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CO Z CO V. iK ' ' r ■[f,' 1^. I O-i/'.'' •'^. t. ' 4t ■■v; . ■ "■' r'jK '.!?v ' ' '>v^ 4 ■A'< V -jf*;' 'A relationships OF SOME INSECTIVORES AND RODENTS FROM THE MIOCENE OF NORTH AMERICA AND EUROPE BURKART ENGESSER NUMBER 14 PITTSBURGH^ 1979 BULLETIN of CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY RELATIONSHIPS OF SOME INSECTIVORES AND RODENTS FROM THE MIOCENE OF NORTH AMERICA AND EUROPE BURKART ENGESSER Resident Museum Specialist, Section of Vertebrate Fossils {permanent address: Naturhistorisches Museum, Basel, Switzerland) NUMBER 14 PITTSBURGH, 1979 BULLETIN OF CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY Number 14, pages 1-68, figures 1-12, table 1, plates 1-20 Issued 14 May 1979 Price: $5.00 a copy Craig C. Black, Director Editorial Staff: Hugh H. Genoways, Editor; Duane A. Schlitter, Associate Editor; Stephen L. Williams, Associate Editor; Barbara Farkas, Technical Assistant. (c) 1979 by the Trustees of Carnegie Institute, all rights reserved. CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY, 4400 FORBES AVENUE PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA 15213 CONTENTS Abstract 5 Zusammenfassung 5 Resume 5 Introduction 6 Acknowledgments 7 Relationships of Insectivores 7 La n tlia noth eriu m 7 Plesiosore.xIMeterix 9 Subfamily Heterosoricinae Viret and Zapfe 1951 12 Limnoeciis 19 Relationships of Rodents 20 '"Sciuropterus" 20 Petauristodon, new genus 23 Family Eomyidae Deperet and Douxami, 1902 23 Pseudotheridomys 24 Leptodontomys 25 Eomyops, new genus 27 Cotimus, Leidymys, Eiimyaiion. and Eucricetodon 28 Democricetodon and Copemys 31 Plesiosminthus 35 Discussion 39 Migration 39 Parallel Evolution 41 Conclusion 42 Literature Cited 42 Plates 46 < 1 ABSTRACT Ten genera of Miocene small mammals from Europe are com- pared with similar forms, regarded as congeneric by many au- thors, from North America. These are Lanthanotherium, Ple- siosore.x. "Trimylus" IHeterosorex, Limnoecus, "Sciiiropterus," Pseudotheridomys , Leptudontomys, "Cotimus," Dcmocricelo- don/Copemys, and Plesiosminthus. On the basis of morpholog- ical differences, the European eomyids hitherto assigned to Lep- todontomys are here separated from this genus and united in the new genus Eomyops. For the North American rodents so far described as "Sciiiropterus" the new genus Petauristodon is introduced. The newly discovered upper dentition oi "Cotimus" ulicae shows that Schaub’s "Cricetodon heveticus" and related forms from Europe, assigned to the American genus "Cotimus" i=Leidymys) by several authors, have nothing to do with this genus. The European forms are merged within another genus for which the name Eumyarion Thaler, 1966, should he used. The European heterosoricine genera Quercysore.x, Heterosore.x, and Dinosore.x are differentiated morphologically from the American genera Domnina and Pseudotrimylus. Some small soricids from Europe assigned by many authors to the American subfamily Limnoecinae are compared with representatives of the genus Limnoecus. These comparisons led to the conclusion that at present there is no reason to include any European form in this American subfamily. The discussion attempts to show that in addition to migration other possibilities, such as parallelism and persistence of prim- itive characters over long periods, must be considered to explain the close similarities of some forms from both continents. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Zehn miozane Kleinsauger-Formen Europas werden mit ahn- lichen Formen aus Nordamerika verglichen, mit welchen zusam- men sie bisher in die gleiche Gattung gestelit wurden: Lantha- notherium. Plesiosore.x, "Trimylus" /Heterosore.x. Limnoecus. "Sciiiropterus, " Pseudotheriodomys, Leptodontomys, "Coti- mus." Democricetodon/Copemys, Plesiosminthus. Aufgrund morphologischer Unterschiede werden die bisher Leptodonto- mys zugeordneten Eomyiden Europas von diesem Genus abge- trennt und im neu geschaffenen Genus Eomyops vereinigt. Fiir die bisher als "Sciiiropterus" beschriebenen Formen Norda- merikas wird das neue Genus Petauristodon aufgestellt. Funde der bisher unbekannten Maxillarbezahnung von "Cotimus" al- icae haben gezeigt. dass Schaubs "Cricetodon helveticiis" und verwandte Formen Europas, welche von manchen Autoren dem amerikanischen Genus "Cotimus" (=Leidymys) zugeordnet wurden. nichts mit diesem Genus zu tun haben. Sie sind im Genus Eumyarion Thaler 1966 zu vereinigen. Die europaischen Heterosoricinae-Genera Quercysore.x, Heterosore.x und Dino- sore.x werden gegen die amerikanischen Genera Domnina und Pseudotrimylus morphologisch abgegrenzt. Die von manchen Autoren der amerikanischen Unterfamilie Limnoecinae zugeord- neten kleinen Soriciden Europas werden mit Vertretern der Gat- tung Limnoecus verglichen. Dabei zeigt sich, dass gegen wartig keine Veranlassung besteht. irgendwelche europaischen Formen in diese amerikanische Unterfamilie zue stellen. Im allgemeinen Teil wird zu zeigen versucht, dass als Erkla- rung fiir das Zustandekommen der erstaunlichen Aehniichkeiten von Formen beider Kontinente, neben der Migration auch noch mit andern Mbglichkeiten wie Parallelentwicklungen und Bei- behaltung primitiver Merkmale fiber lange Zeitraume zu rechnen ist. RESUME Dix micromammiferes miocenes d" Europe sont compares a des formes semblables de FAmerique du Nord qui figuraient jusqu'ici dans le meme genre: Lanthanotherium, Plesiosore.x, "Trimylus" /Heterosore.x, Limnoecus, "Sciiiropterus," Pseu- dotheridomys, Leptodontomys, "Cotimus," Dernocricetodon/ Copemys, Plesiosminthus. En raison de differences morpholo- giques, les eomides d’Europe sont separes du genre Leptodon- tomys auquel ils avaient ete attribues et sont reunis dans le genre Eomyops nouvellement cree. Pur les formes americaines de- crites auparavant, comme "Sciiiropterus ." un nouveau genre, Petauristodon. est etabli. La decouverte de dents de maxillaires de "Cotimus" alicae inconnues jusqu’a present a montre que le "Cricetodon helveticiis" de Schaub et d’autres formes appar- entees d’Europe, attributes par plusieurs auteurs au genre amer- icain "Cotimus" {=Leidymys), n’avaient rien a voir avec ce gen- re. Ces formes doivent etre reunies dans le genre Eumyarion Thaler 1966. Les genres europeens d'heterosoricines, Quercy- sore.x. Heterosore.x et Dinosore.x sont distingues morphologique- ment des genres americains Domnina et Pseudotrimylus. Les petits soricides d’Europe, attribues par plusieurs auteurs a la sous-famille des limnoecines sont compares a des representants du genre Limnoecus. Ces comparaisons ont demontre qu’il n’y a actuellement pas de raison de placer Tune ou I’autre des formes europeennes dans cette sous-famille. Dans la partie generale, on tente de demontrer que I’etonnante ressemblance des formes des deux continents peut etre expli- quee outre la migration, par d’autres possibilites telles que revolution parallele et la persistance des caracteres primitifs pendant de tres longues periodes. 5 6 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 14 INTRODUCTION This paper is an experiment. A great number of questions are asked, but to only a few can an an- swer be given. During the last few years several species of Eu- ropean mammals have frequently been united in the same genus as North American species, almost al- ways on the basis of similarities in tooth morphol- ogy. The presence of such similar forms on both continents was usually explained by intercontinen- tal faunal exchange or, as most authors state, by "migration." In this study I tried to approach the problems from a different point of view from that of most authors having worked in this field. In many cases I intentionally took the part of the advocatus dia- holi. My main object with this was to re-open sev- eral issues so that some problems will be discussed again. Many problems of relationships between Tertiary mammalian faunas from North America and Europe are regarded as solved and are not dis- cussed anymore. In my opinion it is premature to give a solution to such complicated problems on the basis of the scanty available comparative material. For the solution we need more complete and abun- dant specimens. In addition, in the course of this study I began to doubt whether tooth morphology alone can be trusted for the clarification of phylo- genetic relations, especially for such higher system- atic categories as genus, subfamily, or family. In this paper I try to show that in addition to faunal exchange other possibilities must still be con- sidered, including parallelism and the persistence of primitive forms on both continents over long pe- riods. In most cases no material was available other than that from which my colleagues had drawn their conclusions, so I tried to apply other morphologic criteria. I also examined earlier faunas of both con- tinents to determine whether there are forms from which the latter forms, showing similarities to those of the other continent, could be derived (without supposing a lateral communication). Thus, starting with upper Miocene genera being reported to occur on both continents, 1 also studied small mammals from the Lower Miocene, the Oligocene, and, in some cases, the Eocene. For this study 1 selected ten genera that appeared to me to be especially rewarding and with which I had the possibility of comparing American and Eu- ropean original specimens. I endeavored to com- pare as many different groups as possible, because conclusions can follow from a broad spectrum of forms that cannot be drawn from one group. Be- cause of the abundance of forms, and because the magnitude of the subject required me to follow the different groups over long periods — sometimes through the whole Tertiary — I confined myself to the rodents and insectivores. Assuming that most readers will not read through the whole paper, but rather will confine themselves to chapters interesting to them, the different chap- ters are self-contained. This involved, of course, some repetition in the different chapters. Because the time correlations of North American and European mammal faunas still are very much a matter of discussion, I abstained from giving a correlation table and correlated only on the level of epochs. The term "Miocene" is used in the mod- ern sense, that is, the period between ca. 23 and 5 million years ago; likewise the Pliocene, which cov- ers the period between 5 and 1.8 million years ago. For North American stratigraphy, I used the cur- rent land mammal ages such as Arikareean, Hem- ingfordian, and so forth, but for the European Neo- gene I largely refrained from using terms like Helvetian, Tortonian, Sarmatian, and others. These are mostly defined on the basis of marine forma- tions and therefore in continental stratigraphy they can mean very different things, according to the country and school of the different authors. So for the European Neogene I used the mammal units NMU 1-16 (NMU = Neogene Mammal Unit), in- troduced and worked out by Mein (1976). For col- leagues not acquainted with this new mammal zo- nation, I sometimes added the misleading stage names in quotation marks. Abbreviations of the institutions owning the specimens de- scribed and figured in this paper are as follows: AMNH, Amer- ican Museum of Natural History. New York; BSPM, Bayerische Staatssammiung fiir Palaontologie und historische Geologic, Miinchen; CM, Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Pitts- burgh; FSL, Faculte des Sciences de Lyon; KU, University of Kansas Museum of Natural History, Lawrence; MO, Museum Olten (Solothurn, Switzerland); MHNP, Museum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris; NHW, Naturhistorisches Museum Wien; NMBS, Naturhistorisches Museum Basel; NMNH, Na- tional Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.; SDSM, South Dakota School of Mines, Mu- seum of Geology, Rapid City; UCMP, University of California Museum of Paleontology. Berkeley; UNSM, University of Ne- braska State Museum, Lincoln; UO. University of Oregon, Mu- seum of Natural History, Eugene. 1979 ENGESSER— MIOCENE INSECTIVORES AND RODENTS 7 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Without the generous help of the Carnegie Museum of Natural History, which offered me a nine month stay as a Resident Mu- seum Specialist. I would not have been able to accomplish this study. Among the staff of this museum I am especially indebted to Dr. Mary Dawson. Dr. M. G. Netting. Dr. J. Swauger. and Mr. W. Woodside. In addition. Dr. Dawson's discussions and criticism have been most helpful in the realization of this work; her help was very much appreciated in correcting the English text. 1 also wish to thank Dr. L. Krishtalka and Dr. J. H. Hutch- ison for going over parts of the manuscript. 1 am also very grate- ful to Dr. C. C. Black for having the paper published here. Further, 1 am indebted to the Stipendienkommission des Kun- tons Basel-Stadt for having provided an additional grant for my stay in the United States and to the Janggen-Pohn-Foundation (St. Gallen) which enabled me to study European comparative materials in the collections of Fyon and Munich after my return to Europe. Dr. Johannes Hurzeler followed this study from its beginning with great interest and was always at hand with valuable infor- mation and suggestions. 1 also wish to thank Dr. F. Wieden- mayer and Mr. J. B. Saunders for having helped me with the English translation and Miss H. Pouget and Miss E. Hill for having typed the manuscript. I am grateful to my wife Wies for her help and her patience during the time of this work and es- pecially for having made excellent casts of specimens during our stay in America. To the following 1 am indebted for the loan of comparative materials, providing literature and casts, for discussions, infor- mation, and criticism, as well as for other kinds of help: Prof. Dr. R. Dehm, Munich; Dr. R. J. Emry, Washington, D.C.; Dr, V. Fahibusch, Munich; Dr. O. Fejfar, Prague; Dr. E. Heizmann, Stuttgart; Dr. M. Hugueney, Lyon; Dr. D. E. Savage, Dr. J. H. Hutchison, and B. Waters. Berkeley; J. Yarmer. Pittsburgh; Dr. L. Kittleman, Eugene; Dr. E. Lindsay, Tucson; Dr. L. D. Mar- tin. Lawrence; H. McGinnis, Pittsburgh; Drs. M. C. McKenna, J. H. Wahlert, and M. F. Skinner. New York; P. Mein. Lyon; D. L. Rasmussen, Denver; Dr. C. Ray, Washington, D.C.; Dr. P. Robinson, Boulder; Drs. R. Zangerl, W. D. Turnbull, and W. Segall, Chicago; Prof. Dr. H. Tobien, Mainz; Dr. R. W. Wilson, Lawrence; Prof. Dr. H. Zapfe, Wien. RELATIONSHIPS OF INSECTIVORES La nthanotherwm (Earn. Erinaceidae, Bonaparte, 1838, Subfamily Echinosoricinae Cabrera, 1925) History of Investigations The genus Lanthanotherium was introduced in 1888 by Filhol for Lartet’s Erinacens sansaniensis from Sansan. Outside of L. sansaniense four more species have now been described from Europe — L. rohnstnm Viret, 1940, from La Grive; L. longi- rostre Thenius, 1949, from Leoben; L. sanmigneli Villalta and Crusafont, 1944, from Viladecaballs; and L. piveteaui Crusafont, Villalta, and Truyols, 1955, from Can Cerda. A second species from San- san, described in 1972 by Baudelot as L. tobieni. is here considered as a synonym of L. sansan- iense.' Butler (1969) reported Lanthanotherium from the Miocene of Africa (Songhor, eastern Af- rica). I know of no fossils of Lanthanotherium from Asia, where all Recent representatives of the Echi- nosoricinae live. Webb’s reference (1961:1085) to a passage in Viret ( 1940:53) in which a questionable ' Baudelot (1972) introduced the species L. tohicni chiefly on the basis of a fourth premolar in two lower jaw fragments {L. sansaniense usually has three lower pre- molars). It is generally known that the number of premolars in Echinosoricinae varies considerably within a population, often even in the two halves of one jaw. Van Valen (1967:272). for example, described three skulls of the Recent species Hylornys suil- lus — one specimen had three P on both sides; another, four P on both sides; and a third specimen, three P on the right upper jaw and four on the left. According to Van Valen. the same variability can be observed in the Recent Neotetracus sinensis and I found the same variability also in lower jaws of Echinosoricinae in our collection. Lanthanotherium specimen from China is said to be mentioned, apparently is due to a mistake, be- cause in this passage Viret discusses only the Re- cent Neotetracus sinensis Trouessart, 1909, and the Oligocene Tetracus from Ronzon (France). Since 1961 several fossil insect! vores from North America were incorporated into the genus Lanthanotherium. Webb (1961) assigned a jaw fragment with three molars from the Bopesta Formation (Barstovian) of California to this genus. Subsequently. James (1963) described two new species of Lanthanothe- rium— L. sawini and L. dehmi. Since then remains of these animals were also reported from the Red Basin in Oregon (Shotwell, 1968) and from the Bar- stow Formation in California (Lindsay, 1972). Among the numerous currently described species of Lanthanotherium the dentition is known to some extent from only three — L. sawini. of which even a well preserved skull fragment is known; L. san- saniense; and L. longirostre. All the other forms are hitherto documented only by fragments of man- dibles. Therefore, in Lanthanotherium, as in many genera treated in this paper, all comparisons are limited to the dentition. As in most insectivore groups, in the Echinoso- ricinae the molars behave very conservatively dur- ing evolution, whereas the anterior part of the den- tition undergoes various differentiations. This becomes obvious on comparing the dentitions of 8 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 14 Neiirogymnuriis and Lanthanotheriiim, for exam- ple. Therefore, at the generic level more systematic value must be attached to differences in molars than to those of the anterior dentition. The same obser- vation can be made comparing the European species of Lanthanotheniim — the anterior dentition shows very important differences, the molar den- tition hardly any. Comparisons of American and European Forms Because, as James (1963) pointed out, the best documented American species, L. sawini, shows a highly specialized anterior dentition, the following comparisons are restricted to molar morphology. Thus, I tried to distinguish the features in common to forms on one continent and compared them with the characteristics of the forms on the other conti- nent. Determination of the typical features of the American species of Lanthanotherium was greatly aided by examination of excellent material from an unpublished fauna (I was requested not to mention this material, specifically, but as a check on my conclusions it was very helpful). Viret (1940) and Butler (1948) showed that the third upper molar in the Erinaceidae is taxonomically significant. I found M^/M3to differ between the species on the two con- tinents— these differences I interpret as general ones. M^ of American Lanthanotherium is more re- duced compared with those of European species. The parastyle and anterior cingulum are less devel- oped and, sometimes, lacking, a feature never ob- served in European forms (see Plate 1). The ante- rior crest of the protocone extends directly to the paracone, rather than to the anterolabial corner of the tooth (the parastyle) as in European species of Lanthanotherium. On M® of the American species the cusps are less distinct and fused to a ring-shaped wall that is open only on the lingual side. The cusp on the posterior corner of the tooth“, especially well developed in L. sansaniense, (Plate la) is less well differentiated in American forms. The posterior crest of the protocone in European species extends to the metacone, leaving a distinct lingual shelf. On M^ of American specimens this posterior protocone crest ends shortly beyond the protocone or extends to the cusp on the posterior corner of the tooth. ^ Butler (1948) and James ( 1963) designate this cusp as a hypocone. This designation seems somewhat daring to me. because this cusp is lacking in earlier Echinosoricinae. for example, some Galericini or Neurogymnurus. and therefore, in my opinion, has to be regarded as a new acquisition. For that reason it would hardly be homologous with a real hypocone. The shelf between the posterior branch of the pro- tocone and the lingual tooth margin is lacking or only weakly developed. On M^ of American species of Lanthanotherium the anterior cingulum is less well developed than that of European forms. The paracone and meta- cone are connected by a longitudinal crest, which is weakly expressed on corresponding teeth from Europe (Plate la-c). In addition, the valley in the posterior half of the tooth between the metacone and hypocone is larger in American forms. M' of American forms is relatively short and its metaconule is crescent-shaped in occlusal view, whereas it is more nearly round in European species. Otherwise M' of American and European forms are the most similar of all the upper molars. Even fewer differenees can be observed between the lower molars of American and European species of Lanthanotherium (Plate 2). This is not too surprising since the lower molars of different echinosoricines resemble each other very closely (for example, those of Lanthanotherium, Neuro- gymnurus, and Hylomys). As already mentioned the species on each con- tinent vary considerably as far as the anterior den- tition of the lower and upper jaw is concerned. Therefore the anterior dentition seems to me to be very important for the distinction of different species, but not for the definition of higher taxo- nomic units. However, the robust anterior denti- tions exhibited in L. san ini and especially L. dehmi (see James, 1963) are not known in European forms. Einally, all described species of Lanthanotherium from North America are distinctly smaller than most European forms of the same age. The only exception among European species is that from Can Llobateres, which, although one of the latest forms, has the smallest dimensions (see Plates Ic and 2d).^ Discussion The comparisons of American and European species of Lanthanotherium demonstrate that in addition to the great similarity of the dentitions there are also differences. Even if these differences are not very apparent, their significance for system- atics should, in my opinion, not be underestimated. ^ Whether the form from Can Llobateres is identifiable as Lanihunotherium san- migueli (Vilialta and Crusafont. 1944) cannot be decided on the basis of the descrip- tions and figures in the original publication. However, on the basis of size the form from Can Llobateres corresponds to L. sanmigideli from Viladecaballs, which is of about the same age. 1979 ENGESSER— MIOCENE INSECTIVORES AND RODENTS 9 If, in addition, one takes into consideration how little various genera of the Echinosoricinae often differ dentally one can question the incorporation of the Lanthanotlu'iium-Wke forms from North America into the genus Lanthcinotherium. Com- paring, for example, the dentition of American Lan- thanotherium with those of certain Recent echino- soricines such as Echinosorex, N e at et ranis, and Hylomys (see Plates Id and 2e), one notices that the correspondence with the Recent forms is the same as with Lanthanotheriiim from Europe. With the same justification the American Lanthanothe- riiim could therefore be assigned to Hylomys or Neotetracus. Eor this reason, it seems appropriate to separate generically the American and European species of Lanthanotheriiim. However, I refrain from this action until better skull remains of the European forms are known. New conclusions about the phylogenetic relations can also be expected fol- lowing study of the unpublished Lanthanotheriiim material in American collections. Einally, the pos- sibility exists that if more complete remains of Ocajila from the Wounded Knee area (Macdonald, 1963) become known, generic identity of the latter genus with the American forms hitherto assigned to Lanthanotheriiim may result, so that all American forms could be united into the genus Ocajila. Even if the dental differences of American and European species of Lanthanotheriiim seem to jus- tify a generic separation, close relationship between the forms from both continents cannot be contest- ed, and with good reason are united with the Recent "moon rats” in the tribe Echinosoricini (Butler, 1948; Van Valen, 1967). How closely these forms are related cannot be judged for the moment, be- cause of the general conservative nature of the den- titions in echinosoricines. A pertinent question here is when the Echinosoricinae (sensii Butler, 1948) appeared in the New World. Either this group had already reached America from Europe in the Upper Eocene, or it originated there. An Ocajila-Vike eri- naceid is known from the Uintan Tepee Trail Eor- mation of Wyoming (I am indebted to Prof. Robert Wilson for sending me a photocopy of a letter from Dr. Peter Robinson, in which this form is men- tioned). This genus, originally described from the Sharps Formation (lower Arikareean), is generally regarded as a member of the Echinosoricinae and is therefore the earliest known representative of this subfamily in the New World. Unfortunately, I have not seen specimens of the Eocene Erinaceid, and only part of the lower dentition of the Wounded Knee species is known (the jaw fragment of Mac- donald’s figure 4 [1970] is obviously not of Ocajila but of a heterocoricine; see also Hutchison, 1972: 13). The lower molars of Ocajila and Lantha- notheriiim are remarkably alike (see Plate 2c), ex- cept that the latter have a somewhat longer trigonid. Based on these, admittedly poor, remains there is no feature in the dentition of Ocajila which would exclude this genus from the ancestry of Lanthano- theriiim. In Europe the earliest known echinosori- cines are the Middle Oligocene genera Neiirogym- niiriis and Tetraciis, either of which may have given rise to Lanthanotheriiim. The first appearance of Lanthanotheriiim in Eu- rope is in the Lower Miocene of Vieux Collonges (NMU 4), but in America it is not until the Upper Miocene (Barstovian). On both continents Lantha- notheriiim is recorded until the Upper Miocene (Turolian in Europe, Clarendonian in North Amer- ica). If we attribute the dental resemblances between European and North American species assigned to Lanthanotheriiim to intercontinental migration, the Bering Strait is the only possible migration route after the end of the Eocene. There, as with other groups (for example, Sciiiropteriis) treated in this paper, a problem arises — ail Recent Echinosorici- nae are dwellers of tropical or subtropical forests. From this we can conclude, if conclusions based on analogy with living forms are valid, that the fossil forms ecologically did not behave much differently. For dwellers of tropical forests the far north Bering Strait region should not be underestimated as a cli- matic barrier (see Simpson, 1947:65 1 : “there is no evidence from the mammals that any truly tropical or subtropical animal ever migrated between Eur- asia and North America”). Other ecological bar- riers likely also existed on this long route. In ad- dition it has to be remembered that no Tertiary Echinosoricinae have yet been found in Asia. Really we are still groping in the dark with the reconstruction of the history of Lanthanotheriiim. The only statement on which we are on firm ground is that of the morphological differences of the den- tition, and from these the conclusion that there should be generic separation for the American and European forms seems to be justified. Plesiosorex/Meterix (Family Plesiosoricidae Winge, 1917) The discussion on Plesiosorex is confined to points bearing on the relationship between North 10 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 14 American and European forms. A monographic treatment of Plesiosorex is in preparation. Also not discussed is the systematic affiliation of this genus, which is still not clear. Wilson (1960) thoroughly compared Plesiosorex coloradensis with European species, and therefore 1 confine myself to some few interesting, comparative points. Historical Introduction De Blainville first described in his “Osteogra- phie” (1838) a representative of this genus under the name Erinaceiis soricinoides. The type was from the Stampian locality of Chaufours (Limagne, Erance). Pomel (1854) classified the species from Chaufours with the myogales and introduced the generic name Plesiosorex. Dietrich (1929) seems to have been the first author to notice the similarity between the European Plesiosorex and the Ameri- can genus Meterix described by Hall ( 1929). Strom- er (1940) incorporated the species Myogale ger- manica (Seemann, 1938) in the genus Meterix Hall. In the same year Viret (1940) discussed the phylo- genetic relationships of Plesiosorex and Meterix, and took the view that probably at the end of the “ Vindobonian” or the beginning of the “Pontian" representatives of the genus Plesiosorex “emigrat- ed” to America. In his monograph on the Quarry A fauna, Wilson (1960) described an insectivore as Plesiosorex coloradensis, stating that the Quarry A species showed more similarities with European Plesiosorex than with the American Meterix. Comparisons of American and European Eorms Comparisons between European and American plesiosoricids are confined to the dentition, because no other remains of these animals are now known from Europe. Species of Plesiosorex from North America and Europe are surprisingly similar and exhibit all the dental features typical of the genus — the paracone and metacone of the upper molars are shifted medially compared with those of other in- sectivores. and the occurrence of cusps labial to the paracone and metacone. Extensive comparisons of European and North American material failed to reveal fundamental differences in the dentition. Nevertheless, some differences do occur on MVM,, the most diagnostic teeth of Plesiosorex apart from U. M' of all American Plesiosorex known to me shows a relatively strong and well-defined hypo- cone, whereas this cusp is distinctly lower and less clearly separated from the protocone on M’ of Eu- ropean species (see Eig. Ic, f, i, and 1), such as P. schaffneri where the hypocone is essentially a shelf on the posterior side of the protocone (Eig. Ic and Plate 5c). On M‘ of American species of Plesiosorex the cusp labial to the paracone is higher than the latter, whereas in European forms the paracone is always higher (Eig. lb, e, h, and k). In the North American species the cusp labial to the metacone on M‘ is more developed than in European ones, where it occurs as a crest rather than as a distinct cusp (Eig. la, d, g, and j). Species of Plesiosorex from both continents do not differ fundamentally in remaining known parts of the dentition. However, the anterior parts of the dentition are too poorly known for extensive com- parisons. The mandible in American and European Plesio- soricidae are very similar too (see Plate 3). It is interesting that both the primitive and ad- vanced species of Plesiosorex from North America and Europe are very similar to each other. P. co- loradensis, the earliest and morphologically the most primitive North American form, surprisingly resembles certain primitive species from Europe, for example that from the Rumikon. Both have a relatively short M' and a posterior trigon leg (Tri- gonumkante) that runs via the metaconule to the metastyle (Plate 5a and d). More evolved forms from both continents, such as Upper Miocene and Pliocene species of Meterix and Plesiosorex sp. from Grosslappen have a more elongated M', with a posterior trigon leg that ends at the posterior mar- gin of the crown without reaching the metastyle (see Plate 5b and e). Similar observations can be made in the lower dentition — more primitive species on both sides of the Atlantic have an M, with a short trigonid compared with the talonid (see Plate 4b and d). In more evolved forms an elongation of the tri- gonid angle occurs (Plate 4a and c). Also, the num- ber of antemolar teeth apparently becomes more reduced in evolved forms of North America and Europe. Einally, compared with the more primitive species, the mandible of advanced species from both continents bears a posteriorly shifted mental foramen — the anterior foramen of P. coloradensis is below P2; that of Meterix is below P3 (plate 3a- b). Similarly, among European species of Plesio- sorex the earlier forms, such as that from St- Andre (Viret, 1946) and Chaveroche (Plate 3d) bear the anterior foramen below the space between P, and u Fig. I. — Different views of LM' of North American and European Plesiosoricidae. Upper row: lingual view; middle row: front view; lower row; labial view, a-c) Plesiosorex schaffneh Engesser, a and c; NMBS. Al. 145 (invers), b; NMBS, Al. 538, Anwil (Switzerland), Middle Miocene; d-f) Plesiosorex sp., BSPM 1926 E 81 (invers), Grosslappen (Germany), Middle Miocene; g-i) Plesiosorex coloradensis Wilson, KU 9990 (invers). Quarry A, Martin Canyon, Colorado, Hemingfordian; j-1) Melerix sp., a and c; OU 22329 (invers), b: OU 22326 (invers), Ove, Quartz Basin, Oregon, Barstovian. All figures I2x. 12 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 14 P2, but in more advanced forms, such as that from Aumeister, it occurs below the space between P3 and P4. Also, the posterior mental foramen of Eu- ropean forms seems to have moved posteriorly dur- ing the course of evolution — in the species from St- Andre and Chaveroche it occurs below P4 (or below the interspace between P4 and M,), whereas, in more evolved forms (for example, from Viehhausen [Seeman, 1938], Riimikon, and Aumeister) it is be- low the protoconid of M,. This posterior migration of the posterior foramen in European forms hap- pened apparently between the Upper Oligocene and the Lower Miocene. In America this trend seems to have been terminated in the Lower Miocene, be- cause, like the geologically younger Meterix, P. co- loradensis has this foramen below M, (Plate 3a-b). As is probable for soricids, the movement of the mental foramen in plesiosoricids can be correlated to an enlargement of the large lower incisor (U), which unfortunately is known in only a few species. The intercontinental similarity among primitive and evolved plesiosoricids cannot, in my opinion, be explained only by faunal exchange, because these would have to have involved frequent “inter- migrations.” An analogous case involves Democri- cetodon and Copemys, where the advanced species (on either continent) are more similar to each other than to the primitive ones. It is very difficult to find an explanation for these phenomena. In my opinion it seems worth considering whether evolutionary trends could be involved, which, proceeding from a common origin, can be conserved over long pe- riods. Of all described species of Plesiosorex, P. color- adensis from Quarry A is by far the best known. Wilson ( 1960) concluded that compared with P. so- ricinoides from St-Andre and P. cf. soricinoides from Chaveroche, P. coloradensis shows more pro- gressive features, but compared with P. styriaciis (Steiermark) and P. germanicus (Viehhausen) was more primitive. Unpublished Plesiosorex material from Europe are similar to P. coloradensis and, considering its age, imply the progressive nature of the latter. The strongly reduced labial cingulum of the lower mo- lars is an especially progressive feature in the den- tition of P. coloradensis. P. coloradensis most closely resembles the Riimikon Plesiosorex (canton of Zurich, Switzerland, see Plate 5a). On the basis * Thenius (1949) recommended synonymy of P. germanicus and P. styriacus. in which he was followed by Wilson (1960). Later I (1972:59) advocated for maintenance of both species. of the cricetids, the Riimikon fauna (NMU 5) has to be regarded as somewhat older than that from Sansan (NMU 6), but according to Wilson’s strati- graphic placement of Quarry A, P. coloradensis would be distinctly older than the Riimikon species. How can the great similarities between North American and European Plesiosorex be explained? As mentioned above, Viret (1940) suggested “mi- gration” from Europe to North America immedi- ately before the “Pontian.” Wilson (1960) also pre- ferred the possibility of a “migration,” but he fixed the time for it somewhat earlier — Lower Miocene — because he regarded P. coloradensis as a possible ancestor of Meterix.^ At present, P. coloradensis is the oldest known plesiosoricid in North America; no suitable ances- tors are known from the Oligocene or Eocene of North America. Nevertheless, such Paleogene forms as Geolahis (=Metacodon) show similarities with Plesiosorex. As stated by Wilson (1960) most of these similarities have to be considered as com- mon primitive features. In Europe Plesiosorex is known from earlier levels, that is, from the Stam- pian. This and the fact the American and European forms are very similar, at least in those parts that we can compare, implies a faunal exchange. On the other hand, Plesiosorex is dentally prim- itive, having retained these features over very long periods. That the evolved, latest forms on both con- tinents are surprisingly similar implies the possibil- ity of parallelism. Thus, it is possible that Plesio- sorex reached North America before the time of its earliest known occurrence, and then developed for a long time in parallel to its European relatives. Subfamily Heterosoricinae Viret and Zapfe, 1951 (Eamily Soricidae Gray, 1821) History of Investigations Since my study of the Miocene mammal fauna from Anwil (1972:73) reported on the history of the European Heterosoricinae, this discussion is limit- ed to the opinions of different authors regarding the relationships between North American and Euro- pean forms. Since Cope’s (1873) description of the ' If a close relationship of American and European plesiosoricids will be confirmed in the future, the generic name Meterix probably will be declared a synonym of Plesiosorex, because for the present it is difficult to differentiate the two genera morphologically. We hope that we soon will know more about these relationships because some North American collections contain extensive unpublished material, possibly permitting determination of the phylogenetic lineages from P. coloradensis to the latest forms of the Upper Pliocene. 1979 ENGESSER— MIOCENE INSECTIVORES AND RODENTS 13 genus Domnina, heterocoricines have been re- covered in North America, but, for a long time, were not considered to have a close relationship with European forms. Patterson and McGrew (1937) were the first to point out the similarity of Domnina to the European Heterosorex, but they did not alter their systematics. Mawby ( 1960) noted the great resemblance of Domnina" compressa (Galbreath, 1953) to Heterosorex'^ Gaillard and as- signed “D.” compressa and an undescribed species from Oregon, =Pseudotrimylns mawby i (Repen- ning) 1967, to Heterosorex. Wilson (1960) referred two species from Quarry A to Heterosorex — H. ro- peri and Heterosorex sp. — and compared them ex- haustively with European species. Wilson claimed that "Heterosorex" roperi could not have devel- oped independently from European species since the Oligocene. Since 1960, the names Trimylus and Heterosorex have also been used for American forms (Hutchison, 1966, 1972; Doben-Florin, 1966; Repenning, 1967). In his revision of the family So- ricidae. Repenning (1967) was of the opinion that the European and North American Heterosoricinae likely represent two separate evolutionary lines, but he still included species from Europe and North America in the genus Trimylus. Gureev (1971) in- troduced a new genus, Pseudotrimylus , for Heter- osorex roperi from Quarry A. Crochet (1968) had referred three heterosoricines from the European Oligocene to Domina — "Amphisorex" primaevus Eilhol, "Sorex" herrlingensis Palmowski and Wachendorf, and the heterosoricine from Ricken- bach (Switzerland). In 1975, I introduced the genus Quercysorex for the former two, and placed the lat- ter in the genus Dinosorex. The known diversity of the subfamily Heteroso- ricinae has greatly increased in the last 15 years. Although new North American and European species have been described, their phylogenetic af- finities still are not clearly understood. Several au- thors oversimplified this problem by considering all later forms to have descended from earlier ones. Their nice phylogenetic trees hardly show real phy- logenetic relationships. Typical examples are the cases of Saturninia and Dinosorex huerzeleri { = Heterosorex aff. neumayrianus) from Ricken- bach, which, being the oldest known forms, are used and abused as ancestors for all sorts of groups. Among the present abundance of known heterosor- ^ As far as the problematic nature of the names Heterosorex and Trimylus Is con- cerned, see Engesser (1975). icines there are hardly two species of different age that can be derived with certainty from one other. The conclusions obtained by observing the trends of one feature always seem to be opposed by those from other features. Their systematics are also complicated by the fact that many of the taxa are incompletely known, for example from one frag- mentary mandible — and by and large differ very lit- tle. The latter can probably be explained in the fol- lowing manner: the Heterosoricinae (analogous to the rodents) specialized very early — probably al- ready in the Eocene — and apparently very success- fully too; this specialization considerably limited their spectrum of evolutionary possibilities, where- as in return, as in rodents (Wood, 1947), increased their chances for parallel evolution. In the Miocene of Europe and North America there are a great number of different evolutionary lines, often very hard to distinguish. The diversity of taxa in the Oligocene of both continents also argues in favor of the existence of different lineages. Therefore, the phylogeny of this group is at present unclear. The relationships between North American and European heterosoricines are also unresolved and these taxa are compared below. Comparisons of Oligocene Heterosoricines of America and Europe The Oligocene soricid faunas of North America are dominated by the genus Domnina Cope, 1873, of which five species have been described. After the Middle Oligocene (Orellan) other forms, dis- tinctly different from Domnina, occur. These are here provisionally designated as Pseudotrimylus Gureev, 1971 (see below for detailed discussion of the nomenclature). In the European Oligocene two genera of heterosoricines are distinguishable — Quercysorex Engesser, 1975, and Dinosorex En- gesser, 1972. These will be discussed later. Differences between Domnina and the Oligocene Pseudotrimylus.^ — The Oligocene Pseudotrimylus (the only known specimens are those of P. com- pressus from Cedar Creek and Pine Ridge [see Re- penning, 1967:Fig. 5| and that of Pseudotrimylus sp. from Lawson Ranch; see Fig. 2b and Plate 7d) differs from Domnina in its stouter mandible; its lowest point is immediately behind M3 and its height increases distinctly anteriorly. The mandibular height of Domnina is about the same from front to back, except that below Mi a gentle inlet can be ’ For use of the name Pseudotrimylus see p. 15. 14 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 14 a b c Fig. 2, — a) Dinosorex huerzeleri (Engesser), L mandible with I, M.-Mj, (type) MO, Rb. 101, Rickenbach (Canton Solothurn, Swit- zerland), Late Oligocene; b) Pseudothmylus sp., L mandible with M,-M2, CM 10922, Lawson Ranch, Goshen Co., Wyoming, Lower Orellan?: c) Domnina sp., L mandible with Mj-Ma, CM 10403, Pipestone Springs, Jefferson Co., Montana, Chadronian. All figures 8x. observed (Fig. 2c). The last antemolar of Domnina is largest, whereas in Pseudotriniylus the first is largest. The M1-M2 of Domnina are of equal size, and have slender, pointed cusps with the protoco- nid highest (Plate 7e). \n Pseudotrimylus the lower molars decrease in size posteriorly and are more squat than in Domnina, with the protoconid only slightly higher than the other cusps. The hypocristid in all species of Domnina extends behind the en- toconid (Modus B, Engesser, 1972:76), whereas in Pseudotrimylus it mostly joins the entoconid (Mo- dus A). Finally, the teeth of Domnina are intensely pigmented, whereas those of Pseudotrimylus are either not at all (for example, Pseudotrimylus from Lawson Ranch) or only slightly pigmented (P. com- pressus). (For more differences, see Repenning, 1967:10.) Domnina and Quercysorex. — Crochet (1968), noting the great similarity between Domnina on the one hand and '"Amphisorex" primaevus Filhol from the Quercy and '^Sorex" herrlingensis from Herrlingen on the other, placed the two European forms and the Rickenbach soricid in the American genus Domnina. However, later comparisons (En- gesser, 1975) of the three European taxa with dif- ferent species of Domnina illustrated that they dif- fered in some important features, and that their similarities were due to common retention of prim- itive features. Consequently, the genus Quercyso- rex was erected (Engesser, 1975) for the shrews from the Quercy and Herrlingen. The Rickenbach form (Plate 7c and Fig. 2a), which in my opinion does not resemble Domnina, was referred to a new species — D. huerzeleri — in the genus Dinosorex. Pseudotrimylus compressus and Dinosorex huer- zeleri.— This Oligocene species of Dinosorex shows more similarities with the Oligocene Pseu- dotrimylus of North America (for example, P. com- pressus)— the massive horizontal ramus of the man- dible and the inflated, low crowned lower molars (see Fig. 2a and Plate 7c). Nevertheless, there are also important differences — Dinosorex is much more primitive with five antemolars and a hypo- cristid extending behind the entoconid (Modus B); 1979 ENGESSER— MIOCENE INSECTIVORES AND RODENTS 15 Table 1. — Comparisons of American and European Heterosoricinae (except for such primitive forms as Domnina and Quercysorexj. Characters Typical for North American forms Typical for European forms Position of the mental foramen below M,; exception: P. roperi below M2 or below the space between M, and M2 Pigmentation tooth apices unpigmented; exceptions: P. compressus P. mawhyi distinct pigmentation of tooth apices Mesostyle of the upper molars undivided; exceptions: Heterosorex sp. (Quarry A), Paradomnina divided Hypocone of M‘ and very well developed much weaker Posterior labial cusp of P'* very well developed (P. mawbyil) very weak or lacking Course of the posterior crest of the hypoconid of M, and M2 (hypocristid) directly to the entoconid (Modus A); exceptions: P. dakotensis, possibly Paradomnina behing the entoconid, often separated from this cusp by a small valley (Modus B); exceptions: Dinosorex zapfei from Neudorf and Vermes Proportions of M, and M2 M2 comparatively small; exception: Paradomnina M2 comparatively large; exception: Dinosorex. Pachygnathus P. compressus is derived in that only three ante- molars occur and the hypocristid joins the entoco- nid directly (Modus A). In addition, the mental fo- ramen in Dinosorex is situated below the trigonid of M2, whereas in P. compressus it is below Mj. The Miocene Heterosoricinae In a revision of the European Heterosoricinae (Engesser, 1975), I proposed suppression of the poorly defined genus Trimylus Roger, 1885. Het- erosorex Gaillard, 1915, on the other hand, is very well defined. However, the type species of the lat- ter— H. delphinensis from La Grive — shows many morphological peculiarities (for example, the hardly divided fossa masseterica on the mandible), shared only by H. neumayrianus among known heterosor- icines. Therefore, the genus Heterosorex should be limited to the species H. delphinensis and H. neu- mayrianus (for the new diagnosis of Heterosorex, see Engesser, 1975). Ail other European species hitherto included in Heterosorex or Trimylus were referred to the genus Dinosorex, for which I gave an emended diagnosis. North American Miocene Heterosoricinae seem to be more diverse than those from the Miocene of Europe. Such extremely specialized North Ameri- can forms as Ingentisorex and Pseudotrimyius mawbyi, and such primitive ones as Paradomnina have no corresponding forms in Europe. As noted by different authors, there is no difficulty in mor- phologically distinguishing most of the latter from European taxa. However, among the New World shrews one is out of place — P. roperi from Quarry A shows similarities in some features to the Euro- pean heterosoricines, especially Dinosorex zapfei from Neudorf (see Engesser, 1975). Apart from Ingentisorex and Paradomnina all other North American Miocene species without ex- ception were classified as Trimylus or Heterosorex. Because Trimylus is invalid and because Hetero- sorex has been redefined to include only the two European species H. delphinensis and H. neumay- rianus, to which genus do these North American Miocene shrews belong? Gureev (1971) introduced Pseudotrimyius for "'Heterosorex" roperi from Quarry A. However, as already mentioned, the Quarry A form is out of place among American sor- icids. Also, the taxa hitherto placed in the genera Heterosorex and Trimylus are very heterogeneous. Nevertheless, I abstain from introducing a new ge- nus at this time and provisionally use the generic name Pseudotrimyius for all North American forms except Domnina, Paradomnia, and Ingentisorex. Comparison of Miocene Heterosoricinae of Europe and North America Considering the diversity of heterosoricines on both continents, it is remarkable that no general feature distinguishes among forms from America and Europe. Position of the mental foramen. — With one ex- ception (P. roperi), the mental foramen in all known North American Heterocoricinae is situated below Mj. In all European taxa, except for Quercysorex, it occurs more posteriorly, either below M2 or be- low the interspace between M, and M2 (Table 1 and 16 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 14 Plate 8). The position of this foramen is one of the most important systematic features because, as dif- ferent investigations showed, it is remarkably stable within populations and species. According to Steh- lin ( 1940), a more posteriorly placed foramen in sor- icids is more evolved than a more anteriorly placed one, because it indicates the presence of a large incisor. This observation, certainly correct in vaster connections, does not apply to the subfamily Heterosoricinae. For example, the mental foramen in species with relatively small lower incisors, such as those from Rickenbach, Wintershof-West, and Vieux Collonges, is not placed more anteriorly than in those showing a large incisor (species from An- wil, Sansan, Neudorf). Pigmentation. — The use of pigmentation of fossil soricid teeth as a diagnostic feature is still contro- versial. In certain cases it cannot be stated with certainty whether fossil teeth showing no pigmen- tation were formerly pigmented or not. Teeth of known European Heterosoricinae, except Quercy- sorex, are pigmented. American heterosoricines, on the other hand, show no pigmentation except for Domnina which has heavily pigmented cusp apices, and P. mawbyi and P. compressus, which possess slightly pigmented teeth (see Table 1). Mesostyle of the upper molars. — In all European species known to me, the mesostyle of M‘, and in a smaller measure also of M“, is more or less divid- ed. In American heterosoricines such a division generally does not occur (see Plate 6). In Wilson’s (1960) "^Heterosorex sp.,” the mesostyle is more nearly divided than in any European shrew. This shrew still is so aberrant in this feature and in oth- ers— its upper molars also show a well-developed mesocone — that it is of no account to our investi- gations. According to Hutchison (1966) the meso- style on the upper molars of Paradomnina is also slightly divided. Direction of the posterior crest of the hypoconid (hypocristid) relative to the entoconid. — In Europe and North America both orientations of the hypo- cristid branch occur (Modus A and B, Engesser, 1975). Among European heterosoricines (Quercy- sorex, most species of Dinosorex, Heterosorex) the indirect course (Modus B) is far more common, whereas in American species the indirect course is more common, excluding Domnina, Paradomnina, and Ingentisorex from these comparisons (see Ta- ble 1). As Repenning (1967) noted, both modi rep- resent different stages in an evolutionary trend, with Modus B the more primitive. Modus A oc- curred in America much earlier (Middle Oligocene [Orellan, in P. compressus]), than in Europe (Mid- dle Miocene [NMU 6 with Dinosorex zapfei from Neudorf a.d. March]). With the exception of the aberrant Ingentisorex and Paradomnina, I do not know any Miocene heterosoricine from North America with Modus B. In Europe, on the other hand, heterosoricines with Modus B occur through- out the Miocene. Proportions of Mi compared with those of M.^. — Another distinctive feature appears to be the pro- portions of the M, and M2 — in American het- erosoricines except Paradomnina and Domnina, M.2 is smaller than M,; in European taxa there is generally less difference in size between M, and M2 (Plate 7). This distinction is obvious in very early forms on both continents (for example, between P. compressus and Dinosorex huerzeleri from Rick- enbach [Plate 7c and dj). Comparisons of Pseudotrimylus roperi with European Forms (see also Wilson, 1960; Doben-Florin, 1964) As mentioned above, of all known North Amer- ican heterosoricines P. roperi from Quarry A is the most similar to European forms. This fact led sev- eral authors (Doben-Florin, 1964:70; Thenius, 1969:135) to consider P. roperi either as an immi- grant from Europe or the ancestor of many Miocene European heterosoricines (for example, D. sansan- iensis). P. roperi cannot be the ancestor of D. san- saniensis despite many features in common. On Mj and M2 of P. roperi, the hypocristid runs directly to the entoconid (Modus A, Plate 7a), a more evolved condition than in D. sansaniensis , which still shows an indirect course of the hypocristid on M, and M2 (Modus B, Plate 7b). Thus, in all prob- ability, the two species belong to two different evo- lutionary lines. As far as P. roperi being a European element within the American Heterosoricinae is concerned, we have little evidence. P. roperi has a number of features in common with American forms, in which it differs from European ones — (1) the tooth apices of P. roperi do not seem to be pigmented*, whereas, except for Quercysorex, all European heterosori- cines known to me have pigmented teeth; (2) the mesostyle on the upper molars of P. roperi is un- “ Wilson's assumption that the teeth of P. roperi were originally pigmented ( 1960:28) is based, as of this writing, on analogy to the pigmentation of D. sansaniensis. 17 1979 ENGESSER— MIOCENE INSECTIVORES AND RODENTS Fig, 3. — Left mandibular condyle of a) Domnina thompsoni Simpson (after McDowell 1958); b) Quercysorex primaevus (Filhol); c) Dinosorex sansuniensis (Lartet); d) Dinosorex zapfei Engesser; e) Pseudotrimylus roperi (Wilson). All figures ca. lOx. divided^, whereas mesostyle division occurs in all European heterosoricines for which the upper den- tition is known (see Plate 6); (3) the hypocone of M' and is much more developed in P. roperi than in any European form (Plate 6b); (4) the pos- terolingual cusp on P^ is strong in the American species, but much weaker or lacking in European species. With the stocky shape of the teeth and M, much larger than M2 compared to European forms, P. roperi resembles American Pseudotrimylus. In addition, there seems to be no morphological im- pediment to deriving P. roperi from certain Oligo- cene North American heterosoricines, such as P. compressus', similarly, in my opinion, the Miocene European heterosoricines can be easily derived from Oligocene representatives of the group, such as Dinosorex huerzerleri of Rickenbach (Stampian). The authors not considering P. roperi as a Euro- ^ It is not certain that the mesostyle on the upper molars of P. roperi was not divided, because as far as I know there is no known unworn upper molar of this animal. However, in European heterosoricine upper molars the division of the me- soslyle can often also be observed in relatively worn teeth, especially in labial view. So. the conclusion of an undivided mesostyle in P. roperi seems justified. pean immigrant were probably influenced in their opinion by the position of the mental foramen. However, the posterior migration of the mental foramen can occur on forms of different continents as a parallel development. Pandlel Developments and Analogous Trends in North American and European Heterosoricinae Some new morphological acquisitions observed on both sides of the Atlantic cannot be explained by a faunal exchange between North America and Europe after the Eocene, unless one assumes con- tinuous traffic in both directions across the Bering Strait. In my opinion, these "migrations” must be regarded as exceptions (see Discussion). An ex- ample of these, probably parallel, developments, is the gradual division of the mandibular condyle, which occurred on both continents. The American Heterosoricinae apparently developed this division earlier than the European shrews. Pseudotrimylus dakotensis from the middle Arikareean already shows a distinctly divided condyle (Repenning, 18 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 14 X o c (U O) c ro c c E- o XI E Cl CO S B) ^ ro tact i|‘ O TO QO ^■c • p CD" §o) Q S •ro" X E O) CO c ■ C ■ E o Q c o •CO X E o o Q o ^ 0 X 2 CO >s o X D 0 w X cn CD D > >^>^ 0) O s- $ (D X c: E 0 c 0 0) CO cn X > o o CO C > 0< :lr O D • 0Q W B a; o ^ "O -C - U C3 P .£ o o e ^ u P ,o E < o X ‘E ^ GO c/3 cd g o y iH uu yjj ^ — o 2 i-* ^ B- £ a, o . z < z < > Q X O X z < X ijj z z z < z o Q O X X < X 1 — CO X < CD z LJJ I < X X < z h- I X X X X o Q < I O GO <50 3 dj (U X, ? a o ~a H c u I ^ .SP P E (u D, P 0> Q. u. 1979 ENGESSER— MIOCENE INSECTIVORES AND RODENTS 19 1967:Fig. 6), whereas that of the "Burdigalian” (NMU 3) Heterosorex neunmynanus from Winter- shof-West, besides Quercysorex the first European form, of which the condyle is known, is still undi- vided. The Middle Miocene (NMU 6) Dinosorex from Neudorf shows a more distinct separation of the articular faces, which are still coherent (Fig. 3). Probably in European forms the division of the con- dyle was independently acquired in two different lines since such an early species as Quercysorex primaevus shows a more advanced stage of con- dylar division than the more recent Heterosorex neumayriamis. The modern Soricinae developed a divided mandibular condyle completely indepen- dently from these phenomena in Heterosoricinae. The increase in fusion of the hypocristid with the entoconid in lower molars probably also developed independently on both continents. This process probably occurred twice, in North America and in Europe, in two different evolutionary lines — in North America, in the Orellan or earlier Pseudotri- myliis compressus and in the Late Miocene Para- domnina (see Fig. 4); in Europe Dinosorex zupfei from Neudorf (Middle Miocene NMU 6) is the first heterosoricine with a Modus A connection. A re- newed tendency towards developing a Modus A connection is displayed by the Late Miocene Di- nosorex from Can Llobateres (NMU 9). Another trend, which can be observed on both sides of the Atlantic, is the increase in massiveness of the man- dible. This bone is very slender in primitive forms such as Quercysorex and Domnina, increases grad- ually in massiveness and reaches extraordinary ro- bustness in the geologically youngest forms such as Pseudotrimylus mawbyi and Dinosorex pachygna- thus. This increase in massiveness of the mandible is accompanied by the increase in size of the lower incisor, which reaches its largest dimensions in the two latter forms. Limnoecus (Family Soricidae Gray, 1821) Several authors (R. W. Wilson, James, Doben- Florin, Baudelot) considered some small soricids from European localities to represent the American subfamily Limnoecinae (Repenning, 1967). This as- signment is very doubtful because of the poor doc- umentation and paucity of material. For example, among American forms, the upper dentition is not known. The European forms repeatedly assigned to the Limnoecinae are ^"Limnoecus" micromorphus Doben-Florin from Wintershof-West, "Limnoe- cus" grivensis Deperet from La Grive, "Limnoe- cus" dehmi Viret and Zapfe from Vieux Collonges, and Paenelimnoecus crouzeli from Sansan. Doben-Florin (1964) assigned the species from Wintershof-West to Limnoecus mostly because of the slightly developed entoconid on the lower mo- lars and the unicuspid talonid of M3. Chiefly be- cause of the structure of the last lower antemolar (P4?; "antemolars” are teeth between incisor and M,, "Zwischenzahne” of Doben-Florin), Repen- ning ( 1967:23-24) opposed this assignment and united this shrew with the Crocidurinae? incertae sedis. He also considered the distance between the protoconid and metaconid in the species from Win- tershof-West to be too large for a limnoecine. Sorex grivensis and "Sorex" dehmi (Viret and Zapfe, 1951) were also incorporated in Limnoecus (James, 1963). According to James all small Ter- tiary soricids from Europe (possibly including So- rex antiquus Pomel) should be referred to Limnoe- cus, based on the similarities of the mandible (undivided condyle, large, triangular pterygoid fos- sa) and tooth structure (reduced talonid of M3, mo- lar protoconid and metaconid close to one another, and others). Limnoecus is thus very broadly inter- preted and unites almost all species that cannot be assigned to Crocidura or Sorex. Repenning ( 1967) defined the genus Limnoecus more strictly, placed Mio sorex grivensis and "Sorex" dehmi in the subfamily Crocidurinae, and included only two species in Limnoecus — L. tricuspis Stirton and L. niobrarensis. Sorex vireti was referred to a new ge- nus, Angustidens , which, together with Limnoecus, was placed in the Limnoecinae. The determining factor for Repenning’s classification was the struc- ture of the last lower antemolar (P4?) and M3, the pigmentation and the position of the mental fora- men. 1 concur with Repenning’s reasoning just to in- clude the mentioned European forms in Limnoecus or in the Limnoecinae. Limnoecus, interpreted as broadly as James did. becomes a “wastebasket-ge- nus,” in which all forms not identified as either Cro- cidura or Sorex are assembled. The arguments by which Repenning excludes Miosorex grivensis, "Sorex" dehmi, and "Limnoecus" micromorphus from the subfamily Limnoecinae seem convincing to me. Although Baudelot ( 1972; 100) adopted Re- penning’s definition of the subfamily Limnoecin- ae— a strong entoconid on the lower molars — at the same time (and on the same page!) she character- 20 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 14 3 be Fig. 5. — Right mandibular condyle of a) Paenelimnoecus cron- zell Baudelot, NMBS, Ss. 1002, Sansan. France. Middle Mio- cene, 12. 5x; h) Limnoecus niohnirensis Macdonald, (after Re- penning 1967) Nebraska, Barstovian, 5x; c) Angustidens vireti (Wilson), (after Repenning 1967) Quarry A. Hemingfordian, 5x. ized the new genus Paenelimnoecus by the loss of the entoconid. Besides the loss of the entoconid, the species from Sansan shows other differences from American Limnoecinae, the most important one being in the structure of the mandibular con- dyle— the condyle of Paenelimnoecus (see Eig. 5a) does not show any "labial emargination" as is typ- ical in the Limnoecinae (Repenning, 1967:4), but a "lingual emargination,” generally characteristic for the Soricinae. In addition the horizontal part of the condyle is distinctly wider in Paenelimnoecus com- pared to that of the Limnoecinae. This condylar structure implies the soricine affinities of Paenelim- noecus. This tiny shrew from Sansan also shows other differences from American soricids — the cor- onoid process is distinctly higher; the mental fora- Fig. 6. — Paenelimnoecus crouzeli Baudelot, LMi-Mg, NMBS, Ss. 6706, Sansan (France), Middle Miocene, 25x. men is located somewhat more posteriorly; the low- er molars and the last antemolar (P4?) have a lingual cingulum, lacking in American soricids (see Eig. 6); the angle of the trigonid of M, is more open than in Limnoecinae. Finally, there is the problem of pig- mentation— of the seven jaw fragments of Paene- limnoecus crouzeli in the Basel collection, none shows pigmentation. Because the enamel in this species is so delicate, the cavity at the base of the teeth appears through the enamel, with the effect that the tops of the teeth appear differently colored than the base. Because of this I stated (1972:66) that the teeth of soricid A from Sansan (=Paenelimnoe- cus crouzeli) might have originally been pigmented. I have not seen Baudelot’s specimen, but it seems strange that only this specimen should show pig- mentation, whereas seven others from the same lo- cality do not. If Paenelimnoecus actually does not show any pigmentation of the teeth, this would be one more reason for separating it from the Limnoe- cinae. It seems that for the present there is no reason to assign any of the European soricids treated here with the Limnoecinae. RELATIONSHIPS OF RODENTS "SCIUROPTERUS” (Family Sciuridae Gray, 1821) History of Investigations Fossil flying squirrels have been known for a long time. In the last century a number of European forms were described as different species of Sciu- rus, but it was not until 1893 when Major connected these finds with flying squirrels. From that time all sciurid teeth showing secondary ridges and crenu- lated enamel were united in the genus Sciuropterus. The numerous Recent flying squirrels were split into different genera much earlier, although they resemble each other to some extent more than many fossil forms. This difference in treatment was perhaps motivated by the fact that this classification of Recent forms was based not only on the dentition but also on other morphological features (skeleton, color of the fur, and others). On the other hand, only the dentition of the fossil flying squirrels was known. The scarcity of remains of flying squirrels, although known from most Miocene localities of Europe, seems to be an additional reason why these animals were for so long united in the collective genus ^'Sciuropterus Mein (1970) divided the for- mer genus Sciuropterus into four genera — Crypto- pterus, Forsythia, Miopetaurista, and Pliopetaur- ista. The latter two names were introduced by 1979 ENGESSER— MIOCENE INSECTIVORES AND RODENTS 21 Kretzoi ( 1962), but because this author did not give any diagnosis for these names, they were regarded as nomina nuda. Henceforth, the name ^"Sciurop- terus" must be regarded as a synonym of Pteromys, the common Recent flying squirrel. For a long time no Tertiary flying squirrels were known from America. James (1963) described two forms from the Barstovian and Clarendonian of the Cuyama Valley, which he called Sciuroptems ma- thewsi and S. uphaini. Also from the Upper Mio- cene (Barstovian) Shotwell ( 1968) reported two iso- lated teeth, found in the Red Basin of Oregon and determined as Sciuroptems sp. Lindsay (1972) in- troduced two new species, S. jamesi and S. mini- mus, for remains from the Barstow Formation in California. James (1963) pointed out that remains of flying squirrels from the Cuyama Valley did not show a great similarity with the Recent Gloucomys of North America. Instead he saw similarities between North American dentitions and those of fossil flying squirrels from Europe. He saw two possible expla- nations for the phylogenetic relationships of his finds — a faunal exchange with Europe, thus origin from European forms, or a descent from certain Early Tertiary paramyids from North America, showing cheek teeth with crenulated enamel. James preferred the former possibility. Shotwell (1968) doubted if the two teeth from the Red Basin really represent flying squirrels and referred to the occur- rence of a similar tooth pattern in paramyids and Marmoto nevadensis. The earliest fossil flying squirrels are known from the Lower Miocene of Europe. The earliest Amer- ican remains generally considered as flying squirrels are from the Upper Miocene. This fact led different authors to see the European forms as ancestors for the American and to postulate a Miocene “migra- tion” of flying squirrels from Eurasia to North America. Regarding this interpretation I have some doubts. First, in addition to numerous morphological simi- larities between the forms from both continents (see Mein, 1970:33), there are some important differ- ences that make it impossible to trace the American species back to any known form. In the following I will go into details of these differences. Therefore, if one wants to adhere to the migration theory, one is compelled to postulate a hypothetical Eurasian ancestor. In addition, it can be assumed that in analogy to Recent flying squirrels, the fossil ones were forest- dwellers. Remains of fossil flying squirrels are found frequently in lignite deposits (Goriach, Vieh- hausen, Anwil). However, it is not known whether they had already developed a patagium and were able to glide from tree to tree. Moreover, the Mio- cene flying squirrels were probably living in a trop- ical or subtropical climate. We have many indica- tions for such a climate in the Miocene of Europe, and also James (1963:19) suggests a Neotropical ecotone for the Cuyama Badland in the Neogene. Also most species of Recent flying squirrels are liv- ing in the tropics (Glaucomys and Pteromys seem to be exceptions). Such dwellers of tropical or sub- tropical forests may well be dependent upon special ecologic conditions. Therefore, it is difficult to imagine that such animals had spread over great distances, without encountering any climatic or ecologic barrier. In Miocene times, the only possi- ble route between Eurasia and North America seems to have been a land bridge across the Bering Strait, but as Simpson ( 1947: 14) pointed out and later authors confirm (see Beringia History, 1973), there is no evidence that there was ever a tropical or subtropical climate on this land bridge. Mein (1970), in his study of the fossil flying squir- rels from western Europe, concluded that not even within this relatively small area was there a lively faunal exchange. He suggests a polyphyletic origin for the three groups he distinguished. As an alternative to the “migration” theory ex- plaining the dental similarities of forms from both continents, the possibility of parallel evolution seems more realistic to me. In this case, parallel evolution seems even more probable because, as has been mentioned several times, the whole group of fossil flying squirrels is defined exclusively on the dentition. Sciurid-like teeth showing enamel crenulations usually are assigned to flying squirrels. The fact that such teeth should not automatically be assigned to flying squirrels is shown by the fact that similar teeth are also known from completely different groups (for example, paramyids Thisbe- mys and Para my s). In discussion with colleagues about interconti- nental faunal relationships I heard several times: “forms whose ancestors we do not know and which suddently appear in a layer represent without doubt immigrants.” In my opinion this point of view greatly overestimates the actual state of our knowl- edge. True, in the case of the fossil flying squirrels of North America it is strange that no form from an earlier level than Barstovian is known. However, 22 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 14 going further back in stratigraphy, one definitely encounters forms coming into question as possible ancestors of the American “sciuropteres.” As al- ready mentioned, James considered a direct extrac- tion of the American ‘'sciuropteres” from certain paramyids, as an alternative to the derivation from European species (Ctyptopterus from Wintershof- West). As common features between these para- myids and the Californian “sciuropteres” James pointed out especially the subdivided lophs, the '‘accessory loph” and the hypocone of the upper molars distinctly separated from the protocone. I was very surprised by the flying squirrel-like dentition of some species of Prosciuriis (see Plates 9 and 10). Upper premolars and molars of many species of Prosciuriis show well-developed proto- and metaconules and distinct incisions in front of and behind the protocone, otherwise typical for flying squirrel teeth. In addition, the teeth of many Prosciuriis species show a distinct crenulation. Furthermore, some Prosciuriis species show fea- tures typical of the Late Tertiary "Sciiiropteriis" of North America — the long mesoconid, extending almost to the labial margin of the tooth and the iso- lated mesostylid of the lower molars. In the for- mation of the masseteric fossa on the labial side of the mandible I found a surprising resemblance, the systematic significance of which I cannot evalu- ate— a fragment of a Prosciuriis mandible from Pipestone Springs (CM 9321) shows the same deep- ly engraved, anteriorly rounded fossa as ^"Sciiirop- teriis" mathewsi from Cuyama Valley (see James, 1963:Fig. 37a). The mandibles of other sciuropteres known to me from the Old World show a much less deep (Petciiirista, Petinomys) and anteriorly more tapered (Miopetaiirista, lomys, Pteroinys, Hylo- petes) masseteric fossa. Also in the European Eocene and Oligocene there are rodents showing a great similarity to Late Tertiary sciuropteres. Several authors already re- ferred to these resemblances. Thus, Schlosser (1884), for example, pointed out the far-reaching morphological correspondences of Sciiirodon from the Quercy with the Recent Pteroinys. Major ( 1893) emphasized the similarities of Sciiiroides and Pseii- dosciuriis on the one hand and Sciiiropteriis {lo- mys) horsfieldi and Sciiiropteriis (Belomys) pear- soni on the other hand. To this list I would add Plesiospermophiliis from the Phosphorites, whose molars, especially the lower, might be determined as belonging to a sciuroptere if found in a Late Ter- tiary deposit (see Plate 10). In total, in North America as well as in Europe there are throughout the Early Tertiary forms known which, based on our present knowledge, cannot be excluded from the ancestry of the Mio- cene forms, even though separated from the latter by a long period. Therefore, it is quite possible that the Late Tertiary American and European rodents with flying squirrel-like dentition developed com- pletely independently from each other, with the European Miocene forms, for example, having orig- inated from Plesiospermophiliis, the American from Prosciuriis. However, our present knowledge is too fragmentary to determine definitely an ances- tral group. I only want to show that in both conti- nents there are known Early Tertiary forms that might have been ancestors of the later ones, without the necessity of a Miocene migration. At any rate, as an attempt to explain the striking similarities of North American and European '^Sciiiropteriis," parallelism seems to me more probable than "mi- gration.” In this opinion I am supported by the re- sults obtained by Gorgas (1967) who, investigating Recent Petauristinae, showed that the Recent flying squirrels do not represent a homogeneous group. Thus Glaiicomys, for example, corresponds in the digestive tract with the Sciurinae rather than the Petauristinae. Hence, possibly the Recent flying squirrels also represent a polyphyletic group. The generic name Sciiiropteriis has here been put in quotation marks for two reasons. First, it seems possible that the "Sciiiropteriis" from California have nothing to do with flying squirrels, but perhaps with rodents of a completely different group having adapted their dentition to a similar manner of feed- ing. (Maybe they are not even sciurids!) Thus, many authors (McGrew, 1941; Stock, 1935; Wilson, 1949; Wood, 1962; Rensberger, 1975) have con- nected Prosciuriis, in spite of its flying squirrel-like dentition, not with the Sciuridae but rather with the Aplodontidae. The second reason is the following; as mentioned above. Mein (1970) in his study of the Neogene flying squirrels from western Europe divided the genus "Sciiiropteriis" into four genera, and the name "Sciiiropteriis" is only a synonym of Ptero- mys. The four "Sciiiropteriis" species from Cali- fornia (“5.” iiphami, mathewsi, jamesi, and mini- mus) in my opinion represent a homogeneous group that cannot be connected to any European genus. Therefore, I propose to separate them as a partic- ular genus, which I would call Petaiiristodon. This separation is based on morphological differences 1979 ENGESSER— MIOCENE INSECTIVORES AND RODENTS 23 and not on the above-mentioned doubts about the possibilities of an intercontinental dispersal. Petauristodon, new genus Derivatio nominis. — Pe t an ristodon:Pe tourist a tooth-like; this name is intended to refer to the sim- ilarities of the teeth of this genus with those of flying squirrels. Thus, it is left open if Petauristodon is really a flying squirrel or not. Diagnosis. — Cheek teeth of a sciuroid pattern, flying squirrel-like, with crenulated enamel. Upper P and M — with distinct proto- and metaconules, well developed mesostyle; in some specimens hy- pocone distinctly separated from the protocone; "accessory loph” between proto- and metaloph al- ways present, often also an accessory loph in the first syncline starting from the protocone; M® as far as known (P. uphami and P. minimus) without metaloph. Lower P and M — with short metalophid, isolated mesostylid, long mesoconid mostly reach- ing to the tooth margin, without any "anterosinu- side" (Mein); enamel more crenulated than that of the upper teeth. Type species. — P. mathewsi James, 1963. Type locality. — Remnant Hill, UCMP loc. V-5663, Cuyama Valley, California. Stratigraphic range. — Barstovian to upper Clar- endonian. Included species. — P. uphami James; P. ma- thewsi James; P. jamesi Lindsay"*; P. minimus Lindsay. Differential diagnosis. — Prom Miopetaurista , Petauristodon differs in the following features: in the mesostyle, the "accessory loph,” and the dis- tinct hypocone of the upper molars; the lack of a spur extending backward from the metaconule on M*^; in the isolated mesostylid, the short mesolophid and the large mesoconid, reaching to the tooth mar- gin on the lower molars. Prom Cryptopterus, Petauristodon is different in smaller size; on the upper molars better developed proto- and metaconule, the shorter distance of the lophs from each other at their point of attachment to the protocone; on the lower molars by: the lack of an "anterosinuside” (Mein) and the long meso- conid. Prom Forsythia, Petauristodon is different in the distinct mesostyle and the well developed "acces- It seems possible to me that P. Jamesi represents a synonym of P. mathew si. Outside of a small difference in size the two species show hardly any differences. However, for a definite decision the material of P. jamesi is too fragmentary and partly too poorly preserved. sory loph” of the upper molars; by the lack of lat- eral compression of Mj and M2, typical for For- sythia, by the isolated mesostylid and the long mesoconid of all three lower molars. Prom Blackia, Petauristodon differs in lesser amount of tooth crenulation, the proto- and meta- conule, the "accessory loph,” the secondary crests and the lack of a mesostylar crest of the paracone on the upper molars; the mesoconid, the well de- veloped posterior cusps, the isolated mesostylid and the lack of an "anterosinuside” on the lower molars. Prom Pliopetaurista, Petauristodon is different in the mesostyle, the "accessory loph” and the lack of a metaconule-spur on the upper molars; by the isolated mesostylid, the long mesoconid and the higher metaconid on the lower molars. Pamily Eomyidae Deperet AND Douxami, 1902 The eomyids are one of those rodent families whose history is known over a very long period. In North America representatives of this family are known from the Late Eocene until the Late Mio- cene, in Europe from the Lower Oligocene until the Pleistocene. It is curious that in this very long his- tory no increase of size such as is known from a number of other rodent families can be observed. On the contrary, the youngest species of this family are to some extent even smaller than the oldest. Even more curious is that some forms do not undergo any morphological changes during this long history, at least as far as the dentition is concerned (unfortunately at present skull and skeleton of the eomyids are scarcely known). In the different ep- ochs of this long history specialized forms were re- peatedly developed, but they can be traced only over relatively short periods. And all indications suggest that these specialized forms often devel- oped from the stock of those that remained primi- tive, hence independently of each other. These de- viations from the primitive type (or specializations) almost all develop in one direction, to lophodonty, to some extent combined with a certain hypsodon- ty. As far as the dentition is concerned, these lo- phodont forms resemble each other astonishingly, although in some cases we are sure that they de- veloped independently, thus in a parallel manner (for example, Paradjidaumo, Pseudotheridomys, and Rhodanomys). In contrast to these specialized, lophodont forms, there are bunodont forms, doubtless correctly con- 24 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 14 sidered as primitive, because the earliest known representatives of the family — Protadjidaumo in America, Eomys in Europe — show teeth of this type. In addition, these bunodont forms look very much like the sciuravids, considered to be the ancestors of the eomyids. The relations between North American and European eomyids were re- cently studied by Eahlbusch in a very careful paper (1973). Therefore, I will limit my present study to those points on which I have a different opinion. Pseudotheridomys Historical Introduction The genus Pseudotheridomys was established in 1926 by Schlosser for an eomyid from Haslach near Ulm, which he had described in 1884 as Theridomys parvulus. Eahlbusch (1969) described a second species, P. pusillus, of this genus. The form from Cournon called P. schauhi by Lavocat (1951) should, according to Eahlbush (1968:231), be re- garded as a synonym of P. parvulus. Because of the great similarities of the dentition Wilson (1960) incorporated an eomyid from Quarry A (Martin Canyon, Colorado) in the genus Pseudotheridomys. Shotwell ( 1967u) described a new species P. pagei, from the Quartz Basin (Oregon). Both Wilson ( 1960:72 and 74) and Black ( 1965:41) explained the dental similarities of forms from both sides of the Atlantic by a Burdigalian migration of Pseudotheridomys from Eurasia to North America. Eahlbusch ( 1973) concluded on the basis of an anal- ysis of the evolutionary level of the oldest North American Pseudotheridomys (from Quarry A) that the immigration happened earlier, in the late Stam- pian or early “Aquitanian.” All authors agree that the genus Pseudotheridomys immigrated to North America from Eurasia. As far as the chronological correspondence is concerned, there is no reason to object to this hypothesis. Eollowing Eahlbusch’s study (1970) of the changes of eomyid populations we can say with certainty that the genus Pseudo- theridomys developed from the genus Eomys in the Late Oligocene of middle Europe, and the hitherto oldest North American Pseudotheridomys , P. hes- perus from Quarry A, appears not before the Mar- slandian, thus later. To this it can be added that careful comparisons of the two American species with those from Europe do not furnish any funda- mental morphological differences in the dentitions. On the other hand, regarding the astonishing sim- ilarities that developed again and again within the whole family Eomyidae during this long history, the question arises if the resemblances of American and European forms could not have been developed in- dependently from each other, in a parallel way. It is worth mentioning that all comparisons are nec- essarily confined to the dentition, because neither the skull nor the postcranial skeleton of these ani- mals is known. In addition, just recently several examples of other groups have showed that dental features alone are often insufficient for recognizing phylogenetic relationships. There is one argument for the hypothesis that those American and European eomyids now united within the genus Pseudotheridomys could have originated independently — now we can say with great certainty that lophodont eomyids developed from bunodont forms. These bunodont genera (Pro- tadjidaumo, Adjidaumo, Eomys, Eeptodontomys) are hardly distinguishable by the dentition (this is also obvious in Eahlbusch’s new diagnosis for the genus Eomys [1970:104] which can be transferred easily to some members of the genus Adjidaumo). With good reasons Wilson (1960) pointed out that Pseudotheridomys hesperus shows no close rela- tionship to any American eomyid. It has to be added to this observation that the history of the North American Eomyidae is very poorly docu- mented after the Middle Oligocene and that new connecting forms would not be surprising. Com- paring the European species of Pseudotheridomys with earlier eomyids, especially Eomys, the mor- phological relations are not immediately apparent. Not until the faunas of the fissure fillings from southern Germany — especially Gaimersheim — were known, were we informed that Pseudotheridomys developed from Eomys. The morphological changes which the dentition of Pseudotheridomys shows compared with that of Eomys are not numerous: ( 1) labiad elongation of the last syncline of the lower premolar and molars; (2) linguad elongation of the first syncline of the upper molars; (3) development of a first syncline on the upper premolar. As Plates 11 and 12 show, the North Arntncdin Pseudotheri- domys species correspond very well in these three features with the European. Thus there is not just one characteristic but a combination of three fea- tures in which Pseudotheridomys from the New World differs from other eomyids of the same con- tinent, while sharing these features with some Eu- ropean forms. There are many reasons to believe that the compared North American and European forms of Pseudotheridomys are closely related. If 1979 ENGESSER— MIOCENE INSECTIVORES AND RODENTS 25 other mammal groups did not show even more as- tonishing dental resemblance, which can be ex- plained by convergence, I would consider the close relationship as proved. With an example of Eocene rodents I want to show how much derived forms, whose ancestors resemble each other, can corre- spond morphologically, without having any close phylogenetic relationship as proved. With an ex- ample of Eocene rodents I want to show how much derived forms, whose ancestors resemble each oth- er, can correspond morphologically, without having any close phylogenetic relationship — certain Pseu- dosciuridae from Europe (Protadelomys, Adelo- mys\ see Stehlin and Schaub, 1951:Eigs. 26, 29, 31 1, 313) with their simple bunodont tooth pattern look very much like some bunodont Eomyidae. From these Pseudosciuridae there developed very prob- ably lophodont forms of the Theridoniys group (Theridomys, Trechomys, BlainviUimys', see Stehlin and Schaub, 1951:Figs. 29-33, 316-320), which in their form resemble very much the lophodont eomyids, especially Pseudotheridomys, that origi- nated from bunodont ancestors. In the Eomyidae there are more examples of cer- tainly independent development of similar, more or less lophodont tooth patterns. In contrast to the above-mentioned example, in the following two cases the probably bunodont ancestral forms are not known: the lower dentition of Centimanomys major from the Chadronian of Colorado (Galbreath, 1955) shows great similarities to Pseudotheridomys , but is certainly not closely related to the latter. The conclusive feature for this similarity, in which Cen- timanomys is different from nearly all North Amer- ican eomyids and which it has in common with Pseudotheridomys , is the fourth internal syncline of Ml and Mg extending far labially. As a further example, Meliakrouniomys (Harris and Wood, 1969) from the Chadronian of Texas shows several features in common with the Euro- pean genus Ritteneria (Stehlin and Schaub). The similarities of these two genera are based essen- tially on the complete interruption of the longitu- dinal ridge (Langsgrat) and the direct connection of the four main cusps by transverse lophs on the low- er molars. As Emry (1972) demonstrated Melia- krouniomys is probably not an eomyid but a het- eromyid, and thus a close phylogenetic relationship does not need to be discussed. Comparing American and European representa- tives of the genus Pseudotheridomys , it is interest- ing that in the two continents different evolutionary trends are found. Pseudotheridomys pagei (Plates lid and 12d) from the Barstovian of Oregon — the hitherto most recent Pseudotheridomys — is hardly distinguishable from P. hesperus (Plates lie and 12e) of Quarry A; while in Europe, already in the Aquitanian, tendencies can be observed in Pseudo- theridomys, which lead over to Ligerimys. Also the European genus Keramidomys, originating in the Middle Miocene, has to be regarded as a descen- dant of Pseudotheridomys. Thus we find the follow- ing situation: whereas Pseudotheridomys in North America does not continue differentiating, it splits in Europe into two lines in which the molar pattern is to some extent different from that of the ancestral genus. In summary, the history of this genus, especially in North America, is insufficiently documented at present. If for the present no fundamental differ- ences between North American and European species can be found, and therefore an interconti- nental faunal exchange seems to be probable, I nevertheless consider it not impossible that the American and European forms developed indepen- dently from bunodont eomyids. Leptodontomys History of Investigation The genus Leptodontomys was established by Shotwell (1956) on the basis of a single lower jaw fragment with incisor and premolar from the Hem- phillian of Oregon. Later Shotwell (1967a) reported some isolated teeth from the Clarendonian of Ore- gon belonging to this genus (Leptodontomys sp.). Hugueney and Mein ( 1968) incorporated several Miocene and younger eomyids from different Eu- ropean localities in this genus (La Grive, Lissieu, Can Llobateres, Manchones, Schernfeld bei Eichs- tatt). In the meantime similar teeth were found also in Neudorf a.d. March, Franzensbad, Vieux Col- longes, and Anwil. Finally Fahibusch ( 1973) dis- cussed exhaustively the relations of North Ameri- can and European Leptodontomys. This author preferred the possibility of a Middle Miocene "mi- gration” of Leptodontomys from Europe to North America to a derivation of the New World Lepto- dontomys from older American eomyids. Morphological Particularities of Leptodontomys As pointed out in the section on Pseudotheri- domys, bunodont eomyids resemble each other 26 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 14 very much in tooth pattern. Thus Leptodontomys differs from other bunodont forms, such as Adji- daiimo and Eomys, only insignificantly. Among North American eomyids Leptodontomys is out of place in having a linguad anterior cingulum on the upper molars, otherwise a rather rare feature. The differences between Leptodontomys and Adjidau- mo pointed out by Shotwell (“it [Leptodontomys] differs from this genus[Adjidaumo]hy having a poorly-developed posterior cingulum, a smaller me- soconid, and widely separated protoconid and metaconid”) all refer to the lower premolar and turned out to be largely invalid when more complete material from Black Butte was found. Also Eahl- busch ( 1973) and Hugueney and Mein ( 1968) attach great importance to the development of a linguad anterior cingulum on the upper molars.*' The latter authors might have been led at least in part by this feature to unite American and European forms in the same genus (see emended diagnosis, Hugueney and Mein, 1968:200). Discussion Assignment of the European forms to Leptodon- tomys was suspicious to me from the beginning and after seeing Shotwell's original specimens from Or- egon my doubts increased. We do not have any indications of the dispersal from one continent to the other. Supposition of a close relationship is based exclusively on the correspondence of the tooth pattern. Especially in cases like this, we must be very careful because the tooth pattern of Lep- todontomys is certainly very primitive. This be- comes apparent in comparing the tooth pattern of Leptodontomys with that of the earliest known eomyids such as Protadjidaumo and Lomys. So far as primitive forms are concerned, there is generally a risk to assume close phylogenetic relationships on the basis of morphological similarities to other primitive forms, where actually no relation exists. Comparing, for example, Protadjidaumo and Lep- todontomys (see Plate 14b, e), it seems unlikely that the forms now united in the genus Leptodontomys represent in North America as well as in Europe different lines of eomyids that remained primitive. Fahlbusch (1973) considers probable the extrac- tion of Leptodontomys from the Lomys rhodanicus group. He assumes that Leptodontomys originated ' ' In this development of the linguad anterior cingulum Leptodontomys corresponds very well with the genus Pseudadjidaumo. introduced by Lindsay ( 1972). The differ- ences between the tw'o genera seem too vague, and 1 am of the opinion that Pseu- dadjidaumo is a synonym of Leptodontomys. in Europe and immigrated to North America in the Middle Miocene. In my opinion there is nothing against tracing back the descent of Leptodontomys to the Lomys rhodanicus group, but for many rea- sons it seems to me more likely that the American Leptodontomys developed independently from the European. In Protadjidaumo (see Plate 14e) we have an American group to which, although sepa- rated by a long time interval, Leptodontomys can easily be traced morphologically. Among the Upper Eocene eomyid materials of the Badwater area (Wyoming) there is a form, possibly of the Protad- jidaumo group, showing a well developed linguad anterior cingulum on the upper molars. That this cingulum is a primitive feature seems to be corrob- orated by the very old Lomys teeth from Hoog- buitsel clearly showing this feature too. Therefore, it seems to me more probable that the dental simi- larities of European and North American Lepto- dontomys may be explained in the following way: in the Early Tertiary the eomyids immigrated to Europe (see Discussion), after having almost cer- tainly developed in North America from sciuravid ancestors. In both continents forms with a very primitive dentition similar to the common ancestor endured a long time (in America till the Upper Mio- cene, in Europe perhaps till the Early Pleistocene). Fahlbusch (1973) takes this possibility of two in- dependent lines into consideration also but regards the possibility of a migration as more likely. Morphological Differences between American and European Lorms A number of differences between forms of the two continents reinforced my opinion that in the case of Leptodontomys we are dealing with two largely independent lines, each of them confined to its continent. These are differences in the dentition but also in morphology of the lower jaw. I would not have attached more importance to the dental differences of the dentition than have other authors if I had not noticed that exactly those features dif- fering North American and European Leptodonto- mys also separate the other eomyids of the two con- tinents into two groups. Thus, the European Leptodontomys in these features links up closely with other eomyids from Europe, whereas the North American genus in these features corre- sponds with the eomyids of that continent. For ex- ample, the exterior synclines of the upper molars of most North American eomyids (especially of Paradjidaumo and Adjidaumo) reach less far lin- 1979 ENGESSER— MIOCENE INSECTIVORES AND RODENTS 27 gually than those of European forms (most Eomys and especially Ligerimys \ see Plate 13). Connected with this, the junction of the anteroloph with the protoloph in American forms lies generally in the middle of the tooth or somewhat labiad of it, where- as on upper molars from Europe this junction is located more lingually. In these features both Lep- todontomys from Europe and those from America behave "continent-typically.” The fourth interior syncline of the lower premolar and molars is a fur- ther feature apparently splitting the eomyids of both continents into two groups — so far as I have seen this syncline is little developed in American eomyids (for example, Adjidaumo, Panidjidaumo, Aidolithomys, Nanmtomys , "Adjidaumo" quartzi), but on the average distinctly better developed in European forms (Plate 14). In this feature Lepto- dontomys from North America are clearly different from those of Europe. In the development of these features the later European forms are possibly more primitive, because the oldest known eomyids, those from the Badwater Upper Eocene, show a similar development in part. An essential difference between Leptodontomys from North America and Europe appears in the lower jaw. Outside of the dentition the lower jaw is for the moment the only element in which we can compare the Leptodontomys of the two continents. These differences, unlike those mentioned above, are not found in the other eomyid genera, but they do not seem to me to be less important systemati- cally since the morphology of the lower jaw is oth- erwise very uniform in this family. Differences of the Lower Jaw Eor these comparisons the type of L. oregonensis from McKay Reservoir (Oregon) and two mandi- bles from La Grive were at my disposal (see Eig. 7). It is immediately apparent that the American jaw is more delicate than the European. Above all the section between the tip of the masseteric fossa and the upper margin of the horizontal ramus is distinct- ly higher in the specimens from La Grive. In addi- tion the upper edge of the diastema is more curved in the La Grive jaws. Although the La Grive spec- imens have the upper edge of the anterior part of the diastema at the same level as that of the alveoli, the same edge on the type specimen from Oregon ranges somewhat lower (see projection Fig. 7). Be- hind M;3 the La Grive jaws show a distinct swelling caused by the end of the incisor. This swelling is lacking on the Oregon specimen. On the other hand the latter mandible shows a ledge extending from the base of the ascending ramus to the condyle which is lacking on the specimens from La Grive. In addition the lower margin of the jaws is curved in a different way: in the Oregon specimen the most distinct curvature is below M3, in the specimens from La Grive, further back. Possibly the most important difference between Leptodontomys from North America and Europe is found in the lower incisor. Although the type specimen from McKay Reservoir does not show the slightest trace of a crenulation, one appears dis- tinctly on the incisor of Leptodontomys from La Grive (see Fig. 8 and Hugueney and Mein, 1968:196). Such enamel crenulations of the lower incisors are known from many eomyids (for exam- ple, Lomys, Pseudotheridomys ) and are, in my opinion, important for systematics. In the case of Leptodontomys this feature alone seems to justify a generic separation for the European species pre- viously referred to the genus. Eomyops, new genus Derivatio nominis. — Lomyops = Eo/ny.v-like. Diagnosis. — Small eomyid with bunodont cheek teeth and crenulated lower incisor. Upper molars — with well developed linguad anterior cingulum; sec- ond and fourth exterior syncline mostly extending lingually past the middle of the tooth. Mesoloph short, somewhat anteriorly directed. On P4, M,, and M2, fourth interior syncline well developed. Type species. — Lomys catalauniciis Hartenber- ger, 1966, from Can Llobateres (Spain). Included species. — Lomys catalauniciis Harten- berger, 1966; Leptodontomys hodvanus Janossy, 1972. Stratigraphic and geographic range. — Middle Miocene (level of Neudorf a.d. March. NMU 6) to Lower Pleistocene (Schernfeld bei Eichstiitt) of Eu- rope, from Spain to Czechoslovakia. Differential diagnosis. — From Leptodontomys Shotwell. 1956, Lomyops is different in — the dis- tinct crenulation of the lower incisor, lacking on the incisor of Leptodontomys', the more robust and dis- tinctly higher horizontal ramus of the mandible; in addition the mandible of Lomyops shows a swelling for the end of the incisor, lacking on the mandible of Leptodontomys', the better developed fourth in- terior syncline of the lower P, M,, and M2; the ex- terior synclines of the upper molars extending more lingually than on molars of Leptodontomys', the dif- ferent course of the anterior branch of the proto- 28 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 14 Fig. 7. — a) Leptodontomys oregonensis Shotwell, L mandible (invers) with I and P4, (type) UO 3533, McKay Reservoir (Oregon), Hemphillian, 15x; b) Eomyops aff. catalaunicus (Hartenberger), L mandible (invers) with M, and M.2, La Grive (France), Middle Miocene, 15x. conid and the metalophid, which in Eomyops ex- tend more or less transversely and form a direct junction of proto- and metaconid, whereas in Lep- todontomys these two lophs extend somewhat for- ward, joining only on the anterolophid or shortly before it. From Eomys Schlosser, 1926, Eomyops is differ- ent in having a linguad anterior cingulum on the upper molars; exterior synclines of the upper mo- lars extending more lingually; the short mesoloph of the upper molars, always anteriorly directed. From Adjidaumo Hay, 1930, Eomyops is differ- ent in having a linguad anterior cingulum on the upper molars; the better developed fourth interior syncline on lower premolar and molars; the position of the foramen mentale, located distinctly higher in Adjidaumo (see Black, 1965:37, Fig. 6b). As to Pseudadjidaumo Lindsay, 1972, see foot- note 1 1 . COTIMUS, Leidymys, Eumyarion, and Evcricetodon (Family Cricetidae Stehlin and Schaub, 1951) Historical Introduction In his pioneer work on Tertiary cricetids, Schaub (1925) described a hamster from the Swiss molasse with the name '"Cricetodon helveticus." He gave up the name “"Cricetodon medius'^ (Lartet, 1851), established for a cricetid from Sansan, because no type was preserved and because it was impossible for him to identify “C. medius" among the three medium-sized cricetids from Sansan using the poor 1979 ENGESSER— MIOCENE INSECTIVORES AND RODENTS 29 diagnosis of Lartet.’^ Eahlbusch (1964) split Schaub’s genus Cricetodon and declared C. hel- veticus a synonym of C. medius Lartet, after having found a fragment of a maxillary from Sansan labeled with Lartet’s own hand. In addition, he assigned C. medius to the American genus Cotimus Black, 1961. Shortly after doubts were heard about this assignment, probably essentially because only the type mandible of Cotimus was known (Freuden- thal, 1965:297). Thaler (1966) expressed these doubts by introducing a new subgenus for the Eu- ropean species — Eumyarion, later established as a genus by Mein and Freudenthal (1971). Two facts may contribute something to the so- lution of the Cotimus problem — first of all (personal communication, C. C. Black) the holotype of Co- timus alicae is not from the Upper Miocene (middle or late Barstovian) as initially stated, but from the Upper Miocene (middle or late Barstovian) as ini- tially stated, but from the Lower Miocene (Arika- reean). The type originates from a layer possibly representing an equivalent of the Gering Formation (personal communication, D. Rasmussen). In ad- dition, Rasmussen found new materials of Cotimus at the type locality, among which there was an up- per jaw. Judging from this jaw, Cotimus is without doubt a synonym of Leidymys (Wood, 1936). Even if these new discoveries shed new light on the dis- cussion, the problem of the relations of North American and European forms is far from being solved. Hitherto lacking in the literature are exten- sive comparisons of species from both continents. Comparisons o/ Leidymys f=Cotimus Black) and Eumyarion (Thaler) In spite of the new materials from both continents the comparisons are basically still confined to den- titions. Lower dentition. — On the basis of the lower in- cisor the two forms are easily distinguishable — Lei- dymys shows a distinctly flattened incisor anteriorly with a triangular cross section (see Plate 17e) and that of Lumyarion lacks the sharp exterior edge and is rather kidney-shaped in cross section. The thin enamel coating covers only the anterior surface of the incisor of Leidymys (as in Lumys), whereas on the incisor of Lumyarion the enamel seems to be thicker and extends from the anterior surface nearly According to Schaub (1925) at the Sansan locality besides C. sansaniensis and C. minus, four species of cricetids are present — C. gaillardi, C. affinis. C. helveticus. and C. brevis. As the extensive new materials from Sansan show. C. affinis is lacking at this locality. Fig. 8. — Comparison of the underside of the left lower incisor of a) Leptodontomys oregonensis Shotwell, UO 3633, McKay Reservoir (Oregon); h) Eomyops aff. cataluunicus (Hartenber- ger), NMBS, G.A. 635, La Grive (France). Both figures 25x. to the middle of the lateral side of the tooth. The enamel stripes on the exterior face show differences (see Plate 17e) — the incisor of Leidymys shows three stripes of which two are close and somewhat lateral of the middle of the anterior face. The incisor of Lumyarion, on the other hand, shows only two, more separated, stripes. The molars of the two gen- era are very similar in size, but the lower incisor of Lumyarion is distinctly more slender compared with that of Leidymys. Of the lower molars, M, shows the most distinct differences between the two forms — although the "Vorjochkante” (Schaub) in Leidymys always ex- tends from the metaconid to the posterior branch of the protoconid (Schaub’s "alte Vorjochkante”), it extends in Lumyarion from the metaconid to the anterior branch of the protoconid (Schaub’s “neue Vorjochkante,” Plate 16a and b). Connected with this the two anterior cusps of Lumyarion are more alternating than in Leidymys, with the metaconid more anteriorly located than the protoconid. The two anterior cusps of M, of Leidymys are less al- ternating. The great variation of connections of both anterior cusps and the anteroconid in all species of Lumyarion is very conspicuous (see En- gesser, 1972:Figs. 109 and 111), whereas in Leidy- mys these connections show little variation. In M2 Leidymys is different from Lumyarion in sometimes having both the anterior ‘ ‘Vorjoch- kante” (the “new” one of Schaub) and the poste- rior (the “old”) one. Such teeth show mostly a strong genuine mesostylid spur (see Plate 17d). The 30 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 14 mesoconid is generally better developed in Leidy- mys than in Eumyarion. Also the metaconid of M2 (as of M3) of Eumyarion is joined more closely to the anterior cingulum than on M2 of Leidymys. The M3 of Eumyarion and Eeidymys are not very different, although that of Eumyarion is more re- duced. Schaub ( 1925) pointed out the importance of the middle spur of the lower molars as a criterion for determination of phylogenetic relationships — it must be determined whether it is a genuine meso- stylid spur originating from the mesoconid or an elongated posterior branch of the protoconid (“Pseudomesostylidsporn” of Schaub). In this ele- ment Leidymys differs from Eumyarion only in those specimens showing a posterior branch of the protoconid extending to the metaconid. In this case a strong, genuine mesostylid spur is developed, often reaching to the lingual tooth margin (see Mi of the holotype of Leidymys alicae, Plate 16b). In specimens showing a freely terminating posterior branch of the protoconid, thus having a "Pseudo- mesostylidsporn” (mostly in M2 and M3), there is in Leidymys as well as in Eumyarion no mesostylid spur present or only a very small one (see Plate 16a and b: E. medius and M2 of the type of L. alicae). Some M, and M2 of Leidymys {L. alicae and L. nematodon) show a freely terminating posterior branch of the hypoconid in the fourth exterior syn- cline. This spur is only rarely found in Eumyarion medius from Sansan, but more frequently in the species E. latior, E. bifidus, and E. leemanni. Upper dentition. — The upper molars of Eumy- arion are more different from those of Leidymys than are the lower. Probably the most conspicuous and, for systematic relationships, the most impor- tant difference appears in the anterocone of M’. In Eumyarion this anterocone is very wide, mostly somewhat bipartite (distinctly bipartite in E. bifi- dus) and its highest point is in the level of the ex- terior cusps (Plate 15a). The anterocone of M' of Leidymys, on the other hand, is distinctly narrow- er, always one-part and its highest point is between the top of the two anterior cusps (Plate 15b). In addition, the M‘ of Eumyarion in most species (E. latior, medius and leemanni) shows an anterior transverse spur (“vorderer Quersporn”), a feature which I did not observe in any tooth of Leidymys (Plate 17a-c). However, most specimens of Leidy- mys show a freely terminating anterior branch of the protoconid. This detail is found in Eumyarion too — in E. bifidus and, together with an anterior transverse spur, in E. latior (see Engesser, 1972: Eig. 106) — but never in E. medius. The connection of the mesostyle spur with the metacone (Plate 15a) is a peculiarity of E. medius and is found only rarely in other species. In Leidymys, the “Vorjochkante” of M'^ leads directly to the protocone; in Eumyarion, on the oth- er hand, it joins the posterior branch of the proto- cone. The M^ of Leidymys (L. alicae, not L. ne- matodon) has a lingual anterior cingulum; one is lacking completely in Eumyarion (Plate 15a-c). The M^ of Eumyarion is more reduced than that of Leidymys. In Eumyarion the protocone covers almost the whole lingual face and the interior syn- cline is conspicuously shortened in favor of a cen- tral crater. In Leidymys the M^ is, compared with M^, only slightly reduced on its posterior end. It has a lingual anterior cingulum in L. alicae (see Plate 15b) and relatively well-developed metacone. Lower jaw. — In the mandible, the only part of these animals other than the dentition that we can compare, differences between Eumyarion and Lei- dymys can be observed — the anterior part of the masseteric fossa, forming a short crista, in Eumy- arion extends to below the anterior margin of Mi or even farther anteriorly. As far as I observed in Lei- dymys, it extends only somewhat beyond the mid- dle of M,. On both lower jaws of Leidymys which I could compare (L. alicae and L. nematodon) there was a second, smaller foramen somewhat above and in front of the mental foramen. I never ob- served such a foramen in Eumyarion. The position of the mental foramen seems to be of little use for systematics, because the two mandibles of Leidy- mys having this detail showed different positions of it. Discussion of the differences. — Most of these dif- ferences between Leidymys and Eumyarion do not seem to be basic, but rather represent different levels of similar developments. The “modern" fea- tures are without exception allotted to Eumyarion (“neue Vorjochkanten," reduced lingual anterior cingulum of M- and M®, slightly developed meso- conid of the lower molars, reduced M^, and others). Leidymys alicae is morphologically more primitive. Comparison of Leidymys (=Cotimus) and Eucricetodon Differences between Eumyarion and Leidymys seem to be due to different levels of development. However, Leidymys (=Cotimus) and Eumyarion are not here considered to be congeneric, as pro- 1979 ENGESSER— MIOCENE INSECTIVORES AND RODENTS 31 posed by different authors. To establish the general differences between American and European forms it is necessary to compare Leidymys with a more or less contemporary cricetid such as Eucricetodon collatus (see Plates 15c and 16c). In E. collatus fea- tures are found again which showed Leidymys to be more primitive as compared with Eumyarion — “Alte Vorjochkanten” of M, and Ma, lingual ante- rior cingulum of M“ and M^, well-developed meso- conid on the lower molars. On the other hand, there are differences between Leidymys and Eucriceto- don too — as in most Oligocene cricetids of Europe (exceptions, Paracricetodon and Heterocriceto- don), E. collatus shows a distinctly more reduced than Leidymys (see Plate 15b and c). The an- terocone of M‘ in many species of Eucricetodon (especially in E. atavus and E. huerzeieri) shows a tendency to become wider and to develop two peaks , not present in Leidymys. The lower incisor of Eucricetodon is distinctly more slender than that of Leidymys and its cross section is not triangular but rather drop-shaped (see Plate 17e). The enamel of the lower incisor of Eucricetodon extends more to the lateral face than in Leidymys. In addition, the incisor of Eucricetodon lacks the ledge on the lateral face, typical for Leidymys (and Eumys) and its enamel is thicker. In regard to these features of the incisor, Eucricetodon fits closer to Eumyarion than to Leidymys. The enamel stripes of the exte- rior face of the incisor seem less significant for these comparisons because they show a great variation in the different species of Eucricetodon. The same applies to the upper incisor showing, according to Wood (1937:257), stripes in Leidymys iockingtoni- anus. Certain species of Eucricetodon have striped upper incisors (for example, E. collatus), whereas others do not (for example, E. huberi).'^ In spite of these differences the dental similarities of Eucrice- todon and Leidymys are striking. Vianey-Liaud (1972) raised the question whether Eucricetodon and Leidymys should be united in the same genus. Besides the differences mentioned above, I oppose such a union for other reasons. Certainly by Ari- kareean (or “ Aquitanian”) times, Leidymys as well as Eucricetodon had had a long separate evolution; Leidymys in North America being known since the Whitneyan (L. vetus), Eucricetodon in Europe The value of such features of the incisor for the systematics is for the moment difficult to estimate. It is impossible to decide whether the incisor differences between these species indicate heterogeneity of the genus Eucricetodon. or whether these features vary even in closely related species and therefore are less useful for system- atics. The heterogeneity of this group was pointed out by Thaler (1966:140) in intro- ducing the new subgenus Eucricetodon. since the lower Middle Oligocene (£. atavus). Wood (in Clark et al., 1964) traces the descent of Leidymys back to the Eumys group against which, in my opinion, there are no objections, because a form known as L. vetus seems to occupy an inter- mediate position between Eumys and Leidymys. The lower incisor of the latter with its nearly tri- angular cross section, the distinct exterior edge and the very thin enamel coat is very similar to that of Eumys. Both Eumys and Leidymys represent prim- itive forms, possibly resembling a common ances- tor. This becomes evident by a comparison with Simimys from the Uintan (Upper Eocene), the ear- liest known cricetid (if it is really a cricetid!). Tak- ing a look at Plates 15 and 16, it becomes obvious how widespread this tooth pattern is and over what a long time it held out, changing only in slight de- tails. On these plates, forms are figured from the range between Orellan (Middle Oligocene) and Mid- dle Miocene which are intended to point out how similar all these forms are, although coming from different continents and ages. As observed by other authors (among others, Schaub, 1925), some Recent cricetids of Madagascar show a similar tooth pat- tern. This resemblance easily could be dismissed as pure convergence, if the lower incisors did not show exactly the same two enamel stripes as, for example, Eumyarion] In summary, Eumyarion, Leidymys (=Cotimus), Eucricetodon, and Eumys represent forms showing a very primitive tooth pattern and are therefore dif- ficult to differentiate from each other on the basis of the dentition. The teeth may be throughout suf- ficient for differentiation of species and for deter- mination of the evolutionary level, but for recon- struction of intercontinental relationships we need more complete remains. Democricetodon and Copemys (Eamily Cricetidae) History of Investigations Eahlbusch (1964) divided the genus Cricetodon and united Schaub’s species brevis, affinis, and gaillardi in the new genus Democricetodon. Influ- enced by the great dental similarity of Democrice- todon and the American genus Copemys (Wood, 1936), Eahlbusch (1967) proposed that Democrice- todon be regarded henceforth only as a subgenus of Copemys. This generic assignment did not meet with unanimous approval. In their new classifica- 32 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 14 tion of the Tertiary cricetids from Europe, Mein and Freudenthal (1971) argued for a generic sepa- ration of Copemys and Democricetodon. This sep- aration was substantiated above all by differences in the position and form of the incisive foramen. The same authors (1971:31-32) assigned Democri- cetodon to the subfamily Cricetinae (Murray, 1866), whereas they considered possible an affiliation of Copemys to the subfamily Hesperomyinae (Mur- ray, 1866). Comparisons Because the dentitions of Copemys and Demo- cricetodon were already compared extensively by Fahibusch (1967), I can confine my statement to a few details. The dentitions of some species of De- mocricetodon and Copemys resemble each other to such a degree that — as Lindsay (1972) wrote — even a specific distinction would be difficult, if they were found at the same locality. The only general differ- ence between the forms of the two continents that I see can be observed on M^ — in all species of Co- pemys whose M^ I know, this tooth is more reduced than in all species of Democricetodon (see Plate 18). This reduction affects not only the posterior half of the tooth, as is usual on M^ of many other cricetids, but all elements except the protocone. Outside of this difference all details of the pattern typical for Democricetodon appear in the different species of Copemys — the short anteroconid of M,, the anterior transverse spur of M‘, the spur in the exterior syncline of the lower molars. Authors such as Fahibusch (1967) and Lindsay ( 1972), arguing for a generic union of Copemys and Democricetodon, were apparently guided by the close similarities of the dentitions. But according to Mein and Freudenthal (1971:30) — and I agree in this respect with these authors — the dentition of the cri- cetids is perfectly useful for the distinction of dif- ferent species, but not for the proof of phylogenetic relations above the species level. Mein and Freu- denthal supported their opinion that the dental sim- ilarities of Copemys and Democricetodon have to be traced back to parallelism and that the two gen- era very probably belong to two different subfami- lies (Hesperomyinae and Cricetinae), based on dif- ferences in the skull and skeleton. For the following reasons I do not agree in all points in this argument: these two authors attach great systematic impor- tance to the position and shape of the incisive fo- ramen. They state (1971:28) that Democricetodon, with its short incisive foramen with a posterior mar- gin located anterior to the anterior end of M’, is a representative of the Cricetinae. The incisive fora- men of Copemys, on the other hand, continues be- tween the upper molars as typical for the Hesper- omyinae. The systematic value of this foramen seems to me somewhat doubtful, because in many cricetids it exhibits considerable variation — on cer- tain skulls of Eumys elegans (AMNH collections) the posterior margin of this foramen occurs on the level of the anteroconid of M‘, but in many speci- mens assigned to the same species it is placed clear- ly more anteriorly (see Wood, 1937:P1. 32). In the only skull of Copemys known to me in which the incisive foramen can be observed (Lindsay, 1972:Fig. 45), the foramen ends about at the level of the anterior margin of Mb In Peromyscus, which developed almost certainly from Copemys, the pos- terior margin of this foramen is placed distinctly anterior to the anterior end of M'. Mein and Freu- denthal assign Democricetodon to the subfamily Cricetinae and give at the same time a provisional diagnosis of this subfamily based on the skeleton and skull. According to this diagnosis the mandible of Democricetodon is inclined lingually very dis- tinctly, so that it is impossible to see the mental foramen in occlusal view. In addition, the humerus of Democricetodon shows an entepicondylar fora- men. As to these two features, it can be said that the mandible of Copemys is actually less inclined lingually than that of Democricetodon, but also the humerus of Copemys shows an entepicondylar fo- ramen (this knowledge I owe to Everett Lindsay, who kindly gave me a cast of a Copemys humerus). For the moment it seems extreme to draw phy- logenetic conclusions on the basis of these differ- ences or similarities. According to Romer (1949) the entepicondylar foramen is a primitive feature and also occurs in other genera of cricetids (for exam- ple, Fahlbiischia). Although questioning the value of the criteria mentioned by Mein and Freudenthal, for the follow- ing reasons I still hold that Copemys and Democri- cetodon, in spite of the similarities of the dentition, need not be closely related: as we can suppose for good reasons, probably all species of Democrice- todon (as well as those of Rotundomys and Ko- walskia) developed from a small and very primitive Lower Miocene form, which could have been closely connected with Demoricetodon minor fran- conicus from Erkertshofen (see Plates 18b and 1979 ENGESSER— MIOCENE INSECTIVORES AND RODENTS 33 19b). Likewise it can be supposed that all North American species of Copemys descend from a primitive ancestral form, which might have been similar to C. pagei or C. tenuis (see Lindsay, 1972:77). These most primitive known forms of both con- tinents— C. pagei or C. tennis, and D. minor — are very similar dentally (see Plates 18 and 19). This similarity led several authors to consider that both genera must be regarded as immigrants, descending from a common, probably Asiatic, ancestral form. To me it is very strange that the evolved forms from North America and Europe, which can be de- rived with great probability from the primitive ones, look again very similar to each other. This similarity goes so far that, for example, Copemys rnsselli or C. barstowensis show exactly the same details in the dentition as are typical for Democricetodon guUlardi — the long mesolophs or mesolophids, the anterior transverse spur of the exterior syncline of the lower molars, the start of a labial posterior cing- ulum of M, and M.2, and others (see Plates 18c and 19c). Even the bend of the “Vorjochkante” and the "Nachjochkante” of the lower molars, typical for Democricetodon gaillardi, can be observed in cer- tain forms of Copemys (see Shotwell, 19677>:Eig. 6A). This certainly parallel evolution of the De- mocricetodon and Copemys groups continues in the Pliocene — on both sides of the Atlantic forms de- velop showing a bipartite division of the anterocone of M’, a reduction of the posteriormost exterior syncline of the upper molars, and distinctly ante- riorly directed "Jochkanten” of the lower molars (for example, Peromyscus pliocaenicus in North America, Rotiindomys and Kowalskia in Europe). How can these similarities be explained? I) Migration? The fact that we do not know direct ancestors either of Copemys or of Democricetodon is for many authors proof that both genera were “immigrants.” This statement is extreme because there is no known representative from an earlier deposit than Barstovian. The statement that the morphological similarities of the evolved forms from both sides of the Atlantic were caused by '* According to Mein and Freudenthal (1971:28), Democricetodon from Viliafeliche II A (NMU 4) and Erkertshofen (NMU 4) represent the oldest forms of the genus and they comply with all requirements which could be made for an ancestor of all later forms. The form of Viliafeliche seems to me to comply better with these requirements because it shows an entoconid on M3, in contrast to that from Erkertshofen (see Freudenthal. 1963:112). Nevertheless, I selected the form from Erkertshofen as an example for a primitive species (see Plate 18b and 19b), because no original materia! from Viliafeliche was available to me. another “immigration wave” does not seem very probable to me, because, as mentioned above, an origin from the more primitive forms on both sides of the Atlantic can be demonstrated with some de- gree of certainty. 2) Parallel evolution? However closely related Democricetodon and Copemys might be, wheth- er— as Mein and Freudenthal believe — on the level of the subfamily at best, or — as Fahibusch and Lindsay state — on the level of the genus, certain parallel developments, at least for the evolved forms, can hardly be denied. To seek the reason for these parallelisms in the same environmental con- ditions is not reasonable at present, because the functional significance and with it the selective val- ue of these details of the tooth pattern are not understood. 3) Completely independent development? It is questionable whether Copemys could have devel- oped completely independently of Democriceto- don. Wood {in Clark et al., 1964) supposed Cope- mys to have arisen from the Leidymys group. However, Copemys was at that time much less completely known than at present and its generic union with Democricetodon had not yet been dis- cussed. In any case, the possibility can not com- pletely be excluded that both genera developed in- dependently since the Oligocene, that Copemys consequently could have descended from Leidymys and Democricetodon from an Oligocene cricetid from Eurasia. 4) Common ancestral form? I incline toward the opinion that Democricetodon and Copemys de- scended from a common, probably Asiatic, ances- tral form, and developed for some time in parallel. An interpretation of the similarities as pure conver- gence seems to me to be hardly possible. Even if we are not fully aware of the reasons leading to parallelisms, we should in no case underestimate the extent of similarities and morphological corre- spondences caused by such parallelisms. As far as systematic position is concerned, it is appropriate to leave Democricetodon and Copemys as two dif- ferent genera. For the solution of this problem it is not so important in which geological stage the two lines converge, whether in the Upper Miocene or at an earlier level. Rather more important to me is the fact that starting from primitive forms there ap- peared evolutionary lines on both sides of the At- lantic, even if they enter upon the same ways. This fact justifies, in my opinion, a generic separation in 34 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 14 1979 ENGESSER— MIOCENE INSECTIVORES AND RODENTS 35 cases like this one, where for the present the dif- ferent forms can hardly be distinguished. Plesiosminthus (Family Zapodidae Coues, 1875) History of Investigations The genus Plesiosminthus was introduced by Viret (1926) for a form from St-Gerand-le-Puy {P. schauhi). Schaub, having recognized one year prior the affiliation to the Sicistinae of a tooth formerly identified as cricetid, described in his monograph ( 1930) on fossil Sicistinae two new species from the European Miocene and Oligocene (P. myarion from Chavroches and P. promyarion from Rickenbach). The first American sicistine was described as Schaubeumys grangeri by Wood (I935u), but this form was long regarded as a cricetid. Galbreath (1953) described a Plesiosminthus-Vike form from Quarry A (Martin Canyon, Colorado) but had some doubts about the generic assignment and called the form Plesiosminthus^ clivosus. Black (1958) had the same doubts and proposed assigning P.l cli- vosus to the American genus Schaubeumys as he did the new species S. sabrae from the Miocene of Split Rock (Wyoming). Wilson (1960), describing the fourth American species {S. galbreathi from Quarry A), considered Schaubeumys as a subgenus of Plesiosminthus. He united the species S. gran- geri, sabrae, and galbreathi in the subgenus Schau- beumys, whereas he incorporated the species cli- vosus together with the three European species in the subgenus Plesiosminthus. Likewise he consid- ered the Mongolian genus Parasminthus Bohlin, 1946, as a subgenus of Plesiosminthus. Finally, Kllngener ( 1966) described a form from the Valen- tine Formation of Nebraska (Upper Miocene) which he assigned to the genus ^Plesiosminthus, and introduced the giant form Megasminthus ti- heni. Comparisons of American and European Forms The fact that several species of Plesiosminthus are known from each continent (three from Europe, four from America) makes it difficult to establish the common features of one group and to compare them with the characteristics of the group of the other continent. Larger sized teeth are common to all American forms, compared with the European. This is not surprising, since most American species are distinctly younger than the European. How- ever, Schaubeumys grangeri from the lower Rose- bud— the earliest American zapodid — is, according to the current stratigraphic correlations, the same age or even somewhat older than the middle “ Aqui- tanian” P. myarion from Chavroches (NMU 2a) hut still distinctly larger than this one. As several authors have shown, the forms of both continents resemble one another morphologically. In spite of extensive comparisons, I found no gen- eral morphological differences, but only quantita- tive ones. Thus, on M, of European species the ridge extending anteriorly from the mesolophid al- most always joins the protoconid, whereas in Amer- ican forms this ridge extends straight anteriorly to- ward the anteroconid and contacts the ridge connecting protoconid and metaconid (see Fig. 9a- g). Only in the type jaw of S. grangeri does M, appear in this feature like the European forms (Fig. 9f). As an additional difference on M,, the hypo- conulid and mesoconid of American species gen- erally seem to be better developed than in Euro- pean. Likewise the protoconule of M' of American species seems to be more accentuated than in M' from Europe, where this cusp is often completely lacking (see Fig. 9h-l). On M' the “Vorjochkante” of many American specimens extends from the paracone to the mesoloph, whereas on all Euro- pean specimens I compared, the "Vorjochkante" Fig. 9. — a-h) Plesiosminthu.s myarion Schaub, LM,. NMBS, Chr. 761 and Chr. 759, Chavroches (France), Early Miocene (Aquitanian); c-d) Plesiosminthus schauhi Viret, LM,. NMBS, Bst. 8838 and Bst. 8840. Coderet (France), Uppermost Oligocene; e) Schaubeumys sabrae Black, LM,. CM 15854, Split Rock, Fremont Co., Wyoming, Hemingfordian; f) Schaubeumys grangeri Wood, LM,. AMNFI 13757 (invers). (type). Potato Creek, Pine Ridge, South Dakota, Lower Rosebud ( Arikareean); g) Megasminthus tiheni Klingener. LM|, CM 18855 (invers). Verdigre Quarry, Knox Co. . Nebraska. Valentine Fm. (Late Miocene); h) Plesiosminthus myarion Schaub, LM'. NMBS. Chr. 778 (invers), Chavroches (France). Early Miocene (Aquitanian); i) Plesiosminthus schauhi Viret, LM', NMBS. Bst. 690 (invers), Coderet (France), Uppermost Oligocene;)) Schaubeumys sabrae Black. LM'. CM 15854 (invers). Split Rock, Fremont Co., Wyoming, Flemingfordian; k) Schaubeumys grangeri Wood. LM'. AMNFI 13757, Potato Creek. Pine Ridge, South Dakota. Lower Rosebud (Arikareean); I) Megasminthus tiheni Klingener. LM'. CM 18864, Verdigre Quarry. Knox Co., Nebraska. Valentine Fm. (Late Miocene). All figures 25x. 36 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 14 a b Fig. 10. — a) Plesiosminthus myarion Schaub, LM'. NMBS, Sau. .^901, Saulcet (France), Early Miocene (Lower Aquitanian); b) Schauheumys sahnie Black, LM', CM 15854. Split Rock. Lremont Co.. Wyoming. Hemingfordian. Both figures 40x. joined with the posterior branch of the protocone. There seems to he a difference in the metacone of M', and connected with this in the third exterior syncline — in American forms the metacone is a ro- tund cusp in occlusal view and on its lingual side the “Nachjochkante" sets on abruptly. This ex- tends as a posteriorly bent, delicate ridge to the hypocone. The metacone of European forms is a rather elongated cusp, gradually passing into the hardly bent “Nachjochkante" (see Fig. 10). Final- ly, shows some differences — European species show only a wreath of little developed, small cusps, whereas in American species a relatively distinct anterior main cusp can be observed, surrounded by two or three side-cusps (see Plate 20a-b). Even if none of the differences mentioned alone furnishes a criterion for distinguishing the groups of both continents, the total differences seem to be of some value for systematics. It is very interesting too that all mentioned features of the American forms appear again and in a higher degree in the dentition of the Late Miocene zapodid Megasmin- thiis tiheni from the Nebraska Valentine Formation (see Fig. 9g and 1). This fact suggests a close phy- logenetic connection among American forms. Discussion As the above comparisons show, the American and European zapodids, united by many authors in the genus Plesiosminthus, are so similar to each other that — as Wilson (1960:86) pointed out — it is difficult to find constant differences. Once more the question arises how these similarities could origi- nate. Wilson ( 1960:86) explained them by close phy- logenetic relations, uniting the species of both con- tinents in the same genus and stating that he was guided chiefly by two considerations — he found no distinct morphological differences to separate P. clivosus, P. schiiubi, and P. myarion’, secondly, P. clivosus is not the only mammal from Quarry A to show close relationship with European forms. As Wilson stated elsewhere (1960:21), the morpholog- ical similarities are more readily explained by “in- termigration" than by parallelisms. At what point of time did this “intermigration" take place? In a publication on the intercontinental correlations of the Miocene Wilson (1968) suggests for Plesiosminthus a “Burdigalian" immigration from Eurasia. This is an interesting interpretation considering that most American species first ap- pear, according to the current correlations, some- what after the latest European forms. Besides this the American forms are more advanced than the European. One fact, however, seems to contradict a “Burdigalian" immigration — the earliest Ameri- can species, S. grangeri, is known from the lower Rosebud, which, according to most correlations, is pre-“Burdigalian." It seems possible that the Ple- siosminthus group could have divided very early, perpaps in the Eocene or the Lower Oligocene and that the different lines did not develop in their den- tal morphology very far from the common ancestral form. It does not seem likely to me that these sim- ilarities between American and European Plesios- minthus are the result of pure convergence. The tooth pattern of this group is without any doubt a 1979 ENGESSER— MIOCENE INSECTIVORES AND RODENTS 37 Fig. 1 1. — The position of the posterior edge of the incisive foramen with regard to the P^. a) Plesiosminthus myurion Schaub, NMBS. Chr. 797. Chavroches (France); b) Plesiosminthus schuubi Viret, NMBS, Bst. 8856, Coderet (France); c) Plesiosminthus myarion Schaub. NMBS, Sau. 3899, Saulcet (France), if: posterior edge of the incisive foramen, Ph alveolus of P^. All figures 12x. very primitive one, and even if parallelism were in- volved, similarity in these primitive forms (Wilson, 1949:23; Schaub, 1934:24) would indicate much more for the degree of relationship than in highly specialized forms, which in certain circumstances can reflect convergence from different evolutionary lines. Simimys from the Sespe Eocene of California, whose systematic position is not yet clear, possibly could furnish an indication for early division of the zapodids. Even if Simimys cannot be considered as an ancestor of Plesiosminthus because of certain specializations, it still demonstrates that apparently in the Eocene in America forms existed that had a Plesiosminthus-Mke tooth pattern. Another suggestion for an early division within the zapodids is furnished by Parasminthus from the Upper Oligocene of Mongolia (Bohlin, 1946), which besides many dental features common with the Eu- ropean Plesiosminthus shows some distinct differ- ences.’® The more or less contemporaneous occur- rence of Plesiosminthus and Parasminthus indicates The most important difference between Parasminthus and Plesiosminthus seems to be the lack of a groove in the upper incisors of the former. Wood ( 1935/7:225-226), who considered it possible that there is a single gene governing grooving or absence of grooving in heteromyid incisors, pointed out that the presence or absence of the groove is a systematic character of generic rank. that at least in the Upper Oligocene of Eurasia two groups of forms existed. As a final indication for early division within this group, the great variation undergone by the incisive foramen should be considered. Whereas in Schau- beurnys sabrae (Black, 1 958: Fig: lA), Parasmin- thus tangingoli (Bohlin, 1946: Fig. 2/8), and Plesios- minthus myarion from Chavroches (see Fig. 11a), the posterior edge of this foramen is on the level of the anterior edge of P"*, in S. clivosus and S. gal- breathi (Wilson, 1960: Figs. 126 and 128) it reaches the level of mid-P'’, and in P. schaubi, the level of the anterior edge of M' (see Fig. 1 lb). As far as the position of this foramen is concerned, there are dis- tinct differences between the forms from Chavroch- es and from Saulcet, both assigned to the species P. myarion by Schaub — in the form from Saulcet the posterior edge of the foramen reaches the level of the middle or the posterior edge of P'*; in the Chavroches form the foramen ends distinctly an- terior to P"* (Fig. 12a and c).”’ Could it be possible that this variation indicates the existence of differ- At first sight it seems possible to explain the different positions of the posterior edge of the foramen incisivum in the forms from Branssat, Saulcet, and Chavroches as different phases in one advancing process. Because in such Recent zapodids as Sicista and Zapus. the foramen incisivum reaches farther back than in the Branssat form (that is, to the level of the protocone of M'). this possibility becomes less prob- able. 38 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 14 Fig. 12. — a) Plesiosminthus myarion Schauh, LMj, NMBS. Sau. 3983. Saulcet (France), Early Miocene (Lower Aquitanian); b) Eumyarion medius (Lartet), LM2, NMBS, Ss. 6721. Sansan (France). Middle Miocene; c) Plesiosminthus myarion Schauh. LM^. NMBS. Sau. 3913, Saulcet (France), Early Miocene (Lower Aquitanian); d) Eumyarion hifidus (Fahibusch), LM^. BSPM 1952 XIV 89, Giggenhausen (Germany), Middle Miocene. All figures 40x. ent lines, which are not distinguishable on the basis of the dental morphology? The tooth type of Plesiosminthus, let us call it the “cricetoid” one, demonstrates for what long spaces of time such primitive tooth patterns can be maintained essentially unchanged and how slightly significant for systematics it is, as shown even in the Eocene with the dentition of Simimys, in the Oligocene with Plesiosminthus , certain cricetids and eomyids, and in the Upper Miocene, for ex- ample, in Eumyarion. Certain teeth of Eumyarion — especially M-, M^, M2, and M;, — are barely dis- tinguishable from corresponding teeth of Plesios- minthus (see Fig. 12, notice especially the double “Vorjochkante” of M^ of both forms). Summarizing, based on currently known speci- mens, correspondence of American and European Plesiosminthus can be explained as well as the re- sult of an early zapodid division with little further morphological development as by a Burdigalian fau- nal exchange. Therefore and because of morpho- logical differences, I propose to leave the Ameri- can, Asiatic, and European species in the three separate genera, until we know more about the phy- logenetic relations within this group. 1979 ENGESSER— MIOCENE INSECTIVORES AND RODENTS 39 DISCUSSION In the preceding systematic section I tried to ap- proach the problem of the relations between North American and European Miocene mammal faunas from a point of view different from that of most of my colleagues. At present there is much discussion of “migrations,” which centers on the question of which groups passed from one continent to the oth- er at what time and by which way. I have tried to show that outside of the “migration theory” — which actually is still a theory-there are other pos- sible explanations for the often astonishing similar- ities of forms between the northern continents. Of course I am not the first to have envisaged other possibilities than “migration.” Wilson ( 1960:21), for example, in discussing insectivores of Europe and North America, considered parallel evolution as a possibility besides “migration,” although he did prefer the latter interpretation. Simpson (1947: 622, footnote) mentioned the possibility of conver- gence: “It is a conceivable alternative that some taxonomic groups are moiphological but not phy- logenetic and that they arose independently on the two continents. This has been claimed for many groups, but, if true at all, it must (in my opinion) be highly exceptional and can be ignored in an over- all view.” I agree with Simpson that pure convergence, that is, development of a similar charcter in groups not closely related, is very unlikely, at least in the cases examined here. Nevertheless, this possibility can- not be excluded completely in forms with very poor records on both continents. Thus, in the case of the Miocene “sciuropterans” of California, it cannot be ruled out that these animals do not belong to the Sciuridae, and that we could be dealing with pure convergence. But in the other genera investigated it can hardly be contested that the forms were re- lated at least at the family level. Accordingly, the following alternatives remain to explain morphological similarity of forms from both continents: 1 ) the spread of similar forms to the other conti- nent ( = “migration”); 2) the spread of ancestors of similar looking forms from one continent to other, with a) following parallel evolution over greater or lesser time periods, or b) further development and conservation of certain primitive features over greater or lesser pe- riods. Common to all these alternatives is occurrence in each case of intercontinental dispersal. Differ- ences between the alternatives concern only the point in phylogenetic history at which these spreads occurred. My investigations of the genera treated in the sys- tematic section suggest that possibilities 2a and 2b are more plausible than generally supposed. Migration The most popular current explanation for mor- phological similarities of forms from different con- tinents is that of “migration.” The use of the term “migration” implies probably that one understands the possibilities of a spread (what it is actually) much more extensively and also considers regions as passable, as long as they were more or less ice- free and relatively dry. However, using the term “migration” one has probably automatically in mind the migration of lemmings and birds of pas- sage, that is, situations in which the animals are under a certain pressure and probably pass through areas not completely corresponding with their eco- logical needs. In this connection it is much better to use the term “spread” which implies that the animals ex- pand their range and open up new living space, and under normal conditions, they are subject to no pressure. (It can happen of course, that, for ex- ample by overpopulation, a certain pressure can arise, which can induce the animals to colonize areas not wholly suitable. However, such a pres- sure in my opinion would not persist as long as necessary, to overcome such enormous distances as in the present case.) As to Neogene faunal exchange, I have some doubt with regard to the forms studied. Most cur- rent authors consider the Bering land bridge as an ideal spread route for land mammals (see Beringia History, 1973). There is evidence from several fields (paleobotany, malacology, sedimentology) that during the Tertiary there were repeated land connections across the Bering Strait. Investigations of large mammals especially suggest that this land bridge was utilized again and again (see H. Tobien. L. K. Gabunia, 1. M. Novodvorskaya, N. M. Ya- novskaya, and others, in Beringia History, 1973). Recent investigations show that during the Neogene certainly not a tropical or subtropical climate pre- vailed in the Bering area, but a best a temperate 40 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 14 one. This is compatible with the view of S. F. Biske and Yu. P. Baranova (/// Beringia History, 1973) that in the Oligocene and Miocene a change from a warm temperate to a cold temperate climate took place. In the Asian part of Beringia, a forest tundra appeared in the Middle Miocene and an alpine tun- dra was characteristic of the close of the Miocene. According to these and other investigations, essen- tially coinciding with each other, 1 see some diffi- culties for dwellers of tropical or subtropical forest areas, as many of the small mammal forms studied probably are, to colonize and pass through areas like Beringia. Simpson (1947) took into consider- ation the possibility that the spread of certain forms undergoes a delay by such climatic and ecologic barriers, that is, until a form adapted to the envi- ronment in question is developed. This is accept- able, but logically one should go beyond this, sup- posing that the "migrants” redeveloped a form adapted to the colonization of the warm areas in Middle Europe and North America. This seems very unlikely to me. With regard to the spread of tropical or subtropical animals, Simpson (1947:651) takes the view: "In any event, and contrary to what seems to be a widespread impression (e.g., J. W. Gregory, 1930), there is no evidence from the mammals that any truly tropical or subtropical an- imals ever migrated between Eurasia and North America and it is even dubious whether any spe- cifically warm temperate groups made this jour- ney.” Thus we have to determine whether the forms studied here were actually dwellers of such warm climates. The ecologic and climatic ties of most of the 10 genera are not clear for the present. However, if conclusions from modern faunas are permissible, at least the fossil sciuropterans and Lanthanotherium, having Recent relatives mainly inhabiting tropical forest areas, may have lived un- der similar conditions. In addition we know that in the Miocene of Middle Europe there was a distinct- ly warmer climate than today and the same is ap- plicable to the corresponding areas of North Amer- ica (for example, the "Gray-beds” of Cuyama Valley in California, where four of the 10 genera are found). Very probably, Lanthanotherium and the sciuropterans were forest dwellers too, possibly also Plesiosorex and the Heterosoricinae, for their remains are mainly found together with typical for- est faunas, and partly in lignites. In localities with typical steppe faunas, they are either very rare or are completely lacking. For such dwellers of warm forest biotopes the Bering area with its tundras cer- tainly represented a virtually unsurmountable bar- rier, at least during the Neogene. However, this is not incompatible with inhabitants of temperate or cold climates having crossed the Bering area. A further weak point in the theory of the Late Tertiary faunal exchange across Beringia is that this theory, at least as far as small mammals are con- cerned, is not strengthened by any evidence from eastern Asia. Certainly, there are well-documented Oligocene faunas known from the Hsanda Gol For- mation in Mongolia (Matthew and Granger, 1923; Mellett, 1968) and from Taben-buluk in Kansu (Bohlin, 1942-1946). These faunas contain forms related to European and North American ones (for example, Cricetops, Parasminthiis, Eumys, Am- phechinus, Cylindrodontidae) but they do not fur- nish any indication of an intercontinental faunal ex- change, for they are largely endemic. It may be argued that if migrations occurred, the migrants may have passed south or north of Mongolia. In my opinion, for climatic and ecological reasons the southern route may have been more advantageous for Oligocene and Miocene animals. If we want di- rect mammal paleontological evidence for such ex- change, we have to look for Oligocene and Miocene mammals in southern Asia — in India, Burma, southern China, or perhaps in Indonesia. However, assuming such a southern distribution route, it be- comes difficult to explain how the animals could pass over a land bridge situated so far north as the Bering bridge! Doubts with respect to the Late Tertiary spread of mammals across Beringia are also based on the lack of fossil mammal remains in northern areas such as Siberia, Alaska, and northern Canada. As already mentioned, 1 cannot visualize such a spread as unidirectional, therefore, 1 suppose that animals able to pass over a land bridge as far north as the Bering bridge would have been living also in other northern areas. No fewer problems arise assuming a post-Eocene faunal exchange over a northern Atlantic bridge. Because we have new evidence from continental drift, this theory has lost ground, although some authors still prefer the route across the northern Atlantic to that across the Bering Strait. Recently Strauch (1970) and Zhegallo (Beringia History, 1973) pleaded for the transatlantic route. In my opinion, this theory has the same handicaps as that of the spread over the Bering bridge — a northern Atlantic bridge would be equally situated very far north, and also from this area any fossil evidence 1979 ENGESSER— MIOCENE INSECTIVORES AND RODENTS 41 is lacking. Furthermore, according to the newest paleomagnetic evidence, a direct land connection between Europe and North America after the Low- er Eocene (from about 47 million years ago) is very doubtful. The doubts advanced so far regarding intercon- tinental faunal exchange referred mainly to the cli- mate and ecology of the distribution routes. 1 have also some doubts concerning the methods applied in mammal paleontology — the assumption of close relation of forms of both continents and the conclu- sions deduced from this that “migrations” have oc- curred are based above all on comparisons of den- titions. In my own investigations, several examples demonstrated that for determining phylogenetic re- lations, the dentition alone cannot be trusted ab- solutely. Of course, completely new problems arise here, because many fossil mammals are known by their dentition alone. As shown above, parallelism and the conservation of primitive features over a long period must considered. Therefore, the for- merly generally used dictum — “What is not distin- guishable morphologically is closely related” — must be questioned. This principle may be valid in cases in which we can compare more complete re- mains, such as skulls or skeletons, but has to be applied with extreme caution if we do not have any- thing but teeth to compare. As in the case of "Co- timus" close phylogenetic relations often have to be disproved when more complete remains become known. Therefore it is indispensable that in paleon- tology of mammals, and especially of small mam- mals, we try to compare other structures besides the dentition. Especially in earlier literature, the possibility of rafting was considered (Schlosser, 1911; recently also Lavocat, 1973). A typical example of this kind of spread was the recolonization of the volcanic is- land Krakatau. Rafting may be effective for cross- ing of an arm of the sea or from one island to another. For the spread from one continent to another, this possibility can be dropped, in my opinion, because the chance that a single individual survives such a long transport is extremely small, not to mention the number of individuals necessary to build up a population. Parallel Evolution To show parallel evolution conclusively is in most cases very difficult, and extensive fossil ma- terial should be available. But as many animals show, parallelism is not so rare and in many cases can produce astonishing correspondence of form. If morphological similarities can result from con- vergence in not-related forms, logically even more surprising similarities can be developed in related forms. As Wood (1947) stated convincingly, the chance of parallel evolution is greater in groups having specialized very early — for example, ro- dents or the Heterosoricinae — than in less special- ized groups. With specialization, the spectrum of evolutionary possibilities is restricted, and the probability increases that the same development occurs two or more times. Subsequent Adaptation and Trends It is commonly assumed that identical or similar environmental conditions requiring a similar adap- tation are important for the occurrence of parallel- ism. So, for example, the increasing hypsodonty in cricetids of the North American as well as of the European Upper Miocene and Pliocene, is probably connected with spread of the steppe environment in these areas. Such functional adaptations are not difficult to recognize as parallelism in most cases, for example, the jumping mouse type within the ro- dents (see Thenius, l972:Fig. 3) or the fossorial type of rodents, insectivores, and marsupials. When working on this paper. 1 was also faced with cases that I interpret as parallelism and in which the functional significance of a feature oc- curring in different groups cannot be understood easily. I found such strange phenomena in Demo- cricetodon and Copeniys and in Plesiosorex . One might ask again, are such parallelisms traceable to evolutionary trends? (“Trends” in the sense that the possibility for evolution in a certain direction can be hereditary.) I am aware of the danger of being branded as a partisan of an orthogenesis-the- ory. However, I do not intend to interpret any di- rection into the evolutionary process. I only want to consider the possibility of evolutionary trends to explain such cryptic parallelism in related groups, for the sake of discussion. Conservation of Primitive Features It is conspicuous that most of the small mammals from Europe and America studied here, which are usually placed in the same genus, have a primitive tooth pattern. In this category belong especially the bunodont eomyids, Cotimus, Eumyarion, the sciu- ropterans, Lanthanotherium, the Heterosoricinae, and Plesiosorex. In some of these cases the possi- bility of a “migration” cannot be completely ex- 42 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 14 eluded, but it seems more probable that the simi- larities between the pairs from the two continents result from conservation of certain primitive fea- tures. The group of Eomys, Leptodontornys, Pro- tadjidaumo, and Eomyops in which the same tooth type was conserved from the Upper Eocene to the Pleistocene, or that of Leidymys, Eumys, and Eu- myarion, in which the time range of this tooth pat- tern goes from the Middle Oligocene to the Upper Miocene, demonstrate over what long time periods a tooth pattern can be retained basically unchanged. In my opinion this possibility of long-range conser- vation of a tooth pattern is underestimated by col- leagues, who consider as “immigrants" forms “suddenly" appearing in a layer without immedi- ately earlier ancestral forms being known. This view overestimates very much the completeness of the available fossil record. As innumerable exam- ples demonstrate, the fossil documentation of most mammal groups is incomplete. In addition, it should be considered that for animals that were rare in their lifetime or that lived in an area unsuitable for fossilization, there is scarcely a chance that their remains are ever found. If one attempts to explain the similarities of Neo- gene mammals of North America and Europe as 1 did in the preceding part by parallel evolution or by conservation of primitive features, one also has to consider how the ancestors of these similar forms managed the trip from one continent to the other. Supposing an Early Tertiary faunal exchange some difficulties arise because according to present gen- erally accepted opinion such an exchange across the Atlantic was not possible after the Early Eocene (McKenna, 1973). Because Europe and Asia were separated by the Turgai Straits marine barrier (McKenna, 1975) until the beginning of the Oligo- cene, and Eocene faunal exchange between North America and Europe via Asia was also hardly pos- sible. However, it is conceivable that forms having reached Asia during the Eocene got to Europe after the disappearance of the Turgai barrier. Because we know very little at present about Tertiary faunas from Asia, it is also possible to suppose that some of the groups studied here had their center of evo- lution in Asia and spread from there to Europe and North America. There is nothing to object to an Early Tertiary spread across the Bering Strait be- cause it can be considered certain that the Early Tertiary climate of the Bering area was much warm- er than in the Neogene. CONCLUSIONS Investigation of 10 small mammal genera osten- sibly occurring in North America as well as in Eu- rope demonstrates that generic equivalence is very questionable, and that in three cases (Limnoecus, Leptodontornys, "Cotimiis") is apparently incor- rect, because important morphological differences between American and European forms can be found. In other cases these generic unions could not be disproved, but the insufficient documenta- tion renders them dubious. Dental remains alone are often inadequate for illuminating phylogenetic relationships. Eurther, it becomes apparent that not all similarities between forms of both continents can be explained by “migrations” and that other pos- sibilities, especially parallelism and conservatism, are more important than usually assumed. LITERATURE CITED Baudelot. S. 1972. Etude des Chiropteres, Insectivores et Rongeurs du Miocene de Sansan (Gers). These Univ. Paul Sabatier Toulouse, 364 pp. Beringia History. 1973. The Bering Land Bridge and its role for the history of Holarctic floras and faunas in the Late Cenozoic. Theses of the reports of All-Union Symposium. Acad. Sci. U.S.S.R. Khabarovsk. Black, C. C. 1958. A new sicistine rodent from the Miocene of Wyoming. Breviora, 86:1-7. . 1961. Fossil mammals from Montana. Part I . Additions to the Late Miocene Flint Creek local fauna. Ann. Carnegie Mus., 36:69-76. . 1965. Fossil mammals from Montana. Part 2. Rodents from the Early Oligocene Pipestone Springs local fauna. Ann. Carnegie Mus.. 38: 1-^8. Blainville, H. M. Ducrotay de. 1839-1864. 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Sur un nouvel exemplaire de Plesiosorex sorici- noides Biainv. des argiles stampiennes de Marseille-St- Andre. Eclogae Geol. Helv., 39:314-317. 1979 ENGESSER— MIOCENE INSECTIVORES AND RODENTS 45 ViRET, J., AND H. Zapfe. 1951. Sur quelques Soricides mio- cenes. Eclogae Geol. Helv., 44;41 1—426. Webb, S. D. 1961. The first American record of Lanthanothe- rium Filhol. J. Paleont., 35:1085-1087. Wilson. R. W. 1949. Additional Eocene rodent material from southern California. Carnegie Inst. Washington Publ., 584:1-25. — . 1960. Early Miocene rodents and insectivores from Colorado. Univ. Kansas Paleont. Contrih., Vertebrata, 7: 1- 93. . 1968. Insectivores, rodents and intercontinental cor- relation of the Miocene. 23rd Int. Geol. Congr., 10:19-25. Wood, A. E. 1935a. Two new genera of cricetid rodents from the Miocene of western United States. Amer. Mus. Novit., 789:1-3. — . 1935^7. Evolution and relationship of the heteromyid rodents. Ann. Carnegie Mus., 24:73-262. — . 1936. The cricetid rodents described by Leidy and Cope from the Tertiary of North America. Amer. Mus. Novit., 822:1-8. — . 1937. The mammalian fauna of the White River Oli- gocene. Part 2. Rodentia. Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc., new ser., 28:155-269. — . 1947. Rodents— a study in evolution. Evolution, 1: 154- 162, — , 1962. The early Tertiary rodents of the family Para- myidae. Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc., new ser., 53:1-261. 46 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 14 CAPTIONS FOR PLATES Plate 1. — a) Lanthanotheriiim sansaniense Filhol; LM'-M^, M': NMBS, Ss. 846, M*: NMBS, Ss. 862, M^; NMBS, Ss. 6723; Sansan, France; Middle Miocene, b) Lanthanotherium sawini James; LM‘-M®, M‘: UCMP 50122, M“: UCMP 66779, M^: UCMP 54600 (invers); loc. V-5847, Big Cat Quarry, Ventura Co., California (M' and M^); loc. V-5656, Hedgehog locality (M^); Early Clarendonian. c) Lanthanotherium sanmiqueli Villalta & Crusafont; LM'-M^, M': NMBS, C. LI. 25, M“: NMBS, C. LI. 26 (invers); M^: Coll. E. Heiz- mann, Stuttgart B 12; Can Llobateres, Spain; Late Miocene, d) Hylomys suillus dorsalis Thomas; LM'-M®, NMBS 8892; Northern Borneo; Recent. All figures 15 x. Plate 2. — a) Lanthanotherium sansaniense Filhol; LM,-M3, NMBS, Ss. 6727-29; Sansan, France; Middle Miocene, b) Lanthanotherium sawini James; LM2-M3 (invers) UCMP 54594; loc. V-5666, Kent Quarry, Cuyama Valley, California; Barstovian. c) Ocajila makpiyahe Macdonald; LM2-M3, SDSM 56105; loc. V-5360, Wounded Knee Area, South Dakota; Sharps Em. (Early Arikareean). d) Lanthanotherium sanmi- gueli Villalta & Crusafont; LM,-M3, NMBS, C. LI. 28-30; Can Llobateres, Spain; Late Miocene, e) Hy- lomys suillus dorsalis Thomas; LMj-Mj, NMBS 8892; Northern Borneo; Recent. All figures 15x. Plate 3. — a) Meterix sp.; LP4-M2 (invers), UNSM 1410-47, Ft-40; Frontier, Nebraska; Kimball Em. (Plio- cene). b) Plesiosorex coloradensis Wilson; LP4-M1, KU 9989 (type); Quarry A, Martin Canyon, Colorado; Hemingfordian. c) Plesiosorex schaffneri Engesser; LP4-M3 (invers), NMBS, Al. 149 (type); Anwil, Swit- zerland; Middle Miocene, d) Plesiosorex cf. soricinoides (Blainville); LP3-M3, FSL 4428; Chaveroche, France; Early Miocene (Middle Aquitanian). All figures 15x. Plate 4. — a) Meterix sp.; LP4-M2 (invers), UNSM 1410-47, Ft-40; Frontier, Nebraska; Kimball Em. (Plio- cene). b) Plesiosorex coloradensis Wilson; LP4-M,, KU 9989 (type) and LM2 (invers) KU 10001; Quarry A, Martin Canyon, Colorado; Hemingfordian. c) Plesiosorex schaffneri Engesser; LM, -M3 (invers), NMBS, Al. 149 (type); Anwil, Switzerland; Middle Miocene, d) Plesiosorex cf. soricinoides (Blainville); LP3-M3, FSL 4428; Chaveroche, France; Early Miocene (Middle Aquitanian). All figures 15x. Plate 5. — a) Plesiosorex styriacus (Hoffman); LM,, NMBS, OSM 312 (invers); Riimikon, Canton of Zurich, Switzerland; Middle Miocene, b) Plesiosorex sp.; LM,, BSPM, 1926 I 81 (invers); Grosslappen, Germany; Middle Miocene, c) Plesiosorex schaffneri Engesser; LM', NMBS, Al. 145 (invers); Anwil, Canton of Baselland, Switzerland; Middle Miocene, d) Plesiosorex coloradensis Wilson; LM', KU 9990 (invers); Quar- ry A, Martin Canyon, Colorado; Hemingfordian. e) Meterix sp.; LM', OU 22326 (invers); Ove, Quartz Basin, Oregon; Barstovian. All figures 15 x. Plate 6. — a) Dinosorex sansaniensis (Lartet); LP‘*-M'^, NMBS, P'': Ss. 901 (invers), M': Ss. 6687, M^: Ss. 899, M'^: Ss. 6724; Sansan, France; Middle Miocene, b) Pseudotrimylus roperi (Wilson); LP''-M'^, P^: KU 10013, M'-M'^: KU 10018, M": KU 10016; Quarry A, Martin Canyon, Colorado; Hemingfordian. c) Domnina sp.; LM'-M'^ (invers), CM 10853; South of Reva Pass, Slim Buttes, Harding Co., South Dakota; Oligocene. All figures 20x . Plate 7. — a) Pseudotrimylus roperi (Wilson); LM,-M3, KU 10020; Quarry A, Martin Canyon, Colorado; Hemingfordian. b) Dinosorex zcipfei Engesser; LM,-M3, (type), NHW, 1975/1712/1; Neudorf a.d. March, CSSR; Middle Miocene, c) Dinosorex huerzeleri Engesser; LM,-M3, (type), MO, Rb. 101; Rickenbach, Canton Solothurn, Switzerland; Late Oligocene. d) Pseudotrimylus sp.; LM,-M2, CM 10922; Lawson Ranch, Goshen Co., Wyoming; Lower Orellan(?). e) Domnina sp.; LM,-M3, CM 10403; Pipestone Springs, Jef- ferson Co., Montana; Chadronian. f) Quercysorex primaevus (Filhol); LM, -M2 (invers), (type), MHNP, Qu. 8681; Lamandine (Quercy); Middle Oligocene)?). All figures 20x. Plate 8. — a) Dinosorex sansaniensis (Lartet); L mandible with I, M, -M3, NMBS, Ss. 603; Sansan, France; Middle Miocene, b) Pseudotrimylus roperi (Wilson); L mandible with I, M,-M2, KU 10030; Quarry A, Martin Canyon, Colorado; Hemingfordian. c) Pseudotrimylus roperi (Wilson); L mandible with M,-M3, KU 10020; Quarry A, Martin Canyon, Colorado; Hemingfordian. All figures 8x. 1979 ENGESSER— MIOCENE INSECTIVORES AND RODENTS 47 Plate 9. — a) Petauristodon mathewsi (James); LM'-M^, UCMP 55514; loc. 5847, Cuyama Valley, California; Early Clarendonian. b) Prosciums sp.; LP'*-M^, CM 9316; North of Pipestone Springs, Montana; Chadron- ian. c) Forsythia gaudryi (Gaillard); LM''^, FSL 65433; La Grive, France; Middle Miocene; LM''“, NMBS, Al. 225; AnwiI, Switzerland; Middle Miocene, d) Miopetaurista albanensis (Major); LP^-M', NMBS, Al. 215-217; AnwiI, Switzerland; Middle Miocene. All figures 15x. Plate 10. — a) Petauristodon mathewsi (James); LP4-M2 (invers), UCMP 54516; loc. V-5662 Cuyama Valley, California; Late Clarendonian. b) Prosciums sp.; LP4-M.J, CM 9321; Pipestone Springs, north of tracks, Montana; Chadronian. c) Forsythia gaudryi (Gaillard); LM, and M3, Al. 222 and Al. 223, NMBS; AnwiI, BL, Switzerland; Middle Miocene, d) Plesiospennophilus angustidens Filhol; LP4-M3, Q. U. 273, NMBS; Quercy, France; Oligocene. All figures 15x. Plate 11. — a) Pseudotheridomys sp.; LP^-M^, NMBS, P^: G.B. 251, Mb G.B. 266, M^: G.B. 272 (invers), M®: G.B. 278; Estrepouy, France; Early Miocene, b) Pseudotheridomys parvidus Schlosser; LP^-M'b NMBS, P^: C.G. 646, Mb C.G. 849, M^: C.G. 850, M^: C.G. 838; Laugnac, France; Early Miocene, c) Pseudotheridomys aff. parvidus Schlosser; LP^-Mb NMBS, P^: Sau. 4271 , M'-M^: Sau. 3703, M^: Sau. 4162: Saulcet, France; Early Miocene, d) Pseudotheridomys pagei Shotwell; LP^-M^, P^: UO 22720, Mb UO 22710, M^-M'b UO 24414; Quartz Basin, Oregon; Barstovian. e) Pseudotheridomys hesperus Wilson; LP^-Mb KU 10200 (invers) and KU 10201 (invers); Quarry A, Martin Canyon, Colorado; Hemingfordian. All figures 30x . Plate 12. — a) Pseudotheridomys sp.; LP4-M3, NMBS, P4 : G.B. 221 , M,: G.B. 228, M2: G.B. 234, M3: G.B. 233; Estrepouy, France; Early Miocene, b) Pseudotheridomys parvidus Schlosser; LP4-M3, NMBS, P4-M2: C.G. 436, M3: C.G. 861; Laugnac, France; Early Miocene, c) Pseudotheridomys aff. parvidus Schlosser; LP4-M3, NMBS, P4-M2: Sau. 4974, M3: Sau. 4170 (invers); Saulcet, Erance; Early Miocene, d) Pseudothe- ridomys pagei Shotwell; LP4-M2, U.O. 22708; Quartz Basin, Oregon U.O. loc. 2465; Barstovian. e) Pseu- dotheridomys hesperus Wilson; LP4-M2, KU 10195 (type); Quarry A, Martin Canyon, Colorado; Heming- fordian. All figures 30x. Plate 13. — a) Eomyops catalaunicus (Hartenberger); LP^-M“, NMBS, P^: C. L 1 . 