ee et ret nee FT ny KRW a*¥ Columbia Auiversity in the City of New Dork — 4 ; —_ a = . : = - ‘ ae _ 5 >» - 7 —_ ob \ ; = > S a = * ad a i 2 - 2 BULLETIN OF THE BOTANICAL DEPARTMENT, JAMAICA, EDITED BY WILLIAM FAWCETT, B.Sc., F.LS. Director of Public Gardens and Plantations. New Series. Vol. IV. KINGSTON, JAMAICA: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFrFice, 79, DUKE STREET, 1897, gra = - New Series. | JANUARY, 1897. Vol. . RY, Part 1. . mmm —— Vv Biel oat ey L/ F a wal BULLETIN P % BOTANICAL DEPARTMENT, JAMAICA, EDITED BY WILLIAM FAWCETT, B.Sc., F.LS. Director of Public Gardens and Plantations. CONTENTS: Soil Ferments important in Agriculture Pace 1 Directions for the care of young Grape Vines 7 Our Insect Pests ae 9 The Lotus of the New World - 15 Ferns-—Synoptical List XLUL — 17 Contributions to the Department - 18 Castleton Gardens - - 21 P RIC E—-Threepence. A Copy will be supplied free to any Resident in Jamaica, who will send Name and Address to the Director of Public Gardens and Plantations, Gordon Tewn P.O, KINGSTON, JAMAICA: GOVERNMENT Printing Orricz, 79 Duke Srrezgz, 1897. nye “i ele ee | ecm Pam aral hi 73 1898 uN 7 ) 175 aes 2. Seat 7399 99 ) ) a? PE De oe OY eH : 1 8 3 ae Vt 9 »» | el) ET , © a «¢ C a) ‘OF om aa) > “iXaXo -o es : °, » 00 OF THE BOTANICAL DEPARTMENT. Vol. IV. SOIL FERMENTS IMPORTANT IN AGRICULTURE. By Dr. W. H. Witry, Chief of the Division of Chemistry, U. S. Department of Agriculture, in Year Book of U. S. Dept. of Agriculture for 1895. ( Continued ). THE STORAGE OF NITRATES, Attention has already been called to the fact that the activity of the nitrifying ferments in a soil is, as a rule, greater than the needs of the growing crop. For this reason the waters of drainage are found to be more or less impregnated with nitrates. The sea is eventually the great sorting ground into which all this waste material is poured. The roller processes of nature, like the mills of the gods, grind exceedingly slow and small, and the sea becomes the blotting cloth by which the products of milling are separated and sorted out. Not only do the drainage waters carry nitrates, but also potash, phosphoric acid, lime, and other soluble materials of the soil. As soon as this waste material is poured into the sea, the process of sifting at once begins. The carbonate of lime becomes deposited in vast layers or by organic life is transformed inte immense coral formations or into shells. Phosphoric acid is likewise sifted out into phosphatic deposits or passes into the erganic life of the sea. Even the potash, soluble as it is, becomes col- lected into mineral aggregates or passes into marine animal or vege- table growth. All these valuable materials are thus conserved and put into a shape in which they may be returned sooner or later to the use of man. i the great cosmic economy there is no such thing as escape of any valuable material from usefulness. The nitrates which are poured into the sea are sooner or later absorbed by the seaweed or other marine vegetation, or served for the nourishment ef the animal life of the ocean. It is highly probable that the great deposits of nitrates found in certain arid regions, notably in Chile, are due to the decomposition of marine vegetation. There must be present in the sea vast fields of vegetation which, growing in water largely impregnated with nitrates, becomes highly charged with organic nitrogenous matter. In the shanges of level to which the surface of the earth is constantly sub- jected, the depths of the sea often becomes isolated lakes. In the 2 © ee ce ‘evaporation of the water of these lakes, such as would take place ir arid: régidns, imnmense deposits of marine vegetation and common salt would occur: © In ‘thé oxidation and nitrification of this organic matter due to fermentative action, the organic nitrogen would be changed into the inorganic state. In the presence of calcareous rocks, the nitrate of calcium would be formed, which, finally, by double decompositions, would result in the formation of nitrate of soda, the form in which these deposits now exist. [he fact that iodine is found in greater or less quantity in these deposits of soda saltpetre, is a strong argument in favour of the hypothesis that they are due to marine origin. Iodine is found only in sea and never in terrestrial plants. Further than this, attention should be called to the fact that these deposits of nitrate of soda contain neither shells nor fossils, nor do they contain any phos- phate of lime. It is hardly credible, therefore, that they are due to animal origin. ‘The activity of ferments in these great deposits of marine plants, although taking place perhaps millions of years ago, has served to secure for the farmers of the present day vast deposits of nitrate of soda, which prove of the utmost value in increasing the yield of the field. To every quarter of the globe where scientific agriculture is now practised these deposits are sent. They are of such vast extent that it is not likely they will soon be exhausted, and the labours of the agriculturist for many hundreds of years to come will continue to be blessed by reason of the activity of the insignificant microscopic fer- ments which plied their vocation in past geological epochs. Because at the present time there are known deposits of marine vege- tation undergoing nitrification, is no just reason for doubting the ac- curacy of the above mentioned hypothesis. Our geologists are not ac- quainted at present with any locality in which deposits of phosphate are taking place, but the absence of the process can not be used as a just argument against any of the theories which have been proposed to ac- count for the immense deposits of this material which are found in various parts of this and other countries. Another illustration of this point may be found in the coal deposits. The environment which de- termines the geologic conditions now is not favorable to the develop- ment of large quantities of organic matter from which coal might be produced by changes in the level of the earth’s surface In fact, all the teachings of paleontology show beyond a doubt that life in the past geological ages was on a far larger scale than at present. In those re- mote times the mean temperature of the earth’s surface was very much greater than it is at the present time. There are many indubitable evidences of the fact that high equatorial temperatures prevailed even at the poles, while the present tropic and temperate zones were pro- bably too warm for any forms of life which now exist. The fossil re- mains of animals and plants of those ages show the gigantic scale on which all animal and vegetable life was formed. When crocodiles were nearly 70 ft. in length and dragon flies 3 ft. long, it is not sur- prising that both terrestrial and marine vegetation existed in a far more exuberant form than at present. The dense terrestrial vegetation which made the coal deposits possible were doubtless equaled by ma- rine vegetable growth capable, by oxidation under favorable circum~ stances, of forming the vast deposits of nitrates which have been dis- covered in various parts of the world. The depression of the surface 3 of the land which enabled the coal measures to be developed beneath the surface of the sea, was doubtless compensated for by the elevation of the marine forests into a position favouring the deposits of nitrates. The wonderful conservative instincts of nature are thus demonstrated. in a most remarkable manner in restoring to the fields the nitrates leached therefrom in past ages. GENESIS OF GUANO, The fermentative action of germs in the production of nitrates on « small scale and their storage to a limited extent are found going on in many caves at the present time. In these localities large numbers of bats formerly congregated, and the nitrogenous constituents of their dejecta and remains, collecting on the floors of caves practically devoid of water, have undergone nitrification and become converted into nitric’ acid. In a similar manner the deposits produced in rookeries, especially” in former ages, have been converted into nitric acid and preserved for the use of the farmer. The well known habits of birds in congregating in rookeries during the nights and at certain seasons of the year tend to bring into into acommon receptacle the nitrogenous matters which they have gathered and which are deposited in their excrement and in the decay of their bodies. The feathers of birds are particulary rich in ni- trogen, and the nitrogenous content of their flesh is also high. The remains of birds, especially if it take place in a locality practically ex- cluded from the leaching action of water, serves to accumulate vast de- posits of nitrogenous matter, which is at once attacked by the nitrifying ferments. If the conditions in such deposits are particularly favourable to the process of nitrification, the whole of the nitrogen, or at least the la ger part of it which has been collected in these debris, becomes finally converted into nitric acid, and is found combined with appropriate bases as deposits of nitrates. The nitrates of the guano deposits and of the deposits of caves, as has already been indicated, arise in this way. If these deposits be subject to moderate leaching, the nitrates may become infiltered into the sorrounding soil. The bottoms and surrounding soils of caves are often found highly impregnated with nitrates, IMPREGNATION OF SOILS WITH NITRATES. W hen, on the other hand, these deposits take place in regions subjected to heavy rains, the nitric acid which is formed is rapidly removed, to be returned to the ocean and begin anew the circuit of life which will finally restore it to the land. By reason of the accumulation of nitro- genous matters in tropical regions, especially where there is a deficient rainfall, it has been found that the soils of those regions contain a very much larger percentage of nitrates than is found, for instance, in the soils of the United States. These nitrated soils are very abundant, especially in Central and South America, where they cover large sur- faces. In these soils the nitric acid, as a rule, is found in combination with lime, while in the purer deposits of nitric acid it is almost con- stantly found in combination with soda. In some South American soils as much as 30 per cent. of nitrate of lime has been found. Not only birds serve thus to secure deposits of nitrogen, but large quantities of guano rich in nitrates have their origin in the debris of insects, frag- ments of elytra, scales of the wings of butterflies, and other animal matters which are often brought together in quantities of millions of cubic metres. The products of nitrification in these deposits may also be + absorbed by the surrounding soils. Some localities produce such great quantities of nitrate of lime (which is a salt easily absorbing water) as to convert the soil in their immediate neighbourhood into a plastic paste. In all the deposits such as are described above are found large quantities of phosphoric acid and sufficient remains of animal life to show in a positive manner their origin. It is thus seen that there is a very marked difference between the character of the deposits of nitric acid due to terrestrial animal origin and those which have been derived from a marine vegatable source. An economic observation of some im- portance may be made here, viz.: To the effect that when in the future the deposits of nitrate of soda due to marine origin are exhausted, it may still be possible to keep up the supply.demanded for agricultural use by leaching the highly impregnated soils above mentioned and thus securing the nitric acid in a form sufficiently concentrated to make its transportation profitable. PROPERTIES OF NITRATE OF SODA Practically the only form of oxidised nitrogen which is of commercial importance from an agronomic point of view, is sodium nitrate, com- monly known in commerce as Chile saltpetre. The nitrate of potash, a nearly-related salt, is also of a high manurial value, but on account of its.cost and the importance of its use in the manufacture of gunpowder, it has not been very extensively applied as a fertilising material. When Chile saltpetre is applied to a growing crop it becomes rapidly dissolved, especially at the first fall of rain or by the moisture normally existing in the soil. It carries thus to the rootlets of plants a supply of nitrogen in the most highly available state. There is, perhaps, no other kind of plant food which is offered to the living vegetable in a more completely predigested state and none to which the growing plant will yield a quicker response. By the very reason of its high availability, however, it must be used with the greatest care. A too free use of such a stimu- lating food may have, in the end, an injurious effect upon the crop, and is quite certain to lead to a waste of a considerable portion of expensive material. For this reason, Chile saltpetre should be applied with ex- treme care in small quantities at a time, and only when it is needed by the growing crop. It would be useless, for instance, to apply this ma- terial in the autumn with the expectation of its benefiting the crop to a maximum degree the following spring. If the application of the ma- nure should be made just previous to a heavy rain, it is not difficult to see that nearly the whole of it might be removed beyond the reach of the absorbing organs of the plant. DECOMPOSITION OF SODIUM NITRATE. The molecule of sodium nitrate is decomposed in the p:ocess of ab- sorption of the nitric acid. The plant presents a selective action to its constituents, the nitrie acid entering the plant organism and the soda being rejected. Soda, however, may not be without its uses, for doubt- less being at some time in a practically nascent or hydrated state, it may play a role of some considerable importance in decomposing parti- cles of minerals containing phospheric acid. It is probable that the decomposition of the sodium nitrate takes place in the cells of the ab- sorbing plant. For it is difficult to understand how it could be accom- plished externally except by a denitrifying ferment. While the soda itself is, therefore, of little importance as a direct plant food, it can 5 hardly be dismissed as of no value wh:tever in the process of fertilisa- tion. Many of the salts of soda—as, for instance, common salt—are quite hygroscopic, and serve to attract moisture from the air, aud thus be- come carriers of water between the plant and the air in seasons of drought. The Chile saltpetre of commerce may reach the farmer in the lumpy state in which it is shipped, or finely ground ready for application to the fields Unless the farmer is provided with convenient means for grinding the latter condition is much to be preferred. It permits of a more even distribution of the salt and thus encourages economy in its use, NEED DF SODIUM NITRATE. The question of when the soil needs an application of Chile saltpetre is often one of great importance, and the farmer would do well, before applying a great deal of this expensive fertilizer, to consult the agricul- tural experiment station of his locality, or should determine the actual needs of his soil by experiments upon small plants. The quantity of Chile saltpetre which should. be applied per acre varies with so many different conditions as to mike any definite statement concerning it un- reliable. On account of the great solubility of this salt no more should be used than is necessary for the temporary nutrition of the crop. For each 100 pounds of it used, from 14 to 15 pounds of oxidized nitrogen would be added to the soil. Field crops, as a rule, require less of the salt than garden crops. In the field crops there is an economic limit to the aplication of the salt which should not be passed. As a rule, 250 pounds per acre should be a maximum dresssing. The character of the crop must also be taken into consideration. Different amounts are required for sugar beets, tobacco, wheat and other standard crops. Cereal crops, especially, absorb a high percentage of the nitrogen in Chile saltpetre judiciously applied. As a rule, Chile saltpetre should be used as a temporary supply. Its presence diminishes to a certain extent the necessity for the activity of the nitrifying ferments, and its long continued use in sufficient quantities would evidently cause an enfeeblement of those organisms. CONSUMPTION OF SODIUM NITRATE. The entire consumption of Chile saltpetre for manurial purposes ghroughout the world at the present time is perhaps a little over a mil- lion tons annually, of a total value, ’elivered to a farmer, of over 40,000,000 dols. The approxima'e amounts annually consumed in difs ferent countries are as follows: Tons. Germany bes Sah 400,000 France bs is% 200,000 Belgium bat bile 125,000 England = ee 120,000 United States bor A 100,000 Holland ae a 60,000 Italy and Spain... Fer 5,000 Other countries... 6,000 VALUE OF CHILE SALTPETRE. _ Chile saltpetre has a moderate value at the factories in Chile where it is prepared for shipment. Its high cost at the ports where it is de- 6 livered for consumption ‘s due chiefly to the freights and the profits of the syndicate controlling the business. The factories where it is prepared for the market are at or near the deposits, and the freights thence to the seacoast in Chile are very high. The railroads which have been constructed to the high plateaux which contain the deposits have been built at a very great cost, and the freights charged are correspondingly high. There is also a tax of 1:20 dol. levied by the Chilian government on each ton exported Deducting all costs of transportation and export duties, the actual value of sodium nitrate at the factory ready for shipment is about 16 dols. in gold a ton. METHOD OF PRESERVING NITRATES IN THE SOIL. It is not possible at all times to maintain an equilibrium between the activity of the nitrifying organism and the needs of a growing crop. There are times when the amount of nitric acid produced is greater than the crop demands, while at other periods the needs of the crops may be far in excess of the ability of the organisms to supply. In the one casc there will be a necessary increase in the amount of nitrates in the soil, while in the other the vigour of the growing crop will be at least temporarily checked. There are many practical points connected with this matter which must be of great interest to the farmer. Asa rule, farming operations are carried on for profit and not for pleasure, and for this reason the more practical the results of scientific study the more useful they become to the great mass of agriculturists. The rich man who farms for pleasure can easily afford expenses in the way of fertilize's which the practical farmer must avoid. Happily, at those seasons of the year when crops grow less vigorously the activity of the nitrifying organisms is reduced to a minimum. For instance, the amount of nitric acid which is produced during tho winter is a very small quantity as compared with the production during the warm months. In the natural order of things, therefore, there is a tendency to conserve to the utmost the products of nitrification. ABSORPTION OF NITRATES BY PI.ANTS. Evidently the very best method of utilising the products of the ac- tivity of tho soil ferments is to have them absorbed by a growing crop. For this reason, os well as for others of an economical nature, the far- mer should have as little waste land as possible. Every acre which he possesses should either be devoted to forest, orchard, grass, pasturage, or cultivated crops. By thus occupying the land he will reduce to a minimum the losses which occur from the leaching of the soil by water. It is well known that all agricultural crops store immense quanti- ties of organic nitrogen in their tissues. Asa rule the highest per- centages of nitrogenous organic compounds are found in the seeds of plants, but it must not be forgotten that certain grasses which are har- vested for hay also contain large quantities of nitrogen. This is espe- cially true of clover. It is easily seen from the above how wasteful is the practice, now happily almost extinct, of burning the residue of cereal crops—as, far instance, Indian cornstalks and the straw of wheat —in order to prevent them from obstructing subsequent tillage. In this wasteful process it is true that the phosphoric acid and potash are saved and returned to the soil, but all the nitrogenous compounds are prac- tically lost and dissipated in the air. The quantity of ammonia and 7 oxides of nitrogen which are produced in combustion is insignificant when compared with total nitrogenous content of the refuse matters mentioned above. It is far better that these residual matters be chopped as finely as possible and turned under by the plough. Although they may not decay with sufficient rapidity to be of much benefit to the next crop, yet they will gradually become decomposed and serve a most valuable end in contributing fresh stores of humus end nitrogen to the arable soil. Combustion is the most wasteful and also the least scientific method of disposing of the refuse of the field. ( To be continued. ) DIRECTIONS FOR CARE OF YOUNG GRAPE VINKS. II, By W. Crapwick, Superintendent of the Hope Gardens. (Continued from June Bulletin, page 121.) The young grape vines sent out from Hope Gardens last year should be pruned during the last week in February or the first week in March. This should be done by cutting the plant down to the strongest eye, which is generally the lowest and about 3 inches from the surface of the ground, as in figure 1. 8 When the grape vine commences to sprout again, only the strongest shoot must be allowed to grow to form the permanent vine; all small shoots must be cut off, see figure 2. This shoot must be kept trained straight or if the vine gets incon- veniently long it should be very gradually turned as a sharp bend in a vine will check the flow of sap beyond the bend and over feed ,one part of the plant to the detriment of the other. As the vine grows, it will send out side branches, which should have the points pinched out as soon as they have made two or three leaves as shewn in figure 3, and as they shoot out afresh, the points should be again removed. But on no account allow the point of the main growth to be touched or interfered with in any way. Try to make the vine grow as long as possible, it will get stout of its own accord. Cover the roots over with rotten cow manure or stable manure a foot thick if possible. Two weeks after pruning a thorough soaking of water must 9 be given, which should be repeated every fortnight up to the end of August, provided that it is not done naturally by rain. The wood that is cut from the vine, when pruning, can be used for propagating young plants. To propagate the young plants, take the canes which have been cut off, select all the wood which is not thinner than one’s little finger and cut this up into lengths, as snown in figure 4. This will give cuttings of two joints, as figure 5, but elose to the buds and quite smoothly at both top and bottom of the cutting. In- sert these, the right way up into a prepared bed, placing them three inches apart with two-thirds of their length under ground,—one eye will thus be under the ground and one above, as in figure 6 As soon as the cuttings have made a growth of four or five inches in length, they should be lifted and potted, or planted into their perma- uent positions and treated in the way advised for the young plants sent out from Hope Gardeus last year. OUR INSECT PESTS.— THEIR STRUCTURE AND LIFE HISTORY.* By J. E Durrpen, Curator of the Museum, Institute of Jamaica. Perhaps one of the most marked faunal characteristics of the tropics is the predominance and peculiarities of its insect life. Whether during the day we remark the brightly coloured butterflies, the varied. forms of the beetles, the wonderful activities of the ants and termites, the lace-winged dragon-flies, the strange stick and leaf insects; or, at dusk, the large and small moths which flutter round our lights, the shrill note of the crickets accompanying the evening song of other night-loving creatures, the flitting to and fro of the various fire-flies ; or, still more, experience the tormenting mosquito, or on the trees in our gardens remark the prevalence of strange looking scales and large and gorgeously coloured caterpillars, do we realize the importance of the group here, compared with temperate parts. The constant dweller _. * Report of a Popular Lecture, illustrated by lantern slides delivered in Spa~ nish Town, November 23, 1896. 10 in the tropics, be he agriculturist or otherwise, has thus his attention continually directed towards the six-legged winged creatures, either in admiration of their form and beauty, or, perhaps more often, in execra- tion at the petty annoyances to which they subject him and the more serious damage to agriculture resulting from their activities. Seeing that insects have such a constant influence and importance in our daily lives we shall observe them with greater interest, may appre- ciate more their presence, or be better able to deal with them as pests, when we know somewhat of their organization and habits. Fortu- nately there is a general plan of structure applicable to insects, which is readily grasped, and which enables us easily to distinguish them from allother animals. Other characters again ally them to creatures appear - ing at first sight very distantly removed. Primarily we observe their bo- dies to be made up of distinct rings or segments. This ringed body they have in common with worms, centipedes, lobsters, scorpions, and spiders. Their paired legs are likewise seen to be constructed of several parts separated by joints, differing in form and purpose according to the position in the body of the part weselect. In thisthey differ entirely from the segmented worms, which have only hairs or bristles to aid them in locomotion, but agree with the remaining groups mentioned, This com- mon character of the appendages enables us to form a great group of the animal kingdom, the Arthropoda, or jointed-footed animals. By the number of these feet we can also separate the insects from most of the other members of the Arthropoda. ‘The centipedes, lobsters, etc., have a pair, of one shape or another, to every ring; scorpions and spiders have four pairs restricted to the front segments, but insects are all limited to three pairs of true walking legs in the middle division of their body. Again, lobsters and spiders have the whole body divisible into two main portions; insects have, with few excep- tions, three distinct and separate regions—the head, thorax, and abdomen. Finally, insects differ most advantageously from all other arthropods in the possession of wings; usually two pairs fixed to the two last rings of the thorax. These are to be regarded as outgrowths from the body; perhaps, with their hollow veins, developed primarily for respiratory purposes, but afterwards taking on the very important function of aerial locomotion. By their means insects alone, among the invertebrates, occupy an exalted and active position in the air, such as is occupied by the birds among the vertebrates. To the gift of wings must be attributed the wonderful numerical success of insects in the struggie for existence, as well as that of birds ; and, in a measure, their advance in activity and intelligence. To sum up, insects are distinguished from all other ani- mals by the following combination of characters: The division of the body into three regions, head, thorax, and abdomen, the two first being separated by a well defined neck; the possession of one pair of feelers or antenne on the head; the thorax with only three segments, each bearing a pair of jointed legs, and usually a pair of wings to the two last rings; and, lastly, the abdomen with nine or ten segments. The paired eyes on the head are generally fixed and differ much in plan from the eyes of higher animals, each being a combination somewhat equivalent to very numerous single eyes. Experiments seem © point to the conclusion that insects cannot distinguish by their eyes 4 11 *the forms of objects. or at best, very poorly. The antennz or feelers ‘have imp rtant functions, probably connected with motion, touch, hearing, taste, or smell. The external covering of all insects, and indeed of all the Articulata or segmented animals, is a substance, usually more or less hardened, known as chitin. It is an excretion from the soft underlying cellular layer, the epidermis. In the burrowing earthworms a pro- tective covering is not much required, and the cuticle is very thin and delicate. In crabs and lobsters it becomes impregnated with lime salts, ‘and consequently very hard and a most effectual protection. This would, however, be too heavy for the air-disporting insects. It is to be noticed that the chitinous case is not stiffened at the joints. so that movement of one part of the body upon another is allowed. ‘The outer skin becoming hard and inelastic soon after exposure, the necessity for the creatures, while increasing in size, to be occasionally moulting their skin as a whole is obvious. The internal structure of insects can best be studied on such a form as our common large cockroach. Although a very objectionable and much despised creature the cockroach is worthy of our great respect on account of its long ancestry. We occasionally give honour to indi- viduals who can boast only of this as their recommendation, and it is certainly one redeeming feature in the present case. Forms similar to the cockroach are met with amongst the early fossiliferous rocks, and extend, unquestionably without any signs of extinction, down to the present day. On pinning down a cockroach and cutting away the upper portion of the body-wall the interior is seen almost filled with a white loose substance, which is mainly fatty matter held together by the fine air- tubes or tracheze. When this is cleared away a partially coiled tube is seen extending the whole length of the body.. It is the food-canal of the animal and is divisible into different parts, each with a separate function in the complex process of digestion. Outgrowths from it occur at different places ; two in front are known as salivary glands and pro- duce a digestive fluid, and two other groups occur behind. The first, consisting of short pouch- like tubes, secretes another digestive fluid, and the second group of long slender tubes has an excretory function. The dorsal heart and the blood vessels are not readily seen. Run: ing all the length of the ventral surface of the body-cavity, which is not however a true celome, is the double nerve-cord, with enlargments corresponding somewhat with each segment and from which wre given off fine branches to all parts of the body. The complex reproductive organs are seen behind. With some interesting exceptions, all insects develop from eggs. ‘The life of most may be divided into three stages: the Jarva, caterpillar, or grub; the pupa or chrysalis; andthe imago or adult ; the change from one to the other being spoken ofas a metamorphosis. The differences between the various stages are however very diverse in the many groups ; the obvious alterations being much more marked in some than in others. Illustrative examples were given from slides showing the life-history of the silk worm, Bombyx; the Water-beetle, Dytiscus; and the Hawk- moths, Sphingide. 12 Tue Hawk-morus. The Hawk-moths are among the large moths which, in the evenings, often fly into rooms. They are stout, strong insects, with large hairy bodies. The sucking tube or tongue is extended to a great length, so that it may reach the sweet fluids at the bottom of flowers with a long tubular coralla. The caterpillars of the various species are large, stout, and smooth, with very beautiful and striking colours. Theyare continually brought into the Museum as remarkable objects. Those belonging to the family may usually be readily distinguished by the possession of a hump or horn on the eighth abdominal segment. The pupz are occasionally met with in digging the ground. They are spindle-shaped, often with along jug-like handle, which is really the case of the sucking tube. The green caterpillar with oblique white lateral lines and a curved hook towards the end of the body, and which lives mostly on the leaves of the tomato, is a well known form. PLAGUE OF CATERPILLARS. Not far removed from the Hawk-moths are the insects which have lately given rise in Jamaica to a plague of caterpillars. A few weeks ago accounts appeared in the papers that the guinea- grass covering extensive areas in different districts of the southern portion of the island, and also around Kingston, was being destroyed by caterpillars. Specimens of these were sent to the Museum and were allowed to pupate and afterwards the moth was hatched. They are closely allied to the well known ‘“‘army-worm” of America. The long slender caterpillar lives mainly upon grass, but attacks also corn and sugar-cane. It eats away practically all the young leaves, only the dead stalks remaining In such numbers do they occur that a whole district may be quickly devastated. The pupal stage in similar forms elsewhere is passed through in the ground, but in the Jamaican species the caterpillar makes for itself a kind of chamber by joining portions of the leaves of grass and forming a thin lining by means of fine threads. In this the small, brown, spindle-shaped pupa passes through its metamorphosis, the result being a medium-sized moth. No further accounts have been received from the country for two or three weeks, so- that very probably our worst times are over. The excessive develop- ment, at times, of different forms of caterpillars, as compared with other times, is mostly dependent upon peculiarities in climatic con- ditions. Since this was first written I have heard from one of my correspondents that the caterpillars which had disappeared seem to be now returning in as great numbers, and are again destroying the grass. No doubt these are derived from the batch of eggs laid by the moths result- ing from the first caterpillars, and there seems no reason why we should not look forward to a regular sequence of such visitations. SCALE INSECTS. The scale insects or bark-lice are well known to every observer in the tropics, and to those concerned in conservatories elsewhere with plants from warmer parts. In many respects they forma very peculiar group, and a wonderful variety of species exists within the family, Coccide, as it is termed. In appearance and habits they differ greatly 13 from other insects, and even the two sexes of the same species are much unlike. The females pass the greater part of their life entirely motionless on trees and shrubs; nothing in their exterior would lead one to suppose them insects. When mature and ready for laying eggs the scale appears rather as an excrescence of the tree. The males at one stage are lively and active, but have then only a single pair of wings, and no organs for procuring food. The mouth parts disappear during the metamorphosis of the insect, and a second pair of eyes appears in their place. The female is always sluggish and wingless, and in the adult the body is generally scale- or gall-like, or erub-like and clothed with wax. Though the body of the larval female is ringed and bears legs, all trace of segmentation is usually lost later. Among the Coccide are found many of the most serious pests of the horticulturist and agriculturist ; scarcely any kind of fruit tree is free from their attacks. The numerous species described from Jamaica by one of the former Curators of the Museum, who made a speciality of this group, is evidence of their great abundance in this island, whilst almost daily specimens are still sent to the Museum for examination. During recent years much attention has been paid, more especially in America, to devising methods for destroying and check- ing the pests ; the insecticides which are now most widely used being alkaline washes and kerosene emulsions. Perhaps the scale of greatest concern at present to us in Jamaica is the Mussel-scale, Mytilaspis citricola, affecting the oranges ; more particularly in the lower, drier parts of the island. It is not rare around Kingston, and I have received oranges affected with it from St. Ann; but, in the higher orange growing districts of the island, as at Mandeville, it does not appear to be very prevalent. In its structure and life-history it exhibits some most remarkable conditions and may be taken as representative of the group. The scale in the stage we are most familiar with is a minute brown mussel-shaped body, about one-eighth of an inch long, flattened on its adhering surface, but convex on the other; a slight margin of lighter, less dense material is present. If turned over and exa- mined with a lens it is seen to be either a dead hollow chamber with a partial, membranous floor, or else to contain small eggs irregularly arranged. ‘The manner in which this condition is brought about is one of the most striking processes in insect life. For what follows we are indebted mainly to the researches of the American entomologists. Starting with the eggs laid by the mother we find that they undergo development, producing minute creatures, mere specks, scarcely distin- guishable to the untrained eye. The newly hatched scale insect is oval in outline, much flattened, furnished with six legs, a pair of an- tennz, and an apparatus for sucking the juice from plants. After wandering about for a time, usually a few hours or even less, the young insect settles on some part of a plant, inserts its beak, and drawing nourishment from the tissues, commences its growth at the expense of its host. In a short time there begins to exude from the body of the larva fine threads of wax, which are cottony in appearance, Sooner or later the larva begins to excrete a pellicle, which, although very thin, is dense and firm in texture. The mass of cottony Apres either melts or is blown away. After a period the larva sheds its 14 skin; in some species after the permanent scale begins to form, in others before. In this latter case the larval scale is plainly visible, either upon the surface of the scale, or at one extremity, as in Mytilas- pis. The change which the larva undergoes in this first moult is a very remarkable one ; with the skin are shed the legs and the antenna, . and the young scale insect thus becomes a degraded grub-like creature, with no organs of locomotion. The mouth parts remain and by them the insect is firmly attached to the plant and continues to draw its nourishment from it. From this stage the development of the two sexes differs. In the second and last moult of the female the second skin is joined to the first and with it forms part of the scale which covers the body of the insect, but generally it constitutes only a small proportion of the ultimate scale, the greater part of which is excreted subsequently to the second moult. Soon after the second moult of the females, the adult males emerge and impregnation is supposed to occur at once. The body of the fe- male then increases in size, becoming distended with eggs; these are deposited beneath the scale, the body of the mother gradually shrink- ing to make room for them. Ultimately the parent dies, but the eggs continue their development ; the dead body of the mother, with its scale, serving as a chamber or cradle for their protection until hatched. The male scale insect during the early part of its grub-life is indis- tinguishable from the female. At the first moult, like the female, it loses its legs and antenne ; the second moult agrees with that of the female, but there the similarity in form between the two sexes ceases. It is now in the pupa state, and has long antenne, and rudimentary legs and wings. After a third casting of the skin the adult male ap- pears with three pairs of legs, and a large pair of wings in front, by means of which it can fly, but the mouth parts are replaced by sup- plementary eyes, and it is unable to eat. In the particular genus, My- tilaspis, to which the orange scale belongs, the scale proper of the fe- male is elongated, and the exuvie or dead skins are seen at one ex- tremity. The scale of the male is similar in form to that of the fe- male, only smaller. Fortunately it does not appear that the scales in- jure the trees or the oranges very seriously in Jamaica, but the un- sightly appearance given to the fruit when the parasite adheres in con- siderable numbers, renders it desirable that measures should be taken to prevent the spread of the pest. A WAX-PRODUCING SCALE. In one group of scale insects forming the genus Ceroplastes, the body in the adult condition is furnished with a thick covering of waxy material, produeed as an excrescence of the animal. It does not, however, adhere very closely to the insect. Quite recently an ex- ample has been contributed to the Museum by Mr. Campbell, of the Parade Gardens, which infests some of the trees in considerable num- bers. Mr. Cockerell, to whom it has been forwarded, has described it as a new species, Ceroplastes confluens, and notes that it may be well to obtain all possible information respecting it, suggesting that the wax may be of economic importance. 15 THE LOTUS OF THE NEW WORLD. NeELUMBIUM LUTEUM, WILLD. At Hope Gardens there is now flowering a very remarkable and beau-- tiful water lily—the Lotus of the New World. It is a native of Jamaica and the United States, the only other spe- cies of this genius (Nelumbium speciosum) the Sacred Lotus, being a native of the tropics of the Old World. Both species agree in the peculiar seed vessel, which was compared by Herodotus to a wasp’s nest. It is formed by the ovary becoming: very much enlarged after the fall of the petals; it is funnel-shaped but solid. In the flat top of this receptacle there are numerous cavities sunk, in each of which is a large bean or seed. ‘The seeds are loose and rattle in their holes, but cannot fall out as the top of the cavity is smaller than the seed itself. The colour of the flower of the native species is a light yellow, that of the Sacred Lotus being rose or white. The leaves are somewhat saucer-shaped, with the stock coming from the centre below, and do not float on the water but are carried up above _the surface. The Hindoos have a proverb to the effect that ‘“ the good and virtuous man is not enslaved by passion or polluted by vice; for though he may be immersed in the waters of temptation, yet like a lo- tus leaf he will rise uninjured by them.” The spiral fibres found in the leaf stalks are used as wicks in the temples of India to burn before the images of the gods. The leaves themselves are employed as plates on which sacred offerings are placed. The Sacred Lotus also obtained a place in the religious ceremonies of the ancient Kgyptians. ‘Sculptured representations of it abound among the ruins of the temples, and many other circumstances prove the veneration paid to this plant by the votaries of Isis.” The root-stocks and seeds of both species have been used as food, and various parts medicinally. Dr. Patrick Browne in his “ Civil and Natural History of Jamaica,’ published in A. D. 1756, says, “this plant is pretty common in the la- goons beyond the Ferry; but I have not observed it in any of the deeper waters. It seems to grow best in a loose, boggy ground, where the leaves may stand in open air, while the roots, and lower part of the stem are plentifully supplied with moisture.” It does not seem to have been found by later botanists until the year 1847. Swartz, Bertero, McNab, Purdie and Macfadyen frequently visit- ed the locality mentioned by Browne but failed to come across it. Dr. Macfadyen however had it brought to him, as he a pamphlet printed (but not published) in 1847, “early in August, James Dundas, Esq., (the manager of Taylor’s Caymanas Estate) in carrying out some improvements connected with the draining of the land ot that property in the vicinity of the lagoon, unexpectedly came upon this beautiful plant, and as he had on former occasions assisted in the kindest manner our searches for the plant he immediately concluded that he had at length alighted on what he had been so long in search of. He collected the specimens of the flowers and other parts of the plant, and brought them to my residence in Kingston. I doubt not every cultivator of our - 16 ‘fair science’ must sympathise in the pleasure with which I regarded this beautiful plant. How much more delightful would be the surprise to encounter it in its native solitudes, where the hand of Nature has planted and reared it, amid the mangroves and the tall reeds, oversha- dowing with its magnificent leaves and flowers the still waters of the la- goon, recalling the description of Una in the Fairy Queen. ‘Her angel face As the great eye of heaven shined bright And made a sunshine in the shady place.’” The present Director having seen it growing in all its beauty on an island in the Mississippi in a wide stretch, 100 yards long by 50 broad, made attempts but without success to trace it again 8 or 9 years ago in the neighbourhood of Caymanas estate, the only spot from which it . had been recorded. It was therefore with great pleasure that a seed- vessel was received in 1890 from Mr. R. K. Tomlinson, who had found it in swamps in St. Elizabeth. It is only lately that it has been possible to provide a place for it at Hope Gardens; where it is now flowering. Mr. Jenman, Superinten- dent of the Botanic Gardens in British Guiuna, writes as follows :— “Of the Nelumbium luteum seed you sent me in July, 1895, one plant survived. After three or four months’ growth in a pot, ina tub of water, it was planted out in a bay of one of the lakes. It now covers from three to four hundred square yards surface, and is flowering as freely as N. speciosum, whose stems form dense thickets in the trenches and lakes here. I think I told you before that I have had the Florida plant here for the past ten or eleven years, and though it has covered a great area, it is not at all rampant as the Jamaica one has proved it- self, and has never flowered. The only explanation is that the latter is adapted to the climate here and the other is not.” Mr. Jenman’s statement is remarkable, and it is is interesting to compare with it the first record of its flowering in England, given in the “ Botanical Magazine” by Mr. Sylvester:—Its flow- ering, I believe, to have been the consequence of an accidental cireum- stance, which I shall mention. I had hitherto treated it like the Red or eastern species. from an impression that it was confined to the most southern and warmest portion of North America; the pots of both being plunged in a cistern of water, kept at a heat of about 86 degrees and as the plants grew very vigorously and appeared to be in health, I did not try any other situation. They had never shown any disposi- tion to bloom until the present season, when in consequence of the gar- dener having left a smaller opeuing than usual in the flue that passes under the cistern, and which is entirely closed in the winter, the water remained at about 70 or 75 degrees, and the house was altogether cooler than in previous summers. Under these circumstances, while the Red species threw up a number of flower buds, none of which came to maturity, two out of the three plants of the yellow-blossomed sort flowered and are ripening seeds. The house and the water have since been warmer, and JV. speciosum is now, though laterin the season, coming into bloom. 17 FERNS: SYNOPTICAL LIST—XLIII Synoptical List, with descriptions, of the Ferns and Fern-Allies of Ja- maica. By G. S. Jenman, Superintendent Botanical Garden, Demerara. 5. Nephrolepis biserrata, Schott.—Stipites strong, erect, tufted, 6-10 in. 1. polished, slightly fibrillose or furfuraceous ; fronds 2-4 ft. 1. 6-10 in. w., narrowed at the base; chartaceous or membranous, bright; often pale, green; naked puberulous or slightly pubescent when young; pinne numerous, spreading horizontally, linear-lanceolate and acumi- nate, approximate or subdistant, 4-6 in. 1. $-} in. w., base substipitate, truncate or rather rounded or the inferior subcordate, slghtly disposed to be auricled on both sides; margins variable, even, serrulate or bi- crenate-serrulate, rachis strong, glossy, channelled, deciduously furfu- raceous ; veins twice forked; midrib strong, channelled ; sori intra- marginal punctiform, sporangia yellowish when ripe ; involucres small, naked or ciliate, ultimately cordate-orbicular. Pl. Fil. t. 112. NV. acuta, Presl. and several other names. Aspidium punctulaum, Swartz. Plentiful among bushes and on banks and trees among the lower hills. A much larger plant than the preceding, of erect spreading or pendent habit, growing more or less in masses. It varies much in size and in the vestiture of the surface. There is a pubescent form with pinne only 4-5 1. w., more deeply and uniformly serrulate, and often furcate, the sori submarginal. The upper surface is papillose over the sori. Genus XXVIII. Oneanpra, Cav. Sori round, dot-like, scattered, or in irregular transverse lines, on the back of the veins, more plentifully toward the costz ; involucres supe- rior cordate-orbicular, attached by the sinus, free around the edge fronds entire, naked or ciliate, with a satiny gloss; stipites articulated veins free, spreading at a wide angle ; root-stock long-repent. This genus, like the preceding, depends upon the homology and dis- tinct habit, and the common physiognomy of its members, in the ab- sence of any distinguishing characters of fructification, to give it gene- ric recognition. It contains a score or so of species or varieties which inhabit rocks, prostrate trunks of decaying trees, the crowns of palms and similar situations, and are scattered over the tropical and warm re- gions of the world, reaching southward to Australia. O. nodosa, Presl.—Rootstock repent, prostrate extending often seve- ral feet long ; firm, cylindrical, not so thick asa quill, branched, clothed with copious silky fine squarrose ferruginous scales ; stipites distant, slender polished, dark-eoloured, 4-6 in. ]., the raised articulate joint 4-2 in. from the base; fronds oblong lanceolate, acuminate or cuspidate, the point fine, 10-18 in. 1. 14-3 in. w. the base tapering or cuneate ; margins often repand, entire ; cartilaginous-edged, chartaceous, pellucid ; or bright-satiny green, naked or with a few deciduous scattered minute scales along the costz beneath ; veins fine, very close, simple or once forked from near the base, nearly horizontal ; sori copious, scattered but most crowded near the dark, coloured, glossy costz, which is channelled down the face ; involucres dark-brown, naked.—PIl, Fil. t. 136. Aspi- dium, Willd. 18 Very common in shady. and, open places in coffee plantations and forests trailing over rocks and decaying logs from 1,000-3,000 or 4,000 ft. alt. The fronds part at the articulation, ‘and drop; leaving the base of the stipe adherent to the rootstock. In: this the rootstock is hori- zontal in growth, while in the other American species, O. neriiformis, Cay. it is erect with the joint of the petioles at the base, and with smooth or hairy surfaces. Genus XXIX. Fapyentra, Hook. Fronds acaulose, entire, dimorphous, veins areolated; receptacles oblong, on free included veinlets; sori large, deeper than broad, ob- long-reniform, with a deep sinus and converging auricles ; involucres ample, attached interiorly, the exterior edge free. A monotypic genus, found only in Jamaica and Cuba. The sori are several times largér than in any other genus of the Tribe, being 1$-2 1. 1. by 14 1. w., doubled in‘the form of a horse shoe, on an elon- gated receptacle, the folded ends converging almost together at the base. Occasionally the, veinlet extends beyong the sorus to the other side of the mesh. ~ ; we. F. prolifera, Hook.—Rootstock small, fibrous-rooted, fronds simple, entire, cespitose with hardly any distinct stipites, fibrillose at the ta- pering base; barren prostrate, narrowed both ways from the centre, outwards into a much elongated tapering tail proliferous and rooting at the summit. 3-1 in. w., 3-7 in. 1.; fertile erect, oblanceolate, rounded at the summit, narrowed in the sterile lower half to the long-tapering base, 4-6 in. 1-4-6 li. w.; both fronds naked, dark-green ; membrano- chartaceous ; costal. areola large, exterior -smaller with free branches along the margins; sori unserial between the midrib and edge, usually confined to the costal meshes ; involucres persistent, at length shrivell- ing. Sl. 't.25.f,1. Hook. & Grev. Ic. t. 96. Hook: Jen. t. 53. B. Hook. Fil. Exot. t.36. Asplenium, Sw. Aspidium,' Mett. Infrequent on the wet banks in the eastern parishes up to 2,000 ft. altitude. -In the barren fronds it resembles As)idium rhiozphyllum. The earlier fronds are oblanceolated; the next rather ovate-lancéeolate, extending into a much-elongated winged tail a line or: less wide | at the radicant summit. In the fertile this is reversed; they taper } similarly, but inwards to the base, and’ 6:/ly the broader outer part is fertile. Occasionally-an odd reduced sorus is produced in one of the smaller outer meshes. Most of the Space between the midrib and margin is taken up by the sori, which'run more or less parallel there- with. = ee CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE DEPARTMENT. Liprary. Agricultural Ledger. Nos. 8, 22 & 24 of 1895. Nos. 2, 8,10, 13, 19, 20, 21, 24, 26} 27, 28, 29, 31, 34, 36 of 1896. [Supt. of Govt. Printing, India. ]} Agri. Ledger. Nos. 10, 12, 18, 19,23 of 1895, 1, 3,12, 13, 24 of 1896. [Kew., Flora of British India by Sir J. D. Hooker. Pt. XXII. [Kew.] Bulletin Royal Gardens, Kew. No. 119. Nov.,1896. App. III. 1896. I. 1897 and other papers. [Kew.] Bulletin R. Botanic Gardens, Trinidad. I-III. January, 1897. [Supt.] Bulletin Dept. of Agri. Brisbane. Nos, 11-14. Oct., 1896. [Dept. of Agri.] Bulletin New York Botanical Garden. I. Jan., 1897. [Director.] an 19 Bulletin New York Agri. Exp. Station. Nos. 109-111. Sopt.:Oct, 1896, [Director.] Bulletin Central Experiment Farm, Ottawa. No. 26. Jan., 1897. [Dept. of Agri., Canada. | attets: Bulletin, Torrey Botanic Club. Noy., 1896 to January, 1897. [Editor.] Bulletin University of Wisconsin. I. No.5, [University.] Bulletin de l’Herbier Boissier. 10-12. IV. Oct.-Dec. 1896. [Conseryateur. | Bulletin Colonial Museum, Haarlem. 1896. [Director.] Bulletin Cornell University. Nos. 38, 57, 71, 72, 74, 77, 84, 85, 88, 99, 103, 116 ili (apa Revue Agricole. No. 10. October, 1896. [Editor.] Experiment Station Record. VIII. 1-3. [U.S. Dept. of Agri.] Journal Board of Agriculture. Dec., 1896. [Secy. | Journal Roy..Horti. Socy Vol. XX. Pt. 2. Nov:,,1896. . [Secy, } Agri. Gazette of N.S. Wales. (ct. 1896. [Dept. of Agri.