^ tons of hay can be cut, cured, and stacked at an expense of less than $5. Hay is usually baled at a cost of about 5 cents per bale of 110 pounds. Near the larger cities it is hauled at the rate of about 30 cents a mile for an ordinary wagonload. The prices paid for oreen forage and for hay in Algeria are based upon those offered by the government, which purchases large supplies for the cavali-y service of the army. Various stipulations are made as to the quality of the forage to be delivered, and as these rules are also followed by most private buyers it will be interesting to enumerate some of them. Hay is rejected if it consists of but one valuable spe- cies, if it has been mixed after cutting, and if it contains various coarse w^eeds, notably thistles and j)lants of the parsnip family, poisonous plants, grasses like foxtail with sharp-pointed beards that injure the mouths of animals, various salt-loving weeds, and coarse marsh plants. The hay must, of course, be well cured, perfectly dry, and reasonably free from dust. A veterinary surgeon is detailed to inspect the hay before it is purchased. CULTIVATED FORAGE. The area which is adapted to the cultivation of forage plants in Algeria in suiimier is limited by the scantiness of the water supply at that season. Onlv in the valleys of the coast region, where irrigation is practiced, can such crops be grown on an important scale. Hence, in the total production of forage in the colony, cultivated plants play a much less important part than wild vegetation. LEGUMINOUS CROPS. AlfciJfa, or luceryi. — In Algeria, as in the arid part of the United States, alfalfa is the most valuable cultivated forage plant for peren- nial meadows. It is grow^i extensively in the irrigated valleys of the coast region. In the high plateau region little alfalfa is cultivated, but in some of the oases of the desert region it is the most important forage crop. Often in the coast region and always in the Sahara, alfalfa is grown in small, carefully tended patches. (PI. V, tig. 2.) Fall sowing is generally practiced, although in elevated regions like that around Setif, where early frosts are likely to occur, it is some- times advisable to sow in the spring. In that case, however, the seed must be put in as early as possible, as otherwise the young plants suffer from the dry, hot weather of the later spring months. The seed is often put in in rows, thus permitting the frequent culti- vation and weeding of the tields. Otherwise, weeds, especially Ber- nuida grass and chicory, choke out the alfalfa. If sown broadcast an 80 AGRICULTURAL EXPLORATIONS IN ALGERIA. occasional harrowing is necessary to keep down the weeds. In case the fields are infested with dodder, the worst enemy of alfalfa in Algeria, these methods are not efficacious and other means must he taken to get rid of the pest. When the drill is used, about 18 pounds of seed to the acre are sown, but if broadcasted, about 22 pounds. Occasionally alfalfa is put in — preferabh^ in January or February — with oats or barley, the latter ser\'ing as a cover crop for the young alfalfa; but this practice is condemned b}- the best authorities. Well- kept alfalfa meadows last twelve years or longer in Algeria. Alfalfa is generally cut with a scythe. A nati\'e laborer can cut a little more than an acre a day, and receives about 45 cents an acre for the work. When a mowing machine is used the cost of cutting an acre is about 25 cents. In the oases of the Sahara a sort of sickle, with a nearly straight blade having a serrated edge, is used in cutting- alfalfa. The alfalfa crop is irrigated in Algeria both by flooding and by the furrow method. The latter requires less water, but gives the best results onl}' in rather light soils. Flooding is the preferable method if the irrigating water is decidedly saline. From 8 to 4 acre-feet are put on at each irrigation. Under irrigation, with a watering given every week or so through- out the summer, seven or eight cuttings can be taken, A'ielding a total of 7 or 8 tons of hay per acre. In soils of the littoral zone that retain a fair amount of natural moisture throughout the sunnner, alfalfa can sometimes be grown without irrigation. Three cuttings, aggregating 3 or 4 tons of hay, besides a considerable amount of pasturage, can be ol)tained under such conditions. Most of the alfalfa in the coast region of Algeria is derived from the "Lucerne de Provence," a race that is grown in southeastern France. This showed itself from its first introduction to be perfectly adapted to conditions in that part of the colony. On the other hand, seed of alfalfa brought from Poitou, in western France, consid<}rably north of Provence, does not succeed nearl}' so well in Algeria. A native drought-resistant strain is grown without iri'igation in the neighborhood of Setif, in the eastern part of the high plateau region. This variety may prove valuable in parts of the Western States where water for irrigating is not availalde. Turkestan alfalfa is being tested in Algeria and gives indication of being well adapted to the drier parts of the colony, particularly where the soils are somewhat saline. A fair stand has been obtained near Alg^iers without irrigation. The alfalfa that is grown in the oases of the Sahara appears to l)e decidedly resistant to the presence in the soil and irrigating water of large amounts of salt. (PI. IV, fig. 2.) At Kouil)a, near Algiers, the writers saw- trial patches of alfalfa grown from seed obtained from the United States, from Tougourt in the Algerian Sahara, and from -Turkestan CROPS OF THE COLONY. 81 all grown .without irrigation. That from the Sahara seemed to thrive better at Rouil)a than the American sort. The leaflets are shorter, broader, and hairier tlian those of the American plants." The Tur- kestan alfalfa seemed to ])e earlier in maturing- its seed than either of the other sorts. Doctor Trabut, the Government Botanist, thinks it will grow with less water than other kinds of alfalfa, and that it may consequently prove valuable for the steppe or high plateau region of central Algeria. Although the stand grown from Turkestan seed was less than one yeav old and had received no irrigation whatever, it was in fairly good condition. It is, however, very liable to infection with a rust {l\eudo2)eziza tr If olio). Doctor Trabut tinds this very fre- quently the case with plants brought from extremely arid regions into the more humid climate of the coast region in Algeria. At Tougourt, in the Algerian Sahara, alfalfa is grown in most of the gardens, generally in the shade of date palms, in small patches from which other plants are excluded. It is usually grown in plats about 20 feet long and 6 feet wide, with a low ridge of bare soil 4 feet or so wide between each plat. The top of the ridge is usually white with an elflorescence of salts. The seed is sown in the autumn in rows a foot or so apart, barley being generally sown with the alfalfa and har- vested the following spring. Thenceforward the alfalfa grows alone, and the stand is usuall}' allowed to occupy the ground -i or 5 3^ears. It is then plowed under, and other cultures — generall}^ garden vege- tables— take its place. By this system the roots of the alfalfa plants probably do not have time to grow down into those depths of the subsoil which are saturated with water from the almost constant irri- gation given in these gardens. Every week during the summer one or two irrigations are given the alfalfa, which is tended as carefully as any garden vegetable. With such frequent irrigation a great number of cuttings is possible, espe- cially as the stems are cut whenever the}^ reach a height of about 2 feet. One native grower stated to the writers that he o))tained as many as 24 cuttings during the year, but this was doubtless an exaggeration. The stems are cut off very close to the ground by means of a curved iron knife with serrated edge. They are tied in small bunches, 7 or S inches in diameter, the ends of which are placed in running water to keep the alfalfa fresh and attractive looking until it is ready to be sold. In the market at Tougourt such a bunch sells for 1 cent. So far as we could learn, alfalfa is always fed green in these oases, and is «At Yuma, Ariz., during the last two years, alfalfa from Turkestan, from tlie Algerian oases, and from Utah was grown side by side. No constant differences as to hairiness could be detected, but the leaflets of the Algerian seem to be generally broader than those of the Turkestan and Utah sorts. The Algerian sort seems also to grow faster and to promise larger yields than the others. 28932— No. 80—05 6 82 AGRICULTURAL EXPLORATIONS IN ALGERIA. never made into hay. As it grows more or less throughout the win- ter, a sufficient suppl}' of green forage can generally be obtained at all seasons. The alfalfa grown at Tougourt is of fine quality, succulent, thin stemmed, almost perfectly smooth, and having large, thin leaves. These qualities are dou))tless mainly due to its ))eing more or less shaded by the date palms and to the frequent watering it receives; for, at the experiment station at Rouiba, alfalfa from Tougourt had wiry stems and was hairier even than the American alfalfa grown beside it. The crust of salt that often covers the ditch banks and strips of bare soil between the plats of alfalfa is sufficient evidence that the soil of the oases is very saline. The water used in irrigating likewise has a high salt content. Yet there are reasons for believing that the amount of salt to which the plants are actually exposed during gei'mination and while still very young is not so great as would at first appear to ])e the case. The soil is light and loam}-, and hence easily drained. Especial attention is given to this matter by the Arabs, drainage ditches being dug in the gardens at frequent intervals. These end blindlv, as there is no natural outlet for them. Nevertheless, they must have a considera))le degree of efficienc}^, for the alfalfa that is nearest the ditches is always in decidedl}^ better condition than that which is far- ther away. With this provision for drainage and the very frequent irrigations given, it is probable that a very considerable amount of salt is leached out of the uppermost layers of the readily permeabje soil. The date palms that shade the ground do their part by keeping down evaporation and thus retarding the return of the salts to the surface. Finally, the oasis soils are very rich in gypsum (calcium sulphate). This, as is well known, neutralizes to a considerable degree the harmful effect of other salts in the soil. At the small oasis of Kuda-Asli, a few miles from Tougourt, alfalfa was found growing in the open, unshaded 1)}' palms or other trees. Examination of the soil showed that the plants were making a fairl}^ good growth, although the stand was thin, in the presence of 1.36 per cent of salts in the first foot of soil. A good growth occurred in the presence of 0.9 per cent in the first and 0.5 per cent in the second foot. Finally, an excellent stand had been obtained in soil that contained from 0.4 to 0.6 per cent of salts in the first and second feet. The water used for irrigating this field contained 4G0 parts of salt per 100,000. The soil is a sand}^ loam, and is so full of gypsum that at a depth of about 2 feet a veritable hardpan of this substance is encoun- tered. The presence of this dense stratum would be expected to interfere seriously with drainage, to which the texture of the soil is otherwise well adapted. Consequently, notwithstanding the condi- tions mentioned in the preceding paragraph as tending to counteract CROPS OF THE COLONY. 83 to some extent the eti'ect of the salt, it would seem to be Bej'ond question thiit this alfalfa is a distinctly resistant race, and is able to endure more salt in the soil than the alfalfa ordinarily grown in the United States. A small quantity of seed, reported to have been har- vested last year from this patch, was secured for trial in this country. Horse heanx {Vic! a f aha). — The horse bean is a form of the broad bean, having more numerous and smaller pods. It requires deep, strong soils, containing a considerable amount of lime. When grown as a forage crop it is sown, sometimes mixed with barley oi- oats and sometimes alone, in rows about 2 feet apart. When the pods begin to turn brown the beans are harvested, spread upon the ground to dry, and then thrashed. The coarse, black straw, mixed with other forage, is fed to animals. The seeds are a valuable feed for milch cows, but discretion nuist be used in feeding them. Horse beans 3'ield about 10 tons of green forage and 22 to 28 bushels of seed per acre. Sulla {Ilt'dysarum coronarlum). — This leguminous plant has ))een highly recommended for Algeria, but is generally found difficult to grow and uncertain in yield. It is a deep rooting plant with erect stems 2 or 3 feet high. In the green state it is said not to be relished by animals; but if cut before flowering and made into haj or ensilage it constitutes an excellent forage. It is, however, very difficult to cure without losing the leaves. A further objection is that, while occupying the land two years, only one cutting can be taken. A good stand is nevertheless very productive, the average yield being, according to one authority, 5^ tons of hay to the acre. Fenugreek {Tr'ujonella fmixmi-gr cecum). — This plant is very useful as a green manure crop, especially on tobacco laud, for which purpose it is recommended to be sown with horse beans. The forage is nuich relished by cattle, but is said to give a disagreeable flavor to beef. The aromatic seeds are considered stimulating and fattening when added to other forage. Berseem {Trifolium ale.vandrintmi). — Berseem promises to be a valu- able forage crop under irrigation in parts of Algeria where the win- ters are mild. It is most likely to succeed near the coast and in the oases of the Sahara, especially as a green manure crop for orchards. A good stand has been obtained near Algiers by sowing as early as July, four cuttings having been taken before the end of May. Vetches. — Vetches are sometimes grown alone, but their trailing habit makes them difficult to cut. They are best handled when sown with barley or oats, this mixture forming one of the most valuable winter forage crops of the colon}-. Winter vetch ( V/'cki sativa) is the species most used, the hairy vetch ( T'. villosa) not having proved a suc- cess. The seed is sown in October and November at the rate of 70 pounds of vetch and 25 to 35 pounds of oats or barley' to the acre. Vetch seed is rather scarce and high priced. The crop is harvested 84 AGRICULTUKAL EXPLOEATIONS IN ALGERIA. in April or early in Ma}^, when the vetch is in blossom and the cereal in milk. It is ordinarily fed green, although this can be done with perfect safety only after allowing it to wilt for a few hours. The mixed hay furnished by vetch with barley or oats is far superior to that of the natural meadows. In seasons when the rainfall has been plentiful, yields amounting to 1^ or 2 tons per acre are obtained. The largest 3nelds are given by land that has previously been maiuired at the rate of about 1,000 cubic feet of farm manure to the acre. In very wet springs hay of this kind is difficult to cure, the vetch having a tendency to rot and drop its leaves. This crop leaves the land in excellent shape to be put into grain the following winter. The botanical service of the Algerian government lias been experi- menting for several years with a variety of leguminous plants that promise to be more or less useful as forage and green manure crops. For the latter purpose, especially in vineyards, lupines, horse beans, fenugreek, vetches, peas, and lentils are recommended. TKEE CROPS AS FORAGE. In the coast region, especially in the mountain zone, a number of trees contribute to the supply of forage. The Kabyles, having little room for field crops, feed the leaves of various trees to their animals. The leafy twigs of the olive, removed in pruning, and the leaves of the elm are thus utilized. Dried tig leaves serve in winter as a sub- 4 stitute for hay. In the handsome ash of his mountains the Kabyle has a veritable overhead meadow, which yields him a constant supply m of green forage. The most important of arboreal forage plants is, " however, the carob. Caroh, or St. John's hread. — The pods of this small tree, which resemble those of the American honey locust in having their seeds surrounded by a sweetish pulp, arc highly esteemed throughout the Mediterranean region as food for cattle. There are also improved varieties, which are used in some countries as human food. The carob flourishes throughout the coast region of Algeria. European colonists have not given it nuich attention, but, especially in moun- tainous districts, it is much valued by the natives, who not only plant orchards of carobs, but, with a little care, succeed in obtaining good yields from wild trees. From Bougie, the seaport of Kabylia, consid- erable quantities of the pods are exported to Europe. The best results are obtained by top-grafting scions of improved races upon seedling trees. The pollen is borne upon separate indi- viduals, so that care must be taken to have male trees in every plan- tation. The largest yields are obtained by following the Spanish practice of grafting a branch from a male tree upon the base of the trunk of a fruiting individual. The establishment of a plantation of carobs is therefore a somewhat troublesome undertaking. After six CROPS OF THE COLONY. 85 3'ears the trees, as a rule, beo-in to bear fairly well. In fifteen or twenty 3^ears they are in full production, single trees of that age sometimes yielding 650 pounds of pods. In some races the pods are 10 inches long, their sugar content sometimes reaching 44 per cent. The harvest takes place at the beginning of autumn. Poles are used to knock down the pods, which are spread out to dry in the shade. When thoroughly cured they are collected into stacks, which must be opened from time to time to prevent fermentation. Carobs after being crushed and mixed with coarser fodder constitute a ver}^ pala- table and nourishing ration for live stock, especially for work animals. Indian fig. — The Indian tig, or prickly pear, {Opuntia fidis-indica and O. tuna) is thoroughly at home in the co^st region of Algeria, where it frequentl}" attains the size of a small tree. Spineless varie- ties are a valuable resource for feeding live stock in simimer, when green forage is generally scarce. The Indian fig will grow in the stoniest, most sterile soils, and under such conditions will produce from 9 to 11 tons of green forage every two 3^ears. In good land still larger yields are obtained. This plant responds well to manuring and to a moderate amount of irriga- tion. The feeding value of the large fiattened joints of the stem is not great, about 65 per cent of their weight being water. For this ver}^ reason, however, the}" form an excellent ration, especially for milch cows, when mixed with dry feed, such as chopped straw, bran, oil cake, and the pods of the carob tree. A little salt is often added to the mixture. Grandeau, the well-known agronomist, speaks of the Indian fio; as the "forage beet of warm regions." It is estimated that 75 pounds of the stems, together with an equal weight of straw, are equivalent in feeding value to 100 pounds of good hay. Hogs are extremely fond of the fruits. MISCELLANEOUS CROPS. TOBACCO. Tobacco has long been cultivated in Algeria, where oriental types were grown by the natives before the French occupation. The first colonists introduced a considerable number of varieties, but only one of these, believed to be derived from Paragua}' tobacco, is now exten- sively grown. The area annually planted to tobacco amounts at present to only 12,000 to 15,000 acres, most of which is in the Depart- ment of Algiers. The colony is said to produce each year from 11 to 13 million pounds of tobacco. This would mean an average yield per acre of SS8 pounds, which is much higher than the average in most tobacco-growing countries. The 3neld from irrigated is said to be about double that from unirrigated land. 1 8() AGRICULTURAL EXPLORATIONS IN ALGERIA. The quality of the product depends largely upon the locality. Some of the l)e.st Alo-crian tobaci'O is orown in the Kabyle mountain dis- trict, where the soils seem to be peculiarly well adapted to thi.s crop. Much of the product of western Algeria is defective in combustibility, being grown in saline land, where it absorbs considerable salt. Soils containing more than 1 part per 1,000 of sodium chlorid are considered unsuitable for tobacco. P^xcessive irrigation also injures the quality, although increasing the yield, of much of the tobacco grown in that part of the colony. The finest tobacco is generall}' grown without irrioation. In the oases of the Sahara, snuti' tobacco is cultivated by the natives. The type of tobacco ordinarilj^ grown in the colon}^ has a wide, very compact flower cluster and crowded narrow leaves. Plants of this type are thought to sutler less from wind than Ijroader leaved forms. For several j^ears the l)otanical service of the colony has been carrying on experiments in crossing various high-grade foreign tobaccos with this Algerian type. It has been found that while most of the uncrossed foreign varieties are not well adapted to Algerian conditions, the crosses seem almost as much at home as the Algerian parent, and often retain the desiral)le qualities of the imported variety. The l)est Algerian tobacco has an agreeable, sweet aroma, suggest- ing that of some Turkish varieties. It is especially suitable for cig- arettes and smoking tobacco, very little being used in the manufacture The production of vegetable fibers on a commercial scale is now limited to alfa grass and the dwarf palm, the latter yielding "vege- table horse hair.'' As neither of these plants is cultivated, they are discussed in this report under the head of " Forest products." Flax, jute, hemp, sisal hemp, manila hemp, and ramie have all been tried from time to time, but the cultivation of none of these fiber plants has passed the experimental stage. The scarcity of water in sunmier is generally the most serious obstacle, but there are also other practical difficulties. The Algerian government is now offering a bounty to growers of flax and hemp. Cotton growing was an important industry durinsT the American civil war. but has since been abandoned. PERFUME PLANTS. In the coast region, particularly in the littoral zone, the growing of plants used in the manufacture of perfumery is one of the most impor- tant of the minor agricultural industries. The principal perfume plant of the colony is the rose geraniuuL It is propagated by cuttings, which are set out in December or Janu- ary. Plantations, once established, continue to yield profitable crops for from four to eight years, those in heavier soils being the morelast- of cigars FIBER PLANTS. LIVE STOCK. 87 ing. Under irrigation three crops can be obtained each j^ear, and the averaofe total yield from an acre is said to be about 12 tons of leaves annually. The oil produced in one year by an acre of rose geranium is estimated to average about 25 pounds, but in rare cases is as high as 50 pounds. Some Algerian distilleries have an annual output of 2 tons of oil of geranium. In recent years the fall in price of this per- fume has caused the acreage in rose geranium to be greatly reduced.' Among plants grown for the perfume obtained from their flowers are Acac/'a farnesiana and the bitter orange "(higarade). The latter yields oranse-flower water and " Essence de Neroli." The leaves of Eucalyptus globulus are also used to some extent in making perfumery. LIVE STOCK. The live-stock industry is -very largely in the hands of the Arabs. They raise practically all the sheep, goats, camels, horses, and donkeys, and much the greater number of the cattle of Algeria. The colonists usually buy from the natives the beef cattle which the}^ fatten, and also their work animals. The natural forage of the country is, as has been previousl}^ stated, the principal resource of the raiser of live stock, cultivated forage plants playing an important part only in irri- gated districts of the coast region. There the business of fattening cattle that have been raised on the wild forage of the hillsides and steppes has attained some importance. The high plateau region, like many districts in the western part of the United States, is for the most part a *' range," where animals are driven from place ta place and pastured upon the natural herbage. Sheep and goats in vast numbers — about three-fifths of the total num- ber in the colony — graze on the elevated plains. Cattle, however, are few. The flocks are the propert}^ of nomadic Ara))s, Europeans hay- ing taken no part in the pastoral system of the steppe region, except in so far as to purchase the product. The conditions as to climate and food supply are often severe. In summer the herbage, except in moist depressions, is parched and brown, and w^ater is very scarce, while the winters are rigorous. As yet, little has been done in the way of pro- yiding shelter and artificial sources of water for animals pastured on the high plateau. Sheep and goats furnish the inhal)itants of the high plateau region with almost everything they use, aflording skins for their tents and vessels for holding water, wool and leather for their clothing, and meat and milk for their food. Goats are raised chiefl}' to supply the neces- sities of the natives, although their skins are exported in considerable quantity. Sheep, on the other hand, furnish a very important export trade in meat, hides, and wool. It is estimated that between (> and 10 million sheep and 3^ million goats are annually pastured upon the elevated plains of Algeria. 88 AGRICULTURAI. EXPLORATiONS IN ALGERIA. CATTLE. The greater number of the cattle raised in Algeria belong to a well- niarkecl North African type — perhaps a subt} peof the Spanish cattle — of which various races are distinguished. The best defined of these are the Guelnia and the Moroccan races. The}'^ are rather small in size and of good shape, with rather long l)ody, full flanks, large, well- formed chest, rather small l)el]y, and erect, curved horns. In color they are usually dark, having black head and legs and dark gray, fawn-colored, or red back and flanks. They are hardy animals, habit- uated to the severe conditions under which they ordinarily live. Owing to the small amount of food obtainable during the long, dry summer they ai'e small and slow in maturing, requiring usually six years to reach full development. In spring, when the natural pastur- age is abundant, and at other seasons, if su})plie(l with cultivated forage, they fatten rapidly. If given plenty of green forage and a small amount of grain, a steer can usually put on 400 pounds of meat without difliculty. When well treated, Algerian cattle make excellent work animals, but the cows are generally poor milkers. Cattle are purchased from the Arabs for fattening, usually in the late summer or earl}^ autunni, and at a price of $1> to $13 per head. They are pastured during late autumn and winter on uncleared land or fallow gi-ain flelds. At the b(\ginningof spring they are usually very thin, but fatten rapidly from that time on. After three months of spring pasturage they often weigh enough to be sent to the butcher. A large number go to the markets of the colony, but there is also a considerable export of live cattle. At Marseille, Algerian cattle sell on the hoof at the rate of $9.50 to $10.50 per 100 pounds. At this price there is a good proflt in cattle fattened in the pasture, but not when fattened in the stable. ^ Improved European races of cattle are not generally adapted to the trying climatic conditions of Algeria; nor can they, like the native cattle, endure well the periods of scanty food supply that these condi- tions impose. Onl}' in the restricted areas, where irrigation allows of the constant production of forage of good qualit}' , is anything to l)e expected from the introduction of foreign breeds. In such localities crossing high-])red races with the hardy Algerian cattle may prove advantageous in increasing- the milk and beef producing capabilities of the latter. HORSES. It is estimated that there are 210,000 horses in Algeria, four-fifths of which are the propert}' of natives. Algerian horses belong to the African type, with an admixture of Arabian blood. In its most typical form the horse of Algei-ia is rather small and light, but is very LIVE STOCK. 89 luirdv and capable of much work. The Arabs generally use horses to draw their plows. The eastern part of the high plateau region is the center of horse breedinp- in Algeria. The Arabs of the Sahara obtain almost all their horses from that district. The industry of raising horses is, however, on the decline, the prices brought by good animals having fallen 100 ' per cent or more in the past ten or fifteen years. A mare of good pedigree and known for the excellence of her progeny can now be bought for about $150. The increasing popularity of the mule as a work animal, both among natives and Europeans, is partly responsible for this state of affairs. DONKEYS. There are some 275,000 donkeys in Algeria, almost all of which are the property of natives. In the coast region they have largely I'eplaced the camel as a beast of burden, although the latter still retains its usefulness in the high plateau and desert regions. Wher- ever the use of wagons for transportation is precluded by the lack of good roads the donkey is employed. MULES. Of the 150,000 mules that existed in Algeria in 1900, less than one- tifth belonged to Europeans. The high plateau region, around Setif and Constantine, produces the best nudes of the colony. ]\lules are used by European farmers to draw their wagons and plows, and by the natives for riding and for carrying loads. A hardier and more robust animal is obtained if the donkey parent is of Algerian rather than of European origin. CAMELS. It is the one-humped Arabian camel, or dromedary, that is conunon in Algeria. The INIehari race of the dromedary is especially adapted to travel in the Sahara, making, without difficulty, marches of 70 miles a day for several successive days. Camels are, of course, well known for their endurance, getting along for considerable periods without food or water. They^ can carry for long distances loads weighing 300 pounds and more. Camels are raised and are used only b}^ the Arabs. A good animal will sometimes bring $60.' In agricul- tural work the camel is of practically no importance, except as a means of transportation. SHEEP. In is estimated that in ordinary years the flocks of the colony repre- sent a total value of $28,500,000, which is almost wholly the property of natives. *.)() AGRICULTURAL EXPLORATIONS IN ALGERIA. Three principul nices of native sheep are distinguished in Algeria — the Kabyle, or Ber))er, which is peculiar to the mountain region; the Barbar3',a large-tailed race, which is most common in eastei'n Algeria; and, best of the three, the Arab, which is rapidly supplanting the others. The Arab race is that which is usually found in the large val- leys and plains of the coast region and also in the high plateau region. The small, slender tail is a distinguishing mark of this race. The head is sometimes brown or black and sometimes white, the white-headed type being the finest of Algerian sheep. The short, dense, more or less curly, rather line fleece of the Arab sheep is in marked contrast to the long, straight, coarse wool, resembling goat hair, with which the Kabyle sheep is covered. The best quality of wool is produced in the larger valleys of the coast region. The colonists formerly purchased from the natives nearly all the sheep they fattened. There is a growing tendency, however, to raise sheep on the farms of the coast region. Sheep that are bred where they are fattened are found to give when onl}' 14 months old from 6^ to 9 pounds more meat than !2i-3"ear-old sheep that have been pur- chased from native shepherds. The white-headed Arab type of Algerian sheep shows an approach to the Merino. Crossing with the latter race is found to give a supe- rior animal, which produces not only more meat, but wool that is bet- ter in quality and about 50 per cent greater in quantity. Careful selection among the mixed native races can also be counted upon to enhance greatly the value of the meat and wool produced b}^ Algerian flocks. GOATS. The natives usually pasture goats together with sheep and cattle? but this is .from every point of view a bad practice. Except for their large milk production, goats are not held in much esteem among the European colonists. To the natives, however, their skins, hair, and meat are invaluable. The fact that they can pick up a living in places where cattle or even sheep can not obtain sufficient food is a strong point in their favor. Two races occur in Algeria — the Kabyle goat, with long hair and horns, and the hornless Arab race, which gives more milk. FORESTRY. GENERAL CONDITIONS. According to official estimates there are about 8,000,000 acres of forest land in Algeria, of which about 60 percent belongs to the coast region, or Tell. The term "forest land" is used, however, in its widest sense, land bearing a shrubby growth of lentisk, dwarf oak, olive, myrtle, dwarf palm, etc., such as occupies vast expanses in the coast region, being included. The steppes of the high plateau region, FORESTRY. 91 which are covered with coarse grasses and herbs, possess no forest in the strict sense of the word. Oul}^ here and there, in depressions, straggling- shrubs and small trees of betoom {Plstacia atlantica) and of juniper are found. Yet considerable areas of this character are offi- cially designated as ""forest." In the desert region, except on the highest mountains, nothing resembling a forest occurs, the native vegetation being limited to scattered shrubs and coarse grasses, with an ephemeral growth of small herbs that spring up after the infre- (juent showers. The true natural forest is contined almost wholh^ to the mountains, especially those of the coast region and of the eastern pai't of the high plateau. The forests of the colony are of various types, which owe their char- acteristics not only to natural conditions of climate and of soil, but also to the direct or indirect agency of man. In many localities only scattered old trees remain, the intervening spaces being occupied by brush or by a caj'pet of grass. Sometimes there is almost no vegeta- tion except an occasional tree, and in such land active erosion takes place. This condition has probably been brought about for the most part by reckless exploitation or by fires which are often kindled by the natives in order to provide their flocks with the more abundant pasturage that springs up afterwards. The admission of flocks into I ho public forest reserves is frequently a cause of the rapid disappear- ance of the young trees, especially when goats are pastured among them. On the other hand, particularly at high elevations in the moun- tains, there are dense forests where the trees reproduce themselves freely; but this type is the exception rathei" than the rule. The forests also differ in the diversity of species composing them. Sometimes large areas, especially at the higher elevations, are occu- pied almost solely by a single species. Sometimes while one kind of tree predominates, others are present in smaller numbers. Less often several species are mingled together in nearly equal proportion, forests of this type being most frequent in the littoral zone. The composition of Algerian forests as to species depends upon climatic and soil conditions, and upon the altitude. Well-defined zones, each characterized by some one predominant species, succeed each other at different elevations in the mountains. From sea level up to about 2,500 feet, cork oak, olive, and Aleppo pine are the prin- cipal elements, the last being the most widely distributed tree in the colony. Here the forest is most apt to be mixed with a shrubby growth, made up of various species characteristic of the so-called "maquis" of the Mediterranean region. From 2,500 to 4,000 feet, Quereus hallota, a kind of live oak, often predominates. The sweet acorns of this tree are much relished by the Kab3ies, who make a practice of selecting and preserving such individual trees as bear the best nuts. 92 AGRICULTURAL EXPLORATIONS IN ALGERIA. Between 3,500 and 6,000 feet, the liandsome Zen oak {Quercus lusitanica var.) forms heavy forests of good-sized trees, usually 50 to 70 feet high. In one looalit}' Zen oak covers an area of 103,000 acres. Finally, at elevations of 4,000 to 6,000 feet, occur magnificent for- ests of Atlas cedar, a short-leaved variety of the cedar of Lebanon. The total area occupied by this tree approximates 90,000 acres. It usually forms an open forest, the trees being separated b}^ expanses of gj'ass land and low brush. Unfortunately, this superli tree shows ver}' little tendency to reproduce itself. The Atlas cedar lives to a very great age. Individual trees of unusual size, distinguished, like some of the "big trees" of the Sierra Nevada, b}^ particular names, are made the goals of pilgrimages by tourists. Besides the species already enumerated, the following are note- worthy, either for their abundance or their economic value: Ash* {Fraxinus Txcihylica)^ arbor vitfe {CaUitris quadrivalms)^ juniper {Juniperus oxycedrux and -/. pho'ntcea)^ and fir {Ahles nuiiiidlai). The chestnut, almond, cherr}', fig, and caroh are all represented in the mountains of Algeria by wild forms. P^specially in the large valleys of the coast region, such as the Habra. Chelifi', and Mitidja, the planting of trees to furnish timber for con- struction and firewood, as well as for shade and protection against winds, has been extensively practiced. Species of Eucalyptus, nota- bly E. gJolndm (blue gum) and E. rostrata (red gum), ai'e most used. The latter has proved to be the better adapted to Algerian conditions, and is now rapidly replacing the blue gum. Eamhiptus rohustus and, to a lesser degree, E. occidtntalis are said to be the species that suc- ceed best in saline soils. The colonists began in 1860 to plant Euca- lyptus in large numbei's, but when it became apparent that the value of the wood for building purposes had been overestimated, these trees somewhat declined in favor. Nowadays, however, their utility in other respects is generally appreciated. A large part of the forest land of Algeria, including vast areas cov- ered with brush and grasses, as well as much true forest, is owned by the government. A code of forest laws modeled upon those of France governs their administration. The penalties against starting forest fires are very severe, but are difhcult to enforce, because of the moun- tainous character of much of the country, the frequent absence of facilities for travel, and the active or passive opposition of the Arab population, which is largely devoted to raising live stock. It has been necessary to open much of the public domain to flocks owned by the natives. Although regulations have been established which, if strictly enforced, would prevent serious damage from this cause, as a matter of fact the forests often suflier severelv. But in some areas, where it has FORESTRY. 93 been possible to prevent grazing- during longer or shorter periods, considerable reforestation has taken place. Forest land belonging to the government, particularly such as bears a growth of cork oak or of alfa, is often leased for a nominal rental to companies or to individuals who exploit these products. Some of the most valuable forested areas are the private property either of Europeans or of natives. FOREST PRODUCTS. Following the loose application of the term "forest" that prevails in Algeria, there will be discussed under this head commercial products that are furnished not only by trees, but also by the grass known as alfa, and b}' the dwarf palm. As a justitication for this arrangement, it should be stated that both of these plants occupy extensive areas which are officially designated as forest land, and that neither of them is ever cultivated. FUEL. Most of the trees — and man\' of the shrubs — native in Algeria supply the inha))itants with firewood and with charcoal, which, as in all Mediterranean countries, is nuich used for fuel. The expense of clearing land is often partly met by the sale of the firewood and charcoal obtained in the process. In some of the large valleys of the coast region, where there is little natural tree growth, plantations of eucalj^ptus are useful as a source of fuel. TIMBER. Most of the wood for construction used in Algeria is imported from northern Europe and from Austria, the natural resources of the colony in this respect having been little developed. Probably- this is partly due to the scarcit}' of w^ater and the consequent absence of large perennial streams, which render difficult and expensive the transportation of logs from the mountains. Artificial plantations have been of little value as a source of building timber, eucalyptus wood particulai'ly being deficient in durabilitv. Some of the native timber trees promise well, and may some day come into extensive use. Live oak {Quercus haUota) and Zen oak {Q. lusitanlca)i\xvms\\?ix\ exceedingly hardwood that is somewhat difficult to work. Wood of the Zen oak is particularly valuable for making brandy casks. The extremely durable wood of the Atlas cedar is excellent for railway ties, and is sometimes used in cabinetmaking, its pleasant odor enhancing its value for the latter purpose. Long immersion in water renders it almost indestructible. Arbor vita^ has a beautifully colored wood, variegated with numerous knots, and is highl}' esteemed b}' cabinetmakers. 94 AGRICULTURAL EXPLORATIONS IN ALGERIA. CORK. . The total area occupied by the cork oak in Algeria is estimated at 1,025,000 acres, of which 725,000 acres are being- exploited at the present time. About 60 per cent of the entire area belongs to the public domain. The total production of cork in 181>9 amounted to 15,900 tons. It is estimated that if all the cork oak of the colony were in a productive state an aniuial revenue of from $2,000,000 to $4,000,000 could be derived from this source. The cork oak ranges from sea level up to about 4,500 feet, the largest forests being found in the mountains of the coast region in north- eastern Algeria, the western part of the colony l)eing generally too dry for this tree. It avoids limestone, attaining its highest development on soils derived from the Numidian sandstone, where these soils are underlain by a subsoil heavy enough to retain considerable water. The tree is usual 1}^ of medium height and size, but its trunk some- times reaches a circumference of more than 30 feet. The largest individuals'are invariably hollow. The crooked truidt and irregular branching give this tree an unkempt, straggling appearance. The evergreen foliage resembles that of the live oak of the Southern States. The wood is of little value, the important products of this tree being cork and tan bark. Well-managed forests of cork oak are kept free from undergrowth, thus diminishing the likelihood of loss from fire, to which they are peculiarly liable. The danger is greatest in September, when the sirocco is blowing. Fires are often wantonly kindled in the oak for- ests by malcontent natives and spread with terrible rapidity, fre- quently devastating vast areas. Only natural forests are exploited in Algeria, no attempt ever having been made to establish artiticial plantations. In bringing a forest of cork oak into condition for exploitation the tirst step is to remove the layer of old or "male" cork which forms under natural conditions. This operation, which requires considerable skill, is performed in the spring when the sap is beginning to rise. The subsequent yield depends largely upon the way in which this work of ' ' demasclage " is done. It is advisable to put back into place the layer thus removed, fastening it around the trunk by means of wire and leaving it there for about two years; otherwise the trees are very liable to injury from dry, hot winds and from tire. Wrapping the trees in this way also prevents a second development of the worth- less male cork. The new cork which now begins to form is alone of commercial value. It is deposited at the rate of from 0.04 to 0.12 inch annually, and the first harvest is taken when the layer of cork has reached a thickness of about 1 inch. Thereafter the cork is removed every 1 FORESTRY. 95 eight or ten years, the later crops yielding- a better product than the earlier ones. The expense of each harvest from a single tree is about 2 cents. Individual trees differ greatly in the rate at which cork is formed. As a rule, the best product is that which develops most slowly. Rap- idl}^ growing cork is more abundantly veined with loose tissue, which diminishes its value. The cork is sometimes seriously injured on the tree by the ravages of ants, which build galleries in it. The tree has also other insect enemies. The cork, when cut, rolls up into tubes of the size of the trunk from which it was taken. It is first pressed out into sheets, then l)oiled, and finally the crust of bark is removed by scraping. Boiling increases the bulk by about one-tifth and renders the cork more elastic. An acre of cork oak in full production jaelds a net annual revenue of about $2. The product from a single tree is worth from 4 to 10 cents a year after all expenses are deducted. Algerian cork sells at from 3i to 10 cents per pound, TAN BARK. The forests of Algeria furnish a large amount of bark for tanning. The annual export of tan bark, chiefly to Great Britain and Itah', amounts to about $200,000. A considerable quantity is also consunied in the colony itself, the manufacture of leather being an important industry among the natives. Most of this bark is furnished by several species of oak. The Ker- mes oak {Qnercus coccifera) ranks first in production, the bark of the root being used. The forests of cork oak, especially those belonging to natives, also furnish a large quantity. The collection of the bark is generally done in such a way as to kill the tree, although if proper precautions were observed the forests could be exploited for tan bark without diminishing their production of cork. The bark of this oak yields about 19 per cent of tannin, A single tree will furnish several hundred pounds of bark, a ton of which sells for from $22.50 to 137.50. Various tannin-producing plants, such as Australian species of acacia, which furnish the wattle bark of commerce, canaigre, and the Valonia oak, have been recommended for cultivation in Algeria, but none of these has yet become of practical importance. In Tunis experiments are being made by the government in the cultivation of the Sicilian sumac {Rhus co7'ia?'ia), the powdered leaves of which are a valuable material for tanning. ALFA. The Arabs use the word "half a" in much the same way as the term "bunch grass" is used in the western United States to designate any coarse, rush-like grass that grows in tufts. The "alfa" of the French 96 AGRICULTURAL EXPLORATIONS IN ALGERIA, colonists signifies, liowcver, onl}' the species known in Spain as "esparto" {Stipa tenachsima). The tough, fibrous leaves of this grass are used in manufacturing paper, basket ware, hats, cordage, etc. It is a long-lived plant, having strong, much branched rootstocks, which give it a good hold upon the soil. The young plant forms a dense tuft, which later takes the form of a hollow circle, as the stems in the center die out. This in turn becomes broken up into separate tufts, each of which is the starting point of a new circle. The leaves are like those of many other so-called "steppe" grasses, being flat and green during the rainy period, but turning yellowish white and rolling up into quills when the dry season sets in. They average from 20 to 30 inches in length, and end in long, sharp points. The leaves last about two 3'ears. The older ones are often infested with fungi, which usually attack first the point of the leaf. Alfa grass covers large areas in S^Tain and in northern Africa. In Algeria it is most characteristic of the high plateau region, where it often occupies, almost alone, enormous expanses of the undulating plains, forming the so-called "sea of alfa." It is not, however, con- fined to the high plateau, and even reaches the seashore in extreme western Algeria. It ascends in the mountains to a maximum eleva- tion of 6,000 feet. Where the average annual rainfall exceeds 2() inches a year alfa does not flourish. It prefers a dry, sandy soil, and will not endure the presence of any considerable amount of salt. In moist depressions, where the soil is clayey, other species take its place. It is difficult to obtain an accurate estimate of the total area occupied in Algeria by this grass. Some authorities give 12,500,000 acres in the high plateau region alone, but this is doubtless an exaggeration. The alfa land of the colony belongs partly to the government and partl}^ to individuals or private companies. The government concedes the right of exploitation for the modest sum of about 1 cent per acre. The holders of concessions, in their turn, usually sublet their rights to a contractor. A stand of alfa in its natural condition is less valuable than one from which the leaves are regularl}^ harvested. In the former case there are many more or less worthless old leaves mixed with the young leaves. When the exploitation of a stand is begun it is cus- tomary to burn it over so as to destroy the coarse old leaves. There- after, if the crop is harvested every season, only small, flue leaves, much stronger and more uniform in length than the older ones, are obtained. By firing a tract repeatedly for several successive years "white alfa," with extremely fine, flexible, light-colored leaves, is produced. Long-continued exploitation of a stand, without allowing it an}' rest, greatly weakens the plants. In fact, alfa has in this way been virtuall}- exterminated in some of the more accessible areas. FORESTRY. 97 As attempts to form artiticial plantations of alfa have not so far [)rored successfur. there is dano-er of the total annihihitionof this indus- try, which, after stock raising-, is the mainstay of the population of the high plateau region. To prevent this consummation, a closed season of four months has ])een established by law. Alfa can not V)e legally harvested or purchased from gatherers in the high plateau, region during the months of Marcli, April. JNlay. and June. In the coast region the closed season extends from the middle of January to the middle of jVIay. The contractor who undertakes to harvest alfa puts up a barn on the tract and secures Spanish or Arab laborers, whom he provides with f(X)d and watei', to gather the leaves. Alfa harvesters sometimes come long distances with their families, attracted l)y the high prices paid for this work. A good laborer can gather, in a day, 650 to 900 pounds of green leaves, for which he is paid nowadays at the rate of about 18 cents per 100 pounds. The oathering of alfa is still done exact] v as classical writers described the process in the times of the Romans. The harvester starts out early in the morning and selects a spot where there is plenty of the grass. Fastened to his left hand by a leather thong is a stick about 16 inches long. AVith hrs right hand he seizes a cluster of the tough leaves, rolls them obliquely around the stick, and gives a strong' pull with both hands. This breaks ofl' most of the blades at the point where the}^ join the sheaths, although some of the sheaths generally come up with the blades and must be broken off by a second pull. The leaves are packed as fast as they are gathered into baskets, which are then carried to the barn. The green alfa sent in by each harvester is weighed and is then stacked in ricks. When dry it is sorted to remove any sheaths and branches that may still be attached to the leaves. It is baled under a hydraulic press and the bales are secured with hoops. The pi'oduct is then ready for transportation to the nearest seaport. Algeria now exports annually nearly 80,000 tons of alfa, which is approximately 35 per cent of the entire output of alfa-producing coun- tries. The total value of the export from Algeria is nearly Si, 500,000 a year. England is the largest purchaser, taking, indeed, nearly 90 per cent of the entire world's supply of alfa. France and Belgium also import considerable quantities. INIore than 9t» per cent of the total amount of alfa produced is used in the manufacture of superior grades of paper. Paper made from the leaves of alfa is strong, transparent, of a silky texture, and very light in proportion to its thickness. It is preferred to any other for printing costly books and engravings. The best grades of alfa. however, are used in making basket ware, hats, and matting, Ininging a price almost twice as great as is paid for 28y;32— No. 80—05 7 98 AGRICULTURAL EXPLORATIONS IN ALGERIA. that used in paper manufacture. The finest Ixiskets are made from the "white alfa."' Rope, brooms, and other articles are also manu- factured from the leaves of this grass. DWARF PALM. The leaves of the dwarf palm {Chama^rojjs h>/strix) are much used by the Arabs for thatching- their huts, making crates in which fruit is packed, etc. ; but the only product of this plant which enters largely into commerce is the tiber, which constitutes about 40 per cent of the weight of the fresh leaves. Under the name of *' vegetable hair" this tiber is exported in considerable quantity. It is used for stuffing mattresses and upholstered furniture. A cheap grade of rope, selling for about SO cents per 100 pounds, is also made from it. The dwarf palm, like alfa, is never cultivated, only the natural growth being- exploited. While alfa is preeminently a plant of the high plateau the dwarf palm belongs to the coast region, where it formerly covered vast expanses. Although still abundant, this plant is rapidly disap- pearing as more and more land is brought into cultivation. Conuner- cial exploitation has helped to accelerate its destruction, there being numerous factories in Algeria for separating the tiber. o Bui. 80, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate II. Fig. 1 .— Salt Land, near Relizane, in the Coast Region of Algeria. Thi.s land, formerly cultivated, i.s now covered with a growtli of salt-loving weeds. Fig. 2.— Vineyard of Wine Grapes in the Mitidja Plain, near Algiers- 3^'. S; 3^-i-^ "' P.aTTt Ir^js-.-j U. 5. Lepz. tjf Ag-icjl-:u'€. P_A-E III. Fig. 1.— Garden df t- VE3E Ka'D at TOUGOURT, ShCa ',3 C- = Ei3£. ^ = iE_E5 Grown in ~-e S--:e :- ~-E =-_v3 i-sD Other Fig. 2.— Di-E Pa^vs Pi_ANTED m Very Salty Land by a Fren:- C;v=a.NY at OURLANA. ;N --E ?A-iRA. Bui. 80, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate IV. Fig. 1.— Valley of the Habra Below the Reservoir Dam, near Perregaux, Showing Width of Flood Plain and Small Size of the Stream in Summer. ,«-,..:.>..•.,;.►>>).; . .^»,i Fig. 2.— Alkali-Resistant Alfalfa, near Temacin, Algerian Sahara. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY— BULLETIN NO. 81. B. T. GALLOWAY Chief of Bureau. EVOLUTION OF CELLULAR STRUCTURES. BY O. F. COOK AND WALTER T. SWINGLE. VEGETABLE PATHOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS. Issued August 4, 1905. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1905. BULLETINS OF THE BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY. The Bureau of Plant Industry, which was organized July 1, 1901, includes A^ege- table Pathological and Physiological Investigations, Botanical Investigations and Experiments, Grass and Forage Plant Investigations, Pomological Investigations, and Experimental Gardens and Grounds, all of which were formerly separate Divisions, and also Seed and Plant Introduction and Distribution, the Arlington Experimental Farm, Tea Culture Investigations, and Domestic Sugar Investigations. Beginning with the date of organization of the Bureau, the several series of Bulle- tins of the various Divisions were discontinued, and all are now published as one series of the Bureau. A list of the Bulletins issued in the present series follows. Attention is directed to the fact that "the serial, scientific, and technical publica- tions of the United States Department of Agriculture are not for general distribution. All copies not required for official use -are by law turned over to the Superintendent of Documents, who is empowered to sell them at cost." All applications for such puV^lications should, therefore, be made to the Superintendent of Documents, Gov- ernment Printing Oflice, Washington, D. C. No. 1. The Relation of Lime and Magnesia to Plant Growth. 1901. . Price, 10 cents. 2. Spermatogenesis and Fecundation of Zamia. 1901. Price, 20 cents. 3. Macaroni Wheats. 1901. Price, 20 cents. 4. Range Improvement in Arizona. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 5. Seeds and Plants Imported. Inventory No. 9. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 6. A List of American Varieties of Peppers. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 7. The Algerian Durum Wheats. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 8. A Collection of Fungi Prepared for Distribution. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 9. The North American Species of Spartina. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 10. Records of Seed Distributior and Cooperative Experiments with Grasses and Forage Plants. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 11. Johnson Grass. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 12. Stock Ranges of Northwestern California. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 13. Experiments in Range Improvement in Central Texas. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 14. The Decay of Timber and Methods of Preventing It. 1902. Price, 55 cents. 15. Forage Conditions on the Northern Border of the Great Basin. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 16. A Preliminary Study of the Germination of the Spores of Agaricus Campes- tris and Other Basidiomycetous Fungi. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 17. Some Diseases of the Cowpea. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 18. Observations on the Mo.saic Disease of Tobacco. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 19. Kentucky Bluegrass Seed. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 20. Manufacture of Semolina and Macaroni. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 21. List of American Varieties of Vegetables. 1903. Price, 35 cents. 22. Injurious Effects of Premature Pollination. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 23. Berseem. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 24. Unfermented Grape Must. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 25. Miscellaneous Papers: I. The Seeds of Rescue Grass and Chess. II. Saragolla Wheat. III. Plant Introduction Notes from South Africa. IV. Congres- sional Seed and Plant Distribution Circulars, 1902-1903. 1903. Price, 15 cents. 26. Spanish Almonds. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 27. Letters on Agriculture in the West Indies, Spain, and the Orient. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 28. The Mango in Porto Rico. .1903. Price, 15 cents. 29. The Effect of Black Rot on Turnips. 1903. Price, 15 cents. [Continued on page 3 of cover.] U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY- BULLETIN NO. 81. B. T. GALLOWAY, Chirf of Bureau. EVOLUTION OF CELLULAR STRUCTURES. BY O. F. COOK AND WALTER T. SWINGLE. VEGETABLK PATHOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS. Issued August 4, 1905. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1905. BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY. B. T. GALLOWAY, Pathologid and PhysinlogM, and ChirJ of Bureau. VEGETABLE PATHOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS. Albert F. Woods, PathologiM and Physiologist in Charge, Acting Chief of Bureau in Absence of Chief . BOTANICAL INVESTIGATIONS AND EXPERIMENTS. Frederick V. Coville; Botanist in Charge. GRASS AND FORAGE PLANT INVESTIGATIONS. W. J. Spillman, Agriculturist in Charge. POMOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS. G. B. Brackett, Pomologi.it in Charge. SEED AND PLANT INTRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION. A. J. Pieters, Botanist in Charge. ARLINGTON EXPERIMENTAL FARM. L. C. CORBETT, Horticulturist in Charge. EXPERIMENTAL GARDENS AND GROUNDS. E. M. BvRNES, Superintendent. J. E. Rockwell, Editor. James E. Jones, Chief Clerk. VEGETABLE PATHOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS. SCIENTIFIC STAFF. Albert F. Woods, Pathologist and Physiologist in Charge. Erwin F. Smith, Pathologiitt in Charge of Laboratory of Plant Pathology. George T. Moore, Physiologist in Charge of Labordtory of Plant Physiology. Herbert J. Webber, Physiologist in Charge of Laboratory of Plant Breeding. Walter T. Swingle, Physiologist in Charge of Laboratory of Plant Life History. Newton B. Pierce, Pathologist in. Charge of Pacific Coast Laboratory. M. B. Waite, Pathologist in Charge of Investigations of Diseases of Orchard Fruits. Mark Alfred Carleton, Cercalist in Charge of Cereal Investigations. Hermann von Schrenk, iti Charge of Mississippi Valley Laboratory. P. H. Rolfs, Pathologist in Charge of Subtropical Laboratory. C. O. Townsend, Pathologist in Charge of Sugar Beet Investigations. P. H. DoRSETT.a Pathologist. T. H. Kearney, Physiologist, Plant Breeding. Cornelius L. Shear, Pathologist. William A. Orton, Pathologist. W. M. Scott, Pathologist. Joseph S. Chamberlain,'' Physiological Chemist, Cereal Investigations. Ernst A. Bessey, Pathologist. Flora W. Patterson, Mycologist. Charles P. Hartley, Assistant in Physiology, Plant Breeding. Karl F. Kellerman, Assistant m. Physiology. Deane B. Swingle, Assistant in Pathology. Jesse B. Norton, Assista7it in Physiology, Plant Breeding. James B. Rorer, Assistant in Pathology. Lloyd S. Tenny, Assistant in. Pathology. George G. Hedgcock, Assistant in Pathology. Perley Spaulding, Scientific Assistant. P. J. O'Gara, Scientific Assistant, Plant Pathology. A. D. Shamel, Scientific A.^sistant, Plant Breeding. T. Ralph Robinson, Assistant in Physiology. Florence Hedges, Scieiitific Assistant, Bacteriology. Charles J. Brand, Assistant in Physiology, Plant Life History. Henry A. Miller, Scientific As.siManf, Cereal Investigations. Ernest B. Brown, Scientific Assi.-ture, Bureau of Plant Industry, Office of the Chief, Washmgtov, I). C, 3Iay SI, 1905. Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith, and to recommend for pubHcation as Bulletin No. 81 of the series of this Bureau, the accom- panying technical paper entitled '"•Evolution of Cellular Structures." This paper was prepared by Messrs. O. F. Cook and Walter T. Swingle, and has been sul)mitted by the Pathologist and Physiologist with a view to its publication. The accompanying plate is necessary to a complete understanding of the text of this bulletin. Respectfully, B. T. Galloway, Chief of Bureau. Hon. James Wilson, 8e(yretary of Agriculture. 3 PREFACE. Ever since the epoch-making- discoveiy of Charles Darwin there has been a steadily increasing- influence of the theory of evolution on the scientific study and practical utilization of the plants and animals on which agriculture is based. The present paper marks a step in the further working out of the doctrine of descent, inasmuch as it embodies results of an association of the data won in two ver}^ different fields of investigation; one making the cell its object of study, the other occupied with the species. The results herewith presented open new views as to the nature of higher animals and plants which can not fail to stimulate research and which promise to have great economic significance in the determination of the actual and latent capacities of the organisms utilized by man. A. F. Woods, Pathologist and PJiysiologist. Office of Vegetable Pathological AND Physiological Investic^ations, Washinyton, D. 6'., May 8, 1905. CONTENTS. Page. Introduction 9 The elimination of the simple-celled phase 12 Alternation of structural types 13 Sexuality a mechanism of evolution 15 Two types of double-celled structures 16 Heredity in reticular descent 20 Summary 22 Explanation of plate 26 7 29810— No. 81—05 2 ILLUSTRATIONS. PLATE. y-Age Plate I. Diagram illnstratiiig the network of descent, succession of genera- tions, alternating piiases, and expansion of the fertihzed egg 26 TEXT FKiURES. Fi(i. 1. Diagram showing the different types of cell structures and their posi- tion in the life history of organisms 18 2. Diagram showing the relative importance of the paragamic, ai)aylo- ganiic, and haplogamic phases in the life history of various groups of organisms 18 8 H- I'- I.-IW. V. P. V. I.— 135. EVOLUTION OF CELLULAR STRUCTURES. INTRODUCTION. The value of a new point of view lies in the fact that it permits new relations to be perceived. By means of the kinetic theory of evolution it has become possible to understand that organic development has been carried forward through gradual improvement of the methods of descent rather than by environmental causes. Instead of there beino- a law of heredity which tends to keep the individuals of a species uniform, or exactly alike, the tendency, especially among higher plants and animals, is to maintain, inside the species, a diversity of form and structure, most conspicuously manifested in the phenome- non of sex. This intraspecitic diversit}^ is neither accidental nor incidental, but of great physiological and evolutionary importance. The interweav- ing of distinct lines of descent is necessary to sustain the strength and vital efficienc}^ of the individual organisms, and to continue the evo- lutionary progress by which the species adapts itself to changing environments or enters new ones. Interbreeding is as indispensable for the species as for the individual, or even more so, for seedless plants continue their individual existences after the coherence of the specific group has been lost. Normal and long-sustained evolutionary progress is not accomplished on single or narrow lines of descent, but is possible only for large companies of interbreeding individuals; that is to say, for species. It is thus no mere accident, but a fundamental necessitv, which brines about the association of organic individuals into species and determines what might be called the specific constitution of living matter. Species are sexual phenomena; they ha^e come where they are only through symbasis; that is, as groups of interbreeding individuals, traveling together along the evohitionary pathway. This interpretation of familiar l)iological facts i,s supplemented and confirmed by the study t)f the processes of cell conjugation, which are the means of sym basic interbreeding. Among simple organisms con- jugation is a periodical incident in the multiplication of equal and independent cells. Higher stages of organization were reached by the production within the same species of many kinds of cells and the building of these into large colonies or compound individuals. There was, however, a very earh^ limit to the structures which could be 9 10 EVOLUTION OF CELLULAR STRUCTURES. built of the primitive, .simple t3'pe of cells, as illustrated by the fila- ment of the lower alga, the vegetative mycelium of the fungus, and the thallus of the liverwort. The plant series would have culminated, apparently, with the leafy axis of the moss if the basis of organiza- tion had not l)een changed from the primary or simple type of cells to the double or sexual tj^pe. In undifferentiated unicellular or equal-celled (isocytic) organisms the successive generations of cells may be thought of as joined into a network by an occasional conjugation. The cells at the knots of the network are, as we know, double, being formed from the association of two nuclei and the accompanying protoplasms. They are often strikingly different from the remainder of the cellular fabric of descent, and have been given special names, such as oospore, zygo- spore, and resting spore. In the first or lowest category of sexual organisms only one cell in each generation is double; there is only one large bead at each node of the genealogical network. (See PI. I.) A second type of organic structure was initiated when an organism attained the art of forming two or more of these double cells by divi- sion.'^* It is of such double cells that all the higher plants and animals are built. The new type of organization was not merely supplemen- tary to the old; it was a new biological invention, giving rise to a new category of vitality, which not only outstripped the old type of struc- tural organization, but even caused it to be abandoned and eliminated as a worse than useless impediment. Organisms which were farthest ahead on the primitive basis have fallen far behind since the new course of development was opened. In such groups as the liverworts, mosses, and ferns the diversity of the two types of organic structure is strikingly obvious, and has received extensive study for years past under the name of " alterna- tion of generations." Ample homologies have been found in the highest groups of plants to show that the so-called alteration of gen- erations was everywhere in ancestral condition, and that all have followed essentially the same histor}'^ in having abandoned the simple type of cell for the double as the basis of structural development. « The terminology followed in this paper presupposes for convenience the exist- ence of the cellular type of organization common to most animals and plants. The conclusions here reached apply with equal force, however, to organisms such as the Infusoria among the protozoa, the Siphonocladiacepe among the algte, and the Saprolegniales and Mucorales among the fungi, in all of which groups considera- ble structural differentiation is attained without any division of the organism into cells. Such forms as Caulerpa and Aceta1)ularia among the Siphonocladiacea^ reach a considerable size and even show a well-marked differentiation into the analogue of stem and leaf, rhizome and root, without the enormously expanded thallus being divided up into cells at all, although very.numerous nuclei arise by subdivision and are scattered througliout tlie cytoplasm. These nuclei could l)e double, in which case such plants would be directly homologous to the double-celled organisms described in the following pages. INTRODUCTrON. H That these convei-ginu- (hita pointed to something- of fundamental evolutionary .si^'iiiMeance has ))eenc'onhdentl3' believed since the publi- cation a decade aoo of Strasburg-er's epoch-making essay entitled '' The Periodic Reduction of the Number of the Chromosomes in the Life- History of Living- Organisms/'" but a new evolutionary standpoint •was required before the larger import of the facts could be perceived. The reduction of chromosomes is indeed a striking and unique phe- nomenon in the life history of organisms, and it naturally became the focus of interest in the rapidly developing science of cytology, A new point of view was the more necessary, however, because of an unfortunate choice of terms which has undoubtedly tended to prevent the perception of the true relations of the facts, as it now interferes with a correct description of them. We refer to the characterization of thehig-her, double-celled, spore-bearing- " generation " as "asexual," Appreciating the primitive character of such structures as the pro- thallus in ferns, Strasburger asserted that a new "asexual generation" had been intercalated into the life history of organisms. It is now perceived that for cytological purposes this is not the whole truth, and that for evolutionary purposes it is not true at all. The new " generation" was not merely intercalated into the life history of the organism; it was intercalated into \hQ sex aal process . It is, therefore, not asexual, but sexual, and in a higher degree than the so-called sex- ual generation. The latter bears, it is true, the cells which conjugate, but the former is produced during the actual process of conjugation. Organic perfection has been attained, not through the development of an "asexual generation," but by the lengthening out of the sexual process itself; not by abandoning or avoiding sexuality, but directlv by means of it. Among the lower plants the single cell formed by conjugation accom- plishes in a brief space of time all the cytological processes which in the higher plants come l)etween fertilization and chromosome reduc- tion. Sexual fusion is immediate and complete, and takes place during a brief period of interruption of the growth and su])divisi()n of vegeta- tive cells. If the vegetative fern prothallus is to be termed sexual because it produces antheridia and archegonia, the sporophyte is sex- ual to the second degree, for it is built of conjugating cells, contain- ing, until synapsis and the subsequent reducing- divisions, a doul)le number of chromosomes, the parental chromatin elements being still unfused. However important chromosome reduction may be, it is, after all, only a corollary or sequel of the douhliiuj conjugation. It was not the reducing division, ])ut tJie long postponement of the reduc- tion division ^\\\\K'\\ permitted higher t^'pesof organisms to be developed by means of double, sexual cells. A special evolutionary significance was ascribed to the chromosome •' Strasbiirjrcr, Ivlw aid, \nii:.is,.l I'.dtiuiv, 1S94, S: 2S1--.S1(>. 12 EVOLUTION OF CELLULAR STRUCTURES. reduction ))ecause c3'tology was approached from the standpoint of the somatic tissues of the higher plants and animals. This current inter- pretation reverses, however, the historical course of events. The reducing division was not an expedient incidental to the adoption of a process of sexual reproduction by organisms previously sexless. It VMS not the redaction to fewer chromosomes^ hut the retention of the douhle numher, that constituted the important step in sexual rejyroducti on and made j^ossihle the evolution of comjilex hiijlter organisms. It is, therefore, not the reducing division, hut the doii})ling conjugation, which should constitute the datum point or base line for tracing cyto- logical homologies. THE ELIMINATION OF THE SIMPLE-CELLED PHASE. Chromosome reduction brought about b}" synapsis, or the fusion of the chromatin elements, followed by two special nuclear divisions, is not, historically speaking, the beginning- of the sexual process, but the end of it. Chromosome reduction stands in no special causal rela- tion to the subsequent conjugation. The number of cell generations formed between synapsis and conjugation differs greatly in the various natural groups, and merely shows how far the organism still adheres to its old simple-celled life history. Fecundation and synapsis, as the beginning and the end of the sexual process, would seem to ))e directly comparable in all organisms which have developed a double-celled sexual phase. From the physiological standpoint, it may be an advantage to dis- pense with the simple-celled phase and thus shorten the period between the chromosome reduction which marks the end of one conjugation and the cell fusion which begins another. S3niapsis relieves organic fatigue bv means of new nuclear configurations, and has been thought of as a stimulant of vital activity" or eiKU'gy of growth, the benetit of which can be secured for the new double-celled structure by ver}' prompt conjugation, as occurs in all the higher plants and animals. This consideration would help to explain the organic inferiority of such a group as the ferns, which, although they have developed a double- celled phase, continue to waste the energy derived from S3'napsis on a worse than useless simple-celled structui'c. In all animals above protozoa this rechiction of the simple-celled phase has gone so far as to result in its complete elimination, for the two peculiar nuclear divisions which occur in rapid succession innne- diately after s3'napsis constitute an essential part of chromatin reduc- tion. That these phenomena noted are indissociablv comiected stages in the process of chromosome reduction has been emphasized recentl3' b3^ Farmer and Moore," who propose the convenient term maiosis to « Farmer, J. B., and Moore, J. E. S. On the Maiotic Pha.se (Reduction' Divif^ions) in Animals and Plants, in Quarterly Journal ol Microscoi^ical Science, n. 8., No. 192 (vol. 48, No. 4), Feb., 1905, pp. 489-5,57, 7->l. SJ ' ALTERNATION OF STRUCTURAL TYPES. 13 include synapsis and the subsequent heterot3'pe and homotj'pe nuclear divisions." ALTERNATION OF STRUCTURAL, TYPES. "Alternation of generations" is an expression borrowed from zool- ogy; its application to the archegoniate plants has introduced endless complexities, and can be justified, after all, only by false analogies. Alternation of generations was discovered b\^ Chamisso in a species of Salpa, a marine animal belonging to the Tunicates; but here, as well as in the ti-aditional zoological example of the Aphides, or plant lice, the phenomena have entirely different evolutionary significance from the so-called antithe'tic alternation of generations in the archeo-oniate. Generations or individual life cycles of Salpa and of plant lice, which were original!}' alike, have become different, so that now partheno- genetic generations alternate with sexual generations. To make the archegoniate plants a jmrallel instance, it would be necessary to assume that what is now called the sporophyte was originally another thallus, or something that corresponded to one, which later on became modified into the sporophytic "generation." To state the case in this way may seem quite su]3erfluous, since nobody has made such a suggestion. Stras])urger and others have repeatedly declared that the so-called asexual generation had been intercalated — that is, added anew — and not substituted for something else. This, however, makes it only the more obvious that the sporophyte is a generation onh' in a very loose and inaccurate sense, and not because it corresponds to or takes the place of any other generation. The simple fact is that, instead of form- ing merely one oospore as the result of fertilization, the archegoniates have come to form a whole sporophyte or double-celled structure by the multiplication and progressive sterilization of potentially sporoge- nous tissue, as Bower has shown. '^ Bower's generalization is, however, only a half truth, since the sterili- zation, or, better, the arrest of spore formation of some of the cells, is conditioned on the possibility of continued subdivision and growth of the fertilized egg, and this can occur only when there is a definite «To recognize, liowever, as Farmer and Moore do, these two cell generations as a distinct "maiotic pliase" in the life history of Metaphyta and Metazoa does not seem warranted, since chromosome reduction is apparently a mechanical necessity resulting from sexual conjugation and is consequently brought about in a practically identical manner in all symbasic organisms, from the lowest to the highest. Maiosis is rather a connecting link at the node in the network of descent than a distinct phase subject to expansion or contraction as organisms mount in the scale of evolu- tionary progress. On the other hand it is clear that the two peculiar cell generations occurring during maiosis can not proi)erly be clas.sed with the double-celled pha^^e that usually precedes or with the simple-celled phase that usually follows, but con- stitute a transition stage marking the end of one generation and the beginning of another. ''Bower, F. O. A Theory of the Strobilus in Archegoniate Plants. Annals of Botany, 8:343-365. 1894. 14 EVOLUTION OF CELLULAR STRUCTURES. postponement of some stage of sexual fusion, for if the final stage is once reached and the chromatin fuses, no further growth is possible, and a new veneration is inaugurated automatically. When .sexual fusion is immediate and complete, i. e., when nuclear fusion follows close on cell conjugation and is in turn at once succeeded by chromatic fusion, no development of the oospore can occur; it simply breaks up into four spores. Such was once the fate of the eggs of all organisms, and such is still their fate in the lower plants. All development of the fertilized egg other than a simple splitting into four spores is due to an arrest of the process of sexual fusion which permits its expansion into a mass of dou])le cells, such as constitute the bodies of higher animals and plants. " It is, however, clear that the effect of such an arrest in the process of sexual conjugation and consequent intercala- tion of a double-celled phase in the life history of the organism is to lengthen the life cycle; it lessens the number of generations instead of making more of them. Notwithstanding half a century of endeavor, l)otanists and zoolo- gists have not yet found in the higher animals an}^ definite homologue of the so-called antithetic alternation of generations discovered by Hofmeister^ in the archegoniate plants. The whole idea of alternat- ing generations must, however, be abandoned and emphasis placed instead on the expansion of the oospore or fecundated egg into a double-celled phase that comes to occupy a larger and larger part of the life cycle as organisms mount higher in the scale of evolutionary progress. It then becomes evident that in higher animals (Metazoa)' the expansion of this phase has gone so far that the simple-celled stage has been completely suppressed, and in consequence their life history is as free from alternating phases as that of the lower plants, though for a very different reason. The lower groups show no expansion of the fertilized egg. The higher animals consist of nothing else.*" « It is clear that the expansion of the fertiHzed egg could occur in siphonaceous algfe and fungi without any cross walls forming between the nuclei as they arise by sul)division. The mature thallus of an Acetabularia is obviously the enormously expanded syngamete and may or may not contain double nuclei. On the other hand, the Infusoria may be found to consist of one double cell, the successive cell genera- tions not adhering to form a tissue. ^Hofmeister, W., Vergleichende Untersuchungen der Keimung, Entfaltung und Fruchtbildung hoherer Kryptogamen und der Samenbildung der Coniferen. Leip- zig. 185L •^This fact is obscured, but not negated, by the splitting uj) during chromosome reduction of the egg and sperm mother cells of animals into four gametes, which are simple cells, but which are no longer capable of further development unless they conjugate. As previously noted (p. 1.3, footnote (i), these two cell generations occur- ring during chromosome reduction constitute a transition stage between the old and the new generations and can not properly be classed with the simple-celled phase. The occurrence of alternating i)hases in the life history of an organism indicates that it is in an unstable evolutionary condition, since it has not yet attained the SEXUALITY A MECHANISM OF EVOLUTION. 15 That there are two unicelhilar stages in the life history of an orpmisni should not l)e allowed to introduce any confusing- technicalities. For genealogical pur})oses the spore is quite as nuich the descendant of the antherozoid and the egg cell as it would be if the other tissues of the sporoph^'te had not been intercalated. From chromosome redu(^tion to chromosome reduction, from spore to spore, or from egg to egg is one generation, and not two. The prothallus is no more m3^sterious than an}'- other piece of ancient history. The ferns were originally liverworts, the capsules of which had the good fortune to get roots into the ground and keep on growing, but they have not yet learned to dispense with their tirst vain attempt. at building a structure on a simple-celled basis. SEXUALITY A MECHANISM OF EVOLUTION. Stress has also been laid upon this supposed alternation of "sexual" and " asexual" generations in the belief that a clew was here to be gained regarding the natiu'e of sex and of attendant "mechanisms of heredity." But since only one generation is really involved instead of two, and since the phase of existence which has been termed asexual is in realit}^ the more strongly sexual, it is not surprising that these expectations have not been realized. Sexuality facilitates interbreed- ing and makes it the more effective by distributing new variations throughout the species; it is, in short, a mechanism of diversification and of evolution, a fundamental and universal fact which stands squarely in the way of the alleged law of heredity under which organisms would breed true and be exactl}^ alike. This notion of a uniform and Tuichang- ing heredity," or of any natural tendency to such a condition of organic most effective type of organization. The persistence of a clearly two-phased condi- tion in the vascnlar cryptogams and of a reduced alternation of phases, even in the highest algae and flowering plants, is a proof of the extreme slowness of the evolu- tionary i)rogress of the plant kingdom. Animals seem to have passed through the dipliase period of their existence before the dawn of geologic history, and appear in the oldest fossil-bearing strata, not only as completely double-celled organisms but highly differentiated ones at that. Not only are there no traces of the two-phased progenitors which must have gone before the lowest known fossil organisms, but up to now zoologists have not realized the need of postulating such forms at all, and have been content to derive the higher animals from merely simpler but always com- pletely double-celled ancestors, which, of course, are not primitive. It seems not improbable that the completely double-celled condition has been reached inile- pendently by different groups of higher animals, just as it has been approximated, though not attained, ]>y the Fucacese and the phanerogams among plants. The animal kingdom does not contain, so far as is now known, a single species that shows alternating phases in its life history; it has no counterparts of all that wealth of forms ^-hich in the plant kingdom bridge the interval from the protophytes to the flowering plants. «" The modifications introduced into palingenesis by kenogenesis are vitiations, strange, meaningless additions to the original, true course of evolution." — Haeckrl, Evolution of Man, vol. 11, p. 460, note 9. 16 EVOLUTION OF CELLULAR STRUCTURES. stagnation, can well be relegated to the liinl)o of h^'potheses which have not proved useful. Heredity is not a mechanism or a force; it is merely another name for the property of organic continuity or suc- cession. There is no more heredity in an organism at one stage of its life history than at another. Sexual and other diversities inside specific lines are not useless morphological complexities or mere failures in the execution of a fundamental plan of complete uniformity. Diversity, interbreeding, and evolution are physiological factors of the highest importance in maintaining vital efficiency. Morphologically speaking, sexuality is a specialization of the inter- nal diversity of the species, and among plants, at least, it has been attained independently in a large num))er of unrelated natural groups. There are grades of sexual difierentiation just as there are of organic structures. Moss plants and fern prothalli may be sexually ditieren-, tiated and the diti'erentiation may occur farther back in the spore itself, or even in the sporophyte or double-celled phase, as in the flowering plants and the higher animals. Thus in the same species there may be two sexualities, one in the simphvcelled stage and another in the double, and these may have no homology or causal con- nection, except as they both serve the same purpose of promoting more efficient symbasis. Indeed, the sexuality of the highest types of organization is not merely double, but threefold; the individual has sex, as a whole; the double cells of which the body is composed are a part of a sexual process, and the simple cells which it produces for the initiation of a new generation are sexually difi'erentiated. TWO TYPES OF DOUBLE-CELLED STRUCTURES. That organisms are everywhere associated in species is not because of some undiscovered principle or mechanism of heredity; it is simply because the interweaving of the lines of individual descent is being maintained, without which the specific association would be dissolved into indefinite radial divergence and degeneration, as among the varie- ties of bananas and other plants long propagated from cuttings. Many explanations have been conjectured for the supposed absence of sexual reproduction among the higher groups of fungi. From the standpoint of a symbasic evolution, however, it becomes evident that the exist- ence of true, coherent species among these fungi is a sufficient evidence of interbreeding, and hence of sexuality. There is in many groups a deficiency of specialized sexual organs, but these are rendered unneces sary by abundant opportunities for direct conjugation among the mycelial filaments. That the cells of the more complex reproductive tissues of the higher fungi are known to have two nuclei, while in the younger mycelium » TWO TYPES OF DOUBLPJ-CELLED STRUCTURES. l7 there is only one, might ulso have been accepted as proving that con- jugation had tal^en phice. This does not mean, of course, that cross- fertilization is indispensable for spore production among the fungi, but their habits of growth certainly give many opportunities for con- jugations between m3^celia of different descent, by which the existence of compact and well-defined species can be maintained, although the peculiar structure of fungous tissues permits extreme variability of the size and external form of the fruiting bodies. In structural complexity, size, longevity, and other measures of organic efficiency the biiuicleate fungi have an intermediate position in the plant series. Their wide distribution and extensive ditieren- tiation into species, families, and orders are evidences of ample oppor- tunities in time and environment, so that it is not unfair to explain their evolutionary limitations by reference to their peculiar type of organic structure. Sexual reproduction is accomplished through conjugation or fusion of cells, a process which may be divided into three stages: (1) Plas- mapsis, the fusion of the cytoplasm or unsppcialized protoplasm; (2) karvapsis,'' the fusion of the nuclei or nuclear protoplasm; (3) synapsis, the fusion of the chromatin. The binucleate cells of the fungi may be said to have passed the stage of plasmapsis, but kary- apsis, or true fecundation, like that of the higher plants and animals, has not taken place. For the form of sexuality which produces the binucleate cell struc- tures of the higher fungi the nsune aj)(fi//oga7)iy \h proposed, in allusion to the fact that the two nuclei have not yet associated. The higher stage, where the nuclei fuse but the chromosomes remain apart, may be c'd\\edj)t(ijl(Hiaiiiic j^hme. The so-called "sexual generation" ma}- ))e called the haploganuc pltme in both cases. These new terms might not be necessary if words were used for descriptive pur- poses only, but in the present instance they have general implications too im- portant to be disre- garded. H a p 1 o g a m i c structures are built between sy napsis" and plasmapsis, apaylogamic b e - PLASMAPSIS tween plasmapsis Fig. 1.— Diagram showing tlie dilYerenl types of cell structures aud and karvapsis, par- their position in the life history of organisms. a g a m i' C l>et WCCn karvapsis and sj^napsis. Between the three critical points of cyto- logical activity there are three intervals, in which the organism can pause to gain additional size or numbers Ijy vegetative division of cells. The relations between the cell structures and the nuclear processes are illustrated by the accompanying diagram (lig. 1). No organisms have, however, structures built in all the three phases. The relative impor- tance of each phase in the life histories of the different natural groups can also be illustrated by simple diagrams, as shown in figure 2. The relative im- portance of the dif- ferent phases in the life historv of the ljower groups Kt 7S HIGHER FUNGI Kt 7S MOSSES -e- FERNS FLOWERING PLANTS Fig. 2.— Diagram showing the relative importance of the paragamio, apaylogamic, and haplogamic phases in the life history of various groups of organisms. various groups of organisms can be represented in another way, as is shown on Plate I. The diagrams on thifi plate show in addition a network of descent in its simplest form, composed of successive generations linked together at the first stage of conjugation. The generations themselves are seen to be composed of alternating TWO TYPES OF DOUBLE-CELLED STRUCTURES. 19 simple and double celled phases in or^^anisms of intermediate evolu- tionary rank, and tinall\' the double-celled phase is shown to ])e an expansion of the fertilized egg, which constitutes an increasingly large part of the life history as organisms mount higher in the scale of evolutionary progress. It is- thus eas}^ to understand why the two t^^pes of double-celled structures have ver}' unequal possibilities of organization. Two nuclei are evidently better than one, but their association is too slight, appar- ently, to gain much of the vital stimulus consequent upon the more effective method of conjugation followed b}' the higher plants, where the chromosomes of two fused nuclei lie in juxtaposition in the new nucleus. The higher organisms have not merel}^ double cells, but, what seems to be vasth^ more important, compound nuclei, a more advanced and energized stage of the sexual process, which enables them to maintain for exceedingly long periods of time the power of growth and subdivision." The intercalation of the double-celled structure does not chansfe the order of nuclear events in cross-fertilization, but it may be said to change fundamentally their chronological and ph3^sio]ogical relations. The true historical sequence of conjugation is plasmapsis, karyapsis, and synapsis, but the apparent and practical sequence in the higher plants and animals becomes synapsis, plasmapsis, and karyapsis, the synapsis which ends one conjugation being followed closely by the plasmapsis which begins another. The suspension of nuclear changes for vegetative growth no longer occurs between S3^napsis and plas- mapsis, but between karyapsis and synapsis, the double-celled, para- gamic structure being ])uilt, as already stated, on a new and highly sexual plane, that is, out of cells in a state of prolonged sexual union. If, as ma}^ be supposed, the benefit of synapsis lies in the making of new associations of the ancestral chromatin elements, it is obvious that the bringing of two such newly energized nuclei together would pro- duce a condition which, for want of other words, might be called a multiple vital tension. The double-celled type of structure involves, therefore, not merel}' a transfer of emphasis to a new part of the life- cycle, but a new and improved sexual process, which raises the bio- logical equation to a higher power. From this standpoint it is ol)vi- ous that the morphological diversities of sex have a fundamentally important and truly ph3'siological function in building up and main- taining the efficiency of the complex organization of the higher plants and animals. It is as illogical to ascribe the internal diversit}' of «As noted before, some organisms, such as Caulerpa and Acetabularia, show a con- siderable degree of evolutionary progress, and have not as a matter of fact attained the cellular type of organization at all; they may, however, be found to have double nuclei and to be very striking examples of the expansion of the fertilized egg. 20 EVOLUTION OF CELLULAR STRUCTURES. species to external environmental causes as to arbitrary mechanisms of heredity. The extent to which the static concept of a normally unchanging heredity has obscured evolutionary thought and investigation could not be better shown, perhaps, than by the fact that, notwithstanding the great multiplicity of terms which have been proposed for all the imagined kinds of variations, no name has been suggested for this nor- mal and necessary intraspecitic diversity. The deficiency may be made good by the use of the word heterism for the whole group of phenomena, ranging from mere individual diversity to the highest specializations of heterism, exemplitied by sexes, castes, and polymorphic conditions. It is true that the members of a species look alike Avhen compared with those of other species, and there may be no harm in ascribing this likeness to heredity, but there is nothing to show that this heredity of general resemblance has anything to do with evolution except as an incidental result. Evolution does not take place between species, but inside of them; it is not an //^fenspecific phenomenon, but /^^i^mspecific. Its principal factors are heterism and symbasis, not heredity and envi- ronment, as believed by the selectionists, nor heredity and segrega- tion, as supposed by the nmtationists. HEREDITY IN RETICULAR DESCENT. The greater efficiency of the double nuclei is, however, only one more evidence of the importance of sex as a means of diversity and of bringing diverse protoplasms together. The nuclear network of chromatin which controls the activities of the cell corresponds to the network of descent through which the cell has come into existence. Symbasis, or diversity of descent with normal interbreeding, is the foundation of the strength and \'itality of the organism, because it increases the efficiency of the luiclei of the component cells. Inbreeding or defective fertilization, on the other hand, would cause nuclear deterioration, as so strikingly shown by Maupas in the so-called senile degeneration of ciliate Infusoria induced by keeping them too long without cross-fertilization. This phenomenon is, indeed, closely parallel to senile degeneration, but there is, nevertheless, an important difference. In true senile degeneration the vigor of the cells is declin- ing because of the absence or long postponement of conjugation. In monobasic degeneration, conjugation may take place, but is not effective because of insufficient diversity of descent. Monobasis is the antithesis of symbasis; it means descent without cross-fertilization, on single or very narrow lines. The inevitable result is degeneration, with a rapidity proportional to the closeness of the inbreeding and the com- plexity of the organisms. This intimate relation between organic descent and organic structure enables us to understand the phenomena of organic succession without HEREDITY IN RETICULAR DESCENT. 21 resorting to abstract principles or to hypothetical mechanisms of hered- it3\ The network of descent is, as it Avei'c, a mapshowing- the alternative routes of the developing- organism, and permitting normally any combi- nation of ancestral characters, as may well result from the endlessly varying arrangements into which the ancestral chromatin elements may fall at the time of synapsis or chromatic fusion. Twins developed from the same ovum would have the same arrangement of chromatin, which accords with their close similarity of form, but otherwise there is unlimited diversity, even among the sinuiltaneous offspring of the same parents. It would seem, therefore, that instead of a mechanism of heredity inside the reproductive cells there is an automatic device for insuring diversity. The higher the organization the more com- plex the descent, and the greater the variet}^ of nuclear configurations and the resulting individual diversit3\ Nevertheless, inheritance is not governed merely by chance, nor limited even to the intinity of nuclear networks to be made by the combinations possible among the ancestral chromatin elements. With the greater vitality of interbred organisms is associated also a stronger heredity or ])repotency of the wild or more ])roadly symbasic types when such are crossed with inbred domesticated varieties. New varia- tions, too, appear to have the same effect as diversity of descent in lending greater vigor and prepotency. Even mutations, or degener- ative variations induced by inbreeding, are prepotent on their own plane of symbasis — that is, when crossed onl}^ with their own inbred relatives — though they are promptly obliterated or " swamped" when brought into contact with the broadly symbasic wild type, the prepotency of the diverse descent being far greater than that attach- ing to the inbred variation. It is the prepotency of variations which renders evolution truly kinetic; for the methods of organic descent are such as to bring about a spontaneous change of type. The envi- ronment often influences the direction of this vital motion, but is in no proper sense an actuating cause. '" Cells are the units of organization, but species, as groups of inter- breeding individuals, are the units of evolution. The causes of evolu- tion are not revealed by h^^pothetical subdivisions of cells into char- acter units or detei'minate elements, but by ascertaining the methods of descent through which interbreeding maintains organic strength and evolutionary progress. Cells divide themselves, as we know, into other cells, and species into other species, but it is only as cells and as species that their vital, organic, evolutionary activities are accom- plished. Individuals vary and mutate, but only species evolve. To classify the various stages and functions of organisms under general and abstract terms may be desirable, but for evolutionary purposes it « Cook, 0. F. Natural Selection in Kinetic Evolution, Science, n. s., 19: 549. 1904. 22 EVOLUTION OF CELLULAR STRUCTURES. is the network of descent which represents the concrete, significant fact, and it is this which can be resolved, if necessar^^, into its compo- nent lines, pol} g'ons, or nodes, to furnish units for the calculation of (juantitative effects of inheritance, as in Galton's Law of Ancestral Resemblances and Filial Regression, under conditions of normal sym- basic descent, or in Mendel's Laws of Disjunction, in hybrids of abnormally inbred varieties. The recognition of the double character of the cells of the higher plants and animals permits many other phenomena of inheritance to be understood, though it seems to take us farther than ever from the hope of a merely mechanical explanation of the nature of heredity itself. If conjugation were concluded immediately, the well-known phenom- ena of sterile hybrids would be impossible, the sterility which puts an end to their existence being due, as now known, to the failure to perform synapsis or chromatin fusion. On the other hand, it may be that crosses between narrowly inbred varieties sometimes have the power of passing by the period of synapsis without a true fusion of the parental chromatin, perhaps in a manner corresponding to that in which Thalictrum produces seeds parthenogenetically, by avoiding chromosome reduction. The germ-cells might have a preponderance of chromatin from one parent or the other, or might even be quite unmixed, as claimed for Mendelian hybrids. It is obvious, however, that to explain Mendelism in this manner is to admit the essential abnormality of the phenomenon. SUMMARY. It has been held self-evident that there can be nothing in evolution except heredity and environment, and it was a simple deduction from such an aphorism that differences must all be due to environment, since " heredity would, if nothing interfered, keep the descendants perfectly true to the physical characters of their progenitors.'"' Such heredit}^, however, is a pure figment of the scientific imagination; it is a hypothesis which lends us no aid in understanding the facts of organic succession. A stereotyped heredity could make nothing new; the interbreeding of diverse individuals and the prepotency' of new variations are the constructive factors, not heredity and enviromnent. Symbasis is the method, interbreeding the means, and sexuality the mechanism whereby organic evolution has been accomplished; these are the concrete and efficient causes of the vital motion of species. The association of organisms into species of similar individuals is not brought about by a predetermining hereditary mechanism, but })y S3^m basic interbreeding. The highest organization has not l)een attained in "asexual generations," but in structures completely and essentially sexual, built wholly of conjugating cells. Therehas been SUMMARY. 23 no evolution away from sexuality. Long-continued violations of the law of synibasi.s l)rino- onl}' dooeneration. This intei[)retation of evolutionary facts opens the wav to an ade- quate physiological explanation of tiie significance of sex, and atiords also a working- theory of the chief cytological complications that have arisen as a consequence of sex — complications that have hitherto rendered obscure the nature of the cell-bodies of higher animals and plants. The external diversity of organic nature and the internal diversity of cells and of reproductive processes take on new and unexpected significance. Both are shown to be consequences of sexual specializa- tion, without which no evolutionary advance beyond simple-cell colo- nies has been possible, ^lore .than this, gradations in the perfections of the higher double-celled structure are correlated with definite stao-es of evolutionary progress, so that from the structure of an org'anism its kind of sexuality can be deduced. Evolution becomes, in the new view, a physiological rather than a morphological process, since the methods of descent afiect the quality and efficiency of the organism even more promptly and fundamentally than they do its external form. PLATE. 25 EXPLANATION OF PLATE. The circles (O), eights (8), and thetas {S) represent in each ease the nucleus or nuclei belonging to a cell, and the succession of cell generations is shown by a string of nuclei either simple, in pairs (apaylogamic douV)le cells), or fused (para- gamic double cells). The half circles (C^^) and (puidrants ( 03 d ) represent the two cell generations formed during chromosome reduction. The l)rackets [ ] represent a cell at tlie period or periods when the organism is reduced to a unicellular condi- tion. All the sighs for nuclei could he supposed to be inclosed by a cell wall, which has been omitted for the sake of clearness. For the same reason only the cell lineage leading directly up to the formation of the gametes has been shown, and no account has been taken of the enormous multiplication of cells which occurs not only to build up the bodies of animals and plants but also to form many gametes. Only a few of the numerous cell generations which make u}) the organisms in question are shown. EXPLANATION OF SIGNS. p Plasmapsis — fusion of the cytoplasm, or unspecialized protoplasm. K Karyapsis — fusion of the nuclei, or nuclear protoplasm. (§) Synapsis — fusion of the chromatin elements. Heterotypic and homotypic divisions following synapsis. Nuclei of haplogamic phase — structures composed of simple cells having OOOO nuclei and chromatin elements completely fused. QQQQ Nuclei of apaylogamic phase — structures composed of double cells, each 0000 having two unfused nuclei. Nuclei of paragamic ])hase— structures composed of double cells having wc3© single nuclei containing unfused chromosomes. [ ] Cell, at periods where the organism is reduced to a single cell. 1 I The expanded egg. EXPLANATION OF FIGURES. Fig. 1. — Lower organism, such as 8ph;eroplea, having only simple-celled (haplo- gamic) tissues. The fertilized egg undergoes no development beyond merely splitting up into four spores when it germinates. Fig. 2. — Higher fungus, such as Agarieus or Puccinia, showing alternation of simple- celled and double-celled phases, the latter apaylogamic, i. e., with two unfused parental nuclei in each cell. The fertilized egg has expanded into a mass of apay- logamic tissue. Fig. 3. — Moss, showing alternation of a long simple-celled and a short double-celled phase, the latter paragamic, i. e., with parental nuclei fused but with their chro- mosomes still distinct and unfused. The fertilized egg has expanded slightly into a mass of paragamic tissue. Fig. 4. — Fern, showing alternating phases as in moss (figure 3), but with a short simple-celled phase and a long double-celled phase, the paragamic phase having developed at the expense of the Viaplogamic. The fertilized egg has expanded very much into a mass of paragamic tissue. Fk;. 5. — Flowering plant (phanerogam), showingalternationof a very short simple- celled phase with a very long double-celled phase, the paragamic phase having developed greatly at the e^cpense of the haplogamic. The egg mother-cell develops only one cell (macrospore). The fertilized egg expands into a large mass of para- gamic tissue in which the greatly reduced haplogamic phase develops in a semipara- sitic manner, it having no free existence. Fig. 6. — Higher animal, having only double-celled tissues, the haplogamic phase having been completely suppressed by the greatly expanded paragamic phase. The egg mother-cell develops only one egg. The fertilized egg has expanded into a large mass of tissue. o 26 Bui. 81, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate I. FIG.I.- LOWER ORGANISM. ^Kleeeefi^ F1G.2. HIGHER FUNGUS. ^' \eeeeWt FIG.3.-MOSS. Jpi^eeeeeeeeeeeeeee[(i^ Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeefi^ ^■^b^- <^oL_^.?©?2§eeeGeeee s FIG.4.-FERN. PKloooooooooooooooeeeeeeeeeeeoeligfe JpuJeeeeeeooooooooooeoooooooooeeE Neeeeeeeeecx3oooooooooooooeeeete^ 7pk nCP ' tft, _ _ 0=^ ^K]9eee6o(yooo66oooooooo66oo"o6o^^ Weeeeoooooooooooeeeeeeeeeeeee^^ %k FIG. 5-FLOWERING PLANT. PKleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeH^ f-KleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeH:}: fl^e^eeeeeeeeeeee^eeeeee¥eeeeGei(|^ Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeefi;^ [pk F1G.6.-HIGHER ANIMAL. Diagram Illustrating the Network of Descent, Succession of Generations, Alternating Phases, and Expansion of the Fertilized Egg. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY— BULLETIN NO. 82. B. T. GALLOWAY, Chief of Bureau. mi LANDS OF THE SOUTH ALASKA COAST. BY C. V. PIPER, Agrostologist in Charge of Forage Plant Introduction. GRASS AND FORAGE PLANT INVESTIGATIONS. Issued August 22, 1905. WASHINGTON: GOYERNMENT PRINTING OFFTOE. 1905. BULLETINS OF THE BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY. The Bureau of Plant Industry, which was organized July 1. 1901, includes Vegetable Pathological and Physiological Investigations, Botanical Investiga- tions and Experiments. Grass and Forage Plant Investigations, Pomological Investigations, and Experimental Gardens and Grounds, all of which were for- merly separate Divisions, and also Seed and Plant Introduction and Distribu- tion, the Arlington Experimental Far;u, Tea Culture Investigations, and Domestic Sugar Investigations. Beginning with the date of organization of the Bureau, the several series of bulletins of the various Divisions were discontinued, and all are now published as one series of the Bureau. A list of the bulletins, issued in the present series follows. Attention is directed to the fact that " the serial, scientific, and technical publications of the United States Department of Agriculture are not for general distribution. All copies not required for official use are by law turned over to the Superintendent of Documents, who is empowered to sell them at cost." All applications for such publications should, therefore, be made to the Superin- tendent of Documents, Government Printing OfBce, Washington, D. C. No. 1. The Relation of Lime and Magnesia to Plant Growth. 1901. Price, 10 cents.' 2. Spermatogenesis and Fecundation of Zamia. 1901. Price, 20 cents. 3. Macaroni Wheats. 1901. Price, 20 cents. 4. Range Improvement in Arizona. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 5. Seeds and Plants Imported. Inventory No. 9. 1902. Price, 10 cents. G. A List of American Varieties of Peppers. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 7. The Algerian Durum Wheats. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 8. A Collection of Fungi Prepared for Distribution. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 9. The North American Species of Spartina. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 10. Records of Seed Distribution and Cooperative Experiments with Grasses and Forage Plants. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 11. Johnson Grass. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 12. Stock Ranges of Northwestern California. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 13. Range Improvement in Central Texas. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 14. The Decay of Timber and Methods of Preventing It. 1902. Price, 55 cents. 15. Forage Conditions on the Northern Border of the Great Basin. 1902. Price. 15 cents. IG. A Preliminary Study of the Germination of the Spores of Agaricus Cam- pestris and Other Basidiomycetous Fungi. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 17. Some Diseases of the Cowpea. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 18. Observations on the Mosaic Disease of Tobacco. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 19. Kentucky Bluegrass Seed. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 20. jNIanufacture of Semolina and Macaroni. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 21. List of American Varieties of Vegetables. 1903. Price, 35 cents. 22. Injurious Effects of Premature Pollination.. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 23. Berseem. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 24. Unfermented Grape Must. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 25. Miscellaneous Papers : I. The Seeds of Rescue Grass and Chess. II. Saragolla Wheat. III. Plant Introduction Notes from South Africa. IV. Congressional Seed and Plant Distribution Circulars. 1903. Price, 15 cents. 2G. Spanish Almonds. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 27. Letters on Agriculture in the West Indies, Spain, and the Orient. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 28. The Mango in Porto Rico. 1903. Price, 15 cents. 29. The Effect of Black Rot on Turnips. 1903. Price, 15 cents. 30. Budding the Pecan. 1902. Price. 10 cents. 31. Cultivated Forage Crops of the Northwestern States. 1902. Price, 10 cents. .32. A Disease of the White Ash. 190.3. Price. 10 cents. 33. North American Species of Leptochloa. 1903. Price, 15 cents. [Continued on page 3 of cover.] Bui. 82, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate I. < CO < < < U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY— BULLETIN NO. 82. B. T. GALLOWAY, Chief oj Bureau. mi LINDS OF THE SOUTH ALASKA COAST. BY C. V. PIPER, Agrostologist in Charge of Forage Plant Introduction. ORASS AND FORAGE PLANT I N VKSTIG ATIONS. Issued August 22, 1905. WASHINGTON: government printing office. 