T^!:^e/Sy.^^':^g;^!'^i».;-^5 UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSFTT LIBRARY DATE DUE 1 s 73 E22 NO J -57 1883-95 t Tins book may ^^ ^ TWO lEFKS only, «na is su>| of TWO CENTS a It will be duo dicatcd belo^^ STATE LIBBARV MASSAaiILTS45^TK STATE Massac 1 • (l^peaimt Station. . BY ,_„. ^c^ricultural AT AMHERST, MASS. BOARD OF CONTROL. His ExcELLKNOY B. F. BuTLER, Govemov of the Commonwealth., President ex-officio. J. P. LvNDE, Atliol, I Members of the State Board of Jaimes H. Nichols, Haverhill, ) Agricidticre. O. B. Hadwen, Worcester, ] Members of the Board of Trnstees J. H. Demond, Northampton, \ of the 3fa.'!s. Agricidtural College. Theodore Lyman, BrookUne, Member of the Massachusetts Societn for Promoting Agriculture. James C. Greenough, Amherst, President of the 3Iassachn setts Agricidtn ral College . OFFICERS APPOINTED BY THE BOARD OF CONTROL. C. A. GoESSMANN, Prof, of Chemistr}- at the Mass. Agi'iciiltiiral College, Director and Chemist. M. Miles, Prof, of Agriculture at the Mass. Agricultural College, Su2:)t. of Field and Stock Experiments. S. T. Maynard, Prof, of Botany at the Mass. Agricultural College. Sux)t. of Horticultural Experiments, Microscopist and Draughtsman. HI IWASSACHUSETTS AMHERST; MASS. J MASSACHUSETTS STATE Agricultural Im^iwj Stjition, BXJI-.l_.HlTI2Sr IsTo. 1. JULY, 1SS3. The State Agricultural Experiment Station at the Massachusetts Agricultural College in Amherst, Mass., was established by an act of the Legislature approved on the I'ith of May, 1SS2. The manage- ment of the Station is vested iu a •' Board of Control," which consists of the governor of tiie state, as president, ex-ofticio ; two members elected by the state board of agriculture; two members from the board of trustei's of the Massachusetts Agricultural Col- lege ; one from the iMas^achusetts Society for promoting agricuitiu'e, and the president of the Massachusetts Agricultural College. (See Chap. 212, Laws and llesolves passed by the Legislature in 1882.) The niembei's of the Board, :it their first meeting in July, elected O. B. Hadwen secu-etary, and Tlieodcn-e Lyman treasurer. No faither action was taken on account of the lateness of tlie season, until the following November when a director, a chemist and all necessary assistants, as provided by law, were appointed. The former entered upon his duties on the loth of November, L882, the latter on the 1st of January, 1883. By resolution of the Board its members are dele- gated to visit alternately every month the Station ; and the director is instructed to report its condition and its wants at the bi-monthly meeting of the l)oard. The first report of the director was presented to the board at its annual business meeting at the office of the secretary of the State Board of Agriculture, January 30th, 1883. It contained principally a short ontliiie of a series of experiments proposed for the considera- tion of the Board as the basis of the first year's work of the Station, besides a detailed statement concerning the chemical work carried on since its establishment. The essential contents of the report are C^jublished in the annual rep(nt of the secretary of the State Board of ^•'Agriculture for 1882. The college buildings selected bj' the Board C5 CO cr for the use of the Station have been repaired under the special direc- tion of ]\Ir. Hadwen, and they are now ready for occupation. The barn and the stables for feeding experiments have been re-fitted under the immediate supervision of Prof. Miles, who has also directed the necessary, uiiderdraining of fields and buildings for experiments. Prof. Maynard has carried out the desired enlargement of experi- iments in fruit culture and in the cultivation of new forage crops ; he has also paid much attention to the investigation of suitable means for the destruction of injurious insects. Most of the ex[)eriments assigned to the Station for the present year are fairl}' under way, and the remainder will be attended to in due time. At the May meeting of the Board it was voted to authorize the director to publish from time to time in form of bulletins, such results of the work carried on by the Station as in his judgment maj^ prove of immediate benefit to the farmers of the state ; and also to make known to them to what extent and in what direction the Station in its present condition can render them assistance in their every-day's agricultural pursuit. As the character of man}' experiments carried on in their earlier stage of progress renders a detailed discussion quite unprofitable, it seems but natural that the bulletins for some- time hence will contain mainly the results of chemical analyses of fertilizing material, fodder articles, and such other sul)stances as are specified in the legislative Act above referred to. For the sake of completeness, concerning the record of the chemical work of the Station, the chemical analyses previously reported will be i-eprinted in a proper connection with later work of a similar character. The bulletins of the Station will be hereafter issued every month as long as the material on hand renders that course advisable. They will be sent to the agricultural press and the various agricultural societies of the state, and also to all parties inside or outside of the latter who will furnish their address to the ofiice of the Station. It is hoped that all who are connected with the publication of agricul- tural topics will send in return their publications to the latter. Arrangements have been of late perfected which enable the chem- ical department of the institution to attend more satisfactorily to the examination of objects of general interest to the fanning community. The requests for the analyses of substances coming through oflicers of agricultural societies or clul)s within the state, will receive liereaf- tei' first and i)i'ompt attention : and in the order as the applications for an examination ari'ive at the otlice of the Station. The matei-ial for tlie Hualvsih is lo be sent on, ti-ausportatiou [)i'epaid ; the results will be returned without charge for the work carried out. Applica- tions for analyses of substances sent on by private parties will receive careful consideration whenever the results promise to be of a more general interest, and as far as the existing special resources admit. The limited Hnaucial means of the Station necessitate, however, in the latter case a moderate charge for the services rendered, to cover expenses. For obvious reasons no work can be carried on at the Station of which the results are not at its disposal for publication if deemed advisable in the interest of the citizens of the state. By consent of the secretary of the State Board of Agriculture the anal- yses of commercial fertilizers collected by the state inspector will be published hereafter in the bulletins in advance of the annual report. All parcels and communications sent to the Experiment Station must have express and postal charges prepaid to receive attention. July. 1S83. C. A. G0P:SSMANN, Director FODDER ANALYSES. WHEAT BRAN. Collected of Chas. Parsons, Norlhampton^ Mass. 5: _c 5 J 1 o .2 i •r C 5 ^ o 1 1 O c ^ 8 S p Moisture at 100° C, lo.TO 274. Dry Matter, 86.30 100.00 Analysis of Dry Matter. Crude Ash, 5.83 1 !(;.(; " Cellulose, 8.0;") ICl. 32. 20 " Fat, 2.51 50.2 40.2 80 " Protein, (nitrog's matter) i(;..s8 337.6 297.1 88 Non-nitrooenous extract matter, 53.03 1060.6 848.48 80 8G.30 2000.0 1217.78 'I'he al)ove stated rate of digestilMlit}' of the various constituents of wheat bran was ascertained b}' feeding the dry material to steers. A detailed discussion of the various constituents, — stated in the chemical analysis of any article of fodder, — may be found in the 27th Annual Report of the secretary of the Mass. State Board of Agricul- ture, pages 235 — 7. 2. ryp: bran. Collected of Charles Parsons, Xortliampton, 3[as.\ Moistiiiv at lOU'' C, Dry Matter, Analysis of Dnj Matter. Crude Ash, " Cellulose, •' Fat, " Protein, (uitrog's matter) Non-U itrooenous extract matter, 2 ■ c ■^ « 1 1 2 •S 5 "^ S fl .« a rt 5 2 v. O fl -3 o ^ g n o s § ^ o g -o "^ u 2 ^ 3 ^ -^ ^. 0 2 o p-i U .o 13.70 274. 86.30 100.00 4.46 89.2 3.92 78.4 7.06 9. 1.79 35.8 20.60 57.5 16.38 327.6 216.20 66. 59.7.5 1195.0 890.20 74.5 86.30 2000.0 1134.06 The above stated rate of digestibility of the various constituents was ascertained in feeding experiments with pigs. 3. CORN MEAL. Collected of Charles Parsons. NortJiamptoa, Mass. Moisture iit 100° C, Dry JNIatter, Analysis of Dry Matter. Crude Ash, " Cellulose, " Fat, " Protein, (uitrog's matter) Noii-uitroo;eneous extract matter i i .5 ? -i ., 75 ^ i 1 1 1 ? ■•B o i 2 o c V- M c ;: a. § c S 9 ■;: ? o i: ^ % g - 0 ■s -" ^ 1 "B '% " s '^ >> 'a " 5 ^ tj -T^ C .S o ^ (2 3 17.04 340.8 82.96 100.00 1.31 26.2 2.99 59.8 20.3 34 4.00 80. 60.8 76 13.94 278.8 237. 85 60.72 1214.4 141.54 94 82.96 2000.0 1457.64 ESSENTIAL MINERAL CONSTITUENTS IN 100 PARTS OF CORN MEAL. Potassium Oxide, Calcium Oxide, Magnesium Oxide, Phosphoric Acid, 0.419 per cent. 0.040 0.176 0.644 TJje above stated rate of digestibility was found in feeding exper- iments with pigs. 4. CORN MEAL AND COBS. Collected of Charles Parsons, Northampton, Mass. 78.63 per cent, passed through mesh of 144 to the inch. 1 i I 1 B ° o » •i » ^ i bj[i " 0 fl aj iJ s o 2 ^ S c ■3 o +i o ^ 8 ^ o 9 - '§■ 2 i 1 3 d o .S o o Ch Ph ^ Moisture at 100° C, 19.07 381.4 Dry Matter, 80.93 1 100.00 Analysis of Dry Matter. ^ .2 Crude Ash, 1.30 26. a; Q Q " Cellulose, 7.91 158.2 " Fat, 2.78 55.6 o o ;2; " Protein, (uitrog's matter) 12.19 243.8 Nou-uitrogeiious extract matter, 56.75 1135. 80.93 2000.0 As the rate of digestibility of cobs has not yet been ascertained by actual feeding experiments no statements regarding the digesti- bility of the above material are given. There is but little doubt, however, that the addition of cobs to meal deserves recognition in regard to their nutritive value as well as to their beneficial mechanical influence upon the digestion of the corn meal. For analysis of corn cobs see report of the Mass. Board of Agriculture for 1879, pages 240—4. 10 5. HOMINY FEED. (Chit and soft parts of the kernel of the corn.) Collected of Mr. J. A. Sullivan, Northampton, Mass. 46.07 per cent, passed through mesh 144 to the inch. 1 1 1 1 '3 5 5 Z 1 1 1 1 ■a o "2 ° Moisture at 100° C, 8.93 178.6 Dry Matter, 91.07 100.00 '^ -i-j Anah/sis of Dry Matter. a; 2 .S 2 Crude Asli, 1.89 37.8 B 1 " Cellulose, 3.43 68.6 1^ " Fat, 4.45 89. ^ =^ " Protein, (nitrog's matter) 10.20 204." Non-nitrogenous extract matter. 71.10 1422. 91.07 2000. ESSENTIAL MINERAL CONSTITUENTS IN 100 FARTS HOMINY I'EEU. Potassium Oxide, Calcium Oxide, Magnesium Oxide, Phosporic Acid, 0.49 per cent. O.IS 0.2s 0.98 " The ratio of digestil)ility is [)robably similar to that of the corn meal. 11 6. G LUTEN MEAL. Refuse from Glucose manufacture. From Messrs. Sumner Crosby & /So)i, South Boston, Mass. ^ r- ■ • '■^ -2 5 "^ > s ^ s ce rJ -rt 0 ." c a r: " Ph ;= Moisture at 100° C, 8.35 167. Dry Matter, 91.65 100.00 Analysis of Dry Matter. Crude Ash, 6.89 137.8 " Cellulose, 7.97 159.4 41.4 26 " Fat, 5.22 104.4 95. 91 " Protein, (uitrog's matter) 34.14 682.8 593.8 87 Non-nitrogenous extract matter. 37.43 748.6 681. 91 91.65 2000.0 1411.2 ESSENTIAL MINERAL CONSTITUENTS IN 100 PARTS LINSEED CAKE. Potassium Oxide, Calcium Oxide, Magnesium Oxide, Phosphoric Acid, 1.43 per cent. 0.64 0.77 1.86 The stated ratio of digestibility was ascertained by feeding expei- iments with steers. 13 COTTON sp:ed meal. Collected of Charles Parsons^ Northampton^ Mass. £ 1 S o "5 o ^ o 1 1 '^ o o II Moisture at 100" C. 9.13 182.6 Dry Matter, 90.87 100.00 Analysis of Dry Matter., Crude Ash, 6.92 138.4 " Cellulose, 5.71 114.2 26.27 23 " Fat, 11.66 233.2 212.20 91 " Protein, (uitrog's matter) 42.75 855.0 632.70 74 Non-nitrogenous extract matter. 23.83 476.6 231.24 46 90.87 2000.0 1102.41 The above adopted ratio of digestibility is based on experiments with sheep. 14 9. COTTON SEED MEAL. Sent on by E. S. Mhrrner^ IlafJieJd, 3Iass. This article is of good quality, and was obtained by bolting a coarse cotton seed meal ; eighty-one pounds of the above kind was obtained from one hundred pounds of the latter ; the coarse portion — nineteen per cent. — has been analyzed to ascertain its fitness as a fertilizer, with the followino- results : 15 10. coarsp: portion of cotton seed meal FOR fertilizing PURPOSES. Se))f oil b>/ E. S. Warner^ Hatfidd^ Mass. Moisture at 100" C, 7.09 percent. (Organic and volatile matter, 93.465 " Ash Constituents, ' 6.535 " 100.000 Nitrogen in organic compounds, 5.000 per cent. Potassium Oxide, 1.797 '' Calcium Oxide, 0.263 " Magnesium Oxide, 0.223 " Phosphoric Acid, 2.341 " Insoluble INIatter, 1.784 " VALUATION PEIJ TON OF 2000 POUNDS. lis lbs. of Nitrogen at 18c., 46.82 " Phosphoric Acid at 6 c, 35.94 " Potassium Oxide, at 4^ c, $21.24 2.69 1.53 $25.46 MASSACHUSETTS STATE Agricultural ExpEpEtiT Stjition BULx^ETiisr :^^o• s. AUGUST, L'^S3. FERTILIZER ANALYSES. The valuation of Coimmkrcial Fertimzers is based on the market vahie of their essential constituents. The market reports- of New York and Boston, — aside from consultations with leading manufact- urers of fertilizers, furnish the necessary information. The subse- quent statements of trade values adopted in the bulletins are obtained by taking the average New York and Boston wholesale quotations of the six months preceding March 1st, 1883, and increasing them by 20 per cent, to cover expenses for storage, sales, etc. Tiie prices stated in connection with analyses of commercial fertilizers refer therefore to their cost, per ton of 2000 lbs., on board of car or l)oat. Crude Stock for the manufacture of fertilizers, and refuse mate- rials of various descriptions, sent to the station for examination, are valued with reference to the market prices of their principal constit- uents, taking into consideration at the same time tlieir general fitness for speedy action. The general physical condition of these substances enters as an important factor in their valuation. The morluuik-ai condition of any fertilizing material, simple or compound, deserves the most serious consideration of farmers, when articles of a similar chemical character are offered for their choice. The degree of pulver- ization controls almost without exception, under similar conditroiis, the rate of solubility, and thus more or less rapid diffusion of the diff"ercnt articles of plant food throughout the soil. Trade Values for 1883. Nitrogen in nitrates, . . - . ammonia salts, •' Peruvian guanos, fine steamed bone, dried and fine ground blood, meat, fish, superphosphates and special manures, . . . . Phosphoric acid soluble in water, " " reverted and in Peruvian guano. " insoluble, in fine bone, lish- guano and superphosphates.-' Totash in high grade sulphate, " low grade sulphate and kianite. muriate or potassium chloride, - )s1 per U) 20 cts. 20 " CANADA WOOD ASHES. (11 — 17). 11. Sent on from Sunderland, Mass. 12. Sent on from Sunderland, Mass. 13. Sent on from North Amherst, Mass. 14. Collected at the R. K. depot in Amherst, b}' State Inspector. 15. Sent on from North Amherst, Mass. 10. Collected of D. A. Horton, Northampton, Mass., by State Inspector. 17. White Ash, sent on from South Deerfield, Mass. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 POUNDS PEK HUNDRED Moisture at 100° V. 24.50 16.66 18.70 9.30 8.40 16.70 6.62 Cak'iiim Oxide, 33 13 32.25 80.60 34.91 .39.71 35.26 50.89 Potiissiuiii Oxide, 4.77 4.97 4.61 6.50 4.96 5.55 5.23 Fhosphorie Acid, 1.49 1 66 1.10 .78 .80 2.28 1.29 Insohible Matter, 8.50 10.45 11.06 9.30 6 70 4.90 4.87 Samples 1, 2, 3, 4, o, 6, represent the average quality of Canada wood ashes sold in our section of the Connecticut riv(!r valley, at from 33 to 3;') cents pei' biisliel. S:iniple 7 was of an exceptional light color tind contaiued a larger per cent, of lime, yet cornptued well otherwise, in composition with the others. The increasing importation of Canada ashes into various parts of the state, renders it advisable to insist hereafter upon guaranteed analyses, as the basis of commercial transactions. The universal high opinion of wood ashes as a fertilizer does not depend merely on a fair percentage of potash, but also on the pres- ence of more or less of all the various mineral elements essential to the (jroioth of plants. Wood ashes, like barnyard manure, on account of their compound character, meet to some extent at least, not only known, but un- known deficiencies in valuable soil constituents. The thorough mixture of their various constituents has no doubt a beneficial infiu- euce on their action. 18. TOBACCO STEMS. Sent on by E. S. Warner, Hatfield, Mass. Moisture at 100° C. 8.95 per cent. Dry Matter, 91.05 Nitrogen in dry matter, 13.91 " One hundred part of ^-iidc. aali contained. Potassium Oxide, 0.21 per cent. Sodium Oxide, 0.68 " Calcium Oxide, 4.76 " Magnesium Oxide, 1.14 " Phosphoric Acid, 0.87 " Silica, Sulphuric Acid, etc., not determined. VALUATION PER TON OF 2000 POUNDS. 53.80 lbs. of Nitrogen at 18c. $9.68 124.20 " Potassium Oxide at 4ic. 5.28 17.40 '' Phosphoric Acid at 6c. 104 $16.00 The ash of the tobacco plant, like that of other industrial crops, usually varies less in regard to absolute quantity, than to the relative proportion of its essential elementary constituents. Potash is known to vary as high as fifty per cent, in consequence of modes of cultivation and variety of soil, independent of the variety of plant. As it is chiiined by good iiullioiily, that an increase or a decrease of tire potash in the ash of tobacco stands in a definite relation to certain qualities of the latter, it is proposed to discuss this question more in detail hereafter in the annual report. 10. EEL-GRASS. Sent on by the South Bristol Farmers' Club, New Bedford, Mass. 1. Was tested soon after collection, and 11. after six months ex- )sure to atmospiieric influences. I. 11. Moisture (as sent on), 45.61 per cent. 25.1 7 per cent. Ash constituents, 20.39 10. .SI " Nitrogen iu organic matter , .70 .DG • ' l^otassium oxide in ash, 1.61 .21 '• Sodium " " 2.51 .74 " Calcium " " 1.56 2.70 ^' Magnesium " " .08 .12 '' Phosphoric acid '" .41 .22 "• lusoluble matter " .46 1.66 (.1 The composition of the seaweeds in their natural condition is some- what modified by adhesive sea-shells, sea-water, etc. ; no two samples would strictly agree in composition without a previous careful clean- ing of the plants. Time and exposure modify organic and inorganic constituents ; the alkalies and some of the earthy matters are liable to be washed out in part at least by rain; starchy materials, etc., are decomposed apparently at a higher rate than some of the nitro- genous organic matter. — The entire amount of potash, phosphoric acid and nitrogen contained in the organic vegetable matter is finally available. Assuming for coarse vegetable organic matter a similar rate of disintegration ; — and allowing the same rates of valuation as in Nos. 10 and 18, one ton of 1. would be worth $4.38, and one ton of II. $3.90. 20. RED LEATHER SHAVINGS. Sent on from Marlboro', Mass. Moisture at 100° C. 40.59 per cent. Nitrogen in Organic matter, 5.12 " Ash Constituents, 0.27 " The fertiliziug value of this material is practically unknown. The same may be said of another leather refuse, known as " Chemically Prepared Leathei Refuse," referred to in some of my previous reports. The latter consists usually of a coarse powder of a more or less dark brown color. Eight to ten samples, which have thus far been tested at the station, show a variation of from 5.0 to 8.8 per cent, of nitrogen. Its use as a constituent of commercial com- plete fertilizer, without stating the fact on the package, — is quite properly considered an imposition on the consumer. Whilst it is desirable that all suitable refuse materials from our various industries should be tried by interested parties regarding their mauurial value, it is not less important that the incorporation of any kind of material of an unknown rate of disintegration into compound commercial fertilizers ought to be discouraged. The best interests of the farmers as well as of the trade in com- mercial fertilizers are most efficiently promoted by that course of action. To meet the varying perzodicaZ wants of the growing plants necessitates at all times a liberal suppl}* of available plant food of all kinds. To comply economically with that essential requirement, for the successful cultivation of any crop renders it necessary to have at least some approximately correct information regarding the behaviour of the various constituents of fertilizers, when brought under the intluence of soil and atmosphere. A disregard of this point on the part of a manufacturer, when compounding his articles for the general market, involves not only serious disappointments to the farmers, who chance to use them, but must ultimately ruin his trade. PEAT. (21—23). 21. Sent on from Harwich, Barnstable Co., Mass. 22. Sent on from Hudson, Worcester Co., Mass. 23. Sent on from Holyoke, Hampden Co., Mass. Moisture at 100° C. Dry Matter, Ash constituents in dry matter. Nitrogen in wet peat, Nitrogen in perfectly dry peat. POUNDS PER HU 78.26 33.61 21.74 66.39 1.31 4.54 .41 1.40 1.89 2.11 54.28 45.72 33.72 .43 .94 The difference in the composition of samples 21 and 22, is mainly due to their different state of moisture. Both are fair specimens of their kind. The low percentage of nitrogen in sample 23 is caused by an exceptional large admixture of soil. "Wherever the entire deposit shows a similar amount of earthy admixture, a direct culti- vation, after draining, suggests itself as worth trying. FISH. (24—30). 24. I^ry Fish, sent on by Franlvliu Farmers' Club. Guaranteed composition ; not stated. 25. Dry Fish, sent on by Milo L. Smith, Smith's Ferry, Mass. Guaranteed composition ; not stated. 20. Diy Fish, of Quinnipiac Fertilizer Co. Collected of E. T. Sabiu, East Amherst, Mass., by State Inspector. Guaranteed composition ; total phosphoric acid, G to 8 per cent. ; soluble and reverted phosphoric acid 2 to 4 per cent. ; nitrogen 7 to 9 per cent. 27. Dry Fish of Geo. W. Miles' Co., Milford, Ct. Collected of P. F. Bridges, South Deerfield, Mass., by State Inspector. Guaranteed composition ; Nitrogen 7 to 10 per cent. 28. Half dry Dog Fish Pomace, sent on from Portsmouth, R. I. 29. Fish Pomace of Geo. W. Miles' Co., Milford, Ct. Collected of P. F. Bridges, So. Deerfield, Mass., by State Inspector. 30. Fish Pomace, collected of H. L. Phelps, Northampton, Mass., by State Inspector. «4 25 26 27 28 20 SO POUNDS PER HUNDRED. Moisture at 100° C. Total phosphoric acid, Sohible " 1^ RevL-rtt'd " / Insohible " Nitrogen, G.Gl fi.l7 2.40 3.77 8.47 7.50 7.07 2.32 5.35 9.36 9.45 8.39 2.75 5.64 8.85 7.G3 6.48 2.16 4.32 8.65 11.35 5.85 .66 2.20 2.99 6.96 38.11 7.49 .82 2.87 3.79 543 .$35.92 44.41 5.85 1.57 0.62 3.62 5.27 Valuation per 2000 lbs., .$47.32 .$53.18 $51.88 $48.43 .$40.58 $33.02 31. CASTOR rOMACE. Collected of D. A. Hortou, Novtbampton, Mass., by State Inspector. Moisture at 100° C. 10.18 per cent. Total phosphoric acid, 2.13 " Nitrogen (IH cts per lb.), 5.G9 '' Potassium Oxide, .92 " Vahiation per 2000 lbs., $23.84 '• COIMPLETE MANURES. 32. l)Ovvker's Hill and Drill Phosphate. Collected of C. F. Brown, Northampton, j\Iass., by State Inspector. Guaranteed composition ; total phosphoric acid 10 to 12 per cent. ; soluble and reverted phosphoric acid (available) 8 to 10' per cent. ; Ammonia 2.5 to 3.5 per cent, (equiv- alent to Nitrogen 2.0 to 2.8) ; potassium oxide 2 to 3 per cent, (in form of sulphate). 33. Quinnipiac Phosphate. Collected of E. T. Sabin, East Amherst, Mass., by State Inspector. Guaranteed composition ; soluble and reverted phosphoric acid (available) 8 to 10 per cent. ; insoluble phosphoric acid, 1 to 3 per cent. ; nitrogen, 2.5 to 3.5 per cent. ; potassium oxide, 2 to 3 per cent. 34. X L Superphosphate, Bradley Fertilizer Co. Collected of W. S. Westcott, Amherst, Mass., by State Inspector. Guaranteed composition ; total phosphoric acid, 9 to 1 1 per cent. ; soluble phosphoric acid, 7 to 8 per cent. ; rever- ted phosphoric acid 2 to 3 per cent. ; insoluble phosphoric acid, 2 to 3 per cent. ; nitrogen, 2.5 to 3 per cent. ; potas- sium oxide, 2 to 3 per cent. 35. L- L. Crocker's Complete Manure. Collected of Fuller & Newton, Springfield, Mass., by State Inspector. Guaranteed composition ; soluble phosphoric acid, 6 to 8 per cent. ; reverted phosphoric acid, 2 to 4 per cent. ; insol- uble phosphoric acid, 1 to 2 per cent. ; Ammonia, 2.5 to 3.4 per cent, (nitrogen, 2.06 to 2.89) ; potassium oxide, G to 8 per cent. 32 33 34 3S POUNDS PER HUNDRED. Moisture at 100° C, 15.50 22.05 14.08 16.19 Total phosphoric acid, 10.47 12.99 10.45 10.94 Soluble " . . 8.26 4.86 8.42 6.78 Reverted 1.00 5.82 0.03 1.53 Insoluble " . . 1.21 2.31 1.40 2. 63 Nitrogen .... 2.42 2.76 2.87 2.49 Potassium oxide, 1.85 2.80 1.82 4.65 Valuation per 2000 lbs., . m^M .f3£=4S. .$35.95 .$35.94 C. A. GOESSMANN, Director, Amherst, Mass. MASSACHUSETTS STATE Agricultural Expepe^t SpoN, btjUiXjETiust nsro. 3. SEPTE3IBER, 1883. FODDER ANALYSES. 36. HAY OF BLACK GRASS. (No. Oue). Sent on by the Secretary of the Rowley Ftirmer's Chib, Rowley, Essex Co., Mass., in April, 1883. Moisture at 100° C , Dry Matter, ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. Crude Ash, " Celhilose, " Fat, " Protein, (nitrogenous matter). Non-nitrogenous extract matter, . . 10.22 89.78 100.00 8.63 24.78 1.52 9.39 55. (i8 100. o .3 o 20-14 1795.6 2000. 172.6 495.6 30.4 187.8 1113.6 2000. OT o 2 . The grass was cut before blooming on the 24th of June, 1882 ; it would have matured, according to the letter of the Secretary, by the 10th of July. The hay had been housed as soon as cured. 37. HAY OF BLACK GRASS. (No. Two). Sent on by the Rowley Farmer's Club, iu April, 1883. ii B S o CO *^ s § tw "S 53 S O o la in O .11 0 .s ll o !l 'A o ^ B Moisture at 100" C, 13.15 263.0 4^^ +i 86.85 1737.0 100.00 2000. ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. r,.5o 130.0 $ fcc " Cellulose, 23.66 573.2 << Fat 1.20 7.15 2-t.O 143.0 " Protein, (nitrogenous matter), Non-nitrogenous extract matter, . . 61.49 1139.8 1^ 100. 2000. The grass which served for the production of hay No. two was cut when it began to look red, approaching maturity, — on the 24th of July, 1882. The hay had been housed as soon as cured. 38. HAY OF HIGH MAl^SH GRASS. (No. Three). Sent on by the Rowley Farmer's Club, in April, 1883. Moisture at 100° C, Dry Matter, ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. Crude Ash, " Cellulose, " Fat, " Protein (nitrogenous matter). Non-nitrogenous extract matter, . . 7^- •Si Bi 11.05 221. 88.95 1779.0 100.00 2000. 6.18 123.6 24.81 496.2 0.98 19.6 6.14 122.8 61.89 1237.8 The grass was cut in July, 1882, aud the hay had l)een stored away iu the barn as soon as cured. No statement was made with refer- ence to the particular stage of growth of the grass at the time of cutting. Three more samples of hay obtained from " I.ow Marsh Grass," under differeut circumstances, by members of the Rowlej- Farmer's Club, are still under investigation. The results of this work, accom- panied by a short discussion of several questions, which suggests themselves quite naturally in an investigation like the above, will be published as soon as possible iu a subsequent bulletin. 39. NEBRASKA RED CORN. .Sent on from Franklin Co., Mass. is > 1 2 S « § ^ O P^ 10.97 219.40 89.o;j 178( .60 3 100.00 2000.00 8.19 163.80 28.82 2.22 576.40 44.40 i'S 6.79 135 80 53.98 1079.60 '^ 100.00 2000.00 The grass was cut in August, 1882, and stacked as soon as ciu-ed. 72. HAY OF LOW MARSH GRASS. (No. five). Sentou by the Rowley Farmers' Club, in April, 1883. Moisture at 100'^ C, Dry Matter, ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. Crude Ash, " Cellulose, " Fat, " Protein, (nitrogenous matter), Non-nitrogenous extract matter, . . 2 • s •;2 i OJ C 2 2 |5 6£ i g $ s CO *' 1 1 '^ '■s o3 o J3 g 5 O V ■B s .s 1: c ^ 3 12; o Ch (^ p 10.25 205.00 -i ^ 89.75 179500 as 100.00 2000.00 5.42 108.40 S tc 26.00 520.00 o ^ 2.63 52.60 s? 7.19 143.80 58.76 1175.20 ;^§ 100.00 2000.00 The grass was cut in the middle of August, aud housed as soou as cured. 73. HAY OF LOW MARSH GRASS. (No. six). Sent on by the Secretary of the Rowley Farmers' Club, in April, 1883. ^~~ a ■it m M i tD » ^ 1 s> ci 1 2 .3' S 0 g'S i? |i 0 s m .11 "rd O > 33 a ^ o ■a o g^ ® 3 l2i o 0* Ph .a Moisture at 100" C, 13.30 266.00 4!. -^ 86 70 1734.00 100.00 2000.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. 0) y, C 0- Crude Ash, 6.05 121.00 $ bD " Cellulose, 27.19 543.80 s^ 2.90 7.17 58.00 143.40 2^ " Protein (nitrogenous matter), Non-nitrogenous extract matter, . 56.69 1133.80 ^s 100.00 2000.00 The grass was cut the 9th of September, and stacked when It was injured somewhat by rain, and by the sea water. cured. Analyses of Dry Matter of the hays sent on by the Rowley Farmers 's Club, and of an aver- i So i M 6 u K o i i 3 I 1 • If d 5 1 W5 age quality of a good inland meadow hay. 0 >. o Wa o >: 3^ o o 0 ft Crude Ash 8.63 6.50 6.18 8.19 6.42 605 8.55 " Cellulose, 24.78 23.66 24.81 28.82 26.00 27.19 27.61 '■ Fat, .... 1.52 1.20 0.98 2.22 2.63 2.90 5.02 " Protein (nitr'ous matter). 9.39 7.15 6.14 6.79 7.19 7.17 12.69 Non-nitrogenous extract matter. 55. GS 61 49 61.89 53.98 58.76 56.69 46.13 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 The various samples of marsh or " salt hay," which served for the above analyses, were supplied by different members of the club ; they arrived in good condition, and had evidently been collected with care. The individual plants were however in a condition, which did not allow a satisfactory determination of their botanical names, and of tlie relative proportion of the various kinds of plants present, nor of their particular stage of growth. The communications received from the secretary of the club has to furnish for this reason the basis for a few subsequent remarks. A small collection of the upper portion of marsh meadow plants, neatly fastened upon suitable paper, accom- panied the hay samples. To each specimen of this collection was attached its local name with some general remarks as follows : — Sedge grass, grows on low spots. Branch grass. Goose grass, stalks with seeds. Fox or Redgrass, the most common Salt Grass. Marsh Mallows, called by some Rosemary. These varieties of plants are generally found more or less mixed in all Salt Marshes. On marshes, that have been ditched, a grass called White- top, — by some called Redtop, comes in and grows together with the above stated Fox Grass. This Whitetop is nearly as early as "Black Grass," which is one of our earliest grasses, and the only one, which grows distinct by itself." As grass-like " Rushes " and " Sedges" exert a controling influ- No. No. 1. 2. No. 4. No. 5. ence on the local character, aud thus the comparative feedhig value of the hay obtained from different places, it has to be conceded, that the absence of a more detailed information regarding the particular character and condition of the vegetation, etc., which served for the production of the above described hay samples, imparts to our ana- lytical results, in the majority of cases, (from 3 to 6), a mere local interest. A comparison of the various samples seems to confirm tlie prevailing impression, that tlie Black Grass (Juncus bulbosusj fur- nishes a valuable fodder ; and that carefully secured marsh hay, in many instances, as far as composition is concerned, compares favor- ably with a large proportion of hay from " inland meadows." There is scarcely another fodder crop on record of which the feeding value depends so much on a judicious management of tlie farmer, as in the case of hay. Tlie fact that our opinion regarding the actual and relative feeding value of many of our fodder crops is still largely based on mere chance analyses, instead of on a systematic inquiry regarding our chances of securing the best results, is one of the principal impedi- ments of arriving at a more settled opinion regiirdiug a rational management of feeding our farm live stock. A chemical examiaation regarding the feeding value of an^' ol' our fodder plants, begins obviously with a determination of the amount of dry vegetable matter it contains ; and completes the task by ascer- taining the exact quantity of each of the four groups of nutritive compounds of which it is composed. The dry vegeta])le" matter of most of our fodder crops changes comparatively quite rapidly during succeeding stages of growth, in I'egard to quantity aud to quality. The first requirement for an intelligent examination concci'iiing the compai'ative value of a ibdder plant or part of plant, consists in securing specimens of a corresponding stage of growth. Adding to this a due consideration of the various circumstances under which the plants under examination are raised, — results are attainable, which may claim a general interest. I take the liberty of suggesting in this connection, — to communicate rather with the officer in charge of the Station before sending material of a similar character, and of asking an investigation of a subject of similar importance. The l)est interest of the farmeis and of the Station will be served by tidopting that course. FERTILIZER ANALYSES. CANADA WOOD ASHES. (74—79). 74. Light colored iinlertched ashes, sent on by Secretary of So. Deerfield Farmer's Club. One bushel weighed 44 lbs., and -i- lb. of coarse material was removed before taking the sample for analysis 75. Dark unleached ashes, sent on by Secretary of So. Deerfield Farmer's Club. One bushel weighed 46 lbs., and 2|- lbs. of coarse material were removed before taking the sample for analysis. 70. Dark unleached ashes, sent on by Secretary of So. Deerfield Farmer's Club. One bushel weighed 41 lbs., and 5 lbs. of coarse material were removed before taking the sample. 77. Collected on board of cars at the R. R. Depot, So. Deerfield, Mass., by State Inspector. 78. Collected on board of cars at the R. R. Depot, So. Deerfield, Mass., by State Inspector. 79. Collected of Mr. Almon Cowles, on board of cars at No. Am- herst, Mass., by State Inspector. 74 75 76 77 7S 79 POUNDS PER HUNDRED. Moisture at 100° C. 0.70 16.98 10.28 8.33 1.!I3 10.01 Calcium Oxide, 50.51 36.11 32.83 45.00 50.02- 35.67 Potassium Oxide, 7.38 4.90 6.10 5.91 6.94 7.19 Phosphoric Acid, 0.51 1.41 1.59 .74 .29 1.28 Insoluble Matter, 2.10 8.05 13.65 3.88 2.28 6.27 80. Crude Kieserit, (Crude Sulphate of Magnesia), of Bowker Fertilizer Co., Boston, Mass. Moisture at 100° C, 31.90 Calcium Oxide, 2. GO Magnesium Oxide, 13.50 Sulphuric acid, 29.10 Insoluble matter, 5.00 Magnesium in form of chloride, 0.60 Magnesium in form of sulphate, 38.70 Valuation for 2000 lbs. from $8.00 to $10.00 The "Kieserit" occurs among the salines of the saltmines at Stassfurt in Germany, which of late have acquired a particular im- portance as leading resources of potash compounds for agricultural purposes. Although it forms distinct layers of considerable thick- ness, it is quite frequently found more or less saturated with a solu- tion of magnesium chloride, when removed from the mines. Well established experimental observations regarding the injurious influ- ence of the latter compound on the healthy growth of roots, renders its presence objectionable, and consequently its removal as far as practicable, desirable whenever Kieserit shall be used for agricultural purposes. The removal of any objectionable percentage of magnesi- um chloride is usually accomplished by subjecting the crude material to a moderate calcination ; the moisture present decomposes at a high temperature largely the magnesium chloride into hydrochloric acid, which escapes, and into magnesium oxide, which remains be- hind. We find for this reason the calcined and the uncalcined Kieserit in our markets. The former contains for obvious reasons a larger per cent, of magnesia, than the latter ; yet is usually less sol- uble in water. Both kinds ought to be well ground to render a pro- per distribution possible. The Kieserit, on account of a greater solubility in water, exceeds in efHciency the sulphate of lime or gypsum as an absorber of ammonia in manure cellars, in stables and upon the compost heap. Its well known beneficial influence on a speedy diifusion of potash compounds throughout a deeper layer of soil, as well as its reputed favorable action on leaf and stem growth are of suflflcient importance to encourage experiments on the part of farmers engaged in the raising of industrial crops and in particular of gardeners and of fruit growers, to test its influence. The promi- nence of the magnesia — among the mineral constituents of many of our grain crops and fruits — leaves scarcely a doubt about its importance in the vegetable economy of many of our cultivated plants. 81. "Oichilla" Giuuio. Collected of D. A. Ilortou, Nortliampton, Mass., by State Inspector. Moisture at 100° C, 11.05 Magnesium oxide, 4.13 Calcium oxide, 38.24 Phosphoric acid, 21.69 Insoluble matter, 0.17 The " Orchilla Guano " belongs to a class of natural phosphates, which arc noted for their deficiency in organic and nitrogenous mat- ter, as well as for their large percentage of carbonate of lime. The above described samples contained 47.39 per cent, bone phos- phate and 22.39 per cent, of carbonate of lime. The pres- ence of so large a percentage of the latter compound ren- ders this material — from an economical standpoint — unsuitable for the manufacturers of superphosphate of lime. The natural pul- vereut condition of the commercial article has favored its introduc- tion into agricultural practice. Very satisfactory results are reported from its application in case of moist pastures and meadows, and of turfy soils. Upon a dry soil and in a dry season its action can be but slow. The safest way to secure an economical return seems to be a direct introduction in the daily produce of stable manure, on account of the beneficial reaction of the fermenting animal excre- tions on the disintegration of the guano and thus an increased solu- bility of its bone phosphate. Four cents per pound of phosphoric acid at present rates of valuation might be considered a safe invest- ment ; at that rate of valuation the above article would be worth $18.00 per ton of 2000 lbs. FISH AND POTASH. (82—86) 82. C. Island Fish Guano, of Geo. W. Miles' Co., Milford, Conn. Collected of D. F. Wright, Northampton, by State Inspector. Guaranteed composition; bone phosphate 10 to 14 per cent., (equivalent to phosphoric acid 4.58 to 6.41 per cent.) ; ammonia 6 to 8 per cent., (equivalent to nitrogen 4.94 to 6.71 per cent.).* 83. Chittenden's Fish and Potash, (No. 2), of National Fertilizer Co., Bridgeport, Conn. Collected of Wilder & Puffer, Springfield, Mass., by State Inspector. Guaranteed composition ; total phosphoric acid 6 to 8 per cent. ; i)otassinm oxide 4 to 6 per cent. ; ammonia 2 to 4 per cent., (equivalent to nitrogen 1.65 to 3.30 per cent.). 84. AVilliams, Clark & Co.'s Fish and Potash. Collected of Slate & DeWolf, Greenfield, Mass., by State Inspector. Guaranteed composition ; total phosphoric acid 3 to 4 per cent. ; potassium oxide 3 to 4 per cent. ; ammonia 4 to 5 per cent., (equivalent to nitrogen 3.30 to 4.13 per cent.). 85. Bowker's Fish and Potash. Collected of Fuller & Newton, Springfield, Mass., by State Inspector. Guaranteed composition ; total phosphoric acid 8 to 1 0 per cent. ; potassium oxide 4 to 6 per cent. ; nitrogen 2i to 31 per cent. 86. Bradley's Fish and Potash. Collected of Sheldon & Newcomb, Greenfield, Mass., by State Inspector. Guaranteed compostion ; potassium oxide 4 to 5 per cent. ; ammonia 4 to 5 per cent., (equivalent to nitrogen 3.30 to 4.13 per cent. 82 83 84 85 86 POUNDS PEK HUNDRED. Moisture at 100° C, 18.96 12 43 10.98 11.90 16.92 Total phosphoric acitl, 7.98 6.84 6.08 11.92 4.41 Sohible " ... 2.18 0.13 0.00 3.32 .96 Keverted " ... 3.54 2.19 275 2.90 1.45 Insoluble " ... 2.26 4.52 3.33 5.70 2.00 Potassium oxide, .... 2.36 4.72 3.06 3.86 4.92 Nitrogen, 3.87 1.90 3.22 .$25.81 3.02 $35.95 3.69 "Valuation per 2000 lbs., . .$32.98 ^•21.96 .$«*.98 ^^ BONES. 87. F'nie Ground Tjoucs, of C. A. Bellknap & Son, Portland, Me. Collected of J. & J. A. Rice, Worcester, Mass., by State Inspector. • Moisture at 100° C, 7.66 Totiil pliosplioric acid, 19.37 Soluble " " 00.00 Reverted " " 7.01 Insoluble " " 12.36 Nitrogen, 2.96 Valuation per 2000 lbs., 13 88. Crushed Raw Bones of Edw. A. Smith. Collected of J. & J. A. Rice, Worcester, Mass., by State Inspector. Moisture at 100° C, 8.28 Total phosphoric acid, 22.82 Nitrogen, 3.69 This material was coarse, and according to the dealers statement designed to serve as crude stock for the treatment with sulphuric acid. The composition of this article is very satisfactory — yet as its mechanical condition is unfavorable for speedy action — without a previous treatment with the acid, it cannot claim the customary valu- ation of fine ground bone. Allowing 4i cents per pound of phos- phoric acid, and from 13 to 14 cents per pound of nitrogen would bring the valuation within market quotations. AMMONIA I ED SUPERPHOSPHATES AND COMPLETE MANURES. (89—100). 80. Stearns Ammoniated Bone Superphosphate, of Stearns & Co., New York. Collected of V/ilson & Holdeu, Worcester, Mass., by State Inspector. Guaranteed composition ; soluble and reverted phosphoric acid (available) 8 to 10 per cent. ; potassium oxide 2 to 3 per cent. ; ammonia 3 to 4 per cent., (equivalent to nitro- gen 2.47 to 3.30 per cent.). 90. Bradley's Sea Fowl. Collected of Parker & Cannet, Spring- field, Mass., by State Inspector. Guaranteed composition ; soluble and reverted phosphoric acid (available) 8 to 10 per cent. ; insoluble phosphoric acid 2 to 3 per cent. ; potassium oxide 2 to 3 per cent. ; Ammonia 3 to 4 per cent., (equivalent to nitrogen 2.47 to 3.30 per cent.). 10 91. Williams, Clark & Co.'s "Americas" Ammoniated Bone vSuper-. phosphate. Collected of Wilsou & Holdeu, Worcester, Mass., by State Inspector. Guaranteed composition ; soluble phosphoric acid 6 to 8 per cent. ; reverted phosphoric acid 3 to 4 per cent. ; insol- uble phosphoric acid 1 to 3 per cent. ; potassium oxide 1 to 2 per cent, ; ammonia 2 to 3 percent., (equivalent to nitro- gen 1.G5 to 2.47 per cent. 92. Standard Superphospliate, of Standard Fertilizer Co., Boston, Mass. Collected of Whittemore Bros., Boston, Mass., by State Inspector. Guaranteed composition ; soluble and reverted phosphoric acid (available) 9 to 13 per cent. ; insoluble phosphoric acid 2 to 4 per cent. ; magnesium oxide 1|^^ to 2 per cent. ; potassium oxide 2 to 4 per cent ; ammonia 2 to 4 per cent., (equivalent to nitrogen 1.60 to 3.30 per cent. 89 90 91 93 POUNDS PEK hui.;dked. Moisture at 100° C, 14.48 12.82 16.75 18.35 Total phosphoric acid, 10.30 11.24 11.29 10.22 Soluble " 3.04 8.44 6.68 7.13 Reverted " 6.12 0.66 1.05 .98 Insoluble " 1.14 2.14 3.56 2.11 Votassium oxide, 2.15 2.35 2.12 1.30 Nitrogen 1.99 3.84 2.38 2.20 Magnesium oxide, 1.30 Valuation per 2000 lbs., .$28.83 §41.86 .$33.40 ,$31.02 93. Stockbridge Manures. Potato. Collected of Fuller & Newton, Springfield, Mass., by State Inspector. Guaranteed composition ; total phosphoric acid, 8 to 10 per cent. ; soluble and reverted phosphoric acid (available) 7 to 8 per cent. ; potassium oxide (in form of sulphate) 5 to 6 per cent. ; nitrogen 3| to 4^- per cent. 94. Long Island Ammoniated Superphosphate with Potash, of At- lantic & Virginia Fertilizer Co. Collected of Fuller & Newton, Spriugfield, Mass., by State Inspector. Guaranteed composition ; soluble and reverted phosphoiic acid, (available) 8 to 1 1 \m\v cent.; insoluble phosphoric acid 2 to 3 per cent. ; potassium oxide 5 to 7 per ( aniuiouia 1 to 2| per cent., (equivalent to nitrogen 0. •? 0(> npi" oput. .06 per cent per cent. ; itrogen 0.83 to 95. L- L- Crocker's Potato and Hop Phosphate. Collected of Slate & DeWolf, Greenfield, Mass., by State Inspector. Guaranteed composition ; soluble phosphoric acid 6 to 8 per cent. ; reverted phosphoric acid 2 to 4 per cent. ; insol- uble phosphoric acid, 1 to 2 per cent. ; potassium oxide 6 to 8 per cent. ; ammonia 2^ to 3^ per cent., (equivalent to nitrogen 2.06 to 2.89 per cent. 90. H.J. Baker & Bros., Potato Fertilizer. Collected of Fuller & Newton, Springlield, Mass., by State Inspector. Guaranteed composition ; soluble and reverted phosphoric acid (available) 5^ per cent. ; potassium oxide 10 per cent. ; ammonia 4 per cent., (equivalent to nitrogen 3.30 per cent. 93 94 95 96 POUNDS PEK HUNDRED. Mcisture at 100° C, 14 15 20.15 17-15 13.65 Total phosphoric acid, .... 8.G2 12.63 10.46 7 31 Sohible " 5.63 6.01 6.39 4.23 Reverted " .55 1.82 .20 1.61 Insoluble " 2.44 4.80 3.87 1-47 Potassium oxide, 4 26 4.70 4.52 9.68 Nitrogen, (in organic matter). 4.09 1.95 2.65 1.67 Nitrogen, (in ammonia salts), . • . 230 Valuation per 2000 lbs , . . . . .$40.97 134.86 $35.05 $41.52 97. Bradley's Sea Fowl. Collected of Sheldon & Newcomb, Greenfield, Mass., by State Inspector. Guaranteed composition ; soluble phosphoric acid 7 to 8 per cent. ; reverted phosphoric acid 2 to 3 per cent. ; insol- uble phosphoric acid 2 to 3 per cent. ; nitrogen 2^ to 3^ per cent. ; potassium oxide 2 to 3 per cent. 98. L. I^- Crocker's Bone Superphosphate. Collected of C. VV. .Sears, Worcester, Mass., by State Inspector. Guaranteed composition ; soluble and reverted phosphoric acid (available) 8 to 12 per cent. ; insoluble phosphoric acid 1 to 2 per cent. ; potassium oxide 1 to 3 per cent. ; ammonia 3i to 4i per cent., (equivalent to nitrogen 2.9 to 3.74 per cent. 12 09. Darliug's Auiinal Fertilizer. Collected of Parker & Ganiiet, Boston, Mass., by State Inspector. Guaranteed composition; total phosphoric acid 10 to 12 per cent. ; potassium oxide 5 to 6 per cent. ; nitrogen 4 to 6 per cent. 100. i^- L. Crocker's Auimoniated Bone Superphosphate. Collec- ted of Fuller & Newton, Springfield, Mass., b}^ State Inspector. Guaranteed composition ; soluble phosphoric acid 6 to •'^ per cent. ; reverted phosphoric acid 3 to 4 per cent. ; insol- uble phosphoric acid 1 to 2 per cent. ; potassium oxide 1 to 3 per cent. ; ammonia 3^^ to 4^ per cent., (equivalent to nitrogen 2.88 to 3.71 per cent. 97 98 99 lOO Moisture at 100° C. Total pliosphoric acid, Soluble Reverted " Insoluble, " Potassium Oxide, Nitrogen, Valuation per 2000 lbs POUNDS PER HUNDRED. 12.37 17.10 12.44 12 00 11.87 9.95 12.94 12.90 7.77 7.26 .13 5.67 1.87 1.67 4.70 2.61 2.23 1.02 8.11 4.62 3.22 4.00 3.03 1 20 2 79 2.13 3.59 3.24 P8.33 $33.06 $36.63 .$38.11 C. A. GOESSMANN, Director, Amhehst, Mass. J. E. Williams, Printer, Amherst, Mass. MASSACHUSETTS STATE Agricultural Experimeut SpoN, BXjnL.i_.ETi:isr iro. s. NOVEMBER, 1883. FODDER ANALYSES. 101. HAY OF WINTER RYE. Sent ou by the Secretary of the Mass. State Board of Agriculture, John E. Russell. Moisture at 100° C , Dry Matter, ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. Crude Ash, Cellulose " Fat, " Protein, (nitrogenous matter), Non-nitrogenous extract matter, . . ^^ . id ' • S| « S o g c § 3 S fcB g ^■ri '^ fx "•g s '^ S § § t o 1st 0 ri o r: o ^§ ■S 2 II S c 3 c5 O o 8.5.5 171 00 91.45 1829.00 100.00 2000.00 6.40 128.00 32.97 659.40 2.57 51.40 23.65 46.(0 10.66 213.20 121.52 57.00 47.40 948.00 948.00 100 00 100.00 2000.00 1093.17 The sample was cut May 25, 1883, when in full blossom ; it is of a fair quality and compares well with a medium good quality of meadow hay. The rate of digestibility stated in connection with the non-nitrogenous extract matter of the hay includes that of the crude cellulose or raw fibre. Green Winter Eye in blossom may contain from 20 to 26 percent, of vegetable matter, and from 80 to 74 per cent, of water. 102. HAY OF OATS. From one of the experimental plots of the Station. i '*• s i^ ^ d 1 3 §^i § "C o ■§ o ■3 .-s -g ^•S 2 Z ^"^ o fl « ^8 |i ra 0 w Pi -a o g "S S3 1 a u p^ Ph ^ Moisture at 100'^ C, 6.43 128.60 Dry Matter, 93.57 1871.40 100.00 2000.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. IN Crude 4sh . . G.-tl 34 06 128.20 681.20 58.40 131.60 26.86 75.01 46.00 57.00 " CeUulose .... ^ Fat, 2.92 6.58 " Protein, (iiitro£?enous matter), Non-nitrogenous extract matter, . . 50.03 1000.60 1000.60 100 00 100.00 2000.00 1102.47 The sample was collected, when in full blossom ; its composition can scarcely be called a fair one. The dry vegetable matter of oats in blossom may vary from 15 to 20 per cent, of the weight of the green plant. Actual field experiments have shown, that the condition and the quality of the soil, aside of season and of climate, exert a decided influence not only on the quantity, but also on the quality of the crops raised upon it. This fact deserves particular attention in the cultivation of forage crops. Oats raised during the same season upon the same kind of soil, with the aid of manures and without them, has been noticed to contain, in the latter case as low as five and in the former as high as eleven per cent, of nitrogenous constit- uents in its dry vegetable matter. The existence of similar relations between the particular condition of the soil and the composition of the crops has been proved in regard to most of our prominent grasses, and leguminous plants as clover, as well as of mixed forage crops like meadow hay. A high percentage of nitrogenous constitu- ents in these crops is usually accompanied by a high percentage of phosphoric acid compounds. As both are known to exert a decidedly beneficial influence on the absolute and relative nutritive value of a single article of fodder, may it be an entire plant or a particular part of it, it needs scarcely any farther argument to prove that an econ- omical system of feeding our farm stock ought to begin with an intel- ligent cultivation of our leading fodder crops. We ought to raise them with a view to promote the special development of their most valual)le nutritive constituents ; and to select the crops for cultivation with reference to the particular adaptation of soil, climate and loca- tion to favor the production of the best of its kind. The introduction of a greater variety of fodder croi)s cannot fail to assist materially in gaining the desirable end. To raise good potatoes for family use, or good sugar-beets for the sugar manufacturer, requires a different condition of the soil a-* far as the character of its accumulated plant food is concerned, than to raise both crops of a superior quality for feeding purposes. A mealy potato is usually rich in starch and comparatively speaking deficient in nitrogenous matter ; and sugar- beets best adapted for the manufacture of sugar are rich in sugar and contain a low percentage of nitrogenous constituents ; the}' yield to the manufacturer the largest amount of sugar at the lowest expense. The garden-farmer and the manufacturer of sugar judge the quality of their respective crops by a standard quite different irom that of the farmer, who, engaged in general farming, considers stock feed- ing an important part of his industry. To compound an economical and suitable diet for any class of farm animals requires not only a general knowledge of the composi- tion of the fodder on hand, but also a fair acquaintance with the rel- ative proportion of the three groups of essential nutritive constituents they are apt to contain under differeut conditions of the soil. This kind of information is as essential for the guidance of the experimen- ter, as the knowledge of the special wants of the animal with refer- ence to its organization, age, and functions. The wide range of va- riations in composition which has been noticed in our leading fodder crops when raised upon rich or exhausted lands, renders many of our current tabular statements of the chemical composition of the more prominent articles of fodder of doubtful merit in the hands of the farmer, tvho considers them an unfailing guide in his special case. The majoritj' of these fodder tables may be traced to one source (E. Wolff); they state the mean of a smaller or larger number of analyses, quite frequently made without any intention to ascertain the possible variations in the composition of the article under inves- tigation. The analytical statements themselves refer in the majority of cases to plants raised in Germany and in other European coun- tries. Whilst the great value of these tables from an agricultural edu 'ational standpoint must be conceded ; their analytical statements require a qualification before they may be safely relied on in home practice. The annual report of the Secretary of the Mass. State Board of Agriculture for 1882, pages 104 to 114, contain a tabular Statement of the composition of many fodder crops, giving the ex- tremes (highest and lowest percentages found) with reference to each group of the nutritive constituents. This mode of stating the com- position of the various farm crops, tends to direct the attention more decidedly towards the advantages arising from a proper cultiva- tion of fodder crops. The experimenl station has entered upon a systematic course of investigation to assist in determining the influ- ence of stage of growth and of cultivation on the feeding value of some of our prominent forage plants. 103. COTTON SEED MEAL. (1) Sent on by J. E. Soper & Co., of Boston. Eighty-six per cent, passed through mesh of 144 to the square inch. ? aj a ? g £ 1 |l 11 6 t'2 '^ 1 1 g § c o S) z ° g s> S3 a p § -3 c CO fl 11 S a 1^ 5.3 o g s "A C-) ftn Ph S Moisture at 100° C, 7.10 9290 100.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. -^ Crude Ash, 9.:m 186.80 ^- " ('elhilose, 7.53 150.60 34.63 23.00 Fat, 13.75 42.58 275.00 851.60 250.25 630. 18 91.00 74.00 " Proteiu (nitrogenous matter), Non-nitrogenous extract matter, . . 26.80 530.00 246.56 46.00 100.00 2000.00 1161.62 The composition of the above article does uot materially differ from that of previously reported analyses ; the variations are within the limits noticed in fair samples of cotton seed meal, its mechanical con- dition was of a superior character. The meal was produced, aocord- ing to the statement of the dealer by a new process, "Roller-process," and sifted. 104. GLUTEN MEAL. (Refuse from Glucose Manufacture.) Sent on by Newton & Fuller, Springfield, Mass. p]ighty-three per cent, passed through mesh 144 to the square inch. Moisture at lOO*" C, Dry Matter. . . . ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. Crude Ash, . . " CeUulose, " Fat, " Protein, (nitrogenous matter), Non-nitroa-enous extract matter, . . 53 a 10.23 89.77 100.00 .fi5 1.20 5.0G 33.56 59.53 .g§ s o .y 2 204. GO 1795.40 2000.00 13.00 24.00 101.20 671.20 1190.60 100.00 2000.00 II The article was of a good mechanical condition. A comparison of the analysis No 6, in Bulletin No. 1, shows that the above sample contained 3 per cent, of fat and 5 per cent, of nitrogenous mattar less than that of No. fi, whilst its soluble non-nitrogenous matter exceeds that of the latter about 10 per cent. No free sulphuric acid was noticed. The discussion of this new article of fodder in connec- tion with analysis No. 6, applies here. Considerable interest has of late been manifested regarding its use for milk production. This analysis as well as the previous one of cotton seed meal. No. 103, was made at the special request of the editor of the New England Homestead. 105. EXAMINATIONS OF SKIM MILK FOR FAT. Samples sent on at different times for examination. Sample Nos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Amt. of Fat in 100 parts. | .26 | .31 | .38 | .30 | 38 | .37 | .35 | .48 | .54 | AH FERTILIZER ANALYSES. TURF. 106. Sent on by Horace Graves, Amheist, Muss. I. Turf from upper layer, consisting largely of leaves, roots and mosses ; brown, colored and fibrous. II. Turf from lower layer, consisting of a brown peat-like mass ; taken from four feet below the surface and exposed to the air one year. I. II. Moisture at 100° C, Organic and Volatile Matter, Ash constituents. Nitrogen (in wet peat) , 25.58 per cent. 13.00 per cent. 96.72 '• 90.57 3.28 " 9.43 1.91 " 1.97 The upper laj^er may be used advantageously as bedding and as an absorber of liquid manure ; the lower layer ought to be composted with lime or ashes before it is incorporated in the soil ; both samples are of a good quality. 107. Ash of Bogs. Sent on by J. B. Wheeler, Bolton, Mass. IMoisture at 100° C, 5.05 per cent. Calcium oxide, 3.09 " Magnesium oxide, 1.13 " Potassium Oxide, .16 " Phosphoric acid, .93 " Insoluble matter, 70.92 " The ashes were obtained from the burning of the surface growth of a swamp meadow lately in part underdrained. Bogs, hassocks and a few inches thickness of the turf, furnished the ash. The dried-up condition of the vegetable matter explains the presence of but a small quantity of potash. The ash ma}' prove beneficial upon adjoin- ing grass-lands. 108. Ashes from Detroit. Sent on by Johu Lane, P^sq., of East Brideewater, Mass. Moisture at 100° C, Calcium oxide, Potassium oxide, Phosphoric acid, Magnesium oxide, Insoluble matter. 6.39 per cent. 34.15 1.00 2.05 3.72 22.10 The ash had evidentl}' been leached before it entered the market. 109. Green Mountain Odorless Fertilizer, of Geo. W. Maynard, Lawrence, Mass. Sent on from Salem, Mass. Moisture at lOO'^ Sulphuric acid. Chlorine, Calcium oxide, Potassium oxide. Phosphoric acid. Ferric oxide. Sodium oxide. Insoluble matter, 19.40 per cent. 2.61 7.69 33.39 •44 1.37 1.03 7.55 5.15 FISH AND POTASH. (110-112). 110. Fish and Potash [s], of George W. Miles' Co., Milford, Ct. Collected of D. J. Wright, Northampton, Mass., by State Inspector. Guaranteed composition ; soluble and reverted phosphoric acid (available), 5 to 8 per cent. ; potassium oxide, 4 to 6 per cent. ; ammonia, 4 to 6 per cent, (equivalent to 3.3 to 5 per cent, nitrogen). 111. Fish and Potash, of Geo. W. Miles' Co., Milford, Ct. Col- lected of P. F. Bridges, So. Deerfield, Mass., by State Inspector, Guaranteed composition ; total phosphoric acid, 5 to 8 per cent. ; potassium oxide, 3 to 5 per cent. ; nitrogen, 2.5 to 3.5 per cent. 8 112. Fish aud Potash, of Quimiipiac Fertilizer Co., New London, Ct. Collected of William H. Earle, Worcester, Mass., by State Inspector. Guaranteed composition ; total phosphoric acid, 5 to 7 per cent. ; soluble and reverted phosphoric acid (available), 3 to 5 per cent. ; potassium oxide, 3 to 5 per cent. ; nitro- gen, 3.25 to 4.25 per cent. 110 111 112 POUNDS PER HUNDRED. Moisture at 100° C 15.60 27.69 24.08 Total phosphoric acid, .... 7.51 4.52 5.93 Soluble 4.88 .93 Reverted .07 1.14 1.95 Insoluble, " 2.56 3.38 3.05 Potassium Oxide, .... 4.52 2.57 3.91 Nitrogen, ..... 2.70 2.77 4.27 Valuation per 2000 lbs.. .$30.18 $20.80 .$31.79 Correction. Fertilizer No. 86, Bulletin No. 4, " Bradlej-'s Fish and Potash," the valuation of the article ought to read $27.98 instead of $37.98. AMMONIATED SUPERPHOSPHATES AND COMPLETE MANURES. 113. Chittenden's Complete Manure, Grain, of National F'ertil- Izer Co., Bridgeport, Conn. Collected of J. A. Sullivan, Northampton, Mass., by State Inspector, Guaranteed composition; total phosphoric acid 8 to 10 per cent. ; soluble and reverted phosphoric acid, (available) 6 to 8 per cent. ; potassium oxide 5 to 7 per cent. ; ammonia 41 to 5| per cent., (equivalent to nitrogen 3.71 to 4.53 per cent.). 114. Bowker's Hill and Drill Phosphate. Collected of Fuller & Newton, Springfield, Mass., by State Inspector. Guaranteed composition; total phosphoric acid 10 to 12 per cent. ; soluble and reverted phosphoric acid (available) 8 to 10 per cent. ; potassium oxide (in form of sulphate) 2 to 4 per cent. ; ammonia 2 to 3| per cent., (equivalent to nitrogen 1.65 to 2.88 per cent. 115. Stearns' Amniouiated Bone Superphosphate, of Stearns & Co., New York. Collected of Wilson & Holden, Worces- ter, Mass., by State Inspector. Guaranteed composition ; soluble and reverted phosphoric acid, (available) 8 to 10 per cent. ; potassium oxide 2 to 8 per cent. ; ammonia 3 to 4 per cent., (equivalent to nitro- gen 2.47- to 3.30 per cent. 116. Dole's Common Sense Fertilizer. (No. two). Collected of Parker & Gannet, Springfield, Mass., by State Inspector. Guaranteed composition ; total phosphoric acid 4 to 8 per cent. ; potassium oxide 3 to 5 per cent. ; ammonia 3 to G per cent., (equivalent to nitrogen 2.59 to 5.18 per cent. 113 114 lis 116 POUNDS PER HUNDRED. Moisture at 100° C, U 17 14.22 14.48 23.51 Total phosphoric acid, .... 8.38 10.31 10.30 4.93 Soluble " 5.14 4.54 3.04 .64 lie verted " 1.50 1.77 6.12 3.30 Insoluble " 1.74 4.00 1.14 1 26 Potassium oxide, 5 38 1.30 2.15 3.34 Nitrofjren, (in organic matter), . 3.04 2.22 1.99 .84 Nitrogen, (in ammonia salts), 1.06 Nitrogen, (in nitrates), .... .14 Valuation per 2000 lbs , .... .P4.91 .f29.65 ^28.83 .$20.41 117. Bone Superphosphate, of Lowell Bone Fertilizer Co., Lowell, Mass. Collected of E. C. Lord, Lowell, Mass., by State Inspector. Guaranteed composition ; moisture 5.9 percent. ; soluble phosphoric acid 14.68 per cent. ; reverted phosj^horic acid .32 per cent. ; insoluble phosphoric acid, .86 per cent. ; nitrogen 3.37 per cent. 118. Bay State Bone Superphosphate, of J. J. Tucker, Boston, Mass. Collected of Geo. B. Knowlton, Fitchburg, Mass., by State Inspector. Guaranteed composition ; soluble and reverted phosphoric acid (available) 9 to 10.5 per cent, ; insoluble phosphoric acid L5 to 3 per cent. ; ammonia 3 to 4 per cent., (equiva- lent to nitrogen 2.5 to 3.3 per cent. 10 119, Stockbriclge Manures. Grass Top Dressing. Collected of J. Breck & Son, Boston, Mass., by State Inspector. Guaranteed composition ; total phosphoric acid 6 to 8 per cent. ; soluble and reverted phosphoric acid (available) 5 to 6 per cent. ; potassium oxide 4 to 5 per cent. ; nitrogen 4.25 to 5 per cent, (equivalent to ammonia 5 to 6 per cent.) 120. Bradley's XL Ammoniated Bone Superphosphate. Collected of J. & J. A. Rice, Worcester, Mass., by State Inspector. Guaranteed composition ; solul)le phosphoric 7 to 8 per cent. ; reverted phosphoric acid 2 to 3 per cent. ; insoluble phosphoric acid 2 to 3 per cent. ; potassium oxide 2 to 3 per cent. ; nitrogen 2.5 to 3.5 per cent. 117 118 119 120 POUNDS PER HUNDRED. Moisture at 100° C, 10.45 22.45 18.25 17.50 Total phosphoric; acid, 16.03 10.95 8.32 12.40 Soluble " . . 11.69 8.80 5.56 6 81 Reverted " . . 397 .71 .97 3.04 Insoluble " .37 1.44 1.79 2.55 Potassium oxide, 5 65 1 92 Nitrogen, (in organic matter), 2.82 3.12 4.16 2.65 Nitrogen, (in nitrates), . ' 1.90 Valuation per 2000 lbs., $45.48 f36.58 $47.47 $36.72 121. E. P^rank Coe's Boue Superphosphate of Lime. Manufactued by Enoch Coe, Hunter's Point, N. Y. Collected of J. S. Clark & Son, Worcester, Mass., by State Inspector. Guaranteed composition ; soluble and reverted phosphoric acid (available), 11.96 per cent.; insoluble phosphoric acid, 1.28 per cent. ; nitrogen, 2.64 per cent. 122. Quinnipiac Co's. Phosphate. Collected of Wm. H. Earle, Worcester, Mass., by State Inspector. Guaranteed composition ; soluble and reverted phosphoric acid (available), 8 to 10 per cent. ; insoluble phosphoric acid, 1 to 3 per cent. ; potassium oxide, 2 to 3 per cent. ; nitrogen, 2.5 to 3.5 per cent. 11 123. IXL Amnionialed Bone Superphosphate, of Geo. W. Miles' Co., Milford, Ct. Collected of D. J. Wright, Northamp- ton, Mass., by State Inspector. Guaranteed composition ; soluble and reverted phosphoric acid (available), 8 to 12 per cent. ; potassium oxide, 1 to 3 per cent. ; ammonia, 2.5 to 4 per cent, (equivalent to nitro- gen 1.65 to 3.30 per cent. 124. Bay State Ammoniated Bone Superphosphate, of J. J. Tucker, Boston, Mass. Collected of H. A. P^mersou, Winchester, Mass., by Chemist of the Station. Guaranteed composition ; total phosphoric acid, 12.20 per cent. ; soluble and reverted phosphoric acid (available), 9.20 per cent. ; insoluble phosphoric acid, 3.00 per cent. ; ammonia, 3.29 per cent, (equivalent to nitrogen 2.71 per cent.). 121 122 123 124 POUNDS PEK HUNDRED. Moisture at 100° C, 22.90 19 10 19.04 27.67 Total phosphoric acid, 9.97 11.03 11.95 9.58 Soluble 7.84 7.96 6.94 7.34 Eeverted " .43 1.45 1.49 .66 Insoluble " 1.70 1.62 3.52 1.58 Potassium oxide, 2.04 1.83 .75 Nitrogen, (in organic ma tter), 2.54 2.08 2.25 3.20 Nitrogen, (in nitrates), .... .79 Valuation per 2000 lbs., 131.66 P6.23 $33.78 $34.47 125. Dole's Common Sense Fertilizer (d). Collected of Parker & Gannet, Springfield, Mass., by State Inspector. Guaranteed composition ; total phosphoric acid, 1 to 3 per cent. ; potassium oxide, 1 to 3 per cent. ; nitrogen, 2 to 4 per cent. 126. Bradley's Complete Manure ; Potato and Roots. Collected of J. Breck & Son, Boston, Mass. Guaranteed composition ; soluble phosphoric acid, 8 to 10 per cent. ; potassium oxide, 4.5 to 5.5 per cent. ; ammonia, 4 to 5 per cent. (equivalent to nitrogen 3.3 to 4.1 per cent.). 12 127. Bowker's Hill and Drill Phosphate. Collected of J. & J. A. Rice, Worcester, Mass., by State Inspector. Guaranteed composition ; soluble phosphoric acid, 8 to 10 per cent. ; potassium oxide, 2 to 3 per cent. ; ammonia, 2 to 3 per cent, (equivalent to nitrogen 1.6 to 2.5 per cent. 128. Standard Lawn Dressing, of Standard Fertilizer Co., Boston, Mass. Collected of Whittemore Bros., Boston. Mass. No guarantee obtained. 125 126 127 128 POUNDS PER HUNDRED. Moisture at 100° C, 9.72 10.15 16.95 16.00 Total phosphoric acid, 1.47 12.19 8.91 13.60 Soluble .12 4.80 7.39 9.88 Reverted " .96 3.19 1.05 .06 Insoluble " .39 4.20 .47 3.66 Potassium oxide, 1.11 4.48 1.29 2.66 Nitrogen, 1.35 3.78 2.32 2.34 Valuation per 2000 lbs., $9.42 $41.90 $30.27 $39.25 C. A. GOESSMANN, Director, Amherst, Mass. J. E. Williams, Printer, Amherst, Mass. MASSACHUSETTS STATE Agricultural Experimeut SpoN, BXTLLETIIsr I>To. 3. DECEMBER, 1883. FODDER ANALYSES. 129. CORN MEAL. From John L. Holky, South Amherst, Mass. Ninety-two per cent, passed through mesh 144 to the square inch. Ji fi %i 1-2 If 1- if b o 'C o ll o 3 Moisture at 100° C, 13.55 27100 Dry Matter 86.45 1729.00 100.00 2000.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. 05 Crude Ash, 1.42 28.40 ^ " Cellulose 2.64 52.80 17.95 34.00 " Fat, 4.24 84.80 64.45 76.(0 " Protein, (nitrogenous matter). 10.40 208.00 176.80 85.00 Non-nitrogenous extract matter, . 81.30 1626.00 1528.44 94.00 100.00 2000.00 1787.64 The article is a fair specimen of its kind. Asa more detailed dis- cussion of the composition of corn may not be without some interest in this connection, I refer to the results of an examination of eleven prominent Eastern, Western and Southern varieties, which have been published in the annual report of the Mass. State Board of Agricul- ture for 1879. The samples of corn, which served for my investiga- tion, were furnished by well-known parties ; the mode of cultivation and of manuring was stated, and the material had been collected with care. The analytical work was carried on with a view of secur- ing results of a strictly comparative value ; they were stated with reference to a corresponding amount of moisture, — to render differ- ences in^composition prominent at sight. The actual demonstration of the influence of the particular condition of the soil on the feeding value of the same variety of corn raised upon it, (independent of varying quantity), deserves a serious consideration. 130. FODDER CORN. (1). Sent on by Thomas J. Field, Northfield, Mass. Moisture at 100° C, Dry Matter ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. Crude Ash, " Cellulose, ." Fat, " Protein, (nitrogenous matter). Non-nitrogenous extract matter, . , ^ rt ■i 2 li 1 1 .9,1 5 § || •c o ■l-i ^ to fl -3 o o B D e3 O u a ^ Ph Ph .o 6.65 133.00 .i 93.35 1867.00 '3 n 100.00 2000.00 C t- 4.68 93.60 ^^ 31.39 627.80 go, 1.42 28.40 1^ 6.83 136.60 55.68 1113.60 « 100.00 2000.00 131. FODDER CORN. (2) (Frost bitten). Sent on by Thomas J. Field, Northfield, Mass. m tn •S i i 5 2 £ ^ S § 6 II .B 1 § S B a +3 i"? be 1 ■g g o fi " t4-l . o > (B j3 o -M o S3 a ^8 = s o s fl fl a ;h ."S ^ o -^ o K .rt O Ph p^ 5 Moisture at 100'' C, (5.(17 133.40 3 Dry Matter, 93.33 18GG.60 100.00 2000.00 -^.s ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. Crude Ash, 5.11 102.20 'S ^ " Cellulose, 33.75 675.00 s.s " Fat, 1. 11 22.20 S'S " Protein, (nitrogenous matter). G.17 123.40 cS a^ Non-nitrogenous extract matter, . . 53.86 1077.20 b 100.00 2000.00 The history of the above samples of fodder corn, (130 and 131), as far as their respective stages of growth and their mode of culti- vation, etc., is concerned, has not been reported. The analytical resnlts show some differences in composition in favor of No. 1, yet hardly enough under existing circumstances to encour- age a discussion of the effects of frost in this particular case. The sample of frost bitten corn, after careful drying, proves still of a fair composition. The particular stage of growth and the character of the weather which follows the frost, exert a controling influence on the degree of changes in composition. The effects of frost are usu- ally more serious in the earlier periods of the life of plants, than in their more matured state. Dry, cool weather after a frost causes less alteration in composition, than sultry, warm weather. Frost bitten green fodder corn is best preserved in silos. 132. WHEAT BRAN. From John L. Holley, South Amherst, Mass. Thirty-three per cent, passed through mesh 144 to square inch. Moisture at 100° C. Dry Matter, ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. Crude Ash, " Cellulose, " Fat, " Protein, (nitrogenous matter), Non-nitrogenous extract matter, . o . a i 2 a a o m O " o II .3 S 2 a ?, 'i s ° bij <>i O fl o p p. ^ a r: o -t^ o ■-S s s ?= 'o ^ rS "S =^ c ■>-' 5 ^ ■g P cS " Ph Ch .O 12.08 241.60 87.92 1758.40 100.00 2000.00 o 'Jf 7.92 158.40 -H 13.72 274.40 54.88 20.00 3.81 76.20 60.9r 80.00 15.67 313.40 275.79 88.00 58.88 1177.60 942.08 80.00 100.00 2000.00 1333.71 1 The article is of a good average quality. 133. COTTON SEED MEAL. (2). Sent on by J. E. Soper & Co., of Boston. Eighty-one per cent, passed through mesh 144 to square inch. Moisture at 100° C, Dry Matter, ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. Crude Ash, " Cellulose, " Eat, " Protein, (nitrogenous matter), Non-nitrogenous extract matter, . , s i ii ■ H O I a .|5 $ s » § ^ CO Is a> g fl "" ^8 l« 3 c3 l^ o P^ .Q 8.15 163.00 91.85 1837.00 100.00 2000.00 7.46 149.20 7.41 148.20 34.09 23.00 14.72 294.40 267.90 91.00 36.54 730.80 540.79 74.00 33.87 677.40 311.60 46 00 100.00 2000.00 1154. .38 This article has been obtained by the old (press) process. The sample, which served for analysis, No. 103, was of a better mechan- ical condition than No. 133. A comparison of the composition of samples, No. 103 and No. 133, shows their differences to be due rather to the fact, that different lots of cotton seeds served for the production of the articles tested, than to a different process of grinding. The two modes of producing cotton seed meal ought to be tried on the same lot of seeds to render their respective merits conspicuous. 134. COTTON SEED MEAL. From John L. HoUey, South Amherst, Mass. Eighty-nine per cent, passed thiough mesh 144 to square inch. ^-s la .fH ai ^ ^ o 'S OJ 0 0 o .a -H .£P 3 6 B-l m *^ -2 " o *2 2' 'O .-S 03 11 .1 i °| ^6 II S '§ c 0 1 'B fi id 03 u -^ 'A O -rH o o Pi "/2 Moisture at 100° C, 7.10 142.00 3 Dry Matter, 92.90 1858.00 II 100.00 2000.00 ^1 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. Crude Ash, 6.83 136.60 1^ " Tellulose, 5.86 117.20 II " Fat, 25.85 517.00 " Protein, (nitrogenous matter). 15.47 309.40 Non-nitrogenous extract matter, . . 45.99 919.80 :zi 100.00 2000.00 Essential mineral constituents in 100 parts of Cocoa dust. Potassium oxide, 2.11 Calcium " .63 Magnesium " traces. Phosphoric acid, 1.34 The material consisted of inside and outside parts of the cocoa beau with some foreign matter. It was obtained in the process of cracking and sifting the bean. The examination was made by re- quest to ascertain its fitness for manuring. Although its nitrogen percentage (2.3 per cent.) compares well with many fertilizers in our market, it would be for economical consideration more advisable to try the cocoa dust as a fodder in place of oil bearing seeds. The reputation of the cocoa as a highly nutritive food for man is too well establislied to doubt the efficiency of the above described article as a fodder for some kind of farm stock. FERTILIZER ANALYSES. 136- Sponge Refuse. Sent on from Albany, N. Y Moisture at 100'' C. Nitrogen, Ferric oxide, Calcium oxide. Magnesium oxide. Phosphoric acid. Insoluble matter, 7.25 per cent. 2.43 .17 3.94 1.27 3.19 59.05 137. Florida Marl. Sent on from Boston, Mass. Moisture at 100° C, Calcium oxide. Magnesium oxide, Ferric oxide. Phosphoric acid, Insoluble matter. .60 per cent. 41.75 1.03 .36 2.72 21.95 BONES. 138. Pure Dissolved Eaw Bones. Sent on from Amherst, Mass. Moisture at 100° C, Total phosphoric acid. Soluble Reverted " " Insoluble " " Nitrogen " " Valuation per 2000 lbs. 10.23 per cent. 16.03 7.76 3.83 4.44 2.64 140.67 Dissolved Boneblack, of Bowker Fertilizer Co., Boston, Mass. Collected by State Inspector. Guaranted composition ; soluble phosphoric acid 12 to 13 per cent. Moisture at 100° C, 20.78 per cent. Total phosphoric acid, 15.66 " Soluble " " 12.76 " Insoluble " " 2.90 " Valuation per 2000 lbs $31.55 140. Bone Fertilizer. Sent on b}' John Sanborn, Lawrence, Mass. 141. Pure Fine Ground Bones. Sent on from Amherst, Mass. 140 141 POUNDS PER HUNDRED. Moisture at 100° C. Total Phosphoric Acid, Soluble " • Reverted " Insoluble " Nitrogen, 4.25 24.06 .76 3.66 19.64 2.88 5.27 23.13 .46 3.62 19.05 3.73 Valuation per 2000 lbs ^4.35 $46.82 142. Peruvian Guano. Collected of D. A. Horton, Northampton, Mass., by State Inspector. Guaranteed composition; total phosphoric acid 16 to 18 per cent. ; potassium oxide 3 to 6 per cent. ; ammonia 5 to 6 per cent, (equivalent to nitrogen 4.1 to 5 per cent.). Moisture at 100° C., 14.00 per cent Total phosphoric acid. 20.60 Soluble 3.10 Reverted ' ' 1.55 Insoluble " 15.95 Potassium oxide. 1.14 Nitrogen (in organic matter) , 1.40 Nitrogen (in ammonia salts) , 3.04 Valuation per 2000 lbs. $51.66 AMMONIATED SUPERPHOSPHATES AND COMPLETE MANURES. 143. Mapes Tobacco Fertilizer. Collected of Fuller & Newton, Springfield, Mass., by State Inspector. Guaranteed composition; total phosphoric acid 7 to 7.5 per cent. ; potassium oxide (in form of sulphate) 7 to 7.50 per cent. ; ammonia 5.75 per cent, (equivalent to nitrogen 4.73 per cent.). 144. Stockbridge Manures. Peas and Beans, of Bowker Fertilizer Co., Boston, Mass. Collected of E. N. Wood, Lowell, Mass., b}' State Inspector. Guaranteed composition ; soluble phosphoric acid S to 10 pev cent. ; potassium oxide 2 to 3 per cent. ; ammonia 3 to 4 per cent, (equivalent to nitrogen 2.5 to 3.3 per cent.). 145. Bowker's Grass Top Dressing. Forage Crops. Collected of J. C. Wright, Fitchburg, Mass., bj^ State Inspector. Guaranteed composition ; total phosphoric acid 6 to 8 per cent. ; soluble and reverted phosphoric acid (available) 5 to 6 per cent. ; potassium oxide 4 to 5 per cent. ; nitrogen 4.25 to 5 percent, (equivalent to ammonia 5 to 6 per cent.). 140. Hayues' Fertilizer, of Mr. Haynes, Bolton, Mass. Sent on by S. C. Damon, Lancaster, Mass. No guarantee obtained. 143 144 145 146 POUNDS PER HUNDRED. Moistiire at 100° C, 15 18 17.10 10.38 17.63 Total phosphoric acid, .... 8.21 9.62 8.75 10.14 Sohible " 1.95 6.08 3.61 5.89 lie verted " 2.50 .84 1.29 .87 Insohible " 3.76 2.70 3.85 3.38 Potassium oxide, 736 4.13 5.64 5.70 Nitrogen, (in organic matter), .60 1.60 2.30 2.72 Nitrogen, (in ammonia salts), 2.43 .74 .44 .71 Nitrogen, (in nitrates), .... 1.70 .23 .93 .60 VaUiation per 2000 lbs., .... .$45.30 $33.60 838.00 .$41.85 147. Standard Superphosphate, of Standard Fertilizer Co., Boston, Mass. Collected of A. B. Lawrence, Fitchliurg, Mass., by State Inspector. Guaranteed composition ; total phosphoric acid 9 to 14 per cent. ; potassium oxide 1 to 3 per cent. ; ammonia 2 to 4 per cent, (equivalent to nitrogen 1.6 to 3.3 per cent.). 148. H. J. Baker & Bros.' A. A. Ammoniated Bone Superphos- phate. Collected of Fuller & Newton, Springfield, Mass., by State Inspector. Guaranteed composition ; soluble and reverted phosphoric acid (available) 10 to 12 per cent. ; potassium oxide 2 to 3 per cent. ; ammonia 3 to 4 per cent, (equivalent to nitro- gen 2.5 to 3.3 per cent.). 10 149. Bowker's Lawn-dressing. Collected of E. A. Thompson, Woburn, Mass., by Chemist of Station. Guaranteed composition ; total phosphoric acid 6 to 8 per cent. ; soluble and reverted phosphoric acid (available) 5 to 6 per cent. ; potassium oxide 4 to 5 per cent. ; nitrogen 4 to 5 per cent, (equivalent to ammonia 4.5 to 5.5 per cent.). 150. Superphosphate, of Earle's Deunisport, Mass. No guarantee obtained. Phosphate Co. Sent on from 147 148 149 ISO POUNDS PER HUNDRED. Moisture at 100° C, 18.08 12 11 5.33 9.48 Total phosphoric acid, 13.32 9.69 9.92 15.08 Soluble " . . 7.07 8.63 5.73 7.88 Reverted " . . 3.80 .27 1.93 .69 Insoluble " • . 2.46 .79 2.26 6.51 Potassium oxide, 1.43 2.38 5.52 2.34 Nitrogen, (in organic matter). 1.11 .65 1.19 2.91 Nitrogen, (in anionia salts), . 2.23 3.28 Nitrogen, (in nitrates), 1.49 Valuation per 2000 lbs., .$30.87 !$36.98 $45.63 .$41.64 151. Soluble Pacific Guano, of Pacific Guano Co., Boston, Mass. Collected of J. S. Clark & Sou, Worcester, Mass., by State Inspector. Guaranteed composition ; soluble phosphoric acid 6|^ to 8 per cent. ; reverted phosphoric acid 1.6 to 3 per cent. ; in- soluble phosphoric acid 2 to 3 per cent. ; potassium oxide 2 to 3.5 per cent. ; nitrogen 2 to 3 per cent. 152. Stockbridgc Manures. Grain. Collected of ,1. and J. A. Rice, Worcester, Mass., by State Inspector. Guaranteed composition ; total phosphoric acid 7 to 1) per cent. ; soluble and reverted i)hosphoric acid (available) 6 to 7 per cent. ; potassium oxide 4 to 5 per cent. ; niti'ogen 3.25 to 4.25 per cent. 11 153. vSoluble Pacific Guano. Collected of Parker & Gaunet, Spring- field, Mass., by vState Inspector. Guaranteed composition ; soluble phosphoric acid 6.5 to 8 per cent. ; reverted phosphoric acid 1.5 to 3 per cent. ; insoluble phosphoric acid 2 to 4 per cent. ; potassium oxide 2 to 3.5 per cent. ; nitrogen 2 to 3 per cent. 154, Chittenden's Root Fertilizer, of National Fertilizer Co., Bridgeport, Conn. Collected of G. P. Smith, Sunderland, Mass., by State Inspector. Guaranteed composition ; total phosphoric acid 8 to 10 per cent. ; soluble and reverted phosphoric acid (available) 6 to 8 per cent. : potassium oxide 6 to 8 per cent. ; ammo- nia 4 to 5 per cent, (equivalent to nitrogen 3.32 to 4.15 per cent.). 151 152 153 154 POUNDS PER HUNDRED. Moisture at 100° C, 8.38 U 53 13.42 12.38 Total phosphoric; acid, 13.07 8.75 11.74 8.57 Soluble 6.87 2.91 5.11 5 34 Reverted 117 2 U 1.15 1.91 Insoluble " 5.03 3.70 5.47 1.32 Potassium oxide, 1.60 5.33 2 05 6.68 Nitrogen, (in organic matter), 1.70 3.57 2 60 2.45 Nitrogen, (in nitrates). .17 1.27 .17 .55 Valuation per 2000 lbs., 132.88 .$40.29 $84 02 $35.66 155. Chittenden's Complete Manure. Grain, of National Fertil- izer Co., Bridgeport, Conn. Collected of Geo. P. Smith, Sunderland, Mass., by State Inspector. Guaranteed composition; total phosphoric acid 8 to 10 per cent. ; soluble and reverted phosphoric acid (available) 6 to 8 per cent. ; potassium oxide 5 to 7 per cent. ; ammo- nia 4.5 to 5.5 per cent equivalent to nitrogen 3.7 to 4.5 per cent. ) . 156. Standard Superphosphate, of Standard Fertilizer Co., Boston, Mass. Collected of E. N. Wood, Lowell, Mass., by State Inspector. 12 Guaranteed composition ; total phospl 31" cent. ; potassium oxide 1 to 3 per ceL„. , „ per cent, (equivalent to nitrogen 1.6 to 3.3 per cent.). lioric acid 9 to 14 ammonia 2 to 157. Bradley's Complete Manure. Corn and Grain. Collected of Breck & Son, Boston, Mass., by State Inspector. Guaranteed composition ; soluble phosphoric acid 6 to 8 per cent. ; potassium oxide 4 to 5 per cent. ; ammonia 4 to 5 per cent, (equivalent to nitrogen 3.3 to 4.1 per cent.). 158. Bradley's X L Ammoniated Bone Superphosphate. Collected of Garfield & Proctor, Fitchburg, Mass., by State Inspector. Guaranteed composition ; soluble phosphoric acid 7 to 8 per cent. ; reverted phosphoric acid 2 to 3 per cent. ; insol- uble phosphoric acid 2 to 3 per cent. ; potassium oxide 2 to 3 per cent. ; nitrogen 2.5 to 3.5 per cent. 156 156 157 158 POUNDS PER HUNDRED. Moisture at 100° C. . 12.90 20.75 8.60 15.97 Total phosphoric acid, . 8.81 11.55 10.65 10.80 Soluble " . 6.52 8.13 6.37 7.34 Reverted " 2.00 2.51 .88 .39 Insoluble, " .29 .91 3.40 3.07 Potassium Oxide, 5.28 1.35 6 45 3.44 Nitrogen, (in organic matter), 2.79 2.17 4.51 2.44 Nitrogen, (in nitrates), .38 Valuation per 2000 lbs., $36.73 .$34. 13 #45.73 $34.59 C. A. GOESSMANN, Director, Amherst, Mass. J. E. Williams, Printer, Amherst, Mass. MASSACHUSETTS STATE Agricultural Experiment Station, BULLETIINT ISTO. T. MARCH. 1884. Observations in Regard to Insects Injurious to the Apple. 159. lu the growth of all kinds of farm or garden crops, the farmer and gardner find themselves forced to wage constant warfare with insects or parasitic plant life. In this paper we give the results of a few observations in regard to the plum weevil, or CurcuUo {Cono- trachelus nenuphar), as affecting the apple crop, compared also with the Codling Moth and the Apple Maggot. It has often been noticed early in the summer that apples nearly all fall from the trees when quite small. This was especially the case during the past season, and careful investigation were made to ascer- tain the cause. A tree of the variety known as the Westfield Seek- no-further, which blossomed very abundantly and set an unusually large crop of fruit, was selected. When from one half to one-inch in diameter, the fruit began to drop in large numbers so that not enough was left on the tree for one-half a crop. A large quantity of these were collected and examined, and out of eight hundred it was found that all but three were punctured by the plum curculio, leaving its peculiar crescent-shaped mark, and in every puncture was found an egg or small larva. The worm commonly found in the apple at this time have generally been supposed to be the larvae of the Codling Moth, {Carpocapsa pomonella) , yet in the number examined only four or five of the larvae of the latter were found. The remedies which have been successfully employed to prevent the injury of the plum crop by this larvae are two, i. e., (1) that of jarring the trees and catching the insects and affected fruit in a sheet stretched on a frame or spread ou the ground and destroying them, and (2) that of planting the trees in the limits of poultry yards. The first remedy cannot be applied to the apple tree ou account of its size. The second has proved successful in saving the plum crop, and would undoubtedly be as successful with the apple, but the fowls should be numerous enough to not only catch the insects when they come from the ground, but also to let none of the larvae escape when they come from the fallen fruit to go into the ground. Perhaps a more sure preventive would be, in addition to the at)0ve, to have the fruit destroyed by pasturing swine in the orchard in sufficient numbers to eat all of the fi'uit as soon as it drops. The apple crop is also very much injured by the larvae of the cod- ling moth, mentioned above, which has been common for a long time, and the Apple Maggot, (Tripeta pomonella), which has only done serious damage within the past five years. The latter injures the fruit by making burrows in the flesh, many larvae or maggots often working in the same apple. The eggs are laid by a small fly somewhat resembling the common house fly — but not more than one-half its size — through a small open- ing in the skin of the apple made with its ovipositor. It shows especial liking for the thin-skinned, mild, sub-acid or sweet summer or autumn varieties, but also attacks some winter varieties. Its ravages have become so extensive in some localities that prompt measures must be taken for its extermination or it may work the total destruction of the apple crop. The practice of pasturing swine in the summer is being recommen- ded, and practiced by many of our leading farmers and stock-breeders and the orchardist, must combine to a certain extent this branch of business with his own if he would be successful, for the destruction of the fruit as it falls from the tree is the only safe and sure remedy now known to prevent injury by these three insects. S. T. MAYNARD, Professor of Botany and Horticulture, Massachusetts Agricultural College. Experiments with Special Fertilizers in Fruit Culture. 160. CURRANTS AND PEACHES. The experiments with Ciirrants, which are described in the snbse- quent communication, are but a continuation of an investigation inaugurated upon the college grounds ten years ago. Field experi- ments with sugar beets, for the purpose of ascertaining the influence of special fertilizers on the saccharine qualities, and the general character of the roots raised by their assistance, suggested the exten- sion of the inquiry to fruit-bearing plants. For the sake of brevity, and of a desirable understanding of the points involved, I reproduce here the introduction of one of the first publications on the subject under discussion : " The question whether a systematic and rational manuring of our fruit-bearing plants is essential for the continued production of good crops, engages more attention from year to year. Judging merely from the results obtained in general farm manage- ment, in consequence of the adoption of the rule to restore annually to the soil under cultivation either the entire amount or in part as circumstances may advise those of its constituents which the crops carried off have abstracted, it seems but reasonable to assume that the same principle applied to the cultivation of fruits and garden crops in general, must prove in the end most advantageous as far as quality and quantity of the crops resulting are concerned. A liberal supply in particular of those essential elements of plant food which are found in the fruits in conspicuous quantities, and for obvious reasons must serve important functions in their growth if judiciously provided, cannot otherwise but prove beneficial to the entire plant. To secure that amount in a more definite form, than as a general rule, has been customary, improves most decidedly our chances to ascer- tain not onl}' the special wants of the plants under cultivation, but to recognize also the particular form in which the various elements of plant food exert their most valuable influence on the quality of the crops. Believing in the correctness of these views, I entered a few years ago upon a series of analytical chemical inquiries to determine the character of the ash constituents of fruits, and to study also the relations which apparently exist between the variations in the com- position of the former, and the quality of the latter, for the purpose of furnishing information needed for the successful introduction of a rational system of fertilization of onv fruit-hearing x:>lants.'" These invesrigations have been carried on since without serious in- terruption, as far as the limited resources of past years for experi- mental work of that character have permitted. The scarcity of previous systematic chemical inquiries into the relations existing between the kind and the amount of available plant food in a pro- ductive garden soil or orchard, and the absolute and relative quantity of the various soil constituents contained in the fruits and the garden crops raised upon it, rendered it necessary to grow them under well defined circumstances, to obtain material fit for comparative analyses. The necessity of adopting that course of action became still more apparent, when considering the extraordinary influence — quite gener- ally conceded — of soil, location and season on the quality of these crops. Products raised by the aid of different manurial substances, within the same season, upon a similar soil, and of a corresponding stage of growth^ had to be secured for the examination, to impart a scientific and practical value to the analytical results. It is a well-known fact that the absolute amo^mt of the mineral constituents of plants of the same variety and of one and the same species even may differ widely, yet as a rule this circumstance does not necessarily alter the general character of the plants. A change, however, in the relative jiroportion of the various mineral constituents, as potassa, lime, etc, rarely has been noticed without having affected the quantity of some of the organic constituents, as sugar, starch, acids, etc. The fact that the essential mineral constituents (potas- sium, calcium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus), of our farm plants cannot replace each other beyond a certain extent in the vegetable economy without endangering their life, points towards a specific function of each of them in the growth of these plants. We have learned by experimental observation what elements are indispensable for a healthy growth, and a successful reproduction of these plants. It remains for us then to ascertain the particular function of each of the above elements in the life of plants. The more we learn of the specific functions of each essential mineral constituent of plants, the better will we be prepared to perfect our system of manuring, to cul- tivate with a view of developing desirable qualities in the crops, and to counteract the serious influences of Jiu abnormal composition of the sap, on the life of plants. To secure suitable material for an examination in the above men- tioned direction, five experimental plats were set apart for that pur- pose, in 1875. They were planted under the direction of Prof. Maynard, with strawberries, raspberries, currants, and blackberries, besides cherry, plum, pear and apple trees. Four of these plats received annually, a certain kind and amount of chemical manure, (see currant experiments below), while one plat received no manure. Upon each plat were planted the same kind and variety of fruits. Some interesting observations made on grapevines and strawberries have already been published in the annual reports of the college, in the Report of the Mass. State Board of Agriculture lor 1879, and elsewhere. A brief description of experiments with healthy peach trees, and with trees suffering with " the Yellows," has been pub- lished in the reports of the Mass. Horticultural Society, and of the State Board of Agriculture for 1882. A more detailed description of these experiments in particular, will be found in the annual report of the Board of Control of the State Experiment Station for 1883. The experiments with currants below described, furnish an niterestiug addition to previous observations. EXPERIMENTS WITH CURRANTS. RED CURRANTS VERSAILLES). The plants furnishing the fruits for the examination had been for several years under special treatment upon five different experimen- tal plats. The ground upon which these plats are located has served for years previous to its present use, for the production of grass. The soil consists of a light gravelly loam. Each plat covers an area of 4,200 square feet ; four of them have received annually for five to six years past a definite amount and kind of special chemical manure, i while one plat received none. The fertilizer was applied broadcast early in the spring, and subsequently incorporated in the soil b}- means of a cultivator. The plats were otherwise treated alike to secure a good mechanical condition of the soil, and to keep off the weeds. FERTILIZERS APPLIED. Plat I received annually forty-five pounds of dissolved boueblack containing from 10 to 12 per cent, of soluble phosphoric acid, and fifteen pounds of potash nitre (saltpeter) . Plat II received annually fifteen pounds of potash nitre, and thirty pounds of Kieserit (sulphate of magnesium) . Plat III received annually forty-five pounds of dissolved bone- black, fifteen pounds of potash nitre, and thirty pounds of Kieserit. Plat IV nothing applied. Plat V received anuuall}' fort3'-five pounds of dissolved boueblack, eighteen pounds nitrate of soda (Chili saltpeter), and fifteen pounds of muriate of potash. Nitrogen was applied in form of niti'ic acid to secure a uniform action of that element. Well matured fruits were in every instance secured for the tests. They were collected July 18th, 1883, and examined without delay. One hundred parts by weight of the berries contained : I II III IV V Dry vegetable matter. 13.76 13.61 15.72 12.95 13.86 Water at 100° C, 86.24 86.39 84.28 87.05 86.14 Ash in dry matter, 0.45 0.45 0.48 0.41 0.45 An examination of the composition of the berries showed the high- est color, the largest amount of vegetable matter, and the largest amount of mineral constituents in the fruits from plat three ; the fruits from plat five rank next in regard to these qualities, yet exceed in sugar by more than one per cent. The fruits from plat four (without fertilizer), rank lowest in quality. The examination of the organic constituents of the berries will be repeated during the coming "seeson, when more details will be published. 7 ASH ANALYSIS OF FRUIT WITH STEMS. PLATS. I. II. III. IV. V. Sesqui oxide of iron, 1.84 .99 .95 1.20 .75 Potassium oxide, 54.35 56.12 54.32 47.68 59.34 Sodium oxide. 5.42 2.35 2.56 4.02 4.04 Magnesium oxide, 4.10 5.08 5.49 6.23 4.61 Calcium oxide. 15.96 17.21 17.68 18.96 14.69 Phosphoric acid. 18.33 18.25 19.00 21.91 16.57 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 The results of the ash analyses of the currants are calculated and reported with reference only to the several constituents mentioned in the above statement, for the purpose of rendering the variations in their quantitative relations more conspicuous. Other ash constituents as sulphur, chlorine, and silica are for the present for various reasons excluded from the discussion. A careful consideration of the compo- sition of the ash obtained from fruits raised upon the unfertilized plat (IV) , as compared with any of those obtained from fruits raised upon the fertilized plats, cannot fail to lead to the conclusion that the unfertilized soil contained an ample supply of available phos- phoric acid, magnesia, soda, aud iron ; for even an actual addition of these important plant constituents in the form of fertilizer to the soil of plats I, III and V, failed to increase the quantity of these constituents above that found in the ash of fruits raised upon the unfertilized plat. The only ash constituent in which the unfertilized soil seems apparently to have been deficient, is available potassa. An addition of potash compounds to the soil has in every instance increased the percentage of potassa in the fruits, varying from six to eleven and more per cent. The fruit gathered from plat five showed the most remarkable difference in that direction. Potash fertilizers have decidedly improved desirable qualities in the fruits ; those from plat five proved the most saccharine. Aside from the practical lessons which may be gleaned from the above described experiment, there is another feature of the analyt- ical results deserving a serious consideration, — namely the increase of potassa in the currants is invariably accompanied by a correspond- ing decrease of phosphoric acid, aud of lime in particular. This result coincides with my previous observations, concerning the action of potash fertilizers on grapes, strawberries and peaches. The cir- cumstance that the most striking alterations in the mineral constitu- 8 ents of the currants has been produced by muriate of potash, seems to be of particular interest in connection with some of my previous experiments, regarding the effects of that potash compound on dis- eased peach trees. The examinations of fruits and of young branches from peach trees affected by "THE YELLOWS" disclosed the fact that they contained a larger amount of lime and more phosphoric acid than fruits and young branches collected from healthy peach trees of the same variety. This condition of diseased peach trees has since been recognized by Dr. R. C. Kedzie, — on trees raised in Michigan — in a letter to J. P. Leland, published Jan. 29th, 1884, in the Allegan Gazette. It was also found in our experiments that a repeated application of muriate of potash in connection with a judicious pruning, restored the affected trees to a vigorous growth, and the new branches and fruit to a normal amount of potassa, lime and phosphoric acid. The excess of lime disappeared in both fruit and branches, and the trees are reported by Prof. Maynard, as restored to a healthy bearing condition. The observation on currants (plat V) furnishes an additional iUus- tration of the beneficial effect claimed by me for the muriate of pot- ash. The importance of the interests involved, renders a fair trial desirable elsewhere. The details of the mode of operation are pub- lished in the forthcoming annual report of the Board of Control of the Experiment Station for 1883. The Director of the Station asks to be favored with information, regarding the results obtained. GARDEN CROPS. 161, ASPARAGUS. Stems. Roots. Moisture at 100'' C, 5.53 4.85 Dry matter, 94.47 95.15 Nitrogen in dry matter, 1.98 1.48 Insol. in acids, 0.08 3.67 One hundred parts of crude ash contained : Stems. Roots. Potasssium oxide, 42.94 56.43 Sodium oxide, 3.58 5.42 Calcium oxide, 27.18 15.48 Magnesium oxide, 12.77 7.57 Pliosphoric acid, 12.31 15.09 Sesquioxide of iron, 1.22 not determined. The examination has been carried on at the especial request of several garden farmers in the eastern part of the state. The plants, serving for the analysis, were raised upon the college grounds, upon a light loamy soil, which previously had been occupied by grasses. The comparatively small amount of soda in the ashes of both stems and roots confirms the impression that the beneficial influence of common salt on asparagus beds not unfrequeutly reported, is due rather to its action on the physical condition of the soil, than to its requirement as plant food. The common salt increases the hydro- scopic quality of the soil, assists in the diffusion of potassa, and phosphoric acid, and rarely supplies deficiencies in the soil, as far as its own constituents are concerned. A judicious application of mu- riate of potash, with sulphate of magnesia (Kieserit) tends to secure available potash throughout the entire body of the soil, penetrated by the extensive root mass of the plants. 162. ONIONS. Samples collected on the college grounds. One hundred parts of air dry onions without leaves contained : Moisture at 100° C, 89.200 Dry matter, 10.800 Nitrogen in dry matter. 0.212 Sulphur " " 0.048 Crude ash, " " 0.436 indred parts of ash contained : Potassium oxide, 38.51 Sodium oxide. 1.90 Calcium oxide. 8.20 Magnesium oxide. 3.65 Sesquioxide of iron, 0.58 Silicic acid, 3.33 Phosphoric acid, 15.80 10 The analj'sis of onions was made some time ago, and is pub- lished here to meet inquiries of parties interested in the cultivation of this crop. The entire amount of sulphur present has been stated as sulphm-ic acid in the subsequent calculation of a crop per acre. A calculation of the previously specified analytical results shows, that from four hundred and forty-one, to four hundred and forty- two bushels, of fifty-two pounds each, of onions in an air dry fresh state, contained : Potassium oxide, 38.51 pounds Sodium oxide. 1.90 Magnesium oxide. 3.60 Calcium oxide, 8.20 Sesquioxide iron. 0.58 Silicic acid. 3.33 Phosphoric acid, 15.80 Sulphuric acid. 29.81 Nitrogen, 48.63 " FERTILIZER ANALYSES. The fertilizers presented in this bulletin are valued on the basis of the prices of the past year, the samples being collected towards the close of the year. The rates for the valuation of fertilizers for the present year, will be published in the next bulletin. The annual collection of samples begins towards the close of the present month, n order to secure material from new stock. TOBACCO STEMS. 163. Connecticut Valley tobacco. Sent on by E. S. Warner, Hatfield, Mass. 164. Havanna tobacco. Sent on by S. G. Hubbard, Hatfield, Mass. 163 164 Moisture at 100° C, 8.95 11.05 Dry matter. 91.05 88.95 Crude ash. 13.91 13.30 Nitrogen in dry matter. 2.69 2.91 11 One hundred parts of dry matter contained : Potassium oxide, 6.21 3.76 Sodium oxide, 0.68 0.20 Calcium oxide, 4.76 4.15 Magnesium oxide, 1.14 1.53 •Pliosphoric acid, 0.87 0.50 Sesqui oxide iron, not determined. 0.16 Valuation per ton of 2,000 pounds for fertiltziug purposes. $16.00 $14.28 Analysis 163 is republished from last year's report for the purpose of enabling a comparison of the composition of the refuse stems of the entire tobacco plant of the Connecticut Valley with that of the leaf- stems of Havana tobacco, 164. The valuation is based on the prices of the past year ; — it is safe to count one-tenth less, at the prices of the present year. 165. RAW CUBA GUANO. Sent on from Boston, Mass. 166. DRIED CUBA GUANO. Sent on from Boston, Mass. Moisture at 100° C, Total phosphoric acid. Soluble phosphoric acid, Reverted phosphoric acid, Insoluble phosphoric acid, Potassium oxide, Nitrogen (in organic matter). Nitrogen (in ammonia salts). Nitrogen (in nitrates), Valuation per 2000 lbs.. 165 166 36.57 3er cent. 22. bl per cent 11.34 13.73 '' .89 1.06 '' 3.52 4.45 " 6.93 8.22 " .94 1.20 " .87 1.48 ^^ .14 .26 " .64 1.00 " $24.00 $34.49 167. AMERICO A 1 PERUVIAN GUANO. Sent on by J. C. Cozzen, Swansea, Mass. guarantee obtained. Moisture at 100° C . 8.35 per cent Total phosphoric acid. 10.03 Soluble 2.99 " Reverted ' ' 1.72 Insoluble " 5.32 Potassium oxide. 3.84 Nitrogen, 5.62 Valuation per 2000 lbs. $44.82 12 168. The Economical Fertilizer, of Baugh & Sons, Philadelphia, Pa. Sent on by Sec. of Mass. State Board of Agriculture. Guaranteed composition ; soluble and reverted phosphoric acid (available) 5 to 6 per cent. ; sulphate of potash, 4 to 5 per cent. ; ammonia, 2 to 2i per cent., (equixalent to nitrogen 1.6 to 2. per cent.). 169. Baugh's Double Eagle Phosphate. Sent on by Sec. of State Board of Agriculture. Guaranteed composition ; soluble and reverted phosphoric acid (available) 5 to 6 per cent. ; ammonia, 2 to 2^ per cent., (equivalent to nitrogen 1.6 to 2. per cent.). 170. Clark's Cove Guano, of Clark's Cove Guano Co., New Bed- ford, Mass. Collected of E. S. Snow, Belchertown, Mass., by Chemist of Station. No guarantee obtained. 171. Ames Bone Fertilizer, of A. L. Ames, Peabody, Mass. Col- lected at Dan vers, Mass., by Chemist of Station. No guarantee obtained. 168 169 170 171 POUNDS PER HUNDRED. Moisture at 100° C, 8.10 7.23 22.95 12.38 Total phosphoric acid, 8.68 8.86 8.38 16.41 Soluble " ... 3.1B 4.49 6.39 4.60 Reverted " ... .88 1.18 .07 7.38 Insoluble " ... 4.67 3.19 1.92 4.43 Potassium oxide, .... 2.31 2.30 .75 Nitrogen, (in organic matter), 2.74 2.20 .76 2.75 Nitrogen, (in ammonia salts), 1.14 Nitrogen, (in nitrates), .29 Valuation per 2000 lbs., .$29.73 $25.72 $29.02 $40.54 C. A. GOESSMANN, Director, Amherst, Mass. J. E. Williams, Printer, Amherst, Mass. MASSACHUSETTS STATE Agricultural Experiment Station. BULLETIlSr 2sro. s. APRIL, 1884. FODDER AND FODDER ANALYSES. The Experiiiieut Station has entered in its first year of existence, upon a S3'stematic course of experiments to assist in determining the influence of stage of growth and mode of cultivation ou the compar- ative feeding value of some of our prominent farm crops. The results thus far published, although essentially of local interest, deserve more than a passing notice, on account of the scarcity of examinations of a similar character of forage crops raised under quite common circumstances within the limits of the State. The significance of the various analytical results will become more apparent, as the work progresses. As the character of the soil and its state of fertility ought to be better known before a more detailed discussion of the connection between soil, season and composition of the crop can be considered profitable, a mere record of the progress of the analytical work is all that can be consistently published at the pres- ent stage of the investigation. Aside from the trials with some of our standard forage crops there liaA^e been also inaugurated experi- ments with the cultivation of reputed forage crops of other localities and countries, to test their adaptability to our soil and climate. The successful introduction of a greater variety of valuable fodder crops, promises to furnish a wider range of fodder-substances, as far as their nutritive value is concerned, a circumstance not less acceptable to 2 our agricultural industry, than it has proved elsewhere. The best interests of the dairy business call for an efficient protection against the serious influences of drought, during past years, on the yield of meadows and pastures. The cultivation of fodder crops, growing upon different kinds of soil, and maturing at different periods of the season, have proved of valuable assistance in that direction. Some of the results of our trials with cow pea, serradella, vetch, etc., will be reported within a few subsequent papers. 172. COW PEA. Dolichos (sinensis?) ; var. Clay. From Experimental Plats of Station ; collected August 1, 1883. ^-v s 2 ® Ji s s 0) g 22 .^ 3 .2 ^.2 i 1 'O ^ 1 o 3 « ^ O 73 O si 03 C -c o 3 'A S « o S s o Pi Oh ^ Moisture at 100° C, 9.30 186.00 Dry Matter .... ... 90.70 1814.00 100.00 2000.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. -^ Crude Ash . . . 9.5.3 23.58 190.00 471.00 221.65 47 ^ " Cellulose " Fat, 3.81 76.20 44.96 59 " Protein, (nitrojifenous matter), 17.02 340.40 204.24 60 Non-nitrogeuous extract matter, . 46. 0() 921.20 635.63 69 100.00 2000.00 1106.48 The seeds for these experiments were obtained through the kind- ness of Dr. Dabney, Director of the State Experiment Station of North Carolina. The rates of digestibility of the various constitu- ents of the hay of the cow pea, above stated, are those of clover hay — a fodder substance of a similar character. The " Clay" varie- ty of the cow pea is considered the best of the many varieties raised in the Southern States. The merits of this plant are described by a farmer of North Carolina,* in the following words : " It has no ten- *See Report of North Carolina Experiment Station for 1879, page 111. 3 drils, but twines like beans, or runs upon its own foliage. It is of rapid growth, making in three months on ordinary land, an almost impenetrable mass of foliage two feet high, and so very dense that it destroys all other vegetation, even the thistle, ragweed, and other noxious plants. When well cured these vines ai-e simply invaluable for hay, and worth as ascertained by actual experiments, thirty-three to fifty per cent, more than timothy. The only difficulty in making them the leading crop for hay, is that it takes three days to cure them. Cattle and horses prefer such hay to the best of herds-grass, and even to corn. Pea vines are the best fertilizer we can use, de- composing very rapidly. I have frequently cut off the vines before they began to run (Jul}- 1), and by August the roots would throw out new vines two feet long. The seed sold in May for seventy-five cents per bushel." The experimental plats were seeded down towards the latter part of May, and produced a handsome dense foliaceous growth about 18 inches high at the beginning of August, when the samples for analysis were collected. The early frost in September injured the crop. The plant apparently deserves the importance claimed for it in the above stated re[)ort. Its cultivation has proved a suc- cess in New Jersey. The only objection which might be raised against its introduction consists in the circumstance that matured seeds can- not be relied on in our section of the country. As green fodder it compares well with clover, and most likely would produce a valuable ensilage. 173. COW PEA. Var. : Whippoorwill. From Experimental Plats of Station; collected August 1, 1883. ^^ a fl 1 1 Is u .2 '^ R a o 1! <0 9 a -73 a s " "^ o -S a B, S 3 0 .3 3 ^ Ph Pw P Moisture at 100° C, 9.G5 193.00 Dry Matter, 90.35 1807.00 100.00 2000.00 ANALYSIS OP DRY MATTER. ^ Crude Ash, 10.4(i 22.3«] 209.20 447.20 210.18 47 -H " Celhilose, '"' " Fat, 3.87 77.40 45.(57 59 " Protein (nitrogenous matter), 10.95 339.00 203.40 (;o Non-nitrogenous extract matter, . 40.36 927.20 639.77 69 100.00 2000.00 1099.02 This variety is described a,s making but little vine, and is consider- ed less valuable than the "Clay" variety. It made a dense foliaceous growth fully equal to latter in size. Neither of them produced seeds. 174. COW PEA. Var. : Whippoorwill. Raised on plats of Station, as mixed crop, August 1, 1883. with oats. Collected o . fi i « 5 1 m « S fl ^ ffl g "S s ll o be O B S f 1 1 1 1 a « Sd , o c 03 O C 0 0 S d |g S 0 ^ s > Qj O r:: c S 0 ^ 8 ^ d 5 d ^ >> 1 c .S o 53 .§ ;2i O UI P^ Ph .3 Moisture at 100" C, 9.75 195.00 Dry Matter 90.25 1805.00 100.00 2000.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. C5 Crude Ash, . . 7.87 157.40 -* " Celhilose, 19.06 381.20 179.16 47 ^ Fat, 4.49 17.17 89.80 343.40 52.98 206.04 59 60 " Protein, (nitrogenous matter), Non-nitrogenous extract matter, . 51.41 1028.20 709.46 69 100.00 2000.00 1147.64 The analysis was made from the pea vines, raised with the oats ; the analysis of the latter has been reported in Bulletin 5, (No. 102). This course of separate analysis was adopted on account of the un- even distribution of both plants. The mixed crop was on the first of August in excellent condition for green fodder or hay. An experi- ment with rye failed on account of a bad quality of rye. Assuming the mixed crop of peas and oats to consist of three times as much oats as peas, the nutritive ratio of the mixture would be 1 : 12. lu case of two parts of oats and one of cow peas, the ratio would be 1 : 10, and in of even quantities of both plants, the ratio would be 1:8.7. Raised in connection with rye, the nutritive value of the mixed crop would be still higher. Within three months time a fodder can be raised fully equal if not decidedly superior in nutritive value to our liest English grasses. VALUATION OF FERTILIZERS AND ANALYSES OF FERTILIZERS. 