| ios ee Agri. Journal Cape Colony. Oct.-Decr , 1896. [Dept. of Agri.] British Trade Journal. Nos. 308-9. Dec. 1896 & January, 1897. [ Editor. ] Produce World. Nov.-Dec.; 1896, Jan., 1897. [ Editor. | Central African Planter. Sept.-Nov., 1896. [Editor. | Hawaiian Planters’ Monthly. Dec., 1896. [Editor. } The Forester. Dec , 1896. “Jan., 1897. [ Editor. ] Science Gossip. Dec., 1896. Jan., 1897. [Kditor. ] Sugar. Oct., 1896. Jan., 1897. [Editor.] Sugar Cane. Dec., 1896 & Jan., 1897. [Hditor. ] Sugar Journal. Oct.-Noy., 1896. [Editor.] Sucrerie Indigéne et Coloniale. Nov-Dec. 1896. [Editor.] Chemist & Druggist. Nov.-Jan. [Editor.] Montreal Pharmaceatical Journal. Dec., 1896. Jan.,1897, [Editor.]} W. I & Com. Advertiser. Noy.-Dec., 1896 [ Editor. | Riis W. I. Home Builder». Dec, 1896. & Jan., 1897. [Hditor.].' Au Times of Ceylon. Oct.-Dec., 1896. [Editor. ] ‘ Botanical Gazette. Oct.-Dec., 1896. [Editor.] Minnesota Bot. Studies. No.9. [State Botanist.] Proc. of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences. Nov., 1896. ..[Secy.] Proce Agri. Horti. Socy. of Madras. -July-Sept., 1896. [Secy. ] M25 G Evidence of Mr. Win. Saunders re Agri. & Colonization. [U.S. Dept. of Agri.] Evidence of Mr. Jas. Fletcher re Agri. & Colonization. [U.S. Dept. of Agri. ] Report Prov. Govt. Crop. Nova Scotia. Nov., 1896. .[Secy. for Agri. ] Reports Experimental Farms, Canada. 1895. [Dept. of Agri.} Report Board of Park Commissioners, San Francisco. 1895-96. [Secy.| Report Bot. Gardens, Qodeypore. 1895-96, [Supt. ] A new Gymonogramme from Venezuela by B. D. Gilbert. [ Author. ] Iritability and movement in Plants by Prof D. P. MacDougal. [Author. } The Mechanism of Curvature of Tendrials by Prof. D. P. MacDougal. [Author. ] The Physiology of Colour in Plants by Prof. D. P. MacDougal. [Author.] Notice on Sugar Cane Diseases by Prof. F. A. C. Dent. [Author.] New England Wild Flowers by W. W. Bailey. [Author.] { New Commercial Plants & Drugs. No.12. by Thos. Christy. [Author.] tr ) PLANTS. From Royal Gardens, Kew.— Tubers of Tampico Jalap (Ipomza simulans) from Tlacolulam, from Tonayan, and Vera Cruz. | ae SEEDS. From Royal:Gardens Kew. Iris Robinsoniana Cornus asperifolia Persea indica Copernicia cerifera bo 0 unite ad Pyrus irregularis Perak Lemon Aesculus arguta Apocynum venetum Pritchardia Thurstoni 20 From Messrs. Reasoner, Bros. Florida. Chamzops humilis, var. farinosa “ ss “hystrix 1 “ “ spinosa ss Ss “ littoralis Phoenix paludosa cs sylvestris Sabal Palmetto Tlex ambigua Raphiolepis ovata Myrica cerifera Viburnum obovatum From Botanic Gardens, Bangalore. Moringa pterygosperma From Agri.-Hort., Society, Madras. Acacia Sundra Adenanthera pavonina Azadirachta indica Bombax malabaricum Cassia Fistula «* nodosa Czesalpinia Sappan Erythrina indica Ficus indica “¢ racemosa “ religiosa Gmelina arborea Hibiscus collinus Lagerstroemia Flos-reginz Parkia biglandulosa Pterocarpus Marsupium Peltophorum ferrugineum Sterculia foetida Thespesia populnea Terminalia sp. From Walter Jekyll Esq., Robertsfield. Alstroemeria chilensis From Secretary Colonia Cosme, Paraguay Tembo Curupay Na; Ybiripita Mandioca From Lt. Col. the Hon. C. Jy Ward, C.M.G. Fruits of Citron From Botanical Station British Honduras. Dombeya molle Ipomea sp. Malvacea From Messrs Dammann, & Co., Italy Iris germanica “ florentina “ pallida From Royal Botanic Gardens, Trinidad. Trinidad Lime Lignum Vite 21 CASTLETON GARDENS. JANUARY. In FLoweEr. Acacia cyanophylla, Lindl. (Blue-leaved Acacia: Australia.) Amherstia nobilis, Wall, (Amherstia: India and Malaca.) Bauhinia variegata, Linn. (Butterfly tree: India and China) Broughtonia lilacina, Henfr. (Jamaica, Cuba and Hayti) Broughtonia sanguinea, R. Br. (Jamaica, Cuba) Cananga odorata, Hook. f. & Thoms. (Cananga, Ilang: India) Cassia glauca, Lam. (Glaucous Cassia, Trop. Asia, Aus- tralia, and Polynesia Cinnamomum zeylanicum, Nees. (Cinnamon: Ceylon) Cocos botryophora, Mart. (A Brazilian Palm) Coffea liberica, Hiern. (Liberian Coffee : W. Africa) Cynometra americana, Vog. (8. Domingo) Erythrina umbrosa, H. B. & K. (Bois Immortelle: S. America) Fagrzea oboyata, Wall. (E. Indies) Hibiscus elatus, Sw. (Blue Mahoe: W. Indies) Hyophorbe Verschaffeltii, Wendl. (Palm from Mauritius) Jacaranda filicifolia, D. Don. (Fern-leaved Jacaranda : Guiana) Musa coccinea, Andr. (A bright or red-flowering banana: S. China) Musa rosacea, Jacq. (A reddish-lilac flowering banana, E. Himalayas) Napoleona imperialis, Beauv. (Napoleona: W. Africa) Norantea Guianensis, Aubl. (Norantea: Guiana and Brazil) Phaius grandifolius, Lour. (Nun Orchid) Pheenix acaulis, Buch.— Ham. (Stemless Palm: Central India) Rhodoleia Championi, Hook. (Small tree from Hong Kong) Tectona grandis, Linn, f. (Teak: India.) In Froit. ———————— eS Artocarpus Lacoocha, Roxb. (Indian Breadfruit : India and Ma- laya) Attalea Cohune, Mart. (Cohune Palm ; Honduras to Guia- na) Averrhoa carambola, Linn. (Carambola: E, Indies) Barringtonia Butonica, Forst. (Barringtonia: E. Indies) Caryocar nuciferum, Linn. (Souari or Butter Nut: Coffea liberica, Hiern. (Liberian Coffee : W. Africa) Couroupita guianensis, Aubl. (Cannon Ball Tree: Trop. Amer.) Dillenia indica, Linn. (Dillenia : E. Indies) Diospyros discolor, Willd. (Mabola Ebony: Philippines) Dypsis madagascariensis, Hort. (A Palm : Madagascar) Garcinia Mangostana, Linn. (Mangosteen : Malay Archipelago) Lonchocarpus cyanescens, Benth. (Yoruba Indigo: W. trop. Africa) Manihot Glaziovii, Muell. Arg, (Ceara Rubber : Brazil) Myristica fragrans, Houtt. (Nutmeg: E. Indies) Noronhia emarginata, Thou. (A Madagascar tree) Oreodoxa regia, H. B. & K. (Royal Palm: Cuba) Pachira aquatica, Aubl. (Pachira ; Panama) Pandanus utilis, Bory. (Screw Pine: Madagascar) Semecarpus Anacardium, Linn. (Marking Nut Tree; India) wuiana) — 29 Fiervary. ent) T In FLoweEr. Awherstia nobilis, Wall, (Amherstia: India and Malacca) Arenga saccharifera, Labill. (Sugar Palm: Burma and Malay Archipalago) Aspasia variegata, Lindl. (A tropical 8S. American Orchid) | Bignonia magnifica, Bull. (Colombian Bignonia: Colombia) Cocos botryophora, Mart. (A Brazilian Palm) Coelogyne ovalis, Lindl. (A Himalayan Orchid) Calliandra falcata, Benth. (Cent. Amer.) Cananga odorata, Hook. f. & Thoms) (Cananga, Ilang : India); Carludovica gracilis, Liebm. (Ippi-appi: W. Indies) Chrysobalanus Icaco, L. (Coco-plum : VW est Indies) Cinnamomum zeylanicum, Nees. (Cinnamon: Ceylon) Coftea liberica, Hiern. (Liberian Coffea: W. Africa) Cola acuminata, Schot. & Endl. (Kola nut : W. tropical Africa) Dictyosperma album, H. Wendl. & Drude (Piassava Palm: Madagascar) Elettaria Cardamomum, Maton (Cardamon : ina Erythrina umbrosa, H. B. & K. (Bois Immortelle : S, America) Erythroxylon Ooca, Lam. (Coca: Andes) Eugenia caryophyllata, Thunb. (Clove : Moluccas) Faradaya splendida, F. Muell. (An Australian Climber) Garcinia indica, Choisy. (Kokam Butter: India) Hibiscus elatus, Sw. (Blue Mahoe: W. Indies) Jacaranda filicifolia, D. Don (Fern-leaved Jacaranda : Guiana) Landolphia florida, Benth. (Rubber Vine: W. Africa) Latania Verschaffeltii, Linn. (A Palm from Rodriguez Island Lonchocarpus violaceus, H. B. & K. (A tropical American tree) Mesus ferrea, Linn. (Naghas Tree: India) Michelia Champaca, Linn. (Champac tree: India) Musa textilis, Nee. (Manilla hemp: Phillippines) In Fruit. Araucaria Bidwillii, Hook. (Bunya-Bunya Pine: Queensland) Areca Catechu, Linn. (Betel Nut Palm : Malaya) Attalea.Cohune, Mart. - © + (Cohune: Palm: Honduras to Guiana) Barringtonia Butonica, Forst. (Barringtonia: E. Indies) Bauhinia variegata, Linn.. L (Buttentfly : tree: Pndia and Qhina) Bignonia magnifica, Bull (Colombian Bignonia : Colombia) Caryota urens, Linn. (Wine: Palm : India and Ceylon) Chrysalidocarpus lutescens, Meme (A Mauritius:Palm)! ‘ Cocos flexuosa, Mart. (A Brazilian Palm) Coffea liberica, Hiern. (Liberian Coffee: W. Africa) Colvillea racemosa, Boj. (A Madagascar tree) Dictyosperma album, H. Wendl and Drude (Piassava Palm : Mindnisecks) Dillenia indica, Linn. (Dillenia : E. Indies) Diospyros discolor, Willd. (Mabola Ebony: Philippines) Diplothemium caudescens; Mart. (A Brazilian Palm) Dipteryx odorata, Willd. (Tonquin Bean : Cayenne) Elettaria Cardamomum, Maton. (Cardamoin : India)“ **><) _ Entada scandens, Benth. (Cacoon: Tropics) ‘ Erythrina umbrosa; H.:B. & K. (Bois Immortelle : 8. America) Eugenia caryophyllata, Thunb. (Clove : Molluccas) Garcinia Mangostana, Linn. (Mangosteen : Malay Archipelago) Garcinia Morella, Desrouss. (Gamboge tree: E. Indies.) Hibiscus elatus, Sw. (Blue Mahoe: W. Se Livistona australis. - (A Palm: Australia) «+ Livistona chinensis, R.: Br. (Fan Palm: China; Japan) Lonchocarpus eyanescens, Benth. (Yoruba Indigo : W- Trop. Africa.) Manihot Glaziovii, Muell. Arg. (Ceara Rubber: Brazil) Mimusops Elengi, Linn. (Elengi: EH. Indies) cere . Cinnamomum Camphora, T. Nees & Fesruary, contd. In FLowERr. Napoleona imperialis, Beauy. (Napoleona : W. Africa) Nephelium Lit-chi, Camb. (Litchi tree ; $..China) Pachita aquatica, Aubl. (Pachira ; Panama) , Phaius aqrendifohiusy Lour. (Nun Orchid) Pterospermum acerifolium, Willd. (Maple-leaved Pterospermum : India) Quassia amara, Linn. (Quassia : Surinam) Rhodoleia Championi, Hook. (Small, tree from: Hong Kong) Saraca indica, Linn. (Ushoka: E. Indies) Spathodea campanulata, Beauv. \ “(Spathodea ; Tropical Africa) Sterculia carthaginenpsis, Cav. (“ Chica” : Trop. Amer. & Brazil) Strychnos Nux-vornica, Linn. (Nux-vomica ; E. Indies) Tectona grandis, Linn. f. (Teak ; India) Marcu. In FLoweEr, hs De ‘ i Acacia cyauophylla, Lindl. (Blue-leaved Acacia : Australia) Archontophcenix Cunninghamii, H. Wendl. & Drude (Cunningham’s Palm: Australia)! Artocarpus Lakoocha, Roxb. (Indian Breadfruit : India and Malaya) Aspasia yarlegata, Lindl, (A trgpical,S. American Orchid) Bignonia magnifica, Bull (Colombian Bignonia ; Colombia) Brownea Rosa-de-monte, Berg. (Rosa-de-Monte: Trop. 8. Ame- rica) Cananga odorata, Hook. f. & Thoms, (Cananga, Ilang: India) Carludovica gracilis, Liebm. (Ippi-appi: W. Indies) Eberm. (Camphor Laurel ;. China and J apan) . Li In FLoweEr. —— ee Musa textilis, Nee (Manilla Hemp : Philippines) Myristica fragrans, Houtt. (Nutmeg :.. KE. Indies) Oredoxa regia, H. B. & K. (Royal Palm ; Cuba) Pachira aquatica, Aubl. (Pachira: Panama) Pachyrhizus tuberosus, Spreng. (Yam Bean: Trop. Asia) Pandanus utillis, Bory (Screw Pine: Madagascar) Pithecolobium dulce, Benth. (Guamuchil : Cent. Amer.) Sapindus Saponaria, Linn. (Soap-berry : W. Indies and trop. Amer.) Sapindus inzequalis (Soap-berry : W. Indies and trop. Amer.) Sarcocephalus esculentus, Afzel. (Sierra Leone Peach ; Upper Guinea Semecarpus Anacardium, Linn, f. (Marking Nut Tree ; India) Strychnos Nux-vomica, Linn. (Nux-Vomica: E. Indies) Terminalia Arjuna, Bedd. (Arjun tree : India and Ceylon) In FrRvit. Areca Catechu, Linn. (Betel Nut Palm: Malaya) Archontophcenix Cunninghamii, H. Wendl. & Drude (Cunningham’s Palm: Australia) Araucaria Bidwillii, Hook. (Bunya-bunya Pine ; Queensland) Barringtonia Butonica, Forst. (Barringtonia: E. Indies) Bignonia magnifica, Bull (Colombian Bignonia ;: Colombia) Cananga, odorata, Hook. f. & Thoms. (Cananga, lang: India) — Cocos flexuosa, Mart. (A Brazillian Palm) Coffea liberica, Hiern. (Liberian Coffee: W. Africa) Caryota urens, Linn. (Wine Palm: E. Indies) Chrysalidocarpus lutescens, Wendl. (A Mauritius Pali] Colvillea racemosa, Boj. (A Madagascar, tree) 24 Maren, contd. In FLower. In FRort. Cinnamomum zeylanicum, Nees Chrysobalanus Icaco, L. (Cinnamon : Ceylon) (Coco-Plum : W. Indies) Cocos australis, Mart. Dictyosperma album, H. Wendl & (A 8. Brazilian Palm) Drude Coffea liberica, Hiern (Piassava Palm : Madagascar) (Liberian Coffee : W. Africa) Dillenia indica, Linn. Dictyosperma album. H. Wendl, & (Dillenia: E. Indies) Drude Diospyros discolor, Willd. (Piassava Palm : Madagascar) (Mabola Ebony : Philippines) Diospyros discolor, Willd. Diplothemium caudescens, Mart, (Mabola Ebony : Philippines) (A Brazilian Palm) Dypsis madagascariensis, Hort’ Dypsis madagascariensis, Hort. (A Palm : Madagascar) (A Palm : Madagascar) Eletaria Cardamomum, Maton Elettaria Cardamomum, Maton. (Cardamon : India) (Cardamom : India) Erythrina umbrosa, H. B. & K? Entada scandens, Benth. (Bois Immortelle: S. America.) (Cacoon : Tropics) Erythroxylon Coca, Lam. Erythrina umbrosa, H. B. & K. (Coca: Andes) (Bois Immortelle : S. America) Faradaya splendida, F. Muell. Hibiscus elatus Sw. (An Australian climber) (Blue Mahoe: W. Indies) Garcinia indica, Choisy Livistona australis, Mart. (Kokam Butter : India) (A Palm: Australia) Hevea brasiliensis, Muell. Arg. Livistona chinensis, R. Br. (Para Rubber : Brazil) (Fan Palm: China & Japan) Hibiscus elatus, Sw. Manihot Glaziovii, Muell, Arg. (Blue Mahoe : W, Indies) (Ceara Rubber : Brazil) Jacaranda filicifolia, D. Don | Mimusops Elengi, Linn. (Fern-leaved Jacaranda: Guiana)| (Elengi : E. Indies) Landolphia florida, Benth. Musa textilis, Nee (Rubber Vine: W. Africa) (Manilla Hemp : ee Mesua ferrea, Linn Oreodoxa regia, H. B. & K (Naghas Tree : India) (Royal Palm : Cuba) Michelia Champaea, Linn. Pandanus utilis, Bory, (Champac Tree: India) (Screw Pine : Madagascar) Mimusops Elengi, Linn. Pachyrhizus tuberosus, Spreng. (Elengi: E. Indies) (Yam Bean: W. Indies) Musa textilis, Nee Pachira aquatica, Aubl. (Manilla Hemp: Philippines) (Pachira : Panama) Napoleona imperialis, Beauv. Pterospermum acerifolium, Willd. (Napoleona: W. Africa) (Maple-leaved Pterospermnm : Pachira aquatica, Aubl. Tndia) (Pachira ; Panama) Semecarpus Anacardium, Linn. Pachira Barrigon, Linn. (Marking Nut Tree : India) (Barrigon : Panama) Strychnos Nux-vomica, Linn, Pithacolobium dulce, Benth. (Nux Vomica: E. Indies) (Guamuchil: Cent. Amer.) | Pterospermum acerifolium, Willd. | (Maple-leaved Pterospermum : India) Quassia amara, Linn. (Quassia : Surinam ) Stifftia chrysantha, Mixan (Stifftia : Brazil) Strychnos Nux-vomica, Linn. (Nux Vomica ; Indies) Tectona grandis, Linn. f (Teak : India) New Series. ] FEBRUARY, 1897. Vol. IV Part 2. BULLETIN OF THE BOTANICAL DEPARTMENT, JAMAICA. ~— 2-2-2 EDITED BY WILLIAM FAWCETT, BSc., F.LS. Director of Public Gardens and Plantations. CONTENTS: Soil Ferments important in Agriculture Pack 25 The Spraying of Plan's s 30 Fungous Diseases of the Grape a 37 Fungicides - 39 Jute ~ 4 Ferns-—Synoptical List XLIY ~ 42 Contributions to the Department - 45 Castleton Gardens - ~ 46 Easy way of Binding the Bulletin - 48 P RIC E-Threepence. A Copy will be supplied free to any Resident in Jamaica, who will send Name and Address to the Director of Public Gardens and Plantations, Gordon Town P.O. KINGSTON, JAMAICA: GOVERNMENT PrintTIne Orrics, 79 DuKe STREET. 1897. JAMAICA. paUely Vase El N OF THE BOTANICAL DEPARTMENT. “Vol. IV. New Series. | FEBRUARY, 1897. Para SOIL FERMENTS IMPORTANT IN AGRICULTURE. By Dr. W. H. Witey, Chief af ihe Division of Chemistry, U. 8. Department of Agriculture, in Year Book of U. S. Dept. of Agriculture for 1895, (Continued ). FALLOW FIELDS, In former times it was a common practice among farmers to allow a field to lie fallow for one season in order to increase its fertility. The advisability of this process is extremely questionable. During a mo- derately dry summer there is probably very little loss experienced by ploughing a field after the spring rains and keeping its surface suffi- ciently well cultivated during the summer to prevent the growth of weeds. In the absence of heavy rainfall the stores of available nitrogen in such a soil will undoubtedly be increased during the summer, inas- much as the processes of nitrification will be continued and the stores of nitrogen thus oxidized, in the absence of absorbing bodies, will re- remain in the soil. Even in case of rainfalls which may carry the so- luble plant food below the arable soil, there may not be ony notable loss, especially if such a downpour be followed by dry weather. In the latter case, by the evaporation from the surface and consequent capil- lary movement of the soil moisture upward, the available plant food carried beyond the reach of the rootlets of plants will be brought again toward the surface and rendered available. But in case of heavy rains, producing a thorough saturation and leaching of the soil, the losses in a field lying fallow during the summer will be very great, and it is not well at any time to take the risk. Especially is this state- ment true of fields which have lain fallow during the summer and which are afterwards exposed to the saturating rains of the autumn and winter. In these cases the nitrogen will be thoroughly extracted, and all the soluble matters which may have accumulated during the summer will be lost. It is advisable, therefore, in all cases, instead of allowing the fields to lie fallow, to seed them with a catch crop, such as barley, rye, or peas, which may retain the products of nitrification. When the time comes for seeding the field with the intended crop, the catch can be turned under with the plough, and, in the proc»ss of decay, 26 furnish again the nitrogenous food in an available form. This practice should never be neglected in fields which lie over during the winter in preparation for planting during the following spring Of course, this statement does not apply so particularly to fields which may be ploughed late in the autumn, after the activity of the nitrifying fer- ments is practically suspended for the winter. In a temperate climate fields may be ploughed late in November or during the month of De- cember, and the freshly turned soil be exposed to the action of the weather during the winter without great danger ‘of loss In many localities even an earlier period might be chosen for the autumn ploughing, which should be deep or accompanied by sub-soiling, The loosened soil should be brought into good tilth, and thus form an absorbent which will hold large quantities of moisture, becoming avail- able for the following season during the period of deficient rains. THE SUPPLY OF RAW MATERIAL FOR THE ACTION OF FERMENTS. A field is as poor as its most deficient fertilizing priuciple. A plant, like an animal, demands a balanced ration. It can not live upon phos- phoric acid alone. In order to secure the most economic method of fer- tilizing, the peculiarities of each field must be carefully studied and its. particular deticiency in plant food determined. In the case under con- sideration it may happen that a field will have an abundant supply of potash and phosphorus and be deficient only in nitrogen. In such a case its pristine fertility will be restored by the application of nitrogen alone, provided the other conditions in the composition of the soil are favourable to the development and activity of the ferments which oxi- dize nitrogen. Virgin soils as a rule are extremely rich in nitrogen. This arises from several causes. In the first place, such soils usually contain a large quantity of humus, and this humus is exceptionally rich in its nitrogenous elements. In the second place, a virgin soil is apt to be well protected frum leaching. ‘This is secured either by a forest growth or, on prairie land, by the grass. In the third place, there is a well-marked tendency in soils, especially those covered by grass, and presumably those also protected by forest growth, to develop ferments capable ot oxidizing the free nitrogen of the air. When virgin soils are subjected to cultivation, it is found that their nitrogen content, as a rule, diminishes most rapiuly as compared with that of the other lead- ing plant foods. Hence, it becomes necessary sooner or later, if maxi- mum crops are to be maintained, to supply nwrogenous food Atten- tion has already been called to the use of the stores of nitrogen which have already been oxidized for fertilization. It is evident, however, that only a very small part of the nitrogenous needs of arable fields can be supplied in this way. Further than this, it must not be forgotten that in the use of a substance like Chili saltpetre, there is added to the soil a material which can in no manner foster the growth and develop- ment of nitrifying organism. ‘To feed a soil with a food of this kind alone, therefore. would be to virtually produce a famme in respect to the nitrifying ferments which it contains. It is therefore highly important that additional methods of supplying the nitrogenous foods of plants should be practised. Stall manures and the refuse of cattle and poultry yards furnish considerable quantities of nitrogenous materials suited to the needs of the soil ferments, and use- 27 ful sfter oxidation to the growing crop. In the growth of leguminous plants, as has already been intimated, another important supply of organic nitrogen may be secured, some of which, at least, is a clear, gain from the atmosphere. Other important forms of nitrogenous materials ure found in the pressed cakes left after the extraction of the oil from oil-producing seeds, such as flax and cotton seed. These cakes are exceptionally rich in nitrogenous matter which may be secured for the field both by the direct application of the ground material to the soil, or by first feeding it to animals, the part which escapes digestion in the latter case being still a valuable fertilising material. In the case of cotton-seed cake, moreover. it should not be forgotten that there is some danger in feeding it, especially to young cattle, on account of the poisonous nitrogenous bases (cholin and betain) which it contains. These poisonous bases produce no deleterious effects whatever in the soil, although it is doubtful whether they are attacked very readily by the nitrifying ferments. Other sources of nitrogenous foods for the soil ferments are found in the refuse of slaughter houses. Dried blood is perhaps the richest in nitrogen of any organic substance that is known, and is readily attacked by the soil ferments. The nitrogenous refuse of slaughtered animals, after the extraction of the fat, is dried and ground and sold under the name of tankage. It isa substance very rich in nitrogenous matter. The bones of animals are not only valuable on account of the phosphoric acid which they contain, but also havea large percentage of nitrogenous material which renders them particularly well suited for application to a soil deficient both in phosphoric acid and nitrogen. For this reason, burning bones before grinding them for fer- tilising purposes, which is done in some localities, is extremely wasteful. For a similar reason, also, the composting of coarsely ground fresh bones with wood ashes is not to be recommended, because of the tendency of the alkali of the ashes to set free, in the form of ammonia, at leasi a part ef the nitrogenous content of the bones. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE OCEAW The farmer, happily, is not confined alone to the land for the sources of organicnitrogen with which to supply the demands of the nitrifying fer- ments of his field. The ocean is made to contribute to the stores of nitrogenous matters to which the farmer has acccess. The vast quantities of seaweed which are thrown up annually upon our shores are rich in nitrogenous matters. The value of this material, however, is not generally appreciated, but in some parts of the country it is carefully gathered and utilised. The value of this product gathered annually upon the shores of Rhode Island alone is nearly 100,000 dols. While seaweed, for obvious reasons, can only be successfully applied in marine literal agriculture, yet the extent of agricultural lands bordering on the sea is so great as to render the commercial importance of the matter of the highest degree of interest. Seaweed is not valuable for its nitrogenous censtituents alone, but also carries large quantities of potash and phos- phoric acid, and thus to a certain degree, it may be regarded as a com- Bete fertiliser. But the seaweed which is thrown upon our shores is not e only source of nitrogenous food which we receivefrom the ocean. In the animal life of the ocean are gathered vast quantities of nitrogenous materials. The quantity of albuminoid matter in the water-free sub- 28 atance of the flesh of fish is enormously high as compared with ordinary foods. It may be said to be, approximately, 75 per cent. of the water-free substance. Some varieties of fish are taken alone for their oil product and agricultural value. This is especially true of the menhaden, vast quantities of which are annually brought to land, and after being passed through the oil factory are ground and distributed as fish scrap to the manufacturers of fertilisers. The practice of using fish for fertilising pur- poses is many centuries old ; but until recent years the farmers residing along the coast were the only ones receiving any benefit therefrom. At the present time the nitrogenous elements taken from the sea find their way to the gardens, truck lands, and fields of the interior. RELATION OF DIFFERENT CROPS TO FERMENTATIVE ACTIVITY. It is a well-established principle of farming that there are certain crops which cannot be grown continuously upon the same field, while in the case of other crops almost an indefinite growth can be secured. Broadly, it may be said that cereals can be grown upon the same field almost in- definitely and without fertilisation. In such cases, the large crops of cereals which are at first obtained rapidly diminish in quantity until they reach a certain minimum limit, at which point they tend to remain, with variations in yield due only to seasonal influences. On the other hand, root crops of all kinds, and especially leguminous crops, do not continue to flourish upon the some soil, even when liberally fertilised. The neces- sity for rotution, therefore, is far greater in the latter class of crops than with the cereals. It appears from the result of the s\ientific investiga- tions attending this difference of behaviour that the relations of these two classes of growing crops are different toward the soil ferments. In the case of the cereals the{quantity of nitrogen which they require can be ob- tained from humus, or other sources, with little effort. In the case of the other class of crops, such as root crops and those of a leguminous nature, it appears that the humus shouldbe partieularly rich in nitrogen, and that when by the activity of the soil ferments the percentage of nitrogen is reduced to a certain limit, there isno longer apossibility of a sufficiently vigorous nitrification to meet the demands of the growing vegetables. ‘There isthus a scientific basis, as well as practical reasons, for a frequent rotation of crops. Even in the case of cereals, which, as mentioned above, can be grown with considerable success without rota- tion, experience has shown that a change from one crop to another is always beneficial. THE RELATION OF HUMUS TO SOIL FERMENTS. The term humus is applied to those constituents of the soil which have been derived chiefly from the decay of vegetable matter. In this decay the original structure of the vegetable has been entirely lost, and the resi- due, in the form of a vegetable mould of a black or brownish colour, is left distributed in the soil. In the processes of decay, the organic mat- ter of the vegetable is converted largely into acids of the humic series, and the nitrogenous principles of the plant become changed from an al- buminoid to amore inert form, in which it ismore readily preserved. It is this practically inert form of nitrogen on which the soil ferments exer- cise their activity in preparing it for the uses of the plant. It has been a commonly accepted theory in the past, especially since the time of 29 Liebig, that the organic principles of humus of every description suffer entire decomposition under the action of fermentative germs before being absorbed as plant nutriment. Recent investigations, however, tend to show that in some instances the organic elements of the humus itself may serve as food for plants without undergoing entire decomposition. Whether or not the nitrogenous principles of the humus can thus be em- ployed has not been determined, but that the humus itself, or some con- stituents thereof, can be absorbed by the plant I have myself often no- ticed, especially in the case of sugar cane grown upon a rich vegetable mould, The juices expressed from such canes contain the organic mat- ter of the humus to a certain extent unchanged, and the sugar and mo- lasses made therefrom are distinctly impregnated in the raw state with this organic matter. These facts have a tendency to raise again the question concerning the mineral character of plant food, which for many years was considered as definitely settled. Recent progress in synthetic chemistry has shown that there is no impassable barrier between organic and inorganic classes of compounds. By the union, for instance, of lime and carbon under the influence of the electric arc, asubstence is obtained —calcium carbide— which, when thrown upon water, evolves the gas, acetylene, which was formerly supposed to be wholly of organic origin. In hundreds of other instances the barriers between organic and inorganic substances have been broken down in laboratory, and organic bodies as complicated in their nature as sugars have been formed by pure synthesis. Lhe chemistry of the vegetable organism is admittedly superior to that of the chemical laboratory, and while there is no doubt of the fact that the vast prepon- derance of vegetable food is of a mineral nature, it would not be safe to deny to the vegetable the ability to absorb to a certain extent organic compounds. There is, however, at the present time but little evidence to show that organic compounds of a nitrogenous nature are ever absorbed by plants, and therefore, even in the case of humus, we must still contend, at least for the present, that its nitrogenous constituents only become available for plant food after having been fully oxidized by the action of the soil ferments. DETERMINATION OF THE ACTIVITY OF SOIL FERMENTS, It is evident from the preceding pages that a study of the soil for agri- cultural purposes is incomplete which does not include a determination of the character and vigour of the ferments which it contains. This neces- sarily introduces into the practice of soil analysis the processes of bacterio- logicalexamination. Itis not the purpose at the present time to describe these processes, but to give only to the general reader as clear an idea as possible of the principles which underlie the analysis of soils for the purpose of determining the activity of their nitrifying ferments. 30 THE SPRAYING OF PLANTS. Mr. B. T. Galloway, Chief of the Division of Vegetable Pathology, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, says in a preface to a work on the above heading by Mr. E. G. Lodeman :—“ In looking back over the past 10 or 12 years, it is difficult to realise the rapid advance made in com- bating the insects and fungi which attack our cultivated plants. It is not going too far to say that the discoveries made within this period have worked almost a revolution in certain lines of agriculture.” Mr. Lodeman’s treatise is a very valuable one, and the following extracts are given to explain the importance of the subject :— ‘“‘ Man’s power over the organisms which injure cultivated plants was never so great as it is at the present time. One by one these ene- mies have been carefully studied, the history of their lives determined, and their habits observed. Only by understanding them thoroughly can proper steps be taken to check their ravages in the most e€conomi- cal and efficient manner; yet it is within comparatively recent years that this first step was taken to obtain the mastery over them. For- merly, when a pest injured a plant, it was no uncommon practice to apply any remedies or materials that c1ame to hand, regardless of their probable efficiency. It was not generally the weakest point of the or- ganism that was assai'ed In many cases, it was not even the proper organ'sm which was held responsible for the injury. Nevertheless many valuable discoveries came from these varied and desultory treat- ments, and some of the remedies most highly prized to-day were dis- covered merely by chance, net very many years ago. “ Present knowledge and methods of investigation, largely founded upon this experience, enable us to arrive at conclusions which, from the outset, are founded upon a sound and logical basis. Tt is fortunate that this is the case. The number of the enemies of cultivated plants is either now more numerous than formerly, or the attacks are much more energetic. It is undoubtedly true that the maladies of cultiva- ted plants are much more widespread. This fact is mostly due to the greater food supply, and to the greater ease with which most of the injurious forms can pass from one part of the country to another, be- cause the cultivated areas lie so close together. If a plant is grown to any considerable extent, it is easy for its enemies to spread over the entire region in which it is cultivated. Physial barriers are almost without value in checking this sp:eading of disease. The ocean is only a partial exception, since such close means of communication have been established between all parts of the globe that this obstacle is now of little avail. Some diseases have not yet been able to overpass it, but as it has proved of little hindrance in so many cuses, it 1s pro- bable that ultimately the enemies and diseases of plants will be as widespread as are the plants upon which they flourish. Weedy plants, insects, and possibly also fungi, are frequently more destructive ina new country than in their old home. They are freed from the enemies or conditions which formerly kept them in check, and in some cases they are the cause of very serious disturbance, although originally they may not have been markedly destructive. “Farmers and fruit growers cannot fence out the many forms of insects and fungi which live upon their crops, and which are as anxious fora 3l harvest as the grower is. It isa fight between the grower and the pest, and it must be admitted that the latter has generally had the best of the battle. The farmer has not b:en properly equipped. He has often had invisible foes to contend with, foes which he did not un- derstand, and which he could not assail. It frequently occurred that an entire crop was ruined in a day or two, and the causes remained un- seen and unknown; and even if it was visible, almost the only remedy upon which the grower could rely with certainty was mere force, first catching the pest and then destroying it. As this could b> done with profit only in rare cases, it was little b»tter than no remedy, and the gener] result was that the insect or the fungus obtained an ample supply of nourishment, and the grower took what was left. Indeed. this method is still followed by many cultivators, but it is not the safest nor is it the most profitable one. “The best is generally the most profitabl> commodity, and the poorest is the least so ; and the grower of to-day has it in his power to produce the best. It rests entirely with him whether his apples shall be wormy or not, whether his trees shall retain their foliage or lose it from disease, There are few evils that affect his crops which he cannot control, in miny cases almost absolutely. Only a few dis- eases remain which still refuse to submit to treatment, but the number is rapidly decreasing, and the time will come when these also will dis- close some vulnerable point wnich will allow of their destruction. «Foremost among the operations by means of which cultivated plants are protected from their enemies is spraying. This consists in throwing upon plants any fluids, or semi-fluids, in the form of a fine rain or mist. It rests upon the general principle of covering the ‘plants, or the parts of plants to be protected, with a thin but uniform layer of some material that is poisonous, caustic, or offensive to the or- ganism which it is desired to destroy.... * Three points cannot be too strongly emphasized : — “ First, be on time. Make an application when it will do the most -good, and never allow time to passif it can possibly be avoided. Every delay is of advantage tothe parasite, and it will be used so well that in most cases the injury cannot be repaired. The destruction of one insect may mean the destruction of hundreds, and one application made at the right time may mean, an! generally does mean, the pro tection of a plant against millions of spores and fungi which are en- deavouring to gain a foothold. Be ready for action at a moment’s no- tice, and when the moment comes, spray ! “Second, be thorough. When spraying a plant, spray it well. With a little care, a complete success may be obtained instead of only a par- tial one. When the work is finished, the grower should have the feel- ing that it is well done, and then no fear as to the result need be en- tertained. Spraying is not always pleasimt work, and the tempt tion to slight it is often strong; but the operator will be rewarded just to the extent to which he has been painstaking, and to that extent only. Third, apply sprays intelligently. This is really the most impor- tant factor in the work, although good crops can be obtained without it, provided directions are followed. The first two points cannot be ne- elected without injury to the crops but this one can be. The crop is an need of the applications only, but the grower should know the reasons 32. for them, and skould be in a position to modify his treatment so as to make them conform with the character of the insect or the disease which is being treated, and with the season. Every year and every day such knowledge will be of value. So many things are still unknown, and so many points still in dispute, that personal knowledge and judgment about individual cases are not only desirable, but very essential. Di- rections ccvering the majority of cases can be given, but now and then one will come up which seems to differ from all others, and it is then that this knowledge will prove most valuable. A few of the general principles upon which this work rests are mentioned below. Tux Action oF InsecricipEs AND FUNGICIDES. “ The principal organisms against which the cultivator has to con~ tend are insects and fungi. They are widely different in their organ- ization, and entirely different substances are 1equired for their destruc- tion. Any substance which is used to destroy or repel insects may be termed an insecticide; end any substance which destroys fungi, or which prevents their injurious growth on vegetation, is a fungicide. No substance, so far as known, will answer both purposes equally well. 1. Uron Insects. “Practically all the applications which are made to destroy insects are designed to act in one of two ways. The substance may be des- tined to enter the digestive system of the insect and thus cause death, just as many poisons cause death when taken into the stomachs of higher animals, This method is by far the cheapest, and when possi- ble, it is advisable to make use of it. “ The second method does not consist in putting poison on the food of the insect, but the material is put directly upon the insect itself. It then causes death either by stopping up the breathing pores, or it pen- etrates the outer coverings and so enters the body directly. This method cannot be used with success against all insects, as some have very tough and dense coverings which are not readily penetrated by any material that we can use for the purpose. JBeetles, for example, can scarcely be destroyed in this manner. But all soft-bodied insects, such as aphides, worms, and caterpillars, yield readily to the treatment if sufficient material comes in contact with their bodies. “ This method of killing insects by means of substances which cause death merely by penetrating the creature’s body, is rather expensive, and it is resorted to only when the pest cannot be treated by poisoning its food. It thus comes that most worms and caterpillars are destroyed by means of poisons which are eaten, though they yield to the other treatment equally well. “The food of many insects, however, cannot be poisoned, since they feed upon the juice of plants and do not eat the exteinal coverings. It is fortunate that most of these insects have soft bedies, so that they yield” readily to treatment if the poison comes in contact with them. Their mouth parts are formed for penetrating the external coverings of plants to a depth sufficient to reach the sap; just as the mosquitoes’ bills are in the habit of penetrating human kind. All aphides belong to this class, as well as the true bugs, these having mouth parts which. are adapted to suck, but not to chew. The utter uselessness of cover- 33 ing a plant with poisons to protect it from these pests will readily be seen. No matter how thick the poison may be, the insect’s beak will penetrate this poisonous layer, and it will take no food until the beak has passed the limit of the poison and is deeply buried in the tissues of the plant. “ From the above it will be seen that : (a) To destroy chewing insects, such as the potato beetle, poison must be evenly distributed over those parts upon which the insects feed, and this may in some cases be done even before the insect is pre- sent, or is visible. Only those poisons which cause death after being eaten should be used. (b) To destroy sucking insects, such as plant lice, the materials must be distributed upon the insects as evenly as possible and it is useless to make any application before theinsect has appeared. Only those poi- son which kill by coming in contact with the insect’s body should be used. “First determine what kind of a pest it is that needs treatment, then select the proper material. II. Uron Funat. “* Among fungi we find many serious enemies. It is difficult to tell just what a fungus is, but some of the principal characteristics may be mentioned. A fungus is a plant; but unlike flowering plants, if possesses no chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is the green-coloured protoplasm found in flowering plants, and it is the only substance we know through which plants change crude food to nutritive material. We must conclude, therefore, that fungi do not prepare their own food, but feed upon organic matter which is already adapted to their wants. They possess no leaves, flowers, nor seeds, That part of any fungus which is of most interest to the horticulturist is composed of long, fine threads, either growing separately or in bundles; these threads are known as hyphe, and collectively they form the mycelium or vegetative portion of the fungus. The mycelium corresponds to the roots and stems of flowering plants. “Spores, which are organs performing the same office as the seeds of flowering plants, are produced by this mycelium either directly, or upon branches (sometimes called sporophores) which are thrown out. These sporophores cause the white downy appearance seen upon grape leaves affected with the downy mildew. A spore, strictly speaking, is not a seed, for a seed contains a young plant, while a spore does not, being usually composed of only one cell. If a spore finds the proper conditions of heat and moisture it will germinate and send out a fine filament, which, if nourished, grows on branches, and eventually a plent like the original will be produced. “Most fungi in the North produce two kinds of spores, known as the summer and the winter spores. The summer spores are usually borne upon the exterior of the host-plant, or the plant on which the fungus grows. These spores ripen quickly and propagate the fungus rapidly. But if they do not germinate soon after ripening they lose their vitality. “The winter spores are usually produced within the tissues of the host-plant, commonly in the leaves and fruit. They are the spores which live through the winter; but in the spring, under favourable circumstances, they germinate, and thus the fungus is again developed. 34 “Fungi may be divided into two general classes: those growing upon dead and decaying matter, or saprophytes; those feeding upon living tissue, or parasites. By far the larger portion possessing in- terest to the horticulturist belong to the latter class, for in this are included the fungi which do so much injnry to cultivated plants. “Yet all parasitic fungi do not attack the host-plant in the same manner. Some immediately penetrate into the interior tissue, and there they flourish, being well protected from outer influences by the exterior covering of the plant The fungi c:using all the more serious diseases develope in this matter and in fact, the vast majority of plant diseases are caused by such organisms. There are others, however, in which the body of the fungus is almost entirely upon the surface of “the host-plant, only a comparatively small number of threads penetrat- ing the tissues in order to obtain nourishment These parasites can be rubbed off, and unless the attack has been very severe, the green, healthy tissue will be seen underneath. This class may for convenience be termed “surface fungi;” to distinguish them from those which grow within the host-plant ; it is represented by the common powdery mildew of the grape, one mildew of the gooseberry, one of the straw- berry, and a few others. “The life histories of the various fungi must form the basis for any methods of treatment which may be adopted. During certain stages of their existence, parasitic fungi may be checked quite easily, and at such times the remedies should be applied. “Tt is evident that when a fungus has once become established in- side the host-plant, it cannot be reached without destroying the tissue of the host in the affected places, which is by no means desirable. The fungus must be destroyed before it enters the host; in other words, the spores must be killed as soon as they germinate or better they must not be allowed to germinate. All applications must be preven- tive, not curative, since a cure is practically impossible when the fungus is once established, unless it grows upon the surface of the host. “The line of treatment indicated is this: to cover the stems and foliage of the cultivated plant with some substance that will destroy the spores which may be present, as soon as they germinate, or with one that will have the power of preventing this germination. If that is done, the plant will remain healthy, so far as fungi are concerned ; otherwise it will not, unless, indeed, no fungus attacks it. Several substances which destroy these spores, as well as the surface fungi, have already been found. They are easily applied, safe, and effective, and any grower who suffers his fruit to be ruined by these parasites is, asa rule, deserving of his loss, for means of destroying the pests are at his command. It is largely the grower’s fault if his apples are scabby, if his grapes are mildewed, and if his potatoes rot in the field. Spray- ‘ing is no longer an experiment, it is a necessity; and those who re- cognize this fact are the ones who are reaping the rewards. Spray MAcHrinery. “The best spray nozzle, so far as efficiency, simplicity, and cheap- ness are concerned, is the end of a hose and a man’s thumb. Unfortu- nately the thumb gets sore and tired, and operations must be suspended to wait for repairs. It is the nearest approach to the ideal nozzle yet Aevised, if it were only more practicable. It will do all that a good 35 nozzle should do. It throws a fine mist-like spray, one that will ‘ float in the air like a fog,” or the particles of water may instantly be made coarser, and the water thus carried toa greater distance ; or still coarser and the water leaves the hose in the form of a solid stream, These changes all take -place instantly (after a little practiev), an! if makes no difference whether the parts to be sprayed are a few inches or many feet away. This nozzle never clogs, but is cleaned automatically, and as quickly as the character of the spray is varied. In fact it possesses all the desirable qualities of a spray nozzle, except durability, and for this we must turn to the metals for aid. “ All operators do not desire the same kind of spray even for the same kind of work. It iscommonly said that the best spray is one which most nearly resembles a fog That is true so far as the spray iscon,erned, but the trouble comes in applying it. A fine spray cannot be , pplied so advantageously as a coarser one, nor can it be applied so rap; dly for the reason that the finer the spray the less liquid is thrown, and the smaller the area treated. Whenever the wind blows, a fog-lke spray will go wherever the wind carries it, and not where the operator directs it. Sometimes this will be an advantage. It is especially so when the wind is blowing in the right direction Yet when the other side of the tree is being treated the wind will come from the wrong direction, and much of the material is blown where it is not wanted. In addition to this, the work is more slowly performed, and whether it is more thoroughly done than when a coarser spray is well used is still open to doubt. After having tried both kind of sprays, it appears to the writer that if the parts to be treated are close by, a fine spray is to be preferred, as then there is less waste and an even application may be made. If the parts to be treated are more removed, being situated from ten to twenty-five feet away, a coarser spray is wanted ;—the ~ more distant the object, the coarser the spray.. The work can thus be done much more rapidly, just as effectively (with the exception of some waste), and much more satisfactorily, than by the use of a fine -spray. In cas: a fine spray is used, it is necessary to have a pole to carry the nozzle to the different parts of the tree, and this is as tedious as it is unpleasant. When a coarser spray is made, there is generally formed enough of the finer spray to float in the air and protect parts which are not directly reached by the operator. “The finest sprays are produced by the eddy-chamber nozzles and by those in which two streams of water strike each other at an angle. With such nozzles, the spray can be made as fine as desired, the size of the outlet orifice being the main controlling factor. For long- distance work, when the liquid is to be carried ten feet or more, the best spray is formed when the fluid is forced through two flat, parallel, ‘metal surfaces. The greater the pressure, the greater will be the -amount of fine spray and the farther will it be thrown. Although the ideal nozzle has not yet been made in metal, some of the forms now -sold are approaching perfection. “€ All good spray machinery is expensive, and only careless operators will neglect the ordinary methods of preserving it as long as possible. ‘When the pump has been used in applying any of the preparations, ‘with the exception of clear water, it should be cleaned. No in- secticide nor fungicide should be allowed to stand within the pump, 36 but clear water should be pumped through it before it is put away. It is well to oil all the working parts occasionally, as a little oil at times may prevent the metal from being cut, and the pump will be thus pre- served much longer than otherwise. Nozzles are also benefited by the same treatment. Oil can scarcely be used too freely on the inside of such apparatus, and an occasional coat of paint on the outside will assist materially in protecting the metal. The careless man pays dearly for his neglect.” Mr. B. T. Galloway in the Bushberg Catalogue Grape Manual says :— “Tt has been pointed out in various publications by the writer that a sprayer to be effective requires first of all a good strong force pump. Next in importance is a nozzle that will throw a mist-like spray and will not clog when thick fluids are used. There are plenty of machines on the market filling all these requirements. For convenience they may be divided into three classes : (1) horse power automatic machines ; (2) machines drawn by horse power, but operated by hand; and (3) hand machines. All belonging to the first group are unnecessarily ex- pensive and complicated, and will not do the work as thoroughly and effectively as the machines belonging to the second and third groups. Of the second group, in which the cheapest and most practical and efficient example is found in a strong, light, double acting double-dis- charge force pump, mounted on a barrel, it may be said that while they cannot do the work as rapidly as the machines of the first class, they are more effective, much cheaper, and far less wasteful of the liquid used. “To the third class belong the knapsack sprayers, which are the only ones necessary to notice in this connection. There is no question that for all moderately low-growing crops the knapsack sprayer fills every requirement. In no other machine is the work so absolutely at all times under control, it being possible to place nearly every drop of the liquid exactly where it is needed. Knapsack pumps are now used in many moderate sized vineyards, also in places where the horse-power apparatus, owing to the nature of the land or the manner of cultivation, cannot be utilised. “Many firms throughout the United States are engaged in the manufacture and sale of the various machines mentioned. “For applying sulphur various devices are in use. Probably the simplest is that employed by the grape growers of California, 7. e., a tin can holding about a gallon, provided at the top with a strong, rigid handle, and having the bottom punched full of small holes. Owing to the manner in which the vines are trained, two rows can be treated at atime by one man. A can containing sulphur is simply held in each hand and given a slight twist over a vine in each row. This scatters the sulphur over the entire plant and the operator then passes to the next two vines. Of course this plan could not be followed in the East, owing to the way in which the vines are trained. Various styles of sulphuring bellows have been designed for the work.” Spray machinery can be obtained from the United States through various merchents. The following articles on Fungicides, Fungous Diseases of the Grape, are adapted from Messrs Galloway & Lodeman’s works :— 37 FUNGOUS DISEASES OF THE GRAPE. ANTHRACNOSE. (Sphaceloma Ampelinum, De Bary.) Description.—This is a fungus which attacks all parts of the Grape Vine, but most commonly the berries. The name, anthracnose, means coal-disease, the disease is so-called from the dark colouration of the affected parts. When it first attacks the berries, circular brown spots are noticed, with a somewhat sunken surface, gradually enlarging in size. If there are several spots on the berry, they grow into one another, form- ing alarge patch with an irregular line. As the disease progresses, the skin of the centre spot may form a scab of a lighter colour—gray- ish and sometimes with a band of vermilion colour outside the centre. It will probably be first apparent on the shoots of the vine, on which the spots extend lengthwise, giving them a speckled appearance when abundant. : It also attacks the leaves and especially the veins and stalks. The stalks of the clusters are often affected too, and when completely girdled, all the berries below the disease-ring remain green, and shrivel up. Treatment.