1905. BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY. B. T. GALLOWAY, Patlwlotjist and Physiologist, and Chief of Bureau. VEGETABLE PATHOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS. Albert F. Woods, Patholot/ixt and Physiologist in Charge. Acting Chief of Bureau in Absence of Chief. BOTANICAL INVESTIGATIONS AND EXPERIMENTS. Frederick V. Coville, Botanist in Charge. GRASS AND FORAGE PLANT INVESTIGATIONS. W. J. Spillman, Agriculturist in Charge. POMOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS. G. B. Brackett, Pomologist in Charge. SEED AND PLANT INTRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION. A. J. PiETERS, Botanist in Charge. ARLINGTON EXPERIMENTAL FARM. L. C. CoRBETT, Horticulturist in Charge. EXPERIMENTAL (JARDENS AND GROUNDS. E. M. Byrnes, Superintendent. .J. E. Rockwell, Editor. James E. Jones, Chief Clerk. A GRASS AND FORAGE PLANT INVESTIGATIONS. SCIENTIFIC STAFF. W. J. Spillman, Agriculturist in Charge. A. S. Hitchcock, Systematic Agrostologist in Charge of Ilerhariuni. C. V. Piper, Agrostologist in Charge of Forage Plant Introduction. David Griffiths, Assistant Agrostologist in Charge of Range and Cactus Investigations. C. R. Ball, Assistant Agrostologist in Charge of Work on Arlington Farm. S. M. Tracy, Special Agent in Charge of Gulf Coast Investigations. D. A. Brodie, Assistant Agrostologist in Charge of Cooperative Work. Harmon Benton, Assistant Agriculturist. I*. L. Ricker, Assistant In Herbarium. J. M. Westgate, Assistant in Charge of Alfalfa and Clover Investigations. Byron Hunter, A.ssislant in Charge of Pacific Coast Investigations. R. A. Oakley, Assistant in Domestication of Wild Grasses. C. W. Warburton, Assistant in Fodder Plant and Millet Investigations. M. A. Crosby, Assistant in Southern Forage Plant Investigations. J. S. Cotton, Assistant in Ra)igc Inrestigations. ■ Harold T. Nielsen, Edward J. Troy, Lyman E. Cakbieb, Leroy' C. Wilson, Lawrence G. Dodge, Assistants in Agronomy. Agnes Chase, Agrostological Artist. i LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL U. S. Depart:ment of Agriculture, Bureau of Plant Industry, Office of the Chief, Washington, D. C; May 19, 1905. Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith a paper entitled " Grass Lands of tlie South Ahiska Coast," and to reconnnend that it be pub- lished as Bulletin No. 82 of the series of this Bureau. This paper was prepared by ]Mr. C. V. Piper, Agrostologist in Charge of Introduction of Grasses and Forage Plants, Grass and Forage Plant Investigations, and has been submitted by the Agrostol- ogist with a view to publication. The four plates accompanying the paper are necessary to a proper understanding of the text. Respectfully, B. T. Galloway, Chief of Bureau. Hon. James Wilson, Secretary of Agriculture. 3 PREFACE. Since the discovery of gold in Alaska in 1897 continuous calls for information concerning the agricultural possibilities of the Alaska Peninsida have come to the Department of Agriculture. Much valu- nh\e information on this topic has been secured by the Office of Ex- periment Stations largely through the Alaska experiment stations at Sitka, Kenai, and Copper Center in charge of Prof. C. C. George- son, but as the work of these experiment stations was necessarily largely local in character, and as it Avas highly desirable to study con- ditions in sections remote from the stations, the Office of Experiment Stations requested the Bureau of Plant Industry to send some one to explore as large an area of the Alaskan country as might be feasible. Accordingly Prof. C. V. Piper, of the Office of Grass and Forage l^lant Investigations, w^as detailed to make this exploration under the joint auspices of the Office of Experiment Stations and the Bureau of Plant Industry. The summer of 1904 was spent in this work. The area explored is shown in black on the map constituting Plate I. Many interesting facts relating to agricultural possibilities in the region covered were recorded, and Professor Piper discusses them in the following pages in detail. For further information concerning the results of this exploration the reader is referred to the Annual Report of the Office of Experi- ment Stations for the year 1904. W. J. Spili.man, Agrostologist. Office of Grass and Forage Plant Investigations, Washhujtoii, I). 6'., Aynl H^ 190o. CONTENTS Page. Introdnction 9 The location of the grass lands 11 Kadiak Island 11 Alaska Peninsula and adjacent islands 12 Unalaska and the neighboring islands 12 Kenai Peninsula 13 The Yakutat plains _ . 14 Important factors relating to the agricultural value of the grass lands. 16 The abundance and permanence of native fodder plants . . - 16 Bluetop -. 16 Beach rye 16 Bluegrass 1 ■"» Silver-top 17 Siberian fescue _ . 17 Sedges 17 Alaska lupine 17 Fireweed 18 Food value of native Alaskan grasses 18 Cultivable forage crops 19 Silage alone as a ration for milch cows 20 Alaskan experience in stock raising 21 Hogs 21 Goats _.. 21 Sheep husbandry 22 Cattle 23 Population and available markets 25 Freights and transportation 26 Desirability of south Alaska as a home 26 Climate 26 Garden products 27 Fuel 28 Choice of a location 28 Land laws applying to Alaska . . 29 Homesteads 30 Application for a homestead for surveyed land 31 Inceiitive rights of homestead settlers 31 Homestead settlers on unsurveyed lands 32 Cultivation in grazing districts ^ 32 Homestead claims not liable for debt and not salable 33 Soldiers and sailors' homestead rights - - - 32 Soldiers* additional homestead entry 33 Description of plates 38 7 ILLUSTRATIONS. Papc. Plate I. Map of Alaska Frontispiece. II. Fig. 1. — A view of the fiat lands lying at the head of Woman's Bay, Kadiak Island, Alaska. Fig. 2. — Mowing beach rye on Kadiak Island, Alaska H8 III. Blnetop (Calaviagrostis langsdorfii), 6 feet high, on Kadiak Island, Alaska, July, 1904 ;J8 IV. Fig. 1.— A view of Kadiak, Alaska, November 7, 1903. Fig. 2.— A different view of Kadiak. March 26, 1904 38 8 B. r. I.— 164. - G. F. P. I.— 113. GRASS LANDS OF THE SOUTH ALASKA COAST. INTRODUCTION. - A glance at the accompanying- map of Alaska (PI. I) will show that the coast line beginning at Dixon Entrance, in longitude 132°, latitude 54° 30', and extending to Unalaska, in longitude 166° and latitude 54°, is nearly in the form of a semicircle, or, rather, of a half ellipse, the east and west diameter of which would be about 2,000 miles and the north and south diameter about half this distance. Xear the northernmost part of this coast line are two large inlets, the eastern one Prince William Sound, the western one Cook Inlet. It will be further noticed that islands are very numerous on the coast and that the coast line is much indented by narrow inlets or fiords, a fact better shown on larger maps. The principal places mentioned in this paper are likewise indicated on the majD. Officially, the region from Mount Saint Elias eastward is known as southeastern Alaska, that west of this peak as southwestern. Alaska. From an agricultural standpoint, however, there is a much better and very marked divid- ing line. From Cook Inlet eastward practically all of the lands lying near the coast are densely timbered up to an altitude of 2,000 to 3,000 feet. From Cook Inlet westward, excepting Afognak Island and a small portion of Kadiak Island, the lands are devoid of timber, and are for the most part grass covered. The total area of the coast grass lands is about 10,000 square miles, nearly all of which lies between Cook Inlet and Unalaska, a distance of about 700 miles. At least one-half of this land would seem capa- ble, in time at least, of profitable utilization. From various causes it has remained until now practically unused. South Alaska is a mountainous country, a great range of snow- capped peaks on the mainland paralleling the entire coast. Eastward from Cook Inlet great numbers of glaciers arise in the higher moun- tains, and many of these rivers of ice extend downward to the sea. Westward from Cook Inlet no glaciers reach the sea, although nuuiy of the mountain peaks are from 5,000 to 8,000 feet high. This strik- ing difference apparently depends on a much smaller annual rainfall and snowfall. 9 29975— No. 82—05 M 2 10 GKASS LANDS OF THE SOUTH ALASKA COAST. In general the lands are hilly, sometimes rising abruptly from the seashore, but seldom too steep to afford a luxuriant grass covering. More often, however, the hills near the coast are Ioav and rounded, Avith intervening valleys. In places there are wide areas contiguous to the coast of from 100 to 1,000 feet elevation and comparatively level. Most of the smaller islands, too, have comparatively gentle slopes, and either are under 1,000 feet elevation or have but few hills reaching: above that height. The coast line evervwhere is indented by numerous bays or inlets, into many of Avhich rivers flow. At the heads of these bays there are, as a rule, considerable areas of flat or nearly flat lands. Such locations naturally afford the most advanta- geous sites for agricultural settlements, especially as these flat lands are exceedingly well grassed, and Avith little preliminary labor can be prepared for mowing. ^\liere the land is level it is very likely to be wet and covered with a groAvth of peat moss. Under such circumstances it supports but a scanty A^egetation. Even on the hillsides this peat moss may become established, and Avhere it does so the grasses quickly become less lux- uriant. The decay of this moss and of other A^egetation results in the formation of a humous soil, A^ery retentiA^e of moisture. So deep does this humus become that the real soil is often entirely concealed. Where it is possible to destroy this moss by burning, the result is ahvays a heavy crop of grass or other plants. Most of the land that lies at less than 1,000 feet eleA-ation is covered by a most luxuriant growth of natiA'e grasses. OA^er large areas these grasses are fre- quently 6 feet high, thus furnishing a large quantity of fodder. On the remaining areas, lying at higher elevations or on exposed slopes, the grasses are too short to cut for hay, but furnish splendid grazing. That grass in Alaska is exceedingly^ abundant and fairly nutritious and that cattle Avill thrive upon it are facts beyond question. But these facts in themseh'es are not sufficient to enable a prospective settler thinking of engaging in stock raising to determine whether or not such a A^enture Avould be likely to prove profitable. The mere abundance of grass of fair quality is not sufficient to insure success in stock raising in an isolated region like that under consideration. The following statements regarding the Alaska grass lands and the factors that haA^e a bearing on their profitable utilization are based on as complete a survey as one season's Avork Avould permit, together Avith the facts preAdously recorded by reliable authorities. A detailed report of the conditions actually obser\'ed will appear in the Annual Report of the Office of Experiment Stations for 1904. The present bulletin designs rather to cite these facts in their bearing upon the south Alaska grass lands as a desirable field for stock raising. LOCATION OF THE GEASS LANDS. 11 THE LOCATION OF THE GRASS LANDS, The accompanying map (PI. I) indicates the general location of the southern Alaska areas which are covered with grasses. These areas diUer considerably in detail and are here discussed separately. KADIAK ISLAND. Kadiak Island, which lies off the mouth of Cook Inlet, is about 100 miles long by 50 miles wide. It is mountainous in character, the hills rising more or less gently from near the seashore to heights of 1,000 to 3,000 feet. At the end of July, 1901, there was still considerable snow at 2,000 feet (PI. IV) , but this is said to be quite unusual. This island, like most of the Alaska coast, is much cut into by long, narrow bays, into most of which flow streams. The flat lands lying at the deltas of these streams are, as a rule, very heavily covered with grasses (PI. II). The slopes also, up to an altitude of 1,500 feet, are Avell grassed, except where there are thickets of alder or willow ; but these slopes are usually too steep to utilize otherwise than by grazing. The total area of these hillside lands is much greater than that of the approximately level stretches, in the proportion of at least 20 to 1. On the hillsides the principal grass is bluetop {Calamagrostis langsdorfii), which often covers large areas in a pure growth. This Avas exceedingly fine on hillsides burned over in March, l)y which means the old straw and moss were destroyed, thus permitting bet- ter drainage and making the soil warmer. In such places this grass is often 6 feet high. On the contrary, if the hills are burned over in June the fire is likely to kill the grass roots as well as the moss, with the result that fireweed usually takes possession of the ground. Other grasses than Ijluetop on the hillsides are relatively unimpor- tant, though sometimes considerable areas of Siberian fescue occur, and on the higher slopes are a number of low grasses of forage value. On the flat lands before mentioned the tall beach sedge {Carex eryptocarpd) forms a broad fringe along the shores of the bays and sloughs, especially on lands which are occasionally covered by tide water. Back of this sedge, beach rye {Ehjmus mollis) forms a more or less broad zone, often mixed Avith patches of a coarse bluegrass {Poa glumark). In the still drier portions bluetop occupies the ground almost exclusively. The three plants mentioned furnish the great bulk of forage on Kadiak Island, and indeed on most parts of the Alaskan coast, but the bluetop is more abundant than all of the other grasses combined. Bluetop has slender stems and thin leaves, thus curing very readily and making a sweet and palatable hay. Beach rye, on the contrary, 12 GRASS LANDS OF THE SOUTH ALASKA COAST. has thick stems and thick leaves, in consequence of which it cures slowly. Beach sedge has a three-sided, solid, pithy stem, and is therefore very difficult to dry. All three of these plants grow so luxuriantly that they often yield 3 tons of hay or more per acre. Of forage plants other than grasses the lupine and fireweed, here- after described, are both abundant. In a green state they are readily eaten by sheep, but cattle prefer the grasses. In portions of the island which have been more or less closely grazed for some years it was noticeable that the taller wild grasses had largely disappeared, being replaced principally by bluegrass {Poa 2)ratensis) and wild barley {Hordeum horeale). Cattle seem to be much more fond of the former than of the latter grass, although in parts of northern Euroj^e the Avild barley is considered a most, excellent grass. All of Kadiak Island, except a small portion in the extreme north- east, is practically timberless, as are most of the adjacent islands. In the valleys, however, there is usually a small number of cotton- woods and willows, and on wet slopes scrub willows and alders form dense thickets. Afognak Island, however, which lies northeast of Kadiak, is quite densely covered with spruce. ALASKA PENINSULA AND ADJACENT ISLANDS. The whole region to the west of Kadiak Island might briefly be described as similar to that island, but entirely deviod of timber, the shrubs being more scrubby and the grasses less luxuriant. The peninsula itself is very mountainous, and for considerable stretches along the coast the hills rise abruptly from the water's edge. In the bays and inlets, however, there are frequently considerable areas of comparatively IcA^el lands well grassed, though seldom as luxuriantly covered as those before mentioned. The islands lying off the coast are comparatively low, and some of them are said to be exceedingly Avell adapted to stock raising. Such areas as were examined indicate that in general there is a greater variety of forage grasses than to the eastward, but most of them are smaller in size. At the present time there is a mail steamer plying once a month betw^een Valclez and Unalaska. This boat carries the mail, and stops at such points as business demands. The population of this entire region is exceedingly sparse, and many of the outlying islands would probably have to be reached by means of sailing craft. UNALASKA AND THE NEIGHBORING ISLANDS. Unalaska and the neighboring islands difl'er on the whole-compara- tively little from Kadiak Island, though the vegetation as a rule is LOCATION OF THE GRASS LANDS. 13 decidedly less luxuriant. The grasses are much the same in kind, although differing in their relative abundance. Some difficulty would he experienced on these islands in finding sufficient tall grass to furnish winter fodder in case large quantities were necessary, though in some of the more sheltered valleys small areas were olb- served where the grasses were very tall. There is quite a herd of cattle at Unalaska which, according to local reports, receive but very flight attention during the wnnter, only a small quantity of feed being cut for them. The principal advantage of Unalaska and the neighboring islands would seem to lie in the fact that they are on the line of travel of the vessels going to the Yukon and to Nome. If sufficient numbers of cattle were raised on these islands, doubtless little difficulty would be experienced in finding a market for them at the above-mentioned points. Indeed, a Seattle company, Avhich pur- poses, among other things, to engage in cattle raising primarily for these northern markets, has already begun operations on Akun Island. KENAI PENINSULA. Kenai is the name given to the large peninsula lying between Cook Inlet and the Gulf of Alaska. That portion of it on the east side of Cook Inlet and north of Kachemak Bay, comprising an area 100 miles long by 20 to ;]0 miles wide, is an extensive plateau. Its south- ern portion, on Kachemak Bay, lies 500 to 1,000 feet or more above the sea level. It slopes mainly to the westward, so that that part from Anchor Point northward is but 100 to 200 feet above the sea level. Most of this land is timbered with spruce, but there are con- siderable areas of grass near Anchor Point, near Homer, and on the north side of Kachemak Bay. At Homer there is an extensive sand spit, about 4 miles in length and from one-fourth to 1 mile across, which supports a good growth of several grasses and sedges. Beach rye is the most important and most abundant, but red fescue, bluegrass, and seashore grass furnish considerable grazing. At the base of the spit the land rises grad- ually to the high plateau above, the scattered timber giving the ap- pearance of mountain parks. The open portions of this land support a luxuriant growth of bluetop, often 6 feet tall. At a rough estimate the open grass lands in this vicinity comprise about 2,000 acres. The site of a proposed Finnish colony is on the north side of Kache- mak Bay, not far from its head. From the colony site to the head of the bay are extensive tide flats, which are mainly covered with sedges about 2 feet high. The marshy nature of these lands, together with the coarse nature of the forage, makes them of but limited value. Undoubtedly they can be much improved by diking. 14 GRASS LANDS OF THE SOUTH ALASKA COAST. The grass lands of the colony site proper consist of about 500 acres of excellent land, covered with a luxuriant growth of bluetop. These lands lie close to the seashore and less than 100 feet above it. Back of these lands are hills 500 to 1,500 feet high, the plateau on the top of which consists in part of extensive grass areas. Much of this grass is bluetop, often G feet high. Other areas are pure grow^ths of Siberian fescue. Interspersed with these are several other good grasses, but none of them in great quantitv. These j^lateau grass lands are apparently very extensive. To render them accessible will, however, require the building of roads or trails up to the easiest slopes. At Anchor Point there is but little grass land near the sea- shore, but on the plateau behind are considerable areas much like those just described. The plateau at this point is, however, much- lower. An important circumstance in relation to all of the grass lands of this region lies in the fact that they are underlaid with coal, which is exposed for miles in the bluffs along the coast. In view of this fact it is doubtful if title to the land can be gained by homesteading it. At Kenai there are no naturally grassed lands, except the sand dunes along the beach and the marshes lying inside of them. The dunes are covered principally with beach rye and bighead sedge {Carex macrocephala) . In the brackish marshes red fescue and sea- shore grass are plentiful. Here also is found poison parsnip {Cicuta douglasii) in small marshes, and there is a record of some native cows having been killed by it several years ago. THE YAKUTAT PLAINS. The only extensive areas of grass lands known in southeastern Alaska are those lying in the river valleys near the coast south of Yakutat. Inasmuch as these lands have been several times referred to in reports, and as they are now in part accessible owing to the building of the Yakutat and Southern Railway, a careful examina- tion was made of them. The above-mentioned railway has been built primarily to reach the several rich salmon streams flowing into the ocean south of Yakutat, it being impracticable to fish them by ap- proach from the ocean. This railway is projected to be built to the Alsek River, a distance of 45 miles. At present it is built only to the Setuck River, 10 miles from Yakutat. Practically the whole of this region is an old glacial moraine, com- posed of fine gravel, which slopes very gently to the seashore. The land close to the seashore is somewdiat higher than that lying l^ehind, and is heavily timbered. Owing to this strip of higher land most of the streams flow parallel to the coast for some distance near their debouchments. It is along the valleys of these streams that the grass LOCATION OF THE GEASS LANDS. 15 lands lie, but owing to the flatness of the land and the slight eleva- tion above the sea level they are very ill-drained, notwithstanding the gravelly nature of the soil. I Traveling along these rivers in a canoe one receives the impression that the grass is tall and rank on these flat lands. This, in fact, is the case on a very narrow strip just along the river banks, where there is a fine growth of bluetop {Calamagrostis langsdorfii) and sedge [Garex sitchensis Presc). This strip of tall grass is, however, nearly always confined to the immediate banks of the rivers. The great mass of the land is covered with a thin layer of bog moss, which supports but a scant vegetation of grass and sedges less than a foot high. i It is a conservative statement to say that fully 80 per cent of these Yakutat grass lands are thus scantily grassed. Apart from tlids scant amount of grass, which j^ractically precludes the cutting of winter forage, another serious difficulty presents itself in the fact that poison parsnip {Cicuta douglasii) occurs quite plentifully over all the land that is the least boggy, which, as before stated, is 80 per cent of the area. Thus, even if these meadows were used only for grazing, great care would need to be exercised in the spring, when grass is scanty and the sweet but very jDoisonous tubers of this plant are frequently forced to the surface by the frost. While the above statements are true concerning the Yakutat meadows as a whole, there are small areas which are exceptional. For example, along the lower Ankow River occurs a narrow strip of several hundred acres Avell grassed with silver-top {Deschamiyi^ia caespitosa) and beach rye {Elymus mollis) and free from Cicuta. Care would need to be exercised in utilizing even this, as the sur- rounding l)oggy lands bear an abundance of poison parsnip. Again, the strip of land lying just within the ocean dunes is often well grassed with beach rye and red fescue {Fesfnea rubra). A particularly good area of arable land lies along the railway where it reaches the Setuck River. This consists of 3 or 4- square miles of gravelly, well-drained, level land, at present looking much like a worn-out meadow. It is apparently very well adapted to such cultivated grasses as smooth brome-grass and tall meadow oat-grass. It will undoubtedly grow all sorts of hardy vegetables. The present grass covering is rather scanty, but it is probable that this can be greatly increased by cultivation. This particular piece of land is well worthy of the attention of homesteaders. It is within the bounds of j)ossibility that the larger part of the Yakutat \)\',\m can be drained and made into fine meadow lands. In its present state, however, this land is not adapted to stock raising, with the exception of such small areas as above noted. 16 GKASS LANDS OF THE SOUTH ALASKA COAST. IMPORTANT FACTORS RELATING TO THE AGRICULTURAL VALUE OF THE .GRASS LANDS. In determining whether or not the grass hinds previousl}' described offer a desirable fiekl for settlement, a number of factors that bear more or less directly upon the problem need consideration. These factors may be discussed in the following sequence: (1) The abundance and permanence of the feeds available. (2) The possibility of raising forage on cidtivated lands. (3) The known facts in regard to live-stock raising. (4) The aA'ailable markets. (.5) Trans])ortation facilities and freight rates. (6) The desirability of south Alaska as a home. (T) The choice of a location THE ABUNDANCE AND PERMANENCE OF NATIVE FODDER PLANTS. Live-stock husbandry in Alaska will have to depend primarily upon the native plants, supplemented in time, perhaps, by such additional ones as experiments shall indicate may compete with the native plants, or which upon cultivated land will yield heavily enough to be profitable. The most important and abundant of the native forage plants are as follows: Bluet op. — Bluetop {Calamagrostis langsdor-fii) is by far the most plentiful tall grass in Alaska, growing along the whole coast. On Kadiak Island and the Kenai Peninsula it is especially abundant, often being 6 feet high and very dense (PI. III). It grows with special luxuriance on hillsides that have been burned over earl}' in the spring. This burning destroys the moss, and thus makes the soil better drained and warmer. Bluetop also flourishes on the level boggy lands, l)ut prefers a well-drained soil. Owing to its thin stems and leaves it cures very readily, and is therefore the usual hay grass of Alaska. It is often called redtop, but this name should be restricted to the true redtop, a very different grass. There are no accurate data bearing on the point as to how well this grass will withstand continued cutting, but the general belief is that it rapidly becomes thinner in stand. It is noticeable about villages where cows are kept that the bluetop is scarce, being replaced by other grasses, especiall}^ bluegrass and wild barley. The area of bluetop is so great, however, that in many places it would be quite practical)le to manage so as not to cut the same plats two years in succession, which practice would probably- maintain the density of the stand. Beach rye. — Along all the quiet shores and inlets of Alaska, wherever there is low land near the beach, there is a strip of beach rye {Elymiis mollh) occurring just above high-tide level. Some- NATIVE FODDER PLANTS. 17 times this strip is only a few feet wide, but on the low level lands near the heads of fiords there are often large areas of it :3 to 5 feet high (PL II, fig. 2). One patch of it examined had been cut the year previous, and on this the stand was scarcely half as dense as on neighboring pieces Avhich had not been cut. This observation ac- cords with the experience of others. Where sand dunes occur on the coast, as at Kenai and near Yakutat, beach rye is an important sand binder. In such locations it is often very dilferent in appearance from that found in other situations, the heads being short and thick. This is the result of infestation by a parasitic worm. BJuegrass. — The true Kentucky- bluegrass {Poa pratensis) is com- mon all along the Alaska coast, where it thrives to perfection. It shows a tendency to occupy the ground where closely grazed, and cattle exhibit a marked preference for it. Several closely allied species also occur, and it is an important fact that they persist and increase where other grasses disappear, which seems to insure the permanence of pasturage of a high quality. Silver-top. — The very nutritious grasses known as silver-top {Deschampsia cwspitosa and D. hottnica) occur in some abundance, especially in gravelly soils, whether on the hillsides or near the sea- shore. Owing to their stems being nearly leafless they yield but little hay, but the numerous fine basal leaves furnish most excellent forage. Siberian fescue. — Siberian fescue {Festuca altaiea) makes Large tussocks, especially in gravelly soil and in open timber up to 1,000 feet elevation. In such locations it often makes a nearly pure growtli It seems to be fully as nutritious as the well-known sheep fescue, but is a much larger grass. Sedges.— Two tall species of sedge, Carex enjptocarpa and C. sitchensis, in places make dense stands 3 feet high or more, especially in wet soil; in the case of the former, more especially in tidal marshes. Considerable quantities of this sedge were cut for hay near Kadiak, and it is said to furnish excellent feed. These sedges are both quite smooth and soft, unlike most others. Alaska lupine. — The blue-flowered plant known as Alaska lupine (Lupimis unalaschensis) is quite tall, often 3 feet high, and some- times occupies large areas almost to the exclusion of other plants. It is thick leaved and rather fleshy, and is the only leguminous plant that is really abundant in Alaska. Sheep eat it readily. Should it prove palatable as well as nutritious to cattle the problem of a good wniter ration for milch cows would be considerably simplified. Ex- periments with it as silage, both pure and mixed with grass, are much to be desired. 29975— No. 82—0.5 m 3 18 GRASS LANDS OF THE SOUTH ALASKA COAST. With the exception of this phmt the only legumes of forage value in the grass regions are two species of wild pea, both of which, unfortunately, are rather scarce. Fireweed. — The well-known plant called fireweed {E pilohium an- gustifolium) often occupies the ground to the exclusion of others, especially where the land has been burned over in summer and the grass roots thus destroyed. Sheep seem fond of it. It is possible that this plant may prove profitable as silage, at least wdien mixed with grasses, but no tests with this end in view seem to have been made. Its great abundance at times makes such a test desirable. There are three possible ways of preserving the above-mentioned plants for winter feed. The more easily dried — as bluetop and blue- grass — may be made into hay. Continued sunshiny w^eather on the Alaska coast is not to be depended upon, so that haymaking is accomplished only with much uncertainty. "Where one needs but a small amount of fodder, little difficulty is experienced in select- ing the few necessary sunshiny daj's. Where, on the contrar3% one needs great quantities of winter feed, haymaking is impracticable. Resort in such cases must be had either to brown hay or to silage. Brown hay is simply half-cured hay, made by stacking the grass green or half dry — really a compromise between hay and silage. Sometimes salt is scattered over the layers while it is being stacked. It is more or less used in all countries where haymaking is difficult. While analyses show it to contain practically as^ much nutriment aB hay or silage, cattle are not eager for it, and it can be considered onlv fin emergencv feed. Unquestionably when large quantities of "winter forage are needed for stock, silage must be depended upon, and undoubtedly, all things considered, it will be the most satisfactory feed. Practically the only Alaska forage plant thus far used as silage is beach rye, and the experiences with this plant of Prof. C. C Georgeson, special agent in charge of the Alaska Agricultural Experiment Stations, and of others who have grown it, show it to be both palatable and nutri- tious. In all probability other Alaskan grasses, and perhaps other plants, wnll be found to be quite as satisfactory. Where timber is available silos may be constructed of logs, like the one at the Sitka Experiment Station. This silo has the advantage of enal^ling a man to utilize his own labor. On the other hand, the material for stave silos can be secured at very reasonable prices, and ' this doubtless is the best silo to use in the timberless regions. FOOD VALUE OF NATIVE ALASKAN GRASSES. Chemical analyses have been made of the i)rincipal Alaskan grasses, and while these can be properly interpreted only in connection with jj CULTIVABL,E FORAGE CROPS. 19 digestion experiments, their comi^arison with the analyses of stand- ard grasses furnishes some measure of their vahie. Analyses of Alaskan grasses (air-dried sa))ii)Jes taken irhen in flower). Species Ciihiiiiacirnxfis langsdorfii (Bluetop) ... Care.r cryptoiarpa (S^dge) Elt/mus mollis (Beach rye) Phleiim pratense (Timothy) Piia pratensis (Bhiegrass) Desrhampsia bottnica (Silver-top) Calamagrostis aleuticu "Water. Protein. Fat. Nitro- gen-free extract. Crude fiber. Percent. Percent. Percent. Percent. Per cent. 7.18 4.58 1.03 40. 37 42.94 5.8.5 10.32 2.12 45.34 25. 72 11.92 12.71 2.26 35.39 30. 31 8. .59 8.94 2.14 45.69 30.06 8.11 8.94 2.04 41. 45 :i4.24 8.75 7.44 2.07 47.05 31.. 54 8.33 10.00 1.37 37.89 ■a.m Ash. Per cent. 3.90 10.65 7. .51 4. .58 5.22 4.15 4.52 Analyses of standard grasses for comparison. Species. Port pratensis (Bluegrass) A> ►-5 P ID B a P. m % u O Ai. 12.96 8.09 11.98 1 a > o a p 1 Eh Total precipi- tation, May 1 to Sept. 30. Sitka Kadiak ,._ In. 7.95 6.5ti 13.81 hi. 8.02 3.70 7.68 In. 7.78 4.86 6.48 In. 5.03 4.01 7.51 In. 3.89 5 92 In. 3.87 ^ Q1 7n. 4.14 3.38 2.78 /n. 6.67 4.97 3.40 In. 10.94 7.26 8.64 7ii. 10. 77 6. .56 9.30 In. 8. .52 7 01 In. 90. .54 In. 29.51 26.44 23.57 Unalaska . 1 4.Q A Oli 1101 no 1 J In comparing the data for Sitka, Kadialv, and Unalaska it will be noted that the average mean temperature of Sitka is a little higher than that of Kadiak, which in turn is higher than that of Unalaska. It w^ill also be noted that Sitka and Unalaska have about the same rainfall — considerably greater than that of Kadiak. A matter of more practical consequence than either the copious rainfall or the comparatively high mean temperature is the rather low total of effective temperatures during the months from May to September, inclusive. By effective temperature is meant that above 43° F., at which plant growth practically begins. These totals, as compiled by Evans," are as follows : Sitka 1,479. ] Kadiak 1^ 152. i k Unalaska 024. 5 Port Angeles. Wash 1,671.0 Ottawa, Canada 3, 424. 7 Scotland 1, 692. 7 Stockholm. Sweden 2, 704. 0 The difference in totals betw^een Sitka and Kadialc is very striking, but not so much as that between Kadiak and Unalaska. Undoubt- edly this effective temperature factor is the principal cause of the sharp demarcation between the timbered and the timberless regions on the Alaska coast. Garden products. — This same factor — the low^ total of effective tem- peratures— limits also the variety of garden products that can be grown, but along the whole coast a considerable variety of vegeta- bles is successfully raised, such as potatoes, turnips, cabbage, cauli- flower, Brussels sprouts, kale, lettuce, peas, radishes, and rhubarb. Red currants and red raspberries grow wild on Cook Inlet, and these hardy varieties will thrive at most places along the coast — at Sitka even the ordinary garden varieties ripening. In southeastern Alaska salmon berries, cranberries, and huckleberries grow wild in abun- dance. "Bulletin No. 4.S, UUiee of Experiment Stations, U. S. Department of Agri- culture. 28 GRASS LANDS OF THE SOUTH ALASKA COAST. Fuel. — In the timbered region a supply of fuel is easily obtainable, Avliile in the tiniberless country a rather scant quantit}^ is secured from scrubby willoAvs and alders and from beach drift. Coal of an inferior quality, but still fairly satisfactory for domestic use, is abundant along Cook Inlet. At present none of this is mined, but considerable quantities are gathered from exposed ledges, or from drift on the beaches. Most of the coal used along the Alaska Penin- sida, however, is at present shipped from Puget Sound. In some localities the paraffin residue from oil seepage is utilized as fuel. CHOICE or A LOCATION. In general, Kadiak and the neighobring islands and the Cook Inlet country are the most favorable jjlaces for live-stock raising on account of a great luxuriance of grasses and contiguity to timber. The Cook Inlet region enjoys the reputation of being the garden spot of the Alaska coast, apiDarently producing finer vegetables than else- where, though lying farther north than the Alaska Peninsula and most of the territory described in these pages. The accessible grass lands here are, however, comparatively limited. On the other hand, Unalaska and the neighboring islands, Avhile possessing less abundant grass and perhaps a less faA'orable climate, can perhaps reach markets in the Nome region and on the lower Yukon. At Yakutat, while the grass is not overabundant, the loca- tion is more favorable for shipments southward. The prime requisite of any Alaska location is a sufficiently large available supply of winter forage. Of summer range there is an abundance nearly everywhere, but the utilization of , this is definitely limited bv the number of cattle one can safelv winter. The all- important point is therefore to have a sufficient acreage of land from which hay or silage can be secured. By selecting locations on the fiat lands that so commonly occur at the heads of the narrow fiords one can easily control for all practical pur2)oses great areas of grazing lands. The writer can not refrain from quoting here the following opinion of a widely traveled man from California, who for three years has been engaged in placer mining on the beach on the west side of Kadiak Island and who is seriously considering taking up a homestead and bringing his fainily to Alaska : III all my travels I have never found a place where one can live so well or so cheaply as 1 have done for the past three, years. 1 can raise all sorts of hardy vegetables and berries, besides the wild ones, and have unlimited g:rass to keep cattle and slice]). Fish of the choicest sorts — salmon, halibut, cod, and many others — are very almiidant, and the stream tlowiii.tc by my- cabin donr' swarms with trout. In the way of big game there are bears. Of small game LAND LAWS APPLYING TO ALASKA. 29 ducks and geese are plentiful in the spring and fall, and fresh gull eggs may be had for the gathering. To add to all this, if ready money is not available, I can always make good wages at least by washing out gold on the beach. Surely there is here a combination of resources that makes failure well-nigh impossible. LAND LAWS APPLYING TO ALASKA. The following report regarding the methods by which title may be secured to agricultural laiids in Alaska was prepared in the office of the Commissioner of the General Land Office, through the cour- tesy of the Secretary of the Interior. It refers solely to acquiring title to agricultural lands and not to the town-site or mineral laws, or to mission claims under section 27 of the act of June 6, 1900 (31 Stat. L., 330) : Section 1 of the act of Congress approved May 14, 1S98 (30 Stat. L., 409), extending the homestead laws to Alaska, may be summarized as follows : F'irst. Extending the homestead laws and the rights incident thereto to the district of Alaska. Second. Extending to such district the right to enter surveyed lands under provisions of law relating to the acquisition of title through soldiers' addi- tional homestead rights. Third. Granting the right to enter unsurveyed lands in said district under provisions of law relating to the acquisition of title through soldiers' additional homestead rights. Fourtli. Prohibiting the location in said district of any indemnity, deficiency, or lieu lands pertaining to any land grant whatsoever orginating outside of said district. Fifth. Limiting each entry under this section to SO rods along the shore of any navigable water, and reserving along such shore a space at least 80 rods- between all such claims, and prohibiting the entry or disposal of the shore (meaning land lying between high and low water mark) of any navigable waters within said district. Hixth. Limiting each homestead in said district, whether soldiers' additional or otherwise, to 80 acres in extent. This section was amended by the act of March 3, 1903 (32 Stat. L., 1028), the provisions of which may be stated as follows : The amendatory act does not specifically reenact that portion of the act of 1898 which granted the right to enter imsurvcyed lands in the district of Alaska under the jirovisions of law relating to the acquisition of title through soldiei's' additional riglits. but it is provided thereby "that no more than- one hundred and sixty acres shall be entered in any single body by such scrip, lieu selection, (v soldiers' additional homestead right," which seems to negative any intention to modify or ri'i)eal the existing law with regard to the exercise of such rights in the district of Alaska further than to limit the amount which may be entered in a single body to KJO acres. Further, that portion of the amendatory act which provides that " no indemnity, deficiency, or lien-land selections pertaining to any land grant outside of the district of Alaf;lictures. I .s -^'■' U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY— BULLETIN NO. 83. B. T. GALLOWAY, Cfyief of Bureau. T II e: UTILITY OF BURIED SEEDS, BY J. W. T. DUVEL, Assistant in the Seed Laboratory. Issued August 4, 1905. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTINO OFFICE. 190 5. BULLETINS OF THE BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY. The Bureau of Plant Industry, which was organized July 1, 1901, includes Vege- table Pathological and Physiological Investigations, Botanical Investigations and Experiments, Grass and Forage Plant Investigations, Pomological Investigations, and Experimental Gardens and Grounds, all of which were formerly separate Divisions, and also Seed and Plant Introduction and Distribution, the Arlington Experimental Farm, Tea Culture Investigations, and Domestic Sugar Investigations. Beginning with the date of organization of the Bureau, the several series of Bulle- tins of the various Divisions were discontinued, and all are now published as one series of the Bureau. A list of the Bulletins issued in the present series follows. Attention is directed to the fact that "the serial, scientific, and technical publica- tions of the United States Department of Agriculture are not for general distribution. All copies not required for oflficial use are by law turned over to the Superintendent of Documents, who is empowered to sell them at cost." All applications for such publications should, therefore, be made to the Superintendent of Documents, Gov- ernment Printing Office, Washington, D. C. No. 1. The Relation of Lime and Magnesia to Plant Growth. 1901. Price, 10 cents. 2. Spermatogenesis and Fecundation of Zamia. 1901. Price, 20 cents. 3. Macaroni Wheats. 1901. Price, 20 cents. ^ 4. Range Improvement in Arizona. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 5. Seeds and Plants Imported. Inventory No. 9. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 6. A List of American Varieties of Peppers. 1902. Price, '10 cents: ' ^.' ■ 7. The Algerian Durum Wheats. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 8. A Collection of Fungi Prepared for Distribution. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 9. The North American Species of Spartina. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 10. Records of Seed Distribution and Cooperative Experiments with Grasses and Forage Plants. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 11. Johnson Grass. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 12. Stock Ranges of Northwestern California. 1902. Price, 15 ceiits. 13. Experiments in Range Improvement in Central Texas. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 14. The Decay of Timber and Methods of Preventing It. 1902. Price, 55 cents. 15. Forage Conditions on the Northern Border of the Great Basin. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 16. A Preliminary Study of the Germination.of the Spores of Agaricus Campes- tris and Other Basidiomycetous Fungi. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 17. Some Diseases of the Cowpea. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 18. Observations on the Mosaic Disease of Tobacco. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 19. Kentucky Bluegrass Seed. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 20. Manufacture of Semolina and Macaroni. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 21. List of American Varieties of Vegetables. 1903. Price, 35 cents. 22. Injurious Effects of Premature Pollination. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 23. Berseeiji. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 24. ITnfermented Grape Must. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 25. Miscellaneous Papers: I. The Seeds of Rescue Grass and Chess. II. Saragolla Wheat. III. Plant Introduction Notes from South Africa. IV. Congres- sional Seed and Plant Distribution Circulars. 1903. Price, 15 cents. 26. Spanish Almonds. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 27. Letters on Agriculture in the West Indies, Spain, arid the Orient. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 28. The Mango in Porto Rico. 1903. Price, 15 cents. 29. The Effect of Black Rot on Turnips. 1903. Price, 15 cents. 30. Budding the Pecan. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 31. Cultivated Forage Crops of the Northwestern States. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 32. A Disease of the White/Ash. 1903. Price, 10 cents. fContimied on page 3 of cover.] U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. BDREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY— BULLETIN NO. 83. B. T. GALLOWAY, Chief of Bunau. THE VITALITY OF BURIED SEEDS. BY J. W. T. DUVEL, . Assistant in the Seed Laboratory, Issued Augtst 4, 1905. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PllINTINO OFFICE li)05. BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY. B. T. GALLOWAY, Pathologist and Physiologist, and Clrief of Bureau. VEGETABLE PATHOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS. Albert F. Woods, Pathologist and Physiologist in Charge, Acting Chief of Bureau in Absence of Chief. BOTANICAL INVESTIGATIONS AND EXPERIMENTS. Frederick V. Coville, Botam.st in Charge. GRASS AND FORAGE PLANT INVESTIGATIONS. W. J. Spillman, Agriculturist in Charge. POMOLOGICAL INVP:STIGATIONS. G. B. Brackett, Pomologist in Charge. SEED AND PLANT INTRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION. A. J. PiETERS, Botanist in Charge. ARLINGTON EXPERIMENTAL FARM. L. C. CoRBETT, Horticulturist in Charge. EXPERIMENTAL GARDENS AND GROUNDS. E. M. Byrnes, Superintendent. J. E. Rockwell, Editor. James E. Jones, Chief Clerk. SEED LABORATORY. Scientific Staff. Edgar Brown, Botanist in Charge. F. H. HiLLMAN, Assistant Botanist. J. W. T. Dl'vel, Assistant. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. » lO. U.*S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Plant Industry, Office of the Chief, Washington, I). C, May 29, 1905 Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith, and to recommend for publication as Bulletin No. 83 of the series of this Bureau, the accom- panying technical paper entitled "The Vitality of Buried Seeds." The experiments discussed were undertaken in order to determine the leng-th of time that seeds of different species of plants will retain their vitality when buried at various depths. Seeds of both cultivated and wild plants were used, but special attention was given to weed seeds in order to ascertain what weeds can be eradicated by deep plow- ing and how long the soil must remain undisturbed before the vitality of the seeds will be entirely destroyed. The results of the first year's experiments show that the noxious character of weeds is closely associated with the length of time the seeds will remain viable in the soil, and that many weeds can be eradicated by plowing. Much additional information is given, showing the relative resistance of the seeds of cultivated plants and of those commonly designated as weeds, and the inlluence upon the preservation of vitality of the depth of burial, of hard seed coats, and of hulled as compared with unhuUed seed. This paper was prepared by J. W. T. Duvel, Assistant in the Seed Laboratory, and has been submitted with a view to publication. The accompanying illustrations are necessary for a complete under- standing of the paper. Respectfully, B. T. Galloway, Chief of Bureau. Hon. James Wilson, ^Secretary of Agriculture. 3 CONTENTS Pajre. Introduction 7 Kinds of seeds buried 7 How the seeds were buried 9 Germination tests 11 Relation of depth of burial to vitality 17 Hard seeds 18 Seeds of cultivated versus wild plants 19 Summary 19 Description of plates 22 5 ILLUSTRATIONS. PLATES. Page. Pl.\te I. Fig. 1. — BroniHS raa^mosu-^ Pinooth brome-grass. Fig. 2.—Broi)uis secalinuft, cheat, or chess -- II. Fig. l.—Alsive media, common chickweed. Fig. 2.^Rumex crispiis, curled dock. Fig. 3. — Batimt iatula, iim.>^ou weed - - 22 III. Fig. \.—EUjmm canademls, nodding wild rye. Fig. 2. — Frcu:inus . americana, white ash. Fig. 3.— Phytolacca aniericana, poke 22 TEXT FUirUE. Fig. 1 . Diagram showing .order in which seeds were buried 10 6 B. P. I.— 165. THE VITALITY OF BURIED SEEDS. INTRODUCTION. The preservation of the vitality of seeds when buried in the soil and the awakening of metabolic activit}^ in such seeds on being- exposed to conditions favorable to their germination are equally as important to the practical farmer as to the scientist. The intelligent farmer in order to combat noxious plants successfully should know how much time must elapse after heavy crops of weeds of various sorts are turned under before the ground can be plowed again with safety. He should also know what plants he can hope to eradicate in this way, for with many of our worst weeds this method would result only in failure. In fact, the reason why the majority of our most persistent weeds are so difficult to eradicate is because their seeds are capable of retaining their vitality for a number of yeai'S when buried in the soil. It thus becomes important to know how different species of seeds behave when buried under similar conditions, and how seeds of the same species behave when buried under different conditions. KINDS OF SEEDS BURIED. So much has already been written on the germination of seeds that have remained dormant in the soil for a number of 3^ears, in some cases even for centuries, that it seemed desirable to determine with some degree of accuracy the length of time that certain seeds will retain their vitality when buried in the soil under known conditions. Accordingly, in the autumn of 1902, 112 different samples of seeds were selected for these experiments, as follows: Table I. — List uf seetU selected fur the experiments. Labora- tory test num- ber. 16173 16171 16175 16176 16177 16178 16179 16180 16181 16182 161.S3 16184 Kind of seed. Poaceee (grass family): Agropyron rcpens (L.) Beauv. (couch grass) Avtna Jatua L. (wild oat) Avenn sat/ra L. (oats) Bromus ielected for tlie experiments — Continued. Labora torv test nuni- bor. ]6187 16188 16189 16190 36191 16192 16193. 16194 16195 16196 16197 16198 16199 16200 16201 16202 16203 16204 16205 16206 16207 16208 16209 16210 16211 16212 16213 16214 10215 10216 10217 16218 16219 16220 16221 16222 16223 16224 16225 16226 16227 16228 16229 16230 16231 16232 16233 16234 16235 16236 16237 16238 16239 16240 16241 16242 16243 16244 16245 Kind (if seed. Poaeese (gras.s family) — Continued. Festuca elatior L. ( meadow fescue) Hordeum sativum Jessen. (barley) Panicinnvirgatum L. (tall, smooth panicum) Phataris aruiKlinacea L. ( reed canary grass) Phleum pralense L. (timothy) Poa pratenialiir(i tatiila L. (purple stramonium, jimson weed) LjIcopcrsicDit li/copersicon (L. ) Karst. (tomato) Airoliatia labacum L. (tobacco) !>olanum nigrum L. (black nightshade, garden nightshade) Scrophulariacefe (figwort family): Verbascum thapsiis L. ( great mullen ) Plantaginacefe (plantain family): Plantago lancailata L. ( ribwort, ribgra.ss, buckhorn ) PUintago majar L. (common plantain i Plnnlago riigdii Dec. (Rugel's plantain, broad plantain ) Cucurbitacese (gourd family): Citrulliis citrulhis (L. ) Karst. (watermelon) Cacumis nicio L. (muskmelon ) Cucumis salivug L. (cucumber i Cichoriacefe (chicory family): Lactui'a srariola L. (prickly lettuce) Lactuca satira L. (lettuce i Tara:eacu)n crgllirospcnnum Andrz. (red-seeded dandelion) Ambrosiacese (ragweed family): Ambrosia arlem(!.5..j and 'J-J.o per cent. 14 VITALITY OF BURIED SEEDS. respectively. These differences arc more clearly shown in Plate I, A and B. The results above stated, while perhaps not altogether conclusive, inasmuch as they represent only single tests of 2(J0 seeds in each case, show that seeds of these two plants will not remain vial^le for long- periods when buried in the soil. This is particularly interesting in the case of the common cheat or chess, which is frequently a pernicious weed in the grain fields of the United States. The generally accepted opinion is that the grains of cheat will live in the soil for a number of years, the seeds germinating when conditions are most favorable, the resulting plants then crowd- ing out the wheat. Some people even hold that in "off' seasons" wheat turns to cheat, but fortunately such erroneous ideas are fast disappearing. The results of these experiments show that cheat, whenever found growing in grain fields or elsewhere, has come from seed recently sown and has not been lying dormant in the soil. With but few exceptions the unexpected appearance of cheat comes either from seeds that have been sown unintentionally mixed with wheat or other grains so that they passed unobserved, or from seeds that have been scattered with stable manure. Dr. Beal^' has also shown that buried seeds of Bromus secalinus do not retain their vitality for a long period of years. In BeaFs experi- ments the first test was at the expiration of five years, but not a single grain of cheat responded to the germination test at that time. Table II includes the majority of our more commonly cultivated plants of the field or garden, all of which failed to show any seeds capable of germination after having been buried in the soil for approximately one year. This statement will hold good for the major- ity of our cultivated plants. There are, however, a number of excep- tions. Many of these will l)e found in Table III, some showing that vitality was remarkably well preserved. Of these celery, parsnip, and tobacco (numbers 94, 95, and 99, respectively) should be mentioned in particular. The highest germination in each case was 64 per cent for the celery from the 18 to 22 inch depth, 63 per cent for the parsnip from the 36 to 42 inch depth, and 70 per cent for the tobacco from the 18 to 22 inch depth. " Bulletin No. 5, Michigan Agricultural College, 1884. GERMINATIOISr TESTS. 15 Table III. — Results of tests of seeds tliat had not comjjletebj lost their ritaliti/ trjiile buried. rt Labora- ^u tory a;5 test P.— num- a ber. ^ 3.S 16185 39 16257 40 16222 41 16239 42 16240 43 16230 44 16246 45 16259 46 16179 47 16242 48 16268 49 16236 50 16235 51 16274 52 16229 53 16273 64 16237 55 16219 56 16251 57 16283 58 16224 59 16231 60 16227 61 16261 62 16213 63 16253 61 16193 65 16265 66 16255 67 16220 68 16238 69 16184 70 16187 71 16174 72 16211 73 16228 74 16183 /o 16190 76 16262 77 16182 78 16226 79 16256 80 16277 »1 16252 82 16254 «3 16214 84 16276 85 16225 86 16216 87 16272 88 16263 89 16279 90 16271 91 16264 92 16278 93 16188 94 16248 95 16249 96 16212 97 16280 98 16269 99 16260 100 16173 101 16275 102 16209 103 16208 104 16215 105 16250 106 16258 107 16207 108 16178 109 16282 Kind of seed. Festnca elatior Cap.sicum annuum Brassiea campestris Tritolium repens Vigna catjang Lespedeza fruteseens Ascyrum hypericoides Lycopersicon lyoopersieon Chaetochloa glauca Rhus glabra (Uicuniis sativa Trifolium pratense Trifolium hybridum Xaiithium pennsylvanicum .. Cassia niary landiea Ambrosia tritida Trifolium pratense (10964) Vaccaria vaccaria Convolvulus sepium Rudbeckia hirta Erysimum cheiranthoides Medieago sativa Thlaspi arvense Solanum nigrum Chenopodium hybridum Cuscuta polygonorum Sporobolus cryptandrus Plantago rugelii Verbena hastata Brassiea nigra Trifolium pratense (hard) Elymus triticoides Panicum virgatum Avena fatua Beta vulgaris Potentilla monspeliensis Elymus canadensis Poa pratensis Verbascum thapsus Elymus virginicus Sisymbrium altissimum Verbena urticifolia Carduus arvensis Ipomoea lacunosa Cuscuta epilinum Amaranthus retroflexus Bidens frondosa Neslia paniculata Portulaca oleracea Ambrosia artemisiaefolia Plantagd lanceolata Grindelia squarrosa Taraxacum erythrospermum . Plantago major Chrysanthemum leucanthe- mum Phalaris arundinacea Apium graveolens Pastinaca sativa Chenopodium album Helianthus aniiuus (wild) Lactuca scariola Nicotiana tabacum Agropyron repens Arctium lappa Kumex obtusifolius Rumex crispus Phytolacca americana Fraxinus americanus Datura tatula Rume.x salicifolius Chaetochloa verticillata Onopordon acanthium Chamber tests. Greenhouse tests in sand. Tem- Origi- Con- trol. Con- trol. Depth of burial. pera- ture. nal- sample. 6-8 inches. 18-22 inches. 36-42 inches. ° C. Per ct. Per ct. Per ct. Per ct. Per ct. Per ct. 20-30 97 83 86 0.5 0.0 oO.O 20-30 96 97 80 .0 .0 .5 20 90. 25 86 18.5 .0 .0 • 6.5 lO 84.75 42.75 86 .0 61 .0 20-30 82.5 59.5 70 .0 1 .0 20 15 cl 2.5 .0 .0 1 30 1.5 .0 .0 1 .0 .5 20-30 99.25 72.5 88 .0 1 .5 20-30 55. 75 37.5 18 1 1 1 20-35 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 2 20-30 100 98.5 62 .0 1 3 20 89.75 73 85. 5 '> 4 4 20 91.75 84 73 2 4 4.5 30 50 .0 .0 .0 .5 30 14.5 rf98 20 3 3 5 20-30 29 52.5 48 .0 62 6 20 67.75 70 4.5 65 6 20-35 e6.o 88 68 .0 64 t 20-30 4 2 24 2 4 7 30 65.5 78.5 74.5 6.5 6.5 1 20-35 52.5 42 14.5 2 65 68 20 84.5 64.5 97 ''2 69 69 20-30 57.25 54.5 .5 611 8 11.5 20-30 97. 75 91 12 9.5 10.5 12.5 20-30 61 18.5 10.5 7. 5 9.5 13 20-30 12 8.5 55.5 11.5 10.5 13 30 2.25 8 .0 . ;i 1.5 13.5 20-30 3.75 5.5 67.5 12 12 13.5 20-30 9 .5 11.5 13 14 20 1.5 13.25 34 10 614 614 20 13.75 9.25 18 610.5 15. 5 14.5 20-30 84 75 85 1.5 6 3.5 615.5 20-30 30.5 36.5 22 7 17 16 20-30 70.5 91.5 93.5 69 68 18 20-30 153 90.5 7 19. 5 20 20-30 41 83 73.5 69.5 16 21.5 20-30 93.5 95.5 81 .0 67 622 20-30 90.75 87 59 16 22 24.5 20-30 82. 5 98 72.5 7 7.5 25.5 20-35 65. 25 44 83 a'2 613.5 625.5 20 88. 25 86.25 76 610.5 17.5 26 30 1.5 .0 56.5 23.5 24.5 26.5 20-30 .56. 75 68 0 21 22. 5 28.5 20-35 98.5 /88 88 20 25 - 33 20-30 .0 .0 .5 15.5 23.5 34 20-30 94.75 91 61 18 22 35 20-30 75 52.5 25 29 33 36 20-35 90 97 68 23 24.5 38.6 35 S3. 75 91.5 16 39 38.5 30.5 20-30 58.5 42.5 30.5 32 37 41 30 82.5 78 67.5 41 41 41 20-30 25. 75 41 87.5 30.5 36 42 20-30 85.75 87.5 85.5 35.5 41.5 45.5 20-30 24 78 .0 39.5 ■ 43.5 46.5 20-30 96. 25 91 85.75 621 633 649.5 20-35 69.25 8 78 45 46.5 56.5 20-30 88 83.5 72.5 48.5 64 60 20-30 55.5 67 78.5 29 51 63 20-30 67.25 58 33.5 32 63.5 64.5 20-30 100 97 86 43.5 64 66. 5 20 .25 11.5 83 63.5 69 69. 5 20-30 89. 25 84.25 89.25 46.5 70 55 20-30 80. 24 84 23.5 20.5 6 73 66. 5 20-30 99. 75 96 88.5 42.5 63.5 73 20-30 97.5 9.5.5 80 73 72.6 79.5 20-30 80. 75 83. 5 91 67.5 79.5 79 20-30 40.5 d88.5 84.5 7.5 66.5 80.5 20-30 49.5 2 26 .0 .0 84 20-30 99 d54 88 6 86 84 86.5 20-30 98.25 96.5 2.5 88.5 8.5.5 70.5 20-30 92. 75 94.5 88.5 6.58 71 90 20-30 95. 5 31 .0 86 93 90.5 16 VITALITY OF BURIED SEEDS. Table III. — Efsults of tests of seeds that IkhJ not completehi lost their litutitu vJ-'de ' buried — Continued. s Labora- c . tory a-^ test inim- 1 ber. Kind uf seed. Chamber tests. Tern- I Origi- pera- nal ture. sample. 110 I 16218 I Alsine media nig 16243 i Abutilon abutilon. 1129 16189 Phleum pratense . . Average percentage of germination ° C. Pn- ct. 20-30 97 Con- trol. Per ct. Greenhouse tests in sand. Con- trol. • Per ct. 98. 5 1 93 Depth of burial. 6-8 18-22 36-42 inches, inches, inches. Per ct. 90.5 Per ct. i JPer ct. 96.5 I 92.5 63. 2 57. 5 53.2 20.5 26.5 , 31 o Man V had germinated and afterwards decayed. (,Fre*h sprouts found when samples were taken up. These sprouted seeds were not thrown away, but were transplanted with the remainder of the sample and tested in sand in greenhouse, conse- quently tho.se which prodiu^ed seedlings are included in the percentages of germination given in the table. "These fresh sprouts were found as follows: Sam- Sam-' Sam- Sam- ple num- ple num- Depth. Sprouts. pie num- Depth. Sprouts. ple num- Depth. Sprouts. Depth. Sprout*. ber. ber. ber. ber. Indies. ■ -j ' Incites. Incfres. Indies. 39 36-42 1 59 36-42 1- 71 18-22 Many. 92 18-22 Manv. 53 18-22 3 60 6- 8 1 73 6- 8 4 92 36-42 Many. 54 18-22 1 67 18-22 2 74 18-22 Few. 100 18-22 1 55 18-22 1 : 67 36-42 2 74 36-42 Manv. 106 6- 8 58 18-22 10 68 6- 8 1 (/ 18-22 10 108 6- 8 Many. 58 36-42 5 i 69 18-22 Few. 77 36-42 .1 59 6- 8 4 I 69 36-42 Many. 78 6- 8 1 59 18-22 2 71 6- 8 Many. 92 6- 8 Many. oClipped seed germinated, 59 per cent. , " ^Clipped. <■ Germinated. 84 per cent at 20° C. /Clipped seed germinated, 100 per cent. {/Tests interrupted. In Table 111 the names of the seeds are arranged in the order of their vitality as determined by the germination tests made in the greenhouse. The list of seeds tested begins with Fedaca elatior (meadow fescue), which showed only one viable seed, that being from the 18 to 22 inch depth, and ends with Alshie media (common chick- weed), in which nearly all of the seeds retained their power of germi- nation throughout the entire period that they remained in the soil. The germination of the latter, when sown in the greenhouse, was ahnost perfect. (See PI. II, fig. 1.) In many instances some of the seeds had germinated while they were buried. In most cases the seeds which had germinated afterwards decayed. In the larger seeds this could usually be determined with- out much difficulty, but with many of the smaller seeds no such obser- vations could be made. However, it is more than prol)a])le that many of the smaller seeds which showed a low' germination when traii.^- planted in the greenhouse had germinated and afterwards decayed before being dug up, but this could not l)e .satisfactorily determined bv a hurried field examination. Many of the pots also contained U-qAx EELATION OF DEPTH OF BUEIAL TO VITALITY. 17 sprouts at the time the seeds were taken up. The number of fresh sprouts in each case is indicated in a footnote to Table 111. Unlike Table II, Table 111 includes names of but very few of our cultivated plants. The majority belong to that class of plants com- monl}' known as weeds. These results show that but a limited num- ber of our cultivated plants produce seeds which can retain their vitalit}^ for any length of time when buried in soil. On the other hand, the seeds of the plants which are commonl}^ known as weeds are of strong" vitalit}', and many of them deteriorated but very little with the treatment given. This, of course, is what we would expect. By natural selection the wild plants which survive are just those from seeds which are capable of living in the soil for a period of time more or less extended, and ultimately this factor becomes hereditary. With most of the cultivated plants the seeds are gathered and carefully saved from year to year, resulting in the loss of these inherited characteristics. The mere fact that certain seeds retain their power of germination for a period of years when buried in the soil brands the plants which they produce as weeds. The length of time that such seeds can remain in the soil and still retain their power of germination largely deter- mines their noxiousness. In other words, it mav well be said that the pernicious character of weeds is directly proportional to the length of time the seeds will remain viable when buried in the soil. For this reason bad weeds are difficult to eradicate once the seeds are allowed to mature. (See PI. II.) RELATION OF DEPTH OF BURIAL TO VITALITY. Table III shows that many of the seeds were better preserved the deeper they were buried. This is probably best explained b}' the difference in the three factors which govern germination, viz, heat., moisture, and oxygen. At the greatest depth the amount of moisture is always more uniform, the supply of air is greatl}^ lowered, and the temperature is much reduced. The temperature decreases very rapidly as we go below the surface of the soil, and at 3i feet is comparatively uniform throughout the year. Experiments conducted at McGill College, Montreal, Canada, by C. H. McLeod show that at a depth of 40 inches below the surface of the soil the minimum and maximum temperatures through the year were approximatel}' 35^ and 60^ F., respectively.^' The greater number of seeds germinate best when subjected to daily alternations in temperature. These alternations do not take place at a depth of 3 feet below the surface; consequently there is a better "Trans. Roy. Soc, Canada, Ser. 2, Vol. 7, Sec. Ill, pp. 13-16, 1901. 18 VITALITY OF BURIED SEEDS. preservation of vitality at that depth as a result of the more dormant condition of the seeds. (See PI. Ill and the diagram below.) As was anticipated, most of the seeds which were stored in the Seed Laboratory preserved their vitality much better than those that were buried. But there are a number of cases in which the seeds were preserved practical!}' as well in the soil as in the laboratory, the deteri- oration being ver}" small in either case. However, with but few exceptions, an ample number of seeds remained germinable at the ter- mination of the tirst year to produce plants in sufficient number to keep the up-to-date farmer busy for a good share of the summer in sup- pressing them. The average percentages of germination of all samples, including the original test and both controls, are best shown in the following diagram: Average germination of controls and buried seeds. Original tests, 60. 2 per cent. Controls (chamber), 57.5 percent. (Amtrrds ( .2 ]ier ivnt. Buried 6-8 inches, 20.5 per cent. Buried 18-22 inches, 2t).5 per cent. Buried 36-42 inches, 31 per cent. HARD SEEDS. An interesting point in these first results is in the behavior of the Trifoliums and closely related genera, including Lespedeza and Medi- cago. Generally speaking, these seeds are considered to be able to withstand very critical treatment, but the results of the first 3^ear-s experiments show that the seeds of all of these deteriorated very greatl}^ while in the soil. The white clover. No. 41, germinated only 1 per cent, and showed one fresh sprout when taken up from the 18 to 22 inch depth and nothing from the shallower or deeper trenches. The red clover did but little better; No. li), a sample of the harvest of 1902, germinated 2, 4, and 1 per cent for the three different depths of 6 to 8, 18 to 22, and 36 to 12 inches, respectively. Another sample of red clover. No. 51, germinated 4.5, 5, and 6 per cent, respectively, for the three different depths. A third sample of red clover, No. 68, germinated 10.5, 15.5, and 14.5 per cent, respectively, from the three depths. The last two samples were of Oregon-grown seed of the harvest of 1900. The original sample of this seed. No. 54, contained 51.5 per cent of I SUMMAKY. 19 hard seed. No. 68 includes onl}- the hard seed selected from the Oregon clover by soaking- in water for 18 and then for 20 hours a portion of the original bulk sample, using only the remaining hard seed. These results, while unsatisfactory, show clearly that it is the hard seeds in the clovers which remain over in the soil for some considerable time. The alsike clover, No. 50, behaved practically the same as the sample of red clover first mentioned. The Lespedeza, or bush clov^er. No. 43, gave results very similar to the white clover. The alfalfa, No. 59, gave a germination of only 2, 9, and 9 per cent, respectivel}-, for the three different depths. But in all cases a few fresh sprouts were present when the seeds were taken up, showing that the seeds were germinating and afterwards decaying. SEEDS OF CULTIVATED VERSUS WILD PLANTS. A number of interesting cases showing the greater hardiness of the seeds of wild plants over those of like or closely related cultivated forms were recorded. In Ilelianthiis ammus (Nos. 6 and 97) the seeds from the cultivated plant — our common sunflower of the garden — all deca3'ed, while the seeds of the wild sunflower retained their vitalit}" and germinated 43.5, 64, and 66.5 per cent, respectively, for the three dif- ferent depths. Similarh' with Lactuca sativa and Lactuca scariola^ Nos. 5 and 98, respectivel}^, the common garden lettuce seed had all decayed, while the seed of the prickly lettuce, possibly the parent of our cos varieties, germinated 63.5, 69, and 69.5 per cent, respectively, for the three different depths. Another striking example is in Avena sativa^ No. 1, and Avena fatua, No. 71, the latter germinating 9, 8, and 18 per cent, respectively, for the three different depths, besides showing- many fresh sprouts in the two shallower depths at the time the seeds were taken up. Furthermore, it is not uncommon to find wide variations in different species of the same genus, even where all forms are wild, e. g., Elymus, Chaetochloa, Chenopodium, Cuscuta, Plantago, etc. But in the cases above mentioned of the cultiv^ated and the closel}' related wild forms the ability of the seeds to withstand such treatment as being buried in the soil has l)een lost by long cultivation of the plants and the careful preservation of the seeds under artificial conditions or storage, while seeds from the wild forms can survive when buried in the soil, for it is the plants from just such seeds that have survived. SUMMARY. The length of time that seeds will retain their vitality when buried in the soil is of much importance in the extermination of weeds. The seeds of many of our pernicious weeds can be destroyed bj^ deep plowing, if the soil is left undisturbed for some time. 20 VITALITY OF BURIED SEEDS. Seeds of tlie cultivated plants, with but few exceptions, lose their vitality when buried in the soil. Seeds of the plants conimonl}^ designated as weeds retain their vital- it}^ remarkably well when buried in the soil. In general, the pernicious character of weeds is directly proportional to the lentrth of time the seeds will remain viable when buried in the soil. The deeper seeds are buried, the better is vitality preserved. Hard seeds of the same species retain their vitality much better than those with softer seed coats. Unhulled seed, especially of the grasses, is more resistant than hulled seed, and the vitalit}' is always better preserved. Seeds of plants from the same genus often retain their vitality in a ver}" different degree. Vitality is best preserved, even in weed seeds, when the seeds are carefull}^ harvested and stored in a dry and comparatively cool place. i i I PLATES. 21 DESCRIPTION OF PLATES. Plate I. Fig. 1. — Bromus rnceniosua, smooth hrome grass. Fig. 2. — Bromus secalinus, cheat or chess. The two divisions at the right of each figure show the vigorous growth made ])y the clieck samples. In the three divisions at the left, A, B, and C, were planted the seeds which had heen buried at depths of 6 to 8 inches," 18 to 22 inches, and 36 to 42 inches, respectively. The vitality of the seeds of these two species, which are considered as noxious weeds in the grain fields of the United States, was destroyed at the expiration of eleven months. Plate II. Fig. 1. — Alsine media, common chickweed. Fig. 2. — Rume.i: crispiis, curled dock. Fig. 3. — Datura tatula, jimson weed. Seedlings from weed seeds which did not lose their vitality by Inirial for eleven months, as shown in the three divisions at the left of each flat, the germination being practically the same as in the case of the two check samples shown at the right of each flat. Plate III. Fig. l.—Elymus canadensis, nodding wild rye. A, buried 6 to 8 inches — all killed; B, buried 18 to 22 inches — only one seedling shows in the figure, but the total germination was 7 per cent, as given in the table; C, buried 36 to 42 inches— germinated 22 per cent; the two check samples at the right made vigor- ous growth, germinating 81 percent. Fig. 2. — Fraxinus ameriadius, white ash. A, buried 6 to 8 inches, and B, buried 18 to 22 inches — all killed; C, buried 36 to 42 inches — germinated 84 per cent; the check samples germinated 26 per cent, but the seedlings had "damped off" before the photograph was taken. Fig. 3.^F]iytoIacca americana, poke. A, buried 6 to 8 inchea — germinated 7.5 percent; B, buried 18 to 22 inches — germinated 60.5 per cent; C, l)uried 36 to 42 inches — germinated 80.5 per cent; the two check samples germinated 84.5 per cent. The illustrations show that in many cases the vitality of seeds is better preserved at a depth of 36 to 42 inches than at shallower depths. 22 o Bui. 83, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate I. Fig. 1.— Bromus Racemosus (Smooth Brome-Grass). Fig. 2.— BHuMUb Secalinus > Cheat, ur Chess). Bui. 83, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate Fig. 1.— Alsine Media (Common Chickweed). Fig. 2.— Rumex Crispus (Curled Dock). Fig. 3.— Datura Tatula iJimson Weed). Bui. 83, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate III. Fig. 1.— Elymus Canadensis (Nodding Wild Rye). Fig. 2.— Fraxinus Americana (White Ash). Fig. 3.— Phytolacca Americana (Poke) "«' U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY— BULLETIN NO. 84. B. T. GALLOWAY, Chief of Bureau. THE SEEDS OF THE BLUEGRASSES. I. THE GERMINATION, GROWING, HANDLING, AND ADULTERATION OF BLUEGRASS SEEDS. By Edgar Brown, Botanist in Charge of Seed Laboratory. II. DESCRIPTIONS OF THE SEEDS OF THE COMMERCIAL BLUEGRASSES AND THEIR IMPURITIES. By F. H. HiLLMAN, Assistant Botanist, Seed Laboratory. Issued November 14, 1905. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, 1905. BULLETINS OF THE BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY. The Bureau of Plant Industry, which was organized July 1, 1901, includes Vege- table Pathological and Physiological Investigations, Botanical Investigations, Farm IManagement (including Grass and Forage Plant Investigations), Pomological Inves- tigations, and Experimental Gardens and Grounds, all of which were formerly sepa- rate Divisions; and also Seed and Plant Introduction and Distribution; the Arlington Experimental Farm; Investigations in the Agricultural Economy of Tropical and Subtropical Plants; Drug and Poisonous Plant Investigations; Tea Culture Investi- gations; the Seed Laboratory; and Dry Land Agriculture and Western Agricultural Extension. Beginning with the date of organization of the Bureau, the several series of Bulle- tins of the various Dix-isions were discontinued, and all are now published as one series of the Bureau. A list of the Bulletins issued in the present series follows. Attention is directed to the fact that "the serial, scientific, and technical publica^ tions of the United States Department of Agriculture are not for general distribution. All copies not required for official use are by law turned over to the Superintendent of Documents, who is empowered to sell them at cost." All applications for such' . publications should, therefore, be made to the Superintendent of Documents, Gov- ernment Printing Office, AVashington, D. C. No. 1. The Relation of Lime and Magnesia to Plant Growth. 1901. Price, 10 cents. 2. Spermatogenesis and Fecundation of Zamia. 1901. Price, 20 cents. 3. Macaroni Wheats. 1901. Price, 20 cents. 4. Range Improvement in Arizona. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 5. Seeds and Plants Imported. Inventory No. 9. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 6. A List of American Varieties of Peppers. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 7. The Algerian Durum Wheats. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 8. A Collection of Fungi Prepared for Distribution. 1902. Price, 10 cents. ' 9. The North American Species of Simrtina. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 10. Records of Seed Distribution and Cooperative Experiments with Grasses and Forage Plants. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 1% Johnson Grass. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 12. Stock Ranges of Northwestern California. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 13. Range Improvement in Central Texas. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 14. The Decay of Timber and Methods of Preventing It. 1902. Price, 55 cents. 15. Forage Conditions on the Border of the Great Basin. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 16. A Preliminary Study of the Germination of the Spores of Agaricus Campes- tris and Other Basidiomycetous Fungi. 1902. Price, 10 cents. ,m 17. Some Diseases of the Cowpea. 1902. Price, 10 cents. '^ 18. Observations on the Mosaic Disease of Tobacco. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 19. Kentucky Bluegrass Seed. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 20. Manufacture of Semolina and Macaroni. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 21. List of American Varieties of Vegetables. 1903. Price, 35 cents. 22. Injurious Effects of Premature Pollination. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 23. Berseem. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 24. Unfermented Grape Must. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 25. Miscellaneous Papers: I. The Seeds of Rescue Grass and Chess. II. Saragolla Wheat. III. Plant Introduction Notes from South Africa. IV. Congres- sional Seed and Plant Distril)ution Circulars. 1903. Price, 15 cents. 26. Spanish Almonds. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 27. Letters on Agriculture in the West Indies, etc. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 28. The Mango in Porto Rico. 1903. Price, 15 cents. 29. The Effect of Black Rot on Turnips. 1903. Price, 15 cents. 30. Budding the Pecan. 1902. Price, 10 cents'. * 31. Cultivafed Forage Crops of the Northwestern States. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 32. A Disease of the White Ash. 1903. Price, 10 cents. [Contiuued on page 3 of cover.] 1 U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY— BULLETIN NO. 84. B. T. GALLOWAY, ChkJ of Bureau. THE SEEDS OF THE BLUEGRASSES. I THE GERMINATION, GROWING, HANDLING, AND ADULTERATION OF BLUEGRASS SEEDS. By Edgar Brown, Botanist in Charge of Seed Laboratory. II DESCRIPTIONS OF THE SEEDS OF THE COMMERCIAL BLUEGRASSES AND THEIR IMPURITIES. By F. H. HiLLMAN, Assistant Botanist, Seed Laboratory. Issued November 14, 1905. LIBRARY NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, 1905. BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY. B. T. GALLOWAY, Pathologist and Physiologist, and Chief of Bureau. VEGETABLE PATHOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS. Albert F. Woods, Pathologist and Physiologist in Charge, Acting Chief of Bureau in Absence of Chief. BOTANICAL INVESTIGATIONS. Fbedekick v. Coville, Botanist in Charge. FARM MANAGEMENT. W. J. Spillman, Agriculturist in Charge. POMOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS. G. B. Brackett, Pomologist in Charge. SEED AND PLANT INTRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION. A. J. PiETERS, Botanist in Charge. ARLINGTON EXPERIMENTAL FARM. L. C. CoRBETT, Horticulturist in Charge. j INVESTIGATIONS IN THE AGRICULTURAL ECONOMY OF TROPICAL AND SUBTROPICAL PLANTS. , O. F. Cook, Bionomist in Charge. . * DRUG AND POISONOUS PLANT INVESTIGATIONS, AND TEA CULTURE INVESTIGATIONS. Rodney H. True, Physiologist in Charge. DRY LAND AGRICULTURE AND WESTERN AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION. Carl S. Scofield, Agriculturist in Charge. EXPERIMENTAL GARDENS AND GROUNDS. E. M. Byrnes, Superintendent. SEED LABORATORY. Edgar Brown, Botanist in Charge. J. E. Rockwell, Editor. James E. Jones, Chief Clerk. 1 SEED LABORATORY. scientific staff. Edgar Brown, Botanist in CJtarge. F. H. Hillman, Assistant Botanist. J. W. T. Duvel, Assistant. 2 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Plant Industry, Office of the Chief, Washington^ D. C.^ July 15^ 1905. Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith and to recommend for publication as Bulletin No. 84 of the series of this Bureau the accom- panying technical paper entitled "The Seeds of the Bluegrasses." This paper was prepared b}^ Mr. Edgar Brown, Botanist in Charge of the Seed Laboratory, and Mr. F. H. Hillman, Assistant Botanist, Seed Laboratory, and has been submitted with a view to publication. The bluegrasses are among the most important forage plants in many sections of the United States and Europe, and large quantities of seed are harvested annually for use in this country and for expor- tation. The process of cleaning the seed of the bluegrasses for market is such that many of the distinguishing characters are lost, and separate descriptions are necessary for the hand-picked and commercial seed of the same species. The seeds of the different commercial species are so nearly alike in general appearance that at present none but the trained observer can distinguish between them. This similarity of appearance has encour- aged the use of the cheaper and less desirable species, especially Canada bluegrass, for the adulteration of or substitution for the more expensive species. The descriptions and illustrations herewith given of the bluegrasses and of their impurities will be of great value in furnishing seedsmen the necessary information to enable them to distinguish the different species. The accompanying illustrations are necessary for a complete under- standing of the text. Respectfully, B. T. Galloway, Chief of Bureau. Hon. James Wilson, Secretary of Agriculture. 3 i I CONTENTS Page. I. The Germination, Growing, Handling, and Adulteration of Blue- GKASS Seeds. By Edgar Brown 9 Description of commercial and hand-gathered seeds 9 Grades and quahty of commercial seeds 10 Adulteration 10 Weight per bushel 11 Germination 12 Growing and handling 12 Pta pratensis ( Kentucky bluegrass) 12 Poa compressa (Canada bluegrass) 13 Poa trivialis (rough-stalked meadow grass) 13 Poa nemoralis ( wood meadow grass) 13 Poa triflora (fowl meadow grass) 13 Poa arachnifera ( Texas bluegrass ) 14 Poa annua (annual bluegrass) 14 Poa alpina (alpine meadow grass) 14 Poa sndetica 14 II. Descriptions of the Seeds of the Commercial Bluegrasses a^t> Their Impurities. By F. H. Hillman 15 The bluegrasses 15 Key to the seeds of the more common species of Poa as found on herbarium specimens 18 Key to commercial bluegrass seeds after preparation for market. . 19 Comparison of the principal distinguishing characters of blue- grass seeds 20 Descriptions of species 22 Poa pratensis L., Kentucky bluegrass, June grass 22 Poa compressa L., Canada bluegrass, flat-stemmed bluegrass. . 24 Poa trivialis L. , rough-stalked meadow grass 24 Port nemoralis L. , wood meadow grass 26 Poa triflora Ehrh. (P. flava L., P. serotina VAivh.), fowl meadow grass, false redtop 27 Poa arachnifera Torr. , Texas bluegrass 28 Poa annua L. , annual meadow grass 29 Poa alpina L. , aljiine meadow grass 29 Poa sudetica Haenke 30 Panicularia spp 31 Panicularia nervata ( Willd. ) Kuntze, nerved manna grass, sometimes called fowl meadow grass 31 Panicularia americana (Torr. ) MacM. , reed meadow grass, water meadow grass, tall manna grass 31 5 6 CONTENTS. II. Descriptions of the Seeds of the Commercial Bluegrasses and Their Impurities — Continued. Page. Weed seeds commonly found with commercial bluegrass seeds 32 Bursa hnrsa-pastoris (L. ) Britton, shepherd' s-purse 32 Lepidium virginicum. L. , peppergrass 32 Cerastium vulgatum L. , mouse-ear chickweed 32 Alsine media L. , colnmon chickweed 32 Alsine graminea (L. ) Britton 33 Carduus arvensis (L. ) Robs., Canada thistle 33 Taraxacum taraxacum ( L. ) Karst. , dandelion 34 Matricaria inodora L., scentless camomile 34 Hierac'mni sp. , hawk weed - 34 Anthemis rotula L. , dog fennel, mayweed 35 Chenopodium album L., lamb' s-quarters, pigweed 35 Plantago lanceolata L., rib-grass, buckhorn, English i)lantain 35 Rumex crispus L. , curled dock 36 Rumex acetosella L., sheep's sorrel, sorrel 36 Veronica arvensis L. , corn speedwell 36 Juncus tenuis Willd., slender rush 37 Juncoides campestre ( L. ) Kuntze, field rush 37 Juncoidcs albida DC. , wood rush 37 Carex cephalophora Muhl. , oval-headed sedge 37 Ergot occasionally found in commercial bluegrass seed 38 Claviceps purpurea (Fr. ) Tul. , ergot 38 ILLUSTRATIONS. TEXT FIGURES. Page. Fig. 1. A spikelet of Poa 15 2. Unrubbed Kentucky Vjluegrass seed {Poa pratensw) 17 3. Seeds of Kentucky bluegrass {Poa pratensis) 18 4. Different forms of commercial seeds of Kentucky bluegrass {Poa pratensis) 22 5. Commercial seeds of Canada bluegrass {Poa compressa) 24 6. Seeds of rough-stalked meadow grass {Poa trivialis) 25 7. Seeds of wood meadow grass {Poa nemoralis) 26 8. Seeds of fowl meadow grass {Poa trlflora) 27 9. Seeds of Texas bluegrass {Poa araehnifera) , 28 10. A cluster of Texas bluegrass seeds matted by the webby fibers 29 11. Seeds of annual meadow grass {Poa annua) 29 12. Seeds of alpine meadow grass {Poa alpina) 30 13. Seeds of Poa sudetica 30 14. Seeds of nerved manna grass {Panicularia nervata) 31 15. Seeds of water meadow grass {Panicularia americana) 31 16. Seeds of shepherd' s-purse ( Bursa bursa-pastoris) 32 1 7. Seeds of peppergrass ( Lepidium virginicum ) 32 18. Seeds of mouse-ear chickweed ( Ceraslium ndgatum) 32 19. Seeds of chickweeds {Alsine media and A. graminea) 33 20. Seeds of Canada thistle ( Carduus arvensis) 33 21. Prickles often found with bluegrass seed 33 22. Seeds of dandelion ( Taraxacum taraxacum ) 34 23. Seeds of scentless camomile ( Matricaria inodora) .34 24. Seeds of hawkweed {Hieracium sp. ) ,. 34 25. Seeds of dog fennel ( Anthemis cotula) 35 26. Seeds of lamb's-quarters ( Chenopodium album ) 35 27. Seeds of rib-grass {Plantago lanceolata) 35 28. Seeds of curled dock ( Rumex crispus) 36 29. Seeds of sorrel { Rumex acetosella) 36 30. Seeds of corn speedwell ( Veronica aj-vensis) 36 31. Seeds of slender rush {Juncus tenuis) 37 32. Seeds of field rush {Juncoides campestre) 37 33. Seeds of wood rush {Juncoides albida) 37 34. Seeds of sedge ( Carex cephalophora) 38 35. Ergot { Claviceps purpurea) of Kentucky bluegrass 38 7 B. P. I.— 176. THE SEEDS OF THE BLUEGRASSES. I. THE GERMINATION, GROWING, HANDLING, AND ADULTERATION OF BLUEGRASS SEEDS. By Edgar Brown, Botanist in Charge of Seed Laboratory. DESCRIPTION OF COMMERCIAL AND HAND-GATHERED SEEDS. Great difficulty is experienced in distinguishing- the seeds of the species of Poa. It is especially important to be able to recognize them, as the species vary greatly in value and the seed of one species is frequently substituted for that of another. The descriptions of the seeds of Poa already published have been largely those of complete or hand-gathered specimens. But the seeds of some kinds as they appear on the market are more or less broken and have lost man}^ of their distinguishing characters. The process of cleaning often rubs oil' the web at the base of the seed and the hairs along the sides and breaks the tip. On this account descriptions based on specimens of perfect seeds are not to be relied upon in identifying certain commercial Poas. The mutilation of seeds during the process of cleaning is especially marked in home-grown seed of Kentucky bluegrass {Poa pratensis). Even the hand-gathered seed of rough-stalked meadow grass {Poa trivialis) is frequently so much injured about the slender apex as to increase greatly the difficulty of distinguishing it from that of Ken- tucky bluegrass. On the other hand, the commercial seeds of wood meadow grass {Poa netnoralis) and fowl meadow grass {Poa trifloi'd) retain much of the pubescence on the glume, often the web, and are usually not broken on the tip. It is important that descriptions and illustrations to be used in prac- tical seed testing be taken from the commercial as well as hand- gathered seed and be comparative in character. Those given in this paper have been prepared from ])oth hand-gathered and commercial seed. The term seed is here used in its popular sense. 5813— No. 84—05 2 9 10 THE SEEDS OF THE BLUEGRASSES. GRADES AND QUALITY OF COMMERCIAL SEEDS. The seeds of all species except Kentucky bluegrass are known to the American trade in only one grade. This is the so-called "fancy" grade, which is based on relative cleanness and on the ])right appear- ance of the seed. The quality of different samples passing under this grade name is not necessarily uniform, but among the more careful dealers a purity standard of from 8U to 90 per cent is usually maintained. The seeds of Kentucky bluegrass and of Canada bluegrass raised in this country are usually nmch cleaner and freer from foreign seeds than the European-grown seeds of rough-stalked meadow grass, wood meadow grass, and fowl meadow grass. Kentucky bluegrass seed is commonly offered in two grades^ "fancy," and " extra-clean " or "extra-cleaned." The latter names are a survival of the time when the seed was hand cleaned and the "extra- clean " was the best seed on the market. With the advent of improved machinery the "fancy" grade was established and it is now the only grade generally accepted by the intelligent purchaser. The "extra- clean" still on the market belies its name, since it consists of the chaff or cleanings from the fancy seed, and consequently contains onlj' light seed. Samplesof "extra-cleaned" as offered usually contain less than 10 per cent of seed. In some cases the growers tind a sale for the rough or uncleaned seed after it has been passed through a feed cutter. In this condition it has very much the appearance of fine-cut straw with a large per- centage of chaff, and can be scattered over pastures and other areas, seeding them as effectually as could be done by the use of fancy recleaned seed. If well cured, the germinating quality of such seed is excellent, and the mass contains from 60 to 70 per cent of pure seed. Except for foreign trade the percentage of germination has little to do with the price and grade of bluegrass seed. Aside from adulterated samples the purity of "fancy" seed of all species of bluegrass is usuall}^ good. Of the 2,887 samples of Ken- tucky bluegrass tested by the Zurich Seed Control Station from 1876 to 1903 the average purity was 86.3 per cent. Of the 69 samples tested in the Seed Laboratory of the Department of Agriculture during the past year the average purity was 75.02 per cent. ADULTERATION. The seed of Canada bluegrass {Poa compressa) is the only kind used as an adulterant of Kentucky bluegrass in this country. During the year 1904 619,451 pounds of Canada bluegrass seed were imported from Canada, practically none of which is being sold under its true name. Among the samples of seed sold for Kentucln' l)lue"grass and sent to the Seed Laboratory for examination a large number have WEIGHT PER BUSHEL. 11 contained from 30 to 50 per cent of Canada bluegrass seed and several have been entirely composed of the Canada seed. It is significant in this connection that the price of Canada blnegrass seed varies with that of Kentucky l>luegrass seed, being usiially about one-half that of the latter. This adulteration is not merely a simple fraud by which the farmer pays for what he does not get, but the difference in the resulting pasture or hay crop is very important. Canada bluegrass, while having many good qualities in common with other species of Poa, is by no means a pasture grass, for which purpose Kentucky bluegrass is unexcelled. The seed of wood meadow grass {Poa nemoralis) is sometimes adul- terated with other species of Poa, and samples have been offered under this name that contain no wood meadow grass seed. One sample tested in the Seed Laboratory contained 59,4 per cent of Poa prat etwk and 23 per cent of Poa compressa^ the remainder being chaff and dirt. Samples of fowl meadow grass {Poa trifloi^a) have been examined which consisted largely of various common grass and clover seeds combined with an abundance of weed seeds. These samples contained small quantities of Kentucky and Canada bluegrass seeds, much chaff and dirt, and some of them no seeds of fowl meadow grass. The seed of Kentucky bluegrass is used to adulterate that of the higher priced Poa trivialh^ pure seed of the latter species usually being hard to obtain. Some of the German authorities say that it is necessary for every farmer to save his own seed of this grass in order to be sure that it is pure. Hunter" says: Previously to 1883 good and genuine seed of this species {Poa trmalis) could not be obtained in this country [England]. Seed of the Poa pratensis was commonly supplied for it. It is now less difficult to procure genuine seed, but large quantities of seed of Poa pratensis (which usually costs about one-third the price) are prepared to resemble and are sold for Poa tricialis, and it is only by careful microscopic exam- ination that the nature of the seed can be determined WEIGHT PER BUSHEL. The standard weight of a bushel of bluegrass seed of any grade is 14 pounds. The actual weight, however, varies from 6 to 8 pounds in the case of ''extra cleaned" to 27 pounds or more for especially good sam- ples of fancy recleaned seed. In the bluegrass region of Kentuck}^ it is the usual practice to sell the seed fresh from the strippers or cured in the chaff by the bushel of 11 pounds, but it is always weighed, not measured. The cleaned seed is always sold by the pound. As the weight per bushel of bluegrass seed depends directly on its purit}' , it is customary in quoting the price of ' ' fancy " seed to accompan}^ it with a statement as to the weight per bushel. "Treatise on Permanent Pasture Grasses, James Hunter. Chester, England, 1901. 12 THE SEEDS OF THE BLUEGRASSES. The foreign trade is much more critical than the domestic trade, and the seed exported usuall}^ weighs from 22 to Si pounds per bushel, while the domestic trade is content with seed weighing from 18 to 20 pounds. The heavier seed costs more per pound than the lighter seed, since there is more labor in its preparation, but it is cheaper for the purchaser. GERMINATION. The germination of commercial l)luegrass seed is often poor. At the Zurich Seed Control Station the average percentage from 3,069 samples of Kentucky bluegrass seed tested from 1876 to 1901: was 65 per cent, while 908 samples of Poa trivialis tested showed an average of 72 per cent. The qualit}^ of Kentucky bluegrass seed as respects germination appears, however, to be improving. Last year's tests at the Zurich station gave an average of 68 per cent, while a few years ago 50 per cent was considered fair or satisfactor3\ Only the best seed goes to Europe, and consequently the percentage of germination of that offered in this country is low. As carefully cured seed will germinate from 80 to 90 per cent, the cause for the poor quality of commercial seed is doubtless to be found in the way it is harvested and cured. ^' The usual process is to pile the freshly stripped seed in ricks, either outdoors or in barns. This mass heats quickly if not stirred often during the first few days. One pile left without stirring reached a temperature of 110'-' F. in sixteen hours, killing all the seed. GROWING AND HANDLING. With the exception of our native western species, more or less seed of all the commercial Poas is gathered in Europe, where they are found wild. The harvesting is done by hand from the natural mead- ows, woods, or other uncultivated areas. The seed is cleaned by hand and carried to market in small quantities and collected by dealers who supply the trade. The United States furnishes Europe with Kentucky bluegrass seed, and Europe furnishes the seed of rough-stalked meadow grass and wood meadow grass, as well as of the other commercial species of Poa used in this countr}". Poa j}ratensis (Kentucky bluegrass). — The blilk of the Kentucky bluegrass seed comes from a limited area known as the bluegrass region of Kentuck}'. The counties of Bourbon, Scott, Fayette, Clark, and Woodford furnish most of it, although there is a small quantity saved in Shelby Count3^ Some is harvested in southwestern Illinois, and there is another area on the border between Missouri and Iowa where a considerable amount of seed is saved. The seed is gathered from the natural woodland pastures as well as from those where it has «See Bulletin No. 19, Bureau of Plant Industry, "Kentucky Bluegrass Seed: Har- vesting, Curing, and Cleaning." GROWING AND HANDLING. 13 been sown. It is customary to graze cattle on it nearly the entire year, as thoy do not materially injure the crop of seed if they are kept out for two or three weeks immediately before gathering. The seed is harvested by pulling the heads off with a stripper, the grass not being* cut for hay. The cleaning is a rather difficult process, as it is necessary to rub the heads thoroughly in order to separate the seed from the web at the base. The last of the chaff and dirt which is blown out during the cleaning process is sold as "extra-cleaned"" seed. Poa compressa (Canada ])luegrass). — ^The seed of Canada bluegrass is mostly produced in the Province of Ontario, along the north shore of the eastern half of Lake Erie. The soil is a heav}^ clay on lime- stone. In this section Canada bluegrass is not sown, but appears as a volunteer in any fields that are not kept under cultivation, making a thick growth and crowding out other grasses and weeds. It is nearly always found in wheat fields when the wheat crop is a partial failure. In this case the seed, ripening as it does at the same time as the wheat, is thrashed with it and screened out in cleaning. Where the seed is harvested alone the grass is cut with a mowing machine and cured the same as ordinary hay, and afterwards thrashed with a clover huller or grain separator. The ha}' is bright green, even when not cut until after the seed is ripe, and is well liked by some farmers as feed, while it is considered hard and of little value by others. A good crop is from 200 to 300 pounds of clean seed per acre. There has been some demand for this seed in the Southeastern States under the name of Virginia bluegrass. The seed is easily cleaned, as it is comparatively free from wool at the base and does not require rub- bing, as does Kentuck}' bluegrass seed. No special machinery is used except rather long sieves to insure sufficient screening. Poa trivial! s (rough-stalked meadow grass). — The wholesale trade in the seed of rough-stalked meadow grass is largely confined to the city of Hamburg, Germany. The seed is collected in the neighbor- hood of that city and in the marshes of the Elbe. Seed of good quality is also supplied from Denmark, where in one locality this grass is grown especially for seed, and it is said to yield as much as 400 pounds to the acre. The seed is stripped or the grass is cut and the seed allowed to after-ripen, when it is cleaned by hand. Poa neiiioralls (wood meadow grass). — The seed of wood meadow gmss is gathered by hand in the woods of Germany, and cleaned in the same manner as is the seed of Poa trivlalis. Poa trijlora (fowl meadow grass). — Though widely distributed throughout the noi'thern portion of the United States, this species is chiefly a natural meadow grass of lowlands, and is usually so mixed with sedges and other grasses that seed collection on a commercial scale has not thus far been undertaken in this country. The seed of this species on the market comes from Europe and is very poor. 14 THE SEEDS OF THE BLUEGKASSES. Prof. L. R. Jones, of the Vermont Agricultural Experiment Station, reports the seed production from a nearly pure stand of this grass as amounting- to 6 bushels of 19 pounds each per acre. A small plat yielded seed at the rate of over 7 bushels per acre. The seed is pro- duced abundantly and ripens evenly. In Vermont it is harvested in the latter part of July. The name fowl meadow grass is often applied to another lowdand grass, Panleularia nervata. Poa arachmfera (Texas bluegrass). — The seed of Texas bluegrass is gathered by hand in northern Texas. It is cleaned by rubbing between the hands, and, owing to the long, woolly hairs at the base of the seed, it is never " fancy clean." The best seed is produced on rich, black, waxy soil, and is ripe about Maj?^ 1 to 15. Onl}' a small quantity is gathered each j^ear, and consequently it is high priced and can not be considered as a commercial seed at the present time. Poa annua (annual bluegrass). — The seed of the annual bluegrass is not on the market '\\\ this country, though the plant is common about dwellings, especially in the South and East, and ripens its seed throughout the summer. The seeds do not ripen evenly, the upper ones falling before the lower flowers have opened. The seed is gathered and used to some extent in Europe. Poa alpina (alpine meadow grass). — Alpine meadow grass is best known in Switzerland, where the seed ripens from the end of June to the middle of July. The viviparous form can be propagated by scat- tering the buds during the hot weather. Poa sudetica. — The seed of Poa sudetlca^ which is a European grass, is rare in the market, but is occasionally quoted by French and by German firms. It is sometimes mixed to some extent with the seeds of the meadow grasses, particularl}^ water meadow grass {Panicularia americana). In addition to the foregoing, other species of Poa occur in the western and northwestern United States, where they contribute to the native forage of the stock ranges. The seeds of these species, however, are not found in commerce. II. DESCRIPTIONS OF THE SEEDS OF THE COMMER- CIAL BLUEGRASSES AND THEIR IMPURITIES. By F. H. HiLLMAN, Assistant Botanist, Seed Laboratory. THE BLUEGRASSES. The "seeds" of the species of Poa, or the bhiegrasses, are the ripened florets or individual parts o'f the smaller clusters, or spikelets, of the general floral system of the plant. The number of florets in each spikelet varies from two to nine in the different kinds of Poa commonly found in commerce. There is some variation in the num- ber of florets in the spikelets of each species. The florets separate readily at maturity, and well-cleaned samples of seed contain few whole or partial spikelets. A complete, mature spikelet embraces, besides its several florets, a pair of chafl'y scales, termed empty glumes, between which the florets, or at least the lower ones, rest. The empty glumes, while somewhat Fig. 1.— I.— A spikelet of Poa: a, stem of spikelet: 6, empty glumes: c, florets, or "seeds." II.— FiTv'i floret, back view: a, callus; 6, keel; o, intermediate veins; d, marginal veins; c, hyaline pori;. u : i glume. III. — Single floret, side view: a, callus; 6, rachilla segment; c, keel; d, intermediate veil.; e, marginal vein: /, margin of glume. IV. — Single floret, front view: <(. rachilla segmeut: b, mar- ginal fold; c, palea: r/, keels of palea. V. — Terminal floret, front view: o, rachilla segment: /;, aborted floret; c, palea. VI. — Caryopsis, or grain: «, location of embryo: b, keeled face; c, grooved face. dissimilar, are keeled, acute, and one or three veined. The keel of each is usually hispid-ciliate above the middle. A portion of the stem of the spikelet often remains attached to the base of the empty glumes when these are found in connnercial samples. Each mature, well-developed floret or seed consists of a caryopsis, commonly called grain, two inclosing scales which, together with the empty glumes, constitute the chart', and a slender appendage, the rachilla segment. (Fig. 1.) 15 16 THE SEEDS OF THE BLUEGRASSES. The caryopsis corresponds to an individual grain in wheat, rye, and barley, and consists almost entirely of the seed proper, to which is added onl}- the thin wall of the seed vessel. This is intimately blended with the seed coat, the two forming the covering- of the true seed. The caryopsis is spindle-shaped and often broadest between the middle and the base. It is often bluntly keeled along one face and more or less evidently grooved along the opposite face. In the commercial bluegrass seeds the grain is amber-colored or dull wine-colored and semitranslucent. The surface is finely granular and dull. The kernel of the seed forms that part of the grain within the seed and seed- vessel walls. It consists of the embryo and endosperm, the latter forming the greater part. The embr3^o is situated at the basal extremity of the grain and is evidejit externally as a small ridge, often within a slight depression, on the keeled face. The grain adheres along its grooved face to the palea in some species in which free grains are not common in well -cleaned commercial seed. The two chaffy scales of the floret differ chiefly in size, form, rela- tive position, venation, and texture. The larger one, called the flower- ing glume or simph" the glume, incloses the edges of the other, termed palea. The grain rests between the glume and palea, its keeled face 13'ing against the glume. The rachilla segment is at the base of the palea and opposite the glume. It is one of the articulating sections of the rachilla, or axis of the spikelet. The characters by which the different kinds of bluegrass seeds are distinguished one from another are afforded by the glume, palea, and rachilla segment, and involve size, form, color, veins of the glume, form and texture of the apex of the glume, and the pubescence. The glume is stiffish and more or less pointed at the ends. Its base is marked by the presence of a small, somewhat knob-like appendage, the callus. The latter bears the scar of attachment of the floret and, in certain species, a more or less pronounced tuft of webb}" hairs. The back of the glume is more or less keeled along its longitudinal center. Besides the fold forming the keel, the edges of the glume are infolded along the marginal veins. The marginal folds often are most pronounced within and sometimes are contined to the lower half of the glume, in which event the upper margins usually diverge and become spreading or flaring at the apex. The keel is strongly arched length- wise in some species and in others is nearly straight. Five veins traverse the glume longitudinally; one occupies the keel, two are at the marginal folds and are termed the marginal veins, while the other two are situated midway between the keel and marginal veins and are called intermediate or, l)y some authors, lateral veins. The interme- diate veins exhibit considerable variation in distinctness in the differ- ent species. The vei^i occupying the keel extends to the apex. The apex and often the upper part of the lateral margins of the glume in THE BLUEGRASSES. 17 most species are thin and translucent, or hyaline. The extent of the hj^aline portion of the apex has much to do with the form of the latter and is variable in the different species. The palea is commonly more delicate in texture than the glume, being- partially hyaline. It usually is shorter than the glume, but in some species equals or exceeds it in length. The difference in length usually is most evident in the lower florets of the spikelet. Two veins traverse the palea lengthwise and nearly meet at its apex. The -mar- gins of the palea are more or less acutely infolded along these veins, which are called the keels of the palea. The keels are mostly covered by the glume in some species, while in others they are almost wholly exposed. There is some variation in this respect, however, among seeds of the same species. The apex of the palea is often notched. The rachilla segment is nearly cylindrical and usually somewhat curved. It is slightly expanded at the apex, which is obliquely trun- cate, its terminal surface constituting the scar of at- tachment to the succeeding floret. Diflerent florets in the same spikelet in certain species exhibit a marked variation in the length of the rachilla segment, which is shortest in the lower florets and conspicuously longer in the terminal one, where it usuallv bears an aborted floret as a small, pointed appendage. The surface of the florets of dift^'erent species of Poa is subject to considerable variation. Some florets are smooth, or glabrous; others bear numerous minute, stiffish hairs, rendering the surface rough, or scabrous; "^KentuTk? bre*^ and some have a tine, appressed pubescence covering grass seed {Poa a part of the surface. Most of the species have a f «'™^'')^ «■ ^^^b; ^ _ i &, pubescence of more or less silky pubescence on the keel and mar- marginal vein; c, ginal veins below the middle or somewhat higher on pu^t>escenee of the keel. The intermediate veins are more rarely pubescent. The keels of the palea are usually fringed with minute hairs, or are hispid-ciliate, but in some species they are silky pubes- cent. The basal web is wholly wanting in some species and in others varies from a few fibers to a copious tuft. It readily separates from the floret in most species. The rachilhx segment is usually smooth, but in some species it is appressed pubescent. The presence of the hairs on the marginal veins often necessitates that care be used in examining the rachilla segment Avith respect to pubescence. (Fig. 2.) The color of mature seeds varies from verv light brown to dark brown. Sterile seeds are usually lighter or straw colored. Immature seeds are more or less tinged with green; some are purplish. Jn cer- tain species the glume is tinged with golden yellow near the apex. The al)orted terminal floret and all the hairs are white. The rachilla segment is lighter colored than the glume or palea. 5813— No. 84—05 3 18 THE SEEDS OF THE BLUEGRASSES. Poor!}' cleaned samples are apt to contain man}' sterile florets. These are slender, sometimes shrunken, and usually lighter colored than the grain-bearing- florets, which are comparatively plump and often dark colored, owing to the color of the grain appearing through the thin palea. (Fig. 3.) _ ^ The recognition of the several species of Poa, when the identit}^ is questionable, requires the use of a good lens and a knowledge of the principal distinguishing characters. A sample FIG. 3.-sLds of Mcky ""^er examination should be spread thinly on biuegmss (Poa pratensis): a. a slicet of paper, or, better still, on a black sur- grain bearing; 6, .sterile. ^.^^^_ ^y-^.^^ ^ ^^^^ jjg.j^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^. ^^^^.^^ ing the seeds over while under the lens, they can easily be examined with reference to size, color, distinctness of veins, character of pubes- cence, the condition of the margins of the glume, etc. Exposing the difl'erent sides of the florets to the light while under examination is often absolutely essential in determining the nature of the veins and pubescence. . KEY TO THE SEEDS OF THE MORE COMMON SPECIES OF POA AS FOUND ON HERBARIUM SPECIMENS. Basal web present. Web very persistent and conspicuous _ P. urachnijera. Web easily removed, small; keel of the glume pubescent. Intermediate veins distinct. Intermediate veins sharply defined as narrow ridges; glume margins narrow, not easily seen from the side; marginal veins usually smooth. P. trivialis. Intermediate veins usually not sharply defined; glume margins broader, easily seen from the side in fertile florets; marginal veins pubescent. P. 2iratensis. Intermediate veins indistinct. Eachilla segment smooth or nearly so; florets 2-2j mm. long. Florets usually broader ab"ove than below the middle; apex usually flaring; rachilla segment smooth P. ccnnpressa. Florets not evidently broader above than below the middle; apex usually golden yellow; rachilla segment sometimes rough P. triflora. Rachilla segment usually pubescent. Florets 25-8 mm. long, usually not yellow at the apex P. nemoralis. Basal web not present. Florets strongly pubescent. Intermediate veins distinct; palea keels prominent, often arched forward. P. a)inua. Intermediate veins indistinct; palea keels not arched P. alpina. Florets not pubescent J', sudetiat. KEY TO COMMEKCIAL SEEDS. 19 KEY TO COMMERCIAL BLUEGRAS8 SEEDS AFTER PREPARATION FOR MARKET. Seeds 4-(3 »""• long; web longer than glume, forming a woolly tuft and causing the seeds to cling in bunches in the sample P. arachnifera. Seeds 2-2| mm. long, usually rubbed free from hairs and disconnected in the sample, often tnore or less torn at the apex; commonest commercial kinds. Intermediate veins distinct; seeds contracted at the apex and not wider (dxnr than below the middle; hyaline margin of apex seldom present in rubbed seed. P. pratensis. Intermediate veins very indistinct; seeds broader above than below the middle; hyaline margin of apex usually evident and faring P. compressa. Seeds 2-3 mm. long, chiefly unrubbed; disconnected or clinging somewhat in the sample; usually not torn at the apex; smooth or the pubescence on the veins and the web more or less evident. Intermediate veins indistinct. Rachilla segment usualli/ pubescent; long, sterile rachilla segments conspicuously common; intermediate veins scarcely evident; keel and marginal veins pubescent; apex of seed often flaring; seed 2^-3 mm. long P. neinoralis. Rachilla segnient smootit; intermediate veins but slightly evident; keel and marginal veins pubescent; apex of seed sometimes flaring; seed 2-2\ mm. long. P.trijlora. Intermediate veins very distinct. Rachilla segment smooth and slender; keel pubescent, marginal veins usually smooth; apex of seed acute and compressed; seeds often distinctly curved as viewed from the side , p. trivialis. 20 THE SEEDS OF THE BLUEGRASSES. C/l X ' -J . oi 03 'S "-J be '^ . t-i" c P 6 0 Oj 3 « C _3 3 0; «! S s s S"^""^ o #» 5;; -i»j5 •- to i h of ibes- ng, seg- bun- ■^"'".e ~ ■" oi -*-* c 9 ^s o 1.; g • 5 c 3 0) 0) ^ iip •C 0 „ „„-5;0.0 =^ « -I'bcS r •«9 PS w to i the 0 f gl smooth. to i the of gl smooth. Very sle: to i the of gl smooth. lender, the ler glume; cent; 1 s t e r i m e n t s dant. lender, the len glume; i or rougl "K r-K CO 02 1 or hat han me; pid- and less ^- q; a; °^ J c . r- C2 r-« °^::f£,s^ x'S x"E X CO Qj a ^ 01 2 OS R 03 S 03 s 03 S Pi [ual om hort he eels iliat lore xpo 0)^ St u- X 05 -M Jaa O H OJ tS s. cs a, Cfl «ii o3 a, [^ CB 03 M CO S2ci= ored ght ome- pur- c'l C Oi w t« |s. ^9 . light brow sometim yellowish the apex. o 'rom 1 i brown dark br often plish. traw-col or 1 i brown, s times plish. ight bn so m e t i purplish light bn usually lowish a apc.x. (^ cc ^ -> J 1 1) ev el- absent mmer- ed'. absent mmer- ed. ;ual- t in cial a; 3 a; ^ 3gS x.g 03 io Basal Well d oped; in CO cial se light; in CO cial se light; ly abs cbmmi seed. 03^ II 9 3 CO 03 CC 02 1 §■2 9 • 9 ;/ fe o sSSs . ^'i^rr; ^ 3 a keel; mi lal vei: :)oth: oft sent in co: rcial seed g.sg'S J-J •Soi eel and al veins t in rcial se 0)5 eel and al ve sent in rcial se gi s .M C C 0) 5 'Sex 9 '" 2 H CJ ;a 3 g