221 29 26 22 26 26 20 18 20 24 23 20 PRICES OF NITROGEN, PHOSPHORIC ACID, AND POTASH. The prices to be used in computing values of Commercial Fertilizers for the year 1884, are given in this bulletin. They are approved at the experiment stations of Connecticut, Massachusetts, and New Jersey, and furnish a uniform basis for comparisons of cost and com- mercial values of different brands offered in market, when their analyses are known. TRADE VALUES OF FERTILI^NG INGREDIENTS IN RAW MATERIALS AND CHEMICALS. CENTS PER POUND. 1881 1882 1883 1884 Nitrogen in Ammonia Salts, " Nitrates, " Dried and fine ground fish. Organic nitrogen in guano and fine ground blood and meat, 20 24 23 1 8 Organic nitrogen in cotton seed, linseed meal, and in castor pomace, 16 18 18 18 Organic nitrogen in fine ground bone, 15 17 17 18 Organic nitrogen m fine medium bone, 14 15 15 16 Organic nitrogen in medium bone, 13 14 14 14 Organic nitrogen in coarse medium bone, 12 • 13 13 12 Organic nitrogen in coarse bone, horn shavings, hair, and fish scraps, 11 11 11 10 Phosphoric acid soluble in water, 12|^ 12|^ 11 10 " " " ammonia citrate,* 9 9 8 9 Phosphoric acid insoluble in dry fine ground fish, and in fine bone, 6 6 6 6 Phosphoric acid insoluble in fine medium bone, 5^ 5i 5^ 5| Phosphoric acid insoluble in medium bone, 5 5 5 5 " " " coarse med. " 4^ 44^ 4| 4i " " " " " 4" 4^ 4 4 " " " fine ground rock phosphate, 3^ 3 2f 2i Potash as high grade sulphate, 7^ 7 7 7^ " - Kainite, 5| 5 4i 4i " Muriate, 4^ 5 4A 4i ♦Dissolved from two grams of Phosphate, ungromid, by 100 C. C. neutral solution of ammonimn citrate sp. gr. 1.09 in 30 minutes at 40 deg. C, witli agitation once in five minutes; commonly called " reverted " or " backgone " phosphoric acid. The above trade values are the figures at which on March 1st, the respective ingredients could be bought at retail, for cash in our mar- kets in the raw materials, which are the regular source of supply. They also correspond to the average wholesale prices for the six mouths ending March 1st, plus about 20 per cent, in case of goods for which we have wholesale quotations. The calculated values obtained by the use of the above figures, will be found to agree fair- ly with the reasonable retail price in case of standard raw materials, such as : Sulphate of Ammonia, Azotin, Nitrate of Soda, Dry Ground Fish, Muriate of Potash, Cotton Seed, Sulphate of Potash, Castor Pomace, Dried Blood, Bone Plain Superphosphates. TRADE VALUES IN SUPERPHOSPHATES, SPECIAL MA- NURES AND MIXED FERTILIZERS OF HIGH GRADE. The organic nitrogen in these classes of goods will be reckoned at the highest figure laid down in the Trade Values of Fertilizing Ingredients in Raw Materials, namely, twenty cents per pound. Insoluble phosphoric acid will be reckoned at four and one-half (4|-) cents, the cost of phosphoric acid in coarse medium bones. Potash at four and one-quarter cents, if sufficient chlorine is present in the fertilizer to combine with it. If there is more potash present than will combine with chlorine, then this excess of potash will be reckoned as sulphates. The use of the highest trade values, is but justice to those articles in which the costliest materials are used. In most cases the calcula- ted value of superphosphates and specials will fall considerably below the retail price. The difference between the two will represent the manufacturer's expenses in converting raw materials into the manu- factured articles. These expenses include grinding and mixing, bagging or barreling, storage and transportation, commission to agents or dealers, long credit, interest on investment, bad debts, and finally profits. Last 3^ear the selling price of the superphosphates and specials was on the average fifteen per cent, greater than the Station valuations, or thirty-five per cent, iu advance of the Avholesale cost of the fertil- izing elements iu the raw materials. The average cost of Ammoniated Superphosphates and Guano was about $41.50, the average estimated value was about $35.00, and the difference $6.50. In case of specials, average cost was $50.00, average valuation $42.50, difference $7.50. It has been the aim in previous bulletins of the Station to describe briefly in connection with analytical reports regarding their composi- tion, the peculiar character and the special merits of prominent agricultural chemicals, and of refuse materials of various industries which are commonly used for the manufacture of compound fertilizers for farm purposes. This feature of the bulletins will be retained for the future, wher- ever an inducement is offered. The information thus far given on these occasions may be improved by studying the official annual re- ports on Commercial Fertilizers published for ten years past, in the Reports of the Mass. State Board of Agriculture. A knowledge of the sources and of the character of the ingredients which serve large- ly for the manufacture of our commercial fertilizers, leads quite naturally to a due appreciation of the importance of securing the pro- per form for our circumstances. No mode of supplying our special wants of plant food for a successful and economical cultivation of crops is as safe, as the practice to supplement — if needed — our home- made manures with commercial fertilizing ingredients in the form of suitable raw materials and chemicals to meet our wants ; and if obliged to increase our home resources of manure, to compound them from the most suitable stock in the market. Although a first trial of that course of action may not realize all the advantages expected, there can be no doubt about the correctness of the statement, that the best financial success on the part of the farmer can only be secured by the gradual adoption of that system of manuring the farm. Our leading dealers in fertilizers begin to realize the late tendency in their trade, and are preparing to meet the call. There is every reason to assume that the consumption of commercial manurial mat- ter will increase in the same proportion, as the principles of a rational and economical system of manuring becomes better understood. 8 175. THE PHCENIX FRUIT TREE INVIGORATOR. Manufactured by the Phoenix Fruit Tree Invigorator Co., of Livonia, Livingston Co., N. Y. "A specific for the Aphis on Fruit Trees and Berry Bushes of all kinds." "Patent Secured." Sent on for examination by the Pxlitor of the New England Home- steady Springfield, Mass. One hundred parts of the material contained Moisture at 100° C, 21.75 Sulphur free, 41.25 Sulphur combined (with alkalies), 1.66 Sulphuric acid. 0.64 Phosphoric acid, 0.82 Chlorine, 0.20 Carbonic acid. 9.54 Ferric oxide, 0.68 Magnesium oxide. 1.13 Potassium oxide. 3.34 Calcium oxide. 14.08 Small quantities of soda with coal, etc.. 2.07 Ash constituents insoluble in acid, 2.84 100.00 CLAIMS OF THE MANUFACTURER. "This compound when applied to plants or trees, is taken up by the circulation of the sap, and carried ])y it to the leaves, where it is reorganized and distributed to all parts of the tree, giving the tree a healthy leaf, and a vigorous growth. Price per pound box, $1.50." DIRECTIONS GIVEN BY THE MANUFACTURER FOR USE. " For Fruit Trees. Bore into the trunk of the tree near the ground with I bit till the heart is nearly reached ; and fill the opening with the Pha3nix Fruit Tree luvigorator, and close tight with a thin cork or grafting wax. A wooden stopper may be used. Apply any time during the winter and spring, till the first of June. " For Berry, Currant, Rose Bushes and House Plants. Remove the dirt and rough bark from the roots, and apply the luvigorator. covering again. with dirt." The mode of applying the offered remedy for the destruction of in- sect life, and for the promotion of a healthful growth of plants, requires certainly a serious operation, and a first trial if at all con- templated, ought to be carried out on a limited scale. The proposi- tion to introduce the remedy directly into the circulation of the plant, is not without its analogy in the treatment of animals. One point, however, must be cheerfully conceded — the patentee means to get a liberal pecuniary compensation for his^|MHHHK discovery. A mixture of an essentially corresponding composition, may be produced at an expense of from 12 to 15 cents per pound, at retail cost, by taking from 40-42 lbs. of flour of sulphur, and 58-60 lbs. of sifted wood ash. 170-177. SALT MUD. Sent on by L. B. Goodwin, So. Duxbury, Mass. I. Sample taken from a dock dug in a salt marsh. The sender states that large quantities of kelp have been unloaded at this dock, and a good deal of ell-grass is also deposited. II. Taken from the flats at low water mark. I. II. Moisture at lOO'' C, 46.36 60.37 Ash constituents, 49.28 33.09 Insoluble in acids, 43.55 26.20 Nitrogen in organic matter, 0.39 0.40- 4.55 3.70 0.66 0.90 0.31 0.43 0.33 0.32 0.94 1.21 10 Soluble constituents contained : I. II. Sesqni oxide of iron, Calcium oxide, Magnesium oxide, Potassium oxide, Sodium oxide, Phosphoric acid, traces, traces. 178. BLACK MUD. From the flats near We^'mouth, Mass. Sent on by Thomas A. Watson, Esq. Moisture at 100° C, 56.55 Ash constituents, 39.60 Insoluble in acids, 31.84 Nitrogen in organic matter, 0.30 Soluble constituents contained : Sesqui oxide of iron, 4.26 Calcium oxide, 0.91 Magnesium oxide, 0.66 Potassium oxide, 0.38 Sodium oxide, 0.86 Phosphoric acid, traces. These three deposits of tidal water are of a similar composition. The amount of organic matter present does not exceed seven per cent. ; and the soluble mineral substances are mainly those found in the water of the ocean. The commercial value of plant constituents amounts at present rates per ton of the deposits, in none of them to more than $1.75 ; in the last named sample still less. For those interested in the composition of the fertilizing material deposited and collected along the seashore, the following references are given : Kelp and Eockweed. See Report of State Board of Agriculture 1878-79 ; page 347. RocJiweed and Mtisselmud. Rep. 1879-80 ; page 338 — 33i). Eelgrass. Rep. 1882-83; page 407. 11 179. FRESH WATER MUD. (Little Poud at South Braiutree.) Sent on by A. Drew, Esq., Boston, Mass. Analysis of a fairly dried samples : Moisture at 100° C, 40.37 Calcium oxide, 1.27 Magnesium oxide, 0.29 Potassium oxide, 0.22 Ferric oxide, 1.80 Phosphoric acid. .26 Nitrogen, 1.37 Insoluble matter, 18.26 The material in its natural state contains 72 per cent, water ; in its composition it resembles a fibrous peat ; yet it is less humified, and will yield its nitrogen, etc., more readily. One ton of the analyzed material represents a commercial value of from 5 to 6 dollars. 180. WESTERN ASHES. (Leached.) Sent on from Hingham, Mass., by Edmund Hersey, for the Hiug- ham Agricultural and Horticultural Society. Moisture at 100° C, 24.53 Calcium oxide, 26.53 Magnesium oxide, 3.03 Potassium oxide, 0.79 Phosphoric acid, 1.89 Insol. matter, before Calcination, 21.71 The composition of this sample of leached ashes resembles closely that of a previously reported one from Detroit, Mich, (See Bulle- tin 5, No. 108). 12 181. GARDEN FERTILIZER. Sent on by farmers from Somerset, Mass. Moisture at 100° C. 6.64 Soluble phosphoric acid, 0.70 Reverted " " 2.12 Insoluble " " 8.26 Total phosphoric acid. 11.08 Potassium oxide, 11.42 Nitrogen, 4.28 Insoluble matter, 0.90 Valuation per 2000 lbs. $39.49 C. A. GOESSMANN, Director, Amherst, Mass. ^^The Bulletins of the Station will he sent free of charge to all parties interested m its work on application. J. E. wniiams, Printer, Amherst, Mass. MASSACHUSETTS STATE Agricultural Experiment Stat BULLETIlSr ISTO. 3. MAY. 1884. 182. NOTES UPON INSECTS INJURIOUS TO FARM AND GARDEN CROPS. In the annual report of the Station is to be found a statement of experiments made to ascertain the best means of destroying the many insects that make havoc among the crops of the farm and gar- den. . Some of the experiments gave satisfactory results and extended preparations are being made to learn more of the more harmless materials that may be used as insecticides. As the results cannot be presented to the public in time to be of use the early part of this season, we give a brief statement of the remedies thus far found to be the most successful. Cabbage Flea. — The first insect of importance that appears is the small black flea or jumping beetle that attacks the cabbage, rad- ish, turnip, etc. Dusting with paris green mixed with one hundred times its weight of plaster has proved an effectual remedy. This must be done when the plants are wet and after every rain. Cut Worm. — The cut worm of which there are several species, including the army worm, work only during the night, and may be destroyed by the same remedy as the above. We would advise a trial of pyrethrum powder mixed with five times its bulk of plaster as being more safe, although we have no positive proof that it will be effectual. Striped Squash Bug. — The striped squash bug which has been so abundant for the past two seasons, is best kept in check by the use of plaster and paris green. For the family garden the safest and most satisfactory way to overcome them is to make a bottomless box twelve inches square, and six or eight inches deep, and cover it with mosquito netting. One of these boxes placed over each hill until the plants have become tough and hard, is a sure protection. The Potato Beetle. — The potato beetle has evidently become a permanent resident among us. I'aris green extended with plasier, flour or water, is the only cheap and easily applied remedy known at present, but great care must be exercised in its use and especially in the place where the package is kept, that it may not get upon the food of animals. Cabbage W okm. — The cabbage worm, the larvae of the common white butterfl}^ may be easily destroyed in several ways. That of hand picking, if begun before the first brood have passed into its perfect state, is effectual. We have also found that pyrethrum powder mixed with five times its bulk of plaster and dusted into the centre of the leaves with sul|)hur bellows, is certain destruction to every one of them. The application of insecticides in liquids to the cab- bage has not been satisCactory on account of the peculiar structure of the leaf surface which allows the water to roll off in drops and not adhere to any part of it. Paris green is unsafe to use after the leaves have become over four inches in diameter. Currant Worm. — The currant worm should be destroyed, while small, with the dust of hellebore or pyrethrum. The latter being perfectly harmless is to be more highly recommended. Plum Weevel. — There are two certain methods of capturing the plum weevil, the first by jarring the tree early in the morning and catching them upon sheets stretched below upon a frame or upon the ground, and the second by placing chicken coops under the trees. The former method must be attended to regularly every morning for three weeks after the plums have set, and in the latter case, if the number of trees is large, a large flock of chickens will be required to make that remedy effectual. Codling Moth. — No positive remedy against the ravages of this insect has as yet been found. It is claimed that paris green sprayed over the tree in water is effectual, but should it prove so, it is far too dangerous a remedy to apply where grass or other crops are growing under them. Apple and Peach Borer. — For the destruction of these two insects no sure remedy has been found except the knife. It is pro- bable that covering the trunk of the tree near the ground with the ink or tar used to catch the moths of the canker worm, or wra piling around the trunk bands of tarred paper, would assist in keeping them away. The Eose Bug. — The rose bug has thus far been the most difficult to overcome of the whole tribe of injurious insects, and we can rec- ommend no remedy with a great degree of confidence, but would advise the trial of the fumes of gas tar held under the vines a short time evei-y evening while the grapes are forming. It is certainly otTensive to them, and if used carefully need not injure the plant. RosK Slugs.— This insect is easily destroyed by spraying with water and pyrethrum at the rate of one tablespoonful of the latter to a pailful of the former. Letters. — Several lettei's have been received asking for informa- tion in regard to insects and fungus injurious to plants, which have been answered by letter, and for general information we insert the answers of a few of them. Letter No. 1, containing slioots of the apple tree covered with a coating of black masses containing som« fungus growth. These black masses are the result of dust adhering to the shoots made sticky by the exudations of the common apple aphis or plant louse which were unusually abundant the past two seasons and caused great injury to young trees. The remedy is to syringe with strong soap suds or with a tablespoonful of pyrethrum in one pail of water. Letter No 2, contained twigs of the peach tree in which were found a double row of the eggs of the tree cricket (CEcanthus niveits). This insect lays its eggs more commonly in the branches of the rasp- berry and blackberry, but in some cases in those of the peach and plum. The larvae, after hatching, leave the twigs and for a time feed upon plant lice, and later in the season upon succulent ripe fruit. The tree cricket is light green in color, and when full grown, is about three-fourths of an inch long, and lays its eggs in autumn in the eeu- tor of the shoots in long lines as mentioned above. S. T. MAYNARD, Professor of Botany and Horticulture, Mass. Agrictdtural College. FODDER AND FODDER ANALYSES. 183. COMMON MILLET. Collected from plats of Station, when blooming;, Aug. 14, 1883. I. ^-^ c • SJ o ^ t ^ S o li la ■ o p. § .»j fi g 0 ^ O « d D 1-^ r SI 1^ Moisture at 100° C, 6.15 123.00 93 85 1877.00 100.00 2000.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. 4.G7 93.40 o . o ■s s ^ rS ■S =s C O j^_ S a ;h -rt ;.?; o ^ DhI P^ ^ Moi.sture at 100° C, 6.73 134.60 93.27 1865.40 100.00 2000.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. 4.23 33.39 84.60 667.80 o " Cellulose, CO " Fat, 2.67 53.40 21.36 40 ^ " Protein, (nitrogenous matter), 7.09 141.80 85.08 60 Non-nitrogenous extract matter, . . 52.62 1052.40 631.44 60 100.00 2000.00 737.88 The analy.ses of hoth samples point towards an exhausted condition of the soil, on which they were raised. 185. PP:ARL millet. (Iu bloom). Collected fvoin plats of Station, Sept. 19, 1884. .-^ a "H rh !n tn "^ SB O s 1 1 1 •M o is B 2, rd O 1 o .■s 8 ■t^ a ^ +^ " >. S s s 3 d ■^ .-s ;?; E 2* .-^d o Moisture at 100° C, 8.70 174.00 Dry Matter 91 30 1826.00 100.00 2000.00 ANALYSIS or DRY" MATTER. i£ Crude Ash, 6.46 129.20 ;^ " Cellulose, 25.14 502.80 236.32 47 " Fat, 2.91 58.20 29.10 50 " Protein, (nitrogenous matter), 15.26 305.20 183.12 60 Non-nitrogenous extract matter. 50.23 1004.60 693.17 69 100.00 2000.00 1141.71 The Serradella, like the vetch, is an annual leguminous plant, which has found its way from Portugal into central Europe some fifty years ago. It grows from one foot to one foot and one-half high, and pre- fers a moist deep sandy soil. Time of seeding and mode of cultiva- tion correspond with those customary in the cultivation of peas. The growth of the plant is slow unlil the time of blooming, when it rapid- l}- increases in size and nutritive constituents. The close of the blooming period at the end of Angust, is the best time for cntting the crop. Leading agriculturalists speak very highly of this fodder plant. 189. VETCH. (Vicia sativa, var. angustifolia) . I. Collected from experimental plats, Aug. 15th, 1883, in bloom. I. C» (B .M '■5 2 Ph O % 2 II ■=■ d IZi 0 « ::i o Ph Ph .= Moisture at 100" C, 6.65 133.00 93.35 1867.00 100.00 2000.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. Crude Ash, 10.82 216.40 " Cellulose, 33.72 674.40 S " Fat 1.9r) 15.27 39.00 305.40 16.38 183.24 42 60 N " Protein, (nitrogenous matter). ^ Non-nitrogenous extract matter, . . 38.24 764.80 497.12 65 100.00 2000.00 696 74 This grass is found quite frequently around barns and compost heaps, as a weed. The analysis of the above sample shows striking- ly the influence of a liberal manuring on the composition of the species of plants, of which it is a variety. FERTILIZER ANALYSES. 192. GROUND HORN. Of Perkins & Bradstreet, Dauvers, Mass. Sent on for examination by J. J. H. Gregory, Marblehead, Mass. Moisture at 100° C, Organic and Volatile matter. Ash, Phosphoric acid, Nitrogen in organic matter, VALUATION PER 2000 LBS. 170.6 lbs. nitrogen at 10c. , 27.2 lbs. phosphoric acid at4ic., $28.28 The inferior mechanical condition of the article advises the low valuation of the nitrogen present. 193. LOBSTER SHELLS. Sent on for examination by J. Shedd, 90 Waltham St., Boston, Mass. 10 00 95 00 5 00 1 36 13 53 $27.06 1.22 Moisture at 100° C, 7.27 Calcium oxide. 22.24 Magnesium oxide. 1.30 Phosphoric acid. 3.52 Nitrogen, 4.50 Insoluble matter. 0.27 The material sent on consisted of coarse pieces of the shells with meat mass in a dr^^ condition. The large percentage of carbonate of lime present tends to promote a rapid decomposition of the organ- ic nitrogenous matter, and favors thus a speedy action of the lobster shells, when dried and ground before their application. Counting phosphoric acid in the coarsely ground material 4i cts. per pound, and nitrogen 20 cts. per pound, its commercial value would l)e from 22 to 23 dollars per ton. 10 194. LIME KILN ASHES. Collected of R. T. Prentiss, Holyoke, Mass. 195. ONONDAGA PLASTER. Sent ou by H. D. Fearing, Amherst, Mass. 194 195 POUNDS PER HUNDRED. Moisture at 100° C, ------- 30.70 22.55 Calcium oxide, » - - 37.55 29.80 Magne.sium oxide, - 3.68 4.32 Potassium oxide, - 170 Phosphoric acid, - 1.27 Carbonic acid, 17.83 8.80 Sulphuric acid, - - 31.58 Insoluble matter, - 3.30 \ 10.70 Both articles are fair specimens of their kind. The lime kiln ashes sold at 22 cts. per bushel, and the New York gypsum at from 6 to 7 dollars per ton at their respective selling places. 196. CRUDE KIESERITE. Of Randall Fertilizer Co., Boston, Mass. Sent on by C. P. Preston, Danvers, Mass. Moisture at 100° C, 28.12 Magnesium oxide, 17.45 Calcium oxide, 3.13 Sulphuric acid, 36.87 Insoluble matter, 3.62 The sample contained 48.6 per cent, of sulphate of magnesia, from 7 to 8 per cent, of gypsum, and 2.23 per cent, of chloride of mag- nesium ; it is consequently of fair quality. 197. DRY FISH. Quinnipiac Co.'s dry ground fish. Collected of D. A. Hortou, Northampton, Mass. Guaranteed composition ; soluble and reverted (available) phosphoric acid, 2 to 4 per cent. ; total phosphoric acid, 6 to 8 per cent. ; nitrogen, 7 to 9 per cent., (equivalent to ammonia 9 to 11 per cent.). 198. Dry fish, collected of H. L. Phelps, Northampton, Mass. Guaranteed composition; total phosphoric acid, 6 to 8 per cent.; ammonia, 10 to 12 per cent., (equivalent to nitrogen, 8.24 to 10 per cent.). 11 POUNDS PER HUNDRED Moisture at 100° V. Total Phosphoric Ac Soluble Reverted " Insoluble '• Nitrogen oroanic matter, Insoluble Matter, Valuation per 2000 lbs. .$45.65 199. FISH AND POTASH. Bowkers' Fish aud Potash. Collected of C. F. Brown, Northampton, Mass. Guaranteed composition '; total phosphoric acid, 8 to 10 per cent. ; potassium oxide, 4 to 6 per cent. ; nitrogen 2^ to 3| per cent. 199 POUNDS PER HUNDRED. Moisture at 100° C, Total phosphoric acid, Soluble Reverted " Insolul)le " Potassium oxide, Nitrogen, (in organic matter), Insoluble matter. Valuation per 2000 lbs 10.65 10.78 2.24 1.52 7.02 3.73 2.07 7.20 24 99 200. BONES. Of National Fertilizer Co., Bridgeport, Conn. Collected of Wilder & Puffer, Springfield, Mass. Guaranteed composition ; total phosphoric acid, 22 to 24 per cent. ; ammonia, 2 to 3 per cent., (equivalent to nitrogen, 1.7 to 2.5 per cent.). Fine Ground Bones, of Bowker Fertilizer Co., Boston, Mass. Collected in Amherst, Mass. Guaranteed composition ; total phosphoric acid, 20 to 23 per cent. ; ammonia 3 to 4 per cent., (equivalent to nitrogen, 2.5 to 3.3 per cent. 200. 201. POUNDS PER HUNDRED. 201. Moisture at 100° C, Total phosphoric acid - Soluble phosphoric acid, \ Reverted " / Insoluble phosphoric acid. Nitrogen. . - - Insoluble matter, - Valuation per 2000 lbs. 10.00 22.74 3.97 18.77 3.85 36.90 12 AMMONIATED SUPERPHOSPHATES AND COMPLETE MANURES. 202. Ammoniated superphosphate, of Geo. W. Miles' Co., Mil- ford, Coon. Collected of D. J. Wright, Northampton, Mass. Guaranteed composition ; soluble and reverted phosphoric acid, (available), 8 to 12 per cent. ; potassium oxide 2 to 3 per cent. ; nitrogen 21 to 3i per cent. 203. U- U. Crocker's Ammoniated Bone Superphosphate. Col- lected of R. T. Prentiss, Holyoke, Mass. Guaranteed composition ; soluble phosphoric acid, 6 to 8 per cent. ; reverted phosphoric acid, 2 to 4 per cent. ; insol- uble phosphoric acid, 1 to 2 per cent. ; potassium oxide, 1 to 3 per cent. ; ammonia, 3^ to 4^ per cent., (equivalent to nitrogen, 2.90 to 3.70 per cent.). 204. 205. Stockbridge Manure. Potato. Powker Feililizer Co., Bos- ton, Mass. Collected of R. T. Prentiss, Holyoke, Mass. Guaranteed composition ; total phosphoric acid, 8 to 10 per cent. ; soluble and reverted phosphoric acid, (available), 7 to 8 per cent. ; jDotassium oxide, 5 to 6 per cent. ; 3^ to 4i per cent. Bradley's X L Ammoi^fated Bone Superphosphate of Bradley Fertilizer Co., Boston, Mass. Collected of R. T. Prentiss, Holyoke, Mass. Guaranteed composition ; soluble phosphoric acid, 7 to 8 per cent. ; reverted phosphoric acid, 2 to 3 per cent. ; potas- sium oxide, 2 to 3 per cent. ; nitrogen, 2.50 to 3| per cent. 202 203 204 205 POUNDS PER HUNDRED. Moisture at 100° C, * 19 63 12.18 17.60 16.65 Total phosphoric acid, .... 11.87 11.98 11.19 12 53 Soluble " 6.68 6.65 7.23 8.44 Eeverted " 1.14 1.87 1.48 .98 Insoluble " 4.05 3.46 2.48 3.11 Nitrogen, (in organic matter), 2 81 3.43 1.83 3.22 Nitrogen, (in ammonia salts), 1.67 Nitrogen, (in nitrates), .... .46 .29 Potassium oxide, ..... 1.12 .95 4.29 1.60 Insoluble matter, ..... 5.55 4.85 4.40 5.10 Valuation per 2000 lbs., .... $31.24 .$34.31 $39.33 .$36.72 C. A. GOESSMANN, Director, Amherst, Mass. l^The Bulletins of the Station will be sent free of charge to all parties interested in its ivork on ax>plication . There are.no hack num- bers of Bulletins from 1 to 6 on hand. The analytical statements of these Bulletins are embodied in the first anmial report of the Station. MASSACHUSETTS STATE Agricultural Experiment Station BULLETIN" nSTo. lO. JUNE, 1884. 206. OBSERVATIONS REGARDING THE VITALITY OF THE SEED OF VARIOUS WEEDS, AND THE CAUSES OF CERTAIN DISEASES OF GRASSES. The several subjects submitted to me for answers by the Board of Control have been carefully investigated and I am able to make the following report : — 1. Howis the vitality of the seeds of our most common weeds, such as dock, sorrel, chickweed, shepherd's purse, white daisy, etc., etc., affected by the action of the digestive organs of animals? Answer. Seeds of the dock, sorrel, daisy and shepherd's puise were fed to a horse and the refuse collected. Upon careful examina- tion it was found that the seeds, unless crushed, were uninjured and germinated readily when placed in soil under proper conditions of heat and moisture. The experiment was repeated several times with the same result. 2. How is the vitality of the common weed seeds, like the above, affected by the action of the compost-heap ? Answer. Having settled the point that weed seeds are not de- stroyed by the action of the digestive oro;ans of animals, it becomes important to know how their vitality may be destroyed ; for while the thorough farmer should never allow weeds to mature their seed on his farm, there are many instances where it becomes necessary to provide some means by which chance seeds may be destroyed. A series of experiments were carried out, the result of which is, that seeds are destroyed if exposed to a temperature of from 90° to 1\0^ F. for from five to seven days in a moist compost-heap. In a dry compost- heap, where the temperature runs as high as the above, the seeds were found but little injured. The tests were applied only to the above named seeds, but it is probable that the results would be the same upon others as these are among the seeds of the greatest vitality. The efficiency of this mode of destruction depends upon the maintainaQce of a continued high temperature and moisture, which will cause the seeds to either germinate and then decay, or to decay before germinating. The amount of moisture can be easily regulated and by properly working over any pile of compost containing a large amount of organic matter, the required amount of heat may be ob- tained. From the above experiments it would seem doubtful if the practice of keeping swine upon manure piles to cause slow decompo- sition is the best for manure containing weed seeds. It is also doubt- ful if the seeds of weeds often put into the pens where pigs are kept will be destroyed by the action of the little heat there generated. It would probably be safer in both of the above cases to compost the manure in large piles before using it upon the land. 3. At what stage of blooming are the seeds of the white daisy {leucanthemum vidgare) matured enough to germinate ? Answer. This weed has become so abundant in the grass land of some sections of the state that it must be cut with the grass, and it becomes important to know if it can be cut with the grass before the the seeds mature. After a series of careful examinations it has been decided that when the flower first reaches its full expansion few or no seeds are mature enough to germinate, but that it requires only a few days for these seeds to mature to full ripeness. In view of these facts it would not seem safe for the farmer to depend wholly upon the early stage of cutting, but to afterwards compost all manures made from fodder containing weed seeds of any kind. June Grass and White Top. — To this grass, on account of the many inflorescences that fail to mature and turn white, is often given the name of ivhite top., and the question is often asked, " what is the cause of this condition? " Upon careful investigation it has been found that this condition is most prevalent upon land exhausted by long cropping or where the roots have been much injured by the larveae of the June Bug or May Beetle. The turning of the top to a white color is due to the destruction of the culm or stalk just above the last leaf, by a fungus growth. Upon rich land and where there are few insect larveae working at the roots, there is little or none of this white top, and we are led to reason that the fungus does not at- tack the stem of the grass until the cells have become weakened in some way. S. T. MAYNARD, Professor of Botany and Horticulture., Mass. Agricultural College. 3 207. NOTES ON FEEDING EXPERIMENTS WITH CORN ENSILAGE. The experiments were chiefly carried on for the purpose of testing the feeding value of corn ensilage, as compared with that of hay. A description of the general character of the ensilage as well as of the hay and corn meal used in this connection, will be found upon a few subsequent pages within this Bulletin. Three cows — crosses be- tween native stock and Ayrshires — of a corresponding milking period — were selected from the herd of the Mass. Agricultural Col- lege, to serve for the trial. The previous mode of feeding, the amount of each article of fodder actually consumed per day, and the daily yield of milk were carefully noted during the week preceding the removal of the animals to the stalls of the Station (April 7 — 14). Each cow had received for some time previous to that date, four quarts of clear corn meal per day, together with all the hay they could consume. This mode of feeding was continued at the station from April 14 to 29, by careful application of the scale in all meas- urements, to secure reliable values for comparison. HISTORY OF COWS. I. Name, Clara. Age, 5 years. Weight, 895 lbs. No. of calves, 3. Last calf, Feb. 25, 1884. Feed, 4 quarts of clear corn meal (6| lbs.), and 15| lbs. of hay. Average yield of milk per day (April 14 until 30th), 15^ lbs. Composition of Milk. April 8. Water at 100° C, 88.04 Total solids, 11.96 Fat (in solids), 3.27 Mean of three analyses. Water, Total solids, Fat (in solids), II. Name, Nellie May. Age, 4 years. Weight, 860 lbs. .No. of calves, 2. Last calf, Feb. 15, 1884. Feed, 4 quarts of clear corn meal (6^ lbs.), and 16^ lbs. of hay per day. Average yield of milk per day, 14^ lbs. Composition of Milk. April 8. April 11. Apjril 14. Water at 100° C, 87.57 87.18 87.09 Total solids, 12.43 12.82 12.91 Fat (in solids), 3.71 3.82 3.87 April 11. April 14. 87.32 87.39 12.68 12.61 3.48 3.56 ^ses. 87.58 12.42 3.44 Mean of three analj'ses. Water, 87.28 Total solids, 12.72 Fat (iu solids), 3.80 III. Name, Fairy. Age, 5 years. Weight, 862 lbs. No. of calves, 2. Last calf, Feb. 20, 1884. Feed, 4 quarts of clear corn meal (6| lbs.), and 17 lbs. of hay per day. Average yield of milk per day, 18i lbs., (April 14—30). April 8. 87.46 12.54 3.33 Composition of Milk. Water at 100° C, Total solids. Fat (iu solids). April 11. April 14. 87.67 87.54 12.33 12.46 3.20 3.34 Mean of three analyses. Water, 87.56 Total solids, 12.44 Fat (in solids), 3.29 STATEMENT OF DRY VEGETABLE MATTER CONSUMED IN FORM OF HAY AND CORN MEAL BY EACH COW, BEFORE ENSILAGE WAS INTRODUCED. I. Clara. April 19—30. Hay consumed, per day (lbs.), 15.46 Meal '' " " 6.50 21.96 II. Nellie May. April 19-30. Hay consumed, per day (lbs.), Meal " " " 16i Dry Matter. 3nUc Produced. (lbs.) 13.90 1 5.60] {lbs.) per day. 15-1 19.50 Dry Matter. Milk Produced. {lbs.) 14.70 1 5.60] {lbs.) per day. 141 III. Fairy. 22# Hay consumed, per day (lbs.), 17.00 Meal " " " 6.50 Dr 20.30 1 Matter. Milk Produced. {lbs.) {lbs.) 2)er day. 15.30) 5.60 j m ' 23.50 20.90 After the previously stated mode of feeding, and the quantity and quality of the milk obtained thereby had been carefully tested during two weeks' observation under the management of the Station, Corn Ensilage was introduced as an additional article of the daily diet, in the fol- lowing way. The amount of corn meal, four quarts (6 1-2 lbs. ) per day remained the same during the entire trial. The ensilage was gradu- ally substituted for the hay in the daily fodder, as far as the animal felt disposed to consume it. During the first twelve days of the ex- periment, each was offered forty pounds of ensilage per day, and subsequently sixty pounds, besides all the hay they would consume. They varied widely in their preference, as subsequent detailed state- ments show. The manner of feeding was as follows : At 5 : 30 A. M. the meal was fed to the animals during milking, and at 6 o'clock the ensi- lage. At 12 o'clock M. from four to five pounds of ha}' were offered : and at five P. M. the remainder of the meal was given, and the rest of the ensilage soon after. At 8 o'clock P. M., from four to five pounds of hay were again offered. Any material remaining after each feeding was removed and weighed. As a rule they consumed first the leaves of the corn, and left, if any, more or less of the harder stem parts behind. They received twice per day all the water they would drink. I. Name, Clara. Food consumed, Milk Produced, i'S c (lbs.) per day. (lbs.) per day. bog O ^i^ g « >>c ^3 uO^ C FEEDING. "eS S q3 bi) &c « cs "3 .5 C "oo ^ c a s s-a^ 'i "be C c "a 3 >- Mil s W P^ § H ^l.s i Periods. May 1—6. 6i 7 33i 8i Ih 16.3 May 6—12. 6i 7 291 8 7 15.8 May 12—18. ^ 51 34 7| 7 14-9 May 18—27. ^ H 28 7 6i 14.1 Analyses of Milk. May, 3 7 12 20 23 26 •Water, 87.25 87.39 87.20 87.69 87.88 87.97 Solids, 12.75 12.61 12.80 12.31 12.12 12.03 Fat (in solids) , 3.68 3.62 3.66 3.47 3.21 3.47 Mean of three last stated analyses of milk. Water, 87.85 Total solids, 12.15 Fat (in solids), 3.39 II. Name, Nellie May. Food Consumed (lbs.) Milk Produced i'S a; ^ per day. (lbs.) per day. 1 ^i-l ^■^^=2 5 FEEDING. It 1 c ■5 1 S3D •S "S 0) mount of dry ble matter con the daily )nsumed in po ^ H pq S H ; 0,0 "•§ 'S 'C o « >. U § .S o S .73 •A o p^ Ph 2 Moisture at 100° C, 86.88 1737.6 Dry Matter, 13.12 262.4 100.00 2000.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY' MATTER. t. Crude Ash, 6.89 137.8 o Celhilose, 33.66 673.2 484.70 72 ^ " Fat, 3.88 77.6 58.20 75 " Protein, (nitrogenous matter), 12.58 251.6 183.67 73 Non-nitrogenous extract matter, . . 42.99 859.8 576.06 67 100.00 2000.00 1302.63 10 The silo which furnished this ensilage has been described in the first annual report of the Station. The fodder corn which filled the silo was well tasselled out, and had a few da3's previously suffered from a severe frost on the night of Sept. 3d. ; it had been cut into pieces fijpm two to three inches in length, before it was well tramped down, covered and suljjected to a pressure of sixty pounds to a square foot of surface. The silo was opened for the use of its con- tents on April 29th. The color of the ensilage was dark yellowish green ; it had an acid taste and odor. On the top of the mass and around its sides could be noticed for some inches in thickness some mould. The main bulk of the mass, — ^judging from the opinion expressed by many visitors to the Station — who claimed to be famil- iar with the usual appearance of corn ensilage, — corresponded evi- dently with a large proportion of the ensilage fed during the past. A comparison of the above stated analysis of the dried ensilage with an analysis of the frost-bitten corn fodder collected at the time when the silo was being filled (No. 211) shows a decrease of non- nitrogenous constituents, except in the case of fat ; and a decided increase in nitrogenous matter (crude protein). The nutritive prop- erties of the corn fodder had been greatly modified in consequence of its treatment in the silo ; its nutritive ratio (i. e. relation of nitrogen- containing food constituents to non-nitrogen-containing constituents) had been raised to that of our better grasses. This result is not an exceptional one in character ; it is only marked in degree, — judging from well endorsed observations in competent hands elsewhere ; and is cooperated in the case of all kinds of ensilage. Yet these changes in quality are accompanied by a considerable destruction of valuable organic matter. The fact that the nitrogenous constituents (crude protein), resist better the destructive influences in the ordinary silo, than the non-nitrogenous plant-constituents,- — as starch, sugar, cel- lulose, etc. — is the real cause of the alteration in the nutritive char- acter of the fodder in consequence of our present management of the silo. An analysis of the liquid, which under a partial pressure upon our ensilage, accumulated upon the cleaned floor of the silo, admits of no other explanation. The investigation of the production of a good ensilage, together with a determination of cost as compared with hay, will be resumed at an early date. 11 LIQUID OF ENSILAGE TAKEN FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE SILO. Specific Gravity at 20° C, 1.025 102.5 Grams of solution required | Gram of carbonate of soda for its neutralization. Moisture at 100° C, 81.52 Dry matter, 18.38 100.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. Sesqui-oxide of iron, .04 Calcium oxide, .85 Magnesium oxide, 1.07 Phosphoric acid, .20 Potassium oxide, .81 Sodium oxide, .16 Nitrogen, .59 0.246 parts of the nitrogen found in the liquid, was present in form of soluble albuminoids; and 0.344 parts in form of ammonia compounds. The liquid contained from three to four per cent, more of solid matter than the original corn fodder. 211. CORN FODDER. (Frost-bitten). (In tassel). From experimental plats of the Station. Moisture at 100'' C Dry Matter, ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. Crude Ash, " Cellulose, " Fat, " Protein, (nitrogenous matter), Non-nitrogenous extract matter, . x-~. a 0) fl 11 4) m li li 0 i 6 1 || ■•§ ^ ■C o 1 2 i! 'u a a P Oj ^ 0 ■'^ o Pi Oh 3 8.83 176.60 91.17 1823.40 100.00 2000.00 CO CO C3 4.86 97.20 ^ 29.05 581.00 418.32 72 2.06 41.20 30.90 75 8.63 172.60 126.00 73 55.40 1108.00 742.36 67 100.00 2000.00 1317.58 12 This cornfodder served for the production of the previously de- scribed corn ensilage. Its frost-bitten condition, and half matured stage of growth, have, no doubt, seriously affected the quality and quantity of the ensilage. FISH FERTILIZERS. Sent on for examination from Danvers, Mass. 212. Claimed to be chemically prepared fish. 213. Claimed to be clear fish waste. 212. 213. POUNDS PER HUNDRED. Moisture at 100° C, 7.70 . 9.00 Total phosphoric acid, 8.15 11.72 Soluble " 0.07 Reverted " 3.19 4.41 Insoluble " 4.29 7.31 Potassium oxide, 0.89 Nitrogen, (in organic matter), 8.13 8.16 Insoluble matter, 14.65 3.70 Valuation per 2000 lbs., 45.51 49 35 ("^OKRECTION — The percentage of nitrogen in No 197, of Biilletin No. 9, "Di-y Fish of the Quinnipiac Fertilizer Co ," has to be changed from 7.51 to 8.2.3; the valuation of the article per ton of '2000 lbs., from $40.12 to $4.3.00. FISH AND POTASH. 214. Dry Ground Fish, of Stearns & Co., New York. Collected of B. F. Bridges, So. Deerfield, Mass. Guaranteed composition ; bone phosphate 15 to 20 per cent., (equivalent to phosphoric acid 6.86 to 9.16) ; ammo- nia 9 to 11 per cent., (equivalent to nitrogen 7.41 to 9 per cent. 215, (XX) Fish and Potash, of Geo. W. Miles' Co., Milford, Conn. Collected of D. J. Wright, Northampton, Mass. Guaranteed composition ; soluble and reverted phospho- ric acid 5 to 8 per cent. ; potassium oxide 4 to 6 per cent. ; ammonia 4 to 6 per cent. ; (equivalent to nitrogen 3.30 to 5 per cent. ) 214 215 POUNDS PER HUNDRED. Moisture at 100** C. Total Phosphoric Acid, Soluble Reverted " Insoluble " Potassium oxide, Nitrogen, 12.38 7.99 1.78 6.21 7.57 19.50 9.74 4.86 0.04 4.84 3.05 3.40 Valuation per 2000 lbs .$40.93 .$30.34 C. A. GOESSMANN, Director, Amherst, Mass. MASSACHUSETTS STATE Agricultural Experiment Station. BXJLI_.ETIlTo- 11. SEPTEMBER, 1884. 210. notp:s on feeding experiments with corn ensilage, continued. (See No. 207, Bulletin No. 10.) The previous Bulletin contained a report of observations concern- ing the effect of feeding corn ensilage, as a mere substitute for Eng- lish hay, on the yield of milk and on the general conditions of three cows of a corresponding milking period. The observations, as far as reported on that occasion, extended over a period of from six to seven weeks. The daily feed consumed was stated in each case with reference to its dry vegetable matter, to prevent misconceptions re- garding the actual amount contained in the daily fodder rations at different stages of the experiment. The amount of dry vegetable matter, actually consumed each day, was reported pound for pound, in connection with a statement of the daily yield of milk in pounds. A comparison of these statements showed, that the fod- der, in which the corn ensilage had been largely a substitute for meadow hay, had produced a larger yield of milk, — comparing the amount of dry vegetable matter consumed with the yield of milk — pound for pound. A continuation of these experiments, which is reported in a few subsequent pages, has not altered our former con- clusions regarding the influence of corn ensilage on the yield of milk. The daily records during the month of, June, point strongly in th;it direction. The addition of a liberal amount of wheat shorts (bran) to the daily diet, (9th of June), has in most instances but slightly aft'ected the absolute yield of milk for the better ; and has at no time changed the relative proportions between dry vegetable matter and the yield of milk, in favor of the former, as compared with the feeding of corn ensilage alone as an essential additional constituent of the original daily diet. The main benefit derived from the addition of wheat shorts to the daily fodder rations, consisted evidently in the improved appearance of the cows, in the improvement of the milk, and in an increased value of the manure resulting. The important relations which exist between chemical composition and general character of dry vegetable matter, and its nutritive value under various circumstances, will be discussed at a later date of our experiment. I. RECORD OF MELIA. Ayrshire: 11 years old; dropped last calf Feb. 15, 1884. [Melia consumed larger quantities of ensilage, and has taken the place of 1. Clara in our previous record.] Feed consumed (lbs.) | Milk produced per day. (Its.) per day. 3 m ^?li ■S'2 -s ^S-S-2 <1'!i <0 0 1 i 1 bb bb 0 cS (i> 3J s§ s fj i 1 I 0 *i ^S5 a bi-S 1884. le 1 S 1 ! 1 > s g 1 Jul 2 ' 3 H 7 20 14 13i 271 14.5 6921 ' 4 6 40 15 ^H 29| 16.2 ' 5 5 40 14 14 28 15.3 ' 6 5 40 15 13| 281 1 15.3 7 6 40 14 13 271 16.2 ' 8 5 40 15i 12' 271 15.3 ' 9 6 i 6 50 14 13 27 23.2 ' 10 5 58 14 121 261 23.4 ' 11 5 59 14i 13 271 23.5 ' 12 5 60 15 12 27 23.6 ' 13 6 60 14i 12 261 24.5 ' 14 5 60 14 13 27 23.6 ' 15 5 60 14 13 27 23.6 ' 16 5 60 14 14 28 23.0 ' 17 ' 12 131 14 27J 22.1 755 ' 18 ' 14 13 14 27 23.9 ' 19 ' 12 131 13 26J 22.1 ' 20 ' 12 131 13 261 22.1 ' 21 ' 12 o 14 12 26 22.1 ' 22 ' 14 "^O 14 13 27 23.9 ' 23 ' 14 New Hay 2 ^' 18 13 13 26 23.9 ' 24 )• ?• 19 ?0 rt- 14 12 26 20.0 760 ' 25 1 oi 14 12 26 22.7 ' 26 I 16 M & 13 11-2 241 20.0 ' 27 t 20 13 11 24 23.6 ' 28 =■ 20 w 12 11 23 23.6 ' 29 i 20 20 s 12 11 23 23.6 ' 30 12 10.1 221 28.6 ANALYSES OF MILK. June 16 30 Water, ' 87.84 88.29 Solids, 12.16 11.71 Fat (in solids), 3.21 2.99 II. RECORD OF NELLIE MAY. le 1 Feed consumed (lbs.) per daJ^ Mill! (lbs produced ) per day. Amt. ♦f dry vege- table matter contain- ed in the daily fodder consumed in pounds. ■3 "3 o o o SB bb 1 bi) 1 1 "alh 'S Jul 6i 7 37 8 7 15 16.7 ' 2 8 28 8 7 15 16.4 ' 3 7 35 82 7 15J 16.7 8521 ' 4 6 40 8 8 16^ 16.2 ' 5 5 40 8 8 16 15.3 ' 6 7 40 9 8 17 17.1 ' 7 7 40 9 8| 17^ 17.1 ' 8 5 40 lOi 8 18^ 15.3 ' 9 6; - 5. 40 10 9 19 21.0 ' 10 7 40 10 ^\ 18^ 22.8 ' 11 ^J ' 7 40 10 9 19 22.8 ' 12 ' 7 40 9| 9 18^ 22.8 ' 13 6 40 10 9 19 21.9 ' 14 6 40 10 9 19 21.9 ' 15 u 7 40 10 9 19 22.8 ' 16 7 40 10 10 20 22.8 ' 17 16 14 10 92 10 20 25.7 895 ' IS 9 18^ 23.9 ' 19 13 w ^ 9^ 9 18^ 23.0 ' 20 13 1 n 9 18^ 23.0 ' 21 14 9 9 18^ 23.9 ' 22 14 "29 9^ 9 181 23.9 ' 2.3 15 Si 9 9 18 24.8 ' 24 New ^2 CfO. p* 10 9 19 20.0 So — Hay 1 16 902 ' 25 - ^ 20 ^ p 9| 9 181 23.6 ' 26 8 16 b- ^ 9! 9 18.J 20.0 ' 27 20 f- 9 9 18 23.6 ' 28 ■ 20 m 9i 9 18J 23.6 ' 29 Q P 20 9| 9 18^ 23.6 ' 30 20 9 9 18 23.6 ANAT.YSES OF MILK. June 16 30 Water, 80.89 87.20 Solids, 13.11 12.80 Fat (ill solids), 3.81 3.83 III. RECORD OF FAIRY. 1884. le 1 Food consumed (lbs.) per day. Milk produced (lbs.) per day. iill "3 ■3 0 1 t 1 1>1 6b 1 ib a 1 ■3 r Jul 6^ 8 55 9i 8 171 20.0 t 2 8 60 H 8 17^ 20.6 ' 3 8 60 10 9 19 20.6 885 ' 4 8 60 10 91 191 20.6 5 7 60 10 91 I9J 19.7 ' 6 7 8 8 60 60 10 20 19^ 20.6 20.6 ' 8 7 58 iH 9 20^ 19.5 ' 9 6 i 7 60 11 9| 201 25.4 ' 10 7 60 11 9 20 25.4 ' 11 1 ti • 7 60 11 9 20 25.4 ' 12 ' 6 60 11 10 21 24.5 ' 13 6 60 11 10 21 24.5 ' 14 7 55 11 10 21 24.8 '15 8 60 11 10 21 26.3 ' 16 8 57 11 10 21 25.9 '17 ' 16 ' 15 ] \ 10 21 25.7 910 ' 18 101 10 20J 24.8 ' 19 ' 15 1 11 10 21 24.8 ' 20 ' 14 m 10 20?, 23.9 ' 21 ' 14 ^ 10 10 20 23.9 ' 22 ' 14 2.0 lOi 10 201 23.9 ' 23 ' 15 2 w ■^ 0 10 91 191 24.8 ' 24 ' 25 New 2.0 (T, ^ lOi m 9 10 19^ 201 20.0 23.6 t Hay _ 16 t- 20 885 ' 26 c I 20 1^ 10| 9| 20 23.6 ' 27 I 20 P 10 H 191 23.6 ' 28 i =■ 20 53 10 10 20 23.6 ' 29 i L 20 20 t 10 10 20 23.6 ' 30 i 10 10 20 23.6 ANALYSES OF MILK. June 10 16 30 Water, 87.10 86.60 87.36 Solids, 12.90 13.40 12.64 Fat (in solids), 3.61 3.83 3.53 FODDER AND FODDER ANALYSES. 217. WHEAT BRAN. From Johu L. HoUey, South Amherst, Mass. Thirty-three per cent, passed through mesh 144 to the square inch. to 03 .S ■d » ^ ;3 tf s (0 a ^^9 .3 o gf II 6 0 o fi O ."«" ° § o ^^ 4i o m P) C 'S ^P. to iS =^ >% i2 O ;j -^ Iz; o P-, Ch 2 Moisture at 100'" C, ..... . 12.08 241. G 87.92 1758.4 100.00 2000.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. CO Crude Ash, 7.92 158.4 -* Celhilose, 13.72 274.4 54.88 20 -- " Fat, 3.81 70.2 60.96 80 " Protein, (nitroi?enous matter). 15. G7 313.4 275.79 88 Non-nitrogenous extract matter, . . 58.88 1177. <; 942.08 80 100.00 2000.00 This quality of wheat brau, \vhich is of a fair corapositiou, been used in the previously described feeding experiments. 218. CORN STOVER. From plats of the Station. has .-^ a ■ ^ 2 er Jitindred, Moisture at 100° C, 5.46 18.00 Calcium oxide, 35.58 34.34 Potassium oxide, 5.83 4.17 Sodium oxide, 0.61 0.84 Phosphoric acid, 2.55 2.56 Insoluble matter, 11.95 8.70 ^ The difference in the composition of these samples of wood ashes is largely due to a different state of moisture. The retail prices stated do not vary materially from those in our section of the State. 229. KAINITE. Collected of D. A. Horton, Northampton, Mass. Moisture at 100° C, 2.15 Calcium oxide. 0.82 Magnesium oxide. 11.30 Potassium oxide. 16.48 Sulphuric acid. 21.91 Valuation per 2000 lbs., $14.08 230. LIME KILN ASHES. Collected of J. A. Sullivan, Northampton, Mass. Moisture at 100° C, 20.55 Calcium oxide, 45.53 Magnesium oxide, 1.80 Potassium oxide, 1.35 Phosphoric acid, 2.92 Carbonic acid, 21.10 Insoluble matter, 8.23 Sold at 18 cts. per bushel in retail, and 12^ cts. per bushel in car loads. 231. PENGUIN ISLAND GUANO. Sent Oil for examination. Guaranteed composition ; bone phosphate, 51.76 per cent, (equal to 23.07 phosphoric acid) ; ammonia 1.43 per cent., (equiva- lent to nitrogen 1.18 per cent.) Moisture at 100° C, Total phosphoric acid, Soluble " " Reverted " " Insoluble " " Potassium oxide, Nitrogen in organic matter, Nitrogen in ammonia salts. Nitrogen in nitrates, Total nitrogen, Valuation per 2000 lbs., $31.62 This article deserves a careful trial upon lands rich in organic mat- ter ; in particular upon moist grass lands. 232. DISSOLVED BONEBLACK. Sent on by M. W. Jefts, for Ipswich Farmer's Club, Ipswich, Essex County, Mass. 12.10 24.35 0.35 6.97 17.03 0.14 0.23 0.26 0.24 0.73 Moisture at 100° C, 11.05 Total phosphoric acid, 18.87 Soluble 17.83 Reverted " .53 Insoluble " " .51 Insoluble matter. .83 Valuation per 2000 lbs., $37.26 10 BONES. 233. Darling's Fine Bones. Collected of Parker & Gannet, Bos- ton, Mass. Guaranteed composition ; phosphoric acid, 25 per cent. ; nitrogen, 3 to 4 per cent. Moisture at 100° C, 4.70 Total phosphoric acid. 26.62 Soluble 1 " Reverted j " " 1 6.77 Insolu])le " " 19.85 Nitrogen, 3.56 Valuation per 2000 lbs., $50.25 AMMONIATED SUPERPHOSPHATES AND COMPLETE MANURES. Moisture in Fertilizers. The quantity of moisture contained in a compound fertilizer exerts a controlling influence on the results of its analysis ; and yet, comparatively speaking, but few manufacturers mention in their printed guaranty of composition, the approximate amount of that constituent in their articles, upon which their guaran- teed composition is based. An article, for instance, which, with 10 per cent, of moisture, analyzes 10 per cent, of soluble phosphoric acid, 2.5 [)er cent, of nitrogen, and 5. per cent, of potassium oxide, will analyze 9. per cent, of phosphoric acid, 2.25 per cent, of nitrogen, and 4.5 per cent, of potassium oxide, in case of containing 19 per cent, of mois- ture. Statements of comparative tests regarding the exact composition of two fertilizers, are, for this reason, always made with a definite ref- erence to a corresponding state of their moisture. Manufacturers who state the composition of the articles they offer for sale, without mentioning, at least approximately, the amount of moisture they con- tain, deprive the inspector of the chance to recognize exceptional conditions in their goods. The manufacturer of fertilizers is expected to state, in the interest of his customers, the total weight of the article contained in each package ; — besides — within certain limits — the amount of phosphoric acid, nitrogen and potassium oxide he offers for sale in each hundred weight. As long as the fertilizer is carefully stored, no serious alter- 11 ations, either in total weight or in original composition, are expected within one season of keeping. Quite different, however, will be the result when it is stored in ill-constructed sheds, and damp storehouses, or meets with some accidental exposure to rain ; for in that case the total weight of the package increases and the composition of its con- tents is reduced in strength in the same proportion as its percentage of water has increased. The chemical analysis refers to one hundred weight of the fertilizer ; the customer who secures the entire package does not necessarily suffer ; yet the manufacturer may suffer by a lower analysis of his goods, in consequence of neglecting to furnish all the information needed to recognize the results of exceptional conditions. During past years I have noticed several instances where circuit- stances similar to those pointed out above, had caused the deterior- ation of a fertilizer tested and reported by me. During the past season my attention has again been called to a case of a similar character, which may be considered as the immediate cause of insert- ing here the previous discussion. Bulletin No. 7, the first one of this season, contains an analysis (No. 170), of a fertilizer, manufactured by the Clark's Cove Guano Co., New Bedford, Mass., called the '■'• Bay State Fertilizer," and offered for sale by E. 8. Snow, of Belchertown, Mass. The sample was collected by one of my assistants. Careful inquiry since at the agent's storehouse, in connection with information from other sources, tends to show that the moisture (22 per cent.,) noticed in the article was largely due to a deficiency in the storeroom. Bags of fertilizer which were subsequenth' weighed, showed from 10 to 15 lbs. more than the bill of sale stated. I believe now, for above stated reason, that the article originally furnished by the company, was a fair speci- men of its kind and within the customary guaranty of composition. In making this statement, in justice to the manufacturer, I do not intend to convey the idea that the addition of a larger percentage of water exerts no other serious influence on a complete fertilizer than diluting the article, i. e., reducing its original strength ; for changes of a more serious character are apt to occur ; for instance in case nitrates are forming a source of nitrogen in a fertilizer, containing superphosphates, more or less of nitric acid will be rendered free, and thus directly and indirectly the amount of that costly ingredient reduced. The frequent occurrence of rotten bags in the fertilizer trade, finds a satisfactory explanation in circumstances similar to those pointed out. 12 234. Fertilizer sent on by the Sec. of the Hampshire, Franklin, and Hampden Agricultural Society. (Potassa mainly present as carbonate). 235. William Clark & Co.'s "Americus" Ammoniated Bone Super- phosphate. Collected of B. L. Bragg & Co., Springfield, 236. 237. * Guaranteed composition ; total phosphoric acid 10 to 13 per cent. ; soluble phosphoric acid 6 to 8 per cent, reverted phosphoric acid 3 to 4 per cent. ; insoluble phosphoric acid 1 to 2 per cent. ; potassium oxide 1 to 2 per cent. ; am- monia 2 to 3 per cent., (eqvivalent to nitrogen 1.65 to 2.50 per cent.) Quinnipiac Extra Superphosphate. Collected of B. L. Bragg & Co., Springfield, Mass. Guaranteed composition ; total phosphoric acid 10 to 12 per cent. ; soluble and reverted phosphoric acid (available) 8 to 10 per cent. ; potassium oxide (in form of sulphate) 2 to 4 per cent. ; nitrogen If to 2^ per cent. Sparrow's Grass Fertilizer, of Judson & Sparrow, Boston, Mass. Collected of Everett & Gleason, Boston, Mass. Guaranteed composition ; soluble and reverted phosphoric acid, 8 to 9 per cent. ; potassium oxide, 4 to 5 per cent. ; ammonia, 5 to 6 per cent., (equivalent to nitrogen 4.12 to 5 per cent.) 234 235 236 237 POUNDS PER HUNDRED. Moisture at 100° C, 14 65 17.37 • 19. 88 12.57 Total phosphoric acid, 12.76 11.79 11.61 10.46 Soluble " . . 2.97 6.62 3.87 7.68 Reverted " . . 5.29 3.00 4.42 2.10 Insoluble " 4.50 2.17 3.32 .68 Potassium oxide, 23.81 1.85 2.06 4.52 Nitrogen, (in organic matter), 0.31 2.73 2.33 1.56 Nitrogen, (in ammonia salts), 0.16 0.81 3.15 Nitrogen, (in nitrates), .24 .23 Insoluble matter, G.55 5.77 6.98 .50 Valuation per 2000 lbs , .... .$50.88 .$38.91 .$34.56 .$43.69 C. A. GOESSMANN, Director, Amherst, Mass. OSTON. MASSACWU DtC5 TATE. ©^ Agricultural Experiment Station, BXJI-iLETIlsr ISTo. IS. OCTOBER. IS84. 238. NOTES ON FEEDING P:XPERBIKNTS WITH GLUTP:N MEAL AS A CONSTITUENT OF THE DAILY DIET OF MILCH COWS. The experiment was carried on for the purpose of studying the effect of gluten meal as a constituent of the dail}- diet of milch cows on the quantity and the quality of milk obtained, as well as on the cost of its production, under several specified cir- cumstances. The same cows, which served in the trial with corn ensilage, hay, Indian meal, and wheat bran, (see Bulletins fO aud 11) , were used in the late trial with gluten meal. The observations ex- tended over a period of three months. The third p'feriod of feeding was not extended beyond two weeks on account of the bad influence of a too liberal supply of nitrogenous constituents in the daily diet during very warm weather on the general condition of the cows. The mode of feeding was essentially the same as reported on previ- ous occasions. The gluten meal was fed with an equal weight of wheat bran to compensate its deficiency in phosphates of lime and magnesia, and to render it more palatable. The designed amount of l)oth substances was in each instance mixed and moistened, and fed in two meals during milking ; the hay followed, mornings, noons, and after milking, evenings ; care being taken to ascertain by weight, before and after meals, the exact amount consumed. The composition and the general character of the (Tluten meal, is described in a few subsequent pages. The cost of the daily fodder rations used in these experiments are based on our local mar- ket i)iiees ; gluten meal, $22.50, wheat brau, $23.00, and hay, $15.00 per ton ; corn meal has cost cliuing our trials $28.00, per ton. It has been the aim in our subsequent statement of results to render promi- nent the controlling influence of the daily yield of milk, on its cost under a corresponding system of feeding.. It will be no- ticed in our trials, that under nearly identical conditions, as far as kind of fodder and period of milking are concerned, the milk of one cow as compared with that of an other one may cost the owner of the animals from 40 to 90 per cent, more in one case than in the other. A careful comparison of the subsequent detailed statement of our late experiment with those of previous Bulletins, (Nos. 10 and 11 )\ tends to show that a good gluten meal at the stated cost, ought to be considered a valuable addition to our commercial concentrated fodder articles. The rations fed during the first feeding period and at the close of the experiment, (IV Period), deserve from an econom- ical standpoint a trial on the part of dairymen. Our results were 'satisfactory as far as the yield of milk of a good quality is concerned. I. RECORD OF MELIA. Feed consumed || Milk produced (lbs.) per day. (lbs.) per day. FEEDING 1. 5 3 o a 1 si 1 0 s "S CO > "3 1 Amt. of dry table matter c edinthe daily consumed, in p Weight of An (pounds. Periods. .luly 1—8, ^. ,S— 15, - 1.5—22, - H 20 13 13f 12f 254 27| 26^ 23.97 '782| " 22—29, - " " 141 13 27^ " 762.'. '' 29, Aug. 5, - i a u (( 1 Uf 13f 27f '' 795 Nutritive Ratio, 1 : 6.32. ANALYSES OF MILK, July 12th, 22d, 28th, Aug. 4th Water, 88.15 87.30 87.40 87.92 Solids, 11.85 12.70 12.60 12.08 Fat (in solids) 3.28 3.14 3.48 3.20 Amount of fodder consumed during the entire feeding period, and cost of same. 113f lbs. Gluten meal, 113f lbs. Shorts, 700 lbs. Hay, Total, 927i lbs. Daily produce of milk, Cost of daily fodder. Cost of fodder per quart of milk, $1 1.31 5.25 S7.83 26, ^ lbs., 1 22.4 cts. 1.68 cts. 3.36 qts. RECORD OF MELIA. Feed consumed (lbs.) per day. j Milk produced i (lbs.) per day. Amt. of dry vege- table matter contain- ed in the daily fodder consumed, in pounds. s FEEDING. 2. ■3 if 1 3 2 o bib a 1 "S > 1 Periods. i Aug. 5—12, - '' 12—19, - ! I' H 184 19# 1 14f 15 13f 13 28 28 ! 25.5 26.33 777 782 " 19—26, - ic I' 15-« 134 13^ 271 23.10 795 " 26, Sept. 2, u " 19f 14 12f 26f 1 26.33 827i Nutritive Ratio, 1 : 5.32. ANALYSIS OF MILK. Aug. 11th. Water, '/ ^i|jf i^«7.15 Solids, v^i^i 12.85 Fat (in solids). 3.49 Amount of fodder consumed during the entire feeding period, and cost of same. 182 lbs. Gluten meal, $2.04 91 lbs. Shorts, 1.05 517 lbs. Hay, 3.88 Total, r90 lbs. Cost of fodder per day. Average produce of milk per day, Cost of fodder per quart of milk. $6.97. 24.9 cents. 27.36 lbs., 13.68 qts. 1 .82 cents. RECORD OF MP:LIA. reed consumed 1 (lbs.) per day. i Milk produced (lbs.) per day. 1 vege- >ntain- fodder ounds. 1 FEEDING. 3. : "3 i g 1 : 5 • 1 o .2 1 o 1 1 Amt. of dry table matter c< ed in the daily consumed.in p PeriodH. Sept. 2-9, ^' 9—16, - - ^k 6.\ 14f iSf 14i 12 12 lOf 26L 22f 24.50 23.97 784 815 Nutritive Ratio, 1 : 4.42. ANALYSTS OF MILK. Sept. 10th. Water, 87.60 Solids, 12.40 Fat (in solids) , 3. ^)5 Ainouut of fodder eonsiinied during the entire feeding period, and cost of same. 91 lbs. Gluten meal, $1.02 91 lbs. Shorts, 1.05 196 lbs. Hay, 1.47 Total, 378 lbs. Cost of fodder per da}-, Average produce of milk per daj% Cost of fodder per quart of milk. $3.54 25.3 cents. 24.3 lbs., 12.15 qts, 2.08 cents. RECORD OF MELIA. Feed (lbs. consumed ) per day. Milk produced (lbs.) per day. Amt. of dry vegetable matter contained in the daily fodder con- sumed, in pounds. S FEEDING. 4. "3 3 o 7j si 1 > "3 I -k^ o 1 Periods. Sept. 16—23, 3! ^ 19.4 12.86 11.00 23.86 23.42 845 " 23, Oct. 1, - 20 13.36 12.00 25.36 23.97 790 Nutritive Ratio, 1 : 6.25. ANALYSES OF MILK. Sept. 17th, 30th. Water, 87.48 87.56 Solids, 12.52 12.44 Fat (in solids), 3.26 3.14 Amount of fodder consumed during the entire feeding period, and cost of same. 45.5 lbs. Gluten meal, $0.51 . 45.5 lbs. Shorts, .52 276. lbs. Hay, 2.07 Total, 367. lbs. $3.10 Cost of fodder per day, Average production of milk per day, Cost of fodder per quart of milk. 22.14 cents. 24.6 lbs., 12.32 (jts. 1.8 II. RECORD OF NELLIE MAY. Feed consumed Mill produced i|-S§ - (lbs ) per^day. (lbs ) per day. of dry vegeta r contained ally fodder c d, in pounds. S_ FEEDING. 1. i bi c be O p 3 Z To o o S^ 2s ^ O S W s W H ■S 0 it.i ^ o m « % K H <^S5S Periods. J Lily 1—8, - ' 8—15, - H •H 20 101 9;^ 19^ 23.97 907 ^' 10« 101 21 '' 927 ' 15—22, "• •^ " 10« 10 20« " 9121 ' 22—29, >•' ''. ^' lo;^ 92 19^ " 902 ' 29, Aug. 4, - ii " '•'• 101 9 191 " 935 Nutritive Ratio, 1 : 6.32. ANALYSES OF MILK. July 12th, 22(U 28th, Aug. 4th Water, 87.05 86.42 86.82 86.79 Solids, 12.95 13.5.S 13.18 13.21 Fat (in solids). 3.76 3.73 3.67 3.81 Amount of fodder consumed during the entire feeding period, and cost of same. 113| lbs. Gluten meal, llSflbs. Shorts, 700 lbs. Hay, Total, 9271 lbs. Average produce of milk per day, Cost of fodder per day, Cost of fodder per quart of milk< $1.27 1.31 5.25 $7.83 20.1 lbs. 22.4 cts. 2.24 cts. 10 qts. RECORD OF FAIRY. Feed consiimed Milk produced f% (lbs.) per day. (lbs.) per day. 3 FEEDING. 2. i t4 ti bb a m « s oj^S^ SiC~-' s 1 o > Cj iili ■s o m H S y H <; scs Periods. Aug. 4—11, - 6.i 3i 20 \^ 94 20 26.86 942 " 11—18, 11 20 10^ 95 20f ^6.86 952 '^ 18—25, " " 19# 9^ 9 18? 26.26 965 " 25, Sept. 1, - (( <.(. 19f 10 8f 18? 26.67 10271 Nutritive Ratio, 1 : 5.45. ANALYSIS OF MILK. Sept. nth. Water, 86.39 Solids, 13.61 P\at (in solids,) 3.91 Amount of fodder consumed during the entire feeding period, and cost of same. 182 lbs. Gluten meal, 91 lbs. Shorts, 554 lbs. Hay, Total, 827 lbs. Average produce of milk per day. Cost of fodder per day. Cost of fodder per quart of milk, $2.04 1.05 3.79 $6.88 19.5 lbs. 24.6 cts. 2.52 cts. 9.75 10 RECORD OF FAIRY. Nutritive Ratio ANALYSIS OF MILK. Sept. 10th. Water, 85.60 Solids, 14.40 Ft\t (in solids,) 4.84 Amouut of fodder consumed during the entire feeding period, cost of same. and 91 lbs. Gluten meal, 91 lbs. Shorts, 251 lbs. Hay, $1.02 1.05 1.88 Total, 433 lbs. $3.95 Average produce of milk per day, 14.68 lbs.. Cost of fodder per day, 28.2 cts. Cost of fodder per quart of milk, 3.84 cts. 7.34 qts. RECORD OF FAIRY. Nutritive Ratio, 1 : 6.21, ANALYSES OF MIJLK. Sept. 17th, 30th. Water, 85.85 85.99 Solids, U.15 14.01 Fat (in solids,) 4.06 4.11 Amount of fodder consumed during the entire feeding period, and cost of same. 45.', lbs. Gluten meal, $0.51 45', lbs. Shorts, 0.52 269' lbs. Hay, 2.02 Total, 360 lbs. Average produce of milk per day, Cost of fodder per day. Cost of fodder per quart of milk. $3.05 18.9 lbs., 9.45 qts. 21.8 cts. 2.31 cts. FODDER AND FODDER ANALYSIS. 9. GLUTEN MEAL. P^om Chicago Sugar Refining Co. Eighty-five per cent, passed through mesh 144 to square inch. ^^ A »; <» m e, ^ S ^ II B. § ll =3 S o « § +s o ^ 0 ^ § 53 a to C n ■^ '-J ■^^ 'i^ u o .S S 03 O « .73 "A o P. B Moisture at 100° C, 11.68 233 6 88.32 1766.4 100.00 2000.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. Crude Ash, 0.79 15.8 " ("lellulose 0.77 15.4 5.24 34 " Fat 3.94 78.8 59.89 76 " Protein, (nitrogenous matter), 28.24 564.8 480.08 85 Non-nitrogenous extract matter, . . 66.20 1325.2 1245.69 94 100.00 2000.00 1790.90 12 The gluten meal is obtained as a by-product in the manufacture of starch and glucose from cprn. It consists mainly of the germs of the latter with more or less skill' pauts'iand starch. The supply of this substance has acquired considerable proportions in consequence of the recent development of the glucose industry in the country. Examinations of samples from various sources have demonstrated its highly nitrogenous character, and left but little doubt about its value for feeding purposes under suitable circumstances. For details in this direction I refer, as far as my own observations and statements are concerned, to Bulletin I, page 11, and Bulletin V, page 5. The variations noticed in composition are in the main evi- dently caused b}' modifications in the manufacturing process, — a cir- cumstance by no means an exceptional one, as far as the gluten-meal is concerned : for all our valuable refuse materials for fodder, as brans, oil-cakes, etc. suffer from the same influence. The sample, which served for our feeding experime its and furnished tlie material for the above analysis, was oi)tained by the following process, accord- ing to the kind communication of Dr. A. Behr, the superintendent of the Chicago Sugar Refining Company : " The process mostly followed in starch and glucose works for the separation of starch includes the use of caustic-soda for dissolving the gluten — (nitrogenous constituent of the corn). Our process differs in these particulars, that we do not use any caustic-soda at all and tliat we separate the germs of the corn before it is finally ground up. The consequence is, that gluten-meal contains no caustic-soda or sodium-salts, and is comparatively poor in fat, — this being for the greater part removed with the germs. The way we proceed is shortly, as follows : The water as it comes from the mills and carries the fine starch and gluten in suspension is run over long slightly inclined troughs : the ordinary ' Starch-Tables.' Here the heavy starch settles, while the lighter particles, small starch, gluten, fiber and fat are carried away with the water. This mixture is allowed to settle in large vats, the clear water drawn off, and the residue pumped into filter presses. The press cakes are dried in steam driers, ground up in mills and in this form make the gluten-meal." The calculation of the digestible portion of the gluten-meal is based on that noticed in the corn-meal in actual feeding-tests. The numerical relations be- tween the digestible amount of nitrogenous constituents and of carbo- hydrates or non-nitrogenous constituents in the above sample of gluten-meal (1:2.92) corresponds quite closely with that in a fair sample of peas , its mineral constituents are however but one-fifth of that of the latter. The article is offered for sale by the carload in bulk at $21.00 per ton, or $22.50 in bags, at Boston K. R. depots ; similar charges have been made in Springfield. C. A. GOESSMANN, Director, Amherst, Mass. ^^P. S. The Bulletins of the Experiment IStation will he sent free of charge to all parties interested in its work, on application. about two ounces of corn meal were fed for every quart of milk, and subsequently three ounces for every quart. This proportion of corn meal to milk produced better results in the case of butter milk (Lot B), than in the case of skim milk (Lot A), considering the larger amount of solid matter contained in the latter. Nearly one-fourth of the solid matter noticed in the skim milk shows no return of a proportionate increase in live weight, as will be found on comparing the subsequent detailed record. The total live weight and dressed weight of both lots of animals differ only two to four pounds from each other — the butter milk leading. The cost of fodder per pound of dressed pork produced amounts in Lot A (skim milk) to 5.8 cts., and in case of Lot B (butter milk) to 4.6 cts. This difference in cost corresponds quite closely with the difference in cost of the two kinds of milk. The dressed pork was sold at 7^ cts. per pound. The value of manure produced will be reported on some later occasion, when actual values can be presented. The investigation is continued. Two breeds — Berkshire and Chester— are already on trial to turn to account the information received in the first experiment. SKIM MILK AND CORN MEAL. I. Feed Consumed. Weiglit of Animal, (lbs.) Daily PERIODS. Meal, (ozs.) Sknn Milk, (qts.) increase in live weight. May 21—31, 100 ^ ^ 58 411 01b. lloz. June 1—9, 132 ^ 54 • 60i 1 u 0 '' 9—17, im\ 48-, 67 0 " 15 " '' 17—24, lo2 '; 50 79£ 1 " 13 " '' 24—30, 160 54 89| 1 " 7 " July 1—7, 210 70 101 1 " 10 " 7—14, 210 70 iiu 1 " 8 - " 14—22, 288-.^ ■r 96 124| 1 " 14 " '' 22—29, / 252 - 84 140| 2 ^' 4 " '' 29— Aug. 5, ': 228 i 76 147| 1 " Aug. 5—12, ; 180 / 60 1561 1 " 5 " " 12—19, j 252 84 170 1 " 15 " '' 19—26, I 252 / 84 1831 1 " 15 " " 26— Sept. 2, '. 258 ; 86 1881- 0 " 11 " Sept. 2—9, 231 77 2021 2 " " 9—16, '^ 294 98 2171 2 " 2# " " 16—22, ', 210 70 228| 1 " 15 " / ^^ / MASSACHUSETTS STATE Agricultural Experiment Station, BXJ^4I_,ETI2^T IISTO. 13. NOVEMBER, 1884. 240. NOTES ON FEEDING EXPERIMENTS WITH PIGS. The experiment described in a few subsequent pages is the first of a series [)hinued for the purpose of studying the comparative feeding value of skim milk and of creamery butter milk, in connection with corn meal, for the production of pork. To secure a suitable basis for the work, it was decided to ascertain, first the facts regarding the results of feeding equal measures of skim milk and of butter milk with a corresponding weight of corn meal in both cases. The skim milk was obtained from the dairy of the college and the station, the butter milk from the factory of the Amherst Co-operative Creamery Association. The skim milk was rated at two cents per gallon, and the creamery butter milk 1.37 cts. per gallon — the contractor's price. Corn meal was bought at $28.00 per ton. Several analyses of both kinds of milk and the mean of three analyses of the corn meal, fed during the experiment, are stated further on, (see Nos. 241, 242 and 243,) in this Bulletin. The skim milk contained about 2.5 per cent, more solid matter, than the creamery butter milk, a circumstance most likely due to the access of some water from the first washing of the butter. Six pigs from forty to fifty pounds in weight, (Berk- shires,) secured from the College farm, were used for the experiment ; three of them were fed with skim milk and corn meal, (Lot A), and three with creamery butter milk and corn meal, (Lot B) . Each of the two lots consisted of one barrow and two sows ; the former (III) gave in both lots the best results. The animals were fed alike in the follow- ing way : one-third of the daily ration of milk was fed with one-half of the daily ration of corn meal, at 6 o'clock, a. m. ; one-third of the milk at 12 o'clock, m., without any meal; and the remaining third, part of milk with one-half of the meal, at 6 o'clock, p. m. When- ever the previous feed was consumed, some hours before a succeed- ing feeding time, the amount of daily fodder was gradually increased. This rule of feeding was '^arried out during the entire trial and suf- fered only a tempor; . lification in consequence of a few short periods of very hot ■. At the beginning of the experiment Total amount of feed consumed from May 21 to Sept. 22, 1884: 221 lbs. Corn Meal, equal to dry matter, 189.57 lbs. 1219 qts. Skim Milk, '^ " '' 255.45 " Total amount of dry matter, 454.02 Live weight of animJil at beginning of experiment, 44.75 lbs. Live weight at time of killing, 228.75 " Live weight gained during experiment, • 184 " Dressed weight at the time of killing, 181.75 "■ Loss in weight by dressing, 47 lbs., or 20.5 per cent. Dressed weight gained during experiment, 146 lbs. Cost of feed consumed during the experiment : 221 lbs. Corn Meal, at 1.4 ets., $3.09 305 gals. Skim Milk, at 2 cts. per gal., 6.10 $9.19 454 lbs. of dry matter fed. produced 184 lbs. of live weight, and 146 lbs. of dressed weight. 2.47 lbs. of dry matter yielded 1 lb. live weight; and 3.11 lbs. of dry matter yielded 1 lb. dressed weight. Cost of feed, for production of 1 lb. of dressed pork, 6.3 cts. SKIM MILK AND CORN MEAL. II. Feed Consumed. Weight of Daily PERIODS. Meal, Slcim Milk, Animal, increase in (ozs.) (qts.) (lbs.) live weight. May 21—31, 100 _ 58 54 ^ 01b. 12oz. June 1—9, 132 54 77 1 " 11 '' 9—17, ,192 " - 64. 50 \ ; 54 \ «'i 1 '^ 7 " " 17—24, / 152 9'l 1 " 8 '^ " 24—30, 160 109 1 " 10 '' July 1—7, 210 ■ 70 '; 12U- 1 '' 12 " 7—14, 210 ; 70 ' 130^ 1 - 6 " " 14-22, 288 96 i I4I4 1 " 9 '^ " 22—29, , 252 84 -' 154^ 1 " 13 '^ " 29— Aug. 5, 228 76 162^ 1 " 3 - Aug. 5—12, 180 60 167i 0 " 10 '^ '^ 12—19, 252 84 , 179 1 " 11 " " 19—26, 252 \ 8^ 190| 1 " 11 " " 26— Sept. 2, - 258 \ 86 ' 193i 0 " 7 " Sept. 2—9, 294 \ 98 21U 2 '' 8'' 9—16, 294 \ 98 221| 1 " 8 '^ '■' 16—22, 210 "70 2301 1 " 7 " 2.^0 Total amount of feed consumed fi'om May 21 to Sept. 22 : 226^ lbs. Corn Meal, equal to di^ matter, 197.92 lbs. 1256 qts. Skim Milk, " " '' 26:5.21 '• Total amount of dry matter, 461.13 Live weight of animal at beginning of experiment, 54.50 lbs. Live weight at time of killing, 230.25 " Live weight gained during exi)eriment, 175.75 " Dressed weight at time of killing, 195 " Loss in weight by dressing, 35.25 lbs., or 15.3 per cent. Dressed weight gained during experiment, 148. 112 281,^ 3 " 9 - " 9—16, ;i.")6 112 293^ 1 " 12 " " 16—22, 24 0 80- 308 i 2 " 7 " //(I r/t/. 2. ,0} C •r. Total amount of feed consumed from INIay 21 to Sept. 22 : 26of lbs. Corn Meal, equal to dry matter, 231.78 lbs. 1452 qts. Skim Milk, " " " 304.29 " Total amount of dry matter, 536.07 Live weight of animal at beginning of experiment, 50.50 lbs. Live weight at time of killing, 308.50 " Live weight gained during ex})eriment, 258 " Dressed weight at time of killing, 257.25 " Loss in weight by dressing, 51.25 lbs., 16.64 per cent. Dressed weight gained during experiment, 215.15 lbs. Cost of feed consumed during the experiment : 265f lbs. Corn Meal, at 1.4 cts. per lb., $3.72 363 gals. Skim Milk, at 2 cts. per gal., 7.26 $10.98 536 lbs. of dry matter fed, produced 258 lbs. of live weight, and 215.15 lbs. dressed weight. 2.8 lbs. of dry matter yielded 1 lb. of live weight; and 2.5 lbs. of dry matter yielded 1 lb. of dressed weight. Cost of feed, for production of 1 lb. of pork, 5.11 cts. B. BUTTER MILK AND CORN MEAL. I. Feed Consumed. Weight of Animal, Daily PERIODS. Meal, Butter Milk, increase in (ozs.) (qts.) (lbs.) live weight. May 21—31, 100 - -^ 58 481 01b. lloz. June 1 — 9, 132 ^ _ 54 06 1 " 6 " - 9—17, 192x 64 771 1 " 7 " " 17—24, 152 \ 50 S7>; 1 " 7 "• " 24—30, 160 54 98^- 1 " 9 '^ July 1—7, 210 70 107^ 1 " 5 '' 7—14, 210 70 120^ 1 " 14 " - 14—22, 288 96 1311 1 '• 8 " - 22—29, 252 84 143i 1 " 12 '' '^ 29— Aug. 5, 192 68 153£ 1 " 7 " Aug. 5--12, 168 56 160| 1 '' 0 " " 12—19, 252 84 172-^ 1 " 11 " - 19—26, 252 84 183^ 1 - 8 '' " 26— Sept. 2, 258 86 185 0 " 4 '' Sept. 2—9, 294 98 -. 206i 3 " 0 " 9—16, 294^ 98 1 219^ 1 " 14 " '' 16—22, -w 2301 1. " 14 " <'V.. / M ./' f i riL"^. 6 Total amount of feed consumed from May 21 to Sept. 22 226 lbs. Corn Meal, equal to dry matter, 197.48 lbs. 1244 qts. Butter Milk. - " " 190.33'' Total amount of dry matter, 387.81 Live weight of animal at beginning of experiment, 48.25 lbs. Live weight at time of killing, 230.50 " Live weight gained during the experiment, 182.25, " Dressed weight at time of killing, 190.75 " Loss in weight by dressing, 39.75 lbs., or 17.3 per cent. Dressed weight gained during experiment, 150.85 lbs. Cost of feed consumed during the experiment : 226 lbs. Corn Meal, at 1.4 cts. per lb., $3.16 311 gnls. Butter Milk, at 1.37 cts. per gal., 4.26 $7.42 387.8 lbs. of dry matter fed, produced 182.25 lbs. of live weight, and 150.85 lbs. of dressed vs^eight. 2.12 lbs. of dry matter yielded 1 lb. of live weight ; and 2.57 lbs. of dry matter yielded 1 lb. of dressed weight. Cost of feed, for production of 1 lb. of pork, 4.92 cts. B. BUTTER MILK AND CORN MEAL. II. Fee(J Consumed. Weight of Daily PERIODS. Meal, Butter Milk, Animal, increase in (ozs.) (qts.) (lbs.) live weight. May 21—31, 100 - - 58 451 01b. 12oz. June 1—9, 132 ^ - 54 671 1 " 7 " " 9—17, /192 64 ^ 50 t 791 ] " 11 " " 17—24, /152 89| 1 " 6 " " 24—30, / 160 54 ^ 100 1 " 7 " July 1—7, 210 70 111 1 " 9 " 7—14, 210 70 1231 1 " 3 " " 14—22, 288 96 1351 1 " 11 " " 22—29, 252 84 1471 1 " 11 " " 29— Aug. 5, 192 68 158 1 " 8 " Aug. 5—12, 168 56 163| 0" 13 " '' 12—19, 252 84 177 1 " 14 " " 19-26, . 252 84 1891 1 " 12 " " 26— Sept. 2, I 258 86 189 -H" Sept. 2—9, V > 294 98/ 211| 3 " 4 " 9—16, >A294 98/ 2261 2 '^ 1 " " 16—22, -^10 70^ . 238 1 " 15 " Total amount of feed consumed from May 21 to vSept. 22 : 226 lbs. Corn Meal, equal to dry matter, 197.48 lbs. 1244 qts. Butter Milk, " "" '' 190.33" Total amount of dry matter, 387.81 Live weight of animal at beginning of experiment, 45.50 lbs. Live weight at time of killing, 238 " Live weight gained during experiment, 192.50 "• Dressed weight at time of killing, 199.25 " Loss in weight by dressing, 3s. 75 lbs., or 16.3 per cent. Dressed weight gained during the experiment, 161.2 lbs. Cost of feed consumed during the experiment : 226 lbs. Corn Meal, at 1.4 cts. per lb., $3.16 311 gals. Butter Milk, at 1.37 cts. per gal., 4.26 $7.42 387.8 lbs. of dry matter fed, produced 192.50 lbs. live weight, and 161.2 lbs. dressed weight. 2.01 lbs. of dry matter yielded 1 lb. of live weight; and 2.4 lbs. of dry matter yielded 1 lb. of dressed weight. Cost of feed, for production of 1 lb. of pork, 4.64 cts. B. BUTTER MILK AND CORN MEAL. III. Feed Consumed. Weight of Daily PERIODS. Meal, Butter Milk, Annual, increase in (ozs.) (qts.) (lbs.) live weight. May 21—31, 100 58 49 01b. lloz. June 1—9, 132 54 72 1 " 10 " 9—17, /1 92 /l95 64\ 851 1 '' 14 " " 17—24, 65 98 1 " 13 " >' 24—30. / 195 65 1091 1 " 10 " July 1—7, 210 70 121| 1 " 12 " 7—14, 252 84 133| 1 - 10 " " 14—22, ! 294 98 15U 2 " 10 " " 22—29, 294 98 167^ 2 " 3 " " 29— Aug. 5, : 294 98 1861 2 " 12 " Aug. 5—12, 294 98 199£ 1 " 15 " " 12—19, ■ 294 98 2i8i 2 " 11 " " 19—26, 294 98 227| 1 " 5 " " 26 — Sept. 2, 300 100 . 233i 0 " 13 " Sept. 2—9, ! 336 112 259 3 " 11 " - 9-16, \ 336 \240 112 281 3 " 2 " '' 16—22, 80 2931 2" 1" /M:^. ly Total amount of feed consumed from May 21 to Sept. 22 265f ll)s. Corn Meal, equal to dry matter, 232.21 lbs. 1452 qts. Butter Milk, " " '' 222.16" Total amount of dry matter, 454.37 Live weight of animal at beginning of experiment, 49 lbs. Live weight at time of killing, 293^ " Live weight gained during experiment, 244|^ " Dressed weight at time of killing, 243 " Loss in weight by dressing, 50 lbs., or 17 per cent. Dressed weight gained during experimen-t, 202.3 lbs. Cost of feed consumed during the experiment : 265| lbs. Corn Meal, at 1.4 cts. per lb., $3.72 363 gals. Butter Milk, at 1.37 cts. per gal., 4.98 $8.70 454.37 lbs. of dry matter fed, produced 244^ lbs. of live weight, and 202.3 lbs. dressed weight. 1.86 lbs. of dry matter yielded 1 lb. of live weight; and 2.23 lbs of dry matter yielded 1 lb. of dressed weight. Cost of feed, for production of 1 lb. of pork, 4.3 cts. SUMMARY OF RESULTS OF EXPERIMENTS. A. Pigs fed with Skim Milk and Corn Meal. Corn Meal, in jJoumls. Skim Milk, in gallons. Live iceight gained during experiment. Dressed, weight gained during experiment. I. 221 305 184 146 II. 2261 314 175| 148* II. 265| 363 258 215^ 713i 982 617| 510 B. Pigs fed with Creamery Butter Milk and Corn Meal. Corn Mexil, in pounds. Bntter Milk, in gallons. Lire weight gained, during experiment. Dressed weight gained du ring experiment. I. 226 311 1821- 150^0 II. 226 311 1921 161^; III. 265f 363 2441 202fo 717| 985 619 514^ ' ' '; -I- ■ Total cost of feed consumed during the experiment. A. 713i; lbs. Corn Meal, $9.98 982 gals. Skim Milk, 19.64 $29.62 B. 717| lbs. Corn Meal, $10.04 ^__ . ' 985 gals. Butter Milk, 13.50 v V. 1% 523.54 Cost of feed per pound of dressed pork produced. A. Skim Milk and Meal. 5.8 cts. ^„„_„ y»^Tt" B. Butter Milk and Meal, 4.6 cts. The difference in cost is approximately equal to the difference in cost of the Butter Milk and Skim Milk. y . xa tr 241. Analyses of Skim Milk, from the Experiment Station Farm. -•r II. III. 1 Mean. ^ 90.42 90.64 ' 90.42 0 9.58 9.36 • 9.58-- .32 ' .18 .39 Water. ^- Solids, 9.80 Fat (in solids), .68 Casein (nitrogenous matter, in solids,) 3.23 3.23 Nutritive Ratio, 1 : 2.15. These analyses represent the kind of skim milk fed during the pre- viously described feeding experiment. One quart weighed, 35 ounces ; and contained 3.35 ounces of solid (dried) matter. 242. Analyses of Butter Milk, from the Amherst Co-operative Creamery Association. I. Water, 92.79 Solids, 7.21 Fat (in solids), .20 Casein (nitrogenous Inatter, in solids), 2.9 2.90 Nutritive Ratio, 1 : 1.63. These analyses were made at the same date, when the skim milk tests were carried out — and represent as far as practicable the quality of butter milk fed during above described feeding trial. One quart of butter milk weighed 34 ounces, and contained 2.41 ouncesof solid matter (dried). II. III. Menn. 92.76 93.17 90.90 7.24 6.83 7.09 .22 .21 10 243. CORN MEAL. 92.34 per cent, passed through mesh 144 to the square inch. '-v •« m - « c £ 5 I 2 u 6 ■^1 « 1 '3 ^ 1 9 ft I s B S ■c o re fl -C O g'S ^ 8 o -S 1- -t 3 ■ o '-' Ph 3 Moisture at 100° C, 12.G2 252.4 87.88 1747.6 100.00 2000.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. § 1.5G 31.2 o6 " Cellulose, 2.65 53.0 18.06 34 ^ " Fat, 4.27 85.4 64.90 76 " Protein, (uitroejenous matter). 11.43 228.6 194.31 85 Non-nitrogenous extract matter, . 80.09 1601.8 1505.69 94 100.00 2000.00 1782.96 This article represeuts the average composition of the corn meal led in connection with slvim milk and butter milk in the feeding ex- periments, with pigs, described in the previous pages. Bulletin 13. 244. WHEAT BRAN. From John L. HoUey, South Amherst, Mass. 13.71 per cent, passed through mesh 144 to the squai-e inch. Moisture at 100° C, . Dry Matter, riJ.a ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. Crude Ash, " Cellulose " Fat, " Protein, (nitrogenous matter), Non-nitrogenous extraet matter, . . 10.48 89.52 100.00 G.98 10.20 4.77 20.24 57.81 209 6 1790.4 139.6 204.0 95.4 404.8 1156.2 100.00 2000.00 1398.30 40.80 76.32 356.22 924.96 11 Tlie article sold at $23.00 at the mill. This quality of wheat bran has been fed during the feeding experiments with mileh cows reported in Bulletin 12. 245. TIMOTHY HAY. From the grounds of the Experiment Station, June 20, 1884. ^--. rj •■^ th CD g " o 2 <»■ ■■§ g 1 S 0 1 6 1 2 & 2 rt ■o o +i O iJ s a ^8 to =^ II %\ ^^ a a 5 a ■-I a l^i o ^1 (^ P Moisture at 100'' C, 10.55 211.0 Dry Matter, 89.45 1789.0 100.00 2000.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. 4.fi9 29.21 93.8 584.2 338.84 58 d " Celhilose, " Fat, 2.65 53.0 24.38 46 " Protein, (nitrogenous matter). 9.02 180.4 102.83 57 Non-nitrogenous extract matter, . . 54.43 1088.6 685.82 63 100.00 2000.00 1151 87 The grass was cut at the close of the blooming period, and the hay is a fair article of its kind. It served during the feeding experiment V, ith milch cows described in the previous Bulletin No. 12. FERTILIZER ANALYSES. 246. NOVA SCOTIA PLASTER. (Gypsum.) Collected of R. T. Prentiss, Holyoke, Mass. 247. ONONDAGA PLASTP:R. (Gypsum.) Collected of Sheldon & Newcomb, Greenfield, Mass. 12 246. 247. Pounds per hundred. Calcium oxide, 32.17 29.15 Magnesium oxide, 1.40 3.89 Sulphuric acid, 44.00 31.82 Insoluble matter, .70 9.25 The sample (246) contains 94.8 per cent, of gj-psum, and is a fair article. The customary market price in our vicinity is $9.00 per ton. This second article (247) sells at $6.00 per ton; its cost corre- sponds well with its percentage of gypsum, — 67. to 68. per cent. WOOD ASHES. 248. Canada Ashes, collected of Mr. Roche, South Deerfield, Mass. 249. Canada Ashes, collected of A. Montague, Sunderland, Mass. 250. Ashes, sent on for examination, by fl. C. Haskell, Deerfield, Mass. 251. Ashes, sent on for examination, from Northfield, Mass. Moisture at 100° C. Calcium oxide. Magnesium oxide. Potassium oxide, Phosphoric acid, Insoluble matter, Samples 248 and 249, are of a fair composition ; 250 contains less potash, and may consist in part of leached ashes ; 251 is a leached ash. Wood ash ought to be bought and sold on guaranty of com- position ; inferior wood ashes are liable to come from all sections of the country. C. A. GOESSMANN, Director, Amherst, Mass. I^P. S. The Bulletins of the Experiment Station will be sent free of charge to all parties interested in its work, on application. 248. 249. 250. 251. Pounds per hundred. 10.72 15.00 15.37 27.47 40.88 . 35.22 35.65 30.50 3.33 3.24 2.38 281 4.95 5.50 8.64 1.25 2.02 2.53 2.11 1.98 6.30 9.05 7.95 10.55 A9M MASaACrttfS^^-£STATE Agriculturi ^"' BULLETinsr OSTO. 14. MARCH, 1885. The publication of bulletins, which for economical reasons was discontinued in November, is herewith resumed, to assist in the farm work of the coming season. The results of investigations carried on at the Station towards the close of the past, and at the beginning of the present year, are incorporated in the second annual report of the institution which is contained in the last annual report of the Secretary of the State Board of Agriculture ; those of a later date, including some feeding experiments and chemical inquiries of various descrip- tion, will be published as speedily as circumstances permit. Arrangements are made to attend to the examination of objects of general interest to the farming community, to the full extent of existing resources. Requests for analyses of substances — as fodder articles, fertilizers, etc. — coming through officers of agricultural societies and farmer's clubs within the state, will receive hereafter, as in the past, first attention, and in" the order that the applications arrive at the office of the Station. The material for examination ought to be sent on, transportation prepaid. The results will be returned without a charge for the services rendered. Application of private parties for analyses of substances, free of charge, will receive a careful consideration, whenever the results promise to be of a more general interest, and so far as the present quite limited pecuniary means admit. For obvious reasons no work can be carried on at the Station, of which the results are not at the disposal of the man- agers for publication, if deemed advisable in the interest of the citi- zens of the state. The bulletins to be issued from time to time will be sent in the future, as they have been in the past, free of charge to the agricul- tural press, the various agricultural associations in tlie state, and all parties interested in its work whose names are on our list of regular recipients. New applications will receive, as far as practicable, prompt attention. Parties connected with the publication of agricul- tural topics, will confer a favor on the institution by sending on a copy. All parcels and communications sent on to the "The Experiment Station" must have express and postal charges prepaid, to receive attention. Meteorological Summary for the month ending February 28th. December. Jamiary. February. Mean temperature, 28.21° 22.73° 15.17'' Highest temperature, 57.00" 57 00° 39.00° Lowest temperature, —20.00° —18.00° —15.00° Mean Relative Humidity, 81.70 per ct. 81.65 per ct. Total Eainfall or melted snow. (in. J, 4.85 3.78 3.88 Total Snow fall, (in.), 14.75 13.80 7.88 Prevailing Winds, Northerly; Northwesterly; Northwesterly. No. of days on which 0.01 in. or more \ „ ^q - of rain or melted snow fell, / ' No. of days on which cloudiness) , . . „ „ averaged 8 or more on scale of 10, J " During the three mouths the " cold wave" flag has been displayed teu times, in accordance with notice received from the Signal Service, and only once has the warning failed to be justified by a marked fall of temperature during the succeeding twenty-four hours. FODDER AND FODDER ANALYSES. On a previous occasion, attention has been called "to the circum- stance that experiments have been instituted at an early date at the Station, to study the adaptability, to our soil and climate, of some reputed forage crops of the valuable family of plants, Leguminosae, of which the clover, the peas, and the beans are so conspicuous rep- resentatives. Some observations during 1883, with Cow Peas, Vetches, and Serradella have been reported during the past year in Bulletins 8 and 9 ; others of a more recent date, with Common Lucern, (Al- falfa), Horse Bean and Lupine, will be briefly described within these pages. The early stage of our experiments obliges us, however, to confine ourselves for the present, to a mere introduction of the sub- ject, by describing the quality of the crops we raised. A successful introduction of a greater variety of valuable faim crops tends to improve our chances for economical rotations of crops. The cultivation of valuable fodder crops maturing at different periods of the growing season, assist in the compounding of economical fodder rations. The best interests of the dairy business and of stock feed- ing in general, call for a more efficient protection against the serious influence of dry seasons. To meet the shortcomings of hill pastures and dry meadows, by feeding a half-matured fodder corn, is decidedly Avasteful. The nutritive value of one and the same variety of fodder corn may be impaired, ton for ton, from fifty to seventy and more per cent, in consequence of a too early cutting for green fodder or for ensilage. A more liberal choice of fodder crops growing successfully upon different kinds of soil, and maturing at different periods of the season, will prove, as it has proved elsewhere, most beneficial in the interest of an economical farm management. 252. WHITE LUPINE. (Lupimis Albus). Collected when in bloom from Experimental Plats of the Station, 1884. s ■^ S 2 p 4) m s s 0) fl rt o 3 2 _l) § o ^2 g 1 G O .1.^ 0 H 4) P a 2 s •3 O ^1 B 0 CO fi S si o o Ph Ph 2 Moisture at 100° C, 8.60 172.00 91.40 182800 100.00 2000.00 ANALYSIS OF DRV MATTER. c<» Crude Ash, 5.03 31.18 100.60 623.60 455.23 73 -* " CeUulose, ^ " Fat, 2.41 18.71 48.20 374.20 14 46 276.91 30 74 " Protein, (nitrogenous matter), Non-nitrogenous extract matter, . . 42.67 853.40 512.04 60 100.00 2000.00 1258.64 The cultivation of this variety of Lupine has been undertaken for the purpose of testing its fitness for green manuring upon exhausted farm-lauds. The frequent occurrence of a natural dense growth of a blue variety of wild Lupine, on sandy unproductive lands along the Connecticut river, suggested the idea of trying the above described improved variety, as a green manure, for the reclamation of abandoned farm-lands in neighboring districts. The white Lupine enjoys a high reputation as a green manure upon a light, dry, sandy soil. The first season has been used for raising seed. 253. LUCERN. (Alfalfa). (Medicago sativa). Collected when just beginniug to bloom, from Plats of the Station — July 2d, 1884. is S s |i C g 11 § - 1 o .S ^ 1 3 d 3 ■o ftn ^ s Moistnre at 100° C, 16.00 320.00 Dry M otter, .... 84.00 1680.00 100.00 2000.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. ^ Crude A.«h, 10 45 209.00 •' Cellulose, 25.42 508.40 203.36 40 " Fat, 2.50 16.34 50.00 326.80 19.50 251.64 39 77' " Protein, (nitrogenous matter), Non-nitrogenous extract matter, . . 45 29 100.00 905.80 588.77 65 2000.00 1063.27 The greeu material contaiued 77 parts of moisture and 23 parts of vegetable matter. The sample for analysis was taken from the first growth, when in blossom. The. composition of the Luce'rn hay com- pares favorably with that of a first class hay of red clover in blossom. The past winter will have tested severely the adaption of this valuable fodder plant to our climate. The plant is noted for its resistance to drought wherever its extensive root system freely develops. 254. HORSE BEAN. (Horse Bean). Straw. fi ■M oS B % % S •ss .a § 2£ ■c in. o 1 " 1 ■^ -s § ft 4i « S s ^ o §■5 a o Ph p. p Moisture at 100° C, 9.15 183.00 Dry Matter, 90.85 1817.00 ii 100.00 2000.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. >o ao Crude Ash, 9 59 41.44 191.80 828.80 298.37 36 " Cellulose, " Fat, 1.51 9.69 30.20 193.80 16.61 98.84 65 51 " Protein, (nitrogenous matter;, Non-nitrogenous extract matter. 37.77 755.40 460.79 61 100.00 2000.00 874.61 (Horse Bean). Beans. ii h II 6 Si o n a d ?1 " ? :^ fi 30 ■2 o 3 a o a 1 O 0 g O D, H c S3 S 0,0 B 0 "1 "* II g^ " ^ k.S § ^ ;i3 z o Oh Cl4 P Moisture at 100° C, 9.25 185.00 -i ^ Dry Matter, 90.75 1815.00 i . oS . H ^1 100.00 2000.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. 1^ "■3 7 5.34 106.80 !-? BV " Cellulose, 8.40 168.00 2^ s ^ " Fat, 6.46 18.18 129.20 363.60 !l in " Protein, (nitrogenous matter), Non-nitrogenous extract matter, 61.62 1232.40 ^ ^ 100.00 2000.00 The article is rich in valuable constituents for feeding purposes, and compares favorably with those of its kind. It seems quite safe to assume the rates of digestibility noticed in wheat bran, fed to cattle, which have been repeatedly stated in previous bulletins : — see No. 1 1, page 5. VALUATION OF FERTILIZERS AND ANALYSES OF FERTILIZERS. The valuation of a fertilizer is based on the trade value of the fertilizing elements specified by analysis. The commercial, or money value of the higher grades of agricultural chemicals and of the higher priced, more or less compound fertilizers, depends in the majority of cases on the amount and the particular form of two or three essential articles of plant food, i. e., phosphoric acid, nitrogen and potash, which they contain ; and on the market price of these constituents at the time of sale. The valuation which usually accom- panies the analyses of these goods shall inform the consumer, as far as practicable, regarding the price at which tlie several specified essential elements of plant food, in an efficient form, have been offered of late, for sale, in the general market. The market value of low priced materials used for manurial pur- poses, as salt, ashes, various kinds of lime, barnyard manure, factory refuse and waste materials of different description, does, quite- fre- quently, not stand in a close relation to their chemical composition. Their cost varies in different localities. Local facilities for cheap transportation and more or less advantageous mechanical condition for direct application and for a speedy action, exert, as a rule, a decided influence on their selling-price. The modes of analyses generally adopted for the examination of fertilizing ingredients, are practically the same in different parts of the country. The results obtained by ordinary care, wherever the identity of the material for examination has been secured, answer the main purpose, — to assist in an intelligent management of the trade in commercial fertilizers. The wholesale market price of manurial substances is liable to serious fluctuations ; for supply and demand exert here, as well as in other branches of commercial industry, a controlling influence on their temporary money value. As farmers have, only in exceptional instances, a desirable chance to inform themselves regarding the con- ditions which control the market price, the assistance rendered in this direction, by Agricultural chemists charged with the examination of commercial fertilizers, cannot otherwise than benefit, ultimately, both farmers and manufacturers. The market reports of centres of trade in New England, New York and New Jersey, aside from consultations with leading manufacturers of fertilizers, furnish us the necessary information regarding the current trade value of fertilizing ingredients. The subsequent statement of trade values is obtained by taking the average of the wholesale quotations in New York and Boston, during the six months preceding March 1st, 1885, and increasing them by 20 per cent., to cover expenses for sales, credits, etc. They are recognized and accepted by the experiment stations of Connecticut, Massachusetts and New Jersey. TRADE VALUES OF FERTILIZING INGREDIENTS IN RAW MATERIALS AND CHEMICALS. Nitrogen in Ammonia Salts. " Nitrates, " Dried and fine ground fish, Organic nitrogen in guano and fine ground blood and meat. Organic nitrogen in cotton seed, linseed meal and in castor pomace, Organic nitrogen in fine ground bone, Organic nitrogen in fine medium bone. Organic nitrogen in medium bone. Organic nitrogen in coarse medium bone, Organic nitrogen in coarse bone, horn shavings hair, and fish scraps. Phosphoric acid soluble in water, " " " ammonia citrate,* Phosphoric acid insoluble, in dry fine ground fish, and in fine bone. Phosphoric acid insoluble, in fine medium . bone. Phosphoric acid insoluble, in medium bone, " " '' coarse medium bone, " ••' " coarse bone, " " " fine ground rock phos phate. Potash, as high grade sulphate, " Kaiuite, " Muriate, The above trade values are the figures at which, on March 1st, the respective ingredients could be bought at retail, for cash in our markets in the raw materials, which are tiie regular source of supply. Cents per pound. 1884. 1885. 22 18 18 18 20 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 16 16 14 14 12 12 ;s, 10 10 10 9 5| •H 5 5 ^ 4^ 4 4 n 2 "\ n 4i ^i n H ♦Dissolved from two grams of Phosphate, nngrounrl, by 100 C. C. neutral solution of ammonium citrate sp gr. 1.00 in 30 minutes at 65° C, with agitation once in five minutes; commonly called " reverted " or" backgone " phosphoric acid. They also correspond, as has been stated, to the average wholesale prices for the six months ending March 1st, plus 20 per cent, in case of goods for which we have wholesale quotations. Tiie calculated values obtained by tlie use of the above figures, will be found to agree fairly with the reasonable retail price in case of standard raw materials sncLas : Sulphate of Ammonia, Azotin, Nitrate of Soda, Dry Ground Fish, Muriate of Potash, Cotton Seed, Sulphate of Potash, Castor Pomace, Dried Blood, Bone, Plain Superphosphates. TRADE VALUES IN SUPERPHOSPHATES, SPECIAL MANURES AND MIXED FERTILIZERS OF HIGH GRADE. The organic nitrogen in these classes of goods will be reckoned at the highest figure laid down in the Trade Values of Fertilizing Ingre- dients in Raw Matei'ials, namely eighteen cents per pound. Insoluble phosphoric acid will be reckoned at four cents, the cost of phosphoric acid in coarse bones. Potash at four and one-quarter cents, if sufficient chlorine is present in the fertilizer to combine with it. If there is more potash present than will combine with chlorine, then this excess of potash will be reckoned as sulphates. To intro- duce large quantities of chlorides, common salt, etc., into fertilizer, claiming sulphate of potash as a constituent, is a pi'actice, which in our present state of information will be considered of doubtful merits. The use of the highest trade values is but justice to these articles in which the costliest materials are expected to be used. In most cases the calculated value of ammoniated superphosphates and" spec- ials will fall considerably below the retail price. The difference between the two, will represent the manufacturer's charges for con- verting raw materials into more or less compounded manufactured articles. These charges include grinding and mixing, bagging or barreling, storage and transportation, commission to agents or deal- ers, long credit, interest on investment, bad debts, and finally profits. The prices stated in these bulletins in connection with analyses of commercial fertilizers refer to their cost per ton of 2,000 pounds, on board of car or boat near the factory, or place for general distribution. The mechanical condition of any fertilizing material, simple or compound, deserves the most serious consideration of farmers, when articles of a similar chemical character are offered for their choice. The degree of pulverization controls, almost without exception, under similar conditions, the rate of solubility, and the more or less rapid diflTusion of the different articles of plant-food throughout the soil. The state of moisture exerts a no less important influence on the pecuniary value, in case of one and the same kind of substance. 10 Two samples of fish fertilizer, although equally pure, may differ from 60 to 100 per cent, in commercial value, on account of mere difference in moisture. As existing laws of the State for control of the trade in commer- cial fertilizers provides for the examination of licensed articles, the attention of the Station has been directed mainly towards the exam- ination of agricultural chemicals, the crude stock for the manufacture of commercial fertilizers, and of prominent refuse materials from manufacturing industries and elsewhere. Crude stock for the manufacture of fertilizers, and refuse material of various descriptions, sent to the Station for examination, are valued with reference to the market prices of their principal constit- uents, taking into consideration at the same time their general fitness for speed}' action. A large percentage of commercial fertilizing material consists of refuse matter from various industries. The composition of these substances depends on the mode of manufacture carried on. The rapid progress in our manufacturing industry is liable to affect at any time, more or less seriously, the composition of the refuse. A constant inquiry into the character of the agricultural chemicals, and of commercial manuvial refuse substances offered for sale, cannot fail to secure confidence in their composition, and to diminish finan- cial disappointment in consequence of their application. This work is carried on at the Station for the purpose of aiding the farming community in a clear and intelligent appreciation of these substances for manurial purposes. General experience in farm practice teaches that it is safer, for economical reasons, to use commercial fertilizers rather as sup- plements, than as substitutes for barn-yard manures. The advantages arising from the introduction of chemical and commercial manurial substances, can only be secured to their full extent when applied with reference to actual local wants of the soil, and to special requirements of the crops under cultivation. It has been the aim in previous bulletins of the Station, to describe ]t)riefly, — in connection with analytical reports regarding the compo- sition,— also the peculiar character and the special merits of prom- inent agricultural chemicals, and of refuse materials of various industries, which are used for the manufacture of fertilizers for farm purposes. This feature of the bulletins will be retained for the future, wher- ever an inducement is offered. The information thus far given on these occasions may be improved by studying the oflScial annual reports on Commercial Fertilizers, published since 1873, in the Re- port of the Secretary of the State Board of Agriculture ; and in the first and second Annual Reports of the Station. A knowledge of the sources and of the character of the ingredients which serve largely for the manufacture of our commercial fertilizers, leads quite natu- rally to a due appreciation of the importance of securing the proper form for our circumstances. No mode of supplying our special 11 wants of plant food for a successful and economical cultivation of crops is as safe, as the practice to supplement — if needed — our home-made manures with commercial fertilizing ingredients, in the form of suita- ble raw materials and chemicals to meet our wants ; and if obliged to increase our home resources of manure, to compound them from the most suitable stock in the market. Although a first trial of that course of action ma}' not realize all the advantages expected, there can be no doubt about the correctness of the statement, that the best financial success on the part of the farmer, can ultimately onh' be secured by the gradual adoption of that system of manuring the farm. Our leading dealers in fertilizers begin to realize the late tendency in their trade, and aie preparing to meet the call. There is every reason to assume that the consumption of commercial manurial mat- ter will increase in the same proportion, as the principles of a rational and economical system of manuring become better understood. Consumers of commercial manurial substances do well to buy whenever practicable, on a guaranty of composition with reference to their essential constituents ; and to see to it that the bill of sale recognizes that point of the bargain. Any mistake or misunder- standing in the transaction may be readily adjusted, in that case, between the contending parties. 257. SUMAC. Waste material from tanneries in Peabody, Mass. Sent on by the Mass. Society for Promoting Agriculture. Moisture at 100° C, 63.06 Organic matter, 36.94 Nitrogen in organic matter, 1.19 Crude Ash in " " • 6.80 Calcium oxide in ash, 1.14 Magnesium oxide in ash, 3.25 Potassium oxide " " .17 Phosphoric acid, .17 Insoluble matter in ash, 2.25 The nitrogen, potash and phosphoric acid contained in the above article represent a commercial value of $3.50 to $4 per ton of 2000 pounds. The tanning principle was so completely abstracted, that a composting with some air slacked lime, promises to render the material quite valuable as a manurial substance for light soils deficient in organic matter. 258. KENTUCKY TOBACCO STEMS. (Ground). Sent on for examination. Per Cent. Moisture at 100° C, 12.18 Dry matter, 87.82 Nitrogen (in organic matter) , 2.616 12 Potassium oxide, 8.816 Magnesium oxide, - 1,395 Calcium oxide, 3.720 Phosphoric acid, .726 This article is valuable for fertilizing purposes, — and deserves the special attention of tobacco-growers ; its trade value of fertilizing constituents amounts from $15.50 to $16 per ton of 2000 lbs. at cur- rent rates of valuation. 259. Material taken from a Ditch in a Diked Marsh at East Salis- bury, Mass. Sent on for examination. Per Cent. Moisture at 100° C, 33.40 Organic and Volatile Matter, 92.15 Ash, 7.85 Ash soluble. 4.20 Ash insoluble, 3.65 Nitrogen (in organic matter), 1.64 Phosphoric acid, 0.13 Potassium oxide, 0.26 Calcium oxide, 1.24 This material is quite rich in manurial substances, and equal in that respect to the better quality of peat. 260. LIME KILN ASHES. (-Collected at Holyoke, Mass.). Per Cent. Moisture at 100'^ C, 30.70 Calcium oxide, 37.55 Magnesium oxide, 3,68 Potassium oxide, 1.70 Phosphoric acid, 1.27 ' Carbonic acid, 17.83 Ihsoluble matter, 3.30 Sold at 22 cents per bushel. The material is a fair sample of its kind. 261. SALTPETER WASTE. Sent on from Acton, Mass. Per Cent. Moisture at 100° C, 0.50 Sodium oxide, 44.93 Potassium oxide, (largely chloride) 4.65 Nitrogen (in nitrates) , 1.87 The sample represents a trade value from $10 to $11 per ton, and will prove quite effective upon grass lands and in case of forage crops in general. C. A. GOESSMANN, Director, Amherst, Mass. Agricultur MA BXJLJJ APRIL, 1885. March. April. 50.0° 83.0^ 11.0^ 19.0° 23.29° 45.29° 85.3 per ct. 72.6 i^er ct, 0.86 in. 3.38 in. Meteorological Summary for two months eyiding April 30th. Highest Temperature, Lowest Temperature, Mean Temperature, Mean Relative Humidity, Total rainfall or melted snow, Prevailing winds, Northwesterly. Northwesterly. No. of dajs on which 0.01 inch of rain or melted snow fell, 4 6 No. of days on which cloud- iness averaged 8 or more on scale of 10, 4 5 The month of March was characterized by unusually low temper- ature Mud slight precipitation. The mean temperature for the month was less than the average for forty-eight years, and the precipitation showed a decrease of 2.27 inches from the mean. In April the tem- perature rose to the opposite extreme, being unusually high towards the close of the month. 