1 , Mb C. LI. 3 (invers), M^: C. LI. 2; Can Llobateres, Spain; Late Miocene, b) Leptodontomys sp.; LP^-M^, P^: U.O. 24852, Mb U.O. 24849, M^: U.O. 25285; Black Butte, Oregon; Clarendonian. c) Eomys zitteli Schlosser; LP^-M^, P^: CM 24100, Mb CM 24101, M^: CM 24099; Gaimersheim, Germany; Late Oligocene. d) Adjidaumo minimus (Matthew); LP^-M“ (invers), NMNH 186671; South Pork of Lone Tree Gulch, Natrona Co., Wyoming; Early Oligocene. e) IProtadjidaumo typus Burke; LM'^“ (invers), CM 9955; Lapoint, West of Vernal, Utah; Duchesne River Pm.; Late Eocene. All figures 30x . Plate 14. — a) Eomyops catalaunicus (Hartenberger); LP4-M3, NMBS, P4: C. L 1 . 4, M,: C. LI. 5 (invers), M2: C. LI. 6, M3: C. LI. 7 (invers); Can Llobateres, Spain; Late Miocene, b) P4: Leptodontomys oregonensis Shotwell; UO 3633 (invers), type, McKay Reservoir, Oregon; Hemphillian. M,-M3: Leptodontomys sp.; M,: UO 25283, M2: UO 25278, M3: UO 25274 (invers); UO loc. 2500, Black Butte, Oregon; Clarendonian. c) Eomys zitteli Schlosser; LP4-M3, CM 24094; Gaimersheim, Germany; Late Oligocene. d) Adjidaumo minimus (Matthew); LP4-M2 (invers), CM 9213; Pipestone Springs, Montana; Chadronian. e) Protadjidaumo typus Burke; LP4-M2, CM 11931; Lapoint, West of Vernal, Utah; Duchesne River Pm., Late Eocene. All figures 30x . Plate 15. — a) Eiimyarion me dins (Lartet); LM1-M3 (invers), NMBS, Ss. 665; Sansan, Prance; Middle Mio- cene. b) Leidymys (—Cotimus) alicae (Black); LM, -M3 (invers), KU 18395; Cabbage Patch, Montana; Early Arikareean. c) Eucricetodon collatus (Schaub); LMj-M,, NMBS, Bd. 40; Boudry II, NE, Switzerland; Early Aquitanian. All figures 30x. 48 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 14 Plate 16. — a) Eumyarion medius (Lartet); LMj-Mg, NMBS, Ss. 669; Sansan, Erance; Middle Miocene, b) Leidymys (=Cotimiis) alicae (Black); LM1-M3, (type), CM 8868; Flint Creek, Montana; Early Arikareean. c) Eucricetodon collatus (Schaub); LM,-Mg, NMBS, Pa. 13196; Paulhiac, France; Early Aquitanian. d) Eumys sp.; LMj-Mg, CM 9711; Warbonnet Creek, Sioux Co., Nebraska; Oreodon Beds (Orellan). All figures 30 X.’ Plate 17. — a) Leidymys sp.; LM^ KU 1808; Cabbage Patch, Montana; Middle Arikareean; 30x. h) Eeidymys alicae (Black); LM', KU, without number; Cabbage Patch, Montana, horizon 58-2; Early Arikareean; 30x. c) Eumyarion medius (Lartet); LMb NMBS, Ss. 6722; Sansan, France; Middle Miocene, d) Eeidymys sp.; LMg (invers), KU 1833; Cabbage Patch, Montana, horizon MV 6504 SQ; Middle Arikareean; 30x. e) Un- derside of left lower incisors of (1) Leidymys alicae (Black) KU 18394 Cabbage Patch, Montana; (2) Eu- myarion medius (Lartet), NMBS, Ss. 669; Sansan, France; (3) Eucricetodon collatus (Schaub) NMBS, Cod. 188 Coderet, France; I5x. Plate 18. — a) Democricetodon gaillardi (Schaub); LM'-M^ (invers), NMBS, Ss. 676; Sansan, France; Middle Miocene, b) Democricetodon minor franconicus Fahlbusch; LM'-M^, NMBS, Erk. 7-8; Erkertshofen, Ger- many; Lower Miocene, c) Copemys russelli (James); LM’-M^ (invers), UCMP 55507; loc. V-5847, Big Cat Quarry, Cuyama Valley, California; Early Clarendonian. d) Copemys tenuis Lindsay; LM‘, UCMP 75367; loc. V-65134, Barstow Em., Southern California; Barstovian. All figures 30x. Plate 19. — a) Democricetodon gaillardi (Schaub); LM,-Mg, NMBS, Mi-Mg: Ss. 682, Mg; Ss. 6730; Sansan, France; Middle Miocene, b) Democricetodon minor franconicus Fahlbusch; LMj-Mg, NMBS, Erk. 4-6; Erkertshofen, Germany; Lower Miocene, c) Copemys barstowensis Lindsay; LMj-Mg, M,: UCMP 74415, M2: UCMP 74457; loc. V-5501 and V-5253 Barstow Em., California; Barstovian. d) Copemys tenuis Lindsay; LM,, UCMP 7451 1; loc. V-65150 Barstow Em., California; Barstovian. All figures 30x. Plate 20. — a) Schauheumys sabrae Black; LP^-M^, CM 13529; Split Rock, Fremont Co., Wyoming; Hem- ingfordian. b) Plesiosminthus schaubi Viret; LP‘‘-M“, NMBS, Bst. 8832; Coderet, France; Uppermost Oli- gocene. c) Schaubeumys sabrae Black; LM1-M2, CM 14774; Split Rock, Fremont Co., Wyoming; Heming- fordian. d) Plesiosminthus schaubi Viret; LM,-M2, NMBS, Bst. 8837; Coderet, France; Uppermost Oligocene. All figures 40x. 1979 ENGESSER— MIOCENE INSECTIVORES AND RODENTS 49 Plate 1. Plate 2. 1979 ENGESSER— MIOCENE INSECTIVORES AND RODENTS 51 Plate 3 52 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 14 Plate 4. 1979 ENGESSER— MIOCENE INSECTIVORES AND RODENTS 53 Plate 5. 54 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 14 Plate 6. 1979 ENGESSER— MIOCENE INSECTIVORES AND RODENTS 55 Plate 7. 56 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 14 Plate 8 1979 ENGESSER— MIOCENE INSECTIVORES AND RODENTS 57 Plate 9. 58 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 14 Plate 10. 1979 ENGESSER— MIOCENE INSECTIVORES AND RODENTS 59 Plate 1 1 . 60 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 14 Plate 12. Plate 13. 62 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 14 Plate 14 1979 ENGESSER— MIOCENE INSECTIVORES AND RODENTS 63 Plate 15 64 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 14 Plate 16. 1979 ENGESSER— MIOCENE INSECTIVORES AND RODENTS 65 CD _Q O Plate 17 66 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 14 Plate 18. 1979 ENGESSER— MIOCENE INSECTIVORES AND RODENTS 67 Plate !9. 68 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 14 Plate 20 Copies of the foWowing Bulletins of Carnegie Museum of Natural History may be obtained at the prices listed from the Publications Secretary, Carnegie Museum of Natural History, 4400 Forbes Avenue, Pitts- burgh, Pennsylvania 15213. 1. Krishtalka, L. 1976. Early Tertiary Adapisoricidae and Erinaceidae (Mammalia, Insectivora) of North America. 40 pp., 13 figs $2.50 2. Guilday, J. E., P. W. Parmalee, and H. W. Hamilton. 1977. The Clark’s Cave bone deposit and the late Pleistocene paleoecology of the central Appalachian Mountains of Virginia. 88 pp., 21 figs. $12.00 3. Wetzel, R. M. 1977. The Chacoan peccary, Catagonus wagneri (Rusconi). 36 pp., 10 figs. . . $6.00 4. Coombs, M. C. 1978. Reevaluation of early Miocene North American Moropus (Perissodactyla, Chalicotheriidae, Schizotheriinae). 62 pp., 28 figs $5.00 5. Clench, M. H., and R. C. Leberman. 1978. Weights of 151 species of Pennsylvania birds analyzed by month, age, and sex. 87 pp $5.00 6. Schlitter, D. A. (ed.). 1978. Ecology and taxonomy of African small mammals. 214 pp., 48 figs. $15.00 7. Raikow, R. J. 1978. Appendicular myology and relationships of the New World nine-primaried oscines (Aves:Passeriformes). 43 pp., 10 figs $3.50 8. Berman, D. S, and J. S. McIntosh. 1978. Skull and relationships of the Upper Jurassic sauropod Apatosaurus (Reptilia, Saurischia). 35 pp., 11 figs $3.00 9. Setoguchi, T. 1978. Paleontology and geology of the Badwater Creek area, central Wyoming. Part 16. The Cedar Ridge local fauna (Late Oligocene). 61 pp., 30 figs $4.50 10. Williams, D. F. 1978. Systematics and ecogeographic variation of the Apache pocket mouse (Roden- tia: Heteromyidae). 57 pp., 23 figs $4.00 11. Guilday, J. E., H. W. Hamilton, E. Anderson, and P. W. Parmalee. 1978. The Baker Bluff Cave deposit, Tennessee, and the Late Pleistocene faunal gradient. 67 pp., 16 figs $5.00 12. Swanepoel, P., and H. H. Genoways. 1978. Revision of the Antillean bats of the genus Brachyphyiia (Mammalia: Phyllostomatidae). 53 pp., 17 figs $4.00 13. Schwartz, J. H., and H. B. Rollins, eds. 1979. Models and methodologies in evolutionary theory. 105 pp., 36 figs $6.00 BULLETIN 0/ CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY QH THE APPENDICULAR MYOLOGY AND PHYLOGENETIC RELATIONSHIPS OF THE PLOCEiDAE AND ESTRILDIDAE (AVES: PASSERIFORMES) GREGORY DEAN BENTZ NUMBER 15 PITTSBURGH, 1979 BULLETIN of CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY THE APPENDICULAR MYOLOGY AND PHYLOGENETIC RELATIONSHIPS OF THE PLOCEIDAE AND ESTRILDIDAE (AYES: PASSERIFORMES) GREGORY DEAN BENTZ Mount Vernon College, Washington, D.C. 20007 NUMBER 15 PITTSBURGH, 1979 BULLETIN OF CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY Number 15, pages 1-25, figures 1-5, tables 1-2 Issued 15 June 1979 Price: $2.00 a copy Craig C. Black, Director Editorial Staff: Hugh H. Genoways, Editor, Duane A. Schlitter, Associate Editor, Stephen L. Williams, Associate Editor, Barbara Farkas. Technical Assistant. (c) 1979 by the Trustees of Carnegie Institute, all rights reserved. CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAE HISTORY, 4400 FORBES AVENUE PITTSBURGH, PENNSYEVANIA 15213 CONTENTS Abstract 5 Introduction 5 Methods and Materials 7 Muscles of the Forelimb 8 M. latissimus dorsi 8 M. coracobrachialis cranialis 10 M. tensor propatagialis 10 M. deltoideus minor 11 M. pronator profundus II Muscles of the Hindlimb 13 M. iliotibialis lateralis 13 M. iliotrochantericus medius 13 M. obturatorius lateralis 15 M. gastrocnemius 16 M. plantaris 16 M. flexor digitorum longus 17 M. extensor hallucis longus 18 Discussion 18 Cluster 1 20 Cluster 2 20 Cluster 3 20 Cluster 4 20 Cluster 5 20 Cluster 6 20 Autapomorphic Characters 21 Conclusions and Taxonomic Recommendations 22 Acknowledgments 24 Literature Cited 24 •^•7 “ 21- r lin V 1 ♦i r 1 ABSTRACT The phylogenetic relationships of the Old World passerine families Ploceidae and Estrildidae are analyzed mainly on the basis of the structure of the forelimb and hindlimb muscles. Monophyly of the assemblage is hypothesized on the basis of common possession of a conical bill adapted to granivory, on biochemical affinites, and in pterylographic similarities previ- ously reported. The present study provided no myological syn- apomorphies to cluster the entire group in support of this hy- pothesis. Myological characters provide synapomorphies for all but the first branching point of a cladogram, and autapomorphies for most taxa. Analysis is at the subfamily level. The Passerinae are the most primitive group myologically , and presumably the sister group of the remainder of the assemblage. The Estrildidae are more highly derived than are the Ploceidae. The Viduinae are included among the Estrildidae rather than the Ploceidae. Problems of classification are reviewed and a classification re- flecting current understanding is presented. The family Ploceidae includes the subfamilies Passerinae, Ploceinae and Bubalornith- inae. The Estrildidae includes the Poephilinae, Viduinae. Lon- churinae, and Estrildinae. INTRODUCTION The Old World finches, as the term is used herein, form a group of approximately 46 genera and 268 species (Moreau and Greenway, 1962; Mayr et al., 1968) in the families Ploceidae and Es- trildidae. Excluding introductions, they are Old World in distribution and are especially numerous in Africa. The bill is short, and typically rather thick and sharply pointed to massive in adaptation to seed cracking. There are ten primaries. One subfamily, the Viduinae ( 10 species), is entirely parasitic, often laying their eggs in the nests of es- trildids. The purpose of this study is to elucidate the phy- logenetic relationships of the Old World finch as- semblage by constructing a cladogram based on a survey of the appendicular muscles. This will make it possible to suggest answers to several related taxonomic questions, some of which were summa- rized by Sibley ( 1970). Historically there has been discussion over whether the Ploceinae and Estrildinae should be in- cluded in one family or two. Are the Widow Birds (Vidua) more closely related to the ploceines, the estrildines, or to some other group? Is Passer more closely related to the ploceines, the estrildines, the fringillids, or some other group? Should a family Passeridae be recognized? What are the closest rel- atives of such genera as Buhalornis, Philetairus, Plocepasser, and Sporopipesl Finally, does the Old World finch assemblage constitute a monophyletic group, or is it polyphyletic? The taxonomic history of this group is long and complicated and the following is only a brief sum- mary; a thorough review was given by Sibley (1970). Some authors have used obsolete generic names. In those cases the current generic name as it appears in the "Check-list of Birds of the World" is given in parentheses. In the past the principal character used to distin- guish the Ploceidae (including Estrildidae) from the Fringillidae was that in the former the tenth primary is present and usually relatively large on the dorsal side of the wing, whereas in the latter it is very small and concealed ventrally. The first modern classification of the Old World finches ("Ploceidae") was given by Chapin (1917). Before that the family was divided into two subfam- ilies mainly on the length of the tenth primary — the Ploceinae with a tenth primary longer than the up- per primary coverts and the Viduinae with a small and falcate tenth primary. Chapin believed that a better idea of relationships would result if attention was given to additional characters, such as song, plumage, nest construction, bill and foot form, egg color, and habits. One character, the mouth mark- ings in estrildid nestlings, has been extremely use- ful, and Chapin described two types. The "domi- no" mouth has symmetrically arranged black spots on a pale palate, whereas the "horseshoe" type lacks spots on the palate but has one or two horse- shoes or inverted U-shaped lines, a black line around the tongue, and two crescents beneath it. Chapin removed from the Estrildinae those forms whose nestlings lack such markings. Species with nestling mouth markings, even though they also have a long outer primary, were placed in the Es- trildinae. Chapin placed "Te.xtor" (Buhalornis) and Dine- niellia in a separate family, Textoridae (Bubalor- nithidae), based on characters of the skull and ster- num. In Buhalornis the fenestrae associated with the orbital foramina differ in extent and number 5 6 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 15 from other ploceids. and have an obliquely ascend- ing median bar that is lacking in the other genera examined. According to Chapin (1917), Buhalornis also differs from certain ploceids in the form of the sternal rostrum, which is less forked and more square in outline, and has a spina interna, as well as a spina externa. Both Chapin ( 1917) and Sushkin ( 1927) note the presence of a phalloid organ in Bu- halornis, which I have also observed. Sushkin sug- gested that this structure served as an auxiliary cop- ulatory organ. Shelley ( 1905) placed all longtailed ploceids in a subfamily Viduinae to which the Bishop-Birds {Eu- plectes) were added. Reichenow (1914), however, included them all in his Spermestinae (-1- Estrildi- nae) but did not so closely associate Vidua with Coliuspasser (Euplectes). Chapin (1917) placed Vidua in the Estrildinae and Coliuspasser in the Ploceinae. Vidua and three closely allied genera, Tetraenura, Linura, and Steganura (currently all considered Vidua \ Mayr et al., 1968) have only the two median pairs of rectrices elongated, whereas in Coliuspasser all twelve are lengthened. Chapin at- tributed this to parallelism. The relationship be- tween Hypoehera (Vidua), Vidua (sens, strict.), and Steganura is further strengthened by a peculiar condition in the braincase; the skull has a large clear area in the frontal region, remaining throughout life, whereas Coliuspasser has normal skull ossification. Sushkin (1927) divided the Ploceidae into six subfamilies — Bubalornithinae, Plocepasserinae, Ploceinae, Sporopipinae, Estrildinae, and Passeri- nae, creating the last subfamily by removing Pas- ser, Petronia, and MontifringiUa from the Fringil- lidae. He considered them ploceids because they share a characteristic relief of the horny palatal sur- face, molt the juvenile remiges and tail in the au- tumn, and build a domed nest with a side entrance. The unity of this group was supported by Bock and Morony (1978) on the basis of the preglossale, a unique skeletal element of the tongue. Sushkin stated that Buhalornis and Dinemellia are closely allied, but that Dinemellia lacks some “primitive” features of Buhalornis, pointing more in the direction of the “advanced” Ploceidae. He used the terms “primitive” and “advanced” but provided no basis for their usage. Further, the group of Piocepasser, Philetairus, and Pseudoni- grita fills the gap between the Bubalornithinae and the Passerinae to a great extent, which serves to make the separation of Buhalornis from the re- mainder of the group less meaningful. Buhalornis and Dinemellia, then, constitute the Bubalornith- inae. The Passerinae are a close-knit group that is nearer to the Ploceinae than to the Estrildinae. In some osteological respects the Passerinae are more “primitive” than either. In other respects, such as specialized feathers at the base of the bill, the Pas- serinae are more “advanced” than either the Plo- ceinae or Estrildinae. The connection to the Bu- balornithinae is established via Philetairus , Piocepasser, and Psuedonigrita or the Plocepas- serinae. On the basis of osteology, Sushkin stated that the Estrildinae are more advanced than the Plo- ceinae. Vidua and Steganura appear to be the least specialized of the Estrildinae and differ least from the Ploceinae. Sushkin stated that Sporopipes was halfway between the primitive Estrildinae and Pio- cepasser, or even Buhalornis, and separated it as a subfamily Sporopipinae. The subfamily Estrildinae has often been divided into two groups whose relationship has frequently been debated. Chapin (1917) believed that the Vi- duinae and Estrildinae were very close because of the similar mouth markings of their young, and that these markings were not acquired independently. Beecher ( 1953) raised the group to the rank of fam- ily. Estrildidae. He believed that the Viduinae arose in Africa from the Ploceinae and only later became parasitic on the estrildids, which came to Africa from Australia. Delacourand Edmond-Blanc ( 1933- 1934) revised Euplectes and Vidua and proposed that a separate subfamily, Viduinae, be recognized in the Ploceidae for the Widow Birds. Delacour (1943) revised the Estrildinae and concluded that their nearest relatives are the Viduinae, and that both groups evolved from the Sporopipinae. He suggested that the Ploceidae were closer to the Sturnidae than to the Fringillidae because of their nesting habits. Roberts ( 1947) divided the Ploceidae into eleven subfamilies. Neither Roberts’ nor Dela- cour’s work has been universally accepted as they represent the extremes of taxonomic philosophy — Roberts as a “splitter” and Delacour as a “lump- er.” Tordoff (1954) transferred the Carduelinae from the Fringillidae to the Ploceidae, based primarily on the condition of the bony palate. Wolters (1949), Steiner ( 1954), and Mayr (1955) also transferred the Carduelinae to the Ploceidae; however, Bock ( 1960) disagreed. In an exhaustive analysis, he concluded that the palatine process had little value in showing relationships among passerine families. Stallcup (1954) argued that in hindlimb myology 1979 BENTZ— RELATIONSHIPS OF PLOCEIDAE AND ESTRILDIDAE 7 and serology the carduelines are most similar to the estrildines, and placed the two subfamilies in a fam- ily Carduelidae. Raikow (1978) included the Car- duelinae in the Fringillidae based on the limb mus- cles. Friedmann (1960) reviewed the literature on the parasitic weavers and on the basis of reflection globules, nestling behavior, and plumage, conclud- ed that the Widow Birds were most closely related to the estrildines but were distinctive enough to be considered a subfamily Viduinae. In the widely followed "Check-list of Birds of the World" (Moreau and Greenway, 1962; Mayr et al., 1968; Traylor, 1968), two families (Ploceidae, Es- trildidae) were recognized. The Ploceidae were di- vided into the subfamilies Viduinae, Bubalornith- inae, Passerinae, and Ploceinae. No subfamilies were recognized in the Estrildidae, but the genera are arranged in three groups of undesignated taxo- nomic status — Estrildae, Poephilae, and Lonchur- ae. Sibley ( 1970) studied the egg-white proteins of passerine birds. He concluded that the ploceids and estrildids are related to one another more closely than either is to any other group, and recommended that they be placed in the same family. He also suggested that a family Passeridae be recognized until there is more information on Passer. On the basis of pterylosis, Moiiion ( 1966, 1979) found two groups, one consisting of Ploceinae, the other of Viduinae and Estrildinae (which were not separable). She concluded that recognition of two families could not be supported on the basis of pter- ylosis alone, but if the Ploceidae and Estrildidae were upheld for other reasons, the Viduinae clearly belonged to the Estrildidae, not to the Ploceidae. METHODS AND MATERIALS Variations in musculature were analyzed to determine ances- tral and derived character states. Though logical and precise, this methodology does not provide automatic answers, and in- terpretive decisions are required in situations involving character conflicts. For example, an individual species of a traditional group may show an isolated ancestral character state. Precise application of cladistic methodology might prevent this species from being grouped with its presumed closest relatives because sister groups must share derived states that have presumably been acquired from a common ancestor. However, these isolated variations are explainable and what is achieved is a cladogram that represents the best fit with the data available. Character conflict is discussed in further detail in the discussion. Hennig (1966), Kluge (1971), Maslin (1952), and Ross (1974) gave several methods for analyzing character states. The most important method for this study is the outgroup comparison between the group being analyzed and related groups. The out- group comparison may be stated as follows: If a character varies within a group and one of the variants is also found in a closely related outside group, then the character state that occurs in both groups is primitive within the group being studied. It is supposed that the two groups arose by splitting from a common ancestor, and that the character states that both groups share are derived from that ancestor (Kluge, 1971:25-26; Ross, 1974:152-156). Another method employed is the ingroup correlation. This states (Kluge, 1971:26) that a character state restricted to the group of organisms being studied, although only infrequently exhibited, is primitive when it occurs in those individuals that have the greatest number of primitive states as determined by other methods. The probability that a character state is primitive increases markedly with the increase in the number of primitive characters with which it is positively correlated. This method is of limited use, however, because there is no way of knowing whether a character state is primitive or derived simply from its frequency of occurrence. Wiley ( 1975:234) has stressed that the determination of ances- tral and derived character states is ultimately a question of ho- mologies and that such homologies are not empirical facts but hypotheses to be tested. Derived character states are hypothe- sized to have been acquired from the immediate ancestral species and to be absent in earlier common ancestors. It is hypothesized herein that the Old World finches are a monophyletic group and that the finch-type bill and seed-eating habit arose only once, as explained below. The outgroups em- ployed in this study are other birds in general and especially other groups of passerines. Much of the anatomical data on these groups has been summarized by George and Berger (1966). The New World nine-primaried oscines have been analyzed by Rai- kow ( 1978) and are also used for outgroup comparisons because their myology indicates a close relationship to the ploceids and estrildids. The term “passerine” is an adjective referring to members of the order Passeriformes and is not to be confused with the subfamily Passerinae. All of the hindlimb and forelimb muscles were dissected and described in Ploceus cucullatus and 47 additional forms. This species was chosen because of the number of specimens avail- able and because Ploceus is the nominate genus of the Ploceidae. Of the 46 genera listed in the "Check list of Birds of the Woi ld." 40 were available for this study. The species dissected are listed below. Dissection was aided by a stereomicroscope at magnifi- cations of 6x to 25 X . Visibility of small muscles and fiber ar- rangements was improved by an iodine stain (Bock and Shear. 1972). Only one specimen of each species was dissected, with the exception of P. cucullatus of which six specimens were ex- 8 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 15 amined. The range of myological variations among those six specimens was so minute that a single specimen of each addi- tional species was considered adequate. Species dissected (nomenclatui e of ‘Check-list of Birds of the World”) were as follows: Ploceidae Viduinae Vidua parudisuea Buhalornithinae Bubalornis alhirostris DinemeUia dine nielli Passerinae Plocepasser mahali Pseudonigrita eahinisi Philetairus socius Passer domestieus Petronia xanthocollis Montifringilla nivalis Sporopipes sp. Ploceinae Amhlyospiza alhifrons Ploceus ocularis Ploceus nigricollis Ploceus cucullalus Ma limbus cassini Quelea quelea Foudia madagascariensis Euplectes afer Anomalospiza iniberbis Estrildidae Estrildae Parmoptila woodhouseii Nigrita canicapilla Pytilia sp. Mandingoa nitidula Cryptospiza reiehenovii Pyrenestes sanguineus Pyrenestes ostrinus Spermophaga haematina Spermophaga ruficapilla Clytospiza monteiri Hypargos niveoguttatus Lagonosticta sene gala Uraeginthus ianthinogaster Estrilda paludicola Estrilda astrild astrild Estrilda astrild angolensis Amandava amandava Ortygospiza atricollis Poephilae Aegintha temporalis Emblema guttata Neoehmia phaeton Poephila guttata Poephila acuticauda Lonchurae Erythrura trichroa Chloebia gouldiae Lonchura striata Lonchura punctulata Padda oryzivora Amadina fasciata The myological nomenclature used is that employed by Rai- kow ( 1976, 1977). In the following section “Structure” describes the condition found in P. cucullatus. Variations in other species are included in "Comparisons,” and comments on derived versus primitive character states appear under "Discussion.” Drawings were made with the aid of a camera lucida micro- scope attachment. Because the general pattern of musculature is similar to that in the New World nine-primaried oscines as described and illustrated by Raikow (1976, 1977), similar dia- grams and descriptions of all muscles were not included here as this would be repetitious. Instead, the descriptions and illustra- tions in the present work show variations that are significant to this study. MUSCLES OF THE FORELIMB The following muscles are present in the forelimb of Ploceus but do not differ significantly from those of Loxops virens as described by Raikow (1976): M. rhomboideus superficialis; M. rhomboideus pro- fundus; M. serratus profundus; M. serratus super- ficialis; M. scapulohumeralis cranialis; M. scapu- lohumeralis caudalis; M. subscapularis; M. subcoracoideus; M. pectoralis; M. supracoracoi- deus; M. coracobrachialis caudalis; M. sternocor- acoideus; M. cucullaris capitis pars propatagialis; M. deltoideus major; M. biceps brachii; M. triceps brachii; M. expansor secundariorum; M. brachialis; M. pronator superficialis; M. flexor digitorum su- perficialis; M. flexor digitorum profundus; M. flexor carpi ulnaris; M. ulnometacarpalis ventralis; M. ex- tensor metacarpi radialis; M. extensor metacarpi ulnaris; M. extensor digitorum communis; M. ect- epicondyloulnaris; M. supinator; M. extensor lon- gus digiti majoris; M. extensor longus alulae; M. ulnometacarpalis dorsalis; M. abductor alulae; M. adductor alulae; M. abductor digiti majoris; M. in- terosseus dorsalis; M. interosseus ventralis; M. flexor digiti minoris. M. LATISSIMUS DORSI Structure. — Pars cranialis arises by an aponeu- rosis from the neural spines of the last cervical and first dorsal vertebrae. The thin, strap-shaped, par- allel-fibered belly passes laterally between the bel- lies of M. scapulotriceps and M. humerotriceps of 1979 BENTZ— RELATIONSHIPS OF PLOCEIDAE AND ESTRILDIDAE 9 Table 1. — Major variations in forelimb myology of the Ploceidae and Estrildidae. M. latissimus dorsi pars caudaHs: + = muscle present, — = muscle absent. M. corucobrachiulis cranialis: + = present, — = absent. M. tensor proputagiaUs pars brevis: Type I = normal belly: Type 2 = elongated belly. M. deltoideus minor: Type I = normal condition; Type 2 = double-headed condition: Type 3 = e.xpanded origin. M. pronator profundus: Type I = single belly: Type 2 = double belly. Species M. latissimus dorsi pars caudalis M. tensor M. coracobrachialis propatagialis cranialis pars brevis M. deltoideus minor M. pronator profundus Vidua paradisaea + Family Ploceidae Subfamily Viduinae - Type 1 Type 1 Type 1 Bubalornis albirostris + Subfamily Bubalornithinae + Type 1 Type 1 Type 1 Dinemellia dinemelli + + Type 1 Type 1 Type 1 Plocepasser mahali + Subfamily Passerinae - Type 1 Type 1 Type 1 Pseudonigrita cabanisi + - Type 1 Type 1 Type 1 Philetairus socius + - Type 1 Type 1 Type 1 Passer domesticus - - Type 1 Type 3 Type 1 Petronia xanthocollis - - Type 1 Type 1 Type 1 Montifringilla nivalis - - Type 1 Type 3 Type 1 Sporopipes sp. + - Type 1 Type 1 Type I Amblyospiza albifrons + Subfamily Ploceinae - Type 1 Type 1 Type 1 Ploceus ocularis + - Type 1 Type 1 Type 1 Ploceus nigricollis + - Type 1 Type I Type 1 Ploceus cucullatus + - Type 1 Type 1 Type 1 Malimbus cassini + - Type 1 Type 1 Type 1 Quelea quelea + - Type 1 Type 1 Type 1 Foudia madagascariensis + - Type 1 Type 2 Type I Euplectes afer + - Type 1 Type 1 Type 1 Anomalospiza imberbis + - Type 1 Type 1 Type 1 Parmoptila woodhouseii + Family Estrildidae Tribe Estrildae - Type 1 Type 1 Type 1 Nigrita canicapilla + - Type 1 Type 1 Type 1 Pytilia sp. - - Type 1 Type 1 Type 1 Mandingoa nitidula - - Type 1 Type 1 Type 2 Cryptospiza reichenovii - - Type 1 Type 1 Type 1 Pyrenestes sanguineus - - Type 1 Type 1 Type 2 Pyrenestes ostrinus - - Type I Type 1 Type 2 Spermophaga haematina + - Type 1 Type 1 Type 1 Spermophaga ruficapilla + - Type 1 Type 1 Type 1 Clytospiza monteiri - - Type 1 Type 1 Type 1 Hypargos niveoguttatus + - Type 1 Type 1 Type 2 Lagonosticta senegala + - Type 1 Type 2 Type 2 Uraeginthus ianthinogaster - - Type 1 Type 1 Type 1 Estrilda paludicola - - Type 1 Type 1 Type 1 Estrilda astrild astrild - - Type 1 Type 1 Type 1 Estrilda astrild angolensis + - Type 1 Type 1 Type 1 Amandava amandava - Type I Type 1 Type 1 Ortygospiza atricollis - - Type ! Type ! Type 2 Aegintha temporalis + Tribe Poephilae - Type 1 Type 1 Type 2 Emblema guttata + - Type 1 Type 1 Type I Neochmia phaeton + - Type 1 Type 1 Type 2 Poephila guttata + - Type 1 Type 1 Type 1 Poephila acuticauda + - Type 1 Type 1 Type 2 10 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 15 Table 1. — Continued. Species M. latissimus dorsi pars caudalis M. tensor M. coracobrachialis propatagialis cranialis pars brevis M. deltoideus minor M. pronator profundus Erythrura Irichroa + Tribe Lonchurae — Type 1 Type 1 Type 1 Chloehia gouldiae + — Type 2 Type 1 Type 1 Lonchura striata + - Type 2 Type 1 Type 1 Lonchura punctulata + — Type 2 Type 1 Type 1 Padda uryzivora + - Type 1 Type 1 Type 1 Amadina fasciata + — Type 2 Type 1 Type 1 M. triceps brachii to a fleshy insertion on the dorsal surface of the humerus about 3 mm from the prox- imal end of the bone. Pars caudalis arises by an aponeurosis from the third and fourth dorsal vertebrae. The thin, parallel- fibered belly passes laterally superficial to M. rhom- boideus profundus, tapers to a thin tendon, and in- serts on the caudodorsal surface of the head of the humerus. The insertion is deep and cranial to the insertion of pars cranialis. Comparison. — Pars caudalis was pr'esent in all Ploceinae, Bubalornithinae, Lonchurae, Poephilae, and Vidua. It was absent in many of the Estrildae and in three species of Passerinae (Table 1). Discussion. — Because pars caudalis is present in many passerine and non-passerine birds (George and Berger, 1966:288-292; Raikow, 1978) its pres- ence here is clearly primitive and its absence de- rived. M. CORACOBRACHIALIS CRANIALIS Structure. — This muscle is absent in Ploceus, and the following description is based on Bubalor- nis alhirostris. This parallel-fibered muscle arises by tendinous fibers from the lateral surface of the head of the coracoid. The fibers of the muscle are embedded in thick fascia and pass distally to insert fleshy on the ventral surface of the head of the hu- merus, halfway between the coracohumeral liga- ment and the belly of M. deltoideus minor. Comparison. — This muscle is present only in Bu- halornis and Dinemellia. In all other forms exam- ined it is represented by a ligamentous band. Discussion. — George and Berger (1966:313) stat- ed that this muscle is absent in Agelaius phoeniceus because no muscle fibers are visible. Ploceus cu- cullatus exhibits a similar condition except that a very few muscle fibers appear to be present. Be- cause this muscle is present in many gr oups of birds its presence in Buhalornis and Dinemellia probably represents an ancestral state. Absence of the mus- cle represents a loss and is therefore derived. M. TENSOR PROPATAGIALIS Structure. — M. tensor propatagialis pars longa is a small parallel-fibered muscle about 9 mm long and 3 mm wide. It arises by both fleshy fibers and an aponeurosis from the apex of the clavicle immedi- ately pr oximal to the or igin of M. tensor pr opata- gialis pars brevis. The belly of M. tensor propata- gialis pars longa ends on a thin tendon that passes distally in the cranial edge of the pr opatagium and is joined by the tendon of M. cucullaris capitis pars propatagialis. The tendon then passes superficial to the tendon of insertion of M. extensor metacarpi r adialis to inser t on the distal end of the radius and on the palmar surface of the os radiale. The tendon also fuses with thick fascia around the wrist and hand. A much lar ger head than M. tensor pr opatagialis pars longa, the pars brevis has both a fleshy and tendinous origin from the apex of the clavicle. The 13 mm spindle-shaped belly tapers to a str ong 9 mm tendon that is joined by the pars pr opatagialis brevis of M. pectoralis and fuses with the belly of M. ex- tensor metacarpi radialis. The tendon of M. tensor propatagialis pars brevis then passes proximad along the dorsal surface of the belly of M. extensor metacarpi radialis to insert on the ectepicondylar process of the humerus. Comparison. — In many of the Lonchurae the bel- ly of pars brevis is elongated to within 1 mm of the insertion on M. extensor metacarpi radialis (Fig. 1 and Table 1). Discussion. — According to George and Berger (1966:320) ther e has been emphasis on the taxonom- ic value of the pattern formed by the tendon of in- sertion of pars brevis. The condition in the Lon- 1979 BENTZ— RELATIONSHIPS OF PLOCEIDAE AND ESTRILDIDAE RADIUS HUMERUS Fig. 1. — Dorsal view of the left shoulder. Left: derived condition of M. tensor propatagiaiis pars brevis (TPB) in Lonchuni punctulata. Right: ancestral condition of the same muscle in Ploceus cucuUatus. Abbreviations: DMAC. M. deltoideus major caudalis; TS, M. scapulotriceps; EMR, M. extensor metacarpi radialis. churae closely resembles the condition characteristic of some swifts, hummingbirds, and pigeons. How- ever most birds, including the New World nine-pri- maried oscines (Raikow, 1978), show a condition similar to Ploceus. By outgroup comparison then the described condition is primitive and the elon- gated condition is derived. M. DELTOIDEUS MINOR Structure. — This small flat band of fleshy, nearly parallel fibers is about 7 mm long and 0.5 mm wide. It arises from the ventral and lateral edges of the acromion process of the scapula. The belly passes laterally and cranially superficial to the tendon of insertion of M. supracoracoideus and inserts on the craniodorsal surface of the deltoid crest just distal to the insertion of M. supracoracoideus. Comparison. — Most ploceids and estrildids ex- hibit the condition described above. However, two distinct variations occur. In Foudia and Lagono- sticta this muscle arises by two independent heads that fuse prior to insertion. In Passer and Monti- fringilla the origin is from the scapula, the scapu- locoracoidal ligament and the head of the coracoid. Raikow ( 1978) found this latter condition in certain genera of the New World nine-primaried oscines. Discussion. — George and Berger (1966:236) state: "M. deltoideus minor typically has a single head . . . which has been found in most birds.” On the basis of outgroup comparison then, the condition described for Ploceus represents an ancestral state and the two variations described above are derived character states. M. PRONATOR PROFUNDUS Structure. — This muscle arises fleshy from the humeroulnar pulley and by means of a short tendon from the distal end of the humerus (between the origins of M. pronator superficialis and M. flexor digitorum superficialis). The fan-shaped belly passes distally to insert on the caudal surface of the proximal one-third of the radius. Comparison. — In several Estrildidae there are two distinct heads (Table 1). The muscle originates as described above, but at its midpoint the belly divides into two portions. The proximal belly in- serts fleshy onto the ventral surface of the radius. The distal belly tapers to a 5 mm wide aponeurosis 12 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 15 ULNA Fig. 2. — A deep muscle of the forearm, M. pronator profundus, PP. Above; ancestral condition in Ploceus cucullatus. Below: derived condition in Hypargos niveoguttatus. and inserts on the radius approximately 5 mm distal to the insertion of the proximal belly (Fig. 2). Ber- ger (1968) described a similar condition in Den- droica kirtlandii. Raikow (1978) also found two heads in some of the New World nine-primaried oscines. Discussion. — The condition of this muscle in Plo- ceiis is as it is in most birds (George and Berger, 1966:346). It therefore represents an ancestral char- acter state. The two-headed condition is a derived state within this group, by virtue of the outgroup comparison. 1979 BENTZ— RELATIONSHIPS OF PLOCEIDAE AND ESTRILDIDAE 13 A B C Fig. 3. — Lateral view of thigh musculature showing variation in the origin of the postacetabular portion of M. iliotibialis lateralis (IL). A, condition as it exists in Ploveiis aicuUutus', B, Cryptospizu reichenovii', C, Plovepusser mahali. Abbreviation; 1C, M. iliotibialis cranialis. MUSCLES OF THE HINDEIMB The following muscles are present in the hindlimb of Ploceus but do not differ significantly from those of Loxops Virens as described by Raikow (1977): M. iliotibialis cranialis; M. iliotrochantericus cau- dalis; M. iliotrochantericus cranialis; M. femorotib- ialis internus; M. iliofibularis; M. flexor cruris lat- eralis; M. caudoiliofemoralis pars caudofemoralis; M. flexor cruris medialis; M. puboischiofemoralis; M. ischiofemoralis; M. obturatorius medialis; M. iliofemoralis internus; M. peroneus longus; M. pe- roneus brevis; M. tibialis cranialis; M. extensor dig- itorum longus; M. flexor perforans et perforatus digit! Ill; M. flexor peiforans et perforatus digit! II; M. flexor perforatus digit! II; M. flexor perforatus digit! IV; M. flexor perforatus digiti III; M. flexor hallucis longus; M. flexor hallucis brevis; M. lum- bricalis. M. ILIOTIBIALIS LATERALIS Structure. — This broad, triangular muscle arises by a large aponeurosis from the dorsal (anterior) iliac crest and most of the dorsolateral (posterior) iliac crest. The origin is fleshy for its caudal 2 to 3 mm. Cranially this aponeurotic origin obscures M. iliotrochantericus cranialis and iliotrochantericus caudalis. Indeed the entire muscle conceals most of the deeper muscles of the lateral aspect of the thigh. The distal half of this muscle consists of three dis- tinct parts — the cranial and caudal edges are fleshy, whereas the central part is aponeurotic. The fleshy cranial and caudal parts become aponeurotic just proximal to the knee. The common aponeurosis of these three distal parts forms the outer or cranial layer of the patellar ligament. The insertion is ten- dinous on a line joining the cnemial crests of the tibiotarsus. Comparison. — In all forms studied this muscle consists of well-developed preacetabular, acetabu- lar, and postacetabular portions. There are, how- ever, two variations from the condition described above (Fig. 3). In Plocepasser and Montifrinpilla the origin of the postacetabular portion is entirely aponeurotic. In Sporopipes, Pseudonigrita and in most Estrildidae examined the postacetabular por- tion was entirely fleshy in origin. The estrildid ex- ceptions to this were Aegintha and Lagonosticta, in which approximately half of the postacetabular portion was fleshy, and Spennophaga ruficapilla, Parmoptila, Pyrenestes sanguineus , and Padda. which were as described. Discussion. — By outgroup comparison with most other birds (George and Berger, 1966) the aponeu- 14 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 15 Table 2. — Major variations in the hindiimh myology of the Ploceidae and Estrildidae. M. gastrocnemius pars interna: Type I = anterior head present, including patellar band: Type 2 = anterior head present but lacking patellar hand: Type J = anterior head absent. Patellar band: size expressed as percentage of length of patellar ligament covered by muscular origin. M. ohturatorius lateralis pars dorsalis: — = dorsal head absent: small, medium, and large size as defined in text. M. plantaris: + = present, — = absent. M. iliotrochantericus medius: + = present. — = absent. M. iliotihialis lateralis: Type I = postacetabular portion entirely aponeurotic; Type 2 = condition as described in text for Ploceiis; Type 3 = postacetabular portion entirely fieshy. M. flexor digitorum longus: variations in insertions of accessory vincula as described in text. Species M. gastrocne- mius pars interna Patellar band M. obturatorius lateralis pars dorsalis M. plantaris M. iliotrochanteri- cus medius M. iliotibiaiis lateralis M. flexor digitorum longus Vidua paradisaea 2 Family Ploceidae Subfamily Viduinae + Type 2 ABB Bubalornis albirostris 2 Subfamily Bubalornithinae - - + + Type 2 ABB Dinemellia dinemelli 2 - - + + Type 2 ABB Plocepasser mahali 1 0.50 Subfamily Passerinae small + + Type 1 ABB Pseudonigrita cahanisi 2 - medium + + Type 3 ABB Philetairus socius 1 0.25 medium + + Type 2 ABB Passer domesticus 1 0.10 large + + Type 2 ABB Petronia xanthocollis 1 0.10 large + + Type 2 ABB Montifringilla nivalis 1 0.20 large + + Type 1 ABB Sporopipes sp. 1 1.00 small + + Type 3 ABB A mbiyospiza albifrons 2 Subfamily Ploceinae + + Type 2 ABB Ploceus ocularis 2 - medium + + Type 2 ABB Ploceus nigricollis -) - medium + + Type 2 ABB Ploceus cucuUatus 2 - medium + + Type 2 ABB Mallmbus casslni 2 - medium + + Type 2 AAA Quelea c/uelea Y - small + + Type 2 ABB Foudia madagascariensis 2 - medium + + Type 2 ABB Euplectes afer 2 - - + + Type 2 ABB Anomalospiza imberbis 2 - small + + Type 2 ABB Parmoptila n oodhouseli 2 Family Estrildidae Tribe Estrildae + Type 2 ABB Nigrita canicapilla 2 - small + - Type 3 ABB Pytilia sp. 2 - - + - Type 3 ABC Mandingoa nitidula 2 - small + + Type 3 ABB Cryptospiza reichenovii 2 - - + - Type 3 ABB Pyrenestes sanguineus 2 - - + - Type 2 ABB Pyrenestes ostrinus 2 - small + - Type 3 ABB Spermophaga haematina 2 - - + - Type 3 ABB Spermophaga ruficapilla 3 - - + - Type 2 ABB Clytospiza monteiri 3 - - + - Type 3 ABB Hypargos niveoguttatus i 0.20 - + - Type 3 ABB Eagonosticta sene gala 3 - - + - Type 3 ABB Uraeginthus lanthinogaster 2 - - + - Type 3 ABC Estrilda paludicola 3 - small + - Type 3 ABB Estrilda astrild astrild 3 - - + - Type 3 ABB Estrilda astrild angolensls 2 - - + - Type 3 ABC Amandava amandava 3 - - + - Type 3 ABB Ortygospiza atricollis 2 - - + - Type 3 ABB Aegintha temporalis 2 Tribe Poephilae + + Type 3 ABB Emblema guttata 2 _ + + Type 3 ABB 1979 BENTZ— RELATIONSHIPS OF PLOCEIDAE AND ESTRILDIDAE 15 Table 2. — Continued. Species M. gastrocne- mius pars interna Patellar band M, obturatorius lateralis pars dorsalis M. plantaris M. iliotrochanteri- cus medius M, iliotibialis lateralis M. flexor digitorum longus Neochmia phaeton 2 - small + + Type 3 ABB Poephila guttata 3 - - + + Type 3 ABB Poephila acuticauda 2 Tribe Lonchurae + Type 3 ABB Erythrura trichroa 2 - small - - Type 3 ABB Chloebia gouldiae 2 - - - + Type 3 ABB Lonchura striata 3 - - - + Type 3 ABB Lonchura punctulata 3 - - - + Type 3 ABB Padda oryzivora 2 - - - - Type 2 ABB Amadina fasciata 2 - - -H - Type 3 ABB rotic and slightly fleshy origins appear to be the ancestral conditions. The entirely fleshy postace- tabular portion represents a derived character state. M. ILIOTROCHANTERICUS MEDIUS Structure. — Smallest of the three iliotrochanteri- cus muscles, this band of muscle about 4 mm long and 1 mm wide has a fleshy origin from the ventral edge of the ilium just caudal to the origin of M. iliotrochantericus cranialis. The parallel fibers pass caudoventrally and insert tendinous on the lateral surface of the femur between M. iliotrochantericus caudalis and M. iliotrochantericus cranialis. Comparison. — This muscle was absent in Vidua, in most of the Estrildae examined except Mandin- goa, and in most of the Lonchurae examined except Lonchura punctulata, L. striata, and Chloebia. In these three species the muscle was very small. It was also absent in Poephila acuticauda and present but very reduced in P. guttata, Emblema, and Neochmia. Discussion. — Designated by the letter “C” in leg- muscle formulas (Hudson, 1937), this muscle is present in many passerine and non-passerine groups (George and Berger, 1966:392). It is univer- sally present in the New World nine-primaried os- cines, a group of families that is very close to the Old World finches (Raikow, 1978). By the outgroup comparison its presence in the Old World finches therefore appears to represent an ancestral char- acter state, whereas absence is due to loss and is therefore derived. M. OBTURATORIUS LATERALIS Structure. — This muscle has two separate paral- lel-fibered bellies, pars dorsalis and pars ventralis. Pars dorsalis arises from the ischium between the caudodorsal border of the obturator foramen and the ventral border of the ilioischiatic fenestra. The belly passes craniolaterally to a fleshy insertion on the surface of the tendon of insertion of M. obtur- atorius medialis and the trochanter of the femur. Pars ventralis, the ventral belly, arises fleshy from the cranioventral border of the obturator foramen. The triangular belly passes laterally to insert fleshy on the caudal surface of the femur just distal to the insertion of M. obturatorius medialis. Fibers of pars ventralis may extend dorsally deep to the tendon of M. obturatorius medialis and should not be con- fused with pars dorsalis. Comparison. — Pars ventralis is present in all forms studied but pars dorsalis may be absent. When present, pars dorsalis shows considerable variation in size. Raikow (1978) illustrates this vari- ation and defines it as small if the area of origin is not caudal to the obturator foramen, as medium if the origin lies between the obturator foramen and the midpoint of the ilioischiatic fenestra, and as large if the origin lies caudal to the midpoint of the ilioischiatic fenestra. Pars dorsalis was present in all members of the Passerinae studied, and in most of the Ploceinae except Amblyospiza and Eu- plectes. It was absent in most of the Estrildidae, Vidua, Bubalornis, and Dinemellia (Table 2). Discussion. — Pars dorsalis is present in most pas- serines (George and Berger, 1966; Raikow, 1978), thus by outgroup comparison its absence appears to be a derived state. No accurate statement can be made as to the polarity of the phenocline exhibited by the size of the muscle, as many factors may af- fect muscle size. 16 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 15 M. GASTROCNEMIUS Structure. — M. gastrocnemius originates by three distinct bellies: 1) pars externa — This covers the caudolateral surface of the crus and is intermediate in size be- tween the other two heads. The muscle arises by a short, strong tendon from a tubercle on the cau- dolateral surface of the femur immediately proximal to the lateral condyle. The tendon of origin is fused with the distal arm of the biceps loop. The belly of pars externa, basically unipennate in construction, passes distally and ends in a well-developed tendon that comprises the most lateral portion of the com- mon tendo achillis of the gastrocnemius complex. 2) pars intermedia — The smallest of the three heads, pars intermedia lies on the medial surface of the crus. The belly of this unipennate muscle is sep- arated from pars interna by the tendon of insertion of M. flexor cruris medialis. Pars intermedia has its origin by a short tendon from a tubercle on the cau- doproxima! surface of the internal femoral condyle. This origin is shared with the insertion of M. pub- ischiofemoralis, pars caudalis. The short belly of pars intermedia ends on an aponeurosis that passes distally between pars externa and pars interna to form the middle portion of the tendo achillis. 3) pars interna — The largest part of this complex, pars interna covers most of the medial surface of the crus and consists of two parts. The origin of the cranial head is fleshy from the craniomedial surface of the inner cnemial crest. The caudal head arises from the caudomedial surface of the inner cnemial crest and the head of the tibiotarsus. As noted by Stallcup (1954) this origin is undivided in some species. The belly of pars interna extends distally and gives rise to a tendon that joins with the ten- dons of pars intermedia and pars externa to form the cranialmost portion of the tendo achillis. This common tendon of insertion passes distally over the tibial cartilage to which it is firmly bound. The in- sertion is tendinous on the caudal surface of the hypotarsus and along the caudolateral ridge of the tarsometatarsus. The tendon is also bound in and continuous with a fascia which forms a sheath through which other tendons of this region pass. Comparison. — In Ploceus both a cranial and cau- dal head of origin of pars interna are present. When present the cranial head arises, in part, from the inner cnemial crest, whereas a band of muscle (the patellar band) may proceed around the cranial sur- face of the knee, arising from the patellar ligament. When present this patellar band overlies the inser- tion of M. iliotibialis cranialis. In this connection three groups may be distinguished (Raikow, 1978). In Type 1, the cranial head is present including a patellar band; in Type 2, the cranial head is present but lacks a patellar band (as in Ploceus)-, in Type 3, the cranial head is absent. These variations are illustrated by Raikow (1978). Forms having Type 1 vary in the size of the patellar band. This size may be expressed as a percentage of the length of the patellar ligament, which is covered by the muscle origin. For example, a value of 1.00 means that the patellar band arises from the entire extent of the patellar ligament. A value of 0.50 means that it aris- es from only 50 percent of the patellar ligament (halfway from the rotular crest to the patella). Most of the Passerinae studied had Type 1, except Pseu- donigrita. However, in Pseudonigrita a very few fibers may have arisen from the patellar ligament. All members of the Ploceinae, Viduinae, and Bu- balornithinae exhibited Type 2. Most of the Estril- didae had Types 1 or 3. One of the Estrildae (Hy- pargos) displayed Type 1 (Table 2). Discussion. — On the basis of the outgroup com- parison with most other birds (George and Berger, 1966:423) and ingroup correlation. Type 1 is the an- cestral state with Types 2 and 3 being derived from it. Type 1 occurs mainly in the Passerinae, which with rare exception exhibit no derived character states in other appendicular muscles. Type 1 also occurs in other groups of birds. Types 2 and 3 are found in ploceids and estrildids, groups that exhibit other derived character states such as a Type 2 M. pronator profundus, loss of the patellar band, and loss of M. iliotrochantericus medius with relatively greater frequency. M. PLANTARIS Structure. — This small, triangular muscle lies on the caudomedial side of the crus and has a fleshy origin from the caudomedial surface of the proximal end of the tibiotarsus, just distal to the internal ar- ticular surface. The belly is about 6 mm long and tapers to a slender tendon that inserts on the prox- imomedial corner of the tibial cartilage. The muscle lies deep to M. gastrocnemius pars intermedia. Comparison. — M. plantaris was absent in all of the Lonchurae examined except Amadina. In Eu- plectes the belly was reduced to about 1 mm in length (Table 2). Discussion. — M. plantaris is designated by the letter "F” in muscle formulas (Berger, 1959) and 1979 BENTZ— RELATIONSHIPS OF PLOCEIDAE AND ESTRILDIDAE 17 DIGIT II DIGIT III DIGIT IV ^ Fig. 4. — Diagram representing variations in the pattern of insertion of M. flexor digitorum longus. was originally thought to be present in all passer- ines. It occurs in many passerine and non-passerine groups (George and Berger, 1966:442). Its absence therefore represents a loss and is considered to be derived, whereas its presence is an ancestral char- acter state. M. FLEXOR DIGITORUM LONGUS Structure. — This large bipennate muscle lies along the caudal surfaces of the tibiotarsus and fib- ula. There are two separate heads of origin. The lateral head arises fleshy from the caudal surface of the fibula. The medial head arises fleshy from the area between, but distal to, the articular surfaces of the head of the tibiotarsus. These two heads fuse at about the level of insertion of M. iliofibularis. The common belly thus formed remains fused to the tibiotarsus and the fibula for about two-thirds of the distance of the crus and shortly thereafter ends in a thick tendon. The tendon of insertion passes through the medial half of the tibial cartilage and then through the craniomedial canal of the hy- potarsus. Just proximal to metatarsal I the tendon trifurcates, sending branches to the plantar surface of each of the foretoes. The branch to digit II per- forates the tendon of M. flexor perforans et perfor- atus digiti II and inserts on the proximal end of the ungual phalanx. A single vinculum arises from the deep surface of the tendon and inserts on the distal end of the second phalanx of digit II. The branch to digit III is the largest of the three branches. It perforates the tendons of Mm. flexor perforatus digiti III and flexor perforans et peifor- atus digiti III and inserts on the proximal end of the ungual phalanx. Two small vincula arise from the deep surface of this tendon. The more proximal vin- culum inserts in conjunction with the branches of M. flexor perforans et perforatus digiti III on the proximal end of the third phalanx of digit III. The distal vinculum inserts on the distal end of the third phalanx. The branch-tendon to digit IV perforates M. flex- or perforatus digiti IV and inserts on the proximal end of the ungual phalanx. Two vincula arise from the deep surface of this tendon also. The more prox- imal vinculum inserts on the proximal end of pha- lanx IV of digit IV, whereas the distal vinculum inserts on the distal end of the fourth phalanx. Comparison. — Variation in this muscle centers on the pattern of insertion of the tendons to digits II, III, and IV, the variation involving the number and position of accessory vincula from the tendon 18 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 15 to the phalanges. These variations may be briefly stated by means of a formula (Fig. 4) as used by Raikow ( 1978). The formula for Ploceus cucullatus is ABB, as it is in all of the forms studied here with four ex- ceptions. In Pytilia, Uraeginthiis, and Estrilda an- golensis the pattern of insertion is ABC. In Mal- imhus the pattern of insertion is AAA. Discussion. — The Old World finches exhibit greater uniformity in the arrangement of accessory vincula than the New World nine-primaried oscines (Raikow, 1978). As almost all forms studied here are ABB this character is of little consequence to this study. M. EXTENSOR HALLUCIS LONGUS Structure. — This muscle has two distinct parts. The origin of the minute pars proximalis is fleshy from the craniomedial edge of the proximal end of the tarsometatarsus. The slender belly is about 15 mm long, approximately 0.75 mm wide, and ends in a threadlike tendon of insertion. This tendon passes over metatarsal I and on to the dorsal sur- face of the hallux. It then passes through two bands of fibroelastic tissue (the automatic extensor liga- ment), and inserts on dense, fibrous connective tis- sue immediately proximal to the base of the ungual phalanx. Pars distalis consists of only a few fibers extending fleshy from the distal end of the tarso- metatarsus to insert by a short thin tendon onto the tendon of pars proximalis at about the level of the proximal end of phalanx one of the hallux. Comparison. — In Bubalornis and Dinemellio ad- ditional fibers arise from the craniomedial surface of the tarsometatarsus. These pass medially to in- sert on the belly of pars proximalis, all along its tendon of insertion, and ultimately to blend in with pars distalis. Discussion. — Because the accessory fibers of M. extensor hallucis longus occur only in the Bubalor- nithinae they represent an autapomorphous char- acter state. DISCUSSION Sister group relationships may only be deter- mined on the basis of shared derived character states (synapomorphies). All but one of the varia- tions listed in Tables 1 and 2 were useful in deter- mining relationships. The pattern of insertion of M. flexor digitorum longus is presented purely for the sake of describing that muscle completely. The relationships determined will be presented in the form of a cladogram. Strictly speaking, a dado- gram is not a phylogeny, but a diagram of groups clustered by synapomorphies. However, a clado- gram may be hypothesized to represent the phylog- eny of a group. A common problem in the construction of a cladogram is character conflict; that is, different characters may indicate different cladistic branch- ing patterns. These character conflicts arise be- cause the complexity of evolutionary processes in closely related groups is not amenable to an overly simplistic view of cladistic procedure. Mayr (1974) has pointed out that cladists often overlook the fre- quency with which closely related groups indepen- dently achieve derived states because of their com- mon genetic background. Thus, parallelism, convergence, and reversals are to be expected es- pecially when dealing with structurally simple vari- ations within a close-knit group. Therefore, al- though it may not be possible to identify positively the cause of each inconsistency individually, as a group they are attributable to normal biological causes, and can be accommodated in an overall hy- pothesis of genealogical relationships. In these sit- uations the convention is to adopt the most parsi- monious explanation, although there is no biological basis for assuming that the simplest explanation is also the one most likely to reproduce the true his- tory of the group. It may be best to state that par- simony should be employed not because nature is parsimonious but because only parsimonious hy- potheses can be defended without resorting to either authoritarianism or apriorism (Wiley, 1975:236). More recently, Farris (1977) demonstrat- ed that the use of most parsimonious trees in phy- logenetic analysis may be justified as a statistical inference method. I will now discuss the cladogram (Fig. 5), which is similar in format to that of McKenna (1975). It must first be determined whether or not the Old World finch assemblage is monophyletic. The only unambiguous way to do this would be to dem- onstrate that the group shares some synapomorphy not found in other birds. Unfortunately, this cannot 1979 BENTZ— RELATIONSHIPS OF PLOCEIDAE AND ESTRILDIDAE 19 PASSERINAE PLOCEINAE BUBALORNITHINAE POEPHILINAE VIDUINAE LONCHURINAE ESTRILDINAE Fig. 5. — A cladogram indicating a hypothesis of phylogenetic relationships in the Ploceidae and Estrildidae. Points 2-13 indicate apomorphic states; (1) noncladistic data supporting hypothesis of monophyly (conical bill and granivory; biochemical evidence; pter- ylosis); (2) loss of patellar band of M. gastrocnemius; (3) loss of M. obturatorius lateralis pars dorsalis; (4) presence of mouth markings and loss of M. coracobrachialis cranialis; (5) loss of M. iliotrochantericus medius; (6) fleshy origin of postacetabular portion of M. iliotibialis lateralis; (7) loss of M. coracobrachialis cranialis; (8) independent loss of M. coracobrachialis cranialis; (9) presence of accessory fibers of M. extensor hallucis longus pars proximalis; (10) M. pronator profundus Type 2, fleshy origin of postacetabular portion of M. iliotibialis lateralis; (1 1) nest parasitism; (12) elongated belly of M. tensor propatagialis pars brevis, loss of M. plantaris; ( 13) M. pronator profundus Type 2. loss of M. latissimus dorsi pars caudalis. be done on the basis of present knowledge. No unique character states were found in the limb mus- cles that would qualify as such characteristics. The feeding mechanism is another possible source of insight. All of the forms involved have a conical bill used for cracking seeds, which is their principal food. We may hypothesize that this adap- tive complex arose once in a common ancestor of the group, and that the Old World finch assemblage thus represents an adaptive radiation paralleling that of the Fringillidae in the New World. Present understanding of the detailed structure of the feed- ing apparatus does not allow this idea to be tested critically. The idea that the ploceid-estrildid com- plex is monophyletic has, however, generally been accepted at least implicitly by most workers, be- cause taxonomic problems within this group have mainly centered on generic misplacements and var- ious subgroup divisional difficulties. Delacour (1943:69) and Beecher (1953:303) suggested that the feeding specialization was acquired independently in a number of different families, but neither pro- vided evidence for this opinion. It is clear that this question is unsettled and that detailed comparative studies of the feeding mechanism in the Ploceidae and Estrildidae are needed. However, on the basis of our present understanding it appears both rea- sonable and parsimonious to proceed on the tenta- tive assumption that the seed-eating specializations of the ploceid-estrildid complex represent a single adaptive shift rather than a series of convergent de- velopments. Utilizing an unrelated morphological character, pterylosis, Morlion (1966, 1979) found that the ploceids and estrildids shared basic pat- terns of pterylosis to the extent that separation at the family level was questionable. Aside from morphological considerations, the most compelling evidence for monophyly is from the biochemical studies of Sibley (1970). Based on electrophoretic studies of egg-white proteins, his principal conclusion was that “the Ploceinae and Estrildinae are related to one another more closely than either is to any other group. Although each seems to be a well-marked, readily defined group they should be placed in the same family” (Sibley, 1970:96). Data of this type cannot be analyzed cla- 20 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 15 distically because the direction of evolutionary changes in molecular structure cannot be deter- mined from electrophoretic patterns. Therefore, these data cannot be used to hypothesize cladistic branching patterns within a group. However, they do demonstrate the close genetic relatedness of the assemblage, which supports the concept that the assemblage constitutes a single radiation, or in oth- er words, that it is monophyletic. Cluster 1 On the basis of the foregoing discussion it is ten- tatively concluded that the entire assemblage is monophyletic, based on the common seed-eating specialization, pterylosis, and biochemical indica- tions of close genetic affinity. Most members of the Passerinae (except Pseu- donigrita) and only members of the Passerinae (ex- cept Hypargos) possess a Type 1 gastrocnemius. They are postulated to be the most primitive mem- bers of this group, and are the sister group of the remainder of this assemblage. They are character- ized by a Type 1 gastrocnemius, an obturatorius lateralis pars dorsalis of indeterminate size, a plan- taris, an iliotrochantericus medius, an iliotibialis lat- eralis with an aponeurotic postacetabular origin, no mouth markings, an extensor hallucis longus with- out accessory fibers, a tensor propatagialis with a long tendon of insertion and no coracobrachialis cranialis. Poltz and Jacob (1974) analyzed uropygial secre- tions biochemically in 18 species of passerines and concluded that the Passerinae may be more closely related to the fringillids and emberizine finches than to the ploceids. Cluster 2 The groups linked by character 2 are derived for loss of the patellar band, except Hypargos (Estril- dae), which is the only form outside of the Passer- inae to exhibit a patellar band. Other evidence does not indicate that Hypargos has been improperly placed, and this inconsistency could be explained by the secondary reappearance of the patellar band in this form. Cluster 3 Most forms grouped by character 3 are derived for loss of M. obturatorius lateralis pars dorsalis. It is also lost in Euplectes and Amblyospiza of the Ploceinae. Estrilda paludicola, Nigrita, Pyrenestes ostrinus, and Mandingoa of the Estrildae, Eryth- rura of the Lonchurae, and Neochmia of the Poe- philae possess the primitive state. The loss of this muscle in Euplectes and Amblyospiza probably oc- curred independently subsequent to the origin of their group. Cluster 4 All of the Poephilae, Viduinae, Lonchurae, and Estrildae have some pattern of mouth markings (character suite 4). Such markings surely represent a derived state as they have never been reported in any other passerine family. Delacour (1943:73) sug- gested that mouth markings in viduines were ac- quired by convergence to aid them in their nest par- asitism of estrildids. However, Friedmann (1960) argued convincingly for estrildid-viduine affinities. On the basis of plumage, nestling behavior, and re- flection globules Friedmann demonstrated that the viduines were closer to the estrildids than to the ploceines and that these markings were acquired from a common ancestor. This position is now strengthened by the fact that the viduines and es- trildids are myologically very similar in derived characters. For example, both have lost M. iliotro- chantericus medius. This suggests that the viduines are a subgroup of the estrildid radiation that has become specialized for nest parasitism of other es- trildids, rather than a distantly related group that has converged extensively upon the estrildids. These groups also share another derived state, the loss of M. coracobrachialis cranialis (discussed be- low). They are virtually identical in pterylosis and differ collectively from the Ploceinae (Morlion, 1966, 1979). Cluster 5 Most of the Lonchurae and Estrildae as well as Vidua have lost M. iliotrochantericus medius, but there are a few exceptions (Table 2). In the Estril- dae, it occurs only in Mandingoa. Perhaps this ge- nus is misplaced and should be included in the Poe- philae in which the muscle occurs with greater regularity. More probably it is a case of parallel loss of the muscle, indicating an underlying genetic ten- dency in the group. Possibly there are secondary reappearances here also (Raikow et al., 1979). Mayr (1974:80) discusses such cases. Cluster 6 Most of the Estrildae and Lonchurae are derived for a fleshy origin to the postacetabular portion of M. iliotibialis lateralis. The exceptions are Sper- 1979 BENTZ— RELATIONSHIPS OF PLOCEIDAE AND ESTRILDIDAE 21 mophaga ruficapilla, Lagonosticta, Pannoptila, Pyre nest es sanguineus, Padda, and Aegintha. The Poephilae also exhibit this condition but for reasons of parsimony are not grouped here. This is dis- cussed below. Only two of the Passerinae (Ploce- passer and Muntifringilla) exhibit the ancestral condition of this muscle. Most likely the remaining members of the Passerinae acquired the derived state independently. Autapomorphic Characters Characters 7 through 13 are autapomorphic. That is, they are derived character states that are not shared with other groups. Characters 7 and 8 are both loss of M. coraco- brachialis cranialis. Separate numbers are given to the same event because the loss of this muscle in one lineage is apparently independent of its loss in the other. Because this muscle is present in many non-passerine birds, its presence in Bubalornis and Dinemellia presumably is an ancestral condition. This muscle has probably been overlooked in many passerine birds due to lack of adequate staining methods by earlier investigators. When the muscle is not present it is usually represented by a liga- mentous band with only a few muscle fibers and imbedded in dense connective tissue as in Place us. The loss of M. coracobrachialis cranialis in the Pas- serinae, Ploceinae, viduines, and estrildids and the retention of this muscle in the Bubalornithinae rep- resents a case of character conflict. The parsimo- nious choice, however, is to incorporate the syn- apomorphies of the Bubalornithinae first, namely the loss of the patellar band and loss of the dorsal head of obturatorius lateralis. Independent loss of a single muscle at several points (4, 7, and 8) then becomes more probable than a single lineage ac- quiring two derived character states independently, especially because the loss of this muscle appears to be a frequent occurrence in passerines (Raikow, personal communication). An alternative possibility is that this muscle was absent in the common ances- tor of the group, and that it reappeared secondarily in the Bubalornithinae. This explanation appears to be less probable than multiple loss, which is a well established and common phenomenon. Character 9 is the presence of accessory fibers of M. extensor hallucis longus pars proximalis in Bu- balornis and Dinemellia only. Such fibers have not been described before and their occurrence here is clearly derived. Character suite 10 includes two states here con- sidered autapomorphous, the independent origin of a fleshy postacetabular portion to iliotibialis later- alis, and a Type II M. pronator profundus. Only members of the Estrildae and Poephilae show the latter condition (Table 2) and its occurrence is rath- er sporadic. Raikow (manuscript) has interpreted this condition as perhaps increasing the functional versatility of the muscle because each belly could act independently of the other. In any event the double belly appears to be just becoming estab- lished in these groups, and to have arisen indepen- dently in several genera. Character 1 1 is nest parasitism. Nest parasitism is also practiced by the ploceine finch Anomalo- spiza imberbis (Roberts, 1917). The viduine finches all have this behavior and are specific parasites of estrildids, whereas Anomalospiza parasitizes cisti- coline warblers. Although nest parasitism occurs in other groups of birds (Friedmann, 1929), its occur- rence within the Old World finches is surely a de- rived state. Character suite 12 is elongation of the belly of M. tensor propatagialis pars brevis and loss of the plan- taris. Both of these derived states occur only among the Lonchurae. Of all the Lonchurae examined only Amadina retains the plantaris. Character suite 13 is the presence of a Type II pronator profundus and the loss of M. latissimus dorsi pars caudalis. This latter muscle is one whose pattern of occurrence is also difficult to interpret. In this study the muscle is present in all Ploceinae, Bubalornithinae, Poephilae, Viduinae, and Lon- churae. It is absent in certain species of Estrildae and also in Passer, Petronia, and Montifringilla of the Passerinae (see Table 1). The muscle may even occur in one species and be absent in another species of the same genus (for example, Estrilda). All of this suggests that this muscle may be lost and subsequently regained in an evolving lineage. At the very least the absence of this muscle in estrildines further suggests that they are not closely related to the ploceids. Although a cladogram is not intended to be a phy- togeny per se, an ideal cladogram should not pre- sent any incompatibilities with other available in- formation about the taxa included. One such source of information is geographic distribution. Among the taxa of the Old World finches, the only groups for which the limb myology could support more than one possible arangement in the cladogram are the subfamilies of the Estrildidae. Of these, the Vi- duinae and Estrildinae are endemic to Africa; the 22 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 15 Poephilinae are confined to Australia and New Guinea; and the Lonchurinae are widely distributed, with the genus Lonchura found from Africa to Aus- tralia but its chief radiation in southeast Asia and the East Indies, one endemic African genus (Ama- dina), two monotypic Australian genera (Chloebia, Aidemosyne), and one genus only tentatively placed in the Lonchurinae by Mayr (in Mayr et al., 1968:361), Erythrura, found from the Philippines through the East Indies, New Guinea, and the Pa- cific Islands, with a bare foothold in northern Aus- tralia. It seems apparent that, in view of the parasitism of Viduinae on Estrildinae, of their present distri- bution, and of their close resemblance in many mor- phological characters, these two subfamilies must have evolved together for some time, and that a cladogram that separated them widely would rep- resent a highly improbable interpretation of the evi- dence. The common ancestor of all Estrildidae may well have inhabited Africa, where the main radia- tion of the family has taken place, or else southern Asia. An early invasion of the Australian region ra- diated into the present Poephilinae, with the lon- churine inhabitants of Australia and vicinity repre- senting a later invasion. Similarly, the lonchurine inhabitants of Africa probably represent a later in- vasion of a basically East Asian radiation. The cladogram proposed here is compatible with such a distributional history. CONCLUSIONS AND TAXONOMIC RECOMMENDATIONS We may now consider the problems posed at the beginning of this study. First of all, should the plo- ceines and estrildines be classified in one family or two? This question is meaningful mainly from a point of view emphasizing phenetic clustering. Es- sentially, it asks whether the estrildids are suffi- ciently different from the remainder of the group so as to be given family rank. They differ in nest con- struction and mouth markings (Chapin, 1917), in osteology (Sushkin, 1927), and in egg-white pro- teins (Sibley, 1970). The present study has also demonstrated that they are myologically distinct. I suggest therefore that it would be appropriate for the Estrildidae to be given family rank if one does not feel bound to classify according to the system of Hennig (see Mayr, 1974, for a discussion of cla- distic classification). The above question may also be approached from a cladistic viewpoint. The phylogeny of the group (Fig. 5) shows that the subgroups of the Estrildidae (including the Viduinae) share a common ancestor that is not shared by the others. The estrildid por- tion of the group is thus holophyletic and warrants some categorical name. However, the remainder of the group (Passerinae, Ploceinae, Bubalornithinae) form a paraphyletic assemblage and cannot be a coordinate sister group of the estrildids. Under strict application of cladistic theory, if one makes the Estrildidae a family then the entire Old World finch assemblage would have to be given higher taxonomic rank. One could also make the entire assemblage a family based on the convention that the category “family” usually represents a group with a readily discernible adaptive niche — in this case the seed-eating specialization. Basically, these are matters of individual preference depending on a worker's systematic philosophy. The exact position of Passer has been a problem for some time. It has never been conclusively dem- onstrated whether the genus is more closely related to the ploceines, estrildines, fringillids, or to another group. There is little doubt that Passer is a unique genus among the Old World finches in terms of nest construction and geographic distri- bution. Though no conclusive statement can be made as to the exact status of Passer, it appears as though it is myologically most similar to other mem- bers of the Passerinae. However, the Passerinae are seen to be the most primitive members of this group (Fig. 5) and additional work could reveal that cer- tain genera may be more closely related to the frin- gillids, as suggested by Poltz and Jacob (1974) and Sibley (1970) for Passer. Sibley (1970) recommended that a family Passer- idae be recognized for Passer and stated that the relationships of Montifringilla were probably not with Passer. Clench (1970) found that in pterylosis Passer was similar to Pseudonigrita and Plocepas- ser but differed significantly from Sporopipes. The present study shows that the Passerinae are char- acterized by a certain myological uniformity. The above genera, as well as others, all possess a pa- tellar band and retain the dorsal head of obturato- rius lateralis (Table 2). Although some variation oc- 1979 BENTZ— RELATIONSHIPS OE PLOCEIDAE AND ESTRILDIDAE 23 curs in the origin of iliotibialis lateralis, the members of the Passerinae are myologieally more similar to each other than to any group investigated here. However, these similarities are mostly ances- tral character states and thus relatively weak indi- cators of relationship. Passer and Montifringilla are myologieally unique members of the Passerinae in that they both share the derived condition of M. deltoideus minor (Table 1). These two genera, along with Petronia, also differ from other Passerinae in the derived absence of M. latissimus dorsi pars cau- dalis. It appears then that these three genera are probably closely related. Bock and Morony (1978) reached a similar conclusion based on a study of the tongue skeleton. Certain authors (Sushkin, 1927; Collias and Col- lias, 1964) have recognized such subfamilies as the Plocepasserinae and the Sporopipinae. Although there may be an adequate osteological and behav- ioral basis for such groupings, there is no myolog- ical reason for the recognition of those groups. It is recommended that the subfamily Passerinae be retained and that the genera listed under that sec- tion in Table 1 be included in that subfamily. The relationships of the Widow Birds (Vidua) have also been debated. On the basis of egg-white proteins. Vidua most closely resembled Passer (Sibley, 1970). Historically, however, the plo- ceines, euplectines, and estrildines have been con- sidered as possible relatives. On the basis of reflec- tion globules in the mouth, nestling behavior, plumage, and pterylosis, Friedmann (1960) and Moiiion ( 1966, 1979) decided that the viduines were most closely related to the estrildines. The present study has demonstrated that in derived characters the viduines are also myologieally more similar to the estrildids than to the ploceids. If separate fam- ilies are to be recognized, then the subfamily Vi- duinae should be included within the Estrildidae and not within the Ploceidae. This is in marked con- trast with what has stood as the “preferred” clas- sification for this assemblage (Sushkin, 1927). Also within the “Check-list of Birds of the World” (Mayr et al., 1968) the Viduinae are listed under the Plo- ceidae. It is further recommended (if separate fam- ilies are recognized) that the subgroups of the Es- trildidae (Mayr et al., 1968, based on the tribes of Delacour, 1943, but given the termination -ae in- stead of the proper tribal termination -ini) be raised to subfamily status because this is the first subdi- vision of the family category, whereas the tribal cat- egory is normally used as a subdivision of the subfamily category. Thus, the Estrildae would be- come the Estrildinae, the Poephilae would become the Poephilinae, and the Lonchurae would become the Lonchurinae. On the basis of comparative myology it is also possible to make some general conclusions as to the closest relatives of certain other genera. It is gen- erally agreed that Dinemellia is the closest relative of Bubalornis, and that relationship is supported by the present study. Sushkin ( 1927) believed that Bu- balornis was more primitive than Dinemellia, and was considered to be the most primitive of all plo- ceids. However, only Bubalornis possesses an M. expansor secundariorum that inserts on four sec- ondaries. This, and the presence of a copulatory organ, are derived states and suggest that Bubalor- nis is derived relative to Dinemellia. It has been demonstrated then that Bubalornis is derived in a number of myological, osteological, and morpho- logical traits and does not represent the most prim- itive of ploceids. Therefore if there are sturnid af- finities to the Ploceidae (Bartlett, 1889), they are not through Bubalornis. Data from egg white pro- teins did not support a stuvnid-Bubalornis affinity (Sibley, 1970). Philetairus , Sporopipes , and Plocepasser are myologieally good members of the Passerinae but appear to be more closely related to each other than to Passer and the other members of the subfamily. Do the Old World finches then represent a mono- phyletic group? The myological evidence as well as evidence from other disciplines discussed above suggests that this group as a whole is probably monophyletic. On the basis of this study the following classifi- cation is proposed: Family Subfamilies Family Subfamilies Ploceidae Passerinae Ploceinae Bubalornithinae Estrildidae Poephilinae Viduinae Lonchurinae Estrildinae 24 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 15 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This study was completed as partial fulfillment of the require- ments for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the University of Pittsburgh. 1 would like to thank Dr. Robert J. Raikow for his assistance throughout this project. Without his encouragement and advice this work could not have been completed. 1 am also indebted to the members of my committee: Dr. Kenneth C. Parkes, Dr. Mary H. Clench, Dr. William P. Coffman, Dr. Mi- chael Mares, and Dr. Jeffrey Schwartz. I am grateful to the following for providing the specimens upon which this study is based: Carnegie Museum of Natural History. Dr. Mary H. Clench; National Museum of Natural History, Dr. Storrs L. Olson; Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University, Dr. Charles G. Sibley; American Museum of Natural History, Dr. Walter J. Bock; Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, University of California, Berkeley, Dr. Ned K. Johnson; Occidental Col- lege. Dr. Luis F. Baptista; British Museum (Natural History), Dr. Philip Burton. Portions of this study were supported by NSF Grant No. BMS 74 18079 to Dr. Robert J. Raikow. LITERATURE CITED Bartlett. E. 1889. A monograph of the Weaverbirds, Ploce- idae, and Arboreal and Terrestrial Finches, Fringillidae. London, 193 pp. Beecher, W.J. 1953. A phylogeny of the oscines. Auk, 70;270- 333, Berger, A. J. 1959. Leg-muscle formulae and systematics. Wilson Bull.. 71:93-94. . 1968. Appendicular myology of Kirtland’s Warbler. Auk. 85:594-616. Bock, W. J. I960. 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Burzeldrusensekrete bei Am- mern (Emberizidae). Finken (Fringillidae) and Webern (Plo- ceidae). J. Ornithol., 115:1 19-127. Raikow, R.J. 1976. Pelvic appendage myology of the Hawaiian honeycreepers (Drepandidae). Auk, 93:774-792. . 1977. Pectoral appendage myology of the Hawaiian honeycreepers (Drepandidae). Auk, 94:331-342. . 1978. The appendicular myology and relationships of the New World nine-primaried oscines ( Aves:Passeriformes). Bull. Carnegie Mus. Nat. Hist.. 7:1-43. Raikow, R. J., S. R. Borecky. and S. L. Berman. 1979. The evolutionary reestablishment of a lost ancestral muscle in the Bowerbird assemblage. Condor, in press. 1979 BENTZ— RELATIONSHIPS OE PLOCEIDAE AND ESTRILDIDAE 25 Reichenow, a, 1914. Die Vogel: Handbuch der Systematis- chen Ornithologie. Vol. II. Verlag von Ferdinand Enke, Stuttgart, 628 pp. Roberts, A. 1917. Parasitism amongst finches. Ann. Transvaal Mus., 5:259-262. . 1947. Reviews and criticisms of nomenclatural changes. Ostrich, 18:59-85. Ross. H. H. 1974. Biological systematics. Addison-Wesley . Reading, Massachusetts, 345 pp. Shelley, G. E. 1905. The birds of Africa. R. H. Porter, Lon- don. 6(part l):v + 1-511. Sibley, C. G. 1970. A comparative study of the egg-white pro- teins of passerine birds. Bull. Peabody Mus. Nat. Hist., Yale Univ., 32:1-131. Stallcup, W. B. 1954. Myology and serology of the avian family Eringillidae, a taxonomic study. Univ. Kansas Publ., Mus. Nat. Hist., 8:157-211. Steiner, H. 1954. Das Brutverhalter der Prachtfinken. Sper- mestidae, als Ausdruck ihres selbstandigen Familienchar- akters. Eleventh Int. Cong. Orn. Basel, pp. 350-355. SusHKiN. P. P. 1927. On the anatomy and classification of the weaverbirds. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 57:1-32. Tordoff, H. B. 1954. A systematic study of the avian family Fringillidae based on the structure of the skull. Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool., Univ. Michigan, 81: 1-41. Traylor, M. A. 1968. Family Ploceidae. subfamily Viduinae. Pp. 390-397, in Check-list of birds of the World (R. A. Paynter, ed.), Mus. Comp. Zool., Cambridge, Massachu- setts, I4:x + 1-433. Wiley, E, O. 1975. Karl R. Popper, systematics, and classifi- cation: a reply to Walter Bock and other evolutionary tax- onomists, Syst. Zool., 24:233-243, WoLTERS, H. E. 1949. Beitrage Zur Gattungssystematik der Einkvogel. Beit. Gattungs. Vogel. 1:3-17. A^Jlf / J I r f ...St 1 I V ; : ji- Copies of the following Bulletins of Carnegie Museum of Natural History may be obtained at the prices listed from the Publications Secretary, Carnegie Museum of Natural History, 4400 Forbes Avenue, Pitts- burgh, Pennsylvania 15213. 1. Krishtalka, L. 1976. Early Tertiary Adapisoricidae and Erinaceidae (Mammalia, Insectivora) of North America. 40 pp., 13 figs $2.50 2. Guilday, J. E., P. W. Parmalee, and H. W. Hamilton. 1977. The Clark’s Cave bone deposit and the late Pleistocene paleoecology of the central Appalachian Mountains of Virginia. 88 pp., 21 figs. $12.00 3. Wetzel, R. M. 1977. The Chacoan peccary, Catagonus wagneri (Rusconi). 36 pp., 10 figs. .. $6.00 4. Coombs, M. C. 1978. Reevaluation of early Miocene North American Moropus (Perissodactyla, Chalicotheriidae, Schizotheriinae). 62 pp., 28 figs $5.00 5. Clench, M. H., and R. C. Leberman. 1978. Weights of 151 species of Pennsylvania birds analyzed by month, age, and sex. 87 pp $5.00 6. Schlitter, D. A. (ed.). 1978. Ecology and taxonomy of African small mammals. 214 pp., 48 figs. $15.00 7. Raikow, R. J. 1978. Appendicular myology and relationships of the New World nine-primaried oscines (Aves:Passeriformes). 43 pp., 10 figs $3.50 8. Berman, D. S, and J. S. McIntosh. 1978. Skull and relationships of the Upper Jurassic sauropod Apatosaurus (Reptilia, Saurischia). 35 pp., 11 figs $3.00 9. Setoguchi, T. 1978. Paleontology and geology of the Badwater Creek area, central Wyoming. Part 16. The Cedar Ridge local fauna (Late Oligocene). 61 pp., 30 figs $4.50 10. Williams, D. F. 1978. Systematics and ecogeographic variation of the Apache pocket mouse (Roden- tia: Heteromyidae). 57 pp., 23 figs $4.00 11. Guilday, J. E., H. W. Hamilton, E. Anderson, and P. W. Parmalee. 1978. The Baker Bluff Cave deposit, Tennessee, and the Late Pleistocene faunal gradient. 67 pp., 16 figs $5.00 12. Swanepoel, P., and H. H. Genoways. 1978. Revision of the Antillean bats of the genus Brachyphylla (Mammalia: Phyllostomatidae). 53 pp., 17 figs $4.00 13. Schwartz, J. H., and H. B. Rollins, eds. 1979. Models and methodologies in evolutionary theory. 105 pp., 36 figs $6.00 14. Engesser, B. 1979. Relationships of some insectivores and rodents from the Miocene of North Amer- ica and Europe. 68 pp., 12 figs., 20 plates $5.00 BULLETIN ^ of CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY CONVERGENT EVOLUTION AMONG DESERT RODENTS: A GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE p]... MICHAEL A. MARES P NUMBER 16 PITTSBURGH, 1980 BULLETIN of CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY CONVERGENT EVOLUTION AMONG DESERT RODENTS: A GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE MICHAEL A. MARES Research Associate , Section of Mammals; Department of Biological Sciences, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania 15260; and Pyniatuning Laboratory of Ecology, Linesville, Pennsylvania 16424 NUMBER 16 PITTSBURGH, 1980 BULLETIN OF CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY Number 16, pages 1-51, 25 figures, 19 tables Issued 15 January 1980 Price: $3.50 a copy Craig C. Black, Director Editorial Staff: Hugh H. Gennoways, Editor. Duane A. Schlitter. As.sociatc Editor: Stephen L. Williams, Associate Editor: Nancy J. Parkinson, Technical Assitant. © 1980 by the Trustees of Carnegie Institute, all rights reserved. CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY, 4400 FORBES AVENUE PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA 15213 CONTENTS Abstract 5 Introduction 5 Desert Rodents: Colonization, Adaptation, and Convergent Evolution 5 A Three-desert Comparison of Convergent Evolution 12 Methods 13 Results and Discussion 14 An Analysis of the Desert Rodents of the World 28 Convergent Evolution of Desert Rodents 37 Acknowledgments 43 Literature Cited 43 Appendix 1 48 Appendix 2 50 s -v h: ... ■ !i- >■' ? i' ^ ( ii; :j J!:- 4 ■)-, ■* ■ -i ' .iili ABSTRACT The biogeographic histories of New and (3ld World deserts are discussed from the viewpoints of small mammal adaptation to aridity and the development of small mammal communities in deserts. Morphoecological characteristics of rodents are com- pared between deserts using multivariate statistical techniques. In one analysis, Sonoran and Iranian (Kavir) rodents are shown to be more similar to one another than are the more closely phylogenetically related rodents of the Sonoran and Monte des- erts of the New World. It is proposed that the rodents in the two northern deserts have had a longer time to adapt to arid condi- tions than have those of the Monte, thus convergent evolution is more pronounced between them. Nevertheless certain suites of traits (that is, locomotion and trophic characteristics) are as- sociated in reversed ways among some species in the more eco- logically similar deserts; parts of the “niche” of these species have been switched. A comprehensive analysis of most genera of desert rodents from all major deserts of the world reveals that species of the Argentine Monte Desert are quite distinct from those of the other deserts, particularly in their lack of specialized traits for desert life. Species in the deserts of North America and Africa are more similar ecologically to each other than they are to species in the deserts of Asia and Australia. Cluster analysis of all species reveals that there are a limited number of roles filled by rodents in deserts. Thus, despite varying genetic background and bio- geographic histories, small mammals in deserts evolve in such a manner that they can be placed into a very limited number of guilds. Moreover, these limited guilds are largely repeated within each major desert region. Thus, there is pronounced convergent evolution evident in morphology and ecology of the world’s des- ert rodents. INTRODUCTION The earth supports many and varied habitats which are largely a result of the complex interac- tions of isolation, wind and water currents, precip- itation, topography, and the distribution of land masses. The overriding factor, however, is that the earth is an essentially spherical planet, tilted slight- ly on its polar axis, rotating at roughly a fixed dis- tance from the sun. Indeed, as Beaty ( 1978) pointed out, given the earth’s shape and orbit, it was easier for Wegener to hypothesize the movement of the seemingly immutable continents than it was to sug- gest a general shift in the earth’s climatic belts in order to account for the obvious climatic changes evident in the geological and paleontological re- cord. While climate may vary from point to point over time (and vary greatly), and while glacial pe- riods may wax and wane, dry areas have probably always been a part of the climatological mosaic of the biosphere (Axelrod, 1950, 1972). Because xeric areas occur in a disjunct manner around the world on continents that have had varied geological and biological histories (Fig. 1), they form a unique se- ries of ecosystems sharing many climatological traits that are ideal for studying various facets of the evolutionary process. In this paper I will examine how groups of largely unrelated rodents have adapted to the various des- erts of the world. In some cases, the similarities of the adaptive strategies utilized are remarkable, con- sidering the vastly different gene pools from which they were independently derived, while in other cases similar problems have been solved utilizing different adaptations. Desert Rodents: Coeonization, Adaptation, AND Convergent Evoeution During the Permian, a supercontinent (Pangaea) existed which was composed of all of the earth’s land masses. Over time this continent was fractured until a number of isolated continents were formed, with the current pattern of continents appearing only in the Cenozoic, although present-day land connections between North and South America were not completed until the late Pliocene (Dietz and Holden, 1970; Haffer, 1970; Molner and Tap- ponnier, 1975). For the majority of mammals, whose evolution was only just beginning in the Cre- taceous, the breakup of Pangaea had little effect on their biogeographic history (Cracraft, 1974). Pres- ent-day mammals evolved from early ancestors which were either isolated on one or more of the continental sections which broke off of the first land mass, or which had to colonize the continents as they reached their current locations. This means that adaptation by mammals to arid regions proba- bly began only in the middle to later Cenozoic (see for example, Simpson, 1961; Romer, 1966; Lunde- lius and Turnbull, 1967; Riek, 1970; Keast, I972r/, 19726; Cooke, 1972; Patterson and Pascual, 1972). The world’s deserts, as we know them today, vary in topography and certain climatic features. Generally, however, they attained their pronounced levels of aridity with the orogenic activity of the Miocene and Pliocene (see for example, Furon, 1941, 1960; Axelrod, 1950, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1967, 1970, 1972; Choubert, 1952; Vuilleumier, 1971; Cooke, 1972; Bailey et al., 1977). As mountain mas- 5 6 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 16 sifs were lifted above the landscape, wind currents were disrupted, rain shadows were created, water runoff into enclosed basins led to leaching and the formation of salt lakes, primary productivity de- creased with a concomitant decrease in plant cover (thus increasing the surface albedo resulting in a further decrease in rainfall), and high deserts, such as the puna of South America, were formed (Logan, 1968; Vuilleumier, 1971; Otterman, 1974; Charney et al., 1975). In all cases these climatic changes were initially gradual, occurring over millions of years, and thus allowing gradual change by vege- tational communities and their associated fauna. In North and South America, for example, the tran- sition from rather mesic forest through grassland and thorn scrub to desert has been well documented (Axelrod, 1958; Patterson and Pascual, 1972; Sol- brig, 1976). Indeed, the major deserts of the world appear to have developed their extreme aridity over a time span of 20 million years or more. Although it is known that there have been significant climatic fluctuations in the past (particularly in the Pleisto- cene), and while these have probably had a great effect on mammalian speciation patterns, desert plants and animals are largely the result of a slow evolution through time from a period of greater moisture to one of a moisture deficit (Martin and Mehringer, 1965; Hubbard, 1974; Grenot, 1974; Van Devender, 1977; Mares, 1979). Deserts pose several challenges to small mam- mals. The suite of adaptive strategies employed in response to heat, aridity, and low vegetative cover is becoming increasingly well understood (Schmidt- Nielsen, 1967; MacMillen, 1972; Mares, 1973), and illustrates the process of convergent evolution (that is, the channeling of adaptations among distantly- related organisms by similar selective pressures to- ward a particular set or subset of similar morpho- logical, physiological, or ecological characteristics). Nevertheless, in some major desert areas small mammal inhabitants seem to be acquiring adapta- tions for desert life, but they have not yet reached the pronounced levels of xeric adaptation exhibited by counterparts living in other deserts. I will use the colonization of Australia and South America by rodents to illustrate this point. Australia originally was a part of the southern section of Pangaea (Gondwanaland) and was largely tropical in climate. As Gondwanaland broke up in the Cretaceous, Australia was connected to Ant- arctica and shared faunal elements with that conti- nent (Raven and Axelrod, 1972). Gradually the movement of the Australian plate carried the Aus- tralian land mass into its current position located between 11° and 38° South Latitude and 112° and 153° East Longitude. This position places it over the 30° Latitude high pressure area where descend- ing, adiabatically-warmed air currents form sub- tropical deserts (Logan, 1968). The only mammals present on the continent during its earliest forma- tion were monotremes and marsupials; because monotremes were primitive mesic species (Keast, 19726), the first mammal species to adapt to the newly developing arid area on the mountainless continent were marsupials. In the Pliocene, the Australian continent was colonized across water barriers from southeast Asia by placental murid ro- dents which subsequently underwent a great adap- tive radiation resulting in a diverse array of ecolog- ical types (which today includes 13 genera and over 60 species). Among these are members of five gen- era (Leggadina, Notomys, Pseiidomys, Leporilliis, Gyomys) which are components of the desert fauna (Morton, 1979). Since the colonization route for these island-hopping rodents was via tropical Asiat- ic islands (Simpson, 1961), they could only begin adapting to the extensive Australian desert in the late Pliocene. Although several genera of rodents have adapted to the Australian desert, species di- versity and population density at any particular lo- cality in the desert tends to be low (Watts, 1974; Morton, 1979). Among those species which have adapted to the desert, however, the most conspic- uous adaptations are specializations in water con- servation (production of an extremely concentrated urine) and locomotion (bipedality) in species of the genus Notomys (Walker, 1964; MacMillen and Lee, 1967, 1969; MacMillen et al., 1972; Purohit, 1974). Since marsupials have had a longer period to adapt to the Australian desert, it might be expected that they would also exhibit specializations for life in an arid region, and, indeed, such species as Dasycer- ciis cristicatida , Sminthopsis crassicaiidata, S. froggatti. and Setonix brachyurus are often com- mon desert animals and possess appropriate phys- iological and anatomical adaptations (Bartholo- mew, 1956; Bentley, 1960; Schmidt-Nielsen and Newsome, 1962; Walker, 1964; Crowcroft and God- frey, 1968; Godfrey, 1968; Dawson and Brown, 1970; Purohit, 1971, 1976; Tyndale-Biscoe, 1973). In South America, the situation is more complex. South America and Africa were originally part of the southern supercontinent and they separated from one another in the early Cretaceous (Dietz and 1980 MARES— DESERT RODENT ECOLOGY 7 Fig. 1. — The deserts of the world (after Meigs, 1957). The three intensive study sites in the Monte Desert of Argentina, the Sonoran Desert of Arizona, and the Dasht-e-Kavir Desert of Iran are indicated hy white dots and arrows. Holden, 1970) as South America became a huge is- land which drifted slowly northward and westward. Possibly some of the early mammals (marsupials, edentates, various ancient ungulates) were present on the continent when it broke off of the larger land mass, but subsequent mammalian evolution in South America proceeded in isolation from the rest of the world. In the latest Eocene or early Oligo- cene a group of caviomorph rodents appeared on the continent. These rodents may have come from either North American stock (Simpson, 1950; Wood and Patterson, 1970; Patterson and Pascual, 1972) or from apparently closely-related African phio- morph rodents (Lavocat, 1969; Hoffstetter and Lavocat, 1970; Hershkovitz, 1972). At about the same time, platyrrhine primates colonized over water from North America. Bats were probably present at this time, and procyonid carnivores ap- peared in the Miocene (Savage, 1951; Patterson and Pascual, 1972). No other mammal groups entered the continent until after the completion of the Cen- tral American land bridge in the later Pliocene. At that time there was a great influx of diverse mammal types (seven orders, 16 families), which gradually began moving southward on the continent. Since deserts first formed on the South American continent in the Miocene-Pliocene period, the ear- liest species to adapt to these arid areas were the caviomorph rodents and the marsupials. Most no- table of the latter group were members of the family Argyrolagidae, a group of bipedal, rodent-like ani- mals which were apparently ecological equivalents of present-day jerboas or kangaroo rats. These species were found in southern and northwestern Argentina in areas that are today desert, xeric serub, and grassland (Simpson, 1970). The recent immigrants to South America probably only en- countered the extensive Monte Desert of Argentina 8 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 16 in the latest Pliocene or early Pleistocene, at a time when climatic events were greatly altering the ex- tent and distribution of arid habitats (Mares, I975u, 1976; Solbrig, 1976). There is good evidence that the deserts of South America were colonized in two major waves from North America, particularly since close fossil relatives of extant South Ameri- can species have been found in Arizona (Baskin, 1978). The studies of Mares (I975n, 19756, 1976, 1977a, 19776, 1977c, \911d), Mares et al. (1977), Mares and Rosenzweig (1978), and Williams and Mares ( 1978) have all indicated that the Monte Des- ert supports a depauperate rodent fauna; that Monte rodents are not highly specialized for desert life; that the most conspicuous faunal elements in the Monte are caviomorph rodents, members of the first wave of colonists to the continent; and that the more recent colonists, muroid (cricetine) rodents, have not evolved specialized desert species, per- haps because there has not been enough time over which such adaptations could have taken place. Most cricetines which inhabit the Monte today either live in patches of more mesic habitat within a larger arid region, or are widespread throughout the thorn scrub or dry montane habitats (for ex- ample, puna) which border the desert. Many of their adaptations to aridity (for example, ability to exist with little free water, ability to utilize salt so- lutions to obtain water, etc., Mares, 1977a, 19776, 1977c, \911d) could have evolved as responses to aridity in the high Andean deserts as the animals colonized the continent, and thus functioned as pre- adaptations for life in the lowland Monte Desert when they finally reached the southern third of the continent. The only endemic non-caviomorph ro- dent in the Monte, Andalgalomys olrogi, is closely related to a Paraguayan species and appears to be a relict from a previously widespread Chacoan ancestor (Williams and Mares,. 1978). Recently Marshall (1979), using data in Marshall et al. (1979), Marshall and Hecht (1978), and Reig (1979a, 19796) has suggested that cricetine rodents may have entered South America as early as 7 Myr BP, or at approximately the same time as the pro- cyonids crossed the water barrier of the Bolivar Trough. This suggestion corresponds roughly to those of Hershkovitz (1966, 1972), and, while un- supported by fossil evidence in northern South America, is based on the appearance of modern cri- cetine rodent genera in fossil beds of the Monte- hermosa Fauna of southern Buenos Aires Province, dated at about 3.5 Myr BP (Reig and Linares, 1969). The neighboring Chapadmalal Fauna contained an even greater number of modern genera and was dat- ed at about 2.7 Myr BP; the latter date corresponds to the suggested time period for the completion of the Panama Land Bridge (see Marshall et al., 1979). Marshall logically reasons that it is unlikely that this rather high diversity of pastorally-specialized ro- dent species could have developed from what were probably sylvan ancestors, although Baskin (1978) has given strong evidence that at least some South American cricetines (Calomys, a generalized genus suggested by Hershkovitz, 1962, to be ancestral to some of the phyllotine rodents) evolved in North America. If cricetines were able to enter the South American land mass as early as suggested, some mechanism to delay their appearance in fossil beds of southern South America by about 3.5 Myr is needed. Marshall proposes that Savanna-grassland habitats did not allow a natural colonization route for northern South American species to reach southern South America until the combined activi- ties of orogenic and glacial events disrupted the major macrohabitats of the continent such that dry habitats became contiguous north and south of the Amazon; since the earliest fossils are already spe- cialized for such habitats, it is suggested that such specialization took place in northern South America (for example, Venezuela, see Sarmiento, 1976). Support for Marshall’s ideas concerning habitats are available from various lines of evidence (for ex- ample, Mercer, 1973, 1976; Van der Hammen, 1974; Simpson, 1975; Webb, 1978). While this view is markedly opposed to that of Simpson (1951) or Pat- terson and PascLial (1972), it is still unlikely that colonization of the Monte by cricetine rodents took place much before the Pliocene-Pleistocene inter- face; no fossil cricetines are known from beds lo- cated in areas corresponding to either present-day or suggested Plio-Pleistocene Monte Desert limits. Mares (1975a, 1976, 1979), Mares and Hulse (1977), and Mares, Enders et al. (1977) have dis- cussed speciation patterns in the deserts of North America and the Monte Desert of Argentina. Both alpha and beta species richnesses are much greater in the northern deserts, not only for rodents, but for other groups of mammals as well. The overall differences in the speciation patterns (and thus pat- terns of species richness) between the North and South American desert systems may be due to dif- ferent effects of Pleistocene glaciation in each area. In North America the Pleistocene probably frac- tured a large, fairly continuous dry area into a num- 1980 MARES— DESERT RODENT ECOLOGY 9 Fig. 2. — A comparison of two desert rodent faunas (Monte and Sonoran sites) and a non-desert coniferous forest rodent fauna from New Mexico utilizing a canonical analysis based on 28 morphoecological traits. The first two canonical variates account for essentially all of the variance in dispersion. The two desert faunas, being plotted closely together on the first axis, are more similar to one another than either is to the forest fauna, even though the latter is closely related, phylogenetically, to the Sonoran assemblage (after Mares, 1973). Individual mean species values are shown by a letter symbol, whereas the faunal mean is given by the large circle. her of xeric refugia, thus forming a system condu- cive to species multiplication via geographic isolation, whereas in the Monte Desert, the Pleis- tocene may have isolated the desert ecosystem into a single, relatively small refugium in which some species (including, perhaps, the argyrologid mar- supials) went extinct (Mares, 1979). A system whereby a single refugium formed repeatedly would function as an extinction system leading to reduced species diversity because of the island nature of such a desert preserve (see MacArthur and Wilson, 1967; Diamond and May, 1976), while a system of multiple desert refugia, such as what probably ob- tained in North America during the Pleistocene, would act as a species multiplication system (Mares, 1979). Obviously, the rodents of the North and South American desert systems were quite distinct, phy- logenetically, from each other as well as from those species which were entering Australia at about the same time. Yet each group of rodents encountered elevated temperatures, great insolation, low and spo- radic precipitation, and low productivity. Other ro- dents were encountering similarly harsh environ- ments during their independent evolution in Africa and Asia. Mares (1976) compared morphological and eco- logical aspects of a locality in the Monte Desert (near Andalgala, Catamarca Province, Argentina) with one from a site in the Sonoran Desert (near Tucson, Arizona, USA). The Sonoran Desert is quite similar fioristically, climatologically, and geo- 10 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 16 morphologically to the Monte Desert (Orians and Solbrig, 1977), although its rodent fauna has been associated with developing arid, semiarid and grass- land communities since at least the Oligocene (Wood, 1935; Lidicker, 1960; Voorhies, 1975), and thus they have had more time to adapt to aridity. Mares also compared the rodent fauna of a non- desert community (a Western Yellow Pine area in central New Mexico, USA) with the two desert fau- nas to determine if the latter were more similar to each other morphologically than were the two North American faunas. Phylogenetically, the two northern faunas were more closely related than were those of the North and South American des- erts. By subjecting numerous morphological char- acteristics, which were selected because they pre- sumably reflected ecological functions, to several multivariate mathematical techniques (principal components analysis, cluster analysis, discriminant function analysis, and canonical analysis), Mares was able to show that the rodents from the two desert areas were more similar to one another, de- spite the fact that they were more distantly related, than were the two North American faunas (Fig. 2). Convergent evolution had occurred between the desert rodents and similarities were particularly ap- parent in several traits associated with a desert ex- istence (for example, various dental characteristics, inflated tympanic bullae, light-colored pelage, and others). These similarities might have been even greater had the historical biogeographic histories of the two deserts been more comparable. In these earlier papers (Mares, 1975^, 1976), I attempted to assess the degree of convergent evo- lution existing between two disjunct desert rodent faunas as indicated by the mathematical techniques. Before I utilized morphological measurements in the comparative analyses, however, I spent much time and effort studying the distribution, natural history, reproductive biology, physiology, and pop- ulation ecology of many of the Monte Desert species; Sonoran Desert rodents had been well- studied by others for more than a half-century. My familiarity with many aspects of the biology of the Argentine species allowed me to arrive at a rough determination of the degree of difference or simi- larity between the two amphitropical desert faunas. This determination was subjective in the sense that any ecologist who had spent a number of years working with the mammals of the Monte, and who possessed familiarity with the northern species, would very likely have developed some opinions regarding which species might fill similar niches in each area. Although some proposed examples of convergent pairs were obvious (for example, Cten- omys and Dolichotis of the Monte versus Tliomo- inys and Lepus of Arizona), other suggested equiva- lents might have found less acceptance among investigators (for example, Octomys and Microca- via of the Monte versus Neotoma and ground- dwelling sciurids of Arizona). Thus the problem I faced was to encounter some method of objectively comparing at least portions of the niche space of each species, that is, its ecological position within each desert. Form and function have long been known to be associated (for example, Darwin, 1859, discussing Galapagos Island finches; Thompson, 1917). An or- ganism’s morphology is the product of synergistic interactions of its environment and its genetic makeup, but various functional attributes can gen- erally be deduced from disparate morphological traits. Many investigators (for example, Shoener, 1965; Tamsitt, 1967; Cody, 1975; Karr and James, 1975; Findley, 1976) have pointed out that numerous ecological characteristics of organisms are strongly correlated with morphological traits (see also Hes- penheide, 1973). I found that by analyzing a number of morphological traits I was able to arrive at a sta- tistical comparison between rodents of both deserts that seemed logical from the ecological point of view. Some of these traits, such as the long hind legs and tail of desert rodents which are associated with bipedal locomotion, readily suggest a function; others, such as the width across the zygomata have a less obvious functional relationship. In quantify- ing these traits, and comparing them between fau- nas, I distinguished between these two types of morphological measurements (Appendix 1). In fact, both sets of measurements gave a reasonable inter- pretation of similarities between distantly-related species, but it is sometimes easier to see the func- tional applicability of one or more traits, because they strongly reflect ecological function. To use an extreme example, it would be quite surprising to find an herbivorous felid possessing the shearing teeth of a carnivore; the basis for assigning function to form is well-grounded in comparative zoology. Thus, I assigned an ecological function to diverse morphological traits and termed these traits “mor- phoecological” characteristics (Mares, 1975/?); the subordinate position of the prefix eco to morpho is intentional and points out that the traits are, above all, morphological and may be quite labile in their 1980 MARES— DESERT RODENT ECOLOGY II Fig. 3. — A site in the North American desert near Needles, California, where low shrubs (especially creosotebush, Larrea tridentata) and bursage (Franseha ) predominate. ecological implementation. Nevertheless, I fee! that it is possible to arrive at a first approximation of locomotor, trophic, physiological, and habitat sim- ilarities using nothing more than these types of mea- surements. Also, since most desert rodents of the world are poorly studied ecologically, such analy- ses should yield an impression of the ecological mosaic formed by the various rodent species com- prising a particular fauna, as well as an indication of the evolutionary forces that seem to mould fairly predictable sets of species in widely scattered xeric regions. The limitations of this method are obvious. If we begin with a well-studied fauna, such as the rodents of the Sonoran Desert of Arizona, and compare these with species which are essentially ecological- ly unknown, then we arrive at a comparison of mor- phoecometrics of the two groups. The underlying assumption is that a member of the unknown fauna sharing many functional traits with a species in the well-studied group probably fills a similar role in its own ecosystem. Thus a species in the Monte Des- ert, such as Eligmodontia typus, might be closely allied morphoecologically with Peromysciis ereini- cus of Arizona, meaning that such traits as overall body size and dimensions, ear length, omnivorous food habits, scansorial locomotion, pelage color and auditory bullae size, are shared between the species. E. typus differs in having longer hind feet and a longer tail, which reflects its propensity to inhabit fairly open sandy habitats. In this respect it is more similar to members of the genus Perog- natluis, and this fact can be inferred from the anal- yses. Such traits of Elignodontia such as its ability to extract water from cacti or to process solutions of extreme salinity (Mares, \915a , \911a) are not apparent from the measurements analyzed. Thus, regardless of the degree of sophistication of a mor- phological study, many important attributes of a species will only be discovered through intensive field and laboratory investigations. Up to now comparative multivariate morphomet- ries have been limited to analyses within higher taxa (Chiroptera, Rodentia, small birds, etc.) because of the difficulty in utilizing sets of measurements across morphologically unlike groups. Hence such important competition studies of widely differing taxa, such as those concerning the interactions of granivorous desert ants and mammals (Brown and Davidson, 1977), do not lend themselves to these methods. However, the multivariate Monte-Sono- ran desert rodent comparison did suggest that gran- ivory was an important attribute of rodents of Ari- zona and unimportant among those of the Monte. 12 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 16 Fig. 4. — A view of the Campo Arenal in the Monte Desert of Catamarca Province, Argentina, with Larrea cuneifolia as the dominant. These observations led directly to a comparison of the patterns of granivory of birds, ants, and rodents in the two deserts (Mares and Rosenzweig, 1978), With the limitations of these techniques in mind (Appendix 2), and with a belief that a first compar- ison of the ecological aspects of the desert rodent faunas of the world is at least desirable, I will pro- ceed to an analysis of morphoecological traits of the numerous species of rodents which have managed to successfully inhabit one of the earth’s most chal- lenging regions. A Three-Desert Comparison of Convergent Evolution The rodent faunas of the Sonoran and Monte des- erts were not as similar as might have been ex- pected given the great similarities in their environ- ments. If the lack of more pronounced convergent evolution is a result of a time factor (perhaps be- cause the Monte rodents have not had sufficient time to specialize for desert life because of their late arrival to the Monte), then one can presumably test this hypothesis by comparing both deserts with a third, environmentally-similar area with an evo- lutionary history more like that of the North Amer- ican desert. In the following example, the third des- ert area chosen was the Dasht-e-Kavir of Iran. The Iranian Desert has a winter-rain Mediterra- nean climate much like the Great Basin Desert of North America, and not like the bimodal, summer- winter precipitation characteristic of the northern Sonoran Desert, or the summer rainfall of the north- ern Monte (Ganji, 1955; Jaeger, 1957; Morello, 1958). Basically, however, all three areas are warm, subtropical deserts. All have a basin and range to- pography, with the two northern deserts being most similar in this regard (Zohary, 1963; Lustig, 1968; Logan, 1968). The two New World deserts have a pronounced tree and tail-cactus component, while the Kavir is a low shrub desert, but extensive areas of physiognomically similar habitats can be found in all three deserts (Figs. 3-5). The rodents of the Dasht-e-Kavir have had a long history of association with arid areas, either in Iran proper or in more northern Old World deserts, and they are phylogenetically less closely related to the rodent faunas of the two New World deserts than the latter are to each other (Simpson, 1945; Eller- man, 1949; Hall and Kelson, 1959; Dawson, 1967). Thus any similarities between the rodent faunas of the two deserts which have had a similar period of time for desert adaptations to develop would have to override those characteristics which might be due to common inheritance of the Sonoran and Monte desert rodents (that is, parallelism). 1980 MARES— DESERT RODENT ECOLOGY 13 Fig. 5. — A locality in the Dasht-e-Kavir Desert of Iran about 100 km southeast of Tehran, chenopodeaceous shrubs predominating. Methods The basic statistical techniques utilized in the following anal- yses are stepwise discriminant function analysis, canonical anal- ysis, and cluster analysis. The first technique is a fairly straight- forward method of comparing the ability of a number of variables to distinguish between groups that have been previously delin- eated. Thus, if variable a is some morphological measurement that best distinguishes between the groups, and variable is a separate variable, uncorrelated with a. and that is the second best variable to distinguish between the groups, then these two variables are weighted and combined to form a linear discrimi- nant function. The number of discriminant functions formed may be one less than the number of groups, or may be equal to the number of variables, depending on the significance with which the groups are distinguished. After the discriminant functions are formed, the groups are classified and the individual members comprising each group are compared to the overall group vari- ables to assess the statistical validity of their inclusion within a particular group. This allows for a determination of the precision of group assignations, as well as a method of calculating the probability that a group member actually belongs in another of the assigned groups rather than in the group under consideration. The second technique, canonical analysis, proceeds from the first. Here, the original variables are used to form a separate set of canonical variables which are themselves uncorrelated with one another. The members of each group are then plotted along each canonical axis (often the first two axes explain the greatest amount of variance in the data), and the distances in /(-dimen- sional space (Mahalanobis distance), where // = the number of variables, are given for each group member to its group mean value, and to every other individual being examined. It is thus possible to get a 2-dimensional visual impression of /(-dimen- sional spatial relationships. For example, if there is great overlap between groups with many of their component members being similar to others in separate groups, the plot would indicate ap- proximately the same space being occupied by all groups. Sim- ilarly, if only one or two group members are generally similar to those of another group, the former may be plotted more closely to members of the latter group (see also Heyck and Klecka, 1973; Klecka, 1975; Cody, 1978). Cluster analysis has been widely discussed in the literature and will not be explained here (for example, Cooley and Lohnes, 1971; Sneath and Sokal, 1973). The species analyzed in the three-desert comparison are listed in Table I . while Table 2 lists the morphoecological traits utilized in the analyses. The rationale for measurements is discussed at length in Appendix I. In addition to the rodents used in the earlier North American-South American comparison, represen- tatives of rodent species from a locality located approximately 100 kilometers southeast of Tehran, Iran, were included in the present analysis. Individuals were measured and the data were subjected to various multivariate techniques including stepwise discriminant function analysis and canonical variate analysis (BMDP and SPSS programs), and the cluster analysis techniques of the NT-SYS computer program package of F. James Rohlf of the State University of New York at Stony Brook. The un- weighted arithmetic pair-group method with averages was used to generate phenograms, and both distance and correlation pho- nograms were plotted. I separated the North and South American rodent assemblages into a number of loose functional groups. These included the following categories; Dipodomys (the bipedal heteromyids); Per- ognathus (the quadrupedal heteromyids); Sonoran (the remain- der of the Arizona rodents); “gophers” (the highly fossorial Tho- momys of Arizona and Ctenoniys of Argentina); and Monte (all Monte rodents excepting Ctenomys). Each rodent species from the Iranian Desert was entered into the multivariate analysis as 14 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 16 Table I. — Rodent species in one locality each of the Monte Desert of South America, the Sonoran Desert of North America, and the Dasht-e-Kavir Desert of Iran. Sonoran (Tucson) Monte (Andalgaia) Iran (near Tehran) Family Heteromyidae Family Cricetidae Family Cricetidae Perognathus baileyi Subfamily Cricetinae Subfamily Cricetinae Perognathiis intermedins Perognathus penicillatus Perognathus flavus Dipodomys merriami Dipodomys spectabilis Tribe Hesperomyinae Eligmodontia typus Phyllotis griseofiavus Family Caviidae Tribe Cricetini Calomyscus bailwardi Subfamily Gerbillinae Meriones lihycus Dipodomys ordii Microcavia australis Meriones crassus Family Geomyidae Family Octodontidae Meriones persicus Gerbillus nanus Family Dipodidae Allactaga elater Jaculus blandfordi Thomomys bottae Family Cricetidae Subfamily Cricetinae Tribe Hesperomyinae Octomys mima.x Family Ctenomyidae Ctenomys fulvus Neotoma albigula Peromyscus eremicus Peromyscus maniculatus Onychomys torridus Reithrodontomys megalotis Reithrodontomys fidvescens Sigmodon hispidus Family Sciuridae Ammospermophilus harrisi being of “unknown affinity”, and the computer procedure was to assign each unknown to one of the previously described major groups, the assignation being based on the number and interre- lationships of shared character states. Results and Discussion The rodent fauna of the Kavir site is not nearly as rich in species as is the Tucson site, rather it resembles that of the Andaigala locality in the Monte Desert (Table 1, Figs, 14-16). Rodents seem to be abundant in the Kavir, however (Lay, 1967; Mares, personal observation), and the low densities of rodents and other small mammals in the South American desert is an uncommon observation for a major desert area; this is also the case in Australia (for example, Schall and Pianka, 1978; Morton, 1979). Possibly the fact that Monte rodents are less specialized for desert life helps account for the dif- ferences in relative abundances evident among the three deserts, although the Pleistocene history of extinction and the coevolutionary relationships of plants, ants, and granivorous rodents might also be an important factor in the smaller population sizes of rodents supported in the Argentine desert (Mares and Rosenzweig, 1978; Mares, 1979; Mor- ton, 1979). The positioning of members of the Iranian, So- noran, and Monte rodent faunas on the first two canonical axes when only external traits were uti- lized is shown in Fig. 6, while Table 3 gives the loadings of each variable making up the first two canonical variates. The expectation that the simi- larities between Iran and Sonora would override the phylogenetic relationships of the Sonoran and Monte deserts was not entirely realized. The So- noran and Monte rodents are closer to one another than either is to the Iranian fauna. The mean Ma- halanobis Distance (D^) of the Sonoran bipedal Di- podomys species to the Iranian species is 9.8 units, while the mean distance of each Sonoran species to its faunal mean is 18.5 units. The distance of the Sonoran bipeds to the Monte is 14 units. In fact, two Sonoran species, the bannertail kangaroo rat, Dipodomys spectabilis, and the grasshopper mouse, Onychomys torridus, were assigned to the Iranian desert. Two other species, the white-throated woodrat, Neotoma albigula, and the gopher, Tho- momys bottae, were placed with the Monte ro- dents. The assignments were undoubtedly based on the Iranian desert having few species, but two of these are bipedal forms (like Dipodomys) and one is a cricetine with coronally-hypsodont dentition 1980 MARES— DESERT RODENT ECOLOGY 15 Table 2. — Morphological measurements, ratios, and categories used in the various multivariate determinations. Measurements denoted by an asterisk(*) are traits which reflect ecological aspects quite strongly (Figs. 2! , 23). Those marked with a ( ') were used in the analyses given in Figs. 6, 10; those with a were used in computing Figs. 7, II , 19; those with a were utilized in Figs. 20. 24 whereas all traits (except weight) were used in Figs. 18. 22. External Crania! 1) Head-body length (HBL)’--'® 15) 2) Tail length (TL)*-^ 16) 3) Hind foot length (HFL)'’® i7) 4) Height of ear from notch (EL)^’^ 18) 5) Length of longest vibrissae (VL)*’^ 19) 6) Length of hair between shoulders 20) *7) Tail length/head-body length (TL/HBL)* 2!) *8) Hind foot length/head-body length (HFL/HBL)' 22) *9) Ear length/head-body length (EL/HBL)' *23) *10) Vibrissae length/head-body length (VL/HBL)' *24) *1!) Hair iength/head-body length (HL/HBL)' 25) *12) Weight (W)> *26) *13) Foot bristles (FB)*’^ *27) *14) Tuftiness of tail (TT)’’^ *28) *41) Vibrissae density (VD)*-^ *29) *30) *31) *32) *33) *34) *35) *36) *37) *38) 39) *40) Basal length (BL)^’“ Incisor-molar length (IML)''* Bullar length (UL)^ Bullar width (UW)-* Width across molariform tooth rows (mouth width) (MW)-’ Zygomatic breadth (ZB)’’* Incisor width Incisor length (IL)-'^ Incisor-molar length/basal length x 100(1ML/BL)- BuMar index (Ul)‘ Length of molar tooth row (TRL)^"’ Tooth row length/incisor-molar length x iOO (TRL/IML)^ Width across tooth rows/basal length x 100 (TRL/BL)^ Zygomatic breadth/basal length x 100 (ZB/BL) Incisor width/basal length x 100 (IW/BL)^ Incisor length/basal length x 100 (IL/BL)^ Incisor angle (lA)-”’ Seizer-digger incisors (SZ)-’^ Triturator incisors (TI)--^ Molar planation (MP)-’^ Molar complexity (MC)^’^ Tubercular hypsodonty (TH)-"’ Coronal hypsodonty (CH)-'^ Molar triangulation (MT)'’-’ Molar tooth row width (TW)-’^ Relative molariform surface area (SA)- (like Onychomys). The Monte, with even fewer species, has a rodent {Octomys mi max) which strongly resembles a woodrat, externally, and a fos- sorial tuco-tuco (Ctenomys) which is practically in- distinguishable from a North American geomyid. The location of the three desert faunas plotted on the first two canonical axes when only dental traits are utilized is given in Fig. 7; Table 4 shows the weightings of the various characteristics on the ca- nonical variates. As before, the Sonoran and Monte rodents are closer to each other than either is to the Iranian group, while the latter is most similar to the North American desert. This same pattern was ob- tained using 25 ecological variables. Correlation and distance phenograms were com- puted using 25 morphoecological variables (Figs. 8 and 9). In the correlation phenogram (Fig. 8), a number of points are of interest. The first cluster is composed of a large group of North American des- ert specialists, the heteromyids (pocket mice and kangaroo rats, here termed “K-rats”), which are grouped fairly tightly, and this cluster is loosely linked to one containing the two bipedal dipodids. AUactaga and Jacidus, of the Iranian Desert. No Monte species are included within this large cluster. The second grouping includes most Sonoran Desert small scansorial micro-omnivores ("pero- myscines”), as well as the leaf-eared mouse, Phyllotis (Graomys) griseoflavus, of the Monte. The carnivorous-insectivorous grasshopper mouse of Arizona, Onychomys torridus, is closely clus- tered with the hamster of Iran, Calornysciis bail- Table 3. — The coefficients for each of the original variables forming the first two canonical variates in Fig. 6. Original variable Canonical variate 1 Canonical variate 2 TL/HBL 0 0 HFL/HBL 0 _ ^2 EL/HBL -.! .1 VL/HBL 0 0 HL/HBL -.1 0 W 0 0 FB 0 1.5 TT -.6 -.3 VD 2.5 .5 16 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 16 Fig. 6. — A canonical analysis of external morphological traits comparing the Monte. Sonoran, and Iranian rodent faunas. Individual species means are shown by the appropriate letter symbol, whereas the faunal mean is denoted by an asterisk (*). wardi. The next clusters involve Arizona and Ar- gentine species only, with no Iranian species being grouped with (that is, being ecological equivalents of) the “wood rats” (scansorial, medium-sized her- bivores), the “ground squirrels” (scansorial, me- dium-sized omnivores and/or herbivores which bur- row extensively), or the “gophers” (highly fossorial root, tuber, and above ground vegetation feeders). The final cluster, loosely joined to the “gopher” group, is comprised of the Iranian jirds, Meriones, and the Monte caviomorph, Octomys mimax. The distance phenogram (Fig. 9) presents a some- what different view of the three desert rodent fau- nas. Now there is a major cluster of desert rodents made up largely of the heteromyids, the small Ger- hillus nanus and the Meriones species of Iran, and the Monte caviomorph, O. mimax. The other clus- ters are similar to those of the correlation pheno- gram, except that the bipedal dipodids are only loosely grouped with the rest of the desert rodents. The inclusion of Octomys within the category which I have termed “desert specialists” is not sur- prising considering that this is a highly desert adapt- ed caviomorph which inhabits extremely arid areas within the Monte subsisting largely on cacti and other vegetation and, in other respects as well. 1980 MARES— DESERT RODENT ECOLOGY 17 Fig. 7. — A canonical analysis utilizing 23 dental traits in a comparison of three desert rodent faunas. Individual species mean values are denoted by the appropriate letter symbol, whereas the faunal mean is indicated by an asterisk (*). being similar to the wood rats (Neotoma) of North America (Mares, 1976). However, the failure of the dipodids to be clustered, even tenuously, with the heteromyids was not expected. Both of these groups of desert rodents have long been considered ecological equivalents that have strongly converged in their morphology and ecology in becoming highly adapted desert specialists (Howell, 1932; Vaughn, 1972; Gunderson, 1976). In order to determine why such a priori examples of convergent evolution were not clustered together as ecological equivalents, I performed a series of stepwise discriminant function and canonical anal- yses on two subsets of the data. In examining the characteristics that were utilized in the cluster anal- yses, it became apparent that two major ecological parameters were being measured — food habits and food procurement (certain dental and cranial mea- surements); and locomotion and overall external appearance (most external measurements). When these two groups of traits were analyzed separately (Table 2), each analysis produced a markedly dif- ferent pattern. The canonical analysis based on external char- acteristics is given in Fig. 10. The Mahalanobis Dis- tance (D-) values for the group means and for the various unknowns are given in Table 5, while the approximate weightings of each trait forming the canonical variates are shown in Table 6. Both Al- lactaga and Jacuhis were assigned to the Dipodo- inys group, along with Gerbillus nanus. Callomys- ciis and the two jirds. Me none s crassus and M. persicus, were assigned to the Sonoran assemblage, while the remaining jird, M. lihycus, was assigned to the “gopher” group. From the loadings on the first two canonical variates, it can be seen that Ca- nonical Variate 1 is composed primarily of variables describing foot bristles, relative ear, hair, and hind foot lengths, and vibrissae density. On Canonical Variate 2, vibrissae density, tail tuftiness, and rel- ative ear and hind foot lengths are weighted fairly heavily. Thus it appears that species located on the 18 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 16 CORRELATION 0 •5 1 DIPODOMYS DIPODOMYS DIPODOMYS PEROGNATHUS PEROGNATHUS PEROGNATHUS PEROGNATHUS - GERBILLUS OCTOMYS MERIONES MERIONES MERIONES ALLACTAGA JACULUS NEOTOMA SIGMODON - PHYLLOTIS. AMMOSPERMOPHILU MICROCAVIA THOMOMYS' CTENOMYS” PEROMYSCUS PEROMYSCUS REITHRODONTOMYS REITHRODONTOMYS ELIGMODONTIA ONYCHOMYS ' CALOMYSCUS Desert Specialists "Pack Rats" "Ground Squirrels" "Gophers" "Peromyscines" Insectivores" Fig. 8. — A correlation phenogram of the rodents of three deserts based on 25 morphoecological traits. Allactaga and Jaculus. thought to be Old World equivalents of kangaroo rats (Dipodoinys), are not clustered with the heteromyids. Most Sonoran and Iranian species fall into the “desert specialist" category. Table 4. — The coefficients for each of the original variables forming the first two canonical variates in Fig. 7. Original variable Canonical variate 1 Canonical variate 2 W -.1 0 IML/BL .1 -.1 TRL/IML 0 — .2 MW -.4 .6 ZB/BI. .1 -.1 IW/BL 2.2 1.4 IL/BL -1,0 -.7 lA -1,8 -.7 SZ -6.1 -2.3 MP 1.5 1.0 MC 3.5 -.2 IH .4 .3 CH -2.6 .7 MT 2.0 -2.5 SA 31.8 -6.2 left half of the figure would possess dense vibrissae and have fairly long hind feet, while those located in the upper part of the figure would have tails with conspicuous tufts, as well as relatively long hind feet and ears. It is evident from Table 5 that the D“ distances from the Kavir species to each of the as- signed group means were often quite close and final determination of the most similar group was based on small differences in //-dimensional space. Ger- billiis nanus, for example, was located 54.5 units from the Dipodomys mean and only 54.9 units from the Sonora mean value. The slightly greater dis- 1980 MARES— DESERT RODENT ECOLOGY 19 DISTANCE -8 -I Diponnws ■ DIPODOflYS DIPODOMYS OCTOMYS , NEOTOMA SIGMODON - PHYLLOTIS , MERIONES MERIONES . HER I ONES PEROGNATHIIS' PEROGNATHIIS PEROGNATHIIS ‘ PEROGNATHUS GERBILLIIS , PEROMYSCIIS PEROMYSCIIS REITHRODONTOMYS REITHRODONTOMYS ' EUGfiODONTIA ONYCHOWS CALOMYSCIJS AmOSPERriOPHiUJS' mCROCAVIA THOMOMYS ]. CTENOMYS J ALLACTAGA JACULUS "K-Rats "Pack Rats" ".JiRDS "Pocket Mice "Peromysc I NES" "Ground Squirrels "Gophers" Di PODins Fig. 9. — A distance phenogram of the rodents of three deserts based on 41 morphological traits. Dipodids are greatly separated from the remainder of the rodents. Table 5. — Square of the Mahalanohis Distance (D-) of each of the groups and unknowns examined in an analysis of external char- acteristics (Fig. 10). Mean ± SD. Group Mean D* values Dipodomys Perognathus Sonora “Gophers’* Monte Dipodomys 4.3 ± 3.0 40.8 ± 23.6 170.9 ± 25.3 335.7 ± 39.2 216.1 ± 18.2 Perognathus 39.5 ± 5.6 3.0 ± 1.2 138.0 ± 20.9 285.7 ± 26.7 216.3 ± 26.7 Sonora 175.6 ± 29.9 144.0 ± 26.6 8.9 ± 3.0 69.4 ± 17.5 37.2 ± 9.0 “Gophers” 335.4 ± 39.5 286.7 ± 32.1 64.4 ± 10.0 3.95 ± 0 84.1 ± 5.4 Monte 221.8 ± 23.7 223.3 ± 36.0 38.2 ± 15.7 89.8 ± 6.9 10.0 ± 1.3 Calomyscus 121.1 146.8 42.6 158.9 60.8 Gerhillus 54.4 62.7 54.9 164.9 107.8 Meriones lihycus 323.2 315.1 48.4 42.1 46.8 Meriones crassus 203.7 189.1 17.0 40.9 46.7 Meriones persicus 143.9 147.8 39.1 124.1 78.7 Allactaga 447.5 631.7 628.3 853.6 479.7 Jaculus 131.4 264.5 485.2 691.5 462.2 20 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 16 Canonical Variate I Fig. 10. — A canonical analysis of rodents from three desert localities based on external traits. Iranian rodents have been assigned as unknowns, whereas the North American and Monte rodents have been broken into a number of functional groups. Bipedal Allactaga is placed with Dipodomys: quadrupedal Meriones is placed with the "gophers.” x equals group means; dots equal cages. tance from the Sonora mean is almost certainly due to the disparate nature of the species comprising The Sonoran assemblage, including medium-sized ground squirrels (Ammospennophihis) and cotton rats (Sipmodon), as well as small scansorial crice- tines. It should be noted that the distance of Ger- hillus to the Peropnatliiis mean was only 64.4 units. Allactapa was over three times farther from the Dipodomys mean than was Jacidns (447.5 versus 131.4 units, respectively). In the analysis of dental characteristics (Eig. 11, Tables 7 and 8), the three species of Meriones were all assigned to the Dipodomys category, with M. lihycns being the most similar to the Dipodomys group. Gerhillns and Calomyseus were also as- signed to the kangaroo rat assemblage. The two di- podids were assigned differently, with Jacnlns being placed with the kangaroo rats, while Alloc- taga was grouped with the “gophers.” The weight- ings of the various dental characteristics on the first 1980 MARES— DESERT RODENT ECOLOGY 21 o o 5 a o o O Canonical Variate I Fig. II. — A canonical analysis of desert rodents from three localities based on dental traits. Iranian rodents have been assigned as unknowns, whereas North and South American species have been broken into a number of functional groups. Bipedal AUavtaga is placed with the “gophers”; quadrupedal Merioiies lihycus is assigned to the Dipodomys groups. Symbols as in Fig. 10. canonical axis (Table 8) show that the variables which made up that axis were primarily the molar- iform surface area, the possession of seizer-digger incisors, coronal hypsodonty, molar planation pat- terns, molar cusp patterns (for example, molar com- plexity), relative incisor width and incisor angle. Canonical Variate 2 was composed primarily of the molariform surface area, seizer-digger incisors, mo- lar planation and complexity, coronal hypsodonty, relative incisor-molar length, and relative incisor width. Thus species with pronounced seizer-digger incisors or large molariform surface areas would have low values (strongly negative) on Canonical Variate 1, and the value of the canonical coefficient would increase as the molariform surface area, or the degree to which the incisors indicated a seizer- digger function, decreased. The great differences in the dental characteristics, and the great variability of these traits, is apparent when the Mahaianobis Distances are examined — most are quite large when out-group comparisons are made. The above analyses suggest that, within the So- Table 6. — The coefficients for each variable forming the first two canonical variates in Fig. 10. Original variable Canonical variale 1 Canonical variale 2 TL/HBL 0.02 -0.04 HFL/HBL -0.64 0.32 EL/HBL 0.71 0.49 VL/HBL -0.27 -0.01 HL/HBL 0.28 -0.09 W 0.01 0.01 FB 3.86 0.20 TT 0.13 0.49 VD -2.08 0.81 22 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 16 Fig. 12. — Bipedal desert rodents are found in both North America {Dipodomys) and Iran (AUactaga, upper right), whereas a highly fossorial group {Tliomoinys. lower left) inhabits North American deserts, and a less fossorial, but extensively burrowing species {Meriones lihycns, lower right) is found in Iran. The food habits of the externally similar species are reversed, however. Niche segments (food and locomotion) have been switched. Table 7. — Square i of Mahalanohis Distance (£)-) of each of the groups and unknowns (Fig. II). Mean ± SD. examined in an analysis of dental characteristics Mean D“ values Dipodomys Perognathus Sonora “Gophers” Monte Dipodomys 10.7 ± 0 * * * * Perognathus * 12.0 ± 0 * * * Sonora * ■¥ 14.0 ± 0 7572.5 ± 57.6 1863.9 ±91.1 “Gophers" * * 7566.5 ± 22.6 8.0 ± 0 5072.4 ± 22.7 Monte * * 1862.0 ± 46.7 5076.4 ± 20.3 12.0 ± 0 Calomyscus 9131.5 * * * * Gerhillus 1384.2 * * * * Meriones lihycns 1765.8 * * * * Meriones crassus * * * * M eriones persicus ** * * * * AUactaga * * * ** * Jaciilus ** * * * * * Distance exceeded program printing capabilities. ** Assigned to this group although program printing capabilities were exceeded. 1980 MARES— DESERT RODENT ECOLOGY 23 Fig. 13. — Serir habitat in Wadi Natroun, about 100 km NW of Cairo, where Pachyuromys diiprasi, Gerhilliis perpallidiis (quadrupedal species), and Jandus Jaculus (a bipedal species) co-occur. noran and Iranian deserts, both seed and root-and- tuber eating niche parameters are represented, and that bipedal, externally similar rodents are present in each desert, but food preferences and locomotor adaptations are associated in reversed ways (Fig. 12; that is, parts of each of these niche parameters have been switched). The Monte Desert, which contained bipedal, possibly granivorous rodenti- form marsupials as recently as the late Pliocene or early Pleistocene, currently lacks obligate granivo- rous rodents or species which are bipedal (Figs. 14- 16). The causes of bipedality in desert rodents are not well understood, but a number of major factors (which are not necessarily mutually exclusive) have been suggested as possible causative agents, in- cluding predator avoidance and the freeing of the forelimbs for seed gathering (Bartholomew and Caswell, 1951; Vaughan, 1972; Hildebrand, 1974). One of the problems with invoking predator avoid- ance as a factor in the evolution of bipedality is that throughout the world most desert rodents are not bipedal. While it may be argued that bipedal forms live in areas of lower plant cover than quadrupedal species (for example. Price, 1978; Wondolleck, 1978), I have not found this to be the case. In Egypt, for example, bipedal Jaculus jaculus inhabits the same sparsely vegetated gravelly serir habitat as the quadrupedal Pachyuromys duprassi and Gerbillus perpallidus (Fig. 13). In the southwestern United States, bipedal Dipodomys deserti and/or D. mer- riami, as well as the quadrupedal pocket mice, Per- ognathus ampins or P. longimemhris, co-occur in exceedingly sparse habitats. Some bipedal species (for example, Dipodomys agilis, of the southwest- ern United States, which live under a dense canopy of chaparral vegetation, or Microdipodops mega- cephalus, near Mono Lake, California) may inhabit Table 8. — The coefficients for each of the original variables forming the first two canonical variates in Fig. II. Original variable Canonical variate 1 Canonical variate 2 w 1.3 0.1 IML/BL -5.2 4.5 U1 4.8 -2.1 TRL/IML -17.6 -0.1 TRL/BL 20.7 4.0 ZB/BL -2.8 -0.3 IW/BL - 16.7 8.0 IL/BL 1.2 -3.0 lA 11.4 -7.0 SZ -135.4 -42.5 MP -45.1 -19.6 MC 31.7 17.0 TH -16.5 -2.6 CH 71.1 18.2 MT -37.2 0.8 SA -408.4 -57.0 24 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 16 Fig. 14. — Representation of microhabitat selection of small mammals in the Dasht-e-Kavir Desert southeast of Tehran, a low scrub desert. In this and the following two figures, no attempt is made to designate abundance of a particular species within a particular microhabitat, nor are animals drawn to scale. Fig. 15. — Microhabitat selection of rodents in the Monte Desert of northwestern Argentina, a floristically complex plant community. 1980 MARES— DESERT RODENT ECOLOGY 25 localities supporting dense vegetation. The recent paper by Wondolleck (1978) presents data of for- aging microhabitats of one bipedal species (D. mer- riami) and three quadrupedal coexisting species of Perognathus. These data suggest that the bipedal rodent forages in large open spaces devoid of vege- tation while the three pocket mice forage in and around perrenial shrubs. Possibly bipedal species will be found to preferentially forage in areas where predator attacks would have a greater probability of success (open areas), while quadrupedal species will primarily forage near cover, scampering quick- ly across intervening patches of open desert. Sub- strate does not seem to be related to the bipedal habit. Some species, such as D. agilis of the chap- arral scrub of California, occur on hard, clayey hill- sides, while other species may be found on soils ranging from sand to gravel (for example, M. me- gacephalus on sand, D. merriami on some gravel slopes). Many quadrupeds are obligate granivores, and some bipeds eat vegetable material and insects. Recently Reichman and Oberstein (1977) pro- posed that bipedality is a morphophysiological re- sponse for efficient and rapid locomotion to better exploit patchy, widely-spaced resources (see also Dawson, 1976; Price, 19786). The niche reversal situation described here implies that among desert rodents granivory and bipedality may not be as ob- ligately associated as has been supposed. Although it is possible that roots and tubers are more widely spaced in the sparse Iranian Desert than in the more vegetated Sonoran Desert, thus selecting for a “go- BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 16 26 SONORAN KAVIR MONTE E S Fig. 17. — A subjective designation of the major food categories of small mammals in the Sonoran, Iranian, and Monte deserts. Note that granivory is lacking in the Monte, whereas herbivory predominates there. Insectivory is a minor trophic category in all deserts, being filled by a rodent and a shrew in both Arizona and Iran, and a marsupial in Argentina. The relative sizes of the circles within a food category are strictly my subjective estimate of the importance of that category in each desert. Thus, herbivory seems most important in the Monte, whereas seeds are about equally as important in the two northern deserts. pher” of high mobility (that is, a bipedal gopher), there is almost no hard evidence to support the sup- posed correlation of bipedality and the strategy of foraging on clumped resources. I have evidence from experimental field studies on desert rodents of the southwestern United States that bipedal and quadrupedal species forage on patchy and fine- grained resources in much the same manner, and that both groups concentrate on the finely-distrib- uted seeds (Mares, unpublished). Eor the moment, the major selective forces affecting the evolution of bipedality among desert rodents are unknown. There are many similarities between the Iranian and Sonoran desert rodent faunas, particularly in some of the overall morphological adaptations and the food habit specializations. Generally there were great similarities in the ecological relationships de- picted by the distance and correlation phenograms, particularly the rather close clustering of Onycho- mys and Calomyscus. Although little is known about the natural history of the long-tailed hamster of Iran, Lay (1967) reports that some individuals fed primarily on seeds, whereas Walker (1964) notes that they readily consume animal material. 1980 MARES— DESERT RODENT ECOLOGY 27 Table 9. — Phylogenetic listing of desert rodents of the world used in multivariate analyses. Appro.ximate location of capture given. Classification based on Simpson (1945) and Wood (1955). Suborder Sciuromorpha Family Sciuridae Xerus (Ghana: Damango) Geosciurus { Bechuanaland ) Spermophllopsis leptodactylus (USSR, Turkmen) Ammospermophilus harrisi (southwestern U.S.) Family Geomyidae Thomomys hottae (southwestern U.S.) Puppogeomys castanops (southwestern U.S.) Family Heteromyidae Dipodomys merriami (southwestern U.S.) Dipodomys ordii (southwestern U.S.) Dipodomys spectahllis (southwestern U.S.) Dipodomys microps (southwestern U.S.) Dipodomys agilis (southwestern U.S.) Dipodomys desert i (southwestern U.S.) Microdipodops megacephalus (southwestern U.S.) Perognathus haileyi (southwestern U.S.) Perognathus intermedins (southwestern U.S.) Perognathus penicillatus (southwestern U.S.) Perognathus flavus (southwestern U.S.) Suborder Myomorpha Family Cricetidae Subfamily Cricetinae Tribe Hesperomyini Reithrodontomys megalotis (southwestern U.S.) Reithrodontomys fulvescens (southwestern U.S.) Peromyscus eremicus (southwestern U.S.) Peromyscus maniculatus (southwestern U.S.) Peromyscus crinitus (southwestern U.S.) Baiomys taylori (southwestern U.S.) Onychomys torridus (southwestern U.S.) EUgmodontia typus (Argentina) Phyllotis griseoflavus (Argentina) Sigmodon hispidus (southwestern U.S.) Neotoma lepida (southwestern U.S.) Neotoma alhigtila (southwestern U.S.) Tribe Cricetini Calomyscus haihvardi (Iran) Phodopus rohorowskii (China) Mystromys alhicaudatus (South Africa) Cricetulus harahensis (China) Cricetulus curtatus (Mongolia) Subfamily Gerbillinae Gerhillus nanus (Iran) Gerhillus campestrls (Morocco) GerhiUurus paeha (Southwest Africa) Sekeetamys calurus (Egypt) Taterillus harringtoni (Kenya) Desmodillus auricularls (?) Pachyuromys duprasi (Egypt) Meriones llhycus (Iran) Meriones crassus (Iran) Meriones persicus (Iran) Psammomys ohesus (Libya) Rhomhomys opimus (China) Table 9. — Continued. Family Spalacidae Spala.x ehrenhergi (Egypt) Family Muridae Subfamily Murinae Thallomys nigricaudata (British East Africa) Leggadina delicata (Australia) Notomys ale.xis (Australia) Notomys carpentarius (Australia) Subfamily Dendromurinae Malacothri.x typicus (Kalahari) Petromyscus harbour (South Africa) Steatomys athi (British East Africa) Family Dipodidae Subfamily Dipodinae Dipus sowerhyi (Mongolia) Paradipus ctenodactylus (U.S.S.R.) Eremodipus lichtensteini (U.S.S.R.) Stylodipus andrewsi (Mongolia) ./aculus hlandfordi (Iran) Jaculus orientalis (Morocco) Jaculus deserti (Morocco) Scirtopoda telum (U.S.S.R.) Allactaga mongolica (Mongolia) Allactaga elater (Iran) Pygeretmus shitkovi (U.S.S.R.) Subfamily Cardiocraniinae Cardiocranius paradoxus ( Mongolia) Suborder Caviomorpha Family Caviidae Microcavia australis (Argentina) Family Octodontidae Octodon degus (Chile) Octomys mima.x (Argentina) Octodontomys simonsi (Bolivia) Family Ctenomyidae Ctenomys fulvus (Argentina) Suborder Bathyergomorpha Family Bathyergidae Bathyergus janetta (South Africa) Georhychus capensis (South Africa) Cryptomys darlingi (Southwest Africa) Heterocephalus glaher (Kenya) Suborder .’Sciuromorpha, Hystricomorpha, or Myomorpha Family Ctenodactylidae Ctenodactylus gundi (Morocco) The clustering of the hamster with the principally insectivorous-carnivorous Onychomys suggests that the propensity to eat animal matter may be more important than has previously been realized. Although Calomyscits bears a strong resemblance to Peromyscus (Osgood, 1947), the multivariate analyses were usually able to separate the hamster from the Peromyscus assemblage. Jaculus hland- fordi is an uncommon species that is very poorly 28 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 16 Table 10. — Regional listing of the genera comprising each desert rodent fauna used in the multivariate analyses. North America South America Australia Northern Africa Southern Africa China U.S.S.R. Iran Dipodomys Ctenomys Leggadina Heterocephaliis Thallomys Cricetuius Stylodipus Calomyscus Microdipodops Octomys Notomys Xerus Geosciurus Phodopus Dipus Gerhillus Perognathus Octodon Pachyuromys Steatomys Dipus Spermophllopsis Meriones Neotoma Octodontomys Sekeetumys DesmodiUus Cardiocranius Pygeretmus AUactaga Onychomys Microcavia Psanunomys Mukicothrix AUactaga Paradipus Jacidus Peromyscus Phyllotis Spala.x Petromyscus Rhomhomys Eremodipus Rhomhomys Baiomys Eligmodontia Taterillus Georhychus Scirtopoda Reithrodontomys Ctenodactylus Bathyergus Alactagidus Sigmodon Jacidus Cryptomys AUactaga Ammospermophi- Gerhillus Mystromys Rhomhomys ins Gerhillurus Thomomys Pappogeomys known ecologically. Other species of Jacttlns are known to eat seeds as well as other plant material (Fetter, 1961; Ognev, 1963; Eisenberg, 1975), and the particular diet probably varies greatly from species to species. At least one species, J. turc- menictts of the U.S.S.R., is almost totally herbiv- orous (Naumov and Lobachev, 1975). The multi- variate analyses suggest that J . hlandfordi is closer ecologically to Dipodomys than is AUactaga. Ger- hillits nanus is probably quite similar ecologically to Perognathiis and was clustered with the pocket mouse group in both distance and correlation anal- yses. Schematic representations of some of the broad niche categories of rodents at the Kavir, So- noran, and Monte desert localities are given in Eigs. 14-17. The fact that only one rodent from the Monte Desert was clustered with Iranian and Sonoran species within the desert specialist category sup- ports the contention that the South American species have not had time to evolve a high degree of adaptation to desert conditions. This is particu- larly true for the cricetines, descendants of the most recent colonizers of the South American continent. An Analysis of the Desert Rodents of the World The previous analyses yielded a number of re- sults that, in retrospect, either appeared logical when I had an intimate knowledge of the ecology of the various species being examined, such as in the Monte-Sonora-New Mexico Eorest compari- son, or were counterintuitive when the fauna was less well known ecologically, for example in the Sonora-Monte-Iranian study. The anomalous rela- tionship of the bipedal herbivorous AUactaga finds at least some support in the literature, whereas the similarities between Meriones and Dipodomys in overall food habits have been shown in a number of studies. I decided to measure individuals of as many species of desert rodents as possible in order to determine whether or not these same multivari- ate techniques utilizing various suites of morphoecological characteristics could be extended to the world desert system. If the information pro- duced by such analyses reflects aspects of the bi- ology of the species, it should allow one to deter- mine which species in the various disjunct deserts might fill similar roles, as well as which species are Table 1 1. — Mean Mahalanohis Distances (D-) of each desert fauna to all other faunas when 40 traits are utilized (Fig. 18). U.S. South America Australia North Africa South Africa China Russia Iran U.S. 25.0 55.0 110.2 43.4 39.2 76.2 76.8 62.4 South America — 25.5 113.9 70.8 72.6 86.1 83.9 68.1 Australia — — 27.4 1 17.7 101.9 97.1 103.3 100.7 North Africa — — — 29.8 40.5 85.7 83.3 68.5 South Africa — — — — 30.3 73.4 77.9 70.6 China — — — — — 29.7 46.8 71.8 Russia — — — — — — 28.1 70.1 Iran — — — — — — — 26.7 1980 MARES— DESERT RODENT ECOLOGY 29 Fig. 18. — Canonical analysis of desert rodent faunas from eight regions based on 40 morphological traits. Symbols: number I and letters A indicate the group mean and individual cases respectively, for United States desert rodents; 2 and B = South America; 3 and C = Australia; 4 and D = North Africa; 5 and E = South Africa; 6 and F = China, 7 and G = Russia; 8 and H = Iran. One species per genus occurring in each desert region (and listed in Table 9) was used in the analysis so as not to weight any particular genus more than any other. unique to a particular desert and seem to fill a niche which is not even loosely repeated in any other des- ert of the world. Further, it might be possible to compare the degree of desert adaptation of the var- ious rodent faunas and correlate this with the time span over which desert adaptations have occurred. Although I was not able to examine every known species of desert rodent, most genera and many species are represented in the analyses that follow (Tables 9 and 10). Basically, rodent faunas from eight major desert regions were examined. In many cases the results are only tentative (and essentially predictions) since the majority of species are very poorly known ecologically. When the genera and species are grouped by des- ert region and compared with one another (one species/genus) utilizing all 40 morphological char- acteristics, the South American desert is widely separated from all other desert regions along the second canonical axis (Fig. 18, Tables II and 12). The North American, North African, and South African deserts are closely clustered, as are the 30 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 16 Table 12. — Coefficients for the first two canonical variates shown in Fig. 18. Original variable Canonical variate 1 Canonical variate 2 HBL 0 0 TL 0 0 HFL 2 .1 EL ^2 2 VL 0 .1 HL -.3 — .2 TL/HBL 0 0 HFL/HBL -.1 -.1 EL/HBL -.4 -.3 VL/HBL 0 0 HL/HBL .5 2 FB -1.6 _ 2 TT -.3 -.3 UL -.1 -.3 UW .1 -.3 MW -1.0 .6 IL .8 .7 UI .4 .4 TRL 2 -1.3 TRL/IML _ 2 -.1 TRL/BL .5 -.1 ZB/BL -.1 2 IL/BL .1 -.3 lA .7 .8 SZ 1.6 .1 MP .9 0 TH -.1 2 CH -2.0 __ 2 MT -.4 -.8 VD .9 -.4 rw -3.5 -1.4 SA _ 2 0 China and Russian assemblages, while the Iranian desert rodent fauna seems to bridge a gap between the African and Asian faunas. Australia is located between Iran and the China-Russia cluster. One North American species, Baioinys taylori, was as- signed to the South African fauna. The mean Ma- halanobis Distances of each species within a partic- ular fauna to the faunal mean values of the other groups (Table 12) show that the highly desert spe- cialized groups are close to one another (for ex- ample, the United States-North Africa distance, versus the United States-South America distance), while South America is closest to its phylogenet- ically most similar assemblage. North America. The South American fauna is located low on Canonical Variate 2 where such variables as molariform tooth- row width, molar triangulation, proodont or ortho- dont incisors, and molariform toothrow length, are weighted heavily. The preponderance of herbivory Table 13. — Coefficients for the first two canonical variates shown In Fig. 19. Original variable Canonical variate 1 Canonical variate 2 BL 2 -.5 IML .2 .5 MW .5 .5 iW 0 1.6 TRL -2.1 -.9 TRL/IML .1 .3 ZB/BL .1 -.1 IW/BL .1 -.9 IL/BL -.1 0 lA .1 -.7 SZ .1 -.9 T1 -.7 -.1 MP -.7 -.1 MC -.4 .2 TH .5 -.1 CH 1.3 .9 MT -1.0 -.1 TW 1.0 .7 SA .1 0 as opposed to granivory or insectivory among the Monte rodents (Eig. 17) thus seems to distinguish them from the other desert faunas. The same desert groups were analyzed using 23 dental traits (Fig. 19, Tables 13 and 14), 27 non- ratio traits (Fig. 20, Tables 15 and 16), and 25 mor- phoecological characteristics (Fig. 21, Tables 17 and 18). The basic pattern shown in the 40 trait analysis is repeated in that the South American ro- dents are always separated from the other groups, and Russia and China are usually plotted closely together. North America is generally located quite close to North Africa, and Australia, which con- tains only three rodents, is either placed with the China-Russia groups, or with the Iranian fauna. The Russia and China groups contain the most bipedal forms (Dipodidae), with herbivores such as Dipus, Ereinodipiis, Stylodipus, and Allactaga, and qua- drupedal herbivores such as Cricetidus , Phodopus, or Rhomhomys. Herbivory and bipedality are the major strategies among rodents of these two re- gions. Iran actually is more like Africa (and thus North America) as far as the overall rodent assem- blage is concerned, although it shares some generic affinities with the Asian deserts to the north and east. Nevertheless, its location in most analyses as either being similar to the African-North American groups, or positioned between the African and Asian faunas, seems logical, and probably reflects both its phylogenetic affinities (to the Asian faunas). 1980 MARES— DESERT RODENT ECOLOGY 31 Fig. 19. — Canonical analysis of desert rodent faunas from eight regions based on 23 dental traits. Symbols as in Fig. 18. as well as its ecological affinities (to the North Af- rican and North American faunas). I showed earlier that cluster analysis is a useful technique for examining evolutionary convergence. Presumably, those species sharing a large number of traits will be grouped closely together. If they are only distantly phylogenetically related, then those that are clustered together may be considered species that are convergent. Since many of the traits utilized in these analyses are morphoecolog- Table 14. — Mean Mahalanohi.^ Distances (D-) of each desert fauna to all other faunas when 23 dental traits are utilized {Fig. 19). u.s. South America Australia North Africa South Africa China Russia Iran u.s. 15.9 30.7 65.7 37.3 23.7 29.5 30.9 25.6 South America — 13.9 75.9 40.9 41.2 49.5 54.2 46.5 Australia — — 27 2 76.5 69.0 69.1 74.3 78.7 North Africa — — — 18.4 24.8 32.1 38.7 29.7 South Africa — — — — 16.7 24.9 37.0 27 2 China — — — — — 13.3 27.0 27.1 Russia — — — — — — 17.6 32.2 Iran — — — — — — — 14.6 32 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 16 ical ones, thus strongly implying some ecological function, species forming a cluster can be consid- ered ecological equivalents for those ecological traits reflected in their morphology. Although both distance and correlation phonograms (Sneath and Sokal, 1973) were determined for each group of measurements, I will use only one or the other of these to illustrate the resultant clusters, particularly since differences between the two clustering tech- niques were relatively minor. I will briefly describe the clusters in each phonogram before discussing my overall impressions of convergent evolution in desert rodents derived from the various analyses. The 40-character distance phonogram listing all of the 78 species of desert rodents is shown in Eig. 22; the cophenetic correlation coefficient is 0.83, indicating that the 2-dimensional representation of the 40-dimensional relationship is not greatly dis- torted. There are eight major clusters composed of numerous smaller clusters. The first includes kan- garoo rats of the genus Dipodoinys (Eamily Het- eromyidae) of the Sonoran, Mojave, and Great Ba- sin deserts and the chaparral scrublands of California. Sekeetamys calunis (Cricetidae) of the Egyptian Sahara Desert is closely clustered with Dipodoinys. The dipodids, Jacnlns orientalis and J. deserti of the Sahara, Stylodipiis andrewsi of Mongolia, and Scirtopoda telnm and Eremodipiis lichtensteini of the U.S.S.R., form a second small cluster. The caviomorph octodontids Octomys mi- max of the Argentine Monte, and Octodontomys simonsi of the Bolivian altiplano, are loosely clus- tered with Rhombomys opimus (Cricetidae) from China and Iran. Completing the first major cluster is a loose grouping of the dipodids. Dipus sowerhyi of Mongolia and Paradipus ctenodactyliis of the 1980 MARES— DESERT RODENT ECOLOGY 33 Canonical Variate I Fig. 21. — Canonical analysis of desert rodent faunas from eight regions based on 25 morphoecological traits. Symbols as in Fig. 18. U.S.S.R. Basically species in this assemblage are highly desert specialized, medium-sized rodents, having a pronounced inflation of the auditory bullae and reduced pinnae; most are bipedal. The second cluster is a small group composed of the caviomorphs Microcavia australis (Caviidae) of the Argentine Monte, and Octodon degas (Octo- dontidae) of the arid region of Chile, and the cten- odactylid Ctenodactylas gandi from the Sahara of Morocco. These animals are similar in body size and overall proportions; all frequent rock piles and other rocky areas, with M. australis apparently being the most labile in habitat requirements (see Walker, 1964; Mares, 1973; Glanz, 1977; Meserve and Glanz, 1978). All three species are herbivorous. The third major cluster is a large one composed of numerous smaller clusters. The first of these con- tains the small granivores, Perognathus (Hetero- myidae) of the United States, and Gerhillus nanus (Cricetidae) of Iran, which are loosely clustered with the small heteromyid bipedal granivore, Mi- crodipodops megacephalus of North America. Be- cause many traits used in the 40-character analysis are correlated with overall body size, this parame- ter has a great influence on the final depiction of relationships. Interestingly however, Microdipo- dops is grouped with Perognathus, rather than Di- podoniys (which it resembles, externally); this is in accordance with suggested phylogenetic relation- ships (Hafner, 1978). The next small cluster is comprised of the North American grasshopper mouse, Onychomys torri- dus, the Chinese dwarf hamster, Pliodopus roho- rowskii, the Mongolian rat-like hamsters, Cricetulus curtatus and C. barahensis, and the white-tailed rat of South Africa, Mystroinys alhicaudatus. All of these are rather small quadrupedal cricetids; most apparently are seed eaters (Walker, 1964). 