> -Cx: Sa;*.j: harpl; fined as der ri smooth. 'Z.JS ^-e stinc liarpl ned, er ri moot iidistii appar wan .smoot 03 i 9 C 13 'r; rr.'-CC' cc 3 K 03 S 1— ( Q 1— ( X I— ( CO istly om- eed. ly Ob- torn or ng in ercial °|<=bi o r flar- ine. 0) O O CO 9c'3 ibtuso acute; 1 line and ten flarir -"iT' >• ft cute, torn i merci; sual tuse; ■ flari comm seed. cute; ly h edged tire;d lykee cut slight ing; h < O < o ■^ 1 9 gi 2 c Si ^ o -O si Cj S cS oS o— . ^ 0) S_2 • S .^* t~i COS ■r" •" h X "^ o g* anceo ovate- olate. & rf 3 lanceo ovate- olate. ci g s bio vate ceola arrc eeoli ten c gc o ^ o ^ 1-1 w . "t* «l« -'IC* -Iw 15; C-l C^ 00 C^ ■qjSuaT c!, cJ. 1 -ICT 1 ~ .S = i' = 'S £ c a > I w > C rg X J) a 1.1 g §5 gilll ■O 1 0) c C u •S 2 ^ X Usually dis- tinct as nar- row ridges; snioolh. 2 » il 3 ^H CO t- ai gov *-■ -'- .JL J ■*-^ "HI- c oi — rr - X a) S^; = Acu mi na te; hyaline- eiiged; not flaring. < ^ilal t S 6 II fi •§1 ^6 5 -let , CO =4 1 c £ S R C e 1- 1 22 THE SEEDS OF THE BLUEGRASSES. DESCRIPTIONS OF SPECIES. Poa pratensis L. KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS, JUNE GRASS. Spikelets 3-5 flowered; florets 2-2| mm., rarely 3 mm., long, lanceolate or fnsiforni as viewed from the back, lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate as viewed from the side, mostly acute or the terminal floret sometimes acuminate at the apex, glabrous between the veins, varying from light lirown to dark brown, sometimes tinged with purple, sterile florets lighter; glume usually sharj^ly keeled quite to the apex and often strongly arched, particularly at the base; its marginal folds comparatively broad, extending from the base nearly or quite to the apex, becoming hyaline-edged above the middle in the lower florets, usually not expanded or flaring at the apex, the edges nearly meeting in sterile florets, separated and usually distended forward in fertile lower florets, often scarcely covering the palea keels of fertile terminal florets, the hyaline edge more or less torn away and the margins jagged at the apex in rubbed commercial seed; intermediate veins distinct and glabrous; keel and mar- ginal veins silky pubescent below the middle or somewhat higher on the keel; basal web well developed; pubescence and web wanting, except occasional traces of the former, in well-rubbed commercial seed; palea nearly or quite as long as the glume, its keels finely hispid-ciliate and usually covered for the greater part of their length by the nuargins of the glume; rachilla segment slender, glabrous, varying from about one-sixth of the length of the glume in the lower florets to one-half its length in the terminal one; aborted floret of the. sterile rachilla segment minute; grain H mm. long, somewhat keeled and grooved, often broadest below the middle, reddish brown or darker about the embry(j, and semitranslucent. '^Fig. 4.) Fig. 4. — Different forms of commercial seeds of Kentucky bluegrass {Poa i>ratensis): a and b, back views; c-/, side views; g-j, front views; j. a terminal floret. Commercial Kentucky bluegrass seed is mostly free from the silky and webb}^ hairs present in hand-gathered samples, owing to the rub})ing process to which it is subjected before being marketed. The severe rubbing results in more or less injury to the thin margins of the glume, particularly at the apex, which i.s usually found to be more or less torn when examined with a lens. Seeds of a well-rubbed sample do not tend to cling in small bunches as do those which are unrubbed or hand-gathered. Well-developed seeds are rather robust and have the glume margins well separated and evidentl}^ distended forward. Sterile seeds, or such as have the grain wanting, or poorly developed, are generally lighter colored, slenderer, and more compressed, while the glume margins more nearl}- meet and are but slightly or scarcely distended. Such are much lighter in weight than well-developed seeds and consequentl}' are mostly blown out with other chaff in well- cleaned seed. DESCEIPTIONS OF SPECIES. 23 Kentucky bluegrass seed is most readily confounded with that of Canada hluegrass {^Poa covipressa) and rough-stalked meadow grass {Poa trivial is). Owing to the difference in cost, Poa compr'essa is sometimes mixed with or substituted for Kentucky bluegrass, while the latter is sometimes similarlj^ emploj^ed with respect to Poa trivial is. The characteristic differences between Kentucky blueg-rass seed and that of Canada blueg-rass, as exhibited by the bulk samples and b}" individual seeds under the lens, may be compared as follows: Kentucky bluegrass {Poa pratensis) . Canada bluegrass (Poa compressa). The usual, well-cleaned bulk samples are Average samples lighter colored than brown in color. those of Kentucky bluegrass. Individual, well-matured seeds exhibit The lighter color of individual seeds af- the same brown color of the bulk sam- fords the principal character for the pie. preliminary recognition of these seeds in mixtures. Nearly all the seeds taper from the cen- Most of the seeds are broader at the apex ter to both ends and are not broader at than at the base, often distinctly broader the apex than at the base. at the apex than at the middle. The apex of commercial seeds is usually Apex of commercial seeds often torn, torn, olitusely pointed, keeled, and mostly expanded or flaring, often but scarcely hyaline. slightly keeled. The intermediate veins are almost in- The intermediate veins are very indis- variably distinct. tinct or apparently wanting. A number of the sam^^les of Kentucky bluegrass seed examined con- tained seed of the Canada bluegrass. As the latter seed found in com- merce usually contains the prickles or even the seeds of Canada thistle ( Carduus arvensis), these are often found in samples of Kentucky blue- grass seed containing the Canada bluegrass seed. Their presence indi- cates the admixture, since the Canada thistle does not grow in the seed-producing- localities of Kentuck v, while it is abundant in Canada, where the Canada bluegrass is produced. Samples of pure Kentuck}^- bluegrass seed are apt to contain the prickles of horse nettle (Solan um carol inense), sometimes wrongly called bull thistle, a prickly plant common in the bluegrass region of Kentucky. These prickles are similar to those of the Canada thistle, but ma}" be distinguished, as shown hereafter in this paper in describing- the impurities of the blue- g-rass seeds. The fact that Canada bluegrass onl}' begins to flower at the time Kentucky bluegrass is ripe precludes the possibility of the mixture of the two kinds of seed owing to the fact of growth together. Such mixture can occur only after the seed is gathered, through acci- dent or intent. 24 THE SEEDS OF THE BLUEGRASSES. Poa compressa L. CANADA BLUEGRASS, FLAT-STEMMED BLUEGRASS. Spikelets 3-9 flowered; florets 2-2J mm. long, oblong-obovate or the terminal one lanceolate as viewed from the back, somewhat narrowly oblong as viewed from the side, obtuse or the terminal one acute, smooth between the veins, straw colored or light brown; glume somewhat arched, especially at the base, and strongly keeled at the back, the keel often less pronounced at the apex than at the base; margins infolded from the base for about three-fourths the length of the floret in the lower florets and nearly to the apex in the upper ones, hyaline-edged above the middle, often broadly so at the apex, which is more or less flaring in the lower florets, the thai apex often torn and jagged in commercial seed; intermediate veins very indis- tinct or not evident, glabrous; keel and marginal veins silky pubescent below the mid- dle; basal web present, slight; palea nearly or quite equaling the glume, finely hispid- ciliate on the keels, which are usually more or less exposed above the middle, sometimes from the base; rachilla segment glabrous, varying from about one-fifth the length of the glume in the lower florets to one- half its length in the terminal one; aborted floret of the sterile rachilla segment min- ute; grain 1-1 J mm. long, keeled and slightly grooved, semitranslucent. (Fie Fig. 5.— Commercial seeds of Canada bluegrass (Poa compressa) : a and b, back views; c-e, side views; /-(', front views of florets; i, a terminal floret. o. The .seed of Canada l)lueoTass is the cheapest of the l)IuegTass seeds, and is therefore not adulterated with other Poas. although it is itself' used as an adulterant to a considera))le extent. Pure samples of Canada bluegrass seed almost always contain the prickles and sometimes the seeds of Canada thistle {Carduus arvensis); therefore, the occurrence of these prickles with other kinds indicates the use of this species as an adulterant. Their occurrence with seed of Poa trwicdh without evidence of the presence of Canada bluegrass seed is noted under the discussion of 1\ trivialis. Poa trivialis L. ROUGH-STALKED MEADOW GRASS. Spikelets 2 or 3 flowered; florets 2-2J mm., rarely 3 mm., long, narrowly lanceolate or the fertile terminal one ovate-lanceolate as viewed from the back, usually lanceolate and curved as viewed from the side, laterally compressed as compared with other spe- cies, straw colored or light brown and sometimes purplish, sharply keeled, the keel somewhat arched; margins of the glume scarcely or but slightly distended, narrowly and rather sharply infolded nearly or quite to the apex, which is hyaline-edged, very acute and rarely expanded; intermediate veins very di.'^tinct as narrow and sharply defined ridges; keel slightly pubescent below the middle, or rarely smooth; marginal veins smooth or sometimes pubescent, basal Aveb present; palea nearly equal to the glume, its keels smooth or finely hispid-cdiate near the apex and mostly covered by the margms of the glume except in the larger termmal florets; rachilla segment very slender, glabrous, varying from one-fourth to one-halt the length of the glume; gram 1-1^ mm. long, keeled and grooved, semitranslucent, reddish brown. (Fig. 6.) DESCEIPTIONS OF SPECIES. 25 Rough-stalked meadow grass is chiefly hand gathered; consequently the commercial seed is apt to bear more or less of the web as well as the silky pubescence on the keel. In many samples, however, both are rubbed away. This seed resem- bles that of Poa pratensis and that of Poa covipressa so closely that both are employed as adulterants, the fig. e.— seeds of rough-stalked meadow grass (Poa tririalis): a and b, forniPr iniTirentlv back views; c-e, side views; /and g. front views; g, a terminal floret. to considerable extent, since it has frequently been found to constitute a considerable part of samples of so-called rough-stalked meadow grass. One sample examined marked ''^ Poa trivial is''' from Europe consisted almost wholly of Poa compressa. Several samples from Europe contained prickles of Canada thistle, but no seeds of Canada bluegrass were found. The principal distinguishing characters of the three species may be compared as follows: Rough-stalked meadow geass {Poa trivialis). Commercial seeds are usu- ally pubescent on the keel vein, usually smooth on the marginal veins and bear more or less of the webby hairs, conse- quently cling together in masses. As viewed from the side, the seeds are somewhat curved, much narrower than the others, the glume margins usually only slightly evident. Apex of the glume usually uninjured, strongly keeled, acute, slightly hyaline-margined, often curved. Intermediate veins sharply defined as narrow ridges. Rachilla segment very slen- der and less variable in length than in F. pra- tensis or P. cornpressa. Kentucky bluegrass (Poa})ratensis). Canada bluegrass {Poa cornpressa). Commercial seeds rarely pubescent on the veins and the webby hairs wanting; consequently mobile in bulk, not clinging in masses; unrubbed seed pubescent on the marginal and keel veins. Seeds mostly straight as viewed from the side, glume margins often strongly distended. Seeds straight, the glume margins somewhat evi- dent from the side. Apex of the glume often torn, otherwise some- what keeled, obtusely pointed, broader than the base, hyaline-edged. Apex of the glume more or less torn in commercial seed; keeled, sharply pointed, hyaline-edged and not curved in un- rubbed seed. Intermediate veins dis- Intermediate veins indis- tinct as rather coarse tinct or apparently want- ridges, ing. Rachilla segment coarser than in I', trivialis and often very short. 20 THE SEEDS OF THE BLUEGRASSES. Poa nemoralis L. WOOD MEADOW GRASS. Spikelets 2 or 3 flowered; florets 22-3 mm. long, lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, mostly acute at the apex, light brown, sometimes yellowish tinged near the apex; glume rather broadly keeled and somewhat arched at the back; margins of the glume narrowly infolded quite to the apex or hyaline-edged and often flaring above the middle; intermediate veins very indistinct;" keel and marginal veins silky pubescent below the middle; basal web slight; surface between the veins glabrous; palea nearly equal to the glume, evidently shorter in florets having a flaring apex, its keels hispid-ciliate and usually covered by the margins of the glume; rachilla segment varying from one-fourth to three-fourths of the length of the glume, the sterile rachilla segment very uniformly much longer than the others, more or less appressed pubescent, the pubescence somewhat variable and sometimes nearly want- ing; aborted floret of the sterile rachilla segment often one-half as long as the seg- ment; grain Ij mm. long, rather slender, semitranslucent. (Fig. 7.) 7 3 % i Fig. 7.— .Seeds of wood meadow grass {Poa nemoralis): a-c, back views; d and e, side views; /-/, front views; j, a terminal floret. Commercial wood meadow grass seed is not rubbed in preparation for market, and therefore possesses much of its rather persistent and prominent silky pubescence, and the thin tips of the florets are mostly uninjured. The pubescence of the rachilla segment is persistent and present in most of the seeds of all pure samples of this species. It afl'ords the most marked characteristic by which the seeds of P. nemo- ralls may be distinguished from those of other commercial species of Poa. The conspicuously longer rachilla segments of the terminal florets are noticeably abundant in samples of this species, since these florets constitute from one-third to one-half of all the seed. The abundance of the long rachilla segments is helpful in distinguishing these seeds from those of other Poas. Commercial seed of P. nemoralis is apt to be very much adulterated with other species of Poa. Of a number of samples examined less than half were true to name. One was nearly pure Canada bluegrass seed, and the rest consisted in part of one or all of the following species: P. j^ratensis, P. compressa, and P. trivially. The following comparison of characters should render it compara- tively easj'^ to distinguish the seeds of P. nemoralh from those of the other .species. BESCEIPTIONS OF SPECIES. 2f Wood meadow grass (Poa nemoralis). Silky pubescence of the veins mostly present and prominent. Apex of the glume slen- derly pointed or nar- rowly flaring. Intermediate veins indis- tinct. Rachilla segment pubes- cent, often more than half the length of the glume. Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis); Rough-stalked MEADOW GRASS {Poa trivi- alis). Canada bluegrass (Poo compressa) . Silky pubescence of the veins wanting or but slight. Apex of the glume acute. Apex of the glume broadly flaring. Intermediate veins dis- Intermediate veins indis- tinct, tinct. Rachilla segment smooth, not exceeding half the length of the glume. Poa triflora Ehrh. (P. flava L., P. serotina Ehrh.). FOWL MEADOW (iKASS, FALSE REDTOI'. Spikelets 2-4 flowered; florets 2-2^ mm. long, lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate as viewed from the back, broadly keeled and strongly arched at the back, light brown and usually strongly tinged witli yellow above the middle, sometimes purplish, margins of the glume narrowly infolded below the middle or quite to the apex, which IS hyaline-edged, expanded but scarcely flaring; intermediate veins indis- tinct; keel and marginal veins silky pubescent below the middle; basal web slight; palea nearly or quite equal to the glume, finely hispid-ciliate on the keels, which are mainly covered Ijy the glume margins in the lower florets; rachilla seg- ment slender, glabrous or sometimes slightly scabrous, from one-fourth to one-half or two-thirds the length of the glume; aborted floret of the sterile rachilla segment often prominent and nearly as long as the rachilla segment; grain 1 mm. long, comparatively robust and smooth, scarcely keeled or grooved, semitranslucent. (Fig. 8.) Most, if not all, of the seed of F. triflora on the market appears to be of foreign production. The samples examined have proved to be the worst found among the bluegrasses. It is prol)able that a better grade of seed could be secured from the natural meadows in this coun- try where this species often constitutes the principal grass. The seeds of P. triflora are very similar to those of Canada bluegrass and wood meadow grass. Fig. 8. — Seeds of fowl meadow grass (Poa triflora): a-c, back views; d and c, side views; /-/(, front views; h, a terminal floret. 28 THK SEEDS OF THE BLUEGEASSEB. The principal distinguishing characters of the three kinds are as follows: Fowl meadow grass {Poa trifloi'a). Seeds 2-2J mm. long. Seeds mostly narrower at the apex than at the cen- ter. Seeds usually yellowish at the apex. Intermediate veins usually evident but indistinct. Pubescence of the veins and the web often pres- ent in commercial seed. Rachilla segment mostly smooth, sometimes slight- ly rough, often two- thirds tlie length of the glume. Canada bluegrass (Poo compressa). Seeds 2-2^ mm. long. Seeds mostly broader at the apex than at the center or base. Seeds not yellowish at the apex. Intermediate veins indis- tinct or more commonly not evident. Pubescence of the veins and the web mostly absent in commercial seed. Rachilla segment smooth, not exceeding one-half of the length of the glume. Wood meadow grass { Poa nernor alls). Seeds 2^-3 mm. long. Seeds narrower or not broader at the apex than at the center. Seeds sometimes yellowish at the apex. Intermediate veins indis- tinct. , Pubescence of the veins usually present in com- mercial seed. Rachilla segment pubes- cent or sometimes only rough , of ten three-fourths the length of the glume. The name fowl meadow grass is often applied, both by seedsmen and by writers upon grasses, to Panicularia nervata. Poa araclinifera Torr. TEXAS BLUEGRASS. Spikelets 4 or 5 flowered; florets 4-6 mm. long, narrowly lanceolate, acuminate, straw colored or light brown; glume strongly keeled cjuite to the apex and somewhat arched; margins narrowly infolded below and becoming broadly hyaline above the middle, not widely flaring at the apex; marginal and keel veins strongly pubes- \m Fig. 9.— Seeds of Texas bluegrass {Poa aracJnu'fera): a anrl h, back views, seeds showing the long hairs of the web; c and d, side views; e-g, front views; g, a terminal floret. cent with long, silky hairs; basal web copious, often twice as long as the floret, very persistent; surface between the veins glabrous, the keel hispid-ciliate above the middle; palea from three-fourths to four-fifths the length of the glume, its keels more or less exposed, silky pubescent to the middle and hispid-ciliate at the apex; rachilla segment varying from about one-sixth to one-third the length of" the glume, glabrous; aborted floret of the sterile rachilla segment minute; grain slender, ].}-H mm. long, oblong-fusiform, nearly opaque, distinctly grooved and keeled. (Fig. 9.) DESCEIPTIONS OF SPECIES. 29 Texas bluegrass seed in commerce is unrubbed, and as the silky pubescence and web are very persistent they are always present. The hairs are so long and copious that the seeds cling in loosely matted, woolly bunches, and thus are easily distinguished from all the other commercial Poas. (Fig. 10.) Poa annua L. ANNUAL MEADOW GRASS. Spikelets 3-5 flowered; florets l|-3 mm. long, ovate or ovate-lanceolate and relatively robust, strongly keeled and arched at the back, more or less densely pubescent, light brown or dark brown and often purplish or yellowish; margins of the glume very narrowly infolded below the middle, thin and broadly hyaline above the middle in the lower florets, flaring, gaping, or infolded at the apex ; inter- mediate veins usually distinct as narrow ridges extending from the base to the margin of the apex, glabrous or jDubescent; marginal vems and keel densely soft-pubescent below the middle; surface between the veins some- times more or less pubescent at the base; web wanting; palea somewhat shorter than the glume, except in the terminal floret; keels of the palea coarse and prominent, mostly exposed, usually arched forward and exposed to side view in florets having a well-developed grain, often contracted toward the rachilla segment at the base, silky pubescent from near the base nearly to the apex; rachilla segment glabrous, from one-fourth to one-third the length of the glume, aborted floret of the sterile rachilla segment minute; grain 1-1^ mm. long, robust, distinctly granular, keeled and grooved, slightly translucent. (Fig. 11.) The seed of Poa annua is not in the trade and is not apt to become mixed with the commercial bluegrass seeds. It may be readily distin- guished from the common commercial species of Poa by its abundant Fig. 10.— a cluster of Texas bluegrass seeds matted by the webbv fibers. Fig. 11.— Seeds of annual meadow grass {Foa annua): a and b, back views; c-e, side views; f-i, front views; i, a terminal floret. pubescence, arched and silk}- pubescent keels of the palea, and robust form. The seed most closely resembles that of Poa alpma, from which it is distinguished in individual seeds by its distinct intermediate veins and prominent, arched, and silky pubescent but not hispid-ciliate palea keels. Poa alpina L. ALPINE MEADOW GRASS. Spikelets 3-6 flowered; florets 2J-3J mm. long, ovate-lanceolate or obovate, the uppermost lanceolate, broadly keeled, arched, acute, or obtuse, light brown, some- times purplish, and often yellowish tinged at the apex; margins narrowly infolded below the middle and becoming broadly hyaline at the apex; intermediate veins 30 THE SEEDS OF THE BLUEGRASSES. inflistinct or evident only below the middle; keel and marginal veins silky pubescent below the middle or higher on the keel, which is hispid at the apex; surface between the marginal veins and keel appressed pubescent at the base; web wanting; palea nearly or quite equal to the glume, its keels not arched as in Poa annua, slightly silky pubescent below the middle and hispid-ciliate above; rachilla segment glabrous, varying from no longer than wide to one-third the length of the glume; aborted floret of the sterile rachilla segment minute; grain 1^ mm. long, keeled and grooved, semitranslucent, dark reddish brown, granular. (Fig. 12.) / y Fig. 12. — Seeds f>f alpine meadow grass (Poa alpina): a and b, back views; r-e, side views; /-/(, front views; h, a terminal floret. The seed of Poa alpina is not on the market and is not likel}^ to be found in commercial seeds. Individual seeds of I\ aljjina closely resemble those of P. annua^ but are.to be distinguished b}^ the indis- tinct intermediate veins of the olume, the variable rachilla segment, and especially by the keels of the palea, which are slenderer, not arched, less pubescent, and strictly hispid-ciliate above. The plant is alpine and occurs in the northern part of the United States as far west as Colorado, in Canada and Alaska, and in Europe and Asia. Poa sudetica Haenke. Spikelets 2 or 3 flowered; florets 3—4 mm. long, lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate; apex acute or acuminate; glume somewhat arched and strongly keeled at the back, light brown or dark brown, sometimes tinged with purple; margins of the glume narrowly infolded below the middle, narrowly hyaline-edged above the middle and not flaring at the apex; all the veins distinct, never silky pubescent, usually hispid; Fig. 13. — Seedsof Poa sudetica: a and 6, back views; c-e, side views; /and ci. front views: a, a. terminal floret. general surface scabrous or sometimes glabrous; web not present; palea equaling or somewhat exceeding the glume and often separated from it at the apex in florets having a well-developed grain; keels of the palea hispid-ciliate, mostly exposed and more or less evident from the side; rachilla segment varying from one-fifth to one- third or even one-half the length of the glume, glabrous or scabrous, sterile rachilla DESCRIPTIONS OF SPECIES. 31 c ^• segment tapering to the apex, the aborted floret usually minute, but sometimes con- spicuous and nearly equal to the rachilla segment; grain about 2 mm. long, robust, light brown, slightly keeled and grooved, semitranslucent. (Fig. 13.) This is a European species not found in the American market. Panicularia spp. Ov/ing- to the fact that Panicularia nervata is sometimes sold as fowl meadow grass, a description of its seed is presented. A description of the closely allied P. amerlcana^ which is often associated with 1*. nervata^ is added as an aid in comparing the two species. Panicularia nervata (Willd.) Kuntze. NERVED MANN.A. GRASS, SOMETIMES CALLED FOWL MEADOW GRASS. Florets 1-1 i mm. long, robust, ovate (obovate with reference to the plant), light brown, purplish and sometimes greenish when immature; glume rounded at the back, prominently seven-veined, its margins somewhat infolded at the base and not flaring at the apex, which is sometimes narrow!}^ hyaline; surface smootli, except the veins, which are sometimes scabrous; palea equal to or sometimes longer than the glume, broad, the keels exposed, prominent and nearly meeting at the rounded and sometimes slightlv notched apex, usually F'^. 14.— Seeds of nerved manna grass scabrous above the middle; rachilla segment one- (P^^nicnlaria ncrvaiay. aand 6, back and fifth to one-fourth the length of the glume, sub- cylindrical and scarcely expanded at the apex, the terminal one somewhat longer , than the others and tipped by a minute, al)orted floret; grain loosely held by the stiffish glume and palea, obovate, slightly flattened, f-1 mm. long, smooth, some- what polished, very dark brown or black, sometimes slightly translucent. (Fig. 14. ) Panicularia americaiui (Torr. ) MacM. REED MEADOW GRASS, WATER MEADOW GRASS, TALL MANNA GRASS. Florets S-Si mm. long, elliptical-oblong as viewed from the front or back, some- what spindle-shaped as viewed from the side, obtuse at the apex, brown, or purplish before complete maturi- ty; glume rounded at the back, distinctly seven- veined, its margins nar- rowly infolded at the base and not flaring at the apex ; surface smooth between the scabrous veins; palea equal to the glume, concave, its keels exposed, nearly meeting at the apex, very finely hispid-ciliate; rachilla segment one-fifth to one-fourth the length of the glume, subcylindrical, somewhat expanded at the apex, that of the terminal floret slightly longer and tipped by a minute, aborted floret; grain broadly oblong, U-2 mm. long, somewhat flattened, very dark brown, slightly translucent, smooth, and somewhat polished when fully developed. (Fig. 15.) Fig. 15. — Seeds of water meadow grass {Panicularia americana): a, b. and c, back, side, and front views of seeds: d, grain. 32 THE SEEDS OF THE BLUEGRASSES. WEED SEEDS COMMONLY FOUND WITH COMMERCIAL BLTJE- GBASS SEEDS. The following weed seeds are those most frequently found with the various kinds of bluegrass seed. Bursa bursa-pastoris (L.) Britton. shepherd's-purse. Seeds f-1 mm. long, oval-oblong, one extremity of ten pointed by the whitish tissue of the scar, flattened with rounded edges; faces similar and usually presenting two shal- low grooves; color yellowish orreddish brown, usually darker near the scar; surface nearly smooth; endosperm absent; embryo curved upon itself, the cotyledons incumbent; seeds developing a coat of transparent mucilage when placed in water. (Fig. 16.) Seldom found abundantly, but occurring frequently in all of the commercial bluegrasa seeds. Fig. 16.— Seeds of shepherd's-purse (Bursa bursa-pastoris): a, side view; b, edge view; c, natural size of seeds. L ■Seeds of peppergrass (Lepidium virijinicum): a, side view; b, edge view; c, natural size of seeds. a Fig. 1' Lepidium virginicum L. PEPPERGRASS. Seeds 1 J mm. long, much flattened, ovate with one edge straight and thicker than the other, the curved edge narrowly margined, the mar- gin usually hyaline and broadest at the broad end of the seed; faces similar, each nearly crossed lengthwise by a curved groove; scar at the small extremity, marked by a small, whitish tissue; surface smooth, dull, and red- dish yellow; endosperm wanting; embryo curved upon itself, the cotyledons accumbent; seeds developing a copious coat of transparent mucilage when placed in water. (Fig. 17.) Frequently found in home-grown seed and sometimes very abundant, especially in poorly cleaned seed. Cerastium vulg-atum L. MOUSE-EAR CHICKWEED. Seeds about \ mm. long, flattened but not thin, rounded or triangular, the broad edge rounded, the narrow edge notched; surface roughened by small tubercles or very short ridges, dull, and reddish- brown; embryo cylindrical, curved about the endosperm, its extremities nearly meeting at the notch in ttie seed coat. (Fig. 18.) Found frequently; sometimes abundant in poorly cleaned seed. -TA/y. a Fig. 18. — Seeds of mouse-ear chickweed ( Ce- rastium vulgatum): a, side views; b, natural size of seeds. Alsine media L. COMMON CHICKWEED. Seeds circular-ovate, about 1 mm. in diameter with little variation in size, flattened with plane faces and flattened edges; scar in a small notch in the edge; surface dull, slightly tubercled, the tubercles in rows on the edges and '\^ rftprei or less evidently WEED SEEDS FOUND WITH BLITEGRASS SEEDS. 33 concentric rows on the similar faces; color brown, or reddish in immature seeds: embryo cyhndrical, curved about the endosperm, its extremities nearly meeting at the scar. (Fig. 19, a.) Alsine media is very common in the United States, but is so low-growing that the American method of seed stripping prevents the occurrence of its seeds in abundance in commercial bluegrass seeds. Its seeds are common in European bluegrass seeds, particularly those of rough-stalked meadow grass. Alsine graminea ( L. ) Britton. a b c Fig. 19.— Seeds of chickweeds: o, Alsine me- dia; b, A. graminea; c, natural size of seeds. Seeds similar to those of Alsine media, ex- cept in form and surface markings; usually circular or oval; faces and edges somewhat rounded, finely roughened by short, inter- lacing ridges which are arranged more or less concentrically on the faces and parallel on the edges; surface dull; color grayish-brown, immature seeds reddish. (Fig. 19, h.) Not found in American seed; frequent, although not abundant, in European seed. a 6 Carduus arvensis (L. ) Eobs. CANADA THISTLE. Fig. 20.— Seeds of Canada thistle ( Carduus arvensis) : a, well- matiired seeds; 6, natural size of seeds; c, a shriveled seed. Seeds (akenes) 2-3 mm. long, oblong-lanceolate, flattened with obtuse edges, slightly ridged along each face, straight or curved edge- wise, sometimes face wise; apex truncate, often obliquely so, con- cave with a ring-like border; corolla scar represented by a central, conical projection; surface dull and mostly smooth, sometimes with several narrow, longitudinal grooves; color brown, the apical margin usually lighter and sometimes yellowish. (Fig. 20.) Prickles of Canada thistle and horse nettle {Solanum carolinense) often occur in certain bluegrass seeds. While the presence of the former is significant with respect to adultera- tion, the two kinds are apt to be confounded. The prickles of Canada thistle are 2-6 mm. long, veryslender, yellowish, usually expanded and laterally flattened at the base, which con- sists of a portion of the leaf tissue and is darker colored than the rest of the prickle, somewhat rounded or angular in form and jagged-edged. (Fig. 21, cand d). The prickles of horse nettle {Solanum caro- linense) are coarser, 4-8 mm. in length, light yellow in color, u.^ually not darker at the base. They are produced on the stems and the coarse midribs of the leaves, and on breaking off have a transversely flattened scar. They occur fre- quently in samples of Kentucky-grown Poa pratensis and are easily mistaken for those of Canada thistle. (Fig. 21, a and b. ) Matured seeds, shriveled seeds, and prickles from the leaves and stems of Canada thistle are frequently found in Canada bluegrass seed. The presence of the prickles C ^^Z Fig. 21.— Prickles often found with blue- grass seed: a and b, horse nettle (Hola- num carolinense) enlarged and natural size; c and d, Canada thistle (Cardans or)'e?isis) enlarged and natural size; 1 and 2, characteristic forms of the bases of the two kinds of prickles. 34 THE SEEDS OF THE BLUEGRASSE8. in the more expensive kinds of bluegrass seed indicates the probable use of Canada bluegrass seed as an adulterant. These prickles have been found, however, in rough- stalked meadow grass seed in which no trace of Canada bluegrass seed appeared. Owing to the troublesome nature of Canada thistle, care should be taken not to introduce its seeds with those of the bluegrasses. Taraxacum taraxacum (L. ) Karst. DANDELION. Seeds (akenes) 3-4 mm. long, including the per- sistent base of the beak, which forms the pointed apex of the seed, lance -shaped or broadly so, straight or curved, flattened or slightly four- angled with similar faces, barbed in the upper, broader half; teeth directed toward the apex, prominent on the edges and arranged in about five rows on each face, which has two slender grooves with three rows of teeth between them; surface dull; color light brown or dark brown. (Fig. 22.) Occurring occasionally in both American and European seed, these seeds have appeared most frequently in Kentucky bluegrass and rough-stalked meadow grass seeds. Matricaria inodora L. Fig. 22.— Seeds of dandelion ( Taraxa cum taraxacum): a, side views; b, nat ural size of seeds. SCENTLESS CAMOMILE. % ^ H h Seeds (akenes) 1^-2 mm. long, slender or robust, oblong with obtuse extremities, taper- ing somewhat from the truncate apex to the base, slightly flattened; faces dissimilar, one having three prominent, longitudinal ribs joined at the apex, the lateral ribs and a partial one joined to them at the apex appearing on the opposite face, which also presents two small cavities separated by the partial ridge; surface between the ridges transversely roughened, dark brown or black and darker than the brown or yellowish ridges. (Fig. 23. ) Found only in foreign-grown seed, chiefly in rough- stalked meadow grass and wood meadow grass seeds. Fig. 23.— Seeds of sfentless camomile {Matricaria inodora): a, back, front, and edge views; b, natural size of seeds. F 1 Hieracium sp. HAWKWEED. Seeds (akenes) 1-3 mm. long, cylindrical, pointed at the base; apex truncate, bearing a small tuft of short, whitish, marginal bristles (the remnants of the pappus bristles); surface lightly ten-ridged lengthwise; color brown or black, reddish in immature seeds. (Fig. 24. ) Found most frequently in wood meadow grass seed. The seeds of several species of hawkweed, occurring in both America and Europe, are practically indistinguishable. Specific determinations can not be made by exam- ination with a lens. The troublesome character of rrrange hawkweed {Hieracium aurantiacum), whose seeds are IJ-lf mm. long, justifies care in the use of seed containing seeds of any species of hawkweed. Fig. 24. — Seeds of hawkweed {Hieraciumsp.): a, side views; b, natural size of seeds. WEED SEEDS FOUND WITH BLUEGRASS SEEDS. 35 Anthemis cotula L. DOG FENNEL, MAYWEED. Seeds (akenes) cylindrical, broadly club-shaped, 1^2 mm. long, straight or curved; surface dull and usually roughened by many small tubercles more or less distinctly arranged in ten rows, indistinctly few-tubercled or nearly smooth, but commonly more or less evidently ten-ribbed; base tipped by the rounded, whitish scar; apex rounded or slightly pointed; color varying from light to dark brown. ( Fig. 25. ) Found occasionally, but never abundantly, in both American and European bluegrass seed. If 5 4 b Fig. 25. — Seeds of dog ienneli Anthemis eoUda): a, side views; 6, natural size of seeds. Chenopodium album L. lamb's-quarters, pigweed. Seeds nearly circular, lens-shaped, with blunt edges, 1-1^ mm. in diameter, occur- ring in commercial seeds as free seeds or as fruits, the seeds proper being invested by the thin pericarp; free seeds jet black, smooth or nearly so, and highly polished; scar occu- pying a curved groove extending from the cen- ter to the edge of one face and usually evident as a light-colored line; fruits only slightly larger than the seeds, mostly gray or black and dull; pericarp wall often broken away, expos- ing theshining black surfaceoftheseed; again, this wall and the seed coat are often broken, exposing the yellowish or whitish embryo and endosperm; embryo cylindrical, occupying the border of the seed and surrounding the endosperm, its extremities almost meet- ing, the tip of the caulicle occupying an extension of the seed coat at the edge beside the scar. (Fig. 26.) Found chiefly in Kentucky bluegrass and Canada bluegrass seeds, but not frequently and never abun- dantly. Plantago lanceolata L. Fig. 26.— Seeds of lamb's-quarters (Chenopo- dium album): o, various forms of seeds; 6, natural size of seeds. b % Fig. 27. — Seeds of rib-grass {Plan- tago lanceolata): a, front and back views of seeds; b, natural size of seeds. RIB-GRASS, BUCKHORN, ENGLISH PLANTAIN. Seeds oval-oblong, lf-3 mm. long, flattened, one face convex, the other having a deep groove and rounded, infolded edges which scarcely meet at one end; surface smooth or slightly uneven, shining in fresh seed, brown or somewhat amber-colored; scar situated at the center of the grooved face; embryo straight, in the center of the endosperm, usually evident through the somewhat transparent endosperm and seed coat. When placed in water the seeds develop a coat of transparent mucilage. (Fig. 27.) Small seeds are found to some extent in both American and European seed; more commonly in Kentucky bluegrass than in Canada bluegrass seed. 36 THE SEEDS OF THE BLUEGKASSES. Rumex crispus L. CURLED DOCK. Seeds (akenes) I5-2I mm. long, triangular with equal faces and broadly ovate- lanceolate; color dark reddish brown; surface smooth, polished; apex acute; base obtuse, contracted, and narrowly truncate at the scar; edges narrowly margined; faces longitudinally concave in poorly developed seeds; true seed coat thin; embryo cylindrical, rest- ing in the center of one face of the endosperm; caulicle pointing to the base of the akene. (Fig. 28. ) Found occasionally, especially in Kentucky blue- grass and in Canada bluegrass seeds; small, imper- fectly developed seed more commonly found than large, heavy seed. Their sharply three-angled, beechnut-like form distinguishes them from other impurities, except one or two other kinds of dock. The docks are destructive weeds, and care should be taken to prevent the sowing of their seeds. Rumex acetosella L. sheep's sorrel, sorrel. Fig. 28.— Seeds of curled dock (Kh- mex crispus): a. broad and narrow forms; h, natural .size of seeds. Fig. 29.— Seeds of sorrel (Rumex acetosella): a, b, and c, seed enveloped by the perianth; d, seed with perianth removed; e, natural size of seeds. Seeds (fruits) acutely oval, three-angled, with equal faces, 1-lj mm. long; repre- sented in commercial seed by the seed-like akene only or by the akene covered by the thin, closely fitting perianth segments, which are six in number, three broad ones covering the sides of the akene and three small ones cover- ^^^ v^Jk /^fe. .^tk. • ing the angles at the base; covered by the perianth, the seeds are finely roughened, dull, and red- dish brown ; venation of the three broad segments evident; small segments at the basal angles often broken away; akenes but slightly smaller than when covered by the perianth, bluntly three-angled; surface smooth, somewhat polished, reddish brown or wine colored, often semitranslucent; angles dark at the apex; internal structure essentially the same as in Mnmex crispus. (Fig. 29.) One of the commonest impurities in commercial seed, found in all seed of the cultivated bluegrasses. Veronica arvensis L. CORN SPEEDWELL. Seeds 5-f mm. long, flattened and thin, more or less regularly oval, jjlane or sometimes curved face- wise; center of the inner face marked by the relatively large, raised chalaza, which is united by a narrow ridge (the raphe) to the scar on the edge of the smaller extremity of the seed; external face slightly ridged longitudinally, indicat- ing the position of the embryo, which is surrounded by the endosperm; surface dull, finely roughened by somewhat radially-disposed ridges, and reddish yellow. (Fig. 30.) Fig. 30. — Seeds of corn speedwell ( Veronica arvensis): a and 6, front views, c, back view; d, natural size of seeds. WEED SEEDS FOUND WITH BLUEGRASS SEEDS. 37 Found in bluegrass seed of various species, especially common in seed of Kentucky bluegrass. The relatively prominent chalaza and the radially uneven surface dis- tinguish them from the seed of the closely allied Veronica peregrina, which sometimes occurs in commercial seed. Juncus tenuis Willd. SLENDER RUSH. Seeds very minute, about | mm. long, broadly spindle- shaped, the extremities usually slightly curved; surface (as seen under a lens) nearly smooth; color reddish yellow, darker at the extremities, which sometimes bear a small white tissue. (Fig. .31.) Often quite abundant in poorly cleaned Kentucky bluegrass seed, sometimes cling ing in bunches of several seeds each. Juncoides campestre (L.) Kuntze. Fiii. 31. — Seeds of slender rush {Junciiste^mis): a, seeds en- larged; 6, natural size of seeds. 0 9 FIELD RUSH. i Fig. 32. — Seeds of field rush {Jun- coides campestre): a, different views; b, natural size of seeds. Seeds Ij-li mm. long, oval, not flattened, the ex- tremities unequally pointed, the l;)asal extremity turned slightly to one side and consisting of soft white or yellowish tissue; a narrow and often indistinctly de- fined whitish ridge extends from the base to the apex; body of the seed wine-colored and semitranslucent or grayish. (Fig. 32.) Found frequently in the seed of wood meadow grass and of the Poa sudetica of European origin. Juncoides albida DC WOOD RUSH. Seeds 1-1 J nim. long, narrowly oval, not flattened; base without an appendage of soft tissue; apex more acutely pointed than the l)ase; a distinct brown or reddish brown ridge joins the base and apex; body of the seed reddish brown or wine- colored, often semitranslucent. ( Fig. 33. ) Found in various species of European-grown blue- grass seed. The usually smaller size, absence of the basal appendage, and more distinct and constant re of Agaricus campestris upon the spores, as announced in the statement that " if a few spores are able to germinate under the cultural conditions, or if a bit of the mycelium of Agaricus campestris be introduced into the culture, the growth resulting will in either case cause or make possible the germination of nearly all the spores of the culture, pro- vided, of course, that the other conditions are not such as to inhibit germination." The stimulus would seem to be of enzymatic nature. No other mycelium tested produced a similar effect. This was a distinct advance in our knowledge of factors influencing germination. The stimulus, however, could only be looked upon as perhaps a substitu- tion stimulus. It did not seem possible that it could obtain in nature, nor could it be looked upon as wholly satisfactory from a practical point of view. Miss Ferguson's results offered encouragement; but, nevertheless, the problems with Agaricus campestris and related species were left open for further investigation. It should, perhaps, be emphasized that prior to 1902 no method had been published, so far as can be learned, whereby one might be able to obtain with uniformity the germination of Agaricus campestris. It is quite certain that Chev- reul and others obtained at best only erratic results. Nevertheless, as early as 1893 Costantin and Matruchot ^ annomiced that a method had been developed bj^ them whereby they were able to germinate the a Ferguson, M. C. A Preliminary Study of the Germination of the Spores of Agaricus Campestris and Other Basidiomyce^ jUS Fungi. Bulletin No. 16, Bu- reau of Plant Industry, V. S. Dept. Agriculture, pp. 1-4.*^. 1002. & Costantin and Matruchot. Nouveau i)roci'd(' de culture du champignon de couche. Compt. Rend, de I'Acad. des Sci., 117 (2) : 70-72. (Compare, also. Bui. Soc. de Biol., 2 December, 1893.) 14 MUSHROOM GROWING AND SPAWN MAKING. spores and to grow in pure culture the mycelium of Ar/ariru.<^ earn- pestris. Information concerning the details of the method emploj^ed Avas avoided in the reports of this announcement and in subsequent references to the process.** In the first announcement the method is stated as follows : Method followed. — The spores are collected free from contaminations, arid in order to preserve them in that condition are sown on a certain sterilized nutritive medium. We obtain in this manner a twisted mycelium which con- stitutes pure spawn. By repeated -cultures on an identical substratum the spawn can be multiplied indefinitely, and is transferred at a proper time to sterilized manui'e, where it develops abundantly in several weeks. At that stage it possesses the characteristic appearance and odor of natural spawn. It can then be sown in a bed of ordinary manure, to which it adheres and where it grows and fruits normally. In the later paper cited, writing of the recent improvements in mushroom culture, Costantin expresses himself as follows: We have succeeded in manufacturing an artificial spawai obtained from the spore germinated on a medium free from contamination. It is then pure spawm. We can state further that it is virgin spawn. In 1897 Eepin ^ claimed to have independently arrived at results similar to those obtained by Costantin and Matruchot. Concerning his germination studies he says : It is only recently that the study of this question has been renewed, inde- pendently and simultaneously by Costantin and Matruchot. There is nothing unusual in the germination of the spores of Agaricus. Spores can be germinated on media such as used in bacteriology, on wet sand, or in moist air as well as on manure. Without doubt, germination is not pro- duced with the same spontaneity and rapidity as in the case of the si)ores of lower fungi, which fact makes it necessary to promote the process by some artifices, but they are only sleight-of-hand tricks, variable according to the operators, and which are acquired after some unsuccessful attempts. The spores which should germinate (and these are always in the minority) begin by swelling. This very simple method makes it possible to obtain virgin spawn at pleasure. It is ai)plied industrially in the manufacture of spawn of Agaricus from cultures which I have made. So far as the writer has been able to ascertain, therefore, no descrip- tion of the method employed by the above writers is to be found. The report of Miss Ferguson's work is accordingly the only available scientific record defining the conditions under which germination had been constantly obtained up to this time. Experimental work. — The writer has been able to confirm Miss Fer- guson's work repeatedly, and at the same time numerous series of experiments have been made to test further the possibility of influenc- o Constantin. ,1. La culture du champignon de couche et ses recent perfection- nements. Extrait du Revue Scientifique. April, 1894. 6 Repin. C. Le blanc vierge de semis pour la culture du champignon de couche. Revue Uencrale des Sciences. (September 15, 1897.) GERMINATION STUDIES. 15 inof sfermination bv chemical stimuli. In distilled water, on the one hand, and in plant decoctions (such as decoctions of beans, sugar beets, mushrooms, potatoes, etc.) and in bouillon, on the other hand, there have been tested a large number of inorganic and organic salts, carbohydrates, nitrogenous compounds, and active enzymes. The results of one series of experiments are tabulated in detail. In g(nieral, it has been found that dulcite, monobasic magnesium phosphate, magnesium phosphite, magnesium potassium ammonium phosphate, ammonium molybdate, magnesium lactophosphate, dibasic calcium phosphate, and other salts, especially phosphates, have in one medium or another been more or less effective as stimuli for germina- tion. Unfortunately, none of the substances mentioned, apparently, are very strong stimuli ; they are unable to cause invariable germina- tion in all nutrient media. Moreover, in subsequent series, where the conditions have been the same, within experimental possibilities, wholly analogous results have not always been obtained. No account lias been taken, however, of the particular variety of Agaricus cam- pestris from which the spores were obtained, and it may be that this will influence the results. It is to be noted from the following table that Miss Ferguson's method of employing living bits of mycelium was modified by the use of small pieces of the inner tissue of a young mushroom taken under sterile conditions. It was found that often a new growth of mycelium was developed from this tissue. Whenever this growth appeared, the influence upon spores in the drop culture was, as might be expected, the same as had been demonstrated for the living mycelium. Frequently a few spores germinated within from three to five days. The most interesting conclusion, however, which could be draAvn from the cultures in which small bits of tissue were used was the following: Under favorable conditions a small piece of the inner growing tissue of a mushroom is capable of producing a mycelium with great readi- ness. This fact has been utilized, as shown in detail later, in the development of a new and effective method of securing pure cultures of fleshy fungi in general. Table I. — Extent of germination. No. Media. After 8 days. After 5 days. Distilled water (a — .5 spores As before. 1 V' — None Bouillon Do. 2 None None 3 i per cent KH0PO4 . do Do 4 i per cent KH0PO4 in bouillon . . . do Do. 5 J per cent K0HPO4 do.. Do. 6 i per cent K0HPO4 in bouillon . . . do Do. 7 i per cent NaoHP04 do Do. 8 i per cent NaoHP04 in bouillon. . do Do. 9 i per cent (NH4)oHP04 do Do. 10 i per cent (NH4)2HPOi in bou- illon. do Do. 6329— No. 85—05 m- 16 MUSHROOM GROWING AND SPAWN MAKING. Table I. — Extent of germination — Continued. No. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 33 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Media. i per cent MgH4(P04)o i per cent MgH4(P04)2 with bou- illon. f per cent MgHP04. i per cent MgHP04 in bouillon . Iper centMg(NH4)P04 I per cent Mg(NH4)P04 in bou- illon. I per cent MgK{NH4)P04---. Iper cent MgK(NH4)H2(P04) bouillon. lain I per cent (NH4)oC4H40o I per cent (NH4)2C4H40,i in bou- illon. I per cent magnesium lactophos- phate. i per cent magnesium lactophos- phate in bouillon. iper cent Ca2Ho(P04)2 i per cent Ca..H.r(P04 )•> in bouillon i per cent KCHOo ...'. __.. I per cent MgHPOij \ per cent MgHPOs in bouillon, _ iper cent MgK(NH4)H2(P04)2 in mushroom decoction. i per cent KH2PO4 in mushroom decoction. J per cent K0HPO4 in mushroom decoction. J per cent NaoHP04 in mush- room decoction. I per cent ( NH4)2HP04 in mush- room decoction. i per cent MgHP04 in mush- room decoction. do_ i per cent Mg(NH4)P04 in mush- room decoction. i^ per cent (NH4)2C4H40oinmush- room decoction. i per cent magnesium lactophos- phate in mushroom decoction. i per cent Ca2H2(P04)2 in mush- room decoction. i per cent KCHOo in mushroom decoction. i per cent MgHPOa in mush- room decoction. Decoction of mushrooms . . _ After 3 days Living tissue of mushroom in mushroom decoction. ....do 10 spores fa— 1 spore . . . [6— None None a — 10 spores . None 2 spores . Few spores do fa — None . \6— None.. 10 spores do.... do.... None 10 spores . None 10 spores . do.... do.... None. .do. Few spores . 1 or 2 spores Few spores . 10-50 per cent . Few spores 2 per cent . . . 10 spores 5-8 per cent . 2-3 per cent . ^1-2 per cent f o — 2 per cent {b — Very few spores a — Few spores « 6— None'' _.. (o— Few spores" 16— None!* After 5 days. .50 per cent. 3 per cent. None. (Do. 1 1 per cent. Germinated spores badly injured. None. As before; injured. 5 per cent. Do. Few spores. 10 per cent. As before; injured. 5-10 per cent. 2-5 per cent. 1-2 per cent. Injured. 1-2 per cent. 10-50 per cent. 1 per cent. 1-2 per cent. None. Do. Injured. Few spores. 2-5 per cent. 10-20 per cent. Contaminated. Contaminated; 5 0 per cent, but injured. 3-5 per cent; injured. 10 per cent. 10-20 per cent. 0—5 per cent. 6— Contaminated 2 per cent. 1-2 per cent. 12 spores. As before. None. {1 " In this cell the tissue developed a new growth. '' No growth from tissue introduced. On account of the fact that magnesium phosphite and magnesium potassium ammonium phosphate had in most cases proved to be stimuli for germination, experiments were next made to determine the efficiency of these salts on various media, as indicated in the table on the following page. GERMINATION STUDIES. Table II. — Efflciencij of salts on various media. 17 Nature of compost. Appearance after 25 days. Nature of compost. Appearance aftei 25 days. Well-rotted stable manure." Do. b ... . No growth. Fine growth. One, fair growth: one, good growth. No growth. One, good growth; one, slight growth. One, good growth; one, fine growth. One, good growth; one, slight growth. Well-rotted cow ma- nure. f> Peatymold" Do.6 Maryland peatn Do.& Well-rotted Ginkgo leaf mold." Do.& Good growth. No growth. Do! Do. Do. Do. One, no growth; growth. Fine growth. Half-rotted stable manure. « Do-f* Fresh stable manure o Do.6 Well-rotted cow ma- nure. " Cotton-seed motes «. Do.6- one, fine " Watered with concentrated solution of magnesium phosphite. ' Watered with strong solution of magnesium potassium ammonium phosphate. Large test tubes were used in these experiments, and duplicate cultures were made in every instance. From these and from numer- ous other cultures it was ascertained that germination could not be obtained invariably, even on favorable media and under pure-culture conditions, by the use of these partial stimuli. Nevertheless, the percentage of failures has usually been small. By means of the stimulus given by magnesium phosphite it has also been possible to get growth from the spores in test-tube cultures with gray filter paper as the solid substratum and various plant decoctions and cul- ture solutions as the nutrients. Details of these results, however, may be omitted. In many cases it has been possible to obtain growth from the spores by the use of the stimulating salts Avhich have been mentioned in connection with the germination studies. Where it is desired to make experiments along this line the writer has found it more practicable to use spores from a mushroom as young as possible. If one takes a mushroom just at the time that the veil is breaking, inoculations may be readily made from the spores and few contami- nations will result. In this case, by means of a sterile needle, or scalpel, a few spores may be removed from the spore-bearing, or gill, surface and these may be transferred to the tubes in the same way as Avere bits of the fresh tissue. It is also possible to secure a spore print from a mushroom the gill surface of which has not been exposed to germs of the atmosphere. In the latter case it is desir- able to remove stem and partial veil, peel off the incurved edges of the cap which have been in contact with the soil, and place the cap, gill surface downward, in a sterilized dish or on sterile paper. If this is then kept free from dust, a spore print may be obtained, which should not be contaminated by foreign germs. This print may then be used in making a large number of spore cultures. Experiments were also made in which pots of unsterile composts and manures were inoculated, on the one hand, with spores, and, on 18 MUSHROOM GROWING AND SPAWN MAKING. the other hand, for control purposes, with spawn from pure cultures. The duration of the experiments was two months. Some of these pots were watered with a mineral nutrient solution including as one constituent magnesium phosphite, designated A', others with the same solution to which was also added a small quantity of dried blood, designated Y, and the remainder with pure water. The results are tabulated as follows: Table III. — Extent of growth of spores and spaxcn in pots. Spores Spores Spawn Spawn Spawn Cattle ma- Fresla stable: g.^^j^ OW^^\-ble ! qj^ ^^^^^ nure,old. ^^|°,^^|. j manure. ^^|^^^^|. , manure. fa — Good ... None ! Slight None ' None. lb— None do do ' do do. fa— Good ... Very good. do I do do.. \h— Do. do do ' do do.. /a— Slight .. Slight i None I do do. \6— Do. .....do Slight... .'_-.. do do.. fa— None... None Good ' do ' do.. -..-do Slight----'.--. do do.- Slight do. --.'---. do ----do-- do I None L.. do do.. b— Do. a— None 6— Do. I Fertilizer. Y. Y. X. X. Y. Y. X. X. None. Do. TISSUE CULTURES. The suggestion which had presented itself of using bits of living tissue from a sporophore instead of spores seemed also, from general observations, to be of sufficient importance to Avarrant a thorough trial. During moist weather, or in a moist cellar where mushrooms are being grown, one will frequently find that an injury in a young mushroom is rapidl.y healed by a growth of hyphse from the edges of the injured area. The same thing had been noted in the open in the case of putt'balls. In many instances, moreover, pure cultures of fungi in other groups have been obtained by the use of small bits of a sclerotial mass of tissue. Accordingly, a young sporophore of Agaricus campestris was obtained, and after breaking it open longi- tudinally a number of pieces of tissue from Avithin were carefully removed with a sterile scalpel to a sterile Petri dish. A number of cultures were then made by this tissue-culture method on a variety of nutrient media, such as bean pods, manure, leaf mold, etc. From this and from numerous other similar tests it was ascertained that when the mushrooms, from which the nocules of tissue are taken, are young and healthy, there is seldom an instance in which growth does not result. It was easily shown that failure to grow was gen- erally due to the advanced age of the mushroom used, to an unfavor- able medium, or to bacterial contamination. The first successful pure cultures were made by this method during the early spring of 1902 from mushrooms grown indoc^rs. During TISSUE CULTURES. 19 the following summer, or as other fleshy fungi appeared in the open, cultures were made from other forms in order to determine the general ai^plicability of the method. The experiments were success- ful in most cases, although it was found almost impossible to obtain certain species of fungi in a condition young enough to be free from bacterial infestation. In general, the method seemed to commend itself strongly as a means of procuring pure cultures of desirable edible species, particularly of those species the spores of which could not be obtained pure or which could not be readily germinated. During the two subsequent seasons this method lias been employed with a great variety of fungi representing many natural orders. No systematic endeavor has been made to determine the limitations of the tissue-culture method as applied to Basidiomycetes, but, inci- dental to the general studies, cultures have been made from forms differing very widely, not only in relationship but also in texture and in habitat. In all there is a record of 69 species having been tested upon one or another u)edium. In a few cases the cultures have invariably been contaminated, and it is to be supposed, perhaps, that the plants were collected in a condition too old for the purpose in hand. In only about ten forms has it seemed that there is no evident reason for the failure to develop mycelium. Of the remainder fully 40 have grown promptly on the media employed. The table following indicates the names of the species employed and the results obtained. It must be said, however, that cultures of a number of species were made of which no record was kept; among these, also, some grew and some failed. Table IV. — Results obtained from different si)ecies. Fungus. Num- ber of cul- tures.a Substratum. Result. Agar icus ar vensis Few. 1 oc oc oc 1 Few. 1 2 3 cc 2 2 1 Beans, manure, leaves, etc Beans Rapid growth. Agaricus augustus Agaricus campesti-is (various varieties). Agaricus f abaceus Beans, manure, leaves, etc do Rapid growth. Do Agaricus f abaceus var do Do Agaricus placomyces Beans Some growth. Rapid growth. Agaricus villaticus _ Manure, leaves, etc Amanita frostiana Leaves Amanita muscaria Beans . Do Amanita verna .... do Do Amanitopsis vaginata _. do _.. Do Armillaria mellea . Beans, leaves, dead wood, etc... Beans Rapid growth. Slow growth. No growth. Boletinus porosus __ Boletus felleus do Boletus miniato-violaceus _ . . do Boletus i)eckii 2 Few. Few. do- Bovistella ohiensis Beans, leaves, etc do Rapid growth. Do. Calvatia craniif ormis Calvatia c vathif orme oc Few. 1 1 Beans, leaves, soil, etc Do Calvatia rubro-flava. _ _ Beans, leaves, etc.. Do Cantharellus cibarius Beans do No growth. Clavaria formosa n oc indicates an indefinite nuTiber. 20 MUSHROOM GROWING AND SPAWN MAKING. Table IV. — Results obtained from Oiffereut species — Continued. Fungus. Num- ber of cul- tures. Substratum. Result. Clitocy be illudens Clitocybe sp.? Clitopiliis pruuulus Colly l)ia platyphylla Colly bia raclicata CoUy bia velutipes Copinnus atramentarius . . Coprinus comatus — Copriuus flmetarius Coprinus micaceus.- Cortinar ius armillatus Cortinarius castaneus Cortinarius sp. y Daedalia quercina Hydnum caput medusae. . Hydnum coralloides- Hydnum erinaceum Laotarius corr ugis (?) Lactarius piperatus Lactarius volemus Do - Lepiota americana Lepiota morgan! Lepiota procera Lepiota rhacodes - Lycoperdon gemmatum . Lycoperdon wrightii Morcuella esculenta Gluteus cervinus . _ Pleurotus ostreatus Pleurotus ixlmarius Pholiota adiposa Polyporus betulinus Polyporus intybaceus Polyporus sulphureus Polystictus cinnabarinus Riissula adusta Russula emetica Russula sp Russula sordida Russula virescens Seeotium acuminatum Strobilomyces strobilaceus . Stropharia sp Ti-emella mycetophila Tricholoma personatum Tricholoma russula 2 2 Pew. 1 Pew. oc oc Few. oc 1 1 Few. Few. 1 2 2 Few. oc 1 oc 1 2 cc Few. 2 1 2 Few. - oc 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 oc Pew. Few. 2 1 1 1 1 2 Beans ....do Beans, manure, etc Beans .__.do ....do... _ Beans, leaves, manure, etc. Beans, manure, leaves, etc. Beans, leaves ___ Beans, leaves, manure, etc . Beans do _ Beans, leaves, manure Beans, leaves, manure, etc. Beans do do - Beans and leaves do. _ Acid beans Beans do do Beans, leaves, etc do Beans Sod Beans and leaves do Beans, leaves, manure, etc. Beans Beans and leaves Beans do Beans and leaves do Beans Beans, etc Beans . do. do do. do do.. do.... Beans and manure Beans and leaves . . Some growth. Rapid growth. Some gi-ew well. No growth. Good growth. Do. Rapid growth. Do. Do. Do. Contaminated. Do. Good growth. Rapid growth. Good growth. Do. Do. Slight growth, one. No growth. Some growth. No growth. Some growth. Rapid gi'owth. Do. Good growth. Do. Do. Some growth. Rapid growth. Do. No growth. Slow growth. Do. Rapid growth. Good growth. No growth. Often contaminated but some grew. No growth. Do. Do. Slow growth. No growth. Conta minated . No growth. Good growth. Do. It is not to be understood that the faihires recorded in the forego- ing table indicate that these species will not grow. The evidence is that they did not grow upon the media used, and it is very probable that most of these could be propagated in culture by this method if a systematic attempt were made to determine what substrata are desirable. The writer believes that this statement holds true particu- larly in the case of certain species of Boletus. No attempt was macle to cultivate Boleti in any other way than upon bean pods. A few mycelial threads Avere developed in such cases, but these failed to grow upon the bean, apparently dying before even the nutrients in the fragment of tissue were exhausted. - It is interesting to note that many of the fungi which have given good growth have not hitherto been grown in pure culture. Accord- oCostantin et Matruohot. Sur la production du mycelium des champignon sui)erieurs. Extrait Compt. Rend. d. Seances de la Soc. de Biologic. January. TISSUE CULTURES. 21 ing to Costantin and Matriichot," Van Tiegheiii (1876) produced the mycelium of Coprinus in pure culture. Later, Brgfeld " accom- plished the same result with many species of Coprinus. and also with Armillaria meUea. Costantin has also published a number of brief papers, or announcements, of successful cultures upon artificial media of the mycelium of several fleshy fimgi. ^osidefi Agm^icus campestris^ he has grown the mycelium of Amanita rubescens, Armillaria mellea^ Gollyhia velutipes^ Lepiota procera^ Marasmius oreades, Trieholoma nudum^ Pleurotus ostreatus^ Pholiota aegerita^ Coprinus comatus, Polyporus tnheraster^ P. frondosus^ Hydnum coralloides^ Morchella esculentu, and perhaps a few others. He has also grown to maturity sporojDhores of Agarlcus campestris^ Coprinus comatus^ and Tri- choloma nudum. Unfortunately, Costantin seldom indicates the substratum upon which his cultures were made. Falck ^ reports having produced in culture the sporophores of CoUyhia velutipes, Phlehia ?nerismoides, Hypholoma fa^scicidare., Chalymotta campanu- lata., and Coprinus ephemerus in his studies upon the connection of oidial stages with perfect forms of the Basidiomycetes. In the work of the writer so far no special attempt has been made to obtain the sporophores of the fungi cultivated except in the case of Agaricus campestris. Nevertheless, the following species have fruited in pure culture upon the media indicated : Medium. Agaricus campestris Manure. Agaricus fabaceus Manure. Agaricus amygdalinus Manure. Armillaria mellea Beans. Bovistella ohiensis Soil. Calvatia cyathiforme Soil. Calvatia rubro-flava Soil. Cortinarius sp Soil. Coprinus comatus Leaves. Coprinus fimetarius Leaves. Coprinus solstitialis (?) Leaves, etc. Daedalia quercina Leaves, etc. Hydnum coralloides Beans. Lycoperdon wrightii Soil. Pleurotus ostreatus Beans and manure. Pleurotus ulmarius Manure. In some in.stances the sporophores have been minute, owing to the small quantity of the culture medium. a Brefeld. O. Tenters, aus d. C}esammtgel)ipte d. Mykologie. S. f), 10. 6 Falclv, R. Die Cultur der Oidien und die Riickfiibrung in die tiohere Frucbr- form bei den Basidiomyceteu. Cobn's Beitriige /ur Biologie der I'tiauzeu, 8: 307-346 (Pis. 12-17). 22 MUSHROOM GROWING AND SPAWN MAKING. From the standpoint of obtaining pure cnltnres, the tissue-culture method is capable of very general application. Three considerations render it particularly important, as follows: (1) WTien a suitable culture medium is at hand, a pure culture may be obtained almost invariably from a young, healthy plant. (2) Cultures may be made from fungi the spores of which have never been brought to germina- tion. (3) Pure cultures are made by direct inoculation; that is, dilution cultures are rendered wholly superfluous. In the case of Agaricus campestris and other Basidiomycetes, in which the gill- bearing surface is protected until the spores are produced, it is pos- sible, with the precautions previously mentioned, to obtain the spores pure, or practically pure, and at the same time in considerable quan- tity. This is not possible with the great majority of fleshy fungi, which are truly gymnocarpous. Again, members of the genus Cop- rinus are deliquescent, and here it is impracticable to secure spores by the spore-print method. In the Lycoperdacese and other Gaster- omycetes it has been found that bacteria are frequently present in the tissues by the time the spores are formed, and, even if the spores could be germinated, direct cultures would perhaps be seldom possi- ble. By the tissue method it is only necessary that the plant shall be so young that the cells of the tissue are capable of growth and that there are no foreign organisms present in the tissue. In this connec- tion it may be stated that in the Phallinea?, Hymenogastrinea?, and Lycoperdinea3 no representative has been germinated, while in the Plectobasidinese germination is known only in the case of Spliaero- holus stellatus and PisolHhus crassipes. "VMien the natural conditions of germination shall have been more definitely ascertained, direct spore-culture methods should in prac- tice, perhaps, replace the pure tissue-culture methods in making virgin spawn. This would render unnecessary a tedious portion of the work, and the process of spawn making would be thereby made less expensive. A discussion of the respective practical merits of the spore and tissue methods would not be complete Avithout reference to the comparative vigor, or productive power, of the resulting mycelium. In the growth of the mycelium no difference could be detected. The writer has also grown mushrooms from spawn produced by both of these methods; but the results do not indicate that there is any advantage for the one over the other. It is believed, therefore, that the processes of basidial and spore formation are in this regard relatively unessential, or at least do not intensify whatever invigoration may, in general, result from mere sporophore production. It is to be expected, perhaps, that any and all colls of the sporoj^hore may be invigorated by whatever is to be gained by the assemblage, or concentration, in the ditferen- NUTRITION. 23 tiated sporophore, of food products collected by a ramifying myce- lium. According to the studies of Harper," Maire,'' and others, there is no sexual fusion in the case of the Basidiomycetes which have been studied. Tayo nuclei are present in the cells of the sporophore, but these are associated conjugate nuclei, and the fusion of these in the basidium is generally considered in no sense an act of fertilization, but rather a form of nuclear reduction. Maire states that the cells of the mycelium obtained by the germination of the basidiospore are uninucleate. It has not yet been ascertained when or how the binu- cleate condition arises. NUTRITION. Although Agaricus eampestris has been cultivated for so long a time, it does not seem that it has previously been subjected to careful experimentation from the point of view of nutrition. The belief generally prevalent is that the most essential factor in the nutrition of the mushroom is the " ammonia " of the manure or compost. Again, it is claimed that organic Avaste products, such as those indi- cated, must undergo a process of fermentation, or " preparation," in order to furnish the necessary nutrients for the growing mycelium. This idea, as will be seen later, is merely based upon casual observa- tions " in nature," and it is found wholly erroneous when tested for its fundamental worth by the elimination of other factors of the com- post environment. Growth on manure and other complex media. — Early in this inves- tigation it was ascertained that the mycelium of Agaricus eampestris in pure cultures would grow luxuriantly on fresh stable manure, and as a rule upon the same product in any stage of fermentation or decomposition. In some instances, undoubtedly, fresh manure may contain injurious compounds; somewhat oftener the same is true for the fermented product. In some instances it is desirable to dry or thoroughly air the fresh manure before use. Fresh manure from grass-fed animals is not to be recommended. The mycelium also grows luxuriantly on bean stems or pods, on half-rotted leaves of deciduous trees, on rich soil, on well-rotted sawdust, and on a variety of other substances. It does not grow readily upon peaty products. Some of the more promising edible species were cultivated in various media in order to obtain an idea of the comparative value of these media in furnishing a nutrient to particular forms. It is not possible, of course, to base definite conclusions upon results obtained « Harper, R. A. Binucleate cells in certain Ilymenomycetes. Bot. Gaz., 83: 1-2.3. 1902. ^ INIaire, R. Recherches cytologiques et taxonomiqiies sur les Basidiomycetes. Bui. Soc. Myc. de France, 18 : 1-209. 1902. 24 MUSHKOOM GROWING AND SPAWN MAKING. from pure cultures, since the presence of particular foreign organisms in the substratum under natural conditions is perhaps quite as im- portant a consideration as that of the specific nutrient value of the substratum. The following results are, however, suggestive : 1. Agaric-US campestris. Leaves — good groAvth throughout. f},o\\ — fair growth, with tendency to become threaded early. Manure — good growth tliroughout. Beans — good growth throughout. Sugar beet — fair grox^tli. spreading very slowly. Potato — slight growth, spreading very slowly. Corn meal — slight growth, spreading slowly, soon becoming brown. 2. Agaricus fabaceus. I^ea^es — very good growth, rapidly filling tube. Soil — good growth, but slower than the above. Manure — good growth, but slower than the above. Beans — very dense growth, soon filling whole tube. Sugar beet — good growth : somewhat less rapid and abundant than the above. 3. Agaricus villaticus. Practically the same as Agarirus campestris. 4. Agaricus fabaceus var. Practiciilly the same as Agaricus fabaceus. 5. Bovistella ohiensis. Leaves — good growth throughout. Soil — growth throughout, but sparse and threadlike. Manure — good growth throughout. Beans — good growth ; appressed. Sugar beet — very slight growth. G. Calvatia cyathiforme. Leaves — very good growth throughout. Soil — good growth ; quite as rapid as above. Manure — practically no growth. Beans — good growth, but spreads very slowly. Sugar beet — slight growth. 7. Calvatia craniiformis. Practically the same as above. 8. Calvatia rubro-flava. Practically the same as in the other species of this genus, but spreads somewhat more slowly on soil. ' 9. Coprinus atramentarius. Leaves — very good growth throughout. Soil — slight growth. Manure — fair growth, but very slow. Beans — very good growth. 10. Coprinus comatus. Leaves — very good growth throughout ; rai>id. Soil — good growth. Manure — very good growth throughout ; rapid. Beans — very good growth throughout; rapid. Sugar beet — very slow growth. NUTRITION. 25 11. Lepiota rhaeodes. Leaves — very siood growth. Soil — slight growth. Manure — slight growth. Beans — very good growth throughout. Sugar beet — very good growth throughout. 12. Morehella esculenta. Leaves — very good growth ; mycelium never dense. Soil — very little growth. Manure — very slight growth. Beans — very good growth. Sugar beet — good growth, l»ut slower than above. 13. rieurotus ostreatus. Leaves — very good growth ; rapid. Soil — fair growth. Manure — good growth. Beans — very good growth ; rapid. Sugar beet — slight growth ; very slow. 14. Pleurotus ulmarius. Practically the same as Pleurotus o.streatus. 15. Polyporus sulphureus. Leaves — fair growth: al)un(lant, tilling tube. Soil — fair growth. Manure — fair growth, but very slow. Beans — very good growth, rapidly tilling tube. Sugar beet— fair growth; much lighter mycelium than the above, with prompt oidial development. IC. Tricholoma personatum. Leaves — very good growth throughout. Soil — very good growth throughout. Manure — growth slow, but eventually good. Beans — good growth throughout. Plates II, III, and IV show some of the more important of these species. Taking into consideration the variable qnality of the stable manure which may be obtained at all seasons, the value of half-rotted decid- uous leaves as a substratum for Basidiomycetes is worthy of special emphasis. The writer has found such material more readily sterilized than manure, and usually more prompt than the latter to give growth. In order to test in pure cultures the probable effect of fertilizers as indicated by any marked increase in the rapidity of growth of the mycelium, experiments were made by adding a small quantity of ordinary nutrient salts to test tubes containing manure. A chlorid and a nitrate of the following salts were employed, viz, ammonium, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. In addition, dibasic potassium phosphate and also sodium chlorid, as Avell as control cultures, were used. Three tubes were employed with each of the compounds men- tioned. There was no marked difference in the amount or rapidity of the growth noted, as found by comparing the averages of growth. 26 MUSHROOM GROWING AND SPAWN MAKING. It seemed possible, however, that some slight advantage resulted from the calcium compounds, but there was no pronounced benefit in any tube. Further reference is made to the use of nutrient salts in mush- room growing in another chapter. Growth on chemically known media. — In an attempt to determine somewhat more accurately the value of different compounds as nutrients, particularly carbohydrate and nitrogenous substances, sev- eral series of extensive tests have been made with Agaricus camfes- tris, and also with Agcmcus fahaceus and Goprinus comatns. These fungi do not grow readily in liquid media, and it has been difficult to obtain a wholly reliable and satisfactory substratum, one which would itself be practically pure, or well known, chemically, and at the same time effective for its purpose. After unsatisfactory at- tempts with various gelatinous solid media, with charcoal, etc., it was decided that the commercial gray filter paper had more to recom- mend it than any other substance suggested. Accordingly, all ex- periments were made in Erlenmeyer flasks of 150 c. c. capacity, and in each flask was placed about 6 grams of this paper wadded into pellets. The latter was moistened in each case with the nutrient solution used. The flasks were subsequently sterilized in the auto- clave and then inoculated with a very minute fragment of straw with the fresh mycelium from a pure culture on manure. Tabulation of special results. — In the following tables are given the results of two out of several series of experiments, which have been conducted in order to throw some light on the point just dis- cussed. These tables include, also, many cultures on media of un- known composition. ^ Table V. — Results of f/rowth on iiirdia — First series of experiments. No. Medium. Extent of growth. la lb 2a 2b 3a 3b 4a 4b 5a 5b 6a 6b 7a 7b 8a 8b Oa 9b 10a 10b 11a lib 12a 12b 13a 13b JDt. HoO - [solution A -- - - [■Solution A and cane sugar, li per cent ■Cane sugar, l.j per cent : [solution A and lactose, IJ^ per cent _ - - . [Lactose, li per cent _ [solution A and glycerin, IJ per cent [Glycerin, 1^ percent [solution A and starch paste, i per cent . [starch paste, i per cent [Solution A and starch, i per cent, and diastase, trace [starch, i per cent, and diastase, trace I [solution A and dextrose, li per cent /Very slight, t Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. fFair growth 1 Do. Do. Do. /Contaminated, discarded. \Fair. /Good, t Do. J Very slight. iGood. NUTRITIOlSr. 27 Table V. — Results of groicth on media — First series of experiments — Continued. Medium. >Dextrose, 1^ per cent J-Solution A and mannite, 14^ per cent. [■Mannite, li per cent (Solution A and maltose, li per cent. [■Maltose, l.i per cent [•Sohition A and potassium tartrate, i per cent. Potassium tartrate, i per cent _ _ _ [solution A and magnesium tartrate, i per cent [Magnesium tartrate, ^ per cent Solution A and ammonium tartrate, i per cent [Ammonium tartrate, i per cent [solution A and potassium lactate, I per cent [Potassium lactate, i per cent _. [Solution A and magnesium lactate, f per cent Magnesium lactate, | per cent i Solution A and ammonium lactate, l per cent Ammonium lactate, i per cent [solution A and calcium hippurate, I per cent [Calcium hippurate. I per cent [solution A and asparagin, ^ per cent - - [Asparagin, I per cent [solution A and peptone, i per cent [Peptone, i per cent _ __ [Solution A and casein, i per cent [Casein, i per cent ...J [solution A and pepsin, ^ per cent [Pepsin. i per cent._ [solution B i Solution B and asparagin, } per cent Solution B and peptone, i per cent [Solution B and casein, I per cent [solution B and pepsin, I per cent Bouillon _ . . [Bean decoction _ _ _ •Beet decoction _ ^Manure decoction [Manure _ . Wheat straw [Solution A and wheat straw [solution B and wheat straw [Solution B and NH4NO;j and cane sugar [■Solution B and cane sugar and Ca(N03)o, i per cent. Extent of growth. fFa /Slight, t Do. Very slight. Lost. {Contaminated with Asper- gillus. Fair growth, yel- lowish in color. /Fair. 1 Do. fSlight. t Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Slight to fair. /Slight. 1 Do. Do. Do. air to good. Do. /Slight. 1 Do. f V ery good. 1 Do. fSlight. i Do. - Do. Do. f Do. \ Do. [Good. 1 Do. (Very slight. Do. /Very good. \ Do. / Do. t Do. (Slight to fair. 1 Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. /Slight. Do. /Very slight. 1 Do. /Very good. t 1)0. /Culture lost. t Do. ) Slight to fair. \ Do. /Very good. \ Do. /Good to very good. t Do. fVery good. / Do! 1 Do. Lost. Do. Do. Do. Do. /Slight to fair. I Do. fVery slight. 28 MUSHROOM GROWING AND SPAWN MAKING. Table V. — Results of (jroivth on media — First scries of experiments — Continued. No. 56a 56b 57a 5Tb 58a 58b 59a 59b 60a 60b 61a 61b 62a 62b Medium. Extent of growth. [solution B and sugar and MgCNOa)™, i per cent | ^^Jo.^^ ISolution B and sugar and NH4CI, i per cent | j-)q jsolution B and NH4NO3, J per cent ..-.| yk>[ jsolution B and Ca(N03)2, i per cent ^j -q^' Isolution B and Mg(N03)2, A per cent { q"; 1„ , . T, J -vTTT ^1 , 4. i/Sligbt tofair [Solution Band NH4CI, i percent - - - 1 ^p^ iMushroom decoction ' | Do. Do. Table A"I. — Results of growth on media — Second series of experiments. No. la lb 2a 2b 3a 3b 4a 4b 5a 5b Medium. 7a 7b 8a 8b 9a 9b 10a 10b 11a lib 12a 12b 13a 13b 14a 14b 15a 15b 16a 16b 17a 17b 18a 18b 19a 19b 20a 20b 21a 21b 22a 23a 23b 24a 24b 25a 25b 26a 26b 27a 27b 28a 28b 29a 29b [■Fresh horse manure (grass-fed animals) JFresh horse manure, thoroughly washed, residue only used.. [Filtrate, or liquid resulting from washing No. 2 [Decoction of fresh horse manure, as in No. 1 — [Fermented horse manure, thoroughly washed ^^ [Filtrate or washing from No. 5 [Rotted stable manure - - [Decoction of green timothy hay - [Residue from decoction in No. 8... - [strong bean juice. [ Weak bean juice -- [strong decoction of mushrooms lone-half strength decoction of mushrooms Iweak decoction of mushrooms - Oat straw - -- --- Wheat straw [Corn meal.. H gram cane sugar in 25 c.c. solution A. U gram milk sugar in 25 c.c. solution A \i gram galactose in 25 c.c. solution A U gram cornstarch in 25 c. c. solution A i^ strength albumen (egg) U gram glucose in 25 c. c. solution A [j^ gram dextrose in 25 c. c. solution A -. [i gram mannite in 25 c. c. solution A il gram glycogen in 25 c. c. solution A i gram maltose in 25 c. c. solution A. [j gram levulose in 25 c. c. solution A. [i gram glycerin in 25 c. c. solution A Extent of growth. 1^ /None. tsiight. /Contaminated. \Good. /Good. tContaminated. /Fair. 1 Do. /Very good. \ Do. /Slight. \ Do. (Good. t Contaminated. /Good. t Do. /None. t Do. /Slight. \Contaminated. [Good. Do. /Slight. Do. /Slight. /Contaminated. /Slight, t Do. /Contaminated. /Slight. [Good. Do. (Fair. Do. /Slight. /Confined to nocules. Do. Slight throughout. Do. Slight, but contaminated. /Slight at top. /Lost. Confined to nocules. (Slight at top. / Do. [Fair throughout. Do. /Fair. /Contaminated, j Slight; contaminated. /Fair. /Slight at top. / Do. /Slight, /slight at top. Confined to nocules. NUTRITION. 29 Table VI. — Results of groicth on media— Second series of experiments — Cont'd. No. Medium. Extent of growth. 30a 30b 31a 31b 32a 32b 33a :«b 34a 34b 35a Sjb 36a 36b 37a 37b 38a 38b 39a 39b 40a 40b 41a 41b 42a 42b 43a 43b 44a 44b 45a 46b 46a 46b 47a 47b 48a 48b 49a 49b 60a 50b 51a 51b 52a 52b 53a 53b 54a 54b 56a 55b 56a 56b 57a 57b 58a 58b 59a 59b 60a 60b 61a 61b 62a 62b 63a 63b 64a 64b 65a B5b 66a 66b 67a 67b 68a 68b I >i gram potassium tartrate in 35 c. c;. solution A H gram magnesium tartrate in 26 c. c. solution A j h: gram potassium lactate in 25 c. c. solution A h gram potassium lactophosphate in 25 c. c. solution A. H gram magnesium citrate in 25 c. c. solution A >i gram magnesium malate in 26 c. c. solution A _ H gram calcium hippurate in 25 c. c. solution A . _ H gram asparagin in solution A Hgram urea in solution A. H gram peptone in sohition A >i gram casein in solution A -_. U gram benzoic acid in solution A ^i gram benzoic acid in solution A [■Solution A _ _ .-. [■Solution B -.- |DistilledHO ..- ^Decoction from productive old bed._. _ j-Oak sawdust, only slightly rotted [Gluten meal and water >Cotton-seed meal and water _ [■Cotton-seed meal H gram asparagin in solution B >i gram asparagin in solution B 1. _. \l gram urea in solution B >i gram urea in solution B >i gram urea in solution B H gram peptone in 25 c. c. solution B. H gram peptone in 25 c. c. solution B >i gram peptone in 25 c. c. solution B H gram peptone and I'g gram NaNOs in solution B. H gram casein in 25 c. c. solution B 1 >i gram casein in 25 c. c. solution B . _ [i'b gram casein in 26 c. c. solution B . - [j strength albumen (egg) -. [oil meal and water _ White pine shavings - _ "White pine shavings with bean decoction. Asbestos with bean decoction. Old flake spawn fVeryslight; contaminated. 1 Do. Confined to nocules. Do. Do. Do. Slight at top. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Good top. Do. Slight. Do. Confined to nocules. Do. Fair at top. Do. Fair throughout. Do. None. Do. Do. Do. Confined to nocules. Do. Do. Do. f Do. 1 Do. [Fair throughout. Do. Confined to nocules. Do. Good throughout. Do. /Contaminated . Do. SUght at top. Contaminated. Slight at top. Do. Fair. Do. None. Do. Slight at top. Do. Slight throughout. Do. Slight at top. Do. Do. Do. Fair at top. Do. Fair throughout. Slight. /Very slight. Fair at top. Slight at top. Fair throughout. Do. Slight at top. Do. Good throughout. Do. Very small area, but copi- '. ous. [ Do. f Do. [ Do. FDuflned to nocules. Do. ery good. 30 MUSHROOM GROWING AND SPAWN MAKING. It is not possible here to enter into a detailed discussion of the results, but attention is directed to the fact that under ordinary con- ditions Agarictis campestris does not give a copious growth when nitrogen is furnished from an inorganic salt and carbon in the form of the well-known sugars. Calcium hippurate in a solution of the necessary salts has almost invariably given better growth than other organic salts and carbohydrates. In general, casein has been a better source of carbon, or of carbon and nitrogen, than other proteids. When the manure is of good quality it furnishes, in pure cultures, a source of necessary nutrients, whether fresh or fermented, whether as a decoction or an infusion (a cold aqueous extract). Acid and alkaline me^ia.— Manure which has undergone fermenta- tion for a few weeks is usually slightly acid in reaction. Under certain conditions of fermentation the acidity is increased, and this is probably an important factor in making the manure from animals fed with green foods less valuable for mushroom work. Some acid tests were made of beds which had failed to yield satisfactory results, and in many instances it was found that the acid content was much above the normal. A small series of experiments was therefore instituted to determine the relative amount of acidity or of alkalinity most favorable for the growth of the spawn under pure-culture con- ditions. In this test there were also included several other edible funffi, the results of all of which are included in the table below. These experiments were made in large test tubes, and in such a test it was impracticable to determine absolute acidity or alkalinity, and from the results only a rough qualitative comparison could be antici- pated. Potassium hydrate and lactic acid were used as reagents. The duration of the experiments was one month, and duplicate cul- tures were used in every instance. Although the results are not wholly uniform, it may be inferred that in the case of Agaricus campestris a marked acidity of the medium would be unfortunate; Calvatia cyathiforme^ on the other hand, seems to have grown somewhat better, in general, in the more acid media ; Coprinus eomatus grows under a wdder range of condi- tions; and Coprinus atramentarius, in this instance, thrives in an alkaline medium. Further tests on a quantitative basis are required before definite conclusions may be drawn. This matter will also receive further attention when facilities are at hand for undertaking to better advantage than has yet been possible the practical growing of the other species, besides Agaricus campestris^ included in this test. TEMPERATURE AND MOISTURE. 31 Table VII. — Resulfi^ of tc-stx of acUJity and aJkaUnUij. Medium. 4 drops EHO •2 drops KHO 1 drop KHO . Control Nature of stable compost. [Fresh .. Rotted - fFresh .. JRotted . (Fresh .. iRotted . Fre&h .. Extent of growth. Agaricus campestris. Calvatia cya- thiforme. Very slight Slight do Very slight . 1 drop acid- iRotted . 2dropsacid_ :{^^; 1 good, 1 fair. Very good . Good Very good . 1 very good, 1 fair. Very slight 1 contami- nated. ] very good Very slight do do 1 none , 1 slight. None... Very slight . . None 1 good, 1 none Contamina- ted. 1 slight, 1 good. Very slight . . do Very good . . . Coprinus CO- ICoprinusatra- matus. mentarius. Slight..,— .. Very slight.. 1 very good, 1 excellent. Very good . . . Excellent do do None Excellent . do. .....do. None.. 1 good, 1 very slight. Contamina- ted. Very slight. Good Very good. Excellent. Very slight. None. Very slight. Do. Do. Do. TEMPERATURE AND MOISTURE. P The temperature factor is, next to that of good spawn, perhaps the most important in mushroom growing. It has been frequently stated that mushroom growing is not profitable when the temperature may not be maintained more or less continuously at from 50° to 00° F. It is very probable that the exact temperature which may be con- sidered an optimum will vary somewhat in different sections of the country. It will be noted later in detail that tlie temperature factor acts not so directly upon the growth of the spawn or the produc- tion of mushrooms as indirectly to render some other conditions of the environment injurious. It is best to consider that in practice the op- timum temperature for mushroom growing varies from 53° to 58° F. When the matter of temperature was first under consideration, a series of pure cultures of Agaricus caifnpeHtrh was placed at diii'erent temperatures in the laboratory in order to determine the rapidity of growth. It was soon found that a temperature above 60° F. and, indeed, as high as from 80° to 85° F., was much more favorable to rapid growth than a lower temperature, provided, of course, that the higher temperature did not encourage a too rapid drying out of the culture. It was soon dehnitely ascer- tained that the conditions of pure-culture growth are essentially different from those attending the growth of mushroom spawn in the bed. This was perhaps best indicated by comparing spawn grown in j)ots at 85° F. under impure conditions with similai' spawn grown at 50° F. At the former temperature, even though the conditions of moisture were properly maintained, there was little or no growth. Foreign fungi, molds, and bacteria, as well as insects, were, however, abundant. At the lower tem])erature there was little or no evident appearance of other fungi, molds, or insects; G829— No. 85—05 M 3 32 MUSHEOOM GROWING AND SPAWN MAKING. yet the mushroom spawn grows slowly and continuously so long as other conditions are maintained. From numerous experiments of this nature it is apparent that the temperature relation is one Avhich is governed by the competition to which the nmshroom spawn is sub- ject in the bed. This is, of course, wholly in accord with the results obtained from the study of the relative groAvth made by mushroom spawn in fresh and composted manures. The statement previously made, therefore, that the optimum tem- perature may vary slightly in different localities is true on account of the fact that the mites, insects, and other animal pests of mushroom^ growing may vary considerably in different localities, or under dif- ferent conditions, even though there nuiy not be a great variation, perhaps, in the bacterial and fungus flora of the compost uj^on which the mushrooms are grown. Certain insects, for example, are more abundant in a moist climate, but if special precautions can be taken to eliminate all such pests, the growth problem is confined to the interrelation existing between the nmshroom spawn and the microscopic flora of the compost. ^lushrooms grown in the open will probably show greater variation with reference to the tem- perature factor than those grown in caves or cellars. AAliile a number of interesting problems would be presented by a study of the interrelation of the mushroom mycelium with that of other microscopic fungi i)resent in the compost, these are matters of detail ; and it has been .Avholly impossible thus far to give any atten- tion to suggestions which ha^-e been furnished by the experimental data. It may be possible that other species of mushrooms are more independent of insects and other microscopic fungi, and such fungi may therefore be more suitable for cultivation at high temperatures than is Agaricus campestn.s or any of its close allies. A considerable effort is being made to obtain spawn of certain species of Agaricus, and also of other edible mushrooms which make their appearance during the warm weather. At this time, however, it is not possible to say Avhat results of value may be anticipated from this line of work. The direct effect of a temperature above the optimum upon the spo- rophores is manifest through lengthening of the stipes and rai)id expansion of the caps, ordinarily accompanied by toughness and decreased size. In other words, the lower grade market product is produced at the higher temperature. The moisture factor is also one of importance. It is undesiralile that the place in which mushrooms are grown should be very damp, or dripping with water. Nevertheless, a fairly moist condition of the atmosphere should be maintaii^ed throughout the growing and productive pei-iod. There should b.> grr.dual but slight eva])oration from the surface of the beds, and sufficient ventilation to insure this ^i PREPARATION OF THE COMPOST. 33 is believed to he essential. It is certain that in ]j()orly ventilated caves nuishrooms do not sncceed. On the other hand, in a dry atmosphere, oi- exposed to drying winds, mushroom beds soon cease to bear, while such sporophores as are developing may have their caps cracked and torn. jNIushrooms are grown in cellars, caves, or specially constructed houses largely on account of the fact that temperature and moisture are then practically under control. The nature of the structure or cellar Avhicli is constructed for mushroom grooving must be deter- mined, therefore, not merely by its expense, but by the etfectiveness of the structure in regulating the factors indicated under the par- ticular climatic conditions. It is not possible at this time to discuss cellar or house construc- tion, and the accompanying illustration of nnishroom houses (Plate VI, fig. 1) must suffice to give an idea of the types which are in use, PREPARATION OF THE COMPOST. It is not to be understood that there is one and only one method of preparing compost for nnishroom growing. Nor is it always neces- sary that the compost shall be in one particular stage of fermenta- tion or deca3\ In fact, every change of condition elsewhere may necessitate a similar change in the amount of fermentation wdiich may,^ be most desirable. At the outset it should be understood that it is not the '' fermentation " which is absolutely essential." The o Kepin, 1. e. (See translation in The Garden (London). February 5. 1898. Special repi-int. pp. 10-lH.) Here it is stated that "manure is rendered capa- ble of supplying nutriment suitable for nuishrooms only by means of fermenta- tion ; " further, that " all the higher orders of nuishrooms, the spores of which I have succeeded in causing to germinate. Jiave a sterile spawn of a similar natui-e." Again, the conelusion is expressed somewhat indefinitely that manure is '■ rendered suitable " by means of c-hemical conibustion, which is said to proceed rapidly only at a temperature above 178° F. : that it is not the soluble substances in the manure which are valuable, but rather the cellulose matter, together with the necessary salts. In this connection it is of Interest to note that the material constituting many of the beds in the experimental cellar at Columbia. INIo.. were fermented at comparatively low temperatures. A complete temperature record was kept of IS small compost piles in which special kinds of manure were i)repared, and in only one instance was the temperature in any pile more than 140° F. In some cases 120° F. was the maximum attained. Repin imjdies that mushrooms will not grow in maiiui'c until there lias i)eeu effected " the destruction of all the soluble organic matters, which disappear through the agency of bacteria or are consumed in the process of oxidation." \'ery simple nutrition exi)eriments clearly demonstrate that these conclusions are erroneous. It may be stated, however, that peculiarities appear when the fresh manure contains certain comi)ounds which render it injurious; for example, the my- celium does not grow readily in pure culture ui)on fresh manure from animals fed almost wholly on green forage. Sucli manure is improved by fermentation. 34 MUSHROOM GROWING AND SPAWN MAKING. '' fermentation " is of itself a minor matter. In j)ure ciiltnres, Avhere sterile media are employed, mushroom, spawn starts slowly, but finally grows best, in general, upon fresh (wholly unfermented) manure. It grows least well. or. rather, less densely, so far as tested, on very well fermented manure. This certainly indicates that it is not fermentation Avhich is ordinarily advantageous. In practical nnishroom growing, however, it is not possible to deal with ])ure cul- tures; and, therefore, other conditions of the environment must be correspondingly changed. The rapid oxidation action of bacteria, and perhaps of independent ferments, upon manure causes a consid- erable rise of temj^erature. At the higher temperatures (which uuiy be maintained as long as there are present rapidly oxidizable food products) bacterial action is vigorous, and is unquestionably injurious to mycelial development. Wholly aside from the rise of temperature accompanying their activities, bacteria are otherwise injurious. In fact, manure which is ])ut to ferment in a small test tube shows little or no rise of temperature above that of the place in which it is incubated. Nevertheless, the mycelium of the mush- room will not grow under such conditions. Rapid bacterial action is therefore i)rejudicial. Under those conditions where bacterial action is not rapid, fresh manure might be used to advantage; in other words, if the beds are so constructed that the manure ferments very gradually, without either excessive bacterial action or rise of tem- perature, then spawning might be made in fresh manure. The old belief that rotten manure does not have the necessary strength — that is. does iu)t produce so ^'igoro^ls a mushroom growth as that which has been less transformed V)y bacterial action — has been confirmed by practical experiments. This loss of effectiveness is probably due, in part, to a change in texture or to other physical changes. In well-rotted manure there is am])le food material to sup- port a very good growth of mycelium in i)ure cultures. This has been chemically proved by sterilizing such manure and growing mush- room spawn upon it in pure culture. Nevertheless, by comparing (in Table VIII) No. 12 with Nos. 13, 14, and 15, it will be seen that beds prepared with well-fermented manure and left foi- some time before si)awning do not yield so well. It is believed that here the physical condition has nnich to do Avitli the result. The latter does not by any means invalidate the following practice, which has commended itself to some veiy successful growers: The maiHire is piled in very large compost heaps, where it is kei)t moist and is turned only once or twice. It ferments very slowly. Then it is carted into the cave, or mushroom house, long before it could be considered in ]>roi)er condition to be s})awned. The l)eds ( usually flat when this is the procedure) are made immediately. -These are fairly well moistened and com2)ressed, then left to undergo a gradual PREPARATION OP TTTK COMPOST, 35 fermentation, which may require a month. When (lio manure shows a tendency to fall to the temperature of the room it is spawned. Meanwhile, it will doubtless be found that a heayy cro]) of some small species of Coprinus will ha ye appeared. The presence of this funo'us is not injurious, but rather it may be taken as an indication that the conditions are fayorable. Ordinarily the manure is obtained as fresh as possible. It should include the straAV used in bedding the animals, and the quality of the straw will determine to some extent the yalue of the manure. The straw of cereals is far better than that of most other grasses. The more resistant straws seem greatly to improye the texture of the com- post for mushroom purjDoses. Commercially it is a mistake to attemi)t to get the manure free from straw. If fresh manure is not obtainable, that which has been trampled by the animals is ordinarily rich, well preseryed, and desiral)le. It ferments l)est in large piles, and these may be of considerable extent, about 3 or 1 feet deep throughout. If not uniformly moist the material should be sprink- led. At no time is a yery heayy wateriniJ: desirable. In from four days to a weelv or more the compost should be turned, or forked oyer, and a second turning will be required a week or ten days later. Water should be added only when necessary to maintain a moist (but not a wet) condition. With this amount of moisture, and with the piles deep enough to become fairly compact as a result of their own weight, there will be little danger of any injurious fermentation. During the normal fermentation the temperature may rise highei- than 150° F. In from fifteen to twenty-one days or more, depending uj^on the conditions, the temperature yN'ill begin to fall, and the com- post may be used in the construction of the beds. Allien used in the beds, it has ordinarily lost all objectionable odor, and the color of the straw has changed from yellow to brown. In figure 2 on Plate V is shown a shed in which the manure is composted during the summer. As stated in Farmers' Bulletin No. 204 : It is the eustoiii with some growers to mix a small quantity of loam, about one-fourth, with the manure. This enables one to use the manure earlier: and. indeed, under such circumstances it may sometimes be used with ]»ut little or no composting. Nevertheless, the niajoi-ity of growers have obtained gr(>ater suc- cess by the use of the manure alone, and this is also the writer's experience, yery well-rotted compost should not be used in nuishroom growing if large and solid mushrooms are d(>sired. \yhen sawdust or shavings are employed for liedding the animals, the comi)ostiiig iii.-iy require a somewbal longer ]iei-io(l. It has been the experience of some of the most successful growei's that the use of shayings for bedding material in the stables does not injure the yalue of the product for mushroom work. The presence of a lai'ge amount of saw^Iust is, howeyer, objectionable so fai- as the writer's experience goes. Compost containing uuich sawdust is 86 MUSHEOOM GROWING AND SPAWN MAKING. necessarily very "" short," und therefore the physical condition is not the most favorable for Agarietis cara'pestris. In another chapter attention is called to the fact that the value of the manure depends to a considerable extent upon the feed ^iven the animals. It would not be wise to depend upon that obtained from stables in which hay and £>reen foods are used to too great an extent. Moreover, it is not believed that compost made from the manure of cattle barns is in mushroom growino" as desirable as stable manure. In some cities the municipal ordinances require that the manury shall be promptly removed from the feeding- stables or that it shall be disinfected. In the latter case crude carbolic acid, or even cori-o- sive sublimate, may be used to secure this end. Manure thus disin- fected is, of course, undesirable for mushroom work. For the same reason the manure of veterinary hospitals is of questionable value. It is not wholly improbable that some other aa aste products of the farm, field, and forest may be utilized in mushroom gi'owing: never- theless, no such product has yet been found which, under the condi- tions of the experiment, has yielded sufficiently to make it of special interest in growing Agdricxs (■(iinpesfrh. Among the products which have been tested, either alone or in conjunction with some commer- cial fertilizer, are the following: Leaves of deciduous trees, needles of conifers, sawdust, cotton-seed hulls, cotton seed, corn stover, sorghum stover (or bagasse), rotten hay. sphagnuui. and yeddo fib^r. The Avriter is convinced that greater profit may be anticipated, for the present, at least, if the culture of Agarirus <(tmpeMriH is confined to manure: and if other edible forms which grow in the woods are used in l)eds of leaves, etc., as indicated elsewhere in these pages, it is quite possible that such a fungus as Gopnnua comatus may be grown suc- cessfully in this latter Avay. It may, however, be too much to hope that the morel may also be thus made amenable to culture, although leaf mold is in nature the favorite habitat of this fungus. From the prompt and abundant growth of Agarhiix campestris on half-rotted leaf mold in pure cultures, it was thought that mushrooms might be grown to advantage upon this product. The practical experiments made to test this point are distinctly discouraging, as shown by reference to No. IT. Table VIII; Nos. 3 and 4. Table IX, and Xo. 11. Table X. For the most part manure may be composted in the open air. It may, however, be prepared with greater uniformity under cover. During midsununer. ]U'otection may be desirable on account of dry- ing out, while in the winter it is more important in case of excessive cold. If it is necessary to compost manure during the winter, more- over, the piles should be of considerable depth. INSTALLATION OF BEDS. 87 INSTALLATION OF BEDS. In making the beds, as well as in other phases of mushroom work, regard must he had for all environmental conditions. The type of bed should be determined by convenience, and the size, to a cer- tain extent, by the temperature to which the beds may be exposed. The flat bed. frequently referred to as the English type, is more commonly employed in the indoor work in England and America. With this type merely the entire floor space may be utilized, as illus- trated in the frontispiece, Plate I. or the beds may be arranged in tiers of shelves. In figure 1 on Plate V a view may be had of the supports for shelf beds in a large commercial houce. In this house there is the greatest economy of space. The shelf system gives the greatest amount of bed space and is certainly most economical where the floor space is an important factor. Such beds do not require great depth, but merely sufficient to insure an ample development of spawn. They should be from 8 to 10 inches deep after being firmed or compressed. s The ridge-bsd system is employed almost exclusively m the caves about Paris. This system is also in use in open-air culture. It may be used to advantage in low cellars, caves, or houses when labor is not too expensive. Ridge beds increase slightly the surface area and permit of easy passage from one part of the cave to another. The size of such beds in caves, or under other conditions where the tem- perature remains practically uniform, should be not more than 2 feet wide at the base and 15 inches high, tapering gradually to the top when compressed. Slanting beds are commonly employed next to the walls. Large beds are desirable under changeable open-air conditions. The prevalent opinion among amateurs that the bed should ahvays be deep enough to maintain a considerable heat is believed to be erro- neous. Grown under more or less uniform conditions, mushrooms seem to require no bottom heat, and the bed should fall to the tem- perature of the room some time after spawning. Bottom heat, and hence large beds, are, however, desirable when sudden changes of weather would so reduce the temperature of the bed as to delay growth. Under similar conditions, as well as in dry air, mulching may be required. As previously stated by the writer in Farmers' Bulletin No. 204 of the Department of Agriculture — 111 any case, the manure is made up in the form of the bed desired and should he finned, or fomiiressed. to some extent immediately, in order to prevent dry- ing out and burning when the secondary fermentation takes place. At this time the manure should be neither wet mir e relied upon is when, upon compression, water can not readily be squeezed out of it. s 38 MUSHROOM GROWINO AND SPAWN MAKING. SPAWNING AND CASING THE BEDS. From what has been said concerning the temperature requirements, it will be evident that spawn should not be inserted in the beds until the temperature has fallen low enough to insure suc.cessful competi- tion on the i^art of the mycelium with other organisms. In many articles on mushroom growing it has been suggested that beds may be s])awned when the temperature has fallen to about i)0° F. From experience and observation, the writer can only conclude that such a temperature is frequently fatal, and it is believed that the tempera- ture of the beds should be permitted to fall to 70° F. before being spawned. In fact, the most successful results have been obtained at temperatures from 65° to 70° F. It was formerly believed that if the spawn were inserted at 90° F. this higher temperature incited the rather dormant mycelium to rapid and vigorous growth. It is clear, however, that the rapid development of new^ mycelium from the pieces of spawn brick inserted is not so important a factor as suitable conditions for continued growth. If the temperature falls rapidly from 90° F. after spawning, however, no injury may result. Never- theless, it is to be considered an unfortunate condition. The bricks of spawn may be broken into from ten to twelve pieces, from 1^ to 2 inches square. These pieces may be inserted about 1 inch beneath the surface of the manure. In flat beds they may be placed from 10 to 1'2 inches apart throughout the bed. and in ridge beds the pieces should be inserted on each side alternately, one near the top and the next near the bottom. It is well to insert the pieces vertically, as the mycelium does not then seem so readily to suffer damping otf. After spawning, the beds should again be firmed, and they are then ready to be cased or loamed whenever this process may seem most desirable. At the time of spawning the beds should be in the best condition possible for the growth of the mycelium. Delay in growth at this time is one of the surest indications of a light yield. If the bed contains the proper amount of moisture, and if the walls and floors of the house or cellar are sprinkled occasionally, so as to maintain a moist condition of the atmosphere, it is possible to avoid wholly the use of water upon the beds inunediately after spawning. In no case should a bed recently sjiawned be heavily watered. The surface may be sprinkled, if there is a tendency toward (h-ying out. The same test for moisture content as has been outlined previously in these pages in the chapter on i)reparinii- the manure should be followed. The beds should become gradually somewhat drier, how- ever, during the growth of the spawn. ■ The absolute water content for the bed at the time of spawning should be about 40 i)er cent, although this will vary considerably, according to the conditions, and especially with relation to the quantity of straw in the manure. MUSHROOM GROWING. 39 If the spawn grows rapidly at first and spreads throughout the bed, it will not be injured by a slight drying out, or by a tenij^erature even as low as ?>'2° F. On the other hand, a continuous high temperature for several days, or excessive watering, is sure to result in an irrep- arable injury. In several instances where the experimental beds of the writer have been made during the late autumn, and Avhere a ^'igorous growth of spawn has been secured before the advent of the coldest weather, the beds have remained unproductive throughout the winter months, or so long as the temperature remained intermittently below 40° or 50° F. With warmer weather, these beds have come into bearing several months later, and where the temperature has then remained favorable for some time a good yield has l^een obtained. In this case, moreover, the ])ed will bear much longer at a temperature of 60° F., or above, than if the temperature has been constantly in the neighborhood of 60° F. throughout the growing season of the si:)awn. As a rule, beds thus filled with spawn and then subjected for a time to cold conditions yield at the outset much larger mushrooms than beds exposed to a more constant temperature, even if this constant temperature may be the optimum. At any rate, the beds nuist be " cased ■' as soon as convenient after the spawn is inserted. As a rule, one should wait from one to two weeks in order to be sure that the spawn is growing. Casing consists m applying to the bed a layer of loam from 1 to U inches deep. In France the casing soil consists usually of calcareous earth, sometimes mixed with loam. Ordinary loam of almost any quality will suffice. This should l^e secured in advance, and it is well to protect it from the Aveather, so that at a convenient time it may be worked over and, if necessary, screened, in order to free it from large pebbles or trash. When the loam is applied, it should, on ridge beds, be carefully firmed. AMien cased a bed should require watering for the most part merely to maintain a moist surface. MUSHROOM GROWING. EXPERIMENTS AT COLUMBIA, MO. The practical experiments in mushroom growing which have been undertaken at Co'lumbia, Mo., were designed, in the first place, to determine the exact ertect of conditions upon the growth of mush- rooms, and in the second place to test or immediately ai)ply the results obtained or suggested by the laboratory work. The etfects of temperature, moisture, etc., have already l)een discussed, and the conclusions drawn have l)een based ui)on the most careful ()l)serva- tions of the experimental beds, as well as upon the evidence which has been obtained In* a personal study of the conditions in commer- cial mushroom houses and caves both at home and aI)road. It is needless to give in detail the record of all failures or of poor yields 40 MUSHROOM GROWING AND SPAWN MAKING, invariably obtained when the conditions were nnfavorable — that is, when they were beyond the limits which have been more or less definitely stated as requisite. On the other hand, the results which are pven do not represent the best yields obtained; they are those which seem to be most instructive. The experimental work has been seriously handicapped in one par- ticular. With only one set of experiments (those recorded in Table VIII) has it been possible to maintain a temperature constantly between 50° and 60° F. Unfortunately a north basement room which gave those results during the winter of 1903-4 has not since been available for the work. The results are, however, comparative when not absolute. The results given in Table VIII are referred to in various parts of this bulletin. Attention should be directed to the fact that many of these beds were yielding well when the experiment was neces- sarily closed to make room for a second series of experiments planned during the same winter. Beds Nos. 6, 9, 13, 25, and 40, for instance, each yielded between 8 and 15 ounces the clay the experi- ment was closed, while beds Nos. 2, 10, 14, 23, 26, 30, and 37 each yielded 1 jDOund or more on the same day. It is to be noted that a considerable number of beds in this series produced more than 1 pound per square foot, and some nearly 2 pounds for a similar area. It is certain that some beds would have yielded more than 2 pounds if they could have been per- mitted to produce longer. Table VIII. — Yields of experimental mushroom heds. ft a 8 9 10 11 12 Material used in the bed. F ermented horse manure. do do ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. .do. .do. .do. do Fermented horse manure (bed left for 2 months before beingspawned) Source of the spawn. Alaska, old . market Old American made English, current year product. English, 2 years old English, 1 year old.. Alaska, U. S. Department of Agri- culture. Bohemia, U. S. Department of Agriculture. Mixed varieties, U. S. Department of Agriculture. Bohemia. U. S. Department of Agriculture, light spawning. Bohemia. U. S. Department of Agriculture, heavy spawning. Agaric us (imi/gdalinHs, old .