262. NOTES ON FEEDING EXPERIMENTS WITH MILCH COWS. The experiments briefly described in a few subsequent pages were carried on for the purpose of ascertaining, under otherwise fairly cor- responding circumstances, the economy of several customary combina- tion of fodder articles — as far as the cost of the feed and the quantity and quality of milk obtained is concerned. The observations began on 1st of November, 1884, and were continued until the 18th of April, 1885 ; extending thus over a term of nearly six months. Two cows — Lady Horace (grade Ayrshire), and Bessie (grade Jer- sey) , — both from seven to eight years old, and of a corresponding milking period, served for the trial. The last calf had been dropped between the 16th and 18th of October, 1884. Ha}', corn fodder, corn ensilage, corn meal, wheat bran and glu- ten meal constituted the ingredients for the compounding of the daily diet ; they were fed periodically, in varying proportions and in differ- ent combinations, to notice their comparative individual merits, if an}- should become conspicuous. The same weights of corn meal, gluten meal and wheat bran, wltenever used, were retained through- out the entire experiments ; whilst the weight of the hay, corn fodder and corn ensilage was altered in consequence of being fed either alone or in some particular combination with each other. The entire amount of these articles consumed under both conditions was limited in every instance by the inclination of the animal. The first feed- ing took place between six and seven o'clock in the morning, the sec- ond at noon, and the third at six o'clock in the evening. Corn meal, wheat bran and gluten meal were usually fed, together with a small amount of the coarser feed, during milking, morning and even- ings, whilst the remainder of the coarser feed was offered subsequently three times during the day. The amount left over was weighed and deducted from the previous record. The price which has been adopted in our subsequent valuation of each article of fodder used during the experiments, is based on our local condition of the mar- ket, and does not directly apply to more favored localities. The cost of one quart of milk, as stated below, may vary thus in case of the same kind and the same amount of feed and of a corresponding yield of milk, from that in other localities. Whilst our statements of cost of feed for the production of one quart of milk can only claim a direct application for a limited locality, it will be conceded that the state- ment of relative cost of the milk in case of different combinations of fodder articles for its production, may fairly claim a more general consideration. The following rates of prices have been adopted in our subsequent valuation, per ton of 2000 pounds: Corn meal and wheat bran, $23.00 ; gluten meal, $22.50 ; hay, $15.00 ; dry corn fodder, $5.00 ; corn ensilage, $2.75. Tne price of the latter isbased on the following circumstances : well dried corn fodder contains 20 per cent, of moisture and 80 per cent, of dry vegetable matter ; green corn fodder adai)ted to the production of ensilage, contains from 18 to 22 per cent of vegetable matter and 82 to 78 per cent, of moisture. Four tons of such green fodder corn will produce one ton of dry corn fodder, as described. Counting one ton of green corn fodder worth $1.25, and the cost of converting it into en- silage equal to $1.50 — a rather liberal allowance — one ton of corn ensilage would be worth $2.75. As the relative nutritive value of a fodder article — in case of the same kind and condition of the animal — depends, aside from its general adaption, on its actual percentage of dry vegetable matter, and on the particular relative proportion of its nitrogenous (protein) and non-nitrogenous constituents, the total amount of dry vegetable matter contained in the entire daily diet during each feeduig period has been stated, alongside of the daily yield of milk. The relative proportion of digestible nitrogenous and non-nitrogenous constituents of the feed is expressed by " Nutritive Ratio" — taking Nitrogen=-l. This mode of reporting our observa- tions has been adopted for the purpose of assisting the reader in tlie recognition of the amount of dry vegetable matter consumed daily b}' each cow during each period of feeding ; and of rendering more conspicuous the effect of each particular combination of fodder arti- cles on the daily yield of milk, as well as the general condition of the animals on trial. The weights of the latter were ascertained once each week before milking and feeding in the morning. Lady Horace weighs at present 950 pounds, and Bessie 822 pounds, which is approximately the same as at the beginning of the experiments. The former yields at present from 23 to 24 pounds of milk per day, and the latter from 21 to" 22 pounds, with a daily diet consisting of the same amount of hay, corn meal and wheat bran, which constituted the daily feed during the first feeding period (Nov. 1 — 10). The decline of milk production (independent of kind and amount of feed), in consequence of the progress of the milking period (since Nov. 1st), amounts apparently to nine pounds per day in the case of both cows. The results obtained confirm in several directions those reported in previous bulletins (see Nos. 10-11-12)., They show the good services of wheat bran and gluten meal as constituents of the daily diet of railch cows, and also the favorable influence of good corn ensilage on the flow of milk — compar- ing pound for pound of dry vegetable matter fed, with the yield of milk ; yet it is not less apparent that a too exclusive feeding of corn ensilage affects seriously the general condition of the animal. No serious alteration in the composition of the milk obtained under such conditions has thus far been noticed ; our samples of milk compared well with the best we have tested from other feed. I. RECORD OF LADY HORACE. FEEDING PERIODS. Nov. 1-10, " 11-17, " 18-24, " 25-Dc.l, Dec. 4-13, " 14-23, '• 24-Jn. 2, Jan. 3-12, " 13-22, " 27-Fb.3, Feb. 4-10, " 16-22, " 23-Mr.], Mar. 2-8, " 13-19, " 24-30, " 31-Ap.6, Apr. 12-18, Feed consumed (lbs.) per day. ^ 25 3.25 25{3.25 2o;3.25 25i3.25 25 3.25 3.25 25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25' 3.25! 3.25! 3.25' 3.25^ 3. 251 10.1 10.3 10.7 30.6 39.1 55.0 49.0^ 46.6 Milk produced (lbs.) per day 19.3 17.1 15.4 17.2 18.1 17.2 15.4 14.2 13.9 14.5 13.4 11.6 11.3 11.0 12.0 11.1 10.9 12.4 H 15.7 14.0 13.5 13.4!30 14.4|32, 12.4129. 10.9|26. 10.0' 24. 10.2J24. 9.9 24. 9.9123. 7.7! 19. 8.6 19. 8.1I19. 9.1 21. 7.9119. 7.7118. 9.7 22. 23.63 23.63 21.30 22.65 25.61 23.75 24.17 24.53 25.27 14.86 12.82 12.85 11.12 10.72 9.02 20:75 20.77 23.63 1:8.11 1:7.99 1:6.53 1:5.79 1:7.47 1:7.26 1:7.0 1:8.7 1:9.75 1:8.28 1:8.11 930 900 905 985 992 944 1015 996 1004 952 905 895 855 876 893 892 935 897 '■Commenced feeding ensilage of uncut corn Feb. 23. ANALYSES OF MILK. Nove^nber. December. tTanuary 18 24 s lO 17 23 7 15 21 Water, 86.02 87.15 85.12 87.20 87.26 86.22 87.41 87.05 86.54 Solids, 13.98 12.85 14.88 12.80 12.74 13.78 12.59 12.95 13.46 Fat (in solids. ) 4.98 3.65 5.10 374 3.86 4.70 3.64 3.95 3.97 Solids not fat, 9.00 9.20 9.78 9.06 8.88 9.08 8.95 9.00 9.49 February. March. A^prU. 3 lO 5 16 30 6 13 Water - - • 86.28 86.95 86.62 85.20 86.36 87.53 86.25 Solids, - . - 13.72 13.05 13.48 14.08 13.64 12.47 13.75 Fat, (in solids ,) - 4 53 3.30 4.90 3.66 4.51 3 58 4.51 Solids not fat, - 9.19 9.75 8.58 10.42 9.13 8.89 9.24 II. EECORD OF BESSIE. Feed consumed (lbs.) per day. Milk produced (lbs.) per day. Amt. of dry vege- table matter contain- ed in the daily fodder consumed in pounds. 6 1 a FEEDING PERIODS. i o 1 1 c 1 i 1 1 1 li 8 1 1 > 3 a •< 0 1 Nov. 1-10, 3.25 3.25 19.6 17.4 14.4 31.8 23.27 1 1:8.1 810 " 11-17, 8.25 3.25 20.0 16.1 12.9 29.0 23.63 805 " 18-24, 3.25 3.25 15.0 14.3 11.6 25.9 19.16 |l:7.76 786 " 25-Dc.l, 3.25 3.25 15.6 14.9 10.0 24.9 19.69 790 Dec. 4-13, 3.25 3.25 3.25 14.6 16.0 12.7 28.7 21.22 1:6.10 817 " 14-23, 3.25 1 3. 25 3.25 7.4 7.3 15.4 11.9 27.3 22.02 1:5.68 828 " 24-Jn.2, 3.25 3.25 7.7 7.7 14.8 10.5 25.3 19.80 ~| 855 Jan. 3-12, 3.25 3.25 8.5 8.4 14.3 10.0 24.3 21.15 1 1:6.84 866 " 13-22, 3.25 3.25 8.0 8.0 13.8 9.1 22.9 20.34 867 " 27-Fb.3. 3.25 3.25 4.0 36.3 13.7 9.1 22.8 15.90 1:7.64 821 Feb. 4-10, 3.25 3.25 39.0 13.0 9.0 22.0 12.81 1:7.26 792 " 16-22, 3.25 54 3 11.7 7.0 18.7 12.72 ) 775 " 23-Mr.l, 3.25 50.0* 10.4 7.0 17.4 11.29 U:6.92 790 Mar. 2-8, 3.35 40.0 9.1 7.0 16.1 9.61 J 755 " 13-19, 3.25 34.3 8.3 7.0 15.3 8.63 1:8.67 730 " 24-30, 3.25 16.3 9.0 7.1 16.1 17.44 1:9.62 750 " 31-Ap.6, 3.25 14.6 9.1 7.0 16.0 15.94 1:7.78 782 Apr. 12-18, 3.25 3.25 16.0 11.6 9.3 20.9 20.05 1:7.81 782 "Commenced feeding ensilage of uncut corn Feb. 23. ANALYSES OF MILK. November. December, Jantiary. 17 24 5 lO 17 23 7 15 21 Water, 87.00 86.91 86.18 86.99 87.41 85.36 87.26 87.29 87.89 Solids, 13.00 13.09 13.82 13.01 12.59 14.64 12.74 12.71 12.11 Fat (in solids,) 4.04 3.86 4.02 3.72 3.32 4.75 3.73 3.91 3.02 Solids not fat. 8.96 9.23 9.80 9.29 9.27 9.89 9.01 8.80 9.09 "Water, Solids, Fat (in solids,) Solids not fat, Febr uary. March. Ap, a. 2 10 5 16 30 2 13 36.92 86.54 85.53 87.19 87.15 86.81 87.35 13.08 13.46 14.47 12.81 12.85 13.19 12.65 4.90 4.11 4.74 3.86 3.54 4.49 3.74 8.18 9.35 9.73 8.95 9.31 8.70 8.91 COST OF FEED PER QUART OF MILK. (lady HORACE.) FEEDING PERIODS. Nov. 1-10, " 11-17, " 18-24, " 25-Dec. Dec. 4-13, " 14-23, " 24- Jan. Jan. 3-12, " 13-22, " 27-Feb. Feb. 4-10, " 16-22, " 23-Mar. Mar. 2-8, " 13-19, " 24-30, " 31- Apr. Apr. 12-18, 350.0 217.7 203.3 214.2 325.0 296.0 263.0 242. 0| 241.0l 195 21 163.1 135.1 139.3 133.7 147.7 133.0 130.2 154.7 a >, ."1 h Ognr c2-s: ^^^ %°t oH ^r-,-" gsa ^%-^ -H O dS o o H H lbs. lbs. 32.50 200.0 22.75 140.0 22.75 121 8 22.75 132.3 32.50 190.0 32.50 83.0 32.50 101.0 32.50 103.0 32.50 107.0 26.00 32 0 22.75 22.75 22.75 140.0 140.0 22.75 140.0 4^ <« o 83.0 101.0 103.0 107.0 S}, a eS-S ^<2 C g ^rn i> a 0 ^ o g.^ aS.2 il lbs. lbs. 32.50 32.50 244.8 273.7 385.0 343 0 326.2 256.2 2.25 1.57 1.44 1.52 2.54 1.95 1.76 1.78 1.82 1.18 .90 .79 .73 .71 .61 1.31 1.31 1.57 S o 0) ct. 1.29 1.44 1.42 1.42 1.56 1.32 1.34 1.47 151 1.21 1.11 1.17 1.05 1.06 0.83 1.97 2.01 2.03 COST OF FEED PER QUART OF MILK. (BESSIE.) FEEDING PERIODS. 0 C 0 ill g2< 2 . II •r 1 !1 Ha 1" 111 SSa ci a -. c 1 k m II 1^ KD'C u ^« S o o o ill i 1 li ■d 1 ■o-U < lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. ct. Nov. 1-10, 318.0 31.8 32.50 32.50 196.0 2.22 1.39 " 11-17, 203.0 29.0 22.75 22.75 140.0 1.57 1.55 " 18-24, 168.0 24.0 22.75 22.75 105.0 1.31 1.56 " 25-Dec. 1, - 181.3 25.9 22.75 22.75 109.2 1.34 1.48 Dec. 4-1.3, 287.0 28.7 32.50 32.50 146.0 32.50 2.21 1.55 " 14-23, 273.0 27.3 32.50 32.50 74.0 73.0 32.50 1.85 1.36 " 24-Jan. 2. - 253.0 25.3 32.50 32.50 77.0 77.0 1.52 1.20 Jan. 3-12, 243.0 24.3 32.50 32.50 85.0 84.0 1.60 1.32 " 13-22, 229.0 22.9 32.50 32.50 80.0 80.0 1.55 1.35 " 27-Feb. 3, - 182.4 22.8 26 00 26.00 32.0 290.4 1.24 1,36 Feb. 4-10, 1540 22.0 22.75 22.75 273.0 .90 1.17 " 16-22, 130.9 18.7 22.75 380.1 .79 1.21 " 23-Mar. 1, - 121.8 17.4 22.75 350.0 .74 1.22 Mar. 2-8, 112.7 16.1 22.75 280.0 .65 1.16 " 13-16, 107.1 15.3 22.75 240.1 .59 1.10 " 24--30, 112.7 16.1 22.75 114.1 1.12 1.99 " 31-Apr. 6, - 112.0 16.0 22.75 102.2 1.03 1.84 Apr. 12-18, 146 3 20.9 22.75 22.75 112.0 1.36 1.86 SPECIAL ANALYSES OF MILK. Regarding the quantity and quality of nitrogenous constituents of samples of milk collected before, during and after feeding corn ensi- lage. LADY HORACE. Specific gravity Solids, Vat (in solids) Solids not fat, 9.49 Ash, 0.80 Nitrogen in casein, 0.43 " " albumin, 0.04 '' " lacto-pro- tein,* 0.05 Total nitrogen, 0.52 JTan. 21. 1.0346 at 18° C. 13.46 per cent. 3.97 Feb. lO. 1.0341 at 13° C. 13.05 per cent. 3.30 9.75 (( 0.29 0.06 " 0.11 0.46 March S. 1.032 at 13° C. 13.48 per cent. 4.90 8.58 0.80 0.31 0.04 0.06 0.41 BESSIE. Jan. 21. Feb . lO. Jtrareh 6. Specific gravity, 1.0338 at 16° C. 1.0338 atl6°C. 1.035 at 1.45°C. Solids, 12.12 per cent. 13.49 per cent. 14.47 per cent. Fat (in solids) 3.02 3.72 " 4.74 Solids not fat, 9.10 9.77 9.73 Ash, 0.76 - 0.68 Nitrogen in casein, 0.40 0.30 '• 0.43 " " albumin, 0.05 " 0.05 '1. 0.04 " " lacto-pro- tein,* 0.06 0.10 " 0.07 Total nitrogen, 0.51 " 0.45 .1 0.54 The results of these analyses are within the variations noticed in milk of recognized good quality. Collective name for nitrogenous constituents not casein or albumin. ANALYSES OF FODDER ARTICLES. 263. ENSILAGE OF CUT CORN. From corn raised upon plats of the Experiment Station. ^ -; a ■■is H. .s ^ « in 9> Q .11 1 « a -a "S *i o > s a 5 o iS c ?. o p, o to o3 § c ^ Ph (L 2 Moisture at 100° C, . . . . . . 81.88 1637.60 18.12 362.40 100.00 2000.00 ANALYSIS or DRY MATTER. 00 Crude Ash, 5.07 101.40 377.71 72 -7^ " Cellulose, 26.23 524.60 52.35 . 75 ^ " Fat, 3.49 69.80 114.32 73 " Protein, (nitrogenous matter), 7.83 156.60 768.89 67 Non-nitrogenous extract matter, . . 57.38 1147.60 100.00 2000.00 1313.27 8 The filling of the silo was carried on during the first and second day of September, 1884 ; the mass was covered over with boards without weights until the temperature in the mass ceased to increase. In a few places, about eighteen inches below the surface of the mass, the temperature rose to 122° F. or 50° C. ; whilst taking the entire silo into consideration, 116° F. or 47° C, represents fairly the highest average temperature attained in our case. The mass showed a slight acid reaction of the second day after cutting the corn, and be- fore putting on the final weight (60 pounds of sand per square foot, in barrels, as in the preceding year). The silo was opened for the use of its contents on the 20th of January, '85. The ensilage was found covered wi^h a mouldy mass several inches in thickness. This being removed, the remainder proved — although acid to customary re-, agents — a fair article of its kind, and a decided improvement on the ensilage of the first trial. This result is largely due to the fact of using the corn of a more mature stage of growth. For the details of the production of the ensilage, I have to refer to the report of the Secretary of the State Board of Agriculture for 1884. 264. WHOLE CORN ENSILAGE. From corn raised upon plats of Experiment Station. be o ii a o h if •3 .-s 6 B S ^g u %l « S S S o -c o t-l ^ 1 0 S B o ^ o Ph Ph B Moisture at 100° C, 83.18 1663.60 16.82 336.40 100.00 2000.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. tr~ Crude Ash, 4.23 84.60 " Cellulose, 29.44 588.80 423.84 72 " Fat, 3.69 73.80 55.35 75 " Protein, ('nitrogenous matter), 9.03 180.60 131.84 73 Nou-nitrogenous extract matter, . . 53.61 1072.20 718.37 67 100,00 2000.00 1329.40 The silo was filled with whole corn, and covered at once, Septem- ber 1, 1885, as descril)ed in detail in the last annual report of the Sta- tion ; it was opened for feeding purposes on 23d of February, 1885. The odor of fresh ensilage l-esembled that of the pineapple (Propionic ether), and turned within twenty-four hours of exposure to the air, into that of vinegar ; it had a slight acid reaction when first exposed. The color was yellowish green, indicating a good state of preserva- tion ; the interior parts of the uncrushed stems showed the presence of saccharine constituents (glucose) ; and the kernels in the ear con- tained still an abundance of starch. The ensilage obtained from whole corn plants — at once closed up — was in a better state of preser- vation than that which had been obtained from the same quality of corn previously cut into pieces of from 1;^ to li inches in length, and treated for the production of ensilage as described in the previous statement. The mechanical condition of the whole corn ensilage is less satisfactory for feeding purposes, as far as an economical consump- tion of the same weight of both are concerned, tban that produced from corn previously cut into pieces of from one and one-quarter to one and one-half inch in length. 265. SHREDDED CORN FODDER. From experimental plats of the Station. Moistnre at 100° C, Dry Motter, ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. Crude Ash, •' Cellulose, " Fat, " Protein, (nitrogenous matter). Non-nitrogenous extract matter, . a B a » 05 a .s>s .2 ^.2 0 '« 5^ |i o c 1 o If .11 m c3 m a arties interested in its work, on application. Apiplications for II. Annual Report will receive at'.ention as soon as extra copies are re- ceived for distribution. J. E. Williams, Printer, Amherst, Mass. s.^^i^r-" MASSACHUSETTS STATE Agricultural Experiment Station, BXJLLHJTiisr nsro. it, AUGUST, 1SS5. Meteorological Summary for month ending July 31st. Highest temperature, 93.0° Lowest temperature, 41.0° Mean temperature, 70.41° Mean relative humidity, 77.2° Total rainfall, 2.07 in. Prevailing winds, Southwesterly No. of days on which .01 in. of rain fell. 7 No. of days on which cloudiness averaged 8 or more on scale of 10, 3 Showers of rain were frequent during the fii^t half of the month, but from July 14th to August 1st only .02 of an inch of rain fell, and the drouth became moderately severe. FODDER ANALYSES. 312. II. BUNKER MEADOW HAY. Sent on by the Secretary of the Essex County Agricultural Society a i ^ 2 M m 55 be 0 m o 's a S be *" o s o a Si II 3 a ^^ :_) Ph ^ Moisture at 100° C, 11.35 227.00 Dry Matter, ........ 88.65 1773.00 100.00 2000.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. Oi Crude Ash, 6,40 128.00 " Celluioye, 30.71 614.20 208.83 34 " Fat 2.29 7.66 45.80 153.20 34.81 130 22 76 85 " Protein, (nitrogenous matter), Non-uitrogenous extract matter, . . 52.94 1058.80 995,27 94 100.00 2000.00 1369.13 III. HIGH MEADOW HAY. ^ ,/ a •i 2 a B (U i» ® s ent on for examination from Montague, Mass. Moisture at 100° C, Calcium oxide, Magnesium oxide, Potassium oxide. Phosphoric acid, Insoluble matter. 326 327 328 Pounds per Hundred. 16.55 11.95 6.75 34.42 39.60 34.71 2.52 2.28 2.45 5.36 6.46 6.30 2.06 1.77 2.21 24.10 10.12 16.10 These samples are of good composition ; the}^ are sold at 25 cents per bushel on board of cars. The bushel averages from 45 to 48 pounds. GROUND BONES. 330. Swift Sure Bone Meal. M. L. Shoemaker & Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. Collected of H. L. Phelps, Southampton, Mass. Guaranteed composition : ammonia, 5 to 6 per cent, (equivalent to nitrogen, 4 to 5 per cent.) ; bone phosphate, 45 to 50 per cent. 331. Bone Meal. Collected of E. T. Sabin, Amherst, Mass. No guaranty obtained. S30 331 Pounds Iter Mundred, Moisture at 100° C, • • 3.60 5.00 Total phosphoric acid, 20.66 22.64 Soluble " " Reverted " " Insoluble " • " Nitrogen, 6.25 3.01 Insoluble matter, Valuation per 2,000 lbs. : $44.50 $37.99 332. L. L. Crocker's Hop and Potato Fertilizer. Collected of Mer- riam & Rolph, Fitchburg, Mass. Guaranteed composition : soluble phosphoric acid, 6 to 8 per cent. ; precipitated phosphoric acid, 2 to 4 per cent. ; bone phosphate, 18 to 26 per cent. ; insoluble phosphoric acid, 1 to 2 per cent. ; ammonia, 2.5 to 3.5 per cent, (equiv- alent to nitrogen, 2 to 3 per cent.) ; potassium oxide, 6 to 8 per cent. 333. Adams' Market Bone Fertilizer. Collected of J. B. Raynor & Co., Springfield, Mass. Guaranteed composition: total phosphoric acid, 10 to 12 per cent. ; soluble and available phosphoric acid, 8 to 10 per cent. ; nitrogen, 3.5 to 4.5 per cent, (equivalent to ammonia, 4.25 to 5.25 per cent.) ; potassium oxide, 3 to 4 per cent. 334. Chittenden's Bone Superphosphate ; National Fertilizer Co., Bridgeport, Conn. Collected of J. Gushing & Co., Fitch- burg, Mass. Guaranteed composition : ammonia, 2 to 3 per cent, (equivalent to nitrogen, 1.6 to 2.5 per cent.) ; soluble and available phosphoric acid, 7 to 9 per cent. ; total phosphoric acid, 9 to 11 percent. ; bone phosphate, 20 to 24 per cent. ; potassium oxide, 2 to 4 per cent. 10 335. Fertilizer No. 203 ; Dole Fertilizer Co., Boston. Collected of Frank Sherman, Foxboro', Mass. Guaranteed composition : nitrogen, 3 to 4 per cent, (equivalent to ammonia, 3.5 to 4.5 per cent.) ; total phos- phoric acid, 10 to 12 per cent. ; available phosphoric acid, 8 to 10 per cent. ; potassium oxide, 3 to 4 per cent. 332 333 334 333 Pounds per h iindrcd. Moisture at 100° c. 12.10 6.55 11.45 8.83 Total phosphoric acid. 9.05 10.68 9.29 10.32 Soluble " " 5.94 3.39 6.16 2.81 Reverted " " 2.10 2.74 1.65 2.18 Insoluble " >•' 1.01 4.55 1.48 5.33 Potassium oxide. 5.06 3.12 3.28 4.06 Nitrogen, 2.99 4.13 2.51 3.63 Insoluble matter. 4.50 5.88 Valuation per 2,000 lbs. : $29.92 $31.65 $26.74 $29.33 336. The Spear Perfect Fertilizer. Collected of B. Spear & Co., Springfield, Mass. Guaranteed composition : total phosphoric acid, 3.35 per ?ent. ; potassium oxide, 0.65 per cent. ; ammonia, 0.93 per cent, (equivalent to nitrogen, 0.77 per cent. ). 337. Baker's A. A. Ammoniated Bone. Phosphate. Collected of J. B. Raynor & Co., Springfield, Mass. Guaranteed composition : ammonia, 3 to 4 per cent, (equivalent to nitrogen, 2.5 to 3.3 per cent.) ; available phosphoric acid, 10 to 12 per cent. ; potassium oxide, 2 to 3 per cent. 338. Bradley's X L Ammoniated Bone Superphosphate. Collected of dI a. Wright, Northampton, Mass. Guaranteed composition: nitiogcn, 2.5 to 3.25 percent, (equivalent to ammonia, 3 to 4 \)ey cent. ) ; soluble phos- phoric acid, 7 to 8 per cent. ; reverted phosphoric acid, 2 to 3 per cent. ; insoluble phosphoric acid, 2 to 3 per cent. ;' total phosphoric acid, 11 to 14 per cent. ; potassium oxide, 2 to 3 per cent, (equivalent to potassium sulphate, 3.7 to 5.55 per cent.). 339. George W. Miles' I X L Ammoniated Bone Superphosphate. Collected of B. F. Bridges, So. Deerfield, Mass. Guaranteed composition : ammonia, 2.5 to 4 per cent, (equivalent to nitrogen, 2 to 3.3 per cent.) ; available phos- phoric acid, 8 to 12 per cent. ; potassium oxide, 1 to 3 per cent. 11 336 337 338 339 Pounds per Sundred. Moisture at 100'' C, 20.23 9.78 14.82 17.70 Total phosphoric acid, 7.52 11.63 12.55 12.14 Soluble 0.32 10.46 8.32 6.78 Reverted " '■'■ 6.09 0.83 2.59 2.53 Insoluble '' " 1.11 0.34 1.64 2.93 Potassium oxide, 0.40 2.14 1.85 1.04 Nitrogen, 0.62 3.60 3.43 2.17 Insoluble matter, 33.35 1.25 4.23 5.70 Valuation per 2,000 lbs. : $13.79 $35.21 $35.46 $27.28 340. Prepared Phosphate of Lime ; United States and Canada Co- operative Fertilizer Co., Boston. Collected of W. B. Howe, Marlboro, Mass. Guaranteed composition : moisture, 12 to 15 per cent. ; ammonia, 1.5 to 2.5 per cent, (equivalent to nitrogen, 1.2 to 2 per cent.) ; available phosphoric acid, 8 to 11 per cent. ; potassium sulphate, 4 to 6 per cent, (equivalent to potassium oxide, 2.15 to 3.23 per cent.) ; insoluble matter, 2 to 6 per cent. 341. Fertilizer No. 203, of Dole Fertilizer Co., Boston. Collected of J. H. Lathrop, Boston. Guaranteed composition : nitrogen, 3 to 4 per cent. { equiv- alent to ammonia, 3.5 to 4.5 per cent.) ; total phosphoric acid, 10 to 12 per cent. ; available phosphoric acid, 8 to 10 per cent. ; potassium oxide, 3 to 4 per cent. 342. Soluble Pacific Guano; Pacific Guano Co., Glidden & Curtis, Boston. Collected of E. C. Haskell, So. Deerfield, Mass. Guaranteed composition: moisture 15 to 18 per cent.; ammonia, 2.5 to 3.5 per cent, (equivalent to nitrogen, 2 to 2.9 per cent.) ; potassium oxide, 2 to 3.5 per cent. ; avail- able phosphoric acid, 8 to 10 per cent. ; soluble phosphoric acid, 6.5 to 8 per cent. ; insoluble phosphoric acid, 2 to 3 per cent. ; total phosphoric acid, 12 to 14 per cent. 343. George W. Miles & Co.'s Fish and Potash. Collected of B. F. Bridges, So. Deerfield, Mass. Guaranteed composition : ammonia, 3 to 5 per cent, (equivalent to nitrogen, 2.5 to 4 per cent.) ; available phos- phoric acid, 5 to 8 per cent. ; potassium oxide, 3 to 5 per cent, as sulphate. 12 Moisture at 100'^ C, Total phosphoric acid, Soluble "• " Reverted " " Insoluble " " Potassium oxide, Nitrogen, Insoluble matter, 340 10.63 12.54 6.32 2.13 4.09 3.20 2.05 6.50 341 342 Pounds per SundredL 11.13 10.83 2.62 3.08 5.13 3.98 3.27 8.60 14.03 12.03 6.90 1.83 3.30 2.04 2.17 5.40 343 14.45 10.09 5.06 0.96 4.07 4.90 3.09 4.75 Valuation per 2,000 lbs. : $30.08 $28.90 $27.53 $32.13 344. Prepared Phosphate of Lime ; United States and Canada Cooperative Fertilizer Co., Boston. Collected of J. N. Brown, North Brookfield, Mass. No guarantee obtained. 345. Darling's Animal Fertilizer; collected of W. S. Westcott, Amherst, Mass. Guaranteed composition : Ammonia, 4 to 8 per cent, (equivalent to nitrogen, 3.3 to 6.6 per cent.) ; phosphoric acid, 10 to 12 per cent. ; potassium oxide, 4 to 6 per cent. 346. Bowker's Fish and Potash; collected of W. S. Westcott, Amherst, Mass. Guaranteed composition : Nitrogen, 2.5 to 3.25 per cent, (equivalent to ammonia, 3 to 4 percent.) ; phosphoric acid, 3 to 4 per cent. ; bone phosphate, 18 to 22 per cent. ; pot- assium oxide, 4 to 6 per cent. 347. Fertilizing material sent on for examination by Farmers' Club, Lanesboro, Mass. No guarantee obtained. 344 345 346 347 Pounds per Hundred, Moisture at 100° C, 13.00 14.50 8.30 10.59 Total phosphoric acid. 11.02 11.08 10.38 12.06 Soluble phosphoric acid. 5.81 0.34 3.08 6.'78 Reverted 2.17 2.36 2.86 3.34 Insoluble " " 3.04 8.38 4.44 1.94 Potassium oxide. 5.10 3.94 4.98 0.82 Nitrogen, 2.23 3.30 2.64 3.13 Insoluble matter, 5.00 4.28 Valuation per 2000 pounds, $28.72 $26.33 $27.40 $31.06 C. A. GOESSMANN, Director, Amherst, Mass. The Bulletin and I. and II. Annual Reports of the Experiment Station will he sent., free of charge, to all parties interested in its loork, on application. Address State Agricultural Experiment Station, Amherst, Mass. MASSACHUSETTS STATE Agricultural Experiment Station, BXJi_.i-.ETi:isr ]sro. is. OCTOBER, 1S85. UCtUST. SEPTEMBER. 87.0° 81.0° 34.0° 27.0° 66.05° 58.32° 79.5° per 3ent. 82.3° per cent 8.31 in. 0.85 in. ;liwestevly Southwesterly. Meteorological Summary for fioo months ending September 30th. Highest temperature, Lowest temperature, Mean temperature. Mean relative humidity. Total rainfall. Prevailing winds. No. of days on which .01 in. of rain fell, 13 5 No. of days on which cloudiness averaged 8 or more on scale of 10, 9 4 The rainfall in August was greater than in the corresponding month for eighteen years past. September presents the opposite extreme for a period of twenty years. A light frost was reported on low lands August 27th, and others occurred September 3d, 6th, 11th, 12th, 2lst and 24th, but at the close of this month no serious damage had been done, and only slight effects of frost were visible. 2 NOTES ON FEEDING EXPERIMENTS WITH PIGS. 34S, I" Bulletin No. 13 has been described the first of a series of feeding experiiueiits witli pigs, wliicli were planned for the purpose of studying tiie comparative feeding value ol skim milk from the farm, and of buttermilk from the Amherst Creamery, in connection with corn meal, for the production of pork. Equal measures of skim milk and of creamery buttermilk had been fed with an addition of a cor- responding weight of corn meal, in each case. Three ounces of corn meal for every quart of each kind of milk consumed formed the basis for the compounding of the entire diet of the isix) animals on trial. The daily amount of feed required was regulated by the appetite of each animal. A sumnuiry of the results obtained m that connection showed that — taking corn meal pound for pound, and skim milk and creamery butteruulk quart for quart — practically the same quantity of dressed pork had been obtained in both cases when stating the tinal weight of each lot of animals— three m number — in one sum ; 510 pounds where skun milk and meal had been fed, and 514 pounds in the case of but- termilk and meal. Counting in each case the particular feed (milk and meal) with regard to the amount of dry organic matter^ which it contauietl, it was noticed that the buttermilk feed had proved — taking- pound lor pound of dry matter of the mixture — the most nutritious article ; for 2.4 pounds of dry organic matter contained in the butter- milk and corn meal feed, had i)r(»duced, as mean results, one pound of dressed pork, whilst in the case o( skim milk and meal, 2.9 pounds of dry organic matter had been spent in tlie production of one pouud. The lot of auunals fed with creamer}' buttermilk and corn meal had also returned a larger proht, even at the rates of the cost of each constituent of the diet, ruling during the period of feeding — May to September, 1884. These results were in so far of special interest as the skim milk from the farm was the more concentrated and richer article of the two kinds of milk fed, according to special chemical analyses made at various times ; the skim milk had contained more than 20 per cent, more dry organic matter than the creamery buttei-- milk. This circumstance seemed to indicate a waste of skim milk, as compared with the results obtained iu case of the former. As the skim milk was the most costly article of the feed, a waste of that article cannot otherwise but seriously aftect the cost of the dressed pork obtained by its use. lu our first experiment — 1884 — the corn meal was charged $28 per ton at the mill ; creamery buttermilk, 1.37 cts. per gallon, the contrac- tor's price ; and farm skim milk, 2 cents asked for at the farm. Cost of feed per pound of dressed pork at these rates amounted in case ot the creamery milk feed to 4.6 cts., and iu case of the farm skim milk feed to 5.8 cents per pound. As a charge of 2 cents per gallon for skim milk may be considered somewhat arbiti-ary, its commercial value for feeding purposes has been based with more propriety, in our subsequent experiments, on tlie amount of solid matter it contains as compared with that of the creamery buttermilk, taking tlie contractor's price of the latter as the standard. Percenfage of Solids, Cost per Gallon, ets, 1SS4. 1SS3. 1884. 1885. Creamery Buttermilk, 7.09 8.00 1.37 1.37 Farm 8kim :Milk, 9. .58 10.22 1.78 1.75 A recalculation of the cost of feed consumed in om\first experiment (1884) at the rates adoi)ted in our second experiment (1885), de- scribed within these pages, does not alter the financial results of that experiment so far as the relative cost of each kind of feed is con- cerned. Cost of Feed per lb, of Di'essed Pork. 1884. 1883. Creamery Buttermilk and Meal, 4.6 cts. 4.20 cts. Farm Skim Milk and Meal, 5.8 cts. 4.85 cts. The previous short discussion of the first feeding experiment, reported in Bulletin No. 13 (also II. Annual Report/, seemed to be necessary in the interest of a desirable understanding of the subse- quent description of the second feeding experiment, beginning Nov. 5th, 1884, and ending March 17th, 1885. /Second Feeding Experiment. — Twelve pigs served in this trial ; all were barrows. Six of them were crosses of Berkshire sow with York- shire boar ; their individual weights varied from 38 to 46 lbs. ; the remaining six animals were crosses of Chester White sow, with York- shire boar, weighing from 15 to 19 lbs. each. They were arranged for the experiment in two lots, — A and B, — each containing three of the former and three of the latter breed. The first three numbers in each lot are the heavier animals (Berkshire). Lot A (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6,) was fed with Creamery Buttermilk and Corn Meal, at the rate of three ounces of Corn 3feal for every quart of milk consumed, until the quantity of milk required per day, to meet the individual want of each animal, amounted to from twelve to thirteen quarts, when the increase of milk for the daily diet ceased. The subsequent still steadil}' increasing demand for more feed was supplied by a gradual increase of corn meal, rising from three to four, five, six, and finally to seven and one-half ounces of meal for every quart of butter milk. The experiment terminated with ninety-two ounces of corn meal to twelve quarts of milk. Lot B (7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12,) was fed with Skim Milk from the farm, and Corn Meal, at the following rates : Nos. 7, 8 and 9, (Berkshire) received from the 5th of November to the 9 th of Decem- ber tiuo ounces of meal for eve7-y quart of skim milk consumed ; from the 9th of December to the 15th of January, four ounces of meal to every quart of milk. The meal was subsequently gradually raised to eight ounces per quart of milk. The consumption of milk had reached ten quarts per day, when the want of skim milk necessitated (Feb. 7th) a change in the course of feeding adopted for this lot of pigs. Creamery BiMermilk and Meal — six ounces of meal for every quart of the latter — were substituted ; at that period seventy-two ounces of meal and twelve quarts of milk w.ere fed. The experiment was con- tinued in the same manner as Nos. 1, 2 and 3, of Lot A, until the 17th of March. The second half of Lot B (,Nos. 10, 11 and 12,) received from November 5th to December 9th two ounces of meal for every quart of skim milk consumed ; from the 9th of December to the 14th of January, four ounces; from the 14th of January to the 17th of February, fromj^ye to Jive and one-half ounces of meal per quart. At this stnuc of the experiment, when the daily consumption of the milk had reached from six to seven quarts^ the increase of milk ceased ; the call for additional feed during the remainder of the experiment was supplied by a gradual increase of meal until March 25th, when the animals were killed. The daily consumption of meal had reached, one week l>efore the close of the experiment, one hundred aud eight ounces, or (i| pounds, in case of every animal of this division of lot B, which proved to be the most profitable one of the entire experi- ment. The talnilar statement which follows aims at a more concise pre- sentation of numerical relations regarding important points of the en- tire experiment, as far as every individual animal, as well as each lot is concerned. A summary of results, which closes the detailed state- ments, shows that Lot B, on the whole, has given the best returns, with the second division leading. The superior quality of the skim milk (Lot B) is rendered quite conspicuous by a saving of three hun- dred and sixty gallons of milk, and an increased production of one hundred and one pounds of dressed pork, as compared with the use of the creamery butter milk, (Lot B,; with practically a correspond- ing quantity oi" corn meal under otherwise corresponding conditions. The results of our first experiment were reversed, as might have been expected, by a more judicious distribution of an increased pro- portion of meal at the various stages of growth. The cost of the en- tire feed consumed b}' Lot A amounted to $51.00 ; and that of Lot B to $53.02 ; whilst the cost of feed for the production of one pound of dressed pork in Lot A amounted to 5.73 cts., and that of Lot B amounted to 5.37 cts. The intliience of a severe winter, and thus generally a lower temperature, during the second experiment, (Nov. to March, ; has no doubt exerted a depressing influence on the total results, when compared with the results of the first experiment, (May to September). JSfo. o/ Pounds of Dry Matter ii ofDr Creamei-y Butter Milk, Feed. Skim Milk, Feed, feed required to Produce one Pouna Pork. I. 1884. SMtnnier. 2.4 lbs. 2.9 lbs. II. 1883. Winter. 3.67 lbs. 3.33 lbs. Aside from the stated facts, there are some other points of a more general character deserving of mention in this connection, which are not infrequently underestimated in the feeding of pigs for the market. First. — A careful preparation of -the feed for young pigs, with re- ference to a higher nutritious cha -arter at the beginning, and to a gradually increasing bidk for the ji. ope r distention of the digestive or- gans, to make them hereafter gDod eaters. A liberal supply of milk, with a gradual increase of meal, beginning with from one to two ounces of meal per quart, has served ns well. Second. — A timely closing up of the fattening process in the interest of lyrofits, for the best returns of the feed are obtained in the earlier periods of growth ; in our case, as a rule, profits were doubtful after the animal reached a weight of from 180 to 200 pounds. There may be exceptions to this observation when the cost of feed is low, and the market price of dressed pork very high, a circumstance not often happening. We sold our dressed pork at 6f cents per pound. A good illustration in this direction may be furnished by a detailed record of actual results in the case of pigs No. 10, 11 and 12, of Lot B, (pigs fed with skim milk and meal.) No. 10. I. Feeding Period, II. III. IV. No. II. I. Feedi II. III. ' IV. Period, No. 12. Feeding Period, 'ha mi .sl e hundred Pounds dry matter in feed idproduced, live eiglit, in pounds. i w do?; H'i ■ -fS S- - '^ os-« 'a '^ '^ Oo O'dO 48.5 30.0 82.0 2.13 98.5 50.0 55.1 2.98 152.0 53.5 39.1 4.90 209.0 57.0 23.8 6.12 15.5 28.5 77.9 2.25 89.5 44.0 48.5 3.38 138.0 48.5 35.4 4.52 191.0 53.0 22.1 6.60 18.0 30.0 82.0 . 2.13 97.5 49.5 54.5 3.01 147.5 50.0 36.4 4.38 216.0 68.5 28.6 5.10 6 As the difference of live weigiit and dressed weight in tlie case hei'e under discussion amounts on an average to 18| lbs. per hundred weight, and as we sold our dressed pork at 6| cts. per pound, we lost money on the feed whenever its cost exceeded 5.49 cts. per pound of live weight gained ; in other words, in only one case, that of No. 12, did we make money during the IV. feeding period of our trial by con- verting the feed into live weight. These relations appear most striking in feeding periods of equal length, and of about four weeks duration. Our younger animals showed, in every case, a larger gain in live weight during the tii-st period of feeding than the heavier ones, showing the advantages of beginning well at an early stage of growth. A. BUTTERMILK AND CORN MEAL. NUMBER ONE. o%i '^ ~~ = s '< ■^ 5; - .y Periods. P»? P'x'-i ■3 O g S ■s;^'? - ^S^'i t; g t^ 'C H H 18S4 and 1S85. Nov. 5 to Jan. 27. 156 8 796.0 Jan. 27 " Feb. 3. 28.0 86.5 Feb. 3 " Feb. 27. 111.8 288,0 Feb. 27 " Mar. 17. 102.4 216.0 •■5 G'T .To ='g • 0 ^•^ ^^ ^.£.2k-.sl 0 a be 7^ a Ni5|s^i T 5 ~. "t!.~ ll"^^ ■g'SS'S s br.i® H H 'A ^ 137.0 137.1 1:3.5 43.5 144.5 24.5 14.9 1:4. 144.5 171.5 97.7 49.7 1:4.4 171.5 205.5 89.5 37.3 1:4.8 205.5 231.0 .2 iaa Total amomit of feed consumed from Nov. 5. 1884 to March 17,1 399 lbs. Corn Meal, equal to dry matter, 349 lbs. 1386 qts. Butter Milk, '' " ^' " 239 " S85. Total amount of Dry Matter, 588 " Live weight of animal at beginning of experiment, 43.5 lbs. Live weight at time of killing, 231.0 " Live weight gained during experiment, 188.5 " Dressed weight at time of killing, 195.0 " Loss in weight by dressing. 36 lbs., or 16 per cent. Dressed weight gained during experiment, 159.0 " Cost of feed consumed during the experiment. 399 lbs. Corn Meal, at $22.50 per ton, $4.49 346 gals. Butter Milk, at 1.37c. per gal., 4.75 $9.24 3.13 lbs. of diy matter fed yielded one pound of live weight; and 3.69 lbs. of dry matter yielded one pomid of dressed weight. Cost of feed for production of 1 lb. of dressed pork, 5.81 cents. BUTTERMILK AND CORN MEAL. NUMBER TWO. "o^^ o'g's'' 'o^.% 'oB% . do d'd S^« Periods. 111 a o ^ ill IS re S cS o »■ iiil il 1? ■S o o a. 2 11 Oo %i^-c. ^%U -3 bgl 5 bis 111 H ^ H H 55 p: o 1884 and 188S. i6. 03. Nov. 5 to Jan. 27. 156.8 796.0 137.0 137.1 1:3.5 -46.0 156.5 1 5 Jan. 27 •' Feb. .3. 28.0 86.5 24.5 14.9 1:4. 156.5 171.0 2 1 Feb. 3 " Feb. 27. 111.8 288.0 97.7 49.7 1:4.4 171.0 1 220.0 2 1 Feb. 27 " Mar. 17. 102.4 216.0 89.5 37.3 1:4.8 220.0 247.0 1 8 Total amount of feed consumed from Nov. 5, 1884 to March 17, 1885. 399 lb.s. of Corn Meal, equal to Dry matter, 349 lbs. 1386 qts. Butter Milk, '' '^ '' ^' 239 " Total amount of Dry Matter, 588 '' Live weight of animal at beginning of experiment, 46 lbs. Live weight at time of killing, 247 " Live weight gained during experiment, 201 "• Dressed weight at time of killing, 204 " Loss in weight by dressing, 43 lbs., or 17.5 per cent. Dressed weight gained during experiment, 168 " Cost of feed consumed during experiment. 399 lbs. Corn Meal, at $22.50 per ton, 346 gals. Butter Milk, at 1.37c. per gal., $4.49 4.75 $9.24 2.93 lbs. of dry matter yielded one pound of live weight ; and 3.54 lbs. of dry matter yielded one lb. of dressed weight. Cost of feed for production of 1 lb. of dressed pork, 5.56 cents. A BUTTERMILK AND CORN MEAL. NUMBER THREE. o'g^" o^'= ^.s-s . ©.s-g . o dC dg S^ Periods. 5 2 'L'-^ oS-S-E " ^ ^ ^ ^ 5 " io s 3 o ^ d ba 3 .2 1 > . S'2 S IS fee.? H H H :^ ^ 'J 1884 and 1885. i&. Oa:. Nov. 5 to Jan. 27. 156.8 796.0 137.0 137.1 1:3.5 38 1.50.0 1 6 Jan. -'.7 •' Feb. 3. 2.8.0 86.5 24.5 14.9 1:4. 150 153.0 0 7 Feb. 3 " Feb. 27. 111.8 288.0 97.7 49.7 1:4.4 153 198.0 1 14 Feb. 27 " Mar. 17. 102.4 216.0 89.5 37,3 1:4.8 198 218.5 1 2 Total amount of feed consumed fi-om Nov. 5, 1884 to March 17, 1885. 399 lbs. Coru Meal, equal to Dry Matter, 349 lbs. 1386 qts. Butter Milk, ^' ^' '' '' 239 " Total amount of Dry Matter, 588 " Live weight of animal at Degiuning of experiment, 38.0 lbs. Live weight at time of killing, 218.5 *•' Live weight gained during experiment, 180.5 " Dressed weight at time of killing, 218.5 " Loss in weight by dressing, 35.5 lbs., or 16.13 per cent. Dressed weight gained during experiment, 151.0 " Cost of feed consumed during the experiment. 399 lbs. of Corn Meal, at S22.50 per ton, $4.49 346 gals. Butter Milk, at 1.37c. per gal., 4.75 $9.24 3.25 lbs. of tlry matter fed yielded one pound of live weight ; and 3.9 lbs. of dry matter yielded one pound of dressed weight. Cost of feed for production of 1 lb. of dressed pork, 6.1 cents. A BUTTERMILK AND CORN MEAL. NUMBER FOUR. S ? S '"' So ml o z ci rt.S i ■ Periods. r-^-^ sg..b §58^ sS^^ o oro- 0° at^ a am 111^ l-is^ 2i'^.5 u 0-^ be© III H ri H H ■A ^ o 1884 and 1885. £6. Oz. Nov. 5 to Jan. 27. 96 490 84.0 84.5 1:3.5 19.0 101.0 1 0 Jan. 27 " Feb. 25. 101 321 88.0 55.3 1: 4 101.0 135 5 1 5 Feb. 25 " Mar. 17. 88 228 76.7 39.3 1: 4.4 135.5 161.5 1 5 Mar. 17 " Mar. 26. 53 108 46.2 18.6 1: 4.8 161.5 165.0 0 6 Total amount of feed consumed from Nov. 5, 1884 to March 26, 1885. 338 lbs. Corn Meal, equal to Dry Matter, 295.0 lbs. 1147 qts. Butter Milk, " '' " " 197.7 " Total amount of Dry Matter, 492.7 " Live weight of animal at beginning of experiment, 19 lbs. Live weight at time of killing, 165 " Live weight gained during experiment, 146 ■ "■ Dressed weight at time of killing, 133 " Loss in weight by dressing, 32 lbs., or 19.5 per cent. Dressed weight gained during experiment, 118 " Cost of feed consumed during the experiment. 338 lbs. Coi'u Meal, at $22.50 per tou, $3.80 287 gals. Butter Milk, at 1.37c. per gal., 3.93 S7.73 3.37 lbs. of dry matter yielded one pound of live weight; and 4.17 lbs. of dry matter yielded one pound of dressed weight. Cost of feed for production of I lb. of dressed pork, 6.55 cents. A. BUTTERMILK AND CORN MEAL. NUMBER FIVE. o'%'6 ■^^^- 'oSI . otsi< . o ■3 o '^'i. S| Periods. § X S o s ■^ so '-^ go B i^l_, g-g as. c3 P. "So II 111' ?^ Ill H H H- H z; ^ 0 1884 and 1885. £fo. 0«. Nov. 5 to Jan. 27. 96 490 84.0 84.5 1:3.5 19 102 1 0 Jan. 27 " Feb. 25. 101 321 88.0 55.8 1:4. 102 148 1 9 Feb. 25 '• Mar. 17. 88 228 76.(5 39.3 1:4.4 148 188 2 0 Mar. 17 " Mar. 2(3. 53 408 46.2 18.6 1:4.8 188 198 1 2 Total amount of feed consumed from Nov. 5, 1884 to MarcJi26., 1885. 338 lbs. Corn Meal, equal to Dry Matter, 1147 qts. Butter Milk, ^' '' " 295. lbs. 197.7 ^' Total amount of Dry Matter. 492.7 '• Live vfeight of animal at beginning of experiment, 19.0 lbs. Live weight at time of killing, 198.0 '' Live weight gained during experiment, 179.0 '• Dressed weight at time of killing, 1(31.5 " Loss,,in weight by dressing, 36.5 lbs., or 18.4 per cent. Dressed weight gained during experiment, 146.0 '' Gost of feed consumed during the experiment. 338 lbs. Corn Meal, at $22.50 per ton, $3.80 287 gals. Butter Milk; at 1.37c. per gal., 3.93 $7.73 2.75 lbs. of dry matter yielded one pound of live weight ; and 3.4 lbs. of dry matter yielded one pound of dressed weight. Cost of feed for production of 1 lb. of dressed pork, 5.29 cents. 10 A. BUTTERMILK AND CORN MEAL. NUMBER SIX. 1884 and 1885. Nov. 5 to Jan. 27. Jan. 27 " Feb. 2,5. Feb. 27 " Mar. 17. Mar. 17 " Mar. 26. 96 101 88 hi i - ^i - — 'S '^ 0 o B ll d O Sip 5S. H &- H 12; 1:35 ^ 490 84 0 84-5 15.0 107.5 321 88.0 5.5.3 1:4. 107.5 155.0 228 7G7 39.3 1:4.4 155.0 191.0 108 46 2 18 6 1:4.8 191.0 198 5 S-o-c^S-s-^ Lb. Oz. 1 2 1 10 1 13 0 13 Total amount of feed consumed from Nov. 5 , 18S4 to March 26, 1885. 338 lbs. Corn Meal, equal to Dry Matter, 295.0 lbs. 1147 qts. Butter Milk, " " "' " 197.7 " Total amount of Dry Matter, 492.7 " Live weight of animal at beginning of experiment, 15.0 lbs. Live weiglit at tifiie of killing, 198.5 " Live weight gained during experiment, 183.5 " Dressed weight at time of killing, 159.5 " Loss in weigiit b}^ dressing, 39 lbs., or 19.6 per cent. Dressed weight gained during experiment, 147.5 " Cost of feed consumed during experiment. 338 lbs. Corn Meal, at $22.50 per ton, $3.80 287 gals. Butter Milk, at 1.37c. per gal., 3.93 $7.73 2.68 lbs. of dry matter yielded one pound of live weight ; and 3.34 lbs. of dry matter yielded one pound of dressed weight. Cost of feed for produeou of 1 lb. of dressed pork, 5.24 cents- B SKIM MILK AND CORN MEAL. NUMBER SEVEN. Hi °1l +j . S 5 o o 1° II II Period.s. m nil ' Is oo •ill H H H ■ H 'A ^ :s- o 1884. Lb. Oz. Nov. 5 to Dec. 9. 24.5 197 21.5 44.7 1:2.7 37 69 0 15 1885. Dec. 9 " Jan. 27. 121.0 452 105.4 102.6 1:4. 69 160 1 14 Jan. 27 " Feb. 3. 28.0 70 24.5 15.8 1:3.9 160 171 1 9 Feb. 3 " Feb. 7. 19.0 36 b'milk. 16.4 8.1 1:4.3 171 179 2 0 Feb. 7 " Mar. 17. 196.0 456 171.4 78.7 1:4.7 179 254 2 0 Total amount of feed consumed from Nov. 5, 1884 to March 17^ 1885. 388.5 lbs. Corn INIeal, equal to Dry Matter, 339.2 lbs. 755 qts. Skim Milk, ^' '" "' " 171.2 " 456 " Butter JMilk, '^ " '' '• 78.7 " Total amount of Dry Matter, 589.1 '' Live weight at beginning of experiment, 37.0 lbs. Live weight at time of killing. 254.0 " Live weight gained during experiment, 217.0 " Dressed weight at time of killing, 208.5 •' Loss in weight by dressing, 45.5 lbs., or 17.8 per cent. Dressed weight gained during experiment, 178.0 " Cost of feed consumed during experiment. 388.5 lbs. Corn Meal, at $22.50 per ton, $4.37 189 gills. Skim Milk, at 18c. per gal., 3.40 114 gals. Butter Milk, at 1.37c. per gal., ] .56 $9.33 2.71 lbs. of dry matter yielded one poundof live weight ; and 3.31 lbs. of dry matter yielded one pound of dressed weight. Cost of feed for i)roductiou of 1 lb. of dressed pork, 5.24 cents. B. SKIM MILK AND CORN MEAL. NUMBER EIGHT. III °1l = -1^ i;ii o .2 "S c3d la 11 Periods. "3 i- ^ H ifll ^ "■^.S ^ ^ i^'Z |£ oS^-c ?s^~ O'^S'S ■st^^ •s^ iSS i^ H H !zi ^ ?f o 1S84. Lb. Oz. Nov. 5 to Dec. 9. 24:. 5 197.0 21.5 44.7 1: 2.7 41.5 74,0 0 15 1S85. Dec. 9 " .Jan. 27. 121.0 452.0 105.4 102.6 1:4. 740 152.5 1 9 Jan. 27 '• Feb. 3. 28.0 70.0 24.5 15.8 1:3.9 152.5 176.0 3 6 Feb. 3 " Feb. 7. 19.0 36.0 HWJILK, 1G.4 8.1 1:4.3 176.0 178.0 0 8 Feb. 7 " Mar. 17. 196.0 456.0 171.4 78.7 1:4.7 178.0 243.0 1 11 Total amount of feed consumed from Nov. 5, 1884 to March 17., 1885. 388.5 lbs. Corn Meal, equal to Dry Matter, 339.2 lbs. 755 qts. Skim Milk, " " '^ " 171.2 " 456 qts. Butter Milk, " " ^' '' 78.7 " Total amount of Dry Matter, 589.1 12 Live weight at beginning of experiment, Live weiglit at time of killing, Live weight gained (luring experiment, Dressed weight at time of killing. Loss in weight by dressing, 38 lbs., or 15,6 per cent. Dressed weight gained during experiment. Cost of feed consumed during experiment, 388.5 lbs. Corn Meal, at $22.50 per ton, 189 gals. Skim Milk, at 1.8c. per gal., 114 gals. Butter Milk, at 1.37c. per gal.. 41.5 lbs. 243.0 " 201.5 '^ 205.0 " 170.0 '' $4.37 3.40 1.56 $9.33 2.9 lbs. of dry matter yielded one pound of live weight ; and 3.47 lbs. of dry matter yielded one pound of dressed weight. Cost of feed for production of I lb. of dressed pork, 5.48 cents. SKIM MILK AND CORN MEAL. NUMBER NINE. Periods. 1884. Nov. 5 to Dec. 9. 1SS5. Dec. 9 ■• Jan. 27. Jan. 27 " Feb. 3. Feb. 3 " Feb. 7. Feb. Mar. 17. o1| +j S'r' o O ■ 1c S"5 11 5=3 otal an Meal c (luring (in lbs. coipS ^ S '=^ SD ll m. « da- is t. H H H ^ 77.0 24.5 197 21.5 44.7 1:2.7 40,0 121.0 452 105.4 102.6 1:4 77.0 160.5 28.0 70 24.5 15 8 1:3.9 160.5 171.0 19.0 36 b'siilk 16.4 8.1 1:4.3 171.0 179.5 196.0 456 171.4 78.7 1:4.7 179.5 249.0 Lb. 0». 1 1 1 13 Total amount of feed consumed from Nov. 5, 1884 to March 17, 1885. 388.5 lbs. Corn Meal, equal to Dry Matter, 339.2 lbs. 755 qts. Skim Milk, " '• '' •' 171.2 " 456 qts. Butter Milk, " " " " 78.7 " Total amount of Dry Matter, 589.1 " Live weight at beginning of experiment, " 40.0 lbs. Live weight at time of killing, 249.0 "■ Live weight gained during experiment, 209.0 " Dressed weight at time of killing, 209.0 '' Loss in weiglit by dressing, 40 lbs., or 16 per cent. Dressed weight gained during experiment, 174.5 " 13 Cost of feed consumed during experiment. 385.5 lbs. Coru Meal, at $22.50 per ton, #4.37 189 gals. Skill! Milk, at 1.8c. per gal., 3.40 114 gals. Butter Milk, at 1.37c. per gal., 1.56 $9.33 2.81 lbs. of dry matter yielded one pound of live weight; and 3.37 lbs. of dry matter yielded one pound of dressed weight. Cost of feed for production of 1 lb. of dressed j^ork, 5.35 cents. B 8KIM MILK AND CORN MEAL. NUMBER TEN. o%'6 o^-d oB% . o.S^ 0 ^^ d-d Periods. S s <^ 'a S c =^ i£' o 111 O'^'^ "-- oS-c'-i- llll illl 11 III H H H •^ O 18S4. Lb. Oz. Nov. 5 t 0 Dec. 9. 1SS3. 13.5 109 11.9 24.7 1:2.7 18.5 48.5 0 14 Dec. 9 ' ' Jan. 15, .-1.0 204 44.5 46.3 1:3.1 48.5 98.5 1 6 Jan. 15 ' ' Feb. 17. 88.0 266 76.6 60.3 1:3.9 98.5 152.0 1 10 Feb. 17 ' ' Mar. 25. 209.0 252 182.5 57.2 1:5. 152.0 209.0 1 9 Total amount of feed consumed from Nov. 5, 1884 to March 25, 1885. 361.5 lbs. Corn Meal, equal to Dry Matter, 315.5 lbs. 831 qts. Skim Milk, ^' '' '' " 188.5 '' Total amount of Dry Matter, 504.0 Live weight at beginning of experiment, 18.5 lbs. Live weight at time of killing, 209.0 " Live weight gained during experiment, 190.5 " Dressed weight at time of killing, 168.5 " Loss in weight by dressing, 40.5 lbs., or 19.4 per cent. Dressed weight gained during experiment, 154.0 " Cost of feed consumed during experiment. 361.5 lbs. Cora Meal, at $22.50 per ton, $4.07 208 gals. Skim Milk, at 1.8c. per gal., 3.74 $7.81 2.64 lbs. of dry matter yielded one pound of live weight ; and 3.27 lbs. of dry matter yielded one pound of dressed weight. Cost of feed for production of 1 lb. of dressed pork, 5.07 cents. 14 B. SKIM MILK AND CORN MEAL. NUMBER ELEVEN. o-g-d 'o%'6 o^-^ O.S1 . o ^'S 3d S^ Periods. m so ^ IPs ill? o "^ o ■S.S 111 S.2 be.? |||.s '3 t'S S ■^ 3 III H H H ^ l^i O 18S4. X6. Os. Nov. 5 to Dec. 9. 13.5 109 11.9 24.7 1:2.7 17.0 45.5 0 13 ISS.'i. Dec. 9 " Jan. 15. 51.0 204 44.5 46.3 1:3.1 45.5 89.5 1 3 Jan. 15 " Feb, 17. 88.0 266 76.6 60.3 1:3.9 89.5 138.0 1 7 Feb. 17 '.' Mar. 25. ' 209.0 252 182 5 27.2 1:5. 138.0 191.0 1 8 Total amount of feed consumed from Nov. 5, 1884 to March 25, 1885. 361.5 lbs. Corn Meal, equal to Dry Matter, 315.5 lbs. 831 qts. Skim Milk, '' " " " 188.5 " Total amount of Dry Matter, 504.0 Live weight at beginning of experiment, 17.0 lbs. Live weight at time of killing, 191.0 '' Live weight gained during experiment, 174.0 " Dressed weight at time of killing, 158.5 " Loss in weight by dressing, 32.5 lbs., or 17 per cent. Dressed weight gained during experiment, 144.5 " Cost of feed consumed during experiment. 361.5 lbs. Corn Meal, at $22.50 per ton, $4.07 208 gals. Skim Milk, at 1.8c. per gal., 3.74 $7.81 2.89 lbs. of dry matter yielded one pound of live weight ; and 3.48 lbs. of dry matter yielded one pound of dressed weight. Cost of feed for production of 1 lb. of dressed pork, 5.4 cents. 15 SKIM MILK AND CORN MEAL. NUMBER TWELVE. Periods. Total amount of Meal consumed during period, (in lbs.) Total amount of Milk consumed during period, (in quarts. ml nil a S 0 * o 1 "^ 0 'A 11 1 p 48.0 97.5 147.5 216.0 11 III 1S84. Nov. 5 to Dec. 9. 1885. Dec. 9 " Jan. 15. Jan. 15 '• Feb. 17. Feb. 17 " Mar. 25. 13.5 51.0 88.0 209.0 109 204 26G 252 11.9 44 5 76.6 182.5 24.7 46 3 60.3 57.2 1:2.7 1:3.1 1:3.9 1:5 18.0 48.0 97.5 147.5 X6, Qz. 0 14 1 5 1 8 1 14 Total amount of feed consumed from Nov. 5, 1884 to March 25, 1885. 361.5 lbs. Corn Meal, equal to Dry Matter, 315.5 lbs. 831 qts. Skim Milk, •• " '•' Total amount of Dry Matter, Live weight at beginning of experiment, Live weight at time of killing, Live weight gained during experiment. Dressed weight at time of killing, Loss in weigiit by dressing, 43 lbs., or 19.88 per cent. Dressed weight gained during experiment. Cost of feed consumed during experiment. 361.5 lbs. Corn Meal, at $22.50 per ton, 208 gals. Skim Milk, at 1.8c. per gal.. 188.5 504.0 " 18.0 lbs. 216.0 '^ 198.0 " 173.0 " 169.5 $4.07 3.74 $7.81 2.55 lbs. of dry matter yielded one pound of live weight ; and 2.97 lbs. of dry matter yielded one pound of dressed weight. Cost of feed for production of 1 lb. of dressed pork, 4.61 cents. SUMMARY OF RESULTS OF EXPERIMENTS. A, Pigs fed with Buttermilk and Co7'n Meal. Corn Meal, Buttei-milk, L ve Weight, Drcs'd-Wht Cost per in lbs. in gallons. fja ned during ga ined dur'g pound 0/ Experiment. Experitnent, Dressed I'ork,cts I. 399. 346. 188.5 159.0 5.81 II. 399. 346. 201.0 168.0 5.56 III. 399. 346. 180.5 151.0 6.10 IV. 338. 287. 146.0 118.0 6.55 V. 338. 287. 179.0 146.0 5.29 VI. 338. 287. 183.0 147.5 5.24 16 B. Pigs fed with Skim Milk and Corn Meal. Corn Meal Skitn Milh Live Weight Dres'd Wht Cost per in lbs. in gallons. gained during gained during pound of Experiment. Ejeperiment. Dressed Pork, cts. VII. 388.5 303. 217.0 178.0 5.24 VIII. 388.5 303. 201.5 170.0 5.48 IX. 388.5 303. 209.0 174.5 5.35 X. 361.5 208. 190.5 154.0 5.07 XI. 361.5 208. 174.0 144.5 6.40 XII. 361.5 208. 198.0 169.5 4.61 B. 2250.0 1533. 1190.0 990.5 Total Cost of Feed Consumed during the Experiment. 2,211 lbs. Corn Meal, $24.98 1,899 otiUons Buttermilk, 26.02 $51.00 2,250 lbs. Corn Meal, $25.42 1,533 gallons Skim Milk, 27.60 $53.02 Cost of Feed pe?" Pound of Dressed Pork. A. Buttermilk and Meal, 5.73 cts. B. Skim Milk and Meal, 5.35 cts. The pound of dressed pork was sold at 6| cts. per pound. The analyses of Buttermilk from the Creamery, as well as of the Skim Milk from the farm, have been pul)lished in Bulletin No. 17. The Buttermilk contained 8 per cent, of solids ; one quart of it weighed 34.5 ounces, and contained 2.76 ounces of dry matter ; one gallon contained 11.04 ounces of solids. The Skim Milk contained 10.22 per cent of solids ; one quart of it weighed 35.5 ounces, and contained 3.63 ounces of solids ; one gallon contained 14.52 ounces of dry organic matter. 17 FODDER ANALYSES. 349. CORN MEAL. The subsequent analysis represents the average of the composition of the corn meal fed during the previously described feeding ex- periments with pigs. "5" fl ■-d S ® i. e 1 22 li 6 (B ^ C 03 &c "^^ o 9, ft -S 0 £| o S 'B 'A 'O Moisture at 100^ C 12.G2 252.40 87.38 1747.60 100.00 2000.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. 00 Crude Ash, 1.56 266 31.20 53.20 18.09 34 " CeUulose, " Fat, 4.27 85.40 64.90 76 " Protein, (nitrogenous matter), 11.43 228.60 194.31 85 Non-nitrogenous extract matter, . . 80.08 1601.60 1.505.50 94 100.00 2000.00 1782.80 350. HAY OF OATS. The crop was cut with the seeds in the milk, July 9th, 1885. Moisture at 100° C, Dry Matter, ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. Crude Ash, " Celhilose, " Tat, " Protein, (nitrogenous matter). Non-nitrogenous extract matter. 2 rt ■^ » II B '^ .1 S •5 1 S S ^ o be "^^ 0 n ^ o a 2 rt ■3 O +i o 1! 11 "1 '1 o P^ Ph 2 9.55 191.00 90.45 1809.00 100.00 2000.00 Oi t- 6.08 121.60 34.32 686.40 2.69 63.80 24.75 46 10.89 217.§0 920.40 124.15 57 46.02 920.40 100 100.00 2000.00 1079.30 Some of the green crop was used in a feeding" experiment with milch cows, previous to the time of catting for ha^y. 351. HAY OF BARLEY. The barley was cut July 9th, 1885, while the seeds were in the milk. i i •s ■i i be o 1 5 ■S 8 1^5 1 P a S s ^l O ^ 5 +2 o ^ O ■| O ." O .T^ o Ph Oh 5 Moisture at 100° C, 10.25 .205.00 89.75 1795.00 100.00 2000.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. Crude Ash, 4.95 99.00 " Cellulose, 29.12 582.40 " Fat 2.76 55.20 25.39 46 " Protein, (nitrogenous matter). 10.20 205.20 116.9(1 57 Non-nitrogenous extract matter, . 52.91 1058.20 1058.20 100 100.00 2000.00 1200.55 Part of the crop was fed green in connection with a feeding experi- ment with milch cows, which will be described at a later date. FERTILIZER ANALYSES. 352. DARLING'S ANIMAL FERTILIZER. (Collected of VV. S. Westcott, Amherst, Mass.y Guaranteed composition : Ammonia, 4 to 6 per cent, (equivalent to nitrogen 3| to 5 per cent.) ; phosphoi'ic acid, 10 to 12 per cent. ; potassium oxide, 4 to 6 per cent. Moisture at 100° C, Total phosphoric acid, Soluble '• *" Reverted " " Insoluble, " " Potassium oxide. Nitrogen, Insoluble matter, Valuation per 2000 lbs., 832.01 CoKRECTiON. — The a1)ove results represent the composition of the article No. 345, reported in the previous Bulletin. By some over- sight a wrong analysis was published on that occasion. Per Cent. 14.93 10.52 0.20 4.40 5.92 4.91 4.36 1.66 19 353. MURIATE OF POTASH. Sent on for examination b}' Bolton Farmers and Mechanics Association, Bolton, Mass. Moisture at 100° C, 0.63 per cent. Potassium Oxide, 51.33 " Valuation per ton at current rates, $43.63 354. DISSOLVED BONEBLACK. Sent on for examination by Bolton Farmers and Mechanics Association, Bolton, Mass. Moisture at 100° C, Total Phosphoric Acid, Soluble, "■ " Reverted, " " Insoluble, '' " Insoluble Matter, Valuation at current rates, per ton, $31.24 355. DRIED BLOOD. ., Sent on for examination by Bolton Farmers and Mechanics Association, Bolton, Mass. Moisture at 100'' C, 7.65 per cent. Nitrogen, 8.10 '^ Phosphoric Acid, 6.23 "• Insoluble Matter, 1.08 '' 10.05 17.56 16.84 |0.44 0.28 1.08 Valuation at current rates, per ton, $36.64 356. NITRATE OF SODA. Sent oujj for examination by Bolton Farmers and Mechanics Association, Bolton, Mass. Moisture at 100'- C, 0.85 per cent. Nitrogen, " 16,26 " Valuation at current rates, per ton, $58.54 20 357. AMMONIUM SULPHATE. Sent on for examination by Bolton Farmers and Mechanics Association, Bolton, Mass. Moisture at 100'' C, 0.25 Nitrogen, 21.28 Valuation at current rates, per ton, $76.60 358. CANADA ASHES. 1. Collected of Wm. H. Earle & Co., Worcester, Mass. 2. Muuroe, Judson & Stronp ; collected of Albert Montague, South Deerfield, Mass. 3. Munroe, Judson & Stroup ; collected of E. M. Rouche, South Deerfield, Mass. Moisture at 100^ C, Total phosphoric acid. Potassium oxide, Calcium oxide. Magnesium oxide. Insoluble matter. Sample 1 sold at $14.25 per ton ; counting 45 lbs. the weight of a bushel, at 33 cents per bushel. Samples 2 and 3 sold at 25 cents per bushel of from 45 to 48 lbs. each. C. A. GOESSMANN, Director, Amherst, Mass. The Bulletin and I. and II. Annual Reports of the Experiment Station will he sent, free of charge, to all parties interested, in its work, on application. Address State Agricultural Experiment Station, Amherst, Mass. 1. 2. 5. rounds per Bundi -ed. 3.30 11.25 13.33 2.30 1.09 1.28 8.51 6.36 5.91 37.49 37.62 39.21 3.93 7.47 5.11 11.60 6.37 9.36 MASLS^^a^WUSErfs' STATE ' Agricultural Experiment Station, BULI_.HlTIIsr IsTo. 1©. APRIL. 1886. The publicatioa of Bulletins for the present year begins with this number. Copies will be sent to all parties already on our distributing list — without awaiting a special notice. Provisions are made to iiiei=*t new applications. The supply of Bulletins No. 1 to 15, and of the second annual report is exhausted, while of Bulletins Nos. 16, 17 and 18, and of the first annual report there are still a limited num- ber on hand .for distribution. Arrangements are made to attend to the examination of objects of general interest to the farming community, to the full extent of existing resources. Requests for analyses of substauces^-as fodder articles, fertilizers, etc. — coming through officers of . agricultural societies and farmers' clubs within the state, will receive hereafter, as in the past, first attention, and in the order that the applications arrive at the office of the Station. The results will be returned with- out a charge for the services rendered. Application of private parties for analyses of substances, free of charge, will receive a careful con- sideration, whenever the results promise to be of a more general interest. For obvious reasons no work can be carried on at the Station, of which the results are not at the disposal of the managers for publication, if deemed advisable in the interest of the citizens of the state. All parcels and communications sent on to "The Experiment Station" must have express and postal charges prepaid, to receive attention. JANUARY. FEBRUARY. MARCH. 56.0° 52.0° 61.0° —22.0° —11.0° —1.0° 21.9° 23.1° 33.5° 5.39 in 3.94 in. 3.31 in. 11.5 in. 3.0 in. 8.5 in. Northerly. Northwesterly. Northwesterly. Meteorological Summary for three months ending March 31, 1886. Highest temperatnre, Lowest temperature, Mean temperature, Total Precipitation, Total snow fall, Prevailing winds. No. of days on which cloudi- ness averaged 8 or more on scale Of 10, 11 6 11 No. of days on which .01 inch or more of rain or melt- ed snow fell, 8 8 7 The temperatures of the given months wei;e close to the averages of previous years but the range was unusually great. The precipi- tation for January was above the average, but the snow fall has been light. At the close of the period the ground is without snow and in many places free of frost: a condition in advance of average years. VALUATION OF FERTILIZERS ANALYSES OF FERTILIZERS. The valuation of a fertilizer is based on the average trade value of the fertilizing elements specified by analysis. The money value of the higher grades of agricultural chemicals and of the higher priced compound fertilizers, depends in the majority of cases on the amount and the particular form of two or three essential articles of plant food, i. e., phosphoric acid, nitrogen and potash, which they contain. The valuation which usually accompanies the analyses of these goods shall inform the consumer, as far as practicable, regarding the cash- retail price at which the several specified essential elements of plant food, in an efficient form, have been offered of late for sale, in our large markets. The market value of low priced materials used for manurial pur- poses, as salt, ashes, A-arious kinds of lime, barnyard manure, factory refuse and waste materials of different description, does, quite fre- quently, not stand in a close relation to their chemical composition. Their cost varies in different localities. Local facilities for cheap transportation and more or less advantageous mechanical condition for a speedy action, exert, as a rule, a decided influence on their selling-price. The wholesale market price of manurial substances is liable to serious fluctatious ; for supply and demand exert here, as well as in other branches of commercial industry, a controlling influence on theii- temporary money value. As fai'mers have only in exceptional in- stances, a desirable chance to inform themselves regarding the con- ditions which control the market price, the assistance rendered in this direction, by Agricultural chemists charged with the examination of commercial fertilizers, cannot otherwise but benefit, ultimately both farmers and manufacturers. The market reports of centres of trade in New England, New York and New Jersey, aside from consultations with leading manu- facturers of fertilizers furnish us the necessary information regard- ing the current trade value of fertilizing ingredients. The subse- quent statement of cash-values in the retail trade is obtained by tak- ing the average of the wholesale quotations in New York and Boston, during the six months preceding March 1, 1886, and increasing them by 20 per cent., to coyer expenses for sales, credits, etc. These trade values, except those for phosphoric acid, soluble in ammonium-citrate, were agreed upon by the Experiment Stations of Massachusetts, Connecticut and New Jersey for use in their several states for the present season. TRADE VALUES QF FERTILIZING INGREDIENTS IN , RAW MATERIALS AND CHEMICALS. Cents per Pound. 1886. Nitrogen in Ammonia salts, 18i " " Nitrates, 18| " " Dried and fine ground fish, 17 Organic nitrogen in guano and fine ground blood and meat, 17 Organic nitrogen in cotton seed, linseed meal, and in castor pomace, 17 Organic nitrogen in fine ground bone, 17 " " " medium bone, 15 " " in medium bone, 13 " " in coarse medium bone, • 11 " " in coarse bone, horn shavings, hair and fish scraps, 9 Phosphoric acid soluble in water, 8 " " " ammonia citrate,* 7|- " " insoluble, in drj' fine ground fish, and in fine bone, 7 Phosphoric acid insoluble in fine medium bone, 6 " " " in medium bone, 5 " " " in coarse medium bone, 4 " " " in coarse bone, 3 " "• "■ in fine ground rock phosphate, 2 Potash as high grade sulphate, 5^ " " Kaiuite, 4 J " " Muriate, 4|- The above trade values are the figures at which on March 1st, the respective ingredients could be bought at retail for cash per pound in our leading markets in the raio materials, which are the regular source of supply. They also correspond to the average wholesale prices for the six months ending March 1st, plus 20 per cent, in case of goods for which we have wholesale quotations. The calculated values obtained by the use of the above figures will be found to agree fairly with the reasonable retail price in case of standard raw materials such as : Sulphate of Ammonia, Dry Ground Fish, Nitrate of Soda, Castor Pomace, Muriate of Potash, Cotton Seed, Sulphate of Potash, Bone, Dried Blood, Azotin, Plain Superphosphates. TRADE VALUES IN SUPERPHOSPHATES, SPECIAL MANURES AND MIXED FERTILIZERS OF HIGH GRADE. The organic nitrogen in these classes of goods will be valued at the highest figure laid down in the Trade Values of Fertilizing Ingre- dients in Raw Materials, namely seventeen cents per pound, it being *Dissolve(l from, two grams of Phosphate unground, by 100 C. C. neutral solution of ammonium citrate, sp. gr. 1,09 in 30 minutes at 65 deg. C, with agitation oncH in five minutes; commonly called "reverted" or "backgone " phosphoric acid. assumed that the organic nitrogen is derived from the best sources, viz. : bone, blood, animal matter, or other equally good forms and not from leather, shoddy, hair or any low-priced inferior form of vegetable matter, unless the contrary is ascertained. Insoluble Phosphoric acid will be valued at 3 cents, it being assumed, unless found otherwise, that it is from bone or similar source and not from rock phosphate. In this latter form the insol- uble phosphoric acid is worth but 2 cents per pound. Potash is rated at 4^ cents, if sufficient chlorine is present in the fertilizer to combine with it to make muriate. If there is more Potash present than will combine with the chlorine, then this excess of Potash will be counted as sulphate. To introduce large quantities of chlorides, common salt, etc., into fertilizer, claiming sulphate of potash as a constituent, is a practice, which in our present state of information will be considered of doubtful merit. The use of the highest trade values is but justice to these articles in which the costliest materials are exjiected to be used. In most cases the valuation of the ingredients in Superphosphates and Specials falls below the retail price of these goods. The differ- ence between the two figures, represents the manufacturer's charges for converting raw materials into manufactured articles. These charges are for grinding and mixing, bagging or barreling, storage and transportation, commission to agents, and dealers, long credits, interest on investment, bad debts, and finally profits. The prices stated in these bulletins in connection with analyses of commercial fertilizers refer to their cost per ton of 2,000 pounds, on board of car or boat near the factory, or place for general distribu- tion. To obtain the Valuation of a Fertilizer (i. e. the money-worth of its fertilizing ingredients), we multiply the pounds per ton of Nitrogen, etc., by the trade-value per pound. We thus get the values per ton of the several ingredients, and adding them together we obtain the total valuation per ton. The mechanical condition of any fertilizing material, simple or compound, deserves the most serious consideration of farmers, when articles of a similar chemical character are offered for their choice. The degree of pulverization controls, almost without exception, under similar conditions, the rate of solubility, and the more or less rapid diffusion of the tlifferent articles of plant-food throughout the soil. The state of moisture exerts a no less important influence on the pecuniary value, in case of one and the same kind of substance. Two samples of fish fertilizer, ultiiongh equally pure, ma}- differ from 50 to 100 per cent, in commercial value, on account of mere difference in moisture. Crude stock for the manufacture of fertilizers, and refuse material of various descriptions, sent to the Station for examination, are valued with reference to the market prices of their principal constit- uents, taking into consideration at the same time their geneial fitness for speedy action. A large percentage of commercial fertilizing material consists of refuse matter from various industries. The composition of these substances depends on the mode of manufacture carried on. The rapid progress in our manufacturing industry is liable to affect at any time, more or less seriously, the composition of the refuse. A. con- stant inquiry into the character of the agricultural chemicals^ and of commei'cial manurial refuse substances offered for sale, cannot fail to secure confidence in their composition, and to diminish financial dis- appointment in consequence of their application. This work is carried on for the purpose of aiding the farming community in a clear and intelligent appreciation of the sulistances Jor manurial purposes. ' Consumers of commercial manurial substances do well to buy when- ever practicable, on a guaranty of composition with reference to their essential constituents ; and to see to it that the bill of sale recognizes that point of the bargain. Any mistake or misunderstanding in the transaction may be readily adjusted, in that case, between the con- tending parties. The responsibility of the dealer ends with furnishing an article, corresponding in its composition with the loioest stated quantity, of each specified essential constituent. 359. CANADA WOOD ASHES. I and II sent on from Concord, Mass. Ill and IV sent on from South Deerfield, Mass. 1. II. III. ir. Pounds per hundt-ed. Moisture at 100° C, 17.00 18.15 4.90 2.48 Potassmm oxide, 4.28 4.80 7.42 6.53 Calcium oxide, 31.31 30.69 42.10 42.98 Magnesium oxide, 2.36 3.71 3.55 3.66 Phosphoric acid, 3.34 3.26 2.00 1.44 Insoluble matter, 15.50 17.35 7.12 4.87 These samples represent the extremes of composition noticed in our section of the state. The use of Canada, ashes has of kite stead- ily increased, and the cost gradually declined to 24 to 25 cents per bushel, of forty-five to fifty pounds. These are prices by the carload at Amherst and in its vicinity. 360. ASH OF COTTON SEED HULLS. Sent ou for examination from Northampton, Mass. jPer Cent. Moisture at 100° C, 2.30 Calcium oxide, 11.63 Magnesium oxide, 15.24 Phosphoric acid, (at 6 cts. per pound), 13.67 Potassium oxide, (at 5^ cts. per pound), 30.82 Insoluble matter, 21.65 Valuation per 2000 lbs., $50.30. The percentage of potassa found in the above sample is exception- ally high ; the same may be said of the phosphoric acid. On previous occasions potassium oxide was noticed, in this brand of ashes, as low as 23.72 per cent., and the phosphoric acid, 7.88 per cent. From detailed investigations of the cotton plant by Prof. H. C. White of Georgia, "On the Complete Analysis of the Cotton Plant," 1874, we have learned the general character of the ash constituents of the various parts of the cotton plant. Judging from his analytical statements it becomes apparent that ashes of the cotton plant sold in our section of the country do not represent the mineral constituents of any particular part of the plant, but are obtained from a mixture of different parts, in varying propor- tions. Taking this feature of their origin into consideration, it becomes most advisable to-buy these valuable ashes only on guaranty of composition. 361. GROUND BONE. Sent on for examination from Concord, Mass. Per Cent. Moisture at 100^ C, 4.78 Total phosphoric acid, ^ 29.83 Reverted, " " 9.22 Insoluble " " 20.61 Nitrogen, 2.03, Insoluble matter, ' 0.30 Valuation per 2000 lbs., $34.79. As the principal part of the article was of a coarse medium quality, insoluble phosphoric acid has been valued four cents per pound and nitrogen eleven cents. 302. BONEBLACK WASTE. Sent on for 'examination. JPer Cent. Moisture at 100° C, 10.65 Total phosphoric acid, ' 29.64 Insoluble matter, ' 2.80 Valuation per 2000 lbs., $23.71. This article is best used in the form of a superphosphate, commouly called, dissolved boueblack. 303. FISH WASTE. Sent on for examination from Boston, Mass. Per Cent. Moisture at 1 00° C . , 71.11 Nitrogen, 2.21 Phosphoric acid, 0.60 Fat, 0.45 Valuation per 2000 lbs., $4.58 The article consisted of coarse pieces of fish, and its valuation is based for that reason on the rates of cost adopted for coarse fish- scraps : nine cents per pound of nitrogen and five cents per pound of. phosphoric acid. 364. FISH AND POTASH. Sent on for examination, I'er Cent. Moisture at 100° C, 23.58 Total phosphoric acid, 6.26 Soluble " " 3.58 Reverted " " 1.33 Insoluble " " 1.35 Potassium oxide, 3.24 Nitrogen, 3.07 Insoluble matter, 1.90 Valuation per 2000 lbs., $22.00. 365. FLAMINGO GUANO. 360. Sent on fov examination from Worcester, Mass. Per Cent. Moisture at 100" C, 17.20 Total phosphoric acid, 16.16 Sohible .^ i^ 0.48 Reverted " " 5.22 Insoluble " " 10.46 Potassium oxide, 0.31 Nitrogen, 0.80 Insoluble matter, 2.95 Valuation per 2000 lbs., $17.86. GLUCOSE REFUSE. Sent on for examination. Per Cent. Moisture at 100° C, 8.10 Dry vegetable matter, 91.80 Nitrogen 2.62 Phosphoric acid 0.29 Magnesium oxide 0.02 Calcium oxide 0.18 Sodium oxide , 0.12 Potassium oxide 0.15 Insoluble matter 0.07 Valuation per 2000 lbs., $9.33 This material consists mainly of the skins of corn ; it is evidently the insoluble residual matter left behind after the conversion of the starch into glucose syrup. The manurial value of the article rests mainly on the amount of nitrogen it contains in form of insoluble nitrogenous matter. To render it an efficient manure requires in the majority of cases a liberal addition of phosphoric acid and potash. 367. ROTTEN BREWER'S GRAIN. Moisture at 100° C, Dry vegetable matter. Sent on for examination from Lawrence, Mass. Per Cent. 78.77 21.23 Nitrogen 0.72 Calcium oxide 0.26 Magnesium oxide 0.15 Phosphoric acid 0.43 Potassium oxide 0.04 Insoluble matter 0.59 Valuation per 2000 lbs., $2.91. 10 The general character of the above mentioued substance resembles that of barnyard manure. It contains more nitrogen and phosphoric acid, and less potash than the average barnyard manure. By increasing the latter ingredient to one-half a per cent, a fair substi- tute for barnyard manure may be obtained. 368. HOP REFUSE. Sent on for examination from Lawrence, Mafes. Per Cent. Moisture at 100° C, 80.98 Dry vegetable matter, 19.02 Nitrogen 0.98 Calcium oxide 0.27 Magnesium oxide 0.10 Phosphoric acid 0.20 Potassium oxide 0.11 Insoluble matter 0.63 Valuation per 2000 lbs., $3.62 This refuse from breweries differs from the previously described one merely by a larger percentage of nitrogen, it contains. Supplement- ed by some phosphoric acid and potash it may serve in place of barn- yard manure. The average barnyard manure (partly rotten) is usually stated to contain 0.5 per cent of nitrogen, 0.26 per cent, of phosphoric 'acid and 0.6 per cent of potassium oxide. ANALYSES OF VARIOUS ARTICLES OF FEED WITH REFERENCE TO fIrTILIZING CONSTITUENTS. 369, 1. Ground Corn and Oats. Per cent. Moisture at 100° C, 10.48 Phosphoric acid, 0.78 Magnesium oxide, 0.05 Calcium oxide, 0.18 Sodium oxide, < 0.22 Potassium oxide, 0.37 Nitrogen, 2.10 Insoluble matter, . 0.29 Valuation per 2000 lbs. , $8.23 The mixture consisted of equal weight parts of the grains. 11 370. 2. Wheat Bran. Moisture at 100" C, Phosphoric acid, Magnesium oxide, Sodium oxide. Potassium oxide, Nitrogen, Insoluble matter, Valuation per 2000 lbs.. 11.45 3.05 0.90 0.09 1.49 2.82 0.11 $13.91 The above ana; station. refer to the quality of bran 9.40 3.12 0.91 0.16 1.42 3.08 0.15 $14.80 of late at the 371—372. 3. Globe Mangold. 4. ^ilmorifrSaya)' ■Seet. Mois^ Dry m Nitrog Crude Potassiu Sodium Calci Magn Phos Ferr InS' V^lmtion por 2000 Ibg. Pounds per hundred. ^--96. 99, i4oi 412.0^— $8T33r RELATIVE PERCEKTAGE OF SOLUBLE ESSENTIAL CONSTITUENTS IN ONE HUNDRED PARTS OF THE ASH (3 — 4). Potassium oxide. Sodium oxide. Calcium oxide. Magnesium oxide. Phosphoric acid, Ferric oxide. 3 4 53.156 36.648 35.764 35.795 3.366 11.932 4.488 7.103 2.8C5 6.534 0.421 1.988 100..000 100.000 12 373- -374. Whole Apples. 5.^ Rhode Island Greening. 6. Sweet Apple. s Q Founds per hundred. Moisture at lOOo C., 84.650 Dry matter, 15.350 Nitrogen, 0.730 0.63(1 Crude ash, 2.130 2.020 Potassium oxide, 0.796 1.086 Sodium oxide. 0.086 0.171 Calcium oxide, 0.152 0.180 Magnesium oxide, 0.162 0.116 Ferric oxide. 0.011 0.019 Phosphoric acid, 0.053 0.046 Insoluble matter. Valuation per 2000 lbs., 0.015 0.017 $3.22 $3.12 375- -376. Apple Pomaces. 7. Rhode Island Greening. 8. Baldwin Apple. 7. 8, founds per hundred. Moisture at lOOo C., Dry matter. Nitrogen, Crude ash. Potassium oxide, Sodium oxide, Calcium oxide. Magnesium oxide. Ferric oxide, Phosphoric acid, Insoluble matter, Valuation per 2000 lbs., $4.34 $5.09 The composition of the apples, which served for the above analy- ses, has been described in the third annual report of the institution, recently sent out. C. A. GOESSMANN, Director, Amherst, Mass. The Bulletin of the Experiment Station will he sent free of charge to all parties interested in its work, on application. 78.220 82.780 21.780 17.220 1.110 1.240 1.090 1.780 0.548 0.875 0.151 0.121 0.194 0.189 0.128 0.164 0.039 0.049 0.081 0.107 0.041 0.050 J. B. Williams, Printer, Amherst, Mass. . ^OF DEC 5119" M ASS A(&H L4|E7TS_§XA . Agricultural Experiment Station. BXJI-irjETIN- ITO. SO. MAY, 1886. Meteorlogical Summary for two months ending May 31st, 1886. April. May. Highest temperature, 83.0* 82.0" Lowest temperature, 21.0 29.0 Mean temperature, 50.4 57.3 Total precipitation, 1.73 in. 3.10 in. Prevailing winds, S. W. to N. W. S. E. to S. W. No. of days on which cloudiness averag- ed 8 or more on scale of 10, 10 12 No. of days on which .01 inches or more of rain or melted snow fell, 6 7 The season at the close of the month of April, as indicated by the state of vegetation, was fully two weeks in advance of the average. The month of May was cool throughout, and the general farm crops .(except grass) were at its close no farther advanced than for the average of years at the same period. FODDER AND FODDER ANALYSES. The application of an intelligently devised system of chemical tests for the purpose of ascertaining the amount, and, the relative pro- portion of the essential proximate constituents of our fodder arti- cles, has rendered valuable services to practical agriculture. The chemical analysis of plants during their successive stages of growth has shown marked alterations in their composition as far as the aljso- lute amount of vegetable matter as well as the relative proportion of the essential plant-constituents are concerned. It has rendered not less conspicuous the important influence which the soil in its varying state of fertility exerts on the quantity and the quality of the growth raised upon it. The lessons derived from this source of information have stimulated inquiries concerning the safest modes of manuring, of cultivating, and of harvesting our different farm crops with the pros- pect of securing the most satisfactory returns under existing cir- cumstances. A better knowledge regarding the particular qualit}' of the various articles of fodder at our disposal improves our chances of supplement- ing them judiciously and thus economically, for different kinds of farm live stock, as well as for different conditions and functions of the same kind. It furnishes, also, a safer basis for the explanation of the results obtained in actual feedmg experiments. To study the nutritive value or feeding effect of any of our fodder articles by act- ual feeding experiments without learning, as far as practicable, some- thing more definite regarding its particular quality, or composition, deprives the results obtained largely of their general interest, for they are secured under ill-defined circumstances. The chemical analysis of an article of fodder is for these reasons considered the first step re- quired to render an intelligent interpretation of the results in feeding trials possible. Actual feeding experiments have shown that three groups of plant constituents^ namely, nitrogenous, non-nitrogenous, and mineral constituents, are needed to sustain successfully animal life. No one or two of them, alone, can support it for any length of time. In case the food does not contain digestible non-nitrogenous sub- stances, the fat and a portion of the muscles of the animal on trial will be consumed in the support of respiration before its life termi- nates. In case digestible nitrogenous constituents are excluded from the diet, the formation of new blood and flesh from the food consumed ceases, for the animal system, according to our present state of information, is not capable of producing its principal constituents from anything else than the nitrogenous constituents of the plants. Herbivorous animals receive these substances directly from the plants ; carnivorous animals indirectly, by (ceding on herbivorous animals. We feed, at present, our farm stock too frequently without a due consideration of the general natural law of nutrition ; to deal out our fodder crops only with mere reference to name, instead of making ourselves more familiar with their composition and their par- ticular quality, deprives us even of the chance of drawing an intelli- gent conclusion from our present system of feeding. To compound the animal diet with reference to the particular organ- ization of the animal, its age, and its functions, is of no more impor- tance than to select the fodder substances with reference to its special wants, as far as the absolute and relative quantity of the thj-ee essen- tial groups of food constituents are concerned. The peculiar character of our home-raised fodder articles is apt to conceal their special deficiency for the various purposes they are used for in general farm management. They all contain the three essential food constituents, yet in widely varying proportions, and they ought, therefore, to be supplemented in different directions to secure their full economical value. To resort to more or less of the same fodder article to meet the special wants, may meet the case as fav as an effi- cient support of the animal is concerned, yet it can only in excep- tional cases be considered good economy. To satisfy the craving, of the stomach and to feed a nntritions food are both requirements of a healthy animal diet, which, each in its own way, may be complied with. The commercial fodder substances, as oil cakes, meal refuse, brans, and our steadily increasing supply of refuse material from breweries, starch works, glucose factories, etc., are admirably fitted to supplement our farm resources for stock- feeding ; they can serve in regard to animal growth, and support, in a similar way as the commercial fertilizer in the growth of farm crops, by supplementing our home manurial resources. To feed an excess of fodder materials, as roots, potatoes, etc., which contain a large proportion of non-nitrogenous substances, as starch, sugar, digestible cellular substance, etc., means direct waste, for they are ejected by the animal, and do not even materially benefit the manure heap. In case of an excessive consumption of nitrogenous constituents, a part of the expense is saved in an increased value of the manure, yet scarcely enough to recommend that practice beyond merely exceptional cases! The aim, therefore, of an economical stock-feeding must be to compound our various fodder materials in such a manner that the largest quantity of each of the three groups of fodder substances which the animal is capable of assimilating, should be contained in its daily diet to meet the purpose for which it is kept. To compound the fodder rations of our farm stock with reference to the special wants of each class of them, is an essential requirement for a satisfactory performance of their functions ; to supply these wants in an economical wa^' controls the financial success of the indus- try. From these and similar considerations it will be apparent that the development of a more rational, and thus more economical, sys- tem of feeding farm live stock, requires the following kind of in- formation : — First. How much of each of the essential groups of food-constitu- ents are contained in the fodder we feed? Second. How much of each of these essential food-constituents are digestible under existing circumstances, and thus directly avail- able to the particular animal on trial? Third. How much of each of the three essential food-constituents does each kind of animal require to secure the best results? More than twenty-five years have passed by since these questions have engaged the attention of skillful experimenters. Sufficient valu- able information has been secured in the course of time to encourage the use of the adopted methods of observation, and to impart to many of the conclusions arrived at a just claim for a serious consideration on the part of practical agriculturists. The fact that much needs still to be learned to meet the reasonable expectations of those engaged in the development of a more economical system of feeding farm live stock, cannot be considered a valid reason why we should not make intelligent use of what we have learned. The chemical analysis of a fodder article is carried on with a view to determine the quantity of each group of its constituents^ which is consid- ered an essential ingredient of a complete food for the support of animal life. Our modes of analyzing articles of fodder are practically the same, wherever this work is carried out intelligently. The results obtained are, therefore, applicable for the determination of a comparative value wherever the identity of the material can be established. The actual results of the analysis are usually reported under the following headings : — 1. Amount of moisture lost at 110° C, or 230° F., and amount of dry matter left behind. 2. Amount of mineral matter left behind after a careful incineration of the material. 3. Amount of organic nitrogenous matter — commonly called crude protein. 4. Amount of non-nitrogenous organic matter, — exclusive of fat, and of coarse cellulose substances. The entire mass which any fodder substance leaves behind after being heated at one hundred and ten degrees. Centigrade temperature, • is called dry matter. An increase in dry substance in case of any plant or part of plant at the same stage of growth, indicates usually a higher feeding value. To satisfy' the craving of the animal, a cer- tain quantity or bulk of coarse, dry matter becomes an important con- sideration in making up the fodder rations for different classes of animals. In raising young stock for fattening purposes, a liberal supply is also desirable, to effect a proper distention of the digestive organs, to make them good feeders hereafter. Nitrogenotis substances or protein matter refer to several groups of nitrogen-containing compounds, of plants in particular, (albumen, fibrin, casein,) which are essential for the formation of blood and tissues. Those contained in animal matter, as meat refuse, are fre- quently considered of a higher value than those in many plants. Non-nitrogenous substances include, in particular, starch, sugars, organic acids, gums, fats, and the digestible portion of the cellular matter of the fodder. These substances are readily transformed, within the digestive organs, into soluble compounds of a similar chem- ical character, and are thus assumed to serve an identical physiolog- ical purpose. As more recent investigations. have shown a superior physiological value of the fat, — one of the non-nitrogenous constitu- ents,— 2\ times as much, as compared with starch, sugar, and other representatives of that group, its amount is separately recorded. The same course, for similar reasons, has been of late adopted with refer- ence to certain forms of nitrogenous organic constituents of fodder articles. Fatty substances include all the various natural fats of the plant. Most plants contain more than was assumed at an earlier stage of inquiry. As the fat is separated by means of ether, the statements in the analyses do not exactly express the amount of fatty matter adone, but include more or less wax, resinous substances, etc., which are largely soluble in ether, and of a similar highly carbon- aceous character. The fat of the fodder seems to serve, in case of judicious fodder rations, mainly to increase the stock of fat in the animal which consumes the fodder. Wherever the article has been tested by actual feeding experiment under skillful observation, the amount of each essential grou}) of food constituents, which has been shown to be digestible, is reported in connection with the chemical analysis, under the heading — Digestible Portion — per hundred weight or per ton. The higher or loiver degree of digestibility of a fodder article exerts a decided influence on its nutritive value. Different stages of growth affect the rates of digest- ibility of the various plant constituents. The same feature is noticed in regard to different parts of plants, as well as in case of different kinds of animals. More than two hundred fodder articles have thus far been studied under varying circumstances, and most of our current kinds of fodders have been tested, in Europe and elsewhere, in numerous well conducted feeding experiments with a suitable selection of different kinds of farm live stock. This fact imparts to many of the results recorded a sufficient importance to recommend them as a basis of new feeding trials, with feed stuffs raised in our climate or obtained in our home industries. The last but not least important column of the statement of the chemical analysis — quite frequently found in the general record of a fodder for a practical agricultural purpose — is that of '■^Nutritive Ratio." These words are used to express the numerical relation of its digestible nitrogenous substances — taken as one, as compared with the sum ot its digestible no7i-nitrogenous orgariic constituents, fat mcluded. The information derived from that statement is very important ; for it means to express the summary of results secured by actual feeding trials under specified conditions, and with the aid of the best indorsed chemical modes to account for the constituents of the food before and after it has served for the support of the animal on trial. Experience has shown that different kinds of animals, as well as the same kind at different ages and for different functions, require a different proportion of the essential groups of food constituents to produce in each case the best results. A statement of the nutritive ratio of a fodder article, — otherwise well adapted as an ingredient of a dail}- diet in the case under consideration, — indicates the direction in which the material has to be supplemented to economize its several constituents to a full extent. Practical trials with milch cows have demonstrated that they require 'for the highest production of a good milk and the maintenance of a healthy live weight, the most nutritious food we are in the habit of giving to full-grovvn farm animals. Careful examinations into the composition of an efficient diet for milch cows have shown that it con- tains one "^art of digestible nitrogenous matter to fxovafive to five and a half parts of digestible non-nitrogenous organic matter. A due con- sideration of these facts renders it but natural that a good corn ensi- lage, which has a nutritive ratio of 1. to from 10. to 12., needs a liberal addition of substances like oil-cakes, wheat bran, gluten meal, etc., which have a nutritive ratio of from 1. to from 2.5 to 4., to secure its full value as an ingredient of a daily diet in the dairj- ; or that good hay shows the beneficial effects of an addition of these val- uable waste products less than that of an iuferior quality. The nutritive ratio of hay may vary from 1. to 5.5 to from 1. to 9. or more. The value of an article of fodder may be stated from two different standpoints, — that is, with reference to its cost in the local market, and with reference to its nutritive value or its feeding effect. The market price may be expressed by a definite sum, for each locality ; it depends on demand and supply in the market, and it is bej'ond the control of the individual farmer. The nutritive value, or commonly called food value of the article, cannot be expressed l)y a definite sum ; it varies with a more or less judicious application, and depends also, to a considerable degree, on its adaptation under varying circum- stances. To secure the most satisfactory returns, from feeding our home-raised fodder crop, is as important a question, as that of raising them in an economical manner. The great progress which has been made during the past ten or twelve years in regard to the proper mode of feeding plants ought to serve as an encouragement to undertake the task of intpiiring more systemaiically into the proper mode of feeding our farm live stock, in the most profitable way. The importance of the question under discussion, it is hoped, will serve as an excuse for the somewhat lengthy introduction. ANALYSES OF FODDER. 377. THE CONCENTRATED FEED. Sent on by South Deerfield Farmers' Club, South Deerfield, Mass. 97.52 per cent, passed through mesh 144 to the square inch. PER CENT. Moisture at lOO'^ C. 10.65 Crude Ash, 14.48 " Cellulose, 9.31 " Fat, 4.30 " Protein (nitrogenous matter), 13.90 Non-nitrogenous extract matter, 47.36 100.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. Crude Ash, 16.21 " Cellulose, 10.42 " Fat, 4.81 Protein (nitrogenous matter), 15.56 Non-nitrogenous extract matter, 53.00 100.00 The material was received in a bag marked " The Concentrated Feed Company, Boston, Mass." A circular collected of the agent at South Deerfield, contains a statement of an analysis of the article, which as far as essential points are concerned, does not materially ditfer from our own, above reported. The material was of a good mechanical condition and consisted evidently of a mixture of several ingredients ; among them was noticeable common salt. An actual test showed the presence of 7.4 per cent, of chlorine, which indicates the presence of from 11 to 12 per cent, of common salt. On inquiry it was learned that " The Concentrated Feed " sold at $8.00 per one hundred weight, a most remarkable price for an article of fodder without any stated guaranty of its various ingredients, nor any statement of its rate of digestibil- it3' under some specified condition. The selling price of the article seems to be based largely on the merits of the invention of the com- pound. It would be no difficult task to compound from our most reputed concentrated feed stuffs, even without a liberal addition of com- mon salt, an article, wiiich would con form to the composition claimed by the manufacturer of ''The Concentrated Feed," and at the same time could be sold with a good compensation to the agent, even in remote localities, at a less price per ton, than " The Concentrated Feed " sells for per five hundred pounds. From my remarks in previous pages it must be apparent, that a mere analysis of a fodder article without any further reliable inform- ation concerning its source and its special character, is no safe basis for a decision regarding its particular value for feeding purposes. The practice of buying compound feedstuffs in the general market, without a sufficient actual knowledge regarding the kind or the char- acter of its various ingredients, ought to be decidedly discouraged ; for the farmer, who pursues that course, leaves his best interest to mere chance. To feed commercial compound feedstuffs without some more jjositive knowledge of the article which constitutes them, can impart but little useful information for future operation beyond the lesson, to be less credulous hereafter. 8 378. WHEAT MIDDLINGS. Sent on from Bolton, Mass. ^-, a ^ S m ■2 » -^ Xi •^ ,o •^ a o a S 2 '^ i S 8 ■c s « il .11 bo ■" 1 1 ° i OJ o s S a s =s ~ ^ :^; O •'-' o Ph Oh Moisture at 100« C 10.55 211.00 'cB - Dry ^Matter, 89.45 1789.00 o ;i 100.00 2000.00 ^•id f-> i ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. a be Crude Ash, 2.49 49 80 ■p-s " Cellulose, 1.40 28.00 551 S'^ " Fat, 4.26 85.20 Notde f 0) =*-! " Protein (nitrogenous matter), 19.21 384.20 Non-nitrogenous extract matter, . . 72.64 1452.80 ^ 100.00 2000.00 The composition is very fair, and its mechanical condition was not less satisfactory. 379. WHEAT MIDDLINGS. Sent on fiom Barre, Mass. Moisture at 100° C, Dry Matter, ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. Crude Ash, " Cellulose " Fat, . . . . • " Protein, (nitrogenous matter), Non- nitrogenous extract matter, ^^ a ^ CC ,n a — ,/ m 03 M a 3 a B o fl _U) a 2 1 ^8 |i 1 o 1 1 1 = 8 •" ^ £- 9.85 197 00 'co 'cS 90.15 1803.00 5 100.00 2000.00 ^1 ■O'ti? -^^ ^^ fl bo a bc 2.53 50.60 s-a s-^ 2.75 3.19 55.00 63.80 II 17.23 344.60 ■g 74.30 1486.00 i^^ k^ 100.00 2000.00 This material contains less fat and nitrogenous matter than the previous one, yet not less than samples from the same mill may show at different times. 380. HOMINY MEAL. Sent on from Berlin, Mass. 51.64 pel' cent, passed through mesh 144 to square inch. ci ai a ^2 a o a s g § it 1? 11 ° 8 > ^d 1^ 5 S !; o ■ ^ Ph Moisture at 100° C, 10.70 214.00 Dry Matter, 89.30 178G.00 100.00 2000.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. Crude Ash, 2.82 56.40 00 " Cellulose, 3.69 10 88 73.80 217 60 25.09 165.38 201 96 34 -< Fat, " Protein, (nitrogenous matter), . 11.88 237.60 85 Non-nitrogenous extract matter, . . 70.73 1414.60 1329.72 94 100.00 2000.00 1722.15 The composition is that of good article of its kind. Fertilizers and Fertilizer Analyses. One point, which deserves the careful consideration of farmers when devising an efficient and economical diet for their live-stock, does not always receive a proper attention, namely, the mauurial value of the residue left on their hands when the fodder has served its its legitimate purpose. The financial success of a mixed farm man- agement depends quite often largely on the amount, the character, and the cost of the manure obtained in connection with the special industry. The question whether one or the other fodder mixture has to be considered under existing conditions the most economi- cal one, can only be decided intelligently when both, the original cost and the value of the manurial matter obtained by its use, are duly considered. The barnyard manure ought to remain, in a rational 10 farm management, the cheapest manurial resource of the farmer. Objections raised against a liberal use of barnyard manure ought not to rest on its original cost of production, as compared with other manurial resources. Well founded objections occasionally raised in regard to its unrestricted use under exceptional circumstances are based ou its peculiar mechanical and chemical character and cost of transportation. The analyses of fodder articles with reference to their fertilizing constituents are published for the purpose of assist- ing in a correct appreciation of the relative manurial value of fodder articles under similar circumstances. ANALYSIS OF VARIOUS ARTICLES OF FEED WITH REF- ERENCE TO FERTILIZING CONSTITUENTS. 381. 1. WHEAT FEED. Collected at a mill in Amherst, Mass. Moisture at 100° C, 9.18 per cent. Nitrogen, 2.63 Crude Ash, 2.30 " Magnesium oxide, 0.21 " Calcium oxide, 0.20 " Potassium oxide, 0.63 " Sodium oxide, 0.11 " Phosphoric acid, 0.95 " Valuation per 2000 lbs., $10.63 382. 2. WHEAT MEAL. Collected from a mill in Amherst, Mass. Moisture at 100^ C, 9.83 per cent. Nitrogen, 2.21 Crude Ash, 1.22 Magnesium oxide, 0.05 Calcium oxide. 0.17 Potassium oxide, 0.54 Sodium oxide. 1.06 Phosphoric acid. 0.57 Valuation per 2000 lbs.. $8.65. 3. CORN COBS 383. Average result of four current varieties of corn raised in Hampden and Hampshire Counties, Mass. Moisture at lOO'* C, 10.00 per cent. Nitrogen, 0.54 " Ash, 1.03 11 Silica, 0.20 Ferric oxide, 0.01 Calcium oxide, 0.03 Maguesiiim oxide. 0.06 Potassium oxide. 0.68 Sodium oxide, 0.04 Phoshoric acid. 0.08 Valuation per 2000 lbs. ,«2.52. 384-385. 4. GLOBE MANGOLD. VILMORIN SUGAR BEET. 4. 5. Pounds per hundred Moisture at 100^ C, 88.27 85.99 Dry Matter, 11.73 14.01 Nitrogen, 0.30 0.29 Crude Ash, 0.96 0.62 Potassium oxide. 0.45 0.18 Sodirm oxide. 0.21 0.18 Calcium oxide. 0.03 0.06 Magnesium oxide. 0.04 0.04 Phosphoric acid. 0.02 0.03 Ferric oxide. 0.04 0.01 Insoluble matter. 0.09 0.10 Valuation per 2000 lbs.. 11.42 $1.18 Correction. In a few advanced copies of Bulletin No. 19 the manurial value of a ton of the above roots was stated with ref- erence to the dried vegetable matter of each, instead of, as intended, to that of the average root in its natural condition. To prevent mis- construction, the results of our investigation are here republished in the corrected form. 386. 6. DAMAGED COTTON SEED MEAL. Sent on from Greenfield, Mass. Moisture at 100 '^ C, Total phosporic acid, Potassium oxide. Magnesium oxide. Calcium oxide. Nitrogen, Insoluble matter, 9.90 per cent. 1.26 1.21 0.56 0.22 3.73 0.20 Valuation per 2000 lbs., $14.97. The article was offered at $19.00 per ton of 2000 lbs. 12 387. ANALYSIS OF HEN MANURE. Sent on from Townsend, Mass. Moisture at lOO'' C, 8.35 per cent. Phosphoric acid, 2.02 Calcium oxide, 2.22 Magnesium oxide, 0.6H Potassium oxide, 0.94 Nitrogen in organic matter, 1.85 Nitrogen in actual ammonia. 0.28 Insoluble matter. 34.65 Valuation per 2000 lbs., $10.55. The material was dry and contained the usual admixture of feath- ers, short pieces of coarse vegetable matter, earthy substances, etc., yet not in an extraordinary degree. The value of the hen manure de- pends not less on the care which is bestowed on its keeping, than on the kind of food the fowls consume. The excretion of birds, on ac- count of their peculiar character, undergoes a rapid change ; a large amount of ammonia is soon formed, which reduces materially its manurial value, in case it is allowed to escape. A liberal use of plaster, of kieserite, or of good loam is highly recommeudable for the absorption of the ammonia. The safest way to secure the full benefit of the droppings is to gather them quite frequently, and to add directly any of the previously mentioned materials. A sandy soil is of little use as an absorbent. 388. ASHES OF CHESTNUT RAILROAD TIES. Sent on from Waltam, Mass. Moisture at 100^ C, 6.15 per cent. Calcium oxide, 4.71 Magnesium oxide. 1.80 Potassium oxide, 0.19 Phosporic acid. 1.54 Insoluble mineral matter, 77.83 The material was of a dark brown color, and evidently not the pure ash, for it contained 77.83 per cent, of worthless eartln matter. The ash in the above described state does not pay carrying any consid- able distance ; it is worth much less than leached ashes. C. A. GOESSMANN, Dm Amherst, Mass. The Bulletin of the Experiment Station will be sent free of charge to all parties interested in its work, on application. ^ OF- MASSAeWE^TTS STATE AGRlCULfnHfi:BPERiENT STATION, BXJjLjX-.ETIIsr IsTo. SI. JC/"^^, 1886. Meteorological Summary for the month ending June 30th ^ 1886. Highest temperature, . . . 82.0° Lowest temperature, - . _ _ 40.0° Mean temperature, . _ . _ 63s2° Total rainfall, ----- 2.33 in. Prevailing winds, - _ - South to Southwest. No. of days on which 0.1 inches or more of rain fell, 8 No. of days on which cloudiness averaged 8 or more » on scale of 10, 11 The two principal storms of the month were of an unusual long duration ; while the rainfall was exceptionally small. FODDER CORN AND CORN ENSILAGE. The last annual report on the work of the Experiment Station contains upon pages 52 and 53 a record of observations concerning the gradual increase of vegetable matter in the fodder corn during its successive stages of growth. A series of tests carried out with plants taken from our fields had demonstrated the fact, that the veg- etable matter in the variety of corn on trial (Clark) had increased from fifty to one hundred per cent, in actual weight, between the time of the first appearance of the tassel and the beginning of the glazing of the kernels. It was found that the same variety of corn, raised under fairly corresponding circumstances, as far as the gene- ral character of the soil and the mode of cultivation are concerned, contained in one hundred weight parts, at the time of the first appearance of the tassel, from twelve to fifteen weight parts of dry vegetable matter and from eighty-two to seventy-five parts of water ; whilst at the time of the beginning of the glazing of the kernels the former was noticed to vary from twenty-three to twenty-eight weight parts and the water from seventy-seven to seventy-two. These results of our investigation left no doubt about the fact, that our green fodder corn at the time of the beginning of the glazing of the kernels contained nearly twice as much vegetable matter per ton weight of the crop, as at the time of the appearance of the tassels. This feature in the change of the composition of the fodder corn during its growth is not an exceptional one ; similar changes are noticed in all our farm plants. Our observations in this direction were reported for the purpose of furnishing some more definite numerical values for the consideration of practical farmers. As long as the vital energy of an annual plant is still essentially spent in the increase of its size, as a rule, but a comparatively small amount of valuable organic compounds, as starch, sugar, etc., accumulates within its cellular tissue. The comparative feeding value of the same kind of fodder plants or any particular part of such plants is not to be measured by its size, but by the quantity of valuable organic nitrogenous and non-nitrogenous constituents stored up in its cellular system. The larger or smaller amount of dry vegetable matter left behin^ from a given weight of samples of the same kind of a fodder plant of a corresponding stage of growth indicates in the majority of cases their respective higher or lower economical value for feeding purposes. Agricultural chemists for this reason usually begin their examination of fodder plants with a test for the determination of the amount of dry vegetable matter left behind, when carefully brought to a constant weight at a temperature not exceeding 110° C. The taller varieties of corn are not necessarily the more valuable kinds for the production of fodder ; on the contrary it would be more judicious, on general principles, to doubt thier superior fitness for that purpose until otherwise proved. This statement applies in particular to some varieties but recently transferred to our section of the country, for they seem to require an exceptionally rich soil to yield the bast results they are represented to be capable of produc- ing. Raised in a soil of moderate resources of plant food, but little of the latter can be left over, after the production of their tall stalks and bulky leaves, to assist in the formation of valuable organic com- pounds, as sugar, starch, fat, nitrogenous matter, etc., to enrich the entire plant. The same mode of reasoning applies to the raising of exceptionally large sized roots, potatoes, etc., they are usually but partly matured, and thus of a watery and indifferent taste. The general character of the climate and the physical and chemical condition of the soil control the local adaptation of a plant for a suc- cessful cultivation. Extremes of seasons and one-sided modes of manuring are apt to modify the growth of a plant and to alter thereby its composition. To learn how to check an inherent tendency of a plant to a rank growth, in the interest of a fairer chance for a com- plete maturity of the final crop, is most desirable information to secure ; for success in that direction insures not unfrequently a superior pecuniary return. A careful study of the special character- istics of the plant on trial under the influence of existing local 3 resources of the soil and of the prevailing local features of the weather during the growing season alone, can furnish a safe guide for the attainment of the desired end. The determination of the relative feeding value of different samples of the same kind of plants, raised under different circu^nstances, is always carried out with plants of a corresponding stage of growth. Progress in the growth of plants alters not onl}^ their composition in regard to the quantity of the vegetable matter which they contain in a given, weight, it changes also very materially the absolute and relative proportion of their essential food constituents, i. e. their nutritive value. The amount of vegetable matter in a given weight of green fodder corn, cut at the beginning of the glazing of the kernels, is known to be not only nearly twice as large as compared with that contained in an equal weight of green corn fodder cut when just showing the tas- sels, it is also known to be pound for pound more nutritious, for it contains more starch, more sugar, more of valuable nitrogenous mat- ter, etc. Considering the previously stated views correct, we filled our silos during last autumn with fodder corn which had just reached the point, when the kernels began to glaze over, expecting to secure an ensilage of. superior feeding value. The results of our experiments in that direction have been very satisfactory and may be summed up as follows : 1 . The course adopted for the production of corn fodder for the silo, secures the largest amount of valuable vegetable matter, which a given area of land, planted with fodder corn can produce under cor- responding circumstances as far as land and season are concerned. 2. The ensilage of a more matured fodder corn has a higher feed- ing value pound for pound, as compared with that cut at an earlier stage of growth. 3. The more matured fodder corn on account of a harder texture is less crushed by close packing and consequently better resists the peculiar influences, which tend to deteriorate and ultimately destroy the contents of the silo. As a more detailed description of the products of our silos may not be without some interest to our readers at this period of the sea- son, we publish below the essential part of our results, beginning with an abstract from our late annual report, which relates briefly the course pursued in filling the silo. The corn Jodder^ when cut for the silo, September 3 and 4, began to acquire a slightly yellowish tint along the outside of the field, yet was still green and succulent in the interior parts ; the kernels were soft, their contents somewhat milky, and their outside just beginning to sclaze. 