34 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 16 CDipodomys merviami D. ordi JH D. speetabilis ■ Sekeetamys calurus D. micvops D. agilis D. deserti Jaculus orientalis J. deserti Stylodipus andrewsi •Scirtopoda telum ‘Eremodipus lichtensteini Octomys mimax Octodontomys simonsi Rhombomys opimus R, opimus ■ Dipus sowerbyi Paradipus ctenodactylus Microcavia australis Oatodon degus Ctenodactylus gundi Microdipodops megacephalus PerognathuB bailey i P. intermedius P. penicillatus P. flavus Gerbillus nanus Onychomys torridus Cricetulus barabensis Phodopus roborowskii Mystromys albicaudatus Cricetulus curtatus Peromyscus eremicus P. maniculatus Reithrodontomys fulvescens R. megalotis Eligmodontia typus Petromyscus barhour Baiomye taylori Steatornjs athi Peromyscus crinitus Taterillus harringtoni Gerbillus campestris Gerbillurus paeba Notomjs alexis Notomys carpentarius Malacothrix typicus Calomyscus bailwardi Cardiocranius paradoxus Neotoma albigula N. lepida Sigmodon hispidus Phyllotis griseoflavus Ammospermophilus harrisi Pachyuromys duprasi Desmodillus auricularis Thallomys nigricaudata Psarmorrys obesus Meriones libycus M. crassus Allactaga mongolica Pygeretmus shitkovi Alactagulus pumilio Allactaga elater Meriones persicus Jaculus blandfordi Thomomys bottae Ctenomys fulvus Spalax ehrenbergi Pappogeomys castanops Bathyergus Janetta Georhyohus capensis Cryptomys darlingi Heterocephalus glaber Xerus Geosciurus Spermophilopsis leptodactylus Leggadina delicata DISTANCE Table 15. — Coefficients for the first two canonical variates shown in Fi)’. 20. Original variable Canonical variate 1 Canonical variate 2 HBL 0 .1 TL 0 0 HFL -.1 -.1 EL 0 0 VL .1 0 HL — 2 -.3 FB 1.4 -.5 TT .1 — .2 BL .1 0 IML 0 0 UL .1 0 UW -.3 .5 MW .4 -.1 ZB .6 0 IW _ 2 -.4 IL -.5 0 TRL -1.5 -1.7 lA .4 .8 SZ -.3 2.3 Tl -1.2 -.1 MP -.1 — .2 MC -.6 -.9 TH .4 .1 CH -1.2 -.1 MT -.9 -1.1 VD -1.1 .3 TW 1.0 .8 Small, quadrupedally-scansorial omnivores form the next small cluster. Included are Peromyscus and Reithrodontomys of North America; Eligmo- dontia typus of Argentina; Petromyscus harbour of South Africa; the North American (Chihuahuan Desert) pygmy mouse, Baiomys taylori \ and the South African fat mouse, Steatomys athi. All of these are cricetids. The last subcluster composing the third major cluster is comprised of three groups. North Amer- ican Peromyscus crinitus, and the North African gerbils (Taterillus harringtoni, Gerbillus campestris, and G. paeba) are grouped together and attached to the second subcluster which includes the murid Australian hopping mice, Notomys alexis and TV. carpentarius. The South African gerbil mouse, Ma- lacothrix typicus, and the Iranian hamster, Calo- myscus bailwardi, comprise the third subcluster. Fig. 22. — Distance phenogram resulting from a cluster analysis of 78 species of desert rodents utilizing 40 morphological char- acteristics. 1980 MARES— DESERT RODENT ECOLOGY 35 Table 16. — Mean Mahalanobis Distances (D-) of each desert fauna to all other faunas when 27 non-ratio traits are utilized (Fig. 20). u.s. South America Australia North Africa South Afnca China Russia Iran u.s. 22 3 49.0 70.0 42.. S 41.2 61.4 60.2 47.5 South America — 24.0 81.6 71.0 73.2 81.3 78.6 74.6 Australia — — 21.1 55.3 54.6 67.8 71.8 56.4 North Africa — — — 25.2 31.7 59.2 54.4 44.9 South Africa — — — — 25.2 49.4 54.5 44.0 China — — — — — 23.2 36.2 50.1 Russia — — — — — — 23.6 49.0 Iran — — — — — — — 20.2 Finally, the five-toed dwarf jerboa, Cardiocranius paradoxus, is very tenuously included within the third major cluster. The fourth major cluster is composed of medium- sized, quadrupedal forms only loosely associated between subclusters. The North American wood rats and cotton rats, Neotoma and Signiodon, re- spectively, are clustered with the South American leaf-eared mouse, Phyllotis (Graoinys) griseofla- vus. The North American sciurid, Atnmosper- mophilus liarrisi is not closely allied with other members of this cluster. Two smaller clusters, one containing the Sahara fat-tailed sand rat, Pachyii- roinys dtiprasi ; the South African Cape short-eared gerbil, Desmodillus auricidaris ; and the South Af- rican acacia rat, Thallomys nigricaudata ; and the other including the Sahara sand rat, Psammomys obesiis', and the two jirds, Meriones libycus and M. crass us, complete the major cluster. The fifth large cluster is made up of two distinct subclusters. The first contains the jerboas — Allac- taga mongolica of China; Pygeretmus shitkovi of the U.S.S.R.; Allactaga elater of Iran; and Alac- tagulus pumilio of the U.S.S.R. The second in- cludes the large jird, Meriones per sic us, and the dipodid, Jaculus blandfordi. The sixth major cluster includes fossorial species of all types. Thomomys bottae, a North American gopher, is closely allied with the tuco-tuco of the Argentine Monte {Ctenomys fulvus), and these are connected to the Sahara mole rat, Spalax ehren- bergi. A second group, loosely joined to the first, is composed of another North American gopher, Pappogeomys castanops, and the South African bathyergid mole rat, Bathyergus Janetta . The other two bathyergids, Georhychus capensis and Cryp- tomys darlingi, are clustered together and joined to the aforementioned fossorial species, while the na- ked mole rat of eastern Africa, Heterocephalus gla- ber, is loosely clustered with the other fossorial species, thus completing this major cluster. The final cluster is a small one composed of sci- urids — Xerus from North Africa; Geosciurus from South Africa; and Spennopliilopsis leptodactylus from the U.S.S.R. Finally, the phenogram is com- pleted with the inclusion of the Australian murid, Leggadina delicata. When only 25 morphoecological traits are utilized in cluster analysis, a somewhat different picture of relationships is obtained. Six major clusters, many composed of a number of loosely associated sub- clusters, are evident in the correlation phenogram of Fig. 23 (cophenetic correlation coefficient = 0.763). Table 17. — Coefficients for the first two canonical variates shown in Fig. 2L Original variable Canonical variate 1 Canonial variate 2 HBL 0 0 TL/HBL 0 0 HF/HBL 0 0 EL/HBL 0 .1 VL/HBL 0 0 HL/HBL -.1 0 FB 1.2 -.1 TT .6 0 TRL/BL 0 .1 U1 0 0 TRL/IML .2 2 TRL/BL -.1 0 ZB/BL .1 -.1 IW/BL .1 -.1 IL/BL _ 2 2 lA -.5 -.4 SZ -1.4 -1.5 T1 .4 -.5 MP .2 .2 MC 0 .9 TH .2 -.4 CH .6 -.4 lA 2 .7 VD -.9 .4 SA 0 0 36 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 16 Dipodomys mevriami D. ordi D. epeotabilis Pevognathue haileyi P. penicillatus P. intermedins P. flavus Gevhillus nanus Octomys mimax Sekeetconys calurus Meviones arassus Dipodomys microps D. agilis D. deserti Microdipodops megacephalus Paradipus ctenodactylus Eremodipus tichtensteini Jaculus ovientalis J. deserti Sairtopoda telian Stylodipus andrewsi Neotoma alhigula Sigmodon hispidus Neotoma lepida Phyllotis griseoflavus Meriones libycus Psarmomys obesus A I lactaga mongo liaa Pygeretmus shitkovi Alactagulus pumilio Meriones persicus Allactaga elater Jaculus bland f ordi Ammospertjupkilus harrisi Geoaciuims Spermophilcpsis leptO'iaetylue Xerus Thomomye bottae Ctencmys fulmrs Pappogeomys oastanops Bathyergus Janetta Spalax ehrenbergi Heteroaephalus glaber Georhyahus aapensis Cryptomys darlingi Ootodontomys simonsi — Microoavia australis - Octodon degus - Ctenodactylus gundi - Rhombomys opimus — P. opimus •^Onychomys torridus -Malacothrix typicus — CalomysGus bailwardi Peromyscus arinitus Baiomys taylori Gerhillus campestrns Taterillus harringtoni Gerbillurus paeba Notomys alexis N. oarpentarius Steatomys athi .^Mystromys albicaudatus Cricetulus barabensis Phodopus roborowskii Cricetulus curtatus Pachyuromys duprasi Desmodillus auricularis Thallomys nigrioaudata Peromyscus eremicus P. maniculatus CReithrodontomys fulvescens R. megalotis ^-^Eligmodontia typus Petromyscus barbour Cardiocranius paradoxus Dipus souerbyi —^Leggadina delicata p 5 1 CORRELATION The first major cluster includes three subclusters. The first of these is composed of species of Dipod- omys and Perognathus of North America, Gerhillus nanus of Iran, Octomys from Argentina, Sekeeta- mys calurus of Egypt, and Meriones crassus from Iran. The second subcluster includes heteromyids in the genera Dipodomys and Microdipodops, and the dipodids Paradipus ctenodactylus and Eremo- dipus liclitensteini. The third subcluster includes only dipodids — Jaculus, Stylodipus, and Scirtopo- da. The majority of species included within the first major cluster are bipedal (13/21), or have rather long hind feet (5/21). Most are seed eaters (19/21), although some, such as Stylodipus, are reported to take roots and tubers as well as seeds (Walker, 1964). Octomys from the Argentine Monte eats cacti, green vegetation, and, perhaps, large seeds (Mares, 1973), but its inclusion with what are main- ly heteromyids is largely based on cranial (bullar inflation) and dental characteristics (Mares, 1976). Most of the species in the first major cluster have relatively short ears and long tails. Nevertheless, the first cluster is composed mainly of bipedal seed eaters with simple dentition, inflated bullae, rela- tively short ears, long tails, long hind feet, and which possess foot bristles. They are principally in- habitants of flatlands varying from sand to gravel, although such species as Sekeetamys calurus and Octomys mimax (which are clustered together), are rock dwellers. The second major cluster generally includes me- dium-sized, quadrupedal herbivores. Thus, Neo- toma and Sigmodon of North America are clus- tered with Phyllotis of Argentina, Meriones libycus of Iran, and Psammomys obesus of Egypt. The sim- ilarities of the North American species and P. gri- seoflavus have been discussed earlier (Mares, 1973, 1976). Meriones libycus feeds almost entirely on seeds (Naumov and Lobachev, 1975) and is in- cluded within this cluster largely on the basis of body size and body proportions. Psammomys ohe- sus inhabits salty-clayey flats and builds extensive burrows under green vegetation in hummocks; it feeds on green vegetation (Walker, 1964; Wassif, 1972). Fig. 23. — Correlation phenogram resulting from a cluster anal- ysis of 78 desert rodent species utilizing 25 morphoecological characteristics. 1980 MARES— DESERT RODENT ECOLOGY 37 Table 18. — Mean Mahalanohis Distance ID'-) of each desert fauna to all other faunas when 25 inorphoecological traits are utilized (Fig. 21). u.s. South America Australia North Africa South Africa China Russia Iran u.s. 19.9 35.0 81.2 29.0 31.0 48.0 47.0 38.3 South America — 19.7 80.7 47.3 51.5 54.3 49.0 49.3 Australia — — 27.2 83.3 85.4 77.1 77.4 83.2 North Africa — — — 23.5 28.8 52.3 51.6 41.2 South Africa — — — — 20.0 49.1 52.2 45.0 China — — — — — 22.8 31.3 51.0 Russia — — — — — — 22.8 53.6 Iran — — — — — — — 19.1 The third major cluster includes the dipodids {Allactaga, Alactagiilus, Pygeretmiis, and Jacitlus hlandfordi) and the jird, Meriones persiciis. With the exception of Meriones, all are bipedal. All are apparently herbivorous. The fourth major cluster is composed of sciurids, and includes Ammospennophilits of North Ameri- ca, Geosciiirus of South Africa, Xerus of North Africa, and Spermophilopsis of the U.S.S.R. All are medium-sized, burrowing, scansorial herbi- vores-omnivores. The fifth major cluster is composed of two dis- tinct subclusters. The first contains the fossorial species clustered together in Fig. 22; Octodontomys simonsi is loosely joined to the fossorial group. The other subcluster includes medium-bodied herbi- vores, such as Microcavia, Octodon, Ctenodacty- liis, and Rliomhomys. The sixth major cluster is comprised of eight smaller clusters — the first includes Onychomys, Calomyscits and Mcdacothrix, which may be qua- drupedal insectivores, or at least micro-omnivores (Mares, 1976); the second contains Peromyscus, Baiomys, Gerbillus, Taterillus, Notoinys, and Stea- toinys, largely omnivorous quadrupeds which may eat significant amounts of seeds; the third subgroup contains Mystromys, Cricetidns, and Phodopus\ the fourth includes Pachyitromys and Desmodillns, while Thcdlomys is only loosely included within this subcluster; the fifth subcluster contains Peromys- ciis, Reithrodontomys, EUgmodontia, and Petro- inyseiis. The final group of rodents completing the major cluster includes Cricetidiis barahensis, Dipiis sowerbyi, and Leggadina delicata. The 27-character distance phenogram utilizing only non-ratio traits is shown in Fig. 24; the cophe- netic correlation coefficient is 0.798. I will not dis- cuss the individual OTU’s at length. Basically this technique divides the rodents into four major groups — bipedal forms; quadrupedal species; fos- sorial species; and ground squirrels. In many ways there were no significant deviations in the 27-trait, non-ratio analysis, from those derived from the 40- and 25-traits analyses, although I believe that hav- ing all three analyses is an aid to understanding var- ious aspects of the comparative biology of numer- ous species. CONVERGENT EVOLUTION OE DESERT RODENTS Although the various deserts examined in this paper contain a diverse array of desert rodents, the computer analyses indicate that one particular re- gion is not as ecologically distinct from another dis- tant region as one might have expected. The most diverse desert examined, from the viewpoint of the total number of broad adaptive categories of ro- dents it supports, is that found in the United States and northern Mexico (Table 19). Basically, my anal- yses indicate that there are nine major niche types (or guilds) represented among the world’s desert rodents, including bipedal granivores, quadrupedal granivores, miero-omnivores, medium-sized omni- vores, small insectivores, fossorial herbivores, me- dium-sized herbivores, larger herbivores, and bi- pedal herbivores. It is important to note that, although most of these categories are represented within each desert region, they are not always filled by a rodent. It is not uncommon to find at least one member of each category present in any partic- ular locality, and coexistence of species within one particular category is often seen (for example, Hoff- meister and Goodpaster, 1954; Chew and Chew, 1970; Rosenzweig et al., 1975; Brown, 1975). The 38 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 16 r~ r ... r~ 1 r , H — J , ^ 1 Dipodomys merriconi D. ordi Miarodipodops wegacephalus Dipodomys microps Dipodomys agilis D. spectabilis D. deserti Octomys mimax Sekeetamys aalurus Octodontomys simonsi Rkombomys opimus R. opimus Jaoulus orientalis J. deserti Stylodipus andrewsi Evemodipus liahtensteini Scirtopoda telian Paradipus ctenodactylus Jaoulus blandfovdi Neotoma atbiguta N. tepida Sigmodon hispidus Phyllotis griseoflavus Psammomys obesus Meriones libyaus M. arassus .M. persious -Dipus sowerbyi ^icTocavia australis -Oatodon degus -^tenodaotylus gundi Allactaga mongolica ThjQeyyefrmi^i shitkovi -^—.Alactagulus pimilio —.Allactaga elater Pprnn/7-nnthiJfi baileyi I —P. intermedius \ I. P. penicillatus ,mp. flavue — nanus Onuchamue torridue Calomyscus bailwardi Perorryacus cirinitus Jialaoothrix typiaus Phodopus roborowskii Cricetulus barabensis •C. curtatus 'otomys alexis jV. carpentarius J'aterillus harringtoni Gerbillus campestris ^erbillurus paeba 'eromyeaus eremicus P. manioulatus ^eithrodontomys fulvescens megalotis —€teatomys athi ^etromyscus harbour •Eligmodontia typus Saiomys taylori Jjcggadina delicata Cardioaraniue paradoxus —Ammospermophilus harrisi .Jtystromys albicaudatus S'hallomys nigricaudata 'achyuromys duprasi Desmodillus auricularis -Thomomys bottae -JDtenomys fulvus Spalax ehrenbergi ' Pappogeomys castanops ^^^athyergus janetta Georhychus capensis Cryptomys darlingi Reterocepha lus glaher —J(erus -Geosciurus -Ppermophilopsis leptodactylus DISTANCE great diversity of desert rodents in North America may be at least partially explained by the enormous fluctuation, fracturing, and reformation of xeric habitats in the Pleistocene {see Van Devender, 1977; Mares, 1979). Indeed, the only major niche type that is lacking in the New World is that of bipedal herbivore, a category that is important in the Old World, particularly in Russia and Australia. The Monte, as has been noted, is quite depau- perate in both number of species inhabiting the des- ert, and in abundance of individuals at a particular locality (Mares, 1976; Mares and Rosenzweig, 1978). Granivorous mammals are lacking entirely, although the overall array of niche types is not ex- ceedingly narrow. The small insectivore niche, which is filled in North America by a rodent {Ony- cliomys) and a shrew (Notiosorex) is represent- ed by a marsupial mouse, Marmoset pusilla, which is rare, but regular, over much of the Monte (Mares, 1973). Ctenomys, fossorial cavio- morphs, are close ecological analogues of the gophers of North America, while DoUchotis pata- gona is a large, cursorial rodent quite similar in morphology and ecology to the leporids of North America (Mares, Blair et al., 1977). Microcavia bears some ecological similarities to ground squir- rels, and very likely fills a part of this niche cate- gory. It is strictly herbivorous, however, and thus not a perfect ecological equivalent, although in overall body proportions, habitat requirements, time of activity, and, perhaps, behavior, the two groups (ground squirrels and Microcavia) are sim- ilar (see Hawbecker, 1947; Hudson, 1962; Mares, 1973). A potential candidate for the medium-sized omnivore niche in the Monte is the armadillo, Cliae- tophractus vellerosus. This species eats a wide va- riety of plant and animal matter, and is a conspic- uous element of the Monte Desert (Greegor, 1975; Mares, Blair et al., 1977). The Australian desert, while supporting a low diversity of rodents, nevertheless has a rich mam- mal fauna, although most species are of low density (Watts, 1974; Morton, 1979). Eive of the nine major guilds are represented in Australia, with two others perhaps partially represented. N otomys seems to fill the bipedal granivore niche, even though it was not clustered with bipedal rodents except when Fig. 24. — Distance phenogram resulting from a cluster analysis of 27 non-ratio morphological characteristics. Table 19. — Suggested categorization of niche types of small mammals represented within each of the desert regions included in the preceding analv Although many species in the table were not included in the computer analyses, they are listed here for completeness. 1980 MARES— DESERT RODENT ECOLOGY 39 ■S- -5 I CO ^ a. § 05 o u <3 5: c ^ 0:: U C) -ir- 'a U Co C3 5 Oo S .Cl. Q S a r*' a, C! §■■2 S S ^ §■ s ^ <3 Ci. C 2 5 as CO o -ie- ^ Co .a. !3 -2 Q ^ ^ cC' 2 ^ o a: Q o ^ c:) o -c> 53 Q a, Q c^) 2 § 2 ^ '3 -s: a, h. 3; 3! a. C 35 «o .5: u E2 I ‘S §' ■S o ^ ^ c 05 U 'ij "2 S' a a Si a, O Co •5 K 35 «0 o 2 Oo (i; 4*5 s s s s S a "a •= l| L ^ s. ^ 2 - 2 o s: 2 ^ > ^ CO ^ ^ 35 3> O C; ~ S ®« r® cu C! 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ICLA Asian Pacific Meeting of Laboratory Animals, 20-25 September 1971, Tokyo and Inuyama. . 1974. The native rodents of Australia: a personal view. J. Australian Mamm. Soc., 1:109-116. Webb, S. D. 1978. A history of savanna vertebrates in the New World. Part 11: South America and the Great Interchange. Ann. Rev. Ecol. Syst., 9:393-426. Webster, D. B. 1962. A function of the enlarged middle-ear cavities of the kangaroo rat, Dipodoinys. Physiol. Zook, 35:248-255. Williams, D. F., and M. A. Mares. 1978. A new genus and species of phyllotine rodent (Mammalia: Muridae) from northwestern Argentina. Ann. Carnegie Mus., 47:193-221. WoNDOLLECK, J. T. 1978. Forage-area separation and overlap in heteromyid rodents. J. Mamm., 59:510-518. Wood, A. E. 1935. Evolution and relationships of the hetero- myid rodents with new forms from the Tertiary of western North America. Ann. Carnegie Mus., 24:76-262. . 1955. A revised classification of rodents. J. Mamm., 36:165-187. Wood, A. E., and B. Patterson. 1970. Relationships among hystricognathous and hystricomorphous rodents. Mamma- lia, 34:628-639. ZoHARY. M. 1963. On the geobotanical structure of Iran. Res. Counc. of Israel, Suppl. to Vol. 1 1 D: l-l 13. APPENDIX 1 Annotated list of morphological characters utilized in multivariate analyses 1. Head-body length. — Distance from tip of snout to begin- ning of tail, generally derived by subtracting length of tail (ver- tebrae) from total length (tip of snout to tip of tail). 2. Tail length. 3. Hind-foot length. — From back of heel to tip of longest toe- nail. 4. Height of ear from notch. 5. Length of longest vihrissae. — A millimeter ruler was placed at base of vibrissae and the longest was measured to the nearest millimeter. 6. Length of hair between shoulders. — Measured by placing millimeter ruler against skin and noting length of majority of hairs. 7. Tail/head-body ratio. — The tail functions as an organ of balance, and would be expected to be particularly important to bipedal species. Arboreal species would also have need of a long tail for balance while climbing over branches. 8. Hind foot/head-body ratio. — Long hind feet relative to body size are often adaptations for a bipedal habit, as evidence by kangaroos, to cite an extreme example. Bipedality is a desert rodent adaptation, thus desert species would be expected to have a high hind foot to head-body ratio. 9. Earlhead-body ratio. — Mammals in deserts have two ways of increasing audial acuity. First, pinnae can be greatly enlarged, resulting not only in greater hearing ability, but in an efficient organ for radiating body heat to the environment (see Schmidt- Nielsen, 1965, regarding Lepus). Secondly, species can evolve inflated tympanic bullae to increase sound reception. It is pos- sible that non-fossorial species would tend toward larger ears, particularly if they were diurnal in activity. Species which live in burrows might find long ears a handicap in narrow tunnels and would thus tend toward inflated bullae (for example, Web- ster, 1962; Lay. 1972). Lepus (jackrabbits and hares) is an ex- ample of non-fossorial species having long ears, and Dolichotis (the Patagonian “hare”) a species which lives in burrows and possesses shorter ears. 10. Vibrissaelhead-body ratio. — Possibly long vibrissae are associated with desert living for a number of reasons. Desert rodents, known to be very nocturnal even to the point of avoid- ing moonlit nights (for example. Lockard and Owings, 1974), could facilitate moving about on a pitch-black evening by utiliz- ing long and dense vibrissae. The open habitat of a desert would be conducive to long vibrissae, whereas an animal such as a microtine which lives in dense vegetation or a fossorial animal might not reap selective advantage by having exceedingly long vibrissae which would be in constant contact with vegetation or burrow walls. 11. Hair/head-body ratio. — Ratio of the length of hair be- tween shoulders to head-body length. 1 would not expect desert species to have either particularly long or short hair, whereas species from colder localities, such as a coniferous forest, might possess fairly long pelage for greater insulation. 12. Weight. — Measured to 0.1 grams. 13. Foot bristles. — Coded none (0), somewhat (I), many and well developed (2), stiff and specialized (3), brush-like (4). This character offers an example of the distinction between an eco- logical character and a taxonomic one. The fossorial rodents Thomoniys and Ctenoniys possess stiff bristles between the toes which facilitate soil movement. Thomoniys pushes soil from its burrow by a forward motion of the body and forefeet and pos- sesses bristles between the toes of the front paws. Ctenoniys, on the contrary, pushes soil with the posterior parts of the body and by rapid backward kicks with the hind feet whose toes have stiff bristles. Were one interested in taxonomic characters, oc- currence of bristles at different ends of the body could differ- entiate the species. Being interested primarily in ecological func- tion, however, in this study only the presence of these functionally similar structures was noted, not their location on the body. 14. Tuftiness of tad. — Coded from no tuft (0) to large, well- developed. conspicuous tuft (5). Why many desert rodents have tufts at the ends of their tails is unclear. Possibly it functions as a balancing structure, although 1 doubt the weight of the tuft is sufficient to function in this manner. Increased resistance as it 1980 MARES— DESERT RODENT ECOLOGY 49 moves through the air could make the tuft act as a rudder to allow the animal more easily to flick its body sideways in mid- air. More plausible perhaps is a predator-distraction function of a large white tuft. If the predator's attack could be deflected to this point, and if the tail were easily autotomized (as Layne, 1972 has shown for Peromyscus floridanus ) , the possibilities of an animal’s escaping would be greatly increased. 15. Basal length (modified). — From the anterior inferior bor- der of the foramen magnum to the anterior parts of the premax- illary bones, not necessarily in the midline of the skull (Fig. 25). 16. Incisor-molar length. — Length of line connecting poste- rior margins of alveoli of upper incisors with posterior margin of molariform tooth row occlusal surface. Such a measure gives an idea of overall length of the “masticating area’’ of the mouth (Fig. 25). 17. BuUar length. — Length of straight line connecting anterior point of insertion of bulla into basilar region of skull with pos- terior point of bulla evident when the skull’s basilar region is facing upward (Fig. 25). 18. BuUar width. — Straight-line distance approximately per- pendicular to bullar length line connecting widest points of up- ward-facing bulla (Fig. 25). 19. Width across molariform tooth rows. — Length of straight line connecting right and left labial margins of tooth rows at their midpoints. This character gives an indication of mouth width much as character number 16 measured mouth length (Fig. 25). 20. Zygomatic breadth. — Greatest distance across zygomatic arches, at whatever point along the arch at which distance was maximal. The line is perpendicular to the long axis of the skull. This measure gives some idea of width of skull, greater width often being associated with animals which are heavy and pow- erful (Fig. 25). 21. Incisor width. — Width measured across both incisors just above point where tapering begins, or, on those that do not taper, at tip of incisors. Hershkovitz ( 1962) noted the tendency of triturating incisors to be thick and powerful (Fig. 25). 22. Incisor length. — Straight-line distance connecting distal portion of incisor with its point of exit from the premaxillary bone. Species having seizer-digger incisors often have long, slen- der incisors (Fig. 25). 23. Incisor-molar lengthihasal length x 100. — Relative mouth length, size removed as a confounding factor. 24. Bullar index = hidlar length x bullar widthihasal length. — Index of bullar inflation. 25. Length of molar tooth row (TRL). — Length of occlusal surface of molariform teeth, from anteriormost to posteriormost points (Fig. 25). 26. TRLIincIsor-molar length x 100. — Relative proportion of mouth composed of grinding teeth. I expect that a species such as the vole Microtus. for example, which consumes such sili- cacious materials as grass, might need larger molariform tooth rows to allow for a larger grinding area over which to crush this material. Seeds, which are eaten by many desert specialists, would not necessitate a large grinding surface. 27. Width across tooth rows/basal length x 100. — Relative width of mouth. 28. Zygomatic breadth/basal length x 100. — Relative width of zygomata, an indication of relative breadth of skull. 29. Incisor widthihasal length x 100. — Relative incisor width. 30. Incisor length/basal length x 100. — Relative incisor length. 31. Incisor angle. — Coded from very proodont (0) to very op- isthodont (5). Hershkovitz (1962) discussed many rodent incisor Fig. 25. — Cranial measurements used in the various multivariate analyses. types. 1 would surmise that incisor angle can reflect diet some- what. Grass-clipping Sigmodon and Microtus possess orthodont incisors, whereas granivorous heteromyids have incisors which are markedly opisthodont. Inflexion of the incisors may increase biting force on the tip such that greater efficiency at husking seeds results. 32. Seizer-digger incisors. — Hershkovitz (1962) defined this type of incisor as being generally slender and proodont, and functioning as a tool for digging up worms, insects, or roots. Some Thomomys possess such incisors and use them in digging burrows and roots. Coding: not a seizer-digger incisor ( I ) to very much so (3). 33. Triturator incisors. — Coded from not a triturator (I) to a very pronounced triturator function (3). Hershkovitz (1962) not- ed these incisors are used in gnawing and chopping and as hoes in digging. They are generally heavy and well-pigmented. 34. Molar planation. — Coded from crested molars (1) to pla- nar molars (4). Hershkovitz (1962) remarked on the evolutionary stages involved in the change from primitive crested molars to specialized planar types. He also suggested such planation is correlated with increasing hypsodonty. Planar molars have a grinding or crushing function rather than the tearing and cutting inherent in the occlusion of the ridges, cusps and valleys of crested molars. 35. Molar complexity . — Coded from complex pentalophodont molars (0) to simple cylindrical teeth (6). Grassland and desert species have tended to evolve simple, cylindrical molariform molars. It would be expected that a species specializing on 50 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 16 tough, fibrous material would need not only planar teeth, but quite a complex system of enamel ridges in order to expose the hardest tooth material to the grinding of the vegetation. Com- plexity might even be increased by the formation of many enamel triangles (see triangulation, below) which would make the grind- ing of vegetation even more efficient. Granivorous desert species, on the other hand, could minimize enamel surface and simplify molariform teeth such that a basin is formed in which soft, husked seeds could be crushed. 36. Tubercular hypsodonty. — Coded from none (0) to pro- nounced (4). As Hershkovitz (1962:89) defined tubercular hyp- sodonty, it is the ", . . elongation of the coronal tubercle, or tubercles, at the expense of the remainder of the tooth, including the root. This type of hypsodonty is an adaptation for seizing, grasping, cutting, chopping or cracking.” When this occurs among molariform teeth, it is often an indication of an insectiv- orous diet ( vespertilionid bats, for example). Presence of tuber- cular hypsodonty in Onychomys is associated with its insectiv- orous diet. 37. Coronal hypsodonty . — Coded from none (0) to pro- nounced (3). The grazing habit is characterized by these grinding and crushing teeth, whereas species such as generalized forest dwellers (for example, Peromyscus) have not developed this molariform type. 38. Molar triangulation. — Coded from none (0) to pronounced (3), See Molar Complexity above. 39. Molar tooth row width. — Width of one molar tooth row (occlusal surface) at midpoint of the row. 40. Relative inolariforin surface area. — (Two times the molar tooth row width x molar tooth row length)/basal length. If in- deed a grazer needs more surface area than a seed eater because of the tough dietary regimen, then the index should reflect food habits to some extent. 41. Vihrissae density. — Coded from low density (1) to very dense (4). See Vibrissae/head-body ratio above. APPENDIX 2 Multivariate Analyses and Ratio Traits Recently a number of questions have been raised regarding the use of ratios in certain multivariate tests (Atchley et al., 1976; Atchley and Anderson, 1978; Atchley, 1978; and others). Opposing points of view have been rendered by Corruccini (1977). Dodson (1978). Albrecht (1978), and Hills (1978). The comments of Atchley and his colleagues regarding the use of ratios in such techniques as principal components analysis, ca- nonical variates analysis, canonical correlation analysis, and so on. are based on the underlying assumption that the data used in such analyses are multivariate normally distributed (m.n.d.). Ratios are usually employed in an attempt to scale the data for some common allometric relationship such as body size effects, which may be an overriding element in the different data sets (for example, Goodman and Paterniani, 1969; Goodman, 1972; Findley. 1972; Nevo, 1973; Karr and James. 1975; Mares. 1976; and many others). Part of the problem is that some of the math- ematical steps leading up to the multivariate analysis are based on the assumption of a normal distribution, particularly such analyses as the formation of a similarity matrix based on product moment correlations (Pearson’s r), or when data are standard- ized prior to being treated for conversion to such values as ca- nonical loadings, etc. (Clark, 1975). Daultrey (1976:41) states, ■"Principal components does not require the data to be normally distributed; the use of Pearson's r does." He suggests that other correlation coefficients (for example, Spearman’s rank correla- tion coefficient) be used where the m.n.d. of data is questionable. Cooley and Lohnes ( 1971:38) note that although a m.n.d. of data is necessary for many significance tests, and that the marginal distributions of the various data sets can be checked, normal- izing the non-normal data sets may help, but caution that '"nor- mal marginals do not themselves guarantee an m.n.d., and we do not know of any useful test for multivariate normality.” Var- ious involved tests of normamy have been outlined (Gnanade- sikan. 1977), but I am not familiar with any paper dealing with a multivariate analysis of complex data sets that has first tested for complete multivariate normality of all of the data. The arguments of Atchley and his coworkers are compelling, particularly if the level of significance of the various multivariate tests is important. Ito (1969) notes that violation of the multi- variate normality requirement may be compensated for by a large sample size as far as testing hypotheses about mean vec- tors, but is not compensated for when data are employed in a variance-covariance matrix. Tatsuoka (1971) notes that the m.n.d. is a requirement for the strict validity of significance tests, but Blackith and Reyment (1971) consider significance testing of little value in biological data, and, indeed, suggest that most multivariate techniques are sufficiently robust to allow their ba- sic assumptions to be violated to an extent (see also Crovello. 1970; Klecka, 1975; Robinson and Hoffmann, 1975). As far as transforming non-normal data to a normal distribution, Clifford and Stephenson (1975) suggest that the statistical transforma- tions required to conform to strict normality may result in the loss of the "'ecological sense” of the data. Rohlf and Sokal (1965) and Sneath and Sokal (1973:147, 153) suggest the use of ratios to scale data, even though the frequent departure of ratio data from normality has been known for many years (for example, Pearson, 1897). Presumably they feel that violations of the m.n.d. assumption in multivariate analyses can be tolerated to a degree. Schnell (197(i/, 19706) used ratios in principal components analysis and found that analyses based on ratios reflected earlier classical taxonomic assumptions about the particular taxon he was studying (the suborder Lari). He found (I97(T;:48) that "As before” (when non-ratio traits were used) "the gulls, terns, and skimmers are separated by a fairly distinct gap. However, dividing by the Sternum Length had the additional effect of separating the skuas from the gulls.” Further (Schnell, 19706:294), "When correlated characters are used” . . . one should transform the "'. . . character space (such as by the use of ratios) before clustering to reduce the effect of a gen- eral trend in characters, such as a general size factor . . .” which ". . . would make the resulting phenogram a possible candidate for a general phenetic classification. ” Although Atchley has 1980 MARES— DESERT RODENT ECOLOGY 51 shown that in some cases ratios are actually nu>re correlated with the factor supposedly being removed via the use of the ratio, other workers (Corruccini, 1977; Lemen and Findley, manuscript) have not found this to be the case. Undoubtedly more work remains to be done in this area (see also Oxnard, 1978). Multivariate analyses apparently have been successfully per- formed on data which are qualitative in nature and which ob- viously violate the assumption of adherence to the m.n.d. ( Miller and Butler, 1966), but as Bennett and Bowers (1976:118) point out "If the purpose of a particular factor analysis on qualitative data is simply to identify clusters of similar variables, then anal- ysis of such matrices may be satisfactory.” There is little doubt that Atchley and his coworkers are correct in their strict interpretation of having the data conform to all of the assumptions of the various multivariate procedures (some- thing that is seldom, if ever, done), and this is certainly neces- sary if an investigator is interested in attaching a precise level of significance to his results, but it does not seem to be true for a general understanding of the interrelationships of the various factors that are included in a multidimensional analysis of the data. As Cooley and Lohnes (1971:38) point out, " fhe hazards of overfitting in multivariate analysis are great. Although signif- icance tests, when appropriate, can help to protect against re- porting results that can never be replicated, we tend to treat our multivariate models as primarily heuristic rather than inferential procedures.” In earlier papers (Mares, 1975/r, 1976), I have attempted to use multivariate analyses of numerous morphological traits (in- cluding some ratios) as a heuristic tool to attain a preliminary assessment of convergent characteristics among disparate desert rodent taxa. I continue that line of reasoning in this paper bearing in mind that the use of ratio characters may limit the degree of precision of the data in certain analyses. In the past, results of such analyses had fit quite well with my interpretations of the ecological relationships of the rodents which were obtained from various other research techniques (for example, comparative physiological investigations, natural historical studies, food hab- its analyses, etc.). As is evident in this report, the use of such techniques has also led to counterintuitive interpretations that appear to have merit. Copies of the following Bulletins of Carnegie Museum of Natural History may be obtained at the prices listed from the Publications Secretary, Carnegie Museum of Natural History, 4400 Forbes Avenue, Pitts- burgh, Pennsylvania 15213. 1. Krishtalka, L. 1976. Early Tertiary Adapisoricidae and Erinaceidae (Mammalia, Insectivora) of North America. 40 pp., 13 figs $2.50 2. Guilday, J. E., P. W. Parmalee, and H. W. Hamilton. 1977. The Clark’s Cave bone deposit and the late Pleistocene paleoecology of the central Appalachian Mountains of Virginia. 88 pp., 21 figs. $12.00 3. Wetzel, R. M. 1977. The Chacoan peccary, Catagonus nagneri (Rusconi). 36 pp., 10 figs. .. $6.00 4. Coombs, M. C. 1978. Reevaluation of early Miocene North American Moropus (Perissodactyla, Chalicotheriidae, Schizotheriinae). 62 pp., 28 figs $5.00 5. Clench, M. H., and R. C. Leberman. 1978. Weights of 151 species of Pennsylvania birds analyzed by month, age, and sex. 87 pp $5.00 6. Schlitter, D. A. (ed.). 1978. Ecology and taxonomy of African small mammals. 214 pp., 48 figs. $15.00 7. Raikow, R. J. 1978. Appendicular myology and relationships of the New World nine-primaried oscines ( AvesiPasseriformes). 43 pp., 10 figs $3.50 8. Berman, D. S, and J. S. McIntosh. 1978. Skull and relationships of the Upper Jurassic sauropod Apatosaurus (Reptilia, Saurischia). 35 pp., 11 figs $3.00 9. Setoguchi, T. 1978. Paleontology and geology of the Badwater Creek area, central Wyoming. Part 16. The Cedar Ridge local fauna (Late Oligocene). 61 pp., 30 figs $4.50 10. Williams, D. E. 1978. Systematics and ecogeographic variation of the Apache pocket mouse (Roden- tia: Heteromyidae). 57 pp., 23 figs $4.00 11. Guilday, J. E., H. W. Hamilton, E. Anderson, and P. W. Parmalee. 1978. The Baker Bluff Cave deposit, Tennessee, and the Late Pleistocene faunal gradient. 67 pp., 16 figs $5.00 12. Swanepoel, P., and H. H. Genoways. 1978. Revision of the Antillean bats of the genus Brachyphylla (Mammalia: Phyllostomatidae). 53 pp., 17 figs $4.00 13. Schwartz, J. H., and H. B. Rollins, eds. 1979. Models and methodologies in evolutionary theory. 105 pp., 36 figs $6.00 14. Engesser, B. 1979. Relationships of some insectivores and rodents from the Miocene of North Amer- ica and Europe. 68 pp., 12 figs., 20 plates $5.00 15. Bentz, G. D. 1979. The appendicular myology and phylogenetic relationships of the Ploceidae and Estrildidae (Aves: Passeriformes). 25 pp., 5 figs $2.00 '^\THS07vZ?^ ju'j ni9i J-ZBRARIES, THE COMPARATIVE SOCIAL BEHAVIOR OF KERODON RUPESTRIS AND GALEA SPIXII AND THE EVOLUTION OF BEHAVIOR IN THE CAVIIDAE THOMAS E. LACKER, JR. NUMBER 17 PITTSBURGH, 1981 f 5a, |j ak .J • ‘ '. }•, BULLETIN of CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY THE COMPARATIVE SOCIAL BEHAVIOR OF KERODON RUPESTRIS AND GALEA SPIXII AND THE EVOLUTION OF BEHAVIOR IN THE CAVIIDAE THOMAS E. LACHER, JR. Department of Biological Sciences, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15260 and Pymatuning Laboratory of Ecology , Linesville, Pennsylvania 16424 NUMBER 17 PITTSBURGH, 1981 BULLETIN OF CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY Number 17, pages 1-71, 40 figures, 24 tables Issued 9 June 1981 Price: $6.00 a copy Craig C. Black, Director Editorial Staff: Hugh H. Gennoways, Editor: Duane A. Schlitter, Associated Editor; Stephen L. Williams, Associate Editor; Nancy J. Parkinson, Technical Assistant. © 1981 by the Trustees of Carnegie Institute, all rights reserved. CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY, 4400 FORBES AVENUE PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA 15213 CONTENTS Abstract 5 Introduction 5 General Habitat Description 8 Materials and Methods 9 Habitat Analysis 9 Comparative Behavior and Ecology 9 Colony Studies 9 Data Analysis 12 Field Studies 14 Results 15 Habitat Analysis 15 Maintenance Behavior 16 Ingestive Behavior 16 Locomotion 17 Resting Postures 18 Grooming 19 Marking 20 Comfort Movements 22 Digging 22 Elimination 22 Attend 22 Social Behavior 23 Contactual Patterns 23 Agonistic Patterns 28 Sexual Patterns 31 Vocalizations 33 Galea 33 Kerodon 33 Social Organization and Reproduction 34 Reproductive Behavior 34 Reproduction and Growth 35 Behavioral Development 37 Agonistic Behavior 38 Use of Space 46 Time Budgets and Analyses 47 Discussion 55 Evolution of Behavior in the Caviidae 55 Trends in Behavioral Evolution 56 Mating Systems 60 Morphological and Behavioral Adaptations to Microhabitat 63 Acknowledgments 66 Literature Cited 66 Appendix I — Vegetation of Fazenda Batente 69 Appendix II — Behavioral Protocols 70 ,1 'i f ABSTRACT 1 conducted an 18 month study on the behavior and ecology of two species of sympatric caviid rodents (Kerodon rupestris and Galea spixii) in northeastern Brazil. Preliminary observa- tions indicated that Kerodon was a habitat specialist, occurring only in large boulder piles, whereas Galea appeared to be a habitat generalist, occurring in a variety of open habitats ex- cepting the boulder piles inhabited by Kerodon. This situation presented an ideal field experiment to compare the social struc- tures in these two closely related genera. I first established breeding colonies of both in order to describe their behavioral displays and to discern their function. Complete behavioral repertoires, including vocalizations, are presented for both Kerodon and Galea. Reproduction and growth, behavioral development, sexual behavior, agonistic behavior, and use of space were all examined both quantitatively and qualitatively in the colonies and in the field. Time budgets were calculated and analyzed for both gen- era. Differences in rates of growth and behavioral development between the two genera are probably related to ecological as- pects of their significantly different microhabitat preferences. Data on sexual and agonistic behavior collected in the colonies suggested that Kerodon exhibited resource defense polygyny, whereas the Galea mating system approximated male domi- nance polygyny. Field data supported the colony observations. These differences in mating systems may be related to the dif- ferent habitat preferences observed. Kerodon is compared to other resource defense polygynists. Finally, a model for the evolution of behavior in the family Caviidae is presented. The social organizations of the various genera seem to be very responsive to ecological requirements. The importance of social organization in ecological adaptation is discussed. INTRODUCTION Morphology, physiology, and behavior all play a role in the adaptation of an organism to its environ- ment. Morphological and physiological adaptations, as well as behavioral displays, seem to have evolved in response to average long term environ- mental influences. Skeletal morphology, for exam- ple, seldom shows seasonal variations; basic be- havioral gestures are generally quite consistent within a species from one geographical locality to another (Eisenberg, 1967). Social behavior, how- ever, is far more labile in its response to the envi- ronment (Stacey and Bock, 1978), and in conjunc- tion with mating strategies, may well represent the means by which organisms keep their reproductive success high in the face of short term environmental fluctuations. One of the most effective techniques for assessing the adaptive value of social organi- zation is the analysis of behavior of closely related species occupying markedly different habitats. Eisenberg’ s (1963, 1967) work on the behavior of heteromyid, murid, and dipodid rodents is an ex- cellent example of the use of a comparative study to explain behavioral repertoires from an adaptive, evolutionary perspective. Two major concepts that emerged from this work which should be consid- ered in any comparative behavioral study are: 1) “discrete behavior patterns exhibit a profound sim- ilarity”; and 2) “differences in the frequency of oc- currence rather than in the form of the movement have proved to be the most effective criterion for delineating taxon-specific differences.” Subsequent comparative studies on mammals have reinforced these concepts both for behavioral repertoires (Rood, 1972; Kleiman, 1974; Wilson and Kleiman, 1974) and for vocal repertoires (Eisenberg, 1974). Behavioral research on mammals has most re- cently been concentrated in two groups — the higher primates in general, and the South American ca- viomorph rodents. The interest in the caviomorph rodents is due in part to their substantial morpho- logical variability (Walker, 1974) and the wide va- riety of habitats that they occupy (Osgood, 1943; Moojen, 1952; Cabrera and Yepes, I960). The ca- viomorphs diversified greatly from the Oligocene through the Pleistocene when other rodent compet- itors were absent (Simpson, 1945; Landry, 1957; Mares, 1975). Eleven families and forty-six genera are currently found in South America (Simpson, 1945), and their habitats range from fossorial (Cten- omys and Clyomys) to semi-aquatic ( Hydrochoerus and Myocastor) to arboreal (Coendou, Kerodon and various echimyids). Caviomorphs are found in all major South American habitat types including Tropical Eorest, Savannah, Cerrado, Caatinga, Temperate Forest, Chaco, Llanos, Desert and Puna biomes. This morphological variability, coupled with the diversity of habitats, has led to the evo- lution of many interesting ecological and behavioral adaptations (Eisenberg, 1974; Kleiman, 1974). The caviomorphs, for these reasons, offer excellent op- portunities for behavioral studies of a comparative nature. The family Caviidae contains six genera and ap- proximately twelve species and has undergone an 5 6 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 17 interesting radiation. There are two distinct subfam- ilies— the Dolichotinae, which includes the genera Doliciwtis and Pediolagus\ and the Caviinae, which contains four genera, Kerodon, Galea, Ca- via, and Microcavia. The dolichotines are hare-like in their external morphology, and inhabit open semiarid grasslands, xeric thornscrub, and temperate steppe in Argen- tina and southwestern Paraguay. The basic social unit of the dolichotines is the pair, and after par- turition a temporary family unit is formed that per- sists from 6 to 8 months. In addition to possessing most of the typical caviomorph behavioral reper- toires, the dolichotines also show many behavioral adaptations similar to those of the large African her- bivores (Cabrera, 1953; Dubost and Genest, 1974; Kleiman, 1974). In contrast to the dolichotines, the subfamily Ca- viinae contains the more familiar “Guinea-pig” like rodents. Microcavia, Cavia, and Galea are all quite similar in morphology, resembling the common lab- oratory Cavia porcellus in body form. The genera differ primarily in size and in characteristics of the pelage. All three genera have four clawed digits on the manus and three clawed digits on the pes, and have a plantigrade foot posture. Galea is easily dis- tinguishable from the other two genera by the pres- ence of yellow incisors. These three genera occupy, in general, more open formations, ranging from Larrea flats (Microcavia) to open pampas (Cavia), or thornscrub forest and high Andean grasslands (Galea). All possible pairs of these three genera occur sympatrically in certain parts of their distri- butions. In certain areas of northeastern Argentina, all three genera may be sympatric (Cabrera, 1953; Contreras, 1965; Rood, 1972; Vaughan, 1972). Kerodon has the same basic caviine body form as the above three genera, but possesses some mor- phological and cranial characteristics unique to the subfamily. The manus and pes are padded with a leather-like epidermis (very similar to the feet of hyraxes) and claws are absent. The feet have sub- cutaneous nails on all digits but the innermost digit of the pes, where the nail has been modified as a small grooming claw used to comb the pelage. Kerodon is restricted in distribution to terrestrial islands of granitic boulders which occur throughout the Caatinga, a semi-arid region in Brazil. Animals use fissures and hollows in the rocks for shelter and to escape from predators, and emerge throughout the day and night to forage in the adjacent trees and shrubs. They are extremely agile climbers, which is unusual considering that they have neither claws nor a tail, two adaptations normally associated with arboreality. The skull, especially the rostrum, is longer and narrower than in other caviines, and the distance between the incisors and the premolars is proportionately greater (Moojen, 1952; Walker, 1974). The phylogenetic relationships of the caviids are still unclear (Patterson and Pascual, 1972; Spotor- no, 1979). The family is first known from the mid- Miocene, and by late Miocene the two subfamilies had separated (Landry, 1957). The current genera had probably all evolved by the mid-Pleistocene (Rood, 1972). Pascual (1962) diides the subfamily Caviinae into four groups based on molar charac- teristics— an extinct Allocavia group; a Cavia group, which includes Cavia and the extinct genus Paleocavia', a Microavia group; and a Galea group, which also includes the genus Kerodon. Of the current genera of Caviinae, only Galea and Kerodon are classified in the same group. Kerodon is seemingly more closely related to Galea than to any other caviid. The caviids have been fairly well studied behav- iorally. Both the dolichotines (Smythe, 1970; Du- bost and Genest, 1974; Wilson and Kleiman, 1974) and the caviines (King, 1956; Kunkel and Kunkel, 1964; Rood, 1970, 1972) have been observed under at least seminatural conditions, and complete be- havioral repertoires are present for all caviid genera except Kerodon. An examination of the behavior and ecology of Kerodon is therefore essential in any attempt at understanding the evolution of social behavior in the Caviidae. In this study the behavior of Kerodon is com- pared with the behavior of Galea spixii spixii (Wag- ler), a species sympatric with Kerodon in certain areas of northeastern Brazil. Kerodon is restricted to the semiarid Northeast, however, whereas Galea has a far more extensive distribution, occurring in Caatinga, the semiarid habitat of the Northeast; in the more mesic Cerrado savannahs; in Agreste, transition between Caatinga and Atlantic forest; and in the more open sections of Atlantic rain for- est. In comparison with Galea, therefore, Kerodon is a habitat specialist, restricted entirely to a poten- tially physiologically taxing environment. Galea is clearly a habitat generalist, occurring in a variety of open formations. This study focuses on the be- havioral repertoires, foraging behavior, patterns of aggression, mating systems, and social organization of both species. I then attempt to relate differences 1981 LACHER— CAVIID SOCIAL BEHAVIOR 7 A/ Fig. 1. — Major vegetational formations in the eight states that comprise northeastern Brazil. Modified from Carvalho ( 1973). in social behavior to differences in ecology, specif- ically in relation to the different habitat require- ments of the two species. Many important parameters that we use to define an organism’s niche are primarily behaviorally de- termined (for example, feeding preferences and for- aging behavior, choice of burrows or nesting sites, territoriality, reproduction and courtship, activity patterns, and microhabitat selection). Simpson (1958) stated that behavior is “the actual means of interaction between physical organization and the environment, hence the direct and visible expres- 8 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 17 48® 42° 36° Fig. 2. — Annual rainfall in northeastern Brazil. Values are reported in mm. The limits of the Caatinga (dotted line) approximately follow the 1,000 mm isohyet. Modified from Souza Reis (1976). sion of the relationship that is adaptation.” This study offers the opportunity to evaluate the adap- tive importance of social behavior in two closely- related organisms with differing ecological require- ments. Data collected on the ecology and social behavior of Kerodon are, in addition, compared to certain aspects of the behavior of the other caviids. Einally I attempt to clarify the trend of evolution of social behavior for this family. GENERAL HABITAT DESCRIPTION The Caatinga (Eig. 1) covers an area of 650,000 km- between 3° and 16° South Latitude and 45° and 35° West Longitude in the northeastern corner of Brazil (Erota-Pessoa et al., 1971 ; Souza Reis, 1976). 1981 LACHER— CAVllD SOCIAL BEHAVIOR 9 The annual rainfall of the Caatinga varies from slightly over 1 ,000 mm to less than 400 mm (Fig. 2). The region is not dry enough to be classified as a desert, but because of anomalies in yearly precipi- tation, it is susceptible to serious droughts and flooding (Eidt, 1968) Physically, the Caatinga is dominated by three major elements — 1) a basement of pre-Cambrian crystalline rocks which, when exposed, form a sur- face of gentle slopes; 2) many groups of hills, and ranges of low mountains of granitic rock (serras) which are the products of erosion and denudation; and 3) a cover of sandstone strata which at one time covered most of the crystalline basement, but is now partly stripped off by post-Cretaceous erosion. This sandstone layer, when eroded, forms the mesa-like plateaus known as chapadas (James, 1942; Ab'Saber, 1970). More information on the cli- mate and geology of the Caatinga can be found in Vasconcelos Sobrinho ( 1971), Markham ( 1972), and Carvalho ( 1973). The zoogeographic relationships of the Caatinga are poorly understood. Sick (1965) and Vanzolini (1974, 1976) have indicated that the Caatinga, as well as the intervening Cerrado, have very low rates of endemism. Both areas appear to have been col- onized by tropical elements from the Amazon Basin (north and west) and the Atlantic rainforest (east), and by scrub and semitropical elements from the belt of Caatinga, Cerrado, and Chaco, which runs southwesterly to Paraguay and Argentina. Guima- raes (1972) reports that the mammalian faunas of the Caatinga and Cerrado have many species in common. Vanzolini ( 1976) has compared the lizard faunas of the Cerrado and Caatinga, and reported that species compositions were virtually identical. The one endemic Caatinga lizard, PUitynotus semi- taeniatus, is associated with peculiar granitic rock formations that occur extensively throughout the Caatinga, and are known as lajeiros (extensive ex- posed tables of the crystalline basement, which often have large piles of boulders scattered upon their surface). Data on mammal distribution pat- terns suggest that Kerodon rapes tris, which occurs in the same habitat, is also a Caatinga endemic (Cabrera, 1953; Walker, 1974). My field site. Fazenda Batente, is a privately owned farm located in the municipality of Exu, 6 km SE of the town of Exu, Pernambuco, Brazil. Although Exu is located near the center of the Caa- tinga, it receives more rainfall than areas 20 to 30 km to the south, being situated at the southern base of the extensive plateau system of the Chapada do Araripe, which is one of the major centers of oro- graphic rainfall in the Caatinga (Markham, 1972). The amount of rainfall received in the low areas decreases as one moves south from Exu. The vege- tation of the Exu region, therefore, contains some Cerrado elements not normally found in Caatinga associations, while it lacks various species common in the more arid regions to the south. MATERIALS AND METHODS Habitat Analysis The study site contains a series of large boulder piles and lajeiros (rock faces) separated by patches of scrub forest, cacti, and second growth vegetation (Figs. 3 and 4). During the peak of the rainy season, samples of leaves, buds, and flowers of all species of plants present on the area were collected. These in- cluded not only trees and shrubs, but also cacti and all grasses. These were taken to the Instituto de Pesquisas Agronomicas in Recife, Pernambuco, for positive identification. The various mi- crohabitats present on the study areas were then visually sepa- rated as to their most common plant form and species. These classifications were subsequently used to examine microhabitat associations of the mammal fauna via mark and recapture data. A maximum-minimum thermometer was set up in the middle of the study area and a year-long record of weekly temperature minima and maxima was made. In addition, the relative humidity was recorded with a sling psychrometer on the morning of every trapping day. General weather conditions were also noted daily. Comparative Behavior and Ecology Colony Studies Breeding colonies were set up for both Kerodon riipestris and Galea spixii spi.xii. Animals for both colonies were captured in the wild at a variety of localities in northwestern Pernambuco. The Kerodon colony was established 4 February 1977 with the introduction of two adult males, three adult females, and one subadult female. The first litter was born in late July 1977. The colony increased in size to a maximum of 17 in March 1978, and contained 14 animals on the date of termination, 26 March 1978. The colony was maintained in a large (25 m by 10 m) windowed laboratory room of an abandoned agricultural school in Exu. Prior to the introduction of the animals, the room was divided into four subareas, each of which was modified to mimic a mi- crohabitat available to Kerodon on the study site. Two areas (15 m by 5 m each) were altered to resemble a boulder strewn rock-face and a dry, shallow-soil scrub forest. The other two 10 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 17 CORN FIELDS Fig. 3. — Map of the Fazenda Batente study area, indicating major rock piles. Study area subdivisions are indicated by roman numerals. Arabic numbers indicate trap sites and microhabitat type. The area was bordered on the east by cornfields, the west by a fenced corral, the north by a small stream and the south by a dirt road. Microhabitat code: 1 = Croton thickets; 2 = level shrub and grass areas; 3 = boulder, cacti areas; 4 = cultivated area; 5 = Cnidoscolus flat; 6 = Jacobinia, Rnellia flat. Distance from fence to beginning of corn- fields is about 80 m. areas (10 m by 5 m each) were modified to resemble a grassy field and a brush tangle, two microhabitats that are fringe habi- tats for Kerodon, but preferred habitats for Galen. These areas were included in the Kerodon colony room to observe the degree of utilization of these habitats by Kerodon during normal daily activity. Throughout the course of the study, Kerodon were presented a diet of green vegetation and pineapple, occasionally supple- mented with dried corn and Brazil nuts; water was provided ad libitum. All of the plants selected were common in Kerodon habitat, and included Cassia excelsa (Leguminosae), Ziziphns Joazeiro (Rhamnaceae), Solanuni paniculatus (Solonaceae), Croton campestris (Euphorbiaceae), and Brachiaris nnitica (Graminae). The Galea colony was established on 3 September 1978 with the introduction of four adult females, two subadult females, three adult males, and two subadult males. The two subadult males were the progeny of one of the adult females. The first birth in the colony occurred in late November, and reproduction continued until the end of the study on 26 March 1978. Colony size peaked twice at 15, in early February and in late March. The Galea were also maintained in a windowed laboratory room (10 m by 8 m) of the agricultural school. The room was altered primarily to mimic Galea habitat; however, rocks and trees were added to determine if they were utilized in the absence of Ker- odon. The animals were provided with water, pineapple, and green vegetation, primarily Brachiaris, and, occasionally, Cro- ton or Cassia (Brachiaris was highly preferred). 1981 LACHER— CAVIID SOCIAL BEHAVIOR Fig. 4. — View of the major rock pile of subdivision II and associated vegetation. Kerodon dwell in the cracks between the boulders. General observations were taken in the same manner on both colonies. The animals were all individually marked with a com- mercial fur dye, Jamar D. Observations were made from outside the colony through an open shutter. Because both species are active throughout the day, with a slight depression in the level of activity during the mid-day hours, observations were concen- trated during the morning and evening hours, and, in the case of Gcdeu, at night. All behaviors observed were recorded, many postures being sketched upon observation. Additional sketches were made from numerous still and motion picture films. Both 8-mm and 16-mm movies were taken during general colony ac- tivity and in encounter situations. These general observations were used to establish the basic behavior postures and displays, and to clarify the overall patterns of social behavior of each species. Throughout the period that the colonies were maintained, re- productive and growth data were collected on all animals. Ani- mals were captured, weighed, checked for reproductive condi- tion, and redyed once each month. When females neared the end of their gestation, they were captured and palpated daily. On the day of birth, the female was captured, weighed, and checked for signs of copulation. Numerous copulations occurred on the day of birth, and in situations where copulations were not directly observed, the females were found to have either copu- latory plugs or semen present in the vagina. As both species exhibit a postpartum estrous, gestation periods were calculated from the day of birth. The newborn juveniles were also captured. sexed, measured, and weighed at five-day intervals until 30 days of age, and then at iO-day intervals until 120 days of age. Beyond this, animals were handled only during the monthly weighings. The growth data on juveniles were then plotted and a regression line fitted to the data in order to calculate a growth equation (Lacher, 1979). An additional aspect of the comparative behavioral study was an examination of the interspecific interactions, which occurred in a mixed colony of the two genera. Three separate mixed col- onies were observed for a period of 4 to 6 days each — one in which both Kerodon and Galea were introduced simultaneous- ly; a second where Galea were introduced into the existing Ker- odon colony; and a third where Kerodon were released into an existing Galea colony. Animals were again dyed for individual identification. Density of animals per m^ of colony floor was kept constant for all three situations so as not to alter aggressive levels artificially. Observations of one hour's duration were con- ducted from one to three times daily, during which all interspe- cific and intraspecific aggressive and sexual interactions were recorded. The number of aggressive encounters was then stan- dardized to a per hour rate, so that the day to day trends in inter- and intraspecific interactions could be interpreted. Patterns of aggression were also examined in the individual colonies. For all aggressive encounters observed, the aggressive and submissive individuals were identified, and the type of ag- gressive display, as well as the corresponding subordinate re- sponse, were noted. These data were then used to compare the BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 17 12 overall patterns of aggression within each species in relation to its social organization. The data used in this comparison were collected simultaneously for both colonies between September 1977 and April 1978. Time budget data were collected on six separate groups — adult male Kerodon ; adult female Kerodon ; juvenile male Kerodon ; juvenile female Kerodon ; adult male Galea ; and adult female Galea. Time budgets were obtained in the same manner for both Kerodon and Galea excepting the time of observation. Kerodon time budgets were obtained in the morning, between 7 and 10 AM, whereas Galea time budgets were calculated at dusk and in the early evening hours. This was done to minimize disturbances on the Galea colony which was located near a footpath used during the day by farmers. I observed Kerodon and Galea in both the field and in the colony for over a year before beginning the time budget observations. In the wild, Kerodon and Galea were active throughout the day, with peaks in activity during the crepuscular hours. Both genera were active 24 h a day in the colony, with a depression in the level of activity during the mid- afternoon. Although these observations were not quantified to the degree the time budgets were, I observed no qualitative dif- ferences in the kind and frequency of activities exhibited during either the early morning or the late afternoon activity peaks. Animals were fed once daily, and the hour of feeding was set so that time budgets were calculated for both species approximately 12 h after the addition of food. This was done to eliminate pos- sible differences in the allocation of time that might have oc- curred if the animals were at different levels of satiation. For each time budget, a single animal was observed inten- sively for 0.5 h. The determination of which animals would be observed was random. Each animal was observed from between one to four times, giving a total of 56 Kerodon trials and 24 Galea trials. All movements of the animal were described and recorded on cassette tape. After the observations, the tape was played back, and the time spent in each behavioral category was marked by stopwatch and recorded in 3-min intervals, so that each individual data sheet contains what is essentially "a com- plete record” of the behavior for each animal observed, allowing for the analysis of both frequencies and durations of all events, as well as sequence analysis of series of events (Slater, 1978). Data Analysis Multivariate techniques have been used primarily for the ex- amination of morphological (Blackith and Reyment, 1971) or morphoecological (Karr and James, 1975; Mares, 1975, 1976, 1980; Cody, 1978) traits. Recently multivariate techniques also have been applied to behavioral data (Svendsen and Armitage, 1973; Bekoff et al., 1975; Hazlett, 1977; Colgan, 1978; Davies, 1978; Ringo and Hodosh, 1978). Two techniques, which are of particular value to the ethologist, are principal components anal- ysis and discriminant analysis. The basic methodology of these analyses and their application to behavioral data have been de- scribed in detail by various authors (Cooley and Lohnes, 1971; Aspey and Blankenship, 1977; Frey and Pimentel, 1978; Pimen- tel and Frey, 1978; Lacher, 1980). A few precautions about statistical inference with these anal- yses need to be mentioned. Two basic assumptions of discrim- inant analysis are 1) group variance-covariance matrices are equal, and 2) all samples were drawn from a multivariate-nor- mally distributed population. Although no program was available to test equality of the variance-covariance matrices, the large differences present among the within-group variances for certain variables leads me to doubt that this assumption was met. As for the assumption of multivariate normality, Cooley and Lohnes (1971) stated that “we do not know of any useful test for multi- variate normality.” I will assume that the above two assumptions have not been met and discriminant analyses (D.A.) will be treated as a de- scriptive heuristic process only. The only assumption necessary for the use of D.A. in this context is that all initial samples are potential members of the predefined populations (Neff and Smith, 1979). There is no difficulty in correctly classifying ani- mals as Kerodon and Galea, or as males and females. Classifi- cation of animals as juveniles was based on external reproduc- tive characteristics. No individual sample could potentially belong to a population other than those used in the construction of the discriminant axes. When used as a descriptive process, discriminant analysis in- dicates the relative importance of the variables in separating the populations and indicates the relative distances between the cen- troids of each population. The influence of the inequality of vari- ance-covariance matrices on classification of individuals is poor- ly known. Studies have shown that classification by Geisser classification probabilities performs well when the assumptions are not met (Pimentel and Frey, 1978). Geisser probabilities are more robust to departures from equality than are classification functions, the D.A. method employed in this study (SPSS DIS- CRIMINANT package; Nie et al., 1975). Discriminant analysis is, in general, especially robust, and has been shown to give close to optimal results even when variance-covariance matrices are significantly different (Lachenbruch, 1975; Neff and Smith, 1979). Thus probabilities of classification will be assumed to re- flect the true biological affinities between samples and popula- tions. Although discriminant analysis assists in the separation of these groups, it tells one very little about the nature of the vari- ation within groups. This is best accomplished by the calculation of principal components for each of the homogeneous groups. The computation of principal components requires no assump- tions about the structure of the data, as long as no statistical inferences are to be drawn (Neff and Smith, 1979). The ability to use quantified aspects of an animal's ethogram as a “system of measurement" in order to compare closely-re- lated species is especially appealing to the ethologist. In this study, all recorded aspects of the behavioral repertoire of each species as well as certain acts which gave some indication of the importance of olfactory signals (sandbathing, scent-marking) were used in the quantitative analyses (Table 1). A quantitative approach was chosen in order to facilitate the examination of species-specific differences by the criteria proposed by Eisen- berg ( 1967). The raw data used in the multivariate analyses were taken from the time budget sheets. Both number of occurrences for each trait and total time spent in each behavioral act were re- corded, but mean duration was chosen as the variable form to be analyzed. Duration is widely used in behavioral research, as it gives an estimate of the degree of variability or stereotypy of behavioral acts. It also has advantages over both frequency of behavioral acts and total time spent in the various behaviors (Bekoff, 1977; Fagen and Young, 1978). Mean duration is the only variable form which allows the observer to treat all behav- iors as a unit phenomenon possessing a variable temporal com- ponent. Mean durations were calculated from the time budget data for 1981 LACKER— CAVIID SOCIAL BEHAVIOR 13 all displays observed. For each trial the total time an animal was observed performing a given behavioral act was divided by the total number of times the act was performed. Each 0.5-h trial presents mean durations for all aspects of the behavioral rep- ertoire executed during the observations. Displays not executed during a given trial were, by definition, of zero duration. Each trial was considered one sample unit. The total sample size for each group on which time budget data were collected was there- fore equal to the number of trials performed on animals of that group. Durations have been used as a behavioral phenotype in a va- riety of comparative studies (see Bekoff, 1977, for a review), particularly to compare mean durations and their coefficients of variation. Although the same is being done for Kerodon and Galea (Lacher and Mares, in preparation), the objective in these analyses was to determine if a population could be defined in terms of the mean durations of the various displays present in the behavioral repertoire. In addition, I wished to determine how consistently a given animal could be correctly classified into a population, based on a single observation period for which mean durations were calculated. One inherent difficulty was related to the degree of common- ness of certain acts. Not all acts were observed in a single ob- servation period. This especially created difficulties when at- tempting to compare populations. For example, a given display may have exactly the same mean duration in three different populations, however, may occur in quite different frequencies in each. Referring to Eisenberg (1967) the above discrete behavior patterns exhibited a profound sim- ilarity in duration. A simple comparison of durations, however, neglects a second important concept which is invaluable in any attempt at classification: "differences in the frequency of oc- currence, rather than in the form (or mean duration, in this case) of the movement have proven to be the most effective criteria for delineating taxon-specific differences" (Eisenberg, 1967). I therefore weighted all measurements of mean duration for a given population by the frequency of occurrence within that group. Mean population-durations for all displays in the behav- ioral repertoire (Table 1) were calculated by summing the mean durations for all the trials, and dividing by the total number of trials in that population. Mean durations of zero were thus in- cluded in the calculations. Individual cases (each 0.5-h trial) were then assigned a probability of classification within each population, based upon the comparison of the suite of mean durations with the corresponding mean population-durations of each group. The analysis of durations may reveal additional information of biological relevance. In a discussion of behavioral act dura- tions, Fagan and Young (1978) note that there are two possible types of behavioral acts. One type of act has a termination point which is independent of the time at which the act begins (that is, interrupted by another). Such acts exhibit a negative expo- nential probability distribution. A second type of act tends to terminate with increasing probability as the performance time increases. Their performance will begin when the benefit result- ing from the act outweighs the cost of its enactment, and will end when the cost exceeds the benefit. This kind of act would represent what the ethologist commonly refers to as a behavioral display (for example, the relatively uniform postures and move- ments discussed by Eisenberg, 1967, in his report on compara- tive rodent behavior). The coefficient of variation of the temporal duration of these acts would consequently by smaller than the Table 1 . — The various categories of behavior used in the time budget analyses. There are four functional groupings of acts, each of which contains a number of variables. A number of relatively infrequently observed acts that were not recorded dur- ing the time-budgets are not included. Maintenance and locomotion a) Inactive (out of sight in rocks) b) Sitting, rocks d) Sitting, ground d) Sitting, tree e) Sitting, sand f) Running g) Climbing h) Walking i) Sandbathing j) Grooming k) Suckling l) Nursing m) Foraging/drinking Aggression a) Lunging b) Chasing c) Fleeing d) Grappling e) Curved-body posture f) Submit Reproduction a) Follow (Chin-rump) b) Followed c) Tail-up d) Repulsed e) Mounting Contact-promoting behavior a) Crawl-overs b) Allogrooming c) Scentmarking Estimate of degree of activity a) Activity-ratio coefficient of variation for “interrupted" act durations. One type of act would therefore exhibit a fairly limited temporal variability (that is, stereotypy), whereas the other type would exhibit the opposite property (that is, variability). Using these criteria, it is possible to construct classes of be- havior that can be separated by appropriate statistical analyses (Table 2). In this framework. Class I behaviors are those which are important in separating groups (for example, species or sexes). Class II behaviors are those that are of little importance in group separation, but which indicate acts that are important in maintaining higher-order group integrity (for example, acts shared at the generic level in an interspecific analysis). Class 111 behaviors are those that function as ‘ ‘interrupted-behaviors' ' (that is, behavioral acts which are not duration specific and oc- cupy random length time periods that are disrupted at variable intervals by other acts or displays). Class 111 behaviors may also have an importance which is not related to duration, thus they should be cautiously interpreted. 14 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 17 Table 2. — The classes of behavior, based on stereotypy and variability. Once groups are defined, the three behavioral classes can be distinguished through discriminant analysis and the examination of coefficients of variation. See text for a more detailed description. Class Type of variability Level 1 Low intragroup variability High intergroup variability Group-specific behaviors 11 Low intragroup variability Behaviors common to Low intergroup variability higher group levels 111 High intragroup variability “Filler-behaviors” or not High intergroup variability duration specific Discriminant analysis proved to be of particular value in dis- tinguishing behavioral acts by these criteria. Variables, which were indicated as differing significantly between groups by dis- criminant analysis, were subsequently analyzed by a variety of univariate tests (Table 3). Once groups were defined, factors, which were important in explaining significant percentages of the intragroup variance, were constructed by a principal com- ponents analysis. Field Studies Population and reproductive data were collected simulta- neously for both Kerodon and Galea, which were sympatric at the study site. Animals were live-trapped for a one-year period beginning in October 1976. In addition, Kerodon were handcap- tured and marked beginning in January 1978 until April of the same year. For live-trapping and observations of movements, the study area was divided into six subdivisions. Each subdivision con- tained a major rock pile, and was trapped for a minimum period of 8 days. The traps were then rotated to another subdivision. In place of a grid, traps were placed in an irregular pattern throughout the site. Because of its physiognomy, the site was difficult to accurately grid. Piles of large boulders (3 to 6 m high) were separated by crevasses, vine tangles and thorny vegetation. A second disadvantage of a grid was related to the daily move- ments of the animals. Galea extensively utilize well-marked run- ways, and a regular grid would have potentially missed many runways. Kerodon are extremely habit specific, being associated with the boulder piles, which were located throughout the study area, and a grid would therefore have placed too few traps in Kerodon habitat. I thus chose to place traps selectively on run- ways and in rockpiles to increase trapping and marking success of the animals. Intertrap distances were then measured to cal- culate home range sizes. Trapped animals were weighed, sexed, and checked for re- productive status. All new animals were toe-clipped for future identification. In addition, all Kerodon were marked with a com- mercial fur dye, Jamar D, for easy individual recognition in the field. Observations of these marked animals were used to sup- plement the trapping data on home range and movements. As Kerodon proved to be extremely difficult to trap, beginning in January of 1978, the animals were captured with the assistance of dogs and a number of young children. Kerodon were cornered in the rocks by the dogs, and subsequently captured with nooses by the children. These animals were weighed, sexed, toe-clipped and dyed, and their subsequent movements followed visually. These observations on movement were taken from a series of points on the study area, an equal amount of time being spent at each point. General behavioral observations in the field were concentrated at two particular localities on the site (III and VI in Fig. 3), although observations were taken on various occasions through- out the study site. Observations were made either from behind a blind or in the shelter of some vegetation. Watch periods varied both in length (30 min to 3 h) and in the time of day observations Table 3. — A summary of all statistical procedures used, indicating the source, and the groups compared. Additional procedures used for special situations are not included, and are referenced in the text when applied. Test Source Groups compared Mann-Whitney U-test BMDP3S (Dixon, 1975) Siegal (1956) Kerodon sexes Galea sexes One-way F-test SPSS ONEWAY (Nie et al., 1975) Sokal and Rohlf (1969) All groups All adults Kruskal-Wallis test BMDP3S (Dixon, 1975) Siegal (1956) All groups All adults Non-parametric multiple comparisons Hollander and Wolfe (1973) All groups All adults Discriminant analysis SPSS DISCRIMINANT (Nie et al., 1975) Pimental and Frey (1978) All groups All adults Principal component analysis BMDP4M (Dixon, 1975) Frey and Pimental (1978) All Galea Adults Kerodon males Kerodon females 1981 LACHER— CAVIID SOCIAL BEHAVIOR 15 occurred (ranging from dawn to dusk), with emphasis during crepuscular hours. All field observations were compared to ob- servations made in the more controlled colony situation in order to evaluate possible differences that may have existed. The total observation time, for both field and colony studies, was approximately 1,600 h. In the following descriptions of the behavioral repertoires, 1 use the terms “display” and “gesture” as synonyms. RESULTS Habitat Analysis The record of maximum temperatures shows a cycle with high temperatures September through December, followed by a cooling trend (Fig. 5). The temperature remains low until mid-July, when it again climbs to the September levels. The minimum temperatures follow the same trend, but tend to lag behind the maximum temperatures. The coolest temperatures of the year coincided with the period of the most regular rainfall, late April through Au- gust. These months are generally considered the rainy season in the Exu area, but during the year that these data were collected there was no well defined rainy season, and rain occurred periodically throughout the year. Conversations with local farmers and the Service de Peste in Exu indicated that 1976-1977 was an especially wet year. Indeed, with the exception of a few species, there was no period of deciduousness that year; vegetation is usually sparse during the dry season in the Caatin- ga. Although the study site was a relatively small area, the high structural diversity present allowed for a fairly high species richness of plants (Table 4); 29 families, 55 genera, and 70 species are repre- sented. There are a number of different microhab- itats present that tend to be dominated by one or a few species. The relatively level, rock-free areas were dominated by low canopy second growth thickets of Croton jacobinensis, Cordia globosa, and, in areas where the soil became somewhat rocky, Croton argyrphylloides. More recently cut level areas were dominated by various species of Malvaceae (Bogenhardia tiubae, Sida panicidata), Compositae {Centrathenim punctatimi, Blainvillea rhomboidea), the vine-like Leguminosae {Phaseo- Ins and Macroptilium), and, on the more open areas, various grasses (Gramineae, Cyperaceae). Cacti, especially the two species of Pilosocerens, were most common in the boulder areas. The com- mon trees were Cordia insigna and Cedrela sp., and occasionally Erythroxyhim and Rhamnidium. A heavy vine layer of Cissus simsiana, Cissus si- cyoides, Serjania caracasana, Serjania sp., and Vismia guionensis blanketed the trees and low vegetation. In addition to the above three habitats, which were the most extensive, there were three additional areas of relatively uniform vegetation on Table 4. — Dates of the first observation of selected traits and gestures in Kerodon rupestris juveniles. All values in days. Individuals Trait n JR JF J5 Bl B2 B3 Maintenance and locomotion Frisky-hops 2 13 Running 1 2 7 3 3 Climbing 14 9 21 Basking 14 36 Stretching 14 Yawning 14 Grooming 14 6 29 2 3 Refection 6 29 Foraging 14 17 12 7 13 3 Drinking 15 51 Aggression Lunge 45 101 48 28 Chase 28 34 51 Flee 98 15 12 21 32 58 51 Grappling 70 15 26 26 Grappling stops 175 80 57 54 71 71 Submit 76 51 Reproduction Follow Followed 84 17 12 105 30 Circling 210 Mounting 70 30 34 Copulation Estrous 84 71 60 Copulatory Plug 83 Pregnancy 81 Partum Testes down 119 156 113 114 114 Contactual behavior Crawl-overs 14 3 9 4 2 2 Allogrooming Nose-nose 70 12 46 51 Vocalizations Alarm call 84 2 Weaning 35 48 35 23 25 45 16 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 17 100- 90 ■ 80- UJ cr 70 - =) K 60 - < q: 50 - Ul Q. 40 - 5 UJ 30 - i- 20 - 10 - 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 h 1 1 1 1 1 h -r- 1 1 1 1 1 1 NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV Fig. 5. — Weather data collected at the Fazenda Batente study site for November 1976 to November 1977. Dashed lines above the graph indicate days with rainfall. Upper graph represents 15 day maxima and lower graph 15 day minima in degrees Fahrenheit. the study site. One area had been previously culti- vated, and was still dominated by the domesticated fruit-bearing plants Manioniica clwrantia, Ciicii- mus anguria, Lycopersicon esculentum, and Sola- num americanmn. A small rocky area between two large boulder piles was almost entirely occupied by Cnidoscolum urens. A third locale, which was a flat sandy area separating the study site from an adja- cent stream bank, primarily contained the shrubs Jacohinia sp. and Riiellia asperula, with a mixed grass ground cover. This area was separated from the stream bank by a line of trees of Cassia excelsa and Pterogyne nit e ns. Although no statistical technique of habitat anal- ysis was used to define the above six microhabitats, the combination of structural and floristic differences that existed made each area quite easily distinguish- able from the others. Trap sites could therefore be assigned to a given microhabitat with confidence. Maintenance Behavior Ingestive Behavior Feeding. — Although foraging behavior is basical- ly the same in both genera, there were a number of notable differences. Galea walked with the body held close to the ground, the head also held low and extended forward. The animals proceeded forward interspersing slow, cautious steps with series of quick hops. They would periodically hold the head high, looking around and sniffing the air. Galea rarely manipulated food with the forepaws. Kerodon also moved forward with the same low-body pos- ture, holding the nose just slightly above the level of the ground (Eig. 6c). Like Galea, they also in- terchanged bouts of slow walking and hop-like run- ning while exploring. When Kerodon paused, they generally sat upright, with their front paws off the ground, very similar to a dog begging (Fig. 6a, b). While in this position, they sniff the air and look around. Kerodon in the field, however, spent very little time foraging on the ground, and when they did, it was almost always on a rock surface. The majority of foraging bouts observed in the field oc- curred in trees. Animals would emerge from rock fissures and move about on the tops of boulders. From there they would climb into adjacent trees and forage on leaves, buds, flowers, and bark. When disturbed, animals would leap from the trees, breaking their fall by grasping at branches and vines on the way down. Kerodon used the forepaws ex- tensively while foraging, commonly sitting upright and holding a leaf in both hands while eating. In the field, both genera foraged day and night. Drinking. — Animals were only observed drinking in the colony. Both genera lean over the water source (dish or puddle) and lap the water without raising the head. Animals would occasionally pause and look about, then continue drinking. Refection. — Both genera were observed nibbling the anal region, then lifting the head and chewing (Fig. 10a). 1981 LACHER— CAVIID SOCIAL BEHAVIOR 17 Locomotion Walking and running. — Both Kerodon and Galea walk quadrupedally with alternating steps. Walking was most commonly observed while animals were casually feeding. Animals would also accelerate into a run, using the same alternate foot pattern, although rapid locomotion more often consists of series of hops. During aggressive chases and when following a female. Galea would often exhibit a bounding locomotion (stotting), similar to Dolicho- tis (Dubost and Genest, 1974). When hop-running, Kerodon sprung simultaneously off its hind-feet, then alternated the left and right forepaws, then sprung off the hind feet, and so on. Kerodon are extremely agile while running in the rock piles, and would often run full speed towards a rock, leap against the surface, then twist the body up to 180° while in the air, running in a completely different direction upon landing. They possess considerable spring in their hind limbs, and can easily leap from a run up onto a 3-ft high boulder. At times (for example, exploring a strange area) they would run short distances in quick bursts, then stop and re- orient their body in jerky 90° and 180° turns. Climbing. — Although Rood (1972) reported climbing behavior in Galea musteloides , Galea spixii were never observed climbing. Kerodon, how- ever, were extremely agile climbers (Eig. 7). When ascending a tree, Kerodon used an alternating foot pattern much like a man climbing a ladder. Once in the tree, Kerodon moved along the branches with the body held close to the branch, again using a left forepaw, right hindfoot, right forepaw, left hindfoot pattern. For animals of their relatively large bulk, Kerodon were capable of navigating extremely del- icate branches, and were observed moving about in the field and in the colony on branches of less than 1 cm in diameter. When moving from branch to branch, they generally reached out with the fore- paws, secured the branch, and then stepped or hopped over with the hindfeet. When descending, Kerodon either stepped down, as if descending a 18 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 17 Fig. 7. — Kerodon adult sitting on a low branch shortly after emerging from the rocks. ladder headfirst, or slid down backwards or side- ways. When frightened, they would leap 10 to 20 ft to the ground, breaking their fall by grasping at branches during the descent. Frisky hops. — Both Kerodon and Galea juve- niles exhibited frisky hops. The animal would leap into the air, twist the body and shake the head to and fro, often landing in a different orientation. Frisky hops were occasionally accompanied by bouts of exaggerated running. The various compo- nents present in frisky hops correspond quite closely to the components of Locomotor-Rotational movements described in Wilson and Kleiman (1974). The importance of olfactory stimulation in eliciting frisky hops, however, has not been de- fined. Resting Posture Galea spi.xii resting postures were the same as described for G. mnsteloides (Rood, 1972). Galea would commonly form a small nestlike depression in the dry grass in which to sit (Fig. 8). Kerodon exhibited a variety of resting postures (Fig. 9). There were two basic sitting postures — one in which the animal maintained the forelegs erect, with the chest off the ground and the head up; and a second more relaxed posture with the venter in contact with the substrate, the forelimbs bent, and the head drooped with the eyes partly closed. An- imals were commonly observed in the latter posi- tion sitting in the sun. Kerodon would often shift from this second sitting position to a semiprostrate posture, with both hindlegs extended out to one side. In very hot weather, Kerodon would lie flat on the ground with the hindlegs splayed out behind. A common gesture in both Kerodon and Galea as they sat was the head twitch, a rapid shaking of the head, tilted to one side. Its apparent function was to shoo small flies and mosquitoes away from the eyes and ears. 1981 LACHER— CAVIID SOCIAL BEHAVIOR 19 Fig. 8. — Adult Galea in typical resting posture. Grooming Face wipes. — These were exhibited in both gen- era (Figs. 10b, c; Fig. II; Fig. 12a). The animal licked the forepaws, either together or separately, then using the inner side of the paws, wiped the face from behind the ears to the nose. The cheek areas were wiped most often. Both paws were used simultaneously, alternately, or one at a time. Galea generally sat on their haunches while face wiping, whereas Kerodon more commonly sat in a “beg- ging dog” posture. Scratching. — Both genera used the hindfeet to scratch the ventrum, side, back, and head, partic- ularly behind the ear. Kerodon possesses a groom- ing claw on the innermost digit of the hind foot, which it used to groom the pelage (Fig. 12b). The mouth was often used to clean the claws after scratching. Nibbling and licking. — Both genera nibbled the fur with the incisors. The areas groomed included all areas posterior to and including the shoulders and forelimbs. In addition to licking the paws during face wipes, animals were observed to lick the anal and genital regions. Adult females would often lick the anal region of young juveniles, apparently to stimulate defecation. Nosing. — Both genera also groom by rubbing the nose through the fur of the sides and belly. B 20 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 17 A Fig. 10. — Adult Kerodon exhibiting refection (a) and two different postures of an adult grooming by face wipes (b and c). Combing. — When nosing the pelage, Kerodon would often sit upright, and simultaneously comb the fur with the forepaws. As in nosing, the sides and ventrum were combed. Galea were not ob- served combing. Rolling and sandbalhing. — This aspect of groom- ing behavior was observed only in Galea, and formed an integral part of this species' sandbathing behavior. Kerodon, although provided with sand- bathing arenas, did not sandbathe. There were two basic components to sandbathing in Galea — side rubs, during which the animal would roll onto its side, generally in a sandy or dusty area, and vig- orously kick backwards with both hindfeet; and ventral rubs, in which the forelimbs were held un- der the body, the belly was flat against the sub- strate, and the hindlimbs were again vigorously kicked backwards. When siderubbing, the fore- limbs and chest were usually in contact with the ground, but occasionally the animal would roll com- pletely onto its back. In addition, animals frequent- ly reoriented their body position during ventral rubs, kicking a few times, then turning 180° (that is, head now in rump position), and kicking again. This sequence was often repeated several times. As roll- ing and sandbathing were highly integrated with marking behavior, they will be discussed further in the next section. Marking Kerodon in the colony were observed dragging the perineum, and apparently marking, only three times in 20 months of observation. This behavior was not seen in the field. This indicates that olfac- 1981 LACHER— CAVIID SOCIAL BEHAVIOR 21 Fig. 11. — Adult female Kerodon face wiping. tory communication may not be as important in Kerodon as in Galea , a species which exhibits fre- quent scentmarking behavior. Galea scentmarking occurred both separately and in conjunction with sandbathing. Marking during sandbathing occurred primarily during ventral rubs, when the animal would drag the perineum forward in between kicks. Occasionally the animal would pause in the ventral rub position and rub the perineum from side to side, then continue sandbathing. Galea were also ob- served to urinate while performing a perineal drag. Sandbathing and marking were observed in a va- riety of situations. All animals marked and sand- bathed intensively upon introduction to the colony. When a strange male was introduced to the already extant colony, he urinated, marked, and sandbathed extensively within 3 min after his introduction. On one occasion the dominant male was observed to scentmark and sandbathe on the same spot where a subordinate male had done the same a few min- utes before. Marking was also observed in more specific aggressive situations. The dominant male was observed marking after chasing a subordinate. A Fig. 12. — Adult female Kerodon face wiping while a juvenile nurses (a), and an animal grooming the head and neck with the hind-toe grooming claw (b). BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 17 TO Fig. 13. — Juvenile Kerodon suckling from the forward position. and the same behavior was also observed in the dominant female. The spot marked was the point at which the chased animal had initially been sitting. In a reproductive context, a female was observed scentmarking after urinating on a male who was fol- lowing her. Comfort Movements Both genera often stretched and yawned while resting. When stretching, they would commonly stretch the body, then stretch one hind leg out be- hind, followed by the other. Kerodon was observed stretching the hindlimbs by kicking back in a man- ner very similar to that employed by Galea while sandbathing. The strong correspondence between the postures and movements suggests that such comfort movements as stretching may be the origin of more complicated series of movements such as those used in sandbathing. Within Galea, the move- ments used while stretching are essentially sand- bathing movements in slow motion. Digging Digging was not observed in either Kerodon or Galea. Elimination When urinating, both genera would elevate the hindquarters slightly. Kerodon also would occa- sionally lift one hindleg and extend it to the side. In the field. Galea feces were generally encountered in runways. Kerodon, however, defecated in a number of selected areas in each rockpile. Great quantities of feces would accumulate in these areas, in piles 1 to 3 ft in diameter and often an inch or two deep. This same behavior is exhibited by another group of rock dwelling animals, the rock hyraxes (Hoeck, 1975). Attend In response to an external stimulus, Galea would sit upright, forelimbs extended, with the head raised. The animal would freeze in this position, and would subsequently flee for cover or resume its earlier activity, depending upon the presence or ab- sence of subsequent stimuli. The dominant male was commonly observed in an attend position, ap- parently observing the movements of other animals. He would generally sit on top of a large rock while in this position to facilitate his observations. Ker- odon normally sat in a relaxed posture, hunched slightly forward. As birds moved or called in the forest, Kerodon occasionally watched them, but didn’t change posture. When an unexpected rus- tling occurred in the trees, the animal would move its body forward onto its toes, extend the forelimbs, and stretch its upper body and head forward (Eig. 6d). If the stimulus were sufficiently intense, Ker- 1981 LACHER— CAVIID SOCIAL BEHAVIOR 23 odon would abruptly turn towards the adjacent crevice and ready itself for fleeing. When in this position, animals would commonly raise one foot up and sniff at the air. They would occasionally go into a complete upright posture. In addition, the animal often made rapid 90 and 180 degree pivots of the body while in the attend position maintaining the rump at the same point. Kerodon alarm whistles were usually given from an attend position. Social Behavior Contactual Patterns Nursing postures. — Galea females generally sat in an attend-iike posture while nursing; occasionally adult females would lie down and dose their eyes. Juveniles would generally suckle from the side; at times they would suckle from in between the fore- limbs of the female. When two juveniles were being 24 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 17 Fig. 15. — Adult female Kerodon grooming a suckling juvenile — licking fur (a) and anogenital region (b). nursed, they would suckle on the posterior pair of teats from different sides or from the same side of the body. When three juveniles were suckling, they would utilize all four mammae. Kerodon females sat in a posture similar to Galea while nursing (Figs. 13, 14). Juveniles suckled both from the side and from the front. A juvenile would sometimes crawl completely under the belly of the female while suckling. When there were two juveniles, they suckled from the same side, or from different sides, and the teat order was not specific. Juveniles would occasionally pause while suckling and groom the face. The female would also groom herself while nursing, and at times would groom the juveniles (Fig. 15). Before juveniles began suckling, they often performed a series of climb-overs on the back of the female. After a number of climb-overs, the Fig. 16. — Two face-face contact positions in Kerodon — chin-on- nose (a) and sniffing facial region (h). female then allowed the juvenile to suckle. Females also occasionally rejected juveniles by shaking them from their backs, especially when the young animals were nearly weaned. Social grooming. — This behavior was rare in Galea, and common in Kerodon. The only instance of allogrooming observed in Galea was an adult fe- male grooming her juvenile. In Kerodon, however, there was a fairly complex network of allogrooming associations. The most common association was the grooming of juveniles by adult females, par- ticularly while the young were suckling. Allo- grooming between adult females, however, was never observed. This was in sharp contrast to the situation between adult males, where allogrooming was quite frequent. The animal most often groomed was the dominant male. He was generally groomed by subordinate males (numbers three and four in the hierarchy) who were his progeny or had been introduced to the eolony as juveniles. The number two male, introdueed as an adult together with the dominant male, never allogroomed another animal. 1981 LACHER— CAVIID SOCIAL BEHAVIOR 25 Fig. 17. — Two adult Kerodon exchanging the nose-nose recognition gesture. although he was himself allogroomed by the number four male. The number three and four males once allogroomed each other before their respective or- ders in the hierarchy had been clearly established. Intersexual ailogrooming was infrequent. An adult female once groomed the dominant male and at- tempted to groom the number three male, who lunged at her. The number three male allogroomed the dominant female once, and on a second occa- sion allogroomed an estrous female after an at- tempted mount. The areas allogroomed were pre- dominantly the face, head, and neck, and occasionally the forelimbs and shoulders. The ani- mal performing the grooming w'ould either nibble or nose the pelage of the other. In the observed case of reciprocal ailogrooming, the two animals placed their faces cheek to cheek, and nibbled at each oth- ers neck and ear regions. Nose -nose and kiss. — Face-face contact was used as an apparent recognition gesture in both gen- era (Figs. 16, 17). Initial nose-nose contact in Ker- odon was sometimes followed by the cheek to cheek gesture described in social grooming, as well as a general sniffing of the body (Figs. 18, 19). In addition, one animal would at times place its chin on the back of the other following a nose-nose ges- ture (Fig. 19a). A gesture resembling the kiss de- scribed by Rood (1972) for Microcavia was also Fig. 18. — Juvenile Kerodon nuzzling face (a) and side (b) of adult female. 26 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 17 c Fig. 19. — Contact-promoting behavior in Kerodon: chin on back (a), nose-nose (b), and mutual naso-anal (c). observed in Keroclon, a mutual nuzzling of the mouth region. Crawl-over. — This behavioral component was observed in both genera, though it was far more common in Keroclon. One adult female Galea had a habit of following another adult female around the colony, and was observed crawling over the back of the female on several occasions. The following female also placed its chin on the back of the other. Adult females would also occasionally place the 1981 LACHER— CAVIID SOCIAL BEHAVIOR 27 Fig. 20. — Young juvenile Kerodon exhibiting crawl-over behavior on resting adult female. chin on the back of a juvenile. In Kerodon, crawl- overs were observed in association with a variety of other gestures. Adult males were often observed either crawling-over, or resting their forelimbs, on the backs of females (Fig. 19a). Female-female crawl-overs were also observed, particularly in as- sociation with huddling. The chin-on-back gesture was also observed in Kerodon. Submissive males placed their chins on the back of the dominant male while allogrooming. Crawl-overs by males on fe- males may actually be a component of sexual be- havior, as males were twice observed exhibiting crawl-overs in association with other sexual behav- ior, like following and mounting. The most common situation in which crawling-over was observed was in adult-juvenile interactions. Juveniles would com- monly crawl about on the backs of adults, particu- larly adult females (Fig. 20). A variety of positions was exhibited, including the chin on back. Juveniles would occasionally approach the adult from the rear and climb into a mounting-like position. Juveniles would also climb completely onto the back of a rest- ing female. Adult females in return would at times place their chin on the back or rump of juveniles. Juvenile crawl-overs may have a function in stim- ulating nursing behavior in the adults (see Nursing Postures). Grappling. — Grappling behavior was observed only in Kerodon juveniles. Animals would rear up on their hind legs, grasp each other by the upper body and wrestle back and forth. While wrestling, the animals would often jump up and down, and when one animal would drop down on all fours, the other would climb or jump onto its back. Grappling was similar both to frisky hops and adult agonistic behavior, and is probably an important play behav- ior in the development of certain aggressive ges- tures. The actual aggressive counterpart in adults is jousting and jump-turns, which have the same basic structure, but are of a much higher intensity. A juvenile on one occasion attempted to grapple with an adult, who responded with an aggressive lunge. Grappling, in this case, elicited a true ag- gressive response from the adult. On another oc- casion an adult male was sexually following a ju- venile, whose response at the male’s approaches was to turn and grapple. The male gesture of at- tempting to mount served only to stimulate play behavior in the juvenile. Huddling. — Both Kerodon and Galea were ob- served to rest in contactual positions while kept in cages. Animals rested in a variety of positions — side-side, head-over-side, rear-sit, and side-sit (Rood, 1972). However, in the large colony rooms animals generally rested in contact only when frightened or disturbed. 28 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 17 Fig. 21. — Agonistic behavior in Kerodon: Male on left in partial submit while male on right assumes threat posture (a). Males begin to joust (b and 0 and jump-turn (c through e). The animal on the left in sketch (e) has been caught flat-footed during a series of jump- turns and has assumed a defensive posture. Agonistic Patterns Head thrust. — This was the lowest intensity ag- gressive gesture in both genera. The dominant an- imal would either jab the head forward or flick the head sideways in the direction of an opponent. In its most exaggerated form the aggressor would lunge its entire body forward, or in the case of a sideways thrust, would also throw its shoulders and forelimbs towards the submissive animal. Head thrusts did not appear to be associated with any specific type of encounter, but rather seemed to in- dicate a fairly high superiority of the aggressor over the subordinate. It was the most common means employed by an adult to rid itself of a pestering or intruding juvenile. Dominant animals would often approach a subordinate individual in a fairly slow, deliberate walk with the head and shoulders held low and directed forward. The appearance of the body was thus much like the position assumed by the aggressive animal after a head thrust. The low body approach would often elicit a flee in a subor- dinate, the functional similarity likely being related to the structural similarity. 1981 LACKER— CAVIID SOCIAL BEHAVIOR 29 A B C Fig. 22. — Agonistic behavior in Kerodon: aggressive chase (a), and (b through d). The biting animal usually closes its eyes. Attack lunge. — This act was also observed in both genera, and was essentially an exaggerated head thrust. The aggressor ran or jumped towards another animal, terminating in the head-thrust po- sition. The final position varied slightly between the two genera. Kerodon attack lunges ended with the body held low and directed forward, and the head also directed forward and down. Galea terminated an attack lunge with the body directed forward; however, the forelimbs were usually erect and spread, and the head was angled forward and up, not down. Chase. — If one of the above two gestures was not sufficient to instigate a flee from the subordinate animal, the dominant would then pursue the other animal in a running chase. The end result was gen- erally that the submissive animal fled, and the dom- inant animal desisted. At times the chasing animal would actually pursue the subordinate until he caught it, and would attempt to bite the rump of the fleeing animal. Kerodon chases in the field were especially interesting, as the animals wove in and out of rock crevasses, and even climbed trees. The fleeing animal would often avoid an aggressor sim- ply by crawling out onto a very thin branch. Stand-threats. — Galea would frequently exhibit three views of a dominant individual biting a submissive animal curved-body postures in situations of unsettled dominance hierarchies. The two animals would characteristically slowly approach one another, then stop and stiffen their limbs, hunch the back, pull in the neck, and lower their heads. They would frequently exhibit piloerection. One or both animals would then lunge, and if neither fled, the animals would again assume a curved-body posture and continue the bout. When neither animal emerged victorious, they would maintain the curved-body for some time, then would mutually depart. Al- though Kerodon did not exhibit curved-body pos- tures, they would, in between bouts of jousting and jump-turns (see below), space themselves parallel to one another, but facing in opposite directions, and slowly walk in large opposing semicircles. When walking, the animals would take peculiar de- liberate, bobbing steps. An animal would also oc- casionally pause and rock the hindquarters to and fro. This particular gesture, which I termed spacing and pacing, was very uncommon. The act of align- ing the bodies in parallel, but facing in opposite di- rections, seems to have its origin in the curved- body postures of Galea and Cavia. Jump-turns. — Rood (1972) indicated that this trait was observed only in Microcavia ; however, both 30 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 17 Fig. 23. — Sexual behavior in Kerodon: animal sniffs at sides (a) and ano-genital region (b and c) of female. Kerodon and Galea exhibited jump-turns during colony and field observations. In Galea, jump-turns were most commonly observed during bouts of standthreats. One animal would lunge, and the oth- er would jump into the air, both to avoid the lunge, and to attempt to grab onto its opponent’s back. This animal would in turn jump-turn, also attempt- ing to get “on top’’ of the other. Such an aggressive bout would generally consist of a rapid sequence of jump-turns, both animals attempting to gain the top position, and thus the advantage. The animal which gained the advantage would bite the rump and back of the animal on the bottom. The “loser’’ would Fig. 24. — Sexual behavior in Kerodon: chin-rump follow (a), naso-anal by male while female depresses hindquarters (b), fe- male tail-up (c), and adult female in full submit position in re- sponse to male advances (d). then attempt to wrestle its way free, and would gen- erally flee. At times neither animal would success- fully dominate the other, and after a flurry of jump- turns the pair would segretate into curved-body postures, then begin the entire sequence again. Jump-turns in Kerodon also consisted of a series of jumps and twists during which one animal would attempt to get on top of the other (Fig. 21). They occurred most often in encounters of two “strangers,” or of animals of approximately equal status in the hierarchy. They tended to be far more spectacular than Galea jump-turns, because of the great jumping ability of Kerodon. Kerodon jump- turns generally did not originate from a curved- body posture, but rather from an upright position. Animals would approach one another and rear up on their hindlegs. The two animals would then weave and bob on their hindlimbs, attempting to grasp one another by the upper body. This would then develop into an upright wrestling bout, termed jousting (Fig. 21). As Galea would alternate be- tween curved-body postures and jump-turns, Ker- 1981 LACHER— CAVIID SOCIAL BEHAVIOR 31 Fig. 25. — Four views of circling behavior in Keroilon. Adult male in front of adult female (a and b) stopping her forward advance. Male then passes under the chin of female (c) and swings around, securing female by the nape of the neck while attempting to mount (d). odon would typically alternate jousting and jump- turns. In both cases, the winner was the animal which would pin the other on the ground, with the winner biting the back and rump of the loser (Eig. 22). Retreat or flee. — A defeated animal would gen- erally quickly run from the scene of an aggressive encounter (Eig. 22a). On subsequent encounters between the same two animals, the loser, or sub- missive individual, would often exhibit a rapid re- treat at the mere approach of the dominant individ- ual. Submit. — Both genera exhibited a submissive crouch that was occasionally given by a subordinate animal in response to excessive harrassment by a dominant animal. In both genera, the posture was quite similar; the animal would flatten itself on the ground, belly pressed to the substrate, chin down, ears flattened, eyes partially closed. Galea tended to be somewhat more hunched than Kerodon. In colony situations (large rooms) a submit can stop a fight; however, in caged encounters it generally was not effective. Other aggressive traits described by Rood do not apply here. In addition, I consider the tail-up an aspect of sexual behavior, and I will discuss it in the following section. Se.xiial Patterns Naso-anal. — This was the most common sexual gesture in the two genera. One animal would ap- proach a second, and sniff the anogenital region. In Galea, the naso-anal was given by males to fe- males, and frequently was the initiating gesture in a mating chase. Kerodon males also sniffed the vaginal area of females, with the frequency of naso- anals being highest as the female approached es- trous (Figs. 23, 24). Males would also sniff the an- ogenital area of juveniles, both male and female, often lifting the rump of the juvenile completely off the ground. Shortly after the colony was estab- lished, an adult female was observed giving the 32 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 17 naso-anal gesture to the dominant male on a number of occasions. The female would also nose the fur on the back, neck, and belly of the male. The re- sponse of the male to these acts was typically either to ignore the female, or to actively move away. Chin -rump follow. — This also was a common be- havior in both genera (Fig. 24a). A male would ap- proach a female, and place its chin on the female’s rump. The female would then attempt to move away, and the male would follow. Each time the male was close enough to the female, he would again attempt to place the chin on the rump. This would often deteriorate into an all-out chase, the female running from the male, and the male follow- ing in a hopping, or “slotting” gait, always attempt- ing to place the chin on the rump. In the field, these chases would weave in and out of vegetation and rock crevices. The male would occasionally attempt to bite the rump of the female, apparently to slow or stop her. Often, a male Kerodon would place the chin on the neck of the female, also an attempt to impede her flight. Galea females generally vocal- ized (peepy squeaks) while being followed. Circling. — This was a complex gesture observed only in Kerodon (Fig. 25). A male would approach a female either from the front or from the rear. When approaching from the front, the male and fe- male would exchange a nose-nose; from the rear the male would give a naso-anal, then at times place the chin on the back. The male would then begin to circle the female, passing close along her side. He would pass in front of her face, occasionally giving a nose-nose, or pass under the chin of the female. He would then move along the other side to the rear of the female. The male would then repeat the pass- ing, but in the opposite direction. The male would often give another naso-anal and then repeat the process, passing a semicircle around the female, then returning in the opposite direction. The female would remain still, either standing, sitting, or in a submit. When the male returned to the rear of the female, she would often begin to move away, and the male would follow, at times attempting to circle again, and at times initiating a chin-rump follow. The function of circling appeared to be to maintain the female in place, so that the male could mount. Although there was no behavior in Galea which resembled circling, the "prowl” as described for Cavia by Rood (1972) and the "figure-eight” dis- play in DoUchotis (Dubost and Genest, 1974) are both similar. Foot tapping. — This also was observed only in Kerodon. A sexually excited male would often rap- idly tap the forefeet up and down on the ground. This often occurred during circling, or between mounts. This behavior seems related in structure and function to the rump-tapping described for Mi- crocavia (Rood, 1972). A variety of other hystri- comorphs (Dasyprocta, Myoprocta, and Dinomys) show foot-tapping motions (Kleiman, 1974), and a Microcavia male will often tap the rump of a female with his forepaws (Rood, 1972). Copulations. — The basic pattern of copulation, based on the criteria proposed by Dewsbury (1972), was the same for both genera — no lock; intromis- sion of short duration; multiple intromissions; thrusting during intromission; single ejaculation. The number of ejaculations present in Kerodon, however, was based on the observation of only a few copulations. As both Cavia and Microcavia exhibited multiple ejaculations, further observa- tions are necessary to confirm this aspect of the pattern in Kerodon. The copulatory position dif- fered between the two genera. Galea generally mounted the female in an almost upright position, resting the forepaws on the female’s rump. Kero- don tended to rest the chest and chin on the fe- male’s back and grasped the female behind the shoulders with the forelimbs (Fig. 26). The upright position, however, was also observed in Kerodon. The position assumed seems to vary with the degree of sexual excitement of the male, the upright as- sociated with higher levels of excitement. A number of gestures in the female seem to stimulate copu- latory behavior in the male. Estrous females would expose the perineum to males. In addition, the sim- ple movement of lowering the head and depressing the body would often stimulate males to mount. Non-reproductive juveniles of both genera would often exhibit mounting behavior, indiscriminantly attempting to mate with adults and juveniles of both sexes. On a single occasion, a juvenile male Ker- odon achieved intromission on an adult female, but did not exhibit thrusting. Riding. — This behavior was described by Rood for Microcavia and Cavia, and was also observed in Kerodon. When the female attempted to pull away from the male during mounting, the male would often maintain his grasp, and hang on to the female as she moved away. Tad -up. — Rood described this act as being a de- fensive aspect of agonistic behavior; however, here it is considered as sexual in context. In both genera, non-receptive females would respond to male fol- 1981 LACHER— CAVIID SOCIAL BEHAVIOR 33 lows by flattening the back, raising the perineum, and squirting urine backwards onto the male (Fig. 24c). The male would then abruptly halt, shake his head to and fro, and wipe the facial area. Females would often present the tail-up without squirting urine, which was also effective in halting males. An additional gesture employed by females to halt ap- proaching males was the tail-down, which is basi- cally the same as the submissive crouch associated with aggressive behavior (Fig. 24d). Females being followed would suddenly stop and press the body to the ground. This gesture was also surprisingly effective in terminating a mating chase. Vocalizations Galea Peepy squeaks. — These consisted of a series of bubbly, high-pitched peeps and gurgling noises. This was the most common vocalization. Peepy squeaks seemed to indicate both arousal and/or mild anxiety. Females would often give peepy squeaks while being followed. Subordinate animals would in addition give peepy squeaks while being chased by a dominant animal. Peepy squeaks were also emitted by animals when exploring a strange area, and were highly contagious. They were very common in associations of juveniles, and in fact, any group of Galea would occasionally burst into a chorus of peepy squeaks. Stutter. — The stutter vocalization resembled a nasal snort, and was often given in association with the bark. Both these vocalizations were associated with the aggressor in agonistic encounters, and in- dicated a high level of aggression. Squeak. — This was a single, high-pitched note, and, as indicated by Rood, indicates pain. It was commonly given by submissive individuals upon being bitten in an agonistic encounter. Drumming. — Animals in a high state of anxiety would often drum the elongated feet up and down on the substrate in rapid succession. It was most commonly observed when animals were introduced into a strange enclosure. An adult female was also observed drumming when temporarily separated from her juveniles. Tooth chatter. — This was another vocalization that appeared to indicate a high level of anxiety. It was observed after aggressive encounters, and was given by the loser. Bark. — The winner of an aggressive encounter would often bark at the fleeing animal. The domi- b). nant animal was by far the most frequent barker, and at times would climb up on top of a pile of rocks (the highest point in the colony) and spend 10 or 15 min barking. Barking, in conjunction with the nasal snort, seemed to indicate both aggression and dominance in Galea. Kerodon Churr. — This vocalization was very similar to peepy squeaks and was, in essence, a low-pitched version of the same. It was observed in animals which were introduced into the extant colony, and indicated mild anxiety. Peepy squeaks. — Essentially the same vocaliza- tion as in Galea, Kerodon peepy squeaks tended to 34 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 17 be more restricted in their use. Again, they were common in animals released into strange surround- ings, and also were observed in a variety of adult male-female associations, and female-female asso- ciations. They were extremely common among ju- veniles, especially when they were with the adult female. Kerodon adults, however, did not give peepy squeaks in aggressive or sexual contexts. Male-female peepy squeaks were given by animals in contact or in close proximity, but were never associated with sexual behavior. Squeal. — This vocalization was analogous to the Galea squeak, but was much louder and much more protracted. Animals would emit a series of high- pitched squeals in response to being captured by hand or being bitten by an aggressor. This vocali- zation obviously indicated fear and/or pain. Slow whistle. — An additional vocalization asso- ciated with anxiety, the slow whistle consisted of a series of loud whistles, evenly spaced. They tend- ed to be somewhat more muffled that the alarm whistle. They were observed in a number of cir- cumstances. Newborn juveniles would give slow whistles when the female was out foraging. Adults leaving the rocks to forage would also give the slow whistle vocalization. In the field, this almost seemed to function as a communication web, with the animals whistling between one another as they moved out into the trees to forage. More likely, the slow whistle is an anxiety response to leaving the rocks. Alarm whistle. — Whenever a potential predator moved into rocks occupied by Kerodon, the ani- mals began to give an alarm whistle. The vocali- zation started as a low clucking sound and in- creased in both pitch and frequency as the source of stimulus approached. The call was given both while the animals were in the open, and when they were down in the rocks. All animals, including Gal- ea, would react to the alarm, but the whistle prob- ably reflected high levels of fear and anxiety, as a cornered animal would continue to whistle. Its function as a true alarm call is uncertain (see Dis- cussion). Nasal hiss. — A rarely observed vocalization of unclear function. The sound resembled a human blowing his nose, and was observed in a number of seemingly dissimilar contexts. Tooth chatter. — As in Galea, an act which indi- cated nervousness or anxiety. Given by a newly introduced Kerodon juvenile while moving about the colony. Social Organization and Reproduction Reproductive Behavior Galea mating behavior is dominated by the chin- rump follow, whereas Kerodon is more character- ized by circling. Galea nuisteloides mating behav- ior is described in detail by Rood (1972) and only the differences observed for Galea spixii will be noted here. All males were observed chin-rump following fe- males, with the frequency being highest as females approached estrous. The churr vocalization was ab- sent in males. Rearing, an extremely common be- havior in G. musteloides, was also absent in G. spixii. Galea spixii males exhibit a low tolerance to other males when a female is near estrous, and are extremely aggressive towards males which attempt to follow females. A mating chase, presented in the form of a raw interaction sequence, illustrates quite well the basic format of reproductive behavior in Galea spixii (Appendix II). The chin-rump follow clearly dominates the mat- ing behavior of Galea spixii. The practice of placing the chin on the rump has the function of halting the female, so that the male can mount. This was well illustrated during the follow of B13 by MR. When the female does not respond to the male’s chin placements, the male often becomes frustrated, and attempts to bite the rump of the female in order to stop her, as was the case when MR followed B3. In general, the female’s response largely determines the sequence of events in a Galea spixii mating chase (Fig. 27). Both the gestures involved and the sequencing of these gestures differ in Kerodon mating chases. The typical patterns can be observed in the raw inter- action sequences (Appendix II). The chase of 3 Oc- tober 1977 was especially interesting. After the chase, female B was captured, and possessed a cop- ulatory plug. Throughout the chase, the only males to follow were the dominant male, FR; subadult J2, born in the colony; and subadult BR, who was in- troduced to the colony as a very young juvenile. The number two male, R, introduced as an adult with FR, remained withdrawn throughout the du- ration of the mating chase. Although the chin-rump follow forms an integral part of a Kerodon mating chase, circling is the most effective behavior in stopping the withdrawal of the female. The placing of the chin most likely serves to inhibit the female tail-up as well as to aid in slow- ing her retreat. Mating chases are most frequently 1981 LACHER— CAVIID SOCIAL BEHAVIOR 35 MALE AP PROACH FEMALE TAIL-UP MALE RETREATS NASO-ANAL » CHIN RUMP FOLLOW COPULATION t MALE ATTEMPTS MALE MOUNT SUCCESSFULLY MOUNTS FEMALE STOPS MALE PLACES CHIN FEMALE TAIL-UP MALE RETREATS Fig. 27. — Sequence of gestures in Galea spixii reproductive behavior. The flow of behavior can be either one-way (single arrows) or two-way (double arrows). The chin-rump follow is the central behavior. initiated by the naso-anal, although reproductive behavior was also observed to initiate with a nose- nose (Fig. 28). One point of interest is the behavior of the dom- inant male (FR) towards other males during the mating chase. The dominant Kerodon male was tol- erant of his male progeny but not of adult male R. The two adult males R and FR held the initial dis- pute over possession of the rock pile shortly after introduction to the colony room with the four initial females (B, F, M, J). Male FR, which won access to the rocks and assumed the dominant position, continued to be very aggressive towards subordi- nate male R and actively excluded him from the rock pile. All adult females of the colony inhabited the rocks which were defended by dominant male FR. The dominant male was not aggressive towards other males subsequently bom in the colony or in- troduced as young juveniles, even when these ani- mals were sexually mature and participated in the mating chase. Although the dominant male paid no active attention to young bom in the rocks, this tolerance could, in fact, be interpreted as a form on paternal investiment. Even though FR dominated the mating chases, and probably inseminated the estrous females, the participation of his progeny in the mating chase helped perfect their reproductive behavior and would probably aid in successful re- production by these juveniles later in life. Reproduction and Growth A periodicity in reproduction in the field is not substantiated by the data collected. Very young Kerodon were observed, and presumably born, in all months except April, May, and June. Galea re- productive data suffers from a large gap from March to September due to a crash in the population. As a result, reproduction was not observed in the months of April through June (typically the rainy season) for either of the two genera. More data are required to determine if there is any regularity to this observation. In the colony, Kerodon and Galea exhibited a post- partum estrous. There were no seasonal variations in reproduction in the colonies. The vaginal mem- brane remains closed until parturition, remaining open for 1 or 2 days afterwards. Mating usually oc- curred within a few hours after the female gave birth. Postpartum mating chases were observed in both genera, and postpartum copulation was observed in Kerodon. Galea females were more susceptible to trauma 36 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 17 Fig. 28. — Sequence of gestures in Kerodon mpestris reproductive behavior. As in Galea behavior, the flow can be either one-way or two-way. The back and forth flow between the chin-rump follow and circling forms the center of the sequence. than were Kerodon, thus complicating pre- and postpartum observations. Galea would frequently abort after being handled, and often stopped lactat- ing if disturbed too soon after giving birth. A gestation period of 49 to 52 days was observed in Galea spLxii. This coincides closely with the 53- day period reported by Rood ( 1972) for Galea mus- telokles. The gestation period in Kerodon (75.0 ± 1 .42 SD days) is much longer than that reported for other members of the subfamily Caviinae. Kerodon litter size averages 1.41 ± .51 SD young (N = 17). This is somewhat smaller than the average litter size calculated for Galea spixii (2.20 ± .87 SD; N = 10). The sex ratio at birth, however, is not significantly different from 1 to 1 for either species (Lacher, 1980). A few days before giving birth, a Kerodon female would enter a period of low activity. She would rarely leave the rocks and, when emerging, would sit quietly. All births apparently occurred at night and in the rocks. Both female and the newborn would spend a large part of their time for the first few days in the rocks, emerging only to feed and nurse. Both Kerodon and Galea juveniles are relatively precocial (Fig. 29). Of 10 Kerodon weighed and measured on their day of birth, the mean weight was 76 g ± 11.99 SD and the mean length 145.2 mm ± 10.50 SD. Galea newborn weighed 33.25 g ± 3.40 SD and had a mean body length of 103 mm ±3.16 SD. Newborn Kerodon are capable of running and climbing rocks, but newborn Galea have relatively weak hindlimbs. Although they are capable of scur- rying for shelter, they do not possess the agility of young Kerodon. Growth curves for juvenile Kerodon and Galea follow similar patterns though maximum adult weights differ greatly (Walker, 1974; Lacher, 1980). Both genera increase in weight until about 200 days of age, when the rate of increase begins to level off. Galea juveniles reach a plateau in total length much sooner than Kerodon — 30 versus 80 days. The 1981 LACHER— CAVIID SOCIAL BEHAVIOR 37 Table 5. — Dates of the first observation of selected traits and gestures in Galea spixii Juveniles. All values in days. Individuals Trait BF FMR B13 B1 07 Maintenance and locomotion Grooming 22 Sandbathing 101 Foraging 11 30 Aggression Chase 101 Flee 38 38 103 57 35 Reproduction Follow 80 22 60 Followed 22 60 Mounting 30 Thrusting 38 Tail-up 121 Vagina open 80 Testes down 135 135 Contactual behavior Crawl-overs 38 38 Vocalizations Peepy squeaks 15 15 Bark 119 Weaning 49 49 43 35 42 levels at which the plateaus begin obviously reflect the differences in adult size of the two genera. Behavioral Development Kerodon and Galea females, like other caviids, give birth to precocial young. Juveniles of both gen- era were observed moving freely about and foraging at 2 to 3 days of age. Special attention was directed towards juveniles during colony observations, and ^he first appearance of a variety of traits for both Kerodon (Table 4) and Galea (Table 5) were noted. Important events concerning changes in reproduc- tive condition were also noted for both genera (Ta- ble 6). Certain aspects of these tables merit closer atten- tion. Kerodon exhibit most basic maintenance be- havior within a few days after birth. Juveniles run with full coordination, forage on solid food, and ex- hibit the complete adult grooming repertoire during the first week. The first observed aggressive behav- ior consists of grappling, which is essentially a type of play-fighting, and fleeing from the aggressive ac- tions of other animals. If the first five aggressive actions against each of the colony-born animals is Fig. 29. — A one-day old Kerodon rapes tris female. Note the well-developed hindlimbs. examined, it is found that 76.6% of the aggressors were either adult females other than the mother, or other colony-bom juveniles. These results will be treated in more detail in the section on aggressive behavior. Kerodon juveniles do not exhibit more active ag- gressive behavior until a much later date. Chasing is observed first, well before lunging behavior. Lunges tend to be given by animals of high domi- nance, or by aggressors who hold a decided advan- tage over their opponent, thus would be expected to appear later than simple chases. Play-fighting, or grappling, is last observed shortly after the appear- ance of lunging behavior. The submissive posture also first appears at approximately this time. Table 6. — A comparison of the time of onset of selected repro- ductive characteristics in Kerodon and Galea. Times with a sam- ple size of N ^ 2 are presented ± one standard deviation. Reproductive characteristic Kerodon Galea Weaning 35.17 ± 10.1 days N = 6 42.25 ± 5.7 days N = 4 Males testes descended 115 ± 2.7 days N = 4 135 ± 0 days N = 2 Female vagina open (earliest observation) 60 days 80 days Earliest pregnancy observed 81 days 102 days First partum 156 days no data 38 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 17 JUMP-TURNS- CHASE -CURVED- BODY POSTURE ."DOMINANT" BITES SUBMISSIVE FLEES/ GIVES SUBMIT " DOMINANT" LUNGES U, H. STAND OFF APPROXIMATION OF TWO INDIVIDUALS E.H •- DOMINANT LUNGES ^ SUBMISSIVE FLEES I »- DOMINANT BITES 1 i I » i ’ DOMINANT CHASES ^ DOMINANT DESISTS f I t' t SUBMISSIVE GIVES SUBMIT I •- SUBMISSIVE FLEES DOMINANT APPROACHES I ►SUBMISSIVE AVOIDS / GIVES SUBMIT Fig. 30. — The sequence of gestures in Galea spixii aggressive behavior differ between unestablished hierarchies (U.H.) and established hierarchies (E.H.). The flow between various gestures often occurs in a continuous rapid sequence. Juveniles are followed while only 2 or 3 weeks old; a phenomenon also observed in other caviids (Rood, 1972). Male juveniles do not begin following females until much later, somewhat before the testes descend. Mounting behavior is observed much earlier than following behavior, generally when juveniles mount their mothers during crawl- overs. Contact promoting behaviors differ in their fre- quency of expression between younger and older juveniles. Crawl-overs are one of the earliest ob- served behavioral traits in Kerodon ; however, they are restricted to fairly young individuals. The stan- dard adult contactual gesture, the nose-nose, first appears at approximately 2.5 months of age. In summary, juvenile behaviors such as crawl- overs and grappling, as well as the more passive aspects of adult behavior (flee, followed) appear first, before the animal is weaned. Juvenile behav- iors begin to disappear and the remainder of the adult repertoire appears after weaning. Agonistic Behavior Stand-threats in Galea spixii occurred at a much lower frequency than that reported for Galea mus- teloides (Rood, 1972). Rood stated that “their fre- quency depends both on the population density and the rigidity of the individual dominance relation- ships,” with the frequency declining as density and rigidity increased. This, in large part, explains the infrequent occurrence of this trait in G. spixii. At peak densities. Rood’s colony contained one animal per 0.54 m-. Even after a number of juveniles were removed, the density was only decreased to one animal per m“. The G. spixii colony maintained in this study had, at its highest density, one animal per 5.33 m^, about five times lower than Rood’s densities. The only occasion on which stand-threats were observed was shortly after the formation of the colonies, when previously isolated animals es- tablished hierarchies. Once the hierarchies were formed, the frequency of stand-threats diminished. 1981 LACKER— CAVIID SOCIAL BEHAVIOR 39 U. H. APPROXIMATION OF TWO INDIVIDUALS E.H. SPACING AND PACING JOUSTING STAND OFF DOMINANT LUNGES - JUMP-TURNS- •dominant" bites "DOMINANT" LUNGES ' SUBMISSIVE FLEES DOMINANT CHASES SUBMISSIVE FLEES ■ DOMINANT APPROACHES ' SUBMISSIVE' FLEES / GIVES SUBMIT DOMINANT BITES DOMINANT DESISTS SUBMISSIVE Gl VES SUBM IT SUBMISSIVE AVOIDS/GIVES SUBMIT Fig. 31. — Sequence of aggressive gestures in Kerodon. Ke radon, as with Galea, presents two different sequences of aggressive behavior — one for unestablished hierarchies (U.H.) and one for established hierarchies (E.H.). The major difference from the Galea sequence is the substitution of the curved-body posture by jousting, and occasionally spacing and pacing. The sequence of gestures in a given Galea ag- gressive encounter therefore will differ, depending upon the density of the population or the degree of familiarity of the animals (Fig. 30). After the estab- lishment of the hierarchy in the permanent Galea colony, curved body postures were observed only twice in 307 aggressive encounters (.65%), and thus are not included as part of the normal behavioral sequence for established hierarchies. The submit posture was rarely observed in the colony, and oc- curred primarily in situations of unestablished hier- archies. Curved-body postures occasionally termi- nated in a stand-off, with both animals withdrawing simultaneously. As with Galea, Kerodon aggressive behavior var- ies with the degree of familiarity and rigidity of the relationship between the animals (Fig. 31). The se- quence of aggressive acts for established hierar- chies is the same for both Kerodon and Galea. There are a few minor differences in the sequence of events for non-established hierarchies. The curved-body posture is conspicuously absent from Kerodon aggressive behavior. The uncommon ges- ture spacing and pacing, in combination with joust- ing, seems to occupy the functional position of the curved-body posture. This similarity in gestures and sequences is es- pecially obvious in interspecific encounters. When an individual Galea presents the curved-body pos- ture to a Kerodon, the latter will align its body in parallel to the former; Kerodon, however, does not curve its body. In response to a Galea lunge, a Kerodon exhibits jump-turns exactly as if it were a Kerodon -Kerodon encounter. Kerodon tend to simply avoid aggressive moves by Galea by jump- turning away; however, if provoked, they easily dominate Galea because of their larger size, supe- rior agility, and jumping ability. Interestingly, the flow of aggressive gestures for well-established hierarchies is undirectional, as the 40 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 17 Table 7. — Summary of aggressive behavior observed in the Ga- lea colony between September 1977 and March 1978. A = ap- proach; L = lunge: C = chase. Losses mean the animal either fled or gave a submissive display in response to the aggressor's action. Animals Wins Losses A L c A L c Males MR 5 19 13 0 0 0 BM 0 10 46 2 4 27 FR 0 1 6 0 5 26 FMR 0 1 4 1 9 57 BF 0 1 2 4 3 45 B2R 0 0 0 0 0 6 B2M 0 0 0 0 1 1 Total 5 32 171 7 22 162 Females F 5 9 22 0 4 3 B3 5 2 15 2 8 10 R 0 5 25 2 0 17 M 0 0 3 3 5 26 B2 0 0 4 1 5 7 BI3 0 0 4 0 0 11 B1 0 0 0 0 2 4 BIJ 0 0 0 0 1 2 40 0 0 0 0 1 2 Total 10 16 73 8 26 82 outcome is predictable before the encounter. There is a built-in cycle in the flow of aggressive behavior for non-established hierarchies. This cycle will often be repeated five or six times in a single ag- gressive encounter. When the relationship between the two animals is not established, exactly which animal takes the initiative (that is, the “dominant” individual) will often change each trip through the cycle until one animal emerges as the convincing victor. Being the winner of a single bout, however, is often not sufficient to definitively set the hierar- chical relationship. The “submissive” individual (after a loss) will often initiate another bout with the victor by assuming a curved-body posture or by jousting. The order is often reversed in this manner, the final established hierarchy being determined through the action of numerous encounters between the newly introduced members of the colony. Galea females were overtly aggressive towards one another beginning on the day of introduction into the colony. Kerodon females, on the other hand, exhibited amicable, or neutral, relations to- wards one another throughout the first few months. All initial aggression was male-male. If each female Table 8. — Summary of aggressive behavior observed in the Ker- odon colony between September 1977 and March 1978. See Ta- ble 7 for explanation. A = approach; L = lunge; C = chase. Wins Losses Animals A L c A L c FR 23 26 Males 52 0 0 0 R 3 6 3 17 22 49 BR 3 2 16 2 17 19 J2 1 1 6 4 7 21 J5 0 2 3 1 3 2 B2 0 0 0 0 1 0 B3 0 0 0 0 1 2 Total 30 37 80 24 51 93 B 1 9 Females 31 0 0 1 F 0 8 5 1 2 10 J 0 5 23 1 4 10 JR 0 3 4 2 3 21 B1 0 0 0 0 1 6 JF 0 0 0 3 1 0 M 0 0 0 0 0 2 Total 1 25 63 7 11 50 is examined separately, an interesting pattern emerges. The onset of aggressive behavior for each colony female coincides with the first pregnancy for that female. Thus the complete five-female hier- archy was not established until the first pregnancy of JR. Although difficult to demonstrate quantita- tively, adult females were qualitatively far more ag- gressive while pregnant. In addition, of six juveniles born after 17 December (that is, the date on which all four adult females were pregnant), four died within a week to 10 days after birth. At least one of these deaths was due to a failure of lactation in the female. This high level of juvenile mortality is probably related both to female-female aggression, causing, for example, failure of lactation due to stress, and to adult female-juvenile aggression, which is especially common between females other than the mother, and young juveniles. This high level of female aggression is probably common in the field, as the initial time period after the estab- lishment of a colony represented a rather unnatural situation. Field observations on Kerodon indicated an absence of periodicity of reproduction, and a reasonable proportion of the population is probably pregnant at any given time. Although the sequence of gestures in an aggres- sive encounter is almost identical for Kerodon and Galea, if the overall patterns of aggression within 1981 LACHER— CAVIID SOCIAL BEHAVIOR 41 a) MALES t )M t FR t FMR f BF t 1 1 1 B2R j t B2 t • t t t 1 I T 1 t 1 1 L_ _J 1 1 1 1 i h = 1.00 b) FEMALES 2 t 1 1 B2 BI3 Bl 1 1 i Bl J 40 ] ] h|= 1.00 h2=.548 Fig. 32. — Galea male (a) and female (b) hierarchies. The dominant animal in a given sequence is indicated by a dot and the animals it dominates by arrows. Only animals located left of the dotted lines were used in calculating h. The calculation h for females includes only sexually mature adults. The value hj includes adults and juveniles. The male h value is for sexually mature adults. each colony are examined, some notable differ- ences emerge. All aggressive encounters recorded in both the Galea and Kerodon colonies between September 1977 and March 1978 were tabulated (Tables 7-8). As hierarchies were already well es- tablished at this time, aggressive actions for domi- nant individuals could be expressed as either ap- proaches in an aggressive posture, lunges, or chases. The submissive response was classified as a “flee” from one of the above three dominant ac- tions. In addition to the summary tables presented, an individual record for each animal was compiled in order to examine hierarchical relations, differ- ences in use of aggressive gestures and intersexual aggression. Rank in the hierarchies was determined through the balance of aggressive encounters between all possible pairs of individuals of the same sex. The 42 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 17 a) MALES h = .400 b) FEMALES t h=.900 Fig. 33. — Kerodon male (a) and female (b) hierarchies. The organization is the same as Fig. 32. Animals left of the dotted line are introduced adults or juveniles which became reproductive adults during the course of the study. rankings obtained were used to calculate an index 12 n / ^t - 1 \ ^ of linearity (h), using Landau’s method (Bekoff, ^ ~ ” 2 / ’ 1977). The index of linearity varies between 0 and 1, and is calculated by the formula where n = the number of individuals in the hier- 1981 LACHER— CAVIID SOCIAL BEHAVIOR 43 Table 9. — Summary of the comparisons of various aspects of aggressive behavior for the Kerodon and Galea colonies. Although no direct comparisons are made between the two colonies, there are some marked differences present in the organization of agonistic behavior. Characteristic Kerodon Galea Comparison of mean aggressive encounters between sexes (excluding juveniles) Males: mean = 61.4 Females: mean = 32.75 = 1.62, df = 4, 3; ns) Males: mean = 76.4 Females; mean = 32.0 (t = 2.79, df = 9; F < 0.05) Comparison of variation in aggressive encounters between males and females (excluding juveniles) Maks: S" = 1,489.3 Females: = 54.25 F„ax = 27.45, df = 3; P < 0.05 Males: S" = 1,286.3 Females: S* = 207.4 Fmax = 6.20, df = 4, ns Linearity of hierarchy Males: h = 0.400 Females: h = 0.900 Males: h = 1.000 Females: h = 1.000 Both sexes use approaches plus lunges and chases in the same proportions. X\dj = 5.55; P < 0.025 X^ 0.10 Intrasexual aggression occurs with the same frequency for both sexes. X\dj = 28.47; P < 0.005 X\di = 0.90; P > 0.10 archy and = the number of individuals domi- nated by animal a. Hierarchies with a rating of 0.9 or higher are considered strongly linear. Galea hierarchies {Fig. 32) are linear for both males and females. Kerodon females also possess linear hierarchies; however, males show a very weakly linear relation (Fig. 33). The Kerodon male hierarchy is even weaker when the two juveniles excluded from the calculations are considered. Both B2 and B3 were present in the colony for the same amount of time as was juvenile female Bl. Female Bl was aggressively attacked by three dif- ferent adult females in the colony. Only her mother, F, was nonaggressive. Males B2 and B3, on the other hand, were involved in a total of only four aggressive encounters, all with females. They were involved in no aggressive encounters with males, thus by definition could not be included in the cal- culations of hierarchy linearity. The hierarchy, in reality, should be considered even less linear than is indicated by the h value. Aggression between adults and juveniles is at its minimum among Kerodon males (Fig. 33). The dominant male, FR, directed only 12 of 101 aggres- sive actions against juveniles. Eight of the 12 were against BR, a male introduced into the colony as a juvenile. Only four aggressive gestures were di- rected against the 12 juveniles actually born in the colony. Kerodon females are aggressive towards juveniles other than their own progeny. Female F, in addition, was aggressive towards her daughter, JR, when JR was in late pregnancy. There is no obvious pattern in Galea adult-ju- venile aggression. Adults are aggressive towards other juveniles, as well as their own progeny (Fig. 32). Galea males were involved in 382 aggressive en- counters during the observations, with a mean of 76.4 ± 35.9 SD per animal. Galea females, for the same number of hours of observation, were in- volved in 192 encounters with a mean of 32.0 ± 14.4 SD encounters per female. These mean values are significantly different (t — 2.79, df = 9, P < 0.05). The variance of aggressive encounters among males (S^ = 1,286.3) was much larger than among females (S^ = 207.4); however, the difference is not significant. The above calculations include only en- counters involving adults. All encounters involving juveniles were eliminated, as the potential number of encounters varies with the amount of time that each juvenile was present. The Kerodon data were analyzed in the same manner. Males were involved in 307 encounters, giving a mean of 61.4 ± 38.6 SD encounters per individual. As with Galea, the females were in- volved in fewer encounters, 131, with a mean of 32.75 ± 7.4 SD per animal. The variances of ag- gressive encounters for males (S^ = 1,489.3) and females (S^ = 54.25) were significantly different (Fmax = 27.45, df = 3, F < .05). Means were thus compared using a t-test for unequal variances. There was no significant difference (tg' = 1.62, df = 3, F > 0.1). All agonistic actions were recorded as either “approaches,” “lunges,” or “chases.” The fre- quency of use of each of these various gestures was compared between males and females of both gen- era. The data used were the same as in the previous ENCOUNTERS PER HOURS OBSERVATION 44 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 17 Fig. 34. — Relationships between the number of encounters ob- served per hour and the number of days that the colony was in existence for (a) a simultaneous introduction of both species analysis. The number of “approaches” was ex- tremely small for both Galea and Kerodon. Given the functional similarities between “approaches” and “lunges” (high superiority), the two gestures were combined for the analysis. Galea males used high and low superiority gestures in the same pro- portions as females (x\dj = 2.457, P > 0.10), while Kerodon males utilized a higher proportion of “su- perior dominance” gestures than females (x^auj = 5.55, P < 0.025). Finally, inter- and intrasexual aggression were compared for the two genera. Data for both adults and juveniles were used for these analyses. The hy- pothesis that neither sex interacts disproportionate- ly with the other was tested for Galea and Kero- don. The hypothesis was accepted for Galea Oi^acij = 0-9, P > 0.10) and rejected for Kerodon (X^adi = 28.47, P < 0.005). Kerodon males interact primarily with males, whereas females interact equally with both sexes. These data are related to the male FR-R conflict. There was no aggression between FR and his harem females, and little aggression towards females by the juveniles. The actual number of aggressive encounters between FR and R was large. These encounters generally involved FR keeping R away from the rocks or the females, a process involving an already established hierarchy. High superiority gestures dominated in these situations. There was aggression between R and the progeny of FR, but levels were low because of the vigilance of FR in guarding the rocks. There is a straight-line hierarchy within juveniles (Fig. 33), a factor which may be important in juvenile emi- gration, but again, levels are low. The result is the non-linear hierarchy and the high variance. The var- ious comparisons of patterns of aggression within each genus are summarized in Table 9. Once the colonies were established, it was nearly impossible to introduce an additional animal. An adult female introduced into the Kerodon colony was killed in two days, and a subadult male was antagonized to such a degree that it was necessary to remove him after a few hours. Only juvenile BR was successfully introduced, and the colony con- into an arena; (b) Galea introduced into a Kerodon colony; and (c) Kerodon introduced into a Galea colony. Both intraspecific and interspecific encounters are represented. The thin solid line represents Kerodon wins over Galea, and the dotted line illus- trates Galea wins over Kerodon. Intraspecific aggression is rep- resented by the heavy solid line {Galea) and the dot and dash line {Kerodon). 1981 LACHER— CAVIID SOCIAL BEHAVIOR 45 tained only seven animals at the time. Any animals introduced into the Galea colony were subjected to such violent aggressive actions by the dominant an- imals that they would probably have been killed had they not been removed. A large adult male intro- duced one evening was scarred and bloody the fol- lowing morning and had lost 10% of its body weight. In order to evaluate the level of interspecific aggression between the two genera, data were col- lected on three mixed colonies — one in which both genera were introduced simultaneously; a second in which Kerodon were added to an existing Galea colony; a third in which Galea were added to a Kerodon colony. An hourly encounter rate for both intraspecific and interspecific aggresion was calcu- lated, and the daily trends in aggression compared for all three colony situations (Fig. 34). The mean encounters per hour for intraspecific aggression fluctuate from day to day for both genera. The trend in interspecific aggression varies with the colony condition. When both genera were released simul- taneously, the smaller Galea initially dominated the larger Kerodon. After 2 days the trend reversed, however, and Kerodon assumed an aggressive su- periority. When Kerodon were introduced into a Galea colony, interspecific aggressive actions were equal for the first 2 days, after which Kerodon again assumed a superiority. Galea were completely dominated when placed in a established Kerodon colony. Apparently, Kerodon can aggressively ex- clude Galea. In the case in which Galea were in- troduced, the 15 animals of the Galea colony used throughout the study were placed in the large Ker- odon room with the 14 resident animals. Kerodon were extremely aggressive towards Galea in and near the rocks, and by 6 days had effectively forced the Galea to utilize the field, brush pile, and forest areas. When startled. Galea fled into the rocks, but after a delay of 1 to 5 min Kerodon would no longer tolerate the Galea and would aggressively force them out. Galea probably use rock piles in the wild for tem- porary escape from predators. The aggressive pres- sure of Kerodon on Galea is probably less in the wild than in the mixed colony, as the natural habi- tat is structurally more diverse, offering potential refugia to Galea. Microhabitat analyses, however, indicated that Galea were significantly more abun- dant in the forest thickets than in the other micro- habitats, and these data, coupled with the above observations, strongly imply that Galea is actively excluded from the rocks by Kerodon aggression. Interspecific aggression was also examined by colony condition and type of gesture. The relative proportions of Kerodon and Galea wins were tested for all three colony conditions. Kerodon won a significant porportion of interspecific encounters only when Galea were introduced into the Kerodon colony (x“ = 78. 19, df = 1, P < .005). Kerodon superiority in the other two colonies was counter- balanced by the high level of Galea dominance dur- ing the first 2 days. The use of '‘approaches,” “lunges,” and “chas- es” was compared between encounters in which Kerodon won and in which Galea won. There was no significant difference when all three colony sit- uations were summed (x“ = 0.428, df = 2, P > 0. 05). When each colony condition was examined separately for both Kerodon wins and Galea wins, Kerodon utilized a significantly greater proportion of “chases” when attacking Galea introduced into the Kerodon colony (x“ = 45.21, df = 2, P < .005). Similarly, Galea used a significantly greater proportion of “chases” when attacking Kerodon introduced into the Galea colony (x“ = 1.86, df = 2, P < 0.005). In all other situations, the propor- tions of the three gestures did not differ. These data support the assumption made earlier that there ex- ists a functional difference between the three ges- tures. “Approaches” and “lunges” reflect a high degree of superiority of the aggressor. “Chases” are used in situations in which superiority has not yet been established, as when strange animals are introduced into an established colony. The "‘'Galea introduced” mixed colony was ex- amined in more detail than the other two, as two established colonies were combined. The animals used were those that had been maintained together for the duration of the major part of this study. It was thus possible to observe interspecific aggres- sion between two populations with known estab- lished hierarchies. Aggression by Kerodon against Galea was ex- amined for each animal in relation to its position in the hierarchies. Kerodon males and females were equally aggressive towards Galea (x^ == -59, df = 1, P > 0.05); however. Galea males were attacked more frequently than females (x^ = 13.76, df = 1, P < 0.005). If Kerodon interspecific aggression is examined case by case, both females and males were disproportionately aggressive towards Galea males (x^ = 27.72, df = \, P 0.005). It was pre- viously shown that Galea males are involved in sig- nificantly more intraspecific encounters than fe- 46 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 17 Table 10. — Observed and expected capture frequencies for the five major species on the grid. The underlined pair of numbers for each species indicate the point of greatest divergence from the theoretical distribution. The differences, D, were tested at P = .05 (Siegal, 1956). C.F.D. = Cumulative frecpiency distribution of traps per microhabitat type, beginning with the rarest and successively adding each more common microhabitat. Galea Kerodon Trichomys Monodelphis Didelphis Total Microhabital C.F.D. Ob- served Ex- pected Ob- served Ex- pected Ob- served Ex- pected Ob- served Ex- pected Ob- served Ex- pected Ob- served Ex- pected Cnidoscolus flat .007 3 1.61 0 .04 0 .20 0 .28 0 .32 3 2.45 Cultivated area .027 7 6.21 0 .16 2 .76 1 1.08 3 1.24 13 9.45 Scrub flat .054 14 12.42 0 .32 2 1.52 1 2.16 4 2.48 21 18.90 Grassy area .107 27 24.61 0 .64 5 3.00 2 4.28 6 4.92 40 37.45 Thorn thicket .414 117 95.22 0 2.48 9 11.60 16 16.56 21 19.04 163 144.90 Boulder area 1.000 230 230 6 6.00 28 28.00 40 40.00 46 46.00 350 350.00 males. This higher level of aggressiveness in males may have provoked the response of Kerodon males and females. There are few gestural differences in the repertoires of aggressive behavior between the two genera, and the sequences are also quite simi- lar. Within Kerodon males, the frequency of aggres- sive acts was not equally distributed among all in- dividuals, even when young juvenile J13 was elim- inated (x“ = 63.69, df = 6, f* < 0.005). The number two male, R, exhibited 57.9% of the aggressive ac- tivity against Galea. Male R was the only nonres- ident of the ‘‘harem" of dominant male FR. Ker- odon females, with juvenile J14 eliminated, were also aggressive in unequal frequencies (x~ = 53.78, df = 4, f < 0.005). The number four and five fe- males in the hierarchy, JR and Bl, exhibited 91.1% of the aggression. On the other hand. Galea males (B2M eliminated) were all attacked in equal pro- portions (x“ = 4.93, df = 4, f > 0.10). The small sample size for Galea females prohibits a statistical analysis, but aggression is approximately evenly distributed throughout the hierarchy. Use of Space Only Galea were five-trapped in sufficient num- bers to be able to calculate home range sizes. Male home ranges averaged 872 ± 497 SD m^ and females averaged 632 ± 978 SD m’; however, there was no significant difference between sexes (t-test adjusted for unequal variances; ts* = 619, P > .5). Live-trap data were also used to calculate micro- habitat preferences, not only for Kerodon and Ga- lea, but for other mammals present on the grid as well. The objective of the microhabitat analysis was to determine if the two genera differed in their mi- crohabitat distributions. The other species, none of which was a likely competitor with the caviids, were included in the analysis to provide material for comparison. A cumulative frequency distribution of traps by microhabitat type was constructed based upon the habitat analysis results. Deviations from this ex- pected cumulative frequency distribution of cap- tures were tested by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov one-sample test (Table 10). Only Galea showed a deviation from the theoretical distribution, being significantly overabundant in the Croton thickets, the microhabitat type which is physically adjacent to the rockpiles. Kerodon was captured only in the rocks, and although the sample size was too small to indicate a significant preference for this habitat, visual observations of 25 marked individuals indi- cated that this species is a habitat specialist. All other species are randomly distributed throughout the six microhabitats. These data indicate either a Galea preference for Croton thickets or an exclu- sion of Galea from the rocks, leading to an over- abundance in the habitat bordering the rockpiles. Galea were constantly observed fleeing or retreat- ing into the rocks at my approach, and showed no obvious aversion to the rock areas. Also, Croton thickets have little low vegetation available for for- age by Galea to support the observed population densities. The thickets offer little protection from predators. These observations, coupled with the data on aggression in mixed colonies, suggest that Galea utilize the rocks as temporary refugia from danger but are continually forced out by aggression from Kerodon. 