—When it is known that a vinery is liable to be attacked by this and other fungous diseases, spraying with Bordeaux mixture should be commenced as soon as the first leaves have fully expanded. The second application may be made after flowering, and the third from 2 to 4 weeks later, according to whether the weather is favour- able to the disease. The Bordeaux mixture may safely be used until the berries are three-fourths their full size. After that the applica- tion may leave a stain which would reduce their market value, and it is better to use the ammonical carbonate of copper about every 10 days even after the fruit is fully formed, if the disease is rampant. The clusters should be sprayed as well as the leaves, especially when they are young. The reason for several applications is that the spores of the fungus resist successfully every destructive agency, and it is only when they have already germinated that they can be killed. Everything depends upon the thoroughness of the spraying, and each vine should receive about one quart of liquid at each application. Besides the use of the Bordeax mixture, it is customary to treat the vines in the winter months when they are bare of leaves and dormant, with the sulphuric acid and sulphate of iron solution, applied by means of a brush or a swab made of rags tied round the end of a stick. The effect on the wood is to blacken it which is looked upon as a test of the thoroughness of the work, and whenever the colour remains after 2 or 3 days, a second application should be made. Buackx Ror, (Loestadia Bidwellu, V. & R. ; Phoma uvicola, B. & C.) The Black rot is even more destructive than the ‘‘ anthracnose,” and besides causing the rotting of the fruit, attacks the leaves and shoots. Description.—It is readily distinguished from anthracnose by the centre of the dark disease spots having a number of minute pimples, 38 from which the sporos come, and are carried by the lightest breeze to other berries and to other parts of the vine. It does not attack the stalks of the clusters, as in anthracnose; and on the leaves it is found o:iginating between the veins, not on them, and has minute pimples in a band near the edge of the affected part. Grapes are uearly or quite full grown when the disease appears. The spots are first purplish-brown, the whole berry then becomes af- fected and gradually turns black and the pimples make their appear- ance. The grape at the same time shrivels, but does not fall off, and the seeds are clearly seen under the skin which become drawn and ridged. Treatment.—Bordeaux mixture should be used, first before the buds open, a second time when the leaves are one-third grown, a third time just before flowering, a fourth time two weeks later. The fifth appli- cation two weeks later should be the ammoniacal copper carbonate solu- tion, and a sixth application of the same may be necessary. If the weather is dry, the number of sprayings may be less. | Downy Mitpew, Brown Ror. (Peronospora viticola, De Bary.) Description.—Although this downy mildew, attacks all parts of the vine, the chief mischief is when the leaves are diseased, as then not only the present, but next year’s crop is in danger. The leaf first turns lighter green where diseased, then yellow, and lastly brown, while if the under surface is examined when the upper has begun to turn yellow, it will be found to be covered with minute threads growing out from the substance of the leaf. The grapes are usually attacked before they are half-grown, first turning brown (brown rot), and afterwards grayish (downy mildew). Treatment.—lf the downy mildew is feared the shoots should be first sprayed with Bordeanx mixture when they are only from six to ten inches long, and afterwards on flowering and at intervals of from 2 to 4 weeks. Powpery MiLpew. (Uncinula spiralis, B. & C. Descri; tion.—This fungus spreads only on the outside surface of the vine though it sends suckers into the cells immediately below, feeding on their contents and changing the green colour into brown. The fungus itself is of a grayish white colour, and easily rubs off the leaf, shoot, or grape, when the destruction of the green colour is very no- ticeable. It is generally found on the upper surface of the leaves, which distinguishes it from the Downy Mildew. It develops best dur- ing dry weather. Treatment.—As this is only a surface fungus, not penetrating be- yond the outer cells, it is not so dangerous as those previously men- tioned, and the vines do not require treatment for it, until it has ac- tually made its appearance. Sulphur is applied either dry or mixed with water, but this remedy is not considered so valuable as spraying with carbonate of copper dis- solved in ammonia. 39 pee in Minpew. (Oidium Tuckeri, Berkl.) Description.—This mildew resembles the Powdery Mildew in gene- ral appearance, and like it, is a surface mildew. When it attacks the fruit, the skin of the grape is unable to expand, and bursts. Treatment.—F lowers of sulphur dusted over the diseased parts ef- fectually disposes of this fungus. Rarries ; SHELLING. Description —Just as the grapes are ripening, they begin to fall off, and this takes place first at the extremities. Treatment.—As the chief cause of this diseace is defective nutrition,. manure should be applied, and especially potash. Riex Ror. (Gleosporium fructigenum, Berkl.) Description.—The grapes are uttacked in the ripening stage. A red- dish-brown spot first appears which gradually spreads over the whole grape, then black pimples appear which are not so numerous as in Black Rot, but they are broader. The colour remains dark purplish brown, and the diseased grapes fall to the ground; whilst in Black Rot, the colour is black, and the grapes do not fall off. Treatment.—lf there are only a few vines, the grapes affected may be picked off and burnt, but where there are a large number, the same: treatment should be adopted as for Black Rot. FUNGICIDES. BorpEaux Mixture. Bordeaux Mixture is best made according to the following for- mula :— Copper Sulphute det 6 pounds Unslacked Lime ee 4 pounds Water 50 gallons It requires careful mixiug, or the ingredients will not combine pro- perly. Put 25 gallons of water into a barrel. Tie up 6 pounds of copper sulphate in a piece of coarse sack, and hang this by a stick laid across the top of the barrel so as to be just beneath the surface of the water until it has slowly dissolved In another barrel slack 4 pounds of lime very slowly and carefully, at first only adding about a quart of water at a time, nntil a perfectly smooth paste free from grit, is obtained. Add water to make the whole 25 gallons, and wait until cool. Now pour both together into a cask holding 50 gallons. The milk of lime should be thoroughly stirred before pouring, and finally the mixture should be well stirred for 4 or 6 minutes with « wooden paddle. If not perfect, the mixture is liable to injure the foliage and in order to test this, put the blade of a penknife into the mixture and leave it for 1 or 2 minutes. If there is any deposit of copper on the blade, showing a brownish colour, it is not safe to use it, and more lime must. be added until the knife is not discoloured. 40 AwmontacaL Copper CarsonatEe Sonvrron. Penny has made a very careful study of the best method of prepar- ing this solution, and the results of his work are here given in full :— “The practical directions are these: To 1 volume of 26° Beaumé ammonia (the strong ammonia of commerce) add from 7 to 8 volumes of water. Then add copper carbonate, best in successive quantities, until a large portion remains undissolyed. The mixture should be vigourously agitated during the solution and finally allowed to subside and the clear liquid poured off from the undissolved salt. A second portion should then be made by treating the residue of the former lot with more ammonia diluted as before, then with the addition of fresh copper carbonate, in every case with vigorous stirring or agitation. This method of making in successive lots will result in a richer solu- ‘tion of copper, at least, unless an unwarranted length of time be taken. ‘This soution may be made in avy suitable wooden or stoneware vessel. “A still better way is to place in a large jar an inverted crock, or other suitable shelf, and on this the eopper carbonate, so that it shall be at the surface of the ammonia when it is poured in. After adding the ammonia, diluted as above, the whole should be allowed to stand covered some time, as over night, and then the undissolved copper salt may be in great part easily lifted out of the solution. Instead of the shelf a suitable receptacle may be used, as a fine wire sieve. The jar will need nothing but a loose cover, as the loss of ammonia will be slight at that degree of dilution. “The clear solution thus obtained, containing from three to four per cent. of ammonia gas, must be diluted as described above, in no case less than 13 or 15 fold, better, for the safety of the plant, 20 fold or more. “Those directions which recommend so much ammonia, (whatever it may be) to be used as may be necessary to dissolve the copper salt and then to dilute to a given number of gallons, are not only not economical, but absolutely dangerous, in as much as it is an uncertain- ty just how much ammonia may be used in the first instance, and hence uncertain what strength it may have after dilution, when applied to the trees. It should be borne in mind always that if strong ammonia is used it must be diluted from first to last at least 100 fold, and bet- ter considerably more. “The solubility of copper carbonate in ammonia carbonate has been studied but not yet sufficiently for report. After the copper carbonate has been dissolved in ammonia water, it’ should be used by taking as much of the fluid as contains 1 ounce of dissolved copper carbonate, and this is then diluted with 9 gallons of water. These proportions should be retained when either larger or smaller quantities of the fungicide are desired. The ammoniacal solution of copper carbonate possesses some decided advantages. It is a clear solution entirely free from sediment, and ean therefore be applied as readily as water. Another favourable point is that it may be used quite freely upon maturing fruit, and also upon flowering plants, without leaving any conspicuous stain. When cer- tain plants require spraying with a fungicide shortly before the crop is harvested, this preparation is an excellent one to use. In efficiency it also ranks high, being clearly surpassed in this respect only by the 41 Bordeaux mixture. It is also cheap, and on the whole is one of our most valuable remedies. SurpuareE or Iron (Copperas oR GREEN VITRIOL.) Against anthracnose of the grape the following application has shown itself to be of great value, and it is regularly used by European vineyardists. Water, (hot), 100 parts Tron Sulphate, as much as the water will dissolve. Sulphuric acid, 1 part. Great care should be exercised in using this preparation, as it is ex- ceedingly caustic and will injure machinery, clothes, and nearly every- thing with which it comes in contact. It is generally applied with a swab made by tying rags about the end of a stick. Dormant vines are uninjured by the treatment. JUTE. Whilst Jute will grow upon any kind jof soil, it is found in India that it is only profitably cultivated on a loamy soil or rich clay and sand in a hot damp climate in which the rainfall is not too heavy. Jute has been tried in several parts of India, but without success except in the northern and eastern part of Bengal and in Assam. In Burma the only difficulty is the cost of labour. The preparation of the soil is costly as it requires to be ploughed from four to six times before sowing the seed. In about 34 months from sowing, it flowers, and is then ready for reaping. The average crop of fibre is 11 ewt., per acre, but the yield varies enormously according to season and district, sometimes being as high as 24 ewts., and again as low as 2 cwt. ‘The fibre is separated from the stems by a process of retting in pools of stagnant water. In some districts the bundles of jute stems are submerged in rivers, but the common practice seems to be in favour of tanks or roadside stagnant pools. The period of retting depends upon the nature of the water, the kind of fibre, and condition of the atmosphere. It varies from two to twenty-five days. The operator has therefore to visit the tank daily, and ascertain, by means of his nail, if the fibre has begun to separate from the stem. This period must not be exceeded, otherwise the fibre becomes rotten and almost useless for commercial purposes. The bundles are made to sink in the water by placing on the top of them sods and mud, when the proper stage has been reached, the ret- ting is rapidly completed. The cultivator standing up to the waist in foetid water, proceeds to remove small portions of the bark from the ends next the roots, and, grasping them together, he strips off the whole with a little management from end to end without breaking either stem or fibre. Having brought a certain quantity into this half-prepared state, he next proceeds to wash off; this is done by tak- ing a large handful, swinging it round his head he dashes it repeat- edly against the surface of the water and draws it through towards him so as to wash off the impurities; then with a dexterous throw, he spreads it on the surface of the water anil carefully picks off all re- maining black spots. It is now wrung out so as to remove as much 42 water as possible, and then hung up on lines prepared on the spot, to dry in the sun”.—(Royle in Watts Dictionary.) The price paid to the cultivator varies from 4 to 5 shillings per ewt. Jute is obtained from Corchorus olitortus near Calcutta, and Cor- chorus capsularis in other parts of Bengal. The young shoots of Corchorus olitorius are used throughout India as a pot-herb,and for the same purpose as “ Jews Mallow.” This species is naturalised in Jamaica. The native species are C. siliguosus, C. estuans, and C. hirsutus; the first named being commonly called “ Broom-weed” from the use to which it is put. FERNS: SYNOPTICAL LIST—XLI¥. Synoptical List, with descriptions, of the Ferns and Fern-Allies of Ja- maica. By G. 8. Jenman, Superintendent Botanical Garden, Demerara. Series II. Exinvolucrate. (Sori devoid of involucres.) TrisE XI. Polypodiez. Sori round or oval, rarely linear or decumbent and confluent, usually smaller than a pin’s head but often larger; receptacles the same shape, on the back, or terminal on the veins: sporangia stipitate, compressed arched by an incomplete jointed vertical band, which splits at length transversely ; involucres none; veins free, united or variously anasto- mosing, with or without free included branches in the meshes, fronds few or many, varying from simple-entire to decompound; stipites arti- culated or not, paced or tufted on a creeping or upright rootstock, the variations or diversity in which areas wide as in the character of the fronds. A very extensive group, comprising in its members great variety of habit and form, but which as here regarded, constitutes but a single composite genus, distinguished by the naked exposed, usually isolated roundish sori, in all cases devoid in any degree, of an involucre. Genus XXX. Polypodium Linn. Only genus see characters of Tribe. The largest genus of all in the order, spread over the tropical and temperate zones of both hemispheres, most abundant at high eleva- tions within the equatorial belt ; the majority epiphytal, affecting the shady moist situations, of the cool higher mountain regions, I. Veins free. Fronds entire (or furcate) 1. P, Fawcettii, Baker. 2. P. dendricolum. Jenm. 3. P. gramineum, Swartz. 4. P. nigro-limbatum, Jenm. 5. P. marginellum, Swartz. Fronds serrulate or lobate in the lower half, entire or serrato-entire in the upper. 6. P. serrulatum, Mett. 7. P. Jamesonii, Jenm. 8. P. myosurioides, Swartz. 48 Fronds uniformly lobed, pinnatifid or pinnate. Segments monosorous. 9. P. Sherringii, Baker. 10. P. nimbatum, Jenm. 11. P. exiguum, Grisb. 12. P. trichomanoides, Swartz. 13. P. basi-attenuatum, Jenm. 14. P. tenifolium, Jenm. 15. P. nutatum, Jenm. 16. P. Hartii, Jenm. Segments polysorous. Fronds tapering at the base, subsessile, or petioles not ex- ceeding 1} in 1. Fronds under 6-9 li. w. 17. P. moniliforme, Lag. 18. P. saxicolum, Baker. 19. P. albo-punctatum, Baker. 20. P. lubzforme, Kaulf. Fronds from 4-1} in. w. 21. P. rigescens, Bory. 22. P. heterotrichum, Baker. 23. P. pendulum, Swartz. 24. P. lasiolepis, Mett. Fronds from $-2 in. w. or over. 25. P. cultratum, Willd. 26. P. cappilare, Desv. 27. P. graveolens, Baker. Fronds not, or little reduced at the base, petioles 1—several in, 1. Fronds 2-3 in. w. 28, P. curvatum, Swartz. 29. P. Otites, Swartz. 30. P. trifurcatum, Linn. 31. P. Eggersii, Baker. 32. P, suspensum, Linn. 33. P. asplenifolium, Linn. 34. P. brunneo-viride, Baker. 35. P. firmum, Klotzsch. 36, P. taxifolium, Linn, Fronds 1-6 in. w. 37. P. Plumula shoe: KK: 38. P. pectinatum, Linn. 39. P. Paradisze, L. & F. 40. P. simile, Linn. 41. P. dissimile, Linn. Fronds pinnate, petioles winged to the base. 42. P. microchasum, Baker. Fronds not articulated at the base of the stipe ; pinnate or bipinnate*. —Phegopteris, Fée.* Fronds simply pinnate. 43. P. hastefolium, Swartz. 44, P. flavopunctatum, Kanlf, 45. P. pubescens, Radd. 46. P. gracilentum, Jenm. 47. P. ctenoides, Fée. 48. P. Thomsonii, Jenm. 49. P. decussatum, Linn. 50. P. caudatum, Kaulf. Fronds decompound. 51. P. punctatum, Thunb. 52. P. rngulosum, Gabill. II. Veins united. Fronds not articulated at the base of the stipe. Goniopteris, Presl. Fronds pinnate or bipinnatifid ; opposite veins uniting with a branch running to the veins. 53. P. nigrescentium, Jenm, 54. P. obliteratum, Swartz. 55. P. crenatum, Swartz. . 56. P. tetragonum, Linn. Fronds articulated at the base of the stipe, leaving a clean scar at parting. Fronds pinnatifid or pinnate. Fronds coated with matted scales, veins areolate in 1-2 series, with free exterior branches—Lepycistis, J. Sm. 57. P. incanum, Swartz. 58. P. thyssanolepis, R. Br. 59. P. squamatum, Linn. 60. P. lepidopteris, Kze. Veins areolate, hexagonal, in one to several series, with usually rather stronger primary veins running from the costz to the margin, exterior branches free; sori terminal on free in- cluded veinlets.—Goniophlebium, Blume. 61. P. loriceum, Linn. 62. P. Chnoodes, Spreng. 63. P. attenuatum, H. B. K. 64. P. neriifolium, Schk. 65. P. surrucuchense, Hook. Veins forming copious narrow elongated angled areolz, with or without stronger primary veins, costal series transverse to the rest: sori terminal on simple or united included veinlets or compital_—Phlebadium, R. Br. 66. P. aureum, Linn. 67. P. decumanum, Willd. Areole 1-2 serial; pinne linear strict. Pleopeltis, Ham- boldt. 68. P. retrafolium, Jenm. Fronds simple entire. Primary veins coste-form, raised, parallel, the intervening areole fine and uniform ; sori compital, large, uniserial between the primary veins.—Pleuridium, Fée, J. Sm. 69. P. crassifolium, Linn. Primary veins generally asin Pleuridium but connected by transverse, mostly arcuate slender veins, which together form oblong areoles, in 2-seyeral series, containing usual- 45 ly 2 erect free soriferous branches, divided or not by a slender intermediary veinlet.—Campyloneuron, Presl. 70. P. Phyllitidis, Linn. 71. P. costale, Kunze. 72. P. levigatum, Cav. 73. P. repens, Linn, 74. P. augustifolium, Swartz. Areole copious, no distinctly costate veins, sori uniserial various genera of authors. Fronds scaly. 75. P. piloselloides, Linn. Fronds glabrous. 76. P. vaccinifolium, F. & L. 77. P. lycopodioides, Linn 78. P. Swartzii, Baker. Fronds scaly. 79. P. lanceolatum, Linn. CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE DEPARTMENT. —o LIBRARY. Catalogue of African Plants collected by Dr. Welwitsch. [British Museum. Bulletin Royal Gardens, Kew. Jan., 1897. [Kew.] Agri. Journal Cape Colony. Jan., 1897. [Dept. of Agri.] Barbados Agri Gaz. and Planter’s Journ. Jan.,1897. [Secy. | Sugar Journal. Dec., 1896. [Editor. ] Sugar Cane. Feb., 1897. [Editor. } Sucrerie Indigéne et Coloniale. Feb.,1897. [Editor | Bulletin de ’ Herbier Boissier. Jan., 1897. [Conservateur. } Hawaiian Planters’ Monthly. Jan., 1897. [Editor.] Report Dept. of Agri., Brisbane. 1895-96. (Dept. of Agri.] Annual Exchange Catalogue, Field Col. Museum, Chicago. [Director. } PLANTS. From Mr, Henry Pfister, Washington, D.C., U.S.A. Myriophyllum proserpinacoides, Gill. SEEDS. From Royal Botanic Gardens, Trinidad. Sacoglottis amazonica From Secretary Colonia “osme, Paraguay Orange “Grape Fruit’ From Dept. of Agri. Washington, D.C. Citrus trifoliata From Botanic Gardens, Bangalore. Cryptostegia yrandiflora From Prof. O. Comes, Portici. Sumatra Tobacco Shiraz Tobacco Manilla Tabacco Herzegovina Tabacco Hungarian Tobacco From Mr, A. Libert, Trinidad. Ptychospernna Alexandre Areca triandra Stevensonia grandifolia Pritchardia pacifica 46 CASTLETON GARDENS. APRIL. In FLower. a Baphia nitida, Lodd. (Cam-wood ; W. Africa) Brownea Rosa-de-monte, Berg. Caryocar nuciferum, Linn. (Souari, or Butter Nut; Guiana) Cassia glauca, Lam. ~ (Glaucous Cassia; East & West Indies) Castilloa elastica, Cerv. | (Central American Rubber ; Centr. America) Chrysalidocarpus lutescens, Wendl. (A Madagascar Palm) Chrysobalanus Icaco, Linn. (Coco-plum ; West Indies) Cocos botryophora, Mart. (Brazilian Palm) Coccoloba uvifera, Linn. (Seaside Grape; W. Indies and Trop. America) Coffea liberica, Hiern. H} (Liberian Coffee ; W. Africa) Copernicia cerifera, Mart. (Wax Palm; Brazil) | Couroupita Guianensis, Aubl. (Cannon Ball Tree ; Guiana) Dalbergia Sissoo, Roxb. (Sissoo ; India and Afghanistan) | Dillenia indica, Lina. | (Dillenia ; E. Indies) Erythrina Crista-galli, Linn. | (Scarlet Coral Tree ; Brazil) | Eugenia caryophyllata, Thunb. (Clove ; Moluccas) Fagreea obovata, Wall. (E. Indies) Garcinia indica, Choisy. (Kokam Butter; India) Gynocardia odorata, R. Br. (Chaulmugra ; Malay Peninsula) Hevea brasiliensis, Muell, Arg. (Para Rubber ; Brazil) Hippomane Mancinella, Linn. (Manchineal tree ; West Indies & Trop. America) Hydnocarpus venenata, Geertn. (Makooloo ; India & Ceylon) Mesua ferrea, Linn. (Naghas Tree ; India) Michelia Champaca, Linn. (Champac tree ; India) j | In Frotir. Diospyros discolor, Willd. (Mabola Ebony; Philippines) Dillenia indica, Linn. (Dillenia ; E. Indies) Fagrza obovata, Wall, Oreodoxa regia, H. B. & K, (Royal Palm; Cuba) Mpyristica fragrans, Houtt. (Nutmeg; East Indies) 47 APRIL, contd. In FLoweEr. Pachira aquatica, Aubl. (Pachira ; Trop. America) Pachira Barrigon, Seem. (Barrigon ; Panama) Phyllanthus Emblica, Linn. Posoqueria longiflora, Aubl. Pterocarpus indicus, Willd. (Rosewood ; HE. Indies & China) Ravenala madagascariensis, J. F. Gmel. (Traveller’s Tree ; Madagascar) Samadera indica, Geertn. (Samadera; India and Ceylon) Saraca indica, Linn, Shorea robusta, Geertn. (Sal Tree ; India) Simaruba glauca, D.C. (Bitter Dan ; West Indies) Sterculia carthagensis, Cav. In FLOWER. ee ——— (Chica ; Trop. America) In FLoweEr. Awherstia nobilis, Wall, (Amherstia ; India and Malacca) | Arenga saccharifera, Labill, (Sugar Palm ; Malay Archipe- lago Averrhoa Bilimbi, Linn. (The Bilimbi; East Indies) Baphia nitida, Lodd. (Camwood; W, Africa) Bassia latifolia, Roxb. (Mahwah Tree; India) Brownea Rosa-de-monte, Berg. Cesalpinia Sappan, Linn. (Sappan wood; East Indies) | Castilloa elastica, Cerv. | (Central America Rubber ; Centr. America) Chrysalidocarpus lutescens, H, — Allamanda Hendersoni, Bull. Averrhoa Carambola, Linn. (Carambola; East Indies) Baphia nitida, Lodd. (Cam-wood; W. Africa) Bassia latifolia, Roxb. (Mahwah tree; India) Bauhinia variegata, Linn. (Butterfly tree ; India and China) Brownea Rosa-de-monte, Berg. Cananga odorata, Hook. f. & Thoms. (Cananga, [lang ; India) Caryocar nuciferum, Linn. (Souari or Butter Nut ; Guiana) Chrysalidvearpus lutescens, H. Wendl. (A Madagascar Palin) Couroupita Guianensis, Aubl. (Cannon Ball Tree ; Guiana) Derris dalbergioides, Bak. Dipteryx odorata, Willd. (Tonquin Bean ; Cayenne) Eugenia caryophyllata, Thunb. (Clove Tre2 ; Moluccas) Eugenia malaccensis, Linn. (Malay Apple ; Malay Islands) Fagreea obovata, Wall. Garcinia Mongostana, Linn. (Mangosteen ; Malay Archipelago) Gardenia lucida, Roxb. Amherstia nobilis, Wall. (Amheistia ; India and Malacca.) Cananga odorata, Hook. f. & Thoms. (Cananga, Ilang ; India) Castilloa elastica, Cery. (Central American Rubber; Centr America) Cinnamomum zeylanicum, Nees. (Cinnamon ; Ceylon) Cordia Myxa, Linn. (Sebesten Plum ; India) Diospyros discolor, Willd. (Mabola Ebony ; Philippines) Eugenia javanica, Lam. (Wax Jambo; Malay Islands) Hevea brasiliensis, Muell. Arg. (Para Rubber ; Brazil) Imbricaria maxima, Poir. Michelia Champaca, Linn. (Champac tree ; India) Mimusops Elengi, Linn. (Elengi ; E. Indies) Morinda citrifolia, Linn. Myristica fragrans, Houtt. (Nutmeg ; East Indies) Omphalea triandra, Linn. (Cob-nut; Jamaica, Guiana) Posoqueria longiflora, Aubl. Spathodea campanulata, Beauy. (Spathodea ; Trop. Asia and Africa) 71 JuN«, contd. In FLower. In Fruit. me | ee Gmelina asiatica, Linn. Heritiera macrophylla, Wall. (Looking-glass tree; India & Africa) Hevea brasiliensis, Muell. Arg. (Para Rubber ; Brazil) Lagerstrcemia Flos-reginz, Retz. (Queen’s Flower; India & Burma) Lagerstrocemia indica, Linn. (Crape Flower ; India) Mesua ferrea, Linn. (Naghas Tree ; India) Michelia Champaca, Linn. (Champac tree ; India) Mimusops Elengi, Linn. (Elengi ; E. Indies) Musszenda frondosa, Linn. Musszenda luteola, Delile Norantea Guianensis, Aubl. (Norantea ; Guiana & Brazil) Omphalea triandra, Linn. (Cob-nut ; Jamaica & Guiana) Oncoba spinosa, Forsk, Oreodoxa regia, Mart. (Royal Palm ; Cuba) Pachira aquatica, Aubl. (Pachira ; Trop, America) Plumeria rubra, Linn. P. acutifolia, Poir. Pterocarpus indicus, Willd. (Rose-wood ; East Indies & China) Stifftia chrysantha, Mikan. Swartzia grandiflora, Willd. Tabernzmontana longiflora, Benth. 3 Taberzemontana Wallichiana, Stud. Tecoma stans, Juss. 72 CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE DEPARTMENT. LIBRARY. Bulletin University of California. Nos.111- 115 Sep. - Dec. 1896. [Director.] Bulletin Torrey Bot. Club. Feb. 1897. [Editor. Agri. Ledger, 1895. No. 25. [Supt. of Govt. Printing, India. ] Experiment Station VIII. 4. [U.S. Dept. of Agri.] Agri. Gazette of N.S. Wales. Nov. 1896. [Dept. of Agri.] Agri. Journal Cape Colony. Dec. 1896. [Dept. of Agri.] Revue Agricole. Nov. & Dec. 1896. Jan. 1897. [ Editor. ] British Trade Journ. Feb. 1897. [Editor.] American Journal of Pharmacy. March, 1897 [Editor. | Journ. Roy. Agri. & Com. Society of B. Guiana. Dec. 1896. [Socy.] Sugar. Feb. 1897. [Editor.] Central African Planter. Dec. 1896. [ Editor. | Report on Culture of Hemp and Jute in the United States. [U.S. Dept. of Agri.] Report Bot. Station, Lagos. June 1896 [Curator. ] ; The Forester. March1897._ [Editor. | W. I. & Com. Advertiser. Feb. 1897. [Editor.| Produce World. Feb. 1897. [Editor.] Chemist & Druggist. Jan. & Feb. 1-97. [Editor.] Sucrerie Indigéne et Coloniale. Feb. 1897. [Editor. ] Times of Ceylon. Jan. 1897. [Editor.] The proportions of Chlorine & of Nitrogen as Nitric Acid & as Ammonia in certain tropical rain waters, by J. B. Harrisonand by J. Williams, [J. B. Harrison. SEEDs. From Royal Gardens, Kew. Romneya Coulteri Dendromecon rigidum Dicentra chrysantha From Messrs. Reasoner, Bros. Florida. Melia azedarach, var. umbraculiformis Zaria integrifolia Cinnamomum Camphora Hibiscus sp. From Agri. Hort. Society of India. Aristolochia indica From Botanic Station, Barbadoes. Furcrzea macrophylla From Botame Gardens, Saharanpur. Desmodium argenteum “ sp. Cedrela serrata Dioscorea sp. Rhamnus davuricus Bosia Amherstiana Milletia racemosa Cornus oblonga Berberis aristata Barleria cristata Rhus succedanea Platanus orientalis Salix Wallichiana Aeschynomene indica. New Series. } APRIL, MAY, JUNE, 1897. Vol. IV. Parts 4, 5, 6. BULLETIN | OF THE BOTANICAL DEPARTMENT, JAMAICA, ee a EDITED LY WILLIAM FAWCETT, B.Sc., F.LS. Director of Public Gardens and Plantations. CPR Baek: S': Satin Wood - — Pace 73 Pea-nut or Pindar-nut = _ 75 + Oil Tree — ~ hie Coneys and Nutmeg tree -— - 79 Notes on recent additions — _ 80 Reasons for cultivating the soil = 81 Commercial Fertilizers ~ = 88 Coccide, or Scale insects.—X. ~ 107 Note on Lecsnium tessellatum — 109 Ramie ~ - 110 Ferns-——Synoptical List. XLV - 112 Contributions to the Department - 142 P RIC H—Sixpence. A Copy will be supplied free to any Resident wm Jamaica, who will send Name end Address to the Director of Public Gardens and Plantations, Gordon Town P.O. BP CAL CAD VAI OI CED CAD CL OLE 2AM A KINGSTON, JAMAICA: GovERNMENT PRINTING OFrion, 79 Doxk Street. 1897. JAMAICA. 1) (Oa at 0 i) OF THE BOTANICAL DEPARTMENT. =S= ee ~ Vol. IV. Parts 4, 5,6. New Series. ] APRIL, MAY, JUNE, 1897. SATIN WOOD. FaGara FLAVA, Kr. & Urb. For some long time attempts have been made through various correspondents to obtain specimens of the flowers and seeds of Satin Wood, in order to determine exactly what the commercial Satin Wood of Jamaica is. Satin Wood in squared logs of good quality is worth £6 to £7 a ton in the London market, and numerous have been the enquiries from all parts of the island about the appearance of the tree, and how the wood may be recognised. At last Mr. Cecil Isaacs, introduced Mr. E. G. Nixon, who was well acquainted with the Satin Wood exported from Milk River. He very kindly sent specimens of the wood, and of the seed-vessels attached to the leafy branch. The flowers have not come to hand yet, but the material was sufficient to identify the tree, with Fagara flava Kr. & Urb. It is only mentioned by Grisebach in his ‘ Flora” as a native of Guadeloupe under the name of Zanthorylum Sumach, but is described and figured by Mr. O. S. Sargent, in his magnificent work, the “Silva of N. America,” as a native of certain keys off the coast of Florida. DxscRIPTION. The Tree is said to be from 12 to 35 feet high, with a trunk 6 to 18 inches in diameter. It has no spines like most of the “yellow woods.” The Woop may be described as follows :— Bark.— Of a light grey colour, surface somewhat smooth with longi- tundinal furrows and transverse cracks. Pith.—Searcely any. Heart Wood.—No distinct heart wood, but the colour gradually deepens from a light yellow at the bark inwards to a light orange at the centre. Medullary rays.—These lines in the cross section proceeding from the pith towards the bark, are not continous from pith to bark, but gradually die out in either direction, and are replaced by others. There are about 30 in a breath of } inch. Annual rings.—Marked off by circles of denser tissue which are of 74 about the same general breadth and colour as the medullary rays. The rings themselves vary very much in breadth. Vessels.—Appearing in the cross section as minute dots, requiring a lens to see them, numerous and evenly dispersed in the rings. I'he rays, rings, circles of denser tissue and vessels are shown in the accompany- ing illustration which is magnified from a portion of wood measuring” about 4 inch long, and } to + inch broad. Atdelele papanedaes Bavanao0d ab DRgteaRER OMAR MERE Phi ‘0B rebege es Fig. I. PORTION OF CROSS SECTION OF WOOD, MAGNIFIED. Grain.—Even-grained, of a satiny lustre in longitudinal sectiong capable of receiving a beautiful polish. Odour—Aromatic, like the true Satin-wood of the East Indies, when first cut. Weight.—Heavy. “ The specific gravity of the absolutely dry wood is 0.9002, a cubic foot of the dry wood weighing 56.10 pounds,”. (Sargent). The Leaves are composed of 2 to 4 pairs of leaflets and a terminal leaflet. The leaflets are ovate-lanceolate in outline. But the charac- teristic which will enable any one to determine this species by the leaf alone from other species in Jamaica, is that when the leaflet is held up to the light, it is seen that itis very numerously dotted with pellucid lands. E The FLowers in terminal panicles are either staminate or pistillate and these occur on separate trees. The petals are greenish-white and are turned back over the minute calyx-lobes. (The details in the illus- trations of the flowers and seeds are taken from Sargent.) Staminate flowers.—The Stamens are 5 in nnmber, and there is a rudimentary ovary. See Fig. LI. Pistillate flowers.—The pistil is composed usually of 2 carpels with short style and spreading entire stigma, each cell with 2 ovules side by side. ‘There areno stamens. See Fig. IJ. Seed-vessel.—Only one carpel, as a rule, ripens into fruit with a single black lustrous seed. See Fig. IV. This species is found in, Bahamas, St. Domingo, Porto Rico, Mont serrat, Guadeloupe, Martinique, St. Lucia, and Florida besides Jamaica_ Fic. II. Sramiare Frowrrs eRe eccuit CHTWOL EL WAZ HAUS s a DEN ECTS és 2 ip ay Z Sil Z Ay a Va Py b- d be iy i , 7 (72 Ss * PistinaTE FLow:rs. iKire. Lit, WS : : NG ak Y He J Ye = SS Fie. IV. Srep Vessezts. 75 PEA-NUT OR PINDAR-NUT. (AracHis HypoGAErA, Linn). Description —A prostrate annual herb, belonging to the Pea Famils (Leguminose) with pinnate leaves and yellow flowers. When the pod begins to form, the stalk curves over and buries the pod in the ground, where it ripens. It is naturalised or wild in all tropical countries. More than 100,000 acres are devoted to the cultivation of this plant in India and immense tracts in West Africa. Soil.—A sandy soil with certain quantity of lime makes the best soil. Marl is one of the forms of lime which suits well, but there must be sufficient sandy material to make the soil porous. Clayey land will produce good crops, if it is thoroughly well dug up and cultivated, but the pods are not of such good colour. It is well to choose land that is thoroughly clean from previous cultivation. Analysis—The percentage analysis of the ash of the Pea-nut is given by Prof. Cornwall as follows :— Silica ae 1.06 Potash aaa 44.73 Soda hs 14.60 Lime sah W771 Magnesia we 12.65 Phosphoric Acid 43; 17.64 Sulphuric Acid es 2.53 Chlorine SAD 0.15 95.07 Seed.—It is necessary to sow good seed, and in order to test it, a hun- dred seeds should be picked out at random and sown. From the num- ber that germinate, it can be calculated what is the probable percentage of good seed. In breaking open the pods, care must be taken not to bruise the ker- nel, and all shrivelled and dark-coloured kernels should be rejected. After shelling, the seed should be kept for sowing in small parcels only, as large quantities together ferment and lose their power of germin- ation. A bushel to a bushel and a half of pea-nuts in pod are sufficieng to plant one acre. Planting.—The time for planting is before the rainy season. In west Africa where it is grown on a large scale sowing takes place in October ; the first crop of nuts for eating green is ready about April, but they are not ripe till 9 months after sowing, or about July or August. In the southern United States, planting takes place in April. The land should be ploughed and harrowed, more than once if necessary, until a fine mellow seed bed is prepared ; but cultivated on a small scale, it is frequently only hoed. In the United States it generally follows some such crop as corn, cot- ton, or tobacco, so as to get a soil that has been well hoed, andis quite clean without roots, stones, bush, or any rubbish. The seed should be sown a foot or 15 inches apart, in rows 8 feet asunder, in hills slightly raised above the surface. One inch deep for the seed is enough in moist soil, one and a half inches in dry soil. 76 Lime is necessary, and may advantageously be applied in the form of marl. * Cultivation —When the plants are about two weeks old it will pro- bably be quite time to hoe the weeds, and loosen the soil round the plants, and this must constantly be attended to—the object being to keep the soil mellow and loose, and clear of all weeds. Hoeing and weeding should only cease when the pea-nut vines have almost met from row to row. Harvestivg.—tIn Virginia the practice is to use a plough “witha point having a long narrow wing and a small mould-board, so that the vines will be loosened without haying any earth thrown upon them. The plough passes along on both sides of the row, just near enough for the wing to fairly reach the tap root, which it severs. Care is taken to put the plough deep enough to pass under the pods without severing them from the vines.” ‘The vines are then raised with a fork, and after the earth is shaken off, they are laid down in the sun to cure. Sorting.—The brightest and soundest pods should be kept separate. The dark and immature pods are kept together, and empty pods are re- jected with the vines to make hay. Os1.—A bushel of pea-nuts (twenty-two pounds in the hull) put under the hydraulic press will yield one gallon of oil, more limpid than olive oil, and resembling it. It is largely used to adulterate olive oil and as a substitute for it both medicinally and for alimentary purposes. The best sells in Germany for from 2s. 6d. to 4s. per gallon. It is also employed in the manufacture of soap. Vield.—The yield is stated to be 50 bushels per acre and from 1 ton to 2 tons of excellent hay. Food.—After the expression of oil, the residue may be made into meal which is richer than peas, and even lentils, in flesh-forming con- stituents, and contains more fat and phosphoric acid. The cake is also recommended for cattle feeding. The value of the pea-nut is indicated by the following percentage analysis :— Food constituents sn different parts in water—free substance. | : | al AG g S | Nitro- t — | Ash, |Protein.| Fibre. 50 Fat. | gen. ao — = | a | ee per ct. | per ct. | per ct. | per ct. | per ct. | per ct. Kernels By br | 29.47] 4.29 | 14.27 | 49.20 | 4.67 Vines (with leaves) .) 10.64 | 12.63 | 22.32 | 48.34 | 6.07 | 2.02 Meal .| 5.48 | 52.49 | 6.98 | 27.26 | 8.84 8.40 In the United States the nuts are pounded up in a mortar, and are said to make an agreeable chocolate. Roasted in the shell the nuts can be used at dessert. The leaves and branches are excellent fodder, and the hay increases the milk of cows. Those who intend to take up the cultivation on a large scale should consult “The Peanut Plant,” by B. W. Jones, pub- lished by Orange Judd Co., New York. 77 OIL TREE. PRIORIA COPAIFERA, Griseb. Grisebach, in his Flora of the British West Indies, describes this tree as a new genus, naming it after Dr. Alexander Prior. who possessed a very large private herbarium of Jamaica plants, constantly referred to in the Flora. The specimen from which the genus was described, was supplied by Mr. Nathaniel Wilson, Island Botanist, who found it growing at Bachelor’s Hall near Bath. Mr. Wm. Harris in a collecting tour which he made sometime ago round the east end of the Island, found it at Mansfield, the property of Mr. A. H. Groves, and in his report thus describes it :— “ At Mansfield, near Bath we found large trees Préoria copaifera. “The trees were in flower at the time of our visit, and to procure spe- ‘“cimens a monster over 80 feet high with a girth measurement of “‘ about 20 feet near the base had to be felled. ‘This tree proved to be ‘“ hollow for a good way up the trunk. Itis known as the “ oil tree” “in the Bath district. When tapped at certain seasons of the year, it * is said to yield a copious supply of an oleo-resinous inflammable juice, “which was formerly used by the negroes for burning in lamps, but “it emitsa very disagreeable odour.” Mr. Groves was kind enough get some of the “oil” for me which was sent to Prof. Trimble, and the following preliminary report on it has been received :— Report oN AN EXuUDATION FROM PRIORIA COPAIFERA, GRISEB., By Henry Trimpxx, Philadelphia. The sample as received from Mr. Fawcett, was a thick, adhesive liquid resembling copaiba in appearance. Upon standing it separated into two layers; when thoroughly mixed it became turbid on account of a greenish substance which it held in suspension ; on the subsidence of this greenish substance, the upper layer, which constituted by far the greater part of the sample, became clear and ofa brownish yellow solour. The material had no pronounced odour, but it imparted a fatty taste at first, which gradually became acid. It did not behave like a gum resin when masticated. In thin layers it was transparent with a pale straw-yellow colour. On exposure to air it dried superficially with a decrease of adhesiveness. On carefully igniting a portion of the sample it yielded 0.075 per cent. of ash, consisting of calcium carbonate and sulphate with traces of the corresponding magnesium and potassium salts. Thecombustion was attended with the production of a very sooty flame. The original material was found to be readily soluble in absolute alcohol, ether, chloroform, carbon disulphide, petroleum ether. amyl ac- etate, ethyl acetate, methyl acetate amyl alcohol, benzol, toluol, ni- trobenzol, aniline, acetone, phenol, oil of turpentine, cotton seed oil ' (therefore probably fixed oils in general), glacial acetic acid and oil of camphor. Alcohol of specific gravity 0.820 did not completely dissolve it. The portion left undissolved appeared to be the substance causing the turbidity of the sample. Absolute alcohol and choroform dissolve this residue. The solution in alcohol sp. gr. 0.820, had a 78 brownish-green fluorescence. Water, glycerin, 36 per cent. acetic acid, and 85 per cent. phosphoric acid failed to dissolve the original material. Aqueous solutions of sodium and potassium hydrates and ammonia water produced white insoluble mixtures. Potassium hydrate in alcohol dissolved it with the exception of a few white flakes. Magnesium oxide and water formed a solid mass. as did also potassium hydrate when it was fused and the material added to it; the resulting mass showed no tendency to liquefy by further heating, nor would it dissolve in water. The original material appeared to be separated from this mass by treating with diluted acid in excess, shaking with ether; separating and evaporating the ethereal layer. About 60 grammes of the original material were mixed with water ina flask, the latter attached to a condenser and heat applied ; the water distilled over, leaving the material in the flask apparently unchanged. No oily layer separated from the distillate, thereby indicating the ab- sence of volatile oil, and determining at once the important distinction of this substance from copabia balsam. The distillate was practically clear and colourless, neutral to litmus paper and gave nocolour with fer- ric chloride. An aromatic odour was exhaled during the distillation, and was to a less degree noticeable in the distillate. The water remain- ing in the flask with the material had the same properties as the dis- tillate, and had dissolved nothing. Heat was then further applied to the flask and its contents until all the water was removed, the temperature was then increased and the material, by a decomposition similar to that known as “cracking” in the distillation of petroleum, distilled until about 90 per cent. had passed into the receiver. ‘The residue then be- gan to “coke” and emit smoky vapors. The black tarry residue solid- fied on cooling. The last portion of the distillate had a reddish colour and a strong fluorescence similar to that seen in paraffin oils ; the odour of this portion was distinctly that of petroleum. The first portions of the distillate were yellow and and had an aromatic odour; these were mixed and redistilled. Distillation began at about 150° C. about three-fourths of the mixture passed over between that tempera- tnre and 360° C. When this point was reached the residue in the flask had a reddish colour, a petroleum-like odour and fluorescence like the previously described fraction. Both processes were evidently accom- panied by destructive distillation. The specific gravity of the original material was slightly higher than water, although it floated on the latter liquid, owing, no doubt, to occluded air. No nitrogen was found to be present. The substance is either a resinous body very poor in oxygen or else a hydrocarbon, or a mixture of several of them. Its physical properties no doubt sug- gested a resemblance to copaiba, and therefore the specific name of the tree but in composition and other chemical properties it bears no re- lation to either copaiba balsam or gurjun balsam. Its behaviour under high temperature indicated some relationship to the fixed oils (see Sadtler on the Destructive Distillation of Linseed Oil, 4m. Jour. Pharm. 1896 page 485). It is probably medicinally inert. Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, April, 1897. EE 79 CONEYS AND NUTMEG TREES. A correspondent in the east of the island complains of the bark of his Nutmeg trees being stripped off apparently by the native coney. The following from an American agricultural publication is suggestive :— Our correspondence indicates that mice and rabbits are often serious pests. Banking up the trunks in the fall from 12 to 15 inches with earth soas to form a mound with steep sides is a good safeguard against mice. This is easily done and also protects the roots on young trees. The mound should be leveled in the spring. To guard against rabbits it is a good practice to wash the stem in the fall with whitewash, thickened with copperas and sulphur. This wash should be renewed as often as necessary, if washed off by heavy rains. These two methods have long been used by many orchadists in the Northwest. The last few years, however, wire cloths such as is used for screen doors, has come into favour in several large orchards. The wire cloth is cut so as to lap over and allow for several years’ growth; the sheath is set into the ground about one inch, extends up the full width of the wire screen- ing, and is fastened near top and bottom with wire. This guards against both mice and rabbits and has proven inexpensive and effective. The whitewash can be used if necessary above the wire screening on the stem and main limbs. G. A. Tracey, of Watertown, writes in the Da- kota Farmer : “For rabbits I have for the past twelve years used liver, either hog or beef. I take a piece and go through the orchard, rub it on some of the limbs and bodies of the trees, but do not put it nearer than two or three feet of the ground, for fear of the mice, for they will eat it and the bark with it if it is near the ground. I have failed yet to find a single instance where a rabbit has been nearer than four or five feet of a tree so protected. I use tar paper around the trees, or a little earth banked up around them to protect from mice In using tar paper on small trees I put a stick on the south side to hold the paper a little away from the bark, I have used other remedies, but none suit me so well or is as quickly done as the above” The use of tar paper in orchards is very generally condemned by fruit growers as it often proves very destructive to the bark, especially on young trees. Commenting on the above, A. J. Phillips, West Salem, Wis., Secretary of the Wisconsin Horticultural Society writes; “I am in- clined to give you the benefit of my experience for the past fifteen years, which, if followed, will be useful to many of your readers. Liver, tar paper, white wash, carbolic acid and Paris green, all fade into insignificance when compared with a good protector made of eight lath woven together with common broom wire, and placed around the trunk of the tree. The length of the lath is to be guaged by the height of the limbs of the tree. This protects against sunscald, rabbits, mice and sheep; plenty of air goes in between the lath. After seven to ten years the tree will fill it full and the bark will be smooth and green under the same, and I never yet have found a borer in a well protected tree of this kind. Banking the earth is a delusion nine times out of ten, as the grower fails to remove it and it remains and sods over with June 80 grass, which soon takes away from the tree all the moisture that fall so that the feeding roots never find it. Piotection of this kind is always on and costs half a cent per year. And a tree, when half a cent would save it, I ask, who is willing to lose it ?” If the laths have a tendency to rub the berk they may be kept m place by a bunch of hay stuffed in at the top. NOTES ON RECENT ADDITIONS. Irvineia Barrert, Hook. f—This is the *‘ Wild Mango” of the natives of Sierra Lecne. ‘The fruit is about 24 inches in diameter, and is said to be edible. ‘The stem contains a seed from which an oily pre~ paraticn can be extracted, semething like Cocoa butter. The tree is from 30 to 60 ft. high with small yellow flowers, and belongs to the samo family as Bitter wood and Mountain Pride (Simarubeg). It was first collected by Mr. Charles Parter, attached to the Niger Expedition of 1857-59, ard the species was named after him. Seeds presented by Director, R. Gardens, Kew. Kicxxia AFRICANA, BentH.—1 his is one of the African 1ubker trees widely distributed frcm Sierra Leone to the Gold Coast and beyond the mouths of the Niger to the Bight of Biafra. The native name of the tree is Ire, Ireh, or Ereh. It is said to be one of the most beautiful trees in the forest, and ficm the ground it grows evenly in bulk and smoothly to the height of 60 to 70 feet. In the rainy season when the trees are full of milk, a tree well tapped is capable of producing from 10 to 15lbs of rubber, which is worth 1/ per lb., on the spot if preperly prepared, and 2/, to 2/4 in English markets if made into biscuit. This valuable rubber tree belongs to the same family as the Jamaica Milk Wythe (Apocynace.) Seeds presented by Director, R. Gardens, Kew, and Mr. Hartley of the Legos Botanical Station. Acacia mollissima Willd.—This is the Black Wattle.