■ Bohemia, U. S. Department of Agriculture. o ftod pi m 27 104 51 .51 53 51 68 46 61 47 48 78 102 71 !3 o o a zn tn ■ O) CO ;;' K*i pins 2 53 54 20 7 17 34 65 tc 03 m a OS •S ft 107 20 7 0 0 115 65 112 102 136 0 5 m ft 0) S) m u >£ O-c , PITS o ; Oo o S 0) a o Material used in the bed. Source of the spawn. °a II o to ^ a •2" 1 .s"" m -3 55 !?; .1 &H < >^ 13 Fermented Bohemia, IT. S. Department of 49 110 50 160 6 27.7 horse manure. Agriculture. 1 14 1 do do ---- 61 241 40 281 12 23.4 15 16 17 Leaf mold ... do dftlvcttici ct/(if hi f ovine 0 6 0.0 Bohemia, U. S. Department of Agriculture. 0 6 1 0.0 18 Fermented sta- ble manure; bed f aii'lycom- Alaska, U. S. Department of Agri- culture. 48 118 71 189 9 21.0 iq pact. FevTnPTited sta- do .... 53 93 30 123 6 20.5 ble manm-e. 20 1 do Bohemia, U. S. Department of Agric-ulture. 48 101 39 140 6 23.3 21 do — . Var.?, U. S. Department of Agri- culture. 53 96 37 133 6 22.2 '» do_ 0 6 0.0 1 year old. 23 .do American commercial, Bohemia... 53 111 53 164 8 20.5 24 do. do do 51 46 46 22 67 50 113 72 9 6 15.2 25 Bohemia, U. S. Department of 12.0 Agriculture. Lo'ose cakes; dried. 26 do Bohemia, U. S. Department of Agriculture. Watered freely late. 49 74 75 159 6 26.6 27 do Bohemia, U. S. Department of Agriculture. Watered freely. 49 42 51 93 6 15.5 28 do Bohemia, U. S. Department of Agriculture. 46 89 30 119 6 19.8 29 do do .55 90 0.-) 145 8 18.1 30 Fermented sta- ble manure and 5 pounds cot- tin-seed ineal. do -- .51 129 146 275 9 30.5 31 Fermented sta- ble manure. 0 6 0.0 32 33 . — -do do 0 6 0.0 Bohemia, Americal commercial . _ . 42 70 32 102 6 17.0 34 do-_ - Ala.ska, American commercial 46 .0 31 101 6 16.7 35 do French, commei'cial flake 0 8 0.0 36 Fermented sta- ble manvire and CO tton-se e d hulls. Bohemia, U. S. Department of Agriculture. 53 47 96 143 9 15.9 37 Fermented sta- ble m a n u r e : do 61 104 6 17.3 bed heavily 38 compressed. do Var.y, U. !S. Deijartmeut of Agri- culture. Hi .58 46 104 6 17.3 39 Fermented sta- ble manure and sphagnum. do - 411 11 11 22 6 , 3.7 40 Fermented sheep manure. do --- --.- .-)0 44 44 6 7.3 41 Fermented sta- do 41 i 18 39 57 8 7.1 ble man VI re, cotton-seed hulls, and cot- ' ton-seed meal. 42 Fermented cot- ton-seed hulls and cotton- seed meal. Bohemia, U. S. Department of Agriculture. .55 5 9 0.6 43 Manure mold do ' 2 0 6 6 43 Sod Calvatid cyathiforme. Pure cul- tures. 0.0 1 45 Old compost, left 2 months be- Bohemia, U. S. Department of Agriculture. .52 1 5 9 0.6 ■ fore spawning. 1 42 MUSHROOM (iROWINCJ AND SPAWN MAKING. The series of experiments outlined in Table IX followed directly uj)on the series given in Table VIII. 'J'he beds in the first series were made in midwinter, and as the manure had been well fermented there was little or no rise of temperature after the beds were made. The spawn was therefore inserted at an unusually low temperature. Dnrino; thaws in the late winter there was considerable seepage through the walls of the room. Some of the wall beds — Nos. 14 to 21 — were seriously damaged, but although beds Nos. 7 to 18 were also wall beds seepage was not evident in this region. Within about thirty days after vigorous mushroom production began in this series the basement was flooded, and the work was therefore brought to an abru])t close. The yield up to that time is given, however, since in this series there are included many fertilizer tests. Tahle IX. — Yields of cxperitnciitnl iiiiislirooni Jtcda in a north ixiftcinent room, 19(1.1,. 10 11 13 13 14a 1.5a 16« 17" 18a 19« 20a 2101 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 •M 31 32 33 Bedding material and fertilizer. Spawn used. Stable manure and cotton-seed hulls. do_ Leaf mold and stable manure _ . _ _ do do --. - do Stable manure and sphagnum 1 do Stable manure and cotton-seed do meal. I do do Stable manure, timothy fed do Bohemia, U. S. Agriculture, do Department of do. Stable manure, clover fed . do Stable manure, bran fed._. do Stable manure, corn fed.. . do.-.. Stable manure, oats fed do .- Stable manure do .do. .do. .do. Stable manure and complete fer- tilizer: KCl, 1 ounce; KNOa, 1 ounce; bone meal, 7 ounces. Stable manure and incomplete fer- tilizer: NaNO:i, 1 ounce; bone meal, 7 ounces. Stable manure and NaCl, 2 ounces. Stal)le manure and NaNO;;, 2ounces. Stable manure and MgSOj, 2ounces. Stable manure and KoS()4. bounces. Stable manure and kainit, 4 ounces. Stable manure and CaCL, 2 ounces. Stable manure and Na.iHPO|, 2 ounces. Stable manure and (NH4)-jS04, .".' ounces. Stable manure and NaNO.;, 1 ouiK-e; kainit, 2 ounces. .do. .do. _do. -do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. ■r, P. 48 48 48 48 61 61 66 73 66 54 71 68 80 71 66 71 68 48 64 CO o a H as 9i 38" 36 4 64 73 2 0 1 3 84 109 12 8 3 14 24 40 17 55 61 55 M m 66 41 48 42 66 39 64 46 (!4 62 64 48 64 &5 54 41 (iK :io ♦"51-1 ® 51-1 u O eS S IB 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 a Some of the beds in this block— Nos. 14-21- were sciiously injured by .seepage water, and the results are untrustworthy. MUSHROOM GROWING. 43 Table IX.— Yields of experimental mushroom beds in a north basement room. 190^— Coutinned. 1^ 34 35 36 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 4s Bedding material and fertilizer. Spawn used. Stable manure, -do. Stable manure, lime dressing Stable manure, ammonium molyb- date, i ounce. Stable manure, ZnNO;;, 1 gram Stable manure _ do __ English commercial (ordered as fresh*. Spawn from bed in full beai'ing _ . . Bohemia, U. S. Department of Agriculture. do .-. CO . cs a (56 68 '6^ .do. .do. .do. .do. .do .do. Stable manure and sawdust . Stable manure ...do Ayarldis amygdaliruis Bohemia, U. S. Department of Agriculture. English commercial (New York) . Bohemia, U. S. Department of Agriculture. Spawn from old bearing bed _ Pleurufus ostreatus English commercial (Philadelphia) Bohemia, U. S. Department of Agriculture. Var.y, American commercial Alaska, American commercial 64 64 48 64 84 12 8 (?) (?) 4 33 0 0 0 0 60 22 •a ^ O (S a 33 From the experiments given in the foregoing table further proof is furnished of the fact that stable manure alone, when of good quality, is sufficient for the growth of mushrooms. The addition of nutrient salts as fertilizers has not, on an average, given any marked increase in yield, but rather the contrary. It is hardly possible that the quantity of salts used on the beds was too little to make the effect felt. On the other hand, it was not sufficient to be injurious. It is evident from the experiment in bed No. 29, for in- stance, that the addition of 4 ounces of kainit could not have been injurious. In some instances the results obtained by the use of fer- tilizers Avere poorer than where the manure alone Avas used. This, however, the writer believes to be due largely to differences in the spawn used, or the differences in condition owing to the location of the bed, for subsequent experiments with some of the salts Avhich seemed to be either injurious or beneficial have not wholly confirmed these results. It is to be noted, however, from the experiment in bed Xo. (') of this series and also from bed \o. 30. in Table VIII, that the beds treated with cotton-seed meal have invariably yielded somewhat above the average. These beds do not come into bearing quite so raj)- idlv as those in which manure alone is used. It is thought that tliis is due to the fact that bacterial action is at the beginning more rapid in beds containing cotton-s(>ed meal, and thai, consexiuently, when tliis Avave of l)acterial growth lias ])assiMl the nutrition of the s|)a\vn is favorably affected. Experiments had ah-eady indicated that inaiiui-e 44 MUSHROOM GROWING AND SPAWN MAKING. from animals which were fed a poor diet, such, for instance, as grass or hay alone, is much less valuable than where the animals are well fed. The experiments in beds Nos. 10 to 2'2 Avere designed to test the value of some different feeds. The writer was fortunate in' being able to secure manure from work animals which were being used in feeding tests where very difl'erent foods were employed. Unfortunately, however, the mushroom beds were located next to a basement wall, and in beds Nos, 14 to 21 the results were vitiated by the fact that there was considerable seepage water in that region during the thaAVs and heavy rains of the sj^ring. Nevertheless, it is believed that the experiments in beds Nos. 8 to 13 are trustworthy. .Vn attempt was made to check these residts by using some of this manure in tube cultures, and it was found that the manure used in- beds Nos. 8, 9, 10, and 11 particularly was unfavorable for the groAvth of the mycelium even in the pure cultures. On account of its stimulating action upon the spores of Agarieus campestris a small quantity of ammonium molybdate was applied to one bed. No. 37, in order to test its effect upon the growing- mycelium. Moreover, since certain salts of zinc at considerable dilu- tion have been found to increase greatly the (juantity of mycelium produced by other fungi, zinc nitrate was employed in an adjacent experiment. The results of these two tests were the same. There Avas a profuse mycelial development and an abundant production of small deformed sporophores. Table X also summarizes a series of some interest. These beds were spaAvned early in NoA^ember, 1904. Soon after the spaAvn began to spread throughout the beds — about December 15 — the temperature of the room fell to 40° F. From that time on until March 1, 1905, the temperature Avas constantly beloAv 52°, and on seA^eral occasions as loAV as 32° F. After Iavo or three Aveeks of Avarmer Aveather the beds began to bear vigorously, and the nmshrooms, particularly the first ones, Avere of unusual size and of excellent flaA'or. Numerous individuals Aveighed from d to 8 ounces immediately after the se]:»a- ration of the ring, and a fcAv mature specimens ranged from 10 to 14 ounces. MUSHROOM GROWING. 45 Table X. — Yields of experimental mushroom beds — Third series. Bed No. Material constitutiug bed. Spawn used. Compar- ative yield per bed. in ounces. 1 Stable manure English commercial, 2 years old. Columbia, "green" spawn, U. S. De- partment of Agriculture. Poor grade English commercial, re- cent importation. Good grade English commercial, re- cent importation. Good grade English commercial, 6 months old. American commercial 0 2 do - 70 3 do . ..-• 16 4 do -- 49 5 do 40 6 do 57 7 do --- do 34 8 do .- do 54 9 . do U. S. Department of Agriculture, Co- lumbia. do. 56 10 Rotted sawdust and stable manure 31 11 Leaves and stable manure do 30 12 Sawdust . .do 3 13 Leaves - do 6 14 15 Stable manure do... American commercial, pi'obably J. ur- vensis, var. America.!!, A. villiitiriix 60 68 In some publications on mushroom gjrowing the claim is made that old or practically exhausted beds may be brought into bearing again by heavy fertilization Avith liquid manure or with a weak solution of potassium nitrate. From a commercial point of view, no measurable success has resulted from any trials of this nature made by the writer ; consequently, it is believed that exhausted beds should be immediately discarded. From the standpoint of mushroom sanitation, this is also particularly desirable. VARIABILITY IN 3IUSHR003IS GROAVN UNDER DIFFERENT CONDITIONS. The writer does not intend to discuss even in a general way the relationships of the various forms of Agaricus — that is, those that may be considered allies of A. ccmipeatr'Di — which he has cultivated or studied in the field. Some reference to the variability of common forms should, however, be made. For a comprehensive study of si)e- cies and varieties, a knoAvledge of Furopean forms as well as of those found in America is essential. Authors diU'er so widely in their descriptions of species, as well as in their conce])tions of them, per- haps, that in the absence of unlimited material nothing short of con- fusion results from any attempt to harmonize opinions. It is suffi- ciently difficult to separate what many would regard as varieties of ^4, campestris from those of .4. arvensis. AMien specific rank is bestowed also upon such forms as .1. pratenMs^ A. riUatinis, ^1. //uif/- nifciis, A. rodmoni, etc., the difficulties are greatly increased. The writer has grown many forms of Agaricus, and, as might be expected, there seems to be no form which will remain practically constant under variable conditions. Besides general size, size of spores, etc.. 46 MUSHROOM GROWING AND SPAWN MAKING. some of the characters used in separating the common forms are color of gills ; character of ring, particularly as to whether single or double ; shape of stipe; color and markings of pileus; color of flesh, etc. In following the develoi)meiit of these characters in different forms, many variations Avill be found. Ar/apicus campestris grown on com- posted leaves shows very little pink in the gills. The color changes rapidly from dull pinkish-brown, or almost white, to a leaden hue. Several brown-capped forms, usually considered varieties of A. cam- pestris^ ^never show a bright-pink surface unless produced under exceptionally^ favorable conditions, moist air being a sine qua non. The ring is naturally variable. In any variety of ^1. campestris it is not uncommon for an edge of the partial veil to remain attached to the base of the stem as a volvate line, or this line may be left at any stage during the elongation of the stem. Again, if the lower margin of the partial veil on the stipe separates slightly from the stipe, and upon drying curves slightly upAvard, there is an indication of a double ring. A very good double ring appeared on a number of very vig- orous specimens of an undoubted variety of A. campestris during the present season. It is possible that there is a greater tendency to pro- duce a double ring when conditions are favorable for the production of the most vigorous mushrooms. Agaricus arvensis is also very variable with respect to the formation of a double ring, as also in the persistence of the partial veil. The shape of the stipe is in many forms dependent upon the con- ditions. Under favorable conditions a brown variety of .1. cam- pestris may have a very short, thickened, equal stem, when grown on manure, and practically uniform at maturity, while the same form groAvn on decayed leaves may show in the main a stipe Avith thicks ened base, gradually tapering to the top. The color of the cap is of undoubted value as a varietal or specific character, yet it must be remembered that whether the surface be smooth or rough, merely fibrillose, or broken into scales of definite form, may depend entirely upon Avhether produced in moist air or in dry air, subjected to drying after being Avet, etc. The color of the flesh is also dependent, to a considerable extent, upon the conditions. A specimen groAvn in even fairly unfavorable conditions Avill sIioav the flesh someAvhat darkened, and on exposure the characteristic pink tint will not be even momentarily visible. In other Avords, a considerable range of A^ariation nuist be anticipated, and in comparisons there should be stated very cknirly the conditions under Avhich the particular forms are produced. THK CL JVnVATION Ol' VARIOUS SPECIES OF MUSHUOOMS. In Table X are given the results of a single test Avith 'Agaricus (u-rcHsis, or Avhat is supposedly a broAvn variety of this species, and MUSHKOOM GROWING. 47 also of a single experiment with A. v'dlatkus. In both cases the yield Avas excellent. It is not well to draw definite conclusions from individual tests, but it is believed that both of these forms will yield profitably in general culture under conditions similar to those required for A. campestris. Plate III, figure 2, indicates the size and compactness of the mature sporophore of A. rUlaticiis. More- over, both of the species above referred to are to be recommended for texture and flavor. Two forms of AgarirvH fahaeevs (see PI. Ill, fig. 1), both with amygdaline odor and flavor, have been tried in relatively few experiments. In no case has the yield been verv good, and further experiments will be required before it will be pos- sible to state under what conditions these forms may be most suc- cessfully grown. At the Missouri Botanical (jarden l^rof. William Trelease has for some time grown successfully one of these varieties. Owing to the profuse and rapid growth of the mycelium of ('(>j»'i- iii/s comatus in pure cultures, it was anticipated that it might easily be grown in beds. The few experiments thus far made indicate that in impure cultures (beds) of leaf mold the mycelium grows and spreads very slowly. Hot weather prevented the maturity of the tests, but no sporophores were produced during a considerable pe- riod. In similar experiments Lepiota rhacodes and Trieholoma per- .''onatum were used. The former has given unsatisfactory results thus far, but the latter is promising. It is not yet time to report on the possibility of growing the better and larger species of puffballs and the morel. It has already been indicated that the mycelium of these fungi grows well in pure cul- tures. From the pure cultures it has also been demonstrated that spawn may be made, but it has not been determined under what con- ditions the fruit may be produced. Figure 1 on Plate IV shows a young specimen of one of the puffballs, Caloatin craniifortnis, the spawn of which is produced with the least difficulty. COOPERATIVE EXPERIMENTS. During the V'inter of 1902-3 a small quantity of experimental spawn made by the writer was sent out to mushroom growers for trial; in 1903—1: this spawn was made in large quantity, and trial packages were sent to more than 100 growers or interested persons. At that time Farmers' Bulletin No. 204 had not been issued, and the instructions which could be furnished inexperienced growers were inadequate. Nevertheless, an attempt was made to obtain reports from all persons receiving the experimental spawn, even from those who had applied for and received spawn when the season was too far advanced for successful work except in caves and cool cellars. A number of reports were received, but, as might be expected, fully 50 per cent of these indicated that the conditions under Avhich the experi- 0329— No. 85-=-()r> m— ^-4 48 ■ MUSHROOM GROWING AND SPAWN MAKING. nieiits were made were wholly uiisalisfactory, and that, therefore, no faA'orable results could be anticipated. Among those whose reports indicated that the conditions were favorable, or fairly favorable, only a small percentage reported failures, while four-fifths of those claim- ing success secured yields of more than one-half pound per square foot of bed space, many ol)taining more than 1 pound per square foot. In two instances a yield of nearly 2 i)ounds to the scjuare foot was reported. The frontispiece, Plate T. a bed in full bearing, and l*late VII, figure 1, showing the nuishrooms as ]^re})ared for mar- ket, are photographs furnished by cooperating growers who are now also making spawn of pure-culture origin. It was suggested to growers Avho received the experimental spawn that a comparative test of the English or other commercial spawns Avith that received from the Department of Agriculture would be of interest. Comparative tests were made and reported by 10 growers. In most cases the English spawn, obtained at random on the market, failed to groAV. In only one case did the English spaAvn prove better than the pure- culture product, and in this instance the spaAvn furnished by the Department Avhen used Avas nearly one year old. Failures may ahvays be anticipated Avhen attempts are made to groAv mushrooms under acU'erse conditions, and it must be said that greater success Avas obtained from the cooperatiA^e Avork than could have been hoped for, considering the fact that many of the persons Avho sent in reports Avere Avholly inexperienced and Avere practically unguided. During the present year experimental mushroom spaAvn has been sent to more than '200 interested persons, and this Avill doubtless be the last general distribution of this product by the Department of Agriculture. Representing the varieties of Af/nrici/s campestrh commonly groAvn. mushroom spawn of pure-culture origin is noAv an established market product. In order that the standard of the American spaAvn may be maintained, spawn makers, dealers, and groAvers should see to it that only the fresh, recently dried product is used. Nevertheless, it is hoped that this cooperative Avork may be carried forAvard, looking toward the deA'elopment of better varieties or the bringing into culture and the testing of ucav species. CAVE FACILITIES IN THE UNITED STATES. CaA-e facilities in the United States are by no means so meager as has been supposed. There are in some sections caves from Avhic' rock for Portland cement has been mined. Some of these haA^e been utilized for mushroom groAviiig. There are also natural caves of great extent in many of the States of the Central West — especially OPEN-AIR CULTURE. 49 in Indiana, Missouri, Kentiick}', and Arkansas — as well as in Vir- ginia." The difficulty is to obtain caves within a convenient distance from cities, for stable manure becomes expensive if it must be hauled many miles or transported long distances by the carload. Again, caves should be easy of access, since after each crop every vestige of soil, manure, etc., of the preceding crop must be removed as a sani- tary jjrecaution. This is especially necessary since there is much Avaste space in most natural caves, and it becomes a very difficult or expensive matter to fumigate. If the cave system is extensive, it must also be possible to give it thorough ventilation. Many natural caves are the courses of subterranean streams. The latter are l)y no means objectional)le if there is no danger from overflow. In many caves the stream has long since found a new channel and the cave is dry. Seepage water, usually accompanied by continuous stalactite and stalagmite formation, is undesirable. In some of the Eastern States coalpits or coal mines may l>e important for mushroom [)ur- poses. Where the coal mine is not too deep, or where perfect venti- lation may be given, there is no reason why it is not entirely suitable for mushroom growing. OPEN-AIR CULTURE. In some sections of England and France open-air culture of mush- rooms in beds is practicable during the late autumn and winter months, in which case the productive period may extend into the spring. The difficulties in the wa}^ of open-air culture are not merely those of maintaining a more or less uniform temjjerature, but also of maintaining practically constant conditions of moisture. For these reasons it is necessary to mulch the beds heavily with clean straw. In some instances a light nudch of straw is permitted to remain even during the period of production, for a rapid drying out of the surface would be hazardous or fatal. It is better, perhaps, to put the beds under some form of protection, such as an improvised cold frame. In regions where the climatic changes are marked, open-air cul- ture is ]:)robably not to be recommended during any season for com- mercial purposes. It is probable that there are some areas in the ITnited States in which open-air culture might be practiced with profit. It has seemed that certain sections of California might be favorable for this phase of the work. In the interest of experiments « The writer is indebted to Prof. C. F. Marbiit for the information that oaves are to lie expected in the Sihirian limestone, which occurs particularly in the extension of the Shenandoah Valley, in the hlucirrass resion of Kentucky, and in tlie Ozark re.ij;ion of Missouri, and Arkansas; also in the Lower Carboniferous limestoue, which extends into Indiana. Kentucky, Tennessee, and Missouri. 50 MUSHROOM GROWING AND SPAWN MAKING. along tliis line the writer has made a special attempt to acquaint himself with the conditions in that section of the conntry. This has seemed particularly desirable, inasmuch as fresh mushrooms could not be shipped to the far West from sections in which they are at ])resent grown in quantity. From the information obtained it is thought that successful open-air mushroom growing might be antici- pated in those sections where the average temperature is between 48° and 55° F., provided there are relatively few days when the temperature falls as low as 82° F. At the same time, open-air cul- ture can not be reconnnended for those sections in which dry wnnds are prevalent. As a rule, during the wet or winter season the rain- fall is so light that heavy mulching Avould probably suffice to prevent injury from excessive wetting. Nevertheless, it seems apparent that even in regions most favorable for open-air culture some inexpensive partial protection against the changes of temijerature due to direct sunlight, or against heavy rainfall, Avould be desirable. It was also ascertained that Agaricus eojnpesfris appears naturally in some quantity during the months of January and February, or longer, during the rainy season. This, how^ever, is also true of other species of fleshy fuiigi. The large size of some of the specimens of Agaricus campestris and ^1. arvensis found would seem to suggest that they were j^roduced from an unusually vigorous mycelium. This may be the result of a condition analogous to that previously mentioned, where, on account of the Ioav temjjerature of the atmos- ])here, the spawn may develop slowly through a considerable period, and finally, under favorable conditions, sporophores of unusual size are produced. In the following table ai'e given the monthly mean temperatures from several representative stations in California during the years 1899 and 1900. From this table it will be seen that so far as the mean temperature is concerned Eureka and San Francisco would be especially favorable during a large portion of the year. Independ- ence and Red Bluff are likewise satisfactory, wdiile San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, and San Diego show a mean wdiich is perhaps rather too high. The moisture of the atmosphere, the prevalence of hot winds, the variation in the daily temperature, and the number of hot or cold days must all be considered. From the data obtained, the general conclusion seems to be that the most favor- able regions are those where conditions correspond closely to those of Eureka and San Francisco. This, however, represents a large region, including a considerable jDortion of the- San Joaquin and of the Sacramento valleys. In a few places experiments have already been undertaken to determine the possibilities for the development of this work, l^ut no definite recommendations can be made until the experi- OPEN-AIR CULTURE. 51 mental evidence is at hand. It may be said, moreover, that some of the regions which seem to be too warm for open-air culture may be especially favorable during several months at a time for mushroom growing in ordinary cellars, or in very simply constructed mushroom houses. In those sections the winter and early spring months would doubtless give the most satisfactory conditions; and this period, fortunately, corresponds with the tourist season — a season w^hen the market demands are greatest. It is also possible that wdth mulching and with simple protection, mushroom growing may be successful in some of the Eastern States. Table XI. — Mean inonthlu tciiiperatures (it points in California, in dcf/rces Fahrenheit. Montli. Eureka. 1899. 1900. January - 47 . 5 February : 44. 4 March ._. iS.O April- --- 48. a May ' 49.6 .June - - -.. 52.0 .Tilly - - 54.8 August - 55.9 September _ 54. 8 October - - - 52.0 November 55. 9 December -.--. --- 48.0 Year,-. 50.9 .50.4 48.6 50. 5 50.0 54.4 56.2 .56.4 57.0 56.6 53.8 .53. .3 50.8 .53.2 San Francisco. 1899. 1900. 53.0 .51.6 .53. 2 .54.6 ,52.6 .56. 9 .55. 9 .58.3 .58.2 .59. 3 .56.8 49.6 54. 9 50.7 53.6 .55.3 54.0 .57.0 .57.6 58.2 .59.7 63. 3 .58.8 56.3 50.2 .56. 2 Sai Luis Obispo. 1899. 1900 54.2 54.4 54.0 .56.4 .54.0 62.4 64.4 64.0 65.5 59. 6 .57. 4 54.3 .58. 4 56.3 56.2 .58. 2 .54.2 61.6 63.9 64.2 64.9 64.4 62.8 .59.8 55.6 Santa Barbara. City. F.H.S.1 60.2 53.0 54.6 55.3 57.9 .59.4 62.6 65.5 66.9 66.1 63.6 .59. 1 55.6 59.9 55.4 .58. 0 .57. 4 59.3 59.4 64.4 68.1 68.9 69.9 64.8 64.7 58.4 63.3 Month. Los Angeles. San Diego. Independence. Janiiary_. Feljruary March , .'. . April May •June July August September October . . November December Year 1899. 56 54 57 60 60 65 70 69 70 &3 62 58 62 1900. 1899. 1900. 58 .58 60 57 64 67 71 68 67 64 66 60 64 .56.0 53.4 .56.4 .58.0 .58.0 61.4 65.6 65.8 65.5 62.7 61.0 58.7 60.2 57.1 57.3 59.1 57. 1 60.6 63.9 67.1 65.7 65.3 63.8 63.7 .59.7 61.6 1899. 1900. 40.2 46.5 .50.5 .59. 4 60.0 74.2 80.4 72.6 74.6 .55. 4 49.4 43.1 58.9 46. 48. .54. 52. 65. 75. 79. 72. 63. 58. 50. 43. .59.2 Red Bluff. 1899. 48.8 51.6 53.3 60.8 63.2 77.9 83.0 73.8 78.0 61.0 54.4 45.5 62.4 1900. 48.8 51.1 .58.6 57. 6 67.0 76.8 82.6 77.0 69.9 60.0 .54.8 45.4 62.5 " Foothills or suburbs of Santa Barbara, at an elevation of 7.50 feet al)ove the city. Occasionally one reads of successful natural cultures of mush- rooms: that is, the production of this plant in pastures, lawns, etc.. under more or less natural conditions. At Columbia, Mo., the writer has made numerous attempts to spaAvn plats in pastures and lawns; but thus far failure has attended every attempt. The spawning has, moreover, been tried at every season of the year. It is believed that in the section of the country mentioned only exceptionally favorable seasons will permit any success in this phase of open-air culture. 52 MUSHEOOM GEO WING AND SPAWN MAKING. MUSHROOM SPAWN MAKING. The mycelium of the cultivated mushroom has long been known commercially as " spawn." From early times it has been recognized that mushrooms may be grown from spawn, and it is (juite certain that in all attempts to propagate mushrooms spawn has been used for the purpose. In France, in England, and in other countries in which the mush- room has long been groAvn it is recognized that it is not profitable continually to take growing spawn from one bed to be preserved as '' seedage " for the next crop. The common expression is that the spawn " runs out "" in about three years. There seem to be few or no definite experiments indicating the exact conditions under which the spawn in two or three years loses the power of vigorous mush- room production. Nevertheless, it is the almost unanimous opinion of all extensive growers that there is a marked diminution in the yield after several successiA^e propagations from the spawn in the mushroom bed. This has seemed to be true in the writer's experi- ments, although it must be said that accidents to experiments under- taken have made it impossible to report at this time upon the nature of this running out. That deterioration does result is apparently a fact accepted by all scientific men who haA'e given attention to mush- room growing. It is possible, however, that under cert«in conditions the spawn might be repeatedly propagated without loss of proli firm- ness. It is not necessary to enter here into a discussion of possibili- ties or to attempt to explain why weakening might be evident under ordinary conditions. A " chance " method. — For practical purposes it is necessary to renew the spawn and to secure, if possible, spawn which has not pre- viously weakened itself by the production of nnishrooms — known as virgin spawn. Natural virgin spawn may be found wherever " in nature " it has been possible for the spores to germinate and to pro- duce a mycelium. Ordinarily such so-called " spontaneous " appear- ances of spawn may be anticipated in compost heaps, rich garden beds, pastures near the feeding places of animals, etc. Many attempts have been made by practical growers to develop ^■pawn from spores, sowing the gill portions of mature mushrooms in specially constructed beds; but the results, so far as the writer is aware, have not been satisfactory. As a rule, therefore, growers have been compelled to rely wholly upon a virgin spawn which has been obtained by chance. It is said that in the vicinity of Paris some persons make a business of searching for this virgin spawn, which they sell to the growers at a high figure. It is claimed that they become so adept in detecting the ditferences in the character of growth, the quality of odors, etc., that they can distinguish not only MUSUROOM SPAWN MAKING. 58 .[(/arkus rampestris, but also sonic of its varieties. In Elnglaiul much of the virgin spawn has been obtained from pastures. Where a •• spontaneous "' growth of spawn is observed, trenches are dug, and these are filled with good stable manure. The latter in time becomes penetrated, and it is highly prized for cultural purposes. As a rule, rhe virgin spawn is used in spawning beds, which, when well pene- trated, are torn down, and the whole bed used as flake spawn in spawning the general croj). Again, the virgin spawn may be used in spawning the brick, or cakes, this being the form in which English spaAvn is usually made. However adept persons may become in the identification of various varieties of spawn by odor, etc., this must be considered essentially a chance method. A " selective " method. — From what has been said it will be per- ceived that very little advancement could be made in the selection of desirable varieties of mushrooms, in varietal improvement and the like, so long as the chance method of securing spawn should prevail. The studies in the germination of mushroom spores previously re- ferred to were encouraged by the apparent necessity of beginning with spores from mushrooms of known qualities in order to effect improvement. In recent years the investigations of Costantin « upon spore germination have found application in a department of the Pasteur Institute. Bv a secret method, mvcelium is grown from the spores in jjure cultures. These cultures, which are, of course, pure virgin spawn, are then offered for sale to the gi-owers. This spawn does not seem to have received deserved consideration on the part of the growers. The secret method of effecting spore germination re- ferred to by Repin 'J has also been practically applied by one of the largest seed firms in Paris. In general, however, French growers have not profited so much by the new methods, perhaps partially on account of the fact that these methods are not known and partially because of the expense of the new virgin spawn. It is to be noted that these methods imply pure cultures to begin with. The successful germination studies with chemical stimulation men- tioned in this paper were soon overshadowed by the discovery of the ease of makinsr tissue cultures. The use of the latter method has ])een the means of a sudden advancement in spawn making in this country during the past tAvo years, for many practical men have been quick to see the advantages which it offers. Pure-culture precautions. — It has already been stated that the pure-culture method of making virgin spawn is not one which will prove successful in the hands of wholly inexperienced persons, or of those who are unwilling to spend time and use the utmost care in the manipulation of the cultures and the culture material. The use of a Costantin, J., loc. cit ^ Ri'pin, C, loc. cit. 54 MUSHROOM GROWING AND SPAWN MAKING. pure-culture methods necessitates to a considerable extent a knowl- edge of the bacteria and molds which are everywhere i)resent in the air and which are especially abundant wherever there are dusty or damp, moldy conditions. The principle of making pure cultures is briefly this : The materials, or media, and all the vessels employed must be sterilized, which implies being heated at a temperature suffi- cient to kill all germs present in the vessels or materials used. If the vessels used are test tubes or other pieces of glassware with small mouths, they should, previous to sterilization, be plugged with cotton batting. This cotton batting prevents, when carefully manipulated, the entrance of germs from the air, and therefore keeps the vessel or medium in a pure or sterile condition. If such a vessel is opened, this should be done in a room free from currents of air or falling dust particles ; and, while open, tubes and other apparatus should be held in a more or less horizontal position, so that they will be less liable to contamination. It follows, of course, that the cotton plug, if removed, shoidd not come in contact with any unsterilized sub- stances. If, now, a small quantity of the growing mycelium of a mushroom from a pure culture is transferred to such a sterilized tube, using for this transfer sterile needles, or scalpels, there will be little danger fi'oui foreign organisms, and the piece of mycelium inserted will therefore grow as a ])ure cidtui-e free from all other fimgi or bacteria. 77ie thsve-cvlfiirc ixefhod. — In making jjure cultures of musln-ooins, large test tubes or wide-mouthed bottles nuiy be used. These should be carefully cleaned, and, if possible, a sterilization should be given by means of dry heat as a preliminary precaution. In this event the tubes are i)lugged with cotton i)lugs and placed in a dry oven made for the purpose. They are heated to a temperature of about 150° C, and this temperature should be maintained for nearly an hour. Ordinarily, however, in rough work it is not essential to employ this preliminary sterilization. In either case the tubes are next partially filled (about two-thirds) with the manure, or half-decayed leaves, upon which it is desired to grow the virgin spawn. A plug is inserted in each tube, and the tubes are then sterilized in a steam boiler or under pressure. If sterilized under steam pressure, as in an autoclave, it is necessary to use about 15 pounds pressure and to allow the tubes to remain at this pressure for from fifteen mimites to half an hour. If the sterilization must be effected in a boiler or in an ojien Avater bath, it can only be done at 100° C, of course; and it is then desirable to boil the tubes for at least one hour on each of two or three successive days. With the tubes thoroughly sterile, the next step is to make the cultures or inoculations. By the tissue-culture method .it is implied MUSHEOOM SPAWN MAKING. 55 that the inocidatioiiH are made from pieces of the tissue of a living mushroom. It is at this stage that selection may be made. One should procure from a bed of mushrooms in full bearing a mushroom which represents the most desirable qualities that are to be found. Size, quality, and general prolihcness must all be considered, as well, also, as other characteristics in any special selections. One may de- sire, for instance, to select from a variety which yields throughout a long period — one wdiich is resistant to higher temperatures, etc. Having found the mushroom from which it is desired to propagate, plants as young as possible may be used, and those which show the veil still intact are especially desirable. With a scalpel, or a pair of forceps, which has been sterilized by passing the blade through a gas flame, or even the flame from an alcohol or ordinary lamp, small !)ieces of the internal tissue ma}^ be removed, and these pieces trans- ferred to the tubes, without, of course, coming in contact with any object whatever which has not previously been sterilized. It is a good idea to Avash the nuishroom first, so that no dust w'ill be made. The plant may then be broken o])en longitudinally and bits of the internal tissue readily removed without fear of contamination when one becomes adept in this kind of manipulation. Immediately upon inoculation the cotton i)lug is rei)laced in the tube, and after all the tubes are inoculated they should be j)ut out of the dust, preferably in a situation where the temperature is about that of an ordinary living room. In the course of several days a slight growth may be evident from the tissue if the conditions have been perfectly sterile. In the course of a week or more the gi'owth shoiUd become very evident, and in three weeks the moldlike development of mycelium should s})read to })ractically all parts of the medium in the tube. The method of making pure cultures and the laboratory apparatus usually involved are shown in Plate VI, figure 2. AMien the tubes are thoroughly " run "' the contents may be removed ii.nd used in spawning brick. The contents of a single tulx; may spawn several bricks wdien carefully employed. If no transfers are niade of the growing mycelium from one lot of tubes to another, the writer has not found it at all impracticable or unfavorable to utilize this first lot of l)ricks later in si)awning others. No further trans- fers, how^ever, should be made from these bricks to others under any circumstances in spawn making. As elsewhere indicated, such a con- tinuous transference is injurious to the vigor of the spawn and diminishes the (luantity of nuishrooms produced. The coTrhTnercidJ process. — The essentials in si)awn making are (1) a uniform, compact manure brick; {'1) vigorous and well-selected virgin spawn to be used in inoculating the bricks, and (3) favorable conditions for the storage of the bricks during the growth of the spawn. 56 MUSHROOM GROWING AND SPAWN MAKING. It should be indicated that there is no one method of making brick spawn. The process may and Avill be varied by each spawn maker. Any skill or mechanical devices which will simplify or improve the process in any particular are to be recommended. The materials entering into the composition of the brick are fer- mented stable manure, cow manure, iind sometimes a small quantity of well-selected loam. Perhaps the chief value of these different con- stituents is as follows: In the horse manure the mycelium grows most readily. The cow manure binds the materials together into compact brick. The loam, which is perhaps least essential, is supposed to prevent cracking or hardening of the surface, and therefore contributes to the appearance of the finished brick, at the same time tending to prevent rapid fer- mentation during growth. It also in some cases facilitates the uni- form spread of the mycelium. If fresh manure is used, the necessity of using loam is perhaps to be emphasized. In the experiments which have been made under the auspices of the Department of Agriculture these materials have been used singly and in various combinations, and it is beyond doubt that the relative proportions of these should be determined by the special conditions under which the spawn is made. Excellent results have been ob- tained by using a mixture of from two-thirds to three-fourths stable manure and the remainder cow manure. In this case the compost for the brick is subjected to fermentation previous to its use. When loam is employed it may be used in more or less equal proportion to the cow manure; and the quantity of stable manure should about equal that of the other two ingredients. If the straw present does not become sufficiently disintegrated during the preparation of the manure to enable one to make a smooth brick, it should be removed, in part at least. The dry bricks ordinarily measure about 5^ by 8 J by 1] (to 1^) inches. They should therefore be molded of somewhat larger size, perhaps 6 by 9 by 2 inches, since there is considerable contraction during drvinff. The mold consists merely of an oak frame of four pieces strongly riveted together. It may also be profitably lined Avith thin steel plates. In molding the brick one of two methods may be followed : ( 1 ) The compost may be thoroughly wet or pud- dled; then, with the mold upon a board of suitable width, the manure is compressed into it, the mold removed from the brick then formed, and the board pushed along for a succession of such impressions. The boards supporting the bricks are then disposed in racks and the l)ricks dried for a few days, or until they may be turned on edge for further drying out. (2) The comjiost may be used in a condition which is merely moist. It is comi)ressed into the brick with some force, a mallet being often employed. The brick thus obtained is I I MUSHROOM SPAWN MAKING. 57 sufficiently rigid to be immediately handled if necessary. By this method, unless the compost has been in excellent condition, the bricks are not so smooth as might be desired for commercial purposes. In some instances they have then been subjected to a repress process, an old repress brick machine being adapted for the purpose. In such cases the bricks are made thicker to begin with. The second method has been discontinued by some who at first employed it. Two methods are also employed in spawning : ( 1 ) The more com- mon method is to insert into the brick near both ends a piece of the virgin spawn obtained for the purpose. A cut is made Avith the knife, the spawn inserted, and a stroke of the knife effectively closes the surface. This must be done as soon as the brick can be readily handled. (;2) The bricks are dried until merely moist throughout; then, on being piled, nocules of spawn are placed between successive bricks, a piece at each end. In either case the bricks are not piled for the growth of the spawn until in good condition as to moisture content. This should be determined not by the surface, but by the interior of the brick. In the pile the surface will soon become moist. When the first method is employed it is sometimes customary to spread between the layers of brick in the pile a little moist manure or sawdust. It has been determined, also, that the absolute mois- ture content of the brick should be about 40 per cent, which is the same as for the mushroom bed. Tests of the moisture content of bricks growing well have varied from 35 to 47^ per cent. Occasional examination should be made to determine the tempera- ture and the extent of growth. In order that the bricks may become thoroughly penetrated, more than a month will usually be required. The most favorable conditions for the growth of the spawn are practically the same as for mushroom growing. A fairly moist atmosphere, maintained, if necessary, by spraying, and a more or less uniform temperature (55° to G0° F.) are to be preferred. The size of the piles will depend upon the other conditions; but if there is any danger of considerable fermentative activity the bricks should be so disposed as to permit perfect ventilation between two or more adjacent rows. When the bricks are thoroughly '* run " they are dried under cover before being shipped or stored in Indk, since in a moist brick the spawn would continue to grow and would soon produce small mush- rooms or else would become moldy. Well-penetrated bricks of spawn are shown in Plate VII, figure 2. The areas of mycelial growth should be evident to the eye. The growth should be moldlike, how- ever, rather than composed of very large threads or fibers. The suggestion made in a previous publication that mushroom spawn should be sold by the brick (with a uniform standard of size) seems to have been adopted l)y American makers. The trade names 58 MUSHKOOM GEO WING AND SPAWN MAKING. siio-o-estofl for the common types of Agaricnis eani jyestrk in culture have also come into use. It is certain that these names, Alaska, Bohemia, and Columbia, designating respectively a white, a brown, and a more or less cream-gray form, do not include all forms in cultivation. Until a careful study has been made of varieties, how- ever, this nomenclature will enable spawn makers to keep in mind certain types, and will make it possible for growers to ask for a spawn yielding a color demanded by their special markets. THE VITALITY OF MUSHROOM SPAWN. Many of the early experiments in nnishroom growing undertaken by the writer were made in the hope of being able to ascertain the more frequent causes of failure and some of the chief difficulties encountered by American mushroom growers. 1'he ordinary com- mercial spawn used by amateurs, that is, such as is obtainable upon the market during the winter months, Avas purchased wherever possi- ble. Samples of this spawn were placed under conditions which were supposed to Ix' most favoral)le for growth. Nevertheless, in the majority of cases there was no indication of the development of a new mycelium from the bricks of spawn thus obtained. From these results it was suspected that much of the spawn which reaches the amateur grower may be consideral)ly injdred, or even killed, by transportation or improper conditions of storage; for it must be sup- posed that most of this s])awn is in good oi- at least fair condition when exported from Europe. Subsequently the writer was abk> to look into the matter of spawn making in Europe and P'rance, and he was convinced that the diffi- culty of securing good spawn in England is not a very serious factor. The same is true witli reference to the material which is obtained by both extensive and small growers in France. Special importations of some of the commercial English and French spawns were made, and this was packed, shipped, and stored under conditions as favorable as may ordinarily obtain. This sj^awn was imported during midwinter and stored until March or early April, when it was used in spawning some experimental beds. The conditions of the experiments were practically the same throughout, yet in not more than half the beds was there a favorable development of mushroom spawn. A distribution of the French spawn, both the commercial flake and the improved cake spawn, Avas made to several prominent American growers. Some of these growers experienced entire failure, while others reported that, after a slow beginning, beds spawned with this material made a good yield. The general conclu- sion, reenforced by observation and by the experience of' practical growers, could only be that a large percentage of loss in mushroom VITALITY OF MUSHROOM SPAWN. 59 oTowing is attributable to tlie injury suffered by the spawn after its ]3reparation. Tliis conclusion has been further strengthened by the experience of the past three years. From Table VIII, beds Nos. 1, 2, 4, 5, and 30, it will be seen that, under conditions where fresh spawn has invariably made a good yield, the spawn which is more than a year old is, for the most part, seriously injured or killed. To be exact, in only one case was there any production of mushrooms by spawn which had been kept for a year or longer. It must be said that no attempt was made to keep these spawns under similar conditions or under the most favorable conditions. For the most part the sjDawn was stored in the dry laboratory room, in which the temperature was more or less variable, but ncA'er extreme. The old American spawn which was used in experimental bed No. 1, in Tal)le VIII, was stored in a l)asement room where the average temperature Avas undoubtedly cooler than that of the laboratory room. From experimental beds Nos. 1, 3, 4, and 5, in Table X. it is again seen that old spawn is unreliable. In this particular case the mate- i-ial was furnished by a prominent mushroom grower — ^an English spawn importer. This spawn had been stored in a dry house and was therefore subject to similar conditions. In Table VIII, beds Nos. 31, 32, 35, and in Table IX, Nos. 34, 41, and 45, there is further j)roof of the loss of vitality in the imported spawn ordinarily off'ered for sale in many of our cities. In these cases spawn was bought on the market just as offered for sale to the amateur buyer; "best on hand " was asked for, but no stipulation was made that is should be of recent importation, and no guaranty was asked. The tests were not, therefore, to compare the very best English with the best Amer- ican spawn, but merely to, secure an indication of some of the cause's of failure by the purchase at random of English and French spaAvn on the market. Even in times past the extensive mushroom growers have either imported their spawn direct, or made sure that they Avere obtaining the best product that the market could furnish. Unfortunately, it has not been possible to compare, in any exj^eri- ments thus far concluded, the best English with the best American spawn. The results seem also to indicate that brick spawn maintains its vitality longer than the flake material, and that brick spawn made of loose, light material is less retentive of vitality than that made after the formula commonly followed in England. This proves to be an inifortunate factor to be dealt with in the attempt to reduce by all means the weight of the brick. The reduction in weight would be most desirable, since freight upon this material adds con- siderably to the price of market spaM^i. To the poor keeping quali- ties of loose spawn is perhaps due the large number of failures w4th French flake spawn, and perhaps also some of the failures with the 60 MUSHROOM GROWING AND SPAWN MAKING. newer form of French brick spawn. The latter is made in the form of very small, thin In'icks, which are luiquestionably more aifected by weather conditions than the larger English bricks. These results have seemed to demand that special attention should be given to methods of spawn making in the United States in order that growers might be able to secure this product as fresh as pos- sible. Moreover, it was desirable, as previously indicated, to at- tempt work leading to the selection and improvement of varieties. The success of the work in spawn making has been almost all that could have been anticipated. By the pure-culture methods described, several firms are now making grades of brick spawn which have yielded remarkably well. This fact is now thoroughly recognized by a large number of the best growers throughout the country. Probably as many as 50,000 bricks Avere sold during 1904, and it is perhaps to be expected that several hundred thousand will be sold during the present year. It is to be regretted that it has not yet been possible to abandon the pure-culture process by means of which the virgin spawn is made while retaining the advantages of selection. Nevertheless, it should be remembered that the very difficulties of this process insure its use only by those who are able to give it their best attention and who Avill doubtless develop it to the fullest commercial extent. It has not been supposed by the writer that the work thus far accomplished will en- able all mushroom growers to manufacture their own spaAvn with comparative ease. In other phases of horticultural work it is not so much to individual growers as to progressive seedsmen that we look for the best seed of improved varieties. The same thing apparently must be anticipated in the development of the mushroom industry. The growing of selected spawn may, in general, become a specialized process. Nevertheless, it is believed that in time a method of spawn pro- duction from spores without pure-culture precautions Avill be devel- oped. The necessity of developing immediately, or placing on a practical basis, the pure-cidture process has temporarily directed the experimental work along other lines. O Bui. 85, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S Dept of Agriculture. Plate II. Fig. 1.— a Fine Cluster of Agaricus Campestris, the Horticultural Variety Columbia. / ■M FiQ. 2.— Morels (Morchella esculenta), One of the Finest Edible Fungi. Bui. 85, Bureau of Plant Industiy, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate III. Fig. 1.— Agaricus Fabaceus, the Almond-flavored Mushroom. Fig. 2.— Agaricus Villatigus, a Promising Species, Fleshy and Prolific. Bui. 85, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate IV. ^ /. y^}' '^^^is^-'^S^ y^y, ■ . ^t V. ■» -■«* Fig. 1.— a Young Spccimen of the Common Puffball (Calvatia craniiformisi. Fig. 2.— The Oyster Mushroom i Pleurotus ostreatusi, Growing on Decayed Willow Log. Bui. 85, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept of Agriculture. Plate V. tmiNH Fig. 1.— a Mushroom House Provided with Gas-piping Framework FOR Shelf Beds. Fig. 2.— The Preparation of Compost. Bui. 85, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate VI. Fig. 1 .— a Large Mushroom Establishment— a Common Form of Mushroom House. Fig. 2.— The Method of Making Pure Cultures, Showing the Apparatus and Materials. Bui. 85, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate VII. r^TW^. l^'-A^TT^ Fig. 1.— Mushrooms Prepared for the American Market. Fig. 2.— Good '"Well-Run"i Mushroom Spawn, Brick Form. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY— BULLETIN NO. 86. B. T. GALLOWAY, CJiief of Bureau. AGRICULTURE WITHOUT IRRIGATION IN THE SAHARA DESERT. BY THOMAS H. KEARNEY, Physiologist. VEGETABLE PATHOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS. Issued November 16, 1905. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1905. BULLETINS OF THE BTJREATJ OE l-LANT INDUSTRY. The Bureau of I'lant Industry, whieh was organized July 1, 1901, includes Vegetable Pathological and Physiological Investigations, Botanical Investiga- tions, Farm Management (including Grass and Forage Plant Investigations), Pomological Investigations, and Experimental Gardens and Grounds, all of which were formerly conducted as separate Divisions ; and also Seed and Plant Intro- duction and Distribution; the Arlington Experimental Farm; Investigations in the Agricultural Economy of Tropical and Subtropical Plants ; Drug and Poison- ous Plant Investigations ; Tea Culture Investigations ; the Seed Laboratory ; and Dry Land Agriculture and Western Agricultural Extension. Beginning with the date of organization of the Bureau, the several series of bulletins of the various Divisions were discontinued, and all are now published as one series of the Bureau. A list of the bulletins issued in the present series follows. Attention is dii-ected tP the fact that "the serial, scientific, and technical publications of the United States Department of Agriculture are not for general distribution. All copies not re(iuired for official use are by law turned over to the Superintendent of Documents, who is empowered to sell them at cost." All applications for such publications should, therefore, be made to the Superin- tendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington. D. C. No. 1. The Relation of Lime and Magnesia to Plant Growth. 1901. Price, 10 cents. 2. Spermatogenesis and Fecundation of Zamia. 1901. Price, 20 cents. 3. Macaroni AVheats. 1901. Price, 20 cents. 4. Range Improvement in Arizona. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 5. Seeds and Plants Imported. Inventory No. 9. 1902. Price, 10 cents. G. A List of American Varieties of Peppers. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 7. The Algerian Durum Wheats. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 8. A Collection of Fungi Prepared for Distribution. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 9. The North American Species of Spartina. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 10. Records of Seed Distribution and Cooperative Experiments with Grasses and Forage Plants. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 11. Johnson Grass. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 12. Stock Ranges of Northwestern California. 1902. Price. 1.5 cents. 13. Range Improvement in Central Texas. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 14. The Decay of Timber and Methods of Preventing It. 1902. Price, 55 cents. 15. Forage Conditions on the Border of the Great Basin. 1892. Price, 15 cents. 16. A Preliminary Study of the Germination of the Spores of Agaricus Cam- pestris and Other Basidiomycetous Fungi. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 17. Some Diseases of the Cowpea. 1902. Price. 10 cents. 18. Observations on the Mosaic Disease of Tobacco. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 19. Kentucky Bluegrass Seed. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 20. Manufacture of Semolina and Macaroni. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 21. List of American Varieties of Vegetables. 1903. Price, .35 cents. 22. Injurious Effects'of Premature Pollination. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 23. Berseem. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 24. Unfermented Grape Must. 1902. Price. 10 cents. 25. Miscellaneous Papers : I. The Seeds of Rescue Grass and Chess. II. SaragoUa Wheat. III. Plant Introduction Notes from South Africa. IV. Congressional Seed and Plant Distribution Circulars. 1903. Price, 15 cents. 26. Spanish Almonds. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 27. Letters on Agriculture in the West Indies, etc. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 28. The Mango in Porto Rico. 1903. Price. 15 cents. 29. The Effect of Black Rot on Turnips. 1903. Price, 15 cents. 30. Budding the I'ecan. 1902. Price. 10 cents. 31. Cultivated Forage Crojis of the Northwestern States. 1902, Price, 10 cents. 32. A Disease of the White Ash. 190,3. Price. 10 cents. 33. North American Species of Leptochloa. 1903. Price, 15 cents. 34. Silkworm Food Plants. 1903. Price, 15 cents. 35. Recent Foreign Explorations. 1903. Price, 15 cents. [Continued on page 3 of cover.] Bui. 86, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY- BULLETIN NO. 86. B. T. GALLOWAY, ChkJ of Bureau. AGRICULTURE WITHOUT IRRIGATION IN THE SAHARA DESERT. BY THOMAS H. KEARNEY, Physiologist. VEGETABLE PATHOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS. Issued November 16, 1905. LIBRARY NEW YORK BOTANICAL WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1905. BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTBY. B. T. GALLOWAY, PutJioloijifit uttil Physiologist , and Chief of Bureau. VEGETABLE PATHOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS. Albkkt F. Woods, Pathologist and Physiologist in Charge, Acting Chief of Bureau in Absence of Chief. BOTANICAL INVESTIGATIONS. Frederick V. Coville, Botanist in Charge. FARM MANAGEMENT. W. .T. Spillmax, Agriculturist in Charge. POMOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS. G. B. Br.\ckett, Pomologi.it in Charge. SEED AND PLANT INTRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION. A. .T. PiETER.s, Botanist in Charge. ARLINGTON EXPERIMENTAL FARM. L. C. CoRBETT, Horticulturist in Charge. INVESTIGATIONS IN THE AGRICULTURAL ECONOMY OF TROPICAL AND SUB- TROPICAL PLANTS. O. F. Cook, Bionomisi in Charge. DRUG AND I'OISONOUS PLANT INVESTKiATIONS, AND TEA CULTURE INVESTIGATIONS. Rodney H. True, Physiologist in Charge. DRY LAND ACJRICILTURE AND WESTERN AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION. Carl S. Scofield, Agriculturist in Charge. EXPERIMENTAL GARDENS AND GROUNDS. E. M. Byrnes, Superintendent. SEED LABORATORY. Edgar Bkown, Botanist in Charge. .1. E. Rockwell, Editor. James E. Jones, Chief Clerk. VEGETABLE PATHOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS. scientific staff. Albert F. Woods, Pathologist and Physiologist in Charge. Krwin F. Smith, Pathologist in Charge of Laboratory of Plant Pathology. Herbert .1. Webber. Physiologi.it in Charge of Laboratory of Plant Breeding. Walter T. Swingle, Physiologist in Charge of Laboratory of Plant Life History. Newton B. Pierce, Pathologist in Charge of Pacific Coast Laboratory. M. B. Waite, Pathologi.it iu Charge of Inrcitigations of Diseases of Orchard Fruits. AlARK Alfred Carleton, Cereali-ii in Charge of Cereal Laboratory. Hermann von Schrenk. in Charge of Mississipiii Valley Laboratory. 1'. II. Rolfs. Pathologist in Charge of Subtropical Laboratory. C. O. Townsend, Pathologist in Charge of Sugar Beet Investigations. T. H. Kearney, A. D. Shamel. Phijsiologists. Plant Breeding. P. II. Dorsett." Cornelius L. Shear, William A. Orton, W. M. Scott, Ernst A. Bessey, E. M. Freeman, Pathologists. E. C. Chilcott, Expert in Cultirating Methods, Cereal Laboratory. C. R. Ball, .issistant Agrostologist, Cereal Laboratory. Joseph S. Chamberlain.* J. Arthur Le Clerc,<" Physiological Chemists. Flora W. Patterson, Mijeolor/ist. Charles P. Hartley, Karl F. Kellerman, Jesse B. Norton, Charles J. Brand, T. Ralph Robinson. Assistants in Physiology. 1»eane B. Swingle, George G. Hedgcock. A-isistants in Pathology. I'ERLEY SPAULDING. P. J. 0'GaR\, FLORENCE HEDGES, HENRY A. MiLLER, ERNEST B. Brown, Leslie A. Fitz, Leonard L. Harter, John O. Mebwin, A. H. Leidigh, H. l-. Blanchard, Scientifie A.isistants. W. W. COBEY, Tobacco Expert. John van Leenhoff, Jr.. T. D. Beck with, Ed-perts. « Detailed to Seed and Plant Introduction and Distribution. "Detailed fo Bureau of Chemistry. <> Detailed from Bureau of Cliemistry. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL U. S. Depabt3iext of Agricultttbe, BuEEAu OF Plant Industry. Office of the Chief. 'Washington^ D. C, September 6, 1905. Sir : I have the honor to transmit herewith and to recommend for publication as Bulletin Xo. 80 of the series of this Bureau the accom- panying paper, entitled "Agriculture without Irrigation in the Sahara Desert." This paper was prepared by ^Ir. Thomas H. Kearney, one of the physiologists of this Bureau, and the data for it were obtained on a trip which he made to northern Africa for the Office of Seed and Plant Introduction and Distribution, primarily for the importation into the United States of offshoots of valuable Tunisian date varieties. It is believed that the methods described may be usefid in some cases in our southwestern desert regions where date culture is being intro- duced. The accompanying illustrations are necessary to a clear understand- ing of the text of this bulletin. Respectfully. B. T. Gallowat, Chief of Bureau. Hon. James Wilson. Secretary of Afjrifoltxire. 3 ,df,§r PREFACE. In view of the interest in farming: withont irrigation that is now being manifested in the arid portion of the United States, an acconnt of a region where agricnhure is carried on nnder extremely adverse natural conditions is particularly timely. The present paper deals Avith a highly developed system of date-palm culture in the Oued Souf, a remarkable and little-known part of Ihe Sahara Desert in northern Africa. Strictly speaking, it is not dry-land agriculture with which we have to do in the Souf region, for while the rainfall is practically nothing and irrigation is impracticable, the roots of the trees quickly find their way to ground water. However, it is quite possible that similar conditions may be found to exist in this country in some parts of the desert region of the Southwest, and that the Souf system, with or without irrigation, can be utilized there on a small scale in growing certain orchard crops with a view to forcing fruit to early maturity, so that it can be put upon the market much in ad- vance of the bulk of the crop. The Oued Souf was visited by Mr. Kearney at the end of Novem- ber, 1901, the journey having been made from Nefta, in southwestern Tunis, where he had spent several Aveeks in a study of the date palm. This expedition to northern Africa was made under the auspices of the Office of Seed and Plant Introduction and Distribution of the Bureau of Plant Industry. Acknowledgment is here made to Captain Bussy, Chef du Bureau Arabe at El Oued, for the cordial assistance rendered by him to Mr. Kearney during the latter's stay in the Souf region. A. F. Woods, Pathologist See Plate II (map) in Bui. 53, Bureau of Plant Industry, " The Date Palm," by W. T. Swingle. INTRODUCTION. 1 1 From the tops of the lofty sand hills that surround El Oued an excellent view can be had, and there one can form a clear idea of the character of this remarkable country. (See PL I, frontispiece, and PL II, fig. 3.) Assuredly there are few regions where any sort of agriculture is carried on under more extraordinary conditions. As far as the eye can reach it rests upon an expanse of pure sand, heaved up into range after range of dunes." In the hollows among these dunes are the gardens of date palms, sometimes mere pockets contain- ing 10 or 20 trees, sometimes larger basins in which are groves of 50 to 100 palms. Often the bordering sand hills are much higher than the tallest of the palms, so that many of the gardens can not be seen until one is on the very edge of the basin. In other places, however, the ridges are lower or gaps occur, allowing a cluster of feathery crowns to peep through. These are of such a dark green as to look almost black against the pale sand. A more striking contrast of colors could not be imagined. The trunks are rarely seen until one reaches the brink of the basin or pocket in which the palms are growing. We have before us, in short, a network ^ of basins or hollows con- taining small groves of date palms and separated by great hills and ridges of sand. The aspect of the country is wholly different from tlie Oued Rirh in Algeria and the Djerid in Tunis, where each oasis is a dense continuous forest of date palms, containing often several hundred thousand trees,'' and situated upon comparatively level land. Such, then, is the country of the Souf, a land where there is prac- tically no rainfall, where there are no streams nor springs nor flowing wells to furnish water for irrigation, where the soil is a pure hard sand devoid of organic matter and blown about in clouds by every wind, so that unceasing vigilance is needed to keep the gardens free from it, and where the summer heat is almost as great as anywhere in the world. Yet here the date palm growls to perfection, yielding fruit of better quality and in larger quantity than elsewhere in the Sahara. How this has been brought about we shall presently see in these pages ; but first we should know what manner of men are they who have developed a flourishing agriculture in a land where Nature seems to frown most severely upon all efforts to win a living from the soil. The race that has succeeded so well in the face of such tremen- dous obstacles must needs be an interesting one. "The surface of these dunes is easily moved, even by a light breeze, but the ooi-e is said to l)e stationary and composed of stratified materials. * The Arab word " erg " (plural areg) means " a vein." c In 1899 there were only 192,000 date palms in bearing in the entire Souf region. 12 AGRICULTURE IN THE SAHARA DESERT. POPULATION. There are about 25,000 people in the Soiif region, 5,500 of whom inhabit the capital town. El Oiied, and its immediate neighborhood. Several distinct tribes are included in this population, some being chiefly nomadic shepherds, and others more sedentary, devoting most, of their time to the care of their gardens. They are for the most part a healthy and strong looking race, and are much more energetic than the inhabitants of otJier north African oases. This is doubtless l^artly due to the unceasing labor demanded by the conditions under which they live and partly to the fact that their climate is a healthful one, despite the intense heat of summer. There is no standing water nor even moist surface soil, and mosquitoes are said to be unknown. The dry air and the hot sand are not friendly to the germs of con- tagious diseases. The conditions are, therefore, very different from those in other oases of the Sahara, which are so overirrigated as to be mere swamjDS in summer, scourged with malarial fevers. The inhabitants of the Souf region, who are called " Souafas," depend for a livelihood largely upon the products of their gardens, but they have other resources as well. The more nomadic tribes possess flocks of sheep and goats. They have almost a monopoly of the trade of camel drivers in a large part of the Sahara, guiding caravans eastward into Tunis, westward to Biskra, and far south into the heart of the great desert. Their camels are considered the largest and finest of the Sahara. The men of the Souf are indefati- gable walkers, thinking nothing of traveling 20 or 25 miles a day through the loose sand. Their camel's-hair shoes, tightly bound around the ankles, are much better adapted to this sort of travel than the loose-fitting, heelless slippers generally worn by the Arabs. In building their houses, as in cultivating their palms, the Souafas have many difficulties to contend wdth that are not experienced by the dwellers in other oases. Elsewhere in the Sahara, sun-dried brick, like the Mexican adobe, is the universal building material. But in the Oued Souf there is no clay to be had. Consequently the town of El Oued and all the villages of the region are constructed with irregular masses of grayish, crystalline, gypseous rock, cemented by plaster made from the same material, which thus furnishes both stone and mortar. Wood being very scarce, the roofs are not flat, Avooden ones, but consist of rows of small, flattened cupolas, not unlike old-fashioned beehives, which give a very odd look to the cube- shaped houses. (PI. II, fig. 2.) In its architecture, as in everything else, the Souf is unique. The immaculate cleanliness of the villages is surprising to the traveler who is familiar wnth the filthy streets of most Arab towns. The pure, dry sand is constantly drifting among the houses, and quickly buries all refuse. CLIMATE. 13 CLIMATE. - Exact data in regard to the climate of the Oiied Souf are not easily obtainable. The observations here given were made chiefly by a medical officer of the French army during the summer of 1884."' Unfortunately records covering a period of several years are not available.'' The summer temperatures are very high, few hotter localities being known in the Sahara. The monthly maximum shade temperatures observed by Escard in the summer of 1881 are as follow^s (in degrees Fahrenheit) : April 93 May ____•___ 100 June 10(3 July 122 August 116.5 September 113 October 91. 5 In June, 1901, a maximum of 127.5° F. is said to have been reached. The sum total of temperature during the summer, a factor of the greatest importance in the ripening of the finer varieties of dates, is said to be greater in the Oued Souf than in the Oued Rirh and the Djerid. At the time of the writer's visit (November 22-26, 1901) cool, cloudy weather prevailed, and the nights were decidedly cold. o Escard. Etude medicale et climatologique sur le pays de I'Oued Souf. Archives de Med. et de Pharm. Milit, 7 : .33 (18SG). 6 Since the above chapter on climate was written the records of observations made at El Oued during the whole of 1904 and parts of 1903 and 190.") have been received, through the courtesy of the Director of the Meteorological Service of Algeria. These observations necessitate some modifications in the previously written discussion of the climate of the Souf. The absolute maximum tempera- .ture at El Oued in 1904 was 121.8° F. in May instead of 127.5° F. in June. The absolute minimum in 1904 was 32° F. The mean relative humidity during 1904 at El Oued was 58.8. which is lower than the normal at Tozer, in Tunis (G0.8), but higher than the normal at Ouargla and Biskra, Algeria (47.2 and 48.4, re- spectively), and at Yuma, Ariz. (42.9). The sum of the monthly means of evaporation at El Oued in 1904 is 1.50 inches, while the normal at Tuzer is 94 to 98.5 inches. The total precipitation at El Oued in 1904 was 3.23 inches, while the normal yearly total is 3.61 inches at Ouargla, 6.73 inches at Biskra, 5.1 inches at Tozer, and 2.83 inches at Yuma. The ol)servations on the prevailing direction of the wind during 1904 and the first half of 1905 do not agree with those made by Escard and quoted in the text, but the data are insutticient for an adequate discussion of this factor. As the climatic factor which is most important in date growing is probalily the effective temperature during the ripening season, a calculation has been made of the sum totals of daily mean and of daily maximum temperatures above «^.4° F. (18° C.) during the months of May to October, 1904, at El Oued, and. for the sake of comparison, of the sums for the same months of the same year at Ouargla and Biskra, Algeria; Tozer, in Tunis, and Mecca, in the Salton Basin. California. Records at Mecca for May and June. 1904. not being avail- able, the records for those months at Imperial, Cal., were substituted in making 14 AGRICULTURE IN THE SAHARA DESERT. Almost every winter freezing temperatures are reached, although ])robably the minima are higher and frosts are less frequent in the Oued Souf than at Tougourt and at Tozer. In the winter of 1903-1 the absolute minimum was 32° F., and for several preceding winters '27° F. In respect to atmospheric humidity, the absence of surface water probably tends to keep the air drier than is generally the case in the oases of the Sahara. The rainfall is said to be even less than in the Oued Eirh, wh'jre the average yearly precipitation (at Tougourt) is only 5.3 inches. Most of the rain is divided between two periods — October to Novem- ber, and February to. March. The rains are generally torrential in character and fall during several successive days, with intervals of sunshine. The sky is nearly always clear in summer. Toward the end of August light clouds appear in the morning and evening, but no rain falls until October. During the writer's four days' visit to the Souf the calculations for Mecca, experience having shown that the temperatures recorded at Mecca and at Imperial are very nearly identical. Table I. — Sum of daily mean temperatures above 6J,..',° F. (18° C.) from May l to October SI, 190J,. Locality. El Oued, Algeria. Ouargla, Algeria . Biskra, Algeria . . Tozer, Tunis Mecca, Cal Degrees Fahren- heit. Degrees centi- giade. 3,6T2.6 3,961.3 3, 140. 4 3,831.3 3,591.5 2,040.3 2, 200. 7 1,744.6 2,128.5 1,995.3 The sum of daily means at Biskra for 1904 is nearly 200° F. lower than the normal, as based upt)n observations covering a period of 10 years (see W. T. Swingle, Bui. No. 53. Bureau of Plant Industry, p. GO), and the sum at Mecca for that year is about 400° F. lower than the normal for Indio, Cal.. a few miles distant. Table II. — Sutn of daily maximum temperatures above 6k4° F- {1S° C.) from May 1 to October 31, 190!,. Locality. El Oued, Algeria. Ouargla, Algeria Biskra, Algeria . - Tozer, Tunis Mecca, Cal Degrees Degrees Fahren- centi- heit. grade. 6,325.7 3,514.3 6,501.6 3,612.0 5,219.1 2,899.5 5,903.6 3,279.8 6,370.1 3,539.0 In calculating the sums of daily ma.ximum temperatures allowance was made for mean monthly minima falling below 04.4° F., in accordance with the prac- tice suggested by Swingle (ibid., p. 07). The sum of daily maximum tempera- tures at Biskra during May to October. 1004, is alwut 2.50° F. lower than the normal for 12 years (Swingle, ibid., p. 68). The sum for Mecca is about 700° F. lower than that for Imperial, Cal.. in 1902. CLIMATE. 15 at the end of November the sky was overcast about half of the time, and there were occasional gusts of cold, drizzling rain. Winds are probably more frequent and more violent in the Oued Souf than in the other groups of oases mentioned. It would appear, in fact, that windiness is the ordinary condition there. During the winter, northwest and northeast winds prevail. From April to October, however, the wind is generally from the south (the sirocco) or the southeast (the simoom). The sirocco is the hottest wind, but is less frequent than the simoom, which is generally more violent and transports more sand. All these are winds that blow more or less steadily for several hours and often days at a time. Cyclonic sand storms also occur, arising suddenly and lasting but a short time. Such storms are never accompanied by rain. Owing to the lack of natural vegetation (see PL II), and the fine- ness of the sand with which the country is covered, strong winds carry with them a great deal of material, so that the face of the land is being constantly altered. This is shown by the fact that an apparently fresh wagon track noticed by the writer on his journey from Xefta was completely buried in many places by large heaps of sand. During his four days' stay in the Souf country, a strong wind blew constantly, often making travel difficult, as the particles of sand stung the face and made it hard at times to keep the eyes open. The air was frequently so full of sand that one could see but a few rods ahead. The slopes of the dunes that border the gardens are very steep, so that when a heavy wind is blowing much sand rolls down upon the floor of the garden. Generally there is a fence or palisade along the crest of the dunes, made by sticking palm leaves or pieces of gvpsum rock close together (PL II, fig. 3; PL III, fig. 1; PL IV, fig. 1), but this only partly arrests the blowing and drifting sand, and it is nec- essary to remove it frequently from the gardens. The task is a labo- rious one, as the sand must be carried up the steep hillside in baskets and dumped on the outer sloj)e of the dunes. But if it were neglected, in a few years the trees would be buried, especially in smaller gardens. The writer saw several little gardens that had been abandoned by their owners where the basin was almost filled and only the crowns and a small part of the trunks of the trees still projected above the soil. Another injurious effect of the sand-carrying winds is that when harvested the dates always have more or less sand adhering to the skin, and this must be brushed or washed oft' before they are fit for export. Dates that had been kept for some weeks in the houses of natives, and even those freshly gathered from the trees, were very unpalatal)le to the writer on this account; although the Souafas them- selves do not seem to mind eating a good deal of sand Avith their dates. 16 AGRICULTURE IN THE SAHARA DESERT. WATER SUPPLY. There is no surface water in the whole Souf country, excepting, possibly, a small sebka, or salt pond, of which the writer was told, but which he did not see. There are no natural springs, although ground water is everywhere very near the surface in the hollows- among the dunes. It is said to occur sometimes in strata of pure quartz sand, sometimes in gypseous sand. The distance to standing water is said to reach as much as 40 feet in ditferent j^arts of the region, although averaging considerably less; but in the bottoms of the basins in which date palms are grown it is encountered often at a depth of only 2 or 3 feet below the surface of the soil, thanks to the extensive excavation that has been done. In one garden, near the town of El Oued, the writer saw water standing at a depth of 0 feet in a large hole that had been dug to receive manure. The Souf oases are believed to mark the course of a buried Quaternary stream ; Oued Souf means " murmuring river." " As we shall presently see, the date palm is not irrigated in the Souf country, receiving at most a few waterings l)y hand during the first summer after planting. In almost all the gardens, however, shallow w:ells occur,^ the water of which is used for household purposes and for irrigating small plats of garden vegetables. (PI. Ill, fig. 3.) These are generally situated on the slope of the bordering dunes, 10 feet or less above the bottom of the basin, and water stands in them at a depth of 10 to 16 feet. In the town of El Oued the wells are much deeper than in the gardens, water standing in them at 30 to 40 feet. All this water is under a slight pressure, rising in the wells about 1.5 feet higher than the general water table. Sinall gardens of vegetables and tobacco,^ irrigated from deeper wells, are also located in some parts of the region far above the bottoms of the ])asins. Prac- tically no grain is raised, wheat and barley being brought by caravan from other parts of Algeria and from Tunis, to be exchanged for dates. « It is difficult to obtain a very satisfactory idea as to the distribution of tbe ground water in the Souf region, its depth at various points, and the amount of excavation necessary to enable the roots of the palms to reach it easily. The natives themselves give the most conflicting answers to questions upon this subject, and there are serious discrepancies in the accounts that have been published by French authorities upon irrigation. The whole matter evidently needs to be carefully studied by comjietent hydrographers, a study which is cer- tainly warranted by the rarity of this type of agriculture. 6 In 1883 RoUand estimated that there were 4,4.31 wells in the Souf region. 'Tobacco growing, which is unrestricted in Algeria, is a protttable Industry in the Souf country on account of that region's nearness to the frontier of Tunis, where the growing of this crop is forbidden by law and where the selling of tobacco is controlled by the government. Agents of the Tunisian tobacco monopoly frequently visit the Oued Souf to purchase supplies. WATER SUPPLY. 17 The plats of vegetables that are irrigated from wells in the date gardens are situated on terraces constructed in the side of the sand hills, usually 10 feet or less above the floor of the basin. (PL III, figs. 1 and 3.) The well water is raised by hand in a shallow bucket, generally made of basketware covered outside with pitch, but some- times of goatskin, which is hung on the small end of a slender palm trunk and counterpoised by a piece of rock fastened to the large end. The pole is fastened by its center to a crosspiece that is supported by two vertical posts made of stouter palm logs or of cemented rock. The bucket is emptied into a little cement basin adjoining the well curb, whence the water flows through a system of small conduits into the plats that are to be irrigated. Flood irrigation alone is practiced. As there is no soil in the region from which ditch banks and ridges that Avill stand up when wet can be made, the conduits and ridges of the plats, as well as the lining and curb of the well, are made of the same clark-gray plaster with which the walls of the houses are cemented. Plugs of wool are used for stopping the conduits at places where water is to be diverted into the plats. Among the vegetables jnost commonly grown are cabbages, turnips, radishes, carrots, pump- kins, melons, watermelons, onions, tomatoes (a small-fruited sort), and peppers. In parts of the Souf region, especially east of the capital town, El Oued, the water of the wells is said often to contain enough mag- nesium and other salts to make it disagreeable for drinking." West of the town, on the other hand, the water is said to be generally very pure. Tlie difference is thought to be sufficiently great to have a marked effect upon the quality of the dates, the most renowned Deglet Noors of the Souf region being produced near the village of El Amiche, where the water is purest. The peculiar character of the water supply of the Oued Souf is not without advantages. Emi- nent authorities are of the opinion that the underground sheet is abundant and that it is much less liable to exhaustion than in the Oued Rirh, where numerous flowing artesian wells exist. o Well water in the Souf. according to an analysis cited by Jus (Les oasis du Souf du Departenient de Constantine. Rul. Acad. d'Hippone, No. 22, p. 67 (1880), has the following contents of .solid matter in grams per liter of water : Sulphates 1. 099.5 Chlorids . 7769 Carbonates . 2999 Nitrates and dissolved organic matter .0690 Silicates, etc., in suspension . 0335 Total 3. 1786 Schirnier (Le Sahara, p. 261) states that the mean salt content of well water at El Oued is 2.77 grams per liter. 18 AGRICULTURE IN THE SAHARA DESERT. SOILS. The soil of the whole Oued Souf region is a fine-grained, light- yellow quartz sand, Avliich is practically uniform in character to a con- siderable depth.* Here and there beds of a coarse, rather soft, gyp- seous rock occur at a depth, it is said, of 10 to 20 feet and in strata 1.5 to 10 feet thick. The crystals of which this rock is composed are very large, often 1 foot long. They are often aggregated into masses which, on account of their shape, are known as " Souf roses." ^ It is therefore a fair inference that the Souf soils are sufficiently rich in lime. They are very poor in organic matter and doubtless in nitrogen. Other data as to their composition are wanting. In the eastern part of the region the soil of all the gardens is said to be somewhat saline, and the writer was told that there is even a small sebka (salt pond) in that section, although he saw nothing of these conditions. There is said to be nowhere enough salt to injure seriously the palms themselves, but the yields of fruit are diminished by this cause, and the dates are somewdiat smaller and of slightly inferior quality. Consequently, palms in full bearing in the gardens west of El Oued are worth from two to ten times as much as those in the gardens east of that town. The Souafas do not pretend to distinguish some varieties of the date palm as being more resistant to salt than others, as do the inhabitants of the Djerid oases, where the salinity of the soil is often very pronounced. Neither have they adopted any special methods of preparing and handling salt land by drainage, flooding, or otherwise, as is the case in the Tunisian oases. It is fortunate for the Souafas that their soils are not saline, or but very slightly so, as it is hard to see how they could possibly reclaim strongly saline lands in view of the conditions of water sup- ply in their country. THE DATE GARDENS. Let us now have a closer look at the gardens. (PI. Ill, figs. 1 and 2.) The craterlike basins which they occupy are generally cir- cular or nearly so, and from 35 to 50 feet deep. The bottom is entirely given up to the palms. Descending to the floor of the basin, aAccoi'ding to .Jus this hard quartz sand extends to a depth of 3.5 to 4.5 feet ; next there are from 7 to 8.5 feet of a " reddish gypseous sand ; " and then 3 to 3.5 feet of either " a fine quai'tz sand " or " a yellow gypseous sand." 6 The composition of this rock, as given by Jus (ibid., p. GO), is: Per cent. Quartz sand 37. OO Clay __'_ 5. 10 Gypsum 41. 40 Carbonate of lime '_ 3. 20 Carbonate of maffnesisi 1. 50 Water '___ n. 43 THE DATE GARDENS. 19 or " g:hitaii," as the natives term it, we find it to be a practically level expanse of clean, bare sand, checkered with the bright sunlight and the singularly black shadows that are cast by the trunks and leaves. (PL V, fig. 1.) The palms stand farther apart than in the gardens owned by natives in the Djerid and the Oued Rirh, but are not planted in rows and at equal intervals, as in the French plantations in the latter region. ^Miile native gardens elsewhere in the Sahara are a perfect jungle of various fruit trees, besides garden vegetables, barley, and alfalfa underneath the palms, in the Oued Souf one sees only scattered pomegranate and fig trees, and the groves have an un- familiarly open and bare look. While in other oases the soil is often rich and black and is almost always moist, here it is quite dry on the surface. One misses, too, the irrigation and drainage ditches by which the gardens of the Djerid and the Oued Rirh are cut up into small plats. Another feature of the Souf date orchards that immediately at- tracts attention is the enormous thickness of the trunks of the trees. They sometimes attain 3 feet in diameter. (PI. V, fig. 2.) This is probably due to the trees being comparatively far apart, thus receiv- ing plenty of light and air from every side, and is, perhaps, also to some extent a reaction to the butfeting of the sand-laden winds. At any rate, it is a useful character, giving the trees power to withstand the winds that prevail here to a greater extent than in the other oases of the northern Sahara. The relatively small height of the palms, which rarely exceed 30 feet in the Oued Souf, gives them a further advantage in this respect. Frequently, when the base of the trunk has become weakened and there is danger of the tree blowing down, the natives make a " dokana," or low, circular mound of soil, plastered on the outside, to strengthen it. (See PI. V, fig. 1.) The palms are almost invariably strong and healthy looking. The foliage is extraordinarily well developed, and the leaves commonly measure 15 to 20 feet long. The yields of fruit, as stated by the natives, are very heavy. So unusual are the conditions under which date palms are grown in the Souf country that further details as to the methods used by the natives can not fail to be interesting. PLANTING. As the date palm is a tree that requires a great deal of water, it can evidently be grown in a dry country without surface irrigation only in places where its roots <^an quickly make their way to ground water. This is exactly the condition obtaining in the Oued Souf, where the palms are artificially watered only during the first suunner after the otlshoots are planted, and ai-e then left to shift for them- selves, so far as water supply is concerned. 20 AGRICULTURE IN THE SAHARA DESERT. As we have seen, the bottoms of the basins where the palms are grown are not only far below the summits of the surrounding sand hills, the height of which is increased by the sand removed in exca- vating the Gardens, but are even considerablv lower than the mean surface of the country. It is said that in starting a new garden the practice is first to sink a well in the bottom of the basin in order to find out the depth at which water stands. The floor of the basin is then scooped out until it is so near ground water that when a hole 1^ to 4 feet deep is made to receive the young palm its roots will have to descend only about 1 or 1^ feet to reach standing water. It is said that to attain the desired depth it is generally necessary to remove 10 to 20 feet of sand. The date palm is always artificially planted in the Oued Souf, never springing up spontaneously from seed, as in other oases. It is never planted elsewhere than on the floor of the basins among the dunes, or at most a very few feet above the bottom. These basins are probably in all cases natural depressions, but are artificially deepened to facilitate the roots reaching ground water. New gar- dens are frequently started in unoccupied basins, and old ones belong- ing to enterprising owners are being constantly extended b}^ cutting down the slopes of the bordering sand hills and planting a few palms every year or so. (See PL III, fig. 2.) The larger and better-situ- ated basins are now all occupied by gardens, and for the newest plantations it is often necessary to use small, shallow depressions, where there is frequently room for but half a dozen trees. Some- times the slope is not cut down quite to the level of the older part of the garden, the new pahns being set out slightly above the level, on a terrace made in the side of the sand hills. (PI. IV, fig. 1.) "\\lien planted on the slope or near the foot of it, sections of palm log or a number of palm leaves are placed on the uphill edge of the hole to check the drifting of sand into it. Owing to the scarcity of offshoots in the Souf region, the work of extending the gardens does not proceed as rapidly as the energetic population could wish. The French attribute the nonproduction of offshoots in the Souf to the fact that the palms are so valuable there that it does not pay to let the offshoots develop, absorbing a part of the energy that would otherwise go to fruit production. They believe that the Souafas find it actually cheaper to send to the Oued Rirh for suckers, paying 40 to GO cents apiece for them in addition to the cost of transportation, than to let them grow on their own trees. Economic considerations aside, however, it is probable that the date palm does not sucker as freely in the Oued Souf as in other oases, because of the dry condition of the surface soil, never wet Ijy irriga- tion, and because the blowing sand tends to bury the young ofl'shoots and to lacerate their tender buds. The natives, when questioned THE DATE GARDEiSTS. 21 about the comparative rarity of offshoots at the base of their pahns, reply simply that it is due to the absence of irrigation, without going into details. Whatever may be the cause of the deficiency, there is a great demand. for oif shoots, and to supply this demand caravans are sent to procure suckers, especially of the Deglet Xoor variety, to Tou- gourt, or even as far as Ouargla, 135 miles away. In those oases they are produced more freely, the palms being irrigated. Offshoots for planting are generally taken from the mother palm about the end of February. The natives say that they could be planted even earlier, but in that case the parent tree is likely to suffer from the access of cold air to the wound made in cutting off the sucker. In case the offshoots are removed in midwinter, their bases are slightly charred before planting, and this is thought to protect them from the cold. The hole made to receive the young palm is sometimes as much as C) feet in diameter, but probably in most cases less. Its depth, as we have seen, depends largely upon the distance to ground water, being generally 1^ to 3 feet in the bottom of the gardens near the town of El Oued. A young palm was seen near El Oued that had been set out near a well about G feet above the bottom of a garden, in a hole 3^ feet deep. (See PL IV, fig. 1.) The palms are not set out in straight lines. They stand much far- ther apart than in gardens belonging to natives in other oases, 50 feet being the average distance. This wide planting is probably necessitated by the poverty of the soil, which is practically a pure sand, while the almost entire absence of subsidiary cultures makes the shade afforded by close planting less valuable than in other oases. It is estimated that the planting and care of a young Deglet Xoor palm up to the time it begins to yield costs $25 in the Oued Souf, as against $5 to $10 in the Djerid oases of Tunis. CARE OF PALM8. During the first summer after it is planted the palm ma}^ receive a few irrigations by hand Avitli water from the well that is situated on the hillside in nearly every garden, although it is said that frequently no irrigation whatever is given. "While still very small, before the leaves have grown out enough to project far above the mouth of the hole in which it is planted, the tree is protected from drought and from the cold of winter by covering the hole with palm leaves, dead pumpkin vines, etc. ^^lien the palms are manured the sand that has piled up into a low mound around the base of the tree is removed and the soil beneath is thoroughly worked. This is apparently the only cultivation the trees receive. 22 AGRICULTUKE ' IN THE SAHARA DESERT. FIGHTING THE SAND. AVhile elsewhere in the Sahara irrigation entails the heaviest labor connected \Yith palm culture, in the Oued Souf it is the struggle that must be waged with the constantly encroaching sand that demands the tireless efforts of the gardeners. Every strong wind carries great volumes of sand. The slight fences of ])alm leaves and the low Avails of gypseous rock that are constructed along the crests of the bordering dunes are only a partial protection against this invasion. Once over these weak barriers, the sand rolls down the steep slopes almost like water. The danger is always present, but is most pressing when the dates are ripening. Then bunches of fruit that hang close to the ground can be half buried by a few hours of high wind, and only the most strenuous etforts can save them. If a second storm occurs before the bulk of the sand is removed, the crop is hopelessly lost. The work of cleaning out the basins is very laborious, being done, like the original excavation, almost entirely by hand. Travelers in this region have compared this work to the activities of ants, rather than of men. Laborers shovel the sand into baskets and carry them in a ceaseless procession to the top of the slope, their feet sinking deep into the flowing sand at every step. After a heavy sand storm tlie work must be continued from dawn to dark. In summer, during the blazing midday hours, the heat is too great for such heavy labor, and the removal of the sand goes on at night and in the early morn- ing hours. At times a large part of the population of the region is" engaged in this heavy task. It is paid for at the rate of 1 cent for every 5 baskets of sand, and the laborer has, in addition, the privilege of eating as many dates as he desires in the garden in which he is working. Only rich proprietors use the sturdy little gray donkeys of the Souf for transporting the sand from their gardens. MANURING. The soil of the Oued Souf is practically nothing but pure sand, containing even in the older palm gardens very little organic matter. Manuring is consequently essential not only to the production of good yields but even to the well-being of the palm itself." It is not uncommon in the Souf country to see palms that have thick trunks up to a certain point, above which they contract more or less abruptly to a much smaller diameter. In many cases, at a still greater height, the trunk again becomes thicker. I'his state of things is explained by the natives as due to a partial starvation of the tree at " For tlint matter, innmirinir is jjceiun-ally practiceil by good farmers in tlio oases of tlie Oued Kirli and tlic DJerid, altliongli tlierc the iirowiiiic of Icmmii- iious food and foi-a.iro crops (liroad beans and alfalfa) helps to restore-to the soil llic nilrogon that is taken ii]) by tho palms. THE DATE GARDENS. 23 the time when the trunk began to diminish in size. If manure is subsequently supplied to it, the palm is soon able to return to its normal rate of groAvth and the trunk again becomes larger. Palms are not manured until they are 10 or 12 years old. At that age each tree usually receives 10 sacks (5 camel loads) of manure, half of which is applied on one side of the trunk the first year and the other half on the other side the following year. Thereafter, in order to obtain the highest yields, the trees should be manured every twelve or fifteen years, although sometimes thirty years are allowed to elapse between two manurings. Older palms receive as much as 14 sacks of manure (7 at each application). Camels' dung (see PI. IV, fig. 2) only is used for date palms in the Oued Souf, although in the oases of Tunis that of donkeys is preferred, the natives there considering camel manure injurious where irrigation is practiced. The cost of a sackful of camel manure in the Oued Souf was stated by one informant to be 25 to 30 cents, while another placed it at 40 to 45 cents. In either case it is evidently an expensive article. Manure is never used until it is thoroughly rotted, and even then it is not allowed to come into direct contact with the base of the tree. It is placed in a hole that is dug to a depth of 8 to G feet below^ the general level of the floor of the basin and at a distance of 5 or (> feet from the foot of the palm. When several neighboring palms are to be manured at the same time, the hole is dug in the center of the space among them, and is made so large that none of the palms is more than 0 feet distant from its edge." The hole is then filled with a mixture of one part manure and one part of a bright yellow sand called '' baker," which is somewhat more loamy and probably contains more gypsum than the surface sand of the region, and is obtained at a greater depth. Unmixed manure is never used, even though thor- oughly rotted, being considered injurious to the palm roots. The soil removed in digging the hole is never put back, being '' dirty," as the natives express it. October is considered the best season for applying manure, al- though March is also a good time. Unskillful growers sometimes manure their palms at other seasons, but this is thought to do more harm than good. Sometimes, unless the hole is opened and the manure removed as soon as the tree shows signs of injury, it is said to die from the effects of manuring at the Avrong period. The effect of manuring upon the yield is large and almost imme- diate. It is said that a tree which bears 200 pounds of dates one j^ear will often give 400 pounds the season following if meanwhile manure " One such bole, freshly excavated at the time of the writer's visit, occupied much the greater part of the area .-unoni; four ])alnis. I)eing 12 feet long and ."> feet wide. It was divided unequally by a narrow ridge of soil left in i)lace. The object of this division could not be learned. 24 AGRICULTURE IN THE SAHARA DESERT. has been applied. No distinction between varieties is made in the Oued- Souf in manuring, nor, so far as could be ascertained, in regard to other cultural practices. HARVEST. At the time of the writer's visit (November 22-20, 1904) the date harvest had been completed in all the gardens of the Souf country. The Deglet Noor harvest is said generally to begin about October 25. In the Tunisian oases, on the other hand, the harvest of Deglet Noor and Fteemy dates — the two most important varieties — was at its height in November, and continued throughout December and even the earlier part of January. Of course, in the latter case many of the dates were ripe long before they were gathered, and the long, duration of the harvest was largely due to the relative scarcity of the expert labor required, the crop being many times as large as in the Souf. Yet it seems certain that in the Oued Souf, dates, especially the Deglet Noor variety, ripen earlier than in the Oued Rirh oases of Algeria or the Djerid oases of Tunis. This would be expected from the fact that the summer is drier and likewise hotter in the Oued Souf than in the oases of the Djerid. Furthermore, the situ- ation of the gardens, in hollows bordered by hills of light-colored sand that are generally higher than the tallest palms, is favorable to an early ripening of the dates, as they must receive a great amount of additional heat by reflection from the soil. More perfect natural conditions for forcing fruit to early maturity could probably not be found in the world.'' This greater heat and dryness of the Souf climate affect the fruit in other ways than merely by hastening its ripening. The dates pro- duced are reputed to be the best grown in the Sahara. They seem, as a matter of fact, to be sweeter and at the same time drier and more solid than in the Djerid. This is especially true of the Deglet Noor, which is of decidedly firmer texture, containing less water. The Souf dates are said to keep better and to be more adapted to export than those of the other oases, showing less tendency to blacken and become moldy. It was a matter of regret to the writer that the harvest was not witnessed in the Souf, although it could not be learned that the meth- ods followed there differ from those practiced in other oases. So far iRollaiid ( Hydi-ologie dn Sahara Alsei'ien. Taris. 1894. p. 222) describes the l)asins as " a sort of fiery furnace, under the infiuence of solar radiation. The .lates here attain i)erfect maturity. Here are realized, better tlian anywhere else in the Sahara, the conditions assigned by the Arab proverb to the prosperity of the palm and the excellence of its fruits : ' Its feet in the water and its head in the fire of heaven.' " THE DATE GAEDENS. 25 as is known, the pollination of the female flower clusters in the spring is also effected in the same way as in the Oiied Rirh.'* YIELDS. It was impossible to secure verj^ reliable statements of yields from the natives, but from all that could be learned these must be unusu- ally large in the Souf country. The clusters of the Deglet Xoor are said frequentl}^ to weigh over 55 pounds each, and to attain some- times 90 pounds. Single trees of this variety, which is one of the lightest bearing kinds, sometimes yield as much as 330 pounds in the Oued Souf. It was estimated in 1883 that the date crop from the 175,000 palms (of all varieties) in full bearing then existing in the Souf region was 7,000,000 pounds. This would mean an average yield of 40 pounds per tree, as against an average yield of 28 pounds estimated to have been produced in the Oued Rirh the same year.'' A good palm in full bearing is valued at from $50 to $130, according to the variety to which it belongs. The practice of planting the trees farther apart than in other oases is perhaps one reason for the large yields. By wide planting, not only do the roots of each palm have a larger feeding area, but the trees do not shade each other so much and more of the fruit can develop and ripen. Moreover, the climatic and topographical condi- tions, as we have seen, are exceptionally favorable to the ripening of dates. VARIETIES CHIEFLY GROWN. As has already been indicated in tliis paper, date palms in the Oued Souf rarely, if ever, spring up from seed, as they do in other oases where the conditions are more favorable to the spontaneous development of the palui. They are propagated only by offshoots that are taken from the parent tree and planted by the grower. Consequently we do not see a multitude of seedlings, generally of very inferior quality and of almost endless diversity of characters, filling every Avaste corner and roadside and even crowding out good trees in gardens that are not well cared for. Practically every palm grown in the Souf belongs to some well-known and well-liked variety. The number of varieties found in this region is considerable. Most of the gardens contain a mixture of several kinds, although in some of the recently created ones the tendenc}^ is to plant onl}- one « Described in Bnl. .53, Bureau of Plant Industry, "The Date Palm," by W. T. Swingle. 1004, pp. 2(i-29. ''These estimates are quoted from Rolland (ibid.. \,. 824:). The overwhelniin.u; importance of the date rvo\) in the Souf region is shown by the fact that the same author states the value of the 1883 crop of dates to have been $301,730, while that of all other crops combined was only $20,900 in that year. 26 AGRICULTURE IN THE SAHARA DESERT. sort, most often the Deglet Noor. Nearly all the popular varieties of the Souf are also common in the Oued llirh." On the other hand, some of the most characteristic Souf types are very rare in the Djerid oases of Tunis, only 70 miles away. Such individuals as occur there are mostly grown from offshoots that have been brought directly from the Souf. The principal variety common to the two regions is the Deglet Noor, which is now abundant in Tunis, but is said to have been first introduced into that country from Algeria about two hundred and fifty years ago. The Souafas still go to the Oued Rirh oases to procure offshoots, and they very likely brought thence those with which the first gardens were started among the sand hills of the Souf. The most important of the numerous varieties of the Souf, in point of abundance as well as of quality, are, in about the order named: Deglet Noor, Rhars, Tafazween, Massowa, Deglet Beida, and Taker- mest. Of these Rhars is the earliest and Deglet Noor the latest to ri])en. After the Deglet Noor, Tafazween is the best sort that is widely grown. It is a large, reddish-bay-colored, translucent date, very sweet and rich in flavor.'' A highly esteemed but very rare variety is the Fezzani, which is said to be superior even to the Deglet Noor when dried, and to keep well for two years. Rhars, a variety that is celebrated for its heavy yields, is extensively planted. In the Oued Souf, as in other oases of Algeria and Tunis, the Deglet Noor is the only variety that has any importance as an article, of export to Europe. It is consequently the most valuable, the more so because the natives themselves generally esteem it above all others. Deglet Noor dates are carried from the Souf by caravan to Biskra, whence they are shipped by railway to the seaports. Souf Deglets are said to be about the earliest to reach the Biskra market. Their good keeping and shii^ping qualities have already been discussed as probably due to the peculiar climatic conditions, which give them an advantage over dates from oases where the palms are lavishly irri- gated and the air is moister. On the other hand, they appear to be smaller than those in the Djerid and to be inferior in color and gen- eral appearance. The latter disadvantage is very likely due in great part to the sand-laden w4nds to which they are exposed. The Deglet Noor palm is said to be hardier in the Souf region than elsewhere, showing greater resistance to disease and to unfavorable climatic conditions. The foliage of the date palm appears to be less subject to the attacks of scale insects than in other oases, Avhich is perhaps attributable to the extreme dryness of the atmosphere. « Exceptions are said to be the Fezzani, Massowa, Ali Rashid, and Guettara varieties. & Twenty offshoots of this variety were obtained from the Oned Souf for trial in tlie United States tln-ough the liindness of the French commandant at El Oued. Captain Bussy. CONCLUSION, 27 CONCLUSION. The type of agriculture practiced in the Oued Souf is not tlrv- laiid farming, for it depends upon the ground water, which in ihe gardens is everywhere near the surface of the soiL It affords us, however, an excellent object lesson of Avhat can be done under the most adverse natural conditions in producing a valuable crop, for throughout riorthern Africa the Oued Souf is renowned for the large yields of its date orchards and the high quality of their fruit. It may be that nowhere in the United States are the conditions with respect to ground water such as to allow of a close imitation of agricultural methods used in the Souf countrv. One lesson is, how- ever, to be drawn from them. The sand hills concentrate and reflect so much heat that the hollows among them ar-e veritable forcing houses, where dates ripen considerably earlier than elsewhere. Have we not here a hint of what may be done in the Salton Basin and perhaps in other hot, arid regions in the Southwest where large sand dunes exist, and where artesian or other sources of water supply for irrigation are available? It seems certain that in pockets of this character excavated among the dunes the Deglet Xoor and other valuable varieties of dates could be forced to early maturity. Dates ripened in this way a few weeks ahead of the bulk of the crop would command a fancy price, especially as the quality of the fruit produced under these conditions would in all probability be exceptionally flne. Nor are the possibilities limited to the date palm. Other fruits, such as figs, pomegranates, and grapes, could perhaps thus be put upon the market in advance of those from any other locality in the United States. The experiment is certainly worth trying. The American fruit grower, awake as he is to every new idea, may find something worthy of imitation in the example of these sturdy inhabitants of a remote corner of the Sahara. PLATES. 29 DESCRIPTION OF PLATES. Plate I. {Frontispiece.) General view of the Oued Souf region from the town of El Oued, showing sand dunes and sunken gardens of date palms. Plate II. Fig. 1. — High sand dunes east of El Oued. The group is standing on a ridge separated hy a ravine from the very liigh dune in the background. Fig. 2. — A ty])ical dwelling house of the Oued Souf, showing its cubical form and roof composed of flattened cupolas. Fig. 3. — General view of the Oued Souf region, showing sunken date gardens and sand dunes. Fence of dead italm leaves along crest of dune in foreground. I'L^VTE III. Fig. 1. — Near view of sunken palm garden and surrounding dunes. Vegetable garden in left foreground, showing small size of checks. Near it a young ]ialm. planted in a hole. Fig. 2. — Gradual extension of a iialm garden liy cutting down bordering sand hills. Oldest palms in background, youngest in foreground. Fig. ."]