147°, 145^. , 147^ • F. 141°, 145^^, , 145« F. 136.5 0 F. 114^ F. 107* F. Corn Ensilage. Two silos of the same size, five b}' fourteen feet, inside measure, and eleven feet deep, were used for the experiment. In both instances the corn was cut into pieces from one and one-quarter to one and one-half inches in size ; they were, how- ever, filled in a different way. Silo No. 1 was loosely filled September 4, to about two-thirds of its height, and the mass merely levelled without treading it down. It was left in this condition, without covering, until September 7, at 8 o'clock A. M. At this time it had settled from eighteen to twenty- four inches ; the odor of acetic acid acid became slightly perceptible, and the pieces of cornstalk, although sweet to the taste, showed an acid reaction to the test-paper (litmus). Sept. 7, 8 A. M. Temperature at 12 inches depth, " 8,8 " " " 12 " 4i 8, 8 " " " 24 " " " 8,8 " " "30 " " 8,8 " " "36 " As the temperature remained practically at a standstill, the filling in of more fr^sh-cut corn was resumed, and the silo completely, yet loosely filled, September 8. A maximum registering thermometer was buried in the mass at a depth of two feet from the surface, and light boards loosely laid upon the top. Sept. 10, 8 A. M. Temperature at 12 inches depth, 129°, 127° F. The mass had now settled eighteen inches. Sept. 11, 8 A. M. Temperature at 12 inches depth, 127°, 129°, 131° F. i' 12, 8 '^ " " 12 " " 122°, 132°, — F. The mass had settled from twenty-four to thirty inches. The temperature remained practically the same ; the mass was carefully covered with tarred paper and tight-fitting boards, and subsequently,. on September 12, pressed down with twenty-five barrels of sand. This silo contained eight tons of green corn fodder. The temperature observations above recorded were made in differ- ent parts' of the silo ; they show that it is quite difficult to secure a desirable uniform temperature within the mass in all parts of the silo, at the same depth and at the same time. Silo No. 2 was filled to a depth of from eight to nine feet, as fast as the cut corn could be supplied and tramped down. As soon as the amount of corn assigned for that silo (9.5 tons) was filled in, the surface was carefully covered with tarred paper and tight-fitting boards, in the same manner as in case of the first silo, and at once pressed down with twenty-five barrels of sand. A maximum regis- tering thermometer was safely buried at a depth of about two feet in the mass, to record the highest temperature which the latter would reach during the time of keeping the silo closed. 389. CORN ENSILAGE. Taken from Silo No. 1, March 23, 1886. I| OS •2 If .2 Sj o a o ^ 2 g,§ ■§ cj S ^ § ts « ■jl 1 ;2 Ph Ph Moisture at 100° C, 78.05 1561.00 Dry Matter, 21.95 439.00 100.00 2000.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. 3.16 20.48 63.20 409.60 294.91 72 " Cellulose, ^ '• Fat, 3 84 7.37 76.80 147.40 57.60 107.60 75 73 " Protein, (nitrogenous matter), . Non-nitrogenous extract matter, . . 65.15 1303.00 873.01 67 100.00 2000.00 1333.12 The silo had been closed about six mouths, when opened. The highest temperature recorded by the thermometer buried at a depth of two feet below the surface of the ensilage, after closing the silo, was 116.5° F. • A layer of eighteen inches in thickness on the top and from six to eight inches along the sides of the silo was of a dark color and unfit for fodder. It was removed until no mould could be noticed on the leaves and stem parts ; the ears of the corn were best preserved. The main bulk of the ensilage was of a brownish yellow color, and showed a decided acid reaction to the test-paper. The odor was at first, that of organic matter slowly disintegrating under the exclusion of air, but changed, soon after the opening of the silo into that of acetic acid (vinegar) . The free organic acids contained in one hun- dred weight parts of the fresh ensilage (directl}^ after the opening of the silo), required 1.309 parts of sodium hydroxide for their neutral- ization, which is equal to 1.96 per cent, of acetic acid. The same quantity of fresh ensilage contained 0.0374 parts of actual ammonia. No starch could be detected in the stems and leaves, whilst an abundance of it was found in the ears. 390. CORN ENSILAGE. , Taken from Silo No. 2, April 25, 1886. ifS . .S 3 w = ^ -^ .o ■^ t o B 2 ^1 p a a 1 S Jh 1? ^^1 o 5j ■« o Oh Ph Moisture at 100« C 76.90 1538.00 Dry Matter 23.10 462.00 100.00 2000.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. d Crude Ash, 5.22 104.40 7^ " Cellulose 17.67 353.40 254.45 72 " Fat, 3.15 63.00 47.25 75 " Protein (nitrogenous matter), 8.27 165.40 120.74 73 Non-nitrogenous extract matter, . . 65.69 1313.80 880.25 67 100.00 2000.00 1302.69 The silo, which furnished the above sample of corn ensilage, was opened seven months after being filled. A layer of about six inches in thickness had to be removed from the top, and the sides of the contents of the silo to reach an acceptable fodder for cows. The highest temperature, registered by the thermometer since its introduc- tion into the silo at a depth of two feet at the time of closing, was 97.8° F. The main body of the ensilage was in a fine condition, of a yellow- ish green color, somewhat lighter than in silo No. One. It had a slightly acid smell and taste. To neutralize the free organic acids contained in one hundredweight parts of fresh ensilage,* collected at the opening of the silo, required 1.130 parts of sodium hydro.xide, which is equal to 1.95 per cent, of acetic acid. The amount of ensi- lage contained 0.027 parts of actual ammonia. A comparison of these observations with those made in connection with the contents of silo No. One, shows that in our case the direct filling and closing of the silo produced the best results. The con- tents of the silo filled up at once with cut corn fodder, and subsequently carefully closed up, had suffered less serious alteration in various directions, than those that had passed through a previous heating- process, in consequence of a longer exposure to atmospheric agen- cies. The records of the thermometers, the chemical analyses of the ensilage from both silos, and the general character of both kinds of ensilage confirm our above conclusion. Adding to these statements the circumstance that our cows decidedly preferred the ensilage from silo No. Two, we feel that we can recommeud the course pursued in filling that silo. As the free acids, acetic and lactic, iu a corn ensi- lage, however carefully prepared, steadily increase after the opening of the silo, as long as unchanged saccharine and amylaceous con- stituents (sugar and starch), are present, it is very important that the access of air should be limited as far as practicable. The decis- ion in regard to the best size of the silo should be largely controlled by the possible rate of consumption. The feeding value of the contents of the most carefully packed silo is apt to be most seriously impaired in consequence of a subsequent prolonged exposure to the air. Three to four weeks exposure altered the character of our ensilage seriously as far as its acidity was concerned. The degree of the change de- pends under corresponding circumstances, largely, on the surround- ing temperature. It is far less during the winter months than in April or May. The main portion of both kinds of ensilage was fed to milch cows, in connection with an experiment to ascertain the feeding value of corn ensilage as compared with that of noted root crops. The results of this trial, which extend over a period of from five to six months, will be published in full in a succeeding Bulletin. 391. ENSILAGE MADE FROM APPLE POMACE. Amherst Mill. PER CENT, Moisture at 100° C, 85.33 Dry Matter, 14.67 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. Crude Ash, 4.21 " Cellulose, 22.18 " Fat, 7.36 " Protein (nitrogenous matter), 8.22 Non-nitrogenous extract matter. 58.03 100.00 The pomace which served for the preparation of the apple ensilage, was taken from a cider-mill near Amherst towards the close of Octo- ber, 1885, and consisted of the clear press refuse, of a mixture of different kinds of apples. Two casks of a capacity of from fifty to sixty gallons each, were used for the experiment. They were painted inside with a black tar varnish to render them air and water tight. The pomace was stamped down solid, and subsequently covered with tar paper, which was held down by a layer of sand, several inches in thickness, and some large stones. The casks, thus filled, were kept in a corner on the barn floor until May 17th, '86, when they were opened to examine their contents. The material was found through- out apparently as fresh as when put up ; neither mouldy, or rotten, or even discolored on its surface. It had a pleasant fruit-like acid odor and taste, and contained but traces of ammonia compounds. One hundred parts of the fresh apple ensilage required 0.744 parts of sodium hydroxide for the neutralization of its free organic acids, which prove thus to be less" than in either kind of corn ensilage. The ensilage of apple pomace is highly relished by cows and swine, and is, if not superior, at least equal, pound for pound, in feeding value to the apple pomace, which served for its production. The nitrogenous constituents had increased, at the expense of the saccha- rine constituents ; the latter had been destroyed at a higher rate by fermentation than the former. 392. CORN COB MEAL. (Corn and Cob). Collected at a mill near Amherst, Mass., 1886. PER CENT. Moisture at lOO'* C, 9.45 Drv Matter, 90.55 100.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. Crude Ash, 1.64 " Cellulose 6.32 " Fat, 5.19 " Protein (nitrogenous matter) , 9.85 Non-nitrogenous extract matter, 77.00 100.00 The composition of this article depends somewhat on the relative weight of cob and kernels ; the former may vary from 14 to 18 per cent, in current varieties. See article " On different varieties of corn, etc." (Secv's Report of Mass. State Board of Agriculture, 1879—80, pages 222 to 254). 393. YELLOW SWEET CORN. Raised on the fields of the Experiment Station, 1885. Ears from five to seven inches in length, having eight rows of kernels. Weight of an average ear, 70.16 grammes. " " kernels, 57.40 " or 81.8 per cent. " cob, 12.76 " or 18.2 '' " Average weight of a kernel, 0.232 " PER CENT. Moisture at lOOo C, 10.90 Dry Matter, 89.10 100.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. Crude Ash, 2.16 " Cellulose, 2.58 " Fat, 4.25 " Protein (nitrogenous matter), 12.G1 Non-nitrogenous extract matter, 78.40 100.00 The article is somewhat deficient in fat, as compared with " Blue Mexican " or Crosby's. 394. RYE BRAN. From Amherst Mill, 1886. 1 •• ^ CC o i ■^ c o o a II ■■^i '■§ s u, B 1 s ° i! ® § It 1 o - Ph Ph Moistiire at 100° C, , 8.18 163.60 Drj' Matter, 91.82 1836.40 100.00 2000.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. •^ 3.43 3.46 o 03 68.60 69.20 60.60 330.40 6.23 34 85 218.06 9.0 57.5 66. 0 " Cellulose, '"' " Fat " Protein, (nitrogenous matter), . 16.52 Non- nitrogenous extract matter, . . 73.56 1471.20 1096.04 74.5 100.00 2000.00 1355.18 The material has a fair composition. Recent observations by careful observers seem to indicate that it ought not to take the place of wheat bran in the dairy. IT'EII^^TIII.IZEI^.S. 395, CONNECTICUT TOBACCO STEMS. Sent on from South Deerfield, Mass. PER CENT. Moisture at 100° C. Phosphoric acid, Potassium oxide. 5 cts. 41 .. per pound. 10.65 0.51 7.22 10 Calcium oxide, 3.39 Magnesium oxide, 1.12 Nitrogen, 17 cts. per pound, 2.65 Insoluble matter, 0.29 Valuation per 2000 lbs., $14.66 The composition of the above sample corresponds well with that noticed on previous occasions, (see 1 Annual Rep., page 103). 396. HAVANA TOBACCO STEMS. Sent on from South Deerfiel'd, Mass. PER CENT. Moisture at 100^ C, 11.85 Phosphoric acid, 5 cts. per pound, 0.44 Potassium oxide, 4i " " " 6.62 Calcium oxide, 3.45 Magnesium oxide, 1.11 Nitrogen, 17 cts. per pound, 0.90 Insoluble matter, 1.35 Valuation per 2000 lbs., $8.83 The amount of nitrogen in this sample of tobacco stems (Havana) is exceptionally low ; about one third of that found in other samples offered for sale in our section of the Connecticut River val- ley (see II Annual Report, page 138). The difference, in nitrogen causes the low valuation per ton, as compared with that of the pre- ceding-analysis (396). The sample was handed to us with the statement that it had been used for imparting the odor of Havana tobacco to other varieties of tobacco. The odor had been removed apparently by a steaming process ; for the mineral constituents, with the exceptiom of the potassium oxide, correspond fairly Avith those in the material described in our II Annual Report. Farmers will do well to be careful in bu3ung the article without stated guarantee of composition. ASHES OF COTTON SEED HULLS. 397. Sent on for examination from South Deerfield, Mass. 398. Sent on from North Amherst, Mass. Moisture at 100^ C, Phosphoric acid, 6 cts. Calcium oxide. Magnesium oxide. Potassium oxide, 5 J cts. Insoluble matter. Valuation per 2000 lbs., $36.15 $39.41 There is evidently a considerable variation in the composition of this article. Direct communication from a well informed southern source accounts for this fact by stating that more or less seeds are not un- 397. 39S. J'oiitids per huttdred. 10.95 6.38 6.90 10.69 5.76 13.34 9.15 not determined 25.34 24.16 10.45 10.72 11 frequently mixed with the hulls when burned. An article which represents a high money value like the above material ought to be bought ouly on analysis. 399. FRESH HEN MANURE. Sent on from Townshend, Mass. PER CENT. Moisture at 100« C, 45.73 Phosphoric acid, . 6 cts. 0.47 Potassium oxide, 4i cts. 0.18 Calciiyn oxide, 0.97 Nitrogen total, 17 cts. 0.79 Insoluble matter, sand, etc., 39.32 Valuation per 2000 lbs., $3.42 This sample of fresh hen manure came from the same party who sent on sample 387, Bulletin No. 20. It was inferior in quality as compared with the first material ; for it contained for the same amount of organic matter, about twice as much worthless earthy mat- ter. In a dry state, corresponding with the first sample, 8 per cent, of moisture, it would be worth only one-half the money, i. e. about five dollars per ton. GERMAN HIGH GRADE SUPERPHOSPHATE. 400. Sent on from New York city, N. Y., by a Boston manu- facturer of Fertilizers. 401. Sent on from Boston, Mass. Moisture at lOO'' C, Total phosphoric acid. Soluble " " Reverted " "• Insoluble " " Insoluble matter. Valuation per 2000 pounds, $78.47 $67.67 The material serves for the manufacture of high grades of " For- mula Fertilizers.'" The amount of sulphuric acid present in either sample did not exceed 3.5 per cent. This fact shows that the prod- uct is obtained by a different process than our ordinary superphos- phates ; it is most likely the isolated soluble portion of the latter, evaporated after its separation from the insoluble sulphate of lime, etc. 402. DRIED BLOOD. Sent on for examination. PER CENT. Moisture at 100° C, 11.99 Nitrogen, 13.55 Valuation per 2000 lbs., $46.07 400. Pounds per 15.24 401. Jiwidred. 7.50 45.54 43.24 41.56 • 36.62 3.58 5.67 0.40 0.95 5.20 2.50 12 403. DISSOLVED BONEBLACK. Seut on from South Deerfield, Mass. PER CENT. Moisture at 100° C, 20.43 Total Phosphoric acid, 16.14 Soluble " " 15.81 Reverted " " 0.18 Insoluble " " 0.15 Insoluble matter, 0.94 Valuation per 2000 lbs., $25.64 The article is a fair representative of its kind, its moisture is rather more than usual. 404. Sent on from Northampton, Mass. 405. Sent on from Williamsburo-, Mass. 406. Sent on from South Deerfield, Mass. 404. 405. 406. Pounds per hundred. Moisture at lOO'^ C, 1.02 2.00 4.05 Potassium oxide, 50.09 54.45 45.94 Sodium oxide, 9.94 Not determined, Magnesium oxide. 0.63 ■Valuation per 2000 lbs., $42.58 $46.28 $39.05 The large amount of moisture in the last sample explains some- what the lower percentage of potassium oxide. The principal ad- mixture of salines in this brand of potash compounds consists of common salt, usually from 14 to 18 per cent. 407.— 408. WOOD ASHES. Sent on by So. Deerfield Farmers' Club. Moisture at 100° C, Phosphoric acid, Calcium oxide, Magnesium Oxide, Potassium oxide, Insoluble matter, The first article is evidently a partly leached wood ash. The two samples differ mainly in regard to their relative amount of potash. This difference expressed in money value amounts to from 26 to 27 cents per hundred-weight of ashes, allowing 5.5 cents, per pound of potassium oxide in case of wood-ash. C. A. GOESSMANN, Director, Amherst, Mass. The Bulletins of the Experiment Station will be sent free of charge to all parties interested in its work, on application. J. E. Williams, Printer, Amherst, Mass. 407. 408. Pounds per htitidred. 16.75 11.79 1.79 1.34 32.28 34.62 3.48 4.02 1.80 6.68 16.55 9.50 JSE. BOST0^i- STATE UBKAl - — - OIP" , CA. MASSACHy§JEIJ:S^--STATE Agricultural Experiment Station, BXJiLiLETiiisr isro. ss. OCTOBER, 1886. Meteorological Summary for the four months ending October 31, 1986. July. August. September. October. Highest temperature, 93.0° 90.0° 83.8° 77.9'' Lowest temperature, 41.0° 39.0° 31.6° 17.0° Mean temperature, 68.8° 66.3° 59.5° 48.9° Total rainfall, 3.82 in. 2.60 in. 5.48 in. 2.97 in. Prevailing winds, S. S. to S.E. S. to S.E. N. toN.W. No. of days on which 0.1 inches or more of rain fell, 8 10 11 8 No. of days on which cloudiness averaged 8 or more on scale of 10, 4 3 6 9 The warmest weather of the season occurred during the first part of July, the drouth at this time becoming moderately severe. Show- ers were frequent during the latter part of that month, and the rain- fall quite copious. August was cool nearly the whole month, and the rainfall well distributed. The first frost of the season occurred on low grounds, September 2d ; the first one to injure farm crops, was on the 21st. The rainfall during September was nearly double the average for that month during the past fifty years. The most serious frost of the season occurred October 2d, 17* F. Feeding Experiment with Milch Cows. 409. The feeding experiments described within a few subsequent pages were chiefly instituted for the purpose of studying the feeding value of dried corn fodder (stover) as a substitute for English hay, and of beet roots as compared with corn ensilage. The observa- tions made in this connection extended over a period of nearly eight months — November, 1885 to July, 1886. Two cows, crosses of native stock and Ayrshires and both from six to seven years old, served for the trial. They were in the same milking period, four weeks after calving at the beginning of the experiments. The changes in the daily diet, whenever decided upon, were made gradual to prevent any serious disturbance in the general condition of the animal on trial. As a rule from four to five and more days were allowed to pass by, in case of a change of feed, before a record of the daily yield of milk was made for the purpose of comparing the effect of different fodder rations. The valuation of the various fodder articles consumed is based on our local market prices, per ton, at the time of their use : good English hay $15, corn meal $23, wheat bran $20, dry corn fodder (stover) $5, corn ensilage $2.75, Lane's Improved Sugar beet $5. The daily diet of both cows consisted at the heginning of the experiments of three and one-quarter pounds of corn meal, an equal weight of wheat bran and all the hay they would eat. The actual amount of hay consumed, in each case, was ascertained by weighing out daily a liberal supply of it and deducting subsequently the hay left over. The same fodder mixture, as far as qualitity and quan- tity are concerned, was also used for some time as daily feed at the close of the experiment. This course was adopted for the purpose of ascertaining the natural shrinkage in daily yield of milk during the time engaged by the experiments (from seven to eight months). It amounted as may be noticed in the subsequent detailed record to nearly fifty per cent, of the original yield of milk. The above stated combination of fodder articles was adopted as the basis of our investigation, mainly for the reason, that it had been used with satisfactory results in some of our earlier feeding experi- ments, and not on the assumption of being the best possible combi- nation of fodder rations for milch cows. The value of a fodder for dairy purposes may be stated from two distinctly different standpoints : namely with reference to its influence on the temporary yield of milk and the general condition of the animals which consume it ; and in regard to its first cost, i. e., its physiological and its commercial value. The judicious selection of ingredients for a suitable and remuner- ative diet for our dairy stock obliges ns to study the value of the fodder articles at our disposal from both standpoints. The chemical analyses of the various articles used in the combination of fodder in our case have been stated in some succeeding pages to show the character and respective quality of the latter. To ascertain the chemical composition of a fodder ration in connection with an other- wise carefully managed feeding experiment, enables us to recognize with more certainty the causes of the varying feeding effect of one and the same fodder article, when fed in different combinations. It furnishes also a most valuable guide in the selection of suitable com- mercial feed stuffs from known sources to supplement economically our home raised fodder crops. Practical experience in feeding stock has so far advanced, that it seems to need no farther argu- ment to accept it as a matter of fact, that the efficiency of a fodder ration in the dairy does not depend on the mere presence of more or less of certain prominent fodder articles, but on the presence of a proper quantity and a certain relative proportion of some prominent constituents of plants, which are known to be essential for a success- ful support of the life and the special functions of the dairy cow. Investigations into the relations, which the various prominent constituents of plants bear to the support of animal life, have rendered it advisable to classify' them in this connection into three groups, mineral constituents and nitrogenous and non nitrogenous organic constituents. For details regarding this matter I have to refer to previous publications of the Station, as the Bulletin can only contain a condensed abstract of our work. Numerous and extensive practical feeding experiments with most of our prominent fodder articles in various conditions, and with all kinds of farm live stock, have introduced the practice of reporting together with the analysis of the chemist, the results of careful feeding experiments. as far as the various fodder articles liave proved digestible, and were thus qualified for the support of the life and the functions of the par- ticular kind of animal on trial. In stating the amount of the digest- ible portion of the fodder consumed in a feeding experiment, it has also proved useful, for comparing different fodder rations, etc., to make known by a distinct record the relative proportion which has been noticed to exist, between the amount of nitrogenous constituents and the non nitrogenous organic constituents. This relation is expressed by the name of "Nutritive Ratio." An examination of the subsequent short description of our feeding experiments will show, for instance, that the corn meal, we fed, contained one part of digestible nitrogenous matter, to 8.76 parts of digestible 'non nitro- genous organic matter, making the customary allowance for the higher physiological value of the fat as compared with that of starch, sugar, etc., (2.5 times higher). The "• Nutrative Ration" of the corn meal is consequently stated as follows 1 :8.76. Our different combinations of fodder articles to constitute the daily diet during different feeding periods vary as far as their nutritive ratios are con- cerned from 1:6.7 to 1:10.17. The closer relation (1:6.7) was obtained by an exceptionally large amount of roots, with hay and wheat bran without corn meal, and the wider relation (1 :10.17) by feeding a liberal amount of corn ensilage with bay and corn meal without wheat bran. A closer relation of nitrogenous and non nitro- genous digestible constituents of an otherwise suitable fodder mix- ture is considered inore necessary for growing animals and dairy cows than for full grown animals and moderately worked horses and oxen. German investigators recommend for dairy cows a diet, which conforms to a nutritive ration of 1 :5.4. Arrangements will be made during the coming winter season to repeat our feeding experiment with essentially the same coarse fodder articles, but modified by a suitable increase and addition of concentrated feedstuffs to secure a daily diet of a closer nutritive ratio, than has been used on the pres- ent occasion. An examiilation of the subsequent tabulated statement of the results of our experiments shows among other interesting facts, the marked influence of the feeding of dried corn fodder and of corn ensilage as a substitute for a part of the English hay, on the cost of the production of milk. Not less striking is the beneficial influence of a moderate amount of roots, as a substitute for a part of the hay, on the quality of milk. A numerical expression of the influence of the 5 yield of milk in case of different cows, as well as at different milking periods of the same cow under the same s^'stem of feeding, on the cost of its production may not be without some interest, when enter- ing upon a serious discussion of the question. What kind of cows ought to be removed from our dairy stock in the interest of good economy ? RECORD OF DAISY. +i >> u Feed consumed (lbs.) m ■t per day. '^^a 1? 1. -r^ 0) .^.s1 2 '^a % >r^ S >>=H FEEDING PERIODS. o "ci 1 m r "1 o 1 '3 < o 1 5 5 1 M u O 1 III 1 1 ■h 'A 60 •s 1SS5. Nov. 20-Dec. 7, - - - 3.25 3.25 20.00 24.06 16.3 1 48 1 :8.2 910 Dec. 19-29, . - . . 3.2,i 3.25 S.Od 10.00 21.04 15 4 1 45 1 .-7.9 895 1SS6. Jan. 3-22, - . - . 3.25 3.25 12.00 5.0f 20.44 14.2 1.44 1 .-7.72 850 Feb. 1-17, . - - . 8.25 3.25 15.00 27.00 23.91 14.2 1.6S 1:7.1 845 " 17-28, . . - . 3.25 1.1.0(1 27.00 21.06 13,'?, 1 60 1 :6.9 850 March ]^ 3.25 15.00 40.00 23.18 13.3 1.74 1 :6.7 873 " 12-22 - - - - 3.25 3.25 15.00 27.00 23.89 14.2 1.68 1:7.1 860 " 25-Apr. 13, - - 3.2a 3.25 14.00 20.(K 23.73 12.8 1.85 1 .-8.14 870 April 18-May C, - - - 3.25 3.25 10.00 29.71 21.51 ll.f 1.91 1 :8.15 865 May 20-31, .... 3.25 5.00 41.75 16.8:5 9.2 1.83 1 :10.17 Rsn June 4-14, .... 3.25 5.00 41.30 16.76 8.f 1.88 1 :8.29 8.55 " 26— July 4, - 3.25 3.25 20.00 24.04 8.4 2.86 1:8.2 840 RECORD OF MOLLIE. -w >> ^ ^ Feed consumed (lbs.) ll. % a per day. ■s ,^ 1. ^ ^5.2 t* ^P^d g s = FEEDING PERIODS. f i to 1! ^1 o .2 S 'S < 1 g W lA a ■s i? o o M o M < O* (1^ ;?; is 1885. " Nov. 20-Dec. 7, - - - 3.25 3.25 20.00 24.06 12.62 1.93 1 :8.2 88?, Dec. 19-29, .... 3.25 3.25 8.00 10.00 21.64 11.86 1.82 1:7.9 885 1886. Jan. .3-22, .... 3.25 3.25 13..55 5.00 21.75 13.S7 1..56 1 :7.87 845 Feb. 1-17, .... 3.25 3.25 15.00 27.00 23.91 11.16 2.14 1:7.1 868 " 17-28, .... 3.25 15.0(1 27.00 21.06 1.60 1:6.9 910 March 1-8, .... 3.25 1.5.00 40.00 23.18 10.6 2.19 1 :6.7 895 " 12-22, .... 3.25 3.25 15.00 27.00 23.80 11.1 2.15 1:7.1 905 " 2.5-Aprill3, - - 3.25 3.25 J 4.20 22.27 23.74 11.2 2.12 1:8.17 9?1 April 18— May 6, - - - 3.25 3.25 10.00 29.82 21.,5S 10.6 2.04 1 :8.15 May 20-31, .... 3.25 .5.00 3(;.S3 16.64 8.9 1.S7 1 :10.9 8.50 .June 4-14, .... 3.25 5.00 4;i.Ck{ 16.59 9.1 1.82 1 :8.25 8.5^ " 26-^uly4, . 3.25 3.25 20.00 24.04 2.80 1:8.2 830 COST OF FEED PER QUART OF MILK. « ^ ? o ■* 11 ^ p-l ^i % 1 • I 7 1 1 i o oi ! ! >. o 1^ Q >-5 ;= g 1 s a ^ 1 1-5 Daisy, - MoUie, - 1.35c 1.07c .97c 1.76c 1.60c 1.S4C 1.76c 1.61c 1.67c 1.37c 1.39c 2.64c 1.74 1.39 1.0-2 2.24 1.99 2.32 2.25 1.84 1.83 1.37 1.33 2.51 ANALYSES OF MILK. DAISY. 87.56 «5 P 87.65 1-5 88. OS i. i 00 .£3 5 i S7.02 1 87.10 g 86.75 1 Water, 87.59 Solids, 12.44 12.35 11.9-2 i:;.:;s 1:! •'■' ll.l'.i U.n:; 1-2.98 12.90 13.25 12.41 Fat (in solids), - 3.28 3.56 2.29 4..J8 4.:ju 4.:;() 4.04 4.9:J 4.05 4.20 4.62 3.79 Water, - Solids, - Fat (in solids). rf, «« ^ |CD 00 § .d -* § s i 1 1 1 1 1 P4 1 ^ S *-5 87.16 87.35 87.67 86.35 87.04 87.06 86.61 86.33 87.30 87.25 86.50 i12..^ 12.65 12.33 13.65 12.96 13.!H 13.39 13.67 12.70 12.75 13.50 3.82 3.59 3.73 4.28 3.74 4.75 4.03 4.51 3.96 4.-24 4.36 87.-26 12.74 3.68 CORN FODDER (STOVER). From the Experiment Station, 1885. ^^ eS _; to .g XI to 2 a ■^ a .2 .a 1 ■2 f, 3 a ^ g 11 ^1 g o 1! II o =1 ■43 !2i a •- ^ Ph Moisture at 100° C, , 15.40 308.0 Dry Matter 84.60 1692.0 100.00 2000.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. CO Crude Ash, 4.22 84.4 " Cellulose 20.93 2.63 418.6 52.6 301.39 39.45 72 75 ^ " Fat, " Protein, (nitrogenous matter), . 9.17 183.4 133.88 73 Non- nitrogenous extract matter, . . 63.05 1261.0 844.87 67 100.00 2000.00 1319.59 The corn fodder was raised under the same conditions, as far as the soil and the fertilizers used were concerned, as the corn for the silos. The same variety of corn, Clark, was planted in both instances. CORN ENSILAGE. From the Silos of the Experiment Station (1885—1886). 7 ■ S tn 2 a s « .2 11 2 S Is ! -"1 2 a 1 ° TO C3 o ^ n 1 Ph PM Moisture at 100° C, 77.48 1549.60 Dry Matter, 22.52 450.40 100.00 2000.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. ^ Crude Ash, 4.19 83.80 t; " Cellulose, 19.08 381.60 274.68 72 ""^ '• Fat 3.49 7.82 69.80 156.40 52.42 114.17 75 73 '< Protein, (nitrogenous matter) , . Non -nitrogenous extract matter, . . 65.42 1308.40 876.63 67 100.00 2000.00 1317.90 The above analysis represents the mean composition of the ensilage obtained from the silos described in previous Btjlletins. The contents of the different silos were fed in drrect succession, beginning with the one which had been filled slowly. The corn was about six months in the silos when the feeding of the ensil- age commenced. LANE'S IMPROVED SUGAR BEET. From Experimeut Station, 1885. I^ a % to a 6 cs -^ ■•^i ■^ § ^ i 1 1! Si "^ IS =H o 1^ ^ CM Ph Moisture at 100« C 83.57 1671.40 Dry Matter 16.43 328.60 100.00 2000.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. - Crude Ash, 3.57 71.4 "^ " Cellulose, 5.27 105.4 105.4 100 " Fat, 0.83 16.6 16.6 100 " Protein (nitrogenous matter), 17.44 348.8 261.6 75 Non-nitrogenous extract matter, . . 72.89 1457.8 1384.9 95 100.00 2000.00 1768.5 The roots were raised on a soil in good condition, and were of a good quality. HAY. Experiment Station, 1885. li a If 6 fl §1 •S o ^ "S |l .11 ?! ■■3 > 2 'B ^21 o '" Ph PL, Moisture at 100° C, 8.30 166.00 Dry Matter, 91.70 1834.00 100.00 2000.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY' MATTER. >« Crude Ash, . 6.12 122.4 ^ " Cellulose, 30.19 603.8 350.20 58 " Fat, 2.55 9.75 51.0 195.0 23.46 111.15 46 57 " Protein, (nitrogenous matter), . Non-nitrogenous extract matter, . . 51.39 1027.8 647.51 63 100.00 2000.00 1132.32 The hay consisted largely of Herds-grass (Timothy), and Red- with a fair admixture of clover. top. WHEAT BRAN. Amherst mill, 1886. 81.93 per cent, passed through mesh 144 to square inch. ^ ci = a 2 2 •O CO ■^ S o II n ^5 ^ o a '^ o a a =2 '^ o 1 ° o 1 " PL, Ph Moisture at 100'= C, 12.05 241.00 Dry Matter, 87.95 1759.00 100.00 2000.00 ANALYLSIS OF DRY MATTER. J^ Crude Ash, 6.64 11.49 132.80 229.80 45.96 20 " Cellulose "^ »' Fat 4.75 17.86 95.00 357.20 76.00 314.34 80 88 " Protein, (nitrogenous matter), . Nou-nitrogenous extract matter, . . 59.26 1185.20 948.16 80 100.00 2000.00 1384.46 The above analysis represents the average quality of the wheat bran fed during the time of the experiment. CORN MEAL. Amherst mill, 1885. ^^ CS 05 to a a> ^ ■•S a II "a s § o fl 1 " Il ? 1 If 1 a p-( P-( Moisture at 100° C 12.62 252.40 87.38 1747.60 100.00 2000.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. CD Crude Ash, , . , , 1.56 31.20 CO " Cellulose, ........ 2.66 53.20 18.09 34 " Fat 4.27 11.43 85.40 228.60 64.90 194.31 76 85 " Protein, (nitrogenous matter) , . Non- nitrogenous extract matter, , 80.08 1601.60 1505.50 94 100.00 2000.00 1782.80 10 Fodder and Fodder Analyses. 410. CORN REFUSE FROM STARCH FACTORY. Sent ou from New Bedford, Mass. PER CENT, Moisture at 100'^ C, 57.04 Dry Matter, 42.96 100.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. Crude Ash, .90 " Cellulose, 7.54 " Fat, 10.17 " Protein (nitrogenous matter) , 22.41 Non-nitrogenous extract matter, 58.98 100.00 The above named material, which furnished the sample sent ou for an examination, had been bought of a corn starch factory at Long Island, N. Y., for feeding cattle. Forty tons had been landed at New Bedford, at $8.00 per ton, of forty bushels. Some doubts had been expressed in regard to its fitness as a feed for milch cows. The sample we received, was apparently in a fair state of preser- vation, and consisted mainly of a soft yellowish white mass, inter- spersed with coarse fragments of the skin of the corn. The entire mass in an air dried state was quite soft and friable, and of a pecul- iar vegetable, yet not offensive odor. The composition of the vegetable matter contained in the article, IS that of a valuable ingredient for the compounding of a suitable diet for various kinds of farm live stock, and in some respects, similar to that of the refuse grain from breweries. The main objectionable feature of the fresh factory refuse consists in the presence of a large amount of moisture, and its liability to suffer a rapid and serious 11 cleterioratiou iu consequence of a careless keeping in particular during the wanner seasons of the year. Two modes of treatment for the preservation of fodder articles, like the one here under discussion sug- gest themselves in this connection, — the silo system or the drying apparatus. The above described corn starch factory refuse, in its dried state, could command a price from $16 to $18 per ton in our fodder market. The fitness of this class of refuse mateinal from glucose and starch factories, as well as that from brewers' grain, as an ingredient of a daily fodder ration for all kinds of farm live stock, the dairy cow included, is quite generally conceded, provided they are in a fair state of preservation. Excessive and exclusive feeding of many fod- der articles is an objectionable practice ; this applies as much to corn ensilage, roots, apples, as to the waste products of the factories above enumerated. All fodder articles of a perishable character deserve the serious at- tention of farmers, for they are apt to become objectionable sooner or later, if carelessly kept. In an advanced state of fermentation they are decidedly objectionable for various reasons ; they may become even poisonous iu consequence of their liability to turn into hot beds of a dangerous parasitic growth. Musty corn meal, oil cakes, etc., are known to have been the direct cause of the death of cows. 411. "SELF-HUSKING" CORN. Experiment Station, 1885. Ears eight inches in circumference ; and eight to ten inches long. Kernels of a reddish, or brownish red color. Weight of an average ear, 142.7 grammes ; consisting of 88.08 per cent, kernels ; and 11.92 per cent. cob. Average weight of a single kernel, .37 grammes. PER CENT. Moisture at 100° C, 12.10 Dry Matter, 87.90 100.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. Crude Ash, j, 1.74 " Cellulose, 2.52 " Fat, 5.44 " Protein (nitrogenous matter). 12.47 Non-nitrogenous extract matter. 77.83 100.00 12 412. SWEET APPLE POMACE. Sent on for examination from Prescott, Mass, 1885. Moisture at 100* C, Dry Matter, ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. Crude Ash, " Cellulose, " Fat, " Protein (nitrogenous matter), Non-nitrogenous extract matter, PER CENT. 77.87 22.13 100.80 1.96 8.82 3.16 6.70 79.36 100.00 C. A. GOESSMANN, Director, Amherst, Mass. The Bulletins of the Experiment Station will he sent free of charge to all parties interested in its loork, on application. J. B. Williams, Printer, Amherst, Mass. : \OiVi MASSACJ^S<fL^TA' AGRICULTUB^lfteP SpON. BXJJ-.I-.ETI3Sr 2^To. 23. MARCH, 1881. Meteorological Summary Jov ' the four months ending February28, 1887. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Highest temperature, 65.5° 49.0° 47.2° 43.8° Lowest temperature, 15.9° 0.8° - -22.2° —3.8° Mean temperature, 38.3° 23.0° 19.4° 24.2° Total precipitation, 5.25 in. . 3.61 in. 4.57 in. 5.05in. Total snowfall. 1.00 in . 16.00 in. 29.50 in. 22.50 in. Prevailing winds. W. N. N. W. N. W. No. of days on which cloudiness averaged 8 or more on scale of 10, 8 11 8 8 No. of days ou which 0.1 of an inch or more of water from rain or melted snow fell, 10 16 14 15 November was mild throughout and the rainfall unusually heavy. The ground was free from snow or frost at the close of the month. The mean temperature for December was 3.6° and that of January 3.9°, lower than the average for the past fifty years. The snow-fall during January was exceptionally great amounting to 29.0 inches between the 12th and 18th. Storms were frequent during February increasing the total snowfall to 69.0 inches for the four months above stated. The publication of Bulletins for the present year begins with this number. Copies will be sent to all parties already on our distribut- ing list — without awaiting a special notice. Provisions are made to meet uew applications. The supply of Bulletins No. 1 to 16, and No. 20 and of the second and third annual reports is exhausted, while of Bulletins Nos. 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, and 22, and of the first annual report there are still a limited number on hand for distribution. The fourth annual report is ready for distribution and will be mailed without delay. Arrangements are made to attend to the examination of objects of general interest to the farming community, to the full extent of exist- ing resources. Requests for analyses of substances — as fodder articles, fertilizers, etc., — coming through officers of agricultural societies and farmers' clubs within the state, will receive hereafter, as in the past, first attention, and in the order that the applications arrive at the office of the Station. The results will be returned with- out a charge for the services rendered. Application of private parties for analyses of substances, free of charge, will receive a care- ful consideration, whenever the results promise to be of a more gen- eral interest. For obvious reasons no work can be carried on at the Station, of which the results are not at the disposal of the managers for publication, if deemed advisable in the interest of the citizens of the state. All parcels and communications sent on to " The Experiment Station " must have express and postal charges prejiaid, to receive attention. To assist farmers, not yet familiar with the current mode of deter- mining the commercial value of manurial substances offered for sale in our markets, — some of tue essential considerations, — which serve as a basis foi- our valuation, are once more stated, within a few sub- sequent pages. The valuation of a fertilizer is based on the average trade value of the fertilizing elements specified by analysis. The money value of the higher grades of agricultural chemicals and of the higher priced compound fertilizers, depends in the majority of cases on the amount and WiQ particular form of two or three essential articles of plant food, i.e., phosphoric acid, nitrogen and potash, which they contain. The valuation which usually accompanies the analyses of these goods shall inform the consumer, as far as practicable, regarding the cash- retail price at which the several specified essential elements of plant food, in an efficient form, have been offered of late for sale, in our large markets. ' The market value of low priced matei'ials used for manurial pui- poses, as salt, wood ashes, various kinds of lime, barnyard manure, factory refuse and waste materials of different descrii)tion, does, quite frequently, not stand in a close relation to their chemical com- position. Their cost varies in different localities. Local facilities for cheap transportation and more or less advantageous mechanical condition for a speedy action, exert, as a rule, a decided influence on their selling-price. The wholesale market price of manurial substances is liable to serious flactatious ; for supply and demand exert here, as well as in other branches of commercial industry, a controlling influence on theii temporary money value. As farmers have only in exceptional in- stances, a desirable chance to inforfia themselves" regarding the con- ditions which control the market price, the assistance rendered in this direction, by Agricultural chemists charged with the examination of commercial fertilizers, cannot otherwise but benefit, ultimately both farmers and manufacturers. The market reports of centres of trade in New England, New York and New Jersey, aside from consultations with leading manufacturers of fertilizers furnish us the necessary information regarding the cur- rent trade value of fertilizing ingredients. The subsequent state- ment of cash-values in the retail trade is obtained by taking the average of the wholesale quotations in New York and Boston, during the six months preceding March 1, 1887, and increasing tiiem by 20 per cent., to cover expenses for sales, credits, etc. These trade values, except those for phosphoric acid, soluble in ammonium-citrate, were agreed upon by the Itxperiment Stations of Massachusetts, Connecticut and New Jersey for use in their several states for the present season. TRADE VALUES OF FERTILIZING INGREDIENTS IN RAW MATERIALS AND CHEMICALS. 1887. Cents per Pound. Nitrogen in nitrates, 16 " '' ammoniates, 17^- Organic nitrogen in dried and fine ground fish, \1^ " " Peruvian guano, blood, meat, azotin, ammonite and castor pomace, 17^ organic nitrogen in fine ground bone and tankage. 16 •' •' '' medium bone, "^ 14 '' " in medium bone, '' 12 "• "-in coarse medium bone, •' 10 " ''in coarse bone, horn shavings, hair and fish scraps, >< Phosphoric acid soluble in water, 8 " '• •' ammonia citrate, "^ 7| " " insoluble, in dry fine ground fish, in fine bone, tankage 7 Phosphoric acid insoluble in fine medium bone and tankage, (5 " " " in medium bone, '"• 5 " " " in coarse medium bone, '• 4 " '• '• in coarse bone, •' 3 " " '• in fine ground rock phosphate. 2 Potash as sulphate in compounds free from chlorine, 6^ " Kainite, 4i " Muriate, 4^ The above trade values are the figures at which on March 1st, the respective ingredients could be bought at retail /or cash per pouud in our leading markets in the raw materials, which are the regular source of supply. They also correspond to the average wholesale prices for the six months ending March 1st, plus 20 per cent, in case of goods for which we have wholesale quotations. The calculated values obtained by the use of the above figures will be found to agree fairly with the reasoji.able retail price in case of standard raw material such as : Sulphate of Ammonia, Dry Ground Fish, Nitrate of Soda, Azotiu, Muriate of Potash, Ammonite, Sulphate of Potash, Castor Pomace, Dried Blood, Bone, Dried Ground Meat, Plain Superphosphates. ♦Dissolved from two grams of Phosphate unground, by 100 C. C neutral solution of ammonium citrate, sp. gr. 1.09 in 30 minutes at 65 deg. C, with agita- tion once in Ave ninutes; commonly called "reverted" or " backgone " phosphoric acid. tradp: values in superphosphates, special manures and. mixed fertilizers of high grade. The organic nitrogen in these classes of goods will be valued at the highest figure laid down in the Trade Values of Fertilizing Ingre- dients in Raw Materials, namely 17.5 per pound, it being assumed that the organic nitrogen is derived from the best sources, viz. : animal matter as meat, blood, bones or other equally good forms, and not from leather, shoddy, hair, or any low-priced inferior form of vegetable matter, unless the contrary is ascertained. Insoluble Phosphoric acid will be valued at 3 cents, it being assumed, unless found otherwise, that it is from bone or similar source and not from rock phosphate. In this latter form the insol- uble phosphoric acid is worth but 2 cents per pound. Potash is rated at 4^ cents, if sufficient chlorine is present in the fertilizer to combine with it to make muriate. If there is more Potasli present than will combine with the chlorine, then this excess of Potash will be counted as sulphate. To introduce large quantities of chlorides, common salt, etc., into fertilizer, claiming sulphate of potash as a constituent, is a practice, which in our present state of information will be considered of doubtful merit. The use of the highest trade values is based on the opinion that these articles ought to contain the most efficient forms of fertilizing ingredients. In most cases the valuation of the ingredients in Surperphosphates and Specials falls below the retail price of these goods. The differ- ence between the two figures, represents the manufacturer's charges for converting raw materials into manufactured articles. These charges are for grinding and mixing, bagging or barreling, storage and transportation, commission to agents and dealers, long credits, interest on investment, bad debts, and finally profits. Local disadvantages for transportion, exert not nnfrequently a serious influence on the cost of one and the same brand of fertilizers. Binding rules cannot be laid down regarding these points. Farmers must judge for themselves whether the differences between our valu- ation and the prices asked for is a fair one, considering local condi- tion of supply. The prices stated in these bulletins in connection with analyses of commercial fertilizers refer to their cost per ton of 2,000 pounds, on board of car or boat near the factory, or place for general distribu- tion. To obtain the Valuation of a Fertilizer (i. e. the money-worth of its fertilizuig ingredients), we multiply the pounds per ton of Nitro- gen, etc., bj- the trade-value per pound. We thus get the values per ton of the several ingredients, and adding them together we obtain the total valuation per ton. The mecJianical condition of any fertilizing material, simple or compound, deserves the most serious consideration of farmers, when articles of a similar chemical character are offered for their choice. The degree of pulverization controls, almost without exception, under similar conditions, the rate of solubility, and the more or less rapid diffusion of the different articles of plant-food throughout the soil. The state of moisture exerts a no less important influence on the pecuniary value, in case of one and the same kind of substance. Two samples of fish fertilizer, although equally pure, may differ from 50 to 100 per cent, in commercial value, on account of mere difference in moisture. Crude stock for the manufacture of fertilizers, and refuse material of various descrii)tious, sent to the Station for examination, are valued with reference to the market prices of their principal constit- uents, taking into consideration at the same time their general fitness for speedy action. A large percentage of commercial fertilizing material consists of refuse matter from various industries. The composition of these substances depends on the mode of manufacture carried on. The rapid progress in our manufacturing industry is liable to affect at any time, more or less seriously, the composition of the refuse. A con- stant inquiry into the character of the agricultural chemicals, and of commercial manuricd refuse substances ofi^ve^ fox ^2i\%, cannot fail to secure confidence in their composition, and to diminish financial disap-, pointment in consequence of their application. This work is carried on for the purpose of aidiiTg the farming community in a clear and intelligent appreciation of the substances for manurial purposes. Consumers of commercial manurial substances do well to buy whenever practical, on guaranty of composition with reference to their essential constituents ; and to see to it that the bill of sale recog- nizes that point of the bargain. Any mistake or misunderstanding in the transaction may be readily adjusted, in that case, between the contending parties. The responsibility of the dealer ends with fur- nishing an article, corresponding in its composition with the lowest stated quantity, of each specified essential constituent. I. 7.48 rer Cent. II. Ill 1.11 7.30 ir. 8.23 5.21 9.68 9.59 11.19 10.11 14.48 14.81 16.71 6.71 18.42 12.23 12.43 25.76 17.34 19.15 24.91 12.36 11.30 10.88 7.34 12.18 6.34 8.86 5.18 413. COTTON SEED HULL ASHES. Sent on from Northampton, Mass. Moisture, Phosphoric acid, (6 cts. per pound), Magnesium oxide. Calcium oxide, Potassium oxide, (5| cts.- per pound), Insoluble matter (before calcination). Insoluble matter (after calcination), Valuation per 2000 lbs., $36.78 S30.70 $32.70 $40.83 These samples show the variations which have been noticed toward the close of the past year in the composition of this valuable ash. The results are reported at the present time to caution farmers. Cot- ton Seed Hull Ashes ought to be sold only on the basis of a guaran- teed composition. The sale of this article is at present, as far as our supply is concerned, in the hands of a few parties in New York city, a circumstance which renders a greater uniformity of composition possible. A better supervision regarding their general character in that direction, can only benefit dealers and consumers. 414.— 415. DOUBLE MANURE SALT. Sent on from New York. W. A. Peters & Co. Moisture, 414. Per 11.58 415. Cent. 6.58 Magnesium oxide. 10.81 11.50 Sodium Oxide, 3.16 4.16 Potassium oxide, (5^ cts. per pound), 22.40 23.28 Sulphuric acid, 39.89 43.43 Chlorine, 0.14 1.08 Insoluble matter. 0.26 1.80 Calcium oxide. 2.93 Valuation per 2000 lbs.. $24.64 $25.61 Number one was in a crystallized form, and number two in a fine pulverized state. The latter has been of late Introduced into our markets. The article deserves particular attention, on account of the almostentire absence of chlorine ; and of the presence of a liberal amount of sulphate of magnesia (from 33 to 35 percent, of kieserite), which favors a rapid diffusion of the potash throughout the soil, besides supplying an important additional article of plant food. Per cent. 6.17 9:56 12.20 3.40 0.22 $47.50. conditiou. and thu 416. FELT FACTORY WASTE. Sent on from Lowell, Mass. Per Cent, Moisture at 100° C, 39.24 Organic and volatile matter, 66.47 Ash, 33.53 Nitrogen, 8 cts. per pound, 5.26 Insoluble matter, 8.44 Valuation per ton of 2000 lbs., $8.42. The principal part of the ash consisted of carbonate of lime. The material ought to be composted before being incorporate, into the soil. For use in stables as an absorbent, it deserves commendation. 417. AMMONITE. Sent on from Southampton, Mass. Moisture at 100° C, Ash, Nitrogen, \lh cts. per pound, Phosphoric acid, 6 cts. per pound, Insoluble matter, Valuation per 2000 lbs., The material was in a fine mechnnical favorable form for speedy disintegration. 418. GROUND ROCK PHOSPHATE Sent on from West Springfield, Mass. Moisture at 100° C, Total Phosphoric acid. Soluble Reverted. " '• Insoluble, " '• 2 cts. per pound, Magnesium oxide. Calcium oxide, Ferric and Aluminum oxide, Insoluble siliceous matter. The material is of but little value for manurial purposes, without a previous treatment with sulphuric acid to render its phosphoric acid available. 419. MUCK. Sent on from Peabody, Mass. Moisture at 100° C, Dry Matter, Ash in fresh muck. Nitrogen in fresh muck, The ash contained a considerable proportion of lime and magnesia compounds. The material is a fair specimen of its kind. Per cent. 0.10 30.51 none. 0.19 30.31 3.03 41.87 4.26 13.74 Per cent. 89.89 10.11 3.05 .26 Fodder and Fodder Analyses. 420. ROCK SALT From the Retsof Salt Mines at Piffard, Livingston Co., New York. Sent on from Springfield, Mass. Per cent. Moisture at 100'^ C, 2.60 Calcium Sulphate, 0.42 Calcium Chloride, 0.f<3 Magnesium Chloride, 0.01 Sodium Chloride, 95.94 Insoluble matter. 0.70 100.00 This article has been of late introduced into our marl^et in lump form to take the place of the English lump salt for stock feeding. The sample sent on for examination was of a verj^ fair quality and compared very favorably with the former. Its selling price at Spring- field, Mass., is stated : from .o to 10 pounds at 1\ cts. per pound ; 100 pounds at 75 cts. ; wholesale, per ton of 2000 pounds, at $8.50, and in carloads one dollar less per ton. 421. PEA MEAL. Sent on from Springfield, Mass. 63.88 per cent, passed through mesh 144 to squar( inch. o =3 -i "= A .a m j2 3 "» 1 6 11 ^ S s a « 1 S g-'S •II o a II c -is 1 iz; Moisture at 100" C, 8.85 177.00 Drv Matter 91.15 1823.00 100.00 2000.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. ^ Crude Ash, . 2.94 58.80 " Cellulose, 19.42 388.40 " Fat, • . 1.67 20.95 33.40 419.00 26.72 368.72 80 88 " Protein, (nitrogenous matter), . Non-nitrogenous extract matter, . . 55.02 1100.40 1034.38 94 100.00 2000.00 1429.82 10 The above material comes from parties engaged in the manufacture of split peas. It is evidently a mixture of ground peas with a liberal admixture of ground skins of peas. The article is offered in Spring- field at $20 per ton. The well known highly nutritious quality of the peas renders a trial advisable. Analysis of Pea Meal with reference to its Fertilizing Constituents. Per cent. Moisture at 100° C, 8.850 Ferric oxide, 0.027 Phosphoric acid, 6 cts. per pound, 0.823 Magnesium oxide, 0.302 Calcium oxide, 0.302 Potassium oxide, 4^ cts. per pound, 0.993 Sodium oxide, ' 0.618 Nitrogen, 17 cts. per pound, 3.080 Insoluble matter, 0.122 Valuation per 2000 lbs., $12.31 422. CHICAGO GLUTEN MEAL. Wilder & Puffer, Springfield, Mass. 96.81 per cent, passed through Mesh 144 to square inch. Moisture at 100° C Dry Matter, ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. Crude Ash, . . " Cellulose, " Tat. " Protein, (nitrogenous matter), Non-nitrogeuous extract matter. ^^ a ^ to ^ a S 05 a 1 o oi ■^ « f.^ .s § a " ?o S 5 s ^-' o m o S S as 5i 11 ^ p. 8.83 176.60 91.17 1823.40 100.00 2000.00 0.73 14.60 0.79 15.80 5.37 34 8.4(5 169.20 128.59 76 31.43 628.60 534.31 85 58.59 1171.80 1101.49 94 100.00 2000.00 1739.76 1 The material is sold at Springfield, Mass., at $23.20 per ton. The results of feeding experiments with milch cows and pigs will be described in one of our early bulletins. 11 Analysis of Gluten Meal with reference to Fertilizing Constituents. Per Cent. Moisture at 100° C, Phosphoric acid, Ferric oxide, Magnesium oxide, Calcium oxide, Potassium oxide. Sodium oxide, Nitrogen, 17 cts. 6 cts. per pound, 4i cts. per pound. per pound. 8.830 .295 .048 .026 .036 .034 .018 4.620 Valuation per 2000 lbs.. $16.15 423. WHEAT BRAN. 1886. (Fine ground, j 94.95 pei- cent, passed through Mesh 144 to square inch. ^-v a ^ ■» ^ ^ 00 = Xi .2 a •§ rt 6 11 I'S |i C 41 1 2§ iS 9 1^ ss t ^ !«; t o Ph Ph Moisture at 100« C 12.20 244.00 Dry Matter 87.80 1756.00 100.00 2000.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. Crude Ash 7.33 10.92 146.60 218.40 43.68 20 « " Cellulose, " Fat, 2.80 56.00 44.80 80 " Protein (nitrogenous matter), 19.79 395.80 348.30 88 j Non-nitrogenous extract matter, . . 59.16 1183.20 946.56 80 1 100.00 2000.00 1388.34 Analysis of stituents. Wheat Bran with reference to its Fertilizino- Con- Moisture at 100° C, Phosphoric acid, 6 cts. per pound. Magnesium oxide. Calcium oxide. Potassium oxide, 4i cts. per pound. Sodium oxide, Nitrogen, 17 cts. per pound. Insoluble matter, Valuation per 2000 lbs., Per Cent. 9.540 1.890 0.544 0.142 1.090 0.064 2.830 0.640 $12.82. 12 424. WHEAT BRAN. 1887. (Fine ground.) 99.51 per cent, passed through Mesh 144 to square inch. DO OT 03 S M . B .-a a a s s II 11 -3 S 1 a o .■§ s ii 8 -^ ^ Ph Moisture at 100° C, 9.54 190.80 Dry Matter, 90.46 1809.20 100.00 2000.00 ANALYSIS OP DRY MATTER. s Crude Ash, 4.47 89.40 T. " Cellulose, . ^ 5.G4 112.80 22.56 20 -" " Fat, . . . . . 6 00 19.45 120.00 389.00 96.00 342 32 80 88 " Protein, (nitrogenous matter) , . Non- nitrogenous extract matter, . . 64.44 1288.80 1031.04 80 100.00 2000.00 1491.92 Analysis of Wheat Bran with reference to Fertilizing Constituents. Moisture at lOO'* C, Phosphoric acid, 6 cts. per pound, Ferric oxide, Magnesium oxide, Calcium oxide, Potassium oxide, Sodium oxide. Nitrogen, 17 cts. per pound. Insoluble matter, Valuation per 2000 lbs., $14.24. Per Cent. 12.20 2.84 .02 .91 .14 1.62 .09 2.78 .13 C. A. GOESSMANN, Director, Amherst, Mass. The Bulletins of the Experiment Station will he sent free of charge to all parties interested in its work, on application. J. E. Williams, Printer, Amherst, Mass. mwti :;E. BOSTOJvi- MASSACHU>S©TT^ AgricultubIl Ej APRIL, 1887. Meteorological Summary jor the month eliding March 31, 1887. Highest temperature, 46° Lowest tempei-ature, — '2,.'^° Mean temperature, 26.4° Total precipitation, 4.05 in. Total snowfall, 14.50 iu. Prevailing winds, N. W. No. of days on which cloudiness averaged 8 or more on scale of 10, 6 No. of days on which 0.1 of an inch or more of water from rain or melted snow fell, 13 Suggestions upon Planting Trees and Small Fruits. 425. The time for planting trees and small fruits is fast approach- ing, and a few suggestions on the subject are here offered, hoping that they may aid the inexperienced in the work, and serve as a reminder to those who may understand full well what is required for success, but from pressure of other work, neglect to provide all the necessary conditions of success. CONDITIONS. The most important points to be considered in successful planting are : 1st. Selection of trees and plants. 2d. Preparation of the trees and plants. 3d. Soil and its preparation. 4th. Methods of planting. 5th. After care and cultivation. SKLECTION OF TKEES ANl> PLANTING. Successful planting depends very largely upon tlie condition of the trees or plants at the time of planting. The best resnlts are generally obtained, other things being equal, when the trees or plants are obtained from local nurseries, and planted with little or no exposure to the drying influence of the sun and air. The merits of Massachusetts grown trees as compared with tliose grown in the extensive nurseries in distant states are often discussed, and the latter condemned foi- New England planting. While in many of the above mentioned nur- series, owing to long experience, especial skill and a soil naturally suited to the best growth, very fine trees are grown, perhaps bettei- than are generally grown in small local nurseries, yet the danger from injury in transporting so great a distance and the length of time from the digging to transplanting, will make it 2 a § 3 a a S o a |S 11 ^ § 3 a ■a "g ^ 8 ig 2 § a o 1 " Ph Ph Moisture at 100° C, 12.54 250.80 87.46 1749.20 100.00 2000.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. c^ Cri-lAc AsVl . . 4.02 80.40 ^ •' Cellulose, 3.70 5.61 13.15 74.00 112.20 263.00 6.66 64.52 173.58 9.0 57.5 66.0 ■"■ .' Fat, " Protein, (nitrogenous matter), . Non-nitrogenous extract matter, . . 73.52 1470.40 1095.45 74.5 100.00 2000.00 1340.21 Analysis of Rye Bran with reference to Fertilizing Constituents. One hundred parts of air dried l)ran contained : — Moisture at 100° C, 12.54 Phosphoric acid, 6 cts. per pouud, 1.26 Magnesium oxide, .32 Calcium oxide. .09 Ferric oxide, .02 Potassium oxide, 4^ cts. per pound, .81 Sodium oxide, .03 Nitrogen, 17 cts. per pound, 1.84 Insoluble matter, .17 Valuation per 2000 lbs., $8.46. 445. SERRADELLA. Grown at the Experiment Station. Collected when in bloom, Aug. 4th, 1886. Moisture when collected, .... Dry Matter when collected, . . . ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. Crude Ash, . . " Cellulose, " Fat, " Protein, (nitrogenous matter), Non-nitrogenous extract matter. ,^ cS _i . a 1 a 5 i a § a o S S ll (2 (3 a o 1 i 1 « s 1 O o a ove stated cost of feed, per pound of dressed i)oi-k, of from .05 to .75 cts. in favor of the skim- milk. Before proceeding with the description of three succeeding feeding experiments it seems advisa1)le to offer a few explanato- ry remarks regardiug the standpoint assumed in the planning and the management of the work under discussion. In the published detailed record of the second feeding experiment (see III annual re- port), it may be noticed that the character of the daily diet was changed from time to time by adding a lai-ger proportion of corn meal to a given amount of skim-milk or buttermilk. The quantity of feed offered daily to the animals on trial was controlled by their in- dividual appetite, — beginning with eight and twelv-e ounces of meal to four quarts of milk, — and closing with a daily ration, consisting in case of one lot of animals of 91 ounces of corn meal and twelve quarts of buttermilk jter head, and in case of the other of 108 ounces of corn meal to seven quarts of skim-milk. The changes re- ri1 1 tf> Mn V 11 73.5 257.0 1 r 3.2S 40.0 84.8 1 1 May 12 to June 3, June 4 to June 29, o7.5 184.0 1 : 3.39 84.8 110.5 1 2 49. 208.0 8.0 8.0 1 : 3.04 110.5 150.5 1 9 121. 352.0 25.0 '^o . (1 1 : 3.35 150.5 212.0 1 6 August 13 to September 16, 105. 210.0 22.o!22.0 1 : 3.67 212.0 246.5 1 0 Total amount of feed consumed from Apr. 1 to Sept. 10. 406 lbs. Corn Meal, equal to dry matter, 357.4 lbs. 1211 qts. Skim-Milk, equal to dry matter, 274.7 lbs. 55 lbs. Wheat Bran, equal to dry matter, 48.3 lbs. 55 lbs. Gluten Meal, equal to dry matter, 50.3 lbs. Total amount of dry matter, 730.7 lbs. Live weight of animal at beginning of experiment, 40.0 lbs. Live weight at time of killing, 246.5 lbs. Live weight gained during experiment, 206.5 lbs. Dressed weight at time of killing, 210.0 lbs. Loss in weight by dressing, 36.5 lbs., or 14.8 per cent. Dressed weight gained during experiment, 174.9 lbs. Cost of feed consumed during experiment. 406 lbs. of Corn Meal, at $24.00 per ton, 303 gals. Skim-Milk, at 1.8 cts. per gallon, 55 lbs. Wheat Bran, at $22.50 per ton, 55 lbs. Gluten Meal, at $22.50 per ton, $11.57 3.54 lbs. of dry matter fed yielded one pound of live weight, and 4.18 lbs. of dry matter yielded one pound of dressed weight. Cost of feed^for production of 1 pound of dressed pork, 6.6 cts. $4.87 5.46 .62 .62 PERIODS. u Is ii 11 57.5 65.0 69.0 210.0 a7 li ■||« 11 |l o * Jl 1? be I! |£ -J to 1 o .2 CS K 'A .2 a 1 s '3 1 1? 1 "fee's 1" o .3.2 1885. April 1 to May 11 257.0 184.0 208.0 Lsl.O 378.0 i;!.o 17.0 44.0 13.0 17.0 44.0 1 : 3.29 1 : 3.39 1 : 3.27 1:3.39 1 : 3.76 59.5 109.3 133.3 188.5 223.0 109.3 133.3 188.5 223.0 306.0 11). oz. 1 3 May 12 to June 3 June 4 to June 29, June 30 to July 22 July 23 to Sei/teniber 16, 1 I 2 2 1 8 1 8 TotaZ amount of feed consumed from Apr. 1 to Sept. 16. 4,75 lbs. Corn Meal, equal to dry matter, 418.2 ll)s. 1211 qts. Skim-Milk, equal to dry matter, 274.7 lbs. 74 lbs. Wheat Bran, equal to dry matter, 6.5.1 lbs. 74 lbs. Gluten Meal, equal to dry matter, 67.8 ll)s. Total amount of dry matter. 825.8 lbs. Live weight of animal at beginning of experiment, 59.5 lbs. Live weight at time of killing, 306.0 lbs. Live weight gained during experiment, 246.5 lbs. Dressed weight at time of killing, 258.0 lbs. Loss in weight by dressing, 48. lbs., or 12.4 ])er cent. Dressed weight gained during experiment, 205.9 lbs. Cost of feed consumed during experiment. 4*75 lbs. Corn Meal, at $24.00 per ton, $5.70 303 gals. 8kim-Milk, at 1.8 cts. per gallon, 5.45 74 lbs. Wheat Bran, at $22.50 per ton, .83 74 lbs. Gluten Meal, at $22.50 per ton, .83 $12.8] 3.35 11)S. of dry matter fed yielded one pound of live weight, and 4.01 lbs. of dry matter yielded one pound of dressed weight. Cost of feed for production of 1 lb. of dressed pork, 6.2 ets. FOURTH FEEDING EXPERIMENT. Five animals served in the experiment ; their live weights varied from thirty to thirty-eight pounds, when entering upon the trial ; they were of a similar mixed breed as those selected for the third experi- ment. Tlie daily diet of the entire lot consisted from December 8tli to Fel)riiury 15tli of four quarts of skim-milk aud eight ounces oi corn meal, besides a mixture consisting of two 'weight parts of gluten meal and one weight part of wheat bran ; the increasing demand for feed vyas sui)plied by this mixture, which was moistened with water before being fed. The daily quantity needed per head amounted in the beginning of the trial to three ounces, and rose towards the close of that period to twelve ounces. Subsequently— until the 11th of May— another mixture, consisting of equal weights of corn meal, gluten meal and wheat bran, w^s substituted m its place. After May 11th until the close of the experiment, May 31st, a larger proportion of corn meal was fed. The daily diet consisted during that period of foxcr quarts of skim-milk and a mixture of dry feed consisting of seven parts of corn meal, one part of gluten meal and one pjart of wheat bran. On the 12th of May the daily feed consisted on an average per head of four quarts of sidm-milk, twenty-eight ounces of corn meal, four ounces of gluten meal and four ounces of wheat bran. The con- sumption of the solid constituents of the daily fodder ration had reached, at the close of the experiment, in some instances, lifty-six ounces of corn meal, eight ounces of gluten meal and eight ounces of wheat bran. The daily quantity of milk fed remained the same during the entire experiment— four quarts per head. Water was used to assist in moistening the dry portion of the feed. A comparison of the subsequent statement of our results with those in the preceding experiment (III) shows no marked differen- ces ; the results are, if anything, inferior— considering the weights of the animals in both instances, when killed. The cost of the feed consumed, per pound of dressed weight produced, varied from (LI to G G cts. ; whilst from 3.77 to 4.08 pounds of dry matter contained in the feed consumed had yielded one pound of dressed pork. The live weio-ht o-ained during the experiment amounted to 128 and 111 pounds.'' The cost of feed consumed for the production of a given (luantity of dressed pork increases materially with the advancing orowth of the animal. For details concerning this important point see statements in our III annual report. The financial success of feeding pigs for the home market depends in a controlmg degree on a timely closing up of the operation. To go beyond 160-175 lbs. of live weight is only in exceptional cases a remunerative practice with our average market prices for dressed pork. The beneficial effect of a more liberal supply of non-nitrogenous feed constituents as starch and fats (in the corn meal) during the last period of this feeding experiment, deserves particular attention. PERIODS. II as s'5 il s a 5.6 4.8 8.8 5.6 8.2 u Sl ° s 11 11.2 1).6 8.8 5.6 8.2 H |i5 'S "ill % S rj cS ii ^^ o 31.8 66.5 82.0 92.5 119.0 t o ' .12 S"-^ «§ si s 51:: f'^ ^ 196 H 4.4 8.8 1 : 2.G4 34.0 70.0 24.5 10.5 84 5.2 10.4 1 : 2.78 70.0 90.5 38.7 188 15,2 15.2 1 : 3.06 90.5 118.0 25.8 188 7.3 7.3 1 : 2.86 118.0 137.5 60.0 81 8.4 8.4 1 : 4.48 137.5 162.0 o lb. oz. 0 12 1 0 0 9 0 8 1 2 Total amount of feed consumed from December 8 to May 31. 159.5 lbs. Com Meal, equal to dry matter, 138.4 lbs. 737.0 qts. Skiin-Milk, equal to dry matter, 1G7.2 lbs. 40.5 lbs Wheat Bran, equal to dry matter, 35.7 lbs. 50.1 lbs. Gluten Meal, equal to dry matter, 46. 0 lbs. Total amount of dr}' matter, 3 lbs. Live weight of animal at beginning of experiment, 34. lbs. Olbs. 0 lbs. 0 lbs. cent. 7 lbs. Live weight at time of killing. Live weight gained during experiment, Dressed weight at time of killing. Loss in weight by dressing, 32 lbs., or 19 Dressed weight gained during experiment. Cost of feed consumed dxiring experiment. 159.5 lbs. Corn Meal, at $24.00 per ton, 184.0 gals. Skim-Milk, at 1.8 cts. per gallon, 40.5 lbs. Wheat Bran, at $22.50 per ton, 50.1 lbs. Gluten Meal, at $22.50 per ton, 162. 128. 130. 7 per 102. $1.91 3.31 .46 .56 $6.24 3.02 lbs. of dry matter fed, yielded one pound of live weight, and 3.77 lbs. of dry matter yielded one pound of dressed weight. Cost of feed for production of 1 lb. of dressed pork^, 6.1 cts. FIFTH FEEDING EXPEEIMENT. Six pigs of a mixed breed were secured for the observation their live weights varied at the beginning of the experiment from 25 to 30 pounds. The course of feeding was similar to that adopted in the 10 two preceding experiiuents. Skiiu-milk and corn meal furnished as in the previous trials a liberal |)ropurtion of the daily diet; gluten meal and wheat l)ran were used in a somewhat tlifferent i)roportion than before as food ingredients to (;omi)ound the desireil temporary fod- der ration. The feeding began with four quarts of skim-milk and eight ounces of corn mi!al ; the increasing daily demand for feed was sup- plied by a mixture of equal weights of gluten meal and wheat bran until October 31st, when a mixture of e((ual weights of gluten meal, corn meal and wheat bran took its place in providing the desired daily fodder ration, until the close of the experiment, January 15, 1887. At that time from 12 to 18 ounces of this mixture were reiiuired per head. The results of this experiment, judging from subsecpumt more detailed statements, are in some instances more favorable than those previously described ; yet they fall behind those obtained, in our earlier ex[)eriments (1 and II). The cost of feed consumed per pound oC dressed [»ork varietl, in three c;ises from 5.2 cents to 5.8 cents and reached in one case G.32 cents. The amount of dry matter in the feed consumed for the production of one pound of dressed [)ork varied, in three cases from 3.56 to 3.99 pounds and rose in one case to 1.31 [)ounds. The live weight gained during the entire experiment varied from 132. to 158. pounds. §5 a'7' a'7 2| a'? §1 be t bo .3 « a 7 '-' ^^:^. 1^^ 'S t(. >-, S.2 n.2 § ^ QJ '■: &i ^S Is 2S 6^ ci u IMOIMUOS. og> ?g '^^ Obo 0 S .§ ^ 01 :3 3 -1 s 03 03 ci ^^ < C3 1 1?5 ■-3 c S'C •'S M H H H H 'A ;? 1? 0 ISWi iuul 18S7. lb. oz. September 15 to October 4, 10.0 80 6.3 6.3 1 : 2.75 30.8 51.5 1 1 October 5 to October 31 13.5 108 35.3 35.3 1 : 2.00 51.5 89.0 1 6 November 1 to December 10,.,.. 66.0 100 46.0 46.0 1 : 3.52 89.0 133.0 1 2 December 11 to January 15 47.8 144 29.8 29.8 1 : 3.39 133.0 164.3 0 14 Total amount of feed consumed from Sept. 15 to Jan. 15. 137.3 lbs. Corn Meal, equal to dry matter, 119.58 lbs. 492. qts. Skim-Milk, equal to dry matter, 111.58 lbs. 117.4 lbs. Wheat Bran, equal to drv matter, 102.99 lbs. 117.4 lbs. Gluten Meal, equal to dry matter, 106.89 lbs. Total amount of dry matter, 441.04 lbs. r.ive weight of uuinial at begiiiuiugof experiment, iiive weight at time of killiug, Live weight gained during experiment, Diessed weight at time of killing. Loss in weight by dressing, 28.0 lbs., or 17. Dressed weight gained during experiment, Cost of feed consumed during experiment. i;>7.3 lbs. Corn Meal, at $24. OU per ton, ]2.'3. gals. Skim-Milk, at 1.8 cents per gallon, 117.1 lbs. Wheat liran, at $22.00 per ton, 1 17. 1 lbs. Cluten Meal, at $22.00 per ton. 30.8 lbs. ir,4.3 lbs. \'.V.',.i) lbs. 13G.0 lbs. 3 per cent- no. 5 lbs. $1.04 2.21 1.32 1.32 IG.49 3.3U lbs. of dry matter fed yielded one pound of live weight, and UD lbs. of dry matter yielded one pound of diessed weight. Cost of feed for production (jf 1 lb. of dressed p(nk, 5.8 cents. puiMons. ii 5 5 a'7 Si II s'7 ii o .2 9 so .S 'bo p o o 'o.S so September 15 to October 4 October o to October 3], November 1 to December 10,.. . . December 11 to January 19, 10.0 13.5 69.3 58.0 80 108 160 160 6.3 35.0 49.3 38.0 6.3 35.0 49.3 38.0 1 : 2.75 1 : 2.90 1:3.57 1 : 3.45 34.5 56.3 99.5 156.3 56.3 99.5 1.56.3 193.3 111. oz. 1 1 1 10 1 7 0 15 Totid amount of feed consumed from Sept. 15 to Jan. 19. 150.8 lbs Corn Meal equal to dry matter, 131.77 lbs. 508.0 (its. Skim-Milk equal to dry matter, 115.21 lbs. 128.6 lbs. Wheat Bran, equal to dry matter, 113.10 lbs. 128. G lbs. Gluten Meal, equal to dry matter, 117.10 lbs. Total amount of dry matter, 477.18 lbs. Live weight of animal at beginning of experiment, 34.5 lbs. Live weiglit at time of killing, 193.3 lbs. Live weight gained during experiment, 158.8 lbs. Dressed weight at time of killiug, 163.0 lbs. Loss in weight by dressing, 30.3 lbs., or 15.7 per cent. Dressed weight gained during experiment, 133.9 lbs. 12 Cost of feed consumed during experiment. 150.8 lbs. Com Meal, at $24.00 per Ion, 127. giiUoiis Skiui-Milk, at 1.8 cents per gallon, 128.0 lbs. Wheat Bran, at $22.50 per ton, 128.6 lbs. Gluten Meal, at $22.50 per ton. 3.04 lbs. of dry matter fed yielded one [tound of live 3.5G lbs. of dry matter yielded one pound of dressed weight. Cost of feed for production of 1 lb. of dressed pork, 5.2 cents Total amount of feed consumed from Sept. 15 to Jan. 19. 150.0 lbs. Corn Meal, equal to dry matter, 131.07 lbs. 508.0 (its. of Skim-Milk, equal to dry matter, 115.21 lbs. 128.0 lbs. Wheat Bran, equal to dry matter, 112.58 lbs. 128.0 lbs. Gluten Meal, equal to dry matter, 116.54 lbs. $1.81 2.29 1.45 1.45 $7.00 eight, and Total amount of dry matter, 4:75.40 lbs. Live weight of animal at beginning of experiment, 32.0 lbs. Live weight at time of killing, 1G4.0 lbs. Live weight gained during experiment, 132.0 lbs. Dressed weight at time of killing, 137.0 lbs. Loss iu weight by dressing, 27.0 lbs., or 16.4 per cent. Dressed weight gained during experiment, 110.2 lbs. Cost of feed consumed during experiment. 150.0 lbs. Corn Meal, at $24.00 per ton, $1.80 127.0 gallons Skim-Milk, at 1.8 cents per gallon, 2.29 128.0 ibs. AVheat Bran, at $22.50 per ton," 1.44 128.0 lbs. Gluten Meal, at $22.50 per ton, 1.44 $6.97 3.60 lbs. of dry matter fed yielded one pound of live weight, and 4.31 lbs. of dry matter yielded one pound of dressed weight. Cost of feed for production of 1 lb. of dressed pork, 6.32 cents. Total amount of feed consumed from Sept. 15 to Jan. 19. 149.5 lbs. "Corn Meal, equal to dry matter, 130.63 lbs. 508.0 qts. Skim-Milk, equal to dry matter, 115.21 lbs. 127.4 lbs. Wheat Bran, equal to dry matter, 112.05 lbs. 127.4 lbs. Gluten Meal, equal to dry matter, 11 6.00 lbs. Total amount of dry matter, 473.89 lbs. 13 Live weight of animal at beginning of experiment, 33.0 lbs Live weight at time of killing, 178.3 lbs. Live weight gained during experiment, 145.3 lbs. Dressed weight at time of killing, 153.0 lbs. Loss in weight by dressing, 25.3 lbs. or 14.2 per cent. Dressed weight gained during experiment, 124.7 lbs. Cost of feed consumed during exjyeriment. 149.5 lbs. Corn Meal, at $24.00 per ton, 127.0 gallons Skim-Milk, at 1.8 cents per gallon, 127.4 lbs. Wheat Bran, at $22.50 per ton," 127.4 lbs. Gluten Meal, at $22.50 per ton, $1.79 2.29 1.43 1.43 $0.94 3.2G lbs. of dry matter fed yielded one pound of live weight, and 3.80 lbs. of dry matter yielded one pound of dressed weight. Cost of feed for production of 1 lb. of dressed pork, 5,0 cents. SUMMARY OF EXPERIMENTS III, IV, V. ■si =i§ U a ■ (U.5 208 190.5 154.0 5.07 XI, ■Mn.5 208 174.0 144.5 5.40 XII, 361.5 208 198.0 1G9.5 4.(11 2250.0 1533 1190.0 990.5 Total Cost of Feed Consumed during the Experiment. •2,2r)0 lbs. Corn Meal, S24.U0 per ton, !$27.00 1,^)00 gals. Skim-Milk, 1.8 cents per gallon, 27.60 S54.60 As the cost of the feed consumed in the production of 990.5 pounds of dressed pork was in this case $54.60, it follows that the cost of feed for the production of one pound of- dressed pork amounted to 5.51 cents, or 0.41 cents less per pound, than in our three more recent experiments. Conclusions. Judging from our own experience there remains but little doubt whenever the mere cost of the feed consumed is con- sidered, that the diet consisting of skim-milk and corn meal alone, as described in connection with our second feeding experiment, has been the cheaper one. It is not less clearly proven in connection with the same series of experiments, that the diet of skim-inilk and corn meal as carried out on that occasion has furnished us thus far the most eflicient feed iov Yvasxng \)\gs for the home meat market; for in every instance during four independent feeding experiments has a smaller quantity of dry matter contained in that diet, sufficed to yield a given quantity of dressed pork, than in case of our other diets whicli contained an addition of gluten meal and wheat bran. Although these two important circumstnnces, hnvcr marlet j^^'ice and higher nutritive value, are in favor of the skim-milk and corn meal diet for pigs, its superior claim of good, econoniy as compai(>d with others used by us cannot be considered as established w'ithout a due considei'ation of the agricultural and the commercial value of the 16 manurial refuse matter left behind in onr various experiments. Tak- ing for granted that in raising the same kind of animals to the same weights practically the same amount of nitrogen, phosphoric acid, potassa, etc., will be retained in the animal system, it follows that the excess of any one of these constituents of one diet, as compared witli an other one must count in favor of the higher commercial value of tlie manurial residue of that particular diet. The subsequent statement of the present market value of the essential fertilizing constituents contained in the entire feed, used in the second feeding experiment (skim-milk and corn meal), as well as those contained in that consumed in our three later feeding exi)eri- ments (skim-milk, corn meal, gluten meal and wheat bran), will show the difference in both instances. MANURIAL VALUE OF FEED CON^SUMED. E.rj>orhiie»t.i. Ccru Meal. Skim-Milk. Wlieat Bran. Olutcn Meal. Total. II. fS.97 ,fl3.80 .f22.77 III. IV. V. 7.07 13.31 $4.75 .f6.33 31.46 The difference in the commercial value of the essential fertilizing elements contained in the feed consumed in both instances, as above specified, amounts to S.S. 6!) in favor of our three recent feeding exper- iments. Calculating this amount for an equal weight of dressed pork produced in both cases it will be found, that this difference con- sists of $G,73 — or .76 cents per })ound of dressed pork sold. The higher value of the manure obtained in feeding some gluten meal and wheat bran with skim-milk and corn meal, instead of skim- milk and corn meal alone, amounts to .35 cents more per pound of dressed pork than the higher cost of the feed consumed in tliat con- nection. II. Ea-iwr. III. ir. V. Erper. Cost off '\ .. pound of clre.ssed pork, 5.51 cts. 5.92 cts. Gain in higher value of manure per pound of dressed pork obtained, .7G cts. Actual cost per pound of dressed pork, 5.51 cts. 5.1fi cts. Our three late feeding experiments have thus proved more remuvera- ti.ve than the tioo previous ones. The mone}" value of the essential fertilizing elements contained in the entire feed consumed per 1000 pounds of dressed pork produced has varied in our experiments, as shown above, from $22.80 to $29.10. Admitting a loss of one-third of that value in consequence of the growth of the animals, there remains within the reach of the farmer a value, in the manurial refuse obtained, of from $15 to $11). 5. This sum ought to be credited to the profits ; it amounts to from 1.5 cents to 1.95 cents per pound of dressed pork produced. As we sold our dressed pork at from 5|^ to 7| cents per pound we received from 1.5 to3.5 cents per pound for labor, housing, etc. 16 VALUATION OF ESSENTIAL P^ERTILIZING CONSTITU- ENTS CONTAINED IN THE VARIOUS ARTICLES OF lt)bDER USED. Corn Meal. Wheat Bran. Gluten INIeal. Skini-]S[ilk. Moisture, Nitrogen, 17 cts. per lb.. Phosphoric acid, (! cts. per lb., Potassium oxide, 4 1-4 cts. per Vahiation per 2000 lbs., (I'cr Cent.) 10.00 10.80 8.80 90.00 1.96 2.80 5. or. 0..55 0.77 2. no .30 0.17 o.4r> 1.30 .03 0.20 $7.97 ,fl3.51 $17.49 $2.20 451. WHEAT BRAN. 81.93 per cent, passed through Mesh 144 to square inch, w « S £ O CO S c o II .3 o •^ 2 hi n1 a s •2 Z 6 S I 1 S. o S 2 o g S ^ Ph Ph Moistiu-e at 100° C, 12.05 241.00 Dry Matter, 87.95 1729.00 100.00 2000.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. t~- Crude Ash, G.(U 132.80 " Cellulose, 11.49 229.80 45.96 20 " Fat 4.75 95.00 76.00 80 " Protein, (uitrogcuous matter), . 17.80 357.20 314.34 88 Non- nitrogenous extract matter, . . 59.26 1185.20 948.16 80 ' 100.00 2000.00 1384.40 Used in nil oxpcrimenls ; it represent! our wheat bran. the avernoe composition of C. A. (U)ESSMANN, Director, Amherst, Mass. The Btdletmsoffhe Experiment Station will he sent free of charge to all parties interested in its work, on application. J. H. Williams, Printer, Ainliorst, Mass. MASSA^fHf||3jEJ^"|^ ST]|iTE St/tion. BXJJ_iI_,ETIlT ISTO. S©. AUGUST, 1881. Meteorological Summary for the month, endmg July 31, 1887. Highest temperature, 93.6° Lowest temperature, 50.0° Mean temperature, 73.71° Total precipitation, 8.93 inches. Prevailing winds. No. of days on which cloudiness averaged 8 or more on scale of 10, No. of da3's on which 0.01 of an inch or more of water from rain or melted snow fell, South. 11 The mean temperature for this month (73.71°), is the highest of the same month since 1839, when it was 74.40°; July, 18G3, it was 70.87° the nearest approach to it. Similar relations are true in regard to the total rainfall. — This month fell 8.93 inches, the largest amount during any month of July since 1839, when it was 9,56 inches ; in 1863 it was 8.63 inches, the next hio-hest amount. FOOD AND FODDER ANALYSES. 452—454. ANALYSES OF FINE SALT. I and II sent on from Florida from Springfield, Mass. Moisture at 100° C, Sodium chloride. Calcium sulphate, Calcium chloride. Magnesium chloride. Matter insoluble in water (largely carbonates of lime and magnesia) , 0.035 Salicylic acid, 0. ■k shire Co., Mass. III sent on Per Cent. I, II. III. 3.213 4.591 4.616 95.091 94.012 94.236 1.487 1.177 0.999 0.032 0.143 0.071 0.075 0.049 0.026 0.028 0. 0.052 trace 100.000 100.000 100.000 cy The above described samples of salt have been offered of late in our markets as " Dairy Salt" judging from communications received. As the recent introduction into our markets of various brands of salt from new salt works in Western New York imparts a particular inter- est to the question of what constitutes a good Dairy Salt, a short discussion of that question may not be without interest in connection with the above analyses. There are three sources of supply for the manufacture of salt, namely, sea water, brines and rock salts. None of them yield by any current mode of manufacture a chemically pure article of sodium chloride ; all three may be successfully turned to account for the manufacture of the various brands of salt in our market. Local circumstances control the selection of the particular source of supply ; and as the particular fitness of salt for different domestic applications, as meat-packing, family use and dairy, depends not only on a fairly good chemical composition, but also to a considerable degree on a suitable mechanical condition, it is quite obvious that the selection of the mode of manufacture has to be made with reference to the general character and the quality of the source on hand, and to the kind of salt desired. Our home manufactured salt, "coarse," '■'•fine" and '■'■dairy salts," has been produced until of late, almost entirely from natural brines, sea- water included. All natural brines contain more or less of for- eign, saline admixtures. Most prominent among these are the sul- phates of lime and of magnesia and the chlorides of calcium and magnesium. The general character and the industrial value of different brines, considering concentration equally favorable, depends as a rule not so much on the total ctmount of foreign saline substances present as on the relative projiortion of the above stated foreign admixtures. The same circumstances apply with equal force to the salt produced. The less chlorides of calcium and of magnesium a salt contains the better will be considered its quality from a commercial standpoint. The presence of sulphate of lime within certain limits, is far less objectionable. A salt which contains but one-fourth of one per cent, of the chlo- rides of magnesium and of calcium might prove highly objectionable to the dairyman on account of their unpleasant bitter saline taste : — while the sulphate of lime rarely amounts to less than one and one- quarter per cent, in the best reputed brands of dairy salts, home and foreign. A detailed statement of the exact amount of eacJi of the above mentioned foreign saline admixtures is for this reason needed to ren- der a decision possible regarding the relative merits of the various brands of salt offered for sale, as far as a desirable composition is concerned. The most common cause of injuring the composition of salt for dairy purposes in particular is a too liberal use of lime during its rmiiinfacture, to secure a desirable white color and a fine grauulation of tlie salt produced. The natural consequence of that course of oi)eration is an alkaline reaction of the salt, a most objectionable quality of a dairy salt — for it hastens on the decomposition of the butter. The peculiar nature of the products of the dairy, butter and cheese, as well as the unusual pecuniary risks involved*^ in their successful manufacture, renders it necessary that only first class articles of salt should be applied for dairy purposes. The fitness of any of the various brands of salt in our markets for dairy use is not restricted to those obtained from any particular natural source or locality, but depends entirely upon a suitable good chemical composition "and a suitable mechanical condition. A good dairy salt ought to be of a neutral reaction and of a pure saline taste ; free from offensive odor and without any stain of color ; of a i)roperly reduced size to favor a speedy solution, and what is scarcely of less imi)ortance free from colored si)eeks. As the appli- cation of dairy salt inform -of saturated sohitions enables with but little troul)le the removal of insoluble foreign admixtures, this mode of using salt in the dairy industries, whenever admissable, deserves commendation. To produce an article of the above description requires an extra exertion on the part of the manufacturer, and necessitates thus addi- tional exi)enses as compared with the average brands of "Common Fine " and the ordinary " coarse or solar salts ", neither of which, as a general rule answers to the previous description. A dairy salt originally good may become objectionable in conse- quence of a subsequent careless storing amidst strong smelling arti- cles of merchandise, etc., or in barns. Judging the above samples of "Dairy Salt" by the customary commercial standard of composition previously explained it will be noticed thatsample I is preferable to sample il, although its total amount of foreign saline admixtnire is larger than in samples IT and III. The last named sample would rank next if it did not contain some salicylic acid. None. of the above described three samples can claim to rank with the l)etter brands of " Dairy Salt" in our markets. The presence of an excejjtional amount of carbonate of lime in all of them impairs greatly their fitness for dairy purposes. A good salt may not improve materially an otherwise carelessly manufactured butter or cheese, yet a lower grade of fine salt will iuvariablv destroy the keeping quality of a good butter and cheese. The addition of salicylic acid as a preservative is strongly con- demned by good authorities in sanitary matters. 455—457. VINEGARS. Sent on from Prescott, Mass. I. Made Oct. 5, 1885 from unripe P>aldwin apples. Shrinkage li galls, on 10 or 12i per cent. 2 II. Made Qct. 28, not delerinined. III. Made Oct. 28, on 7 or 14? per cent. Temperature, C. Specific Gravity, Acetic Acid, Sulphuric aci' Solids at 100'' C, The tests were made January 24, 1887. 458. GREEN CORN FODDER. Used for ensilage in 1886. (Clark variety). 885 from ripe Baldwin apples Shrinkage S85 from Sweet Apples . Shrin kage 1 gall. Per Cent. I. II. III. .11.1 11.1 11.1 1.016 1.019 1.024 6.67 8.41 8.66 d chlorine, trace. trace. trace. 1.44 1.94 3.02 s s a 1 1 6 &I H o a ^ ll f^ ^5 1 ° .11 Is si Si si o ^ s" Moisture at 100° C, 70.27 1405.40 Dry Matter, 29.73 594.60 100.00 2000.00 ^ ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. o 5.24 24.50 3.38 8.36 104.80 490.00 67.60 167.20 352.80 50.70 122.05 72 75 73 Tt " Cellulose, i< Fat " Protein, (nitrogenous matter), . Non-nitrogenous extract matter, . . 58.52 1170.40 784.16 67 100.00 2000.00 1309.71 The corn was raised upon land for several years fertilized by ground bone and" muriate of potash, 600 pounds of ground bone and 200 pounds of muriate potash. It was cut Sept. 4th, when the kernels were glazed, yet soft. Analysis of Oreen Corn Fodder 'with reference to Fertilizing Constituents. J*er Cent. Moisture at 100° C, 70.27 Phosphoric acid, 6 cts., .13 Calcium oxide, .18 Magnesium oxide, .05 Potassium " 4| cts., .36 Sodium " .05 Nitrogen, 17 cts., .41 Insoluble matter, .45 Valuation per 2000 pounds, ill. 86. 459. CORN ENSILAGE. Experimcut Station, 188G. _ c3 -::, 5 2 a -a a 1 .a % a % 8 .11 6 1 § 1 1 ° d 0 =5 "S • 8 s ^5 S 2 1-9 F 'A Moistiue (It 100" C 71.60 1432.00 Dry Matter, 28.40 568.00 100.00 2000.00 ANALYSIS OF BRY MATTER. ^. 3.32 06.40 .. " Cellulose, 18.52 370.40 266.69 72.0 " Fat, 6.07 7.78 121.40 156.60 91.05 113.59 75.0 73.0 " Protein, (nitrogenous matter), . Non-nitrogenouB extract matter, . . 64.31 1286.20 861.75 67.0 100.00 2000.00 1333.08 The above corn ensilage' was obtained from the green corn fodder previously described (No. 458). The silo was filled with the cut corn fodder and closed without any delay, Sept. 4th, 1886 (see details pp. GO-62 in IV Annual Report) ; it was reopened for feeding, Jan- uary 4th, 1887. The record of the maximum thermometer buried in the centre of the silo showed 97° F., indicating but a slight increase in temperature as compared with the temperature on the day when filled. The ensilage was of a very good quality. A comparison with the composition of the green corn fodder which served for its manu- facture shows the usual changes noticed in a silo, which has been filled at once and closed carefully without any material delay to pre- vent a more serious heating up of its contents, — namely a decrease in nitrogenous matter and crude cellulose, and an increase in fatty acids and in soluble non-nitrogenous extract matter. The nutritive ratio of the corn fodder was but slightly altered. A sample of the corn ensilage taken from two feet below the surface near the centre of the silo contained 32. 4G parts of dry matter, 0.0185 parts of actual ammonia, and required 0.659 milligrames of sodium oxide for the neutralization of its acids (acetic and lactic acid). Analyaia of Corn Ensilage loilh reference to FerLiliziny ConsUtaenls I'd- Cent, Moisture, 71.60 Phosphoric acid, 6 cLs. per pouud, .14 Ferric oxide, .02 Magnesium oxide, .09 Calcium " .10 Potassium " 4i cts. per pound, .'do Sodium '' .05 Nitrogen, 17 cts. i)er [)ound, .30 Insohible matter, .04 Valuation per 2000 pounds, $1.G8. 460. p:n SILAGE OF savep:t corn. Sent on from Marblehead, Mass. ANALYSIS OF UKV MATTEll. fer Ccru Crude Ash, 5.60 " Cellulose, 24.21 " Fat, 5.19 " Protein (nitrogeuons matter), 10.10 Non-nitrogenous extract matter. 54.84 100.00 The general appearance of the ensilage was good. The small amount of soluble non-nitrogenous matter in presence of a compara- tively large amount of crude nitrogenous matter and of crude cellu- lose seems to indicate a considerable destruction of non-nitrogenous matter (sugar, starch, etc.) during the keeping of the corn in the silo. The comi)ositiou of this sample of ensilage of sweet corn re- sembles that obtained from corn in the tassel. A comparison of the above analysis with some of the analyses of the dry vegetable matter of corn ensilage produced at the Exijeriment Station during previous years suggests that conclusion. 461. "WESTERN DENT" CORN. Sent on from Sunderland, Mass. J'er Cent. EAKS. STOVER. Moisture at 100° C, 10.20 16.67 Dry Matter, 89,80 83.33 100.00 100.00 ANALYSIS OF DKY MATTER. EARS. STOVER. Crude Ash, 1.47 4.17 " Cellulose, 1.86 35.44 " Fat, 4.72 1.71 " Protein (nitrogenous matter), 9.31 6.63 Non-nitrogenous extract matter, 82.64 52.05 100.00 100.00 The above sUitcd coin was luised, according to reports received, on excellent soil in " Sunderland Meadows"; four cords of barnyard manure and 150 lbs. of a Phosphatic fertilizer per acre had been ap- plied. 6 stalks well air-dried weighed 2 lbs. 0 oz. 6 ears '^ '' " 2 '^ 8 " The average length of ear was seven and oue-half inches. It con- tained twelve rows of kernels, and its average weight amounted to six and oue-half ounces ; 85.6 per cent, kernels and 14.4 per cent, cob. The variety of Western Corn — Pride of the North — described in a previous Bulletin was of a better composition than the above-named one. Whether this difference is due to an inherent quality or to a superior condition of the soil which served for the production cannot well be decided without an actual test under corresponding condi- tions. The dift'erence in quality is large enough to deserve the seri- ous attention of those who desire to raise the best in the market. 462. CORN MEAL. Amherst Mill. Used in third, fourth and fifth Bulletin 25. experiments in feeding pigs — see 463. CHICAGO GLUTEN MEAL. (Boiiglit at Spriugfield, Mass.) CS _^ a ■^ a o •^ .o s ® • - i '^ § Ml 5 3 a ^ II II "S Q s ss •2 2 i3 o - Ph .. Moisture at 100^ C, 8.95 179.00 Dry Matter, 91.05 1821.00 100.00 2000.00 ANALYSIS 0¥ DRY MATTER. P Crude Ash, . . , , .76 15.20 " Cellulose, ........ 1.58 31.G0 10.74 34 » Fat, 7.51 30.81 150.20 616.20 114.15 523.77 76 85 " Protein, (nitrogenous matter), . Non- nitrogenous extract matter, , 69.34 1186.80 1115.59 94 100.00 2000.00 1764.25 Used in third, fourth and iifth experimeuts iu feediug pigs- Biilletiu 25. 464. HERDS GRASS. Grown at the Experiment Station. Collected while in bloom June 28, 1886. _-, cS ^ .9 ii o -^2 <§ §1 s a ^8 1 o as II O o 1% 1 1 1 o - £ &- Moisture when collected, 05.00 1300.00 Dry Matter when collected 35.00 700.00 100.00 2000.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. « Crude Ash, . 5.37 107.40 " " Cellulose, 32.50 650.00 377.00 58 '-' " Fat . . ... 2.07 8.83 41.40 17(;.(iO 19.04 100.66 46 67 " Protein, (nitrogenous mutter), . Non-nitrogenous extract matter, . . 01.23 1224.60 771.50 1268.20 03 100.00 2000.00 Analysis of Hay with reference to Fertilizing Constituents. Per Cent. Moisture, 7.24 Phosphoric acid, 6 cts. per lb. .5G Potassium oxide, 4^ cts. " 1.44 Magnesium oxide, 0.09 Calcium oxide, 0.99 Sodium oxide, 0.37 Nitrogen, 17 cts. per lb. 1.31 Insoluble Matter, 1.33 Valuation per 2000 lbs., $6.35 465, CARROTS. Raised at the Experiment Station, 188G. ^-^ p . a i ^ i fi o Tl ^ 8 1^ > ■n •^ tr § ^ i; >!5 ^ P-l Oh Moisture at 100° C, 90.02 1800.40 Dry Mutter, 9.98 199.60 100.00 2000.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. § s; Crude Ash, 11.21 lO.Tfi 224.20 215.20 215.20 " Cellulose, « Fat, 1.89 8.90 37.80 178.00 37.80 178.00 " Protein (nitrogenous matter). Non-nitrogenous extract matter, . . 67.24 1344.80 1344.80 100.00 2000.00 1775.80 The average amount of dry matter in well grown carrots is usually stated {E. Wolff) to be 15 per cent, of the weight of the fresh root ; in otir case it varied from 9 to 12 per cent, according to the size of the root tested. Large specimens of roots contain frequently a smaller amount of dr}' vegetable matter, than smaller ones, equally matured. Cultivation, manuring, season and time of seeding, aside from fitness of the soil, affect seriously the general character of the root crops. In our case, soil and state of fertilization were favora- ble,— freqvient rains towards the close of the summer season had fa- vored apparently in an exceptional degree the growth of the leaves at the expense of a timely maturing of the roots. Analysis of Carrots with reference to Fertilizing Constituents. Per Cent. Moisture at 100° C, 90.02 Ferric oxide, 0.01 Phosphoric acid, G cts. per pound, 0.10 Magnesium oxide, 0.02 Calcium oxide, 0.07 Potassium oxide, 4-1 cts. per pound, 0.54 Sodium oxide, 0.11 . Nitrogen, 17 cts. per pound, 0.14 Insoluble matter, 0.01 Vahiation per 2000 pounds, $1.06. Fertilizer and Fertilizer Analyses. 4f>fi— 470. WOOD ASHES (Canada). I. Sent on from Methuen, Mass. II. Sent on from Eastham, Mass. III. Sent on from Boston, Mass. IV. Sent on from So. Deerfield, Mass. V. Sent on from Sunderland, Mass. Per Cent. I. II. III. IV. V. Moisture, 17.33 13.59 17.38 14.09 11.39 Phosphoric acid, 1.46 1.17 1.38 1.71 Magnesium oxide, 3.16- 3.77 3.35 3.32 Calcium oxide, 35.90 31.50 36.90 37.25 Potassium oxide, 7.22 5.74 6.24 6.72 6.14 Insoluble matter (before cal.), 7.05 10.64 18.05 8.20 10.83 " " (after cal.), 7.55 13.49. 6.42 7.71 The percentage of phosphoric acid and magnesium and calcium oxides in sample I was not determined as requested. 471—475. WOOD ASHES. VI. Collected at So. Deerfield (car 0111), Mass. VII. Colfected at So. Deerfield, Mass. VIII. Sent on from Northampton, Mass. IX. Collected at So. Deerfield (car 1791), Mass. X. Sent on from Sunderland, Mass. Per Cent. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. Moisture, 13.31 14.71 9.70 12.37 10.97 Phosphoric acid, 1.38 1.17 .89 .98 1.19 Magnesium oxide, 8.48 3.57 3.64 3.58 3.20 Calcium oxide, 37.74 36.32 37.23 36.26 36.46 Potassium oxide, 4.86 6.85 7.55 6.77 6.28 Insoluble matter (before cal.), 7.46 14.65 23.80 17.78 17.45 (after cal.), 5.80 9.14 12.62 10.45 12.01 These samples of Wood Ashes are with one exception — No. VI. — of good quality. Unleached wood ash sells in our vicinity, at 24 to 25 cts. per bushel of from 42 to 45 lbs. iu weight. 47«— 470. POTASH 8ALTS. I, II and III, Muriate of Potash. IV, Sulphate of Potash. Sent on by the Agent of the Farmers' Cooperative Purchasing Club, Ashby, Mass. Per Cent. I. II. III. IV. Moisture at 100° C, 0.15 1.16 .75 .34 Potassium oxide, 4| cts. per pound, 51.87 53.33 52.11 51.28 Sulphuric Acid, 46.41 Insoluble matter, 0.93 Valuation per 2000 pounds, $44.09 $45.33 $44.30 $56.41 All are of a ver}' good quality. The sulphate of potash is valued at 5^ cts. per pound of potassium oxide, the present basis for its valuation. ISO, 481. SUPERPHOSPHATES. I. Dissolved Bone Black. II. Acid Phosphate. Sent on by the Agent of the Farmers' Cooperative Purchasing Club, Ashby, Mass. Moisture at 100° C, Total Phosphoric Acid, Soluble " " (8 cts.) Reverted " " (7^ cts.) Insoluble " " (3 cts.) Insoluble Matter, Valuation per 2000 lbs. Both are of a good quality. 482. FISH BONE AND POTASH Sent on from Concord, Mass. I. II. Per Cent. 13.83 16.39 18.21 14.68 14.59 10.50 3.41 3.82 .21 .36 3.52 7.89 ^28.59 $22.75 Per Cent. Moisture, 16.93 Total Phosphoric Acid, 4.19 Soluble " "8 cts. per lb. .37 Reverted " " 7|^ cts. " 2.00 Insoluble " "3 cts. " 1.82 Potassum Oxide, 4^ cts. " 1.24 Nitrogen, 17| cts. " 1.66 Insoluble Matter, 30.80 Valuation per 2000 lbs., $11.54 I. II. Per Cent. 3.94 9.74 27.73 12.85 G.IO 4.72 21.63 8.13 1.83 2.93 .10 2.61 ^36.27 $23.90 12 This article is evidently a refuse material of some particular kind ; the large amount of insoluble matter it contains, points in that direc- tion. 483, 484. GROUND BONES. Sent on from Westford, Mass. Moisture at 100^ C, Total Phosphoric Acid, Sol. and Rev. " " 7| cts. per lb., Insoluble " '' 5 cts. " Nitrogen, 15 cts. " Insoluble Matter, Valuation per 2000 lbs., The mechanical condition of both samples was much the same ; the valuation above given lias been for this reason the same. The desir- ability of having ground bones sold only by a guaranteed composi- tion finds an additional strong illustration in this case. 485. MARL. Sent on from South Framingham, Mass. Per Cent. Moisture at 100° C, 12.12 Phosphoric acid, .35 Magnesium oxide, .65 Calcium oxide, 47.11 Sulphuric acid, trace Chlorine, trace Insoluble Matter (Before CaL), 7.73 " (after Cal.), 7.51 The above material sent on " as a sample of marl," is essentially a carbonate of lime of fine aggregation and of a soft texture ; and for this reason it deserves a recommendation for agricultural purposes whereever an addition of lime will benefit the soil in the interest of the crops raised upon it. C. A. GOESSMANN, Director, Amherst, Mass. The Bulletins of the Experiment Station will he sent free of charge to all parties interested in its work, on application. J. E. Williams, Printer, Amlierst, Mass. OCTOBER, 1881. Meteorological Sximmary for August and September. TT- 1 ^ , August. September. Highest temperature, 83_a g^ „ Lowest temperature, 42,50 ' Mean temperature, 64*92° 55 '940 Mean humidity, 81.24° 8047° Total precipitation, 7.75 ,^^,^^^ ^ ^2 inches. Prevaihng wmds, N. W. N. W. No. of days on which cloudiness averaged 8 or more on scale of 10, 5 j^ No. of days on which 0.1 of an inch or more of rain fell, 9 Very heavy fogs characterized both months. The first frost of the season occurred on Sept. 17th. Notes on Feeding Experiments with Milch Cows. 486. The feeding experiments briefly described within a few subse- quent pages are essentially a continuation of those reported in the last annual report of the Station. The same fodder articles have been used on both occasions, with the exception that in the experi ments discussed below, carrots have taken the place of sugar beets which were used in our preceding trial. Aside from this temporary modification in the diet, a comparatively new fodder article, the oluten meal, has been added as a temporary ingredient of the daily f'odder ration. This particular change in the composition of the feed used, was made for the purpose of sec%iring whenever desired a closer relation between the digestible nitrogenous and 7ion-nitrogenous organic constit- uents ot the food consumed, as compared with that which served in our previous experiments. The gluten meal was chosen for that end from among tlie various concentrated commercial feed-stuffs, on account of its close relation to corn, of which it constitutes a part, and its higher nitrogenous character, when compared with that of the corn meal and the wheat bran (shorts). One of the principal objects of these more recent investigations has been the same as that of the earlier ones, namely : To study the feeding effect of dried corn fodder (stover), as a substitute, whole or in part, for English hay ; and that of corn ensilage as compared with roots under corresponding circum- stances ; for details in this connection see our IV. Annual Report, page 11. Three cows, mixed breed, from five to six years old were selected for our work. They were practically in the same milking period, from three to six weeks after calving, at the beginning of the trial. The observation extended over a j^eriod of seven months, October 1st, 1886 to April 24th, 1887. The temporary changes in the diet, wherever decided upon, were carried out gradually, as it is customary in all carefully conducted feeding experiments. At least five days are allowed in every inst- ance to pass by, in case of a change in the character of the feed, before the daily observations of the results appear in our published records. The dates which accompany all detailed reports of our feeding experiments, past and present, furnish exact figures in that direction. This is in particular the case whenever such statements are of a special interest for an intelligent appreciation of the final conclusions presented. As our feeding experiments with milch cows were originally under- taken with the intention of cai-ryingout a systematic course of inquiry into the economical relations of the production of milk with reference to the dairy industry as well as to a practical general farm manage- ment, it was thought best for various reasons to begin our work with cows of moderate milking qualities. The effect of different diets, on the quantity and quality of the milk produced, as well as their bearing on the-?ie^ cost of production promised to be of particular interest under the stated circumstances. A beginning of our work at the lower end of the scale of the production of milk offered besides, the particular advantage that the results obtaiued, by a careful mode ot observation might find a direct application to a still quite numerous class of cows on our farms, which are not infrequently assumed to be of but little merit from an economical standpoint. It is our inten- tion to publish as soon as practicable a statement concerning the annual yield of milk of some of our cows at present on trial, and also the net cost of its j)roduction as far as tlie leed is concerned, to show more plainly the annual profits of keeping cows of moderate milking qualities. The daily diet of the cows consisted at the beginning of the exper- iments of three and one-quarter pounds of corn meal, an equal weight of wheat bran and all the hay they could eat. The actual amount of hay consumed, in each casQ, was ascertained by daily weighing out a liberal supply of it and deducting subsequently the hayleft ovei'. The statement in our records below refers to the average consump- tion of hay per day during the feeding period. The above-stated combination of fodder articles was adopted as the basis of our investigation, mainly for the reason that it had been used with satisfactory results in some of our earlier feeding experi- ments, and not on the assumption of its being the best possible com- bination of fodder articles for milch cows. The weights of the ani- mals were taken on the same day of each week, before milking and feeding. The valuation of the various fodder articles consumed is based on the local market price per ton. when used : Good English hay, $15 ; corn meal, $23 ; wheat bran, $20 ; gluten meal, $23 ; rye mid- dlings, $24; dry corn fodder (stover) $5; corn ensilage, $2.75: carrots, $7. The value of a fodder for dairy ptivposes may be stated from txm distinctly different standpoints, — namely, with reference to ite liiflu- ence on the temporary yield of milk, and the general condition of the animals which consume it; and in regard to its first cost, i. e., its physiological and commercial value. The market value and the actual feeding effect'of one and the same article do not necessarily correspond with each other ; in fact, the}' rarely coincide. The market vcdue may be stated for each locality by ove definite number. The feeding effect of one and the same substance, simple or compound, varies under different circumstances , and depends in a controlling degree on its judicious use. As no single plant or part of plant has been found to supply eco- nomically and efficiently to any considerable extent the wants of our various kinds of farm stock, it becomes a matter of first importance to learn how to supplement our leading farm crops, to meet the divers wants of each kind. To secure the highest feeding value of each article of fodder is most desirable in the interest of good economy. The judicious selection of ingredients for a suitable and remunerative diet for our dairy stock obliges us, therefore, to study the value of the fodder articles at our disposal from both standpoints. The chemical analyses of the various articles used in the combina- tion of fodder in our case, with the exception of that of carrots which may be found in Bulletin No. 26, page 9, are stated in some succeeding pages to show their character and their respective quality. To ascertain the chemical composition of a fodder ration in connection with an other- wise carefully managed feeding experiment, enables us to recognize, with more certainty, the causes of the varying feeding effects of one and the same fodder article, when fed in different combinations. It furnishes also a most valuable guide in the selection of suitable com- mercial feed stuffs from known sources to supplement economically our home-raised fodder crops. Practical experience in feeding stock has so far advanced, that it seems to need no further argument to accept it as a matter of fact, that the efficiency of a fodder ration in the dairy does not depend, aside from its general adaptation, on the mere presence of more or less of certain prominent fodder articles, but on the presence of a proper quantity and a certain relative pro- portion of certain prominent constituents of plants, which are known to be essential for a successful support of life and the special func- tions of the dairy cow. Investigations into the relations which the various prominent con- stituents of plants bear to the support of animal life, have rendered it advisable to classify them in this connection into three groups, — mineral constituents, and nitrogenous and non-nitrogenous organic constituents. For details regarding this matter I have to refer to previous publications-of the Station. Numerous and extensive prac- tical feeding experiments with most of our prominent fodder articles in various conditions, and with all kinds of farm live stock, have intro- duced the p)ractice of reporting, in connection with the analysis of the chemist, also the results of careful feeding experiments, as far as the various fodder articles have proved digestible, and were thus qualified for the support of the life and the functions of the particular hind of animal on trial. In stating the amount of the digestible portion of the fodder consumed in a feeding experiment, it has proved useful for comparing different fodder rations, etc., to make known by a dis- tinct record the relative proportion which has been noticed to exist, between the amount of its digestible nitrogenous and non- nitrogenous organic constituents. This relation is expressed by the name of "■ Nutritive Ratio." An examination of the subsequent short description of our feeding experiments will show, for instance, that the corn meal fed contained one part of digestible nitrogenous to 8.76 parts of digestible non-nitrogenous organic matter, making the customary allowance for the higher physiological value of the fat as compared with that of starch, sugar, etc. (2.5 times higher). The " Nutritive Ratio " of the corn meal is subsequently stated as follows 1 :8.76 ; that of wheat bran 1 :3.47 ; of gluten meal 1 :2.67 ; of rye middlings 1 :7.28 ; of English hay 1 :9.5 ; of dry corn fodder 1 :9.3 ; of corn ensilage 1:11.9; of carrots 1:9.24. The results of our own analyses of these fodder articles are here turned to account for the calculation of the above stated " Nutritive Ratios." It has been noticed that, as a general rule, growing animals and milch cows require a richer food, i. e. a closer relation of digestible nitrogenous and non-nitrogenous organic constituents in their feed, to do their best^ than full grown animals and moderately worked horses or oxen. G-erman investigators recommend a combination of fod- der articles, in other respects suitable, which contains one part of digestible nitrogenous organic constituents, to 5.4 parts of digestible uor^-nitrogenous constituents. From the description of our earlier feeding experiments with milch cows, see IV. Annual Report, page 11, it may be observed, that the relations of the digestible nitrogenous and non-nitrogenous organic constituents in the different combinations of fodder articles which constituted during the various feeding periods the daily diet of the cows, varied on that occasion from 1 :6.7 to 1 :10.17. The closer relation (1 :6.7) was obtained by feeding on an average daily 3 1-4 pounds of wheat bran, 15 pounds of hay with forty pounds of Lane's sugar beet, and the wider ratio (1 :10.17) by feeding daily on an average 3 1-4 pounds of corn meal, five pounds of hay and 41 3-4 pounds of corn ensilage (see Daisy). During oiu- more recent feed- ing experiments, described below, on the whole closer relations are adopted than before ; the relation between the two above staled important groups of fodder constituents vary from 1 :5.9 to 1 :7.9 ; they are also moie uuiforin during the various feeding periods. The closer relation — 1 :o.9 — is obtained by feeding daily on an average, 3 1-4 pounds each of corn meal, wheat bran and gluten meal, with ten pounds of hay and thirty-five pounds of carrots, and the wider ratio — 1 :7.9 — by feeding daily on an average, 3 1-4 pounds each, of corn meal and wheat bran, with 25 pounds of ha}^ (see Dora) . The entire recent feeding experiment is subdivided in eight (Jistiuctl}'^ differing feeding periods, the same number as on the preceding occasion for the same length of time, seven months. The dry corn fodder, the ensilage and the roots were cut, before being offered as feed. The exact amount consumed of each fodder article was ascertained by taking their weights before feeding and deduct the amount left, if any. Grain and roots were usually fed during milking, and the coarser fodder between times. Amoug other conclusions a careful examination of our subsequenth' tabulated feeding records of each cow, Susie, Meg and Doi-a, leads apparently with much propriety to the following : Tlie nutritive value of our dry corn fodder compares well with that of an average quality of E^nglisli hay ; the same may be said of good corn ensilage in place of from one-half to two-thirds of the custom- ary amount of hay. The nutritive value of our dry corn fodder (stover) and of a good corn ensilage, taking into consideration pound for pound of the dry vegetable matter they contain, has proved in our case fully equal, if not superior, to that of the average Euglish hay. The nutritive feeding value of carrots, taking into consideration pound for pound of the dry matter they contain, exceeds that of the corn ensilage, as an ingredient of the daily diet in place of a i)art (1-2) of the hay fed. The conclusions thus far stated are in full agreement with those pointed out in our earlier experiments. The influence of the various diets used, on the quality of the milk, seems to depend in a controling degree on the constitutional charac- teristics of the animals on trial. The effect is not unfrequeutly in our case the reverse in different animals. The yield of the mdlk decreased, although at a different rate, in the case of different animals, as time advanced. The shrinkage in the daily yield of milk amounted at the end of the entire experiment to from 3.2 quarts to 4.0 quarts in case of different cows. The grad- ual decline in the entiie milk record of evei-y cow is only once broken, namely during the sixth feeding period, Feb. 7th to Feb. 21st, when the yield pf milk showis an increase of from .7 to 1.9 quarts per day, as compared with that of the preceding period. This change for the better was noticed when, ten pounds of hay and thirty-four pounds of carrots were used, under otherwise corresponding circum- stances, as a substitute for five pounds of hay and twenty-nine pounds of corn ensilage ; the amount of dry vegetable matter contained in the hay fed with roots, and in the hay fed with corn ensilage was practi- cally the same in both instances. The feed of the sixth feeding per- iod containing carrots as an ingredient is thus the most nutritive and also the most expensive. The total cost of the feed consumed for the production of milk is lowest wherever corn fodder or corn ensilage have replaced in the whole or in part English hay, under otherwise corresponding circum- stances. The net cost of feed consumed for the production of one quart of milk during the various feeding periods varies as widely as from .34 cts. to 1.6 cts. in case of the same cow. The net cost of the feed is obtained by deducting 80 per cent, of the value of the fertilizing con- stituents it contains. The manurial value of the feed consumed during the entire feeding experiment, deducting 20 per cent, for the amount of fertilizing con- stituents lost in the production of milk, is at current market rates in every instance more than equal to one-third of the original cost ot the feed. Two cows gained from 60 to 66 pounds in live weight during the trial ; and one, the best milker, Dora, held practically its own from beginning to end. For further details see the following pages. FEEDING RECORD. 