1981 LACHER— CAVIID SOCIAL BEHAVIOR 47 Table II. — Sumnuiry of the five time budget tables in relation to four broad categories of behavior. All five groups spend the majority of their time in various aspects of maintenance behav- ior. All values except the activity ratio are percentages. The activity ratio is equal to time inactive plus time sitting divided by total time. Behavior Kerodon Galea Males Females Juveniles Males Females Maintenance 98.34 98.77 99.01 99. n 99.73 Aggression 0.26 0.15 0.33 0.48 0.21 Reproduction 0.73 0.45 0.34 0.06 0.06 Contact 0.06 0.50 0.32 0.29 0.00 Activity-ratio 0.089 0.108 0.145 0.595 0.584 Time Budgets and Analysis Time budgets were compiled for Kerodon adult males, adult females, and juveniles (sexes com- bined) as well as Galea adult males and females (Lacher, 1980). Each time budget presents the av- erage percent time an individual of a given group was observed to perform a given behavioral act. An activity ratio (time active divided by total time) is also presented for all five groups. Both genera spend the great majority of their time involved in various aspects of maintenance behav- ior (Tables 1, 11). The sum of aggressive, repro- ductive, and contact-promoting behaviors repre- sents approximately 1% of the time budget for each group. Activity ratios were quite different between Kerodon and Galea, with Galea active a much greater proportion of the time. This difference was associated with the large amount of time that Galea spends foraging as compared to Kerodon. In comparisons of the percent time spent in a giv- en activity, some variables (for example, grooming) were quite consistent among groups. Other vari- ables indicate basic divergences between groups in the allocation of time. Kerodon males, females, and juveniles spent 1.29, 0.09, and 3.81%, respectively, of their time foraging, whereas Galea males spent 55.07% and females 52.12%. These data were col- lected for all groups approximately 12 h after food was presented. Both genera are herbivorous, Ker- odon feeding primarily on leaves and Galea on grass. There were no major differences in caloric or ash content in the plant species presented to the colony animals (G. Eiten, personal communication) and there is no likely physiological reason for the difference in time allocation. One possible expla- nation is that individual leaves of grass, particularly younger shoots, are much lighter than, for example, an individual tree leaf of Ziziphiis joazeiro or Cro- ton jacohinensis. Galea spend more time foraging simply because it takes more time to collect a suf- ficient mass of food. Kerodon females and juveniles spend much more time “inactive” (for example, down in the rocks), than the other three test groups. Although females frequently emerge to nurse young, they undoubt- edly nurse while in the rocks as well. Also, females spend more time in the rocks even without young, as the function of territorial defense is assumed by the dominant male. Mean population-durations, standard deviations, and coefficients of variation were calculated for all five groups for which time-budget data were col- lected (Table 12). Within group variances for a num- ber of behavioral acts were obviously quite differ- ent from group to group. In order to attempt to determine which acts were important in separating the groups, a Kruskal-Wallis one-way analysis of variance by ranks was performed to compare the five populations (Siegel, 1956). Eourteen variables were statistically different among the groups (Table 13). A distribution-free multiple comparisons test based on Kruskal-Wallis rank sums (Hollander and Wolfe, 1973) was used to compare the average ranks of the above variables for the five groups tested. This comparison allows for unequal sample sizes, and is a more conservative procedure than the test used for equal sample sizes. The experi- ment-wise error rate was set at 0.05. Four variables are effective in separating Galea adults from the Kerodon groups; sitting rocks, sitting-ground, for- aging, and activity ratio (Fig. 35). Kerodon juve- niles cannot be separated from adults females, but are statistically different from adult males in rela- tion to two variables — inactive (that is, in the rocks) and sitting in the trees. Based on Kruskal-Wallis rank sums, no variables were effective in separating adult males and females from one another for either Kerodon or Galea. Sexes were compared within each genus by a Mann- Whitney U-test for two samples. Seven vari- ables were effective in separating male and female populations in Kerodon (inactive, sitting-trees, nurs- ing, lunging, following, followed, crawl-overs), whereas only one variable, foraging, differed be- tween male and female Galea. Although a variable by variable analysis is useful in indicating which traits differed between groups, such analyses do not permit a classification of in- dividual samples in populations. In addition, a vari- able by variable analysis will be less effective in 48 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 17 INACTIVE KM GF GM KF KJ SIT-ROCKS GF GM KJ KM KF SIT-GROUND KJ KF KM GF GM SIT-TREES GM GF KJ KF KM SIT-SAND KM KF KJ GF GM CLIMBING GM GF KJ KF KM WALKING KF KJ KM GF GM SUCKLE GM GF KM KF KJ NURSING KJ KM KJ GM GF FORAGING KF KM KJ GM GF GRAPPLING GM GF KF KM KJ FOLLOWING KJ KF GF GM KM CRAWL- OVER GF KM GM KF KJ ACTIVITY-RATIO KF KM KJ GM GF Fig. 35. — Results of the distribution free multiple comparisons test based on Kruskal-Wallis rank sums (Hollander and Wolfe, 1973) for 14 significant variables. Groups are listed in order from lowest mean rank (left) to highest mean rank (right). All non-significantly different groups are connected by the same line. GM = Galea males; GF = Galea females; KM = Kerodon males; KF = Kerodon females; KJ = Kerodon juveniles. Experiment-wise error rate = 0.05. 1981 LACHER— CAVIID SOCIAL BEHAVIOR 49 Table 12. — Mean population-durations ± one standard deviation for 28 variables for two Galea groups and three Kerodon groups. Coefficients of variation are given in parentheses. Group Variable Galea males Galea females Kerodon males Kerodon females Kerodon juveniles Total Inactive 32.79 ± 27.7 (0.8) 34.01 ± 53.2 (1.6) 8.94 ± 15.7 (1.8) 174.93 ± 484.6 (2.8) 132.25 ± 212.6 ( 1 .6) 76.34 ± 235.8 (3.1) Sit rocks 10.04 ± 29.4 (2.9) 0.00 35.28 ± 42.8 (1.2) 42.64 ± 36.1 (0.8) 31.05 ± 22.4 (0.7) 25.30 ± 33.7 (1.3) Sit ground 30.41 ± 22.4 (0.7) 48.41 ± 58.5 (1.2) 14.82 ± 30.8 (2.1) 9.74 ± 15.5 (1.6) 4.87 ± 5.6 (1.2) 20.03 ± 33.7 (1.7) Sit trees 0.00 0.00 125.69 ± 144.0 (1.1) 186.35 ± 496.0 (2.7) 6.54 ± 10.7 (1.6) 66.07 ±231.1 (3.5) Sit sand 7.38 ± 12.6 (1.7) 1.22 ± 2.9 (2.3) 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.47 ± 5.8 (4.0) Running 1.59 ± 0.7 (0.5) 2.05 ± 0.9 (0.4) 2.06 ± 1.1 (0.5) 2.06 ± 0.9 (0.4) 2.09 ± 1.6 (0.8) 1 .98 ± 1.1 (0.6) Climbing 0.00 0.00 1.80 ± 1.5 (0.9) 1.45 ± 2.3 (1.6) 0.59 ± 1.0 (1.8) 0.84 ± 1.5 (1.8) Walking 2.96 ± 1.9 (0.7) 1.94 ± 1.6 (0.8) 1.48 ± 2.3 (1.6) 0.57 ±1.1 (2.0) 1.11 ± 1.4 (1.3) 1.56 ± 1.9 (1.2) Sandbathing 0.33 ± 1.2 (3.5) 0.33 ± 1.2 (3.5) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 ± 0.7 (5.9) Grooming 4.51 ± 3.2 (0.7) 4.56 ± 1.8 (0.4) 5.8! ± 4.0 (0.7) 3.48 ± 2.5 (0.7) 4.75 ± 3.6 (0.8) 4.70 ± 3.2 (0.7) Suckling 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 38.11 ± 64.9 (1.7) 8.7! ± 34.3 (3.9) Nursing 0.00 8.19 ± 28.4 (3.5) 0.00 18.15 ± 33.7 (1.9) 0.00 4.78 ± 19.4 (4.6) Foraging 60.24 ± 22.8 (0.4) 93.28 ± 41.6 (0.4) 6.46 ± 21.7 (3.4) 0.54 ± 1.9 (3.6) 17.27 ± 40.5 (2.3) 31.93 ± 44.9 (1.4) Lunging 0.33 ± 0.5 (1.5) 0.17 ± 0.4 (2.3) 0.29 ± 0.5 (1.6) 0.00 0.13 ± 0.3 (2.7) 0.19 ± 0.4 (2.1) Chasing 1.00 ± 1.4 (1.4) 0.27 ± 0.5 (1.8) 0.29 ± 0.7 (2.3) 0.65 ± 0.9 (1.4) 0.13 ± 0.5 (4.0) 0.44 ± 0.9 (2.1) Fleeing 0.86 ± 0.9 (1.1) 0.87 ±1.1 (1.3) 1.08 ± 1.6 (1.5) 0.46 ± 0.8 (1.7) 0.60 ±1.1 (8.4) 0.78 ± 1.2 (1.5) Grappling 0.00 0.00 0.21 ± 0.5 (2.3) 0.15 ± 0.4 (2.4) 1.71 ± 2.5 (1.5) 0.47 ± 1.4 (2.9) Curve-body 0.00 0.75 ± 2.6 (3.5) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 ± 1.1 (8.4) Submit 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.15 ± 0.6 (3.6) 0.13 ± 0.5 (4.0) 0.06 ± 0.3 (5.9) Follow 0.63 ± 1.2 (1.9) 0.00 1.97 ± 3.1 (1.6) 0.00 0.00 0.59 ± 1.8 (3.0) Followed 0.00 0.29 ± 1.0 (3.5) 0.00 1.67 ± 4.1 (2.5) 0.93 ± 2.0 (2.1) 0.57 ± 2.1 (3.6) Tail-up 0.00 0.29 ± 0.8 (2.6) 0.00 0.92 ± 3.3 (3.6) 0.00 0.22 ± 1.5 (6.6) Repulsed 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Mounting 0.08 ± 0.3 (3.5) 0.00 0.31 ± 0.8 (2.5) 0.00 0.22 ± 0.6 (2.8) 0.14 ± 0.5 (3.6) 50 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 17 Table 12. — Continued. Group Variable Galea males Galea females Kerodon males Kerodon females Kerodon juveniles Total Crawl-over 2.63 ± 9.1 (3.5) 0.00 0.00 0.69 ± 1.6 (2.3) 1.82 ± 3.3 (1.8) 0.99 ± 4.1 (4.1) Allogrooming 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.43 ± 5.2 (3.6) 0.00 0.27 ± 2.2 (8.4) Scentmarking 0.00 0.00 0.56 ± 2.3 (4.1) 0.00 0.00 0.14 ± 1.1 (8.4) Activity-ratio 0.59 ± 0.2 (0.4) 0.58 ± 0.3 (0.5) 0.08 ± 0.1 (1.2) 0.11 ± 0.2 (1.5) 0.14 ± 0.1 (1.0) 0.28 ± 0.3 (1.1) separating groups than a simultaneous analysis of all variables. The five populations therefore were subjected to a multiple stepwise discriminant anal- ysis (Table 14) to determine which linear combi- nations of variables were most effective in separat- ing the groups. In addition, each sample was assigned a probability of classification to each of the five populations. The only variable not included in the multiple stepwise D.A. was “repulsed.” All others were in- corporated in the construction of the discriminant functions. Eor the analysis of the five-group data, there were three significant orthogonal axes (Table 15). The standardized discriminant function coeffi- cients (Table 16) for these three axes indicate the relative position and importance of all the variables used in forming the discriminant functions. A two dimensional scattergram illustrates the relative po- sitions of the group centroids and all individual sam- ples. As there were three significant axes (explain- ing 96.3% of the total dispersion), the relative positions of the five-group centroids can be visual- ized much more clearly in three dimensional space (Eig. 36). Discriminant Eunction I separates the Galea groups from Keroclon. Four variables are heavily weighted on the Galea side of the axis — activity-ratio; sit ground; foraging; sandbathing. The variables most heavily weighted on the Kero- don side of the axis include nursing, suckling, climbing, grappling, scentmarking, fleeing, submit, mounting, and sit rocks. The variables, which were important in separat- ing the genera, corresponded fairly closely to the univariate results (Fig. 35); however, discriminant analysis was more sensitive in detecting other bio- logically important differences between groups. Table 13. — Results of a Kruskal-Wallis one-way analysis of variance by ranks for all five groups. Keroclon and Galea adults, and Kerodon adults and juveniles. The Kruskal-Wallis test statistic (H) and the level of significance (P) are presented. All variables with P < 0.05 are considered significant. Variable Groups compared All five groups Four adult groups Three . Kerodon groups H F H p H P Inactive 22.59 .0002 8.12 .0436 19.73 .0001 Sit Rocks 35.29 .0000 29.20 .0000 — — Sit Ground 26.25 .0000 17.91 .0005 — — Sit Trees 35.79 .0000 30.65 .0000 15.23 .0005 Sit Sand 23.82 .0001 16.96 .0007 — — Climb 25.67 .0000 23.95 .0000 6.68 .0355 Walk 14.30 .0064 13.17 .0043 — — Suckle 25.78 .0000 — — 15.01 .0006 Nurse 14.01 .0073 9.72 .0211 10.85 .0044 Forage 46.06 .0000 41.44 .0000 — — Grapple 14.67 .0054 — — 6.10 .0473 Follow 15.33 .0041 9.97 .0189 11.44 .0033 Crawl-over 12.51 .0139 — — 7.52 .0233 Activity-ratio 39.25 .0000 33.58 .0000 — — 1981 LACHER— CAVIID SOCIAL BEHAVIOR 51 Table 14. — Wilk's lambda (U-statistic), univariate F-ra!io, and level of significance {P) for all 28 variables used in the discrim- inant analysis. P-value is for the F-statistic with 4 and 65 degrees of freedom. There were 10 significant variables for the five-group comparison. Variable Wilks’ lambda F P Inactive 0.92 1.36 >.25 Sit rocks 0.78 4.35 <.005 Sit ground 0.78 4.33 <.005 Sit trees 0.89 1.98 >.10 Sit sand 0.77 4.62 <.005 Running 0.97 0.48 >.50 Climbing 0.75 5.26 <.005 Walking 0.82 3.34 <.025 Sandbathing 0.94 0.97 >.25 Grooming 0.94 0.98 >.25 Suckling 0.77 4.61 <.005 Nursing 0.86 2.52 = .05 Foraging 0.40 23.44 <.001 Lunging 0.90 1.64 >.10 Chasing 0.87 2.28 >.05 Fleeing 0.96 0.62 >.50 Grappling 0.75 5.34 <.001 Curve-body 0.93 1.22 >.25 Submit 0.95 0.71 >.50 Follow 0.78 4.42 <.005 Followed 0.90 1.68 >.10 Tail-up 0.94 1.01 >.25 Repulsed 1.00 0.00 >.75 Mounting 0.93 1.12 >.25 Crawl-over 0.93 1.07 >.25 Allogrooming 0.93 1.10 >.25 Scentmarking 0.95 0.76 >.50 Activity-ratio 0.38 26.01 <.001 Sandbathing was indicated as an important variable in separating the Galea population from Kerodon ; qualitative observations had also indicated this to be true. Grappling was indicated as an important gesture in characterizing the Kerodon ethogram. This is another difference which was not detected by the non-parametric multiple comparisons test. Eleeing was also heavily weighted for Kerodon, primarily because of the relatively long extended Table 15. — The three significant discriminant functions extract- ed for the five-group comparison and associated statistics. Discriminant function Statistics I II 111 Percent variance 83.45 6.69 6.14 Wilk's lambda 0.0043 0.0878 0.2231 Chi-square 288.269 128.916 79.511 DF 108 78 50 Significance level 0.001 0.001 0.005 Table 16. — Standardized discriminant function coefficients for the 27 experimental variables on the first three discriminant axes. The sign and numerical value of the coefficient indicate it’s relative position and relative importance on the axis. Vari- able number 23, repulsed, was not included in the formation of the axes. Variables Standardized discriminant function coefficients Function 1 Function 11 Function 111 Inactive -0.037 -0.246 0.170 Sit rocks -0.091 -0.255 0.256 Sit ground 0.291 -0.187 0.107 Sit trees 0.051 0.017 0.263 Sit sand 0.040 -0.000 0.366 Running 0.024 0.011 -0.094 Climbing -0.181 -0.181 0.201 Walking 0.087 -0.223 -0.004 Sandbathing 0.141 0.087 -0.492 Grooming 0.071 0.510 -0.129 Suckling -0.181 -0.292 -0.379 Nursing -0.217 -0.845 0.704 Foraging 0.098 -0.627 -0.433 Lunging 0.021 0.337 0.081 Chasing 0.022 -0.128 0.332 Fleeing -0.139 0.078 -0.108 Grappling -0.174 -0.200 -0.302 Curve-body -0.007 0.296 -0.213 Submit -0.133 0.079 0.179 Follow 0.036 0.541 0.173 Followed -0.068 -0.514 0.034 Tail-up 0.024 0.277 0.156 Mounting -0.127 0.087 -0.150 Crawl-over -0.031 0.030 -0.020 Allogrooming -0.027 0.268 -0.320 Scentmarking -0.152 -0.041 0.035 Activity-ratio 0.590 0.211 0.468 chases when the fleeing animal weaved in and out of the rocks. The small sample size did generate some spurious results, however. Submit and mounting were both heavily weighted for Kerodon. Nonquantified ob- servations indicated an approximately equal fre- quency of occurrence of these traits for the two genera. Scentmarking was observed only once in 70 trials, and was one of the three observations col- lected for Kerodon in 2 years of study. Scentmark- ing was actually far more common in Galea. Discriminant Function II separates the males from the female-juvenile complex. The males are weighted most heavily by grooming, lunging, and following, whereas the most important variables on the female side include nursing, foraging, and fol- lowed. The third axis is somewhat confused, but serves primarily to separate Kerodon and Galea females from Kerodon juveniles. Nursing and ac- 52 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 17 Fig. 36. — Five-group centroids in three dimensional space. Dotted lines represent the three significant discriminant functions, which intersect at zero. tivity ratio are heavily weighted for the adults’s side. Suckling is one of the more important vari- ables on the juvenile side; however, sandbathing and foraging are more heavily weighted. A great deal of this is due to the intermediate position on this axis of Galea females, between Kerodon fe- males and juveniles. The results of the classification procedure indi- cate that all samples were correctly classified by genus (Table 17). There were some misclassifica- tions by sex or age; however, the percent of cases correctly classified was 84.3. One of the misclassi- fied juveniles was a ’’borderline” case, a juvenile male already presenting a few adult characteristics. This particular juvenile was given a 56.9% proba- bility of being an adult male and a 42.5% proba- bility of being a juvenile . . . exactly what one might expect for a maturing animal. As juvenile behavior was extremely variable, an additional discriminant analysis was run using only the four adult groups to determine if a more efficient classification could be obtained. As expected, there were only two significant axes and the important discriminant function coefficients remained basical- ly the same. The scattergram and relative group centroid distances were also very similar to the five group analysis. The percent of correctly predicted group memberships, however, was much higher (90.7) when juveniles were eliminated from the analysis. All five groups analyzed represent relatively ho- mogeneous populations based on mean durations. The four adult groups were especially consistent. A compound variable, like the mean population duration, seems to facilitate group separation and classification of individual samples. It is also more 1981 LACHER— CAVIID SOCIAL BEHAVIOR 53 Table 17. — Results of the SPSS Discriminant classification procedure. No samples were misclassified by genus, however there were 15.71% misclassifications by age or sex. Actual group No. of cases Predicted group membership Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 1 12 11 1 0 0 0 Galea males 91. Wo 8.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Group 2 12 2 10 0 0 0 Galea females 16.7% 83.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Group 3 17 0 0 16 1 0 Kerodon males 0.0% 0.0% 94.1% 5.9% 0.0% Group 4 13 0 0 2 10 1 Kerodon females 0.0% 0.0% 15.4% 76.9% 7.7% Group 5 16 0 0 2 2 12 Kerodon juveniles 0.0% 0.0% 12.5% 12.5% 15.0% difficult to interpret. A variable which is signifi- cantly different between populations may be larger or smaller, it may be more common or more infre- quent or it may differ because of combinations of the above. The ideal situation would be to analyze each variable in a variety of ways. For the purposes of characterizing group differences and classifying individual samples, however, frequency weighted mean durations proved very effective. When uni- variate methods were used to analyze the data, the groups were difficult to distinguish. When all vari- ables were analyzed simultaneously all five groups were separated, and 85% of the individual trials were correctly classified. The use of quantified as- pects of a species’ behavioral repertoire (frequency weighted mean durations in this case) as a system of measurement was extremely effective in clari- fying group differences. This was especially effec- tive considering the sample sizes. Principal components analysis was run on three groups — Kerodon males; Kerodon females; and Galea adults. Initial factors were extracted by the principal components method of the BMDP pack- age (Nie et al., 1975) from a correlation matrix with all diagonal elements set at one. Only factors that explained 10% or more of the total variance were used in the interpretation of the results. In order to facilitate interpretation, the factor matrix was ro- tated to obtain a simpler structure via a Kaiser Nor- mal Varimax rotation. The rotated factor loadings were then sorted. The zero factor loading was set at 0.2500. Five factors in the Galea population accounted for 10% (or more) of the total variance. None of the factors, however, are especially strong; in fact, the total variance accounted for by all five factors is only 58%. The most interesting factor, II, tends to separate submissive animals from dominant animals. Factors 1 and V separate out two specific single samples. Factor III separates the dominant female from other animals and Factor IV distinguishes males following estrous females from the rest of the population. The results obtained for Kerodon are more en- lightening. There were five factors selected for Ker- Table 18. — Factor loading matrix for Kerodon males. The ma- trix has been rearranged so that columns are in order of percent variance explained. The ron s also were rearranged, .so that for each successive factor, loadings greater than 0.500 appear first. The zero factor loading has been set equal to 0.250. Variable No. Factors I II III IV V Foraging 9 0.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Scentmarking 16 0.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Activity-ratio 17 0.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Walking 7 0.92 0.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 Fleeing 12 0.30 0.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sit ground 3 0.00 0.82 0.00 -0.31 0.00 Grappling 13 0.00 0.80 0.00 0.46 0.00 Follow 14 0.56 0.65 0.00 0.36 0.00 Running 5 0.00 0.00 0.89 0.00 0.00 Lunging 10 0.00 0.00 0.83 0.00 0.00 Inactive 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.70 0.00 Climbing 6 0.40 0.00 0.00 -0.67 0.00 Chasing 11 0.00 0.00 0.42 0.55 0.00 Sit rocks 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.90 Grooming 8 0.46 0.00 -0.28 -0.27 0.71 Sit trees 4 -0.25 0.00 -0.50 0.00 -0.59 Mounting 15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Eigenvalue 4.69 2.88 2.13 1.89 1.75 Percent variance 27.6 17.0 12.5 11.1 10.3 54 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 17 3 2 1- 0 1 —2 3 Fig. 37. — Graph of factor scores for Kerodon males in relation to factors II and III. Small graph in upper left hand corner indicates the percent variance accounted for by each factor, as well as the behavioral component of the factor. Five of the seven trial runs on the number one and two males are enclosed in area one. Area two represents subadult males; individuals which were submissive and maintained a juvenile characteristic (grappling). Area three, near the origin, represents submissive adult males. Area four contains three trials in which animals did nothing but sit, either in the rocks or in the trees, for nearly the duration of the trials. odon males (Table 18), accounting for 78.5% of the total variance. Factors I, IV and V separated single trials from the rest of the population. Factor II dis- tinguished obviously submissive males from other males, and Factor III separated actively dominant males from animals which spent little, if any, time active. A plot of the factor scores for each trial on these two axes give a good separation of dominant and submissive individuals (Fig. 37). Results for Kerodon females indicated six factors which accounted for 10% or more of the total vari- ance. Factor I distinguished behaviors associated with nursing females from other animals. Factor II separated estrous females from non-estrous fe- males. Factors II through VI again separated indi- vidual trials from the rest of the population. The relatively small sample size used (13 to 24) is the reason for the frequent occurrence of this phenom- enon. Factor analyses are most effective with large sample sizes, although the minimum allowable sam- ple size is unknown (Frey and Pimentel, 1978). Nevertheless there was some consistency in the re- sults. Factors of biological coherence which ex- plained 10% or more of the variance always keyed on one of four things: gestures associated with dominance; gestures associated with submissive- ness; estrous females (and associated behaviors); and nursing females. 1981 LACHER— CAVIID SOCIAL BEHAVIOR 55 DISCUSSION Evolution of Behavior in the Caviidae The evolution of morphological and behavioral differences in the family Caviidae is strongly linked to the different habitat requirements of the six gen- era. In order to attempt a reconstruction of the evo- lutionary trends within this family, it is necessary to envision a caviid prototype, one from which the living genera could have been derived. Rood (1972) considered Microcavia to be most similar to the caviine ancestor. This genus has a relatively high social tolerance, amicable relationship among fe- males, simplified sexual and reproductive reper- toire, and occupies open thorn-bush formations. This description is similar to what might be ex- pected for the caviid prototype, an animal that pos- sessed what was termed by Eisenberg (1963), a “loose social system.” This caviid prototype first appeared in South America in the mid-Miocene, and by late Miocene both subfamilies were present (Pascual, 1962). All caviids show a reduction in the number of toes on the hindfoot, indicating that at one point in their evolutionary history, they were moderately digiti- grade and cursorial. Although the actual foot pos- ture and mode of locomotion now varies greatly among the genera, this basic foot form remains con- stant within the family. It is possible that changing selective pressures have caused the caviids to be- come secondarily small and less cursorial than their precursors. There are some major morphological and behav- ioral differences between the subfamilies. The Dol- ichotinae evolved in high plains, desert, and open grasslands; their extensive morphological adapta- tions for a cursorial life were described in detail by Dubost and Genest (1974). In occupying this open, structurally homogeneous habitat, it became in- creasingly difficult for the female to protect and care for the young alone, and selection subsequent- ly favored a more active participation by the male in protecting the female and young from predators. Males would already have been tolerated by the female during and after parturition in the “loose social system” ancestor, thus no extensive modi- fications in the social system were necessary. Sex- ual patterns remained relatively simple. Basic hys- tricomorph gestures like enurination and the tail-up are present, and males display a figure-eight passing behavior to the female during courtship. This ges- ture may well have been part of the repertoire of the caviid ancestor as it is also present in Cavia (prowl) and in a modified form in Kerodon (cir- cling). Aggressive behavior in Dolichotis is also fairly simple, consisting of approaches, lunges, chases with rump biting, and a mouth-to-mouth threat posture (Dubost and Genest, 1974). In the caviines, Microcavia maintains many sim- ilarities to the hypothetical caviine ancestor. The presence of limited shelter sites may have been an important factor in favoring the maintenance of low aggressive levels in Microcavia, particularly among females. Galea and Cavia, respectively, occupy increas- ingly more productive and diverse habitats (scrub forest, cerrado, pampas) offering an abundance of shelter, food, and other resources. Although more productive than the thorn-bush associations occu- pied by Microcavia, these habitats remain struc- turally relatively homogeneous. Where such habi- tats occur, single individuals would not be able to monopolize clumps of resources without large ex- penditures of time and energy. Individuals within populations would thus tend to be dispersed rather than clumped. Selection would favor the develop- ment of territoriality, effective aggressive gestures, and complex displays for the attraction of females. More effective means of visual, vocal, or olfactory communication would also be favored. The end re- sult would be a decrease in social tolerance within the population and an increase in the complexity of behavioral repertoires. Galea, and to a greater ex- tent Cavia, seem to have evolved under these types of selective pressures. Kerodon, however, deviates markedly from this caviine trend. It does occupy a relatively produc- tive habitat; however, resources (rock piles) are highly clumped. Thus it becomes quite feasible, in terms of time and energy, for a single animal (most likely a male) to monopolize a large amount of re- sources critical to other animals (most likely fe- males). This is a situation with a high potential for the evolution of a harem-based mating system (Em- len and Oring, 1977) requiring social tolerances within resource clumps and complex aggressive gestures to protect the clumps from intruders. Kerodon was probably derived from a Kerodon- 56 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 17 Galea prototype which inhabited northeastern and central Brazil, the area which is now covered by the Cerrado-Caatinga complex. The Quaternary in South America was dominated by alternations be- tween wetter and drier periods (Vanzolini, 1970; Vuilleumier, 1971) and the importance of these cli- matic conditions in speciation in the Amazonian fauna has previously been reported by various au- thors (Haffer, 1969; Vanzolini and Williams, 1970; Brown et al., 1974). It is quite possible that they were also of importance in northeastern Brazil. Geomorphological data indicate that the Caatinga and Cerrado vegetation types expanded into the Amazon Basin during dry periods (Vanzolini, 1973), and populations of the Kerodoii -Galea prototype could have been isolated in the rocky chains of hills and plateaus in northeastern Brazil during a pro- nounced drought. These hills and plateaus are more humid that the Caatinga lowlands, and many re- ceive orographic rainfall (Markham, 1972). The pla- teaus currently serve as refugia in the dry Caatinga for a number of more mesic-adapted species (for example, Tamandua tetradactyla) and may have been important refugia for mammals during the Quaternary. Populations restricted to the more me- sic plateaus (Kerodon precursors) would have di- verged from the main body of the populations (Ga- lea precursors) which was pushed southward or eastward; Brown et al. (1974) have postulated a large mesic refuge on the southeastern coast of Bra- zil. As the plateau chains are fairly rocky, animals isolated there would be expected to have evolved the complex morphological and behavioral features necessary for the successful exploitation of this habitat. The Galea precursors, which migrated southward with the refugia, would have changed little morphologically or behaviorally, as they would have experienced a minimal change in habi- tat. A return to more mesic conditions allowed for the recolonization of the lowland areas by the main population (Galea), which probably maintained a strong morphological resemblance to the initial pro- totype. This would result in the current situation; two closely related sympatric genera (Pascual, 1962), one of which shows morphological and be- havioral adaptations to exploit rocky habitats (Ker- odon ) and the other occupies the lowland areas and shows morphological and behavioral similarities to the basic caviine form (Galea). A discussion of the major differences between these two genera and the ecological factors which may have shaped these differences follows. Trends in Behavioral Evolution Eisenberg’s (1963) study on the comparative be- havior of heteromyid rodents provided valuable in- sights on the evolution of social behavior within the family. The data presented here allow a preliminary evaluation of the trend in evolution of social behav- ior within the family Caviidae. Rood (1972) fur- nished both field and colony observations on Cavia, Microcavia, and Galea miisteloides. Dolichotis was studied under seminatural field conditions in Erance (Dubost and Genest, 1974) and behavioral data on Pediolagus was reported by Eisenberg ( 1974), Klei- man (1974), and Wilson and Kleiman (1974). Behav- ioral information available on the dolichotines is somewhat sketchy and primarily descriptive. Be- cause of the fine study on the Argentine cavies, however, the patterns of ecology and behavior in the subfamily Caviinae can be examined in some detail (Table 19). Galea spixii and G. musteloides are, in general, fairly similar. A few traits observed by Rood (1972) were not observed in G. spixii. Rearing, a common gesture in G. musteloides, was completely absent in G. spixii. Climbing and dig- ging were not observed for G. spixii, but both ges- tures were probably associated with the chicken wire outdoor enclosures used by Rood. The kiss was observed for G. spixii', however, it was ex- tremely rare. Two other aggressive gestures (jump- turns and the submissive crouch) were very com- mon in G. spixii but were not observed in G. musteloides. There are thus three important gestur- al differences at the species level — rearing, jump- turns, and the submissive crouch. Kerodon has by far the most complex overall rep- ertoire among the caviine genera, especially in re- lation to contactual, aggressive, and sexual pos- tures. Kerodon vocalizations are also quite complex. Rood suggested a trend in complexity among the Argentine cavies, with Microcavia being the least complex in terms of behavioral interactions, and Cavia the most complex. If Kerodon is considered on the same basis, it is far more complex than Ca- via. Kerodon possesses nearly all of the gestures present in the other genera, and in addition has a complex contact-promoting play behavior (grap- pling), a stereotyped aggressive gesture (jousting), and two specialized reproductive displays (circling and foot tapping). Also, the alarm whistle is a com- plex vocal display with an apparent social function. Rood (1972) also concluded that the three genera of Argentine cavies differ in their degree of social 1981 LACKER— CAVIID SOCIAL BEHAVIOR 57 tolerance. Cavia was considered a distance animal, with a diverse aggressive repertoire and a sparse repertoire of contact-promoting gestures. Micro- cavia was considered the most social of the two genera, and this sociality is reflected in the complex array of contactual gestures, and a correspondingly simple aggressive repertoire. Kerodon has both a complex aggressive behavior and diverse contactual postures. This contradictory situation is related to the maintenance of harems. A great diversity of contactual gestures exists with- in the harem to reduce aggression and maintain a high level of communication among harem mem- bers. There also exists a complex aggressive rep- ertoire to ritualize aggressive interactions between females and juveniles within the harem, thus reduc- ing potentially crippling encounters, and to protect the rocks from invasion by outsiders. Kerodon rep- resents a major divergence from the typical cavy trend of straight line dominance relationships. This divergence is related to the distinctly different hab- itat type occupied by this genus. Vocalizations of the two genera maintained the relative stereotypy of hystricomorph sounds noted by Eisenberg (1974). In his study, the vocalizations of a number of hystricomorph rodents were exam- ined and classified according to their functional context. Using Eisenberg's data and classifications, I compared Kerodon and Galea spixii vocalizations with those of a number of other caviid species (Table 20). Galea spixii possesses almost the same vocal rep- ertoire as G. musteloides, one exception being the ambiguous function of the tooth chatter. Tooth chatters were given by G. spixii individuals in a variety of aggressive contexts and were always giv- en by the more subordinate individual in a given encounter. The slow whistle and alarm whistle are unique to Kerodon, Dasyprocta punctata gives an alarm bark (Smythe, 1978), and Dolichotis patagonum emits a sharp “wheet” (Eisenberg, 1974). Octodon degas uses a sharp squeak, at least part of which is re- peated (Eisenberg, 1974). Both Spalacopus and Lagidium give what appear to be warning calls, of a very pure harmonic quality, although little is known of their function in the wild. Lagidium in- habits rock piles similar to Kerodon habitat, and the call in this genus may have the same function as is described here for Kerodon. No other hystri- comorph has been reported to give a repeated, high- pitched whistle like Kerodon' s. Table 19. — Comparison of the relative frequencies of occurrence of selected behavioral traits among five species of caviines. 0 = absent, / = rare, 2 — common. Based on Rood {1972}. Behavior Micro- cavia Cavia Galea mustel- oides Galea spi.xii Kero- don Maintenance behavior Climbing 2 1 1 0 2 Nosing 2 2 0 2 2 Combing 2 2 0 0 2 Rolling (Sandbathing) 2 1 2 2 0 Digging 2 1 1 0 0 Upright attend 2 1 1 1 2 Swimming 0 1 0 0 0 Frisky hops 2 2 2 1 2 Scentmarking 2 2 2 2 1 Contactual behavior Climb-over (Crawl-over) 2 1 1 1 2 Side-sit 2 0 2 2 1 Rear-sit 2 0 2 1 1 Kiss 2 0 0 1 2 Social grooming 2 2 2 1 2 Grappling 0 0 0 0 Agonistic behavior Jump turn 1 0 0 2 2 Stand threat 0 2 2 1 1 Tail-up 0 2 2 2 2 Facing 2 2 0 0 1* Kick-back 1 1 0 0 0 Head-up 0 2 0 0 0 Submit 2 0 0 2 2 Jousting 0 0 0 0 Reproductive behavior Rearing 0 0 2 0 0 Riding 2 2 0 0 2 Rumba 0 2 0 0 0 Rumping 0 2 0 0 0 Circling 0 p 0 0 2 Foot tapping u 0 0 0 1 *Noles: Microcaviu males tap the rump of females. Cavia exhibit the prowl, a gesture which superficially resembles circling. Kerodon juveniles exhibit a gesture similar to facing while grappling. The alarm whistle is interesting in that it resem- bles a true alarm call. At the approach of a predator, an animal will sit upright and begin to whistle. The predator is probably detected by sound or smell, as the whistling starts while it is still some distance away. Other animals will respond to the whistle by assuming the upright attend position. The animals remain upright until the intruder is first seen by one of the animals, at which time they all flee. My impression is that the first individual which detects the approach of a predator gives the alarm whistle, alerting the other animals. All animals then assume the upright position, and begin to watch for the predator. The initial “whistler” would probably 58 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 17 Table 20. — Contextual classifications of various vocalizations present in the Caviidae. Data and classifications are from Eisenherg (1974) and this study. Code: Roman numerals = syllable types (see reference above for detailed descriptions of sonogram analysis), a = ascending frequency , d = descending frequency, ad = complex frequency modulation, s = short syllable, I = long syllable, r = repeated emission, and u = no appropriate frequency modulation. Warning sounds Species When startled When threatening (to a conspecific or slow predator) Before or after attack Avoiding while being approached When injured When defeated Dolichotis patagonum (Eisenberg, 1974) sharp wheet tooth chatter III; grunt long wheet with grunt Pediolagus salinicola (Eisenberg, 1974) whine Cavia porcellus (Eisenberg, 1974) tutt-tutt II s, r tooth chatter III r grunt, snort low wheet I a d, s, r sharp squeak squeal 11 1 Cavia aperea (Rood, 1972) tooth chatter 111 grunt bubbly squeak squeal Microcavia australis (Rood, 1972) tsit tooth chatter 111 Galea musteloides (Rood, 1972) tooth chatter III; drumming stutter Galea spixii (this study) drumming; tooth chatter stutter; bark; tooth chatter peepy squeaks squeak squeak; tooth chatter Kerodon rupestris (this study) alarm whistle I r s squeal II a d Table 20. — Continued. Species When calling young (9) When being groomed When following When seeking contact When courting Special contexts Dolichotis patagonum short grunts cluck II a d. wheet I a d, 1 (Eisenberg, 1974) s Pediolagus salinicola cluck wheet (Eisenberg, 1974) Cavia porcellus cluck II a gurgle; short clucks II a d. wheet lad, purr II u s; r inflected (Eisenberg, 1974) d Had s s wheets Cavia aperea rumble (Rood, 1972) Microcavia australis rumble (Rood, 1972) Galea musteloides churr (Rood, 1972) Galea spixii peepy (this study) squeaks (juv.) Kerodon rupestris peepy slow whistle; (this study) squeaks churr; tooth chatter (all anxiety) 1981 LACHER— CAVIID SOCIAL BEHAVIOR 59 Fig. 38. — A hypothetical representation of the trend in evolution of social behavior in the family Caviidae based on Eisenberg's (1963) model for the classification of steps in the evolution of rodent social systems. The thin line illustrates the trend in behavioral evolution for the six genera in the family, and does not indicate phylogenetic affinities. Microcavki approximates the transitional social system, that is, showing trends towards dispersion as adults while maintaining a reasonable level of social tolerance. Environmental variables were more important than phylogenetic constraints (for example, subfamily) in determining trends in the Caviidae. not place himself in immediate danger, because at the time of detection the predator is still distant. A greater danger would be to flee without any idea of the direction from which the predator is approach- ing. This is especially true in the rugged, boulder- strewn areas which Kerodon inhabit, because vi- sual contact may not be established until the predator is quite close. By alerting other animals in the population, the “whistler” would gain the ad- vantage of having numerous other eyes scanning the pits and depressions for an approaching preda- tor. Once an individual sees the predator and flees, the rest of the population does likewise. All indi- viduals gain the same advantage, and are exposed to little individual risk. Indeed, indiscriminate fleeing may well be far more risky than maintaining an alert position on top of a boulder. The resemblance of the alarm whistle to the squeal (distress, pain) and the slow whistle (anxi- ety, stress) aids in the development of a model for the evolution of such an alarm call followed by the “alert” reaction. Animals which initially gave a dis- tress squeal upon hearing an approaching predator would have gained the benefit of observing the re- sponse of other animals to the squeal. Individuals which did not respond to the squeal, or which fled indiscriminately, would more likely have been lost to predators; thus individuals which assume an alert position would have been favored. Animals which gave a “better” squeal, therefore alerting (and con- sequently observing) more individuals, would also have been favored, the end result being the modi- fications of the distress squeal into a penetrating whistle capable of alerting the maximum number of 60 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 17 individuals. If this were the case, the alarm whistle should still maintain a relation to its initial, basic function; that of a distress call. This is apparently true, for as an animal is cornered it will give the whistle. Various authors have suggested that alarm calls may actually benefit the caller (Trivers, 1971; Char- nov and Krebs, 1975; Wilson, 1975; Sherman, 1977; Staton, 1978) either directly, or indirectly by in- creasing the caller’s inclusive fitness (Hamilton, 1964). By explaining the Kerodon whistle in the most parsimonious way possible, I have concluded that the call could have evolved through natural se- lection acting on the individual by conferring a di- rect benefit on the caller. Emlen (1973) has stated that one of the important functions of kin selection, however, may be in enhancing selection at the in- dividual level. As Kerodon occur in semi-isolated rock piles, living in groups of related individuals (see below), the rate of selection of the alarm call might have been greatly accelerated by a kin effect. A proposed model for the evolution of caviid so- cial behavior can be graphically represented in terms of Eisenberg’s hypothetical model (Fig. 38). The differing social organizations present for each genus, considered in relation to its habitat require- ments, offer an example of the importance of social behavior in ecological adaptation. Mating Systems Orians (1969), in a discussion of the evolution of mating systems, indicated a number of character- istics of the biology of birds and mammals which would favor a polygynous breeding system. Among these were precocious young, limited nesting sites, and juvenile survivorship, which is little influenced by paternal care. Emlen and Oring (1977) classified monogamous and polygamous mating systems on the basis of cer- tain ecological criteria. The environmental potential for polygamy (EPP) was viewed as dependent upon three factors — the spatial distribution of resources; the temporal distribution of sexually receptive mates; and the operational sex ratio, defined as “the average ratio of fertilizable females to sexually active males at any given time.” When resources are clumped, they can be mo- nopolized more easily by a single individual. A small proportion of the population can thus control a large proportion of the available resources. If these resources are necessary for successful repro- duction, the potential for accumulating multiple mates increases with the potential for monopolizing resources. Clumped resources should therefore ex- hibit a high EPP. When the temporal distribution of mates is clumped (that is, sexual receptivity in the popula- tion is highly synchronized), it becomes difficult for one individual to control numerous individuals of the other sex. This is especially true for species which exhibit a prolonged courtship. The EPP would be highest in those situations where one in- dividual at a time is sexually receptive. A dominant male could thus utilize his energies to monopolize a sexually receptive female with little probability of losing another mating opportunity. The potential for males to accumulate multiple females should be highest in populations which exhibit asynchronous estrous periods. The operational sex ratio provides a measure of the ease with which one sex can monopolize the limiting sex. When the proportion of sexually active males is higher than sexually receptive females, it becomes easier for a single male to gain control over this small population of females, either directly by herding or indirectly by holding and defending necessary resources. Polygyny would be favored in this case. The potential to shift towards polygyny, however, will also be affected by spatial and tem- poral clumping of females. When the ratio is skewed in the other direction, the tendency towards polyandry will vary with the degree of temporal and spatial clumping of males. Evaluations of Kerodon and Galea populations by the above criteria (Table 21) indicate that both genera exhibit a high potential for polygyny. When the mating system of each genus is examined in more detail, the means by which males control fe- males appear to differ. Kerodon exhibits resource defense polygyny, de- fined by Emlen and Oring (1977) as “males control access to females indirectly , by monopolizing crit- ical resources.” The critical resource in this case is the boulder-strewn rock face, the exclusive hab- itat of Kerodon. Kerodon males actively defend the rock piles, and accumulate multiple mates indirect- ly through female choice of these limited sites. Field and colony data strongly support this model for Kerodon. Field observations indicated that Ker- odon is an extreme habitat specialist, and marked individuals maintained a fidelity to specific rock piles. Kerodon born in captivity had a sex ratio of unity. The sex ratio in field captured juveniles also did not differ from unity. The adult sex ratio in the 1981 LACHER— CAVIID SOCIAL BEHAVIOR 61 Table 21. — Characteristics of Kerodon and Galea populations used to evaluate the ecological potential for polygyny. Criteria Kerodon Galea Spatial distribution of resources Highly clumped; animals occupy boulder piles which have a very patchy distribution. Slightly clumped; more of a habitat generalist; however, always found in areas with a reasonable amount of ground cover. Temporal distribution of mates High to total asynchrony; females exhibit a post partum estrous. No periodicity in the colony, no evidence of periodicity in the wild. Moderate to high asynchrony; females exhibit a post-partum estrous. No periodicity in the colony, some evidence of periodicity in the wild. Operational sex ratio Highly skewed towards males; females exhibit a post-partum estrous. Males always receptive. Highly skewed towards males; females exhibit a post-partum estrous. Males always receptive. Precocious young Yes. Yes. Limited nesting sites Yes. Not likely. Paternal care Male tolerance of juveniles in harems. No direct paternal care. No paternal care observed. field, however, is significantly skewed towards fe- males (three males; 15 females, P < 0.01), a situ- ation to be expected when single males monopolize a resource about which females aggregate. This re- sult implies that the imbalance present in adults oc- curs only in the sexually active cohorts of the pop- ulations, in this case through intense intrasexual competition among males. Additional behavioral observations for Kerodon taken in the colony are supportive. Allogrooming was observed in two contexts — adult females grooming their progeny; and juvenile males groom- ing the dominant male. The latter context seems to be a contact promoting gesture used by the juve- niles to appease the dominant male. The male does not solicit the grooming; the juveniles cautiously approach and the dominant male remains tempo- rarily motionless. There are no such amicable re- lations between the dominant male and the number two male, nor among females. It has been shown that females maintained a straight line hierarchy (Fig. 33), and relations between adult females and younger animals are predominantly agonistic. Al- logrooming by the juvenile males may be of great importance in their maintaining a position in the hierarchy. The relatively frequent use by Kerodon of crawl- overs, another contact-promoting behavior, may be important in maintaining social cohesiveness among harem members. Although Kerodon scentmarked infrequently, crawl-overs may serve to maintain an olfactory cohesiveness among harem residents, par- ticularly to mitigate aggressive behavior among ju- veniles and between adult females. Numerous data were presented in the section on agonistic behavior which were supportive of re- source defense polygyny. Hierarchy structures, rates of inter- and intrasexual aggression and use of gestures all supported the patterns expected for the maintenance of harems. Kerodon females only became aggressive to- wards other females during their first pregnancy. The hierarchy that formed within the harem corre- sponded exactly to the order in which the female residents became pregnant. A pregnant female has much more to lose if expelled from the protection of the harem male than a non-pregnant female. Also, there was little aggression between juveniles and their mothers or the dominant male. Most ag- gressive interactions involving juveniles were with other juveniles and females other than their moth- ers. In a harem situation, a newborn would be a direct threat to these two groups. There would be direct competition with other juveniles for re- sources and indirect competition with other adult females in that competition with a female’s progeny is a potential reduction in the fitness of that female. Nevertheless, aggression among juveniles is not as intense as might be expected. Juveniles are all re- lated to some degree by the fact that they have a common father. If the dominant male successfully impregnates all the females, and all females have the same number of progeny, the average coeffi- 62 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 17 dent of relationship among juveniles will be equal to CR l/2(p - 1) + */2(N - Dp Np - 1 where p is the number of progeny per female and N is the total number of females in the harem. If females have unequal numbers of progeny, the av- erage individual coefficient of relationship (I.C.R.) between any given individual and all other juveniles can be calculated as l/2(b - 1) + 2 '/4Pi where b is the number of sibs of the juvenile in question. The sum of p, in the numerator thus in- cludes the progeny of all females except the mother of the juvenile for which the calculation is made. Both equations assume that none of the females were progeny of the dominant male. If this were to occur the relationship among juveniles would be higher. The average coefficient of relationship may be important in limiting the number of females which can form a harem. Selection would favor fe- males and juveniles which became increasingly more aggressive towards other females and juve- niles as the total number of females in the harem increased, and the average coefficient of relation- ship declined. The tolerance displayed by the dominant male towards juveniles during reproductive behavior may also be linked to relatedness. By allowing his progeny to participate in the mating chase, the dom- inant male is essentially “grooming an heir to the throne.” He allows his progeny to gain experience in developing their reproductive repertoire, and the juveniles establish a relationship with the adult fe- male harem residents. When the dominant male dies, it is therefore more likely that one of his prog- eny, rather than an outside male, will assume the dominant position. Wilson (1975) has proposed that, in harem birds, communally-breeding groups of females may be sibs, if they are genuinely cooperative. Emlen (1978) presents empirical information implying that communal females are competitive. Data collected for Kerodon were supportive of Emlen. There were relatively high levels of intraharem aggression, especially among females, and between females and juveniles. Emlen (1978) predicted that, in birds, females may exploit the close proximity of nesting areas to manipulate eggs and parasitize nests of other females. Kerodon females seem to manipulate progeny of other females, both by overt aggression towards juveniles as well as aggression against pregnant and lactating females. At least one juvenile death was due to a failure to lactate in the number three female. Possibly as a result of this hierarchical aggression, the dominant female pro- duced more progeny than any of the other females. Dunbar and Dunbar ( 1977) reported a similar situ- ation occurring among harem females in gelada ba- boons, and Downhower and Armitage (1971) have given indirect evidence that reproductive success in yellow-bellied marmots is correlated with domi- nance rank. Although the data presented here are hardly conclusive, it leads me to speculate that this may be a general phenomenon in harems. The ques- tion merits further, more quantitative, investiga- tion. These observations are based upon a single colony; however, they indicate that, at least in this situation, the harem is an internally competitive group. Galea is more difficult to classify within Emlen and Oring’s system, but most closely approximates the lek type of male dominance polygyny. Males and females have overlapping territories and both sexes establish linear dominance hierarchies. Sexes do not differ either in their use of gestures or in the proportions of inter- and intrasexual aggression. Both males and females (in particular the alpha male) are aggressive towards juveniles. Dominant males apparently obtain access to estrous females by excluding other competing males through overt aggression. This is the probable reason for the sig- nificantly higher number of mean encounters in Galea males (Table 9). Observations presented in the section on repro- ductive behavior illustrate the high level of aggres- sion present between the dominant male and other colony males during the mating chase. The domi- nant male was aggressive towards alt other males, including animals introduced as juveniles as well as colony-born males. Paternal care in Galea is essentially nonexistent. Adult males ignore juveniles, except for occasional misdirected attempts at copulation. There is no male-male allogrooming. Other contact-promoting behaviors, especially crawl-overs, are rare. The male contribution to parental investiment is also minimal. Females apparently defend their own ter- ritories and raise the young without assistance from the male. As the survival of the young is little in- 1981 LACHER— CAVIID SOCIAL BEHAVIOR 63 Table 22. — Selected adaptations to an open scrub habitat in Galea spixii. Trait Special function Clawed feet Improve traction on dusty, soft substrate Ground forager — Cursorial — Sandbathing Mark trails and territories on dusty substrate Scentmarking Mark trails and territories on dusty substrate Large litters Predation adaptation (see text) Less precocious young T rade-off for large litters Male-subadult aggression Maintain a dispersed distribution in the homogeneous thorn scrub habitat Male-female linear hierarchies Related to mating system (see text) Large temporal allocation to foraging Related to grass-eating habitats (see text) fluenced by paternal care, females must choose mates either on the basis of phenotype or territory quality (Orians, 1969). Males stage aggressive con- tests to obtain access to estrous females, but fe- males still make the ultimate choice, selecting the male directly, rather than indirectly, on the basis of his aggressive phenotype. This type of polygyny requires a skewed opera- tional sex ratio, but does not result in an unbalanced adult sex ratio. Mark-recapture data on Galea gave an adult sex ratio of 34 males to 26 females, which is not significantly different from unity. The sex ra- tio at birth is also unity. Variance in reproductive success among males in a polygynous species is pronounced. In the specific case of harems, one male maintains multiple mates, whereas others do not mate at all. The resultant difference in reproductive success among males leads to intense intrasexual competition and per- haps to the evolution of secondary sexual charac- teristics (Trivers, 1972). Adult Kerodon males and females captured on the study area do not differ in mean weight, nor are there any obvious physical differences between males and females. The only differences observed concern the aggressive behav- ior described above. Sexual selection, in addition, may be mitigated in this situation by the fact that Table 23. — Special adaptation to boulder pile habitat in Kero- don rupestris. Trail Special function Padded feet Improve traction on rock surface Arboreal forager Exploit abundant food source available in rocks (ground vegetation is minimal) Climber Exploit abundant food source available in rocks (ground vegetation is minimal) Circling Important in stopping female during mating chase (female can easily avoid male by entering rocks) Alarm whistle Anti-predator adaptation (see text) Small litter size "K-strategy” reproduction (see text) Highly precocious young “K-strategy” reproduction (see text) Male subadult tolerance Adaptation to mating system (see text) Female linear hierarchy Adaptation to mating system (see text) Sally forager Related to ability to collect a relatively large mass of food in a very short time females choose mates indirectly, by selecting harem sites on the basis of territory quality, and not on the basis of some external secondary sexual char- acteristic in males. The observed differences in aggression between the sexes, however, may in some way be related to the capability of males to hold and defend rock piles. Morphological and Behavioral Adaptations to Microhabitat I have emphasized the relationship which exists between behavioral gestures and environmental conditions. Galea spixii has numerous morpholog- ical and behavioral adaptations to the more open, relatively homogeneous areas it inhabits (Table 22, Fig. 39), whereas Kerodon rupestris is extremely well adapted for life in the boulder-strewn rock faces (Table 23, Fig. 40). The difference in litter size and gestation period between Kerodon and other caviines (Table 24) in- dicates a possible change in reproductive strategy within the subfamily. Kerodon has the longest ges- 64 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 17 Fig. 39. — Hind foot of Galea spixii. Note the claws and stiff, bristly hairs; two adaptations which improve traction on sandy substrates. Fig. 40. — Hind foot of Kerodon nipestris. Claws and hairs are absent, and the sole is covered with a leathery epidermal padding to improve traction on rock surfaces. tation and smallest litter size of the caviines. Ker- odon young are born larger and heavier than Galea, develop faster behaviorally (Tables 4, 5), grow fast- er, and, although sample sizes are small, apparently mature faster sexually (Table 6). The length of ges- tation period is probably related to the larger adult size of Kerodon in comparison with the other gen- era. The difference in litter size appears to be a special adaptation to the habitat. Caviines in general occupy open formations. Births either occur in the open or in a shallow depression (Rood, 1972). There are no data indi- cating any nest construction for Rood’s Argentine cavies; however, a Galea spixii nest was found on the Eazenda Batente site containing an aborted fe- tus. The nest was constructed with dry grasses and consisted of a shallow depression with low walls. In any event, newborns and juveniles have little protection from predators. Kerodon births occur deep in rock crevices where the danger of predation is minimal. Eemales nurse juveniles both in the rocks and on top of boul- ders; however, they are always near a crack of fis- Table 24. — Gestation period and litter size data for various caviine species. Kerodon (this study) Galea spixii (this study) Galea nwsteloides (Rood. 1972) Cavia apcrea (Rood, 1972) Microcavia australis (Rood. 1972) Gestation (days) 75.0 ± 1.42 49-52 53.2 ± 0.2 60.9 ± 0.4 54.2 ± 0.4 Litter size 1.41 ± 0.5 2.2 ± 0.9 2.7 ± 0.0 2.1 ±0.1 2.8 ± 0.3 1981 LACHER— CAVIID SOCIAL BEHAVIOR 65 sure when doing so. Juvenile mortality is probably much lower in Kerodon than in Galea. All caviines give birth to precocious young. In relation to Kerodon, however. Galea, Cavia, and Microeavia have maintained relatively large litters of less precocious young. In the more open, unpro- tected areas inhabited by Galea, there is probably little advantage in having more precocious young. A juvenile, once discovered by a predator, would have little chance of escape. Kerodon have small litters of highly precocious young which subsequently grow and develop more rapidly. Because of this rapid development and the protection offered by the habitat, juveniles mortal- ity is lower. Females expend relatively less energy on reproduction, and would be expected to live longer and have more litters. It should be noted that litter size estimates in this study (Table 24) are probably overestimated, as nutritional levels in the colony were probably higher than in the field. No female was seen with more than one juvenile in the field. Behavior associated with olfactory communica- tion differed between genera. Of interest was the absence of sandbathing behavior in Kerodon, even though an area suitable for sandbathing was provid- ed. Scentmarking was observed only three times. Galea frequently sandbathed and marked, both with urine and by dragging the perineum. These differences may be related to habitat requirements. Galea typically occupy open formations where the soil is granular or sandy. Runways were abundant on the study area, with numerous circular bare areas present. These areas served as foci for Ga- lea's sandbathing behavior in the wild and often contained accumulations of feces. Although suit- able sandbathing areas utilized by Galea were at times interspersed among Kerodon' % rocky habitat, Kerodon apparently does not need to sandbathe. The same differences of substrate may also ac- count for the depressed frequency of scentmarking in Kerodon. The smooth granite surfaces would not hold a scent like the shallow, dusty depressions used by Galea. This would be especially true during the rainy season. However, the extensive accu- mulations of feces which are found in Kerodon pop- ulated boulder piles may have an important olfac- tory function. Certain piles could, in this manner, contain olfactory information about the individual residents and could provide information about ter- ritorial boundaries. Previous attempts at relating social organization to environmental variables have been largely un- successful (Clutton-Brock, 1974), primarily because comparisons have been made across widely differ- ing taxonomic groups. Exactly how a given species adapts to a given environment will depend largely on its phylogenetic background. Such constraints have led to a variety of different responses to sim- ilar environmental problems. Basic differences in felid and canid social systems, for example, are par- tially related to phylogenetically old behavioral traits and morphological adaptations which influ- ence hunting strategies (Kleiman and Eisenberg, 1973). In order to evaluate the importance of environ- mental factors on social organization it is far more profitable to examine closely related species which occupy markedly different habitats. Barash (1974) was successful in correlating differences in social organization with environmental factors for three species of Marmot a. Hoeck ( 1975) studied two sympatric species of rock hyraxes, P roc avia johnstoni and Heterohyrax hrucci, in Tanzania. Both species have similar mor- phology and social structure, although Procavia is somewhat larger. Both species are highly modified for life in the kopjes (rock outcroppings) of the Af- rican plains, and the males of both species maintain harems. The hyraxes represent a situation where the extensive morphological adaptations they have undergone limit them to a certain habitat type, much like Kerodon. Existence in the rock piles, a clumped resource, has favored the evolution of a harem-based mating system in both genera. In the case of the hyraxes, the only behavioral modifica- tion to allow for coexistence has been the devel- opment of differential feeding behavior in the two genera. Heterohyrax browses predominantly on trees and shrubs, whereas Procavia is predomi- nantly a grazer. The hyraxes illustrate an example where both morphology and habitat place restric- tions on the degree in which social behavior is mod- ified. Although both genera are physically capable of feeding in shrubs (Procavia in fact does browse during the dry season), the modified foraging be- havior in Procavia may be important in facilitating coexistence between the two genera. The strong morphological and behavioral similar- ities between Kerodon and the hyraxes demon- strate an interesting example in convergence. Both the hyraxes and Kerodon are tail-less, guinea pig- like animals with padded feet. Both have four claw- less toes on the forepaws and three on the hindfeet. 66 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 17 the innermost toe being equipped with a small grooming claw. The hyraxes, subungulates, have rodent-like skulls with elongated rostrae, very much like the skull of Kerodon. Both groups oc- cupy rock piles, and both have harem-based mating systems. Both even demonstrate the peculiar trait of defecating only in cetain areas of the rock piles. A number of other rock-dwelling mammals of widely differing phylogenetic backgrounds have also evolved the same specialized morphology — pi- kas (Ochotonidae), gundis (Ctenodactylidae), and yellow-bellied marmots (Sciuridae). The marmots (Mannota flaviventris) have also been studied be- haviorally and possess a harem-based mating sys- tem (Armitage and Downhower, 1974; Armitage, 1975). Detailed behavioral studies on pikas and gun- dis would provide valuable information on the im- portance of social behavior in ecological adapta- tion. I have argued that two closely related species show quite distinct patterns of social organization in response to differing environmental pressures. The paleontological work of Pascual (1962) indicat- ed that the genera Galea and Kerodon were more closely related to each other than either was to Ca- via or Microcavia. If behavioral differences closely reflected taxonomic affinities, Kerodon and Galea would have exhibited more similar behavioral rep- ertoires and social organizations than Galea and either Cavia or Microcavia. The fact that Galea exhibited more similarity to the other open forma- tion caviines (Cavia and Microcavia) implies that behavioral repertoires are responsive to ecological conditions. The rather strict habitat requirements of Kerodon were reflected in associated behavioral traits. Social organization thus appears to be strongly associated with ecological adaptation. This implies a far greater flexibility in the genetic control of be- havior (or a far greater genetic variability) than, for example, with morphology. Whereas morphology provides the “basic hardware” of ecological adap- tation, the lability of the behavioral response allows an organism to fine tune its interrelationship with the environment. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I am extremely grateful to my major advisor, M. A. Mares, who obtained the grant, pointed me in the direction of this proj- ect, and offered his continual moral and intellectual support throughout. Second, I must thank M. Willig, who suggested the format for the equation of sib-relatedness in harems, K. Strei- lein, and L. Vitt; their input throughout the course of the re- search stimulated its development beyond the limit of my own resources. Drs. W. P. Coffman, S. Gaulin, R. T. Hartman, and R. J. Raikow offered valuable advice and criticism. The manu- script was greatly improved by the reviews of Drs. J. F. Eisen- berg, H. H. Genoways, and P. T. Handford. Drs. J. F. Eisenberg and D. Kleiman kindly allowed me to use facilities at the Na- tional Zoological Park. Additional thanks go to my family for their patience during my long years of graduate study. In Brazil, I wish to extend special thanks to Drs. A. P. Leao and P. E. Vanzolini. Drs. J. J. Cruz and F. Cunha were ex- tremely helpful with logistic problems, and Drs. M. de Ataide Silva and D. de Andrade Lima of the Institute de Pesquisas Agronomicas in Recife, Brazil, identified my plant collections. J. Belino, A. Lemos da Silva, R. Lopes da Silva, J. Luna de Carvalho, and F. Canute assisted with various aspects of the field work in Exu, Pernambuco. Z. Saraiva, E. C. Teixeira, and my wife, Susana, provided friendship, hospitality, and a shoul- der to lean on during difficult times. E. Ventura graciously al- lowed me unrestricted use of his land for my field work and he and his family provided invaluable assistence throughout the study. I. Sa provided indispensable counsel and good Montilla, enabling me to overcome my frequent bouts of intellectual de- spair. The research was funded by the Academia Brasileira de Cien- cias, project number 85 (Ecology, Evolution, and Zoogeogrpahy of Mammals), as part of the larger program, “Ecological studies of the semi-arid region of northeastern Brazil.” The untiring efforts of Dr. A. P. Leao in obtaining the financing are deeply appreciated. Additional funds were provided by the Carnegie Museum of Natural History. LITERATURE CITED Ab'Saber, a. N. 1970. 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Canela de nambu Ruellia asperula Camara branco Ruellia paniculata Ruellia bahiensis Camara Ruellia sp. Camara de boi Amaranthaceae Amaranthus spinosus Bredo de porco Anacardiaceae Astronium immdeuva Aroeira Boraginaceae Cordia globosa Maria preta Cordia insignis Orelha de Leao Bromeliaceae Encholyrium. spectabile Croata Byttneriaceae Wakheria sp. Malvinha Cactaceae Cereus jamacaru Mandacaru Pilosocereus goimellei Xique-xique Pilosocereus piauhyensis Facheiro Arrojadoa rodantha Rabo de raposa Opimtia palmadora Palma Capparaceae Crataeva tapia Trapia Commelinaceae Commelina sp. Cipd Compositae Centratherum punctatum Peripeta Blainvillea rhoinboidea Bamburra Convolvulaceae Ipomoea sobrevoluta Ipomoea sp. Gitirana Cucurbitaceae Cayaponia tayuya Tajuja Mamordica charantia Melao de Sao Caetano Cucumis anguria Maxixe Cyperaceae Cy penis sp. Capim barba de bode Erythoroxylaceae Erythroxyhun sp. Pau vidro Euphorbiaceae Croton jacobinensis Marmeleiro Croton campestris Velame Croton argyrphylloides Casatinga C nidoscolus urens Cansacao Flacoutiaceae Prockia crucis Gramineae Rhyncheiytrmn repens Capim rosado Panicum sp. Capim touceira Aristida sp. Capim mimoso Cenchrus echinatus Capim carrapicho Brachiaris mutica Capim de planta Guttiferae Vismia guianensis Lacre Labiatae Leonotis nepetaefolia Cordao de Sao Francisco Hyptis pectinata Bamburra Hyptis sp. Camara branco Leguminosae Piptadenia zehntneri Angico brabo Piptadenia sp. Espinheiro Preto Cassia excelsa Canafistula Pterogyne nitens Madeira Nova Erythrina velutina Mulungu indigofera suffruticosa Anil de bode Microptilium longepedunculatum Orelha do Prea 70 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 17 APPENDIX I — Continued Family Scientific name Common name Phaseohis semierectus Orelha do Prea Phaseolus peduncidaris Feijao de rolinha Malvaceae Gaya sp. Melosa Bogenhardia tiubae Melosa Sida panicidata Malva preta Sida galheirensis Malvinha Meliaceae Cedrela sp. Cedro Portulacaceae Portulaca elatior Bedoegua de ovelha Rhamnaceae Rhamnidium sp. Ziziphus joazeiro Jua Rubiaceae Mitracarpus sp. Peripeta Sapindaceae Sapindus saponaria Sabonete Talisia esculenta Pitombeira Cardiospenniun halicacabiun Chocalho de vaqueiro Serjania caracasana Cipo saltocora Serjania sp. Cipo folha de came Scrophulariaceae Scoparia dulcis Vassourinha Solanaceae Solanum panicidatiim Jurubeba Solanum aniehcanum Erva moura Lycopersicon escidentum Tomate brabo Vitaceae Cissus simsiana Parreira Cissus sicyoides Cipo mole APPENDIX II Protocols of Reproductive Behavior for Kerodon and Gtlea Galea Protocol 24 March 1978-10:05 pm: The dominant male (MR) began fol- lowing female B3, attempting to place his chin on the female’s rump. B3 gave a tail-up, spraying urine on MR. MR shook his head back and forth, and continued following B3. The number two male, BM, twice tried to join the chase, once taking the lead, but both times was aggressively chased by MR. MR then directed aggressive lunges toward three males; BM, BF. and FMR. MR resumed the chase, following B3 through the rock piles, always attempting to place his chin on her rump. MR would occasionally attempt to bite the rump of B3, in an appar- ent attempt to halt her flight. During the chase B3 passed female M, and as MR approached M, she gave a tail-up and in quick succession twice urinated on MR. MR retreated and groomed. MR resumed the chin-rump follow on B3, and as he passed close to M, she gave a tail-up and MR avoided her. MR then walked towards the middle of the room using short, deliberate strides, pausing as he strode, then lunged at FMR. A contagious chorus of peepy squeaks had overtaken the colony. MR lunged again at FMR, then sat down in the sandbathing arena. MR rose and lunged at BF, then at BM; then began chin-rump following B3 again. As before, at every opportunity MR attempted to chin the rump of B3. Other males were obviously excited, but MR re- stricted them from entering the chase. MR again attempted to bite the rump of B3. Male BF, excited by the mating chase, began to follow female B13. MR immediately stopped following B3 and lunged at and bit BF. MR then lunged at B13. MR directed a series of espe- cially violent lunges at BF. BF then lunged at juvenile male B2M. MR began a chin-rump follow, this time on B13, attempting to mount after placing his chin on her rump. Each time MR placed his chin on the rump of B13, she paused, and MR attempted to mount. B13 then moved away, and MR reinitiated the follow. The other colony males were obviously excited, but could not approach B13. MR lunged at BM, then at BF. MR relinquished the chase, went up on the rock pile, and began to bark. The activity level rapidly declined. MR groomed himself, and con- tinued barking. B13 began to answer the low bark of MR with a higher-pitched, peepy bark. Male FMR attempted to approach B13, and was attacked by MR. Kerodon Protocols A) 28 September 1977-10:35 am: Female F came out of the rear rocks, and the dominant male FR ran back to her and sniffed 1981 LACHER— CAVIID SOCIAL BEHAVIOR 71 the vaginal area. They separated. At 10:46, FR entered the rocks where F was sitting; a few seconds later she emerged and FR followed with his chin on her rump. She re-entered the rear rocks, and FR sat on top, face-wiped twice, and then returned to the central rock pile. At 10:55, the number two male, R, descended from his perch in a tree and entered female F's rocks. After a delay of a few seconds, she emerged and circled back into the rocks, with R following. As they entered the rocks, R attempted to mount F. FR almost immediately ran back and chased R from the presence of F. B) 28 September 1977-3:40 pm: Male R approached female F and sniffed the vagina. He then attempted to mount and she resisted. FR immediately arrived and chased R. R climbed one of the trees in the colony room, and FR climbed another. FR descended, ran over to the tree in which R was perched, and chased R from the tree. R then ran over to female F and attempted to mount a number of times. The dominant male then aggressively chased female F from the area. FR then began to follow' F, always attempting to mount. He then mounted successfully, with intromission, thrusting five or six times. The number two male, R, then approached and lunged at FR, who was still mounting female F. FR turned on R, who fled. FR then sat behind F, who exposed her perineum to FR, apparently receptive. FR then began to follow F, attempting to mount, but the female continually moved away. R again approached the female, and gave a series of twisting lunges, attempting to separate the male from the female. FR, however, would not leave F. At 3:50 PM, the activity level declined. R climbed a colony tree, and after a short delay, FR climbed the same tree and began a series of three prolonged aggressive chases on R. After the last chase, R fled at the mere approach of FR. C) 3 October 1977-3:58 pm: Dominant male FR sat at female B’s left side and placed his chin on her back. FR then circled, again placed his chin on the female’s back, circled again and gave a naso-anal. Female B began to move away and FR followed. Subadult male J2 immediately joined in, and male BR also began to follow after about 30 seconds. The follow deteriorated into an all out chase, with B fleeing and all three males pursuing in an odd hopping, “stotting” gait. FR was generally in front, although J2 at times took the lead. When- ever the leader w'as sufficiently close to B, he would place his chin on the rump. The leading male would often try to hop on the fleeing female and mount. The chase then dimin- ished in intensity and ended at 4:00 pm. at 4:02 FR ap- proached female B, gave a naso-anal, and attempted to mount. B then moved away from FR and J2 attempted to mount. B lunged at J2, who fled. Subadult male BR then approached the dominant male and gave a naso-anal and at- tempted to mount. FR merely moved away. At 4:07, an all out follow-chase began again, initiated by FR sniffing the back and rump of B. Was chased by FR, J2, and BR; with the latter attempting to mount FR. B had little trouble in avoiding all three males. The follow-chase stopped briefly, then began again at 4:18; same participants and same behavior. BR again attempted to mount FR. FR continued to chase B, who ran a bit, then stopped and presented a tail-up with urine-squirting. FR stopped, shook his head to and fro, and face-wiped. After a delay of about 10 minutes, FR and J2 resumed the chase on B. B again responded with a series of tail-ups. J2, however, managed to mount, and achieved intromission, but there was no thrust- ing. Short chase on B by all three males again took place at 4:36, 4:43, and 4:45. During the third chase, FR seemed confused and began to follow a non-estrous female, F. As soon as he got sufficiently close, however, he turned away. At one point while being followed, B turned and lunged at BR. FR and BR continued the pursuit. The female actually had no diffi- culty in avoiding the pursuing males. B climbed a tree and the males temporarily desisted. At 4:50 B descended, and FR again initiated the chase. BR attempted to mount FR, who turned on BR in an upright aggressive posture. J2 then began to follow B, and BR attempted to mount him also. At 4:53 this last chase deteriorated, and the activity level quick- ly decreased. D) 2 December 1977-7:30 am: J2 repeatedly attempted to mount subadult female JR. At J2's approach, JR would assume a submit posture; J2 then giving a naso-anal. J2 would place his chin on the rump of JR and attempt to mount. JR would pull away, J2 riding the female for a short distance. After a series of attempted mounts by J2, BR approached and chased J2, then began to follow JR. The two males then followed alternately, with a high frequency of circling. The male would approach the female and give either a naso-anal or a nose-nose, then would begin circling. While being followed, JR would avoid the males, but she remained motionless while being circled; either standing, sitting or in the submit pos- ture. Copies of the following of Carnegie Museum of Natural History may be obtained at the prices listed from the Publications Secretary, Carnegie Museum of Natural History, 4400 Forbes Avenue, Pitts- burgh, Pennsylvania 15213. 1. Krishtalka, L. 1976. Early Tertiary Adapisoricidae and Erinaceidae (Mammalia, Insectivora) of North America. 40 pp., 13 figs $2.50 2. Guilday, J. E., P. W. Parmalee, and H. W. Hamilton. 1977. The Clark’s Cave bone deposit and the late Pleistocene paleoecology of the central Appalachian Mountains of Virginia. 88 pp., 21 figs $12.00 3. Wetzel, R. M. 1977. The Chacoan peccary, Catagonus wagneri (Rusconi). 36 pp., 10 figs. . . $6.00 4. Coombs, M. C. 1978. Reevaluation of early Miocene North American Moropus (Perissodactyla, Chalicotheriidae, Schizotheriinae). 62 pp., 28 figs $5.00 5. Clench, M. H., and R. C. Leberman. 1978. Weights of 151 species of Pennsylvania birds analyzed by month, age, and sex. 87 pp $5.00 6. Schlitter, D. A. (ed.). 1978. Ecology and taxonomy of African small mammals. 214 pp., 48 figs. $15.00 7. Raikow, R.J. 1978. Appendicular myology and relationships of the New World nine-primaried oscines (AvesiPasseriformes). 43 pp., 10 figs $3.50 8. Berman, D. S, and J. S. McIntosh. 1978. Skull and relationships of the Upper Jurassic sauropod Apatosaurus (Reptilia, Saurischia). 35 pp., 11 figs $3.00 9. Setoguchi, T. 1978. Paleontology and geology of the Badwater Creek area, central Wyoming. Part 16. The Cedar Ridge local fauna (Late Oligocene). 61 pp., 30 figs $4.50 10. Williams, D. E. 1978. Systematics and ecogeographic variation of the Apache pocket mouse (Roden- tia: Heteromyidae). 57 pp., 23 figs $4.00 11. Guilday, J. E., H. W. Hamilton, E. Anderson, and P. W. Parmalee. 1978. The Baker Bluff Cave deposit, Tennessee, and the Late Pleistocene faunal gradient. 67 pp., 16 figs $5.00 12. Swanepoel, P., and H. H. Genoways. 1978. Revision of the Antillean bats of the genus Brachyphylla (Mammalia; Phyllostomatidae). 53 pp., 17 figs $4.00 13. Schwartz, J. H., and H. B. Rollins, eds. 1979. Models and methodologies in evolutionary theory. 105 pp., 36 figs $6.00 14. Engesser, B. 1979. Relationships of some insectivores and rodents from the Miocene of North Amer- ica and Europe. 68 pp., 12 figs., 20 plates $5.00 15. Bentz, G. D. 1979. The appendicular myology and phylogenetic relationships of the Ploceidae and Estrildidae (Aves: Passeriformes). 25 pp., 5 figs $2.00 16. Mares, M. A. 1980. Convergent evolution among desert rodents: a global perspective. 51 pp., 25 figs $3.50 BULLETIN 0/ CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY I ■ ■ ^U. - I ANNOTATED CATALOGUE OF THE DINOSAURS (REPTILIA, ARCHOSAURIA) IN THE COLLECTIONS OF CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY JOHN s. McIntosh PITTSBURGH, 1981 & NUMBER 18 s BULLETIN of CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ANNOTATED CATALOGUE OF THE DINOSAURS (REPTILIA, ARCHOSAURIA) IN THE COLLECTIONS OF CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY JOHN s. McIntosh Research Associate, Section of Vertebrate Fossils; Department of Physics, Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut 06457 NUMBER 18 PITTSBURGH, 1981 BULLETIN OF CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY Number 18, pages 1-67, 22 figures Issued 16 October 1981 Price: $6.00 a copy Craig C. Black, Director Editorial Staff; Hugh H. Genoways, Editor; Duane A. Schlitter, Associated Editor: Stephen L. Williams, Associate Editor; Barbara A. McCabe, Technical Assistant. © 1981 by the Trustees of Carnegie Institute, all rights reserved. CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY, 4400 FORBES AVENUE PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA 15213 CONTENTS Foreword 5 Order Saurischia Suborder Theropoda 7 Suborder Prosauropoda II Suborder Sauropoda II Order Ornithischia Suborder Ornithopoda 30 Suborder Stegosauria 35 Suborder Ankylosauria 38 Suborder Ceratopsia 40 Literature Cited 43 Appendix 1 45 Appendix 2 65 mm a ,.’i' ■= I tJ J I I 4 FOREWORD This catalogue of the dinosaur specimens of the Carnegie Museum of Natural History employs a format similar to those used by Woodward (1889, 1891, 1895, 1901) and Lydekker (1890) for the fish, amphibians, and reptiles of the British Museum (Natural History). The specimens are arranged sys- tematically from order down to species. Under each species the type specimen is listed first if it occurs in the Carnegie Museum of Natural History collec- tion, followed by the more important articulated specimens, and then by the individual elements, with skull elements first, followed by vertebrae, forelimb bones, and hind limb bones. With one ex- ception accession and field numbers are omitted from the text but are given in the appendix, where all the specimens are listed serially by their cata- logue numbers. Only field numbers for specimens from Dinosaur National Monument are given and are indicated in the text by the abbreviation DNM, as, for example, DNM 130. These field numbers were assigned in serial order by Earl Douglass, who directed the excavation of the quarry, to what he considered single individuals. Individual bones of a specimen or blocks containing bones of a single specimen were assigned subnumbers, for example DNM 130/2 or DNM 130/B. Inevitably some series of bones thought to belong to a single individual proved upon preparation to belong to several ani- mals, or even several genera. Less often prepara- tion has shown that specimens assigned two field numbers, for example DNM 240 and part of DNM 270, belong to a single individual. Despite these drawbacks, Douglass’ field numbers have proved useful. Citations within the text that refer to a par- ticular specimen are expanded to include the pages and figures pertaining directly to that specimen. Specimens originally assigned Carnegie Museum of Natural History catalogue numbers but subse- quently transferred to other institutions, are also listed, because many were described and figured as specimens of the former and because of the impor- tance of knowing their present location. Catalogued casts are also included, because some of these may be useful for study; for example, the Struthiosaurus casts are perhaps the only representative materials of this genus in America. Unprepared specimens and those transferred to other institutions before preparation and cataloguing are not included. In a few cases the same catalogue number had been used for two specimens, usually for a dinosaur and for a non-dinosaur. In these instances the dinosaur specimens have been recatalogued, but the original numbers are also given. It is beyond the scope of this catalogue to provide a revision of species or a novel classification. In general, the classification used here is a slightly sim- plified version of that found in Romer’s (1966) third edition of Vertebrate Paleontology, it is updated by recent studies and by employing a modified classi- fication of the Sauropoda. Troublesome is the ques- tion of validity of many of the congeneric species from the Morrison Formation which have been based on very incomplete skeletons. There are cer- tainly two or more valid species of Stegosaurus, probably at least two of Camarasaurus, and, al- though the evidence is not yet unequivocal, prob- ably several of Diplodocus. Determination of the validity of other congeneric species from the Mor- rison, however, must await discovery and prepa- ration of much more material. Where species are clearly identical, as in the case of Haplocanthosau- rus priscus and H. utterhacki, they are synony- mized. Where it is not known whether minor dif- ferences between congeneric species warrant spe- cific separation, as with Apatosaurus excelsus and A. louisae, the conservative position of retaining both species is taken. Isolated sauropod elements can seldom be identified as to species. As not more than one species per genus has been recognized in the material from Dinosaur National Monument the isolated specimens belonging to each have been list- ed after those which are identifiable, but in Appen- dix 1 they appear as, for example, Camarasaurus sp. In the case of Camptosaurus, where the type specimens of four of the six described species have come from a single quarry — a number that is almost certainly too high — Gilmore’s ( 19256) assignment of the Carnegie Museum of Natural History specimens of this genus to C. medius is accepted, pending a revision of the species by Dodson. Where possible individual bones are given a generic assignment. This has undoubtedly led to some errors, particu- larly with poorly preserved specimens, but the ad- vantages of attempting an identification appear to outweigh the disadvantages. In some cases it was not possible to provide more than a family desig- nation for isolated elements, particularly vertebrae, limb, or foot bones of hadrosaurids. 5 6 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 18 -Carnegie Museum dinosaur quarries. Sheep Creek, Wyoming. 1981 McIntosh— DINOSAURS of carnegie museum 7 Thanks are due to C. Black, M. Dawson, and D. Berman for making this work possible and overall encouragement. J. Os- trom, M. Brett-Surman, J. Horner, and P. Dodson were con- sulted concerning several hadrosaur specimens and D. Weis- hampe! reviewed critically the entire section on the ornithopods. L. Plowman retouched photos in Figs. 3, 10, 16, 17, and 20. Their help is gratefully acknowledged. Most of all my thanks are offered to Lee Schiffer who painstakingly cross-checked the main text and appendix for inconsistencies and provided invalu- able aid in delving into the records; lastly to Elizabeth Hill, v/ho typed the manuscript, aided with the illustrations, and in count- less other matters. Abbreviations used to refer to collections or localities: AMNH, American Museum of Natural History; BM, British Museum (Natural History); CM, Carnegie Museum of Natural History; CMNH, Cleveland Museum of Natural History; DMNH, Denver Museum of Natural History; DNM, Dinosaur National Monument; DU, Duquesne University; GSC, Geolog- ical Survey of Canada; ROM, Royal Ontario Museum; UM, University of Michigan; UNHSM, Utah Natural History State Museum; USNM, National Museum of Natural History; UU, University of Utah; YPM, Yale Peabody Museum. ORDER SAURISCHIA SUBORDER THEROPODA Family Teratosauridae Teratosaurus and its allies are known from only very fragmentary material, and their position has been the subject of a great deal of controversy. From its traditional assignment as a primitive the- ropod some have argued that it is really a carnivo- rous prosauropod, while others have questioned whether it is a saurischian at all. For purposes of this catalogue the conservative position is accepted. Genus Teratosaurus Meyer, 1861 Teratosaurus suevicus Meyer, 1861 358 A tooth from the Keuper of Aixheim, Ger- many; obtained by exchange in 1901. Collected by E. Fraas Fa.mily Megalosauridae Genus Allosaurus Marsh, 1877 Syn.: (?) Antrodemus Leidy, 1870. Although it is not unlikely that the half caudal centrum upon which Leidy founded Antrodemus belongs to this animal, the realization in recent years that a number of large theropods were present in the Morrison Formation makes positive verifi- cation of the synonymy difficult. Most writers today have returned to the use of the name Allosaurus — the position adopted here. Allosaurus fragilis Marsh, 1877 1 1844 Cranium, mandible, and the greater portion of the skeleton lacking the forelimbs and a few other bones; from the Morrison Forma- tion of Carnegie Museum Quarry at Dinosaur National Monument, north of Jensen, Uintah County, Utah (DNM 202). The partial skull, cervicals, scapula-coracoid, and some ribs were originally catalogued CM 1 1868 but they are part of this skeleton. The specimen was mounted and placed on exhibition in 1938. The right fibula was supplied from DNM 171 found near the skeleton and likely belonging to it. The incomplete skull was re- placed in the mount by a cast of one from the same quarry, UU 6000. The forelimbs were cast from USNM 4734. Pictured by Kay — Carnegie Mag. (1940c), 13:303-304; mentioned by Stovall and Langston — Amer. Midland Nat. (1950), 43:713. Collected by Douglass et al., 1913- 1915 The following specimens all came from the Mor- rison Formation at the Carnegie Museum Quarry at Dinosaur National Monument near Jensen, Utah, and were collected by Douglass et al., 1909-1923. 21703 Cranium, presacrals, caudals, ilium, ischium (DNM 22). 1 1843 Cranium (only partially prepared), several centra, ribs, 1 coracoid, and other parts perhaps belonging to a young individual of this genus (DNM 366). 3387 Teeth and fragments (DNM 2). 3382 A tooth (DNM 14). 3383 Small vertebrae etc., perhaps belonging to this form (DNM 187). 33965 Two anterior caudal centra, four spines, three arches (DNM 120/C). 38341 Caudal and claw (marked DNM 130, proba- bly really 102). 21705 Caudal centrum (DNM 193/A). 33957 Two caudals (with DNM 232). 21757 Three caudals. 33901 Several vertebrae. 8 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 18 33903 Gastralia perhaps belonging to this form (as- sociated with DNM 210). 21713 Left ischium and a metatarsal and other ma- terial not yet prepared (DNM 302, part). 21726 Left femur (DNM 39/60L). 21769 Distal end of right femur (DNM 120/N). 37004 Distal end of metatarsal (DNM 270/26). 38349 Several incomplete metatarsals (?DNM 197, part). 10002 Proximal end right tibia and fibula from the Morrison Formation, east of Nielsen Gulch, northeast of Carnegie Museum Quarry at Dinosaur National Monument and not far from the latter (DNM 165). The horizon is the same as that of the main quarry. The fib- ula was incorporated into the mounted skel- eton CM 11844. Collected by Douglass et al., 1913 82 Anterior caudal centrum from the Morrison Formation of Carbon County, Wyoming. It was brought back to Pittsburgh in 1899 by W. J. Holland from his first trip to the West to obtain dinosaurs for the museum. It is of historical importance as the first dinosaur specimen (aside from a cast) to be entered into the museum catalogue. A small section of a sauropod rib found with the centrum bears the same catalogue number. Collected by Holland, 1899 21736 A large right scapula-coracoid probably be- longing to this species. The data concerning it has been lost, but it may have come from the Morrison Formation at Dinosaur Nation- al Monument, despite its somewhat unusual coloration. 1254 Both ischia to which has been added a right premaxilla, two teeth, two sacral vertebrae, left humerus, four metatarsals, and several phalanges. These are part of a skeleton of a small individual, some bones of which were formerly catalogued as part of the “catchall” no. 1255 (p. 15) from Quarry N, Freezeout Hills, Carbon County, Wyoming. Many ver- tebrae and other parts of the skeleton were poorly preserved and were discarded. Collected by Gilmore, 1902 2045 A femur from the Morrison Formation of Wilson Creek, Colorado. Collected by Utterback, 1901 36037 Caudal. Quarry B, Red Fork of the Powder River, Johnson County, Wyoming. Collected by Utterback, 1903 Genus Torvosaurus Galton and Jensen, 1979 Torvosaurus tanneri Galton and Jensen, 1979 14955 Cast of a very large claw (original BYU 2020) from the Morrison Formation at Lily Park, Moffat County, Colorado. Figured by Galton and Jensen — Brigham Young Univ. Geol. Studies (1979), 26(1): Fig. IM. Presented by James Jensen, 1963 Genus Ceratosaurus Marsh, 1884 Ceratosaurus nasicornis Marsh, 1884 21706 Incomplete dentary from the Morrison For- mation at the Marsh-Felch Quarry, Garden Park, north of Canon City, Fremont County, Colorado. Collected by Utterback, 1901 Small Theropod Genus Under study by J. Madsen 21704 Cranium, cervicals 1-6, five articulated dor- sals. The remainder of this specimen was transferred to the Royal Ontario Museum. It came from the Morrison Formation on the west side of Nielsen Gulch northeast of the Carnegie Museum Quarry at Dinosaur Na- tional Monument, Uintah County, Utah. Collected by Douglass et al. Family Tyrannosauridae Genus Tyrannosaurus Osborn, 1905 Tyrannosaurus rex Osborn, 1905 9380 Skeleton consisting of partial skull and man- dible, one cervical, seven dorsals, five sa- crals, three abdominal ribs, right scapula, left humerus, ilia, pubes, ischia, left femur and part of right, tibia, right metatarsals II and III, left metatarsal IV. Type specimen. It was collected in the Lance Formation at Hell Creek, Garfield County, Montana, and was described and figured by Osborn — Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. ( 1905), 21:262-263, Fig. 1; Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. (1906), 22:281-296, Figs. 1-12; Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. (1917), 35:762-771, Figs. 19-21; Mem. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., n.s. (1912), LFigs. 20-24. This skeleton (formerly AMNH 973), obtained from the American Museum of Natural History, is mounted and was placed on exhibition in 1942. Collected by B. Brown, 1902-1903 9379 Brain cast of AMNH 5029 collected in the 1981 McIntosh— DINOSAURS of carnegie museum 9 Fig. 2. — Skeleton of Tyrannosaurus rex, CM 9380 (formerly AMNH 973): missing parts restored in outline except neck and first dorsal vertebra which are drawn from AMNH 5866, now mounted and on exhibition in the British Museum (Nat. Hist.), after Osborn. Lance Formation (Hell Creek beds) on the west side of Big Dry Creek, 44 mi south of Glasgow, Garfield County, Montana. This cast was also obtained from the American Museum of Natural History and was figured by Osborn — Mem. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., n.s. (1912), 1:13-24, Pis. 3-4 and Figs. 16- 17. Original collected by Brown and Ka- isen, 1908 1400 Part of the skull including the maxilla, cra- nium and both lower jaws, two dorsals, sev- en caudals, ribs, chevrons, part of pubis, il- ium, femur, and other bones. It was obtained from the Lance Formation on Snyder Creek, Niobrara County, Wyoming. The upper jaw is on exhibition. Collected by Peterson, 1902 244 A phalanx from the Lance Formation on Lance Creek, Niobrara County, Wyoming. Collected by Hatcher, 1900 Tyrannosauridae, indeterminate 30749 Thirteen teeth of varying size belonging to more than one individual from the Lance Formation, on Sheep Mountain, Carter County, Montana. The smaller teeth may belong to a different genus. Collected by Kay, 1938 12102 Left femur. Same data as above. Collected by Kay, 1937 9401 Right lachrymal bone from the Judith River beds on Willow Creek, three miles east of the Nolan Archer Ranch, Fergus County, Montana. It was originally catalogued CM 963 but altered because this number had also been assigned to a specimen of Deinosu- chus. Collected by Hatcher, 1903 Family Compsognathidae Genus Compsognathus Wagner, 186! Compsognathus longipes Wagner, 1861 53 Cast of an essentially complete skull and skeleton from the Kimeridge Clay (Solnho- fen Shale) of Solnhofen, Bavaria. The origi- nal is the type specimen and is in the Bavar- ian Museum in Munich. It was described and figured by Wagner — Abh. Bayer Akad. Wiss. (1861), 9:94-102, PI. 3. Original collected bv Oberndorfer Fig. 3. — Pelvis of Haplocanihoscumis prisciis, CM 572; a) anterior view; b) lateral view; c) posterior view. Family Coeluridae Genus Stenonychosaurus Sternberg, 1932 Stenonychosaurus inequalis Sternberg, 1932 30748 Left femur, ?right femur, tibia, half a hu- merus, ulna perhaps not belonging to a single individual and doubtfully referred to this form. It came from the Lance Formation on Sheep Mountain, Carter County, Montana. Collected by Kay, 1938 1981 McIntosh— DINOSAURS of carnegie museum 1 1 Family Ornithomimidae Genus Ornithomimus Marsh, 1890 Ornithomimus sp. 593 Fragmentary metapodiai from the “Belly River” Formation near Havre, Montana. Collected by Douglass, 1902 38322 Four claws of the manus from the Lance Formation of Sheep Mountain, Carter Coun- ty, Montana. Theropoda, insertae sedis 38326 Right femur from the Lance Formation at Sheep Mountain, Carter County, Montana. Collected by Kay, 1938 38323 Two claws. Same data as above. Collected by Kay, 1938 SUBORDER PROSAUROPODA Family Plateosauridae Gtxm% Plateosaurus H. von Meyer, 1837 Piateosaurus sp. 11908 Cast of a complete right pes from the Upper Trias of Germany. Purchased in 1933 SUBORDER SAUROPODA Family Cetiosauridae Genus Haplocanthosaurus Hatcher, 1903 Syn.: Haplocanthus Hatcher (preoccupied), 1903. Haplocanthosaurus priscus Hatcher, 1903 Syn.: Haplocanthus priscus Hatcher, 1903. Haplocanthosaurus utterbacki Hatcher, 1903. 572 Partial skeleton consisting of the last two cervicais, 10 dorsals, five sacrals, caudals 1- 19, many ribs, two chevrons, ilia, pubes, is- chia, left femur. Type specimen. This skel- eton is from the Morrison Formation of the Marsh-Felch Quarry No. 1 at Garden Park, north of Canon City, Fremont County, Col- orado. It was described briefly by Hatcher as Haplocanthus priscus — Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington (1903&), 16:1-2 — but altered to Haplocanthosaurus — Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington (1903o), 16: 100. He fully de- scribed and figured all parts of it in Mem. Carnegie Mus. ( 1903J), 2: 1-27, Figs. 3-4, 7- 14, Pis. 1, 2, 4, 5. Collected by Utterback, 1901 879 Partial skeleton consisting of 10 cervicais, 13 dorsals, five sacrals, caudals 1-7, five or six ribs, left scapula, right coracoid. Type spec- imen of Haplocanthosaurus utterbacki . Found a few feet from the above skeleton. It was described and completely figured by Hatcher — Mem. Carnegie Mus. (1903J), 2:27-43, Figs. 15-20, PI. 2. Collected by Utterback, 1901 33995 Left scapula-coracoid . These well preserved bones are marked 94, the catalogue number of the paratype of Diplodocus carnegii from Sheep Creek Quarry D. This is an obvious error because ( 1) both scapulae of 94 are ac- counted for and this one is much smaller, and field records indicate that there was no “extra” scapula found, and (2) this bone is clearly not that of Diplodocus. It resembles that of Haplocanthosaurus CM 879 closely. Not unlikely is it the “lost” scapula-cora- coid which field records indicate was found with CM 572. 2043 Right tibia, fibula, and astragalus. Same data as the above. This specimen probably be- longs to this form. Collected by Utterback, 1901 2046 Left tibia and fibula. Same data as the above. It probably belongs to this form. Collected by Utterback, 1901 36034 A median caudal exhibiting the large chevron facets of this genus from Quarry B, Red Fork BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 18 Fig. 4. — Skull and mandible of Canuinisaurus lentiis, CM 1 1338, right lateral view. of the Powder River, Johnson County, Wy- oming (originally part of CM 1256). May be- long to Haplocanthosamus . Collected by Utterback, 1903 Eamily Camarasauridae Genus Camarasaurus Cope, 1877 Syn.: Morosaurus Marsh, 1878. Uintasaiirns Holland, 1919. Camarasaurus lentus (Marsh) 1889 Syn.: Morosaurus lentus Marsh, 1889. Uintasaiirns douglassi Holland, 1919. Caniarasaiirus annae Ellinger, 1950. This species has never been satisfactorily sepa- rated from the gigantic C. siiprenms Cope, type species of the genus. 11338 Skull and skeleton, articulated and complete except for caudal centra 9, 10, 11, left ilium, left ischium, and some of the ribs on the left side; it is the most perfect sauropod skeleton ever found. This juvenile animal is from the Morrison Eormation of the Carnegie Mu- seum Quarry at Dinosaur National Monu- ment, north of Jensen, Uintah County, Utah (DNM 333). It was described by Gilmore — Mem. Carnegie Mus. (1925u), 10:347-384, and figured as follows: skull — Eigs. 1-4, PI. 16, skeleton — Pis. 14, 15, 17, sternal plate — Pig. 5. Pictured by Kay — Carnegie Mag. (1951), 25:91. It is mounted and was placed on exhibition in 1924. Collected by Douglass et al., 1919- 1920 11373 Skull and skeleton, articulated and complete except for the tail (DNM 300 and 301). Same data as the above. Although much larger than the above specimen, this one is far from a full sized animal. It was transferred to the National Museum of Natural History in Washington in 1935 (USNM 13786) where it is mounted and on exhibition. It is pictured in Glut — The Dinosaur Dictionary (1972), p. 41. Collected by Douglass et al., 1918- 1919 30743 Cast of the skull and mandible of the above specimen (DNM 300). Made in the museum 3379 Articulated tail of 47 caudals complete al- most to the tip. Same data as the above (DNM 130, part). It was displayed at the Dallas Exposition in 1936 and transferred to the National Museum of Natural History (USNM 15492) where it was used to com- plete the mounted Camarasaurus skeleton (USNM 13786) (see above). Douglass con- sidered it likely that this specimen was the detached tail of 210 (see CM 8942 and CM 33916 below). Collected by Douglass et al., 1912 11393 Disarticulated skeleton of an adult animal consisting of the partial skull and mandible, five-i- cervicals, 10+ dorsals, sacrum, 25 caudals, many ribs, several chevrons, scap- ulae, coracoids, right humerus, right radius, right ulna, part of manus, ilia, pubes, ischia, femora, left fibula, calcaneum, two metatar- sals, three phalanges, two claws (DNM 240 and 270, part). The skull was later recata- logued CM 12020 (see below). Same data as the above. Two articulated cervicals have been transferred to the University of Michi- gan (V 16995) where they are on display. Collected by Douglass et al., 1915- 1916 12020 Partial skull and mandible found among the bones of the above skeleton (DNM 240/L). It was initially given the catalogue number of the remainder of the skeleton, 11393, but was later recatalogued 12020, and a cast of it was used until recently to complete the headless mounted skeleton of Apatosaurus louisae, CM 3018. It is referred to by Gil- 198! McINTOSH— DINOSAURS OF CARNEGIE MUSEUM 13 more — Mem. Carnegie Mus. (193fo), 11:188- 190, Fig. 4. 21751 Right premaxilla, both rami of the mandible, many teeth of a large individual found in the same quarry as the above and quite near it, but in a distinctly higher stratum than the usual bone layer in which the above speci- mens were found (DNM 201/A and B). Collected by Douglass et a!., 1914 11069 Five articulated posterior cervicals (or per- haps four cervicals and the first dorsal) of a medium-sized animal (DNM 150B/M). Same data as the above. Originally thought to be two large cervicals of a nearby Barosaurus skeleton, these proved to be five smaller ver- tebrae, which were assigned by Holland as the type specimen of a new genus and species, Uintasaurus douglassi', Holland — Carnegie Mus. Ann. Rept. (1919), p. 38; Ann. Carnegie Mus. (1924fl), 15:119-138, Figs. 1-7, Pis. 10-14. This species was shown by White to be synonymous with Camarasaurus ientus — J. Paleo. (1958), 32:482. Collected by Douglass et al., 1914- 1915 8942 A complete anterior dorsal vertebra from the same locality as all of the above (DNM 130/2) described and figured by Ellinger — Amer. Nat. (1950), 84:225-228, Figs. 1-2. It was originally cited in a Master’s Thesis of L. L. W'hite at Duquesne University, 1950 (unpub- lished). Ellinger made it the type specimen of a new species, Camarasaurus annae. The specimen had been transferred to Duquesne University (DU 1), but was later returned to the Carnegie Museum of Natural History. The characters cited by Ellinger in founding the species are here considered to be due to individual variation, and the animal is as- signed to C. ientus. An associated dorsal of the same size and also complete (DNM 130/ 1) no doubt belongs to the same individual as do several other presacrais. Furthermore, these dorsals were found only 4 ft from the above cervicals, CM 11069, and in all prob- ability belong to the same individual. Finally, these Camarasaurus vertebrae lay across an articulated series of Apatosaurus presacral vertebrae, CM 33916. Many different limb and girdle elements belonging to several gen- era were found nearby and assigned the same Fig. 5. — Two anterior dorsal vertebrae of Camarasaurus an- nae," CM 8942, anterior view. field number as the latter, DNM 210, but some may belong with this animal (see under CM 33916 below). Collected by Douglass et al., 1912 The following specimens were all collected by Douglass et al. in the Morrison Formation at the Carnegie Museum Quarry at Dinosaur National Monument, north of Jensen, Uintah County, Utah, between 1909 and 1922. They probably belong to this species. 11969 Cranium and part of the neck (the latter un- prepared) of a large individual (DNM 325). 21732 A maxilla, dentary, quadratojugal and frag- ments of a poorly preserved skull (DNM 201/C, D, E, and F) associated with, but dis- tinct from CM 21751. 3381 A large tooth (DNM 3). 21702 Right maxilla without teeth (DNM 39/60a), juvenile. 36701 Cervical (from DNM 39/65 Ca). 30760 Two and one-half dorsals (found with DNM 40). 33955 Dorsal (DNM 101). !4 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 18 21733 Several posterior dorsals articulated with the sacrum and right ilium. A few centra were transferred to the Everart Museum in Scran- ton, Pennsylvania, where they are on display (DNM 344). 21712 Thirteen articulated caudal vertebrae, the arches as yet unprepared (DNM 45). 37001 Two neural arches of anterior caudals or sa- crals (DNM 302, part). 21716 Five caudal centra (marked, apparently in- correctly, DNM 60). 30769 Two caudals (DNM 70/4). 30771 Caudal arch and spine (with DNM 210), ju- venile. 33986 A caudal (DNM 39, part). 33909 A caudal (DNM 232, part). 38342 Caudal (DNM 102, part). 33925 Right scapula and coracoid (DNM 210/2 and 6). 33929 Right scapula, three cervicals (DNM 270/1). 38320 Large left humerus, more robust than usual, but probably too slender for Apatosaurus (DNM 39/13). 21781 Left humerus (DNM 45/21), perhaps same individual as tail CM 21712. 33972 Right forelimb and foot (DNM 120, part). 33963 Right humerus (DNM 210/0), very young an- imal. 33971 Left humerus (DNM 120/M, part). 33988 Head of right humerus (DNM 210/16). The remainder of the bone is on exhibit at the California Academy of Science, San Fran- cisco, California. 33979 Right humerus (two ends) (DNM 102, part). 38334 Distal end of right humerus (DNM ?39). 33948 Left ulna of a smaller individual (DNM 232/23). 33954 Both ends of a left ulna (in DNM 39/65H). 33949 Right radius (DNM 232/17). 37003 Metacarpal (DNM 232, part) — might belong to skeleton CM 11393 but found 20 ft away from it. 21735 Left ilium (DNM 147), juvenile, perhaps be- long to this form. 33981 Right ilium (DNM 130/10). 21750 Left femur, lacking the head. A part of the head received the separate catalogue number 11971 (DNM 155/Fe2). 21759 Left femur (small) (DNM 167) (originally cat- alogued as part of CM 9000). 21772 Left femur of a very small individual (DNM 350/3“), found associated with Stegosaurus skeleton CM 11341. It perhaps belongs to this species. An equally small dorsal centrum and right coracoid found associated may be- long to the same animal. 33973 Right femur (DNM 210/20) perhaps belong- ing to CM 1 1069 above. The proximal end of the bone is at the California Academy of Sci- ence, San Francisco, California. 21777 Left tibia, astragalus, metatarsal I, claw (DNM 270, part). 21783 Right tibia (DNM 150/45), found with a skel- eton of Diplodocus but not belonging to it. The right fibula of the same limb is in the Denver Museum of Natural History where it was transferred with skeleton DNM 150. 33956 Lower half of a small right tibia (with DNM 130/D). 33927 Right tibia (DNM 232/2). 33958 Two claws (DNM 232, part). Camarasaurus grandis (Marsh, 1877) Syn.: Apatosaurus grandis Marsh, 1877. Morosaurus grandis Marsh, 1878. Morosaurus iinpar Marsh, 1878. Pleurocoelus inontanus Marsh, 1896. 21760 Casts of bones belonging to the type speci- men of M. grandis (YPM 1901), paratype (YPM 1905, 1903), and type specimen of M. impar (YPM 1900). These were found in the Morrison Formation intermingled at Quarry 1, Como Bluff, Wyoming. As the separation of the individuals is speculative, it was con- sidered better to catalogue them under one number. The individuals were of about the same size. Sacrum (YPM 1900), left scapula, coracoid, humerus, radius, ulna, femur (YPM 1901), right ilium and ischium, left tib- ia, fibula, and pes (YPM 1905), left pubis (YPM 1903). Described by Marsh originally as Apatosaurus grandis — Amer. J. Sci. (1877), 14:515, and referred to Morosaurus, Amer. J. Sci. (1878), 16:412-413, Pis. 6-7. These figures were reproduced by Marsh in later articles and monographs. The individ- ual elements are figured in all views in Os- trom and McIntosh — Marsh’s Dinosaurs (1966), Pis. 43, 49, 51, 53, 65, 68, 72, 73, 75, 76, 78, 79, 81-89. Originals collected by Reed, Carlin, and Williston, 1877-1878 1981 McIntosh— DINOSAURS of carnegie museum 15 Camarasaurus sp. 113 Left maxilla and postorbital, right dentary, other skull fragments from the Morrison For- mation at Quarry C, Sheep Creek, Albany County, Wyoming. Collected by Peterson and Gilmore, 1902 584 Two cervicals, eight dorsals, 31 caudals, many ribs, chevrons, right ilium, pubis, is- chium, and scapula-coracoid. These beauti- fully preserved and uncrushed bones came from the Morrison Formation at Quarry D, Sheep Creek, Albany County, Wyoming. It was thought at one time that a nearly com- plete neck and also bones of both the fore and hind limbs which had been catalogued as CM 555 and 556 were probably part of this skeleton and plans were made to mount it. However, further preparation of the neck showed it to belong to Apatosaurus as do the limb bones 555 and 556 (see below), Hol- land— Carnegie Mus. Ann. Rept. (1909), p. 31. Collected by Peterson and Gilmore, 1900 The following material was all collected at Quarry N, Freezeout Hills, Carbon County, Wyoming, by C. W. Gilmore, 1902-1903. 1255 A general catalogue number applied to the bulk of the material from the Morrison For- mation of Quarry N, Freezeout Hills, Car- bon County, Wyoming. At the time of cata- loguing a small Allosaimis skeleton was separated as CM 1254, and a Camarasaurus tail (below) as CM 1252. The remainder of the collection was given this number. It in- cluded the bones of two intermingled medi- um large Camarasaurus skeletons, a small number of Apatosaurus bones, and a dozen or so Stegosaurus bones. Recently the latter have been recatalogued as CM 21737 (below) and an associated Camarasaurus fibula and pes as CM 21730 (below). The remainder of the material (largely Camarasaurus) consists of a large spatulate tooth, 22 caudals, two ribs and fragments of two others, 1 1 chev- rons, four (or five) scapulae, three coracoids, two humeri, two radii, one ulna, two carpal bones, five metacarpals, one claw, one ilium, four pubes, two ischia, two femora, four tib- iae, two fibulae, three astragali, one calca- neum, five metatarsals, 19 metapodials, 17 phalanges. Now these have also been reca- talogued with the aid of the original quarry diagram. The number 1255 is now applied to a few elements, principally ribs, which can- not be referred to one of the two Camara- saurus skeletons with any degree of certain- ty. There are also a large spatulate tooth, several chevrons, a fragmentary pubis, and some fragments. 1252 Forty largely articulated caudals reaching to the tip of the tail with a number of accom- panying chevrons. 21730 Left fibula, astragalus, calcaneum, and com- plete pes found semi-articulated. This spec- imen was found near the anterior end of tail 1252 and not improbably belongs to the same individual. 36663 Both scapulae and coracoids, right humerus, right ilium, pubes, ischia, left femur-tibia- fibula-astragalus-calcaneum. 36664 Both scapulae and coracoids, left humerus and radius, left femur, both tibiae, right fib- ula. This skeleton is a little larger than the last. 36671 Four caudals. 36689 Six caudals. 36693 Four caudals. 36694 Caudal. 36695 Caudal. 36678 Carpal bone perhaps belonging to this genus. 36686 Three metacarpals. 36685 Two phalanges of the left manus. 36666 Incomplete pubis found near tail CM 1252. 36668 Left tibia-metatarsal I-metatarsal IV of a half grown individual. 36669 Fibula lacking both ends. 36675 Astragalus, three metatarsals, phalanx of pes. 36677 Phalanx. 36679 Two phalanges. 36684 Seven phalanges perhaps belonging to sev- eral individuals. 36680 Ungual phalanx of the pes. 1256 This number was formerly assigned to the bulk of a large amount of material collected from the Morrison Formation at Quarry B, Red Fork of the Powder River, Johnson County, Wyoming. Initially an articulated Diplodocus tail, CM 307, was separated out. 16 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 18 At the time that the latter was prepared in connection with the mounting of the Diplod- ocus skeleton, several other boxes of mate- rial were also worked up and catalogued CM 312 (see below). Three bones of the left fore- limb were also prepared, but it is unclear whether they were assigned to CM 312 or not. They have recently been recatalogued CM 21775. Several years later the remainder of the material was prepared and found to represent a number of individuals. A series of chevrons received the number CM 1253 and all the remainder were catalogued CM 1256. Recently the bones of the several in- dividuals have been separated and recata- logued, a task complicated by the fact that the quarry diagram has been misplaced. A small number of bones, largely ribs and frag- mentary specimens retain the number 1256 until recovery of the diagram allows their correct assignment to one of the new cata- logue numbers. Collected by Utterback, 1903 The following specimens were all collected in the Morrison Formation at Quarry B, Red Fork of the Powder River, Johnson County, Wyoming, by Ut- terback in 1903. Unless otherwise stated, all but the first four (312, 1253, 36670, 21775) were originally catalogued CM 1256. 312 A series of 22 median and postmedian caudal vertebrae with a few attached chevrons and the distal end of a possibly associated right ischium. The vertebrae were for the most part articulated. A left dentary, left scapu- la, both coracoids, series of ribs, two meta- tarsals and a phalanx, originally assigned to 312, almost certainly belong to other individ- uals and have been recatalogued. 1253 A well preserved series of 12 chevrons pos- sibly belonging to CM 36031 below. 36670 Left dentary, formerly referred to CM 312. It is very doubtful that it belongs to the same individual as the tail to which that number is now restricted. 21775 Left humerus, radius, and ulna of Canuira- saurus (perhaps originally assigned to CM 312) which were used in the mounted skele- ton of Diplodocus carnegii, but not in the casts of the skeleton sent to other museums around the world (blown up models of CM 662 replaced these bones in the cast skele- ton). To this individual has also been as- signed a left scapula, both coracoids and a series of ribs which were originally part of CM 312; also a right scapula and sternal plate originally CM 1256. 36039 Four anterior cervicals. 36040 A large anterior dorsal. 36042 Incomplete dorsal centrum. 36032 First caudal and another anterior caudal. 36036 Posterior caudal centrum. 36031 Series of 16 articulated anterior caudals. 36019 Both scapulae, right coracoid, both humeri, left radius, left ulna. 36028 Upper end of large right scapula. 36043 Left scapula. 36030 Left scapula. 36029 Small right scapula. 36027 Right coracoid. 36025 Left coracoid. 28846 Both ischia, right pubis. 36024 Right ischium and pubis. 28847 Right ischium. 36021 Both femora. 36020 Right tibia and fibula of a smaller individual. 36023 Right tibia. 36022 Right fibula. 21742 Caudal centrum from the Morrison Forma- tion at Quarry L, Freezeout Hills, Carbon County, Wyoming. Collected by Gilmore, 1902 21743 Anterior caudal arch. Same data as the above. Collected by Gilmore, 1902 1200 Six caudal centra from the Morrison For- mation of Joe Wittecombe’s Ranch, Sweet Creek County, Montana. Collected by Silberling, 1903 2789 Caudal from the ?Morrison Formation of the Texas panhandle. Collected by Hammon, 1926 574 Right pubis. This number was intended for the greater portion of a Camarasaurus skel- eton from the Morrison Formation of Quarry C, Sheep Creek, Albany County, Wyoming. The bulk of the material proved to be poorly preserved and was discarded. All that re- mains (in addition to the pubis) are two dor- sals, a half dozen caudals, right scapula, right coracoid and a left ilium, of which four of the caudals (DU 2 to 5), scapula (DU 9) and coracoid (DU 10) were transferred to 1981 McIntosh— DINOSAURS of carnegie museum 17 Duquesne University, but recently returned to the Carnegie Museum of Natural History. Collected by Peterson and Gilmore, 1900-1901 21734 Dorsal, right pubis and left ischium from the Morrison Formation of Quarry K, Sheep Creek, Albany County, Wyoming. The right femur has been transferred to the University of California, Berkeley. Collected by Gilmore, 1902 21720 Cast of right metacarpals I-V. The original, AMNH 965, was found in the Morrison For- mation at Bone Cabin Quarry, north of Med- icine Bow, Wyoming. It was figured by Os- born— Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. (1904), 20:182, Fig. 1, correctly as Morosaiirus sp. (a junior synonym of Camanisaiiriis). Later he reconsidered and assigned the foot to Di- plodociis, sending a cast to Pittsburgh for use in the Diplodocus mount, where scaled down models were employed. The manus was figured by Abel — Abh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien (1910), 5:27, Pigs. 3-5. Original collected by Kaisen, 1903 The following centra referred by Hatcher to As- trodon (Pleurocoelus) all belong to very young in- dividuals. They do bear a resemblance to that Low- er Cretaceous Maryland genus in their enlarged pleurocoels. On similar grounds Marsh (Dinosaurs of North America, 16th Ann. Rept. U.S. Geol. Surv., 1896, p. 184, Figs. 35-41) named some ju- venile remains from Quarry 1, Como Bluff, Wyo- ming, Pleurocoelus montanus. The latter are al- most certainly a juvenile Camarasaurus gnindis, and it appears likely that Hatcher’s vertebrae are likewise referrable to Camarasaurus, the enlarged pleurocoels being a juvenile character. 578 A cervical and a dorsal centrum from the Morrison Formation at Quarry C, Sheep Creek, Albany County, Wyoming. They are described and figured by Hatcher — Ann. Carnegie Mus. (1903c), 2:9-10, Figs. 1-4, as Astrodon johnstoni. Collected by Gilmore, 1901 585 Distal caudal centrum found in the Morrison Formation at Quarry E, Sheep Creek, Al- bany County, Wyoming. It was figured by Hatcher — Ann. Carnegie Mus. (1903c), 2:11, Pigs. 5-6, as Astrodon johnstoni. Collected by Gilmore, 1901 Family Diplodocidae Genus Diplodocus Marsh, 1878 Diplodocus longus Marsh, 1878 The following specimens from Dinosaur National Monument have been referred to D. longus in the literature, although it is not unlikely that a definitive study will show that they should be transferred to D. carnegii, if as is likely the specific differentiation of these two forms is verified. 3452 Skull, mandible, cervicals 1-6 in articula- tion. This is the only specimen of Diplodo- cus in which a reasonably complete skull has been found in articulation with postcranial elements. It was found in the Morrison For- mation at the Carnegie Museum Quarry at Dinosaur National Monument, north of Jen- sen, Uintah County, Utah (DNM 220). It was mentioned by Holland — Mem. Carnegie Mus. ( 19246), 9:385-386, 403, and figured PI. 15, Fig. 2. Described by McIntosh and Ber- man— J. Paleo. (1975), 49:187, Fig. 2 — and by Berman and McIntosh — Bull. Carnegie Mus. Nat. Hist. (1978), 8:14-16, Figs. 2-3. The specimen is mounted and was placed on exhibition in 1915. Collected by Douglass et al., 1915 37006 Half a cervical bearing the number DNM 220/3, thus possibly it might pertain to the last specimen. However, it appears not to. 11161 Skull and mandible, complete and uncrushed (DNM 160/10). This skull was found beneath the tail of Apatosaurus, CM 3378, and was otherwise relatively isolated at the same quarry as the above. It was described and figured by Holland — Mem. Carnegie Mus. (19246), 9:385-402, Figs. 1-3 and 8-11, Pis. 40-42 — by Haas — Ann. Carnegie Mus. (1960), 36: Figs. 7-8 — by McIntosh and Ber- man—J. Paleo. (1975), 49:187-195, Figs. 1, 3, 5 — and by Berman and McIntosh — Bull. Carnegie Mus. Nat. Hist. ( 1978), 8: 14, Figs. 2, 9. This superbly preserved specimen, which has furnished more detailed informa- tion about the sauropod skull than probably any other was discovered by Douglass ap- propriately on Thanksgiving Day, 1912, after three relatively frustrating years of searching for skulls, at the great dinosaur quarry. Collected by Douglass, 1912 11255 Skull and mandible (juvenile) (DNM 351). Same data as the above. Mentioned by Hoi- Fig. 6. — Skull of Diplotlociis longus, CM 11161; a) dorsal view; b) right lateral view; c) palatal view; d) posterior view. land — Mem. Carnegie Mus. (1924/7), 9:386, 403, and figured PI. 43. CM 1 1394 is a second number applied to this specimen. Collected by Douglass et al., 1921 21763 Right fibula and astragalus (DNM 150/11). These bones are part of an articulated skel- eton from the same locality as the above, the remainder of which has been transferred to the Denver Museum of Natural History (DMNH 1494) where it is mounted and on display. It consists of the vertebral column complete from cervical 8 to caudal 20, right scapula-coracoid, complete pelvis, and both hind limbs without feet. The right femur was originally catalogued CM 11970. Pictured in Colorado Mus. Nat. Hist, (now Denver Mus. Nat. Hist.) (1947), popular series No. 1:64- 65, and in subsequent guides of the Denver Museum. Collected by Douglass et al., 1912- 1915 21738 Left radius and ulna found with the above skeleton (DNM 205/C) and not unlikely be- longing to it. Collected by Douglass et al., 1913 26552 Braincase (formerly catalogued CM 1201, which had been assigned to two specimens) (DNM 175/A). Same data as the above. De- 1981 McINTOSH— DINOSAURS OF CARNEGIE MUSEUM 19 scribed and figured by Berman and Mc- Intosh— Bull. Carnegie Mus. Nat. Hist. (1978), 8:19-21, Eigs. 3-6. Collected by Douglass et al., 1913 The following specimens were all collected in the Morrison Formation at the Carnegie Museum Quar- ry at Dinosaur National Monument, north of Jen- sen, Uintah County, Utah, by Douglass et al., 1909-1922, and may belong to the same species as the above. 21718 Teeth preserved in place, the jaws having decayed away (DNM 130/CA). 33984 Several cervicals (DNM 102, part). 30772 Three cervicals, questionably referred to this genus (DNM 66). 21745 Articulated series of dorsals, sacrals and caudals, left ilium (incomplete), and right fe- mur (DNM 145). 3388 Two dorsal centra with bases of arches (DNM 15). 30768 Dorsal centrum (DNM 285/53). 21728 Sacrum, incomplete left ilium, ischia (DNM 89). 33977 Articulated series of antero-medial caudals (DNM 148). 11975 Four articulated postmedian caudals (DNM 168/A). A right femur originally catalogued with these bones has been removed to 21745. 21714 Postmedian caudal (DNM 39/65H). 33904 Posterior caudal (DNM 99). 30763 Three caudals, right tibia-fibula-astragalus, ribs, and an associated right scapula-cora- coid which may belong to the same individ- ual (DNM 285, part). (Part of what was for- merly catalogued CM 2969.) 38339 Rib (found with 202/F) perhaps belonging here. 30764 Right scapula (DNM 285/H). (Formerly part of CM 2969.) 10004 Left scapula-coracoid (DNM 210/9). (Two scapulae, a coracoid and a fibula of other in- dividuals formerly referred to this number have been recatalogued; see 33924, 33925, 33926.) 33926 Right scapula (DNM 210/3). (Formerly part of 10004.) 33961 Left scapula (DNM 45/18?). 38335 Small right scapula (DNM 285/H). 21721 Right humerus, radius and ulna (DNM 228). 30773 Left humerus, left pubis, left ischium (DNM 350 and 345/A). A large part of the vertebral column of this animal remains to be pre- Fig. 7. — Mandible of Dipiodocus longiis, CM 11161; a) dorsal view; b) left lateral view; c) ventral view. pared. (Pelvic bones originally catalogued as part of CM 9000.) 33959 Left radius (DNM 238/1). 33962 Incomplete right ilium and pubis (DNM 146/B). 21747 Pair of pubes (juvenile) (DNM 231). 33947 Incomplete right pubis (DNM 228/7) proba- bly belonging to this form. 3389 Right ilium (juvenile) (DNM 4). 33987 Left ischium (DNM 270/14). 33991 Left femur and tibia (DNM 160/G and H). These belong to a young individual found associated with Apatosaurus CM 3378 and formerly catalogued as part of it. 3377 Left femur (juvenile) (DNM 172). 21710 Left femur (DNM 334). This femur is on ex- hibition as a “touch” bone. It was pictured by Berman — Carnegie Mag. (1971), 45:95. 21753 Left femur and head of right tibia, perhaps belonging to two individuals (DNM 151/A). 21754 Left femur (small) (DNM 219). 21771 Right femur (DNM 60/14), transferred to the South African Museum, 1977. 21788 Left femur (small), transferred to the USNM with Barosaurus material and returned. 30762 Right femur (small) (DNM 120/P). 33951 Right tibia (DNM 228/6). 20 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 18 33953 Right tibia (DNM 285/38). 33967 Left tibia (DNM 160/K), found associated with Apatosaurus skeleton CM 3378 and originally catalogued as part of it. 33924 Right fibula (DNM 210/2) (originally part of CM 10004). 33950 Left fibula (DNM 285/10). 30767 Right fibula, astragalus and pes (DNM 175/G) originally catalogued as part of CM 2905. 33928 Right fibula (DNM 232/22). 21741 Right astragalus (DNM 60/16). The associ- ated right femur was transferred to the North Carolina Museum in Durham, North Caroli- na, where it is on display. The associated right tibia and fibula have been transferred to the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto. 33941 Left metatarsal III (DNM 39/15). 37013 Chevrons 11, 12, 13 being casts of the “tran- sition region" chevrons of AMNH 223 from the Morrison Formation of Como Bluff, Wy- oming. Figured by Osborn — Mem. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. (1899), 1: Figs. 10 and 13. Original collected by Osborn and Brown Diplodocus carnegii Hatcher, 1901 84 Cervicals 2-15, dorsals 1-10, sacrals 1-5, caudals 1-12, 18 ribs, left scapula (not right as stated by Hatcher), left coracoid, right il- ium and a fragment of the left, pubes, ischia, right femur, both sternal plates, supposed clavicle. Type specimen. It was found in the Morrison Formation of Quarry D (not C as stated by Hatcher) also referred to as Quarry 3 of 1899 of Sheep Creek, Albany County, Wyoming. It was discovered by A. Cogges- hall on 4 July, 1899. It was described by Hatcher — Mem. Carnegie Mus. (19016), 1:1- 57 and figured as follows: cervicals. Pis. 2- 6 and Fig. 6; dorsals. Pis. 7-8; caudals, PI. 9; sternal plates. Fig. 12; “clavicle,” Fig. 13. Preliminary reports by Holland — Science, n.s. (1900), 11:816-818 — and Hatcher — Sci- ence, n.s. (19006), 12:828-830. This speci- men forms the core of the skeleton which was mounted and put on display in 1907. The latter was completed by additions from sev- eral other individuals as follows: CM 94 (median caudals, right scapula-coracoid. right tibia-fibula-pes), CM 307 (distal cau- dals). The skull was modelled from the brain- case of CM 662 and skull USNM 2673. The right forelimb (and also the left forelimb of the eleven casts of the skeleton sent to mu- seums throughout the world) was accurately modelled from the smaller individual CM 662. The forefeet were modelled from the larger manus AMNH 965 now known to be- long to Camarasaurus, and too many pha- langes were assigned to the manus. In the Carnegie Museum of Natural History origi- nal only, the left forelimb CM 21775 now as- signed to Camarasaurus was used, as were left fibula and partial pes CM 33985. Casts of the skeleton were sent to London, Berlin, Paris, Vienna, Madrid, St. Petersburg (now Leningrad), Bologna, La Plata, Mexico City, Munich, and another was made in Vernal, Utah. Collected by Wortman, W. H. Reed, A. S. Coggeshall, and W. C. Reed, 1899 94 Nine cervicals, nine dorsals, sacrum, 39 cau- dals, ribs, five chevrons, scapulae-cora- coids, sternal plates, ilia, pubes, ischia, left femur, right tibia, right fibula, right astraga- lus, complete right pes. Para type. A second individual is indicated by a second pair of ischia, a fragment of a pubis, and an incom- plete second left femur. In addition eight of the caudals clearly belong to a larger individ- ual, which might possibly be CM 84 above. It came from the same quarry as CM 84. As stated above the right scapula-coracoid, tib- ia, fibula, pes and some caudals and chev- rons were used to complete the mount of CM 84. The left femur (as well as the other frag- mentary one) and six caudals were trans- ferred to the Cleveland Museum of Natural History to supplement skeleton CM 662 which was transferred there. Later these were again transferred to Houston where the femur was incorporated into the mount, but the caudals were returned to Pittsburgh. The skeleton was described by Hatcher — Mem. Carnegie Mus. (19016), 1:1-57, and figured as follows: co-ossified caudals. Fig. 11; scap- ula-coracoid, Fig. 14; sacrum and pelvis, PI. 10, Figs. 1-2; femur, Figs. 15-17, 23; tibia- fibula, Fig. 18-19, PI. 11 1-2; pes. Figs. 20- 21, PI. 11 1-2. The pelvis was figured by 1981 McINTOSH— DINOSAURS OF CARNEGIE MUSEUM 21 Hatcher — Mem. Carnegie Mus. (1903J), 2: PI. 4, Fig. 2 — and the pubis was figured by Gilmore — Mem. Carnegie Mus. (1936u), 11:263, Fig. 37, where it was erroneously stated to be that of Apatosaurus CM 563. Collected by Peterson and Gilmore, 1900 33985 Left fibula and probably left metatarsals III, IV, V from the same quarry as the type and paratype but not belonging to either. These were used to complete the mounted skele- ton. Collected by Peterson and Gilmore, 1900 30765 Two metatarsals from the Morrison Eorma- tion of Wyoming, quarry not known. Collected by Wortman et al., 1899 Diplodocus hayi Holland, 1924 662 Only the “clavicle” and perhaps two dorsal arches remain at the Carnegie Museum. The greater part of this skeleton, consisting of the cranium, 10 cervicals, five dorsals, 33 cau- dals, numerous ribs and chevrons, scapulae, coracoids, sternal plates, humeri, radii, left ulna and part of manus, pubes, ischia, left tibia, fibulae, astragali, part of pes, was transferred to the Cleveland Museum of Nat- ural History (CMNH 10670) and later to the Houston Museum of Natural Science, where the skeleton has been mounted and is on ex- hibition. The sacrum and ilia were not trans- ferred to Cleveland but were sent to Houston at a later date. The left femur was not trans- ferred to Cleveland either, and its current whereabouts are unknown. Type specimen. The skeleton from the Morrison Formation was found isolated at Quarry A, Red Fork of the Powder River, Johnson County, Wyo- ming. The cranium was described and fig- ured by Holland — Mem. Carnegie Mus. (1906), 2:225-246, Figs. 4-10. Some of Hol- land’s interpretations were criticized by Hay — Science, n.s. (1908), 28:517-519 — and answered by Holland — Science, n.s. (1908), 28:644-645. Other figures and description was provided by von Huene — Neues Jahrb. Min. Geol. Pal. (Beil.-Bd.) (1914), 37:579- 580, PI. 9, Fig. 1. Still further discussion ap- pears in Holland — Mem. Carnegie Mus. (1924/?), 9:397-401 — where it is established as the type of the new species D. hayi. Hatcher described and figured the radius and ulna — Mem. Carnegie Mus. (1903c), 2:72- 73, Figs. 1-2. Collected by Utterback, 1902-1903 36041 Spine of anterior caudal marked “662” on one side and “1256” on the other. It is from the Morrison Formation on the Red Fork of the Powder River, Johnson County, Wyo- ming. The former specimen is from Quarry A, the latter from Quarry B. Two posterior dorsal arches and spines similarly marked both with “662” and “1256” also belong to Diplodocus, but have not yet been recata- logued. Collected by Utterback, 1903 Diplodocus sp. 86 Right femur from the Morrison Formation of Quarry 2, Dyer’s Ranch, Carbon County, Wyoming. It was figured by Hatcher — Mem. Carnegie Mus. (1901/?), 1: PI. 11, Figs. 3-4 — and has been transferred to the Utah Natural History State Museum, Vernal, Utah (UNHSM V 16B). Collected by Wortman et al., 1899 1201 A dorsal and a caudal centrum from the ?Morrison Formation on Joe Wittecombe’s Ranch, Sweet Creek County, Montana. Collected by Silberling, 1903 3395 Caudal from the Morrison Formation 50 mi south of Grand Junction, Colorado. Collected by McMillen, 1914 307 Articulated series of 38 posterior caudals in- cluding “whiplash.” This tail was found in the Morrison Formation at Quarry B, Red Fork of the Powder River, Johnson County, Wyoming. It was described and figured by Holland — Mem. Carnegie Mus. (1906), 2:252- 255, PI. 29 — and was used to complete the tail of the mounted Diplodocus. Collected by Utterback, 1903 2098 Right femur (distal half), right tibia, right fib- ula, right astragalus, right pes from the Mor- rison Formation near Brown’s Ranch, Elk Mountains, Johnson County, Wyoming. Collected by Utterback, 1906 2099 Left tibia and part of pes. Same data as above. Collected by Utterback, 1906 21749 An astragalus probably belonging to Diplod- ocus, which was collected with astragalus CM 21748 of lApatosaurus at the American BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 18 T") Fig. 8. — Cervical vertebra of Barosaiinis leiitiis, CM 1198. Museum Quarry at Bone Cabin Quarry, north of Medicine Bow, Wyoming. Collected by Gilmore, 1902 887 Seven postmedian caudals, a phalanx, and a chevron taken from the Morrison Formation at the Marsh-Felch Quarry at Garden Park, north of Canon City, Colorado. Collected by Utterback, 1901 Genus Barosaurus Marsh, 1890 Barosaurus lentus Marsh, 1890 11984 Articulated series of presacral vertebrae ex- tending from the anterior part of the neck to the mid-dorsal region, several ribs. At the time of this writing less than half of the cer- vicals and dorsals have been freed from the matrix. Associated and perhaps belonging to the same individual is the greater part of the right manus (see however 21744 below). The specimen comes from the Morrison Forma- tion at the Carnegie Museum Quarry at Di- nosaur National Monument, north of Jensen, Uintah County, Utah (DNM 310). Collected by Douglass et al., 1918- 1919 1198 An associated series of cervical vertebrae (DNM 150/B) from the same horizon and lo- cality as the above. Ten vertebrae were col- lected but only four were sufficiently well preserved to be saved. The trunk, sacrum, and tail found in association with this neck were originally thought to belong to Diplod- ociis and were given a separate field number (DNM 155). Same data as the above. The latter specimen was transferred to the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto (ROM 3670). Some of the limb bones numbered 155 may belong to this specimen, but many do not. One caudal each transferred to North Caro- lina Museum, University of Texas, and Uni- versity of Cincinnati. Collected by Douglass et al., 1913- 1915 21744 Distal half of humerus, radius, ulna, and most of manus of an articulated right fore- limb, not improbably belonging to this genus (DNM 312). Only the humerus among fore- limb elements has been found with remains of this animal before. The metacarpals are more elongate and slender than in Diplodo- cits. If this specimen does indeed belong to Barosaurus, then the manus mentioned un- der 1 1984 does not and most likely is that of Apatosaurus. Same data as the above. Collected by Douglass et al. 33978 Anterior half of left ilium and head of left pubis, perhaps belonging to same individual as CM 1198 (DNM 155/C, incorrectly la- belled 150/C). Collected by Douglass et al., 1915 21719 Right humerus which lay close to the neck CM 1 198 and was assigned the same number as the Toronto specimen (DNM 155/Hum 2), but would appear to be too long to go with it. It is very long and slender, more so than the only known Barosaurus lent us humerus AMNH 6341. Although crushed, it is ques- tionable that the crushing could account for 1981 MclNTOSH— DINOSAURS OF CARNEGIE MUSEUM 23 the differences. It may belong to the Denver DiplodocHs (DNM 150) found nearby, or may even belong to the genus Bracluosau- rns . Collected by Douglass et al. 11878 Postmedian caudal vertebra and upper ends of tibia and femur (DNM 347). Same data as above. The caudal has been transferred to the University of Michigan (V 16778). Genus Apatosaurus Marsh, 1877 Syn.: Brontosaurus Marsh, 1879. Elosaurus Peterson and Gilmore, 1902. Apatosaurus excelsus (Marsh), 1877 Syn.: Brontosaurus excelsus Marsh, 1877. Brontosaurus ampins Marsh, 1881. Elosaurus parvus Peterson and Gilmore, 1902. 563 Skeleton consisting of nine cervicals, nine dorsals, five sacrals, 18 caudals, left scapu- la-coracoid, humeri, radii, ulnae, right ma- nus, left ilium, pubes, ischia, right femur, tib- iae, right fibula, right metatarsals I, III, IV, V, a phalanx and a claw, collected from the Morrison Formation at Quarry E, Sheep Creek, Albany County, Wyoming. At pres- ent only the pubes, ischia, and a caudal spine remain in Pittsburgh, the balance having been transferred to the University of Wyo- ming W. H. Reed Museum in Laramie, where it is mounted and on exhibit. The fore- limb and foot were described by Hatcher — Science, n. s. (1901c), 14:1015-1017 and in more detail in Ann. Carnegie Mus. (190E/), 1:356-376, Pis. 19-20. Hatcher figured the pelvis and sacrum in Mem. Carnegie Mus. (1903t/), 2: PI. 4, Pig. 1. Gilmore described the entire skeleton — Mem. Carnegie Mus. (1936), 10:143-145, and cervical 11 was figured by him in Ann. Carnegie Mus. ( 1924r/), 15:124, Fig. 2. The entire skeleton was described in detail and all parts figured by Gilmore — Mem. Carnegie Mus. (1936ri), 1 1: 175-300, Figs. 5-30, Pis. 24-27, 29-30, 34. The follow- ing specimen, a skull, may belong to this skeleton (see below). Collected by Douglass, 1909-1911 11162 Skull without mandible found in association with two nearly complete skeletons of this species, CM 3018 above and the former CM 11990 below (DNM 60/10). Holland— Ann. Carnegie Mus. ( 1915u), 9:274-277 — argued that it probably belongs to CM 3018, a sug- gestion opposed by Osborn, who followed Marsh in believing that Apatosaurus did not possess a Diplodocus-\\kQ" skull. Holland continued the discussion in Mem. Carnegie Mus. (1924/?), 9:391, Fig. 5, but his argu- ments were rejected by Gilmore — Mem. Car- negie Mus. (1936^/), 11:188 — because of a confusion of this skull CM 11162 with another, CM 11161, of Diplodocus. Field let- ters from Douglass to Holland clearly dem- onstrate that Holland’s association of CM 11162 with CM 3018 and CM 11990, and of CM 11161 with CM 3378 is the correct one, and that Gilmore’s is incorrect, see also McIntosh and Berman — J. Paleo. (1975), 49: 187. This skull is described and figured in Berman and McIntosh — Bull. Carnegie Mus. Nat. Hist. (1978), 8:21-30, Figs. 3D, 7, 8, 9 — where it is argued that Holland was prob- ably correct and that this skull is probably that of Apatosaurus. Collected by Douglass et al., 1910 1 1990 This number was formerly employed for the prepared parts (a tibia and some caudals) of an almost complete, but slightly smaller, ar- ticulated skeleton found partly overlapping CM 3018. It lacked only the skull, a femur. 26 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 18 Fig. 10. — Right femur of Apatosaurus louisae, CM 3018, anterior view. one of the forelimbs, the pedes, and probably the tip of the tail. The skeleton was trans- ferred to the Los Angeles County Museum in 1939 (LACM 52844) and the left femur has been placed on exhibit. The skeleton is pic- tured as it lay in the rock in Gilmore — Mem. Carnegie Mus. (1936a), 11: PI. 21, Eig. 6, where it is erroneously stated to be that of Diplodociis 150. This specimen is DNM 40. 3378 Vertebral column complete and articulated from the mid-cervical region to the tip of the tail (caudal 82). This specimen (DNM 160) from the same quarry as all of the above, was found associated with several disartic- ulated limb bones and a skull (DNM 160/0) CM 11161 referred to Diplodocus. It is doubtful if any of the limb bones really be- long to CM 3378. The specimen is described and figured by Holland — Ann. Carnegie Mus. (1915«), 9:277-278, PI. 59— and by Gil- more— Mem. Carnegie Mus. (1936r/), 11:204- 205, PI. 28. The specimen shows minor dif- ferences from CM 3018, but these may be due to age. Collected by Douglass et al., 1913- 1915 The following specimens were all collected in the Morrison Eormation at the Carnegie Museum Quar- ry at Dinosaur National Monument, north of Jen- sen, Uintah County, Utah, between 1909 and 1922. They show no characters to distinguish them from the above specimens of Apatosaurus louisae. 33916 An articulated series of the last two cervi- cals, all 10 dorsals, the first sacral, and three disarticulated sacral centra with ribs (DNM 210). The left ribs were found articulated in place, but only a few remain. A large number of limb and girdle bones belonging to more than one genus were found associated with the vertebrae and assigned the same field number 210. A number of these have been transferred to the Junior Museum and the California Academy of Science in San Fran- cisco, others to the University of Delaware in Newark, Delaware, and some to the Lake- side Museum and Art Center in Peoria, Illi- nois. Future preparation and study will be needed to determine which belong to CM 33916. Collected by Douglass et al., 1914 3390 Articulated vertebral column consisting of 3391 most of the dorsals, the sacrum, and 12 cau- dals, many ribs, left ilium, left pubis, left is- chium of a very immature individual (DNM 24). It is likely that a series of six articulated cervicals (DNM 37) found 20 ft east of 24 belong to the same skeleton, according to Douglass. These were given the separate cat- alogue number 3391. Douglass also felt that a small jaw (DNM 35, now lost) found with neck 37 also belonged to the same animal. The latter contained slender peg-like teeth of the Diplodocus kind. Collected by Douglass et al., 1909- 1910 11339 A series of seven dorsals of a very young animal, perhaps belonging to Apatosaurus, 1981 McINTOSH— DINOSAURS OF CARNEGIE MUSEUM 27 Fig. 11. — Skull of Apatosaurus louisae, CM 11162 (not 11161 as painted on bone); a) lateral view; b) dorsal view; c) posterior view. 28 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 18 found with a Stegosaurus skeleton CM 11341. 33968 Two dorsals (DNM 130/B). 30766 Eleven anterior caudals, several chevrons (formerly part of CM 2905); left femur, right tibia and probably associated right radius, ulna, and partial manus (formerly CM 10000) (DNM 175/G). Other bones belonging to this skeleton have not yet been prepared. 33912 Centrum (with DNM 45). 21752 Two dorsals, sacrum, ilia, pubes, ischia, fore and hind limbs and feet of a juvenile (DNM 120/M, N). 3384 Four caudals (DNM 7, part). 21731 Anterior caudal (field number in doubt). 33918 Four caudals (DNM 130/P). 33921 Caudal, transferred to USNM and returned. 36687 Left scapula-coracoid (DNM 55). 21708 Complete left forelimb and manus (DNM 12), found somewhat to the east of the quarry in the same stratum. 21715 Left humerus, radius and ulna found with some Stegosaurus remains (DNM 39/9, 10, 11). 21717 Right ulna (DNM 39/53). 33996 Right radius and ulna (DNM 345/A). 38338 Metacarpal I (found with DNM 130). 36699 Left metacarpals II, III, IV (found with DNM 160) (juvenile). 21780 Two metacarpals (DNM 197/66 and 71), and ?radius (DNM 197/38). 38352 Metacarpal (DNM 232, part). 21746 Left ilium (DNM 39/50), juvenile, used to re- place the missing bone in the mounted Cam- arasaurus skeleton CM 11338. 33980 Left pubis (DNM 130/11). 33902 Left pubis (DNM 210/10), incomplete and referred to this genus with doubt. 11998 Left femur (DNM 155/FA) transferred to the Newark Museum; a second (right) femur also assigned this catalogue number (DNM 155/S) is part of the "'Diplodocus" skeleton trans- ferred to the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM 3670). 21756 Left femur (small) (DNM 238/2) perhaps be- longing to this form. 21784 Right femur, perhaps belonging to Apato- saurus. 33976 Left femur, perhaps belonging to Apatosau- rus (DNM 232/12). 33997 Left femur formerly part of CM 3378 (DNM 146/B). 21729 Right hind limb (DNM 171). 33964 Left tibia and fibula (DNM 210/0). 33952 Right fibula (DNM 175/2). 30761 Left astragalus (DNM 103). 11253 Right pes (DNM 60/2). Associated right fe- mur transferred to the University of Cincin- nati; right tibia and fibula transferred to Ju- nior Museum, San Francisco, California, where the tibia is on exhibition. 30770 Right metatarsal I (found with DNM 210). 33989 Left metatarsal III (DNM 173). 33990 Right metatarsal IV (DNM 243). Apatosaurus sp. 85 Five ribs, right pubis, right ischium and frag- ment of the left, right femur, right tibia, right fibula from the Morrison Formation at Quar- ry 1, Dyer Ranch, Freezeout Hills, Carbon County, Wyoming. Collected by Wortman et al., 1899 83 Anterior third of a very large femur. It is of historic importance as the “130 foot dino- saur” discovered by W. H. Reed, reported in the New York Journal. This story got Mr. Carnegie’s attention and led him to commis- 1981 McINTOSH— DINOSAURS OF CARNEGIE MUSEUM 29 sion the original Carnegie Museum dinosaur expedition, see Coggeshall — Carnegie Mag. (1951), 25:238-239. Collected by W. H. Reed and brought to Pittsburgh by Holland 36033 Caudal from Quarry B, Red Fork of the Pow- der River, Johnson County, Wyoming (for- merly part of CM 1256). Collected by Utterback, 1903 36035 Two caudals. Same data as above. 2044 Dorsal (exchanged to University of Cincin- nati, 1941), Morrison Formation, Cope Quar- ry, Garden Park, Colorado. Collected by Utterback, 1901 37007 Right scapula from the Morrison Formation at Quarry C, Sheep Creek, Albany County, Wyoming. Collected by Peterson and Gilmore, 1900 28849 Right humerus from the Morrison Formation of Quarry B, Red Fork of the Powder River, Johnson County, Wyoming. Collected by Utterback, 1903 36026 Right humerus. Same data as above. 21782 Left ulna and metacarpal V, and perhaps as- sociated metatarsal I from the Morrison For- mation at Quarry O, Freezeout Hills, Carbon County, Wyoming. Collected by Gilmore, 1903 28848 Right ischium from Quarry B, Red Fork of the Powder River, Johnson County, Wyo- ming (formerly part of CM 1256). Collected by Utterback, 1903 936 Right metatarsal I. It was collected at the Marsh-Felch Quarry in Garden Park north of Canon City, Colorado in the Morrison For- mation. Collected by Utterback, 1901 36038 Right metatarsal II from Quarry B, Red Fork of the Powder River, Johnson County, Wy- oming (formerly part of CM 1256). Collected by Utterback, 1903 The following specimens were collected by Gil- more in 1902-1903 in Quarry N, Freezeout Hills, Carbon County, Wyoming. Most of them were orig- inally catalogued under the “catchall” number CM 1255 (p. 15). 36691 Anterior caudal. 36692 Eleven median and posterior caudals. 36690 Caudal. 36665 Right radius and ulna, juvenile. 36672 Left manus with one carpal, five metacarpals and two phalanges. 36676 Two metacarpals. 36682 Two metacarpals. 36667 Greater portion of the right pes, juvenile. 36674 Four left metatarsals. 36683 Metatarsal I (crushed). 38347 Left phalanx II- 1 of pes. Sauropoda, indeterminate All of these specimens are from the Carnegie Museum Quarry at Dinosaur National Monument, north of Jensen, Utah. They were collected by Douglass et al., 1909-1922. 37008 Cervical and rib (DNM 302, part). 33960 Dorsal centrum (DNM 39/65, part). 33900 Two very small dorsals (DNM 84). 37012 Sacral centrum (DNM ? 130/3). 33969 Caudal (DNM 312, part). 38351 Caudal and metacarpal (DNM 320, part). 37002 Rib (DNM 338). 37009 Rib (DNM 328 and 329). 38336 Proximal part of left scapula (DNM 146). 33944 Head of large right humerus (DNM 39/83). 33970 Incomplete humerus, proximal half of ra- dius. 38348 Small metacarpal. 38346 Left metatarsal IV, left phalanx I-l, fragment (with DNM 285/C). 33907 Chevron (DNM 228, part). 33914 Left radiale, probably sauropod. 33905 Incomplete right astragalus (DNM 39/65, part). 38350 Claw of manus (DNM ? 45) 33982 Huge claw of digit I of pes (found with Stegosaurus skeleton CM 11341, DNM 350). 30 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 18 ORDER ORNITHISCHIA SUBORDER ORNITHOPODA Family Hypsilophodontidae Genus Dryosaurus Marsh, 1894 Dryosaurus altus Marsh, 1878 Syn.: Laosaurus altus Marsh, 1878. 3392 Skull, mandible, and greater part of skeleton from the Morrison Formation at the Carnegie Museum Quarry in Dinosaur National Mon- ument, north of Jensen, Uintah County, Utah (DNM 26). It was described and figured by Gilmore — Mem. Carnegie Mus. (19256), 10:394-403, Figs. 3-6 — and the skull was fig- ured by Gabon — Nature (1977c/), 268:231, Fig. 2a, b; in Milwaukee Public Mus., Spec. Publ. Biol. Geol. (19776), 2:44-46, Figs. 2a, b; and in Mem. Soc. Geol. France (1980), 59:104, Fig. I04a, b. The mounted skeleton, placed on exhibition in 1940, was pictured by Kay — Carnegie Mag. (1940b), 14:215. Collected by Douglass et al., 1910 11340 Skull and large part of skeleton of a very young individual; same data as above (DNM 360). It was described and figured by Gil- more— Mem. Carnegie Mus. (19256), 10:403- 409, Figs. 7-8, as Laosaurus gracilis but is referred to this species by Gabon. Collected by Douglass et al., 1922 1949 Three dorsals, about 28 caudals, right ilium, right femur, right tibia, right fibula, metatar- sals, from the Morrison Formation of Elk Mountains, Johnson County, Wyoming. It was described and figured by Shepherd et al. — Brigham Young Univ. Geol. Studies (1978), 24:2, 11-15, Figs. 3-5— and by Gal- ton — Mem. Soc. Geol. France (1980), 59:104, Fig. lU, IX. Collected by Utterback, 1906 21786 About 10 dorsals, sacrum, 30 caudals, hu- meri, both hind limbs with the shafts of many of the elements incomplete, both pedes, oth- er bones, found by Jess Lombard at Lily Park, Moffat County, Colorado, in the Mor- rison Formation. Figured by Gabon — Nature (1977c/), 268:231, Figs. 2u and 2x, and also Milwaukee Public Mus., Spec. Publ. Biol. Geol. (19776), 2:46, Figs. 2U and 2X. It was described and figured by Shepherd et al. — Brigham Young Univ. Geol. Studies (1978), 24:2, 11-15, Figs. 1-5. Collected by Kay and Lloyd, 1955 Genus Thescelosaurus Gilmore, 1913 Thescelosaurus neglectus Gilmore, 1913 9900 Two left humeri about the same size, locality data unknown. 246 Dorsal centrum from the Lance Formation on Lance Creek, Niobrara County, Wyo- ming. Collected by Hatcher, 1900 21787 Two humeri, two ulnae, two radii, fragments of ilium, metatarsal, six phalanges of several individuals from the Lance Formation of Sheep Mountain, Carter County, Montana. Collected by Kay, 1938 38327 Three dorsals, 10 phalanges, four claws found with above. Collected by Kay, 1938 Family Iguanodontidae Genus Camptosaurus Marsh, 1885 Camptosaurus medius Marsh, 1894 This species has not been separated satisfactorily from the type species, C. dispar, the type speci- mens of both having come from the same quarry, YPM Quarry 13 east of Como Bluff, Wyoming. Its smaller size might be due to age or sex. 1 1337 The most complete skeleton of this genus yet found lacking only the skull, mandible, atlas, caudals beyond no. 14, right coracoid fore arm and manus, pedes. It came from the Morrison Formation at the Carnegie Mu- seum Quarry at Dinosaur National Monu- ment, north of Jensen, Uintah County, Utah (DNM 370 and 353). It was described and figured by Gilmore — Mem. Carnegie Mus. (19256), 10:385-393, Figs. 1-2, PI. 18— and 1981 MclNTOSH— DINOSAURS OF CARNEGIE MUSEUM 31 Fig. 14. — Skeleton of Cumptosaiirus medius, CM 1 1337. the skeleton, mounted and placed on exhi- bition in 1940, is pictured by Kay — Carnegie Mag. (1940^), 14:214. Collected by Douglass et al., 1922 The following specimens are all from the Carne- gie Museum Quarry at Dinosaur National Monu- ment in the Morrison Formation. They were col- lected 1909-1922. 15780 Right femur-tibia-fibula-astragalus-meta- tarsal (DNM 315). 21778 Distal end of ischium (with DNM 130/D). 21722 Right femur (small) (DNM 217a). 21723 Right femur (small) (DNM 102, part). 21724 Upper end of left femur (DNM 210/12). 21707 Left tibia (DNM 197/11). 38337 Incomplete tibia and fibula (DNM 130). 21725 Three metatarsals (DNM 358). Gqwus Rhabdodon Matheron, 1869 Syn.: Mochlodon Seeley, 1889. Rhabdodon suessii (Bunzel, 1871) Syn.: Iguanodon suessii Bunzel, 1871, referred to Mochlodon by Seeley, 1881. 965 Cast of two teeth, from the Gosau Formation of Neue Welt, Wiener Neustadt, Austria. The originals in the University of Vienna Museum were figured by Seeley — Quart. J. Geol. Soc. London (1881), 37: PI. 27, Figs. 2-4 as Mochlodon suessii. Originals collected by Pawlowitsch Family FIadrosauridae Subfamily Hadrosaurinae Genus Hadrosaurus Leidy, 1858 Syn.: Kritosaurus Brown, 1910 (see Horner, J. Pa- leo., 1979, 53:568). Hadrosaurus sp. 1077 Cranium, part of left maxilla, left jugal and part of right from the Judith River Formation on Mud Creek, Fergus County, Montana. It was mentioned by Lull and Wright — Spec. Papers, Geol. Soc. Amer. (1942), 40:22. Collected by Utterback, 1903 Genus Edmontosaurus Lambe, 1917 Syn.: Anatosaurus Lull and Wright, 1942 (see Brett-Surman, Nature, 1979, 277:560). Edmontosaurus regalis Lambe, 1917 26258 Skull and greater part of skeleton from the Edmonton Formation (member A) of the Red Deer River Valley, Alberta. It was obtained from the Royal Ontario Museum in 1973 (ROM 1931-7) and was mentioned by Rus- 32 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 18 Fig. 15. — Skull and mandible of Edmontosaurus regalis, CM 26258. sell and Chamney — Nat. Hist. Papers, Nat. Mus. Canada ( 1967), 35:11. Collected by L. Sternberg, 1931 Edmontosaurus annectens (Marsh), 1892 Syn.: Claosourus annectens Marsh, 1892. 105 Pelvis, many caudals, epidermis, etc. in poor state of preservation from the Lance Eor- mation 2 or 3 mi north of Doegie Creek, Nio- brara County, Wyoming. The epidermis was figured by Hatcher — Science, n.s. (1900c;), 12:719-720 — see also Hatcher — Ann. Car- negie Mus. (190U), 1:386. Mentioned by Lull and Wright (as CM 106) — Spec. Papers, Geol. Soc. Amer. (1942), 40:23. Collected by Hatcher, 1900 The following specimens were collected in the type locality for this species, that is, the Lance Eor- mation on Lance Creek, Niobrara County, Wyo- ming, and likely belong to it. They were collected by Hatcher in 1900. They are mentioned by Lull and Wright — Spec. Papers, Geol. Soc. Amer. (1942), 40:23. 243 Pour caudals and two phalanges. 245 Two caudals and one phalanx. 254 Left scapula. 252 Left astragalus and distal end of tibia. Edmontosaurus sp. 30745 Rami of mandible, three dorsal centra, two humeri, right ulna, three pubes, metatarsal, ungual of more than one individual from the Lance Pormation on Sheep Mountain, Car- ter County, Montana. Collected by Kay, 1938 38321 Small right dentary. Same data as above. Collected by Kay, 1938 9970 Right ramus of the mandible. Same data as above. Collected by Kay, 1938 38324 Astragalus, three phalanges, two unguals. Same data as above. Collected by Kay, 1938 38325 Tooth. Same data as above. Collected by Kay, 1938 38328 Metatarsal. Same data as above. Collected by Kay, 1938 38333 Pubis. Same data as above. Collected by Kay, 1938 38329 Caudal. Same data as above. Collected by Kay, 1938 11745 Five dorsals, five sacrals, 27 caudals, pelvis, hind limbs, and feet from the Lance For- mation 15 mi south of Camp Crook, Harding County, South Dakota. Collected by Kay, 1938 1981 McINTOSH— DINOSAURS OF CARNEGIE MUSEUM 33 1652 Left ilium, pubis, ischium, and fibula from the Lance Formation, Hell Creek, Garfield County, Montana. Mentioned by Lull and Wright — Spec. Papers, Geol. Soc. Amer. (1942), 40:23. Collected by Utterback, 1903 38355 Right tibia from the Lance Formation of Billy Creek, Garfield County, Montana. Collected by McCrady, 1978 Subfamily Lambeosaurinae Genus Corythosaurus Brown, 1914 Corythosaurus casuarius Brown, 1914 Syn.: Corythosaurus brevicristatus Parks, 1935. 9461 Skeleton lacking only skull, mandible, tip of tail, left radius and both manus from the Old- man Formation, 11 miles southeast of Steve- ville, Alberta, south of the Red Deer River. It was obtained from the Royal Ontario Mu- seum in 1940 and was mounted and placed on exhibition in 1941. The missing skull was replaced by a cast of the type of Corytho- saurus brevicristatus ROM 5856, a species which has recently been shown to be syn- onymous with C. casuarius, Dodson — Syst. Biol. (1975), 24:37-52. It is referred to by C. M. Sternberg in “Notes on the Dinosaur Quarries” accompanying Map 969A Steve- ville, Geol. Sur. Canada (1950), as ITetra- gonosaurus, map no. 86. Collected by L. Sternberg, 1920 The following specimens were obtained from the Geological Survey of Canada in 1925. They are from the Oldman Formation near Steveville, Red Deer River, Alberta, and were collected by C. M. Sternberg in 1919. 11375 Top of skull. 11376 Jaw. Hadrosauridae, indeterminate 12101 Part of jaw, four caudals, foot bones from the Oldman Formation of Sheep Mountain, Long Pine Hills, Montana, about 15 mi southwest of Camp Crook, South Dakota. Collected by Kay, 1937 12100 Thirty-one caudals, six ribs or so, three chevrons, pubes, left ischium, epidermis from the Oldman Formation on Fred Town- send’s Ranch, Carter County, Montana. Collected by Kay, 1937 The following specimens are all from the Judith River Formation on Mud Creek, Fergus County, Montana, and were collected by Utterback, Silber- ling, and Douglass in 1903. 1074 Right dentary and part of right maxilla, a caudal and fragments mentioned by Lull and Wright — Spec. Papers, Geol. Soc. Amer. (1942), 40:22. Collector — Utterback. 38344 Tooth. Collector — Silberling. 1072 Sacrum. Collector — Utterback. 1073 Part of sacrum and fragments. Collector — Silberling. 1071 Two dorsals, part of sacrum, two ribs, seven chevrons, scapula, ulna, radius, ilia, pubes, ischium, left tibia, fibula, three metatarsals, part of pes. Collector — Utterback. 1064 Twelve caudals, part of ilium, fragments. Collector — Silberling. 38356 Large section of the tail. Collector — Utter- back (the following year, 1904). 1066 Left humerus. Collector — Utterback. 324 Incomplete right femur. Collector — Silber- ling. 344 Both femora. Collector — Utterback. 345 Both femora. Collector — Utterback. 325 A tibia. Collector — Silberling. 326 Right tibia. This and the next specimens were mentioned by Lull and Wright — Spec. Papers, Geol. Soc. Amer. ( 1942), 40:22. Col- lector— Silberling. 327 Small tibia and part of fibula. Collector — Sil- berling. 328 Right tibia (large). Collector — Silberling. 1068 Incomplete tibia. Collector — Silberling. 38353 Large metatarsal, three phalanges, section of limb bone. Collector — Douglass. 1069 Foot bone. Collector — Silberling. 38343 Ungual. Collector — Silberling. 1076 Nine caudals, six phalanges, two unguals. Collector — Utterback. The following specimens were all collected at various sites in the Judith River Formation of Mon- tana in 1903 by Douglass, Silberling, and Utterback. 3319 Right maxilla collected by Douglass between Fish Creek and the Musselshell River. This and the following six specimens were men- tioned by Lull and Wright — Spec. Papers, Geol. Soc. Amer. (1942), 40:22. Also men- tioned by Horner — J. Paleo. ( 1979), 53:572. 329 Dorsal, metapodial and phalanx collected by Silberling on Mud Creek, Fergus County. Mentioned by Lull and Wright — Spec. Pa- pers, Geol. Soc. Amer. (1942), 40:22. 34 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 18 b Fig. 16. — Corylhosaurus casuarius\ a) partial skull, CM 11375; b) mandible, CM 11376. 281 Sacrum. Same data as above. 1065 Right humerus collected by Utterback on Willow Creek, Fergus County. 1067 Part of right femur. Same data as above. Mentioned by Lull and Wright — Spec. Pa- pers, Geol. Soc. Amer. (1942), 40:22. 282 Partial limb and foot bone. Same data as above but collected by Silberling. 305 Part of foot and fragments collected by Douglass on Mud Creek, Sweetgrass Coun- ty. Mentioned by Horner — J. Paleo. (1979), 53:572. 306 Fragments. Same data as above. 1202 Skull parts Gugal) and part of lower jaw from the Judith River Formation on Crawford’s Ranch, Sweetgrass County, Montana. Men- tioned by Lull and Wright — Spec. Papers, Geol. Soc. Amer. (1942), 40:22. Collected by Silberling, 1904 594 Various remains including a caudal from the Upper Cretaceous near Havre, Montana. Collected by Douglass, 1902 3363 Incomplete right tibia and astragalus from the Fish Creek Beds on Fish Creek, Mon- tana. Collected by Douglass, 1902 1981 McIntosh— DINOSAURS of carnegie museum 35 Family Pachycephalosauridae Genus Pachycephalosaurus Brown and Schlaikjer, 1943 Pachycephalosaurus wyomingensis (Gilmore), 1931 Syn.: Troddon wyomingensis Gilmore, 1931. 3180 Fronto-parietal cap from the Lance Forma- tion probably of Wyoming. Described and figured by Gilmore — Ann. Carnegie Mus. (1936/7), 25:109-112, Figs. 1-3 as Troddon wyomingensis . Mentioned by Brown and Schlaikjer — Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. (1943), 82:143. Collected by Utterback Ornithopoda(?), incertae sedis 33974 Presacral vertebra from the Morrison For- mation of the Carnegie Museum Quarry at Dinosaur National Monument. Collected by Douglass et al. SUBORDER STEGOSAURIA Family Stegosauridae G^nus, Stegosaurus Marsh, 1877 Stegosaurus ungulatus Marsh, 1879 There are two common and clearly distinct species of Stegosaurus, S. ungulatus and S. sten- ops. Both would appear to be represented in the fauna at Dinosaur National Monument, based on the characteristic radius and ulna. However, the three mounted skeletons compiled from material collected by Carnegie Museum of Natural History parties at that site are all to a certain extent com- posites, and it is not clear that bones from both species have not been used in a single skeleton. No attempt will be made here to separate individual bones as to species, pending a detailed study of this material sometime in the future. 11341 Partial skeleton consisting of the posterior dorsals, ribs, complete sacrum, pelvis and tail with tail spikes in place, and left femur (not used in mount) lacking distal end, from Carnegie Museum Quarry at Dinosaur Na- tional Monument, Uintah County, Utah (DNM 350). It forms the core of the mounted skeleton placed on exhibit in 1940. Supple- menting 350 in the mount is the contents of a large block DNM 39/60AA consisting of the complete left pectoral girdle, limb, and ma- nus, left tibia, fibula and pes, seven cervi- cals, as well as six dorsals and a caudal not used in the mount as they duplicated material from 350. The right radius, ulna and manus and the right tibia, fibula and pes were re- stored in plaster. One femur was taken from 197. The source of the other elements is un- known. Pictured by Kay — Carnegie Maga- zine ( 1940/H, 14:211 . Collected by Douglass et al., 1920- 1922 11372 Composite partial skeleton from same local- ity as above (DNM 39/60 and other material not recorded), transferred to and mounted at the Nebraska State Museum, University of Nebraska at Lincoln, in 1946. Collected by Douglass et al. The following specimens were all collected in the Carnegie Museum Quarry at Dinosaur National Monument, north of Jensen, Uintah County, Utah, in the Morrison Formation. No attempt is made to differentiate them as to species. They were collect- ed by Douglass, 1909-1922. 12000 Cranium and other skull fragments (DNM 365). 21727 Dorsal, right scapula, found associated with Camarasaurus CM 11393. 21774 Dorsals, ? caudals, right scapula-coracoid, originally part of CM 2969 (DNM 285/C and H), and one right fibula. One dorsal was transferred to the University of Cincinnati in 1941. 33917 Dorsal, ribs and scapula (DNM 39/65a). 33934 Centrum and two arches (DNM 270/A). 21711 Sacrum and two caudals (DNM 39/17). 33931 Sacral rib (DNM 39/76). 21766 Caudal (formerly catalogued as part of Apa- tosaurus CM 3378). 21776 Caudal (DNM 231/A). 33935 Caudal (DNM 244). 