. — Vegetable garden irrigated by well near l)ottom of basin in which date palms are grown. Plate IV. Fig. 1. — Hole on slope of dune near bottom of basin in which a young palm is planted. Fig. 2. — Camel manure ready for application in a date garden. Plate V. Fig. 1. — " Dokana," or mound of earth and plaster for strengthening the base of a palm. Shows also distance between trees, absence of. other cultures, and play of light and shadow on floor of basin. Fig. 2. — Rhars palm, showing thickness of trunk. 30 O Bui. 86, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate II. Fig. 1.— High Sand Dunes East of El Oued. Fig. 2.— a Typical Dwelling House of the Oued Souf, Showing its Cubical Form and Roof Composed of Flattened Cupolas. Fig. 3.— General View of the Oued Souf Region, Showing Sunken Date Gardens and Sand Dunes. Bui. 86, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate III. Fig. 1.— Near View of Sunken Palm Garden and Surrounding Dunes. Fig. 2.— Gradual Extension of a Palm Garden by Cutting Down Bordering Sand Hills. Fig. 3.— Vegetable Garden Irrigated by Well near Bottom of Basin in which Date Palms are Grown. Bui. 86, Bureau of Plant fndustry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate IV. Fig. 1.— Hole on Slope of Dune near Bottom of Basin in which a Young Palm is Planted. Fig. 2.— Camel Manure Ready for Application in a Date Garden. Bui. 86, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate V. 31 P > 05 > CD I o z o H I o 2 m CO CO H 3D Z U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. BUREAtJ^OF PLANT IPUSTRY— BULLETIN NO. 87. B. T. GALLOWAY, Chief of Bureau. DISEASE RESISTANCE OF POTATOES. BY L. R. JONES, Botanist of the Vermont Agricultural Experiment Station, and Collaborator of the Bureau OF Plant Industry. VEGETABLE PATHOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS. Issued December 5, 1905. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1905. BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY. B. T. GALLOWAY, Pathologist and Physiologist, and Chief of Bureau. VEGETABLE PATHOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS. Albert F. Woods, Pathologic and Physiologist in Charge, Acting Chief of Bureau in Absence of Chief. BOTANICAL INVESTIGATIONS. Frederick V. Coville, Botanist in Charge. FARM MANAGEMENT. W. J. Spillman, Agriculturist in Charge. POMOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS. G. B. Brackett, Poinologist in Charge. SEED AND PLANT INTRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION. A. J. PlETERS, Botanist in Charge. ARLINGTON EXPERIMENTAL FARM. L. C. CoRBETT, Horticulturist in Charge. INVESTIGATIONS IN THE AGRICULTURAL ECONOMY OF TROPICAL AND SUBTROPICAL PLANTS. O. F. Cook, Bionoinist in Charge. DRUG AND POISONOUS PLANT INVESTIGATIONS, AND TEA CULTURE INVESTIGATIONS. Rodney H. True, Physiologist in Charge. DRY LAND AGRICULTURE AND WESTERN AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION. Carl S. Scofield, Agriculturist in Charge. EXPERIMENTAL GARDENS AND GROUNDS. E. M. Byrnes, Superintendent. SEED LABORATORY. Edgar Brown, Botanist in Charge. J. E. Rockwell, Editor. James E. Jones, Chief Clerk. VEGETABLE PATHOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS. SCIENTIFIC STAFF. Albert F. Woods, Pathologist and Physiologist in Charge. Erwin F. Smith, Pathologist in Charge of Laboratory of Plant Pathology. Herbert J. Webber, Physiologist in Charge ejf Laboratory of Plant Breeding. Walter T. Swingle, Physiologist in Charge of Laboratory of Plant Life History. Newton B. Pierce, Pathologist in Charge of Pacific Coast Laboratory. M. B. Waite, Pathologist in Charge of Investigations of Diseases of Orchard Fruits. Mark AlfreI) Carleton, Ceredlist in Charge of Cerecd Laboratory. Hermann von Schrenk, in Charge of Mississippi Valley Laboratory. P. H. Rolfs, Pathologist in Charge of Subtropical Laboratory. C. O. TowNSEND, Pathologist in Charge of Sugar Beet Investigations. T. H. Kearney, A. D. Shamel, Physiologists, Plant Breeding. P. H. DoRSETT," Cornelius L. Shear, William A. Orton, W. M. Scott, Ernst A. Bessey, E. M. Free- man, Pathologists. E. C. Chilcott, Kvpertin Cultivating Methods, Cereal Laboratory. C. R. Ball, Assistant Agrostologist, Cereal Laboratory. Joseph S. Chamberlain, bj. Arthur Le ChERc,c Physiological Chemints. Flora W. Patterson, Mycologist. Charles P. Hartley, Karl F. Kellerman, Jesse B. Norton. Charles J. Brand, T. Ralph Rob- inson, Assistants in Physiology. Deane B. Swingle, George G. Hedgcock, Assistants in Pathology. Perley Spaulding, p. J.O'Gara, Florence Hedges, Henry A." Miller, Ernest B. Brown, Leslie A. FiTz, Leonard L. Harter, John O. Merwin, A. H. Leidigh, H. F. Blanchard, Scientific Assistants. W. W. CoKKY, Tobacco Expert. John van Leenhoff, Jr., T. D. Beckwith, Experts. o Detailed to Seed and Plant Introduction and Distribution. ''Detailed to Bureau of Chemistry, c Detailed from Bureau of Chemistry. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL U. S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Plant Industry, Office of the Chief, Washington, D. C.^ October 7, 1905. Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith the manuscript of a technical paper entitled "Disease Resistance of Potatoes,'' which embodies a report upon investigations conducted in cooperation with the Vermont Agricultural Experiment Station. This paper is a valuable contribution to our knowledge of disease resistance in European and American varieties of potatoes, and I respectfulh" reconunend that it be issued as Bulletin No. 87 of the series of this Bureau. Respectfully, B. T. Galloway, Chief of Bureau. Hon. James AVilson, Seci'etary of Agriculture. 3 PREFACE The potato is one of the most important food. crops of the United States. It is, moreov^er, one which is subject to a number of serious plant diseases. Some of these, notably the late-blight, can be con- trolled by spraying-. Yet this remedy is not applied by all farmers, and the annual loss amounts to many millions of dollars. Other dis- eases, like drj^-rot and the bacterial blight, are not controlled by spray- ing and require a different line of treatment. The subject of disease resistance in plants has received increased attention of late, and it is likel}^ that the introduction of disease-resistant varieties of potatoes, by supplementing- spraying and special cultural practices, will be of great practical value in lessening the waste caused by disease. Although but little has been done in the United States toward secur- ing varieties resistant to disease, the attention of potato specialists in other countries has already been directed toward this aim. As a preliminary step in our work, Dr. L. K. Jones, ])otanist of the Vermont Agricultural Experiment Station, was counnissioned to inquire into the occurrence of potato diseases abroad and the methods employed for their control, particularly with reference to the produc- tion of disease-resistant varieties. Doctor Jones spent six months — from April to September, 1904 — in this work. In the course of Doctor Jones's European itinerary, information of more or less value was secured at the following places, successively, and this was supplemented by a considerable correspondence covering a somewhat wider area: Marseille, Naples, Florence, Munich, Halle, Berlin and vicinity, Dresden and vicinity, Bonn and vicinity, Wagen- ingen (Holland), Amsterdam and vicinity, Groningen, Delft, Gembloux (Belgium), Paris and vicinity, London and vicinity, Reading, Cam- bridge, and Edinburgh and vicinity. The thanks of the Department are accorded to the various officials and other botanists in the coun- tries visited, whose uniform courtesies made possible the success of the mission. As shown in this report, a considerable number of varieties are reputed to be disease resistant. The best of these were selected by Doctor Jones, and limited quantities of seed tubers were imported by the Office of Seed and Plant Introduction and Distribution of the 6 PREFACE. Bureau of Plant Industry. These are now being tested in trials con- ducted in cooperation by the Bureau of Plant Industr}^ and the State experiment stations in Vermont, Florida, Colorado, and Oregon, and by the Bureau at the Arlington Experimental Farm, near Washing- ton. In order fully to acclimatize the foreign varieties, these trials will be continued for three 3'ears before a tinal report is made on their adaptation to American conditions. This test, together with the review of our present knowledge contained in this bulletin, will estab- lish a proper foundation for future eli'orts in breeding better and more disease-resistant varieties. The field for such work is very large. Up to the present time most of the breeding has been for resistance to the late-blight {PlnjtopJdliova infestan fi),2indi this will continue to be the principal problem in the northern tier of States; but there is also much promise of success in securing new varieties to resist scab, dr}"- rot, bacterial blight, and other troubles, which in the Southern and Western States are more injurious than late-blight. It is hoped tliat potato specialists will give increasingly careful attention to this fea- ture in their breeding and testing of varieties, for it is only by such a general interest and effort that the desired information can quickl}^ be secured. Albert F. Woods, Pathologist and Physiologist. Office of Vegetable Pathological and Physiological Investigations, Washington, D. C'., October 6, 1905. CONTENTS. Page. Introduction 9 Potato culture in Europe 9 Observations on potato diseases and disease resistance in Europe 12 Certain minor diseases 12 Internal brown spot 12 Filosite, or growing-out 13 Leaf-spot 13 Scabbiness of tubers 14 Potato scab 14 Varietal resistance to scab 15 Other scab-like diseases 16 Potato stem diseases 17 Blackleg 17 Other stem diseases 18 Late-blight and rot due to Phytophthora infestans 19 Resistance as shown toward late-blight and rot 20 Historical statement 20 The meaning of disease resistance 23 Disease resistance and vegetative vigor 23 The relation of hybridity to disease resistance 25 Improvement by selection 25 Are early or late varieties the more resistant? 26 Relation of source of seed and cultural methods to disease resistance 26 Composition and character of tubers as related to rot resistance 27 Character of stem and foliage as related to disease resistance 28 Disease-resistant varieties of Europe 28 Great Britain 29 Germany and Holland 30 France and Belgium 30 Disease-resistant varieties of America 31 Investigations at the experiment stations 31 Work at the Vermont station 32 Information secured by a circular of inquiry 33 Resistance to scab 35 Summary 37 7 B. P. T.-179. V. p. r. I.-140. DISEASE RESISTANCE OF POTATOES. INTRODUCTION. Potatoes are liable to several diseases, some of greater economic importance in one part of the country, some in another," The causes of most of these have been determined, and remedies of more or less practical value, chiefly spraying and seed disinfection, have been found. The success of the agents of the Department of Agriculture in securing disease-resistant varieties of various other plants has given an added interest to the question as to what may be expected in the way of securing disease-resistant varieties of potatoes. Inasmuch as this matter has engaged the attention of the potato specialists of Europe longer and more widely than has been the case in America, the attempt has been made to glean from their experience whatever may prove of assistance in furthering the work in this country. In presenting the results it has seemed best for the sake of clearness to discuss briefl}^ (1) certain general matters relating to potato culture in Europe; (2) the potato diseases which occur there, with comments on the resistance shown by particular varieties to each disease, and then (3) to summarize the information obtainable in America as to disease resistance of potatoes. POTATO CTJI.TURE IN EUROPE. Potato culture was introduced from America into Europe more than three centuries ago. It was slower in its popularization there than in this country, but to-day the potato crop is relatively more important, both for food and for factory uses, in Europe than in America. This is partly attributable to the greater success of maize as a starch- producing plant in America and partly to the difference in economic « Anyone not familiar with potato diseases should consult Farmers Bulletin No. 91, Potato Diseases and Their Treatment, by B. T. Galloway, which will be sent free of charge upon application to a Senator, Representative, or Delegate in Congress, or to the Secretary of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. 8838— No. 87—05 2 9 10 DISEASE RESISTANCE OF POTATOES. conditious — land and labor values and food habits — between the two con- tinents. In the British Islands the annual acreage in the last decade'' was more than one and a quarter million; in France three times and in Germany six times this amount. The crop in Great Britain is chiefl}^ used for human food; in France about -10 per cent is used in starch and alcohol manufacture, and in Germany like conditions exist, with the use of the potato for alcohol distillation promising to increase largely. It is the German national policy so to improve processes of culture and manufacture that potato alcohol may rival, if not displace, petroleum for lighting and fuel purposes. Various organizations are aiding in this movement, including the Deutschen-Kartoflel-Kultur-Station and the Institut fiir Gahrungsgewerbe und Stiirkefabrikation. These institutions, maintained partly b}" private endowment and membership and partly by government aid, have been in operation about fifteen years. Under the directorship of Profs. C. von Eckenbrecher and W. Delbriick, respectively, the}" give attention to all matters pertain- ing to potato culture, starch manufacture, and distillation, including the breeding, selecting, and trial of new varieties. The}" work in close cooperation with the various German experiment stations and private potato specialists. No similar institutions were met with elsewhere in Europe, although the potato growers of England have organized dur- ing the last year an association of much promise, the National Potato Society. In any comparison of European with American varieties the diffei'- ence in popular taste must be kept in mind. The English market is like the American in giving preference to varieties with white flesh, rich in starch, and in making little use of potatoes except for human food. On the continent of Europe, however, only the varieties with yellow flesh are rated as of first quality for table use. These are rela- tively poor in starch and richer in protein than the white-fleshed varie- ties, and when cooked they are not sufficiently dry and mealy to suit the American taste. On the Continent the white-fleshed, starch- rich potatoes are demanded by the starch factories and distilleries, and as a result continental potato breeders have aimed to develop white-fleshed varieties of high starch content and large productiveness, regardless of table qualities, and anyone importing their varieties for use in America must consider these facts. It is from England, therefore, that we may expect the more promising varieties. It is worthy of note in this connection that the difi^erence in char- acter of the potato in popular favor in different countries is closely related to differences in methods of cooking. The varieties with yel- low flesh are inclined to sogginess when baked or boiled, l)ut are admir- ably suited for frying. The starch-rich white potato, which is of aSutton, A. W., Potatoes, Jour. Roy. Hort. Soc, XTX (189*^), pp. 387-430. POTATO CULTURE IN EUROPE. 11 highest quality when baked, may go to pieces if boiled and will not hold together sufficiently for frying. In the latter case steam cooking gives better results than boiling in water.*^ The methods of culture of potatoes vary somewhat in different Euro- pean countries, as they do in America. In general, closer planting is practiced than in this country, which is partly explained by the greater number of unskilled laborers in Europe. A matter of more pertinence to the present discussion is that much more attention is given, espe- cially in England, to the source and handling of seed potatoes than is generally the case in America. The best informed English srrowers considered that this has much to do with the question of disease resist- ance, as will be explained later. Indeed, it has come to be accepted by them that, for the best results, seed potatoes should be imported from some more northern region, at least as often as every third or fourth year, and this is done by many large growers every j^ear. English growers use Scotch seed very largel3\ On the grounds of Sutton & Sons, Reading, England, a comparative trial was conducted during the summer of lf)Oj- with a number of varieties, using seed from Scotland, middle England (Lincolnshire), and southern England, respectively. When these plats were visited in August, the vigor of the plants was in all cases greatest from the Scotch-grown seed and least from that grown in the south of England. In certain varieties the development of the tops was as two to one. At the Cambridge Uni- versity farms, located in the famous potato region of Lincolnshire fens, it was said that Scotch-grown seed did better than home-o-rown there and in the Lincolnshire district generally. A large potato-growing company of the Canary Islands uses Ger- man in preference to English seed, because the growth from the latter is too rank and the tubers are too large. Potato growers on the island of Jersey in recent years have sent to England and Scotland for their seed. Italy and the Mediterranean islands look to France and Ger- many largel3^ While some American potato growers recognize the importance of the source of seed and attend to this point consistently, there is gener- ally indifference, disagreement, or lack of information on this subject, as Eraser'' has recently shown. It is a matter deserving of further careful inquiry and experiment. «The writer is indebted to Professor Petermann for calling his attention to these matters. For a further discussion of this subject reference may be made to Peter- mann, A., Etudes sur la pomme de terre, Bui. de I'lnst. Chini. et Bact., No. 70, ( Jem- bloux (Beljiium), 1901; and Condon and Bussard, Annalesde la science agronomique, I, Paris, 1(S97. To the latter, credit may l)e given for showing that the behavior of the potato in cooking is primarily dependent not So much on the total percentage of starch contained as on the relative percentages of starch and protein. The proper proportion of the protein is necessary to hold the starchy mass together when cooked. ''Fraser, S., The Potato, New York, 1905, pp. 51-52. 12 DISEASE RESISTANCE OF POTATOES. The relation of the maturit}' of seed to its value has also received considerable attention in Great Britain. Some of the best practical potato growers prefer to have potatoes intended for seed dug before they are fully mature, i. e., while the tops are still green and the outer skin of the tuber rubs up easily. These tubers are then allowed to lie on the ground a short time to " harden" in the light, i. e., to dry and be slighth' sunburned, before they are put into storage. The practice of '"boxing" is common and very highly commended. This consists of setting the tubers with "seed end'" up in shallow boxes or trays in a dry, light room for some weeks before planting, so as to have strong, short sprouts started upon them. In this way quicker germination, stronger young plants, and a perfect stand are secured. The general preference in Scotland and in England is for planting small tubers, one and one-half to three ounces, planted whole. If larger tubers are used they are cut, as in this countrj-. OBSERVATIONS ON POTATO DISEASES AND DISEASE RESISTANCE IN EUROPE. Insects cause the European potato grower little annoyance or loss as compared with American conditions. Nowhere in Europe, so far as learned, is any use whatever made of insecticides upon potatoes, leaf-eating insects being practicalh" unknown. On the other hand, diseases caused by fungi or bacteria or of nonparasitic origin are even more common and destructive than in America. In the following paragraphs is a discussion of the nature and relative seriousness of such diseases as came under the Avriter's personal observation, coupled in each case with the evidence secured as to disease resistance. The less important and nonparasitic maladies are discussed lirst, reserving until later the consideration of the late-blight and rot. CERTAIN MINOR DISEASES. INTERNAL BROWN SPOT. The peculiar disease of the potato called internal brown spot is as well know^n to plant pathologists and practical potato specialists in Elurope as in America. The writer learned nothing more about it on the Con- tinent than is set forth by Frank," who reached onh" negative conclu- sions. It is considered not to be a parasitic disease, and no remedy is known and no suggestions are made except the doubtful one of aA'oid- ing the use of diseased tubers for seed. . In England and Scotland several potato specialists'' of wide experience gave evidence of like "Frank, A. B., Kampfbuch gegen die Schildlinge unserer Feldfriichte, "Bunt- werden oder Eisenfleckigkeit," p. 211. 6 Prof. J. H. Middleton. Messrs. Suttijn & Sons, and Thomas A. Scarlett. CERTAIlSr MimiR DISEASES. 13 purport. The trouble is frequentl}^ observed, and is most commonly termed "sprain." It is not propagated in seed or soil and is non- parasitic. It is considered to be the direct result of malnutrition associated with unfavorable soil conditions, resulting either from too dry conditions or from the lack of potash or lime. It is frequent in light, dry soils during dry seasons, and is never seen on heavy, strong, moisr soils. The remedy, in the judgment of the specialists cited, lies wholly in attention to cultural conditions and the choice of varieties. Some varieties are more liable than others to internal brown spot and should not be used on soil that favors the disease; e. g., Mr. Scar- lett stated that the British Queen variet}^ is especially predisposed to "sprain.'' The primary remedy, however, lies in selection and treat- ment of the soil — i. e., in avoiding dry soil — and in so cultivating as to conserve moisture, while using lime and potash liberall3^ FILOSITE, OR GROWING-OUT. The names "iilosite" and "growing-out" are applied in France'* and England, respectivel}^, to various forms of secondary outgrowths from tubers. Examples that were shown to the writer were in some cases merel}' "prongy" tubers, while in others stolons starting from the eyes produced secondary small tubers. Delacroix describes con- ditions where the seed tubers send out an abundance of weak shoots, both above and below ground, but these soon die without yielding any crop. The latter type is therefore allied to the curl disease of the potato.* The less serious forms of growing-out are attributed to cli- matic and soil conditions, especially to a long, wet autumn following a dry summer. The more serious types of the disease, especially as occur- ring in France, are attributed to varietal weakness or "running out." In both France and England the use of seed from an}'^ plants showing this tendency was condemned as tending to give a crop of generally reduced vitality. LEAF-SPOT. Since there has been a difference of opinion among pathologists as to the occurrence and destructiveness of the fungus Alternaria aolani in Europe, the writer was led to keep an especially close watch for it. Prof. P. Sorauer kindly sent specimens from Europe some years ago corresponding fully with the leaf -spot disease caused by this fungus, « See Delacroix, G., Sur la filosite des pommes de terre, Jour, de 1' Agriculture, December, 1903. ''Frisolee (French), or Kriiuselkrankheit (German), is a common but not very serious potato malady of Europe, of which the cause is not clear, but apparently it is associated with varietal weakness and malimtrition. It is characterized by dwarf- ish plants bearing an excessive number of rather undersized leaves, which are down- curled and brittle. The tops have thus a dense or bushy appearance. They may be quite as green as normal plants. 14 DISEASE EESISTANCE OF POTATOES. and termed eaHy-blioht in America. It is known, therefore, that it occurs in Europe, but it can not be as common and destructive as it is here, for no trace of it could be found in an}- of the fields visited. Much was seen, however, of a leaf-spot disease which bears a super- ficial resemblance to it. This was shown us first by Dr. Otto Appel in the experimental fields of the board of health at Dahlem, near Berlin. Later it was seen elsewhere in Germany and in Eno-land. Apparently' there has lieen a confusion of this Avith our American early-blight," but both Doctor Appel and Professor Sorauer stated that there was no fungus present in this leaf-spot disease, and the writer's examinations confirmed this. The cause of this trouble has not as yet been clearly established, but since Appel and Sorauer both have it under observa- tion, further advice may be expected upon it in the near future. Opportunit}' was presented to compare the relative development of this trouble on difi'erent varieties in the trial grounds of the University Farm, Cambridge, England, in the latter part of the summer. There was a considerable difference in the amount of spotting of the various varieties, but none was altogether free from it. SCABBINESS OF TUBERS. POTATO SCAB. Scab-like diseases, i. e., those characterized by surface erosions of the tubers, are frequent in Europe and apparently more varied -in nature than is recognized to be the case in America. Yet nowhere does injury to the crop from such diseases approach that which is common in this country. This is in some ways surprising and unex- plained. A disease closely resembling in appearance the common American type of scab was frequentl}^ seen, but growers everywhere in Germany, France, and Great Britain testified that it is not common or destructive enough to be of much practical importance. Scientific men are not agreed either as to the cause of the disease or as to the pos- sibility of benefit from seed disinfection. But few recommended this treatment, and no practical potato grower was met who practiced it. The most puzzling thing, in the light of American experience, is that potatoes are grown year after year continuously or in the shortest of rotations on the same soil without increase of scabbiness. In each of these countries potatoes are often grown on the same soil for ten or twenty or even forty successive years with practically no trouble «See Frank, Kampfbuch, p. 220. Apparently the disease mentioned above is the same as Frank's " Pockenfleckigkeit. " Frank was altogether mistaken in consider- ing it the same as the American "early-blight," as Sorauer subsequently showed. See also Bahna, J. J., Blattbraune der Kart. ; Zeitsch. f. Land. u. Fortwirtsch., 2: 113 (March, 1904). Prof. C. von Tiibeuf comments upon this article and reviews the literature in the June, 1904, number of the same journal. SCABBINESS OF TUBERS. 15 from seal)." Since this is often on rich and heavy land, such as would develop scab under like treatment in America, the European experi- ence is diihcult to understand. Does not our type of disease exist there, or is it less virulent because of some difference in the climatic and soil conditions? The writer is not prepared to answer with full contidence, but his judgment favors the second suggestion. Europeans, both pathologists and practical men, recognize more than one form of disease under the name of scab (the German " schorf ," Dutch " schurft," French ''la gale "). Frank's subdivisions* of "schorf into four kinds — flach, tief, buckel, and buckel-tief schorf — were familiar to the continental pathologists interviewed, but the general opinion is that these are simply forms of one common dis- ease, the variations being attributable to the season of attack or to varietal or vegetative conditions of the potato. Frank's specimens of " tief -schorf " were seen in the museum of the board of health at Berlin and have the appearance of the common American scab. As to the cause, opinions differ.'" The German pathologists who have given most attention to this disease consider the commonest German form to be due to a fungus similar to Thaxter's Oospora scabies^ but perhaps not identical with it. In Holland doubt was expressed as to the common Dutch form of potato scab being a fungous disease at all, while in Belgium and France it is considered a parasitic disease, but due to bacteria {Micrococcus pellic id us Roze) rather than to fungi.'' In England Oospora scabies is held responsible for only the minor part of the trouble, Sorosporitmi scabies Fisch. being the commoner parasite. VARIETAL RESISTANCE TO SCAB. As already stated, none of these scab diseases has proved of suffi- cient economic importance to attract much attention from practical potato growers in P^urope. Probabl}^ most of the diseases would yield to the seed-disinfection treatment practiced for potato scab in America, yet this is nowhere used by European growers, so far as learned. The only valuable data as to the relative susceptibility of varieties to scab are those furnished by the reports of Professor Eckenbrecher,^ whose results point to certain newer varieties as being comparatively free from scab, while others are quite susceptible. Age of the variety, «See Sutton, A. W., Potatoes, Jour. Roy. Soc, XIX, pp. 387-430 (1896). ^Kampfbuch, p. 170. 'These conclusions are the result of conferences with a number of men and reference to the publications of others. Among those who have given this disease careful con- sideration in their respective countries and whose opinions were learned are Professors F. Kriiger, Berlin; Ritzema-Bos, Amsterdam; Marchal, Gembloux; Roze and Dela- croix, Paris; Massee and Cooke, England. ''Roze, E., Histoire de la pomme de terre, Paris, 1898, p. 275. «C. von Eckenbrecher, Berichte Deutsch.-Kart.-Kult.-Stat., 1903 and earlier. 16 DISEASE RESISTANCE OF POTATOES. however, seems to be of less consequence than it is with the blight, for while one of the least resistant is Dabersche, an old standard, one of the most resistant is Richters Imperator, also an old variety. Other varieties reported as preeminently scab resistant are Irene and Pro- fessor Wohltmann. Boncza and Pomerania are reported resistant, but to a less deo-ree. Seed of all these have been secured for trial in this country. Early Rose is found especially liable to scab there as it is in America. It will be better, however, to postpone the discussion of resistance to scab as shown by American varieties of potatoes until the latter part of this publication. OTHER SCAB-LIKE DISEASES. Rhlzoctonia. — This was seen on potato tubers in Europe even more commonly than it occurs in America, but most European pathologists regard it as nonparasitic. Those who consider it as a facultative para- site attribute little injury to it generally, although some think it capable of causing rot, as described ))v Frank." Sjwngospora solani Brun. — This fungus is said^ to cause a scab-like disease in the north of Europe. This disease occurred'" to a consider- able extent on potatoes secured by the writer's order from Groningen, Holland. Superficial scurv}^ diseases attributed to other fungi occur in Europe. Frank ^ describes one such caused by Phellomyces sclerotiophorus^ but Doctor Appel told the writer that this had not proved serious in Ger- many. Johnson ^ reports it as causing some trouble in Ireland. In England another scurf disease of somewhat similar appearance is attract- ing attention. It occurred on the P^ldorado seed potatoes imported with our order from Scotland, and the cause is apparently the fungus Spicaria nivea Hors.-' Oedomyces leproides Tvahut. — This is a fungus^ which attacks the young sprouts or eyes of the tubers, stimulating them to abnormal, cauliflower-like growth, of which the dark color has given rise to the popular name black-scab. The writer did not see this disease on the «Kampfbuch, p. 194. &Ibi aiiJ 145, and Rolfs, F. M., Colo. Exp. Sta. Bills. 70 and 91. 8838— >;o. 87—05 3 18 DISEASE RESISTANCE OF POTATOES. The onl}^ remedies proposed or practiced for blackleo- in Europe consist in selection of sound seed, careful avoidance of rotten tubers or those taken from a diseased crop, attention to rotation of crops, since the germs ma}^ persist and accumulate in the soil, and the use of disease- resisting- varieties. None of these methods has been tested carefully enough to establish its merits. The chief evidence as to varietal susceptibilities or resistance to blackleg is that of Appel." He states that while no varieties have been shown to be entirely free from the disease, the evidence is that thick-skinned, starch-rich, late varieties are in general more resist- ant than thin-skinned, starch-poor, early varieties. The Dabersche he tinds to be the most resistant of the widel}^ used German sorts, while the Rose varieties are especially liable to blackleg. Contiguous plats of the Dabersche and White Rose in Doctor AppeFs grounds showed this difference very clearl3^ at the time of the writer's visit in July, 1904, the Rose being badly diseased, the Dabersche but slightly. At the Deutschen-Kartoffel-Kultur-Station distinct evidence of variations in disease resistance was found. It was stated at this station that in the trial grounds the red varieties were in general found to be more resistant than the white. A considerable development of this disease was noticed at the Uni- versity Farm. Cambridge, England, where extensive variety trials were being conducted. The observations of Mr. H. Henshaw, who had imme- diate charge of these, were in agreement with those of Doctor Appel as to the association of the disease with the rot of the seed tuber, and he regarded it as a bacterial malady. There was a difference in the amount of the disease on different varieties, but Mr. Henshaw found none wholly free from it. At the time of this visit Factor and Up-to- Date were noticeably freer from the trouble than any other varieties there under trial. They were about alike in this, as, indeed, in all other characters. Doctor Delacroix cited as especially resistant to his bacterial disease in France the variety La Czarine. He also stated that the variety Geante Bleue is resistant, but to a less degree. Lau- rent observed in his work on bacterial diseases that the maximum of resistance was shown by the varieties Chardon, Pousse-debout, and Chave. OTHER STEM DISEASES. Several other potato stem diseases have been reported in Europe, but since the writer did not study them in the field and learned noth- ing beyond what is recorded in literature they will be passed with brief mention. Prillieux and Delacroix have described another bacterial stem disease in France attributed to Bacillus cmiUvorus. Rhizoctonia is conmion on potato stems as well as tubers, but none of the patholo- aArb. aus Biol. Abt. Gesundheitsamte, 3: 408 (1903). LATE-BLIGHT AND ROT. 19 gists conferred with regards it as a parasite of importance on either. Professor Marchal, of Genibloux, said, however, that he sometimes found a basidiomj'cetous fungus, Ili/jyoc/mis solaniFriW., ^ causing a bhickleg-like stem disease in Belgium. Prof. T. Johnson, of Dul)lin, sent specimens of Sclerotinia sclerotioruni^ which at times causes a destructive stem disease in Ireland, called "yellow blight." He also reports* the occurrence in Ireland of bacterial stem diseases, including what he believes to be the malad}^ termed brown-rot in America and shown by Dr. Erwin F. Smith to be caused by Bacillus solanacearwm . In none of these cases was anything learned as to relative varietal resistance to the disease in question. LATE-BLIGHT AND ROT DUE TO PHYTOPHTHORA INFESTANS. Late-blight and rot due to PhytopJdhora infestans occurs in Europe even more widely and destructively than in America, being recog- nized as the most important malady in all the countries visited by the writer — Italy, Austria, Germany, Holland, Belgium, France, and the British Islands. There was less unanimity of opinion than was anticipated as to the probable life history of the fungus, and conse- quently as to the remedial treatment. While all agreed that it lives over in the seed tubers, the opinion was frequentl}^ expressed, by scientific and practical men alike, that there is probably some hiberna- tion in the soil, either in tubers left in the lield or in the haulms. Possible hibernation in the tubers is to be associated with the fact that potato tubers left in the soil are not killed b}^ frost in southern Eng- land and the south of Europe. The value of Bordeaux mixture as a remedy is recog'uized generally. Spra3'ing is consistently advocated and practiced in the British Islands — especially Scotland and Ireland — the Netherlands, Italy, and portions of France. Germany has been surprisingly backward in accepting- or even fairly testing this remedy. The reason seems to l)e that some of the experiments conducted by scientific men have shown injur}' to the plants, and so they have pro- nounced against it. No other remedial treatments are in common use. *No one indorsed or practiced any method of seed disinfection. No particular culture methods were advocated or condemned other than attention to fertilization. There was a general agreement that excessive use of nitrogenous fertilizers, either chemicals or composted manures, increases the loss from this disease. Much attention is being given, however, to the' relation of varieties and of source of seed to disease resistance, and the results are of sufficient importance to merit the somewhat detailed report which follows. ^'Probably identical with Corticiuni vagum var. solani Burt, which is the fruiting 6tao;e of the common Rhizoctonia of the potato. ''Johnson, T., Diseases of the Potato and Other Plants in Ireland, Journal, Dept. Agric. Ireland, III, No. 1 (1902) 20 DISEASE KESISTANCE OF POTATOES. RESISTANCE AS SHOWN TOWARD LATE-BLIGHT AND ROT. HISTORICAL STATEMENT. Doubtless examination of the earlier writings upon the potato disease known as late-blight and rot would show that from the beginning of its ravages differences have been observed in the resistance of varieties. An}^ such records of the thirty years from 1845 to 1875 would have no practical value now, since the varieties then in use have passed out of culture; nor would they have much scientific significance, owing to the lack of exact knowledge then as to the cause of disease. Going back to the origin of the varieties still in cultivation, it is found that in the early seventies an unusual anjount of attention was focused upon the matter of the potato disease, as to causes and remedies. Ninety-four essays secured by the Royal Agricultural Societ}^ of England in 1872 showed agreement that an luiderl^^ng cause was the degenerac}' of the varieties then in culture.'* The necessity for the production of new varieties was emphasized. The introduction of improved American varieties into England at about this period was most beneficial and stimulating to the potato specialists of that country.-' These varieties were made the parents in further breeding. The best production of this revival was the JMagnum Bonum, originated by James Clark from a cross of Early Rose with Victoria and introduced by Sutton in 1876. Experi- ence with this variety laid the foundation for belief in possil)le disease resistance in potatoes both in England and on the Continent. Magnum Bonum soon became the standard main-crop variety of Great Britain and so continued until within the last fifteen ^^ears, when it yielded to Up-to-Date and others. It is still in considerable favor on the Conti- nent. Charles Darwin in 1877-78 became interested in the possibilities of disease-resistant breeding. Francis Darwin '^ states that Mr. James Torbitt, of Belfast, bred and selected varieties to secure disease «See Jour. Roy. Agr. Soc. Eng., XX : 291 (1884). 6 Dean, A. Potato Improvement in the Past Twenty-five Years. Jour. Eoy. Hort. Soc, XII :41 (1890). Mr. C. G. Pringle, who was then the foremost potato breeder in America, states that the demand from Europe for new American varieties was very active at that period, and continued until tlie fear of the Colorado potato beetle led to the prohi- bition by European governments of further importations of potato tubers from Amer- ica. Thereupon I\Ir. Pringle supplied B. K. Bliss & Sons with specially hybridized potato seed, which was sent abroad in considerable quantity. cLUe and Letters of Charles Darwin, II, pp. 519-522. The writer learns from Prof. T. Johnson, of Dublin, that Torbitt has been dead some twenty years. He was in the wine trade and raised varieties of potatoes for the berries, or seed balls, which he used as a source of material for wine. All of his varieties have disappeared except onfe coarse, red one, which was. and is proof against disease. HISTORICAL STATEMENT. 21 resistance, his method being- to cross-fertilize, rear the seedling-s, and expose them ruthlessly, to infection, retaining only those showing some degree of resistance. In this work he received much encour- agement and some financial aid through Charles Darwin. A committee of the English House of Commons, reporting in 1880 upon the potato disease, found all its witnesses concurring in the necessity for the production of new varieties with increased disease resistance.'^ Parliament was asked to give financial aid for experi- ments aiming to produce new and disease-proof varieties, but it did not do this. Earl Cathcart, in commenting on this report, states that- All potatoes have deteriorated in their disease-resisting powers. A variety from seed takes four to six years for its establishment, and under the most favorable cir- cumstances a good variety might be expected to degenerate in twenty years. The production of new varieties is of national importance. Apparently through the influence of Cathcart, Baker ^ was led to make an exhaustive comparative stud}' of the genus Solanum in order to advise as to the relation of the cultivated varieties to the several wild species of the American continent preparatory to breeding experi- ments in which these might be used. As a result, two species were considered worthy of further trial in the attempt to improve disease resistance, viz, the Darwin potato, S. inaglia, from the Chonos Archi- pelago, and the Uruguay potato, ^S'. commersonii. Cathcart furnished Sutton with the former and he hybridized it with the common S. tuher- osinn. Sutton'" reports that, beginning in 1886 — Although many hundreds of flowers of S. maglia were artificially fertilized with pollen from cultivated varieties, only five were successful, resulting in five berries. From these but two seedlings w'ere secured and only one of these showed any prom- ise whatever, the second having to be grown under glass to prevent its dying. * * * This hybrid, although a vast improvement on S. maglia, is far behind the ordinary potato in appearance, crop, and quality. The seedling * * * grown for eight years, in 1894 was slightly diseased, although previously free from attack. Sutton still has the jS. hiaglia and this hybrid in propagation at Reading, where the writer saw them in August, 1901:. Phytophthora was then more rampant on the foliage of both of these and on S. com- we?'8on{(, which he also has, than on the average potato plants in his fields. No h3'brids of /(S^. coiumersonn had been secured by him pre- vious to this. Mr. Lasham, potato specialist for the firm, has been giving renewed attention to the possibilities of species hj'bridization, and showed the writer balls which he considered to contain hybrid seeds of S. tuherosum X commersonii. «Jour. Eoy. Agr. Soc. Eng., XX: 291 (1884). ^Baker, J. G., A Review of the Tuber-Bearing Species of Solanum. Jour. Linn. Soc, London, XX, 489-507 (1883-84). <^Sutton, A. W., Potatoes, Jour. Roy. Hort. Soc, XIX, 387 (1896). 22 DISEASE RESISTANCE OF POTATOES. Interest in the possibilities of S. commers(mil has recently been stimulated by the experiments inspired in Frasce by Prof. £. Heckel/' who believes in the economic possibilities of this species when improved by longer culture and perhaps by hybridizing, and has distributed it quite widely in France with this end in view. One French horticul- turist, Labergerie,* claims already to have succeeded in producing a variety of edible qualit}^, large yield, and superior disease resistance. This was seen growing in the grounds of Vilmorin-Andrieux &Co., at Paris. This firm was not yet convinced of the practical value of the plant, and since Labergerie refuses to send out any of these potatoes for trial at present, judgment must be reserved. Returning to the consideration of the varieties of the common potato, it is found that during the last decade increasing attention has also been given to their comparative disease resistance. This has been well sununarized by Prunet.^ The main facts developed are as follows: Sorauer'^ in 1896 considered the evidence to date as showing that the highest degree of disease resistance was possessed by Magnum Bonum, the following showing some degree of resistance: Blaue Riesenkartofl'el, Richter's Imperator, Athene, Reichskanzler. Rostrup,'' writing about the same time from Denmark, places Magnum Bonum at the head as a disease-resisting variety, with Richter's Imperator and Champion as somewhat resistant. In this connection it is noteworthy that Magnum Bonnm has yielded its place in. popular favor in Great Britain for main-crop purposes to Up-to-Date and other varieties, even while holding its reputation on the Continent. During the last decade these standard varieties in turn have been "running out,'' and the demand in England for something to take their place has stimulated potato breeders and seed specialists to direct their attention very generally to the development of a disease- resisting main-crop variety. The greatest efforts in breeding have been made during the last four years, while speculation in the most promising of the varieties produced has been at fever heat for the last two years, during which time many new varieties, more or less disease resistant, have been pushed to the front. There are now so many potato special- ists in Great Britain breeding and handling varieties of reputed disease resistance that it is impracticable to mention all. Archibald Findla}', «Heckel, E., Sur le S. rommersonii, Rev. Hort. de la Soc. d'Hort. et de Bot. des Bouches-du-Rhone, No. 581, pp. 200-206 (December, 1902); also, Contrib. a I'etude botanique de qnelques solanum tuberiferes, Ann. de la Faculte des Sciences de Marseille, vol. 8 (1895). ''Labergerie, M., Le Solanum commersonii et ses variations, Bui. Soc. Nat. d'Agric. de France, March, 1904. ''Prunet, A., Le miklieu de la pomme de terre. Rev. de Viticult., XVII, 66;?; XVIII, 97 et seq.(1902). ''Zeitsch. f. PHanzeiikr., VI, 284 (1896). eXidsskrit't f. Landbrugets Planteavl, 1895, 1896, 1897. DISEASE RESISTANCE AND VEGETATIVE VIGOR. 23 of Mairsland, Auchtermuchty, Scotland, has originated some varieties of liio-li repute; Sutton & Sons, of Reading-, England, have also taken a prominent part in this work. Scotland-grown seed of all the leading varieties can be secured from Thomas Scarlett, of Edinburgh, and Mr. Scarlett has some promising varieties of his own introduction. Any- one desiring more specific information should secure the publications of the National Potato Societ}^ from its secretary, Walter P. Wright, Postling Vicarage, Hythe, Kent, England. Meanwhile the German Potato Station has been making extensive tests, doing some breeding and encouraging several potato breeders.'^ These efforts have not been directed primaril^^ to disease resistance, but the station has taken note of this feature and published the data regarding all varieties tested. While the results of this work in Europe have been collected or correlated bv no one, the writer was able to gather considerable infor- mation, in addition to that already referred to, from conversation with potato specialists, especially in Great Britain. This, together with what has been learned in Amei'ica, is made the basis of the followino- discussion. It is to be regretted that it is impracticable to give detailed credit in some cases to those who kindl}^ furnished the information. THE MEANING OF DISEASE RESISTANCE. Although potato specialists, especially in England, apply the term "disease proof " to their favorite varieties, this is not to be taken liter- ally. No variety has as yet shown itself to be absolutely proof against disease. The writer personally collected leaves infected with the blight fungus from two varieties which were said to be "disease proof." Absolute resistance against the blight fungus has not as yet been and may never be secured. Varieties are known, however, which show a relatively high degree of disease resistance. This mav be shown in the delay in date of appearance of the blight on the leaves or its slower progress after appearing, and still more clearl}^ in the relatively small amount of loss from rot of the tubers. M'ost of the exact observations made in Europe have been based on this latter difference. DISEASE RESISTANCE AND VEGETATIVE VIGOR. Disease resistance and vegetative vigor are closely associated, although the factors involved are not necessai'ily identical. In an}' consideration of the problems of the life and death of the potato plant it must be remembered that the potato has two natural methods of «The most active of these are Paulsen, Cimbal, Riohter, and Dolkowski. Graf Arnim-Schlagenthin, of Nassenheide in Poinmern, is an extensive breeder and dealer in new varieties, as is also F. Heine, of Hadmersleben. 24 DISEASE RESISTANCE OF POTATOES. reproduction, the true seed produced in the berries or ''balls'' follow- ing the blossoms, and the tubers produced below ground. Repro- duction b}' seed is a sexual process, that l\y tubers is vegetative. Both are exhaustive of vitality. The two are in a certain sense physiologically opposed to each other and can not well be carried on at the same time by the plant. Under the natural conditions of the wild potato plant in Mexico, and doubtless elsewhere, seed production precedes tuber formation. In Europe and northern America, with a shorter season and intensive culture, the two processes overlap. As a result there is, just after the potato plant comes into blossom, a period when the natural tendencies within the plant toward seed production above and tuber formation below are such as to subject it to unusual phj'siological stress. This has been termed the "critical period" '^ in the development of the potato plant. Usually the blossoms fall without the setting of the fruit, and the plant then passes into a stage where its energies are devoted to tuber formation alone. Once well started upon this vegetative period, its growth is more or less indeterminate, i. e., there is no clearl}" defined natural terminus to the life of the cultivated potato plant. Instead, there is the gradual decline in vegetative vigor which may prepare the way for earl3'-blight and other diseases characteristic of weakling- plants. It is noteworth}' that the destructive attacks of the late-blight fungus occur, as a rule, after the blossoming period has passed. So far as the evidence goes it seems to suggest that high vegetative vigor enables the plant to ward otf in some degree the fungus attack. There is, moreover, a natural decline in vigor, or "running out," with the age of the variety. The length of life of a variety depends upon numerous conditions, and is an indefinite matter in any case. It is ordinarily placed by potato specialists at from twelve to twenty 3"ears. As a variety begins to ""run out" it apparently shows, among- other things, a lessened degree of general disease resistance. Thus Magnum Bonum had the highest reputation in this respect from its origin in 1876 until about 1890 in Great Britain. On the Continent it has remained longer in favor. Up-to-Date has held a like place during the last decade in Great Britain, and Richter's Imperator has a similar record in Germany. These statements are based upon the popular verdict, not upon exact experiments; but the belief that disease resist- ance decreases with the age of the variety is iirml}^ established in the minds of specialists in potato culture in Great Britain, at least so far as concerns resistance to Phytophthora. There is little definite evidence regarding the relation of vegetative vigor to resistance to other diseases, but so far as it is formulated it « See Jones, L. R., Certain Potato Diseases and Their Remedies, Vermont Exp. Sta. Bui. 72: 4 (1899); also The Diseases of the Potato in Relation to ItsDevelopment, Trans. Mass. Hort. Soc. (1903), Part I: 144. IMPROVEMENT BY SELECTION. 25 favors the general applicabilit}- of the idea. The production of ber- ries, or seed balls, is held by some English breeders to be an indica- tion of such vigor, and therefore presumabl}^ of disease resistance, although no one claims that the absence of these is equally strong evidence in the opposite direction. It is worthy of passing note that berries are formed much more commonly in Europe, especially in Germany and Holland, than in America, apparently because of cli- matic diU'erences. THE RELATION OF HYBRIDITY TO DISEASE RESISTANCE. By a "new variet}'*' of potato, as the term is commonh^ used, is meant one recently developed from the seed. Sports may appear and are indeed frequent in some varieties. These will, however, be men- tioned later. The seed in all cases presumabl}" represents a sexual origin, i. e., comes from a fertilized flower, but this may have been either self-fertilized or cross-fertilized. One would expect greater vigor to result from the cross-fertilization, and potato breeders are of the opinion that it is secured. On the other hand, while varieties recently originated from seed ma}^ show a high degree of disease resistance, this is not necessarily the case according to the verdict of English and German breeeders, man}' new varieties proving as sus- ceptible as old ones. Reference has already been made to the work of Cathcart and Sut- ton in England and of Meckel and Labergerie in France based on the hope of advantage from using one or another of the wild Solanums for such hybridizing. There are interesting possibilities along this line, since there are many wild forms of «S'. tuherosum in addition to other species of tuberiferous Solanums. Thorough trials of these are now being made by Stuart ** at the Vermont Experiment Station which will be reviewed later in this paper. It should be emphasized at once, however, that while the use of the wild Solanums does ofter interest- ing possibilities, there is no record of practical success from their use, if we except the doubtful one of Labergerie's variety of S. eoinmer- smiii previously referred to. On the other hand, great practical improvements have been secured by various breeders from crossing- varieties of cultivated potatoes. IMPROVEMENT BY SELECTION. All plants tend to vary. One of the commonest ways to improve plants is by selection from among the var3^ing individuals. For the first two years after their origin, variants, or "rogues," are not uncom- mon with the seedling potato, but the variety is "fixed" by the weed- ing of such rogues before it is distributed for general culture, and « Stuart, W., Disease- Resistant Potatoes, Vermont Exp. Sta, Bui. 115 (May, 1905). 26 DISEASE RESISTANCE OF POTATOES. thereafter very little variation occurs. kSome moditication is to be expected, nevertheless, and among other things there ma}^ be varia- tion in disease resistance. It seems worth while, therefore, to keep a lookout for individual plants which show especial resistance to the blight when this is epidemic about them. The tubers of such indi- viduals deserve to be carefulh" saved apart and planted, in order that it may be seen whether their resistance is a fixed and inheritable char- acter or the result of some chance difterence in environment. Such selection has alread}' been undertaken by three persons to our knowl- edge: Appel in Germany,^' Stuart in Vermont,'' and Fraser in New York;'' but no practical results have as yet been secured. ARE EARLY OR LATE VARIETIES THE MORE RESISTANT? The blight never becomes serious until the midseason of potato growth is passed; thus in our Northern States its worst ravages come in August and September. Therefore early varieties, as a rule, escape. But this is simply because they mature before the blight is epidemic. So far as evidence has been secured, both in America and Europe, when the early varieties are planted late enough to expose them to the disease alongside of the later ones, the early varieties as a class suf- fer the worst. For example, the most complete destruction by rot which the writer ever saw was with a late crop of Early Ohio potatoes attacked by the disease in September. Woods,^' of Maine, has also found early varieties especialh^ susceptible. RELATION OF SOURCE OF SEED AND CULTURAL METHODS TO DISEASE RESISTANCE. The opinions of highly intelligent potato growers in Great Britain are especiall}^ worthy of note. One of the first concerns with them is the source of their seed. Mention has already been made of the experi- ments at Sutton's grounds, showing the superiority of northern-grown seed. It was found to be the general verdict of practical men in Europe that northern-grown seed is more highly disease resistant, as well as more productive. If one is to aim for the best results in health of crop, therefore, attention should be directed to quality and source of seed as well as to variety. Practical men as well as scientists generally agree that methods of | culture also determine to a considerable degree liabilitv to disease. ' These act not only indirectly as the}' affect moisture content or other ph3'^sical conditions of the soil, but more directly as they affect the \ "Appel, Otto. Die diesjiihrige Phytophthora-epidemie, Deutsche Landw. Presse, XXIX: 685 (1902). «> Vermont Exp. Sta. Bui. 115, p. 139. <^ Reported in correspondence. <^ Woods, C. D., Maine Exp. Sta. Rpt., XIX: 181 (1903). COMPOSITION AND CHARACTEE, AND ROT RESISTANCE. 27 vigor or inherent disease resistance of the plant itself. Seed dealers in this coiuitry, as well as in England, have also expressed a prefer- ence for seed from a crop that has not been very highly fertilized, especially with nitrogenous manures. The most detailed study along this line is that of Laurent,'* whose results indicate that nitrogenous fertilizers predispose both the foliage and the tubers of the plants to the attacks of Phytophthora. This is in harmony with the general opinion of practical potato growers, that high manuring increases the liability to disease. COMPOSITION AND CHARACTER OF TUBERS AS RELATED TO ROT RESISTANCE. There is considerable evidence that the chemical composition of the tubers bears a direct relation to resistance to rot. Paulsen ^ claimed that varieties rich in nitrogen compounds are less resistant to disease than those rich in starch. He classed most of the early varieties in the first category and found the larger percentage of the second class to be of the late varieties. The table varieties of better quality were also of the first category. Petermann'' has recentl}^ made field and laboratory studies at the Belgium Experiment Station. These led him to practically the same conclusions, viz, (1) that varieties richer in amids are more liable to rot, although of superior table quality; and (3) that varieties relatively richer in starch, including several recently originated German factory varieties, are less liable to rot but are of inferior quality for table use. Sorauer'' has published similar conclusions, and he made more detailed statements as to his belief on this point in conversation last summer. In general, he believes that the varieties richer in protein are more liable to disease, while those richer in starch are more resistant. This probably explains his observation that the yellow- fleshed varieties, which are in higher repute in Germany for table use, are more liable to disease*^ than the white-fleshed varieties which are grown for factory purposes. His further observations in harmony with this idea are that the thicker and rougher skinned red varieties^ — e. g., Dabersche — have a higher degree of disease resistance, coupled with relatively high starch and low protein content, whereas the thin- skinned white varieties, which are more liable to the disease, have '^f Laurent, Recherches exp. sur la mal. des plantes, Ann. Inst. Past., XIII, pp. 1-48 (1899). ''Biedermann's Centralbl. Agr. Chem., 1887, p. 107. ^Bul. Inst. Chim. et Baot. Gembloux, 70 (1901). ^'Jahresher. d. Sondersaussch. f. Pflanzensch., XII and XIII (1902 and 1903). ^See evidence of this also in Jahresber. d. Sondersaussch. f. Pflanzensch., XIII, 1903. /Bee also statement that red varieties are in general more resistant; Jahresber. d. Sondersaussch. f. Pflanzensch., XII, 1902. 28 DISEASE KESISTANCE OF POTATOES. proportionately less starch and more protein. As a rough empirical test he considers that if, when a fresh tuber is cut open, the flesh browns quickly on exposure to the air and the vascular bundles darken soon, it is evidence of hig-h protein content, and therefore of liability to disease, whereas the reverse condition is evidence of probable dis- ease resistance. Professor Sorauer also emphasized to the writer his belief in the relation of soil, manuring-, or other cultural condition to disease resistance. The testimon}^ secured elsewhere in Germany, as well as from American sources, is in harmon}^ with these ideas so far as it goes. While character of skin is probably a less relial)le index to rot resistance than is chemical composition, yet the writer has learned of several potato experts in America, as well as others in Europe, who regard the red varieties, especially such as have a rough skin, as less liable to rot than are the white thin-skinned varieties. The Dakota Red has often been cited as an example of this class in America. Abundant evidence can be found, however, especially from English experience, of high disease resistance coupled with a thin, white skin. Breeders aiming at disease resistance need not turn from the white- skinned varieties. CHARACTER OF STEM AND FOLIAGE AS RELATED TO DISEASE RESISTANCE. In connection with the question of the relation of the character .of the stem and foliage to disease resistance it is not safe to go far in generalizing. Mr. Lasham, potato expert and breeder with Sutton & Sons, considers that a stem that is strong, rough, and hard, almost woody at the base, is an important character if the plant is to be most highly disease resistant. The nature of the foliage is considered by others to be of greater importance, the preference being for small leaflets, rough and relatively thick rather than large and flabby. A rich dark- green is preferred to the lighter colored foliage. It seems inherentl}' probable that the character and color of foliage should stand in close relation to the other matters which have with more cer- tainty been shown to be related to disease resistance, viz, general vigor and capacity for starch manufacture. Those giving further attention to disease resistance may, therefore, well bear these sugges- tions in mind. DISEASE-RESISTANT VARIETIES OF EUROPE. When all the factors are considered, two important things become evident: First, that no variety will maintain its disease-resistant qual- ities indetinitely, losing them sooner in one locality than in another; second, that no one variety will be equally disease resistant in all countries, i. e., what is best suited to one may not be to another. DISEASE-RESISTANT VARIETIES OF EUROPE. 29 Hence we must expect much conflicting evidence regarding the same variety, especially as grown under difi'erent conditions and in difl:'erent countries. The most satisfactory way will be to summarize separately the evi- dence obtained in each country visited in Europe, followed by that from America. The greatest activity in breeding for resistance occurs in Great Britain, and next to this in Germany, while France has recently shown special activity in one line. There were secured from each of these countries all the varieties of especial promise for trial in America — comprising a total of nearly one hundred. By no means all of these have an established reputation as being highly disease resistant, although all will be tested for this as well as other characters. Experience has shown that the transference of a variet}'^ from Europe to America, or the reverse, is likely so to disturb the equilibrium of the plant that the developments of the first year are scarcely normal. At least two years are necessary for the adequate testing of imported varieties. Commercial growers should therefore make only trial plantations of any European variety until its adaptabilit}' to American conditions has been proved. Seed of the varieties secured will be under trial at several points this season and next. While it does not seem worth while to publish the full list of these in advance, the fol- lowing are selected as representing the varieties or types most strongly indorsed in their respective countries for disease resistance. GREAT BRITAIN. More attention has been given to this question in Great Britain than anywhere else. Careful comparative observations are recorded as to the relative disease resistance of all the leading varieties. The last report of the National Potato Society specifies the following eight varieties as the best for disease resistance, named in the order of their merit. The writer appended certain facts as to the origin and charac- ters of each. All are white skinned, white fleshed, of excellent qual- ity, of high general vigor, and heavy yielders. Table I. — The most disease-resistant varieties of potatoes in Great Britain, as announced hi/ the National Potato SociettiJi Order of merit. Name of variety. Evergood [Discovery \Royal Kidney Northern Star Sir John Llewelvn. King Edward VJI . Eldorado Factor Originator. Findlay Sutton . . Findhiv do". Harris . . Butler.. Findlay Dobbie . When sent out. 1896 1903 1896 1901 1900 1901 1903 1898 Season. Medium hite. Late. Second early. Late. Early. Medium. Medium late. Late. aAnnual Report, National Potato Society, I: 36 (1904). 30 DISEASE EESISTANCE OF POTATOES. Two points brought out l)y the foregoing table are worthy of espe- cial note: First, the remarkable success of one man in producing four of these eight varieties, showing that there is something more than chance in their development; second, the comparatively recent origin of all. For the latter fact there is probably a double explanation: (1) The loss of disease resistance with age of the variety; (2) the remark- able activit}^ of British potato breeders during the last few years, with the aim above all else of securing increased disease resistance. It should be remarked that there are a number of more recent intro- ductions which promise to rank with the best of these varieties, but they have not as yet been so fully tested. GERMANY AND HOLLAND. The potato-growing industries of Germany and Holland have much in common, and similar or identical varieties are used. Data were not available for making so definite a selection as in Great Britain. The following are probably representatives of the highest grade of disease resistance achieved: Table II.— The most disease-resistant varieties of potatoes in Germany and Holland. Name. Originator. Season. Color of skin. Mohort Dolkowski Paiil.seii Late White. Irene Medium late do Red. Geheinirat Thiel Richter White. - Professor Wohltmann Cimbal Del kowski Late Medium late Red. Do. Eigenheimer (Holland) Medium early Late White. Paul Kriierer do Do. The first five varieties have been imported from Germany. All of these are of the white-fleshed, starch-rich type which is being devel- oped there primarily for factory rather than for table use. They are, however, reputed to be of fair qualitj^ except, perhaps, in the case of Irene. These, like the British varieties, are of comparatively recent introduction. The Holland varieties are of a similar t3^pe except that Eigenheimer has a vellowish-tinted flesh. FRANCE AND BELGIUM. The conditions are similar in France and Belgium. Neither countiy has varieties of much promise for trial in our Northern States. In Belgium the varieties recommended as being most highly resistant to blight and rot were the recentl}' originated- German factory types like those already mentioned, to which might be added Topas and Pro- fessor Maercker. The verdict in France was similar, Professor Maercker again being commended, along with the English varieties DISEASE-KESISTANT VAKIETIES OF AMEKICA. 31 Magnum Bonum aud Roj^al Kidne3^ The indorsement of these com- parativel}^ late, white-fleshed, starch-rich potatoes in France and in the other continental countries is the more signiticant when one remembers that the chief aim with potato specialists there is to produce the yellow-fleshed potato rich in protein. DISEASE-RESISTANT VARIETIES OF AMERICA. Until two or three years ago no systematic attempt was recorded, so far as the writer has learned, to determine the relative resistance to blight and rot of potato varieties in America. Of course this would not imply that individual growers have not observed these difl'erences, but they are rarel}' matters of record, and as a rule are based only upon limited observations. Only two or three potato-seed dealers are advertising disease-resisting varieties with an}^ prominence this year, and these are in all cases comparatively new and little-tried sorts. INVESTIGATIONS AT THE EXPERIMENT STATIONS. Promising investigations have been inaugurated at several of the State agricultural experiment stations which should soon supply data for more reliable conclusions than are now possible. Woods," of the Maine station, and Green, ^ of the Minnesota station, have each reported results of variety trials as to disease resistance. Woods found a marked difi'erence in the ability of varieties to with- stand both blight and rot. As a rule the earlier varieties were soonest attacked. The variety Rustproof showed the highest degree of foliage resistance and also the least rot, viz, only a little more than 1 per cent, whereas the average of all varieties under trial was more than 30 per cent. Green found that the loss from rot varied widely with varieties, ranging from 1 per cent in the most resistant to 40 per cent in the least resistant types. Potatoes of the type of Sir Walter Raleigh and Rural New Yorker resisted rot better than those of an}' other class. Of the 49 varieties tested, onl}^ two. Clay Rose and an unnamed seed- ling, were practically free from rot. These trials will be continued. Observations on disease resistance have also been made by Macoun at the Central Experimental Farm, at Ottawa, Canada. He has kindl}^ advised the writer, in correspondence, of his conclusions. The follow- ing varieties have shown especial disease resistance as judged by appearance of blight on the foliage: Holburn Abundance and Pro- fessor Maercker are most resistant, with Swiss Snowflake, State of Maine, and Rural Blush onh^ a little less so. "Woods, C. I)., Maine Exp. Sta. Report, XIX: 181 (1903). ''Green, S. B., Potatoes at the University Farm, Minn. Exp. Sta. Bui. 87 (1904). 32 DISEASE RESISTANCE OF POTATOES. WORK AT THE VERMONT STATION. The most extensive work on potatoes has been done b}^ Stuart, who two 3^ears ago inaugurated at the Vermont station variety trials as- to disease resistance, supplemented by breeding experiments. Professor Stuart has kindly supplied the following summar}^ of his results to date:** Eight varieties were under trial in 1903 — Dakota Red, Enormous, Green Mountain, Rustproof, Squire, Sir Walter Raleigh, and two of Manum's unnamed seedlings. In 1904 the same varieties were used, with the addition of June, Mammoth Gem, Minister, New Queen, State of Maine, Sutton's Discovery, nine more of Manum's seedlings, S. coin- mersonll from Doctor Heckel, of Fi-ance, a Peruvian variety from the United States Department of Agriculture at Washington, and four Mexican varieties furnished by Mr. C. G. Pringle. The latter included two cultivated varieties termed Monterey and Mexican, and the two wild species, S. polyadenuuii and S. stoloniferum. Observations have been made as to both foliage and tuber resistance. As to foliage, none was wholly free from blight, but there was a marked difference, some being quickly and entirely destro3'ed, while others suffered only slightl}^ In 1903 Rustproof headed the list in this respect, and Dakota Red was second. In 1904 those showing greatest foliage resistance were as follows, in the order of their resistance: Monterey, S. com- mersonii^ S. polyadenium., Rustproof, Sutton's Discovery, June, Mex- ican, Mammoth Gem, and Manum's No. 3. Dakota Red did not equal its 1903 record. Judged b}' resistance of tubers to rot, Dakota Red made the best showing of the varieties which were tested for two seasons, but there was some rot in it both 3'ears. Of those added to the series of 1904 several varieties gave a crop of tubers entirely free from rot, namely 8. polyadenium^ S. coinmersonii^ Sutton's Discovery, June, and the two Mexican varieties. It is noteworthy that these are likewise the varieties which showed the least blighting of the foliage. Possibly the absence of rot is in some degree attributable to the lessened amount of infection of tubers from vines in consequence of this, although there were adjacent plants showing badly diseased foliage. Selection. — In 1903 a few plants in the varieties grown v/ere observed to remain green longer than the others. The tubers from these were saved and were planted in 1904 along with others of the same variet}^ that succumbed much earlier. So far as could be noted no increased disease-resistant qualities were transmitted to the offspring of these plants. «For further details see Stuart, W., Disease-Resistant Potatoes, Vermont Exp. Sta. Bui. 115 (May, 1905). INFORMATION" SECURED BY A CIRCULAR OF INQUIRY. 33 In view of the limited number of varieties tested and the consequent restricted scope of observation, it would hardly be justifiable as 3^et to give an expression of opinion as to the probable outcome of such a line of investigation. These observations are to be continued on a much larger scale the coming season. Ilifrrid ami other xeeiUlngs. — Seedlings were grown in 1903 from the Mexican species supplied by Mr. Pringle — S. poJyadeniuiii^ S. stolon l- ferum^ and S. hulhocaatanuw . This number has recently been aug- mented by S. verrxLcosum. and a wild form of 8. tuheroswn. In 1904 some of these were successfully hybridized with the cultivated potato. While it is yet too early to say very much regarding the possibili- ties of developing a conmiercially desirable disease-resistant variety of potato through the hybridization of wild species with our cultivated varieties, there seems good reason for believing that improvement may result from such crossing, especially as to disease resistance. In addition, a large number of seedlings of the common potato were grown in 1901. Among this number several vigorous-growing plants were noted, which remained quite green up to the time of digging. Some 50 of the more promising of these were saved for trial the com- ing season. Selections were based on vigor of vine, size and 3deld of tubers, and freedom from rot. One of the most interesting and instructive features of the seedling experiment was the object lesson it presented of the extreme vigor of some of the plants, showing quite plainly that one of the best sources for increasing the vigor lies in the production of new varieties from seed. Proper fertilization and good tillage are also important aids in increasing the vigor and disease-resisting powers of the vine. While the data in hand do not warrant broad generalizations, the following inferences are drawn by Professor Stuart: (1) Some varieties are less subject to vine injmy than others. (2) Some show a greater tuber resistance to rot than others. (3) With some there seems to be a fairly close relation between resist- ance of vine to disease and of the tuber to rot. (1) Selection has not given visible increase of resistance. (5) Hybridization and the growing of seedling plants, followed by careful selection, seem to offer a more logical method of securing disease-resistant varieties than does selection. INFORMATION SECURED BY A CIRCULAR OF INQUIRY. In order to secure all information possible as to the relative merits of the varieties now before the public, a circular letter of inquiry was sent recently to various experiment station officers and to about two 34 .DISEASE RESISTANCE OF POTATOES. hundred potato specialists in the United States and Canada" asking their opinions and the basis for them. There was a surprising lack of agreement upon any one v^ariety as being especially disease resist- ant. The replies indicate several things: (1) That ver}^ few American potato specialists have up to the present time given careful attention to this question; (2) that there are few varieties in conmion use which have preeminent worth as disease resisters; and (3) that in so large a geographical area local conditions affecting culture and disease are so widely variant as to prevent close comparisons or broad generaliza- tions. No less than 38 varieties were commended as showing resist- ance to blight or rot. Of these, 26 were commended only once, while the other 12 were favorably spoken of b}^ two or more persons. Still other varieties were mentioned, but not with sufficient positiveness to entitle them to a place in the following list. Those named more than once, with the locality in which they were indorsed, are as follows: Table III. — The bed varieties of potatoes in the United States and Canada, as reported by various experiment station officers and potato specialists. Variety. Dakota Red Irish Cobbler Green Mountain . . . Doe's Pride Norcross White Beauty Professor Maercker Ionia Seedling Quick Lunch Rustproof Sir Walter Raleigh . Vermont Gold Coin Number of in- dorse- ments. Localities in which commended. Canada (4): Maine (3); Massachusetts; Michigan; New York. New York (2); Maine; Ohio; Rhode Island. Maine (2); Massachusetts (2); Ver- mont. Maine (2); Michigan. Maine; New York; Vermont. Maine; Minnesota. Canada; Rhode Island. New York. Pennsylvania; Vermont. Vermont. Minnesota; New York. Pennsylvania; New York. The following varieties were mentioned once each, the commenda- tion coming from the locality mentioned in parentheses: American Wonder (Minnesota); Babl)itt (Maine); Bonanza (New York); Boss (Vermont); Buffalo (Maine); Burbank (New York); Cambridge Russet (New York); Carmen No. 3 (Ohio); Clarke's Pride (Maine); Clay Rose (Minnesota); Crines Lightning (New Jerse}'); Delaware (Minnesota); P^normous (New York); Gem of Aroostook (Rhode Island); Gloria (Rhode Island); Harris Snowball (New York); Holborn Abundance (Canada); Imperial Mills Prize (Maine); Keeper (New Hampshire); « The writer is indebted to the following experiment station officers for helpful advice: Professors Macoun, Canada; Woods, Maine; Rane, New Hampshire; Stuart, Vermont; Brooks, Massachusetts; Wheeler and Adams, Rhode Island; Fraser and Stewart, New York; Buckhout, Pennsylvania; Halsted, New Jersey; Selby, Ohio; Taft, Michigan; and Green, Minnesota. Much information has been secured from the replies of leading i)otato growers and seed dealers. It is regretted that it is impracticable to give detailed credit to these correspondents. RESISTANCE TO SCAB. 35 Professor Kuelin (Rhode Island); Million Dollar (Michigan); Orange Blossom (Vermont); Rural New Yorker No. 2 (Vermont); Scabproof (Wisconsin); Squier (Vermont); Star of the East (Maine); State of Maine (Canada); Swiss Snowflake (Canada); Virgirosa (Vermont); Westfield (Vermont); White Scotch King (Minnesota). In addition three unnamed varieties received favorable mention from Vermont. From these reports it is observed that certain varieties like Dakota Red, Rustproof, and Keeper have very well proved powers of disease resistance, but lack other desirable characters to make them popular varieties. Several of the standard main-crop varieties are in some degree disease resistant, and doubtless owe their general popularity, in a measure, to this fact, although it has not been clearly defined. To this group belong Carmen's best productions — Carmen No. 3, Sir Walter Raleigh, Rural New Yorker No. 2, and Rural Blush — Green Mountain, State of Maine, Delaware, Enormous, and White Beauty. Irish Cobbler is highly spoken of as disease resistant, but it is a question whether this may not be in part due to its early maturity, by \ virtue of which it escapes the worst ravages of Ph3^tophthora. There is also a very promising series of new seedlings which should be carefully watched as to disease-resisting characters, among which may be especially mentioned Norcross, Star of the East, and Babbitt (Johnson Seed Company); Vermont Gold Coin (Burpee); Ionia Seed- ling (Dibble); Harris Snowball (Harris & Co.). It is encouraging to learn from the replies that several of the newer German and English varieties which are reputed disease resisting in their home countries have upon trial in America made a good show- ing. This is evidenced b}- the reports from the Rhode Island and Canada stations favorable to Professor Maercker, Gloria, Professor Kuehn (German), Holborn Abundance (English), and Swiss Snowflake. RESISTANCE TO SCAB. It is a matter of common observation that some varieties of potatoes are more liable to seal) than are others. Reference has been made earlier in this publication to conclusions to this effect reached in Ger- many. So far as known the only American publication recording the results of comparative trials as to scab resistance is that made by the Vermont Agricultural Experiment Station in 1901-2." Thirteen varie- ties were tested in 1901 and fourteen in 1902 in soil badly infested with scab germs. While all showed some scab, there was a consider- able difference in the amount. Sir Walter Raleigh made a good show- ing Vjoth years, but an unnamed seedling sent by Mr. A. E. Manum, his No. 56, was more highly resistant. These trials established the writer's confidence that still more resistant strains may be secured by a Jones, L. R., and W. J. Morse. Vermont Exp. Sta. Report, XV: 225 (1902). 36 DISEASE KESISTANCE OF POTATOES. breeding and selection. Prof. William Stuart, of the Vermont station, has undertaken this work in connection with the development of resist- ance to blight and rot.« He has made further trials during the last two years, but without conclusive results as 3^et. A request for information as to relative scab resistance was inserted in the circular of inquiry, already referred to, recently sent to Amer- ican potato specialists. Most of the replies to this question were negative in character, but a number gave interesting information, some of which is especially pertinent. The strongest evidence as to scab resistance comes from Mr. Hiram Presley, of Port Huron, Mich., a potato specialist, who has tested hundreds of varieties during the past thirty years. He commends the Cambridge Russet as practically exempt from scab. Mr. Frank Paddock, of Perry, N. Y., gives like evidence. Carmen No. 3 is highly spoken of as scab resisting by several grow- ers in Ohio, New York, and Vermont, but one Michigan correspondent condemns it. American Giant receives strong indorsement from Freehold, N. J., and vicinity; Salzer's Scabproof from Wisconsin, and Aurora from Vermont. Favorable reports come from New York regarding Sir Walter Raleigh and Irish Cobbler, and from Canada regarding Mclntyre. The following were each commended by one correspondent from the localities mentioned in parentheses: Best (Maine); Doe's Pride (Maine); Early Freeman (Ontario); Keeper (New Hampshire); Seneca Beauty (Michigan); Squier (Vermont); White Beauty (Michigan); White Elephant (New Jersey); White Scotch King (Minnesota). On the other hand, the Early Ohio and some of its seedlings are condemned as especially liable to scab. Early Rose, Bliss Triumph, and Beauty of Hebron are also reported to scab badly. It is encouraging to note that in some cases the same variety is rated as in a high degree resistant to both diseases, the scab and the late-blight and rot. A similar coincidence will be found if a comparison is made of the lists of German varieties showing resistance to the several diseases discussed earlier in these pages, and the same thing was observed in some degree with the English varieties. This indicates that the attributes which give power of resistance against one disease are not incompatible with those operative against another. Indeed, it is not unlikely that the general characteristics of disease resistance may prove to be similar or the same for these vari- ous maladies. If so, it will prove the easier to secure the model potato, which, while possessing that which is desirable in quality and productiveness, shall, in addition, show the highest degree of resist- ance to the various diseases. This is an ideal worth striving for. "Vermont Exp. Sta. Bui. 115, p. 139. SUMMAKY. 37 SUMMARY. The aim of this bulletin is to present in concise form what is known about disease resistance of potatoes. Much of this information is from European sources. Certain minor diseases of obscure nature, but apparently nonpara- sitic, are tirst considered— the internal brown spot, filosite, and leaf- spot. Among remedial measures for each is the selection of resistant varieties. Scab diseases of tubers are in most, and perhaps in all, cases of para- sitic origin — fungous or bacterial. Apparentl}' the variet}^ of these is greater in Europe than in America, but the severity is less in Europe. It is undecided to what extent the American type of scab occurs in Europe, so a close comparison of conditions and remedies is not prac- ticable. In Germany certain varieties are known to be more scab resistant than others, among them being Richter's Imperator, Profes- sor Wohltmann, and Irene. The same is true in America, Cambridge Russet leading the list, so far as is known. Other American varie- ties showing a considerable degree of resistance are Carmen No. 3, American Giant, Sir Walter Raleigh, and Irish Cobbler. Scabproof and Aurora are also highly commended for scab resistance. Various stem diseases of the potato are known. The commonest t3^pe in Europe is termed blackleg (Schwarzbeinigkeit), a bacterial disease. It is not known to occur in America, but it resembles certain maladies which do occur here and which are as yet imperfectly under- stood. Varietal resistance to blackleg is not full}^ established, but apparently Dabersche and certain similar, thick-skinned, starch-rich late varieties are more resistant than thin-skinned, starch-poor early I varieties of the Rose t^^pe. Factor and Up-to-Date showed a consider- able degree of resistance to blackleg in England. La Czarine and other varieties are reported to show resistance to a bacterial stem disease in France. The late-blight and rot due to the fungus PJujtophthora infestans occurs more commonl}^ in Europe than in America. Attention has been given for many years to relative varietal susceptibilit}- to this disease, especially in Great Britain and in Germany. Varieties of superior disease resistance are known in both countries, and a number of the most promising from these and other European sources have been imported for trial. The following statements are tentatively formulated as to the nature of resistance toward blight and rot and the character of the varieties exhibiting it: (1) Disease resistance in potatoes is relative, not absolute, no variety known being wholly proof against late-blight and rot. 38 DISEASE RESISTANCE OB' POTATOES. (2) It seems related to general vegetative vigor, and is therefore in a measure dependent upon cultural and developmental conditions and tends to decrease with the age of the variety. (3) It can be restored b}^ originating new varieties from seed, especiall}^ of hybrid origin. Not all seedlings show superior disease resistance, (4) The use of other species of tuber-bearing Solanums for h3'brid- izing offers some promise, but no practical results have 3^et been secured. (5) Possibly the disease resistance in established varieties can be improved by selection, but this has not been proved. (6) Early varieties may escape the disease by maturing before it becomes epidemic, but when similarly exposed they are as a class less resistant than late varieties. (7) The source of seed tubers is a matter of importance, northern- grown seed giving plants of superior disease resistance in Europe. Seed from a crop that was not too highly fertilized is probably prefer- able. Possibl}^ tubers are better for seed purposes if dug before they reach full maturity. (8) High fertilization, especialh^ with nitrogenous manures, lowers the power of the plant to resist both blight and rot. (9) Varieties relatively rich in starch are more resistant to rot; those richer in protein are more susceptible to it. (10) So far as skin characters are an index, the red varieties with thick and rough skin seem more resistant as a class than the thin- skinned white varieties. (11) So far as stem and foliage characters are concerned, the evidence favors the stem that is hard, rough, and rather woody at the base, and the leaf that is small, somewhat rough, and dark colored. The varieties rated highest as to disease resistance in England are Evergood, Discovery, Royal Kidney, Northern Star, Sir John Lle- wel3'^n, King Edward VII, Eldorado, and Factor. In German}' and Holland the following represent the best types: Mohort, Irene, Geheimrat Thiel, Professor Wohltmann, Boncza, Eigenheimer, and Paul Kriiger. In Belgium and France no improvement as to disease resistance has been made over the best English and German t3^pes. In America, trials as to disease resistance have been conducted at some of the experiment stations, notably in Vermont, where experi- ments in breeding and selection for increased resistance are under way. These results have been correlated with information recently secured by a circular of inquiry addressed to a large number of potato special- ists in the Northeastern States and in Canada. From these it appears that a wide variation is shown in disease resistance among the varieties now in cultivation in America, but that no one variet}' is preeminent. SUMMARY. 39 Among those which have been widely tested, the following deserve mention as of the resistant class: Dakota Red, Rustproof, Irish Cob- bler, Sir Walter Raleigh, Doe's Pride, and White Beauty. Certain European varieties of the disease-resistant type seem to retain that character when grown in this country, e. g., Professor Maercker and Sutton's Discovery. There is much of promise in certain new varie- ties under trial at the Vermont station. Several new sorts of reputed disease resistance have recently been place<^l on the market by American seedsmen, e. g., Harris's Snowball, Dib])le\s Ionia Seedling, Burpee's Vermont Gold Coin, and Johnson's Norcross, Star of the East, and Bab- bitt. Those having opportunit}" should carefully observe the relative disease resistance of these and also of other new varieties. The evidence at hand seems to justify the hope that the coordinated efforts of potato specialists working from both the practical and the scientific standpoints may soon result in the development of varieties of potatoes combining general excellence with a high degree of disease resistance. All who can do so are urged to aid toward the accomplish- ment of this end. O U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY— BULLETIN NO. 88. B. T. GALLOWAY, Chief of Bureau. WEEVIL-RESISTING ADAPTATIONS OF THE COTTON PLANT. BY O. F. COOK, BiONOMiST IN Charge of Investigations in the Agricultural Economy of Tropical and Subtropical Plants. Issued January 13, 1906. WASHINGTON: government printing office. 1906. BULLETINS OF THE BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY. The Bureau of Plant Industry, which was organized July 1, 1901, includes. Vegetable Pathological and Physiological Investigations; Botanical Investiga- tions ; Farm Management, including Grass and Forage Plant Investigations ; Pomological Investigations, and Experimental Gardens and Grounds, all of which were formerly conducted as separate divisions ; and also Seed and Plant Introduction and Distribution; the Arlington Experimental Farm; Investiga- tions in the Agricultural Economy of Tropical and Subtropical Plants; Drug and Poisonous Plant Investigations ; Tea Culture Investigations ; the Seed Laboratory, and Diy Land Agriculture and Western Agricultural Extension. Beginning with the date of organization of the Bureau, the several series of Bulletins of the various Divisions were discontinued, and all are now published as one series of the Bureau. A list of the Bulletins issued in the present seiies follows. Attention is directed to the fact that " the serial, scientific, and technical publi- cations of the United States Department of Agriculture are not for general dis- tribution. All copies not required for official use are by law turned over to the Superintendent of Documents, who is empowered to sell them at cost." All applications for such publications should, therefore, be made to the Superin- tendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. No. 1. Relation of Lime and Magnesia to Plant Growth. 1901. Price, 10 cents. 2. Spermatogenesis and Fecundation of Zamia. 1901. Price, 20 cents. 3. Macaroni Wheats. 1901. Price, 20 cents. 4. Range Improvement in Arizona. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 5. Seeds and Plants Imported. Inventory No. 9. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 6. A List of American Varieties of Peppers. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 7. The Algerian Durum Wheats. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 8. A collection of Fungi Prepared for Distribution. 1902. Price. 10 cents. 9. The North American Species of Spartina. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 10. Records of Seed Distribution and Cooperative Experiments with Grasses and Forage Plants. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 11. Johnson Grass. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 12. Stock Ranges of Northwestern California. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 13. Range Improvement in Central Texas. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 14. Decay of Timber and Methods of Preventing It. 1902. Price, 55 cents. 15. Forage Conditions on the Great Basin. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 1(3. A Preliminary Study of the Germination of the Spores of Agaricus Cam- pestris and Other Basidiomycetous Fungi. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 17. Some Diseases of the Cowpea. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 18. Observations on the Mosaic Disease of Tobacco. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 19. Kentucky Bluegrass Seed. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 20. Manufacture of Semolina and Macaroni. 1902. Price. 15 cents. 21. List of American Varieties of Vegetables. 1903. Price, 35 cents. 22. Injurious Effects of Premature Pollination. 1902. Price, 10 cents.' 23. Berseem. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 24. Unfermented Grape Must. 3902. Price, 10 cents. 25. Miscellaneous Papers: I. Seeds of Rescue Grass and Chess. II. Saragolla Wheat. III. Plant Introduction Notes from South Africa. IV. Con- gressional Seed and Plant Distribution Circulars. 1903. Price. 15 cents. 20. Spanish Almonds. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 27. Letters on Agriculture in the West Indies, etc. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 28. The Mango in Porto Rico. 1903. Price. 15 cents. 29. The Effect of Black Rot on Turnips. 1903. Price, 15 cents. 30. Budding the Pecan. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 31. Cultivated Forage Crops of Northwestern States. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 32. A Disease of the White Ash. 1903. Price, 10 cents. 33. North American Species of Leptochloa. 1903. Price, 15 cents. 34. Silkworm Food Plants. 1903. Price, 15 cents. 35. Recent Foreign Explorations. 1903. Price, 15 cents.- [Continued on page 3 of cover.] BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY. B. T. GALLOWAY, Pathologist and Physiologist, and Chief of Bureau. VEGETABLE PATHOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS. Albert F. Woods, Pathologist and Physiologist in Charge, Acting Chief of Bureau in Absence of Chief. BOTANICAL INVESTIGATIONS. Frederick V. Coville, Botanist in Charge. FARM MANAGEMENT. W. J. Spillman, Agriculturist in Charge. POMOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS. G. B. Brackett, Pomologist in Charge. SEED AND PLANT INTRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION. A. J. Pieters, Botanist in Charge. ARLINGTON EXPERIMENTAL FARM. L. C. CoRBETT, Horticulturist in Charge. INVESTIGATIONS IN THE AGRICULTURAL ECONOMY OF TROPICAL AND SUBTROPICAL PLANTS. O. F. Cook, Biouomist in Charge. DRUG AND POISONOUS PLANT INVESTIGATIONS, AND TEA CULTURE INVESTIGATIONS. Rodney H. True, Physiologist in Charge. DRY LAND AGRICULTURE AND WESTERN AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION. Carl S. Scofield, Agrictdturist in Charge. EXPERIMENTAL GARDENS AND GROUNDS. E. M. Byrnes, Superintendent. SEED LABORATORY. Edgar Brown, Botanist in Charge. J. E. Rockwell, Editor. James E. Jones, Chief Clerk. INVESTIGATIONS IN THE AGRICULTURAL ECONOMY OF TROPICAL AND SUBTROPICAL PLANTS. scientific staff. O. F. Cook, Bionomist in Charge. G. N. Collins, Assistant Botanist. F. L. Lewton, .Scientific Asi-. late in the autunui months. The presence of the weevil alters all these factors. The superlluous buds become positively detrimental, for they furnish the breeding grounds for successive generations of weevils and enable the pest to attain in the latter half of the season such numbers that a top crop Jiot only becomes utterly impossible, but a menace is prepared for the cotton of the following year. For, although only a small proportion of the weevils live through the winter, the number of survivors un- doubtedly has a very jjractical relation to the snp])ly maintained at the end of the previous season, and this again is merely a question of this persistent production of buds, now much worse than useless. A short-season variety of cotton having a sufficiently determinate habit of growth would by itself constitute a solution of the weevil problem. The Department's entomological investigations in Texas indicate that it is only the weevils hatched in the last month of the growing season — in October or November — which have a prospect of surviving the winter. A cotton which ceased to produce l^uds after July or August would remove the chance of wintering over from all the weevils except the few that might develop in the bolls, an almost infinitesimal number compared with those that now attain maturity in the squares. Much would be gained, of course, if all planters would promptly pick their cotton and then pull up and destroy the plants, being especially careful to collect the infested bolls. But to carry out efficiently such a programme is difficult and expensive. To what extent, if any, the Kekchi cotton will meet this need of a short-season determinate variety, it is too early to form an opinion, but the fact that it has these qualities to a higher degree than any of the varieties hitherto known in the United States must be accepted as evidence, at least, that the possibilities of this method of protection have not been realized. In the latter part of the season the Kekchi cotton ceases the upward growth of the main stem and its branches and regularly drops the greater part of its buds before they are large enough to be entered or fed ui)on by the weevils, and the analogies to be drawn from the habits of other plants wnll justify persistent ejBforts toward the development in this and in other stocks of the habit of rejecting the buds still earlier or of not forming them at all after the first crop of fruits has set. Many ]:»lants have, in fact, exactly this habit so desirable in cotton; they continue to flower until ])ermitted to set seed. SEASONAL BEARING OF PERENNIAL VARIETIES. 23 SEASONAL BEARING OF PERENNIAL VARIETIES. The continued existence of jDerennial cottons in weevil-infested countries, like Guatemala, proves the presence in these also of means of protection. One of the most important is, doubtless, the produc- tion of an annual crop at a definite season, leaving the weevils with- out opportunity to breed in the intervening months, thus greatly reducing their numbers. The popular impression that troi^ical plants take advantage of the continuous summer climate and blossom continuously is correct only for a small minority. Where there are definite wet and dry seasons many tropical plants have alternating periods of growth and rest almost as pronounced as in temperate climates, and even in regions of continuous humidity there are some species which shed their leaves annually and rest for a time. A further general reason for a simultaneous annual blossoming of all the flowers of a species is undoubtedly to be found in the greatly ^ increased opportunities of cross-fertilization, just as many insects swarm and many birds and mammals collect in flocks before the breeding season. Simultaneous flowering is carried to a remarkable extreme among the bamboos, where whole species grow for long series l, of years without flowering, and then flower and die at once over long W distances and in spite of local diversity of conditions which might be expected to advance or retard maturity. Accordingly, while it would not be reasonable to insist that peren- hnial varieties of cotton have adopted the habit of annual flowering pnly because of the boll weevil, the analogy of other plants may be mvoked to show that such a character can be brought about by select- • ive influence. The weevil could certainly assist in the development of such a tendency, especially if there Avere a season of the year in which the insects were less numerous, from climatic or other ext^'rnal causes as yet unknown. The tropical varieties of cotton are, as is well known, mostly peren- nial, and some of them develop into trees of considerable size, the trunk attaining a diameter of G or 8 inches, and the main branches a length of 15 or '20 feet. The existence in Mexico of tree cotton immune to the weevils has been reported, but as yet this has not been substantiated. Possibly the weevil has not yet penetrated some of the remote and arid parts of the republic. In eastern Gvuitemala, at least, the tree cottons appear to enjoy no immunity from the weevil, and at the time of the visit of the writer it was often impossible to secure uninjured ])olls, even as samples of the varieties. The native cottons of the island of Cuba, according to Mr. E. A. Schwarz, also have the habit of annual blossoming, in the intervals of Avhich the number of the weevils becomes greatly reduced. The cutting back 24 WEEVIL-RESISTTNG ADAPTATIONS OF COTTON. of tlu' ('ottou hy the Indians at Eabinal, as described in the next paragraph, is an artificial means of attaining the same end, hut the native Sea Island cotton, found at San Lucas, and the Kidney cotton, at Tucuru, are the best Guatemalan examples of this protective habit. ANNUAL CUTTING BACK OF PERENNIAL VARIETIES. IMiile the annual variety of cotton protected by the keleps is the basis of the only field culture found in eastern Guatemala, the Indian population of the central plateau about Salama and Rabinal raise small quantities of cotton in their doorvards by means of another cultural expedient, apparently of great antiquity, as indicated by the extent to which the plant is adapted to the cultural conditions. The variety is perennial and has very small and inactive nectaries, pos- sibly as an adaptive result of the dryness of the climate. Most of the perennial varieties l)egin bearing only after the plants have attained considerable size, but the Rabinal cotton is a notable exception to this rule and avoids injury from weevils by the very prompt flowering and fruiting of the new shoots. The weevils are present in numbers, and are frequently seen crawl- ing about on the plants in a leisurely manner quite different from that which they affect in regions stocked Avith keleps. At the time of our visit not a single boll or bud of any except the smallest size could be found which had not been attacked by them. Nevertheless, a crop of cotton is secured at another season. In the month of April the Indians cut back all the bushes to the ground, and as the cotton is always planted immediately about the doors of their houses, where the chickens and turkeys congregate, the mortality of weevils at this time is probably very great. The protection of the domestic birds doubtless continues until the new shoots have grown out of reach. As soon as the plants are a few inches high they begin flowering, and before the weevils are sufficiently increased in numbers to become injurious a crop has been set. Flowers and fruit are commonly borne on the lower branches, only 6 or 8 inches from the ground. The Indians say that if the cotton is not cut back, but allowed to grow tall, they get no crop. The fact is that by that time the weevils are too numerous to permit normal bolls to be formed. Our search for such was quite in vain on both our visits to Rabinal. One boll which gave no certain external proof of injury was wrapped up in a paper and retained as a sample, but was overlooked in packing and not transferred to the jjreserving fluid. When the paper was unwrapped a fcAV weeks later three dead boll weevils were found. The Rabinal cotton crop is evidently not large, but the harvest is said to be regular, and the area of fertile land in this district is so small that none of it is wasted. Much foreign thread is now HAIRY STALKS AND LEAF STEMS. 25 imported, however, for weaving in the native h)oms. The industry has greatly declined in the last century, i)erhaps because chickens have been generally substituted for turkeys, which were formerly the only domestic fowl possessed by the Indians. All attempts at establishing field cultures of cotton in this region have failed. The local public, which does not take the weevil factor into consideration, is firndy persuaded that cotton will not bear ex- cept in the heavy, rich soil of the dooryards of the Indian villages. HAIRY STALKS AND LEAF STEMS. The weevil on foot is a rather slow -moving, clumsy insect, and it has been ascertained in the course of the investigations conducted by Messrs. Hunter and Hinds that its movements on the plants are to a great extent impeded by hairy stalks and leaf stems. The smooth Egyptian and Sea Island vsirieties were found to be more susceptible to weevil injuries than- the hairy Upland sorts. The Kekchi cotton is still more hairy, however, than the United States varieties, and gains an added advantage from this fact." The longer it takes the weevils to climb from one bud to another the greater are the chances of their being caught by the keleps. The latter insects, owing to their much longer legs and the claAvs with which their feet are armed, are not only able to travel readily over the hairs, but find them of definite assistance. On smooth surfaces they are much less adroit in catching and stinging the boll weevils. In our experiments, too, they seemed to prefer the hairy Upland cottons to the smooth Sea Island varieties. The difference between the two insects in this respect may also be illustrated by the fact that the keleps are unable to ascend a perpen- dicular surface of clean glass, a feat which the weevils accomplish without difficulty. That the Guatemalan cotton was more attractive to the keleps than the ITnited States Upland and Sea Island varieties jdanted in ad- jacent rows seems to be indicated by a census of our plot experiment, taken April 19 l)y Mr. Argyle McLachlan. Kele}) nests were found at the bases of 41 per cent of the plants of the other varieties. o Though distinctly hairier than our ordinary Upland varieties, the Kekchi cotton is exceeded in tills respect l)y two other (Juatemalan types, as well shown in a field test at Lanhani. Md. The Pachon cotton olttained Ity Mi-. William K. Maxon in the Uetalhnlen district of western (iuateniala is distinctly more liairy than the Kekchi variety, thou^'h it seems to he lackinij in other weevil- resistiiii; features. The iiivolucral hracts are not closed any more than in the Sea Island or Esyi>tian types. Tlie most hairy cotton of all is the Kabiiial variety, at least in the form it has taken at Lanham. The plants are very nuich more rolmst in every respect than at home in Guatemala, and the hairy covering shares in this increased vigor. 26 WEEVIL-RESISTING ADAPTATIONS OF COTTON. while 7<'» per cent of the plants of the Kekchi cotton were favored with kelep nests. This apparent preference may be somewhat exaggerated, perhaps, in view of the fact that the plants Avere often farther apart in the rows of the Kekchi cotton, the seed having germinated very irregularly. Moreover, the superior attraction of the Kekchi cotton for the keleps may not have consisted entirely in the greater hairiness or the more abundant nectar. The compact foliage and spreading lower branches of the Kekchi cotton give greater protection from the midda}^ sun, which the keleps utilize by greater activity in the middle of the day. AVith the Sea Island varieties it seemed obvious, however, that the smooth stems, more open habit, and smaller supply of nectar result in distinctly less attention from the keleps. From 9 or 10 o'clock on hot days they foraged very little, and seemed to have quite disappeared from these varieties, though still to be found in considerable numbers on the stems of the Upland varieties and most of all on the Kekchi cotton, which appears especially adapted for the comfort and con- venience of the keleps. It was noticed, however, that the keleps went much more often into the involucres of the Sea Island and Egyptian varieties than into those of the Kekchi cotton, for the simple reason, probably, that they can get in more easily. In the latter part of the season, after the weevils had gained a foot- ing in this field. Professor Pittier noticed a very decided preference on their part for the Egyptian varieties, though it seems certain that this type of cotton had never been planted in the country before. The partiality of the weevils might be explained, perhaps, on such grounds as the relative absence of the keleps, and also the ease of access to the buds of the Egyptian cotton allowed by the more open involucres. However, a slight change of food or of conditions of growth is often a distinct advantage to plants and animals, so that a direct preference for a new variety as food might reasonably be expected, and similar instances are known. The greater hairiness of the stems and the presence of the keleps may also explain why the weevils in Guatemala were seldom seen walking about on the cotton plants as they do in Texas. On the other hand, they take to wing very readily and seem to prefer to alight in the open flowers, the only places on the cotton plants where they are safe from the keleps. The petals are so smooth that the keleps seldom descend into the flowers, and when they do sometimes appear to be unable to climb out. The petals of the Sea Island sorts are smooth even on the mar- gins, sometimes entirely so, while those of the Upland varieties are fringed with fine hairs well up on the sides, if not all the way round the apex. PENDENT BOLLS. 27 Tlu' li:il)ility lo cm])! me l»y such an insect as llic kolep may also aff'oi'd an explanation of the peculiar sedentary hahits of the male weevils, which ofteji remain stationary in one involucre for lone- j)ei'iods, or as loneing crowded together. The cluster cottons, too, have the undesirable tendency to an abnormal nudtiplication of squares and young bolls, many more than the restricted leaf surface of the plant will enable it to ripen. This superabundance of flowers and fruits gives, how- ever, the greater encouragement to the Aveevil, and uses up vegetative energy which could be better employed in the prompt ripening of the bolls already set. It is no unconnnon thing, however, for even half- sized bolls of cluster cottons to die without any sign of external injury or disease, while other varieties close l)y remain perfectly healthy. The cause is probably to be found in inadequate nutrition, but this might also be expected to give them increased susceptibility to injury from parasitic enemies of every kind. It is not unlikely, too, that the drooping habit may be connected with the greater size of the inside nectaries of the Guatemalan vari- ety. These are, as far as we have seen, larger than in any other American variety yet known ; but the Asiatic cottons, which have the inside nectaries still larger and more active, are also more definitely pendent. The involucre is grown together at the base, as though to more thoroughly protect the nectaries from above — from the sun, which would dry up the secretion, and from the rain, which would wash it off. The nectar is formed in great abundance, and Mr. F. J. Tyler, of this Department, has called attention to the fact that the surface of the nectaries of the Asiatic cottons, instead of being merely papil- late, as in the American Upland varieties, has a covering of close- standing fine hairs, to which its velvety appearance is due. Finally, it may be remarked that for cotton with upright bolls the inside nectaries are often an element of danger, since when the secre- tion is abundant and is not removed it flows along the bases of the involucre and may serve as a medium for the germination of j)arasitic fungi or bacteria. Bolls are not infrequently found diseased arou.nd the base, apparently from this cause. EXTRAFLORAL NECTARIES. The cotton plant is not without floral nectaries similar to those of related genera, consisting of fringes of nectar-secreting hairs lining the ])its inclosed between the bases of the petals. The nectar serves, doubtless, the same purpose as in other plants, the attraction of the EXTRAFLOKAL NECTARIES. 