—By cutting out the branches in Wattle-plantations the needful thinning is obtained. The bark of this tree is rich in tannin, the average proportion of mimosa-tannic acid in absolutely dry bark is 30.08. For full informa- tion on Wattles and Wattle-barks see Bulletin for September, 1890. Seeds presented by Director, Botanic Gardens Sydney, N.S. W. 81 REASONS FOR CULTIVATING THE SOIL. By Mirron Wuirney. Chief of the Division of Agricultural Soils, U. S. Department of Agriculture. From Year Book for 1895. HOW WATER ENTERS THE SOIL. Water is the most abundant substance found in living crops. Not only does it form by far the largest proportion of all fresh vegetable substance, but, on account of loss through evaporation from the leaves of growing plants and the necessity of replacing this loss, thirty or forty times more water is needed during the growing period of a crop than is contamed in the crop when harvested. Plants require a large amount of water for their life and growth, and it is necessary that the supply should be abundant at all times. If the evaporation from the plant grately exceeds the amount taken in through the roots, the leaves wilt and the plant suffers. Therefore one of the most important functions of the soil in its relation to crop production is the maintenance of a proper supply of water. Rain falls, on .an average, in the humid portion of the United States for two or three days in succession, and is then followed by an interval of eight or ten days of fair weather. As plants are fixed in their relative positions in the earth, the soil, in order to supply them with water during the fair-weather period, has to offer such a resistance to the percolation of the rain than an adequate supply shall be held back. On account of this resistance, due to the friction which the rain encoun- ters in the minute spaces between the soil grains through which it has to pass, the movement is very slow and only part of the water sinks below the reach of plants before the next rainfall occurs. The resistance which soils, owing to their difference in texture, offer to the percolation of the rain varies greatly. Light, sandy soils main- tain comparatively little moisture, because the spaces between the grains are comparatively large and there is relatively but little resistance to the flow of water, so that the rainfall moves down quite rapidly until there is only 5 or 10 per cent of moisture present in the soil. Strong clay soils, on the other hand, have very minute spaces for the water to move through, and consequently offer a very great resistence to the percolation of the rain. These soils maintain, as a rule, from 15 to 20 per cent of their weight of water. Different plants grow best with different amounts of water. For instance, the pasture grasses thrive on a soil which is too moist for Indian corn, or even for the largest and surest yield of wheat. Some classes of tobacco thrive well on soils whieh are very retentive of mois- ture, while other classes can only be grown with success on drier soils. We are not concerned in this article with the amount of moisture which different soils maintain or with the amount of moisture required by different kinds of plants. We must recognize, however, that it is not possible nor desirable to maintain the same amount of water in all soils, for if this were done there would not be the opportunity for diversity in agriculture which we have under existing conditions. While water is maintained for a time in the soil, as already explained, it is liable to be lost to the growing crop by evaporation from the sur- 82 face of the ground or by being used up by weeds. The end sought in ploughing and cultivation is to control the water supply by removing weeds and leaving the surface of the soil covered with a loose, dry mulch to retard evaporation. Many of our crops require no subsequent cultivation after they are put into the ground. Wheat, oats, rye, clover, grass, forest trees, and, in general, such crops as cover and shade the ground are not, as a rule, cultivated during their period of growth. On the other hand, such crops as corn, tobacco, cotton, potatoes, and fruit trees require cultivation during their early growing period, although even with these crops cultivation ceases after they have attained consi- derable size, and is rarely practiced during the ripening period. The principal object of ploughing is to loosen up the soil, for four purposes: (1) To enable the soil to absorb the rainfall more quickly and more freely than it would in its undisturbed condition ; (2) to maintain more of the rainfall near the roots of plants; (3) to admit fresh air to the roots of plants; (4) to enable the roots of the young or quickly growing plants to penetrate the soil more easily. The principal objects of subsequent cultivation, whether with plough, -cultivator, cotton sweep, harrow, hoe, or rake, are (1) to prevent loss of water by weeds and grass, which use up great quantities; (2) to keep the surface covered with a loose, dry mulch in order to prevent, so far as possible, loss of water by evaporation. Water is thus conserved for the use of crops, and the supply is more abundant and more uniform than it would have been without the cultivation. A soil with a compact surface quickly dries out, and the water supply fluctuates rapidly and excessively, to the detriment of most crops during their growing period. Weeds and grass are generally to be ex- cluded from the crop because they transpire great quantities of water which would otherwise have been at the disposal of the crop. Weeds are, however, occasionally of advantage to the crops, especially during the ripening period, because they help to dry out the soil and thus hasten the maturity of the crop. Some of our crops, therefore, do not require cultivation, because they shade the ground and prevent evaporation and prevent grass and weeds from springing up and diminishing their supply of water, or because they are deeply rooted and can bring water up from con- siderable depths. Other crops can not protect their water supply in this way, and it must be artificially controlled by methods of cultivation. PRINCIPLES OF PLOUGHING. The common plough is essentially awedge-shaped instrument, which is forced through the soil to loosen it. The topsoil is forced aside thrown up, and usually turned over. This action loosens the soil by separating the soil grains. The loose soil occupies more space than the compact soil did, and a cubic foot of the former, therefore contains more space for water to enter. Each separate space, however, is also larger and has less capillary action anda smaller power of drawing water to the surface. If the soil, by reason of its fine texture or wet condition, is lumpy after the ploughing, the spaces in the soil will be of very uneven size, and it frequently happens that the surface of the ground is not left in a suitable condition to draw water up from below 83 Jf small seeds are sown on such a rough surface, they are liable to suffer for lack of moisture. It is customary, therefore, and very advis- able in such cases, to harrow and roll the seed bed until all the larger lumps are broken down and the surface is left smooth and even, in order to insure a supply of moisture to the seed during the germinating period. However, soil which has thus been rolled will lose more water by evaporation than soil which has been simply harrowed. ‘The evapo- ration of this moisture is an incident which it is not always possible or desirable to prevent. With some crops the surface may be har- rowed after the seed has germinated. This is desirable when it can be done without injury to the crop, as it tends to retard evaporation. There is one serious defect in the principle of the common plough which, upon some soils and with certain kinds of ploughing, is lable to have very serious effects. Ifa field is ploughed for many successive years to a depth of 6 or 8 inches the tendency each time is to com- pact the subsoil immediately below the plough, thus rendering it more impervious to water ; that is, the plough in being dragged along plasters the subsoil just as a mason with his trowel would smooth out a layer of cement to make it as close and impervous to water as possible. This is undoubtedly an advantage to some soils, but, on the other hand, it is very injurious to many. The injurious effect of this compact layer formed by the ploughing is twofold. It makes it more difficult for the rainfall to be absorbed as rapidly as it falls, and increases the danger of loss of water and injury to the soil by surface washing. Soils ploughed at a depth of 3 or 4 inches, which is quite common in many parts of the country, would have a thin layer of loose material on the surface, with a compact subsoil below, into which water would descend rather slowly. With arapid and excessive fall of rain, the light, loose topsoil is liable to be washed away by the excess of water, which can not descend into the subsoil as rapidly as it falls. This washing of the surface and erosion of fields i to gullies occasion the abandonment of thousands of acres of land. The fi-ld willnot wash so badly if it is not ploughed, and, on the other hand, it will hardly wash at all if the cultivation is deeper and the subsoil left in a loose and absorbent condition. The deeper the cultivation, the greater the proportion of rainfall stored away and the less danger of the erosion of the surface soil and the less serious the defect of our common method of ploughing. While there is less danger from washing, however, with deep cultivation, there is still a tendency towards the formation of a hardpan at what- ever depth the land is ploughed. No simple modification of the ordi- nary plough or of the subsoil plough will overcome this defect. It will require a change inthe very principle of theimplement. The plough should not cut through the soil, but break it apart so as neither to compact nor puddle it by being dragged along over the subsoil. While all other farm implements and machinery have been im- proved, especially within the last fifty years, so that we are able now to harvest more crops than ever before and to handle our crops to better advantage, our common plough has not been essen- tially improved or modified in any important particular, except as to mechanical construction, since the davs of the early Greeks and Romans. It would seem only necessary to call attention to this, the 84 fundamental and simplest principle of agriculture, to have some new method devised of stirring the soil without compacting the subsoil. ‘the highest art of cultivation which has ever been practiced is. that of trenching, so extensively employed in England and so ear- nestly advocated by the early English writers on agriculture. With a large class of lands there is no implement so effective for loosening and impreving the soil conditions as the spade. The spade does not eut the soil from the subsoil as the plough does, but breaks it off, and there is little or no disturbance and no compacting whatever below that point. Every one is familiar with the difference in the tilth of a garden which has been thoroughly spaded and of a field ploughed in the ordinary way. This old method of trenching with a spade can not, of course, be used in the extensive systems of cultivation practiced in this country, and it is now used in England much less than it was years ago, but if this principle could be worked into a practical method of cultivation it would be of great benefit to agri- culture. PRINCIPLES OF SUBSOILING. At the present time little is known definitely about the practical value of subsoiling. In certain localities it has or has not been found to be beneficial to crops. There is a wide diffierence of opinion upon this fundamental point. Fifteen or twenty years ago it was very generally advocated throughout the Hast by all of the agricul- tural journals. It was tried ina great variety of soils and under many conditions, and there is no doubt that in perhaps a majority of cases it showed no beneficial effects. This might have been expected, for no one method of cultivation can be equally valuable under the various conditions of soil, climate, and crops such as prevail over such a great extent of country. At the present the subject is being prominently agitated in some of the Western States, particu- larly in the semiarid regions, and very favorable results are being reported through the local agricultural papers. A few general principles only may be laid down for guidance in this matter. Subsoiling is rarely necessary in light, porous, sandy soils or in a climate where they are frequent light showers. It is not beneficial in heavy, wet soils, unless they are previously thoroughly underdrained. It is likely to be injurious if in the operation much of the subsoil is brought to the surface and incorporated in the sur- face soil, especially if the subsoil itself is in an unhealthy condition as regards drainage aad contains poisonous matters which would be deleterious to plant growth. Poisonous matters frequently occur in subsoils as a result of improper aeration and the growth of certain minute organisms. Subsoiling when properly done consists merely of breaking up the subsoil without bringing it to the surface or in any way incorporating it with the upper layer of the soil. In this respect it differs from deep ploughing. The ideal subsoil plough consists merely of a tongue fashioned much like a common pick and hardly larger in its demen- sions—slightly smaller at the point than in the rear, but as small in all its parts as is consistent with perfect rigidity and with the nature of the soil through which it is to be drawn. This usually follows an ordinary plough. It should be run at as great a depth as possible, the . 85 endeavour being to get it at least 16 or 18 inches below the surface. It is often advisable by this means to break up a hardpan formed, per- haps, by long-continued ploughing at a uniform depth or existing asa natural formation below the surface. Subsoiling is likely to be beneficial, under the prevailing climatic conditions east of the Mississippi River, in any soils of medium or of heavy texture, provided the land has fairly good drainage. In the semiarid region of the West it is likely to be very beneficial upon many classes of soils, especially where the rainfall occurs in heavy and infrequent showers and where it is necessary to increase the capacity of the soils to absorb water readily and rapidly. Subsoiling, to be efficient, should be done a sufficient length of time before the crops are planted to insnre to the soil a thorough soaking with rain; otherwise it may injure rather than improve the soil con- ditions for the first year. Subsoiling, by stirring the land to an unusual depth, favours the drying out of the soil, so that if it is not supplemented by a soaking rain before the seed is put in, the ground is drier than if the work had not been done. There are few places in the West where this practice has been carried on long enough and under conditions necessary for beneficial effect. One such place, however, is at Geneva, Nebr., where subsoiling has been intelligently carried on for a number of years under nusery stock. The records of soil moisture which have been made at that place by this division through the present season show that on the average, through the menths of June, July, and August, there was 10 per cent of moisture in the soil to a depth of 12 inches where ordinary methods of cultivation had been used, and 15 per cent where the land had been previously subsoiled No crops were growing on the soils from which the record were kept in either case. This difference of 5 per cent inthe amount of water, or 50 per cent increase over that in the uncultivated soil,isa very large amount and would doubtless have a very important effect upon the crop yield. This is confirmed by the actual yields on the two soils, as reported by Younger & Co., on whose farm the observations were made. Further work will be done along these lines by this division, to establish these general principles. In the meantime great care and judgment should be exercised in deciding upon whether it is advisable to adopt this practice in every case. CULTIVATION. Cultivation as here used means the actual stirring of the surface after the crop is planted, either with a plough, cotten sweep cultivator, harrow, hoe, or other implement The object of cultivation is two- fold—to destroy weeds and thus prevent the great drain which they make upon the soil moisture, and to loosen and pulverize the surface, leaving it as a fine mulch, the object of which is to prevent evaporo- tion. The first of these objects needs no further comment here. As regards the second object of cultivation, the result to be attained is to have the surface covered with a fine, dry mulch before the dry spell sets in, so as to conserve the water in the soil during dry periods. Cultivation is usually most effective in the early stages of the growth of crops especially during the growth of the vegetative parts 86 of the plant. It is usual to stir the surface after each rain. If another rain follows within a short time, this cultivation may do little or no good ; but if a dry season follows, the cultivation may save the crop by its having diminished the evaporation While cultivation does not add water to the soil, as some claim, it prevents excessive loss, and ri maintains more water in the soil, which means about the same thing. The kind of treatment adapted to the cultivation of different soils depends upon local conditions, climate, and the kind of crop. The object sought is the same in all cases but the means of attaining it must be adapted to the local circumstances. As a rule, cultivation should be shaliow, for two reasons, namely, to avoid disturbing the roots of the growing plants, and to avoid losing any more of the soil moisture than possible. A single cultivation after each rain is not necessarily enough, especially if a dry season is expected. lhe sur- face must be kept loove and dry, and this may require more than one cultivation, even if there has been no subsequent rain. Few of our agricultural crops require cultivation after they have attained their vegetative growth, and a crop is frequently injured when cultivation is continued too long, because the soil is thus kept too wet, and the plants are not inclined to ripen as early as they should or to mature as large a yield of fruit or grain Most of our grain crops will mature more seed if the ground is moderately dry during their ripening period. UNDERDRAINAGE., A soil containing too much water during the whole or a considerable part of the season should be underdrained to draw off the excessive amount of moisture. Most of our agricultural crops do better in a soil containing from 30 to 60 per cent of the amount of water which the soil would contain if saturated. With less water, crops suffer; with more, they suffer from lack of air around their roots. Wheat may be grown very successfully, and will attain a perfectly normal development in water culture with its roots entirely immersed in a nutritive solution, provided the water is supplied with air at frequent intervals, but it will not grow in stagnant, saturated soil, not because there is too much water, but because there is too little air. A soil, therefore, which contains too much water contains too little air, and part of the water should be drawu off through ditches or tile drains. Centuries ago the Romans used to overcome this trouble by plant- ing the crop on very high ridges or beds, often 8 or 10 feet high and fully as wide In this way alleys were provided at frequent intervals to carry off the surface water, and the greatest extent of surface was presented for the drying out of the soil, while the roots were kept at a considerable distunce from the saturated subsoil. Storer states that some of these ridges are still to be found in localities in Europe. They are used to-day in a modified form in the cultivation of the sea- island cotton off the coast of South Carolina, but are being gradually given up as the practice of underdrainage is introduced, which is cheaper in the end and more effective. Tile drainage is usually most effective in stiff clay soils and in low bottom lands, but it is occasionally beneficial in medium grades of 87 loam or even in light sandy soils. [t is practiced to a considerable: extent in the light sandy soil of the truck area of the Atlantic Sea- board, where the question of a few days in the time of ripening of the crop is an important factor. IRRIGATION. If the climatic conditions are such that it is impossible, with the most improved methods of ploughing, subsoiling, and subsequent culti- vation, to maintain a sufficient amount of moisture in the soil for the use of crops, it is then necessary to resort to irrigation or the artificial application of water to the soil. It is not the purpose here to enter into a discussion of the best methods of irrigation but simply to discuss briefly the general principles of irrigation as practiced in maintaining proper conditions in the soil. Our ideas of irrigation should not be confined to the arid regions. To be sure, irrigation is much more important there than elsewhere, for without artificial application of water, crops could not be produced in many localities. In the humid portion of the United States, even in localities in Florida where they have from 60 to 70 inches of annual rainfall, irrigation is used successfully as a means of insuring the crop against drought due to the uneven distribution of the rainfall. It has been pointed out in several publications of this division that where the supply of water in different soils reaches a certain point, which differs according to the texture of the soil, crop suffer for lack of it. In the truck soils of the Atlantic Coast this minimum is approximately 4 per cent, while in the heavy limestone grass lands of Kentucky the pasture begins to dry up when the soils contain as much as 15 per cent of water. Under our present modes of cultivation the farmer can do little for the crop during the time of actual drought. Ordinary cultivation is of comparatively little benefit during a prolonged dry season. Its most effective work is before the dry spell sets in. No matter what the value of the crop, and no matter how much this value is concentrated on small areas of land, there is practically but little to be done to save the crop. Irrigation should be used as an insurance against the loss of crops. A small pond fed by a wind mill would often save a garden or a small area of a valuable crop from destruction or great injury during a dry season. A small portable farm engine, which would be available at other times for cutting feed, thrashing grain, and other farm purposes, could be used to drive an irrigation pump during the dry seasons. This would be particularly valuable for tobacco, truck, and other crops which are grown under a very intensive system of cultivation. The object of all cultivation, in its broadest aspect, is to maintain, under existing climatic conditions, a uniform and adequate supply of water and air in soils, adapted to different classes of plants. This is the object alike of ploughing, subsoiling, cultivation, underdrainage, and irrigation ; they are all processes to be usod in maintaining suitable moisture conditions for the growth of crops. 88 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS: COMPOSITION AND USE. BY EDWARD B. VOORHESS, M.A., Director of the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Stations and Professor of Agriculture in Rutgers College. Published under the Supervision of the Office of Experiment Stations, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. There is, perhaps, no question of greater importance to the practical farmer than that of soil fertility. To produce profitable crops and at the same time to maintain and even to increase the productive capacity of the soil may rightly be termed “ good farming.” Many farmers are able to do this, and the knowledge of how to do it has been largely ac- quired through years of experience, during which the character of the soil, its adaptability for crops, and the methods of its management and manuring have been made the subjects of careful study, without, how- ever, any definite and accurate knowledge concerning manures and their functions in relation to soils and crops. Experience is an excellent teacher ; still, a definite knowledge of first principles may be substi- tuted for years of experience in the successful use of manures. THE NEED OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS. The fertility of the soil would remain practically unchanged if all the ingredients removed in the various farm products were restored to the land. This is toalarge extent accomplished by feeding the crops grown on the farm to animals, carefully saving the manure and returning it to the soil, and if it is practicable to pursue a system of stock feeding in which those products of the farm which are comparatively poor in fer- tilizing constituents are exchanged in the market for feeding stuffs of high fertilizing value, the loss of soil fertility may be reduced to a mini- mum or there may be an actual gain in fertility. The following table, showing the amounts of fertilizing constituents in 1 ton of different agricultural products, indicates directions in which such an exchange may be effected with advantage : Manurial constituents contained in 1 ton of various farm products. | | Phosphoric Nitrogen.| Acid. | Potash. Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. Meadow hay css occ 20.42 | 8.2 26.4 Clover hay <03 act 40.16 11.2 36.6 Potatoes tc ate ie O1n} 33574 11.4 Wheat bran oes ~ 49.15 | 54.6 28.6 Linseed meal ee Bes OD Aa 32.2 24.8 Cotton-seed meal eee asc) BEA 56.2 29.2 Wheat aon aos 37.53 | 15.8 10.6 Oats Kee ace 36.42 | 12.4 8.8 Corn ase <0 23.06 11.8 7.4 - Barley wee su 39.65 | 15.4 | 9.0 Milk Soe soc 10.20 3:4 | 3.0 Cheese eae ae 90.60 | 23.0 | 5.0 Live cattle ues on 53.20 | 37.2 | 3.4 89 The exchange of 1 ton of corn for 1 ton of wheat bran, for instance, with result in a gain of 16 pounds of nitrogen, 43 of phospheric acid, and 21 of potash. With an exchange of milk or potatoes for the con- centrated feeding stuffs the gain is still more striking. A careful study of the present condition of farming in the United States indicates, however, that as a rule the manure produced on the farm is not sufficient to maintain its fertility and that the need for arti- ficial supplies is real, though the amount required may be considerably reduced by careful management. In the system of so-called “ grain-farming” which has obtained over large areas of this country for a long time, and is still practiced in the Eastern, Middle, and Central Western States, the live stock kept is often limited to a number sufficient only to the needs of the farm for labour and food; the grainis sold, andthe manure is make up chiefly of the natural wastes, or unsalable material, such as straw, stalks, etc. The grain contains proportionately greater amounts of nitrogen and mineral constituents than these wastes; hence the practice continued for a long time results not only in a deficiency in the soil of organic substances containing nitrogen, but also in an exhaustion of the mineral substances. The original character of the soil and its treatment measure the rate of exhaustion. The less fertile soils of the East and South are rapidly de- pleted, while the rich prairie and river bottoms maintain their fertility for a longer period. Special crop farming, as for example the continuous cotton and tobacco growing of the South and the wheat growing of the West, is even more exhaustive, since here the demands upon the soil are not changed—year after year the same crop is grown and the same kind and ‘proportion of constituents are required, while even less returns are made in the way of manure than in the system of farming above de- scribed. Moreover, thejland is left bare for a large part of the year and loss of fertility from this cause is very large. The crops are less abun- dant each year, not because the soil is entirely exhausted, but because it is so far exhausted of those constituents essential to the special crop grown that its production is no longer profitable. Changed conditions of farming, which have an important bearing, on this point, may be observed in two directions—(1) in the increased cost of labour and in the lower prices of grain, cotton, and tobacco; and (2) in the increasing demand for market garden products and fruit. For example, in growing wheat, the labour of preparing the soil, of cultiva- tion, and of harvesting is practically the same whether the yield is 10 bushels per acre or 30 bushels. The same is true of a number of other crops ; hence in the larger yield the cost of labour per bushel is mate- rially reduced ; meagre crops of a relatively low value can not be pro- duced profitably with high-priced labour. Soils of a high degree of fertility are required in order to produce large yields of these crops. The return to the soil of only the wastes of the farm results sooner or later in a decrease in fertility, however good the management may be; hence the need of supplies of plant food from sources outside the farm in order that maximum crops may be produced. In the case of market garden crops, it has been proven that even very fertile soils contain too little available food to insure a maximum pro- duction ; this is especially true where rapidity of growth, earliness, and 90 high quality of produce are important factors. The areas now neces- sarily devoted to these crops are so great that the amount of farm ma- nures available is much too small; besides, the constituents contained in such manures, being slowly available, are less useful than the more active forms contained in commercial fertilizing materials. They are in a sense artificial crops and, as a rule, need artificial supplies of plant food. Fruit culture, an industry of growing importance, is profitable, par- ticularly on the poorer soils near the Eastern markets, largely in pro- portion to the supply of the mineral elements in excess of those contained in soils otherwise well adapted to the crops. A sufficiency of food not only enables the trees to resist unfavourable conditions, but improves the quality of the fruit and extends the bearing period of the orchards and vineyards. It will thus be seen that it is either to make up the deficiencies of farm manures or in specialized intensive farming that commercial fer- tilizers can be most advantageously used. The latter should supple- ment and not entirely replace the manurial resources of the farm. They give best results as a rule on soils well stocked with organic matter (humus), a material which can be maintained in soil only by the regular application of the bulky farm manures (including green manures). FERTILIZER REQUIREMENTS OF DIFFERENT SOILS AND CROPS. Nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash are the constituents most likely to be deficient in soils or most quickly exhausted by the production and removal of crops. These are known as “essential” fertilizing consti- tuents, and the value of a commercial fertilizer is determined almost exclusively by the amount and form of the nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash which it contains. It does not follow, however, that all soils or crops will respond equally to applications of materials containing these elements, because the needs of soils and the requirements of crops vary. Soils differ in respect to their needs for specific elements, owing either to their method of formation or to their management and cropping. sandy soil is usually deficient in all the essential plant-food constituents— nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash—while a clayey soil usually contains the mineral elements in abundance, particularly potash. On the other hand, a soil very rich in vegetable matter is frequently de- ficient in mineral matter, while a limestone soil is likely to contain considerable proportions of phosphoric acid. These are the indications in a general way, and they explain why it is that different kinds of soil that have not been cropped differ in respect to their needs in re- ference to the different fertilizing constituents. Methods of management and cropping also exert an influence; for example, soils of equal natural fertility may not respond equally to uniform methods of fertilization, because in the one case a single crop, requiring for its growth proportionately more of one of the essential elements than of another, is grown year after year, and it may be that the element required is the one that exists in the soil in least quantity. On the other hand, crops may be grown that demand but minimum amounts of the element in question; hence its application to the soil for the one crop may be followed by largely increased returns, while for the other but little if any increase in crop is apparent. 91 In the matter of management, too, a considerable variation may be observed. One soil may losea large portion of its essential constituents, because no pains are taken to retain for the use of the crop the consti- tuents annually rendered available through the natural agencies of sun, air, and water; while in another, by means of carefnl cultivation and the use of absorbents and catch crops, the constituents made available are largely retained Crops differ in respect to their power of acquiring food.—The legumes, a class of plants which includes the various clovers, peas, beans, vetches, etc., differ from other plants in being able, under proper con- ditions, to acquire their nitrogen from the air, and can therefore make perfect growth without depending upon soil nitrogen. On the other hand, the various grasses and grains are not only dependent upon soil nitrogen, but they must have an abundance during their most rapid eriod of growth in order to attain their maximum development. For the latter class of plants favourable results are secured from the proper use of nitrogenous manures, while for the former class the application of nitrogenous manures simply results in supplying an element which could have been secured quite as well by the plant itself, without expense. Illustrations could be multiplied, though perhaps less strik- ing than this, showing that the variations in crops in respect to their ower of acquiring food are really very great, and a right knowledge of this fact has a most important bearing upon the economical use of commercial manures. “The most satisfactory, and, indeed, usually the only method” says Armsby, “by which we can at present determine the needs of a soil is to ask the question of the soil itself by growing a crop upon it with different kinds of fertilizers and noting the result. Such soil tests with fertilizers have in many cases given results of much immediate prac- tical value for the locality in which they were undertaken. As a rule, however, farmers have looked upon such experiments as something too costly and complicated for them to undertake, and consequently they have perforce been content to use fertilizers in a more or less hap- hazard manner, and in many cases, no doubt at a great financial dis- advantage.” While such tests are not so difficultor expensive asis often sup- posed it is recommended that before the farmer undertakes them for the first time he seek the advice of some one familiar with the details of such work. FORMS, SOURCES, AND COMPOSITION OF FERTILIZING MATERIALS. The term “form” as applied to a fertilizing constituent has reference to its combination or association with other constituents, which may be useful, though not necessarily so. The form of the constituent, too, has an important bearing upon its availability, and hence upon its useful- ness as plant food. Many materials containing the essential elements are practically worthless as sources of plant food because the form is not right; the plants are unable to extract them from their combinations ; they are “unavailable.” In many of these materials the forms are changed by proper treatment, in which case they become valuable not because the element itself is changed, but because it then exists in such form as readily to feed the plant. ee EE ANG Sy te eis EO At LT a Nxt oe ela Tigi tna le tenet ne see Dt aac taint we ti 92 NITROGEN. Nitrogen is the most expensive of the three essential fertilizing ele- ments. It exists in three distinct forms, viz., as organic matter, as ammonia, and as nitrate. Organic nitrogen exists in combination with other elements either as vegetable or animal matter. In fact all plants,and animals contain nitrogen in this form, and the relative value of the various substances as sources of nitrogen depends upon their content of it and upon the character of the substance and its treatment. All materials containing organic nitrogen are valuable in proportion to their rapidity of decay or change, because decay and change of form must take place before the nitrogen can serve as food. In some cases the decay is longer delayed than in others. The material may be hard and dense, or it may have been treated for the express purpose of preventing decay, or it may be associated with other substances that resist the agents which effect decay. Thus organic nitrogen differs in availability not only according to the kind of material which supplies it, but upon the treatment it receives. The most abundant supplies of nitrogen occur in organic forms. The most valuable sources of organic nitrogen, from the standpoints of uni- formity in composition, richness in the constituent, and availability, are dried blood, dried meat, or azotine, and concentrated tankage, which are produced in large quantities in slaughterhouses and rendering establishments; dried fish, refuse from fish-oil and canning establish- ments; and cotton-seed meal, the residue of the cotton seed after the oil has been extracted. These vary somewhat in composition, but within comparatively narrow limits (see table, p. 106). They are all rich in nitrogen, and decay rapidly when the conditions are favourable, and are very useful in cases were rapid and continuous feeding of the plant with nitrogen is desirable. These products, while valued principally as sources of nitrogen, also furnish more or less phosphoric acid, the dried blood and meat showing the least and the fish the greatest amount. Other nitrogenous mate- rials which are less desirable are leather meal, horn and hoof meal, wool waste, felt waste, and similar products. These contain, as a rale, a high content of nitrogen, but they are so very slow to decay that it is doubtful whether their use in their original form is advisable when forms of known value are available at reasonable prices. Where the object is gradually to increase the fertility of the soil rather than to secure immediate returns, they may become useful. Farmers fre- quently have access to local supplies at a slight cost, the chief expense being the labour of carting and distributing, in which case they are worth considering. Nitrogen as ammonia exists in commercial manure products in the form of sulphate of ammonia, chloride of ammonia, etc., and is more readily available than organic forms. It is one of the first products that results from the decay of organic substances. Nitrogen in the form of ammonia is obtained almost entirely from sulphate of ammonia, which is one of the most concentrated materials from which nitrogen is obtained for fertilizing purposes, the commercial product containing on the average 20 per cent. of nitrogen. As already indicated, ammonia is one of the first products in the decay of organic 93 substances, and this, together with the fact of its concentration, makes fhe sulphate an extremely valuable form of nitrogen. While it is extremely soluble in water, if is not readily removed from the soil by leaching, except in the absence of growing plants, since it is readily absorbed by organic and other compounds of the soil. Nitrogen as nitrate exists in commercial products as nitrate of soda, nitrate of potash, ete. These, like the ammonia compounds, are ex- tremely soluble, and the nitrogen contained in them is readily avail- able as food for plants. The nitrogen in this form is directly and imme- diately available, no further changes being necessary. The chief source of nitrogen as nitrate is nitrate of soda. This salt is rich in nitrogen, showing on the average 16 per cent, and is quite uniform in composition. It is completely soluble in water, diffuses readily throughout the soil, and differs from the ammonia compounds in forming no insoluble compounds with soil constituents. It is, there- fore, liable to be washed out of the soil if applied in too large quanti- ties or when there is an absence of vegetation. Plants that derive their nitrogen from the soil secure it chiefly in the form of a nitrate ; hence nitrate of soda is one of the most directly useful of the nitroge- nous materials. As already explained, nitrogen in organic forms is changed into ammonia by the decay or rotting of the substance. Ammonia, while it may nourish plants directly, is usually changed into a nitrate, in which form it is taken up by the plant. An application of nitrogen as nitrates may be completely used by the plant in a very short time; as ammonia or organic matter it may be partially or wholly used in the course of a season, depending upon whether the conditions are favorable for caus- ing the changes that must take place. PHOSPHORIC ACID. Phosphoric acid is derived from materials called phosphates, in which it may exist in combination with lime, iron, or alumina as phosphates of lime, iron, or alumina. Phosphate of lime, however, is the form most largely used as a source of phosphoric acid. Phosphoric acid occurs in fertilizers in three forms : That soluble in water and readily taken up by plants ; that insoluble in water but still readily used by plants, also known as “rever- ted; ” and that soluble only in strong acids and consequently very slowly used by the plant. The soluble and “reverted” together constitute the “available phosphoric acid. The phosphoric acid in natural or untreated phosphates isinsoluble in water and not readily available to plants ; that is, the rate of availability depends largely upon the rapidity with which the substance rots or decays, and the rate of decay again depends upon the character of the substance with which the phosphate is associated. If it is combined with organic substance, as in animal bone, the rate of decay is more rapid than if with purely mineral substances. The inso- Inble phosphates are converted into soluble forms by treatment with strong acids, as explained later. Such products are known as acid phos- phates or superphosphates. Bone, in its various forms, is the only one of the insoluble phosphates that is now used directly upon the soil, or without other change than is accomplished by mechanical action or grinding. The terms used to ins dicate the character of the bone have reference rather to their mechani- cal form than to the relative availability of the phosphoric acid contain- nih hi 94 a ed in them. The terms “raw bone,” “fine bone,” “boiled”and steamed bone,” etc., are used to indicate methodsfof preparation, and inasmuch as bone is a material which is useful largely im proportion to its rate of decay, its fineness has an important bearing upon availability, since the finer the bone the more surface is exposed for the action of those forces which cause decay or solution, and the quicker will the constituents be- come available. In the process of boiling or steaming, not only is bone made finer, but its physical character in other respects is also changed, the particles, whether fine or course, being made soft and crumbly rather than dense or hard; hence it is more likely to act quickly than if the same degree of fineness be obtained by simple grinding. ‘The phos- phoric acid in fine steamed bone may all become available in one or two years, while the coarser fatty raw bone sometimes resists final decay for three or four years, or even longer. one, however, contains consider- able nitrogen, a fact which should be remembered in its use, particularly if used im comparison with other phosphatic materials which do not con- tain this element. Pure raw bone contains on an average 22 per cent. of phosphoric acid and 4 per cent. of nitrogen. By steaming or boiling, a portion of the organic substance containing nitrogen is extracted, which has the effect of proportionately increasing the phosphoric acid in the product ; hence a steamed bone may contain as high as 28 per cent of phosphoric acid and as low as 1 per cent. of nitrogen. Steamed bone is usually, there- fore, much richer in phosphoric acid than raw bone. Tankage is a bone product which, as a rule, contains more nitrogen than bone proper. It is also more variable in its composition, depend- ing upon the proportions of bone and meat used in its preparation. It is not so largely used as a direct fertilizer as bone. Other phosphates derived from bone, as boneblack, bone ash, ete., are but little used directly as sources of phosphoric acid; for while they are derived from organic sources, the treatment which they have received, besides depriving them of their nitrogen, causes them to be a much less valuable source of phosphoric acid than the various forms of bone already discussed. In both cases the organic substances which show the greater tendency to decay have been removed—in the case of boneblack by heating the bone in air-tight vessels, and in bone ash by burning in the open air. The mineral phosphates differ from what may be termed “ organi¢ phosphates” in that they contain no organic or animal matter, and that they are more compact and dense in their nature. The chief sources of these phosphates are the river and land phosphates of South Carolina, the “soft,” “ pebble,” and “rock” or “bowlder” phosphates of Florida, the “apatites” of Canada, the phosphate mines of Tennessee, and phos- phatic slag,! a waste product from the manufacture of steel from phos- phatic iron ores. With the exception of the latter, which is not an abundant product in this country, these phosphates are not yet used to any considerable extent, even when very finely ground? without having been treated with acid. They are however, the chief raw materials from which superphosphates are made. sew EE EE) a 2) ee 1 Also known as Thomas Phosphate Powder, Thomas slag, and Odorless Phos-' phate. 2 Finely ground mineral phosphate known as “ floats’? has been used to @, limited extend in some localities. 95 Superphosphates, or soluble phosphates, are derived from the insolu- ble materials already described by first grinding to a powder and then mixing with sulphuric acid, which changes the insoluble phosphoric acid to the soluble form. The soluble phosphoric acid thus obtained is a de- finite chemical compound, and is identical in composition whatever may have been the material from which it was derived. The term super- phosphates is, therefore, applied to any material containing soluble phos- phoric acid as its chief constituent. In superphosphates there is nearly always present, however, in addition to the soluble, the reverted form, which is probable quite as useful as the soluble form. The superphos- phates made from boneblack and bone ash differ from the mineral super- phosphates mainly in showing a higher content of “available” phospho- ric acid, an average of 16 per cent., which is practically all soluble. Mineral superphosphates contain on the average 14 per cent. of available which may include from 1 to 3 per cent. of reverted, besides more or less of the insoluble. Superphosphates made from animal bone differ from those made from the other materials mentioned in containing nitrogen in addition to phosphoric acid. They are, however, sometimes called “ammoniated superphosphates” or “ dissolved ammoniated bone.” In the use of phosphoric acid, therefore, it must be remembered that the source has an important bearing in determining whe- ther it is used as a phosphate or as a superphosphate. As regards the untreated phosphates, it must be remembered that those derived from organic substances, such as bone, are the more valuable because of their greater tendency to decay and greater ease of solution, and that this tendency to decay is promoted by such means as will increase the fine-~ ness of division. In the case of superphosphates, those which contain the greatest proportion of soluble phosphoric acid are relatively the most valuable, because the soluble phosphoric acid readily distributes it- self in the soil and goes to the roots of plants, while the reverted re- mains where it is placed and the roots of the plants must come to it. In the next place, it should be remembered that phosphoric acid is not washed from the soil, though in a soluble form, since it is finally “ fixed” by coming in contact with lime, iron, and other mineral substances usually present in good soils. POTASH. Potash may exist in a number of forms, though chiefly as chlorids, or muriates, in which case the potash is combined with chlorin; and as sulphates in which the potash is combined with sulphuric acid. With potash, however, the form does not exert so great an influence upon availability as is the case with nitrogen and phosphoric acid. All forms are freely soluble in water, and are believed to be nearly if not quite equally available as food. The form of the potash has, however, an im- portant influence upon the quality of certain crops, due rather to the constituents with which the potash is associated than to the potash itself. For example, it has been demonstrated that the quality of tobacco, potatoes, and certain other crops is unfavourably influenced by the use of muriate of potash, while the same crops show a superior quality if materials free from chlorids have been used as the source of potash applied. The chief sources of potash salts at the present time are the Stass- furt mines of Germany, and the products of these mines, which are ——— 7 now readily obtainable in this country are kainit, sylvinit, muriate of potash, high-grade sulphate of potash, and double sulphate of potash and magnesia, or double manure salts. The kainit and sylvinit are crude products of the mines, and contain, in addition to potash, a num- ber of other salts, chiefly ordinary salt (sodium chlorid) and magnesium sulphate. The potash in kainit, though in the form of a sulphate, pro- duces an effect quite similar to that derived from the use of muriate, because of the large quantities of chlorids mixed with it. It contains on the average about 123 per cent of actual potash. Sylvinit differs from kainit in containing a slightly higher per cent of potash, which exists both in the form of a sulphate and of a chlorid, and a lower con- tent of the magnesia and other salts. The other potash products men- tioned are manufactured from the crude forms, and are much more con- centrated. The muriate and sulphate contain on the average about 50 per cent of actual potash. The chief impurity in the case of the mu- riate is common salt. The double sulphate of potash and magnesia con- tains about 26 per cent of actual potash, though much lower grades of this material are found. Materials that do not show a wide variation in composition, and in which the constituents are practically uniform in their action, may be regarded as standard in the sense that they can be depended upon to furnish practically the same amount and form of the constituents wher- ever secured. For example, a ton of nitrate of soda or boneblack super- phosphates (dissolved boneblack) will on the average furnish 320 pounds of nitrogen or of phosphoric acid, the nitrogen all in the form of a ni- trate and the phosphoric acid practically all soluble ; whereas a ton of tank- age, for instance, will vary widely both in the content and in the avail- . ability of its nitrogen and phosphoric acid, depending upon the method by which it has been derived. Hence, nitrate of soda, sulphate of am- monia, dried blood, and superphosphates and potash salts are standard ! products, because they can be depended upon both in respect to the con- tent and form of their constituents. 96 | RR a Sa ae we ae — eS eee AGRICULTURAL V. COMMERCIAL VALUE OF FERTILIZERS. The agricultural value of any of the fertilizing constituents is mea- sured by the value of the increase of the crop produced by its use, and is, of course, a variable factor, depending upon (1) the availability of the constituent, and (2) the value of the crop produced. For example, in the first case, the agricultural value of a pound of soluble phosphoric acid is likely to be greater than that of a pound of insoluble when ap- plied under the same conditions as to soil and crop, because in the one case the element is in its most available form, while in the other it is least availsble. In the second place, the soluble phosphoric acid may exert its full effect and cause a greatly increased yield on a certain crop, and still not cause an increase in value sufficient to pay the cost of the application, while for another crop the application may result in a very great increase in value. The character or form of the materials used must, therefore, be carefully considered in the use of manures. Slow- acting materials cannot be expected to give profitable returns, particu- larly upon quick- growing crops, nor expensive materials such profitable returns when used for crops of relativ ely low value as for crops of rela- tively high value. This agricultural value is, however, separate and distinct from what 97 is termed “commercial value,” or cost in market. This value is deter- mined by market and trade conditions, as cost of production of the crude materials, methods of manipulation required, ete. Since there is no strict relation between agricultural and commercial or market value, it frequently happens that an element in its most available form, and under ordinary conditions of high agricultural value, costs less in market than the same element in less available forms and of a lower agricultural value. The cost of production in the one case is lower than in the other, though the returns in the field are far superior. The commercial value has reference to the material as an article of commerce, hence commercial ratings of various fertilizers have refer- ence to their relative cost and are used largely as a means by which the different materials may be compared. VARIATIONS IN THE COMPOSITIONS OF MANUFACTURED FERTILIZERS. All manufactured products or brands of fertilizers are made up of a mixture of the various kinds and forms of the fertilizing materials just described, and the differences that exist in the brands of different manufacturers are due both to differences in the character and to varia- tions in the proportions of the materials used to form the different brands ; that is, while all manufacturers must go to the sources of sup- ply indicated, they may select either good or poor products and may vary the proportions of the different materials used. The difference between a good brand of fertilizer and a poor one lies not so much in differences that may exist in the total amount of plant food contained in it as in the quality of the materials of which it is made. For instance, in one brand the nitrogen may have been derived entirely from insoluble organic materials and the phosphoric acid from untreated phosphates rather than superphosphates; while in another the nitrogen may have been derived from. the three sources of nitrogen, viz., nitrates, ammonia salts, and organic matter, and the phosphoric acid entirely from superphosphates. In the first brand the total food contained may be quite as great asin the other, yet the immediate results obtained from its use would be less satisfactory than that obtained from the one containing the more active forms of fertilizing constituents. The differences that exist between good and poor fertilizers are quite clearly shown by the chemical analyses made by the various experiment stations, provided the analysis is carried far enough to show both the amount and form of the nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash. For in- stance, an analysis which shows that a considerable proportion of the nitrogen exists as nitrates or as ammonia is positive evidence that good nitrogenous materials have been used; if it shows that the phosphoric acid is largely in a soluble form, the consumer knows that superphos- phates have been used. On the other hand, if all the nitrogen is shown to be in the form of organic matter, and that a large proportion of the phosphoric acid is insoluble, it is evident that materials containing less active forms of plant food have been used. In the next place, it is the quality and amount of plant food that is contained in a fertilizer which determines its value rather than the relative proportion of the various constituents, though under certain well-known conditions the latter is _of very considerable importance. Special crop brands are particularly useful only when an abundance of all the plant-food constituents are present in the soil. 98 THE PURCHASE OF FERTILIZERS. As a rule, farmers are inclined to purchase fertilizers on the ton ba- sis, without sufficient regard to the content or form of the constituents contained in them. The direct value of a fertilizer is determined by the percentage of nitrogen, phosphoric acid, or potash which it con- tains. Hence, ihe buying of a fertilizer is virtually the buying of one or more of these constituents. The more concen rated the material or the richer it is in plant food the less will be the expense of handling the constituent desired. The following are illustrations of the methods by which brands may be made up, the differences that may exist in the content of actual fer- tilizing constituents, and the causes of variation in ton prices : Formula No. 1. Nitrate Of SOdA...s.c.s.0-c00s 500lbs., furnishing nitrogen......... 80lbs., or 4 p. ct. Boneblack superphosphate 1,100lbs., furnishing phosphoric acid 180lbs, or 9 p. ct. Muriate of potash............ 400lbs., furnishing potash............ 200\bs., or 10 p. ct. _—- -—— — Total...........0.6. 2,000lbs., furnishing total plant food 460lbs. Formula No. 2. Nitrate of soda............... 250lbs., furnishing nitrogen....... -. 40lbs., or 2 p. ct. Boneblack superphosphate 1,000Ibs., furnishing phosphoric acid 160lbs., or 8 p. cts Muriate of potash............ 80lbs., furnishing potash...........