8US1E ; age 0 years. Grade Ayrshire. Last calf, J ily 14, 188(>. reed consumed (pounds) per day. 11 is cS rS i, a j 1 1 bo FEEDING S PERIODS. 1 1 1 2 s i 1 1 1 5 o 111 a o 1 o 1 1^; 1886. 1 Oct. 1-25 3.25 3.25 24.92 28.59 13.5 2.11 1 :7.9 855 2 Nov. 1-16 3.26 3.25 3.25 19.03 26 15 13.2 1.98 1 :6.1 877 3 Dec. 6-13 3.25 3.25 3.25 20.00 27.65 11.8 2.35 1 :6.8 883 4 Dec. 21-31 3.25 3.25 21.36 23.81 11.9 2.00 1:7.7 883 1887. 5 Jan. 18-31 3.25 3.25 3.25 5.00 32.79 22.60 11.0 2.06 1 :6.4 897 6 Feb. 7-21 3.25 3.25 3.25 10.00 35.00 21.36 12.9 1.66 1 :5.9 914 7 Mar, 9-25 3.25 3.25 3.25 20.00 27.00 11.1 2.42 1:6.2 951 8 Apr. G-24 3.25 3.25 3.25 18.95 26 07 9.4 2.76 1 :6.1 1019 MEG ; age 6 years. Grade Devon. Last calf, Aug. 2, L886. 1886. 1 Oct. 1-25 2 Nov. 1-16 3 Dec. 6-13 4 Dec. 21-31 1887. 5 Jan. 18-31 6 Feb. 7-21 7 Mar. 9-25 8 Apr. 6-24 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 25.00 19.34 20.00 5.00 10.00 20.00 18.95 25.25 17.59 35.00 26.44 27.65 20.62 20.46 21.36 27.00 26.07 .9 2.06 .2 2.00 .9 2.15 .0 1.72 .3 1.98 .0 1.94 .9 2.50 .7 2.43 1023 1049 1078 1023 1055 1083 1087 1149 DORA; age 6 years. Grade Devon. Last calf Sept. 6, 1886. 1886. 1 Oct. 1-25 2 Nov. 1-16 3 Dec. 6-13 4 Dec. 21-31 1887. 5 Jan. 18-31 6 Fob. 7-21 7 Mar. 9-25 8 Apr. 6-24 3.25 3...5 23.00 26.86 16.3 1.65 1:7.8 3.25 3.25 3.25 17.70 24.92 15.7 1.59 1:6.0 3.25 3.25 3.25 20.00 26.98 14.6 1.85 1:6.8 3.25 3.25 19.77 22.46 14.0 1.60 1 :7.7 3.25 3.25 3.25 5.00 28,64 21.42 12.8 1.68 1:6.2 3.25 3.25 3.25 10.00 35.00 21.36 13.5 1.58 1:5.9 3.25 3.25 3.25 20.00 27.00 12.2 2.21 1 :6.2 3.25 3.25 3.25 18.95 26.07 n.7 2.23 1 :6.1 882 859 889 851 856 855 836 877 Manurial Value of Feed. SUSIE. %i n Hi £3 -P a 1 FEEDING PERIODS. 1% an ■sg »P be III 8oo ^h ^11 Ig^s |l 1886. $ f $ 1 cts. lbs. 1 Oct. 1-25 6.41 2.72 2.18 4.23 1.24 861 2 Nov. 1-16 4.00 1.92 1.54 2.46 1.16 896 3 Dec. 6-13 2.18 .92 .74 1.44 1.53 883 4 Dec. 21-31 1 36 1.00 .80 .56 .43 876 1887. 5 Jan. 18-31 2.66 1.48 1.18 1.48 .97 905 6 Feb. 7-21 4.58 1.67 1.34 3.24 1.67 921 7 Mar. 9-25 4.38 2.09 1.67 2.71 1.43 967 8 Apr. 6-24 3.84 2.27 1.82 2.02 1.13 1060 Total, 29.41 14.07 11.27 18.14 MEG. 1886. $ $ % $ cts. lbs. 1 Oct. 1-25 6.43 2.72 2.18 4.25 1.22 1030 2 Nov. 1-16 4.04 1.92 1.54 2.50 1.18 1055 3 Dec. 6-13 2.18 .92 .74 1.44 1.40 1056 4 Dec. 21-31 1.25 .89 .71 .54 .41 1020 1887. 5 Jan. 18-31 2.51 1.39 1.11 1.41 .98 1070 6 Feb. 7-21 4.58 1.67 1.34 3.24 1.96 1096 7 Mar. 9-25 4.38 2.09 1.67 2.71 1.47 1101 8 Apr. 6-24 3.84 2.27 1.82 2.02 .99 1170 Total, 29.21 13.87 11.11 18.11 DORA. 1886. $ 1 f $ cts. lbs. 1 Oct. 1-25 6.05 2.58 2.06 3.99 .98 860 2 Nov. 1-16 3.84 1.85 1.48 2.36 .94 876 3 Dec. 6-13 2.18 .92 .74 1.44 1.24 884 4 Dec. 21-31 1.31 .96 .78 .53 .34 ■ 844 1887. 5 Jan. 18-31 2.58 1.43 1.14 1.44 .80 860 6 Feb. 7-21 4.58 1.67 1.34 3.24 1.60 852 7 Mar. 9-25 4.38 2.09 1.67 2.71 1.30 831 8 Apr. 6-24 3.84 2.27 1.82 2.02 .91 885 Total, 28.76 13.77 11.03 17.73 otal Cost of Feed per Quart of Milk. SUSIE. 1 M i rt .1 s i 1 % li J4ri o 2S, 2.2 a § ill, o p. p S CO o FEEDING 'J=. ^^"^ .-^^ rol« ^?? B'S ^?? rS ** ^ °s PBUIODS. o 3 11 o 3 o 'B ^5 1-2 o 2 i! 11 3 -3 51 §5 g1 So P to II li 11 ii -3 2 sg 11 1 8 o H •< H H H H E-i H H H H % ^ "A ^ $ $ .f $ Cts. lbs. 1. Susie, .... 6.41 2.72 2.18 4.23 1.24 861 Meg, . 6.43 2.72 2.18 4.25 1.22 1030 Dora, 6.05 2.58 2.06 3.99 .98 860 2. Susie, 4.00 1.92 1.54 2.46 1.16 896 Meg, . 4.04 1.92 1.54 2.50 1.18 1055 Dora, 3.84 1.85 1.48 2.36 .94 876 3. Susie, 2.18 .92 .74 1.44 1.53 883 Meg, . 2.18 .92 .74 1.44 1.40 1056 Dora, 2.18 .92 .74 1.44 1.24 884 4. Susie, 1.36 1.00 .80 .56 .43 876 Meg, . 1.25 .89 .71 .54 .41 1020 Dora, l.Sl .96 .78 .53 .34 844 5. Susie, 1 2.66 1.48 I.IS 1.48 .97 905 Meg, . 2.51 1.39 1.11 1.41 .98 1070 Dora, 2.58 1.43 1.14 1.44 .80 860 6. Susie, 4.58 1.67 1.34 3.24 1.67 921 Meg, . 4.58 1.67 1.34 3.24 1.96 1096 Dora, 4.58 1.67 1.34 3.24 1.60 852 7. Susie, 4.38 2.09 1.67 2.71 1.43 967 Meg, . 4.38 2.09 1.67 2.71 1.47 1101 Dora, 4.38 2.09 1.67 2.71 1.30 831 8. Susie, 3.84 2.27 1.82 2.02 1.13 1060 Meg, . 3.84 2.27 1.82 2.02 .99 1170 Dora, 3.84 2.27 1.82 2.02 .91 885 12 SUMMARY. SUSIE. Total amoimt of milk prodviced during above records, 1490 qts. Total cost of feed per quart of milk produced, 1.97 cts. Manurial value left behind per quart of milk produced, .75 cts. Net cost per quart of milk produced, 1.22 cts. MEG. Total amount of milk produced during above records, 1491.1 qts. Total cost of feed per quart of milk produced, 1.96 cts. Manurial value left behind per quart of milk produced, .75 cts. Net cost per quart of milk produced, 1.21 cts. DORA. Total amount of milk luoduced dming above records, 1742.3 qts. Total cost of feed per quart of milk produced, 1.65 cts. Manurial value left behind per quart of milk produced, .64 cts. Net cost per quart of milk produced, _ 1.01 cts. Analyses of SUSIE. "1 g 1 p p 00 a s 1 1 a < (per cent.) Water, 88.10 Solids, 11.90 Fat (in solids), 3.79 87.66 12.34 3.47 87.21 12.79 4.29 87.16 88.23 12.83 11.77 3.92 3.34 MEG. 87.75 12.24 3.47 87.27 12.72 4.08 87.50 12.50 3.68 87.68 12.32 3.66 88.26 11.74 3.45 Water, 87.71 Solids, 12.29 Fat (in solids), 3.69 87.80 12.20 3.36 87.80 12.20 3.30 87.62 88.37 12.38 11.63 3.64 3.16 88.29 11.71 2.98 88.43 11.57 3.11 87.84 12.16 3.45 87.49 12.51 3.55 87.88 12.12 3.64 DORA. Water, 87.75 87.14 87.18 87.45 87.00 86.84 87.10 87.47 86.68 86.70 Solids, 12.25 12.86 12.82 12.55 13.00 13.16 12.90 12.53 13.32 13.30 Fat (in solids), 3.69 3.96 3.89 3.73 3.77 3.77 3.27 3.71 3.91 3.85 The milk produced at the Station is not sold in the market ; the cream is sent to the local creamery and the shim-milk is turned to account for stock feeding. Analyses of Fodder Articles used in the Previous Experiment. HAY. From Experiment Station. oi » m d S m a. 2 a o s a ?B S §1 S g ^8 1? •If o g ^ g « 1 21 go 8 ■" p-l £•" Moisture at 100° C, , 8.30 166.00 Dry Matter, 91.70 1834.00 100.00 2000.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. >o Crude Ash, 6.12 122.40 " Cellulose, 30.19 603.80 350.20 58 " Fat, 2.55 51.00 23 46 46 " Protein, (nitrogenous matter), . 9.75 195.00 111.15 57 Non-nitrogenous extract matter, . . 51.39 102.78 647.51 63 100.00 2000.00 1132.32 WHEAT BRAN. Amherst, Mass. ^ a ^ S 2 a a i 6 11 .9 *= li a °^ o a 3 £ 1! 3 » § If 1 1 S5 Ph Oi Moisture at 100° C, 10.87 217.40 Dry Matter, ..... 89.13 1782.60 100.00 2000.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. Tj^ Crude Ash, . . , , 5.90 118.00 '?. " Cellulose, 8.27 165.40 33.08 20 ^ " Fat 4.40 19.63 88.00 392.60 70.40 345.53 80 88 " Protein, (nitrogenous matter), . Non-nitrogenous extract matter, , 61.80 1236.00 988.80 80 100.00 2000.00 1437.81 14 CORN MEAL. Amherst Mill. ^-. ^ M i 3 a i a w o c£ s s ^ § « i 1 a o .§>- '^ ^ -o| % « S o 15 1^ Pounds 1 ton a> o p-l ^ ^ Moisture at 100° C.,, 12.62 252.40 Dry Matter, 87.38 1747.60 100.00 2000.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. CO Crude Ash, . 1.56 31.20 Otj " Cellulose, 2.66 53.20 18.09 34 ^ " Fat 4.27 85 40 64 90 76 " Protein, (nitrogenous matter), . 11.43 228.60 194.31 85 Non-nitrogenous extract matter, . . 80.08 1601.60 1505.50 1782.80 94 100.00 2000.00 CHICAGO GLUTEN MEAL. Springfield, Mass. 96.81 per cent, passed through Mesh, 144 to square inch. n- .s ^ ■2 « s 2 S fl d -8 S 2 s s P5 'il - s a ^8 11 t> - 1 « ci 3 03 u ^ 3 5?; O •'-' o U Ph Ph Moisture at 100° C, 8.83 176.60 Dry Matter 91.17 1823.40 100.00 2000.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. CJ Crude Ash, 0.73 0.79 14.60 15.80 5.37 34 " Cellulose " Fat, 8.46 169.20 128.59 76 " Protein, (niti'ogenous matter). 31.43 628.60 534.31 85 Non-nitrogenous extract matter, . . 58.59 1171.80 1101.49 94 100.00 2000.00 1769.76 15 RYE MIDDLINGS. From Amherst Mill, 1886. ^ c3 a aa .9 ii 6 8) o .9 8 3 a M 3 - '■C o ■O '-3 Ph go B g 6 '9 1 § o g g -s ■'S 1 Moisture at 100" C. . . 12.54 L'50.80 87.46 1749.20 2000.00 100.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. C<) 4.02 80.40 3.70 74.00 6 66 9.0 ^ " Fat, 5.61 13.15 112.20 263.00 64.52 173.58 57.5 66.0 " Protein, (nitrogenous matter), . Non-nitrogenous extract matter, . . 73.52 1470.40 1095.45 74.5 100.00 2000.00 1340.21 DRY CORN FODDER (Stover), From the Experiment Station. "m • S i ■Z « « c 6 ■^ g S 5 ^ ^5 g ® -S o o g •3 s 1 ^ g " |2 ^s; S ^ 6 ■" ^ Ph Moisture at 100° C, .... 15.40 308.00 Dry Matter, .... 84.60 1692.00 100.00 2000.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. CO Crude Ash, 4.22 84.40 Oi " Cellulose, 20.93 418.60 301.39 72 "^ " Fat, 2.63 52.60 39.45 75 " Protein, (nitrogenous matter), . 9.17 183.40 133.88 73 Non- nitrogenous extract matter, . . 63.05 1261.00 844.87 67 100.00 2000.00 1319.59 16 CORN ENSILAGE. From the Silos of the Experiment Station. Moisture at 100" C, Dry Matter, ANALYSIS or DRY MATTER. Crude Ash, " Cellulose, " Fat, ^ " Protein, (nitrogenous matter). Non- nitrogenous extract matter, . 71.60 28.40 1432.00 568.00 ■S 8 (U o be o" 100.00 3.32 18.52 6.07 7.78 64.31 100.00 2000.00 66.40 370.40 121-40 155.60 1286.20 266-69 91.05 113.59 861.75 2000.001 1333.08 C. A. GOESSMANN, Director, Amherst, Mass. The Bulletins of the Experiment Station will be sent free of charge to all parties interested in its work, on application. J. E. Wiliiams, Printer, Amliei-st, Mass. STATE LIBRARY . OF — IVIASSA^HU§^TtTai' STATI AGI[ICULTUBAL Ef MfiJiT>TIOt(, BXTLLETIH^T KTo. SS. MARCH, 1888. Meteorological Summary for the five months en ding Feb. 29, 1888. OCT. NOV. DEC. JAN. FEB. Highest temperature, 74.4° 64. S" 51.0° 41.0° 46.0° Lowest temperature, 17.0 11.0 —6.0 —21.5 —19.0 Mean temperature, 47.00 36.49 •26.65 13.78 22.05 Total precipitation, 2.10 in. 3.35 in. 4.11 in. 3.87 in. 3.94 in. Total snowfall. 10 in. 19 in. 9.5 in. Prevailing winds, N. W. N. W. N. W. N. W. N. W. No. of days on which cloudiness averaged 8 or more on scale of 10, 7 11 16 5 8 No. of da^'s on which 0.1 of an inch or more of wa- ter from rain or melted snow fell, 5 7 10 8 7 Very mild weather characterized the months of October and No- vember. The first snow of any consequence was on the i 8th and 19th of December. January was the coldest month for fifty-one years, the average temperature being 9.5 degrees lower than that of any preceding January for that time. The first of February contin- ued cold. On the 20th a thaw occurred which materially lessened the amount of snow on the ground. The publication of Bulletins for the present year begins with this number. Copies will be sent to all parties alreadv on our distribu- ting list — without awaiting a special notice. Provisions are made to meet new applications. The supply of Bulletins No. 1 to 21 and 22-23 and of the second annual report is exhausted, while of Bulle- tins Nos. 20. 24, 25, 26 and 27, and of the first, third and fourth an- nual reports, there are still a limited number on hand for distribution. The fifth annual report will be soon ready for distribution. AiTangements are made as in previous years to attend to the ex- amination of olijects of general interest to the farming community, to the full extent of existing resources. Requests for analyses of substances — as fodder articles, fertilizers, etc., — coming through officers of agricultural societies and farmers' clubs within the state, will receive hereafter, as in the past, first attention, and in the order that the applications arrive at the office of the Station. The results will be returned without a charge for the services rendered. Appli" cation of private parties for analyses of substances, free of charge, will receive a careful consideration, whenever the results promise to be of a more general interest. For obvious reasons no work can be carried on at the Station, of which the results are not at the disposal of the managers for publication, if deemed advisable in the interest of the citizens of the state. All parcels and communications sent on to " The State Experi- ment Station " must have express and postal charges prepaid, to re- ceive attention. To assist farmers, not yet familiar with the current mode of deter- mining the commercial value of mauurial substances offered for sale in our markets, — some of the essential considerations,— which serve agricultural chemists as a basis for a commercial valuation, are once more stated, within a few subsequent pages. The customary valuation of manurial substances is based on the average trade value of the fertilizing elements specified by analysis. The money value of the higher grades of agricultural chemicals and of the higher priced compound fertilizers, depends in the majority of cases on the amount and the jmrticulM' form of two or three essential articles of 2^^(^'>^t food, i.e., phosporic acid, nitrogen and potash, whicii they contain. The valuation which usually accompanies the analyses of these goods shall inform the consumer, as far as practi- cable, regarding the cash-retail price at which the several specified es- sential elements of p)lant food, in an efficient form, have been offiered of late for sale, in our large markets. The market value of low priced materials used for manurial pur- poses, as salt, wood ashes, various kinds of lime, barnyard manure, factory refuse and waste materials of different description, does, quite frequently, not stand in a close relation to the market value of the amount of essential articles of plant food they contain. Their cost varies in different localities. Local facilities for cheap trans- portation and more or less advantageous mechanical condition for a speedy action, exert, as a rule, a decided influence on their selling- price. The marlvet price of manurial substances is liable to serious fluctu- ations ; for supply and demand exert here as well as in other branches of commercial industry a controlling influence on their temporary money value. As farmers in many instances have but little chance to obtain the desired information, Agricultural chemists charged with the inspection of commercial fertilizer assist in the work, by ascertaining as far as practicable the actual market-price of the leading manurial substances in our principal markets for a given period of time. The results of the inquiries in the condition of the trade during the past six months are embodied in the subse- quent tabular statement of cost of fertilizing ingredients for the opening of the season for 1888. The market reports of centres of trade in New England, New York and New Jersey, aside from consultations with leading manu- facturers of fertilizers and notes on actual sales of individual farmers and farmers' associations, etc., furnish the necessary information regarding the current trade value of fertilizing ingredients. The sub- sequent statement of cash-values in the retail trade is obtained by taking the average of the wholesale quotations in New York and Bos- ton, during the six months preceding March 1, 1888, and increasing them by 20 per cent., to cover expenses for sales, credits, etc. These trade values, except those for phosphoric acid, soluble in ammonium-citrate, were agreed upon by the Experiment Stations of Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Jersey and Vermont for use in their several states for the present season. TRADE VALUES OF FERTILIZMG INGREDIENTS IN RAW MATERIALS AND CHEMICALS. 1888. Cents per pound. Nitrogen in ammoniates, 17|^ " " nitrates, 16 Organic nitrogen in dry and fine ground fish, meat, blood, cotton-seed meal and castor pomace, 16^ " " " fine ground bone and tankage, 16| " " "■ fine ground medium bone and tankage, 13 " " " medium bone and tankage, 10^ 2 'J " " " coarser bone and tankage, 8^ " " " hair, horn-shavings and coarse fish scrap, 8 Phosphoric acid soluble in water, 8 " " soluble in ammonium citrate,* 7| " " in dry ground fish, fine bone and tankage, 7 " "in fine medium bone and tankage, 6 " "in medium bone and tankage, 5 " "in coarser bone and tankage, 4 " "in fine ground rock phosphate, 2 Potash as High Grade Sulphate, and in forms free from Muriate or Chlorides, 5i " " Kainite, 4i " " Muriate, 4^ The above trade values are the figures at which in the six months preceding March the respective ingredients could be bought at retail for cash in our large markets, in the raw materials which are the reg- ular source of supply. They also correspond to the average wholesale prices for the six months ending March 1st plus about 20 per cent, in case of goods for which we have wholesale quotations. The valuations obtained by use of the above figures will be found to agree fairh' with the rea- sonable retail price at the large markets of standard raw materials such as : Sulphate of Ammonia, Dry Ground Fish, Nitrate of Soda, Azotin, Muriate of Potash, Ammonite, Sulphate of Potash, Castor Pomace, Dried Blood, Bone and Tankage, Dried Ground Meat, Plain Superphosphates, To obtain the Valuation of a Fertilizer (i. e. the money-worth of its fertilizing ingredients,) we multiply the pounds per ton of Nitro- gen, etc., by the trade-value per pound. We thus get the values per ton of the several ingredients, and adding them together we obtain the total valuation per ton in case of cash payment at points of gen- eral distribution. The mechanical condition of any fertilizing material, simple or compound, deserves the most serious consideration of farmers, when *Dissolved from two grams of Phosphate unground, by 100 C. C. neutral solution of am- monium citrate, sp. gr. 1.09 in 30 minutes at G5 deg. C, with agitation once in five minutes; commonly called " reverted " or " backgonc" phosphoric acid. articles of a similar chemical character are offered for their choice. The degree of pulverization controls, almost without exception, under similar conditions, the rate of solubility, and the more or less rapid diffusion of the different articles of plant-food throughout the soil. The state of moisture exerts a no less important influence on the pecuniary value, in case of one and the same kind of substance. Two samples of fish fertilizer, although equally pure, may differ from 50 to 100 per cent, in commercial value, on account of mere difference in moisture. Crude stock for the manufacture of fertilizers, and refuse material of various descriptions, sent to the Station for examination, are valued with reference to the market prices of their principal constit- uents, taking into consideration at the same time their general fitness for speedy action. A large percentage of commercial fertilizing material consists of refuse matter from various industries. The composition of these substances depends on the mode of manufacture carried on. The rapid progress in our manufacturing industry is liable to aft'ect at any time, more or less seriously, the composition of the refuse. A con- stant inquiry into the character of the agricultural chemicals^ and of commercial manurial refuse substances offered for sale, cannot fail to secure confidence in their composition, and to diminish financial dis- appointment in consequence of their application. This work is car- ried on for the purpose of aiding the farming community in a clear and intelligent appreciation of the substances for manurial purposes. Consumers of commercial manurial substances do well to buy whenever practical, on guaranty of composition with reference to their essential constituents ; and to see to it that the bill of sale recog- nizes that point of the bargain. Any mistake or misunderstanding in the transaction may be readily adjusted, in that case, between the contending parties. The responsibility of the dealer ends with fur- nishing an article, corresponding in its composition with the lowest stated quantity, of each specified essential constituent. Dord, Mass. Per Cent. I. II. III. 4.24 14.50 14.13 38.30 33.34 33.45 2.82 3.83 3.39 2.55 5.76 6.32 1.83 1.28 1.40 21.58 44.96 14.83 19.81 9.95 11.67 Analyses of Fertilizers. 487-489. WOOD ASHES. I. Sent on from Ipswich, Mass. II. — III. Sent on from Concord Moisture at 100° C, Calcium oxide, Magnesium oxide, Potassium oxide. Phosphoric acid, Insohible matter (before calcination) •' " (after calcination), Sample I. contains but one-half the amount of potash of an ordi- nary quality of Canada Wood-ash. Samples II. and III. are of a good quality, and correspond fairly with the guaranty of the dealer. The question has been repeatedly asked, on what basis to adjust differences between a stated guaranty of composition and the actual results of an analysis of a sample of wood-ash : — our answer has been in these cases, to allow 5^ cts. for every pound of potassium oxide and 6 cts. for every pound of phosphoric acid, which the anal- ysis shows to be less than the guaranty states to be present. 489—492. COTTON SEED HULL ASHES. I. Sent on from Hatfield, Mass. II. Sent on from Agawam, Mass. III. Sent on from So. Deerfield, Mass. Per Cent. I. II. III. Moisture at 100° C, Phosphoric acid, (6 cts. per lb.) Potassium oxide, (5| cts. per lb.) Calcium oxide, Magnesium oxide. Insoluble matter (before calcination) "• " (after calcination). Valuation per 2000 pounds, The samples are of an excei)tionably good quality 13.26 7.15 10.19 8.83 8.06 15.37 24.13 28.22 19.07 8.92 10.50 5.14 8.60 15.25 9.78 14.29 12.75 18.11 12.22 10.57 12.16 ^37.14 #40.71 $39. 42 492—497. FISH FERTILIZERS. Sent , on from Eastham, Mas ;s. I. Salt Fish Waste. II. Fish Chum. III. Salt Fish Trimmjngs. IV. Whale Bone. V. Moisture at 100° C, Whale Scrap. 1. 37.35 II. 53.86 Per Cent. III. 5.22 IV. 6.81 V. 9.51 Total Phosphoric acid, 2.89 3.80 5.50 20.84 1.15 Soluble " "8 cts. lb. .58 .36 .69 .34 .84 Reverted " "1 "Acts. lb. 1.16 1.77 2.15 1.84 .07 Insoluble " "3 cts. lb. 1.15 1.67 2.66 18.69 .24 Nitrogen, 12 cts lb. 5.26 4.26 7.63 3.40 9.64 Insoluble matter, .10 .06 .26 3.69 9.10 Valuation per 2000 lbs. $15.96 $14.46 $24.24 i ^22.67 $24.73 The main quantity of these substances was in a very coarse state. 498. CASTOR POMACE. 499 Sent ou from Hatfield, Mass. Per Cent. Moisture at 100° C, 8.67 Ash, 5.70 Nitrogen in organic matter, (16| cts. per lb.), 5.72 Phosphoric acid in ash, (6 cts. per lb.) 1.57 Potassium oxide " (4i cts. per lb.) .97 Calcium " " .71 Magnesium " " .65 Insoluble matter " 1.21 Valuation per 2000 lbs., $21.57. 500. SEA WEED. Sent ou from Eastham, Mass. (Two samples.) Per Cent. I. II. Moisture at 100° C, 12.05 14.96 Nitrogen, {\^ cts. per lb.) 1.P6 1.28 Phosphoric acid, (6 cts. per lb.) .44 .17 Potassium oxide, (4i cts. per lb.) 3.81 .36 2.73 3.86 Calcium " j^_48 1.30 Magnesium " ^^ ^5 8.40 Sodium '* g_40 5.28 Chlorine, ^ 73 .78 Insoluble matter, '2. ^4.72 Valuat.on per 200 lb. ^^^^^_ ^^^^^^^^ ^^ The samples were ^^^^'^f^xZiZ, serious exposure to.bad of time. 501. BROOM CORN WASTE. Sent on from No. Hadley, Mass. ^^^^^^^^^ 8.70 Moisture at 100° C, 91.30 Dry Matter, ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. 100.00 4, Crude Ash, 0925 't Cellulose, ^ qq .c Protein (Nitrogenous matter) , -^^ Non-nitrogenous extract matter, 100.00 Moisture at 100° C, ^^ Nitrogen, (12 cts. per lb.) • Phosphoric acid, (5 cts. per lb.) • Potassium oxide, (4i cts. per lb.) l-«^ Calcium " j^7 Magnesium - Not determined. So^^^"" ,, Not determined. Ferric 99 Insoluble matter, Valuationper 2000 lbs., -»- The »atcna, was sent on to ascertain us ™ao„.al.aU,e. 8.24 2.09 ^^^- COTTON WASTE. Sent on from Boston, Mass. Moisture at 100° C, Nitrogen, (Ui cts. per lb.) i^hosphoric acid, (5 cts. per lb.) Calcium oxide, Magnesium " ^'^^ Potassium " (ai pt^ ,-,0,. lu \ "^^ Insoluble matter,^ ' ^'' ^^-^ .1-62 Valuation per 2000 lbs., $8.27^^'^^ 503-505. MUCK. I. and II. Sent on from Marlboro', Mass HI. ^ent on from Concord, Mass. Per Cent. II. III. Moisture at 100° C oo*^* --^. Dry Matter, f^-64 40.63 56.46 Nitrogen in drv matter, , '^^ ^^-^^ 43.54 Ash constituents in dry matter, a a a .V^^ ^-1^ Insoluble matter in ash, IJt ^''^ 4.72 previous reports, no farther statement st ms to^'f ^f Jfe.'roi- ""' ''' 506-508. PHOSPHATIC FERTILIZERS. Sent on from Ashby, Mass. I. Acid Phosphate. II. Dissolved Bone Black. III. South Carolina Rock Phosphate. Per Cent. Moisture at 100° C, ,/; ^^' m. Total phosphoric acid, llo! ^^'^^ 1-68 S°'"We " " (8 cts. per lb.) \H\ '«•»' 25-81 (7| cts. per lb.) gg Insoluble matter, ^^ ^*«- P^^' lb.) 2:24 .24 ss.'oT Reverted" ' wV^ c s ^nl-n \ '^•'^^ ^^-^O ."27 Insoluble" . o^.?f"ir.^-^ -69 1-53 .47 Valuation per 2000 lbs., «iq'oo ^^'^^ 11-64 $19.38 $25.80 S11.16 509-510. PHOSPHATE SLAG. I. German " Phosphate Slag " ; New York II. " Phosphate Slag " sent 0I. fi'om England. I'er Cent. I. II. 5.08 0.37 15.98 8.55 21.05 18.91 53.97 49.22 3.83 not det. »t det. 5.06 to our markets iu a 10 Moisture at 100° C, Ferric oxide and alumiuum oxide, Total phosplioric acid, Calcium oxide, Magnesium oxide, Insoluble matter, This material has been of late introduced into our fine ground state as " Phosphate Meal " manufactured of the " Peine- Tliomas Scoria." P. Weidinger, No. 76 Pine St., New York. City, who has advertised the sale of the above material for trial, makes the following statement : — " We offer to the American fertilizer trade the article above stated, whose rapid and successful introduction into various countries, with constantly increasing demand, gives us a guarantee that its import- ance for agriculture will not be underrated. This is a very finely ground Phosphate Meal, obtained from the so-called Peine-Thomas Scoria through the dephosphorization of pig-iron, after the patented method of Sidney Gilchrist Thomas. The dephosphorization of the iron takes place by melting the iron with lime iu a current of air, a proceding by which pig-iron^ rich in phosphorus is converted into steel, free from phosphorus, (Ingot iron.) In this manner tlie phos- phorus of the pig-iron is converted into phosphoric acid, which uniting with the lime added, forms Phosphate of lime. The melted mixture of Phosphate of lime with the excess of lime and combinations of the iron and manganese, obtained by this proceeding, is called Thomas Scoria. It is brought into the market for the purposes of agriculture, in a. finely groimd state." The phosphoric acid present is neither to any extent soluble in water, nor in a solution of citrate of ammonia. The composition of the slag is peculiar on account of an excess of caustic lime, which favors a breaking up into minute particles, when exposed to air and moisture. The more finely ground, when exposed to atmospheric influences, the more rapidly takes place a general disintegration. This behaviour tends to diffuse the phosphoric acid and favors absor])tion by the roots. No previous treatment by acids has been found necessary to secure satisfactory returns when used as a phos- phoric acid source for plant growth. On account of the alkaline reaction of the '•'■ Phosphate Meal" no ammonia salts or organic nitrogen compounds are used as an admixture for the production of more complete fertilizers. In case nitrogen shall be ai)plied, nitrate of soda is used, to furnish that element. Muriate of potash and Kainit are recommended as potash source. European Agricultural Chemists speak well of this new source of phosphoric acid. As it is claimed that phosphoric acid can be fur- nished at less cost and more efficiently in the form of "Phosphate Meal" than in anv of our known mineral resources of insoluble 11 phosphoric acid, it seems desirable that experiments should be insti- tuted to test its merits. Fifteen dollars per 2000 lbs. has been asked in our vicinity for a fiuelv ground material. FODDER ANALYSES. 511. CORN AND COB MEAL. (Pride of the North.) Experiment Station, 1< Passed sieve 144 meshes to sq. in.. Moisture at 100° C, Dry matter. I>er Cent. I. II. 75.36 73.85 26.34 13.69 73.66 86.31 100.00 100.00 1.64 1.68 6.31 7.75 3.36 3.67 7.82 9.13 80.87 77.77 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER Crude ash, '• Cellulose, '^ Fat, " Protein, (Nitrogenous Matter), " Non-nitrogenous extract matter, 100.00 100.00 FERTILIZING CONSTITUENTS IN CORN AND COB MEAL. Moisture at lOO'^ C, 26.34 Nitrogen, (16i cts. per lb.) 1.24 Phosphoric acid, (6 cts. per lb.) .587 Calcium oxide, .095 Magnesium *•' -131 Potassium " (4^ cts. per lb.) .468 Sodium " .200 Ferric " .004 Insoluble matter, .130 Valuation per 2000 lbs., $5.19. 512. CORN COB. (Pride of the North.) Experiment Station, 1887. Moisture at 100° C, 24.76 Dry matter, 75.24 100.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. Crude ash, 1.75 " Cellulose, 33.77 " Fat, .53 " Protein, (Nitrogenous Matter), 3.00 " Non-nitrogenous extract matter, 60.95 100.00 513. 12 FERTILIZING (CONSTITUENTS IN CORN COB. Moisture at 100" C, 24.76 Nitrogen, (161 cts. per lb.) .36 Phosphoric acid, (6 cts. per lb.) .069 Calcium oxide, .005 Magnesium •' .008 Potassium '' (4^ cts. per lb.) .512 Sodium " .265 Ferric ' ' .006 Insoluble matter, .267 Valuation per 2000 lbs.. $1.71. CORN FODDER. (Pride of THE North.) Moisture at 100° C, 24.87 Dry matter, 75.13 100.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. Crude ash. 5.14 " Cellulose, 22.26 " Fat, 2.62 " Protein, (Nitrogenous Matter), 8.28 '' Non-nitrogenous extract matter 61.70 100.00 fertilizing CONSTITUENTS IN CORN FODDER. Moisture at 100"= C, 24.87 Nitrogen, (16^ cts. per lb.) .995 Phosphoric acid, (6 cts. per lb.) .201 Calcium oxide, .310 Magnesium '• .093 Potassium " (4^ cts. per lb.) 1.465 Sodium " .794 Ferric .026 Insoluble matter. 1.318 Valuation per 2000 lbs.. $4. 77. Weight of Stalk and Ear (average ), 8 oz. Stalk, 3 oz. " Ear, " 5 oz. The above material was cut when the kernels began glazing. Part of the crop was put into a silo. Both products have been used of late in our feeding experiments with milch cows. C. A. GOESSMANN. Director, Amherst, Mass. The Bulletins of the Experiment Station will be sent free of charge to all parties interested in its work, on application. J. E. Williams, Printer, Amherst, Mass. St^•T^_ol' MASSACIWSE'C^STAVrE .IMEUT ^i}m\ BULLETIKT USTo. S©. JUNE, 188S. 49.0° 84.0° 80.0° —3.0° 15.0° 26.0° 26.82° 40.44° 54.70° JE'^d'in. 3.08 in. 4.29 in, ao in. 1.5 in. Meteorological Siimmary for three months ending May 31st, 1S88. March. April. May. Highest temperature, Lowest temperature, Mean temperature, Total precipitation, Total snowfall. No. of days on which cloudiness aver- aged 8 or more on scale of 10, 10 6 11 No. of days on which 0.1 of an inch of water from rain or melted snow fell, 7 8 13 From the 11th to the 14th of March a very severe snow-storm occurred, accompanied by very high winds cansing bad drifts. The spring was quite late and cold. The lowest tempeiature for May was lower than for the last three years for the same month. The last frost occurred on Mav 16th. FODDER ANALYSES. 514.— 524. ROOTS RAISED UPON THE LANDS OF THE STATION IN 1887. The seeds used in our experiments were sent on by the LT. S. Department of Agriculture, with the exception of No. 7 — Saxony sugar beet — which was taken from our own collection of imported seeds. The field work was planned with a view to ascertain the gen- eral character and the particular composition of tlie ditt'ereut varie- ties of roots on trial, when raised, as far as practicable, under corresponding circumstances, with reference to the peculiarity of season, the quality of soil, the system of manuring and the mode of cultivation. I'he land consisted of a good loam in a fair condition of fertiliza- tion. It has been manured for several years past, annually, with a mixture consisting of 600 pounds of fine-ground bone, and 200 pounds of muriate of potash, per acre. The seeds, ten varieties in all, were sown May 25. Each variet}' occupied two rows across the field, of equal length (80 feet). No. 1, Beet, Mangel Wurzel, "Giant Long Red." 2, Beet, Mangel Wurzel, "Yellow Ovoid." 3, Beet, " Eclipse." 4, Beet, "Red Globe." 5, Beet, " Egyptian Turnip." 6, Beet, "Long Smooth Red." 7, Beet, Sugar Beet, " Saxony." 8, Turnip, Rnta Baga, "White Sweet German." 9, Turnip, "Early Yellow " or " Golden Stone." 10, Turnip, Ruta Haga, " Skirving's Purple Top." The rows were three feet, three inches apart. The young plants were, in every case, thinned out or transplanted, as circumstances advised, to about eight inches distant from each other in the rows. The transplanting and thinning out took place between July 5 and 11 ; the weather during this time was favorable for transplanting. The seeds of Nos. 6 and 9 did not prove as good as the others ; the young plants of Nos. 5 and 9, in particular, did not do as well after transplanting as the remainder. The crop was harvested between Oct. 31 and Nov. 2. The roots, after being removed from the ground, were topped, and three of each kind were taken to the laboratory for a chemical examination ; whilst three of an approximately corresponding size were photographed. The three sample roots selected in each case represented, as far as practicable, the smallest, medium and largest of each variety raised. The specimens selected for our fodder analysis were kept in the cellar, slightly covered over with moist earth, until wanted for the chemical examination. The photographs were taken in every case with the roots at an equal distance from the camera. See illustration, page 148 to 150 in our lat(! annual report. Statement of Field Results. NAME OF VARIETY, 00 ■§ (§ « O •g Manurial Value of Feed per pound of Dressed Pork (cents). Net Cost of Feed per lb of Dressed Pork after de- ducting 30 per cent from Manu- rial Value (cents) II, 3.31 3.86 3.56 3.07 5.51 5.92 r).69 5.16 2.30 2.91 2.78 2.52 3.90 Ill, IV, V, VI 3.88 3.74 VII, 3 39 From the above summary it is apparent that the course of feeding adopted in the seventh ex[)eriment has given the most satisfactory pecuniary results ; for the net cost of feed consumed amounted to 3.39 cents i)er pound of dressed pork produced, after allowing a loss of thirty per cent, of the manurial value of the feed, in consequence of the growth of the animal. As we sold our dressed pork for from 5i to 7^ cents per i)ouud, we received from 1.5 to 3.5 cents for labor, housing, etc. The statement, that an addition ofgluten meal, or of wheat bran, or of both, to a diet, which i)reviously consisted only of skim milk and corn meal tends to increase the commercial value of the manurial refuse resulting, is based on the following considerations: First, the principal fertilizing elements contained in a mixture of equal parts of gluten meal and wheat bran have a higher market value, than those contained in an equal weight of corn meal. Second, it is admissible for mere practical purposes to assume that in raising one and the same kind of animals to a corresponding weight, a corresponding amount of nitrogen, of |)hosphoiic acid, of potash, a. s. f. will be retained and stored up in the growing animal. An excess, therefore, 3 of any or of nil of tlie three esscMifinl roitilizinii- constituents [)revionsly specilied, in one diet, us compared with that of anotluu' one, counts in favor of that [)artieular diet, as far as net cost of feed is concerned. Although it must be acknowledged, that even in one and the same feeding experiment most likely no two animals would sliow strictly correspo.iding relations in that direction, it remains not less true that it is a most commendable practice in a general farm management, to consider carefully the relative value of the fertilizing constituents contained in the various fodder articles which present themselves for our choice in the (compounding of suital)le foddei- rations. Our allowance of a loss of 30 per cent, of the essential fertilizing constit- uents contained in the feed consumed in consequence of the develop- ment and growth of the animal is pucposelya liberal one The adoption of this basis for our estimate tends to strengthen our con- clusion that the raising of pigs for the home meat market can be made a profitable branch of farm industry even with comparatively limited, resources. It has been stated that during our III, IV, V, VI, and VII experi- ments the same fodder articles, skim milk, coi'u meal, wheat bran and gluten meal had been used to compound the daily diet ; and that the seventh feeding experiments had yielded the highest profits on the same basis of selling price. As the daily fodder rations thus in all of these trials had consisted of the same kind of fodder ingredients, and as at all periods of the experiments the call for food had been attended to with equal care, it became evident that the particular mode of combining at different times the same fodder ingredients to make up the daily diet had to be considered, the princii)le cause of the differ- ence in our results. To' test the correctness of this conclusion it was decided to insti- tute a new experiment. The same mode of compounding the daily fodder ration for different periods of growth, which had been adopted during the seventh experiment, was to be carried out with a new lot of pigs. Tlie following short abstract, taken from a more detailed descrip- tion of the seventh feeding experiment in our late annual report, cannot fail to assist in a desirable understanding of the question involved. "Seven animals, crosses between White Cliester and Black Berk- shire, served in this experiment ( .'11 ,. Their live weights were from twenty-two to twenty-six pounds in case of different animals. The same fodder articles were used as in third, fourth, fifth and sixth experiments ; they were, however, fed in different proportions. The daily ration of corn meal viv^.f^ gradually increased (\n\-'\\\g the jirogress oi the experiment, for the purpose of altering the relative proportion between the nitrogenous and non-nitrogenous matter in the feed. The relative proportion of one part of digestible nitrogenous matter to two and nine-tenth parts of digestible non-nitrogenons matter was changed at stated periods until it reached 1 : 4.28 ; practically three feeding periods. Average of Daily Rations. 'Z £ 1 i .5 S ^ 1. 1 1 5 s. si. t be 1 1 1 ^ s o June 28 to July 11, . July 12 to July 25, 8 00 12 00 4 c - - { • 1:2.91 July 2G to July 28, July 29 to Aug. 8, . 12 00 12.00 6 1.34 2.00 2.GG 4.00 { "• 1:2.85 Aug. 0 to Aug 15, . U 07 6 2G6 2GG r Aug. IG to Aug 23, . 17 34 G 5 33 5.33 Aug. 24 to Aug 29, . 20.00 G 8 00 8.00 J III. 1 :3 34 Aug. 30 to Sept. 12, . 23.34 6 11.35 11.35 1 Sept. 13 to Sept 26, , 29 00 G 17.00 17 00 L Sept. 27 to Oct. 11, . Oct 12 to Oct. 27, 47.00 G2.6G 6 G 12 00 15. 6G 12.00 15 G6 |IV. 1 :4.28 Summaky of P^xperiment YII. Mark of Pipr. 1 c 1 £ f- .S 2 1 =1 .S 1 0 il rH 'A •« he Q> c ^■§^ HI 129.36 ii N, 202.93 17G.0 60.04 61. G6 163.75 5.39 0, 203.09 17G.0 60 21 G1.83 161.00 127.19 5.49 P, 203 00 17G.0 60 21 Gl,83 174.00 139 20 5.02 Q. 194.09 1730 57.71 59.93 164.50 128.31 5.27 K, 194 43 173 0 58 04 59. 6G 177.50 138.45 4.89 S, 194.43 173.0 58 04 59.66 162.50 128.38 5.26 T, 194.43 173.0 58.04 59. 6G 178.25 140.85 4. SO 1,386 40 L220.0 412.29 424.23 1,181.50 931.74 Total Cost of Feed consumed during the above stated Experiment, {1887.) 1,38(3.40 lbs. com meal, at $24.00 per ton, $16.64 1,220.0 gals, skill! inillv, at 1.8 cts per gallou, 21.96 412. 2') lbs. wheat bran, at $22.50 per ton, 4.64 424.23 lbs. gluten meal, at $22.50 per ton, 5.77 $48.01 Average cost of feed for |)rudiK!tion of I U). of dressed pork, 5.15 cents. Manurial Value of the Feed consumed during the above Experiment. Corn meal. Skim milk. Wheat bran. Gluten meal. Total. $5.52 $11.32 $2.'J7 $3.71 $23.52 Manurial value of feed for production of 1 U). of dressed pork, 2.52 cents. The cost of feed consumed varied, in case of different animals, from 4.80 to 5.49 cents per pound of dressed pork produced. Taking the entire lot of animals into consideration il amounts to 5.15 cents per pound of dressed pork ol)t:iined. The amount of dry matter contained in the feed required for tlie [)roduction of one pound of dressed pork varied (rora 2.83 to 3.24 lbs. Basis of Valuation of Essential Fertilizing Constit'uents contained in the Various Articles of Fodder used, {1887.) Per Cent. Corn- Skim- Wheat- Gluten- meal. milk. bran. meal. Moisture, .... 10.00 90.00 10.80 8.80 Nitrogen (17 cents [)er lb.), l.iJG 0.55 2.80 5.03 Pliosi)lioric acid (6 cents peril).), 0.77 0.17 2.36 0.30 Potassium oxide (4] cents per lb.) , 0.45 0.20 1.36 0.03 Valuation per 2,000 lbs., . $7 97 $2 2d $13 51 $17 49 EIGHTH FEEDING EXPERIMENT. Sis animals of a mixed breed, weighing from twenty-three to twenty-nine pounds each served in the experiment. The latter began November 8, '87, and lasted until March 12, '88, or 124 days; the average of the individual live weight had reached 185 lbs. Skim milk, corn meal or corn and cob meal, wheat bran and gluten meal furnish- ed the fodder ingredients of the daily diet. The corn and cob meal took the place of the clear corn meal on the eighth of January. The daily ration of skim milk reached within the first week six quarts per head. This amount, being the limit of our home supply, was fed daily until the close of the experiment. Skim milk and corn meal, two ounces of the latter to one quart of the former constituted the diet for about three weeks, when the steadily increasing demand for food was sup- plied by a gradually increasing quantity of a mixture consisting of two weight [)arts of gluten meal and one weight part of wheat I)ran. On the 3d of January, at the beginning of the third month, tlie daily diet was changed ; the latter consisted hereafter of six quarts of skim milk and a mixture pi-epared of four weight parts of corn and cob meal, one weight part of wheat bran and one weight part of gluten meal. The quantity required of the latter to meet the daily wants of the animals began with forty-eight ounces per head and rose gradually to seventy- two ounces. The entire experiment was managed, as far as [)racticable, to serve as a repetition of our seventh feeding experiment. The substitution of the corn and cob meal of our own production from a superior home raised corn, for the clear corn meal of our general market, may well be considered of but little consequence. This view is fully supported by a careful analysis of botii. The financial result of the eighth experiment, like those of the seventh, are superior to those o!)tauied in the pieceding five feeding experiments. This fact becomes still more worthy of notice, when considering that the seventh experiment was carried on during a warmer period of the year, and thus under more favorable circumstances than the eighth experiment. Our late results seem to confirm the conclusions arrived at in oui- [jrevious experiments, namely : First — A gradual periodical change from a rich nitrogenous diet to that of a wider ratio between the digestible uitrogeuious and non- nitrogenous food constituents of the feed, is recommendable in the interest of good economy. Second — Tlie feeding effect of one and the same diet changes with the advancing growth of the animal on trial. Third — The power of assimilating food and of converting it into live weight decreases with the progress in age. Fourth — It is not good economy to raise pigs for the meat market to an exceptional high weight. To go beyond from 175 to 180 [)ounds is only advisable when exceptionally high market prices for dressed pork can be secured. In addition to what has been said on this particular point in previous communications, 1 insert here, in a tabular form, the estimated cost of feed used for the production of one pound of live weight during the succeeding stages of the growth of the entire lot of pigs vhich served in the eightii experiment. Cost of Feed for the Production of One Pound of Live Weight During the Different Feeding Periods. II a One Hundred Pounds of Dr_y Matter in Feed hail prod u c e d Live Weight (in lbs.) u. Feediug Period. 48.50 22.50 63.4 3.24 II. .t 9G.50 48.00 51.2 3.58 III. U C( 134.00 37.50 33.2 4.80 IV. .t 'i 189.00 55.00 27.3 5.40 V. Feeding Period. 43.00 20.00 56.3 3.65 11. .. 1)1.00 48.00 51.2 3.58 III. ti tk .132.00 41.00 35.8 4.44 IV. 41 .i. 198.00 66.00 32.8 4.50 w. Feeding Period. 44.00 21.50 60.5 3.40 II. .. 96.00 52.00 55.5 3.3] III. 130.00 34.00 30.1 5.29 IV. t. 187.00 57.00 28.3 5.21 X. Feeding Peiiod. 46.00 21.00 59.1 3.48 II. •' 93.00 47.00 50.1 3.66 III. ii li 128.00 35.00 30.6 5.20 IV. i. 178.50 50.50 25.0 5.88 Y. Feeding Period. 46.00 21.00 59.1 3.48 II. . . " t . 93.50 47.50 50.7 3.62 III. t. ti. 133.00 39.50 34.5 4.61 IV. it. 181.50 48.50 23.8 6.12 Z. Feeding Period. 52.00 22.50 63.4 3.24 II. .. 97.00 45.00 48.0 3.82 III. >' 132.50 35.50 31.1 5.13 IV. " * ' 184.50 52.00 25.8 5.71 A ji ^ g ■^ o 1 sp o s 9 12 22 S2 1 s 1 s| sa 25 ^1 ss "So o il li Is 053 11 1 ^ CD 1 PERIODS. o ft 5'S oft 3-g 2-S O B o 1 .^2 1 c O S i-? Sg -rH ^s o ?: ci-c oi-- Cj'^ .« ■S'C -s .S-c aj — o o JL If ii 3s jL ;2 •rs ti 1SS7 autl 1888. ai Nov 8— Nov. 29 123.00 15.38 - - - 1 :2.!)2 20.00 48.50 1-1 Nov 30— Jan. 3 210.00 25.88 12.41 24.83 - 1 :2.30 48.50 96.50 1-6 JaD 4-Jan. 30 163.00 9.00 16.00 16.00 .55.00 1 :3.80 96.50 134.00 1-5 Jau 31-Mar. 12 24(i.00 - 21.27 21.27 127.5!) 1:4.17 134.00 189.00 1—5 Total amount of Feed Consumed from Nov. 8 to March 12. Lns. 741 quarts skim milk, equal to dry matter, 133.38 50.26 lbs. corn meal, equal to dry matter, 43.69 49.68 lbs. wheat bran, equal to dry matter, 44.15 62.10 lbs. gluten meal, equal to dry matter, 56.03 182.59 lbs. corn and col> meal, equal to dry matter. 157.59 Total amount of dry matter. Live weight of animal at beginning of experiment. 26 Live weight at time of killing, 189 Live weight gained during experiment, 16o Dressed weight at time of killing, 154 Loss in weight l)y dressing, 35.00 lbs, or 18.52 per cent. Dressed weight gained during experiment, 132 Cost of Feed Consumed during Experiment. 185.25 gals, skim milk, at 1.8 cents per gallon, 50.26 lbs. corn meal, at $23.00 per ton, 49.68 lbs. wheat bran, at $23.00 per ton, 62.10 lbs. gluten meal, at $27.00 per ton, 182.59 ll)s. coi'u and cob meal, at $20.70 per ton. 434.84 00 lbs. .00 '^ 00 '' 00 '^ ,82 '• $3.83 .58 .57 .84 1.90 $7.22 2.69 lijs. of dry matter, yielded 1 lb. of live weight, and 3.28 lbs. of dry matter yielded 1 ll>. of dressed weight. Cost of feed for pro- duction of 1 lb of dressed pork, 5.44 cents. A Q a a 13 o 0 bp 9 § 8 s S'^ S •s M^^ 'c3'~' "3 --^ -=2 a -5 II S 2 1 £ ^i a 3d c S^ gS' i^ t;.2 .^ % c 3 o o o S.2 =3S PERIODS. s S 5'S ^1 O br If If 3_ o .S C3 £ ^2 1 1 S^ l-S i"* i| » 0" f: 3i-C STr^ cSr:; r^ i= _> -S Pr-^ ffl II ■" 0 sB is ii J_ P 1887 and 1S88. 5g Nov. 8— Nov. •!'.) 123.00 1.5.38 - 1 :2.92 23.00 43.00 0-15 Nov. 30— Jan. 8 210.00 2.5.88 12.41 24.83 1 :2.30 43.00 91.00 1-6 Jan. 4— Jan. 3(t l(i2.00 !).()0 HJ.IT l(!.i7 .5.5 .GS 1 :3.S0 9100 132.00 1—7 Jan. 31— Mar. 12 246.00 - 21.27 21.27 127..50 1:4.17 132.00 198.00 1-10 Total amount of Feed Consumed during Experiment. 741 ({iiarts skira milk, equal to dry iratter, 133.38 lbs. 50.26 lbs. com meal, equal to dry matter, 43.69 " 49.85 lbs. wheat bran, equal to dry matter, 44.30 " 62.27 lbs. gluten meal, equal to dry matter, 56.19 " 183.27 lbs. corn and cob meal, equal to dry matter, 158.18 " 435.74 " Live weight at beginning of experiment, 23.00 lbs. Live weight at time of killing, 198.00 " Live weight gained during experiment. 175.00 '•'■ Dressed weiglit at time of killing, 160.00 '•'• Loss in weight by dressing, 38.00 lbs. or 19.19 per ct. Dressed weight gained during experiment. 141.41 " Cost of Feed Consumed during Experiment. 185.25 gals, skim milk, at 1.8 cents per gallon, 50.26 lbs. corn meal, at $23.00 per ton, 49.85 lbs. wheat bran, at $23.00 per ton, 62.27 lbs. gluten meal, at $27.00 per ton, 183.27 lbs. corn and cob meal, at $20.70 per ton. $3.33 .58 .57 .84 1 91 $7.23 2.49 lbs. dry matter yielding 1 lb. of live weight, and 3.08 lbs. dry matter yielded 1 lb. of dressed weight. Cost of feeding for produc- tion of 1 lb. dressed pork, 5.11. 10 w. A a ^ a rt o 'i bo a o o o Bm SP 'f^ a-^ ■3-^ ^^ S7 -25 'a "? ■5 3 '^ S5 5s a^ 1 o 1 1 1 PERIODS. o a S 5| "3 t ^ bo 3'S -t O tc °^o ■B .|_ a To 2 = 25 o.g ■ 2'£ QJ o ?: arc "S'^ ?'C .c •"C •s_ 11 -2 ^ S 11 3 5-s ;ii .2'S H* H'" — H '■ H^ Z - — d- 1S87 and ISSS. £ o Nov. 8— Nov. 2U 123.00 15.38 - - - 1 :2.92 22..50 44.00 1-0 Nov. 30.-Jan. 3 210.00 25.88 12.41 24.83 - 1 :2.30 44.00 96.00 1-8 Jan. 4— Jan. 30 162.00 9.00 16.00 16.00 .55.00 1 :3.80 90.00 130.00 1-2 Jan. 31— Mar. 12 240.00 - 21.27 21.27 127.59 1 :4.17 130.00 187.00 1—6 Total amount of Feed Consumed from Nov. S to March 12. 741 qts. skim milk, ecjual to dry matter, 50.26 lbs. corn meal, equal to dry matter, 49.68 lbs. wheat bran, equal to dry matter, 62.10 lbs. gluten meal, equal to dry matter, 182.59 lbs. corn and cob meal, equal to dry matter. Total amount of dry matter. Live weight of animal at beginning of experiment, Live weight at time of killing, Live weight gained during experiment, Dressed weight at time of killing. Loss in weight by dressing, 36.00 lbs. or 19.25 per ct. Dressed weight gained during experiment. Cost of Feed Consumed during Experiment. 185.25 gals, skim milk, 1.8 cents per gallon, 50.26 lbs. corn meal at $23.00 per ton, 49.68 lbs. wheat bran at $23.00 per ton, • 62.10 lbs. gluten meal a'. $27.00 per ton, 182.59 lbs. corn and cob meal at $20.70 per ton; 133.38 lbs 43.69 " 44.15 '' 56.03 - 157.59 ^' 434.84 " 22.50 lbs 187.00 " 164.50 '' 151.00 " 132.83 $3.33 .58 .57 .84 1.90 2.Ci 11)S. dry matter yielded 1 ter yielded 1 lb. dressed weight. dressed pork, 5.44 cents. $7.72 ). live weight, and 3.27 lbs. dry mat- Cost of feed lor production of 1 lb. 1i § si •^2 a 8 ll -^s oS- 0 bo .3 1" 1 •c a "S -5 1 PEIUODS. !1 5-2 ^1 OS if % 1 *^ be a c t^ 2? ■^ To 11 Is 3 2 ■B. ft 1 1- |i 0 "^ ^S 0 P H "" :3 "53-2 1887 and 1888. ii Nov. 8— ISov. 29 123.00 1.^.38 - — - 1 .•2.92 25.00 46.00 0-15 Nov. 30— Jan. * 210.00 25.88 12.41 24.83 - 1 :2.3() 46.00 93.00 1-5 Jan. 4— Jan. 30 162.00 9.00 16.17 16.17 .55.68 1:3.81 93.00 128.00 1-3 Jan. 31-Mar. 12 246.00 - 21.27 21.37 127.59 1 :4.17 128.00 178..50 1—3 Total amount of Feed Consumed from Nov. S to March 12. 741 qts. skim milk, equal to dry matter, 133.38 lbs. 50.26 lbs. com meal, equal to dry matter, 43.69 "• 49.85 lbs. wheat bran equal to dry matter, 44.30 ■' 62.27 lbs. gluten meal, equal to dry matter, 56.19 " 183.27 lbs. corn and cob meal^ equal to dry matter, 158.18 '' 435, 25. 178. 153, 160. Live weight of auimal at beginning of experiment, Live weight at time of killing, Live weight gained during experiment, Dressed weight at time of killing, Loss in weight by dressing not ascertained. Dressed weight gained during experiment, 137.59 Cost of Feed Consumi'd during Experiment . 185.25 gals, skim milk, at 1.8 cents per gallon, $', 50.26 lbs. corn meal at $23.00 per ton, 49.85 lbs. wheat bran at $23.00 per ton, 62.27 lbs. gluten meal at $27.00 per ton, 183.27 lbs. corn and cob meal at $20.70 per ton. 74 '' 00 lbs. 50 " 50 " 00 " 53. 3o .58 .67 .84 1.91 $7.23 2.84 lbs. of dry matter yielded 1 lb. of live weiglit, and 3.17 lbs of dry matter yielded 1 11). of dressed weight. Cost of feed for produc- tion of 1 lb. of dressed pork, 5.33 cents. ^ ^ A "S 1 § 3 o R %1 .n r, li li 1^ 5l "a '3) o >. PERIODS. it i ? S 53 I ll l-g if a ^ ■1 .S S« o s s-^ s s > c CS-- cs 2 ■S-c iJ s^ |i si 5^ ii f».2 li It 1887 and 1888. i N Nov 8-Nov. 29 123.00 15.38 - - - 1:2.92 25.00 46.00 0-15 Nov 30-Jan. :? 210.00 25.88 12.41 24.83 - 1 :2.30 46.00 93.50 1-5 Jan. 4- Jan. 30 1G2.00 9.00 16.17 1C.17 ij5.68 1 :3.81 93.50 133.00 1-6 Jan. 31— Mar. 12 240.00 - 21.27 21.27 127..59 1 :4.17 133.00 181.50 1—2 Total amount of Feed Consumed froiu Nov . 8 to March 741 qts. skim milk, equal to dry mutter, 50.26 lbs. corn meal, equal to dry matter, 49.85 lbs. wheat bran, equal to dry matter, 62.27 lbs. gluten meal, equal to dry matter. 183.27 lbs. corn and cob meal, equal to dry matter, 133.38 lbs. 43.69 '' 44.30 '' 56.19 '' 158.18 '' 435 74 " 00 lbs. 50 '' 50 " ,00 " 27 " Total amount of dry matter, Live weight of animal at beginning of experiment, 25. Live weight at time of killing, 181, Live weight gained during experiment, 156, Dressed weight at time of killing, 150 Loss in weight by dressing, 31.00 lbs. or 17.08 per ct. Dressed weight gained during experiment, 129. Cost of Feed Consumed during E'xi)erime7it. 185.25 gals, skim milk at 1.8 c:ents per gallon, 50.26 lbs. corn meal at $23.00 per ton, 49.85 lbs. wheat bran at $23.00 per ton, 62.27 lbs. gluten meal at $27.00 per ton, 183.27 lbs. corn and cob meal at $20.70 per tun. 2.78 lbs. dry matter yielded 1 H). of live weight, and matter yielded 1 11). of dressed wt:ight. (Jost of feed for [)roduclioi of 1 lb. of dressed [x^rk, 5.59 cents. $3.33 .58 .57 .84 1.91 $7.23 ■ lbs. dl y 13 s ^ ,1, ^ "3 "S 'S bo g s 8 a p"^ he 2'5 |2 1? 1? 11 % 'S 1 p. si PERIODS. a 0 a ti 21 § ^5 't £ '3^ OS ^ be §1 Z"" OfcC 7, c-a |5 s^ ii 0" 0 is cS-c oi-S > *j fi,.: 3I si $ ii li u -:6 0- 1SS7 and ISSS. i§ Nov. S-Nov. 29 123.00 15.38 - - - 1 :2.92 29.,50 52.00 1-0 Nov. Sn-Jan. 3/ 210.00 25.88 12.41 24.83 1 :2.30 52.00 97.00 1-5 Jan. t-Jan. 30 162.00 9.00 16.17 16.17 55.68 1 :3.81 97.00 132.50 1-4 Jan. 31— Mar. 12 246.00 - 21.27 21.27 127.59 1 :4.17 132.,i0 184.50 1—4 Total amount of Feed Consumed from Nov. 8 to March 12. 741 qts. of skim milk, equal to dry matter, 133.38 lbs. 50.26 lbs. corn meal, equal to dry matter, 43.60 " 49.85 lbs. wheat bran, equal to dry matter, 44.30 " 62.27 lbs. gluten meal, equal to dry matter, 56.19 " 183.27 lbs. corn and cob meal, equal to dry matter, 158.18 " Total amount of dry matter, Live weight of animal at beginning of experiment. Live weight at time of killing, Live weight gained during experiment. Dressed weight at time of killing, Loss in weight by dressing 34.50 lbs. or 18.70 per ct. Dressed weight gained during experiment, 435.74 29. 184. 155. 150. 50 lbs. 50 " 00 " 00 '^ 126.02 Cost of Feed Consumed during Experiment. 185.25 gals, of skim milk at 1.8 cents per gallon, 50.26 lbs. corn meal at $23.00 per ton, 49.85 lbs. wheat bran at $23.00 per ton, 62.27 lbs. gluten meal at $27.00 per ton, 183.27 lbs. corn and cob meal at $20.70 per ton. $3.33 .58 .57 .84 1.91 $7.23 2.81 lbs. of matter yielded 1 lb. of live weight, and 3.46 lbs. of dry matter yielded 1 lb. of dressed weight. Cost of feed for production of one pound dressed pork, 5.74 cents. 14 Summary of Eighth Experiment. I 1 1 , tl ^3 2 J. s S"^ 'S'C h a) £ « si =---3 ^sS. S§^ '»-:2 >^ a CO ^ 3 5' ^a- 5»- (30^ u, 50.26 185.25 49.68 62.10 182.59 163.00 132 82 5 44 V, 50.20 185.25 49.85 62.27 183 27 175.00 141.41 5.11 w, 50.26 185.25 49.68 62.10 182.59 164.50 132.83 5.44 X, 50.26 185.25 49.85 62.27 183.27 153.50 137.59 5.33 Y, 50.26 185.25 49.85 6227 183.27 156.50 129.27 5.59 z, 50.26 185.25 49.85 298.76 62.27 373.28 183.27 1,098.26 155.00 126.02 5 74 301.56 1,111.50 967.50 799.94 TotoZ Cost of Feed Consumed during Experiment. 1,111.50 gallons skim milk at 1.8 cents per gallon, 301.56 lbs. corn meal at $23.00 per ton, 298.76 lbs. wiieat bran at $23.00 per ton, 373.28 lbs. glnten meal at $27.00 per ton, 1,098.26 lbs. corn and cob meal at $20.70 per ton, $20.01 3.47 3.44 5.04 11.42 $43.38 Average cost of feed for production of 1 lb. of dressed pork, 5.42 ■cents. Manurial Value of Feed Constim.ed during Exjjeriment. Skim milk. Corn meal, Wheat bran. Gluten meal, Corn and cob meal, $8.85 1.09 1.99 2.88 3.33 $18.14 Manurial value of feed for production of 1 lb of dressed pork, 2.27 cents. 15 Basis of Valuation of Essential Fertilizing Constituents in the Various Auticlrs of Fodder used (1888.) Per Cent Corn Skim Wlicat Gluten Corn and meal. milk. liran. meal. Cob meaL Moisture, 13.08 91.00 11.14 9.77 13.69 Nitrogen (16| c. per lb.), 1.80 .47 2.78 4.57 1.45 Phosphoric acid (G c. per 11 >) .74 .22 1.86 .30 .69 Potassium oxido (4i- c. " ) .43 .21 1.07 .03 .55 Valuation per 2.000 lbs., . $7 20 $1 99 $12 35 $15 46 $6 06 The net cost of the feed consumed, for the production of one pound of dressed pork, making a deduction of 30 per cent, of the fertilizing constituents contained in the feed, varies in the case of diffeient animals from 3.52 cents to 4.00 cents per pound. In the case of the entire lot of pigs it amounts to 3.83 cents per pound. As ive sold our dressed pork at 7| cents per pound we secured 3.92 cents per pound sold for investment^ labor and profit. It will be noticed that our estimates above are based on the ruling local market prices of the time when our late experiments were car- ried on. These prices differ from those adopted on earlier occasions. An intelligent comparison of our late financial results with those obtained in previous experiments, can only be made b}' using corres- ponding values. The subsequent page contains a re-valuation of our late results, on the basis of market value used in all our previous feeding experiments. Summary of experiment based on the same cost of feed, and of manurial value of feed consumed, as used in preceding experiments : Total Cost of Feed Consumed during Experiment. 1,111.50 gals, skim milk at 1.8 cents per gallon, 301.56 lbs. corn meal at $24.00 per ton. 298.76 lbs. wheat bran, at $22.50 per ton, 373.28 lbs. gluten meal at $22.50 per ton, 1,098.26 lbs. corn and cob meal 20.70 per ton, $20.01 3.62 3.36 4.20 11.42 $42.61 Average cost of feed for production of 1 lb dressed pork, 5.32. 16 Manurial Value, of Food Consumed during Experiment. Skira milk, ' • $10.00 Conimoal, 1.20 Wheat bran, 2.02 Gluten meal, • 3.26 Corn and cob meal, 3.33 $42.61 Manui'ial value of feed for production of 1 II). dressed pork. 2.48 cents. The net cost of feed, for the production of one pound of dressed pork, taking the entire lot of pigs into consid(>ration, amounts to 3.69 cents. This result is the second best in our whole series of experi- ments. C. A. GOESSMANN, Director, Amherst, Mass. The Bulletins of the Experiment Station will be sent free of charge to all parties interested in its work, on application. J. E. Williams, Printer, Amlierst, Mass. mi •"«»«■ MASSACHUSg^TTS SI Agi[icultui]al Experiment Spo^ BULLETIISr ISTO. 31. OCTOBER, 1888. Meteorological Summary for two months ending Sept. oOth, 1888. Highest temperature. Lowest temperature, IMean temperature, Total precipitation. Prevailing winds. No. of days on which cloudi- ness averaged 8 or more on a scale of 10, No. of days on which 0.01 of an iuch or more of rain fell. The first frost of the season occuired Sept. 6, the first killing frost, Sei^t. 7, thirteen days earlier than the average for this vicinity. The rainfall for the month of September has not been exceeded by any month since September, 1882, when it amounted to 11.85 Inches. August. 87.0° Seiitomber. 7r,.o° 42.0° 25.0° 07.38° 57.10° 4.29 in. 10.70 in. N. W. N. W. 9 11 8 9 ON COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS. The Legislature of 1888, at the suggestion of the State Board of Agriculture, has enacted a new law entitled "An Act To Regulate the Sale of Commercial Fertilizers," Chapter 296. This " Act," which has been in operation since September 1st, 1888, assigns the supervision of the sale of Commercial Fertilizers to the director of the Massachusetts State agricultural experiment station at Amherst, Mass. _ 2 The provisions of the Act are as follows : [Chap. 296.] An Act to kegulate the sale of commekcial fertilizers. Be it Enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. Every lot or parcel of commeicial fertilizer or material used for maiiurial purposes, sold, offered or exposed for sale within this Commonwealth, the retail price of which is ten dollars or more per ton, shall be accompanied by a plainly printed statement clearly and truly certifying the number of net pounds of fertilizer in the package, the name, brand or trade mark under which the fertilizer is sold, the name and address of the manufacturer or importer, the place of manufacture, and a chemical anal3'sis stating the percentage of nitrogen or its equivalent in ammonia, of potash soluble in distilled watxir, and of phosphoric acid in available form soluble in distilled water and reverted, as well as the total phosphoric acid. In the case of those fertilizers which consist of other and cheaper materials, said label shall give a correct general statement of the composition and ingredients of the fertilizer it accompanies. Sect. 2. Before any commercial fertilizer, the retail price of which is ten dollars or more per ton, is sold, offered or exposed for sale, the importer, manufacturer or party who causes it to be sold or offered for sale within the state of Massachusetts, shall file with the director of the Massachusetts agricultural experiment station, a certified copy of the statement named in section one of this act, and shall also deposit with said director at his request a sealed glass jar or bottle, containing not less than one pound of the fertilizer, accompanied by an atlidavit that it is a fair average sample thereof. Sect. 3. The manufacturei', importer, agent or seller of any brand of commercial fertilizer or material used for manurial purposes, the retail price of which is ten dollars or more per ton, shall pay for each brand, on or before the first day of May annually, to the director of the Massachusetts agricultural experiment station, an analysis fee of five dollars for each of the three following fertilizing ingredients : namely, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, contained or claimed to exist in said brand of fertilizer : x)rovided, that whenever the manu- facturer or importer shall have paid the fee herein required lor any person acting as agent or seller for such manufacturer or importer, such agent or seller shall not be required to pay the fee named in this section ; and on receipt of said analysis fees and statement specified in section two, tlie director of said station shall issue certificates of compliance with this act. Sect. 4. No person shall sell, offer or expose for sale in the state of Massachusetts, an}' pulverized leather, raw, steamed, roasted, or in an}- form as a fertilizer, or as. an ingredient of any fertilizer or manure, without an explicit printed certificate of the fact, said certi- ficate to be conspicuously affixed to every package of such fertilizer or manure and to accompany or go with every parcel or lot of the same. Sect. 5. Any person selling, offering or exposing for sale, any commercial fertilizer without the statement required by the first sec- tion of this act, or with a label stating that said fertilizer contains a larger percentage of any one or more of the constituents mentioned in said section than is contained therein, or respecting the sale of which all the provisions of the foregoing sections have not been fully complied with, shall forfeit fifty dollars for the first offence, and one hundred dollars for each subsequent offence. Sect. 6. This act shall not affect parties manufacturing, import- ing or purchasing fertilizers for their own use, and not to sell ii. this state. Sect. 7. The director of the Massachusetts agricultural experi- ment station shall pay the analysis fees, as soon as received by hinj, into the treasury of the station, and shall cause one analysis or more of each fertilizer or material used for manurial purposes to' be made annually, and publish the results monthly, with such additional infor- mation as circumstances advise : provided, such information relates only to the composition of the fertilizer or fertilizing material inspected. Said director is hereby authorized in person or by deputy to take a sample, not exceeding two pounds in weight, for analysis, from any lot or package of fertilizer or any material used for manurial purposes which may be in the possession of any manufacturer, importer, agent or dealer; but said sample shall be drawn in the presence of said party or parties in interest or their representative, and taken from a parcel or a number of packages which shall not be less than ten per cent, of the whole lot inspected, and shall be thoroughly mixed and then divided into two equal samples and placed in glass vessels and carefully sealed and a label placed on each, stating the name or brand, of the fertilizer or material sampled, the name of the party from whose stock the sample was drawn and the time and place of drawing, and said label shall also be signed by the director or his deputy and by the party or parties in interest or their represen- tatives present at the drawing and sealing of said sample ; one of said duplicate samples shall be retained by the director and the other by the party whose stock was sampled. All parties violating this act shall be prosecuted by the director of said station ; but it shall be the duty of said director, upon ascertaining any violation of this act, to forthwith notify the manufacturer or importer in writing, and give him not less than thirty days thereafter in which to comply with the requirements of this act, l)ut there shall be no prosecution in relation to the quality of the fertilizer or fertilizing material if the same shall be found substantially equivalent to the statement of analysis made by the manufacturer or importer. Sect. 8. Sections eleven to sixteen inclusive of chapter sixty of the Public Statutes are hereby repealed. Sect. 9. This act shall take effect on the first day of September in the year eighteen hundred and eighty-eight. \^Approvecl May 3, 1888. ' The above stated regulations are now in force, and a compliance tvith them is imperative on all manufacturers, importers, agents or sellers of any brand of commercial fertilizer or of any material used for manurial purposes, the retail selling price of which is ten dollars or more per ton. It will be noticed, that the new provisions for the control of the trade in fertilizers in Massachusetts apply not only, as heretofore, to a certain class of more or less compound, distinct brands of commer- cial fertilizers, but to all materials, single or comptound, used for manurial purposes, ivithout regard to source, when offered for sale at ten dollars or more per ton. More detailed information in this connection, regarding the duties of the director of the Massachusetts state agricultural experiment station, and the obligation of manufacturers, dealers and agents engaged in the sale of Commercial Fertilizers, or Materials used for manurial purposes, may be obtained by addressing the director at Amherst, Mass. Copies of the above printed " Act," may be had on application. The new duties assigned to the director of the station render it necessary, to discriminate in the future, in official publications of the results of analyses of commercial fertilizers and of manurial sub- stance in general, between analyses of samples collected by a duly qualified delegate of the experiment station, in conformity toith the rides prescribed by the new laivs, and those analyses ivhich are made of samples sent on for that purpose by outside parties. In regard to the former alone can the director assume the responsibility of a carefully prepared sample, and of the identity of the article in question. The official report of analyses and of all materials used for manu- rial purposes, which are sold in this state under a certificate of com- pliance with the present laws for the regulation of the trade in these articles, has been restricted to a statement of chemical composition and to such additional information as relates to the former. The practice of affixing to each analysis of this class of fertilizers an approximate commercial valuation per ton of their principal con- stituents has, therefore, been discontinued. Those ^ho are not yet familiar with the current market value of fertilizing ingredients may benefit by a short discussion of that subject at the close of tliis Bul- letin. H o < o h^ S K M ! i^s o ?^ S; V ° 6 ;S ?;. odd JOOO >) O fl O i o o l^^'iPQf^is •&mw oc§WW O tH c^ bC • (U cr 4J ; 0) & O t^ '-' ^ u ce y^ri. W so so bc_0 o o ci< I CD Oi 05 «0 ^ >o (^ ws ■«*< CDCO^COCD'-iOQOOQOOS p^COrHTtfOOOloqcDCDCDrtilOCDM CO CO CD (M «3 r-l CO ^ < CO Oi ! d d C5C5C0O-*C5OC0 CO CO »0 CO O ' CO -* W CD CO O 05 CD Cq ( ■— I (M CO O O ' (M C0 lO (M CO t^ < rH ■ lO 1-5 C^ N CO CO ■* o - rt "^ CO T^ ' ^ . . .-< (M (M I -* ■* I I I I I 05 CO CO I «0 CC 00 o o ■ 00-ccoooi-*i • o-ico.-Hi-Hf-H'-HcoW' lO O CO t>- I (M Tt< CO iM Oi Oi CD I ■on j£.ioiu.ioqT;'i CO .2 in S '^'^ o q P ^ tspn CD =2 O g g ' 0) ^ O- cu O II. analysp:s of commercial fertilizp:r.s and manur- lAL substances SENT ON FOR EXAMINATION. 554-556. WOOD ASHES. I. Seut on by F. H. II. Seut on by C. H. Williams, Sunderland. Mass. Thompson & Co., Boston, Mass. III. and IV. Sent on from Amherst, Mass. Moisture at lOOoC, Phosphoric acid, Magnesium oxide, Calcium " Potassium " Insoluble matter, (before calcination), " (after " ), 8.31 II. rer 2.57 III. Cent. 8.67 IV. 19.14 1.65 1.53 1.25 1.72 2.41 5.29 2.88 3.04 37.39 26.94 39.06 30.16 7.78 7.95 5.38 4.76 10.93 17.44 17.42 21.72 6.15 15.66 8.79 13.45 557-559. WOOD ASHES. VI. Seut on by S. VII. Sent on by J. VIII. Sent on by D. M. Farnsvvorth, Harvard, Mass. J. H. Gregory, Marblehead, Mass. G. Lang, Concord, Mass. Moisture at 100° C, VI. 16.51 VII. Per Cent. 2.76 VIII. 22.07 Phosphoric acid, 1.37 3.09 0.48 Magnesium oxide, 4.03 2.84 3.48 Calcium " 32.54 32.03 29.11 Potassium " 5.07 10.24 5.84 Insoluble matter, (before calcination), 16.13 24.39 19.70 " " (after ), 13.06 17.91 15.13 560 •561. DRY GROUND FISH. and II. Scut on by R. F. Smith , Hatlield, M ass. I. Per II, Cent. Moisture tit 100° C, 8.34 9.92 Ash, 37.76 28.37 Total phosphoric acid, 8.23 7.96 Sohiblc " " .10 .61 Reverted " " 3.81 3.79 Insoluble " "• 4.32 3.56 Nitrogen, 6.81 6.82 Insoluble matter, .82 1.34 562-563. COTTON SEED MEAL. (For mauurial purposes.) I. Sent on by Geo. Frost, Boston, Mass. II. and III. Sent on by C. L t. Warner, Hatfield, Mass. Moisture at 100° C, 6.26 II. I'er Cent. 8.30 III. 8.30 Ash, 6.16 5.77 5.77 Calcuim oxide. 0.31 .31 .31 Magnesium " 0.95 .77 .77 Potassium ' ' 1.80 1.21 .89 Phosphoric acid. 1.32 1.45 1.26 Nitrogen, 7.26 6.69 6.88 Insoluble matter. 0.53 .40 .40 [—567. GROUND BONES. I. Sent on from Amherst, Mass. II. Sent on by A. S. Belcher, No. Easton, Mass. III. Sent on by Ed. Hersey, Hingham, Mass. IV. Sent on by W. W. Sanderson, So. Deerfield, Mass. MECHANICAL ANALYSES. Fine, smaller than ^L lueh. 22.59 II. III. Per Cent. 18.53 34.79 IV. 59.00 " medium, smaller than o^ j, 1. 18.71 10.14 21.22 24.09 Medium, smaller than ^^ in.. 24.61 7.12 14.71 12.32 Coarser than -Jo '^^•- 34.09 64.21 29.28 4.59 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 10 CHEMICAL ANALYSES. Moisture at 100° C, 3.97 12.43 6.75 9.96 Ash, 49.35 64.21 61.35 55.83 Total phosphoric acid, 19.49 25.67 24.71 18.41 Soluble " '' 0.13 0.09 2.73 Reverted '' '' 3.80 6.20 8.10 9.94 Insoluble " " 15.69 19.34 16.52 5.74 Nitrogen, 4.04 2.68 3.14 3.12 Insoluble matter, .78 0.42 0.42 5.79 The comparative manurial value of ground bones depends on a cor- responding chemical composition, and to a considerable degree on a good fine mechanical condition. The relative commercial value of different samples ought to be judged by a due consideration of both circumstances. 568. REFUSE MATERIAL FROM SOAP WORKS. Sent on by Holyoke Soap Works, Holyoke, Mass. jPe*' Cent. Moisture at 100" C, 19.70 Total phosphoric acid, 15.37 Soluble " '' 0.03 Reverted " " 5.29 Insoluble '' " 10.05 Nitrogen, 4.24 Insoluble matter, 1.37 This material is similar to tankage in composition and in mechan- ical condition. 569. BONE BLACK. Sent on]by F. G. Arnold, Swansea, Mass. I'er cant. Moisture at 100" C, 5.04 Ash, 67.43 Phosphoric acid, 16.56 Insoluble matter, .37 11 570. SALTPETRE WASTE. (From Gunpowder Works.) Sent on from Acton, Muss. rev Cent. Moisture at 100» C, 5.19 Potassium oxide, 15.04 Sodium oxide, 36.82 Total calcium oxide, 0.47 Total magnesium oxide, 0.27 Nitrogen, 1.90 Sulphuric acid, 1.02 Total chlorine, 53.50 Calcium chloride, 0.05 Magnesium chloride, 0.63 Insoluble matter, Trace The composition of this material varies in different samples in a marked degree. Its application ou forage crops and on grass-lands in particular has proved highly satisfactory, 571. MUCK. Sent ou by A. A. Rice, Mount Hermon, Mass. Per Cent. Moisture at 100^ C 75.44 Dry matter, 24.56 Mineral matter in dry matter, 12.00 Nitrogen in wet muck, 0.37 A fair sample of its kind. 572. SCOURING LIQUOR OF RAW WOOL. Sent on from Plymouth, Mass. » Per Cent. Moisture at 100° C, . 92.03 Dry matter, 7.97 Nitrogen, (in liquid), .09 Ash, 3.28 Calcium oxide, .04 Magnesium oxide, trace Potassium oxide, 1.09 Sodium oxide, .92 Iron and Alumina oxides, .09 Insoluble matter, .22 12 One hund: v?d parts of Ash contained : Calcium oxide, 1.22 Magnesium oxide, trace Potassium oxide, 33.23 Sodium oxide, 28.05 Iron and alumina oxides, 2.74 Insoluble matter, 6.91 The above stated liquid was obtained, according to the information received, by scouring raw wool with a solution of soda ash and soap. The most noticeable constituent of the material is its comparatively large amount of potash, — 1.09 per cent, in the liquid and 33.23 per cent, in the calcined residue or ash. The presence of a liberal amount of potash compounds iu raw wool is well-known. A sample of raw wool from So. America tested here in that direction some years ago, showed from 3.92 to 4.2 per cent, of potassium oxide. The washings of sheep and of raw wool may be used with a good effect on grass lands. Solutions like the one above described are, however, too concentrated for direct use ; they ought to be diluted with from ten to twenty times their weight of water, to render advisable their direct application on any growing vegetation. 573—576. COMPOUND fp:rtilizers. I. Sent on by Lawrence Hardware Co., Lawrence, Mass. II. Sent on by J. M. Aiken, Prescott, Mass. III. Sent on by A. Bradley, Lee, Mass. IV. Sent on bv J. M. Aiken, Prescott, Mass. I. II. Per III. Cent. IV. Moisture at 100° C, 10.36 10.66 17.07 13.34 Ash, 59.19 60.64 44.24 49.38 Total phosphoric acid, 16.44 12.50 9.28 13.02 Soluble " " 4.03 5.50 7.47 6.81 Reverted " " 8.46 1.29 1.43 2.56 Insoluble " 3.95 5.71 .38 3.65 Potassium oxide. 1.15 2.50 7.64 2.16 Nitrogen, 2.65 1.70 1.34 3.02 Insoluble matter. 3.43 8.09 1.69 5.07 13 577-580. COMPOUND FERTILIZERS. V. Sent on by A. S. Ilawley, North Hadley, Mass. VI. Sent on by Staph 3S & Phillips, Taunton, Mass. VII. Sent on by C. M. Allen, Fran klin. Mass VIII. Sent on by F. G. Arnold, Swansea, Mass. V. VI. VII. VIII. Per Cent. Moisture at 100^' C, 10.86 11.71 6.76 6.26 Ash, 48.44 57.84 52.96 56.88 Total phosphoric acid, 11.07 13.30 8.32 12.56 Soluble " " 5.87 5.80 2.86 2.09 Reverted " " 3.60 1.85 5.01 6.10 Insoluble " 1.60 5.65 .45 4.37 Nitrogen in organic matter, "• '' nitrates 1.65 U.IO .19 3.44 |3.73 Potassium oxide, 3.19 1.63 8.60 9.87 Insoluble matter. 5.. 50 6.01 1.52 3.03 14 TRADE VALUES OF FERTILIZING INGREDIENTS IN RAW MATERIALS AND CHEMICALS. 1888. Cents per pound. Nitrogen in ammoniates, 17^ " " nitrates, 16 Organic nitrogen in dry and fine ground fish, meat, blood, cotton-seed meal and castor pomace, 16^ '■'■ " " fine ground bone and tankage, 16| " " " fine ground medium bone and tankage, 13 " " " medium bone and tankage, 10|^ " " " coarser bone and tankage, 8^ •' " '' hair, horn-shavings and coarse fish scrap, 8 Phosphoric acid sohible in water, 8 " " sohible in ammonium citrate, 7^ " "in dry ground fish, fine bone and tankage, 7 " "in fine medium bone and tankage, 6 " "in medium bone and tankage, 5 " " in coarser bone and tankage, 4 " "in fine ground rock phosphate, 2 Potash as High Grade Sulphate, and in forms free from Muriate or Chlorides, 5^ " " Kainite, 4| " " Muriate, 4i The above trade values are the figures at which in the six months preceding March 1888, the respective ingredients could be bought at retail for cash in our large markets, in the raw materials which are the regular source of sui)ply. They also correspond to the average wholesale prices for the six months ending March 1st plus about 20 per cent, in case of goods for which we have wholesale quotations. The valuations obtained by use of the above figures will be found to agree fairly with the rea- sonable retail price at the large markets of standard raw materials such as : Sulphate of Ammonia, Dry Ground Fish, Niti'ate of Soda, Azotin, Muriate of Potash, Ammonite, Sulphate of Potash, Castor Pomace, Dried Blood, Bono and Tankage, Dried Ground Meat, Plain Superphosphates. 15 The hitlievto customary valuation of manurial substances is based on the average trade vaUie of the fertilizing elements specified by analysis. The money value of the higher grades of agricultural chemicals and of the higher priced compound fertilizers, depends in the majority of cases on the amount and the particular form of two or three essential articles of plant food, i. e., phosporic acid, nitrogen and potash, which they contain. To ascertain by this mode of valuation, the approximate market value of a Fertilizer (i. e. the money-worth of its fertilizing ingred- ients,) we multiply the pounds per ton ot Nitrogen, etc., by the trade value per pound. We thus get the values per ton of the several ingredients, and adding them together we obtain the total valuation per ton in case of cash payment at points of general distribution. The market value of low priced materials used for manurial pur- poses, as salt, wood ashes, various kinds of lime, barnyard manure, factory refuse and waste materials of different description, quite frequently, does not stand In a close relation to the market value of the amount of essential articles of plant food they contain. Their cost varies in different localities. Local facilities for cheap transpor- tation and more or less advantageous mechanical condition for a speedy action^ exert as a rule, a decided influence on their selling- price. The mechanical condition of any fertilizing material, simple or com- pound, deserves the most serious consideration of farmers, when articles of a similar .chemical character are offered for their choice. The degree of pulverization controls, almost without exception, under similar conditions, the rate of solubility, and the more or less rapid diffusion of the different articles of plant-food throughout the soil. The state of moisture exerts a no less important influence on the pecuniary value, in case of one and the same kind of substance. Two samples offish fertilizer, although equally pure, may differ from 50 to 100 per cent, in commercial value, on account of mere differ- ence in moisture. Crude stock for the manufacture of fertilizers, and refuse material of various descriptions, have to be valued with reference to the mar- ket prices of their principal constitueuts, taking into consideration at the same time their general fitness for speedy action. For these, and similar circumstances, it is evident that farmers have to judge largely for themselves, whether the prices asked for the manurial substances offered for tlicir patronage are fair, considering local conditions of supply. 16 The approximate market value of different brands of fertilizers, obtained b}- the current mode of valuation, does not express their resj^ective agricultural value, i. e., their C7'op j^i'oduciiig value. The higher or lower market price of different brands of fertilizer does vof necessarily stand in a direct relation to their particular Jitness, with- out an}' reference to the particular condition of the soil to be treated, and the special wants of the crops to be raised by their assistance. To select judiciously from among the various brands of fertilizers offered for patronage requires in the main two kinds of information, namely we ought to feel confident that the particular brand of fertilizer in question actually contains the < uaranteed quantities and qualities of essential articles of plant food at a reasonable cost ; and that it con- tains them in such foim and in such proportions as will best meet existing circumstances and special wants, tn some instances it may be mainly either phosphoric acid or nitrogen or potash, in others, two of them, and in others again, all three. A remunerative use of commercial fertilizers can only be secured by attending carefully to the previously stated considerations. C. A. GOESSMANN, Director, Amherst, Mass. Tlie Bulletins of the Experiment Station will be sent free of charge to all parties interested in its work, on application. J. E. Williams, Printer, Amherst, Mass. MASSACHUSETTS STATE Agricultural Experiment Statio^i^. BXJI-.I_.ETII^T ISTo. 32. FEBRUARY, 1889. Meteorological Summary for four months ending Jan. 31., 1888. October. November. December. .January. Highest temperature, 66.0'^ 71. 0<^ 56.5^ 58.0° Lowest temperature, 26.0'' 5.7^ 3.5° 0.5 Meau temperature, 43.12° 38.93° 30.40 30.30 Total precipitation. 0.19 in. 3.91 in. 3.78 in. 3.29 in Total snowfall, 5.00 m. 2,75 in. S.OOiu Prevailing winds. N. W. n.p:. N. W. N. W. No. of days on which cloudi- ness averaged 8 or more on a scale of 10, 12 12 8 9 No. of days on which 0.01 of an inch or more of water from rain or melted snow fell, 13 11 9 10 The remarkably cool weather of the summer months continued through October, its mean temperature being lower than since 1841. The mean temperature for November is about the average for that month, while that for November and January is decidedly higher. Snowsqualls occurred on the ninth of October, and the first snowstorm on the 25th of November. The snow disappeared quickly. It was the only snow of any amount until the 20th of January. The rain- fall has been about the average and was evenly distributed through the four months. Southerly winds were frequent during the month of December. Record of Twelve Cows,, WHICH SERVED AT THE STATION FOR EXPERIMENTS TO ASCERTAIN THE COST OF FEED FOR THE PRODUCTION OF MILK. 581. When entering upon the task to ascertain the cost of feed for the production of milk — 1884— it was decided to begin our inquiry with cows of moderate milking qualities. Grades of all kinds of breeds were to serve for that purpose. A selection from that class of cows, at the outset of our observation, promised to prove of a special interest, not only on account of their large representation in our dairy stock, but also for the particular chance which our final results would offer to draw more directly the line where milk produc- tion ceases to be a profitable business. The material for the subse- quent report has been carefully collected during a period of several years. The results, it is true, are obtained under somewhat excep- tional circumstances, — yet their detailed description cannot fail to show more clearly the financial relation of milk production to a sys- tem of a mixed farm management. The cows, which served in our trials, were in every instance secured a few days after calving. They were sold to the butcher usually when their daily yield of milk fell below from five to six quarts, to make room for a new milch cow. The cost of the differ- ent animals varied from fifty-five to seventy- two dollars apiece — they sold at the close of their trial for from twenty-five to thirty- seven dollars each. The general management of the entire experi- ment was conducted with a view to promote the general health of the animals on trial. Two cows had lost in weight during the experiment and ten had gained more or less. The change from one diet to another was as a rule a gradual one. The temporary change in the composition of the daily diet was mainly confined to the coarse and bulky fodder ingredients. Meadow hay, dry fodder corn, corn stover, corn ensilage and roots besides some small quantity of various dried fodder crops, incidental to some field experiments with forage crops, were fed during the latter part of autumn, the winter and the spring, — while several green crops, as oats or barley and vetch, serradella and cow peas were substituted during the summer and part of the fall season. The several previ- ollsly named fodder crops served in the majority of oases eitlier in part or in the whole as substitutes for meadow liay. The daily rations of g^rain fed consisted throughout the entire per- iod, in all cases alike, substantially of the same materials, namely, corn meal or corn and cob meal and wheat bran, which were supple- mented in the majority of instances more or less by gluten meal, to secure as far as practicable the desired comparative nutritive charac- ter of the diet. The daily diet per head consisted of from eighteen to twenty or more pounds of meadow hay or its equivalent in part or in the whole of dry vegetable matter of the above mentioned bulky fodder articles, and from six and one-half to nine and three-quarter pounds of grain feed, usually composed of an equal weight of corn meal or corn and cob meal and wheat bran, with or without gluten meal (3 1-4 pounds). The ruling local average market price of each fodder article has been used for the determination of the cost of feed consumed. The estimates of the essential fertilizing constituents contained in the various fodder articles used, are based on our own analyses, and on their local market price during the past year. Twenty percent, loss of the fertilizing constituents contained in the feed has been allowed for the amount sold with the milk. The period of observation. varied in (:ase of ditTerent cows from 261 days to o99 days ; the average daily yield of milk per head for the whole period of observation varied from 7.7 quarts to 12.4 quarts. Three cents per quart of milk produced has been adopted as the average price realized for the entire year in case of milk contracts in our vicinit^^ The essential details of our observations are subsequently recorded in tabular form under the following headings : 1 . History of cows. 2. Statement of the amount of each kind of fodder ingredients consumed by each animal, with total cost of feed for period of o])ser- vation. 3. Local market value per ton of each fodder article used. 4. Value of essential fertilizing constituents contained in the various articles of fodder consumed. 0. Summary of the financial record of cows. G. Some conclusions suggested by the financial record. l^ t-^ C?j CO 00 oo 6C be C ; -f! '-'' *-i rs i-M m oo CO Sec I ' 1^ !0 i-H -^ 10 IM ,— I O S 5 " .. - _' c; 00 05 C .^ ^ r^ CO o t^ 2 ^ S2 2 '-^ » >n 05 ^ CO -* -^ 'f5 oJ S ^ ?> S ?^ * ' ^ "(^ I-: 00 o o^ ^ o •5 30 ■* - . ^ t^ CO O o r - O 1^ — « 12 «^ 00 "- '^ ^ ^ o> ^- 000 * „•■--* O .0 00 — ' ' =^^ ^ S g !^ <- ^ '« il. «-l ^" " cc 00 00 c " - ' ,-,OOOOiCOl-ooO CBrC; t^ '*^'':=f^c^2"'^'^«^i -'B JDJ2 p 'p 0 ^^^ " l^ t^ 00 o) 0) c E P^ Pm ■-: cr . •3 ±? O 1) (3 af o^ bn a o C cs r^^ !2 " t. iH O 5 !^ ^> ^ b o t ^^ -I ^ -I =s s; -.2 c; i> -J g ;^ 1 "S £ E 'i^' S be m 5j 5i3 , , t- .S o 4) K 0) '53 '53 ^-^ >.;Z =«^^ S ^. bX)bDM&C> S- Png^e^ r^r^ Co s s ^ S) cr be c o !5 OS g ^ t-> >. f>^. O (» ^-S -S ^ -S ^ I C o 53 a! 0) ">*§ •r; p, p. O, p,.g ^ ^ j^ j^ j^^ g O 5 I i 'o 'o ^ ^ ;^ "2 PH -^,T^ •-< •-• .-I •-. ^ ^ • be be 0) 'S ' sr ^T3 "^ t'.-i! "^ "t? '^ C^ ■?> be be So Sc > > J; bt o « « t< o ^ (» > > > .5 .S xi ^'A ^ a a'i^i^ < < < < >-^ t^ AMOUNT OF P:ACH OF THE VARIOUS KINDS OF FEED CONSUMED (IN LBS.) BY THE COWS ON TRIAL. 1. Bessie. Lady Horace. Corn meal, Corn and cob meal, Wheat bran, Kye Middlings, Gluten meal, Hay, Rowen, Corn fodder (dry) , Corn stover (dry), Corn ensilage, Millet (dry), Vetch & lucerne (dry), Lucerne & clover (dry). Oats (dry), Oats (green). Vetch & oats (greeu). Vetch (green), Serradella (green), Cow^ pea (green), Barley & beans (green). Potatoes, Carrots, Roots, (sugar beet). 941.25 931.25 941.25 931 25 74.75 74.75 4228.75 5122.00 324 75 408 00 2098.00 2188 00 156.00 119.00 Daisy (1). Total cost of feed. 72.00 24 00 215 00 $59.00 98.00 30.00 877.50 939.25 2962.00 436.00 2990.00 37.00 308 00 585.00 4. Mollie. 5. Susie. Meg. 900.25 848.50 955.50 2780.00 473.00 2959.00 32.00 825.50 74.75 520.00 776.75 71.50 523.25 4073.50 I 3311.60 ' 500.00 399.50 I 313.00 94 00 90.6(1 930 00 826.50 528 00 585.00 70.00 140.00 245 00 319 00 580 00 656.00 251.00 725 00 676.00 40.00 320 00 700.00 45.00 711.00 1592 00 1592 00 1041.50 1052,00 $65 65 f56 46 $56 04 $63.25 $59.50 Corn meal. Corn & cob meal. Wheat bran, Rye middlings, Gluten meal. Hay, Rowen, Corn fodder (dry). Corn stover (dry), Corn ensilage. Millet (dry), Vetch & lucerne (dry), Lucerne & clover (dry), Oats (dry), Oats (green). Vetch & oats (green) , Vetch (green), Serradella (green). Cow pea (green), Barley & beans (green), Potatoes, Carrots, Roots (sugar beets). 7. Lizzie. Total cost of feed, 1126.50 508.25 1530 75 156 00 771.50 7418.75 1833.25 713 26 112.00 878.00 519.50 $118.96 .9. 10. 11. Ida. Minnie. Daisy(2). May. 1075.75 975.00 156 00 304 00 4925 25 1268 00 90.50 1343.50 557.25 1868.75 65.00 1083 00 6886.00 1836.00 824.50 86.25 1017.25 2059.60 2408.50 3109.00 91.00 $135.05 642 25 557.25 1199.25 1134.50 4354.50 528.00 1600.00 368.00 1539.25 1051 00 821.00 859.00 92.00 $88.33 1378.00 557.25 1936.25 1217.25 6757.25 1743.00 1059.00 304.00 1550.00 12. Melia. 1197 75 557.25 1755 00 1217.25 6437.00 1843.00 925.00 242.00 1340.00 2181.00 998.00 2374 00 ! 3110 00 ! 783.00 916.00 92 00 $140.39 918.00 92.00 $124.77 LOCAL MAKKP.T VALUE PER TON OF THE VARIOUS ARTICLES OF FODDER USED. Corn Meal, $23.00 Coi-D aud Cob Meal, 20.70 Wheat Bian, 21.50 Rve Middlings, 21.50 Gluten Meal, 23.00 Oats (green), $3.60 Vetch and Oats (green) 2.75 Vetch (green), 3.50 Serradella (green), 3.16 Cow Pea (green), 3.14 Barley and HorseBean(greeu)3.00 Potatoes, 6.67 Carrots, 7.00 Sugar Beets, 5.00 These prices are the sAiue as nre adopted, for reasons stated on that occasion, in our previous reports on feeding experiments with milch cows. See Fifth Annual Report, page 36. 4. VALUATION OF THE ESSENTIAL FERTILIZING CON- STITUENTS CONTAINED IN THE VARIOUS ARTICLES OF FODDER USED. Hay, Rovveu, Corn Fodder, $15.00 15.00 5.00 Corn Stover, 5.00 Corn Ensilage, Millet, (dry), Lucerne aud V etch (d 2.25 12.00 ry), 12.00 Lucerne aud Clover(dry), 12.00 Oats (dry), ^ 12.00 (Nitrogen, 161 cts. per lb., Phosphoric Acit 1, 6 cts., Potassium Oxide, 4|- cts.) (Per ceut.) PHOSPHORIC VALUATIOK. NrrKOGEN. ACID. POTASH. PER TON. Corn Meal, 1.86 0.77 0.45 $7.44 Corn aud Cob Meal, 1.46 0.603 0.441 5.91 Wheat Bran, 2.82 3.05 1.49 14.24 Rye Middliugs, 1.84 1.26 0.81 8.27 Gluten Meal, 5.22 0.40 0.05 17.75 Hay, 1.25 0.464 2.085 6.46 Rowen, 1.93 0.364 2.86 9.24 Corn Fodder ( dry ) , 1.37 0.368 0.355 5.26 Corn Stover (dry), 0.78 0.09 0.599 3.19 Corn Ensilage, 0.36 0.14 0.33 1.64 Millet (dry), 1.106 0.38 2.49 6.23 Lucerne and Vetch (dry), 2.02 0.70 2.273 9.44 Lucerne and Clover (dry), 2.06 0.623 1.805 9.08 Oats (dry), 1.47 0.51 2.41 7.51 Oats (green j, 0.33 0.155 0.68 1.85 Vetch and Oats (green), 0.23 0.09 0.79 1.54 Vetch (green), 0.49 0.20 0.66 2.42 Serradella (green), 0.411 0.14 0.423 1.89 Cow Pea (green), 0.561 0.098 0.306 2.23 Barlev& Horse Beans (gr'n) 0.50 0.20 0.40 2.23 Potatoes, 0.476 0.18 0.56 2.18 Carrots, 0.14 0.10 0.54 1.04 Sugar Beets, 0.29 0.03 0.18 1.15 cts. 9.36 11 35 12.80 8.12 15.24 14.90 14.39 -1 20 15.97 13.13 12.91 1386 •qsijo JO ui.ioj ui i)DAiaoa.i dni«A n •o.tnutJui JO lu.ioj in paAiaoaj ani^A .oo50^oooooi -+ CO r- d CD 1 - q6 -^ o •Avoo JO paB paaj JO jsoo jau aAO(i« paAiao8.i aniuA lujox o •AV03 JO oouid Sui[iay §g§§5S§8§§8§l o g •Aioo JO jsoa i^suiSuo S8§§§S8§8g§§ < 1 •paaj JO ?soo la^i 'A < 'A •jaao .lad 05 ssa[ pooj JO an[UA iBumnJH .tOCiC^COOOCDC^ICSOlOiOl •paiunsuoo P88J JO 5SO0 i^jox SlOcr-^iOOOCOlOOOClt^ S'OtO'^COcioOOiOOOO'* j - •ib J3cl sjnao g ?« 5HIUI JO aniBA i^jox 1 . 05 -If i^ -* o r^ CO CO CO 00 t- I^'-'cocccoi>^o'io-Mtbco-n ^(MOOlOCiGOt-OCOCTSOO 1 ! 2 ^ -^ l5lllllla«*5" Average cost of cow, Average of selling price of cow, Average of total cost of feed per day. Average product per day for entire period, pei Average of net cost of feed per day. head, $62 29 28 80 21.72 cts. 11.14 qts. 12.94 cts. Average of value received above net cost of feed and of cow, per day, 12.12 cts. Average of value received in form of manure per day, 8.78 cts. Average of value received in form of cash per day, 3.34 cts. The net cost of the feed consumed is obtained by deducting eighty per cent, of the current commercial vahie of the essential fertilizing- constituents contained in the feed from the market cost of the feed. — See Bessie. Market value of feed consumed, $59 00 Value of manure obtainable, 22 27 Net cost of feed, $36 73 The total value obtained for the feed consumed is ascertained by adding the value secured from the sale of the milk produced to the commercial value represented in the manure obtainable. — See Bessie. Value of the milk sold, .$111 73 Value of 80 per cent, of the manurial substances in feed, 22 27 • Total value obtained from feed consumed, $134 00 The total value secured from any individual cov?^, after net cost of feed and of cow has been accounted for, is represented by the sum resulting from the addition of the difference between original cost of cow and its selling price, and of the total cost of feed consumed. — See Bessie. Original cost of cow, $65 00 Selling price of cow, 25 00 Difference, Loss on cow, Total cost of feed, $40 00 $40 00 59 00 $99 00 $134 00 99 00 Total value obtained from feed consumed. Total cost of feed and loss on cow. Net return for feed, $35 00 It seems to be scarcely necessary to add, that the above estimates refer only to the cost of the feed and of the cow, and do not include cost of labor, housing, interest and risk of life of animal, etc. fi. SOME CONCLUSIONS SUGGESTP:D BY THE PRECEDING FINANCIAL RECOIID. 1. The total value received above net cost of feed and of cow does in no instance exceed 15.97 cts. per day ; its average in eleven cases is 12.91 cts. There is an actual loss of 1.2 cts. per day in one case (No. 8). where the average daily yield of milk for the entire l)eriod of observation (331 days) is as low as 7.7 quarts. 2. The total value received above net cost of feed and of cow consists in every instance in a controling degree in the manure ob- tainable. In No. 8 it prevents a serious loss ; in No. 4 it represents practically the entire gain ; in some instances it amounts to from three-fourths to two-thirds (Nos. 12 and 3) and in none as low as one-half of the total value secured. 3. As the value of the manure depends in a controling degree on th ! amount of fertilizing constituents contained in the feed, it be- comes apparent that this point ought to be seriously considered when selecting suitable fodder articles for a remunerative'daily diet of dairy cows. The table containing the valuation of the essential fertilizing constituents of the fodder articles used in our experiments is very suggestive in this connection when compared with the preced- ing statements of the respective market prices of the latter. 4. Recognizing the correctness of the preceding conclusion, it is evident that the most serious attention ought to be bestowed on col- lecting and preserving the mauurial refuse obtained in connection with the production of milk ; for it depends largely on a judicious management of this matter how much of the stated manurial value will be actually secured. The liability of a loss in the manurial value of the refuse matter renders it advisable, for financial reasons, not to depend on too close a margin of cash returns. 5. Although it will be conceded that the dairy cow, aside from the special service is a most important factor in a mixed farm man- agement, as far as an economical disposition of home raised fodder crops and a liberal production of home made manure is conceined. yet when reduced to a mere manure producing medium, this value may be well questioned from a financial standpoint. 6. A cow whose total milk record averages not more than eight quarts per day, judging from our own condition, promises to prove a better investment when prepared for the meat market than when constituting a liberal proportion of the stock kept for supply- ing the general milk market at stated prices. Analyses of Fodder Articles. 582. WHITE SOJA BEAN (SEED,, Grown at the Experiment Station. Moisture at 100» C Dry Matter, ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. Crude Ash, " Cellulose Fat, " Protein, (nitrogenous matter Non-nitrogenous extract matter. . 1 ^ OS J Percentage Composition. Constituents (in lbs in a ton of 2000 lbs. Pounds digestible in ton of 2000 lbs. Per cent, of digestib ity of constituents 17.38 347.60 82.62 1652.40 100.00 2000.00 5.22 104.40 5.35 107.00 15.52 14.5 21.89 437.80 393.74 89.8 1 33.30 667.20 000.48 90 : 34.18 683.60 423.83 62 100.00 2000.00 1432.97 Fertilizing Constituents in White So.TA Bean. Per cent. Moisture at 100 » C. 17.38 Calcium oxide, .842 . Magnesinm oxide. .869 Potassinm oxide, (41 cts.) 2.085 Sodium oxide. .166 Ferric oxide, .231 Pliosphoric acid. (6 cts.) 1.851 Nitrogen, (ir)|-cts.i 5.308 Insoluble matter. .090 Valuation per ton of 2,000 pounds, $21.51 11 583. WHITE SOJA BEAN (SEED). Bought in New York. Moisture at 100° C, .... Dry Matter, . . . ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTEK. Crude Ash, . , " Cellulose, " Fat, " Protein, (nitrogenous matter), Non-nitrogenous extract matter, , cS ^ II •S JQ m .2 II .9 ■= a ^ 1 i § '^ ? o § i % - rt- a a B s^ ;? o - ^ Ph 5.85 117.00 94.15 1883.00 100.00 2000.00 ^ 5.57 111.40 5.15 103.00 14.94 14.5 18.42 368.40 330 82 89.8 35.98 719.60 647.64 90 34.88 697.60 432.51 62 100.00 2000.00 1425.91 584. SOJA BEAN (ENTIRE PLANT, DRY). Collected Aug. 30, 1888 at the Experiment Station Grounds. a S r, S 5 gj 00 i fl o N a § i ^ 1% 1 If fl o II 11 s '^ PM ^ Moisture at 100° C , 6.12 122.40 93.88 1877.60 100.00 2000.00 c^ ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. »d. Crude Asli . 6.47 20.76 129.40 415.20 144.28 34.75 .i; '< Cellulose, " Fat, 5.62 15.87 112.40 317.40 73.14 182.35 65.07 57.45 Protein, (nitrogenous matter), . Non- nitrogenous extract matter, . . 51.28 1025.60 661.61 64.51 100,00 2000.00 1080.20 12 P^ERTiLiziNG Constituents in So.ta Bean (Eniike Plant, Dry). Per cent. Moisture at 100° C, 6.120 Ash, 6.470 Calcium oxide, 2.770 Magnesium oxide, 1.190 Potassium oxide, .617 Sodium oxide, .198 Ferric oxide, .131 Phosphoric acid, .753 Nitrogen, 2.380 Insoluble matter, .967 Valuation per ton of 2,000 pounds, $9.27 This valuable plant is extensively cultivated in Japan and China, and has been of late successfully cultivated in southern Europe. The beans are used as a highly nutritious food for man, and the entire plants, beans and straw are a valuable feed for cattle. The requirements for a successful cultivation are a light soil in a good state of fertilization, and a climate similar to that suitable for the cultivation of Indian corn. The seeding time and the general treat- ment of the crop correspond to that of garden beans. Our trials with this crop for green fodder and for ensilage are very encouraging. We secured in a first trial from 8 to 9 tons of green fodder per acre. C. A. GOESSMANN, Director, Amherst, Mass. The Bulletins of the Experiment Station will be ,sevt free of charyo to all parties interested in this work, on application. J. E, Williams, Printer, Amherst, Mass. S'fK^"^ LlS^^ B^33 M ASfe ACfiyS)^T"L^ ^TAT E AGRICULTUmiffiMi(T STATIOt^ BXJI_.JL.H]TI3Sr nsTo. 33. MARCH, 1889. On Commercial Fertilizers The new duties assigned to tlie director of the station render it necessary, to discriminate in the future, in official publications of the results of analyses of commercial fertilizers and of manurial sub- stances in general, bettoeen analyses of samples collected by a duly quali- fied delegate of the Experiment Station, in conformity with the rules prescribed by the new laws, cmd those analyses which are made of sam- ples sent on for that purpose by outside parties. In regard to the for- mer alone, can the director assume the responsibility of 3, carefully prepared sample, and of the identity of the article in question. The official report of analyses of compound fertilizers and of all such materials as are to be. used for manurial purposes, which are sold in this State under a certificate of compliance with the present laws for the regulation of the trade in these articles, has been restricted by our State laws to a statement of chemical composition and to such addi- tional iuformation as relates to the latter. The practice of affixing to each analysis of this class of fertilizers an approximate commercial valuation per ton of their principal constituents has, therefore, to be discontinued. This change, it is expected, will tend to direct the at tention of the consumers of fertilizers more forcibly towards a consid- eration of the particidar composition of the different brands of fertilizers offered for their p)atronage, a circumstance not unfrequently over- looked. cy The approximate market value of the different brands of fertilizers, obtained by the current mode of valuation, does not express their respective agricultural value, i. e., their crop-producing value, for the higher or lower market price of different brands of fertilizers does not necessarily stand in a direct relation to their particular fitness without an}' reference to the particular condition of the soil to be treated, and the special wants of the crops to be raised by their assistance. To select judiciously from among the various brands of fertilizers offered for patronage, requires in the main, two kinds of information, namely, we ought to feel confident that the particular brand of fertilizer in question actually contains the guaranteed quantities and qualities of essential articles of plant food at a reasonable cost ; and that it con- tains them in such form and in such proportions as will best meet existing circumstances and special wants. In some cases it may be mainly either phosphoric acid or nitrogen or potash, in others, two of them, and in others again, all three. A remunerative use of commercial fertilizers can only be secured by attending carefully to the above stated considerations. To assist farmers not yet familiar with the current mode of determining the commercial value of manurial substances offered for sale in our markets, some of the essential considerations, which serve as a basis for their commercial valuation, are once more stated within a few subsequent pages. The hitherto customary valuation of manurial substances is based on the average trade value of the essential fertilizing elements speci- fied by analyeis. The money value of the higher grades of agricultu- ral chemicals and of the higher priced compound fertilizers, depends in the majority of cases, on the amount and the particular form of two or three essential articles of plant food, i. e., phosphoric acid, nitrogen and potash, which they contain. To ascertain by this mode of valuation, the approximate market value of a fertilizer, (i. e., the money-worth of its essential fertilizing ingredients,) we multiply the pounds per ton of nitrogen, etc., by the trade value per pound; the same course is adopted with reference to the various forms of phos- phoric acid, and of potassium oxide. We thus get the values per ton of the several ingredients, and adding them together, we obtain the total valuation per ton in case of cash payment at points of gen- eral distribution. The market value of low-priced materials used for manurial pur- poses, as salt, wood ashes, various kinds of lime, barnyard manure, factory refuse and waste materials of different description, quite fre- qiiontly does not stand iu a close relation to the market value of the amount of essential articles of plant food they contain. Their cost varies in different localities. Local facilities for cheap transportation and more or less advantageous mechanical condition for a speedy action, exert as a rule, a decided influence on their selling price. The mechanical condiiion of any fertilizing material, simple or compound, deserves the most serious consideration of farmers, when articles of a similar chemical character are offered for their choice. The degree of pulverization controls, almost without exception, under similar conditions, the rate of solubiHty, and the more or less rapid diffusion of the different articles of plant-food throughout the soil. The state of moisture exerts a no less important influence on the l)ecuniary value, in case of one and the same kind of substance. Two samples of fish fertilizei's, although equally pure, may difl^er from 50 to 100 per cent, in commercial value, on account of mere differ- ence in moisture. Crude stock for the manufacture of fertilizers, and refuse materials of various descriptions, have to be valued with reference to the mar- ket price of their principal constituents, taking into consideration at the same time their general fitness for speedy action. TRADE VALUES OF FERTILIZING INGREDIENTS IN RAW MATERIALS AND CHEMICALS. 