33937 Four caudals (with DNM 130). 33938 Caudal centrum (DNM 120/Ra). 37005 Caudal and rib (DNM 39/60). Part of former CM 11372 (see above). 33983 Two caudals (DNM 39/78). 36 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 18 Fig. 17. — Skeleton of Stegosiiiiriis "i{ngi/latus," CM 11341. 33939 Caudal centrum (with DNM 130). 33966 Distal caudal (with DNM 146). 33940 Caudal spine (with DNM 45). 33930 Three caudals and a rib (DNM 102, part). 33908 Chevrons (DNM 197/31) perhaps belonging to 21770 below. 21768 Right scapula-coracoid (with DNM 120/Ra). 21770 Scapula-coracoid, right femur, three cau- dals, rib and dermal spike (DNM 197/33). Another femur associated with these remains was used in the Stegosaurus mount with CM 11341. 38354 Right coracoid (DNM 226/10). 21765 Left humerus, radius and ulna (found with Barosaurus skeleton DNM 310 and formerly catalogued CM 11984 and CM 11985). This limb belongs to Stegosaurus stenops. 21739 Right humerus (with DNM 240), perhaps same individual as CM 21727 above. 21761 Right humerus (?DNM 39), formerly cata- logued as part of Apatosaurus CM 3378. 33946 Right humerus (DNM 270), perhaps belong- ing with CM 33934 above. 21767 Distal end of left humerus (DNM 348/B), for- merly catalogued as part of Barosaurus CM 11878. 33945 Distal half of radius (DNM 39/60, part). 33920 Lower half of right ulna, carpal, metacarpal I, metacarpal, transferred to Washington with Barosaurus (DNM 340) neck and re- turned. 33922 Carpal. 33923 Carpal. 33936 Ulna (DNM 39/60Q). 33932 Metacarpal I. 33933 Metacarpal. 33992 Incomplete left ilium (DNM 102/6). 38340 Left femur (damaged), tibia, fibula, astraga- lus (DNM 320/A, B, C). 10001 Right femur, coracoid (DNM 197), trans- ferred— present location unknown; probably used in one of the three mounts in Pitts- burgh, Lincoln, and Toronto. 21709 Left femur (DNM 319). 21755 Left femur (DNM 59). 1981 McINTOSH— DINOSAURS OF CARNEGIE MUSEUM 37 c d Fig. 18. — Cranium of Stegosaurus sp., CM 106 (not 105 as chalked on paroccipital process); a) dorsal view; b) right lateral view; c) palatal view; d) posterior view. 21758 Femora, right tibia and astragalus (DNM 232). 33919 Right femur (cast). 21773 Calcaneum (DNM 120/G). 10003 Dermal plate (DNM 39/60), transferred. 33942 Dermal spike, three caudals, and end of ilium (DNM 39/60Ca). Stegosaurus sp. 106 Cranium and right ramus of mandible from the Morrison Formation at Quarry D, Sheep Creek, Albany County, Wyoming. (The bones are incorrectly labelled CM 105, which is that of a Cretaceous hadrosaurid.) Collected by Peterson and Gilmore, 1900 88 Partial skeleton consisting of three dorsals, sacrum, one caudal, scapulae, one coracoid, ilia, pubes, ischia, femora, dermal plate, and ?ungual. Same data as the above. The fem- ora are the only parts which remain in Pitts- burgh, the pelvic bones etc. were transferred to the Royal Ontario Museum where they form part of a composite mount; a caudal 38 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 18 went to the University of Michigan (V 16779). Collected by Wortman et al., 1899 and by Peterson and Gilmore, 1900 579 Three vertebrae. Same data as above. Collected by Peterson and Gilmore, 1900 580 Two vertebrae. Same data as above. Collected by Peterson and Gilmore, 1900 598 Spine of vertebra. Same data as above. Collected by Peterson and Gilmore, 1900 599 Dorsal centrum. Same data as above. Collected by Peterson and Gilmore, 1900 600 Left radius (juvenile). Same data as above. Collected by Peterson and Gilmore, 1900 36700 Right radius from the Morrison Eormation at Quarry O, Ereezeout Hills, Carbon County, Wyoming. Collected by Gilmore, 1902 597 Several vertebrae from the Morrison Eor- mation at Quarry E, Sheep Creek, Albany County, Wyoming. Collected by Gilmore, 1901 557 Eemora, left scapula from the Morrison Eor- mation at one of the Sheep Creek quarries, Albany County, Wyoming. Collected by Peterson and Gilmore, 1900 21762 Scapula found at Quarry G, Sheep Creek, Albany County, Wyoming. Collected by Peterson and Gilmore, 1900 21737 One dorsal, three caudals, right scapula-cor- acoid-humerus. These bones were formerly catalogued as part of 1255 and are from the Morrison Eormation at Quarry N, Ereezeout Hills, Carbon County, Wyoming. Collected by Gilmore, 1902 36696 Eemora, right scapula. Same data as above. Collected by Gilmore, 1902 36697 Two vertebrae. Same data as above. Collected by Gilmore, 1902 36698 Vertebra. Same data as above. Collected by Gilmore, J903 581 Small dermal plate collected in the Morrison Eormation at either Quarry C or E, Sheep Creek, Albany County, Wyoming. Collected by Gilmore, 1901 596 Incomplete right humerus and fragment of limb bone perhaps belonging to Stegosaurus from Quarry J, Sheep Creek, Albany Coun- ty, Wyoming. Collected by Gilmore, 1901 SUBORDER ANKYLOSAURIA Eamily Nodosauridae Genus Struthiosaurus Bunzel, 1871 Syn.; Cratueomus Seeley, 1881. This genus is customarily included in the ill-de- fined family Acanthopholidae. It is here referred to the Nodosauridae on the authority of a recent study of the group by Coombs (Columbia University Ph.D. thesis, 1971). Struthiosaurus austriacus Bunzel, 1871 Syn.: Cratueomus pawlowitschii Seeley, 1881. Cratueomus lepidophorus Seeley, 1881. The following casts are all from the Gosau Eor- mation of Neue Welt, near Wiener Neustadt, Aus- tria, and were collected by Pawlowitsch for Suess over a period from the late 1860s and 1870s. The originals are in the Geological Museum of the Uni- versity of Vienna. Nopcsa referred them all to this species — Geol. Hungarica Ser. Palaeont. (1929), 4:32-34. 972 Cast of cranium. The original, which is the type specimen, was described by Bunzel — Abh. Geol. Reichsanst. Vienna (1871), 5:11- 12, PI. 5, Pigs. 1-6; and Seeley — Quart. J. Geol. Soc. London (1881), 37:628, PI. 17, Pigs. 5-6. 970 Cast of right dentary, described by Seeley — Quart. J. Geol. Soc. London (1881), 37:638, PI. 27, Pigs. 9-10 as Cratueomus — and by Nopcsa — Geol. Hungarica Ser. Palaeont. (1929), 4:35, Pigs. 4, 6. 974 Cast of dorsal vertebra, described and fig- ured by Bunzel — Abh. Geol. Reichsanst. 1981 McINTOSH— DINOSAURS OF CARNEGIE MUSEUM 39 Fig. 19. — Casts of Stnithiosaunis aiistriaciis', a, b) anterior and posterior views of right femur, CM 971; c) dermal spine, CM 967. Vienna (1871), 5:2-3, PI. 6, Figs. 1-3 and PI. 7, Fig. 24 — and by Seeley — Quart. J. Geol. Soc. London (1881), 37:644, PI. 30, Fig. 3 where it is made a cotype of C. pawlowit- schii. 976 Cast of a dorsal vertebra, described and fig- ured by Bunzel as a crocodilian — Abh. Geol. Reichsanst. Vienna (1871), 5:3-4, PI. 1, Figs. 24-26 — and by Seeley — Quart. J. Geol. Soc. London (1881), 37:669-670, PI. 30, Fig. 5, as a cotype of C. pawlowitschii. 968 Cast of a caudal, described and figured by Bunzel — Abh. Geol. Reichsanst. Vienna (1871), 5:4, PI. 2, Figs. 4-6 — and by Seeley — Quart. J. Geol. Soc. London (1881), 37:646- 647, PI. 30, Fig. 4, as a cotype of C. paw- lowitschii. 971 Cast of a right femur, described and figured by Seeley as a cotype of C. lepidophorus — Quart. J. Geol. Soc. London (1881), 37:664- 666, PI. 31, Fig. 5. 967 Cast of a dermal spine superficially resem- bling a ceratopsian horn-core referred by Seeley to Crataeomus — Quart. J. Geol. Soc. London (1881), 37:650-651, PI. 28, Fig. 4. Marsh, who first synonymized Crataeomus with Stnithiosaunis, remarked on the resem- blance of this specimen to a horn-core of Ceratops, and later referred Stnithiosaunis to the Ceratopsidae. However, Hatcher fol- lowed by all subsequent authors has rejected this suggestion. 964 Cast of a shorter, stouter scute, figured by Seeley — Quart. J. Geol. Soc. London ( 1881), 37: PI. 30, Fig. 2, as Crataeomus. 966 Cast of a dermal scute. 975 Cast of a dermal shield, referred to Crataeo- mus by Seeley — Quart. J. Geol. Soc. Lon- don (1881), 37:651, PI. 28, Fig. 2. 969 Cast of a dermal bone, figured by Seeley — Quart. J. Geol. Soc. London (1881), 37: PI. 28, Fig. 3. 40 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 18 Fig. 20. — Skeleton of Protacemtops iindrewsi, CM 9185. 973 Cast of an incomplete bone identified by Nopcsa as an ilium of Struthioscmms\ Seeley described it as a costal plate of Pleuropeltus suessii — Quart. J. Geol. Soc. London (1881), 37:691, PI. 30, Eig. 15. Ankylosauria, indeterminate 33975 Cast of a scute. The original in the British Museum (BM R 1656) was collected in the Wealden of Brook, Isle of Wight. It was compared to Ceratops and Crataeomus by Lydekker — Quart. J. Geol. Soc. London (1890^), 46:185-186, and again in Catalogue of the fossil Reptilia and Amphibia in the British Museum (Natural History) (1890c/), Part 4:256. 591 Vertebra from the Judith River Formation near Havre, Montana. Collected by Douglass, 1902 1609 ?Dermal plate from the Lance Formation, Lance Creek, Niobrara County, Wyoming. Collected by Utterback, 1905 SUBORDER CERATOPSIA Family Protoceratopsidae Genus Protoceratops Granger and Gregory, 1923 Protoceratops andrewsi Granger and Gregory, 1923 9185 Skull and skeleton, obtained from the Amer- ican Museum of Natural History (AMNH 6471). It was collected in the Djadochta For- mation at Shabarakh Usu (now known as Bain Dzak), Mongolian People’s Republic. Many parts were figured by Brown and Schlaikjer — Ann. New York Acad. Sci. (1940), 40; mandible, 198, Fig. I8c, 204, Fig. 20b, 209, Fig. 21a; scapula-coracoid, 229, Fig. 26b; humerus, 232, Fig. 27b; radius, 233, Fig. 28c; ulna, 233, Fig. 28a; ilium, 237, Fig. 30a; femur, 241, Fig. 32a. Pictured by Kay — Carnegie Mag. (1946), 19:241. Collected by American Expedition, 1925 9186 Hyoids from the above skeleton. It was de- scribed and figured by Colbert — Amer. Mus. Nov. (1945), 1301:5-9, Figs. 3-4. 11390 Cast of nest of six eggs. Same data as the above. 23169 Egg shell fragments. Same data as the above. 1981 McIntosh— DINOSAURS of carnegie museum 41 Family Ceratopsidae Genus Centrosaurus Lambe, 1904 Centrosaurus apertus Lambe, 1904 11374 Skull obtained from the Geological Survey of Canada in 1925, and later transferred to Museo de La Plata, where it is on exhibition. It came from the Oldman Formation on the south side of the west branch of Little Sand- hill Creek, Red Deer River area, Alberta. It was mentioned by Lull — Mem. Peabody Mus. (1933), 3:3, 10, and is no. 42 in Stern- berg's list of the Steveville Map. Collected by C. M. Sternberg, 1919 Genus Triceratops Marsh, 1889 Triceratops brevicornus Hatcher, 1905 1219 Skull from the Lance Formation on Hell Creek, Montana, which is mounted and was placed on exhibition in 1905. It was pictured in Holland — Carnegie Mus. Ann. Rept. ( 1905), p. 94 — and was mentioned by Lull in Hatcher, Marsh, and Lull — Monogr. U.S. Geol. Surv. ( 1907), 49:182; and in Mem. Pea- body Mus. (1933), 3:3, 14, and described 1 19. Collected by Utterback, 1904 Fig. 21. — Hyoid bones of Protoceraiops undrewsi, CM 9186; a) first ceratobranchial, external view; b, c) second ceratobranchi- als, dorsal view. Triceratops sp. 30744 Both rami of the mandible from the Lance Formation on Sheep Mountain, Carter Coun- ty, Montana. Collected by Kay, 1938 Fig. 22. — Skull and mandible of Triceratops brevicornus, CM 1219. right lateral view. 42 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 18 30746 Teeth from the same horizon and locality as the above. Collected by Kay, 1938 998 Partial skeleton consisting of fragments of the skull, 14 vertebrae, ribs, right scapula, right coracoid, right humerus, left ulna, part of femur, etc., from the Lance Eormation on Snyder Creek, Montana. Collected by Peterson, 1902 1070 Nasal horn. Same data as above. Collected by Peterson, 1902 249 Nasal horn from the Lance Eormation on Lance Creek. Collected by Hatcher, 1900 1619 Two horn cores from the Lance Eormation on Lance Creek, Niobrara County, Wyo- ming. Collected by Utterback, 1906 1651 Two horn cores from the Lance Eormation on Hell Creek, Montana. Collected by Utterback, 1906 1618 Rostral bone, left squamosal, both rami of mandible, half dozen vertebrae, sacrum, right scapula, coracoids, left humerus, ra- dius, right ilium, pubes, ischia, left femur, right tibia, etc., from the Lance Formation of the C. A. Sheldon Ranch, Niobrara Coun- ty, Wyoming. Collected by Utterback, 1906-1907 The following specimens were all collected by Hatcher from the Lance Formation on Lance Creek, Niobrara County, Wyoming, in 1900. 247 Cervical. 248 Cervical. 253 Vertebra. 241 Dorsal centrum. 242 Metapodial. 255 Phalanx. 257 Phalanx. Ceratopsidae, indeterminate 11377 Left humerus from the Oldman Formation near Steveville, Red Deer River area, Alber- ta. It was obtained from the Geological Sur- vey of Canada in 1925. Collected by C. Sternberg 12103 Right tibia from the Lance Formation, Sheep Mountain, Carter County, Montana. Collected by Kay, 1937 38345 Tooth from the Lance Formation, Hell Creek, Garfield County, Montana. Collected by Silberling, 1904 DINOSAURS, INCERTAE SEDIS The following specimens from Dinosaur National Monument are so incomplete as to make their iden- tifications difficult or impossible, but they are prob- ably dinosaurian. They were collected by Douglass and his assistants between 1909 and 1922. 33915 Small centrum associated with AUosaurus CM 11843. 3393 Fragments (DNM 6). 33906 Chevron (DNM 47/2). 33911 Long slender bone (with DNM 130). 3385 Caudal (DNM 185). 33910 Phalanx (DNM 79). 33913 Small caudal (with DNM 39/65). 33943 Juvenile right ulna (DNM 39/60?). 36688 Foot bone from Quarry N, Freezeout Hills, Carbon County, Wyoming, in the Morrison Formation. Collected by Gilmore, 1902 36681 Strange bone. Same data as above. 1075 Part of mandible, caudals, etc. from the Ju- dith River Formation of Mud Creek, Fergus County, Montana. Collected by Utterback, 1903 38330 Metatarsal from the Lance Formation of Sheep Mountain, Carter County, Montana. Collected by Kay, 1938 — Egg shell fragments from Aix-en-Provence, France. They may be dinosaurian (perhaps belong to Hypselosaiints prisons) . 1981 McINTOSH— DINOSAURS OF CARNEGIE MUSEUM 43 LITERATURE CITED Abel, O. 1910. Die Rekonstruktion des Diplodociis. Abh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 5; 1-60. Berman, D. S. 1971. Stone bone, a new touch exhibit in the Dinosaur Hall. Carnegie Mag., 45:93-96. Berman. D. S. and J. S. McIntosh. 1978. Skull and relation- ships of the Upper Jurassic sauropod Apatosaurus (Reptilia, Saurischia). Bull. Carnegie Mus. Nat. Hist., 8:1-35. Brett-Surman, M. K. 1979. Phylogeny and palaeobiogeog- raphy of hadrosaurian dinosaurs. Nature, 277:560-569. Brown, B., and E. M. Schlaikjer. 1940. The structure and relationships of Proioceratops. Ann. New York Acad. Sci., 40:133-266. . 1943. A study of the troodont dinosaurs with a descrip- tion of a new genus and four new species. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 82:115-150. Bunzel, E. 1871. Die Reptilfauna der Gosauformation in der neuen Welt bei Wiener-Neustadt. Abh. Geol. Reichsanst. Vienna, 5: 1-18. CoGGESHALL, A. S. 1951. How “Dippie” came to Pittsburgh. Carnegie Mag., 25:238-241. Colbert, E. H. 1945. The hyoid bones in Protoceratops and in Psittacosaurus. Amer. Mus. Nov., 1301 : 1-10. Colorado Museum of Natural History. 1947. Popular Se- ries no. 1 , 7th ed., 80 pp. Coombs, W. 1971. The Ankylosauria. Unpublished Ph.D. dis- sert., Columbia Univ., New York, 487 pp. Cope, E. D. 1877. On a gigantic saurian from the Dakota epoch of Colorado. Pal. Bull., 25:5-10. Dodson, P. 1975. Taxonomic implications of relative growth in lambeosaurine hadrosaurs. Syst. Zool., 24:37-54. Ellinger, T. U. H. 1950. Camarasaurus annae, a new Amer- ican sauropod dinosaur. Amer. Nat., 84:225-228. Galton, P. M. \911a. The ornithopod dinosaur Dryosaiinis and a Laurasia-Gondwanaland connection in the Upper Ju- rassic. Nature, 268:230-232. . 1911b. The Upper Jurassic ornithopod dinosaur Dry- osaiirus and a Laurasia-Gondwanaland connection. Pp. 41- 54, in Paleontology and Plate Tectonics (Robert M. West, ed.), Milwaukee Public Mus., Spec. Publ. Biol. Geol., 2: 1- 109. . 1980. Dryosauriis and Camptosaurus, intercontinental genera of Upper Jurassic ornithopod dinosaurs. Mem. Soc. Geol. France, 59: 103-104. Galton, P. M., and J. A. Jensen. 1979. A new large theropod dinosaur from the Upper Jurassic of Colorado. Brigham Young Univ. Geol. Studies, 26( 1): 1-12. Gilmore, C. W. 1925«. A nearly complete articulated skeleton of Camarasaurus, a saurischian dinosaur from the Dinosaur National Monument, Utah. Mem. Carnegie Mus., 10:347- 384. . 19256. Osteology of ornithopodous dinosaurs from the Dinosaur National Monument, Utah. Camptosaurus med- ius. Dryosauriis altus, Laosaurus gracilis. Mem. Carnegie Mus., 10:385-409. . 1936(1. Osteology of Apatosaurus, with special refer- ences to specimens in the Carnegie Museum. Mem. Car- negie Mus., 11:175-300. . 19366. Remarks on a skull cap of the genus Troddon. Ann. Carnegie Mus., 25: 109-1 12. Glut, D. 1972. The dinosaur dictionary . Citadel Press, Secau- cus. New Jersey, 218 pp. Haas, G. I960. A proposed reconstruction of the jaw muscu- lature of Diplodociis. Ann. Carnegie Mus., 36: 139-157. Hatcher, J. B. 1900u. The Carnegie Museum paleontological expedition of 1900. Science, n.s., 12:718-720. . 19006. Vertebra! formula of Diplodociis (Marsh). Sci- ence, n.s., 12:828-830. . 1901«. Some new and little known fossil vertebrates. Ann. Carnegie Mus., 1:128-144. . 19016. Diplodociis (Marsh), its osteology, taxonomy, and probable habits, with a restoration of the skeleton. Mem. Carnegie Mus., 1:1-63. . 1901c. On the structure of the manus in Brontosaurus. Science, n.s., 14:1015-1017. . I90l(/. Structure of the fore limb and manus of Bron- tosaurus. Ann. Carnegie Mus., 1:356-376. . 1901c. The dermal covering of Tracliodon. Ann. Car- negie Mus., 1:386. . 1902. Field work in vertebrate paleontology at the Car- negie Museum for 1902. Science, n.s., 16:752. . 1 903u . A new sauropod dinosaur from the Jurassic of Colorado. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 16:1-2. . 19036. A new name for the dinosaur Haplocanthus Hatcher. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 16:100. . 1903c. Discovery of remains of Astrodon {Pleiirocoe- lus) in the Atlantosaiiriis beds of Wyoming. Ann. Carnegie Mus., 2:9-14. . 1903(/. Osteology of Huplocanthosaiirus, with descrip- tion of a new species, and some remarks on the probable habits of the Sauropoda and the age and origin of the At- lantosaurus beds. Mem. Carnegie Mus., 2:1-72. . 1903c. Additional remarks on Diplodociis. Mem. 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E I i 3 2 s S £ a, a, S _ "S o 5 5 ■5 c -g _ is £-i i o g o g 2- S t o _> i D O O O .12 ,« ox> ill S i; E 3 -a 3 .2 S I S' S (£ o I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I E s -a u O J Q s£j \o o Cl 5 <3 o — 46 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 18 — So CJO CC Ot) BO £ ^ ^ £ iy5 _ _ _ w Lu w c?5 D D ui ai S E S O ±•^30 c c c c O o O o o o o o U II U M II X> > TJ > O ' O ' Q- ^ Q. ^ O t > t .> !S § Qi g Oi O' O o o o o ^ ^ ^ iJ ij V D u u u u o o o o UUUU UOUU 3 3 3 3 3 3 CiO BO BO 00 BO 00 U 0> U U 'UT3-C llll CO C .= o u E a Q ^ Q .£ U .£ E a £ U ^ ^ « ' ^ O 3 L_ 3 ©to O g U o a U .£ a E P- 2 jz 3 ^ o « O Xj ±1 — — .£ U .£ U .H O E a £ a E a o w o o> o w .3 3 £ £ o < ^ ^ ^ ^ W ^ i u id id i ' © h' = ^ ^ ^ O C O i- O 1- O O 2 O 5 u g U o .£ O .£ a £ a £ o « o> >. , c/^ ^ ^ O E =-> _ o >. 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E >. 4> § £ 4 g o g (2 o o u : o o z ac o> 0& C 4> C 1 6 1 ° s ° O E I I ?? _ = 5 -s E 2 3 u 3 = ^ -J I I o — — 1 o .1 I i> c c iS « iS 3 § ^ X c — •3 4> E ^ ^ « u I I NO — E -E .1 13 3 «r s- It 1981 McIntosh— DINOSAURS of carnegie museum 49 z z Q Q t o ^ u O' O 3 g Ml o •E "u E =o u ^ u s i S O' D O D o I E i = o 3 o S u s o OJ ^ flj *3 ^ '5L *- '5b — w c w c w § 5 E 5 5 I o 5 o 5 I I ^ I ^ I c 3 3 (/5 3 tzi □ 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 o s o U S O ^ 4; -3 4> ^ 0-3 iH S) iS Si i3 OX) w S O t D U 0 p it (/) 3 3 O 0> ^ 'S 2 O) c 1 ^ U £ S X -3 5? (U Q c z -B S § Oh U Oh < I I I I I o — -o — 2 i ^ 3 ^ 'o M 3 O — O E CJ> o. ' S £ — o [J C 4) X- _ -o 3 ■- 2 z £ E X X c S g •2 o S A Cl. ^ ■5 X Q X — o — 50 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 18 X -a HH -5 'SI) -O •U C I 5 O' 5 O' D O' ; 3 0 3 0 3 O S o s o s o W) -2 'Sii iS '5b — >u c o c i> u b o £ 5 £ c c ^ I o 5 o :S S § W 4> f I ^ J o o n o w 5 C i ^ . 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X Q X w u Pu < 8 & 8 a i I i O' D a G e O' D ; G ^ « I ' 5 o e D 2 sugusosus •U'5.2^ '5i 2 '5j 2 'ob w ‘5b ^ ^ .E ^ .5 ^ .E ^ .E c |p£D|D|Djg O U O U ^ § ^ -= 72 CO ■« "S -o Xi ^ Xi E E E o «;> ^ X S 2 S I 0 0 0 < 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 A C § ^ c r c r~i ^ rtj I i o < < s z Q i 2 o a & O 3 G s; a a a ^ ml 2 2 0 2 0 1-5 2 o g .E s S 3 o P 3 O 3 O S § § I e s e ■§ 2 g g 3 O O o 'o' MM I MM On On ^ Os Os f"4 t 3 = <2^2 1 1 “ t i 2 1 2 J O C' C' 2 O o o 4j £ O O u 0, o o o ^ r-j ri o\ ON SO NO NO On — ‘ — ‘ cS S-o 4J = ^ s u s o s o ■a 2 M 2 M 2 « C (U C « C I 5 £ 5 £ 5 u u o 3 2 ^ 3 2 3 2 O' D « O D o 3 I ^ g I =; I =; ^ § o ^ ^ 5 = o ' 3 O = O S O ^ S O S O 4^ ^ 2 ^ ^ 'ob 2 If '5b 2 M 2 w E w E ^ E E P “ ^ D ^ D U SO U I I s I I ri ^ 2 I I S ■3 2 = E 2 2 s ' S £ o o 3 O' E c 2 3 lo O 3 o S ■G 2 M 3 Ot 5 I .a E 2 Ji 2- ■§ S ^ ■g ^ f' 2 I I -c o “ ° 1 f- I G E 1 2 S; ■> NO 3 ^ c3 P 2 lU 2 2*^ PP « 3 2 ^ ^ liill ■sa 1 I 2 i 2 i 2 3 O 3 O 3 O' 3 >^ £ E E P ^3^3^3 — C 4J C 4^ C C 3 w 3 wa 3 w 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 o S o s o s o 2 'a 2 -a 2 ^a 2 C flj C 4; C (U C D I 5 I D I P U U U S ^ p so ^ E ^ .3 = s ^ ^ U -u ^ T3 E — Q C ■ o c "i I 3 ^ 2 ■ g 3 ^ ^ •O ^ J3 S Q H a p £ >; 1 1 I O Cj -O ■5b 2 flj c b 5 S Z Q i I O' P E =; i I 3 © S ^ O -3 2 § ^ CJ E ^ t S i E .g 3 s2 ^ 3 l-I? i i| I o 3 2 os o g S 52 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 18 S O = . 3 : o c 3 S B o ^ o ^ o I (j 5i s Si s ■ JZ JZ 3 2 3 2 3 2 a D O' O' D i ^ I ^ I i u C 1> c lU c I/' 3 c« 3 ^ 3 3 0 = 030 S u S u S u u u O' p E S o u .c M 3 u o 5 E ^ s s z z Q Q S S z z Q Q D iS 3 3 2 O p O p O D E E i ^ x: o X 5 S E O p E ^ O p E O p E ;E;iE^E:iE S P V J= 3030^0^0333030 = 030 = 030 SPSPSPSPSUSPSPSUSPSP20 (jj >C ^ JZ (U XI (]j ^ ^ XI 'oil 2 ’5b 2 'ob 2 '5b 2 '5b 2 UC4jCliC«^C4>C £5|o£5£5|p u O u u u '5b 2 '5b W C 4> 3 XT C 60 w § 5 & 5 O' O ^ ^ I ^ I i I s 4) C « C 3 O c/5 3 t/) 3 O CD = 0 = 0^^ S o s u .2 % 1— — ^ '5b '5b U S3 Ji .E y .S w w I s =* § s U O m X I— H Q Z w CSh u Oh I I I I I I I ^ — = is 'O’ 4> O ^ ~ o — 00 ^ sO — — 0\ 0\ ri Tf Tf hT — NC- — Ilf 1 = 1;^ on u •7; *H CC E < S 8 S o — — — — 0\ 1981 McINTOSH— DINOSAURS OF CARNEGIE MUSEUM 53 ass S S S ftfi hfi Q s s s •E 2 M fxi ell c © W S E i2 >- rr oa l°l ® Rfi ofi ori s s s §5 <§5 a D E ^ 6 e ^ E D O' D =; g il £ t j- 5 O' 3 ^ I ^ c S C I g'O' E g S U A s o « -5 ■a 2 lU c i 2 U JZ m JZ JZ •G) iS -Sa 5 M 2 •© 5 (U C w _c « ,c o .c EdE5|5|d u u u u 0 3 0 3 0 S u o -5 •a 5 c E 5 SOSO ■a 2 -a 2 45 C fli C I 5 E 5 u u o £ ^ . 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S u s O _ JZ 3 O i 5 u a, JO O g .£ t § g .E E D g u I 3 u o 0 S U .0 p S u — 3-3 H oa o — = -I i 5 u o 3 — E 3 I I I I •C TS E .E □ OXJ — 1> “ ^ t .> 3 Oi O' I 03 > fc I'i J ON < v5 s :: o tz s u •a B lU c I 5 u S 2 2 2 &| &| I I •C “ — o Z * ^ c/5 "3 a"l - 'C ^ 'C JO 4> ^ E 56 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 18 D g P g 0 U U 'E 'E 'E 'E X 1-H Q X W ^ (J Dh < I I I I I r-. — . Tj- — — 2 g; sO — — — r-. — On — — -r -C = .2 a. Uintah County, Utah 1981 McINTOSH— DINOSAURS OF CARNEGIE MUSEUM 57 X Q X W ^ CLi ;j pL, -a APPENDIX 1 Continued 58 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 18 E ^ i E O' 3 . E O D e ^ O 3 E ^ O' D O' 3 =3 5 3 0 3 0 3 E =; E ^ O 3 E i O 3 E ^ O 3 E O 3 E >; O 3 E O 3 E O 3 E ^ 030303030303 £;;,E:;E^e^S;;E;; O 3 E ;; 4>co>ca>c:a>c ^ g D t ^ D u u u 3 0 3 0 “ CJ S u 3 0 3 0 3 0 t D t u u lU c o c E D I D U 6 x: I D f a>-^ LJ o z: — — sD — — sC 2 ^ 3 — w S” e -S, ^ = E V «3 ^ O E C C/!! A c o — x> )P o> ^ Uintah County, Utah 1981 McINTOSH— DINOSAURS OF CARNEGIE MUSEUM 59 E JS « iS 5 O' 5 O' 5 O' 5 O' 5 O D E ^ O O E ^ a p , E C ” -g “ 3 2 O' p £ O p O E ^ E O p E O p e c O' p , E O P E O P , E ^ ■ O p O p O p SUSP ^ 3 (/I 3 0 3 0 3 S u S u S I 3 0 3 0 3 0 -S 4J W -5 SPSUSPSU 4.) C 4> C C 0> ._ __ aow ofl - _ C4>C4>C4JCU ' w w CJ) ii S p s 00 w >, O D ^ 6 ^ c V C 0> c 0 3 0 3 0 O' D ^30 X 00 — 00 i- 00« 3 o C O C O C P c ur c ur c-- U ^ D D ^ D 0 O O 00 *- 00 Is t J=. 60 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 18 Q 3 z -B ^ u Ph i2 i2 x> 3 2 3 iS O' D O' D s 5 1 S 0*0^' ISIS O ' o * a, ^ a. > E u. o u (U >. W 73^-0 » > $ 0-0 D-, ^ Ph - o - o - E >« w » 1 O E E E o L. o «- o >' ^ >< > ^ (2 ^ (£ Oti c 1^' on 00 ^ ^ a< ISIS o - o - 0- ^ Pk ^ E E E E o u o >- O >- O >, W ^ >* ii >< ^ j ^ 5 ^ j ^ - o - o - o >^P« >-Q« >•&, >-Pn >> E e U .E 3 « 3 w ^ ^ 5> = J» = W >, 3 0 3 0 ^^ S o s O l; ^ lU ^ CQ '5b 2 'ob -2 >. 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X 3 £. 5 3 3 so SO sO SO so 62 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 18 2 OA bO _E 3 3 O Q Q _ Of! O o Q >- = = = = =: 0 = 0 = 0 = % E % S ^ B V O O V o 00 □ on E o = e S E u- ^ z 6 = t' o E ^ ao 3 E o E a CO 3 00 3 60 E o E “ E o E S5 E o E ^ 0) >> W >, W >. ^ [i: ^ ' O D D a D O' D a D ^ E • z ^ gogugu^cjgu O' O' O' O' O' -SOS o s o s o 2 o pC ^ pC ^ pC ^ pC " ~ iS ’5) w 'Sb 3 O' D I ^ II O' o E s o “ -s O ^ D t t D U U U 00 -lo V c = £! 00 O O a E I Si ° ^ S (J ^ Cow E o = 3 o _J5 o •C o I I o ‘E o s c o 'E o 'E o 2 ‘E h o S X h— H Q Z Ui a a < -o 0> 3 c o U O c ; fT^ 3 O S u ^ S' c 'C I 5 u a E ® < S U ' 4^ ^ it! M 2 3 «J _C D S 2 ^ o 8 I 8 S 8 2 2 2 S 2 ■ o o O c O c O c O s ^ & § 8 5 2 2 S 2 S 2 2 2 2 8 2 8 2 8 I Q, Q 0-0 ^ O 2 2 a. o 8 2 O' 5 O' 5 E ^ E ^ 3 t; 3 t; (U 3 C 3 m O f- LL scale 1:30,000 LU White, buff and pink silts: fine-grained tuffs and fuffaceous sandstone. W Z ul H CC D Wood, mammoth D. O 1- Conglomerate. UJ z UJ O ^ o o o 0^0 <=» o ^ tr Alternating sequence of pebble and boulder beds, with red silty and sandy shales H < V CO g O ^ Cr o ^ O o C) C) □ L Oo° ° °0°o° n o o Q Passage from Mangan Formation C> O o C^ o o ® ^ Alternating sequence of coarse brown fuffaceous sandstones, pebble beds and green silty shales Cahari coal seams Alternating sequence of coarse brown fuffaceous sandstones, and red and green silty shales. More shaly towards the base. cc UJ Q. Z < Fossula derbyi, Neocorbicula cojitamboensis, Doryssa bibliana, Aylacostoma browni, Aylacostoma sulcata. Paleoanculosa kennerleyi. Neritina pacchiana. Vetustocytheridea bristovd, Hoplias sp. o z < Q. Bentonite Washington coal seams Flard white silica rock Paleoanculosa kennerleyi LU Alternating sequence of coarse brown fuffaceous z sandstones and buff and brown shales LU O o LU Buff fissile shales with bentonite Q O « ^ Coarse, buff fuffaceous sandstone with thin shale beds. Locally basal conglomerate Q Neocorbicula cojitamboensis — Buff fissile shale with occasional limestone lenses. Much gypsum veining. Diplodon guaranianus biblianus, D. bristowi, D. liddlei. Monocondylaea azoguensis, M. pacchiana, Erodona iquitensis, Pisidium sp.. Neocorbicula cojitamboensis, Ostomya fluviatilis, Calliostoma sp., Neritina loyolaensis, N. pacchiana, Puperita < _j o >- o _J — sphaerica, Poteria bibliana, Pomacea manco, Hydrobia ortoni, Lyrodes sp., Doryssa bibliana, tr UJ — Argillaceous sandstones, coarse sandstones and conglomerates on east side of basin Aylacostoma browni, Gyraulus sp. § — ■o-0~-^-c:> — o Diplodon guaranianus biblianus, Doryssa bibliana o — ^ o o O <3 Coarse white to buff fuffaceous sandstones and pebble beds, alternating with red silty and sandy shales z < . C o ^ Oa o o o CQ A O ^ ^ o o, ^ " o r> o CQ g Q ^ • £3 . c> o 0 p fpi _ Unconformity 8 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 19 Azogues, is in fact the overstepping basal bed of the Loyola Formation. The base of the formation is not exposed in the core of the main anticline and it is possible there that it rests on older Tertiary strata at depth. In the isolated outcrop east of Cuenca the formation rests with marked unconformity on the Maestrichtian Yunguilla Formation. In this vicinity, where the Biblian Formation is not overlain by younger Ter- tiary sediments, the thickness exceeds 1,000 m. In the center of the basin there is a gradual upward transition over a few meters into the overlying Loy- ola Formation. The basal bed of the Biblian Formation is a fairly coarse pebble bed often incorporating pebbles of the underlying Yunguilla Formation. Near Jadan (355, 813) an abundance of plum-red volcanic ag- glomeratic material occurs close to the Biblian/Yun- guilla contact, and although the field relationships are not clear it appears to form a local base to the formation. In this general area coarse clastic units up to 30 m thick dominate the sequence, whereas it is more argillaceous in the Biblian-Azogues area. In this latter area the buff or light-brown, soft, tuff- aceous sandstones, grits, and conglomerates occur in thinner lenticular units within the red and pur- plish-red silty and sandy shales which typify the formation. Locally, greenish-gray colors occur. There is much gypsum veining of the deposits. As mentioned above, in the center of the anti- cline there is an upward passage into the Loyola Formation. In three localities at least, there are however andesitic volcanic deposits at, or very close to, the junction between the Biblian and Loy- ola formations. Thin andesitic lavas occur in at least two localities (352, 972) near Cojitambo in the up- permost part of the Biblian Formation. Cojitambo, which forms such a prominent landmark (see Plate 5 of Fiddle and Palmer, 1941) has long been regard- ed as an intrusive andesite at the junction of the Loyola and Biblian formations. However, the con- tact with the overlying Loyola Formation shows lit- tle or no evidence of metamorphism, although Fiddle and Palmer ( 1941 : 18) remarked that the shales were slightly baked. The general fine-grained aphanitic texture and the presence of volcanic glass in the mat- rix shows that it is in fact extrusive and probably con- temporaneous with the El Shalal deposits described below. At El Shalal (360, 990) there is an outcrop of interbedded lavas, volcanic agglomerates, fine- grained tuffs and coarse tuffaceous sandstones and grits, which are well exposed along the Biblian- Azogues road (see Plate 4, Fig. 2, of Fiddle and Palmer, 1941) at the junction of the Biblian and Loyola formations. At Descanso (368, 867) on the east side of the basin a fourth outcrop of andesite underlies the overstepping basal Loyola Formation. The base of the andesite is not seen, but the andesite does in- corporate blocks of the Yunguilla Formation. The relationship of the andesite to those described above is not known, but it is thought to be a cor- relative of them. The outcrop at Descanso is re- garded as the residual remnant of the highest Bib- lian Formation prior to its disappearance beneath the overstepping Loyola Formation. The signifi- cance of this andesite is that two Lower Miocene K:Ar age determinations of 19 and 20 million years ago have been obtained on samples from it (Snell- ing, 1974, unpublished report of the Institute of Geological Sciences, London). Regardless of its ex- act stratigraphic position, it means that the fossil- iferous basal Loyola Formation which rests on the andesite cannot be older than uppermost Lower Miocene. Fauna and age. — Only a very sparse fauna has been collected from this formation. The fossilifer- ous Biblian Sandstone and Conglomerate locality of Sheppard (1934) and Fiddle and Palmer (1941) is the basal bed of the Loyola Formation and is fully dis- cussed below. The author has found a thin shell bed composed almost entirely of Doryssa bihliana (Marshall and Bowles), but with rare Diplodon giiaranianus biblianus (Marshall and Bowles) in the uppermost part of the Biblian Formation at only two localities near El Valle (250, 757; 278, 780) (loc. CRB 8 and 5). This sparse fauna is also known in the overlying Loyola Formation and since there is a passage from one formation to the other in the center of the basin accompanied only by a change of sedimentation and not by an orogenic break, there is thought to be no great time difference be- tween the two formations. On this evidence the Biblian is regarded as of Lower Miocene age. Repetto ( 1977) found a tooth in the lower ( ?) Bib- lian 8 km west of Azogues, of a notungulate toxo- dont, close to but distinct from Prototoxodon rothi Kraglievich of Middle Miocene age. Sigal (1968) examined 64, and the author one, samples from the formation, but all proved to be barren of microfauna, other than reworked Maes- trichtian foraminifera (Rugoglobigerina sp.) and ostracods. Pollen recorded by Savoyat et al. (1970:57-60, 1982 BRISTOW AND PARODiZ— ECUADORIAN TERTIARY SEDIMENTS 9 and Fig. 2) from the Biblian and Loyola formations, gave a Paleocene-Lower Eocene date to the Bibli- an, and a Lower-Middle Eocene date to the Loyola Formation. Because the sparse data of the Loyola Formation are so at variance with the radiometric age determinations, the palynological dating of the Biblian Formation is also thought to be grossly in error. If the pollen identifications are correct the palynology may be at fault either because the spores are derived, or because their true age ranges within Ecuador in particular, and South America in general, are not known with certainty. Loyola Formation The type locality is the small village of Loyola, also known as Chuquipata (373, 908), 7 km SSW of Azogues. The formation has an extensive outcrop on the flanks of the Biblian Anticline. A thin, but impor- tant, outcrop occurs on the east side of the Azogues Syncline. North of Biblian the Loyola Formation is either faulted out or disappears beneath a younger deposit. A small fault-bounded outcrop is seen (368,163) to the south of Ingapirca. The Cuenca White Shales of Sheppard (1934) were defined as occurring between the Biblian Sandstones and Conglomerates, and the Azogues Sandstone. By this definition they are synonymous with the Loyola Formation, but, from an exami- nation of Sheppard's Fig. 2, it is clear that the Gua- pan Formation as now recognized was included within his Cuenca White Shales. Liddle (in Liddle and Palmer, 1941:22) also included the shales and coal of what is now known as the Mangan Forma- tion in the Cuenca Shales. Additionally, the fossil- iferous “Biblian Sandstone and Conglomerate” lo- cality of Sheppard (1934) and Liddle and Palmer (1941) at the classic anticlinal section between Bib- lian and Azogues, is in fact the overstepping basal bed of the Loyola Formation. Erazo (1957:13-14) was the first to recognize much of the confusion, but no new names were given to the revised strata. These were eventually introduced by the United Nations (for example, UNDP, 1969). The dominant lithology of the formation consists of a monotonous sequence of fissile dark gray shales and silty shales which weather buff or cream. Locally, lenses of limestone occur together with thin layers of soft sandstone. Gypsum veining and coatings to joints and bedding surfaces is a common feature of the weathered rocks. In the center of the basin the Biblian passes upward, with no marked break, into these fissile shales. Fossils, other than fish remains and leaves, are uncommon but local shell beds composed almost entirely of Doryssa hihliana occur. On the eastern side of the basin there is a well- developed basal series of sandstones and conglom- erates. It is possible to trace a gradual overstep of the Loyola Formation across the Biblian Formation and on to the Yunguilla Formation. This is well seen between Descanso (368, 867) and a point (410, 953) south of Azogues, and at the historically important road and railway cuttings in the small-scale anti- clines and synclines to the northwest of Azogues (377, 990). At this latter locality the basal beds are some 45 m thick. The pebbles of the conglomerates consist of tuff, quartzite, quartz, and fragments of the Yunguilla Formation. At Descanso, where these beds rest on andesite, much weathered angular andesite is incorporated in it. The basal beds are locally richly fossiliferous and have yielded the principal faunas. Fossils consist dominantly of mol- luscs, but crustacean debris, fish teeth and scales, ostracods and charophytes are common. The maximum thickness of the formation is about 360 m in the center of the basin. Flora, fauna, and age. — Until recently the fauna of the Cuenca Basin was thought to be endemic (Marshall and Bowles, 1932; Liddle and Palmer, 1941). Parodiz (1969) first demonstrated that certain species did occur outside Ecuador. Further collect- ing extended the number of non-endemic species (Bristow, 1973). This new fauna, together with ad- ditional molluscan material collected during 1974 has been completely revised by Parodiz and the re- sults incoiporated here. The known fossils from the Loyola Formation include: Plants Gymnospermae Trigonia varians Engelhardt (CRB 18) (Berry, 1934, 1945) Macrolohium tenuifoliiun (CRB 18) Engelhardt (Berry, 1934, 1945) Charophytes Char a sp. Pollen — various spores listed by Savoyat et al. ( 1970:57-60, fig. 2), but of doubtful value isee below) 10 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 19 Mollusca Bivalvia Diplodon {Ecuadorea) guaranianus hiblianiis (Marshall and Bowles) Diplodon (Ecuadorea) bristowi, new species Diplodon (Ecuadorea) liddlei (Palmer) Monocondylaea azoguensis (Palmer) Monocondylaea pacchiana (Palmer) Monocondylaea sp. Anodontites olssoni (Palmer) Pisidium sp. Neocorbicula cojitamboensis (Palmer) CRB 18, 28 CRB 18 CRB 7, 18 CRB 18 (CRB 18) CRB 18 CRB 18 CRB 7, 11, 26, 46 CRB 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 15, 18, 26, 34, 48, 49 CRB 7 Erodona icjuitensis (de Greve) Ostomy a cfr. fluviatilis (H. Adams) Gastropoda ICalliostoma sp. Neritina loyolaensis, new species Neritina pacchiana (Palmer) Neritina sp. Puperita aff. sphaerica (Olsson and Harbison) Poteria (Pseudoaperastoma) bibliana (Marshall and Bowles) Pomacea (Limnopomus) nianco Pilsbry Hydrobia ortoni (Gabb) Lyrodes sp. Potaniolithoides biblianus (Conrad) Aylacostoma browni (Etheridge) Aglacostonia dickersoni (Palmer in\ Liddle and Palmer, 1981) Doryssa bibliana (Marshall CRB 2, 12, and Bowles) 14, 17, 18, 28 Pulmonata Gy raid us sp. CRB 7 Succinea sp. CRB 7 CRB 26 CRB 7 CRB 9 CRB 34 CRB 7 CRB 18, 46, 48 CRB 26, (18) CRB 34 CRB 7, I 1 CRB 7 CRB 26b, (18) CRB 18 Crustacea Ostracoda Vetustocytheridea bristowi Bold Brachyura Necronectes proavitus Rathbun (Bristow, 1973; Collins and Morris, 1976) Echinoidea Unsubstantiated record (Erazo, 1965:9) Eish Characoids Hoplias sp., Leporiniis sp. (Roberts, 1975) CRB 11, 26, 27, 30, 35, 42, 51 CRB 26 CRB 26 CRB 7, 9, 10, 11, 18, 26, 30, 31, 51 Parentheses signify material described by pre- vious authors in same localities (CRB) recollected by the author. Arenaceous foraminifera recorded from the basal beds of the Loyola Eormation (Bristow, 1973) are almost certainly derived from the underlying Yun- guilla Formation (J. Whittaker, personal commu- nication). The calcareous Miocene ISiphogenerina senni also listed in Bristow (1973) is now regarded as a contaminant. S. senni occurs in the marine Miocene coastal deposits of Ecuador and samples from the coastal provinces were being processed at the same time as the author’s samples. With one exception, there is little in this fauna to provide an accurate independent date, but collec- tively a Miocene age is indicated. The following in- ferences can be made. The leaves recorded by Berry (1934, 1945) also occur in the Miocene Loja Basin where the flora has been studied in greater detail (see below). Chara sp. indicates a post-Middle Eocene, but more probably an Oligocene age (Grambast, per- sonal communication). The spores listed by Savoyat et al. ( 1970) are sup- posedly of Lower to Middle Eocene age. These dates are wildly at variance with the other evidence and are not accepted by Bristow (1973). (See re- marks about the pollen of the Biblian Formation.) Diplodon (Ecuadorea) guaranianus biblianus is also known in the Miocene Monagas Series of Ven- ezuela (Parodiz, 1969). 1982 BRISTOW AND PARODIZ— ECUADORIAN TERTIARY SEDIMENTS Ponuicea (Limnopomus) manco occurs in the Upper Oligocene or Lower Miocene strata in Peru (Piisbry, 1944). Hydrobia ortoni is known from Iquitos and Pebas (de Greve, 1938). Aylacostoma browni, which is also known in the Mangan Formation, is one of the more widely dis- tributed species outside of the Cuenca Basin. Else- where it is known in ?Pliocene beds at Canama, Brazil (Etheridge, 1879), and the ?Pliocene La Ta- gua beds, Colombia (C. P. Nuttall, personal com- munication). Puperita sphaerica was first described from the Pliocene of Florida (Olsson and Harbison, 1953). Although Vetiistocytheridea bristowi is endemic to the Cuenca Basin, other members of the genus and allied genera (cf. Cyprideis stephensoni in the Malacatos Basin) are generally regarded as indica- tive of the Miocene. Necronectes proavitus is the species which prob- ably provides the best independent date for the Loyola Formation. The type specimen came from the Middle Miocene Gatun Formation. It is also re- corded from the Middle Miocene of Puerto Rico (Gordon, 1966: 184) and the Middle Miocene Brasso Formation of Trinidad (Collins and Morris, 1976: 125). This Middle Miocene date is in close agreement with the Lower Miocene radiometric dates of 19 and 20 million years ago obtained on the andesite at Descanso which is immediately overlain by the crustacean-rich (not specifically identified at this locality) basal pebbly beds of the Loyola For- mation. Azogues Formation There has been a gradual restriction in the appli- cation of the name ‘Azogues’ to the Cuenca sedi- ments. Wolf (1879, 1892) used the term “Azogues Sandstone” for all the sediments of the Cuenca Ba- sin. Sheppard’s (1934:361) use of Azogues Sand- stone was for the post-Cuenca White Shales ( Loy- ola Formation). Fiddle (in Fiddle and Palmer, 1941:23) used the modified term “Rio de Azogues Sandstone,” as the outcrops on the east side of the Rio Azogues ( = Rio Burgay on modern maps) offered a better type locality. Erazo (1957) further restricted the Azogues Sandstone to those beds be- tween the underlying Cuenca Shale ( = Loyola For- mation) and the (unnamed) overlying Guapan For- 1 1 mation. This restriction is logical, but it now means that the town from which the formation takes its name does not overlie it; Azogues is sited on the Guapan Formation. Subsequent authors have adopted Erazo’s usage, although Fiddle’s name “Rio de Azogues Sandstone” would have been more applicable. The Azogues Formation is best developed on either side of the Azogues Syncline where it ex- tends from just north of Azogues in the north, to near El Valle (266, 750) in the south. On the west side of the Biblian Anticline the Azogues Formation extends from a short distance north of Cojitambo, southwards to Boqueron (230, 740) where it disap- pears beneath the unconformable Turi Formation. Southwestwards of Boqueron the Azogues Forma- tion reappears but has been mistakenly grouped with the Mangan Formation and the two deposits have been mapped as the undivided Ayancay Series (1:100,000 Giron geological sheet). The disappear- ance of the formation north of Cojitambo is attrib- uted to faulting, but it may be due to facies change. The base of the formation is transitional over some 10 to 20 m with the underlying Loyola For- mation. The dominant lithology is medium to coarse-grained, brown weathering tuffaceous sand- stones, but beds of siltstone, clay, and shale occur, generally not more than 1 m thick and principally in the lower part. A characteristic feature of the sandstones is their curved weathering surfaces. The siltstones are generally off-white to pale yellow, have fine regular ferruginous laminae in places, and are of varying hardness. The shales are usually off- white to pale gray or yellow, locally slightly silty, usually poorly laminated and medium hard. On the east side of the basin the Azogues For- mation oversteps the older beds to rest directly on the Yunguilla Formation. In the area to the north and east of Azogues where the older Tertiary sed- iments are absent there is a well-developed basal conglomerate. At such points (for example, 402, 994), and along the road from Azogues church to Uchupucum (416, 985), the conglomerate is well exposed. Conglomerates, often with distinct cross bedding, are also developed at other levels. Well- rounded pebbles from I to 10 cm diameter, consist mostly of weathered igneous rock, with pebbles of quartz, and Yunguilla shales and limestone. The higher beds of the Azogues Formation in the syn- cline to the east of Paccha (304, 800) consist of vol- canic agglomerate with pumice fragments. Where the Guapan Formation is developed in the 12 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 19 Azogues Syncline the junction with the Azogues Eormation is interdigitational over a few meters. The Guapan Eormation appears to be a lateral fa- cies of the Azogues Formation, as a thickening of either is accompanied by a thinning of the other. Where the Guapan Formation is absent, and the Mangan Formation directly succeeds the Azogues Formation, the contact between the two formations is also transitional, but over a somewhat greater thickness of beds than with the Guapan. The maximum thickness appears to be about 280 m in the El Tablon vicinity (265, 792), some 4 km east of Cuenca. Fauna and age. — Fossils have not previously been found in the Azogues Formation. Sheppard’s (1934:362-363) Paccha samples clearly came from the Loyola Formation (see his Fig. 4) while his ma- terial from the Biblian Sandstone and Conglomer- ates (=basal Loyola Formation) he confusedly in- cludes within the Azogues Sandstone. Fossils found by Olsson (in Fiddle and Palmer, 1941:24) said to be from this formation between Puente del Descan- so and Cerro Tahual are almost certainly from the basal Loyola Formation (=CRB 9). The somewhat doubtfully identified Nucula cf. andersoni Clarke recorded from the base of the formation (UNDP, 1969:15), and the marine fossils found by Erazo (1965:9) also come from the condensed basal beds of the Loyola Formation. Thirty-two samples col- lected by Sigal (1968) were barren of microfauna. The author has collected a limited, but signifi- cant, fauna from the basal beds of the Azogues For- mation at three localities (CRB 1, 305, 835; CRB 4, 258, 786, and CRB 13, 308, 832). Neocorhicula co- Jitamboensis occurred abundantly at all three lo- calities. Additionally, Aylacosloma cfr. dickersoni and Diplodon sp. were present at CRB 1. A. dickersoni is known from only one other lo- cality— in the beds of the Loyola Formation on the southwest side of Cojitambo (Fiddle and Palmer, 1941:36, map). In view of the transitional contact with the Mid- dle Miocene Loyola Formation, and as there is no distinct faunal difference between the two forma- tions, the Azogues Formation is also regarded as Middle Miocene. Guapdn Formation Because of lithological similarity, earlier workers had confused this formation with the older Loyola Formation (for example, Sheppard, 1934: Fig. 2). Erazo (1957:13-14, section 2) first recognized this discrepancy but gave no name to the formation. The name “Guapan,” taken from the outcrops near the Guapan cement works (394, 996), was introduced by the United Nations (for example, UNDP, 1969). The formation is confined almost entirely to the center of the Azogues Syncline; a small isolated outcrop occurs on the west side of the Biblian An- ticline in the area between Ayancay and Cojitambo (339, 892-346, 930). The junction between the Guapan and Azogues formations is gradational and, as mentioned above, although the Guapan Formation overlies the Azo- gues Formation it also passes laterally into it. The Guapan Formation consists characteristical- ly of finely laminated dark brown to black shales, weathering white or yellow and with much limonite staining. The laminae tend to be thicker than in the Loyola Formation, but otherwise the two forma- tions are very similar. Tuff and tuffaceous sand- stones were noted on the roadside (385, 925) just south of Charasol and have been recorded in the lower half of the Guapan Formation near Ayancay. Sands, sandstones, and occasional conglomerates occur. Bentonite is known at Charasol (Nunez del Arco, 1971). Also in this locality a gypsum seam was located some 60 m above the base of the for- mation. The maximum thickness appears to be about 100 m in the center of the syncline. Flora, fauna, and age. — Excellently preserved impressions of fossil leaves abound at many hori- zons, but await a detailed study. Fish scales are common; one incomplete characoid fish cf. Moen- khausia has also been recorded (Bristow, 1973). Seventeen samples taken by Savoyat et al. (1970) for microfauna proved to be barren. In view of its facies relationship with the Azogues Formation, the Guapan Formation is thought to be also of Middle Miocene age. Mangan Formation The formation takes its name from the several localities to the west of Nazon (310, 010) which in- corporate Mangan in their title. It is an unfortunate choice of name because all the localities overlie the Santa Rosa Formation. The Mangan Formation has a wide and extensive outcrop on the west side of the Cuenca Basin from Ingaprica (365, 190) in the north, where it appears from beneath the Tarqui Formation, to just south of Cuenca where it disappears under the Turi For- mation. Southwest of Turi where the Tertiary sed- 1982 BRISTOW AND PARODIZ— ECUADORIAN TERTIARY SEDIMENTS 13 iments reappear in the area of the Giron Sheet (1974) they have been mapped as the undivided Ayancay Group ( Mangan and Santa Rosa forma- tions). They extend southwards as far as a point about 25 km NW of Saraguro. However, as men- tioned above, the Ayancay Group as mapped in this area is misnamed, as the sediments comprise, at least in part, the Azogues and Mangan formations. The coal-bearing strata of the formation have been known for many years, and were included in the upper part of Wolf s “Arenisca de Azogues.” Liddle {in Liddle and Palmer, 1941) thought that they were part of the Cuenca Shales. Erazo (1957) was the first worker to separate off from the “Azo- gues Formation,” the strata later to be named the Ayancay Group, but to which he gave no name. There has been much research into the coal of the Cuenca Basin, of which the most recent and complete is that by the United Nations (UNDP, 1969). For that report the coal field was mapped at 1:10,000 scale and a considerable amount of detail exists for the quantity and quality of the coals, and for the structure of the coal-bearing deposits (see also Putzer, 1968). For descriptive purposes it is convenient to di- vide the Mangan Formation into three units — a low- er, including all the strata up to, but excluding, the lower (Washington) coal seams; a middle unit com- prising everything from the Washington to the Ca- nari coal seam; and an upper unit above the Canari seams. These three divisions can only be recog- nized in the area where the coal seams are devel- oped. There appears to be a transitional upward pas- sage from the Azogues Formation, or from the Gua- pan Formation where present, into the Mangan For- mation. The upper part of the Azogues Formation loses its massive sandstone beds, and red and green blocky shales appear, alternating with thinner sand- stones. This alternating sequence characterises much of the Mangan Formation. The United Na- tions (UNDP, 1969), however, claims that there is a disconformity at the base of the Mangan, but there appears to be little evidence of this unconformity in the field. In the Cushumaute area (338, 954) the beds consist predominantly of light-colored silt- stone, shale, and fine-grained sandstones, interbed- ded in layers generally less than 1 m thick. The maximum thickness of this unit appears to be 870 m in the San Nicolas area (340, 940). The gastropod Paleoancnlosa kennerleyi, new species, found in a 10 cm seam (338, 953) in the lower third of the unit near Cushumaute, scarce fish teeth from this same bed (Roberts, 1975:263), and leaves found stratigraphically below (339, 954) have been the only fossils found to date. The occurrence of a shell bed also composed entirely of the above gastropod near Ingapirca (365, 161), in an area where the Mangan Formation cannot readily be di- vided into three units, may indicate a potential stratigraphical marker for the lower Mangan For- mation. The latter locality, where the road to In- gapirca crosses the Rio Canar, is probably the same locality as that at which Reiss (see Wolf, 1892:257) found fossils. The Mangan Formation at this local- ity is in fault contact to the east with the Foyola Formation. The middle unit is characterized in the center of the basin by the presence of several coal seams at its top and bottom. The Washington seams do not extend beyond the Rio Sidcay (290, 840) in the south, and the Canar seams are here contaminated with elastics. Neither is well developed north of Nazon (330, 015) (UNDP, 1969:18). Thick beds of shales, lithologically identical to those of the Loyola and Guapan formations, are well developed only in the lower part of the unit in close association with the Washington coal seams. Bentonite, in beds up to 15 m thick, has been noted at several localities. Higher in the sequence there is a well-bedded series of tuffaceous sandstones, silts, thin conglomerates, and thin shales. A con- spicuous, persistent bed some 2 m thick of hard white, almost pure silica rock, first noted by Wolf ( 1892), occurs some 20 to 30 m below the Canari seams and forms an excellent marker horizon. A similar bed above the Canari seams was also noted by the United Nations (UNDP, 1969). Dark green tuffs have been recorded at the San Luis mine (334, 977). The coal seams, of sub-bituminous C grade, are “lenticular, sheared, faulted and otherwise un- predictably discontinuous.” Other unfavorable fac- tors, such as the near vertical foot and hanging walls, led to the closure of the last large-scale work- ing mine, San Luis, in 1967 (UNDP, 1969:42). The maximum thickness of the middle unit appears to be 600 m. All the fossils so far found within the formation, with the one exception in the lower unit mentioned above, are associated with the coal seams: directly over one of the Washington coal seams at Cocha- huaicu (335, 995), and in a similar position close to the San Luis mine (334, 976). Crocodile teeth and other vertebrate remains have been reported from 14 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 19 the coal seams (UNDP, 1969:18). The fossils are listed below. The upper unit consists principally of coarse brown tuffaceous sandstones, commonly pebbly and becoming increasingly conglomeratic upwards. The arenaceous and conglomeratic beds alternate with blocky weathering green and brick-red silty clays. In the area (270, 865) north of Ricaurte, the passage into the overlying Santa Rosa Eormation is gradational, but represented by a coarsening up- ward sequence and the incoming of red beds. In the Nazon area the change is more abrupt and much coarser conglomerates typify the Santa Rosa For- mation. The full thickness of the upper unit is unknown as nowhere is there a complete unfaulted sequence; it certainly exceeds 700 m. No fossils have been found in this unit. Flora, fauna, and age. — The flora consists of well-preserved, but as yet unstudied, impressions of leaves. Spores from the coal seams have been examined by Grebe {in Putzer, 1968:479-480, 486-487). They indicate a correlation between the Washington seams of the Cuenca Basin with the coal seams of the Loja and Malacatos basins. The fauna is dominated by molluscs and includes the following: Bivalvia Fossula cf. derhyi Ihering Neocorhicula cojitamhoensis (Palmer) Gastropoda Doryssa hihliana (Marshall and Bowles) Aylacostoma browni (Etheridge) Aylacostoma sulcata (Conrad) Ncritina pacchiana Palmer Paleoanculosa kennerleyi, new species Additionally, the ostracod, Vetustocytlieridea bris- towi Bold, has been found in sample CRB 42c, and jaw teeth of the erythrinid fish, Hoplias sp., have been found in sample CRB 36a (Roberts, 1975:263). The fauna contains a mixture of species known from the underlying Loyola Formation, and several new species (Fossula cf. derbyi, Paleoanculosa ken- nerleyi, Aylacostoma sulcata). Of the new species for this fauna, F. cf. derbyi was described from speci- mens from strata at Santa Maria do Boca do Monte, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The age of the strata is un- certain. Ihering (1907) thought they were of Creta- ceous age, but Parodiz (1969:83) was of the opinion that they were Upper Tertiary. A. sulcata is known at Pebas (Conrad, 1871), Pichua (Woodward, 1871), and Iquitos (de Greve, 1938). In view of the occurrence of species common to both the Loyola and Mangan formations, including Vetustocytlieridea bristowi thought to be indicative of the Miocene, the Mangan Formation is also re- garded as Miocene. However, the vast thickness of sediments, approximately 1,800 m, separating the two formations suggests a significant time interval between them. The Mangan Formation is accord- ingly regarded as Upper Miocene in age. Santa Rosa Formation The uppermost formation of the Tertiary sedi- ments of the Cuenca Basin consists predominantly of coarse clastic units alternating with red silty and sandy shales. They crop out on the west side of the basin. There appears to be an upward transition from the Mangan Formation. The contact with the overlying Turi Formation appears also to be transitional, at least in the center of the basin. Very coarse boulder beds in the Nazon area (362, 015) are probably indicative of proximity to their source area. The maximum thickness at outcrop appears to be about 500 m. No fossils have been found in the formation and only a speculative Pliocene age can be assigned to it. Turi Formation Succeeding the Santa Rosa Formation in the cen- ter of the basin is a series of well-bedded, generally horizontal, conglomerates, volcanic breccias, ash- es, shales, and sandstones. In the type area (214, 771) to the south of Cuenca, and in the central por- tion of its outcrop, there is a well-developed basal conglomerate. Around Turi the formation rests un- conformably on the Loyola and Azogues forma- tions, but further west there appears to be a tran- sitional upward passage from the Santa Rosa Formation. North of Biblian there is much volcanic debris in the formation which has expanded in thickness from approximately 280 m at the type locality to aproximately 1,200 m. In this northern sector of the basin the sediments are steeply dipping. CRB 36b CRB 36a, 42c CRB 36a CRB 36b, 42c CRB 42c CRB 36b CRB 20, 60 !982 BRISTOW AND PARODIZ— ECUADORIAN TERTIARY SEDIMENTS 15 The only fossils found to date are unidentified gastropods, silicified wood, and a possible mam- moth bone (Erazo, 1957:28). The age is considered to be Pleistocene. The Turi Eormation is succeeded by a series of volcanic deposits (Tarqui Formation and Llacao Volcanics), till, terrace gravels, and alluvium. The Tarqui Formation provides the only independent date for the minimum age of the sediments of the Cuenca Basin. At two localities, carbonized wood fragments gave C*'* dates of 24,900 ± 1 ,200, and 34,300 ± 1,950 BP (UNDP, 1969:22, 1972:13). Sample sites (Cuenca Local grid Basin) references Formation CRB 1 305, 834 basal Azogues CRB 2 311, 832 high Loyola CRB 4 258, 786 basal Azogues CRB 5 287, 780 uppermost Biblian CRB 6 356, 846 basal Loyola CRB 7 357, 842 basal Loyola CRB 8 250, 757 high Biblian CRB 9 367, 867 basal Loyola — Descanso section; Loyola Formation rests on lava radiometrically dated at 19 and 20 million years ago CRB 10 370, 870 basal Loyola CRB 11a 361, 855 high Loyola 1 lb, c 361, 855 middle Loyola CRB 12 311, 832 high Loyola CRB 13 308, 882 basal Azogues CRB 14 311, 832 high Loyola CRB 15 400, 923 basal Loyola CRB 17 378, 915 high Loyola CRB 18 378, 987 basal Loyola — “Biblian sandstone and conglomerates” locality of Marshall and Bowles (1932); loc. 1038 of Liddle and Palmer (1941) CRB 20 337, 953 lower unit of Mangan CRB 26 406, 947 basal Loyola — “echinoid’ locality of Erazo ( 1965) CRB 28 373, 016 basal Loyola CRB 30b 245, 773 high Loyola CRB 34 398, 912 basal Loyola CRB 35 400, 918 basal Loyola CRB 36 333, 976 middle unit of Mangan CRB 39 179, 663 “Ayancay Group” of Giron Basin CRB 42 332, 994 middle unit of Mangan CRB 46 400, 929 basal Loyola CRB 48 400, 929 basal Loyola CRB 49 400, 929 basal Loyola CRB 60 365, 161 Mangan CRB 61 368, 159 Loyola Nabon Basin Nabon is a village about 50 km south of Cuenca and 75 km north-northeast of Loja. The deposits of the basin, the Nabon Formation, crop out over an area 16 by 6 km, and rest unconformably on the Oligo-Miocene Saraguro Formation. The general strike of the formation is northeast to southwest. The formation is divided into three units — a lower one, some 40 m thick, of bedded tuffs; a middle one, 130 m thick, of conglomerates, sandstones, silt- stones, shales, diatomites, lignites, and minor tuffs; and an upper unit, 160 m thick, of bedded tuffs and agglomerates. The presence of lignite has been tak- en by most authors to indicate an equivalence with the coals of the Mangan Formation of the Cuenca Basin, and the San Cayetano Formation of the Loja and Malacatos basins. This is supported by the lim- ited flora found in the middle unit which is also known from Loja (Bristow, 1976: 107). Additionally, the rodent Olenopsis aequatorialis of uncertain stratigraphic provenance, was described from Na- bon (Anthony, 1922). O. aequatorialis is common in the Miocene of La Venta in Colombia (Fields, 1957). At the time of writing. Fields regarded the La Venta sediments as Upper Miocene in age (Vin- dobonian/Friasian) . These stages are now regarded by modern authors (for example. Van Eysinga, 1975) as part of the Middle Miocene. To date, no Mollusca have been found in the Nabon Formation. A tentative Middle-Upper Miocene date is hereby given to the Nabon sediments. Loja and Malacatos Basins These two separate basins have been studied by numerous authors, of whom the most recent is Ken- nerley ( 1973; 1 : 100,000 Loja, 1975, and Gonzanama, 1975 sheets). Initially Kennerley (1973) gave sepa- rate formational names to the similar deposits in each of the basins, but later, on the Loja and Gon- zanama sheets, the stratigraphical nomenclatures of 16 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 19 the two basins were united and the following for- mational names, in ascending order, are currently in use: Loma Blanca, Trigal, San Cayetano, and Quillollaco. Loma Blanca Formation The type locality is a hill (895, 338) 4 km west of Malacatos. It is a volcanic formation comprising a well-developed basal agglomerate, succeeded by tuffs and agglomeratic tuffs. In the Loja Basin an- desitic and basaltic lavas occur. It rests unconform- ably on older formations. No fossils have been found in the formation. Kennerley (1973:29) thought that it was possibly equivalent to the Saraguro Formation. At the time Kennerley was writing the Saraguro Formation had not been dated, but it is now known to be of Oligo- Miocene age (26 and 28 million years ago, Snelling, in Bristow, 1976:107). Trigal Formation The name is taken from the Rio Trigal (963, 613) some 4.5 km northwest of Loja, where there are excellent outcrops. It crops out as a narrow belt on the west side of the basin where it rests unconform- ably on the Loma Blanca Formation. The dominant lithology is coffee-colored shales and clays; gypsum is common as a coating to bedding surfaces and joints. In the Malacatos Basin the Trigal (formerly Al- garobillo) Formation overlies the Loma Blanca For- mation conformably. The lithology is similar to that of Loja but with minor beds of sandstones, tuffs, and in the upper part, thin seams of coal. The presence of the ostracod Cyprideis stephen- soni (Sandberg) in one sample from the Malacatos Basin, dates the formation as Miocene. San Cayetano Formation The type locality is the village of the same name (003, 596) 1 km north-northeast of Loja. The for- mation crops out extensively in the center of the Loja Basin, and as two belts in the Malacatos Ba- sin. In both basins there is a conformable upwards passage from the Trigal Formation. The lithology consists of a well-bedded sequence of sandstones, silicified shales, calcareous shales, coarse conglomerates, diatomites, and low-grade coals. The conglomerates are most common at the top and bottom of the formation. The sub-bitumi- nous coal or lignite occurs in five principal seams in the Loja Basin, and in eight in the Malacatos Basin. In the latter basin the coal seams are found in the lower part of the formation. The maximum thickness appears to 700 to 800 m. Quillollaco Formation The type locality is the stream (997, 502) 7 km south of Loja. The formation, which appears to suc- ceed the San Cayetano Formation conformably in the Loja Basin, crops out on the west side of the basin. In the Malacatos Basin the contact with the San Cayetano is not seen, and the Quillollaco For- mation rests unconformably on the older Tertiary formations. The formation consists predominantly of coarse conglomerates with interbedded grits, greywackes, and sandstones. No fossils have been found in the formation. Kennerley (1973) thought that it was of Pliocene age; it is probably equivalent to the Santa Rosa Formation of the Cuenca Basin. Flora, Fauna, and Age Grebe (in Putzer, 1968:480), working on pollen, suggested a correlation between the coals of the Loja, Malacatos, and Cuenca basins. The flora, unfortunately not stratigraphically lo- cated but probably from the San Cayetano Forma- tion, was first studied by Engelhardt (1895) and sub- sequently by Berry (1918, 1929, 1934, 1945). Berry initially (1918) placed this tropical flora in the Low- er Miocene, but in later revisions (1929, 1934, 1945) of this same flora, he regarded it as Mio- Pliocene, or Pliocene age. Some of these plants are known in the Nabon (Bristow, 1976) and Cuenca (Berry, 1934, 1945) basins. Fish scales are common in the San Cayetano For- mation, but the only fish so far identified, whose exact provenance is uncertain, is Carrionellus du- morterei White (1927). The molluscs consist of Dyris cf. gracilis Conrad “form” tricarinata (Boettger) occurring on an un- located slab sent to the British Museum of Natural History by Prof. Carrion, and in shales collected by the author and B. Kennerley from the San Cayetano Formation (JW424 [008, 582]). The latter are found as scattered impressions on the bedding surfaces of some of the shales. D. gracilis tricarinata was described from Pebas, Peru (Boettger, 1878). It is also known from Iquitos, Peru (de Greve, 1938), Pichua near Cochiquinas, Peru (Hauxwell, Colin. BMNH), Canama on Rio Ja- vari, Peru (Etheridge, 1879 as Melania hicarinata nov. sp.), and in ?Pliocene beds at La Tagua, Ca- 1982 BRISTOW AND PARODIZ— ECUADORIAN TERTIARY SEDIMENTS 17 queta River, Colombia (C. P. Nuttall, personal communication). The Miocene ostracod Cy pride is stephensoni (Sandberg) has already been mentioned. It is thus evident that the oldest non-volcanic de- posits (Trigal Formation) is of Miocene age, as evi- denced by C. stephensoni. The San Cayetano For- mation, based on the similarity of its lithology and pollen to the Mangan Formation, is probably Upper Miocene. Deposits of the Rio Pachitea and Vicinity in Eastern Peru The red beds of the Rio Pachitea area were mapped and discussed by Singewald (1927, 1928). Fossils collected during the field work were exam- ined by Pilsbry (1944). Pilsbry made a comparison at generic level between the fauna from the Rio Pachitea and those from the Cuenca Basin, Ecua- dor, and from the Magdalena Valley, Colombia. At that time none of the species was known to occur in more than one of the three basins, though some of the [Aylacostoma] Longiverena are closely sim- ilar. Pilsbry concluded that until further collecting afforded a more definite clue to the age of the Pach- itea deposits they could tentatively be considered to be about the age of the La Cira deposits — Upper Oligocene or Lower Miocene. Such differences as appeared between the faunas of the La Cira, Pach- itea, and Cuenca beds were more likely to be due to their geographic separation than to any material difference in age. The correlation of these three de- posits, and Pilsbry’s age assignment of Upper Oli- gocene or Lower Miocene, based as it was on fairly slender evidence, has been corroborated by the present study. The common presence of Pomacea manco in the Middle Miocene Loyola Formation of the Cuenca Basin and at Pachitea, suggests that the deposits at the latter locality might be slightly youn- ger than thought previously. Koch and Blissenbach (1962:77), however, suggest that the Sol Formation, in which the fauna occurs, lies close to the Creta- ceous/Tertiary boundary, or may be wholly Creta- ceous (Koch and Blissenbach, 1962: fig. 21 ; pi. 3). The evidence for such a radical reassessment of the age is not convincing, being based on several new species of charophytes and new, unnamed, but numbered ostracods. Two species of charophytes ( Tectochara supraplana sulcata and Kosmogyra monilifera) from this area had earlier been consid- ered as of Eocene or Oligocene age (Peck and Rek- er, 1947). It is worth noting at this point that Mitricaiilis incarum Pilsbry, described from “Marine [?Eocene] Tertiary of the Pachitea River,’’ is now known from Maestrichtian sediments of the Cuenca Basin (R. Cleevely determination in Bristow and Hoffstetter, 1977:351). The deposits with M. incarum underlie the non-marine fossils mentioned above; a Creta- ceous age is not inconsistent for this part of the sequence. Magdalena Embayment, Colombia Fossiliferous strata have been found at three prin- cipal levels in the Tertiary sediments of the Magda- lena Valley between the Sogamoso and Carare rivers (Wheeler, 1935). As with Tertiary non-marine sediments elsewhere the fauna when described was entirely new and thought to be endemic. No inde- pendent dating of the associated strata was possible and only tentative ages could be assigned to the respective formations. However, some of the ar- guments for the age determination are in part cir- cular as having “fixed” the age of the oldest, Los Corros, fauna at the top of the Esmeraldas For- mation as Upper Eocene, the succeeding forma- tions were tied into this chronology. Nevertheless, the various ages have never been seriously ques- tioned and are generally accepted at the present day. Esmeraldas Formation Pilsbry and Olsson (1935:7) “based partly on stra- tigraphy and partly on faunal evidence” concluded that the Los Corros fauna belonged to the Upper Eocene, equivalent to the Saman Formation of Peru and the Jacksonian of the southern United States. The faunal evidence was based on the somewhat suspect comparison of two species of Diplocyma in the Los Corros fauna with one species, Potamides lagunitensis (Woods), in the Saman Formation. The overall fauna had an “Eocene rather than an Oli- gocene aspect.” The stratigraphic evidence appears to be based on the fact that marine Upper Eocene rocks are widespread in the coastal region of Co- lombia and that therefore “it seems reasonable to believe that the non-marine equivalent of these rocks should occur in the Tertiary embayments, as well exemplified by the deposits of the Magdalena valley.” More recently Van der Hammen (1957:65), based on palynology, suggested an Upper Eocene date for the Esmeraldas Formation. However, the evidence is inconclusive because the pollen spectrum for the 18 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 19 Table 2. — Distribution aj the non-encleinic. Tertiary non-marine Ecuadorian MoUusca. Pius sign indicates species is present. Ecuador Cuenca Peru Colombia Rio Esme- La Vene- Species Chota Loyola Azogues Mangan Loja Pachitea Pebas Canama raldas Mugrosa Cira Real Caqueta zuela Brazil Florida Diplodon (E.) guarani- anus hihlianus + + Fossula derbyi + + Pomacea nianco + + Aylacostoma browni + + + + + Aylacostoma dickersoni + + Aylacostoma sulcata + + To.xosoma ehoreum + + Liris minuscula + + Hydrobia ortoni + + + Dyris gracilis + + + + Poteria bibliana + + Puperita sphaerica + + Erodona itiuitensis + + Upper Eocene is matched almost exactly by one in the Upper Oligocene (Van der Hammen, 1957; pi. 1). Additionally, the age of the Esmeraldas Eor- mation to which the ‘Upper Eocene’ pollen zones correspond is regarded unequivocably as Upper Eocene because of the fossiliferous Upper Eocene horizon [Los Corros] which is contained therein. The circular argument for the age of this fauna is thus nearly complete. Germeraad et al. (1968: Eig. 17) have indicated that the base of the Esmeraldas Formation is of Middle-Upper Eocene age, but un- fortunately the top of the formation in which Los Corros fauna occurs, has not been palynologically dated. The upper Eocene age of the Los Corros Formation is not established with any degree of cer- tainty. The available evidence from Colombia (see Mugrosa below) does not preclude an Oligocene age for the fauna. Mugrosa Formation The Mugrosa Formation succeeds the Esmeral- das Formation with apparent conformity. The Mu- grosa fossiliferous horizon varies from 360 to 1,350 m above the base. One species, Aylacostoma eu- cosmius (Pilsbry and Olsson), is also known from La Cira Formation, while the new species Paleoan- culosa kennerleyi in the Upper Miocene Mangan Formation of the Cuenca Basin, previously in- dicated by Bristow and Hoffstetter (1977) as A. sig- macliiliis (Pilsbry and Olsson) from the Mugrosa Formation, is very similar to the latter species. Pilsbry and Olsson (1935:8) thought that some of the "Flemisinus" in the Mugrosa Formation were closely related to forms known in the Middle Oli- gocene of Cuba and Antigua. At the time these au- thors were writing (1935), the Oligocene included the Aquitanian and Burdigalian stages which at the present day are considered as the lowest stages of the Miocene. Hoffstetter (1970), however, suggests that these Cuban and Antiguan occurrences are of Lower Oli- gocene age. Van der Hammen (1960), without giv- ing details, dated the lower part of the formation on pollen as Lower Oligocene, and the upper part as Middle Oligocene. There appears to be a general agreement for the Oligocene age of the formation, but there is uncer- tainty as to whether it is of Lower or Upper Oli- gocene. Upper Oligocene is preferred. La Cira Formation This formation rests conformably on the Mugrosa Formation. The La Cira fossil horizon occurs some 780 to 2,070 m above the base of the formation. To date, only one of the molluscan species, A. eucos- niius ( = ''Hemisinus" [Longiverena] laciranus Pils- bry and Olsson, 1935) is known outside this horizon in the Mugrosa Formation. Wheeler thought that the fauna might be Upper Oligocene or Lower Miocene in age. Porta (1974), in a resume of the age of the formation, suggested that the lower part was probably of Oligocene age, and the upper part of Miocene age. The author favors a Miocene age for the La Cira fauna and, if the correlation first suggested by Pils- bry (1944) with the Cuenca and Pachitea deposits 1982 BRISTOW AND PARODIZ— ECUADORIAN TERTIARY SEDIMENTS 19 is substantiated, it may well be of Middle Miocene age. Caqueta Basin, Colombia A recently described section (M. Eden, personal communication) along part of the Rio Caqueta in southern Colombia has revealed fossiliferous strata of possible Pliocene age. These have been named the La Tagua Beds. They consist of up to at least 25 m of clay, silt, claystone, and siltstone, locally with sandy intercalations, and rest on the Upper Cretaceous Roraima Formation. The molluscs from the La Tagua Beds have been 20 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 19 identified by C. P. Nuttall (personal communica- tion). The fauna includes Doryssa sp., Cochliopina sp., Aylacostoma browni (Etheridge), Hydrobia cf. ortoiii (Conrad), Dyris gracilis (Boettger), Aniso- thyris erectus Conrad, Anisothyris sp., and uniden- tifiable unionids. This freshwater fauna has close affinities with that from Pebas and Iquitos (only the Doryssa and Cochliopina are not known to occur at Iquitos and Pebas), and has a modern aspect. Nuttall concluded that the La Tagua Beds were late Cenozoic, possibly of Pliocene age. A. browni is known also from both the Middle and Upper Mio- cene Loyola and Mangan formations of the Cuenca Basin. One described species of ostracod, Pelocypris ziichi Triebel, has been recorded from the La Tagua Beds (Sheppard and Bates, 1980). P. ziichi is known only from San Salvador where it occurs in strata of probable Pleistocene age (Triebel, 1953). Other new species and genera of ostracods are common to both the La Tagua and Pebas beds. Canama, Peru Brown (1879), who described the section at Can- ama, and at several other localities downstream, distinguished an upper unit of younger (?Pleisto- cene -i- ?Holocene) river deposits, from the under- lying, gently dipping. Tertiary rocks, of which a maximum of 20 m was seen at any one locality. One fossil (Aylacostoma browni) from Canama occurs in the Middle Miocene Loyola Formation and in the Upper Miocene Mangan Formation of the Cuenca Basin. It also occurs in the Pebas Beds. Other fossils from Canama suggesting a good cor- relation with the Pebas Beds of Pebas, Pichua and Iquitos include Pachydon carinata Conrad, P. ten- nis Gabb (—hauxwelli Woodward), P. erectus Con- rad (=tnmida Etheridge), P. cnneatiis (Conrad) (=Corbnla canamaensis Etheridge). Former au- thors used Pachydon as an alternate for Anisothy- ris. Iquitos and Pebas, Peru Widespread fossiliferous strata have been found around Iquitos (see de Greve, 1938:13-18), at Pe- bas, some 30 mi below Pebas (Conrad, 1871), and at Canama on the Rio Javary (Brown, 1879). Similar strata, but unfossiliferous, were noted by Brown (1879:76) at Sao Paulo, lower down the Amazon. The Iquitos and Pebas faunas have much in com- mon and may be treated as one. They are also sim- ilar to the deposits and fauna from Canama which are described separately in this account. Although widely distributed, the thickness of the fossiliferous strata and associated beds exposed at any one locality is not very much. De Greve (1938:16) described a partial 6.8 m section of blue and yellow clay which was observed in the Rio Itaya near Iquitos. Lignite is locally associated with the fossiliferous beds. Some 42 fossils, dominantly molluscs, have been recorded from Pebas and it is the richest locality discussed in that paper. The fauna, both in numbers of species in common and in the method of pres- ervation (as undistorted shells, commonly with the nacreous layer intact, and from which the matrix can be easily removed), is most closely linked to that of the La Tagua and Canama localities where, to date, more limited faunas have been obtained. Two species (Aylacostoma browni and A. sulcata) are common to the Cuenca deposits and to the col- lective Pebas/La Tagua/Canama faunas. Of partic- ular interest is A. browni, as it is known in both the Loyola and Mangan formations of the Cuenca Ba- sin, from La Tagua, from Canama, and from Tres Unidos, Brazil (Parodiz, 1969:141 under the name sidcatus) and is thus the most widely distributed of the Tertiary non-marine molluscs in the area under discussion. However, Anisothyris, which is an im- portant element of the Pebas and La Tagua faunas, is absent in the Cuenca Basin, but replaced by Er- odona. There is no independent method of dating this fauna. Most workers are agreed that it is of Tertiary age, although some deposits in nearby Brazil of sim- ilar lithology to that at Pebas and Iquitos have been shown to be Pleistocene (Simpson, 1961). The shell preservation (see above) presents a “young” aspect, and the fact that some shells retain their coloring has been cited as an indication of no great antiquity (Gabb, 1869:197). The difference in the method of preservation between the Amazonian faunas and those of the Andes may be no more than a reflection of the differing tectonic environments in which the deposits occur. Those of the Cuenca area, for instance, are strongly folded and faulted and have been uplifted by some 2,500 m (that is, from near sea level, as witnessed by Necronectes proavitus) since deposition. Marine shells similarly preserved to those from Pebas are known from the Upper Miocene/Lower Pliocene deposits of coastal Ecuador (see for example, Pilsbry and Olsson, 1941). The retention of shell color cannot be taken 1982 BRISTOW AND PARODIZ— ECUADORIAN TERTIARY SEDIMENTS as an indicator of age because several of the Neri- tina in the Cuenca Basin still retain their markings, and the author has seen marine gastropods of Upper Miocene age from coastal Ecuador with their color preserved. Color pattern in the Neritacea is known from the Devonian onwards. The common occurrence of four species from Cuenca and the Amazon clearly indicates no sig- nificant time gap between the respective faunas. In the author’s opinion the Pebas fauna is probably of Upper Miocene or Lower Pliocene age. Summary of Occurrences in Cuenca Basin Twenty-nine species of molluscs are now known from the Cuenca Basin, and one each from the Cho- ta and Uoja basins. Of this fauna, 12 species have been recorded outside Ecuador, principally from localities in the western Amazon Basin, suggesting that in earlier times, before the main Andean up- lift, there was a closer connection between the Cuenca Basin (the present day Atlantic/Pacific watershed crosses the basin) and the western Amazonian deposits. The maximum age for the Cuenca fossils is uppermost Lower Miocene. It is suggested that other occurrences of the Cuenca fau- na outside Ecuador might also be of Miocene age. The distribution of the non-endemic Cuenca mol- luscs outside Ecuador is shown in Table 2. PART 2. PALEONTOLOGY J. J. Parodiz INTRODUCTION The majority of the Mollusca of the Tertiary, non- marine deposits of Ecuador belong to the upper sec- tion of the Lower Miocene, Loyola Lormation, with brackishwater gastropods as Neritina, or purely freshwater bivalves of the Mutelacea and Uniona- cea. In the later, the Hyriidae in South America are known in South America since the early Paleocene in Patagonia. Although fewer species are known from the Mid- dle Miocene, Azogues Lormation, and the Upper Miocene, Mangan Lormation, such genera as Neo- corhicula are common to both and found abun- dantly in all the Miocene. The freshwater cerithi- aceans, Aylacostoma , Doiyssa, and Paleoanciilosa, are also abundant in the Mangan Lormation and in the last genus, P. kenneryleyi is found in great num- bers and is a characteristic of that formation. In the northern Chota Basin, the middle section contains exclusively the lacustrine Liris minuscula. In the Cayetano Lormation in the Loja Basin (most prob- ably Upper Miocene in age), the common species is Dyris gracilis. The Miocene non-marine fauna of Ecuador dif- SYSTEMATIC Class Bivalvia Superfamily Unionacea Lamily Hyriidae Swainson, 1840 (Ortmann’s Hyriinae of “Mutelacea”) Subfamily Hyriinae, restricted Parodiz and Bonetto, 1965 Tribe Diplodontini (Diplodontidae Ihering, 1901) Genus Diplodon Spix, 1827 IriJea Swainson, 1840. Prodiplodon Marshall, 1928. Eudiplodon Marshall, 1928. Schleschiella Modell, 1950. Type species. — Diplodon ellipticiis Spix (in Wag- ner, 1827), on pi. 16, figs. 1-2. Adams and Adams (1854) under the name Diplo- don included an heterogenous conglomeration of species from all over the world. The genus was geo- fers, as a whole, from that known in Peru at Pebas and Iquitos, which is younger. In the Peruvian Plio- cene, the large freshwater mussels of the Unionacea and Mutelacea are practically absent, but charac- terized by more species of Neritina and Anisothyr- is. Anisothyris is not found in the Ecuadorean Mio- cene but replaced by Erodona, although it is not common. Also the Neocorhicida and Paleoancii- losa are absent in the Peruvian Pliocene. The pres- ent knowledge of the Miocene malacofauna of Ec- uador permits the reconsideration of the age of Pebas — not only have some Pebas species been found in Cuenca, Loja, and Chota basins, but also very few of the known species from Pebas have survived. Pebas is, probably, not younger than the Lower Pliocene. Table 3 includes all the species known from the Ecuadorean Miocene. Only one species is con- firmed as surviving in the Recent fauna, but as an allochronic subspecies — Diplodon (Eciiadorea) guaranianns guaranianus. The Ostomy a that is listed here as O. ”cfr.” flnviatilis has affinities with this living species, although it may not be the same. ACCOUNTS graphically restricted to South America by Ortmann (1921); the variable characteristics of the shells have recurrent features among the species groups and subgenera. Ortmann was the first to study the glochidia of many species, but he did not use those embryolog- ical features for subgeneric divisions. Accepting Simpson’s two subgenera, Diplodon sensu stricto and Cyclomya (now under the correct name Rhip- idodonta), Ortmann recognized within the first a group of species around Diplodon hylaeiis, which subsequent authors included in Eciiadorea Mar- shall and Bowles. When the condition of the larval stages became better known, the main groups were separated on that biological basis. According to Bonetto (1965n and after), most of the better known species belong to two groups: 1) with parasitic glo- chidian larvae; shells are usually longer than high; !982 BRISTOW AND PARODIZ— ECUADORIAN TERTIARY SEDIMENTS 23 Table 3. — Species of MoUusca known from llie Miocene of Ecuador. A pins sign indicates that the species is known from the basin Cuenca Basin Species Loyola Azogues Mangan Chota Basin Formation Formation Formation Loja Basin Bivalvia Superfamily Unionacea Family Hyriidae Diplodon (Ecuadorea) guaraniunus hiblianus (Marshall and Bowles) Diplodon (E.) bristowi, new species Diplodon (E.) liddlei (Palmer) + + + Supeifamily Mutelacea Family Mycetopodidae Subfamily Monocondylaeinae Fossida derbyi (Ihering) Monocondylaea azognensis (Palmer) Monocondylaea pacchiana (Palmer) Monocondylaea sp. + + + + Subfamily Anodontitinae Anodontites olssoni (Palmer) + Superfamily Sphaeriacea Family Sphaeriidae Pisidium sp. + Family Corbiculidae Neocorbicida cojitamhoensis (Palmer) + + + Superfamily Myacea Family Corbulidae Erodona iquitensis (de Greve) Ostomya cf. fluviatUis (FI. Adams) + + Gastropoda Supeifamily Trochacea Family Trochidae ICaliostoma sp. + Supeifamily Neritacea Family Neritidae Subfamily Neritinae Neritina pacchiana Palmer Neritina loyolaensis, new species Pnperita aff. sphaerica (Olsson and Harbison) + + + + Supeifamily Cyclophoracea Family Aperostomatidae Poteria {Pseiidoaperastoma) hibliana (Marshall and Bowles) + Supeifamily Viviparacea Family Ampullariidae Pomacea (Limnopomus) manco Pilsbry + Supeifamily Rissoacea Family Hydrobiidae Hydrobia ortoni (Gabb) Liris minnsciila (Gabb) Dyris gracilis Conrad Lyrodes sp. Toxosoma eboreum Conrad PotamoHthoides hiblianus Marshall and Bowles + + + + + + 24 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 19 Table 3. — Continued. Cuenca Basin Species Loyola Azogues Mangan Chola Basin Formation Formation Formation Loja Basin Supeifamily Cerithiacea Family Thiaridae Aylacostoma sulcatns (Conrad) + Aylacostoma hrowni (Etheridge) + + Aylacostoma sp. + + Aylacostoma dickersoni (Palmer) + + Family Pleuroceridae Doiyssa bihliana (Marshall and Bowles) + + Paleoancidosa kennerleyi, new species + Superfamily Lymnaeacea Family Planorbiidae Gyraidus sp. + Superfamily Succineacea Family Succineaidae Siiccinea sp. + Inceilae sedis + subgenus Diplodon s.s.; 2) with glochidia of direct development; shells with greater height about the middle of the valve, subrotund; subgenus Rhipi- dodonta Morch, 1853 ( = Cvc/o/h_vu). Although the glochidial development is still un- known in a good number of species, and shell vari- ation is considerable, the system is workable for the main group of species. One of these groups, with shells like those in the first group (to which the Mio- cenic Ecuadorean species belong), have non-parasit- ic glochidia as Rhipidodoiitcr, also they present re- duction in size, and greater development of umbonal sculpture forming radial V’s inserted one into the next, reaching the center of the disc or, occasion- ally, the ventral margin. These were included by Modell (1950) in the genus Ecuadorea. The oldest of this group were found in the Oligocene of Peru, and several are still living in the northwest, middle, and southwest of South America, but absent in east- ern Brazil. Shell characteristics in this group seem to be more constant than those found between the subgenera Rhipidodonta and Diplodon s.s. The parasitic glochidia are probably a more prim- itive type, and non-parasitic glochidia are a second- ary evolutionary development; this is suggested by the oldest forms of Diplodon in the Paleocene, while Ecuadorea appears later in the Tertiary (a similar parallel evolution occurred also in other Unionacea families of North America). T. R. Rob- erts (1975) described remains of fossil fish of the genus Hoplias in the Ecuadorian Miocene; parasitic glochidia have been found with frequency in the fish Hoplias malabaricus of the Parana, producing cysts in the gills. If the fossil Ecuadorea had a tran- sitional type of glochidia with any relationship with the fossil Hoplias, it could not be verified; how- ever, their direct descendant living species in Ec- uadorea have all non-parasitic glochidia. The distinction between the flat and elongated Diplodon s.s. and the short, inflated and strongly costulated Ecuadorea is already evident in the Pa- leocene species; the Diplodon are extraordinarily similar to their ancestors from the Triassic of Penn- sylvania. Pilsbry (1921) described several species of that age from York Co., Pennsylvania, which he stated are “like Diplodon and Hyria and totally unlike that of Unio and allied genera of the North- ern Hemisphere.” Comparison of Diplodon penn- sylvanicus Pilsbry from the Triassic with Diplodon bondembenderi Doello-Jurado from the Paleocene of Patagonia shows that they belong to the same group. Richards (1948) also described Antediplodon borealis (using Marshall’s generic name) from the Newark series of York Co., which has a shape sim- ilar to that of the living D. rhuacoicus group. A full generic separation of Ecuadorea from Dip- lodon, however, would obscure rather than clarify taxonomic relationship. Obviously Modell (1950) was not entirely acquainted with all the fossil and living species involved. Eor practical purposes, Ecuadorea can be accepted as a subgenus. In order to avoid repetitious comments when describing the 1982 BRISTOW AND PARODIZ— ECU ADORIAN TERTIARY SEDIMENTS 23 fossil species from Ecuador, it is pertinent here, to give a brief account of the other species that can be assigned to Ecuadorea. Diplodon latouri (Pilsbry and Olsson, 1935). — Oligo-Miocene of La Cira Eormation, Colombia (see Parodiz, 1969:62). Described as Triplodon, it is the oldest species of the group and also the small- est (known only by the type, it might be ajuvenile). The V-shaped sculpture reaches only — as in piuir- anianus bihlianus — the middle of the disc. The au- thors already indicated that it may be referred to Ecuadorea. Diplodon (Ecuadorea) hylaeus (d’Orbigny , 1842). — Type locality: Palometas River, north-cen- tral Bolivia (specimens usually labelled as D. hy- laeus from southeastern localities actually belong to D. guaranianus). It is very rare, as its author remarked. Extremely thin compared to D. gua- ranianus, so much that the external ribs can be seen strongly marked on the internal surface which is very iridescent instead of white, and hinge and mus- cle scars weaker. Diplodon (Ecuadorea) hylaeus pazi (Hidalgo, 1868). — Described originally as Castalia. Type lo- cality: Imbabura, Ecuador. Differs from D. hylaeus hylaeus by its sculpture reaching the ventral margin very regularly. It is a living subspecies. Diplodon (Ecuadorea) guaranianus (d’Orbigny, 1835). — Described originally as Unio. Type locali- ty: Parana River at Itaty, Corrientes, Argentina. The most abundant living species, showing clinal variation in its distribution along the Parana-Para- guay drainage. D. asuncionis Marshall from Para- guay, and D. hasemani Ortmann from the Guapore River, Brazil, correspond to such clinal forms. This species has a very strong and heavy shell, as well as a strongly developed hinge, and the interior of the valves is pure white. Diplodon from the Miocene of Ecuador Subgenus Ecuadorea Marshall, 1934 Castalioides Marshall, 1934. Type species. — Ecuadorea hihliana Marshall and Bowles. Original description. — “Hyriinae with plentiful radial sculp- ture similar to that of Diplodon and still more similar to that of Hyria. The radial ribs are arranged in V pattern, each V nesting in a succeeding one. Posterior dorsal area with several plicae crossing it obliquely to the margin.” Original description of Castalioides. — “Shell with strong sculpture of radial ribs, several of the innermost pairs arranged to form very long Vs. Ribs crossing the anterior and posterior slopes form a divaricate pattern with the radial ribs.” Type. — C. laddi, “Quaternary,” Venezuela. These two diagnoses, although differently word- ed, say the same thing. Castalioides cannot be sep- arated from Ecuadorea. The authors of Ecuadorea said that “it is difficult to decide the relationship of this genus to Recent genera . . . in form the shell is like Diplodon but that genus is not plentifully sculptured.” The similarities of Castalioides laddi are of the same order as those found in Diplodon guaranianus in relation to D. bihlianus. Marshall and Bowles also found resemblances of Ecuadorea hihliana with ""Castalia" pazi Hidalgo, which now is recognized as a Diplodon. The hinge of Casta- lioides, which in Palmer’s (Liddle and Palmer, 1941) opinion is apparently different from that of Ecua- dorea, does not differ from some of the variations present in the living D. guaranianus , Diplodon (Ecuadorea) guaranianus bihlianus (Marshal! and Bowles) Ecuadorea bibliana Marshall and Bowles, 1932:5, figs. 7-8; Palmer, 1941:401, pi. 7, figs. 1-6. Castalioides laddi Marshall, 1934:78, figs. 1-4; Palmer, 1941:402. Ecuadorea laddi, Modell, 1950: 143. Diplodon guaranianus bihlianus, Parodiz, 1969:66, pi. 6, figs. 1- 7, pi. 8, fig. 6; Bristow and Hoffstetter, 1977:183. Type locality. — Biblian, northwest of Azogues, Loyola Eormation, Ecuador. Type in NMNH. Specimens observed. — Localities CRB 18 and 28 (sandstones and conglomerates), Basal Loyola Eor- mation NW of Loyola. Original description . — “Shell rather compressed, slightly nar- rower in front. Concentric sculpture of fine growth striae, with a few of the rest periods a little accentuated. Radial sculpture of a number of riblets as to form a series of V’s, and with other riblets at the front and back which if continued would form ad- ditional V’s. The anterior prong of each V is narrow, clear-cut, and nearly straight. The posterior prong is heavier and more irregular and curves toward the front of the shell. At the lower end where the radial sculpture dies out, the surface is somewhat pimpled. The posterior dorsal area with several (five or six) dis- tinct flutings running across it to the margin. The dorsal and ventral margins both arquate. L. approx. 33 mm, H. 24 mm (half 1 1 mm).” Remarks. — Complete discussion of this subspe- cies is found in Palmer (Liddle and Palmer, 1941 ) and Parodiz ( 1969). Palmer suggested that the sculp- tural pattern of E. hihliana has similarities with Diplodon santamariae Simpson, but this species (type in NMNH) has only one small V at the umbo, the rest being short and corrugated, and 26 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 19 its position is within the group of Diplodon de- lodonlits (Lam.) with parasitic glochidia (see Paro- diz, 1973:264). Its distribution is in southern Brazil. The specimens observed from Basal Loyola (CRB 18) are higher, in relation to the length if com- pared with the dimensions given for the type. The half diameter of these specimens remains the same, appearing flatter, and thus differing from the typical D. gnaranianus giiaranianus, which is always in- flated and stronger. Diplodon (Ecuadorea) bristowi, new species Holotype. — British Museum LL27820 is in a ma- trix from locality CRB 18b of Basal Loyola Eor- mation (Lat. 2°43'20"S, Long. 78°51'45"W) in same deposit containing Monocondylaea azoguensis and from an altitude of 2,530 meters. Description. — Valve (right) relatively small. Umbo well advanced toward the anterior margin. Shape triangular-oval; the anterior half of the valve is perfectly round, while the posterior is decidedly triangular, more so than in other congeneric species, especially at the posterior lower margin; thus, the slope of the dorsal margin falls very obliquely. Sculpture consisting of 30 radial ribs, not chevroned but irregular on the umbonal area, and becoming increasingly wider toward the lower mar- gin and especially on the posterior side. The ribs closer to the anterior margin are almost vertical, becoming more oblique in proportion as they ap- proach the posterior margin, then following the di- rection of the slope, where they are also thicker and more separated. Without coarse lines of growth but, instead, being concentrically striated with very fine incisions crossing the ribs as well as the interspaces (5 or 6 of such incisions can be counted per mm). Length 25 mm, height 19 mm. Anterior rounded side less than half of the triangular posterior. Comparisons . — The peculiar triangular shape acutely angulated on the posterior side, its regularly rounded anterior portion, the absence of coarse concentric tines on the lower part of the valve, and its sculpture distinguishes this new species from D. bihlUinus. Compared with Recent species, D. (E.) hristowi appears as an ancestor of D. (E.) pazi from northwestern Ecuador, which has a similar type of radial sculpture, but differs in the other de- scribed features. Diplodon {Ecuadorea) liddlei (Palmer) Diplodon liddlei Palmer, in Liddle and Palmer, 1941:404, pi. 8, figs. 1-5; Parodiz 1969:66, pi. 8, figs. 1-4; Bristow and Hoff- stetter, 1977:183. Fig. 1 (top). — Diplodon (Ecuadorea) gnaranianus hihlianus (BM LL27807). From Loyola Formation. x2. Fig. 2 (bottom). — Diplodon (E.) hristowi, new species (BM LL27820). From Loyola Formation. x2. Type locality. — Center of Azogues anticline, northwest of Azogues, Canar, Ecuador. Type in Paleontological Research Institute, Ithaca, New York. Specimens observed. — Loc. CRB 7, Biblian sandstones and conglomerates (Basal Loyola For- mation NW of Loyola). Original description. — "Shell elongate-quadrate, plump, an- terior end short flaring dorsally with a narrow wing above the hinge line; posterior dorsal area concave; sloping ventrally; hinge with two pseudocardinals in the right valve, the lower tooth larger, with a large socket between; correspondingly a large pseudocardinal in the left valve; anterior adductor and re- 1982 BRISTOW AND PARODIZ— ECUADORIAN TERTIARY SEDIMENTS 27 Fig. 3 (left). — Fossula derbyi (BM LL27806). Mangan Formation. Natural size. Fig. 4 (right). — Monocondykieu azoguensis (BM LL27813). Basal Loyola Formation. Natural size. tractor muscle scars preserved in paratype; umbones ornament- ed with radial ribs of short interlocking V-shaped pattern. The lower portion of the shell is sculptured with coarse lines of growth only. L. 35 mm, H. 28 mm, semidiameter 6 mm.” Remarks. — The shell is approximately of the same size as D. {£.) biblianus but more com- pressed and with stronger hinge. The ornamenta- tion scarcely reaches the center of the disc. The ornamentation scarsely reaches the center of the disc. Although Palmer assumed that liddlei has sim- ilarities in the hinge and other shell characters with Diplodon mogymirim Ortmann. D. mogymirim is a southeastern form from Sao Paulo, Brazil, with parasitic glochidia, and is a synonym of D. e.xpan- siis (Kuster) (see Parodiz, 1973). Superfamily Mutelacea Family Mycetopodidae Gray, 1840 (restricted Conrad 1853) Subfamily Monocondylaeinae Model), 1942 Tribe Fossulini Bonetto, 1966 Genus Fossula Lea, 1870 Fossicida Marshall, 1925, an error. Type species. — Monocondylaea fossiciilifera d’Orbigny, 1835. Subseq. designation by Ihering, 1893. =Fossida balzani Ihering, 1893. The main character in this genus is the double pseudocardinal in the right valve, instead of a single tooth as in Monocondylaea, and the teeth are stum- py, not spatuliform, with a narrow and sinuous hinge plate bearing tooth-like irregularities on the poste- rior side. The umbonal cavity is not so deep as in Monocondylaea and the anterior adductor is shal- lower. Fossula probably represents a primitive type in the subfamily. Fossula cf. derbyi (Ihering) Fig. 3 Diplodon derbyi Ihering, 1907:466, pi. 18, fig. 128; Parodiz, 1969:82, pi. 8, fig. 3. Remarks. — The one internal cast available from Loc. CRB 36b, Mangan Formation, Upper Miocene of the Cuenca Basin, is not well preserved. Its de- termination as F. derbyi is only tentative by com- parison with the incomplete type of the species from strata of uncertain age (probably Upper Ter- tiary) in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (see Parodiz, 1969). Most of the living and fossil Fossula are known from southern South America, and only one species, F. venezuelensis Pilsbry and Olsson, is known from north of the Amazon. It must be added that the very brief description of '"Diplodon" der- byi does not conform with the figured type. New discoveries are needed either in Ecuador or Brazil, to clarify the position of these fossils. The specimen is in British Museum, LL27806. 28 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 19 Fig. 5. — Monocondylaea sp. (BM LL278l3a). Basal Loyola For- mation. Natural size. Tribe Monocondylaeini Characterized by a well developed tuberculiform or spatuliform pseudocardinal, sometimes folded in the appearance of a double one. Genus Monocondylaea d’Orbigny, 1835 Aplodon Spix. 1827 (not Aplodon Rafinesque, 1818, a nomen nudum in Pulmonata'). Spixiconclui Pilsbry, 1893, substitute for Aplodon. Type species. — M. paraguayana d’Orbigny, 1835, Remarks. — This genus is, according to Bonetto (1966), not a primitive one but a more specialized one among the South American Mutelacea, and it is widely distributed. Although the hinges of the fossil species described are mostly unknown, the genus can be recognized by its rather solid, subquadrate shell, without radial sculpture; the cloth-like periostracum characteristic of the living species is, of course not observable. The prismatic ' The name Aplodon Rafinesque is a nomvn nudum and therefore does not preoc- cupy the name. Spix's name which was not in use for more than 50 years is according to the ICZN (article 23h) a nomen ohiitum. Therefore the better known name of Monocondylaea is maintained. area is wide and rather thick, and the valves some- times gaping. The oldest species known is Mono- condylaea marshalliana Pilsbry, 1935, from the Oligocene of Colombia. Monocondylaea azoguensis Palmer Fig. 4 1 Monocondylaea azoguensis Palmer, in Liddle and Palmer, 1941 : 405, pi. 9, fig. 8; Parodiz, 1969:78, pi. 8, fig. 5; Bristow and Hoffstetter, 1977:183. Type locality. — Biblian sandstone, 3 km NW Azogues, Ecuador (Basal Loyola Formation), Ho- lotype (a cast) in Paleontological Research Insti- tute, Ithaca, New York. Material e.\amined. — One specimen, Brit. Mus. Nat. Hist. (LL27813) coll. CRB 18b. Original description. — “Shell quadrate, short, anterior and ventral margins rounded; dorsal margin high; posterior margin obliquely inclined to about the middle line, then it turns and is broadly rounded to the ventral margin. An obscure fold occurs from the umbonal area to the point of angulation of the mid- posterior junction. It resembles the posterior folds of Monocon- dylaea. A second line is suggested from the posterior-ventral junction toward the umbo but crushing in that area indicates that the mark is not normal. The shell [sic] is smooth with no impres- sion of radial sculpture on the beak. The anterior portion is not produced just below the beak as in most Monocondylaea. The hinge is not available and the specimens are poorly preserved. L. 29 mm; H. 25 mm; semidiameter 5 mm (cast).’’ Remarks. — The hinge has not been observed be- cause of the condition of the fossil specimen. The species can be distinguished from M. pacchiana by being shorter and more quadrate; it is also about 25% smaller than pacchiana. Monocondylaea pacchiana Palmer 'I Monocondylaea pacchiana Palmer, in Liddle and Palmer, 1941; 49, pi. 9, figs. \-2{paccliensis in plate); Parodiz, 1969:80, pi. 8, figs. 2, 7; Bristow and Hoffstetter, 1977:183. Type locality. — Biblian sandstone at Quebrada Paccha, Azuay, Ecuador ( = Basal Loyola Forma- tion), Syntypes at Paleontological Research Insti- tute, Ithaca, New York, Original description. — “Shell medium, umbos low, dorsal line straight; posterior end broad, straight or slightly rounded, anterior end sloping, short; shell smooth; hinge unknown. L. 40 mm; H. 33 mm; semidiameter 10 mm." Remarks. — Described from fragments of the shell adhering to the cast. The concentric growth lines define it better than azoguensis as a Monocondy- laea as does the absence of radial sculpture. It is possible that pacchiana represents a more mature form of azoguensis, because both belong to Basal 1982 BRISTOW AND PARODIZ— ECU ADORl AN TERTIARY SEDIMENTS 29 Loyola; the differences in the currently known ma- terials may be verified when better specimens be- come available. Monocondylaea sp. Fig. 5 Remarks. — The specimen consists of the lower half of an internal cast from locality CRB 18, Basal Loyola. The middle line of the posterior dorsal mar- gin and inflation toward the center reveals it to be a Monocondylaea dissimilar to the above men- tioned species, but the condition of the cast makes it insufficient for description. The specimen is Brit- ish Museum, LL27813. Subfamily Anodontitinae Modell, 1942 Gtnus Anodontites Bruguiere, 1792 PatularUi Swainson, 1840. Glaharis Gray. 1847. Stygcinodan Martens, 1900. Pachyanodon Martens, 1900. Ruganodontites Marshall, 1931 . Type species. — Anodontites crispata (Bruguiere, 1792 (orig. design.) This genus is distributed in all South America from Colombia to northern Patagonia, with excep- tion of the Pacific slope from Ecuador southwards. Its edentulous, Anodonta-like hinge is characteris- tic, differing from Leila which has incipient cren- ulations or articulations and more anteriorly point- ed valves. The shells are elongated in most species and not — or very slightly — gaping. In very gerontic anodontitinoids, the hinge line may present sali- ences in one valve that correspond to sinuses in the other, but such condition does not constitute an ar- ticulate hinge. In most fossils, however, the hinge has not been observed. The larger and greener species without surface ornamentation differ some- what from the typical group of A. crispata, and have been separated in Glaharis', however, because there are intermediate forms, the subgeneric divi- sions proposed are still very unsatisfactory. In Ec- uador only a very rare species has been found liv- ing, A. napoensis (Lea), which Marshall (1931) included in his Ruganodontites and whieh accord- ing to Haas (1931) is a form of the common and variable A. crispata. However, the fossil speeies from Ecuador cannot be compared with those now living in the northern part of the continent, except in regard to the light radial sculpture preserved only on the lower part of the shell. The specimens are assigned to the following species: Anodontites olssoni Palmer Anodontites olssoni Palmer, 1941:406, pi. 9, figs. 6-7; Parodiz, 1969:86; Bristow and Hoffstetter, 1977:183. Anodontites sp. Marshall and Bowles, 1932:6. Type locality. — Biblian sandstone, west of Azo- gues. Material examined. — From loc. CRB 18, Basal Loyola. Original description. — “Shell large, thick, umbos large, swol- len; hinge line straight [in the remarks the author said that the dorsal line is displaced]; posterior end slopes obliquely from the posterior termination of the hinge line to the rounded posterior- ventral margin. Hinge unknown; surface smooth with conspic- uous, radiating, undulating lines over the anterior portion of the shell from about the middle to almost the anterior margin, stronger ventral; irregular stages of growth. L. 65 mm; H. 46 mm; thickness (both valves) 35 mm." Remarks. — A noticeable condition in this species is that in casts found with both valves together one valve slips under the other. Palmer as well as Mar- shall and Bowles remarked that “one valve has slipped toward the ventral margin so that the beak is beneath the beak of the other valve.” The species apparently forms a transition between A. crispata and those equally rounded and swollen species of the southern regions which do not have conspicu- ous ornamentation. An older species, A. lacirianits Pilsbry and Olsson from the Oligocene of Colombia, has a shape rather similar to A. olssoni, but its sur- face is smooth. SupeiTamily Sphaeriacea Family Corbiculidae (=Cyrenidae of authors) Genus Neocorbicula Fischer, 1887 Cyanocyclas Ferussac, 1811 (in part of authors). Type species. — Tellina limosa Maton ( =Cyclas variegata d’Orbigny). A typical Neotropical genus, with long siphons (these are about 10 mm long observed in live spec- imens), having the same crenulations on the lateral teeth, and concentric sculpture as the Old World Corbie ala, but differs by the presence of a pallial sinus and in the development of the embryos. Neocorbicula cojitamboensis (Palmer) Figs. 6-7 Corhicida {Cyanocyclas) cojitamboensis Palmer, 1941:408. pi. 9, fig. 6. Corhicida (C. ) pacchiana Palmer, 1941:407, pi. 9, fig. 5. Neocorbicula cojitamboensis. Parodiz, 1969:92, pi. 10, fig. II; Bristow and Hoffstetter, 1977: 183, 194. 30 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 19 Figs. 6-7. — Neocorhiculu cojitamhoensis (BM 278331). Gray shale conglomerate from Mangan Formation. Natural size. Neocorhicula pacchiana, Parodiz, 1969:91, pi. 10, fig. I; Bristow and Hoffstetter, 1977:183. Type locality. — Arroyo Potrero west of Cojitam- bo, near Cuenca, in bituminous limestone of Mid-Miocene (the deposit corresponds to Loyola Formation). Type in Paleontological Research In- stitute, Ithaca, New York. Localities. — Middle Miocene: Basal Loyola, CRB 6, 7, 9, 10, 15, 18, 26, 34, 48; Middle Loyola, 11a, 11c; Upper Loyola, 11b; Basal Azogues, 1, 4, 13. Upper Miocene: Mangan, 20, 36, 42; Ayancay, 39. Description. — Shell trigonal in shape; size as the average in living species. Umbo high; hinge with narrow laterals; surface with well marked concentric ribs and lines of growth. Height 19 mm (larger specimens 23), major diameter 21 mm (wider speci- mens 26), lesser diameter 4 mm when well preserved (most fos- sils are very compressed laterally). Remarks. — The original descriptions of cojitam- boensis and pacchiana are almost identical, except for the size indicated as larger in pacchiana. In her comments Palmer added that the "Paccha Cyano- cyclas differ in being less concave beneath the beaks”; this character is not very conspicuous in the fossils and it is highly variable in living species. The uncertainty about the deposit in which pac- chiana was found, in relation to the limestone with cojitamhoensis, was the main criterion used to sep- arate them as different species. The numerous sam- ples collected by Bristow from the Lower to the Upper Miocene show all the intermediate variations as belonging to one and the same species. Those of localities 36 and 42 in the Mangan Formation are relatively larger but still not specifically separable. Most of the fossils, in the same shales containing A. browni, underwent a diatrophic process of compression in such a way that in many shells only the upper disc remains elevated, while the lower part down to the ventral margin is flattened. From matrices of Basal Loyola, the numerous casts in the yellowish sandstone are not well preserved, and are mostly fragments. The name pacchiana takes precedence in Palm- er’s description being immediately above cojitam- boensis\ however, the type of cojitamhoensis is a better preserved specimen, with more conspicuous characters. For this reason, and according to Arti- cle 24A and recommendation of the ICZN, cojitam- boensis can hold priority. Biological remarks. — Living Neocorbicnla have 1982 BRISTOW AND PARODIZ— ECU ADORIAN TERTIARY SEDIMENTS 31 a brownish-green periostracum and the internal sur- face of the shell is tinted with violet. They are vi- viparous, whereas in the genus Corhicula there is a late larval benthic stage. Eggs of Neocorhiciila are 5 mm in diameter; after hatching inside the in- ternal marsupial gill the embryos are uncommonly long (some one-quarter the size of the maternal shell) and of an advanced stage of development, looking as exact miniatures of the adult. The indi- viduals become sexually mature before they reach the average adult size, and in the marsupium of very small specimens (only one-third of the adult size) I found embryos 1.5 mm long. Larger embryos are located in the upper part of the gill and the smaller at the bottom of the marsupium. After dissecting more than a thousand individuals from different populations and localities (see Parodiz, 1965), no males were found and all individuals were gravid females. The embryos inside the same individual show an extraordinary resemblance to each other, but differ from individuals of other demes, thus forming not dines but clones. Such a characteristic points to parthenogenesis. The fossil shells of Neocorhiciila cojitamboensis show that the same clonic condition existed in the Miocene. Although most of the living Neocorhiciila are found in river systems that empty into the Atlantic, they occurred abundantly during the Tertiary on the western part of the continent {N. stelzneri Parodiz in northwestern Argentina) and also in the Paleo- cene of Patagonia (N . pehiiencliensis Doello-Jura- do). Family Sphaeriidae Jeffreys, 1862 (According to Article 40 of the ICZN Code, Sphaeriidae Jef- freys has priority over Sphaeriidae Erichson, 1845 in Insects.) Cycladidcie Rafinesque, 1820, nomen oblitum. Pisidiidae Gray in Turton, 1857. Genus Pisidium Pfeiffer, 1821 This genus differs from other Sphaeriidae by its inequilateral shell with the umbos not subcentral but towards the front. IPisidium sp. Remarks. — The extremely small size (about 1 mm) of the ferrugineous or blackish casts in a hard sandstone matrix made the assignation to Pisidium as only tentative. The matrix corresponds to the loc. CRB 7, of Basal Loyola and contains also re- mains of neritoid brackishwater snails, as well as Hydrobiidae and Planorbiidae, and also Erodona. Other similar casts are found in loc. 26i. Roberts ( 1975:262) indicated 'IPisidiiim from CRB 1 1 (Mid- dle Loyola) in deposits with numerous fragments of Neocorhiciila. The deposits may represent a strand in which embayment brackishwater materials are mixed with drifted freshwater shells. Superfamily Myacea Family Corbulidae Genus £'ro/2. Fig. 10 (right). — Same, paratype in matrix (CM 46790a). Variations in markings. — In other specimens besides the above described holotype, one is larger (12.5 mm high) with the bands near the suture running almost parallel. Another in the same matrix is a fragment of the shell showing more of the por- tion toward the lip, where the bands are broken into irregular oblong spots in a manner similar to that in N. paccliiana. Comparisons. — N. Ioyolaensis differs from N. pacchiana by being considerably more elongated {paccliiana is as wide as high) and in the color pat- tern {N. pacchiana shows only triangular patches without any axial banding). N. pacchiana has a lower apex. From N. ortoni, N. Ioyolaensis differs by its more numerous bands, not waving but of reg- ular ziczac pattern, and being not globular, larger, and with much higher apex. N. Ioyolaensis can be easily separated from the other Neritina listed above from the Neogene. Col- or pattern in species of this genus is variable; if it would be possible to assume that it represents a peculiar variation of TV. pacchiana, the criterion, then, to differentiate the other species would be in- valid; all the species are distinguished by their pe- culiar shape, and altitude of the spire as well as the pattern (coloration pattern in Neritina is a feature fairly well preserved in Tertiary fossils). TV. loyo- laensis is stratigraphically older than pacchiana, and even more so than the other Neogene species from eastern Peru. TV. Ioyolaensis belongs to the subgenus Vitta Morch 1852, of which Neritina {Vitta) virginea (L.) is the type species. Neritina pacchiana Palmer 1941 N. pacchiana Palmer, 1941, Bull. Amer. Paleontol., 100:396, pi. 9, figs. 3-4. Type locality. — (This locality is not indicated with the description but it is inferred from the pre- liminary remarks by Palmer in previous pages) “Near Paccha,’’ Quebrada Paccha (float in stream beds) Areniscas (sandstones) of Azogues. This is above Loyola Formation (Guapan?) in the Mio- cene-Pliocene of Ecuador. Holotype in Paleontol- ogy Research Institute, Ithaca, New York, no. 4009. Original description. — “Shell small, spire slightly elevated, columella callus thickened, more so anteriorly. Surface with bands of dark patches, irregular in size, some part of the shell compactly covered with dark spots. The coloration is described from one specimen, the only shell retaining such features. The 36 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 19 Fig. II. — Neritinci loyoUiensix, new species (paratype BM GG 19827/1). x3. coloration is closest to that of certain color variations of N. virginea L. of the West Indies and Brazil. Since the species of Neritina offer a wide variation in surface color markings, the pattern of one shell would not be enough for specific identifi- cation. fhe shape of the species diffeis from the 5 fossil forms of the Upper Amazonian fauna in being more erect, i.e. the spire is above the line of the posterior margin of the aperture and not at the same level with it. N . pacchiana does not have the spire elevated so much as the Recent N. virginea L. Height 6 mm; greatest diameter 4.5 mm." Remarks. — Although this species is identifiable by its description and illustration, specimens from other localities cannot be assigned correctly to it; most of them belong to loyolaensis, which has a different shape as well as color markings. Neritina sp. Fig. 12 Remarks. — Internal casts of globular small indi- viduals, 4 by 4 mm, were found in the matrix of coarse conglomerate of the samples of CRB 7, Bas- al Loyola Formation, which also contains Hydro- biidae and Neocorhiciila. It apparently belongs to the N. ortoni Conrad complex, approaching that species in size, but cannot be identified as that species, which is from the Pliocene. Other, unidentified casts from Upper Loyola at Malpaso (CRB 30), which Roberts (1975) indicated as Theodoxas (an Asiatic genus), are more likely Neritina. Gqvxus Puperita Gray, 1857 Type species. — Nerita papa Linnaeus. Fig. 12. — Neritina sp. Matrix that contained the specimen iso- lated below (of the N. ortoni complex). Basal Loyola Formation. Carnegie Museum specimen. x6. IPuperita aff. sphaerica (Olsson and Harbison, 1953) Fig. 13 [Neritina] sphaerica Olsson and Harbison, 1953, Monogr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 8:340. pi. 60, fig. 6a-c. Remarks. — Living Puperita can be distinguished from Neritina by their more roundish, ‘‘naticoid” shell, lack of denticulation on the inner lip, and the surface patterns. In Tertiary fossils, especially those of small size, the only dependable character- istic is the shape. The ''Neritina" sphaerica de- scribed from the late Pliocene of Saint Petersburg, Florida, still shows a pattern of coloration with ob- long spots, recalling that of the Miocenic N. pac- chiana ; its authors suggested that most probably it belongs to the subgenus Puperita (by others con- sidered as a separate genus); also they said that the species has weak columellar denticulations, a 1982 BRISTOW AND PARODIZ— ECU ADORI AN TERTIARY SEDIMENTS 37 Fig. 13. — Matrix from (CRB 48) Basal Loyola, with steinkern of portion of a valve of Neocorhicula cojitamboensis (CM), x 1 1 . character of Neritina. The transition of color pat- tern— and somewhat also in the shape — from Ner- itina pacchiana to sphaerica and the living species, seems to indicate that, in the Neogene the generic separation was still in the process. Our specimens, from localities 46 and 48, of Basal Loyola, are steinkerns, some still in the matrix. As usual in cases of inner casts, the sutural groove ap- pears deeper than in those better preserved speci- Puperitu aff. sphaerica. On the lower part the matrix also shows a mens of N. sphaerica', the difference is noticeable enough to presume a specific distinction, even if they are of the same shape and size; a formal de- scription under such a conclusion can only be made when better material may be obtained. On this oc- casion they are just indicated as “affinis” sphae- rica. One of the specimens (CRB 48 in matrix) is about 5 by 4 mm, a little larger than the type of sphaerica', all have three whorls, the last enlarging 38 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 19 rapidly. The matrix contains also Neocorbicula co- jitamhoensis. Superfamily Cyclophoracea Family Aperostomatidae Poteria Gray, 1850 PUitystoma Morch, 1850, not Meigen, 1803. Subgenus Pseudoaperastoma Baker, 1943 Neocyclotus — in part — Crosse and Fischer, 1886. Type species. — Cyclostoma inca d’Orbigny. (See remarks in Parodiz, 1969:103.) Poteria (Pseudoaperastoma ) bibliana (Marshall and Bowles) Fig. 14 Pomacea bihliiina Marshall and Bowles, 1932:4, figs. 4-5. Poteria {Pseudoaperastoma) bibliana, Parodiz, 1969:103, pi. 16, figs. 2-3. Type locality. — Biblian sandstone of Cafiar ( = Basal Loyola Formation) found together with Dor- yssa bibliana and Diplodon (E.) giiaranianits bib- lianas. Remarks. — The shell of this species is very sim- ilar to the Recent Poteria inca ; it has three to four whorls rapidly increasing in size. Spire flat and the body whorl composes most of the shell. Periphery almost carinated. Aperture widely expanded. Above the angulosity of the last whorl it is decid- edly convex, and it descends obliquely below to- wards the base of the aperture. It is two thirds wider than high. Height 20 mm, width 30 mm. Because Poteria bibliana is an operculated, ter- restrial gastropod, the specimens must have been drifted into deposits that contain truly freshwater species. Our observed specimens are from locality CRB 26, of Basal Loyola. Superfamily Viviparacea The two families, Viviparidae and Ampullariidae, in this superfamily are both found with fossil rep- resentatives in South America, but are of different origins. While the Viviparidae (Vivipartis-Liopla- codes) were found with certain abundance in the early Paleocene of Patagonia and Brazil they be- came extinct afterwards, there or elsewhere on the continent. Ampullariidae, with fossils in the middle and late Tertiary of the northwest, reached the southern regions in more recent times, not older than Pleistocene, and none living in Patagonia; they probably belong to an ancient stock probably relat- ed to the African genera, in the same manner as the Mutelacea. The extinct South American Vivipari- dae, on the other hand, were more closely related to those of North America, or from the Old World. Family Ampullariidae Gexm^ Pomacea Perry and March, 1810 Ampullaria Lamarck, 1810, not Lamarck, 1799 = Pila Bolten, 1798. AmpuUarius Montfort, 1810 (after March). Pomiis H. and H. Adams, 1856. AmpuUarius Parodiz, 1969:109. Type species (of both AmpuUarius and Poma- cea).— ^"Nerita" urceus Muller. Subgenus Limnopomus Dali, 1904 Type species. — Ampullaria columellaris Gould. Pomacea (Limnopomus) manco Pilsbry Fig. 15 Pomacea manco Pilsbry, 1944:145, pi. 11. figs. 31-32. Boss and Parodiz, 1977:116. AmpuUarius (Limnopomus) manco, Parodiz, 1969:110. Type locality. — Quebrada de Sungarillo, in strata with "^Hemisinus" paleus, Oligocene of the Pachi- tea River, Peru. Type in Academy of Natural Sci- ences, Philadelphia. Original description. — “The shell’s internal cast is globular, umbilicate, with a moderately elevated spire. The last whorl is very convex. The aperture is semilunar, rather narrow, L. 15.5 mm (Type), D. 14.5 mm. Another specimen D. 16 mm." Remarks. — One specimen, CRB 34, of Basal Loyola, has great affinities to, and it is, tentatively, assignable to this species. The type of P. manco, being umbilicated, shows a probable transition with the subgenus Effusa. This species is small in size in comparison with some of the other fossils (P. prourceus Boss and Parodiz) and the living species (P. maculata Perry = gigas Spix), which are giants among the freshwater operculated snails. The Oligocene age of P. manco is still question- able; very similar species as P. guadasensis (An- derson) from the Magdalena Valley in Colombia are not older than Pliocene, and probably Pleistocene, instead of early Tertiary as indicated by Anderson. Superfamily Rissoacea Family Hydrobiidae The family name Hydrobiidae, as used by most authors in a broad sense, contains an array of subfamilies that may, or may not, correctly belong to it, but may constitute distinct families — Hydro- 1982 BRISTOW AND PARODIZ— ECUADORIAN TERTIARY SEDIMENTS 39 biinae s.s., Lyogyriniae, Littoridininae, Amnicoli- nae, Benedictinae, Lithoglyphioae. Although the Hydrobiidae are related to the marine family Ris- soidae, they differ in certain features, as in the oper- culae, the presence or absence of accessory tenta- cles, the radula, and embryologically, because the Hydrobiidae do not have the free-living larvae of the marine forms. In spite of Opinion 457 ( 1957) of the International Commission of Zoological Nomenclature, in sup- port of Bityynidae Gray, 1857, as the valid name for the family, the consensus of most authors dis- regards such rule, using BuHmidae ( = Bithynbiidae) as a separated family from the real “Hydrobias.” Recent anatomical studies help to clarify the rela- tionship of the groups within or segregated from the family. However, in fossils in which only the shell or casts are known, the taxonomic difficulties persist. The assignment to particular subfamilies or genera, inferred by shell comparison with the living taxa, cannot be certain in all cases. Hydrobia is a genus considered to be restricted to the Northern Hemisphere and to be replaced in South America by groups more commonly placed in the Littoridininae. How'ever, there are some species in South America, especially those of brackishwater environments that appear to be more closely related to Hydrobia than to Littoridina or others of its group. Germs Hydrobia Hartmann, 1821 (sensu lato) Hartmann in Sturm’s Fauna Deutschland, Abd. 6(5):46. Type. — Helix acuta Draparnaud, subsequent des- ignation by Gray, 1847. By the shell alone, the differentiation in certain species between Hydrobia and Littoridina is diffi- cult, and this is even more of a problem in fossils. These two genera are very similar in shape, and both are devoid of sculpture in the adults. I have compared several of the living species, abundant in La Plata River system, identified as Littoridina, and found that the named L. australis differs from the others of the estuary, not living in freshwater but always in brackishwater, and can be assigned better to Hydrobia (this genus taken in a broad sense). The similarity of shape, smooth surface, and flat- tened sides of the whorls, of the species australis with Hydrobia ortoni of the Neogene of Peru and Ecuador, indicates that both must belong to the same genus. iHydrobia ortoni (Gabb, 1869) Mesalia ortoni Gabb, 1869, Amer. J. Conchology, 4:198, p!. 16, fig. 3. {Mesalia Gray, 1842 is a Turritellidae.) Isaea ortoni Gabb, 1871. Hydrobia (Conradia) ortoni, in Wenz, 1938. De Greve, 1938:90. Hydrobia (Isaea) confusa Boettger, 1878. De Greve, 1938:90. Hydrobia (Conradia) confusa, in Wenz, 1938. De Greve, 1938. Type locality. — The type locality was indicated in the introduction of the paper by Gabb (1869); “high bluff at Pebas, on the Ambiyacu River, two miles above its confluence with the Maranon, near the southern border of Ecuador.” Original description. — “Shell small, elongated, spire high, whorls eight or nine, sometimes very plain, or in other cases marked by two or more revolving carinae in the young state, which alv/ays disappear as the shell grows older; the larger whorls are smooth, flattened on the sides and round in above and below, to the suture, which is deeply impressed; base of body whorl rounded. Aperture subovate, acute behind, rounded in advance; outer lip thin and straight, inner lip acute and slightly reflected over the umbilical region. Dimensions. — Length .35 in., width .13 in.” Remarks. — De Greve placed all the Pebas species in Hydrobia (Conradia) but these correspond bet- ter to Dyris, except ortoni which does not belong to this group of sculptured shells. Its assignment to Hydrobia is acceptable, sensu lato, provided it is understood that the Conradia-Dyris group is ex- cluded. Numerous specimens and fragments of this species are contained in the gray shales of loc. CRB 7 (Loyola Formation); some of these appear to have more impressed sutures and the whorls more con- vex because they are internal casts. However, these differences are the same as seen in the original fig- ures in Gabb (1869) in comparison with those pho- tographed by de Greve ( 1938), and indicate also that there is no clear distinction between ortoni and confusa. The specimens from the Loyola Forma- tion might correspond to a different form, due to their age and location, but apart from some of them being slightly more elongated, there are no other features or characteristics that can be described. For other IHydrobia sp. from the locality CRB 7 (Basal Loyola) reported by Roberts (1975;262) see Ly codes. In matrix of the locality CRB 7, of Basal Loyola, a few casts of Hydrobia ortoni were observed. This is the same matrix that contains the marine frag- ment of the already mentioned ICaUiostoma, and also the fish scale with a bivalve-like appearance. This is another indication of the more salobre con- dition in which Hydrobia ortoni lived. 40 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 19 Genus L/m Conrad, 1871 Type species. — Liris Uupieata Conrad, 1871, Amer. J. Conchology, 6:194. Original description. — “Elongated, subcylindrical, with con- vex whorls and oblique longitudinal ribs; apex entire; aperture suboval, small, peristome continuous, labium reflexed and prom- inent. This may be only a subgenus of the former [Isaea = Dyris], but the shell has a more general resemblance to Pupa and is without an umbilicus. The aperture proportionally small- er." Wenz (1938) placed Liris within the subfamily Littoridininae, although the taxonomic position of certain genera of Hydrobiidae is still provisional. Liris contains species which, as the type species, have only longitudinal ribs, but others, as L. tu- berculata, have a more decussated sculpture, and are scalariform. This genus has also certain resem- blances with Prososthenia Neumayr from the Plio- cene of Europe, but Prososthenia is very irregular in shape, has more oblique sutures, and has a strong peristome. The two genera are typical, however, as an example of great variability in many similar groups of Hydrobiidae. Liris minuscula (Gabb, 1869) Tnrhonilla niinnsciila Gabb, 1869, Amer. J. Conchology, 4; 197, pi. 16. fig. I . Liris niinusciiUi. de Greve, I938;92, pi. I, figs. 31-35, pi. 2, figs. I, 9, II. and text figs. 12-18. Parodiz, 1969:120. Potamides “n.sp.,“ Bristow and Hoffstetter, 1977:337. Type locality. — The type is from the Pliocene of Iquitos, Peru. Original description. — “Shell minute, elevated, slender; whorls six or more, rounded, suture deep; surface marked by about fifteen rounded, longitudinal ribs, with concave inter- spaces; aperture subcircular, outer lip simple, straight, inner lip slightly thickened.” The figured type (in the Academy of Natural Sciences, Phila- delphia) is a specimen with only the last 4 whorls, broken at the apex; it measures 3.7 mm in length and 1.9 mm. wide. Remarks. — The axial sculpture of this species shows great variation in the development of the ribs, which in some specimens are very strong, and with the greater convexity of the whorls and deep sutures, the shells take a scalariform aspect. Such variations were profusely illustrated by de Greve (1938). This species is characterized also by being entirely devoid of spiral sculpture. It is close to the type of L. laqiieata, but that species has a still deeper suture, with the peristome completely de- tached from the body whorl similar to that of the Clausiliidae, and it is produced. The specimen of lacpieata, in fig. 21 of de Greve (1938), looks like an intermediate with minuscula. The examined specimens are from the lots PHI and PH2, localized at Eat. 0°29'N, Long. 78°3'W, and Lat. 0°28'N, respectively, from the Tumbatii Formation (Neogene) and also from San Cayetano Formation. They are contained in a matrix of solid “coquina” and are represented by numerous frag- ments of crushed shells and also some complete specimens. The coquina looks as if it had been formed by brackishwater, rather than freshwater sedimentation. Because the species was originally described from the brackishwater fauna of Iquitos, Peru, probably the older Ecuadorean populations lived in similar environments, or might have been accumulated on the strand by drift. Parts of the co- quina are covered with hardened clay that may be younger than the matrix, although it also contains the species. One specimen in it is of considerably larger size (about 8 mm long) and it is entirely cal- cified. Genus Dyris Conrad, 1871 Isaea Conrad, 1871, not Edwards, 1830. Conradia Wenz, 1925, not A. Adams, I860. Type species. — Dyris gracilis Conrad, 1871:195. Original description. — “Subulate, with many volutions; ap- erture ovate, labium reflexed. The mouth of this shell is similar to that in the genus Melania, but the form and sculpture of the shell are very different from those of Melania." Conrad’s description of this genus is very insuf- ficient, and it can only be identified by comple- menting it with the description of the type species from the Pebas Formation in Peru. The principal characteristic of the genus is the lack of axial sculp- ture, but it is also characterized by strong spiral ribs carinae-like, the elongated spire, very deep suture, and relatively small aperture. Among living genera it resembles Calipyrgula and Lyrodes in shape. Several species have been described from Pebas, and recognized by de Greve under Hydrobia {Con- radia). The variability of such species is so great and their intergradations so many, that for the pur- poses of correct identification only two species can be considered — ortoni (Gabb) =confusa Gabb, and Dyris gracilis Conrad, which includes tricarinata Boettger and D. lintea Conrad. It has already been seen that the larger species — ortoni — with less marked suture and without sculpture does not be- long to the same Hydrobia (Conradia) group in the sense of de Greve (equivalent of Dyris), but to a more Littoridina-like Hydrobia (sensu lato). 1982 BRISTOW AND PARODIZ— ECUADORIAN TERTIARY SEDIMENTS 41 Dyris gracilis Conrad, 1871 Dyris gracilis Conrad, 1871, Amer. J. Conchology, 4: 195, pi. 10, fig. 8. Type locality. — (referred to in the introduction of the paper) 30 miles belov/ Pebas, on the south side of the Marahon, at Pichua, just west of Cochaqui- nas; “the shells appear to be even more abundant than at Pebas.” 30 miles below Pebas is in the di- rection of Iquitos, from where the abundant mate- rial studied by de Greve came, but still far from it. Original description. — “Very slender and elongated; whorls 8, convex, revolving lines carinated, very regular, 4 on the pen- ultimate and 5 on the last whorl; about the sutures there is rather wide indented space, whorls minute and obliquely striated. The figure is a rough outline, merely indicating the natural size.” [The “indicated” size is 8 by 1 mm.] Remarks. — In typical D. gracilis, the flat space between the sutures is sometimes as wide as the rest of the whorl that is ribbed, but in others that space narrows. Those with wide spaces correspond to the form tricarinata Boettger, with the three ribs in the remainder of the whorl very conspicuous. Between this condition and the normal gracilis there are many intergradations and the two forms cannot be separated clearly; gradual variations con- tinue until the interspace completely disappears, becoming the form that was named lintea by Con- rad; this modification is accompanied by a widening of the base. In comparison with the abundance of specimens found at Pebas, those of the Upper Miocene of Ec- uador (San Cayetano Formation — Loja) are scat- tered impressions on the surface of the shales, col- lected by Bristow and Kennerley (JW 424) and are mostly of the tricarinata form. This is perhaps the ancestral form of gracilis from which the Pliocene polytypic populations evolved. Professor C. Carrion collected for the British Museum, at the same locality of Loja, two small slabs of very pale buff silty limestone with impres- sions of the same species mixed with remains of Characea (British Museum G 43325-6). Genus Ljro*s Doering, 1885 Potamopyrgus (in part of authors for Neotropical species). Pyrgophoms Ancey, 1888. Type species. — Lyrodes guaranitica Doering, 1885, Bol. Acad. Nac. Cien. Cordoba, 7:461-462. Type locality. — “Lagunas riberenyas” (small lakes on side of the river) near Barrancas River (tributary of Guayquiraro River, on the border of the Corrientes-Entre Rios provinces, Argentina). The type, from Doering’s collection at the Academy in Cordoba, was lost; a neotype was selected by Parodiz (1960:25) from Riachuelo, near Corrientes city (CM 59-108). Lyrodes sp. Remarks. — From locality CRB 7 (Basal Loyola), internal casts that are different from the other Hy- drobiidae may be assignable to Lyrodes (the same were indicated as Hydrobial by Bristow, 1973:23). They measure about 3.5 mm in length and have rounded whorls with deep sutures. Separated from the matrix, one incomplete specimen has three whorls which when entire, must have been more than 4 mm; it shows very convex whorls of rapid growth which is characteristic of the genus. For their size and shape, the specimens can be com- pared with Lyrodes lacirianus (Pilsbry and Olsson, 1935:9, pi. 5, fig. 6), but this is a much older species from the Upper Oligocene of Colombia in La Cira Formation (see also Parodiz, 1969:117). Although belonging to the same group, the Ecuadorean sam- ple must correspond to a different species, which may be described when more and complete speci- mens can be obtained. The matrix is the same one that contains the “problematic fossil” (probably a fish scale) that looks like a minute pectinid valve. Genus Toxosoma Conrad Pseudolacuna Boettger, 1878:496. Type species. — Toxosoma eborea Conrad, 1874:31, pi. 1, fig. 7. Original description. — “Conical, polished, the aperture pro- jecting, subovate, direct, peristome continuous; coiumeila con- cave with a plait or tooth in the middle, not oblique, base round- ed, subumbilicated.” Toxosoma eboreum Conrad (emend. Pilsbry, 1944) Fig. 16 T. eborea Conrad, 1874; Tryon, 1883:270; Pilsbry, 1944:151, text fig. 3a-b (name changed to eboreum because of the ending of the genus name, soma, in this regard see ICZN Article 30a; Parodiz, 1969:121. Pseudolacima macroptera Boettger, 1878:496, pi. 13, figs. la-!5 (Pebas); Oliveiro Roxo, 1943:638, pi. 29, fig. 25; de Greve, 1938: 74, pi. 5, figs. 17-18, 24-29, 31-36. Hydrobia (Paliidestrina) diibia Etheridge, 1879:86, pi. 7, fig. 11 (the author said that he named it nith much doubt): Oliveiro Roxo, 1943:640-641, pi. 29, fig. 24 (as Isaea). Type locality .—Pebas (Pliocene), Peru. 42 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 19 Fig. 14. — Poteria (Pseudouperastoma) hihliaiia (BM GG 19821). Basal Loyola Formation. x2. Fig. 15. — Pomacea (Limnopomus) manco (BM GG 19819). Basal Loyola. x4. Fig. 16. — Toxosoma ehoreum (BM GG 19816). Mangan Formation. x5. Remarks. — Conrad’s diagnosis is very brief, in- dicating that it is small (4.7 mm) with 5 whorls rounded, aperture angular above, last whorl ex- panded, and with a minute columellar tooth. The figure, although very small, is recognizable as being the same as P. macroptera, which Pilsbry verified when he redescribed the type in the ANSP (161 152). The dimensions are approximately the same, and de Greve specimens are even smaller. The fact that this species was frequently referred to as macroptera does not make T. eborea a “no- men oblitum," as the rule for that was not applied before 1960 and, more important, it was not over- looked; de Greve listed it (1938:5) among the Con- rad species of 1874, but failed to recognize its iden- tity. De Greve listed also Hydrobia diibia Etheridge (1938:8, 10) but did not include it in the synonymy or the systematic discussion of the species. The figs. 24, 29, 33-34 on pi. 5 show specimens of the variations of macroptera which are identical with the form described by Etheridge. T. eboreum is extremely variable in the devel- opment of the last whorl and peristome; the colu- mellar tooth sometimes is absent or so internally placed (in fact it is a fold that continues on the in- ternal columella) that it can be seen only in an oblique view of the shell. Our specimen (British Museum GG 19816) is from locality CRB 26b, in matrix from Mangan For- mation. It gives a front (apertural) view of the shell which has a large body whorl; the penultimate whorl has an adherence that gives the false impres- sion of being carinated but the surface is smooth. The last whorl occupies two-thirds of the length of the shell (length 4.5 mm, width 2.5 mm). Length of the aperture is approximately half of the shell di- ameter. Width of the aperture is 1 mm. The speci- men agrees with those illustrated by de Greve (1938) in figs. 29 and 34. As for the spire, all the specimens figured as P. macroptera are the same. This species has similarities with ’’’'Lacuna" (Ebora) crassilabris Conrad (which is probably a To.xosoma) but it is much narrower, with a shorter spire and angulated, instead of rounded, aperture. Genus Potamolithoides Marshall and Bowles, 1932 Type. — Potamolithoides biblianus Marshall and Bowles, 1932:4, figs. 1-3. Original description . — “Shell small, resembling Potamolithus but with spire depressed and base widely umbilicated or deeply excavated." Potamolithoides biblianus Marshall and Bowles, 1932 Fig. 17 Potamolithoides biblianus Marshall and Bowles, 1932:4, figs. 1- 3. Parodiz, 1969:116, pi. 17, figs. 1-2. Holotype. — National Museum of Natural Histo- ry, 312840. Remarks. — The characters of the genus are better 1982 BRISTOW AND PARODIZ— ECU ADORIAN TERTIARY SEDIMENTS 43 Fig. 17. — PotamoHthoides biblianus (BM GG 19818). Basal Loy- ola. x3. indicated in the description of the type and only species. It is of small size (3.5-5 mm by 5-7 mm), apical whorls slightly sunken, whorls flatish above and subanguiar at periphery, base flat, and aperture oblique with thin lip. The figures of the type do not show the flatness on the upper part of the whorls, as the description indicates, but the outline is rather regularly convex, without angulosity. The whorls increase with reg- ularity, and the last one is expanded on the outer part near the peristome, a character for which the authors found resemblance with Potamolithiis. In most Potamolithus, however, the apex is rather prominent; in very few forms, as in Potamolithus lapidum paysanduanus (Pilsbry), the apex is very low, but not sunken. By the characteristics of the last whorl, PotamoHthoides is also comparable to Eiibora Kadolsky, 1980 (new name for Ebora Con- rad) but in this genus the apex is conspicuously el- evated as in Potamolithus.^ Our specimen, from CRB 26b of Basal Loyola (British Museum GG 19818), is embedded in the matrix, showing only the last whorl, very similar to the fig. 3 of the type of PotamoHthoides biblianus. It is assignable to that species (Eig. 17). ^ When this manuscript was completed, an article by Dietrich Kadolsky appeared in The Veliger, 22:364, April 1980, in which the taxonomic position of Euhora and Toxosoma is discussed. It corroborates our previous indication of PseudoUuunu ma- cropieru as synonym of Toxosoma eboreum and gives a revision of this species from the Pliocene of Peru, with complete references. It also shows the great similarities of Euhora {e\-Ehora) with some of the many species of PoiamoHthus now living in the Uruguay River. Supeifamily Cerithiacea The living freshwater Cerithiacea, which former- ly were included in the whole embracing “family" group of the Melanians, offer some taxonomic dif- ficulties for the separation of families, subfamilies, and even genera. According to Morrison ( 1954) they were derived from three different marine family stocks. The two distinguishable groups in South America belong to Thiaridae in which many species are considered as being parthenogenetic, and Pleu- roceridae, which are dioceous, and both differ also in the mechanisms of oviposition. Because such conditions are not possible to verify in fossils, the placement of the genera within the families is in- ferred only by characteristics and relative similarity of the shells. Family Pleuroceridae Subfamily Potadominae ( = Melanatriinae) Genus Doryssa H. and H. Adams, 1854 Sheppardiconcha Marshall and Bowles, 1932. Type species. — Melania atra (Bruguiere, 1792). Original description. — “Shell subulate, turreted, spire decol- lated, whorls longitudinally plicate and decussated with trans- verse ridges; aperture subcanaliculated in front; outer lip in- crassated.” Remarks. — This taxon was originally described as a subgenus of Vibex [!] Oken, 1815, but its author must have had in mind Vibex Gray, 1847, a syn- onym of Pachymelania of West Africa, a Thiaridae. When the genus Sheppardiconcha was described with the species S. bibliana Marshall and Bowles as type, the authors considered it to be of an age no later than Pliocene or even earlier. They gave only a brief diagnosis for Sheppardiconcha: "tur- ritelliform spire, roundish aperture which is appar- ently somewhat produced at the columellar side." It was also suggested by the authors that ''Hemi- sinus tuberculifera Conrad was an allied species of Sheppardiconcha, but Conrad’s species is a Thiaridae of the genus Aylacostoma (Hemisinus), which is devoid of axial sculpture, which in Shep- pardiconcha-Dory ssa appears as conspicuous sig- moid riblets. The characters of both Dory ssa and Sheppardiconcha are identical, and because of that Morrison ( 1954) placed Sheppardiconcha as a syn- onym of Dory ssa . Older Dory ssa, D. maymarensis (Bonarelli), were abundant in the early Tertiary of South Amer- 44 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 19 Fig. 18. — Doryssa hihlianci (CM 46791). Mangan Formation. x6. ica in the Puca Formation. This species is also known from the Tejon Formation, Eocene of Cali- fornia. The living species of Doryssa replace Pachychilus (most common Central American Pleuroceridae) as you move southwards in South America. Doryssa bibliana (Marshall and Bowles) Fig. 18 SheppiinUconcha hihliana Marshall and Bowles, 1932:3, pi. I, fig. 6. Hemisinus (S.) bihlianus. Palmer, 1941:40, pi. 6, figs. 1-2. Doryssa bibliana, Parodiz, 1969:134, pi. 15, fig. 12. Type locality. — Biblian, Prov. Cahar, Ecuador, Lower Miocene. The type is in the National Mu- seum of Natural History. Original description. — “Shell turritelliform imperforate, whorls numerous [the type specimen with broken apex has 6V^ whorls; the entire shell must have had 10-11 whorlsj, slowly increasing in size, somewhat flattened, longitudinal sculpture consisting of sinuous, slightly protractive incremental striae. Spiral sculp- ture of five strong, obscure nodulous lirae on the surface of the whorls of the spire and one sunk in the suture. Base worn but showing the remains of several lirae. Aperture roundish, colu- mella curving forward.” Length (upper whorls missing) 20 mm. Diameter 8.5 mm. Remarks. — Palmer found this species to be abun- dant in several localities between Azogues and Pac- cha. Our observed specimens, especially those from Loyola Formation, show a series of variations from the type. In some the whorls are more convex, the suture conspicuously canaliculated and fol- lowed by a narrow shoulder, and the sigmoid lines or riblets may be stronger so as to form a charac- teristic axial-oblique and thick sculpture broken at the top into tubercles. Other specimens show vari- ations (see list below) among the series and also from the type. Those figured previously (Parodiz, 1969: pi. 16) show also the variations in figs. 6 and 8, but that of fig. 12 (which corresponds to one fig- ured by Palmer) is an extreme one, with the axial riblets obsolete, and it is probably a 'Temporal di- ne.” The spiral sculpture begins about the middle of the whorls, merging with the axial ridges and, on the lower part becomes more regular, so that the last three, above the suture, are stronger and par- allel. The columellar lip at the aperture has in some specimens a distinct callus and is concave at the base. It seems that the sigmoid incremental ridges became proportionally stronger from the popula- tions of those of the Lower to the Upper Miocene. It would not be of any taxonomic value to designate by name the younger populations as if they were chronological forms (what Simpson calls "succes- sional” subspecies) because such variations are re- current in all the Miocene strata and the extremes are linked by numerous intermediate individuals. A related species, derived probably from the 1982 BRISTOW AND PARODiZ— ECUADORIAN TERTIARY SEDIMENTS 45 same stock of the Pliocene at Iquitos, Peru, ithium" coronatum Etheridge (v/hich is Doryssa), is also highly variable, as was illustrated by de Greve (1938), but, in general, the axial incremental sculpture is reduced to the uppermost part of the whorls, below suture, forming some elongated tu- berculae; this is a tendency which becomes more conspicuous in the living species. The characteristics of the material collected by Dr. Bristow at Loyola Formation (Lat. 78°52'W, Long. 2°34'S) in CM 46791, are as follows: axial in- cremental sculpture strong, 5 specimens; axial in- cremental sculpture conspicuous, 1; axial incre- mental sculpture less conspicuous, 10; axial incremental sculpture conspicuous at base, 1; axial incremental sculpture conspicuous on last whorl, 1; axial incremental sculpture conspicuous at top, 3; axial incremental sculpture not conspicuous, 4; spir- al sculpture strong, 15; spiral sculpture conspicuous, !; spiral sculpture not conspicuous (eroded), 8. One full specimen with apex (37 by 15 mm, ap- erture 14 by 9 mm) which is a little more than half of the whorl, has the columellar lip slightly curved to right, forming angular base. In one specimen, the last whorls only are wider being 17 mm. In the British Museum collection (G 55394-6) were observed 36 specimens from (probably) Shep- pard’s original lot, plus many others collected by Dr. Bristow from Mangan CRB 36a, and from Basal Loyola, 2, 5, 8, 14, 17, 18a-b, 28. Doiyssa corrosensis (Pilsbry and Olsson, 1935:12, pi. 2, fig. 89), originally described as Hemisinus (see Parodiz, 1969: 136), was indicated as being from Mangan Formation by Roberts (1975:261) and Bris- tow and Hoffstetter (1977:194), according to a pre- liminary report by Parodiz. Such identification must be corrected here, because those Miocene speci- mens belong to the common D. bibliana. D. cor- rosensis is an ?Eocene species from Los Corros Formation at Rio Sucio, Colombia (type in Acade- my of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia). Recently Boss and Parodiz (1977:118, figs. 10-11) reported D. corrosensis from Peru in the vicinity of Yarina on the Huallaga River, and its collector Dr. Bryan Patterson indicated the strata as early Tertiary (mid- or late Eocene), thus this species had a wide range from Colombia to Peru in the early Tertiary but not in the Miocene. Genus Paleoanculosa Parodiz Type species. — P . patagonica Parodiz, 1969:124, pi. 14, figs. 3-4. Fig. 19. — Paleoanculosa kennerleyi, new species (holotype, CM 46792). Near (east) Biblian, Mangan Formation. x6. Shell with large body whorl, spire short and con- ical. Sutures well defined. Body whorl depressed about the middle. Upper part of the whorls subgra- date or shouldered. Columella thickened by a cal- lus. The genera! appearance recalls that of the living ""Anculosa" i=Leptoxis) from the southern United States. The species previously known of this fossil group were described as Melania'" or ^"Paludina" from the early Tertiary of southern South America (Argentina and Chile). The largest one, P. macro- chilinoides (Doello-Jurado), has a certain resem- blance to Hannatoma, but this genus is a Thiaridae. The most abundant species, P. buUia (Ihering), from the Paleocene of Patagonia is slender and less shouldered, angulated at the base and perhaps rep- resents a subdivision of the group. The following new species is the only one known from northern South America and the Miocene. 46 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 19 Figs. 20-21. — Conglomerates of Mangan Formation, with Paleoanciilosn kennerleyi, new species (paratypes, CM 46793). Natural size. Paleoanculosa kennerleyi, new species Eigs. 19-21 Holotype.— CM 46792, CRB 20, Lat. 78°53'45"W, Long. 2°45'I6"S (a short distance east of Biblian and 6 km WSW Azogues) in strata of Mangan Eor- mation. Upper Miocene-Eocene. Paratypes. — 40 in CM and 60 in British Museum from the type locality. Other paratypes from 20 km north, Lat. 78°52'30"W, Long. 2°34'09"S, CM 46793. Apart from those individually separated specimens, many others are contained in matrix conglomerates. Description. — Shell ovoid-conic, that is, the spire above the last subsutural cord is decidedly pyramidal, while the last whorl below that cord is very convex and ovate. Five and a half to six whorls, the first one and a half regularly convex constitutes the nucleus which is fiat; the following whorls increase rapidly and regularly as to give a wide base to the spire which is one-third of the total length. The sides of the whorls on the spire are flat, although they might give the impression of being somewhat con- vex because of a wide spiral ridge running across the lower half of each whorl down to the penultimate one. On the last body whorl, which is very wide and rounded, the ridge is at the top. below the suture, ending at the lip, and leaves a marked cana- liculation between it and the remainder of the whorl. The body whorl is two-thirds of the total length, and as wide as high. The suture is well impressed, giving to the spire a gradate aspect. All the whorls, except at the apex, are noticeably marked by sigmoid incremental lines; there are no other sculptural features. The aperture occupies half of the length of the shell and begins at a short distance from the ridge of the last whorl; peristomatic area broken in most specimens but there is indication of the outer lip being thin. The columellar wall is widely round and ends abrupt- ly into a very short canal which is very slightly deflected to the right. On the posterior side of the body whorl the incremental sculpture is stronger, forming very elongated S's. The posterior end of the canal is roundish and a little protractive. The umbi- licus appears closed or very narrowly rimated. Dimensions of holotype . — Length, 22.5 mm; diameter, 12 mm; spire, 10.5 mm; length of last whorl, 12 mm; penultimate whorl, 2.9 mm high. The spire forms an angle of 65° in relation to the axis. Comparisons. — Compared with other species of Paleoanculosa, P. kennerleyi has a more conical spire which is wider at the base, the body whorl more globose, and the incremental lines stronger, with the depression on the upper part of the body whorl deeper than in the older P. macrochilinoides. 1982 BRISTOW AND PARODIZ— ECUADORIAN TERTIARY SEDIMENTS 47 Remarks. — The species is named in memory of Brian Kennerley, leader of the British Geological project in Ecuador, who died tragically in a car ac- cident during a sojourn in Colombia. Specimens of this species were previously reported by Pilsbry and Olsson ( 1935, as Aykicostoma siginachiliis) and Bristow and Hoffstetter (1977:195, as Aykicostoma (H .) sigmachilus). Some specimens are a little more elongated and narrower than the type (22.5 mm by 9.5 mm) and others are shorter and wider (13 mm). These pro- portions are of specimens that still preserve parts of the shell. Internal casts, of course, show whorls apparently more convex and more gradated. In a few specimens there are indications of three basal cords, but this is a juvenile character which is ab- sent in fully-developed specimens. Some specimens show deformities caused by diastrophic pressure as is seen in many other species in the same strata. Family Thiaridae The separation of the living Thiaridae from the Pleuroceridae is based on the reproductive system, the first being considered to be parthenogenetic, although there are not enough studies to prove that all forms in the family are so. The shells may show characters convergent with the Pleuroceridae, in- creasing the difficulty to distinguish the families when the study is on fossils. The systems used by Pilsbry ( 1944), Morrison ( 1954) and Wenz ( 1938) are followed here. Subfamily Aylacostominae Hemisinueae Wenz, 1938. Gtnxxs Aylacostoma Spix, 1827 Type species. — By subsequent designation Mor- rison (1954) — Aykicostoma glahriim Spix, =Melan- ia scalare Wagner, 1827. Most of the shells in Aylacostoma (sensu stricto) are turritelliform, with flat-sided whorls and spirally ribbed, and angular at the base. The genus ranges from Central America to South America in Brazil and northern Argentina; they are divided in several subgenera but the Ecuadorian Miocene species are Aylacostoma (s.l.). Aylacostoma sulcatus Conrad, 1871 Hemisinus sulcatus Conrad, 1871, Ainer. J. Conchology, 6:194, pi. 10, fig. 2. Seiuisinus sulcatus. de Greve, 1938: pi. 4, figs. 17-19, 21-24. Type locality . — . . near Pebas (or 30 miles below Pebas) in strata that cannot be later than Tertiary.” Materials e.xamined. — Locality CRB 42, Mangan Formation, middle Miocene. Abundant; found in shales with Neocorbiciila cojitamhoensis. Original description. — “Subulately turbinated, solid, pol- ished, whorls slightly convex, revolving grooves or impressed lines not closely arranged, about six on the penultimate whorl, and two minute lines, one towards each boundary; last whorl with about 23 lines, reach the base. An elegant species closely allied to H. tenellus Reeve [from Pernambuco] but it has a longer last whorl and narrower aperture.” Conrad gave no dimensions, but the figure, which is of natural size, measures 26 mm long, 10 mm wide, and the aperture is 1 1 by 5 mm; the aperture is noticeably angulated at both ends. Remarks. — An extremely variable species of which one variation is represented by Conrad’s fig- ured type, for which he indicated a polished sur- face, “elegant” appearance, and not too close and not too impressed revolving lines. It is very clear that Conrad did indicate real cords or ribs; 17 spec- imens in our lot correspond to this smoothish form. The largest is 25 mm long and 13 mm wide. The brevity of the description and the not very satisfac- tory figure, made de Greve comment ( 1938: 100), ”T. A. Conrad’s, pi. 10, f. 2, makes its distinction not clear enough.” A supplementary observation is here pertinent on details not included in the original description. The spiral lines are extremely fine and visible only under good magnification (which distinguishes it from oth- er named sulcatus with strong ribbed spirals). It has numerous, regular but very fine, axial incre- mental lines which run from the sutures becoming undulate in the last whorl. Below the suture there is one, sometimes two, better-marked spiral lines crossing the axial lines of growth which at that point are more conspicuous; this gives to the sutural zone a marginated appearance. The columella is curved, ending into a very short canal that does not extend beyond the basal lip. Also, the last whorl appears more elongated. It is possible that these specimens represent an allochronic and allopatric form, but because there is much variation in shape, as well as in sculpture, any nomenclatorial distinction would be of doubtful value. Another form in the same lot is represented by one specimen that differs more from Conrad’s de- scription. It is more turreted with stronger spiral lines so as to form, on the upper part of the whorls, a cord-like sculpture, crossed by the weaker growth lines. In the body whorl there are two cords on the 48 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 19 Fig. 22. — Two specimens of Aylacostoma hrowni from Middle Mangan Formation. x5. The species is also found at the Loyola Formation, where most of the specimens are diastrophically deformed. upper part below suture, a smoother middle area with fine spirals and then, from the periphery, which is somewhat angulated, to the base, about 10 spiral ridges crossed by extremely fine incremental lines. This individual is similar to those figured by de Greve (pi. 4, figs. 17, 19, 21-22, 24-25) as ^^Semi- sinus" siilcatiis from Iquitos, Peru, in the Pliocene. Other variations illustrated by de Greve have strong axial riblets and revolving lines over the whole surface. However, those of pi. 4, fig. 18 and text fig. 23, are not sulcatus, and actually belong to the following species, A. dickersoni (Palmer). Aylacostoma dickersoni (Palmer) Semisinus sukutus (Conrad), de Greve, 1938, pi. 4, fig. 18 and text fig. 13 (non sulcatus Conrad). Hemisinus peyeri dickersoni Palmer, in Liddleand Palmer, 1941; 398, pi. 6, figs. LS-18. Aylacostoma (Longiverenii) peyeri dickersoni . Parodiz, 1969:149. Type locality. — Arroyo Potrero, west of Cojitam- bo, Cuenca vicinity, in bituminous limestone (this corresponds to what is now recognized as Loyola Formation, and the same loc. of Neocorhicula co- jitamhoensis). Remarks. — Described as a new variety of peyeri, the author said (Palmer, in Liddle and Palmer 1941: 399) that ‘This ‘species’ is related to Hemisinus pey- eri (de Greve)”; "Semisinus" peyeri — as originally described — is from the Pliocene of Iquitos, Peru, and it has less nodulous ribs with narrower interspaces. Aylacostoma paleus (Pilsbry, 1950) is similar in shape but differs by the absence of tubercles on the ribs, and it is from the Oligocene of Peru. According to Pilsbry A. peyeri and A. dickersoni are different species, as well as of different age. For convenience these species were assigned to the group Longi- vereiur, however, subgeneric divisions in Aylaco- stoma still need clarification. The material of A. dickersoni collected by Bris- tow is from the locality CRB 1, Basal Azogues. Aylacostoma browni (Etheridge, 1879) Fig. 22 IMelanopsis hrowni Etheridge, Quart. J. Geol. Soc., London, 35:87, fig, 5. Oliveira Roxo and Leonardos, Geol. Brasil, 1943:631, pi. 29, fig. 19. Semisinus sulcatus, de Greve {in part), 1938: fig. 18, pi. 4, and text fig. 19. 1982 BRISTOW AND PARODIZ— ECUADORIAN TERTIARY SEDIMENTS 49 Aylacostoma sulcatus. Parodiz (in part], 1969:141, pi. 14, figs. 6-7. Paleoancidosa cf. builia (Ihering), Bristov/, 1973:30. Paleoanculosa sp. Bristow and Hoffstetter, 1977: i94. Type locality. — Canama, Brazil. All the species collected by C. B. Brown and described by Ether- idge are from Canama. In the title of the paper Eth- eridge indicated “Tertiary deposits of Solimoes and Javary rivers”; Canama is not on the banks of these rivers, but on the Curuga River v/hich is 85 mi east of the Javary and the Peruvian border. Oliveira Roxo and Leonardos ( 1 943) reported the species from Tres Unidos, on the Javary. The Curuga River is a tribu- tary of the Javary, but the confluence is farther north, at Caixas. Original description. — “Shell turreted, elongated; whorls five, sides vertical; sulcus or suture at junction of the whorls de- pressed, the sutural edge elevated; upper whorls double cari- nated; body whorl concentrically banded by nearly equidistant lines, slightly rugose at the base, here and there possessing a varice; anterior canal slightly notched; outer lip toothed; colu- mellar lip slightly reflected and thick. This shell resembles Me- lania, and but for a siphonal notch could be referred to that genus or the subgenus Plotia." The author also remarked that he had several specimens but nothing to compare with them, and that the species was, appar- ently, like the other remains from the Amazon Valley, estuarine in habit. The localities on the Javary and Solimoes are probably Pliocene. Remarks. — Twenty specimens, CM 46804, from locality CRB 42 (the same that contains the many A. sulcatus and Neocorbicuia) plus numerous frag- ments in matrix or loose, made it possible to iden- tify this species and correct the indication in my paper of 1969 (p. 141) where it was synonymized under A. sulcatus . The specimens referred to on that occasion were received from the Geological Service of Brazil from the locality Tres Unidos, on the Javary River, and were labelled ''"Hydrobia (Conradia) Untea Conrad.” Etheridge’s original il- lustration of the species, although recognizable, was not very accurate, and I figured the specimens from Tres Unidos (pi. 14, figs. 6-7) as sulcatus, but actually they are typical browni. The spiral sculpture is very regular all over the shell and the spire is very pointed and appears as “inserted” on top of the body whorl, forming there a well-defined flat shoulder. The crenulations indi- cated for the outer lip correspond to the ending of the spiral cords. There are no visible axial lines. Younger individuals are rather slender, and the spire slightly scalated; adults are always broader. The Miocene specimens collected by Bristow are Fig. 23. — Conglomerate from Loyola Formation with A) Dor- ys.sa: B) Potamolitlioides', C) Aylacostoma", D) Gyrauliis{7)', E) HydrohiaV?). Natural size. generally larger than those known from the Pliocene of Brazil, and the spiral sculpture may not be as regular as in typical A. browni. As in other species, they may represent an older ancestral race, or al- lochronic subspecies, but until more and better ma- terials for comparison are found, they remain indi- cated, in a broad sense, as A. browni. Most of the specimens have been deformed by diastrophic pres- sure. This species was also found by Bristow at Loc. CRB 36, which corresponds to mid-Mangan, and in sediments of Lower Miocene of Basal Loyola, CRB 18 (Fig. 23). Apparently, it had a wide range during all the Miocene in Ecuador. The average size of specimens of A. browni, which had not been diastrophically deformed, is 20- 22 in length and 11 mm wide. Aylacostoma sp. From the locality CRB 42 (Mangan), there is a very large and elongated specimen that is very dose and possibly just a variation of A. browni. It mea- sures 31 mm in length with the apex broken (entire 50 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 19 Fig. 24. — Gyniulus sp. Basal Azogues Formation. Carnegie Museum specimens. x20. it must have been more than 35) and the width of the last whorl is 15 mm. The spiral sculpture on the last whorl is very regular, and 17 spiral cords can be counted from the sutural shoulder to the base. Apart from the size and the appearance of being more shouldered, all other characteristics are the same as in A. browni. The reddish Mangan shales that contain this form are also abundant in Neo- corhicula. Order Pulmonata Superfamily Lymnaeacea Eamily Planorbiidae Genus CyroM/i/s Charpentier, 1837 Pig. 24 Prom locality CRB 7 (Basal Loyola), there are casts of a very small planorbid (about 2.5 mm in diameter) that probably corresponds to Gyraulus, as Roberts indicated ( 1975, Gyraulis), but it can be compared also with Armigenis, therefore the assig- nation here is only tentative. There are Gyraulus known from the Cretaceous-Paleocene of Europe and North Africa, and from the Miocene of Ger- many, G. trochifonnis (Stahl). Planorbids from the Tertiary of South America, however, are known to belong to the genus Taphius. The shell is very flat, angulated at periphery, with approximately four whorls, the last one (just broken behind peristome) about three times as wide as the penultimate; the growth from the nuclear whorls is very rapid. The suture is well impressed. The ap- erture is oval, elongated, and narrowed at the end. Superfamily Succineacea Eamily Succineaidae Genus Sued nea Draparnaud, 1801 Several fragments of an unidentifiable Succinea in limestone from locality KB 1, which contains also small Sphaeriids bivalves. Roberts has indicat- ed Succinea for CRB 7 (Loyola). Incertae Sedis In a piece of coarse conglomerate of Basal Loy- ola (CRB 7) was observed a specimen of organic remains, like a very tenue roundish valve com- pressed into the matrix. Under the microscope it looks like a left valve of some minute pectin- id, like Propeamusium, on account of having 12 equally-spaced radial ribs and an auriculated ex- pansion at the top. A more careful observation re- veals the unlikeliness of such an assumption; it probably represents an unidentified fish scale. It measures 3.5 mm at its widest diameter. 