- 40lbs., or 2 p. ct: Make- weight.......... sneesees 670lbs. Motalyc.sccs seesoace 2,000lbs., furnishing total plant food 240!bs. Formula No. 1 shows a high-grade product, both in respect to quality of plant food and concentration, while No. 2 is high-grade only in res- pect to quality. In order that the plant food may be contained in L ton it is necessary to add what is called “make-weight,” or a diluent, usually consisting of substances that contain no direct fertilizing value. “ High-grade mixtures cannot be made from low-grade materials. Low-grade mixtures cannot be made from high-grade materials with- out adding ‘make-weight” The advantages of high-grade products are concentration and high quality of plant food.” ! It will be observed that formula No. 1 contains nearly twice as much plant food as No. 2; or, in other words, it will require about 2 tons of a fertilizer made according to formula No. 2 to secure the same total amount of plant food as is contained in | ton of No. 1. Now, the ma- terial in No. 2 other than the actual plant food is of no direct ferti- lizing value, but the actual cost of the constituents is considerably m- creased, because the expenses of handling, bagging, shipping, and sel- ling are just double what they would be for No. 1. It has been shown by continued studies at the New Jersey Experi- ment Station that the charges of the manufacturers and dealers for mixing, bagging, shipping, and other expenses are, on the average, $8.50 per ton; and also that the average manufactured fertilizer con- tains about 300 pounds of actual fertilizing constituents per ton. A careful study of the fertilizer trade indicates that these conditions are also practically true for other States in which large quantities of com- mercial fertilizers are used. Formula No. 1 would contain 460 pounds of actual available fertiliz- (1) First Principles of Agriculture, E. B. Voorhees, p. 109. 99 ing constituents per ton—160 pounds, or over 50 per cent, more than is contained in the average manufactured brand. That is, a farmer pur- chasing a brand similar to formula No. 1 would secure in 2 tons as much plant food as would be contained in 38 tons of the average manuafactured brand. Assuming that the charges per pound of plant food at the fac- tory, and that the expense charges are the same in each case, and also that the quality of plant food in the one is as good as in the other, the consumer would save $8.50 by purchasing 2 tons of the former instead of 3 tons of the latter. Ina few States the consumption of fertilizers ranges from 150,000 to over 300,000 tons annually, while in many it is from 25,000 to 50,000 tons. Thus is shown the very great saving that may be effected in the mat- ter of the purchase of fertilizers from the standpoint of concentration alone, or, in other words, the importance of a definite knowledge of what constitutes value in a fertilizer. This saving may be accom- plished, too, without any detriment to the manufacturer, since the fdi- ference to him between making high-grade or low-grade goods, in re- ference to concentration, is largely a matter of unskilled labour. The manufacturers are in the business to cater tothe demands of the trade ; if consumers are intelligent, high-grade rather than low-grade goods will be provided by the manufacturers. Furthermore, as already indi- cated, high-grade in the matter of concentration means high-grade in eae for high-grade mixtures can not be made from low-grade pro- ucts. ; In many cases, too, it is desirable to purchase the unmixed fertilizing materials, either for use singly or to be mixed at home. Here, too, a great saving may be effected—(1) in the cost per pound of the consti- tuents , (2) in freight rates, and (3) in having the mixing performed by the ordinary labour of the farm at times when it does not interfere with regular out-door work. The advantages to be derived from this method are, however, fully realized only when it is possible to purchase in large quantities for cash. As an illustration of the saving that may be effected, it is but neces- sary to cite the experience of a farmers’ organizaiion in New Jersey, which now purchases annually some 500 or 600 tons of unmixed goods. The cost per pound of the ingredients is to them over 40 per cent less than the average cost to those who buy the average mixture in small quantities “‘on time” from their local dealers. _ It has been shown, too, by the studies of many of the experiment sta- tions of both the East and South that the materials can be evenly mixed on the farm; besides, samples carefully taken show as good a mechanical condition as those made by the leading manufacturers. This method of purchasing also possesses the further advantage of enabling the farmer to apply just the kind and form of ingredient that he has found by experience or experiment to be best adapted to his soil and crop. Besides, he knows positively, particularly in case of the ele- ment nitrogen, whether it is in the form of nitrate, ammonia, or organic matter, and whether the organic nitrogen is contained in substances that are likely to decay quickly, as blood, cotton-seed meal, etc., or in such insoluble and slow-acting substances as ground leather, horn, ete. In mixtures the kind of organic nitrogenous substances used can not be definitely shown by a chemical analysis. i 100 CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH FERTILIZERS MAY BE PROFITABLY USED. With a more or less complete knowledge of the need of artificial sup- plies of fertilizer, the character, composition, and usefulness of the va- xyious materials, and the best method of purchase, the practical question arises, Will it pay to use them? Many of our most successful farmers are by their practice answering this question in the affirmative. It is, however, not entirely a question of plant food with them, and one phase of it may be illustrated by the following typical case: Mr. A applies fertilizer, his crop is doubled or tripled, and a reasonable profit is secured. Mr. B applies the same amount and kind under simi- lar natural conditions of soil and receives no benefit. The diffierence in results is due not to the fertilizer, but to the farmer himself. In one case the natural agencies—sun, air, and water—were assisted and enabled to do their maximnm work, because care was taken to make the conditions other than the supply of plant food as perfect as possi- ble, while in the other they were prevented from exercising their full influence because physical conditions of soil were imperfect, due to care- less plowing, seeding, cultivation, and cropping. In other words, the profit from the use of fertilizers is measured to a large degree by the perfection of soil conditions which are entirely within the power of the farmer to control. The production possible from a definite amount of plant food can be secured only when the conditions are such as to permit its proper solution, distribution, and retention by the soil. The fact that fertilizers may now be easily secured and are easily applied has encouraged careless use rather than a thoughtful expend- iture or perhaps an equivalent amount of money or energy in the proper preparation of the soil for them. Of course it does not follow that no returns are secured from plant food applied under unfavorable conditions, but it needs to be emphasized that full returns can not be obtained under such circumstances either with or without fertilizers. Good plant food is wasted and the profit possible to be derived is largely reduced. Moreover, farming in its strict sense is the conver- sion of three essential elements into salable products, and therefore the use of plant food must be governed largely by its cost, and the kind of crop upon which it is applied. The very high prices paid by many for fertilizers—though admittedly due to their lack of knowledge concerning what constitutes value in a fertilizer and to irrational methods of buying—renders it impossible to secure a reasonable profit by their unsystematic use upon such sta- ple products as wheat, corn, oats, cotton, and tobacco, because these erops absorb relatively large amounts of the manurial constituents, and are at the present time products of relatively low value. : The bushel or pound of crop contains a high content relatively of the fertilizing constituents while the selling price is low, thus leaving but a narrow margin between the cost of the constituent and the price received for it in the product. The growth of such crops as potatoes, tomatoes, sweet potatoes forage crops for the dairy, and vegetable crops for the market or can- nery by the use of high-priced plant food is more often attended with, profit, because they are usually crops of high market value and are } 101 proportionately less exhaustive. This does not mean that the former crops shall be abandoned, but rather that our systems of practice shall be changed so as to include in the rotation some high-priced crop to which shall be applied such an abundance of plant food as to insure a yield, limited only by the season, and climate, which will, under average conditions of soil and season, yield a profit, besides leaving a residue of plant food for the cereals, grasses, or catch crops that follow. These being capable of extracting their mineral food from relatively insoluble scources will yield a large increase of crop without a direct outlay for fertilizers. arming will thus be more successful, because profitable crops are secured, while at the same time fertility is increased. THE KIND OF FERTILIZER TO USE, The kind of fertilizer tc use should be considered (1) in reference to whether it shall be nitrogenous, phosphatic, or potassic in its char- acter, and not to whose brand shall be used; and (2) as to the form in which the fertilizing constituents exist, whether quickly or slowly available. A proper understanding of these points requires that we shall consider briefly the various classes of farm crops and their power of acquiring food. The cereals, Indian corn excepted (see p. 103), and grasses are quite similar in their habits of growth, and may be regarded as a class, distinguished by extensive root systems and long periods of growth which enable them to extract the mineral food necessary from rela- tively insoluble sources, and because of their very rapid development of leaf and stem during a short season just before maturity are unable to make normal growth during this period without an abundance of nitrogen in immediateley available forms. This period usually precedes the time of rapid nitrification ; hence on soils of good natural fertility the application of nitrogen at the right time and in the form of a nitrate results in a largely increased crop. The fact here stated has led cer- tain eminent scientists to regard nitrogen as a dominant or ruling element for this class of plants, and it is true if the limitations are properly understood. The leguminous crops.—clover, peas, beans, vetches, etc.—should also be regarded as a distinct class. They possess powers of acquiring food which, as far as we know now, are not common to any other class of plants. They do not depend altogether upon soil sources for their nitrogen, but draw this element partly from the air, and they make almost ravenous use of the mineral constituents, particularly potash andlime. A knowledge of-these facts is not only useful in indicating what kind of manures to use, viz., an abundance of the mineral consti- tuents only, but suggests that the growth of these crops must result in the enrichment of soils in the expensive element, nitrogen, so essential for crops whose exclusive source of supply is the soil. Root and tuber crops may also be regarded as a class which, because of their habits of growth, are unable to make ready use of the insolu- ble mineral constituents of the soil, and hence for full development require an abundance of all the fertilizing constituents in readily avail- able forms. Of the three classes of fertilizing constituents, the nitro- gen is especially useful for the slow-growing beets and mangels ; soluble phosphates are required in abundance for the turnip ; and potatoes, 102 -white and sweet, respond favorably to liberal dressings of potash. ‘That is, while the fertilizers should contain all three elements, certain of the crops, because of their peculiarities of growth, require certain of them in greater relative amounts and in immediately available forms. The objoct of the growth, too, whether for the immature produce or for the fully developed plant, is a matter worthy of careful considera- tion. In other words, Shall the fertilizing be of such a character as to stimulate and force an unnatural and artificial growth, or such as assists in the natural development of the plant? That the specific function of nitroganous manures is to encourage and even force leaf development is a fact not disputed by the highest authority ; hence their use in stimulating unusual growth is of the greatest importance in growing market-garden crops, in order that the tenderness and suc- culence, which is the measure of quality in most of those products, may be secured. Fruit Trees are slow-growing plants and therefore do not need quick- acting fertilizers as a rule. ‘hey appropriate plant food very slowly and highly soluble manures, such as nitrate of soda, are liable to be washed out of the soil without being utilized. For this reason the use of nitrate of soda is not advised except where the growth of nursery stock is to be forced or where bearing trees exhibit a lack of luxuri- ance in foliage. The old and still common practice of fertilizing fruit trees every few years with slowly decomp»sing manures, such as barn- yard manure, leather waste, horn refuse, wool waste, leaf mold, tobacco stems, etc., is thus seen to have more or less of a scientific basis. Frequently, however, it is desirable to stimulate the growth and fruitfulness of the trees, and for this purpose more active fertilizing materials than the above are needed. In selecting and mixing the latter the fact that fruits are “potash feeders” should be taken into consideration. Probably there is no better fertilizer for fruit tres than a mixture of muriate of potash and ground bone (1 part of the former to 1} parts, of the latter). A good practice is to apply this mixture to clover or some other leguminous crop which is turned under as a green manure, and in addition, where tobacco stems can be obtained cheaply, to apply these about the trees. Wood ashes or cotton-hull ashes may be sub- stituted for muriate of potash if these products can be obtained at reasonable prices. The fertiliser requirements of small fruits are similar to those of or- chard fruits, but being as a rule more rapid growers they can utilize to advantage heavier applications of soluble fertilizing materials and do not derive the same benefit as orchard fruits from slowly decompos- ing manures. In deciding upon the kind of manure to use the character of the soil must, of course, be taken into account. Crops grown on soils poor in decaying vegetable matter (humus) are as a rule benefited by appli- cations of nitrogenous manures, while those grown upon soils well supplied with this substance are more benefited by phosphates and potash. Upon heavy soils phosphates are likely to be more beneficial than nitrogen, while the reverse is the case on light drysoil. All sandy soils are as a rule deficient in potash, while clayey soils contain this element in larger quantities. 103 In this discussion the barest outlines have been drawn. There are many exceptions to the general rules. The farmer, with the general principles well in mind, must use his intelligence in applying them to his conditions. FERTILIZERS SHOULD BE APPLIED SYSTEMATICALLY. The suggestions already given lead to another of great importance, viz, that the use of fertilizers should be systematic. In order that this may be accomplished, a definite system of cropping should be adopted and a definite scheme of manuring worked out that shall meet the con- ditions of crop, season, and climate, and enable the farmer to utilize to the best advantage home and local supplies of manure. While it is impossible to give more than the merest outline of such methods, the following suggestions are offered : In the first place, in nearly every State or even locality some one system of cropping is better adapted to the conditions than another. - It may be the extensive system, which includes large areas, and the crops, grain cotton, tobacco, or sugar cane; or the “ intensive system,” with smaller areas and crops of quicker growth and higher value. For the former a method of manuring should be adopted which is not too expensive, but which provides for increased crops and gradual gain in fertility. It would be impracticable in extensive farming, for example, to attempt to increase the yield of a wheat crop from 12 to 30 bushels per acre by the addition of fertilizers only, for. as already pointed out, plant food is but one of the conditions of fertility, and if it were prac- ticable from the standpoint of yield, it would be folly from the stand- point of profit. A study of the following common four-year rotations—Indian corn, potatoes, wheat, and hay—will illustrate what is meant by rational and systematic methods of manuring. On soils of medium fertility spread the farm manure during the fall and winter, and after the land is ploughed apply broadcast and harrow in, or harrow first and then drill in, 400 pounds per acre of a mixture made of 100 pounds each of cotton- seed meal, ground bone, acid phosphate, and muriate of potash, or their equivalent in kind and form of other fertilizing constituents. This mixture would have approximately the following composition : Nitrogen 2.5 per cent, phosphoric acid 10 per cent, and potash 12.5 per cent. Ifthe land has not been previvusly manured, or if it is of a light sandy character, the proportion of nitrogenous matter should be increased and the application be heavier, say, from 600 to 800 pounds. Corn makes its most rapid growth and development during the hot season, which is very favourable for rapid decay and consequent nitrifi- cation of organic substances in the soil. The nitrogenous manures, therefore, may be less in amount than for crops which develop rapidly earlier in the season, and for the same reason may consist of organic forms. The mineral constituents, particularly the phosphates, which the crop acquires less rapidly, because of its comparatively short season of growth, are applied in such forms and in such amountsas to provide for a largely increased crop, even though the seasonal conditions are not perfect. 104 For the potatoes, as a minimum application 650 pounds per acre of the following mixture may be used: Fertilizer for potatoes. Pounds. INDErIAbS OL NSOURs.cvcccscercsccesecees Cnec82H0000 SO SDOSOTOOA sanoOICCe: Feccocoascueca ily Cotton-seed seseaneaaes easecestess eoctecsasessees eeeeciseascues 150 Ground bone........ cawecees ssocscssesassacaeos SCOCUASIISIQHCOO eavessousevesecescooess 100 Acid phosphatece..ccoccsscasesscesecece cm SOOO SCOCCEOCDUCOSCEORODOCCOS ApeCRCOOTIOS 200 Muriate or sulphatojof Potash ment Stations, U. 8S. Department of Agriculture. Reprinted from Farmers’ Bulletin, No. 16. GREEN MANURING. Green manuring, or ploughing under green crops raised for that pur- pose, is one of the oldest means of improving the fertility of the soil. It was advocated by Roman writers more than two thousand years ago, and from that time until now it has formed a most important resource of the farmer, especially where the supply of barnyard manure is insuffi- cient. Its advantages are many. ‘The more striking are that it fur- nishes the surface soil with a supply of the fertilising materials needed by crups, increases the humus, and improves the physical qualities and the tilth of the soil. As a humus-former green manuring stands next to barnyard manure. By means of green manuring, land which is practically barren may be brought up to a state of fertility where it will produce profitable crops. As a single instance of this may be mentioned the experiments carried on by the Michigan Experiment Station on the ‘“Jack-pine plains” of that State. In 1888 experiments were undertaken on the light sandy, almest barren, soils of these plains. Green manures were used mainly, supplemented by cheap fertilisers. In three years marked improvement was evident, not only in the physical character of the soil but also in the increased yields of various crops. Again, green manuring may be used to take the place of more expen- sive fertilisers and manures on soils already under cultivation. It is in this latter use that it finds its widest application. There has been much speculation as to the manner in which the crops commonly used for green manuring could gather such large quantities of fertilising materials. It will be remembered that the principal fer- tilising ingredients required by plants are nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash, These are each and all more or less essential 1o the healthy growth of crops. Consequently they are applied to the soil in the form of commercial fertilisers and other manures. In attempting to explain how the fertility of the soil is maintained by green manuring it has been said that plants with long roots, like clovers, feed deep down in the soil or subsoil on materials beyond the reach of surface- feeding plants; and that when the tops of these plants die down and are mixed with the surface soil they enrich it much the same as an appli- cation of barnyard manure. This is undoubedly true, but it fails to explain how such large quantities of materials can be obtained, espe- cially when clover is grown continuously for a number of years. The question has finally been solved by one of the most interesting and important discoveries yet made in agricultural science. It has been found that certain plants can feed upon the nitrogen in the atmosphere and store it up in their tissues as they grow. They take their phos- phoric acid and potash from the soil, but they obtain their nitrogen very largely from the air. Hence they draw from the air a material neces- sary tothe growth of crops which in the form of commercial fertilisers, 154 as nitrate of soda, ammonium sulphate, dried blood, etc., is paid for at he rate of from 15 to 20 cents a pound. HOW PLANTS GET NITROGEN FROM THE AIR. The air we breathe is about four-fifths nitrogen and one fifth oxygen. We use the oxygen in breathing but discard the nitrozen. It has been regard’d merely as a material for diluting the oxygen, which would be otherwise too strong for our use. All attempts to economically render this nitrogen of the air available for plant food, by chemical means, have been unsuccessful. Recently it has been discovered that the so- called leguminous plants—clovers, peas, beans, lupines, vetches, etc..— can take up this nitrogen of the air, and can grow without being manured with nitroge: if manured with phosphoric acid and potash. The manner in which this nitrogen assimilation takes place has been earefully and patiently studied by scientists, and although the details are not fully understood the primary cause has been found. It is be- lieved that plants are enabled to get this nitrogen through the activity of the lower forms of life, bacteria or microbes, which can only be seen with the aid of a powerful microscope. These organisms live in the soil and are to be found where leguminous plants have been grown. They produce or cause the plant to produce little nodules, or tubercles, on the roots It is through these tubercles that the plant gets its atmospheric nitrogen. The air enters the soil by the numerous pores or openings in it, which are produced by ploughing, cultivating, and working the soil, by the decay of rootlets, by earthworms, ete. By just what physiological processes the nitrogen assimilation takes place- is a questlon still in dispute among scientists. It is sufficient for prac- tical purposes to know that nitrogen is taken up from the air by the growing plant, directly or indirectly; and that this nitrogen assimila- tion takes place as a result of the life of bacteria. It is a peculiar fact that few, if any, root tub>rcles are formed when leguminous plants are manured with nitrogen ; the plants must first hunger for nitrogen before the tubercles are formed, and the presence of tub2rcles indicates that the plant is taking nitrogen from the air. Now, curious as it may seem, there appear to be different forms of bacteria for different kinds of plants. Hence it sometimes becomes necessary to provide crops with the necessary bacteria before they can use the nitrogen of theair. This is done by applying a light dressing of soil in which the kind of plants it is wished to grow have been previously grown. This is called soil inoculation. It is sometimes necessary in growing a crop on a piece of land for the first time in several years. Suppose, for instance, that , eas which had been sown on land manured with phosphates and potash but without nitrogen failed to grow luxu- riantly. If the other co: ditions were favorable, the inference would be that bacteria of the right kind were lacking in the soil, anda light dress- ing of soil in which peas had previously been successfully grown might be applied. Such treatment as this has been repeatedly tried with success on a large scale. These discoveries throw a new light on green manuring and on the plants best adapted for green manuring. They recommend it more highly than ever before as asoil renovator and a cheap means of main- 155 ‘taining the fertility of a soil. They show that while both leguminous and non-leguminous plants enrich the soil alike in humus-forming materials, in proportion to the size of the crop, they differ in respect to the source of their nitrogenous materials. While non-leguminous larits derive their nitrogen supply almost exclusively from the soil, ee irninous plants may take theirs largely from the air Conse- quently, if spurry, buckwheat, mustard, etc. (non-leguminous plants), -are grown on the soil and the crop ploughed in, the soil is not materially enriched in nitrogen ; the process is simply returning to the soil all the nitrogen which the crop took from it. But since leguminous plants may derive the larger propotion of their nitrogen from without the soil—that is, from the air—their use for green manuring actually enriches the soil in nitr. genous matter, It will thus be seen that by green manuring with leguminous crops it is possible to manure the soil with nitrogen from the air, a free and inexhaustible source, and thus avoid buying fertilisers containing much nitrogen. This greatly lessens the expense for commercial fertilisers, for nitrogen is the most expensive element the farmer has to buy. As stated above, it costs from 15 to 20 cents a pound, while potash and phosphoric acid ecst only 5 to 7 cents, or even less. Although grains, grasses, corn, cotton, root crops, tobacco, ete., can not use the nitrogen of the air, green manuring enables them to benefit by it indirectly. SOME CROPS FOR GREEN MANURING, Among the legumiuous pl ‘nts more commonly used for green manur- ing in this country and in Europe are cowpea, alfalfa, clovers, melilotus, serradella, lupines, vetch, and horse bean. Some of these are described below. Cowpea. The cowpea is widely used as a green manure in the Southern States. According to the North Carolina Experiment Station, “the cowpea, being a tender annual, shonld always be sown in the spring. It will give a good yield sown as late as July 1, but the earlier itis sown after danger of frost is passed the heavier the yield. The pea is usually sown broadcast at the rate of 2 bushels p°r acre and ploughed or har- rowed in. The cowpea is not affected by heat, and is less sensitive to drought than any of the clovers.” Experimen's have shown that cowpeas respond readily to applica- tions of potash and phosphates, and are able to derive their nitrogen very largely from the air. Inasmuch as cowpeas are large gatherera of nitrogen, and also secure considerable amounts of potash and phos- phoric acid through their extensive root system, which reaches down to the subsoil, they havea high fertilising value. How to get the greatest benefit from the fertilising constituents of cowpeas is one of the problems on which the experiment stations are working. If the cowpeas are ploughed under in the fall and the ground lef ‘bare until spring a large share of the nitrogen will be leached away. By sowing wheat or rye after the cowpeas are plonghed under part of this loss may be avoided. If the vines are cut and allowed to lie on the ground during the winter the nitrogen is rapidly lost. In an experiment at the station ii Ala- 156 bama it was found that vines gathered in October had from 1.45 to 2.62 per cent. of nitrogen, while if left on the ground until January they had only about 0.70 per cent., 7. e., they lost two thirds of their most valuable fertilizing ingredient. Experiments at the Louisiana station show that 1 acre of cow- peas, yielding 3,970.38 pounds of organic matter, turned under, gave- to the soil 64.95 pounds of nitrogen, 20.39 pounds of phosphoric acid, and 110.56 pounds of potash, of which at least 8.34 pounds of nitro- gen, 4.43 pounds of phosphoric acid, and 18.1 ponnds of potash were furnished by the roots. Analyses made at the South Carolina Station show that cowpea hay contains 1.42 per cent. of potash, 0.89 per cent- of phosphoric acid, and 2.71 per cent. of nitrogen. Cowpea roots con- tained 1.19 per cent. of potash, 0.28 per cent. of phosphoric acid, and 0.94 per cent. of nitrogen; the roots and stubble, two months after the crop was harvested, contained 0.83 per cent of potash, 0.26 per cent. of phosphoric acid, and 1.35 per cent. of nitrogen. Experiments else- where showed that the vines from a given area weighed six times as much as the roots, and were & times as valuable for manure. Cowpeas and melilotus have given good results as green manure on the canebrake lands of Alabama. “ Before the land was sowed in meli- lotus and cowpeas it was not considered worth cul'ivating. This season (1890) it produced as fine a crop as the best lends of the s‘ation. highly fertilised.” Alfalfa Alfalfa or lucern has long been cultiva‘ed in Europe, and is grown quite extensively in some of the Western and Southern States. It seems probable that it may be introduced with advantage into many parts of the Southern States east of the Mississippi, and over a wide tract of the more arid regions of the Southwest. Under favourable conditions. it will live from eight to fifteen years, and does not run out as clover does. It has been grown successfully for seven years at the experiment station at Geneva, N.’Y., but in recent experiments on 30 farms in different parts of Vermont it was very largely winterkilled. While a Southern climate is more favourable to alfalfa, numerous experiments have shown that it will do well in many localities in the Northern States, and when established will produce from three to five crops each season for a number of successive years. Alfalfa is said to be especially adapted to dry climates, and withstands drought much better than ordinary clovers. For this reason it is largely relied on in Colorado and California, especially where irrigation is used. The value of alfalfa for green manuring has been quite thoroughly studied by the New Jersey Experiment Station. Seed was sown broad- cast at the rate of 15 pounds per acre. A fertiliser containing phos- phoric acid and potash with a little nitrogen was applied. It appears from these studies that alfalfa derives nitrogen from some other source than the soil, and draws potash through its long roots from the deeper layers of the subs: il. In three years 90 pounds of nitrogen per acre was applied in the fertiliser, and the crops harvested in that time con- tained 912.8 pounds of nitrogen per acre. The fertilising materials contained in the crops harvested in four years are shown in the follow— ing table: a 157 Fertilising ingredients in alfalfa during different seasons . = | Pounds per acre. Year. : ERC keel eas: Nitrogen. | Phos horic Potash. acid, 1886 261.6 | 39.6 203.5 1887 263.6 | 45.7 | 286.9 1888 299 2 | 52.4 292.2 1889 360.0 | 63.0 255.5 The average of the above table is 304 pounds of nitrogen, 50 pounds of phosphoric acid, and 260 pounds of potash a year. These amounts would be furnished by a dressing of 1,900 pounds of nitrate of soda, 500 pounds of muriate of potash, and 300 pounds of South Carolina superphosphate, The phosphoric acid and potash were naturally derived from th? soil. The 300 pounds of nitrogen would cost in the form of nitrate of soda, at the present low pric3 of 15} cents a pound, $46.50. Red Clover. Red clover has been cultivated for centuries It succeeds best in a temperate climate not deficient in moisture. Inthe central and eastern part of the United States it constitutes one of the most important han crops. Though not generally grown in the Gulf States it succeeds oy the strong clay lands and black prairie soil of the South It may be grown as far north as Minnesota, but frequently does not thrive in newly settled sections. It has been successfully grown all over Nebraska, where it is recommended for early pasture as well as for hay, and where it withstands drought. It has proved valuable in South Dakota. Most of the experiment stations give favourable reports of this plant In Nevada, however, without water the growth is light. As a green manure it is perhaps more extensively used in the United States than any other plant. Twenty pounds of seed per acre is the quantity usually recommended. The seel is frequently adulterated with weed seed. At the Mississippi Station light-c loured and dark seed germinated alike in the ground. Clover is sown broadeist. In cold climates spring sowing is customary. The Connecticut Storrs Station recommends sowing after grain in the latter part of July, in order to secure an early cropsthe next season. In the South seeding in Septem- ber or October and in February is successful. In Kentucky seed sown between February 2 and March 1 nearly all germinated Studies of the root system of red clover grown at the Minnesota Sta- tion showed that the amount of roots and the depth to which they penetrate vary greatly, depending on the character of the land. Ina favourable soil a plant one month old had a root extending 7 inches into the ground ; at two months old it had reached a depth of 2 feet; at five months its length was 5 feet 8 inches. The root development is most extensive on drained land. The stand is also better on drained than on undrained soils. 158 Crimson Clover. Crimson clover, also called scarlet clover and Italian or German clover, grows from 1 to 2 feet high, with flower heads from 1} to 2 inches long and ofa bright crimson colour. Though not generally- grown in the North it made a growth of 26 inches at the Maine Station. It thrives on soil too light for other clovers. In the South it is valuable on non-calcareous, sandy, or light clay soils. It has been highly recom- mended for green manuring and its value for that purpose has been: studied especially by the Delaware Experiment Station. That Station reported that in 1891 2,340 acres of crimson clover were grown in Del- aware, 1,277 acres being used for green manuring. It is sown both in the open fields and in orchids. The quantity of seed used depends upon the aims of the sower, varying between 5 and 15 pounds per acre. It is also sown among corn, and with a broadcasting machine 4 acres per hour can be seeded. It may be grown either as a winter crop, cover- ing the soil during September, October and November, or as a summer crop. Asa winter crop it may either precede or follow the Southern cowpea vine. In Delaware a very large acreage of field corn is sown to crimson clover immediately after the cultivation of the corn is finished. for the season. Crimson clover is sown in Delaware the latter part of July or during August. In the South the seed may be sown from August till the middle of September or even later in extreme southern latitudes. It is important that considerable growth should be made before winter. On the other hand, to obtain a good stand, one must wait for a suitable season. It is not necessary to prepare the land especially for the clover crop, but the seed may be sown in the fields of cotton, corn, or vege- tables immediately after the cultivation and without covering. If clover is the only crop a light brushing or rolling is in order. The seed may also be sown among the vines of a pea crop. Crimson clover begins its growth as the peas die, and these two renovating crops supply a very large amount of organic matter to the soil. Failure to secure a stand of crimson clover is frequent, due some- times to the seed and sometimes to the season. The newly germinated plants are easily killed by a scorching sun. On stubble land a catch may be secured by harrowing deeply and then sowing the seed and rolling or harrowing lightly. In Delaware crimson clover can be cut for hay or for silage early in May. In the South it blooms in April. A yield of from 1 to 2 tons of excellent hay may be secured from very thin land. The hay is taken off in time to allow the use of the field for other summer crops. In Delaware some farmers, while ploughing under the green crop in orchards, turn the furrows so as to leave the heads of clover above ground. These heads bear seed and thus afford a stand the next year- In cutting for hay in orchards other farmers leave strips of uncut clover along the rows of trees. From these strips the seed is scattered for the next year’s crop. Crimson clover may follow grain or grass as well as cultivated crops. After cultivated crops it usually makes a good catch with slight expense. Orchards on thin soils may be benefited by ploughing in crimson clover for several years in succession. On rich soil and for some crops it is possible to incorporate too much organic matter with =" ee — a ee ae 159 the soil. Crimson clover leaves the land in good condition for a erop of cotton, corn or vegetables. It has been found an excellent sub- stitute for nitrate of soda in growing sweet potatoes in Delaware. At the Delaware Experiment Station crimson clover yielded at the rate of 13 tons 556 pounds of green material per acre (exclusive of roots and stubble), containing 131 pounds of potash, 35 pounds of phos- phoric acid, and 115 pounds of nitrogen. Asa source of nitrogen for fruits, field crops, and vegetables it has given highly satisfactory results, in some cases surpassing nitrate of soda. The following illustration of the result of using crimson clover for green manuring is from a recent report of the Delaware Experiment Station : Seed of crimson clover costing $1 per acre was sown ina corn field near Newark, in 1891, immediately after the last cultivation of the crop. The clover passed out of blossom during the first week of June, 1892. A test made at that time indi- cated that the green crop then standing weighed 8 tons 600 pounds per acre. 1t was ploughed under on the 5th instant ; Mastodon seed corn was planted on the 7th. An adjoining plat upon which tomatoes had been grown in 1891, and upon whick no clover had been seeded for many years, was also planted with the same variety of corn on the 7th instant. A portion of this corn on the tomato plat was top- dressed with nitrate of soda, 100 pounds per acre, costing $1. The tomato plat yielded 24 bushels of shelled corn per acre, the tomato plat with nitrate of soda yielded 30 bushels, and the plat manured with crimson clover yielded 48 bushels. Eight tons 600 pounds of crimson clover from seed which cost $1 per acre added 24 bushels to the corn crop. One dollar invested in nitrate of soda and used as a top dressing added 6 bushels to the corn crop. Hence in this case $l invested in clover seed returned four times as much as $1 invested in nitrate of soda. As to the relative amount of labour involved, the sowing of the seed and the broadcasting of the nitrate possibly balance each other. Ploughing down a green crop is doubt- less far more costly than ploughing bare ground. ‘This drawback may reduce the abovenamed apparent gain by approximately 25 per cent. Jaian Clover. Japan clover (Lespedeza striata) has been very successfully grown at the North Carolina Experiment Station and is strongly recommended as a renovator of worn soils. At the station it was grown on a very poor stiff clay soil with a light dressing of phosphate. Other clovers, lucern, and serradella, did very poorly on this soil, but the Japan clover presented a most luxuriant appearance throughout the season. The seed is broadcasted at the rate of about 12 ponnds per acre and’ covered with a smoothing harrow or roller. The seed costs from 12 to 20 cents a pound, and can be bought of most of the larger seed firms. The seed should be sown in the spring after danger of frost is over, as the plant is very tender. Japan clover seems to prefer a moist clay soil, but does well on almost any soil except pure sand, and thrives without fertiliser on exhausted soils. Drought checks its growth for a time, but not seriously. The North Carolina Station says: The ability to grow on land too poor to produce even broom sedge, and to crowd out all other plants; its dying each winter and leaving its roots to fertilise the soil; and its possessing the nitrogen-fixing power peculiar to the pulse family of plants, place Japan clover at the head of renovatipg plants adapted to the climate of Southern States. It is unequaled as a restorer of worn fields, such as are gene- rally turned out to grow up in pines. Lupines. The three species of lupines more commonly grown are the white, the yellow, and the blue lupine. The plants are bushy, somewhat woody,. 16) -and generally too coarse for good fodder, though they are used in some countries for sheep. The seed is exceedingly nitrogenous and in Europe is used for cattle food. As it contains a bitter alkaloid injurious to animals it must b> disembittered before feeding. Kellner’s process of disembittering lupine seed consists in soaking the seed in water for twenty-four hours, with frequent changes of water, steaming for one hour, and then extracting for two days, with frequent stirring. In the latter operation the discoloured water is drawn off frequently and fresh water added. Five pounds daily of this disembittered lupine seed may be fed to cows per 1,000 pounds live weight. Lupines are much used in Europe for green manuring. They thrive on a light sandy soil, make a rapid growth, and produce large amounts of organic materials, which when ploughed into the soil improve it in humus and enrich it in nitrogen. A practice recommended for bring- ing up very poor soils is to grow a crop of lupine manured with kainit, turn the crop under. and follow it with winter rye manured with Thomas slag phosphate. In order to derive the greatest possible advantage from the green manuring, the lupines should be sown early in May. By the first half of August, which is believed to be the best time of the year for ploughing under, “the seed of the lupine will be nearly or quite formed, and the crop will contain the maximum quantity of nitrogenous matter. Four or better six, weeks should intervene between the plowing under of the lupine and the sowing of the rye Under such a rotation a poor santy soil will gradually improve in humus until the change is perceptible to the eye in the darker color of the soil, and there will likewise be an increase in fertility. In Europe large tracts of barren waste have been brought into con- dition for profitable cultivation by green manuring with lupines treated with phosphates and potash salts. COMPOSITION OF GREEN LEGUMINOUS CROPS. The following table gives the average amounts of water and fertili- zing materials in 100 pounds in a number of green leguminous crops : Fertilizing ingredients in 100 pounds of green leguminous crops. Mois- | Nicro- | phoric | sium ture. gen. acid. oxide. Pounds. en Pounds. | Po wnds. - Red clover oe eel oOL007}, 0263 0.13 0.46 White clover tes --.-| 81.00 0.56 0.20 0.24 Alsike clover aoe see ole oOn| (Ox44: 0.11 0.20 Crimson clover aco POZO (Ones 0.13 0 49 Alfalfa ace Sots 30" |) (Onaga 0.13 4 0.56 Cowpea wee cos eo.O1) | (O20 0.10 0 31 Serradella See ...| 82.59 0.41 0.14 0.42 Soja bean ses sod] GBD || ORE 0.15 0.53 Horse bean Ses Spal Ce kere | 0.68 O83) 1 37 White lupine sce ..| 85.35 | 0.44 0.35 1.73 Yellow Lupine | #83515 1. 0.51 0.11 015 Flat Pea (Lathyrus sylvestris) eee CLOO | 1.13 0.18 0.58 Common veich ser] OL. 00. | 0 59 | 1.19 0.70 161 GRERN MANURING COMPARED WITH FEEDING THE CROP. In spite of the many advantages of green manuring, there are con- ditions under which it can not be regarded as a rational and profitable practice. It involves the absolute waste of large quantities of the very best kind of fodder. For this reason green manuring on good soils can only be recommended when the conditions of farming do not admit of the careful preservation of manure. The crops should be fed to animals and the manure carefully saved and returned to the soil. It is in this manner only that the full value of the crop can be secured. By feeding the cropthis animal food is saved, and at the same time from threa quarters to nine tenths of the fertilismg materials (nitrogen, phos- phoric acid, an! potash) in the crop may be returned to the soil in the manure, if this is properly cared for. Animals need for their nutrition nitrogen, fat, and carbohydrates (starch, sugar, ete). The nitrogen in foods is in the form of protein (albuminoid materials). It is the same nitrogen which in green manuring enriches the soil. These leguminous crops are unusually rich in protein—far richer than most other coarse fodders. For instance, while hay from grasses contains from 6 to 8 per cent. of protein, red clover hay contains 12.5 per cent. alfalfa hay 14.3 per cent, and cowpea hay 16.6 per cent of protein. If grass hay and corn are fed, such concentrated feeding stuffs as cotton-seed meal, gluten meal, linseed meal, ete, must be fed to make up the supply of protein needed, If leguminous crops are fed, much less grain will be required. As nitrogen is the most expensive fertilising element, so protein (nitrogen) is also by far the most expensive food element. By feed- ing the leguminous crops instead of ploughing them under a two-fold result is secured—animals are nourished without buying expensive grain feeds, and the soil is enriched to very nearly the same extent as in green manuring. Beyond question the nitrogen of the air, which is obtained without cost through the agency of leguminous plants, is best utilised in im- proving the productiveness of the land and increasing the profits of the farm when it is used in the production of milk and meat and thereby in the production of cheap barnyard manure. What has been said of the nitrogen applies also to the carbohydrates and fats which the plant derives from the carbonic acid of the air. If the crop is fed, the carbohydrates and fat serve to nourish the animal anda portion in turn passes into the barnyard manure, and when applied to the soil has a favourable effect on the humus formation. This is the true economy of material. It is following out the law of nature. Its profitableness will depend upon the price of feeding stuffs in general. The higher the prevailing price of hay and other feeding stuffs the larger will be the profit from feeding the crop rather than using it for green manuring. Let us consider a few examples of the value of a crop for green manurs ing and for feeding on different kinds of soils. SERRADELLA ON MEDIUM SANDY SOILS, Take, for instance, the case of serradella on the better "class of sand soils. This plant does well on medium light sandy soils, It may be ‘sown among winter rye in spring. Under these conditions it produces an unusually luxuriant vegetation which may either be ploughed unde & 162 with good effect on the crop following, or it may be pastured. Serra- della is an excellent fodder plant and may be fed with none of the dan- ger atteuding the feeding of lupines. It miy be fed either green or as hay or silage. It is eagerly eaten by all kinds of farm animals, retains its palatability and food value up to the end of blooming, and has a very favourable effect on the secretion of milk. The claim is frequently made, in advocating growing serradella for green manuring, that it is an exceedingly cheap means of securing nitrogen ; that with a small expenditure for seed, and no extra labour except that of sowing the seed, a large amount of nitrogen is secured from the air. Admitting this, has not this nitrogen, in the form in which it exists, namely, as portein, a much higher value when used for feeding animals than when ploughed under? If it is a cheap source of nitrogen for manuring, is it not also a cheap source of portein for feeding, especially when three quarters of the nitrogen in the crop is recovered in the manure ? A German authority on feeding and farm management has calcu- lated the matter on a financial basis. Assuming an average crop of 17,600 pounds of green serredella, which is a moderate crop, he finds the nitrogen in the crop from an acre to be worth $11.06. This is taken as the value of the crop for green manuring, as the nitrogen is the only fertilising element not derived from the soil, and the barnyard manure furnishes nearly as much humus as green manuring The estimated profit from feeding the crop of 17,60 pounds of green serradella to milch cows, when the barnyard manure is returned toe the soil, is $28.12. In this caleulation every possible expense attend- ing the feeding is taken into account, including care of animals, interest on mney, cost of carting the barnyard manure to the land, etc., and allowance is made for the phosphoric acid and potash sold in the milk. The comparison stands then as follows :— Profit from feeding crop of serradella from 1 acre... ............ $23.12 Value of crop of serradella from 1 acre of green manuring...... 11.06 Difference ........... cclsieeotdseeencasesedsuessccstences Lo OO This calculation shows the crop of serradella to be more than twice as valuable for feeding as for green manuring. The above calculation assumed a daily milk yield of 74 quarts, sold at 24 cents per quart. On the basis of only 14 cents per quart of milk, the feeding value would be $13.52, or still $2.46 higher than the value for green manuring. GREEN MANURING ON MEDIUM RICH SOILS. Green manuring on medium rich svils has much less 10 recommend it than on sandy soils. Although the green manuring of light sandy soils with lupines is often of very great advantage in enriching the soik in humus, this advantage does not hold good in the case of better soil. There are other plan's better adapted than lupines to serve as fallow crops on these better soils. Serradella does well, but asa rule is not to be recommended for a principal crop, and when sown with rye, giv- ing a good yield, it is often so choked out as to amount to very littls. But where it can be grown with advantage as a first crop on better soils it must be fed to be utilised to the fullest extent, as pointed out above. 