29 honey-loving insects through which cross-fertilization is secured. It does not appear, however, that the floral nectaries of the cotton haA^e any connection with the ])r()bleni of weevil resistance, although the Aveevils seem in Guatemala to spend a considerable part of their time in the flowers, which are indeed the only safe places for them on plants protected by the keleps. It had been noticed from the first that the keleps seldom visit the cotton flowers, and Mr. Kinsler has learned a very adequate explanation of this fact, namely, that they are able to climb out of the flowers only with considerable difficulty, and sometimes remain imprisoned in spite of all their efforts to escape. The functions of the extra floral nectaries of plants are, as far as can be ascertained, similar to those of the floral nectaries to the extent that they attract insects, but beyond this there is a fundamental dif- ference; the floral nectaries and highly colored floral organs serve to secure visits of fljdng insects and thus maintain intercommunication and cross-fertilization between the different members of the same species, in spite of the fact that the individual plants are rooted fast in the ground. The extrafloral nectaries, on the other hand, attract to the plants insects which will remain iij^on them as permanent resi- dents, and this is the end secured by the extrafloral nectaries of the cotton. It may be objected l)v some that no use or benefit to the plant lias been ascertained in the case of many species which have extrafloral nectaries and other insect-attracting devices. Much remains to be learned concerning these marvelous biological specializations, and there are two obvious alternatives which need to be canvassed before belief in the adaptive nature of extrafloral nectaries and analogous structures can be destroyed. The character and extent of many such specializations show that they have existed for a long time. They may have served protective purposes no longer apparent. The other consideration is that some of the symbiotic specializations existing between such plants as Cecropia and Acacia and their insect inhab- itants have arisen through selective encouragement, nnich as the special characters of our domestic plants and animals have been developed. It may 1h> sufficient, in other words, that the nectaries or other structures be of use to the insects which have done the selecting. It may seem absurd to think of bushes or trees as having been domesti- cated by ants many thousands of years ago. but the Avonder is no greater than that ants and termites regularly maintained subter- ranean fvmgus gardens ages before mushroom culture was undertaken by man. 30 WEEVIL-RESISTING ADAPTATIONS OF COTTON. NECTARIES 01 THE LEAVES. The midrib of each leaf bears on the under side an oblong pit. from which a drop of nectar may often be seen to exude. This is collected and eaten by the keleps, which are thus induced to visit all parts of the plants, especially while they are still small. The habit of collecting the nectar was not previously known to exist among the insects of the family (Poneridae) to which the kelep has been referred. Xevertheless, the fact is not open to question. The process is easy of observation in even greater detail than with the true ants or the bees, because the keleps do not, like these insects, have the art of regurgitating their food. They merely lap the nectar up to form a drop, which, protected by the widely opened mandibles, is carried into the nest to feed the queen and the young. Nectaries, , or at least nectary-like depressions, are to be found probably on the leaves of all varieties of cotton, though very small and apparently inactive on some of the larger tree sorts." The shape of the nectaries also varies greatly in the diiferent species and varieties, some being longitudinal, others transverse, and still others crescentic or even sagittate. Some varieties have nectaries on the three principal veins, and some even on five veins. The leaf nectaries of the Kekchi cotton are to be found on the midrib of the leaf about 1.5 cm. from the base. They consist of a rather shallow longitudinally oval depression surrounded by a broad raised rim. The midrib often appears distinctly narrower above the depression than below it, as though there were extra tissues to supply it. The secretion is quite active, nearly all the nectaries showing a small amount of liquid, wdiich sometimes spreads out on the adjacent surfaces. These nectaries furnish, as might be expected, a medium favorable for the growth of molds or fungi, and there is often a considerable network of dark-colored fungus mycelium creeping in and about the moistened depressions, and wdth occasional erect, needlelike points, which may be fruiting bodies. a This was not true, however, of a Mexican " tree cotton " of the Upland type srown in tlie Department's experimental i)lots in Texas last year. Large nectaries were generally present on three veins of each leaf, and the midvein often liad two. They were of the crescentic or sagittate type, but often extremely long and distorted. Another Mexican tree cotton, with a different type of lighter green foliage, suggesting that of Bixu. had nectaries only on the midvein and these redui-ed to a narrow groove. The vein was not thickened nor the margins raised. Tiie two varieties were about as different as c(mld w(>ll be with resiiect to nectaries. Xeither produced either flowers or fruit, so that their true relationships were not to be ascertained. NECTAKIES OF THE INVOLUCRE. 31 EXTERNAL NECTARIES OF THE INVOLUCRE. The Guatemalan cotton protected by the keleps has three broadly oval or reniforni pits at the base of the involucre, one at the middle of the base of each of the involiicral leaves." These are larger, deej^er, and more active than the nectaries of any of the Texas varieties as vet observed, though there is very great diversity of size and nectar- secreting activity. In some of the varieties these nectaries are reduced to mere rudiments or are entirely wanting. The depres- sion may be present, but with no secreting tissue. The variety nearest apin'oaching the Guatemal-an cotton in having large and active necta- ries is the Redshank, but the King and other related sorts also have fairly large nectaries. The drooping or pendent i)ositiun of the bolls in the Kekchi cotton may be correlated with the special development of these nectaries, as already noted. In the middle of the day the keleps are not veiy active, but the nectaries are sometimes full to overflowing. If the l)olls kept the erect position usual in the varieties cultivated in the United States the nectar would frequently drop off and be lost, but when the fruits hang down the cuplike nectaries are brought upper- most and hold the liquid much longer. The evolutionary origin of these nectaries is fairly obvious. The bracts are to be looked upon merely as modified leaves, with nectaries which have increased in size and activity as the leaves have become smaller and more specialized, INNER NECTARIES OF THE INVOLUCRE. As though to induce the keleps to come inside the involucre and thus more effectually protect the young buds and bolls against the Aveevil, the Guatemalan cotton is also provided with unusually large interior nectaries, alternating in position with those of the outer series and thus placed opposite the edges of the involucral leaves or bracts. These inside nectaries, like the outside ones, are larger and more active than those on most of the cottons cultivated in the Southern States, but the closing of the involucre and the devolopment of the inside nectaries have been carried much farther in the Old World cottons belonging to the species Goxsi/pivm herhacetini. Here the external nectaries are quite Avanting, but the internal ones are enormously larger and heartshaped, and secrete nectar in such quantities that it often flows out in the groove between the adnate "I Instances are occasionally found where only two nectaries are developed, but such deficiencies are much less freciuent than lu other varieties of the Upland and Sea Island series. The Rabinal cotton commonly has only two external nectaries. The Old World cottons thus far observed have no nectaries in this position. 32 WEEVIL-RESTSTING ADAPTATIONS OF COTTON. bnicts to iiu)isten the ed. p'dom) called by the Indians " tshubai," which has considerable value as a forage plant, being of quick growth and succulent texture. The preference of the kelep for the tshubai as a second jchoice after cotton was noted last year, but no explanation was found, though THE INVOLUCRE AS A PROTECTIVE STRUCTURE. 37 the jDlant avus searched foi nectaries. It was noticed by Mr. Kinsler that the keleps seemed to be giving especial attention to the midrib near its junction with the veins of the lower divisions of the leaf. Our lenses then revealed the fact that there are two minute raised wings or margins running along the ui)per side of the midrib and petiole, forming two narrow grooves in which the nectar is evidently secreted. The grooves are also protected by a row of fine hairs which project across Ihem from the raised margin. The behavior of the kele^D thus receives a practical explanation, and the tshubai finds a regular place next to the cotton among the plants protected by the kelep. The nectar-secreting habit of the tshubai may also explain its being eaten so readily by stock, and nui} helj) to give it standing as a forage plant, in spite of its weedy and unpopular relatives. A second member of the eonqjosite family often visited by the kelei^s is the '* sajal."" a species of Melanthera (probably M. (leltoidea). Avhich also has hjcal value as a forage plant. I)eing eaten greedily l)y horses and mules, even in preference to grass. No nectaries have been found on this. A third composite, not yet identified, produces nectar in small depressions at the base of the leaf on the under side. THE INVOLUCRE AS A PROTECTIVE STRUCTURE. 0- Cotton is the only plant known to be attacked bv the boll weevil, and it is also unique among its relatives in the possession of a large leafy involucre. This nuiy be a mere coincidence, or it may be that the weevil has had a considerable influence in the development of the involucre, depending upon the antiquity of the contact between the insect and its host plant. The involucre has. it is true, functions other than the exclusion of the weevils, since it takes the place of the calyx in protecting the young bud, but the reduction of the calyx probably followed the enlargement of the bracts, instead of preceding it. But however originated, the large bracts have, at the present time, a definite value in the problem of weevil resistance. There are several specialized characters which appeal- as though definitely cal- culated to increase the efficiency of the involucre in excluding the weevils from the young buds. INVOLUCRAn BRACTS (JROWX TOGETHER. Both the Kekchi and Rabinal cottons frequently have the involucre closed at the base, the three bracts being grown together, thus making it impossible for the Aveevils to enter from below. In the Sea Island and Egyptian varieties, as well as in some of the Upland sorts, the bracts are not merely divided to the base, but they often have the lower corners rolled back, thus leaving an open passage for the weevils. The Rabinal cotton much excels all the other varieties thus 38 WEEVIL-RESISTING ADAPTATIONS OF COTTON. far studied in the extent to which the bnu-ts are grown together at the base. Sometimes they are united for a quarter or even a third of their length. (PL lAs'fig. 1, and PL X, fig. 1.) APPRESSED MARGINS OF BRACTS. In both of these (xuatemalan varieties the margins of the bracts of young invohicres are firmly and closely appressed, in striking con- trast with the Sea Island and Egyptian varieties, where the bud is commonly exposed even when very young. This form of protection is effective while it lasts, but in the Rabinal cotton the involucre is too small, and the growth of the young bud soon separates the bracts and permits the entrance of the weevil. The United States Upland varieties are intermediate between the Sea Island and the Kekchi cot- tons in the degree to which the involuci'es are closed and the margins fitted together. A large proportion of the Upland involucres give ready access to the weevils, while most of those of the Kekchi cotton remain effectively closed for a longer period, as will be understood after a survey of the other involucral characters which conduce to the same result. In one respect the firmly closed involucres of the Rabinal cotton seemed almost like an advantage to the weevil rather than the con- trary, for the insect is not admitted to the bud until it is about large enough to furnish a place of development for a larva. The plant having taken control, as it were, of this relation, the weevils have not needed to possess an instinct against the destruction of young buds. Those of the open involucred Sea Island varieties often were attacked while still altogether too small to bring a larva to maturity. The advantage of the closed involucres lies, no doubt, in the fact that they shorten the period of access and alloAv some of the buds to escape which would be punctured either for feeding or for egg laying if the weevil has a longer opportunity. (PL IV.) The Rabinal cotton culture is that in which the plants are cut back yearly to the ground. During the next month, or until the buds l)egin to develop on the new shoots, the weevils have no breeding places and nothing to feed upon except the leaves and leaf l)uds. In patches where the weevils are abundant the leaf buds are eaten out so persistently as to seriously interfere with the growth of the plants, and the A^ery 3'oung flower buds were also reached in some instances by boring through the involucres. AVhen attacked at this stage the buds wither and drop off. They serve the weevils only for feeding purposes, and their use in this way only postpones the time when breeding can be resumed. The cotton at Rabinal was often overrun by two species of small black ants, identified by Dr. W. H. Ashmead as belonging to the LAEGE INVOLUCRES OF KEKCHI COTTON. 39 genera Solenopsis and Tapinoma." There was no indication, how- ever, that these afforded any protection against the weevils, aUhough they might, j^erhaps, act as watchmen and scare weevils away when they happened to be present on bnds or bolls where weevils had alighted, like other small ants wdiich have been reported as attacking the boll weevil. The keleps belong in an entirely distinct category in being able to sting and carry off the weevils and make regular use of them as food. Instead of being of service to the cotton these small ants at Rabinal were a distinct injury; the Solenopsis was taking care of plant lice,'' which often infested the cotton to a decidedly harmful extent. It continues and supplements the work of the boll weevils in stunting and distorting the plants. When the aphids are very numerous, the leaves are badly curled and growth is greatly impeded. LARGE INVOLUCRES OF KEKCHI COTTON. The Kekchi cotton has the bracts of the involucre much larger in proportion to the contained bud than the Rabinal cotton or than any of our Upland varieties. The possession of larger bracts constitutes a distinct weevil-resisting adaptation, since it permits the involucre to be more effectively closed and the protection to be continued for a longer time. Sooner or later, of course, the bracts must be separated by the growing bud. The larger the bracts the longer the bud can continue to grow before spreading the bracts apart. (PL IX, fig. 1.) Prof. H. Pittier, who had charge of the Secanquim experiment in the latter part of the season, was especially impressed with the pro- tective utility of the larger bracts of the Kekchi cotton, as shown by the following summary of his observations: The large size of the bracts in proportion to the floral bud is a very important protective feature. In the Kekchi cotton the amplitude of these bracts is sucli as to completely inclose the bud at all times before the anthesis, and even in cases when thoy happen to be slightly separated the occlusion is maintained by tlie long hairs wliicli fringe them on all sides. The length of these bail's con- stitutes a serious obstacle to the progress of the weevils, whose tarsi can not obtain a firm hold on the solid surface. I have seen them drop to the ground after many awkward attempts to gain access to the squares, while on the other hand the keleps did not seem to be impeded at all by the bristles. o The material was not sufficient for a conclusive determination of the species. Doctor Ashmead says : " You have two distinct species of ants here. One, No. 1, belongs to the family Myrmicidte and is apparently the worker of Solenopsis picca Emery; the other. No. 2, belongs to the family Dolichoderida^ and is apparently the worker of Tapinonia rannilonim Emery. I am sorry you did not have the different sexes, so that I could make positive of the species. In Solenopsis, as you probably know, there are four or five different forms, and it is not easy to identify from a single form." 6 These have been identified by Mr. Theodore Pergande as Aphis gossypii, a species well known in the United States. 40 WEEVIL-RESISTING ADAPTATIONS OF COTTON. To show the increased size of the bracts in the Kelcohi cotton, I have carefully measured over 250 squares of live of the most ijromising varieties of the Upland species. The dimensions taken were the length of the floral hnd. and the length and breadth of the bracts. The table, in which these data are condensed in a comprehensive form, shows a decided advantage in favor of the Kekchi cotton. Table I. — Dmenmrns of floral hiids aiul bracts of several varieties! of cotton coDipared. Length of floral bud (millimeters). Kekchi. Parkei'. King. Allen. Jewett. 1 1 6 5 3 4 3 2 1 3 2 3 O m =1-1 o Sg O o .Q'2 .at o Iz; o ? tig pq 5 6 mm. 20 28 39 42 42 42 47 52 37 47 42 mm. 11 18 27 30 30 30 33 30 27 36 30 mm. mm. m,ni. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. 7 8 2 13 16 18 8 6 3 3 1 3 2 2 1 25 81 36 39 38 39 43 48 36 37 44 45 47 19 20 24 25 23 26 24 26 25 25 25 24 30 1 18 10 18 13 5 1 1 5 1 5 26 34 34 37 39 39 49 40 40 33 42 20 21 23 23 24 25 29 26 23 21 25 &-10 5 7 9 6 6 4 1 2 33 34 40 44 40 43 43 41 19 23 24 25 24 26 25 26 3 2 10 1" 5 1 2 38 36 39 41 39 26 21 26 28 ;50 11-12.... 13-14 1.5-16 17-18 19-80 52 38 1 21-22.... 47 34 23-24 25 26 1 48 33 27 28 2 1 40 49 25 28 29-30 31 32 33-34 1 42 32 Total.. 78 31 78 43 32 The advantage is particularly notable with respect to the greater width of the bracts, w hicli enables them to remain much more eft'ect- ively closed at the angles. In the Parker, King, and Allen varieties the bracts very seldom attain a width of 30 mm., while in the Kekchi cotton the average width for all except the smallest buds is above 30 mm. OPENING, OR FLARING, OF BRACTS AVOIDED. The unusually large and well-closed bracts of the Kekchi cotton have another practical use in keeping the bud from drying out, as explained in the discussion of proliferation. The external indication of this difference is that in the Kekchi cotton punctured squares commonly do not open, or flare, by the spreading apart of the involucral bracts, wdiile among the Upland and Sea Island varieties flaring is the regular rule. Quite a per- centage of the squares of Abbasi, Parker, King, and other varieties stand well open normally before any injury has occurred, but the Kekchi cotton seldom or never exposes its squares before flowering. The larger and broader involucre is also able- to permit the protrusion of the flower without losing the power of closing and remaining shut for a considerable period after flowering, while the Parker and King varieties often remain quite open, so that the young boll is fully exposed to the weevils. EXTENT OB' PROTECTION BY INVOLUCRE. 41 All example of the promptness with whieli weevil injuries cause the involucres of our Uj^land cotton to open is well shown in a note by Mr. McLachlan : On August S. at 2 p. lu., a small cage was placed over a small plant of Parker cotton, and 5 female and 2 male weevils were introduced. The plant i)ossessed. ;!0 squares. 4 flowers, and 0 bolls. The nutrninir after the weevils were imt into the cage several of the squares had Hared and one had fallen. It would seem that the mechanical forces of the square are quiclcly affected by the work of the weevils. Here, of course, the imnctui-es were numerous, because of the n)any weevils on the plant. Some of the sipiares were riddled witli feeding and egg punctures. The buds of Kekchi cotton often recover from three or four punc- tures, though they might not do so if these were all made at the same time. But it often happens that squares with numerous feeding punctures remain closed and Avither up Avithout flaring. HAIRY MARGINS OF INVOLUCRAL BRACTS. In addition to their larger size, the bracts of the Kekchi cotton have the marginal teeth or lacinitv more numerous and more hairy than those of our Upland varieties and able to afford more of an impedi- ment to the entrance of the weevils. The difference was very pro- nounced in our experimental plot, where King, Parker, and other familiar American sorts were planted beside the Kekchi. It is as superior in this respect to the other Upland varieties as they are to the Sea Island. The Kekchi and Rabinal varieties, though both belonging to the Upland series and having many similarities, have also vei-y distinct differences, as, for example, in the present character. The small, firmly appressed bracts of the Rabinal cotton have the maro-inal lacinia' few and small; sometimes the edges are nearly entire, or merely toothed. The hairy covering is also reduced to a fine, short coat, which can afford little or no impediment to the weevils. EXTENT or PROTECTION BY INVOLUCRE. That the closed involucres do indeed contribute to the protection of the young buds from the weevils became very obvious in (me of our experimental plots at Secanquim, located about a quarter of a mile outside the belt of Indian cultivation of cotton. There being no keleps to afford protection, the cotton soon became thickly infested with weevils, and very few bolls were allowed to develop on any of the plants. There was a notable difference, however, in the age at which the buds were punctured. As already stated, the edges of the bracts of some of the Sea Island and Egyptian varieties separate at a much earlier period than those of the Upland varieties, and the 42 WEEVIL-RESISTING ADAPTATIONS OF COTTON. weevils commonl}^ attack them in their very early stages, and even Avhile they are altogether too small to permit the development of a Aveevil larva. It has been pointed out already l)y Messrs. Hunter and Hinds that the smooth stems and petioles of the Sea Island and ^Egyptian cottons render them much more readily susceptible to injury by the boll weevil than are the Upland types, and if we add to this the disadvantage arising from the later development and the more open involucres the possibility of protecting the long-staple cottons against the Aveevils seems small indeed. Instead of being immune to the boll weevil, as at one time hoped, the Egyptian and Sea Island varieties seem to be most lacking in weevil-resisting adaptations, as might, indeed, have been expected in view of the fact that they have been developed in regions to which the weevil has not yet penetrated. The Kidney cottons, which may be looked upon as representing the Sea Island type on the mainland of the American continents, have, as will be seen later, a peculiar feature of protective value. ADVANTAGE OF OPEN INVOLUCRES. It will be apparent from the facts already recited that the partly closed involucres of the Sea Island and Upland varieties now culti- vated in the United States serve little or no purpose in resisting the boll weevil. On the contrary, they often appear to be an advantage to the insect, serving, as they do, to hide the parasite from its enemies and protect it against the application of insecticides or capture by insectivorous birds.* The great variation in the size and shape of the involucre in the different varieties of cotton suggests the practicability of securing sorts with open involucres or with these structures reduced to small dimensions. If the weevils were to be caught by insectivorous birds, like the Cuban oriole, whose weevil-eating habits have been discovered by Mr. E. A. Schwarz, open involucres would be a distinct advantage. It might then be possible also to apply Paris green or other insecti- cides to young buds which are, except in the early spring, the exclusive feeding places of the weevils. The practicability of an open involucre will need, however, to be considered from another standpoint. It must be ascertained whether the young buds will bear full exposure. Unlike most of the related plants, the cotton bud is not protected by a calyx. The involucre may be necessary as a substitute, especially in dry climates. In humid a Dr. H. J. Webber states that the desirability of open involucres has been aiipreciated and that selections of Upland varieties with a view to the develop- ment of this character have been made. BEHAVIOR OF PARASITIZED BUDS. 43 regions, however, this requirenieiit might be rehixed, and it is in such places that the injuries of the Aveevils are the greatest." BEHAVIOR OF PARASITIZED BUDS. SHEDDING OF WEEVIL-INFESTED SQUARES. In a dry climate, like that of the Mexican plateau region, the drop- ping of the squares in which the weevils have deposited eggs would constitute a very effective adaptation. The weevil larvae do not sur- vive a thorough drying out of the squares. It is only in the arid districts of Mexico that the cotton plant has shown its ability to escape from cultivation and maintain itself without human assistance, if indeed it be not in some places a truly indigenous wild plant, as several botanists have reported. But in a moist region like the cotton belt of eastern Texas this habit of the plant has no practical use, since as many of the weevils die when the injured squares remain attached to the plant as Avhen they fall to the ground. " It is generally true that squares seriously injured by the weevil sooner or later fall to the ground. Some plants, however, shed the injured squares more readily than do others. It seems to be a matter of individual variation rather than a varietal character. Thus occasional plants retain a large proportion of their infested squares, which hang l>y the very tip of the base of the stem. Normally the squares are shed because of the formation of an absciss layer of corky tissue across their junction with the stem. In the case of the squares which remain hanging, the formation of this layer seems to be incomplete, or else it becomes formed in an unusual plane, so that while the square is effectu- ally cut off, it merely falls over and hangs by a bit of bark at its tip. In this position it dries thoroughly and becomes of a dark brown color. Plants showing G or 8 of these dried brown S(iuares are quite common in infested fields. Although exposed to complete drying and the direct rays of the sun, the larvfe within are not all destroyed. * * * " It seems a conservative estimate, therefore, to say that fully one-third of these exposed dried squares may he expected to produce adults. Considering the exposed condition of such squai-es this seems to be a very high percent- age. * * * The observations made, however, certainly show that a complete "After the above had been written it was observed that the Pachon cotton from western (iuatemala, grown in an experimental plot at Lanham, Md., has the peculiar feature of a large calyx, which completely covers the young bud and extends above it into long, slender, hairy tips. It may be that this is to be looked upon as still another weevil-resisting adaptation. The weevils would be able, undoubtedly, to bore through the calyx, but the hairy tips might hinder their access to the bud. The bra<-ts are much smaller and nmch more oi)en than in tlie Kekchi and Rabinal varieties, but the lacinia\ or teeth, along their margins are rather stiff and are clothed with numerous hairs, sti'onger and more bristlelike than in the Kekchi and Rabinal vai-i(>ties, and able to keep the lacinia- from closing together. It may be that the greater rigiditj- of the lacinia; and the bristles gives better protection than the open i)osition of the bracts would indicate. The case is in reality quite different from that of the Sea Island varieties, where the bracts are both naked and open. 44 WEEVIL-RESISTING ADAPTATIONS OF COTTON. drying (if the sxample, of the fiari>d and fallen squares — that is, of those which it might be supposed that the weevils have injured — and of the numl)er of weevil larvie, proliferations, etc., found inside them. The results in percentages do not agree, however, 46 WEEVIL-RESISTING ADAPTATIONS OF COTTON. with the facts obvious in the fields; indeed, they greatly misrepre- sent them. Thus the percentage of weevil injuries in flared and fallen squares does not appear very much higher in the Kekchi cotton than in the Sea Island and Upland varieties; yet as a matter of fact the squares of the Kekchi cotton seldom flared for any other reason than weevil injuries, and much less often for this cause than did those of other varieties. Many small squares of the Kekchi cot- ton fall ofi', however, before they are large enough or open enough to be attacked by the weevils." This takes place in the other varie- ties to a much smaller extent, but with them the apparent percentage of weevil injuries among flared squares is much diminished, because many squares stand open and appear as though beginning to flare, even before the weevils have attacked them. rROLll'ERATION OF INTERNAL TISSUES OF BUDS. The protection of the buds does not end with devices for the exclu- sion of the adult weevils, nor with the rejection of those in which they have laid their eggs. It is also possible for the plant to heal the wound, and bring the injured bud to maturity by preventing the growth of the weevil larva. Where the climate is dry the weevil larvtv in the rejected buds are killed, as already explained. The humid climate alternative of the falling of the parasitized squares is proliferation, the groAvth inside the bud of loose, watery tissue in which the larva does not develop. Whether the larAa is killed by smothering, starving, or poisoning, or by some combination of these, is not yet known. Starvation is a sufficient explanation, since the material with which the larva becomes surrounded can be no adequate substitute for the highly nutritious pollen grains on Avhich the infant larva would otherwise feed. Proliferation is much more frequent in the Kekchi cotton than in any of our United States varieties, as far as known. The first and second punctures are commonly resisted successfully, but the third, fourth, or fifth attempt may succeed in the development of a larva. The proportion of weevil punctures rendered ineflective by prolifera- tion was found to run Avell above 50 per cent,- sometimes between 80 and 1)0. (PLY.) The promptness and efficiency of proliferation bear an inverse pro- portion to the size of the buds. As the latter grow larger the mass of anthers inside becomes less compact, and the other tissues become too "Professor Pittier found in the latter part of tlie season that the buds of the Kekchi cotton were sometimes cut away at the base and left hanging in a wilted condition. These were at first taken for flared squares as the result of weevil injuries, but it was later ascertained that this was not the case, though the true cause was not learned. The damage was done in the night. PROLIFERATION OF INTERNAL TISSUES OF BUDS. 47 nearly mature to put forth iieAv growth. If the presence of the larva at this stage is sufficient to cause the bud to fall otf, the development of the parasite to maturity is well assured, the large bud affording good protection and adequate food. In the Kekchi cotton, however, such late attacks very seldom cause the bud to fall off. Larvae developed in the larger buds are turned out of doors, as it Avere, by the opening of the flower. The tendency of injured buds to persist is notably greater than in the United States, either because of some physiological difference between the varieties, or because of the larger and more firmly closed involucres of the Kekchi cotton, which keep the buds surrounded Avith a moist atmosphere and protect it against drying out while the neAv tissues are forming to heal the wound and encyst the egg. In the closely planted Indian fields the squares seldom flare as in the Texas varieties. They generally remain in place and continue to grow until the bracts have reached nearly their full normal size. In fields partially protected by the keleps the weevil larva^ do not seem to develop in buds as small as in Texas. Proliferation may partly explain this delay and also the more firmly closed involucres, but in our unprotected plot the weevils were able by repeated punc- tures to infest smaller squares and reach maturity in them, after they had fallen to the ground. The behavior of Aveevil larv» inside the squares in Guatenuila seems also to differ appreciably from that observed in Texas where younger squares are usually much more accessible to the weevils, and are commonly punctured. In Texas the larvae regularly grow to maturity, depending for food upon the pollen, Avhich is completely eaten out. In Guatemala this very seldom occurs. Small squares with Avell-developed weevil larvae are rarely found under normal con- ditions, nor do the larvae depend upon the pollen as their principal article of diet, as in Texas. Several reasons for this difference may be considered. The first is that the larger and more firmly closed involucre of the Kekchi cotton gives the buds several days of protection, so that the average size would naturally be larger. The examination of large numbers of squares picked at random from the Indian cotton fields by Messrs. Kinsler and McLachlaji show also that a very large jji-oportion of the punctures are followed by proliferation, and that this means of pro- tection is much more efficient in the younger squares. Another rea- son must be sought, hoAvever, for the failure of the larva- to eat tht' pollen of the large buds Avliere proliferation is less prompt and less frequent. The impression might l)e gained that (he pollen of the Kekchi cotton is in some Avay not acceptable to (he weevils, since eA'en when there is an abundance of pollen at hand they prefer to eat out 48 WEEVIL-HESISTTNG ADAPTATIONS OK COTTON. ilu' ?«tvU' ;uul iTiitnil coliiinii of llu' llowfr. aiul ihciu-o down into the ovarv or yoimi:' '>oll. After this Inis Iuhmi consunuMl tlu> lnrva> return to tlio iippi'i' |>:ii1 of tlu' l)iul to linisli the riMuaindcr of llic polliMi. Nevcrtlu'lcs^, this su«:'iiVstioii of a protect ini;- (|iiality in the pollen itself can not l)e acct'pte' sipiares. (|uite as in the Tnited States. This oc- curred in the (>\periniental jilot where then- were no f;round in the usual manner, and in these the weevil larva' were able to reach maturity. A nu)re probable reason for the usual failure of the lai\a' to eat the pollen as freely as in the Tnited States is furnished by tlu' ojjinion of Mr. ^^'. D. Hunter, that tlu' original habit of the wee\il was to attack the l)oll>. like related species of .Vnlhononuis. which li\-e upon various kinds of fruits." If this be true with ivfereuce to the boll weevil we may think of the (iuatemalan memlHU's of the species as having retained sonu'what more of the ancestral habits which with them are dednitely useful, because the cotton variety with which they have to deal has jx'rfectiHl. to i lariier t-xtent than tlu' Texas \arieties, the art of proli feral ion. As a furthir indieatitm o[' the i^reater streuiith amonjj the Guate- malan wiH'\"ils oH the instinct of attackinjj,' the ovary of the bud may be mentioni'd the fact that a \ery lai'u'e proportion of the punctures oci'ur low down — that is, (,)n or below the level of the apex of the younii' boll. 'Idie larva couuuonly eats directly to the ciMiter of the bud and hollows out the apex of the youna' l)oll. This habit gives rather less opi)oi-t unity for successful proliferation than in Texas, because the ca\ity hollowed out Ity the lar\a lies btdow the K'\el of the staminal tube, the tissues of which ai-e the most active in proliferation. The Kekchi cotton shows occasionally anothei- form of })roliferation not recorded from Ti'xas, namely, that of the base of the corolla. Sometimes this enlargement takes place in ;in outward direction, forming a wart or protuberance on one side of the bud, as shown in Plate W. In otlu>r instances the direc- tion i> reversed and the ingi'owing edge> of the wound made by the wcexil hll the inteiaial caxity and prexcnt \\\v chM-eloinuent of the larva. The proliferation of the corolla, besides being less "A new species of .\iitlioiiennis witli habits closely idontienl with those of the boll weevil, but parasitic on the i>epi'er plant (Caiisicmn ), lias been discovered reeentlv in 'I'e.vas by .Mr. K. \. Scliwar/.. Tliis pains an .iibUvl interest from the fact already noted that it is the reunlar custom of the Indians -of Alta Vera I'az to plant i)ei)j)ers amoni: the cotton. CAUSES AMI) CONDITIONS OF BCD I'Kol-I FKIIA'IION. 49 fre({iient than that ol" the staiuiiial tiilx-. is probably also k'ss cH'ect- ive, since the weevil larva' could escape before it into the center of the flower while the proliferation from the staniinal tube ^rows outward, as though to meet the intruder and keep him separated from ^he nu)re s))ecial ()r<»;ans. The habit of the larvie to seek tlie center of the biul and gnaw off the style is responsii)le for the loss of large numbei's of younger bolls which have sutfered no direct injury from the weevil. Even though the larva be subsequently killed by proliferation or though the flower drops oti' and carries the larva with it, the lack of polli- nation must prevent the development of the young boll unless par- thenogenesis takes place, which seems improbable. Larva' were foinid in several instances in nearl}- full-sized buds about to oj)('n. and in another case a more than half-grown larva was found inside the central colunni of an open flower. More or less distorted flowers with unmistakable signs of previous proliferation in the bud stages are commonly found in the Kekchi cotton fields. Summarizing the results of the study of proliferation in the Kekchi cotton, it nuiy be said that although the frequency of pro- liferation in the young scpmres is very great, its eflicienc}^ in prev^ent- ing the breeding of the weevils is somewhat less than might be ex- j)ected in Texas, owing to the difference of food habits among the weevils. If the Texas weevils are as consistent in their habits as now suj)[)osed, the introduction of the Kekchi cotton or of a similar proliferating variety might be of gi'eat benefit as a preventive measure. The extent, however, to which it could be made to compass the complete destruction of the weevil would depend somewhat upon the degree, if any, to which they might i-eturn to the habit shown in Guatemala of feeding upon the ovaries or boll I'udiments rather than upon the j)ollen of the young buds, an important and hitherto unsusjiected difference in habits between the weevils of Texas and those of Guatemala. CAUSES AND CONDITIONS OF BUD PROLIFERATION. That the proliferation is occasioned by the injuries of the weevil is too obvious to admit (jf doubt, but it may be of much practical imj^ortance to learn the exact way in which the new growth of tissue is brought about. The disturbing factor might be either mechanical or chemical. The new growth may be a direct response to injury of the weevils in feeding or laying eggs, or it might be stinudated indi- rectly by the secretions of the young larva, or by chemical changes or decay of the danuiged tissue. A second mechanical possibility is that of pressui'c developed in the young and rapidly growing bud. liDtrJ— No. ««— u.j M i 50 WEEVIL-RESISTING ADAPTATIONS OF COTTON. The burrow inii' of the weevil relieves this pressure at one point, and may thus furnish the exciting cause of the rapid growth in this direc- tion of the tissue of the staniinal tube. It seems not improbable that a relation will be found between the method of culture and the extent and frequency of proliferation. Open-field conditions, with much bare ground about the plants, Avould increase the daily exposure of heat and dry air, and this would con- duce to the wilting of the punctured squares, which might then be expected to flare and fall oif instead of remaining to proliferate. The result of weevil work in our open-culture plots was obviously differ- ent from that in the more crowded cotton fields of the Indians. On the widely separated plants the squares often fell off and permitted the larva? to develop, as in Texas, except that there was still a distinct tendency on the part of the larva^ to attack the pistil and ovary first, before eating out the pollen. PUOLIFERATION IN OTHER VARIETIES. Proliferation is by no means confined to the Kekchi cotton, but probably occurs, occasionally at least, in all the Upland and Sea Island varieties. A noteworthy Guatemalan Sea Island cotton was found by Mr. Kinsler in the aldea of San Lucas, a few miles from Secanquim." Both the buds and the bolls afforded fine examples of effective proliferation. Even the Egyptian varieties showed a dis- tinct ability in this direction. In one instance no less than 17 of 23 punctured squares of Jannovitch had proliferated, and 15 cases seemed to have been effective. Proliferation ceases to occur when the bud has become too large. The anthers are no longer so closely packed together and the tissues of the staminal tube are too nearly mature. By that time, however, the style may be sufficiently developed to furnish adequate food. It is well known, however, that the period of development of the weevil larva^ may be greatly prolonged, and this would seem likely in the present instance, since the tissues of the styles must be less nutritious than the pollen. The delay also would be advantageous, since it would i)ermit the young boll to become larger. a This variety is peculiar in having about half of each seed covered only with a very fine, short, bright bluish-green lint. The upper half bears the long white fiber, and is smooth and l)laclv when this has been removed. Some of the plants had excellent crops of bolls, mnisually uniform in size and ai)parent age, as though the habit of seasonal fiowerlng were well accentuated. The variety is evidently perennial and grows to a height of from 6 to S feet, but on the other plants the leaves, flowers, and bolls were much reduced in size. The plants were all occupied by small black ants. On some of them no weevils nor any indications of weevil injury were fomid, but others only a few" rods awaj' were badly infested, PROTECTION OF THE BOLLS. 51 But as the power of effective proliferation declines in the larger buds another factor of protection comes into play. The later the attack of the weevil the greater is the chance that the bud will mature and the flower will open and turn the weevil larva out of its quarters to die. And since buds commonl}^ mature which have been attacked while still young enough to proliferate, it is easy to understand why attacks made in the later stages seem to be effective only in excep- tional instances. An element of uncertainty often attaches to the enumeration of weevil injuries because of the difficulty of finding the egg or very young larva^ of the weevil in the squares which have been only recently attacked. This is especially true in small squares wdiere the anthers are still white and of about the same color, size, and general appearance as the eggs. The possible error does not, however, mate- rially affect the result, since it is to be expected that the same propor- tion of bolls will proliferate and the same percentage of weevil larva^ develop as in the squares which are far enough advanced to show definite results. PROTECTION OF THE BOLLS. If it be true, as already intimated, that the original habit of the wee\il was to attack the boll instead of the bud, the opportunity for the selective development of protective characters of the boll has l)een greater. This suggestion seems to accord with the results, since the boll of the Kekchi cotton has a series of protective characters even more striking and effective than those of the involucre and the bud. TERSISTENCE OF FLOWERS. As long as the flower remains in place the young boll is thoroughly protected, the weevils having no means of access except by boring through the withering tissues, which seems not to be attempted. In the Kekchi cotton the flower falls only when detached by the swelling of the young boll. This may also be true of other varieties. (See PI. IX.') The frequent sequel of proliferation in the bud, as noted above, is the loss of the young boll through lack of pollination. This is espe- cially true in Guatemala, owing to the tendency of the weevil larvae to eat away the style. On one occasion Mr. Kinsler collected from a field of Indian cotton 28 young bolls showing signs of debility. These measured from 18 to 20 mm. in length, most of them about 15 mm. None of the smaller bolls showed signs of weevil injury, but in many of them the ovules were ah-eady shriveling up. A few punctures were found in some of the larger bolls, aiul in some of these proliferation had occurred. The development of the weevil larva> to maturity 52 WEEVIL-RESISTTNG ADAPTATIONS (IF COTTON, seemed unlikely in any case, because the unfertilized ovules were already withering. Presumably there are various stages and degrees of fertilization. Some of the stigmas of proliferated buds seem to have adeijuate pollejn, so that the bolls can develop normally, while others obtain none at all or only a little. The persistence of injured flowers is much greater. They may not fall off at all, and often remain at- tached by the withered style to the boll when nearly full size. It thus happens that injured flowers protect their young l)olls longer than the others, but in most instances such bolls remain small or unsymmetrical, presumably as a result of inadequate fertilization. It is quite i^ossible, however, for normal bolls to develop occasionally from Aveevil-infested buds wdiich never open, for the style often pushes through and becomes fully exposed, so that fertilization by pollen from another flower might readily take place. IMMUNITY OF VERY YOUNG BOLLS. For reasons not yet ascertained, the weevils in Guatemala seldom or never attacked the very young bolls. This may be due to a con- servative instinct on the part of the weevil, like that which forbids the laying of any additional eggs in a bud already parasitized." It is not impossible, however, that the oil glands with wdiich the sur- face of the young boll is very thickly beset may have a protective function. As the boll grows larger the glands do not appear to increase in numbers, but become separated much more widely. On bolls of the Kekchi cotton the oil glands are usually absent from a distinct longitudinal band running down the middle of each carpel. (PL VII.) A large proportion of the weevil egg punctures are made along this naked band, although very few of them take effect. The wall is thicker here, and the w^eevil in boring meets the tough lining of the boll chamber at an angle, and is seldom able to penetrate. If this interpretation of the facts be correct, the naked band consti- tutes a veritable weevil trap, a device for inducing the weevil to make its punctures and lay its eggs in the part of the boll where they can do no harm.^ To ascribe a protective value to the oil glands is not unreason- able in view of the fact reported by Messrs. Quaintance and Brues, a Hunter. W. D.. and Hinds, W. E., 1905. The Mexican Cotton Boll Weevil. Bui. ni. Bureau of Entomology. I'. S. Department of Agriculture, j). IS. ('This peculiarity of a glandless longitudinal band in the middle of each carpel was also noticed in a variety of cotton cultivated by the Moqui Indians of Arizona, grown in 1904. in the Department's plant-hreeding experimental field at Terrell. Tex. The Moqui cotton is interesting also by reason of its short, squarish, distinctly apiculat«> Ixills. more like some of the" Old World cottons than are those of other members of the Upland series. IMMUNITY OF VERY YOUNG BOI.LS. 58 that the Eg-yptiau cotton, the bolls of which are excessively oily, is (111 this accoiiiii ininmiic from the hollworin." The oil contained in the glands has a deep-brown color, a sticky, molasses-like consistence, a disagreeable, pungent odor, and a sharp, resinous taste, suggesting turpentine or Canada balsam. The development of the oil glands seems to be especially great in the Egyptian variety known as Mit xVfifi, and the glands are more superficial. By slight pressure, or by drawing the nail across the sur- face, the oily liquid is freely obtained. Most of the Upland varieties have the oil glands much more scattering and deep set than the Egyp- tian sorts, and it is not possible to squeeze the resin out of them in any such manner. On Redshank and other Upland types the resin glands are marked by slight superficial depressions, but a cross section shows them to be well below the surface, with several layers of chlorophyll-bearing cells betW'een. On the Egyptian sorts the glands are also set in de- pressions, but the gland itself is very close to the surface, and makes the bottom of the depression again convex, the superficial layer of cells being very thin. It seems to break spontaneously in some in- stances; at least there are frequently small spots of hardened resin, and very slight pressure brings out the dark, gummy fluid. The fingers receive a permanent brownish stain, which with the acrid, biting sensation experienced when the liquid is applied to the tongue, increases the probability that substances of a definitely protective character are present. It is w^ell known that many of the aromatic oils are for some reason highly distasteful or even fatal to many insects. The Sea Island and Kidney cottons have the oil glands conspicu- ously developed, like the P]gyptian varieties, but the Old World cotton {Gassy piion herhacevm) is in this, as well as in other respects, more nearly related to the American ITjjland cotton {Gossyphmi hir- siiti/m). The Aidin (Asia Minor) variety of Go.sst/ph/m herhacevm has the oil glands rather small and deep set, with the superficial pits rather shallow, more so than the Ceylon or Korean types. Even the petals of the Guatemalan Kidney cotton found at Trece Aguas '' contained oil glands. The color of the petals was a uniform pale yellow, without purple spots on the inside, but in the upper <' Qualntaiice, A. L., and Brues, C. T., 1905. The Cotton Bolhvorm, Bui. 50, Hui-eau of Entomology, U. S. Department of Agriculture, p. 71. ''The Kidney cotton at Trece Aguas is called iHiiyJ. and seems to have little or no relation in the minds of the Indians with the dwarf Upland cotton, which is called nol{. In the Secanquim district, only a few miles away, this name paiyi (pronounced like the English words pie ye) is not recognized. Kidney cotton, though ai^parently not now i^lanted by the Indians, is not entirely unknown to them. They call it simply che nok, or tree cotton. 54 WEEVIL-RESISTING ADAPTATIONS OF COTTON. half Specked with minute liroAvn glandular dots." The oil glands of the bolls of this Kidney cotton are apparently quite as strongly devel- oped as in the Egyptian varieties, or even more so. Thev are distrib iited very irregularly over the surface, and are not lacking above the dissepiments, along the middle of the carpels. The position and structure of the glands seem also to be the same as in the Egyptian cottons. They are close to the surface and show as distinct black spots, there being no green tissues over them as in the Upland and Jterbaceum types. I am indebted to Mr. Guy N. Collins for the suggestion that the present inefficiency of the oil glands as a means of protecting the cotton from the boll weevil furnishes no argument against the adaptation of the glands nor their development through the selective agencies of the boll w^eevil itself. This fact is sufficiently obvious when once stated, but it is not commonly taken into account in con- sidering questions of this kind. We may be sure that the gradual development of a protective character like the oil gland would carry with it a corresponding increase in the power of the weevil to avoid or to endure the injury. The ultimate value of the device would de- pend on whether the glands were able to keep ahead of the Aveevils in quantity and distastefulness. The readiness with which the boll weevils attack the Egyptian cotton renders it obvious that oil is now no adequate protection, but the preference of the weevils for the un- protected strips of the bolls of the Kekchi cotton indicates that the weevils still dislike the oil, though they may have foiled the attempt of the plant to protect itself in this way. There are tAvo attendant facts which under certain circumstances might readily obscure the immunity of the young bolls. Many such small bolls fall off, a particularly large number it seemed from our row of Parker cotton, but an examination of these failed to show anything in the way of weevil injuries, except such as had been in- flicted wdiile the bud or flower was still in place, the style and a small apical cavity having been eaten away in numerous instances. Many small bolls w^ere to all appearances quite uninjured. They may have been rejected by the plant as supernumerary, the plant being unable to furnish the food material needed to bring them to maturity, or they may have failed of fertilization as a result of w'eevil injuries to the bud or from other causes, such as the absence of bees, w-hich were extremely scarce in the Guatemalan cotton fields. The frequency with which the boll weevils were found inside the a The flowers of the Kekchi cotton are pure creamy \Ahite when young and as long as they remain open. When old and rolled together they become a pinkish red. They are not yellow or bluish at any stage. The stamens and pistils are also nearly white, the latter with rows cf oil glands showing as small grayish dots. EAPTD GROWTH OF YOUNG BOLLS. 55 cotton flowers and well dusted over with pollen suggests the possi- bility that in this district at least they were a not unimportant agency of cross-fertilization. The performance of such a service by the boll weevil would be comparable to the famous case of the yucca and its moth, the plant being dependent for cross-fertilization u])on its insect i^arasite. The weevils eat the pollen from the bud; that they visit the flowers for the same purpose seems highly probable. The investigations of Messrs. Hunter and Hinds have shown, indeed, that a pollen diet is a necessity for the complete sexual maturity and reproduction of the weevils; if without buds to feed upon they seldom copulated and never laid eggs." RAPID GROWTH OF YOUNG BOLLS. Mr. John H. Kinsler, who gave careful attention to the earlier stages of the Guatemalan experiment, gained an impression that the young bolls of the Kekchi cotton increased in size with a rapidity distinctly greater than that of the United States Upland varieties planted alongside. It was not practicable to establish the fact by carrying out a series of daily measurements, though it was possible to ascertain from dated tags used in connection with the hybridiza- tion experiments that the Kekchi cotton can grow bolls to full size in less than a month from the time the flower opens. Plate IX, figure 2, shows on the right two bolls of Kekchi cotton less than a month from flowering. On the left are the two largest bolls from an adjoining plant of King, the seed of both varieties having been sown the same day. Such an acceleration of the growth would be of very obvious utility in lessening the period in which the danger of infestation is greatest. A large proportion of the weevils found in adult bolls of Kekchi cot- ton w^ere in " locks " or compartments of diminutive size, showing that the infestation had taken place while the boll was less than half grown. Indeed, the weevils seldom seem to be, able to affect lodg- ment in bolls more than half grown, although numerous attempts are made in fields wdiere the weevils are numerous. The following field note describes such an instance : .\ boll showing many external marks of weevil punctures was found on being cut ui) with care to have been nttacl^. Bureau of Entomology, U. S. Department of Agriculture, p. 113. 56 WEEVIL-RESTSTTNa ADAPTATIONS OF COTTON. though the weevils be suecessfully resisted. Such injured bolls often show a brownish discoloration of the interior tissues near the base and connecting with the nectaries, which may indicate a bacterial disease, to be discussed later. Sometimes this aft'ects the walls only, sometimes one or more seeds and the surrounding lint. THICK-WALLED BOLLS. In the Kekchi cotton there are considerable A^ariations in the thick- ness of the outer wall of the boll. Xot infrequently the wall equals or exceeds the length of a weevil's snout, so that only the largest or longest snouted weevils would be able to make an opening into the interior cavity. It was noted, also, that on the inside such bolls are often quite free from these injuries or small larvae, though numerous attempts may have been made. Large larvae or pup* may be found, but these have come, obviously, from eggs laid while the boll was still young. On some plants the development of large thick walls takes place very promptly, so that a protective character of considerable value might be obtained if this feature could be increased and ren- dered constant. Early development of the thick walls was indicated by the fact that the young seeds and lint did not fill the cavity, and the seeds were still far from mature. Instances might be drawn from other plants where the growth of the pod or seed vessels far outruns the seeds at first, so that the development of such a character in cotton might reasonably be expected. Even when a wall thicker than usual has been bored through, the egg must be laid on the outside of the mass of lint wdiich still inter- venes between it and the young seed, so that the larva's chances of development are greatly lessened. As will be shown later in the dis- cussion of proliferation in the bolls, the instances are very numerous in which, although the Avail is penetrated, no further damage results; either the egg is not laid or the development of the larva is pre- A'ented by proliferation. In any CA'ent the boll escapes further injury, and it is a very significant fact that in the dissection of a large number of such bolls of Kekchi cotton scarcely any young larA^w were found, in spite of the fact that most of them had been punctured not once only, but many times. TOUGH LININGS OF CHAMBERS OF BOLLS. The three, four, or five chambers Avhich contain the locks of cotton in the unopened boll haA^e each a complete mem})ranous lining. In the Kekchi cotton, at least, this is extremely tough and parchment- like, even in bolls not yet full groAvn and in Avhich the seeds are not yet fully formed. This membrane is readily separable "from the more fleshy external layers of the boll, and though flexi])le, it is very TOUGH LININGS OF OH AMBERS OF BOLLS. 57 finu ;ui(l incimiprossiblc. and resists tearing- unless considerable strength be exerted. A lar<^e percentage of attempted punctures of the larger bolls failed because the weevils are unable to penetrate this protective lin- insf. This fact is readily determined bv the studv of radial sections of the outer wall through the warts which mark the weevils' points of attack. The different texture of the new tissue which has closed the wound shows, usually, that the cavity eaten out by the w^eevil extended down to the tough basal lining, even when no evidence of the injury has become apparent on the inside. In other instances, also very fre- quent, the new tissue, developed as a result of the irritation of the attempted puncture, exceeds the cavity and causes an inward swelling or prominence of the inner lining analogous to the projecting warts which are the usual external indication of weevil punctures. It occasionally happens, too. that the projection of the new tissue occurs almost entirely in the inside, the external wart being very slightly developed or not at all, though the new tissue and the inner swelling show that a puncture had been attempted. The utility of this lining as a means of excluding the boll weevil seems not to have been considered heretofore, and there has been no opportunity as yet to compare the Kekchi cotton with other varieties with reg-ard to this feature." Certain it is, however, that in the Kekchi cotton the parchment lining is almost as firm and tough as that which surrounds an adult coffee seed. And it is certain, also, that a very large proportion of the attempted punctures of the bolls failed to bore through this inner wall of defense. The examination of a large number of bolls, which were full size or nearly so, though still far from maturity, in most cases failed to find more than a very few instances, if any, of very recent perforation, though there w^ere large numbers of instances where the weevils had gnawed their way down through the parchment and deposited an egg. In many such cases the proliferation or new growth induced by the injury causes the parchment to be raised np from the wall on the inside to form a blister-like, rounded protuberance. (PI. VIII.) Eggs laid outside the parchment are firmly embedded in the new a Since this was written Mr. McLachlan has reported the existence of the same form of protection in Uphind varieties in Texas. The following note describes the results of injuries inflicted upon the bolls of a plant of Parker cotton in four days from August 8 to August 12. 190,5 : " The 0 larger bolls, when opened, were found to have 28 weevil eggs deposited in them : fi had struck the dissepiment ; 12 were not entirely through the shuck of the boll (either not more than half way there or else stuck in the tough inner tis- sue of the shuck) ; the others were embedded in the lint. In only two instances was there any proliferation apparent. The outer shuck had proliferated at the wound and in one case had encysted the egg. The other had merely forced the egg to one side, having begun the development too late." 58 WEEVIL-RESISTING ADAPTATIONS OF COTTON. growth and do not appear to hatch, or if they do the larvte are not able to do any damage, since they can not penetrate into the interior of the boll. It quite frecjuently happens that eggs are laid in the sinns or groove between the linings of two locks, but without penetrat- ing the parchment of either. The tissue is here somewhat looser than in other parts of the wall. In a few instances it was observed that the larvge had hatched, but no case was found which indicated that larvae hatched outside the parchment lining had been able to penetrate to the interior cavity. PROLIFERATION rRO:M THE WALL OF THE BOLL. The wall of the boll olfers an active form of weevil resistance Jw proliferation, in a manner somewhat analogous to that of the pro- liferation of the square. The channel excavated by the weevil is closed by the new growth, which continues to push out on the inner surface of the wall in the form of a rounded, blister-like protuber- ance of loose tissue. This surrounds and encysts the weevil egg, and prevents its development. A section through the mass of new tissue shows the egg embedded in it or pressed against the lint. Prolifera- tion often takes place even when the tough lining of the chamber has not been penetrated, and then appears as a prominence underneath the membrane. It has been seen from the preceding paragraph describing the thick walls and tough lining that in the Kekchi cotton, at least, the weevil is practically excluded from the boll after the boll has reached about three-quarters of its full size ; but even in its younger stages also there is a measure of defense through the formation of new tissue as a result of the irritation set up by the weevil's injuries in a manner analogous to that which induces the formation of galls and other vegetable excrescences. The first result of the proliferation is to fill up and heal the wound bored out by the weevil. The cavity is not only completely filled, but in most cases a wartlike prominence is formed on the out- side, and if the parchment lining or the inner wall has been pene- trated the new proliferating tissue also grows through on the inside and often spreads out as a biscuit or button shaped protuberance of soft white or transparent tissue several millimeters in diameter and readily visible to the naked eye. (PL VIII.) There are two alternatives in the fate of an egg destroyed by proliferation. Either it is completely surrounded in the proliferating tissue outside or inside of the parciiment wall or it is carried on the apex of the proliferation down against the lint and flattened between the growing surfaces. After the egg has disintegrated and disappeared its position is frequently shown by a minute brown J PROLIFERATION FROM WALL OF BOLL. 59 stain. Such a discoloration often spreads back into the loose tissue and then gradually extends over the whole lock of cotton of that particular chamber. The seeds fail to develo}) and finally shrivel up. If the proliferation results, as usual, in the death of the weevil egg or young larva, the process of abnormal growth ceases with the formation of a knot) or button of the new tissue on the inside of the wall of the boll. AVhen, however, the young weevil escapes destruction and continues to eat and groAv, the proliferatino- tissue also continues to increase, until in some instances the whole compart- ment is filled with a silvery-white cheesy material which seems to arise not only from about the original perforation of the outer wall, but also from other parts which have been injured and irritated by .the presence of the weevil larva. This, with other facts already stated, seems to show that in some varieties of cotton, at least, the tendency to proliferation is very general, or, in other words, con- stitutional, which warrants a larger hope of increasing this character and making it uniform by selection. ^Mien proliferation, which results from the presence of the weevil larva, has become very extensive and fills the entire compartment, the weevil larva is sometimes found to have eaten through the dis- sepiment into the next chamber, perhaps to escape starvation. Such extensive proliferation, accompanied by the failure of the seeds to develop, means, of course, that the weevils gained entrance while the boll was still very young. Moreover, if the boll had been older there would have been plenty of food for the larva without the necessity of entering a second compartment. Finally, the dissepi- ment would have been too tough for the larva to penetrate easily. Further proof of the fact that the weevil larva? are seldom or never able to gain a footing in the larger bolls is to be found in the fact, already stated, that the weevil larva^ found in them are nearly always in undersized compartments, nnich smaller than those which have remained uninjured, and have thus been able to continue their normal development. It is to be supposed, perhaps, that if the weevils could gain access U) large bolls and feed upon the nearly adult seed they would be able to develop in less time than they usually spend in reaching maturity on the rather poor provender they secure among the abnormal tis- sues which arise after they have entered the young bolls. The exclusion of the weevil from the large bolls has been evidently not only an important measure of protection for the cotton, but it has probably compelled the weevil to accustom itself to a gradually longer and less prosperous development in the boll. The develop- ment of the weevil-resisting adaptations on the part of the cotton plant has left the insect with two opposite alternatives. It must enter the boll early and submit to a very long period of development 60 WEEVTL-EESTSTTNG ADAPTATIONS OF COTTON. or enter the square late and develop very pioniptly. 1 he insect has been able, as we know, to avail itself with a lar^^e measure of success of both these alternatives, but it is not without eucourageinent for future progress in weevil resistance to know that the plant has so successfully guarded itself in two parts of its life history. If additional evidence be needed to show that the food supply obtained by the Aveevil larvae in the bolls is very diiferent from that in the squares, it is to be found in the large, firm-walled cells of com- pacted excrement with which they surround themselves in the bolls before reaching maturity. The food being of a nuich coarser nature and the period of development about three times as long, the amount of waste material is naturally very much greater. If feeding upon the boll is, as now appears probable, the ancestral habit of the ys'ee- vil, it need not surprise us that the protective adaptations of the boll are more numerous and effective than those of the bud, which mav have been attacked by the weevil in comparatively recent times. TIME REQUIRED FOR PROLIFERATION. In connection with the experiments in Texas, Mr. McLachlan at- tempted to ascertain the time required for proliferation to take place after the injury had been inflicted. The amount of proliferation and the time required for it to develop may be expected to depend much on external conditions. Squares of Parker cotton showed no develoiDuient in six hours, but observation on bolls showed that pro- liferation w^as complete in twenty-four hours. Two of Mr. McLach- lan's observations are described in the following notes : On August 14, Jit 9.15 a. m., a wire cage was placed over a plant of King cotton, and four weevils, of which jit least two were females, were put inside. Later, three more were introduced. At the time there were 11 bolls, 89 squares, and 1 flower on the plant. On August 17, at 1 p. m., 11 l)olls and 18 squares were picked, a little more than three days being allowed for the weevils to work. There was no rain, and of the 18 squares examined only one revealed proliferated tissue, though the weevils had scarred the buds in more than '.VA separate places and had deposited ir, eggs. But the bolls showed better results. They had been scarred at 32 different points, and 2.3 eggs were discovered when the bolls were cut open. In 12 cases inward proliferation of the " shuck "" had destroyed the eggs. Several of thi' incited growths had caught the egg, encysted it. and carried it along, inclosed at the apex, as they pushetl their way into the lint. As in the Parker cotton examined a short time ago, weevils seem to have some difliculty in getting the egg thi-ough the shuck of the boll. In dry weather it apjiears that the King cotton is as backward as the Parker in proliferation in the squares, but in bolls proliferation goes forward as well in dry as in wet weather. On the .30th of August, at 10.1.5 a. m., a lx)ll (half grown and tender) was bagged with a weevil. At (> p. m. of the same day an egg i)uncture was found on the fruit, but at 8 a. m. of the 81st no further injury had been inflicted. At 12 m., September 1, four more egg ituuctures were discovered, and the boll was EFFICIENCY OF ADAPTIVE CHARACTERS OF ROLLS. fil pullod ;tiul Fxuiiiiued. Tlie first puncture was theu forty-two lioui-s old mid the other four some twenty-four hours old. The examination revealed niarki'd pro- liferation in every case, with no greater growth in that of forty-two liours' duration than there was in that of twenty-four. Eggs had been laid inside the wall of the boll, since it was easy, in the case of young, tender fruit, for the weevil to cut an oiteuing to the lint. But every one of the five eggs had been encysted by the proliferated tissue. It is quite possible that one or two of the punctures reckoned as twenty-four hours old were still more recent. EFFICIENCY OF ADAPTIVE CHARACTERS OF BOLLS. The amount of protection att'orded in Guatemala by the weevil- i-esi.sting characters of the bolls might be greatly underestimated if it were to be supposed that the weevils make numerous attacks upon the bolls for the purpose of feeding upon them. In their accounts of the habits of the l)oll weevil in Texas, Messrs, Hunter and Hinds have devoted a chapter to '' eifects of feeding upon squares and bolls,"" l)ut in Guatemala no indications were found that weevils punctured the larger bolls for any other purpose than egg laying. It is true that the outer surfaces of bolls are frequently marked with scars of weevil punctures from which no larva? have developed and no internal injuries have resulted, but these failures can be explained in other ways than by the supposition that the wee- vils feed upon the tough and innutritions outer walls of the bolls. In Guatemala, at least, it appears that the weevil scars on large bolls mark attempts at egg laying, though for a variety of reasons already recited most of them are not elective. The only instance where wee- vils were found feeding in bolls in Guatemala w^as at Rabinal. Two weevils were together attacking a small boll, and had eaten out large superficial pits, quite unlike the punctures in which eggs are laid. Feeding punctures in bolls are referred to by Mr. McLachlan in a note dated at Victoria, Tex., August 31, 1905. Such injuries were not found, however, to lead to the formation of external w^arts which could be mistaken for egg punctures, doubtless for the reason which Mr. McLachlan gives : It has been noticed that in bolls no proliferation occurs following the injury from a feeding i)uncture, liowever serious that may i>e. Furthermore, from the above and other observations it is apparent that ])roliferation is not excited by the egg puncture or the egg, unless the puncture extends through the inside tissue and the egg is tixed in the tissue or has been pushed through it to the lint. In that ca.se a dense knob of proliferation ocoirs on the inner side of the shuck, in tlie center of which the egg is often encysted. There nmst be a con- stant irritant like the egg, with an opening to give it access to the lint, in order to occasion the specialized growth. As a suggestiou it might be noted that all the egg punctures are sealed by tlie adult weevil at the time -of egg laying, while the feeding iiundnrcs arc left open. " Hunter. W. D.. and Hinds. W. E.. 1905. The Mexican Cotton Boll Weevil, Bui. 51, Bureau of Entomology, V. S. Department of Agriculture, p. od, PI. VIII. 62 WEEVIL-RESISTING ADAPTATIONS OF COTTON. The feedino- cxperinient reported by Messrs. Hunter and Hinds " shows that weevils fed exchisively upon bolls lived less than twenty days, while those fed upon the squares lived nearly seventy days. The bolls proved to be much less suitable for food than the leaves, on which the weevils were able to prolong life for thirty days and upward, though no eggs were laid on a leaf diet. It may be that in Texas, where the army worms sometimes destroy all the leaves, the Aveevils miffht be driven to onawing the bolls for food, but in Guate- mala the plants remain in full leaf throughout the growing season. BACTERIAL DISEASES FOLLOWING WEEVIL INJURIES. In the study of the bolls of the Kekchi cotton three diseased con- ditions were observed, some or all of which may be of bacterial origin, the bacteria having been introduced, perhaps, by the weevils at the time of egg laying. None of these diseased conditions is fre- quent, and as they do not permit the fruit to reach normal maturity it seems very unlikely that they can be introduced into the United States with the seeds. It may be stated in addition that the seed obtained by j\Ir. Kinsler in the season of 1905 has been carefully selected in the field and comes from the earliest and most vigorous bolls. The first of the diseased conditions consists in a Avhite deliquescence of the immature seeds and lint as though the lock had been dipped in milk. There is also a distinct odor of fermentation. Another dis- ease turns the seed and lint brown. Though observed only in bolls which have been punctured by the weevil, there was often an apparent connection between the disease inside and the large extra - floral nectaries. A column of transparent or somewhat discolored tissue extends from each nectary obliquely upward to the cavity of the boll. This may be a symptom of the disease or it may indicate that bacteria find their way into the bolls by way of the nectaries. The third abnormal condition was also indicated by a brown dis- coloration of the wall and contents of the affected compartment of the boll. The seeds and lint soon die and shrivel. No special indi- cation of bacterial activity was noted, and it may be that the death of the weevil egg or larva has some prejudicial efi'ect upon the sur- rounding cells, as suggested by the broAvn discoloration already noted in describing the effects of proliferation. Such a disturbance might continue to spread and thus cause the death of the young seeds, BREEDING IN BUDS A DERIVED HABIT. The fact that the weevil larvae are found in the young buds of the cotton plant and also in the full-grown bolls has been taken to mean that it affects all the intervening stages as well. This would imply « Hunter, W. D., and Hinds, W. E.. 1. c. pp. 34-35. BREEDING IN BUDS A DERIVED HABIT. 63 also that if the weevil fed originally upon the bolls it has followed hack to earlier and earlier stages and finally to the bud. The facts already detailed seem to prove, however, that this is not the case. The weevil does not attack the very young bolls, nor does it operate while the flower is open or while it remains in place, though in a withered condition. The hatching of the weevil larva in the large buds is likewise inetfective because the larva is deprived of shelter when the flower opens. It seems necessary to believe, therefore, that the parasitism of the weevils upon the buds of the cotton is a habit (juite distinct from that of its relations to the boll. The habit of breeding in the bud marked a new departure in the biological history of the insect and not a gradual change from the previous habit of infesting the bolls only. Nevertheless, the change of habits need not be thought of as anything very remarkable from the standpoint of the insect. A cotton bud is very nuich larger than a small boll. The peculiarity lies in the plant rather than in the insect, since very few plants afford a continuous and abundant succession of large, pollen- tilled buds. It is this quality of the cotton plant which has enabled the weevil to develop its peculiar and highly destructive secondary haljits of feeding upon the buds and using them as breeding places. If the boll weevil Avere restricted, like related beetles, to parasitism upon the fruit of the cotton, it would have remained a comparatively iiarmless and agriculturally insignificant enemy. These considera- tions may assist in a better appreciation of the extent to which the weevil's power of injury Avould be diminished if we could obtain a variety of cotton with a fully determinate habit of growth, one which would cease producing buds as soon as a crop of cotton had been set. The much more rapid development of w^eevil larvae in the Inid is to be connected, doubtless, Avith the much richer food offered by the mass of poll-en, but it may represent also a somewhat more definitely adaptive specialization of the life history of the weevil, for it is gen- erally a question of eating the pollen })romptly or not at all. If the bud falls off' on moist ground the pollen would be completely decom- posed long before the larva could develop, at the rate at which it grows in the boll, and if the bud did not drop off', but continued to grow, the flower would open and turn the larva out. It is obliged, therefore, to do damage fast enough to keep the flower from opening, and must then eat the remaining ])ollen before it spoils and leaves the hu-va too hungry and stunted to pass through the final meta- niorphosis into the adult stage. In a cotton which has a highly developed habit of shedding the injured buds it would not be so neces- sary for the larva to attack the pistil. It may be that this policy ou the part of the weevils in Guatemala has a use to the weevil as being necessary to prevent the opening of the flower and cause the falling of the bud. 64 WEEVIL-RESISTING ADAPTATIONS OF COTTON. The diversity in size of tlu' boll weevils, while not unprecedented among insects, is unusual, and not without biological significance in the present connection. An explanation of the variation in size is to be founil, no doubt, in the varying amounts of food which the weevil larva? can obtain, but there is needed, none the less, a si^eciai adaptability on the part of the weevil to permit it to reach a nornuil reproductive maturity in spite of very unfavorable conditions. The smaller weeAdls probably have less than a quarter of the weight of the large ones, which means that they are able to develop Avith a cor- respondingly small proportion of the food required to raise a full- sized weevil. The weevils developed in the bolls have a much greater uniformity of size. The small weevils are at once a means and a result of the acquisition of the habit of living in the buds, and espe- cially in the small ones, where the supply of food is often very small. RELATION BETWEEN PROLIFERATION IN BUDS AND IN BOLLS. The analogy of the mucilaginous tissue found in the young fruits of okra and other relatives of the cotton would lead us to expect that proliferation could occur more readily in the boll than in the bud, which may mean that all the varieties wdiich proliferate in the bud will do so in the bolls as well. It was at first supposed that if the buds proliferated but not the bolls ' the result would be merely a postponement of the breeding season of the weevil for two or three weeks, or until the bolls had time to develop. Such a delay would be of great practical importance in retarding for that length of time the effective breeding period of the weevils. Moreover, most of the eggs of the weevils which had passed through hibernation would be lost by being laid in the buds, which would further keep down numbers in the early j^art of the season. There is, hoAvever, the further and still more important consideration, that the period of development of the weevil in the boll is very much longer than required for it to mature and emerge from the square." a Determinations of tlie length of the life cycle in bolls have been made only in a few instances. In 7 cases between August 1l> and November 11, 1903. the average time required from the deposition of the egg to the escape of the adult from the opening boll was sixty-one days. The average effective tempera- ture for the period was 'M.7° F.. and the average total effective temperature required for development in bolls was therefore 1,93.3.7° F., or nearly two and one-half times as much as in squares. Several larvae often develop within a single boll. They appear to remain in the larval stage until the boll becomes sutticiently mature or so sevei'ely injured as to begin to dry and crack open. When this condition of the boll is reached, pupation takes place, and by the time the spreading of the carpels is sufficient to permit the escape of the weevils they have become adult. — Hunter. W. D.. and Hinds. W. E., The Mexican Totton Boll Weevil, Bui. 45. Division of Entomology, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. 1904, p. 75. PROTECTION OF SEEDS BY LINT. 65 Moreover, it seems that the adult Aveevil does not come out through the Avail of the boll, but waits to be liberated when the boll opens to maturity. This would mean that if proliferation can exclude the weevil from breeding in the squares it would ali'ord a practical solu- tion of the problem, since instead of merely delaying the emergence of the first brood of weevils for two or three weeks, none of them would be able to set about the work of destruction until the crop had begun to ripen, and all danger of appreciable damage would have passed. It seems, therefore, that the proliferation in the squares is the much more valuable characteristic to be considered in seekinsf for a w^eevil-resistant cotton. Proliferation in the bolls is very desirable, but the absence of it should not be allowed to fip:ure verv larsrelv against a variety which might have a pronounced tendency toward proliferation in the bud. Nevertheless, other factors must enter the calculation, for thin-walled bolls might allow the weevils to escape earlier. In moist weather the bolls might not crack open, biit give the weevils comfortable shelter all winter, as would seem to have been the case in the spring of 1905, when various observers noted that some of the weevils seemed to have the appearance of having emerged only recently from the pupal condition, their very light color showing that their outer covering of scales Avas still in place. The probability is, however, that the proliferation in both places will be found to depend upon the same internal factor or quality, so that it will be safe to assume that a high degree of proliferation in the bud could be taken as an index of what might be expected from the bolls. This would simplify the problem of selection by permitting us to confine our attention to the buds. PROTECTION OF SEEDS BY LINT. Like the large leafy involucre, the lint is also a peculiar feature of the cotton plant which may prove to have a practical connection with the weevil. Cotton is the only food plant of the boll weevil, and only the cotton, of all the related plants, has an abundant pro- vision of lint. Some of the species of Hibiscus have the seeds slightly silky, but the cotton stands quite alone in the length and abundance of the hairy covering which grows out from the seeds at the time the bolls are most subject to Aveevil injuries. From the standpoint of those who believe that all characters are useful to the organisms which possess them, the interpretation of the lint as a weevil-resisting adaptation will not appear unreasonable, since it can scarcely be claimed that there is any other use of the lint so important to the plant as j^rotection of the seeds from the weevils. In other respects the lint seems rather a disadvantage than other- 0902 — No. .S.S — Oo M 5 66 WEEVIL-RESISTING ADAPTATIONS OF COTTON. Avise. In a humid tropical country the seeds, if left to themselves, remain inclosed in the tangled mass of lint and usually rot. Birds might carry the lint away to build nests, and in so doing might assist in scattering the seeds, but in most of the varieties the seeds are to be detached only Avith difficulty. Composed as it is of nearly pure cellulose, the lint can afford very little .nourishment, even in the younger stages. Between the lint and the watery proliferating tissue the weevil larva must find the inside of a cotton boll a very 'uliospitable place unless it can penetrate to the seeds. Dead and moribund larvse are occasionally foiuid in these unfavorable situations. And evon the seeds themselves do not pro- vide so favorable a food as the pollen, as shown by the nuich longer time required by the larvae to develop in the boll than in the square.. PROTECTIVE SEED ARRANGEMENT IN KIDNEY vOTTON. Further intimation of the protective value of the lint is to be found in the very peculiar Kidney cottons, so called because the seeds are crowded together in the central angle of the chamber and adhere firmly to each other, thus forming a small, kidney-like mass. This unique arrangement brings all the lint to the outside of the seed, and may be the explanation of the fact that the Kidney cottons are the only representatives of the Sea Island type which have gained a wide distribution on the mainland. The separate-seeded Sea Island cot- tons came from Barbados, where the boll weevil did not exist and has not yet been introduced. (See PI. X, fig. 2.) The outer wall of the boll of the Kidney cotton is notably thinner than that of Kekchi cotton, so that the beaks of the weevils could reach through without difficulty. But with the layer of lint to sup- plement it the wall becomes, for practical purposes, much thicker than in the free-seeded varieties. The inner parchment lining is rather tough, though apparently less so than in the Kekchi cotton. The Indians about Trece Aguas, Guatemala, are said to recognize the weevils as enemies of the dwarf cotton, but it is the local opinion that the Kidney cotton is proof against them. No weevils were found on the two l)ushes of Kidney cotton exam- ined in that locality, but these w^ere single plants growing near Indian houses several miles away from the nearest field culture. In a forest- covered country like this part of Guatemala the luxuriant and tangled vegetation may well impede the flight of such an insect as the weevil. And if it lives, as supposed, only on cotton, its chance of I'eaching a single bush of tree cotton would be very small. That the buds and young bolls of the Kidney cotton are able to offer any abso- lute resistance to the weevil seems very improbable, and the abundance of weevils found on the large tree of Kidnev cotton at Tucuru last year proved that the immunity, if any. is not general. NATURE AND CAUSES OF ADAPTATIONS. 67 The Kidney cotton, though commonly treated as a distinct species under the name Gossypiuin peruoianum, agrees with the Sea Island type in all its characters except the peculiar arrangement of the seeds. If this should prove to be an adaptive feature the idea of specific distinctness would have little left to support it. CULTURAL VALUE OF KIDNEY COTTON. The possession by the Kidney cotton of a definite weevil-resisting adaptation Avould naturally raise a question regarding its cultural value. It belongs to the Sea Island series, and has the long, fine fiber and smooth seeds. The growing of the seeds together in masses would still further facilitate picking and ginning operations. The bolls, too, of this Guatemalan Kidney cotton, at least, are larger than those of any of the Sea Island varieties. It is not likely, however, that any of the varieties of Kidney cotton thus far known will be found of use in the United States, for all are perennial '' tree cottons," Avhich have refused thus far to flower or fruit in the period of growth allowed by the shorter summers of our Temperate Zone. In tropical regions this objection would not hold, and there appears to be no reason why the Kidney cottons should be disregarded in the search for varieties suited to the various soils and climates. The Trece Aguas Kidney cotton, for example, seems to thrive well in a humid mountain climate considered by the natives to be unfavorable for the annual Kekchi cotton, which is planted several hundred feet lower down. THE NATURE AND CAUSES OF ADAPTATIONS. To explain how such characters as the weevil-resisting adaptations arise involves an interpretation of general evolutionary questions upon which the scientific world is still by no means agreed. Nevertheless, it is evident that students of such subjects should conduct and describe their investigations in accordance with some consistent plan or policy, if their writings are to be understood or their facts intelligibly recorded. Moreover, it would be scarcely reasonable to maintain that such characters can be further increased by selective influence unless it could be believed that they had been assisted in the past by the same agency. It seems necessary to state that in the present report it is not assumed that the weevil-resisting characters have arisen as direct pro- tective responses to the injuries, or that they are the results merely of stimulation or irritation caused by the weevils, as other writers on evolutionary subjects might lu)l(l. Nor have they been thought of as caused by selection in anv strict sense of the word. Thou^li consti- tutmg a most striking instance of the results of selective influence, it 68 WEEVIL-RESISTING ADAPTATIONS OF COTTON. is believed that the cotton phiiit must first have originated in some measure the protective characters before the external conditions (in this instance, the weevils) conld make them of advantage to the plants and thus encourage their further development. The older theory that environment and natural selection are the efficient or actuating causes of evolutionary change has lost many adherents in the last -decade, especially among those who found themselves unable to credit any longer the idea that all the characters and difl'erences of plants and animals are, or have been, of use to them. It has been shown, too, by Professor Weissman and his fol- lowers, that direct adaptations or responses of individual organisms to the environment are seldom or never inheiited by their offspring. To take the place of the doctrine of direct environmental influence in evolution it has been suggested that there may be an internal "' hereditary mechanism," as it has been called, which determines adult characters in advance, in the reproductive cells, so that modifi- cations of the specific or varietal type can arise suddenly. Selection would determine, of course, which of such new "mutations" should survive, but it would be a mere accidental coincidence if the new character happened to fit the conditions better than the old. It is possible, however, to explain evolutionary progress and select- ive adaptations without ascribing them either to external causes or to theoretical internal mechanisms. The diversity which plants or animals of the same parentage often show under the same conditions makes it evident that there is no })recise mechanism which determines their form in advance, and all attempts at securing any absolute uni- formity or " fixity " of form and color have failed. The fact is that organisms, even of the same species or variety, are normally diverse, and must have ancestry mixed by interbreeding if bodily vigor is to be maintained for any great number of generations. The generalized " specific type," which is a product, as it were, of this diversity and interbreeding, is constantly and gradually chang- ing, and in many ways at once, though in some characters more rap- idly than in others. Selection, ^Yhile in no strict sense a cause of this vital motion of the species or variety, may profoundly influence the direction and rate of change. Selection, in other words, explains adaptation, but does not explain evolution." The word adaptation is used in more than one sense by writers on biological subjects. Some treat as adaptations the changes of form or structure by which many i)lants and animals are able to conform to the needs of different conditions. There ai-e several plants, for example, which haxc noiMual broad leaves when they grow on land, and very narroAv and much-divided leaves when they grow submerged "Natural Seh-clion in Kinetic Evolution, Science. N. S.. 1!>:."»4!». ItMi-i. NATURE AND CAUSES OF ADAPTATIONS. 69 •ill Avatei-. Some ])lanis are liairv in drv localities, but are nearly naked in humid districts. Others (i-eat these direct responses to extei-nal conditions under the heading:: of accommodation, and reserve the word adajjtation for characters which api>ear regularly in a spe- cies or variety, but which fit it for some special condition, such as that ])resented to the cotton plant by the boll weevil. It has seemed ])roper, therefore, to discuss as protective adaptations any characters which seem to give the Central American varieties an advantage in withstanding the attacks of the w^eevil, particularly if it can be shown also that the presence of the weevil would tend to the preservation and extension of the given character. In the strict sense of the words, the weevil-resisting adaptations of the cotton plant would include only those characters which have been increased by the selective influence of the boll weevil, but in the broader practical sense we may treat as a weevil-resisting adaptation any feature which tends to limit the destructiveness of the insect. The adaptive nature of some of the characters of the Central American varieties discussed in the present paper is reasonably obvi- ous, but in other instances extended studies in developmental biology and primitive agriculture might be necessary to determine the origin and development of a varietal characteristic which may have signifi- cance in the weevil problem. It is easy to understand that so injurious an insect as the boll weevil has exerted a definite selective influence ever since its remote ances- tors turned their attention to the cotton. Perhaps its earlier food plants were completely exterminated. The nearest living relatives of the cotton are the species of Hibiscus, Paritium, and Thespesia, none of which is known to have any attractions for the weevil. It is evident, too, that in the presence of the weevil the cotton plant would have met long ago a like fate if it had not been able to take on its various adaptive characters. That so many of the features by which it differs from its nearest relatives have such obvious connection with the weevil would certainly justify the belief that strong adaptive influence had been at work, even if the other circumstances were unknown. In thinking of the relation between two organisms like the weevil and the cotton we often fall into the error of too threat humanizinir. so to speak; that is, we ascribe too great intelligence or too complete a reaction to cause or conditions. Thus the weevil, althou"-h hishh- specialized in some of its instincts, has, of course, no equivalent for the human judgment. It will puncture, as already seen, buds much too small to raise a larva, and will lay its eggs in the rind of the boll, where the larva^ can never develop. If the conditions are too favor- able to the weevil, as in humid regions, it would undoubtedlv exter- <() WEEVIL-RESTSTTNO ADAPTATIONS OP COTTON. niinate its oavii host plant by permitting the cotton to produce no. seed. Paradoxical as it may at fii'st seem, we may, nevertheless, believe that the best conditions for the perpetuation of the weevil are those which are not altogether favorable to its unlimited nndti- plication. CONSCIOUS AND UNCONSCIOUS SELECTION. There are two principal ways in which improved varieties of cotton and other cultivated plants come into existence. The first is by sud- den or abrupt changes, or sports; also called mutations, saltations, and discontinuous variations. These are represented in cotton by the occasional appearance of a plant with brown lint," deeply divided leaves'* (okra cotton) or very short branches (cluster cotton). The Guatemalan varieties represent a second type of evolutionary history, in which improvement is accomplished by more gradual progressive change, fostered and accelerated by selection. Two forms of selection are commonly recognized, natural and arti- ficial, the latter effected by man, the former by circumstances of the environment. This distinction is of doubtful value in any case, and quite obscures the important point in the evolutionary history of cotton and other j^lants domesticated by primitive man. It would be much better to think of selection as either conscious or unconscious, and between these two a very practicable difference exists. Conscious selection implies the preservation of individuals having a desired quality in the highest degree, while unconscious selection, whether by man, animals, or inanimate conditions, means merely the rejec- tion of the most unfit, so that the improvement of the species or variety is gradual. Conscious selection acts, of course, much more o In Guatemala sevei'al tribes of Indians prefer brown cotton, and for certain garments use brown cotton only. Separate jilantings of brown cotton are not made in the neighborhood of Secanquini, where our experiment was located, but there were said to be such at Cajabon and Laniiuin. only a few leagues away. The Cajabon people have a dark-brown cotton called " canch nok," and a lighter brown called " canni nok." On the Pacific slope Mr. William R. Maxon found considerable culture of a brown cotton called " ixcaco." At Antigua a similar brown variety is said to have been grown formerly in considerable quantities, the common name of which is " cuj'uscate." It was not learned that any special religious use or significance is attached to brown cotton in Guatemala, as is said to be the case in Peru and in India. ^ Some may be inclined to interpret these as reversions and to argue that the deeply divided involucral leaves may be a reminiscence of an ancestral charac- ter of the cotton. Or it may be that the divisions attained by the involucral leaves represent a tendency of specialization which the remainder of the leaves sometimes share by mutation, in accordance with the principle of translocation of characters recently formulated by Dr. R. G. Leavitt (Contrib. Ames Bot. Lab. No. 3). CONSCIOUS AND UNCONSCIOUS SELECTION. 71 speedily than unconscious, but is subject to the serious danger of weakening its proteges l)y inbreeding, if the selection be too rigid and persistent. The unconscious selection by wljich the development of the pro- tective characters of the Guatemalan types of cotton has been encour- figed dilfers in no respect from the progress l)y which adaptive evolution takes place in nature. The Indians have planted and har- vested the crop, it is true, instead of the birds or other natural agents, but they have been entirely unconscious of the struggle for existence to which the cotton plant was being subjected by the presence of the boll w'eevil. The Indians were only another factor, along with the dry and moist climates, the keleps, and the turkeys. The problem has been solved in a genuinely natural fashion, and affords an excel- lent illustration of the nature of selective influence in evolution. Instead of representing the final possibilities of improvement in characters which give protection against the boll weevil, the Indian varieties of cotton may be looked upon rather as affording materials which conscious selection can render still more valuable. The proliferation character, for example, might never be brought to uniform expression by unconscious selection, because the possession of it w^ould give the individual plant no advantage over its neighbors in the production of seed. The proliferating plant might produce no weevils itself, but the free movement of the insects w^ould keep the general average the same. Indeed, a plant might easily sacrifice all its buds, set no fruit at all, and thus fail to perpetuate itself. Pro- liferation can become a direct advantage to the individual plant only under conscious selection. The full value of the newly ascertained ])rotective adaptations will not be known until they have had the direct selective encouragement now commonly accorded to desirable characters of other cultivated plants. It may appear remarkable that such definite and potentially valu- able characters as the weevil-resisting adaptations of the Kekchi cot- ton should have remained so completely unrecognized hitherto. The explanation of this doubtless lies in the fact that cotton culture is practiced in Central America largely by the Indians and very little by the foreigners or the more intelligent part of the native community, so that it had not received scientific study. Even the existence and utility of the keleps, though apparently known to the Indians from ancient times, had entirely escaped the attention of the European residents of the country. That the Indians should have come to recognize the keleps as beneficial and necessary to a full crop of cotton, although not knowing that the weevils injure the cotton or that the keleps eat the w^eevils, only shows in higher relief the completely imconscious character of the selection conducted in this system of primitive agriculture. The Indians of Alta Vera Paz are extremely ( z I WEEVTL-RESISTTNG ADAPTATIONS OF COTTON. stolid, nncoinmuiiieative people, from whom little information is likely to be obtained except as replies to direct (piestions. Familiar from their earliest childhood with the agricultural lore of their own tribe, it does not occur to them that these everyday incidents can be of interest to the white stranger, or if they perceive his interest they learned long since to fear it as a danger of further intrusion. Even our own cotton experiments were misunderstood as a menace of addi- tional demands for lands from the white men who now own so large a part of the country. SUMMARY OF ADAPTATIONS. If the facts stated in the present report have been correctly observed and interpreted, we must admit that the cotton plant is in a high state of adai^tive specialization in its relations Avith its now famous insect enemy, the boll weevil. Indeed, it may be that the most dis- tinctive and important characters of the plant, from both the botan- ical and the agricultural standpoints — such as the involucre, the nectaries, the oil glands, the large bolls, and the very lint itself — are adaptive features which the selectiA'e influence of the weevil has brought to their present degree of development. CLASSIFICATION OF ADAPTATIONS. The adaptations of the cotton plant might be summarized from three different standpoints. A historical treatment would proceed from the adaptations of the bolls to those of the buds. Breeding in the buds, for instance, was evidently a later adaptation on the part of the weevils which has called for a second set of the protective charactei*s on the part of the plant. It may be better, however, to classify the adaptations as such, without special regard to their historical sequence of derivation. The more practical purposes are served by dividing the adaptations into four groups : ( 1 ) Those calculated to avoid the weevils by gen- eral habits of growth; (2) those which exclude the weevils, or at least hinder their operations in the buds and bolls; (3) those which attract insect enemies such as the w^eevil-eating kelep; (4) those which prevent the development of the Aveevil larvae, even after the eggs have been laid. ADAPTATIONS TO AVOID WEEVILS. 1. Determinate growth. 2. Early bearing. '.\. Long basal branches. 4. Early rejection of superfluous .-squares, i"). Seasonal bearing of perennial varieties. <;. Prompt bearing after cutting back. 7. Hairy stalks and le.-if stems. 5. Pendent bolls. !). Rapid growth of young bolls. SUMMARY OF ADAPTATIONS, 78 ADAPTATION.S TO EXCLVUE WEEVILS. 1. Involueral bracts grown together at liase. •J. Closely appressed margins of invohn-ral bracts. 3. Margins of involueral Itracts strongly la<-lniate and hairy. 4. Unusual size and width of involueral bracts. 5. Calyx produced into slender hairy lacinire. H c 33 m "D r > z H O -ri 7; m ;^ o I O o o z 7^ m 7; O I O o H H O T) > z H I 03 O r CO Bui. 88, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate III. Involucres of Kekchi Cotton, Showing Nectaries and Bractlets. ( Xal Lirul .size. ) Bui. 88, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate IV. Fig. 1.— Involucres of Rabinal Cotton, Showing Connate and Appressed Margins. (Natural size. ) FiQ. 2.— Open Involucres of Egyptian Cotton. (Natural .■^ize.) Bui. 88, Burpau of Plant Industry, U. S Dept of Agriculture. Plate V. Fig. 1.— Young Buds of Kekchi Cot- ton WITH Weevil Punctures. Fig. 2.— Buds of Kekchi Cotton WITH Proliferation. (Natural size.) (Natural size.) Bui. 88, Buieau of Plant Industry U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate VI. Large Buds of Kekchi Cotton with Proliferation. (Natural .size.) Bui 88, Bureau of Pla-it Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate VII. Weevil-infested Bolls of Kekchi Cotton. (Natural size ) Bui. 88, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate VIII Carpels of Kekchi Cotton, Showing Proliferation. (Natural size.) Bui. 83, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate IX, X I £, ^ 5 CD c o z. r ^ r m o I O o H H O z CO c o o n CO CO < m CO H > O m CO 31 P 7; m X ? 0 1 H I 0 7^ 0 H ^ H C) 0 ■7 UJ 0 m r' n ( r- r- _ C/) r ^-. m T) -ri H (,) J. H 0 0 S "n > X m a Bui. 88, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate X. 31 I > CD Z > H I DO o O 00 o en > o z m < O o H H O z I ,\ hi: X I'Hffi'. Al)ba>'i fotfon, flarinjr of f^iunn-i^ 40 A\ii\tKi(\ \)y natural w^W^ion W AdaptatioriH, attracti v<; to tin; kmrn(jrcial value 7ft hiHtorical trfatrnorit 72 nature and {(Hf vent developtn<;nt of weevil larvje ~''> Adaptive characterH, ext«ent ft'* orij^in ft7 Aidin cMtxm, charact'rr ''>'5 Allen cotton, earlier than King in i iiinUmmUi 17 AnthonoinuH, behavior of Hi*eeie« relate^l to hK>ll weevil IS Antidroiny in cotton 1'* A ntijrua, Guatemala, culture of brown cotton 70 Ant« (firing for plant lif;e -i*^ injurioiiH t'^j cotton 1^-* no protection ai(ain.«(t wfc<;vil>* '5'' plants dornf^ticated by 2i* A phid.s injurious t/> cotton -i'' Apfiijf f/oi-ifi/pii, inff^tinjr plant." at liabinal, (iuaUnnala. '■'»'•* Arid climate, inacti ve nectari<;#^ an a^lapti ve r<«ult 24 re^nonn, befiavior of 'otton 4'{, 44, 4o tyfj^; of plant adapt/;d 20 Artificial wde^rtion, an indefinite; term 70 A.'-hmead, William II., ant« identifie^l 39 Asiatic cottonH, (■otn\/dr'm>ii w ith other varietien 53 nc^ttarina 28, 31 Baf-terial di-^;a.H^?- fol lowing? w<;r^vil injuries ft2 Bifli-nn p'dom, nectar pvAncMA '^ Hird.i, value a." weevil dl l.« 46 effect of (>\)(-m\u'4 of flowers 47, ft3 rapid development in bud« ft3 weevils, al*sence from P^astem Hemisphere 32 Mexican plateau region 11 arlaptations to avoid 72 excjud*- ^'^ aid Uy creruvianum, specific validity 67 Growth, alternating periods in tropical plants 23 utility of acceleration 55 Guatemala, central jilateau 24 eastern, climate 12 methods of cotton culture 19, 70 nature of the countrj^ 15 field experiments 34 importation of foreign thread 24 Indian methods of cultivation 12 western , cotton 25, 70 Guatemalan conditions, effect on United States varieties 17 cottons, preference of keleps 25 Hairs, cotton plant, assistance to keleps 25 Hairy Guatemalan varieties of cotton 25 stalks and leaf stems of cotton 25 Heredity, mechanism 68 Hibiscus, involucral appendages of species 33 nectaries of species 32 species not attractiv^e to boll weevil 69 Hinds, W. E., observations 25, 42, 43, 44, 55, 61, 62, 64 Howard, L. 0. , observations ; 45 Humid districts, behavior of cotton 43, 44 Hunter, W. D., observations 14, 25, 42, 43, 44, 48, 55, 61, 64, 76 Immunity of buds and bolls, periods _ 74, 75 Inbreeding of cotton by Indians 15 Indeterminate varieties unsuited to early destruction of plants 13 INDEX. 88 Page. Indian methods of cotton culture 11, 35 names of cotton 53, 70 Indians, agricultural habits 11, 15, 35, 48 cotton culture 11, 35, 71 cultivation of peppers 11 customs at Rabinal, Guatemala 24 formation of new varieties 15, 71 Guatemalan, observations on boll weevils 66 of Alta Vera Paz, Guatemala, characteristics 71, 72 selections of cotton 15, 16, 71 utilization of cotton 45 Interbreeding necessary to vigor 68 Involucral a])pendages of plants related to cotton 33 bracts of Pachon cotton 25 Involucre, as a protective structure 37 bractlets 33 external nectaries, discussion 31 inner nectaries, discussion 31 protection to inside nectaries 28 protective value 37 Involucres, closed, advantages 38, 41 Egyptian cottons 41 Kekchi cotton 37, 39, 40 Kidney cotton 32 open, advantage 42 Rabinal cotton 37 Sea Island cotton, attractive to keleps 26 Upland cottons 38 value in protecting buds 39, 41 Irrigation, effects 45 Ixcaco cotton in Guatemala 70 Jannovitch cotton compared with Allen 17 proliferation 50 Jewett cotton, dimensions of buds and bracts 40 Kekchi cotton, adaptations 73 at northern limit of cotton culture 18 behavior, in Texas 17 bolls, variation in thickness of walls 56 characteristic feature , 20 comparison with other varieties, at Lanham, Md 18 date of planting in Guatemala 15 developed in weevil-infested regions 4 distinct type of Gossi/pium hirsntum 8 effect of crowding on character 20 fruiting 17 habits of growth 15 in the United States 17 most promising short-season variety 22 quality of lint 7 rapidity of development 55 shortness of season, explanation 11 stems, petioles, leaves, and bolls 16 tolerance of cold 15 variations 15 weevil resistance, high value 11 Keleps, absent from Eastern Hemisphere 32 adaptations, attractive 73 definitely attracted to cotton plants 35 effect of dense foliage '. 26 habitat extension 36 hairs of cotton plant, assistance in climbing 25 imprisonment in flowers 29 preference for Egyptian and Sea Island cotton an(i Bideits j)ilos(i.. 26, 36, 37 protection to cotton 8, 34, 35 unknown to European residents in < niatemala 71 84 WEEVIL-EESISTING ADAPTATIONS OF COTTON. Page. Keleps, usefulness in comparison with ants 39 value known by Indians 71 visitation of other nectar-bearing plants than cotton 36 Kidney cotton, Jidaptations 74 at Trece Aguas, Guatemala 32, 53 Tucuru, Guatemala 24, 66 characters 67 cultural value 67 of American origin 9 oil glands 53, 54 origin of name 9 protective features 42 seed arrangement 66 thin outer wall of boll 66 King cotton, behavior in Guatemala 17 cluster variety 17 dimensions of 1 )uds and bracts 40 flaring of squares '40 large nectaries 31 proliferation 60 rapidity of development 55 Kinsler, J. H., observations 17, 29, 37, 47, 50, 51, 55 plants cultivated in Guatemala 15 Lacinia? of involucral bracts : 43 Lanham, Md., exi)eriments 18, 25, 43 Lanquim, Guatemala, planting of brown cotton , 70 Large varieties, disad vantages 1 19 Late planting in northern localities 13 Leaves, Kekchi cotton 16 nectaries, general discussion 30 Leavitt, R. G., principle of translocation of characters 70 Limbless variety of King cotton 17 Lint, disadvantages .65 protection of seeds 65, 66 Locks, number in Kekchi cotton 16 Mackay, Tex. , examination of cotton 75 Maxon, W. R. , cotton obtained 25 ol )servations . .' 70 McLachlan, Argyle, observations 18, 25, 41, 47, 57, 60, 61, 75 Melanthera deltoidea visited by keleps 37 Mexican plateau, absence of weevils 11 region, advantages 43 Mexico, cotton culture 45 Mit Afifi cotton, oil glands 53 Molds, growth in nectaries 30 Moqui Indian cotton, character 52 Mutations in Kekchi cotton 16 Natural selection by boll weevil 54, 69 cotton 9 conscious and unconscious 70 effect of oil glands 54 illustration of influence in evolution 71 in simultaneous flowering 23 not actuating cause of evolutionary change 68 tlie exjilanation of adaptation 68 Nectar, continued secretion by plants 32 purpose 28 secretion in Kekchi and Upland cottons ...- 32 on bolls 33 Nectaries, external, discussion 31 position in pendent bolls 27 secretion .