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Handbuch der Palaozoologie, vol. 6 Gastro- poda. Berlin, 1639 pp. Wheeler, O.C. 1935. Tertiary stratigraphy of the Middle Mag- 1982 BRISTOW AND PARODIZ— ECUADORIAN TERTIARY SEDIMENTS 53 dalena Valley. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 87:29- 39. White, E. 1. 1927. On a fossil cyprinodont from Ecuador. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 9, 2:519-522. Wolf, T. 1879. Viajes cientificos por la Republica del Ecuador. 2, Relacion de un viaje Geognostico por la provincia de Azuay. Guayaquil, 78 pp. . 1892. Geografia y geologia del Ecuador. Brockhaus, Leipzig. Woodward, H. 1871. The Tertiary shells of the Amazon Val- ley. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, 7:59-64, 101-109. /i V.’ ' .V * ■i Copies of the following Bulletins of Carnegie Museum of Natural History may be obtained at the prices listed from the Publications Secretary, Carnegie Museum of Natural History, 4400 Forbes Avenue, Pitts- burgh, Pennsylvania 15213. 1. Krishtalka, L. 1976. Early Tertiary Adapisoricidae and Erinaceidae (Mammalia, Insectivora) of North America. 40 pp., 13 figs $2.50 2. Guilday, J. E., P. W. Parmalee, and H. W. Hamilton. 1977. The Clark’s Cave bone deposit and the late Pleistocene paleoecology of the central Appalachian Mountains of Virginia. 88 pp., 21 figs $12.00 3. Wetzel, R. M. 1977. The Chacoan peccary, Catagonus wagneri (Rusconi). 36 pp., 10 figs. . . $6.00 4. Coombs, M. C. 1978. Reevaluation of early Miocene North American Moropus (Perissodactyla, Chalicotheriidae, Schizotheriinae). 62 pp., 28 figs $5.00 5. Clench, M. H., and R. C. Leberman. 1978. Weights of 151 species of Pennsylvania birds analyzed by month, age, and sex. 87 pp $5.00 6. Schlitter, D. A. (ed.). 1978. Ecology and taxonomy of African small mammals. 214 pp., 48 figs. $15.00 7. Raikow, R. J. 1978. Appendicular myology and relationships of the New World nine-primaried oscines (Aves:Passeriformes). 43 pp., 10 figs $3.50 8. Berman, D. S, and J. S. McIntosh. 1978. Skull and relationships of the Upper Jurassic sauropod Apatosaurus (Reptilia, Saurischia). 35 pp., 11 figs $3.00 9. Setoguchi, T. 1978. Paleontology and geology of the Badwater Creek area, central Wyoming. Part 16. The Cedar Ridge local fauna (Late Oligocene). 61 pp., 30 figs $4.50 10. Williams, D. F. 1978. Systematics and ecogeographic variation of the Apache pocket mouse (Roden- tia: Heteromyidae). 57 pp., 23 figs $4.00 11. Guilday, J. E., H. W. Hamilton, E. Anderson, and P. W. Parmalee. 1978. The Baker Bluff Cave deposit, Tennessee, and the Late Pleistocene faunal gradient. 67 pp., 16 figs $5.00 12. Swanepoel, P., and H. H. Genoways. 1978. Revision of the Antillean bats of the genus Brac/?_vp/zy//a (Mammalia: Phyllostomatidae). 53 pp., 17 figs $4.00 13. Schwartz, J. H., and H. B. Rollins (eds.). 1979. Models and methodologies in evolutionary theory. 105 pp., 36 figs $6.00 14. Engesser, B. 1979. Relationships of some insectivores and rodents from the Miocene of North Amer- ica and Europe. 68 pp., 12 figs., 20 plates $5.00 15. Bentz, G. D. 1979. The appendicular myology and phylogenetic relationships of the Ploceidae and Estrildidae (Aves: Passeriformes). 25 pp., 5 figs $2.00 16. Mares, M. A. 1980. Convergent evolution among desert rodents; a global perspective. 51 pp., 25 figs $3.50 17. Lacher, T. E., Jr. 1981. The comparative social behavior of Kerodon rupestris and Balea spixii and the evolution of behavior in the Caviidae. 71 pp., 40 figs $6.00 18. McIntosh, J. S. 1981. Annotated catalogue of the dinosaurs (Reptilia, Archosauria) in the collections of the Carnegie Museum of Natural History. 67 pp., 22 figs $6.00 Qli PHALLI OF RECENT GENERA AND SPECIES OF THE FAMILY GEOMYIDAE (MAMMALIA: RODENTIA) STEPHEN L. WILLIAMS * NUMBER 20 PITTSBURGH, 1982 BULLETIN of CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY PHALLI OF RECENT GENERA AND SPECIES OF THE FAMILY GEOMYIDAE (MAMMALIA: RODENTIA) STEPHEN L. WILLIAMS Collection Manager, Section of Mammals NUMBER 20 PITTSBURGH, 1982 BULLETIN OF CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY Number 20, pages 1-62, 30 figures Issued 16 June 1982 Price: $5.00 a copy Craig C. Black, Director Editorial Staff: Hugh H. Genoways, Editor; Duane A. Schlitter, Associate Editor: Stephen L. Williams, Associate Editor; Barbara A. McCabe, Technical Assistant. (c) 1982 by the Trustees of Carnegie Institute, all rights reserved. CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY, 4400 FORBES AVENUE PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA 15213 CONTENTS Abstract 5 Introduction 5 Methods and Materials 5 Results 7 Thomomys 8 Description 8 Thomomys bottae 8 Thomomys bidbivorous 14 Thomomys clusiiis 15 Thomomys idahoensis 16 Thomomys mazama 17 Thomomys monticola 20 Thomomys talpoides 21 Thomomys townsendii 22 Thomomys umbrinus 23 Statistics 24 Orthogeomys — Description 26 Zygogeomys — Description 28 Geomys 30 Description 30 Geomys arenarius 30 Geomys attwateri 34 Geomys bursarius 35 Geomys personatus 36 Geomys pinetis 37 Geomys tropicalis 38 Statistics 39 Pappogeomys — Description 42 Cratogeomys 47 Description 47 Cratogeomys castanops 47 Cratogeomys fumosus 49 Cratogeomys gymnurus 50 Cratogeomys merriami 51 Cratogeomys tylorhinus ■ 52 Cratogeomys zinseri 52 Statistics 53 Discussion 56 Summary 59 Acknowledgments 60 Literature Cited 60 t ^ •n .! ^ » i ■ /V • W .'■At / •'H ^ 'A. ■*s it . :« Id f * I I .t ■■■'jMaMkii'j»». '£S ABSTRACT A study of the external morphology of the phalli and bacula of the family Geomyidae was conducted. All six genera and 24 species (including the nine species of Thomomys, the single species of Zygogeomys, one of 1 1 species of Orthogeomys, the six species of Geomys, one of two species of Pappogeomys, and six of seven species of Cratogeomys) were examined. De- tailed descriptions, with illustrations and measurements, were provided for each taxa. Measurements were used in univariate and multivariate statistics to examine individual, geographical, and interspecific variation. Results of the study were compared to systematic relationships proposed by previous investigators. INTRODUCTION Morphological studies of mammalian phalli have been useful in differentiating related taxa (Geno- ways, 1973; Hoffmeister and Lee, 1963; Hooper, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962; Hooper and Hart, 1962; Hooper and Musser, 1964; Lidicker, 1968; Williams et al., 1980). In spite of the numerous in- vestigations that have been conducted on phalli of various mammal groups, such studies dealing with the New World family Geomyidae have been lim- ited. The phalli of the genus Thomomys are the best documented in the family Geomyidae. However, except for studies by Hill (1937) who described the phallus of T. bulbivorous, all investigations of Tho- momys have been concerned with only the baculum and have excluded the soft anatomy of the phallus. Bacula of species of Thomomys have received con- siderably more attention because of their usefulness in differentiating taxa, particularly in restricted geo- graphical areas. Thaeler (1968) discussed bacular differences between T. bottae, T. mazama, T. mon- ticola, and T. talpoides in northern California. Bac- ular differences were also examined between T. mazama and T. talpoides in western Washington by Johnson and Benson (1960). Long (1964) and Thaeler (1972) discuss differences between the bac- ula of T. idahoensis and T. talpoides in eastern Idaho. Bacular differences between T. bottae and T. iimbrinus in southern Arizona have been report- ed by Hoffmeister (1969) and Patton (1973). The only effort to make a more comprehensive exami- nation of Thomomys bacula was made by Burt (1960) in which bacula of T. bottae, T. bulbivorous, T. talpoides, and T. umbrinus were described. In the remaining genera of the family Geomyidae {Orthogeomys, Zygogeomys, Geomys, Pappogeo- mys, and Cratogeomys) nothing is known about the external morphology of the phallus except for the brief description of G. biirsarius by Hill (1937). Fur- thermore, documentation concerning the bacula of these taxa is very limited. Four of the six species of Geomys (G. attwateri, G. bur sarins, G. person- atus, and G. pinetis) have received brief descrip- tions by Burt ( 1960), Kennedy (1958), and Sherman (1940). Burt (1960) also briefly described the bacula of Zygogeomys trichopus and two of the seven species of Cratogeomys (C. merriami and C. tylor- himis). Therefore, the current knowledge of phalli in the family Geomyidae is almost entirely restricted to a few descriptions and dimensions of bacula of se- lected taxa. Information about the soft anatomy of the phallus of all geomyid species (except T. bul- bivorous and G. bursarius) and the bacula of almost half of the species is nonexistent. Furthermore, there is essentially no phallic or bacular information available concerning nongeographical and geo- graphical morphometric variation within a species, or among species of a common genus. The purpose of this study is to examine and de- scribe the external morphology of the phalli and the bacula of members of the family Geomyidae. It is intended to provide detailed descriptions, measure- ments, and illustrations for each available taxon. With these data, statistical analyses are performed to assess nongeographical and geographical varia- tion within selected species, followed by examina- tion of variation among species. Information ob- tained in this study is finally used to discuss possible systematic relationships among the species examined. METHODS AND MATERIALS races. Most penes were removed from freshly killed specimens. Others were removed from study skins maintained in mammal Penes were removed from 388 specimens of geomyid ro- dents representing all six genera plus 24 species and 80 nominal 5 6 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 20 research collections, and subsequently rehydrated. Penes were preserved in a solution of ethyl alcohol, formalin, and acetic acid (AFA). Because the validity of using dried penes has been previously questioned (Lidicker, 1968), tests were performed to determine the amount of restoration that might be expected from dried penes. Eight penes were removed from fresh pocket gophers and immediately illustrated, using a Wild camera-lucida dissecting scope. Seven of the penes were allowed to dry completely. The eighth sample was placed in AFA. These samples were main- tained in this condition for over five years. The dried penes were rehydrated and then all eight samples were illustrated again. The outlines of both illustrations of each sample were placed over each other to observe any alteration in shape and size caused by their respective treatments. The seven dried samples did show some alteration in shape after restoration. However, six of the samples were not any different than similar alterations observed in the sample that was kept in AFA. One dried sample was not restored to its original shape. However, in this case the effects caused by drying were easily detected without comparing illus- trations. Therefore it was assumed that any serious distortions caused by drying could be detected by careful examination of the rehydrated sample. Distorted samples are generally com- pressed laterally; the overall length in adult specimens is not affected because of the support provided by the baculum. For individual samples having distorted phalli, measurements of width of the glans were omitted. Although all samples were examined, for purposes of final comparisons and analyses only adult individuals were used, thus eliminating variation attributed to age. (To adequately examine age variation considerably larger sample sizes should be avail- able.) Determination of adult specimens was based on the fusion of the basioccipital and basisphenoid bones. For some taxa, such as Thomomys, development of sagittal and lambdoidal crests and overall size were also used to determine mature, adult in- dividuals. Samples were first examined externally to determine charac- teristic features. In addition to checking each sample from dor- sal, ventral, and lateral views, special attention was given to apical and epidermal structures. Within each species individual samples were reexamined, compared, and a description was written for the species. Anatomical terminology used in all de- scriptions generally follows that of Hooper (1958). Next a rep- resentative sample of each species was selected and schemati- cally illustrated, using a Wild camera-lucida dissecting scope. For illustrative purposes each sample was magnified about 12 times for lateral, ventral, and dorsal views, and about 50 times for close-up views of epidermal structures. A metric scale was always included with the lateral, ventral, and dorsal views so that the amount of magnification could be accurately determined. Individual penes were subsequently cleared and stained (Rus- sell, 1973) so that the size, shape, and position of the baculum could be determined. Because of potential loss of epidermal structures (particularly on dried phalli) caused by clearing and staining, such procedures were performed usually after thorough examination of untreated samples was completed. The bacula were examined and compared, and a description was written for each species. The baculum corresponding to the illustrated glans was also illustrated using the camera-lucida. In each case the magnification was adjusted to the magnification used in the il- lustration for the glans. After clearing and staining was completed, measurements were taken of the glans and baculum of each adult specimen. This procedure was followed so that any differences that might exist between fresh and dried penes would be minimized by their common treatment. Because measurements were taken from cleared and stained samples, all samples were examined while they were submerged in glycerin, so that the shape would be natural and problems of dessication would be eliminated. Mea- surements were taken from magnified outlines of the samples, using the camera-lucida, and dial calipers. Again a metric scale was included in each diagram to determine the exact magnifi- cation. Dimensions of the outline were then divided by the mag- nification to provide the actual dimensions of the sample. Each dimension was rounded to the nearest one-tenth millimeter. Us- ing the described procedure the following measurements were taken: 1. Length of distal tract. — Distance of the entire phallus be- tween distalmost point of the glans and the ventral flexure, as measured from the ventral aspect. 2. Length of glans. — Distance between the distalmost point of the glans and a midventral point at the connection of the glans and prepuce, as measured from the ventral aspect. 3. Length of protractile tip. — Distance between the distalmost point of the glans and a midventral point on the distal edge of the collar, as measured from the ventral aspect. 4. Width of glans across collar. — Greatest distance of the glans across collar region, as measured from the ventral aspect. 5. Width of glans across base. — Distance of the glans at the constriction where the glans and prepuce connect, as measured from the ventral aspect. 6. Length of haculiim. — Distance between the distalmost and proximalmost points of the baculum. 7. Width of bacillar base. — Greatest distance of the base of the baculum as measured from the ventral aspect. 8. Height of bacidar base. — Greatest distance of the base of the baculum, as measured from the lateral aspect. Tests were made to determine if accurate bacular measure- ments could be made without removing the baculum from the glans, thus potentially destroying the glans. The samples were measured within the glans, removed from the glans, and mea- sured again. Percent differences in measurements of the length, width, and height of 10 dissected bacula were (mean followed by range in parentheses) 3.0 (0.1-10.9), 12.2 (0.0-40.8) and 9.1 (0.6-34.0), respectively. Based on these findings it was assumed that accurate measurements could not be acquired from bacula remaining in the glans. Therefore, all bacular measurements were taken from dissected bacula. Relative size relationships of phalli and bacula with body size are often examined by utilizing the length of hind foot as a stan- dard (Hooper, 1958, 1959, I960; Hooper and Hart, 1962; Hooper and Musser, 1964). Because hind foot measurements often lack consistency and precision in documentation, this study substi- tuted condylobasal length as a comparative measurement. How- ever, hind foot lengths were also documented for the benefit of other investigators. Standard statistics (mean, standard error, and coefficient of variation) of individual nominal taxa were computed with a Tex- as Instruments SR5I-A calculator. Analysis of age variation was not included in this study. However, analyses of individual and geographical variation were included, using adult individuals. For series of samples with three or more individuals a Sum of Squares Simultaneous Test Procedure (SS-STP), developed by Gabriel (1964) and available in a univariate statistical program 1982 WILLIAMS— GEOMYID PHALLI 7 called UNIVAR (Power, 1970), was used to determine maxi- mally nonsignificant subsets. Because sample sizes and geo- graphical representation were limited in most taxa, the SS-STP analysis was only applied to univariate analysis of geographical variation in the genus Geomys. Multivariate analyses were performed on a DEC- 10 computer at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh. Means of one cranial (condylobasal length), five phallic, and three bacular characters of each species were used in a MINT multivariate analysis to determine phenetic relationships. These relationships were de- termined by cluster and principal component analyses. Matrices of Q-Mode correlation (among OTU’s) and phenetic distance coefficients were computed. Cluster analyses were conducted using UPGMA (unweighted pair-group method using arithmetic averages) on the correlation and distance matrices. A phenogram was generated for each matrix. Phenograms were compared with their respective matrices, and a coefficient of cophenetic cor- relation was computed. A matrix of Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficient among characters was computed, and the first three principal components extracted. Projections of the OTU’s on the first three principal components were made. Institutions from which material was used on this project, fol- lowed by the respective acronym in parentheses, are as follows: Carnegie Museum of Natural History (CM); Florida State Mu- seum, University of Florida (FSM); Museum of Natural History, University of Kansas (KU); Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, University of California, Berkeley (MVZ); New Mexico State University (NMSU); Texas Cooperative Wildlife Collection, Texas A&M University (TCWC); The Museum, Texas Tech University (TTU). RESULTS All six genera and 24 species of the family Geo- myidae were examined. This study includes the nine species of Thomomys — bottae, bulbivorous, cliisius, idahoensis, mazama, monticola, talpoides, townsendii, and umbrinus (see Hall, 1981, plus An- derson, 1966, Hoffmeister, 1969, and Patton, 1973, for use of T. bottae and T. umbrinus', Thaeler, 1979, for use of T. clusius ; Thaeler, 1972, for use of T. idahoensis ; and Hall and Kelson, 1959, and Thae- ler, 1980, for use of T. townsendii)', the single species of Zygogeomys — trichopus (see Hall, 1981); one of the eleven species of Orthogeomys — hispi- diis (see Hall, 1981); the six species of Geomys — arenariiis, attwateri, bursarius, personatiis, pinetis, and tropicalis (see Hall, 1981, and Williams and Genoways, 1980, for use of G. pinetis and synon- ymizing of G. colonus, G. cumberlandius, and G. fontaneliis', Williams and Genoways, 1981, for taxo- nomic changes in G. personatiis ', and Tucker and Schmidley, 1981, for use of G. attwateri)', one of the two species of Pappogeomys — bidleri (see Hall, 1981, and Honeycutt and Williams, 1982, for use of Pappogeomys)', and six of the seven species of Cra- togeomys (see Hall, 1981, and Honeycutt and Wil- liams, 1982, for use of Cratogeomys). The typical geomyid phallus is relatively simple in form. The distal tract is about four to 20 times longer than its width. Somewhere near the middle of the distal tract exists a constriction where the prepuce and proximal margin or base of the glans connect. Proximal to the constriction, the distal tract usually expands basally and is essentially fea- tureless. The glans itself possesses several charac- teristic features. The most conspicuous feature is the collar which partially or completely encircles the glans in the vicinity of the urethral opening. This collar may be simple or very elaborate in shape. The collar marks the proximal boundary of the pro- tractile tip of the glans. On the ventral side of the protractile tip is a single pair of urethral processes which vary in shape and size and connect inside the collar on the ventral wall of the urethral opening. The region between the collar and constriction often possesses more subtle features such as a mid- ventral raphe and middorsal groove. Occasionally lateral grooves are present and form one or two dorsal protuberances, depending on the extent and development of the middorsal groove. Between the collar and constriction characteristic epidermal structures are usually present. These structures may also occur on the dorsal side of the protractile tip. Each structure usually has one or more proximally oriented projections which generally occur among minute longitudinal folds and ridges. Epidermal fea- tures can easily be seen with magnification. Indi- vidual structures may be arranged in an uniform or irregular pattern with respect to other structures. The regions proximal to the constriction and on the ventral and lateral sides of the protractile tip are usually void of such epidermal structures. The baculum of geomyid rodents is positioned between the central axis and dorsal side of the phal- lus. It extends into the protractile tip of the glans and runs posteriorly into the area proximal to the constriction. The baculum is entirely osseous and usually consists of an enlarged base that tapers into 8 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 20 a long shaft that terminates with a distinct tip. The baculum is typically curved with the dorsal side being concave. The following are more detailed descriptions about the phalli and bacula of specific taxonomic groups, at the generic level followed by descriptions of represented species. Thomomys Description Species belonging to the genus Thomomys show remarkable variation in the size and shape of the phallus. The length of the distal tract of adult spec- imens examined ranged from 10.7 to 34.1 mm. The length of the distal tract compared to relative body size of individuals is very different among species, with ratios of the condylobasal length to the length of the distal tract ranging from 1.1 to 4.2. Basically the shape of the phallus of individual species falls into one of two types — either long and narrow, or short to medium and broad. Depending on the species, typical features, such as the constriction, collar, and urethral processes, may vary from vis- ible complexity to being simple and less distinct. Other features such as raphe, middorsal grooves, dorsal protuberances, and epidermal structures may or may not exist — again depending on the species considered. The baculum is equally variable in size and is directly related to the length of the distal tract. Ba- sically the shape and structure are typical for geo- myid rodents. The ratios of the condylobasal length and length of the distal tract to the length of the baculum ranges from 1.1 to 5.7 and 1.0 to 1.5, re- spectively. Bacular lengths ranged from 9.1 to 32.9 mm in adult specimens examined. The following are detailed descriptions of the nine recognized species of Thomomys — T. bottoe, T. bulbivorous, T. clnsiiis, T. idahoensis, T. ma- zama, T. monticola, T. talpoides, T. townsendii, and T. umbrinus. Table 1 provides the measure- ments that apply to each description. Thomomys bottae. — The shape and size of the phallus of T. bottae (Fig. 1) agrees with the general description of the phallus of geomyid rodents. How- ever, compared to other species of Thomomys the size of the phallus would be considered small to medium-sized, with the length of the distal tract of adult specimens examined ranging from 12.4 to 16.7 mm. The length of the distal tract is four to five times greater than its width. The length of the glans is less than half the length of the distal tract. The sides of the glans are more or less parallel between the collar and constriction, and are generally straight or slightly recurved. The collar region tends to be slightly expanded and is distinct from all as- pects. The pair of urethral processes are exposed and well-developed. Other features present on the glans include a raphe that may vary in distinctness among individuals, and a well-developed middorsal groove that may extend almost the full length of the glans. Between the collar and constriction there is a pair of conspicuous dorsal protuberances. Epidermal structures have a single proximally oriented projection. The structures are generally fairly uniform in shape, size, and pattern. The shape of the baculum (Fig. 1) is typical of most geomyid rodents, with a distinct base and tip and distally tapering, and slightly curved shaft. The length of the baculum among adults examined ranged from 10.2 to 14.6 mm. The width of the base tends to be less or equal to the height, and is slightly tapered proximally when viewed dorsoventrally. The description and measurements of the baculum of T. bottae examined in this study correspond closely to those found by other investigators (Burt, 1960; Hoffmeister, 1969; Ingles, 1965; Long and Frank, 1968; Patton, 1973; Thaeler, 1968). How- ever, this study examined only eastern subspecies of T. bottae in which bacular measurements tended to be larger than those reported of western races of T. bottae (Burt, 1960; Ingles, 1965). The ratios of condylobasal length to the length of distal tract and to length of baculum ranged from 2.2 to 3.3 and 3.0 to 4.0, respectively. The ratio of the length of distal tract to the length of baculum ranged from 3.0 to 4.0. Specimens examined. — Total (26). T. b. actiiosus (1). — New Mexico: Torrance Co.: Red Canyon, 1 (TTU). T. h. connectens (4). — New Mexico: Bernalillo Co.: Jet. Hwy. 500 and Hwy. 85, 1 (TTU); Torrance Co.: Willard, 2 (TTU); Valencia Co.: Los Lunas, 1 (TTU). T. h. limitaris (12). — Texas: Brewster Co.: 18.6 mi N, 1.2 mi E Marathon, 4,300 ft, 6 (TTU); 17.9 mi N, 0.3 mi E Marathon, 4,300 ft, 1 (TTU); Crockett Co.: 15 mi N, 11 mi W Ozona, 1 (TTU); 17 mi (by road) NW Ozona, 1 (TTU); Pecos Co.: 17.0 mi N, 18.5 mi E Marathon, 4,500 ft, 1 (CM); Reagan Co.: 6 mi (by road) SE Stiles, 1 (TTU); Sutton Co.: Sonora cemetery, 1 (TTU). T. b. limpiae (2). — Texas: Jeff Davis Co.: 10 mi NE Eort Davis, 2 (TTU). T. h. opulentus (5). — New Mexico: Socorro Co.: 1 mi E San Antonio, 5 (TTU). 1982 WILLIAMS— GEOMYID PHALLI 9 Table 1. — Standard statistics for adult specimens of 31 samples representing the nine species of Thomomys. Taxon N Mean (Range) ± 2 SE cv Length of distal tract Thomomys bottae actuosus ! 14.5 Thomomys bottae connectens 4 15.7 (15.0-16.7) ± 0.73 4.6 Thomomys bottae limitaris 8 13.4 (12.4-15.8) ± 0.73 7.5 Thomomys bottae limpiae 2 15.1 (14.6-15.7) ± 1.10 5.1 Thomomys bottae opidentiis 5 12.6 (12.5-12.8) ±0.11 1.0 Thomomys bottae ruidosae 2 14.! (13.9-14.3) ± 0.40 2.0 Thomomys bulbivorous 7 13.5 (11.3-14.5) ± 0.82 8.1 Thomomys clusius Thomomys idahoensis confinus Thomomys idahoensis idahoensis 5 12.3 (11.9-12.7) ± 0.31 2.8 Thomomys idahoensis pygmaeus Thomomys mazarna mazama 6 29.8 (27.2-34.1) ± 2.11 8.7 Thomomys monticola 9 15.6 (15.0-16.4) ± 0.39 3.7 Thomomys talpoides bridgeri 5 17.2 (16.4-18.0) ± 0.60 3.9 Thomomys talpoides devexus i 16.7 Thomomys talpoides fossor 3 24.4 (23.3-26.2) ± 1.82 6.4 Thomomys talpoides fuscus 1 14.6 Thomomys talpoides quadratus 2 14.1 (14.0-14.3) ± 0.30 !.5 Thomomys talpoides rostralis I 21.9 Thomomys talpoides rufescens ! 20.0 Thomomys talpoides saturatus 1 20.2 Thomomys talpoides talpoides 1 19.1 Thomomys talpoides tenellus 1 21.8 Thomomys townsendii bachmani 3 13.5 (13.0-14.0) ± 0.58 3.7 Thomomys tovmsendii similis 3 14.9 (14.8-15.0) ± 0.13 0.8 Thomomys townsendii townsendii 1 15.5 Thomomys iimbrinus intermedius 2 10.9 (10.7-11.2) ± 0.41 9.2 Thomomys iimbrinus jiintae ! 10.3 Thomomys iimbrinus madrensis 1 10.5 Thomomys umbrinus sheldoni 3 11.1 (11.0-11.3) ± 0.20 1.6 Thomomys umbrinus spp. 2 12.1 (11.9-12.3) ± 0.40 2.3 Length of glans Thomomys bottae actuosus 1 7.5 Thomomys bottae connectens 4 7.9 (7.4-S.3) ± 0.42 5.3 Thomomys bottae limitaris 8 6.9 (5. 9-8. 7) ± 0.59 12.1 Thomomys bottae limpiae 2 8.1 (7. 8-8. 3) ± 0.50 4.4 Thomomys bottae opulentiis 5 6.8 (6.3-7.7) ± 0.51 8.4 Thomomys bottae ruidosae 2 6.6 (6.4-6.S) ± 0.40 4.3 Thomomys bulbivorous 7 7.7 (6.6-8.S) ± 0.51 8.8 Thomomys clusius Thomomys idahoensis confinus Thomomys idahoensis idahoensis Thomomys idahoensis pygmaeus 5 7.5 (6.6-S.3) ± 0.56 8.4 Thomomys mazama mazama 6 17.7 (16.0-19.3) ± 1.09 7.6 Thomomys monticola 7 8.3 (7. 6-9.4) ± 0.49 7.8 Thomomys talpoides bridgeri 5 8.3 (7.4-9.3) ± 0.73 9.8 Thomomys talpoides devexus 1 9.7 Thomomys talpoides fossor 3 11.7 (10.6-13.0) ± 1.39 10.3 Thomomys talpoides fuscus 1 8.7 Thomomys talpoides quadratus 2 7.1 (6.6-7. 7) ± 1.10 10.9 Thomomys talpoides rostralis i 12.4 Thomomys talpoides rufescens 1 9.6 Thomomys talpoides saturatus 1 9.4 Thomomys talpoides talpoides ! 9.9 Thomomys talpoides tenellus 1 11.0 Thomomys townsendii bachmani 3 7.3 (6.6-7.7) ± 0.68 8.0 Thomomys townsendii similis 3 7.5 (7. 5-7. 5) ± 0.00 0.0 10 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 20 Table 1 . — Continued. Taxon N Mean (Range) ± 2 SE cv Thomomys townsendii townsendii 2 7.8 (7.7-7.8) ± 0.20 1.8 Thomomys iimhrinus intermedins 3 5.7 (4. 7-6.3) ± 0.98 14.9 Thomomys iimhrinus juntae 1 5.1 Thomomys umhrinus madrensis 1 5.7 Thomomys umhrinus sheldoni 3 6.2 (5. 7-6.5) ± 0.48 6.7 Thomomys umhrinus spp. 2 6.5 16.5-6.6) ± 0.10 1.1 Length of protractile tip Thomomys hottae actuosus 1 3.3 Thomomys hottae connectens 4 3.5 (2.7-4. 1) ± 0.60 17.1 Thomomys hottae limitaris 8 3.1 12.9-3.5) ± 0.17 7.7 Thomomys hottae limpiae 2 3.7 13.6-3.9) ± 0.30 5.7 Thomomys hottae opulentus 5 3.1 12.6-3.7) ± 0.37 13.4 Thomomys hottae ruidosae 2 2.5 12.5-2.6) ± 0.10 2.8 Thomomys hulhivorous 7 3.3 12.3-4.2) ± 0.55 22.0 Thomomys clusius 5 3.8 13.4-4.3) ± 0.34 10.1 Thomomys idahoensis conjinus Thomomys idahoensis idahoensis Thomomys idahoensis pygmaeus Thomomys mazama maz.ama 6 2.7 11.8-3.3) ± 0.56 25.4 Thomomys monticola 7 3.5 12.8-4.0) ± 0.35 13.2 Thomomys talpoides hridgeri 5 4.8 14.3-5.9) ± 0.60 14.1 Thomomys talpoides devexus 1 3.7 Thomomys talpoides fossor 3 4.4 13.7-5.4) ± 1.05 20.6 Thomomys talpoides fuscus 1 3.1 Thomomys talpoides quadratus 2 3.7 13.2^. 1) ± 0.90 17.2 Thomomys talpoides rostralis 1 5.3 Thomomys talpoides rufescens 1 4.9 Thomomys talpoides saturatus 1 3.9 Thomomys talpoides talpoides 1 4.5 Thomomys talpoides tenellus 1 3.7 Thomomys townsendii hachmani 3 3.2 12.9-3.1) ± 0.48 13.0 Thomomys townsendii similis 3 3.4 13.2-3.6) ± 0.24 6.1 Thomomys townsendii townsendii 2 3.2 12.7-3.7) ± 1.00 22. 1 Thomomys umhrinus intermedins 3 2.5 (2.0-2. 9) ± 0.55 18.9 Thomomys umhrinus juntae 1 2.6 Thomomys umhrinus madrensis 1 2.2 Thomomys umhrinus sheldoni 3 2.7 (2.3-3. 1) ± 0.46 14.8 Thomomys umhrinus ssp. 2 3.1 (3. 0-3. 3) ± 0.30 6.8 Width of glans across collar Thomomys hottae actuosus 1 2.3 Thomomys hottae connectens 4 2.7 (2. 3-3.0) ± 0.30 11.1 Thomomys hottae limitaris 8 2.3 (1. 9-2.9) ± 0.26 15.9 Thomomys hottae limpiae 2 3.0 (2.9-3. 1) ± 0.20 4.7 Thomomys hottae opulentus 5 2.8 (1.9-3. 5) ± 0.61 24.3 Thomomys hottae ruidosae 2 1.9 (1.6-2. 2) ± 0.60 22.3 Thomomys hulhivorous 7 3.7 12.9-4.5) ± 0.41 14.6 Thomomys clusius 5 3.2 12.6-3.7) ± 0.42 14.6 Thomomys idahoensis conjinus Thomomys idahoensis idahoensis Thomomys idahoensis pygmaeus Thomomys mazama mazama 6 2.5 (1. 9-3.0) ± 0.43 21.1 Thomomys monticola 5 2.4 11.7-3.2) ± 0.54 25.3 Thomomys talpoides hridgeri Thomomys talpoides devexus 5 2.2 (1.8-2. 5) ± 0.25 13.0 Thomomys talpoides fossor 3 2.2 (2. 0-2. 4) ± 0.24 9.5 Thomomys talpoides fuscus 1 1.9 Thomomys talpoides quadratus 2 2.6 12.6-2.6) ± 0.00 0.0 1982 WILLIAMS— GEOMYID PHALLI 1 1 Table 1. — Coniinued. Taxon N Mean (Range) :! ; 2 SE CV Thomomys talpoides rostralis 1 3.2 Thomomys talpoides nifescens 1 2.8 Thomomys talpoides saturatus 1 1.7 Thomomys talpoides talpoides 1 1.8 Thomomys talpoides tenellas 1 1.8 Thomomys townsendii bachmani 3 3.0 (2.9-3. 1) ±0.11 3.3 Thomomys townsendii similis 3 2.7 (2. 6-2. 8) ± 0.13 4.3 Thomomys townsendii townsendii 2 2.7 (2.2-3.21 ± 1.00 26.2 Thomomys nmhriniis intermedins 3 2.2 (1. 5-2.5) ± 0.67 26.2 Thomomys umhrinns jnntae 1 4.1 Thomomys umhrinns madrensis 1 2.0 Thomomys nmbrinus sheldoni 2 2.7 (2.2-3. 1) ± 0.90 23.6 Thomomys nmhriniis ssp. 2 3.3 (2.9-3.81 ± 0.90 19.3 Width of glans across base Thomomys hottae actnosns 1 1.7 Thomomys hottae connectens 4 2.5 (2. 2-2. 7) ± 0.21 8.2 Thomomys hottae limitaris 8 1.9 (1. 7-2.4) ± 0.16 12.3 Thomomys hottae limpiae 2 2.4 (2.3-2.51 ± 0.20 5.9 Thomomys hottae opnlentns 5 2.1 (1.5-2. 8) ± 0.47 24.8 Thomomys hottae rnidosae 2 1.7 (1. 7-1.7) ± 0.00 0.0 Thomomys htdhivorons 7 3.7 (3.2-4.31 ± 0.38 13.5 Thomomys cinsins 5 2.1 (1.9-2. 3) ± 0.13 7.1 Thomomys idahoensis confinns Thomomys idahoensis idahoensis Thomomys idahoensis pygntaens Thomomys mazama mazama 6 3.0 (2.6-3.31 ± 0.20 8.2 Thomomys monticola 5 1.8 (1.5-2.31 ± 0.35 21.7 Thomomys talpoides bridgeri 5 2.2 (2. 0-2. 4) ± 0.13 6.7 Thomomys talpoides devexns Thomomys talpoides fossor 3 1.9 (1. 7-2.0) ± 0.18 8.0 Thomomys talpoides fuscns 1 1.7 Thomomys talpoides qnadratns 2 2.1 (2.0-2. 1) ± 0.10 3.4 Thomomys talpoides rostralis 1 2.4 Thomomys talpoides nifescens 1 2.3 Thomomys talpoides saturatus 1 1.7 Thomomys talpoides talpoides 1 1.9 Thomomys talpoides tenellns 1 2.0 Thomomys townsendii bachmani 3 2.7 (2.5-2.91 ± 0.24 7.7 Thomomys townsendii similis 3 2.1 (2.0-2. 3) ± 0.18 7.3 Thomomys townsendii townsendii 2 2.5 (2.1-2.91 ± 0.80 22.6 Thomomys umhrinns intermedins 3 2.1 (1.4-2.51 ± 0.73 30.2 Thomomys umhrinns jnntae 1 2.6 Thomomys umhrinns madrensis 1 2.0 Thomomys umhrinns sheldoni 2 2.3 (1.8-2. 7) ± 0.90 27.7 Thomomys umhrinns ssp. 2 2.5 (2. 2-2. 9) ± 0.70 19.8 Length of hacninm Thomomys hottae actnosns 1 11.3 Thomomys hottae connectens 4 13.1 (11.1-14.6) ± 1.54 11.8 Thomomys hottae limitaris 8 1 1.4 (10.3-13.1) ± 0.69 8.6 Thomomys hottae limpiae 2 11.2 (11.0-11.4) ± 0.40 2.5 Thomomys hottae opnlentns 5 10.8 (10.2-11.7) ± 0.55 5.7 Thomomys hottae rnidosae 1 11.9 Thomomys hnihivorons 5 10.1 (9.6-10.3) ± 0.26 2.9 Thomomys cinsins 5 11.3 (10.0-12.1) ± 0.71 7.0 Thomomys idahoensis confinns 1 16.2 Thomomys idahoensis idahoensis 6 21.5 (20.0-23.4) ± 1.04 5.9 Thomomys idahoensis pygmaens 4 19.6 (17.8-21.0) ± 1.34 6.8 12 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 20 Table 1. — Continued. Taxon N Mean (Range) ± 2 SE cv Thomomys mazania mazama 5 28.2 (24.9-32.9) ± 2.46 10.7 Thomoniys monticola 5 14.6 (13.8-15.2) ± 0.48 3.7 Thomomys talpoides hridgeri 5 15.8 (14.7-16.5) ± 0.63 4.4 Thomomys talpoides devexus 1 15.7 Thomomys talpoides fossor 3 21.7 (21.1-22.6) ± 0.92 3.7 Thomomys talpoides fusciis 1 13.1 Thomomys talpoides quadratus 2 12.8 (12.3-13.3) ± 1.03 5.7 Thomomys talpoides rostralis 1 20.1 Thomomys talpoides nifescens 1 18.7 Thomomys talpoides saturatus 1 18.0 Thomomys talpoides talpoides 1 18.2 Thomomys talpoides teneiius 1 20.5 Thomomys townsendii hachmani 3 12.5 (12.2-12.7) ± 0.29 2.0 Thomomys townsendii similis 3 13.6 (13.3-13.9) ± 0.35 2.2 Thomomys townsendii townsendii 2 13.5 (13.5-13.6) ± 0.10 0.5 Thomomys umbrinus intermedins 1 8.0 Thomomys umbrinus juntae 1 9.1 Thomomys umbrinus madrensis Thomomys umbrinus sheldoni 3 9.6 (9.1-10.6) ± 0.97 8.7 Thomoniys umbrinus ssp. 2 10.5 (10.0-11.1) ± 1.10 7.4 Width of hacular base Thomomys bottae actuosus 1 1.4 Thomomys bottae connectens 4 1.7 (1. 6-2.0) ± 0.17 10.2 Thomomys bottae limitaris 8 1.5 (1.0-1. 8) ± 0.19 17.6 Thomomys bottae limpiae 2 1.5 (1.4-1. 6) ± 0.20 9.4 Thomomys bottae opulentus 5 1.3 (1.0-1. 6) ± 0.19 16.7 Thomomys bottae rudiosae i 1.3 Thomomys bidhivorous 5 2.2 (1.7-2. 5) ± 0.26 13.4 Thomomys clusius 5 1.6 (1. 4-1.9) ± 0.19 13.5 Thomomys idahoensis confinus 1 1.1 Thomomys idahoensis idahoensis 6 1.4 (1.3-1. 5) ± 0.61 5.4 Thomomys idahoensis pygmaeus 3 1.2 (1.1-1. 3) ± 0.13 9.9 Thomomys mazama mazama 5 1.6 (1. 3-2.1) ± 0.23 17.7 Thomomys monticola 5 1.6 (1. 2-2.0) ± 0.26 18.2 Thomomys talpoides bridgeri 5 1.8 (1. 4-2.0) ± 0.22 13.9 Thomomys talpoides devexus 1 1.9 Thomomys talpoides fossor 3 1.7 (1.7-1. 8) ± 0.07 3.4 Thomomys talpoides fuscus 1 1.1 Thomomys talpoides quadratus 2 1.4 (1. 4-1.4) ± 0.00 0.0 Thomomys talpoides rostralis 1 2.4 Thomomys talpoides rufescens 1 1.6 Thomomys talpoides saturatus 1 1.7 Thomomys talpoides talpoides 1 1.7 Thomomys talpoides teneiius 1 1.4 Thomomys townsendii bachmani 3 1.1 (0.9-1. 2) ± 0.18 13.9 Thomomys townsendii similis 3 1.5 (1.5- 1.5) ± 0.00 0.0 Thomomys townsendii townsendii 2 2.3 (2. 2-2.4) ± 0.20 6.1 Thomomys umbrinus intermedins 1 0.9 Thomomys umbrinus juntae 1 2.0 Thomomys umbrinus madrensis Thomomys umbrinus sheldoni 3 1.7 (1.4-2.0) ± 0.35 18.0 Thomomys umbrinus ssp. 2 1.7 (1.6-1. 7) ± 0.10 4.1 Height of bacular base Thomomys bottae actuosus 1 1.4 Thomomys bottae connectens 4 2.0 (1.6-2. 4) ± 0.34 16.8 Thomomys bottae limitaris 8 1.8 ( 1.4-2. 0) ± 0.13 10.6 Thomomys bottae limpiae 2 1.5 (1. 2-1.7) ± 0.50 23.6 1982 WILLIAMS— GEOMYID PHALLI 13 Table I. ontiniied. Taxon N Mean (Range) ± 2 SE CV Thomomys hottae opulentus 5 1.3 (1.2-1. 8) ± 0.23 20.1 Thomomys holtae ruidosae 1 1.5 Thomomys hidhivoroiis 5 2.1 (1.9-2. 3) ± 0.15 7.8 Thomomys clusius 5 1.7 (1.4-1. 9) ± 0.19 12.5 Thomomys idahoensis confinus 1 0.9 Thomomys idahoensis idahoensis 6 1.4 (1.2-1. 8) ± 0.17 15.1 Thomomys idahoensis pygmaetis 3 1.1 (0.9-1. 2) ± 0.18 14.3 Thomomys mazama mazama 5 1.4 (1. 0-1.9) ± 0.24 20.9 Thomomys monticola 5 1.6 (1. 4-2.0) ± 0.22 15.6 Thomomys lalpoides bridgeri 5 1.5 (1. 4-1.7) ± 0.10 7.6 Thomomys talpoides devexus 1 1.7 Thomomys talpoides fossor 3 1.5 (1. 1-1.8) ± 0.44 25.2 Thomomys talpoides fnscits 1 1.6 Thomomys talpoides quadratiis 2 1.5 (1.5-1. 6) ± 0.10 4.7 Thomomys talpoides rostralis 1 1.8 Thomomys talpoides rufescens 1 1.9 Thomomys talpoides satiiratiis 1 1.5 Thomomys talpoides talpoides 1 1.6 Thomomys talpoides tenellns 1 1.8 Thomomys townsendii bachmanii 3 2.1 (2.0-2. 1) ± 0.07 2.7 Thomomys townsendii similis 3 1.9 (1.9-1. 9) ± 0.00 0.0 Thomomys townsendii townsendii 2 1.9 (1. 9-2.0) ± 0.10 3.7 Thomomys umbrinus intermedins 1 0.9 Thomomys umbrinus juntae 1 2.0 Thomomys umbrinus madrensis Thomomys umbrinus sheidoni 3 1.7 (1. 6-1.9) ± 0.18 9.0 Thomomys umbrinus ssp. 2 1.7 (1.6-1. 8) ± 0.20 8.3 Condylohasal length Thomomys bottae actuosus 1 42.1 Thomomys hottae connectens 4 43.9 (37.1-48.9) ± 5.71 13.0 Thomomys hottae limitaris 8 37.3 (34.0-40.9) ± 1.74 6.6 Thomomys hottae limpiae 2 38.7 (38.1-39.2) ±1.10 2.0 Thomomys hottae opulentus 5 40.8 (38.8-42.0) ± 1.19 3.3 Thomomys hottae ruidosae 2 37.7 (37.1-38.3) ± 1.20 2.3 Thomomys huihivorous 7 54.6 (42.4-57.4) ± 1.29 3.1 Thomomys clusius 5 31.6 (30.4-33.0) ± 0.91 3.2 Thomomys idahoensis confinus 1 34.5 Thomomys idahoensis idahoensis 6 32.2 (31.0-33.3) ± 0.34 2.6 Thomomys idahoensis pygmaeus 4 30.1 (29.4-30.5) ± 0.23 1.5 Thomomys mazama mazama 6 35.9 (34.7-36.7) ± 0.73 2.5 Thomomys monticola 9 35.1 (33.9-36.4) ± 0.47 2.0 Thomomys talpoides bridgeri 5 34.5 (32.5-35.7) ± 1.07 3.5 Thomomys talpoides devexus 1 36.1 Thomomys talpoides fossor 3 39.1 (37.2-40.3) ± 1.92 4.3 Thomomys talpoides fuscus 1 35.6 Thomomys talpoides quadratiis 2 34.5 (34.2-34.7) ± 0.50 1.0 Thomomys talpoides rostralis 1 36.7 Thomomys talpoides rufescens 1 39.6 Thomomys talpoides saturatus 1 34.9 Thomomys talpoides talpoides 1 38.5 Thomomys talpoides tenellus 1 37.3 Thomomys townsendii bachmani 3 47.6 (47.0-48.2) ± 0.70 1.3 Thomomys townsendii similis 3 51.0 (49.8-52.0) ± 1.28 2.2 Thomomys townsendii townsendii 2 50.3 (48.2-52.5) ± 4.31 6.0 Thomomys umbrinus intermedins 3 36.8 (36.3-37.6) ± 0.81 5.4 Thomomys umbrinus juntae 1 38.7 Thomomys umbrinus madrensis 1 37.7 Thomomys umbrinus sheidoni 3 39.0 (38.2-40.2) ± 1.20 2.7 Thomomys umbrinus ssp. 2 40.3 (39.6-40.9) ± 1.30 2.3 14 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 20 Table 1 . — Continued. Taxon N Mean (Range) ± 2 SE cv Length of hind foot Thomomys hottae actiiosus 1 27 Thomomys hottae connectens 4 30.7 (29-33) ± 2.06 6.7 Thomomys hottae limitaris 8 26.0 (24-29) ±1.19 6.5 Thomomys hottae limpiae 2 28.0 (27-29) ± 2.01 5.1 Thomomys hottae opulentus 4 31.0 (30-32) ± 0.82 2.6 Thomomys hottae ruidosae 2 25.0 (24-26) ± 2.01 5.7 Thomomys hulhivorous 7 41.1 (39^5) ± 1.47 4.7 Thomomys clusius 5 20.4 (20-21) ± 0.49 2.7 Thomomys idahoensis confinus 1 25 Thomomys idahoensis idahoensis 6 23.3 (23-24) ± 0.42 2.2 Thomomys idahoensis pygmaeus 4 21.3 (21-22) ± 0.50 2.3 Thomomys muzama mazama 6 28.0 (27-29) ± 0.52 2.3 Thomomys monticola 9 28.7 (27-30) ± 0.58 3.0 Thomomys talpoides hridgeri 5 28.4 (27-29) ± 0.80 3.1 Thomomys talpoides devexus 1 29 Thomomys talpoides fossor 3 26.7 (24-31) ± 4.38 14.2 Thomomys talpoides fiiscus 1 28 Thomomys talpoides quadratus 2 26.5 (26-27) ± 1.00 2.7 Thomomys talpoides rostralis 1 27 Thomomys talpoides rufescens 1 30 Thomomys talpoides saturatus 1 28 Thomomys talpoides talpoides 1 31 Thomomys talpoides tenellus 1 28 Thomomys townsendii hachmani 2 36.0 (36-36) ± 0.00 0.0 Thomomys townsendii similis 3 38.7 (38-39) ± 0.67 1.5 Thomomys townsendii townsendii 2 38.5 (37-40) ± 3.01 5.5 Thomomys umbrinus intermedins 3 29.7 (29-30) ± 0.67 5.0 Thomomys umbrinus juntae 1 29 Thomomys umbrinus madrensis I 29 Thomomys umbrinus sheldoni 3 28.7 (28-29) ± 0.67 2.0 Thomomys umbrinus ssp. 2 30.5 (29^32) ± 3.01 6.9 T. b. ruidosae (2). — New Mexico: Otero Co.: 14 mi S, 1 mi E Cloudcroft, 2 (TTU). Thomomys hulbivoroiis. — Although the phallus of T. hulbivoroiis (Fig. 2) would be considered short and broad like T. hottae, the shape and character- istic features are distinctly unique from all other geomyid species. The length of the distal tract, av- eraging 13.5 mm and ranging from 11.3 to 14.5 mm in seven adult specimens examined, is small com- pared to other species. Measurements of the length of distal tract in this study differ from the 18.0 mm reported by Hill (1937), but the phallus of his spec- imen was evidently over-extended and then mea- sured. The length of the distal tract is three to four times greater than its width, with the glans being more than half the length of the distal tract. Proxi- mal to the constriction the phallus has a bulbous shape. Distally, the glans has converging concave sides, when viewed from a dorsoventral aspect. When viewed from a lateral aspect the sides are more or less straight and parallel. Except for the midventral region, the collar of the glans is unusu- ally large and well-developed, and distinct from all aspects. The urethral processes are also unique among geomyid rodents. The main portion of the urethral processes is exposed, well-developed, and partially connected along their common side. Un- like other members of the family each process pos- sesses a smaller, yet conspicuous, projection on the ventral surface. The region between the collar and constriction also possesses some unique features. For instance, instead of possessing minute longi- tudinal grooves as in most other geomyid rodents, T. biilbivoroiis possesses an erratic pattern of crev- ices. The distribution of these crevices is predom- inantly lateral and ventral, except midventrally where the absence of such crevices gives an indi- cation of the existence of a midventral raphae. Dor- sally the crevices tend to form grooves that con- verge, but then fade out toward the lower middorsal 1982 WILLIAMS— GEOMYID PHALLI 15 Fig. I . — Phallus and baculum of Thomomys bottae opuientus from New Mexico: Socorro Co., I mi E San Antonio (TTU 26433). Illustrated are the lateral (A), ventral (B), and dorsal (C) views of the phallus, magnified view of epidermal structures (enclosed in rectangle) occurring on the glans, and ventral (D) and lateral (E) views of the baculum. The dotted lines in A, B, and C indicate the position of the baculum in the phallus (scale is five millimeters). region of the glans. In this area the separation of the glans from the proximal portion of the distal tract is not evident. Similarly on the ventral side the midventral region possesses a smaller but more conspicuous “bridge” between the proximal and distal portions of the distal tract. The middorsal groove is restricted to only the collar. Dorsal pro- tuberances do not occur in T. bulbivorous. Epidermal structures have a small, single proxi- mally oriented projection. The size and distribution of these structures are irregular. The structures may be distributed in small clusters. Although the general shape of the baculum of T. bulbivorous (Fig. 2) is typical of geomyid rodents, it does possess a broad tip and a large bulbous base. The width of the base is about the same size as the height. The length of the baculum among seven adult individuals examined averaged 10.1 mm and ranged from 9.6 to 10.3 mm. Burt (1960) and Ingles (1965) reported shorter bacular measurements of 8.5 and 8.8 mm, respectively. For five specimens the mean and range (in paren- theses) of ratios of the condylobasal length to the length of the distal tract and the length of baculum were 4.0 (3. 7-4. 2) and 5.5 (5. 3-5. 7), respectively. The ratio of the length of the distal tract to length of baculum averaged 1 .4 with a range from 1.3 to 1.5. Specimens examined. — Total ( 1 1). T. bulbivorous (1 1). — Oregon; Benton Co.: 5 mi N, 5 mi E Corvallis, 200 ft, 2 (CM); 4.5 mi N, 4.5 mi E Corvallis, 1 (TTU); 4 mi NE Corvallis, 7 (CM); Corvallis, 1 (TTU). Thomomys clusius. — The phallus of T. clusius (Fig. 3) is similar to that of T. bottae, except that the length of the glans tends to be longer and make up a greater portion of the distal tract. The length of the distal tract, ranging from 1 1.9 to 12.7 mm in five adults examined, is about four to five times greater than the width, and about two times greater than the length of the glans. The sides of the glans gradually expand distally and flare outward at the well-developed collar. The urethral processes are large and conspicuous. A midventral raphe is pres- 16 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 20 Fig. 2. — Phallus and baculum of Thoniomys hulbivoroiis from Oregon: Benton Co., Corvallis (TTU 22816), illustrated as in Fig. I. ent as well as a middorsal groove. However, the latter does not extend the entire length of the glans and is most evident in the vicinity of the collar. The dorsal protuberances are not evident. Epidermal structures, examined on cleared phal- li, have single proximally oriented projections. The size, shape, and pattern of the structures are fairly uniform. The baculum of T. clusius (Fig. 3) resembles that of T. hottae, although the size of the former tends to be smaller. The length of the baculum of five adults examined ranged from 10.0 to 12.1 mm. The width of the base is about equal to, or slightly smaller than the height of the base. The base is distinct and is slightly tapered proximally. Comparing five individuals, the average ratios, followed by ranges (in parentheses), of the condy- lobasal length to length of distal tract and length of baculum, and length of distal tract to length of bac- ulum are 2.6 (2. 5-2. 7), 2.8 (2.6-3. 1), and 1.1 (1.0-1. 2), respectively. Specimens examined. — Total (5). T. clusius (5). — Wyoming: Carbon Co.: 14.4 mi S, 6.0 mi E Rawlins, 6,900 ft, TI9N R86W Sec 3 1 , 2 (NMSU); Sweetwater Co.: 1.0 mi S, 0.6 mi W Bitter Creek, 6,850 ft, TI8N R99W Sec 15, I (NMSU); 6.9 mi S, 2.0 mi E Bitter Creek, 7,000 ft. TI7N R99W Sec 13, I (NMSU); 7.1 mi S, 0.9 mi E Bitter Creek, 7,100 ft, TI7N R99W Sec 14, I (NMSU). Thomomys idahoensis. — The only soft anatomi- cal parts of phallic material of T. idahoensis ex- amined in this study were from subadult individu- als. Therefore, the following comments regarding the external phallus may be subject to some dis- crepancies due to age variation. The phallus of T. idahoensis (Fig. 4) is long and slender, with a length eight to nine times greater than the width. The length of the glans is about half the length of the distal tract. The sides of the glans are somewhat expanded apically to the region of the urethral opening. Distal to the urethral opening a pair of long slender urethral processes are ex- posed. The protractile tip is relatively long com- pared to other species of Thomomys. In the sub- adult specimens examined there was no indication of a collar, midventral raphae, middorsal groove, or dorsal protuberances. Although epidermal struc- tures were weakly-defined in specimens examined, T. idahoensis probably conforms to other members of the genus by having a single proximally ori- ented projection. It is possible that phallic features may become more prominent with maturity. The length of the baculum among adults exam- 1982 WILLIAMS— GEOMYID PHALLI 17 Fig. 3. — Phallus and baculum of Thornomys clusius from Wyoming: Carbon Co., 14.4 mi S, 6.0 mi E Rawlins (NMSU 5988), illustrated as in Fig. 1. ined ranged from 16.2 to 23.4 mm. There were no consistent size relationships between height and width of the base. The baculum of T. idahoensis (Fig. 4) differs from previously discussed taxa by being relatively long, slender, and having a base and tip that are not as distinct. The ratio of the condylobasal length to the length of the baculum ranged from 1.4 to 1.7, except for the single speci- men of r. I. confirms which had a ratio of 2.1. Ob- servations of bacula of T. idahoensis in this study are in agreement with those of Long (1964) and Thaeler (1972). Specimens examined. — Total (16). T. i. confinus (1). — Montana: Ravalli Co.: 3.5 mi N, 6.0 mi E Stevensvilie, 3,650 ft, T9N R19W Sec 10, 1 (NMSU). T. i. idahoensis (il). — Idaho: Bingham Co.: 0.5 mi N, 4.0 mi E Shelley, 4,670 ft, TIN R37E Sec 25, ! (NMSU): Bonneville Co.: 1/2 mi N, 3‘/2 mi W Idaho Falls, 5 (TTU); 5.3 mi N, i.O mi W Shelley, 4,650 ft, T2N R37E Sec 31, i (NMSU); 0.4 mi N, 1.0 mi W Swan Valley, 5,400 ft, T2N R43E Sec 35, 3 (NMSU); 0.6 mi S, 2.3 mi W Swan Valley, 5,400 ft, TIN R43E Sec 3, 1 (NMSU). T. i. pygmaeus (4). — Wyoming: Uinta Co.: 0.8 mi N, 3.6 mi W Ft. Bridger, 7,000 ft, T16N R116W Sec 35, 4 (NMSU). Thornomys mazama. — Like T. idahoensis, the phallus of T. mazama (Fig. 5) is considered long and slender. The distal tract of T. mazama is the longest of all geomyid species, with a length ranging from 27.2 to 34. 1 mm among six adult specimens examined. The length is about 10 to 12 times greater than the width. The glans is between one-half and two-thirds the length of the distal tract. The sides of the glans are essentially straight and parallel. Similar to T. idahoensis, this species lacks many of the features found on other geomyid rodents. For instance, T. mazama does not possess a distinct collar, midventra! raphae, or middorsal groove, and the constriction is not distinct. A dorsal protuber- ance may occur apically. The urethral processes are unique from other geomyid species in that they tend to be a continuation and a part of the ventral margin of the urethra! opening. The protractile tip is shorter proportionally than that of T. idahoensis. Epidermal structures are sparsely and erratically distributed from the urethral opening proximaliy for half the length of the glans. The structures, having single proximaliy oriented projections, are small, uniform in size, and have an irregular pattern. 18 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 20 Fig. 4. — Phallus (A, B, C) of subadult Thomomys iJahoensis from Idaho: Bonneville Co., Vi mi W Idaho Falls (TTU 19393), and baculum (D, E; same scale) of adult T. idahoensis from Idaho: Bonneville Co., 0.4 mi N, 1.0 mi W Swan Valley (NMSU 4812), illustrated as in Fig. I. Although the baculum of T. mazaina (Eig. 5) re- sembles that of T. idahoensis, it differs by being larger and having a slightly more conspicuous base. Basically the baculum is long, slender, and has a weakly-defined tip and base. The length of the bac- ulum among adult individuals examined ranged from 24.9 to 32.9 mm. Other investigators (Ingles, 1965; Johnson and Benson, 1960; Long and Erank, 1968; Thaeler, 1968) have placed the lower limits of bacular length at 21 and 22 mm. Although there is a tendency for the base of the baculum to be some- what flattened dorsoventrally, the width of the bac- ulum may equal or be slightly less than the height of the baculum base. Thomomys mazama is unique from other geo- myid species by having the longest distal tract and baculum, both absolutely and in proportion to the body size. An examination of six adult individuals showed a mean ratio of 1.2 with a range from 1.1 to 1.3, and a mean ratio of 1.3, with a range from 1.1 to 1.5, when comparing condylobasal length to length of distal tract and length of baculum, respec- tively. The ratio between the length of the distal tract and length of baculum averaged 1 .0 and ranged from 1.0 to 1.2. (Every specimen had a distal tract that was longer than the baculum thus resulting in ratios greater than 1.0. Because the difference be- tween both dimensions was often only detectable 1982 WILLIAMS— GEOMYID PHALLI Fig. 5. — Phallus and baculum of Thomomys mazama niazama from California: Siskiyou Co., 3.6 mi S, 129482), illustrated as in Fig. 1 (scale is three millimeters). D E 1 .2 mi E Bartle, 4,250 ft (MVZ 20 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 20 Fig. 6. — Phallus and baculum of Thonioniys monlicola from California: Siskiyou Co., V2 mi N Mount Shasta City, 3,600 ft (TTU 19407), illustrated as in Fig. 1 . beyond a single decimal position, procedures of rounding-off the ratio often resulted in a value of 1.0.) Specimens examined. — Total (23). T. m. mazama (23). — California: Shasta Co.: Dickson Flat, 4,200 ft, 4 (MVZ); Red Mountain, 5,400 ft, I (MVZ); Siskiyou Co.: Colby Meadow, 3.6 mi S, 1.2 mi E Bartle, 3 (MVZ); Lombardi Ranch, M mi N, IV2 mi W Mount Shasta City, 3,525 ft, 3 (TTU); Lombardi Ranch, 1.5 mi WNW Mt. Shasta, 3,525 ft, 2 (MVZ); 1 mi W Mount Shasta City, 9 (CM). Oregon; Jackson Co.: 20 mi E Ashland, I (TTU). Thomomys monticola. — The long and narrow- type phallus of T. monticolo (Eig. 6) has a length six to seven times its width, with the length of the glans being about half the length of the distal tract. The length of the distal tract of nine adults exam- ined ranged from 15.0 to 16.4 mm. Erom all aspects the sides of the glans are more or less straight and tend to expand apically. Thomomys monticola has a distinct collar that may be extended more distally on the dorsal side. A pair of well-developed urethral processes are exposed and may connect at the low- er end of their common side. The midventral raphe, if present, is not distinct. Thomomys monticola possesses a middorsal groove and a pair of dorsal protuberances, but neither feature is well-devel- oped. The constriction is well-defined. Like other members of the genus Thomomys , the epidermal structures have a single proximally ori- ented projection. The structures are irregular in size, fairly uniform in pattern, and distributed be- tween the collar and constriction and on the dorsal side of the protractile tip. The baculum (Eig. 6) is distally tapered, possess- es a distinct bulbous basal region, and is well curved. The length of the baculum of nine adults 1982 WILLIAMS— GEOMYID PHALLI 21 Fig. 7. — Phallus and baculum of Thomomys talpoides fossor from New Mexico: Taos Co., Wi mi SE Taos Ski Area (TTU 9292), illustrated as in Fig. 1. examined ranged from 13.8 to 15.2 mm. Descrip- tions and dimensions of the baculum of T. monti- cola closely agree with those of Long and Frank (1968) and Thaeler (1968). However, Ingles (1965) suggests the bacular length may range from 12 to 17 mm. There was no trend found between the width and height of the base of the baculum; the dimen- sions of one character may be greater than, less than, or equal to the other. Among five adult individuals the ratio of the con- dylobasal length to the length of the distal tract and length of baculum averaged 2.2 (range, 2.1 to 2.3) and 2.4 (range, 2.3 to 2.5), respectively. In each case the ratio of the length of the distal tract to the length of the baculum was 1.1. Specimens examined. — Total (15). T. monticola (15). — California: Madera Co.: Agnew Meadow, 9.5 mi W Mammoth Lakes, 8,300 ft, 1 (MVZ); Nevada Co.: T17N RilE Sec 25, Bear Valley, 4,520 ft, 3 (MVZ); Sagehen Creek, 3 mi NW Hobart Mills, 6,400 ft, 5 (MVZ); Alder Creek, 4 mi NNE Truckee, 5,700 ft, 1 (MVZ); Siskiyou Co.: 3 mi S McCloud, 2 (TCWC); V2 mi N Mount Shasta City, 3,600 ft, 1 (TTU); Mount Shasta City, 2 (CM). Thomomys talpoides. — The phallus of T. tal- poides (Fig. 7) is considered to be long and narrow like that of T. idahoensis, T. mazama, and T. mon- ticola although its size is quite variable compared to other species of Thomomys. The distal tract in T. talpoides is about eight to nine times longer than its width. The length of the glans is less than half BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 20 22 the length of the distal tract which ranges from 14.0 to 26.2 mm among adult specimens examined. The phallus of T. talpoides more closely resembles that of T. monticola than any other species of Thomomys because of its similar size, shape, and features. The sides of the glans are essentially parallel but curve toward the dorsal side to conform with the shape of the baculum. In the region of the collar, the sides expand slightly. The glans of T. talpoides is basi- cally featureless by lacking a well-developed mid- ventral raphe, middorsal groove, and dorsal protu- berances. However, the collar and constriction of T. talpoides tend to be somewhat more distinct. The urethral processes are long and narrow. The epidermal structures have a single proxi- mally oriented projection and are relatively small and uniform in size and pattern. The epidermal structures are distributed between the collar region and the constriction. The baculum (Eig. 7) of T. talpoides, which is also variable within the species, consists primarily of a simple, slightly curved shaft with the tip and base being barely discernable. The height and width of the bacular base may be greater than, less than, or equal to the other. The length of the baculum among adult specimens examined ranged from 12.3 to 22.6 mm. Data presented by other investigators (Burt, 1960; Ingles, 1965; Johnson and Benson, 1960; Long, 1964; Long and Erank, 1968; Thaeler, 1968) indicate considerable variation of bacula among geographical races of T. talpoides, with bacular lengths ranging from 10.4 to 31.0 mm. Although variation occurs within the species, data presented in this study, combined with data from other published sources, indicate broad geographi- cal trends in baculum sizes. Eor instance, subspe- cies reported having smaller bacula tend to be clus- tered on the western part of the range, whereas the races reported to have larger bacula occur primarily in the eastern half of the range. The ratios of the condylobasal length to the length of the distal tract and length of baculum ranged from 1.4 to 2.5 and 1.6 to 2.9, respectively. The ratio between the length of the distal tract and length of baculum ranged from 1.0 to 1.1. Specimens examined. — Total (35). T. t. hridgeri (16). — Idaho: Bear Lake Co.: Home Canyon, 5 mi NE Montepelier, 1 (TCWC); V2 mi S, 4V4 mi E Palisades, 6,400 ft 15 (CM). T. t. hallatus (3). — Montana: Caster Co.: 10 mi S, 3 mi E Locate, 3 (CM). T. t. devexus (1). — Washington: Grant Co.: 5 mi N Coulee City, 1,600 m, 1 (TCWC). T. t.fossor (3). — Colorado: Chaffee Co.: Trout Creek, 8V2 mi NE Buena Vista, 1 (TCWC). New Mexico: Taos Co.: IV2 mi SE Taos ski area, 1 (TTU); beaver pond SE Taos ski area, 1 (TTU). T. t. fascus (1). — Idaho: Blaine Co.: Alturas Lake, 7,000 ft, 1 (TCWC). T. t. quadratus (3). — Idaho: Owyhee Co.: 12 mi S, 7 mi W Murphy, 3 (CM). T. t. rostralis (2). — Wyoming: Albany Co.: 5 mi N Laramie, 1 (TTU); 3.5 mi N Laramie, 1 (TTU). T. t. rufescens (3). — Manitoba: 11 mi E Dauphin, 1 (TCWC). North Dakota: Morton Co.: 8 mi S, 15 mi W Mandan, 1 (CM); Williams Co.: 1 mi N Buford, 2,100 ft, 1 (CM). T. t. saturatus (1). — Idaho; Bonner Co.: 2'/i mi N Nordman, 2,700 ft, 1 (TCWC). T. t. talpoides (1). — Saskatchewan: 13 mi S Blaine Lake, 1,600 ft, 1 (TCWC). T. t. tenellas (1). — Colorado: Rio Blanco Co.: 22 mi SW Meek- er, 6,200 ft, 1 (TCWC). Thomomys townsendii. — The shape and features of the phallus of T. townsendii (Eig. 8) are most similar to T. bottae and T. itmbrinns with the pri- mary difference being a larger size in T. townsendii. The length of the distal tract, which ranged from 13.0 to 15.5 mm among adult specimens examined, is four to five times greater than the width. The length of the glans is about half the length of the distal tract. The sides of the glans expand to the collar and are recurved. The collar is distinct from all aspects. The pair of urethral processes are ex- posed and well-developed. Standard features, in- cluding the midventral raphae, middorsal groove, dorsal protuberances, and distinct constriction, are present. All of these features, except perhaps the dorsal protuberances, are well defined. The mid- dorsal groove extends from about the middle of the protractile tip to about halfway between the collar and constriction. The epidermal structures have single, relatively large, proximally oriented projections. The pattern and size is fairly uniform. The structures occur be- tween the collar and constriction and on the dorsal side of the protractile tip. The baculum of T. townsendii (Fig. 8) is strongly curved with the dorsal side being concave as in oth- er geomyid bacula. The baculum has a distinct tip and bulbous base. The length of the baculum ranged from 12.2 to 13.9 mm among adult individuals ex- amined. Ingles (1965) and Thaeler (1968) reported bacular lengths of T. townsendii to be as short as 9.2 mm and 10.7 mm, respectively. In adult speci- mens of 7. t. baclimani and T. t. similis examined. Fig. 8. — Phallus and baculum of Thomomys townsendii townsendii from Idaho: Canyon Co., 1 mi N Caldwell (TTU 19420), illustrated as in Fig. 1. the width of the baculum base was always less than the height of the base; the opposite was found in T. t. townsendii. The ratios of condylobasal length to the length of the distal tract ranged from 3. 1 to 3.6; condylobasal length to length of baculum ranged from 3.6 to 3.9; length of the distal tract to the length of the baculum was I.l in ail cases. Specimens examined. — Total (9) T. t. bachmani (2). — Oregon: Harney Co.: Harney Lake Dunes, Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, T26S R30E Sec 28, 2 (CM). T. t. similis (3). — Idaho: Bingham Co.: IVz mi S Springfield, 4,400 ft, 3 (CM). T. t. townsendii (4). — Idaho: Canyon Co.: 1 mi N Caldwell, 4 (TTU). Thomomys umbrinus. — The shape and size of the phallus of T. umbrinus (Fig. 9) is most similar to T. bottae. Because the available material for both T. boitae and T. umbrinus is restricted to limited areas of the extensive geographic ranges of both species, further study of geographic and nongeographic vari- ation is needed before specific differences can be defined. The length of the phallus of T. umbrinus is about four times greater than the width. The glans is about half the length of the distal tract. The length of the distal tract ranged from 10.3 to 12.3 mm among adult individuals examined. Viewed dorsoventrally, the sides of the glans may be straight or recurved but tend to be more or less parallel. The collar re- gion is expanded and distinct. The urethral pro- cesses are well developed but connected for most of the length along the common side. Other features noted include a well-defined midventral raphe, poorly-developed middorsal groove, and the ab- sence of dorsal protuberances. The epidermal structures of T. umbrinus have the characteristic single, proximally oriented projec- tion, common to other members of the genus. The structures are relatively large and uniform in size and pattern. The baculum of T. umbrinus (Fig. 9) is similar to that of T. bottae but tends to be shorter. A definite Fig. 9. — Phallus and baculum of Thomomys umhhnus from Tlaxcala: La Malinche Mt., 8 km S, 7 km W Huamantla (CM 55893), illustrated as in Fig. 1. base and tip are present; the shaft is curved. The length of the baculum ranged from 8.0 to 11.3 mm among adult specimens examined. In most individ- uals examined the width and height of the base of the baculum were very close to being equal. Like T. hottae and T. talpoides, the baculum of T. iim- briniis demonstrates geographical variability. Bac- ula from Arizona reported by Burt (1960), Hoff- meister (1969), and Patton (1973) were smaller (9.0 to 10.2 mm), had a bulbous base, and had a well curved shaft. Data presented here suggest these characters are variable when other subspecies, throughout the range of T. umhrinus, are consid- ered. The ratios of condylobasal length to the length of the distal tract and length of the baculum ranged from 3.2 to 3.7 and 3.6 to 4.5, respectively. The ratio between the length of the distal tract and the length of the baculum ranged from 1.0 to 1.3. Specimens examined. — Total (28). T. II. airiageiiis (1). — San Luis Potosi: 4 mi E Villa Arriaga, 1 (MVZ). T. II. intermedins (8). — Arizona: Santa Cruz Co.: Gardner Can- yon, 3.0 mi N, 3.7 mi W Sonoita, 3 (TTLf); Patagonia Mts., Italian Canyon 1 (MVZ); Patagonia Mts., Sycamore Canyon, 4,500 ft, 4 (MVZ). T. u.juntae (I). — Chihuahua: I mi S Delicias, 1 (TTU). T. II. madrensis (2). — Chihuahua: 2.4 mi NE Colonia Garcia, I (MVZ): 1 mi W Colonia Garcia, 1 (MVZ). T. II. sheldoni (4). — Durango: 3 mi NW El Salto, 4 (MVZ). T. II. ssp. (12). — Tlaxcala: 10 km N, 9 km E Apizaco, 2,500 m, 1 (CM); 9 km N, 7 km E Apizaco, 2,500 m, 3 (CM); 8 km S, 7 km W Calpulalpan, 2,900 m, 4 (CM); La Malinche Mt., 7 km S, 11 km W Huamantla, 4,800 m, I (CM); La Malinche Mt., 8 km S, 7 km W Huamantla, 4,000 m, 2 (CM); 4 km N, 19 km W Tlaxcala, 2,200 m, 1 (CM). Statistics Age variation in phallic characters of Thomomys was observed in this study and has been reported by other investigators (Burt, 1960; Johnson and Benson, 1960). However, proper analysis and doc- umentation of this form of variation is beyond the scope of the present study. Table 1 provides stan- dard statistics (sample size, mean, range, standard error, and coefficient of variation) for adult speci- mens of Thomomys examined. Examination of individual variation was con- ducted on four species of Thomomys , thus provid- ing a general assessment of the individual variation in the genus. Each sample included individuals tak- en from a restricted geographical area that would be assumed to be part of a continuous population. 1982 WILLIAMS— GEO'MYID PHALLI 25 The taxa examined for individual variation were T. bottae opidentus, T. bulbivorous, T. mazama ma- zama, and T. talpoides bridgeri. Coefficients of variation in these samples ranged from 1.0 to 25.4 for phallic and bacular measurements, with the above taxa averaging 14.3, 11.4, 15.0, and 9.2, re- spectively. Generally, the length of the distal tract and the length of the baculum had the lowest val- ues, and the length of the protractile tip and the width of the glans at the collar had the highest val- ues. The characters having the lowest and highest coefficients of variation for T. bottae were length of distal tract (1.0) and width of glans across the base (24.8); for T. bulbivorous , length of baculum (2.9) and length of protractile tip (22.0); for T. ma- zama, length of glans (7.6) and length of protractile tip (25.4); for T. talpoides, length of distal tract (3.9) and length of protractile tip (14.1). Compared to investigations of the baculum by Long and Frank (1968) coefficients of variation acquired in this study (Table 1) were high for T. mazama and T. monticola, low for T. townsendii, and overlapping in T. bottae and T. talpoides. Sample sizes and limited geographical coverage of specimens representing species of Thomomys precludes any meaningful analysis of geographic variation within a species from being conducted. However, examination and comparison of measure- ments of individuals strongly suggests that varia- tion, at least in size, does occur between geograph- ical races, or subspecies, of Thomomys . In four out of eight characters T. bottae and T. umbrimis had subspecies with nonoverlapping measurements. Thomomys talpoides and T. townsendii had sub- species that did not overlap in five and six charac- ters, respectively. The greatest variation between geographical races was observed in T. talpoides. Examination of variation among species of Tho- momys was restricted to multivariate analysis, us- ing sample means with the MINT statistical com- puter program. Univariate analysis was not used because the sample sizes of most geographical races v/ere limited, and combining samples of the same species could lead to a biased representation of the species, particularly if geographic variation occurs within the species. The samples of Thomomys used in the multivariate analysis, with corresponding number for reference purposes, are six subspecies of T. bottae {actuosus, 1; connectens, 2; limitaris, 3; lirnpiae, 4; opulentus, 5; riddosae, 6), T. bulbi- vorous (7), T. clusius (8), T. mazama mazama (9), T. monticola (10), ten subspecies of T. talpoides (bridgeri, U;fossor, 12; fuscus, 13; quadratus, 14; rostralis, 15; rufescens, 16; saturatus, 17; tal- poides, 18; tenellus, 19), three subspecies of T. townsendii (bachmani, 20; similis, 21; townsendii, 22), and four subspecies of T. umbrinus (interme- dins, 23; juntae, 24; sheldoni, 25; ssp. from Tiax- cala, 26). The distance phenogram produced by the MINT program is illustrated in Fig. 10. The cophenetic correlation value of this phenogram was 0.820. Al- though clustering of samples shows mixing between species, some trends are evident. T. mazama formed a group distinct from all other taxa. The next two groups to split away from the remaining samples were T. bulbivorous and T. u. juntae which clustered together but remained distinct from each other. The next subdivisions isolate T. u. > erme- dius and then break down into two large clusters. One cluster consists of seven subspecies of T. tal- poides {bridgeri, rufescens, fossor, saturatus, tal- poides, tenellus, and rostralis). The second cluster subdivides to form a cluster consisting of the three subspecies of r. townsendii {similis, bachmani, and townsendii) and T. b. connectens. The other cluster consists of a mosaic of taxonomic groups. In the remaining clusters T. b. actuosus, T. b. opulentus, T. b. riddosae, and T. t. fuscus form one group; T. b. limitaris, T. monticola, T. t. quadratus, T. b. lirnpiae, and T. clusius form one group; T. u. shel- doni and T. umbrinus from Tlaxcaia form the final group. The first three principal components extracted from the matrix of correlation among characters is illustrated in Fig. 11. The first vector separates three general groups. The first group consists of T. mazama (9) which is plotted to the far left. The second grouping includes T. monticola (10) and the samples of T. talpoides (il-19). In the second grouping the westernmost subspecies of T. tal- poides, represented by T. t. fuscus and T. t. qua- dratus, cluster together on the right side of the group with T. monticola. T. monticola falls within the range of T. talpoides with all three vectors. The third group consists of the samples of T. bottae (1-6), T. bulbivorous (7), T. clusius (8), T. town- sendii (20-22), and T. umbrinus (23-26). In the third group T. bottae and T. clusius are separated from T. bulbivorous and T. umbrinus with the first vec- tor. T. bulbivorous and T. clusius are separated with the second and third vectors, respectively. T. townsendii overlaps with T. bottae and T. umbrinus with all three vectors. 26 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 20 T . bottae actuosus I. bottae ODulentus T. bottae ru i dosae I. talDO i des f uscus I. bottae limitaris I. mont i cola I. taloo i des Quadr atus 1. bottae 1 i 1 mp i ae 1. clus i us T. umbr i nus Sheldon i 1. umbr i nu s (Tlaxcala) 1. bottae connectens T. townsend i 1 s I m 1 1 1 s T. townsend i i bachmani J. townsend i i townsend i i I. talpo i des br i doer i T. talpo 1 des ruf escens 1. talpo i des f ossor I. taloo i des sat ur at u s T. taloo i des taloo ides I. talpo i des tenellus T. taloo 1 des r ostr al i s T. umbr i nus i ntermed i us 1. bulbivorus 1. umbr i nus iuntae T. mazama mazama 3.0 2.0 1 .0 0.0 Fig. 10. — Distance phenogram of 26 samples of Thomomys resulting from clustering by unweighted pair-group method using arithmetic averages (UPGMA). The cophenetic correlation coefficient for the phenogram is 0.820. The amount of phenetic variation explained by components I, II, and III, is 39.2%, 31.7%, and 11.1%, respectively. Results of principal compo- nent analyses, showing the influence of each char- acter for the first three components, are given in Table 2. For component I the length of the distal tract, length of glans, and the length of the baculum are the most heavily weighted. The width of the glans across the base, width of bacular base, and height of bacular base are the most heavily weight- ed characters in component II. For component III the length of the protractile tip is the most heavily weighted character. Orthogeomys Description Orthogeomys hispidiis. — In this study the genus Orthogeomys is only represented by samples of O. hispidus. The length of the phallus of O. hispidus (Fig. 12) is about four times longer than the width, with the length of the glans being slightly more than half the length of the distal tract. The length of the distal tract of two adult specimens examined was 1982 WILLIAMS— GEOMYID PHALLI 27 Fig. li. — Three-dimensional projection of 26 samples of Thomomys {T. bottae, 1-6; T. bulbivoroiis, 7; T. cliisins, 8; T. mazama, 9; T. monticola. 10; T. talpoides, 11-19; T. townsendii, 20-22; T. umbrinus, 23-26) onto the first three principal components based upon a matrix of correlation among one cranial, five phallic, and three bacular measurements. Components I and II are indicated in the plots and component 111 is represented by height. 15.5 and 15.7 mm. The sides of the glans, from all aspects, are more or less straight and parallel, and expanded slightly at the collar. The collar is distinct on all sides except in the middorsal region. On the dorsal side the collar is extended more distally than on the other sides. The urethral processes are small and partially concealed by the collar. The midven- tral raphe is well-developed. The dorsal side is fea- tured with a single prominant protuberance which may have a shallow middorsal depression that con- stitutes the middorsal groove found in other geo- myid species. The dorsal protuberance is evident from the protractile tip to the lower portion of the glans where it fades out. The epidermal structures of O. hispklns are large and consist of a single (occasionally two) proxi- mally oriented projection. The size and pattern of the epidermal structures is fairly uniform. The structures are restricted to the area between the constriction and collar. The baculum of O. hispUiiis (Fig. 12) is massive compared to bacula of most other geomyid rodents. The base is somewhat bulbous and compressed dor- soventrally. The base gradually tapers to the thick 28 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY D NO. 20 E Fig, 12. — Phallus and baculum of Orthogeomys hispidus negatus from Tamaulipas: 67 km S Ciudad Victoria (CM 55787), illustrated as in Fig. 1. shaft which terminates with a weakly defined tip. The entire baculum is well-curved. The length of the baculum of two adult specimens examined was 12.8 and 13.7 mm. Eor two adult specimens, the ratios of the con- dylobasal length to the length of the distal tract were 3.9 and 4.1; ratios of the condylobasal length to the length of baculum were 4.7 and 4.8; ratios of the length of the distal tract to the length of baculum were 1.1 and 1.2. Samples of O. hispidus are inadequate for statis- Table 2. — Factor matrix from correlation among nine characters of eight species (26 samples o/Thomomys examined. Character Component I Component II Component III Condylobasal length 0.469 -0.547 0.287 Length of distal tract -0.930 -0.300 0.180 Length of glans -0.878 -0.341 0.289 Length of protractile tip -0.544 -0.308 -0.681 Width of glans across collar 0.577 -0.622 -0.043 Width of glans across base 0.279 -0.789 0.389 Length of baculum -0.933 -0.293 0.139 Width of bacular base -0.045 -0.790 -0.362 Height of bacular base 0.300 -0.729 -0.185 tical analyses. Table 3 provides measurements of specimens of O. hispidus examined in this study. Specimens examined. — Total (8). O. h. chiapensis (1). — Chiapas: 7.5 mi (by road) NW Pueblo Nuevo, 6,000 ft, 1 (KU). O. h. isthmicus (1). — Veracruz: 5 mi SE Lerdo de Tejada, 1 (KU). O. h. negatus (4). — Tamaulipas: 45 mi S Cd. Victoria, 2 (TTU); 67 km S Cd. Victoria, 2(1 CM, 1 TTU). O. h. torridus (1). — Veracruz: 1214 mi N Tihuatlan, 300 ft, 1 (KU). O. h. yucatanensis (1). — Quintana Roo: 6.5 km NE Playa del Carmen, 1 (TTU). Zygogeomys Description Zygogeomys trichopus. — In this study the phal- lus of Zygogeomys (Fig. 13) is represented by a juvenile and a young adult specimen. Because the basioccipital and basisphenoid are not well fused in the young adult specimen, the following comments based on that single specimen may be subject to some discrepancies due to age variation. Measure- ments for the specimen are given in Table 3. 1982 WILLIAMS— GEOMYID PHALLI D 29 E Fig. 13. — Phallus and baculum of Zygogeomys trichopus triciiopiis from Michoacan: 5.3 km E Tacitaro (CM 55902), illustrated as in Fig. 1. The distal tract is four to five times longer than wide, and measures 14.7 mm. The glans is less than half the length of the distal tract and is somewhat narrower when viewed dorsoventrally than when viewed from a lateral aspect. From a lateral aspect the ventral side is straight, whereas the dorsal side is recurved with the widest part being the collar. Viewed dorsoventrally the lateral sides show a bulge in the midsection of the glans and a slight expansion at the collar. The collar is distinct from all aspects. The pair of urethral processes and the protractile tip are reduced in size compared to other members of the family. The urethral processes are almost hidden by the collar. Other features include a well-defined constriction, prominent midventral raphe, a middorsal groove, and a pair of well-de- veloped dorsal protuberances. The middorsal groove in this specimen begins at the lower portion Table 3. — Dimensions of external phallic characters, bacular characters, condylobasal length, and hind foot length of individuals of Orthogeomys and Zygogeomys examined. Young adult specimens had well-developed sagittal and lamhdoidal crests and kicked complete fusion between the hasioccipital and basisphenoid. Taxon Catalog number Age Length of distal tract Length of glans Length of pro- tractile tip Width of glans across collar Width of glans across base Length of baculum Width of bacular base Height of bacular base Condylo- basal length Length of hind foot Orthogeomys hispidus isthmicus KU 67625 Young Adult 16.5 9.4 3.5 14.6 2.5 1.3 62.6 52 Orthogeomys hispidus negatus CM 55787 Adult 15.5 8.7 3.5 5.0 3.4 13.7 2.7 2.0 63.9 49 Orthogeomys hispidus negatus TTU 10248 Adult 15.7 — — — — 12.8 2.1 1.5 61.9 41 Orthogeomys hispidus negatus TTU 14339 Young Adult 14.8 7.5 2.9 3.6 3.5 11.7 1.9 1.3 54.7 39 Orthogeomys hispidus torridus KU 88521 Young Adult 15.7 7.9 2.7 — — 13.1 2.7 1.3 61.3 46 Zygogeomys trichopus trichopus CM 55902 Young Adult 14.7 7.0 2.1 3.3 2.9 12.7 2.4 1.7 58.3 46 30 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 20 of the protractile tip, crosses the collar and contin- ues for half the length of the glans where it fades out. The dorsal protuberances are more or less dis- tinct for the entire distance between the collar and constriction. The epidermal structures are large and disk- shaped with three proximally oriented projections lying side-by-side. The epidermal structures are somewhat variable in size and may be restricted to the region of the glans between the collar and con- striction. The baculum of the specimen examined (Fig. 13) is 12.7 mm in length and has a distinct base and tip. The shaft is constricted on both ends where it joins the base and tip. A specimen examined by Burt ( 1960) was tapered between the base and shaft. The baculum is well curved and possesses a small depression on the ventral side at the junction of the base and shaft. The base is dorsoventrally com- pressed. Measurements of the baculum are similar to those given by Burt (1960). The ratios of the condylobasal length to the length of the distal tract and length of baculum were 4.0 and 4.6, respectively. The ratio of the length of the distal tract to the length of the baculum was 1.1. Specimens examined. — Total (2). Z. /. trichopus (2). — Michoacan: 5.3 km E Tancitaro, 1 (CM); 7 km E Tancitaro, 1 (TTU). Geomys Description Unlike Thomomys, species belonging to the ge- nus Geomys show very little variation in the size and shape of the phallus. The length of the distal tract ranged from 11.7 to 16.8 mm in adult individ- uals examined. The size relationship between the length of the distal tract and body size of individuals is much more conservative than in Thomomys, with ratios of the condylobasal length to the length of the distal tract ranging from 2.8 to 4.5. In all sam- ples of Geomys examined the length of the distal tract was three to four times greater than the width and the short, broad glans was about half the length of the distal tract. The sides of the glans are usually recurved, terminating apically with a definite and often elaborate collar. The collar is distinct from all aspects. The pair of urethral processes vary in size and shape. Some individuals have urethral process- es that may be folded and/or have serrated margins. Although the general shape of the glans appears complex compared to other geomyid rodents, fea- tures such as the midventral raphe, middorsal groove, and dorsal protuberances are usually not well-developed and often not distinct. The connec- tion of the prepuce and glans is always distinct and often extended more apically on the dorsal side. The epidermal structures of Geomys are similar to those of Zygogeornys in that each structure pos- sesses multiple projections instead of a single pro- jection as in Thomomys and Orthogeomys. The number of projections on the epidermal structures in Geomys is usually three but the number may vary. Epidermal structures occur between the col- lar and constriction and on the dorsal side of the protractile tip in all species of Geomys. The baculum of all samples of Geomys examined consisted of a gently curving shaft which terminated in a weakly-defined tip and a weakly to strongly- defined base. The dorsal side is concave; the ventral side, although convex, often has a slight depression just anterior to the basal region. The baculum of Geomys shows very little variation in relative size compared to the size of the body. In adult speci- mens examined the length of the baculum ranged from 8.3 to 12.8 mm. The ratios of the condylobasal length to the length of the baculum and length of the distal tract to the length of the baculum ranged from 3.7 to 6.0 and 1.1 to 1.6, respectively. Like other geomyid species, the baculum is positioned between the central axis and the dorsal side of the phallus. The most discernable difference in the bac- ulum of species of Geomys is variation in the shape and size of the base. The following are detailed descriptions of the six recognized species of Geomys — G. arenariiis, G. attwateri, G. bur sarins, G. personatus, G. pinetis, and G. tropicalis. Table 4 provides measurements that apply to each description. Geomys arenariiis. — The phallus of G. arenariiis (Fig. 14) is typical of the genus. The length of the distal tract ranged from 12.7 to 13.4 mm in five adult specimens examined. The sides of the glans tend to be strongly recurved. The collar is always expanded and distinct. Elaborate folds or convolutions along the collar are typical in G. arenariiis. The urethral processes are well developed. Other features such as the midventral raphe, middorsal groove, and dor- sal protuberances are often barely discernable. The middorsal groove is mainly evident as it passes through the collar. Epidermal structures usually have three proxi- mally oriented projections. However, some struc- tures may have more projections. The shape and 1982 WILLIAMS— GEOMYID PHALLI 31 Table 4. — Standard statistics for adult specimens representing 17 samples of the five species of Geomys. Taxon N Mean (Range) ± 2 SE cv Length of distal tract Geomys arenarius arenarius 5 13.0 (12.7-13.4) ± 0.25 2.1 Geomys attwateri 4 13.6 (13.4-13.7) ± 0.15 1.1 Geomys bursarius jugosicidaris 2 13.3 (12.7-13.9) ± 1.20 6.4 Geomys bursarius knoxjonesi 12 13.8 (12.7-15.9) ± 0.57 7.1 Geomys bursarius llanensis 2 13.3 (12.7-13.8) ± 1.10 5.8 Geomys bursarius iutescens 3 14.0 (13.7-14.2) ± 0.33 2.1 Geomys bursarius major 7 14.1 (12.5-15.8) ± 0.78 7.3 Geomys bursarius sagitallis 2 15.3 (15.0-15.5) ± 0.50 2.3 Geomys bursarius texensis 1 13.5 Geomys personatus davisi 2 14.3 (14.0_14.7) ± 0.70 3.5 Geomys personatus maritimus 2 14.9 (14.9-14.9) ± 0.00 0.0 Geomys personatus megapotamus 7 15.8 (14.3-16.8) ± 0.63 5.3 Geomys personatus personatus 4 16.9 (15.6-19.1) ± 1.60 9.7 Geomys personatus streckeri 1 13.0 Geomys pinetis fontanelus Geomys pinetis pinetis 7 12.8 (11.7-14.5) ± 0.72 7.4 Geomys tropicalis 4 13.8 (13.2-14.4) ± 0.61 4.4 Length of glans Geomys arenarius arenarius 5 7.5 (6.5-8. 4) ± 0.63 9.4 Geomys attwateri 4 7.1 (6.9-7.51 ± 0.25 3.5 Geomys bursarius jugosicidaris 2 7.3 (6.5-8. 0) ± 1.50 14.5 Geomys bursarius knoxjonesi 12 7.2 (6.7-9.0) ± 0.35 8.3 Geomys bursarius llanensis 2 6.9 (6.8-6.91 ± 0.10 1.0 Geomys bursarius iutescens 3 1.4 (7.2-7.61 ± 0.24 2.8 Geomys bursarius major 7 7.4 (6.5-8.31 ± 0.45 8.! Geomys bursarius sagitallis 2 7.5 (7.3-7.61 ± 0.30 2.8 Geomys bursarius texensis 1 6.7 Geomys personatus davisi 2 7.5 (7. 1-7.8) ± 0.70 6.6 Geomys personatus maritimus 2 7.9 (7.9-7.91 ± 0.00 0.0 Geomys personatus megapotamus 7 8.2 (6.9-9.31 ± 0.59 9.6 Geomys personatus personatus 4 8.7 (8.5-8.91 ± 0.17 2.0 Geomys personatus streckeri 1 6.8 Geomys pinetis fontanelus Geomys pinetis pinetis 7 6.3 (5.7-6.81 ± 0.28 5.9 Geomys tropicalis 4 6.6 (6.3-7. 0) ± 0.30 4.5 Length of protractile tip Geomys arenarius arenarius 4 2.7 (2.2-3. 1) ± 0.39 14.3 Geomys attwateri 4 2.5 (1.9-2. 9) ± 0.42 16.8 Geomys bursarius jugosicidaris 2 3.3 (2.9-3.71 ± 0.80 17.1 Geomys bursarius knoxjonesi 12 2.6 (2.0-3.0) ± 0.16 10.9 Geomys bursarius llanensis 2 2.5 (2.4-2.61 ± 0.20 5.7 Geomys bursarius Iutescens 3 3.0 (2.7-3.51 ± 0.50 14.5 Geomys bursarius major 6 2.4 (1. 7-3.1) ± 0.47 23.8 Geomys bursarius sagitallis 2 2.5 (2.2-2.91 ± 0.70 19.8 Geomys bursarius texensis 1 2.4 Geomys personatus davisi 2 3.4 (3. 2-3. 6) ± 0.40 8.3 Geomys personatus maritimus 2 3.3 (3. 1-3.6) ± 0.50 10.7 Geomys personatus megapotamus 7 3.4 (2.7-4.21 ± 0.38 15.0 Geomys personatus personatus 3 3.1 (2.8-3.31 ± 0.29 8.1 Geomys personatus streckeri 1 2.8 Geomys pinetis fontanelus Geomys pinetis pinetis 6 2.2 (1.8-2. 7) ± 0.29 16.1 Geomys tropicalis 4 2.3 (2. 0-2. 7) ± 0.35 15.3 Width of glans across collar Geomys arenarius arenarius 5 4.4 (3.5-4.81 ± 0.55 22.7 Geomys attwateri 4 3.9 (3.5-4.21 ± 0.38 9.7 32 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 20 Table 4. on tinned. Taxon N Mean (Range) ± 2 SE cv Geoniys bnrsarins jiigosicidaris 2 2.9 (2.7-3. 0) ± 0.30 7.3 Geoniys hursarius kno.xjonesi 11 4.3 (3.9-5. 1) ± 0.22 8.6 Geoniys bnrsarins llanensis 2 3.9 (3.9-4.0) ± 0.10 1.8 Geoniys bnrsarins Intescens 3 4.1 (3.8-4.41 ± 0.35 7.5 Geoniys bnrsarins major 7 4.1 (3.2-4.71 ± 0.39 12.7 Geoniys bnrsarins sagilallis 2 3.9 (3.6-4.11 ± 0.50 9.1 Geoniys bnrsarins te.xensis 1 3.7 Geoniys personatns davisi 2 3.4 (3.2-3.61 ± 0.40 8.3 Geoniys personatns niaritinins 2 4.5 (4.5-4.51 ± 0.00 0.0 Geoniys personatns niegapotanins 7 4.3 (3.4-4.71 ± 0.36 11.1 Geoniys personatns personatns 4 5.2 (4.7-5.81 ± 0.45 8.7 Geoniys personatns streckeri 1 2.9 Geoniys pinetis fontanelns Geoniys pinetis pinetis 7 3.5 (3.1-3.91 ± 0.22 8.2 Geoniys tropicalis 4 3.9 (3.5-4.41 ± 0.40 10.4 Width of glans across base Geoniys arenarins arenarins 5 3.5 (3. 1^.21 ± 0.45 16.3 Geoniys attwateri 4 2.9 (2.5-3.31 ± 0.34 11.6 Geoniys bnrsarins jiigosicidaris 2 2.9 (2.6-3.11 ± 0.50 12.2 Geoniys bnrsarins kno.xjonesi 11 3.4 (2.9-3.81 ± 0.16 7.7 Geoniys bnrsarins llanensis 2 3.5 (3.5-3.51 ± 0.00 0.0 Geoniys bnrsarins Intescens 3 3.4 (3.1-4.01 ± 0.60 15.3 Geoniys bnrsarins major 7 3.7 (3.4-4.21 ± 0.25 8.8 Geoniys bnrsarins sagitallis 2 3.3 (3.2-3.51 ± 0.30 6.4 Geoniys bnrsarins te.xensis 1 3.3 Geoniys personatns davisi 2 2.5 (2.5-2.51 ± 0.00 0.0 Geoniys personatns niaritinins 2 3.5 (3.1-4.01 ± 0.90 18.2 Geoniys personatns niegapotanins 7 3.7 (3.3-4.31 ± 0.29 10.6 Geoniys personatns personatns 4 4.2 (4.0-4.41 ± 0.17 4.1 Geoniys personatns streckeri 1 2.8 Geoniys pinetis fontanelns Geoniys pinetis pinetis 7 2.8 (2.3-3.21 ± 0.28 13.5 Geoniys tropicalis 4 3.1 (2.7-3.41 ± 0.31 10.0 Length of hacnlnm Geoniys arenarins arenarins 5 10.8 (9.9-11.41 ± 0.54 5.6 Geoniys attwateri 4 9.9 (9.3-10.71 ± 0.63 6.4 Geoniys bnrsarins jiigosicidaris 2 10.5 (10.0-10.91 ± 0.90 6.1 Geoniys bnrsarins kno.xjonesi 12 11.3 (10.3-11.91 ± 0.34 5.2 Geoniys bnrsarins llanensis 2 9.7 (9.4-9.91 ± 0.50 3.6 Geoniys bnrsarins Intescens 3 10.9 (9.8-12.11 ± 1.34 10.6 Geoniys bnrsarins major 7 10.9 (10.4-11.51 ± 0.30 3.6 Geoniys bnrsarins sagitallis 2 11.0 (10.8-11.21 ± 0.40 2.6 Geoniys bnrsarins te.xensis 1 9.2 Geoniys personatns davisi 2 11.3 (11.1-11.51 ± 0.40 2.5 Geoniys personatns niaritinins 2 11.5 (10.5-12.61 ± 2.09 12.9 Geoniys personatns niegapotanins 7 11.6 (10.6-12.11 ± 0.46 5.2 Geoniys personatns personatns 4 12.1 (11.2-12.81 ± 0.73 6.0 Geoniys personatns streckeri 1 9.6 Geoniys pinetis fontanelns 1 9.9 Geoniys pinetis pinetis 7 9.3 (8.3-10.51 ± 0.62 8.8 Geoniys tropicalis 4 9.9 (9.3-10.41 ± 0.50 5.0 Width of bacillar base Geonivs arenarins arenarins 5 1.6 (1.2-1.81 ± 0.21 14.9 Geonivs attwateri 4 2.1 (1.8-2.41 ± 0.26 12.6 Geoniys bnrsarins jiigosicidaris 2 2.3 (2.2-2.31 ± 0.10 3.1 Geoniys bnrsarins kno.xjonesi 12 1.9 (1.6-2.41 ± 0.15 14.1 Geoniys bnrsarins llanensis 2 1.9 (1.8-2.01 ± 0.20 7.4 1982 WILLIAMS— GEOMYID PHALLI 33 Table 4. — Continued. Taxon N Mean (Range) ± 2 SE cv Geoniys hursariiis httescens 3 2.1 (1.8-2. 3) ± 0.55 12.6 Geomys bursarius major 7 2.1 (1.5-2. 8) ± 0.35 21.8 Geomys bursarius sagitallis 2 2.2 (2. 1-2.3) ± 0.20 6.4 Geoniys bursarius texensis 1 2.2 Geomys personatus davisi 2 1.7 (1.5-1. 8) ± 0.30 12.5 Geomys personatus maritimus 2 2.1 (1.8-2. 3) ± 0.50 16.8 Geomys personatus megapotamus 7 1.9 (1. 6-2.0) ± 0.14 10.0 Geomys personatus personatus 4 2.1 (1.9-2. 3) ± 0.17 8.2 Geomys personatus streckeri ! 1.6 Geomys pinetis fontanelus 1 2.4 Geomys pinetis pinetis 7 2.3 (1.9-2. 7) ± 0.22 12.7 Geomys tropicalis 4 1.6 (1. 3-1.9) ± 0.27 17.2 Height of bacillar base Geomys arenarius arenarius 5 1.6 (1.1-1. 8) ± 0.27 19.0 Geomys attwateri 4 1.8 (1. 7-2.0) ± 0.15 8.3 Geomys bursarius Jugosicularis 2 1.5 (1.5-1. 6) ± 0.10 4.7 Geomys bursarius knoxjonesi 12 1.9 (1.5-2. 3) ± 0.15 13.7 Geomys bursarius llanensis 2 1.2 (1. 1-1.3) ± 0.20 11.8 Geomys bursarius lutescens 3 1.6 (1.4-1. 8) ± 0.23 12.5 Geomys bursarius major 7 1.6 (1.4-2.0) ± 0.16 12.9 Geomys bursarius sagitallis 2 1.9 (1. 7-2.0) ± 0.30 11.2 Geomys bursarius texensis I 1.6 Geomys personatus davisi 2 1.7 (1.7-1. 8) ± 0.05 4.1 Geomys personatus maritimus 2 2.0 (1.7-2. 3) ± 0.60 21.2 Geomys personatus megapotamus 7 1.8 ( 1.5-2. 1) ± 0.17 12.4 Geomys personatus personatus 4 2.0 (1.7-2. 2) ± 0.22 10.8 Geomys personatus streckeri 1 1.3 Geomys pinetis fontanelus 1 1.9 Geomys pinetis pinetis 7 1.3 (1.2-1. 5) ± 0.09 8.7 Geomys tropicalis 4 1.5 (1.3-1. 8) ± 0.22 14.8 Condylobasal length Geomys arenarius arenarius 5 46.0 (45.4-47.0) ± 0.55 1.3 Geomys attwateri 4 43.2 (41.2-44.4) ± 1.49 3.5 Geomys bursarius jugosicularis 2 44.6 (43.4_45.8) ± 2.41 3.8 Geomys bursarius knoxjonesi 12 43.9 (40.5-45.2) ± 0.79 3.1 Geomys bursarius llanensis 2 42.2 (41.2^3.2) ± 2.01 3.3 Geomys bursarius lutescens 3 48.1 (44.3-51.1) ± 4.00 7.2 Geomys bursarius major 7 47.0 (44.2-50.1) ± 1.86 5.2 Geomys bursarius sagitallis 2 44.7 (44.2-45.2) ± 1.00 1.6 Geomys bursarius texensis 1 40.5 Geomys personatus davisi 2 47.6 (44.8-50.5) ± 5.68 8.5 Geomys personatus maritimus 2 52.9 (51.8-54.1) ± 2.31 3.1 Geomys personatus megapotamus 7 50.4 (47.0-52.5) ± 1.52 4.0 Geomys personatus personatus 4 56.7 (55.7-57.8) ± 0.93 1.6 Geomys personatus streckeri 1 38.5 Geomys pinetis fontanelus 1 43.7 Geomys pinetis pinetis 7 50.3 (46.7-52.4) ± 1.65 4.3 Geomys tropicalis 4 46.6 (44.1-49.4) ± 2.18 4.7 Length of hind foot Geomys arenarius arenarius Geomys attwateri 5 33.2 (32-35) ± 0.98 3.3 Geomys bursarius jugosicularis 2 32.5 (32-33) ± 1.00 2.2 Geomys bursarius knoxjonesi Geomys bursarius llanensis 9 32.2 (30-35) ±1.19 5.5 Geomys bursarius lutescens 3 33.3 (30-35) ± 3.34 8.7 Geomys bursarius major 3 33.7 (31-35) ± 2.67 6.9 Geomys bursarius sagitallis 1 30 34 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 20 Table 4. — Continued. Taxon N Mean (Range) ± 2 SE cv Geomys hursarius texensis Geomys personatus davisi 2 36.5 (35-37) ± 3.01 5.8 Geomys personatus maritimus 1 37 Geomys personatus megapotamus 4 36.7 (36-39) ± 1.50 2.7 Geomys personatus personatus Geomys personatus streckeri 4 39.7 (39-42) ±1.71 4.3 Geomys pinetis fontanelus 1 33 Geomys pinetis pinetis 7 33.7 (32-37) ±1.36 5.3 Geomys tropicalis 4 31.5 (30-33) ± 12.9 4.1 pattern of the structures is relatively uniform, but the size may be variable. The baculum (Fig. 14) is typical of the genus with a distinct base, shaft, and tip. The length of the baculum ranged from 9.9 to 11.4 mm among five adult specimens examined. The baculum is slightly curved. The base is bulbous with the sides, viewed dorsoventrally, gradually tapering to the shaft. The width of the base may be larger, smaller, or equal to the height of the base. For five specimens of G. arenarius the mean ra- tios (range in parentheses) of the condylobasal length to the length of the distal tract and length of baculum were 3.5 (3. 4-3. 6) and 4.2 (4. 0-4. 6), re- spectively; the length of the distal tract to the length of the baculum was 1.2 (1.1-1. 3). Specimens examined. — Total (7). G. a. arenarius (7). — New Mexico; Dona Ana Co.: W Las Cruces on Rio Grande, 1 (TTU). Texas: El Paso Co.: 2.5 mi N Rio Grande, 30 mi E El Paso, 1 (TTU); 1 mi S Eabens, 5 (TTU). Geomys attwateri. — The phallus of G. attwateri (Fig. 15) is similar to that of G. arenarius except Fig. 14. — Phallus and baculum of Geomys arenarius arenarius from Texas: El Paso Co., 1 mi S Eabens (TTU 17554), illustrated as in Fig. 1. Fig. 15. — Phallus and baculum of Geomys attwateri from Texas: Milam Co., 0.8 mi N, 1.3 mi E Milano (TTU 19137), illustrated as in Fig. 1 . that it tends to be slightly larger. The length of the distal tract ranged from 13.4 to 13.7 mm in four adult specimens examined. The collar, constriction, urethral processes, midventral raphae, and epider- mal structures resemble that of G. arenarius. How- ever, G. attwateri tends to have a middorsal groove and dorsal protuberances that are more distinct. The baculum of G. attwateri (Fig. 15) has fea- tures, shape, and size similar to that of G. arenarius. The length of the baculum of four adult specimens examined ranged from 9.3 to 10.7 mm. The base tends to be dorsoventrally compressed. The description and length of the bacula examined correspond to those given by Kennedy ( 1958), except that the av- erage width of the base was greater in the series of adults examined in this study. The mean ratio (range in parentheses) of the con- dylobasal length to the length of the distal tract for four adult G. attwateri was 3.2 (3. 1-3.3); condylo- basal length to the length of the baculum was 4.4 (4. 0-4. 8); length of the distal tract to the length of the baculum was 1.4 (1.3-1. 5). Specimens examined. — Total ( 10). G. attwateri (10). — Texas: Gonzales Co.: 2.2 mi N Nixon, ! (TTU); Milam Co.: 1.3 mi N, 3 mi E Milano, 1 (TTU); 1.1 mi N, 2.5 mi E Milano, 3 (TTU); 0.8 mi N, 1.3 mi E Milano, 2 (TTU); 1.3 mi S, 3.3 mi W Milano, ! (TTU); San Patricio Co.: between Aransas Pass and Ingleside on Hwy. 361, 2 (TTU). Geomys bursarius. — The phallus of G. hursarius (Fig. 16) is similar to that of G. attwateri. The length of the distal tract ranged from 12.5 to 15.9 mm in adult specimens examined. Basic features, such as the collar, constriction, urethral processes, midventral raphe, and epidermal structures are sim- ilar to those of G. attwateri. The baculum of G. bursarius (Fig. 16) is very similar to G. arenarius in size and shape. Bacular length ranged from 9.2 to 11.9 mm in adult speci- mens examined. The base of the baculum of G. bur- sarius is almost always dorsoventrally compressed. The tip is distinct and slightly expanded laterally. Description and dimensions of bacula of G. bursar- ius examined in this study closely correspond to findings of Burt (1960). 36 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 20 Fig. 16. — Phallus and baculum of Geomys hursarius knoxjonesi from Texas: Gaines Co., 0.8 mi S, 15 mi E Seminole (TTU 19157), illustrated as in Fig. 1. In adult specimens of subspecies of G. bursarius examined, the ratio of the condylobasal length to the length of the distal tract ranged from 2.8 to 3.7; condylobasal length to the length of the baculum ranged from 3.7 to 4.8; length of the distal tract to the length of the baculum ranged from 1.1 to 1.5. Specimens examined. — Total (60). G. b. indiistriiis (1). — Kansas: Ford Co.: 13 mi S Dodge City, 1 (KU). G. b. Jugossicularis (2). — Colorado: Prowers Co.: Lamar, 3,663 ft, 2 (TTU). G. b. knoxjonesi (26). — Texas: Cochran Co.: 0.5 mi N, 1.8 mi W Morton, 1 (TTU); 4 mi S, 0.2 mi E Morton, 1 (TTU); 2.5 mi N, 2.5 mi W Whiteface, 1 (TTU); Gaines Co.: 5 mi SW Seagraves on Hwy. 385, 2 (TTU); 3 mi N Seminole, 1 (TTU); 0.8 mi S, 15 mi E Seminole, 5 (TTU); Winkler Co.: 10 mi NE Kermit on Hwy. 115, 3 (TTU); 4.1 mi N, 5.1 mi E Kermit, 10 (TTU); 0.3 mi N, 2.5 mi E Kermit, 2 (TTU). G. b. llanensis (5). — Texas: Llano Co.: 2.6 mi N, 1.8 mi E Castell, 2 (TTU); 9.2 mi S, 1 1 mi E Kingsland, 1 (TTU); 10 mi S, 1.8 mi E Kingsland, 1 (TTU); 0.2 mi N, 8.7 mi W Llano, 1 (TTU). G. b. lutescens (3). — Kansas; Ellis Co.: 3 mi S Antonio, 1 (TTU). Nebraska: Garden Co.: 30 mi N, 2.0 mi W Oshkosh, 3,850 ft, 2 (CM). G. b. major (12). — New Mexico: Guadalupe Co.: 1 mi SW San- ta Rosa, 1 (TTU). Texas: Collingsworth Co.: 2 mi N, 9 mi W Wellington, 4 (TTU); McLennon Co.: 1 mi S Waco, 3 (TTU); Mitchell Co.: 3 mi N, 0.3 mi E Colorado City, 4 (TTU). G. b. missouriensis (2). — Missouri; St. Louis Co.: 3.2 mi N, 2.3 mi E Manchester, 1 (TTU); 1.9 mi N, 0.3 mi E Manchester, 1 (TTU). G. b. sagittalis (3). — Texas: Galveston Co.: 2 mi N Texas City, 1 (TTU); Montague Co.: 3.1 mi E Jet. 59 and Fm. Rd. 1758 on Fm. Rd. 1758, 1 (TTU); Robertson Co.: 3.4 mi N, 2 mi W Calvert, 1 (TTU). G. b. texensis (6). — Texas: Mason Co.: 0.3 mi S, 1.5 mi W Castell, 3 (TTU); 0.3 mi S, 0.8 mi W Castell, 1 (TTU); 0.7 mi S, 2.1 mi W Castell, 1 (TTU); 1 mi N, 1.1 mi W Mason, 1 (TTU). Geomys personatus. — The phallus of G. person- atus (Eig. 17) is basically shaped like that of other members of the genus. Subspecies of G. personatus include some of the largest (G. p. personatus) and smallest (G. p. streckeri) members of the genus Geomys. Proportionally the size of the phallus fol- lows this pattern. The length of the distal tract is three to four times the width, and the length of the glans is about half the length of the distal tract. The length of the distal tract in G. personatus ranged from 13.0 to 19.1 mm in adult specimens examined. The sides of the glans, viewed dorsoventrally, are straight or slightly recurved and gradually expand Fig. 17. — Phallus and baculum of Geomys personatus personatus from Texas; Nueces Co., Mustang Island, Access Road No. 2 (TTU 15356), illustrated as in Fig. 1. apically to the collar. The presence and distinctness of the collar, constriction, urethral processes, mid- ventral raphe, middorsal groove, dorsal protuber- ances, and epidermal structures are basically the same as G. bursarius with the primary distinction being proportionally different sizes. The baculum of G. personatus (Fig. 17) is basi- cally the same shape as G. arenarius, G. attwateri, and G. bursarius. The size of the baculum varies proportionally among subspecies of G. personatus with the length ranging from 9.6 to 12.8 mm among adult specimens examined. The range of these mea- surements is in agreement with material examined by Kennedy (1958). Although there is a tendency for the base of the baculum to be dorsoventrally compressed, this trend is not always true because the width of the base may occasionally be less than or equal to the height. Among the subspecies of G. personatus exam- ined the ratios of the condylobasal length to the length of the distal tract and to the length of the baculum ranged from 2.9 to 3.7 and 4.0 to 5.0, re- spectively. The ratio of the length of the distal tract to the length of the baculum ranged from 1.2 to 1.6. Specimens examined. — Total (29). G. p. davisi (2). — Texas: Zapata Co.: 3 mi N, 2.8 mi W Zapata, 2 (CM). G. p.fallax ( 1 ). — Texas: Bee Co.: 0.8 mi N, 4.3 mi W Beeville, 1 (TTU). G. p. maritimus (3). — Texas: Nueces Co.: Flour Bluff, 8.0 mi S, 8.3 mi E Corpus Christi, 3 (TTU). G. p. megapoianms (13). — Tamaulipas: barrier island, approx. 70 mi S Rio Grande, I (TTU); barrier island, 10 mi N Boca Santa Maria, 6 (TTU); barrier island, 5 mi S road at Wash- ington Beach, I (TTU). Texas: Duval Co.: 3 mi S, 24.6 mi E Hebbronville, 5 (TTU). G. p. personatus (8). — Texas: Nueces Co.: Mustang Island, Access Rd. No. 2, 7 (TTU); Mustang Island, 7 mi S, 4 mi W Port Aransas, 1 (TTU). G. p. streckeri (2). — Texas: Dimmit Co.: near Carrizo Springs, 2 (TTU). Geomys pinetis. — The phallus of G. pinetis (Fig. 18) maintains the general shape and relative size of G. arenarius, G. attwateri, and G. bursarius. The length of the distal tract, ranged from 11.7 to 14.5 mm in seven adult specimens examined. The length of the glans tends to be less than half the length of the distal tract. The shape of the glans has minor differences from that of other Geomys. The sides of the glans, viewed dorsoventrally, are more or 38 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 20 Fig. 18. — Phallus and baculum of Gconiys pinetis pinetis from Florida: Duval Co., 1.0 mi NW Bayard on Hwy. 1 (TTU 16619), illustrated as in Fig. I. less straight and parallel with a slight flare at the collar. Viewed laterally, the ventral side may be somewhat convex or straight and the dorsal side recurved. Although the collar is less flared than oth- er Geomys, it is still a distinct feature, as is the constriction which is often strongly extended api- cally on the dorsal side. In G. pinetis the urethral processes often appear reduced. The midventral raphe is well developed. The development of the middorsal groove and dorsal protuberances is sim- ilar to that of G. attwateh, G. hursarins, and G. personatiis. The size and pattern of epidermal structures is relatively uniform and is similar to that of other members of the genus. The baculum of G. pinetis (Fig. 18) ranged in length from 8.3 to 10.5 mm in seven adult specimens examined. The width of the base is always greater than the height of the base. One of the most striking characteristics found in G. pinetis, that sets it apart from other Geomys, is the shape of the base of the baculum. Viewed dorsoventrally, the base of the baculum has sides that expand apically and then converge sharply to join the shaft, instead of grad- ually tapering to the shaft as in other members of the genus. This study found this character to be consistent in all specimens examined, including the holotype and a paratype of G. p. fontanelus. Sher- man (1940) reported no differences between the baculum of G. p. fontanelus and other populations of G. pinetis. In seven adult specimens of G. p. pinetis the mean ratios (range in parentheses) of the condylo- basal length to the length of the distal tract and length of the baculum were 3.9 (3. 5-4. 5) and 5.4 (4. 9-6.0), respectively. The ratio of the length of the distal tract to the length of the baculum aver- aged 1.4 and ranged from 1.2 to 1.6. Specimens examined. — Total (19). G. p. fontanelus (2). — Georgia: Chatham Co.: 8 mi NW Sa- vannah, 2 (FSM). G. p. pinetis (17). — Florida: Alachua Co.: 1 mi N, 2.8 mi W Alachua, 1 (CM); 0.5 mi S, 2 mi E Alachua, 1 (CM); 1.4 mi NW Jet. Hwy. 24 and Hwy. 41, 1 (TTU); 0.9 mi SW Jet. 1-75 and Hwy. 24, 1 (TTU); 3.4 mi SW Jet. 1-75 and Hwy. 24, 1 (TTU); 3.4 mi SW Jet. 1-75 and Hwy. 24, 1 (TTU); Calhoun Co.: 1.2 mi N Clarksville, 1 (TTU); Duval Co.: 1.0 mi NW Bayard on Hwy. 1, 1 (TTU); Highlands Co.: Sebring, 2 (CM); Hillsborough Co.: Tampa, vicinity University of South Flor- ida, 5 (TTU); Walton Co.: 1.1 mi E county line on Hwy. 90, 1 (TTU). Georgia: Camden Co.: 1.1 mi NE Kingsland, 1 (TTU). Geomys tropicalis. — The phallus of G. tropicalis (Fig. 19) resembles G. personatiis except for size 1982 WILLIAMS— GEOMYID PHALLI 39 Fig. 19. — Phallus and baculum of Geomys tropicaUs from Tamaulipas: 2.5 mi SE Altamira (TTU 14318), illustrated as in Fig. 1. variation. The length of the distal tract ranged from 13.2 to 14.4 mm in four adult specimens examined. Like G. personatus, the sides of the glans of G. tropicaUs, viewed dorsoventrally, are more or less straight and are parallel or expanded apically to the collar. The collar is distinct but may not share the elaborate convolutions found in other species of Geomys. The development of the midventral raphe, middorsal groove, dorsal protuberances, and epi- dermal structures resembles that of G. personatiis. The baculum of G. tropicaUs (Fig. 19) is basically the same as the other species of Geomys, except G. pinetis. The length of the baculum of four adult specimens examined ranged from 9.3 to 10.4 mm. In all four specimens the width of the base almost equalled the height of the base. The mean ratio (range in parentheses) of the con- dylobasal length to the length of the distal tract for four adult G. tropicaUs was 3.4 (3. 1-3.5); condy- lobasal length to the length of the baculum was 4.7 (4. 5-5.0); length of the distal tract to the length of the baculum was 1.4 (1. 3-1.5). Specimens examined. — Total (10). G. tropicaUs (10). — Tamaulipas: 2.5 mi SE Altamira, 9 (TTU); 2.5 mi SSE Altamira, 1 (TTU). Statistics Age variation in Geomys was observed in this study and reported by Kennedy (1958). However, the amount of age variation was not analyzed in the present study. Table 4 provides the standard statis- tics (sample size, mean, range, standard error, and coefficient of variation) for adult specimens of Geo- mys examined. Examination of individual variation was con- ducted on a representative sample from different species of Geomys. Each sample used included in- dividuals taken from a restricted geographical area that would be assumed to be part of a continuous population. The taxa examined for individual vari- ation were G. arenarius arenarius, G. attwateri, G. personatus personatiis, G. pinetis pinetis, and G. tropicaUs. Coefficients of variation for phallic and bacular measurements ranged from 1.1 to 22.7. The average coefficients of variation for the above taxa were 13.0, 8.7, 7.2. 10.2, and 10.2, respective- ly. The characters that generally had the lowest val- ues for coefficients of variation were the length of the distal tract, length of the glans, and length of the baculum. The highest values were found among different characters for different species. However, 40 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 20 the length of the protractile tip consistently had high values, as indicated by a mean coefficient of vari- ation of 14. 1 for the five samples examined. The characters having the lowest and highest coeffi- cients of variation in G. arenarius were length of distal tract (2.1) and width of glans across collar (22.7) ; in G. attwateri, length of distal tract (1.1) and width of bacular base (12.6); in G. personatus, length of glans (2.0) and height of bacular base ( 10.8) ; in G. pinetis, length of glans (5.9) and length of protractile tip (16.1); in G. tropicalis, length of distal tract (4.4) and width of bacular base (17.2). Because several nominal subspecies of G. bur- sarius were available for this study, an attempt was made to determine if geographical variation of phal- lic and bacular characters does occur in Geomys. The limited geographical coverage of samples pre- cluded quantifying the amount of geographical vari- ation that might exist. Examination of ranked means of samples of G. bursarius generally re- vealed no consistencies in size for all of the char- acters. Taxa ranked among the largest for one or more characters may rank among the smallest in other characters. However, taxa from south-central Texas (G. b. llanensis and G. b. texensis) tended to group together and have smaller-sized individuals. The only other trend observed among ranked means of G. bursarius was that G. b. lutescens and G. b. major were grouped together in six of eight char- acters. Based on these observations it is assumed that better geographical coverage of samples, and larger sample sizes may reveal greater geographical variation than was found in these samples of G. bursarius. However, it is unlikely the amount of variation would approach that observed in members of the genus Thomomys. Examination of variation among species of Geo- mys was conducted, using samples with at least three individuals. Subspecies within a species were not combined to form a single group because of possible problems of geographical variation and biased representation. The samples used were G. arenarius, G. attwateri, G. bursarius knoxjonesi, G. b. lutescens, G. b. major, G. personatus megapo- tamus, G. p. personatus, G. pinetis, and G. tropi- calis. Univariate and SS-STP analyses of these samples were performed with the UNIVAR (Pow- er, 1970) computer program. Analysis of variance revealed significant differences (P ^ 0.05) for all phallic and bacular characters. G. p. personatus had the highest mean for all phallic and bacular characters except for the length of the protractile tip and width of the bacular base, where it ranked second; G. p. megapotamus had the highest mean for the length of the protractile tip and was ranked second, third, and fourth in highest means for three, two, and one characters, respectively. The lowest mean for all characters, except the width of bacular base, was found in G. pinetis-, G. pinetis had the highest mean for width of the baculum thus sup- porting this character as being diagnostic for the species (see description). G. tropicalis was ranked among the smallest in the samples examined with rankings of first, second, and third smallest in one, five, and one characters, respectively. G. attwateri also ranked among the smallest with five of seven characters ranking either second or third smallest of the samples examined. G. arenarius and G. bur- sarius showed no specific trends in relationships of means. The SS-STP analysis provided broadly overlapping nonsignificant subsets for all phallic and bacular characters. Only the length of distal tract and length of glans had cases of nonoverlap- ping subsets. In the three subsets formed with the length of the distal tract the two nonoverlapping subsets were formed with the two samples of G. personatus in one subset and the remaining samples in the other subset. An intermediate subset con- sisting of G. p. megapotamus, G. b. major, and G. b. lutescens overlapped slightly with the other two subsets. For the length of the glans four nonsignifi- cant subsets were formed. A subset consisting of G. p. personatus, G. p. megapotamus, and G. ar- enarius did not overlap with the subset of the small- er-sized (in ranked order) G. b. lutescens, G. b. knoxjonesi, G. attwateri, G. tropicalis, and G. pi- netis. Two intermediate subsets broadly overlapped with each other and the two subsets previously dis- cussed. In the remaining characters two subsets were formed with the length of protractile tip; three subsets were formed with width of glans across col- lar, and the bacular characters; four subsets were formed with the width of glans across base. Variation between species of Geomys was ex- amined by multivariate analysis, using sample means with the MINT statistical computer pro- gram. The samples of Geomys used in the multi- variate analysis, followed by the corresponding ref- erence number, were G. arenarius (1), G. attwateri (2), seven subspecies of G. bursarius {jugossicularis, 3; knoxjonesi, 4; llanensis, 5; lutescens, 6; major, 7; sagittalis, 8; texensis, 9), five subspecies of G. 1982 WILLIAMS— GEOMYID PHALLI 41 G . arenar i us arenar i us G. bursar i us knox ionesi i • bursar i us lutescens G- bursar i us ma ior G. bursar i us saq i tt al i s G. attwater i G. bursarius texensis G. bursar i us Ilanensis t r 0 p i c a 1 i s bursar i us iuqoss i cular i s per sonat us d a v i si personat us strecker i p i ne t i s p i net i s per sonat us mar i t i m u s per sonat us meqapot amus per sonat us per sonatus 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 Fig. 20. — Distance phenogram of 16 samples of Geornys resulting from clustering by unweighted pair-group method using arithmetic averages (UPGMA). The cophenetic correlation coefficient for the phenogram is 0.727. personatiis (davisi, 10; maritimus, 11; megapota- mus, 12; personatiis, 13; streckeri, 14), G. pinetis (15), and G. tropicalis (16). The distance phenogram produced by the MINT program is illustrated in Fig. 20. The cophenetic correlation value for this phenogram is 0.727. The phenogram forms two groups. One group consists of the larger members of G. personatiis — persona- tus, megapotamiis, and maritimus. The second group subdivides into a group represented by G. pinetis and series of additional clusters including samples of the other taxa of Geornys. In the next subdivision G. p. streckeri is distinctly separated and followed by a group consisting of G. p. davisi and G. h.jugossicitlaris which remain relatively dis- tinct from each other. The remaining subspecies of G. bur sarins form two clusters. The first cluster includes G. b. knoxjonesi, G. b. liitescens, G. b. major, and G. b. sagittalis. The second cluster in- cludes G. b. texensis and G. b. Ilanensis. Geornys arenarius was placed with the first cluster of G. bursarius', G. attwateri and G. tropicalis were placed with the second cluster. The first three principal components extracted from the matrix of correlation among characters is illustrated in Fig. 21. Four of the five samples of G. personatiis (10, 11, 12, 13) form a loose grouping toward the right side of the plot. Samples of G. 42 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 20 Fig. 21. — Three-dimensional projection of 16 samples of Geomys (G. arenarius, 1; G. attwateri, 2; G. bursariiis, 3-9; G. personatus. 10-14; G. pinetis, 15; G. tropicalis, 16) onto the first three principal components based upon a matrix of correlation among one cranial, five phallic, and three bacular measurements. Components I and II are indicated in the plots and component III is represented by height. bitrsanus, (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) and G. attwateri (2) also form a loose, but unified group in the upper left side of the plot. The remaining taxa — G. arenarius (1), G. pinetis (15), G. tropicalis (16), and G. p. streckeri (14) — are situated toward the left side of the plot. G. pinetis (15) and G. p. streckeri (14) are separated from all other taxa in component I, and separated from each other in component II. G. pinetis plots closer to G. biirsarius than any other Table 5. — Factor matrix from correlation among nine characters of the five species (16 samples) of Geomys examined. Character Component I Component II Component III Condylobasal length 0.785 -0.085 0.155 Length of distal tract 0.908 -0.012 0.065 Length of glans 0.950 0.196 -0.010 Length of protractile tip 0.565 0.743 0.193 Width of glans across collar 0.807 -0.439 -0.322 Width of glans across base 0.723 -0.499 -0.269 Length of baculum 0.918 0.262 -0.046 Width of bacular base 0.135 -0.451 0.870 Height of bacular base 0.817 0.009 0.121 taxa. G. arenarius (1), G. p. streckeri (14), and G. tropicalis (16) are separated from each other with all three components and separated from the re- maining taxa in component III. The amount of phenetic variation explained by components I, II, and III are 59.6%, 14.6%, and 11.3%, respectively. Results of principal compo- nent analyses showing the influence of each char- acter for the first three components are given in Table 5. All characters except the width of the bac- ulum are heavily weighted in the first factor. The length of the distal tract, length of the glans, and length of the baculum had the highest values in component I. In components II and III the char- acters with heavy weightings were the length of the protractile tip and width of bacular base, respec- tively. Pappogeomys Description Pappogeomys bulleri. — In this study the genus Pappogeomys is represented only by samples of P. 1982 WILLIAMS— GEOMYID PHALLI 43 Fig. 22. — Phallus and baculum of Pappogeomys biiileri hulleri from Jalisco: 14 mi NW Mascota, 6,400 ft (KU 111714), illustrated as in Fig. 1. buUeri. All phalli of P. bnUeri examined were re- moved from museum specimens and normal resto- ration was assumed. The phallus of P. bulleri (Fig. 22) has a distal tract about five times longer than its width and about twice as long as the glans. The length of the distal tract ranged from 8.7 to 10.4 mm in adult specimens examined. The sides of the glans, viewed dorsoventrally, are more or less parallel or slightly converging apically. From a lateral view, the dorsal and ventral sides tend to be more recurved. The collar is most apparent on the dorsal side, but loses its distinctness as it extends laterally and apically. Occasionally traces of the collar can be observed on the dorsal side. The pair of urethral processes are barely visible because of their position under the collar. Typical features of geomyid rodents are poorly developed in P. bulleri. A midventral raphe is present but not always distinct. The middorsal groove and dorsal protuberances may be present but never well-developed. These features might be more obvious if fresh samples are examined. Epidermal structures in P. bulleri have a single, proximally oriented projection. The size and pat- tern of structures are fairly uniform. The structures are present on the entire glans, except distal to the collar on the ventral side and along the extreme margins of the apex. The baculum of P. bulleri (Fig. 22) is typical of geomyid rodents. It consists of a bulbous base, slender shaft, and tip. Viewed dorsoventrally, the base gradually tapers to the shaft. The length of the baculum in adult specimens examined ranged from 7.8 to 9.4 mm. The baculum is slightly curved. The ratio of the condylobasal length to the length of the distal tract and the length of the baculum ranges from 3.4 to 4.4 and 4.0 to 4.9, respectively. The ratio of the length of the distal tract to the length of the baculum ranged from 1.1 to 1.2. Samples of P. bulleri were included with samples of Cratogeomys for statistical analysis because of the close relationship of the taxa as suggested by Russell (1968/?). Table 6 provides measurements of P. bulleri examined in this study. Specimens examined. — Total (5). P. b. bulleri (3). — Jalisco: 20 mi SE Autlan, 7,700 ft, I (KU); 18 mi (by Carranza Rd.) W Ciudad Guzman, 1 (TTU); 14 mi NW Mascota, 6,500 ft I (KU). 44 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 20 Table 6. — Standard statistics for adult specimens of 17 samples representing one geomys. species of Pappogeomys and six species of Crato- Taxon N Mean Range ± 2 SE CV Length of distal tract Pappogeomys biilleri hulleri 2 9.5 (8.7-10.4) ± 1.71 12.7 Pappogeornys hulleri infiiscus 1 10.1 Pappogeomys hulleri lutulentus 1 10.2 Cratogeomys castanops castanops 1 11.4 Cratogeomys castanops perplanus 12 11.4 (10.3-12.9) ± 0.43 6.5 Cratogeomys castanops pratensis 1 11.5 Cratogeomys castanops ruhellus 1 11.7 Cratogeomys fumosus 2 16.3 (15.3-17.3) ± 2.01 8.7 Cratogeomys gymnurus gymnurus 1 20.2 Cratogeomys gymnurus russelli 3 15.9 (15.3-16.3) ± 0.59 3.2 Cratogeomys gymnurus tellus 1 16.0 Cratogeomys merriami irolonis 2 15.5 (15.3-15.8) ± 0.50 2.3 Cratogeomys merriami merriami 2 16.1 (15.8-16.3) ± 0.50 2.2 Cratogeomys tylorhinus angustirostris 5 16.9 (15.6-17.8) ± 0.73 4.9 Cratogeomys tylorhinus planiceps 1 12.5 Cratogeomys tylorhinus tylorhinus 1 15.8 Cratogeomys zinseri 2 14.1 (13.2-14.9) ± 1.71 8.5 Length of glans Pappogeomys hulleri hulleri 2 4.9 (4. 7-5. 2) ± 0.50 7.2 Pappogeomys hulleri infuscus 1 5.5 Pappogeomys hulleri lutulentus 1 5.4 Cratogeomys castanops castanops 1 6.3 Cratogeomys castanops perplanus 12 6.3 (5.8-7. 1) ± 0.23 6.4 Cratogeomys castanops pratensis 1 6.5 Cratogeomys castanops ruhellus 1 6.4 Cratogeomys fumosus 2 8.5 (8.4-8. 6) ± 0.20 1.7 Cratogeomys gymnurus gymnurus 1 10.9 Cratogeomys gymnurus russelli 3 8.8 (8.2-9. 1) ± 0.57 5.6 Cratogeomys gymnurus tellus 1 9.2 Cratogeomys merriami irolonis Cratogeomys merriami merriami 2 9.3 (8. 8-9.9) ± l.IO 8.4 Cratogeomys tylorhinus angustirostris 6 9.4 (8.7-10.1) ± 0.44 5.8 Cratogeomys tylorhinus planiceps 1 6.4 Cratogeomys tylorhinus tylorhinus 1 8.5 Cratogeomys zinseri 2 7.3 (6.8-7.7) ± 1.42 8.7 Length of protractile tip Pappogeomys hulleri hulleri 2 1.5 (1.5-1. 5) ± 0.00 0.0 Pappogeomys hulleri infuscus 1 1.9 Pappogeomys hulleri lutulentus 1 1.8 Cratogeomys castanops castanops 1 2.0 Cratogeomys castanops perplanus 12 2.0 (1.6-2. 3) ±0.11 10.4 Cratogeomys castanops pratensis 1 1.9 Cratogeomys castanops rehellus 1 1.9 Cratogeomys fumosus 2 2.5 (2. 4-2. 5) ± 0.10 2.8 Cratogeomys gymnurus gymnurus 1 3.0 Cratogeomys gymnurus russelli 3 2.8 (2.5-3. 3) ± 0.50 15.6 Cratogeomys gymnurus tellus 1 2.8 Cratogeomys merriami irolonis Cratogeomys merriami merriami 2 3.4 (3. 3-3. 5) ± 0.20 4.1 Cratogeomys tylorhinus angustirostris 6 2.8 (2.3-3. 1) ± 0.28 12.3 Cratogeomys tylorhinus planiceps 1 2.0 Cratogeomys tylorhinus tylorhinus 1 2.6 Cratogeomys zinseri 2 2.0 (2.0-2.0) ± 0.00 0.0 1982 WILLIAMS— GEOMYID PHALLI 45 Table 6. — Continued Taxon N Mean Range ± 2 SE cv Width of glans across collar Pappogeomys bulleri bulleri 2 1.8 (1. 6-2.0) ± 0.40 15.7 Pappogeomys bulleri infuscus 1 2.0 Pappogeomys bulleri liilulentus 1 1.5 Cratogeomys castanops castanops 1 2.8 Cratogeomys castanops perplanus 12 2.5 (2. 3-2. 7) ± 0.10 7.1 Cratogeomys castanops pratensis 1 2.8 Cratogeomys castanops rebellus 1 2.5 Cratogeomys fumosus 2 3.0 (3.0-3.0) ± 0.00 0.0 Cratogeomys gymnurus gymnurus 1 3.7 Cratogeomys gymnurus russelli 2 2.9 (2.9-3.0) ± 0.10 2.4 Cratogeomys gymnurus tellus 1 3.1 Cratogeomys merriami irolonis Cratogeomys merriami merriami 2 2.3 (2. 2-2.4) ± 0.20 6.1 Cratogeomys tylorhinus angustirostris 6 3.6 (3. 2-4.0) ± 0.27 9.1 Cratogeomys tylorhinus planiceps Cratogeomys tylorhinus tylorhinus 1 2.9 Cratogeomys zinseri 2 3.5 (3.4-3. 6) ± 0.20 4.0 Width of glans across base Pappogeomys bulleri bulleri 2 1.6 (1.5-1. 7) ± 0.20 8.8 Pappogeomys bulleri infuscus 1 1.5 Pappogeomys bulleri lutulentus 1 1.7 Cratogeomys castanops castanops 1 2.8 Cratogeomys castanops perplanus 12 2.5 (2.3-2. 7) ± 0.10 6.9 Cratogeomys castanops pratensis 1 2.7 Cratogeomys castanops rubellus 1 2.3 Cratogeomys fumosus 2 3.1 (3.0-3. 3) ± 0.30 6.8 Cratogeomys gymnurus gymnurus 1 3.7 Cratogeomys gymnurus russelli 2 3.3 (3. 2-3.4) ± 0.20 4.3 Cratogeomys gymnurus tellus 1 4.2 Cratogeomys merriami irolonis Cratogeomys merriami merriami 2 2.9 (2. 8-2.9) ± 0.10 2.4 Cratogeomys tylorhinus angustirostris 6 3.9 (3. 5^.5) ± 0.28 8.7 Cratogeomys tylorhinus planiceps Cratogeomys tylorhinus tylorhinus 1 3.2 Cratogeomys zinseri 2 3.2 (3. 2-3. 2) ± 0.00 0.0 Length of baculum Pappogeomys bulleri bulleri 2 8.6 (7. 8-9.4) ± 1.60 13.1 Pappogeomys bulleri infuscus 1 8.7 Pappogeomys bulleri lutulentus 1 8.7 Cratogeomys castanops castanops 1 9.5 Cratogeomys castanops perplanus 11 10.2 (9.1-10.8) ± 0.31 5.0 Cratogeomys castanops pratensis I 10.5 Cratogeomys castanops rubellus 2 9.9 (9.9-10.0) ± 0.10 0.7 Cratogeomys fumosus 2 13.1 (12.9-13.3) ± 1.40 19.0 Cratogeomys gymnurus gymnurus 1 16.3 Cratogeomys gymnurus russelli 3 14.2 (13.9-14.3) ± 0.27 1.6 Cratogeomys gymnurus tellus 1 14.2 Cratogeomys merriami irolonis 2 14.4 (14.1_14.7) ± 0.60 2.9 Cratogeomys merriami merriami 2 14.4 (14.0-14.8) ± 0.80 3.9 Cratogeomys tylorhinus angustirostris 6 13.7 (12.4-15.5) ± 1.02 9.1 Cratogeomys tylorhinus planiceps 1 12.2 Cratogeomys tylorhinus tylorhinus 1 12.9 Cratogeomys zinseri 2 12.1 (11.6-12.6) ± 1.00 5.8 46 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 20 Table 6. Continued Taxon N Mean Range ± 2 SE cv Width of bacular base Pappogeomys bulleri hulleri 3 1.7 (1. 3-2.2) ± 0.53 26.9 Pappogeomys hulleri infusctis 1 1.6 Pappogeomys bulleri lutulentus 1 2.0 Cratogeomys castanops castanops 1 2.4 Cratogeomys castanops perplanus 12 2.3 (2.0-2.8) ± 0.14 10.7 Cratogeomys castanops pratensis 1 2.3 Cratogeomys castanops ruhellus 2 2.1 (2. 1-2.2) ± 0.10 3.4 Cratogeomys fumosus 2 2.5 (2. 5-2. 5) ± 0.00 0.0 Cratogeomys gymniirus gymnurus 1 3.5 Cratogeomys gymnurus russelli 3 3.1 (2.7-3. 5) ± 0.47 13.0 Cratogeomys gymnurus tellus 1 3.4 Cratogeomys merriami irolonis 2 3.0 (2. 8-3. 2) ± 0.40 9.4 Cratogeomys merriami merriami 2 2.9 (2.7-3.0) ± 0.30 7.3 Cratogeomys tylorhinus angustirostris 6 3.3 (3.0-3.7) ± 0.20 7.5 Cratogeomys tylorhinus planiceps 1 2.8 Cratogeomys tylorhinus tylorhinus 1 2.7 Cratogeomys zinseri 2 2.7 (2.7-2. 8) ± 0.10 2.6 Height of bacular base Pappogeomys bulleri hulleri 3 1.4 (1. 1-1.8) ± 0.42 25.7 Pappogeomys bulleri infusctis 1 1.5 Pappogeomys hulleri lutulentus 1 1.4 Cratogeomys castanops castanops 1 1.4 Cratogeomys castanops perplanus 12 1.7 (1.4-1.9) ± 0.08 8.5 Cratogeomys castanops pratensis 1 1.7 Cratogeomys castanops ruhellus 2 1.6 (1. 5-1.7) ± 0.20 8.8 Cratogeomys fumosus 2 2.0 (1. 8-2.2) ± 0.40 14.1 Cratogeomys gymnurus gymnurus 1 2.8 Cratogeomys gymnurus russelli 3 2.3 (2.0-2. 7) ± 0.41 15.3 Cratogeomys gymnurus tellus 1 2.4 Cratogeomys merriami irolonis 2 1.9 (1. 9-2.0) ± 0.73 3.7 Cratogeomys merriami merriami 2 1.2 (1.0-1. 4) ± 1.42 23.6 Cratogeomys tylorhinus angustirostris 6 2.1 (1. 9-2.4) ± 0.17 10.2 Cratogeomys tylorhinus planiceps 1 1.9 Cratogeomys tylorhinus tylorhinus 1 1.9 Cratogeomys zinseri 2 1.7 (1. 5-2.0) ± 1.50 20.8 Condylobasal length Pappogeomys bulleri hulleri 3 39.3 (37.7-41.6) ± 2.36 5.2 Pappogeomys bulleri infuscus 1 39.0 Pappogeomys bulleri lutulentus 1 35.0 Cratogeomys castanops castanops 1 56.3 Cratogeomys castanops perplanus 12 58.7 (55.2-64.1) ± 1.47 1.1 Cratogeomys castanops pratensis 1 52.3 Cratogeomys castanops rubellus 2 48.5 (46.5-50.4) ± 3.91 5.7 Cratogeomys fumosus 2 59.9 (59.0-60.8) ± 1.80 2.1 Cratogeomys gymnurus gymnurus 1 72.7 Cratogeomys gymnurus russelli 3 64.2 (62.9-66.2) ± 2.01 2.7 Cratogeomys gymnurus tellus 1 71.9 Cratogeomys merriami irolonis 2 66.5 (66.2-66.8) ± 0.60 0.6 Cratogeomys merriami merriami 2 67.3 (67.6-67.9) ± 1.21 1.3 Cratogeomys tylorhinus angustirostris 4 62.4 (62.3-67.6) ± 2.05 3.3 Cratogeomys tylorhinus planiceps 1 61.9 Cratogeomys tylorhinus tylorhinus 1 63.6 Cratogeomys zinseri 2 63.8 (62.2-65.4) ± 3.31 3.5 1982 WILLIAMS— GEOMYID PHALLI 47 Table 6. — Continued Taxon N Mean Range ± 2 SE cv Length of hind foot Pappogeomys hiilleri bulleri 3 29.5 (29-30.5) ± 1.00 2.9 Pappogeomys bulleri infuscus 1 30 Pappogeomys bulleri lutulentus 1 27.5 Cratogeomys castanops castanops 1 36 Cratogeomys castanops perplanus II 39.5 (35-45) ± 1.65 6.9 Cratogeomys castanops pratensis 1 38 Cratogeomys castanops rubellus 2 32 (32-32) ± 0.00 0.0 Cratogeomys fumosus 2 47.0 (46-48) ± 2.01 3.0 Cratogeomys gymnurus gymnurus 1 56 Cratogeomys gymnurus russelli 3 48.7 (47-51) ± 2.41 4.3 Cratogeomys gymnurus tellus 1 45 Cratogeomys merriami irolonis 2 46 (45-47) ± 2.01 3.1 Cratogeomys merriami merriami 2 51.5 (51-52) ± 1.00 1.4 Cratogeomys tylorhinus angustirostris 6 44.8 (41-47) ± 1.89 5.2 Cratogeomys tylorhinus planiceps 1 46 Cratogeomys tylorhinus tylorhinus 1 43 Cratogeomys zinseri 2 48 (48-48) ± 0.00 0.0 P. b. infuscus (1). — Jalisco: 7 mi SSWTequila, 9,000ft, 1 (KU). P. b. lutulentus (1). — Jalisco: Sierra de Cuale, 7,300 ft, 1 (KU). Cratogeomys Description The size and shape of the phallus of Cratogeomys is more variable among species than Geomys, but less variable than Thomomys. The length of the dis- tal tract in adult specimens examined ranged from 10.3 to 17.8 mm. Like Geomys, the size relationship between the length of the distal tract and body size of individuals of Cratogeomys is less variable than that of some species of Thomomys . The ratio of the condylobasal length to the length of the distal tract ranges from 3.6 to 5.5. Basically the glans in Cra- togeomys is unique from other geomyid rodents (except Pappogeomys) in that the sides of the glans, viewed dorsoventrally, tend to be parallel or converge apically. Viewed laterally the dorsal side tends to be straight and the ventral side may be straight or recurved with a slight flaring at the col- lar. The collar is also unique from most other geo- myid species. On the ventral side, the collar is dis- tinct and often exhibits some degree of folding. However, as the collar passes around the glans the distinctness of the collar is reduced laterally and is often nonexistent dorsally. In all cases the collar is extended more apically on the lateral sides. In all samples of Cratogeomys the constriction is a dis- tinct feature and is often extended apically on the ventral side. Most species also possess well-devel- oped urethral processes, midventral raphe, middor- sal groove, and a pair of dorsal protuberances. The epidermal structures of Cratogeomys have a single, proximally oriented projection. In all species of Cratogeomys, the epidermal structures occur between the collar and constriction and distal to the collar on the dorsal side. The length of the baculum in adult specimens ex- amined ranged from 9.1 to 15.5 mm. The baculum of Cratogeomys, like Geomys, shows little varia- tion in relative size compared to body size. The ratio of the condylobasal length and the length of the distal tract to the length of the baculum ranges from 4.4 to 6.3 and 1.0 to 1.4, respectively. Like other geomyid species, the baculum is positioned in the center, or slightly dorsal to the center, of the phallus, and consists of a distinct base, shaft, and tip. In all specimens examined the base was dor- soventrally compressed. The following are detailed descriptions of six of the seven recognized species of Cratogeomys. Ta- ble 6 provides measurements that apply to each de- scription. Cratogeomys castanops. — The phallus of C. cas- tanops (Fig. 23) is medium-sized compared to other members of the genus. The length of the distal tract, which ranged from 10.3 to 12.9 mm in adult speci- mens examined, is about five times greater than the width and about twice as long as the length of the glans. The sides of the glans, viewed dorsoventral- ly, tend to be parallel or converge to the apex. 48 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY A B C D NO. 20 E Fig. 23. — Phallus and baculum of Cratogeornys castanops perplanus from Texas: Gaines Co., 4.4 mi N, 9.3 mi W Seminole (TTU 25999), illustrated as in Fig. 1. Viewed laterally the sides are more or less straight and parallel, with a slight flare on the ventral side in the region of the collar. The collar is most distinct on the ventral side and less distinct as it extends apically on the lateral sides. The collar, although poorly developed, may be apparent on the dorsal side. The protractile tip is relatively long. The ure- thral processes and midventral raphe are well de- veloped. The middorsal groove tends to be short, and the dorsal protuberances are often not distinct. The epidermal structures of C. castanops have a single proximally oriented projection. The size and pattern of structures are uniform. The length of the baculum ranged from 9. 1 to 10.8 mm in adult specimens examined. The baculum of C. castnops (Fig. 23), is unique from other geomyid rodents because of its massive appearance. Viewed dorsoventrally there is a distinct base that is straight or slightly concave on the end. The base tapers to a relatively broad shaft that has straight parallel sides. There is a slight indentation of the shaft just proximal to the broad tip. Viewed laterally the base and tip are less evident as they join the shaft to form a relatively straight baculum. The ratio of the condylobasal length to the length of the distal tract ranged from 4.0 to 5.5; ratio of the condylobasal length to the length of the baculum ranged from 4.7 to 6.3; ratio of the length of the distal tract to the length of the baculum ranged from 1.1 to 1.2. Specimens examined. — Total (25). C. c. castanops (1). — Colorado: Prowers Co.: 2.0 mi S, 1.0 mi E Lamar, 1 (TTU). C. c. perplanus (16). — New Mexico: Guadalupe Co.: 1 mi S Santa Rosa, 2 (TTU); Lea Co.: 3.3 mi W Crossroads, 1 (TTU); 2.9 mi W Crossroads, I (TTU); 2.7 mi W Crossroads, 1 (TTU); 1.4 mi N, 0.5 mi E Maljamar, 1 (TTU); Roosevelt Co.: 12.8 mi W Floyd, 1 (TTU). Texas: Bailey Co.: 5.8 mi S, 0.7 mi W Needmore, 1 (CM); Deaf Smith Co.: 1 mi N, 17.9 mi W Here- ford, 1 (TTU); 1 mi N, 15.5 mi W Hereford, 1 (TTU); Gaines Co.: 4.4 mi N, 9.3 mi W Seminole, 3 (TTU); 4.4 mi N, 6.2 mi W Seminole, 1 (TTU); Hockley Co.: 1 mi N, 4.3 mi W Level- Fig. 24. — Phallus and baculum of Cnitogeomys fumosus from Colima: 2 mi W Colima (CM 55806), illustrated as in Fig. 1. land, I (TTU); Randall Co.: 0.2 mi N, 6.5 mi E Canyon, I (TTU). C. c. pratensis (4). — Texas: Brewster Co.: 1 1.8 mi N, 2.0 mi E Marathon, 4,900 ft, 1 (CM); Jeff Davis Co.: 9 mi NE Eort Davis, 1 (TTU); Pecos Co.: 17.0 mi N, 18.5 mi E Marathon, 4,500 ft, 1 (CM); 14.4 mi N, 18.3 mi E Marathon 4,450 ft, I (CM). C. c. siniulans (1). — Texas; Lubbock Co.: Lubbock airport, I (TTU). C. c. riibellus (3). — San Luis Potosi: 5.7 mi E Jet. Hwy. 80 and Hwy. 101 near Tepeyac, 1 (TTU). Zacatecas: 45 km (by road) NE Morelos, 2 (TTU). Cnitogeomys fumosus. — The phallus of C. fu- mosus (Fig. 24), although larger than C. castanops, is still considered to be medium-sized. The length of the distal tract is about five or six times greater than the width, and less than twice the length of the glans. The length of the distal tract in two adult specimens examined was 17.3 and 15.3 mm. The shape of the glans and its collar are similar to that of C. castanops. Also, as in C. castanops, the pro- tractile tip appears relatively long compared to some of the other species of Cnitogeomys. The midventral raphe and urethral processes are distinct and well-developed. The middorsal groove and dor- sal protuberances of C. fumosus tend to be more distinct than C. castanops. The epidermal structures of C. fumosus have a single, proximally oriented projection. The size of individual structures is variable. The baculum of C . fumosus (Fig. 24), viewed dor- soventrally, has distally converging sides that tend to obscure the position of the tip and base of the baculum. Viewed laterally, the tip and base are more apparent. The baculum is slightly curved and measured 13.3 and 12.9 mm in two adult specimens examined. For the two adult specimens the ratio of the con- dylobasal length to the length of the distal tract was 3.7 and 4.0; condylobasal length to the length of the baculum was 4.7 and 4.8; length of the distal tract to the length of the baculum was 1.2 and 1.3. Specimens examined. — Total (4). C. fumosus (4). — Colima: 2 mi W Colima, 4 (3 CM, 1 TTU). Fig. 25. — Phallus and baculum of Cratogeomys gymnunis gymminis from Jalisco: 3 km S, 14 km W Ciudad Guzman (CM 55812), illustrated as in Fig. I . Cratogeomys gymnunis . — The phallus of C. gymnunis (Fig. 25) is the largest of the species of Cratogeomys examined. The length of the distal tract ranged from 15.3 to 20.2 mm among adult specimens examined. The length of the distal tract is about four to five times greater than its width. The length of the glans is a little more than half the length of the distal tract. The sides of the glans, viewed dorsoventrally, tend to be rather straight and parallel. Viewed laterally the dorsal side is more or less straight and the ventral side is recurved with a flare at the collar. The collar of C. gymnunis differs from previously discussed species of Cra- togeomys in that it appears to be constricted around the urethral opening. Compared to C. castanops and C . fiimosus, C. gymnunis tends to have poorly- developed urethral processes. A middorsal groove and dorsal protuberances are present. The shape of the dorsal protuberances are unique from previ- ously discussed Cratogeomys in that the pair of protuberances appear to exist for the entire length of the glans. The only indication of a collar on the dorsal side is a slight expansion of the dorsal pro- tuberances in that area. The epidermal structures of C. gymnunis have a small, single, proximally oriented projection. The size tends to be uniform, but not the pattern. The length of the baculum of C. gymnunis (Fig. 25) ranged from 13.9 to 16.3 mm in adult specimens examined. The baculum consists of a large bulbous base, a well-curved shaft that is expanded in the middle, and a distinct tip. The range of ratios of the condylobasal length to the length of the distal tract and the length of the baculum was 3.6 to 4.5 and 4.4 to 5.1, respectively. The ratio of the length of the distal tract to the length of the baculum ranged from 1.1 to 1.2. 1982 WILLIAMS— GEOMYID PHALLI 51 Fig. 26. — Phallus and baculum of Cratogeomys meniami merriami from Mexico: 1 km S, 214 km W Rio Frio, 3,100 m (CM 55815), illustrated as in Fig. 1. Specimens examined. — Total (10). C. g. gymnums (5). — Jalisco: 18 mi W Ciudad Guzman, 2 (TTU); 3 km S, 14 km W Ciudad Guzman, 3 (CM). C. g. imparilns (1). — Michoacan: 8 mi E Opopeo, 1 (TTU). C. g. msselli (3). — Jalisco: 12 mi S Toleman, 7,700 ft, 3 (KU). C. g. tellns (1). — Jalisco: 15 mi E Ameca, 1 (TTU). Cratogeomys merriami. — The phallus of C. mer- riami (Fig. 26) is medium-sized and differs from oth- er species of Cratogeomys by its slender appear- ance. The distal tract is about six times longer than it is wide and less than twice the length of the glans. The length of the distal tract ranged from 15.3 to 16.3 mm in adult specimens examined. The sides of the glans, viewed dorsoventrally, tend to be tapered distally. Viewed laterally, the glans appears narrow in the vicinity of the constriction, where it steadily expands to the region of the collar. The collar is similar to that of other species of Cratogeomys but is quite prominent and often lacks convolutions. The long protractile tip is similar to that of C. cas- tanops and C . fumosus. The urethral processes are unique in that they are mostly attached to the ure- thral wall, thus restricted to movement. The mid- ventral raphe, if present, is not very distinct. The middorsal groove is usually shallow and broad. A pair of reduced dorsal protuberances is present. Epidermal structures of C. merriami are small and consist of a small single projection. The distri- bution of the structures tends to follow that of other Cratogeomys, but the pattern consists of short, di- agonal rows. The baculum of C. merriami (Fig. 26) has a base 52 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 20 that tends to be more dorsoventrally compressed than other species of Cratogeomys. The specimen illustrated in Eig. 26 demonstrates this feature, but may represent an extreme situation. Viewed dor- soventrally, the baculum is similar to C. fumosus in having distally converging sides that obscure the position of the base and tip. The length of the bac- ulum of adult specimens examined ranged from 14.0 to 14.8 mm. These measurements are greater than the baculum length of 13.9 and 13.8 mm reported by Burt (1960). Except for this difference, the de- scriptions of this study generally agree with those of Burt ( 1960). The ratios of the condylobasal length to the length of the distal tract and length of the baculum ranged from 4.2 to 4.3 and 4.5 to 4.8, respectively. The ratio of the length of the distal tract to the length of the baculum ranged from 1.1 to 1.2. Specimens examined. — Total (12). C. m. fidvescens (1). — Veracruz: Guadalupe Victoria, 8,300 ft, 1 (TCWC). C. m. irolonis (3). — Hidalgo: 4 km W Apan, 2 (CM); 2 km N, 3 km W Tepeapulco, 1 (CM). C. m. meniami (8). — Distrito Federal: 1-8 mi E Sn. Gregoria Altapulco, 2,270 m, 1 (KU); Santa Cruz Acalpixca, 2,270 m, I (KU) 4 km W Xochimilco, 2,270 m, 1 (KU). Mexico: 55 km SE Mexico City, 10,500 ft 1 (TCWC); I mi SSW Rio Erio, 1 (KU); 1 km S, IVi km W Rio Erio, 3,100 m, 1 (CM).Tlaxcala; 8 km S, 7 km W Calpulalpan, 2,900 m, 2 (CM). Cratogeomys tylorhiniis. — The phallus of C. ty- lorhimis (Eig. 27) is larger than all other species of Cratogeomys, except C. gynmnriis. The dimen- sions and features of C. tylorhinus are also more similar to C. gymuurus than other Cratogeomys. The length of the distal tract is four to five times greater than its width. The length of the distal tract ranged from 12.5 to 17.8 mm in adult specimens examined. The length of the glans is more than half the length of the distal tract. Like C. gymnurus the sides of the glans, viewed dorsoventrally, are more or less straight and parallel. Viewed laterally the dorsal side is straight for most of its length and the ventral side is recurved with a flaring in the collar region. Also as in C. gymnurus, the collar of C. tylorhinus is constricted around the urethral open- ing. The shape and distinctness of most features, including collar, constriction, midventral raphe, middorsal groove, dorsal protuberances, and epi- dermal structures, are very similar to C. gymnurus. The baculum of C. tylorhinus (Eig. 27) is similar to that of C. gymnurus by having a large bulbous base, a well-curved shaft that is expanded in the middle, and a distinct tip. The main bacular differ- ence between these species is that C. tylorhinus has a slightly smaller baculum with a length ranging from 12.2 to 15.5 mm among adult specimens ex- amined. This range of measurements is greater than the range (10.0-12.5 mm) reported by Burt (1960). However, descriptions of the bacula of this species in this study correspond with those of Burt (1960). The ratios of the condylobasal length to the length of the distal tract and to the length of the baculum range from 3.7 to 4.9 and 4.5 to 5.1, re- spectively. The range of ratios of the length of the distal tract to the length of the baculum was 1.0 to 1.4. Specimens examined. — Total (12). C. t. angustirostris (9). — Jalisco: 4 mi W Mazamitla, 6,600 ft, 4 (CM); 3 mi WSW Mazamitla, 1 (KU); 5 mi SW Mazamitla, 2 (TTU). Michoacan: Jesus Diaz, W slope Sierra Patamba, 7,500 ft, 1 (KU); 2 mi N Tarequato, 7,200 ft, 1 (KU). C. t. planiceps (1). — Mexico: El Rio ( = San Bernabe), 14 mi NW Toluca, 1 (KU). C. t. tylorhinus (2). — Hidalgo: ca. 6 mi S Pachuca, 1 (TTU). Mexico: Templo del Sol, Piramida de San Juan Taotihuacan, 1 (KU). Cratogeomys zinseri. — The phallus of C. zinseri (Fig. 28) is considered to be medium-sized com- pared to the other species of Cratogeomys. The length of the distal tract measured 14.9 and 13.2 mm in two adult specimens examined. The length of the distal tract is about four times the width of the distal tract and about twice the length of the glans. The general shape and features of the glans of C. zinseri resemble those of C. gymnurus and C. tylorhinus, with the main difference being a proportionally smaller size. However, the collar region does not appear to be as constricted as in C. gymnurus and C. tylorhinus. Other features, including the mid- ventral raphe, middorsal groove, and dorsal protu- berances, show the same degree of development as those two species. The dorsal protuberances are different in that they lack the expanded region near the collar and apex. The epidermal structures of C. zinseri have a sin- gle proximally oriented projection. Although the size of the epidermal structures is uniform, the pat- tern is not. The bacula (Fig. 28) of two adult C. zinseri mea- sured 12.6 and 1 1.6 mm. Viewed dorsoventrally the baculum resembles that of C. gymnurus and C. ty- lorhinus in having a large base, a shaft expanded in the middle, and a distinct tip. However, the bacu- Fig. 27. — Phallus and baculum of Cratogeomys tylorhiiuis angustirosiris from Jalisco: 4 mi W Mazamitla, 6,600 ft (CM 55831), illustrated as in Fig. 1. lum of C. zinseri differs from these species by being relatively straighter. The ratio of the condylobasal length to the length of the distal tract was 4.4 and 4.7; condylobasal length to the length of the baculum was 5.2 and 5.4; length of the distal tract to length of the baculum was 1.1 and 1.2. Specimens examined. — Total (7). C. zinseri (7). — Jalisco: Lagos de Moreno, 6,150 ft, 7 (CM). Statistics Age variation was observed in phallic characters of Cratogeomys. However, analysis and documen- tation of age variation is beyond the scope of the present study. Table 6 provides standard statistics (sample size, mean, range, standard error, and coef- ficient of variation) for adult specimens of Crato- geomys examined. Examination of individual variation was con- ducted on the largest samples of Cratogeomys hav- ing individuals from the same geographical area that would be assumed to be part of a continuous pop- ulation. The samples used to examine individual variation were C. castanops perplanus from Lea Co., New Mexico, and Gaines Co., Texas (calcu- lated separately from sample of C. c. perplanus pre- sented in Table 6 that included a larger geographical area), and C. tylorhinus angiistirostris. Coefficients of variation of phallic and bacular characters in these two samples ranged from 4.9 to 12.3. The av- erage coefficient of variation for C. castanops and C. tylorhinus was 7.1 and 8.5, respectively. In both Fig. 28. — Phallus and baculum of Crutogeomys zinseri from Jalisco: Lagos de Moreno, 6,150 ft (CM 55848), illustrated as in Fig. 1. species the length of the distal tract and length of the glans had the lowest values with C. castonops having 5.4 and 5.5, and C. tylorhinus having 4.9 and 5.8, respectively. The length of the baculum, which had low values in Thomomys and Geomys, did not rank among the lower values of Cratogeomys (6. 1 in C. castanops and 9.1 in C. tylorhinus). In C. casta nops the width of the glans across base (5.8) was less than the value for the length of the bacu- lum; in C. tylorhinus the width of the glans across base (8.7) and width of baculum base (7.5) were less. In both species the length of the protractile tip had the greatest coefficient of variation (8.8 in C. castanops and 12.3 in C. tylorhinus). Sample sizes and limited geographical coverage of specimens representing Pappogeomys and Cra- togeoniys species examined were inadequate to provide a meaningful analysis of geographic varia- tion within a species. Examination and comparison of measurements of individuals did not reveal the type of variation observed in the genus Thomomys. Examination of variation between Pappogeomys and species of Cratogeomys was restricted to multi- variate analysis, using sample means with the MINT statistical computer program. Samples of a common species were not pooled because the sam- ple sizes were often limited, and combining samples of the same species could lead to a biased repre- sentation of the species if geographical variation occurs within the species. The samples of Pappo- geomys and Cratogeomys used in the multivariate analysis, with corresponding number for reference purposes, are three subspecies of P. bulleri (bulleri, 1; infuscus, 2; lutulentus, 3), four subspecies of C. castanops (castanops, 4; perplanus, 5; pratensis, 6; rubellus, 7), C . fumosus (8), three subspecies of C. gymnurus (gymnurus, 9; russelli, 10; tellus, 11), C. merriami merriami (12), two subspecies of C. tylorhinus (angustirostris, 13; tylorhinus, 14), and C. zinseri (15). The distance phenogram produced by the MINT program is illustrated in Fig. 29. The cophenetic 1982 WILLIAMS— GEOMYID PHALLI 55 buller i buller i bulleri i i nf uscus buller i li utulentus castanops castanops castanops perplanus castanops pratens i s castanops rubellus z i nser i f umosus t vlorh i nus tvlorhinus qymnur us r ussell i gymnur us tellus tylorh i nus anqust i r ostr i s gymnur us gymnur us me r r i am i mer r i am i Fig. 29. — Distance phenogram of 15 samples, representing Pappogeomys and Cratogeomys, resulting from clustering by unweighted pair-group method using arithmetic averages (UPGMA). The cophenetic correlation coefficient for the phenogram is 0.716. correlation value of the phenogram was 0.716. The phenogram is split into two major groups — one group consisting of P. biilleri, C. castanops, and C. zinseri, and a second group consisting of C. fumo- siis, C. gymnums, C. merriami, and C. tylorhinus. In the first group all samples of P. bulleri cluster together and are separate from all samples of C. castanops which also cluster together. C. zinseri clusters with the samples of C. castanops but is still separate and distinct. In the second group C. mer- riami separates from a cluster including C. fnmo- sns, C. gymnnrns, and C. tylorhinus. This final clus- tering does not conform to taxonomic groups as it did in other parts of the phenogram; C. fiimosus clusters very closely with C. t. tylorhinus and both are grouped with C. g. russelli\ C. g. tellus and C. t. angustirostris also form a group together; C. g. gymnums forms a group by itself which is distinct from the rest. The first three principal components extracted from the matrix of correlation among characters are illustrated in Fig. 30. The three-dimensional projec- tions cluster into three distinct groups along com- ponent I. All of the samples of P. bulleri (1, 2, 3) form a definite group on the left side. Next all sam- ples of C. castanops (4, 5, 6, 7) form a distinct group toward the middle of the plot. The last group consists of broadly scattered projections that rep- resent C. fumosus (8), C. gymnums (9, 10, 11), C. merriami (12), C. tylorhinus (13, 14), and C. zinseri (15). C. zinseri (15) can be separated from the oth- ers with the first component but certainly not by Table 7. — Factor matrix from correlation among nine characters of one species (three samples) of Pappogeomys and six species ( 14 samples) of Cratogeomys examined. Character Component \ Component II Component III Condylobasal length 0.939 -0.015 0.251 Length of distal tract 0.970 -0.101 -0.118 Length of glans 0.979 -0.160 -0.080 Length of protractile tip 0.869 -0.480 -0.026 Width of glans across collar 0.842 0.442 0.223 Width of glans across base 0.945 0.166 0.187 Length of baculum 0.975 -0.163 -0.084 Width of bacular base 0.971 -0.003 0.049 Height of bacular base 0.795 0.401 -0.440 56 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 20 Fig. 30. — Three dimensional projection of 15 samples representing Pappogeomys (P. biilleri, 1-3) and Cratogeomys (C. castanops, 4-7; C. fumosus, 8; C. gymnurus, 9-11; C. merriami, 12; C. tylorhinus, 13-14; C. zinseri, 15) onto the first three principal components based upon a matrix of correlation among one cranial, five phallic, and three bacular measurements. Components I and II are indicated in the plots and component III is represented by height. the magnitude of P. bulleri and C. castanops. C. zinseri (15) is also separated with component II. C. merriami (12) is also separated from the other sam- ples with component II. C. gymnurus (9, 10, 11) is distinct from C. fumosus along component I but overlaps with C. tylorhinus (13, 14) in the first two components and is barely separated with compo- nent III. C . fumosus (8) and C. tylorhinus (13, 14) are separated with component III. The amount of phenetic variation explained by components I, II, HI are 85.2%, 7.5%, and 4.1%, respectively. Results of principal components anal- yses showing the influence of each character for the first three components are given in Table 7. All characters are heavily weighted in the first factor. In the second factor the characters having the great- est weighing were length of protractile tip of glans, width of glans across collar, and height of bacular base. The height of the bacular base also had the heaviest weighing in the third factor. DISCUSSION This study found the phallus and baculum of members of the family Geomyidae to be relatively simple and comparable to Liomys (Genoways, 1973), Reithrodontomys, and some species of Pero- myscus (Hooper, 1958, 1959). Throughout the fam- ily the basic phallic and bacular features remain uni- form. The phallus always includes a glans that is featured with a v/ell-defined collar that marks a con- spicuous protractile tip; urethral processes are al- ways present and are situated on the ventral side of the protractile tip; epidermal structures occur on the surface of the glans proximal to the collar and on the dorsal surface of the protractile tip. The bac- ulum always has a simple osseous shaft with some terminal differences indicating the presence of a tip and basal region. These characters typify the family Geomyidae. Additional modification and elabora- tion of the phallus and baculum, similar to that ob- 1982 WILLIAMS— GEOMYID PHALLI 57 served in other rodent families (for example, Sci- uridae, Cricetidae, Muridae, or Echymidae), is reduced in geomyid rodents (Burt, 1960; Hooper, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962; Hooper and Hart, 1962; Hooper and Musser, 1964; Lidicker, 1968; Williams et al., 1980). Because the basic phallic and bacular features are relatively uniform in the family Geomyidae, it is difficult to define unique characters that would dif- ferentiate the genera. Thomomys is the only genus that has representatives (L. clusius, T. idahoensis, T. mazama, T. monticola, and T. talpoides), with long, narrow phalli and bacula, and phalli and bac- ula that are large in proportion to body size (as in- dicated by condylobasal length). However, there are other representatives of the genus Thomomys (T. bottae, T. hidbivorous, T. townsendii, and T. umbrinus) that have similar dimensions and pro- portions to most members of other genera. At this point, characters (excluding size) such as the width of the collar, distinctness of the collar (particularly from a dorsal view), and number of projections on epidermal structures, are the most useful in further differentiating genera. Eor instance, Geomys and Zygogeomys differ from Thomomys, Orthogeomys, Cratogeomys, and Pappogeomys by having more than a single projection on each epidermal struc- ture. Pappogeomys , Cratogeomys , and some species of Thomomys typically have a glans that tapers distally. The collar of these species often lacks flaring and is not well-defined dorsally. Geo- mys typically has a collar that is distinct from all aspects and is often the widest part of the glans. Although various characters and combinations of characters can be used for generic identification, it is not possible to select specific features that will typify all members of a genus and differentiate them from all other members of the family. However, in some species, characteristics unique to that species can be used for differentiation from all other mem- bers of the family. Eor instance, the phallus of Tho- momys bulbivoroits and the bacula of Geomys pi- netis and Cratogeomys cast an ops have features that are distinct and characterstic to the respective taxon. At the species level, nongeographic and geo- graphic variation contribute to many differences observed in features and dimensions. It is possible that physical problems of working with soft, deli- cate, anatomical parts could account for some of the variation observed. Because of the variation occurring within a species, identifying phallic and bacular characteristics of any particular species should be based on bacular dimensions and overall morphological features. In spite of the limitations imposed on selecting discernible characteristics, this study revealed some interesting relationships among species of the same genus. However, it is believed that no system- atic conclusions should be based solely on findings in this study. Instead, it is intended that for any taxonomic group, data presented should be used in conjunction with other types of data published by other investigators. In this sense this study presents an approach to systematic problems among pocket gophers that can be useful in providing supportive or refutive arguments for previous systematic stud- ies. The systematic relationships among the species of Thomomys have been speculated by several in- vestigators. Elliot (1903) recognized the uniqueness of T. hidbivorous and erected the new subgenus Megascapheus to separate it from the other species. Bailey (1915) distinguished species groups of Thomomys based on whether the shape of the rostrum was heavy or slender. Although T. hidbi- vorous remained unique it was grouped in the heavy-rostrum species along with bottae, town- sendii, and umbrinus. However, Russell (1968u) maintained that T. bidbivorous is a group distinct from the heavy-rostrum and slender-rostrum species groups. At the present time arguments presented by Thaeler (1980) probably best represent the relation- ships among the species at the subgeneric level. Based on chromosome data two species groups are apparent. These data as well as characters used in other studies, such as sphenoid fissure (Durrant, 1946; Hall, 1946; Hall and Kelson, 1959), infraor- bital canals (Durrant, 1946), enamel configuration of lower fourth premolar and angular process of ra- mus (Thaeler, 1980), prompted Thaeler ( 1980) to propose two subgenera of Thomomys — Thomomys and Megascapheus. The former includes T. clusius, T. idahoensis, T. mazama, T. monticola, and T. talpoides', the latter includes T. bottae, T. bulbi- vorous, T. townsendii, and T. umbrinus. Data presented in this study concerning the phal- lus and baculum of Thomomys corresponds to the systematic relationships proposed by Thaeler (1980). The subgenus Thomomys is characterized by a long, slender and simple phallus, a long bac- ulum with a less distinct base, and a relatively long phallus and baculum compared to body size; the subgenus Megascapheus has a shorter, broader. 