163 Peas and vetch are especially adapted for fallow crops, and can be recomm2nded for green manuring. But as they are also gool fodler plants, all that has been said above regarding this subject applies to them with equal force. An experiment of interest in this connection was made at the Agri- cultural Institute at Halle, Germiny, in 1891. About 3 acres of land was used which had been in winter wheat in 1890 and io winter rye in 1891. A mixture of 194 pounds of white field peas, 44 pounds of com- mon sand vetch, and 35 pounds of yellow lupine seed p2r acre was sown August 11. The crop was ploughed under October 28. A good growth had been made and the crop was fitted either for grem mainuring or for feeding. ‘The yield was at the rate of 8,650 pounds of green mite- rial per acre. This contained by analysis 0.575 per cent. of nitrogen, or 49.74 pounds of nitrogen per acre, which at 15 cents per pound gave a value for the crop for green mwuring of $7.46 an acre. In the spring of 1892 white pearl barley was sowa on the whole area and also on an adjoining piece not green manured. ‘Tae crops were harvested August 18, with the following results per acre: Yield of burley per acre with and without green manuring. | a SO | Grain. | Chaff. | Straw. | | | SS Bushels. Pounds. | Pounds. Plat green mwured with psas, vetch, and lupine ..,| 61.38 | 366 3,260 Plat not green manured | 61.48 385 | 2,908 | { An effect of the green manuring is only noticeable in the amount of straw, which is larger by about 359 pounds per acre where the mixture -of paas, vetch, aud lupine had been ploughed in. The barley crop from the green manured plat contained 68.56 pounds -of ni rogen per acre, and that from the plat not green manured 56.6 pounds ofnitrogen. This difference of 11.96 pounds of nitrogen is nearly -all accounted for by the nitrogen contained in the seed sown on the green-minured plat, so that it may be that on this medium rich soil green manuring was without any effect whatever on the crop immediatly following it. The pea and vetch plants produced root tubercles, and it is probable that had the plants been allowed to fully develop and ripen the effect of the tubercles would have been much more apparent in the amount of nitrogen inthe crop ploughed under. But thericher the soil is the larger the proportion of nitrogen which will be taken from the soil and the less from the air. This nitrogen-gathering appears to go on best in a soil deficient in available nitrogen, as already mon ioned. The author estimates the green forage as worth $3 per ton for feed- ing, which would make the crop worth $14 per acre, or $5.54 more per acre than the estimated value for green manuring. GREEN MANURING ON SANDY LOAM SOILS. Compared wit) the above green-manuring trial on medium rich goil, the result was quite different in a similar trial in 1891 on a sandy loam soil poor in humus, A piece of land which for many years had received 164 uniform cropping and manuring was divided into two plats of about one fourth acre each. Rye had been grown on both plats that season... On one plat white field peas were sown in the rye stubble August 15_ The otherplat was given the same preparatory treatment, but remained bare. Both plats were ploughed November 2. The pea vines had grown to a height of 15 to 18 inches, and a large weighed sample showed that the green crop was at the rate of 3} tons per acre, containing 374 pounds of nitrogen. March 238, 1892, barley was sown on both plats. The green-manured plat received no other manuring, but the other plat received sn amount of nitrate of soda furnishing 28 pounds of nitrogen per acre. The- barley was harvested August 9. The yield on the two plats was prae- tically the same. The agreement in percentage of nitrogen is equally striking. The total nitrogen per acre in the crop from the green- manured plat was 60.34 pounds, and from the nitrate of soda plat 60.12 pounds. ‘The green manuring, with 37.33 pounds of nitrogen per acre had given a result equally as good in every way as an application of 28. pounds of nitrogen per acre in the form of nitrate of soda. But even. with this favourable result there was no financial advantage from the green manuring as shown by this single crop. It furnished 37.33 pounds of nitrogen per acre, which at 15 cents per pound would be worth only $5.60, which would no more than pay for the pea seed used. ALFALFA AND CRIMSON CLOVER FOR FEEDING. Suppose that, instead of being ploughed under, the alfalfa grown at the New Jersey Experiment Station, as referred to (p. 156), had been fed te animals aud the manure carefully saved and returned to the soil. The total yield cf four cuttings during the season of 1889 wes about 23 tons of green alfalfa per acre. The value of this crop for fodder at $3 per ton would be $69 as compared with its value of $46.50 for green manur- ing, and it is fair to assume that some $35 worth of nitrogen would be returned to the soil in the manure. The crop of 13} tons of crimsen clover reported elsewhere (p. 158) would be worth about $40 for feeding as compared with $17.25 for green manuring. When made into hay crimson clover is an excellent feeding stuff and rivals bran in composi- tion. Instead of cutting the crop it may be pastured to advantage. COWPEA FOR FEEDING, A prominent agriculturist in the South says of the cowpea : For the production of a nitrogenous food in the shape of a forage crop the cowpea vines are almost without a rival. * * * Onan acre cf ordinary land this crop will probably pre duce more digestible foodthan either oats or corn. "The manure resulting from feeding this crop is of the highest value and should be carefully preserved and returned to the land. At the Rhode Island Experiment Station a crop of 17} tons of green cowpea forage was harvested. This contained 1574 pounds of nitrogen, which at 15 cents per pound would make the crop worth $23.63 per acre for green manuring. At $8 per ton the 17} tons would be worth $52.50- for feeding end there would be less than one third of the fertilising ingredients lost in feeding the crop. .. What has been said of the above crops applics with equal force to other crops commonly used for green manuring. The matter resolves 165 ‘itself into this, that on medium an1 better classes of soils green manur- ing is not as profitable as feeding the crop. When the crop is fed the stubble and roots are left to the soil,, and they together with the manure enrich the s vil in fertilising materials, and in humus to very nearly the same extent as ploughing the whole crop under. With the exception of perhaps one fourth of the fertilising materials, the soil shares all the advantages to be obtained from green manuring when the crop is fed and the manure preserved. More labour is involved in feeding but in return more milk and more beef are made, or the purchase of expen- sive grain is largely avoided. In a rational system of farming not a single pound of protein which ean be used as food for stock should be ploughed into the soil. Of course. there are conditions under which green manuring is to be recommended in preference to feeding the crop, and unfortunately sush conditions prevail at present over a considerable part of this country. Unless the manure is carefully collec ed and preserved the advantages from feed- ing disappear to a large extent. In some sections of the country, even where manures are at present necessary, little or no care is taken of the barnyard manure. A large proportion of the fertilising and humus- forming ingredients is lost, either through leaching, surfac2-washing, or fermentation and decay. The farmer who permits this waste, whether through igaorance or carelessness, is sure to feel the loss either in diminished crops or in increased bills for fertilisers. The barnyard manure should be as scrupulously cared for as any other farm product. It has been repeatedly shown in experiments in the Hast in growing stock for beef, mutton and pork, that a very large proportion of the profit was in the manure. If the value of the manure was left out of the account there was httle or no profit from the operation. If the manure was valued at current rates for fertilising materials a fiir profit was apparent. ADVANTAGES OF SOILING. The advantages of soiling, or feeding animals largely or wholly on green forage crops in the barn instead of pasturing them, are that less land is required to maintain a given number of animals, the food sup- ply can be better regulated, the animals do not waste their energy in* searching for food, and the manure can all be saved and applied to the soil. The arguments for partial soiling are that the amount of feed furnished by pastures is very irregular, being usually abundait and of good quality early in the season, but falling off later from droughts or early frosts In the case of milch cows unless some supplementary food is given at such times the milk flow diminishes and the cows fall off in flesh. j Concerning the relative amounts of food furaished by pasturing and by soiling, the Pennsylvania Experiment Station found in experiments in two years that “in round numbers we can produce from three to five times as much digestible food per acre by means of the soiling crops (rye and corn or clover and corn) as is produced by pasturage su :h as is represented by our small plat.” The plat in question was believed to fairly represent the average pasture. From feeding trials with the above soiling crops and pasture grass the average yield of milk per acre was calculated as follows :} . ee ee Soiling Pasturage Difference cers It will be understood that the above is partly an estimate, but it 166 Yield of milk per acre of land. points very strongly in favor of soiling. Trials at the station in Wisconsin showed that ‘by soiling in summer a certain area of lend will yield double the amount of milk and butter that it will when pastured.” The Connecticut Storrs Experiment Staticn maintained 4 cows from June 1 to November 1 on a little less than 24 acres of soiling crops — 1888. 1889. Pounds,| Pounds, a 3,416 5,671 50 928 1,504 “ 2,488 | 4,167 with the addition of a very light grain and straw feed. At the Ontario Agricultural College and Experimental Farm about three fourths of an acre of soiling crops (green clover, green peas, tares, oats, and corn fedder) was sufficient, with the addition of 252 pounds. of wheat bran, for 2 cows for sixty-three days. therefore, to grow on about 1 acre sufficient green food to feed a cow “We for two hundred days under ordinary conditions.” If soiling is to be practiced it is importent to have a succession of green fodders throughout the growing season, with each in its best stage of growth for feeding. ‘There should be no breaks in the succes- sion and each crop should be used as nearly as possible at the time when it contains the largest amount of valuable food constituents. From three years of experience and observation in the practice of soiling, the Connecticut Storrs Station suggests the following series of crops for soiling in Central Connecticut: Crops for sovting in Central Connecticut. Kind of fodder. OHIP MPO De Rye fodder) . Wheat Fodder . Clover . Grass (from grass lands) . Oats and peas (each) . Oats and peas (each) . Oats and peas (each) . Hungarian grass . Clover rowen (from 8) . Soja beans . Cowpeas . Rowen grass (from grass lands) . Barley and peas each _- bushels do. pounds bushels do. do. do. pushels do. bushele Amount of seed per acre. 23 to 3 20 "9 2 2 23 tod | 1}, Approximate| Approximate time time of feeding. of seeding. Sept.1 _...| May 10-20. Sept.5 10...) May 20-June & | July 20-80 | June 5-15. se June 15-25. Apr.10_...| June25-July1@- Apr. 20. ...| July 10-20. Apr. 30 ...| July 20-Aug.} June 1 .| Aug, 1-10. aoe Aug. 10-20. May 25_...| Aug. 29-Sep. B June 5-10.. | Sept. 5-20. =e Sept. 20-30. Aug. 5-10.. | Oct. 1-20. might expect, 167 The growing of a leguminous plant and a cereal together, as oats ‘and peas, to be fed as green forage, has proved quite popular where it has been tried. The experiment stations in nearly every State have tested the adaptability of various fodder plants, leguminous and non- leguminous, and can furnish information as to selection, where seed can be obtained, etc. By a judicious selection of soiling crops not only can a much larger number of cows be kept on a given area of land, but the land may be brought into a higher state of cultivation and fertility, and much grain may be spared. Soiling is a feature of a more intensive system of farming, and finds more extensive application as the value of the land increases. VALUE OF LEGUMINOUS CROPS FOR FEEDING, Why should the farmer go on raising meadow hay as his main sup- ply of coarse fodder and buying grain to supplement it, when by grow- ing leguminous crops the nitrogen required by animals can be produced at the lowest cost? The crops of red clover, crimson clover, Japan clover (Lespedeza), cowpea, alfalfa, soja bean, horse bean, serradella, and many others of this class far surpass common hay in the food materials they contain, both pound for pound and in yield per acre. They may be grown as catch crops and used for soiling or pasturage, or they may be grown for making hay or silage. By mixing the green crops with corn and ensiling the two together a palatable and nutritious food is pro- duced which is much richer in portein (nitrogen) than silage made from corn alone. The cultivation of these leguminous plants involyes somewhat more labour, as a rule, than raising grass hay, but it is believed that it will prove profitable for it enables the farmer to raise his own concentrated, feed at the same time that he raises his coarse fodder. For instance, a recent experiment has indicated that soja-bean meal is fully equal to cotton-seed meal for milk and butter production. This meal is one of the richest feeding stuffs we have. It exceeds linseed meal and gluten meal in portein (nitrogen) and far exceeds these and cotton-seed meal in fat. It is only surpassed in protein by cotton-seed meal and some of the oil cakes lit le used in this country. The beans can be trashed out and ground and the straw fed as coarse fodder. This straw is richer in food materials than a good medow hay. It contains 94 per cent. of protein while meadow hay averages about 74 percent. The cowpea may be treated in similar manner. The ground cowpeas are a richly nitrogenous feed, althouth not as rich as soja-bean meal; and the vines are nearly or quite equal to clover hay and far surpass grass hay in richness. The following table shows the average composition of bay from leguminous crops as compared with hay from grasses : 168 Average composition of hay from grasses and leguminous crops Hay fron— Water. | Protein.) Carbo- | Fat. hyd:ates. Per cent. \Per cent. Per cent. |Per cent. Red top x 8.9 Ke | 720) 1S Orchard grass cog} = Do || ie! 73.4 2.6 Timothy crd| aleee fey 74 0 2.5 Hungarian grass Sly per 75 76.7 2.1 Kentucky blue grass cos | 2.0 8.2 78.1 4.4 Red clover sop) 2Usi33 1223) \eGzes 316: Crimson clover Sa) i6iec4 14.0 55.6 4.1 apan clover PA LORS 13.8 | 63.1 3.7 Alsike clover x 9.7 12 8 66.3 2.9 White clover Y| 9.7. || “There a eart 2.9 Alfolfa ol Seo) es ene 2.2 Cowpea sop Os Gee 62.3 29 Serradella Oe i ean ee (ta Pe 2.6 Vetch seal) 04 | 1455) GiGme eee Soja bean 6.3 | 14.5 | 66.6 5.6 Average for grasses s=.| 10.94 | 7 52| 75.64 2.70 Average for leguminous plants | 10.2: |) 14.37 | 64.14 3.23 t | It may be said in general that 100 pounds of hay from leguminous crops contains about twice as much protein as 100 pounds of hay from grasses. The leguminous hay may be safely estimated as worth from one fourth to one third more for feeding than common hay. This is true in spite of the fact that it dves not usually command a higher price in the markets, owing to certain prejudices against its use. Assuming that the common grasses yield 2 tons of hay to the acre, and clovers, ete., 8 tons of hay, the amounts of food materials and fer- tilising materials in the crops are approximately as follows : Relative yield of food and fertilising materials in crops of huy from grasses and from legwninous crops. 7 ] | Food materials in crop per |Fertilising materials in crop acre. per acre. Assumed Hay from— yield | |per acre. Carbo- Nitro- | Phos- Protein. |hydrates| Fat. gen. phoric | Potash. acid. — —————S— ee, Tons. | Pounds.| Pounds. | Pounds.| Pounds,| Pounds. | Pounds. Red top 2 158 | 1,520 58) -23.0)| ive zaleues Timothy 2 118 1,480 50 | 25.2 10 6 18.0 Red clover 3 369 1,887 99} 62.1 11.4 66.0 Alfalfa ‘Se 3) \ one a0st 66| 65.7| 15.3| 60.4 Cowpea 3 498 1,869 87 | 58.5 15.6 44.1 Soja bean 3 435 1,998 ae | 69.6 al 32.4 The amount of hay produced on different farms varies so widely that it is difficult to strike an average, especially for the leguminous crops. It will be seen that on the above basis, which is believed to be a fair one, the leguminous crops furnish from two to four times as much pro- tein per acre as common grasses, together with much more fat and 169 rather more carbohydrates. They also contain nearly three times as much nitrogen and about twice as much potash. It should be remem- bered that under favourable conditions they may draw a large propor- tion of this nitrogen from the air, instead of depleting the soil, and that their long roots eneble them to feed upon the potash deep down in the seil beyond the reach of surface-feeding plants. Summary. (1) Green manuring improves the physical properties of the soil by making the soil more porous and adding to its supply of humus. It brings up the dormant plant food from deep down in the soil and deposits it near the surface, where it can be used by plants feeding near the surface. (2) Green manuring with buckwheat, Hungrian grass, and other non-leguminous plants adds practically nothing to the soil which was not there before, except a mass of vegetable matter which decays and goes to form humus. (3) Green manuring with clovers, peas, beans, lupines, etc. (legumi- nous crops), actually enriches the soil in nitrogen drawn from the air. These plants can grow with very little soil nitrogen. They store up the nitrogen of the air as they grow, and when plowed under give it up to the soil and to future crops. It is the cheapest means of manur- ing the soil with witrogen. (4) But animals, as well as plants, require nitrogen for food. By feeding the crops of clover, cowpea, ete., only about one fourth of the fertilizing materials of the crop is lost if the manure is properly cared for. As the nitrogen of the air is the cheapest source of nitrogen for plants, so itis the cheapest source of protein (nitrogen) for animals Lhe leguminous crop is best utilised when it is fed out on the farm and the manure saved and applied to the soil. The greatest profit is thus secured and nearly the same fertility is maintained as in green mauuring. ? (5) For renovating worn or barren soils, and for maintaining the fertility where the barnyard manure is not properly cared for, green manuring with such l-guminous crops as cowpea, clovers, and lupines is recommended. A dressing of potash and phosphates will usually be sufficient for the green manuring crop. (6) The practice of green manuring on medium and better classes of soils is irrational and wasteful. The farmer should mend his system so that the barnyard manure will be as well cared for as any other farm product. Loss from surface washing, leaching, fermentation, and decay should be guarded against. Then the feeding of richer food will mean richer manure and better and cheaper erops. (7) The system of soiling, or feeding green crops in the barn in place of pasturage, enables a larzer number of animals to be kept ona given area of land, and the manure to be more completely saved, For this purpose leguminous crops are extremely valuable. (8) Hay from leguminous crops is about twice as rich in protein as hay from grasses. In the one case this protein (nitrogen) is obtained very largely from the atmosphere; in the other it is all drawn from the fertility of the soil. Leguminous crops yield lager crops of hay to the acre than grasses. Hence the produc ion of food materials on an acre, especially protein, is several times larger with leguminous crops. 170 (9) If allowed to ripen, the seed of the cowpea and soja bean furnishes an extremely rich concentrated feed which can be ground and fed in place of expensive commercial feeds. The straw remaining may be fed as coarse fodder, for it is richer than ordinary hay. (10) Grow more leguminous crops. They furnish the cheapest food for stock and the cheapest manure for the soil. They do this because- they obtain from the air a substance necessary for plants and animals alike, which costs in the form of fertilisers and feeding stuffs from 15. to 25 cents a pound. BARNYARD MANURE. By W. H. Brat, of the Office of Experiment Stations, U. S. Department of Agriculture. Feprinted from Farmers Bulletin, No. 21. MANURE AS A FARM RESOURCE. The term “ barnyard manure” is used to mean the solid and liquid excrement of farm animals either alone or mixed with litter and more or less fermented A well-kept manure heap may be safely taken as one of the surest indications of thrift and succass in farming. Neglect of this resource causes losses, which, though vast in extent, are little appraciated. Waste of manure is either so common as to breed indifference or so silent and hidden as to escape notice. According to recent statistics there are in the United States, in round numbers, 16,000,000 horses, 5°%,000,000 cattle, 45,200,000 hogs, and 45,000,000 sheep. Experiments indicate that if these animals were kept in stalls or pens throughout the year and the manure carefully saved the approximate value of the fertilising constituents of the manure produced by each horse annually would be $27, by each head of cattle $19, by each hog $12, and by each sheep $2. The fertilising value of the manure produced by the different classes of farm animals of the United States would, therefore, be for horses, $432,000,000; cattle, $1,007,000,000 ; hogs, $542,400,000 ; and sheep, $90,000,000, ora total of $2,071,400,000. These estimates are based on the values usually assigaed to phos- phoric acid, potash, and nitrogen in commercial fertilisers, and are pos- sibly somewhat too high from a practical standpoint. On the other hand, it must be borne in mind that no account is taken of the value of manure for improving the mechanical condition and drainage of soils, which, as the subsequent pages will show, is fully as important a consideration as its direct fertilising value. Discussing this subject from a more practical standpoint, Prof. Roberts has suggested $250 as a conservative estimate of the value of the manure produced during seven winter months on a small farm carrying 4 horses, 20 cows, 50 sheep, and 10 pigs. If we assume that one third of the value of manure is annually lost by present methods of management, and this estimate is undoubtedly a conservative one, the total loss from this source in the United States, as indicated by the first figures, would be about $690,466,000; or, using Robert’s figures, the annual loss for each farm would amount to 883 33. 171 It should be clearly ui derstood that when the farmer sells meat, milk, grain, hay, fruits, vegetables, ete., frcm his faim, or neglects to save and use the manure produced, he removes from his soil a certain amount of potash, phosphoric acid, and nitrogen that must be restored sooner or later if productiveness is to be maintained. The following table compiled by Armsby shows the amount and. value of fertilising constituents carried away frcm the soil in different products : Manurial value of farm products. Pounds per ton. Value: per ton. Manu- | ] | rial value: Nitro- |Phospho-; Po- | Nitro-/Phospho-) Po- of $10 gen. j|ricacid.| tash. | gen. | ric acid | tash. | Total.| worth. Meadow Hay .| 20.42 8.2 | 26.4 |$3.47| $0 57 |$1.06 $5.10 | $5.10 Clover Hay .| 40.16 11.2 | 36 6 | 6.83 0.78 | 1.46 | 9.07 9.07 Potatces | 26, Oi Gore || Wiech) wlyats) 0.22 | 0.46'| 1.87 0 12 Wheat Bran .| 49.15 54.6 | 28.6 | 8.35 | .3.82 | 1.14 |13.31 8.32 Linseed meal .| 105.12 32.2 | 24.8 |17.87 2.25 | 0.99 [21.11 7.54 potion seed 135.65 | 56.2.| 29.2 |23.06 3 93 | 1.17 |28 16} 10.05 mea | Wheat .| 387.53 15 8 | 10.6 | 6.38 A Ona Zale Ou 2.63 Oats | 36.42 | 12.4; 8.8/6.21 | 0.87 | 0 35 | 7.43 3.86 Corn 3\' 33.06.|° 10.8.) 7-41/96062) 0.83 | 0.30 | 6.75 3.78 Barley aly pO.0D) |) 154719 9)0) G4: 1.08 | 0.86 | 8.18 3.03 Milk .| 10.20 | 3.4/ 30/1.73 0.24 | 0.12 | 2.09 0.88 Cheese -| 9060] 28.0) 5.0 15:40 | 1.61 | 0.20 |17.21 0.69 Live Cattle .| 53.20 37.2 | 3.4 | 9.04; 2.60 | 0.14 11.78 1.18 | | We learn from the above table [says Armsby] thet the farmer who sells a ton of hay, for example, cells in his ton of hay fertilising ingredients which, if purchased in the form of commercial fertilisers, would cost himabout $5.10; that if he sells 2,C00 ponds of wheat he sells an amount of nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash which it would cost him $7.91 to replace in his soil in the form of commercial fer- tilisers. Or, looking at it from a somewhat different standpoint, a farmer who sells, for example, $10 worth of wheat sells with it about $2 63 worth of the fertility of his soil. In other words, when he receives his $10 thisamount does not represent the net receipts of the transaction, for he has parted with $2 63 worth of his capital, that is, of the stored up fertility of his soil, and if he does not take this into account he makes the same mistake a merchant would, should he estimate his profits by the amount of cash which he received and neglect tg take account of stock. If the farmer, instead of selling off his crops, feed them to live stock on the farm as far as possible, a large proportion of this fertility, as has been shown above, is retained on the farm; and “if the business of stock feeding is carried to the point where feed is purchased in addi- tion to that grown onthe farm, a considerable addition may in this way be made to the fertility of the farm at an almost nominal cost, since it is assumed that feed will not be bought unless its feeding value will at least pay its cost.” This commenduble system of indirect purchase of fertilisers in feeding stuffs is practised largely in England and other European countries, and accounts for no small share of the profits of stock-raising in those countries. But it is evident that these advantages will not be secured unless the manure produced is carefully saved and used. 172 The growing of more leguminous plants, such as beans, peas, clover, lupines, etc., as a means of increasing the fertility of the soil, is strongly recommended both from theoretical and practical considerations, but as has been said: The legumnous crop is best utilised when it is fed ont on the firm and the manure saved and applied to the soil. Tle greatest profit is thus secured and nearly the same fertility is maintained asin green manuring. * * * The far- mer should mend his system so that the barnyard manure will be as well cared for as any other farm product. Loss from surface washing, leaching, fermentation, and decay should be guarded against. Then the feeding of richer food will mean richer manure and better and cheaper crops. It is hard to persuade the farmer to abandon time-honoured practices and adopt methods with which he is unfamiliar. He also hesitates -about incurring the necessary expense of building suitable receptacles for the storage of manure, frequently assuming thai this is greater than it really is. As Roberts states “the new idea that the manure should -be as carefully preserved from unnecessary waste as any other product of the farm is hard to put in practice, after having stored for forty years the farmyard manure under the eaves upon the steep hillside which forms one border of the running brook.” It is to be feared that the introduction of commercial fertilisers has not been without effect in increasing the apparent indifference with which this valuable farm resource is so often regarded. Too many farmers lose sight of the fact that, as a rule, commercial fertilisers should supplement and not entirely replace the manurial supplies of the farm. AMOUNT, VALUE, AND COMPOSITION OF MANURE PRODUCED BY DIF- FERENT ANIMALS. It is of great importance to the farmer to know the amount and value of manure which will be produced in a given time by animals of differ- ent kinds, and various methods of calculating these approximately have been proposed. Some authorities base their calculations upon the amount of straw used as litter, assuming that for 1 ton of straw used as bedding, 4 tons of manure will be produced. Armsby shows, from carefully conducted experiments with horses, that where straw is used as economically as possible, each horse will require 2,500 pounds of straw per year for bedding purposes. Using this as a basis, he caleu- lates “that a ton of wheat straw, economically handled, may result in 6 tons of fresh manure,” but under ordinary circumstances it will prob- ably not result in more than 5 tons. ‘In stables where but one or two horses are kept or where the manure is infrequently hauled away, the product might not greatly exceed 24 tuns when the time came to re- ~‘move it.” Probably the most accurate method which has been used is that adopted by Heiden and others, which bases all calculations upon the amount of food consumed and litter used The dried excrement of horses, cows and other neat cattle, and sheep is nearly one half of the dry food consumed. One hundred pounds of dry matter io food consumed by horses yields 210 pounds of manure, containing on an average 77.5 per cent of moisture. To this should be added the wegiht of bedding (amounting to about 6} pounds per day) in order to get the total product of manure. Making allowances for dung and urine dropped outside of the stable, Heiden calculates that -a well-fed working horse will produce 50 pounds of manure per day, 173 or 64 tons per year, which can be saved. Boussingault’s and Hofmeis- ter’s figures indicate this amount to be 5} to 5} tons, while Armsby’s. put it at about 64 tons. Cows and other neat cattle produce manure containing on an average 87 5 per cent of water. One hundred pounds of dry matter consumed in food yields 384 pounds of manure, to which must be added the amount of litter used, which, according to Heiden, should be about one-third of the dry matter fed. Calculating on this basis, a steer weighing 1,000 pounds and consuming 27 pounds of dry matter per day would produce about 20 tons of manure per year. Sheep excrete 494 per cent of the dry matter of their food. The manure contains on an average 73 per cent of water. One hundred pounds of dry matter in the food would therefore.produce 183 pounds of manure. | > ne Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. Dead leaves iets ey 16 6 6 Straw ah aA 8 to 12 4to 6 12 to 32 Peat moss eA ae 16 Trace. Trace. Sawdust “06 ae 4to 14 6 14 Spent tan 00 «| LO0to 20 Nee sos Peat vee ar 20 to 40 is eae The use of litter therefore tends to dilute manure rather than improve its chemical composition, but it absorbs and hold the valuable liquid parts and reduces the loss of ammonia. MANAGEMENT OF MANURE. We have seen that barnyard manure is a material which rapidly undergoes change. Where it is practical to haul the manure from the stalls and pen and spread it on the field at frequent intervals the losses of valuable constituents need not be very great, but when (as in winter) the manure must be stored for some time the difficulties of preservation become greatly increased. Under these conditions, deterioration of manure results from two chief causes, (1) Fermentation, whereby a certain amount of the nitro- gen is lost, and (2) weathering or leaching, which involves a loss of the soluble fertilising constituents, including potash and phosphoric acid as well as nitrogen. Fermentation of Manure. The fermentation of manure is due to the action of minute micro- scopic organisms which belong to two great classes, (1) those which require an abundant supply of air (oxygen) and which die when de- prived of oxygen—known as aérobic ferments ; (2) those which grow without oxygen and die when exposed to it—known as anaérobic fer- ments. The decomposition observed in the manure heap is due as arule to the combined action of these two classes of ferments. On the outer surface of the heap, where the air circulates freely, the first class (aérobic) is active, while in the interior of the heap, where the supply of air is limited, the fermentation is due to the anaérobic ferments. The latter soon run their course and cease to exist. ‘Their functions seems to be principally to break up the more complex substances of the manure and prepare them for the further action of the aérobic ferments which finally convert them into simpler compounds such as water, carbonic-acid gas, and marsh gas. A + Where the manure is compacted (as in deep stalls for instance) the carbonic acid gas formed by fermentation soon permeates the mass so completely as to entirely exclude the air, thus arresting fermentation. In loose heaps into which air is freely admitted fermentation of the aérobic form may go on indefinitely. 180 The fermentations of manure are very complex and vary according to circumstances. The principal conditions affecting these processes are (1) temperature, (2) supply of air as determined by compactness of heap, (3) moisture, (4) the composition of the manure, and (5) the nature of preservatives added. The higher the temperature the more rapidly will manure decay. In aérobic fermentation of manure the temperature may rise to 122° to 140° or even 158° F. On the other hand, in the interior of the heap, where anaérobic fermentation is in progress, the temperature rarely rises above 95° F. Experiments have indicated that 131° F. is the most favourable temperature for manure fermentations. As already explained, the supply of air determines whether the slow-acting anaérobic ferment or the more vigorous aérobic ferment predominates. The careful regulation of the two kinds of fermentation is necessary to the successful rotting fof manure. If the heap is too loosely built the decomposition is too rapid. The materials useful for the formation of humus in the soil are destroyed, and the nitrogen, especially that of the urine, escapes into the air, largely in the form of ammonia. On the other hand, if the manure is too firmly packed the decomposition may be too slow and the manure will not become sufficiently disintegrated to produce the best effect in the soil. A powerful means of controlling fermentation is the supply of mois- ture. ‘The addition of water lowers the temperature and thus retards fermentation. By filling up the pores of the mass and excluding the air it checks aérobic fermentation when this becomes too active. French authorities maintain that the principal precautions necessary to prevent losses of ammonia consist simply in regularly and properly watering the manure with the leachings. In case of drought, if the leachings are insufficient, the lack should be made up with water. The need of keeping manure moist is especially marked in case of horse manure, which is naturally dry and decomposes with great rapidity. The same is true in a less degree of sheep manure. The common and harmful “ fire-fanging” is the result of an insufficient supply of water and may be readily checked by sprinkling. The sprinkling, however, should be regularly done and the heap kept in a constant state of moisture, otherwise the alternate wetting and drying will result in a lossof ammonia. Preservation of manure in this manner is generally practised in Europe and the product obtained is highly esteemed as a fertiliser. It is, “ very dark coloured, or even black, and acquires a highly offensive odour, while the straw in it loses its consist- ency and become soft and incoherent.” This black substance is held by certain French agriculturists to possess special value asa plant food. A method employed in the preparation of this well-rotted manure in France is as follows: The manure is placed on slightly inclined plats of packed earth or cement, so arranged that the leach- ings drain out into a pit from which they are pumped up and distributed over the manure heap. It is usual to provide two manure plats so arranged that when one is full (when the manure is § to 10 feet high) it may be allowed to ferment undisturbed while the other is used. The yoanure is carried from the stables te the top of the manure heap in wheelbarrows over an inclined plane of boards. Care is also taken to emooth down the sides of the heap to prevent the too free access of air 181 and the loss of leachings, The system here described is illustrated in fig. 1. eee ; 2 x Tl Pe Vala ™ NN _ ak CTL ERAN NN. 4 hy, Mill! att NN Ni wa LUT \\ \ te WM aul SAAN HANS i WY "% | (A | Y Wh Ki a Wh i it tid ws BEN a £i/ if j NSA Yh bd yf! fila a Me Woe uN a CR TTITIIS de A Opi mE SS SC a CS = : Ny Y SSSSSSSSSSSSSS Y ULSITI EU, Fia t. The French method of keeping manure. It has been questioned whether the construction of expensive cisterns for collecting the manure leachings repays the cost, but it is obviously desirable from what has been said regarding the value of the liquid manure and the desirability of promoting regular and uniform fermen- tation of the manure, that the leachings should be saved and added to the manure heap by some means. Stored separately, the liquid part rapidly deteriorates and the solid part, from lack of moisture, is lable to undergo “ fire-fanging,” or harmful fermentation. The nature and extent of fermentation in manure also depends to some extent on the composition of the manure, more particularly upon the amount of nitrogen in a soluble form which it contains. The greater the amount of soluble nitrogen the more rapid the fermentation. Urine, as we have already seen, is rich in soluble nitrogenous compounds, and this explains why it decomposes so rapidly. By fermentation manure decreases rapidly in bulk. The substance of which it is composed are converted largely into water and gases, principally carbonic acid gas, and where fermentation is not properly controlled, nitrogen may escape either in the free gaseous state or as ammonia. ‘I'he coarse materials of the manure are gradually decom- posed and are dissolved to a considerable extent in the black liquid which oozes out of the manure heap. The mineral matter (the phos- phates, potash, etc.) is also rendered more soluble. When properly controlled, therefere, fermentation is a valuable means of increasing the availability of the fertilising constituents of manure, although it decreases the bulk; but when not properly controlled it seriously reduces the value of the manure. Leaching of Manure. Leaching is the second cause of deterioration of manure. When manure is exposed to the action of the elements and the leachings allowed to drain away it rapidly decreases in value. Both the organic and the mineral constituents originally present or which have been made soluble by fermentation are carried off and lost. Experiments at the New York Cornell Experiment Station indicated “that horse manure thrown in a loose pile and subjected to the action of the ele- 182 mexts will lose nearly one half of its valuable fertilising constituents im the course of six months; and that mixed horse and cow manure in @ compact mass and so placed that all water falling upon it quickly runs through and off is subjected to a considerable, though not so great, a loss.” The Kansas Station concludes from similar observations “ that farm- yard manure must be hauled to the field in spring, otherwise the loss of manure is sure to be very great, the waste in six months amounting to fully one half of the gross manure and nearly 40 per cent of the nitrogen that it contained.” The following experiments made by Dr. Voelcker in England show very strikingly the loss in weight and of nitrogen in manure stored under different conditions. Mixed manure containing 66.2 per cent of moisture was divided into three 1,000 pound lots. Lot 1 was placed in a heap in the open air, lot 2 in a heap under a shed, and lot 3 was exposed in the open air in a thin layer. The weights of the manure ard the amounts of nitrogen it contained at the end of different periods were as follows: Losses of Manure under different methods of Storing. | | In heaps under a | Exposed to air in| Exposedto the air shed. | heaps. in thin layers. Weight. | Nitro- | Weight.| Nitro- | Weight.| Nitro- gen. gen. | gen. ———_ —_ Pee ar ae y at teenage Pounds. | Pounds.| Pounds. | Pounds. | Pounds. |Pounds. Manure at the beginning} 1,000/ 6.43 1,000 6.43 | 1,000 6.43 of experiment Manureafter6 months . 49h 5.91 | 714 6.39 865 4.66 Manure after 9months . 398 5.02 703 4.19 612 2.47 Manureafter12 months . BYE ER Ded 700 4.55 575 2.27 Moisture at end of 12 41.6 74.3 65.6 months (per cent.) ‘The manure stored in a heap under cover lost 14 per cent of its nt- trogen in twelve months ; exposed in a heap, 20 per cent ; and exposed in thin layers, 64 per cent. Field experiments by Kinnaird with manure kept in an open court. and under cover resulted in an increase of about 4 tons of potatoes and 10 bushels of wheat per acre in favour of the covered manure. The comparative value of leached and unleached manure has been carefully tested at the Ohio Station on corn and wheat and mixtures of clover and timothy. The experiments show a wide difference in value between the leached and unleached manure and indicate that the margin of profit from open-yard manure is extremely small. Preservation of Manure. Having now briefly discussed the nature and extent of the changes which manure is likely to undergo when stored in heaps, let us enquire into the best means of preventing loss of fertilising value during these changes. It is a well-known fact that certain of the organisms which cause decomposition of manure are voided with the dung and commence 183 their activity at once. In case of horses and sheep these organisms. cause a considerable loss of ammonia in a comparatively short time. It is necessary therefore to adopt prompt measures in order to reduce loss from this source toa minimum. The means which are available for this purpose are the use of absorbents and preservatives, such as straw, peat, sawdust, dirt, gypsum (land plaster), kainit, etc. The litter takes up the liquid manure, thus preserving it to some extent from decompo- sition and also absorbs to a considerable extent the ammonia produced by fermentation and prevents its escape into the air. The relative absorptive power of various materials commonly used as absorbents in stables is shown in the following table : Absorptive power of different kinds of litter. Ammonia ab- Water retained | sorbed by 100 by 100 lbs. of lbs of dry — materials after | matter in dif- 24 hours. ferent ma- terials, Pounds Pounds. Wheat straw sap 220 0.170 Partially decomposed oak leaves ., 308 162 — Peat See sca 600 1.103 Sawdust ; 58 S| 435 0.046 Spent tan .| 450 — Air- dried humus soil 50 0.660 Peat moss wee ; 1,300 0.863 It thus appears from the table that peat and peat moss are the best absorbents. It has already been shown (p. 178) that they also furnish the largest amounts of fertilising constituents. Peaty soil is also an effective absorbent, and the use of a mixture of peaty earth with straw as litter as been strongly recommended. An addition of from 35 to 40 pounds of loam per head daily has been found advantageous, and where straw is scarce it has been replaced to the extent of one fourth or one third by earth. The amount of litter required for any given animal depends largely upon the character of the food. Watery foods and those containing a large amount of nitrogen increase the secretion of urine and so increase the amount of litter necessary to absorb the liquid and keep the animal cle:n. A safe general rule is that the litter should amount to at least one third of the dry watter of the food consumed. The following amounts per day for different animals are recommended: Sheep, three fifths pounds of litter; cattle 9 pounds ; and horses, 64 pounds. It is not advisable as a rule to use an excess of litter beyond that required to keep the animal clean and absorb the liquid excrement, since the materials available for bedding are as a rule poor in fertilising constituents, and so extend and dilute the manure unnecessarily. A small amount of gypsum (land plaster) sprinkled on the moist dung or urine is a popular and effective means of fixing the ammonia. It should be remembered, however, that unless the gypsum becomes moist it will have little effect. Kainit used in the same way tends to arrest fermentation, but it must be used with caution or it may injure the feet of the animals standing on it. Both kainit and acid phosphate sprinkled on the manure before it is thrown into the heap are val- 184 uable as preservatives, and besides increase the value of the manure, increasing the proportion of those constituents (potash and especially phosphoric acid) in which it is somewhat deficient. German invyesti- gators who have given a great deal of attention to the subject of pre- servatives for manure unanimously recommended the use of superphos- phate-gypsum, a by-product of the manufacture of superphosphates ; but as this product is not found in the American market its place may be taken by the ordinary acid phosphate or superphosphate of the trade used in connection with a small amount of gypsum. A German authority recommends the use of approximately the fol- lowing amounts of the different preservatives per day : Amounts of different preservatives to be used per head daily. Per horse Per pig, | Per sheep, 1,000 | Per cow, 220 110 -—— pounds 880 pounds) pounds pounds weight. | weight. weight. weight. — Lbs. Oz. | Lbs. Oz. | Ounces. Ounces. Superphosphate Sale alee de? 3 23 Gypsum Are 1 9s AZ 43 on Kainit was ie Die eb 4 2 If both superphosphate and gypsum are used, the above proportions of these materials should be reduced from one third to one half. Kainit should be applied to the fresh manure and covered with litter so that it does not come in contact with the feet of the animals. Whether it will be good economy to use these materials for this purpose will depend upon their market price in the locality in which it is proposed to employ them. In cases where different kinds of animals are kept, one of the most effective means of securing moderate and uniform fermentation of the manure heap is to see that the moist “cold” cow and pig manure is intimately mixed with the dry “hot” horse and sheepdung. The former makes the heap more moist and checks the too rapid fermentation and “fire fanging” of the latter. It will be understood from what has been said that in order to reduce the loss to a minimum, manure heaps should be made compact and kept moist. Under cover the last result is secured by collecting the liquid manure and at frequent intervals sprinkling it over the heap, or when the supply of this is deficient, by sprinkling with water. Where the manure heap is exposed to the rain in pits from which there is no drain- age it probably does not require so much attention, but still care must be taken to prevent loss by alternate leaching when heavy rainfalls occur, and drying out in time of drought. Regarding the management of manure, Prof. Frear, of the Pennsyl- vania Experiment Station, says : To secure such kind and degree of rotting as shal! make the manure easily handled and put it into the condition best suited to the crops it is to fertilise, both extremes of moistness and cold, and of exposure and heat, are to be avoided. It is a much-discussed question whether this mean condition is best obtained in practice by the preservation of the manure in dished yards, subject to more or less exposure to wind and sun, to full exposure to rain, but to more loosely leaching, 185 _or under covered sheds where it is protected from sun and rain, and largely from wind. In both cases it is supposed to be compacted fully as the heaps are forming. Storer expresses a doubt whether sheds built to shelter manure have ever paid their cost. On the other hand, Prof. Roberts of the New York Cornell Station, recommends the construction of sheds or covered yards for the protection of the manure. The use of completely covered barn- yards for protecting manure has in recent years met with much favour in certain parts of the country. The manure from the horse and cattle stables and the sheep and calf pens is spread out evenly over these yards, covered with coarse litter, and the whole kept firmly packed by allow- ing animals to run over it, thus preventing injurious fermentation. The construction of a cheap and durable covered yard, illustrated in fig. 2 is thus described by Roberts: , TITLICLTLIET } TT Trt Ley | H ( ie ol mat iil fic. 2. Plans for a cheap covered barnyard. Long posts or poles, 8 inches in diameter at the butt, are set in the ground 2 feet deep and 6 feet apart. Upon these are spiked 2 by 4 scantling, about 4 feet apart for nailing girts, and a plate 2 by 6 is nailed on top of the posts which have been previously sawed off to a line after the girts have been spiked tothem. Round poles flattened at the ends, or 2 by 6 joists doubled, spiked to the heads of the posts, will tie the building together. Ten feet will be quite high enough for the story ; and one story will sufficeif no straw is to be stored above except that which is placed there to exclude the cold. A few poles or old rails laid on these cross-ties which bind the building together will suffice to sustain the weight of the straw, while the straw will exclude the cold, and absorb the moisture far better than an expensive matched ceiling. On the inside of the posts which have been set in the ground flattened poles, rails or slabs, or cheap boards may be nailed horizontally, and the space between the outside vertical boarding and the inside horizontal boarding may be filled with straw. This kind of a wall is far drier and more comfortable for the animals than one made of costly stone or brick. If it is desired to have a place to store straw, the building should be higher, the joists stronger and more numerous than in the one-story building, and they will all have to be supported by a timber, supported by posts placed under their centres. The roofs should be steep, and can be made of any materials which will shed water. When the posts which have been set in the ground have rotted off, or are much decayed, they may be sawed off even with the ground and supported by placing underneath each one of thema large flat stone. Whenever the building is treated in that way it will be necessary to brace it thoroughly. It might be well ina windy country to brace so wide a building at the start. Such a building will be inexpensive and reasonably durable. It will serve as a place for depositing manure when needed ; it will shelter the animals while they are being watered and the stables are being cleaned and aired, and give facilities for preventing loss of valuable fertilising material either by leaching or firing. 186 _ A more elaborate and expensive style of covered yard, suggested by the American Agriculturist, is shown in fig. 3, which is worth consider- ing when the construetion of a barn is contemplated. | aM Fis 5. A convenient covered barnyard. This provides not only for the required protection of both animals and manure~ but affords also an excellent grain chamber where grain can be stored for conye- nient use. Under the side roof is also afforded a chanee for the storing of small tools and_a great variety of articles that are continually in the way when stored about the farm buildings. It also provides splendid protection to animals when housed at night during the summer, this roof protecting them from heavy showers in the night and affording an excellent opportunity for exercise in the winter, as all the sides, except that toward the south, can be protected against cold winds by being temporarily boarded up. Fig. £. A cheap shelter for manure. Many stables are so situated that by adding a cheap lean to, as shown in fig. 4, “a receptacle for caring for the manure is easily provided. The outside boarding of the lean to should be, for a part of the way at least, put on horizontally and hung in the form of flat doors, so that the mace can be easily loaded on a waggon standing on the outside of the uilding.” The unsatisfactory results attending the use of manure sheds and covered yards haye probably been due to the fact that these structures 187 have generally been loosely constructed, allowing the free circulation of air which has dried out the manure. We have already seen the losses eaused by dry fermentation. On this account barn cellars, so common in New England, possess decided advantages as receptacles for manure. The common practice of allowing swine to “work over” the manure in these cellars is a wise one, since it mixes the manure and keeps it well packed and moist. In fact, if these cellars are provided with impervi ous bottoms to hold the liquid manure, this system of storing manure is probably the mest perfect practised. In the method practised in France, the manure heap is under cover and well compacted. Loam, peaty earth, or similar materials are added to moderate fermentation. The impervious floors on which the heap is placed, as explained on page 180, are so arranged that the leachings may be collected and returned to the heap, thus keeping it moderately moist. To prevent mixing fresh manure with old, two floors are pro- vided, so that the manure on one may ferment undisturbed while the other is used. The method in which the manure is carried regularly from the stable and placed in shallow pits with impervious bottoms, where it is closely packed by allowing animals to run over it, is practised to a consider- able extent both in this country and in Europe, and, as recent experi- ments at the Pennsylvania Station indicate, it is probably as safe a method as stoiing in an open shed where no special precautions are taken to keep the manure moist throughout. The objections to it are that the manure is subjected to extremes of drought and moisture and must suffer injury in consequence unless special precautions are taken to guard against these extremes. A third method, which originated in Europe and is practiced to some extent in this country, is that in which the soil in the stable is removed to a level below that of the outside and the bottoms tamped or cemented. The manure is allowed to accumulate under the animals until it is hauled to the fields, bedding being used in abundanee. The feeding troughs are made adjustable so that they can be raised or lowered as required. The manure becomes highly compacted and is kept in a favourable condition of moisture, so that fermentation pro- ceeds slowly and uniformly. At the same time the manure is com- pletely protected from the action of the weather. As would naturally be expected under the circumstances, the manure obtained is stronger than that allowed to ferment in heaps in the ordinary way. This method is highly regarded where it is practised and it is claimed that the health of the animals does not suffer. It is hard to understand, however [says Storer], how the hoofs of the animals can always escape the diseases that are apt to be caused by certain minute organisms which appear to harbour in fermenting dung, and no man can tell without trial how weil the system would answer for dairy farms in this eountry, i. e., in the warmer parts of it. Doubtless it would serve well enough, however, in the case of fatten- ing cattle. Whatever the system adopted, the following general rules should be observed in the storage of manure: (1) Spread the manure out uni- formly; (2) guard as much as possible against the access of air; (38) keep the manure always moist, but not too wet; (4) protect the heap from sunshine. 188 USE OF MANURE. It is the prevailing opinion of chemists as well as practical men that where it is practicable it is best to apply manure and urine to the soil in the freshest possible condition. The fertilising constituents of well- rotted manure, as already explained, are more quickly available to plants; the manure itself is less bulky, easier to distribute, and affords a} good breeding place for organisms which promote nitrification* in the soil; and is less likely to promote rank growth than fresh manure. On the other hand, fresh manure mixed with the soil readily under- goes a fermentation which not only increases the availability of its own fertilising constituents, but also assists in rendering soluble the hitherto insoluble fertilising constituents of the soil. In fact, even with special precautions to prevent injurious fermentation under the feet of the animals and in the heap, the greatest return is likely to be gotten from manure applied in the fresh condition. The form in which manure should be applied (whether fresh or rotted) is determined largely by the soil on which it is to be used. If improvement of the mechanical condition is the main object sought, the best results will be obtained by applying the fresh manure to the heavy clay soils, and the well-rotted manure to the light soils. If, how- ever, the prompt action of the fertilising constituents of the manure is desired, light soils, in a favourable season, are likely to utilise coarse manure to better advantage than heavy soils. Decomposition takes place slowly in heavy soils and the constituents of the fresh manure become available very slowly. In light soils, on the other hand, unless the season is dry, the conditions are such that the manure decomposes readily, and the fertilising constituents are probably rendered available as fast as the plant needs them. There is also considerable danger on this class of soils that some of the soluble constituents will be carried away in the drainage if well-rotted manure is applied. For this reason such manure should be applied to light soils shortly before it is likely to be needed by the crop. Small applications at frequent intervals is a safe rule to follow on these soils. In general, it may be said that for spring application the more readily available rotted manure is prefer- able to the fresh unrotted material. On clay soils it often happens that manure produces no effect what- ever during the first year on account of slowness of decomposition, but since the clay possesses very powerful absorptive properties the manure is not lost. The fertilising constituents are retained in the soil and are finally utilised by the crop. There is therefore no danger in applying to clay soils large quantities of manure a long while in advance of the planting of the crop. During dry seasons the manure may produce little effect, but with a sufficient amount of moisture its action is likely to be considerable. The application to such soils of large quantities of manure improves their physical condition, and by the addition of humus renders more porous those which are too compact. The behavior of calcareous soils toward manure is very variable, depending upon the compactness of the soil. In those which are suffi- * Nitrification is the process by which the highly available nitrates are formed from the less active nitrogen of organic matter, ammonia salts, etc. It is due to the action of minute microscopic organisms which develop only in the presence of air, moisture, and a basic substance such as lime or an alkaline carbonate. 