- 27 extrafloral, connection with bacterial diseases 62 discussion 28 functions 29 INDEX, 85 Page. Nectaries, extrafloral, in Kekchi cotton 34 fioral, no connection Avith weevil resistance 29 homology 32 inactive, of Rabinal cotton 24 inner, bractlets subtendino; 33 connected with drooping habit 28 of involucre, discussion 31 of different varieties 31, 32 Kekchi cotton 16 leaves, general discussion 30 species of Hibiscus 32 Oil glands, of bolls _ 53 protective feature 52, 54 Okra cotton, origin 70 Old World cottons. See Asiatic. Origin of cottons in arid regions 21 improved varieties of cotton 70 Upland varieties of cotton 10, 44 Pachon cotton, adaptations 74 characters 34, 43 comparison in Texas and Maryland 18 hairiness 25 involucral bracts - 25 Palmer, Dr. Edward, discovery of weevil 45 observations on cotton 45 Paris green, effects on boll weevils 14 Paritium, species not attractive to boll weevil 69 Parker cotton, dimensions of buds and bracts 40 experiments 41 , 57, 60 flaring of squares 40 l^roliferation 60 Pendent bolls, discussion 27 Peppers, importance to Indians 11 Perennial cottons, annual cutting back 24 not likely to be of use in the United States 67 seasonal bearing 23 Pergande, Theodore, identification of ai)hids 39 Peruvian cotton in Texas 37 Petals, smoothness an obstacle to keleps 26 Petioles, Kekchi cotton 16 Pittier, H. , observations 26, 39, 46 Planting, date in Guatemala 19 late in northern localities 13 Plant lice injurious to cotton 39 Plants, destruction in the fall, difhculty 22 Pollen, diet of weevils 55 eaten by weevil larvte :\ 47 necessity for sexual maturitj^ of weevils 55 Pollen-eating habit, development 63 Poneridic, nectar collected 30 Proliferation, advantage only under conscious selection 71 best weevil-resisting adaptation 9 diminution of power in larger buds 51 effect of dry weather 60 efficiency 46 from staminal tube 49 wall of boll 58 in buds and bolls, relation 64 Kekchi cotton 46, 49, 75 King cotton 60 Parker cotton 60 varieties other than Kekchi 50 of bolls 55, 56, 59 bud, causes and conditions 49 corolla 48 internal tissues of buds 46 86 WEEVIL-RESISTING ADAPTATIONS OF COTTON. Page. Proliferation, probable effects of culture 50 summary of results of study -13 time required 60 value §0 Protection afforded by adaptations, commercial value 76 when most effective 74 the involucre 37 tough linings of chambers of bolls 56 by keleps, efficiency 34, 35 of seeds by lint : 65 Protective characters, first originated by cotton plant 68 general 1 1 of bolls 51 value of involucre 37 Quaintance, A. L., observations '. 52 Rabinal cotton, adaptations 73 bolls fed upon by boll weevils 61 characters -11 hairiness -5 involucres 37, 38 nectaries 31 Guatemala, ants - - 39 cotton culture 9, 38 customs of Indians 24 Rain, effect at time of flowering 21 Redshank cotton, characters - 53 large nectaries _^ 31 Retalhuleu district of Guatemala, cotton planted -^'^t Rivers cotton, character in Guatemala 17 Rubber, Central American, branches compared with those of cotton 19 8ajal, plant often visited by keleps 37 Salama, Guatemala, cotton culture of Indians 24 San Lucas, Guatemala, Sea Island cotton 24 adaptations 74 , attai'ked by other insects 32 discovery 50 nectaries 32 Schwarz, E. A., observations 42, 48 on Cuban cottons 23 Sea Island cotton, Guatemalan, discovery 50 nectaries 32 of San Lucas, Guatemala, annual flowering 24 cottons, comparison of petals with Upland varieties 26 flaring of squares _ 40 involucral bracts 37, 38 lacking in protective features 4 less hairy than Upland varieties 25 not immune to boll weevil 42 oil glands 53 ' origin 8 precocity in Guatemala 17 smoothness a disadvantage to keleps 25 Seeanquim, Guatemala, cotton grown in vicinity 15 experiments 39, 41 Seed, low germination in Guatemala 15 Seeds, protective arrangement in Kidney cotton _ 66 Selection, conscious, unconscious, natural, and artificial, discussion 1 1, 70, 71 in cotton, time required , -. 10 provided by l)f)ll weevil 10 Selective influence of boll weevil 10 Short season varieties of cotton 1 2, 14, 22 Soleriopsls pirea, ant inhabiting Rabinal cotton 39 Specific tyi)e, generalized, the product of diversity and interbreeding 68 Squares, boll weevil injuries 41 flared and fallen, countings 45 flaring .' 40, 41 INDEX. 87 Page. Squares, multiplication in cluster cottons - 28 small, breeding places for weevils 11 superfluous, early rejection 20 weevil-infested, shedding 43, 74 Staminal tube, proliferation 49 Stipules of outer bracts represented by bractlets 33 Stormproof varieties of cotton 27 Superfluous buds, discussion •. 21 Symbiotic specializations between plants and animals 29 Tapinoma ramulonun, ant inhabiting Rabinal cotton 39 Temperatures at localities where Kekchi cotton is grown 15 Terrell, Tex., experiments 52 Texas, early advent of weevils 9 southern, method of checking weevil 12 Thespesia, species not attractive to boll weevil 69 Top crop, effect of weevil 22 Tree cottons, dimensions 23 discussion 17 immunity to weevils, reported 23 in Guatemala 12 infestation by weevils 8 Mexican, nectaries 30 rejection of buds 21 weevil adaptations 23 {See also Perennial cottons.) Trelease, William, observations 33 Tropical A merica, field for experiments 9 Tshubai, plant protected by the kelep 36 Tucuru, Guatemala, Kidney cotton 24, 66 Tuikeys, boll weevil destroyers 24 Tyler, F. J. , observations 28 United States cotton varieties, effect of Guatemalan conditions 17 Ui:)land cottons, adaptations 74 effect of change of climate 16 indeterminate habit in United States varieties 13 native in Central America 10 origin 10, 44 preference of keleps 25 secretion of nectar 32 Variations, climatic, in cotton 17 in Kekchi cotton 15 Variegation in Kekchi cotton 16 Varieties, new, formation by Indians 15 Victoria, Tex. , experiments 60, 61 Volunteer cotton, absence in eastern Guatemala 12 breeding of weevils 12 Weather, dry, effect on crop 13 exclusion of boll weevil from Mexican plateau 11 Webber, H. J., statements 13, 42 Weaving by Guatemalan natives, use of foreign thread 25 Weevil. See Boll weevil. Weevil-proof lining of bolls 57 Weissman, Professor, doctrine of inheritance 68 Winters, severe, no protection from weevils 12 o U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY— BULLETIN NO. 89. B. T. GALLOWAY, Chaj of Uureaii. WILD PPICINAL PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES. BY ALICE HENKEL, Assistant, Drug-Plant Investigations. Issued January 16, 1906. WASHINGTON: government printing office. 1906. BULLETINS OF THE BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY. The Bureau of Plant Industry, which was organized July 1, 1901, includes Vege- table Pathological and Physiological Investigations, Botanical Investigations, Farm Management (including Grass and Forage Plant Investigations), Pomological Inves- tigations, and Experimental Gardens and Grounds, all of which were formerly con- ducted as separate divisions; and also Seed and Plant Introduction and Distribution; the Arlington Experimental Farm; Investigations in the Agricultural Economy of Tropical and Subtropical Plants; Drug and Poisonous Plant Investigations; Tea Cul- ture Investigations; the Seed Laboratory, and Dry Land Agriculture and Western Agricultural Extension. Beginning with the date of organization of the Bureau, the several series of Bulle- tins of the various Divisions were discontinued, and all are now published as one series of the Bureau. A list of the Bulletins issued in the present series follows. Attention is directed to the fact that "the serial, scientific, and technical publica- tions of the United States Department of Agriculture are not for general distribution. All copies not required for official use are by law turned over to the Superintendent of Documents, who is empowered to sell them at cost." All applications for such publications should, therefore, be made to the Superintendent of Documents, Gov- ernment Printing Office, Washington, D. C. No. 1. The Relation of Lime and Magnesia to Plant Growth. 1901. Price, 10 cents.- 2. Spermatogenesis and Fecundation of Zamia. 1901. Price, 20 cents. 3. Macaroni Wheats. 1901. Price, 20 cents. 4. Range Improvement in Arizona. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 5. Seeds and Plants Imported. Inventory No. 9. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 6. A List of American Varieties of Peppers. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 7. The Algerian Durum Wheats. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 8. A Collection of Fungi Prepared for Distribution. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 9. The North American Species of Spartina. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 10. Records of Seed Distribution and Cooperative Experiments with Grasses and Forage Plants. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 11. Johnson Grass. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 12. Stock Ranges of Northwestern California. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 13. Range Improvement in Central Texas. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 14. The Decay of Timber and Methods of Preventing It. 1902. Price, 55 cents. 15. Forage Conditions on the Border of the Great Basin. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 16. A Preliminary Study of the Germination of the Spores of Agaricus Campes- tris and Other Basidiomycetous Fungi. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 17. Some Diseases of the Cowpea. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 18. Observations on the Mosaic Disease of Tobacco. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 19. Kentucky Bluegrass Seed. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 20. Manufacture of Semolina and Macaroni. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 21. List of American Varieties of Vegetables. 1903. Price, 35 cents. 22. Injurious Effects of Premature Pollination. 1902. Price, K» cents. 23. Berseem. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 24. Unfermented Grape Must. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 25. Miscellaneous Papers: I. The Seeds of Rescue Grass and Chess. II. Saragolla Wheat. III. Plant Introduction Notes from South Africa. IV. Congres- sional Seed and Plant Distribution Circulars. 1903. Price, 15 cents. 26. Spanish Almonds. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 27. Letters on Agriculture in the West Indies, etc. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 28. The Mango in Porto Rico. 1903. Price, 15 cents. 29. The Effect of Black Rot on Turnips. 1903. Price, 15 cents. 30. Budding the Pecan. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 31. Cultivated Forage Crops of the Northwestern States. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 32. A Disease of the White Ash. 1903. Price, 10 cents. 33. North American Species of Leptochloa. 1903. Price, 15 cents. 34. Silkworm Food Plants. 1903. Price, 15 cents. 35. Recent Foreign Explorations. 1903. Price, 15 cents. 36. The "Bluing" and the "Red Rot" of the Pine. 1903. Price, 30 cents. [Contiuued on page 3 of cover.] U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY— BULLETIN NO. 89. B. T. GALLOWAY, Chief of Bureau. WILD MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES. BY alicp: henkp:l. Assistant, Drug -Plant Investigations. Issued January 16, 1906. LIBRARY NEW YORK BOTANICAL CiARDEN. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1906. BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY. B. T. GALLOWAY, PaiholofiM and Physiologist, and Cliirf of Bureau. VEGETABLE PATHOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS. ALBERT F. Woods, Pathologist and Physiologist in Charge, Acting Chief of Bureau in Absence of Chief BOTANICAL INVESTIGATIONS. Frederick V. Coville. Botanist in Charge. FARM MANAGEMENT. W. .J. Spillman, Agriculturist in Charge. POMOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS. G. B. Brackett, Pomologist in Charge. SEED AND PLANT INTRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION. A. .1. Pieters, Botanist in Charge. ARLINGTON EXPERIMENTAL FARM. L. C. Corbett, Horticulturist in Charge. INVESTIGATIONS IN THE AGRICULTURAL ECONOMY OF TROPICAL AND SUBTROPICAL PLANTS. O. F. Cook, Bionomist in Charge. DRUG AND POISONOUS PLANT INVESTIGATIONS, AND TEA CULTURE INVESTIGATIONS. Rodney H. True, Physiologist in Charge. DRY LAND AGRICULTURE AND WESTERN AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION. Carl S. Scofield, Agriculturist in Charge. EXPERIMENTAL GARDENS AND GROUNDS. E. M. Byrnes, Superintendent. SEED LABORATORY. Edgak Brown. Fiotanist in Charge. J. E. Rockwell, Editor. James E. .Jones, Chief Clerk. DRUG-PLANT INVESTIGATIONS. SCIENTIFIC STAFF. Rodney H. True, Physiologist in Charge. W. O. RiCHTMANN, W. W. Stockberger, E.rperts. Alice Henkel, G. Fred Klugh, Assistants. LE'rriiR OF TRANSMITTAL. P U. S. Department of Acriculture, Bureau of Plant Industry, Office of the Chief, W(ifn, I). ('., Octohir m^ WUo. 5 IB. P. I.— 187. WILD MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES. In the preparation of this bulletin only such wild medicinal plants a.s have a commercial value were considered; that is, such as were usually mentioned in the trade lists of drug dealers throughout the country-. Plants that were found listed by onl}' one or two firms have been omitted. Both official and nonofiicial drugs are included in this list. A num- ber of drug plants that were oflScial in the United States Pharmacopoeia for 1890 have been dropped from the Eighth Decennial Revision (1900), which became official on September 1, 1905, and a few new ones have been added. In this bulletin the drugs that were official in the Pharmacopoeia for 1890 are so indicated, while those of the new edition are marked simply ''official.'' In the following list the information on each species is given under the accepted botanical name. This name and that of the family to which the plant belongs occupy' the first line of the description. Botan- ical s^nionyms, if any, are mentioned, and these are followed in the next line by the most common names. A few words of information indicating the most important features of habit and stature, as well as the sort of situation in which found, together with the geographical distribution in the United States, are then given in each case. This information is too meager for the identification of the plants concerned in all cases, but it was impossible within the space limits of a publica- tion such as this to include more descriptive matter. The parts of the plants used and the official status of the product close the description. Unless otherwise indicated, the products mentioned are used in the dried state. Abies balsamea (L. ) Mill. Pine family (Pinaceae). Balsam-fir; Canada balsam tree. Slender, evergreen, native tree, 50 to 60 feet high, occurring in damp woods from Newfoundland to the high mountains of southwestern Virginia, west to Min- nesota, and northward. Parts used .—Balsam, known as Canada turpentine, Canada balsam, or balsam of fir (official); also bark (nonofficial) . 11072— No.. 89—06 2 7 8 WILD MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES. Ahiex canadensis Michx. Same as Txnga canadensis. Abies nigra Desf. Same as Picea mariana. Abscess-root. See Polemonium reptans. Absinth. See Artemisia absinthium. Absinthium. See Artemisia absinthium. Acacia, false. See Rohinia pseudacacia. Acer rubrum L. Maple family (Aceraceae). Red maple; swamp-maple. Large, native tree, often 120 feet in height, growing in swamps and low grounds from Canada to Florida and Texas. Part used. — Bark (nonofficial.) Achillea millefolium L. Aster family ( Asteraceae). Yarrow; milfoil; thousandleaf. Perennial weed, 10 to 20 inches high, common in fields and waste places nearly throughout the United States, especially eastward; naturalized from Europe and Asia. I'art used. — Herb (nonofficial). Acorus calam.us L. Arum family (Araceae). Calamus; sweet-flag. Native, herbaceous perennial, about 2 feet high, found in wet and nuiddy places and along streams from Nova Scotia to Minnesota, southward to Florida and Texas. Parttised. — ITnpeeled, dried rhizome (official). Actaea alba (L. ) Mill. Crowfoot family (Ranunculaceae). White cohosh; white baneberry; necklace-weed; rattlesnake-herb. Native, perennial herb, 1 to 2 feet high, found in rich woods from Nova Scotia to Georgia and Missouri, and northward; most common from Indiana and Kentucky to Pennsylvania and New York. Parts v.^ed. — Rhizome and rootlets (nonofficial). Actaea raceinosa L. Same as Cimicifuga racemosa. Actaea rubra (Ait.) Willd. Crowfoot family (Ranunculaceae). S>jiimii/)ii. — ^Ictaea spicata var. rubra Ait. Red cohosh; red baneberry; rattlesnake-herb. Native, perennial herb, 1 to 2 feet high, found in woods from Nova Scotia to the Middle States, west to the Rocky Mountains; most abundant from New England to Ontario. Parts u.^ed. — Rhizome and rootlets (nonofficial). Actaea, spicata var. rubra^ Ait. Same as Actaea rubra. Adam-and-ICve. See Ajdecirum spicatum. Adder's-tongue, yellow. See Erythronium. americanum. Adiantum pedatum L. Fern family (Polypodiaceae). Maidenhair-fern. Native fern, 9 to 15 inches high, growing in rich moist .soil in woods in Canada and almost all parts of the United States. Part used. — Herb (nonofficial). Aesculus g-labra Willd. Buckeye family ( Aesculaceae) . Ohio buckeye; fetid buckeye; smooth buckeye. Small, native tree, 20 to 40 feet in height, found in woods and on river ))anks from Pennsylvania south to Alabama, westward to Michigan and the Indian Territory. Parts used, — Bark and fruit (nonofficial). AESCULUS HIPPOCASTANUM ALNUS RUGOSA. 9 Aesculus hippocastanum L. Buckeye family ( Aesculaceae). Horse-chestnut. Large tree, 60 feet or more in height. Eycaped from cultivation, southeastern New York and New Jersey. Native of Asia. Partii used. — Bark and fruit (nonofficial). After! )irth- weed. See Stylnmnihes hiffora. A(/nin Balm, garden-. See Melissa officinalis. Balm, horse-. See Collinsonia canadensis. Balm, lemon-. See Melissa officinalis. Balm, mountain-. See Eriodictyon calif ornicum . Bahn, scarlet. See Monarda didyma. Balm, sweet. See Melissa officinalis. Balm-of-Gilead. See Popidus candicans. Balmony. See Chelone glabra. Balsam, sweet. See Gnnphalinm ohtusifolivm. Balsam tree, Canada. See Abies halsanud. Balsam, white. See Gnaphalium obtusifolium. Balsam-fir. See Abies balsamea. Bamboo-brier. See Smilax pseudo-china. Baneberry, red. See Actaea rubra. Baneberry, white. See Actaea alba. Baptisia tinctoria (L. ) R. Br. Pea family (Fabaceae). Wild indigo; yellow indigo; American indigo; indigo-weed; horsefiy-weed. Native, perennial herb, 2 to 3 feet high, growing in dry, poor soil from Maine to Minnesota, south to Florida and Louisiana. Parts u.'ied. — Root and leaves (nonofficial). Barberry, holly-leaved. See Berbtris aijiiifolium. Bardane. See Arctium lappa. Basswood. See Tilia americana. Bay, rose-. See Rhododendron maximum. Bay, sweet. See Magnolia virginiuna. Bay, white. See Magnolia virginiana. Bayberry. See Myrica cerifera. Bean, bog-. See Menyanthes trifoliata. Bean, buck-. See Menyanthes trifoliata. Bean, hog's-. See Hyoscyanms niger. Bearberry. See Arctostaphylos uva-ursi. Bearberry-tree. See Rhamnus pursliiava. Bear's-foot, yellow. See J'olymnia vn'dedata. Birthroot. See Trillium erectum. Bitterbloom. See Sabbatia angnlaris. 11072— No. 89—06 3 16 WILD MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES. Bitter-buttons. See Tanacetum vulgare. Bitterroot. See Apocynum androsaemifolium. Bittersweet. See Solanum dulcamara. Bittersweet, false. See Celastrus scandens. Bitterweed. See Erigeron canadensis. Blackberry, high-bush. See Rubus nigrobaccus. Blackberry, knee-high. See Ruhus ciineifoUus. Blackberry, low running. See Rubus procumbem. Blackberry, low-bush. See Rubus trivialis. Blackberry, sand-. See Rubus cuneifolius. Blackcap. See Rubus occidentaUs. Blackroot. See Veronica virginica. Blackroot, Indian. See Pterocaulon undulatum. Blackwort. See Sym2)hytmn officinale. Bladderpod. See Lobelia inflata. Blazingstar. See Chamaelirium luteum. Blazingstar, blue. See Lacinaria scariosa. Blazingstar, scaly. See Lacinaria squarrosa. Bloodroot. See Sanguinaria canadensis. Bloodwort. See Hieracium venosum. Bloodwort, striped. See Hieracium venosum. Blowball. See Taraxacum officinale. Blue-curls. See Prunella vulgaris. Bog-bean. See Menyanthes trifoliata. Bog-myrtle. See Myrica gale. Boneset. See Eupatoriwn perfoliatum. Boneset, deerwort-. See Eupatoviutn ageratoides. Boneset, purple. See Eupatoriwn purjnireum. Bouncing-Bet. See Saponaria officinalis. Bowman's-root. See Porteranthus trifoliatus and Veronica virginica. Boxwood. See Cornus florida. Brake, backache-. See Athyrium filix-foemina. Brake, buckhorn-. See Osmunda regalis. Brake, rock-. See Polypodium vulgare. Brassica nigra (L. ) Koch. Mustard family (Brassicaceae) . Synonym. — Sinapis nigra L. Sinapis nigra; black mustard; brown mustard; red mustard. Annual herb, introduced from Europe; found in fields and waste places almost throughout the United States. Part MSfd.— Seed (official); the volatile oil obtained from black mustard seed is also official. Brauneria angustifolia (DC.) Heller. Aster family (Asteraceae). Synonym. — Echinacea angustifolia DC. Echinacea; pale-purple coneflower; Sampson-root; niggerhead (in Kansas). Native, perennial, herbaceous plant, 2 to 3 feet high, occurring in rich prairie soil or sandy soil from Alabama to Texas and northwestward; most abundant in Kansas and Nebraska. Part used. — Root (nonofficial). BROOM CALICO-BUSH. 1 7 Broom. See Cytisus scoparius. Broom, green. See Ci/tisus scoparius. Broom, Scotch. See Cytisus scoparius. Brownwort. See Prunella vulgaris. Bruisewort. See Symphytum officinale. Buck- Dean. See Menyanlhes trifoUata. Buckeye, fetid. See Aescuhis glabra. Buckeye, Ohio. See Aesculus glabra. Buckeye, smooth. See Aesculus glabra. Buckhorn-brake. See Osmunda regalis. Buckthorn. See Rhamnus cathartica. Bugle, 8weet. See Lycopus virginicus. Bugle, water-. See Lycopus virginicus. Bugleweed. See Lycopus virginicus. Bullbrier. See Smilax pseudo-china. Bull-nettle. See Solanum carolinense. Bulrush. See Typha latifolia. Burdock. See Arctium lajjpa. Burnet-saxifrage. See Pimpinella saxifraga. Burningbush. See Ettonymus atropurpurea. Bursa bursa-pastoris (L.) Britton. Mustard family (Brassicaceae). Synonym. — Capsella bursa-pastoris Medic. Shepherd 's-purse; cocowort; toywort. Annual plant, about 1 foot in height, found in fields and waste places; widely distributed. Introduced from Europe. Part used.— Herb (nonofficial). Burseed, spiny. See Xanthium spinosum. Burweed, thorny. See Xanthium spinosum. Butneria florida (L.) Kearney. Strawberry-shrub family ( Caly canthaceae ) . Synonym. — Calycanthus floridus L. Hairy strawberry-shrub; sweet-scented shrub; Carolina allspice; Florida allspice. Native shrub, 4 to 8 feet high; in rich soil, Virginia to Mississippi. Part used. — Bark (nonofficial). Butterfly-weed. See Asclepias tuberosa. Butternut. See Juglans cinerea. Buttonbush. See Cejyhalanthus ocddentalis. Button-snakeroot. See Eryngium yuccifolium. Button-snakeroot, dense. See Lacinaria spicata. Button-snakeroot, large. See Lacinaria scariosa. Button-tree. See Cephakmthus ocddentalis. Buttonwood-shrub. See Cephalanthus ocddentalis. Cabbage, .skunk-. See Spathyema foetida. Cabbage, swamp-. See Spathyema foetida. Calamus. See Acorus calamus. Calfkill. See Kalmia angustifolia. Calico-bush. See Kalmia latifolia. 18 WILD MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES. Calycantlvus floridus L. Same as Butneria flonda. Camomile, fetid. See Anthemis cotida. Canada i)alsam tree.' See Abies halsamea. Canada-root. See Asdepias tuberosa. Cancerroot. See Lejitamnium virginianum. Candleberry. See Myrica cerifera. Cane-ash. See Fraxinus americana. Canker root. See Coptis trifolia and Limonium caroHnianum. Canker-weed. See Nabalus serjjentariw. Canker-weed, white. See Nabalus albus. Cankerwort. See Taraxacum officmale. Canoewood. See Liriodendron tidijnfera. Capsella bursa-pastoris Medic. Same as Bursa bursa-pastoris. Cardinal, red. See Lobelia cardinalis. Cardinal-tiower. See Lobelia cardinalis. Cardinal-flower, blue. See Lobelia sipliilitica. Carduus arvensis (L.) Robs. Aster family (Asteraceae) . Synonym. — Cirsium arvense Scop. Canada thistle; creeping thistle; cursed thistle. Perennial herb, 1 to 3 feet high; growing in cultivated fields, pastures, and waste places from Newfoundland to Virginia, west to Minnesota and Nebraska. A bad weed, introduced from Europe. Part used. — Root (nonofficial). Carduus benedictus Auct. Same as Cnicus benedlctus. • Carpenter' s-square. See Scrophularia niarUandiea. Carrion-flower. See Smilax herbacea. Carrot, wild. See Daucus carota. Carya alba Nutt. Same as Hicoria ovata. Cascara sagrada. See Rhamnus pur.?hia.na. Cassia marilandica L. Senna family (Caesalpiniaceae). American senna; wild senna; locust-plant. Native, perennial herb; in swamps and wet soil. New England to Florida, west to Louisiana and Nebraska. Part used. — Leaves ( nonofiicial ) . Castalia odorata (Dryand.) Woodv. & Wood. Water-lily family (Nymphaeaceae). Synonym. — Nympliaea odorata Dryand. White pond-lily; water-lily; sweet-scented water-lily. Indigenous, aquatic herb; perennial; in ponds, marshes, and sluggish streams, from Canada to Flonda and Louisiana. Part used. — Rhizome (nonofiicial). Castanea. See Castanea dentata. Castanea dentata (Marsh.) Borkh. Beecli family (Tagaceae). Castanea; chestnut; American chestnut. A large, spreading tree, occurring in rich woods from Maine to Michigan, south to Tennessee. Especially abundant in the Allegheny region. Native. Pari used.— Leaves (official in U. S. P. 1890). Catch weed. See Galium aparine. Catfoot. See Glecoma hederacea. CATGUT CHAMAEIJRIUM LUTEUM. 19 Catgut. See Oracca rirginiana. Catmint. See Nepeta cataria. Catnip. See Nepeta cataria. Cattail, broad-leaved. See Tyjiha latifolia. Cattail-flag. See Typha latifolia. Caulophyllum. See Caulophyllam thalictroides. Caulophyllum thalictroides (L.) Michx. Barberry family (Berberidaceae). Caulophyllum; blue cohosh; squawroot; papoose-root. Native, perennial herb, 1 to 3 feet high; found in rich, shady woods from New Brunswick to South Carolina, westward to Nebraska; abundant throughout the Allegheny Mountain region. Parts used. — Rhizome and roots (official in U. S. P. 1890) . Ceanothus americanus L. Buckthorn family (Rhamnaceae). Jersey tea; New Jersey tea; redroot. A native shrub, growing in dry, open woods from Canada to Florida and Texas. Parts used. — Root, root-bark, and leaves (nonofficial). Cedar, red. See Juniperus virginiana. Cedar, shrubby red. See Juniperus sahina. Cedai-, white. See Thuja occidentalis. Cedar, yellow. See Thuja occidentalis. Celandine. See Chelidonium majus. Celandine, garden-. See Chelidonium majus. Celandine, great. See Chelidonium majus. Celandine, wild. See Impatiens aarea. Celastrus scandens L. Staff-tree family (Celastraceae). False bittersweet; staff-tree; waxwork; fevertwig. An indigenous, twining, woody vine; in rich, damp soil, woods, and thickets, Ontario to Manitoba, south to North Carolina and New Mexico. Part used. — Bark of plant and of root (nonofficial). Centaurea benedicta L. Same as Cnicus benedictus. Centaury, American. See Sabbatia angularis. Centaury, ground-. See Polygala mdtallii. Cephalanthus occidentalis I.. Madder family (Rubiaceae). Buttonbush; button-tree; buttonwood-shrub; globefiower. Indigenous shrub, 6 to 12 feet high; in swamps and damp places, Canada to Florida and California. Part used. — Bark (nonofficial). Cercis canadensis L. Senna family (Caesalpiniaceae). Judas-tree; redbud. Small, native tree, growing in rich soil from New Jersey to Minnesota, south to Florida and Texas. Part used. — Bark of root (nonofficial). Chamaelirium luteum (L. ) A. Gray. Bunchflower family (Melanthiaceae). Synonym. — Helovias dioica Pursh. True (not false) unicorn-root; « blazingstar; starwort; drooping starwort. Slender, i)erennial herb, aliout 2 feet high ; native in moist meadows and thickets from Massachusetts to IMichigan, south to Florida and Arkansas. Part used. — Rhizome (nonofficial). "The name " uiiicoru-root " wa.s first iii)i)!iod to Chamaelirium luteum, and tlio designation "true unicorn-root " \vf)uld seem to heloiiK moro properly to that spectics tiian to .-Uelri.i fariuoxa, to which the name unicorn-njot was given hiter, and wliicli nniy thus he ealleii "false unic'orn-rool." 20 WILD MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES. Chamaenerion angustifolium (L.) Hoop. Evening-primrose family ( Onagraceae ) . Synonym. — EpUobinm angustifolium L. Great willow-herb; Avickup. Native perennial herb, 2 to 8 feet high, found in dry soil from Canada to Alaska, south to North Carolina, Arizona, and California. Very common from Penn- sylvania northward. Parts used.— Leaves and root (nonofficial). Chamomile, fetid. See Anthemis cotula. Champion-oak. See Querms rubra. Checkerberry. See Gaultheria procumbens and Mitchella repens. Cheeseflower. See Malva sylvestris. Cheeses. See Malta rotundifoUa. Chelidonium. See Chelidonium majus. Chelidonium majus L. Poppy family (Papaveraceae). Chelidonium; celandine; garden-celandine; great celandine; tetterwort. Perennial herb, 1 to 2 feet high, growing along fences, roadsides, and in waste places; common in the East. Naturalized from Europe. Part used— Entire plant (official in U. S. P. 1890). Chelone glabra L. Figwort family (Scrophulariaceae) . Balmony; turtle-head; shellflower; snakehead; salt-rheum weed. Native, perennial, herbaceous plant, 2 to 3 feet high; in swamps and along streams, Newfoundland to Manitoba, south to Florida and Kansas. Part used.— Herh, and especially the leaves (nonofficial). Chenopodium. See Chenopodlum ambrosioides and C. unthelminticum. Chenopodium ambrosioides L. Goosefoot family (Chenopodiaceae). Chenopodium; Mexican tea; American wormseed; Jerusalem tea; Spanish tea. Strong- scented herb, 2 to 3 feet high, annual; naturalized from tropical America, and occurring in waste places, meadows, and pastures from New England to Florida, west to CaUfornia. Part used.— Fmit (official in U. S. P. 1890). Chenopodium anthelminticum L. Goosefoot family (Chenopodiaceae). Chenopodium; wormseed; Jerusalem oak. Annual, sometimes perennial, herb, usually taller than C. ambrosioides, natural- ized from Europe, and found in waste places from southern New York to Wisconsin, south to Florida and Mexico. Parts used.— Fmit (official in U. S. P. 1890). The oil of chenopodium, distilled from this plant, is official. Chenopodium botrys L. Goosefoot family ( Chenopodiaceae) . Jerusalem oak. Annual herb, about 2 feet high, introduced from Europe; found in waste places from Nova Scotia to New York and Kentucky, westward to Oregon. Parts used.— Herb and seeds (nonofficial). Cherry birch. See Betula lenta. Cherry, rum-. See Prunus serotina. Cherry, wild. See Prunus serotina. Chervil, sweet. See Washingtonia longislylis. Chestnut. See Castanea dentata. ■ ■ Chestnut, American. See Castanea dentata. Chestnut, horse-. See Aesculus Mppocastanum. Chickentoe. See CoraUorhiza odontorhiza. Chickweed, common. See Alsine media. CHICK WEED, RED CLEMATIS. 21 Chick weed, reil. Hee Anugailh (trvensix. Chicory. See Oichorium inlyhux. Chimaphila. See Chunaphila umhellata. Chimaphila umbellata (L. ) Nutt. "Wintergreen family (Pyrolaceae). Chimaphila; pipsissewa; i3riiice's-pine; bitter wintergreen; rlieumatisni-weed. Small, perennial herb, native in dry, shady woods, especially in pine forests, from Nova Scotia to Georgia, west to California. Part used. — Leaves (official). China-root, American. See Smilax pseudo-china. China-root, false. See Smilax pseudo-china. Chionanthus virginica L. Olive family (Oleaceae). Fringe-tree; old-man 's-beard. A shrub or small tree, native in moist thickets from Delaware to Florida and Texas. Part used. — Bark of root (nonofficial). Chittem-bark. See Ehamnus purshiana. Chrysantliemum. leucanthemum L. Aster family ( Asteraceae). Syiw)iyiii. — Leucunthemuni ndgarc Lam. Oxeye daisy; white daisy. Perennial herb, 1 to 3 feet high, naturalized from Europe; occurring in pastures, meadows, and waste places in nearly every section of the country, but less abundantly in the South and rarely in the West. Part used. — Herb (nonofficial). Chrysanthemum parthenium (L. ) Pers. Aster family (Asteraceae). Synoayni. — Pyrethnun parthenium Smith. Common feverfew; featherfew; febrifuge-plant. Perennial herb, naturalized from Europe. Mostly escaped from cultivation; in waste places. New Brunswick to New Jersey, and locally in the interior. Part ttsed. — Herb (nonofficial). Cicliorium intybus L. Chicory family (Cichoriaceae). Chicory; succory. Perennial herb, 1 to 3 feet high, growing in fields, waste places, and along road- sides from Nova Scotia to North Carolina, west to Nebraska. Abundant east- ward. Naturalized from Europe. Part used.— B^oot (nonofficial). Cicuta m.aculata L. Parsley family ( Apiaceae). Water-hemlock; musquash-root; beaver-poison. Native perennial, 3 to 6 feet high, stout, erect; poisonous. Found in swamps and low grounds from Canada south to Florida and New Mexico. Part used. — Leaves (nonofficial). Cimicifuga. See Cimidfuga racemosa. Cimicifuga racemosa (L. ) Nutt. Crowfoot family (Ranunculaceae). Synonym. — Adueu racemosa L. Cimicifuga; black snakeroot; black cohosh; squawroot; rattle-root. Native, perennial herb, 3 to 8 feet high; in rich soil in shady woods, Maine to Georgia, west to Wisconsin and Missouri. Most abundant in the Ohio Valley. Parts Msed.— Rhizome and roots (official). Cinquefoil. See PotentUla canadensis. Cirsium arrense Scop. Same as Carduus arvensis. Cleavers. See Galium aparine. . Cleaverwort. See Galium aparine. Clematis. See Clematis rirginiana. 22 WILD MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES. Clematis virginiana L. Crowfoot family (Ranunculaceae). Virgin's-bower; clematis. Shrubby, perennial vine; native; found along river banks in hedges and thick- ets from Canada to Georgia and Kansas. Parts Msed.— Leaves and flowers (nonofficial). Clotbur, spiny. See Xanihium spinosum. Clotweed, thorny. See Xanthium spinosum. Clover, bitter. See Sabbatia angularis. Clover, meadow-. See Trifolium pratense. Clover, purple. See Trifolium pratense. Clover, red. See Trifolium pratense. Clover, yellow sweet. See Melilotus officinalis. ' Club-moss. See Lycopodium clavatum. Cnicus benedictus L. Aster family (Asteraceae). Syiionjirns. — Cardmis benedictus Auct. ; Centaurea benedicta L. Blessed thistle; holy thistle; bitter thistle; spotted thistle; St. Benedict' s-thistle. Annual plant, 1 to 2 feet high; in waste places, Southern States, and in Califor- nia and Utah; introduced from Europe. Part used. — Herb (nonofficial). Cocash. See Aster puniceus. Cocash-weed. See Senecio aureus. Cockle-but*^on. See Arctium lappa. Cocowort. See Bursa bursa-pastoris. Cohosh, black. See Cimicifuga racemosa. Cohosh, blue. See Caulopliyllum thalictroides. Cohosh, red. See Actaea rubra. Cohosh, white. See Actaea alba. Colic- root. See Aletris farinosa, Dioscorea villosa, Lacinaria spicata, and L. squarrosa. CoUinsonia canadensis L. • Mint family (Menthaceae). Stoneroot; richweed; knobroot; horse-balm. Native, perennial herb, about 2 feet high, occurring in rich, moist woods from Maine to Wisconsin, south to Florida and Kansas. Parts used.— B^oot and leaves (nonofficial). Colt's-foot. See Tussilago farfara. Colt's-tail. See Erigeron canadensis. Columbine, European. See Aquilegia vidgaris. Columbine, garden-. See Aquilegia vulgaris. Columbine, wild. See under Aquilegia vidgaris. Columbo, American. See Frasera carolinensis. Comfrey. See Symphytum officinale. Compass-plant. See Silphium laciniatum. Comptonia asplenifolia Gaertn. Same as Comptonia peregrina. Comptonia peregrina (L.) Coulter. Bayberry family (Myricaceae). Synonyms. — Comptonia asplenifolia Gaertn.; My ricci asplenifolia L. Sweet fern; spleenwortbush; meadow-fern. Shrubby plant, about 2j feet high, native; in thin sandy or stony woods and on hillsides, Canada to North Carolina, Indiana, and Michigan. Parts used. — Leaves and tops (nonofficial). Coneflower, pale-purple. See Brauneria angudifoHu. CONEFLOWER, TALL ^CORNUS FLORIDA. 28 Coneflower, tall. See Rudbechia laciniata. Congo-root. See Psoralea pedunculata. Conium. See Conium maculatum. Conium maculatum L. Parsley family (Apiaceae). Conium; poi-son-hemlock; spotted parsley; spotted cow bane. Biennial herb, 2 to 6 feet high, naturalized from Europe; common in waste places, especially in the Eastern and Middle States. Poisonous. Farts used. — Full-grown, but unripe, fruit, carefully dried and preserved (offi- cial); leaves (nonofficial). Consumptive' s-weed. See Eriodictyon californicum. Convallaria. See Convallaria majalis. Convallaria hiflora Walt. Same as Polygonatum Inflorum. Convallaria majalis L. liily-of-the-valley family (Convallariaceae). Convallaria; lily-of-the- valley. A low, perennial herb; indigenous; on the higher mountains from A' irginia to the Carolinas. Parts used. — Rhizome and roots (official); herb and flowers (nonofficial). Convallaria racemosa L. Same as Vagnera racemosa. Convolvulus panduratus L. Same as Ipomoea pandurata. Coolwort. See Tiarella cordifolia. Coptis trifolia (L.) Salisb. Crowfoot family (Ranunculaceae). Goldthread; cankerroot; mouthroot; yellowroot. Low, native, perennial herb, growing in damp mossy woods and bogs from Can- ada and Alaska south to Maryland and INIinnesota; most common in the New England States, northern New York and Michigan, and in Canada. Paris used. — Rhizome and rootlets (nonofficial). Corallorhiza odontorhiza ( Willd. ) Nutt. Orchid family ( Orchidaceae ) . Crawley-root; coralroot; dragon's-claw; chickentoe. Leafless plant, 6 to 15 inches high, found in rich woods from Mauie to Florida, west to Michigan and Missouri. Native. Part used. — Rhizome (nonofficial). Coralroot. See Corallorhiza odontorhiza. Corn, squirrel-. See Bikukulla canadensis. Corn, turkey-. See Bikukulla canadensis. Cornel, silky. See Cornus amomum. Corn-snakeroot. See Eryngium yuccifolium. and Lacinaria spicata. Cornus amomum Mill. Dog-wood family (Cornaceae). Synonym. — Cornus sericea L. Red osier; swamp-dogwood; silky cornel; rose-willow. Native shrub, 3 to 10 feet high; in low woods and along streams, Canada to Florida, west to Texas and the Dakotas. Part used. — Bark (nonofficial). Cornus circinata L'Her. Dogwood family (Cornaceae). (jreen osier; round-leaved dogwood. Native shrub, 3 to 10 feet high; in shady places, Canada and the northeastern United States. Part used. — Bark (nonofficial). Cornus florida L. Dog-wood family (Cornaceae). Flowering dogwood; boxwood. Small, native tree or large shrub, growing in woods from Canada to Florida, Texas and ^Missouri. Most abundant in tiie IMiddle States. Parts rtsed— Bark of tree and of root, the latter preferred (nonofficial). 11072— No. 89—06 4 24 WILD MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES. Cornus sericea L. Same as Cornus amomum. Corydalis canadensis Goldie. Same as Bikukulla canadensis. Corydalis formosa Pursh. Same as Bikukulla canadensis. Cotton-gum. See Nyssa aquatica. Cotton weed. See Anaphalis margaritacea. Couch-grass. See Agropyron repens. Coughweed. See Senecio aureus. Coughwort. See Tussilago farfara. Cowbane, spotted. See Conium maculatum. Cow-lily. See Nymphaea advena. Cow-parsnip. See Heracleum lanatum. Cracca virginiana L. Pea family (Fabaceae). Synonym. — Tephrosia virginiana Pers. Devil' s-shoestring; hoary pea; goat's-rue; catgut. Hoary, perennial herb, 1 to 2 feet high, native; occurring in dry, sandy soil from New England to Florida, west to Texas and Minnesota. Fart used. — Root (nonofficial). Cramp-bark. See Viburnum opulus. Cranberry, high-bush. See Viburnum opulus. Cranberry, upland-. See Arctostaphylos uva-ursi. Crane's-bill, spotted. See Geranium maculatum. Crane's-bill, wild. See Geranium maculatum. Crataegus oxyacantha L. Apple family (Malaceae) . Hawthorn; hedgethorn; whitethorn; maythorn. Shrub or tree, introduced from Europe, and sparingly escaped frum cultivation.- Partused. — Berries (nonoflBcial). Crawley-root. See Corallorhiza odontorhiza. Crosswort. See Eupatorium perfoliatum. Cucumber-tree. See Magnolia acuminata and M. tripetala. Cudweed, low. See Gnaphaliuyn uliginosum. Cudweed, marsh-. See Gnaphalimn uliginosum. Culver' s-physic. See Veronica virginica. Culver' s-root. See Veronica virginica. Cunila mariana L. Same as Cunila origanoides. Cunila origanoides (L.) Britton. Mint family (Menthaceae). Synonym. — Cunila mariana L. American dittany; stonemint. Indigenous, perennial plant, found on dry hills and in dry woods from New York to Florida, west to Ohio. Part used. — Herb (nonofficial). Cup-plant. See Silphium perfoliatum. Custard-apple. See Asimina triloba. Cynoglossum officinale L. Borage family (Boraginaceae). Hound's-tongue; gypsy-flower. Biennial herb, about 3 feet high, naturalized from Europe, and occurring in waste places from Canada to North Carolina, west to Kansas and Mmnesota. Parts used. — Leaves and root (nonofficial). Cypripedium. See Cypripedium hirsutum and C. j>arviflorum. CyPEIPEDIUM HIRSUTUM DELPHIN^IUM CONSOLIDA. 25 Cypripedium hirsutum Mill. Orchid family (Orchidaceae). Synonym. — ( 'ypripedium pubescens Willd. Cypripedium; large yellow ladies-slipper; yellow moccasin-flowery American valerian. Herb, 1 to 2 feet high, native in woods and thickets from Nova Scotia south to Alabama and west to Nebraska and Missouri. Parts used. — Rhizome and roots (official). Cypripedium parviflorum Salisb. ' Orchid family (Orchidaceae), Cypripedium; small yellow ladies-slipper. Herb, 1 to 2 feet high; native in woods and thickets from British America to Georgia, Missouri, and Oregon. Parts used. — Rhizome and roots (official). Cypripedium pubescens Willd. Same as Cypripedium hirsiitum. Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link. Pea family (Fabaceae). Synonym. — SarofJiamnus scoparius Wimm. Scoparius; broom; green broom; Scotch broom. Stiff, wiry plant, 3 to 5 feet high; naturalized from Europe; growing in dry, sandy soil from Massachusetts to Virginia and becoming common in many places in the northwestern United States. Part used. — Tops (official). Daisy, oxeye. See Chrysanthemum leucanthemum. Daisy, white. See Chi-ysanthemum leucanthemum. Daisy-fleabane. See Erigeron philadelphicus. Damiana. See Tiirnerdmicrophylla. Dandelion. See Taraxacum officinale. Daphne mezereum L. Mezereon family (Daphnaceae). Synony)ii. — Mezereum offichiarum C. A. Mey. Mezereum; mezereon; spurge-laurel; paradise-plant; spiirge-olive. A very hardy shrub, introduced from Europe and escaped from cultivation in Canada and New England. Part used.— Bark of this and of other European species of Daphne (official). Datura stramonium L. Potato family (Solanaceae). Stramonium; jimson-weed; Jamestown- weed; thorn-apple; apple-of-Peru. Poisonous weed; annual, 2 to 5 feet high; introduced from the Tropics, and occurring in fields and waste places throughout the United States, with the exception of the North and West. Paus K.sfrf.— Leaves (official); seeds (official in U. S. P. 1890). Daucus carota L. Parsley family (Apiaceae). AVild carrot; Queen- Anne' s-lace. Biennial herb, 2 to 3 feet high; naturalized from Europe; common almost throughout the United States, growing in old fields and along roadsides. Parts used.— B.oot, fruit, and leaves (nonofficial). Deerberry. See GauUheria procumbens and Mitchella repens. Deer-laurel. See Rhododendron maximum. Deer's-tongue. See Trilisa odoratissima. Deerwood. See Ostrya virginiana. Deerwort-boneset. See Eupatorium ageratoides. Delphinium consolida L. Crowfoot family (Ranunculaceae) . Field-larkspur; knight's-spur; lark-heel. An annual herb, about 2 feet- high; naturalized from Europe, and found in waste places from southern New Jersey and Pennsylvania southward. The indig- 26 WILD MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES. Delphinium consolida — Continued. enous tall larkspur, Delphinium urceoJatum J acq. [D. exaltatuui Ait.), is used for similar purposes. This is found in woods from Pennsylvania to Minnesota, south to Alabama and Nebraska. Parts used. — Herb and seeds (nonofficial) . Delphinium exaltatum Ait. See under Delphinium consolida. Delphinium urceolatum Jacq. See under Delphiniuvi consolida. Devil' s-bit. See Lacinaria scariosa. Devil' s-shoestring. See Oracca virginiana. Dewberrj'. See Ruhus 2'>rocumbens. Dewberry, one-flowered. See Ruhus villosus. Dewberry, southern. See Ruhus triviaUs. Dicentra canadensis Walp. Same as Bikukulla canadensis. Digitalis. See Digitalis purpurea. Digitalis purpurea L. Figwort family ( Scrophulariaceae ) . Digitalis; foxglove; fairy-fingers; thiml)les; lady's-glove. Very handsome biennial plant, o to 4 feet high; introduced from Europe as a garden plant, and now escaped from cultivation in i>arts of Oregon, Washing- ton, and West Virginia. Parts used. — Leaves from plants of second year's growth, gathered at conmience- ment of flowering (official) . Dioscorea villosa L. Yam family (Dioscoreaceae). Wild }'am; colic-root; rheumatism-root. Slendei-, herbaceous, native vine, growing in moist thickets from Rhode Island to Minnesota, south to Florida and Texas; more common in central and south- ern parts of the United States. Part used. — Rhizome (nonofficial). Diospyros virginiana L. Ebony family (Diospyraceae). Persimmon. Indigenous tree, 15 to 50 feet in height; in fields and w"oods, Rhode Island to Kansas, Florida, and Texas. Parts used. — Bark and unripe fruit (nonofficial). Dirca palustris L. Mezereon family (Daphnaceae). Leathervvood ; moosewood; American mezereon; wickopy; rope-bark. A native shrub, occurring in woods and thickets. New Brunswick to Florida, west to Missouri and Minnesota; most common in the Northern and Eastern States. Part used. — Bark (nonofficial). Ditch-stonecrop. ' See Penthorum sedoides. Dittany, American. See Cunila origanoides. Dock, bitter. See Rumex obtusifolius. Dock, blunt-leaved. See Rumex obtusifolius. Dock, broad-leaved. See Rumex obtusifolius. Dock, curled. See Rumex crispus. Dock, narrow. See Rumex crispus. Dock, sour. See Rumex crispus. Dock, spatter-. See Nymphaea advena. Dock, velvet. See Verbascum thapsus. Dock, yellow. See Rumex crispus. Dogbane, spreading. See Apocynmn androsaemi folium. Dogberry. See Sorbus americana. DOG-FENNEL — EMETIC-ROOT. 27 Dog-fennel. See Anthemis cotula. Dog-grass. See Agropi/ron repenn. Dog's-tooth violet. See Erythronium americanum. Dogwood, flowering. See Cornus florida. Dogwood, round-leaved. See Cornus circinata. Dogwood, swamp-. See Cornus amomuni. Dooryard-plantain. See Plantayo major. Dracont'miii fuetklum L. Same as Spaihyema foetkla. Dragon's-claw. See CoraUorhiza odoiitorlriza. Dropwort, western. See J'orteranthus (rifoluihis. Drosera rotundifolia L. Sunde-w family (Droseraceae). Round-leaved sundew; youth wort. Low, perennial herb, growing in bogs and muddy shores of rivers from Canada to Florida and California. Part used. — Herb (nonoflicial). Dryopteris filix-mas (L. ) Schott. Fern family (Polypodiaceae). Synonyms.— Aspidiumjilix-mas Sw.; Polypodium Jiib-mas L. Aspidium; male-fern. Fern, with leaves 1 to 3 feet long; in rocky woods from Canada to northern Michigan, and in the Rocky Mountains to Arizona. Part used. — Rhizome (official). Dryopteris marginalis (L. ) A. Gray. Fern family (Polypodiaceae). Synonyms. — Aspidium marginale Sw.; Polypodium marginale L. Aspidium; evergreen wood-fern; marginal-fruited shield-fern. Fern, with leaves 6 inches to 2-2 feet long; in rocky woods from Canada south to Alabama and Arkansas. Part tised. — Rhizome (official). Dulcamara. See Solanum dulcamara. Dysentery-weed. See Gnaphalium uliginosum. Earth-smoke. See Fumaria officinalis. Ec'hinacea. See Brauneria angustifolia. Echinacea angustifolia DC. Same as Brauneria angustifolia. Elder. See Sambucus canadensis. Elder, American. See Sambucus canadensis. Elder, dwarf. See Aralia hispida. Elder, sweet. See Sambucus canadensis. Elder, \\\\(\. See Aralia hispida. Elecampane. See Imda lielenium. Elk-tree. See Oxydendrum arboreum. Elkwood. See Magnolia tripetala. Elliott' s-sabbatia. See Sabbatia elliottii. Elm. See Vlmus fulva. Elm, Indian. See TJlvfius fulva. Elm, moose-. See Ulmus fulva. Elm, red. See Ulmus fulva. Elm, slippery. See Ulmus fulva. Emetic-root. See Euphorbia coroUata. 28 WILD MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES. Epigaea repens L. Heath family (Ericaceae). Gravel-plant; trailing arbutus; mayfiower. Small, shrubby, native plant, spreading on the ground in sandy soil, especially under evergreen trees, from Florida to Michigan and northward. Part used. — Leaves (nonofBcial). Epilohhunanguslifolmm L. Same as Chamaenerion angtiMifoUum. Epilobium palustre L. Evening--primrose family ( Onagraceae). Swamp willow-herb; wickup. Slender, erect, native herb, 6 to 18 inches high, found in swamps and marshes from Canada and the New England States west to Colorado and Washington. Parts used. — Leaves and root (nonofficial). Epipltcgns vlrginuma Bart. Same as Leptamniuvi virfjinUtnuin. Equisetum^ hyemale L. Horsetail family (Equisetaceae). Common scouring-rush ; honsetail; shave-grass. Rush-like perennial plant, growing in wet places along river banks and borders of woods throughout nearly the whole of North America. Part used. — Plant (nonofficial). Erechtites hieracifolia (L.) Raf. Aster family (Asteraceae). Fireweed; pile wort. Native, annual herb, 1 to 8 feet high, in woods, fields, and waste places, Canada to Florida, Louisiana, and Nebraska. Part used. — Herb (nonofficial). Erigeron canadensis L. Aster family (Asteraceae). Synonym. — Leptilon eanadense (L. ) Britton.« Canada fleabane; horseweed; colt's-tail; prideweed; bitterweed. Native, annual weed, 3 inches to 10 feet in height; in fields and meadows, along roadsides, and in waste places, almost throughout North America. Part used.— Herh (nonofficial); the oil of erigeron, distilled from the fresh, flowering herb, is official. Erigeron philadelphicus L. Aster family (Asteraceae). Philadelphia fleabane; sweet scabious; daisy-fleabane. Native, perennial herb, 1 to 3 feet high, infields and woods througliout NOrtli America, exgept extreme North. Part used. — Herb (nonofiicial). Eriodictyon. See Eriodictyon californicum. Eriodictyon californicum (H. & A.) Greene. Waterleaf family ( Hy drophyllaceae ) . Synonym. — Eriodictyon glutinosum Benth. Eriodictyon; yerba santa; mountain-balm; consumptive's- weed; bear's- weed. Shrubby plant, 2 to 4 feet high, native; grows in clumps in dry situations and among rocks throughout California and northern Mexico. Part used. — Leaves (official). Eriodictyon glutinosum Benth. Same as Eriodictyon californicum. Eryngium ynccaefolium Michx. Same as Eryngium yuccifolium. Eryngium yuccifolium Michx. Parsley family ( Apiaceae). Synonym. — Eryngium ynccaefolium Michx. Water-eryngo; l)ntton-snakeroot; rattlesnake-weed; rattlesnake-master; corn- snakeroot. Native, perennial herb, 1 to 5 feet high, growing in swamps and low wet ground . from the pine barrens of New Jersey west to Minnesota, and south to Texas and Florida. Part used. — Rhizome (nonofficial). a Some authors hold that this plant belongs to the genus Leptilon and that its name should be Leptilon eanadense (L.) Britten. The Pharmacopceia is here followed. ERYNGO, WATER EUPHORBIA NUTANS. 29 Eryngo, water-. See Eryngium yuccifolium. Erythronium americanum Ker. liily family (Liiliaceae). Yellow adder' s-tongue; dog's-tooth violet; yellow snowdrop; rattlesnake- violet; yellow snakeleaf. Native, perennial herb, occurring in moist woods and thickets, Nova Scotia to Minnesota, south to Arkansas and Florida. Parts used.— Leaves and root (nonofficial). Euonymus. See Euonymus atropurpureus. Euonymus atropurpureus Jacq. Staflf-tree family (Celastraeeae). Euonymus; wahoo; burningbush; spindle-tree; Indian arrowwood. Native shrub or small tree, growing in woods and thickets from Ontario and eastern United States west to Montana. Part used. — Bark of root (official) . Eupatorium. See Eupatormm perfoliatum . Eupatorium ageratoides L. f. Aster family (Asteraceae). White snakeroot; white sanicle; Indian sanicle; deerwort-boneset; poolwort; poolroot; richweed; squaw-weed. Erect, perennial herb, 1 to 4 feet high, native; in rich woods from Canada to Georgia, west to Nebraska and Louisiana. Part used. — Root (nonofficial). Eupatorium aromaticum. L. Aster family (Asteraceae). Smaller white snakeroot; poolwort; poolroot; wild hoarhound. Native, perennial herb, 1 to 2 feet high; in dry soil from Massachusetts to Florida, especially throughout the Middle States. Part used. — Root (nonofficial). Eupatorium. perfoliatum L. Aster family (Asteraceae). Eupatorium; boneset; thoroughwort; Indian sage; agueweed; crosswort. Native, perennial herb, 1 to 5 feet high; in low, wet places from Canada to Florida, west to Texas and -Nebraska. Parts used. — Leaves and flowering tops (official). Eupatorium purpureum. L. Aster family (Asteraceae). Queen-of-the-meadow; gravelroot; Joe-Pye-weed ; purple boneset; kidneyroot. Native, perennial herb, 3 to 10 feet high; in low grounds from Canada to Florida and Texas. Parts used. — Root and herb (nonofficial). Euphorbia corollata L. Spurge family (Euphorbiaceae). Flowering spurge; emetic-root; milk-ipecac; snakemilk; purging-root. Native, perennial herb, about 3 feet in height, growing in dry fields and woods from Ontario to Florida and Minnesota to Texas. Part used. — Root (nonofficial).' Euphorhia hijpericifolia A. Gray. Same as EujyJiorhia nutans. Euphorbia ipecacuanhae L. Spurge family (Euphorbiaceae). Wild ipecac; ipecac-spurge; American ipecac; Carolina ii)ecac. Native, perennial herb, 4 to 10 inches high; in dry, sandy soil, mostly near the coast, from Connecticut to Florida. Part used. — Root (nonofficial). Euphorbia nutans Lag. Spurge family (Euphorbiaceae). Synonym. — Euphorhia hypericifoUa A. Gray. Large spotted spurge; black purslane; fluxweed; milk-purslane. Native, annual plant, from ^ to 2 feet in height; in rich soils, iields, and thickets throughout eastern North America, except extreme north, and extending west to the Rocky Mountains. Part used. — Herb (nonofficial). 30 WILD MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES. Euphorbia pilulifera L. Spurge family (Euphorbiaceae). Pill-bearing spurge; snakeweed; Queensland asthma-weed. Herbaceous annual, 10 to 15 inches high, occurring from the Gulf States through Texas to New Mexico. Part used. — Herb (nonofficial). Evening-primrose. See Oenothera biennis. Everlasting. See Anaphalis margaritacea. Everlasting, large-flowered. See Anaphalis margaritacea. Everlasting, pearly. See Anaphalis margaritacea. Eve's-cup. See Sarracenia flava. Fagara clava-herculis (L.) Small. Rue family (Rutaceae). Synoiiijrn. — Xanthoxylum clava-herculis L. Xanthoxylum; southern prickly ash; toothache-tree; yellowthorn; yellow- wood; Hercules-club. Small, indigenous, very prickly tree, sometimes 45 feet in height, occurring along streams from southern Virginia to Florida, west to Texas and Arkansas. Parts used. — Bark official under the name "Xanthoxylum"; berries (non- official). Fagus americana Sweet. Beech family (Fagaceae). Synonym. — Fagus ferruginea Ait. American beech; beechnut-tree. Large, native forest tree, growing in rich soil from Nova Scotia to Florida, west to Wisconsin and Texas. Parts used. — Bark and leaves (nonofficial). Fagus ferruginea Ait. Same as Fagus americana. Fairy-fingers. See Digitalis purpurea. Featherfew. See Chrysanthemum parthenium. Febrifuge-plant. See Chrysanthemum parthenium. Female-fern. See Athyrium filix-foemina and Polypodium vulgare. Fennel, dog-. See Anthemis cotula. Fern, evergreen wood-. See Dryopteris marginalis. Fern, female-. See Athyrium filix-foemina and Polypodium rulgare. Fern, lady-. See Athyrium filix-foemina. Fern, maidenhair-. See Adiantum pedatum. Fern, male-. See Dryopteris filix-mas. Fern, marginal-fruited shield-. See Dryopteris marginalis. Fern, meadow-. See Comptonia peregrina. Fern, parsley-. See Tanacetum vulgare. Fern, royal. See Osmunda regalis. Fern, sweet. See Comptonia peregrina. Fernroot. See Polypodium vulgare. Feverbush. See Benzoin benzoin and Ilex vertidUata. Feverfew, common. See Chrysanthemum parthenium. Feverroot. See Triosteum perfoliatum. Fevertwig. See Celastrus scandens. Field-balm. See Glecoma hederacea. Field-larkspur. See Delphinium consolida. Field-sorrel. See Rumex acetosella. i FIGWOKT, MARYLAND FRAXINUS NIGRA. 31 Figwort, Maryland. See Scrophularia marilandica. Fir, balsam-. See Ahies balsamea. Fireweed. See Erechtites hieracifolia. Fit-plant. See Monotropa uniflora. Fitroot. See Monotropa uniflora. Fivefinger. See Potentilla canadensis. Flag., blue. See Iris versicolor. Flag, cattail-. See Typha latifolia. Flag, sweet-. See Acorus calamus. Flag, water-. See Iris versicolor. Flag-lily. See Iris versicolor. Flannel-leaf. See Yerhascum thapsus. Fleabane, Canada. See Erigeron canadensis. Fleabane, daisy-. Hee Erigeron philadelphiciis. Fleabane, Philadelphia. See Erigeron iMladelphicus. Fluxweed. See Euphorbia nutans. Flytrap. See Sarracenia purpurea. Foamflower. See Tiarella cordifolia. Foxglove. See Digitalis purpurea. Fragaria virginiana Duchesne. Rose family (Bosaceae). Virginia strawberry; scarlet strawberry. Native, perennial herb, occurring in dry soil from Canada to Georgia, west to Indian Territory and Minnesota. Part used. — Leaves (nonofRcial). Frankenia grandifolia Cham. & Schlecht. Frankenia family (Frankeniaceae). Yerba reuma. Native, perennial herb, 8 to 13 inches high, common in salt marshes and sandy localities near the coast in California. Part used. — Herb (nonofficial). Frasera carolinensis Walt. Gentian family (Gentianaceae). Synonym. — Frasera- tvalteri Michx. American columbo; Indian lettuce; meadowpride; pyramid-flower. Smooth, perennial herb, 3 to 8 feet high, found in dry soil from New York to Wisconsin, south to Georgia and Kentucky. Part used. — Root (nonofficial). Frasera walteri Michx. Same as Frasera carolinensis. Fra.rinus acuminata Lam. Same as Fraxinus americana. Fra.rinus alba. Marsh. Same as Fraxinus americana. Fraxinus americana L. Olive family (Oleaceae). Si/noni/ms. — Fraxinus alba Marsh; Fraxinus acuminata Lam. White ash; cane-ash. Large, native forest tree, in rich woods from Nova Scotia to Minnesota, south to Florida and Texas. Occurs chiefly in the Northern States and Canada. Part used.— Bark ( nonofficial). Fraxinus nigra Marsh. Olive family (Oleaceae). Synonym. — Fraxinus sambucifolia Lam. Black ash; hoop-ash. Native tree, 40 to 70 feet in height, occurring in swamps and wet wood.^ from Canada to Virginia and Arkansas. Fart used. — Bark (nonofficial). 11072— No. 89—06 5 32 WILD MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES. Praxinus sambucifolia Lam. Same as Fraxinus nigra. Fringe-tree. See Chionanthus lirginica. Frost-plant. See Helianthemum canadense. Frostweed. See Helianthemum canadense. Frostwort. See Helianthemum canadense. Fuller's-herb. See Saponaria nfficinalin. Fumaria officinalis L. Poppy family (Papaveraceae). Fumitory; hedge-fumitorj' ; earth-smoke. Annual plant, 10 to 15 inches high, adventive from Europe and found in waste places about dwellings, in cultivated land, and on ballast, Nova Scotia to the Gulf States. Part used. — Herb (nonoflficial). Fumitory. See Pumaria officinalis. Fumitory, hedge-. See Pinnaria officinalis. Gagroot. See Lobelia inflata. Gale, sweet. See Myrica gale. Galium aparine L. Madder family (Rubiaceae). Cleavers; goose-grass; cleaverwort; bedstraw; catcliweed. Annual plant, with weak, procumbent stem, 2 to 6 feet long, growing in shady thickets and margins of woods. New Brunswick south to Florida and Texas. Naturalized from Europe. Part used. — Herb of this and of other species of Galium (nonofficial). Gall weed. See Gentiana quinquefolia. Garden-balm. See J/e^i.ss« officinalis. Garden-celandine. See Chelidonium majus. Garden-columbine. See Aquilegia vulgaris. Garden-valerian. See Valeriana officinalis. Garget. See Phytolacca decandra. Gaultheria procumbens L. Heath. fam.ily (Ericaceae). Wintergreen; checkerberry; mountain-tea; teaberry; deerberry. Small, native perennial, with evergreen leaves, found in sandy soils in cool, damp woods, especially under evergreen trees, in Canada and the northeastern United States. Part used. — Leaves (nonofficial) ; the oil of gaultheria, distilled from the leaves, is official. Gay-feather. See Lacinaria scariosa and L. spicata. Gelsemium. See Gelsemium sempervirens. Gelsemium^ sempervirens (L. ) Ait. f. Logania family ( Log-aniaceae ) . Gelsemium; yellow jasmine; Carolina jasmine; wild woodbine. Twining, shrubby perennial, native, growing on low ground in woods and thickets from eastern Virginia to Florida and Texas, mostly near the coast. Parts used. — Rhizome and roots (official). Gemfruit. See Tiarella cordifolia. Gentian, American. See Gentiana saponaria. Gentian, blue. See Gentiana saponaria. Gentian, five-flowered. See Gentiana quinquefolia. Gentian, horse-. See Triosteum perfoliatum. Gentian, marsh-. See Gentiana villosa . Gentian, snake-. See Nahalus serpentarius. GENTIAN, SOAPWORT GINSENG. 33 Gentian, goapwort-. See Gentiana saponaria. Gentian, stiff. See Gentiana quinquefoUa. Gentian, straw-colored. See Gentiana villosa. Gentian, striped. See Gentiana villosa. Gentian, white. See Triosteum perfoliatum. Gentiana catesbaei Walt. Same as Gentiana saponaria. Gentiana ochroleuca Froel. Same as Gentiana villosa. Gentiana quinqueflora Lam. Same as Gentiana quinquefoUa. Gentiana quinquefoUa L. Gentian family (Gentianaceae). Synonym. — (rcntiana quinqueflora Lam. Stiff gentian; five-flowered gentian; agueweed; gallweed. Native, annual plant, 1 to 2 feet in height, growing in pastures and other open situations from Maine to Michigan, south to Florida and Missouri. Parts used. — Root and herb (nonofficial). Gentiana saponaria L. Gentian family ( Gentianaceae ) . Synonym. — Gentiana catesbaei Walt. American gentian ; blue gentian; soapwort-gentian. Native, perennial herb, 1 to 2^ feet high; in wet soil, Ontario to ^linnesota, south to Louisiana and Florida. Part used. — Root (nonofficial). Gentiana villosa L. Gentian family (Gentianaceae). Synonym. — Gentiana ochroleuca Froel. Striped gentian; straw-colored gentian ; marsh-gentian; Sanipson's-snakeroot. Native, perennial herb, 6 to 18 inches high; in shaded places, Middle and Southern States. Part used.— 'Root (nonofficial). Geranium. See Geranium maculatum. Geranium maculatum L. Geranium family (Geraniaceae). Geranium; wild crane's-l)ill; spotted crane's-bill; wild geranium; spotted gera- nium; alum-root. Native, perennial herb, 1 to I5 feet high; found in low grounds and open woods from Canada south to Georgia and Missouri. Part used. — Rhizome (official). Geranium, spotted. See Geranium maculatum. Geranium, wild. See Geranium maculatum. Geum rivals L. Rose family ( Rosaceae)'. Water-avens; purple avens. Native, perennial herb, 1 to 2 feet high, occurring in swamps and wet meadows from Canada to Pennsylvania and Colorado, especially in the Northern and Middle States. Parts used. — Rhizome and rootlets (nonofficial). Ghostfiower. See Monotropa uniflora. Gillenia trifoliata Moench. Same as Porteranthus trifoliatus. Gill-over-the-ground. See Gfcconia hederacea. Ginger, Indian. See Asarum canadense. Ginger, wild. See Asarum canadense. Gingerroot. See Tussdagofarfara. Ginseng. See Panax quinquefoHion. 34 WILD MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES. Glecoma hederacea L. Mint family (Menthaceae). Siinonym. — Nepeta glechoma Benth. Ground-ivy; gill-over-the-ground; catfoot; fielirca jialnstris. Mezereum. See Daphne inezereurn. Mezereiun officinarinn C. A. Mey. Same as Daphne mezereum. Micrpmeria chamissonis (Benth.) Greene. Mint family (Menthaceae). Synonym. — Micromeria douglasU Benth. Yerba buena. A trailing, perennial herb, common in woods along the Pacific coast of the United States. Part used. — Plant (nonofficial). Micromeria douglasii Benth. Same as Micromeria chamissonis. Milfoil. See Achillea millefolium. Milk-ipecac. See Euphorbia corollata. Milk-purslane. See Eujjhorbia nutans. Milkweed, common. See Asclepias syriaca. Milkweed, swamp-. See Asclepias incarnata. Milkweed, trumpet-. See Lactuca canadensis. Milkwort, Nuttall's-. See Poly gala nuttalUi. Mint, hairy mountain-. See Koellia pilosa. Mint, mountain-. See Monarda didyma. Mint, thin-leaved mountain-. See Koellia montana. jVIistletoe. See Phoradendron flavescens. Mistletoe, American. See Phoradendron favescens. Mitchella repens L. Madder family (Rubiaceae). Squaw-vine; checkerberry; partridgeberry ; deerberry; hive-vine; squawberry. Small, creeping, evergreen herb, common in moist woods from Nova Scotia to IVIinnesota, south to Florida and Arkansas. Part xised. — Plant (nonofficial). Miterwort, false. See Tiarella cordifolia. Moccasin-fiower, yellow. See Cypripedium hirsutum. Mohawk-weed. See Uvularia perfoliata. Monarda didyma L. Mint family (Menthaceae). Bee-balm; Oswego tea; mountain-mint; scarlet balm. Native perennial, 2 to 3 feet high, growing in moist soil, especially along streams, from New Brunswick to Michigan and south to Georgia. Pari used. — Herb (nonofficial). Monarda fistulosa L. Mint family (Menthaceae). Wild bergamot; horsemint. Native perennial, 2 to 3 feet high, found on dry hills and in thickets from Ontario south to Floi-ida and Louisiana. Part used. — Herb (nonofficial). 48 WILD MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES. Monarda punctata L. Mint family ( Menthaceae ) . Horsemint. Native, perennial herb, 2 to 3 feet high, found in dry, sandy fields from New York to Florida, west to Wisconsin and Texas. Part used.— Kerh (non official). Monotropa uniflora L. Indian-pipe family (Monotropaceae). Indian-pipe; fit-plant; fitroot; ghostflower; pipe-plant. A curious plant, white in all its parts, growing in rich, moist woods from (Canada to Florida, westward to Washington and California. Part used. — Root (nonofficial). Moonseed, Canada. See Menispermum (-(madense. Moose-elm. See Ulmusfidva. Moosewood. See Dirca palustris. Mortification-root. See Althaea officinalis. Moss, club-. See Lycopodium clavatum. Moss, haircap-. See Polytriclium juniperinum. Motherwort. See Leonurus cardiaca. Mountain-ash, American. See Sorbus americana. Mountain-balm. See Eriodictyon californicum. Mountain-laurel. See Kalmia latifolia. Mountain-magnolia. See Magnolia acuminata. Mountain-mint. See Monarda didyma. Mountain-mint, hairy. See Koellia pilosa. Mountain-mint, thin-leaved. See Koellia montana. Mountain-sumac. See Sorbus americana. Mountain-tea. See Gaultheria procumbens. Mouse-ear. See Gnaphalium uliginosurn. Mouthroot. See Coptis trifoKa. Mugwort, connnon. See Artemisia vuUjaris. Mullein. See Verbascum thapsus. Musquash-root. See Cicuta maculata. Mustard, black. See Brassica nigra. Mustard, Ijrown. See Brassica nigra. Mustard, red. See Brassica nigra. Mustard, white. See Sinajjis alba. Mustard, yellow. See Sinapis alba. Myrica asplenifolia L. Same as Comptonia peregrina. Myrica cerifera L. Bayberry family (Myricaceae). Bayberry; wax-myrtle; candleberry; waxberry. Grows in sandy swamps or wet woods from Florida and Texas northward to Maryland. In the South it is a small evergreen tree, becoming in its north- ward range a tall, semi-deciduous shrub, or a dwarfed and deciduous shrub. Parts used. — Bark of root, leaves, and berries (nonofficial).. Myrica gale L. Bayberry family (Myricaceae). Sweet gale; Dutch myrtle; bog-myrtle; golden osier. Indigenous shrub, growing in swamps and along streams from Canada and Alaska to Virginia and Washington. Parts used. — Leaves and buds (nonofficial). MYRTLE, BOG NYSSA CAPITATA. 49 Myrtle, bog-. See Myrica gnle. Myrtle, Dutch. See Myrica gale. Myrtle, wax-. See Myrica cerifera. Nabalus albus (L. ) Hook. Chicory family (Cichoriaceae). tSyno))y)n. — Premintlics alha L. Liou's-foot; rattles^nake-root; white lettuce; white canker-weed. Native, perennial lierb, 2 Lo 4 feet high, common in rich, moist woods from Canada to Georgia and Kentucky. I'aH ufti'd. — Plant (nonothcial). Nabalus serpentarius (Pursh) Hook. Chicory family (Cichoriaceae). Synonym. — Prenanthes serpentaria Pursh. Lion's-foot; canker-weed; white lettuce; rattlesnake-root; snake-gentian. Native, perennial herb, about 2 feet high, growing in dry, sandy soil in fields and thickets from Ontario to Florida and Alabama. Part used. — Plant ( nonofficial ) . Nannybush. See Vibiu-num lentago. Necklace-weed. See Actaea alba and Onosmodium virginianum. Nepeta cataria L. Mint family (Menthaceae) . Catnip; catmint. Common, perennial weed, 2 to 3 feet high, naturalized from Europe; found in waste places and cultivated land from Canada to Minnesota, south to Virginia and Arkansas. Partu-sed. — Herb (nonofficial). Nepeta glechoma Benth. Same as Glecoma hederacea. Netleaf-plantain. See Peramium puhescens. Netleaf-plantain, smaller. See Peramium repens. Nettle, bull-. See Solannm carolinense. Nettle, great. See Urtica dioica. Nettle, horse-. See Solanum carolinense. Nettle, stinging. See Urtica dioica. Niggerhead. See Brauneria angustifolia. Nightshade, woody. See Solanum dulcamara. Niiphar advena R. Br. Same as Nymphaea advena. Nuttall's-milkwort. See Polygala nuttallii. Nymphaea advena Soland. Water-lily family (Nymphaeaceae). Syiioiiyiu. — Nuphar advena R. Br. Large yellow pond-lily; cow-lily; spatter-dock; beaverroot. An aquatic: plant, found in ponds and sloiv streams from Canada to Florida, and westward to the Rocky Mountains. Part used. — Rhizome (nonofficial). Nymphaea odorata Dryand. Same as Castalia odorata. Nyssa aquatica L. Dogwood family (Cornaceae). Synonym. — Nyssa uniflora Wang. Large tupelo; cotton-gum; tupelo gum. A large, native tree, occurring in swamps from southern Virginia to Florida, west to Texas and IVIissouri, Part used. — Root wood (nonofficial). Nyssa capitata Walt. Same as Nyssa ogeche. 50 AVILD MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES. Nyssa ogeche .Marsh. Dogwood family (Cornaceae). Sli7ioni/))i. — Xt/ssa capitata Walt. Sour tupelo; Ogeechee lime. A .small tree, growino; in swamps near the seacoast from southern South Caro- lina to Florida. Part used. — Root wood (nonofficial). Ny>2 WILD MEDICINAL I'LANTS OF THE UNITED STATES. Sanicula marilandica L. Parsley family (Apiaceae). Black sanicle; black nnakeroot; American sanicle; poolroot. Native, perennial herb, 1 to 3 feet high; in rich woods, Cana Louisiana and Nebraska. Part used. — Root (nonofficial). Silverleaf. See Impatiens biflora, Spiraea tomeutosa, and Stdlbigia .^yl/alira. Silverleaf-poplar. See Populus alba. Simpler' s-joy. See Verbena hastata. Sinapis alVja. See Sinapis alba L. Sinapis alba L. Mustard family ( Brassicaceae). Sinapis alba; white mustard; yellow mustard. Annual herb, about 2 feet in height, natuializcd from Europe, and found in fields and waste places, but not so widely distributed as the black mustard. Par< ((.sed.— Seed (oflScial). Sinapis nigra. See Brassica nigra. Sinapis nigra L. Same as Bras.Kica nigra. Skullcap. See Scutellaria lateriflora. Skullcap, hyssop-. See Scutellaria integrifolia. Skullcap, larger. See Scutellaria integrifolia. Skunk-cabbage. See Spathyema foetida. Skunk weed. See Spathyema foetida. Sloe. See Vitmnnun prunifolium. ' Snialliiox-planl. '^w Sarracenia jnirpnrra. &MARTWEED SOLANUM CAROLINENSE. 65 Smartweed. See Polygoniun lii/dropiper. Smartweed, dotted. See Polygonum punctaium. Smartweed, water-. See Polygonum punctatum. SmUacina racemosa Desf. Same as Vagnera rdcemoaa. Smilax herbacea L. Smilax family ( Smilacaceae). C'anion-Hijwer; American Jacob' s-ladder. Native, herbaceous perennial, occurring in woods and tiiickets in CJunada and the eastern United States. Fartim'd. — Herb (nonofficial). Smilax pseudo-china L. Smilax family ( Smilacaceae ) . Bamboo-brier; long-.«talked greenbrier; American China-root; false China-root; l)ulll)rier. Perennial vine, native, growing in dry or sandy thickets, Maryland to Florida, west to Texas and Nebraska. Part vsrd. — Rhizome (nonofficial). Snake-gentian. See Ndhahix serpentariui^. Snakehead. See ('helone ghihra. Snakeleaf, yellow. See EryOu'onium (ivu'ricariinn. Snake-lily. See Iris versicolor. Snakemilk. See Euphorbiu rorollnta. Snakeroot, black. See Cimicifiiga racemosa and San tenia marilandica. Snakeroot, button-. See Erynglum yuccifoliinn. Snakeroot, Canada. See Asanim canadense. Snakeroot, corn-. See Eryngium yuccifolium and Lacinaria spicata. Snakeroot, dense l)utton-. See Lacinaria. spicata. Snakeroot, large button-. See Lacinaria scario.m. Snakeroot, Red River. See Aristolochia reticulata. Snakeroot, Sampson's-. See Gentiana villosa. Snakeroot, Samson's-. See Psoralen pedunculata . Snakeroot, Senec^a. See Poly gala senega. Snakeroot, smaller white. See Eupatorium aroiitatic-nm. Snakeroot, Texas. See Aristolochia reticulata. Snakeroot, \'irginia. See Aristolochia serpentarin. Snakeroot, white. See Enpatorinin ageratoides. Snake- violet. See Viola pedata. Snakeweed. See Euphorbia piluUfera. Snapweed. See Impatiens aurea and I. hiflora. Sneeze weed. See Helenium autumnale. Sneezewort. See Helenium autumnale. Snowdroi), yellow. See Lyythronium amrricamnn. Soaproot. See Saponaria officinalis. Soapwort. See Saponaria officinalis^. Soapwort-gentian. See (lentiaiia saponaria. Solanum carolinense L. Potato family (Solanaceae). llorse-nettle; bull-nettle; sandbrier. Rough-hairy, native, perennial herb, common in dry fields and on sandy or gravelly banks from the eastern United States west to Texas and Nebraska. Parts used. — Root, leaves, and berries (nonofii(!ial). 66 WILD MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES. Solanum dulcamara L. Potato family ( Solanaceae ) . Dulcamara; bittersweet; woody nightshade; violet-bloom; scarletberry. Climbine shrubby perennial, naturalized from Europe; found in low, damp grounds and moist banks, New Brunswick to Minnesota, south to New Jersey and Kansas. Part usgrf.— Young branches (official in V. S. P. 1890). Solidago odora Ait. Aster family ( Asteraceae ) . Sweet goldenrod; fragrant-leaved goldenrf)d; anise-scented goldenrod. Slender, perennial herb, 2 to 3 feet high, native; in dry soil from Maine to Texas. Parts used. — Leaves and tops (nonofficial). Bolomon's-seal, false. See Vagnera racemosd. Solomon' s-seal, giant. See Polygonatum commntatum. Solomon's-seal, great. See Polygonatum commulatum,. Solomon' s-seal, hairy. See Polygonatum Uflorum. Solomon's-seal, small. See Vagnera racemosa. Solomon's-seal, smaller. See Polygonatum Mfloriun. Solomon's-seal, smooth. See Polygonatum commutatum. Sorbus americana Marsh. Apple family (Malaceae). Synonym. — Pyrus americana DC. American mountain-ash; roundwood; dogberry; mountain-sumac; American service-tree. Indigenous tree or tall shrub, growing in low woods or moist ground from New- foundland south along the mountains to North Carolina, and to Michigan. Parts used.— Bark and berries (nonofficial). Sorrel, common. See Rumex acetosella. Sorrel, field-. See Rumex acetosella. Sorrel, sheep-. See Rumex acetosella. Sorrel, white wood-. See Oxalis acetosella. Sorrel-tree. See Oxydendrum arboreum. Sour-grass. See Rumex acetosella. Sourwood. See Oxydendrum arboreum. Southernwood. See Artemisia abrotanum. Spathyema foetida (L. ) Raf. ~ Arum family ( Araceae). Synonyms. — Dracontiumfoetidum L. ; Symplorarpus foetidns Nutt. Skunk-ca])bage; skunkweed; polecat-weed; s\vamp-cabl)age. Indigenous, perennial herb, about 1 to 2 feet high, found in swamps and wet soil from Canada south to Florida, Iowa, and Minnesota. Appears very early in spring. Parts used. — Rhizome and roots (nonofficial). Spatter-dock. See Nymphaea advena. Spearmint. See Mentha spicata. Speedwell, common. See ]"eronica officinalis. Speedwell, tall. See Veronica virginica. Spicebush. See Benzoin benzoin. Spicewood. See Benzoin benzoin. Spigelia. See Spiyelia marilandica. SPIGELIA MARILANDICA STARWORT. 67 Spigelia marilandica L. Logania family (IiOgraniaceae). Spigelia; pinkn.xjt; Maryland pinkroot; Indian pinkroot; worm-grass. Erect, native, perennial herb, 6 inches to U feet high, found in rich woods. New jersey to Florida, west to Texas and AVisconsin. Occurs principally in the Southern States. I'ariK used. — Rhizome and roots (official). Spignet. See Antlid raremosa. Spikenard. See Anilia racemosa. Spikenard, American. See Aralia rarcmosa. Spikenard, false. See Yagneni ntceiiioxd. Spikenard, small. See Aralia nidlii-diilin. Spikenard, wild. See Yngnera rucemusa. Spindle-tree. See Euoni/mus atrii/iiirpnreus. Spiraea. See Spiraea iomentom. Spiraea tomentosa L. Bose family (Rosaceae). Spiraea; hardback; steeplebush; pink meadowsweet; silverleaf. Native shrub, occurring in low grounds and laoist meadows from Nova Scotia south to Georgia, west to Kansas and Manitoba. Parts used. — Leaves and root (nonofhcial). Spleenwortbush. See Comptonia peregrina. Spruce, black. See Picea mariana. Spruce, hemlock-. See Tsuga canadensis. Spruce, weeping. See Tsuga canadensis. Spruce-gum tree. See Picea mariana. Spurge, flowering. See Euphorhia corolUita. Spurge, ipecac-. See Euphorbia ipecacuanhae. Spurge, large spotted. See Euphorbia rnitans. Spurge, pill-bearing. See Euphorbia, pihdifera. Spurge-laurel. See Daphne mezereuuu Spurge-olive. See Daphne rnezereuni. Squawberry. See Mitchella repens. Squawbush. See Viburnum ojndus. Squawflower. See Trillium erectum. Squawmint. See Hedeoma pulegioides. Squawroot. See Caulophyllurn thalidroides and Cimicifuga racemosa. Squaw-vine. See Mitchella repens. Squaw-weed. See Eupatorium agcratoides. Squaw-A\eed, swamp. See Senecio aureus. Squirrel-corn. See Bikukulla canadensis. Squirrel-ear. See Peramium repens. Staff-tree. See Celastrus scandens. Stagbush.- See Viburnum prunifolium. Staggerweed. See Bikukulla canadensis. Stag's-hoin. See Lycopodium clavatum. Stanniierwort. See Arnhmsia arliiniaiaefolia. Star-grass. See Alefri^ furiiKixii. Starwort. See Chamaelirimu lutenni. 68 WILD MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES. Starwort, drooping. See Chamadirmm luteum. Statice caroliniana Walt. Same as Limonium caroLmianum. Steeplebush. See Spiraea tomentosa. Stellaria media Cyr. Same as Alsine media. Stillingia. See Stillingia sylvatica. Stilling-ia sylvatica L. Spurge family (Euphorbiaceae). Stillingia; queen's-root; queen' s-delight; silverleaf. Native, herbaceous perennial, 1 to 3 feet in height, occurring in dry, sandy soil, and pine barrens from Maryland to Florida, west to Kansas and Texas. Part used. — Root (official). Stonecrop, ditch-. See Penthonim nedoidex. Stonecrop, Virginia. See Penthorum. sedoidcK. Stonemint. See Cunila origanoides. Stone-oak. See Quercus alba. Stoneroot. See CoUinsonia canadensis. Stramonium. See Datura stramonium. Strawberry, scarlet. See Fragaria virginiana. Strawberry, Virginia. See Fragaria virginiana. Strawberry-shrub, hairy. See Butneria jiorida. Stylosanthes biflora (L.) B. S. P. Pea family (Fabaceae). Synonym. — Stylosanthes elatior Sw. Pencil-flower; afterbirth- weed. Wiry, perennial herb, 6 inches to 2 feet in height, native; occurring in dry soil from New York to Florida, west to the Indian Territory. Part used.— Ht'vh (nonofficial). Stylosanthes elatior Sw. Same as Stylosanthes bijtora. Succory. See Cichoriiim intybuft. Sumac, fragrant. See Rhus aramatica. Sumac, mountain-. See Sorbus (iinrricana. Sumac, scarlet. See Rhns glabra. Sumac, smooth. See Rhus glabra. Sumac, sweet-scented. See Rhus aromatlca. Summer-savory. See Saturela hortensis. Sundew, round-leaved. See Drosera rotundij'olia. Sunflower, swamp-. See Helenium (uitumntde. Swamp squaw-weed. See Senecio aureus. Swamp willow-herb. See Epilobium jKdustre. Swamp-cabbage. See Spathyema foetida. Swamp-dogwood. See Cornus amomum. Swamp-hellebore. See Veratrum viride. Swamp-laurel. See Magnolia virginiana. Swamp-maple. See Acer rubrum. Swamp-milkweed. See Asclepias incarnata. Swamp-sassafras. See Magnolia lirginiana. Swamp-silk weed. See Asclepias incarnata. Swamp-sunflower. See Helenium autumnale. Swamp-willow. See Salix nigra. SWEATWEED THIMBLEBERRY. 69 Sweatweed. See Althaea officinalis. Sweet-cicely. See Washingtonia longistylia. Sweet-flag. See Acorns calainus. Sweet-gum. See Liquidamhar styracijiua. Sweetroot. See Polemonium reptaus. Symphytum officinale L. Borage family ( Boraginaceae). Comfrey; healing-herb; blackwort; bruisewort. Erect, perennial herb, 2 to 3 feet high, naturalized from Europe; found in waste places, Newfoundland to Minnesota, south to Maryland. Part used. — Root (nonotiicial). Sj/mplocarpus foetidns Nutt. Same as Spathyetna foetida. Tag-alder. See Alnus ragosa. Tamarack. See Larix laricina. Tanacetum. See Tanacelum vulgare. Tanacetum vulgare L. Aster family ( Aster aceae). Tanacetum; tansy; doul>le tansy; bitter-buttons; parsley -fern. Strong-scented, perennial herb, 1^ to :i feet high, introduced from Europe; escaped from (-ultivation and found along roadsides from Nova Scotia to Min- nesota, south to North Carolina and Missouri. Parts used. — Leaves and flowering tops (otflcial in U. S. P. 1890). Tanbark-tree. See Tsuga canadensis. Tansy. See Tanacetum vulgare. Tansy, double. See Tanacetum vulgare. Taraxacum. See Taraxacum, officinale. Taraxacum officinale Weber. « Chicory family (Cichoriaceae). Siinonyiit. — Taraxacani taraxacum (L. ) Karst." Taraxacum; dandelion; blowball; cankerwort. Low, perennial weed, 5 to 10 inches high, naturalized from Europe; very abun- dant in lawns, meadows, and waste places throughout the United States, with the exception of the South. Part used. — Root, collected in autumn (official). Taraxacum taraxacum (L. ) Karst. Same as Tara.idcKm nmswick and Ontario south along the mountains to Ceorgia, and westward to Minnesota. Part used. — Bark (nonofficial). Viburnum lentago L. Honeysuckle family (Caprifoliaceae). Nannybush; shcepljerry; sweet viburnum. An indigenous slirul), sometimes asmall tree; in rich soil from ("anada to ( leorgia and Missouri. Part used. — Bark of the root of this specuesorof V. prun [folium ofiicial under the name "Viburnum prunifolium." '(Some authors hold that this phmt bolonss to the gciiiis Leptanrlrn and that its iiamo nltould bo l,fl>taiiSee Viburnum opiilus L. Viburnum opulus L. Honeysuckle family (Caprifoliaceae). Viburnum opulus; cramp-bark; high-bush cranberry; squawbush. Indigenous shrub, 4 to 10 feet in height, found in low, rich woods and borders of fields from New Jersey, Michigan, and Oregon, northward. Part used. — Bark (official). Viburnum prunifolium. See Vihurnum lentago and V. prunifolium L. Viburnum prunifolium L. Honeysuckle family ( Capriioliaceae ) . Bla(;k haw; sloe; stagbush. Indigenous shrub or small tree, growing in dry woods and thickets and on rocky hillsides, Connecticut to Florida, west to Michigan and Texas. Most aVmn- dant in the South. Pcu't used. — Bark of the root of this species or of I', lentago official under the name "Viburnum prunifolium." Viburnum, sweet. See Viburnum lentago. Vine-maple. See Menispermum canadense. Viola odorata L. Violet family (Violaceae). English violet; sweet violet; March violet. Low herb, native of Europe; escaped from gardens, Nova Scotia to New York and New Jersey, and on the Pacific coast. Part used. — Flowers (nonofficial). Viola pedata L. Violet family (Violaceae). Bird's-foot violet; wood-violet; snake-violet. Native plant, perennial, 3 to 10 inches high, occurring in dry fields and on hill- sides from Maine to Minnesota, south to Florida and Missouri. Parts Msed.— Herb and root (nonofficial). Viola tricolor L. Violet family (Violaceae). Pansy; heartsease. Small herb, 4 to 12 inches high, introduced from Europe; found in waste places, sparingly escaped from gardens. Part used. — Flowering herb (nonofficial). Violet, bird's-foot. See Viola pedata. Violet, dog's-tooth. See Erythronium americanum. Violet, English. See Viola odorata. Violet, March. See Viola odorata. Violet, rattlesnake-. See Erythronium aniericaniim. Violet, snake-. See Viola pedata. Violet, sweet. See Viola odorata. Violet, wood-. See Viola pedata. Violet-bloom. See Solarium dulcamara. Virginia creeper. See Parthenocissus quinquefolia. Virgin' s-bower. See Clematis mrginiaiiu. ViscumflavescensPnrsh. ^iame as Phoradendr on ft avescens. J Vomitwort. See Lobelia inflata. J Wafer-ash. See Ptelea trifoUatu. Wahoo. See Euonymus atropurpureus. ' ] Wake-robin. See Arisaema triphyllum and Trillium erectum. " Walnut, white. See Juglans cinerea. Wai'twort. See Gnaphaiinm uliginosum. i WASHINGTONIA LONGISTYLIS WOOD-FERN, EVERGREEN. 75 Washingtonia longistylis (Torr. ) Britton. Parsley family ( Apiaceae). Synonym. — Osmorrhiza hngutylls DC. > Sweet-cicely; anise-root; sweet chervil. Erect, rather stout, perennial herb, 2 to 3 feet high, native; in rich, moist woods and banks of streams from Canada to Alabama and Texas. Part used. — Root ( nonofficial ) . \\'ater-avens. See Geum. rivalc Water-bugle. See Lycopas virginicus. Watercup. See Sarracenla flnnt and S. purpurea. Watercup, yellow-flowered. See Sarracenia flava. ^\'ater-eryngo. See Eryngimn yuccifolium. Water-flag. See Iris rersuvlor. Water-hemlock. See Cicuta nidcuUtta. Water-hoarhound. See Lycopus rirginuMs. A^'ater-lily. See Castalia odorata. Water-lily, sweet-scented. See Castalia, odorata. Water-pepper. See Polygonum hydropiper. Water-shamrock. See Menyanthes trifoliata. Water-smartweed. See Polygonum punctatum. Waxberry. See Myrica cerifera. Wax-myrtle. See Myrica cerifera. Waxwork. See Celastrus scandens. \Vaythorn. See Rhamnus cathartica. White-bark. « See Populus alba. Whiteroot. See Asclepias luberosa. Whitethorn. See Crataegus oxyacantha. ^Vhitewood. See Liriodendron tuHpifera and Tilia amerirana. Wickopy. See Dirca palustris. AVickup. See Chamaenerion angustifolium and Epilobiam jxitustre. Willow, black. See ASaiu' nigra. Willow, European. See Salix alba. Willow, pussy-. See Salix nigra. Willow, rose-. See Cornus amomurn. Willow, swamp-. See Salix nigra. Willow, white. See Salix alba. Willow-herb, great. See Chanawnerion. angustifolium. Willow-herb, night. See Oenothera biennis. Willow-herb, swamp. See Epilobium palustre. Wingseed. See Ptelea trifoliata. Winterberry, Virginia. See Ilex vertidllata. Winterbloom. See Hamamelis virginiana. Wintergreen. See Gaultheria procumbens. ^Vintergreen, bitter. See Chimaphila umhellata. Witch-hazel. See Hamamelis virginiana. Woodbine, wild. See Gelsemium sempervirens. Wood-fern, evergreen. See Dryopteris marginalis. 76 WILD MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES. Wood-Korrel, white. See OxiiUi^ aretoxeUa. Wood-violet. See Viola pedata. Worm-grass. See Spif/elia marilandica. Wormseed. See Chenopodium anthelmirdicum. Wormseed, American. See Chenopodium ambrosioides. Wormwood. See Artemisia absinthium. Wormwood, Roman. See Ambrosia artemisiaefolia. Xanthium spinosum L. Ragweed family ( Ambrosiaceae). Spiny clotbur; spiny burseed; thorny clotweed; thorny burweed. An annual weed, 1 to 3 feet high, naturalized from Europe or Asia; in waste ground, Ontario to Florida, westward to Missouri and Texas. Part used. — -Leaves (nonofficial). Xanthorrliiza apiifolia L'Her. Crowfoot family (Ranunculaceae). Shrub yellowroot; southern yellowroot. Low, shrubby, indigenous perennial, 1 to 2 feet high, growing in woods and along river Ijanks, southwestern New York to Florida, chiefly in the moun- tains. Parts used. — Rhizome and roots (nonofficial). Xanthoxylum. See Fagara rlara-herculis and Xantlioxylum americanum. Xanthoxylum americanum Mill. Rue family (Rutaceae). Sy)i9. American Varieties of Lettuce. 1904. Price, 15 cents. 70. The Commercial Status of Durum Wheat. 1904. Price, 10 cents. 71. Soil Inoculation for Legumes. 1905. Price, 15 cents. 72. Miscellaneous Papers: I. Cultivation of Wheat in Permanent Alfalfa Fields. II. The Salt Water Limits of Wild Rice. III. Extermina- tion of Johnson Grass. IV. Inoculation of Soil with Nitrogen-Fixing Bacteria. 1905. Price, 5 cents. 73. The Development of Single-Germ Beet Seed. 1905. Price, 10 cents. 74. The Prickly Pear and Other Cacti as Food for Stock. 1905. Price, 5 cents. 75. Range Management in the State of Washington. 1905. Price, 5 cents. 76. Copper as an Algicide and Disinfectant in Water Supplies. 1905. Price, 5 cents. 77. The Avocado, a Salad Fruit from the Tropics. 1905. Price, 5 cents. 78. Improving the Quality of Wheat. [In press.] 79. The Variability of Wheat Varieties in Resistance to Toxic Salts. 1905. Price, 5 cents. 80. Agricultural Explorations in Algeria. 1905. Price, 10 cents. 81. Evolution of Cellular Structures. 1905. Price, 5 cents. 82. Grass Lands of the South Alaska Coast. 1905. Price, 10 cents. 83. The Vitality of Buried Seeds. 1905. Price, 5 cents. 84. The Seeds of the Bluegrasses. [In press.] jl'^ASHiNGTON, D. C, Sejjtemher 8, 1905. CONTENTS. Page. Introduction 5 Distribution 5 Habitat 6 Germination of the seed 7 Fall seeding versus spring seeding 7 Directions for storing the seed 8 Detailed conditions and results of storage experiments 9 Packing for transportation 11 Methods of making germination tests 11 Effect of temperature on germination 12 Summary' 12 Description of plates 16 3 ILLUSTRATIONS. Page. Plate I. Wild rice growing in water after being kept wet in cold storage at a temperature of 32-34° F., from October 19, 1903, to November 15, 1904 16 II. Stages of germination of wild rice, showing the development of the root system and the relative position of the seedling and the parent seed 16 4 B. P. 1.-1/ THE STORAGE AND GERMINATION OF WILD RICE SEED." INTRODUCTION. The seed of wild rice, sometimes called Indian rice or water oats [Zlsania aquatica L.), has alwaj^s been a very valuable food among the Indians, especially those of the upper ^Mississippi Valley. Of recent 3'ears wild rice has found a place on the menu cards of some of our best American hotels. The rich and highlv nutritious o-rains. together with the slightly smoky flavor it has when properly pre- pared, make it an extremely palatable article of diet. If it were not for the difficulties of harvesting the seed and preparing the finished product for market it is probable that wild rice would find a place in many American homes. At present, however, the greatest interest in wild rice is created by the vahie of the seed as a food for wild waterfowl, particularly wild ducks. As a result of this interest the propagation of wild rice from seed has become a question of considerable importance, especial!}' to the members of the gunning clubs throughout the United States and Canada. DISTRIBUTION. The. distribution of wild rice is now reported from New Brunswick and Assiniboia south to Florida, Louisiana, and Texas. There are. however, comparative!}' few localities in which it grows abundantly. « Wild rice is considered one of the most important foods for Avild ducks and other waterfowl, and a large number of inquiries have been received from meni1)ers of gunning chiles throughout the United States asking where good, germinable seed can be secured. It is quite generally recognized that wild rice seed lofes its vitality if allowed to become dry, and better methods of storing the seed during the winter have long since been demanded. The results of investigations begun two years ago show that wild rice seed can be handled without any deterioration in vitality if it is harvested and stored according to methods outlined in the present paper. J. W. T. DrvEL, Actiiuj BoianiM in Charge nf Seed LdhiD-dlor;/. Seed I^auoratory, Wushimjton, D. V., Jabj JO, lUO,'). 5 6 STORAGE AND GERMINATION OF WILD RICE SEED. Good reasons exist for assiiniing that this area can be extended to include all fresh-Avater lakes, as well as swamps and river bogs, where the water does not become stagnant, throughout the whole of North America south of latitude 55° north. Wild rice also grows luxuri- antly along the lower parts of man}- of the rivers of the Atlantic Coast States, the waters of which are affected by the action of the tide to a considerable degree, and consequently contain an appreciable quantitj^ of salt. It has been shown '^ that the maximum degree of concentra- tion of salt water in which wild rice plants can grow successfully is equivalent to a 0.03 normal solution of sodium chlorid. This concen- tration corresponds to 0.1755 per cent by weight of sodium chlorid, which is sufficient to give a slight salty taste to the water. HABITAT. While it is w^ell recognized that the habitat of the wild rice plant is in shallow fresh water, it is now known that it will grow luxuriantly in water containing little less than two-tenths of 1 per cent of sodium chlorid. Occasional plants have been found growing in water which contained, for short periods at least, nearly double that amount of salt. These facts indicate the possibility of a much wnder range of conditions to which this plant ma}' be subjected without hindering its development. It is not beyond the range of possibility — indeed, it is quite probable — tUat by careful selection plants may be obtained which will thrive on soil that is comparatively dry, at least in places in which the water can be drawn off graduall}" during the latter part of the growing season. In September, 1904, Mr. G. C. Worthen, of the Bureau of Plant Industry, collected a cluster of wild rice plants which were growing on the Potomac Flats, near Washington, D. C, in soil which was suf- ficiently dry to permit the use of a 2-horse mowing machine for cutting down the rank growth of vegetation. This was newly made land, and in all pro])ability the seed giving rise to this cluster of plants was pumped in with the dirt from the Potomac River the year previous. This amphibious t\'pe once established, it will undoul)tedl3^ carry with it a strain of seed which can withstand considerable drying with- out any marked injury to its vitalit}'. Such being true, the methods and difficulties of propagation from seed would be greatly simplified. Simultaneous with establishing an amphibious tj^pe should come the selection of seed plants which are capable of retaining their seed until the larger part of it has reached maturity. These two steps once made, the future of wild rice as a cereal will be assured. (> The Salt Water Limits of Wild Rice. Bulletin No. 72, Part II, Bureau of Plant Industiy, United States Department of Agriculture, 1905. FALL SEEDING VERSUS SPRING SEEDING. 7 GERMINATION OF THE SEED. The greatest difficult}- to be overcome in extending the area for growing wild rice is the poor germination of the commercial seed. Inasmuch as wild rice constitutes one of the most important foods of wild ducks and other wild waterfowl, many individuals and most of the gunning clubs east of the Rocky Mountains have been asking the question, How can we propagate wild rice from seed in order to estab- lish better feeding and fattening grounds for our game birds? The man}' failures in the propagation of wild rice fi'om seed have been due to the use of seed that had become dry before sowing, or to the fact that the seed when sown fresh in the autumn had been eaten by ducks or other animals or was carried away by heavy floods before germination took place. ' It is now very generally known that the seed of wild rice, if once allowed to become dry, will not germinate, save possibly an occasional grain. In its natural habitat the seed, as soon as mature, falls into the water and sinks into the mud beneath, where it remains during the winter months, germinating the following spring if conditions are favorable. Heretofore the plan generally followed, and the one usually recom- mended by those who have given some attention to the propagation of wild rice, was practically that of natural seeding; that is, to gather the seed in the autumn, as soon as thoroughly mature, and, while still fresh, to sow it in 1 to 3 feet of water. FALL SEEDING VERSUS SPRING SEEDING. It must be remembered that the bulk of the seed remains dormant during the winter, germinating first the spring after maturing; con- sequently, with but few exceptions, fall seeding is unsatisfactory and unrelia))le. Fall seeding is likely to prove a failure for three reasons: (1) Wild ducks and other animals of various kinds eat or destroy the seed in considerable quantity before it has had time to germinate the following spring; (2) much of the seed is frequently covered so deeply with mud that washes in from the shore during the winter that the young plants die of sufli'ocation and starvation before they reach the surface; (3) in some cases a large quantity of the seed is carried away from the place where sown by the high waters and floating ice prev- alent during the latter part of the winter and early spring. In exceptional cases these difficulties can be overcome; under which circumstances autumn sowing may be preferable to spring sowing. In the majority of cases, however, much better results will be obtained if the seed is properly stored and sown in the early spring, as soon as the danger of heavy floods is passed and the water level approaches normal. 8 STOKAGE AND GERMINATION OF WILD RICE SEED. In sowing' the seed considerable rare must he exercised in selectinsf a suitable place, securing the proper depth of water, etc. Good results can be expected if the seed is sown in from 1 to 3 feet of water which is not too stagnant or too swiftly moving, with a thick layer of soft mud underneath.^' It is useless to sow wild rice seed on a o-ravellv bottom or in water where the seed will be constantly disturbed by strong currents. Previous to this time, save in a few reported cases, the seed which was allowed to dry during the winter and was sown the following spring gave only negative results. It is now definitely known that wild rice, if properly handled, can be stored during the winter without impairing the quality of germination to any appreciable degree, and that it can be sown the following spring or summer with good success. DIRECTIONS FOR STORING THE SEED. The vitalit}" of wild rice seed is preserved almost perfectly if kept wet in cold storage — Nature's method of preservation. This method of storage implies that the seed has been properly harvested and cared for up to the time of storage. The seed should be gathered as soon as mature, put loosely into sacks (preferal)ly l)urlap), and sent at once to the cold-storage rooms. If the wild rice fields are some distance from the cold-storage plant the sacks of seed should be sent by express, and unless prompt delivery can be guaranteed it is not advisable to send by freight even for comparatively short distances. It is very important that the period between the time of harvesting and the time when the seed is put into cold storage be as short as possible. If this time is prolonged to such an extent as to admit of much fer- mentation or to allow the seed near the outside of the bags to become dry during transit, its vitality will be greatly lowered. It is not practicable to give an}^ definite length of time which may elapse between harvesting and storing, inasmuch as the temperature, humidity, and general weather conditions, as well as the methods of handling the seed, must be taken into consideration. Let it sufiice to say, however, that the vitalit}- of the seed will be the stronger the sooner it is put into cold storage after harvesting. As soon as the seed is received at the cold-storage plant, while it is still fresh and before fermentation has taken place, it should be put into buckets, open barrels, or vats, covered with fresh water, and placed at once in cold storage. If there is present a considerable quantity of light immature seed or straw, broken sticks, etc., it will be profitable to separate this from the good seed b}' floating in water « Wild Rife: Its Uses and Propagation. Bulletin No. 50, Bureau of Plant industry, United States Department of Agriculture, 1903. STORAGE EXPERIMENTS. 9 preparatory to storing. The storage room should be maintained at a temperature just al)ove freezing —what the storage men usually designate as the "chill room." When taken from cold storage in the spring the seed must not be allowed to dry out before planting, as a few days' dr3'ing will destroy every embr3"o. Seed which was stored under the foregoing conditions from October 19, 1903, to November 15, 1901, 393 days, germinated from 80 to 88 per cent. Another lot of seed, which was stored on October 6, 1904, and tested for vitality on April 17, 1905, germinated 79.8 per cent. Plate I shows the luxuriant growth made b}" the seed which was kept wet and stored at a temperature of 32"^ to 31^ F. for 393 da3's. DETAILED CONDITIONS AND RESULTS OF STORAGE EXPERI- MENTS. The foregoing conclusions are based on the results obtained from two series of experiments, as follows: In October, 1903, a box of wild rice seed was received from Ontario, Canada. This seed, as soon as gathered, was loose!}' packed in moist sphagnum and sent b}' express to the Seed Laboratory of the United States Department of Agriculture. After a few da^'s, while it was 3'et moist and before an}^ fermentation had taken place, the seed was divided into four lots for special treatment, as follows: (1) Seed subiuerged in water and placed in cold storage at a temper- ature of 32° to Sl'^ F. (2) Seed submerged in water and placed in cold storage at a temper- ature of 12^ F. The seed was soon embedded in a solid ma.ss of ice and remained so until samples were taken for test. (3) Seed, without the addition of water, put into cloth bags and kept in cold storage at a temperature of 32° to 31° F. (1) Seed, without the addition of water, put into cloth bags and kept in cold storage at a temperature of 12° F. In October, 1901, a second consignment of seed was received from Minnesota, and the following additional storage experiments were made by Mr. C. S. Scotield, of the Bureau of Plant Industry. (5) Seed submerged in water and placed in cold storage at a temper- ature of 32° to 31° F., as in No. 1. (6) Seed sul)merged in water and placed in cold storage at a temper- ature of 12° F., as in No. 2. (7) Seed submerged in water in a galvanized-iron bucket and stored on the roof of the laboratory building. The water was changed daily when not frozen. 10 STOKAGE AND GERMINATION OF WILD KICE SEED. (8) Seed submerged in water in a galvanized-iron bucket and stored on the roof of the laboratory })viilding, as in No. 7. In this case the water was not changed save to replace the loss due to evaporation. (9) The conditions for No. 9 were the same as those for No. 8, except that air was forced into the water dailv when not frozen solid. Samples of seed were taken from the different lots and tested for vitality at irregular intervals throughout the time of storage, which, in the former series, extended over a period approximately thirteen months and in the latter series over a period of little more than six months. Experimeyits Nos. 1 and 5. — The seed w^hich was submerged in water and stored in the "chill room" showed no deterioration in vitality. The results of the tinal tests gave a germination varying from 79.8 to 88 per cent. This is practically Nature's method of preserving the vitality of the seed during the Avinter. Experiments Nos. 2 and G. — The seed which was submerged in water and stored at a temperature of 12^ F. was all killed liefore the spring following the date of storage. Soon after being placed in stor- age the water was frozen solid and the seeds were embedded in a mass of ice, in which condition they remained throughout the experiment, a portion being cut out from time to time for germination tests. The complete loss of vitality in these two lots of seed is attributed not to the freezing directl3% but to the thorough desiccation as a result of the continuous low temperature. Experiments Nos. 3 and Jf. — The samples of seed w"hi(;h were stored in cloth bags at the temperatures of 32° to 34° F. and of 12° F. had, for all economic purposes, entirel}' lost their vitality. The average percentage of germination, as shown by the 37 tests made from each of the two lots, was less than live-tenths of 1 per cent. Exj>eriment No. 7. — The seed which was submerged in water and stored on the roof of the laboratory building, the water being changed daily, showed a good percentage of germination when the last vitality tests Ave re made. If onh" a small quantity of seed is desired for the spring planting and cold storage can not be readily secured, good results may be obtained b}" this treatment; but it is much less certain and probabh' more expensive than keeping the seed in cold storage, and for this reason is not recommended. The success of this method will likewise depend largel}' on the temperature of the water. Experiments Nos. 8 and 9. — On April 22, 1905, samples taken from each of these two lots of seed showed a marked deterioration in vitality. Thoroughly mixed samples from No. 8 showed a vitalit}' of only 58 per cent, while No. 9 had deteriorated to 1-1.3 per cent. METHODS OF MAKING GEKMINATION TESTS. 11 PACKING FOR TRANSPORTATION. Too much care can not be given to the matter of packing the seed for transportation, for unless the packing is properly done the vitality of the seed will be destroyed during transit. What is here said applies to fresh seed which is to be sown in the autumn, as well as to seed which has been kept in cold storage during the winter. It must not be forgotten, however, that the vitality of cold-storage seed is more quickly destro3'ed on drying than that of fresh seed. For transportation the seed should be carefully packed, with moist sphagnum, cocoaniit liber, or fine excelsior, in a loosel}^ slatted box. If the time of transportation does not exceed five or six days no spe- cial precautions need be taken as to the temperature. During the period of transportation it is quite probable that some of the seed will germinate, but if sown at once growth will not be retarded and the roots will soon penetrate the soil and anchor the young plants. If the time of transportation is necessarily long, it is reconnnended, if the best results are desired, that some provision be made for a reduced temperature. The nearer the temperature approaches that of freezing the better. It has been demonstrated, however, that a fair percentage of seed will remain germinable for a considerable time if packed as above described. On October 10, 1904, Mr. C. S. Scofield sent a small quantity of wild rice, packed in moist sphagnum moss in a well-ventilated box, to Doctor De Vries, of Amsterdam, Holland. On October 14 or 15 this box was placed in cold storage on the steamer in New York Harbor. The box of seed was received b}^ Doctor De Vries in good condition on November 2, twenty-one days after the seed was packed for shipment. METHODS OF MAKING GERMINATION TESTS. The samples were tested (IJ between folds of blotting paper — our regular method for testing the germination of most seeds — and (2) in water, Nature's method of sowing wild rice seed. The latter method gave much better results and was the one finalh^ adopted for the laboratory tests. The seed should be covered with water, the water in the dishes to be changed daily. Plate I shows the importance of making the germination tests in water, as described in the foregoing paragraph. The seed was covered with water and placed in a germinating chamber maintained at an alternating temperature of 20- C. {iiS'-' F.) for eighteen hours, and 30'^ C. (84^ F.) for six hours, until the majority of the seeds had germinated. At this stage the dish containing the seeds was trans- ferred to the worktable, which was exposed to the temperature of the laboratory — approximately that of a living-room. The water in the 12 STORAGE AND GERMINATION OF WILD RICE SEED. dish was changed daily during the period of germination, and water was afterwards added at irregular intervals to replace the loss by evaporation. Plate 11 shows somewhat in detail the diti'erent stages in the germina- tion of wild rice seeds. The seeds and seedlings are shown in natural size. In h and c the first sheath has just burst through the seed coats, taking a position at right angles to the seed proper. The lateral roots begin to emerge when the first sheath leaf has attained a length of i to 1\ inches. From this time growth continues rapidly, and by the time the seedlings are 2 or 3 inches long the root system is very well developed (/' and g). At this stage under favorable conditions the plants have a good hold in the soil and will not be washed away by an ordinary freshet. The relative position of the actively growing seedling is always at right angles to that of the old seed, as shown in /"and g. EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE ON GERMINATION. Germination tests were made at constant and alternating tempera- tures, ranging from 15- to 35- C. (59- to 95° F.). While no etfort was made to show the minimum and maximum temperatures of ger- mination, the percentage was somewhat reduced at a constant tempera- ture of 35*^ C, and the maximum is not much above that. All of the other temperatures gave good results. The lower temperatures, how- ever, were slightly more favorable than the higher. These facts are valuable to sho\v that the wild rice plant can thrive in either warjii or cold water, but better, perhaps, in northern than in southern latitudes. SUMMARY. (1) Under no circumstances should wild rice seed which is intended for planting be allowed to dry. Driec^seed will germinate but rarely and should never be sown. (2) Wild rice seed can be stored without deterioration if it is gath- ered as soon as matured, put into barrels or tanks, covered with fresh water, and, before fermentation has set in, stored at a temperature of 32-34- F. Seed treated in this way germinated as high as SS per cent after being in storage 393 days. Fresh seed seldom germinates better, and usually not so well. (3) After the seed is taken from cold storage it should not l)e allowed to dry. The vitality of cold-storage seed is destroyed on drying even more quickly than that of fresh seed. (4) For transportation the seed should be packed in moist sphagnum, cocoanut liber, or line excelsior. If not more than live ox six days are required for transit, no special precautions need be taken for con- trolling the temperature; but if the time for transportation exceeds SUMMARY. 13 six days, provision should be made for a temperature sufficiently low to prevent marked fermentation. A temperature approximately freezing will give the most satisfactorv results. (5) Wild rice can be sown either in the autumn or in the spring. Spring sowing is preferable, thus avoiding the danger of having the seed eaten or destroyed by wild ducks or other animals during the fall or winter, or of its being buried or washed away by the heavy floods of late winter or early spring. (6) Wild rice should be sown in the spring in from 1 to 3 feet of water which is neither too stagnant nor too swiftly moving, as soon as the danger of heavy Hoods is passed. (7) Wild rice is of the greatest importance as a food for wild water- fowl, likewise a delicious breakfast food for man, and the area in which it is extensively grown should be extended. It will grow luxuriantl}^ in either warm or cold water; furthermore, it can be grown success- fully in water which is slightly salty to the taste. (8) In determining the vitalit}' of any sample of w^ild rice seed the germination tests should be made in water — the condition under which the self-sown seed germinates, (9) The seed will germinate well at temperatures ranging from lo-" to 30^ C. ' The maximum temperature of germination is above 35^ C. (95^ F.), but better results are obtained at lower temperatures. 1 1 PLATES. 15 i DESCRIPTION OF PLATES. Plate I. Wild rice growing in water. This seed was submerged at a temperature of 32-34° F. for approximately thirteen months. In making the germination test the seed was covered with water and placed in a germinating chamber main- tained at a temperature of 20° C. (68° F.) for eighteen hours, and at 30° C. (86° F. ) for six hours. After the majority of the seeds had germinated the dish was transferred to the worktable of the Seed Laboratory. Plate II. Progressive stages in the development of wild rice seedlings; / and g, seed- lings showing the relative position of the growing seedlings and the parent seed, which take a position at right angles to each other when grown normally in water. (Natural size. ) 16 O Bui 90, Pt. I, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate I. Wild Rice Growing in Water after being Kept Wet in Cold Storage at a Tem- perature OF 32-34" F., from October 19, 1903, to November 15, 1904. 4 Bui. 90, Pt. I, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agricultim Plate II. Stages of Germination of Wild Rice, Showing the Development of the Root System and the Relative Position of the Seedling and the Parent Seed. Natural Size. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY— BULLETIN NO. 90, PART II. B. T. GALLOWAY, C'liirf nf Bureau. THE CROWN-GALL AND HAIRY-ROOT DISEASES OF THE APPLE TREE. BY GEORGE G. HEDGCOCK. Assistant in Pathology, Mississippi Valley Laboratory. VEGETABLE PATHOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS. Issued Noyember 17, 1905. l^EW YORK 30TANICAL GARDEN* WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1 0 0 5 . I CONTENTS. Page. lutrodnction 5 Two distinct diseases, crown-gall and hairy-root 5 Types of apple crown-gall 6 Effect npon the length of life of the apple tree 6 Suggestions to nurserymen 6 Data desired 7 8 CONTENTS. Page. Introduction 5 Two distinct diseases, crown-gall and hairy-root 5 Types of apple crown-gall 6 Effect upon the length of life of the apple tree 6 Suggestions to nurserymen 6 Data desired 7 8 ILLUSTRATIONS. Plate I. Fig. 1.— Apple crown-gtiU on grafted tree. Fig. 2.— Apple crown-gall on tranf^planted seedling. Fig. 3.— Hairy-root disease on grafted apple tree. Fig. 4. — Hairy-root disease on grafted apple tree II. Fig. 1.— Apple seedlings diseased with hairy-root. Fig. 2.— Apple seedlings diseased with soft crown-gall III. Fig. 1.— Healthy fibrous-rooted apple tree, pot grown. Fig. 2.— Apple seedlings diseased with hairy-root Page. Bui. 90. Pt. II, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate I. i . ''^jj } ^''^""N-J k ^, if^w^B L^^^ ~-i*^^^ '/' -J^H^^H Bh|rjv^;-\*^ S^i^X^«V^ ' Ba)l\ I 1 IW. / :f\ ijf^ ^r^ x<:^ \^^ Fig. 1.— Apple Crown-Gall on Grafted Tree. Fig. 2.— Apple Crown-Gall on Transplanted Seedling. Ai il: J\l f. £ /■-^^BBJ ^p- *'^^^ -,y \ i Fig. 3.— Hairy-Root Disease on Grafted Apple Tree. Fig. 4.— Hairy-Root Disease on Grafted Apple Tree. Bui. 90, Pt. II Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dfcpt. of Agriculture. Plate II. Bui. 90, Pt. II, Bureau of Plant Indust'y, U. S. Dept, of Agriculture. Plate III B. P. I.-186. V. P. P. I.