1889. Cents per pottnd. Nitrogen in ammouiates, 19 " " nitrates, 17 Organic nitrogen in dry and fine ground fish, meat and blood, 19 " " '• cotton seed meal and castor pomace, 15 " " " fine ground bone and tankage, 16| " " '' fine ground medium bone and tankage, 13^ " " " medium bone and tankage, 10^ "■ " " coarser bone and tankage, 8^ '• '' '• hair, horii shavings and coarse fish scraps, 8 Phosphoric acid soluble in water, 8 '■ '• soluble in ammonium citi'ate, 71 " "in dry ground fish, fine bone and tankage, 7 " " in fine medium bone and tankage, 6 " "in medium bone and tankage, 5 " "in coarse bone and tankage, 4 " "in fine ground rock phosphate, 2 Potash as High Grade Sulphate, and in forms free from Muriates or Chlorides ; Ashes, etc., 6 " " Kainite, 4| " " Muriate, Ah The organic nitrogeu in suj^erphosphates, special manures and fertilizers of a high grade is usually valued at the highest fig- ures laid down in the trade values of fertilizing ingredients in raw materials, namely, 19 cents per pound ; it being assumed that the or- ganic nitrogen is derived from the best sources, viz., animal matter, as meat, blood, bones, or other equally good forms, and not from leather, shoddy, hair, or any low-priced, inferior form of vegetable matter, unless the contrary is ascertained. For similar reason the insoluble phosphoric acid is valued in this connection at three cents, it being assumed, unless found otherwise, that it is from bone, or similar source and not from rock phosphate. In this latter form the insoluble phosphoric acid is worth but two cents per pound. The above trade values are the figures at which in the six months preceding March, 1889, the respective ingredients could be bought at retail for cash m our large markets, in the raw materials, which are the regular source of supply. They also correspond to the average wholesale prices for the six months ending March 1st, plus about 20 per cent, in case of goods for which we have wholesale quotations. The valuations obtained by use of the above figures will be found to agree fairly with the retail price at the large markets of standard raw materials, such as : Sulphate of Ammonia, Dry Ground Fish, Nitrate of Soda. Azotin, Muriate of Potash, Ammonite, Sulphate of Potash, Castor Pomace, Dried Blood, Bone and Tankage, Dried Ground Meat, Plain Superphosphates. A large percentage of commercial materials consists of refuse matter from various industries. The composition of these substances depends on the mode of manufacture carried on. The rapid progress in our manufacturing industries is liable to affect at any time, more or less seriously, the composition of the refuse. To assist the farm- ing community in a clear and intelligent appreciation of the various substances sold for manurial purposes, a frequent examination into the temporary characters of agricultural chemicals and }efuse mate- rials offered in our markets for manurial purposes is constantly carried on at the laboratory of the station. Consumers of commercial manurial substances do well to buy when- ever practicable, on guarantee of composition with reference to their essential constiteunts ; and to see to it that the bill of sale recognizes that point of the bargain. Any mistake or misunderstanding in the transaction may be readily adjusted, in tliat case, between the contend- ing parlies. The responsibility of the dealer ends with furnishing an article, corresponding in its composition with the lowest stated quantity of each specified essential constituent. Our present laws for the regu- lation of the trade in Commercial Fertilizers include not only the various brands of compound fertilizers, but also all materials single or compound without reference to source used for manurial purposes, when offered for sale in our market at ten dollars or more per ton. Copies of our present laws for the regulation of the trade in Com- mercial Fertilizers may be had by all interested on application, at the Massachusetts State Agricultural Experiment Station, Amherst, Mass. Arrangements are made as in previous years to attend to the exam- ination of objects of general interest to tlie farming community, to the full extent of existing resources. Requests for analyses of substances — as fodder articles, fertilizers, etc., — coming through officers of agricultural societies and farmers' clubs within the state, will receive hereafter, as in the past, first attention, and in the order that the applications arrive at the office of the Station. The results will be returned without a charge for the services rendered. Appli- cation of private parties for analyses of substances, free of charge, will receive a careful consideration, whenever the results promise to be of a more general interest. For obvious reasons no work can be carried on at the Station, of which the results are not at the disposal of the managers for publication, if deemed advisable in the interest of the citizens of the state. All parcels and communications sent on to '• The Massachusetts State Experiment Station " must have express and postal charges prepaid, to receive attention. ANALYSES OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS AND MANURIAL SUBSTANCES SENT ON FOR EXAMINATION. 585.-589. WOOD ASHES. I. From Rowley, Mass. II. From Concord, Mass. III. From Concord, Mass. IV. From Boston, Mass. V. From Boston, Mass. Per Cent L I. II. III. ir. F. Moisture at 100° C, 7.03 16.55 15.58 8.03 0.55 Calcium oxide. 32.31 36.59 34.20 22.69 33.58 Maguesium oxide, 4.03 3.01 2.86 6.15 3.74 Potassium oxide, 4.36 4.29 4.82 6.52 1.91 Phosplioiic acid. 2.38 2.40 1.76 1.66 1.32 Insoluble matter (before cal.), 19.53 15.15 20.75 27.92 3.64 Insolulile matter (after cal.). 13.99 12.42 18.35 23.75 2.03 The tirst three samples are rather below a fair average composition of Canada vvood ash, as far as their percentage of potash is considered. Sample V. it is stated, was obtained from a smoke-house and had evidently suffered from an access of salt ; it consisted mainly of hard lumps. 590.— 592. STEAMED BONES. I. Sent on from Hingham, Mass. II. Sent on from Northboro' ,Mass. III. Sent on from Easlham, Mass. MECHANICAL ANALYSIS. Per Cent. I. II. III. Fine, smaller, than ^L iuch, 34.41 37.90 50.78 Fine medium, smaller than 2h inch, 21.03 38.30 49.22 Medium, smaller than Jg i" Ch, 21.96 19.50 Coarser than Jg '^^ch, 22.60 4.30 100.00 100.00 100.00 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. Moisture at lOO'' C, 2.65 4.33 5.84 Ash, 53.29 57.05 64.17 Total phosphoric acid, 19.57 22.40 27.22 Soluble 0.31 0.43 .54 Reverted " " 8.39 6.17 9.34 Insoluble " " 10.87 15.80 17.34 Nitrogen, 3.18 4.04 5.72 Insoluble matter. 0.56 1.65 0.46 Sample three, consists evidently of bone and meat, and ought to be classed with tankage. The mechanical condition, in which ground bones are offered for sale in our markets, are steadily improving. The finer they are ground, the sooner they act as plant- food. The current valuation recognizes that fact, as will be seen from the previ- ously stated schedule of cost of bones. 593.-596. GROUND BONES. I. II. and III. Sent on from Boston, Mass. IV. Sent on from New Bedford, Mass. MECHANICAL ANALYSIS. I. II. III. ir. Fine, smaller than ^L inch. 28.95 56.50 33.35 46.00 Fi.ie medium, smaller than ./g inch, 59.99 38.18 28.65 36.52 Medium, smaller than j-V inch, 11.06 5.32 21.78 17.48 Coarser than -^2 i»<^"li5 16.32 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. 5.59 5.85 4.18 4.21 59.07 38.79 50.20 74.04 20.0.S 19.90 19.32 29.42 0.30 0.17 0.37 0.45 5.46 7.86 9.36 13.17 14.32 12.67 9.59 15.80 3.88 5.90 4.72 2.08 1.48 0.48 0.40 0.31 are rendered Moisture at 100° C, Ash, Total phosphoric acid. Soluble " " Reverted " " Insoluble " '" Nitrogen, Insoluble matter. Samples three and four consist of meat and bone articles. 597. BONE CHARCOAL. Sent on from Wellesley, Mass. rer Cent. Moisture at 100° C, 18.16 Ash, 72.24 Total phosphoric acid, 25.58 Soluble " " .38 Reverted " " 5.18 Insoluble '^ " 20.02 Insoluble matter, .69 The material was coarse, and needs a treatment with sulphuric acid to secure a desirable speedy action of its phosphoric acid. Bone charcoal and Spent Boneblack are in a superior degree fitted for the manufacture of plain superphosphates. 598. MONA ISLAND GUANO. Sent on from New York City. Moisture at 100° C, Ash, Total phosphoric acid. Soluble " " Reverted " " Insoluble " " Total calcium oxide, Potassium oxide. Nitrogen, Insoluble matter, Per Cent. 12.52 75.99 21.88 7.55 14.33 37.49 Trace. 0.76 2.45 8 The material is represented to be obtained from an island in the West Indies ; it contains a considerable amount of carbonate of lime like the majority of phosphates from that locality. Its mechanical condition is favorable for a direct application on grass land. 599. " MUD CRAB." Sent on from Eastham, Mass. Per Cent. Moisture at 100^ C, 7.67 Ash, 6.71 Total phosphoric acid, 1.25 Soluble '' '^ 0.28 Reverted " " 0.62 Insoluble " " 0.35 Nitrogen, 8.84 Insoluble matter, 0.91 The material sent on is essentially a nitrogen-furnishing source of plant food, and ought to be largely supplemented with phosphoric acid and potash salts to secure its ecouomical application as a manure. 600. CRANBERRY VINES. Sent on from Eastham, Mass. Per Cent. Moisture at 100^ C, 13.07 Nitrogen, .77 Ash constituents, 2.45 Ferric oxide, .087 Calcium oxide. .404 Pliosphoric acid, .268 Magnesium oxide, .253 Sodium oxide, .080 Potassium oxide, .329 Insoluble matter, .834 The material was sent on to ascertain its composition with reference to its fertilizing constituents. The large amount of insoluble matter of the ash is due to the presence of soil. 601. OAK LEAVES. Sent from Forestdale, Mass. Per Cent. Moisture at lOO'' C, 9.601 Organic matter, 83.360 Mineral matter, 6.840 Ferric oxide, 0.027 Calcium oxide, 0.548 Magnesium oxide, 0.267 Potassium oxide, 0.549 Phosplioric acid, O.Or).S Nitrogen, 0.930 Soluble silica, 0.018 lusoliible silica, 4.333 The composition of the above sample confirms the well known fact that the shed leaves of our forest trees are rich in raanurial constit- uents. The}' contain nearly twice as mucli nitrooen as the straw of our cereals, and are only surpassed in that point by the straw of some of our leguminous plants as beans, vetch, etc. In a well man- aged system of forestry their removal is quite properly restricted. 602. COAL DUST. Sent on from Boston, Mass. Per Cent. Moisture at 100° C. 1.73 Ash, 5.04 Phosphoric acid. 0.61 Potassium oxide. Trace. Nitrogen, 1.86 Insoluble matter. 2.47 This material is proposed as an absorber in the manufacture of fer- tilizers ; its nitrogen is exceptionally large for an article of this kind. The exact history of the sample is not known to us. 603. CHAFF FROM GRAIN ELEVATOR. Sent on from Lincoln, Mass. Per cent. Moisture at 100° C, 9.89 Ash, 10.74 Phosphoric acid, Q\ cts. per pound, 5.00 Potassium oxide, A\ cts. per pound, 0.76 Nitrogen, 15 cts. per pound, 1.62 Insoluble matter, 6.49 The presence of some grain renders the material quite valuable for manurial purposes. 604. LINSEED REFUSE. (Two samples.) Sent on from South Framingham, Mass. Per cent. Fine. Coarse. Moisture at 100° C, 6.44 6.23 Ash, 7.37 5.33 Phosphoric acid, 6 cts., 1.525 1.188 Potassium oxide, 4i cts., 0.679 0.802 Nitrogen, 15 cts., 7.08 4.68 Insoluble matter, 0.495 0.112 10 Tlie value of the fertilizing constituents in case of the fine refuse material amounts to $23.68, and in case of the coarse material to $16.19 per ton at stated rates. The coarse sample contains 5.1 per cent, of fat, while the finer part contains only 3.49 })er cent. 605. WOOL WASTE. Sent on from Methuen, Mass. Per cent. Moisture at 100° C, 3.46 Ash, 59.41 Nitrogen, 1.18 Phosphoric acid, .29 Potassium oxide, 3.08 Insoluble matter, 49,57 The material was collected in connection with the washing of vvool. It contained, besides a considerable quantity of earthy and vegetable matter, a liberal proportion of a combination of |)otash with fatty acids, peculiar to raw wool. The nitrogen in different samples of wool-waste varies widely, judging from persona! observation (from 5 to 10 per cent. ) The above sample show? the lowest amounts yet noticed in an article sent on under that name. 606. PEAT AND SOIL. Sent on from Amherst, Mass. Per cent. Moisture at 100° C, 33.489 Organic matter, 22.646 Mineral constituents, 43.685 Oxides of iron and alumina, 10.306 Phosphoric acid, .045 Calcium oxide, .056 ■ Magnesium oxide, .260 Potassium oxide, .058 Nitrogen, .320 Insoluble silicious matter, 33.478 The lands consisting of the above materials are very promising for a successful cultivation when properly drained. 607. PEAT. Sent on from Weston, Mass. Ver cent. Moisture at 100^ C, 14.28 Organic matter, 80.60 Min(!ral constituents, 5.12 Calcium oxide, 2.57 Nitrogen, 1.79 Insoluble matter, 2.44 Traces of phosphoric acid and potassium oxide. 11 The sample is iu an exceptional degree free from soil, which ex- plains its richness in nitrogen. 608. TURF. Sent on from Forestdale, Mass, Fer cent. Moisture at 100° C, 51.81 Organic matter, 44.51 Mineral constituents, 3.68 Calcium oxide, .20 Magnesium oxide, .68 Phosphoric acid. .98 Potassium oxide, .02 Nitrogen, 1.06 Insoluble matter, 2.89 The material is rich in phosphoi'ic acid and in nitrogen, a circum- stance not often noticed in materials of this kind; its raanurial value is for this reason an exceptional one. 609. FERTILIZING CONSTITUENTS IN SALT HAY. Sent on from Eastham, Mass. Per cent. Moisture at 100° C, 5.36 Ferric oxide, .028 Calcium oxide, .371 Magnesium oxide, .335 Potassium oxide, .718 Sodium oxide, .017 Phosphoric acid, .248 Nitrogen, 1.180 Insoluble matter, 91.890 The manurial value of the material compares well with that of the average hay from dry meadows. The composition is, in both instances, equally liable to serious changes when expo!^ed to the action of water. 610-614. COMPOUND FERTILIZERS. I. Sent on by Oscar S. Dow, Sharon, Mass. II. Sent on by E. C. Smith, Rowley, Mass. III. Sent on by A. F. Leonard & Co., Springfield, Mass. IV. Sent on by Wesley B. Barton, Daltou, Mass. V. Sent on by H. A. Barton, Jr., Dalton, Mass, Moisture at 100° C. Ash, Per cent. I. II. III. ir. F. 17.92 8.71 11.80 7.31 5.49 56.65 39.85 29.37 31.06 24.56 12 Total phosphoric acid, 7.87 16.71 3.58 4.40 6.06 Soluble 3.55 4.53 0.24 None 0.18 Reverted ^^ 1.99 3.67 2.19 2.35 3.14 Insoluble " " 2.33 8.M 1.15 2.05 2.74 Potassium oxide, 3.78 4.70 1.58 1.26 0.27 Nitrogen, 2.06 3.12 1.46 5.76 6.35 Insoluble matter. 9.93 5.55 5.14 19.45 9.79 Instructions to Manufacturers^ Importers. Agents., and Sellers of Com- mercial Fertilizers or Materials used for Manurial Purposes in Massachusetts. 1. An application for a certificate of compliance with the regula- tions of the trade in commercial fertilizers and materials used for manurial purposes in this State must be accompanied : First, with a distinct statement of the name of each brand offered for sale. Second, with a statement of the amount of phosphoric acid, of nitrogen and of potassium oxide guaranteed in each distinct brand. Third, with the fee cliaiged by the State for a certificate, winch is five dollars for each of the following articles: nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potassium oxide guaranteed in any distinct brand. 2. The obligation to secure a certificate applies not only to Com- pound Fertilizers but to all substances, single or compound, used for manurial purposes and offered for sale at $10 or more per ton of 2000 pounds. 3. The certificate must be secured annually on or before the first of 3 fay. 4. Manufacturers, importers and dealers in commercial fertilizers can appoint in tliis state as many Agents as they desire after having secured at this office the certificate of compliance with our laws. 5. Agents of manufacturers, importers and dealers in commercial fertilizers are held personally responsible for their transactions until they can prove that the articles they offer for sale are duly recorded in this oflflce. 6. Manufacturers and Importers are requested to furnish a list of their agents. 7. All applications for certificates ought to be addressed to the Director of the Mass. State Agricultural Experiment Station. C. A. GOESSMANN, Director, Amherst, Mass. The Bulletins of the Experiment Station tvill be sent free of charge to all parties interested in this ivork, on application. J. JE, Williams, Printer, Amherst, Mass. STATE LIBRARY Cl MAS Agricutlur BXJILi iisro. 34. JUNE, 1889. Meteorological Summary for the four mon, ths ending May 31 , 1889. Februauy. March. April. May. Highest tcmpei-jitme, 42.0° 63.5° 78. 0'^ 89.5^- Lowest temperature, —9.0° 14.0° 25.0'* 31.0" Mean temperature, 20.78° 35.93° 47.35'^^ 59.770 Total precipitation, 1.45 in. 1.4Gin. 2.42 in. 4. 15 in Total snowfall. 8.00 in. 4.00 in. 0.50 in. Prevailing winds. N.W. N.E. N.W. N.W. No. of days on which cloudi- ness averaged 8 or more on a scale of 10, 4 14 4 7 No. of days on which .01 of an inch or more of water from " rain or melted snow fell, 10 8 7 11 The temperature for the four months has been above the average, the rainfall, below. The abundant rains of May — the largest since 1883 — have placed the hay crop beyond danger of drought. All crops are farther advanced than usunl. A frost occurred on May 29th, heavN' enough to touch our more tender crops ; but no serious damage was done. The weather throughout the season has been quite favorable with us for farm work. OUTLINES OF THE WORK CARRIED ON AT THE STATE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION DURING THE PRESENT SEASON. 019. The subsequent short statement is published with a desire of stimulating among our farmers, and all parties concerned in pro- gressive agriculture, an active interest in the work for which the sta- tion has been established. As periodical bulletins and annual re- ports, containing a full description of the character and the results of our iuvestigations, however detailed the latter may be, cannot equal the impressions produced by a personal visit to the field of actual operations, at important periods of observations, a cordial invitation is hereby extended to all parties interested to visit the grounds of the station during the present season. The cultivation of a variety of farm crops, and in particular of re- puted fodder crops, presents at this period of the year, a special fea- ture of interest to visitors. An intelligent, critical discussion of our plans and methods upon the field of actual observation cannot otherwise but benefit managers and visitors, and tend ultimately to promoie the best interest of our farming community. All who favor us with their visit will find by calling at the director's oflSce in the labaratory building of the station a well informed guide to conduct them over the fields and the barn. The observations with reference to the effect of special articles of plant food on the growth and general character of Indian corn are continued. Inquiries regarding the influence of different forms of ni- trogen, as well as of tlie absence of nitrogen on the quantity and qual- ity of the corn crop, have taken the place of those with potash com- pounds of previous years. .Several reputed varieties of ensilage corn are raised to compare their relative merits under our local conditions. The study of the growth and of the character of prominent grasses, and of different leguminous plants when raised upon Inauured and un- raanured lauds, is carried on as in preceding years. Bokahara clover, (Melilotus alba,) and Sainfoin, (Onobrychis sativa) have been sub- stituted for Lucern, (Medicago sativa.) and Red Mammoth clover, Kentucky Blue grass, (Poa pratensis,) has taken the place of English and Italian Rye grass, (Lolium perenue and Italicum.) Southern Cow pea, Serradella (Ornithopus sativus,) and a mixed crop of vetch and oats are cultivated upon an nrea sufficiently large to supply green fodder for from five to six milch cows during the months of July, August and a part of September. The experiments with j)otatoes described in previous reports arc repeated with some modifications. Of interest in this connection is a series of experiments under the especial direction of Prof. Hum- phrey, to study the cause of scab on i)ot;)toes. Attention is invited to his inquiries on pages 3 and 4 ot this bulletin. Various sugar producing plants :u'e cultivated to ascertain their gen- eral characters as well :is tlieii- economic nud industrial relation to our system of fjirmiiig. Home and imported varieties of sugar beets, and of sorghnm are ineluded in the trial. The effect of green manuring on tlie production of croi)S may be seen in several parts of the field. The merits of raising grain crops by Ijroadcast seeding and in drills are illustrated on barley and oats. The degree of success which has followed our course of renovating worn out grass lands and swampy meadows may be judged by the present condition of various crops raised upon these lands. Aside from these more prominent features of our field work., may be noticed a variety of reputed fodder plants, foreign to this section of the country, cultivated on a small scale for the pur|)ose of study- ing their degree of acclimatization, as well as their special merits, when compared vvitli prominent home fodder plants. Included in this part of our field trials are varieties of oats, barley, sorghum, horse beans, southern cow peas, clovers, and lupines, liesides sulla, tre- foil, Japanese buckwheat, etc. Adding to attractions offered by an examination of the field work, the inspection of our arrangements lor feeding exi)eriments with va- rious kinds of farm live stock, and of the outfit of the chemical and botanical physiological laboratories of the station, with their industry peculiar to the growing season, to meet the numerous application of farmers in all parts of tiie state, we confidently leave it to the reports of our visitors whether the time they spent with us has compensated them for the exertion made on their part to visit the State Agricul- tural Experiment Station, during the summer season, in the beautiful town of Amherst. DEPAR TMKNT OF VEGEPABLE PHYSIOLOGY, 620- VYIiile the Department desires to render all possible service to the people of the state in any branch oC Agrieultuial Botany, es- pecial attention is and will be given to those diseases of plants which are caused by the attacks of parasitic fungi, commonly known as rusts, smuts, mildews, blights, sjiots, rots, etc. The undersigned especially desires to be informed of the preva- lence of any of these troubles in any part of the state, and to receive specimens of infected plarits. Such specimens may be pressed and sent between pasteboai'd, or may be packed, fresh, in a tin box, with a little moist moss or cotton to keej) them fresh. In either form specimens are mailable at the rate of one cent an ounce. Requests for information or advice concerning plant diseases or other subjects within the scope of this Department will be answered as promptly and as fully as may be possible under the circumstances. Pending the completion of the laboratories and greenhouses pro- vided for the use of the Department by the present Legislature, tem- porary quarters have been equipped in the chemical laboratory building. During the present season a leading subject of inquiry is the scab of potatoes. A resume of our present knowledge of this disease will be found on pages 131-8 of the report of the Station for 1888, and all readers of this bulletin who can contribute towards a more complete knovrledge of the subject by answering any of the following questions are earnestly requested to do so. It is desired that no one will attempt to answer any question, except from practical experi- ence and observation. Questions Conckkning Potato Scab. 1. What is the extent of the damage caused by 2^otato scab in your vicinity ? 2. Is scab more or less prevalent (a) in a wet season ? (&) on a naturally wet soil? 3. What is the effect on the develoi)ment of scab of the use of (a) barnyard manure? {b) commercial fertilizers? (c) tobacco stalks or dust? (d) other refuse matters? 4. Is scab more or less likely to attack potatoes grown on (a) newly broken land? (b) old land previously in other crops? (c) old laud previously in potatoes? 5. How do crops raised from scabby seed-potatoes compare in scabbiness with those raised from smooth potatoes? 6. Have you noted any effect on the development of scab caused by deep or shallow planting? 7. Is there any difference in liability to the attacks of sar/j between light and dark skinned varieties of potatoes? 8. How early in the development of a potato tuber have you ever seen it attacked by scab? y. Does scab iucretiso on potiiloes lying in the earth, til'ter the tops are dead ? 10. What remedies for scab have you ever tried, or what precau- tions agaiust its attacks have you ever taken, and with what result? 11. What ideas or opinions, based ou experience, do you enter- tain as to the nature or cause of this trouble, which you think worthy of consideration ? 12. What information can you give regarding the disease under consideration which is not called for by the above questions? Inquiries, specimens, and answers to the above questions should be addressed to JA8. ELLJ8 HUMPHREY, Prof, of Vegetable Physiology, Amherst, Mass. CREAMERY RF:C0RD OE THE STATION DURING TIJE YEARS 1887 AND 1888. 021. In a preceding bulletin, No. 32, has been published a milk record of twelve cows, grades, which had served during pastyears for feeding exeriuients at the station. It was stated on that occasion that the i)rimary object at that time was to test the comparative merits of corn fodder, corn stover, corn ensilage, and root crops in the whole or in part, as circumstances advised, as substitutes for a good mea- dow hay, as far as quantity, quality and cost of production of milk are concerned. The cows selected for that investigation were, for stated reasons of moderate milking qualities. The fitness of the va- rious animals for our purpose ceased, in turn, whenever the period of time between the day of calving and the day of observation had reached the point where constitutional changes in their life threat- ened to interfere, more or less seriously with a clear demonstration of the special nutritive effect, as far as the production of milk is con- cerned, of any particular change in their dail}' diet. As existing con- ditions did not advise any increase of our dairy stock, the cows were usually sold on fair terms for our locality. The conclusions arrived at in consequence of our observations were clearly qualified by a detailed statement of the course we felt obliged to adopt in our position. Our financial results, although obtained under some- what exceptional circumstances, were published with full recognition of that point, considering tlieni not without some interest to others studying the financial side of the dairy industry in its varying as- pects. The present coniuumication contains a discussion of our creamery record, which covers, to a considerable extent, tlie time when the above mentioned milk record was obtained. The milk was weighed at the station, and the cream secured and measured by means of a Cooley creamery. A copy of the daily record was kept in our dairy room by the agent of the creamery. Two quarts of milk used daily for family purposes are accounted for in our calculations of total re- sults. Analyses of milk were made where a change of daily diet rendered it advisable. The cost of feed consumed is based on the same market price of the various ingredients which are adopted in our late milk record. The same is true in regard to the valuation of the whole milk, three cents per quart. The estimates of the value of fertilizing ingredients contained in the feed correspond with those lately published in Bul- letin 32. The value of the cream is that granted us from month to month by our local creamery association. The station has no other connection with the financial management of the creamery. Our presentation of financial results is based on the local cost of feed alone and does not consider interest on investment and labor involved ; for the reason that approximate estimates. on these points are in an exceptional degree dependent on quality of stock, and vary- ing local circumstances. The details are embodied in a few subse- quent tables, under the following headings : 1. Statement of articles of fodder used. 2. Record of average quality of milk and of fodder rations. 3. Value of cream produced at creamery basis of valuation. 4. Cost of skim milk at the selling price of three cents per quart of whole milk. 5. Fertilizing constituents of cream. G. Some conclusions suggested bv the records. 0 .0 0 moon .iviTns' 10 CO 10 0 c ■= inn; ii.)}aA Cf 0 0 0 10 •0.8t;iisiiJl 0 »o -* CO 11.103 - '<>^ ^S2 >o 0 «2 (•^.ip) 1^ 10 CO joAois ii-ioo -tji ■^ in 0-0 «3 0 »o 0 (•^.ip) joppo^ luoo -+i -* C3 05 r- 06 CO 0 CO ^2 0 10 10 0 0 CO •lI9AV0a 01 00'0«3lOO 00 10 0000 "O'O 000 ■^vu ,— 1 -(4 0 00 r,, CO r/^ 'O 1^ 0 0 0 -# CO •* oi '-' C-1 CO -H 0 ►o 0 0 0 0 lO >o 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 "O 0 >o Oi C5 "O 10 0 -* a^ia -i* la 0 —1 0 -H 0 'O >0 OC' ■"• >0 CD lO 'O «o 10 >o ic >o 0 0 •sSaiiPPire ^ f- oAa 0 CO ^ CD 0 lO 0 0 "O 0 >o 0 0>0 0 >o iffl 10 »0 0 lO 0 0 0 0 10 0 »o •laua luoiiM ,— ( o *C ■o 0 10 "•■' lO 'O CO 10 CD 10 'O 'O 10 10 10 10 0 'O 0 0 •IW3W qo3 1^ pun naoo ^ 0 10 00 0 10 0 0 0 >o 00 0 0 0 0 lO 0 'C ■\\iOK "-10,:) tyi C-1 .00 • rr -f. 1 (M lO >o 10 -^ 10 »0 'O 10 0 VO 10 , ^ S >- ^ a 1-5 So September, October, November, December, 'A g t Q H i s a w •sjoaq JuSng s CO ! •t'DCl AVOf) s CO C5 ' •unopu.i.ios O o t •sju'o pu« qoiOA o •3S\Jtisua u.ioQ g ■(Xip) J9A01S U.IOO •(X.ip) .lappoj ujoo •noAioa 20.00 27.00 27.00 •it'H §§ 88§8§§g§g8 •luaui uajnio 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 •sSiniPPiux aia I ■ucjq luaiiAV 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 •[naui qoo put- ujoq •[uaui UJOO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO JO opua oAi^i-qiiK o>dto:Doiooci6tD<»>6»OQ6o6>c»d •muo.io JO ooi^cls ouo 0>[i3ui 0} p8.unb -0.1 j[iiiu JO s}.w;n?j 2.17 2.02 2.19 2.42 1.80 1.82 1.97 1.73 1.74 1.63 1.97 1.67 CO •5[[iui ui vil .;o 9Sij -juoojad gS^'joav lOt-r-eoco CO tjo ^o -* ^0 05 1-;'- C^ 1-; O lO (M co"-*COCO-J< -* CO -*^ ^ 8 ui spiios JO aSu -lU9'J.l6tl OSISJOAV 12.38 13.13 13.13 12.84 13.31 13.11 12.70 13.04 13.54 13.16 CO 1 January, February, March, April, June, j July, August, September, October, November, December, be < Q Z; 0 S s o Q a fa ■sjooq .iis.-fns •uoil AVOO s 00 •«Iiai"''i-i0S ■sjuo piiT! M-noA 60.00 •0.oflISU9 u.ioo So CO CO •(.Cip) .lOAO^S U.IOO 8 •(^ip) .loppoj U.IO0 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 •UOAlOa § •ivH 19.00 7.50 7.50 20.00 20.00 5.00 19.00 5.00 20.00 20.00 ■luoui tiajuio lO lO "O >0 >0 O O "O lO lO lO lO >o 'O >o lO (M 0 >0 >0 'O lO lO lO »0 'O U5 >o >0 lO >o (M ^1 (M CM O^ I^ CI CI CI CI ii5iu 0!) pajinb -0.1 mim JO sj.nsnf) OOiOi-H CO l^OCOCO O CI CO CO '^. '^ "^^r '^ «; 1-; o CO CO t-- o ^ CI -iu30.i3d aSBJcaAv 4.08 3.67 3.79 4.00 3.14 3.86 3.79 4.55 4.86 co' UI SpilOS JO 33B -qiiiaoabcl oi?i;.X8AV 13.18 13.98 13.77 13.83 13.04 12.87 13.26 14.39 14.78 CO 1 < JO 4800 iv^ox 12.05 23.94 30.38 31.36 19.40 24 53 24.80 17.27 17.95 10.93 16.89 10.44 8.47 13.77 12 93 15.09 14.91 17.95 24.31 18.43 15.38 12.28 9.61 3.44 o CD %xi 5I1UU a[ouA\) i.i,nb .lad 5i[iiu 1 43 1.34 1.43 1.71 1.34 1.61 1 67 1.17 1.19 0.85 1 28 0 83 0.58 0.86 0.87 1.07 1.10 1.39 1.56 1 29 1.16 1.00 0.74 0.34 CD •IU1?9J3 JO aniTJA iB^ox 17 24 38.85 40 20 31.14 32.47 30.03 27.69 35.91 36.30 36.30 29.48 35.23 45 76 44.00 40.91 35.99 34 23 28.67 30.94 32 48 83.02 35.92 37.67 34.67 CO (■siuao) ^ •>[.Hu JO -^D jacl 1.76 1.86 1.71 1.50 1.88 1.65 1.58 2.03 2.01 2.31 1.91 2.31 2.53 2.28 2.28 2.11 2.10 1.85 1.68 1.91 2.03 2.24 2.39 2.73 o (•s^uao) •oauds .rad uiua.r,) JO ouiBA 3.88 3.75 3.75 3.63 3 38 3.00 3.13 3 50 3.50 3.75 3.75 3,88 4.00 4.00 3.90 3.65 3 50 3.25 3.25 3.50 3.75 3.85 4.00 4.00 ^ •>(Iiiu-iui>is JO s:nun5 845.3 1788.4 2037.4 1830.8 1446.1 1524.3 1489.1 1470.8 1503.4 1289.7 1314.4 1255.0 1471.0 1602.3 1486.0 1412.5 1350.5 1294.5 1561.5 1424.0 1328.9 1332.4 1291.9 1008.8 i (s.odsf g'-'4b I) •uruaao JO s%j.vni) O ^CD t^ClCO «=«50 -*OC50J.*^ 130. 315. 252. 282. 294. 260. 301. 305. 284. 231. 267. 336. 323. 308. 290. 287. 259. 280. 272. 251. 274. 284. 261. s •luua.iQ JO sauudg 445 1036 1072 859 962 1001 886 1026 1037 968 786 909 1144 1100 1049 986 978 882 952 928 854 933 • 966 889 •paonpo.id JO sj.njnf) iM-Ht-^Ot-t-CC-*'#«5eO lOOOlOlOr-IOJlOOl— lOOOCO w 976 2093 2352 2083 1729 1818 1749 1772 1808 1574 1.545 1522 1807 1925 1794 1702 1638 1553 1841 1696 1580 1606 1576 1270 § 1887. .January February March April May June July .\uiiust September < )e tuber November December 1888. Janiuiry February March April May Juue July Aufiust September October November December Averages •lia.)iilio.id Ull!d.l.) JO anib'A 17.24 38.85 40.20 31.14 32.47 30.03 27.69 35.91 36.30 36:30 29.48 35.23 45.76 44.00 40.91 ! 35.99 34.23 28.67 30.94 32.48 32.02 35.92 37.67 34.67 ^ ^ •un:a.io JO itoi}.)ni)0.id .10 j 1),19J JO jso.) JOfi 6.79 23.32 20.54 24.23 21.32 21.36 20.08 26.83 23.63 26.19 21.47 22.53 22.87 13.19 16.08 13.17 25.08 23.16 19.66 17.63 18.72 23.33 16.56 12.44 o •U11!.U,) lllJSOI sjuaiijijsuoo .iu/ziimaj -IBA 1^01rtt^^-i ►J -^ ^J5 '2 -I S 5 5P- W spj 1:3 J o ^>^ >7 CO « '-^ O r S S ^ £ ;2^ JSPq 'P'. V o "-a OP5^W =« S § 6 3 oO o I 0) •—I o I i S g *i =0 O 6 o 'g I IF (,£,0) _o • — I m !h S-i S =« ^ ' •:-5 o . POO) CU ^H O) O ci o . Sag PL, -<-^-< CO tzjO ; oil' : eg +^ -2 .• , O C d . ri ^^ o ,3 S ^o g 'a S ^"J3 ^ <1 '^ O ctf ^ -|_, Q !^ ry; ^ "^ "^ S ■M S OJ W rfi -^ i-. CL| O 1^ Ph Ph O ►J ( §11 <1 5.^ « pq ^'Pm fe o r OJ ^ o S O o ca •eq^ bc^C CD 0) g ^ o 1^ ?, (u o ce ■ ^ 1 P9W c^co 1^ ■t; .s 8s.reoo 05 05 g oiracD ^ (^^t-^^-^(^^<^^co "3 00 o o O <( •P^K -H M^ d ?. s Cj iii.paui t- o .ri X Ol -d< 00 cr: COCOCO-^OOOO-HCD^t-Cqoo-^IM 9111^ ss s ? 1 O CO o >o COIO'J'COCOOCOOIOICOtHC^iOIO £ CO CO ^ (M OilCCOCOCOlM— 10000— l(MC o eo Ph 00 ^ •amj Oco •l.oo^ -H C^ O -H IM Cq ^ W o C5— 105— 105CDO0t~C0IMt-O— ' •-' >-H — ( ■— ' (M (M CO O O (M (M (jj CO Tj< 00—1^ ^rt=;2^^ •aiqnios -i-lP o =5 00 iq r-^ o-l 05 oq 00 O -; CO ». >o -* CO CO 00 CO C5 lO.OlO-d-'Ct-OJ^Ot-t-OOt-t- J — ^ ^C5 ■-ICOQOIM CDCOl^t^ lO 2 I- CO 05>0 t-OOO— 1 OCO^^lO 0^ 7-1 O OOIMOOO COOCDCC"=^ (N lO CO «5 ^ 14 ■M (M ^^ (M-Or-<»2»OlMCO^COCO-*CO ^ : : p ^ o : cj : : : ^ : : S £ : : S : o -a 1 : t. a o ;;:^ -s : : : § ; « '. aJ m ■ o w » • ^ \ Z Oi ts ill a, I 1 1 o ^llllllllli a 1 o . o q 1?; 1 c- 11 • SS lii s'S a a o S > .^ ^ ^ S o g -^ o ^ W ^ PL, O :?5 P^ PiO H^UHh^H^CCOOP^ W «) tc 0) ill -^ •.laqtmifi Ajo'^vioqv'j ^ OJ ^ «5 C C^OJ j-H TRADE VALUES OF FERTILIZING INGREDIENTS IN RAW MATERIALS AND CHEMICALS. 1889. Cents per 2'oiiu(l. Nitrogen in ammouiates, I'j " " nitrates, , 17 Organic nitrogen in dry and fine ground fish, meat, bjood, 19 " " " cotton-seed meal and castor pomace, 15 " " " fine ground bone and tankage, 16.1 " " " fine ground medium bone and tankage, 13" " " " medium bone and tankage, \0}y " " " coarser bone and tankage, 8.^ " " '' hair, horn-shavings and coarse fish scraps, 8 Pliosphoric acid soluble in water, 8 " " soluble in ammonium citrate, 7i " "in dry ground fish, fine bone and tankage, 7 " "in fine medium bone and tankage. C " "in medium bone and tankage, 5 " "in coarse bone and tankage, 4 " "in fine ground rock phosphate, 2 Potash as High Grade Sulphate, and in forms free from Muriate or Chlorides, Ashes, etc,, G " " Kaiuite, 4i " " Muriate, 4i The above trade values are the figures at which in the six months preceding March 1889, the respective ingredients could be bought at retail for cash in our large markets, in the raw materials, which are the regular source of supply. Trade Values in Superphosphates, Special Mamires and Mixed Fertilizers of High Grade. The organic nitrogen in superphospihates , special manures and mixed fertilizers of a high grade is nsually valued at the highest fig- ures laid down in the trade values of fertilizing ingredients in raw materials,* namely, 19 cents per pound; it being assumed that the organic nitrogen is derived from the best sources, viz., animal matter, as meat, blood, bones, or other equally good forms, and not from leather, shoddy, hair, or any low-priced, inferior form of vegetable matter, unless the contrary is ascertained. For similar reason the insoluble phosphoric acid is valued in this connection at three cents, it being assumed, unless found otherwise, that it is from bone, or similar sources and not from rock phosphate. In this latter form the insoluble phosphoric acid is worth but two cents per pound. C. A. GOESSMANN, Director, Amherst, Mass. The publications of the Experiment Station will he sent free ofchnrge to all parties interested in its work, on application. J. E. Williams, Printer, Amherst, Maes. MASSykCHUSE;PTS STATE y^ Agricultural Experiment Station, BXJJ_jLHlTI3Sr IsTo. 3S. NOVEMBER, 1889. Meteorological Summary . for the Ji '.ve months ending > Oct. 31, , 1889. June. July. August. September. October. Highest temperature, 88.5" 86.^ 84.'^ 82.5^ 69.5^ Lowest lemperature, 38. '^ 46.5'^ 40. 5^^ 34.5^ 21.° Mean temperature, 66.41^ 68. 09^^ 64.43'' 60.89" 45.23'' Total precipitation. 3.8.5 in. 8.35 in. 2.69 in. 2.90in. 4.10in. Prevailing winds, S.W. N.W. N.W. N.E. N.E. No. of days on which cloudiness averaged S or more on a scale of 10, 8 8 6 20 13 No. of days on which .01 of an inch or more of water from rain or nv elt- ed snow fell. 12 15 7 10 14 The distribution of rain has frequently seriously interfered with farm worii. A large proportion of the hay and grain crop has been damaged by rain or delay in cutting. Most crops except on well drained land have suffered considerably. Corn was late during the growing season, but had sufficient time to ripen ; for the frost came later than usual in this vicinity. The first killing frost occurred Sept. 23. 2 FEEDING EXPERIMENTS WITH MILCH COWS. Fodder Corn, Corn Stover and. Corn Ensilage vs. English Hay. Id preceding communications under the stated heading it will be found that some years ago, November. 18.S5, a series of observations with milch cows was inaugurated at our institution for the purpose of securing, under well defined circumstances, information needed to assist in answering the following questions : 1. What is the comparative feeding effect of dry fodder corn, of dry corn stover and of a good corn ensilage when used in part or in the whole as a substitute for Englisli hay (upland meadow hay) in the daily diet of milch cows, and also that of a good root crop in place of corn ensilage ; the amount and the kind of grain feed remaining for obvious reasons the same under otherwise corresponding circumstances? 2. \\hat is the total cost, as well as the net cost of the daily feed per head in case of the different fodder combinations used ; making in all cases alike, an allowance of a loss of twenty per cent, of the fertilizing constituents contained in the feed consumed, in conse- quence of the sale of the milk ? 3. What is the commercial value, at current market rates, of the manurial refuse obtainable in case of the different fodder combina- tions used as a daily diet for the support of the cows, assuming that eighty per cent, of the value of the fertilizing constituents contained in the fodder consumed, can be secured to the farm by a careful management? The results of experiments carried on in this connection during a number of months of the years 1885, 1886. 1887 and 1888, have already been described in detail in our respective annual reports and periodical bulletins. A short abstract of more recent observations in the same direction forms part of this bulletin. As a careful consideration of all our results to date leads practi- cally to the same conclusions, the subsequent final summary of our work has been prepared with a view of enabling, as far as practi- cable, all parties interested in our special line of inquiry into the economy of milk production, to draw their own conclusions, and to ascertain for themselves whether the standpoint taken in our several reports of progress is justifiable by the facts presented. SUMMARY OF FEEDING EXPERIMENTS, Nov.. 1885 to May, 1889.* o 1 ® i 'S ! I- -.^^ 5 0 0 != II! 1 Fodder articles 1 ° -i 0 i il 1 s c 3; .2" la ill S 0 St--- o consumed and their cost S 1 £ Oi-^ oil III ■^""g 1 per ton. 11 ^1 ! 1 II ill 1 lit c S » 0 Corn meal "*- ■?> S a 8 s 0 S- 0 oS § ^ $23.00 1:6.7 * § Wheat bran •20.00 to English hay 15.00 X : 10.17 1. Daisy (1) 16.3-8.4 12.77 .97-2.64 .50-1.64 1.44-2.86 Corn stover 5.00 2. Mollie 12.62-8.60 11.00 1.02-2.50 .51-1.61 l.i56-2.80 1 1 Corn ensilage 2.75 Mean Sugar beets 5.00 1 : 7.86 f^ Corn meal 23.00 i? 63 Wheat bran 20.00 1:5.90 Gluten meal Rye middlings English hay Corn stover 23.00 24.00 15.00 5.00 to 1:7.90 Mean 1. Susie 2. Meg 3. Dora 13.5-9.4 13.9-10.3 16.3-11.7 11.92 11.93 13.94 1.04-2.37 .95-2.76 .85-2.26 .43-1.67 .41-1.96 .34-1.60 1.66-2.76 1.72-2.43 1.58-2.23 ^ a Corn ensilage 2.75 1:6.60 ~ -^ Carrots 7.00 °0 Corn meal 23.00 i Wheat bran 20.70 1:5.20 1. May (1) 12.3-10.1 11.23 1..51-2.51 .77-1.63 1.94-2.50 ^ «■ Gluten meal 27.00 to 2. Minnie (1) 12.7-10.2 11.49 1.40-2.53 .741.65 1.73-2.52 «f2j Corn and cob meal 30.70 1:6.10 3. Melia (1) 14.6-10.9 12.62 1 .28-2.44 .66-1. .59 1.73-2.43 English hay 15.00 4. Eva (1) 7.2-5.5 6.22 2.-58-4.74 1.39-3.09 3.36-4.74 i 1 Corn Stover 5.00 Mean 0. Lizzie 10.6-7.9 9.06 1.68-3.36 .9.5-2.19 2.17-3.35 "^ Corn ensilage Fodder corn 2.75 5.00 1 : 5.80 6. Daisy (2) 19.2-13.5 16.22 1.01-1.97 .50-1.28 1.38-1.96 Corn meal 21.90 1. Annie 10.68-7.09 9.65 1.66-3.04 .83-2.28 2.00-2.48 (y^ S Wheat bran 20.70 2. May (2) 10.13-8.05 9.21 1.88-3.36 .92-2.54 2.29-2.67 § g Gluten meal 23.40 1:5.13 3. Eva (2) 14.95-10.73 11.7!^ 1.. 30-2 .71 .63-1.99 1.67-2.49 5 '^ English hay B'odder corn 15.00 to 4. Daisy (3) 9.87-.i.4:^ n.m 2.46-5.4811.18-4.29 2.93-4.04 '~lo-; 5.00 1:6.79 5. Jessie 14.12-11.46' 12.84 1.4;!-2.5G' .85-1.78 1.70-2.04 -^■"(M Corn stover 5.00 6. Melia (2) 9.60-7.17 7.0.5 1.97-4.18, .99-3.15 2.39-3.05 > >-. Corn ensilage 2.75 Mean 7. Elsie 13.64-12.25 12.71 2.1>:-2.29 1.17-1.56 1.78-2.39 1 1 Carrots 7.00 1 : 6.02 8. Minnie (2) 7.83-6.15 6.S3 2.22-3.05 1.12-1.96 2.61-3.16 Sugar beets 5.00 9. Flora 15.30-12.05 13.82 1.41-2.22 .83-1.58 1.42-1.95 Kowen 15.00 *For more details consult the respective annual reports on the work of this Station. A short discussion of the most important facts presented in the preceding as well as succeeding tabular statement may assist in a desirable appreciation of the questions involved. During our first year of observation, Nov.. 1885 to July, 1886, either corn meal and wheat bran or wheat bran alone served as grain feed ; while during the succeeding years, as a rule, the same weight parts of corn meal, wheat bran and gluten meal were fed. The above stated variations of daily yield of milk refer to the highest and lowest yield in each case, and do not bear a direct rela- tion to any particular diet. The valuation of the fodder ingredients is based in this connection, on the average of the local market price per ton ot each article for the entire period of observation. Corn meal. ^22.75 Fodder corn, $5.00 Wheat bran, 21.00 Corn stover, 5.00 Gluten meal. 24.50 Corn ensilage. 2.75 Hay, 15.00 Carrots, 7.00 Roweu, 15.00 Sugar beets, 5.00 The commercial valuation of the fertilizing constituents contained in each fodder article, is based on the following market prices ; i. e. nitrogen (perll>.) 17 cts. ; phosphoric acid, 6 cts. ; and potassium oxide, 4 1-4 cts. Eighty per cent, of the entire amount of fertilizing constituents contained in the fodder consumed are considered ob- tainable by proper management, while twenty per cent, are assumed to be sold with the milk and thus lost to the farm. Net cost of the feed represents the sum obtained, by subtract- ing eighty per cent, of the commercial value of the fertilizing con- stituents contained in the fodder consumed, from the total cost of the feed. Nothing hut the net cost of feed is considered in the present discus- sion of the cost of production of milk. Nutritive ratio of a fodder combination refers to the relative pro- portion of the digestible non-nitrogenous fodder constituents to its digestible nitrogenous food constituents counted as 1 . The quantity of the different fodder rations stated below represents in each case the daily average of the amount actually consumed per head during entire feeding period. The variations in the daily con- sumption of the various ingredients of the daily diet in case of differ- ent animals were confined entirely to the fodder corn, the corn sto\er and the corn ensilage when serving as substitutes in part or in the whole for hay, and to hay when fed alone as the coarse or bulky part of the daily diet. The amount consumed in that case was con- trolled by the appetite of the animal, as larger quantities than the figures represent were offered for their consumption. The daily consumption of the grain feed varied in no instance from the amount stated in each case ; the same statement applies to the hay when fed in connection with soine other coarse fodder article as eoi-n ensilage, etc. From three to six cows, and at times moie. served at different periods of observation. DAILY FODDER RATlONvS. 1. Corn meal. Nov., 1885- -July, 1886. 3.25 lbs. Corn meal, 3.25 lbs. Wheat bran. 3.25 '' Wheat bran. 3.25 " Hay, 21.75 " Hay, 10.00 " Total cost, 23.43 cts. Corn stover. 8.00 " Net cost, 15.43 " Total cost. 16.62 cts. Manurial value Net cost. 10.04 '' obtainable, 8.00 '^ .Manurial value Nutritive ratio, 1 :8.02 obtainable. 6.58 - Nutritive ratio. 1 :7.83 3. Corn meal, 3.25 lbs. 4. Corn meal, 3.25 lbs. Wheat bran, 3.25 " Wheat bran, 3.25 - Hay, 5.00 - Hay, 15.00 " Corn stover. 12.75 " Sugar beets. 27.00 '' Total cost. 14.06 els. Total cost, 25.12 cts. Net cost. 7.83 '' Net cost. 17.10 " Manurial value Manurial value obtainable. 6.23 '^ obtainable. 8.02 '' Nutritive ratio, 1 :7.81 Nutritive ratio. 1 :7.20 5. Wheat bran. 3.25 lbs. 6. Wheat bran, 3.25 lbs. Hay, 15.00 " Hay, 15.00 " Sugar beets. 27.00 " Sugar beets. 40.00 '' Total cost, 21.41 cts. Total cost. 24.66 cts. Net cost. 14.31 - Net cost. 16.66 " Manurial value Manurial value obtainable. 7.10 '• obtainable. 8.00 " Nutritive ratio. 1 :6.93 Nutritive ratio, 1 :6.81 October, 1886- -ApriU 1887. 8. Corn meal. Corn meal. 3.25 lbs. 3.25 lbs. Wheat bran. 3.25 - Wheat bran, 3.25 - Gluten meal. 3.25 '' Gluten meal, 3.25 '' Hay, 18.75 - Hay, 5.00 " Total cost. 25.14 cts. Corn ensilage. 34.00 " Net cost. 15.77 " Total cost. 19.60 cts. Manurial value Net cost. 11.62 " obtainable. 9.37 - Manurial value Nutritive ratio. 1 :6.11 obtainable. 7.98 " Nutritive ratio 1 :6.12 Coru meal, 3.25 lbs. Wheat bran, 3.25 " Gluten meal, 3.25 " Hay, 10.00 " Carrots, 38.00 '' Total cost, 31.89 cts. Net cost, 23.05 " Manurial value obtaii lable, 8.84 " Nutritive ratio. 1 :5.99 January — May, 1888. 10. Corn meal. 3.25 lbs. Corn meal. 3.25 lbs. Wheat bran. 3.25 - Wheat bran. 3.25 " Gluten meal. 3.25 - Gluten meal. 3.25 " Fodder corn, 17.75 ^' Corn stover, 17.25 " Total cost, 15.53 cts. Total cost, 15.40 cts. Net cost. 7.54 " Net cost, 7.44 " Manurial val ue Manurial value obtainable. 7.99 " obtainable, 7.96 '' Nutritive ratio. 1 :5.82 Nutritive ratio. 1 :5.98 Corn 12 meal, 3.25 lbs. Wheat bran, 3.25 " Glutt ;n meal. 3.25 '^ Hay, 10.00 '' Corn ensilage. 21.75 " Total cost. 21.64 cts. Net cost. 13.15 " Manurial value obtainable, 8.49 '•' Nutr itive ratio, November, 1888 1 :6.12 ''—May, 1889. 13. 14. Corn meal, 3.25 lbs. Corn meal, 3.25 lbs. Wheat bran. 3.25 " Wheat bran, 3.25 '' Gluten meal. 3.25 " Gluten meal. 3.25 - Hay, 10.00 " Rowen, 19.50 '' Sugar beets. 47.25 " Total cost. 25.72 cts. Total cost, 30.40 cts. Net cost. 13.51 " Net cost. 20.22 " Manurial value Manurial val ue obtainable. 12.21 '' obtainable, 10.18 " Nutritive ratio. 1 :5.06 Nutritive ratio. 1 :5.56 Fodder ration No. 3, 8, 10, 1 1 and 14 deserve in particular attention for trials. The renoainder, although in some instances not without a special interest, is published to illustrate our essential variations in the daily diet used. TABULAR STATEMENT OF THE COST PER DAY OE THE ABOVE MENTIONED FODDER COMBINATIONS. Manurial value Total (iost. Net cost. obtainable. (cts.) (cts.) (cts.) No. 1, 23.43 15.43 8.00 No. 2, 16.62 10.04 6.58 No. 3, 14.06 7.83 6.23 No. 4, 25.12 17.10 8.02 No. 6, 21.41 14.31 7.10 No. 6, 24.66 16.66 8.00 No. 7, 25.14 15.77 9.37 No. 8, 19.60 11.62 7.98 No. 9. 31.89 23.05 8.84 No. 10, 15.75 7.54 7.99 No. 11, 15.40 7.44 7.96 No. 12, 21.64 13.15 8.49 No. 13, 30.40 20.22 10.18 No. 14, 25.72 13.51 12.21 Considering the previously described fodder combinations from a mere financial standpoint^ they rank with reference to their net cost, beginning with the lowest^ as follows: — 11, 10, 3, 2, 8, 12, 14, 5, 1, 7, 6, 4, 13, 9. A close inquiry into the character of the coarser or bulky part of the various fodder compositions cannot fail to show that wherever fodder corn, corn stover or corn ensilage have been fed in part or in the whole as a substitute for English hay, in connection with the same kind and amount of grain feed, the commercial value of the manurial refuse obtainable has been but slightly if any affected ; while the net cost of the daily feed of the animals on trial has been materially reduced (from \ io \). It seems scarcely necessary to mention here, that only equally well prepared fodder articles are considered in the discussion. Sugar beets compared well, as far as net cost is concerned, with good corn ensilage when fed in quantities of from twenty to twenty- five pounds of the former in place of from thirty to thirty-five pounds of the latter. In view of these facts it becomes a question of first importance to ascertain to what extent it will be judicious, as far as their feeding effect is concerned, to advocate the substitution of dry fodder corn, corn stover and a good corn ensilage for English hay in the daily diet of dairy stock. It is generally admitted that the present condition of the market for dairy products calls for the closest investigation of every point which bears on the cost of the production of milk, and it will be not less conceded that next in importance to the selection of cows of good milking qualities comes the consideration of the cost of their daily diet. NET COST OR FEED. The actual cost of a daily diet for any kind of farm live stock does not alone depend on the temporary market price of a given quantity of the vnrious ingredients which constitute the daily fodder rations, but also in a controlling degree on the quantity of some essential articles of plant food, in particular, of nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potassium oxide, they contain ; and the amount of these which may be secured in some definite proportion in form of manurial refuse after the fodder has served its purpose for the support of the life and the functions of the animal, which consumes it. As has been already stated on previous occasions, the net cost of a daily diet is ascertained by deducting from the sum of the market price of its various ingredients, the sum expressing the commercial value of the manurial matter obtainable in each partic- ular case. This circumstance deserves for obvious reasons the most serious consideration on the part of farmers when choosing from among the various suitable fodder articles offered for their patronage, those for a daily diet of their farm live stock, which will ultimately prove the cheapest in their position in consequence of the higher commercial value of the manurial lefuse they furnish. It becomes the more important to select with that view in mind as the fluctuations in the local market price of oil cakes, gluten meal, corn meal, wheat bran and of similar refuse materials (by products) of flour mills, glucose works, starch works, breweries, etc.. are, as a rule, liable to be more frequent and more serious than in case of home raised coarse or bulky fodder articles, as P^nglish hay, corn stover, corn ensilage, etc. The commercial value of the manurial refuse obtainable from the first-named class, in case of corresponding weights and under similar circumstances exceeds quite frequently from two to three times that obtainable in case of the latter. Applying this standard of valuation to our feeding experiments we notice the following relations : Fodder articles used during onr feeding experiments, {1885 to 1889) . vni.iP r.f !ivti/.iaiue or diucie. per ton. constituents per ton. per ton. Eiiglisli hav, $15.00 S 5.58 $10.54 Roweu (dry), 15.00 9.83 7.14 Fodder corn (dry), 5.00 4.53 1.38 roni stover (dry I. 5.00 3.21 2.43 Corn ensilage, 2.75 1.56 1.50 Corn meal 21.90 6.51 16.69 Wheat bran, 20.70 13.64 9.79 Gluten meal, 23.40 15.23 11.22 Considering our entire feeding experiments, 1885 to 1889, we find that corn meal has cost per ton $22.75, wheat bran $21.00 and gkiteu meal $24.50 ; the latter sells to-day at $23.00 per ton, corn meal at $19.00 and wheat bran at $16.50 ; the market price of hay, corn stover, etc., has practically remained the same as far as the same season of the year is concerned. Serious variations in the market price of our fodder articles not infrequently advise changes from one article to another of a similar character and composition. At present local market prices of feed stufts, hay and corn meal are very costly fodder articles ; the same applies to carrots. FEEDING VALUE OR NUTRrilVE VALUE OF FODDER ARTICLES. From preceding remarks it will be apparent that we have secured a satisfactory basis for our guidance to decide the relative money value of current fodder articles as well as that of an entire diet. Quite different however, is our situation when the determination of their relative feeding vahie is involved, for it is an undeniable fact that the relative commercial value of fodder articles does not necessarily coincide with their relative feeding value ; it rarely docs. This circumstance arises from the fact that both are determined by different standards. The commercial or money value of lodder ailicles, as far as they enter the general market, is regulated like that of other articles of merchandise by supply and den)and ; the greater the former and the less the latter, the lower is their market price, etc. ; the relative money value of a given quantity can be expressed for the same locality by one definite sum. The feeding value or nutritive value of a fodder article refers especially to its feeding effect ; it depends usually on the co-operatiou of a series of varying conditions, sometimes more or less beyond our control. Foremost among these are : 10 1. A hiyher degree of adaptation with reference to particular kind and oigauization of the animal under consideration ; its age and functions, etc. 2. The chemical composition and the general physical conditions, depending on stage of growth, mechanical preparation, etc. of the fodder ingredients to be used. 3. Whether the article constitutes the sole diet or serves as a more or less prominent part of the daily diet. The feeding effect of most fodder articles is more or less modified by, and thus in a control- ling degree depending on, the character of the associated ingre- dients in the daily diet. These few remarks suffice to show that the comparative feeding value of one and the same fodder article, even when of a stable composition, cannot be fully expressed by one numerical value. The practice of stating the comparative feeding value of current fodder ar- ticles with reference to that of good English hay equal to 1 00, has been for years abandoned as devoid of any substantial support. There is no single fodder article on record which furnishes the best diet, i. e., the cheapest and at the same time most nutritive food, for even the same class of animals, under different circumstances. Both, 7iet cost of feed and its relative nutritive or feeding effect under existing circum- stances, have to be consulted, when aiming at an economical diet for farm live stock. Actual feeding experiments under well defined circumstances alone can give us the desired information. Although much needs, still to be done in this direction to recognize in many instances more clearly the principles, vs^hich underlie a successful practice, it must be admitted that some valuable facts have been already established in regard to a rational and thus economical system of stock feeding, by European investigators and others, which can serve advantageously as guides in compoundirg economical fodder combinations for all kinds of farm live stock. The economy of milk production, in particular, has received much attention. European investigators recommend in this connection quite generally a daily diet, rich in digestible nitrogenous constituents, as beneficial to the general condition of cows, at the same time reducing the net cost of the feed consumed and furnishing valuable home-ynade manure at the lowest market cost. The European standard for a daily diet of milch cows calls for one part of digestible nitrogenous fodder constituents to five and four-tenths parts of digestible non-nitrogen- ous food constituents. Our results on the whole point in the same 11 direction. The nitrogenous food constituents of the fodder rations received special attention. The main interest of our inquiry, however, consists in the partial or entire substitution under otherwise corresponding circumstances of dry corn fodder, or corn stover or corn ensilage, for English hay as far as net cost of feed and quality and quantity of milk are con- cerned. The results of former years are already on record, in our respective annual reports ; they lead to the same conclusions. The net cost of the daily feed during our late experiment has been stated on preceding pages of this bulletin. The quality of the milk and cream obtained on that occasion may be learned from the subsequent tabular record. More details of a similar character are reserved for our next annual report. TABULAE STATP:MENT OF THE COMPOSITION OF MILK DURING DIFFERENT FEEDING PERIODS. Percent- age compo AVERAGE DAILY FEED CONSUMED (IN POUNDS). -; A _: A ;; QJ CC Name ol' Cow. Date. sition of a *i 53 cS 53S %■ i 60 S mnk. 5 5 -CO 1 f ■A P Solids Fat c» 1888 ANNIE. Nov. 14 13.68 3.65 3.25 3.25 3.25 18.67 Dec. 4 15.22 5.10 3.25 3.25 3.25 13.27 Dec. 24 14.83 4.90 3.25 3.25 3.25 14.36 1889 Jan. 16 14.10 4.10 3.25 3.25 3.25 10.00 37.05 Feb. 11 14.30 4.. 55 3.25 3.25 3.25 5.00 29.91 Apr. 2 14.52 4.72 3.25 3.25 3.25 10.00 43.53 1888 MAY. Nov. 14 14.90 4.13 3.25 3.25 3.25 20.00 Dec. 4 14.42 5.. 30 3.25 3.25 3.25 17.68 Dec. 24 15.37 4.74 3.25 3.25 3.25 21.82 1889 Jan. 16 15.42 4.60 3.25 3.25 3.25 10.00 39.37 Feb. 11 15.05 4.65 3.25 3.25 3.25 5.00 38.86 Apr. 2 15.02 4.60 3.25 3.25 3.25 10.00 43.. S3 1888 EVA. Nov. 14 14.40 4.85 3.25 3.25 3.25 20.00 Dec. 4 14.45 5.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 18.23 Dec. 24 15.11 5.17 3.25 3.25 3.25 19.00 1889 Jan. 16 14.90 4.82 3.25 3.25 3.25 10.00 39.35 Feb. 11 14.95 4.95 3.25 3.25 3.25 5.00 43.00 Apr. 2 15.63 5.33 3.25 3.25 3.25 10.00 46.20 QUARTS OF MILK REQUIRED TO MAKE ONE SPACE OF CREAM. (Average op Six Cows fed upon the above rations.) Hay Period. FodUer Corn Period. Corn Stover Period. Carrot Period. Corn. Ensilage Period. 1.92 Sugar Beet Period. 1.98 1.68 1.59 2.16 1.88 ABSTRACT FROM OUR RECORD OF THE COMPOSITION OF CREAM. Percentage i AVERAGE DAILY FEED CONSUMED (IN LBS). Date. Composition of Cream. '3 >. ^ o 1 il i SOLIDS. FAT. « 1889. Jan. 22, 27.83 18.10 3.25 3.25 3.25 10 40 " 29, 28.50 20.90 3.25 3.25 3.25 5 35 Feb. 5, 27.55 19.41 3.25 i 3.25 3.25 5 40 " 12, 26.75 19.21 3.25 3.25 3.25 5 40 " 19, 27.02 19.75 3.25 3.25 3.25 5 40 " 26. 26.75 18.93 3.25 3.25 3.25 18 Mar. 5, 26.62 )7.54 3.25 3.25 3.25 20 '■ 12, 25.34 16.35 3.25 3.25 3.25 20 ■• 19. 24,65 16.45 3.25 •3.25 3.25 10 40 " 26, 27.25 18.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 10 45 Apr. 2, 26.00 17.20 3.25 3.25 3.25 10 45 9. 25.92 17.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 18 •• 17, 24.92 16.30 3.25 3.25 3.25 20 June 25, 28.16 18.20 3.25 3.25 2.25 20 The above partial abstracts from our milk and creamery records show that the fodder corn, corn stover and corn ensilage, when fed pound for pound of dry matter, in place of English hay, compare well, as far as the quality and the quantity of the milk and of the cream, obtained,, is concerned. There can be no doubt about the fact in the present condition of our market prices of feed stuffs, — tliat the care and the expense required to secure a tvell cured corn fodder and corn stover or a well prepared, corn ensilage, as circumstances may advise, and to offer them in an cccept- ableform, to milch cows, will prove a loell paying investment. It may not be without interest to state here that the results of feeding experiments of a simiUir character, of hite published by the Ohio and Iowa Experiment Stations, coincide, in the main, with ours, stated in previous reports. C. A. GOESSMANN, Director, Amherst, Mass. Tlte Bulletins of the Experiment Station will be sent free of charge, to all parties interested in this work, on application. J, IE. WiUiams, Printer, Amherst, Mass. Bui_.ijETi2sr isTo. se. MARCH, 1890. Meteorological Stanmai nj for the fo^ir 'mom ths ending Feb. 25, 1890. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Highest temperature, 62.5^ 64.^ 61.5* 59.5'' Lowest temperature, 14.5" 3.5° 4.5^ 3.'^ Meau temperature, 40.61'* 33. 51^* 30.51" 30.37" Total precipitation, 6.21 in. 2.85 in. ; 2.61 in. 4.01 in. Total snowfall, 8 in. 4 in. 4.5 in. Prevailing winds. N.W. N.W. N.W. N.W. No. of cloudy days, 15 12 14 15 No. of days on which .01 of an inch or more of water from rain or melt- ed snow fell, 13 11 14 12 The mildness of the above stated four months has been w ithout 3. parallel since the beginning of the weather records at Amherst in 1836. The mean temperature for each of the months is considerably above the average. No ice was cut until February, when it was from six to eight inches in thickness. The periodical snowfall was light M'ith tiie exception of the one on the 20th of February which offered a chance for sleighing for a few days. SOME SUGaESTIONS REGARDING THE QUESTION— HOW CAN WE IMPROVE IN AN ECONOMICAL WAY THE PRODUCTIVENESS OF OUR FARM-LANDS ? The consideration of this important question forces itself for obvi- ous reasons at no period of the year more seriously upon the mind of every tiller of the soil, than at the present one ; for every thinking farmer recognizes to-day the fact, that a successful termination of his work during the coming season, as far as human efforts can pro- mote satisfactory results, depends in a controlling degree on a correct appreciation of the extent and the character of his resources of plant- food and on a liberal and intelligent use of tiie latter. An insufficient supply of suitable mannrial matter, required for the successful and liberal production of the crops to be raised is at pres- ent universall}' recognized as being the most fatal circumstance in any system of farming for profit. Adopting this conclusion as the correct verdict of past and present experience in agricultural indus- tries, it becomes most desirable in the interest of satisfactory pecun- iary returns, that every available manurial resource of the farm should be turned to account to its full extent. To sectire this end we are advised to begin the work with a timely thorough mechanical ^:)re29ara- tion of the soil under cultivation; to select the crops to be raised, as far as practiccd)le with reference ro their tendency of economizing existing natural resources of plant-food; to increase the latter to thejidl extent of suitable home-made manure on hand and to supplement the •datter liberally by buying commercial concentrated fodder articles and commercial fertilizer, as far as circumstances advise. To discuss briefly some of the means of developing and economizing manurial sources of the farm is one of the objects of this publication. On the present occasion only two of those means will be discussed, whicli, although more or less at the disposition of every farmer engaged in mixed farm management, quite frequently do not receive that degree of consideration which they deserve — namely : 1. A judicious selection and a liberal pioduction of fodder crops ; 2. An economical system of feeding farm livestock. 1 . Production and Sklkction of Foddkr Crops. A careful inquiry into the history of agricuUure, down to the mid- dle of the present century, has shown that the original jtroductiveness of faim lauds in all civilized countries, even in the most favored localities, has suffered in the course of time a gradual decline. This general decline in the fertility of the soil under cultivation has been ascribed, with much propriety in the majority of instances, mainly to two causes, namely : a gradual but serious reduction in the area occu- pied l)y forage crops, natural pastures and meadows ; and a marked decline in the annual yield of fodder upon large tracts of lands but ill suited for a permanent cultivation of grasses — the main reliance of fodder production at the time. A serious falling off in the annual yield of pastures and meadows was followed usually by a reduction in farm live stock, which in turn, caused a falling off in the principal home resource of manurial matter. This chapter in the history of farm management has repeated itself in most countries. Tiie unsat- isfactory results of that system of farming finds still an abundant illustration in the present exhausted condition of a comparative large area of farm lands in New England. Scientific investigations carried on during the past fifty years for the particular benefit of agriculture, have not only been instrumental in recognizing the principal causes of an almost universal periodical decline of the original fertility of farm lands, but have also materially assisted by field experiments and otherwise in introducing efficient remedies to arrest the noted decline in the annual yield of our most prominent farm crops. As a scanty supply of manurial matter, due to a serious falling off of one of the principal fodder crops was found to l)e one of the chief causes of less remunerative crops, and thus indirectly has proved to be the main cause of an increase in the cost of the products of the animal industry of the farm, milk and meat, it is but natural that the remedies devised should include as one of the foremost recommendations, a more liberal production of nutritious fodder crops. The soundness of this advice is to-day fully demonstrated in the most successful agricultural regions of the world. An intensive system of cultivation has replaced in those local- ities the extensive one of preceding periods ; although the area un- der cultivation for the production of general farm crops has been reduced, the total value of the products of the farm have increased materially in consequence of a more liberal cultivation of reputed fodder crops. The change has been gradual and the results are highly satisfactory. Viewing our own present condition, we notice that well-paying grass land, good natural meadow, with rich and extensive pastures, are rather an exception than the rule. The benefits derived from indifferently yielding natural pastures are more apparent than real ; the low cost of the production of the fodder is frequently, in a large degree, set off by a mere chance distribution of the manure produced. A continued cultivation of one and the same crop upon the same land, without a liberal, rational system of manuring, has caused in many instances a one-sided exhaustion of the land under cultivation. This circumstance has frequently been brought about in a marked degree, by a close rotation of mixed grasses (meadow growth) and of our next main reliance for fodder — the corn — (maize). Both crops re- quire potash and phosphoric acid, in similar proportion (4, potassium oxide to 1, phosphoric acid), and both require an exceptional amount of the former. There is good reason to assume that the low state of productiveness of many of our farms, so often complained of, is largely due to the fact that crops have been raised in succession for years, which, like those mentioned, have consumed one or the other essential article of plant food in an exceptionally large proportion, and thereby have gradually unfitted the soil for their remunerative production, while a liberal supply of other important articles of plant food is left inactive behind. As the amount of available plant food contained in the soil represents largely the working capital of the farmer, it cannot be otherwise but that the practice of allowing a part of it to lay idle, must reduce the interest on the investment. Our personal observation upon the lands assigned for the use of the Station has furnished abundant illustration of the above described condition of farm lands. In one instance it was noticed that a piece of old worn out grass land, after being turned under and properly prepared, as far as the mechanical condition of the soil was con- cerned, produced, without any previous application of manure, an exceptionally large crop of horsebeaus and lupine — two reputed fod- der crops. A similar observation was made during the past season, vrhen lands which for years had been used for the production of Eng- lish hay and corn, were used for the cultivation of southern cow- pea, serradella, and a mixed crop of oats and vetch, to serve as green fodder for milch cows. The field engaged for the production of these crops was not manured, because it was to be prepared for a special field experiment during the present season. An area of this land which, under favorable circumstances, would not produce more than six tons of green grass at the time of blooming, yielded 9 to 10 tons of green vetch and oats ; 10 tons of green southern cowpea ; and from 12 to 13 tons of green serradella. The exceptional exhaustion of our lands in potash has been shown b}' detailed description of ex- periments with fodder corn in previous annual reports. The results obtained during past years tend to confirm the opinion held by successful agriculturists that dry grass lands which are in an exceptional degree inclined to a spontaneous overgrowing by an infe- rior class of fodder plants and weeds, if at all fit for a more thorough system of cultivation, ought to be turned by the plough and subse- quently planted with some hoed crop, to kill off the foul growth and to improve the physical and chemical condition of the soil. These lands prove, in many instances, ultimately a far better investment when used for the raising of other farm crops than grasses. The less the variety of crops raised in succession upon the same lands, the more oue-sided is usually the exhaustion of the soil, and the sooner, as a rule, will be noticed a decrease in the annual yield. The intro- duction of a greater variety of fodder plants enables us to meet bet- ter the differences in local conditions of climate and of soil, as well as the special wants of different branches of farm industry. In choosing plants for that purpose, it seems advisable to select crops which would advantageously supplement our leading fodder crop (aside from the products of pastures and meadows), — the fodder corn and corn stover. Taking this view of the question, the great and valuable family of leguminous plants, as clovers, vetches, lucerne, serradella, peas, beans, lupines, etc., is, in a particular degree, well qualified for tliat purpose. They deserve also a decided recommendation in the inter- est of a wider range, for the introduction of economical systems of rotation, under various conditions of soil, and different requirements of markets. Most of these fodder plants have an extensive root sys- tem, and, for this reason, largely draw their plant food from the lower portion of the soil. The amount of stubble and roots they leave behind after the crop has been harvested is exceptionally large, and decidedly improves both the physical and chemical condition of the soil. The lands are consequently better fitted for the production of shallow-growing crops, as grains, etc. Large productions of fodder crops assist in the economical raising of general farm crops ; although the area devoted to cultivation is reduced, the total yield of the land is usually more satisfactory. The subsequent tabular statement contains a list of fodder crops raised on the lauds of the Station. Those marked with * have been tried successfully on a large scale for fodder. The remainder seem to be well adapted to our climate. All are reported in their dry state, to compare their relative nutritive character as well as the value of their fertilizing constituents. For further details see annual report for 1889: (VII.) :— Q Q O O ^ g1 o •.195JBIU X.ip JO UOl J8cl aniTJA iBi.macivi I S •apixo lunissL'joj '-= >0 IC. — CI lO I CC O "J^ (N i ci<» CO ^ Ci cr: t" t^: TO t:-00O«OCi.-il-O -^ 05 ;ii C5 O Gi O O looocoiot-oscoocio lO iM -* or- ^ oci5sr:0'-it-w3co 10inU5COC5CilOaOlO00'-l ^1 •piov ouiotidsonj -5tftcco50^'-;c<)iocooDO d cq tc ic 00 >o S oii ,« .-S +3 '^ bjj^ S-*^ a 'fl 3 rt (P o g, ? r' r/) ^5 bID '. ^< 2. Economical Feeding of Farm Live Stock. The adoption of an economical system of feeding farm live stock in the case of a mixed farm management, is only second in impor- tance, as far as financial snccess is concerned, to the remunerative production of the leading farm crops. The benefits derived from a successful management of the latter aie not unfrequently largely offset by a mismanageraent of the former. Comparatively recent investiga- tions, regarding the principles which control success in feeding farm live stock for various purposes, have greatly improved our chances of profit. Although much needs still to be learned in regard to many details, it is quite generally conceded that some important facts, bearing on the economic*! side of the question, have been fairly es- tablished. The introduction of the chemical analysis of fodder articles has made us more familiar with their general character. The influences which affect their composition are, also, better known. A fair knowledge in both directions is, to-day, considered indis|)ensable for a due appreciation of the results obtained in feeding experiments. The latter, carried on under better defined circumstances, have dem- onstrated the important fact, that three distinctly different groups of substances are required for the support of the life of animals. These groups are : nitrogen containing organic substances, commonly called nitrogenous organic matter ; non-nitrogenous organic matter, like sugar, starch, fat, etc. ; and certain saline or mineral substan- ces. Neither one nor two of these groups by themselves can for any length of time sustain animal life ; nor can an}'^ excess of one or the other, contained in the diet used, benefit the animal. The excess, as a rule, is ejected, and can only, if at all, benefit the manure. We know, also, that all our farm plants contain more or less of each of the three essential groups of food constituents. As no single plant or part of plant has proved to any extent to furnish the most nutri- tious, and at the same time the most economical diet for any particu- lar class of animals, it becomes advisable to supplement them with other suitable articles to secure their full benefit. An economical system of stock feeding has therefore, to strive to select among the suitable fodder articles those which furnish the required quantity and proportion of the three essenticd food constituents in digestible format the lowest cost. For more details regarding this point I have to refer to previous annual reports. Assuming a similar degree of adaptation of the various fodder articles offered for our choice, the question of cost deserves a serious consideration, when feeding for profit. The actual cost of a fodder article does not depend merely on its market price, but is materially affected by the value of the manurial refuse it leaves behind, when it has served its purpose as food. The higher the percentage of nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash a diet contains, the more valu- able is the manure it furnishes under otherwise corresponding cir- cumstauces. An excess, thereioie, of any one or of all three in one diet as compared with that of another counts in favor of that particular diet, as far as net cost of feed is concerned ; for it is ad- missible for mere practical ecouomical purposes, to assume that in raising one and the same kind of animals tu a corresponding weight, or feeding them lor the ^^ame purpose, :i corres;|)ondiug amount of nitrogen, phosphoric acid, potassium oxide, etc., will be retained, and. according to circumstances, either stored up iu the growing animal, or pass into the milk, etc. The commercial value of the three aiiove mentioned essential articles of plant lood, contained in the ma- nure secured in counecti'ii wilh our feeding experiments with milch cows, has differed in case of different diets from less than one-third to moi-e than one-half of the market cost of tlie feed consumed. A few tabular statements may not be without interest on this occasion ; for further illustration 1 refer to our last annual report. I. Table showing the relative manurial value of stated fodder. Net cost signifies market cost less manurial value. II. Tables designed to show the approximate relative cost per pound of digestible nitrogenous matter of some prominent fodder articles. The calculation assumes in every case a value of .9 cents per pound of digestible non-nitrogenous extract matter and 4-| cents for digestible crude fat. The difference between the sum of the money values of fat and non-nitrogenous extract matter and cellu- lose present, and the market jn'ice of the particular fodder article, is charged to the digestible nitrogenous matter. The corn meal has been adopted as the basis for the comparison, as far as value of non- nitrogenous matter is concerned. In presenting this table, it is by no means assumed that the nitrogenous matter as stated below, is pound for pound, of equal nutritive value; it merely aims to show what class of articles suggest themselves for trials, when an increase of nitrogenous matter is the main object for consideiation in making up a class suitable for the occasion. I. VALUATION OF FODDER AR Tici>ES (per ton). Market cost. Manurial value. Net (!Ost. Corn meal, $20.00 $ 7.50 $12.50 Wheat bran, 17.00 14 50 2.50 Wheat middlings. 20.00 10.75 9.25 Gluten meal, 24.00 17.00 7.00 Cotton seed meal. 26.00 19.75 6.25 Linseed meal, (0. P.) 27,00 21.75 5.25 " (N. P.) 25.00 24.00 1.00 English hay, (mixed) 12.00 5.50 6.50 Corn fodder, 5.00 4.32 .20 Corn stover, 5.00 4.80 .68 Sugar beets, 5.00 1.15 3.85 Mangel-wurzels, 3.00 1.10 1.95 Skim-milk, 4.10 2.25 1.80 •qi .lad saouoSo.qui-uoa pat; 9soiniia;).i'oj -sjo JitJi?? aiqilsaSip .loj Siuavohw •qi-tacl .laijiuu siiouaS oj:)iua[(ii5S9gipjo}soo ■uoSo.qiii aiqt}sa.S!pai t^ 'O >o C? C CO O) »0 -* t^ t^ t^ t^ CO CO o O o 00C0CCCC'tr-C0C0i0!>0t~l--OOO -.laWBiu snoaa.8oJi!U i^jox 98.47 158.36 164.71 289.88 388.09 343.70 383.08 75.97 86.13 57.68 68.74 19.17 12.70 33.27 •Ja}ll!Ul i-IQ 871.4 890.3 904.5 903 9 919 2 925.2 939.9 914.3 902.8 800.0 837.3 164.8 122.5 95.8 •0 ,.,001 ?u a.unsioj\[ 128.6 109.7 95.5 96 1 SO 8 74 8 60.1 85.7 97.2 200 0 162.7 835.2 877 5 904.2 •uoi jacl isoD laJiJUM 8Sg§8g§§§§S§g2 be 1 d I2; .id 02 Analyses of Fodder Articles. CORN ENSILAGE (Six Samples). Sent on by J. H. Esterbrook for the Dudley Grange. STATEMENTS OF PARTIES. Variety of corn. 1. Cross between Stowell's Evergreen and 8-rowed variety. 2. Common Field. 3. Eureka Ensilage. 4. Southern White. 5. Stowell's Evergreen. 6. Southern White. Fertilization per acre. 1. Three cords stable manure broadcast, with 500 lbs. ground bone in hill. 2. About thirty loads or 10 cords stable manure broadcast and 200 lbs. phosphate in hill. 3. Forty loads stable manure broadcast. 4. After a crop of rye for fodder with 5 cords stable manure, 400 lbs. E. F. Coe's phosphate in drill. 5. Six cords horse manure with 300 lbs. of Bradley's fish in hill. 6. Two and one-half cords stable manure broadcast on grass sod in the fall and ploughed in with 400 lbs. of phosphate in drill when planting. Mode of planting. 1. Rows 3 ft. apart; hills 26 in. apart; 4 kernels to hill. 2. Rows 3 1-2 ft. apart; hills 20 in. apart. 3. Rows 3 ft. apart; hills 12 in. apart. 4. Rows 3 ft. apart ; kernels about three inches apart in drills. 0. Rows 32 in. apart; kernels about 6 in. apart in drills. 6. Rows 3 ft. apart; kernels about 1 ft. apart in drills. Period of harvesting. 1. Somewhat past the milk. 2. Over ripe. Rather dry. Sept. 23. 3. In the milk. 4. Ears commencing to form in the more exposed parts of the field. 5. Ears ripe enough for seed. 6. Past the milk. Sept. 25. Yield per acre (approximately). 1. 18 to 20 tons. 11 About eight tons of ensilage and 80 bush, of ears. Estimated 35 to 40 tons ; 10 to 15 ft. high. 12 tons. 20 to 22 tons. 12 tons. f. Mode of Ensilaging. 1. Cut in short pieces ; silo filled in two days. 2. Cut in pieces one inch long. 3. Cut in short pieces by a Bailey cutter. 4. Cut in pieces one inch long, by a Bailey cutter ; covered witii 12 inches of old hay or straw ; then with inch boards and 10 inches thickness of stones. 5. Cut in pieces 3-4 inch long by a Bailey cutter ; silo filled in two days, covered and weighted. 6. Same as 4. g. Fodder Analysis. 2 "3 6 1 Analysis of Dry Matter, 100 Parts. ■A Sample. Per cent. 2 1 Per cent. Per cent. % 5 1 t 11 1 No. 1. 3.68 76.38 23.62 6.18 20.05 5.57 8.49 59.71 No 2. 2.12 70.01 29.99 6.74 34.97 2.74 5.98 49.57 No. 3. 1.98 82.87 17.13 7.22 38.92 1.82 6.04 46.00 No. 4. 2.69 75.36 24.64 6.25 30.26 2.57 6.52 54.40 No. 5. 1.27 78.84 21.16 6.94 24.40 3.78 7.53 57.35 No. 6. 1.13 71.65 28.35 4.37 24.64 2.68 6.82 61.49 OBSERVATIONS MADE AT THE LABORATORY. No. 1. Best looking sample, bright and fresh. Good per cent, of ears. Agreeable acid odor. No. 2. Odor and appearance not as good as No. 1. Smaller per cent, of ears. No. 3. Small per cent, of ears. Bright looking. Odor slightly sour. No. 4. Fair per cent, of ears. Not so bright looking as No. 1. Odor agreeable, but slightly sour. No. 5. Larger percent, of ears. Odor agreeable. Color, fair. Small weeds and grass mixed in. No. 6. Fair per cent, of ears. Color not as bright as No. 1 . Smell fair. On Commercial Fertilizers. The duties assigned to the director of the station, to act as inspec- tor of commercial fertilizers, render it necessary, to discrimmate in the future, in official publications of the results of analyses of commer cial fertilizers and of manurial substances in general made at the station, betvjeen analyses of samples collected by a duly qualified dele- gate of the Experiment Station, in conformity ivith the rules prescribed by the new laws, and those analyses ivhich are made of samples sent on for that purpose by outside parties. In regard to the former alone, can the director assume the responsibility of a carefully prepared sample, and of the identity of the article in question. The official report of analyses of compound fertilizers and of ail such materials as are to be used for manurial pruposes, which are sold in this State under a certificate of compliance witli the present laws for the regul9,tion of the trade in these articles, has been restricted by our state laws to a statement of chemical composition and to such additional information as relates to the latter. The practice of affixing to each analysis of this class of fertilizers an approximate commercial valuation per ton of their principal consti- tuents has, therefore to be discontinued. This change, it is expected, will tend to direct the attention of the consumers of fertilizers more forcibly towards a consideration of the particular composition of the different brands of fertilizers offered for their jMtronage, a circum- stance not unfrequevtly overlooked. The approximate market value of the diffei-ent brands of fertilizers, obtained by the current mode of valuation, does not express their respective agricultural value, i. e., their crop-producing value, for the higher or lower market price of different brands of fertilizers does not necessarily stand in a direct relation to their particular fitness without any reference'to the particular condition of the soil to be treated, and the special wants of the crops to be raised by their assistance. To select judiciously from among the various brands of fertilizers offered for patronage, requires in the main, two kinds of information, namely, we ought to feel confident that the particular brand of fertilizer in question actually contains the guaranteed quantities and qualities of essential articles of plant food at a reasonable cost ; and that it con- tains them in such form and such proportions as will best meet 13 existing circumstances and special wants. In some cases it may be mainly either phosphoric acid or nitrogen or potash, in others, two of them, and in others again, all three. A remunerative use of commercial fertilizers can only be secured by attending carefully to the above stated considerations. To assist farmers not yet familiar with the current mode of deter- mining the commercial value of manurial substances offered for sale in our markets, some of the essential considerations, which serve as a basis for their commercial valuation, are once more stated within a few subsequent pages. The hitherto customary valuation of manurial substances is based on the average trade value of the essential fertilizing elements si)eci- fied by analysis. The money value of the higher grades of agricul- tural chemicals and of the higher priced compound fertilizers, depends in the majority of cases, on the amount and the particular form of two or three essential articles of plant food, i. e., phosphoric acid, nitrogen and potash, which they contain. To ascertain by this mode of valuation, the approximate market value of a fertilizer, (i. e., the money-worth of its essential fertilizing ingredients,) we multiply the pounds per ton of nitrogen, etc., by the trade value per pound ; the same course is adopted with reference to the various forms of phos- phoric acid, and of potassium oxide. We thus get the values per ton of the several ingredients, and adding them together, we obtain the total valuation per ton in case of cash payment at points of general distribution. The market value of low-priced materials used for manurial pur- poses, as salt, wood ashes, various kinds of lime, barnyard manure, factory refuse and waste materials of different description, quite fre- quently does not stand in a close relation to the market value of the amount of essential articles of plant food they contain. Their cost varies in different localities. Local facilities for cheap transporta- tion and more or less advantageous mechanical condition for a speedy action, exert as a rule, a decided influence on their selling price. The mechanical condition of any fertilizing material, simple or compound, deserves the most serious consideration of farmers, when articles of a similar chemical character are offered for their choice. The degree of pulverization controls almost without exception, under similar conditions, the rate of solubility, and the more or less rapid diffusion of the different articles of plant-food throughout the soil. 14 The state of moisture exerts a no less important influence on the pecuniary value in case of one and the same kind of substance. Two samples of fish fertilizers, although equally pure, may differ from 50 to 100 per cent, in commercial value, on account of mere difference in moisture. Crude stock for the manufacture of fertilizers, and refuse materials of various descriptions, have to be valued with reference to the market price of their principal constituents, taking into consideration at the same time their general fitness for speedy action. TRADE VALUES OF FERTILIZING INGREDIENTS IN RAW MATERIALS AND CHEMICALS. 1890. Cents per pound. Nitrogen in ammoniates, 17 " " nitrates, IA\ Organic nitrogen in dry and fine ground fish, meat, blood, 17 " " " cotton-seed meal and castor pomace, 15 " " " fine ground bone and tankage, 16| " " " fine ground medium bone and tankage, 13 " " " medium bone and tankage, 10^ " " " coarser bone and tankage, 8i " " '' hair, horn-shavings and coarse fish scraps, 8 Phosphoric acid soluble in water, 8 " " soluble in ammonium citrate, 1\ " "in dry ground fish, fine bone and tankage, 7 " " in fine medium bone and tankage, 6 " "in medium bone and tankage, 5 " "in coarse bone and tankage, 4 " "in fine ground rock phosphate, 2 Potash as High Grade Sulphate, and in forms free from Muriate or Chlorides, Ashes, etc. 6 " " Kainite, 4^ " " Muriate, 4i The organic nitrogen in siiperpJios2yhates, special manures and mixed Jertilizers of a high grade is usually valued at the highest fig- ures laid down in the trade values of fertilizing ingredients in raw materials, namely, 17 cents per pound ; it being assumed that the organic nitrogen is derived from the best sources, viz., animal matter, as meat, blood, bones, or other equally good forms, and not from 15 leather, shoddy, hair, or any low-priced, inferior form of vegetable matter, unless the contrary is ascertained. For similar reason the insoluble phosphoric acid is valued in this connection at three cents, it being assumed, unless found otherwise, that it is from bone, or similar sources and not from rock phosphate. In this latter form the insoluble phosphoric acid is worth but two cents per pound. The above trade values are the figures at which in the six months preceding March, 1890, the respective ingredients could be bought a^ retail for cash in our large markets^ in the raw materials, which are the regular source of supply. They also correspond to the average wholesale prices for the six months ending March 1st, plus about 20 per cent, in case of goods for which we have wholesale quotations. The valuations obtained by use of the above figures will l)e found to agree fairly with the retail price at the large markets of standard raw materials, such as : Sulphate of Ammonia, Dry Ground Fish, Nitrate of Soda, Azotin, Muriate of Potash, Ammonite, Sulphate of Potash, Castor Pomace, Dried Blood, Bone and Tankage, Dried Ground Meat, Plain Superphosphates. A large percentage of commercial materials consists of refuse matter from various industries. The composition of these substances depends on the mode of manufacture carried on. The rapid progress in our manufacturing industries is liable to affect at any time, more or less seriously, the composition of the refuse. To assist the farming community in a clear and intelligent appreciation of the various sub- stances sold for raanurial purposes, a frequent examination into the temporary characters of agricultural chemicals and refuse materials offered in our markets for manurial [)urposes is constantly carried on at the laboratory of the station. Consumers of commercial manurial substances do well to buy when- ever practicable, on guarantee of composition with reference to their essential constituents ; and to see to it that the bill of sale recognizes that point of the bargain. Any mistake or misuudersianding in the transaction may be readily adjusted, in that case, between the con- tending parties. The responsibility of the dealer ends with furnishing an article, corresponding in its composition with the lowest stated quantity of each specified essential constituent. Our present laws for the regulation of the trade in Commercial Fertilizers include not only the various brands of compound fertilizers, but also nil materials single or compound without reference to source used for manurial purposes, when offered for sale in our market at ten dollars or more per ton. Copies of our present laws for the regulation of the trade in Com- mercial Fertilizers may be had by all interested on application, at the Massachusetts State Agricultural Experiment Station, Amherst, Mass. Arrangements are made as in previous years to attend to the examination of objects of general interest to the farming community, to the full extent of existing resources. Requests for analyses of substances — as fodder articles, fertilizers, etc., — coming through officers of agricultural societies and farmers' clubs within the state, will receive hereafter, as in the past, first attention, and in the order that the applications arrive at the office of the Station. The results will be returned with{>ut a charge for the services rendered. Appli- cation of private parties for analyses of substances, free of charge, will receive a careful consideration, whenever the results promise to be of a more general interest. For obvious reasons no work can be carried on at the Station, of which the results are not at the disposal of the managers for publication, if deemed advisable in the interest of the citizens of the state. All parcels and communications sent to "The Massachusetts State Experiment Station " must have express and postal charges prepaid, to receive attention. C. A. GOESSMANN, Director. Amherst, Mass., March 15th, 1S90. The publications of the Experiment Station ivill be sent free of charge to all parties interested in its work, on application. Amhei'st Record Press, Amherst, Mass. 'iisr 3sro. sv. JULY, 1890. Meteorological Summary for the four months ending June 30, 1890. MARCH. APRIL. MAY. JUNE. Highest temperature, .... 59.5° 77.5° 79.0° 86.5° Lowest temperature, .... —9.5° 22.0° 32.0° 38.0° Mean temperature, .... 30.18° 45.45° 56.41° 64.58" Total precipitation, .... 4.81 in. 1.64 in. 5.14 in. 1.48 in. Total snowfall, 17in. Prevailing winds, N. E. N. K. S. E. S.E. No. of cloudy days, 14 9 11 8 No. of days on which .01 of an inch or more of water from rain or melted snow fell, * 16 7 15 9 A snow storm on the 6th of March gave good sleighing for a few days. Toward the close of the month the weather was mild with more than an average rainfall. The temperature for April was about the average ; the rainfall was considerably less. The last heavy frost of the season occurred April 29th. The cool and wet weather of !May favored the growth of gi-Visses and grain crops. The corn crop was somewhat behind at tii:^ end of the month ; light frosts were reported on the 17th and 23rd. The weather during June has been more favorable for corri. Sosr.e localities have suffered from drought toward the close of the month. Feeding Experiments with Lambs. The feeding experiments, which are briefly described within a few subsequent pages, are the first of a series devised for the purpose of ascertaining the cost of feed, when fattening lambs, by means of winter fodder rations, for the meat market. Six grade lambs — ihree ewes and three wethers — bought (Sept. 4th, '89) of a farmer in our vicinity served for our observations. They consisted of five Hampshire Down and one Merino, — grades. Each animal occupied during the entire period of observation a separate pen. They were shorn before being weighed, at the begin- ning of the experiment. The daily diet of the entire lot consisted, during the first week, of rowen. They were subsequently treated in two divisions, each com- prising three animals. This division was made for the |)urpose of comparing the effect of two distinctly different daily fodder rations on the financial results of the operation. Division 1. (Nos. 1-2-3) received a daily diet much richer in nitrogenous food constituents than the one adopted for Division II. (Nos. 4-5-6). This circum- stance was brought about by feeding to the first division as grain- feed a mixture of wheatbran and of gluten meal, and to the second division one consisting of a liberal proportion of cornmeal with some wheatbran and gluten meal. The coarse portion of the daily feed was in both cases essentially the same, namely, either rowen, or rowen and corn ensilage, or corn ensilage alone. It was cut before being mixed with the grain feed — when fed. The daily fodder ration was divided into three equal parts and fed respectively in the morning, at noon and in the evening. The amount of feed left unconsumed, if an}' — was collected each morning and deducted from the daily ration offered the preceding day for consumption. The observations in case of the first division of lambs (Nos. 1-2-3) were continued for 152 successive days — Sept. 5th, '89 to Feb. 4th, '90— while in case of the second division (Nos. 4-5-6) they were ext-ended to March 18th, '90, and lasted thus for 194 consecutive days. Low rate of increase in live weight and local market condition advised the extension of the trial in the latter case. The three lambs of the first division gained within 152 days in live weight, in the aggregate 107^ pounds, or each individual on an average ^of^ pounds ; while those of the second division (Nos. 4-5- 6) gained during 194 days in the aggregate only 86 pounds or each individual on an avernge 28^^^ pounds. Some of the essential points of interest in the experiment here under discussion are stated in some subsequent pages under the following headinp;s : 1. Weight of lambs. 2. Cost of lambs. 3. Character and c-st of feed consumed. 4. Gain in live weight dui'ing the observation. 5. Financial statement. 6. Conohision. 1. WEIGHT OF LAMBS. The aggregate live weight of six lambs when bonght amonnted to 450^ pounds. The wool secured before tlie beginnnig of the feeding experiments amonnted to '22\ pounds. Live weights Wool Live weights at the when bought. removefl. beginning of trial. 1. 82.50 lbs. 3.50 lbs. 79.00 ll^s (wether) 2. 69.50 " 3.50 '' 66.00 " (ewe) 3. 75.00 '• 4.25 " 70.75 " (ewe) 4. 71.00 " 3.50 " 67.50 " (ewe) 5. 70.00 " 3.75 " 66.25 " (wether) 6. 82.50 " 3.75 " 7S.75 " (wether) 450.50 22.25 42S.25 I. Division consisted of lambs Nos. 1-2-3 ; its aggregate live w^eight was 215.75 pounds at the beginning of the experiment. II. Division consisted of lambs Nos. 4-5-6 ; its aggregate live weight at the beginning of the experiment was 212.50 pounds. 2. COST OF LAMBS. The entire lot was bought at six cents per pound of live weight and the sum paid for 450.5 pounds of the original weight amounted to $27.03. The wool secured before the beginning of the feeding trial, which amounted to 22.25 pounds, was returned at 22 cts. per pound. The sum realized by that transaclion was $4.89. Allowing the deduction of $4.89 on the first cost of tlie lambs, which was $27.03, it will be found that their actual cost at the beginning of the experiment was but $22.14, or 5.17 cts. per pound of live weight. The live weight without the removed wool was 428.25 pounds. I. Division. 1. 79-00 pounds of live weight at 5.17 cts. per lb., $4.10 2. 66.00 " " '"^ " " 3.41 ^=$11.13 3. 70.00 " " " " " 3.62 II. Division. 4. 67.00 pounds of live weight at 5.17 cts. per lb., $3.49 5. 66.25 " " " " '' 3.43 ;^rr$11.00 6. 78.75 " " " " " 4.08 3. charactp:r and cost of the feed consumed. To secuie a normal and uniform condition of tlie animals selected for a comparative test of different fodder rations with reference to their influence on tlie financial results of the operation, nothing but rowen was fed to tlie entire lot for ten days preceding the experi- ment—Sejtt. 4th to Sept. 16th. Subsequently a division of animals was made. Three lambs, 1-2-3, were fed with daily rations richer in digestible nitrogenous food constituents than those fed to the remaining number, 4-5-6. The daily feed of the first division (1-2-3) contained on an average from 4.5 to 5.5 parts of digestible non-nitrogenous food constituents to one partof digestible nitrogenous food constituents, 1 :4.5 — 1 :5.5. The daily diet of the second division (4-5-6) contained during a corresponding period of the feeding experiment, one partof digestible nitrogenous food constituents to from 0.99 to 7.3 parts of digestible non-nitrogenous food constituents, 1 :6.99 to 1 :7.3. Subsequently a diet similar to that adopted for the first division was substituted. FODDKR COMBINATIONS USED IN I. DIVISION, (1-2-3). The daily quantity of the subsequent stated fodder rations was regulated by the appetite of each animal. Further details in this connection are reserved for the next annual report. a. Sept. 16th to Sept. 30th. 2 lbs. of rowen. 1 lb. of a mixture consisting of wheat bran, 2 weight parts. gluten meal, 1 weight part. Nuti'itive ratio 1 :4.75. h. Oct. 1st. to Dec. 31st. 2 lbs. of rowen. 1 lb. of a mixture consisting of wheat bran, ) equal gluten meal, j weigiits. Nutritive ratio 1 :4.55. c. Jan. 1st to Jan. 20th. 1 lb. of rowen. 31 lbs. of corn ensilage. 1 lb. of the same grain mixture as in ration b. Nutritive ratio 1 :5.0i). d. Jan. 21st to Feb. 3d. 7| lbs. of corn ensihige. I lb, of grain mixture as in ration h. Nutritive ratio 1 :5.5. COST OF ABOVE FODDER RATIONS FOR WEIGHTS STATED. a. b. c. d. First cost of feed cousumed,(cts.) 2.45 2.51 2.24 1.97 Manuiial value obtainable, (cts.) 1.13 1.15 1.10 1.04 Net cost of feed, (cts.) 1.32 1.36 1.14 0.93 FODDER COMBINATIONS USED IN II. DIVISION. a. Sept. 16th to Dec. 31st. 2 lbs. of rovveu. -i lb. of a mixture consisting of corn meal, 10 weight parts, wheat bran, 2 " '• gluten meal, 1 " " Nutritive ratio 1 :7.00. h. Jan. 2nd to Jan. 20th. 1 lb. of 10 wen. 'd\ lbs. corn ensihige. \ lb. of the same grain mixture as in j)receding ration a. Nutritive ratio 1 :7.3. c. Feb. 4th to Feb. 15th. 7 lbs. of corn ensilage. 1 lb. of a mixture consisting of corn meal, 2 weight parts. wheat bran, 2 '' " gluten meal, 1 " " Nutritive ratio 1 :5.7. COST OF FODDER RATIONS USED IN DIVISION H. a. b. c. Cost of feed consumed, (cts.) 1.98 1.71 1.91 Manurial value obtainable, (cts.) 0.71 0.50 0.88 Net cost of feed, (cts.) 1.27 1.21 1.03 The customary deduction of 20% of the manurial value of the feed consumed is adopted in the above valuation. Net cost of feed repre- sents its first cost or local market value, less 80% of the market value of its manurial constituents. COST OF FODDER ARTICLES USED IN THE EXPERIMENT. Rowen, per ton, $15.00 Corn ensilage, " 2.75 Corn meal, '' 19.00 Wheat bran, " 17.00 Gluten meal. " 23.00 GAIN IN LIVE WEIGHT DURING THE EXPERIMENT I. Division, (1-2-3). Time of observation extended over 152 days Live weight at tlie beginning of the experiment. (lbs.) 79.00 66.00 70.75 Live weight at the time of killing, be- fore shearing, (lbs.) 118.25 98.50 106.50 Gain in live weight during the experi- ment. (lbs.) 39.25 32.50 35.75 215.75 328.25 107.50 II. Division, (4-5-6). Time of observation extended over 194 days. 4. Live weight at the beginning of the experiment, (lbs.) 67.50 Live weight at the time of killing, be- fore shearing. (lbs.) 102.50 Gain in live weight during the experi- • ment. (lbs.) 35.00 5. 66.25 86.50 20.50 6. 78.75 109.50 30.75 212.50 298.50 86.25 I. Division, entire lot gained in live weight on an average per day, 0.706 lbs. II. Division, entire lot gained in live weight on an average per day, 0.445 lbs. THE AMOUNT OF RAW^ VTOOL SECURED AFTER THE CLOSE OF THE EXPERIMENTS. I. Division, (1-2-3). Live weight with Live weight after Amount of wool wool. shearing. obtained, (lbs.) (lbs.) (lbs. oz.) 1. 118.25 114.38 3 14 2. 98.50 94.60 3 15 3. 106.50 102.00 4 8 323.25 310.98 II. Division, (4-5-6), 12 4. Live weight with wool. (lbs.) 102.50 Live weight after shearing. (lbs.) 99.25 Amount of wool obtained. (lbs. oz.) 3 4 5. 86.50 82.00 4 8 6. 109.50 105.00 4 8 298.50 286.25 12 I. Division yielded 12 lbs. 5 oz. of wool. II. Division yielded 12 lbs. 4 oz. of wool. The former is the result of 152 days of growth and the latter that of 194 days. Lamb No. 5 is a Merino grade ; the remainder are Hampshire Down grades. 5. FINANCIAL STATEMENT. The wool was sold at 22 cts. per pound, the pelts brought 12^ cts.each. I. Division, (1-2-3). The difference between the live weights of the animals at the close of the experiment, after shearing, and the dressed lambs, when sold, amounted on an average to 44.3 % . ^ YIELD DRESSED WEIGHTS. 1. 66 pounds, at 11 cts. per pound, $7.26 2. 54 '^ " " 5.94 3. 60 " " '' 6.60 180 pounds. $19.80 II. DIVISION, (4-5-6). The difference between the live weight of the animals at the close of the experiment, after shearing, and the dressed lambs, when sold, amounted on an average to 46.3 %. YIELD OF DRESSED V^EIGHT. 4. 54 pounds at 11 cts. per pound, $5.94 5. 46 '• '' •' 5.06 6. 60.50 " " ^' 6.65 160.50 $17.65 Division I. 1. 2. 3. Cost of lamb, $4.10 $3.41 $3.62 Cost of feed consumed, 4.53 3.11 4.08 $8.63 $6.52 $7.70 522.85 Value received for meat, $7.26 $5.94 $6.60 '^ '' '' wool and pelt, .98 .99 1.11 [-$28.55 " of obtainable manure. 2.19 1.52 1.96 $10.43 $8.45 $9.67 Difference in favor, $5.70. Division II. 4. 5. 6. Cost of lamb, $3.49 $3.43 $4.08 ) ^.^.^ ^^ Cost of feed consiinied, 4.24 3.03 3.82 j ^— -^^ $7.73 $7.46 $7.90 Value received for meat, $5.94 $5.06 $6.65) " " wool and pelt, .80 1.11 1.12 [ $25.17 " of obtaiuable manure, 1.71 1.23 1.55 J $8.45 $7.40 $9.32 Difference in favor, $3.08. 6. CONCLUSIONS. 1. The superior feeding effect of a daily diet rich in digestible nitrogenous food constituents when raising lambs for the meat mar- ket is well demonstrated in Division I. as compared with those in Division II. 2. The good services of the particular fodder rations used in case of the first division of lambs is shown b}' a fair rate of increase in live weight. 3. Corn ensilage as a substitute in part for ro;veu has given very satisfactory results. 4. The profit obtained with reference to both divisions of lambs is due to the commercial value of the fertilizing constituent contained in the obtainable manure. This value amounts in the case of the first division of lambs to $5.67. To appreciate this value properly it needs to be considered, that in determining the financial results of the experiment all home-raised fodder articles are counted on the basis of their retail selling price in our vicinity. Sheep are known to produce one of the best home-made manures. The decidedly beneficial influence of a rational and liberal system of stock feeding on the financial results of a mixed farm manage- ment cannot find its full expression in the mere presentation of the results of a feeding experiment, however careful the matter may be arranged. Analyses of Fodder Articles. 688. WHEAT MIDDLINGS. From F. H. Williams, Sunderland, Mass Mois Dry sture at 100'' C, Matter, I'er cent. 12.43 87.57 100.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. Crude Ash, '' cellulose, " fat, " protein, Non-nitrogeuous extract matter, 4.21 5.78 3.38 15.13 71.50 100.00 Passed screen 144 mesh, 94.16 FERTILIZING CONSTITUENTS OF WHEAT MIDDLINGS. Per cent. Moisture at 100° C, 12.43 Calcium oxide, .193 Magnesium oxide, .202 Sodium oxide, .106 Potassium oxide, 4i cts. per pound, .607 Phosphoric acid, 6 " " " .916 Nitrogen, 17 '' " "• 2.12 Valuation per ton, $8.86. 690. OAT FEED. Sent on by D. K. Reed & Sou, Boston, M; ass. Per cent. I. II. Moisture at 100° C, 6.36 6.85 Dry matter. 93.64 93.15 100.00 100.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. Crude ash, 3.43 4.49 " cellulose, 3.97 4.66 '^ fat, 8.32 7.21 '• protein. 16.29 17.44 Non-nitrogenous extract matter. 67.99 66.20 100.00 100.00 Passed screen 144 mesh, 76.63 80.58 10 FERTILIZING CONSTITUENTS OF OAT FEED. I'er cent. 6.61 .181 .042 .037 .373 per pouiid, .750 1.103 2.52 1.188 $10.57. 691. GLU TEN MEAL. Sent on by S. N. Fleteber, South Acton, Mass. Per vent. Moisture at 100° C, 7.30 Dry matter, 92.70 Moisture at 100° C, ) Calcium oxide, Magnesium oxide, Ferric oxide. Sodium oxide, Potassium oxide, 4| ets. p( Phosplioric acid, 6 '• ' Nitrogen, 17 " ' Insoluble matter. Valuation per ton. 100.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. Crude ash. 1.32 " cellulose, 1.14 " fat. 17.60 protein, (nitrogenous matter,) 39.77 Non-nitrogenous extract matter, 40.17 100.00 84.80% passed sieve. FERTILIZING CONSTITUENTS OF GLUTEN MEAL. Per cent. Moisture at 100° C. 7.300 Calcium oxide, .051 Magnesium oxide, .035 Ferric oxide, .070 Sodium oxide, .018 Potassium oxide, 4^ cts. per pound. .045 Phosphoric acid, 6 " .429 Nitrogen, 17 •' '' 5.900 Valuation per ton, $20.67. Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers. I. ANALYSES OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS AND MANORIAL SUBSTANCES SENT ON FOR EXAMINATION. II. III. IV. 2.31 21.39 12.70 32.82 28.01 32.67 5.34 2.86 2.64 1.71 1.64 1.16 6.53 4.60 5.22 2.29 2.21 1.40 20.46 13.66 24.81 16.20 12.37 17.41 692—695. WOOD ASHES. I. Sent on by F. F. O'Neil, N. Sudbury, Mass. II. Sent on by Jonathan Ames, So. Lincoln, Mas*. III. Sent on by F. C. Davis, E. Longmeadow, Mass. IV. Sent on by B. W. Brown, Concord, Mass. Fer Cent. I. Moisture at 100° C, 12.88 Calcium oxide, 35.41 Magnesium oxide, 2.75 Ferric oxide, 1.65 Potassium oxide, 6.17 Phosphoric acid, 1.83 Insoluble matter (before calcination) 12.69 "■ " (after calcination) , 11.60 696—697. POTASH SALTS. I. Muriate of potash, sent on by Anson Wheeler, Concord, Mass. II. Sulphate of potash, sent on by J. F. Barn, Feeding Hills, Mass. Moisture at 100° C. Magnesium oxide, Potassium oxide, Chlorine, Sulphuric acid, Insoluble matter. 698. SALTPETRE WASTE. Sent on by Coolidge Bros., So. Sudbury, Mass. JPer Cent, Moisture at 100° C, .38 Calcium oxide, .84 Per Cent. I. II. .64 2.54 10.88 49.68 24.90 50.00 48.32 Trace 2.67 12 Magnesium oxide, .05 Sodium oxide, 49.37 Potassium oxide, 4^ cts. per pound, 2.55 Sulphuric acid, .81 Ciilorine, 58.00 Nitrogen, 14^ cts. per pound, .65 Insoluble matter, Trace. 699—701. DRY GROUND FISH. I. Sent on b}' S. S. Dwight, Hatfield, Mass. II. Sent on by S. G. Hubbard, Hatfield, Mass. III. Sent on by Thaddeus Graves, Hatfield, Mass. Per Cent. I. Moisture at 100° C, Organic and volatile matter. Total phosphoric acid. Soluble " " Reverted " " Insoluble " " Nitrogen, Insoluble matter, 702—704. GROUND BONES. I. Sent on by E. H. Smith, Northboro, Mass. II. vSent on by the Hargrave Manufacturing Co., Fall River, Mass. III. Sent on by Anson Wheeler, Concord, Mass. MECHANICAL ANALYSES. Per Cent. I. U. I. 9.65 II. 6.30 III. 8.86 77.60 79.60 82.28 6.88 7.25 6.97 .49 .52 .49 3.06 3.89 2.04 3.33 2.84 4.44 9.50 6.73 7.56 1.92 4.99 1.17 Fine, 36.83 46.87 Fine medium, 36.86 37.23 Medium, 24.58 11.80 Coarse, 1.73 4.10 100.00 100.00 CHEMICAL ANALYSES. Per Cent. I. II. HI. Moistuie at 100° C, 4.51 8.29 6.14 Organic and volatile matter. 