189 ciently porous decomposition goes on with great rapidity, and the sol- uble fertilising constituents formed are partially carried away in the drainage water before they can be taken up by the plants. For this reason, as in case of light soils, the manure should be applied in small amounts and at frequent intervals. The climate also may have an important bearing on this subject. In a warm, damp climate it isa matter of comparative indifference whether the manure is fresh or well rotted when it is applied, since under this conditions decomposition in the soil will be sufficiently rapid. Ina dry, hot season, however, it is well known that excessive applications of undecomposed manure manifest a tendency to “burn out” the soil and this tendency, as has just been stated, is more marked in light soils than in heavy. In cold climates, where the season is short and the conditions for rapid fermentation in the soil unfavourable, the use of fermented manure is preferable. Fresh manure has a forcing effect and tends to produce stems and leaves at the expense of fruit and grain. It is therefore better for grasses and forage plants than for cereals. Direct application of manure, as is well known, seriously injures the quality of tobacco, sugar beets, and potatoes, although mangel-wurzels appear to profit by large applications. For these reasons it is advis- able in the case of cereals, tobacco, potatoes, and sugar beets to apply the manure to the previous crop, or, where land is to be planted in the spring, to apply in the fall and allow to decompose during the winter. Sir J. B. Lawes has pointed out, however, that wheat on light soil is benefited by direct applications of manure, and that it is only on heavy soils that it is best to apply it to the preceding crop. “‘Manifestly,” as Storer remarks, “the rankness of fresh dung and urine could be controlled and utilised by applying the manure in small quantities and supplementing it with artificial fertilisers of kinds appro- priate to the crops that are to be grown.” What has been said above regarding the application of fresh manure applies especially to manure containing only small amounts of coarse undecomposed litter. It is not generally advisable to apply very coarse manure before the litter has become at least partially decom- osed., : It appears, therefore, that no fixed rules regarding the condition in which manure should be used which will apply to all cases can be laid down. It is a matter which naturally must be left largely to the indi- vidual judgment of the farmer, based upon a careful study of the char- acter of the soil and climate and the requirements of the crop to be grown. Methods of applying Manure. In applying manure to the field three methods are pursued: (1) The manure is placed in larger or smaller heaps over the field and allowed to remain some time before being spread; (2) it is broadcasted and allowed to lie on the surface for some time, or ploughed in immediately, and (3) it is applied in the hill or drill with the seed. The first method is objectionable because it increases labour of hand- Ying and chances of loss by fermentation and leaching, while uniform distribution of the manure is not likely te be secured. The spots om which the heaps stand are strongly manured with thel leachings of the 190 manure, while the rest of the field receives the coarse parts of the manure largely deprived of its valuable constituents. Another disad- vantage of this method is that proper fermentation is interfered with by the leaching out of the nitrogenous matter and the drying action of the wind. The practice of storing manure in large heaps in the field is subject to some extent to the same objections. If, however, the hea is not allowed to le too long and is carefully covered with earth the loss may be greatly reduced. Spreading the manure and allowing it to lie on the surface should be practised only on level fields where there is no danger from surface washing. It has been claimed that when manure is spread broadcast and allowed to le on the surface there may be a serious loss of ammo- nia into the air, but experiments have shown that, in case of properly prepared manure, loss from this case must be very small. On a leachy soil there may be a loss of soluble constituents in the drainage if the manure is spread a long while before the crop is planted, but in ordinary practice the loss from this source is also likely to be insignificant. In this method of application the fertilising constituents of the manure are uniformly distributed, the liquid portion being gradually and thor- oughly incorporated with the soil particles. One serious disadvantage, however, of the method is that the manure before being ploughed in is leached to a large extent of its soluble nitrogenous compounds, which as we have already observed, are necessary for fermentation; and that for this reason it does not so readily ferment in the soil. It is highly advisable, therefore, in the case of light or sandy soils, not to follow this practice, but to plough the manure in as soon as spread. As to the depth to which it is advisable to plough the m inure in, the general rule should be observed that it should not be so deep as to pre- vent the access of sufficient moisture and air to insure fermentation and nitrification and to permit of rapid washing down of nitrates to the drain. In very compact soiis the depth should not exceed 4 inches. In light soils this depth may be considerably increased, although in such soils there is more danger of loss by drainage than with heavy clay soils. ; Application in the hill or drill is useful where the supply of manure is limited and the full immediate effect is desired. For forcing truck crops this method is especially valuable. Well-rotted manure is best suited to this method of application. It has been claimed, however, that manure applied in this way sometimes injures the appearance of root crops, especially potatoes, by increasing the amount of scab. The so-called parking system, or feeding animals on the land, is a method of application which has many advantages; but the distribu- tion of the manure by this system is irregular, and if practised in autumn or winter the manure is subject to loss by drainage. The application of liquid manure has certain obvious advantages, and is largely practised, especially in Europe. Manure leachings is a quick- acting, forcing manure, and is especially valuable for grass. The expense of cisterns for collecting the leachings and the trouble of haul- ing and distributing, together with the care which must be exercised to prevent loss of nitrogen from the readily fermentable liquid when it stands for any length of time, render it doubtful whether this method is practicable except for special purposes and under peculiar conditions. 19d Rate of Application. As to the rate at which manure should be applied no fixed rules can be given. The rate will depend upon the character of the soil, the quality of the manure, the nature of the crop, and the frequency of application. Cold moist soils should be manured lightly and often. Thaer, a German writer, states 17 to 18 tons per acre to be an abun- dant application, 14 tons good, and 8 to 9 light; other German writers consider 7 to 10 tons light, 12 to 18 tons usual, 20 tons or more heavy, and 380 tons very heavy, Stephens suggests 8 to 12 tons for roots and 15 to 20 tons supplemented by commercial fertilisers for potatoes. Sir Henry Gilbert considers 14 tons per acre annually excessive for wheat and barley. In New England the rate varies from 6 to 12 tons. Twenty tons is a frequent application in New Jersey, as well as in other regions where truck farming is practised. As a general rule it is more scientific to apply small amounts of manure freguently than to apply large amounts at longer intervals. COMBINING BARNYARD MANURE WITH OTHER FERTILISING MATERIALS, It has been the general experience that probably the best way to utilise barnyard manure is in combination with such materials as sup- plement and conserve its fertilising constituents. It has already been pointed out how certain substances, such as kainit and superphosphate, which possess a high fertilising value, may also be used to advantage ‘as preservatives on account of their ability to check fermentation or to fix ammonia. Even the limited extent to which it is necessary to use these materials in the stable will improve the fertilising value of the manure, but it is necessary to do more than this if a well-balanced fertiliser is desired, for, as has been shown, barnyard manure con- sidered simply as a supplier of nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash is comparatively poor. It has been shown that the proportions of potash and phosphoric acid especially are low. The potash, however, is in a very available form and does not need to be reinforced to the same extent as the much less available phosphoric acid. Although nitrogen is the constituent most abundant in manure it has been found that in order to get the best results in general it should be reinforced if prompt action is desired. ‘This is explained by the fact that a large part of the nitrogen of manure is very slowly available. Sir Henry Gilbert says on this point : The nitrogen of farmyard manure must obviously exist in very different condi- tions. That due to the urine of animals will be most rapidly available, that in the finely divided matter in the feces will be much more slowly available, and that in the litter still more slowly available. Hence, the small proportion that is at once effective and the very large amount that accumulates within the soil in a very slowly available condition. Experiments at Rothamsted indicate that the nitrogen of barnyard manure is not half as valuable, weight for weight, as that of sulphate of ammonia. What has been said about supplementing barnyard manure with more concentrated fertilising. materials should not be taken to imply that the two kinds of fertilisers should necessarily be composted or applied at the same time. It may be desirable to apply the manure at 192 intervals of several years, while the concentrated fertilisers would need to be applied annually. However this may be, the facts above given should be borne in mind in applying the supplementary fertilisers. Whether the farmer can afford to incur the necessary labour and expense involved in the preparation of composts is a question on which there is considerable difference of opinion. This is a matter which must be determined largely by individual needs and conditions, but undoubtedly the manure heap may be utilised to advantage for such purposes as reducing bones and other waste products of the farm and for “ killing” cotton seed before it is applied to the soil. In preparing composts the following directions should be observed : Select a level spot under shelter and convenient to the stables. Remove the earth so as to give a gentle slope from the sides toward the centre. It is advisable to tamp the floor of this pit firmly or cover it with pud- dled clay to prevent loss of leachings. It is also well to have a small drain leading from the centre to the side and emptying into a half barrel sunk in the earth. By this means the valuable leachings may be collected and bailed out and sprinkled over the heap, thus assisting materially in promoting a moderate and uniform fermentation of the manure. It is not necessary, however, to provide for this collecting of the leachings if in the construction of the heap the precaution is taken to lay down first a fairly thick layer of the absorbent materials, such as barnyard manure, peat, etc., which it is intended to use. Put down first a layer of these materials, then follow with a layer of acid phos- phate, for instance, and so on until all the materials are used, wetting each layer thoroughly first with water or urine if it is at hand, and finally with kainit, or other chemicals used dissolved in water. It is well to have at hand a mixture of peaty earth and plaster with which the finished heap is covered toa depth of about linch. The heap should be examined from time to time and moistened with manure leachings, urine, or water if there appears to be any danger of over- heating. In from four to six weeks the compost is ready to be forked over, thoroughly mixed, and carried to the field. The following formulas for composts in which barnyard manure is one constituent have been recommended and in may cases have been tried with favourable results. Formulas for cotton. No, || Nob2e| (Noes. | Noa. | wolbetl Nome: —_—~— | — | | —————————————— oe rel Pounds. |Pounds, |Pounds. | Pounds. | Pounds.| Pounds. Stable manure =| 275004) TBO 400 300 300 | 1,000 Cotton seed veal) 00 750 600 | 600 600 1,000 Acid phosphate wee] BDOF 500 800 750 sce 1,000 Floats Sed) ccc = 306 Bes 750 os Kainit cil MAGORT | Y Nase 200 | 350 | 350 sa Rate per acre -»| 1,600 | 1,600 | 1,600 | 1,600 | 1,600 oe * Purman’s formula. 4 Found especially effective in experiments on cotton. 193 Formulas for cotton and corn. No. 7.* | No.8. | No. 9. | No. 10. | No. 11. [5No.°12. Pounds, |Pounds, |Pounds, }Pounds. |Pounds. | Pounds. Stable manure 800 500 600 600 00 600 Stable manure with yard = xi eee see 1,000 Sa scrapings Cotton seed 750 500 400 ae “0 5 Cotton-seed meal or fish nee oa0 500 700 as a scrap Acid phosphate 365 5x0 800 600 . See oe Acid phosphate or bone “6 eee vee oe 800 600 meal “Dissolved bone ...| 450 500 : wae Sulphate of ammonia ...;} ... 150 SOL aA See AC Kainit a4 ves aoe 200 100 200 on Sulphate of potash ascley baess 140 56h o08 500 SOS Unburnt marl Pee tees 500 sae oa Salt Sc) das 200 ans see Ashes nae se 500 200 Rich earth or yard serap- 200 ° 5 . 600 ings Rate per acre .../300-500 |800-500 M09 — * When applied to corn on worn soil should be supplemented by 75 pounds of muriate of potash per acre; when used on wheat by 50 pounds of sulphate of potash and by 100 pounds of nitrate of soda sown broadcast in the spring. Formulas for winter wheat, rye, corn, and cotton. oo No. 13. | No. 14. —— | --— ——— | —_- Pounds. } Pounds, Barnyard manure eae soo} 700 700 Cotton seed god +--| 800 ono Castor pomace 500 cor eee 700 Dissolved boneblack ook se5| mons 600 Dissolved bone meal mes ve 500 ves Rate per acre Se +0: /000-800 {500-800 Formulas for wheat, oats, or rye- ] No. 15. | No. 16. | No. 17. | No. 18. ee ee | ee ) ee | Pounds. |Pounds, {Pounds, | Pounds, Stable manure erly tees 800 600 600 Stable manure or any rich earth ormould ...| 600 soe oo Cotton seed a | 600 ° Cotton-seed meal sO scoll “G00 oo oO 700 Kainit cco eeclez00. rae acs ses Muriate of potash e058 coll Gor 100 100 100 Acid phosphate .| 600 { 1,000 <0 600 Acid phosphate or bone meal cot} aon cos 600 ses Sulphate of ammonia oo : 100 100 a5 Dry muck or other rich earth 0 nn i 194 Formulas for tobacev. — = No. 19. | No. 20. a ae ee —— | ——— —_—_—— Pounds. | Pounds. Stable manure sc | 900 a fine horse or cow manure, rich mould, or similar material ...} ... 900 Acid phosphate eee «| 500 oes Acid phosphate or dissolved bone Bae ay) cee 600 Fish scrap or tankage soe aH) tox 350 Sulphate of ammonia och «| 100 ses Sulphate of potash CO --| 300 150 Sulphate of magnesia see | 100 coe Plaster (gypsum) sae | 100 Soc The following dry mixture is recommended by the North Carolina Station for cotton and corn : Pounds. Acid phosphate eee eos 800 Muriate of potash mee nes 100 Sulphate of ammonia 5 60 Finely pulverised manure from henhouses, hors e or cow stables 1,040 2,000 In experiments on tomatoes, sweet potatoes, and peaches, annual applications of 10 tons per acre of barnyard manure, supplemented by 169 pounds of dissolved boneblack, 80 pounds of muriate of potash or sulphate of potash, and 100 pounds of nitrate of soda, supplied sepa- rately ; and 20 tons of manure, with double the amounts of the other materials, have given good results. The fermenting of peat with stable manure was formerly practised to a considerable extent. Where such a compost is desired the mate- rials should be laid down in alternate layers in the proportion of about five parts of peat to one of manure. LASTING OR CUMULATIVE EFFECT OF BARNYARD MANURE. Barnyard manure is probably the most efficient means at the disposal of the farmer to permanently improve his soil. No other fertiliser possesses to so great a degree the power of restoring worn soils to pro- ductiveness and giving them lasting fertility. It accomplishes this result, however, not so much by the actual fertilising constituents which it supplies as by improving the physical properties of the soil, increase ing the amount of humus, which is generally deficient in worn soils, improving its texture, and increasing its water-absorbing and water- holding power. Experiments have shown that the influence of manure may be perceptible twenty years after application. Observations at “Rothamsted, England, during forty years on barley unmanured, maoured continuously, and manured during the first twenty years only showed that “there was gradual exhaustion and reduction of produce without manure, and gradual accumulation and increase of produce with the annual application of farmyard manure. But when the application was stopped, although the effect of the residue from the previous applica- tions was very marked, it somewhat rapidly diminished, notwithstand- ing that calculation showed an enormous accumulation of nitrogen as well as other constituents.” = ~ 195 "The yield, however, was maintained for twenty years considerably jhigher than that on the unmanured soil. Continuous manuring of wheat at the rate of 14 tons per acre annually for forty years resulted. in an average increase of yield from year to year of one-fourth bushel per acre, or a total of about 10 bushels in forty years. While it is true that there is a constant increase in the prolactiveness of soil on which barn yard manure is applied regularly, it is not as great as the amounts applied would seem to justify. This is chiefly due to the fact, already explained, that the nitrogen is largely converted into slowly available forms. SUMMARY. (1) Barnyard manure is the most important manurial resource of the farm and should be carefully saved and used. It represents fer- tility drawn from the soil and must be returned to it if productiveness is to be maintained. In many cases it has been demonstrated that the value of the manure obtained in cattle feeding represents largely, if not -entirely, the profit of feeding. (2) There are sound scientific reasons for the high esteem in which this manure is held. It contains all the fertilising elements required by plants in forms that insure plentiful crops and permanent fertility to the soil. It not only enriches the soil with the nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash which it contains, but it also renders the stored-up materials of the soil, more available, improves the mechanical condition of the soil, makes it warmer, and enables it to retain more moisture or to draw it up from below. (3) The amount and value of manure produced by different kinds of farm animals may be judged from the following figures, calculated to 1,000 pounds of live weight: Sheep, 34.1 pounds of manure per day, worth 7.2 cents ; calves, 67.8 pounds, worth 6.7 cents ; pigs, 83.6 pounds, worth 16.7 cents; cows, 74.1 pounds, worth 8 cents, and horses 48.8 pounds, worth 7.6 cents, basing calculations of value on market prices of commercial fertilisers, which probably gives results much too high. Making liberal allowance for these and other considerations, Prof. Roberts estimates that the value of the manure produced on a small farm carry- ing 4 horses, 20 cows, 50 sheep and 10 pigs during the seven winter months amounts to about $250. (4) The urine is by far the most valuable part of the excreta of animals. It is especially rich in readily available nitrogen, which rapidly escapes into the ail if special precautions are not taken to prevent its loss. It is also rich in potash, but deficient in phosphoric acid. It should, as a rule, be used in connection with the solid dung, the one thus supplying the deficiencies of the other and making amore evenly balanced manure. _ (5) Barnyard manure is a very variable substance. The more impor- tant conditions which determine its composition and value are (lL) age and kind of animal, (2) quantity and quality of food, (3) proportion of litter, and (4) method of management and age. Mixed bamyard manure properly cared for may be assumed to have the following com- position: Water, 75 per cent; nitrogen, 0.57 per cent; phosphoric acid, 0.3 per cent ; potash, 0.57 per cent. (6) Mature animals, neither gaining nor losing weight, excrete prac- 196 tically all the fertilising constituents consumed in the food, Growing animals and milch cows excrete from 50 to 75 per cent of the fertili- sing constituents of the food; fattening or working animals from 90 to 95 per cent. As regards the fertilising value of equal weights of manure in its normal condition, farm animals probably stand in the fol- - lowing order: Poultry, sheep, pigs, horses, cows. (7) In a given class of animals the value of the manure is determined more by the nature of the food than by any other factor. The amounts: of fertilising constituents in the manure stand in direct relation to _ those in the food. As regards the value of manure produced the con- centrated feeding stuffs, such as meat scrap, cotton-seed meal, linseed” meal, and wheat bran stand first, the leguminous plants (clover, peas, ete.) second, the grasses third, cereals (oats, corn, etc.) fourth, and root crops, such as turnips, beets, and mangel-wurzels last. The nitrogen of the food exerts a greater influence on the quality of the manure than any other constituent. It is the most costly fertilising constituent, and is present in largest quantity. It undergoes more modifications in the animal stomach than the mineral constituents (potash and phosphoric acid), and rapidly escapes from the manure in fermentation. ‘The secretion of urine increases with the increase of nitrogenous substances in the food, thus necessitating the use of larger amounts of litter and affecting both the amount and value of the manure. The use of watery foods, as is obvious, produces the same result. : (8) The deterioration of manure results from two chief causes, (a) fermentation, whereby nitrogen, either as ammonia or in the gaseous: state, is set free, and (6) weathering or leaching, which involves a loss of the soluble fertilismg constituents. The loss from destructive fer— mentation may be almost entirely prevented by the use of proper absorbents, and preservatives, such as gypsum, superphosphate, and kainit, and by keeping the manure moist and compact. Loss from leaching may be prevented by storage under cover or in pits. Extremes of moisture and temperature are to be avoided, and uniform and mod. erate fermentation is the object to be sought. ‘To this end it is advis— able to mix the manure from the different animals thoroughly in the heap. (9) When practicable it is best to apply manure in the fresh condition. The disposition to be made of the manure of the farm (both fermented and unfermented) must be determined largely by the nature of the crop and soil. Where improvement of the mechanical condition of the souk is the principal object sought, fresh manure is best adapted for this purpose to heavy soils and well-rotted manure to light soils. Where prompt action of the fertilising constituents is desired, the best results will probably be obtained by applying fresh manure to the light soils, although excessive applications in this case should be avoided on account of the danger of “burning out” of the soil in dry seasons. Fresh manure has a forcing effect, and is better suited to grasses and forage plants than to plants grown for seed such as cereals. Direct applica= tions to root crops, such as sugar beets, potatoes or tobacco, often prove injurious. The manure should be spread when carried to the field, and not left im heaps to leach. The rate of application must be determined by individual circum- - stances. As a rule it is better to manure lightly and frequently than to apply a large amount at longer intervals. (10) One of the best ways to utilise barnyard manure is to combine it with such materials as supplement and conserve its fertilising con- stituents. The best results are likely to be obtained by using com- mercial fertilising materials in connection with barnyard manure, either in compost or separately. As is well known barnyard manure is last~ ing in its effects, and in many cases need not be applied so frequently as the more soluble and quick-acting superphosphates, potash and nitrogen salts, etc. 197 FERNS: SYNOPTICAL LIST—XLVII. Synoptical List, with descriptions, of the Ferns and Fern-Allies of Ja- maica. By G. S. Jenman, Superintendent Botanical Carden, Demerara. 74, Polypodium angustifolium, Swartz. —Rootstock short-creeping, } in. thick, more or less clothed with reticulated acuminate scales; stipites numerous, crowded, 14-3 in. |, flattish, with one to several pair of indis- tinct lateral glands to the narrow decurrent wings; fronds 1-2 ft. 1. }-1 in. w. curved or sub-pendent, narrowly acuminate, long tapering at the base ; coriaceous, naked, glossy, the underside paler, the margins entire, often undulate-repand, cartilaginous-edged, the rachis stramineous, slender; primary veins hardly stronger than the intermediary, the areole directed toward the margin, each containing a single free or anastomosing soriferous veinlet ; soriterminal or dorsal, one to each of the larger areole. P. teneosum, Willd. a. var. P. amphosternon, Kunze.—Rootstock more elongated ; stipites longer, less crowded and fewer; fronds #-2 in. w.; texture less coria- ceous; areole and sori more copious. P. fasciale, Willd. Common on trees and rocks up to 5,000 feet altitude, very variable in width ; the narrowest forms being only two lines wide, with a single series of areolz and sori on each side of the rachis, while the broader states have two to three series. The texture is very coriaceous, and the edges are often revolute. The venation is abnormal and intermediate between Campyloneuron and Goniophlebium. In narrow forms it quite agrees with the latter sub-genus. ais found on rocks at 6,000 ft. altitude} - its larger state gives it a distinct appearance, but in venation it is quite identical with the type, the broader fronded forms of which impercep¢ tibly pass into it. 75. P. ptloselloides, Linn.—Rootstock very slender, flexuose, wide- + creeping, freely branched, forming a net-work, clothed with fine pale subsquarrose acuminate scales; stipites scattered 4-1} in. 1, slender, finely fibrillose scaly ; fronds dimorphous; subcoriaceous, opaque woen dry, dark green, freely clothed with scattered minute peltate—caudate - scales, which have a brown disk at the base; barren oblong lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, the apex rounded acute or acuminate, the base usually cuneate, 1-2 in. 1, 4-3 in. b., fertile linear-lanceolate, 1-24 in. 1. 2-3 li. b. margins entire; veins generally obscure, forming a row of darge costal areolz with free included branches and smaller exterior aneshes; sori large, confined to the costal areolw, terminal on the in- 198 cluded veinlets, receptacles bristling with copious brown hairs. PL Fil. t. 118. Craspedaria, Fee, Lopholepis, J. Smith. Common from the lowlands up to 5,000 feet altitude, growing or stones, banks and the stems and branches of trees, in open places. The rootstock when divested of its scales is hardly thicker than strong thread. The barren fronds vary considerably in shape, in the largest state they are ovate-lanceolate, pointed, 2 in. 1. on slender petioles — nearly as long; in the smallest they are ovate-oblong, rounded, 4 in. L. the stipites only 1-2 i. 1. Generally the barren and fertile fronds are distinct in form, but not uniformly. In P. etliatum, Willd. the fertile fronds are linear and so narrow that the two lines of sori touch on the inside, and project on the outside over the margins, giving a moniliform aspect to the margins. 76. P. vaccinifolium, Fisch & Langsd.—Rootstock as thick as strong cord, wide-creeping ard freely branched, very densely clothed with long fibrillose fine reddish scales which eventually become pale; fronds scattered, copious, coriaceous, glabrous, bright green, glossy on the upper side, subsessile or very shortly petioled, dimorphous; barren oblong, rounded at the top, the base cuneate, 4-14 in. J], $4 in. w.; fertile linear, 1-44 in. 1. 14-24 li. b., the margins even, veins immersed, costal areole large, each containing a free veinlet, exterior meshes — smaller, sori copious in long medial lines, the sporangia mixed with reddish fibrillee.—Lopholepis, J. Smith. Spreading abundantly over the branches and trunks of trees, usually at low elevations. This has a stouter, more densely clothed and wider diffused rootstock than any of the other species of the group. Ina barren state the fronds resemble those of the next species, but are much smaller. In this condition the different venation is a reliable dis- tinguishing character. It presents however nearly at all times the two kinds of fronds, when the rush-like fertile ones are so distinct as to distinguish it at sight. Ihave only seen Jamaica specimens in the Kew Herbarium; collected by Bancroft. B 77. P. lycopodioides, Linn.—Kootstock cord-like, wide-creeping, branched and forming a copious net-work, densely coated with fine appressed scales, which are pale at first but ultimately dark; fronds coriaceous, naked, a bright glossy green, scattered, with hardly any, or very short, distinct petioles, 4-7 in. 1. 4rd—$ths in. w., oblong or linear-lanceolate, acute or acuminate at the apex, the base tapering end decurrent on the short stipites, barren ones shorter and broader than the fertile, margins entire; primary veins more or less distinct, but evanescent before reaching the margins, fertile areola medial, with included free or united branches, and smaller costal and exterior meshes ; sori sunk, the opposite surface papillose, medial or nearer the margins, terminal ona single, or two or more united enclosed vein- lets. —Pl. Fil. t. 119. a var P. salcifolium Willd.—Fronds usually rather narrower, the sterile and fertile conform, or less distinct,—PI. Fil. t. 121. Common, abundant at low elevations but attaining 5,000 ft. alt. 5 spreading over the trunks and branches, of trees, and on rocks and — banks, chiefly in exposed places, but also in loose forests. Variable in size, and usually smaller at the higher elevations. In the type the barren end fertile fronds are generally distinct and different in shape 199 (not shown in Pl’s. fig.) but casually both forms are fertile. In drying it turns nearly black. The conform barren and fertile fronds of a led Willdenow, Grisebach and others to regard it as a distinct species. 78. P. Swurtsii, Baker.—Rootstock slender, wide-creeping, branched, clothed with fine linear acuminate fulvous scales, which in time be- come dark; fronds scattered, chartaceous or membrano-chartaceous, pellucid, naked, or sometimes glandulose beneath, usually pale green, stipitate, or more distinctly petiolate, 3-6 in. 1 } - 4 in. w., tapering both ways, the apex acuminate or bluntish, the base decurrent on the slender stipites, the margins subentire or sinuate, rarely deeply lobate ; veins fine, but evident, areole 1-3 serial, fertile meshes enlarged, usually central, with included free or united branches, marginal branches also free or united ; sori-medial, slightly depressed, terminal on a single or two or three united veinlets. PJ. Fil. t. 122, P. serpens, Swartz. Common in the limestone districts up to 2,000 ft. altitude on rocks and trees; variable in size, texture, venation, and the more or less uneven margins. In some cases the fronds are irregularly lobate. The vena- tion is equally variable, and in instances resembles that of Goniophlebium. the costal series of narrow barren areole being absent. The rootstock too is very distinct and somewhat peculiar. It is shrivelled and striated. longitudinally and the branches are usually short or rudimentary. Mixed with the scales at intervals are small acuminate dark spur-like appen- dages. P. runcinatum, Desv. is represented in Plumier’s figure quoted above. The name serpens was first used by Forster for an Australian species. Swartz unwittingly used the term later for this Jamaica plant. Heward not knowing this, and taking the same plant for a new species described it in the Magazine of Natural History, Sept., 1838, naming it P. exiguam. Subsequently Grisebach unaware of this, used the same designation for another Jamaica Polypod., after which Baker discover- ing Swartz’s name preoccupied by Forster’s plant called it P. Swartziz. Heward’s name has therefore priority, but its adoption would involve renaming Grisebach’s plant, a plant for which the term is entirely appro- priate, and, as Heward’s authority has hardly been known, I think the matter had better be left as it is. 79. P. lanceolatum, Linn.—Rootstock slender, free-creeping, clothed with narrow pale-margined scales; stipites scattered, 2-4 in. 1, slender, dark-brown, naked or with a few deciduous peltate scales, margined above ; fronds very coriaceous and stiff, more or less freely coated with minute dark-centred peltate fimbriate-edged appressed scales, beneath which they are a dark brownish-green, lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, 4-12 in. |. 4-14 in. b., tapering freely at both ends, margins entire or sinuate, rachis dark coloured beneath ; veins immersed copiously reti- culated, forming large costal areole, with included and exterior smaller meshes ; sori large, 2-3 li. b., medial, oval or oblong, rarely round, de- pressed, contained in the large areole; sporangia mixed with short dense scales, which form permanent pads. P. /epidotum, Willd. P. ensifolia. Hook. Fl. Exot. t. 62. a var. Elisabethe, Jenm.—Fronds uniformly lobed on both sides. Common from 2,500-6,000 ft. alt. in exposed situations on rocks, banks and trees. A very distinct plant. In narrow fronds the large sori occupy the whole space between the midrib and margins. In the irregularly lobed states there is often a partial second row, and the 200 short lobes have sometimes a double series. In many cases it is con— fined to the upper half of the frond. The upper surface is usually pitted. with elliptical depressions over the sori. a is found in the region of the Govt. Cinchona Plantations. TrisE XI. GRAMMITIDER, Sori arcuate, oblong, linear-oblong, or linear, short or more or less elongated and continuous, situated on the veins, which form the receptacles, and disposed variously in simple, forked or confluent and reticulated lines, superficial or immersed; quite destitute of involucres ; sporangia stalked, compressed, arched by an incomplete vertical jointed band, splitting transversely at maturity ; fronds from less than an inch to several feet long, entire or variously cut and often multifid; venation simple or forked and free, united or copiously reticulated. The plants of this tribe form a moderately limited group representing one fairly extensive genus and five very small ones, which are loosely connected by the single tribal character of naked elongated sori. The large majority inhabit regions within the tropics of both Hemispheres, only a few extending beyond, chiefly in the south temperate zone. Sori transversely oblong or arcuate ; fronds pin- nate; primary veins costate, the transverse arcuate.— 1. Meniscium. Sori oblong, lnear-oblong or linear; fronds simple or compound; veins free. - 2. Gymnogramme Sori linear-oblong, immersed in the parenchyma; fronds simple ; veins united.— 3. Enterosora. Sori reticulated ; fronds palmate or pinnate— 4. Hemionites, Sori sparingly diffused over the under surface ; fronds simple ; veins reticulated.— 5. Anetium. Sori reticulated or zigzag in oblong angular meshes ; fronds simple; veins areolate.— 6. Antrophyum. Genus XXVI. Metsctum, Schreb. Sori oblong, curved, dorsal on the are of the united transverse vem- lets; primary veins costate, raised, pinnatiform, connected by opposite united curved or angled branches, which form multiserial narrow transverse areole containing each a free or attached erect veinule; fronds rarely simple, chiefly pinnate. All the species of this genus within the geographical scope of this Flora are pinnate. The sori, though strictly confined to the transverse veins, become ultimately confluent partly or quite concealing the under surface of the fronds. The outer fronds are generally barren and the inner fertile; and the united veinlets in the former are angled while in the latter they are arcuate. Generally the species are well defined, and they vary only in size and form. They are terrestrial plants pre- ferring moist or wet situations. About a score of species altogether, are known. Fronds dimorphous, the pinne of the fertile re- duced, and the sori covering nearly the whole surface.— 1. M. angustifolium. Fertile fronds not much modified in size of pinne, and sori not generally confluent.— 2. M. serratum. 3. M. reticulatum. 201 1. W. angustifolium, Willd.—Rootstock fasciculate, decumbent, short- creeping, forming with the abundant rootlets matted masses; stipites contiguous or subtufted, 10—15 in. 1 strong, slightly pubescent, dark coloured below and clothed with a few deciduous scales ; fronds pinnate 1-1} ft. 1. 5-10 or 12 in. w. barren and fertile distinct, subcoriaceous, naked except the costee which are finely coated with puberule, dark green, composed of numerous lateral pinne and a similar terminal one, rachis light coloured channelled, finely pubescent ; pinne spread- ing or erecto-spreading, approximate but not close, linear-lanceolate, tapering and very acuminate, the base cuneate and stipitate, 3-6 in 1 #ths—zths in. w., lowest pair usually a little reduced, margins entire; sori copious, confluent and covering the under surface at matu- rity; veins close, areole 6-8-serial. Sl. Hist. p. 84, t. 40; Herb p. 86. MM. sorbifolium, Eat., Phegopteris, Mett. Common on wet rocks in the beds of rivers among the lower hills, and widely diffused through the island. This is the smallest of the West Indian species, with narrow willow-like leaflets, the fertile fronds smaller than the barren, with narrower pinne on rather longer stipites. The plants are often submerged by the rising of the, rivers in wet weather, and the matted roots are developed to hold their position in the heavy drag of the rushing water on such occasions. 2. UM. serratum.—Cav.—Rootstock strong, decumbent, short-creeping; stipites contiguous, erect, 2 - 3 ft. 1; channelled, naked, dark coloured at the base, pale above; fronds chartace us, naked, or slightly ciliate on the ribs and veins beneath, dark green, paler beneath, 2-4 ft, 1. 3-14 ft. w., with a distinct terminal pinna and numerous more or less distinct spreading or erecto-spreading lateral ones, which are 4 - 9 in. 1 #- 14 in. w., acuminate. serrate or creaate-serrate margined, the base plain rounded or cuneate and stipitate, rachis and coste stramineous, the former puberulous on the face; venation conspicuous on both sides, areole narrow, numerous; sori sparse, becoming confluent and diffused over the surface. Common in swampy ground at low elevations: most plentiful in the western parishes; more or less aquatic. A taller plant usually than reticulatum, with more slender stems, and narrower pinne with uni- formly serrated margins. The latter is its most reliable character. The pinne often produce buds in the axils. The sori are less copious in sporangia than in any of the other species, and it has a reddish tinge. 3. If. reticulatum, Swartz. — Rootstock stout, decumbent, short-creep- ing; stipites tufted strong, erect, 14-3 ft.1, naked, brown or palecoloured ; fronds 13-3 ft. 1. 1-14 ft. w. oblong-lanceolate, subcoriaceous, naked, or beneath puberulous, and paler than above, rachis strong, naked, light or dark brown; pinne numerous spreading, 2-3 in. apart, oblique, the lower ones largest, gradually reduced upwards to the similar free ter- minal one,, the former 5-10in. |. 1-21 in. w., broadest at the base, which is rounded and stipitate or sessile, thence tapering outwards to the acuminate point; margins entire or slightly crenate; venation con- Spicuous, areole very numerous; sori copious, confluent or nearly so. Pl. Fil. t. 110. Polypodium, Linn. Common in moist, generally open, or little shaded situations at low elevations. A strong robust species, with about 10-15 pinne to a side which are generally large and broad at the base, from whence they 202 taper outwards to the acuminate point. The fertile fronds are taller and on longer stipites than the sterile. Genus XXVII. GymnocrammgE, Desy. Sori oblong, linear-oblong or linear, situated on the back of the veins, superficial or somewhat immersed; veins free or united; fronds rang- ing from simple to decompound, naked, ciliate. or coated beneath with white or yellow powder. This isa genus of rather considerable extent, in which very dis- similar plants are associated by the common character of superficial or immersed naked elongated sori. In the form and arrangement of the soriit resembles Asplenium, of which in this division it may be regarded the anologue, differing by the absence of involucres. The farinose section is remarkable for a fecundity equalled by very few other plants in the family. The species are about equally divided between the old and the new World and are chiefly tropical. They occupy banks and usually open, generally fully exposed, situations, and are represented abundantly from the lowest to the highest elevations. Fronds flabellato-digitate.— 1. G. pumila. Fronds simply pinnate.— 2. G. rufa. Fronds bipinnatifid — 3. G. gracilis. 4. G. consimilis. 5. G. diplazoides. Fronds decompound.— 6. G. cherophylla. 7. G. schizophylla. Fronds coated with powder beneath.— Pinne trifoliate.— 8 Fronds decompound,— 9 10 int . G. trifoliata. G. tartarea. . G, triangulata. . G. calomelanos. 12. G. sulphurea. 1. G. pumila, Spreng.—Rootstock filiform, erect, clothed with hair- like reticulated ciliate-edged brown scales ; fronds membranous, glossy, naked, green, tufted, few, v-shaped or. flabellate-cuneate, occasionally linear-cuneate, 4-14 in. 1. 1-6 li. w. at the apex, the lateral margins en- tire, the outer jagged or deeply incised, often into narrow spreading sharp-pointed segments and gradually attenuated downwards to a slen- der filamentose base with hardly any clear stipites; veins close, flabel- late, dichotomously forked; sori linear, becoming confluent laterally, forming one or more broadish patches on the more entire portion of the outer parts of the fronds. Hook. 2nd Cent. Ferns t. 8. Hecistopteris, J. Smith. var. a4.—Fronds shorter and broader and deeply cut into spreading linear segments, which divaricate like stag’s horns. Communal, forming large or small patches in moss on the trunks of trees; gathered by March, whose specimens are at Kew. It varies greatly in shape and degree of cutting from linear with two or three sharp segments or teeth at the apex, to broadly palmate flabellate and multifidly cut to the base. The lines of sori are at first separate but ultimately unite laterally, forming apparently amorphous patches; but in var. a there are only one or two lines to each narrow segment. 2. G. rufa, Desv.—Rootstock fibrous, upright ; stipites tufted, erect, chestnut brown, polished, rusty villose, 4-10 in. L; fronds pinnate, thin 203 and rather soft, surfaces slightly pubescent, under paler than the upper, oblong-lanceolate, 1-1} ft. 1. 4-5 in. w.; rachis like stipes, but less vil- lose ; pinne entire, spreading horizontally, oblong-lanceolate, subdistant, stipitate, and articulated at the top of the pedicels, 1-24 in. 1. 4-1 in. w. rounded or subcordate at the base, shortly acuminate, 6-9 to a side with a similar terminal one, the lowest pair not or very little smaller, midrib slender ; veins close, much curved, in fascicles, two or three times forked, fine, terminating within the even margin; sori copious, linear on the veins, extending usually from the midrib to near the edge. Acrostichum, Sw., Neurogramme, Link. G. acuminata, KIf. Common on dry banks below 2,000 ft. altitude; especially abundant about Hope and Gordon Town; well marked by the simply pinnate habit and the copious rusty pubescence. The stipites and rachises, though not slender, are very fragile. ‘hey stand dead around the live fronds, spurred at intervals with the short pedicels of the pinne which have all dropped away. The latter are about 10-15 to aside. The upper ones are very little reduced, passing abruptly into the larger free terminal segment. 3. G. gracilis, Heward.—Rootstock erect or oblique, scaly; stipites cespitose, short, scaly; fronds bipinnatifid, chartaceous or subcoria- ceous, slightly ciliate, oblong-lanceolate, usually spreading or pendent, 2-4 ft. 1. 3-14 ft. w., acuminate, the base gradually reduced; rachis rather slender, light brown, channelled, more or less ciliate or pube- scent, as are the costz; pinne spreading, sessile, very numerous, con- tiguous above, below subdistant or distant and dwindling nearly to the base of the petioles into very minute segments, central ones 5-10 in. 1. 1-1? in. w., very acuminate, pinnatifid nearly to the costz; segments linear oblong, straight or falcate, blunt, close, or in the larger states with a rounded sinus between, less than 4—1 in. |. 14-2 li. w.; veins oblique, 10—16 to a side ; sori close to the margins, the edges of which are entire and often reflexed —Polypodium Hewardit, Gr. Very abundant on banks at 4,000-6,000 ft. alt. The stipites usually are only 1 - 3 in. |. below the dwindling segment-like pinne. The sori are short, and so near the margins that the reflexed edges partially cover them. The lowest pair of opposite veins enter above the sinus. This and the two following have quite the habit and aspect of common bipinnatifid Nephrodia. 4. G. consimilis, Fée—Rootstock short, erect, scaly; stipites cespitose, very short (1-3 in. 1.) brown or darked coloured, scaly, fronds bipinnatifid, chartaceous, pubescent, dull green, lan- ceolate, or ovate lanceolate, acuminate, gradually reduced at the base, 2 - 3 ft. 1.8 - 12 in. w., spreading or prostrate; pinne spread- ing, oblique, apart, the lower ones, which dwindle at the base to ;mere segments, usually distant, 4-6 im. 1. ?-1 in. w. sessile, very acuminate, cut almost to the costz into blunt or acute, straight or subfalcate narrow segments, 4rd - 4 in. 1. 14 1. b., the bases very slightly dilated, with an acute or rounded sinus between ; rachis slender, chan- nelled, brown, pubescent; veins oblique, 9 - 12 to a side; sori medial, a little short of both midrib and margins. Common in the parishes of St. Mary and St. Andrew, in woods or shady places, near, or not distant from, the banks of rivers, at 500- 1,000 ft. altitude. This differs from the preceding and following species q 204 ‘by its medial sori and more pubescent surfaces. It is smaller and often relatively broader than gracitts, of a duller colour, and with longer sori. The margins are not, as a rule, reflexed, and the lowest pair of opposite veins enter them above the sinus. 5. G. diplazioides, Desy.—Rootstock erect, scaly ; s‘ipites caespitose, erect, 6-12 in. 1, brown, dark-coloured at the base with a few deciduous scales: fronds bipinnatifid, chariaceous, pellucid, nearly glabrous, clear green, paler beneath, erect, lanceolate, 2-3 ft. 1. 6-9 in. w. acuminate, reduced at the base; rachis brown, channelled, puberulous on the face ; pinne spreading, distant or subdistant, 3-44 in. l. ¢ in. w. sessile and usually broadest at the base, the apex entire and more acute than acuminate, cut down about #ths to the cost into flat broadish blunt or rounded segments which are widest at the base, and 2 li. b., the lowest pair usually enlarged, veins 6-9 to a side, the lower ones often forked, the opposite basal pair entering the sinus; sori nearer the the margin than midrib, linear on the lower veins and double when they are forked.—Phegopteris Duchassagniana, Fée. Fil. Ant. t. 14 fig. 3. Frequent by the open way side ia the in the neighbourhood of second-breakfast spring, near Mount Moses, St. Andrew at 2,000-3,000 ft. altitude. This differs from the other two species by its erect habit ; longer stipites, few reduced pinne at the base, which, too, are not so small, clear coloured and nearly naked surfaces, less deeply pinnatifid and acuminate pinne, broader segments, the lowest pair usually enlarg- ed, fewer and more open veins, the lowest pair of which meet at the sinus and are often forked, with invariably longer sori than those above. The sori show prominently on the clear pale under surface. 6. G. cherophylia, Desv.—Rootstock short, fibrous, upright ; stipites tufted, few or many, erect, 4-6 in. 1., slender, the base chestnut-brown, above this green, naked; fronds subdeltoid, membrano-herbaceous, naked, dark-green above, 3-4 in. each way, tri-quadri-pianate; lowest pair pinne largest, and rather distant from the next above, all, erecto- spreading and freely petiolate; pinnule also stipitate; tertiary seg- ments flabellate-cuneate, 14-24 li. b., once or twice cut to the base into similar segments, the outer margin freely toothed ; rachis and coste flat and margined, slender, green; veins dichotomously forked, flabellate, terminating in the final teeth, which are a } li. w.; sori copious, linear, occupying all the veins their entire length, and confluent or nearly so laterally, pale or brown coloured. Pl. Fil. t. 50, C. Hooker and Grev. Icon. t. 45. G. lestophylia, Bat. Anogramme, Lk. Frequent at 4,000-5,000 ft. alt. on damp banks, rocks and waysides and generally plentiful where found. This is a tender herbaceous plant, of great fecundity, but short individual duration, and hence regarded as an annual. It is most abundantly soriferous, the underside being covered with the contizuous almost confluent lines of pale brown sporangia. The lowest pair of pionz are often so much larger and distant from the others that the fronds in these instances appear trifoliate. 3 7. G. schizophylla, Baker.—Rootstock fibrous, erect or oblique ; sti- pites tufted, slender, erect, early farinose, dark chestnut-brown, polished, 1-3 in. 1; fronds membrano-herbaceous, naked, bright green, lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, 4-1 or 14 ft. 1. 2-3 or 5 in. w. tri-quadri-pinnate ; rachis slender, channelled, castaneous, polished, generally producing a farinose but, and often forked near the apex; pinne numerous, conti- 205 guous spreading, 14-3 in. 1. $-1 in. or over w. lower ones usually re- duced; pinnule very freely and deeply cut, ultimately into delicate-. spreading 2-fid-cuneate segments with narrow emarginate linear divi- sions 24-4 li. w., cost filiform and brown at the base, the outer part flat, margined and green, as are the ribs of the other divisions; veins pellucid, forked, simple in the final segments ; sori copious, medial, one to each segment. Hook. Icon. t. 1682. ; Infrequent at 4,000—4,500 ft. altitude on open or shady stony ground; rediscovered in 1875 at Old England, St. David, where it was collected in 1853 by Miss Taylor, whose collection was not examined however till 30 years later. It is found also in parts of the Government Cin- chona Plantation. This is the most finely cut species of all. The fronds resmble very much the pinnule of Davallia fumarioides. They sometimes extend considerably by the bud which is produced near the top. 8. @ trifoliata, Desv.—Rootstock fibrous, scaly, erect or oblique; stipites tufted, stiff, erect, 9-18 in. 1., blackish, polished, faintly chan- nelled, fibrillose at the base; fronds 2-4 ft. 1, 4-6 in. w., erect, firm or subcoriaceous, naked and dark bright green above, beneath coated with yellow farina ; rachis stiff, coloured like the stipites, slightly scaly and farinose at first, ultimately naked; pinne numerous, distant, peti- olate, digitate composed of 1-3 spreading linear, acuminate, pinnule, which are 3-4 in. 1. and } in. w., those of the lower pinnz usually barren, of the upper fertile, each with a prominent raised costa be- neath; the edge very finely crenate-serrate; veins fine, curved, close, dichotomously forked ; sori linear, confluent.—Pl. Fil. t. 144. Hooker Gard. Ferns t. 4. Common, gregarious in open marshy places below 2,500 ft. alt; generally by the sides of permanent trickling streams. The upper pinne are simple, the next below 2-foliate, those below these, which are the large majority, 3-foliate, the central pinnule in each pinne being the largest. The veinsare so close that the sori quite cover the surface. It is a stiffly erect, tall and robust species, that forms generally large communities, often crowded together from the plants which have grown from viviparous buds produced on the roots. 9. G. tartarea, Desv..—Rootstock fibrous, densely scaly, erect or ob- lique ; stipites czespitose, usually spreading, strong, 4 - 14 ft. 1, casta- neous or blackish, polished, channelled, deciduously scaly at the base ; fronds 1 - 23 ft. 1.4 - 14 ft. w., subcoriaceous, naked and dark green above, beneath densely coated with white powder, usually widest at the base, varying from lanceolate to ovate-acuminate, bi-tripinnate ; pmne numerous, spreading or erecto-spreading, more or less distant below, sessile, or the lower ones stipitate, lanceolate-acuminate, 3 - 9 in. L 3 - 23 in. w.; pinnul contiguous or apart, oblong, acute or rounded, adnate to the costz or the inferior ones free, entire, auricled at the base, or more or less lobed or pinnatifid, + - 14 in. 1. 14 - 6 li. w., the margins entire and rather reflexed ; rachis strong, channelled, polished and coloured. like the stipites; veins 1 - 3 times forked, sori copious, confluent and often covering the surface.—G. dealbata, Link. Hemionitis, Willd. Acrostichum, Swartz. Abundant in open places. banks and dry woods from 2,000-6,000 ff. alt.; very variable in size and cutting. The normal state is nearly 206 simply bipinnate, and a larger fully tripinnate state is found at the higher altitudes. The powder is asa rule very white, but there is a beautiful golden statein Dominica. G. ornithopteris, Kl. also gathered in Jamaica, is more rigid than the type, the pinnz resembling pinnule of Pteris aquilina, the edges of the segments revolute. This is a much stiffer plant than calomelanos, of spreading (not erect) habit, with less cut broader more obtuse seg- ments and whiter powder. They occupy, too, separate zones in altitude. 