58 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 20 and more complex phallus, a shorter baculum with a distinct base, and a relatively short phallus and baculum compared to body size. Mean ratios of the condylobasal length to the length of the distal tract and length of the baculum, rank the species of Tho- momys in the following order: mazama, talpoides, monticola, idahoensis, clitsiits, hottae, townsendii, iimhrinus, and bidbivorous. Clearly the two sub- genera do maintain distinct differences in the phal- lus and baculum. As in previous studies (Elliot, 1903; Russell, 1968«) T. bidbivorous remains rela- tively distinct from other species. The phallus is unique in shape, features, and ratio with baculum length. However, the similarities between T. bid- bivorous and other members of the subgenus Me- gascapheus, as well as data presented by Thaeler (1980), indicate that this species is a member of the subgenus in spite of its uniqueness. The dimensions of the phallus and baculum of the genus Thomomys are extremely variable among species. Although examination of variation within a species was restricted by the few number of sub- species available, this study indicates that consid- erable variation persists to the subspecific level. It is possible that examination of the phallus and bac- ulum of specimens throughout the range of a species could serve as an indicator of subspecific groups — particularly in T. talpoides. In view of the variation in the dimensions of the phallus and bac- ulum of T. talpoides, it is interesting that both mor- phological and metrical data indicate a similarity between T. monticola and T. talpoides. The simi- larity is even more intriguing because one of the subspecies of T. talpoides that is most similar to T. monticola is T. t. quadratiis which occurs in the same geographical region as T. monticola (Thaeler, 1968). The systematic relationships of species of Geo- mys have been discussed by several investigators with a degree of uncertainty resulting from conflict- ing data. It is generally accepted that two different groups of Geomys exist — the eastern group and the western group. The eastern form, or the pinetis- species group previously included G. colonus, G. cumberlandius, G. fontanelus, and G. pinetis until they were all synonymized under G. pinetis by Williams and Genoways ( 1980). There is some ques- tion as to which western species of Geomys is most closely related to G. pinetis. Russell (1968u) sug- gests that G. bursarius and G. pinetis differentiated from a common ancestor during the Sangamon time. This assumption is based on examination of the fossil record and cranial characteristics. The fossil record in Elorida has led Martin (1974a, 1974/j) and Martin and Webb (1974) to suggest that G. personatus and G. pinetis are more closely re- lated and could be conspecific. Karyotypic data presented by Davis et al. (1971) and Williams and Genoways (1975) confirms the specific status of each species but does not determine whether G. bursarius or G. personatus is more closely related to G. pinetis. Eurther questions of systematic re- lationships of species of Geomys occur among the western species — G. arenarius, G. attwateri, G. bursarius, G. personatus, and G. tropicalis. Mor- phological and karyological data support the taxo- nomic status of these species (Davis et al., 1971; Davis, 1940; Hart, 1978; Honeycutt and Schmidly, 1979; Kennedy, 1958, 1959; Merriam, 1895; Tucker and Schmidly, 1981; Williams and Genoways, 1977, 1978, 1981), but different relationships among many of these have been suggested. Cranial characteris- tics examined by Alvarez (1963) and electrophoretic data presented by Selander et al. ( 1973) suggest that G. arenarius is closely related to G. personatus and G. tropicalis. Although G. arenarius externally and cranially resembles G. personatus of the lower Rio Grande Valley, Davis (1940) speculated that G. cir- enariiis is more closely related to G. lutescens ( = bursarius) of Texas and New Mexico for physio- graphic reasons. After examining the fossil record and cranial characteristics, Russell (1968a) suggest- ed that G. arenarius and G. personatus both dif- ferentiated independently from G. bursarius, prob- ably during the Wisconsin glaciation. Penney and Zimmerman (1976) suggested that both of these species, as well as G. tropicalis, differentiated in- dependently and at different times from G. bursar- ius. However, cranial characters (Alvarez, 1963), zoogeography (Selander et al., 1962), and parasite data (Price and Emerson, 1971) indicate G. tropicalis has closer affinities to G. personatus than G. bur- sarius. Therefore the main systematic questions in Geomys concern the relationships of G. arenarius and G. pinetis to G. bursarius or G. personatus. Also, the relationship of the recently resurrected G. attwateri (Tucker and Schmidly, 1981) to other species of Geomys is unknown. Comments regarding the relationships among species of Geomys, based on phallic and bacular characters, are difficult to make because these char- acters are eonservative (particularly when com- pared to other genera, such as Thomomys and Cra- togeomys). The primary difference observed 1982 WILLIAMS— GEOMYID PHALLI 59 between species was size, but this feature cannot be considered indicative of any particular species because of geographical variation. Size character- istics might be most useful in comparisons at the level of subspecies. The width of bacular base was particularly useful in differentiating the eastern pocket gophers (G. pinetis) and the western pocket gophers (G. arenarius, G. attwateri, G. bursariiis, G. personatus, and G. tropicalis). In this study oth- er similarities among species were best indicated by multivariate analysis, which were able to distin- guish some of the species. This analysis supports the recognized subspecific differences of G. p. streckeri (Williams and Genoways, 1981), and in- dicates that both G. pinetis and G. arenarius are more similar to G. bursariiis than to G. personatus, thus supports work done by Russell (1968a). Fur- thermore, G. arenarius is most similar to the closest geographical race of G. bursariiis, G. b. knoxjonesi. This similarity agrees with comments made by Da- vis (1940) about the relationships of G. arenarius. G. attwateri was most similar to G. bursariiis. The first comprehensive effort to determine the systematic relationships of the genera Cratogeoniys and Pappogeomys was done by Merriam (1895). The genera (followed by the currently recognized species in parentheses) that Merriam (1895) recog- nized were Pappogeomys (biilleri), Cratogeoniys (castanops and merriami), and Platygeoniys ifii- mosiis, gymniiriis, and tylorhiniis). It was suggested in that revision that gymniiriis and tylorhiniis were very closely related, and that castanops could be subgenerically distinct from other Cratogeoniys. Goldman ( 1939a, \939b) reviewed Platygeoniys and Pappogeomys. In these reviews several new taxa were described, including the currently recognized species neglectiis and zinseri that were named un- der Platygeoniys. Hooper ( 1946) later synonymized Platygeoniys under the genus Cratogeoniys. Rus- sell (1968/?) conducted one of the most comprehen- sive studies of this group. In that revision Crato- geomys (including the Platygeoniys group) was synonymized under Pappogeomys. Under this ge- neric designation the subgenus Pappogeomys in- cluded alcorni (Russell, 1957) and biilleri and the subgenus Cratogeoniys was split into the castanops species-group (castanops and merriami) and the gymniiriis species-group {fiimosiis, gymniiriis, neg- lectiis, tylorhiniis, and zinseri). In this arrangement Russell (1968/?) suggested that gymniiriis, tylorhin- iis, and zinseri are the closest related species of the subgenus Cratogeoniys. However, electrophoretic data presented by Honeycutt and Williams (1982) create several questions concerning the systematic arrangements suggested by Russell (1968/?). Ac- cording to Honeycutt and Williams (1982), the sub- genera Pappogeomys and Cratogeoniys (as estab- lished by Russell, 1968/?) deserve generic recognition; C. castanops and C. merriami are not monophyletic; C. gymniiriis and C. tylorhiniis are similar enough to each other to suggest a conspe- cific relationship. Characteristics and statistical analyses of the phalli and bacula of Cratogeoniys and Pappogeomys found in this study support many of the relationships suggested by other investi- gators. Pappogeomys (represented by P. biilleri) is most easily distinguished from Cratogeoniys by size. Within Cratogeoniys, each species of the cas- tanops species-group (C. castanops and C. nier- rianii), maintain characteristics (particularly bacular characteristics) and dimensions that differentiate them from other members of the genus. However, the anatomical and metrical differences observed between C. castanops and C. merriami support Merriam ( 1895) and Honeycutt and Williams ( 1982) in that C. castanops could be subgenerically dis- tinct from other members of the genus. In the gyni- niiriis species-group anatomical characters tend to be more subtle and the main difference among species is size. This is particularly true for C. gym- niiriis, C. tylorhiniis, and C. zinseri, thus supporting the close similarity of these species (particularly C. gymniiriis and C. tylorhiniis) as discussed by Mer- riam (1895), Russell (1968/?), and Honeycutt and Williams (1982). SUMMARY This study involving the phalli and bacula of the family Geomyidae was intended to serve as an ap- proach to the systematics of the family. Material used in this study included 388 specimens repre- senting all six genera and 24 of the currently rec- ognized species in the family. The methods used and material available pre- cluded further examination of other problems that 60 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 20 should be investigated. One such problem is the growth and development of the phallus and bacu- lum. It would be very interesting to know about the size and feature changes that occur with maturity to a reproductively active age. Another interesting problem is the detailed documentation of geograph- ic variation of the phallus and baculum of geomyid species that have extensive distributions. It is hoped that data presented in this study will be use- ful in approaching such problems. Based on data presented in this study several sys- tematic relationships are suggested, most of which are in agreement with previous investigators. Phal- lic and bacular data reveal two groups of Thonio- mys which agree with current subgeneric designa- tions. The subgenus Thomomys includes T. clusius, T. idahoensis, T. mazcima, T. monticola, and T. talpoides: the subgenus Megascapheus includes T. hottae, T. bidbivorous, T. townsendii, and T. um- briniis. Although the phallus of T. bidbivorous is unique, it is considered to be an extreme case of variation existing in the subgenus Megascapheus. The systematic relationships of Geomys indicat- ed by phallic and bacular data reveal two species groups which correspond to geographic distribu- tions. One species-group includes G. pinetis; the other species-group includes the western species (G. arenarius, G. attwateri, G. bursarius, G. per- sonatus, and G. tropicalis). Although data are pre- sented to suggest that G. pinetis, G. arenarius, and G. attwateri have a closer phenetic similarity to G. bursarius than any other species of Geomys, addi- tional data are needed for a more substantiated sys- tematic arrangement of all species of Geomys. Phallic and bacular differences of the genus Pap- pogeomys (used by Russell, 1968/;) indicate species groups that are in agreement with taxonomic changes suggested by Honeycutt and Williams (1982). These changes include generic recognition of Pappogeomys and Cratogeomys. From material examined in this study Pappogeomys includes bul- leri\ Cratogeomys includes castanops, merriami, fiimosus, gymnurus, tylorhinus, and zinseri. Within the genus Cratogeomys there are probably three distinct lineages of differentiation that may deserve subgeneric recognition. These lineages include one group consisting of C. castanops, a second group consisting of C. merriami, and a third group which includes the other species of Cratogeomys. In the third group the relationship between C. gymnurus and C. tylorhinus is considered to be extremely close. It is reiterated that data presented in this study are not intended to be a sole basis for systematic conclusions. Instead it is hoped that this new infor- mation will be useful in determining the systematics of the family Geomyidae when it is used in con- junction with data from other studies. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I sincerely appreciate the assistance provided by those indi- viduals and institutions that helped acquire material for this proj- ect. Those individuals that assisted in fieldwork include Dr. R. J. Baker, Ms. L. E. Carroll, Ms. C. H. Carter, Mr. R. C. Dowler, Dr. H. H. Genoways, Dr. I. F. Greenbaum, Ms. J. A. Groen, Mr. D. R. Harvey, Ms. J. A. Homan, Mr. T. Kasper, Ms. M. E. McGhee, Dr. J. C. Patton, Mr. E. F. Pembleton, Dr. J. Ra- mirez-Pulido, Mr. M. J. Smolen, Mr. S. L. Tennyson, and Ms. K. D. Williams. I am also grateful to the curators of mammal collections for making specimens in their care available to me. These curators include Dr. R. J. Baker (The Museum, Texas Tech University), Dr. R. S. Hoffmann (Museum of Natural His- tory, University of Kansas), Dr. S. R. Humphrey (Florida State Museum, University of Florida, Gainesville), Dr. J. F. Patton (Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, University of California, Berkeley), Dr. D. J. Schmidly (Texas Cooperative Wildlife Col- lection, Texas A&M University), and Dr. C. S. Thaeler (De- partment of Biology, New Mexico State University). I am es- pecially grateful to H. H. Genoways for his encouragement and making several of the collecting trips possible. I am further in- debted to my wife, K. Williams for assisting in the final prepa- ration of the manuscript, and to Ms. B. A. McCabe and Ms. N. J. Parkinson for typing the manuscript. Material used in this paper was partly acquired from specimens collected in conjunc- tion with other research projects. Funding for some of these research projects was received from the Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Fund of the American Museum of Natural History, Research Funds of Texas Tech University, and the M. Graham Netting Research Fund (established by a grant from the Cordelia S. May Charitable Trust) of Carnegie Museum of Natural His- tory. Funds for computer utilization at Carnegie Mellon Uni- versity in Pittsburgh were made available by Carnegie Museum of Natural History. LITERATURE CITED Alvarez, T. 1963. The Recent mammals of Tamaulipas, Mex- ico. Univ. Kansas Publ., Mus. Nat. Hist., 14:363-473. Anderson, S. 1966. Taxonomy of gophers, especially Tho- momys in Chihuahua, Mexico. Syst. Zool., 15:189-198. 1982 WILLIAMS— GEOMYID PHALLI 61 Bailey, V. 1915. Revision of the pocket gophers of the genus Thomomys. N. Amer. Fauna, 39:1-136. Burt, W. 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A new species of pocket gopher (genus Pappogeomys) from Jalisco, Mexico. Univ. Kansas Publ., Mus. Nat. Hist., 9:357-361. . 1968(7. Evolution and classification of the pocket go- 62 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 20 phers of the subfamily Geomyinae. Univ. Kansas Publ., Mus. Nat. Hist., 16:473-579. . 1968/7. Revision of pocket gophers of the genus Pap- pogeomys. Univ. Kansas Publ. Mus. Nat. Hist., 16:581-776. Selander, R. K., D. W. Kaufman, R. J. Baker, and S. L. Williams. 1973. Genic and chromosomal differentiation in pocket gophers of the Geoniys hursahus group. Evolution, 28:557-564. Sherman, H. B. 1940. A new species of pocket gopher (Geo- mys) from eastern Georgia. J. Mamm., 21:341-343. Thaeler, C. S., Jr. 1968. An analysis of the distribution of pocket gopher species in northeastern California (genus Thamomys). Univ. California Publ. Zook, 86:1-46. . 1972. Taxonomic status of the pocket gophers, Tho- momys idahoensis and Thamomys pygmaeus (Rodentia, Geomyidae). J. Mamm., 53:417-428. . 1980. Chromosome numbers and systematic relations in the genus Thamomys (Rodentia: Geomyidae). J. Mamm., 61:414-422. Thaeler, C. S., Jr., and L. L. Hinesley. 1979. Thamomys chisiiis, a rediscovered species of pocket gopher. J. Mamm., 60:480-488. Tucker, P. K., and D. J. Schmidly. 1981. Studies of a contact zone among three chromosomal races of Geomys bursarius in East Texas. J. Mamm., 62:258-272. Williams, S. L., and H. H. Genoways. 1975. Karyotype of Geomys pinetis (Mammalia: Geomyidae), with a discussion of the chromosomal relationships within the genus. Exper- ientia, 31:1 141-1142. . 1977. Morphometric variation in the tropical pocket go- pher (Geomys tropicalis). Ann. Carnegie Mus., 46:245-264. . 1978. Review of the desert pocket gopher, Geomys ar- enariiis (Mammalia: Rodentia). Ann. Carnegie Mus., 47:541_570. . 1980. Morphological variation in the southeastern pock- et gopher, Geomys pinetis (Mammalia: Rodentia). Ann. Carnegie Mus., 49:405-453. . 1981. Systematic review of the Texas pocket gopher, Geomys personatiis (Mammalia: Rodentia). Ann. Carnegie Mus., 50:435-473. Williams, S. L., J. C. Hafner, and P. G. Dolan. 1980. Gians penis and bacula of five species of Apodemiis (Rodentia: Muridae) from Croatia, Yugoslavia. Mammalia, 44:245-258. ST /! / ( I { 1 ;5 ti..W V:!'- V' r:':. TJ?*' .''r?' •5 ■\ iim ’1 d • '( iiff% Copies of the following Bulletins of Carnegie Museum of Natural History may be obtained at the prices listed from the Publications Secretary, Carnegie Museum of Natural History, 4400 Forbes Avenue, Pitts- burgh, Pennsylvania 15213. 1. Krishtalka, L. 1976. Early Tertiary Adapisoricidae and Erinaceidae (Mammalia, Insectivora) of North America. 40 pp., 13 figs $2.50 2. Guilday, J. E., P. W. Parmalee, and H. W. Hamilton. 1977. The Clark’s Cave bone deposit and the late Pleistocene paleoecology of the central Appalachian Mountains of Virginia. 88 pp., 21 figs $12.00 3. Wetzel, R. M. 1977. The Chacoan peccary, Catagonus wagneri (Rusconi). 36 pp., 10 figs. . . . $6.00 4. Coombs, M. C. 1978. Reevaluation of early Miocene North American Moropus (Perissodactyla, Chal- icotheriidae, Schizotheriinae). 62 pp., 28 figs $5.00 5. Clench, M. H., and R. C. Leberman. 1978. Weights of 151 species of Pennsylvania birds analyzed by month, age, and sex. 87 pp $5.00 6. Schlitter, D. A. (ed.). 1978. Ecology and taxonomy of African small mammals. 214 pp., 48 figs. $15.00 7. Raikow, R. J. 1978. Appendicular myology and relationships of the New World nine-primaried oscines (Aves: Passeriformes). 43 pp., 10 figs $3.50 8. Berman, D. S., and J. S. McIntosh. 1978. Skull and relationships of the Upper Jurassic sauropod Apatosaurus (Reptilia, Saurischia). 35 pp., II figs $3.00 9. Setoguchi, T. 1978. Paleontology and geology of the Badwater Creek area, central Wyoming. Part 16. The Cedar Ridge local fauna (Late Oligocene). 61 pp., 30 figs $4.50 10. Williams, D. E. 1978. Systematics and ecogeographic variation of the Apache pocket mouse (Rodentia: Heteromyidae). 57 pp., 23 figs $4.00 11. Guilday, J. E., H. W. Hamilton, E. Anderson, and P. W. Parmalee. 1978. The Baker Bluff Cave deposit, Tennessee, and the Late Pleistocene faunal gradient. 67 pp., 16 figs $5.00 12. Swanepoel, P., and H. H. Genoways. 1978. Revision of the Antillean bats of the genus Brachyphylla (Mammalia: Phyllostomatidae). 53 pp., 17 figs $4.00 13. Schwartz, J. H., and H. B. Rollins (eds.). 1979. Models and methodologies in evolutionary theory. 105 pp., 36 figs $6.00 14. Engesser, B. 1979. Relationships of some insectivores and rodents from the Miocene of North America and Europe. 68 pp., 12 figs., 20 plates $5.00 15. Bentz, G. D. 1979. The appendicular myology and phylogenetic relationships of the Ploceidae and Estrildidae (Aves: Passeriformes). 25 pp., 5 figs $2.00 16. Mares, M. A. 1980. Convergent evolution among desert rodents: a global perspective. 51 pp., 25 figs $3.50 17. Lacher, T. E., Jr. 1981. The comparative social behavior of Kerodon rupestris and Galea spixii and the evolution of behavior in the Caviidae. 71 pp., 40 figs $6.00 18. McIntosh, J. S. 1981. Annotated catalogue of the dinosaurs (Reptilia, Archosauria) in the collections of the Carnegie Museum of Natural History. 67 pp., 22 figs $6.00 19. Bristow, C. R., and J. J. Parodiz. 1982. The stratigraphical paleontology of the Tertiary non-marine sediments of Ecuador. 52 pp., 24 figs $5.00 • f I J I I \ I BULLETIN of CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY THE PALEOGENE MAMMALS OF CHINA LI CHUAN-KUEI Resident Museum Specialist, Section of Vertebrate Fossils {permanent address: Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology , Academia Sinica, Beijing, People’s Republic of China) TING SU-YIN Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology , Academia Sinica, Beijing, People’s Republic of China NUMBER 21 PITTSBURGH, 1983 BULLETIN OF CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY Number 21, pages 1-98, 16 figures, 5 tables Issued 25 March 1983 Price: $15.00 a copy Mary R. Dawson, Acting Director Editorial Staff; Hugh H. Genoways, Editor; Duane A. Schlitter, Associate Editor; Stephen L. Williams, Associate Editor; Mary Ann Schmidt, Technical Assistant. © 1983 by the Trustees of Carnegie Institute, all rights reserved. CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY, 4400 FORBES AVENUE PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA 15213 Dedicated to: Dr. Minchen M. Chow, our professor, who is the founder in China of the study of Paleogene mammals; Our colleagues of the Laboratory of Paleomammalogy of IVPP, who devote labor in this field; Our American colleagues, who have helped us so eagerly and have been so friendly. ’W!S CONTENTS Preface 9 Introduction 11 Acknowledgments 12 Chapter 1. The Chinese Paleogene Mammalian Faunas Section 1. Paleocene I. Guang-dong (Kwantung) Province 1. Nan-xiong (Nanhsiung) Basin 13 II. Jiang-xi (Kiangsi) Province 2. Chi-jiang (Chihkiang) Basin 14 III. Hu-nan Province 3. Cha-Iing Basin 17 IV. An-hui (Anhui) Province 4. Qian-shan (Chienshan) Basin 17 5. Xuan-cheng (Hsuancheng) Basin 20 V. He-nan (Honan) Province 6. Tan-tou Basin 20 VI. Shaan-xi (Shensi) Province 7. Shi-men Basin 20 VII. Xin-jiang (Sinkiang) Region 8. Turpan (Turfan) Basin 20 VIII. Nei-mong-gol (Inner Mongolia) Region 9. Nao-mu-gen (Nomogen) Area 21 Table 1. A comparative table of the Nao-mu-gen, Bayan Ulan, Gashato, and Naran Bulak faunas 22 Table 2. An analyzed table of Chinese Paleocene mammals 23 Section 2. Eocene I. Nei-mong-gol (Inner Mongolia) Region 1 . Bayan Ulan Formation 22 2. Arshanto Formation 22 3. Irdin Manha Formation: 3A. Irdin Manha Area 24 3B. Camp Margetts Area 25 3C. Shara Murun Area 26 4. Shara Murun Formation 27 Table 3. A comparison of the fossils from the Irdin Manha Formation and Shara Murun Formation 29 II. Xin-jiang (Sinkiang) Region 5. Turpan (Turfan) Basin 28 6. Jung-gur (Dzungar) Basin 30 III. Shaan-xi (Shensi) Province 7. Lan-tian District 30 IV. Bei-jing (Peking) and He-bei (Hopei) Province 8. Chang-xin-dian (Changsintien) Locality 30 9. Ling-shan Locality 30 V. Shan-dong (Shantung) Province 10. Wu-tu Basin 30 11. Niu-shan Basin 30 12. Xin-tai (Sintai) Basin 31 VI. Shan-xi (Shansi) Province 13. Yuan-chu Basin 31 VII. He-nan (Honan) Province 14. Tan-tou Basin 33 15. Ji-yuan (Chiyuan) Basin 33 16. Ling-bao Basin 33 1 7. Lu-shi Basin 34 18. Wu-cheng Basin 34 19. Xi-chuan (Sichuan) Basin 36 VIII. Hu-bei (Hupei) Province 20. Jun-xian Basin 37 21. Yi-chang (Ichang) District 37 IX. An-hui (Anhui) Province 22. Lai-an Basin 37 X. Jiang-xi (Kiangsi) Province 23. Chi-jiang (Chihkiang) Basin 38 24. Yuan-shui Basin 38 XL Hu-nan (Hunan) Province 25. Heng-yang Basin 38 XII. Guang-xi (Kwangsi) Region 26. Bo-se (Bai-se) Basin 40 XIII. Yun-nan (Yunnan) Province 27. Lu-nan Basin 41 28. Li-jiang Basin 43 Section 3. Oligocene I. Nei-mong-gol (Inner Mongolia) Region 1 . Shara Murun-Irdin Manha Area 44 lA. Ulan Gochu and Urtyn Obo Formation 44 IB. Houldjin Formation 44 Table 4. The list of the mammalian fauna of Hsanda Gol Formation (Middle Oligocene), Mongolia 46 Table 5. The list of the mammalian fauna of Ardyn Obo Formation (Early Oligocene), Mongolia 47 2. Deng-kou (Saint Jacques) Area 45 3. Hos Burd (Suhaitu) Basin 45 II. Ning-xia (Ninghsia) Region 4. Ling-wu Basin 47 5. Others 48 III. Xin-jiang (Sinkiang) Region 6. Turpan (Turfan) Basin 48 7. Ha-mi Basin 48 8. Jung-gur (Dzungar) Basin 48 IV. Gan-su (Kansu) Province 9. Taben buluk Area 48 10. Shargaltein Gol Area 49 11. Shih-ehr-ma-cheng Locality 50 V. Shaan-xi (Shensi) Province 12. Lan-tian District 50 VI. Shan-xi (Shansi) Province 13. Yuan-chu Basin 50 VII. Guang-xi (Kwangsi) Region 14. Bo-se Basin 50 15. Yong-le Basin 50 VIII. Gui-zhou (Kweichow) Province 51 IX. Yun-nan Province 16. Qu-jing (Chu-ching) Basin 51 17. Lu-nan Basin 51 18. Luo-ping Basin 51 Chapter 2. The Systematic and Stratigraphic Distribution of Chinese Paleogene Mammals 52 Chapter 3. The Index I. Systematic index 65 II. Stratigraphic formation index 76 Chapter 4. The Bibliography 78 Appendix I. Comparative list of Chinese authors’ names in English and Pinyin 86 Appendix II. Comparative table of the localities in “Conventional English” or Wade-giles and Pinyin 87 Appendix III. Map of Chinese Paleogene mammalian fossil localities 95 Appendix IV. A tentative correlation of the Chinese Paleogene formations containing mammalian fossils 97 I f« yl '*si -“ Sr. r.K W*v- i v4>.', 'VVjg ' 7 'S' ^*^7 ■.- V:. 'll ... fyS:= -3 -^"'l££,i' 1.;.' -7 7?' i~ ::* 1^1. ■_..,. ■ :;f.>^ « PREFACE Fossil mammals from China have been known to science for well over one hundred years. British explorers found Late Quaternary mammals in a locality at Niti Pass in southern Tibet, which were illustrated by Falconer and Cautley in Fauna Anti- gua Sivalensis (1845) and later (1868) described by Falconer. Some other early publications on Chinese fossil mammals, such as those by Owen (1870) and Koken (1885), were based on Late Tertiary and Quaternary materials purchased from Chinese drug stores. Although there were other important works on Chinese fossil mammals in the early part of the 1900s, most notably Schlosser’s (1903) Die fossilen Sdugetiere Chinas, it was not until the 1920s when field projects by a number of different groups, including the Geological Survey of China, the Cen- tral Asiatic Expedition of the American Museum of Natural History, and paleontologists from Munich, Upsala, and Paris, led to a great expansion in knowl- edge of the Chinese record. The first Paleogene mammals of China were discovered by the Central Asiatic Expedition and reported by Matthew and Osborn. In 1942 Teilhard de Chardin and Leroy sum- marized the Chinese record that had been published up to the end of 1941. At about that time world events interfered with the regular development of paleontology in China (as well as elsewhere) but by 1950 Chinese mammalian paleontologists were back at work under the auspices of the Cenozoic Labo- ratory of the Ministry of Geology. Their work, in the organization that later became known as the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoan- thropology of the Academia Sinica, was under the inspired and dedicated leadership of Chung-chien Young until his death in 1979, when our esteemed colleague Minchen Chow undertook the direction of the Institute. Under these two eminent directors, the paleontologists of the IVPP have greatly expanded the Chinese record for the entire Ceno- zoic. Perhaps most noteworthy, however, has been the growth of knowledge of the Paleogene, which was very poorly known even in 1940 when Teilhard de Chardin and Leroy could report only various Late Eocene localities in Inner Mongolia as representing the Paleogene within the boundaries of China. In the 40 years since Teilhard de Chardin and Leroy’s report, a succession of Paleocene faunas have been described, the Eocene record has been filled in, and the Oligocene faunas have become better known. The record is a fascinating and significant one, bear- ing not only such groups as the endemic but highly important Anagalida but also various perissodac- tyls, condylarths, and others that facilitate intercon- tinental correlations. Unfortunately for those pale- ontologists without a knowledge of the Chinese language, however, much of the literature on these faunas has been published in Chinese alone or with only short summaries in another language. Locality and stratigraphic information is scattered through- out the Chinese literature and it has been difficult to obtain a comprehensive understanding of strati- graphic relationships for the Chinese materials. For- tunately this paper will do much to remedy this situation so far as the Paleogene is concerned. It came about as a result of the coincidentally concordant visits to the United States of two com- petent specialists in the Chinese Paleogene, Chuan- kuei Li (to Carnegie Museum of Natural History) and Su-yin Ting (to Louisiana State University). These scholars were inundated with requests from American and western European colleagues for information on Chinese Paleogene mammals, on locality and stratigraphic relationships. Our igno- rance made the need for some sort of summary work very apparent. Li and Ting took time from their busy schedules and their own research projects to provide this masterly summary. It is patterned on Teilhard de Chardin and Leroy’s arrangement, but goes much further, especially with details of local- ities and with carefully executed maps. It illustrates not only the comprehensive knowledge of these two colleagues but also the tremendous advances result- ing from the work of all our colleagues at the IVPP during the past 40 years. We at Carnegie Museum of Natural History are proud to make this summary available in the cer- tainty that it will greatly improve understanding of the Chinese Early Tertiary and will stimulate further research in mammalian paleontology. Mary R. Dawson 9 L i* I INTRODUCTION Our best opening to this review of Chinese Paleo- gene mammals turns back the pages of history to the words, “Our knowledge of Chinese fossil mam- mals has been advancing rapidly since 1920 . . from the book “Chinese Fossil Mammals” pub- lished by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and Pierre Leroy in 1 942. From his experience of working with Chinese fossil mammals for twenty years and his wide paleontological knowledge, Teilhard de Char- din reviewed evidence on the fossil mammalian fau- nas of Eastern Asia that had been published up to the 1 940s, presenting it in a synoptic form helpful to further scientific progress. Looking back upon the progress of the past nearly forty years since Teilhard de Chardin’s work, some important breakthroughs and exciting discoveries have occurred in China, especially with respect to Early Tertiary mammals. The most highly significant advance that should be emphasized is the discovery of an essentially complete stratigraphic sequence of Paleocene age, containing three or four mammalian assemblages, or faunal zones. Not only has it broadened our knowledge of mammalian faunas and their geolog- ical distribution in Paleocene time, but also with its high numbers, rich diversity, and specific endemic color, it has given rise to some speculations about the origin and migration of mammals at the begin- ning of the age of mammals. Mammalian faunas of Eocene age were docu- mented earlier, but were largely limited to the later Eocene. Great progress has been made on the pre- viously little known Middle Eocene faunas and on Early Eocene faunas, which were entirely unknown in Teilhard de Chardin’s time. Most notably, the discovery of fossils of Homogalax, Heptodon, Co- ry phodon, and Hyopsodus, all typical of the North American Early Eocene (Wasatchian), are of con- siderable stratigraphic and zoogeographic signifi- cance. Mammalian faunas of Oligocene age were much less common than those of the Eocene, but large collections have been found recently. At the time of this writing, more than 300 genera and 560 species from the Chinese Paleogene have been reported. The great number of new collections found in China, the hundreds of new publications on these finds, and especially the visit to the U.S. of a Chinese delegation of vertebrate paleontologists and the paper, “The Mammal-bearing Early Ter- tiary Horizons of China”, by Chow and Zheng (1980), strongly attracted the attention of many for- eign colleagues and friends. Although our foreign colleagues have difficulty discussing and exchanging information because of the language barrier, they are eager to know and understand the advances in Chinese vertebrate paleontology and discuss them. We have been deeply impressed by the enthu- siastic reception of Chinese progress in vertebrate paleontology from foreign colleagues. As Chinese vertebrate paleontologists, we would like to make more readily available the newest advances in the study of Chinese Paleogene mammals, results of the devoted labors of our teacher and colleagues, to our foreign friends, even though it is very difficult for us to make it as complete as we would like to because of the limitations of our knowledge thus far. By writing this paper we would also like to give thanks to our American colleagues for receiving and helping us so eagerly. We realize that some mistakes and omissions are unavoidable, no matter how diligently we checked this work. We would greatly appreciate corrections and constructive criticism of our work. We have gathered together material on Chinese Paleogene mammals published up to the end of 1 980 in this synopsis. The catalogue is divided into the following four parts: Chapter 1. “The Chinese Paleogene Mammalian Fauna” is the main body of this work. In order to give our reader a somewhat generalized but clear conception of each fossil site and fauna, we divide the chapter into three sections, Paleogene, Eocene, and Oligocene, and give the details from each basin. The history, location, dimensions, stratigraphic sequence, and list of mammalian fauna were given as completely as possible for each site. By using the coordinate system and providing translated maps, we have made it possible for the reader to get an idea of the location. In some cases, we have used the coordinates of nearby counties or towns instead of small localities when we could not get their def- inite coordinates. Using basically G. G. Simpson’s classification, we have listed the mammalian fauna. Also we respect the original author’s idea about the classification for the fossils studied by him (her). To 12 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 21 check fossils conveniently with the original author’s localities and reports, we add their held number and reference literature number following each fossil. Chapter 2, “The Systematic and Stratigraphic Distribution of Chinese Paleogene Mammals”. Chapter 3, “The Index” includes both systematic and stratigraphic indexes. Chapter 4 is a bibliography. About 280 papers are listed in the bibliography. More than 60 percent of them (170 papers) were completed by Chinese col- leagues and mostly published in Chinese with or without an English summary. So we give the note “in Chinese” or “In Chinese with English sum- mary” after each Chinese publication, so that the reader can quickly determine whether or not trans- lation is worthwhile. We have four special appendices at the end of the paper, a comparative list of Chinese authors’ names, a list of fossil localities in English and Pinyin, a map of 6 1 localities of Chinese Paleogene mammals, and a tentative correlation of the Chinese Paleogene for- mations. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Drs. Craig C. Black and Mary R. Dawson of Carnegie Museum of Natural History encouraged us to undertake this project. We gratefully acknowledge their support and making funds available for this purpose. Especially we would like to thank Dr. Mary R. Dawson for her preface, correcting the entire English manuscript, and giving much constructive advice on this paper. We are deeply indebted to Dr. Judith A. Schiebout of Louisiana State University for helping and supporting this work. Dr. Chow Minchen, Direc- tor of the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthro- pology, Academia Sinica, permitted us to publish this book and offered valuable advice, for which we are deeply indebted. During the preparation of this paper, Drs. Malcolm C. McKenna and Richard H. Tedford, American Museum of Natural History (New York), Henry L. Snyder, R. E. Ferrell, Louisiana State University (Baton Rouge), Robert W. Wilson, University of Kansas (Law- rence), William D. Turnbull, Field Museum of Natural History (Chicago), Leonard Krishtalka, William W. Korth, Frederick H. Utech, and David E. Boufford, Carnegie Museum of Natural History, provided encouragement and help. We are grateful to them. Most sincere thanks are given to Ms. Elizabeth A. Hill, Carnegie Museum of Natural History, for carefully typing and proofreading the whole manuscript, so we avoided many mis- takes. Thanks also to Ms. Nancy J. Perkins of Carnegie Museum of Natural History and Mr. Clifford Duplechin, James Kennedy and Ms. Mary L. Eggort of Louisiana State University for drawing the beautiful maps. We acknowledge also Ms. Lori Lewis and Hwei-ling Cecilia Wang of Louisiana State University, Mr. Clif- ford J. Morrow and Mrs. Anna R. Tauber of Carnegie Museum of Natural History for their kind help. CHAPTER 1-THE CHINESE PALEOGENE MAMMALIAN FAUNAS Section I. Paleocene I. Guang-dong (Kwantung) Province 1 . Nan-xiong (Nanhsiung) Basin Young Chung-chien and Chow Min-chen, 1962'“'*'' Chang Yu-ping and Tung Yung-sheng, 1963"^* Tang Xin and Chow Min-chen, 1964"’" Chen Chia-chien, Tang Ying-jun, Chiu Chan-siang, and Yeh Hsiang-kuei, 1973"'" Zhou Ming-zhen, Zhang Yu-ping, Wang Ban-yue, and Ding Su-yin, 19771259) South China “Redbeds” Research Group, IVPP, 19 7 7(164) a. Location: Nan-xiong County, Guang-dong Prov- ince. Coordinates: 25°00'-25°10'N; 1 14°15'-1 14°30'E; 25°07'N; 1 14°18'E (Nan-xiong city) (Fig. 1) b. Dimensions: 80 km long (NE-SW), 1 8 km wide (at maximum). c. Stratigraphic Sequence: Dan-xia Formation (Eocene) Dark red sandy-conglomerate rock, sandy mud- stone and sandstone (100-550 m)’. — ?Conformity — Nung-shan Formation (Late Paleocene) (200 m) Da-tang Member: Purplish dusky red marly sand- stone and sandy marls with intercalating grey- ish green sandy marls [73139, 73138, 73059]^ Zhu-gui-keng Member: Greyish green and pur- plish red silt mudstone [73143] (etc.). —Conformity or Disconformity— Shang-hu Formation (Early-Middle Paleocene) Purplish red marls and mudstone with interca- lated thin sandstone and conglomerates [62 1 7, 6219e, 6233, 63081, 63082, 63084, 63087, 63088, 73057, 73150]. — Disconformity — Nan-xiong Group (Late Cretaceous). d. The list of the mammalian fauna: Nung-shan Formation (Late Paleocene) Da-tang Member: Order Edentata Cuvier, 1798 Family Emanodontidae Ding, 1979 Ernanodon antelios Ding, 1979'”' [73139] Order Primates Linnaeus, 1758 Family Adapidae Trouessart, 1879 Petrolemur brevirostre Tong, 1979"*^) [73059] ' The number in parentheses refers to the paper listed in Chapter 4 (The Bibliography) in which the appropriate fossils and/or stratigraphy are described and discussed. ^ The thickness of the formation in meters. ^ The numbers in brackets are the main field numbers of the IVPP. Order Anagalida Szalay and McKenna, 1971 Family Anagalidae Simpson, 1931 cf Huaiyangale leura Ding and Tong, 1979(73, [73138.C] Family Pseudictopidae Sulimski, 1968 Haltictops mirabilis Ding and Tong, 1 979'”’ [73138.C] Haltictops meilingensis Ding and Tong, 1979'”’ [73059.C] Order Condylarthra Cope, 1881 Family Mesonychidae Cope, 1875 Yantanglestes datangensis (Wang, 1976)(i94,(97, [73059.d] Order Notoungulata Roth, 1903 Family Arctostylopidae Schlosser, 1923 Arctostylopidae gen. et sp. nov.''*"" Order Pantodonta Cope, 1873 Family Archaeolambdidae Flerov, 1952 Archaeolambdidae gen. et spp. nov."'"*’ Family Pastoralodontidae Chow and Qi, 1978 Altilambda pactus Chow and Wang, 1978*’*’ [73138] Family Phenacolophidae Zhang, 1978 Minchenella grandis Zhang, 1978'2‘*5)(246) [73059.b] Yuelophus validus Zhang, 1 978”'”’ [73138.d] Zhu-gui-keng Member: Order Condylarthra Cope, 1881 Family Mesonychidae Cope, 1875 IPachyaena sp."'’'" [73143] Order Pantodonta Cope, 1873 Family Archaeolambdidae Flerov, 1952 Archaeolambdidae gen. et spp. nov.'"’'" Family Phenacolophidae Zhang, 1978 Phenacolophidae gen. et sp. nov.'""*’ Shang-hu Formation (Early-Middle Paleocene) Order Anagalida Szalay and McKenna, 1971 Family Anagalidae Simpson, 1931 Linnania lofoensis Chow et al., 1973''*”'”’’ [63081] Order Carnivora Bowdich, 1821 Family Miacidae Cope, 1880 Pappict idops acies^ ung, 1978"“”’ [73057. a] Pappictidops obtusus Wang, 1978'’'”’ [73057.b] Order Condylarthra Cope, 1881 Family Mesonychidae Cope, 1875 Yantanglestes feiganensis (Chow et al., 1973)(43X2S9K97, [6233] Dissacusium shanghoensis Chow et al., 1973(43X259, [63087] Hukoutherium ambigum Chow et al., 19 7 3(43X259, [63082] Family Hyopsodontidae Lydekker, 1 889 Yuodon protoselenoides Chow et al., 1973(43,(259, [63087] Palasiodon siurenensis Chow et al., 19 7 3(43,(259, [6217] 13 14 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 21 Family Periptychidae Cope, 1882 lEctoconus [63084] Order Tillodontia Marsh, 1875 Family Esthonychidae Cope, 1883 II. Lofochaius brachyodus Chow et al., 1973(43)(259) (Zeng-de-ao) Order ?Tillodontia Marsh, 1875 Family incertae sedis Dysnoetodon minuta Zhang, 1980'^'*^’ [73150] Order Pantodonta Cope, 1873 Family Bemalambdidae Chow et al., 1973 Bemalambda nanhsiungensis Chow et al., 1973(43,(259, [63084] Bemalambda pachyoesteus Chow et al., 1973(43,(259, [62.19e] Bemalambda crassa Chow et a!., 197303,(259, [63088] Bemalambda [63087] Jiang-xi (Kiangsi) Province 2. Chi-jiang (Chihkiang) Basin Tang Xin and Chow Min-chen, 1964''^" Zheng Jia-jian, Tong Yong-sheng, Ji Hong-xiang, and Zhang Fa, 1973'-^’^’ Tong Young-sheng, Zhang Yu-ping, Wang Ban-yue, and Ding Su-yin, 1976"’’“’ South China “Redbeds” Research Group, IVPP, 1977(164, Tong Young-sheng, Zhang Yu-ping, Zheng Jia-jian, Wang Ban-yue, and Ding Su-yin, 1979"''" a. Location; Da-yu and Nan-kang counties, Jiang-xi Province. 1983 LI AND TING-THE PALEOGENE MAMMALS OF CHINA 15 Fig. 2. — Map of the Late Cretaceous and Lower Tertiary vertebrate fossil localities of Chijiang Basin. Coordinates: 25°23'-25°40'N; 1 14°20'-1 14°45'E; 25°29'N; 1 14°34'E (Chi-jiang town) (Fig. 2) b. Dimensions: 40 km long (NE-SW), 1 0 km wide (at maximum). c. Stratigraphic Sequence: Ping-hu Formation (Early Eocene) Purplish red politic sandstone and marls with intercalating yellowish green siltstone [72027], (200-300 m). —Conformity— Chi-jiang Formation (Late Paleocene) (473 m) Wang-wu Member: Purplish red marls with inter- calating red sandstone and green thin calcar- eous mudstone [73041]. Lan-ni-keng Member: Purplish red mudstone with intercalating dusky red and greyish green sand- conglomerates [72034, 72035, 73039, 73046, 73048, 73052, 73055]. — Disconformity— Shi-zi-kou Formation (Early Middle Paleocene) Brick-red sandy marls with intercalating greyish green sandstone [73042, 73043]. — Disconformity— Nan-xiong Group (Late Cretaceous) d. The list of the mammalian fauna: Chi-jiang Formation (Late Paleocene) Wang-wu Member: Order Notoungulata Roth, 1903 16 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 21 Fig. 3. — Map of the Paleocene fossil localities of Chaling Basin. Family Arctostylopidae Schlosser, 1923 Allostylops periconotus Zheng, 1979'^^^’ [73041] Order Condylarthra Cope, 1881 Family Mesonychidae Cope, 1875 Jiangxia chaotoensis Zhang, Zheng, and Ding, 1979'"^»> [73041.1] Order Pantodonta Cope, 1873 Family Archaeolambdidae Flerov, 1952 Archaeolambda sp.*'*'*' [73041] Lan-ni-keng Member: Order Insectivora Bowdich, 1821 Insectivora gen. et sp. indet. 1979'’'’' [73052] Order Anagalida Szalay and McKenna, 1971 Family Anagalidae Simpson, 1931 Hsiuannania minor Ding and Zhang, 1979(74, [73055] Family Pseudictopidae Sulimski, 1968 cf. Pseudictops tenuis Ding and Zhang, 1979,74, [73046] Order Notoungulata Roth, 1903 Family Arctostylopidae Schlosser, 1923 Asiostylops spanios Zheng, 1979'“” [73039] Order Condylarthra Cope, 1881 Family Mesonychidae Cope, 1875 IHapalodectes sp.'’"*' [73048] Family Hyopsodontidae indet. Hyopsodontidae indet.”"*' [73052] Family Periptychidae Cope, 1882 Pseudanisonckus antelios Zhang, Zheng, and Ding, 1979'’"*' [73039] Order Pantodonta Cope, 1873 Family Archaeolambdidae Flerov, 1952 Archaeolambda cf. planicanina Flerov, 1952,(84X272, [73039] Archaeolambda dayuensis Tong, 1979"*"' [72034] Nanlingilambda chijiangensis Tong, 1979"*"' Family Harpyodidae Wang, 1979 Harpyodus decorus Wang, I979"'’’i [73048.b] Family Phenacolophidae Zhang, 1978 Ganolophus lanikenensis Zhang, 1979'2‘*'’> [72035] Mammalia, Order indet. Family Didymoconidae Kretzoi, 1943 Archaeoryctes notialis Zheng, 1979'’*" [72035] Shi-zi-kou Formation (Early Middle Paleocene) Order Pantodonta Cope, 1873 Family Bemalambdidae Chow et al., 1973 1983 LI AND TING-THE PALEOGENE MAMMALS OF CHINA 17 Bemalambda shizikouensis Wang and Ding, 1979(198) [73043, 73042.b] Family Archaeolambdidae Rerov, 1952 Archaeolambdidae indet."*"** [73042] III. Hu-nan Province 3. Cha-ling Basin Tang Xin and Chow Min-chen, 1964"’" Gao Hung-Hsiang, 1975'”’ Wang Ban-yue, 1975"’^’ South China “Redbeds” Research Group, IVPP, 1977(164, a. Location: Cha-ling County, Hu-nan Province. Coordinates: 26°38'-26°48'N; 1 !3°24'-l 13°34'E; 26°48'N; 1 13°33'E (Cha-ling city) (Fig. 3) b. Dimensions: 90 km long (NNE-SSW), 24 km wide (at maximum) (Meso-Cenozoic Basin). c. Stratigraphic Sequence: Zao-shi Formation (Early Middle Paleocene) Purplish red sandy claystone with intercalating conglomerate, gypsum, and greyish green marls [72137, 72139, 72135, 72130, 72136, 72133, 72132] (more than 53 m). — Disconformity — Dai-jia-ping Formation (Late Cretaceous) d. The list of the mammalian fauna: Zao-shi Formation (Early-Middle Paleocene) Order Anagalida Szalay and McKenna, 1971 Family Anagalidae Simpson, 1931 Stenanagale xiangensis Wang, 1975"'*^) [72137] Order Condylarthra Cope, 1881 Family Mesonychidae Cope, 1875 IDissacus rotundus Wang, 1 975"”^' [721 39] Order Tillodontia Marsh, 1875 Family Esthonychidae Cope, 1883 Meiostylodon zaoshiensis Wang, 1975"’^’ [72135] Order Pantodonta Cope, 1873 Family Bemalambdidae Chow et al., 1973 Bemalambda nanhsiungensis Chow et al., 1975(193) [72139] Bemalambdidae indet."’^’ [72139, 72130, 72136] Hypsilolambda chalingensis Wang, 1975"'’^' [72133] Hypsilolambda impensa Wang, 1975"'*^’ [72132] Hypsilolambda spp."’^' [72130] Mammalia indet."”' [72133, 72130] IV. An-hui (Anhui) Province 4. Qian-shan (Chienshan) Basin Qiu Zhan-xiang and Li Chuan-kuei, 1972"^" Qiu Zhan-xiang, Li Chuan-kuei, Huang Xue-shi, Tang Ying-jun, Xu Qin-qi, Yen De-fa, and Zhang Hong, 1977"”' a. Location: Qian-shan and Huai-ning counties, An- hui Province. Coordinates: 30°35'-30°45'N; 1 16°28'-1 16°38'E; 30°36'N; 1 16°36'E (Qian-shan city) (Fig. 4) b. Stratigraphic Sequence: Dou-mu Formation (Late Paleocene) (600 m) Upper Member: Thick purplish red conglomerates interbedding with sandstone and conglom- eratic sandstone [71017]. Lower Member: Thick purplish red medium-fine sandstone with intercalating thin conglom- erates and silt mudstone [71015, 71079]. — Unconformity— Wang-hu-dun Formation (Early-Middle Paleocene) (1,800 m) Upper Member: Purplish red fine sandstones with intercalating thin greyish white sandstone [70020, 70022, 71008, 71009, 71010, 71012, 71016, 71075]. Middle Member: Purplish red conglomerates and conglomeratic gritstones interbedding with fine sandstone. Lower Member: Purplish red middle-fine sand- stone with intercalating conglomerates and greyish white arkose-sandstone [71001, 7 1 002, 71004, 71005, 71006]. Wang-he Formation (Late Cretaceous) — (7 50 m) c. The list of the mammalian fauna: Dou-mu Formation (Late Paleocene) Upper Member: Order Insectivora Bowdich, 1821 Family Indet. Hyracolestes ermineus Matthew and Gran- ger, 1925"”'"^'’' [71017] Order Anagalida Szalay and McKenna, 1971 Family Anagalidae Simpson, 1931 Hsitiannania sp.'“*’ [71017] Family Eurymylidae Matthew, Granger, and Simpson, 1929 Heomys orientalis Li, 1977"°'" [71017] Eurymyloidea indet.'""" [71017] Family Mimotonidae Li, 1977 Mimotona wana Li, 1977"°'" [71017] Order Notoungulata Roth, 1903 Family Arctostylopidae Schlosser, 1923 Sinoslylops promissus Tang and Yan, 1976"’-" [71017] Order Pantodonta Cope, 1873 Family Archaeolambdidae Flerov, 1952 Archaeolambda tabiensis Huang, 1977'''" [71017] Lower Member: Order Anagalida Szalay and McKenna, 1971 Family Anagalidae Simpson, 1931 Hsiuannania tabiensis Xu, 1976'’°*’ [71079] Family Mimotonidae Li, 1977 Mimotona robusta Li, 1977"°'" [71079] Family Pseudictopidae Sulimski, 1968 Allictops inserrata Qiu, 1977"”’ [71015] Mammalia, Order indet. Obtususdon hanhuaensis Xu, 19771210) [71079] Wang-hu-dun Formation (Early-Middle Paleocene) Upper Member: Order Anagalida Szalay and McKenna, 1971 18 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 21 Fig. 4. — Map of the Paleocene fossil localities of Qianshan Basin. 1983 LI AND TING-THE PALEOGENE MAMMALS OF CHINA 19 Family Anagalidae Simpson, 1931 Huaiyangale chianshanensis Xu, 1976‘“®’ [70020] Huaiyangale [70020] Diacronus wanghuensis Xu, 1976'^°'*' [71016] Diacronus anhuiensis Xu, 1976'-“''’ [71009] Family Eurymylidae Matthew, Granger, and Simpson, 1929 Heomys sp."”’ [71010] Family Mimotonidae Li, 1977 Mimotona wana Li, 1977*"’’’ [71016] Mimotona sp."*”’ [71008] Family Pseudictopidae Sulimski, 1968 Anictops tabiepedis Qiu, 1977" 5*” [71008, 7101 1, 70021, etc.] Anictops alf. tabiepedis Qiu, 1977*""" [70022] Paranictops majuscula Qiu, 1977*'^*" [70022] 1 Paranictops sp.*'^*" [71014] Order Carnivora Bowdich, 1821 Family Miacidae Cope, 1 880 Pappictidops orientalis Qiu and Li, 1977" [71008] Order Condylarthra Cope, 1 88 1 Family Hyopsodontidae Lydekker, 1 889 Decoredon elongetus Xu, 1977*^'*" [71009] Order Pantodonta Cope, 1873 Family Pastoralodontidae Chow and Qi, 1 978 Altilambda pactus Chow and Wang, 1978*^*’ [71075] Altilambda tenuis Chow and Wang, 1 978*^*’ [71016] Family Harpyodidae Wang, 1979 Harpyodus euros Qiu and Li, 1977*'“’ [71012] Mammalia, Order indet. Family Didymoconidae Kretzoi, 1 943 Zeuctherium niteles Tang and Yan, 1 976*"'^’ [71009] Mammalia, Order indet. Obtususdon hanhuaensis Xu, 1977*^'*" [70020] Lower Member: Order Anagalida Szalay and McKenna, 1971 Family Zalambdalestidae Gregory and Simp- son, 1926 Anchilestes impolitus Qiu and Li, 1977*'“’ [71001] Family Anagalidae Simpson, 1931 Wanogale hodungensis Xu, 1976*-*”’ [71001] Anaptogale wanghoensis Xu, 1976*-*”’"*^’ [71001] Chianshania gianghuaiensis Xu, 1976*-*”’ [71001] Family Pseudictopidae Sulimski, 1968 Cartictops canina Ding and Tong, 1979(I50„IS2,(73) [71005] Anictops tabiepedis Qiu, 1977"^°’ [71001] Paranictops sp.*'“’ [71005] Order Condylarthra Cope, 1 88 1 Family Mesonychidae Cope, 1875 20 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 21 Yantanglestes (Lestes) conenxus Yan and Tang, 1976'^^3)(97) [71006] Order Pantodonta Cope, 1873 Family Bemalambdidae Chow et al., 1973 Bemalambda [71001] Bemalambdidae indet.'^'’’ [71002] 5. Xuan-cheng (Hsuancheng) Basin Qiu Zhan-xiang and Li Chuan-kuei, 1972"-'" Qiu Zhan-xiang, Li Chuan-kuei, Huang Xue-shi, Tang Ying-jun, Xu Qin-qi, Yan De-fa, and Zhang Hong, 1977"”' a. Location; Xuan-cheng and Guang-de counties, An- hui Province. Coordinates: 30°58'N; 118°45'E (Xuan-cheng city) (Fig. 5) b. Stratigraphic Sequence; Shuang-ta-si Group (Late Paleocene) Purplish red silt mudstones and marls with inter- calating conglomerates and lime nodules [71071, 71073] (213-760 m). — Unconformity— Xuan-nan Formation (Late Cretaceous) c. The list of the mammalian fauna: Shuang-ta-si Group (Late Paleocene) Order Anagalida Szalay and McKenna, 1971 Family Anagalidae Simpson, 1931 Hsiuannania maguensis Xu, 1976'-°*' [71071] Order Condylarthra Cope, 1881 Family Mesonychidae Cope, 1875 Dissacus magushanemis Yan and Tang, 1976<223' [71071] Order Notoungulata Roth, 1903 Family Arctostylopidae Schlosser, 1923 Sinoslylops progressus Tang and Yan, 1976"’'' [71071] Order Pantodonta Cope, 1873 Family Archaeolambdidae Flerov, 1952 Archaeolambda yangtzeensis Huang, 1978<‘"» [71073] Mammalia, Order indet. Family indet. Wanotherium xuanchengensis Tang and Yan, 1976'”'' [71073] V. He-nan (Honan) Province 6. Tan-tou Basin Tong Yong-sheng and Wang Jing-wen, I97988) Tong Yong-sheng and Wang Jing-wen, 1980"*'" a. Location: Luan-chuan County, He-nan Province. Coordinates: 34°00'N; 1 1 1°46'E (Tan-tou town) b. Stratigraphic Sequence: Tan-tou Formation (Early Eocene) Greyish green and greyish white mudstones interbedding with greyish black marls and kerogen shales (136^58 m). Da-zhang Formation (Late Paleocene) Dark red and greyish green mudstones interbed- ding with greyish white marls (104-375 m). —Conformity— Gao-yu-gou Formation (Middle Paleocene) Purplish red mudstones with intercalating con- glomerate and greyish green silt band (302- 366 m). — Disconformity— Qiu-ba Formation (Late Cretaceous) c. The list of the mammalian fauna: Da-zhang Formation (Late Paleocene) Order Anagalida Szalay and McKenna, 1971 Family Pseudictopidae Sulimski, 1968 Pseudictopidae indet."*’' Order Pantodonta Cope, 1873 Family Pastoralodontidae Chow and Qi, 1978 Pastoralodontidae indet."*’' Gao-yu-gou Formation (Middle Paleocene) Order Condylarthra Cope, 1881 Family Mesonychidae Cope, 1875 Mesonychidae indet."*” Order Pantodonta Cope, 1873 Family Bemalambdidae Chow et al., 1973 Bemalambdidae indet."*’' VI. Shaan-xi (Shensi) Province 7. Shi-men Basin Xue Xiang-xi, 1978”’’' a. Location: Luo-nan County, Shaan-xi Province. Coordinates: 34°06'N; 1 lO’lO'E (Luo-nan city) b. Stratigraphic Sequence: Red sandy mudstones (Paleocene) c. The list of the mammalian fauna: Order Condylarthra Cope, 1881 Family Mesonychidae Cope, 1875 Mesonychidae indet.””' Order Pantodonta Cope, 1873 Family Bemalambdidae Chow et al., 1973 Bemalambdidae indet.'”” VII. Xin-jiang (Sinkiang) Region 8. Turpan (Turfan) Basin Chow Min-chen, I960'”"”’ Zhai Ren-jie, Zheng Jia-jian, and Tong Yong-sheng, 1978'”" Tong Yong-sheng, 1978"*’' a. Location: Turpan and Shan-shan counties, Xin-jiang. Coordinates: 42°45'-43’l 2'N; 89°05'-9 1°36'E; 42°52'N; 90°10'E (Shan-shan city) (Fig. 6) b. Dimensions: about 200 km (E-W), 50 km (N-S) (Cenozoic exposure area). c. Stratigraphic Sequence: Tai-zi-cun Formation (Late Paleocene) Purplish and brownish red arenaceous mudstone with intercalating greyish-green, fine sand- stone and marls [6402 1 , 64022, 6403 1 , 660 1 3] (65 m). — Disconformity — Su-ba-shi Formation (Late Cretaceous) d. The list of the mammalian fauna: Tai-zi-cun Formation (Late Paleocene) Order Multituberculata Cope, 1884 Multituberculata indet."*’' [64022] Order Anagalida Szalay and McKenna, 1971 1983 LI AND TING-THE PALEOGENE MAMMALS OF CHINA 21 Family Eurymylidae Matthew, Granger, and Simpson, 1929 ?Eurymylidae gen. et sp. nov., 1978"*^’ [66013-2] Family Pseudictopidae Sulimski, 1968 Pseudictops chaii Tong, 1978"*-' [66013] Order Condylarthra Cope, 1881 Family Mesonychidae Cope, 1875 Mesonychidae indet."*^' [64021-5] Order Pantodonta Cope, 1873 Family Archaeolambdidae Rerov, 1952 Archaeolambda cf. planicanina Flerov, 1952< 1 821,272, [64031] Family Pantolambdodontidae Granger and Gregory, 1934 Dilambda speciosa Tong, 1978"*^' [66013-1] Family Phenacolophidae Zhang, 1978 Tienshanilophus subashiensis Tong, 197g,l82,,243, [64031] Tienshanilophus lianmuqinensis Tong, 197g(i82„243, [66013-3] Tienshanilophus shengjinkouensis Tong, 197g(182,|243, [64021] Order Dinocerata Marsh, 1873 Family Uintatheriidae Flower, 1876 Prodinoceras diconicus Tong, 1978"*^’ [66013-4] Jiaoluotherium turfanense (Chow) Tong, 197g,l82„33„32, [64022] Houyanotherium primigenum Tong, 1978"*-' [64021] Houyanotherium simplum Tong, 1978"*-' [66013-6] VIIL Nei-mong-gol (Inner Mongolia) Region 9. Nao-mu-gen (Nomogen) Area Zhou Min-zhen, Qi Tao and Li Yong, 1976*^'*’ Chow Min-chen and Qi Tao, 1978*”' a. Location: Formerly Nom Khong Shireh or Nomo- gen Ora (see Fig. 7) Si-zi-wang Qi, Inner Mongolia. Coordinates: around 43°00'N; 1 1 1°30'E b. Stratigraphic Sequence: Nao-mu-gen Formation (Late Paleocene) Dark red and greyish green argillaceous sandstone, and dark red sand clay (8 m visible thickness). c. The list of the mammalian fauna: Nao-mu-gen Formation (Late Paleocene) Order Multituberculata Cope, 1884 Family Taeniolabididae Granger and Simp- son, 1929 Prionessus lucifer Matthew and Granger, 19 2 5,53'"2" Sphenopsalis nobilis Matthew, Granger, and Simpson, 1928*”'"^*' Family Lambdopsalidae Chow and Qi, 1978 Lambdopsalis bulla Chow and Qi, 1978'”' Order Insectivora Bowdich, 1821 Family Deltatheridiidae Gregory and Simp- son, 1926 Sarcodon pygmaeus Matthew and Granger, 1 925*55’"^" Order Anagalida Szalay and McKenna, 1971 Family Mimotonidae Li, 1977 Mimotona borealis Chow and Qi, 1977*”' Family Pseudictopidae Sulimski, 1968 Pseudictops lophtodon Matthew, Granger, and Simpson, 1929*”*'*'-“" Order ?Rodentia Rodentia indet.****’ Order Condylarthra Cope, 1881 Family Mesonychidae Cope, 1875 ?Dissacus sp.'”’' Plagiocristodon serratus Chow and Qi, 1978*”' Order Notoungulata Roth, 1903 Family Arctostylopidae Schlosser, 1 923 Paleostylops iturus Matthew and Granger, 1925<53'*121' 22 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 21 Table l.—A comparative table of the Nao-mu-gen, Bayan Ulan, Gashato, and Naran Bulak faunas. Taxa Gashato Faunas Naran Nomo- Bulak gen Bayen Ulan Prionessus lucifer M. et G. + ? + + Sphenopsalis nobilis M. et al. + - -f - Lambdopsalis bulla C. et Q. - - + - Hyracolestes ermineus M. et G. -f - - - Sarcodon pygmaeus M. et G. + - + - Praolestes nanus M. et G. -f - - - Altanius orlovi D. et M. - + - - Eurymylus laticeps M. et G. 3- + - - Mimotona borealis C. et Q. - - + + Gomphos elkema Sh. -f - - - Pseudictops lophiodon M. et G. + + + + Khashanagale zofiae S. et M. + - - - ?Khashanagale sp. nov. (S. et M.) -f - - - ?Dissacus sp. 1 + - - - ?Dissacus sp. 2 - - + - Pachyaena sp. - + - -f Plagiocristodon serratus C. et Q. - - + + Phenacolophus falla.x M. et G. -f - - - Archaeolambda planicanina F. - -f - - Pastoralodon lacustris C. et Q. - - -f -f Convallisodon convexus C. et Q. - - -t- - Convallisodon haliutensis C. et Q. - - -f - Prodinoceras martyr M. et G. + - - - Mongolotherium efremovi F. - -f - -f Mongolotherium plantigradum F. - + - - Pyrodon sp. - - - -f Palaeostylops Iturus M. et G. -t- -1- + + Palaeostylops macrodon M. et al. -1- + -f + Lambdotherium sp.? - - - -I- ?Heptodon sp.? - - - + Hyracotherium gabuniai D. - -f - - Rodentia indet.? - - + - Total number of taxa 15 10 14 12 Paleostylops macrodon Matthew, Granger, and Simpson, Order Pantodonta Cope, 1873 Family Pastoralodontidae Chow and Qi, 1978 Pastoralodon lacustris Chow dindQi, 1978'”’ Convallisodon convexus Chow and Qi, 1978'”’ Convallisodon haliutensis Chow and Qi, 1978'”’ Section 2. Eocene I. Nei-mong-gol (Inner Mongolia) Region 1. Bayan Ulan Formation (Early Eocene) Qi Tao, 1979"'*^’ Chow Min-chen and Zheng Jia-jian, 1980"’'” a. Location: Southwest of Camp Margetts, Camp Margetts Area, or about 20 km east of the Ai-li- ge-miao. Coordinates: around 43°20'N; 1 1 1°45'E b. Stratigraphic Sequence: unpublished; thickness 7 m. c. The list of the mammalian fauna: Bayan Ulan Formation (Early Eocene) Order Multituberculata Cope, 1884 Family Taeniolabididae Granger and Simpson, 1929 Prionessus lucifer Matthew and Granger, 1 925"‘*’”"-” Order Anagalida Szalay and McKenna, 197 1 Family Mimotonidae Li, 1977 Mimotona borealis Chow and Qi, 1 978*''’'”'^^’ Family Pseudictopidae Sulimski, 1968 Pseudictops lophiodon Matthew, Grang- er, and Simpson, 1929"'*”"’'” Order Condylarthra Cope, 1881 Family Mesonychidae Cope, 1875 Pachyaena sp."'*’" Plagiocristodon serratus Chow and Qi, 1978<'47)(53’ Order Notoungulata Roth, 1903 Family Arctostylopidae Schlosser, 1923 Palaeostylops itiirus Matthew and Granger, 1925"“”'”” Palaeostylops macrodon Matthew, Granger, and Simpson, 1929"“”"-'’’ Order Pantodonta Cope, 1873 Family Pastoralodontidae Chow and Qi, 1978 Pastoralodon lacustris (?) Chow and Qi, 19 7 8(1471(53’ Order Dinocerata Marsh, 1873 Family Uintatheriidae Flower, 1876 Mongolotherium efremovi Flerov, 1957'I47|(271’ Pyrodon sp.' Order Perissodactyla Owen, 1848 Family Brontotheriidae Marsh, 1873 ?Lambdotherium sp."“” Family Helaletidae Osbom, 1892 ?Heptodon sp."“” 2. Arshanto Formation (Middle Eocene) Berkey, C. P., and E. K. Morris, 1927'“’ Radinsky, L. B„ 1974"”’ Chow Min-chen, Qi Tao and Li Yong, 1976'”’ Qi Tao, 1979"“” Qi Tao, 1980"“*’ a. Location: About 20 miles south-southeast of Iren Dabasu, a mile east of Irdin Manha type locality. Coordinates: around 43°30'N; 112°15'E (Fig. 7) b. Stratigraphic Sequence: “prevailingly red clays and fine silts.” c. The list of the mammalian fauna: Order Perissodactyla Owen, 1848 Family Lophialetidae Matthew and Granger, 1925 Schlosseria magister Matthew and Granger, 1926'””"”’ In 1977 about 40 species of fossil mammals, including a diversity of perissodactyls, were col- lected by Qi Tao from the Arshanto Formation. Most of the materials have not been published 1983 LI AND TING-THE PALEOGENE MAMMALS OF CHINA 23 Table 2.- -An analyzed table of Chinese Paleocene mammals (E— early: M— middle: L — late). Taxa Basin or area Tola! Nan-xiong (Nanhsiung) Chi-jiang (Chikiang) Qian-shan (Chienshan) Xuan-cheng Cha-Img (Hsuancheng) Nao-mu-gen Turpan (Turian) E. L. E. L. E. L. E.-M. L. L. L. Multituberculata _ - _ - _ _ _ _ 3 1 4 Insectivora - - - 1 - 1 - 1 - 3 ?Primates - 1 - - - - - - - 1 Anagalidae i 1 - 1 6 2 1 1 - - 13 Pseudictopidae - 2 - 1 5 1 - 1 1 11 Eurymylidae - - - - 2 3 - 1 1 7 Zalambdalestidae - - - - 1 - - - - 1 Didymoconidae - - - 1 1 - - - - 2 Mesonychidae 3 2 - 2 1 - 1 1 2 1 13 Condylarthra 3 - - 2 - - - - - 5 Edentata - 1 - - - - - - - 1 Notoungulata - 1 - 2 - 1 1 2 - 7 Carnivora 2 - - - 1 - - - - 3 Tillodontia 2 - - - - - 1 - - 3 Phenacolophidae - 3 - 1 - - - - 3 7 Pantodonta 3 3 2 5 5 1 6 1 3 2 31 Dinocerata - - - - - - - - 4 4 Others - - - - 2 1 1 1 1 - 6 Total 14 14 2 16 24 10 10 5 1 14 13 122 1. Numbers of species, calculated up to the end of 1980. 2. Anagalida — 26%; Pantodonta = 25%; Condylarthra = 15% (percentage calculated as ratio of number of species of each order to total number of species). yet, but Qi (1979)"'‘^’ tentatively gave the follow- ing list; Order Insectivora Bowdich, 1821 gen. et sp. nov. Sinosinopa sinen- 147,4 Order Rodentia Bowdich, 1821 paramyid gen. et sp. nov. ['^Asiamys Tamqiiammys wilsoni Dawson, Li, and Qi, in press Y'^Maodengomys Order Carnivora Bowdich, 1821 gen. et sp. indet.'“'^> Order Condylarthra Cope, 1881 Mongolonyx sp. nov. [“Mongolonyx prominentis”]"'''’' ?Mesonyx sp. nov. Y'Mesonyx obtusi- Order Tillodontia Marsh, 1875 gen. et sp. nov. [“Ulanius Order Pantodonta Cope, 1873 Coryphodontidae, gen. et sp. nov. ["Metacoryphodon luminis"Y'‘*^^ Coryphodontidae, gen. et sp. nov. [“?Metacoryphodon minor”Y'''^' The new genus and species names placed between brackets are provisional and may be subject to revision; thus they cannot yet be introduced into the scientific nomenclature. ?Pantolambdodon sp. nov. Y'Pan- tolambdodon minoP'Y''*^' Order Dinocerata Marsh, 1873 Gobiatherium mirificum Osborn and Granger, 1934""»'«' Gobiatherium sp. nov. ['' Gobiatherium way'or”]"'*''' Gobiatherium sp. nov. [“Gobiatherium monolabotum“Y'‘*^' Order Perissodactyla Owen, 1848 Hyrachyus sp. nov. [“Hyrachyus nei- mongoliensis’'Y'*^^ Hyrachyus sp. nov. [“Hyrachyus Hyrachyus sp. nov. [“Hyrachyus me- dius“Y'^^' Hyrachyus sp. nov. [“?Hyrachyus minof'Y'''^^ Colodon cf inceptud'’'''’ Tapiroidea gen. et sp. nov. [“ Euryletes magnus“Y'''^' Tapiroidea gen. et sp. nov. [“Euryletes minimus''Y'‘'^' Tapiroidea gen. et sp. nov. [“Euryletes medius“Y'*^^ Schlosseria magister Matthew and Granger, 1926"”'"'”’ Schlosseria sp. nov. [“Schlosseria dimera^'Y'*^^ Schlosseria sp. nov. [“Schlosseria mas- 24 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 21 Fig. 7. — Map of a portion of Inner Mongolia, showing Eocene and Oligocene collecting localities of the Central Asiatic Expedition of the American Museum of Natural History. Lophialetes expeditus Matthew and Granger, ?Breviodon minutus (Matthew and Granger, 1925)*''*^*''^^’*'^®’ Teleolophus sp. nov. ['‘Teleolophus pri- [“T. Microtitan sp. nov. [“?Microtitan elon- Microtitan sp."'*’' Desmatotitan sp.""*” Forstercooperia sp. nov. [“?Forstercoop- eria grandis”]"*''' Forstercooperia sp. nov. [“Forstercoop- eria elongata"]"'^'” Urtinotherium sp. nov. [“?Urtinother- ium m/«or”]"'*’' 3. Irdin Manha Formation (Early Late Eocene) 3A. Irdin Manha Area Granger, W., and C. P. Berkey, 1922'*’' Berkey, C. P., and F. K. Morris, 1927''*’ Radinsky, L. B., 1964"”' Chow Min-chen and A. K. Rozhdestvensky, I960'”' Qi Tao, 1979"-"' a. Location; 20 miles south-southeast of Iren Dabasu (Iren-hot). Coordinates: around 43°30'N; 1 12°15'E 1922: “23 miles south of Iren Dabasu.” 1923: “Telegraph line camp.” 1979: Su-ji-deng-en-ji Mesa b. Stratigraphic Sequence: Grey sand-clays, sands and gravels (30 ft). c. The list of the mammalian fauna: Irdin Manha Formation (Early Late Eocene) Order Rodentia Bowdich, 1821 Family Paramyidae Miller and Gidley, 1918 paramyid spp." Order Creodonta Cope, 1875 Family Oxyaenidae Cope, 1877 Sarkastodon mongoliensis Granger, 1938'*" Family Hyaenodontidae Leidy, 1869 Paracynohyaenodon morrisi Matthew and Granger, 1924""’’ Propterodon irdinensis Matthew and Granger, 1925''’*’ Order Carnivora Bowdich, 1821 Family Miacidae Cope, 1880 Miacis invictus Matthew and Granger, 1925"’*' Order Condylarthra Cope, 1881 Family Mesonychidae Cope, 1875 Hapalodectes serus Matthew and Grang- er, 1925"’*'"'’*' Andrewsarchus mongoliensis Osborn, 1924"36)'16*) mesonychid gen. indet."**’ Pachyaena sp. (very large form)''**’ Mesonyx sp."**’ Order Pantodonta Cope, 1873 Family Coryphodontidae Marsh, 1876 Eudinoceras mongoliensis Osborn, 1924"**’ 1983 LI AND TING-THE PALEOGENE MAMMALS OF CHINA 25 Order Perissodactyla Owen, 1848 Family Brontotheriidae Marsh, 1873 Metatelmatheriurn parvuni Granger and Gregory, 1943*®’’ Protitan grangeri (Osborn, 1925)*'®®’*®” Protitan robustus Granger and Gregory, 1943187. Protitan obliquidens Granger and Greg- ory, 1943*®” Microtitan mongoliensis (Osborn, 1925)*'®®)*®” Gnathotitan berkeyi (Osbom, 1925)*'®®)*®” Family Lophialetidae Radinsky, 1965 Lophialetes expeditus Matthew and Granger, 1925*'®*”*'®®’ ?Lophialetes sp.*'®®’ Breviodon? minutus (Matthew and Granger, 1925)"®®’*'®®’ ?Rhodopagus pygmaeus Radinsky, 1965*'®®’ Simplaletes sujiensis Qi, 1980"'''” Family Depereteilidae Radinsky, 1965 Teleolophus medius Matthew and Granger, 1925"®®’"®®’ Family Helaletidae Osbom, 1892 Helaletes mongoliensis (Osborn, 1923)"®®’"®®’ Family Hyracodontidae Cope, 1879 Triplopus? proficiens (Matthew and Granger, 1925)"®®’"®”’ Family Rhinocerotidae Owen, 1845 Forstercooperia totadentata (Wood, 1 938)*®*’®’"®”’ Order Artiodactyla Owen, 1 848 Family Choeropotamidae Owen, 1845 Gobiohyus orientalis Matthew and Granger, 1925"®®’ Gobiohyus pressidens Matthew and Granger, 1925*'®®’ Gobiohyus robustus Matthew and Granger, 1925*'®®’ Family Entelodontidae Lydekker, 1883 achaenodont indet."®®’ Mammalia, Order indet. Family Didymoconidae Kretzoi, 1943 Mongoloryctes auctus (Matthew and Granger, 1925)"®®’"”®"’ Addition to the list above: Insectivora ?Pantolestes sp.*”’ Artiodactyla cf. Archaeomeryx indet.*"” (From Geology of Mongolia, by C. P. Berkey and F. K. Morris, 1927. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., p. 360-361.) 3B. Camp Margetts Area (Huhebolhe Cliff)® ^ “The available evidence thus suggests that the relationship between the beds called “Irdin Manha” in the Camp Margetts area and the type Irdin Manha beds is complex and not yet fully understood . . (Radinsky, 1964:5). According to Qi (1980:28, 31 )"‘*^’the fossil mammals described from Camp Margetts area (Huhebolhe Cliff) may represent different horizons. Qi divided the Early Tertiary strata of this area into three zones: Radinsky, L. B., 1964"®” Qi Tao, 1979"''” Qi Tao, 1980"”®’ a. Location: 25 miles south-southwest of Iren Dabasu; 18 miles west-southwest of Irdin Manha type locality. Coordinates: around 43°25'N; 1 1 1°50'E 1923: AMNH field locality no. 147; a few miles north of Camp Margetts, 1 930. 1930: Six principal localities of AMNH around Camp Margetts. 1980: IVPP field no. 77037. b. Stratigraphic Sequence: Section of 1923 (AMNH loc. 147): “Houldjin Gravels” beds— (“Early Oligocene”) Yellow sands and gravels (10 ft). “Irdin Manha” beds White to grey arkosic concretionary sand- stone and conglomerates, a thin local grey clay (Main fossil layer) (30 ft). Grey clayey sandstone, with some pink layers (35 ft). Barren red sandy clays (40 ft). Grey clay (at base). c. The list of the mammalian fauna: Irdin Manha Formation (Early Late Eocene) Order Rodentia Bowdich, 1821 Family Paramyidae Miller and Gidley, 1918 paramyid spp."””*®®’ Family Cocomyidae Dawson, Li, and Qi, in press Advenimus burkei Dawson, 1 964*®®’ Order Condylarthra Cope, 1881 Family Mesonychidae Cope, 1875 Mongolonyx dolichognathus Szalay and Gould, 1966*'®®’ Family Arctocyonidae Murray, 1 886 Paratriisodon gigas Chow, Li, and Chang, 19 7 3(148.(52) Order Dinocerata Marsh, 1873 Family Uintatheriidae Flower, 1876 Gobiatherium mirificum Osborn and Granger, 1932*'”®' Order Perissodactyla Owen, 1 848 Family Brontotheriidae Marsh, 1873 Metatelmatheriurn cristatum Granger and Gregory, 1943'®” Protitan minor Granger and Gregory, 194 3(87’ ?Protitan cingidatus Granger and Greg- ory, 1943'®” Upper (Late Eocene). Irdin Manha [77037]; only five meters in thickness; Middle (Middle Eocene), Arshanto, with 35 mammalian species (see Section 2-2), including 22 new ones field nos. [77027, 77034, 77036, 77039]; about 30 m, Lower (Early Eocene). Bayan Ulan, with Mongololherium sp. (see 2-1); about 36 m. Qi mentioned that only six sp>ecies were collected from the Irdin Manha Formation and the others may be from the Middle zone. Until the study of the new collection has been completed, it is very difficult to give accurate stratigraphic data for the fossils listed here. Following the American authors, we tentatively refer all the specimens collected from this area to the same horizon, the Irdin Manha Formation. 26 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 21 Fig. 8.— Topographic map of the Shara Murun region of Inner Mongolia, showing camp sites (marked by an X) and collecting localities of the Central Asiatic Expedition of the American Museum of Natural History. Contour interval is 100 feet. Family Lophialetidae Radinsky, 1965 Breviodon sp.“^*’ Lophialetes expeditus Matthew and Granger, 1925"2«>58' cf Schlosseria magister Matthew and Granger, Family Deperetellidae Radinsky, 1965 cf. Teleolophus medius Matthew and Granger, 1925"-'’"'^*' Family Helaletidae Osborn, 1892 Helaleles fissus (Matthew and Granger, 1 925)<>-^>"5®> ?Helaletes fissus (Matthew and Granger, 1 925)0 26K1S8) Helaletes sp."’®' cf Hyrachyus sp."®®’ Family Rhinocerotidae Owen, 1845 Forstercooperia confluens (Wood, 19 6 3)0 59X206) Family Chalicotheriidae Gill, 1872 Litolophus gobiensis (Colbert, 19 3 4)(65)0 56) 3C. Shara Murun Area® ^ As lo the East Mesa of Shara Murun Region, ihe typical section at Urtyn Obo was published by Osborn (1929:5) (Fig. 9). The fossil mammals of the Early Late Eocene described from East Mesa were few and most forms were shared with North Mesa and Baron Sog Mesa. Dr. Radinsky’s opinion is that: “The main difficulty in correlating the strata exposed at East Mesa. Urtyn Obo, (1) North Mesa; including Buckshot’s quarry. Chimney Butte— the Ulan Shireh beds. (2) Baron Sog Mesa— “the lower red beds or Tukhum beds.” Berkey, C. P., and F. K. Morris, 1927'‘'> Berkey, C. P., W. Granger, and F. K. Morris, 1929(3) Radinsky, L. B., 1964*'®^' Chow Min-chen and A. K. Rozhdestvensky, 1960'”> Qi Tao, 1974'"’"' a. Location: West of Shara Murun River, Inner Mongolia. Coordinates; around 42°30'N; 1 1 1°00'E (Fig. 8) b. Stratigraphic Sequence (after Radinsky, 1964, p. 7-8): and Nom Khong Shireh with the type Shara Murun and Ulan Gochu beds at Baron Sog Mesa is that the lithology of these beds is too variable to allow correlation on the basis of lithology alone. “The main problem in working out the stratigraphic sequence east of the Shara Murun River is the delimiting of the boundaries between the Ulan Shireh, Shara Murun and Ulan Gochu beds. These apparently must be determined largely on paleontology evidence, but the relevant collections have not yet been completely studied, and the faunal successions are not well enough known to provide the nec- essary information. “It would thus appiear that the stratigraphic information for specimens collected at East Mesa, Urtyn Obo and Nom KJiong Shireh cannot be completely trusted. Specimens from beds called ’Shara Murun’ or ‘Ulan Gochu’ at those localities are not necessarily the same age as the respective type fauna.” (Radinsky, 1965:9-10). 1983 LI AND TING-THE PALEOGENE MAMMALS OF CHINA 27 Fig. 9.— Section of Urtyn Obo. Baluchithere Camp. (Published in Osbom 1929:5, fig. 2, section 2; the explanation of the section following Radinsky, 1964:9.) 1 . Baron Sog Mesa: Baron Sog beds: white clays and sands ( 1 5-20 ft). Ulan Gochu beds: red clay (50 ft). Shara Murun beds: light varicolored clays, pre- dominantly grey toward the top (over 200 ft). Tukhum beds: red beds. 2. North Mesa: Ulan Shireh beds: richly fossiliferous, multi- colored, predominantly red clays (over 1 50 ft). c. The list of the mammalian fauna: Irdin Manha Formation (Early Late Eocene) Order Lagomorpha Brandt, 1855 Family Leporidae Gray, 1821 Shamoiagus granger! Burke, 1941"°’ Order Rodentia Bowdich, 1821 Family Cocomyidae Dawson, Li, and Qi, in press""’ Advenimus bohlini Dawson, 1964''’*’ cf. Advenimus sp."’*’ Order Condylarthra Cope, 1881 Family Mesonychidae Cope, 1875 ?Harpagolestes orientalis Szalay and Gould, 1966"'’*’ mesonychid gen. indet. (very large form)"®*’ cf. Mesonyx sp."®*’ Order Pantodonta Cope, 1873 Family Coryphodontidae Marsh, 1876 Eudinoceras kholobolchiensis Osborn and Granger, 1931"'"’ Family Pantolambdodontidae Granger and Gregory, 1934 Pantolambdodon inermis Granger and Gregory, 1934'**’ Pantolambdodon fortis Granger and Gregory, 1934'**’ Order Perissodactyla Owen, 1848 Family Brontotheriidae Marsh, 1873 Desmatotitan tukhumensis Granger and Gregory, 1943'**’ Epimanteoceras formosus Granger and Gregory, 1943'**’ Protitan bellus Granger and Gregory, 1943'**’ Microtitan mongoliensis (Osborn, 1925)'’**’'**’ Dolichorhinoides angustidens Granger and Gregory, 1943'**’ Family Lophialetidae Radinsky, 1965 Breviodon acares Radinsky, 1965'’**’ cf. Breviodon acares Radinsky, 1965"**’ ?Breviodon sp."**’ Lophialetes expeditus Matthew and Granger, 1925'’*®’"**’ Lophialetes sp."**’ Rhodopagus pygmaeiis Radinsky, 1965"**’ Simplaletes ulanshierhensis Qi, 1980'"’“” Family Deperetellidae Radinsky, 1965 ?Teleolophus medius Matthew and Granger, 1925"*®’"**’ Family Hyracodontidae Cope, 1879 ?Triplopus proficiens (Matthew and Granger, 1925)"*®’"*'*’ Teilhardia pretiosa Matthew and Grang- er, 1926"**’"*'” Family Amynodontidae Scott and Osbom, 1883 ?Lushiamynodon sharamurenensis Xu, 1966'*'*’ Family Rhinocerotidae Owen, 1845 Eorstercooperia sp.' ' *■” 4. Shara Murun Formation (Late Late Eocene) Shara Murun Area-Ula Usu Berkey, C. P., and W. Granger, 1923'*’ Berkey, C. P., and F. K. Morris, 1927''" Chow Min-chen and A. K. Rozhdestvensky, I960'**’ 28 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 21 Radinsky, L. B„ 1964"5"' Qi Tao, 1979"“’' a. Location; Ula Usu, Baron Sog Mesa, west of the Shara Murun River, Inner Mongolia. Coordinates; around 42°30'N; 1 10°45'E b. Stratigraphic Sequence (Baron Sog Mesa); Baron Sog beds; light grey clays and sands (upper white stratum) ( 1 5 ft). Ulan Gochu beds; red clay (upper red beds) (50 ft). Shara Murun beds; soft grey clay, with brown, red, purple layers in the bottom part, main fossil layer (over 200 ft). Turkhun beds; hard red clay (Teilhardia pretiosa beds). c. The list of the mammalian fauna; Shara Murun Formation (Late Late Eocene) Order Lagomorpha Brandt, 1855 Family Leporidae Gray, 1821 Shamolagus medius Burke, l94l"o>"<”> Gobiolagus tolmachovi Burke, 1941"“' Order Rodentia Bowdich, 1821 Family Yuomyidae Dawson, Li, and Qi, in press Yuomys cavioides Li, 1975"°*' Family indet. (Matthew and Granger, 1925; 4; not seen)"’“' Order Creodonta Cope, 1875 Family Hyaenodontidae Leidy, 1869 Pterodon hyaenoides Matthew and Granger, 1925"’“’ Order Perissodactyla Owen, 1848 Family Brontotheriidae Marsh, 1873 Rhinotitan kaiseni (Osborn, 1925)"°*"*’' Rhinotitan mongoliensis (Osborn, 1 925)"°*"*’' Rhinotitan andrewsi (Osborn, 1 925)"°*"*’' Pachytitan ajax Granger and Gregory, 194 3(87, Titanodectes minor Granger and Greg- ory, 1943'*’’ Family Lophialetidae Radinsky, 1965 Rhodopagus? minimus (Matthew and Granger, 1926)"°‘""°*’ Family Deperetellidae Radinsky, 1965 Deperetella cristata Matthew and Granger, 1925"°“'"°*’ Family Hyracodontidae Cope, 1879 Triplopus? progressus (Matthew and Granger, 1925)"°“'"°'” Family Amynodontidae Scott and Osborn, 1883 Amynodon mongoliensis Osborn, 1936"“°"°'°’ Sianodon ulausuensis Xu, 1966'°'°’ Lushiamynodon sharamurenensis Xu, 1966'°'°’ Gigantamynodon promisus Xu, 1 966'° ' °’ Sianodon spp.'°'°’ Amynodontidae indet. '°'°' Caenolophus promissus Matthew and Granger, 1925"°“’"°*' Caenolophus obliquus Matthew and Granger, 1925"°“"'°*' Family Rhinocerotidae Owen, 1845 Juxia sharamurenense Chow and Chiu, 1 964'“”"°^’ Family Chalicotheriidae Gill, 1872 Olsenia mira Matthew and Granger, 1925"°“"°°’"*°’"°*’ Order Artiodactyla Owen, 1848 Family Anthracotheriidae Gill, 1872 Ulausuodon parvus Hu, 1963'^°’ Family Hypertragulidae Cope, 1879 Archaeomeryx optatus Matthew and Granger, 1925"°“’ II. Xin-jiang (Sinkiang) Region 5. Turpan (Turfan) Basin Zhai Ren-jie, Zheng Jia-jian, and Tong Yong- sheng, 1978'°“" Zhai Ren-jie, 1978'°°”'°°*’ Zheng Jia-jian, 1978'°°°’ a. Location; Turpan and Shan-shan counties, Xin- jiang Region. Coordinates; 42°45'-43°12'N; 89°05'-9 1°36'E; 43°12'N; 91°36'E (Shi-san-jian-fang railway station) b. Stratigraphic Sequence; Lian-kan Formation (Late Late Eocene) Grey-red muddy sandstones, greyish-yellow, white and red sandstones, orange-red sand- stones and blue conglomerates [66014, 66020] (80 m). Shi-san-jian-fang Formation (? Late Early Eocene or Early Middle Eocene) Yellow fresh limestones, greyish yellow coarse sandstones, red muddy sandstones, light red sandstones, and greyish red, white con- glomerates [66019] (300 m). Da-bu Formation (Early Eocene) Purple-red mudstones with white calcareous concretionary layers, grey-white mud- stones, sandstones and conglomerates [66015] (22 m). c. The list of the mammalian fauna; Lian-kan Formation (Late Late Eocene) Order Perissodactyla Owen, 1848 Family Brontotheriidae Marsh, 1873 ?Rhinotitan sp.'°°°’ Family Lophialetidae Radinsky, 1965 Lophialetes expeditus Matthew and Granger, 1925'°°°’"°°’ gen. et sp. indet. 1. 2. 3.'°°°’ Family Deperetellidae Radinsky, 1965 Teleolophus liankanensis Zheng, 1 978'°°°’ Family Amynodontidae Scott and Osborn, 1883 Amynodon mongoliensis Osborn, 1936'°°°’"“°’ Amynodon sp.'°°°’ Order Artiodactyla Owen, 1848 1983 LI AND TING-THE PALEOGENE MAMMALS OF CHINA 29 Table 3.— A comparison of the fossils from the Irdin Manha For- mation and Shara Murun Formation. Irdin Manha Fauna (Early Late Eocene or Late Middle Eocene) Shara Murun Fauna (Late Late Eocene) Shamolagus grangeri Shamolagus medius paramyid spp. Advenimus burkei Advenimus bohlini cf. Advenimus sp. Rodentia indet. Yuomys cavioides Paracynohyaenodon morris Propterodon irdinensis Sarkastodon mongoliensis Pterodon hyaenoides Miacis invictus Paratriisodon gigas Hapalodectes serus Andrewsarchus mongoliensis Mongolonyx dolichognathus Harpagolestes orientalis cf, Mesonyx sp. Pachyaena sp. Mesonychidae indet. Eudinoceras mongoliensis Eudinoceras kholobolchiensis Pantolambdodon inermis Pantolambdodon fortis Gobiatherium mirifkum Metatelmatherium cristatum Metatelmatherium parvum Protitan grangeri Protitan robustus Protitan obliquidens Protitan minor ?Protitan cingulatus Protitan bellus Microtitan mongoliensis Gnathotitan berkeyi Desmatotitan tukhumensis Epimanteoceras formosus Dolichorhinoides angustidens Rhinotitan kaiseni Rhinotitan mongoliensis Rhinotitan andrewsi Pachytitan ajax Titanodectes minor Litolophus gobiensis Olsenia mira Lophialetes expeditus Lophialetes sp. Breviodon ? minutus Breviodon acares cf Breviodon acares ?Breviodon sp. ?Rhodopagus pygmaeus Simplaletes sujiensis Simplaletes ulanshierhensis cf Schlosseria magister Rhodopagus? minimus Teleolophus medius TTeleolophus medius Deperetella cristata Helaletes mongoliensis Helaletes fissus ?Helaletes fissus Table 3. — Continued. Irdin Manha Fauna (Early Late Eocene or Late Middle Eocene) Shara Murun Fauna (Late Late Eocene) Helaletes sp. cf Hyrachyus sp. Triplopus? prof dens Eorstercooperia totadentata Eorstercooperia confluens Teilhardia pretiosa Triplopus ? progressus Juxia sharamurunense ?Lushiamynodon sharamure- nensis Amynodon mongoliensis Sianodon ulausuensis Sianodon spp. Lushiamynodon sharamure- nensis Gigantamynodon promisus Amynodontidae indet. Caenolophus promissus Caenolophus obliquus Gobiohyus orientalis Gobiohyus pressidens Gobiohyus robustus archaenodont indet. Ulausuodon parvus Mongoloryctes auctus Archaeomeryx optatus 63 forms 24 forms Family Anthracotheriidae Gill, 1872 Bothriodon Family Flypertragulidae Cope, 1879 Xinjiangmeryx parvus Zheng, 1978<^^°> Shi-san-jian-fang Formation (? Late Early Eocene or Early Middle Eocene) [66019] Order Anagalida Szalay and McKenna, 1 97 1 Family Eurymylidae Matthew, Granger, and Simpson, 1929 Rhombomylus turpanensis Zhai, 1 978*^^*' Order Notoungulata Roth, 1903 Family Arctostylopidae Schlosser, 1923 A natolostylops dubius Zhai, 1978'^’®’ Order Condylarthra Cope, 1881 Family Hyopsodontidae Lydekker, 1 889 Hyopsodus sp.'^®®’ Order Pantodonta Cope, 1873 Family Coryphodontidae Marsh, 1876 Coryphodon sp.*^®®’ Order Perissodactyla Owen, 1 848 Family Helaletidae Osborn, 1872 Heptodon tianshanensis Zhai, 1978'®®®’ Da-bu Formation (Early Eocene) Order Pantodonta Cope, 1873 Family Coryphodontidae Marsh, 1876 Coryphodon dabuensis Zhai, 1978'®®®* Order Dinocerata Marsh, 1873 Family Uintatheriidae Flower, 1876 Pyrodon xinjiangensis Zhai, 1978'®®®’ 30 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 21 6. Jung-gur (Dzungar) Basin Only four forms of Eocene mammals were dis- covered in the Jung-gur Basin. The stratigraphic and geographic distributions of these fossils may be tentatively given as following'’^- Fossil Locality Horizon Lophialetes cf North area of U-lun-gu For- expeditus the Basin mation (Late (around 46°N; 88°E) Eocene) Felidae North of the U-lun-gu For- Manas Lake mation (Late (around 46°N; 87°E) Eocene) Eudinoceros North area of Hong-li-shan sp.*'"*’ the Basin (Yi- Formation xi-bu-la-ke. (Late Eocene or south part of Ulungur depression, around 46°N; 88°E) earlier) Bothriodon sp. South area of Lu-se (Green) the Basin Formation (Manas River area, around 44°N; 86“E) (Late Eocene) III. Shaan-xi (Shensi) Province 7. Lan-tian District Chia Lan-po, Chang Yu-ping, Huang Wan-po, Tang Ying-jun, Chi Hung-xiang, Yu Yii-zhu, Ting Su-yin, and Huang Xue-shi, 1966*'*’ Wang Ban-yue, 1978"*’'’’ a. Location: Lin-tong County, Shaan-xi Province. Coordinates: 34°24'N; 109°13'E (Lin-tong city) b. Stratigraphic Sequence: Hong-he Formation (Late Eocene) Purplish red mudstone and sandy mudstone interbedding with fine sandstone [65009, 65013] (200 m). c. The list of the mammalian fauna: Hong-he Formation (Late Eocene) Order Perissodactyla Owen, 1848 Family Brontotheriidae Marsh, 1873 Arctotitan honghoensis Wang, 1978"'’*’’ [65009] Family Lophialetidae Radinsky, 1965 Breviodon sp. [65013] Family Deperetellidae Radinsky, 1965 cf Deperetella sp."'"” IV. Bei-jing (Peking) and He-bei (Hopei) Province 8. Chang-xin-dian (Changsintien) Locality Young Chung-chien, 1934*^^*’ Chow Min-chen, 1953"*’’ Zhai Ren-jie, 1977'^*'" a. Location: About 20 km southwest of the Bei-jing (Peking) City. Coordinates: 39°49'N; 1 16°14'E (Chang-xin-dian town) b. Stratigraphic Sequence: A thick series of conglom- erates and red clays. c. The list of the mammalian fauna: Order Insectivora Bowdich, 1821 Family Erinaceidae Bonaparte, 1838 ?Tupaiodon sp."*’’"^'” Order Anagalida Szalay and McKenna, 1971 Family Eurymylidae Matthew, Granger, and Simpson, 1929 Hypsimylus beijingensis Zhai, 1977*^*'” Order Carnivora Bowdich, 1821 Family Miacidae Cope, 1880 Miacis sp.'^**” Family Canidae Gray, 1821 gen. et sp. indet.*^**” Order Pantodonta Cope, 1873 Family Coryphodontidae Marsh, 1876 ?Eudinoceras sp.*-^'’’ Order Perissodactyla Owen, 1848 Family Hyracodontiade Cope, 1879 Imequincisoha sp.*^*"’* '*’'” 9. Ling-shan Locality In 1961 a few fragmentary mammalian teeth were found in the Ling-shan area (38°47'N; 114°38'E). Judging from a molar of an amynodontid'**’*^'*’, the deposits yielding the fos- sils may be correlated with the Yuan-chu For- mation as Late Eocene in age. V. Shan-dong (Shantung) Province 10. Wu-tu Basin Li Chuan-kuei, 1962'"’*’ Chow Min-chen and Li Chuan-kuei, 1965**" a. Location: Wu-tu coal mine, 10 km southeast of Chang-le County, Shan-dong Province. Coordinates: 36°42'N; 1 18°49'E (Chang-le city) b. Stratigraphic Sequence: Wu-tu Formation (Early Eocene) Dark colored oil-shales, coals, and purple-red, green mudstones and conglomerates [62058]. c. The list of the mammalian fossils: Wu-tu Formation (Early Eocene) Order Perissodactyla Owen, 1 848 Family Isectolophidae Peterson, 1919 Homogalax wutuensis Chow and Li, 1965**""**’ 11. Niu-shan Basin Li Chuan-kuei, 1962"*’*’ Chow Min-chen and Li Chuan-kuei, 1965**" a. Location: 8 km south of Lin-qu (Lin-chu) city. Coordinates: 36°30'N; 1 18°32'E (Lin-qu city). b. Stratigraphic Sequence: Niu-shan Member of Wu-tu Formation (Early Eocene) Black oil shales, greyish green and brownish red clay, mudstone and sandstone [62057]. c. The list of the mammalian fossils: Niu-shan Member of Wu-tu Formation (Early Eocene) 1983 LI AND TING-THE PALEOGENE MAMMALS OF CHINA 31 Order Perissodactyla Owen, 1848 Family Helaietidae Osborn, 1892 Heptodon niushanensis Chow and Li, [965<5i)(i5«) 1 2. Xin-tai (Sintai) Basin Tan, H. C, 1923"™' Zdansky, 0„ 1930«3S) Young Chung-chien and Bien Mei-nan, 1935'^'''’’ Li Chuan-kuei, 1962"°^' a. Location: From north of the Men-yin city to the north of Xin-tai city, extending NW-SE about 20 km, Shan-dong Province. Coordinates: 35°54'N; 1 17°44'E (Xin-tai city). b. Stratigraphic Sequence: Guan-zhuang Formation (Middle Eocene) (>1,500 m) Upper: dark brown conglomerates and breccia. Middle: greyish green mudstones and grey red sandstone. Most fossils were collected from this horizon.’ Lower: conglomerate sandstone intercalated with marls. — Unconformity — Late Jurassic or Early Cretaceous Men-yin Series yielding Euhelopus zdansky i c. The list of the mammalian fauna: Guan-zhuang Formation (Middle Eocene) Order Rodentia Bowdich, 1821 gen. et sp. indet.'’^"’ Order Creodonta Cope, 1875 Family Hyaenodontidae Leidy, 1 869 ?Thinocyon sichowensis Chow, 1975*'"’ Order Condylarthra Cope, 1881 Family ?Hyopsodontidae Lydekker, 1889 ?Haplomylus sp.'’^^’ Order Tillodontia Marsh, 1 875 ?Family Tillodontidae Marsh, 1875 Kuanchuanius shantunensis Chow, 196307) Order Pantodonta Cope, 1873 Family Coryphodontidae Marsh, 1876 Coryphodon flerowi Chow, 1957'’'' Order Dinocerata Marsh, 1873 Family Uintatheriidae Flower, 1876 ?cf Uintatherium sp.'^*’ Order Perissodactyla Owen, 1848 Family Palaeotheriidae Gill. 1872 Propalaeotherium sinensis Zdansky, 1930'™" Family Equidae Gray, 1821 Hyracotheriinae, gen. et sp. indet. 1 . 2.'™^' Heptaconodon ditbium Zdansky, 1930'™^' Family ?Lophialetidae Radinsky, 1965 ?Rhodopagus sp.'’™>'o®> 7 The Middle Eocene mammals of Xin-tai Basin were mostly collected by Tan (1922) around a village of K.uan-chuang (perhaps the Chang-lu-kuan-chuang, 10 km SE of Xin-tai city), except a chalicothere, Grangeria canina. which may have been discovered from a younger horizon ("Ardyn Obo” or Sannoisian). Unfortunately, we cannot re- examine where Tan’s localities were. All the materials collected by Li and his colleagues (1960, 1962) were found in a small quarry, Xi-xi-zhou (Si-si-chou), 5 km WNW of Xin-tai city (probably the same locality of Tan’s Hsi-kou). Family Helaietidae Osborn, 1892 Hyrachyus spp.'™" Family Eomoropidae Viret, 1958 Grangeria canina Zdansky, 1930'™""^^’ VI. Shan-xi (Shansi) Province 13. Yuan-chu Basin Anderson, J. G., 1923"' Young Chung-chien, 1937'’™' Lee Yuen-yen, 1938'"’-" Chow Min-chen, Li Chuan-kuei, and Chang Yu- ping, 1973'^’’ Hartenberger, J.-L., J. Sudre, and M. Vianey- Liaud, 1975'«" a. Location: More than 20 Late Eocene mammalian localities of Yuan-chu Basin mainly discovered along both banks of the Yellow River from the old city of Yuan-chu, Shan-xi Province, upward to the village of Ren-cun (Jen-tsun), Mian-chi County, He-nan Province. Coordinates: 35°06'N; 1 1 l°53'E(old city ofYuan- chii) (Fig. 10) b. Stratigraphic Sequence: Yuan-chii Series Bai-shui-cun (Pai-sui-tsun) Formation (Early Oli- gocene) Light blue and white mudstones, limestones and lignites ( 1 5 m). He-ti (Ho-ti) Formation (Late Late Eocene) (up to 1,000 m) Chai-li Member (“River section”): Greyish white marls, light colored mudstones and sandstones. — Disconformity— Ren-cun (Jen-tsun) Member: Yellow, green, and varied colored clays, shales, and sandstones, with very thick conglomerates in the basal portion. c. The list of the mammalian fauna: Bai-shui-cun Formation (Early Oligocene) Order Artiodactyla Owen, 1848 Family Anthracotheriidae Gill, 1 872 Brachyodus hui (Chow, 1958)*’'"’'’"'’'^’ He-ti Formation (Late Late Eocene) Chai-li Member (“River section” and Loc. 1 of Zdansky, Field no. 5301 of Chow): Order Insectivora Bowdich, 1821 Family Leptictidae Gill, 1872 Ictopidium lechei Zdansky, 1930'™^''^’’ Order Primates Linnaeus, 1758 Family Omomyidae Trouessart, 1879 Hoanghonius stehlini Zdansky, |930(235’1202’167)'52' Order Rodentia Bowdich, 1 82 1 Family ?Ischyromyidae Alston, 1876 gen. et sp. indet. (or Ctenodactyloidea)""" Family Cricetidae Rochebrune, 1883 Cricetodon schaubi Zdansky, J 930(735’! ,52)'89’ Family Zapodidae Coues, 1875 ?Plesiosminthus sp. 32 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 21 Order Creodonta Cope, 1875 Family Hyaenodontidae Leidy, 1869 Hyaenodon yuanchuensis Young, 1937 (Loc. F 10)<22^>'52> Order Carnivora Bowdich, 1821 Family Canidae Gray, 1821 Chailicyon crassidens Chow, 1975'“"' Order Perissodactyla Owen, 1848 Family Brontotheriidae Marsh, 1873 Rhinotitan mongoliensis (Osborn, 1 925)'-^'""^*"*''’ Family Amynodontidae Scott and Osborn, 1883 ?Amynodon mongoliensis Osborn, 19 3 6(227)(M0, ?Amynodon sp. (=Cadurcodon ardynen- sis of Young)'^^'""’'" Sianodon sinensis (Zdansky, Order Artiodactyla Owen, 1848 Family Anthracotheriidae Gill, 1872 Anthracokeryx sinensis (Zdansky, 1930)(52)(2I3)(235) Anthracokeryx cf. sinensis (Zdansky, 1930)152X2 I 3M235) artiodactyl indet. (=“Hoanghonius steh- lini,” No. 2 of Wood and Chow)'“^"^^' Ren-cun Member: Order Primates Linnaeus, 1758 Family Omomyidae Trouessart, 1879 Hoanghonius stehlini Zdansky, 1930(235)(202)(67|,52) [53H_14] Order Rodentia Bowdich, 1821 Family Yuomyidae Dawson, Li, and Qi, in press Yuomvs cavioides Li, 1975(52x108) 1-53 j 3_ 14] Order Condylarthra Cope, 1881 Family Mesonychidae Cope, 1875 Honanodon hebetis Chow, 1965'“""'’^’ [5314] Order Tillodontia Marsh, 1875 Family Tillotheriidae Marsh, 1875 Adapidium huanghoense Young, 1937(227X79X37) [p]2] Tillodontia gen. et sp. indet.'"’''^^’ [5313] Order Perissodactyla Owen, 1 848 Family ?Lophialetidae Radinsky, 1965 ?Rhodopagus sp.'^^sxiss) Family Deperetellidae Radinsky, 1965 1983 LI AND TING-THE PALEOGENE MAMMALS OF CHINA 33 Deperetella depereti (Zdansky, 1930)<235KI58)(227, [p[2^ LOC.7] Diplolophodon ( Deperetella) similis Zdansky, [FI 2, F23] Family Hyracodontidae Cope, 1879 Caenolophus cf. promissus Matthew and Granger, 1925«”«'^»' [FI 2, F23] Family Amynodontidae Scott and Osborn, 1883 Sianodon sinensis Chow and Xu, 1 965"’^' Sianodon mienchiensis Chow and Xu, 1965'^2) [5314] Amynodon mongoliensis Osborn, ■ 1936, 227, „40, [PI 2, P22] Family Rhinocerotidae Owen, 1845 Prohyracodon cf. meridionalis Chow and Xu, 1961'”""" [5312, 5314] Family Eomoropidae Viret, 1958 Eomoropus quadridentatus Zdansky, 1930i235„9O)(i56) [Lqc. 7, Ec-lang-gou] Granger ia ?major (Zdansky, 1930)'-^^'"^'’’ [Loc. 7] Order Artiodactyla Owen, 1 848 Family Dichobunidae Gill, 1 872 ?Dichobune sp.'^^’ Family Choeropotamidae Owen, 1845 Gobiohyus yuanchuensis Young, 19 3 7,227X52, [Pip P12] Family Anthracotheriidae Gill, 1872 Anthracothema minima Xu, 1962*^'^**’*’ [5313] Anthracokeryx sinensis (Zdansky, 1930)1235X2, 3, [53ii_i4] Anthracosenex ambiguus Zdansky, 1930(235,(227, [Loc. 7, F12] VII. He-nan (Honan) Province 14. Tan-tou Basin For the location and the stratigraphic sequence of the Basin see Section 1-6. The list of the mammalian fauna of Tan-tou For- mation (Early Eocene): Order Dinocerata Marsh, 1873 Family Uintatheriidae Flower, 1876 Prodinoceratinae gen. et sp. indet."®'” Order Pantodonta Cope, 1873 Family Archaeolambdidae Flerov, 1952 gen. et sp. indet."*'*' 15. Ji-yuan (Chiyuan) Basin Liu Hsien-ting et al., 1963'"^’ Chow Min-chen, Li Chuan-kuei, and Chang Yu- ping, 1973*”’ a. Location: Ji-yuan County, north bank of the Yel- low River, He-nan Province. Coordinates: 35°08'N; 1 12°35'E (Ji-yuan city) b. Stratigraphic Sequence: Ji-yuan Formation (new) (Late Eocene) Red clays, brown-red sandstone, sandy clays, and conglomerate (500 m). — Unconformity— Jurassic c. The list of the mammalian fauna: Ji-yuan Formation (Late Eocene) Order Rodentia Bowdich, 1821 Family Yuomyidae Dawson, Li, and Qi, in press Yuomys cavioides Li, 1975(52)1108, Order Perissodactyla Owen, 1 848 Family Amynodontidae Scott and Osborn, 1883 Sianodon chiyuanensis Chow and Xu, 1965'“’ Sianodon sinensis (Zdansky, 1 930)''>2k235, Lushiamynodon obesus Chow and Xu, 1965(62) 1 6. Ling-bao Basin Chow Min-chen, Li Chuan-kuei, and Chang Yu- ping, 1973'^^’ Tong Yong-sheng and Wang Jing-wen, 1980"*'” a. Location: 50 km north of Lu-shi city and south bank of Yellow River. Coordinates: 34'’34'N; 1 10°42'E (Ling-bao city) b. Stratigraphic Sequence: Hun-shui-he Formation (Late Eocene) (200 m) Upper: Greyish green, reddish brown mud- stones with intercalating sandstones. Middle: Greyish brown sandy mudstones, sandstones. Lower: Reddish brown mudstones with inter- calating sandstone and gravels. Chuan-kou Formation (Late Middle Eocene or Early Late Eocene) Purplish red sandy mudstones and conglom- erates. Xiang-cheng Group (Paleocene to Eocene) Purplish red silty mudstones, sandstones etc. No fossils. (700 m) Nan-chao Formation (Cretaceous) Red clays, containing Macroblithes yaotunen- sis. c. The list of the mammalian fauna: Hun-shui-he Formation (Late Eocene) Order Perissodactyla Owen, 1 848 Family Brontotheriidae Marsh, 1873 gen. et sp. indet."*'” Family Hyracodontidae Cope, 1879 Caenolophus sp."*'*’ Family Amynodontidae Scott and Osborn, 1883 Amynodontidae indet."*'” Order Artiodactyla Owen, 1 848 Family Anthracotheriidae Gill, 1872 gen. et sp. indet."*'” Family Hypertragulidae Cope, 1879 Archaeomeryx sp."*” Chuan-kou Formation (Middle Eocene to Late Eocene) Order Perissodactyla Owen, 1 848 Family Helaletidae Osborn, 1892 Hyrachyus sp. ?Family Amynodontidae Scott and Osborn, 1883 ?Sianodon sp."*” 34 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 21 17. Lu-shi Basin Teilhard de Chardin, P., G. B. Barbour, and M. N. Bien, 1935"”' Lee Yue-yen, 1938"°-' Li Chuan-kuei, 1957""“" Chow Min-chen, Li Chuan-kuei, and Chang Yu- ping, 1973’^-" Tong Yong-sheng and Wang Jing-wen, 1980"*“" a. Location: Lu-shi County, on the northern slope of the east part of Tsin-ling Mountain. Length: 30 km. Width: 7-15 km. Coordinates: 34°04'N; 1 10°02'E (Lu-shi city) The main fossil locality, Men-chia-pu, or Field no. 57202, is about 1.5 km southwest of the city of Lu-shi. Almost all the fossils are from a patch of sediments which is the filling of a sinkhole in the limestone on an erosional surface antecedent to the deposition of the Lu-shi Formation. b. Stratigraphic Sequence: Da-yu Formation (?01igocene) Red conglomerates, light colored mudstones and greenish shales; no mammalian fossils (800 m). Chu-gou-yu Formation (Late Late Eocene) Greyish green calcareous mudstone, sandy mudstone with intercalating greyish yel- low, coarse sandstone (700 m). Lu-shi Formation (Early Late Eocene) Dark red mudstones, brown, grey-white marls, red conglomerates (400 m). c. The list of the mammalian fauna [57202 Quarry]: Lu-shi Formation (Early Late Eocene) Order Primates Linnaeus, 1758 Family Anaptomorphidae Cope, 1883 Lushius qinlinensis Chow, 1961'^“" Order Lagomorpha Brandt, 1855 Family Leporidae Gray, 1821 Lushilagus lohoensis Li, 1965""^' Order Rodentia Bowdich, 1821 Family Cocomyidae Dawson, Li, and Qi, in press TsinUngomys youngi Li, 1963"“’ Order Creodonta Cope, 1875 Family Hyaenodontidae Leidy, 1869 Propterodon irdinensis Matthew and Granger, 1925*“"’"-^' Order Carnivora Bowdich, 1821 Family Miacidae Cope, 1880 Miacis lushiensis Chow, i975oi)(52) Family Canidae Gray, 1821 Cynodictis sp.'^^' Family Felidae Gray, 1821 cf Eusmilus sp.’”"^" Order Condylarthra Cope, 1881 Family Arctocyonidae Murray, 1 866 Paratriisodon henanensis Chow, 1959‘^‘" Paratriisodongigas Chow, Li, and Chang, 19 7 3(52) Family Mesonychidae Cope, 1875 Honanodon macrodontus Chow, 1 qbSotDdss) Lohoodon lushiensis (Chow, 1 965)<'‘0>I52)(168) Order Taeniodonta Cope, 1876 Family Stylinodontidae Marsh, 1875 ?Stylinodon sp.'^^’"''" Order Pantodonta Cope, 1873 Family Coryphodontidae Marsh, 1876 Eudinocems sp.'“' Order Perissodactyla Owen, 1 848 Family Brontotheriidae Marsh, 1873 ?Microlitan sp. (or new genus)'^^' Protitan grangeri (Osborn, 1925)'^^"*’'' Family Lophialetidae Radinsky, 1965 Breviodon miniitus (Matthew and Granger, 1925)*^^'"^®' Family Helaletidae Osborn, 1892 ?Colodon sp.*^'^' Family Deperetellidae Radinsky, 1965 Deperetella sp.‘”' Family Hyracodontidae Cope, 1879 Caenolophus sp. (or Amynodonti- dae)'52Ki59) Family Amynodontidae Scott and Osborn, 1883 Lushiamynodon menchiapuensis Chow and Xu, 1965''’"'<5'" Sianodon honanensis Chow and Xu, ] 9^5)62)(52) Family Rhinocerotidae Owen, 1 845 Prohyracodon sp.'”' Eorstercooperia spp.'^-' Family Eomoropidae Viret, 1958 Lunania youngi Chow, 1 957(^5)0 56h52) Eomoropus sp.'^^' Order Artiodactyla Owen, 1 848 Family Dichobunidae Gill, 1872 Dichobune sp.'^^' Family Choeropotamidae Owen, 1845 Gobiohyus orientalis Matthew and Granger, 1925'^'""^^' Gobiohyus robustus Matthew and Granger, 1925'^^'"^^' Family Anthracotheriidae Gill, 1872 Anthracotherium spp.'”' Tong and Wang (1980:23) reported that two new Eocene mammalian horizons have been dis- covered in recent years. One is beneath the main fossils quarry [57202], yielding Lophialetes, Eudi- noceras(l), mesonychid, Uintatheriinae, Gobio- hyus and Breviodon etc. The others occurred in the Chu-gou-yu Formation (Late Eocene), con- taining Sciuravidae gen. et sp. nov., Yuomys sp. nov., Palaeolaginae indet., Eomoropus major, Breviodon sp. nov., Eorstercooperia sp., Archaeo- meryx optatus etc. 18. Wu-cheng Basin Gao Yu, 1976'”' Wang Jing-wen, 1978"'""' a. Location: Tong-bai County, He-nan Province. Coordinates: 32°25'N; 1 13°30'E (Wu-cheng town) (Fig. 11) 1983 LI AND TING-THE PALEOGENE MAMMALS OE CHINA 35 b. Dimension: About 250 km^. c. Stratigraphic Sequence: Wu-li-dui Formation (Late Eocene) Thin greyish green mudstones interbedding with brownish grey kerogen shales (550 m). —Conformity— Li-shi-gou Formation (Late Eocene) Brownish yellow conglomeratic sandstones and greyish green sandy mudstones (370 m). —Conformity— Mao-jia-po Formation (Late Eocene) Greyish red breccia and sandy mudstone and marls. d. The list of the mammalian fauna: Wu-li-dui Formation (Late Eocene) Order Perissodacty la Owen, 1848 Family Hyracodontidae Cope, 1879 Imequincisoria mazhuangensis Wang, 1976"‘"*' Imequincisoria /n/crads Wang, 1976"'*'^’ Imequincisona(l) sp.*”'” Family Amynodontidae Scott and Osborn, 1883 Gigantamynodon sp.'-““’ cf. Lushiamynodon sp.'’*’ Sianodon sinensis (Zdansky, 1 930)'-‘“><’“' Family Rhinocerotidae Owen, 1845 Juxia spp. nov.'^**' Forstercooperiinae indet.'^*’ Li-shi-gou Formation (Late Eocene) Order Rodentia Bowdich, 1821 Family Yuomyidae Dawson, Li, and Qi, in press Yuomys eleganes Wang, 1978'^“><’®' Order Creodonta Cope, 1875 Family Hyaenodontidae Leidy, 1869 Hyaenodon sp.'^*’ Order Carnivora Bowdich, 1821 Carnivora indet.*’*’ Order Perissodactyla Owen, 1848 Family Lophialetidae Radinsky, 1965 ?Breviodon sp.‘’*' Lophialetidae gen. et sp. nov.*^*> Family Deperetellidae Radinsky, 1965 Deperetella sp. nov.'^*> Family Hyracodontidae Cope, 1879 Hyracodontidae gen. et sp. nov.'^*’ Family Amynodontidae Scott and Osborn, 1883 Lushiamynodon wuchengensis Wang, 1 97g(200)(78) Amynodon mongoliensis Osborn, 1 936'-“'*^*> Amynodontidae indet.'^*' 36 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 21 Family Rhinocerotidae Owen, 1 845 Rhinocerotidae indet.'^®' Pappacems sp.' Forstercooperia sp. nov.'^*’ Family Eomoropidae Viret, 1958 Eomoropus sp.'^*' Mao-jia-po Formation (Late Eocene) Order Perissodactyla Owen, 1848 Family Deperetellidae Radinsky, 1965 Deperetella sp.*’*’ 19. Xi-chuan (Sichuan) Basin Teilhard de Chardin, 1930"’*’ Teilhard de Chardin, P., G. B. Barbour, and M. N. Bien, 1935"’‘” Chow Min-chen, Li Chuan-kuei, and Chang Yu- ping, 1973'”’ Gao Yu, 1976*’*’ Xu Yu-xuan, Yan De-fa, Zhou Shi-quuan, Han Shi-jing, and Zhang Yong-cai, 1979*”’’ a. Location: Southern slope of Tsinling Mountain, about 150 km south of Lu-shi Basin. Xi-chuan Basin (called also Li-quan-qiao [Li-kuan-chiao Basin]) extends from east of He-tao-yuan, a small village 45 km south of the Xi-chuan new city, He- nan Province, to the west of Xi-jia-dian, 20 km northwest of Jun-xian city, Hu-bei Province. Coordinates: 32°45'N; 1 10°40'-1 1 1°20'E; 32*’46'N; 1 1 F27'E (Li-quan-quao town) (Fig. 12) b. Dimension: Length: more than 40 km (E-W); Width: 10 km (N-S, at maximum). c. Stratigraphic Sequence: He-tao-yuan Formation (Early Late Eocene) Greyish green mudstones with intercalating marls, sandstones and conglomerates (800 m). —Conformity— Da-cang-fang Formation (Middle Eocene) Greyish white, brownish yellow sandstones, conglomerates and red sandy mudstone (500-1,100 m). —Conformity— Yu-huang-ding Formation (Late Early Eocene or Early Middle Eocene) Light red, white mud- stone with intercalating purple-red or green marls (400-900 m). — Disconformity— Hu-gang Formation (Cretaceous) d. The list of the mammalian fauna: He-tao-yuan Formation (Early Late Eocene) Order Edentata Cuvier, 1798 Superfamily Megalonychoidea Simpson, 1931 Chungchienia sichuanica Chow, 1963'**’ Order Rodentia Bowdich, 1821 Family Cocomyidae Dawson, Li, and Qi, in press gen. et sp. indet. ("Sciuravus" sp.)"*’*”*’*" Order Creodonta Cope, 1875 Family Oxyaenidae Cope, 1877 Prolaena parva Xu et al., 1979**-”’ Family Hyaenodontidae Leidy, 1869 T'Sinopa" sp.*’*’ T'Tritemnodon” sp.*’*’ Order Carnivora Bowdich, 1821 Family Miacidae Cope, 1880 Miacis lushiensis Chow, ) 975122 ik4I) 1983 LI AND TING-THE PALEOGENE MAMMALS OF CHINA 37 Order Condylarthra Cope, 1881 Family Mesonychidae Cope, 1875 ?Andrewsarchus sp.'''**'"^'’’ Order Perissodactyla Owen, 1848 Family Brontotheriidae Marsh, 1873 ?Protitan sp.'^^" Family Lophialetidae Radinsky, 1965 Lophialetes expeditus Matthew and Granger, 1925*^^'”'“’ Lophialetes Breviodon cf. minutus (Matthew and Granger, 1925)'^’""^*' Family Deperetellidae Radinsky, 1965 Teleolophus sichuanensis Xu et al., S979(22i) Teleolophus cf. mediiis Matthew and Granger, 1925'^^" Family Helaletidae Osborn, 1892 ?Colodon sp.‘”"^*’ Family Amynodontidae Scott and Osborn, 1883 Sianodon sp.'^^'"^''" Family Rhinocerotidae Owen, 1845 Pwhyracodon sp.*^-'’ Da-cang-fang Formation (Middle Eocene) Order Rodentia Bowdich, 1821 Family Cocomyidae Dawson, Li, and Qi, in press gen. et sp. indet.'^^" Order Carnivora Bowdich, 1821 gen. et sp. indet.'^*’ Order Condylarthra Cope, 1881 Family Mesonychidae Cope, 1875 gen. et sp. indet.*^^" Order Pantodonta Cope, 1873 Family Coryphodontidae Marsh, 1876 gen. et sp. indet.'^-" Order Perissodactyla Owen, 1848 Family Brontotheriidae Marsh, 1873 cf Palaeosyops sp.*^^'* Family ?Lophialetidae Radinsky, 1965 gen. et sp. indet. (cf. Breviodon, V5372y^^" Family Amynodontidae Scott and Osborn, 1883 Euryodon minimus Xu et af, 1979'^^" Yu-huang-ding Formation (Late Early Eocene or Early Middle Eocene) Order Anagalida Szalay and McKenna, 1971 Family Eurymylidae Matthew, Granger, and Simpson, 1929 Rhombomylus sp.'--'* Order Rodentia Bowdich, 1821 Family Cocomyidae Dawson, Li, and Qi, in press Advenimus hupeiensis Dawson, Li, and Qi, in press’™’ Order Pantodonta Cope, 1873 Family Coryphodontidae Marsh, 1876 Asiocoryphodon conicus Xu, ) 976'22>>i2i6) Asiocoryphodon lophodontus Xu, 1976(221,(216) Coryphodon flerowi Chow, 1957(2211(24,(2161(1861 Manteodon cf youngi Xu, 1980''^^""’’'’ Order Dinocerata Marsh, 1873 Family Uintatheriidae Flower, 1876 ?Gobiatherium sp.””’’ Order Perissodactyla Owen, 1848 Family Flelaletidae Osborn, 1892 cf Heptodon sp.'^^" VIII. Hu-bei (Hupei) Province 20. Jun-xian Basin (see Section 2-19, Xi-chuan Basin) 21. Yi-chang (Ichang) District Teilhard de Chardin, P., and Young Chung-chien, 193608” Xu Yu-xuan, 1980’-'*’ a. Location: Yang-xi located on the south bank of the Yang-tze River and 20 km SE of the Yidu city (about 75 km SSE of the Yichang city), Hu-bei Province. Coordinates: 30°24'N; 1 1 1°26'E (Yidu city) Mei-zi-xi: on the north bank of the Yang-tze River, just opposite to the Yidu city of south bank. b. Stratigraphic Sequence: Dong-hu Formation (Late Early Eocene or Early Middle Eocene) Mainly red conglomerates, sandstones and marls. c. The list of the mammalian fauna: Dong-hu Formation (Late Early Eocene or Early Middle Eocene) Order Pantodonta Cope, 1873 Family Coryphodontidae Marsh, 1876 Manteodon youngi Xu, 1980'-'*’ (con- taining Eudinoceros cf kholobo- chiensis of Teilhard de Chardin and Young"*") IX. An-hui (Anhui) Province 22. Lai-an Basin Zhai Ren-jie, Bi Zhi-quo and Yu Zhen-jiang, 1976(240, a. Location: About 15 km NE of Lai’-an city, Lai’- an County, An-hui Province. Coordinates: 32°27'N; ! 18°25'E (Lai’-an city) b. Stratigraphic Sequence: Huang-gang Formation (Pliocene) Greyish yellow basalt. — Unconformity — Zhang-shan-ji Formation (?Early Eocene) Brick-reddish thick sandy and calcareous mud- stone with coarse sand and hne conglom- erate (100 m). — Disconformity— Shun-shan-ji Formation (Paleocene) Greyish red silt marls. c. The list of the mammalian fauna: Zhang-shan-ji Formation (?Early Eocene) Order Anagalida Szalay and McKenna, 1 97 1 Family Eurymylidae Matthew, Granger, and Simpson, 1929 Rhombomylus laianensis Zhai, Bi, and Yu, 1976'-’"” 38 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 21 X. Jiang-xi (Kiangsi) Province 23. Chi-jiang (Chihkiang) Basin a. Location, Dimension, and Stratigraphic Sequence: See description in the Paleocene of Chi-jiang Basin (Section 1-2). b. The list of the mammalian fauna: Ping-hu Formation (Early Eocene) Order Dinocerata Marsh, 1873 Family Uintatheriidae Flower, 1876 Phenaceras lacustris Tong, 1979"*^’ [72027] Ganatheriiim australis Tong, 1979“*^' [72027] 24. Yuan-shui Basin Chow Min-chen, 1959*””'’*’’ Chang Yu-ping and Tung Yung-sheng, 1963*’-’ Zheng Jia-jian, Tung Yung-sheng, and Chi Hung- xiang, 1975*-”’ a. Location: About 30 km east of Xin-yu city, Jiang- xi Province. Coordinates: 27°52'N; 1 14°55'E (Xin-yu city) b. Stratigraphic Sequence: Lin-jiang Formation (?Oligocene) Brownish red and black mudstone and shales with intercalating marls (360^00 m). — ?Disconformity — Xin-yu Group (Eocene) Upper Member: Purplish, brownish and grey- ish mudstone and sandstone (500 m). Ning-jia-shan Member (Early Eocene): Pur- plish grey argillaceous sandstone and sandy mudstone with intercalating greyish green fine sandstone and calcareous nodules (600- 900 m). — ?Disconformity — Qing-feng-qiao Formation (?Late Cretaceous) Purplish red thick conglomerate rock with argil- laceous sandstone (>100 m). c. The list of the mammalian fauna: Ning-jia-shan Member (Early Eocene) Order Carnivora Bowdich, 1821 Family Miacidae Cope, 1880 Xinyuictis tenuis Zheng, Tung, and Chi, 19 7 5(257) [72041] Order Pantodonta Cope, 1873 Family Coryphodontidae Marsh, 1876 Cory’phodon ninchiashanensis Chow and Tung, 1965*”’ [72041] Order Dinocerata Marsh, 1873 Family Uintatheriidae Rower, 1876 ?Probathyopsis sinyiiensis Chow and Tung, 1962*’*” [72041] Order Perissodactyla Owen, 1848 Family Helaletidae Osborn, 1872 ?Heptodon sp.*-”’ [72041] XL Hu-nan (Hunan) Province 25. Heng-yang Basin Young Chung-chien, Bien Mei-nian, and Lee Yue- yen, 1938*^’^’ Young Chung-chien, 1944*228) Li Chuan-kuei, Chiu Chan-siang, Yan De-fa, and Hsieh Shu-hua, 1979*"*” a. Location: About 1 5 km SW of Heng-dong city, Heng-dong County, Hu-nan Province. Coordinates: 27°05'N; 1 12°57'E (Heng-dong city) (Fig. 13) b. The list of the mammalian fauna: Ling-cha Formation (Early Eocene) Order Insectivora Bowdich, 1821 Family indet. gen. et sp. nov.*"*” Order Anagalida Szalay and McKenna, 1 97 1 Family Eurymylidae Matthew, Granger, and Simpson, 1 929 Matutinia nitidulus Li, Chiu, Yan, and Hsien, 1979*"*” [76004] Order Rodentia Bowdich, 1821 Family Paramyidae Miller and Gidley, 1918 Cocoinys lingchaensis (Li, Chiu, Yan, and Hsien, 1979)*"*” [76003] Order Pantodonta Cope, 1873 Family Coryphodontidae Marsh, 1876 Asiocoryphodon sp.'"*” [76003] 1983 LI AND TING-THE PALEOGENE MAMMALS OF CHINA 39 Fig. 14. — Map of the distribution of Lower Tertiary and the fossil localities of Bo-se Basin. 40 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 21 Order Perissodactyla Owen, 1848 Family Equidae Gray, 1821 Propachynolophus hengyangensis (Young, 1944)" [76003] Mammalia, Order indet. Family Didymoconidae Kretzoi, 1943 Hunanictis inexpectatus Li, Chiu, Yan, and Hsien, 1979"'°' [76004] ?Paleocene* Order Pantodonta Cope, 1873 Family Archaeolambdidae Flerov, 1952 Archaeolambda sp."'°' [76005'', 76005] XII. Guang-xi (Kwangsi) Region 26. Bo-se Basin Chow Min-chen, 1956*-°’ Tang Xin and Chow Min-chen, 1964"’" Tang Ying-jun, You YU-zhu, Xu Qin-qi, Qiu Zhu- ding, and Hu Yan-kun, 1975"'"’’ a. Location: Bo-se, Tian-dong and Tian-yang coun- ties, Guang-xi Province. Coordinates: 23°35'-23°50'N; 106°35'-107°10'E (Eigs. 14, 15) b. Dimensions: 90 km (NW-SE); 15 km (NE-SW, at maximum) (800 km’). c. Stratigraphic Sequence: Gung-kang Formation (Early Oligocene) Yellowish and greyish green mudstone * Archaeolambda sp. (V5345, V5344) was found in the purplish red mudstone which was underneath Ling-cha Formation and might be assigned to Paleocene. interbedding with sandy mudstone and sandstone [73092, 74067, 73075, 73984, 73988, 73989] (1,300-1,459 m). —Conformity— Na-duo Formation (Late Late Eocene) Upper Coal Member: Greyish green mudstone and sandy mudstone with intercalating coal and sand-conglomerate rock. Lower Coal Member: Greyish green silt sand- stone with intercalating carbonaceous mudstone, sandy marls and several coal beds [73072, 73078, 73080, 7308 1 , 73086, 73088, 74067]. — Disconformity — Dong-jun Formation (Early Late Eocene) Upper part: Greyish yellow and white calcar- eous mudstone and greyish red marls; Lower part: Greyish white limestone marls and rudaceous limestone; [74064, 74066, 74069] (20-50 m). — Disconformity— Liu-niu Eormation (?Eocene) Brown red sandy mudstone, argillaceous sand- stone interbedding with conglomerate rock (60 m). — U nconformity — Mesozoic 1983 LI AND TING-THE PALEOGENE MAMMALS OF CHINA 41 d. The list of the mammalian fauna: Na-duo Formation (Late Late Eocene) Order Creodonta Cope, 1875 creodont indet.'^^*"’" Order Condylarthra Cope, 1 88 1 Family Mesonychidae Cope, 1875 Guilestes acares Zheng and Chi, 1978'^^-^’ Guilestes cf. acares Zheng and Chi, 1 9 7 8(253) cf. Harpagolestes sp.'-^’' Family Phenacodontidae Cope, 1881 Eodesmatodon spanios Zheng and Chi, 1978«”) Order Perissodactyla Owen, 1848 Family Brontotheriidae Marsh, 1873 Metatelmatherium cf. browni Colbert, 1938(23)(I71)(66) Family Deperetellidae Radinsky, 1965 Deperetella sp.i23)(m)d76) Family Hyracodontidae Cope, 1879 Caenolophus sp."’*"’ Family Amynodontidae Scott and Osborn, 1883 Huananodon hui You, I977i224)(i76) Paramynodon cf. birmanicus (Pilgrim and Cotter, 1916)"’*' Amynodontidae indet.'’^'"’" Family Rhinocerotidae Owen, 1845 Guixia simplex You, 1977'’’‘""’'” [73081] Family Eomoropidae Viret, 1958 Eomoropus cf. quadridentatus Zdansky, 1930(23)(171)(235) Order Artiodactyla Owen, 1848 Family Entelodontidae Lydekker, 1883 Entelodontidae indet."’*’ Family Anthracotheriidae Gill, 1872 Anthracothema rubricae Pilgrim, 19 2 8(23)(154)(I45) [73Q81, 74067] Anthracokeryx birmanicus Pilgrim and Cotter, 1916"*'"'“"'’" [73078, 73088] Anthracokeryx cf. barnbusae Pilgrim, 1928"54)(|45) [73080] Anthracokeryx cf. birmanicus Pilgrim and Cotter, 1916'“'"’" Anthracokeryx sp. Bothriodon chyelingensis Xu, 1 977121 iki76) [73086] Huananothema imparilica Tang, 1978"73)"76i [73086] Heothema belUa Tang, i978"“i"2<>i Heothema sp."’""’*' [73078, 73080] Family Hypertragulidae Cope, 1879 Indomeryx cotteri Pilgrim, 1928"**'"'**' [73080, 73081, 73086] Indomeryx youjiangensis Qiu, 1978"**'" 76' [73086] Indomeryx sp."**'"’*' [73086] Notomeryx besensis Qiu, 1978"**'"’*' [73072, 73086] Family Tragulidae Milne Edwards, 1865 Tragulidae indet.'^*'"’" Family Choeropotamidae Owen, 1845 Choeropotamidae gen. nov."’*' Dong-jun Formation (Early Late Eocene) Order Carnivora Bowdich, 1821 Family Felidae Gray, 1821 ?Eusmilus sp.”*' [74064] Order Condylarthra Cope, 1881 Family Mesonychidae Cope, 1875 Andrewsarchus crassum Ding, Zheng, Zhang, and Tong, 1977'’*' [74069] Order Pantodonta Cope, 1873 Family Coryphodontidae Marsh, 1876 Eudinoceras crassum Tong and Tang, 1977(186) Order Perissodactyla Owen, 1848 Family Brontotheriidae Marsh, 1873 cf. Protitan sp.”*' [74069] Family Deperetellidae Radinsky, 1965 Diplolophodon cf. similis Zdansky, 1930(’*'(23*'(158' [74066] Teleolophus sp.'’*' [74066] Family Amynodontidae Scott and Osborn, 1883 cf. Gigantamynodon sp.'’*' [74066] Amynodon sp.'’*' [74066] cf. Paramynodon sp.'’*' [74066] Family Rhinocerotidae Owen, 1845 Prohyracodon sp.'’*' [74066] ?Ilianodon sp.'’*' [74064] Eorstercooperia spp.'’*' [74066, 74069] Order Artiodactyla Owen, 1848 Family Anthracotheriidae Gill, 1870 ?Probrachyodus sp.'’*' [74066] XIII. Yun-nan (Yunnan) Province 27. Lu-nan Basin Young Chung-chien and Bien Mei-nian, 1939'““' Chow Min-chen, 1957'’*', 1958'“' Xu Yu-xuan and Chiu Chan-siang, 1962'*"" Zheng Jia-jian, Tang Ying-jun, Zhai Ren-jie, Ding Su-yin, and Huang Xue-shi, 1978'***' a. Location: Lu-nan County, Yun-nan Province. Coordinates: 24°47'N; 103°16'E (Lu-nan city) (Fig. 16) b. Dimensions: 30 km long (N-S), 8 km wide (at maximum). e. Stratigraphic Sequence: Xiao-tun Formation (Early Oligocene) Brownish red argillaceous sandstone with inter- calating sandy mudstone and greyish medium-coarse sandstone (40-50 m). — ?Conformity— Lu-mei-yi Formation (Late Eocene) Brownish red marls with intercalating greyish white calcareous and sandy mudstone (483- 752 m). — Unconformity— Palaeozoic d. The list of the mammalian fauna: Lu-mei-yi Formation (Late Eocene) 42 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 21 LEGEND Paleozoic Eocene Oligocene ^ Fault Line • 73,053 0 1 I L Geological Bounsdary Geological Boundary (Approx.) Fossil Sites 2 3Km J I Fig. 16. — Map of the fossil localities of Lunan Basin. ( 1 ) Lu-mei-yi — Lu-nan area (?Early Late Eocene) Order Creodonta Cope, 1875 Creodonta indet.'-'^’*^"^* Order Carnivora Bowdich, 1821 Family Felidae Gray, 1821 Felidae indet.<“5><^“’' Order Condylarthra Cope, 1881 Family Mesonychidae Cope, 1875 Ilonanodon sp.'‘^^“-‘‘’' Order Tillodontia Marsh, 1875 Tillodontia indet.*-^^"-''^’ Order Perissodactyla Owen, 1848 Family Brontotheriidae Marsh, 1873 Protitan cf robustus Granger and Greg- ory, 1943(755)(247)(87) Brontotheriidae gen. et sp. indet.'-^^"-'*’’ Rhinotitan sp.i2'’'i255)(23) Family Lophialetidae Radinsky, 1965 Breviodon sp.‘^”* Lophialetes expeditus Matthew and Granger, 1925«“>(> 26X247) 1983 LI AND TING-THE PALEOGENE MAMMALS OF CHINA 43 ?Family Lophialetidae Radinsky, 1965 Rhodopagus pygmaeus Radinsky, 1965«55)(I58) Rhodopagus sp.'“^' Family Deperetellidae Radinsky, 1965 Deperetella sp.«3x2i')x247) Teleolophus sp.'^'’’ Family Helaletidae Osborn, 1892 ?HeIaletes mongoliensis Osborn, Family Hyracodontidae Cope, 1879 Teilhardia pretiosa Matthew and Granger, 1926'-”’"-’"’''^' ?Teilhardia sp/^ssxix?) Caenolophus Caenolophiis sp.'^'‘'“-55)(247> Family Amynodontidae Scott and Osborn, 1883 Lushiamynodon menchiapuensis Chow and Xu, 1962«>^' Amynodon sp. (cf. sinensisy^'’’’' Amynodon spp.'255)(63K247) Amynodon hmanensis Chow, Xu, and Zhen, 1964'‘'^«55x247) Family Rhinocerotidae Owen, 1845 Prohyracodon sp.«5SM247) Forstercooperia sp.*^^^"-'*^’ Family Eomoropidae Viret, 1958 Lunania youngi Chow, 1957123x2191 (255)(247M158) Order Artiodactyla Owen, 1 848 Family Anthracotheriidae Gill, 1872 Anthracotheriidae gen. et sp. Family Choeropotamidae Owen, 1845 Gobiohyus sp.'-^^"-'’"'' (2) An-yen-cun — Xiao-sha-he area (?Late Late Eocene) Order Creodonta Cope, 1875 Family Hyaenodontidae Leidy, 1869 Pterodon dahkoensis Chow, 1975”" Order Carnivora Bowdich, 1821 Family Canidae Gray, 1821 Canidae indet.'-^'*^ Chailicyon crassidens Chow, 1975”" Order Perissodactyla Owen, 1848 Family Brontotheriidae Marsh, 1873 Brontotheriidae indet.'^ Rhinotitan quadridens Xu and Chiu, 1 962*^'^’'-“'" Dianotitan hmanensis (Chow and Hu, 1958)12 19X255X44X49X27) Brontotheriidae gen. et sp. indet.'^^^"^'’" Family Lophialetidae Radinsky, 1965 Breviodon sahoensis Chow, Chang, and Ting, 1974”-"'“5i Family Deperetellidae Radinsky, 1965 Deperetella dienensis Chow, Chang, and Ting, 1974”-" Diplolophodon (Deperetella) cf. similis Zdansky, 1939”'’«225) Teleolophus cf. magnus Radinsky, 19 6 5(158X44)9 ?Teleolophus sp.'^^^' Teleolophus medius Matthew and Gran- ger, 1956C20X2I91 Family Amynodontidae Scott and Osborn, 1883 Amynodon altidens Xu and Chiu, 1962(2(9X247) Amynodon sp.(2'9i(247) cf Metamynodon sp.*^' 9x242) cf Paramynodon sp. (255x247) Family Rhinocerotidae Owen, 1845 Prohyracodon progressa Chow and Xu, 1 96 1(159X219X61X44X247) Prohyracodon meridionaleChow and Xu, 1 95 J (6 1X255X44X2 I 9X247) Prohyracodon cf. orientale Koch, 1 897(‘59I(255X247) Ilianodon hmanensis Chow and Xu, J 95 ](6IX219X255) Forstercooperia shiwopuensis Chow, Chang, and Ting, 1974'''‘'i Forstercooperia sp.*'''" Juxia sp. (2^^x2421 ""llndricotherium" sp. *255x247) Indricotherium parvum Chow, 1 958*22X219) Indricotherium cf parvum Chow, 1958”“" Rhinocerotidae indet.*2' 9x247) Family Eomoropidae Viret, 1958 Eomoropus ulterior Cho’w, 1962'2‘’X2I9X25S) Eomoropus cf quadridentatus Zdansky, 1 9 3 0(36X235) Order Artiodactyla Owen, 1848 Family Entelodontidae Lydekker, 1883 Eoentelodon yunnanense Chow, 1958*2(9X255X26) Family Anthracotheriidae Gill, 1872 Prohrachyodus panchiaoensis Xu and Chiu, 1962*2(5X219) Brachyodus hui (Chov^, 1958)*2'3X22) Anthracotheriidae indet.*2 '2x247) 28. Li-jiang Basin Zhao Guo-guang, 19 6 5*249' Zhang Yu-ping, You Yu-zhu, Ji Hong-xiang, and Ding Su-yin, 19 7 8*242' a. Location; Li-jiang Na-xi-zu Zi-zhi-xian, Y un-nan Province. Coordinates: 26°48'N; 100°16'E (Li-jiang city) b. Stratigraphic Sequence: Xiang-shan Formation (Late Eocene) Purplish red coarse sandstone with intercalat- ing greyish white calcareous mudstone (150-200 m). — Unconformity — Li-jiang Formation (undetermined age) c. The list of the mammalian fauna: Xiang-shan Formation (Late Eocene) 9 The locality is uncertain. 44 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 21 Order Creodonta Cope, 1875 Creodonta indet.'-"*^*'-^*’ Family Hyaenodontidae Leidy, 1869 Hyaenodontidae indet.*’"'’’ Order Condylarthra Cope, 1881 Family Mesonychidae Cope, 1875 Honanodon hebetis Chow, 1965«‘»7«255)(40) Honanodon Order Perissodactyla Owen, 1 848 Family Brontotheriidae Marsh, 1873 Brontotheriidae gen. et sp. indet.'^'*^' Family Lophialetidae Radinsky, 1965 Breviodon sp. nov.'^'*^"^^^’ Schlosseria Family Lophiodontidae Gill, 1872 ?Lophiodon sp.*-‘*”'-^^’ Family Deperetellidae Radinsky, 1965 Deperetella sp.'-"’''”-^^* Teleolophus sp.'^'*”'^^^’ Family Hyracodontidae Cope, 1879 Caenolophus sp.'’'*’'''^’^’ Family Amynodontidae Scott and Osborn, 1883 Amynodon Family Rhinocerotidae Owen, 1 845 Prohyracodon sp.*^''’"^’^' Family Eomoropidae Viret, 1958 Lunaniacf. youngiChow. I957i^3i<^‘»’iw55) Eomoropus sp.'-‘*^>'^55) Order Artiodactyla Owen, 1 848 Family Entelodontidae Lydekker, 1883 Eoentelodon sp. nov.<^^^“-''” Family Anthracotheriidae Gill, 1872 Anthracokeryx sp.'-“^’'^^*' Anthracothema Family Hypertragulidae Cope, 1879 Hypertragulidae gen. et sp. indet.'-'*” Section 3. Oligocene I. Nei-mong-gol (Inner Mongolia) Region 1 . Shara Murun-Irdin Manha Area lA. Early Oligocene: Ulan Gochu Formation and Urtyn Obo Formation Osborn, H. F., 1929"”' Radinsky, L. B., 1964"^’’ Chow Min-chen and A. K. Rozhdestvensky, I960'”’ Qi Tao, 1979"'”’ a. Location: Ulan Gochu Formation: The fossils which have been published were mainly collected at East Mesa, Twin Oboes, and Jhama Obo, but also a few forms were found at Baron Sog Mesa (Ulan Gochu, now called Ba-yan-obo). Coordinates: Around 42°30'N; 1 1 1°30'E Urtyn Obo Formation: Fossils collected from the locality about 1 5 miles northeast of the East Mesa. b. Stratigraphic Sequence: Red clays; maximum 50 ft. c. The list of the mammalian fauna: Ulan Gochu Formation and Urtyn Obo Forma- tion (Early Oligocene) Order Anagalida Szalay and McKenna, 1 97 1 Family Anagalidae Simpson, 1931 Anagale gobiensis Simpson, I93li'62)(n3) (Twin Oboes, Jhama Obo) Order Lagomorpha Brandt, 1855 Family Leporidae Gray, 1921 Gobiolagus andrewsi Burke, 1941"°’ (Twin Oboes, Jhama Obo) Gobiolagus{l) major Burke, 1941"°’ (Urtyn Obo) Family Ochotonidae Thomas, 1897 Procaprolagus vetustus (Burke, 1941)(io’(264) (Xwin Oboes, Jhama Obo) Order Rodentia Bowdich, 1821 Family Ischyromyidae Alston, 1876 Hulgana ertnia Dawson, 1 968"’°’ (Jhama Obo) ?Ischyromyidae indet."’°’ (Jhama Obo) Family Cylindrodontidae Miller and Gid- ley, 1918 Ardynomys sp."’°’ (Jhama Obo) Order Condylarthra Cope, 1881 Family Mesonychidae Cope, 1875 Mongolestes hadrodens Szalay and Gould, 1966"°®’ (Twin Oboes, Jhama Obo) cf. Plarpagolestes sp."°®’ (Twin Oboes) Order Perissodactyla Owen, 1 848 Family Brontotheriidae Marsh, 1873 Embolotherium andrewsi Osborn, 1925"“* Exallerix hsandagolensis McKenna and Holton, 1 957(130)11 14) Order Lagomorpha Brandt, 1855 Family Ochotonidae Thomas, 1897 Desmatolagus gobiensis Matthew and Granger, 1 923" Desmatolagus robustus Matthew and Granger, 1 923" I8>I130)(167) ?Ochotonolagus argyropuloi Gureev, 1960"“**-*’'""'’’* Family Leporidae Gray, 1821 Ordolagus teilhardi (Burke, 1941) Amynodon alxaensis Qi, 1975"'’*’ Sianodon spp.'^'^’ Amynodontidae indet." Perissodactyla indet."'’^’ Order Artiodactyla Owen, 1 848 Family Entelodontidae Lydekker, 1883 gen. et sp. indet. ?Family Cervidae Gray, 1821 gen. et sp. indet."'*'’’ II. Ning-xia (Ninghsia) Region 4. Ling-wu Basin Young Chung-chien and Chow Min-chen, 1 956'-^^’ Hu Chang-kang, 1962*'*^’ a. Location: Qing-shui-ying (Ching-shui-ying), 40 km ENE of the Ling-wu city. Coordinates: 38°05'N; 106°20'E (Ling-wu city) b. The list of the mammalian fauna: Qing-shui-ying Formation' ' (Middle Oligocene) Order Rodentia Bowdich, 1821 Family Cylindrodontidae Miller and Gid- ley, 1918 Cyclomylus lohensis Matthew and Granger, 1923'--’”"'” Order Perissodactyla Owen, 1848 Family Rhinocerotidae Owen, 1845 Indricotherium grangeri (Osborn, 19 2 3)(23.1«132) Family Chalicotheriidae Gill, 1 872 Schizotherium sp.''*'” 48 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 21 Order Artiodactyla Owen, 1848 Family Entelodontidae Lydekker, 1883 Archaeotherium ordosius Young and Chow, 1956'”^' Family Cervidae Gray, 1821 “ Eumeryx" 5. Others Two small Oligocene localities of Tong-xin and Guyuan, yielding Indricotherium only, were reported by Hu (1962:170). The fossils of these localities have not yet been published. III. Xin-jiang (Sinkiang) Region 6. Turpan (Turfan) Basin Chow Min-chen and Xu yu-xuan, 1959'*°’ Zhai Ren-jie, Zheng Jia-jian, and Tong Yong- sheng, 1978'^“"’ Zhai Ren-jie, 1978'-^'” a. Location: East part of the Turpan Basin, along the railway from Da-bu to Fei-yue. Coordinates: Around 43°10'N; 91°35'E (Fig. 6) b. Stratigraphie Sequence: Tao-shu-yuan-zi Group: Red and brownish yel- low sandy clays, sandstones with intercalated dark grey conglomerates [64080-64082] (700 m). c. The list of the mammalian fauna: Tao-shu-yuan-zi Group (Oligocene) Lower part of the Tao-shu-yuan-zi Group (Early Oligocene) Order Perissodactyla Owen, 1848 Family Amynodontidae Scott and Osborn, 1883 Cadurcodon ardynense (Osborn, 1923)'--'’ [66018] Upper part of the Tao-shu-yuan-zi Group (Middle-Late Oligoeene) Order Insectivora Bowdich, 1821 Family Erinaceidae Bonaparte, 1838 Amphechinus cf. rectus (Matthew and Granger, 1924)'^^ [64081-14] ?Amphechinus sp.'^^” [64081] Order Lagomorpha Brandt, 1855 Family Ochotonidae Thomas, 1897 Sinolagomys kansuensis Bohlin, 19 3 7(239)15) [64081-12] Order Rodentia Bowdich, 1821 Family Ctenodactylidae Zittel, 1893 Tataromys cf. sigmodon Matthew and Granger, 1923'"”«"«’ [64081-12] Order Creodonta Cope, 1875 Family Hyaenodontidae Leidy, 1869 ?Hyaenodon sp.'-°-’ [64082-4] Order Perissodactyla Owen, 1 848 Family Rhinocerotidae Owen, 1845 Paraceratherium lipidus Xu and Wang, 1978'220) Paraceratherium tienshanensis Chiu, 1 962"’°’"*’"^°''’ Dzungariotherium turfanensis Xu and Wang, 1978'^“’ Indricotheriidae indet.'^^°’ ?Aceratherium sp.'-^^-’ [64082-2] Family Chalicotheriidae Gill, 1872 Schizotherium sp.'"”* [64080] Order Artiodactyla Owen, 1 848 Family Anthracotheriidae Gill, 1872 gen. et sp. indet.*^^'” [64081] Family Tragulidae Milne Edwards, 1864 ?Tragulidae gen. et sp. indet.'^”-’ [64081] Mammalia, Order indet. Family Didymoconidae Kretzoi, 1943 Didymoconus berkeyi Matthew and Granger, 1924'^°'”'"'” [64081] 7. Ha-mi Basin Some molar teeth of Parabrontops sp. collected from Ye-ma-quan, Ha-mi area, were described by Hu Chang-kang in 1961"'". The age of the fossil is most probably Early Oligocene. 8. Jung-gur (Dzungar) Basin Only two forms of Oligoeene mammals were reported from Jung-gur Basin: 1. Dzungariotheriutn orgosensis Chiu, 1973"*’ (Rhinocerotidae, Perissodactyla) Locality: 20 km south of An-ji-hai bridge, and east bank of Huo-er-gou-si (Orgos) River. Coordinates: Around 44°20'N; 85°25'E Formation: He-se (Brown) Formation (Middle-Late Oligocene); brown sands and gravels. 2. Lophiomeryx sp. (Gelocidae, Artiodactyla), Chiu, 1965"” Locality: Hong-shan Farm south of Shi-he- zi (Shih-ho-tzu) city. Coordinates: Around 44°15'N; 86°00'E Formation: He-se (Brown) Formation (Middle-Late Oligocene). IV. Gan-su (Kansu) Province 9. Taben buluk Area Bohlin, B., 1942'*’ Bohlin, B., 1946'” a. Location: “Taben-buluk is a group of springs at the north- ern foot of Anem-braruin-ola on the great caravan road from Tunhuang to Sirtun .... The badlands investigated by me extend chiefly towards the east from this place, between it and the debouchment of Tang-ho (Tangin-gol) from Nanshan. The area from which the fossils were obtained does not extend more than 20 kilometers eastwards from Taben-buluk” (Bohlin, 1942:7). There are four large ravines cut through this area, from west to east: Taben buluk, Yindirte, Tieh-chiang-ku, and Hsi-shui. The Yindirte is a most important fossil locality in this area. Tamu bulak, 60 km SSW of Dunhuang (Tun huang) city, belongs to the Aksay Kazakzu auton- omous county, Gansu Province. Coordinates: Around 39°30'N; 94°35'E b. Stratigraphic Sequence: Taben buluk (Late or Latest Oligocene) (about 1,000 m) 1983 LI AND TING-THE PALEOGENE MAMMALS OF CHINA 49 Upp)er: Sandstones with intercalated heavy beds of very coarse conglomerates. Middle (main part of deposits): Clayey sedi- ments with interbedded conglomerates. Lower: Brick red clay and fine sandstones. c. The list of the mammalian fauna: Order Insectivora Bowdich, 1821 Family Erinaceidae Bonaparte, 1838 Amphechinus cf. rectus (Matthew and Granger, 1924)'*'"“’ Amphechinus kansuensis (Bohlin, 1 942)'*’ Amphechinus minimus (Bohlin, 1942)'*’ ?Erinaceidae indet.'*’ Family Soricidae Gray, 1821 Soricidae indet.'*’ Family Talpidae Gray, 1825 ?Talpidae indet.'*’ Order Primates Linnaeus, 1758 Primate indet. (T. b. 557)'*’ Order Lagomorpha Brandt, 1855 Family Ochotonidae Thomas, 1897 Desmatolagus sp. (PShargaltensisY'’' Sinolagomys kansuensis Bohlin, 1937'*"*’ Sinolagomys major Bohlin, 1937'*’'*’ Order Rodentia Bowdich, 1821 Family Sciuridae Gray, 1821 “Sciurus" sp."'’ Family Ctenodactylidae Zittel, 1893 Tataromys grangeri Bohlin, 1946'” Tataromys sigmodon Matthew and Granger, 1923'”'"®’ Tataromys cf plicidens Matthew and Granger, 1923'^’'"*’ Yindirtemys woodi Bohlin, 1946'” Family Cricetidae Rochebrune, 1883 cf Cricetodon sp.'” aff. Eumys sp.'” Family Rhizomyidae Miller and Gidley, 1918 Tachyoryctoides sp.‘” Family Zapodidae Coues, 1875 Plesiosminthus asiaecentralis (Bohlin, 1946)'” Plesiosminthus tangingoli (Bohlin, 1946)'” Plesiosminthus parvulus (Bohlin, 1946)'^’ ?Sicistinae sp. 1 and sp. 2'” Order Carnivora Bowdich, 1821 gen. et sp. indet. 1 and 2'” Order Perissodactyla Owen, 1848 Family Rhinocerotidae Owen, 1845 gen. et sp. indet. (small form)'” Family Chalicotheriidae Gill, 1872 ?Schizotherium sp.'” Order Artiodactyla Owen, 1 848 Family Cervidae Gray, 1821 Eumeryx sp.'” Cervulinae indet.'"’ Family Bovidae Gray, 1821 Bovinae indet.'” Mammalia, Order indet. Family Didymoconidae Kretzoi, 1943 ?Didymoconus sp."” There are several forms, such as Sayimys obli- quidens^ohXin, \946, Kansupithecus, Proboscid- ea sp., Cervulinae sp., and ?Aceratherium sp., col- lected from the Taben buluk area, for which “we must, however, count with the possibility that the forms derive from Upper Miocene beds” (Bohlin, 1946:250). 10. Shargaltein Gol Area (Late Oligocene) Bohlin, B., 1937'*’ Bohlin, B., 1942'*’ Bohlin, B., 1946'"’ a. Location: The Shargaltein Gol (Shara River) is the south upper course of Dang-he [Tong-he, also as Dun- huang (Tun-huang) river]. The valley of the river is situated between two mountains (NW-SE direction): the north, Yeh-ma range, and the south Shule nan-shan (Humboldt range). The fossils of Shargaltein Gol are derived from two areas, the Shih-chiang-tzu-ku and Wu-tao-ya-yu, lying about 10 km apart. The Shih-chiang-tzu-ku is located at the north slope of the Humboldt range and near the Ulan davan (Ulan pass). The Wu-tao-ya-yu is 10 km northeast of the Shih-chiang-tzu-ku and situated on the left bank of the Shara River. Boh- lin (1953'”:9, Fig. 1 ) put the locality ofShih-chiang- tzu-ku on the south bank of the Iqe-he (Yu-ke River), Qing-hai Province, in his figure. That is not correct compared with the description of locality in the text (Bohlin, 1937:7). The localities in the Shargaltein valley lie about 1 20 km east of Taben buluk. Coordinates: Around 39°N; 96°E b. The list of the mammalian fauna: Order Insectivora Bowdich, 1821 Family Erinaceidae Bonaparte, 1838 Amphechinus cf acridens (Matthew and Granger, 1924)'*’"-'” ?Amphechinus sp.'*’ Erinaceidae, small species'*’ Insectivora indet.'*’ Order Lagomorpha Brandt, 1855 Family Ochotonidae Thomas, 1897 Desmatolagus shargaltensis Bohlin, 1937'*’'*’ ?Desmatolagus parvidens Bohlin, 1937'*"*’ Desmatolagus sp.'*"*’ Desmatolagus sp., large form'*"*’ Sinolagomys kansuensis Bohlin, 1937'*"*’ Sinolagomys major Bohlin, 1937'*"*’ Sinolagomys gracilis Bohlin, 1942'*"*’ Order Rodentia Bowdich, 1821 Family Sciuridae Gray, 1821 gen. et sp. indet.'"’ Family Ctenodactylidae Zittel, 1893 Tataromys cf plicidens Matthew and Granger, 1923'*""®’ Karakoromys cf decessus Matthew and Granger, 1923'*""®’ 50 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 21 Leptotataromys gracilidens Bohlin, 1946(7) Family Cylindrodontidae Miller and Gid- ley, 1918 Tsaganomys altaicus Matthew and Granger, 1923*^“"^' Family Rhizomyidae Miller and Gidley, 1918 Tachyoryctoides obrutschewi Bohlin, 1937(5) Tachyoryctoides intermedins Bohlin, 1937(5) Tachyoryctoides pachygnathus Bohlin, 1937'5> Family Zapodidae Coues, 1875 Sicistinae indet.'^’ Order Carnivora Bowdich, 1821 gen. et sp. indet.'^’ Order Perissodactyla Owen, 1848 Family Rhinocerotidae Owen, 1845 small rhinocerotid*” Indricotherium sp.'^’ Order Artiodaetyla Owen, 1 848 Family Cervidae Gray, 1821 ?Eumeryx sp.'^’ Cervulinae sp.'^’ Family Bovidae Gray, 1821 small hypselodont bovine'^’ Mammalia, Order indet. Family Didymoconidae Kretzoi, 1943 Didymoconus sp.'^' 1 1 . Shih-ehr-ma-cheng Locality (?01igocene) Bohlin, B., 1951«> a. Location: Shih-ehr-ma-cheng, on the right bank of the Po-yang-ho. Hui-hui-pu, 20 km ENE of Yumen city (Lao-jun-maio oil field city); Gan-su Province. Coordinates: 39°50'N; 97°44'E (Yumen city) b. Stratigraphic Sequence: Brick-red sandstone or fine conglomerates laid down in very thick beds. c. The list of the mammalian fauna: Order Anagalida Szalay and McKenna, 1971 Family Anagalidae Matthew, Granger, and Simpson, 1929 Anagalopsis kansuensis Bohlin, 1951'®* Family Mimotonidae Li, 1977 Mimolagus rodens Bohlin, 1951'®’ V. Shaan-xi (Shensi) Province 12. Lan-tian District Chia Lan-po, Chang Yu-ping, Huang Wan-po, Tang Yin-jun, Chi Hung-siang, You Yii-zhu, Ting Su-yin, and Huang Xue-shi"^’ Chang Yu-ping, Huang Wan-po, Tang Yin-jun, Chi Hung-siang, You Yii-zhu, Tong Yung- sheng. Ting Su-yin, Huang Xue-shi, and Cheng Chia-chien, 1978'"’ Chow Min-chen, 1979'''-’ Six small localities of Early Oligocene age were discovered around the Ba-he River from Xi-an southeast to Lan-tian (coordinates around 34°15'N; 108°55'E). All these localities were referred to the same formation: Bai-lu-yuan For- mation, mainly white sandstones, about 400 m thick. The fossils can be summarized as follows: 1. Tapiroidea indet.''*-’ (Perissodactyla), Yin- po-cun, Hong-qin-bao, Lin-tong County [65008], 2. Sianodon bahoensis Xu, 1965'^"*’'-"’ and Sianodon sp."^"’ (Amynodontidae, Perisso- dactyla), Mao-xi-cun, Xian city [63704], 3. Sianodon bahoensis Xu, 1965''*^* (Amyno- dontidae, Perissodactyla), Xin-jie, Lantian County [63705], 4. Lantianius xiehuensis Chow, 1964'^'”'®'” (?Dichobunidae, Artiodaetyla), Kang-wan- gou, Xie-hu, Lantian County [64017], 5. Palaeolaginae indet.'"”’ (Leporidae, Lago- morpha) and Artiodaetyla indet. Gao-po, Lantian County [64005], 6. Amynodon sp.*''^’ (Amynodontidae, Peris- sodactyla) and Brontotheriidae indet. ''*^’ (Perissodactyla), Gao-wan-gou, Wei-nan County [64017], VI. Shan-xi (Shansi) Province 13. Yuan-chu Basin Only a fragmentary lower jaw of Brachyodus hui (Chow, 1958) was found from the Early Oli- gocene of Bai-shui-cun, Yuan-chu County (see also in Section 2- 1 3). VII. Guang-xi (Kwangsi) Region 14. Bo-se Basin a. Location, Dimensions, and Stratigraphic Se- quence: See the description of the Eocene of Bo- se Basin, Guang-xi Province (Section 2-26). b. The list of the mammalian fauna: Gung-kang Formation (Early Oligoeene) Order Carnivora Bowdich, 1821 Family Canidae Gray, 1821 Pachycynodon sp.'"^’ Order Perissodactyla Owen, 1848 Family Rhinocerotidae Owen, 1845 ?Forstercooperia sp.'"*’ Order Artiodaetyla Owen, 1 848 Family Anthracotheriidae Gill, 1870 Anthracokeryx gungkangensis Qiu, 1977'"“’ [73079, 74067] Anthracokeryx kwangsiensis Qiu, 1977'"“’ [73075] Anthracokeryx spp.'"“’ [73089] Heothema media Tang, 1978'"®’ [73088] Heothema angusticalxia Tang, 1978'"®’ [73084] 15. Yong-le Basin Tang Yin-jun, You Yii-zhu, Xu Qin-qi, Qiu Zhu- ding, and Hu Yan-kun, 1974"®*’ a. Location: About 20 km NW of Bo-se city, Bo-se County, Guang-xi Province. Coordinates: 23°54'N; 106°37'E (Bo-se city) b. Stratigraphic Sequence: Gung-kang Formation (Early Oligocene) Greyish yellow mudstone interbedding with yello'wish brown sandstone and a few coarse sandstones [773088, 73091, 74072A] (650 m). 1983 LI AND TING-THE PALEOGENE MAMMALS OF CHINA 51 c. The list of the mammalian fauna: Gung-kang Formation (Early Oligocene) Order Perissodactyla Owen, ! 848 Family Chalicotheriidae Gill, 1872 Schizotherium nabanensis Zhang, 1976««> Schizotherium sp. Family Amynodontidae Scott and Osborn, 1883 Huananodon hypsodonta You, 1977'^-“" Family Rhinocerotidae Owen, 1845 Guixia youjiangensis You, 1977<^-'*> [73091] Order Artiodactyla Owen, 1 848 Family Anthracotheriidae Gill, 1872 Bothriodon tientongensis Xu, 1977'-'" [773088] Anthracokeryx spp."^'*’ [73091] Heothema chengbiensis Tang, 1978"^"’ [74072A, 73091] VIII. Gui-zhou (Kweichow) Province In 1979 some excellent mammalian fossils, mainly perissodactyls, were collected from the western part (near Shui-cheng-Pan Xian) of Gui- zhou Province. The materials have not been pub- lished yet, so it is hard to determine the age of the fauna, which may be Oligocene"’'", or even Eocene. IX. Yun-nan Province 16. Qu-jing (Chu-ching) Basin Young Chung-chien and Bien Mei-nien, 1939'-'"’ Chow Min-chen, 1957'^"'^^’ Xu Yu-xuan, 1961'^"" Zhang Yu-ping, You Yu-zhu, Ji Hong-xiang, and Ding Su-yin, 1978'^"" a. Location: Qu-jing County, Yun-nan Province. Coordinates: 25°36'N; 103°49'E (Qu-jing city) b. Stratigraphic Sequence: Cai-jia-chong Formation (Early Oligocene) Greyish white and greyish green marls with intercalating thin greyish green mudstone (480 m). c. The list of the mammalian fauna: Cai-jia-chong Formation (Early Oligocene) Order Perissodactyla Owen, 1 848 Family Brontotheriidae Marsh, 1873 Brontotheriidae gen. et sp. indet.'^ Family Hyracodontidae Cope, 1879 Caenolophus sp.""^"”'"'"'*" Family Amynodontidae Scott and Osborn, 1883 Cadurcodon ardynensis (Osborn, 1923)'2I2"174) Cadurcodon sp.""^""'"'’ Gigantamynodon giganteus Xu, 195 1(212,(247, Gigantamynodon cf. giganteus Xu, 1961'I74,'247, Gigantamynodon sp."^'"'"'"’ cf. Metamynodon sp.< "'“><2 12x247, Family Rhinocerotidae Owen, 1845 Indricotherium qujingensis Tang, 1978(174, Indricotherium sp.'2' 2x247, Order Artiodactyla Owen, 1848 Family Anthracotheriidae Gill, 1872 Bothriodon chowi Xu, 1961'^""'-'*" ?Anthracotheriidae indet."^"" Family Hypertragulidae Cope, 1879 cf. Miomeryx sp.<2' 2x247, 17. Lu-nan Basin a. Location, Dimensions, and Stratigraphic Se- quence: See the description of the Eocene of Lu- nan Basin (Section 2-27). b. The list of the mammalian fauna: Xiao-tun Formation (Early Oligocene) Order Perissodactyla Owen, 1848 Family Hyracodontidae Cope, 1879 Hyracodontidae gen. et sp. indet.'2”’ Family Amynodontidae Scott and Osborn, 1883 cf. Gigantamynodon giganteus Xu, 1 95 1(212,(255,(247) Order Artiodactyla Owen, 1848 Family Anthracotheriidae Gill, 1872 Bothriodon sp. '27x247, Artiodactyla indet.'2^^’ 18. Luo-ping Basin Chow Min-chen and Xu Yu-xuan, 1959"’“' Chiu Chan-siang, 1962'"" a. Location: Luo-ping and Shi-zong counties, Yun- nan Province. Coordinates: 24°58'N; 104°20'E (Luo-ping city)- 24°51'N; 103°59'E (Shi-zong city). b. Stratigraphic Sequence: Clay and lignite beds. c. The list of the mammalian fauna: Order Perissodactyla Owen, 1 848 Family Rhinocerotidae Owen, 1845 Indricotherium sp.'^°’ Indricotherium intermedium Chiu, 1962"w Indricotheriinae indet.'"" 52 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 21 CHAPTER 2. -THE SYSTEMATIC AND STRATIGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION TABLE OF THE CHINESE PALEOGENE MAMMALS Forms Paleocene Eocene Oligocene E.-M. L. E. M. L. E. M. L. Geographical distribution Multituberculata Taeniolabidae Prionessus lucifer M. et G. Sphenopsalis nobilis M. G. et S. Lambdopsalidae Lambdopsalis bulla C. et Q. Multituberculata indet. Edentata Emanodontidae Ernanodon antelios D. Megalonychoidea Chungchienia sichuanica C. Insectivora Deltatheridiidae Sarcodon pygmaeus M. et G. Leptictidae Ictopidium lechei Z. Erinaceidae Amphechinus acridens (M. et G.) Amphechinus cf. acridens (M. et G.) Amphechinus kansuensis (B.) Amphechinus minimus (B.) Amphechinus cf. rectus (M. et G.) ?Amphechinus sp. ?Erinaceidae indet. Erinaceidae, small species ?Tupaiodon sp. Soricidae indet. ?Talpidae indet. Family indet. Hyracolestes ermineus M. et G. Insectivora gen. et sp. indet. Insectivora gen. et sp. nov. Insectivora gen. et sp. nov. [""Sinosinopa sinensis Q.”] ?Pantolestes sp. Primates Adapidae Petrolemur brevirostre T. Anaptomorphidae Lushius qinlinensis C. Omomyidae Hoanghonius stehlini Z. Primates indet. Anagalida Anagalidae Anagale gobiensis S. Anagalopsis kansuensis B. Anaptogale wanghoensis X. + + + 1-9,'^ 2-1 -1- 1-9 + 1-9 + 1-8 -t- 1-1 + 2-19 4- 1-9 + 2-13 4- 3-1, 3-2 3-10 4- 3-10 4- 3-10 4- 4- 3-6, 3-9 4- 3-6 -H 3-9 4- 3-10 4- 2-8 4- 3-9 4- 3-9 4- 1-4 4- 4- 1-2, 3-10 2-25 4- 2-2 2- 3A 4- 1-1 4- 2-17 -h 2-13 4- 3-9 3- 1 4-? 3-11 1-4 The numbers (for example. 1-9) represent, first, that of the Section (or Epoch) and second, that of the basin or area in Chapter 1. 1983 LI AND TING-THE PALEOGENE MAMMALS OF CHINA 53 CHAPTER 2.- Continued. Forms Paleocene E.-M. L. Eocene E. M, L. Oligocene E. M L. Geographical distribution Chianshania jianghuaiensis X. + 1-4 Diacronus anhuiensis X. + 1-4 Diacronus wanghuensis X. + 1-4 Hsiuannania maguensis X. + 1-5 Hsiuannania minor D. et Z. + 1-2 Hsiuannania tabiensis X. + 1-4 Hsiuannania sp. + 1-4 Huaiyangale chianshanensis X. + 1-4 cf. Huaiyangale leura D. et T. + 1-1 Huaiyangale sp. + 1-4 Linnania lofoensis C. et al. + 1-1 Stenanagale xiangensis W. + 1-3 Wanogale hodungensis X. + 1-4 Pseudictopidae Allictops inserrata Q. + 1-4 Anictops tabiepedis Q. + 1-4 Anictops aff. tabiepedis Q. + 1-4 Cartictops canina D. et T. + 1-4 Haltictops meilingensis D. et T. + 1-1 Haltictops mirabilis D. et T. + 1-1 Paranictops majuscula Q. + 1-4 Paranictops sp. + 1-4 Pseudictops chaii T. + 1-8 cf. Pseudictops tenuis D. et Z. + 1-2 Pseudictops lophiodon M., G. et S. + + 1-9, 2-1 Pseudictopidae gen. et sp. indet. + 1-6 Eurymylidae Heomys orientalis L. + 1-4 Heomys sp. + 1-4 Hypsimylus beijingensis Z. + 2-8 Matutinia nitidulus L. et al. + 2-25 Rhombomylus laianensis Z. et al. + 2-22 Rhombomylus turpanensis Z. + 2-5 Rhombomylus sp. + 2-20 Eurymylidae gen. et sp. indet. + 1-8 Eurymyloidea indet. + 1-4 Mimotonidae Mimolagus rodens B. +? 3-1 1 Mimotona borealis C. et Q. + 1-9 Mimotona robusta L. + 1-4 Mimotona wana L. + + 1-4 Mimotona sp. + 1-4 Zalambdalestidae Anchilestes impolitus Q. et L. + 1-4 Lagomorpha Leporidae Gobiolagus andrewsi B. + 3-1 Gobiolagus (?) major B. + 3-1 Gobiolagus tohnaclwvi B. + 2-4 Lushilagus lohoensis L. + 2-17 Ordolagus teilhardi (B.) + 3-2 Shamolagus granger! B. + 2-3C Shamolagus medius B. + 2-4 Palaeolaginae indet. + 3-12 54 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 21 CHAPTER 2. — Continued. Paleocene Eocene Oligocene Geographical distnbution Forms E.-M. L. E. M. L. E. M. L. Ochotonidae Bohlinotona pusilla (T.) + 3-2 ?Desmatolagus pamdens B. + 3-10 Desmatolagus shargaltensis B. + 3-10 Desmatolagus sp. (?shargaltensis) + 3-9 Desmatolagus spp. + 3-10 Procaprolagus radicidens (T.) + 3-2 Procaprolagus vetustus (B.) + 3-1 Sinolagomys gracilis B. + 3-10 Sinolagomys kansuensis B. + + 3-6, 3-9, 3-10 Sinolagomys major B. + 3-9, 3-10 Sinolagomys cf. major B. + 3-2 Lagomorpha indet. + 3-3 odentia Ischyromyidae Hulgana ertnia D. + 3-1 paramyid spp. + 2-3A paramyid gen. et sp. nov. medius Q.”] + 2-2 ?Ischyromyidae indet. + + 2-13, 3-1 Cylindrodontidae Ardynomys sp. + 3-1 Cyclomylus lohensis M. et G. + 3-4 Tsaganomys altaicus M. et G. + + 3-2, 3-10 Sciuravidae indet. + 2-17 Cocomyidae Advenimus bohlini D. + 2-3C Advenimus burkei D. + 2-3B Advenimus hupeiensis D. et al. + 2-20 cf. Advenimus sp. + 2-3C Cocomys lingchaensis (L. et al.) + 2-25 Cocomyidae indet. {"Sciuravus sp.”) + 2-19 Tamquammys wilsoni D. L. et Q. + 2-2 Tsinlingomys youngi L. + 2-17 Cocomyidae gen. et sp. indet. + 2-19 Yuomyidae Yuomys cavioides L. + 2-13, 2-15, 2-4 Yuomys eleganes W. + 2-18 Ctenodactylidae Karakoromys? decessus M. et G. + 3-2, 3-10 Leptotataromys gracilidens B. + 3-10 Tataromys dejlexus T. + 3-2 Tataromys grangeri B. + 3-9 Tataromys plicidens M. et G. + 3-2 Tataromys cf plicidens M. et G. + 3-9, 3-10 Tataromys sigmodon M. et G. + 3-9 Tataromys cf sigmodon M. et G. + 3-6 Yindirtemys woodi B. + 3-10 Sciuridae ""Sciurus” sp. + 3-9 gen. et sp. indet. + 3-10 Cricetidae Cricetodon schaubi Z. + 2-13 cf Cricetodon sp. + 3-9 aff. Eumys sp. + 3-9 1983 LI AND TING-THE PALEOGENE MAMMALS OF CHINA 55 CHAPTER 2. -Continued. Paleocene Eocene Oligocene Geographical distribution Forms E.-M. L. E. M L. E. M. L. Zapodidae Piesiosminthus asiaecentralis (B.) + 3-9 Plesiosminthus parvulus (B.) + 3-9 Piesiosminthus tangingoli (B.) + 3-9 Plesiosminthus sp. + 2-13 ?Sicistinae spp. + 3-9 Sicistinae indet. + 3-10 Rhizomyidae Tachyoryctoides intermedius B. + 3-10 T achyoryctoides obrutschewi B. + 3-10 Tachyoryctoides pachygnathus B. + 3-10 T achyoryctoides sp. + 3-9 ?Rodentia indet. + 1-9 Rodentia indet. + 2-12 Rodentia indet. + 3-3 Creodonta Hyaenodontidae Hyaenodon yuanchuensis Y. + 2-13 Hyaenodon sp. + 2-18 ?Hyaenodon sp. + 3-2, 3-6 Propterodon irdinensis M. et G. + 2-3A, 2-17 Paracynohyaenodon morrisi M. et G. + 2-3A Pterodon dahkoensis C. + 2-27 Pterodon hyaenoides M. et G. + 2-4 T'Sinopa” sp. + 2-19 ?Thinocyon sichowensis C. + 2-12 ?“ Tritemnodon” sp. + 2-19 Hyaenodontidae indet. + 2-28 Oxyaenidae Prolaena parva X. et al. + 2-19 Sarkastodon mongoliensis G. + 2-3A Creodonta indet. + 2-26, 2-27, 2-28 Carnivora Miacidae Miacis invictus M. et G. + 2-3A Miacis lushiensis C. + 2-17, 2-19 Miacis sp. + 2-8 Pappictidops acies W. + 1-1 Pappictidops obtusus W. + 1-1 Pappictidops orientalis Q. et L. + 1-4 Xinyuictis tenuis Z. et al. + 2-24 Canidae Chailicyon crassidens C. + 2-13, 2-27 Cynodictis sp. + 2-17 Pachycynodon sp. + 3-14 Canidae gen. et sp. indet. + 2-8, 2-27 Felidae cf. Eusmilus sp. + 2-17 ?Eusmilus sp. + 2-26 Felidae indet. + 2-6, 2-27 Carnivora gen. et sp. indet. + 2-2 Carnivora gen. et sp. indet. + 2-18, 2-19 Carnivora gen. et spp. indet. + 3-9, 3-10 Condylarthra Arctocyonidae Paratriisodon gigas C. et al. + 2-3B, 2-17 Paratriisodon henanensis C. + 2-17 56 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 21 CHAPTER 2. — Continued. Paleocene Eocene Oligocene Geographical distribution Forms E.-M. L. E. M. L. E. M. L. Hyopsodontidae Decoredon elongetus X. + 1-4 ?Haplomylus sp. + 2-12 Hyopsodus sp. + 2-5 Palasiodon siurenensis C. et al. + 1-1 Yuodon protoselenoides C. et al. + 1-1 Hyopsodontidae indet. + 1-2 Mesonychidae Andrewsarchus crassum D. et al. + 2-26 Andrewsarchus mongoliensis O. + 2-3A ?Andrewsarchus sp. + 2-19 Dissacus magushanensis Y. et T. + 1-5 ?Dissacus rotundus W. + 1-3 ?Dissacus sp. + 1-9 Dissacusium shanghoensis C. et al. + 1-1 Guilestes acares Z. et C. + 2-26 Guilestes cf. acares Z. et C. + 2-26 Hapalodectes serus M. et G. + 2-3A ?Hapalodectes sp. + 1-2 Harpagolestes alxaensis Q. + 3-3 ?Harpagolestes orientalis S. et G. + 2-3C cf. Harpagolestes sp. + + 2-26, 3-1 Honanodon hebetis C. 2-13, 2-28 Honanodon macrodontus C. + 2-17 Honanodon sp. + 2-27, 2-28 Hukoutherium ambigum C. et al. + 1-1 Jiangxia chaotoensis Z. et al. + 1-2 Lohoodon lushiensis (C.) + 2-17 Mesonyx sp. + 2-3A cf Mesonyx sp. ?Mesonyx sp. nov. [“M. + 2-3C obtusidens Q.”] + 2-2 Mongolestes hadrodens S. et G. + 3-1 Mongolonyx dolichognathus S. et G. Mongolonyx sp. nov. [“M. + 2-3B prominentis Q.”] + 2-2 Pachyaena sp. + + 2-1, 2-3 A ?Pachyaena sp. + 1-1 Plagiocristodon serratus C. et Q. + + 1-9, 2-1 Yantanglestes conenxus (Y. et T.) + 1-4 Yantanglestes datangensis (W.) + 1-1 Yantanglestes feiganensis (C. et al.) + 1-1 Mesonychidae gen. et spp. indet. + + 1-6, 1-7, 1-8 Mesonychidae gen. et sp. indet. + 2-19 Periptychidae ?Ectoconus sp. + 1-1 Pseudanisonchus antelios Z. et al. + 1-2 Phenacodontidae Eodesmatodon spanios Z. et C. + 2-26 Notoungulata Arctostylopidae Allostylops periconotus Z. + 1-2 Anatolostylops dubius Z. + 2-5 Arctostylopidae gen. et sp. nov. + 1-1 Asiostylops spanios Z. + 1-2 Palaeostylops iturus M. et G. + + 1-9, 2-1 1983 LI AND TING-THE PALEOGENE MAMMALS OF CHINA 57 CHAPTER 2. — Continued. Paleocene Eocene Oligocene Geographical distnbution Forms E.-M. L. E. M. L. E. M. L. Palaeostylops macrodon M., G. et S. + + 1-9, 2-1 Sinostylops progressus T. et Y. + 1-5 Sinostylops promissus T. et Y. + 1-4 Taeniodonta Stylinodontidae ?Stylinodon sp. + 2-17 Tillodontia Esthonychidae Lofochaius brachyodus C. et al. + 1-1 Meiostylodon zaoshiensis W. + 1-3 Kuanchuanius shantunensis C. + 2-12 Adapidium huanghoense Y. + 2-13 Family indet. Dysnoetodon minuta Z. + 1-1 Tillodontia gen. et sp. indet. Tillodontia gen. et sp. nov. + 2-13, 2-27 [''Ulanius chowi Q.”] + 2-2 Pantodonta Archaeolambidae Archaeolambda dayuensis T. + 1-2 Archaeolambda cf. planicanina F. + 1-2, 1-8 Archaeolambda tabiensis H. + 1-4 Archaeolambda yangtzeensis H. + 1-5 Archaeolambda sp. + + 1-2, 2-25 Nanlingilambda chijiangensis T. + 1-2 Archaeolambdidae indet. + 1-2 Archaeolambdidae gen. et spp. nov. + 1-1 Archaeolambdidae indet. + 2-14 Bemalambdidae Bemalambda crassa C. et al. + 1-1 Bemalambda nanhsiungensis C. et al. + 1-1, 1-3 Bemalambda pachyoesteus C. et al. + 1-1 Bemalambda shizikouensis W. et D. + 1-2 Bemalambda spp. + 1-1, 1-4 Hypsilolambda chalingensis W. + 1-3 Hypsilolambda impensa W. + 1-3 Hypsilolambda spp. + 1-3 Bemalambdidae indet. + 1-3, 1-4, 1-6, 1-7 Coryphodontidae Asiocoryphodon conicus X. + 2-19 Asiocoryphodon lophodontus X. + 2-19 Asiocoryphodon sp. + 2-25 Coryphodon dabuensis Z. + 2-5 Coryphodon flerowi C. + + 2-19, 2-12 Coryphodon ninchiashanensis C. et T. + 2-24 Coryphodon sp. + 2-5 Eudinoceras crassum T. et T. + 2-26 Eudinoceras kholobolchiensis O. et G. + 2-3C Eudinoceras mongoliensis O. + 2-3A Eudinoceras sp. + 2-6, 2-8, 2-17 Hypercoryphodon thomsoni O. et G. + 3-1 Manteodon youngi X. + 2-21 Manteodon cf. youngi X. Corphodontidae gen. et sp. nov. + 2-19 Metacoryphodon luminis Q.”] + 2-2 58 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 21 CHAPTER 2. -Continued. Paleocene Eocene Oligocene Geographical distribution Forms E.-M. L. E M. L. E. M. L. Coryphodontidae gen. et sp. nov. ["?Metacoryphodon minor Q.”] + 2-2 Coryphodontidae gen. et sp. indet. + 2-19 Harpyodidae Harpyodus decorus W. + 1-2 Harpyodus euros Q. et L. + 1-4 Pantolambdodontidae Dilambda speciosa T. + 1-8 Pantolarnbdodon fortis G. et G. + 2-3C Pantolambdodon inermis G. et G. + 2-3C ?Pantolambdodon sp. nov. [“P. minor” Q.] + 2-2 Pastoraiodontidae Altilambda pactus C. et W. + + 1-1, 1-4 Altilambda tenuis C. et W. + 1-4 Convallisodon convexus C. et Q. + 1-9 Convallisodon haliutensis C. et Q. + 1-9 Pastoralodon lacustris C. et Q. + 1-9 ?Pastoralodon lacustris C. et Q. + 2-1 Pastoraiodontidae indet. + 1-6 Phenacolophidae Ganolophus lanikenensis Z. + 1-2 Minchenella ("Conolophus”) grandis Z. + 1-1 Tienshanilophus lianmuqinensis T. + 1-8 Tienshanilophus shengjinkouensis T. + 1-8 Tienshanilophus subashiensis T. + 1-8 Yuelophus validus Z. + 1-1 Phenacolophidae gen. et sp. nov. + 1-1 Dinocerata Uintatheriidae Ganatherium australis T. + 2-23 Gobiatherium mirificum O. et G. + + 2-2, 2-3B Gobiatherium sp. nov. [“G. major Q.”] + 2-2 Gobiatherium sp. nov. [“G. monolabotum Q.”] + 2-2 ?Gobiatherium sp. + 2-19 Houyanotherium primigenum T. + 1-8 Houyanotherium simplum T. + 1-8 Jiaoluotherium turfanense (C.) + 1-8 Mongolotherium efremovi F. + 2-1 Phenaceras lacustris T. + 2-23 ?Probathyopsis sinyuensis C. et T. + 2-24 Prodinoceras diconicus T. + 1-8 Pyrodon xinjiangensis Z. + 2-5 Pyrodon sp. + 2-1 cf. Uintatherium sp. + 2-12 Prodinoceratinae indet. + 2-14 Uintatheriinae indet. + 2-17 Perissodactyla Brontotheriidae Arctotitan honghoensis W. + 2-7 Desmatotitan tukhumensis G. et G. + 2-3C Desmatotitan sp. + 2-2 Dianotitan lunanensis (C. et H.) + 2-27 Dolichorhinoides angustidens G. et G. + 2-3C Embolotherium andrewsi O. + 3-1 Embolotherium grangeri O. + 3-3 1983 LI AND TING-THE PALEOGENE MAMMALS OF CHINA 59 CHAPTER 2.-Contimied. Forms Paleocene Eocene Oligoccne Geographical (distribution E.-M. L. E. M. L. E. M. L. Embolotherium (?) grangeri O. + 3-1 Embolotherium loucksii O. + 3-1 Embolotherium ultimum G. et G. + 3-1 Epimanteoceras formosus G. et G. + 2-3C Gnathotitan berkeyi (O.) + 2-3A Hyotitan thomsoni G. et G. + 3-1 ?Larnbdotherium sp. + 2-1 Metatelmatherium cf. browni C. + 2-26 Metatelmatherium cristatum G. et G. + 2-3B Metatelmatherium parvum G. et G. + 2-3A Metatitan primus G. et G. + 3-1 Metatitan progressus G. et G. + 3-1 Metatitan relictus G. et G. + 3-1 Microtitan mongoliensis (O.) + 2-3A, 2-3C Microtitan sp. nov. elongatus Q.”] + 2-2 ?Microtitan sp. (or new genus) + 2-17 Pachytitan ajax G. et G. + 2-4 cf. Palaeosyops sp. + 2-19 Parabrontops gobiensis (O.) + 3-1 Parabrontops sp. + 3-7 Protitan bellus G. et G. + 2-3C ?Protitan cingulatus G. et G. + 2-3B Protitan grangeri (O.) + 2-3A, 2-17 Protitan minor G. et G. + 2-3B Protitan obliquidens G. et G. + 2-3A Protitan robustus G. et G. + 2-3A Protitan cf robustus G. et G. + 2-27 ?Protitan sp. + 2-19 cf Protitan sp. + 2-26 Rhinotitan andrewsi (O.) + 2-4 Rhinotitan kaiseni (O.) + 2-4 Rhinotitan mongoliensis (O.) + 2-4, 2-13 Rhinotitan quadridens X. et C. + 2-27 Rhinotitan sp. + 2-27 ?Rhinotitan sp. + 2-5 Titanodectes ingens G. et G. + 3-1 Titanodectes minor G. et G. + + 2-4, 3-1 Brontotheriidae indet. + 2-16, 2-27, 2-28 Brontotheriidae indet. + 3-12, 3-16 Embolotheriinae indet. + 3-3 Palaeotheriidae Propalaeotherium sinensis Z. + 2-12 Equidae Heptaconodon dubium Z. + 2-12 Propachynoloph us hengyangensis (Y.) + 2-25 Hyracotheriinae indet. + 2-12 Isectolophidae Homogalax wutuensis C. et L. + 2-10 Lophialetidae Breviodon acares R. + 2-3C cf Breviodon acares R. + 2-3C Breviodon minutus (M. et G.) + 2-17 Breviodon cf minutus (M. et G.) + 2-19 Breviodon ?minutus (M. et G.) + + 2-2, 2-3A Breviodon sahoensis C. et af + 2-27 Breviodon sp. nov. + 2-28 60 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 21 CHAPTER 2. -Continued. Paleocene Eocene Oligocene Geographical distribution Forms E.-M. L. E. M. L. E. M. L. Breviodon sp. + 2-3B, 2-7, 2-27 ?Breviodon sp. + 2-3C, 2-18 Lophialetes expeditus M. et G. + + 2-2, 2-3A,B,C, 2-5, 2-19, 2-27 Lophialetes cf. expeditus M. et G. + 2-6 Lophialetes sp. + 2-3C, 2-19 ?Lophialetes sp. + 2-3A Rhodopagus ?minimus (M. et G.) + 2-4 Rhodopagus pygmaeus R. + 2-3C, 2-27 ?Rhodopagus pygmaeus R. + 2-3A Rhodopagus sp. + + 2-12, 2-13, 2-27 Schlosseria magister M. et G. + 2-2 cf. Schlosseria magister M. et G. + 2-3B Schlosseria sp. nov. [“S. dimera Q.”] + 2-2 Schlosseria sp. nov. [“S', masculus Q.”] + 2-2 Schlosseria sp. + 2-28 Simplaletes sujiensis Q. + 2-3A Simplaletes ulanshierhensis Q. + 2-3C Lophialetidae indet. + 2-5, 2-28, 2-19 Lophiodontidae ?Lophiodon sp. + 2-28 Deperetellidae Deperetella cristata M. et G. + 2-4 Deperetella depereti (Z.) + 2-13 Deperetella dienensis C. et al. + 2-27 Deperetella sp. nov. + 2-18 Deperetella sp. + 2-17, 2-18, 2-26, 2-27, 2-28 cf Deperetella sp. + + 2-7, 3-1 Diplolophodon {Deperetella) similis Z. + 2-13 Diplolophodon {Deperetella) cf similis Z. + 2-26, 2-27 Teleolophus liankanensis Z. + 2-5 Teleolophus rnagnus R. + 3-1 Teleolophus cf rnagnus R. + 2-27 Teleolophus medius M. et G. + 2-3A, 2-27 cf Teleolophus medius M. et G. + 2-3B,C Teleolophus sichuanensis X. et af + 2-19 Teleolophus sp. nov. [“T. primarius Q.”] + 2-2 Teleolophus sp. nov. [“T. rectis Q."\ + 2-2 Teleolophus sp. + + 2-26, 2-27, 2-28, 3-1 Helaletidae Colodon cf inceptus M. et G. + 2-2 ?Colodon sp. + 2-17, 2-19 Helaletes fissus (M. et G.) + 2-3B ?Helaletes fissus (M. et G.) + 2-3B Helaletes mongoliensis (O.) + 2-3A ?Helaletes mongoliensis (O.) + 2-27 Helaletes sp. + 2-3B Heptodon niushanensis C. et L. + 2-11 Heptodon tianshanensis Z. + 2-5 ?Heptodon sp. + 2-1, 2-24 cf Heptodon sp. + 2-19 Hyrachyus sp. nov. [“//. crista Q.”] + 2-2 Hyrachyus sp. nov. [“//. medius Q.”] + 2-2 1983 LI AND TING-THE PALEOGENE MAMMALS OF CHINA 61 CHAPTER 2. — Continued. Paleocene Eocene Oligocene Geographical distnbution Forms E.-M. L. E. M. L. E. M. L. Hyrachyus sp. nov. [“?//. minor Q.”] + 2-2 Hyrachyus sp. nov. [“//. neimongoliensis Q.”] + 2-2 Hyrachyus spp. + + 2-12, 2-3B, 2-16 Tapiroidea gen. et sp. nov. ["'Euryletes magniis Q.”j Tapiroidea gen. et sp. nov. ['"Euryletes + 2-2 medius Q.”] Tapiroidea gen. et sp. nov. Euryletes + 2-2 minimus Q.”] + 2-2 Tapiroidea indet. Hyracodontidae + 3-12 Ardynia praecox M. et G. + 3-1 Caenolophus medius C. + 2-27 Caenolophus obliquus M. et G. + 2-4 Caenolophus promissus M. et G. + 2-4 Caenolophus spp. + + + 2-16, 2-17, 2-26, 2- 27, 2-28, 3- 16 Imequincisoria mazhuangensis W. + 2-18 Imequincisoria micracis W. + 2-18 Imequincisoria (?) sp. + 2-18 Imequincisoria sp. + 2-8 Teilhardia pretiosa M. et G. + 2-3C, 2-27 TTeilhardia sp. + 2-27 Triplopus? proficiens (M. et G.) + 2-3A, 2-3C Triplopus? progressus (M. et G.) + 2-4 Hyracodontidae gen. et sp. nov. + 2-18 Hyracodontidae indet. + 3-17 Amynodontidae Amynodon altidens X. et C. + 2-27 Amynodon alxaensis Q. + 3-3 Amynodon lunanensis C. et al. + 2-27 Amynodon m.ongoliensis O. + 2-4, 2-5, 2-13, 2-18 Amynodon spp. + + 2-5, 2-13, 2-26, 2- 27, 2-28, 3- 12 Cadurcodon ardynensis O. + 3-1, 3-6, 3-16 Cadurcodon sp. + 3-1, 3-16 Euryodon minimus X. et al. + 2-19 Gigantamynodon giganieus X. + 3-16 Gigantamynodon cf. giganteus X. + 3-16, 3-17 Gigantamynodon promisus X. + 2-4 Gigantamynodon sp. + + 2-18, 3-16 cf. Gigantamynodon sp. + 2-26 Huananodon hui Y. + 2-26 Huananodon hypsodonta Y. + 3-15 Lushiamynodon menchiapuensis C. et X. + 2-17, 2-27 Lushiamynodon obesus C. et X. + 2-15 Lushiamynodon sharamurenensis X. + 2-4 ? Lushiamynodon sharamurenensis X. + 2-3C Lushiamynodon wuchengensis W. + 2-18 cf Lushiamynodon sp. + 2-18 cf Metamynodon sp. + + 2-27, 3-16 Paracadurcodon suhaituensis X. + 3-3 Paramynodon cf birmanicus (P. et C.) + 2-26 62 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 21 CHAPTER 2. — Continued. Paleocene Eocene Oligocene Geographical distribution Forms E.-M. L. E. M. L. E. M. L. cf. Pararnynodon sp. + 2-26, 2-27 Sianodon hahoensis X. + 3-12 Sianodon chiyuanensis C. et X. + 2-15 Sianodon honanensis C. et X. + 2-17 Sianodon mienchiensis C. et X. + 2-13 Sianodon sinensis (Z.) + 2-13, 2-15, 2-18 Sianodon ulausuensis X. + 2-4 Sianodon spp. + + 2-4, 2-16, 2-19, 3-3, 3-12 Amynodontidae indet. + + 2-4, 2-16, 2-18, 2-26, 3-3 Rhinocerotidae ?Aceratherium spp. + 3-2, 3-6, 3-9 Caenopus sp. + 3-1 Dzungariotherium orgosensis C. + 3-7 Dzungahotherium turfanensis X. et W. + 3-6 Forstercooperia conjluens (W.) + 2-3B Forstercooperia shiwopuensis C. et al. + 2-27 Forstercooperia totadentata (W.) + 2-3A Forstercooperia sp. nov. (“T. elongata Q.”) + 2-2 Forstercooperia sp. nov. grandis Q?”) + 2-2 Forstercooperia sp. nov. + 2-18 Forstercooperia spp. + 2-3C, 2-17, 2-26, 2-27 ?Forstercooperia sp. + 3-14 Forstercooperiinae indet. + 2-18 Guixia simplex Y. + 2-26 Guixia youjiangensis Y. + 3-15 llianodon lunanensis C. et X. + 2-27 ?Ilianodon sp. + 2-26 Indricotherium grangeri (O.) + 3-1, 3-2, 3-4 Indricotherium intermedium C. + 3-18 Indricotherium qujingensis T. + 3-16 Indricotherium parvum C. + 2-27 Indricotherium cf. parvum C. + 2-27 “?Indricotherium" sp. + 2-27 Indricotherium spp. + + 3-5, 3-16, 3-18, 3-10 Juxia sharamurenense C. et C. + 2-4 Juxia spp. nov. + 2-18 Juxia sp. + 2-27 Pappaceras sp. + 2-18 Paraceratherium lipidus X. et W. + 3-6 Paraceratherium tienshanensis C. + 3-6 Paraceratherium sp. (small form) + 3-2 Prohvracodon meridionale C. et X. + 2-27 Prohyracodon cf meridionale C. et X. + 2-13 Prohyracodon progressa C. et X. + 2-27 Prohyracodon cf orientale K. Prohyracodon sp. (“Caenolophus cf + 2-27 promissus") + 2-13 Prohvracodon spp. + 2-17, 2-19, 2-26, 2-27, 2-28 Urtinotherium incisivum C. et C. H- 3-1 Urtinotherium sp. nov. [“?U. minor Q.”] + 2-2 Indricotheriinae indet. + + 3-18, 3-6 small rhinocerotid + 3-10 Rhinocerotidae indet. + 2-18, 2-27 Rhinocerotidae indet. + 3-9 1983 LI AND TING-THE PALEOGENE MAMMALS OF CHINA 63 CHAPTER 2. -Continued. Forms Paleocenc Eocene Oligocene Geographical distribution E.-M. L. E. M. L. E. M. L. Eomoropidae Eomoropus quadridentatus Z. + 2-13 Eomoropus cf. quadridentatus Z. + 2-26, 2-27 Eomoropus ulterior C. + 2-27 Eomoropus sp. + 2-17, 2-18, 2-28 Grangeria canina Z. ?+ 2-12 Grangeria? major (Z.) + 2-13, 2-17 Lunania youngi C. + 2-17, 2-27 Lunania cf. youngi C. + 2-28 Chahcotheriidae Litolophus gobiensis (C.) + 2-3B Olsenia mira M. et G. + 2-4 Schizotherium avitum M. et G. + 3-2 Schizotherium nabanensis Z. + 3-15 Schizotherium sp. + + 3-1, 3-4, 3-6, 3-15 ?Schizotherium sp. + 3-9 Perissodactyla indet. + 3-3 Artiodactyla Anthracotheriidae Anthracokeryx cf bambusae P. + 2-26 Anthracokeryx birmanicus P. et C. + 2-26 Anthracokeryx cf birmanicus P. et C. + 2-26 Anthracokeryx gungkangensis Q. + 3-14 Anthracokeryx kwangsiensis Q. + 3-14 Anthracokeryx cf moriturus P. + 2-26 Anthracokeryx sinensis (Z.) + 2-13 Anthracokeryx cf sinensis (Z.) + 2-13 Anthracokeryx sp. + 2-26, 2-28 Anthracokeryx spp. + 3-14, 3-15 Anthracosenex ambiguus Z. + 2-13 Anthracothema minima X. + 2-13 Anthracothema rubricae P. + 2-26 Anthracothema sp. + 2-28 Anthracotherium spp. + 2-17 Bothriodon chowi X. + 3-16 Bothriodon chyelingensis X. + 2-26 Bothriodon tientongensis X. + 3-15 Bothriodon sp. + + 2-5, 2-6, 3-17 Brachyodus hui (C.) + + 2-27, 3-13 Heothema angusticalxia T. + 3-14 Heothema bellia T. + 2-26 Heothema chengbiensis T. + 3-15 Heothema media T. + 3-14 Heothema sp. + 2-26 Huananotherna imparilica T. + 2-26 Probrachyodus panchiaoensis X. et C. + 2-27 ?Probrachyodus sp. nov. + 2-26 Ulausuodon parvus H. + 2-4 Anthracotheriidae indet. + + + 2-15, 2-26, 2-27, 3-1, 3-6 ?Anthracotheriidae indet. + 3-16 Dichobunidae Dichobune spp. + 2-13, 2-17 Lantianius xiehuensis C. + 3-12 Choeropotamidae Gobiohyus orientalis M. et G. + 2-3A, 2-17 64 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 21 CHAPTER 2. — Continued. Paleocene Eocene Oligocene Geographical distribution Forms E.-M. L. E. M. L. E. M. L. Gobiohyus pressidens M. et G. + 2-3A Gobiohyus robustus M. et G. + 2-3A, 2-17 Gobiohyus yuanchuensis Y. + 2-13 Gobiohyus sp. + 2-27 Choeropotamidae indet. + 2-26 Entelodontidae Archaeotherium ordosius Y. et C. + 3-1, 3-4 Entelodon dims M. et G. + 3-1 Eoentelodon yunnanense C. + 2-27 Eoentelodon sp. nov. + 2-28 achaenodont indet. + 2-3A Entelodontidae indet. + + 2-26, 3-3 Hypertragulidae Archaeomeryx opt at us M. et G. + 2-4, 2-16, 2-17 Archaeomeryx sp. + 2-3A Indomeryx cotteri P. + 2-26 Indomeryx youjiangensis Q. + 2-26 Indomeryx sp. + 2-26 cf. Miomeryx sp. + 3-16 Notomeryx besensis Q. + 2-26 Xinjiangmery’x parvus Z. + 2-5 Hypertragulidae indet. + 2-28 Gelocidae Lophiomerys sp. + 3-8 Tragulidae Tragulidae indet. + 2-26 ?Tragulidae indet. + 3-6 Cervidae Eumeryx spp. + + 3-2, 3-4, 3-9, 3-10 Cervulinae indet. + 3-9, 3-10 Cervidae indet. + 3-3 Bovidae small hypselodont bovine + 3-10 Bovinae indet. artiodactylid indet. (= ^^Hoanghonius + 3-9 stehlinC no. 2 of W. et C.) + 2-13 Artiodactyla indet. + 3-12, 3-17 Mammalia, Order indet. Didymoconidae Archaeoryctes notialis Z. + 1-2 Didymoconus berkeyi M. et G. + 3-6 ?Didymoconus sp. + + 3-9, 3-10 Hunanictis inexpectatus L. et al. 2-25 Mongoloryctes auctus (M. et G.) + 2-3A Zeuctherium niteles T. et Y. + 1-4 Mammalia, Order et Family indet. Obtususdon hanhuaensis X. + + 1-4 Wanotherium xuanchengensis T. et Y. + 1-5 1983 LI AND TING-THE PALEOGENE MAMMALS OF CHINA 65 CHAPTER 3. -THE INDEX Systematic Index Form Distribution Page Aceratherium ?sp . . . . 3-2,'3 3-6, ... 45, 48, 3-9 49 achaenodont indet . . . . 2-3A 25 Adapidium huanghoense Y . . . . 2-13 32 Advenimus bohlini D .... 2-3C 27 burkei D . . . . 2-3B 25 hupeiensis D. et al . . . . 2-20 37 cf. sp . . . . 2-3C 27 Agispelagus simplex A .... HG 46 Allictops i riser rat a Q . . . . 1-4 17 Allostylops periconotus Z . . . . 1-2 16 Altanius orlovi D. et M .... NB 22 Altilambda pactus C. et W . . . . 1-1, 1-4 .... 13, 19 tenuis et W. 1-4 19 Amphechinus acridens (M. et G.) . HG, 3-2 .... 46, 45 cf. acridens (M. et G.) . . . . . . . . 3-10 49 kansuensis (B.) . . . . 3-9 49 minimus (B.) . . . . 3-9 49 rectus (M. et G.) .... HG 46 cf rectus (M. et G.) . . . . 3-6, 3-9 .... 48, 49 ?sp . . . . AO, 3-6, ... 47, 48, 3-10 49 Amphicticeps shackelfordi M. et G HG 46 Amphicynodon teilhardi (M. et G.) HG 46 Amynodon altidens X. et C 2-27 43 alxaensis Q 3-3 47 lunanensis C. et al 2-27 43 mongoliensis 0 2-4, 2-5, 2-13 28, 33, 2-18, AO 35,47 ?mongoliensis 0 2-13 32 spp 2-5, 2-13, 2-26, . . 28, 32, 2-27,2-28,3-12 41,43, 44. 50 Amynodontidae indet 2-4. 2-16, 2-18, .. . 28, 33 2-26,3-3 35,41,47 Form Distribution Page Anagale gobiensis S . . . . 3-1 44 Anagalopsis kansuensis B . . . , 3-11 50 Anaptogale wanghoensis X . . . . 1-4 19 Anatolostylops dubius Z .... 2-5 29 Anchilestes impolitus Q. et L . . . . 1-4 19 Andrewsarchus crassum D. et al .... 2-26 41 mongoliensis O .... 2-3A 24 ?sp . . . . 2-19 37 Anictops tabiepedis Q . . . . 1-4 19 aff tabiepedis Q . . . . 1-4 19 Anthracokeryx cf bambusae P .... 2-26 41 birmanicus P. et C .... 2-26 41 cf birmanicus P. et C. . . . .... 2-26 41 gungkangensis Q . . . . 3-14 50 kwangsiensis Q . . . . 3-14 50 sinensis (Z.) . . . . 2-13 .... 32,33 cf sinensis (Z.) . . . . 2-13 32 Sp . . . . 2-26, 2-28 . . . . 41, 44 spp . . . . 3-14, 3-15 . . . . 50, 51 Anthracosenex ambiguus Z . . . . 2-13 33 Anthracothema minima X . . . . 2-13 33 rubricae P .... 2-26 41 sp .... 2-28 44 Anthracotherium spp . . . . 2-17 34 Anthracotheriidae gen. et sp. indet . . . . 2-16, 2-27, . . . . . . . 33, 43, AO, 3-6 47, 48 ?indet . . . . 3-16 51 Archaeolambda dayuensis T . . . . 1-2 16 planicanina F . . . . NB 22 cf planicanina F . . . . 1-2, 1-8 . . . . 16, 21 tabiensis H .... 1-4 17 vangtzeensis H . . . . 1-5 20 sp . . . . 1-2, 2-25 . ... 16,40 Archaeolambdidae gen. et spp. nov . . . . 1-1 13 gen. et sp. indet . . . . 1-2, 2-14 . . .. 17,33 The numbers (for example, 3-2) represent, first, that of the Section (or Epoch) and second, that of the basin or area m Chapter 1. Abbreviations mean; GA: Gashato; NB; Naran Bulak; HG: Hsanda Gol; AO: Ardyn Obo. 66 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 21 Systematic Index- — Continued. Form Distribution Page Archaeomeryx optatus M. et G 2-4, 2-17 28, 34 sp 2-3A, 2-16 . . . 25, 33 Archaeoryctes notialis Z. 1-2 16 Archaeotherium ordosius Y. et C 3-4 48 sp AO 47 Arctostylopidae gen. et sp. nov 1-1 13 Arctotitan honghoensis W 2-7 30 Ardynia praecox M. et G 3-1, AO 44, 47 Ardynictis funmculus M. et G AO 47 Ardynomys olseni M. et G AO 47 vinogradovi S AO 47 sp. 3-1 44 Artiodactyla indct 3-12, 3-17. . . . 50, 51 artiodactylid indet. (="Hoanghonius 2-13 32 stehlini,” no. 2 of W. et C.) A siocoryphodo n conicus X 2-19 37 lophodontus X 2-19 37 sp 38 Asiostylops spanios Z 1-2 16 Bemalambda rrn^.^n C et al. 1-1 14 nanhsiungensis C. et al 1-1, 1-3 14, 17 pachvoesteus C. et al 1-1 14 shizikouensis W. et D 1-2 17 Sp. 1-1, 1-4 14, 20 Bemalambdidae indet 1-3, 1-4, 1-6, 1 -7 . . 17, 20 Bohlinotona pusilla (T.) 3-2 45 Bothhodon chowi X 3-16 51 chvelingensis X 2-26 41 tientongensis X 3-15 51 sp 2-5, 2-6, 3-17. . 29,30,51 Bovinae indet 3-9 49 Systematic Index— Continued. Form Distribution Page Brachyodus hui (C.) . . . . 2-13, 2-27, 31,43, 3-13 50 sp .... AO 47 Breviodon acares R . . . . 2-3C 27 cf. acares R .... 2-3C 27 minutus (M. et G.) . . . . 2-17 34 cf. minutus (M. et G.) . . . . . . . . 2-19 37 ?minutus (M. et G.) .... 2-2, 2-3A ... 24, 25 sahoensis C. et al. . . . i.~n 43 Sp. nov .... 2-17, 2-28 ... 34, 44 sp . . . . 2-3B, 2-7, 26, 30, 2-27 42 ?sp . . . . 2-3C, 2-18 . . . 27, 35 Brontotheriidae gen. et sp. indet . . . . 2-16, 2-27, 33, 43, 2-28, 3-12, 44, 50, 3-16 51 Cadurcodon ardvnense (O.) . . . . 3-1, AO, 44, 47, 3-6, 3-16 48, 51 sp . . . . 3-1, 3-16 44, 45, 51 Caenolophus medius C . . . . 2-27 43 obUquus M. et G . . . . 2-4 28 promissus M. et G . . . . 2-4, AO ... 28, 47 sp . . . . 2-16, 2-17, . . 33, 34, 2-26, 2-27, 41, 43 2-28, 3-16 44, 51 Caenopus Sp . . . . 3-1 45 Canidae gen. et sp. indet . . . . 2-8, 2-27 ... 30, 43 Carnivora gen. et sp. indet . . . . 2-2, 2-18, 2-19, . . . 23, 35, 3-9, 3-10 37, 49, 50 Cartictops canina D. et T . . . . 1-4 19 Cervidae gen. et sp. indet . . . . 3-3 47 Cervulinae sp . . . . 3-9, 3-10 ... 49, 50 indet . . . . 3-9 49 ChaiUcyon crassidens C . . . . 2-13, 2-27 ... 32, 43 Chianshania gianghuaiensis X . . . . 1-4 19 Choeropotamidae indet .... 2-26 41 1983 LI AND TING-THE PALEOGENE MAMMALS OF CHINA 67 Systematic \nAex— Continued. Systematic XnAe's.— Continued. Form Dislnbuiion Page Chungchienia sichuanica C . . . 2-19 36 Cocomys lingchaensis (L. et al.) . . . 2-25 38 Cocomyidae indet. (“ Sciuravus sp.”) .... . . . 2-19 36 Colodon inceptus M. et G . . . AO 47 cf. inceptus M. et G . . . 2-2 23 ?sp . . . 2-17, 2-19 34, 37, AO 47 Convallisodon convexus C. et Q . . . 1-9 22 haliutensis C. et Q . . . 1-9 22 Coryphodon dabuensis Z . . . 2-5 29 flerowi C . . . 2-12, 2-19 . . . 31, 37 ninchiashanensis C. et T. . . . . . 2-24 38 sp . . . 2-5 29 Coryphodontidae gen. et sp. nov. [“Meta- coryphodon minor Q.”] . . . . . 2-2 23 gen. et sp. nov. [“Meta- coryphodon luminis Q.”] . . . 2-2 23 gen. et sp. indet . . . 2-19 37 Creodonta indet . . . 2-26, 2-27, 41.42, 2-28 44 Cricetodon schaubi Z . . . 2-13 31 cf sp . . . 3-9 49 Cr ice tops cf aeneus S . . . HG 46 dormitor M. et G . . . HG 46 Cyclomylus lohensis M. et G . . . HG, 3-4 ... 46, 47 minutus K . . HG 46 Cynodictis ?constans (M. et G.) . . HG 46 ?elegans M. et G . . HG 46 ?sp . . . 2-17, AO ... 34, 47 Decoredon elongetus X . , . 1-4 19 Deperetella cristata M. et G . . . 2-4 28 depereti (Z.) . . . 2-13 33 dienensis C. et al 1.11 43 sitnilis (Z.) . . . 2-13 33 cf similis (Z.) . . . 2-26, 2-27 . . . 41, 43 Sp. nov. . , . 2-18 35 sp . . . 2-3C, 2-7, 2-17,. . . 30, 34, 2-18, 2-26, 36, 41, 2-27, 2-28 43, 44, 45 Form Distribution Page Desmatolagus gobiensis M. et G ?parvidens B robust us M. et G shargaltensis B spp sp. (?shargaltensis) Desmatotitan lukhumensis G. et G. . . sp Diacronus anhuiensis X wanghuensis X Dianotitan lunanensis (C. et H.) . . . . Dichobune spp Didymoconus berkeyi M. et G (="Tschelkaria”) col- . . . gatei M. et G. ?sp Dilambda speciosa T Diplolophodon (Deperetella) cf. similis Z Dissacus magushanensis Y. et T. . ?rotundus W ?sp Dissacusium shanghoensis C. et al. . . . Dolichorhinoides angustidens G. et G Dysnoetodon niinuta Z Dzungariotherium orgosensis C turfanensis X. et W Ectoconus ?sp Embolotherium andrewsi O grange ri O ?grangeri O loucksii O ultimum G. et G Embolotheriinae indet Enteiodon dirus M. et G HG 46 3-10 49 HG, AO 46, 47 3-10 49 3-10 49 3-9 49 2-3C 27 2-2 24 1-4 19 1- 4 19 2- 27 43 2- 13,2-17 33,34 HG, 3-6 46, 48 HG 46 3- 9, 3-10 49, 50 1-8 21 2-26,2-27 41,43 1-5 20 1-3 17 1-9, GA 21,22 1- 1 13 2- 3C 27 1-1 14 3- 8 48 3-6 48 1-1 14 3-1, AO 44,47 3-3 47 3-1 44 3-1 44 3-1 45 3-3 47 3-1 45 68 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 21 Systematic InAe^— Continued. Systematic \nAtx— Continued. Form Distribution Page Entelodontidae indet . . 2-26, 3-3 41,47 Eodesmatodon spanios Z. et C . . 2-26 41 Eoentelodon Yunnanense C . . 2-27 43 sp . . 2-28 44 Eomoropus major Z . . 2-17 34 quadridentatus Z . . 2-13 33 cf. quadridentatus Z . . 2-26, 2-27 ... 41, 43 ulterior C . . 2-27 43 sp . . 2-17, 2-18, . . . . . . 34, 36, 2-28 44 Epimanteoceras amplus J . . AO 47 formosus G. et G . . 2-3C 27 robustus (M. et G.) . . AO 47 Ergilobia gobiensis T . . AO 47 Erinaceidae small species . . 3-10 49 '.’indet . . 3-9 49 Ernanodon antelios D 1-1 13 Eucricetodon asiaticus (M. et G.) . . IIG 46 sp . . AO 47 Eudinoceras crassum T. et T . . 2-26 41 kholobolchiensis O. et G. ... . . 2-3C 27 cf kholobolchiensis O. et G. . . 2-21 37 mongoliensis O . . 2-3A 24 sp . . 2-6, 2-8, 2-17. . .... 30, 34 Eumeryx culminis M. et G . HG 46 sp . AO, 3-2, 3-4. . . 47, 45, 48, 3-9, 3-10 49, 50 Eumys aff sp . 3-9 49 ?Eurymylidae gen. et sp. indet 1-8 21 Eurymyloidea indet . . 1-4 17 Form Distribution Page Exallerix hsandagolensis M. et H . HG 46 Felidae indet . 2-6, 2-27 . . . 30, 42 Eorstercooperia confJuens (W.) . . 2-3B 26 shiwopuensis C. et al . . 2-27 43 totadentata (W.) . . 2-3A 25 sp. nov. [“E’. elongata"] .... . . 2-2 24 sp. nov. [“F. grandis”] . . 2-2 24 Sp. nov . . 2-18 36 spp . . 2-3C, 2-17, 27, 34, 2-26, 2-27 41, 43 ?sp . . 3-14 50 Forstercooperiinae intipt 2-18 35 Ganatherium australis H . . 2-23 38 Ganolophus lanikenensis Z . . 1-2 16 Gigantamynodon cessator G . . AO 47 giganteus X . . 3-16 51 cf giganteus X . . 3-16, 3-17 51 promisus X . . 2-4 28 spp . . 2-18, 2-26, 35,41, 3-16 51 Gnathotitan berkevi (O.) . . 2-3A 25 Gobiatherium mirificum O. et G . . 2-2, 2-3B . . . 23, 25 sp. nov. [“G. major Q.”] ... . . 2-2 23 sp. nov. [“G. monolabotum . . . 2-2 23 Q.”] ?sp . 2-19 37 Gobiohyus orient alis M. et G . . 2-3A, 2-17 ... 25, 34 pressidens M. et G . . 2-3A 25 robustus M. et G . . 2-3A, 2-17 . . . 25, 34 yuanchuensis Y . . 2-13 33 sp . . 2-27 43 Gobiolagus andrewsi B . 3-1 44 ?major B . 3-1 44 tolmachovi B . 2-4 28 Eurymylus laticeps GA, NB 22 Euryodon minimus X. et al 2-19 37 Gobiometyx dubius T AO 47 Gomphos elkema S GA 22 Eusmilus cf. sp 2-17 34 ?sp 2-26 41 Grangeria canina Z 2-12 31 ?major (Z.) 2-13 33 1983 LI AND TING-THE PALEOGENE MAMMALS OE CHINA 69 Systematic InAes.— Continued. Systematic XnAe-x.— Continued. Form Dislribulion Page Guilestes acares Z. et C 2-26 41 cf. acares Z. et C 2-26 41 Guixia simplex Y 2-26 41 youjiangensis Y 3-15 51 Haltictops nipiliriQpn^i^ V) Pt T 1-1 13 mirnhiUs D. ef T. . 1-1 13 Hapalodectes serus M. et G 2-3A 24 ?sp 1-2 16 Haplornylus ?sp 2-12 31 Harpagolestes alxaensis Q 3-3 46 ?orientalis S. et G 2-3C 27 cf. sp 2-26, 3-1 . . . . 41, 44 Harpyodus decorus W. 1-2 16 euros Q. et L 1-4 19 Helaletes ftssus (M. et G.) 2-3B 26 ?fissus (M. et G.) 2-3B 26 mongoliensis (O.) 2-3A, 2-27 .... . ... 25,43 sp 2-3B 26 Heomys orientalis L 1-4 17 sp 1-4 19 Heothema angusticalxia T 3-14 50 bellia T 2-26 41 chengbiensis T 3-15 51 media T 3-14 50 sp 2-26 41 Heptaconodon dubium Z l.\l 31 Heptodon niiishanensis C. et L 2-11 31 tianshanensis Z 2-5 29 cf sp 2-19 37 ?sp 2-1, 2-24 22, 38 Hoanghonius stehlini Z 2-13 .... 31, 32 Homogalax wutuensis C. et L 2-10 30 Honanodon hebetis C 2-13, 2-28 . . . . 32, 44 macrodontus C . . 2-17 34 sp 1.11 1-19. . . . . 42, 44 Form Dislribulion Page Ilouyanotheriiim primigenum T . . . 1-8 21 simplum T. . 