43.17 32.79 49.29 Total phosphoric acid 22.69 26.72 18.17 13 fSoluble phosphoric acid, .14 .34 4.14 Reverted " " 5.70 2.78 8.77 Insoluble " " 16.85 23.60 5.26 Nitrogen, 3.86 2.78 2.78 Insohible matter, 1.48 .65 1.02 705. BLOOD, MEAT AND BONE. Sent on by Isaac Madili, Ivexington, Mass. Per Cent. Moisture at lOO'^ C, 7.87 Organic and vohitile matter, 79.37 Calcium oxide. 10.33 Phosphoric acid. 8.29 Nitrogen, 5.84 Insoluble matter, .48 706. JUTE WASTE. Sent on by J. II. Easterbrook, Dudley, Mass. Per Cent. Moisture at 100° C, 13.10 Potassium oxide, 4| cts., .08 Phosphoric acid, 6 cts., .72 Nitrogen, 10 cts., 1.50 Valuation per 2000 lbs., 3.93 707. HEN MANURE. Sent on by A. F. Hunter, South Natick, Mass. Per Cent. Moisture at lOO'' C, 58.98 Ash, 24.75 Calcium oxide, 1.21 Magnesium oxide, .89 Potassium oxide, .32 Sulphuric acid (SO,), 1.24 Phosphoric acid, 1.00 Nitrogen, 1.20 Insoluble matter, 17.69 The material, it is stated, was treated with sulphate of lime (Plas- ter) to prevent the loss of nitrogen in form of ammonia ; a ver^^ commendable practice. ^ ^ S p- - 5- >Tj -. o o ^ -1 H - S g- -,• = _ ^ g § o '^ = 2 ^ 2 2 i c c w ?r- '^- E^ .^ r- o^ : o ^ ^ 5 o : : 9I 0 = • • : 2 5^ a ^ ?-i C3 « O tS cr. ^ :^ .-;,. - . " Vj B o L p — S f5 n to o, ^ 3- ^ S S: '^ ^ w ;t ;/^ 1^ = CV P n' n" 2 >^ — c, «^ ® - O o o ? O V V- o O : S P O ? KjQj . y -■ tdo- -^ ' § P tdW' tHt-< . o o ?^- S 5^ t^ „^ 'S?g?pSo fp b=i '^ ra _ I-! gp gS-trOg' P S^ ?? g 2 P ^ a: P S »= §0 2'^ P ffi p ; Z- ^ ^. 5 p 2 II W to ^ a S 2 o n g. 3 ? ■ ' P P r/r^5 £ S " • fi a p, g - °> > p ^ ij W hrj S W ft o t^ w ^ ^ S '^ •-< ^ ^ H W ft ^o ■ 2 ^ ^^ I— I s t=^ p ■ S !^ o g H H ft o ^ ^ ft c H K ft. cc H H H GO CC ft > O Laboratory Numl)er. 05 p* p"-<; 'iu : ?i -T-'i^. ^.1 S fD o p O 5 a^ li 1^ ^?:f! ?■ cc S p 03 ? 3- 5 £-^ " re • 2 y o . ^ . • "c 2^ I 5" ! :^ I ! f= WS S • ^ • ^P '^ \ >: ~ • > : f^ : j >- 1 5" 5 p ►=ii« ^l-(U TRADE VALUES OF FERTILIZING INGREDIENTS IN RA\^ MATERIALS AND CHEMICALS. 1890. Cents per pound. Nitrogen in arnmoniates, 17 " " nitrates, 14^ Organic nitrogen in dry and fine ground fish, meat, blood, 17 " " " eotton-seed meal and castor pomace, 15 " " " fine gi'ound bone and tankage, 16| " " " fine ground medium bone and tankage, 13 " " " medium bone and tankage, IQi " " " coarser bone and tankage, S\ " " '' hair, horn-shavings and coarse fish scraps, 8 Phosphoric acid soluble in water, 8 " " soluble in ammonium citrate, 7| " " in dry ground fish, fine bone and tankage, 7 " " in fine medium bone and tankage, 6 " "in medium bone and tankage, 5 " "in coarse bone and tankage, 4 " "in fine ground rock phosphate, 2 Potash as ^igh Grade Sulphate, and in forms free from Muriate or Chlorides, Ashes, etc., 6 " " Kainite, 4i " " Muriate, A\ The above trade values are the figures at which in the six months preceding March, 1890, the respective ingredients could be bought ai retail for cash in our large markets, in the raio materials, wliich are the regular source of supply. Trade Vahies in Superphosphates, Sjpecial Manures and Mixed Fertilizers of High Grade. The organic nitrogen in superphosphates, special manures and mixed fertilizers of a high grade is usually valued at the highest fig- ures laid down in the trade values of fertilizing iugredienis in raw materials, namely, 17 cents per pound ; it being assumed that the organic nitrogen is derived from the best sources, viz., animal matter, as meat, blood, bones, or other equally good forms, and not from leather, shoddy, hair, or any low-priced, inferior form of vegetable matter, unless the contrary is ascertained. For similar reason the insoluble phosphoric acid is valued in this connection at three cents, it being assumed, unless found otherwise, that it is from bone, or similar sources and not from rock phosphate. In this latter form the msolnble phosphoric acid is worth but two cents per pound. C. A. GOESSMANN, Director. The publications of theExperiment Station will he sent free of charge to all parties interested in its work, on application. Press of Carpenter & Morehouse, Amherst, Mass. SETJS STATE AGRICULflJR>^k||ENT STATION. .SEmEM^R, 1890. Feeding Experiments with Milch Cows. DECEMBER 1889 TO JULY 1890. The feeding experiments subsequent!}' described were instituted chiefly for the purpose of comparing the effect of " New Process Linseed Meal " with that of " Old Process Linseed Oilcake Meal," on the quantity and quality of milk produced, and on the cost of feed consumed, when fed in equal weights as an ingredient of an other- wise corresponding daily diet of milch cows. This inquiry into the respective merits of both kinds of Linseed Meal for dairy purposes, has been undertaken in response to frequent inquiries regarding that point on the part of dairymen in our state. The Old Process Linsetid Oilcake Meal is sold, in our local markets at $27.00 per ton of 2000 pounds, and the New Process Linseed Meal of the Cleveland Linseed Oil Co., at $26.00 for the same weight. The first named article is obtained when the seed is subjected to the action of a powerful press to secure its oil ; while the latter is produced by the aid of a new process, owned by the Cleveland Co. The new process favors a more thorough abstraction of the oil ; and involves, it is stated, a boiling of the seeds. The difference in the treatment of the seed, for the separation of the oil, explains one of the most characteristic differences in the composition of both kinds of Linseed Meal ; for Old Process Linseed Meal contains, as a rule, a larger percentage of oil or fat, and a smaller one of organic nitrogen-containing matter, than the New Process Linseed Meal. Aside from the stated causes of differences in their composition, there are various other circumstances, which not unfrequently contribute toward serious variations in the composition of individual samples of both kinds. Among these is most prominent a more or less advanced state of maturity of the plant when harvested. Our inquiry into the comparative value of both kinds of meal as a fodder ingredient, of the daily diet for milch cows, has been carried on with articles of the following average composition : _^ COMPOSITION OF LINSEED MEAL USED. Moisture at 100° C. , Dry Matter, ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. Crude Ash, " Cellulose, " Fat, " Protein (Nitrogenous Matter), . . . Non-nitrogenous Extract Matter, 5.OGO/0 9-1.94" C.34" 8.93" 2.17" 41.02" 41.54" 9.88% 90.12" 7.39" 8.74" 7.24" 36.97" 39.66" FERTILIZING CONSTITUENTS. Moisture at 100« C, 5.06 9.88 Nitrogen, 6.25 6.33 Pliosphoric acid, 1.42 1.64 Potassium oxide, 1.16 1.16 Valuation per ton of 2000 pounds, $24.00 $21.50 F'ive cows, grades of various description, all of fair milking qual- ities, were selected for the trial. Two had dropped their last calves one month before the beginning of the observation, one five months and two from eleven to twelve months. The}^ differed but one yeai- in their respective ages, which was from six to seven years. English hay, roweu, fodder corn, corn stover, corn ensilage, carrots and sugar beets furnished at different times the main bulk of the daily fodder ration ; while corn meal, wheat bran, and both kinds of linseed meal alternately served as supplementary feed stuffs tosecure a desired high nutritive character to the entire diet. The daily quantity of the grain feed, of roots and of hay, in case corn ensilage furnished largely the coarse feed, was in each case a definite one, decided upon before ; it was in each case entirely consumed. The daily consump- tion of the coarse portion of the particular fodder combination on trial, as hay, when fed alone, rowen, fodder corn, corn stover, and corn ensilage, depended on the appetite of each individual animal. It varied usually somewhat in quantity in case of different cows. Care was taken to offer to each a liberal quantity. The uncousumed portion was weighed back each day and subsequently accounted for in the daily feeding record. The fodder corn, corn ensilage and corn stover were obtained from the same variety of corn, Pride of the North, a dent corn. The ensilage corn and the fodder corn were of a corresponding stage of growth, i. e., with kernel beginiaing to glaze. The corn stalks were in every case cut into pieces from one and one-half to two inches in length before being fed. The entire experiment extended over six snccessive months, and was subdivided into nine distinct periods. The changes in daily diet were made gradual, as customary in well conducted feeding experi- ments. The weekly weights of the animals on trial were taken on the same day, in the morning before milking and feeding. The adopted valuation of the different fodder articles is based on their local market price per ton of 2000 pounds, at Amherst: Corn meal per ton. $19.00 Hay, per ton, S15.00 Wheat bran, 17.50 Rowen, per ton, 15.00 Old process linseed meal, 27.00 Fodder corn. 5.00 New " " " 26.00 Corn stover. 5.00 Carrots, 7.00 Corn ensilage, 2.75 Sugar beets. 5.00 A few subsequent pages contain a short abstract of the results of the experiment. Some of the details are reserved for the next annual report. Statement of the Average of the Daily Fodder Combinations used during the different successive feeding periods. I. II. Corn meal, (pounds) 3.25 Wheat bran, 3.25 Old process linseed meal, 3.25 Hay, 18.50 Total cost, (cents), 24.18 Net cost 14.06 Manurial value obtainable, 10.12 Nutritive ratio, 1 :5.73 Corn meal, (pounds), 3.25 Wheat bran, 3.25 Old process linseed meal, 3.25 Hay, 5.00 Corn ensilage, 45.00 Total cost, (cents), 20.25 Net cost, 10.79 Manurial value obtainable, 9.46 Nutritive ratio, 1 :6.27 III. IV. Wheat bran, (pounds), 3.25 Wheat bran, (pounds) 3.25 Old process linseed meal, 3.25 Old process linseed meal, 3.25 Carrots, 20.00 Carrots, 20.00 Fodder corn, 13.75 Corn stover. 16.00 Total cost (cents). 17.65 Total cost, (cents), 18.21 Net cost, " 9.58 Net cost. 9.20 Manurial value obtainable, 8.07 Manurial value obtainable, 9.01 Nutritive ratio, 1:5.16 Nutritive ratio. 1:5.15 VI. Wheat bran, (pounds), 3.25 Corn meal, (pounds), 3.25 New process linseed meal, 3.25 Wheat bran, 3.25 Carrots, 20.00 New process linseed meal. 3.25 Fodder corn. 16.25 Sugar beets, 20.00 Total cost, (cents), 18.06 Hay, 16.00 Net cost. 9.12 Total cost, (cents) , 27.16 Manurial value obtainable. 8.94 Net cost. 16.38 Nutritive ratio. 1:4.90 Manurial value obtainable. 10.78 Nutritive ratio. 1:5.23 VII. VIII. Corn meal, (pounds). 3.25 Corn meal, (pounds), 3.25 Wheat bran. 3.25 Wheat bran, 3.25 Old process linseed meal, 3.25 Old process linseed meal, 3.25 Sugar beets. 20.00 Rowen, 20.75 Hay, 16.00 Total cost, (cents), 25.86 Total cost, (cents), 27.30 Net cost, 13 48 Net cost. 16.96 Manurial vaUie obtainable, 12.38 Manurial value obtainable, 10.34 Nutritive ratio, 1 :5.04 Nutritive ratio, 1:5.63 IX. Corn meal, (pounds), 3.25 Wheat bran, 3.25 New process linseed meal, . 3.25 Rowen, 20.75 Total cost, (cents), 25.72 Net cost, 13.05 Manurial value obtainable, 12.67 Nutritive ratio, 1 :4.73 Summary of the Cost of the Daily Fodder Rations (Cents.) Total cost, Net cost, Manurial value obtainable, PERIODS. 24.18 14.06 10.12 20.25 10.79 9.46 III 17.65 9.58 8.07 IV 18.21 9.20 9.01 VI 18.06 27.16 9.1216.38 8.94I1O.78 VII VIII 27.30 16.96 10.34 25.86 13.48 12.38 IX 25.72 13.05 12.67 Valuation of Essential Fertilizing Constituents in the Various Fodder Articles Used. Nitrogen, 17c. per lb. ; Phosphoric acid, 6c. ; Potassium oxide, i^c. 1 1 .67 1 9.27 II 0 9.88 00 el "1 8 u 1 22.50 1 1 be 3 m Moisture, 5.06 9.72 72.95 20.42 90.47 90.02 13.53 Nitrouen, 1.479 2.545 5.. ".31 6.254 1.379 0.33 1.058 1.211 0.149 0.184 1.790 rhosi)l)ori<-;ici(l (1.7 1:'. LMMIO i.ck; 1. 120 0.359 0.138 0.510 0.30:; 0.100 o.om; o.4(;4 I'otass'in oxidr. 1). l:;(i 1 .c:;: i.1(;l' 1. ICO 1 .572 0.301 0.760 1.320 0 .", 1 ( 1 0. |(;2 i.!i(;i; Val.pcr^oiinlhs .-?(;. 27 i;'..(;(i 21.]-, 21.00 6.53 1.56 4.89 5.G7 1.12 l.M 8.42 Amount of Dry Vegetable Matter of the Feed Required to Produce One Quart of Milk During the Entire P^xperiment. NAME. Average Yield of Milk per day (quarts.) Average Amount of Dry Matter consumed to produce one quart of Milk. Juno, 9.53 7.46 7.40 12.55 10.99 2.57 3.17 3 09 Row .•••. • 1 99 Pink 2.09 Cost op Feed Consumed for the Production of One Quart of Milk During the Different Feeding Periods (Cents.) feeding periods, 1889-1890. Juno 2.54 1.48 1.06 Flora Jessie 3.08 1.79 1.29 Roxy Pink 1 Total Cost 1. ;Net Cost Dec. 11 to Dec. 31 Obtainable Manure 2.88 1.68 1.20 2.52 1.34 1.18 3.00 1.65 1.35 2.81 1.43 1.38 II. Jan. 6 to Feb. 16 Total Cost Net Cost Obtainable Manure 2.20 1.17 1.03 2.19 1.15 1.04 2.24 1.13 1.11 2.19 1.11 1.08 2.72 1.64 1.08 2.83 1.51 1.32 2.85 1.57 1.28 2.72 1.39 1.33 1.37 .72 0.65 1.63 .81 0.82 III. -Feb. 23 to Mar. 13 Total Cost Net Cost Obtainable Manure 1.61 .87 0.74 IV. Mar. 18 to Apr. 5 Total Cost Net Cost Obtainable Manure 1.76 .87 0.89 V. Apr. 9 to Apr. 18 Total Cost Net Cost Obtainable Manure Manure 2.47 1.25 1.22 2.37 1.21 1.16 1.60 .79 0.81 1.68 .85 0.83 VI. Apr. 25 to May 13 Total Cost Net Cost Obtainable 3.36 2.02 1.34 3.36 2.02 1.34 3.45 2.14 1.31 3.10 1.62 1.48 3.09 1.57 1.52 2.12 1.60 0.52 2.24 1.39 0.85 2.10 1.11 0.99 2.45 1.48 0.97 VII. May 18 to May 27 Total Cost Net Cost Obtainable Manure 2.71 1.69 1.02 3.48 2.16 1.32 2.46 1.53 0.93 VIII. June 1 to June 19 Total Cost Net Cost Obtainable Manure 2.38 1.25 1.13 2.49 1.26 1.23 3.19 1.67 1.52 3.59 1.82 1.77 2.17 1.10 1.07 IX June 23 to July 2 Total Cost Net Cost Obtainable Manure 2.12 1.11 1.01 2.24 1.14 1.10 Average Quantity of Milk peu Day (Quarts.) Jinio . Flora . Jessie. Roxy . Pink . Feeding Periods, 1889—1890. I II III IV V 8.30 VI 10.04 VII VIII IX 9.f57 9.40 8.47 8.18 10.06 11.05 10.61 8.64 8.41 5.73 6.45 7.26 7.86 7.64 7.89 7.29 7.87 7.16 6.05 6.57 7.44 7.75 7.48 8.19 8.09 13.52 11.46 11.64 13.18 12.67 12.84 12.22 10.09 10.59 10.65 11.30 11.05 12.06 11.19 I. Variations IN Daily Production of Milk during the Entire Feicding ItxPERiMENT. {Quarts.) II. Average Quantity of Milk per Day for the Entire Feed- ing Experiment. {Quarts.) Juno . Flora Jessie Roxy. Piuk . [ II 8.18- -11.05 9.53 5.73—8.64 7.46 6.05—8.19 7.40 11.46- -13.52 12.55 10.09- -12.06 10.99 Statement op the Average of Analyses of Milk made During the Different Feeding Periods. Solids, per cent. Fut, - " II III IV VI VII VIII IX Solids, per cent. Fat, " " Solids, per cent. Fat, " " Solids, per cent. Fat, '' " Solids, per cent. Fat, " " Solids, per cent. Fat, " " Solids, per cent. Fat, ^' " Solids, per cent. Fat, " " Solids, per cent. Fat, " " Juno Flora Jessie 12.84 3.89 12.97 3.93 13.68 4.33 13.80 4.31 13.34 4.24 14.37 4.76 13.90 4.28 13.62 4.59 13.85 4.45 13.47 3.72 13.86 4.33 15.44 6.00 13.62 4.27 12 59 3.96 13.30 3.71 13.19 3.85 12.82 3.73 12.93 3.52 14.72 5.21 14.93 5.86 15.61 6.45 14.14 4.78 13.79 5.17 14.93 5.57 15.76 6.22 14.80 5.70 14.43 6.13 oxy Pink 13.27 4.21 13.18 3.51 12.48 4.30 13.21 3.91 12.74 3.75 12.59 3.73 12.81 3.68 14.86 5.73 13.61 4.72 13.65 4.74 14.45 5.02 14.40 5.11 14.20 5.04 14.40 3.93 Amount ok INIii.k Hequikeu to Produce One Space ok Cream. Fkom Amherst Creamery Records. 1 FEEDING PERIODS. 1 I II III i IV 1.52 l.GO V VI 1.74 VII 1.78 VIII i.7r; IX f\ .. , 1.42 1.47 i.ry? 1.81 LavE Weights ok Animals During the Feeding Periods (Lbs.) KEEDING PERIODS. GAIN NAME. I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX CLOSE. 1070 1000 888 loao 990 870 1018 9G0 827 834 800 1025 984 830 849 1042 1005 838 804 818 1095 1047 901 898 860 1095 1050 897 915 860 1142 1084 932 955 852 1125 1080 928 938 859 55 80 40 104 59 Elora Jessie Koxv Pink Conclusion. An examination of the previously recorded results of the inquiry into the respective particular claims of both kinds of lin- seed meal as food constituents fordairy purposes shows, that at stated market prices, under otherwise corresponding circumstances, and when used in equal weight parts, they may serve in place of each other without materially affecting the financial side of the operation one v\^ay or the other. In case the new process Linseed-meal is used, the net cost of the milk is somewhat less ; on account of the laiger amount of fertilizing elements it contains, which increase, somewhat, the value of obtainable manure, (see rations 6 and 7, and 8 and 9). This advantage is, however, in the majority of instances, to some extent, compensated for by a somewhat more liberal yield of milk, in case of Old Process Linseed-meal has been fed. As the old process Linseed-oil cake meal has a well established reputation as a suitable food constituent for dairy cows, the New Process Linseed- Meal may claim a similar position in the front rank of concentrated feed stuffs for dairy purposes. A careful seleclion of suitable asso- ciated fodder constituents is, however, in both instances, necessary to show their real, economical value. A comparison of the yield of milk obtained, in the majority of cases, during feeding periods III, IV, with those of periods VI, VII, VIII, and IX cannot fail to render that point prominent. o CA3 CO H H H CO H ^ .S :ws . O rt ^ c OOOCOOOOeO«5< i Ci >0 C5 -+I I IM 00 10 >0 CO to O O l^ l:~ < ■6 1 6 Scocococo ^* MHCOCDCOh^ CD >o CD t- 00 10 Cq CD t- (M (N (>< lO >o (iq »0 lO (N lO 'l^ CO -* lO t- CO cq lo cq "-H CO CD CO CO 00 CO C2 -* o CO (M CO CD CO C5 -^^ t, ^ O .-H '^ g§ CD o 00 -* o CO o CD IM rH (M 1C5 lO -* —1 cq lO CO ira CO -* '* "* lO lO ^ iM -*« -uujuno lo cq lo o t- rH rH rH op ^^ o cq 00 t-!- O « (M -H b- 00 00 05 »0 05 b- -' o o -* o t- CD O CD CD id > t~ i.O j lO •-; ) 00 oj id 00 t-^ •pao? cq o o cq lo -* ^ o «- 00 o C5 6 r1 CD -i co' c>i d cq .-< d d c^i ^ d CDO cd' d t-^ (N d cq d .38 .14 7.19 5.73 4.73 4.58 1.91 2.12 1.23 6.97 2.57 2.60 .-H lO lo cq t- 00 00 id 7.00 2.71 3.67 3.15 locqooiooo cqcot-ioosoqo t-co l^OOt^Ol'* t^COCDODOCDCO O^ .-H 'idcdcq HHcdT-H 'cdcdcd cqcq eq »o CD 00 cq ^ CO o L- ; CO -r I CO cq CO ■ cq i^ .-H i-i CD cq oo oo o -H o >-i CO ' cq eq - « 8 g -2 2 c3 bX)"S to a; « 2 ■J} p o : : f^cK ■-0 S S i^ 'cS a; &'a3 S /h 'S z: = i g g ^j^ 5 - c» h; ^ (5 .S :§illllS 'h! O § W O g X X.&' :;:5 :;:3 •= P5 £ CL, ,13 cj o ■S '^ ^ o s o oi 0) oS -^ .- o o M ^- -£ ^ .=« P i± m oopn X.toii;.to((i;' n O --I cq CO lO lO o < H CO .72 H Pi ^ W 72 ^ Ci5 g H Q ^ H « O g f^ e ^ CO M ii ii ii ^ 55- - o § § 6 5 s s ^^ fl c c 1^ t/5 OQUgg 5 E 5 oT « CZJ ^ ;i ;i >i o c c S »> ^ t> 1^ " S§ o 1^(1)0 0) r : ^ ;^q ^ ^ o o Mpq O 0 .9 P r 6 6 6 "<^ -^ ^ « go -S^^ i S -co o P^O ' 2 2 S § § =^ c c i; HO S 5 &S<^0§ !■! S OJ ^^ J ■G (u o £ S fLi <1 oS g-ppH OS o §11 fficoPn H- op. e3 .^ ■- ^ P a 5:' O 53 o ^ gPP o nil & 2 J ^ S ^ ^' 2 O c» t-l <1 W >► P^ O^ 1 § 1 1 n 2 2 7-8 1.5-2 7-8 4-6 • 5-6 3-4 a, '-^. CO ca q 4 LO CO q CO C5 C-1 co' d CO CJ * 't 1 1.78 1.88 7.66 2.20 6.52 5.15 5.81 3.02 8.27 3.13 3.94 6.26 4.62 2.45 2.86 1.83 2.60 g^22 -H .-1 CO 4 i < .2 2 5 i2 .o 1 < •P991 -nBJBUO 9-12 5-7 8.5-10 10-12 8-11 3-5 5-9 4-5 5-7 4-6 7 8-9 9-13 7.08 8-10 10-12 6-7 5-8 •pnnoj; 10.21 8.84 6.55 10.36 9.43 4.48 6.68 10.95 7.69 6.55 6.54 6.59 3.97 6.46 6.05 10.82 6.67 9.75 11.21 8.02 6.03 i •p395 -nB.iBn9 11-15 13-16 11.5-14.5 9-14 6-11 10-12 7-8 7-9 5-6 9-10 18-22 1 1-16 10.17 c* -#coW'— 1 >— 1.65-2.06 .82-1.65 4.94-5.77 3.30-4.94 •pimoj: -* 1- CO O CO CO t- CO CO ^ O CO CO O CO Annual Report of this Station for 1889, at pages 195-211. From the nature of parasitic fungi and the fact that they are for the most part, paiasites within the tissues of their hosts, it is evident that our efforts must be directed toward preventing their attacks. The present state of our knowledge does not enable us to stop the development of a parasite within its host-plant, with- out injury to the host, after it has once obtained a foot-hold. Tlie various forms of preventive treatment for a given disease fall naturally under two heads, field and orchard hygiene and individual protection. The former includes the minimizing of all sources of infection by the removal of rubbish, of remains of diseased plants or fruits, or of wild plants which may serve as propagators of the disease. The latter includes the application to the plants to be protected of substances in liquid or solid form which shall fortify them against the attacks of fungi which cause disease. Such substances are known as Fungicides. Since different fungi attack their hosts in very different ways, since their modes of development and the effects which they produce differ widely, it is plain that no all-embracing rule can be laid down for the treatment of fungous diseases. Certain principles of general applicability can, however, be stated, certain general diiections can be given, and instructions regarding the preparation and application of those fun- gicides which have been proved to be most useful and effective can be furnished. These things this Bulletin seeks to supply. The further special information needed for dealing successfully with any special case, this Department will gladly and promptly furnish, on receipt of a request accompanied by a specimen of a diseased plant and an account, as full as possible, of the existing conditions, as already stated. HYGIENIC TREATMENT. There are definite laws of health for plants as well as for animals, and in one case, as in the other, neglect of those laws invites disease. In the first place, plants which are expected to grow and thrive must be furnished with an abundance of the materials necessary to growth. Weak, poorly nourished plants suffer the attacks of parasites of all sorts and have no power to resist them. Secondly, where a crop has suffered from a fungous disease in one season and a good crop of the same kind is desired in the following season, every tangible trace of the disease must be removed. For example, if a vineyard has suffered from mildew or hlacTc-rot^ all diseased leaves and berries should be collected at the end of the season with scrupulous care and wholly burned ; and the same advice applies to a large list of cases. Thus incalculable numbers of the spores of the fungi of the respective diseases will be prevented from infesting the next season's crop. In some cases where the spores remain in the soil, as in the stump-foot of cabbages or the smut of onions, the attacks of the disease can only be avoided by rotation with crops upon which the the fundus in ques- tion cannot live. Thirdly, wild plants, which, being nearly related to a given cultivated one, may be subiect to the same disease, or which bear a complementary spore-form of a pleomorphic fungus* should be carefully excluded from the neighborhood of cultivated ones. Thus, wild cherries or plums, which are equally subject to the black -knot, should be kept away from plum orchards, and spinach fields should be kept free of pig-weed, since both plants are attacked by the same mildew; and again, since red cedars bear one spore form of a fungus whose other form is the rust of apple leaves, it is plain that they should not be allowed to grow near an apple orchard. Now, when the general hygienic conditions have been made as unfavorable as possible to the development of disease, we may resort finally to the special protection afforded by the use of •'See the Report of tliis Station for 1889, p. 204 and ' FUNGICIDES. These preparations when properly prepared and when applied at the right times and in the right way, have been abundantly proved to be of the greatest value and often to determine the difference between a full crop from plants on which they are used and practically no crop where they are not applied. But the fact cannot be too strongly emphasized that everything depends upon how they are prepared, and upon how and when they are applied. The following pages attempt to give somewhat full instruction how to prepare and apply the most valuable fungicides, and such general hints lohen to apply them, as will be of service. The proper times for their application vary so much with special con- ditions, however, that instructions on this point must form an impor- tant part of the special directions for any particular case. Preparation. The protective quality of most of the best fungi- cides lies in the fact that they contain a certain proportion of copper ; and of the four recommended as applicable to most cases of fungous diseases, three contain it as the essential constituent. The Bordeaux Mixture requires 6 lbs. sulphate of copper, 4 lbs. quicklime (fresh), and 22 gals, water. The sulphate of copper, known to the trade also as blue vitriol or blue stone, is dissolved in 2 gallons of water. The solution will be hastened if the water be heated and the sulphate pulverized. After the solution is complete, 14 gallons of water are added to it. The quicklime is slaked in 6 gallons of water and stirred thoroughly until it forms a smooth, even mixture. After standing for a short time, it is again stirred and added gradually to the sulphate solution, which is thoroughly stirred meanwhile. The mixture is then ready for use, though some experimenters recommend further dilution to 25 or 30 gallons, for certain uses. It should not be prepared until needed, and should be used fresh, as it deteriorates with keeping. Since the lime remains merely in suspension and is not dissolved, the mixture should be strained through fine gauze before entering the tank of the spraying machine, so that all of the larger particles which might clog the sprayer may be removed. Ammoniacal Carbonate of Cop2)er, in its improved form, is pre- pared from 3 oz. carbonate of copper, 1 lb. carbonate of ammonia, and 50 gals, water. Mix the carbonate of copper witb the carbonate of ammonia, pul- verized, and dissolve the mixture in 2 quarts of hot water. When the}' are wholly dissolved, add the solution to enough water to make the whole quantity fifty gallons. .This preparation has been found to be better and cheaper than that made according to the original formula, which is as follows : Dissolve 3 oz. 'carbonate of copper in 1 qt. aqua ammonia (22''B.)* and add the solution to 25 gals, of water. Dr. Thaxter of the Connecticut Experiment Station suggests that a very large saving may be made by preparing the carbonate of copper by the following method, instead of buying it, as its market price is much greater than that of the materials necessary for its preparation. Take 2 lbs. of sulphate of copper and dissolve it in a large quantity of hot water ; in another barrel or tub, dissolve 2i lbs. of carbonate of soda (sal soda) in hot water. When both are dissolved and cooled, pour the soda solution into the copper solution, stirring rapidly. There will result a blue-green precipitate of carbonate of copper, which must be allowed to settle to the bottom of the vessel. Now draw off the clear liquid above the sediment, fill the vessel with fresh water and stir up the contents thoroughly. After the copper carbonate has once more settled to the bottom, again draw off the clear fluid above. The carbonate may now be removed from the vessel and dried, when it is ready for use. From the amoant of blue- stone and sal-soda given above will be produced one pound of copper carbonate, and the amount of each necessary to produce any given amount of copper carbonate is easily calculated. Sulphate, of Copper is used in solutions of varying strength for certain special cases. Sulphide of Potassium, known also as sulphuret of potassium or liver of sulphur, has been found useful in the treatment of diseases caused by those fungi known as Powder}' Mildews, especially on plants grown under glass. It is ordinarily used in the proportion of half an ounce of the sulphide to one gallon of water. Materials. For the convenience of persons who may wish to purchase the necessary materials for the preparation of fungicides, *Dealers usually handle Ammonia water of a strength of 24° B. (=22.5^6 Ammonia) or of 26° B. (=26.r)5{ Ammonia). To reduce these to the required strength, 22° B. (=195i Ammo- nia) , add four parts of water to ten of Aqua Ammonia of 26° or two parts of water to ten parts of 24° Aqua Ammonia. the writer has communicated with several reliable houses in some of the larger cities of the state, and has received from those named below favorable replies as to their readiness to fill orders promptly', and as to prices. He can, therefore, recommend these firms to persons wishing fungicide supplies, without in any respect implying that there are not many others equally reliable : Weeks and Potter Co., 360 Washington St., Boston. Messrs. E. & F. King, Boston. Talbot Dyewood and Chemical Co., 24 & 26 Middle St., Lowell. Jerome Marble & Co., Worcester. Messrs. H. & J. Brewster, 463 Main St., Springfield. The writer wishes to express here his thanks to those leading Agriculturists in several parts of the state who have furnished him the addresses of these and other dealers in chemicals. Concerning the cost of the various materials named above, no very exact figures can be given since prices vary with the state of the market and according to the quantity ordered. Prices per pound are considerably higher for small quantities than for larger ones and the substances cost much less in original packages than in smaller lots. A large saving can be effected if several persons will combine in ordering what they need, both in the cost per pound of the chemicals and in cost of transportation. The following quotations may be given as the approximate prices of the various substances in small lots, at retail ; and discounts from these prices will increase with the amount of the order : Copper sulphate, 8 cents per pound. Copper carbonate, 60 " " " Ammonium carbonate, 15 '■'■ " " Sodium carbonate, 3 " " " Aqua Ammonia, (24°) 10 " " "■ Potassium sulphide, 25 " " " Application. The one of the above fungicides chosen as most available under existing conditions is now to be applied to the plants which it is desired to protect against disease. In the special case of the grain smuts, the onl}' effectual treatment is that applied to the seed-grain, since these fungi depend for their propagation upon the spores which adhere to the grain and germinate with it. They can- not attack the host-plant after it has fairly passed the seedling stage, and the adhering spores may be killed before planting without injury to the seed. But ordinarily the fungicide must be thoroughly applied to the whole of each growing plant in the form of a fine spray, so 8 that the plant is completely wet, but not flooded. Perhaps a practical measure of the proper amount of a fungicide to be applied to a plant may be obtained by stopping as soon as the plant is wholly wet, and hejore the solution begins to drip from it. In order to insure a fine and even spray and economy of materials, especial care should be used in securing proper Nozzles. The ordinary spraying nozzles used with hose or with small hand pumps are utterly unsuited to this purpose. The best form is, perhaps, that known as the Vermorel nozzle, which is furnished with several of the pieces of apparatus to be described later, or may be purchased separately. It is shown in Figs. 2 and 3, following, at the end of the brass rod which is held in the hand of the operator and is known as the spraying lance. This nozzle gives a very fine and steady spray, which may be instantly cut oil, and is the best suited for the Bordeaux mixture, since it has an attachment for promptly freeing it of clogging particles. Another excellent nozzle for the other fungicides described, which are clear solutions, is the Nixon nozzle, shown in Fig. 1. Fig. 1. Upon the use of these or other equally efficient nozzles, depends very much of the success of treatment with fungicides. Pumps. For supplying the necessary pressure to drive the liquid through the nozzle in the form of spray, some form of force pump is necessary. The form chosen must depend on the amount of work to be done' and the character of the -plants to be treated. We may distinguish three general types. The knapsack type is suitable for almost any small job, the importance of which does not justify the purchase of a more expensive apparatus, and is especially adapted to use upon low-growing plants cultivated in hills or rows. These machines have a tank holding a few gallons with a pump worked by a lever with one hand, while the other hand directs the nozzle, the apparatus being strapped upon the back of the operator. Of this sort is the Eureka sprayer, made by Adam Weaber & Son of Vineland, N. J., and costing about $21. Prof. B. T. Galloway, Chief of the Division of Vegetable Pathology of the U. S. Depart- ment of Agriculture, has recently devised a similar machine, shown in Fig. 2, and in practical operation in Fig. 3. It is not patented and can be made by any good metal-worker. The writer will be Fig. 2. glad to furnish detailed specifications for this machine to any one who may desire them. It may be purchased of Albinson & Co., 2026 Fourteenth St., or of Leitch & Sons, 1214 D. St., both of Washington, D. C. for $14. Dr. Thaxter of the Connecticut Exper- iment Station has devised a combination of a copper wash-boiler, a "• Hydronette " force pump, and a Vermorel nozzle which has given him much satisfaction, and may be fitted by any tinsmith. Its cost is a little over $8, he states. The writer will be glad to furnish, on request, details of its construction. Fig. 3. The hand-cart type of pump consists of a large reservoir, repre- senting the body of the cart, connected with a force pump, and the whole mounted on two or three wheels with a handle for pulling or pushing. An excellent example of this form of apparatus is the •'Little Giant " machine made by the Nixon Nozzle and Machine Co. of Dayton, Ohio, which costs, with hose and '• Climax" nozzle, $35. It is shown in Fig. 4. Machines of this type usually allow the use of two streams at once. Fig. 4. The third or horse-cart type of apparatus comprises the special " Field and Orchard " machines of the Nixon Nozzle and Machine Co., costing from .$55 to $85, or the " Standard " Double Acting- Spray Pump of the Goulds Manufacturing Co. of Seneca Falls, N. Y., shown in Fig. 5. This pump is made with brackets for attach- ing it to the head or bung of a barrel or cask, which serves as the reservoir, and the whole is drawn over the field or through the orchard in a farm wagou or cart, as is shown. I'lG. 0. This pump, with no hose, nozzles, or accessories of any sort, costs $8.50. Machines of this type are necessary where orchard work on a large scale is to be well and economically done. 12 Before purchasing either of the pieces of apparatus mentioned above, one should obtain circulars or catalogue from the manufac- turers and become thoroughly informed concerning it, so as to order intelligently. , When to apply. As has been said, this question is of the first importance in dealing with any disease, but the answer varies with the case in hand. In general, however, -let it be remembered that all treatment is preventive, that plants once attacked are lost, and that spraying must therefore be prompt and early. In the case of a disease of an herbaceous crop like potatoes, the first spraying should be given at once on the appearance of the disease in any part of the field or in a neighboring field. The same applies to diseases of woody plants, which have previously been free from disease; but where grapes or apples, for instance, were attacked last year, treat- ment should begin with the beginning of growth and should proceed on the assumption that the disease will re-appear if not prevented. In any case, after spraying is begun it must be repeated until danger is past, a very variable period, at intervals which may average ten days or two weeks, but will vary according to cucumstances, depending especially on the amount of rainfall, which washes the copper salts from the plants and renders a new application necessary. It is always best to leave an occasional plant or row of plants untreated among the treated ones, to furnish a basis for judgment as to the efficacy of the treatment. We wish to repeat that this Department is ready to supplement the recommendations of this Bulletin in every possible way. It is earnestly hoped that many persons in the state who have suffered in the past from fungous diseases, will this year undertake definite measures to avoid such losses, and will communicate early their intention to do so, to the writer. Full details should be given of the nature of the disease, the extent of its ravages in former years, and the present condition of the orchard or vineyard, if the crop concerned ])e a fruit crop. In case of a field on which some herba- ceous crop is to be planted, which it is desired to protect from disease, state what has been the history of the field for several years, and how badly the crop in question has suffered on this or other neighboring fields during the same time. Finally, let everyone who makes up his mind to keep up with the times and protect his crops, equip himself thoroughly for the work. Let him have the necessary apparatus on hand and ready for use, and let them be the best things for the p-jrpose. It is useless to expect good work from the use of unsuitable materials or poor tools. But a single season's trial of thorough and suitable treatment will convince the most skeptical man that few investments pay such intGVGst C. A. GOESSMANN, Director, Amherst, Mass. The Bulletins of the Experiment Station will be sent free of charge to all parties interested in its work, on application. Carpenter & Morehouse, Printers, Amherst, M 18° 25° 34.5'* 32.04° 46.89° 55.18° 64.94' 2.89 in. 2.74 in. 1.82 in. 4.01 in, 12 in. 11 in. — N.E. N.VV. N.W. N.E. 14 11 12 . 8 SOME DISEASES OF LETTUCE AND CUCUMBERS. During the past winter and spring the writer has been engaged in the study of certain diseases of lettuce and of cucumbers, cultivated under glass. The investigation of some of these is sufficiently advanced to justify the following preliminary announcement. More detailed accounts, with illusti*ations, of the diseases will be given in the next annual report of this Station. The Rotting of Lettuce has been a soui'ce of much loss to gardeners who cultivate that plant as a winter crop, but its cause and, there- fore, proper preventive measures have not been known. It usually appears first just al)ove the surface of the soil at the attachment of the lower leaves to the stem and then spreads to the center of the head causing the stem and the bases of the lower leaves, and later the whole of the tender inner leaves, to become decomposed into a slimy mass. The larger leaves being thus cut off from the stem by decay at their bases usually dry up ; and there appears after a time, on the remains of the plant, if left undisturbed, the erect, spore- bearing threads of one of the imperfect fungus forms known by the name Botrytis or Polyaciis. The vegetative threads of this fungus are to be found in the decaying tissues of the host in the early stages of the trouble, and no other fungus has ever been observed in con- nection with it. My observations make it practically certain that the disease is due to the fungus-form mentioned, and this view is supported by the fact that similar forms are known to produce similar diseases in some other plants. The discussion- of its relations to other forms is reserved for our next Report. This fungus appears to be able to develop also a saprophyte on old lettuce leaves and other vegetable refuse and may thus survive a long interval between two crops of lettuce, resuming its parasitic habits when the oppor- tunity is afforded. From what has been said, it is evident that careful and thorough treatment is essential to the control of the disease in question ; and the nature of the crop limits this treatment to the removal of all sources of infection. All affected lettuce plants should be at ooce removed tohoHy from the house and destroyed by burning. For this purpose the boiler furnace is conveniently at hand. All dead leaves or other refuse should be often scrupulously cleaned up and burned so that no l)veeding places m:iy be left for the fungus. A house which has been very badly infested by the disease should be thoroughly cleaned, whitewashed or painted, and suiiplied with fresh soil before a new season's operations are begun ; and one may then expect, with the observance of the above described hygienic precautions, to be able to enjoy comparative freedom from loss from this cause. 3 The Poivdery Mildew of the Cucumber is due to the presence of a fuugiis which has been long known, but which has not been hereto- fore reported as occurring in America, so far as I can learn. It has been received during the past season, on leaves of greenhouse cucum- bers, from Dr. Jabez Fisher of Fitchburg and from Prof. L. H. Bailey of Cornell University. The fungus, as has been said, -attacks the leaves, on whose upper surfaces it forms at first rounded spots which appear like blotches of a white powder. These spots gradually en- large and become confluent until the leaf is practically covered. Those parts of the leaf which are attacked soon turn yellow and finally become dead and dry. Under favorable conditions the disease spreads quite rapidly and is very destructive. The fungus which causes the trouble is known as Oidium erysiphoides Fries, var. Cucurbitarum, and is the conidial or summer spore stage of one of the fungi known as Powdei-y Mildews. It is impossible to say certainly to which of the perfect or winter spore forms of the group it belongs. It has been found by Prof. Bailey and by Dr. Fisher that the fungus may be kept in check by frequent spraying with a solution of sulphide of potassium (liver of sulphur) in water. The proportion usually given is one ounce of the sulphide to two gallons of water, but both Dr. Fisher and the writer have found this solution injurious to the foliage and the young cucumbers. A preparation containing an ounce to three gallons is certainly strong enough and one with an ounce to four gallons is probably so. As recommended for the lettuce disease, a house in which this fungus has been troublesome should be thoroughly cleaned and fumi- gated before the next season's crop is started. All persons interested are urged to send to this Department speci- mens of any plants attackefl by fungus diseases, in the interest of a better knowledge of these maladies, and that instructions how to avoid or to treat them may be furnished them. Such instructions will be promptly sent on request. Jas. Ellis Humphrey, Professor of Veg. Physiology- ^ -^ t^W tS^K -< ^ O t^ W J^. PQj-lW^ cS ?^ ^ s §■' •q ^ S ^ o S,^ f: 03 !-. rS ^ FQ , • -1^ ■7^ ^ ^ W o o ^ ^ g ^^^-S •^ -TS 6 o =a « ^ -^ '^ "" - ^ ^ ^ ^ - ^ CJ o ci3 pq S c > a -43 « tu O 'C sH -rs ''r-< p ;:;p a; -; ^i ^ J^ « QJ ci '^ fc^ o5 ^ O W iCi pq ^ 2h a: k; ^ s ^ ^ n o ^ v^ t3 .22 ^ S .23 S f-i a^ 2 <^ CD S 0,+^ S '^S.aS°-S"Scc+^3°o3oSoS ^^ >fL,i^ w C/J OQ, M (g .S. fi -li S ^ Q S S pg i> p^ S a fa "k; n P P o E^ '-■ P r/, C <^ OJ g ?^ -^fe G ^ J^ ^°^ fafavi^i^ 3S:SS5{2§gS5?§!5Sgg|^Sg CO 0 oooll M rz uiiiipoiV I- 00 0 CO c-i s as.iuor) ■» (M eg ^ Tt< g •g oi ico-^co I'ToooiO'^yjJigJoSs .2i 2 ^ Iffljcos^ '^'*<^cO(M^,ra 'thin t^ 0 0 -H -t^ CO .s § ^ a lunipaiM o ra 00 ci 5 0"5d i 1 o '^ooc0 0 O) ^ OllLl 0 r- CO CO CO -* 0 10 OO-HOC^QO ^ O CO cu l-_^rt^^^cO|Oco^on||io-H llll'^' J uu.iuno ci .i c?. ob 6 i i^ 1 o .i ot ^ 1 1 4 =i 1 1 M ^ 5 1 r-l ^ ^ ^ ^ CO-HOCOCOlOlO 10-H-*0^ lOOOlC^CO'^O^^^COO^COCOGO CO-*COI-I>- • •l>nno,i t-»OC5C5000t-Ol0 350l-0-*-*00 (M-^OCI'M i '"' 1)001 iii^ii9'r"?'r'r^'r'^=?v =?^'ii'r -UBJBllf) Illollco00t-O00>0t-'0'-1 o^t--.-;-*>ftQq'-<>oao^o«ococo <^ .-H'(?q'rH''->!J- 0 id '-^ CO Ph ^ooio t^,-ir^M<050coo5^»oc:>oo' t-iooocD ■V)0?JOAOa rtcot- (Mioi-0'ii CO CO CO oq r-( c>i ^-^ co « (M O) CM O (M O o'c'ic^0"Oi--4M<»^'*oi— 1 oocr^dco c/2' ■ rH a> a> Jn "^ 5n !U • ^"S "S N^ N c" ^ ■ s ^ ^ •^ 4J "- Q 0 0 M«1 M o '1 s = P OT 'S 0 ^T^ -ti ^ H ^J^^ 5 ^ ^ i" ;^ = i" i: 0 b"^ 2 •jaquinN; '~'_u^Jt^lo(MC5C0C0'^OO u g s S^ ■5-r "bij feeding S n 'r^ 3 B « h^ ^r. Feb. 21 to Mar. 11, 3.00 3. 3.00 8.53 14.97 1 :4.87 746 770 1.26 Mar. 14 to Apr. 21, 3.00 3. 3.00 6.00 12.56 1 :4.55 776 826 1.28 Apr. 24toMav9, 3.00 3. 3.00 3.69 20. 12.88 1 :4.50 828 840 0.75 12 Total amount of feed consmned from Dec. 17, ISSU to May 0, 1890. 465.50 lbs. 95.50 - 371.00 " 239.00 " 354.00 " 1942.00 " 285.00 " 350.00 " wheat brau, oluten meal, Pounds. 422.35 86.14 Old Process liuseetl meal, 334.35 corn and cob meal, corn stover, corn ensilage, corn fodder, sugar beets, 219.64 258.60 525.31 226.80 34.93 Cost. $3.84 1.10 5.10 1.97 .89 2.67 1.07 2108.12 $17.52 Live weight of animal at begimiiiig of experiment. Live weight of animal at end of feeding. Live weight gained during experiment. Average gain in weight per day, Dry matter consumed per pound of live weight gained, Cost of feed per pound of live weight gained. Net cost of feed per pound of live weight gained, allow- ing 8% loss of mauurial value, Miimirial value. $3.17 .77 3.92 .72 .83 1.51 • .70 .20 $11.82 600 lbs. 840 lbs. 240 lbs. 1.67 lbs. 8.78 lbs. 7.30 cts. 2.77 cts. Summary of Record of Steers, No. 1 and No. 2 when li^ft in THE Pasture, May 10th, 1889 to September 30th, 1889. Date of turning steers into pasture, Date of closing pasturing, Number of days of pasturing, Live weight of steers wlien turned into pasture, Live weight of steers at tlie close of pasturing. Total weight gained during pasturing, Average gain in Aveiglit per day, Cost of feed per day, allowing 40c. per week for use of pa.sture, Cost of feed per pound of live weight gained,. . No. 1. No. 2. May 10, 1889 May 10, 1889 Sept. 30, 18Sy Sept. 30, 1889 U4 144 895 lbs. 840 lbs. 1020 lbs. 923 lbs. 125 lbs. S3 lbs. 0.87 lbs. 0.58 lbs. 5.71 cts. 5.71 cts. 6.58 cts. 9.91 cts. 13 Summary of Feeding Experiment with Steers One Year Old. Beginninc; of feeding expoviment, Closing of feeding experiment, Nunil)'.'!- of days of observation, Live weiglit of the animals at the beginning of observation, Live weight of the animals at the close of ob- servation, Total nnmber of pounds of live weight gained during the experiment, Average gain in live weiglit per day Amount of dry vegetable matter consumed per pound of live weight gained, Total cost of feed consumed per day, Manurial value of feed consumed per day, Manurial value of feed consumed, allowing 8% loss, Net cost of feed consumed per day, allowing a loss of 8% of manurial value, for live weight gained , Net cost of feed per pound of live weight gained Dec. 17, 1889 May 9, 1890 144 675 lbs. 895 lbs. 220 lbs. 1.53 lbs. 8.91 lbs. 11.75 cts. 7.87 cts. 7.24 cts. 4.51 cts. 2.95 cts. No. 2. Dec. 17, 1889 May 9, 1890 144 (;oo lbs. 840 lbs. 240 lbs. l.r>7 lbs. 8.78 lbs. 12.10 cts. 8.20 cts. 7.54 cts. 4.G2 cts. 2.77 cts. B. Two Year Old Grade Shorthorn Steers. The same fodder articles as in the case of the one year old steers {A) served here. Statement of the average of the daily fodder combinations used during the different successive feeding periods. I. II. Wheat bran, (pounds) 3.88 Wheat bran, (pounds) 4.00 Gluten Meal, 3.88 Old Process linseed meal, 4.00 Corn ensilage., 65.50 Corn ensilage, 16.60 Ntitritive ratio, 1 : 6.54 Nutritive ratio, 1 : 6.75 Total cost, (cents) 15.67 Total cost, (cents) 19.33 Manurial value obtainable, 10.02 Manurial value obtainable, 11.89 Net cost, 6.65 Net cost, 7.44 III. IV. Wheat bran, (pounds) 4.00 Wheat bran, (poun ds) 4.00 Old Process linseed meal, 4.00 Old I'rocess linseed meal, 4.00 Corn and cob meal. 4.00 Corn and cob meal. 4.00 Corn fodder, 12.35 Corn stover, 13.00 Nutritive ratio, 1 :4.91 Nutritive ratio, 1:4.99 Total cost, (cents) 16.73 Total cost, (cents) 15.35 Manurial value obtainable, 10.28 Manurial value obtai nable 10.30 Not cost, 6.45 Net cost, 5.05 14 Wheat bran, (pounds) 2.65 Gluten meal, 2.65 Cora stover, 18.00 Nutritive ratio, 1 :5.84 Total cost, (cents) 9.74 Mauurial value obtainable, 7.51 Net cost, 2.23 Steer No. 3. Feed Consumed (pounds) perday. .2 1 > ■■3 |1 a o 11 1.1 II 1 FEEniNG PERIODS. 2 1 a S 5 6 o 3 $ r 1 a 8 1 a -3 C5 1889-90. Dec. 10 to Dec. 31, 2.64 2.68 9.00 11.39 1:5.15 1235 1192 -1.95 .Tan. 4 to Jan. 22, 3.88 3.88 68.95 24.60 1 :6.64 1210 1297 4.58 Jan. 28 to Fob. Ifi, 4.00 4.00 80.10 30.13 1 :6.89 1310 1362 2.60 Feb. 21 to Mar. 11, 4.00 4. 4.00 14. 22.05 1:5.11 1362 1366 0.21 Mar. 13 to Mar. 25, 4.00 4. 4.00 14.67 21.63 1 :5.09 136711370 0.23 Total amount of feed consmned from Dec. 10, 1889, to March 25, 1890. 387.50 lbs. 140.50 '' 245.00 " 135.00 " 392.00 " 3542.00 " 315.00 " wheat bran, gluten meal, Old Process linseed meal, corn and cob meal, corn stover, corn ensilage, corn fodder. Dry matter. Pounds. 351.58 126.73 223.50 124.07 286.36 958.11 250.68 Cost. $3.20 1.62 3.41 1.11 0.98 4.87 1.18 2321.03 $16.37 Live weight of animal at beginning of experiment, Live weight at time of killing. Live weight gained during experiment, Average gain in weight per day, Dressed weight of animal, Loss in weight by dressing, 484 lbs. or Original cost of animal, 1336 lbs. at 3 l-2c. Selling price of animal, 886 lbs. at 6c., Net cost of feed after deducting 8% of raanurial value, Fertilizer value. $2.64 1.14 2.62 .41 .92 2.76 .77 $11.26 1235 lbs. 1370 lbs. 135 lbs. 1.27 lbs. 886 lbs. 35.33% $46.76 $53.16 $6.01 Dry matter required to produce one poun rlof ] ive weight 1 7.19 lbs. Cost of feed per pound oained. 12.13 cts. Net cost of feed per pound giiined after deducting 8% loss of raanurial value, 4.45 cts. Steer No. 4. Feed Consumed (pounds) per day. ^1 i i 11 'a o_ O .JO It it tl FEEDING PERIODS. a 2 t a S 5 ? 6 o i bo a W a a 2 1 o a 'S 1889-00. Doc. lOto 1)00.31, 2.G4 2.08 5.25 8.05 1 4.45 1180 1138 -1.91 Jan. 4 to Jan. 22, 3.88 3.88 62.21 20.!)2 1 0.43 1102 1250 4.03 Jan. 28 to Feb. 10, 4.00 4.00 73.10 28.13 1 0.70 1240 1317 3.55 Fob. 21 to Mar. 11. 4.00 4. 4.00 10.71 19.43 1 4. SI 1305 1293 -0.(;3 Mar. i;UoMar.25, 4.00 4. 4.00 11.25 19.03 1 4.89 1297^1300 0.23 Total amonmt of feed consumed from Dec. 10, 1SS9 to Mar. 25, 1890 Diy matter Pounds. 351.58 387.50 lbs. wheat bran, 140.50 " gluten meal, 126.73 248.00 " Old Process linseed meal, 223.50 135.00 ^ corn and cob meal, 124.07 2G7.00 " corn stover, 195.04 3210.50 " corn ensilage, 868.44 238.00 " corn fodder, 189.40 Cost. S3.20 1.62 3.41 1.11 0.67 4.41 0.89 2078.76 $15.31 Live weight of animal at beginning of experiment. Live weight at time of killing, Live weight gained during experiment. Average gain in weight per day. Dressed weight of animal. Loss in weight by dressing, 441 lbs., or Original cost of animal, 1332 lbs. at 3 l-2c., Selling price of steer, 859 lbs. at 6c., Net cost of feed after deducting 8% of manurial value. Dry matter required to produce one pound of live weight, Cost of feed per pound gained. Net cost of feed per pound gained, after deducting 8% of manurial value, Fertilizer Value. $2.64 1.14 2.62 .41 .63 2.50 .46 $10.40 1180 lbs. 1300 lbs. 120 lbs. 1.13 lbs. 859 lbs. 33.92% $46.62 $51.54 $5.74 17.32 lbs. 12.76 cts. 4.78 cts. 1-6 ' Summary of Feeding Experiments, Steers Two Years Old, No. 3 AND 4. Beginning of feeding experiment, Closing of observation, Number of days of observation, Live weight of animals at the beginning of ob- servation, Live weight of animals at the close of observa- tion, Total number of pounds of live weight gained during the experiment, Average gain in live weight per day, Amount of dry vegetable matter consumed per pound of live weight gained, Total cost of feed consumed per day, Manurial value of feed consumed per day, Manurial value of feed consumed per day, allow- ing 8% loss, Net cost of feed consumed per day allowing a loss of 8% of manurial value, Net cost of feed consumed per pound of live weight gained, Selling i)rice of dressed weight, Per cent, of shrinkage in dressing beef for the market, No. 3. Dec. 10, 1889 Mar. 25, 1890 106 1235 lbs. 1370 lbs. 135 lbs. 1.27 lbs. 17.19 lbs. 15.44 cts. 10.62 cts. 9.77 cts. 5.67 cts. 4.45 cts. 6.00 cts. No. 4. Dec. 10, 1889 Mar. 25, 1890 106 1180 lbs. 1300 lbs. 120 lbs. 1.13 lbs. 17.32 lbs. 14.44 cts. 9.82 cts. 9.03 cts. 5.41 cts. 4.78 cts. 6.00 cts. C. A. GOESSMANN, Director. The 2^nblicatio7is of the Experimeyit Station will be sent free of charge to all jmrties interested in its work, on application. Press of Carpenter & Moreliouse, Amlierst, Mass. STATE HOU MASSAC Agricultural Ixmmr^TATioN. BXJLLETIIsr ISTO. -4:1. SEPTEMBER, 1891. CONTENTS. 1. Weather Record, July and August, 1891. 2. Anf alyses of Commercial Fertilizers. 3. Feeding Experiments with Milch Cows, Nov., 1890, to May, 1891. Corn meal, Wheat bran, O. P. Linseed meal and Cotton seed meal with Rowen, Corn and Soja bean Ensil- age, and Corn Stover. JULY. AUGUST. 89° 90° 42° 46° 66.18° 68.34° 5.09 in. 3.67 in S. N. E. 13 14 Meteorological Summary for two mordhs, ending Aug. 31, 1391. Highest temperature, Lowest temperature. Mean temperature, Total precipitation, Prevailing wind, No. of cloudy days. No. of days on which .01 of an inch or more of rain fell, 10 13 The rainfall for the two months although somewhat less than during 1890, has been more favorable for growing crops on account of its better distribution. The rains during the early part of July make this season less favorable for haying than the past. The mean temperature for the two months varies but little from last year. c^ CO H 00 H C/2 o ^ ^A M i ) w < u zn O Q K CO h-1 P^ IZJ O w o O H r^ j^ « m P^ u M O Ph W ^ H N w 1— 1 W (-1 H M H t— I « Pi < <1 f^ 1^ r^ yA O < o g f^ 12; o w in O w r/j >H h-; <5l ?^. <^ o o oo'-ccc=(=a;SncuK-tii^'-iEoo=: CJ — -rt l> ^ ? ? ij ^ CO :z; H ^ (J ■ - c . -OS S : O O ;3 o W 2 02 S a; J^ 2 ' 2 .| ^ _2 c« S , J S o cs ^ o ^1 o - o 3' o2 o . ^g So ai c O O! O o CQ O o rt:o ^< o « ^ Jj SI -^ S! ^ S t ""^ § S ^ ^ 4^ ■'- n$ (U O tq « /5 'S c3 S ^ O cj oS<« 3, ~ ^-W Z tc tc i^ ;n o o •-S .S .2 S !*< = = ■?, fill 0_ re; o 5 - S ?3 ^- : o c ? ^ g c o h^Kh^r/jpq OHHH if) fi S3 II « CO c!, C^ I I lO 1--^ o r^ w CO cc CO I M c<) ci I I It: 1 "= 5-6* 3-4 2-3* 2-3* .1 1 lUTiTpam 19.01 3.34 4.25 15.00 1 t-l mnipaH 26.06 2.01 17.40 30.32 17.15 -*l 6.88 3.53 2.08 2.03 uimpaM 31.76 35.32 16.67 ;40.25 29.10 35.83 ' t^ gaij 23.17 62.67 62.59 35.18 38.75 64.17 •poo? I 13 IS I'tViZ 1 IS I M t^ 05 "S O »0 ■ I CO O CO 3J ( 00 CD O C2 I I r-H r-l -* C5 N CO lO CO C5 CO »n CO I I IS I lO ■— I '^ »0 lO lO O 01 C^ »— » ' CO CO O O 3^ 05 O 00 00 CO ^ CO (N CD 'S' >-< o o >o CO oq i-H iM (M »0 CO CO »iO W CD -* CD ,o (M -* r-i 1-H cq =^ O oi 4< 5-1 -*i Oq Oq r-H r-H C^ lO "O Ci cq cq t^ rH t-. cq t- o u-i (M >o »n t^ GO CD 00 CO '^icoi-HcqiMcooocDsqco-tico' CO -"jH 00 CO cq « 03 i^ cq cq t- i« 1o^ O s^ ■^ = S P o3 oj G +3 --H H « S O b 'S r-^ pR 03 ;^, ^ ci (1) « 1^ tC « r;-^ b o ^ -;2 ;^ w ^ - 2 ^ b :: w Of^ CQ _^- c -^^ -2 tc ?i fcri c '^ > > c Q p^ pq pq O'Ph « Q cc pq lOjOrHcqcqeqco-*' CD cq lO CD -s ?; 2 S !=; aj >. ia:i-^Q CO 1« CD OS Feeding Experiments Avith Milch Coavs. NOVEMBER, 1890, TO MAY, 1891. In summing up in our late annual report the principal results ob- tained in connection with a series of feeding experiments with milch cows carried on from 1885 to 1889 at the Massachusetts State Agri- cultural Experiment Station, special attention was called to the fact, that until quite recently our main object had been to compare the economical value of some of our most prominent current home-raised coarse fodder articles when used for dairy purposes. English hay, rowen (hay of second cut of upland meadows), dry fodder corn, corn stover, corn ensilage, and several varieties of roots were the fodder articles of that description used. They were fed as far as practicable under otherwise corresponding circumstances. To attain this end it became necessary to use in all cases alike the same kinds and the same quantities of grain feed in compounding the daily diet of the cows on trial. The selection among the various kinds of grain feed for the daily diet was, for obvious reasons, con- fined to but a few ; — namely, corn meal or corn and cob meal, wheat bran and gluten meal (Chicago var.) ; see VIII annual report, pages 12 to 15. These articles were at any time in sufficient quantity and of good quality at our disposal ; they all enjoyed a fair reputation of fitness for milk production. Having made ourselves by actual trial to a certain degree familiar with the comparative feeding effect and the special economical merits of the above stated coarse fodder articles under specified conditions it was decided to institute a neio series of feeding experiments icith milch coiDS for the special jyurpose of studyiyig the feeding effect and the gen- eral economy of some of our more prominent concentrated commercial feed stuffs, as old and new process linseed 7neal, cotton seed meal, and gluteyi meal, when fed in equal weights in place of each other and in connection icith the same lands of fine and coarse fodder articles. The results of one experiment, which was planned to ascertain the comparative merits of old and new process linseed meal as consti- tuents of the daily diet of milch cows, under otiierwise corresponding circumstances has been already published in Bulletin 38, and in our last annual report — VII I — pages 15 to 24. Within a few subsequent pages are briefly recorded the re.sults of more recent observations with cotton seed meal and old process lin- seed meal when fed as substitutes for gluten meal (Chicago var.) in an otherwise corresponding daily diet of milch cov?s. The experi- ment was instituted, as has been intimated above, mainly for the purpose of comparing the effect of cotton seed meal and old process linseed meal with that of gluten meal (Chicago var.) on the cost of the feed consumed and on the quantity and the quality of the milk pro- duced, when fed each in equal weight as an ingredient of an otherwise corresponding daily diet of milch cows. 1. HisTOUY OF Cows. Nine cows, grades of various descriptions and of different milking periods, served in the trial. Name of Cow. Breed. 03 < Last Calf dropped. Dailj' Yield of milk at begin- ning of trial, (quarts.) l§ 2 1 Jessie Grade Jersey Native Native Grade Ayrshire Grade Ayrshire Native Grade Durham Grade Ayrshire Grade Durham 7 6 7 7 5 8 7 7 6 Jan. 12, '89 Aug. 8, '90 Jan. 23, '90 Feb. 5, '90 Jan. 2, '91 Mar. 16, '90 Mar. 18, '91 June 22, '89 Feb. 20, '91 6-7 10-11 7-8 6-7 13-14 8-9 9-10 7-8 11-12 5-6 o Pearl 7 7 4 •^ l^ink 1 lioxy r; Kuttercup {] Nancv 4 8. 9. Clarissa Juno Favorite 2 3 3 The cows thus far used in all our feeding experiments for the production of milk have been grades of more or less uncertain parentage. We secure them usually on the condition that they are new milch cows, from one to two weeks after calving when bought, and of fair milking quality, yielding from 15 to 16 quarts per day at this time. They serve usually in the trials until their daily yield of milk becomes unprofitable, from 5 to G quarts, when they are replaced by new milch cows. 2. Description of Fodder Articles. The daily fodder rations contained per head throughout the entire experiment as fine or grain feed, three pounds of com meal and 6 three pounds of wheat bran ; to these were added for stated reasons at dirterent stages of the observation, per head, either three pounds of ghiten meal or three pounds of old process linseed meal or three pounds of cotton seed meal to complete the daily ration of grain or fine feed. The general character of the various kinds of grain feed used in the daily diet, may be seen from the following analyses of the differ- ent articles of grain feed used : FODDER ANALYSES. Moisture at lOO* C, Dry matter, ANALYSES OF DRY MATTER Crude ash, " ceUulose, " fat, " proteiu, Non-nitrogenous matter, 13.26 86.74 100.00 1.72 2.28 4.90 12.94 78.16 100.00 12.11 87.89 100.00 7.40 12.17 5.04 18.48 56.91 100.00 o 9.77 90.23 100.00 8.18 7.74 11.33 44.41 28.34 100.00 8.72 91.28 100.00 5.96 8.23 9.87 36.19 39.75 100.00 10.90 89.10 100.00 1.02 1.28 7.36 34.79 55.55 100.00 Fertilizing Constituents. Nitrogen 15c. per lb. ; phosphoric acid 5|^ c. ; potassium oxide 4^c. Manukial Constituents in the Above Stated Samples ofGkain Feed. Moisture, Nitrogen, Phosphoric acid, Potassium oxide, . • Valuation per 2,000 lbs.. 13.26 1.796 .707 .435 $6.56 12.11 2.599 2.845 1.625 $12.39 9.77 6.412 2.333 1.723 $23.36 P-l !U 8.7ii 5.285 1.780 1.214 $18.90 C5 10.90 4.959 .425 .045 $15.38 The coarse feed used -in compounding the daily diet in this con- nection consisted either of nothing but rowen, — hay of second cut of upland meadows, — or of rowen and a mixed ensilage, consisting of equal weights of green fodder corn and of gieen soja bean, or of nothing but corn stover. The same variety of dent corn, " Pride of the North," fuiuished the green fodder ooru for the mixed ensilage, and for the corn stover. The corn stover was obtained from tlie fully matured corn, while the corn used for the mixed ensilage had reached the stage of growth when the kernels begin to glaze. The soja bean when used for ensilage had finished its growth and showed a liberal formation of seedpods. In both instances was the entire plant cut a few inches above ground. The corn, — stalks, leaves and ears, — was reduced to pieces of from one to one and one-half inches in length ; and the soja bean, — entire l)lant, — being still soft and succulent in the stated period of growth, was merely cut into two or three pieces. Both plants thus prepared were subsequently filled alternately in layers, one foot in thickness, into a silo. The filling of the silo was carried on as fast as the material could be conveniently secured. Each layer was carefully packed down and the whole finally covered with layers of tar paper and of matched boards. The latter were held in place by barrels filled with sand. The silo was filled at the beginning of September, '90, and opened for use during the succeeding January. The mixed ensilage thus produced, was of yellowish green color and less acid than a clear corn ensilage obtained from the same lot of fodder corn treated in the same manner and at the same time in an adjoining silo. The influence which in our case an addition of an equal weight of a nearly matured soja bean exerts on the composition of corn ensilage will be seen from a comparison of the following analyses of the two kinds of ensilage, No. one and No. two. The clear corn ensilage. No. one, was obtained from the same lot of fodder corn which served for the production of the above described mixed ensilage (No. two). The silos were in both cases filled in the same way, and as far as practicable at the same time ; they were of a corresponding size and contained fairly even quantities of vegetable matter. Both were opened for general use at about the same time — four months after filling. The samples which served for the analyses represent in each case the average of the ensilage obtained by cut- ting in a vertical direction through the contents of each silo. Analyses of Dky Matter. No. I. No. II. Mixed Ensilage. Corn Ensilage. (Corn and Soja bean) Crude Ash, 6.73 11.04% " Cellulose, 26.90 27.84% '' Fat, 3.27 5.35%; '' Protein, ( nitrogen containing, organic matter. ) 8.97 15.27% Nitrogen-free ex tract matter, 54.13 40.50% lOU.OO 100.00 The composition of the dry vegetable matter of the mixed ensilage, No. II, compares well with that of a medium quality of red clover hay. The successful cultivation of the soja bean upon the fields of the Mass. State Agricultural Experiment Station has been repeatedly pointed out in previous annual reports. The superior feeding effect of green soja bean, as coarse fodder constituent in the diet of milch cows has been shown in our summer feeding experiments of 1890, see VIII, annual report, pages 39 to 54. Our this year's experience confirms our previous statement. The high economical value of this reputed fodder crop finds again a striking illustration in the experi- ment reported in detail upon some succeeding pages. The general character of the different coarse fodder articles used on this occasion will be seen from the subsequent statement. FoDDEu Analyses of the Different Coarse Fodder Articles used. Moisture at 100^ C, Dry Matter, ANALYSES OF DRY MATTER Crude ash — ' ' celhilose, " fat, ' ' protein, ■ Nou-nitrogenous extract Matter, 1 Hi Ifl 13.90 71.03 8G.10 28.97 100.00 100.00 8.28 11.04 28.88 27.84 3.91 5.35 13.45 15.27 45.48 40.50 100.00 100.00 19.89 80.11 100.00 6.33 34.59 1.28 5.74 52.06 100.00 Fertilizing Constituents. Nitrogen 15c. per lb. ; phosphoric acid 5^c. ; potassium oxide 4^c. Manurial Constituents in the Above Stated Coarse Feed Stuffs. Moisture Nitrogen, Phosphoric acid, Potassium oxide, Valuation per 2000 lbs. o S cS M oil 13.90 71.03 1.853 .708 .464 .420 1.966 .444 $7.84 $2.98 19.89 .735 .259 1.235 $3.60 3. Mode of Feeding. The daily grain feed ration contained per head throughout the entire experiment, three pounds of corn meal and three pounds of wheat bran ; to these was added, per head, at different stages of our observation, either three poiiuds of gluten meal or three pounds of old process linseed meal or three pounds of cotton seed meal to com- plete the grain feed part of the daily diet. One half of tlie grain feed was fed with some of the coarse feed at the time of milking in the morning and the other half in a similar way during milking in the evening. The remainder of the coarse fodder was given at noon and after milking in the evening. The consumption of the coarse fodder constituents of daiPy diet, as far as quantity is concerned, was in most instances controlled by the appetite of each animal. To satisfy the latter a small excess was offered and the remaining portion subsequently weighed back. This practice was adopted in particular in case of rowen when fed alone as coarse feed, and in case of mixed ensilage and of corn stover. Five pounds of rowen, however, was always fed per day to each cow whenever the mixed ensilage of corn and soja bean formed a promi- nent part of their daily diet. The daily fodder rations, which are below in detail described, represent the average composition of the daily diet used, per head, during the different succeeding feeding periods. The subsequent record of the cost of the different fodder ingre- dients used in the daily fodder ration can assist in recognizing the basis for our calculations of the cost of the latter. Local Marleet Cost of the Various Fodder Articles used from Nov., 1890 to June, 1801. o a- Per 2000 lbs. ,$28.00 | $25.00 $28.00 | .$26.00 | $28.00 | $15.00 | $3.50 I $5.00 Perlb. (cts.) 1.4 | 1.25 1.4 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 0.75 | 0.175 | 0.25 Commercial Value of the Inessential Fertilizing Constituents contained in the Above Fodder Articles. Phosphoric acid, 5\c.; Potassium oxide, 4\c. per lb. Nitrogen, 15c. Moisture, , 13.26 Nitrogen, 1.796 Plios. acid, .707 Potas. oxide .435 Valuation per 2000 lbs. $6.56 12.11 9.77 8.72 10.90 13.90 71.03 2.599 6.412 5.285 4.959 1.853 .708 2.845 2.333 1.780 .425 .464 .420 1.625 1.723 1.214 .045 1.966 .444 $12.39 $23.36 $18.90 $15.38 $7.84 $2.98 19.89 .735 .259 1.235 $3.60 Obtainable Manurial Value (per ton); allowing a loss of 20 per cent, contained in the tnilk sold. $5.25 I $9.91 I $18.69 | $15.12 | $12.30 | $6.27 | $2.38 | $2.88 Net Cost of above Fodder Articles per 2000 lbs. {Obtained by deducting the ob- tainable 80 per cent, of manurial value from their inarhct cost.) $22.75 I $15.09 1 $9.31 | $10.88 | $15.70 | $8.73 | $1.12 | $2.12 Net cost per pound {cents). 1.14 I 0.75 I 0.465 | 0.54 [ 0.78 | 0.44 | 0.056 | 0.106 10 Average Composition of the Principal Daily Fodder Rations USED AT Different Periods of the Experiment. I. II. Corn meal, ^:)0iiuds) 3.00 Corn meal, (pounds) 3.00 Wheat bran, 3.00 Wheat bran. 3.00 Cotton seed meal, 3.00 Gluten meal, 3.00 RoweD<^ 20.00 Rowen, 17.50 Total cost, (cents) 27.15 Total cost, (cents) 25.28 Net cost, 15.81 Net cost. 15. G8 Manurial value obtainable, 11.34 Manurial value obtainable 9.60 Nutritive ratio, 1 :4.60 Nutritive ratio 1 :5.13 III. IV. Corn meal, (pounds) 3.00 Corn meal, (pounds) 3.00 Wheat bran, 3.00 Wheat bran, 3.00 Old process linseed meal. 3.00 Cotton seed meal, 3.0(t Rowen, 17.40 Rowen, 5.00 Total cost, (cents) 24.90 Corn aud soja bean ensihige, 42.15 Net cost. 14.91 Total cost, (cents) 23.28 Manurial value obtainable, 9.99 Net cost, 11.62 Nutritive ratio. 1:4.83 Manurial value obtainable, 1 1 .66 Nutritive ratio, 1 :4.17 V. VI. Corn meal, (pounds) 3.00 Corn meul. (pounds) .3.00 Wheat bran, 3.00 Wheat bran. 3.00 Gluten meal, 3.00 Gluten meal, 3.00 Rowen, 5.00 Corn stover. 13.90 Corn aud soja bean ensilage 46.15 Total cost. (cents) 15.63 Total cost, (cents) 23.98 Net cost. 9.52 Net cost, 12.80 Manurial value obtainable, 6.11 Manurial value obtainable, 11.18 Nutritive ratio 1:6.74 Nutritive ratio, 1 :4.70 VII. VIII. Corn meal, (pounds) 3.00 Corn meal, (pounds) 3.00 Wheat bran, 3.00 Wheat bran, 3.00 Cotton seed meal, 3.00 Cotton seed meal, 3.00 Corn stover, 14.00 Rowen, 17.60 Total cost, (cents) 15.65 Total cost, (cents) 25.35 Net cost, 8.57 Net cost, 14.77 Manurial value obtainable, 7.08 Manurial value obtainable, 10.58 Nutritive ratio, 1 :5.66 Nutritive ratio, 1 :4.49 IX. Corn mecal, (pounds) o.OO Wheat bran, 3.00 Gluten meal, 3.00 Rowen, 17.40 Total cost, (cents) 25.20 Net cost, 15.63 Manurial value obtainable, 9.57 Wutritive ratio, 1 :5.12 Summary of the Cost of the Daily Fodder Rations (cents) PERIODS. I. 27 15 II. 25.28 it.GO 15.68 III. IV. 23.28 ll.Cfi 11.02 V. 23.98 11.18 12.80 VI. VII. 15.65 7.08 8.57 VIII. IX. 24.90 9.99 14.91 15.63 6.11 9.52 25.35 10.58 14.77 25.20 9.57 15.63 Manurial value obtainal)lo, Net cost, 11.34 15.81 4. On valuation of feed. The commercial valuation of the feed adopted in this report is based on the contemporary local market cost (Nov., 1890, to May, 1891) of the different fodder articles used, i. e. their retail selling price at Amherst, per ton. The market price of the coarse fodder constituents of the daily diet, as rowen, fodder corn, corn ensilage, soja beans and corn stover is the same as during the preceding year for the same period, Nov., 18S9, to May, 1890 ; while that of most of the grain feed ingredients of the daily diet, as corn meal, wheat bran, gluten meal, and cotton seed meal is exceptionally high, as compared with that during the preceding year for corresponding- months ; old process linseed meal alone had suffered a t light reduction, one dollar per ton. The changes in their maiket price were as follows : Local market 'price per ton of 2000 pounds at Amherst, Mass. November, 1S89, to November, 1890, to June, J 890. June, 1891. Cornmeal, $19.00 $28.00 Wheat bran, 17.50 25.00 Cotton seed meal. 20.00 28.00 Old Process Linseed meal. 27.00 26.00 Gluten meal, (Chicago), 24.50 28.00 Rowen, 15.00 15.00 Corn and Soja bean Ensilage, 3.50 3.50 Corn Stover, 5.00. 5.00 The above stated change in the market cost. of cornmeal, wheat bran, gluten meal and cotton seed meal affects very materially the 12 cost of the daily diet as compared with that of the precediug year. The daily grain feed rations, which contain gluten meal as an ingre- dient (II, V, VI, IX) are 3.32 cts. higher than they would have been during the preceding year, for the corresponding months ; those which contain cotton seed meal (I, IV, VII, VIII) are 2.85 cts. higher, and those which contain old process linseed meal (III) are 2.40 cts. higher. This increase in cost is largely due to the excep- tional high price of corn meal and wheat bran. The substitution of gluten meal or of cotton seed meal, by old process linseed meal, three pounds in each case, causes a reduction of but 0.3 cts. in the market cost of the grain feed portion of the daily diet per head. The market cost of the daily grain feed rations used per head during the entire experiment varies only from 11.85 cts. to 12.15 cts. a di-fference of 0.3 cts. Allowing, however, a proper recognition of the commercial value of the essential manurial sub- stances, nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potassium oxide contained in each of the grain feed constituents of the daily fodder rations, we Jirtd in our case, that the net cost of the cotton seed meal containing daily grain feed rations (I) amounts to 7.01 cts. ; while that of the old process linseed meal containing daily grain rations (II) is 7.29 cts. and that of gluten meal containing fine feed rations {III) is 8.01 cts. ; a difference respectively of 0.22 cts. to 0.94 cts. per head. This difference in net cost is due to the higher manurial value of cotton seed meal and of the old process linseed meal as compared with gluten meal at stated market prices. The choice of different coarse fodder articles in the daily diet exerts a much greater influence on the market cost of the latter, than that of the different kinds of grain feed. The market cost of the coarse fodder portion of the daily diet, averages 13.5 cts. in case rowen alone (18 pounds) serve as coarse feed; it averages 11.5 cts. in case forty-four pounds of mixed ensilage and five pounds of rowen are daily fed ; and it amounts to from 4 to 4.5 cts. in case from sixteen to eighteen pounds of corn stover are used per day for that purpose. These facts find their expression in the above stated market cost of the nine complete daily fodder rations used during the trial. The market cost of the complete daily fodder ration, I, II, III, VIII, IX, containing rowen, averages 25.55 cts. ; rations IV, V, containing mixed ensilage with rowen, averages 23.63 cts. ; and ration VI, VII, containing corn stover as coarse feed, averages 15.64 cts. The difference in the marlcet cost of the above described nine daily fodder rations caused by the use of different coarse fodder constituents, rises Xet Cost. Total Mauurial Value. 7.^2 5.57 cts. i.B6 6.70 '^ 1.91 2.50 '' 13 in so77ie instajices asJugJi as 9.91 cts. This sum, it will be noticed, is three times as large as the diflereuce, due to an exceptional rise in the market cost of the grain feed portion of the various daily fodder rations used, accepting the ruling local market prices of feed stuff at the close of 1889 and of 1890. as the basis of our valuation. Taking the mauurial value of the different coarse fodder constitu- ents used into consideration, we find the difference of i/tfir net cost not less striking, than has been shown above to be the case in regard to their marlzet cost. Market Cost. Rowen, 18 pounds. 13.5 Mixed ensilage. 44 pounds. | n 45 Rowen. 5 pouuds. ) Corn stover. 18 pounds. 4.50 The high market price of two of our most prominent home raised coarse fodder articles, first and second cut of upland meadow. English hay and rowen, affects seriously the degree of our financial results in the production of milk, as far as the cost of feed is concerned. We are in need of a cheaper source of supply of coarse fodder substances, than a considerable proportion of our grass lands, pastures and meadows, in their present state of productiveness, can claim to be. More satisfactory results can be obtained, no doubt, in many cases by turning indifferently yielding dry grass lands, if at all capable of higher cultivation, to account for the production of some other suitable fodder crop, than grasses. The good services of dry fodder corn, corn stover, aud a good corn ensilage, for a more economical production of milk, are deservedly from day to day more generally recognized. However gratifying this fact will be considered, it is not advisable, in the light of past experience, in a general farm management to raise one fodder crop at the exclusion of all others, however lucrative at the time this practice may prove ; such course can at best only offer a temporary relief. The introduction of a greater variety, in particular of annual reputed fodder crops promises a more permanent improvement in fodder supply. Such course wherever adopted has uot only resulted in cheapening the production of milk aud beef, but has proved to be a most economical way to raise the general productiveness of farm lands to a higher standard. Our local experience with a variety of annual leguminous fodder crops as vetches, serradella and soja bean has been very encour- aging. The satisfactory results obtained in previous years are fully confirmed during the past season, when a mixed crop of vetch and 14 oats and of soja bean have served as the principle coarse fodder for milk production, from the middle of June to the beginning of September. 5. Average Quaktity of Milk Per Day. (Quarts.) FEEDING PERIODS. I II Ill IV V VI VII VIII IX 1. Jessie, 6.77 5.30 5.70 7.54 8.47 6.80 5.50 _ 2. Pearl, 10.74 10.28 10.84 — 12.19 9.07 7.34 9.19 9.24 3. Pink, 7.55 7.42 — 8.07 8.30 7.05 6.56 7.48 7.63 4. Roxy, 6.87 5.64 5.25 — — — — — — 5. Buttercup, — _ — 13.36 •13.31 10.66 9.31 9.45 8.68 6. Nancy, 8.34 7.68 7.49 8.31 8.54 — — — — 7. Clarissa, — — — — — — 9.47 10.04 11.37 8. Juno, 7.29 6.70 6.45 7.50 — _ — — — 9. Favorite, — — — — — 11.33 7.89 10.05 9.60 An examination of the above statements concerning the daily average j'ield of milk of the different cows on trial during the differ- ent feeding periods shows, almost without an exception, that our changes in the coarse fodder constituents of the daily diet have affected the results more seriously than our changes in the grain feed portion. Among the coarse feed constituents used, ranks first mixed ensilage with rowen, (Period IV, V) ; then rowen (I, II, III, VIII, IX), and dry corn stover last, (VI, VII) as far as the daily yield of milk is concerned. The difference noticeable in the daily average yield of milk in case of rowen as compared with corn stover, does in no instance deprive the latter of the claim to be the cheaper coarse fodder article of the two in our trial. Mixed ensilage with rowen — in place of corn stover, on the other hand, has raised in some instances the daily yield of milk more than three quarts (Pearl and Buttercup) ; allowing three cents per quart of milk makes the former the cheaper coarse fodder article of the two under otherwise corresponding circum- stances. These results are noticeable without reference to the particular combination of grain feed rations used in either case. The influence of the various grain feed rations on the yield of milk in case of the same kind of coarse fodder ration is apparently, to a considerable degree, depending on the individual disposition of the ammal on trial. Cotton seed meal containing grain feed rations give in five out of six cases better results when fed with rowen than either gluten meal or old process linseed meal ration under otherwise cor- responding conditions ; gluten meal and cotton seed meal did equally well when fed with either mixed ensilage or corn stover. Old pro- 15 cess linseed meal has only been fed with rowen on the present occa- sion (I, II, III) ; it compared in yield of milk well with gluten meal. I. Variations in daily production of milk during the entire feeding- experiment (quarts). II. Average quantity of milk per day for the entire feeding experi- ment (quarts). • Jessie, Pearl, Pink, Roxy, Buttercup, Nancy, Clarissa, Juno, Favorite, I. 5.30— 8.48 7.34—12.19 6.56— 8.30 5.23— G.81 8.69—13.36 7.49_ 8.54 9.47—11.37 6.45— 7.50 7.89—11.33 II. 6.58 9.86 7.51 5.89 10.80 8.07 10.29 6.99 9.72 Average Composition of Milk during different Feeding Periods. Per- iods. Jessie. Pearl. Roxy. Butter- cup. Pink. Nancy. Claris- sa. Juno. Favor- ite. I Solids, % Fat, % 15.62 6.17 12.62 3.92 14.79 5.19 15.37 5.70 13.13 4.41 13.91 4.71 ir Solids, Fat, 17.85 7.39 12.77 4.00 15.18 5.12 14.73 5.13 13.33 4.31 13.82 4.36 „. Solids, Fat, 17.69 7.07 13.50 4.06 15.31 5.00 14.47 4.80 14-30 4.88 IV Solids, Fat, 17.61 7.09 12.64 3.65 15.90 6.00 14.68 6.00 14.34 4.96 ^- Solids, Fat, 17.36 7.02 13.69 4.27 12.81 3.79 15.53 5.74 14.75 5.00 VI Solids, Fat, 17.02 6.47 13.94 4.48 12.64 3.96 15.86 5.67 13.09 4.35 VII Solids, Fat, 17.63 7.26 14.32 5.04 12.50 4.05 16.56 6.09 14.18 5.01 13.53 4.58 VIII Solids, Fat, 13.74 4.84 12.98 4.18 15.82 5.65 14.18 5.08 12.78 4.19 IX Solids, Fat, 13.66 4.04 13.45 4.27 15.54 5.43 13.79 4.60 12.40 3.48 Live Weight of Animals during the Feeding Periods (pounds). feeding periods. Gain NAME. I 'H III IV V VI VII VIII IX Close. flessie 926 850 910 1010 946 1142 920 877 932 1016 942 1124 965 869 992 948 1135 976 914 781 963 1114 988 872 948 797 987 951 853 947 795 826 938 858 952 785 833 775 853 956 766 856 809 880 973 775 848 801 12 30 63 —18 —6 41 15 28 Pearl Pink Roxv Buttercup, Naucv Clarissa Favorite, —25 Conclusions.— A careful examination of the previously recorded results of our inquiry into the respective particular claims of cotton seed meal, old process linseed meal and gluten meal as constituents of the daily diet of milch cows, leads us to the following statements : 1. The substitution of three pounds of gluten meal by either three pounds cotton seed meal or three pounds of old process linseed meal, at stated market prices, and under otherwise corresponding circumstances, does not materially aifect the market cost of the daily fodder ration used in our case. The difference in their market price amounts to 0.3 cents in fav<;r of old process linseed meal. Taking the obtainable manurial value into consideration, as far as the three stated grain feed constituents of the daily diet are concerned, three pounds of cotton seed meal are 0.94 cents cheaper than three pounds of gluten meal and 0.22 cents cheaper than three pounds of old pro- cess linseed meal. 2. The comparative nutritive effect of cotton seed meal, gluten meal and old process linseed meal, as far as their influence on the yield of milk is concerned, in case of otherwise corresponding fodder rations depends evidently in a controlling degree on two distinctly different circumstances ; namely, the individual disposition and con- stitution of the animal on trial, and on the particular kind of coarse fodder constituent of the daily diet. In case of rowen as coarse fodder constituent, cotton seed meal leads in five out of six cases both gluten meal or old process linseed meal ; while in case mixed ensilage or corn stover served as coarse feed the gluten meal com- petes well with cotton seed meal. Old process linseed meal has only been tested with rowen on the present occasion ; it stands but little behind the gluten nieal. 3. The density of the milk in case of the same cow varies but little during the experiment ; the notable changes are apparently in a controlling degree due to the particular condition and individuality of the cow engaged in the trial. C. A. GOESSMANN, Director. The publications of the Experiment Station will be sent free of charge to all parties interested in its work, on application. Press of Carpenter & Morehouse, Amherst, Mass. STATE HOUSE. BOSTON. MASSAC Agricultural Experiment Station. BXJ3_,I_.HlTIIsr ilSrO. 42. JUNE, 1892. FEEDING EXPERIMENTS WITH IIIILCH COWS, November, 1891 to March, 1892. DENT CORN vs. SWEET CORN. CORN MEAL vs. MAIZE FEED (Chicago Var). The experiments here under discussion were planned for the pur- pose of comparing the food-value of a reputed variety of " Dent Corn" with that of a standard variety of " Sweet Corn," when used as the principal coarse fodder constituent in the daily diet of milch cows, either in the form of "ensilage" or, in a more advanced state of growth, in that of " stover." '• Pride of the North " was selected as the representative of dent corns and " Stowell's Evergreen " as that of sweet corns ; both kinds of corn were used in all cases in corresponding stages of growth. The exceptionally high market price of the corn meal at the beginning of our experiment, $31 per ton of 2000 lbs., rendered its substitution in the daily diet of milch cows desirable for economical reasons. The Chicago variety of "maize feed" was chosen for that purpose. This comparatively new feed-stuff is one of the waste products of corn obtained in connection with the manufacture of glucose sugar. The '' maize feed " sold at the time at $25 per ton of 2000 lbs. The com- mercial value of its fertiliziug oonstitueuts, nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash, exceeded those contained in the corn meal from six to seven dollars per ton, making a difference at the time of twelve dol- lars in the net cost of both kinds of fine or grain feed. A successful attempt at using " maize feed " in place of cornmeal in the daily diet of milch cows could not fail to secure a material reduction in the net cost of the grain feed portion of the daily fodder ration. From six to eight cows, grades of various descriptions and of dif- ferent milking periods, were selected for the trial. Some of these animals served a shorter period than others, on account of a too far advanced stage of lactation. Our record on this occasion is confined to four cows, which took part with but one exception from the beginning of observatios. I. HISTORY OF COWS. NAME OF COW. BREED. i < 8 8 6 5 LAST CALF DROPPED Daily Yield of Milk at beginning of Trial. (Quarts.) ill 1 1^ Clarissa, Cora, Lucy, Gem, Grade Sliorthorn, Grade Jersey, Grade Ayrshire, Grade Shorthorn, June 2, 1891, Mar. 14, 1891, Apr. 16, 1891, Dec. 6, 1891, 7-8 9-10 11-12 14-15 4 5 5 3i 2. DESCRIPTION OF F0DDP:R ARTICLES. The grain feed portion of the daily diet consisted at different times either of corn tneal, wheat bran, and maize feed (Chicago), or of maize feed, wheat bran and cottonseed meal. The mechanical condition of these various feed-stuflfs was good ; and their chemical composition in every case a fair one, as may be seen from an abstract of the average result of our analyses. The Chicago maize feed was of a somewhat coarser texture than either of the other articles. It represents the dried grain residue of the maize kernels after the principal part of its starchy material has been removed ; and contains more or less of the broken up skins of the kernels. ANALYSES OF FINE FEED USED. (Grain Feed.) Cotton FOOD ANALYSES. Corn Wheat Maize Seed Meal. Bran. Feed. Meal. Moisture at 100^' C, 13.26 10.01 8.70 7.05 Dry Matter, 86.74 89.99 91.30 92.95 100.00 100.00 100.00 .100.00 Analysis of Dry Matter. Crude Ash, 1.72 6.58 .78 5.40 Crude cellulose. 2.28 11.77 7.97 6.15 Crude fat, 4.90 5.04 7.37 13.82 Crude protein, 12.94 18.06 27.55 38.79 Non-nitrogenous matter. 78.16 58.55 56.33 35.84 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 FERTILIZING CONSTITUENTS. Nitrogen 15c. per lb., phosphoric acid 5^c., potassium oxide 4|c. Cotton FERTILIZER ANALYSES. Corn \Vlieat Maize Seed Meal. Bran. Feed. Meal. Moisture, 13.26 10.01 8.70 ■ 7.05 Nitrogen, 1.79 2.60 4.03 5.77 Piiosphoric acid. 0.71 2.85 0.70 2.33 Potassium oxide. 0.44 1.63 0.43 1.72 Valuation per 2000 lbs., )$6.55 #12.40 $13.25 .$21.42 The coarse feed-stuffs used in the daily diet consisted on this occa- sion either of a good Englisli hay with sugar beets, or of one-fourth of a daily ration of a good English hay with all the ensilage the ani- mal would consume, or of a well cured corn stover. The ha}- consum- ed throughout the experiment was of the same fair quality. The corn ensilage was obtained in part from a dent corn variety, Pride of the North, and in part from a sweet corn variety, Stowell's Evergreen. The same varieties of corn furnished the corn stover. Both kinds of corn were of a corresponding stage of growth when secured for the production of ensilage or of stover. In case of ensi- lage, the 'corn was cut in both cases when the kernels began to glaze ; the whole plant was reduced to pieces from one to one and one-half inches in length, before being filled into the silo. The latter was filled as rapidly as the supply of material admitted. Both silos were covered in the same way (see previous report) . They were of the same size aud contained about the same quantity of cut ensilage corn (whole plant). The corn stover was obtained in both instances from the matured crops, which were cut about ten days later than for ensilage. The ears were separated from the stalks and the latter carefully field- cured, and subsequently cut in a similar way, as the ensilage for the silo, before being fed. The stover from sweet corn retained under otherwise corresponding circumstances more moisture than that from the dent corn ; it was for this reason more liable to mould than the former. The ensilage from sweet corn was, however, fully equal in color and flavor to that from the dent corn. Both were highly rel- ished by the animals on trial. The chemical composition of the several coarse fodder articles used in our experiment is stated in the following tabular record : ANALYSES OF COARSE FODDER ARTICLES USED. U « i 60 FOOD ANALYSES. 1 m 41.62 III 20.10 III 84.30 4J S a a^ i Moisture at 100'= C, 9.72 79.92 85.27 Dry matter, 90.28 58.38 79.90 15.70 20.08 14.73 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 Analysis of Dry Matter. Crude ash, 6.43 9.76 6.12 6.32 4.99 5.95 Crude cellulose, 32.28 37.79 33.72 29.32 27.19 6.49 Crude fat. 2.49 2.44 2.51 7.36 3.29 0.66 Crude protein, 9.54 6.08 7.75 7.86 8.29 10.97 Non-nitrogenous matter, 49.26 43.93 49.90 49.14 56.24 75.93 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 "Stowell's Evergreen. fPride of the North. FERTILIZING CONSTITUENTS Nitrogen 15c. per lb., phosphoric acid 5|^c., potassium oxide 4ic. FERTILIZER ANALYSES. Moisture, Nitrofjen, Phosphoric acid, Potassium oxide, Valuation per 2000 lbs. 1 ccOr» sal flow 9.72 41.62 20.10 84.30 79.92 85.27 1.38 0.57 0.99 0.20J 0.27 0.26 0.36 0.20 0.29 0.087 0.14 0.10 1.57 1.00 1.40 0.41 0.33 0.48 $5.95 |i2.83 $4.55 $1.06 $1.26 $1.32 3. MODE OF FEEDING. The time occupied by the experiment is divided into five feeding periods varying from two to five weeks in length. The total weight of the daily grain Jeed ration remained the same throughout the entire trial, namely nine pounds. This amount consisted during the first feeding period, Nov. 8th to Nov. 23d, of three pounds each of maize feed (Chicago), wheat bran and corn meul, and during the remain- ing four feeding periods of three pounds each of Chicago maize feed, wheat bran aud cottonseed meal. One-half of the daily grain feed ration was fed at the time of milking in the morning with one-half of the coarse feed ; and the other half with the remainder of the coarse feed at the milking time tovrard evening. The total amount of the daily coarse feed ration depended on the individual appetite of the animals, and on the character of the fodder articles fed. During the first feeding period, when Kuglish hay and sugar-beets constituted the daily coarse feed ration, the daily con- sumption of roots was limited per head in all cases to fifteen pounds ; while the daily quantity of hay consumed was decided by the appetite of the animal, varying in case of different animals from twelve to sixteen pounds. During the second and the third feeding periods, nothing but corn stover served as coarse feed in the daily diet. The amount of stover from Stowell's Evergreen sweet corn consumed per day has varied in case of different animals from twelve and one-half to seventeen pouiids per head ; while the daily consumption of the stover obtained from the dent corn variety, Pride of the North, has varied per head from ten to thirteen and one-half pounds. The difference in the amount of both kinds of stover consumed is evidently mainly due to their different state of moisture, as may be noticed by com- paring in both cases the total amount of dry matter contained in the daily diet consumed during the second and third feeding periods. Corn ensilage aud English hay constituted the coarse fodder of the daily diet during the fourth and fifth feeding periods. The amount of English hay led i)er day in this connection was limited in all cases to five pounds per head ; that of both kinds of the ensilage was gov- erned by the appetite of each animal. Dent corn ensilage was fed in connection with English hay as stated during the fourth feeding period, and the ensilage from the sweet corn duiing the fifth. The daily consumption of the ensilage from the sweet corn varied per head in case of different animals from twenty-four to forty-three pounds, and that of the ensilage from the sweet corn from thirty- five to fifty-three pounds. This difference in the weights of both kinds of ensilage consumed in case of the same animal is materially due to the same ciicumstance as has been pointed out previously with reference to similar (acts noticed concerning the consumption of both kinds of corn stover. The ensilage of the dent corn contains 20% of dry vegetable matter and 80% of water, and the ensilage of the sweets 16% of dry vegetable matter and 84% of water. The cows were watered twice a day, about two hours after feeding time. The daily fodder rations below described represent the average composition of the daily diet used per head during the stated five succeeding feeding periods. AVERAGE COMPOSITION OF THE DAILY FODDER RATIONS USED, DURING THE FIVE SUCCESSIVE FEEDING PERIODS. I. Corn meal, 3.00 lbs. Wheat bran, 3.00 '' Maize feed, 3.00 " Hay, 14.35 " Sugar beets, 15.00 " Total cost, (cents), 26.18 Manurial value obtainable. cents, 9.48 Net cost , cents, 16.70 Nutritive ratio, cents, 1 :6.65 II. Wheat bran. 3.00 lbs. Maize feed, 3.00 '' Cotton seed meal, 3.00 " Sweet corn stover (StowelT Evergi ■een), 14.56 " Total cost (cents), 15.04 Manurial value obtainable. cents, 7.29 Net cost, cents, 7.75 Nutritive ratio, cents. 1 :4.61 III. Wheat bran, 3.00 lbs. Maize feed, 3.00 '' Cotton seed meal, 3.00 " Dent corn stover (Pride of the North), ]'2.06' '' Total cost (cents), 14.42 Manurial value obtainable, cents, 7.84 Net cost, cents, 6.58 Nutritive ratio, cents, 1 :4.63 IV. Wheat bran, 3.00 lbs. Maize feed, 3.00 " Cotton seed meal, 3.00 " Hay, 5.00 " Dent corn ensilage, 32.00 "■ Total cost (cents), 19.15 Manurial value obtainable, cents, 8.46 Net cost, cents, 10.69 Nutritive ratio, cents 1 :4.64 F. Wheat bran, 3.00 lbs, Maize feed, 3.00 '' Cotton seed meal. 3.00 " Hay, 5.00 *' Sweet corn ensilage. 41.39 " Total cost (cents). 20.32 Manurial value obtainable. cents. 8.60 Net cost, cents. 11.72 Nutritive ratio, cents. 1 :4.80 4. COST OF FEED. The commercial valuation of the previously described daily average fodder rations during the five feeding periods of our experiment is based on the below stated contemporary local price of the various fodder articles used in their composition. I'er ton, 2000 Iba. Per lb. Corn meal, S31.00 1.55 cts Wheat bran, 22.00 1.10 " Maize feed (Chicago), 25.00 1.25 " Cotton seed meal, 29.00 1.45 " English hay, 15.00 .75 " Sweet corn st v -i^ pEi ^ 2 < M - o OS ) „ ?^ pq .w ' i 6 5 r S. ' O S O 4i i .2 (§ S3 =3 ! a; O '^ if=^^ Si "3^ QO . o 2-3 Sir 2^ .r; OS "H 2 g g 3 S g cO eS^" oS 03 ^ O r- H == ^ '" eS cc t« tn OS g S S o o o .^^^ ^• ^ CU ^ g ■? " =S -^ 03 a; OS 0^ _« Ph Q Oii § rt <" • if I g « 5 . ^^ ^ ;t H S « S 03 eS > > 'PmP>h 65 o c^ WQ't-^^i a r : o o o o 5 5 _r -T fa- tH ,sS ^ +J +J I— ai^^ .« ^ '^ N i i w w ' ^ rt i 2 2i^ ■^ S g pq pq I O 03 eS . t< pqtSfficOODpq i_i ^-1 eS [Vj SH ;SS J|^2B 03 O t^ is O SOi as o o Hpq • W 1_) Q VW P5 p5 ^ s. j O o t« "^ S'^ I O ^O p, o o ^ Ph fi^ O cc fL, ^q P5^ p5:s a a 5 s o o OOCDCOOO'-l'-ICOt^' CO CD 00 <55 05 Oi 2wpq o o o C5 r- ,— t^ ^ tl tH ;-, ^H c 3 .S PhOOPhPi^ »0 r-H >-l IM CO CD * o • CO 00 ' 0 00 CO in I Cl 00 ■<*ii^oa5ooioi-iooTj^ >o(NcicDcoe<5iNcqco umipapi »o CO oj 50 •p9a> «5t-->*iioiooeooooo(MOieot-t-(M C5 O — 1 r-t CO -^ CO o «3 ^ r-llO0p»O05bj-rHr-j4aj'^r-j(-Hr-lrHp--OOOrHd5COCr50 .-H lO CD ^ lO IcToO^ t^ lO 00 O (M ^ O •* -<*H>0(M>0>0;Dt^CO-*llOOO-^Oq050 ^COrH ■«c0005t>o6o«5'-^0^0 lOOOIMCDOlOUS'-HOJt^O^Ci-^COW coc^cq(?4eo»5-co-oiooocoooooocot-i^C0CO»O-*C01>-t~i-< eococONcot^ioco»ob^ +^ oci-* coiO(rjo-i(N oooo OOWiOi OiN'-"»Oi— li-Hr-l COOOlO co«>-»j<^05-*-*->*-*'^'-^cocoiyic4-* i^t^c-Hiftoot^050c^t~coc.-H-^cqcot~-*i?^co -^o »o Nio-^ t-^cococooicoeo ©i« co 00C<)Q0'*IC:jClOOaO i-Ht-I-*IN?005COi-HtDlffl(M>OC50COlM •p99} -aBJCBTif) N e «5 -* CD O 'D .-H -H t-1 ■paajuBJBnQ ; 2 so c S fe r/i ;= .2 '-' -r 2 S ^j o o pqWH S o3 0) 03 O ^ SOEh5 I a g fin Ph O iJ) p^ CO (M CO N o "S p « « Qj o 5- fj ^H tn C C PhO^iPh •jaqranK =3ca; CO rt 12 TRADE VALUES OF FERTILIZING INGREDIENTS IN RAW MATERIALS AND,. CHEMICALS. 1892. Cents per pound. Nitrogen in ammoniates, 17^ " " nitrates, 15 Organic nitrogen in dry and fine ground fish, meat, blood, 16 " " " cotton-seed meal and castor pomace, 15 " " " fine ground bone and tankage, 15 *' " " fine ground medium bone and tankage, 12 " " " medium bone and tankage, 9| " " " coarser bone and tankage, 7i " " " hair, horn-shavings and coarse fish scraps, 7 Phosphoric acid soluble in water, 7^ " " soluble in ammonium citrate, 7 " " in dry ground fish, fine bone and tankage, 7 *' " in fine medium bone and tankage, 5| " "• in medium bone and tankage, 4|^ " "in coarse bone and tankage, 3 Potash as High Grade Sulphate, and in forms free from Muriate or Chlorides, Ashes, etc., 5^ " " Kainite, 4| " " Muriate, 4| The organic nitrogen in superphosphates, sjjecial manures and mixed fertilizers of a high grade is usually valued at the highest fig- ures laid down in the trade values of fertilizing ingredients in raw materials, namely, 16 cents per pound ; it being assumed that the organic nitrogen is derived from the best sources, viz., animal matter, as meat, blood, bones, or other equally good forms, and not from leather, shoddy, hair, or any low-priced, inferior form of vegetable matter, unless the contrary is ascertained. The insoluble phos- phoric acid. is valued in this connection at two cents. The above trade values are the figures at which in the six months preceding March, 1892, the respective ingredients could be bought at retail for cash in our large markets, in the raw materials, which are the regular source of supply. The Bidletins of the Exjyeriment Station will be sent free of charge to all parties interested in its work, on application. C. A. GOESSMANN, Director. Amherst, Mass., Aug. 15, 1892. Carpenter & Morehouse, Printers, Amherst, Mtisa. M AS^^ HjfiLS)ETf&--ST J^T E AGRICULTUR\L^ft|#lfT''"> STATION. BXJLL.E'fej::bg>i;),viz., 67.78°, was 0-56° lower than that of August ('91), while the absolute maxi- mum temperature, viz., 90*^, was exactly the same, as recorded at this station. The month was characterized by excessive rain falls, usually accompanied with heavy thunder, and brilliant displays of lightning. The precipitation was much above the normal, being 2.03 inches more than that of last year. The. mean temperature for the month of September ('92), viz., 59. 3'^, was 5.27° lower than for September ('91), while the absolute maximum temperature was 10° lower, than that for last year. The month was unusually fair and pleasant, being free from severe storms. The total precipitation was 1.45 inches less than for September ('91). There was no frost until the morning of the 30th. The weather was very favorable for the ripening and harvesting of crops. FEEDING EXPERIMENTS WITH STEERS. The feeding experiment briefly described within a few subsequent pages may be considered a continuation of a preceding one, reported in full in our ninth annual report, 1891-92, pages 107 to 127. They were planned chiefly for the purpose of ascertaining the cost of the feed for the production of beef Jor the meat marJcet in case of growing steers under existing local market conditions of the supply of coarse and fine feed stuffs and of cost of beef. During our first experiment in the stated direction, four young steers, grade Shorthorn, two one-year-old and two two-years-old, served for our' observation. They were selected at different stages of growth for the special purpose of observing and comparing the feeding effect of one and the same suitable daily diet on the rate of increase in live weights and on tlie cost of the feed consumed per pound of live weight produced., under specified conditions. The coarse fodder articles used on that occasion were home raised, and consisted, from the beginning to the end of the trial, of either dry fodder corn, or corn ensilage, or corn stover, — all obtained from the same variety of field corn — Pride of the North. The corn used for the production of dry fodder corn and of corn ensilage was in both cases of a corresponding stage of growth — kernels glazing. The corn stover was obtained from the fully matured crop. The^ne or grain feed used in that connection in the preparation of the daily fodder rations consisted, as a rule, of equal weights of either wheat bran and Chicago gluten meal, or of wheat bran and old process linseed meal, or of wheat bran, old process linseed meal and corn and cob meal. The total quantity of the grain feed mixture used daily, per head, varied from seven to nine pounds ; it never exceeded nine pounds. The amount of coarse feed daily consumed per head was controlled in every case by the appetite of each animal on trial. Both lots of steers were kept in the stall during the entire time occu- pied by the observation — December '89 to April '90. The most satisfactory results were noticed in case of both lots, as far as the daily increase in live weight is concerned, when corn ensilage was fed with a mixture of either wheat bran and Chicago gluten meal or of wheat bran and old process linseed meal. During a period of from six to seven weeks, when feeding the stated feed stuffs, the daily gain in live weights in case of the yearlings reached in one instance as high as 2.9 pounds per head, while in case of the two-year-old steers it amounted under corresponding conditions to 3 3.45 pounds per head. The live weight of the yearlings at that time was from 650 to 700 pounds each, and tliat of the older steers from 1150 to 1200 pounds each. The market cost of the daily fodder rations used at the stated time averaged, per head, in case of the yearlings, 13.79 cents, and its net cost was 5.03 cents ; while in case of the two older steers the market cost of the daily fodder rations averaged 18 cents per head, and its net cost 7.04 cents. We paid in case of both lots of young steers 3^ cents per pound of live weight, and sold at the close of the experiments the older lot of steers to the butcher at 3| cents per pound of live weight. The shrinkage noticed between live weight and dressed weight varied from 34% to 36%. Dressed beef brought at that time from 5| to 6 cents per pound. The financial result of the experiment as far as the highest daily yield of live weight is concerned, «t stated market price may be seen from the following summary : Market cost of daily fodder rations. Obtainable manurial value (92% per day). Net cost of daily fodder rations. Live weight produced per day, (pounds) Cash received for live weight produced per day From these statements it will be noticed that the profit secured by the operation consisted in the value of the obtainable manure and in the disposition of our home-raised fodder articles at fair local, retail selling prices. The yearlings proved more remunerative than the two-year-old steers. Two facts were apparently fairly demonstrated by our first obser- vation, namely : 1. Yearlings increase at a higher rate in live weight in case of a corresponding suitable diet, than two-year-old steers, taking the total temporary live weight of the animal on trial as the basis for the com- parison. The highest daily increase in the live weight of the yearlings — 650 pounds each — amotmted in our first feeding experiment to 0.46 pounds per one hundred pounds of live lueight; and in that of the two- year-old steers — 1150 pounds each — to 0.3 pounds per one hundred pounds of live weight. 2. Our local market price of young steers and oj dressed beef necessitates not only an exceptional care in the selection of efficient and low priced feed stuffs, but also a careful attention in regard to a judi- I. II. Yearlings. Two-year-olds 13.79 cts. 18.00 Cts 8.76 10.96 5.03 7.04 2.99 3.45 11.21 12.97 Clous combination of suitable feed stuffs for the preparation of an economical diet, to render with us the production of beef for the meat market remunerative. To assist in a desirai>le solution of that problem is the principal motive for continuing our observation in the stated direction Some of the leading features in the management of ouv first feeding experiment are retained in the course pursued during our second experiment, which is farther on briefly described. The difference between the latter and the first feeding experiment consists in the following circumstances : 1 . One set of young steers — yearlings — served from the beginning to the end of the experiment. 2. The observation extended over a period of sixteen months — including two succeeding winter seasons, with summer pasturing between them. 3. The animals were kept in the stall, practically without any outdoor exercise, during the late autumn, the winter, and the earlier part of the spring. During the growing season, from May to the middle of October, they were turned for support into a good pasture ; no additional food from any outside source was offered during that period. 4. A greater variety of coarse and tine fodder articles were used in the preparation of the daily diet at different stages of the experi- ments during the second winter season than on the preceding occasion. SECOND FEEDING EXPERIMENT. December, 1889, to March, 1891. Two one-year-old steers, grade Shorthorns, of fairly corresponding general condition served in the trial. They were bought at 3^ cents per pound of live weight. No. 1 weighed 675 pounds ; No. 2 weighed 600 pounds, when bought. The systematic feeding began during the middle of December, 1889, both receiving as far as practicable at all times the same daily fodder rations. The mode of feeding was the same as described in the preceding experiment, twice a day ; water was offered two hours after feeding. The grain-feed part of the daily diet was at all times a definite one and the same in quantity and quality in case of both animals. The amount of the coarse feed consumed daily was governed by the appetite of each animal. The composition of the daily fodder rations used during the first winter season, 1889-1890, differed materially from those used during the second winter season, 1890-1891. This circumstance renders it advisable in the interest of a due apprecia- tion of the feeding results in different stages of the trial, to state our results with reference to its three distinctly different feeding periods, namely, feeding record of first winter season, of summer pasturing, and of second winter season. 1. Feeding Record oj First Winter Season. December 17th, 1889, to May 9th, 1890. Coarse fodder articles : Dry fodder corn, corn ensilage, corn stover and sugar beets. Fine fodder articles : Wheat bran, Chicago gluten meal, old process linseed meal, and corn and cob meal. Local Market Value per Ton of the Various Articles of Fodder used, 1889-1890. Wheat bran. Gluten meal, Chicago, Old process linseed meal. Corn and cob meal. Corn stover. Corn ensilage, Corn fodder. Sugar beets. $16 50 23 00 27 50 16 50 5 00 2 75 7 50 5 00 Analysis of Fodder Articles Used. ' i "3 to 01 ^ i i <0 f .psi ti !» o a % s« s&;^^s §s g gH ^ s O o ^ • O ^ w M Moisture at 100° C, 9.27 9.80 9.88 8.10 26.95 72.95 20.42 90.02 Dry matter, 90.73 90.20 90.12 91.90! 73.05 27.05 79.58 9 98 100.00 ;ioo.oo 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 Analysis of Dry Maiter. 1 Crude ash, 7.47 1.25 7.39 1.47 5.80 6.481 7.40 11.84 Crude cellulose, 9.75 1.751 8.74 5.63 34.33 26.33, 20.11 8.20 Crude fat. 5.48 7.00' 7.24 3.73 1.66 5.17, 1.65 .71 Crude protein, 17.53 31.25| 36.97 9.79 7.90 7.64i 8.31 11.53 N. free extract matter 59.77 58.75 39.66 79.38 50.31 54.381 62.53 67.72 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 Valuation of Essential Fertilizing Constituents in the Various Articles of Fodder used. 3 5 J s5 , It 2 5 1 1 53 1 1 ■ 1 Moisture, 9.27 9.80 9.88 8.10 26.95 72.95 20.42 90.02 Nitroi>-en , 2.545 4.510 5.331 1.439 .923 .330 1.058 .184 lMiosi)li()ric acid. 2.900 .392 1.646 .603 .303 1.138 .510 .086 Putassimn oxide, 1.637 .049 1.162 .441 1.320 .301 .760 .462 Valua'npt^r 2000 lbs. $13 60 $\6 18 $21 15^ $6 02 $4 69 $1 56 .$4 89 fl 14 AVERAGE COMPOSITION OF DAILY FODDER RATIONS USED. First Winter Season, 1889-1890. II. Dec. 17th to Dec 31st. Jan. 4th to Jan. 22d. Wheat bran, 2.25 lbs. Wheat bran. 3.88 lbs. Gluten meal, 2.25 - Gluten meal. 3.88 " Corn stover, 12.00 " Corn ensilage. 37.50 " Nutritive ratio. 1 : 5.51 Nutritive ratio. 1 : 5.49 Total cost, 7.46 cts. Total cost, 12.82 cts. Manurial value obt'ble. 5.68 " Manurial value obt'bl 3, 8.01 " Net cost. 1.77 " Net cost, 4.81 '' III. IV. Jan. 28tli to^Feb. 16th. Feb. 21st to March lltli. Wheat bran. 4.00 lbs. Wheat bran, 3.00 lbs 0. P. linseed meal, 4.00 " 0. P. linseed meal. 3.00 - Coru ensilage, 43.38 - Corn and cob meal. 3.00 " Nutritive ratio. 1 : 5.69 Corn fodder, 9.00 - Total cost. 14.76 cts. Nutritive ratio, 1 : 4.93 Manurial value obt'lile. 9.50 " Total cost. 12.45 cts. Net cost, 5.26 - Manurial value obt'ble. 7.65 " Net cost. 4.80 " March 14th to April 21st. VI. April 24th to May 9th. Wheat bran, 3.00 lbs. Wheat bran, 3.00 lbs. 0. P. linseed meal, 3.00 - 0. P. linseed meal. 3.00 '' Coru and cob meal. 3.00 - Corn and cob meal, ■ 3.00 " Corn stover, 6.00 " Corn stover, 3.60 - Nutritive ratio. 1: 4.55 Sugar beets. 20.00 " Total cost. 10.58 cts. Nutritive ratio. 1 : 4.49 Manurial value obt'ble, 6.92 - Total cost, 14.98 cts. Net cost, 3.66 - Manurial value Net cost. obt'ble , 7.44 - 7.. 54 " SUMMARY OF COST OF ABOVE STATED AVERAGE DAILY FODDER RATIONS, Total cost, 7.45 12.82 14.76 12.45 10.58 14.98 CIS, Obtainable manurial value, 92%, 5.68 8.01 9.50 7.65 u 6.92 7.44 cts, Net cost, 1.77 4.81 5.26 4.80 3.66 7.54 cts, As the selling price of live weight per pound was 3| cents, it will be found that to cover the daily expenses for feed consumed In form of the six stated average daily fodder rations the following rate of a daily increase, per head, in pounds of live weight becomes necessary. Gain Required in Pounds, per day, of Live Weights to cover Expenses for Feed. Fodder Ration. On Total Cost. On Net Cost. Fodder Ration. On Total Cost. On Net Cost. I. 1.99 lbs. 0.47 lbs. IV. 3.32 lbs. 1.28 lbs. II. 3.42 lbs. 1.28 lbs. V- 2.82 lbs. 0.98 lbs. III. 3.93 lbs. 1.40 lbs. VI. 3.99 lbs. 2.01 lbs. To what extent the various fodder rations have secured the above specified increase in live weight may be seen from the subsequent detailed feeding record of each steer on trial. c ^^^ (-5 ^ cr •(spunoj) £va jad iqStaAV at aivf) o oc «<■ 00 "" (>» (M — o •(spnnoj) -* 00 CO c C ta pouaj io^pug J? 9 2? "^ •o5 it? luiuiuY JO wSiaAV ■(spunoj) lo t- lo ir S S »T5 it!niuiv JO ^qSia^ OC 00 CO — CO « ^ IT •oTiua aAi5T.it)niQ: ^ »o iC -St -* •(spanoj) s £1 o oc c itsa -lad paiunsuoo .i3!HBivi x.ia mox " •s^aag juSng 1 o W •.lappo J ujoo '* 1 >- 0- •4 Q ■9S«nsua ujoQ t-: cq 1 1 " 0- -^ n t^ >r, ■.18A0JS tl.IOQ o c Q •IBaw s g s qoo paB njoo c<- cr ec c O luaK pgosnii c c C O o ssaoojd-p[o '* c<- cr CO n ^ •luaw ua^nio CO 00 oi CO 1 1 1 •au.ia»B8qAV 2.27 3.88 4.00 !i Of) cc 8 CO 0 o fi © ^1 CS 1^ o: C CD f^ b i 1- c ^ a i^ I- s " ■^ (?Q ^ ^ P 1 1 4. 