-145. THE CROWN-GALL AND HAIRY-ROOT DISEASES OF THE APPLE TREE. INTRODUCTION. The diseases of the apple which have been classed under the name crown-gall have, during- the last few ^^ears, attracted much attention, due partly to an increase of these diseases and partly to the enacting of more stringent State laws governing the shipment and inspection of trees. A series of investigations into the nature of crown-gall upon the apple, pear, raspberry, peach, almond, grape, rose, and other plants has been in progress for some time in the Mississippi Valley Labora- tory of the Bureau of Plant Industry at St. Louis, ]Mo., and also at other points in the Mississippi Valley. It is not to be assumed, how- ever, that such diseases are more common in this locality than in some other portions of the United States. Apple crown-gall and hairy -root have been found in all nurseries that have been examined in various portions of the country. This preliminary report is sent out, not with the intention of giving the results of all our investigations, but for the purpose of calling the attention of apple-tree growers to the ditlerent diseases hitherto known as apple crown-gall, and to endeavor to interest them in the collection of data regarding the predisposition of varieties to these diseases. TWO DISTINCT DISEASES, CROWN-GALL, AND HAIRY-ROOT. Our investigations have resulted first in separating apple crown-gall into two diseases, which are considered distinct. The disease now designated as crown-gall is a callous-like gall growth of hypertrophied tissue following w^ounds on some portion of the root system of the tree, which rarely occurs above the ground on parts of the trunk or limbs. (See PI. I, ligs. 1 and 2.) The malady now called the hairy-root disease is evidently the same as the one first given this name by Stewart, Rolfs, and Hall in Bulletin IHl of the New York State Experiment Station. It is characterized both in seedlings (PI. II, tig. 1, and PI. Ill, tig. 2) and in grafted or 5 6 CEOWN-GALL AND HAIRY-KOOT DISEASES OF THE APPLE TREE. budded trees (PI. I, figs. 3 and 4) by a stunted root system, accom- panied with an excessive production of small fibrous roots, often origi- nating- in clusters from the main root, or taproot, (lalls often occur in connection Avith hairy-root, but these are a result of wounds rather than a form of this disease. Seedlings of the hairy-root t3'pe, unless wounded, remain free from galls. TYPES OF APPLE CROWN-GALL. Apple crown-gall is of two types. A hard callous form is common on grafted trees at the union of the root and scion, and at any other point of the root system where wounds occur in either the cultivation or transplanting of trees (PI. I, fig. 1). The results of extensive inoc- ulations with this type have failed to prove that this disease is of a contagious nature. A second type is a soft form more common on seedlings (PI. 11, fig. 2), occurring more rarely on grafted trees (PI. I, fig. 2). These softer galls resemble those of the raspl)erry and peach, in that they are soft and often rot off. It is not certain, however, that they, like the latter, are replaced the following year by a new gall growth from the adjacent live tissues of the host, nor is there proof yet that they are of a contagious nature. EFFECT UPON THE LENGTH OF LIFE OF THE APPLE TREE. Careful data are being collected from orchards and nurseries as to the effect of these diseases upon the life and fruitfulness of trees. Any information as to the locality of orciiards in which diseased trees have bee-n planted w^ill be highly appreciated. In our crown-gall orchard there are more than 200 trees diseased with the hard type of crown-gall, and 20O healthy trees of the same grade planted under similar conditions. After two years' growth six of the crown-gall trees and nine of the healthy ones have died. No difference in the growth of the trees is noticeable. However, it can not be assumed from the results so far that, on the one hand, the disease may not yet shorten the life of the trees, or, on the other, that the trees may not entirely overcome its effects. A tree having crown-gall on its roots, however, can never be correctly graded with a smooth-rooted tree. The root system of a healthy fibrous-rooted apple tree is shown in Plate III, figure 1. SUGGESTIONS TO NURSERYMEN. Nurserymen are advised to be careful in the selection of seedlings for grafting and budding. All rough, warty, or galled seedlings should be thrown out, for most of them will form rough-rooted trees. Seedlings with tufted or hairy roots should also be rejected, for these, DATA DESIRED. as shown b}^ our experiments, develop into hairy-rooted trees with a verj- deficient root system. The hairy-root disease, as it appears from the results of two years' experiments, is not contagious. It is hoped in the near future to be able to offer some practical means of reducing the percentage of trees affected with these diseases in the nursery. DATA DESIRED. The hearty cooperation of nurserymen and orchardists in securing data is desired. It is hoped to secure the help of the leading nursery- men of this country in getting an accurate count from each nursery of the number of diseased trees in at least one row of every variety in all fields where the trees are all dug in one season. Such data are desired from every locality where apple trees are grown. Printed blanks with directions for tabulating such data have been provided and these will be sent to all who request them. Address the Missis- sippi Valley Laboratory, St. Louis, Mo. . o I i U. S. DEPARTMENT OE AGRICULTURE. BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY- BULLETIN NO. 90, PART III. B. T. <;aLLOWAY, Cliiif nf lUtieau. PEPPEEMINT. BY ALICE HENKEL, Assistant, Drug-Plant Investigations. Issued December 28, 1905. -itJRARV '^EW YORK BOTANICAL GARDENv WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1905. CONTENTS. Pace Description 5 Countries where grown 6 Peppermint ciiltivation in the United Sta4;es 7 Cultivation . 8 Conditions injurious to crop 9 Harvesting and distillation ^ 10 Description of still 11 Peppermint oil and menthol 18 Export of peppermint oil -. 13 Prices of peppermint oil 14 3 i ILLUSTRATIONS. Page. Fig. 1 . Peppermint • ' runners. ' " showing method of propagation 6 2. Leaves and flowering top of peppermint 6 3. Peppermint still (after Dewey, in Bailey's Cyclopedia of American Horticulture) 12 4 / i ( B. P. 1-189. PEPPERMINT. DESCRIPTION. One of the most important essential oils produced in the United States is distilled from the peppermint plant and its varieties. The three kinds of mint grown in this country for the distillation of pep- permint oil are the so-called American mint {Mentlui piperita L.), the black mint {MentJia piperita ralffai'is Sole), and the white mint {Mentha piperita officinalis Sole), the two last named being varieties of the American mint. The American mint, although introduced from England many years ago, is so called from the fact that it has long been cultivated in this C(Mnitrv. and the name " State mint " has been applied to it in the State of New York for the same reason. The peppermint, or American mint, is now naturalized in many parts of the eastern United States, occurring in wet soil from the Xew England States to Minnesota, south to Florida and 'Tennessee. It is an aromatic perennial belonging to the mint family (Menthacea'), and propagates by means of its long, running roots (fig. 1). The smooth, square stems are erect and branching, from 1 to 3 feet in height, bearing dark-green, lance-shaped leaves, which are from 1 to 2 inches long, and from one-half to 1 inch wide. The leaves are pointed at the apex, rounded or narrowed at the base, sharply toothed, smooth on both sides, or with hairy veins on the lower sur- face. The flowers are borne in whorls in dense, terminal spikes: they are purplish, with a tubular, five-toothed calyx, and a four-lobi^d corolla. (Fig. 2.) a In response to a steady demand for information relating to the peppermint industry, Miss Alice Henkel. Assistant in l)rn.i,'-l'l:int Invcstiiiations. lias hccn requested to bring together the most imiiortant facts r»^garding the history, culture, and utilization of the peppermint i)lant. The information here pre- sented has been obtained in large part from scattered articles on the subject, and in part from experience with the plant in the Testing (iardens of the l)ei)art- rnent of Agriculture. Rodney II. True. Phii-siologist in Charge. Office of Drug-Plant Investigations. Washwyton, I). C.. (xlobrr I',, 190-5. 5 6 PEPPERMINT. Pig. 1. -Peppermint -'runners," showing method of pi'opagation. The two varieties mentioned are closely related liotanically. al- though in general appear- ance they are quite differ- ent. The variety known as black mint {Mentha piperita nulgaris) has piu'- ple stems and slightly toothed, dark-green leaves, while the white mint {Mentha piperita offici- nalis) has gre6n stems, with brighter green leaves, which are more lance- shaped and more deeply toothed. Black mint is much more hardy and i:)roductive than either the American mint or the white mint, and is groAvn on nearly all pepper- mint farms in this country. The white mint. Avhich produces a fine grade of oil. is rarely cultivated on a com- mercial scale in this country on ac- count of its inability to withstand the climate and its smaller yield of essen- tial oil. The oils spoken of as Japanese and Chinese " peppermint " oils are not ob- tained from the true peppermint plant, but are distilled from entirely diti'erent species, namely, Mentha arvenms plper- ascens Malinvaud and Mentha arrensts glahrata Holmes, respectively. COUNTRIES WHERE GROWN. The most important pejipermint- producing countries are the United States. England, and Japan. Pepper- mint is grown on a smaller scale in Germany, France, Italy, Russia, China, and southern India. In Japan, peppermint cultivation is said to have been undertaken before the Christian era. The plant groAvn there is not, as already fig. 2. stated, the peppermint cultivated in our country, but Mentha arrensifi pipei'aseens, which is entirelj^ dis Leaves and flowering top of peppermint. CULTIVATION IN THE UNITED STATES. 7 tinct from the true peppermint, not only botanically but also in taste and odor. Peppermint is cultivated on many drug farms in England, espe- cially at Mitcham, the middle of the eighteenth century marking the beginning of peppermint cultivation in that country. Up to 1805, however, there were no stills at Mitcham, and the crops obtained there were sent to London for distillation. About 1S50. at which time the peppermint industry in England was at its height, the eifect of American competition began to be felt, and caused a decided check in the production. PEPPERMINT CULTIVATION IN THE UNITED STATES. Wayne County, X. Y., in ISIG, was the first locality in this country to distill peppermint on a commercial scale. The supply of root- stocks was obtained from the wild plants found growing along the- banks of streams and brooks. Adjacent counties soon undertook the cultivation of peppermint, but Wayne County was then, and is now, the principal peppermint district in New York. The cultivation of peppermint was extended to Ashtabula, Geauga, and Cuyahoga counties in Ohio, and also to northern Indiana. Roots were taken from Ohio into St. Joseph County, Mich., the first plan- tation being made on Pigeon prairie in 1835. Other plantations in St. Joseph County Avere established the following j^ears, and adjoin- ing counties soon took up the cultivation of peppermint, and south- western Michigan has been for thirtv-five vears or more the greatest peppermint-producing section in the United States. About 184-t an interesting peppermint-oil monopoly " was under- taken by a Xew York firm, Avliich seems to have put an end to pepper- mint cultivation in Ohio, for none of the counties just mentioned has since been heard from as a peppermint-producing section. The first step taken by this Xew York firm in its efforts to con- trol the pepperi,nint-oil market was to send a representative to Liverpool, England, to ascertain the amount annually demanded by that market, which was found to be about 12,000 pounds. This done, another agent was sent West to determine the amount produced annu- ally, with the result that it Avas found that the farms in Xew York did not produce enough oil for their purposes, the plantations in Ohio too much, while those in IMichigan seemed to produce just about tlie right amount to satisfy the Liverpool demand. A contract was then entered into by this agent with the producers in Xew York and Ohio '• whereby he bound them muler heavy penalties to plow up their mint fields and destroy the roots, and not plant any more mint. or sell or give away any roots, or produce or sell any mint oil for the aProc. Amer. Pharui. Assoc, 7:449-459 (1858). 8 PEPPERMINT. period of five years." For this Avholesale destruction of their mint fields the producers received a bonus of $1.50 per acre. Next a con- tract was made by the agent witli the producers of St. Joseph County. Mich., agreeing to pay them $2.50 a pound for their mint oil, every ounce of the mint oil to be delivered for a period of five years to the agents named in the contract. They also were prohibited during this period from extending their plantations and from selling roots to anyone. The producers held to these contracts for about three years, after which period the New York firm was not so anxious to enforce them, having, in the meantime, acquired a large fortune through its pepi^ermint-oil monopoly. Since that period the area devoted to peppermint cultivation in Michigan has steadily increased, and northern Indiana, with its prin- cipal centers of production in St. Joseph, Steuben, and La (irange counties, continues to place on the nuirket a considerable quantity of oil. Ohio seems to have abandoned i^eppermint ctdtivation, at least on a commercial scale, and New York, for a number of years and until very recently, had greatly reduced the area under peppermint, thou- sands of acres formerly devoted to this crop having been given over to sugar beets, onions, and celery. In 1889 Wayne County, N. Y., had 3,325 acres of peppermint, whereas in 1801) there were only 300 acres. In 1905, about 933 acres were under cultivation. Special canvassers appointed by fhe State of ^lichigan " made a canvass of 299 growers in the peppermint district in that State, cover- ing 39 townships in nine counties (Allegan, Berrien, Branch, Cass, Kalamazoo, Oakland, St. Joseph. St. Clair, and Van Buren), and the total numljer of acres under peppermint cultivation, the mnnber of pounds of oil distilled, and the average number of pounds per acre, as ascertained by this canvass, for the years 1900, 1901, and 1902, are as follows : Items. Total number of acres grown . . _ Total number of pounds distilled ... Average number of pounds per acre 1902. 6.4a)? 82,42(li- 12.8 CULTIVATION. Peppermint cultivation is most i^rofitable on muck lands, such as are now used in Michigan for this crop and for celery and cranberry culture. These muck lands were formerly marshes and swamps, which have been reclaimed by draining, j^lowing, and cultivating, the swamp vegetation having been thus subdued, and the decayed n Twentieth Animnl Iteport of the P.iu'e.in of Lahor of the State of ^Michigan, 1903. pp. 4:]S-i4T. CONDITIONS INJURIOUS TO CROP. ' 9 vegetable matter resulting in a very black soil Avhicli is most admir- ably adapted to mint cultivation. Formerly peppermint was grown exclusively on upland soil in Michigan. l)iit it is a very exhausting- crop on such land. Only two crops can be obtained from upland plantations, and after the second year's harvest the land is plowed and a rotation of clover, corn, etc.. is practiced for five years before pep- permint is again planted. But on the rich muck land peppermint can be grown year after year for six or seven years, the land being jjlowed up after each crop is harvested, and the runners turned under to form a new growth the succeeding year. The ground is harro^^■ed in autumn and again in spring, and carefully weeded. Peppermint will grow, however, on any land that will produce good crops of corn, the ground being prepared by deep plowing and harrowing. In Michigan" the land is plowed in the autumn, and early in spring it is harrowed and marked with furrows about 3 feet apart. The roots selected for planting are from one-eighth to one-quarter of an inch thick, and from 1 to 3 feet long; and the workmen engaged in •• setting mint," as the process is called, carry these roots in sacks across their shoulders and place them in the furrows by hand, cover- ing the roots with one foot and stepping on them with the other. The roots are planted so close together in the furrow as to form a continuous line. An expert workman can plant about an acre in a day. In about two weeks the young plants Avill make their appearance, and are carefully hoed and cultivated until July and August, when the plants have usually sent out so many runners as to make further cultivation difficult. The crop is cultivated with horse cultivators, but if the land was very weedy in the first place, the weeds will have to be pulled by hand. It is very necessary that the land be free from weeds, as any collected with the peppermint crop will seriously injure the quality of the oil. It may be interesting to note here that on muck lands, when necessary, the horses are usually provided Avith mud shoes to prevent their sinking into the soft, wet ground, these mud shoes consisting of wide pieces of iron or Avood about 0 by 10 inches, fastened to the hoofs and ordinary shoes by means of bolts and straps. CONDITIONS INJURIOUS TO CROP. Cold and wet weather or extremely dry periods have a very unfa- vorable effect on the mint crop. Insect enemies also tend to cut down Uie mint harvest — grasshoppers, crickets, and cutworms sometimes doing considerable damage. A rust, causing the foliage to droj) off « Twentieth •Annual Report of tbe Bureau of Labor of the State of Michigan, 1903. pp. 438-447. 10 PEPPERMINT. and leaving the stems almost bare, is apt to follow if ver}^ moist weather occurs toward the latter part of the season. Weeds are especially to be avoided in a mint field, since, as stated, the quality of the oil will be seriously impaired if these are harvested with the jieppermint. The weeds generally found in a peppermint field are Canada fleabane {Leptilon canadense) ^ fireweed {ErechtiteH hieraci- fol/a), giant ragweed {Amhrasia triflda)^ pennyroyal {Hedeoma 2)idegioidefi), Eaton's grass {Eatonia pennsylvanica) ^ June grass {Poa pratensis) , and other low grasses. HARVESTING AND DISTILLATION. The first crop of mint is harvested in the latter part of August, when the plants are in full flower, and the gathering continues until about the middle of September, the stills running night and day until all the mint is disposed of. The first crop is usually cut with a scythe, as mowing machines do not Avork well on soft cultivated land. The succeeding crops are cut with a mowing machine or sweep-rake reaper. The highest yield per acre and the best qualit}^ of oil are obtained from the first year's crop. Sometimes, if the weather con- ditions have been very favorable, a second cutting is made. The yield of oil from peppermint obtained from the same field sometimes varies \erv much, the condition of the atmosphere seeming to exert an influence upon it. as it is said that mint cut after a warm and liumid night will yield more oil than that cut after a cool and drv night. It requires about 880 pounds of dried peppermint to produce J pound of oil, and the yield of oil from an acre ranges from 12 to 50 pounds. If the mint crop has been grown on muck land, all that is necessary after the crop has been harvested is to plow up the land and turn the runners under for a new crop. If grown on upland, after the second year's crop is in, or, at the most, after the third year's harvest, the land is ploAved and then given up to other crops. Peppermint exhausts the land, and it is necessary to practice rotation of crops for about five years in order to put the land in condition if it is desired to use it again for peppermint cultivation. After the plants are cut they are usually placed in windrows until they are dried, but are not allowed to become so dry as to permit the leaves to shatter off. and are then taken to the distillery. Some grow- ers believe that if the plants are allowed to dry there will be a smaller oil content owing to the escape of some of the oil into the atmosphere, and so have the plants brought to the distillery in the green state; but Mr. A. M. Todd " is of the opinion that no loss of oil will result I nAmer. .Jour. Pharin., 60: 828-332 (1888). DESCRIPTION OF STILL. 11 from drying, his experiments along this line showing that the dry plants can be distilled three times as rapidly as the green plants, and that a larger qnantity of oil may be obtained. He states that — To obtain the best results, lioth as to quality of essential oil and economy of transportation and distillation, the plants should be dried as thoroughly as pos- sible without endangering the loss of the leaves in handling. Distillation should then take place as soon as convenient to prevent the oxidation of the oil in the leaf by atmospheric action. The smaller producers, who have no stills of their own, have their mint crop hauled to the nearest peppermint distillery, where it is distilled for them at a cost of 25 cents per pound of oil. DESCRIPTION OF STILL. The apparatus used in peppermint distillation in the early years of the industry in this country consisted of a copper kettle, from the top of which a pipe connected with a condensing *' worm.'' Water was placed in the kettle and the plants were immersed in it, and direct heat was applied to the bottom from a furnace. AVith such a still only about 15 pounds of oil could be obtained froni a charge. In 18J:G, large wooden vats Avere substituted for the copper kettles, and the plants were distilled l)y steam passing through them. Tlie kettle formerly used as the still was now employed to generate steam, a long pipe conveying the steam to the bottom of the vats. AVith this method of distillation from 75 to 100 pounds of oil could be obtained from a charge without much additional expense. A modern peppermint still (fig. 3) may be briefly described as fol- lows: The apparatus required consists of a boiler, a pair of large circular wooden vats, a condenser, and a receiver. The boiler, of course, is used for the generation of steam. Two wooden vats are used in order that they may be filled and emptied alternately. These vats are al)out 0 feet high and about 5 feet in diameter, with tight-fitting removable covers and perfo- rated false bottoms. Steam pipes are led from the boiler into the bottom of the vats. The condenser consists of a series of pipes of block tin, either immersed in tanks of cold water or over which cold Avater is kept running, tlie condenser being connected with the top of the dis- tilling vats. The condensed steam, together Avith the oil, floAvs into a metallic receiA^er, in Avhich the oil, being lighter than the Avater, rises to the top and can be drawn off. The perforated false bottoms Avith Avhich the vats are supplied permit the passage of steam. A strong iron hoop is placed about this false bottom, and tAvo pairs of stout chains, Avhich meet at the top 12 PEPPERMINT. of the vat in a pair of rings, are attached to it. After the charge has been distilled it is drawn from the vats by means of this arrange- ment. The plants are thrown into the vats and are closely packed by two or three men tramping upon them, and as the vat becomes about one-third full the packing is still further assisted by turning in a small supply of steam, which softens the plants. When the vat is filled the tight cover is replaced and a full head of steam turned on. In the largest distilleries the vats have a capacity of from 2.000 to 3,000 pounds of dried plants each. Fio. 3. — reppermint still. (After Dewey, in Bailey's Cyclopedia of American Horticulture.) Aj boiler ; B, steam pipes leading to vats ; C, valves for shutting off steam ; 7), mint packed in vat ready for distilling; E, mint being lowered into vat; F, tight-fitting cover used alternately for both vats ; G, pipe from top of vat. joined at H so as to swing to other vat ; J, perforated pipe, from which cold water drops over condensing tubes ; K, supply pipe for cold water ; .1/. condensing pipes ; A", outlet for condensed oil and water ; O and P, water and oil in separating can ; R, outlet for water ; »s', floor of distilling room. Large tanks are used for storing the oil, and cans holding 20 pounds each are employed for shipping, three of these cans being placed in a wooden case. The pejjpermint hay which remains after distillation is used as a fertilizer or is fed to stock. PEPPERMINT OIL AND MENTHOL. Peppermint leaves and flowering tops are official in the Eighth Decennial Revision of the United States Pharmacopreia. as are like- wise the following products and preparations derived from these parts: Oil of peppermint, menthol, spirit of peppermint, and pepper- mint water. EXPORT OF PEPPERMINT OIL. 13 The United States Pharmacopoeia describes oil of peppermint as " a colorless liquid, having the characteristic strong odor of pepper- mint and a strongly aromatic pungent taste, followed by a sensation of cold when air is drawn into the mouth.'' It is largely used in medi- cine, internally as a stimulant and carminative, and externally to relieve neuralgic and rheumatic conditions. It is also used for flavor- ing and scenting confectionery, cordials, and cosmetics. There is a slight difference in the odor of white and black peppermint oil, the black being more pungent and less agreeable in fragrance than the white, which has a much finer odor, but, as already indicated, the white mint is less hard}' than the black and yields a smaller quantity of oil. The Japanese oil of peppermint, wdiich, as pointed out elsewdiere in these pages, is obtained from a different species of mint than that which produces the true oil of peppermint, is very inferior to the last named. It has a very unpleasant odor and a bitter, disagreeable taste, but it is a heavy oil and contains a higher percentage of menthol and, being a very much cheaper oil, it is liable to be used as an adul- terant of true peppermint oil. Menthol, formerly known as peppermint camphor, is the solid con- stituent of oil of peppermint, obtained by subjecting the distilled oil to an exceedingly low temperature by means of a freezing mixture. Its properties are about the same as those of oil of peppermint, only someAvhat intensified. It is very largely made up into cones or pencils, which furnish a popular remedy, to be applied externally or inhaled, •for the relief of headache, neuralgia, catarrh, asthma, and kindred affections. It is also largely employed in other forms of medication. The name " pipmenthol " has been applied to the menthol obtained from the American oil. to distinguish it from the Japanese menthol. Pipmenthol is said to have a distinct odor of peppermint, while the Japanese menthol has but a slight peppermint odor. EXPORT OF PEPPERMINT OIL. The exports of peppermint oil during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1904, amounted to 42,939 pounds, valued at $121,728. Germany and the United Kingdom were the largest consumers, the former receiving 22,372 pounds, valued at $65,505, and the latter 11,558 pounds, worth $31,798. The following tables show the export of peppermint oil, by coun- tries, for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1904, and the quantities and values of peppermint oil exported for a period of ten years, from July 1, 1894, to June 30, 1904, inclusive : 14 PEPPERMINT. Exports of prppeniii)^ oil hy couiiiricK, for the fi.^cal year ended June 30, lOOJf.a Country. Value. Belgrium _ France __ Germany _ Italy Netherlands United Kingdom ._. Dominion of Canada: Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, etc Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, etc... Newfoundland and Labrador. West Indies: British Cuba Danish . Dutch Argentina _ British Guiana Peru British Australasia Total Sl,.585 10, 059 65, .505 2,471 1,934 31,798 124, 728 « The Foreign Commerce and Navigation of the United States for the year ending June 30, 1904, vol. 1, p. 531, Bureau of Statistics, Department of Commerce and Labor. Quantities and ralues of peppermint oil e.rported during the fiscal years JS95 to 190'/, inclusive.'t Fiscal year. Quan- tity. Value. Fiscal year. Quan- tity. Value. 1895 Pounds. 87.633 85,290 162,492 145,375 117,462 $194,616 174,810 257,484 180.811 118,227 1900 Pounds. 89,558 60,166 36,301 13.033 42.939 $90,298 63,672 54.-898 34 "^43 1896 1901 1897 1902. 1903... _ 1904.- ._ 1898.__ 1899 124 728 " From The Foreign Commerce and Navigation of the United States for the year ending .Tune 30. 1902. vol. 2, p. 309, Bureau of Statistics, Treasury Department"; and The Foreign Commerce and Navigation of the United States for the year ending June 30, 1904, vol. 1, p. 192, Bureau of Statistics, Department of Commerce "and Labor. PRICES OF PEPPERMINT OIL. The price of peppermint oil was very low for a few years prior to 1900, the enormous production of 1897 resulting in a great drop in price. The lowest price paid for it was in 1899, when it brought only 75 cents per pound. As a result of the low price a great many mint farmers restricted the area of their mint plantations or alto- gether abandoned peppermint cultivation. The smaller output of the following seasons again sent prices up, and in 1902 the oil sold as high as $4.75 a pound, which price was maintained until early in 1903, when it gradually declined, until toward the end of that year it reached $2.20 per pound. PRICES OF PEPPERMINT OIL. 15 The following table" gives the highest and lowest prices of pepper- mint oil in bulk from 1873 to September IG, 1905 : Year. 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 i8a» 1881 1882 1883 Highest. Lowest. S3. 15 S3. 15 5.25 3. 75 5.50 3.20 3.75 2.40 3.00 1.75 2.00 1.50 2.65 1.45 2.87 2.60 2.85 2.:i5 2. .50 2.25 2.60 2.20 Year. 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 Highest. 1 Lowest. $3.00 $2.50 ' 4.37 2.75 3.60 2.75 2.75 1.90 , 2.40 1.75 1 2.30 L80 ; 2.40 1.80 ; 2.50 2.45 2.50 2.15 2.45 2.15 2.45 L70 1 1 Year. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900. 1901. 1902. 1903. 1904. 1905* Highest. $2.00 1.85 L25 .90 .90 LIO 1.80 4.'» 4.75 3.75 3.45 Lowest. $1.70 1.20 .90 80 75 80 10 70 20 25 I * To September 16. The good prices of the past few years have caused many farmers to look again to peppermint as a profitable crop, as noted in increased areas under cultivation in many localities. This is the case not only in Michigan and Indiana, but also in New York, where for many years the peppermint industry has been declining. Thus, if favor- able conditions of growth prevail, an increased production may be looked for within the next few years, which will have the effect of again depressing prices. As is the case with other products the prices of which are subject to great fluctuations, the condition of the market for peppermint oil needs to be closely observed. The cost of cultivation per acre has been stated at from $12 to $1-1, and, with a charge of 25 cents per pound of oil for distillation, the market price may easily fall below the cost of production. o From Oil, Paint, and Drug Reporter, September 18, 1905, p. 7. o U. S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of plant industry— Bulletin No. 90. part iv. B. T. Galloway, Chirf of Uvnav. m mm^ action or joonson grass. BY ALBERT C. CPxAWFORD, Pharmacologist, Poisonous Plant Investigations. LIBRARY NEW YORK BOTANJCAL GARDEN. Issued January 17, 1906. WASHINGTON : G O V E K N .^1 E N T P K I N T 1 N ( i ( ) F F ICE, 1906. B. P. I -li14. THE POISONOUS ACTION OF JOHNSON GRASS.' Johnson grass, which was introduced from Turkey into this country' about 1830,^ has spread so that in manj^ pkices it is considered as a weed and pest.'' Some farmers, however, have utiHzed the dried grass as haj' with advantage, eitlier alone or combined with other food ma- terial,^ and chemical analyses have proved its value as feed. Recently reports have come to this oflSce from California of the death of cattle under such circumstances as to point to Johnson grass as the causative agent — the cattle dying in thirt}^ minutes after eating the grass. John- son grass belongs to the same genus of the Gramineae as sorghum. This group has been partially investigated chemically, and it has been found that the fresh green plants of various members yield hydrocyanic iThis olfice has from time to time received communications from stockmen, especiaUy in tlie lower part of California, Arizona, and adjacent territor\', ex- pressing a suspicion that the eating of Johnson grass had caused the death of stock with rather sudden and violent symptoms. There has seemed to be little ground in poisonous-plant literature to support such an explanation. Last sum- mer, however, convincing observations were reported from California by a stock- man who had lost heavily, and a supply of the grass in question was obtained. The result of the study of this material was so positive, and the possibility of damage due to this unsuspected forage plant so clear, that this preliminary notice is put out in the hope of getting observations and material for study from many sources, in order, if possible, to determine the conditions under which the poisonous properties are developed and over how wide an area they are likely to appear. Rodney H. True, Physiologist. Office of Poisonous Plant Investigations, Washinfjton, D. C, December 11, 1905. -Ball, C. R. Johnson Grass. Bui. No. 11, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1902. ■'Spillman, W. J. Extermination of Johnson Grass. Bui. No. 72, Part III, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, 190'). ■» North Carolina Agr. Expt. Sta. Bui. 97, p. 92. Vasey, G. Grasses of the South. Bui. No. 3, Division of Botany, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1887. Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture for ISSl, pp. 231, 232, 239, 241 ; Report of the Secretary of Agriculture, 1890, p. 381. acid as a result of the action of enzymes on more highly complex bodies.^ Ball- in 1902 stated that at that time there had been no official re- ports to his office of cases of poisoning bj- Johnson grass, but that there were some newspaper statements to that effect. He thought these accounts were probably not authentic, but stated that "since Johnson grass is closely related to sorghum, which is known to be poisonous under some circumstances, it would not be surprising if Johnson grass should also be poisonous under like conditions. * * * In compari- son with the great number of cattle fed or pastured in Johnson grass, the reported cases of poisoning are extremely rare." The first report of the poisonous action of Johnson grass which reached the Department came from Miles City, Mont. Mr. William Story reported that he and a neighbor had lost several head of cattle after thej^ had eaten small quantities of the grass, and that they had died very suddenh'. Mr. Story suggested that there was "something peculiarly poisonous about the grass." The Commissioner of Agricul- ture in publishing this report stated that "although the grass has been cultivated in the South for fortj' or fiftj^ years, no similar charges have been made against it.""' In India this plant is widely used as a fodder for cattle,* and the natives make use of the seeds for food. It has been noted there that deaths in cattle frequentlj' occur when, on account of the failure of rain, the plants which have reached a certain size become stunted and withered. The toxic principle appears simultaneously over a wide area, but soon disappears if a rainfall occurs.'' The deaths of cattle have been attributed by some to an insect living upon the plant, and in Australia it is the belief that Sorghum vulgare, which also yields hydro- cyanic acid, becomes more poisonous when attacked by an insect dur- ing a drought. A similar observation has been made with Sorghum vulgare in the Sudan. Balfour" found that one specimen of the plant 1 Diinstan, W. R., and Henry, T. A. The Nature and Origin of the Poison of Lotus Arabicus. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 1901, vol. 194, B., p. 515. Duustan, W. R., and Henry, T. A. Cyanogenesis in Plants. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 1902, vol. 199, A., p. 399. Slade, Henry B. Prussic Acid in Sorghum. Jour. Amer. Chem. Soc, 1903, vol. 25, pp. 55-59. Slade, Henry B. Study of the Enzymes of Green Sorghum. Fifteentli Ann. Report, Agr. Expt. Sta. of Nebraska, 1902, pp. 55-62. Briinnich, J. C. Hydrocyanic Acid in Fodder-plants. Jour. Chem. Soc, 1903, vol. 83, part 2, pp. 788-796. - Loc. cit., p. 23. ■' Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture, 18S5, p. 74. •*I)uthie, J. F. Fodder Grasses of Northern India, 1888, p. 41. ■''Pease, ?L T. l*oisoning of Cattle by Andropogon Sorghum. Jour. Compar. Med. and Vet. Arcli., vol. IS, 1897, p. 679. See also Agr. Ledger, hsiuj. No. 24. " Balfour, Andrew. Cyanogenesis in Sorghum Vulgare. First Report, Well- come Research Laboratory, at Gordon Mem. College, Kliartum, 1904, p. 47. which harbored aphids j'ielded more hydrocj'anic acid than a second one without parasites. Pease has lately claimed that the deaths from John- son grass in India were really cases of nitrate poisoning, as he found 25 per cent of nitrate of potassium in the stem of the plant and was able to produce somewhat similar symptoms in animals bj' feeding them this salt. Johnson grass is being introduced into Australia as a fodder plant, but as yet no reports of its poisonous action there have been noted by the writer.^ There has been some chemical studj^ of Johnson grass, but not with reference to anj^ poisonous principle.- A fresh, green, mature, nonflowering specimen of Johnson grass, moist- ened with a little water and preserved with chloroform, was sent from Santa Rosa, Cal., in sealed glass vessels, to this laboratory. This was botanicalh' identified here as Johnson grass. This specimen was not immediately worked up, but remained in the jars for about a month. At that time on opening the jars a marked odor of h3'drocyanic acid, together with that of chloroform, was detected. The ground-up plant, with the water in which it came, was distilled, and the distillate was caught in, sodium hydrate solution. This distillate, on mixing with ferrous sulphate and acidulation with hydrochloric acid, gave a heavy blue precipitate with ferric chlorid. Yellow ammonium sulphid was added to the same filtrate, and the mixture was evaporated to dr3'ness on the bath. The dried residue was then taken in hydrochloric acid water, and on the addition of ferric chlorid the fluid gave the charac- teristic red reaction for hydrocyanic acid. The nitro-prussid, picric acid, and silver nitrate reactions were all positive for hydrocj'anic acid. The aqueous fluid in which the plant was shipped was filtered off from the plant and gave on distillation all the above reactions for h3^dro- cyanic acid. According to our California correspondent, this plant is poisonous when grown on irrigated as well as on nonirrigated lands, but especial I3' so when grown on irrigated soil and the growth has become rank. Recently Dunstan'' has shown that Lima beans (Phaseolns lunafus), which when grown wild in Mauritius 3'ield sufiicient h3'droc3^anic acid to produce poisoning, when cultivated in Burma lose this toxicity almost entirely, although it may return most unexpectedly.^ He was unable, however, to determine the condition which increased its poisonous properties. 1 Maiden, J. H. Useful xiustralian Plants. Dept. Agr. New South Wales, Misc. Pub. No. 22, l.S9(j. - Annual Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture, 1878, p. 1(18. ■■'Dunstan, W. R. Phaseolus Lunatus. Agr. Ledger, lifO"), No. 2. ••Church, A. H. Kood-liraius of India. 188(), p. 155. Watt, (.leorge. Dictionary of the Economic i'rodncts of India, vol. (1, ])art 1, 1892, p. 187. 6 It is interesting to note, besides this production of hj'drocj^anic acid from complex glucosids, that proteids, when subjected to oxidation under certain conditions, also yield it.^ In fact, hj'drocj'anic acid may exist in plants in two forms, either as the acid or as one of its salts, or in the form of complex glucosids.'-^ Under the circumstances, the conclusions of Briinnich''' should be held in mind, viz, that " all fodder plants related to sorghum must be used with discretion in either the green or the dried state, and should not be given in large amounts to animals which have fasted for some time." In reference to other forage plants, Avery ^ says that "Kafir-corn leaves also contain this poison, but other forage plants — clover, alfalfa, grasses, and corn — give no test for prussic acid," and Briinnich also found it in Guinea grass or Panicmn maxhnmn and P. muticnm. Manj' facts have been collected relative to the distribution of hydrocyanic acid in plants, yet its exact significance in their metabolism is unknown." The question as to the relationship of parasites'' to the production of hydrocyanic acid remains to be solved. Later investigations will be carried on to determine the nature of this cyanogenetic compound, to determine whether hydrocyanic acid is present in all stages of its growth, but disappears on drying the plant, whether the hydrocyanic acid production occurs under all conditions or only when grown on certain soils, and the amount produced. Hydro- cyanic acid will also be looked for in other members of this genus. 1 Plnmnier, R. H. A. The Formation of Prussic Acid by the Oxidation of Albumins. Jour. Physiol., vol. .".1, 1904, p. 65; vol. .S2, 1904, p. 50. ■- Les Nouveaux Reniedes, vol. 14, 1S9S, p. 272. 3 Loc. cit., p. 792. ^ Avery, S. Laboratory Notes on Poison in Sorghum, Jour. Compar. Med. and Vet". Arch., vol. 23, 1902, p. 705. ■""■Czapek, F. Biochemie d. Ptlanzen, 1905, vol. 2, p. 259. '' Literature on some parasites of the sorghum family can be found in Bot, Gaz., vol. 28, 1899, p. 05. Also in Busse, W., Untersuch. u. d. Krank. der Sorghum Hirse, Arb. a. d. biol. Abtheil. f. Land u. Forstw. am kaiserl. Gesundheitsamt, 1904, vol. 4. O I U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY— BULLETIN NO. 90. B. T. GALLOWAY, Chief of Bureau. MISCELLAMOUS PAPERS. I. THE STORAGE AND GERMINATION OF WILD RICE SEED. By J. W. T. DUVEL, Assistant. II. THE CROWN-GALL AND HAIRY-ROOT DISEASES OF THE APPLE TREE. By GEORGE G. HEDGCOCK, Assistant. III. PEPPERMINT. By ALICE HENKEL, As^siant. IV. THE POISONOUS ACTION OF JOHNSON GRASS. By A. C. CRAWFORD, Pharmacologist. Issued Febeuary 21, 1906. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1906.' BTTLIiETINS OF THE BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY. The Bureau of Plant Industry, which was organized July 1, 1901, includes Vege- table Pathological and Physiological Investigations, Botanical Investigations, Farm Management (including Grass and Forage Plant Investigations), Pomological Inves- tigations, and Experimental Gardens and Grounds, all of which were formerly con- ducted as separate Divisions, and also Seed and Plant Introduction and Distribution; the Arlington Experimental Farm, Investigations in the Agricultural Economy of Tropical and Subtropical Plants; Drug and Poisonous Plant Investigations; Tea Cul- ture Investigations; the Seed Laboratory, and Dry Land Agriculture and Western Agricultural Extension. Beginning with the date of organization of the Bureau, 'the several series of bulle- tins of the various Divisions were discontinued, and all are now published as one. series of the Bureau. A list of the Bulletins issued in the present series follows. Attention is directed to the fact that "the serial, scientific, and technical publica- tions of the United States Department of Agriculture are not for general distribution. All copies not required for official use are by-law turned over to the Superintendent of Documents, who is empowered to sell them at cost." All applications for such publications should, therefore, be made to the Superintendent of Documents, Gov- ernment Printing Office, Washington, D. C. No. 1. The Relation of Lime and Magnesia to Plant Growth. 1901. Price, 10 cents. 2. Spermatogenesis and Fecundation of Zamia. 1901. Price, 20 cents. 3. Macaroni Wheats. 1901. Price, 20 cents. 4. Range Improvement in Arizona. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 5. Seeds and Plants Imported. Inventory No. 9. ,1902. Price, 10 cents. 6. A List of American Varieties of Peppers. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 7. The Algerian Durum Wheats. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 8. A Collection of Fungi Prepared for Distribution. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 9. The North American Species of Spartina. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 10. Records of Seed Distribution and Cooperative Experiments with Grasses and Forage Plants. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 11. Johnson Grass. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 12. Stock Ranges of Northwestern California. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 13. Range Improvement in Central Texas. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 14. The Decay of Timber and Methods of Preventing It. 1902. Price, 55 cents. 15. Forage Conditions on the Border of the Great Basin. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 16. A Preliminary Stu^y of the Germination of the Spores of Agaricus Campes- tris and Other Basidiomycetous Fungi. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 17. Some Diseases of the Cowpea. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 18. Observations on the Mosaic Disease of Tobacco. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 19. Kentucky Bluegrass Seed. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 20. Manufacture of Semolina and Macaroni. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 21. List of American Varieties of Vegetables. l903. Price, 35 cents. 22. Injurious Effects of Premature Pollination. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 23. Berseem. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 24. Unfermented Grape Must. 1902. Price, 10 cents, 25 Miscellaneous Papers: I. The Seeds of Rescue Grass and Chess. II. Saragolla Wheat. III. Plant Introduction Notes from South Africa. IV^ Congres- sional Seed and Plant Distribution Circulars. 1903. Price, 15 cents. 26. Spanish Almonds. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 27. Letters on Agriculture in the West Indies, etc. 1902. Price, 15 cents. 28. The Mango in Porto Rico. 1903. Price, 15 cents. 29. The Effect of "Black Rot on Turnips. 1903. Price, 15 cents. 30. Bjudding the Pecan. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 31. Cultivated Forage Crops of the Northwestern States. 1902. Price, 10 cents. 32. A Disease of the White Ash. 1903. Price, 10 cents. 33. North American Species of Leptochloa. 1903. Price, 15 cents. 34. Silkworm Food Plants. 1903. Price, 15 cents. 35. Recent Foreign Explorations. 1903. Price, 15 cents. 36. The ' ' Bluing ' ' and the ' ' Red Rot ' ' of the Pine. 1903. Price, 30 cents. [Continued on page 3 of cover.] U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY^ BULLETIN NO. 90. B. T. GALLOWAY, Chief of Bureau. > MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. 1. THE STORAGE AND GERMINATION OF WILD RICE SEED. By J. W. T. DUVEL, Assistant. II. THE CROWN-GALL AND HAIRY-ROOT DISEASES OF THE APPLE TREE. By GEORGE G. HEDG€OCK, Assistant. III. PEPPERMINT. By ALICE HENKEL, Assistant. IV. THE POISONOUS ACTION OF JOHNSON GRASS. By A. C. CRAWFORD, Pharmacologist. USfvWRY NHVV YORK BOTANICAL Issued Febkiaky 21, 1906. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 190 6. BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY. B. T. GALLOWAY, i 4 Patholoqist and Phyuoloqist, and Chief oj Bureau. \ VEGETABLE PATHOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS. ALBERT F. Woods, Pathologist and Physiologist in Charge, Acting CliifJ of Bureau in Absence of Chief. BOTANICAL INVESTIGATIONS. Frederick V. Coville, Botanist in Charge. FARM MANAGEMENT. W. J. Spillman, Agriculturist in Charge. POMOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS. G. B. Brackett, Pomologist in Charge. SEED AND PLANT INTRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION. A. .J. PiETERS, Botanist in Charge. ARLINGTON EXPERIMENTAL FARM. Ij. C. Corbett, Horticulturist in Charge. INVESTIGATIONS IN THE AGRICULTURAL ECONOMY OF TROPICAL AND SUBTROPICAL PLANTS. O. F. Cook, Bionomist in Charge. DRUG AND POISONOUS PLANT INVESTIGATIONS, AND TEA CULTURE INVESTIGATIONS. Rodney H. True, Pliysiologist in Charge. DRY LAND AGRICULTURE AND WESTERN AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION. Carl S. Scofield, Agriculturist in Charge. EXPERIMENTAL GARDENS AND GROUNDS. E. M. Byrnes, Superintendent. SEED LABORATORY. Edgar Brown, Botanist in Charge. i J. E. Rockwell, Editor. James E. Jones, Chief Clerk. CONTENTS/' Page. The storage and germination of wild rice seed 5 Introduction . 5 Distril nition 5 Habitat 6 Germination of tlie seed 7 Fall seeding versus spring seeding 7 Directions for storing the seed 8 Detailed conditions and results of storage experiments 9 Packing for transportation 11 Methods of making germination tests 11 Effect of temperature on germination 12 Summary 12 Description of Plates I and II 14 The crown-gall and hairy-root diseases of the apple tree 15 Inti'oduction 15 Two distinct diseases, crown-gall and hairy-root 15 Types of apple crown-gall 1<> Effect upon the length of life of the apple tree 16 Suggestions to nurserymen 16 Data desired 17 Peppermint 19 Description 19 Countries where grown . 20 Peppermint cultivation in the United States 21 Cultivation 22 Conditions injurious to crop 23 Harvesting and distillation 24 Description of still 25 Peppermint oil and menthol 26 F^xport of peppermint oil 27 Prices of pej^permint oil 28 The poisonous action of Johnson grass HI o The four papers constituting this Bulletin were issued in separate form on September 7, November 17, December 28, 1905, and January 17, 1906, respectively. 3 ILLUSTRATIONS. PLATES. Page. Platk I. Wild rice growing in water after being kept wet in cold storage at a temperature of 32-34° F , from October 19, 1903, to November 15, 1904 14 II. Stages of germination of wild rice, showing the development of the root system and the relative position of the seedling and the parent seed !■* III. Fig. 1.— Apple crown-gall on grafted tree. Fig. 2.— Apple crown- gall on transplanted seedling. Fig. 3.— Hairy-root disease on grafted apple tree. Fig. 4.— Hairy-root disease on grafted apple tree 1^ IV. Fig. 1.— Apple seedlings diseased with hairy-root. Fig. 2.— Apple seedlings diseased with soft crown-gall 16 V. Fig. 1.— Healthy fibrous rooted apple tree, pot grown. Fig. 2.— Apple seedlings diseased with hairy-root 16 TEXT FIGURES. Fig. 1. Peppermint "runners," showing method of propagation 20 2. Leaves and flowering top of peppermint 20 3. Peppermint still (after Dewey, in Bailey's Cyclopedia of American Horticulture) 26 4 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. B. P. I.— 178. I -THE STORAGE AND GERMINATION OF WILD RICE SEED." By J. W. T. DuvEL, A.^sist(tiit in tin' Seed Laboratory. INTRODUCTION. The seed of wild rice, sometimes called Indian rice or water oats {Zizania aquatica L.), has always been a very valuable food among- the Indians, especially those of the upper Mississippi Valley. Of recent }■ ears wild rice has found a place on the menu cards of some of our best American hotels. The rich and highly nutritious grains, together with the slightl}^ smoky flavor it has when properly pre- pared, make it an extremely palatable article of diet. If it were not for the difiiculties of harvesting the seed and preparing the finished product for market it is probable that wild rice would find a place in many American homes. At present, however, the greatest interest in wild rice is created by the value of the seed as a food for wild waterfowl, particularly wild ducks. As a result of this interest the propagation of wild rice from seed has become a question of considerable importance, especiall}" to the members of the gunning clubs throughout the United States and Canada. DISTRIBUTION. The distribution of wild rice is now reported from New Brunswick and Assiniboia south to Florida, Louisiana, and Texas. There are, however, comparativel}^ few localities in which it grows abundantly. « Wild rice is considered one of the most important foods for wild ducks and other waterfowl, and a large number of inquiries have been received from members of gunning clubs throughout the United States asking where good, germinable seed can be secured. It is quite generally recognized that wild rice seed loses its vitality if allowed to become dry, and better methods of storing the seed during the winter have long since been demanded. The results of investigations begun two years ago show that wild rice seed can be handled without any deterioration in vitality if it is harvested and stored according to methods outlined in the present paper. J. W. T. DuvEL, Acting Botanist in Charge of Seed Jjdxn-atory- Seed Labor.\tqrv, Washington, D. C, July £0, 1905. 6 MISCELLANEOUS PAPEKS. Good reasons exist for assuming that this area can be extended to include all fresh- water lakes, as well as swamps and river bogs, where the water does not become stagnant, throughout the whole of North America south of latitude 55° north. Wild rice also grows luxuri- antly along the lower parts of many of the rivers of the Atlantic Coast States, the waters of which are affected by the action of the tide to a considerable degree, and consequently contain an appreciable quantity of salt. It has been shown ^' that the maximum degree of concentra- tion of salt water in which wild rice plants can grow successfully is equivalent to a 0.03 normal solution of sodium chlorid. This concen- tration corresponds to 0.1755 per cent by weight of sodium chlorid, which is sufficient to give a slight salty taste to the water. HABITAT. While it is well recognized that the habitat of the wild rice plant is in shallow fresh water, it is now known that it will grow luxuriantly in water containing little less than two-tenths of 1 per cent of sodium chlorid. Occasional plants have been found growing in water which contained, for short periods at least, nearly double that amount of salt. These facts indicate the possibility of a much wider range of conditions to which this plant ma}' be subjected without hindering its development. It is not beyond the range of possibility — indeed, it is quite probable — that by careful selection plants may be obtained which will thrive on soil that is comparatively dry, at least in places in which the water can be drawn off gradually during the latter part of the growing .season. In September, 1904, Mr. G. C. Worthen, of the Bureau of Plant Industry, collected a cluster of wild rice plants which were growing on the Potomac Flats, near Washington, D. C, in .soil which was suf- ticiently dry to permit the use of a 2-horse mowing machine for cutting down the rank growth of vegetation. This was newly made land, and in all prol)abilit3' the seed giving rise to this cluster of plants was pumped in with the dirt from the Potomac River the year previous. This amphibious t3^pe once established, it will undoubtedly carry with it a strain of .seed which can withstand considerable drj^iug with- out any marked injur}' to its vitalit}'. Such being true, the methods and difficulties of propagation from seed would be greatlj'' simplified. Simultaneous with establishing an ampliibious t3'pe should come the selection of seed plants which are capable of retaining their seed until the larger part of it has reached maturity. These two steps once made, the future of wild rice as a cereal will be assured. n The Salt Water Limits of Wild Rice. Bulletin No. 72, Part II, Bureau of Plant Industry, United States Department of Agriculture, 1905. STORAGE AND GERMINATION OF WILD RICE SEED. 7 GERMINATION OF THE SEED. The greatest difficult}- to be overcome in extending the area for growing wild rice is the poor germination of the commercial seed. Inasmuch as wild rice constitutes one of the most important foods of wild clucks and other wild waterfowl, many individuals and most of the gunning clubs east of the Rocky Mountains have been asking the question, How can we propagate wild rice from seed in order to estab- lish better feeding and fattening grounds for our game birds? The many failures in the propagation of wild rice from seed have been due to the use of seed that had become dry before sowing, or to the fact that the seed when sown fresh in the autumn had been eaten by ducks or other animals or was carried away by heavy floods before germination took place. It is now ver}- generally known that the seed of wild rice, if once allowed to become dry, will not germinate, save possibh' an occasional grain. In its natural habitat the seed, as soon as mature, falls into the water and sinks into the mud beneath, where it remains during the winter months, germinating the following spring if conditions are favorable. Heretofore the plan generally followed, and the one usualh?^ recom- mended by those who have given some attention to the propagation of wild rice, was practically that of natural seeding; that is, to gather the seed in the autumn, as soon as thoroughl}' mature, and, while still fresh, to sow it in 1 to 3 feet of water. FALL SEEDING VERSUS SPRING SEEDING. It must be remembered that the bulk of the seed remains dormant during the winter, germinating first the spring after maturing; con- sequentlv, with but few exceptions, fall seeding is unsatisfactoiy and unreliable. Fall seeding is likel}^ to prove a failure for three reasons: (1) Wild ducks and other animals of various kinds eat or destroy the seed in considerable quantity before it has had time to germinate the following spring; (2) much of the seed is frequently covered so deeply with mud that washes in from the shore during the winter that the young plants die of sufl:ocation and starvation before the\' reach the surface; (3) in some cases a large quantity of the seed is carried away from the place where sown by the high waters and floating ice prev- alent during the latter part of the winter and earh' spring. In exceptional cases these diflnculties can be overcome; under which circumstances autumn sowing ma}^ be preferable to spring sowing. In the majority of cases, however, much better results will be obtained if the seed is proper!}' stored and sown in the early spring, as soon as the danger of heavy floods is passed and the water level approaches normal. 16976— Xo. 90— U6 2 8 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. In sowing" the seed considerable care must be exercised in selecting a suitable place, securing- the proper depth of water, etc. Good results can be expected if the seed is sown in from 1 to 3 feet of water which is not too stagnant or too swiftly moving', with a thick ]a3^er of soft mud underneath.'* It is useless to sow wild rice seed on a g-raveliy bottom or in water where the seed will be constantly disturbed by strong currents. - Previous to this time, save in a few reported cases, the seed which was allowed to dr^- during the winter and was sown the following- spring gave only negative results. It is now definitel}^ known that wild rice, if properly handled, can be stored during the winter without impairing the quality of germination to any appreciable degree, and that it can be sown the following spring or summer with good success. DIRECTIONS FOR STORING THE SEED. The vitality of wild rice seed is preserved almost perfectly if kept wet in cold storage — Nature's method of preservation. This method of storage implies that the seed has been properly harvested and cared for up to the time of storage. The seed should be gathered as soon as mature, put loosely into sacks (preferably burlap), and sent at once to the cold-storage rooms. If the wild rice fields are some distance from the cold-storage plant the sacks of seed should be sent by express, and unless prompt delivery can be guaranteed it is not advisable to send by freight even for comparatively short distances. It is very important that the period between the time of harvesting and the time when the seed is put into cold storage be as short as possible. If this time is prolonged to such an extent as to admit of much fer- mentation or to allow the seed near the outside of the bags to become dry during transit, its vitalit}^ will be greatly lowered. It is not practicable to give any definite length of time which mav elapse between harvesting and storing, inasmuch as the temperature, humidit}', and general weather conditions, as well as the methods of handling the seed, must be taken into consideration. Let it sufiice to say, however, that the vitality of the seed will be the stronger the sooner it is put into cold storage after harvesting. As soon as the seed is received at the cold-storage plant, while it is still fresh and before fermentation has taken place, it should be put into buckets, open barrels, or vats, covered with fresh water, and placed at once in cold storage. If there is present a considerable quantity of light immature seed or straw, broken sticks, etc., it will be profitable to separate this from the good seed by floating in water « Wild Eice: Its Uses and Propagation. Bulletin No. 50, Bureau of Plaiit Industry, United States Department of Agriculture, 1903. STORAGE AND GERMINATION OF WILD RICE SEED, 9 preparatory to storing. The storage room should be maintained at a temperature just above freezing- — what the storage men usually designate as the "chill room." When taken from cold storage in the spring the seed must not be allowed to dry out before planting, as a few days' drying will destroy every embryo. Seed which was stored under the foregoing conditions from October 19, 1903, to November 15, 1904, 393 days, germinated from 80 to 88 per cent. Another lot of seed, which was stored on October 6, 1904, and tested for vitality on April 17, 1905, germinated 79.8 per cent. Plate I shows the luxuriant growth made by the seed which was kept wet and stored at a temperature of 32° to 34° F. for 393 days. DETAILED CONDITIONS AND RESULTS OF STORAGE EXPERI- MENTS. The foregoing conclusions are based on the results obtained from two series of experiments, as follows: In October, 1903, a box of wild rice seed was received from Ontario, Canada. This seed, as soon as gathered, was loosely packed in moist sphagnum and sent by express to the Seed Laboratory of the United States Department of Agriculture. After a few da^^s, while it was yet moist and before any fermentation had taken place, the seed was divided into four lots for special treatment, as follows: (1) Seed submerged in water and placed in cold storage at a temper- ature of 32° to 34° F. (2) Seed submerged in water and placed in cold storage at a temper- ature of 12° F. The seed was soon embedded in a solid mass of ice and remained so until samples were taken for test. (3) Seed, without the addition of water, put into cloth bags and kept in cold storage at a temperature of 32° to 34° F. (4) Seed, without the addition of water, put into cloth bags and kept in cold storage at a temperature of 12° F. In October, 1904, a second consignment of seed was received from Minnesota, and the following additional storage experiments were made by Mr. C. S. Scofield, of the Bureau of Plant Industry, (5) Seed submerged in water and placed in cold storage at a temper- ature of 32° to 34° F., as in No. 1. (6) Seed submerged in water and placed in cold storage at a temper- ature of 12° F., as in No. 2. (7) Seed submerged in water in a galvanized-iron bucket and stored on the roof of the laboratory building. The water was changed daily when not frozen. 10 MISCELLANEOUS PAPEKS. r (8) Seed submerged in water in a galvanized-iron bucket and stored on the roof of the laboratory building, as in No. 7. In this case the water was not changed save to replace the loss due to evaporation. (9) The conditions for No. 9 were the same as those for No. 8, except that air was forced into the water daily when not frozen solid. Samples of seed were taken from the different lots and tested for vitality at irregular intervals throughout the time of storage, which, in the former series, extended over a period of approximately thirteen months and in the latter series over a period of little more than six months. Experiments JVos. 1 and 5. — The seed which was submerged in water and stored in the "chill room" showed no deterioration in vitality. The results of the final tests gave a germination varying from 79.8 to 88 per cent. This is practicallv Nature's method of preserving the vitality of the seed during the winter. Experiments JVos. 2 and 6. — The seed which was submerged in water and stored at a temperature of 12° F. was all killed before the spring following the date of storage. Soon after being placed in stor- age the water was frozen solid and the seeds were embedded in a mass of ice, in which condition they remained throughout the experiment, a portion being cut out from time to time for germination tests. The complete loss of vitality in these two lots of seed is attributed not to the freezing directly, but to the thorough desiccation as a result of the continuous low temperature. Experiments Wos. 3 and If.. — The samples of seed which were stored in cloth bags at the temperatures of 32° to 34° F. and of 12° F. had, for all economic purposes, entirely lost their vitality. The average percentage of germination, as shown by the 37 tests made from each of the two lots, was less than five-tenths of 1 per cent. Exjyeriment No. 7. — The seed which was submerged in water and stored on the roof of the laboratory building, the water being changed daily, showed a good percentage of germination when the last vitalit}^ tests were made. If only a small quantity of seed is desired for the spring planting and cold storage can not be readily secured, good results may be obtained by this treatment; but it is much less certain and probably more expensive than keeping the seed in cold storage, and for this reason is not recommended. The success of this method will likewise depend largely on the temperature of the water. Experiments Nos. 8 and 9. — On April 22, 1905, samples taken from each of these two lots of seed showed a marked deterioration in vitalit3\ Thoroughly mixed samples from No. S showed a vitality of only 58 per cent, while No. 9 had deteriorated to 14.3 per cent. STORAGE AND GERMINATION OF WILD RICE SEED. 11 PACKING FOR TRANSPORTATION. Too much care can not be given to the matter of packing the seed for transportation, for unless the packing is properly done the vitality of the seed will be destroyed during transit. What is here said applies to fresh seed which is to be sown in the autumn, as well as to seed which has been kept in cold storage during the winter. It must not be forgotten, however, that the vitality of cold-storage seed is more quickly destroyed on drying than that of fresh seed. For transportation the seed should be carefully packed, with moist sphagnum, cocoanut fiber, or tine excelsior, in a loosely slatted box. If the time of transportation does not exceed five or six days no spe- cial precautions need be taken as to the temperature. During the period of transportation it is quite probable that some of the seed will germinate, but if sown at once growth will not be retarded and the roots will soon penetrate the soil and anchor the young plants. If the time of transportation is necessarily long, it is recommended, if the best results are desired, that some provision be made for a reduced temperature. The nearer the temperature approaches that of freezing the better. It has been demonstrated, however, that a fair percentage of seed will remain germinable for a considerable time if packed as above described. On October 10, 1904, Mr. C. S. Scofield sent a small quantity of wild rice, packed in moist sphagnum moss in a well-ventilated box, to Doctor De Vries, of Amsterdam, Holland. On October 14 or 15 this box was placed in cold storage on the steamer in New York Harbor. The box of seed was received by Doctor De Vries in good condition on November 2, twenty-one days after the seed was packed for shipment. METHODS OF MAKING GERMINATION TESTS. The samples were tested (1) between folds of blotting paper — our regular method for testing the germination of most seeds — and (2) in water. Nature's method of sowing wild rice seed. The latter method gave much better results and was the one finally adopted for the laboratory tests. The seed should be covered with water, the water in the dishes to be changed daily. Plate I shows the importance of making the germination tests in water, as described in the foregoing paragraph. The seed was covered with water and placed in a germinating chamber maintained at an alternating temperature of 20° C. (68'-' F.) for eighteen hours, and 30" C. (84° F.) for six hours, until the majority of the seeds had germinated. At this stage the dish containing the seeds was trans- ferred to the worktable, which was exposed to the temperature of the laboratory — approximately that of a living-room. The water in the 12 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. dish was changed daily during the period of germination, and watei was afterwards added at irregular intervals to replace the loss by evaporation. Plate 11 shows somewhat in detail the different stages in the germina- tion of wild rice seeds. The seeds and seedlings are shown in natural size. In h and c the first sheath has just burst through the seed coats, taking a position at right angles to the seed proper. The lateral roots begin to emerge when the first sheath leaf has attained a length of ^ to li inches. From this time growth continues rapidly, and by the time the seedlings are 2 or 3 inches long the root system is ver}- well developed {f and g). At this stage under favorable conditions the plants have a good hold in the soil and will not be washed awa}^ by an ordinary freshet. The relative position of the actively growing seedling is alwa3^s at right angles to that of the old seed, as shown in y and g. EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE ON GERMINATION. Germination tests were made at constant and alternating tempera- tures, ranging from 15° to 3.5° C. (59° to 95° F.). While no effort was made to show the minimum and maximum temperatures of ger- mination, the percentage was somewhat reduced at a constant tempera- ture of 35° C, and the maximum is not much above that. All of the other temperatures gave good results. The lower temperatures, how- ever, were slightly more favorable than the higher. These facts are valuable to show that the wild rice plant can thrive in either warm or cold water, but better, perhaps, in northern than in southern latitudes. SUMMARY. (1) Under no circumstances should wild rice seed which is intended for planting be allowed to dry. Dried seed will germinate but rarely and should never be sown. (2) Wild rice seed can be stored without deterioration if it is gath- ered as soon as matured, put into barrels or tanks, covered with fresh water, and, before fermentation has set in, stored at a temperature of 32-31° F. Seed treated in this way germinated as high as 88 per cent after being in storage 393 days. Fresh seed seldom germinates better, and usually not so well. (3) After the seed is taken from cold storage it should not be allowed to dry. The vitality of cold-storage seed is destroyed on drying even more quickly than that of fresh seed. (1) For transportation the seed should be packed in moist sphagnum, cocoanut fiber, or fine excelsior. If not more than five or six days are required for transit, no special precautions need be taken for con- trolling the temperature; but if the time for transportation exceeds STORAGE AND GERMINATION OF WILD RICE SEED. 13 six days, provision should be made for a temperature sufficiently low- to prevent marked fermentation, A temperature approximately freezing will give the most satisfactory results. (5) Wild rice can be sown either in the autumn or in the spring. Spring sowing is preferable, thus avoiding the danger of having the seed eaten or destroyed by wild ducks or other animals during the fall or winter, or of its being l)uried or washed away by the heavy floods of late winter or early spring. (6) Wild rice should be sown in the spring in from 1 to 3 feet of water which is neither too stagnant nor too swiftly moving, as soon as the danger of heavy floods is passed. (7) Wild rice is of the greatest importance as a food for wild water- fowl, likewise a delicious breakfast food for man, and the area in which it is extensively grown should be extended. It will grow luxuriantly in either warm or cold water; furthermore, it can be grown success- fully in water which is slightly salty to the taste. (S) In determining the vitalit}^ of any sample of wild rice seed the germination tests should be made in water — the condition under which the self-sown seed germinates. (9) The seed will germinate well at temperatures ranging from 15^ to 30^ C. The maximum temperature of germination is above 35 "" C. (95^ F.), but better results are obtained at lower temperatures. DESCRIPTION OF PLATES I AND II. Plate I. Wild rice growing in water. This seed was submerged at a temperature of 32-34° F. for approximately thirteen months. In making the germination test the seed was covered with water and placed in a germinating chamber main- tained at a temperature of 20° C. (68° F. ) for eighteen hours, and at 30° C. (86° F.) for six hours. After the majority of the seeds had germinated the dish was transferred to the worktable of the Seed Laboratory. Plate II. Progressive stages in the development of wild rice seedlings; /and g, seed- lings showing the relative position of the growing seedlings and the parent seed, which take a position at right angles to each other when grow'n normally in water. (Natural size. ) 14 Bui. 90, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate Wild Rice Growing in Water after being Kept Wet in Cold Storage at a Tem- perature OF 32-34'-' F., FROM October 19, 1903, to November 15, 1904. Bui. 90, Bureau of Plant Indusiry, U. S Pept of Agriculture. Plate II c V y / Stages of Germination of Wild Rice, Showing the Development of the Root System and the Relative Position of the Seedling and the Parent Seed. Natural Size. B. P. I.— 186. V. p. 1'. 1.-145. Il.-THE CRO\V\-G.\LL AND H.\IRY-ROOT DISEASES OF THE APPLE TREE. By George (t. Hedcjcock, Assistant in Pathology, Vegetable Pathological and Physiologica I Investigations. INTRODUCTION. The diseases of the apple which have been classed under the name crown-gall have, diirino- the last few years, attracted much attention, due partly to an increase of these diseases and partly to the enacting- of more stringent State laws governing the shipment and inspection of trees. A series of investigations into the nature of crown-gall upon the apple, pear, raspberry, peach, almond, grape, rose, and other plants has been in progress for some time in the Mississippi Valle}" Labora- tory of the Bureau of Plant Industry at St. Louis, Mo., and also at other points in the Mississippi Valley. It is not to be assumed, how- ever, that such diseases are more common in this locality than in some other portions of the United States. Apple crown-gall and hairy-root have been found in all nurseries that have been examined in various portions of the country. This preliminary report is sent out, not with the intention of giv^ing the results of all our investigations, but for the purpose of calling the attention of apple-tree growers to the different diseases hitherto known as apple crown-gall, and to endeavor to interest them in the collection of data regarding the predisposition of varieties to these diseases. TWO DISTINCT DISEASES, CROWN-GALL AND HAIRY-ROOT. Our investigations have resulted first in separating apple crown-gall into two diseases, which are considered distinct. The disease now designated as crown-gall is a callous-like gall growth of hypertrophied tissue following' wounds on some portion of the root system of the tree, which rarely occurs above the ground on parts of the trunk or limbs. (See PI. Ill, figs. 1 and 2.) The malady now called the hair^-root disease is evidentl}^ the same as the one first given this name by Stewart, Rolfs, and Hall in Bulletin 191 of the New York State Experiment Station. It is characterized both in seedlings (PI. IV, fig. 1, and PI. V, fig. 2) and in grafted or 16976— No. SO— OH .S 15 16 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. budded trees (PL III, figs. 8 and -i) b}' a stunted root S3\stem, accom- panied with an excessive production of small fibrous roots, often origi- nating in clusters from the main root, or taproot. Galls often occur in connection with hairy-root, but these are a result of wounds rather than a form of this disease. Seedlings of the hairj^-root type, unless wounded, remain free from galls. TYPES OF APPLE CROWN-GALL. Apple crown-gall is of two types. A iiard callous form is common on grafted trees at the union of the root and scion, and at any other point of the root sj^stem where wounds occur in either the cultivation or transplanting of trees (PL III, fig. 1). The results of extensive inoculations with this type have failed to prove that this disease is- of a contagious nature. A second type is a soft form more common on seedlings (PL IV. fig. 2), occurring more rarely on grafted trees (PL Jli^ fig. 2). These softer galls resemble those of the raspberry- and peach, in that thev^ are soft and often rot off. It is not certain, however, that they, like the latter, are replaced the following year by a new gall growth from the adjacent live tissues of the host, nor is there proof yet that they are of a contagious nature. EFFECT UPON THE LENGTH OF LIFE OF THE APPLE TREE. Careful data are being collected from orchards and nurseries as to the effect of these diseases upon the life and fruitful ness of trees. Any information as to the locality of orchards in which diseased trees have been planted will be highly appreciated. In our crown-gall orchard there are more than 200 trees diseased with the hard type of crown-gall, and 200 healthy trees of the same grade planted under similar conditions. After two years' growth six of the crown-gall trees and nine of the healtlw ones have died. No difference in the growth of the trees is noticeable. However, it can not be assumed from the results so far that, on the one hand, the disease may not ^et shorten the life of the trees, or, on the other, that the trees may not entirel^^ overcome its effects. A tree having crown-gall on its roots, however, can never be correctly graded with a smooth-rooted tree. The root system of a healthy fibrous-rooted apple tree is shown in Plate V, figure 1. SUGGESTIONS TO NURSERYMEN. Nurserymen are advised to be careful in the selection of seedlings for grafting and >)udding. All rough, warty, or galled seedlings should be thrown out, for most of them will form rough- rooted trees. Seedlings with tufted or hairy roots should also be rejected, for these. 1 Bui. 90, Bureau of Plant Industiy, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate I ^x ._r^ sW^v'^L^B^^H B^&\ 1j l^ T^' i>f ll m( 7 ' .'{/\ ij ^u/^) "*, Y-fv\m \ \\ ^^U( r ^ Fig. 1.— Apple Crown-Gall on Grafted Tree. Fig. 2.— Apple Crown-Gall on Transplanted Seedling. \ i yi BBF->"^3i! L ,mi v\ ' ■"a- "7 /' '/ > Fig. 3.— Hairy-Root Disease on Grafted Apple Tree. Fig. 4.— Hairy-Root Disease on Grafted Apple Tree. Bui. 90, Buieau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate IV. o > "D "D r- m O) m m D r z o en en m > en n D > -< ii o o H P > 13 "0 m a> m m o n z o CO en m > en m O H I CO o -n -i O 33 O ? Z I Q > Bui. 90, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept of Agriculture. Plate V. I m > r H I -< w O C CO I 3D O O H m D > T) m "U O H o 33 o $ P > Tl m D m > CO n o H I I > 33 -< I 3D O O H CROWN-GALL AND HAIRY-ROOT DISEASES OF THE APPLE TREE. 17 as shown b}'^ our experiments, develop into hairy-rooted trees with a very deficient root systenL The hairy-root disease, as it appears from the results of two 3'^ears' experiments, is not contagious. It is hoped in the near future to be able to offer some practical means of reducing the percentage of trees affected with these diseases in the nursery. DATA DESIRED. The hearty cooperation of nurserymen and orchardists in securing data is desired. It is hoped to secure the help of the leading nursery- men of this countr}^ in getting an accurate count from each nursery of the number of diseased trees in at least one row of every variety in all fields where the trees are all dug in one season. Such data are desired from every locality wdiere apple trees are grown. Printed blanks with directions for tabulating such data have been provided and these will be sent to all who request them. Address the Missis- sippi Valley Laboratory, St. Louis, Mo. B. P. T.— 189. III.-PEPPERMINT/' By Alice Henkel, J,s'.s/sta»/, lirug-Phiut Invedigalions. DESCRIPTION. One of the most important essential oils produced in the United States is distilled from the peppermint plant and its varieties. The three kinds of mint grown in this conntrv for the distillation of pep- permint oil are the so-called American mint {Mentha piperita L.), the black mint {Mentha piperita rulgaris Sole), and the white mint {Mentha piperita ofjjcinalis Sole), the two last named being varieties of the American mint. The American mint, although introduced from England many years ago, is so called from the fact that it has long been cultivated in this country, and the name ^ State mint " has been applied to it in the State of New York for the same reason. The peppermint, or American mint, is now naturalized in many l)arts of the eastern United States, occurring in wet soil from the New England States to Minnesota, south to Florida and Tennessee. It is an aromatic perennial belonging to the mint famil}^ (Menthaceae), and propagates by means of its long, running roots (fig. 1). The smooth, square stems are erect and branching, from 1 to 3 feet in height, bearing dark-green, lance-shaped leaves, Avhich are from 1 to 2 inches lonjr. and from one-half to 1 inch wide. The leaves are pointed at the apex, rounded or narrowed at the base, sharply toothed, smooth on both sides, or with hairy veins on the lower sur- face. The flowers are borne in whorls in dense, terminal spikes; they are purplish, with a tubular, five-toothed calyx, and a four-lobed corolla. (Fig. 2.) a In response to a steady demand for infovniatiou relating to the peppermint industry. Miss Alice Henkel, Assistant in Dvug-I'lant Investigations, lias Ikhmi requested to bring together the most iniiiortiint facts rognrding tlio history, culture, and utilization of the peppermint |)lant. The iiiforiuation here pre- sented has been obtained in large part from scattered articles on the subject, and in part from experience with the phuit in the Testing Gardens of the Depart- ment of Agriculture. RoDNKY II. True. Phusiologist hi Charfjc. Office of Dkug-Pl.\nt Investigations, Wushiiif/toii. D. ('.. Orldhrr 1 ',. 100.1. 19 L>() MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. Fig. 1.— Peppermiut •'runners,'' showing method of propagation. The Uvo varieties mentioned are closely related botanically, al- though in general appear- ance they are quite dilfer- ent. The variety known as black mint {MentJui piperita vulgaris) has pur- ple stems and slightly toothed, dark-green leaves, whiljC the white mint {Mentha piperita o-ffiei- iialis) has green stems, with brighter green leaves, Avhich are more lance- shaped and more deeply toothed. Black. mint is much more hardy and productive than either the American mint or the white mint, and is groAvn on nearly all pepper- mint farms in this country. The Avhite mint, which produces a fine grade of oil, is rarely cultivated on a com- mercial scale in this country on ac- count of its inability to withstand the climate and its smaller yield of essen- tial oil. The oils spoken of as Japanese and Chinese " peppermint " oils are not ob- tained from the true peppermint plant, but are distilled from entirelj^ dili'erent species, namely, Mentha arvensls piper- ascens Malinvaud and Mentha arrensi.s glahrata Holmes, respectivel3\ COUNTRIES WHERE GROWN. The most important j^eppermint- producing countries are the United States, England, and Japan. Pepper- mint is groAvn on a smaller scale in Germany, France, Italy, Russia, China, and southern India. In Japan, peppermint cultivation is said to have been undertaken before the Christian era. The plant grown there is not, as already ^i«- 2 —Leaves and flowering top of stated, the peppermint cultivated in peppeimm . our country, but Mentha arrensh pipcrai^een.s^ which is entirely dis- PEPPERMINT. 21 tinct from the true peppermint, not only botanically but also in taste and odor. Peppermint is cultivated on many drug farms in England, espe- cially at ]Mitcliam. the middle of the eighteenth century marking the beginning of peppennint cultivation in that country. Up to 1805. hoAvever, there were no stills at Mitcham, and the crops obtained there were sent to London for distillation. About 1850, at wdiich time the peppermint industry in England was at its height, the effect of American competition began to be felt, and caused a decided check in the production. PEPPERMINT CULTIVATION IN THE UNITED STATES. Wayne County, N. Y., in 181(5, was the first locality in this country to distill peppermint' on a commercial scale. The supply of root- stocks was obtained from the wild plants found growing- along the banks of streams and brooks. Adjacent counties soon undertook the cultivation of peppermint, but Wayne County was then, and is now, the principal peppermint district in New York. The cultivation of peppermint was extended to Ashtabula, Geauga, and Cuyahoga counties in Ohio, and also to northern Indiana. Roots were taken from Ohio into St. Joseph County, ]Mich., the first plan- tation being made on Pigeon prairie in 1835. Other plantations in St. Joseph County Avere established the following years, and adjoin- ing counties soon took up the cultivation of peppermint, and south- western Michigan has been for thirty-five years or more the greatest peppermint-producing section in the United States. About 1844 an interesting peppermint-oil monopoly « was under- taken by a NeAv York firm, Avhich seems to haA^e put an end to pepper- mint cultivation in Ohio, for none of the counties just mentioned has since been heard from as a peppermint-producing section. The first step taken l)y this Xcav York firm in its efforts to con- trol the peppermint-oil market Avas to send a representative to LiA^erpool, P]ngland, to ascertain the amount annually demanded by that market, Avhich was found to be about 12,000 pounds. This done, another agent Avas sent West to determine the amount produced annu- ally. Avith the result that it Avas found that the farms in Xcav York did not produce enough oil for their purposes, the plantations in Ohio too nnich, Avhile those in Michigan seemed to produce just about the right amount to satisfy the LiA'erpool demand. A contract was then entered into l)y this agent Avith the producers in Xcav York and Ohio •• whereby he bound them under heaA-y penalties to i)low up their mint fields and destroy the roots, and not plant any more mint, or sell or giA^e aAvay any roots, or produce or s(>11 any mint oil for the "Prof. Aiuer. Phiinii. .Vssoc. T : 449-4r»<.) (l8r)S). 22 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. period of five years." For this wholesale destruction of their mint fields the producers received a bonus of $1.50 per acre. Next a con- tract was made by the agent with the producers of St. Joseph County, Mich., agreeing to pay them $2.50 a ])ound for their mint oil, every ounce of the mint oil to be delivered for a period of five years to tlie agents named in the contract. They also were prohibited during this period from extending their plantations and from selling roots to anyone. The producers held to these contracts for about three years, after which period the New York firm w^as not so anxious to enforce them, having, in the meantime, acquired a large fortune through its pepi)ermint-oil monopoly. Since that period the area devoted to peppermint cultivation in Michigan has steadily increased, and northern Indiana, with its prin- cipal centers of production in St. Joseph, Steuben, and La (irrange counties, continues to place on the market a considerable quantity of oil. Ohio seems to have abandoned pep])ermint cultivation, at least on a commercial scale, and New York, for a number of years and until very recently, had greatly reduced the area under peppermint, thou- sands of acres formerly devoted to this crop having been given over to sugar beets, onions, and celery. In 1889 Wayne County, N. Y., had 3,325 acres of peppermint, whereas in 181)1) there were only 300 acres. In 1905, about 933 acres were under cultivation. Special canvassers appointed by the State of Michigan " made a canvass of 299 growers in the peppermint district in that State, cover- ing 39 townships in nine counties (Allegan, Berrien, Branch, Cass, Kalamazoo, Oakland, St. Joseph, -St. Clair, and Van Buren), and the total number of acres under peppermint cultivation, the number of pounds of oil distilled, and the average number of pounds per acre, as ascertained by this canvass, for the years 1900, 1901, and 1902, are as follows: Items. Total number of acres grown _ Total number of pounds distilled Average number of pounds per acre 1900. 1901. 2,112 47,628i 22.5 2,r82i 63,718J 23.9 1 1902. 6.400i 82,42()i 12.8 CULTIVATION. Peppermint cultivation is most profitable on muck lands, such as are now used in ]\Iichigan for this crop and for celery and cranberry culture. These muck lands were formerly marshes and swamps, which have been reclaimed by draining, plowing, and cultivating, the swamp vegetation having been thus subdued, and the decayed a Tweutieth Annual Report of the Bureau of Labor of the State of illchlgan, 1903, pp. 438-^47. PEPPERMINT. 23 vegetable matter resulting in a very black soil which is most admir- ably adapted to mint cultivation. Formerly peppermint was grown exclusively on upland soil in Michigan, but it is a very exhausting crop on such land. Only two crops can be obtained from upland plantations, and after the second year's harvest the land is plowed and a rotation of clover, corn, etc., is practiced for five years before pep permint is again planted. But on the rich muck land peppermint can be grown year after year for six or seven years, the land being plowed up after each crop is harvested, and the runners turned under to form a new growth the succeeding year. The ground is harrowed in autunm and again in spring, and carefully weeded. Peppermint will grow, however, on any land that will produce good crops of corn, the ground being prepared by deep plowing and harrowing. In Michigan* the land is plowed in the autumn, and early in spring it is harrowed and marked with furrows about 3 feet apart. The roots selected for planting are from one-eighth to one-quarter of an inch thick, and from 1 to 3 feet long; and the workmen engaged in " setting mint," as the process is called, carry these roots in sacks across their shoulders and place them in the furrows by hand, cover- ing the roots with one foot and stepping on them wdth the other. The roots are planted so close together in the furrow as to form a continuous line. An expert workman can plant about an acre in a day. In about two weeks the young plants will make their appearance, and are carefully hoed and cultivated until July and August, when the plants have usually sent out so many runners as to make further cultivation difficult. The crop is cultivated with horse cultivators, but if the land was very weedy in the first place, the weeds will have to be pulled by hand. It is very necessary that the land be free from Aveeds, as any collected with the peppermint crop will seriously injure the quality of the oil. It may be interesting to note here that on muck lands, when necessary, the horses are usually provided with mud shoes to prevent their sinking into the soft, wet ground, these mud shoes consisting of wide pieces of iron or wood about 9 by 10 inches, fastened to the hoofs and ordinary shoes by means of bolts and straps. CONDITIONS INJURIOUS TO CROP. Cold and wet weather or extremely dry periods have a very unfa- vorable effect on the mint crop. Insect enemies also tend to cut xlown the mint harvest — grasshoppers, crickets, and cutworms sometimes doing considerable damage. A rust, causing the foliage to drop off a Twentieth Annual Report of the Bureau of Labor of the State of Michigan, 1903, pp. 4.38-447. 24 MISCELLANEOPS PAPERS. and leaving the stems almost bare, is apt to follow if very moist weather occurs toward the latter part of the season. Weeds are especially to be avoided in a mint field, since, as stated, the quality of the oil will be seriously impaired if these are harvested with the peppermint. The weeds generally found in a peppermint field are Canada fleabane {Leptilon canadense), fireweed {Erechtites hieraci- folia), giant ragweed {Amhrosia trifida), pennyroyal {Hedeoma pidegioldes) , Eaton's grass {Eatonia pennsylvanica) , June grass {Poa pratensis), and other low grasses. HARVESTING AND DISTILLATION. The first crop of mint is harvested in the latter part of August, when the plants are in full flower, and the gathering continues until about the middle of September, the stills running night and day until all the mint is disposed of. The first crop is usually cut with a scythe, as mowing machines do not work well on soft cultivated land. The succeeding crops are cut with a mowing machine or sweep-rake reaper. The highest yield per acre and the best quality of oil are obtained from the first year's crop. Sometimes, if the weather con- ditions have been very favorable, a second cutting is made. The 3'ield of oil from peppermint obtained from the same field sometimes varies very much, the condition of the atmosphere seeming to exert an influence upon it, as it is said that mint cut after a Avarm and humid night will yield more oil than that cut after a cool and dry night. It requires about 330 pounds of dried peppermint to produce 1 pound of oil, and the yield of oil from an acre ranges from 12 to 50 pounds. If the mint crop has been grown on muck land, all that is necessary after the crop has been harvested is to plow up the land and turn the runners under for a new crop. If grown on upland, after the second year's crop is in, or, at the most, after the third year's harvest, the land is plowed and then given up to other crops. Peppermint exhausts the land, and it is necessary to practice rotation of crops for about five years in order to put the land in condition if it is desired to use it again for peppermint cultivation. After the plants are cut they are usually placed in windrows until they are dried, but are not alloAved to become so dry as to permit the leaves to shatter oif, and are then talven to the distillery. Some grow- ers believe that if the plants are allowed to dry there will be a smaller oil content owing to the escape of some of the oil into the atmosphere, and so have the plants brought to the distillery in the green state; but Mr. A. M. Todd " is of the opinion that no loss of oil will result «Amer. Jour. Pharin., fJO: 328-332 (1888). PEPPERMINT. 25 from drying, his experiments along this line showing that the dry plants can be distilled three times as rapidly as the green plants, and that a larger quantity of oil may be obtained. He states that — To obtain the best results, both as to quality of essential oil and economy of transportation and distillation, the plants should be dried as thoroughly as pos- sible without endangering the loss of the leaves in handling. Distillation should then take place as soon as convenient to prevent the oxidation of the oil in the leaf by atmospheric action. The smaller producers, who have no stills of their own, have their mint crop hauled to the nearest peppermint distillery, where it is distilled for them at a cost of 25 cents per pound of oil. DESCRIPTION OF STILL. The apparatus used in peppermint distillation in the early years of the industry in this country consisted of a copper kettle, from the top of which a pipe connected with a condensing "worm." Water was placed in the kettle and the plants were immersed in it, and direct heat was applied to the bottom from a furnace. With such a still only about 15 pounds of oil could be obtained from a charge. In 18-16, large wooden vats were substituted for the copper kettles, and the plants were distilled by steam passing through them. The kettle formerly used as the still was now employed to generate steam, a long pipe conveying the steam to the bottom of the vats. With this method of distillation from 75 to 100 pounds of oil could be obtained from a charge without much additional .expense. A modern peppermint still (fig. 3) may be briefly described as fol- lows: The apparatus required consists of a boiler, a pair of large circular Avooden vats, a condenser, and a receiver. The boiler, of course, is used for the generation of steam. Two wooden vats are used in order that they may be filled and emptied alternately. These vats are about G feet high and about 5 feet in diameter, with tight -fitting removable covers and perfo- rated false bottoms. Steam pipes are led from the boiler into the bottom of the vats. The condenser consists of a series of pipes of block tin, either immersed in tanks of cold water or over which cold water is kept running, the condenser being connected with the top of the dis- tilling vats. The condensed steam, together with the oil, flows into a metallic receiver, in which the oil, being lighter than the water, rises to the top and can be drawn ofl". The perforated false bottoms with which the vats are supplied permit the passage of steam. A strong iron hoop is placed about this false bottom, and two pairs of stout chains, which meet at the top 26 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. of the vat in a pair of rings, are attached to it. After the charge has been distilled it is drawn from the vats by means of this arrange- ment. The plants are thrown into the vats and are closely packed by two or three men tramping npon them, and as the vat becomes about one-third full the packing is still further assisted by turning in a small supply of steam, which softens the plants. When the vat is filled the tight cover is replaced and a full head of st^am turned on. In the largest distilleries the vats have a capacity of from 2,000 to 3,000 pounds of dried plants each. Fig. 3. — Peppermint still. (After Dewey, in Bailey's Cyclopedia of American Horticulture.) A, boiler ; B, steam pipes leading to vats ; G, valves for shutting off steam ; D, mint packed in vat ready for distilling ; E, mint being lowered into vat ; F, tight-fitting cover used alternately for both vats ; O, pipe from top of vat, joined at H so as to swing to other vat ; J, perforated pipe, from which cold water drops over condensing tubes ; K, supply pipe for cold water ; M, condensing pipes ; A', outlet for condensed oil and water ; O and P, water and oil in separating can; R, outlet for water; 8, floor of distilling room. Large tanks are used for storing the oil, and cans holding 20 pounds each are employed for shipj^ing, three of these cans being placed in a wooden case. The peppermint ha}^ which remains after distillation is used as a fertilizer or is fed to stock. PEPPERMINT OIL AND MENTHOL. Peppermint leaves and flowering tops are official in the Eighth Decennial Revision of the United States PharmacoiDoeia, as are like- wise the following products and preparations derived from these .parts: Oil of peppermint, menthol, spirit of peppermint, and pepper- mint water. PEPPEEMINT. 27 The United States Pharmacopoeia describes oil of peppermint as " a colorless liquid, having the characteristic strong odor of pepper- mint and a strongly aromatic pungent taste, followed by a sensation of cold when air is drawn into the mouth." It is largely used in medi- cine, internally as a stimulant and carminative, and externally to relieve neuralgic and rheiunatic conditions. It is also used for flavor- ing and scenting confectionery, cordials, and cosmetics. There is a slight difference in the odor of white and black peppermint oil, the black being more pungent and less agreeable in fragrance than the white, which has a much finer odor, but, as already indicated, the white mint is less hardy than the black and yields a smaller quantity of oil. The Japanese oil of peppermint, Avhich, as pointed out elsewhere in these pages, is obtained from a different species of mint than that which produces the true oil of peppermint, is very inferior to the last named. It has a very unpleasant odor and a bitter, disagreeable taste, but it is a heavy oil and contains a higher percentage of menthol and, being a very much cheaper oil, it is liable to be used as an adul- terant of true peppermint oil. Menthol, formerly known as peppermint camphor, is the solid con- stituent of oil of peppermint, obtained by subjecting the distilled oil to an exceedingly low temperature by means of a freezing mixture. Its properties are about the same as those of oil of peppermint, only somewhat intensified. It is very largely made up into cones or pencils, which furnish a popular remedy, to be applied externally or inhaled, for the relief of headache, neuralgia, catarrh, asthma, and kindred affections. It is also largely employed in other forms of medication. The name " pipmenthol " has been applied to the menthol obtained from the American oil, to distinguish it from the Japanese menthol. Pipmenthol is said to have a distinct odor of peppermint, while the Japanese menthol has but a slight peppermint odor. EXPORT OF PEPPERMINT OIL. The exports of peppermint oil during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1904, amounted to 42,930 pounds, valued at $124,728. Germany and the United Kingdom were the largest consumers, the former receiving 22,372 pounds, valued at $65,505, and the latter 11,558 pounds, worth $31,798. The following tables show^ the export of peppermint oil, by coun- tries, for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1904, and the quantities and values of peppermint oil exported for a period of ten years, from July 1, 1894, to June 30, 1904, inclusive: 28 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. Exports of peppermint oil, hy countries, for the fiscal year ended June 30, IDOJf.a Country. Belgrium France Germany Italy... Netherlands United Kingdom Dominion of Canada: Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, etc Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, etc... Newfoundland and Labrador West Indies: British Cuba Danish Dutch _ Argentina British Guiana. Peru British Australasia Total 42,939 Quan- tity. Value. Pounds. 473 $1,585 3,054 10,a59 22,372 65,505 826 3,471 590 1,934 11,558 31,798 85 234 1,165 3,306 94 204 183 700 29 87 17 55 20 .61 1,237 3,504 10 81 50 175 1,176 3,019 124,728 "The Foreign Commerce and Navigation of the United States for the year ending June 30, 1904, vol. 1, p. 531, Bureau of Statistics, Department of Commerce and Labor. Quantities and values of peppermint oil exported during the fiscal years 1895 to 1904, inclusive.^ Fiscal year. Quan- tity. Value. Fiscal year. Quan- tity. Value. 1895 ' . Pounds. 87.633 &5,290 162,493 145,375 117,462 1194,616 174,810 257,484 180,811 118,227 1900 Pounds. 89,558 60.166 36,301 13.033 43.939 S90,298 1896.. 1901 1903 1903 1904 63,672 1897. .54,898 1898 34,943 1899 124,728 " From The Foreign Commerce and Navigation of the United States for the year ending June 30, 1901!, vol. 2, p. 309. Bureau of Statistics, Treasury Department ; and The Foreign Commerce and Navigation of the United States for the year ending June 30, 1904, vol. 1, p. 192, Bureau of Statistics, Department of Commerce and Labor. PRICES OF PEPPERMINT OIL. The price of peppermint oil was very low for a few years j^rior to 1900, the enormous production of 1897 resulting in a great drop in price. The lowest price paid for it was in 1899, when it brought only 75 cents per pound. As a result of the low price a great many mint farmers restricted the area of their mint plantations or alto- gether abandoned peppermint cultivation. The smaller output of the following seasons again sent prices up, and in 1902 the oil sold as high as $4.75 a pound, which price was maintained until early in 1903, when it gradually declined, until toward the end of that year it reached $2.20 per pound. . . PEPPERMINT. 2\) The following table" gives the highest and lowest prices of pepper- mint oil in bulk from 1873 to September 16, 1905 : Year. Highest. Lowest. Year. Hjghest. Lowest. Year. Highest. Lowest. 1873 S3. 15 5.25 5.50 3. 75 3.00 2.«) 2.65 2.87 2.85 2. .50 2.60 $3.15 3.75 3.20 2.40 1.75 1..50 1.45 2.60 2. :« 2.25 2.20 1884 _ 1885 1886. 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891- 1893 1893 1894 $.3.00 4.37 3.60 2.75 2.40 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.50 2.45 2.45 $2.50; 2.75 2.75 1 1.90 L75 1.80 L80 2.45 2.15 2.15 1.70 1895 1896 1897.- 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905* $2.00 L86 1.25 .90 .90 1.10 1.80 4.75 4.75 3.75 3.45 $1.70 1874 1.20 1875 .90 1876 .80 1877 .75 1878_. 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 .80 1.10 1.70 2.20 2.65 2.25 * To September 16. The good prices of the j)ast few years have caused many farmers to look again to peppermint as a profitable crop, as noted in increased areas under cultivation in many localities. This is the case not only in Michigan and Indiana, but also in New York, where for many years the peppermint industry has been declining. Thus, if favor- able conditions of growth prevail, an increased production maj^ be looked for within the next few years, which will have the effect of again depressing prices. As is the case with other products the prices of which are subject to great fluctuations, the condition of the market for peppermint oil needs to be closely observed. The cost of cultivation per acre has been stated at from $12 to $1-1, and, with a charge of 25 cents per pound of oil for distillation, the market price may easily fall below the cost of production. a From Oil, Paint, and Drug Reporter, September 18, 1905, p. 7. B. P. I.— 194. IV.-THE POISONOUS ACTION OF JOHNSON GRASS." By A. C. Crawford, Phminacologisf, Poisonous- PI ant Investigations. Johnson grass, which was introduced from Turkey into this countr^y about 1830,^ has spread so that in many places it is considered as a weed and pest/ Some farmers, however, have utilized the dried grass as ha}' with advantage, either alone or combined with other food material,'^ and chemical analyses have proved its value as feed. Recently reports have come to this office from California of the death of cattle under such circumstances as to point to Johnson grass as the causative agent — the cattle dving in thirty minutes after eating the grass. Johnson grass belongs to the same genus of the Gramineae as sorghum. This group has been partially investigated chemically, and it has been found that the fresh green plants of various members yield "This office has from time to time received communications from stockmen, especially in the lower part of California, Arizona, and adjacent territory, expressing a suspicion that the eating of Johnson grass had caused the death of stock with rather sudden and violent symptoms. There has seemed to be little ground in poisonous-plant literature to support such an explanation. Last summer, however, convincing observations were reported from California by a stockman who had lost heavily, and a supply of the grass in question was obtained. The result of the study of this material was so positive, and the possibility of damage due to this unsuspected forage plant so clear, that this preliminary notice is put out in the hope of getting observations and material for study from many sources, in order, if possible, to determine the conditions under which the poisonous properties are developed and over how wide an area they are likely to appear. Rodney H. True, Physiologist. Office of PoisoNors-PL.\NT Investigations, ]V(is}tliu/tnn, D. C ., Decemfter II, WO.'i. ^Ball, C. R. Johnson Grass. Bui; No. 1], Bureau of Plant Industry, United States Department of Agriculture, 1902. <^Spillman, W. J. Extermination of Johnson Grass. Bui. No. 72, Part 111, Bureau of Plant Industry, United States Department of Agriculture, 1905. f'North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station, Bui. 97, p. 92; Vasey, G., Grasses of the South, Bui. No. 3, Division of Botany, United States Department of Agriculture, 1887; Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture for 1881, pp. 281, 232, 239, 241; Report of the Secretary of Agriculture, 1890, p. 381. 31 32 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. hydrocyanic acid as a result of the action of enzymes on more highly complex bodies." Ball* in 1902 stated that at that time there had been no official reports to his office of cases of poisoning by Johnson grass, but that there were some newspaper statements to that effect. He thought these accounts were probably not authentic, but stated that "since Johnson grass is closely related to sorghum, which is known to be poisonous under some circumstances, it would not be surprising if Johnson grass should also be poisonous under like conditions. * * * In comparison with the great number of cattle fed or pastured in Johnson grass, the reported cases of poisoning are extremely rare." The first report of the poisonous action of Johnson grass which reached the Department came from Miles City, Mont. Mr. William Story reported that he and a neighbor had lost several head of cattle after they had eaten small quantities of the grass, and that they had died very suddenly. Mr. Story suggested that there was "something peculiarly poisonous about the grass." The Commissioner of Agricul- ture in publishing this report stated that " although the grass has been cultivated in the South for forty or fifty years, no similar charges have been made against it."'^ In India this plant is widely used as a fodder for cattle,^^ and the natives make use of the seeds for food. It has been noted there that deaths in cattle frequentl}^ occur when, on account of the failure of rain, the plants which have reached a certain size become stunted and withered. The toxic principle appears simultaneously over a wide area, but soon disappears if a rainfall occurs.^ The deaths of cattle have been attributed by some to an insect living upon the plant, and in Australia it is the belief that Sorghum vulgcure^ which also yields hydrocyanic acid, becomes more poisonous when attacked b}^ an insect during a drought. A similar observation has been made with Scyr- ghummdgare in the Sudan. Balfour-^ found that one specimen of the plant which harbored aphids yielded more hydrocyanic acid than a ^Dunstan, W. R., and Henry, T. A., The Nature and Origin of the Poison of Lotus Arabicus, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 1901, vol. 194, B., p. 515; Dunstan, W. R., and Henry, T. A., Cyanogenesis in Plants, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 1902, vol. 199, A., p. 899; Slade, Henry B., Prussic Acid in Sorghum, Jour. Amer. Cheni. Soc, 1903, vol. 25, pp. 55-59; Slade, Henry B., Study of the Enzymes of Green Sorghum, Fifteenth Annual Report, Agricultural Experiment Station of Nebraska, 1902, pp. 55-62; Briinnich, J. C, Hydrocyanic Acid in Fodder-plants, Jour. Chem. Soc, 1903, vol. 83, part 2, pp. 788-796. &Bul. No. 11, Bureau of Plant Industry, United States Department of Agriculture, p. 23. c Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture, 1885, p. 74. t^Duthie, J. F. Fodder Grasses of Northern India, 1888, p. 41. « Pease, H. T. Poisoning of Cattle by Andropogon Sorghum. Jour. Compar. Med. and Vet. Arch., vol. 18, 1897, p. 679. See also Agr. Ledger, 1896, No. 24. /Balfour, Andrew. Cyanogenesis in Sorghum Yulgare. First Report, Wellcome Research Laboratory, at Gordon Mem. College, Khartum, 1904, p. 47. POISONOUS ACTION OF JOHNSON GRASS. 33 second one without parasites. Pease has lately claimed that the deaths from Johnson grass in India were really cases of nitrate poison- ing, as he found 25 per cent of nitrate of potassium in the stem of the plant and was able to produce somewhat similar symptoms in animals by feeding them this salt. Johnson grass is being introduced into Australia as a fodder plant, but as yet no reports of its poisonous action there have been noted by the writer.^ There has been some chemical study of Johnson grass, but not with reference to any poisonous principle.^ A fresh, green, mature, nonllowering specimen of Johnson grass, moistened with a little water and preserved with chloroform, was sent from Santa Rosa, Cal., in sealed glass vessels, to this laboratory. This was botanically identified here as Johnson grass. This specimen was not immediately worked up, but remained in the jars for about a month. At that time on opening the jars a marked odor of hydro- cyanic acid, together with that of chloroform, was detected. The ground-up plant, with the water in which it came, was distilled, and the distillate was caught in sodium hydrate solution. This distillate, on mixing with ferrous sulphate and acidulation with hydrochloric acid, gave a heavy blue precipitate with ferric chlorid. Yellow ammo- nium sulphid was added to the same filtrate, and the mixture was evaporated to dryness on the bath. The dried residue was then taken in hj'drochloric acid water, and on the addition of ferric chlorid the fluid gave the characteristic red reaction for hydroc3^anic acid. The nitro-prussid, picric acid, and silver nitrate reactions were all positive for hj'drocyanic acid. The aqueous fluid in which the plant was shipped was filtered off from the plant and gave on distillation all the above reactions for hydrocyanic acid. According to our California correspondent, this plant is poisonous when grown on irrigated as well as on nonirrigated lands, but especially so when grown on irrigated soil and the growth has become rank. Recentl}^ Dunstan'' has shown that lima heans {Phaseolus Iwi aim), which when grown wild in Mauritius yield sufficient hydrocyanic acid to produce poisoning, when cultivated in Burma lose this toxicity almost entirel}", although it may return most imexpectedly.'^^ He was unable, however, to determine the condition which increased its poisonous properties. It is interesting to note, besides this production of hydrocyanic acid from complex glucosids, that proteids, when subjected to oxidation "Maiden, J. H. Useful Australian Plants. Department of Agriculture New South Wales, Misc. Pub. No. 22, 1896. ^Annual Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture, 1878, p. 168. «Dunstan, W. R. Phaseolus Lunatus. Agricultural Ledger, 1905, No. 2. ^Church, A. H., Food-Grains of India, 1886, p. 155; Watt, George, Dictionary of the Economic Products of India, vol. 6, part 1, 1892, p. 187. 34 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. under certain conditions, also yield it/' In fact, hj'drocA^anic acid may- exist in plants in two forms, either as the acid or as one of its salts, or in the form of complex glucosids/ Under the circumstances, the conclusions of Brimnich'' should be held in mind, viz,' that ""all fodder plants related to sorghum must be used with discretion in either the green or the dried state, and should not be given in large amounts to animals which have fasted for some time." In reference to other forage plants, Avery'' says that "Kafir-corn leaves also contain this poison, but other forage plants — clover, alfalfa, grasses, and corn — give no test for prussic acid," and Brilnnich also found it in Guinea grass or Panicum maximum and P. mutlcwn. Many facts have been collected relative to the distribution of hydro- cyanic acid in plants, yet its exact significance in their metabolism is unknown.^ The question as to the relationship of parasites-^ to the production of hj^drocyanic acid remains to be solved. Later investigations will be carried on to determine the nature of this c3^anogenetic compound, to determine whether h3'drocyanic acid is present in all stages of its growth, but disappears on drying the plant, whether the hj^drocyanic acid production occurs under all con- ditions or only when grown on certain soils, and the amount produced. Hydrocyanic acid will also be looked for in other members of this genus. aPlummer, R. H. A. The Formation of Prussic Acid by the Oxidation of Albu- mins. Jour. Physiol., vol. 31, 1904, p. 65; vol. 32, 1904, p. 50. &Les Nouveaux Kemedes, vol. 14, 1898, p. 272. <-Jour. Chem. Soc, 1903, vol. 83, part 2, p. 792. <^ Avery, S. Laboratory Notes on Poison in Sorghum. Jour. Compar. Med. and Vet. Arch., vol. 23, 1902, p. 705. «Czapek, F. Biochemie d. Pflanzen, 1905, vol. 2, p. 259. /Literature on some parasites of the sorghum family can be found in Bot. Gaz., vol. 28, 1899, p. 65. Also in Busse, W., Untersuch. u. d. Krank. der Sorghum Hirse, Arb. a. d. biol. Abtheil. f. Land u. Forstw.-am kaiserl. Gesundheitsamt, 1904, vol. 4. o New York Botanical Garden Library 3 5 85 00259 8819 %^"' >; . ' ^1 -V. f V / ^-.^ ..V,:-^!