1-8 21 Hsiuannania maguensts X . . . 1-5 20 minor D. et Z . . . 1-2 . 16 tabiensis X . . . 1-4 17 sp . . . 1-4 17 Hiiaiyangale chianshanensis X .1-4 19 cf leura D. et T . . . I-I 13 sp . . . 1-4 19 Huananodon hut Y . . . 2-26 41 hvpsodonta Y . . . 3-15 51 Hiiananothema imparilica T . . . 2-26 41 Hukoiitherium ambigum C. et al 1-1 13 Hidgana ertnia D . . . 3-1 44 Hunanictis inexpectatus L. et al . . . 2-25 40 Hyaenodon ambigiius M . . . HG 46 avmardi F . . . HG 46 compressus F HG 46 eminus M. et G . . . AO 47 pervagus M. et G . . HG 46 yuanchuensis Y . . . 2-13 32 sp . . . 2-18 35 ?sp . . . 3-2, 3-6 45, 48 Hyaenodontidae indet . . . 2-28 44 Hyopsodits sp . . . 2-5 29 Hyopsodontidae indet. ... . . . 1-2 16 Hyotitan thomsoni G. et G . . . 3-1 45 Hypercoryphodon thomsoni O. et G . . . 3-1 45 Hypertragulidae gen. et sp. indet . . . 2-28 44 Hypsamynodon progressus G . . . AO 47 hypselodont bovine (small) . . . 3-10 50 Ilypsilolambda chalingensis W . . . 1-3 17 impensa W . . . 1-3 17 spp . . . 1-3 17 70 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 21 Systematic \nAe\— Continued. Form Distribution Page Hypsimylus beijingensis Z Hyrachyus sp. nov. [“//. crista'] . . sp. nov. [“//. niedius Q.”] sp. nov. [“//. minor Q.”] sp. nov. [“//. neimongol- iensis Q.”] spp Hyracodontidae gen. et sp. indet gen. et sp. nov Ilyracolestes erm incus M. et G Hyracotheriinae gen. et sp. indet Iciopidium lechei Z ?sp Ilianodon lunanensis C. et X ?sp Imequincisona mazhuangensis W micracis W sp ?sp Indomeryx cotteri P youjiangensis Q sp Indricotheriuin gran gen O intermedium C parvum C cf. parvum C qujingensis T sp ?sp Indricotheriidae indet Insectivora gen. et sp. nov gen. et sp. indet 2-8 30 2-2 23 2-2 23 2-2 23 2-2 23 2-3B, 2-12 26, 31, 2- 16 33 AO, 3-17 47, 51 2-18 35 1- 4, GA 17,22 2- 12 31 2-13 31 AO 47 2-27 43 2-26 41 2-18 35 2-18 35 2-8 30 2-18 35 2-26 41 2-26 41 2- 26 41 3- 1, HG, 3-2 45,46, 3- 4 47 3-18 51 2-27 43 2- 27 43 3- 16 51 3-5, 3-10, 48, 50, 3-16,3-18 51 2- 27 43 3- 6, 3-18 48, 51 2-2 23 1-2,2-25 16,38, 3-10 49 Ischyromyidae ?indet 2-13, 3-1 31, 44 Jiangxi a chaotoensis Z. ei a\ 1-2 16 Systematic Index— Continued. Form Distribution Page Jiaoluotherium turfanense (C.) . . . 1-8 . . . . 21 Juxia sharamurenense C. et C. . . . . . 2-4 .... 28 spp . . . 2-18, 2-27 .. 35,43 Kansupithecus . . . 3-9 (Mio.) .... 49 Karakoromys decessus M. et G ... HG .... 46 cf. decessus M. et G . . . 3-10 .... 49 ?decessus M. et G 3-2 .... 45 (?=Leptotataromvs) sp HG .... 46 Khashanagale zofiae S. et M . . . GA .... 22 ?sp. nov . . . GA .... 22 Kuanchuanius shantunensis C i.\i . . . . 31 Lagomorpha indet ... 3-3 .. .... 46 Lambdopsalis bulla C. et Q . . . 1-9 . . . . 21 Lambdotherium “^sp . . . 2-1 .... 22 Lantianius xiehuensis C . , . 3-12 .... 50 Leptotataromys gracilidens B . . . 3-10 .... 50 Linnania Infnpn^i^ C et a! . . 1-1 13 Litolophus gobiensis (C.) . . . 2-3B .... 26 Lqfochaius hrnrhyoHiJS C et al , . . 1-1 14 Lohoodon lushiensis (C.) . . . 2-17 .... 34 Lophialetes expeditus M. et G . . . 2-2, 2-3A,B,C, . . 24, 25, 2-5, 2-19, 2-27 26, 27, cf expeditus M. et G ... 2-6 28, 37, 42 30 spp . . . 2-3A, 2-3C, .... 25, 27, 2-17, 2-19 34, 37 Lophialetidae gen. et sp. indet . . . 2-5, 2-18 . . 28, 35 ?gen. et sp. indet. (cf . . . 2-19 . . . . 37 Breviodon) Lophtodon ?sp . . . 2-28 .... 44 Lophiomeryx angarae M. et G . . . AO .... 47 1983 LI AND TING-THE PALEOGENE MAMMALS OE CHINA 71 Systematic Index— Systematic Index— Form Dislnbulion Page gobiae M. et G ... AO 47 Sp ... 3-8 48 Lunania voungi C . . . 2-17, 2-27. . . . 34, 43 cf voungi C . . . 2-28 44 Lushiamynodon menchiapuensis C. et X. . . . . . . 2-17, 2-27. . . . 34, 43 obesus C. et X . . . 2-15 33 sharamurenensis X ... 2-4 28 ?sharamurenensis X . . . 2-3C 27 wuchengensis W . . . 2-18 35 cf sp . . . 2-18 35 Lushilagus lohoensis L . . . 2-17 34 Lushius qinlinensis C ... 2-17 34 Manteodon voungi X . . . 2-21 37 cf voungi X . . . 2-19 37 Matutinia nitidulus L. et al . . . 2-25 38 Meiostylodon zaoshiensis W . . . 1-3 17 Mesonychidae gen. et sp. indet . . . 1-6, 1-7, 1-8, . . .. 20,21, 2-3A, 2-19 24, 37 mesonychid . . . 2-17 34 Mesonyx sp cf. sp ?sp. nov. [“M obtusidens Q-”] Metamynodon cf. sp 2-27, 3-16 43, 51 Metatelmathehum cf browni C 2-26 41 chstatum G. et G 2-3B 25 parvum G. et G 2-3A 25 Metatitan primus G. et G 3-1 44 progressus G. e\ G 3-1 44 relictus G. et G 3-1, AO 45, 47 Miacis invictus M. et G 2-3A 24 lushiensis C 2-17,2-19 34,36 sp 2-8 30 Microtitan mongoliensis (O.) 2-3A,C 25, 27 sp. nov. 2-2 24 elongatus Q.”] Form Dislnbulion Page sp 1-1 24 ?sp. (or new genus) .... 2-17 34 Mimolagus rodens B . . . 3-11 .... 50 Mimotona borealis C. et Q . . . 1-9 . . . . 21 robusta L ... 1-4 17 wana L .. 1-4 17, 19 sp ... 1-4 . . . . 19 Minchenella (Conolophus) grandis Z . . . 1-1 13 Miomeryx ahaicus M. et G . AO .... 47 sp . . HG, AO, 46, 47, 3-16 51 Mongolestes hadrodens S. et G . . , 3-1 44 Mongolonyx dolichognathus S. et G . . . 2-3B . . . , 25 sp. nov. [“A/ 1.1 . . . . 23 prominentis'"] Mongoloryctes auctus (M. et G.) . . . 2-3A . . . . 25 Mongolotherium efremovi F . . . 2-1. NB 11 plantigradum F . . . NB 11 Morosomys silenti S ... AO .... 47 Multituberculata indet . . . 1-8 20 Nanlingilambda chijiangensis T . . . 1-2 . . 16 Nimravus cf sp . . HG .... 46 Notomeryx besensis Q . . . 2-26 . . . . 41 Obtususdon hanhuaensis X . . . 1-4 . . 17, 19 Ochotonolagus ?arg\>ropuloi G . . HG .... 46 Olsenia mira M. et G ... 2-4 .... 28 Ordolagus teilhardi (B.) . . HG, 3-2 . . 46, 45 Pachyaena sp ... NB, 2-1, 2-3A . . . 22, 24 ?sp . . 1-1 13 Pachycynodon sp . . . 3-14 . . . . 50 2-3A 24 2-3C 27 2-2 23 72 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 21 Systematic InAe'x.— Continued. Form Distribution Page Pachytitan aja.x G. et G . . . 2-4 . . . . 28 Palaeogale parvula (M. et G.) (=" Bimaelurus") ulvsses . . . (M. et G.) . . . HG . . HG . . . . 46 . . . . 46 Palaeohypsodontus asiaticiis T . . . HG . . . . 46 Palaeolaginae indet . . . 3-12 . . . . 50 Palaeophonodon gracilis M. et G . . . HG ... 46 Palaeostylops iturus M. et G tnacrodon M., G. et S . . . 1-9, GA, NB, 2-1 . . . 1-9, GA, NB, 2-1 . 21, 22 t~> Palaeosyops cf. sp 2-19 37 Palasiodon siurenensis C. ex a\ 1-1 13 Pantolambdodon fortis G. et G . . 2-3C 27 inennis G. et G . . 2-3C 27 ?sp. nov. [“f. minor Q.”] , . . 23 Panto testes ?sp .. 2-3A 25 Pappaceras sp . . 2-18 36 Pappictidops acies W . 1-1 . . 13 obtusus W . . 1-1 13 orientalis Q. et L . . 1-4 19 Parabrontops gobiensis (O.) . . 3-1, AO . . . . 44, 47 sp . . 3-7 48 Paracadiircodon suhaituensis X . . 3-3 47 Paraceratherimn lipidus X. et W . . 3-6 48 tienshanensis C . . 3-6 48 sp. (small form) . . 3-2 . . 45 Paracynohyaenodon morrisi M. et G .. 2-3A 24 paramyid gen. et sp. nov. ['\4siamys . . ':>-7 23 mediiis Q.”] spp . . 2-3A,B .... 24, 25 Paramynodon cf. binnanicus (P. et C.) . . . . . . 2-26 41 sp . . . . 41, 43 Systematic Index— Form Distribution Page Paranictops majuscida Q 1-4 19 sp 1-4 19 Paratriisodon gigas C. et al 2-3B, 2-17 . . . . . . . 25, 34 henanensis C 2-17 34 Pastoralodon lacustris C, et Q 1-9 77 ?lacustris C. et Q 2-1 22 Pastoralodontidae indet .... 1-6 20 Perissodactyla indet .... 3-3 47 Petrolemur brevirostre T .... 1-1 13 Phenaceras lacustris T .... 2-23 38 Phenacolophidae gen. et sp. nov .. . 1-1 13 Plienacolophus fallax M. et G .... GA Plagiocristodon serratus C. et Q 1-9, 2-1 21 22 cf. Plesictis sp HG 46 Plesiosmintlius asiaecentralis (B.) .... 3-9 49 parvuius (B.) .... 3-9 49 tangingoli (B.) ... HG, 3-9 . . . . 46, 49 sp . . . . 2-13 31 Praolestes nanus M. et G .... GA 46 Primates indet .... 3-9 49 Prionessus lucifer M. et G . . . . 1-9, GA, 2-1 . . . . . . 21, 22 cf Proailurus sp .... HG 46 ?Prohathyopsis sinviiensis C. et T . . . . 2-24 38 Proboscidea sp . . . . 3-9 (Mio.) 49 Prohrachyodus panchiaoensis X. et C. ... 7-')7 43 ?sp. nov . . . . 2-26 41 Procaprolagus radicidens (T.) . . . . 3-2 45 vet us t us (B.) . . . . 3-1, HG ... 44, 46 1983 LI AND TING-THE PALEOGENE MAMMALS OF CHINA 73 Systematic InAe's.— Continued. Form Distribution Page Prodinoceras diconicus T . . . . 1-8 21 martvr M. et G . . . . GA 22 Prodinoceratinae gen. et sp. indet . . , 2-14 33 Prohyracodon meridionalis C. et X 43 cf. meridionalis C. et X. . . . . . . 2-13 33 cf. orientale K 7-71 43 progressa C. et X . . . 2-27 43 sp. ("Caenolophus cf. . . . 2-13 33 promissus") spp . . . 2-17, 2-19, 2-26, 2-27, 2-28 . . 34, 37, 41, 43, 44 Prolaena parva X. et al . . . 2-19 36 Propachynolophiis hengyangensis (Y.) . . . 2-25 40 Propalaeotherium sinensis Z . . . 2-12 31 Propterodon irdinensis M. et G . . . 2-3A, 2-17 . . . 24, 34 Prosciurus arboraptus S ... HG 46 lohiculus M. et G ... HG 46 Protembolotherium efremovi J ... AO 47 Protitan bellus G. et G . . . 2-3C 27 ?cingulatus G. et G . . . 2-3B 25 granger i (O.) . . . 2-3A, 2-17 . . . 25, 34 minor G. et G . . . 2-3B 25 obliquidens G. et G . . . 2-3A 25 robustus G. et G . . . 2-3A 25 cf robustus G. et G . . . 2-27 42 ?spp . . . 2-19, 2-26 . .. 37,41 Pseuda nisonchus nntpUns 7 et al \-7 16 Pseudictops chaii T ... 1-8 21 lophiodon M., G. et S . . . 1-9, GA, NB, 2-1 21, 46, 22 cf tenuis D. et Z ... 1-2 16 Pseudictopidae indet . . . . 1-6 20 Pseudocylindrodon mongolicus K HG 46 Pseudomeryx gobiensis T HG 46 Pterodon dakhoensis C 2-27 43 Systematic Index— Continued. Form Distribution Page hvaenoides M. et G 2-4 28 mongoliensis (D.) AO 47 Pyrodon xinjiangensis Z 2-5 29 Sp 2-1 . . 22 Rhinocerotidae indet 2-18, 2-27, . . . , . . 36, 43, HG, 3-9 46, 49 small rhinocerotid 3-10 50 Rhinotitan andrewsi (O.) 2-4 28 kaiseni (O.) 2-4 28 mongoliensis (O.) 2-4, 2-13 .... 28, 32 quadridens X. et C 2-27 43 spp 2-5, 2-27 .... 28, 42 Rhodopagus ?minimus (M. et G.) .... 2-4 28 pvgmaeus R 2-3C, 2-27 . . . . .... 27,43 ?pvgmaeus R 2-3A 25 sp 2-12, 2-13 . . 31,32, 2-27 43 Rhombomylus laianensis Z. et al 2-22 37 turpanensis Z 2-5 29 sp 2-20 37 Rodentia indet 1-9, 2-12, 3-3. . 21, 31, 46 Sarcodon pvgmaeus M. et G 1-9, GA .... 21, 46 Sarkastodon mongoliensis G 2-3A 24 Sayimys obliquidens B 3-9 (Mio.) 49 Schizotherium avitum M. et G AO, 3-2 .... 47, 45 nabanensis Z 3-15 51 spp 3-1, 3-4, 3-6, . . 45, 47, 48, 3-9, 3-15 49, 51 Schlosseria magister M. et G 77 17 cf magister M. et G 2-3B 26 sp. nov. [“X 2-2 23 dimera Q.”] sp. nov. [“5 2-2 23 masculus Q.”] sp 2-28 44 “Sciuravus” sp 2-19 36 Sciuravidae gen. et sp. nov 2-17 34 Sciuridae gen. et sp. indet 3-10 49 74 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 21 Systematic InAe's.— Continued. Systematic Index— Continued. Form Distribution Page '^Sciurus" sp 3-9 49 Selenomys mimicus M. et G IIG 46 Shamolagus gr anger i B 2-3C 27 medius B 2-4 28 Sianodon hahoensis X 3-12 50 chivuanensis C. et X 2-15 33 honanensis C. et X 2-17 34 mienchiensis C. et X 2-13 33 sinensis (Z.) 2-13, 2-15, ... . .. 32,33, 2-18 35 ulausuensis X 2-4 28 spp 2-4, 2-16, .. 28,33, 2- 19, 3-3, 3- 12 37, 47, 50 Sicistinae • spp .... 3-9 49 indet . . . . 3-10 50 Simplaletes sujiensis Q .... 2-3A 25 ulanshierhensis Q . . . . 2-3C 27 Sinolagomys gracilis B . . . . 3-10 49 kansuensis B . . . . 3-6, 3-9, 3-10. . . . . . 48, 49 major B . . . . 3-9, 3-10 49 cf. major B .... 3-2 45 “Sinopd" ?sp . . . . 2-19 36 Sinostylops progressus T. et Y . . . . 1-5 20 promissus T. et Y .... 1-4 17 Soricidae indet .... AO, 3-9 . . . . 47, 49 SphenopsaUs nohilis M., G. et S . ... 1-9, GA . . . . 21, 46 Stenanagale xiangensis W . . . . 1-3 17 Stylinodon ?sp .... 2-17 34 Symphysorrhachis brevirostris B .... AO 47 Tachyoryctoides intermedius B 3-10 50 obrutschewi B . ... HG, 3-10 . . . . 46, 50 pachvgnaihus B .... HG, 3-10 . . . . 46, 50 sp .... 3-9 49 ?Talpidae indet .... 3-9 49 Form Distribution Page Tamquammys wilsoni D., L. et Q 23 Tapiroidea gen. et sp. nov 23 ["'Euryletes medius Q.”] gen. et sp. nov 1.1 23 Euryletes magnus Q.”] gen. et sp. nov 1.1 23 Y" Euryletes minimus Q.”] indet . . 3-12 50 Tataromys deflexus T . . 3-2, HG ... 45, 46 gobiensis K . . HG 46 grange ri B . . 3-9 49 cf. grangeri B . . HG 46 plicidens M. et G . . HG, 3-2 ... 46, 45 cf plicidens M. et G . . 3-9, 3-10 49 sigmodon M. et G . . HG, 3-9 ... 46, 49 cf sigmodon M. et G . . 3-6 48 Teilhardia pretiosa M. et G . . 2-3C, 2-27 , . . 27, 43 ?sp . . 2-27 43 Teleolophus liankanensis Z . . 2-5 28 magnus R. . . 3-1 44 cf magnus R 1-11 43 medius M. et G . . 2-3A, 2-27 .... . ... 25,43 cf medius M. et G . . 2-3B, 2-3C, . . . 26, 27, 2-19 37 ?medius M. et G . . 2-3C 27 sichuanensis X. et al . . 2-19 37 sp. nov. [“Y. . . 2-2 24 rectis Q.”] sp. nov. Y'T. . . 2-2 24 primarius Q.”] sp . . 2-26, 2-27 41,43, 2-28, 3-1 44, 45 Thinocyon ?sichowensis C l.M 31 Tienshanilophus lianmuqinensis T .. 1-8 21 shengjinkouensis T . . 1-8 21 1-8 21 Tillodontia gen. et sp. nov 1-1 23 Y^Ulanius chowi Q.”] gen. et sp. indet . . 2-13, 2-27 . . . . 32, 42 Titanodectes ingens G. et G . . 3-1, AO . . . . 44, 47 minor G. et G . . 2-4, 3-1 . . . . 28, 44 Tragulidae indet . . 2-26 41 ?indet . . 3-6 48 1983 LI AND TING-THE PALEOGENE MAMMALS OF CHINA 75 Systematic IxiAc's.— Continued. Form Distribution Page Thphpus proficiens (M. et G.) . . 2-3A, 2-3C .... . ... 25,27 ?progressus (M. et G.) . . 2-4 28 Tritenmodon ?sp . . 2-19 36 Tsaganomys altaicus M. et G . . HG, 3-2, 46, 45, 50 Tsinlingomys voimgi L 3-10 . . 2-17 34 Tupaiodon ?minutus M. et G . . HG 46 moirisi M. et C . . HG 46 ?sp . . 2-8 46 ?cf. Uintalherium sp . . 2-12 31 Uintatheriinae indet . . 2-17 34 Ulaimiodon parvus H . . 2-4 28 Urtinotherium incisivum C. et C . . 3-1 44 sp. nov. {'"?U. minor Q.”] . . . . 2-2 24 Wanogale hodungensis X , . 1-4 19 Wanotherium xuanchengensis T. et Y , . 1-5 20 Xinjiangmeryx parvus Z , . 2-5 29 Xinyuictis tenuis Z. et al . 2-24 38 Yantangiestes iLestes) conenxus (Y. et T.) . . , 1-4 20 (Lestes) datangensis (W.) . . . . . 1-1 13 (Dissacus) feiganensis . 1-1 13 (C. et al.) Yindirtemys woodi B . 3-9 49 Yue tophus validus Z . 1-1 . ... 13 Yuodon protoselenoides C. et al . 1-1 13 Yuomys cavioides L . . 2-4, 2-13, 2-15 . 28, 32, eleganes W. . . . . . 2-18 33 35 Sp. nov . . 2-17 34 Zeuctherium niteles T. et Y . . 1-4 19 76 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 21 Stratigraphic Formation Index Pin-yin English Age Page — Ardyn Obo Formation Early Oligocene 47 — Arshanto Formation Middle Eocene 22 Bai-lu-yuan Formation Pai-lu-yuan Formation Early Oligocene 50 Bai-shui-cun Formation Pai-shui-tsun Formation Early Oligocene 31,50 - Bayan Ulan Formation Early Oligocene 22 Cai-jia-chong Formation Tsai-chia-chung Formation Early Oligocene 51 Cha-gan-bu-la-ge Formation Cha-gan-bu-la-ge Formation Early Oligocene 45 Chi-jiang Formation Chih-kiang Formation Late Paleocene 15 Chang-xin-dian Formation Chang-sin-tien Formation Late Eocene 30 Chuan-kou Formation Chuan-kou Formation Middle Eocene 33 Chu-gou-yu Formation Chu-kou-yu Formation Late Eocene 34 Da-bu Formation Ta-pu Formation Early Eocene 28 Da-cang-fang Formation Ta-tsang-fang Formation Middle Eocene 36 Da-tang Member Ta-tang Member Late Paleocene 13 Da-yu Formation Ta-yu Formation ?01igocene 34 Da-zhang Formation Ta-chang Formation Late Paleocene 20 Dai-jia-ping Formation Te-chia-ping Formation Cretaceous 17 Dan-xia Formation Tan-hsia Formation ?Eocene 13 Dong-hu Formation Tung-hu Formation Early Eocene 37 Dong-jun Formation Tung-chun Formation Late Eocene 40 Dou-mu Formation Tou-mu Formation Late Paleocene 17 Gao-yu-gou Formation Kou-yu-kou Formation Middle Paleocene 20 — Gashato Formation Late Paleocene 22 Gong-kang Formation Kung-kang Formation Early Oligocene 40, 50 Guan-zhuang Formation Kuan-chuang Formation Middle Eocene 31 He-se Formation Ho-se (Brown) Formation Middle Oligocene 48 He-tao-yuan Formation Ho-tao-yuan Formation Late Eocene 36 He-ti Formation Ho-ti Formation Late Eocene 31 Hong-he Formation Hung-ho Formation Late Eocene 30 Hong-li-shan Formation Hung-li-shan Formation Late Eocene 30 — Houldjin Formation Middle Oligocene 44 — Hsanda Gol Formation Middle Oligocene 46 Hu-gang Formation Hu-kang Formation Cretaceous 36 Fluang-gang Formation Huang-kang Formation Miocene 37 Hun-shui-he Formation Hun-shui-ho Formation Late Eocene 33 — Irdin Manha Formation Late Eocene 24 Ji-yuan Formation Chi-yuan Formation Late Eocene 33 Lan-ni-keng Member Lan-ni-keng Member Late Paleocene 15 Li-jiang Formation Li-kiang Formation ?Eocene 43 Li-shi-gou Formation Li-shih-kou Formation Late Eocene 35 Lian-kan Formation Lien-kan Formation Late Eocene 28 Lin-jiang Formation Lin-kiang Formation ?01igocene 38 Ling-cha Formation Ling-cha Formation Early Eocene 38 Ling-shan locality Ling-shan locality Late Eocene 30 Liu-niu Formation Liu-niu Formation ? Eocene 40 Lu-mei-yi Formation Lu-mei-yi Formation Late Eocene 41 Lu-se Formation Lu-se (Green) Formation Late Eocene 30 Lu-shi Formation Lu-shi Formation Late Eocene 34 Mao-jia-po Formation Mao-chia-po Formation Late Eocene 35 Meng-yin Series Meng-yin Series Cretaceous 31 Na-duo Formation Na-duo Formation Late Eocene 40 Nan-chao Formation Nan-chao Formation Cretaceous 33 Nan-xiong Group Nan-hsiung Group Cretaceous 13 Nao-mu-gen Formation No-mo-gen Formation Late Paleocene 77 — Naran Bulak Formation Early Eocene Nau-gon-dai Formation Nau-gon-dai Formation Middle Oligocene 45 Ning-jia-shan Member Ning-shia-shan Member Early Eocene 38 1983 LI AND TING-THE PALEOGENE MAMMALS OF CHINA 77 Stratigraphic Formation Index — Continued. Pin-yin English Age Page Niu-shan Member Niu-shan Member Early Eocene 30 Nong-shan Formation Nung-shan Formation Late Paleocene 13 Ping-hu Formation Ping-hu Formation Early Eocene 15,38 Qing-feng-qiao Formation Ching-feng-chiao Formation Cretaceous 38 Qing-shui-ying Formation Ching-shui-ying Formation Middle Oligocene 47 Qiu-ba Formation Chiu-pa Formation Cretaceous 20 Ren-cun Member Jen-tsun Member Late Eocene 31 San-sheng-kung Saint Jacques Middle Oligocene 45 — Shara Murun Formation Late Eocene 27 Shang-hu Formation Shang-hu Formation Early-Middle Paleocene 13 — Shar-gal-tein Late Oligocene 49 Shi-san-jian-fang Formation Shih-san-chien-fang Formation Early Eocene 28 Shi-zi-kou Formation Shih-tze-kou Formation Early-Middle Paleocene 15 Shih-chiang-tzu-ku Shih-chiang-tzu-ku Late Oligocene 49 Shih-ehr-ma-cheng Shih-ehr-ma-cheng ?Early Oligocene 50 Shuang-ta-si Group Shuang-ta-ssu Group Late Paleocene 20 Shun-shan-ji Formation Shun-shan-chi Formation Paleocene 37 Su-ba-shi Formation Su-pa-shih Formation Cretaceous 20 — Tabenbuluk Late Oligocene 48 Tai-zi-cun Formation Tai-tzu-tsun Formation Late Paleocene 20 Tan-tou Formation Tan-tou Formation Early Eocene 20, 33 Tao-shu-yuan-zi Group Tao-shu-yuan-tze Group Oligocene 48 — Ulan Gochu Formation Early Oligocene 44 U-lun-gur Formation Wu-lun-ku Formation Late Eocene 30 — Urtyn Obo Formation Early Oligocene 44 Wang-he Formation Wang-ho Formation Cretaceous 17 Wang-hu-dun Formation Wang-hu-tun Formation Early-Middle Paleocene 17 Wang-wu Member Wang-wu Member Late Paleocene 15 Wu-li-dui Formation Wu-li-tui Formation Late Eocene 35 Wu-tao-ya-yu Wu-tao-ya-yu Late-Middle Oligocene 49 Wu-tu Formation Wu-tu Formation Early Eocene 30 Xiang-cheng Group Hsiang-cheng Group Paleocene-Eocene 33 Xiang-shan Formation Hsiang-shan Formation Late Eocene 43 Xiao-tun Formation Hsiao-tun Formation Early Oligocene 41,51 Xin-yu Group Sin-yu Group Eocene 38 Xuan-nan Formation Hsuan-nan Formation Cretaceous 20 — Yindirte Late Oligocene 48 Yu-huang-ding Formation Yu-huang- ting Formation Early Eocene 36 Yuan-qu Series (Group) Yuan-chu Series (Group) Late Eocene-Oligocene 31 Zhai-li Member Chai-li Member Late Eocene 31 Zhang-shan-ji Formation Chang-shan-chi Formation Early Eocene 37 Zao-shi Formation Zhao-shih Formation Middle Paleocene 17 Zhu-gui-keng Member Chu-kuei-keng Member Late Paleocene 13 78 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 21 CHAPTER 4. -THE BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. 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New rodents from the Middle Oligocene of Kazakhstan and Mongolia. Trans. Pal. Inst., Acad. Sci. USSR, 130:70-86. (In Russian.)) 277. . 1976. riajieorenoBbie Tpbiaynbi Axnn. (Ce- MencxBa Paramyidae, Sciuravidae, Ischyromyidae, Cylin- drodontidae). TpyAbi Haji. HH-CT CCCP, 158:1-113. ( . 1976. Paleogene rodents of Asia. — Eamilies Paramyidae, Sciuravidae, Ischyromyidae, Cylindrodon- tidae. Trans. Pal. Inst. Acad. Sci. USSR, 158:1-113. (In Russian.)) 278. UIcBbipeBa, H. C., B. M. HxuKBaAxe n B. M. >Kerajuio. 1975. HoBbie Jlanubie O Oayne HoxBonounbix Meexona- xojKAcnnn Taiuaxo MonrobCKan HapoAnaa PeenyOnuKa. CooGme AKaA- HayK. Tpyarin CCCP, 77(l):225-228. (Shevyreva, N. S., V. M. Chkhikvadze, and V. I. Zhegallo. 1975. New data on the vertebrate fauna of the Gashato Eormation (Mongolian People's Republic), Bull. Acad. Sci. Georgian SSR, 77( l):225-228. (In Russian, with English summary.)) 279. HnoBCKaa, H. M. 1975. HpuMuxuBnaa opMa Bponxo- repna n3 SotienoBbix OxjiojKennn Monrojinn. Cobmccx CoBex-Monro. Haji. Dkciica-, TpyAU, 2:14-18. (Janovskaja, N. M. 1975. Primitive form of brontotheres from Eocene deposits in Mongolia. The Joint Soviet-Mon- golian Paleontological Expedition, Trans. Vol. 2:14-18. (In Russian.)) 280. . 1976. MomojibiH Epimanteoceras ampins sp. nov. (Mammalia, Perissodactyla, Brontotheriidae). Cobmccx. Cobcx. -Monro. Haji. Dkchca., TpyAbi, 3:38^6. ( . 1976. Epimanteoceras ampins sp. nov. (Mamma- lia, Perissodactyla, Brontotheriidae) from Mongolia. The Joint Soviet-Mongolian Paleontological Expedition, Trans. Vol. 3:38-46. (In Russian.)) 281. RnoBCKan, H. M., E. H. KypouKun n E. B. J],eB}ixKnn. 1977. MecxonaxojKAenne Dprnjmn-JJxocxpaxoxnri Hn»c- nero Ojinroitena b lOro-Bocxonnon Monrojinn. Cobmccx. Cobcx. -Monro. Haji. 3KcncA., TpyAbi, 4:14-33. (Janovskaja, N. M., E. N. Kuroxchkin, and E. V. Devjaxkin. 1977. Ergeleen-Dzo locality — the stratotype of Lower Oligocene in southeast Mongolia. The Joint So- viet-Mongolian Paleontological Expedition, Trans. Vol. 4: 14-33. (In Russian.)) 86 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 21 Appendix l.—A comparative list of the Chinese authors’ names in English and Pinyin. Pinyin English Chinese Chen Guan-fang W-Mfs Ding Su-yin Ting Su-yin T Hu Chang-kang Hu Chang-kang Hu Cheng-zhi - - - Huang Wan-po Huang Wan-po MJj'hli Huang Xue-sh i (h) - - - Ji Hong-xiang Chi Hung-giang Jia Lan-po Chia Lan-po Li Chuan-kui Li Chuan-kuei Liu Dong-sheng Liu Tung- sen Liu Xian -ting Liu Hsian -ting Pei Wen-zhong Pei Wen-chung Qi Tao Chi Tao Tf Qiu Zhan-xiang Chiu Chan-siang Qiu Zhu-ding Chiu Chu-ting EPWJffI Tang Xin Tang Hs i n ft Tang Ying-jun Tong Yong-sheng Tung Yung-sheng Wang Ban-yue - - - Wang Jing-wen - - - Wu Ru-kang Woo Ju-kang Wu Wen-yu - - - Xu Q,in-qi Xu Yu-xuan Hsu Yu-hsiuan Xue Xiang-xi Hsieh Hsiang-hsu Yan De-fa WMlk Yang Zhong-jian Young Chung-chien Ye Xiang-kui Yeh Hsiang-kuei You Yu-zhu - - - Zha i Ren- j i e Chai Jen-chieh Zhang Yu-ping Chang Yu-ping Zhen Shou-nan Zheng J i a-j i an Cheng Chia-chien Zhou Ming-zhen Chow Min-chen 1983 LI AND TING-THE PALEOGENE MAMMALS OF CHINA 87 Appendix 11. — A comparative table of the localities in "Conventional English" or Wade-giles and Piny in. Pinyin Wade-gi les "Conventional English" Chinese A i - 1 i -ge-mi ao Ai -1 i -ke-mi ao - Al-xa Zuo-qi A-la-shan Tso-chi - An-hui (sheng) An-hui (sheng) Anhwei (province) An- j i -ha i An-ch i -ha i Ans i ha i An- ren-cun An- jen-tsun An jen tsun - - Arshan to RtLl^lr Ba-he Pa-ho Paho M Ba i - 1 u-yuan Pa i - 1 u-yuan Pa i 1 uy uan Ba i -shu i -cun Pa i -shu i - ts un Pa i shu i tsun Ban-q i ao Pan-ch ' i ao Ranch i ao ft # - - Baron Sog Mesa Bayan Gol Pa-yen Kao-le Bayan Gol (Teng kow) - - Bayen Ulan Bei - j ing Pe i -ch i ng Pek 1 ng it M Bo-se Pai -se Ba i se H fe - - Camp Hargetts Ca i - j i a-chon g Tsai -ch i a-chung Tsa i ch i achung Cha-gan-bu- 1 a-ge - - Cha-1 ing Ch ' a- 1 ing Chal ing Chang-xi n -d i an Chang-hs i n- t i en Changs i n t i en Ch i - j i ang Ch ' i h-ch i ang Ch i hk i ang ft a: - - Chimney Butte fflSlLLi Chu-gou-yu Chu-kou-yu Chukouyu Chuan-kou Chuan-kou Chuankou Jll p Da-bu Ta-pu Tapu A ^ Da-cang-fang Ta-tsang-fang Tatsangfang Da- j i an Ta-ch i en Tach i en Da-ke Ta-ko Dahko A oj Da- tang Ta-t ' ang Tatang A ii Da-ye-ma-ban Ta-yeh-ma-pan Tayehmapan Da-yu Ta-yu Tayu A IM Da-zhang Ta-chang Tachang A m- Dan-xi a Tan-hs i a Tanya )3 B 88 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 21 Appendix II. — Continued. Pinyin Wade-giles "Conventional English" Chinese Dan g-he Tang-ho Tongho iej Deng-fang Teng-fang Tengfang )(|5 Deng-kou Teng-kou Tengkow m □ D i ng-ch i - 1 i ng T i ng-ch i h- 1 i ng T i ngch i h 1 i ng Don g-hu Tung-hu Tunghu Dong- j un T ung-chun Tungchun Dou-mu Tou-mu Toumu IS ® Dun-huan g Tun-huang T unhuang » 'M - - East Mesa Fe i -y ue Fe i -yueh Fe i yueh A K Gao-po Kao-po Kaopo - - Gashato Gong-kang Kun g-k ' ang Kungkang m Gu-yuan Ku-y uan Kuyuan @ IS Guan-zhuang Kuan-chuang Kuanchuang li Guang-dong (sheng) Kuang-tung (sheng) Kwantung (province) Guang-xi (Zhuang-zu Kuang-hsi (Chuang-tze Kwangs i (Chuang r- m Zi -zh i -qu) Tzu-ch i h-ch ' u) Autonomous Region) Gui-zhou (sheng) Kuei-chow (sheng) Kweichow (province) Ha-mi Ha-mi Hami Han-hua-wu Han-hua-wu Hanhuawu He-bei (sheng) Ho-pei (sheng) Hopei (province) He-nan (sheng) Ho-nan (sheng) Honan (province) He-tao-y uan Ho- tao-yuan Hetaoyuan He-t i Ho-t i Hot i /SI ifi Heng-dong Heng-tung Hengtung Heng-yan g Heng-yang Hengyang ilr PH Hon g-he Hung-ho Hungho a isj Hong-q i n-bao Hung-ch i n-pao Hungch i npao Hos Burd Hao-ssu-pu-ehr-tu - - - Hou 1 d j i n - - Hsanda Gol illii/SJ Hu-bei (sheng) Hu-pei (sheng) Hupei (province) 1983 LI AND TING-THE PALEOGENE MAMMALS OF CHINA 89 Appendix 11. — Continued. Piny in Wade-gi les "Conventional English" Chinese Hu-he-bol -he - - Hu-nan (sheng) Hu-nan (sheng) Hunan (province) Hu i -hu i -pu Hu i -hu i -pu Hu i hu i pu Hun-shu i -he Hun-shu i -ho Hunshui ho Huo-yan-shan Huo-yan-shan Huoyanshan E ren-hot E rh- 1 i en-hao- 1 ' e 1 ren Dabasu - - 1 rd i n Manha Jar-ta i Ch i -1 an-tai Ch i 1 an ta i (salt 1 ake ) J i -yuan Ch i -yuan T s i yuan J i ang-xi (sheng) Chiang-hsi (sheng) Kiangsi (province) - - Jhamo Obo J un-x i an Chun-hs i en Kunhs i en Jung-gar Chun-ko-erh Dzungar /-illicit Kang-wan-gou Kang-wan-kou Kangwankou La i -an La i -an La i an 3ft ^ Lan-t i an Lan-t i en Lan t i en m L i -guan-q i ao L i -kuan-ch i ao L i kuanch i ao L i - j i a- 1 ao-wu L i -ch i a- 1 ao-wu L i ch i ai aowu L i -j i ang L i -ch i ang L i ki ang ffi il L i -mu-pi ng L i -mu-p ’ i ng L i mup i ng L i -sh i -gou L i -sh i h-kou Li sh i hkou $±'i^ L i an-kan L i en-k ' an L i enkan iS ^ L i an-mu-x i n L i en-mu-hs i n L i enmus i n L i n-qu L i n-ch ' u L i nchu ig m L i n- j i ang L i n-ch i ang L i nk i ang US fl; L i n-tong L i n-t ‘ ung L i n t ung is m L i ng-bao L ing-pao L ingpao L i ng-cha L i ng-ch ' a L ingcha L i ng-shan L ing-shan L i ngshan M. dj L i ng-wu L i ng-wu L i ngwu M iEti L i u-n i u L i u-n i u L i un i u A nil Lu-me i -y i Lu-me i -y i Lume i y i E&Hb Lu-nan Lu-nan Lunan 90 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 21 Appendix H. — Continued. Piny in Wade-giies "Conventional English" Chinese Lu-sh i Lu-sh i h Lush i /s R Luan-chuan Luan-ch ' uan Luanchuan m jii Luo- fu-zha i Lo- f u-cha i Lofocha i Luo-nan Lo-nan Lonan Luo-p i ng Lo-p‘ ing Lopi ng Ma-gu-shan Ma-ku-shan Makushan ftfeiLl Ma-na-s Ma-na-ssu Manas Mao-j i a-po Mao-ch i a-po Maoch i apo Mao-xi -cun Mao-hs i - tsun Maos i tsun Me i -z i -xi Me i -tsu-hs i Me i tzes i tSTM Meng- j i a-po Meng-ch i a-po Mench i apu Meng-y i n Meng-yin Mengy i n m m Mi an-ch i Mi en-ch i h M i ench i h M ite Na-duo Na-tu Nado m is Na- 1 ou Na- lou Na 1 ou IP « Nan-kang Nan-kan g Nan kang Nan-xiong Nan-hs i ung Nanhs i ung m m Nao-mu-gen - Nomogen - - Naran Bulak Ne i Mong-gol Ne i -meng-ku 1 nne r Mongol i a (Zi -zh i -qu) (Tzu-ch i h-chu) Nemegt N i ng- j i a-shan N i ng-ch i a-shan N ingch i ashan T^iii Ning-xia (Hui-zu N i ng-hs i a (Hui -tsu N i ngs i a (Hui Autonomous T S Zi -zhi -qu) Tzu-ch i h-ch ' u) Region) Oiling f&E) N i u-shan N i u-shan N i ushan ^ Lij - - Nom Khong Obo (Shireh) - - North Mesa dtS±i!l Nong-shan Nung-shan Nunshan ■nk til P i ng-hu P ' i ng-hu P i nghu Qi -ke-ta i Ch i -ko-ta i Ch i keta i Qi an-shan Ch ' ien-shan Chienshan, Tsienshan m li] Qi n- 1 i ng Ch ' in-1 ing Ts i n 1 ing (moun tain) 1983 LI AND TING-THE PALEOGENE MAMMALS OF CHINA 91 Appendix II. — Continued. Pinyin Wade-gi les "Conventional English" Chi nese Qing-shu i -y i ng Ch ' i ng-shui -y i ng Ch i ngshu lying Qu-j ing Ch ' il-ch i ng Chuch ing ft m Qu-yang Ch ' u-yang Chuyang ft P0 Ren-cun Jen-ts * un Jentsun San-sheng-gong San-sheng-kung Saint Jacques, Santancho, Santaolo Shan-dong (sheng) Shan-tung (sheng) Shantung (province) Shan-shan Shan-shan Shanshan §15 ^ Shan-xi (sheng) Shan-hsi (sheng) Shansi (province) Shaan-xi (sheng) Shaan-hsi (sheng) Shensi (province) Shang-hu Shang-hu Shanghu ± m Shang-xi u-ren Shang-hs i u-j en Shangs i ujen - - Sha rgal te i n Sheng- j i n-kou Sheng-ch i n-kou Shengch i nkou Sh i -e r-ma-cheng - Sh i h-eh r-ma-cheng +~3,r Sh i -men Sh i h-men Sh i hmen 5 n Sh i -san- j i an-fang Shih-san-chi en- fang Sh i sanch i en fang +Hra];^ Sh i -zi -kou Sh i h- tzu-k ' ou Sh i tzekou Sh i -zong Sh i h-tsung Shihtsung, Shichong !/f ^ - - Shi hch i angtzuku Shuang-ta-s i Shuang-t ' a-ssu Shuangtassu Si-zi-wang Qi Ssu-tzu-wang Ch ’ i - Su-ba-sh i - - Su- j i -deng-en- j i (Mesa) - - Su-ha i t Su-hai -tu Suha i tu Ta i -z i -cun T ' a i -tzu-t ‘ sun Tai tzetsun Tan-tou T‘an-t 'ou Tan tou if ^ Tao-shu-yuan-zi T ' ao-shu-yuan-tzu Taoshuyuan tze Tamu Bulak - Taben Buluk Ti an-dong T ‘ i en-tung Ti en tung ffl Ti an-yang T ' i en-yang Ti enyang H P0 Tong-ba i Tung-pai Tungpeh Ton g-x i n T ung-hs i n Tungs i n 'C' 92 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 21 Appendix II. — Continued. Pinyin Wade-gi les "Conventional English" Chinese T u rpan T ' u- 1 u-p ' an Turfan B±#§ - - Tukhum - - Twin Oboes xx^lLi - - Ulan Usu - - Ulan Gochu - - Ulan Shi reh U 1 ungu r Wu- 1 un-ku U1 ungur - - Urtyn Obo Wan-1 ie Wan - 1 i eh Wan 1 i eh m n Wang-da-wu Wang-ta-wu Wangtawu -a AM Wan g-he Wang-ho Wangho E /E Wang-hu-dun Wang-hu-tun Wanghutun We i -nan We i -nan We i nan if 1^1 Wu-cheng Wu-ch 'eng Wucheng Wu- 1 i -du i Wu- 1 i -tu i Wul i tu i EMlft Wu-tu Wu-tu Wu-tu E m - - Wutaoyayu Eitaiits Xi -an Hs i -an S i an X i -chuan Hs i -ch ' uan S i chuan m ill X i - j i a-d i an Hs i -ch i a- t i en S i ch i atien X i -X i -zhou Hs i -hs i -chou S i s i chow Xar-Mo non - Shara Murun Xi a-meng-tang Hs i a-meng- tang S i amengtang Xi a-xi u-ren Hs i a-hs i u- jen S i as i u jen TfcC X i ang-shan Hsian g-shan S i angshan ^ E X i ao-sha-he Hs i ao-sha-ho S i aoshaho X i ao- tun Hs i ao- tun S i aotun d' E X i e-hu Hs ieh-hu Hs iehhu X i n-cun- ] i Hsin-tsun-1 i S i n ts un 1 i Xin-jiang (Weiwu'er Hsin-chiang (Wei-wu-erh Sinkiang (Uygur Autonomous if a Z i -zh i -qu) Tzu-ch i h-Ch ' u) Region) X i n- j ie Hs i n-ch i eh S i nch i eh if St X i n-ta i Hs i n-t ' a i S i n ta i if S 1983 LI AND TING- THE PALEOGENE MAMMALS OF CHINA 93 Appendix II. — Continued. Pinyin Wade-gi les "Conventional Engl i sh" Chinese Xi n-yu Hs i n-yil S i nyu ft Xuan-cheng Hsuan-cheng Hsuancheng a ^ Yang-x i Yang-hs i Yangs i n m Yang-xi ao-wu Yang-hs i ao-wu Yangs i aowu Ye-ma-quan Yeh-ma-chuan Yehmachuan Y i -chang 1 -ch ' ang 1 chang S e Yi-du 1 -tu Itu Y i -xi -bu- ] a-ke - _ - - - - Yong-le Yung-1 e You-shan Yu-shan Yu-huang-di ng Yu-huang-t i ng Yu-men Yu-men Yuan-qu Yuan-chil Yun-nan (sheng) Yun-nan (sheng) Zao-sh i Tsao-sh i h Zeng-b i - 1 i ng T seng-p i - ] i ng Zeng-de-ao Tseng-te-ao Zha i - 1 i Cha i - 1 i Zhang- j i a-wu Chang-ch i a-wu Zhang-shan-j i Chang-shan-ch i Zhu-j i Chu-ch i Yindi rte H if. Yunglo ^ * Youshan ill Yuhuangt i ng Yumen i n Yuanchu S ft Yunnan (province) Zhaosh i h $ Hr Changp i 1 i ng Tsenteao Cha i 1 i m M Changch i awu Changshanch i Chuch i ^ m Appendix III. —Map of Chinese Paleogene Mammalian Fossil Localities. 70” Paleocene 1. Nan-xiong (Nanhsiung): Shang-hu Fm., Nong-shan (Nungshan) Fm. 2. Chi-jiang (Chihkiang): Shi-zi-kou (Shihtzekou) Fm., Chi-jiang Fm. 3. Cha-ling: Zao-shi (Zhaoshih) Fm. 4. Qian-shan (Chienshan): Wang-hu-dun (Wanghutun) Fm., Dou-mu (Toumu) Fm. 5. Xuan-cheng (Hsuancheng): Shuang-ta-si (Shuangtassu) Gr. 6. Tan-tou: Gao-yu-gou (Kaoyukou) Fm., Da-zhang (Ta- chang) Fm. 7. Luo- nan: Shi-men. 8. Turpan (Turfan): Tai-zi-cun (Taitzetsun) Fm. 9. Nao-mu-gen (Nomogen): Nomogen Fm. Eocene 10. Bayan Ulan: Bayan Ulan Fm. 1 1. Arshanto and Irdin Manha: Arshanto Fm., Irdin Manha Fm. 12. Camp Margetts: Irdin Manha Fm. 13. Shara Murun: Irdin Manha Fm. 14. Ula Usu: Shara Murun Fm. 15. Turpan: Da-bu (Tapu) Fm. 16. Turpan: Shi-san-jian-fang (Shihsanchienfang) Fm. 17. Turpan: Lian-kan (Lienkan) Fm. 18. Jung-gur (Dzungar): U-lun-gu Fm., Hong-li-shan Fm. 19. Jung-gur: Lu-se (Green) Fm. 20. Lan-tian: Hong-he (Hungho) Fm. 2 1 . Beijing (Peking): Chang-xin-dian (Changsintien) Fm. 22. Qu-yang (Chuyang): Ling-shan. 23. Wu-tu: Wu-tu Fm. 24. Niu-shan: Wu-tu Fm. 25. Xin-tai (Hsintai): Guan-zhuang (Kuanchuang) Fm. 26. Yuan-chu: He-ti (Hoti) Fm. 27. Tan-tou: Tan-tou Fm. 28. Ji-yuan (Chiyuan): Ji-yuan Fm. 29. Ltng-bao (Lingpao): Chuan-kou Fm., Hun-shui-he (Hunshuiho) Fm. 30. Lu-shi (Lushih): Lu-shi Fm., Chu-gou-yu (Chukouyu) Fm. 31. Wu-cheng: Mao-jia-po (Maochiapo) Fm., Li-shi-gou (Li- shihkou) Fm., Wu-li-dui (Wulitui) Fm. 32. Xi-chuan (Sichuan): Yu-huang-ding (Yuhuangting) Fm., Da-cang- fang (Tatsangfang) Fm., He-tao-yuan (Hotaoyuan) Fm. 33. Jun-xian (Chunhsien): Yu-huang-ding Fm., Da-cang-fang Fm. 34. Yi-chang (Ichang): Dong-hu (Tunghu) Fm. 35. Lai-an: Zhang-shan-ji (Changshanchi) Fm. 36. Chi-jiang: Ping-hu Fm. 37. Yuan-shui: Xin-yu (Sinyu) Gr. 38. Heng-yang: Ling-cha Fm. 39. Bo-se (Baise): Dong-jun (Tungchun) Fm., Na-duo Fm. 40. Lu-nan: Lu-mei-yi Fm. 41. Li-jiang (Likiang): Xiang-shan (Hsiangshan) Fm. Oligocene 42. Houldjin: Houldjin Fm., Nao-gon-dai Fm. (in part). 43. Artyn Obo and Ulan Gochu: Artyn Obo Fm., Ulan Gochu Fm. 44. Deng-kou (Tengkow): Saint Jacques. 45. Hos-burd: Cha-gan-bu-la-ge Fm., Suhaitu. 46. Ling-wu: Qing-shui-ying (Chingshuiying) Fm. 47. Tong-xin (Tungsin) and Gu-yuan (Kuyuan). 48. Turpan: Tao-shu-yuan-zi (Taoshuyuantze) Fm. 49. Ha-mi: Ye-ma-quan (Yehmachuan). 50. Jung-gur: He-se (Brown) Fm. 51. Taben-buluk: Yinderte. 52. Shargaltein: Shih-chiang-tzu-ku and Wu-tao-ya-yu. 53. Shi-er-ma-cheng. 54. Lan-tian: Bai-lu-yuan (Pailuyuan) Fm. 55. Yuan-chu: Bai-shui-cun (Paishuitsun) Fm. 56. Bo-se: Gong-kang (Kung-kang) Fm. 57. Yong-le (Yunglo): Gong-kang Fm. 58. Gui-zhou (Kueichow): Oligocene or Eocene 59. Qu-jing (Chuching): Cai-jia-chong (Tsaichiachung) Fm. 60. Lu-nan: Xiao-tun (Hsiaotun) Fm. 61. Luo-ping. Appendix III —Map of Chinese Paleogene Mammalian Fossil Localities. Paleocene 1. Nan>xiong (Nanhsiung): Shang-hu Fm., Nong-shan (Nungshan) Fm. 2. Chi-jiang (Chihkiang): Shi-zi-kou (Shihtzekou) Fm., Chi>jiang Fm. 3. Cha-ling: Zao-shi (Zhaoshih) Fm. 4. Qian>shan (Chienshan): Wang-hu*dun (Wanghutun) Fm.. Dou-mu (Toumu) Fm. 5. Xuan-cheog (Hsuancheng): Shuang-ta>si (Shuangtassu) Gr. 6. Tan-lou: Gao-yu-gou (Kaoyukou) Fm., Da-zhang (Ta- chang) Fm. 7. Luo-nan; Shi-men. 8. Turpan (Turfan): Tai-zi-cun (Taitzelsun) Fm. 9. Nao-mu-gen (Nomogen): Nomogen Fm. Eocene 10. Bayan Ulan: Bayan Ulan Fm. 1 1. Arshanto and Irdin Manha: Arshanto Fm., Irdin Manha Fm. 12. Camp Margeus: Irdin Manha Fm. 13. Shara Murun: Irdin Manha Fm. 14. Ula Usu; Sham Murun Fm. 15. Turpan: Da-bu (Tapu) Fm. 16. Turpan: Shi-san-jian-fang (Shihsanchienfang) Fm. 17. Turpan: Lian-kan (Lienkan) Fm. 18. Jung-gur (Dzungar): U-lun-gu Fm., Hong-li-shan Fm. 19. Jung-gur Lu-se (Green) Fm. 20. Lan-lian: Hong-he (Hungho) Fm. 21. Beijing (Peking); Chang-xin-dian (Changsintien) Fm. 22. Qu-yang (Chuyang): Ling-shan. 23. Wu-lu: Wu-tu Fm. 24. Niu-shan: Wu-tu Fm. 25. Xin-lai (Hsintai): Guan-zhuang (Kuanchuang) Fm. 26. Yuan-chu: He-li (Hoti) Fm. 27. Tan-lou: Tan-tou Fm. 28. Ji-yuan (Chiyuan): Ji-yuan Fm. 29. Ling-bao (Lingpao); Chuan-kou Fm., Hun-shui-he (Hunshuiho) Fm. 30. Lu-shi (Lushih); Lu-shi Fm., Chu-gou-yu (Chukouyu) Fm. 31. Wu-cheng: Mao-jia-po (Maochiapo) Fm.. Li-shi-gou (Li- shihkou) Fm.. Wu-li-dui (Wulitui) Fm. 32. Xi-chuan (Sichuan): Yu-huang-ding (Yuhuangiing) Fm.. Da-cang- fang (Tatsangfang) Fm., Hc-iao-yuan (Hotaoyuan) Fm. 33. Jun-xian (Chunhsien): Yu-huang-ding Fm.. Da-cang-fang Fm. 34. Yi-chang (Ichang): Dong-hu (Tunghu) Fm. 35. Lai-an: Zhang-shan-ji (Cbangshanchi) Fm. 36. Chi-jiang: Ping-hu Fm. 37. Yuan-shui: Xin-yu (Sinyu) Gr. 38. Heng-yang: Ling-eha Fm. 39. Bo-se (Baise): Dong-jun (Tungchun) Fm., Na-duo Fm. 40. Lu-nan: Lu-mei-yi Fm. 41. Li-jiang (Likiang): Xiang-shan (Hsiangshan) Fm. Oligocene 42. Houidjin; Houldjin Fm., Nao-gon-dai Fm. (in part). 43. Artyn Obo and Ulan Gochu: Artyn Obo Fm., Ulan Gochu Fm. 44. Deng-kou (Tengkow): Saint Jacques. 45. Hos-burd; Cha-gan-bu-la-ge Fm., Suhaitu. 46. Ling-wu; Qing-shui-ying (Chingshuiying) Fm. 47. Tong-xin (Tungsin) and Gu-yuan (Kuyuan). 48. Turpan: Tao-shu-yuan-zi (Taoshuyuanize) Fm. 49. Ha-mi: Yc-ma-quan (Ychmachuan). 50. Jung-gur: He-se (Brown) Fm. 51. Taben-buluk: Yinderte. 52. Shargaltein: Shih-chiang-tzu-ku and Wu-tao-ya-yu. 53. Shi-er-ma-cheng. 54. Lan-tian; Bai-lu-yuan (Pailuyuan) Fm. 55. Yuan-chu; Bai-sbui-cun (Paishuitsun) Fm. 56. Bo-se: Gong-kang (Kung-kang) Fm. 57. Yong-le (Yunglo): Gong-kang Fm. 58. Gui-zhou (Kueichow): Oligocene or Eocene 59. Qu-jing (Chuching): (Z!ai-jia-chong (Tsaichiachung) Fm. 60. Lu-nan: Xiao-tun (Hsiaotun) Fm. 61. Luo-ping. 'C •( ( 1 s Appendix \(in Pinyin). LARGE M XINJIANG GANSU NINGXIA SHANXI SHAANXI HEBEI SHANDONG HENAN HUBEI ANHUI Indricotl Taben buluk Shargaltlen Taoshuyuanzi Fm. Qingshuiying Fm. Cadurc ?Shiehrmacheng Bailuyuan Fm. Baishuicun Fm. Depere Lophia Schlosi Llankan Fm. Honghe Fm. Heti Fm. Changxindian Fm. Jlyuan Fm. Lishigou Fm. Hetaoyuan Fm. Guanzhuang Fm. Dacangfang Fm. Hepto Dabu Fm. Wutu Fm. Archaeo Taizlcun Fm. Doumu Fm. Bemala Appendix IV.— ,-l lenialive correlation of the Chinese Paleogene Formations coniaming mammalian fossils (in English). Appendix IV.- I icntauvc correlation of the Chinese Paleogerte Formations containing mammalian fossils (in Pinyinl. 1 ) \ 1 \ i I HUNAN JIANGXI GUANGDONG GUANGXI YUNNAN NORTH AMERICA EUROPE Whitneyan Chattian Orellan Stampian Gongkang Fm. Caijiachong Fm. Chadronian Sannorsian Naduo Fm. Dongjun Fm. Lumeiyi Fm. Duchesnean Uintan Ludian Bridgerian Lutetian Lingcha Fm. Xinyu Gr. Wasatchian Cuisian Chijiang Fm. Nongshan Fm. Tiffanian Thanetian Zaoshi Fm. Torrejonian Puercan Copies of the following Bulletins of Carnegie Museum of Natural History may be obtained at the priees listed from the Publieations Seeretary, Carnegie Museum of Natural History, 4400 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213. 1. Krishtalka, L. 1976. Early Tertiary Adapisorieidae and Erinaceidae (Mammalia, Insectivora) of North Ameriea. 40 pp., 13 figs $2.50 2. Guilday, J. E., P. W. Parmalee, and H. W. Hamilton. 1977. The Clark’s Cave bone deposit and the late Pleistoeene paleoecology of the central Appalachian Mountains of Virginia. 88 pp., 21 figs. . . . $12.00 3. Wetzel, R. M. 1977. The Chacoan peccary, Catagonus (Rusconi). 36 pp., 10 figs $6.00 4. Coombs, M. C. 1978. Reevaluation of early Miocene North American Moropus (Perissodactyla, Chalicotheriidae, Schizotheriinae). 62 pp., 28 figs $5.00 5. Clench, M. H., and R. C. Leberman. 1978. Weights of 1 5 1 species of Pennsylvania birds analyzed by month, age, and sex. 87 pp $5.00 6. Schlitter, D. A. (ed.). 1978. Ecology and taxonomy of African small mammals. 214 pp., 48 figs. $15.00 7. Raikow, R. J. 1978. Appendicular myology and relationships of the New World nine-primaried oscines (Aves: Passeriformes). 43 pp., 10 figs $3.50 8. Berman, D. S, and J. S. McIntosh. 1978. Skull and relationships of the Upper Jurassic sauropod Apatosaurus (Reptilia, Saurischia). 35 pp., 1 1 figs $3.00 9. Setoguchi, T. 1978. Paleontology and geology of the Badwater Creek area, central Wyoming. Part 16. The Cedar Ridge local fauna (Late Oligocene). 61 pp., 30 figs $4.50 10. Williams, D. E. 1978. Systematics and ecogeographic variation of the Apache pocket mouse (Roden- tia: Heteromyidae). 57 pp., 23 figs $4.00 11. Guilday, J. E., H. W. Hamilton, E. Anderson, and P. W. Parmalee. 1978. The Baker Bluff Cave deposit, Tennessee, and the Late Pleistocene faunal gradient. 67 pp., 16 figs $5.00 12. Swanepoel, P., and H. H. Genoways. 1978. Revision of the Antillean bats of the genus Brachyphylla (Mammalia: Phyllostomatidae). 53 pp., 17 figs $4.00 13. Schwartz, J. H., and H. B. Rollins (eds.). 1979. Models and methodologies in evolutionary theory. 105 pp., 36 figs $6.00 14. Engesser, B. 1979. Relationships of some insectivores and rodents from the Miocene of North America and Europe. 68 pp., 12 figs., 20 plates $5.00 15. Bentz, G. D. 1979. The appendicular myology and phylogenetic relationships of the Ploceidae and Estrildidae (Aves: Passeriformes). 25 pp., 5 figs $2.00 16. Mares, M. A. 1980. Convergent evolution among desert rodents: a global perspective. 51 pp., 25 figs $3.50 17. Lacher, T. E., Jr. 1981. The comparative social behavior of Kerodon rupestris and Galea spixii and the evolution of behavior in the Caviidae. 71 pp., 40 figs $6.00 1 8. McIntosh, J. S. 1981. Annotated catalogue of the dinosaurs (Reptilia, Archosauria) in the collections of the Carnegie Museum of Natural History. 67 pp., 22 figs $6.00 19. Bristow, C. R., and J. J. Parodiz. 1982. The stratigraphical paleontology of the Tertiary non-marine sediments of Ecuador. 52 pp., 24 figs $5.00 20. Williams, S. L. 1982. Phalli of Recent genera and species of the family Geomyidae (Mammalia: Rodentia). 62 pp., 30 figs $5.00 BULLETIN of CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY THE D/FF/C/L/5 COMPLEX OF SPHAERODACTYLUS (SAURIA, GEKKONIDAE) OF HISPANIOLA ALBERT SCHWARTZ AKp RICHARD THOMAS NUMBER 22 PITTSBURGH, 1983 BULLETIN of CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY THE DIFFICILIS COMPLEX OF SPHAERODACTYLUS (SAURIA, GEKKONIDAE) OF HISPANIOLA PART 1. SPHAERODACTYLUS DIFFICILIS, S. CLENCHI, AND S. LAZELLI ALBERT SCHWARTZ Research Associate, Section of Amphibians and Reptiles (address: Miami-Dade Community College, North Campus, Miami, Florida 33167) PART 2. SPHAERODACTYLUS SAVAGEI, S. COCHRAN AE, S. DARLINGTONI, S. ARMSTRONGI, S. STREPTOPHORUS , AND CONCLUSIONS RICHARD THOMAS Biology Department, University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico 00931 ALBERT SCHWARTZ NUMBER 22 PITTSBURGH, 1983 BULLETIN OF CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY Number 22, pages 1-60, 15 figures Issued 1 April 1983 Price $7.00 a copy Mary R. Dawson, Acting Director Editorial Staff: Hugh H. Genoways, Editor; Duane A. Schlitter, Associate Editor; Stephen L. Williams, Associate Editor; Mary Ann Schmidt, Technical Assistant. © 1983 by the Trustees of Carnegie Institute, all rights reserved. CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY, 4400 FORBES AVENUE PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA 15213 CONTENTS Part 1 5 Abstract 5 Introduction 5 Acknowledgments 6 Methods 6 Systematic Accounts 7 Sphaerodactyius difficilis 7 S. d. difficilis 7 S. d. lycauges 1 1 S. d. euopter 1 3 S. d. typMopous 14 S. d. peratus 17 S. d. diolenius 19 S. d. anthracornus 22 Sphaerodactyius clenchi 24 S. c. clenchi 25 S. c. apocoptiis 28 Sphaerodactyius lazelli 29 Literature Cited 30 Part 2 31 Abstract 31 Introduction 31 Acknowledgments 31 Systematic Accounts 31 Sphaerodactyius savagei 31 S. s. savagei 32 S. s. jiumilloensis 35 Sphaerodactyius cochranae 38 Sphaerodactyius darlingtoni 39 S. d. darlingtoni 40 S. d. noblei 42 S. d. bobilini 43 S. d. mekistus 45 Sphaerodactyius armstrongi 46 S. a. armstrongi 46 S. a. hypsinephes 49 Sphaerodactyius streptophorus sphenophanes 50 Discussion 54 Ecological Notes on the difficilis Complex 55 Geographic Relationships of the Species 58 Relationships with Other Sphaerodactyius 59 Literature Cited 60 ii ¥ i t£. -£i PART 1. SPHAERODACTYLVS DIFFICILIS, S. CLFNCHI, AND S. LAZELLI Albert Schwartz ABSTRACT Three Hispaniolan species of Sphaerodactylus of the difficilis complex are discussed in detail. Sphaerodactylus difficilis is shown to be composed of seven subspecies, and S. clenchi of two. Of these two species, S. difficilis is widely distributed in the Repub- lica Dominicana but is restricted to northern Haiti and one lo- cality in central Haiti, whereas S. clenchi occurs only in the extreme northeastern Republica Dominicana. The holotype of S. lazelli from northern Haiti is still the only known specimen. Aside from meristic data, information on ecology, altitudinal distribution, and sympatry-allopatry are also given. INTRODUCTION Throughout the Bahama Islands (including the Turks Bank), Cuba, Isla de la Juventud, Puerto Rico and its associated offshore islands (and including Isla Mona, Isla Monito, and Isla Desecheo), the Vir- gin Islands, and the northern Lesser Antilles, occurs a group of moderately large geckos of the genus Sphaerodactylus which characteristically have a prominent dark scapular patch or blotch with an associated pair of ocelli. This group of forms has its greatest diversity in part on Puerto Rico (where all species are members of this assemblage; Thomas and Schwartz, 1966a) and in part on the centrally located island of Hispaniola. Shreve (1968) appro- priately used the trinomial name of the first-de- scribed member {S. notatus Baird) to refer to this group of lizards. There have been known only two Cuban (and Isla de la Juventud) species of the group— 5. notatus and 5. bromeliarum Peters and Schwartz. Sphaerodac- tylus notatus itself occurs as well on the Great and Little Bahama banks, on the North American main- land in southeastern Florida, along the Florida Keys, and on the Swan Islands (Schwartz, 1966). The southern Bahamas (Great and Little Inagua) and the Turks Islands have the related S. inaguae Noble and KJingel and S. underwoodi Schwartz. In Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands (as well as the Lesser Antilles as far south as St. Barthelemy) occur seven species of this group— V. macrolepis Gunther, V. roosevelti Grant, V. klauberi Grant, S. gaigeae Grant, V. nicholsi Grant, S. parthenopion Thomas, S. beattyi Grant. Other forms are V. levinsi Heatwole from Isla Desecheo, S. monensis Meerwarth from Isla Mona, and S. micropithecus Schwartz from Isla Monito. From this brief geographical review, it is apparent that the notatus group is widely distributed throughout the Greater Antilles. On Hispaniola, the notatus group has achieved a diversification greater than it has on Puerto Rico. We are certain that the roster of the Hispaniolan species is as yet incomplete. Barbour (1914:265) named S. difficilis as the first Hispaniolan member of the group; the description of this species was based on four specimens from the Republica Dominicana (two from La Vega, two from Puerto Plata); even in this short series, Barbour noted that there were several variable characters, and he was uncertain that all four specimens represented the same species. Noble and Hassler (1933) named S. armstrongi on the basis of two specimens from near Paraiso in the Sierra de Baoruco, Republica Dominicana, on the Peninsula de Barahona, and S. altavelensis from Isla Alto Velo south of Isla Beata which is in turn off the southernmost point of this same peninsula. From the southern shore of the Bahia de Samana, Ruibal ( 1 946) named S. cochranae on the basis of two spec- imens. Most of these species were considered mem- bers of the difficilis complex on Hispaniola by Shreve (1968). The greatest step forward in our knowledge of Hispaniolan difficilis complex members is the re- view by Shreve (1968). Impressed with the differ- ences in accumulated specimens at the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard University, Shreve undertook a review of the complex on Hispaniola. He examined 295 specimens from both Haiti and the Republica Dominicana, and named randi, sav- agei, and juanilloensis as subspecies of V. notatus (with which Shreve considered S. difficilis conspe- cific; difficilis was regarded as a recognizable sub- species of 5. notatus); S. lazelli from Cap-Haitien in northern Haiti, based on a single specimen; S. darlingtoni from Pico Diego de Ocampo, Republica Dominicana, from two specimens; S. noblei from 5 6 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 22 Los Bracitos, Republica Dominicana, with a distri- bution on the Peninsula de Samana, the eastern Cor- dillera Septentrional, and the southern shore of the Bahia de Samana; S. clenchi from the Peninsula de Samana; and S. brevirostratus as an abundant and widely distributed species in both Haiti and the Re- publica Dominicana. Shreve (1968) recognized two subspecies of S. brevirostratus (b. brevirostratus and b. enriquilloensis). My own interest, along with that of Richard Thomas, in this group of Hispaniolan sphaerodac- tyls began with a visit to Haiti in 1962. Since that time, both of us have spent considerable time be- tween 1963 and 1979 collecting in Haiti and the Republica Dominicana. The result of these expe- ditions is that we have good representations of these geckos from throughout much of Hispaniola, and certainly a far better coverage than did Shreve. We have examined over 3,000 specimens, most of which we have ourselves collected. In two papers (Schwartz and Thomas, 1977; Thomas and Schwartz, 1977) we have named five new species of the difficilis com- plex {S. ocoae, S. zygaena, S. streptophorus, S. cry- phius, S. nycteropus). Schwartz (1977) reviewed the status of N. randi, regarding it as a species distinct from S. difficilis and naming two new subspecies, methorius and strahrni. We also now have in press (Thomas and Schwartz, manuscript) a paper clari- fying the relationships of S. brevirostratus and S. altavelensis and naming a new species from north- western Haiti. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Our collecting in Hispaniola between 1 968 and 1971 was under the sponsorship of National Science Foundation grants GB-7977 and B-023603. Much of our material is deposited in the Albert Schwartz Field Series (ASFS). Many of the Museum of Com- parative Zoology (MCZ) specimens were collected under Na- tional Science Foundation grant GB-6944 to Ernest E. Williams. I wish to acknowledge the assistance in the field of Patricia A. Adams, Robert K. Bobilin, Donald W. Buden, Jeffrey R. Buffet, David A. Daniels, David C. Duval, Danny C. Fowler, Eugene D. Graham, Jr., Ronald F. Klinikowski, Mark D. Lavrich, David C. Leber, John K. Lewis, John C. Lucio, James W. Norton, Dennis R. Paulson, S. Craig Rhodes, James A. Rodgers, Jr., Bruce R. Sheplan, William W. Sommer, James B. Strong, and T. Mark Thurmond; without their capable assistance, I would not have such a large quantity of specimens available to me. In addition, C. Rhea Warren has from time to time given me specimens from Haiti and He de la Tortue. My visit to Isla Saona in late 1968 would have been impossible without the organizing ability of Sixto J. Inchaustegui. I have been the guest of the Alcoa Explo- ration Company at Cabo Rojo on the Peninsula de Barahona; my stays there were made pleasant by the cooperation of Patrick N. Hughson and the late Ruth Hamor. In addition to material in the ASFS, I have borrowed specimens from American Mu- seum of Natural History (AMNH), British Museum (Natural History) (BMNH), Museum of Comparative Zoology (MCZ), and National Museum of Natural History (USNM); for the courtesies extended in these loans I am grateful to Richard G. Zweifel, Alice G. C. Grandison, George W. Foley, Ernest E. Williams, the late James A. Peters, and George R. Zug. I have also studied speci- mens in the collection of Lewis D. Ober (LDO). Holotypes and paratypes have been deposited in the above collections, as well as in the collections of the Carnegie Museum of Natural History (CM) and the Museum of Zoology at Louisiana State University (LSUMZ). The dorsal view illustrations are the work of Dr. Leber; I am once more in his debt. METHODS I have taken the measurements and counts used by myself and Thomas previously in our studies of Antillean geckos (that is, Thomas and Schwartz, 1966a, on Puerto Rican Sphaerodacty- lus). These data include; 1 ) measurement of snout-vent length in millimeters; 2) dorsal scales between axilla and groin; 3) ventral scales between axilla and groin; 4) scales around body at mid- body; 5) number of supralabials on both sides to below center of eye; 6) number of intemasal scales; 7) number of fourth toe lamellae; 8) the presence of, and amount of, keeling on the gular, chest, and abdominal scales; and 9) the length and width (=lateral extent) of the escutcheon in males. Counts of dorsal, ventral, and midbody scales, supralabials, and fourth toe scales were taken on specimens with snout-vent lengths above 25 mm in larger taxa. The number of intemasals and the extent of ventral keeling were determined on many specimens regardless of size. Exces- sively low counts of fourth toe lamellae are usually due to the fact that this count was begun distad to the small plantar scales, with the first scale that was transversely entire; in many specimens with very low lamellar counts, this is due to the presence of one or more basal digital scales that are longitudinally divided and thus not included in the lamellar count. Likewise, abnormally low counts of length or breadth of escutcheon are due to lack of complete development of this group of specialized ventral scales in males. However, mean and modal differences in lamellar counts are of little importance in this complex, and the species differ- ences (where they exist) in escutcheon size are so obvious that they are not obscured by the abnormally low counts in some specimens. In the taxonomic treatment I have followed a temporarily con- servative course regarding the status of “S. difficilis.'' Rather than regarding this taxon as a subspecies of 5". notalus, I consider it a species distinct from that form. Clarification of the status of these 1983 SCH^NhKTZ-SPHAERODACTYLUS SYSTEM ATICS I 7 two species will be attempted in a later paper. The present paper discusses the variation and systematics of three species— 5. dif- ficilis, S. clenchi, and S. lazelli. I have not here, nor will we later, include a discussion of S'. samanensis Cochran or S. callocricus Schwartz as part of this complex, because they are so set apart in morphology and color pattern that I doubt their close relationship with the geckos dis- cussed here. S. samanensis was included in the difficilis group by Shreve (1968) and S. callocricus was described subsequently. In S. samanensis the dorsal body scales are very strongly keeled and weakly imbricate; the snout is narrow and pointed; the color pattern is boldly cross-banded on the body; and the head pattern is also banded in part but is not easily associated with any of the difficilis complex head patterns. In fact, the pattern, particularly that of the head, is interestingly similar to that of Sphaerodactylus cinereus Wagler (see Graham and Schwartz, 1 978, for usage) from Hispaniola and Cuba, a form that Thomas and Schwartz ( 1 966b), with some reservation, included in the S. nigropunctatus {=S. decoratus) complex. I am not adamant about their lack of affin- ities with the difficilis group; I only assert that samanensis and callocricus are peripheral to the forms discussed herein and else- where in this series of papers. Perhaps when their variation in color pattern is more completely known, we will have better insight into their relationships. SYSTEMATIC ACCOUNTS Sphaerodactylus difficilis Barbour Sphaerodactylus difficilis Barbour, 1914, Mem. Mus. Comp. Tool., 44:265. Definition.— \ species of Sphaerodactylus with large, acute, strongly keeled, flattened, imbricate dorsal scales, axilla to groin 22 to 40; no area of middorsal granules or granular scales; dorsal body scales with four to seven hair-bearing organs, each with a single hair, around apex. Dorsal scales of tail keeled, acute, imbricate, and flat-lying; ventral scales of tail smooth, rounded, enlarged (often only slight- ly) midventrally; gular scales usually smooth, but occasionally weakly to strongly keeled; chest scales smooth; ventral scales rounded, imbricate, axilla to groin 23 to 37, smooth; scales around midbody 37 to 60; intemasals 0 to 3 (mode 1); upper labials to mid-eye 3 (rarely 4); escutcheon with a broad and compact central area and extensions onto thighs to near underside of knee (3-8 by 8-30). Color pattern sexually dichromatic and variable among the subspecies. Adult males dorsally pinkish gray or gray to tan or brown, usually with scattered dark brown scales giving a coarsely salt-and-pepper effect, trilineate head pattern obsolescent or (usu- ally) absent, the head (and chin and throat) often covered by small to large dark brown to black dots, the throats with yellow to orange ground color; dark scapular patch usually absent, and if present, usually very restricted and diffusely edged; a pair of small pale ocelli present or absent (by population); venter variable, from gray to flesh. Females with same dor- sal pattern as males, although distinctly lineate in some populations, but head with a prominent tri- lineate pattern, and pattern brown on a buffy to tan ground color, and head scales dotted; scapular patch variable (by population) from relatively large, brown to black, with an associated pair of pale (white to bufly or gray) ocelli, to small with a single included ocellus, or both patch and ocelli entirely absent; ventral color as in males. Iris color yellow, tan, or brown. Juveniles with a more intense female pat- tern. Distribution. — \n Haiti, from the Presqu’ile du Nord Quest (Bombardopolis, Mole St. Nicholas) east along the northern Haitian coast to Terrier Rouge and inland as far as Grande Riviere du Nord, Don- don, Ennery, and Terre Sonnain near Gonaives. In the Republica Dominicana, from Monte Cristi in the northwest, east to the base of the Peninsula de Samana (Sanchez); central and eastern portions of the Republica Dominicana (Santiago and La Vega provinces east to central La Altagracia Province, but absent from most coastal regions in La Altagracia Province), thence westward both along the southern coast and inland to San Juan and Azua provinces, and along the eastern coast of the Peninsula de Ba- rahona to Enriquillo and into the uplands of the Si- erra de Baoruco (La Lanza). A single record from Hinche, Departement de I’Artibonite, in central Haiti; Cayos Siete Hermanns (Muertos, Monte Chi- co, Monte Grande) off the northern Dominican coast, and Isla Pascal in the Bahia de Samana (Shreve, 1968:14); He de la Tortue. Altitudinal distribution from sea level to 2,000 ft (610 m) on the northern slopes of the Cordillera Central between La Vega and Jarabacoa, and on the southern slopes of the Cordillera Septentrional in the vicinity of La Cumbre, and to 2,400 ft (732 m) in the Sierra de Baoruco (Fig. 1). Sphaerodactylus difficilis difficilis Barbour Sphaerodactylus difficilis QaTbour, 1914, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., 44(2):265. Type-locality. — ?>2Lnimgo de la Vega, La Vega Province, Republica Dominicana. Holotype. -MCZ 7834. 8 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 22 Fig. 1. — Map of Hispaniola, showing distributions of Sphaerodactylus difficilis (triangles) and S. lazelli (hexagon). Subspecies of S. difficilis are named on the map. 1983 SCHWARTZ- SPHAERODACTYLUS SYSTEM ATICS I 9 Fig. 2. — Dorsal views of the subspecies of Sphaerodactylus difficilis. as follow: A) difficilis (male, ASFS V14170); B) difficilis (female, ASFS Vi 788); C) lycauges (holotype female, CM 52251); D) euopter (holotype female, CM 54142); E) typhlopous (holotype female, USNM 166966); F) peratus (holotype female, CM 52264); G) diolenius (holotype female, USNM 166967); FI) anthracomus (holotype female, CM 52279), Definition.— A subspecies of S. difficilis charac- terized by a combination of high number of dorsal scales (25-34) between axilla and groin, moderate number (42-55) of midbody scales, female shoulder pattern consisting of a small indistinct dark scapular spot and a single median pale ocellus, and males without patch or ocellus (Figs. 2A and 2B). Distribution. — Rex^\xh\ica. Dominicana, from the type-locality south onto the northern slopes of the Cordillera Central (between La Vega and Jaraba- coa), west to near Santiago, north onto the southern slopes of the Cordillera Septentrional as far as the pass across these mountains at La Cumbre, and east to Los Bracitos, in La Vega, Santiago, Espaillat, 10 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 22 Duarte (and presumably Salcedo), and extreme southern Puerto Plata provinces. Variation.— The. series of 65 S. d. difficilis has the following counts and measurements (means in pa- rentheses): largest male (ASFS VI 8 180) 34 mm snout-vent length, largest female (ASFS VI 8 197) 33 mm; dorsal scales between axilla and groin 25- 34 (29.2); ventral scales between axilla and groin 24-37 (30.2); midbody scales 42-55 (48.1); supra- labials to mid-eye 3/3 (50 individuals), 4/4 (1); in- ternasals 0 (7 individuals), 1 (50), 2 (8); fourth toe lamellae 9-13 (1 1.0; mode 10); gular scales usually smooth (35 individuals) but at times keeled (19) or partially keeled (11); escutcheon 4-6 (5.4) by 12-27 (21.9). Males are grayish pink to brown above, regularly heavily flecked with darker brown to give a salt- and-pepper effect. The heads are dull yellow, and the throats are yellow to orange, often heavily dotted or almost marbled with dark brown. The upper sur- face of the head may be either plain or rather heavily covered by brown dots or spots, these dots arranged in a more or less lineate pattern following the ar- rangement of the dark head stripes of the females. The scapular patch is almost always absent but is barely discernible in young males (snout-vent length 28 mm: ASFS VI 8 185) which still retain remnants of the juvenile (=female) pattern; an ocellus, prom- inent in females, is absent in males. Females are colored dorsally like males and are likewise salt-and-pepper in aspect, except that there is a tendency for the dorsal flecking to be arranged in longitudinal lines, giving a vaguely lineate aspect. The head pattern is trilineate, with a single median dark brown line from the snout onto the shoulders (where it becomes darker brown to black and forms the restricted scapular patch) and a pair of lines from the snout across the lores and through the eyes onto the shoulders, where they fade and become lost in the dorsal body pattern. There is regularly also a moderately sharp ventrolateral (postauricular) line from the ear opening along the neck and above the forelimb insertion, but this line is less sharply de- fined than the primary head lines noted above. The scapular patch is small and restricted, usually dark brown to black, and contains a single median pale ocellus which varies from white to pale gray or buffy. The scapular patch is at times diffuse (ASFS V 1 6 1 03) and in some females it is only barely indicated (ASFS V18197). The throat in females is usually immac- ulate, but there may be a few tiny scattered brown flecks or even some more or less diagonally oriented dark gray to brownish lines on the sides of the throat. The ventral color in both sexes is gray, flesh, or yellow-flesh. Juveniles resemble females in pattern and color details, except that the juvenile pattern is more in- tense than is that of the females. The iris color appears to be quite variable. It was recorded as golden in the series from 4 km NW La Vega, tan to grayish at 4 km N La Vega, and brown at 14.4 km E La Vega. Mertens (1939:42-43) reported a female from Jarabacoa and two males, two females and six sub- adults and juveniles from Moca. Females in the lat- ter series had “einem einzigen weissen Fleck in der Mitte” of the scapular patch, whereas the female from Jarabacoa apparently lacked any shoulder markings. Presumably this latter female represents a member of that sex where the scapular patch and ocellus were extremely reduced. The series from Los Bracitos, Duarte Province, is assigned to S. d. difficilis on the basis of female and juvenile patterns. These old specimens are pres- ently somewhat discolored and have been dissected ventrally, so that reliable ventral and midbody counts are presently impossible. Counts from this series have not been included in the computations. Remarks.— The holotype of S. d. difficilis (MCZ 7834) is an adult male with a snout-vent length of about 28 mm. The specimen is much shriveled, and consequently taking scale counts is difficult and sub- ject to inaccuracies. However, the dorsal scales be- tween axilla and groin number about 27, and mid- body scales about 45; there are 3/3 supralabials to the eye center, 1 intemasal, and 1 1 fourth toe la- mellae. The escutcheon is 6 scales long. All these counts fall within the parameters of the population herein regarded as Y. d. difficilis. Although the spec- imen is now patternless, Barbour (1914:266) de- scribed the specimen as “light gray-brown, with many darker spots scattered irregularly over the whole dorsal area; some cover a single scale; others are composed of several dark scales juxtaposed.” This pattern style, along with the smooth gular and chest scales, occurs in males of many populations of V. difficilis, including the nominate subspecies. The three paratypes (MCZ 7835, from the type-lo- cality; MCZ 5444 — two specimens— from Puerto Plata; Barbour, 1921:274) cannot now be located in the Harvard collections. The former is S. d. difficilis-, the latter two presumably pertain to the northern Dominican subspecies. S. d. difficilis is common in the region about the type-locality. We have taken specimens in shaded and moist cacao groves, running freely in the late 1983 ^Cim ARTZ- S PH AERO DACTYLUS SYSTEM ATICS I 1 1 afternoon in the deep ground litter of cacao leaves, as well as in palm frond trash piles associated with cacao groves. Two geckos from east of Santiago were taken from under dead agave plants in xeric scrub, whereas the lizard from north of La Cumbre was taken from the thatch roof of the kitchen of an oc- cupied native hut, and two other specimens were collected on the porch of a hotel between Jarabacoa and La Vega. S. d. difficilis is ecologically tolerant of both xeric and mesic situations and of both ed- ificarian and natural situations as well. The distri- bution of the subspecies ranges from about 300 ft (10 m) at the type-locality to 2,000 ft (610 m) in both the Cordillera Central and Cordillera Septen- trional. The elevation at Los Bracitos may be even higher. S. d. difficilis occurs sympatrically with S. dar- lingtoni (Tenares, Cruce de Pimentel) in the eastern portion of the Valie de Cibao and probably else- where. The scale counts of these two species are quite comparable but S. darlingtoni in the area of sympatry is a much smaller lizard (maximally sized males and females with respective snout-vent lengths of 25 mm and 27 mm, in contrast to 34 mm and 33 mm in S. d. difficilis). In addition, S. darlingtoni is patterned quite differently than S. d. difficilis and is very dark (brown) dorsally. Specimens examined. — Dominicana; Santiago Province, 7 km E Santiago (ASFS V2929-30); 4 km S La Cumbre, 1,700 ft (519 m) (ASFS VI 8093-97, V18175-206). Puerto Plata Province. 1 km N La Cumbre, 2,000 ft (610 m) (ASFS V18101). La Vega Province, La Vega (MCZ 7834— holotype); 4 km NW La Vega (ASFS V1786-91); 3 km NW La Vega (ASFS V1783- 85); 2 km NW La Vega (ASFS V16103, ASFS V16111); 4 km N La Vega (ASFS V4 179-81); 2 km S La Vega (ASFS V4166- 67); 14.4 km E La Vega (ASFS V4213); 12 km NE Jarabacoa, 2,000 ft (610 m) (ASFS VI 8389, ASFS VI 8433). Espaiilat Prov- ince, 8 km N Moca (ASFS V4331). Duarte Province, 5 km NW San Francisco de Macoris (ASFS V 1 4 1 69); 4 km NW San Fran- cisco de Macoris (ASFS V14170); 3 km S San Francisco de Ma- coris (ASFS V2960); Los Bracitos (AMNH 45201-02, AMNH 45204, AMNH 45206-07, AMNH 45209-12, AMNH 45214- 1 5, AMNH 452 1 7-20); 7.5 mi(l 2.0 km) NW Cruce de Pimentel, 400 ft (122 m) (ASFS V33480); 6.4 mi (10.2 km) SE Tenares (ASFS V33494-98, ASFS V33539-44). Sphaerodactylus difficilis lycauges, new subspecies Holotype. — CM 5225 1 , an adult female, from Cap- Haitien, Departement du Nord, Haiti, one of a series collected by natives for Richard Thomas on 7-8 April 1966. Original number ASFS V10128. Paratypes.-IAUMZ 21903-07, LSUMZ 21909-14, MCZ 1 19359-66, CM 52252-59, same data as holotype; USNM 167258, same locality as holotype, E. Cyphale, 6 April 1966; USNM 1 67259-65, ASFS V 1 0063-88, same locality as holotype, natives, 7 April 1966; ASFS V10231-34, USNM 167266-72, same locality as holotype, natives, 9 April 1966; MCZ 63179- 214, Bombardopolis, Dept, du Nord Quest, Haiti, A. S. Rand and J. D. Lazell, 22 July 1960; MCZ 63219-21, Port-de-Paix, Dept, du Nord Quest, Haiti, A. S. Rand and J. D. Lazell, 16 July 1960; ASFS V10235, Anse de la Riviere Salee, 10 km (airline) NW Port Margot, Dept, du Nord, Haiti, E. Cyphale, 10 April 1966; MCZ 9365-66, Grande Riviere du Nord, Dept, du Nord, Haiti, W. M. Mann, 1912; ASFS V10026, 6 km (est.) SW Li- monade, Dept, du Nord, Haiti, E. Cyphale, 5 April 1966; ASFS V10167, 1 mi (1.6 km) E Terrier Rouge, Dept, du Nord, Haiti, R. Thomas, 8 April 1966. Associated specimens. — Hmtv. Dept, du Nord Quest, Mole St. Nicholas (ASFS V49584-85); Ballade, 5.5 mi (8.8 km) S Port- de-Paix, 100 ft (31 m) (ASFS V49902-48); 5.3 mi (8.5 km) SE Port-de-Paix (ASFS V46974-79); 0.8 mi (1.3 km) NW Ballade (ASFS V47070-77); Ballade, 12.3 mi (19.7 km) NW Bassin Bleu (ASFS V46954-81, ASFS V46989-7000); Deux Gar9ons, 7.7 mi (12.3 km) NW Bassin Bleu, 200 ft (61 m) (ASFS V46949-53); 1.1 mi (1.8 km) SE Bassin Bleu, 400 ft (122 m) (ASFS V46948). Dept, du Nord, 1 mi (1.6 km) E Cormier Plage (ASFS V47424, ASFS V47427); Plage Rival, just N Cap-HaYtien (ASFS V39273); Carrefour La Mori (ASFS V50263-64, ASFS V50283-87); 2.2 mi (3.5 km) S Plaisance, 1,100 ft (336 m) (ASFS V40 172-76, ASFS V45913-15, ASFS V50280); 2.3 mi (3.7 km) S Plaisance, 1,100 ft (336 m) (ASFS V40347); 0.2 mi (0.3 km) W Gaubert, 850 ft (259 m) (ASFS V47431-33, ASFS V47458-93); 1.2 mi (2.1 km) NE Dondon, 1,400 ft (427 m) (ASFS V38604-06); Bois Neuf, 4. 5-5.4 mi (7. 2-8. 6 km) SE Dondon, 1,300 ft (397 m) (ASFS V47844, ASFS V47852-56, ASFS V4794 1 , ASFS V48298- 486); 8.2 mi (13.1 km) E Terrier Rouge (ASFS V39025). Dipt, de I'Artibonite, Ennery, 1 ,000 ft (305 m) (ASFS V40 152-61, ASFS V40313-21, ASFS V45848-50, ASFS V45919-29, ASFS V4772 1-47, ASFS V47804-21); 1 .2 mi ( 1 .9 km) W Ennery, 1,100 ft (336 m) (ASFS V40 186-2 10, ASFS V40330, ASFS V44900- 27, ASFS V459 1 8, ASFS V47698-7 1 8, ASFS V47748-96, ASFS V50140); Terre Sonnain, 1 mi (1.6 km) N Les Poteaux, 400 ft (122 m) (ASFS V40241^2, ASFS V40300-01, ASFS V46405- 07); 1 1 mi (17.6 km) N Carrefour Joffre, 600 ft (183 m) (ASFS V40419, ASFS V40433, ASFS V44847-51); 14.5 mi (23.2 km) N Carrefour Joffre (ASFS V40427). Definition.— A subspecies of S. difficilis charac- terized by a combination of low number of dorsal scales (22-33) between axilla and groin, low number (37-50) of midbody scales, female shoulder pattern consisting of a relatively large and prominent dark brown to black scapular patch and a pair of pale ocelli (Fig. 2C), and males usually without both patch and ocelli, although both are at times indicated. Distribution. — Haiti, from Bombardo- polis and Mole St. Nicholas on the Presqu’ile du Nord Quest in the west, east to the vicinity of Ter- rier Rouge (probably as far as the Riviere Massacre), and inland to the vicinities of Grand Riviere du Nord, Dondon, Limonade, Ennery and Terre Son- nain. Description of holotype.— An adult female with a snout-vent length of 31 mm, tail length 25 mm. 12 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 22 distal half regenerated; dorsal scales axilla to groin 29, ventral scales axilla to groin 31, midbody scales 49, supralabials to mid-eye 3/3, 1 internasal, fourth toe lamellae 1 1 , gular, chest, and ventral scales smooth. Dorsal ground color dark brown, back streaked with dark brown and yellowish, with a rather defi- nite longitudinally striped pattern; head pattern trilineate, the median line very narrow on the snout, expanding behind the eyes where it is abruptly con- stricted, then once more expanded and constricted to give a more or less subcircular figure, then once more expanded and leading to the scapular patch which is black and large and with a pair of cream ocelli at its posterior comers; lateral head lines across lores, through eye, and onto neck as far posteriorly as the scapular patch, where they disappear; ven- trolateral lines from ear over shoulder to groin, thereby giving a lineate appearance to the lower sides; tail longitudinally marked with a diffuse series of dark longitudinal dashes; venter gray, but heavily overlaid with dark brown scale edges to give a squa- mate appearance; iris brown. Variation.— Ont hundred nineteen S. d. lycauges have the following measurements and counts: larg- est males (ASPS VI 0232, ASPS VI 0046, MCZ 63179) 32 mm snout-vent length, largest female (MCZ 63191) 34 mm; dorsal scales between axilla and groin 22-33 (26.4); ventral scales between axilla and groin 24-35 (28.7); midbody scales 37-50 (43.4); supralabials to mid-eye 3/3 (88 individuals), 2/4(1), % (1), 4/4 (3); internasals 0 (9), 1 (94), 2(16); fourth toe lamellae 8-13 (10.5; mode 1 1); gular scales usu- ally smooth (100 individuals) but rarely keeled (4) or partially keeled (1); escutcheon 4-8 (6.1) by lb- 24 (20.2). Males are gray to gray-brown dorsally and have the back covered with widely spaced dark scales in most cases, although exceptional males lack this fea- ture (MCZ 63179). The scapular patch and ocelli are usually lacking, but a few males (MCZ 63181, MCZ 63195) still have the ocelli vaguely indicated as a retention of a portion of the juvenile pattern. The head ground color may be faintly orange, dark yellow-gray or orange-gray, but in other (less ma- ture?) individuals, the head is unicolor with the dor- sum. The venter is yellowish brown to gray, and frequently the dark ventral scale edges give a squa- mate appearance to the belly. The throats are vari- able, from more or less immaculate but with a gray- ish suffusion to heavily and densely dotted with dark brown to black; the degree of throat spotting is not necessarily correlated with the amount of dorsal ce- phalic spotting or dotting, because some males (ASPS V 1 0048) with heavily spotted heads have the throats unmarked; the opposite is also true. Pemales in general resemble the holotype, and there is a strong tendency for the dorsal dark scales to be aligned into a series of dorsal longitudinal lines. The scapular blotch is dark and relatively well developed for the species, and the two included ocel- li are cream and often rather large and not dot-like. Some large females have both dorsal and head pat- terns very obscured; even in such females, the scap- ular patch and ocelli are still evident. The ventral ground color is gray to yellowish, but the heavily pigmented scale edges give a dark squamate ap- pearance to the venter. In some females, the throat is yellowish, and there are rarely any markings other than, at the extreme, a grayish suffusion or a few tiny scattered dark gray flecks. In both sexes the iris is brown. Juveniles show the intensification of the female pattern; the dorsum is distinctly lined longitudinal- ly, and the scapular patch and ocelli are conspicu- ous. Comparisons. — In all body scale counts, lycauges averages lower than nominate difficilis\ the differ- ences in midbody means of 48.1 ± 0.7 (twice stan- dard error of mean) in difficilis and 43.4 ± 0.6 in lycauges are statistically significant. The two sub- species are easily distinguished also by the lineate pattern and large scapular patch with ocelli in ly- cauges in contrast to the non-lineate pattern and reduction of the patch and a single ocellus in diffi- cilis. Males of the two forms are less easily distin- guished chromatically, but male lycauges appear to be less densely flecked with dark scales dorsally and generally have the heads with more dorsal dotting than do difficilis. The squamate ventral appearance of both sexes of lycauges is not a common feature of difficilis. Despite the much longer series of lycauges than difficilis, many less specimens of the former have any keeling on the throat (five of 1 05 lycauges versus 30 of 65 difficilis). The two subspecies are about the same size, although male lycauges do not appear to reach so large a size as do male difficilis (32 versus 34), and female lycauges are slightly larger than fe- male difficilis (34 versus 33). Modally, lycauges has 1 1 fourth toe lamellae, whereas difficilis has 10. Remarks. — Sphaerodactylus d. lycauges is quite common at Cap-Haitien and Bombardopolis, but it appears to be rare in non-urban situations. Because most of the Cap-Haitien specimens were native col- lected, we have no precise ecological data on them. 1983 SCHWAKTZ-SPHAERODACTYLUS SYSTEMATICS I 13 but presumably most were taken within the city itself. Elsewhere, in edificarian situations, speci- mens have been taken under trash in cafeieres (Bal- lade), under a fallen thatch roof (Deux Gar9ons), and in a semi-xeric cafei^re-cacaoiire (Carrefour La Mort), as well as under scattered leaf litter on a xeric hillside (Cormier Plage). I have the impression that this subspecies prefers edificarian situations and elsewhere is found most commonly in mesic rather than xeric areas, although it does not shun the latter completely. The distribution of Y. d. lycauges extends from the Presqu’ile du Nord Quest east along the northern Haitian littoral to between Terrier Rouge and Ouan- aminthe, and thence inland (in the central portion of this range) to Dondon, Ennery, and Terre Sonnain and above Carrefour Joffre near Gonaives. How the sphaerodactyls have reached the valley of the Ri- viere d’Ennery and onto the southern slopes of the Montagnes de Terre Neuve remains uncertain; we have never collected the species at higher elevations (1,000 m) in the area near Carrefour Marmelade so that its route of entry to these interior areas is not directly across the Chaine de Marmelade. Maxi- mum elevation (397 m) is in the vicinity of Dondon, but the specimens from Bombardopolis show that in the west these geckos ascend to elevations of slightly less than 500 m on the Plateau de Bombar- dopolis in the Montagnes du Nord Quest. The east- ern limit of S. d. lycauges appears to be the Riviere Massacre, but in the Monte Cristi region in the Re- publica Dominicana, on the east side of the Riviere Massacre, there seems to be some genetic effect of lycauges (see later discussions). Aside from the very short series from Hinche in central Haiti, S. difficilis remains unknown from elsewhere in Haiti. The long series from Bombardopolis may repre- sent still another subspecies of S. difficilis. Although there appear to be no scale differences between the Bombardopolis and more eastern samples, the Bombardopolis females to a large extent lack a dor- sal lineate pattern and seem (as preserved) paler in general than the much darker lots from the type- locality and elsewhere (including Port-de-Paix and Mole St. Nicholas) on this coast. Elymology.— The name lycauges is from the Greek meaning “at the gray twilight,” a reference to the time of activity of these geckos. Sphaerodactylm difficilis euopter, new subspecies Holotype. — Cyi 54142, an adult female, from the vicinity of Palmiste, He de la Tortue, Haiti, one of a series collected by natives for C. Rhea Warren on 15-17 August 1 970. Qriginal number ASPS V20223. Paratypes.-AS¥S V20213-16, ASFS V20222, ASFS V20224- 27, ASFS V20237, CM 54143^7, MCZ 125643^9, USNM 194019-25, same data as holotype. Definition.— subspecies of S. difficilis charac- terized by a combination of moderate number of dorsal scales (24-31) between axilla and groin, low number (41-50) of midbody scales, both male and female shoulder patterns consisting of a large black scapular patch with two included white ocelli (Fig. 2D), and females with a dorsal pattern of four lon- gitudinal orange lines. Distribution. — \\q de la Tortue, Haiti. Description of holotype.— adult female with a snout-vent length of 29 mm, tail length 19 mm; dorsal scales axilla to groin 28, midbody scales 46, supralabials to mid-eye 3/3, 1 intemasal, fourth toe lamellae 1 1, gular, chest, and ventral scales smooth. Dorsal ground color tan with four longitudinal orange lines in life, of which the lateralmost on each side begins at the eye and extends almost to the groin, the two dorsalmost begin abruptly behind the black scapular patch, the lines fairly conspicuously outlined with dark brown to black; head pattern trilineate but somewhat blurred, the pale interspaces between the lines with dark brown stippling; scap- ular patch large, black, roughly triangular with its apex pointed anteriorly and including two white ocelli, the lateral comers of the triangle abutting upon the lateralmost of the orange longitudinal lines, and the entire shoulder figure in a clear tan area; tail vaguely lined dorsally with tan and brown; ven- ter yellow-gray, with some dark brown scale-edging posteriorly to give a squamate appearance; throat concolor with venter and with some vague scattered grayish flecks; iris yellow. Variation. — ThirXy S. d. euopter have the follow- ing measurements and counts: largest males (ASFS V20215, ASFS V20216) 27 mm snout-vent length, largest female (CM 54142 — holotype) 29 mm; dor- sal scales between axilla and groin 24-31 (27.8); ventral scales between axilla and groin 23-3 1 (26.7); midbody scales 41-50 (45.3); supralabials to mid- eye 3/3 (23 individuals) or 4/4 ( 1 ); internasals 1 (29) or 2 (1); fourth toe lamellae 9-14 (10.9; mode 1 1); throat scales almost always smooth (one specimen has the throat scales partially keeled); escutcheon 4-6 (4.7) by 10-24 (17.0). Males are tan to (rarely) brown dorsally with a combination of isolated dark brown to black scales and vague longitudinal buffy to tan lines. The heads 14 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 22 and throats are orange; the tops of the heads are variably spotted with black, and the throats are heavily spotted with black; the degree of throat spot- ting is variable and correlated with the degree of dorsal head spotting. The venter is dark gray and has dark brown scale edges to give a squamate ap- pearance. All (nine) males have a conspicuous black scapular patch with two included white ocelli; the patch is basically triangular with its apex pointed anteriorly, but it tends to be somewhat cordate in shape (indented along its posterior edge) in some specimens (MCZ 125649), and it may be somewhat reduced in intensity but nonetheless quite obvious (MCZ 125643). Females have the dorsum tan to rich brown with four longitudinal orange lines, outlined with dark brown to black. The head pattern is trilineate but in most adult females is somewhat blurred with ad- ditional dark brown stippling in the tan to buIFy-tan interspaces between the three head lines. The scap- ular patch is large, black, and has two included white ocelli. Although the patch is usually triangular, it may be cordate as in the males. The pale head lines may terminate anterior to the black patch and join transversely with each other by means of a pale bar (ASFS V20225). The preocular portions of all dark head lines are especially diffuse, and the median line is obscure or even absent in most specimens. The ventral color varies between yellow-grey to flesh, and the dark scale edges give a squamate appearance to the belly. The iris in both sexes is yellow. Juveniles are patterned like females, but the pat- tern is more vivid, and the dorsal longitudinal lines are especially distinct (but less bright) than in the adults. Comparisons.— ThQTQ is no difficulty in separat- ing euopter from nominate difficilis, because in the latter subspecies females have a small black scapular patch with only a single ocellus, and both ocelli and patch are absent in male difficilis. The differences between adjacent lycauges on the Haitian mainland and euopter on Tortue are less obvious but never- theless are quite striking. Male lycauges lack a scap- ular patch and ocelli, whereas these features occur in all euopter. Although female lycauges tend toward a lineate dorsal pattern, it is never so discrete and striking as in female euopter. The heads of male lycauges are faintly orange, dark yellow-grey, or or- ange-gray, whereas those of male euopter are much brighter orange. The two subspecies also differ in maximum size; male lycauges reach a size of 32 mm, females 34 mm, in contrast to 27 mm and 29 mm in male and female euopter. In general, lycauges is a larger and huskier lizard than is euopter. In ad- dition, only in euopter, of all the subspecies of 5. difficilis, do both sexes have a well developed scap- ular patch and ocelli, and the name euopter is an allusion to this condition. Remarks.— S. d. appears to be fairly com- mon on He de la Tortue, at least in the Palmiste area. Warren stated that this region is mesic, but because the specimens were taken by natives, we have no concrete data on the habitats involved. There is little doubt that euopter is a local insular derivative of lycauges. The two subspecies resemble each other in the female lineate pattern (although this is much less well expressed in the latter sub- species) and the distinctly squamate appearance of the venter because of the darkly pigmented scale edges. However, euopter is quite distinctive when compared directly with lycauges. Sphaerodactylus difficilis typhlopous, new subspecies //otoype. — USNM 166966, an adult female, from 3 km NE Sosiia, Puerto Plata Province, Republica Dominicana, one of a series collected by Richard Thomas on 1 5 October 1 963. Original number ASFS V1660. Paratypes.- ASFS V 1 654-56, ASFS V 1 66 1-63, ASFS V 1 666- 69, CM 52260-63, USNM 167273, same data as holotype; USNM 167274, same locality as holotype, hatched from egg taken 15 October 1963 by R. Thomas; USNM 167276, Sosua, Puerto Plata Province, Republica Dominicana, A. Schwartz, 1 9 October 1963; ASFS V1688, 8 km E Imbert, 1,100 ft (336 m), Puerto Plata Province, Republica Dominicana, R. Thomas, 17 October 1963; ASFS V32 188-208, Hojas Anchas, 9.0 mi (14.4 km) NE Alta- mira, ca. 800 ft (244 m), Puerto Plata Province, Republica Do- minicana, D. C. Fowler, A. Schwartz, B. R. Sheplan, 27 October 1971; ASFS V33734— 67, 3.2 mi (5. 1 km) SE Caspar Hernandez, Espaillat Province, Republica Dominicana, D. C. Fowler, B. R. Sheplan, 10 November 1971; ASFS V33769-80, 3.0 mi (4.8 km) NW Caspar Hernandez, Espaillat Province, Republica Domini- cana, D. C. Fowler, B. R. Sheplan, 10 November 1971. Associated specimens. — Republics. Dominicana: Monte Cristi Province, 1 km S Palo Verde (ASFS VI 339-46, ASFS V 17640- 44); 4 km SE Monte Cristi (ASFS VI 7632); Cana, 14.4 mi (23.0 km) NW Mao, 300 ft (92 m) (ASFS V33253). Cayos Siete Her- manos, Isla Monte Crande (ASFS V 17705-09); Isla Monte Chico (ASFS VI 769 1-94); Isla Muertos (USNM 76718-23). Vaherde Province. 5.9 mi (9.4 km) N Cruce de Cuayacanes (ASFS V32023). Santiago Rodriguez Province, 1 .8 mi (2.9 km) W Los Quemados, 500 ft (153 m) (ASFS V32069, ASFS V33476); 3.3 mi (5.3 km) W Los Quemados, 850 ft (259 m) (ASFS V33474-75). Santiago Province, 3.4 mi (5.4 km) SE Los Montones, Rio Bao, 1,600 ft (488 m) (ASFS V3378 1); Rio Bao, 5 km SE Los Montones Abajo, 610 m (ASFS V4 100 1-03). 1983 SCn^N A^WIZ-SPHAERODACTYLUS SYSTEMATICS 1 15 Definition.— \ subspecies of S. difificilis charac- terized by a combination of high number of dorsal scales (25-34) between axilla and groin, moderate number of midbody scales (41-53), female shoulder pattern of scapular blotch and ocelli absent or vague- ly indicated (Fig. 2E), and males without indication of scapular patch or ocelli. Distribution. — K&'pnhhca. Dominicana, from the vicinity of Monte Cristi in the west, east as far as Caspar Hernandez, and inland to the vicinity of Los Quemados and Los Montones in Santiago Rodri- guez and Santiago provinces; specimens from the western Valle de Cibao and the northern slopes of the interior Cordillera Central intergradient between typhlopous, dijficilis and probably lycauges (see dis- cussion); also the Cayos Siete Hermanos off the Do- minican coast at Monte Cristi. Description of holotype.— An adult female with a snout-vent length of 31 mm, tail length 23 mm, tail almost completely regenerated; dorsal scales axilla to groin 25, ventral scales axilla to groin 26, mid- body scales 48, supralabials to mid-eye 3/3, 1 in- temasal, fourth toe lamellae 13, gular, chest, and ventral scales smooth. Dorsal ground color medium brown with scat- tered darker brown and buffy dots giving a flecked appearance to the back. Three cephalic lines more or less diffuse, the median line very obscure and on the snout hardly differentiable from the tan head ground color; median line reduced on neck to two or three small, isolated, dark, more or less subcir- cular areas followed by two small blackish markings in the area of the scapular patch; ocelli and patch absent; ventrolateral neck stripe present and as bold as lateral head stripe; throat gray in life, venter gray- ish. Variation. — The series of 85 S. d. typhlopous has the following measurements and counts: largest males (ASPS V32 1 90, ASPS V32 1 92) 33 mm snout- vent length, largest female (ASPS V33747) 32 mm; dorsal scales between axilla and groin 25-34 (30.3); ventral scales between axilla and groin 24-36 (30.0); midbody scales 41-53 (46.8); supralabials to mid- eye 3/3 (60 individuals); intemasals 0(1), 1 (79), 2 (4), 3(1); fourth toe lamellae 9-15 (12.1; mode 1 1); throat scales almost always smooth (70 individuals) but rarely keeled (10) or partially keeled (5); es- cutcheon 3-6 (4.7) by 18-27 (21.8). Males have the dorsum pinkish gray, tan, grayish brown, or brown, and, as full adults, have the back covered with a rather coarse marbling which ap- parently represents an expansion and fusion of a more orthodox salt-and-pepper pattern. The dark body pattern often extends onto the upper surface of the head, which may also be dotted with pale gray to buffy dots. The head is dull yellowish to bright yellow, and the dark head markings may be so ex- tensive as to leave only a reticulum of the yellowish cephalic ground color exposed. The throats are bright orange, yellow-orange, gray, yellow-gray, or gray, and are either immaculate or have a dark brown pattern composed of a reticulum or isolated spots. The venter is grayish brown to yellowish gray. Only one adult male has an indication of a scapular pat- tern; in this specimen (ASPS V3 2 1 9 1 ) there is a very small black scapular patch and two white ocelli which are peripheral to the patch remnants. Females are in general like the holotype in color and pattern, but females from Hojas Anchas have a small black scapular patch and two white ocelli. One female and one juvenile from Caspar Hernan- dez have one tiny white ocellus but no dark scapular patch. Likewise, females from the western and southern portions of the range of typhlopous (Monte Cristi, Palo Verde, Los Quemados) have one or two small ocelli and a restricted black or dark scapular patch. These specimens are discussed below. The females are grayish to brown dorsally, and full adults have the back variously marbled with dark brown and tan with buffy or orange spots, so that the entire effect is a coarse salt-and-pepper condition. The three head lines are present, but the median line shows a strong tendency to be reduced on the snout, or at least very obscured on that portion of the head, due to the deposition of inter-stripe pigment. Throats are pale yellow to gray, usually immaculate, but in some specimens the throat is heavily clouded with gray or may even have a few to many dark brown to black flecks or spots. The venters are grayish to white and not obviously squamate. The iris is yel- low. Juveniles show an intensification of the female pattern. A hatchling from Sosua (ASPS V2031) is dark brown with scatted pale ocelli over the back and sides, and of two juveniles (ASPS V32207-08) from Hojas Anchas, one has a small dark scapular patch and two ocelli, whereas the other has neither of these features indicated. Even in these very young juveniles (snout-vent lengths 15 to 18 mm), there is a tendeney for the head lines to be obscure as in adult females. Comparisons.— S. d. typhlopous females are readily differentiated from female dijficilis, lycauges, and euopter, in that these three subspecies have 16 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 22 scapular patches with one or two ocelli, whereas no scapular pattern occurs except under very redueed conditions in typhlopous. Likewise, male typhlopous differ from male euopter in that they lack a scapular patch and ocelli, as well as being much more coarse- ly patterned dorsally. Male typhlopous resemble male lycauges and difficilis, but typhlopous males are more coarsely patterned dorsally and have (as full adults) more heavily spotted heads with a bright inter-spot reticulum. Female typhlopous and euopter are also distinguishable by the presenee in the latter of four longitudinal orange lines. In all body scale counts, typhlopous averages be- tween difficilis and lycauges. In midbody scale eounts, the mean of typhlopous (46.8 ± 1.5) is signihcantly different from lycauges (43.4 ± 0.6), but not from euopter (45.3 ± 1.1) or difficilis (48.1 ± 0.7). The mean (12.1) of fourth toe lamellae is greater than the means of difficilis, lycauges, and euopter, al- though the mode of 1 1 in typhlopous is identical with the modes in lycauges and euopter; difficilis has a mode of 10. Remarks. — S. d. typhlopous occupies the north- ern Dominican lowlands north of the Cordillera Septentrional (on whose southern slopes occurs S. d. difficilis). Present material does not demonstrate intergradation between these two subspecies in southern Puerto Plata Province, but almost certain- ly intergrades will be encountered in this region be- cause typhlopous occurs (farther to the west at Im- bert and Hojas Anchas in the northern foothills of this range) at elevations of 1,100 ft and about 800 ft (336 and 244 m) and very likely ascends to the northern slopes of the Septentrional to intergrade with S. d. difficilis. Elsewhere, I interpret specimens from at least the western Valle de Cibao and the northern flank of the Cordillera Central as being intergradient be- tween difficilis, typhlopous, and lycauges. Through- out mueh of this area of presumed intergradation, there are only single specimens from most localities. The exception is south of Palo Verde, whenee there are 13 lizards. A few individuals from the Monte Cristi-Palo Verde area have a small scapular patch and one (sometimes two) tiny gray ocelli. A female from north of Cruce de Guayacanes has a reduced black scapular patch and two peripheral ocelli. Two females from Los Quemados have a much reduced dark brown scapular patch with either one or two tiny gray ocelli. However, a female from Cana has neither patch nor ocelli. All in all, we suggest that these specimens show both influence of difficilis (small pateh, one oeellus) and lycauges (large patch, two ocelli) upon an otherwise typhlopous popula- tion. The western portion of the Cordillera Septen- trional is low and arid (in contrast to the mesic forested uplands of this range in its eastern and cen- tral portions), and S. d. typhlopous has crossed the mountains in this western region. 5. d. difficilis oc- curs in the extreme eastern portion of the xeric Valle de Cibao in the vicinity of Santiago. Probably this subspecies occurs farther to the west in this valley and finally meets typhlopous at its western extrem- ity. However, the presenee of a reduced scapular patch and two ocelli is not characteristic of either typhlopous or difficilis-, it is characteristic of the more western lycauges, which is known from very elose (45 km at Terrier Rouge) to the Dominieo-Haitian border where intergradient specimens occur. The major geographie barrier between lycauges and the intergradient speeimens is the Riviere Massacre, and it seems likely that there has been some genetic ex- change across this river between lycauges and typh- lopous. The topotypic series of S. d. typhlopous was se- eured in seagrapes (Coccoloba) and almonds (Ter- minalia) along the coast, and a single juvenile was found in a hotel bungalow at Sosua. The lizard from Imbert was taken under palm trash on a mesic hill- slope, and geckos were secured at Palo Verde in dry logs, under termitaria, and in piles of dry wood, sticks, leaves, and palm slats in riverine woods and adjacent to a banana grove. The lizard from Monte Cristi was taken in old palm trash at a garbage dump in Acac/a-cactus lowlands. The long series from Ho- jas Anehas was taken from within a staek of very old logs in the sheltered yard of an abandoned sugar mill, and those from Gaspar Hernandez were se- eured in coastal Cocos trash. Perhaps the most unusual situation for S. difficilis is shown by the specimens from Los Quemados. One of these (ASFS V32069) was taken from under bark and a woody bracket-fungus 6 ft (1 .8 m) up on a leguminous tree in rather mesic riverine woods in otherwise very xeric country. Another lizard was seen 12 ft (3.7 m) up in a similar tree at the same locality. Both trees were alive but riddled with ter- mites and had cavities filled with termitaria. A third lizard was taken from a hollow deeayed tree limb at this locality. Of two lizards (ASFS V3 3474-75) from this same region, one was taken under the bark of a standing dead tree in a shaded but not mesic Acacia ravine, and the second was secured in trash at the base of a tree. The occurrence of S. difficilis in any situation above the ground surface is unusual, and it is remarkable that three lizards were seen or 1983 KKYZ- SPHAERODACTYLUS SYSTEMATICS 1 17 taken in this situation in the Los Quemados area. The generally xeric habitats of the western Cibao may restrict S. difficilis to more mesic situations in the valley and may even have compelled the lizards to becoming partially arboreal in this region. The specimens from Los Montones, which lies at an el- evation of 1 ,600-2,000 ft (488-6 1 0 m), were native- collected; the area there is mesic deciduous canopy forest, quite different from areas occupied by S. d. typhlopous in the floor of the Valle de Cibao. S. difficilis from the Cayos Siete Hermanos (15 specimens from three islets) we group tentatively with typhlopous. These lizards do not differ in scale counts from our series of typhlopous, and females lack scapular patches and ocelli as does that sub- species. There is, however, a strong tendency for the females and juveniles to be lineate dorsally (ASFS VI 7694, ASFS VI 7708, USNM 76718). The loca- tion of the Siete Hermanos, off the northern coast near the Bahia de Manzanillo, and thus close to the ranges of both lycauges to the west and typhlopous to the east, and the presence in this region of the mouths of the Riviere Massacre (which separates the ranges of lycauges and typhlopous) and the Rio Yaque del Norte, suggests that these islands have been colonized fortuitously by individuals of both subspecies. Thus the lineate pattern of female and juvenile Siete Hermanos S. difficilis may be the re- sult of advent of lycauges upon an otherwise more or less typhlopous population. S. d. typhlopous is known to be sympatric with S. darlingtoni at one locality (north of Cruce de Guay- acanes) in the western (but very mesic) portion of the Cordillera Septentrional; at this locality, S. dar- lingtoni far outnumbers V. difficilis. Presumably the two species occur sympatrically elsewhere in the central and western Cordillera Septentrional, but S. darlingtoni has not as yet been collected at La Cumbre, where S. difficilis is extremely abundant. The two species are easily distinguished in this re- gion, since S. d. darlingtoni has a greater number of midbody scales (48-59) than does S. d. typhlo- pous (41-53) and is a much smaller lizard (males 25, females 29 snout-vent length) than is S. d. typh- lopous (males 33, females 32 snout-vent length). Etymology.— The name typhlopous from the Greek for “step- ping in blindness,” an allusion to the usual absence of ocelli in this subspecies. Sphaerodactylus difficilis peratus, new subspecies Hoiotype. — CM 52264, an adult female, from 5 km NW Los Yayales, Maria Trinidad Sanchez Prov- ince, Republica Dominicana, one of a series col- lected by Albert Schwartz and Richard Thomas on 30 October 1963. Original number ASFS VI 923. Paratypes.- ASFS y 1919-22, ASFS VI 924-29, same data as hoiotype; CM 52265-70, USNM 167277-81, same locality as hoiotype, A. Schwartz, 18 July 1968; 1.4 mi (2.2 km) SE Los Yayales, Maria Trinidad Sanchez Province, Republica Domini- cana, A. Schwartz, 24 November 1971; MCZ 1 19368, 6 km SE Nagua, Maria Trinidad Sanchez Province, Republica Domini- cana, R. Thomas, 26 October 1963; MCZ 1 19367, 3.3 km S Cabrera, Maria Trinidad Sanchez Province, Republica Domini- cana, R. Thomas, 29 November 1964; LSUMZ 21915-19, 4.8 km S Cabrera, Maria Trinidad Sanchez Province, Republica Do- minicana, D. W. Buden, R. Thomas, 29 November 1964; ASFS V33704-31, 2.1 mi (3.4 km) NE Rio San Juan, Maria Trinidad Sanchez Province, Republica Dominicana, D. C. Fowler, B. R. Sheplan, 10 November 1971; ASFS VI 6069, 4 km N Azucey, Maria Trinidad Sanchez Province, Republica Dominicana, A. Schwartz, 23 December 1968; ASFS V34161, 1.0 mi (1.6 km) S Cano Abajo, Maria Trinidad Santhez Province, Republica Do- minicana, native collector, 24 November 1971; ASFS V34239- 59, 1.0 mi (1.6 km) S Cano Abajo, Maria Trinidad Sanchez Province, Republica Dominicana, native collectors, 26 Novem- ber 1971; MCZ 43395-96, Sanchez, Samana Province, Republica Dominicana, P. J. Darlington, July 1938. Definition. — A subspecies of S. difficilis charac- terized by a combination of very high number of dorsal scales (28-40) between axilla and groin, very high number of midbody scales (46-60), female shoulder pattern of scapular blotch and ocelli absent (Fig. 2F), and males without indication of scapular patch and ocelli. Distribution. — Republica Dominicana, the north- eastern coast and inland in mesic situations, from Rio San Juan on the north to Azucey on the south, and east (apparently) to Sanchez on the base of the Peninsula de Samana. Description of hoiotype. — An adult female with a snout-vent length of 28 mm, tail length 23 mm, almost completely regenerated; dorsal scales axilla to groin 38, ventral scales axilla to groin 29, mid- body scales 58, supralabials to mid-eye 4/4, inter- nasals 1, fourth toe lamellae 13, gular scales keeled, chest and ventral scales smooth. Dorsal ground color dark brown, heavily flecked with black to dark brown, the flecking more or less aligned into a series of about seven longitudinal stripes, all of which are narrow and relatively in- distinct; head pattern trilineate but median line ab- sent on snout, thrice constricted behind eyes, and disappearing abruptly before reaching scapular area which is occupied by a series of tiny black longi- tudinal flecks which may be remnants of the scap- ular patch; ocelli absent; snout heavily strippled with brown; venter and throat cream, throat flecked with numerous tiny brown flecks. 18 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 22 Variation. — The series of 83 S. d. peratus has the following measurements and counts: largest male (ASFS V34240) 33 mm snout-vent length, largest female (ASFS V33721) 33 mm; dorsal scales be- tween axilla and groin 28-40 (34.0); ventral scales between axilla and groin 26-35 (29.4); midbody scales 46-60 (5 1 .8); supralabials to mid-eye 3/3 (43 individuals), 2/2 (1), 3/4 (5), 4/4 (3), 4/5 (1); inter- nasals 0 (2), 1 (81); fourth toe lamellae 10-14(12.4; mode 13); gular scales smooth (41 individuals), weakly keeled (1 5) or strongly keeled (25), chest and ventral scales smooth; escutcheon 3-8 (5.0) by 8- 30 (23.2). Males are brownish gray to tan or dark brown, regularly heavily spotted dorsally with dark brown; the heads are yellowish with dark brown spots, often with additional white, cream, or pale yellow frost- ing. One male also had some scattered yellow scales between the brown spots on the back. Throats are yellow to orange-yellow, usually immaculate; a few males have the throat marked with discrete dark brown dots or marbling. The ventral color varies from grayish brown to tannish gray or yellowish gray. There is no indication of the scapular patch or ocelli. Females are much less heavily marked than males, and the dorsum is salt-and-pepper with the dark scales often arranged into more or less distinct lon- gitudinal lines. The head pattern is distinct behind the eyes but is often obscured on the snout. In some individuals (ASFS VI 924, ASFS V4257, both adults) the median head line continues down the midline of the back, and a young individual (ASFS V1925) also shows this condition very clearly. The dorsum is light gray to dark brown, and the dorsal markings are thus variably visible against a dark ground. The scapular patch and ocelli are absent. The venters are light gray, and the throats are cream, pale yellow, or yellow, with a few tiny scattered brown flecks. The iris is yellow to brown or gray-brown in both sexes. Juveniles are patterned like females, but all pat- tern elements are more distinct; as noted above, the lineate female pattern is expressed in some juveniles (ASFS V14103, ASFS VI 925) even more clearly than in the adults. Comparisons. — \n lacking a scapular patch and ocelli in females, S. d. peratus differs from difficilis, lycauges, and euopter, all of which have these pat- tern elements expressed. From typhlopous, which also usually lacks the patch and ocelli, peratus differs in much higher midbody scale counts (means 51.8 ± 0.8 in peratus, 46.8 ± 1.5 in typhlopous). In fact, the higher mean in Peratus midbody counts is sig- nificantly different from those of all other subspecies of S. difficilis. The mean of dorsal scale counts in peratus is also higher than those of all other subspecies. S. d. per- atus also has a very high percentage of specimens with keeled gular scales (including individuals with at least some keeling); the percentage in peratus (49%) is higher than that in difficilis (47%). Male N. d. peratus are distinguishable from males of the other subspecies in being heavily spotted dorsally. Remarks.— k.X the type-locality and Nagua, N. d. peratus was collected in palm trash along a sandy beach, where the geckos were extremely abundant. Elsewhere, lizards were taken under trash in Theo- broma groves (Azucey, San Francisco de Macoris), and under Cocos trash (San Francisco de Macoris, Cano Abajo). Shreve (1968) described S. clenchi as a species distinct from N. difficilis', the former occurs on the Peninsula de Samana. S. clenchi, surely a S. difficilis derivative, differs from S. difficilis in that the former lacks sexual dichromatism and has very small dorsal scales (and thus has very high body scale counts). It is interesting that S. d. peratus, that subspecies of V. difficilis which occurs closest to S. clenchi (and even apparently sympatrically with it at Sanchez at the base of the Peninsula de Samana), has the small- est scales and thus the highest body scale counts of all the subspecies of S. difficilis. Intergradation between peratus and typhlopous remains as yet unknown. The two subspecies ap- proach each other rather closely at Sosua and Caspar Hernandez, a distance of about 35 km airline, yet there is no especial tendency for specimens from either of these localities to have higher or lower scale counts than lizards from other localities well within the respective ranges of either subspecies. Likewise, material is still lacking between the Nagua-Los Yay- ales- Azucey area on one hand and Los Bracitos on the other— a distance of about 38 km airline. It should be recalled that S. d. difficilis occurs at Los Bracitos, a locality in the extreme eastern uplands of the Cordillera Septentrional, whereas in this re- gion, peratus is known only from lowland and more or less coastal localities. S. d. peratus is broadly sympatric with S. dar- lingtoni. The local subspecies of the latter (S. d. noblei) has dorsal, ventral, and midbody seale counts reaching less high extremes than does peratus, but the ranges in all these counts overlap broadly. How- 1983 scnw ARTZ- SPHAERODACTYLUS SYSTEM ATICS 1 19 ever, S. d. noblei is a much smaller lizard (snout- vent lengths in males to 25 mm, in females to 27 mm) than is S. d. peratus (males and females both to 33 mm). S. d. noblei is a dark brown lizard and has a scapular pattern, whereas S. d. peratus is gen- erally paler and lacks a scapular pattern. Etymology.— The name peratus is from the Greek for “that which may be passed over” in allusion to the pattern similarities between this subspecies and 5”. d. typhlopous. Sphaemductylus difficilis diolenius, new subspecies — USNM 166967, an adult female, from 2 mi (3.2 km) SE San Cristobal, San Cristobal Prov- ince, Republica Dominicana, one of a series col- lected by Albert Schwartz and Richard Thomas on 15 June 1963. Original number ASPS V7777. Paratypes.—ASFS V7776, ASFS V7778-80, same data as ho- lotype; ASFS V34971-72, La Romana, La Romana Province, Republica Dominicana, 17 November 1971, D. C. Fowler, B. R. Sheplan; ASFS V28901-06, 1.8 mi (2.9 km) S Boca del Soco, San Pedro de Macoris Province, Republica Dominicana, 16 July 1971, D. C. Fowler, A. Schwartz; USNM 167282-88, Villas del Mar, 5 km E Guayacanes, San Pedro de Macoris Province, Re- publica Dominicana, 5 June 1969, J. A. Rodgers, Jr., A. Schwartz; LSUMZ 2 1 920-3 ! , 1 km W Guayacanes, San Pedro de Macoris Province, Republica Dominica, 2 August 1968, J. K. Lewis, A. Schwartz; MCZ 1 19369-70, 8 km E Boca Chica, San Pedro de Macoris Province, Republica Dominicana, 21 July 1964, R. Thomas; AMNH 49990-92, 31 mi (50.6 km) E Santo Domingo, San Pedro de Macoris Province, Republica Dominicana, 1 Au- gust 1935, W. G. Hassler; CM 52271-73, 7 mi (11.2 km) E Boca Chica, San Pedro de Macoris Province, Republica Dominicana, 14 June 1963, D. C. Leber; MCZ 119371-72, EDO 7-5219-23, Aeropuerto Punta Caucedo (=Aeropuerto Intemacional de las Americas), Distrito Nacional, Republica Dominicana, 9 July ! 968, R. K. Bobilin, J. K. Lewds, J. B. Ober, L. D. Ober, R. A. Ober, A. Schwartz; ASFS V598, 5.5 km NE Guerra, Distrito Nacional, Republica Dominicana, 22 August 1963, D.C. Leber; CM 52274- 77, 6.7 km S Bayaguana, Distrito Nacional, Republica Domini- cana, 22 August 1963, D. C. Leber, R. Thomas; ASFS X7743- 53, 9.8 mi (1 5.7 km) E Santo Domingo, Distrito Nacional, Re- publica Dominicana, 14 June 1963, R. F. Klinikowski, D. C. Leber, R. Thomas; USNM 167289-93, Santo Domingo (Hotel Jaragua), Distrito Nacional, Republica Dominicana, 1 3 June 1 963, D. C. Leber, R. Thomas; CM 52278, Santo Domingo, old airport, Distrito Nacional, Republica Dominicana, 1 7 July 1963, R. Thomas; ASFS V2472, 8.5 km W Santo Domingo, Distrito Na- cional, Republica Dominicana, 20 June 1964, R. Thomas; ASFS V28487-90, 9.2 km W Rio Ozama, west of Santo Domingo, Distrito Nacional, Republica Dominicana, 23 June 1971, D. C. Fowler, A. Schwartz; MCZ 119373, 17 km NW Santo Domingo, Distrito Nacional, Republica Dominicana, 24 July 1964, R. Thomas; ASFS V4149, 17 km NW Santo Domingo, Distrito Nacional, Republica Dominicana, hatched from egg between 1- 7 September 1964. Associated specimens.— Dominicana: La Altagra- cia Province, 1 2 km E Otra Banda (ASFS V17618); Higiiey (ASFS V21832); 3.2 mi (5.1 km) W Higiiey (ASFS V759-62). El Seibo Province. 7 km W El Cuey (ASFS V 1 7586-609); 1.1 mi (1.8 km) W Miches (ASFS V28785); 3.3 mi (5.3 km) SW Miches (ASFS X7900-01); 3 km N El Valle (ASFS V3159); 2.6 km N Hato Mayor (ASFS V35291-92); 3.5 mi (5.6 km) S Sabana de la Mar (ASFS X7938-39); Sabana de la Mar (ASFS V3 123-24); Cuevas de Cano Hondo (ASFS V35285-90); north side of sheltering peninsula of Bahia de San Lorenzo, approximately 2 km E of tip (ASFS V3 152-56); 20.2 mi (32.3 km) NW, 3.4 mi (5.4 km) N La Vacama, Playa de Guaco {ASFS V29393^14). San Pedro de Macoris Province, 1 km W San Pedro de Macoris, west side of Rio Magua (ASFS V41041-51). San Cristobal Province, 7 km SE Yamasa, 122 m (ASFS V40926-28); 3.4 mi (5.4 km) W Sa- bana Grande de Palenque (ASFS X7 178-79); 2 km E Juan Baron (ASFS V28519-20). La Vega Province, 1.5 km W Jayaco, 183 m (ASFS V40862). Peravia Province, 4.8 mi (7.7 km) S Ban! (ASFS V29441-5 1). Azua Province. 9.7 mi {15.5 km) E Azua (ASFS X8067-94, ASFS VI 9335-51, ASFS V21 102-04); 2.7 mi (4.3 km) W Azua (ASFS V3 1039-50); Monte Rio (ASFS V21 164); 4 km W, 6 km N Azua (ASFS V2 1168-71); Barreras (ASFS V2 1272-358, ASFS V31033, ASFS V3 1069-1 75); 12.4 mi (19.8 km) SE Guanito, 900 ft (275 m) (ASFS V31338-41). San Juan Province, San Juan (ASFS V402); 15 km SE San Juan (ASFS V41 1); 15 km E San Juan (ASFS V21545^8). Sdnehez Ramirez Province, 1 km SE La Mata (ASFS V18579, ASFS V33667). Province unknown, Isla Pascal, Bahia de Samana (AMNH 41979- 85). Definition.— A subspecies of S. difficilis charac- terized by a combination of moderate number of dorsal scales (23-35) between axilla and groin, mod- erate number of midbody scales (40-53), female shoulder pattern consisting of a pair of pale ocelli and without a scapular patch (at best represented by a diffuse dark bar between ocelli), and males without indication of scapular patch but ocelli usu- ally present (Fig. 2G). Distribution. —Republica Dominicana, from the Valle de San Juan (San Juan) and the Llanos de Azua (Barreras) in the west, east to La Romana Province (La Romana) along the coast, and inland as far as La Vega Province (Jayaco) and Sanchez Ramirez Province (La Mata), thence east to El Seibo Province (Hato Mayor and north to Sabana de la Mar), east along the coast of the Bahia de Samana as far as the vicinity of Laguna Redonda and thence south to La Altagracia Province (Otra Banda, Higiiey); presum- ably also the subspecies at Hinche, Dept, de I’Ar- tibonite, Haiti. Description of holotype. — An adult female with a snout-vent length of 30 mm, tail length 24 mm; dorsal scales axilla to groin 3 1 , ventral scales axilla to groin 27, midbody scales 44, supralabials to mid- eye 3/3, 1 intemasal, fourth toe lamellae 1 1, gular, chest, and ventral scales smooth. Dorsal ground color medium tan with gray scales arranged in a series of about five very broken Ion- 20 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 22 gitudinal lines and with scattered dull orange dorsal ocelli. Three cephalic lines clear, the median one broken in the interorbital region; scapular patch re- stricted to a small bar between the two white ocelli; ventrolateral postauricular stripe present and mod- erately prominent; venter gray in life, throat with scattered dark brown flecks. Variation. — ¥o\xr hundred forty-six S. d. diolen- ius have the following measurements and counts: largest males (ASFS V3 1069, ASFS V3 1 338) 32 mm snout-vent length, largest females (ASFS V21275, ASFS V31094) 33 mm; dorsal scales between axilla and groin 23-35 (28.0); ventral scales between axilla and groin 24-37 (29.8); midbody scales 40-53 (46.6); supralabials to mid-eye 3/3 (272 individuals), 3/4 (9), 4/4 (3); internasals 1 (400), 0 (18), 2 (22), 3 (3); fourth toe lamellae 7-15 (10.9; mode 1 1); gular scales usually smooth (417 individuals) but occasionally keeled (7) or slightly keeled (14); escutcheon 3-8 (5.5) by 8-26 (17.8). Because of its broad distribution, S. d. diolenius is somewhat more variable both in dorsal ground color and pattern than are any of the other subspe- cies. Males have been recorded as tan, sandy, yel- lowish tan, brown, dark brown, gray or even black dorsally; the upper surface of the head is often or- ange to grayish yellow, and may or may not have dark brown spots or dots overlying the brighter ground color. The dorsum is heavily spotted, the dark brown spots arranged in a lineate pattern, al- though this seems to be a condition more prevalent in fully adult males. In some smaller males, the dorsum is salt-and-pepper. A pair of pale yellow, bufly, or white ocelli is very regularly present, at times darkly outlined and rarely connected by a very narrow and diffuse darker area which is a remnant of the juvenile pattern. The throat varies from gray- ish to yellow or orange, usually in the case of the latter brighter colors corresponding in intensity to the color of the head. Throat markings vary from scattered brown flecks or dots to a more complete dark reticulum; the degree of throat markings is cor- related with the amount of dark head markings. The ventral color was recorded as grayish brown, grayish yellow, yellowish brown, pinkish, light gray, dull gray-orange, gray, or flesh. Some males have a fairly prominent pair of orange ocelli at the base of the tail, and the tail is usually yellowish above and be- low, often in strong contrast to the more sombre tones of the dorsum and venter. Females have been recorded as tan, dark brown, wood brown, or yellowish tan; no females were re- ported as gray dorsally. The pattern of the back consists of dark brown scales arranged in a more or less lineate pattern. The usual head pattern is boldly trilineate, and the median line is seldom complete anterior to the eyes. The scapular patch is absent or at best restricted to a dark bar lying between the ocelli which are pale yellow, white, or pale bufly. Females often have scattered orange spots or bufly flecking on the dorsum, and there may be a pair of yellow ocelli at the beginning of the tail. The ventral color was recorded as brown, dark brown, gray, yel- lowish brown, pale yellow-gray, gray-orange, flesh, or yellow-gray. The upper surface of the head and the throat are not orange or yellow but are unicolor with the dorsum and venter respectively. The throat pattern consists of grayish to brownish flecking or marbling; some females, especially subadults, lack any prominent throat markings. The iris color is regularly yellow or yellow-brown in both sexes. Juveniles are colored and patterned like females; the tail is orange dorsally and ventrally. In hatch- lings, the tip the tail is white, followed by a broad black band. Comparisons.— S. d. diolenius has a moderate number of midbody scales (mean 46.6 ± 0.3) and in this character differs significantly from the sub- species difficilis, lycauges, and peratus. The number of dorsal scales between the axilla and groin in di- olenius averages less than those in difficilis, typhlo- pous, and peratus, and greater than those in lycauges and euopter. Female diolenius, with a pair of ocelli and (at best) a small scapular patch or with the patch absent, differ from female difficilis, typhlopous, and peratus, all of which have either one ocellus or no ocelli, and the patch either well expressed or absent. From euopter, female diolenius differ in having a much more reduced scapular patch and in lacking the distinct longitudinal orange lines. Female di- olenius most closely resemble female lycauges in northern Haiti, but lycauges has less midbody scales (means 43.4 ± 0.6 versus 46.6 ± 0.3), and the ranges of the two subspecies are widely separated by (for the most part) the interior Dominican Cordillera Central, although diolenius possibly extends into the Plateau Central in Haiti (see Remarks). Even if the Plateau Central is occupied by diolenius, this sub- species and lycauges are probably separated by the Massif du Nord. Male diolenius have a pair of pale ocelli and thus are easily differentiated from males of all other subspecies thus far described, with the exception of euopter. Males of the latter subspecies have a prominent black scapular patch with ocelli. 1983 SCH^N KKTZ- SPIIAERODACTYLUS SYSTEM ATICS I 21 whereas the patch is never present in diolenius. It should also be noted that male lycauges occasionally have ocelli present, much as in the regular fashion of male diolenius. Remarks. — S. d. diolenius is the most widely dis- tributed of the subspecies, occupying most of eastern and central-southern Repiiblica Dominicana. Shreve ( 1 968) noted the occurrence of “Y notatus difficilis" at Hinche in central Haiti. I have examined the four specimens (BMNH 1948.1. 4. 27-.30) upon which Shreve based his record; the series consists of one adult and one subadult female, and one adult and one subadult male. Shreve (1968:5), quoting field notes on this series, stated that the upper surfaces were fawn brown, prominently spotted with jet black. There were two white ocelli which lay lateral to a pair of jet black spots. The two males now lack scapular patches and ocelli (and thus dilfer from most male diolenius) and have the dorsum with scat- tered darker brownish dots. The larger male lacks head pattern or dotting, and the smaller has some faint brownish dotting on the head. Both are very drab lizards. The larger female has the typical tri- lineate diolenius head pattern, with the body heavily dotted with dark brown, and with two very prom- inent ventrolateral lines which extend to the fore- limb insertion. The black scapular patch is reduced to an elongate bar (which is nevertheless conspic- uous) with a pair of pale ocelli. The smaller female resembles the larger female closely in scapular pat- tern, but the dorsum is more lineate than dotted. There is nothing distinctive about the body scale counts, except that the midbody scales for the small- er female are 39, slightly less than the low count of 40 for the long series of diolenius. The internasals are exceptionally variable, since in the series of four lizards there are counts of 0, 1, 2, and 3. I include these Haitian lizards with S. d. diolenius only pro- visionally. The absence of ocelli in the males is cru- cial, but on the other hand their absence may be due to the length of time in preservative. The nearest locality for diolenius (15 km E San Juan) lies some 1 20 km to the southeast of Hinche, and, although it is not at all improbable that this subspecies con- tinues from the Valle de San Juan across the inter- national boundary onto the Plateau Central in Haiti, more material from north-central Haiti may reveal the presence there of another subspecies of S. dif- ficilis. No intergrades between diolenius and the adjacent subspecies {difficilis, peratus) are known. The sub- species difficilis and diolenius approach each other at 7.5 mi NW Cruce de Pimentel and 1 km SE La Mata, a distance of 20 km, and diolenius and peratus occur at 1 km SE La Mata and 4 km N Azucey, a distance of 30 km. S. d. diolenius also occurs ad- jacent to S. clench i and sympatrically with S. sav- agei\ details of these contacts are discussed in the accounts of those species. S. d. diolenius is also sym- patric with S. cochranae at the Bahia de San Lo- renzo, where both species were taken in the Cuevas de Cano Hondo. Specimens of S. d. diolenius have been taken in a variety of situations, including Cocos trash near shore and under isolated palm fronds on mud ad- jacent to a mangrove swamp, under the fallen thatch of an abandoned native hut, under palm fronds and trash on beach dunes and on sand flats behind dunes, under rocks and cacao trash, under a log in a lime- stone pasture, in rotting logs and under bark of fallen dead trees, under a log in mesic woods, under a thatch pile adjacent to a dry rice field, and in rock rubble and human debris on a cave floor along the edge of the cave wall. The lizards have been seen actively running about in the morning in the leaves on the floor of a mesic cacao grove. On three oc- casions, S. d. diolenius were taken in human dwell- ings. Altitudinal distribution is from sea level at many localities to an elevation of 4 1 5 meters at San Juan. S. d. diolenius and S. altavelensis enriquilloensis are broadly sympatric and under special circum- stances syntopic in the southwestern portion of the area occupied by S. d. diolenius. We have the impression that in this region, diolenius is an in- habitant of more shaded or mesic situations (al- though these locales may not be wet) than does the xerophilic enriquilloensis. East of Azua, both species were taken together in the same piles of old Cocos trash in a well shaded coconut grove— an artificial oasis in an otherwise hot and dry cactus-desert. Of the two species, S. a. enriquilloensis is much the smaller (males to 26 mm, females to 28 mm) than is diolenius (males 32 mm, females 33 mm). The scale counts overlap broadly, but in general enri- quilloensis has lower dorsal, ventral, and midbody counts. In addition, enriquilloensis lacks a dark scapular patch, a feature reduced but only at times present in diolenius. The short series from Isla Pascal in the Bahia de Samana is referable to diolenius rather than to either V. d. peratus or S. clenchi. The low scale counts, and absent or very restricted scapular patch and paired ocelli in females confirm that these specimens BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 22 22 are assignable to diolenius. We are unable to locate Isla Pascal on any modem map but assume that it is dose to the southern shore of the Bahia de Sa- mana, adjacent to the known range of diolenius. Etymology.— The name diolenius is from the Greek for “with outstretched arms,” in allusion to the wide distribution of this subspecies. Sphaewdactylus difficilis anthracomus, new subspecies Holotype.—CM 52279, an adult female, from 1 km NE Paraiso, Rio Nizaito, Barahona Province, Republica Dominicana, one of a series collected by James A. Rodgers, Jr., Albert Schwartz, and James B. Strong on 22 May 1969. Original number ASFS V16941. Paratypes.-A.STS VI 6937^0, ASFS VI 6942-45, same data as holotype; ASFS V30438^1, same locality as holotype, 2 Sep- tember 1971, J. R. Buffett, D. C. Fowler, A. Schwartz, B. R. Sheplan; USNM 167294-97, 2 km SE Barahona, Barahona Prov- ince, Republica Dominicana, 23 July 1963, D. C. Leber; LDO 7-5338—41, LDO 7-5364, 3 mi (4.8 km) S Barahona, Barahona Province, Republica Dominicana, 11 July 1968, J. B. Ober, L. D. Ober, R. A. Ober; ASFS V23422, 7 km SW Barahona, Ba- rahona Province, Republica Dominicana, 4 January 1971, A. Schwartz; ASFS V20958, 5 km S, 1 km W Barahona, ±200 ft (6 1 m), Barahona Province, Republica Dominicana, 4 July 1969, R. Thomas; ASFS V3 1014-1 8, Barahona, southern outskirts, Barahona Province, Republica Dominicana, 1 2 September 1971, D. C. Fowler, B. R. Sheplan; ASFS V30451-62, 3.3 mi (5.3 km) NE La Cienaga, Barahona Province, Republica Dominicana, 2 September 1971, native collectors; LSUMZ 21933-36, MCZ 1 19374-80, 9 mi (14.4 km) SW La Cienaga, Barahona Province, Republica Dominicana, 22 July 1963, D. C. Leber, A. Schwartz, R. Thomas; AMNH 51466, Paraiso, Barahona Province, Re- publica Dominicana, 1932, W. G. Hassler; CM 52280-81, 2 km SW Paraiso, Barahona Province, Republica Dominicana, 1 Au- gust 1963, P. A. Adams, R. F. KJinikowski; ASFS V1451-52, 2 km SW Paraiso, Barahona Province, Republica Dominicana, hatched 25 September 1963 from eggs taken 1 August 1963; ASFS V1615, 2 km SW Paraiso, Barahona Province, Republica Dominicana, hatched 9 October 1963 from egg taken 1 August 1963; ASFS V30843-47, 1.9 mi (3.0 km) W Paraiso, 600 ft (183 m), Barahona Province, Republica Dominicana, 10 September 1971, D. C. Fowler, B. R. Sheplan; ASFS V35770, 3 km W Paraiso, 500 ft (153 m), Barahona Province, Republica Do- minicana, 25 December 1972, M. D. Lavrich; ASFS V31019, 1.9 mi (3.0 km) W Paraiso, 600 ft (183 m), Barahona Province, Republica Dominicana, hatched 11 September 1971 from egg taken 10 September 1971; ASFS V30948-49, 4.1 mi (6.6 km) W Paraiso, 500 ft (153 m), Barahona Province, Republica Do- minicana, 1 1 September 1971, D. C. Fowler; ASFS V30750-55, 0.5 mi (0.8 km) NE Caleton, 400 ft (122 m), Barahona Province, Republica Dominicana, 8 September 1971, D. C. Fowler, A. Schwartz, B. R. Sheplan; ASFS V30772-89, 1.5 mi (2.4 km) SW Caleton, 200 ft (6 1 m), Barahona Province, Republica Domini- cana, 8 September 1971, D. C. Fowler, A. Schwartz, B. R. She- plan; LSUMZ 21932, 1.4 mi (2.2 km) NE Enriquillo, Barahona Province, Republica Dominicana, 1 1 July 1968, L. D. Ober. Associated specimens. — Repub\.ic\ Dominicana: Barahona Province. 10 km SW Barahona (ASFS V40500); 3.3 mi (5.3 km) NE La Cienaga (ASFS V39799-830, ASFS V399 16-24); 6 km NE Paraiso (ASFS V39744^5, ASFS V39831-35); 6 km N En- riquillo, 366 m (ASFS V42 166-67); 3 km N Enriquillo, 214 m (ASFS V42233); 5 km SW Enriquillo (ASFS V42388-89); 7 km SW, 0.5 km E Enriquillo (ASFS V425 19-22); 7 km SW, 1 km E Enriquillo (ASFS V4249 1-500); 1 km SE La Lanza, 732 m (ASFS V45027). Pedernales Province, 0.5 km E Juancho (ASFS V42485- 87). Definition.— A subspecies of S. dijficilis charac- terized by a combination of moderate number of dorsal scales (24-33) between axilla and groin, high number of midbody scales (45-56), female shoulder pattern consisting of a pair of pale ocelli and usually a very large dark scapular patch which is never bar- like (Fig. 2H), and males with a pair of pale ocelli and the scapular patch at times indicated. Distribution.— The: eastern coast of the Peninsula de Barahona, from the vicinity of Barahona on the north, south to near Juancho; generally confined to coastal situations or low elevations on the eastern slopes of the Sierra de Baoruco, but also occurring north of Enriquillo on the southern slopes of this range and near La Lanza in the uplands. Description of holotype.— An adult female with a snout-vent length of 31 mm; tail length 22 mm, almost completely regenerated; dorsal scales axilla to groin 29, ventral scales axilla to groin 27, mid- body scales 51, supralabials to mid-eye 3/3, 1 in- temasal, fourth toe lamellae 1 1 , gular, chest, and ventral scales smooth. Dorsal ground color brown, randomly flecked with black. Three cephalic lines dark brown on a buffy ground, the lines very distinct and the median line not touching the scapular figure posteriorly; scapular patch very large and black, with a pair of large dis- tinct white ocelli laterally, the entire complex fol- lowed by a dark brown transverse line; ventrolateral stripes prominent and extending behind shoulder; venter fleshy gray, throat with very fine brownish stippling along jaw margins but otherwise unpat- temed. Variation.— T\%hiy -one S. d. anthracomus have the following measurements and scale counts: larg- est male (ASFS V30843) 33 mm, largest females (ASFS V30776, ASFS V30845) 32 mm; dorsal scales between axilla and groin 24-33 (28.7); ventral scales between axilla and groin 26-35 (30.1); midbody scales 45-56 (49.8); supralabials to mid-eye 3/3 (47), i983 SCHV< XRTZ- SPHAERODACTYLUS SYSTEMATICS 1 23 3/4 (2); intemasals 0(12), 1 (66), 2 (2), 3(1); fourth toe lamellae 8-12(11.1; mode 11); gular scales usu- ally smooth (73), very rarely keeled (1) or slightly keeled (7); escutcheon 4-8 (5.7) by 15-27 (21.0). The dorsal coloration of males varies from very pale sandy to tan or dark brown or gray-tan, either without a dorsal pattern (LSUMZ 21934), or with a lightly flecked (LSUMZ 21933) or heavily flecked (ASFS V 1 6937) dorsum. Paired white ocelli are reg- ularly present and visible even in the palest males, and the scapular patch is usually absent; two males (LSUMZ 21934, USNM 167296) have a slightly darker area, which Represents the patch in females between the ocelli. One peculiar individual (ASFS V30778) has the scapular patch as well developed as females, and there are remnants of a female head pattern; however, there is a moderately well devel- oped escutcheon and the specimen appears, at least on this structural feature, to be a male. The trilineate head pattern persists in some large males (ASFS VI 6940, snout-vent length 28 mm), but even in such specimens there is a strong tendency for head dotting to obscure the basic female pattern. Flead dotting is a common feature in most males, although it is absent in some fully adult specimens. The venter is whitish, pinkish gray, or dull orange, and the throat is either dotted with dark brown or not; both con- ditions occur with about equal frequency. Females were recorded dorsally as tan to brown, with either little or no dorsal dark spotting or dotting (LDO 7-5338) or with fairly prominent but random dark flecks as in the holotype. The head pattern is unusually well defined and distinctive, the dark lines on a buffy ground color. The scapular patch is vari- ably expressed, but in most females, especially in those from the type-locality and its vicinity, the patch is very large, dark brown, and regularly has two white ocelli along its lateral margins; there is often also a dark brown transverse line following the patch itself, as in the holotype. In specimens from Bara- hona and vicinity, the patch is somewhat more re- stricted but still evident, and the ocelli are large and conspicuous, even in pale individuals. The ventral coloration is whitish to fleshy gray, and the throat is concolor with the venter (not yellowish as in males) and rarely has a few scattered dark flecks. The iris color is yellow to golden yellow in both sexes. Juveniles show the fullest expression of the female pattern, with large block-like scapular patches and associated white ocelli. Barahona juveniles have the patch less well expressed than do juveniles from farther south. One small specimen (ASFS VI 6944, snout-vent length 20 mm) has a widely opened pale chevron preceding the large scapular patch; this chevron is characteristic of juveniles and females of S. randi to the south. Juveniles have yellow throats and gray venters, and the underside of the tail is orange or coral red. Comparisons. — In having a large and conspicuous scapular patch and two ocelli, female S. d. anthra- comus are easily distinguished from females of those subspecies with one ocellus (difficilis) or with re- duced scapular patches {lycauges, typhlopous, per- atus, diolenius). From female euopter, which have a large scapular patch and two ocelli, female an- thracomus differ in not being lineate orange dorsally. In having ocellate males, anthracomus differs from difficilis, lycauges, typhlopous, and peratus. Only eu- opter and diolenius males are ocellate, and males of the former have a well developed scapular patch. Male diolenius and anthracomus can be most easily distinguished by the absence of a lineate body pat- tern in the latter and its usual presence in the former. In dorsal scales between axilla and groin, anthra- comus has a higher mean than all discussed sub- species except difficilis, typhlopous, and peratus. In midbody scales, anthracomus has the highest mean of all discussed subspecies except peratus-, the mid- body mean of anthracomus (49.8 ± 0.78) differs significantly from those of difficilis (48.1 ± 0.71), lycauges (43.4 ± 0.62), euopter (45.3 ± 1.17), typhlopous (46.8 ± 1.51), /?£’rarr«(51.8 ± 0.79), and diolenius (46.6 ± 0.33), but is closest to that of difficilis. Remarks.— S. d. anthracomus is apparently a de- rivative of V. d. diolenius. Only in the extreme east- ern, mesic end of the Valle de Neiba has S. difficilis been able to cross this xeric valley, with subsequent penetration onto the eastern coast of the Peninsula de Barahona near sea level, and thence onto the southern portion of the Peninsula itself in appar- ently especially favored situations. As has been re- peatedly pointed out, the eastern littoral of the Pen- insula de Barahona is narrow, and the Sierra descends steeply to the ocean at many localities along this coast. Most specimens of S. d. anthracomus were taken in seaside situations — under palm trash in coastal groves, in a banana grove, under very dry palm thatch adjacent to an inhabited native house, under dry Cocos trash piles on sand behind man- groves, under palm trash in mesic woods, and (at the type-locality) in the wet fallen thatch of a shelter 24 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY NO. 22 along the lower reaches of the Rio Nizalto and under palm trash in a park-like grassy grove adjacent to the river bank. One lizard was taken as it was active in an abandoned schoolhouse in Acacia forest dur- ing the morning. The highest elevation for anthra- comus is 2,400 ft (732 m) at La Lanza in the uplands of the Sierra de Baoruco. Four eggs, taken 2 km SW Paraiso, had measure- ments of 7.9 by 5.4, 7.4 by 5.4, 7.4 by 5.5, and 7.6 by 5.3; three hatchlings from these eggs had snout- vent lengths of 14 and 15 mm. It is possible that the specimens from the vicinity of Barahona represent a subspecies different from anthracomus\ as pointed out above, these lizards are uniformly pale and females are unpatterned or weakly patterned dorsally. Likewise, the scapular patch is limited, although the ocelli are present and prominent. Another possibility is that these few geckos represent extreme intergrades between di- olenius to the north and anthracomus. No certain intergrades between these two subspecies are known: anthracomus occurs at Barahona, whereas the near- est diolenius locality is Barreras, distant some 20 km airline and on the northern side of the Valle de Neiba. We have little doubt that S. difficilis occurs between these two localities, but specimens are lack- ing. The intervention of the large Bahia de Neiba between the Barahona and Barreras localities ren- ders the distance of 20 km between them equivocal, since S. difficilis obviously must circumvent the bay in this region. The Sierra de Baoruco and the Peninsula de Ba- rahona are complex as far as geographic interrela- tionships between members of the difficilis complex are concerned. Not only does S. difficilis itself occur widely along the eastern margin of the Peninsula, but in these same lowlands occur S. altavelensis and S. armstrongi; S. difficilis has been taken syntopi- cally with both these species— with altavelensis in the north and armstrongi in the south. At the type- locality of S. d. anthracomus and at other localities in this more mesic portion of the range of the Ba- rahona subspecies, anthracomus is syntopic with S'. armstrongi. The latter species is distinctly more me- sophilic than S. d. anthracomus and seems to be associated with more upland areas in the Sierra de Baoruco. The two species are syntopic in those sit- uations where the mesic upland flora and conditions descend to near the coast. There are five species of sphaerodactyls which occur either syntopically or allotopically along the eastern margin of the Peninsula de Barahona— S. difficilis, S. randi, S. armstrongi, S. altavelensis, and S. streptophorus. Of these, we have taken difficilis with armstrongi, difficilis with altavelensis, and dif- ficilis with streptophorus, syntopically. Schwartz (1977) discussed the geographic relationships of these species and presented a map as well. Of the four species, S. d. anthracomus is the larg- est with males reaching a snout-vent length of 33 mm, females 32 mm. All other local species are much smaller, with Y a. enriquilloensis the largest (males to 26 mm, females to 28 mm). Sphaerodac- tylus d. anthracomus and 5. a. armstrongi are sep- arable on the basis of dorsal scales (24-33 versus 29-41), whereas this count in altavelensis and strep- tophorus falls within the known parameters for S. d. anthracomus. At the species level, midbody scales in S. armstrongi are more numerous (49-64) than in S. difficilis (45-56) and midbody scales in S. al- tavelensis are less so (38-50), whereas midbody scales in S. streptophorus are comparable in number (4 1 - 60) to those of S. difficilis. Of the four species, only S. d. anthracomus has females with bold dark scap- ular patches with pale ocelli on a lighter ground; this condition stands most especially in contrast to that of S. a. enriquilloensis wherein the scapular patch is absent or, at its best expression, faint and weak. Both S. armstrongi and Y. streptophorus lack scap- ular patches but have ocelli. The head patterns of all four species are so very distinctive that one has little difficulty assigning individual specimens to the proper taxon within this area of sympatry. Etymology.— Tht name anthracomus is from the Greek for “charcoal” and “shoulder” in allusion to the large scapular patch in females. Sphaerodactylus clenchi Shreve Sphaerodactylus clenchi Shreve, 1968, Breviora, Mus. Comp. Zool., 280:21. Definition.— K species of Sphaerodactylus with small, acute, strongly keeled, flattened, imbricate dorsal scales (Fig. 3) axilla to groin 33 to 48; no area of middorsal granules or granular scales; dorsal body scales with two to five hair-bearing organs, each with a single hair, around apex. Dorsal scales of tail keeled, acute, imbricate, and flat-lying; ventral scales of tail smooth, rounded, enlarged midventrally; gular scales smooth, but occasionally weakly to strongly keeled; ventral scales rounded, imbricate, axilla to groin 27 to 36, smooth; scales around midbody 53 to 71; intemasals 0 to 3 (mode 1); upper labials to mid- eye 3 (rarely 4); escutcheon with a relatively narrow and compact central area and extensions onto thighs to near underside of knee (3-7 by 16-30). 1983 SCHV^ ARTZ- SPIIAERODACTYLUS SYSTEMATICS I 25 Fig. 3. — Dorsal views of Sphaerodactylus clenchi and 5”. lazelli, as follow: A) S. c. clenchi (male, ASFS V21847, and female, ASFS VI 996); B) S. c. apocoptus (holotype female, USNM 166965); C) S. lazelli (holotype male, MCZ 63281). Color pattern very weakly to moderately sexually diehromatie, and variable between the subspecies. Males yellowish tan to brown, with scattered dark brown flecks to dots and scattered creamy to orange ocelli giving a coarsely salt-and-pepper eflect, no head pattern but top of head often with scattered dark brown flecks or dots, throats gray to yellow (not orange) with a dark reticulum or scattered dots or flecks; scapular patch and ocelli absent; venter grayish yellow or flesh. Females with same dorsal body pattern and color as males, but head either almost completely without pattern except for some vague darker spots, or with a quadrilineate pattern of which the two inner lines correspond to the widely separated edges of the median single line in 5. dif- ficilis\ scapular patch and ocelli absent; ventral color as in males. Iris color yellow to orange. Distribution. — RtTpuhVicsi Dominicana, on the Peninsula de Samana as far as west of Sanchez, at Caba on the southwestern coast of the Bahia de Samana, and on the eastern extremity of Hispaniola at Playa El Coco and near La Vacama, La Altagracia Province. Sphaerodactylus clenchi clenchi Shreve Sphaerodactylus clenchi Shreve, 1968, Breviora, Mus. Comp. ZooL, 280:21. Type- /ocaZ/fv.— Samana (= Santa Barbara de Sa- mana), Samana Province, Republica Dominicana. Holotype. -MCZ 43706. Definition.— A subspecies of S. clenchi character- ized by a combination of high number of dorsal scales (34-48) between axilla and groin, high num- ber (54-7 1 ) of midbody scales, and almost no sexual dichromatism in head pattern with females having only the barest indication of the more completely expressed head pattern in the following subspecies. Distribution. — The Peninsula de Samana, west as far as 5.0 mi west of Sanchez, and at Caba at the southwestern comer of the Bahia de Samana, Re- publica Dominicana (Fig. 4). Variation.— The series of 97 S. c. clenchi has the following counts and measurements (means in pa- rentheses): largest male (MCZ 43706) 33 mm snout- vent length, largest females (ASFS V34317, ASFS V34335, ASFS V34904, ASFS V34906, ASFS V36153) 32 mm; dorsal scales between axilla and groin 34-48 (40.7); ventral scales between axilla and groin 27-36 (31.7); midbody scales 54-71 (61.4); supralabials to mid-eye 3/3 (62 individuals), 3/4 ( 1 ); internasals 0 (1 individual), 1 (83), 2 (11), 3 (2); fourth toe lamellae 7-14 (11.8; mode 13); throat scales usually smooth (82 individuals) but at times keeled (4) or partially keeled (11); escutcheon 3-7 (5.0) by 16-30 (22.4). Males are brown, dark brown, tan, or yellowish tan with scattered dark brown flecks, giving a finely salt-and-pepper eflect; these dark flecks often alter- nate (especially along the sides) with much larger dull orange ocelli; these ocelli occasionally (ASFS V2 1 859) fuse to form a ventrolateral line above the 26 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 22 Fig. 4. — Map of extreme eastern Hispaniola, showing the distri- butions of two subspecies of Sphaerodactylus clenchi. forelimb insertion on each side (Fig. 3A). The top of the head is either unicolor (at times with a yellow wash) with the dorsum and unpattemed, or there may be heavy' dark brown flecks, dots, or mottling over the top of the head and including the snout. One male (ASFS VI 995) shows the vaguest rem- nants of the female head pattern. The venter is gray- ish yellow; the throat ground color is yellowish gray to yellow, and there is a heavy pattern of dark brown (either dots or a reticulum). The iris is rarely yellow to usually bright orange, and the underside of the tail is orange. The upper side of the tail is marked with transversely juxtaposed orange to bufly ocelli giving, at least basally, a more or less crossbarred appearance; a pair of orange ocelli occurs fairly reg- ularly at the base of the tail. Females are colored and patterned dorsally like the males, even to the dotted head pattern. Young females, however, as well as juveniles, often show the vaguest indications of a quadrilineate head pat- tern, much better expressed in females of the other subspecies, which is represented by solid dark brown flecks arranged along the positions of the four lines (Fig. 3A). The venters of females were recorded as yellow-orange, and the throats are patterned with some scattered brownish to dark gray dots or flecks, less bold than in males. The ocellate tails of females are like those of males. Juveniles are patterned like adults, and there is little ontogenetic change in pattern with increased size, since many small juveniles have the heads with scattered dark spots. Mertens (1939:43) described a single male from Samana as “Schuppen sehr klein; . . . Hellgrau mit vielen dunkelgrauen Recken, die kaum deutliche Langsreihen bilden. Keine hellen Abzeichen auf den Schultem Oder am Schwanzende.” Shreve (1968:21) considered that N. clenchi was most closely related to S. caicosensis Cochran from the Caicos Bank is- lands, but it seems more likely that S. clenchi is a derivative of S. dijficilis (see beyond). Remarks.— S. c. clenchi is common on the Pen- insula de Samana. Our specimens were secured in palm trash in mesic Cocos groves, in a small, old, and very decayed pile of palm trash about 3 m from the inner edge of the mangrove border in a dense growth of herbaceous halophytes, under palm trash in an open and grassy Cocos grove, and under palm fronds behind Coccoloba on a sandy beach. At the other extreme are specimens from the Sierra de Sa- mana at an elevation of 1,000 ft (305 m) and in a mesic but somewhat lower cacaotal. The Sierra de Samana locality is in high-canopy hardwood forest with some cultivation. Specific status for S. clenchi depends primarily upon the higher scale counts of S. c. clenchi, the lack of or different head pattern in females (as compared with those of N. difficilis), and the apparent sympatry of 5. clenchi and S. difficilis at Sanchez near the isthmus of the Peninsula de Samana. The precise situation at Sanchez requires confirmation. In a 1 2 day stay at Sanchez, Schwartz and Buffett secured only S. clenchi, even as far distant as 5 mi (8 km) northwest of that settlement (and thus toward the isthmus). They were unable to secure any sphae- rodactyls between this locality and Cano Abajo (which lies on the mainland at the western extreme of the isthmus) where all material was S. difficilis. Thus the supposed sympatry remains unconfirmed; because it is based exclusively upon old specimens 1983 AKTZ- SPHAERODACTYLUS SYSTEMATICS 1 27 Table \.—Meristic data on seven subspecies o/Sphaerodactylus difficilis and two ofS. clenchi; extremes and means are given of selected counts except in S. lazelli where only one specimen is known. Diagnostic characters of the seven subspecies ofS. difficilis (both sexes) as far as the shoulder pattern is concerned are likewise given briefly. Dorsals Venlrals Taxon N axilla-groin axilla-groin Midbody scales Male pattern Female pattern S. d. difficilis 65 25-34 24-37 42-55 patch and ocelli ab- 1 ocellus small patch (29.2) (30.2) (48.1) sent S. d. lycauges 1 19 ocelli and patch usu- 2 ocelli small patch 22-33 24-35 37-50 ally absent, but (26.4) (28.7) (43.4) ocelli indicated S. d. euopter 30 24-31 23-31 41-50 patch and ocelli 2 ocelli large patch; (27.8) (26.7 ) (45.3) present dorsum with orange lines S. d. typhlopous 85 25-35 24-36 41-53 ocelli and patch ab- patch and ocelli absent (30.3) (30.0) (46.8) sent to barely present S. d. peratus 83 28^0 26-35 46-60 ocelli and patch ab- patch absent to bar-like (34.0) (29.4) (51.8) sent 2 ocelli S. d. diolenius 446 23-35 24-37 40-53 ocelli usually pres- ocelli present, patch (28.0) (29.8) (46.6) ent; patch absent absent to bar-like S. d. anthracomus 81 24-33 26-35 45-56 ocelli usually pres- ocelli large, bold; patch (28.7) (30.1) (49.8) ent; patch absent variable usually large, never bar-like S. c. clenchi 97 34^8 27-36 54-71 (40.7) (31.7) (61.4) S. c. apocoptus 60 33^3 27-36 53-63 (37.2) (31.1) (57.8) S. lazelli 1 20 25 42 whose locality data may be imprecise, we are not convinced that S. difficilis occurs on the Peninsula de Samana. The higher scale counts in S. c. clenchi versus those of S. difficilis are verified by our study, but it should be recalled that S. d. peratus, that subspecies of S. difficilis which occurs in the north- eastern Republica Dominicana, has the highest scale counts (midbody 46-60) of all the difficilis subspe- cies (in contrast to midbody counts of 54-7 1 in S. c. clenchi). It might be more proper to consider S. clenchi as a subspecies of 5. difficilis (because un- equivocal sympatry remains unknown), but the oc- currence of the species to the east on the southern side of the Bahia de Samana, where it is readily distinguishable from and allopatric to adjacent S. d. diolenius, suggests strongly that the species are quite distinct. Because of the general resemblance between S. clenchi and S. difficilis, there seems to be no reason to postulate a close relationship between S. clenchi and S. caicosensis as Shreve has done. The latter is a distinctly sexually dichromatic species with uni- color and non-ocellate males, and transversely crossbanded females — two pattern conditions which are quite different from the ocellate and salt-and- pepper patterns in S. clenchi (see Schwartz, 1968; 247 et seq., for details of variation in S. caicosensis). The large Rio Yuna empties into the head of the Bahia de Samana. The short series of S. c. clenchi from Caba on the south side of the Bahia presents a minor problem of distribution. Caba is a small fishing village lying on a pair of tiny beaches at the foot of the haitises which, on the southwestern por- tion of the Bahia de Samana, come abruptly to the coast. Between Caba and the nearest northern lo- cality for S. c. clenchi (Sanchez), lie the extensive swamps of the mouth of the Yuna. Although S. clenchi is a mesophile, it seems hardly likely that the species occupies these intermediate swampy re- gions. On the other hand, the specimens from Caba were all taken within and near the settlement; Caba residents sell their products and make purchases weekly in Sanchez, and it may well be that the Caba S. clenchi population has been fortuitously estab- lished through human agency. There are no other Sphaewdactylus known from the interior haitises (with the exception of S. darlingtoni near Gonzalo) and none from farther east along this coast until the Bahia de San Lorenzo, west of Sabana de la Mar, where four species {difficilis, darlingtoni, cochranae. 28 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 22 samanensis) are sympatric. I once more reiterate that the karst haitises region of northeastern Re- publica Dominicana is one of the herpetologically least known areas of the Repiiblica Dominicana, and extensive work is demanded in that difficult area before the geographic relationships of these four geckos can be understood. Specimens examined. — Repvblic a Dominicana: Samand Province. 5.0 mi (8.0 km) NW Sanchez (ASFS V34332-37, ASFS V34942); Sanchez (MCZ 43706); 2.2 km E Sanchez (ASFS V141 18-19); 14 km E Sanchez (ASFS V2011-12); 4.5 mi (7.2 km) E Sanchez (ASFS V34174); 7.6 mi (12.2 km) NE Sanchez, 1,000 ft (305 m) (ASFS V34307-21, ASFS V34896-914); 5 km E Las Terrenas (ASFS V21847); 7 km E Las Terrenas (ASFS V2 1858-71); 3.8 mi (6.1 km) E Las Terrenas (ASFS V34125); 0.3 mi (0.5 km) NW El Limon (ASFS V36151-54); 5.1 mi (8.2 km) NW El Limon (ASFS V36 1 55-58, ASFS V36 1 63); ca. 2 km W Los Cacaos (ASFS V21932); 8 km W Samana (ASFS V1994- V2002); 6 km W Samana (ASFS VI 973-74, ASFS V 14 13 1-36); 4 km W Samana (ASFS V14124); Samana (MCZ 43706 — ho- lotype); Puerto Escondido (ASFS V2978); Caba (ASFS V36075- 79). Sphaerodactylus clenchi apocoptus, new subspecies //o/o(vpc — USNM 166965, an adult female, from Playa El Coco, 46 km N Higuey, La Altagracia Prov- ince, Repiiblica Dominicana, one of a series col- lected by James A. Rodgers, Jr., and James B. Strong on 13 June 1969. Original number ASFS VI 7540. Paratypes.-KS¥S V17521-25, ASFS V17536-39, ASFS VI 7552-55, MCZ 1 1 935 1-58, CM 45895-900, USNM 167252- 57, LSUMZ 21896-902, same data as holotype; ASFS V29020- 36, 2.6 mi (4.2 km) NE La Vacama, La Altagracia Province, Republica Dominicana, D. C. Fowler, A. Schwartz, native col- lectors, 22 July 1971; ASFS V29039, 5.7 mi (9.1 km) SE La Vacama, La Altagracia Province, Republica Dominicana, D. C. Fowler, 22 July 1971. Definition. — /S subspecies of N. clenchi character- ized by a combination of low number of dorsal scales (33-43) between axilla and groin, low number (53- 63) of midbody scales, and sexually dichromatic in that females have a quadrilineate head pattern (Fig. 3B), whereas males have the head concolor with (or more yellowish than) the dorsum, either unpat- terned or with scattered dark brown spots or flecks. Distribution. — }Lnown only from three coastal or near-coastal localities on the eastern extremity of Hispaniola in La Altagracia Province, Republica Dominicana. Description of holotype.— Kn adult female with a snout-vent length of 31 mm, tail length 25 mm, distal half regenerated; dorsal scales axilla to groin 36, ventral scales axilla to groin 33, midbody scales 59, supralabials to mid-eye 3/3, 1 internasal, fourth toe lamellae 1 1 , gular scales keeled, chest and ven- tral scales smooth. Dorsal ground color brown with scattered darker brown flecks alternating in a random fashion with large creamy ocelli outlined in dark brown; head pattern consisting of four longitudinal lines of which the outer pair begins on the snout, passes through the eye, across the temples and thence above the forelimb insertion onto the anterior trunk, this en- tire line outlined below by a creamy longitudinal line; median head lines consisting of (apparently) the outer and more widely separated dark edges of the S. difficilis median head line, beginning as a pair of narrow lines on the snout, becoming less con- spicuous in the interocular region, having a lyre- shaped configuration in the postocular region, and progressing as a pair of well defined lines onto the neck; limbs and tail brown, marked with buffy ocelli or crossbars on the limbs and paired dark-edged ocelli on the tail (unregenerated portion); venter and throat flesh, throat with scattered brown flecks; iris orange. Variation. Sixty S. c. apocoptus have the follow- ing measurements and counts: largest male (ASFS VI 7522) 31 mm snout-vent length, largest females (holotype, USNM 166965) 31 mm; dorsal scales between axilla and groin 33-43 (37.2); ventral scales between axilla and groin 27-36 (31.1); midbody scales 53-63 (57.8); supralabials to mid-eye 3/3 (40), 3/4 (1), 4/4 (2); intemasals 0 (1 individual), 1 (58), 2 (1); fourth toe lamellae 9-14 (11.3; mode 12); throat scales usually smooth (44 individuals), but at times keeled (8) or weakly keeled (8); escutcheon 3-7 (4.5) by 16-27 (23.0). Males are yellowish tan to brown dorsally, flecked with dark brown, often with scattered creamy ocelli; head unicolor with the dorsum (or washed with yel- lowish) and at times with a few scattered dark brown flecks or dots, the dark spots generally aligned along the female quadrilineate head pattern. The bellies are flesh to yellow, and the throats are yellowish with scattered dark gray dots or spots, never with a reticulum. Unregenerated tails have creamy ocelli arranged in pairs to give a cross-barred appearance. The iris color is orange (rarely) to yellow. Females are like the males dorsally (except that the heads are not yellowish), although there is a tendency for the former sex to be more prominently ocellate with creamy ocelli. The head pattern is as described for the holotype, although some females tend toward an obliteration of the two median lines. The pale longitudinal lines paralleling the lateral 1983 SCHWARTZ- SPHAERODACTYLUS SYSTEMATICS I 29 pair of dark lines below is a common and easily discernible feature. The ventral color is like that of males, but the throats are not yellow and have scat- tered gray flecks or dots. Juveniles are unicolor brown with some dark flecking. The juvenile head pattern is like that of females, and there may be some emphasis of the pattern by line-following dark brown dots. Comparisons. — In all body counts, S. c. apocop- tus averages less than nominate S. clench i. The mid- body means of 61.4 ± 1.1 in clenchi and 57.8 ± 0.8 in apocoptus are statistically different. The two subspecies are also easily distinguishable in pattern. Male clenchi have heavily reticulate or spotted or dotted throats, whereas those of male apocoptus are not reticulate but are usually marked by discrete gray spots. There is a tendency for male clenchi to have the top of the head spotted with dark brown, whereas the head is rarely so densely marked in male apocoptus. Females of the two subspecies are very easily distinguished; female clenchi have the quad- rilineate head pattern very reduced or absent, whereas the pattern is fully and boldly expressed in female apocoptus. Although both subspecies have yellow to orange i rides, those of clenchi are usually orange and those of apocoptus usually yellow. S. c. apocoptus is not known to be sympatric with any other Sphaerodactylus\ in fact, the range of the subspecies as presently known lies between that of S. d. diolenius on the west (nearest locality, 20.2 mi NW, 3.4 mi N La Vacama, El Seibo Province, 25 km to the west) and of S. savagei on the east (nearest locality, 0. 1 mi SE El Macao, La Altagracia Prov- ince, 1 5 km to the east); to the south also occurs S. d. diolenius (7 mi W El Cuey, El Seibo Province; 30 km). Of the three eastern Dominican species of Sphaerodactylus, sympatry is not surely known be- tween difficilis and clenchi and is unknown between clenchi and savagei, the precise geographical inter- relationships of these species in this region are sub- ject to further study. Sympatry between difficilis and savagei is known only at the type-locality of the latter La Romana). Remarks.— The range of S. c. apocoptus lies about 55 km southeast of the main center of S. clenchi (on the Peninsula de Samana). The original series was collected by Rodgers and Strong in a coastal Cocos grove under palm trash, and the series collected sub- sequently by Fowler and Schwartz was in the same precise situation. The single male from southeast of La Vacama was taken during the early afternoon on the trunk of a Musa in an open and rather mesic Musa-Coffea grove. In general, the southern shore of the Bahia de Samana between Miches and El Macao is difficult of access, since no roads proceed along it; this doubtless accounts for the fact that S. c. apocoptus has not been previously taken in this region. Interestingly, coastal Cocos groves between Miches and El Macao yield only one of the three species involved in this region — difficilis, clenchi, or savagei— znd we were unable to secure any two species syntopically. There are no major geographic barriers to account for this peculiar situation. How- ever, the Rio Nisibon lies between the ranges of difficilis and clenchi, and the Rio Maimon and the Rio Anamuya lie between the ranges of clenchi and savagei. Whether these rivers are major and real barriers for these three species remains to be deter- mined. If S. c. apocoptus is syntopic with either S. diffi- cilis or S. savagei, the species can be easily distin- guished: in apocoptus there are 53 to 63 midbody scales, in local savagei 37 to 49 midbody scales, and in local difficilis 40 to 53 midbody scales. The head and body patterns of the three species are quite dif- ferent, and specimens are not easily confounded. Etymology.— Tht name apocoptus is from the Greek meaning “cut off,” in allusion to the remote geographical position of the subspecies in relation to Y c. clenchi. Sphaerodactylus lazelli Shreve Sphaerodactylus lazelli Shreve, 1968, Breviora, Mus. Comp. Zool., 280:8. Type-locality. — Cstp-WdiiXien (under bark of tree in shady gully), Departement du Nord, Haiti. Holotype. -MCZ 63218. Distribution. — Known only from the type-locality (Fig. 1). Definition.— A. species of Sphaerodactylus with large, acute, strongly keeled, flattened, imbricate dorsal scales, axilla to groin 20 in only known spec- imen; no area of middorsal granules or granular scales; dorsal body scales with seven or eight hair- bearing organs, each with one or two hairs, around apex. Dorsal scales of tail keeled, acute, imbricate, and flat-lying; ventral scales of tail smooth, rounded, enlarged midventrally; gular scales keeled, chest and ventral scales smooth; ventral scales rounded, im- bricate, axilla to groin 25, smooth; scales around midbody 42; intemasal 1; upper labials to mid-eye 3/3; escutcheon with a broad and compact central area and extensions onto thighs to near underside of knee (6 by 29). 30 BULLETIN CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 22 Male (only sex known; color from preserved spec- imen) medium brown above with a very few scat- tered darker brown scales arranged in a more or less lineate pattern; a large prominent and sharp-edged black scapular patch with two included tan ocelli, followed by a transverse series of three tiny black dots in the position of three of the vague dorsal lines formed by the darker dorsal scales; a large black sharp-edged elongate spot on the neck and another, ovate, on the occiput, the former with a pair of fine dark lines extending from its anterolateral comers to pass around the occipital spot and end between the eyes; a clear tan postocular line which joins its mate posterior to the nuchal blotch to give a mod- erately well defined pale U-shaped figure on the head and neck (Fig. 3C); tail not ocellate; venter immac- ulate pale tan with some seattered dark brown flecks along the ventrolateral margins. Remarks. — \n addition to the scale counts given in the definition, the holotype of 5. lazelli has 12 fourth toe lamellae, a snout-vent length of 3 1 mm, and a tail length of 30 mm. S. lazelli is a very distinctive form, if for no other reason than the head pattern which is strikingly dif- ferent from the style of N. difficilis or of that of any other member of the difficilis complex. Presumably S. lazelli is sympatric with N. d. lycauges (of which there is abundant material from Cap-Haitien), but the two species differ in head pattern since lycauges males lack the U-shaped figure, large black scapular patch and ocelli, and occipital and nuchal spots of lazelli. As far as scales are concerned, lazelli lies below lycauges in dorsal scales between axilla and groin (20 versus 22 to 33), but counts of ventral and midbody scales of lazelli are included within the observed variation of these counts in lycauges. The width of the escutcheon in lazelli (29) is greater than that of male lycauges ( 1 0-24). The distinctly keeled throat scales in lazelli aid in separating the species from local S. difficilis-, however, four of 105 S. d. lycauges have the throat scales equally as keeled. There is no reason to doubt that N. lazelli is a satellite species derived from S. difficilis-, in having the black scapular patch and ocelli, lazelli appar- ently has fully retained a juvenile (and female) pat- tern feature into adult males, a condition few S. difficilis have done. Presumably, the species will be found widely distributed along this mesic northern Haitian coastal region, but many man-weeks of search, with the aid of many Haitians, has failed to turn up a second specimen. Specimen examined. — Hmtv. Dept, du Nord, Cap-Haitien (MCZ 63218-holotype). Literature Cited Barbour, T. 1914. A contribution to the zoogeography of the West Indies, with especial reference to amphibians and rep- tiles. Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., 44:209-359. . 1921. 5'p/zacro ^ _ m w rn ^ m ^ ■■ ' m 1; c/5 _ c/5' — (/) Z ^ UliSNJI NVINOSHillAJS SBiyvySIl libraries SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOlifliliSNI NVlNOSHillMS SBiaVB z. 00 z: ^ z » oo 2 CO S xriiSife- < 'V S < \v 2 < I %r | i'^ c/5 ^ w/ ^ 2 '-,)C?.'' z CO ^ AR I Es'^SMITHSONIAN^INSTITUTION “^f^Olini!lSNI_ NVlNOSHillMS S3 I aVH 8 11 LI BRAR I ES^^SMITHSONIAN "^INSTITUl z \ :z (/) — o 2 o -.2 liliSNI NVlNOSHillMS S3iaVH8n LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOlinillSNI NVlNOSHillMS SBiaVd r- , z ^ ’Z ^ f~ . z m ^ rn x^\ ^ m C/5 *-. _ CO — CO “ [/) . _ ARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOliOiliSNI NVlNOSHillMS SBiaVaail LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITU CO > * Z — CO UliSNI NVlNOSHillMS S3iava8 • rx fh ^ sA# I S nH 2 ^ 5 5 1 LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOliOiliSNI NVINOSHillMs'^S 3 I a V ^ CO — CO — , , CO — /o': O _ xiOiij^jx o ARIES SMITHSONIAN~'lNSTITUTION NOliOiliSNI “"NVlNOSHillMS S3iava8ll L I B R A R I E S^ SMITHSONIAN‘S INSTITU Z <~ Z_f“ \. z r- 2 r- m ^ rn ^ rn ^ * ' rn c/5 _ co "' — CO _ CO UliSNI NVlNOSHillMS SBIdVaail LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOlifliliSNI NVlNOSHillMS S3iava ^ ^ CO z i^ CO Z CO ■ Z CO ' ■* * Z CO ARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOIiniliSNI_ NVlNOSHillMS S3iava8ll LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITU' c/) rr c/) \ ~ c/) c UliSNI NVlNOSHillMS S3iava8ll LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOliOiliSNI NVlNOSHillMS S3iav: - z r- _ z r- z 3RARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOliniliSNI NVINOSHIIINS S3IHVyail LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTIT ^ ^ ^ z \ (f) z » ^ ^ ^ 2: 2 < \v S -ife, < 2 < V S 3 m^A i /# C/J o 2: , X J, g 2 Xivos^ > z £/) ■-•■<■' 2 to z (/)'■' ^ CO liflillSNI_NVINOSHillMS S3iavyail LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOIinillSNI_ NVINOSHillNS S3 IB' ^ X (O ~ CO ^ z \ ^ ^ ^ W ^ ■A H X^x ..Si. “ AWf -I -c — A'iSYFK A < q: ^ - - - i 3RARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOlifUliSNI NVINOSHillNS S3iaVMai1 LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTIl 2 ^ z r*.z: [3 z |3_ 2 CO 9 m 0 m 9 . rr. 73 > 73 — \K>,^ m XgvDt^ ^ rn c/j m xi;; \. £ C/5 X CO iiniiiSNi NviNOSHiiiMS S3iavaan libraries Smithsonian institution NoiiniiiSNi nvinoshii/js S3ia' Z CO Z ... to Z V to Z to < s ,.< ^ 2 < x^s ? •- i «i\ i I'f 8 8 5 %% i 'clc^l ? i 2 ’CTUV^ J. ^ i N^ooisriX 2 ^ ^ > 3RARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOlifUliSNI NVINOSHillMS^S 3 I d V H a 11 ^ L I B R A R 1 ES SMITHSONIAN INSTI' m '■ >^v " xjvAsu^ m m %^>vas>^ m to ' — CO _ to X to 3RARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOliOiliSNI NVlNOSHilWS S3iavaail LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTI "' Z . 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