1 C < ' O O O 'O ffj i •§ ^ "^ ^1 ='-^ ^t 5 o 03 03 -c; bX) c OJ ^ bJ5 bJD o o a biO 2 bf) Tr br t* 03 > ^ ^ ^ ^^ 'S "S 3 2 S > ^ ^ Avd Jad pamnsaoo 5C C£ a c^ 2 o •sjaaff jBSns 1 1 g cr »" -.tappoj aaoo 1 I oc 1 1 ^ e^ ir « n •aSBiisna ujoo 1 1 a< c Tt to l- c s uaAojg njoo 1 ?J Q [tsaK ^ ^ R O qoo pnu ajoo ;<■ IBampaasai-r c ^ ^ R IS ssaoojd-pio -* cf cc CO 00 •I^aw najnio «? 1 <>. i o c c o •uBJa i^auM ■^ « i Q 1 o BEDING PER 0 = r ; 1 ■> c < c c ? ^ C ' * ^ '^ ^ e^ Cv c. X. e ^ 3 c 5 '" I ^ % < ' 3 be a, o .2^ -Tj -c a be o — a a ll 'i Cu % S a 1-1 > (U -tjj fe ?^ ^ TS o o a ^" OS i be a 'a o [be OJ .9 be (U CQ Xi br 33 .t > cS n "eS 03 a — ' 3 H o as s "S o3 B 1 ^ bJ) a O <4H o O ■l a tj b"e 03 JO OS Xi ,a ■1:^ be ic 05 d o (V _bc 1 o 01 o > > <» > st^ a a 3 hJ hJ ^ w ^ TT « o a a Xi bO a o 'o 4i O) 3 0) ■4^ 'O ^_, t^ >-! 5c &« ns 10 2. Record of keeping the steers in the pasture. May 10, 1890 to September 30, 1890. Date of turning steers into pasture, Date of closing pasturing, Number of days of pasturing, Live weight of steers when turned into pasture Live weight of steers at close of pasturing, Total weight gained during pasturing, Average gain in weight per day. Cost of feed per day, allowing 40 cents per week for use of pasture. Cost of feed per pound of live weight gained, May 10, 1890. Sept. 30, 1890. 144 895 lbs. 1,020 125 '• 0.87 5.71 cts. 6.58 May 10, Sept. 30, 144 840 923 83 0.58 6.71 9.91 1890. lbs. To meet the expenses for the use of the pasture, per head, 40 cents a week, requires a daily increase in live weight of 1.52 pounds, or about twice as much as we actually secured. The daily increase in live weight no doubt varies during the season more or less, in conse- quence of changes in the weather and in the condition of the pasture. A mere statement of the final results at the close of the season does not show the degree of temporary adverse influence. Aside from these circumstances there is, however, another serious source of loss in live weight ; apparently unavoidably connected with a system of changing from stall feeding to pasturing, and from the latter again to stall feeding. The loss in live weight due to these changes amounted in our case to from 20 to 25 pounds, per head, on each occasion and in case of both animals. 3. Feeding Record of Second Winter Season. October 14th, 1890, to March 3d, 1891. Coarse fodder articles: Upland meadow hay, barlej' straw, clover hay, corn ensilage, turnips. Fine fodder articles : Barley meal, wheat bran, cotton seed meal. The steers upon returning from the pasture, Sept. 30th, were allowed for a week or rhore, some hours every day, an outdoor exercise to make the change for a subsequent close confinement and a systematic system of feeding a gradual one. The mode of feeding was the same as during the preceding winter season. The daily grain feed rations consisted either of wheat bran and cotton seed meal, 3.5 pounds each per head, or of wheat bran, barley meal and cotton seed meal, varying from 3 to 3.5 pounds each, per head, at different times. The daily coarse feed ration consisted at diflfereut 11 times in varying proportions either of English hay, or of English hay and barley straw, or of Eoglish bay, clover hay and turnips, or of clover hay and corn ensilage ; the amount consumed was controlled by the appetite of each animal on trial. The subsequent detailed statement of fodder rations used represents in each case the average composition of the daily diet during succeeding feeding periods. The change from one daily diet to another is in all cases a gradual one, to avoid as far as practicable serious disturbances in digestion. Local Market Cost of Fodder Articles Used. Wheat bran, $23 50 Barley meal, 30 00 Cotton seed meal, 27 50 Barlev straw, 5 00 Hay,^ 15 00 Clover hav, 12 00 Turnips, " 4 00 Corn ensilage, 2 75 Analysis of Fodder Articles Used. u. nl i M Il II •Il 3 3 II Moisture at 100° C. 12.11 14.62 10.13 11.44 9.72 17.41 89.32 80.53 Dry matter, 87.89 85.38 89.87i 88.56 90.28 82.59; 10.68 19.47 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 Analysis of Dn/ Matter. Crude ash, 7.40 3.18 8.22 5.30 6.43 14.98 9.54 6.73 Crude cellulose, 12.17 5.04 7.26 33.85 32.28 30.37 12.61 26.90 Crude fat, 5.04 2.38 11.64 3.38 2.49 1.75 2.05 3.27 .Crude protein. 18.48 14.93 45.99 9.24 9.54 16 64 9.89 8.97 N free extract matter, 56.91 74.47 26.89 48.23 49.26 36.26 65.91 54.13 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 Essential Fertilizing Constituents of the vario^^s Articles of Fodder Used. Nitrogen 15c. ; phosphoric acid 5^c. ; potassium oxide 4^c. per lb. Wheat Bran. Barley Meal i >> i o Turnips. Corn Ensilage. Moisture, Nitrogen, Phosplioric acid, Potassium oxide. Valuation per 2000 lbs. 12.11 14.62 2.6971 2.04 2.870 .660 1.620 .341 $12.71| $7.16 10.13 6.613 2.090 1.620 $23.60 11.44 1.310 .303 2.086 $6.14 9.72 1.379 .352 1.541 $5.92 17.41 2.20 0.603 1.962 $9.03 89.32 80.53 1.69 .279 .092 .096 .358, .226 $0.93| $1.16 12 AVERAGE DAILY FODDER RATIONS USED. Second Winter Season, 1890-1891. II. Oct. 14. 1890 to Oct. 25, 1891. Oct. 28, 1890 to Nov. 10, 1891. Wheat bran, 3.50 lbs. Wheat bran. 3.50 lbs. Cotton seed meal, 3.50 '' Cotton seed meal. 3.50 '' Barley straw, 6.42 " Hay, 15.68 " Hay, 8.33 " Nutritive ratio. 1 : 4.08 Nutritive ratio, 1: 4.15 Total cost, 20.68 cts. Total cost, 16.78 cts. Manurial value obt'ble, , 10.11 " Manurial value obt'ble, , 9.93 " Net cost. 10.57 " Net cost, 6.85 " III. IV. Nov. 13, 1890 to Dec !. 1, 1891. Dec. 2, 1890 to Dec. 15, 1891. Wheat bran, 2.50 lbs. Wheat bran, 2.50 lbs. Cotton seed meal. 3.50 '' Barley meal. 2.50 '' Hay, 7.53 " Cotton seed meal. 2.50 - Clover hay, 7.72 " Hay, 7.04 " Turnips, 30.00 " Clover hay. 6.15 " Nutritive ratio. 1 : 3.75 Turnips, 30.00 " Total cost, 25.2 cts. Nutritive ratio, 1 : 4.28 Manurial value obt'ble. 12.38 " Total cost, 25.10 cts. Net cost. 12.82 " Manurial value obt'ble. , 10.75 " Net cost, 14.35 " V. VI. Dec. 16, 1890 to Jan. 19, 1891. Jan. 27, 1890 to Mar ■. 2, 1891. Wheat bran. 3.32 lbs. Wheat bran. 3.00 '' Barley meal, 3.32 " Barley meal, 3.00 " Cotton seed meal. 3.32 " Cotton seed meal. 3.00 - Hay, "6.44 - Clover hay, 5.07 " Clover hay, 5.34 " Corn ensilage. 42.45 '' Turnips, 30.00 " Nutritive ratio. 1 : 4.11 Nutritive ratio, 1 : 4.01 Total cost. 21.05 cts. Total cost. 27.48 cts. Manurial value obt'ble. 10.34 " Manurial value obt'ble. 11.89 " Net cost, 10.71 " Net cost, 15.59 " 13 SUMMARY OF COST OF ABOVE DAILY FODDER RATIONS USED. Second Winter Season, 1890-1891. I. Total cost, 16.78 Mauurial value obt'ble, 9.93 Net cost, 6.85 Taking the selling price of dressed beef at 3| cents per pound, it follows that to cover the daily expenses for feed consumed in the form of the above specified six daily fodder rations, the following rate of daily increase in pounds of live weight becomes necessary. Gaiyi Required per day in Pounds of Live Weight to Cover Expenses for Feed. II. III. IV. V. VI. 20.68 •25.20 25.10 27.48 21.05 10.11 12.38 10.75 11.89 10.34 10.57 12.82 14.35 15.59 10.71 Fodder Ration. On Total Cost. On Net Cost. Fodder Ration. On Total Cost. On Net Cost. I. 4.47 1.83 IV. 6.69 3.83 II. 5.51 2.82 V. 7.33 4.16 III. 6.72 3.42 VI. 5.61 2.86 The subsequent detailed record of each steer on trial shows to what extent each of the previously specified fodder rations have realized the required increase in live weight. •spnnoj •inn -tart § i« CO s n mSiaAl ui mvo (M 1 S<) (>i (M •spunoj •pouajjopag^iB l^iuinv JO »q3i8Al 1 »o CO o ift 00 S ■spnnoj -pouaj JO SaianiSaa ju ^ >o ft Ift o paaS uoMOO CO CO CO d CO CO j &; o o o •I«8K ^9[.i«a 1 1 1 (m' 1ft CO CO j o o o o o o •u^ja ^iJaqAv Ift 1ft lO 1ft Q lo" o ^'" lO Oi i O o c PERI % 1 o a o CO o s § - o CO s • ■ > w o ■ o o ^ : 1 O O S?; « d O 00 CO O Oq 1ft s n1 -a 2 « 1 n S -2 C 'O =«J c OS cS -c ^ '^ "ci "S p: =c S:. s s ?. ~& be S3 o. o o > & OJ •S--S ^ % ? ^^ ^-5 < £ hJ .spunOrT •iBp J8d ?§ CO in 05 CO 05 05 ;? i iqSiaAi ui niuo (N ? o o " i •spanoj ■pouaj jopna j« g sq o CO g iO 1 ^ ■spnnorr -poi-iaj S 00 -M o CO J2 JO Sumniaaa *« Oi o o ■A o inuiiuy JO jqSiDAl '-' o o o 05 ■omn ^Apu^nii ^ ^ CO -* '^ CO ^ ^ ^ rH ^ ^ ■spanoj -Xbp J3d paiansaoo 00 ^ 2 s 2 ^ s -* 2 S •aS^iieaa ajoo •1 1 1 1 1 in CO o 8 o •sdinanx 1 1 1 CO CO CO >. ^ "* Ol -rt< CO •iBH .laAOio 1 1 CO to (M s. ■s a •iCuH CO OO t— 1 a CO -*■ '^ ^ lO -c S 3 •.tt.BJig iaiaua 00 1 1 1 1 1 £ S o o •I«8M •o o ■^ paaS uoMOO to CO CO (M CO CO fe I^aK if8lJT?a 1 1 1 CO 1 o o o o ^ 8 ■avsQ juaqM ■-^ CO s" 's' o ^ »o 2 oi 1 9 ^. o 1 i i s O § 2 2. s CO 2- 5 50 a Q 6 y 4 O o ;z; 0 Q £ ^ £ £! CO -* -H CO < S.b ^S. ft in :=: c ^ ■^ ^' «^ o i5C 's > > 5 o "5) S = a -- =: S S •- .2 "3 "3 03 03 i-si| bti SB ^^ s ^ s ^ 16 SUMMARY OF RESULTS. 1. The rate of increase in live weight was highest during the first winter season, 1889-90. The daily increase in live weight averaged in case of steer 1 to 2.5 pounds, and in tlie case of steer 2 to 3.3 pounds, for a period of six weeks, when fodder rations II. and III. were fed. The market value of the stated daily increase in live weight, at 3| cents per pound, would anaount to 9.4 cents in case of steer 1, and to 12.4 cents in case of steer 2. As the market cost of these two fodder rations averages 13.8 cents and their net cost 5.03 cents, it will be noticed that the value gained by the stated increase in live weight does in neither case pay •fully for the food consumed for its production ; yet there remains a noticeable margin of profit on the net cost of the daily feed in form of obtainable manure — i. e., 4.37 cents per day in case of steer 1, and 7.37 cents in case of steer 2. 2. The average of the daily increase in the live weight of the steers during the entire period of pasture feeding amounted, in case of steer 1 to .87 pounds, and in the case of steer 2 to 0.58 pounds. This increase in live weight represents on an average a market value of 3.18 cents in case of the former, and in that of the latter of 2.18 cents. Our expenses for the use of the pasture, per head, was 40 cents per week or 5.7 cents per day. We lost, per head, 3 cents per day, or 21 cents per week on each animal ; not counting expenses for transportation to and from the pasture, loss of interest on the investment, etc. 3. The financial results of the second winter feeding are less satisfactory than those secured during the first winter feeding. This fact is due to two circumstances ; namely, higher market cost of several coarse and fine fodder articles used and less nutritive effect of the fodder rations experimented with. The daily increase in live weight did at no time exceed 2.33 pounds per head. The market cost of the various daily fodder rations used during the time stated varied from 16.8 cents to 27.48 cents per head, while their net cost differed from 6.85 cents to 15.59 cents. The highest temporary increase in live weight noticed, per day, 2.33 pounds, would realize in our market only 12.37 cents, which amount is still 4.5 cents less than the market cost of the cheapest daily fodder ration, I. Period, used. The results of the second feeding experiment emphasize the state- ments made in connection with the report of our first experiment ; namely, cheaper and more efficient fodder rations than most of our grasslands — meadows and pastures— can furnish have to be devised to render the production of beef for our meat markets remunerative. Our observations with growing steers have been continued, and feeding experiments carried on without the assistance of summer pasturing are v^ell advanced. C. A. GOESSMANN, Director. Amherst, Mass., October 21st, 1892. M as9A^wo8Ict"^sp Sty^TE Agricultural ;B™fiT Station. BXJLLETIlsr ISTO. 4S. NOVEMBER, 1892. On Fodder Articles and Fodder Supplies. 1. Home Raised Fodder Articles. 2. Commercial Feed Stuffs. The fodder articles used in the preparation and compounding of the daily diet of all kinds and conditions of farm live stock are, as a rule, obtained from two distinctly different sources. They are either raised upon the farm and are used usually without any material change in composition ; or they are bought in the general market, and are in that case usually the by-products or waste materials of various other branches of industry, as oil works, flour mills, starch works, glucose factories, breweries, etc., etc. The home raised fodder crops furnish in the majority of cases the coarse fodder constituent of the daily diet, while the waste or by- products of other industries, furnish the fine or grain feed portion of the daily fodder rations. A rational and economical system of stock feeding has assigned to each of these two groups of feed stuffs its proper position in the daily diet of all kinds of farm live stock, with special reference to their general character, adaptation and composi- tion, as well as to good economy and particular efficiency. A liberal and economical supply of both classes of fodder articles is to-day recognized as an indispensable requirement of an economi- cal system of stock feeding. To meet oui present market condition of the products of the dairy and of the meat supply with any reason- able prospect of a satisfactory compensation for capital invested and labor spent calls, if possible, for cheaper and more efficient fodder rations than in the majority of instances are in current use. The importance of a serious and careful consideration of the present condition of our fodder supplies, from both above stated sources, Jorces itself from day to day more, not only iqjon the attention of every farmer, but of all parties interested in the support of our animal industry. The controlling influence of the temporary local market cost of some of our most prominent current fodder urticles on the cost of the production of milk and meat has been for years pointed out in our bulletins and annual reports in connection with a description of numerous feeding experiments with milch cows, growing steers, lambs and pigs. An examination of our previous statements con- cerning the influence of the particular kind of feed stuffs used in the composition of the daily fodder rations on the market cost as well as on the net cost of the feed consumed in the operation cannot fail to show some striking instances proving in a marked degree the pre- viously pointedout circumstance. As the fodder for our farm live stock comes from two different sources, of equal importance, as far as variety, economy and efficiency is concerned, it seems but proper to consider our chances for the improvement of our fodder supply under two separate headings, namely : 1. Home Raised Fodder Articles. 2. Commercial Feed Stuffs. 1. HOME RAISED FODDER ARTICLES. On various previous occasions, and in particular in bulletin No. 36, an attempt was made to show that an increase in the production of cultivated annual fodder crops, aside from Indian corn or maize, will tend to increase in an economical way the general productiveness of our farm lands in case of a mixed system of farm industry. The introduction of a greater variety of reputed fodder crops — in partic- ular of the clover family-Leguminosae, it was stated, would prove with us, as it had proved elsewhere, an efficient means to increase not only in an economical way the general productiveness of our farm lands, but tend to cheapen the cost of feed for all kinds of farm live stock. A short abstract from the above-stated Bulletin may suffice on this occasion to show the standpoint assumed in the matter. " A careful inquiry into the history of agriculture has shown that the original productiveness of farm lands in all civilized countries, even in the most favored localities, has suffered in the course of time a gradual decline. This general decline in the fertility of the soil under cultivation has been ascribed, with much propriety in the majority of instances, mainly to two causes, namely : A gradual but serious reduction in the area occupied by forage crops, natural pastures and meadows ; and a marked decline in the annual yield of fodder upon large tracts of lands but ill suited for a permanent cuUivation of grasses— the main reliance of fodder pro- duction at the time. A serious falling off in the annual yield of pastures and meadows was followed usually by a gradual reduction in farm live stock, which in turn, caused a falling off in the principal home resource of manurial matter. This chapter in the history of farm management has repeated itself in most countries. The unsatisfactory results of that system of farming finds still an abundant illustration in the present exhausted condition of a comparatively large area of farm lands in New England. Careful investigations carried on during the past fifty years for the particular benefit of agriculture, have not only been instrumental in recognizing and pointing out the principal causes of an almost universal periodical decline of the original fertility of farm lands, but have also materially assisted by field experiments and otherwise in introducing efficient remedies to arrest the noted decline in the annual yield pf our most prominent farm crops. As a scanty supply of manurial matter, due to a serious falling off of one of the principal fodder crops — grasses — was found to be one of the chief causes of less remunerative crops, and thus indirectly has proved to be the main cause of an increase in the cost of the products K)f the animal industry of the faim, milk and meat, it is but natural that the remedies devised should include as one of the fore- most recommendations, a more liberal production of nutritious fodder crops. The soundness of this advice is to-day fully demonstrated in the most successful agricultural regions of the world. An intensive system of cultivation has replaced in those localities the extensive one of preceding periods ; although the area under cultivation for the production of general farm crops has been reduced, the total value of the products of the farm have increased materially in conse- quence of a more liberal cultivation of reputed fodder crops. The change has been gradual and the results are highly satisfactory. Viewing our own present condition, we notice tliat well-paying grass laud, good natural meadows, and rich and extensive pastures, are rather an exception than the rule. The benefits derived from indifferently yielding natural pastures are often more apparent than real ; the low cost of the production of the fodder is frequently, in a large degree, set off by a mere chance distribution of the manure produced. A continued cultivation of but ievf crops upon the same land, without a liberal, rational system of manuring, has caused in many instances a one-sided exhaustion of the land under cultivation. This circumstance has frequently been brought about in a marked degree, by a close rotation of mixed grasses (meadow growth) and of our next main reliance for fodder — the corn — (maize). Both crops require potash and phosphoric acid, in similar proportion (4, potas- sium oxide to 1, phosphoric acid), and both require an exceptional amount of the former. There is good reason to assume that the low state of productiveness of many of our farms, so often complained of, is largely due to the fact that crops have been raised in succession for years, which, like those mentioned, have consumed one or the other essential article of plant food in an exceptionally large proportion, and therebj' have gradually unfitted the soil for their remunerative reproduction, while a liberal supply of other equally important articles of plant food is left inactive behind. As the amount of available plant food contained in the soil repre- sents largely the working capital of the farmer, it cannot be other- wise but that the practice of allowing a part of it to lie idle, must reduce the interest on the investment. Personal local observation upon the lands assigned for the use of the Station has furnished abundant illustration of tJie above described condition of farm lands. In one instance it was noticed that a piece of old worn out grass land, after being turned under and properly prepared, as far as the mechanical condition of the soil was concerned, produced, without any previous ajjplication of manure, an exceptionally large crop of horsebeans and lupine — two reputed fod- der crops; A similar observation was made during the past season, when lands which for years had been used for the production of English hay and corn, were used for the cultivation of southern cowpea, ser- radella, and a mixed crop of oats and vetch, to serve as green fodder for milch cows. The field engaged for the production of these crops was not manured, because it was to be prepared for a special field experiment during the following season. An area of this land which, under favorable circumstances, would not produce more than six tons of green grass at the time of blooming, yielded 9 to 10 tons of green vetch and oats ; 10 tons of green southern cowpea ; and from 12 to 13 tons of green serradella. The exceptional exhaustion of our lands in potash has also been shown abundantly by detailed description of experiments with fodder corn in previous annual reports. Our local results during past years tend to confirm the opinion held by successtul agriculturists that dry grass lands which are in an exceptional degree inclined to a spontaneous overgrowing by an infe- rior class of fodder plants and weeds, if at all fit for a more thorough system of cultivation, ought to be turned by the plough and subse- quently planted with some hoed crop, io kill off the foul growth and to improve the physical and chemical condition of the soil. Such lands prove in many instances, ultimately a far better invest- ment when used for the raising of other fodder crops than grasses. The less the variety of crops raised in succession upon the same lands, the more one-sided is usually tlie exhaustion of the soil, and the sooner, as a rule, will be noticed a decrease in their annual yield. The introduction of a greater variety of fodder plants enables us to meet better the differences in local conditions of climate and of soil, as well as the special wants of different branches of farm indus- try. In choosing plants for that purpose, it seems advisable to select crops which would advantageously supplement our leading fodder crop (aside from the products of pastures and meadows), — the fod- der corn and corn stover. Taking this view of the question, the great and valuable family of leguminous plants, as clovers, vetches, lucerne, serradella, peas, beans, lupines, etc., is, in a particular degree, well qualified for that purpose. They deserve also a decided recommendation in the inter- est of a wider range, for the introduction of economical systems of rotation of crops, under various conditions of soil, and different requirements of markets. Most of these fodder plants have an exten- sive root system, and, for this reason, largely draw their plant food from the lower portion of the soil. The amount of stubble and roots they leave behind after the crop has been harvested is exceptionally large, and decidedly improves both the physical and chemical condi- tiou of the soil. The lands are subsequently better fitted for the production of shallow-growing crops, as grains, etc. Large produc- tions of fodder crops assist in the economical raising of general farm crops ; although the area devoted to cultivation is reduced, the total yield of the land is usually more satisfactory." Beleiving in the soundness of the above stated views, it has been for years a special task of our work at the station to investigate upon our farm lands the comparative merits, if any, of a variety of fodder plants, new to our locality and of a fair reputation elsewhere, as may have been noticed in our annual report. From among those fodder plants, which showed a fair degree of adaptation to our soil and climate, we have selected for several years past a few for cultivation on a large scale to increase our fodder supply during the summer and winter season, either as green fodder or in the form of ensilage. The new crops thus far selected for that purpose are all annual leguminous plants (clover family), as summer vetch, Scotch tares, sojabean, serradella, horsebean and southern cow-pea. These crops can claim a higher nutritive value than the grasses, and they yield in the majority of cases a larger return per acre. They are readily and with advantage introduced into most local systems of rotation ; they tend to increase materially the nitrogen resource of the soil they are raised on, in an economical way ; besides improving the physical and chemical conditions of the soil in various directions. One of the principal aims in the cultivation of fodder crops of every description ought to be, an increase of their nitrogen containing organic constituents as far as practicable. This result is of special interest in the dairy industry — for milch cows, among full-grown animals, require an exceptionally nutritious diet to do their best. No class of farm crops show in a more marked degree the influence of a liberal use of manure. Both the quantity and quality of these crops are materially improved, when raised upon lands in a fair state of fertility. Exhausted lands produce invariably an inferior quality of fodder crops of its kind, as far as the amount of their nitrogen containing organic constituents are concerned. A liber al production of nutritious annual fodder crops of the right kind improves our chances of supporting more farm live stock; tends to increase our supply of homemade manure, and ultimately becomes the chief reliance of a remunerative mixed farm industry. Our trials on a small scale with new fodder ciops during the past year include the following : Summer vetch, Sojabean, Bokhara clover, Sanfoin, Horsebean, Cow pea, Yellow Trefoil, Serradella, Prickly comfrey, Flat-pea or Lathyris sylvestris. Kidney vetch. Blue lupine, Yellow lupine. White lupine. Silver-hull buckwheat, Japanese buckwheat. Common buckwheat. Summer rape, Winter rape. Artichoke (Jerusalem), Sugar beet. Several of the above enumerated more or less reputed fodder plants have been for some years past successfully cultivated upon the fields of the station, as may have been noticed from previous com- munications. Some of them have been raised again during the past season on a becomhig scale to increase our fodder supply for milch cows, etc., as green fodder during summer and autumn, and as ensilage during winter and spring. A summary of our results may be noticed in the following tabular statement; further details are reserved for the coming annual report. The estimate in regard to meadow growth is based on the results obtained by us on exception- ally good grass land (two tons of first cut and one ton of second cut hay). The annual average yield of meadows, for the entire state does not much exceed one ton' of hay. ^ o2 ^^ § «« S aS"® •2 "Jo CROP. a 1^ m m g 1 >H 0^ (5^^ ^^a- '^ Fodder corn, (kernels glazing) 18 31.47 11329 1.02 116 Serradella, 12 17.97 4313 2.42 104 Vetch and Oats, 8.05 17.98 2894 2.68 78 Soja bean. 11.1 26.80 5949- 1.19 71- Hay, 2 87.72 3509 1.64 58 Rye, 7 37.89 4406 .85 37 Peas and Oats, 5 13.68 1368 2.63 36 Rowen, 1 89.79 1795 2.00 36 Hungarian, 2.5 25.69 1285 1.50 18 (second crop after rye) Rye, vetch and oats, peas and oats, part of soja bean, of corn and of seri'adella, have been fed as green fodder, and the remainder of green corn and soja bean, serradelhi and Hungarian, are on hand in silos as mixed ensilage for winter use. 2. COMMERCIAL FP:ED STUFFS. The name commercial feedstuff or concentrated commercial feedstuffs is usually applied to a class of substances offered for sale in our markets, which in the majority of cases are the waste or by- products of other branches of industry. Some of these articles as brans, middlings and oilcakes have been for years quite generally used in the daily diet of all'kinds of farm, livestock ; others as the gluten meal, gluten feed, corn germ meal, dried brewer's grain, malt sprouts, etc. are but recently more generally offered for a similar purpose. Their importance as an additional valuable fodder supply for the support of every branch of animal industry on ihe farm and elsewhere has become from year to year more conspicuous, on account of a marked increase of the supply of well-known articles as well as of the introduction of many new kinds. Their consumption is appar- ently daily increasing and seems to keep step with the supply. The special value claimed for commercial feedstuff's as an iii;por- tant source of fodder supply rests in the main on their fitness to sup- plement advantageously our coarse home-raised fodder crop in the interest of a higher feeding effect and of a better economy. A tre- queutly good mechanical condition as well as an exceptionally valu- able chemical composition adapt many of them in a high degree for that purpose. As no single farm crop or any part of them has been found to sup- ply economically and efficiently to any considerable extent the par- ticular wants of food of our various kinds ol farm livestock to secure the best possible results, it becomes a matter of first importance from a mere financial standpoint to know how to supplement our cur- rent farm crops — to meet the wants of each kind of animals under various circumstances in a desirable degree. To secure the highest feeding effect of each fodder article raised upon the farm is most desirable in the interest of good economy. Practical experience in the dairy has thus far abundantly shown that the efficiency of a daily diet does not so much depend on the mere use of more or less of one or the other reputed fodder article, than on the presence of suitable fodder articles, — which contain the three essential groups of food constituents^ — i. e. organic nitrogenous, non nitrogenons avd mineral constituents of plants, in a desirable form, and in such relative proportions and quantities as have been recognized to be necessary to meet efficiently the food supply of the dairy-cow. Similar relations are known to exist in regard to the diet best adapted in case of all kinds of animals. An econominal system of stock feeding has to select amoyig the suitable fodder articles those which furnish the required quality and 2>roportion of the three recognized essential food constituents in a digestible form — at the lowest cost. Actual observations in stock feedins; fully confirm the correctness of the above statement, that a judicious selection from among the current commercial feedstuffs for the purpose of serving in connec- tion with one or more of our home-raised fodder plants as a fodder ingredient of the daily diet does, as a rule, tend not only to improve their food value, but also lowers in the majority of cases the net cost of the feed consumed. For more details regarding the determination of the intrinsic value of fodder rations I have to refer on the present occasion for obvious reasons to preceding annual reports. The majority of commercial feed stuff's occupy in a rational system of stock-feeding a similar position to our home raised fodder crops, as is commoidy conceded to the Commercial fertilizer , with reference to the barnyard manure for the production of farm crops; they serve for the jyreparation of a complete diet under different conditions and for different purposes. The individual merits of each of them becomes in the same degree better appreciated, as the principles, which govern animal nutrition are more generally understood, and^rid a due recog- nition in our modes of compounding the daily diet for different kinds as well as for different conditions of the same kind of animals. They are, as a class, to-day, considered indispensable for a remunerative management of every branch of animal indicstry on the farm and elsewhere. Many of the commercial feed stuffs contain ; aside from a liberal amount of phosphoric acid and potash ; an exceptionally large per- centage of nitrogen. This circumstance gives them a special claim, independent of their respective food value for animals. A liberal addition of these feed stuffs to the daily diet of any kind of animal imparts to the raanurial refuse, resulting from their use, a corres- 10 ponding higher commercial and agricultural value as a valuable source of plant food. A judicious and liberal introduction of a quite numerous class of commercial feed stuffs into the daily fodder supply of the animals kept on the farm is for this reason deservedly recom- mended as a safe and economical way to increase the home production of plant food in the interest of an increase in the fertility of the farm lands. As the financial success of a mixed system of farming in particular depends to a considerable degree on the character, the amount and the cost of production of the manurial refuse secured in connection with the special farm industry carried on at the time, it seems to need no farther argument to prove that the relation, which exists between the temporary market cost of the particular feed stuff under consideration, and the market value of the manurial elements, which it contains, deserves a serious consideration, when devising an efficient and at the same time an economical diet. The character and commercial value of the manurial refuse obtain- able from any kind of feed stuff, under otherwise corresponding con- ditions, stands in a direct relation to more or less of the different essential fertilizing constituents — phosphoric acid, potash, and in particular, nitrogen — it contains. The commercial value of these three important articles of plant food found frequently in prominent commercial feed stuffs equals in many instances more than one-half of the market cost of the particular fodder ingredient in question. The subsequent tabular statement may serve as an illustration of these relations between market cost and fertilizing value of some current reputed fodder articles : Their contemporary Name of Feed Stuflf. Market cost Manurial value Corn meal. Gluten meal, (Chicago) Chicago maize feed, Buffalo gluten feed, Cotton seed meal, Linseed meal, (old process) Linseed meal, (new process) Wheat middlings, Wheat bran. Dried brewer's grain, English hay, (first cut of meadows) Rowen, (second cut of meadows) Corn fodder, (per ton) (per ton) $24.00 $ 7.31 28.00 14.72 25.00 13.25 23.00 12.57 28.00 23.52 26.00 19.22 27.00(?) 20.37 17.00 9.50 17.00 13.23 23.00 9.96 15.00 5.92 15.00 7.00 7.00 4.55 11 Their contemporary Name of Feed Stuflf. Market cost Manurial value (per ton) (per ton) Corn stover, 5.00 3.75 Corn ensilage, 2.50 1.53 Sugar beets, 5.00 1.21 Mangold roots, 4.00 1.01 The above stated maiket cost is subject to periodical changes ; and the commercial value of their fertilizing constituents varies more or less with the quality of each kind. This feature does not affect materially the force of the point made. A due ap|)reciation of the previously pointed out favorable features regarding the peculiar character of a numerous class of comnuMcial feed stuffs has caused a steady increase in their consumption on the farm and elsewhere. The money invested by farmers for securing commercial feed stuffs as an additional food supply for home consump- tion, exceeds to-day many times the amoxmt spent for commercial fertilizers. As no single commercial feed stuff can be expected to meet our present demand for these articles, nor can claim to be the most economical one under varying market conditions, and with due appre- ciation of the varying character of our home raised fodder supply, it is but proper that every new addition in suitable kinds should receive a deserved attention, and subsequently an actual trial to ascertain their individual merits. A considerable number of these feed stuffs have already been tried at this station during past years in connection with our feeding experiments with milch cows, growing steers, lambs, and pigs, as may have been noticed in our periodical reports ; others al-e at present on trial. The articles used on those occasions were, as a rule, bought in the general market. A still larger number of different kinds have been analyized by us at the request of farmers and dealers in feed stuffs ; the samples were usually sent on for that purpose. In regard to the former there can be no reasonable doubt about their identity ; as far as the latter are concerned, the responsibility of furnishing fair representative samples rests in some instances with the parties asking for the analyses. The results of our analyses of commercial feed stuffs are embodied in the subsequent tabular statement. The record of the analyses is here purposely confined to the extremes noticed, as far as the per- centage of /a? and nitrogen containing orgviuxc matter or crude protein are concerned, to engage a special attention in that direction. 12 i < 29 . . 1 Dry Matter con tains. ■ NAME. Dry l«ai,i,cr. 7« 1 Protein, per cent. 1 Fat, i)er cent. Max. 89.95 Min. 82.96 Max. 15.57 Min. 9.73 Max. 5.08 Min. 3.10 *Corii Meal, - *Gluteii Meal (Chicago) 22 93.50 68.32 - 39.28 25.94 - 12.05 3.92 - *Gluten reecl(Buffalo) 3 93.19 91.03 - 31.05 26 16 - 18.46 11.73 - Dick Gluten Flour, - - 92.93 - - 33.89 - - 17.11 Corn Germ Meal, - - 90.65 - - 28.26 - - 11.82 *Maize Feed (Chicago) 91.40 90.25 - 29.40 21.33 - 7.90 6.15 _ Dick Gluten Feed, - - 91.01 - " 8.51 - - 2.26 Corn Screenings, - - 88.98 - - 8.29 - - 4.48 Starch Feed, - - 42.96 - - 22.41 - - 10.17 Corn Gluten Meal, - - 92.13 - - 25.03 - - 10.48 Corn Gertn Feed, - - 92.45 - - 10.81 - - 12.17 Hominy Meal, 91.89 88.68 - 11.88 6.77 _ 12.22 4.89 - *Wlieat Kernels, - - 89.42 - 13.35 - - 1.79 ♦Wheat Bran, 35 92 58 86.30 - 20.54 15.67 6.08 2.80 - *Wheat Middlings, G 90.65 87.57 - 19.21 15.13 - 6.46 3.19 *Rye Bran, 2 91.82 86.30 - 18.98 16.52 " 3.03 2.07 - *lPye Middlings, - - 87.46 - - 13.15 - - 5.61 ♦Ground Barley, 89.09 82.59 - 14.93 10.42 _ 2.38 1.69 - *Spent Brewer's Grain, 93.02 88.00 - 33.16 16.08 - 6.29 1.95 - Malt Sprouts, - - 84.63 - 27.17 - - 3.85 Oat Feed, - 90.66 - - 14.06 - 8.23 Buckwheat Mitidlings, - - 88.49 - - 25 49 - - 7.53 ♦Cottonseed Meal, 19 94.31 88.81 51.79 36.54 - 14.72 1 9,47 - Cotton Hulls, 2 89.83 88.55 - 5.36 4.99 - 4.27 2.36 - *Linseed Cake, 0. P., 7 92.52 88.50 - 39.97 30.98 '- 9.87 6.24 - *Linseed Cake, N. V., 5 94.94 88.17 - 41.02 35.30 - 4.08 2.17 - 13 Articles marked * have been bought in the market, or were raised on the laud of the station, and there can be no reasonable doubt about fair sampling. The remainder was sent on with name recorded above. Complete records of analysis will be published in our next annual report. A careful examination of the preceding partial analyses of current commercial feed stuffs cannot fail to show the existence of most serious variation in the amount of the two most costly food constituents — in case of the same kind. The differences noticed in that direction affect in many instances in a marked degree, both the food value of the particular article, as well as its comparative money value. Some of these variations may be due to differences in the processes at the time employed in the parent industry. The fact that the majority of this class of feed stuffs are waste or hy products of other industries renders them in an exceptional degree liable to changes in composition. This feature in thir production deserves a most careful consideration from a financial point of view., on the part of the buyer. Commercial fet^d stuffs are usually bought for their high percentage of either nitrogen containing organic matter, or fat, or both. They are used to enrich the daily diet of various kinds of farm live stock iu both directions. This course is generally adopted on account of a well known deficiency of most of our home raised coarse (odder articles in regard to both food constituents — in particular of nitro- genous matter. Farmers that do not raise a liberal proportion of clover-like fodder plants are, in a particular degree, iu need of con- centrated commercial feed stuffs rich in nitrogenous food constituents to turn the excess of the non-nitrogenous food constituents, which most of our current home-raised coarse fodder articles contain, to the best possible account. The liability of pecuniary losses on the part of the buyer, in conse- quence of exceptional variations in the percentage of nitrogenous organic matter, crude protein, or fat, or of both is quite frequently greatly aggravated by most unexpected serious fluctuations in the mar- ket cost of leading feed stuffs. As we buy, in the majority of cases, the concentrated commercial feed stuffs on account of their large proporton of nitrogen-contaniing food constituents, it becomes of special interest to know at what cost a given quantity oj nitrogen containing food constituents can be bought in the form of different feed stuffs equally well. adapted under exist- ing circumstances. A change in the market cost of one and the 14 same commercial feed stuff affects the cost of the uitrogen-contain- ing food constituent, in particular as its supply is more limited than that of the non-nitrogenous food constituents, which our home-raised coarse fodder articles contain, as a rule, in abundance and which therefore needs not to be secured from outside resources for cash. The subsequent tabular statement assumes a constant cost of digestible non-nitrogenous food constituents, — sugar, starch, fat, etc., — and shows thereby the variations in the cost of digestible nitrogen-containing food constituents in case of some prominent con- centrated commercial leed stuffs in our local market. The majority of analyses stated is made of fodder articles which have been used either during the past year in co;inection with some of our feeding experiments, or have been rais-^d upon the grounds of the station. Some articles sent on by outside parties are added, on account ot the special interest they may present to others. Valuation of Fodder- Articles on the following Basis. Digestible cellulose and nitrogen free extract matter, 1.00 cent, per pound ; digestible fat, 2.50 cents per pound. The value of digestible protein deter- mined the difference of the sum of both and the market cost of the fodder articles. (Calculation is based on dry matter, 2,000 pounds.) Corn meal Corn meal, Corn meal, Corn meal, Wheat middlings, Spring wheat bran, Winter wheat bran. Chicago maize feed, Dried brewei's' grain, Old-process linseed meal, New-process linseed meal, Chicago gluten meal, Cotton-seed meal, English hay, English hay, Rowen, Rowen, Corn stover,* Corn ensilage,* Mangold roots,* Sugar beets,* $31 00 29 00 24 00 23 00 20 00 19 00 21 00 23 00 22 00 26 00 27 00 28 00 28 00 12 00 15 00 12 00 15 00 5 00 2 50 3 00 5 GO Protein per Pound. Cents. 5.84 3.24 2.72 3.13 3.04 3.93 2.34 3.37 2.20 2.68 2.46 2.34 1.36 4.12 1.21 3.24 ♦The value of the digestible cellulose, nitrogen-free extract matter above basis, exceeds the market cost; 15 Prices are apt to rise and to Jail withont any reference to the agri- cultural value of the article in question. Names may remain the same, and in fact do remain in some instances, tvhile the composition of the article suffers serious changes in consequence of changes in the parent industry. Sales toithoid due responsibility regarding the particular quality of the goods delivered leaves the pecuniary risk involved in the transaction in an o'bjectionable degree on the side of the buyer. Unaccounted-for variations in the composition of feed stuffs must prove a serious obstacle in the desirable introduction of a rational and economical system of stock-feeding . For these and other reasons previously pointed out it cannot be claimed that the prevailing mode of selling and buying commercial feed stuffs rests on a just and fairly equitable basis. The trade in commercial Jeed stuffs is today in a similar unsatis- factory condition as vms the trade in commercial fertilizers before the introduction of a system of state imspection in regard to those articles. The generally conceded success of the introduction of a well regulated system of state inspection in regard to commercial fertilizers seems to suggest the adojotion of a similar course with reference to the trade in commercial feed sttffs. The best interests of both manufacturers and farmers, — in fact of everyone who keeps livestock for his accommodation, render such changes desirable in the present mode ot selling and buying feed stuffs, as will impose mutual and equitable responsibility on all parties interested iu the transaction. The limited margins for profit in every branch of animal industry carrried on at our farms necessi- tates a careful attention to all the details of the business. The money interests involved are of an exceptional magnitude. A due co)isideration of the present condition of our trade in com- mercial feed stuffs has induced the Board of Control of the Mass. State Agricultural Experiment vStation to request the writer to present the subject once more to the .consideration of all parties interested; and to invite their cooperation in devising suitable means to secure a fair degree of mutual responsibility on the part of all parties interested in the trade and the consumption of commercial feed stuffs. C. A. GoEssMANN, Director. Amherst, Mass., November 21st, 1892. -kjLi A "LU^/Wl. MASSACHUSETTS STATE Agricultural Experiment Station. Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers. NOVEMBER, 1892. I. ANALYSES OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS AND MANO- RIAL SUBSTANCES SENT ON FOR EXAMINATION. 844. HORN SHAVINGS. Sent on from Leominister, Mass. Per Cent, Moisture at 100° C, 4.83 Ash, .67 Phosphoric acid, .42 Nitrogen, 15.31 Insoluble matter, Trace 845-846. I. PINE NEEDLES. II. PINE BARREN GRASS. Sent on from Springfield, Mass. 847. Per Cent. I. II. Moisture at 100* C, 9.48 8.48 Ash, 3.42 2.40 Phosphoric acid, .12 .18 Potassium oxide, .03 .07 Nitrogen, .36 .10 Insoluble matter, 1.22 1.07 TOBACCO LEAF. Sent on Whately, Mass. Per Cent. Moisture at 100" C, 13.05 Ash, 21.01 Potassium oxide. 7.24 Calcium oxide, 4.17 Magnesium oxide. 2.17 Ferric and alurainic oxides. .32 Phosphoric acid, .43 Nitrogen, 2.75 Insoluble matter, (before calcination) 4.17 a a a a +i ■« -d oooo.. tn ■ ■ ^ ^ q; oi ^ ^ 3 ;^ ^ Hi Hi a M ts t?^ ^ ^ : :^ : : : ■^ • . I o • : :>^ : : : ^ : . . a ^ ■ -^^ t« tB 03 ^ m m rt o: rt ^ ^ P o 6 " tc X yj O O o WWpQ ^5 o o c S OS ^ o6^ !-H Jai^ ^ ^ a; tH M ^ ^ S ^ W , <^ Ft "a V r5 i:^ ^ -- 5 :^ - r; o =° ?^ ^ c o _- o i^ .2 W g M ^ j3 - -„ 6 o o r, eg og cu O W O 5 «, 11 01 !=3 r ca-^S' W S a, = «cq '^ C^ ^ '^ ^ ^ ffi^S|z;«td«cqpqpq^iJiH - N .2 ^ .N ij _N ^ .2^f^cf-^f^-S fulfils 0*0 O g gl ^ FQ pj O g 6« - 5^ >ia&q o 0^ S S is — cc '^ B B s o S P^Occ § c k: ifj bt ^ ?! ^ rH III 600 ^ 2 c-f 3 a cc , — tc j: -^ c/: C^ ^ I = c "^ 23 0; o §^2« 00 ^ o * * * 'n »•♦ «(M*««=^*,_^^(M^ g eoo t- 00«OCOOCO(M«5 |OOlMOOCO(>Hr^'*COJ>0>OolO 't-^OtO.-lOCOlOoci'^ lM'i 2^ iO Ot-I.CO^>>-00 'OOOOOCOIOCOOOIOOOOI CO OIV ,^ <) pano^ ON 00 OO.OONOl-^l-t-l-CqOMS-'a^CO^COlOI^l-tDCC.lCO ■-I lO Qooo-^tct-^cjioco-^r-^co oco"cic6ioc6orjc6 w a 1 ■aujunf) ^ <£> t- 00 00 cJj 00 00 g Irl. ^ a> ri (A 00 (i CD 03 OJ 5C O r-H 1 O CO o O < .2 S p. o punoj OQO C3 •—1 l^ — 1— iiM'oid^t-^osoc^it-^GJiO'cdcodd^t^dtM-OfM" ■— ' •— 1— 1'— ' ■— ' ^^.'~' ""■ 1— 1'— 1 r-H-H pH »o COCDNOOGOMOOiMO (M^«0 lO -+■ ■— I OJ O >0 CO 03 CO t^ i— I 1 lO £ 1 (>) '-' O^CN-HCOM— iCflCO-^ rH ^jj (M^ — .CM — CO-HlO -* •pa^jaAaa — t003 CO oc6»oc6s^"o«i>OaOO (MO C3>003'HOO'COOO "'S'SS J2 t- CO-* xa ^^COCO'*<(MCO^':tnwoo6oo»«-i<os3«o;*i<>J^ (Jflco niom 00 o cocoirJeoc6dc6o3CDc6iO'd5 »«co'i?i«s— 'Nodr-irHirtcq IM (M t^ cot-io»ao>o»oi^csm0(>)i^ioi:^(M>nt~»o ^ 05 (N ^^rt^OO-fC3-rtl^X-l't-00'0-*CO — t- •aamsioR to CO a(J^^^d-*io03t^-*cooJ-Ht-;c^ioo6'*codcocot-^^ & • I ; " : Ph ^ J i 2 '^ = ^ ■< .ola': ^ a- '. 2 ! %^ -1 - -^-^ :o : mv. i. a : a i c 3e- If r- C h- pa;!: Ill 'I! 11= i .5 s i = ■S.2 5 0 : -'S : H "2 m --3 0 00 03 •aaqranK >a ^ / JO IBJoqBT ^- " .. Mean temperature, 23.55 U.-18 25.69 21.57 31.00 29.59 45.50 41.90 Highest temperature. 55.00 50.00 46.50 49.00 59.00 48 00 76.00 66.00 Lowest temperature, -10.00 -13.00 -8.00 -6.00 5.00 3.00 22.00 20.00 Meau range, 19.45 19.68 14.21 19.00 17.40 18.61 24.30 20.06 Total precipitation, 2.05 2.70 1.59 5 55 2.45 3 62 .65 3.66 Total snow fall (in.) 13.00 13.25 14.00 48.00 7.00 3.00 — 7.00 Depth of snow, loth 8.50 3.00 15.00 7.00 - in spots - - Depth of snow at end. 2.00 7.00 2.00 15.00 - — •- Prevailing wind, N.N.E N.W. N.N.E N.W. N.W. N. N.W. N.W. The total snowfall during the above four months (1893) amountod to 71.25 inches, being 37.25 inches greater than that during the same period last vear. The greater part fell in February. The heaviest snow storm of the season occurred February 22d, giving 17 inches of snow. The mean temperature for the mouth of April (1893), was from two to three degrees below the average for that mouth ; the spring season is somewhat backward. Feeding Experiment with Pigs. BY J. IJ. LINDSEY. The following experiment is a eontiniuitiou of those described in previous reports of the Station. In our experiments with milch cows we have had considerable quantities of skim milk remaniing after the removal of the cream, and the question has ever been as to how this milk shall be disposed of to the best advantage. This question is one that confronts many of the farmers of our state, from the fact that the creamery system is so generally introduced. Some farmers living near large towns have opportunity to dispose of this milk at from one to two cents per quart, and it is undoubtedly more profitable to thus dispose of it than to feed it to our farm animals. Still, to by far the larger number of farmers this opportunity does not present itself, and the milk must be utilized upon the farm by feeding it to pigs or other animals. OBJECT OF THIS EXPERIMENT. The results of our previous experiments have shown that the various grains such as corn meal, wheat bran, gluten meal and maize feed, when fed in connection with skim milk, have furnished very excellent and profitable rations for growing young pigs for the market. The object of this experiment has been, among other things, to learn the value of gluten feed and corn meal when fed in connection with skim milk for the economical production of pork for the market. The skim milk being a very nitrogenous article of food, with a nutritive ratio of 1 to 2.15, the rations furnished the pigs were what might be termed narrow, varying from 1 :3.3 to 1 : 5. Whether a narrow or a wide ration is better for growing and fattening pigs is still a matter of some dispute among investigators. It is certain, however, that the rations fed in our various experiments with pigs have been productive of most excellent results, and we can commend them to the serious attention of the farmers of the state. DESCRIPTION OF THE EXPERIMENT. Six grade Chester wliite pigs, three sows and three barrows, weighing from 25 to 30 pounds each, served us for the experiment. They were kept in separate pens, and fed three times per day, namely in the morning at six o'clock, at noon, and in the afternoon at five o'clock, with all the food the}' would eat up clenn. It was always our object to supply them plentifully, but at ihe same time not to glut them, and thus in a measure destroy their appetites. The liquid food consisted of from three to six quarts of skim milk per day, depending upon the size of the pigs and the quantity of milk at our disposal. It never exceeded six quarts per day. The grain fed was corn meal and gluten feed. The gluten feed being quite rich in protein, served to keep our rations within the limits desired when the supply of skim milk failed, and four ounces of gluten feed was in a general way reckoned equal to one quart of skim milk. NUMBER OF FEEDING PERIODS. The experiment was divided into three distinct feeding periods. The first period continued till the pigs reached 80 pounds in weight, and the food consisted of two ounces of corn meal to every quart of milk with a ratio of 1 : 3.3. As our supply of milk at this season was rather limited, four ounces of gluten feed was substituted for each quart of milk, and this gradually increased the ratio to 1 :4. The second period began when the pigs reached about 80 pounds in weight and continued till 125 pounds weight was reached. The food consisted of the skim milk at our disposal, which varied some- what, together with corn meal and gluten feed to give the desired ratio of 1 : 4.5. The third and last period began when the pigs weighed 125 pounds and ended when 180 pounds was reached, at which time they were slaughtered. The feed consisted of skim milk, and of a mixture of one and one-half parts corn meal and one part gluten feed, fed in sufficient quantities to satisfy the appetite of the animals. The pigs were sold at 7J cents per pound of dressed weight, and the total cost for food consumed per pound of dressed pork pioduced was 4.64 cents, and the net cost, found by deducting the value of the manure produced by each pig from the total cost, was 8.3 cents per pound. The following tables will, we believe, present sufficient data to enable the reader to understand the experiment, and grasp the results obtained. FEEDING PERIODS. Composition of Ration. Duration of Period. Nutritive Ratio. ^ . , T "^ oz- corn meal to each P^"«^ I- quart of milk. 20 lbs. to 80 lbs. live weight. 1: 3.3 4 oz. corn meal to each „ . , „ quart milk, and 4 oz. Period II. ^,^,^^^ j.^^^ ^^ ^ ^^^. 80 lbs. to 125 lbs. live weight. 1: 4.5 stitute for quart milk. 4 to 6 quarts milk and T-. • 1 TTi H parts corn meal to Period III. 1"^;,,^ gi.ten feed to 125 lbs. to 180 lbs live weight. • 1:4.9 satisfy animal. AVERAGE DAILY RATIONS. "3 00 >. ti < li ll 1.- i 1 ll •X3 6 ll Is- Aug. !) to Aug. in, 3 6 — 1 27-31.2 .59 Aug. 10 to Aug. 23, 4 8 - 36.5 .76 Aug. 23 to Aug. 30, 5 10 - 43.9 1.05 Aug. 30 to Sept. (J, 6 12 - CO 49.5 .80 Sept. G to Sept. 13, 6 12 — 56.1 .94 Sept. 13 to Sept. 20, 5 12 4 1 63. .99 Sept. 20 to Sept. 27, 5 14 8 71.6 1.23 Sept. 27 to Oct. 4, 5 16 12 J 80.3 1.24 Oct. 4 to Oct. 11, 5 28 8 1 89. 1.24 Oct. 11 to Oct. 18, t— ( J o 32 12 -!2 101.7 1.81 Oct. 18 to Oct. 25. 5 3C IG ■^ 112.7 1.56 Oct. 25 to Nov. 1, 5 3G 24 126.0 1.90 Nov. 1 to Nov. 8, 4 48 28 143. 2.40 Nov. 8 to Nov. 15, ^ 4 54 3() 1 151.7 2.40 Nov. 15 to Nov. 22, 4 54 40 175.2 2.20 Nov. 22 to Nov. 28, 4 48 30 1 J 182.8 1.08 We now wish to call attention to a summary ot the results obtained : SUMMARY OF RESULTS. Average results of six pigs Live weight, 182.8 lbs. Dressed weight, 144.9 lbs. Per cent of loss in dressing, 21. G Live weight gained during experiment, 155.6 lbs. Dressed weight gained during experiment, 122.0 lbs. Dry matter required to produce one lb. live weight, 2.27 lbs. Dry matter required to produce one lb. dressed weight, 2.91 lbs. FINANCIAL STATEMENT. 732.15 lbs. dressed pork actually produced during the experiment, at 7^ cents per lb.. Cost of food required, Profit from pork actually produced, Value of manure produced, Total profit from six pigs, Total profit per pig, If we take into consideration the first cost of the pigs and the dressed weight actually sold, we have the following: 867i lbs. dressed weight actually sold at 7i cents, $62.91 Total cost of food consumed, $35.19 Cost of pigs, at $3.00, 18.00 53.19 $53.07 33.94 $19.13 9.61 $28.74 4.79 Total profit from pork, $ 9.72 Value of manure produced, 10.00 Total profit from six pigs, $19.72 Total profit per pig, 3.29 Cost of food to produce one lb. live weight, 3.64c. Cost of food to produce one lb. dressed weight, 4.64c. Net cost of food to produce one lb. dressed weight, 3.30c. (obtained by deducting value of manure produced.) The cost of the labor required to care for the pigs during their growth, as well as the cost of preparing them for the market has not been deducted. MARKET COST OF FOODS CONSUMED. Corn meal, $24.00 [)er ton Gluten feed, 23.00 per ton Skim milk, l.M cents per gallon Percentage of I he essential feiliiizer constituents m the above articles of Ibcldei', and the commercial value of the constituents in 2000 lbs. of the foods. Nitrogen loc, phosphoric acid o^c, potassium oxide 4<|c. per pound. Gluten Com meal feed. Skim milk Moisture, Nitrogen, Phosplioric ncid Potassium oxide, Value in 2000 lbs., *Obtainabli- maiinrial value per ton, 11.38% 1.80% .70% .40% f(;.53 #4.57 6.82% ! 90.50% 3.81% ; .52% .30% .19% .04% .20% #11.81 : f 1.95 $8.28 #1.36 ♦Allowing that 30?4 of the nitrogen, potash and phosphoric acid is retained in the system of the growing animal. ninp:tp:enth feeding experiment with pigs. December. 1892 to ApriL 1893. Six pigs were used in this experiment. They were divided into two lots of three each, and both lots were fed for the first ten days upon skim milk and corn meal till they became accustomed to their new quarters. Pigs 1 and 4 were barrows, and numbers 2-3-5-6 were sows. The pigs came from a Chester white sow, but as they grew numbers 2, 3 and 6 showed plainly the Yorkshire characteristics. The general mode of treatment was quite similar to that described in the preceding experiment. OBJECT OF THE EXPERIMENT. The object of the experiment was first : a continuation of the many preceding experiments in order to firmly establish facts relative to the most economical method of feeding skim milk in combination with various grains and new concentrated fodder articles ; in this ease the experiment with gluten feed was continued. Second, a step was taken in the direction of comparing the relative value of wide vs. narrow rations for economical pork production. In the many exper- iments heretofore made at this station, the general mode of feeding has been what might be termed narrow, i. e., large quantities of nitrogenous matter in proportion to the non-nitrogenous and starchy matter have been fed. The feeding has generally begun with a ration of one part nitrogenous to three parts non-nitrogenous (1:3) and has been twice increased during the later feeding periods till in the last of the three periods (in which the animal has increased in weight from 125 lbs. to 180 lbs.) the ratio has been one part nitrogenous to four and one-half parts non-nitrogenous (1 :4.5). Only in one or two cases have wider rations been fed. This method of feeding has been productive of most excellent results. The skim milk has been most economically utilized and the animals have possessed uniformly good health and the pork has been produced al a comparatively low cost. In case of three pigs in the present experiment, wider rations were fed, begining with I : 4.25 and ending with 1 :6.5. From the results obtained in this one experiment no very accurate conclusions can be drawn. What the experiment indicates can be seen from the figures presented further on, and it will be alluded to in our heading of "-What Our Experiments Teach Us." Experiments of this kind will be repeated, we hope, in order to illustrate to our farmers whether it is more economical to feed young growing pigs (from 25 to 180 lbs.) in the beginning, rations conlainmg one part of nitrogenous to three parts non-nitrogenous matter (1 :3) and ending with one part nitrogenous to four and one-half parts non- nitrogenous (1 :4.5), or whether they can be fed as well or better with rations beginning with one part uitrogenous to four and one-half non-nitrogenous (1 :4.5), and ending with one part nitrogenous to six and one-half parts non-nitrogenous (1 : 6.5). HOW THE 8IX PIGS WERE TREATED IN THE PRESENT EXPERIMENT, The pigs were divided into two lots of three each. Lot I consisting of pigs 1, 2, and 3, were treated in practically the same way as in our previously described experiment. We had during a portion of the time a good supply of skim milk, and each pig in this lot received at one time as high as ten quarts per day, in addition to his grain feed. The grain consisted of corn meal, and four ounces of gluten feed as a substitute for one quart of milk, when the supply of the latter was limited. In case of lot two, the number of feeding periods was the same, namely, three. During the first period the pigs were fed six ounces of corn meal to each quart of milk, and this continued unlil the pigs had reached a weight of 80 pounds, and were consuming four and one-halC quarts of milk and 27 ounces of corn meal per day. In periods II mid III, tlie supply of milk was kept at four quarts daily, plus two quarts of water to give the necessary drink, and as much corn meal was added as the animals would consume. The following tables will, we believe, present the results concisely and clearly : FEEDING PERIODS. Compositiou of Duration of Nutritive Kation. Pei-iod. Ratio. ■p • A 1 2 oz. corn meal to each 27 lbs. to 75 lbs. , ^ rerioa i. ^^^^^^ ^^^^ jj^^ weight. ^ '' "^ 4 oz. corn meal to each "P • ri Ti quart milk, and 4 oz. 75 lbs. to 120 lbs. , <, „ i-enocl ii. gluten feed as a substi- hve weight. ■ ' ^'^ tute for each qt. milk. 6 oz. corn meal to each p • ri TTT quart milk, and 4 oz. 120 lbs. to 176 lbs. . . . I'enocl 111. gluten feed as a substi- live weight. ' ^'^ tute for each qt. milk. In period II of Lot. I, we fed as high as ten quarts of skim milk per day in addition to grain, while in period III, the quantity of skim milk, because of the limited supply, was reduced to four or five quarts per day. LOT II. Composition of Duration of Nutritive Ration. Period. Ratio. „ . , T 6 OZ. corn meal to each 27 lbs. to 80 lbs. . . „„ P^^'^^^^I- quart milk. live weight. ^ = ^'^^ 4 quarts skim milk and 80 lbs. to 120 i Period II. 2quarts water and corn iwro wlio^hf" ' 1:5.3 meal ad libitum. ^ 4 quarts skim milk and 125 1bs.tol801bs. Period III. 2 quarts water and corn ,. a\a\\\ ' ^'•^•^ meal ad libitum. ° SUMMARY OF RESULTS. The experiment lasted 126 dixjs, and was produelive of the following- averaoe results : AVERAGE DAILY GAIN. I. Period. I] [.Period. Ill Period. Daily Average of lbs. lbs. lbs. 126 Days. lbs. Lot I. .84 1.33 1.50 1.22 Lot II, .y2 1.30 1.60 1.27 Average of Average of three pigs. three pigs. Live weight, 172.71 lbs. 180.75 lbs. Dressed weight, 140.75 lbs. 148.00 lbs. Per cent, of loss in dressing, 18.53 18.10 Live weight gained during cxperimeut, 146.17 lbs. 152.00 lbs. Dressed weight gained during exiierimeut, 119.16 lbs. 122.47 lbs. Dry matter required to produce 1 lb. live weight, 2.82 lbs. 2.57 lbs. Dry matter required to produce 1 lb. dressed w't, 3.45 lbs. 3.18 lbs. No difference in the amount of intestinal fat was observed in either lot. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS. Dressed pork actually produced during exp't, lbs, Value at 7fc. per lb. (market price). Cost of food consumed. Profit from pork actually produced. Value of manure produced, Total profit from three pigs, Profit per pig, STATEMENT NO. II. If we take into consideration the first cost of the pigs, and the dressed weight actually sold, we have the following record for both lots taken together : 866.25 lbs. dressed pork actually sold, at 7|e., $67.13 Lot I. Lot II. 357.5 367.4 $27.71 $28.47 19.95 18.02 $7.76 $10.45 6.05 4.41 $13.81 $14.86 $4.60 $4.95 10 Total cost of food consuined, $39.05 Cost of pigs, at $2.25 each, 13.50 52.55 Profit from pork. Value of manure produced. Total profit from six pigs, $25.96 Profit per pig, 4.33 Lot I. Lot II. Cost of food to produce 1 lb. live weight, 4.55c 3.95c Cost of food to produce 1 lb. dressed weight, 5.58c 4.91c Net cost of food to produce 1 lb. dressed weight, 3.88c 3.90c (Obtained by deductiug value of manure produced from cost of food.) MARKET COST OF FOODS CONSUMED. Corn meal, $23.00 per ton. Gluten feed, 21.00 per ton. Skim milk, 1.8c. per gallon. The percentages of the essential fertilizer constituents in the above articles of fodder, their commercial value in 2000 lbs. as well as their approximate obtainable manurial value when fed to growing pigs, may be seen from the following : Moisture, 14.00% Nitrogen, 1.36% Pliosphoric acid, .707% Potash, -435% Value per 2000 lbs., $5.95 Obtainable manurial value, 4.17 Nitrogen at 17^c., phosphoric acid at 5c., and potassium oxide at 5^0. per pound. PRACTICAL RATIONS FOR PIG FEEDING. When skim milk is used as a part of the daily diet in feeding pigs for the market, the Station feels justified, in view of its feeding experiments, in recommending the following practical rations as being valuable in producinggpork at a minimum cost : 7.55 90.24 3.55 .51 .296 .18 .045 .19 $12.70 $2.17 8.89 1.52 11 Weight of Pigs. 20 to 8(1 lbs. 80 to 125 lbs. 125 to 190 lbs. 2 oz. coiD meal to each qt. milk. 4 oz. corn meal to each qt. milk. 6 oz. corn meal to each qt. milk. II. When skim milk is in limited supply ; from four to six qts. Weight of Pigs. 20 to 80 lbs. 80 to 120 lbs. 125 to 190 lbs. Weight of Pigs. 20 to 80 lbs. 80 to 120 lbs. 125 to 190 lbs. Food. Milk at disposal, and one part by weight wheat bran, two parts by weight gluten meal, to satisfy appetite. Milk at disposal and following mixture, one weight part corn meal, one weight part wheat bran, one weight part gluten meal, to satisfy animal. Milk at disposal and following mixture, two weight parts corn meal, one weight part wheat bran, one weight part gluten meal. III. Food. 2 OZ. corn meal to each qt. of milk and 4 oz. gluten feed as a substitute for each qt. milk. 6 qts. skim milk and a mix- ture of one part by weight gluten feed, and one part by weight corn meal. 6 qts. skim milk, and a mix- ture of one part by weight gluten feed, and one and one- half part by weight corn meal. Nutritive Ratio. 1 : 3.30 1 : 4.00 1 : 4.50 per pig. Nutritive Ratio. .20 1:4.00 4.50 Nutritive Ratio. 1 : 3.25 to 4.00 1 : 4.00 to 4.40 1 : 4.4 to 1 : 4.9 ♦Creamery bntterraills can be substituted for skim mills as above with good results, if it can be had at a reasonable price, say 1.4c. per gallon. 12 WHAT OUR EXPERIMENTS TEACH. Briefly stated, from a practical standpoint, these two expiriments and many others made at the Station, teach us the following lessons : I. Skim milk, together with corn meal, gluten meal, wheat bran, gluten feed, maize feed, etc., combined as aliove stated have proved healthy and profitable foods for the production of pork for our markets. II. With skim milk reckoned at 1.8 cents per gallon, gluten feed from $21.00 to S23.00 per ton, and corn meal at $23.00 to $24.00 per ton, we have been enabled in these experiments to produce dressed pork at from 4.6 cents to 5.3 cents per pound. The net cost of the dressed pork produced (obtained by deducting the value of the manure produced) was from 3.3 and 3.8 cents per pound. III. Farmers having a quantity of skim milk at their disposal, can utilize it profitably by feeding it to growing pigs, as above described. If this milk can be sold, however, at one cent per quart, or more, it would undoubtedly be more profitable to sell it than to use it in the production of pork. IV. Experiments made at this Station have proved that it is not profitable to feed i)igs after they reach a weight of 180 to 190 pounds, excepting perhaps when pork commands an exceptionally high price. Fed beyond this weight, the food consumed increases, and the per- centage of gain in live weight steadily decreases, so that the daily cost of food consumed is more than the value of the daily increase in weight. This fact has since been confirmed by other Stations. V. In the last experiment, Lot II gave slightly more favorable results than Lot I. These results are not decisive enough to enable us to make any deductions. Especially when the results of previous experiments at this Station with narrow rations, and experiments elsewhere with both wide and narrow rations are considered. Repeated trials are necessary to establish facts. ANALYSIS OF POt>DER ARTICLES USED IN OUR PIG FEEDING EXPERIMENTS. CORN MEAL. Average Analysis. Usod in J 8th Experiment. Used in 19th Experiment. 1 Percentage Composition. .£6 II fl 11 ^5 if -OB Moisture at 10C° C, .. 11.38 — 14.00 86.00 — . . 88 62 100.00 100.00 - - ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. Crude ash, ... 1.63 1.50 Crude cellulose ... 2 13 o 2.58 8 40 Crude fat, ... 4.63 o 2.44 o 76 Crude proteiu, ... 10.71 ^ 9.87 '-' 86 ... 80.90 83.61 95 100.00 100.00 GLUTEN FEED. Average Analysis. •Used in IStii Used in 19th Experiment. Experiment. §§ it 0,0 Moisture at 100° C. , 6.82 Dry matter, 93.18 100.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. Crude ash, 0.83 Crude cellulose, 4.94 Crude fat, 13.03 Crude protein, 28.71 Non-nitrogenous extract matter, 52.49 100.00 II 7.55 92.45 0.85 10.06 12.48 23.86 52.76 M3 g.-so 100.00 14 SKIM MILK. Average Analysis. Used in 18th Expei'iment. 5S a P. Moisture at 100^' C. Dry matter, 90.50 9.50 100.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. Crude ash, 6.82 Crude fat, 4.00 Crude protein, 31.50 Non-nitrogenous extract matter, 57.68 100.00 Used in 19th Experiment. 90.24 8.09 2. 66 32.66 56.59 100.00 100 100 100 The detailed record of each pig is reserved for our Annual Report. Miscellaneous Fodder Analyses. I. Artichokes (Jerusalem). Raised on Statioii farm, 1892. II. Mangolds. Raised on Station farm, 1892. III. Carrots. Raised on Station farm, 1892. J. II. III. Moisture at 100° C, 77.49 88.51 87.53 Dry matter, 22.51 11.49 12.47 100.00 100.00 100.00 15" ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. Crude'ash, 4.97 12.88 9.42 Crude cellulose, 4.18 9.98 8.77 Crude fat, .95 1.14 1.41 Crude protein, 12.82 7.04 9.75 Nou-nitrogeuous extract matter, 77.08 68.96 70.65 100.00 100.00 100.00 FERTILIZING CONSTITUENTS. Moisture at 100^ C, 77.490 88.510 87.530 Phosphoric acid. .168 .100 .074 Potassium oxide, .484 .470 .451 Nitrogen, .460 .131 .194 Insoluble matter, .039 .118 .084 I. Gluten Feed. Sent on from Sunderland, Mass. II. Gluten Meal. Sent on from Sunderland, Mass. III. Gluten M'?al. Sent on from South Acton, Mass. I. II. III. Moisture at 100° C, 9.39 6.85 7.29 Dry matter, 90.61 93.15 92.71 100.00 100.00 100.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. Crude ash, * * » Crude cellulose, * * * Crude fat, 12.43 9.94 6.56 Crude protein, 24.88 23.69 30.19 Non-uitrogenous extract matter, * • * •Not determined. I. Excelsior Feed. Sent on from Holden, Mass. II. Proteina. Sent on from Bolton, Mass. III. Wheat Bran. Sent on from South Acton, Mass. I, II. III. Moisture at 100'^ C, 7.08 8.63 6.67 Dry matter, 92.92 91.37 93.34 100.00 100.00 100.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. Crude ash, 4.43 1.95 * Crude cellulose, : . 14.65 * « Crude fat, ' 5.42 7.80 4.71 Crude protein, 9.75 22.44 16.69 Non-nitrogenous extract matter, 65.75 * * 100.00 ♦Not determined. I. Rye Feed. Sent on from North Dartmouth, Mass. II. Glucose Refuse. Sent on from Boston, Mass. III. Gluten Feed. Sent on from North Amherst, Mass. IV. Gluten Meal. Sent on from Agawam, Mass. I. II. III. ir. Moisture atlOO^ C, 9.63 6.71 6.93 5.93 Dry matter, 90.37 93.29 93.07 94.07 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. Crude ash, Crude cellulose, Crude fat. Crude protein. Non-nitrogenous extract matter, 77.51 2.62 1.20 .69 .50 3.52 4.77 9.08 5.80 2.79 10.55 9.81 12.08 13.56 21.06 14.51 30.63 , 77.51 62.42 65.91 50.99 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 FERTILIZING CONSTITUENTS. Moisture at 100° c, 9.63 6.71 6.93 5.93 Phosphoric acid. 1.561 .61 * * Potassium oxide. .980 .09 * * Nitrogen, 1.95 3.37 2.18 4.60 Insoluble matter. * .05 * * ♦Not determined. The Bulletins oj the Experiment Station will be sent free of charge to all parties interested in its work, on applicatiori. C. A. GOESSMANN, Director. Amherst, Mass., May 29, 1893. Carpenter «fe Morehouse, Printers, Amherst, Mass. M AS3 ACH>tilSETT§,...S=rAT E Agricultural Experiment Station METEOROLOGICAL SUMMARY MAY AND JUNE, 1892-1893. May. May. June. June. 1892. 1893. 1892. 1893. Mean temperature, 56.00 66.74 68.77 66.53 Highest temperature, 81.00 84.00 95.00 93.00 Lowest temperature, 30.00 31.00 40.00 43.00 Mean range, 20.14 23.36 21.60 22.73 Total precipitation, (inches) 6.49 4.37 3.04 2.86 Prevailing wind. S. N.W. S. N. The mean temperature. for the month of May, '93, viz 56. 74^^, was about the normal, being only .74 of a degree higher than that for May 1892. The precipitation was above the normal, being 1.12 inches greater than that during the same month last year. The mean temperature for June, 1893, viz 66.53°, was 2.24 degrees higher than that of June, 1892. The precipitation was about the same, being only .18 of a degree less than that of the same mouth last year. The mean temperature of the above two months 1893, was 61.14", being .75 of a degree less than that for the same period last year. The frequent showers during the last week iu June somewhat retarded the work of haying. y H CO CO 3 ^ W < H P^ CO p^ S h ^ CO P5 -< o J o ~ '^ £ -2 a; a; ' o o o ,/j -C -C -S .-^i -C C -C ^ • . c )=• . ^ . ~ 'C ■•:: ■■; — "-i; ■;:; "c ^ ■•/! ^ f^ fc ^ "3 si; TfiTn B "5 "S ''^ ' _;>-: i-3 ^ tL^iJ)Pi 6 6\ goo 4j t. ?^ "C "c; +j +j X E 'l OJ r/3 :C ^ ft< fe !z; !?5 - S P3 o ■ i >.;^;>. :^i ^ ? ^iz;^ :^-^ -!^ : |:|^ , Buffalo Buffalo, Buffalo, o • r] ^ cu IJ ^-^ C 15! H s^ +^ -e ,o'^ Op3 = Ph c 6 6 l"*^ ^2 ?^ "S '3 "^ « "£ ■- .H .ii t^ .- > S £ £ S O . - JJ OJ y „ 5 c -^ oa =i3 •" ^ t- ;h iH Op^ j; --^ jt i§ -^3 pi^ r bc-p '-e pq r:-0 ., a S S in ^ 1i o ^ ; »- p C ^ --H "S! S P g r/) _S -2 -^ -1;^ -r; "2 -g I p "^ £ Q =« S 'c p o 'n-r;, C ' M <1^ p;^ ) fii 1 "-g S 2 I J o s o S c ^ > ~ Ea Ea tu *^ ■:' c O , '^ :0^ 53 jl S ^ - "T oj o y y ;= : rt X c o c n ai o So .g ajO^ ^ a kr<<*-i aj c <+H o « .- j< 1^ og o j:Ooa ? cS a; ., 11 05 Jh <*-< (7 --y i^ oj aj S '^ o ^ = 5 if I = tf O S ^ O) en "13 01 HH !-i '^ in ^ ;^ !- 12; OJ ' Mi C Ji s= c 5. if' .r- 1^ rt i- ^ tj fn OoWMHOPq w ?^'" B" S^ , 5 a^ « 01 ■- 5! - ^ :: aj ^^ o p c |fj|g(^p;.S>^.2|^fS £ "bi >, ?: .S S £ "Si S ^.-S « □ w — OCci3sSEaiCHCs3.S;ia,C3o,0 OHPq>^i 2-3 4-5 5.4-6.4* 1-2* O S .2 i ■_ CO — O O O^ -H tt 1- 1- -+< O 00 >0 O M ■-: 00 (M -^ rH 00 (M O CO -H 00 1- ao lO O (£ I- CO C^ lO 00 O r-< 05 CO t- I^ !N J-J lO lO — 1 '2 O oi CO CJ 49.73 25.47 18.56 19.17 6.81 U 23.43 47.70 19.86 32.95 19.04 a -»tl t~ CO CO »c CO >0 CO -* -^ oooco«o 1-- itirii IOCS coobo mm::. CO O CO CC' o 00 ■* IM ) CO Oq CO C^I IM IM ■ CO M< (M CO •— CM O C5 CI ^ ■— ' (35 -o,nui!ai.'iif) I- O r- o ! CO -* CO C) lO CO CO CO 1-- •* , o S ^^ S oi O ^ s ^ cS-C r^ 'i^ ^ -^ "3 -^ "^ "^ OD Si 5 .is ^ « S.2 o 5 "^ •* o - w - V. i-, ^ 5 c' a3< PQf ^P3 S Z z o s Z 5 5 ^5p3 oj g 5 a> J' E C p 53 ^ •aaquinN ,-1 C5 *^. ;:: n! 2 ?5 g? m a H S S ^ H .-^ CO H 00 H g ^ GO W W H ^ ffl ^ •-^ P-( w o ^ g O Pn g o p:; ^ ^ ^ « ^ Ph td 5^ fcxi £ H H ^ £ B 3 "^ ^^ '3 ^ ^ . •^ 2 '-g .^ 2 a; C) oj V a^ "5 '5 c "a =sS •^ ^ c - ^ - O c; 4^: -/- , o = no"-', ci cS O , . — f M i ^/3 5 4^ , Co 2 £^ O P3 . C c 5^- , o ^O ^>. C5 _2 — .-^ 1^ CO o H - O ei i^o^ r . s r « ^ S3 o ^ t^ S^pq^^ ■:1^.Sgor __ cq o .2 " ' o r '^ c 1^ '43 2 o ^ o -4 o2^ -r ^§ s5o||o Q o p ci .„ — pi^ p^ ^ ^ '■= ;- o cj 3o §5.2p : ^ "W IJ ;2 _o _o g IjJS_0'6 ^ . o o . .S ^ a . o . t; o s •H^ ^^^§52^|5'2^|Sa.g|^ •a S 2 .S ^ ^ o 0*0 g'^10P^P^2oeiP-lPt^!^^ aaD^^_Ojj_^_H M .2 "^ a o 6 o a o rt y o O ;^ +2 rt ^ f— lOld'— IS^00C5Cl5O'-l< OOOiCO-^iOOCOOiO' (N (N CcJo^i--o6d>oco-*'*co dcocot-liouocsiodd 1 a 'o 1 ■5 •paa} •puuo^ CC-OO'-Ht^(MC0t-OOC000i0'0-*C0C0-*00C0l0 0;C0l-l-10 .-HCiO!MCO— lOCMCO—.OCOlMl-'-ltMS^ICOOOOrtt-O'-IOiCC 01l--0051Ci"OaOOOOOO-*05'*C5CO-*'*COCC>00'#OOt-CDCO^ 1 •paoi -Ul,Ml)tlO -*C-5 0!M-+<10 CO COlcicot-«>l■-^ •8I)(M0SC0OCi-i<05»0 ^NOOiO-tiCOOiODiO.— l05S^t~(MOOOOO-+'0^lOOOt--t^.*l'!tl !M (M (MC>4).-lC0 ^OOOCOCOOlOOOCO — l05Cq>OlOiO -*cidr-(cooid(rico>o^'i<^codd (M-«+l N -*c6 C<|lo'sOC5I^ COCOCO iC>0 •puno^ ^ CiOcooi'+io5aooDco^-*'-H-HCOioco^coicco^coiat-oac. i-OiOOiooooiiMOOr-iooococoooooooooiiococo— i;o lM-i •a.tiHsiOR[ .-lCOOCOI-0»OaOrH(MO'-l0500t-OCOO=DlO»OCO(?<-*COOO ■*l^l^r-O->*lC00lO00C0rti— lC3-*>0'— ICO ^ d d '-^ 1-^ cc t^ (?q v-H o6iNo6dd^c:5>cdcodcqt-^''iH>«d>c < 125 1 c i : 3 Pa H C J a c c \ u c 1 lis .^ a III [ : li \ E \i It 3 c 5C : : : : i :i : -ti • • ' ! ?[i i i : : : :S if:,^^ : : '. :§|: : j:; =^ : ^ a; '. = : o "^ : pq : •. -5 ^ « -. 02^fe^cqa2-i3Qpq«3HPHf=HH(iH0-*-(,-(.-(g5rt(M(M(MCi)(N(>j II. ANALYSES OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS AND MAN- URIAL SUBSTANCES SENT ON FOR EXAMINATION. 871-S75. I. II. 111. IV. V. Boiler soot. Seut on from Hatfield, Mass. Mill sweepings. Seut ou fi'om Westboro', Mass. Saltpetre. Sent on from S. Acton, Mass. Horse manure. Sent on from Westboro', Mass. Sewage. Sent on from Danvers, Mass. C. Moisture at 100 Phosphoric acid. Potassium oxide. Calcium oxide. Magnesium oxide. Nitrogen, Insoluble matter, 876—880. I and II. I. 18.80 1.60 .54 2.31 1.19 58.91 Ground bone Ji. 9.49 1.18 .66 3.76 5.01 III. .66 45.74 1 1 .88 ir. 11.25 1.46 2.82 .74 12.60 F. 99.959 .0012 .0033 .0028 Sent on from Concord, Mass. III. IV. V. Natural phosphate. Sent ou from Ashby, Mass. Sentou from Agawam, Mass. Sent on from Boston, Mass. Cotton hull ashes. Cotton hull ashes. I. Moisture at 100° C, Total phosphoric acid, Soluble " " Reverted " " Insoluble " " Potassium oxide. Nitrogen, Insoluble matter. 9.23 21.80 None 12.96 8.84 II. 8.71 20.29 None 10.20 10.09 III. 3.58 .23 IV. 13.92 9.21 F. 7.77 7.83 — 24.12 20.40 3.54 3.70 — — 77.04 9.33 11.78 881—885. WOOD ASHES. I. Sent on from Tewksbury, Mass. II and III. Sent on from Concord, Mass. IV and V. Sent on from North Amherst, Mass. I. II. III. ir Moisture at 100° C Potassium oxide. Phosphoric acid. Insoluble matter(before calcination) 11.30 15.01 8.49 6.80 8.05 7.10 1.69 .67 .31 16.56 18.38 16.97 Insoluble matter(after calcination), 13.66 15.84 15.25 V. 18.13 14.25 5.05 5.95 .92 1.43 15.33 15.03 13.46 12.75 III. ANALYSES OF FODDER ARTICLP:S SENT ON FOR EXAMINATION. I. Gluten feed. Sent on from Marlboro, Mass. II. Proteina. Sent on from North Amherst, Mass. III. Proteina. Sent on from Weston, Mass. I. II. III. Moisture at 100. C, 7.64 8.04 6.80 Dry matter, 92.36 91.96 93.20 100.00 100.00 100.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. Crude ash, 1.14 2.80 3.24 Crude cellulose, 5.78 12.33 10.18 Crude fat, 9.18 7.74 8.24 Crude protein, 21.11 24.47 27.23 Non-nitrogeneous extract matter, 62.79 52.66 51.11 100.00 100.00 100.00 I. Pea bran. Sent on from Great Barrington, Mass. II. Corn ensilage. Sent on from Marlboro', Mass. III. Oat and pea ensilage. Sent on from Marlboro', Mass. IV. Cotton hulls. Sent on from Boston, Mass. /, II. III. ir. Moisture at 100° C, 7.14 79.98 38.02 8.15 Dry matter, 92.86 20.02 61.98 91.85 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. Crude ash, 3.33 5.50 9.19 2.81 Crude cellulose. 46.16 25.24 31.34 46.60 Crude fat. 1.16 4.20 3.94 1.79 Crude protein. 10.31 8.22 13.72 4.10 Non-nitrogenous extract matter, 39.04 57.84 41.81 44.70 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 I. Dried brewers' grain. Sent on from Boston, Mass. II and III. Gluten feed. Sent on from Amherst, Mass. IV. Gluten meal. Sent on from Boston, Mass. V. Old process linseed meal. Sent on from North Amherst. I. II. III. ir. r. Moisture at 100° C, 7.99 8.99 8.06 6.15 10.19 Crude fat, 5.56 7.01 6.96 15.51 2.60 Crude protein, 17.25 24.88 25.00 27.63 34.88 TRADE VALUES OF FERTILIZING INGREDIENTS IN RAW MATERIALS AND CHEMICALS. 1893. Cents per pound. Nitrogen in ammonia salts, 17 " " nitrates, 15^ Organic nitrogen in dry and fine gronnd fish, meat, blood, and in liigh-grade mixed fertilizers, 171 " " " cotton-seed meal, linseed meal and castor pomace, iCy}, " " " fine ground bone and tankage, 15 " " " fine ground medium bone and tankage, 12 " " " medium bone and tankage, 9 " " '' coarse bone and tankage, 7 " " '' hair, horn-shavings and coarse fish scraps, 7 Phosphoric acid soluble in water, 6^ " soluble in ammonium citrate, 6 " in fine bone and tankage, 6 " in fine medium bone and tankage, 5 "■ in medium bone and tankage, 4 " in coarse bone and tankage, 3 " in fine ground fish, cotton-seed meal, linseed meal, castor pomace and wood ashes, 5 " " insoluble (in am. cit.) in mixed fertilizers, 2 Potash as High Grade Sulphate, and in mixtures free from Muriate, 5| " " Muriate, 4i The manurial constituents contained in feedstuffs are valued as follows : Organic Nitrogen, 17| Pliosphoric acid, 5 Potash, H The Bulletins oj the Mass. Experiment Station will be sent free of charge to all parties interested in its work., on application. C. A. GOESSMANN, Director. Amherst, Mass., June 30, 1803. Carpenter & Morehouse, Printers, Amherst, Mass. OJ&ln MASSACHUSETTS STATE Agricultural Experiment Station. BXJI_iJ_.ETI3Sr KTO. -4©. AUGUST. 1S93. July, 1892. July, 1893. 69.75° F. 67.50'' F. 92.00" F. 90.00° F. 42.00'^ F. 42.00° F. 22.50° F. 25.51° F. 3.74 2.59 S.W. N. W. Meteorological Summary for July, 1892-1893. Mean temperature, Maximum temperatui'e Minimum temperature, Mean daily range. Total rainfall (inches), Prevailing wind, The mean temperature for July, 1898, was below the normal, and 2.25° below that for the same month last year. The precipitation for July, 1893, viz. : 2.59 inches was much below the normal, and 1.15 inches less than for July, 1892. Most farm crops are in need of rain, and some are already serious- ly injured. The rowen crop will be light in this section, judging from the present condition of grass land. OJOJCootJOO^H ^ s:: >i -r^ -r^ u -^ ti > 0) be >^ S* bJD»- . . *e S "2 T "i' "-■ "^ 'x' ^ 'S S S .S '-^ "^ P S -5 i^_ S S ^ ^Pi<_- .-'r 5 i .a 2 1 0 g Si o CO i-H 5 S .2 '5 0 O Oh 1 oo ,ocooot-(NCTt^iocftio-+c550>n -H r-H t^ o -* >o (^^ CO CO CO 5^ CO -H a# t- O 1 ^^ as ^ W5^2 ss 5^ ^3g§ IS^ s S 5ig?2 ^^s II 1 ^ (M O c^ eq >o Oi o> 00 00 c; I I Oi-*-*XlOCOC0050(MCO(N(3i0 CO O S<1 CO '^l -* C-. CO O '^ O C^T IS CO CO <» lO (M IM 1 IM IM (N (M lO 0-1 ( ■•* 00 o o Ci t~ '^ ^ rH t^ 00 00 CO ci CO CO 05 oi Oh •aiqniosai ^r-cd^ OI^jrH^r-^COCOi-HeqeO-HCO CO -* ^ U3 O C-l -H oo_ -* CO q <55 q >o ici CO >c -^ N CO s0Ot^O-*CO(M^I-»O>*t^C0C5 7.58 5.86 9.98 9.49 6.93 6.85 7.02 (Nc6>--oiNco(NNcicoci(>icoco-HiN>-( ■aiqnios 5.88 5.62 6.70 5.17 3.86 5.73 4.22 6.60 .27 7.96 6.91 6.90 6.45 5.98 7.43 00 .-1 »o :o 1 - -= - 1 \=^. — - - - . . . . ■paainBJBno »o ^ ^ Tq »o CO CO -* CO ■ CO O 00 -i CO i>- < q lo ^ c _ N -* CO -* CO (N -* 1 (N ■* i-H S<1 0^ eS H CO p^ P5 CO P5 ?g 5 5a d 5 2 -^ •;- -S S .^ S S £■• ^ J ^-^ S ^ ^ ^ ^ cj . C C C3 -.,:;- O K ^ <3 o o o o W o r£00C S J3 £ § 5 ^ >'-ncij"-5 fet^ >1:^"?f t! . • ^ _^ --H r^ ^ _ ■ c3 ±; OS c; <5 = r: :^ p ^Ot - ss P -3 ■^, -S g c; =? o 3 III .1 ~ "S ,a a 5?'s ■■iS '-S "^ P^ S -^S. : ►3;|fi;;|;|ffiw^3^^ ©"o ^ « -« c ■- s; dj S « 0) r/l 3 ^CO - ? b "o j2 :> o ,2 s — IS 5 =; o 1^ ji-.-^; ^ •-- 2 aj i^pL| O cc H M C5 > C5 2.5H O ag. sa 0<' w r •"0-1 C5 i^C5 c*^ ~^ ;0'tiJW o o c Pho, c • -^ S'c. a r. !» ^^ O a t- _ i-H t-H C^l (M !M C^ I -* CO (N . CC 00 CO -H r- (M s ^ * o (M CO g a -*oOrHcoccr5oo^^t-.-ii^ 1 icoeooi 1 .O 1 0 C^ -* (M lO •paaj o9 ^ (MO - QOOOlo'iftOO t-^l l^'osOOt- •11 »ri 1 1 M « •-I r* to >• < t- ■pnnoj M ^ 1 1 1 1 « «5«0 10-^ COl'-ClicOsi'^CO-.O^oJoOQC i •poo^ OS .9 1 1::- 1 M 1 'H n o «!) H •pano^ CO>0OQ0CCl>0Q0Q0t~tC 1 1 '^ ■ 1 1 1 1 " 1 1 o 1 1 1 1 t •-I E •aiqniosai 1 1 ^ 1 1 1 1 lO'-Hcqd h5^;:^io -Ho6co(>i.-i^ OCOO-Cq -CSOaDC0CiC0a0l0(MO 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12; coiow:2^i^r4co'MrH-*'^<^ooo6c0 0^ ■3.UHSlOI\[ O — t-OOCC'^— il--I^Ccd<35o6d'*l^iN (Mr-HiOO^O '"' II -' ■ • * ?I ■ ■ ;i^^ 1 : : :| : ' i :o? ^^.?:i^' (5 ill. lllfl 5 8)Sl ? 2 = S S-S =: d S § S ti = § ^1 5 ^ C p- c 1 •p. ^7 r2 1 1 c a \ 1 "5 a c p: "^ c r c r ; C ; a 5 1 ^ C ' c 1 C p. II 5 O > c SI H>Oa)HC3 0 0'iiOa300CO'ii^ti 3 (» S Q cB ^ c2-x ^ , quinx B.ioqi?T; ^ 00 -H — 1 ^ ->< CO Cq '^ lO liTi CO 00 eo ^ rH(M ^ '-' 1 - — ^ o ~:« II. ANALYSES OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS AND MAN- URIAL SUBSTANCES SENT ON FOR EXAMINATION. 886-889. I. Animal meal and tankage. Sent on from Eastham, Mass. II. Tankage and potash. Sent on from Eastham, Mass. III. Cotton-hull ashes. Sent on from Boston, Mass. IV. Florida rock phosphate. From Station barn. I. II. III. ir. Moisture at 100° C, 3.20 6.20 9.87 2..^2 Oxides of iron and alumina, - - — — 14.25 Calcium oxide, — — — 17.87 Phosphoric acid, 19.71 15.35 7.68 21.72 Potassium oxide, — 6.75 24.06 — Nitrogen, 4.48 3.93 — — Insoluble matter, — — 15.38 30.50 §90—894. WOOD ASHES. I. Sent on from Winchendon, Mass. II. Sent on from North Hadley, Mass. III. Sent on from Concord, Mass. IV. Sent on from Framingham, Mass. V. Sent on from North Sudbury, Mass. I. II. III. ir. r. Moisture at 100° C, 23.07 4.48 16.16 16.39 17.74 Calcium oxide, 33.04 37.32 32.46 35.52 33.76 Potassium oxide, 2.87 6.75 5.88 4.83 6.45 Phosphoric acid, 1.48 1.82 1.07 1.33 1.00 Insoluble raatter(before calcination), 10. 96 15.53 15.34 10.07 13.37 Insoluble matter (after calcination), 9.29 13.72 13.09 9.28 12.13 895-899. WOOD ASHES. I and II. Sent on from Concord, Mass. III. Sent on from Eastham, Mass. IV. Sent on from Westboro', Mass. V. Sent on from Sunderland, Mass. I. II. III. IV. V. Moisture at 100° C, 8.96 13.00 15.33 20.57 19.52 Calcium oxide, 25.60 36.44 36.14 32.03 29.51 Potassium oxide, 3.00 8.74 5.96 5.93 6.21 Phosphoric acid, .97 1.79 .26 1.48 1.83 Insoluble matter (before calcination), 36. 93 8.44 12.91 10.05 13.47 Insoluble matter(after calcination), 34.89 6.40 10.38 8.09 10.85 III. analysp:s of fodder articj.ks. I. Hay. Grown on Station meadows. II. Rowen. Grown on Station meadows. I. II' . Moistnre at 100° C, 8.94 17.31 Dry matter, 91.06 88.69 100.00 100.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. Crude asli, 6.64 6.48 Crude cellulose, 34. 82 29.98 Crude fat, 3.18 4.23 Crude protein, 10.41 12.11 Non-nitrogenous extract matter, ' 44.95 47.20 100.00 100.00 I. Fodder corn ( Pride of North). Station. Used for ensilage. II. Corn and soja beau ensilage. From Station silo. I. II. Moisture at 100° C, 68.53 77.78 Dry matter, 31.47 22.22 100.00 100.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. Crude ash, 5.68 9.48 Crude cellulose, 22.99 26.62 Crude fat. 2.81 3.75 Crude protein. 6.22 7.91 Non-nitrogenous extract matter, 62.30 52.24 100.00 100.00 I and II. Cotton-seed meal. From Station barn. IJI. Buffalo gluten feed. From Station barn. IV. Hen food. Sent in from Eastham, Mass. I. II. III. ir. Moisture at 100° C. 6.81 5.58 l.bb 5.23 Dry matter, 93.19 100.00 94.42 92.45 100 00 94.77 100.00 100.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER Crude ash. 7.10 7.64 .85 _ Crude cellulose, 6.54 5.08 10.06 Crude fat, 12,69 14.40 12.48 15.66 Crude protein, 44.33 45.09 23.86 24.27 Non-nitrogenous extract matter. 29.34 27.79 52.75 — 100.00 100.00 100.00 8 . TRADE VALUES i.-^ . OF FERTILIZING INGREDIENTS IN RAW MATERIALS AND CHEMICALS. 1893. Cents per pound. Nitrogen in ammonia salts, 17 " " nitrates, 15^ Organic nitrogen in dry and fine ground fish, meat, blood, and in high-grade mixed fertilizers, 171 " " " cotton-seed meal, linseed meal and castor pomace, 16| " " " fine ground bone and tankage, 15 " " " fine ground medium bone and tankage, 12 " " " medium bone and tankage, 9 " " " coarse bone and tankage, 7 " " "' hair, horn-shavings and coarse fish scraps, 7 Phosphoric acid soluble in water, 6^ " " soluble in ammonium citrate, 6 " " in fine bone and tankage, 6 " " in fine medium bone and tankage, 5 " "■ in medium bone and tankage, 4 " " in coarse bone and tankage, 3 ' " " in fine ground fish, cotton-seed meal, linseed meal, castor pomace and wood ashes, 5 '* " insoluble (in am. cit. ) in mixed fertilizers, 2 Potash as High Grade Sulphate, and in mixtures free from The Muriate, H " Muriate, H manurial constituents contained in feedsluffs are valued follows : Organic Nitrogen, 17| Pliosphoric acid. 5 Potash, H The Bulletins oj the Mass. Experiment Station will he sent free of charge to all parties interested in its work, on application. C. A GOESSMANN, Director. Amherst, Mass., August 5, 1893. Carpenter Jt Morehowge, Printers, Amherst, Mass. MASSA Agricultural Experiment Station. BXJLI-iETIIISr IsTO. SO. OCTOBER, 1893. Meteorological Summary, for August and September, 1892-1893. Aug. '92. Aug. '93. Sept. '92. Sept. '93. Mean temperature, 67.78^ 68.13° 59.30° 55.71° Highest temperature, 90.00" 91.00° 79.00° 81.00° Lowest temperature. 51. SO'' 40.00° 34.00° 31.00° Mean range, 20.61° 24.87° 25.08° 24.97° Total precipitation (inches). 5.70 3.49 1.53 2.57 Prevailing wind, N. N. S. S. W. The mean temperature for August was .35 of a degree above that for August '92, and the rainfall was 2.21 inches less than that of August last year. There were unusually heavy storms of wind and rain on the 24th and 29th of August, the wind doing considerable damage to crops, blowing much of the fruit from the trees. Many fruit and shade trees were injured. The mean temperature for September was below the average, being 3.59 degrees below that of September '92. The rainfall was 1.04 inches greater than that for the same month last year. There was a slight frost on the 3d of September which was the first noticed this season. H ^ H CO ^ H H cc P ^ d H O ^ «2 ^ W H Eh W P5 CM X )-( rn P5 C!5 -< o b/3.^ fee t: feS £ o g f* "ti, • P- o o 1^ w y P- o o .■p o c oi —" -r^' R B c ;r s ^1 .t^ .t^ o S r* -ti 6 •g E& ,r3 ^ f, -fi ^ ^ ^ 3 .1= O C si ■-' -^ H •■•(/) a[j 5^ cc Mi; o ^^t 6 go 5^ S : 2 S = oj bfj«0 ^ ^ O -n «) >^>^' ^!^' I 6 6 o, pa's '3 '3 o o w o S S 'S O « Ji • o3 . :s§ • _' 'O • ■^ "£ i^ O --g O r5^ S eg

Iq m c» S o_0 r: r^+j o o !h o^ i^ ^11 II III ^•y'?^^- ?ip^ Ph o . (M (M N Cq C5 (M (M IM iM I 03 "O 5|1 d "^ CO CO C

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C3 a> 'H ,7-; CO P5 In ^ J S3 "5 ■• cc cK' pq (Z3 Pt< P-i O cc . O. Ci. 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E ^ ^ -S ^ d t^ -e ^ -r ^ -2 '3 3 t^ if, ),o.1iSo= .^ .oSaccioPlj 5553 5SS . < o e : V. - t/2 r d ^ o O .2-2" • ^ o ^ >o 6 o r ■5o « s: -r- ^:= S;56<^^^.:::ot 03 c . 5 pq oj 50 '^^ S-=-.^^?^ OCQopqP^coKi-qoffih^ ^53 P P5ii 5 K .n* lOOO' o O LT'cjdc c So O „ rt CO 5 2^' 50 03-2 7 2 ^% 1^ 11"^^ O) E E 1^ j; in o p ^21 ^z; C» CC Ph fi^OcS -* 10 O CI 1-^00 '*<±> oo O ssl i^ 8 0 0 I 1 i a 2 O CO CO M lO 'O cOco-*,>,co oco I't^'T^co'^^oo o o JO ^ c'l t-l lo c!i g § t^ g 'n "^ 1 00 00 1 CM o >o 2 i OO t- >-H ■ 2 C5 »5^ •5 a ^^^ v. o i ■do >0 O 00 s 3 a qooM ^ 1CO 00t-(«5'*lt-«O 00 CO a S£ 4 d 4 (M (M -* 1 OS fl cocqco-o o (S E- IN d 00 CO :d 1 I- c 1 CO >o .- i -* (M CM ^ O CO • CO • <>) °i o in •P09t rt„o., rt^ laor-ioo^ '-'^SJ'-''^ 1 1 lO o>dH(Nco-*^ -i^^oq^ 1 q^q CO t^ CO -H fl N •>! -* t- CO CO . CO 1- •9iqnios 0--; |ooqoc:5qio>o -*.-hi>-co >o lO -* 'd^ « CO d ■ ■ CT lO ^ CO 1 1 '^. ^ CJO 00 OlOOlO OGO lOOIMOOCfsO -d^ i •poojinMBHO o 13 q o ifflj,, >««» c^Oi-joojoio c^i— i-^i— ico.-icocod-*iMdco « d d i>i ds c^ no -^^ o lo CO 'i o 'i ^1-*^ «5 '■C ' ^i 0 a o K5 co' - COC5C5COOOO— io=0'*00l-00^ OC ^ Cq 0 CD g •pano^ (Mco-il;--H'9;--;oo^q^>ocoqioq C£ q 1 1 ■-n; q CO ^^oo'r-Ioq^cMcqootf'dco-Hcoco ir CO ci 4 2 ■^ '-' lOC010t^OO^O C, .91 .13 Potassium oxide, 52.50 49.00 *Not determined. 1009-1014. WOOD ASHES. Pev cent. I. II. III. 6.69 9.45 11.00 5.98 25.48 6.84 1.59 9.96 15.40 (I., sent of from Souih Framinghara, Mass. ; II., seiil on from South Deerfield, Mass. ; III., sent on from Concord, Mass.) Pel- cent. I. II. III. Moisture at 100^ C, 3.23 13.65 10.38 Potassium oxide, 4.12 4.68 5.76 Phosphoric acid, 1.26 1.46 1.28 (I., wood ashes, sent on from Leverett, Mass. ; II. and III., cot- ton-seed hull ashes sent on from Hatfield, Mass.) Moisture at 100° C, Potassium oxide, Phosphoric acid, 1015-1017. MUCK. (I., sent on from South Amherst, Mass. ; II., sent on from Plymouth, Mass. ; III., sent on from Millers Falls, Mass.) Per cent. I. II. Moisture at 100° C, 70.02 61.53 Ash, 11.54 30.05 Nitrogen, .69 .43 1018. SOOT. Sent on from South Lancaster, Mass. Moisture at 100^ C, Potassium oxide. Phosphoric acid, 1019. RESIDUE FROM WATER FILTER Sent on from East Walpole, Mass. Moisture at 100*^ C, Phosphoric acid, III. 76.75 4.38 .40 Per cent. 5. '39 .52 .90 Nitrogen, 1020. Moisture at 100' Nitrogen, 1021. Per cent. 94.22 .05 .12 vegp:table mould. Sent on from Springfield, Mass. COTTON-SEED MEAL. Moisture at 100° C. Potassium oxide, Phosphoric acid, Nitrogen, Per Cent. 77.64 .30 Per Cent, 9.01 2.11 2.38 7.11 TRADE VALUES OF FERTILIZING INGREDIENTS IN RAW MATERIALS AND CHEMICALS. 1894. Cents per pound . Nitrogen in smiuonia salts, 19 " " nitrates, 14|^ Organic nitrogen in dry and fine ground fish, meat, blood, and in high-grade mixed fertilizers, 181 " " " cotton-seed meal, linseed meal and castor pomace, 15 *' " " fine ground bone and tankage, 16| " " " fine ground medium bone and tankage, 15 " '' "• medium bone and tankage, 12 " " " coarse bone and tankage, 7 " " " hair, horn-shavings and coarse fish scraps, 7 Phosphoric acid soluble in Water, 6 " " soluble in ammonium citrate, b^ " " in fine bone and tankage, 51 " " in fine medium bone and tankage, 4^ " "in medium bone and tankage, 3 " "in coarse bone and tankage, 2 " " in fine ground fish, cottou-seed meal, linseed meal, castor pomace and wood ashes, 5 " " insoluble (in am. cit.) in mixed fertilizers, 2 Potash as High Grade Sulphate, and in mixtures free from Muriate, b\ " " Muriate, 4i The manurial constituents contained in feedstuffs are valued as follows : Organic Nitrogen, 15 Phosphoric acid, 5 Potash, 5 The Bulletins oj the Mass. Experiment Station will be sent free of charge to all parties interested in its work, on application. C. A GOESSMANN, Director. Amherst, Mass., October 3, 1894. Carpenter & Jtrorehouae, Printers, Amherat, Ma«a. MASSAQHU§§. Agricultural Experiment Station, B"CJLi^ETiisr isTO. se. NOVEMBER, 1894. Meteorological Summary for October, 1894. o0.3° - 73.0° 29.0° 4.40 N.W. The mean temperature for October, viz., 50.3°, was about 1"^ above normal, but was 1.7G° lower than that of the same month last year. The precipitation was about normal, and was only .05 inch below that for October, 1893, as recorded at this station. Mean temperature. Maximum temperature. Minimum temperature. Precipitation, inches. Prevailing; wind, - iS-C t3 ^ " !» !» • g •paajiuMuno 54-53 64-51 63-51 54-53 54-53 54-53 g§ §^ 5gg g ■pnnoj: §S ^^ ( 1^;^^ ^' 1 1 1 1 S§ 1 ds^-^ -* iC lO o6 1 1 1 1 Mill i Il4 I I i:c lid 1 1 I I 12 I lO O lO -o ' CO CO oq olOO00OCO^COlO(MCl-+' II. ANALYSES OF FODDER ARTICLES. The names of the articles described below are those given by the parties sending them for analysis. As the food value of concen- trated feedstufis depends materially on the amount of crude protein and crude fat present, the analysis has been confined in several instances to the determination of these two constituents. (I., Cotton-seed meal sent on from North Amherst, Mass. ; II , Cotton-seed meal sent on from Hatfield, Mass.) J'er Cent. I. II. Moisture at 100" C, 8.99 9.45 Dry matter, 91.01 90.55 100.00 100.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. Crude ash, 7.10 * Crude fibre, 5.53 * Crude fat, 9.66 11.20 Crude protein, 50.34 40.92 Nitrogen-free extract matter, 27.37 * 100.00 FERTILIZING CONSTITUENTS. Moisture at 100° C, K.99 9.45 Phosphoric acid, * 3.65 Potassium oxide, * 2.34 Nitrogen, 7.33 5.93 I., Cotton-seed meal (undecorticated) ) sent on from Hatfield. Mass. ; II., Cotton-seed bran sent on from New York, N. Y.) Per Cent. I. II. Moisture at 100° C, 10.77 10.10 Dry matter, 89.23 89.90 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER Crude ash. Crude fibre, Crude fat, Crude protein. Nitrogen-free extract matter, 100.00 FERTILIZING CONSTITUENTS. Moisture at 100° C, 10.77 10.10 Phosphoric acid, 2.04 * Potassium oxide, • 2.18 * Nitrogen, 3.38 1.70 •Not determined. 100.00 100.00 * 3.58 * 31.09 5.41 3.17 23.69 11.82 * 50-34 (I., Chicago glnten meal sent on from Amherst, Mass. ; II., Chi- cago gluten sent on from Boston, Mass.; III., King gluten meal from Station barn.) Pel- Cent. I. II. III. Moisture at 100° C, 9.33 10.22 7.1.S Dry matter, 90.67 89.78 92.22 100.00 luO.OO 100.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. Crude ash, .14 Crude fibre, 1.73 Crude fat, 4.60 Crude protein, 37.09 Nitrogen-free extract matter, 56.44 * 1.50 * 1.41 8.74 19.68 43.86 38.57 * 38-84 100.00 100.00 1., l)uffalo gluten feed from Station barn ; II., Golden gluten sent on from Boston, Mass. ; III., Chicago maize feed sent on from Bos- ton, Mass.) Per Cent. I. II. HI. Moisture at lOO'^ C, 8.34 9.89 7.19 Dry matter, 91.66 90.11 92.81 100.00 100.00 100.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER, Crude ash. .91 * 1.06 Crude fibre. 8.61 * 9.34 Crude fat, 14.76 15.78 7.39 Crude protein. 25.09 29.13 27.07 Nitrogen-free extract matter. 50.63 * 55.14 100.00 100.00 »Not determined. (I., Gluten feed sent on from Lincoln, Mass. ; II., Oil cake sent on from Boston, Mass. ; III., Gluten feed sent on from Lincoln, Mass. Per Cent. I. II. III. Moisture at 100« C, 8.52 11.01 8.52 Dry matter, 91.48 88.99 91.48 100.00 100.00 100.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. Crude ash. * 2.35 * Crude fibre. * 8.37 * Crude fat. 15.94 18.32 14.58 Crude protein. 24.21 25.21 22.15 Nitrogen-free extract matter. 45.75 100.00 (i., Peoria gluten feed sent on from Peoria, 111. ; It., Chicago gluten sent on from Lincoln, Mass. ; in., Gluten feed sent on fr Liacoln, Mass.) Per Cent. I. II. III. Moisture at 100" C, 7.07 9.22 9.79 Dry matter, 92.93 90.78 90.21 100.00 100.00 100.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. Crude ash, 1.16 * * Crude fibre, 8.30 * * Crude fat, 14.33 8.98 9.07 Crude protein, 22.71 22.87 21.00 Nitrogen-free extract matter, 53.50 * • 100.00 *Not determined. (I., Gluten feed sent on from Lincoln, Mass. ; II., Gluten feed sent on from Lincoln, Mass.) Per Cent. I. II. Moisture at lOO"" C, 8.61 8.61 Dry matter, 91.39 91.39 100.00 100.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. Crude ash, * * Crude fibre, * * Crude fat, 13.89 12.70 Crude protein, 18.38 16.81 Nitrogen-free extract matter, * * I., Peanut cake, (Germany) ; II., Peanut Husks fi •om Amherst, Mass. Per Cent. I. II. Moisture at 100" C, 12.98 Dry matter. 87.02 100.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. Crude ash, 1.36 Crude fibre, 75.91 Crude fat, 8.— 12. 1.90 Crude protein, 42. — 52. 5.74 Nitrogen-free extract matter, 15.09 FERTILIZING CONSTITUENTS. Moisture at 100^ C, 12.98 Phosphoric acid, .13 Potassium oxide, .48 Nitrogen, 6.-8. .80 I., Peanut feed sent on from Grauby, Mass.; II., , Peanut feed sent on from Boston, Mass. Per Cent. I, II. Moisture at 100° C, 9.08 10.92 Dry matter, 90.92 89.08 100.00 100.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. Crude ash, 2.25 3.60 Crude fibre, 62.48 62.)^2 Crude fat, 7.61 4.49 Crude protein, 10.31 9.54 Nitrogen-free extract matter, 17.35 19.55 100.00 100.00 FERTILIZIJfG CONSTITUENTS. Moisture at 100° C, 9.07 10.92 Phosphoric acid, .23 * Potassium oxide, .79 • Nitrogen, 1.50 1.36 *Not determined. I., Meat meal sent on from New York ; II., German analysis sent on. Per Cent, I. II. Moisture at lOO'' C, 8.00 Dry matter, 92.00 100.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. Crude ash, * Crude fibre, * Crude fat, 20.73 12.70 Crude protein, 76.15 73.50 Nitrogen-free extract matter, * FERTILIZING CONSTITUENTS. Moisture at 100° C, 8.00 Phosphoric acid, .73 Potassium oxide, .30 Nitrogen, 11.21 11.70 This menl is a refuse from the manufacture of Liebig's Extract of ]\Ieat. In the process of manufacture it has lost its saliues and in feeding the meal these are replaced in the form of chemicals. TRADE VALUES OF fp:rtilizing ingredients in raw materials AND CHEMICALS. 1894. Cents per pound . Nitrogen in ammonia salts, 19 " " nitrates, 14^ Organic nitrogen in dry and fine ground fish, meat, blood, and in high-grade mixed fertilizers, 18^ " " " cotton-seed meal, linseed meal and castor pomace, 15 " " " fine ground bone and tankage, 16| " " " fine ground medium bone and tankage, 15 " " " medium bone and tankage, 12 " " " coarse bone and tankage, 7 " " " hair, horn-shavings and coarse fish scraps, 7 Phosphoric acid soluble in water, 6 " " soluble in ammonium citrate, 5|- " " in fine bone and tankage, b\ " " in fine medium bone and tankage, 4^ " " in medium bone and tankage, 3 " " in coarse bone and tankage, 2 " " in fine ground fish, cottou-seed meal, linseed meal, castor pomace and wood ashes, 5 " " insoluble (in am. cit.) in mixed fertilizers, 2 Potash as High Grade Sulphate, and in mixtures free from Muriate, b\ " " Muriate, 4^ The raannrial constituents contained in feedstuffs are valued as follows : Organic Nitrogen, 15 Pho-phoric acid, 5 Potash, 5 The Bulletins oj the Mass. Experiment Station ivill be sent free of charge to all parties interested in its work, on application. C. A. GOESSMANN, Director. Amherst, Mass., November 13, 1894. Carpenter «ft Morehouse, Printers, JLtnherat, Mats. STAJii^fl^t, BOSTON .^-^^ 1895 MASSACHfrUB^ySrS STATE Agricultural .EImIent Station, BULi-iETinsr iisro. sv. MARCH, 1895. I. Meteorological Record for January-February, 1895. II. Analyses op Human Food Articles (Oats). III. Analyses of Fodder Articles. IV. Analyses op Manurial Substances. V. Trade Values. Meteorological Summary for Jamtary and Fehi 'uary S 1895. January. February. Mean temperature, - - 13. .06° 16. S-^'^ Higliest temperature, - - 45.00° 42.00'' Lowest temperature, - - -6.00° -11.00^ Total suovvfall, inches, - - 21.50 16.00 Total precipitation, inches, - 3.65 00.56 Prevailing wind, - - - N.W. N.W. The mean temperature for January, viz. 19.56°, was 0.87^^ below at of January, 1.^94. The precipitation, viz. 3.66 inches, was 1.23 inches greater. The mean temperature for February, viz. 16.82°, was 2.86° below that of February, 1894. The precipitation, viz. .56 iuch, was 1.71 inclies less. The first two months of the year 1895 were, on the whole, very favorable for winter crops, for al' hough the average temperature, viz. 1><.19°, was below the normal, the ground was well covered with snow during the whole time. il. Human Food Articles {Oats). ' I., Roasted Oats from American Cereal Roasting Co., New York, N. Y. ; 11., Roasted Oats from Roasted Cereal Co., New York, N. Y. ; III., Hecker's Oat Meal (partly cooked), from Croton Mills, New Yoi-k, N. Y. Per Cent. I, II. III. Moisture at 100" C, 4.90 5.18 6.87 Dry matter, 95.10 94.82 100.00 93.13 100.00 100.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. Crude ash, 1.93 1.69 2.25 Crude fibre. 1.00 .83 1.66 Crude fat, 8.35 8.92 8.65 Crude protein, 15.5S 15.75 15.68 Nitrogen-free extract matter, 73.14 72.81 71.76 100.00 100.00 100.00 I., Rolled Avena, from American Cereal Co., Akron, Ohio ; II., Rival Rolled Oats, sent on from Amherst, Mass. ; III., Quaker Rolled Oats, fi-om Quaker Mills, Ravenna, Ohio. rer Cent. I. II. III. Moisture at 100° C, 6.55 6.39 6.37 Dry matter, 93.45 93.61 93.63 100.00 100.00 100.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. Crude ash, 1.94 2.36 1.88 Crude fibre, 1.12 1.16 1.13 Crude fat, 8.13 8.80 9.03 Crude protein, 17.06 15.29 15.48 Nitrogen-free extract matter, 71.75 72.39 72.48 100.00 100.00 100.00 3 III. Analyses of Fodder Articles. I., Linseed Meal, sent on from Boston, Mass. ; II., Chicago Maize Feed, sent on from Boston, Mass. Per Cent. I. 11. Moisture at 100" C , 8.35 ^.11 Dry Matter, 91.65 93.23 100.00 100.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. Crude ash, 5.67 .42 Crude fibre, 9.28 6.39 Crude fat, 1.45 10.31 Crude protein, 39.27 31.83 Nitrogen-free extract matter, 44.33 51.05 100.00 100.00 WHEAT BRAN. I., Winter Wheat Bran, sent on from Boston, Mass. ; II., "Rex' Bran, sent on from Boston, Mass. Per Cent. I. II. Moisture at 100° C, 7.74 6.95 Dry matter, 92.26 93.05 100.00 100.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. Crude ash, 6.34 3.76 Crude (Ibre, 6.80 21.06 Crude fat, 4.63 3.05 Crude protein, 17.74 10.00 Nitrogen-free extract matter, 64.49 62.13 100.00 100.00 ATLAS MEAL (Dry Distillery Feed). I., sent on from Peoria, 111. ; II., Station Barn. Moisture at 100^ C. Dry matter, Per Ce I. nt. II. 11.21 7.66 88.79 92.34 100.00 100.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER Crude ash, .41 Crude fibre, 11 .94 Crude fat. lo .•28 Crude protein 1 37, .30 Nitrogen-free extract matter. 35.07 100.00 FERTILIZING CONSTITUENTS. Moisture at 100^ C, 11.21 Potassium oxide, .16 Phosplioric acid, -23 Nitrogen, 5.30 CORN PRODUCTS. Sent on from Rowley, Mass. 100.00 OAT FEED sent on from Rowley, Mass 100.00 35.80 7.G6 5.29 Per Cent. I. II. III. INIoisture at 100° C, 10.57 8.63 7.82 Dry matter. 89.43 91.37 92.18 100.00 100.00 100.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTEK Crude ash, 1.23 .82 .17 Crude fibre. 2.13 11.07 17.27 Crude fat, 5.38 4.48 1.80 Crude protein. 10.06 8.00 4.47 Nitrogen-free extract matter. 81.20 75.63 76.29 100.00 II., sent on from Westboro, Mass. Fer Cent. I. II. Moisture at 100° C, 7.51 7.40 Dry matter. 92.49 92.60 100.00 100.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. Crude ash. 4.97 4.91 Crude fibre. 16.82 19.02 Crude fat, 4.04 4.12 Crude protein 5 11.89 11.13 Nitrogen-free extract matter, 62.28 60.82 100.00 100.00 CANADA HAY. I. and II., sent on from Proctor, \t ., 1st and 2d quality ; III. and IV., sent on from 1 Montreal, Canada, 1st and -26 1 quality. I'er Cent. I. IT. III. ir. jNIoistm-e at 100'' c, 7.41 (;.48 6.56 6.46 Dry matter, 92.59 93.52 93.44 93.54 ICO. 00 100.00 100.00 100.00 ANALYSIS OF DRV MATTER. Crude ash, 6.53 5.02 5.86 4.46 Crude fibre. 32.S4 33.95 32.70 31.36 Crude fat, 2.87 2.32 2.34 2.48 Crude protein, 8.25 6.68 7.56 6.06 Nitrogen-free extract matter, 49.51 52.03 51.54 55.64 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 WATER GRASS (Sedge). Sent on from Weston, Mass. Per Cent, Moisture at 100° C, 5.63 Dry matter, 94.37 100.00 ANALYSIS OF DRY MATTER. Crude ash, 5.44 Crude fibre. 33.74 Crude fat, 2.10 Crude protein, 8.06 Nitrogen-free extract matter. 50.66 100.00 FERTILIZING CONSTITUENTS. Moisture at 100° C, 5.63 Ferric and aluminic oxides, .08 Calcium oxide, .55 Phosphoric acid, .21 Potassium oxide, .74 Nitrogen, 1.21 Insoluble matter, 3.41 IV. Analyses of Manurial Substances. 1022—1025. WOOD ASHES. I., sent on from Boston, Mass. ; II., sent on from South Sud- bury, Mass. ; III., sent on from Concord, Mass. ; IV., sent on from Danvers, Mass. I. Per II. Cent. III. ir. Moisture at 100'' C, 16.75 12.22 18.13 14.13 Calcium oxide, 33.00 34.20 35.00 32.60 Potassium oxide. 5.60 4.84 5.68 3.72 Phosphoric acid. .26 .26 .12 .52 Insoluble matter, 18.39 25.43 15.43 16.20 1026-1029. WOOD ASHES. I., sent on from Whitinsville, Mass. ; II. and III., sent on from Sunderland, Mass. ; IV., sent on from Concord, Mass. I. Per II. Cent. III. ir. Moisture at 100° C, 8.25 7.89 6.17 18.27 Calcium oxide. 37.60 34.00 44.00 41.12 Potassium oxide. 5.70 4.12 5.36 4.20 Phosphoric acid. 1.34 1.34 1.40 1.28 Insoluble matter, 21.87 20.62 6.60 10.50 1030-1033. WOOD ASHES. I., sent on from Boston, Mass. ; II. and III., sent on from North Amherst, Mass. ; IV., Lime-kiln ashes, sent on from Sunderland, Mass. I. Moisture at 100° C, 6.27 Calcium oxide, 47.00 Potassium oxide, 6.08 Phosphoric acid, 1.80 Insoluble matter, 15.61 1034—1035. COTTON-HULL ASHES. Moisture at 100° C, Calcium oxide. Potassium oxide, Phosphoric acid, Insohihle matter, * Not determined. Per ( II. Jent. III. ir. 14.77 11.37 8.09 36.80 41.68 50.66 3.52 5.68 2.30 1 . 28 1.28 .68 12.14 9.99 5.19 SHES. Per Cent. I. II. 4.75 7 .89 10.00 * 27.64 26.36 9.04 5.46 18.57 ♦ t 1036-1037. GROUND BONE. I., sent on from Lincoln, Mass. ; II., sent on from Westford, Mass. I'er I. Cent. JI. Moisture at 100'" C, 4.55 3.23 Total phosphoric acid, 27. G4 22.24 Available ph^splioric acid, .S.H8 3.54 Insoluble phosphoric acid, 18.76 18.70 Mtrogeu, 2.85 2.31 J'er Cent. I. II. III. 7.80 6.45 6.10 3.00 2.36 2.68 3.70 2.30 2.44 7.11 7.10 7.61 1038—1040. COTTON-SEED MEAL. I., dark, sent on from North Hadley ; II., yellow, sent on from North Hadley ; III., Texas, sent on from Hatlleld. Moisture at 100=' C. Potassium oxide, Phosphoric acid. Nitrogen, 1041. ODORLESS MINERAL GUANO. Sent on from Boston, Mass. Moisture at 100'^ C, Total phosphoric acid. Available phosphoric acid. Insoluble phosphoric acid. Potassium oxide, 1042. SHP:EP FERTILIZER. Sent on from South Lincoln, Mass. Moisture at lOO'^ C, Potassium oxide. Phosphoric acid, ♦ Nitrogen, Insoluble matter, 1043. PEAT. Sent on from West Acton, Mass. Moisture at 100" C, Ash, Calcium oxide. Potassium oxide. Phosphoric acid, Nitrogen, Insoluble matter. Ber Cent. 2.95 20.34 .52 19.82 .50 Per Cent. 35.65 .76 .90 1.61 25.43 Per Cent. 59.93 2.30 .81 .14 .17 .89 3.58 8 TRADE VALUES OF FERTILIZING INGREDIENTS IN RAW MATERIALS AND CHEMICALS. 1895. Cents per pound , Nitrogen in ammonia salts, 18.5 " " nitrates, 15. Organic nitrogen in dry and fine ground fish, meat, blood, and in higli-grade mixed fertilizers, 16.5 *' " " cotton-seed meal, 12 " " " fine ground bone and tankage, 16 " " " fine ground medium bone and tankage, 14 " " " medium bone and tankage, 11 " " " coarse bone and tankage, 5 " " '' hair, horn-shavings and coarse fish scraps, 5 Phosphoric acid soluble in water, 6 " " soluble in ammonium citrate, 5|- " " in fine bone and tankage, 5^ " "in fine medium bone and tankage, 4^ " " in medium bone and tankage, 3 " " in coarse bone and tankage, 2 " " in fine grouhd fish, cotlou-seed meal, linseed meal, castor pomace and wood ashes, 5 " " insoluble (in am. cit.) in mixed fertilizers, 2 Potash as High Grade Sulphate, and in mixtures free from Muriate, 5^ " " Muriate, 4^ The manurial constituents contained in feedstuffs are valued as follows : Orpanic Nitrogen, 12 Plio»plioric acid, 5 Potash, 5 The BxUptfns of (he 3/'7,s.s. Experiment Slatiov will be sent free of charge to all parties interested in its work, on application. C. A GOESSMANN, Director. Amherst, Mnss., ]\I:ucli 22, 1805. Carpfuler A Uoreluniitp, f'rlnterH, Amhrritt, Mtisn. &