10. G triangulata, Jenm.—Stipites tufted from an erect fibrous sealy rootstock, slender, 1-1} ft. 1, very dark, polished, deciduously scaly at the base; rachis slender like-coloured, channelled; fronds tripinnatifid ovate-deltoid, acuminate, broadest at the base, spreading, $-14 ft. 14-1 ft. w., firm, chartaceous, upper surface bright clear green, under sparingly coated with white powder; pinne spreading, petiolate, the lowest pair largest and rather deeper on the under side, 4-6 in. 1. 13-2 in. w., lanceolate-acuminate; pinnule oblong, broadly rounded at the lobed or subentire apex, $-1 in. 1. -}rd in w. uniformly pinnatifid, final segments apart, short, rather ovate or rounded narrowed or cuneate at the base; 1-14 li b. and d. outer edge entire or dentate ; veins pellucid, dichotomously forked, flabellate; sori linear, confluent. Infrequent at 4,000 ft. attitude; gathered at Moody’s Gap, St. Andrew. A broader less coriaceous and more freely cut plant than tartarea, to which it is more closely allied than to calomelanos, with the final segments not broadly adnate as in that species, but narrowed or more or less free at the base. Itis uniformly tripinnatifid, and shows hardly any variation in its features. Of the three silver species it is much the prettiest. All the vascular parts are relatively slender, the lower pinne are subdistant and the upper ones are not close, and generally the fronds narrow directly from the base upwards. The slender cost are rather flexuose, and flat and margined in the outer part. The rachis, too, is often to the same slight degree flexuose, at the top. It differs from G. peruviana, which species it most nearly approaches by being more lax in habit, and having no powder on the upper surface. No goldea form has yet been found but should it would be the most lovely of all golden ferns. 1l. G. ealomelanos, Kaulf.—Rootstock fibrous, scaly, erect; stipites densely tufted, erect, polished, blackish, or dark castaneous, with a few deciduous scales at the base, 1-2 ft. 1; fronds erect 1-2 ft. 1 4-1 ft. w. lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, chartaceous, naked and dark glossy green above, beneath white or grayish with copious farina; bi- tripinnatifid ; rachis channelled, polished and coloured-like the stipites ; pinne numerous, erecto-spreading, more or less distant below, petiolate, lanceolate-acuminate, 3-6 in. |. 1-2 in. b., pinnule contiguous or sub- distant sessile and cuneate, acute-pointed or sometimes acuminate, varying from oblong to linear-lanceolate, simply toothed or deeply pinnatifid in the lower two-thirds, the outer part entire, 4-1} in. L, 2-4 li. w., lobes acute, the lowest largest; veins close, curved, once or twice forked; sori linear, confluent, covering the whole surface at maturity- Pl. Fil. t. 40. var. a. G. Wartensti, Bory.—Fronds bipinnate ; pinnule ovate-oblong, 207 -entire or the inferior lobed on one or both sides at the base; powder pale yellow. var b. G. chrysophylla, Kaulf.— Fronds uniformly tripinnate ; stipi- tate and rachises castaneous ; powder deep yellow. PI. Fil. t. 44. Abundant in the lowlands and among the lower hills throughout the island, on open banks and exposed rocky places fully open to the sun; a very hardy plant, found from the wettest districts to the arid plains of Liguanea. Distinguished from its allies by the erect habit, sharp- pointed segments, and more herbaceous texture. a is usually smaller than the type, and reaches a higher mountain elevation. This and 5 are abundant at the old mines near Hope and Gordon Town. The latter is as large as the type. 12. G. sulphurea, Desv.—Stipites densely tufted from a fibrous erect or oblique rootstock, slender, castaneous, glossy, 24 in. |.; fronds spreading, lanceolate, or the larger ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, herba- ceous, upperside naked and bright green, under densely covered with yellow powder; 4-1} ft. 1. 3-6 in. w., bi-tripinnatifid, somewhat re- duced at the base, the rachis slender, castaneous, polished; pinnae spreading or erecto-spreading, distant below, nearly sessile, lanceolate, 14-4 in. 1 4-1 in w.; pinnule $-4 in. |. 2-4 li. w., ovate-oblong, blunt or rounded and dentate at the apex, widest at the base, lobed or pin- natifid; tertiary segments ovate-oblong or the lower flabellate-cuneate, 1-2 li. w. and d., dentate or inciso-dentate, the teeth retuse; veins forked, very oblique, pinnate in the pinnulae: sori oblong often con- fluent. —Pl. Fil. t. 48. B. a. G. Wileont, J. Sm.—Fronds 3-5 in. 1. 3-1} in. w. short-petioled; rachis margined in the upper part; pinnae and segments close, some- what crispate, freely soriferous, powder not copious. Frequent on damp banks and under the shade of rocks from the lowlands up to 4,500 ft. alti.; a much more delicate and slender plant than any of the yellow states of calomelanos, with shorter sori, obtuse lobes, and deeper coloured powder. Of the small variety, G. Weilsoni, J. Smith, there are specimens both in the Kew and British Museum Herbaria collected by Wilson “near Arntully Gap, St. David,” and I have gathered it myself at several places above 3,000 ft. alt. It is often nearly devoid of powder, more leafy and deeply incised, with sharper and more emarginate teeth than the type. Wilson says it does not grow larger than his specimens, which are, 3 - 4 in. l.and an inch or less wide. It varies, however, in size and my specimens exceed his, but it is never large. Genus XXVIII. Enrerosora, Baker. Sori linear-oblong. immersed on the veins, within slits of the paren- chyma of equal length, which at first quite enclose it with connivent edges but are subsequently open, forming one or two irregular series on each side of the midrib, directed obliquely to the margin; veins forked, oblique, the branches more or less uniting at the margin ; fronds simple. A remarkable monotypic genus, that differs from the rest of this group, and might therefore be included in the next, in having the sort enclosed within the parenchyma in slit-like cavities of the cuticle, so that when young, as seen held up to the light it seems to be quite inside the frond. 208 E. Campbellii, Baker.—Rootstock as thick as a quill or less, short or elongated, fibrous below, the apex freely clothed with small brown reticulated scales; stipites tufted, 3-5 in. 1. wiry, dark brown, sparsely clothed with spreading brown hairs, articulated and clavate at the base ;. fronds linear-oblong, or oblanceolate, 3-6 in. 1. 3-1 in. w. coriaceous, pellucid, slightly ciliate at first, chiefly on the margins, at length glab- rous; apex obtuse, the sides even sinuate or lobate; midrib and veins concealed in the parenchyma, the latter very oblique, branched, the ends united within the margin; sori 1-1} li. 1. oblique in 1-2 series chiefly in the upper half or two-thirds of the frond, immersed in slit-like cavi- ties, the edges of which at length open and abundantly reveal the ruddy erupting sporangia. Baker in Trans. Linn. Soc. Ser. 2. Bot. vol. II, p. 294, Pl. 55. #. Fawcettii, Jenm. in Gard. Chron. 20th Aug., 1895. Rare on the tops of high trees in the forests where Lelia monophylla grows, Rose Hill and Green Hill Wood, St. Andrew Parish. The species was first gathered on Roraima, British Guiana in 1884 and in Jamaica three years later. Better Jamaica material gathered recently (1895) show that the plants from the two countries are the same, only differing, partly, in vestiture and size. The fronds are occasionally forked apically or laterally or both, and possess a very close general resemblance to Polypodium trifurcatum, Linn. with which it grows at Roraima, and for which indeed it was mistaken when first gathered. The sori are sometimes on the free veins enclosed in the areolae of the connecting branches and again on the latter. Genus XXIX Hemionitis, Linn. Sori in continuous, forked or reticulated lines, superficial on the veins, the entire ramification of which is sporangiferous; veins anastomosing, little or much reticulated; fronds entire palmate or pinnate. Hemionitis differs from Gymnogramme by the sori being continuous and more or less reticulated and coextensive with the venation. It is a small tropical genus, of less than a dozen species, half of which belong to the New World; and the rest to India, Java and Fiji. The plants are relatively of small size or stature, and grow in open situations on banks or rocks. Fronds palmate.— 1. H. palmata. Fronds pinnate.— 2. H. pinnata. 1. H. palimata, Linn.—Rootstock erect, fibrous, rather slender, clothed with narrow tawny scales ; stipites tufted, erect, 4-1 ft. 1. dark and rather glossy, deciduously villose, scaly at the base; fronds mem- brano-herbaceous, densely pellucid dotted, dark green, tawny-villose ; palmatitid, 3-5 inches each way, composed of 5 acute diverging nearly equal divisions, that are 4-14 in. w. 1-24 in. |. entire or cut into broad rounded appressed shallow lobes; veins copiously reticulated ; sori occupying the entire venation, forming copious elevated areolx, which gradually diminish outwards to the margins; barren fronds prostrate, smaller, often only tripartite, with rounded lobes viviparous in the sinuses, or much shorter slender stipites.—PI. Fil. t. 1651. 81. Herb. p. 45. Hook Fil. Exot. t. 53. Common on open exposed banks below 2,000 ft. attitude. Welk 209 marked by the pedate-palmate form of the fronds and copiously re- ticulated venation and elevated sori. Though the stipites are stiff they are fragile, and easily broken by wind or other pressure. Occasionally the fertile fronds, too, produce buds in the axils of their divisions. The plants vary much in size, and on dry banks may be gathered down to an inch in diameter of leaf. In these small fronds the basal divisions. are shorter than the others. It is known locally by the name of “ Strawberry-fern.” 2. H. pinnata, J. Smith.—Stipites tufted from a small erect rootstock, 6-9 in. 1. erect castaneous, glossy rusty-pubescent, rachis similar; fronds erect, 5-8 in. 1. 8-5 in. w. membrano-herbaceous, densely pellucid dotted, dark green, tawny-pubescent, the terminal segment subentire lobed or pinnatifid, below this 3-5 pair of spreading distant pinne, the lowest pair of which are largest, and }-} in. w. 2-3 in, 1, the point acute or bluntish, the base free and slightly stipitate, once lobed or forked on the under side, those above simple, oblong-lanceolate, adnate at the base, the upper ones broadly so, margins subentire, or cut into broad shallow appressed lobes; veins repeatedly forked, the branches close, curved, partly free and partly anastomosing; sori thin, following the venation. Infrequent on grassy banks near Hope and above Dublin Castle near Gordon Town; first discovered in the same district at the beginning of the century by Wiles. This has somethiug of the aspect of Gymmo- gramme rufa, which also is plentiful in the same region, but the few distant, mostly adnate, pinne, the lowest pair forked, pinnatifid upper part and narrow oblicue areole of the venation are characters which at a glimpse distinguish it. Genus XXX. Anetium, Sprite. Sori thinly scattered on the veins, but sparingly diffused as well on the surface between, sometimes in small groups or larger amorphous patches; fronds simple; venation copiously reticulated. ; A monotypic genus, with affinity to two or three generally accepted genera, but presenting in each case sufficient dissimilarity to prevent its association therewith and warrant a separate recognition. The texture, venation, habit and, to some extent, aspect show a near natural alliance with Antrophyum, from which the more diffused sori distin- guishes it. 1. A. citrifolium, Splitg.—Rootstock fleshy, free-creeping, clothed with much attenuated narrow reticulated distantly toothed scales ; stipites scattered, from hardly any clear to 3 in. 1. or more, dark coloured ; fronds entire membrano-herbaceous, densely pellucid-dotted; light green ; oblong-lanceolate, pendent variable, in size, + 14 ft. 1. 1 - 341i. w., obtuse acute or shortly acuminate, the base gradually tapering and decurrent on the petioles; costa prominent below, but evanescent at. the apex; veins reticulated, areolz copious, very oblique; sori sparse much diffused,sporangia minute.—PIl. Fil. t. 116. - es Linn, Antrophyum, Fee, Hemionitis, Hooker and aker. Infrequent on trees in damp forests of the eastern parishes below 2,000 ft. alt. variable in size; the larger fronds occasionally 3 ft. 1. andétrd ft. w. and sometimes broadly furcate, or the upper part curiously cut into sharp, shortly extended lobes. While fresh the leaves are fleshy, but in drying become membranous. 210 Genus XXXIJI, AntRopHyum, Kavu er. Sori in zigzag, reticulated, or straight lines, situated on the veins, oblique to or parallel with the margins and costa, superficial or sunk in shallow grooves; veins reticulated ; fronds entire. A small strictly tropi- eal genus, numbering about a score of species, which are widely diffused. About a fourth of the number are American. These have narrow linear or lanceolate leaves, of a dull cloudy colour, which grow a few together or in dense patches on treesand rocks. They are found only in very humid regions, and under prolonged drought shrivel up. The rootstocks are fleshy but slender, and the roots are densely tomentose and form a sponge-like mass very retentive of water. Sori immersed in parallel longitudinal furrows.—1. A. lineatum. Sori superficial in angular areol or zigzag lines — Fronds under 1 inch wide.— 2. A. lanceolatum Fronds over 1 inch wide.— 3. A, subsessile. 1. A. lineatum, Kaulf —Rootstock repent short or elongated, clothed with acuminate clear reticulated scales; stipites few or several, more or less clustered, an inch or two long, or less, passing insensibly into the frond ; fronds 4-1 ft. 1. 4-4 in. w. firm, densely pellucid-dotted, dull cloudy green, linear-ligulate, tapering at both ends, long acuminate, margins even; costa concealed on the upper side, but evident beneath ; veins forming narrow much-elongated areole running parallel with the costa and margins; sori sunk in two or three equidistant parallel longi- tudinal grooves between the costa and margins, continuous, or only the outer ones interrupted. Vittaria lanceolata, Sw. Polytenium, Desv. Plentiful in very damp forests in the middle and upper mountain regions, reaching 6,000 ft alt.; an abnormal species. With Aitrophyum it agrees entirely in texture aspect and habit, but in all other characters is more allied to Vittaria, to which Swartz ascribed it, and from which in fact it only differs technically in the lines of sori and areole being multiserial. 2. A. lanceolatum, Kaulf.—Rootstock short-creeping, densely tomen- tose, clothed with small linear-acuminate dark brown, reticulated scales ; fronds firm, densely pellucid-dotted, a dull cloudy green, contiguous, linear-lanceolate, long-tapering both ways, below quite to the base, of the stipites, 4-14 ft. ].4-Zths in. w. the margins even or rather irregular, the costa strong and raised beneath at the base in the larger fronds, slender or vein-like at the apex; veins reticulated, areole chiefl oblong, the inner line narrow much elongated, and parallel with the costa as is also the next series, the outer ones oblique, falling short of the edge; sori linear, parallel with or oblique to the costa. On trees, forming spreading patches, below 2,000 ft. altitude. In the narrower fronds the areole are only 2 serial, and run parallel with the midrib and margins; when broader the outer meshes are oblique. 3. A. subsessile, Kze,—Rootstock repent, short or elongated, clothed with brown reticulated even-edged scales; stipites hardly distinct, or reaching 1} in. 1.; fronds firm, pellucid-dotted dull green above, pale beneath, erect or subpendent, subtufted, few or several, 4-1 ft. 1. 1-3 in. w., oblong-lanceolate or oblanceolate, the apex acute obtuse or rounded, tapering in the lower half to the winged base; the margins thin, even or irregular; costa raised in the lower part and flat on both 211 sides; veins freely reticulated, falling short of the margins; areole copious, oblong, oblique; sori linear the lines curved, zigzag, or reticulated, quite superficial. Infrequent on the sides of large stones and rocks in wet forests at 6,000 ft. altitude; first gathered ina disintegrated gully above the Portland road, not far from the Government Cinchona Plantations, where a good many plants then existed. It varies in size: the Jamaica specimens are mostly small, under 6 in |. and an inch wide, but occasionally much larger; in Guiana it is 8-12 in. |. and 2-3 in. w. It has broader fronds than any of the other species, broadest above the centre, becoming thus oblanceolate or spathulato-lanceolate, with short winged stipites. Tre XII Virrarira. Fronds entire, rarely forked, or pinnate, linear, ligulate or ensiform, tufted or scattered ; veins copiously reticulated, transversely connected, or quite free, in some cases quite absent; sori linear, costal or sub- marginal, running parallel with the margins. continuous or casually interrupted, sunk in a groove or slit or superficial; sporangia stipitate, with an incomplete vertical jointed ring, splitting transversely when mature : receptacles special or not. This is a small tribe, which is difficult to place with satisfaction as it possesses no very obvious affinity. In some cases the sori are more or less embraced before maturity by the recurved margins of the fronds or connivent sides of the furrows, and this feature, together with the linear and transverse or longitudinal character of the sori, gives it some claim to follow Pteridee and Blechnee, from which however the entire absence of special involucres removes it under this arrangement. The three genera which comprise it consist of a few grass or ribbon- like fronded species, which are chiefly epiphytal on trees or rocks. They are spread through the torrid belt, quite round the world, being about equally divided between the Eastern and Western Hemispheres. Genus XXXII. Monocramma, Scux. Fronds small, linear, simple or forked: devoid of veins or with short simple or forked costal branches; sori linear, sunk in a longitudinal cleft down the back of the costa or superficial on both sides of it, the two lines becoming confluent laterally. About a dozen species form this genus which in their vascular parts are among the simplest of all ferns. They are small epiphytal grass- like plants, mostly tropical in their range, through which regions they are widely but not very generally diffused. About half the number are West Indian and American. The individuals, locally, grow alone or in communities and are infrequent or rare. Fronds with a midrib only, and no lateral veins.— 1. M. graminoides. Fronds with simple or forked lateral veins— 2. M. minor. 3. M. seminuda. 4. M. immersa. 1. UM. graminoides, Baker.—Rootstock slender, cylindrical, erect, clothed with small brown scales, fronds tufted, simple, or casually forked at the top, narrowed to the base of the filiform margined stipites, 1-2 or more in. |. about 4 li. w., herbaceo-coriaceous and stiffish, bright green, naked; midrib distinct raised on the upper side, but with no 212 lateral veinlets ; sori oblong or linear-oblong superficial on the back or sides of the midrib, confined to the upper part of the frond, where the edges are often folded or recurved, the margin below this part flat. HM. furcata, Desv. Hook. Pleurogramme graminoides, Fée. Grammitis, Swartz. Cochlidium, KI. On trees; apparently rare, as modern collectors have not gathered it. It was collected first by Swartz, “on trees in the highest mountains,” Grisebach says, and subsequently by Wiles, both of whose specimens are in the old collections of the British Museum Herbarium. J. Smith’s ferns, there also, include specimens marked from “ Wiles ex herb. Lam- bert, 1843.” A very slender species, marked by the absence of lateral veinlets, and many of the fronds being furcated. 2. M. minor, Jenm.—Rootstock filiform, erect minutely scaly ; fronds tufted 3-14 in. 1, about 1 li. w., in the broader upper part, the apex blunt, tapering gradually in the lower half or more to the base of the hardly distinct dark coloured yery slender stipites, firm or coriaceous, pellucid, naked, bright green; midrib filiform, distinct flexuose, covered by the parenchyma, raised on the upper side ; dark-coloured beneath to- ward the base; veins simple very oblique, open, not reaching the mar- gins; sori linear or interrupted, confined to the upper half or third of the frond but not reaching the top, biserial in the groove-like depres- sions along, and close to, the midrib, which the lines at length quite cover, becoming confluent laterally and superficial. Infrequent but communal on rocky banks scattered in beds of moss ; gathered in the forest adjoining Murray’s Flat near Mount Moses, St. Andrew at between 2,000 and 3,000 ft. altitude, It is clearly very rare, but might easily be overlooked under the conditions in which I found it. There are from six to a dozen leaves to each plant, which spread and curve upwards acquiring thereby a falcate form, giving each other plenty of room. They are broadest in the upper half or toward the top, and thence rather long-tapering to the base, the narrow wings reaching to the bottom of the slender purple stems. The venation is quite distinct and evident, though immersed. 3. I. seminuda, Baker.—Rootstock erect, slender, cylindrical, fibrous, the apex clothed with narrow light brownscales; stipites tufted, slender, dark coloured, 2 - 3 li. 1.; fronds linear, subcoriaceous, light or brown- ish-green beneath, darker above, glabrous, 3 - 5in. 1. 2 li. w., the apex obtuse, the base attenuated, casually furcate, the margins thin and more or less even, midrib evident above, covered by the parenchyma; veins close, oblique, simple or forked, terminating within the margin with clavate apices; sori linear, in a groove, occupying about grds of the frond, not reaching the apex or base, originating close to the midrib on each side, the two rows at length confluent and covering it, the margins of the groove sharp and sometimes replicate —M. gramini- olia, Hook., Blechnum seminudum, Willd. Pleurogramme, linearis, Presl. On trees growing singly in upright tufts or few plants near together. It differs from immersa by the much less rigid, rather broader and flatter, fronds, which are not so much thickened down the centre the sori consequently being less deeply immersed. The colour, too, is a lighter green, and brown beneath. It is many times larger than minor, the fronds differently shaped, and with closer, less oblique, veins. _ 4 MM. immersa, Fée.—Rootstock elongated, erect, freely clothed with 213 brown narrow acuminate scales, the base fibrous; fronds tufted, erect or erecto-spreading, 3 - 6 in. 1. 14 li. w., coriaceous and rigid; rather opaque, usually curved, linear, the apex blunt or acute, tapering at the base to the short and hardly distinct stipites, when fertile much thick- ened down to the centre and subtriquetrous, the margins even and fre- quently folded together, glabrous, bright grass-green, midrib distinct on the upper side, covered in the parenchyma; veins oblique, immersed, both simple and forked, not reaching the margins; sori sunk in a deep slit, down the back of the midrib, confined to the upper third half or two thirds of the frond. Infrequent on trees on the ridges and peaks at 6,000-7,000 ft. alt. The fibrous portion of the rootstock gradually elongates in a cylindri- cal form to, occasionally, three or four inches in length. The slit-like groove which contains the sorus is at first closed with connivent edges, but as the fronds mature the sides of the groove open, showing the dark- brown linear sorus embraced by them. The texture is particularly rigid. Genus XXXITI. Virraria, Suiru. Sori linear, sunk in a marginal or intramarginal slit or groove, rarely slightly impressed or superficial, continuous and parallel with the mar- gins; veins simple, oblique, prolonged and connected by a transverse anastomosis, which forms the receptacle; fronds entire, linear or ligulate. A small, almost strictly tropical, genus comprising about a score of species, which are nearly equally divided between the Old and New Worlds, reaching quite round the equatorial belt and possessing considerable homogenity of form and habit, having mostly long pendent fronds, linear or strap-shaped, which grow in tufts on the branches of trees, or on rocks, in shady places or forests. Fronds $ inch wide, or less.— 1. V. intramarginalis. 2. V. lineata. Fronds $-} inch wide.— 3. V. stipitata. 4. V. remota. 1. V. intramarginalis, Baker.—Rootstock horizontal, very shortly repent, densely clothed with hair-like reticulated serrated scales ; fronds more or less tufted, few or many, the barren broader, rounded at the top, linear-spathulate, fertile linear 2-6 in. 1. a line to $ in. w., narrowed aud thickened toward the base, with no distinct unmargined petioles, tapering and acute or acuminate at the apex, back rather rounded, with a distinct narrow depression down the centre, dark green, under side much paler, the margins thin ; sori sunk in continuous (or rarely, inter- rupted) grooves, which fall short of both apex and base of the fronds; veins distant forming long narrow costularareole. Journ. Bot. 1877, p.266. On branches of trees overhanging Ginger River, St. Mary, and near Bath, St. Thomas-in-the-East. A small plant, which much resembles seedlings of the next species, from whieh it is readily distinguishable by the distinct small barren fronds (not however present in full-grown plants), less coriaceous and more pliant texture, pale under surface, thin margins, and distinctly intramarginal open slits containing the sori. There is no distinct midrib, the central vein being not stronger than the lateral ones, with a line of narrow longitudinal areole on each side of it. The groves are medial, open and rounded, with thin edges when the fronds are dried and the surface wrinkled longitudinally. 214 i\CONTRIBUTIONS AND ADDITIONS. LiprRary. Tropical Agriculturist. June & July 1897. Sugar Cane. July & August, 1897. [Editor.] Sugar. June-Aug. 1897. [Editor.] W.1. & Com. Advertiser. June-August, 1897. [Editor] Chemist & Druggist. June-August, 1897. [Editor.] Produce World. June-August, 1897. [Hditor. British Trade Journal. June-August, 1897. [Editor.] Field Exps. with Sugar Cane, Seasons 1893-95. [H. Edson.] Diseases of Sugar Cane. By C. Barber. [Director, Kew. | Scientific Researches into Agri. Imp. of Sugar Cane. [Author.] Gardeners Chronicle. June-Aug., 1897. Garden. June-1897. Agr. Ledger, (India) 16, 16, 24-42 ; 1896. (Supt. Govt. Print. Calcutta. ] Proc, Agri. Hort. Soc., Madras, Jan.—Mar., “97. [Secretary.] Proc. Agri. Soc., Trinidad. [Secretary. ] Agri. Gaz N. South Wales. Apr—June, 1897, [Dept. of Agri.] Sugar Journal. (Queensland) May-July, 1897. bittor Agri. Journ., Cape of G. Hope. May-July. [Dept of Agri.] Revue Agricole, Apr.—June., 1897. [Hditor.]} Central African Planter. Apr.—June 1897. [Kditor.] Times of Ceylon. June-Aug., 1897. [Editor.] Notes on Forests of Holland, Germany, Switzerland & France. [Author. ] Companion Queensland Student of Plant Life. [Editor.] Journ. Board of Agri. June 1897. [Secretary.] Journ. R. Agri. & Com. Soc. of B. Guiana. June, 1897. [Editor.] Agri. Journ. Queensland. July, 1897. ([Secretary.] Report Dept. of Mines & Agri. N.S. Wales. 1895. [Secretary.] Report Bot. Gardens, Grenada, 1896. [Curator.] Anniversary Address R. Soc. N. S. Wales. May, 1897. Report R. Bot. Gard., Ceylon, 1896. ([Director.] Bulletin Dept. Land Rec. & Agri. [Director.] Agri. Bulletin Malay Peninsula. June,1897. [Govt. Print. Office.] Insect Pests Plant Diseases. [Oom. of Library of Leg. Ass. B. Columbia.] Exp. Station Record, U.S. A., VIII. 8&9. [Director.] Report U.S. Dept. of Agri. [Editor.] Report on Exp. Farms. 1896. [Editor.] Bulletin Torrey Bot. Club. June & July, 1897. [Editor.] Bulletin U.S. Dept. of Agri. Farmers’ Bulletin. ti S. Dept. of Agri.] Bulletin Agri. Exp. Station California. July 1897. [Director.] Bulletin Central Exp Farm. Ottawa. June 1897, [Editor.] Louisiana State Univ. Agri. & Mechanical College. 1896-97. [Supt.] American Journ. of Pharm. July-September, 1897. [Editor.] Forester. July-Sept., 1897. [Editor.] Montreal Pharm. Journ. July & August, 1897. Diseases & Insects of Citrus. [H.J. Webber.] Peculiar Structures occurring in Pollen Tube of Zamia [H. J. Webber] Bot. Gaz. June-Aug., 1897. [Editor.] Trans. Mass. Hort. Soc. 1896. [Secretary.] Spontaneous Combustion of Molasses. [J. T. Crawley.] Announcement Philadelphia Pharm. Coll, 1897. [Editor.] Pro-American Acad. Arts &Science. June, 1897. Hawaiian Planters’ Monthly. July & August, 1897. [Editor.] Proefstation, Suiherriet, W. Jaya. 1897. ([Editor.] Bole. R. Orto. Botanico, Palermo, 1897. [Editor.] Sucrerie Indigene et Coloniale. July & August, 1897. [Editor.] Bulletin L’ Herbier Boissier. June-August, 1897. Bol. His. Natural E Ethnographia. May, 1897. ([Director.] 215 No. Eizblalt Kon. Bot. Gar. und. Mus, zu Berlin. June, 1897. Bulletin Kolonial Museum, Haarlem, June & July, 1897. [Editor.] Report Graaff Reinet Bot. Gardens. 1896. Plantas Novas Cultivadas Jar. Bot. Rio de Janeiro. [Editor.] SEEDs, From Botanic Gardens, British Guiana. Castilloa elastica. From Botanic Gardens, Port Darwin. Grevillea heliosperma. Albizzia procera. Mucuna gigantea. Gossypium flayiflorum. Livistonia Leichardtii. Melaleuca symphiocarpa. Petalostigma quadriloculare. Dodonzea lanceolata. Adansonia Gregorii. Acacia holosericea, Cassia occidentalis. Convolvulus parviflorus. Aeschynomene sensitiva. Urena lobata. Philhydrum lanuginosum. From His Honour A. V. Lucie-Smith. Pepper Tree. Pine (Pinus). From Royal Garcens, Kew. Melhania Erythroxylon. From Botanic Gardens, Sydney. Acacia pycnantha. From W, Jekyll, Esq., Robertsfield. Cineraria maritima candidissima. From Mr. C. L. Hall, Hayti. Leguminosa. Botanical Station, British Honduras. Baboon’s Cap. ”’ PLAnNtTs. Prom Messrs. J. Veitch & Sons. 1 Aerides multiflorum (affine). do. odoratum. Cattleya labiata, do. Dowiana. do. Trianzi. do. do. rosea. do. Warneri. Dendrobium barbatulum. do. densiflorum. do. Farmerii. do. primulinum. Oncidium ampliatum majus. do. Kramerianum., Phalsenopsis amabilis. do. grandiflora. do. Sanderiana, do. Schilleriana, RE RE ee ee ee eee ee eee 216 1 Vanda Amesiana. 1 do. Bensoniz. 1 do. cerulea. 1 do. tricolor. 1 Dendrobium glomeratum. 1 do. subclausum. 1 Cypripedium Germinyanum. 1 do. Godseffianum. 1 Oncidium pulvinatum. 1 do. divaricatum. 1 do. phymatochilum. 1 Maxillaria Sanderiana. 1 Dendrobium crassinode. 1 Cypripedium Harrisianum, From Messrs. F. Sander & Co., St. Albans, England. Dipladenia speciosa. Davalla hirta. Watsonia Ardemei. Mapania pandaneefolia. Petunia Mrs. F. Sander. Sander’s new variegated Canna. Anthurium Bogotense. Jocobinia coccinea, Rosa polyantha Snowball. Asystasia chelonoides alba.” Pntapetes fascinator. Caladium albanense. C. speciosa. C. venosa. Rudbeckia laciniata fl. pl. Salvia splendens grandiflora. Deutzia Lemoinei. Hemerocallis aurantiaca major. Coleus Captain Holford. Arundinaria sp, Croton Hybrid. Coleus Black Bedder. tricolor undulata, Mrs. F. Sander. Gaiety. egonia Duchess of Sutherland. Lady Clare Annesley. Decorator. Empress. Claudine Schmidtt. Capt. Holford. Lebrum. Mrs. W. EHlpinstone Confucius Hatfield Gem. Silver Grey : White Collarette Dendrobium Phalnopsis Schroderianum formosum giganteum D Dalhousieanum Cattleya Gaskelliana Rnb WOOS From Mr. C, L. Hall, Hayti. Corms of Irideze. [Issued 26th October, 1897.] New Series. | OCTOBER, NOVEMBER. , 1897. Vol. IV. Parts 10, 1!. BULLETIN or THE BOTANICAL DEPARTMENT, JAMAICA. ————_ —_ + -e-+—__ - EDITED BY WILLIAM FAWCETT, B.Sc., F.LS. Director of Public Gardens and Plantations. CONDE N TS: Movements of Plants - - — Page 217 Analysis of Sugar Cane - - 227 Elementary Notes on Jamaica Plants - 232 Cabinet Woods: Market Report - 236 Rhythmic growth in Citrus — - 240 Ceara Rubber — = 242 Carob or Locust Bean Tree — - 243 Citric Acid - = 248 Ferns—Synoptical List : XLVIIT - 251 Contributions and Additions — = 256 Castleton Gardens — = 257 P RIC E-Sixpence. A Copy will be supplied free to any Resident in Jamaica, who will send Name and Address to the Director of Public Gardens and Plantations, Kingston P.O. KINGSTON, JAMAICA: GoveRNMENT Printine Orrice, 79 Duxe STREET. 1897. JAMAIUA. BULLETIN OF THE BOTANICAL DEPARTMENT. Vol. IV. Parts 10, 11. THE MOVEMENTS OF PLANTS. By Professor D. T. MacDoveat, M.A., M.S., Ph.D. Lecture given at the Institute of Jamaica, June 19, 1897. It is a matter of common custom to consider motion as a special charac teristic of the animal kingdom, and when attention is called to the more apparent movements of certain well known plants, it is with the accom- panying idea that it is something novel, sensational and exceptional rather than general, and that this property does not properly belong to plants. It is pertinent to state, in the beginning of our discussion of the sub- ject, that the power of movement is quite universally distributed among plants and that but very few species may be found which do not exhibit it in some form more or less easily observable. Although the general purposes of the movements of plants and animals are identical, yet the general structureand mode of life of the two series of organisms is so unlike, that the greatest possible differences are to be found between the general character of the movements of plants and animals, with respect to duration, rapidity, amplitude and immediate purpose, as well as in the structure of the organs concerned in the movement, and the mechanism of the elements of which these organs are composed. As a matter of fact the movements of animals and plants are so much unlike, that specific comparisons would be wholly unprofitable. In general however it is to be said that the power of locomotion or move: ment from place to place is exhibited by the greater majority of animals and by but very few plants; the movements of animals may be of great amplitude, those of plants are quite limited in range; the movements of animals may be so rapid as to elude the eye, while those of plants are generally so slow that they may be detected only by repeated and accu rate measurements. The fundamental necessity for every organism whether plant or ani: mal is the acquisition of a proper supply of food, and a secondary neces- sity is the avoidance of danger, while the chief purpose of the organism is reproduction or the preservation of the species. Movement is a very important factor in the attainment of these objects, and the unlike development of this power in plants and animals is due to the widely dissimilar character and distribution of the food supply, and environ- -mental factors eucountered by the two groups. Bil In the consideration of this part of our subject, the time at our dispo- sal will not permit us to pursue it to its utmost ramifications and we _ may direct attention to a few of the more important points only. The animal has developed in such manner that the high:r forms use ‘substances for food, which are not uniformly distributed throughout the New Series.| OCTOBER, NOVEMBER, 1897. 218 soil, air and water, but occur in irregular masses. In order to acquire these separate portions of food it was and is highly necessary that the animal should be able to move from place to place, and should be able to sustain this movement sufficiently to acquire the requisite number of food-masses ; hence arose the necessity for the power of locomotion, which also serves the animal as a means of protection from danger from other animals, inclemencies of the climate, etc. The emergence of the plant from an aquatic to a terrestrial habitat in an early stage of its development was accompanied by several radical changes in its physiological organization, and from a motile, or floating body it acquired the habit of fixing itself firmly in the soil or other substatum. The power of locomotion was not only useless but impossible in its new location, and with its newly acquired rigid body, and hence it was lost. The loss of the power of movement from place to place and the acquisi- tion of the habit of fixation was due to the character of the food supply. The food of plants consists of mineral salts derived chiefly from the soil and carbon dioxide from the air. The mineral elements and water are quite widely distributed through- out the soil, and furthermore iu sufficient quantity to enable a plant to meet its needs without moving from the place in which it began its existence. It is but necessary that the roots should pierce the soil and place the absorbing surfaces in contact with the solutions serving as food. ‘The mineral food of the plant thus lies in the soil beneath it or near it laterally, and the physical conditions prevalent make something more necessary than a simple random penetration of the soil. In other words it is necessary that the root tips should be guided as they bore through the substratum. In order to guide or direct the growth of a tip of a root, it is necessary that this tip should have the power of movement or of changing the position of its axis. Thus it is of the greatest importance that the primary root of a seedling should penetrate the soil in a vertical direction and reach the moist particles at greater or less distance beneath the surface. To accomplish this the primary root should always grow downward no matter in what position it may be placed at the time of the germination of the seed. In order to do this the root has acquired the power of irritability to gravity which we term geotropism. A geotropic root tends to place its axis parallel to the force of gravity, that is with its point directed toward the centre of the earth. The movement by which the plant accomplishes this may be very easily demonstrated if a seedling with a root two or three inches in length is placed in such position that the root isin a horizontal position ina damp chamber. If examined an hour later it will be found that curva- ture has taken place in a portion near the apex and that the tip now points directly downward. It would not suffice however for all of the root to be driven directly downward through the soil, since the soil containing the most ad- vantageous proportions of food, lies comparatively near the surface. The lateral roots which issue from the primary roots are therefore en- dowed with a power of movement which tends to place their axis ina horizontal position. By a combination of the two movements it may be seen that the plant is enabled to drive its roots downward to the proper depth and laterally through the layer of the best soil. The difficulties to be overcome and the conditions to be met in this penetration of the 219 substratum are numerous and the root tip is most richly endowed with various forms of irritability and movement in response to such needs. Thus in finding its way, through the soil a root may encounter a stone which blocks its way or splintered fragments which might pierce and destroy the tip. The root tip is irritable to contact or injury and when it meets such objects as those named above, it bends away from them, and then once more resumes its former direction past the obstacle. Certain portions of soil may contain more water or food material than others and it will be found that the roots curve in such manner as to direct their tips toward these portions. Then again a laterally growing root may find itself exposed to sunlight filtering down between the particles of the soil with injurious consequences. To avoid danger from this source the root has the power of bending away from the light. The root tip responds by movement to many other forces, and it is so delicately adjusted and has acquired so many forms of irritability that Chas. Darwin compared it to the brain of an animal in his classic work “Movement in Plants.” Let us now turn our attention to some of the movements which are exhibited by the shoot and which may be seen without any troublesome detail of experimentation. If the compound leaves of the Logwood (Haematoxylon), Shameweed (Mimosa), or Guango (Pithecolobium Saman) are examined shortly after sunrise, it will be found that the leaflets are spread open in a horizontal position, and that they are exposed to the full force of the sun’s rays. (See Fig. 1.) Fig. 1 Extended position of leaf of Pithecolobium Saman, Guango, occuring in the morning or in diffuse light throughout the day. 220 If the same leaves are examined later in the day or at a time when the sunlight is near its maximum intensity, it will be seen that the leaflets are no longer spread out to receive its full force but that they are folded together in pairs in such manner that the edges are presented to the sun, so that the rays strike the surfaces at a very acute angle. and the entire aspect of the plant is altered. (See Fig. 2.) ' Fig. 2. Closed position of leaf of Pithecolobium Saman Guango to be seen at noon-day ‘The position of the leaflets at night is slightly different. The meaning of this movement may be most easily interpreted when the functions subserved by the leaves are recalled For the purpose of this discussion we may consider a green leaf as a mill into which water laden with mineral salts from the soil, and carbon dioxide from the air are poured, which converts these substances into sugar and other useful compounds. The driving power of this leaf-mill is sunlight, and the energy is absorbed from the light by means of the green colouring matter (chlorophyll) Like all mills the leaf does its work best when a certain amount or intensity of force is applied to it, or in other words when itis driven ata certain rate of speed. If driven tco rapidly not only is the work done less perfectly but the mechanism may suffer injury. These facts apply exactly to the leaf. It functions best when it receives light of a certain intensity. In the plants which I have mentioned, the leaflets receive the proper amount of light for the successful performance of work when in a hori- zontal position, in the early part of the forenoon. As the sun advances toward the zenith, the heat and light of its rays increase in intensity, and at the same time the rays infringe at right angles on the surface of the leaves held in a horizontal position, greatly increasing their effect on the leaves. Ifthe leaves remain exposed to the full force of the sun’s rays in the morning position, the green colour will be destroyed and water will be evaporated faster than it can be brought up from the roots, and wilting or withering will ensue. The leaflets are automatic machines however. The moment the sum beats too fiercely upon the blades, an action is set up which results in turning the edges toward the sun, and the effect of the rays is greatly lessened. In this manner the plant has almost absolute control over the amount of heat and light which may be allowed to act upon the leaves. A glence at many plants found in every door-yard will show plants which have made this adjustment to the noonday sun., 221 The actual value of this motion of the plant may be seen if two metal plates are exposed to the sun, one horizontally, the other verti- cally, in the middle of the day. A touch of the finger will reveal the difference in temperature an hour later. As the sun sinks toward the western horizon the action of its rays decreases and the self regulating leaflets slowly open. The dangers of the day are by no means over however. As the sun disappears the air grows cooler, and the leaves radiate heat that would result in chilling and other injuries, if allowed to continue. Once more the regulating mechanism is called into play and once more the leaflets are placed in a vertical position when they radiate heat less rapidly. This so-called ‘‘ sleep position” of leaves may or may not be identical with the noon- day position. The metal plates may again be used to demonstrate the physical value of sleep movements. The plate held in a horizontal position for an hour will be found to be cooler than the one held vertically. The test is a delicate one and requires accurate thermometric measurements. The necessity for the movements of the leaflets may be shown if the leaflets of the Guango are fastened in a horizontal position and allowed to remain exposed to the full blaze of the sun and to the night air for a day or two. All of the above movements are adaptations by which the plant facilitates the acquisition of food or protects the organs of nutrition. It will be profitable to turn our attention for afew minutes to some specialised movements exhibited by some of the common plants of Jamaica. The ordinary Shameweed (Mimosa) the pest of your lawns and pastures will serve as an example. The leaflets of this plant beside moving in response to changes in temperature and light, also exhibit reactions to a shock or a blow, incision or other injury, electric current, or a flame, and may be made to assume the sleep position by ether or chloroform. Although much attention has been given to this plant yet it is quite impossible to see that any useful purpose is subserved by movements in response to some of these stimuli. It is safe to say that so far as some of the stimuli are concerned, they are not met with by the plant in its original habitat in Brazil and Venezuela. It is to be seen that the Shameweed offers several interesting features which are by no means common. Of these, one of the most striking is the manner in which impulses are transmitted from one branch to another. ‘This may be. best illustrated by reference to the diagrams. (See Figs. 3 and 4.) Ifthe flame of a burning match is -¥ig. 3. Branch of Mimosa showing normal and irritated closed leaflets. 222 applied to the tip of a branch at Fig. 4, the leaflets nearest the flame close at once by an almost instantaneous movement, then the motion is taken up by each pair of leaflets in turn until the base is reached. Then an impulse starts towards the tip of the other secondary petioles clos- ing the leaflets in succession. Meanwhile an impulse has been travelling toward the base of the leafstalk, and as it reaches the thick cushion of tissue—the pulvinus—which joins it to the stem, the pul- vinus contracts on the lower side and the entire leaf sinks downward. Impulses then travel downward and upward ee the ‘Aig and ore Fig. 4. Diagram showing direction of impulses and out to t Le tips of the in Mimosa from a flame applied at A. leaves, producing a move- ment similar to that of the first leaf. It may interest you to know that the rate at which impulses trave? has been accurately measured and that it is found to be about four- teen feet per minute, though dependent upon the temperature, age of the plant, etc. At the rate given, an impulse might traverse the entire body of the plant in a few seconds. All of the move- ments of the Mimosa are effected by means of pulvini at the bases ot the primary and secondary petioles, and of the leaflets. The structure and action of a pulvinus may be illustrated by reference to the diagram. (See Fig. 5.) The portion of the stalks consti- tuting the pulvinus consists of a central strand of very flexible hard tubes, vessels and fibres sur- rounded by a cylinder of thin walled cells which are capable of almost instantaneous changes in size and form. When an im- Fig. 5. Section of pulvinus of Mimosa pulse from a shock reaches a pul- a. Fibres and vessels. b. Upper side. VWUS, the cells on the lower side~ at once lose a part of their con— 7 nin oy 7 223 tents, which passes out into the spaces between them, and they contract with the result that the leaf stalk curves in that direction which may be upward or downward according to the location of the pulvinus. Ina few minutes after a pulvinus has curved in this manner, the cells which have contracted begin to reabsorb water and finally regain their former size with the result that the leaf is in its original position in fifteen to twenty-five minutes after the stimulus was applied to the plant. It is then capable of repeating its former action. Another movement, the object of which is unknown to us, is afforded by the “Telegraph Plant” (Desmodium gyrans) which is to be found in Jamaica. I have recently had the opportunity of examining several fine specimens in the Castleton Gardens, and am informed that it is also grown inthe Hope Gardens. The generalaspect of the plant is shown in Figure 6. ML I pn Sea SS. Fig. 6. Desmodium gyrans. A, Normal position of leaves. B, Leaves during darkness. 224 The plant belongs to the Leguminosae, and its leaves undergo the move- ments for adjustment to the intense sunlight and to the cool night air in the same general manner as the Guango, or the Shameweed. If an examination of the The movement continues compound leaf is made it will be found to consist of one large terminal leaflet, and ene or two small lateral ones. (See Fig. 7.) The small lateral leaflets keep up a rather rapid con- tinuous jerking movement at even in the night and these leaflets do not) undergo ‘Sleep movements”. The tip of the Jeaflets move up- ward and downward through an are of one hundred and eighty degrees and at the same time twists on the times when the temperature "7, yea! Grestalk so that an irregular is between 72 and 104° HF’, modium gyrans) yal or ellipse is described. From two to five minutes are necessary to complete the movement. We are not only unable to ascribe any useful purpose to this move- ment of the Telegraph Plant but do not understand the mechanism by which it is produced. Such marked and continuous movements are by no meaus common among the higher plants. It is necessary for every green plant to lift its leaves aloft into the sunlight To accomplish 2 this more or less rigid ra, stems and branches are constructed upon which the leaves are displayed. A comparatively enor- mous amount of mate- rial, energy and time are used in this process, and the plant which gets up to the sunlight with- out thisexpenditure will have a great advantage over other forms. One group of plants, the air plants (epiphytes) obtain exposure to the light by growing on the elevated branches of other plants. Another g: oup of par- ticular interest in con- nection with this discus- sion, accomplish the Fig. 8. Tendril of Granadilla (Passiflora quadrangu- S4me purpose by climb- laris.) a. Normal position. b curved afterirritation. ing upward over the bodies of other plants or any object near them. ‘They may cling to the support by twining round it, or by means of special grasping organs or tendrils. The latter class is the most highly developed group since if accomplishes the climbing at the least expense. 225 Tendrils exhibit irritability of the most highly developed form and sreact to a number of stimuli by very rapid movements. ~ When a tendril comes into contact with a branch of a tree or another solid body, it will begin to curve in a time varying from five seconds to an hour, and soon completely encircles the body with which it has come into contact. In this manner the apical growing portions of a vine are fastened to a support. As soon as this has been accomplished the part of the tendril between the plant and the object to which it is attached exhibits another movement by which it is thrown into the form of a spiral spring, which pulls the plant upward through a distance equa! to about one third the length of the tend:il. The tendril will also move in response to a number of other stimuli, such as heat, acids, electric cur- rents, and may be rendered incapable of motion by ether or chloroform. A movement which has for its purpose the facilitation of reproduction is offered by the Water Hyacinth (Kichhornia speciosa) which is to be found in the botanic gardens of Jamaica. The perfection and germination of the seed of this aquatic plant can take place under water only. If an examination of the plant is made during the proper season it will be seen that the showy azure flowers stand upon erect flower stulks several inches above the water. Soon after the pollen has been conveyed from the stamens to the pistils the flower stalk begins to bend downward GO) 1Q) _Fig.9. Flower stalk of Water Hyacinth, (Hichhornia speciosa.) a. Normal up- right position. b. Curved inverted position. 226 and in the course of a few hours it has moved downward through one hundred and sixty or seventy degrees and the flowers are completely immersed in water, where the development of the seed occurs. (See Fig. 9.) The foregoing examples illustrate some of the principal or rather the more apparent forms of movement, and the time is lacking to enumer- ate others although of great importance and wide occurrence. It will be more profitable to spend the remaining time at our disposal in a dis- cussion of the movements. The external similarity of the movements of some plants to those of animals has led to many ungrounded comparisons, and to the ascription of sense or intelligence to plants. The questions at once arise in the mind of a person who observes the movements for the first time: Have plants muscles, sense-organs, and nerves, and is it conscious of the movements ? In general I may enswer all of these questions by saying that the mechanism of movement of plants offers only a general analogy to that of animals, and that all motions are of a reflex character : The plant has no nervous centre, but when a stimulus acts upon any part of the plant the impulse is conveyed directly to the part of the plant producing the movement. The plant has no structures which may be properly designated as sense organs, yet there are certain portions which alone may receive stimuli, and convert them into impulses. The extreme tip of a root, the blade of a leaf, the lower side of the tendril of the Passion Flower are specially capable of sensibility. The Shameweed is however “ sen- sitive” over its entire surface with the exception of the flowers, seed pods and upper side of the pulvinus. But movement is not produced at the extreme tip of a root or in the blade of the leaf, or in other words the cells which receive the stimulus, do not set up motion. The motile cells are at the base of the leaf stalk, or at some distance from the “ sensitive” cells. It will be convenient to speak of the cells receiving the stimuli as constituting the “sensory” zone, and the cells producing the movement as the ‘‘ motor” zone. Now since the sensory and motor zones are separated by some distance it is evident that there must be some sort of transmission of force from one to the other. ‘the path along which the transmission is made has not yet been made ont, that is to say the p ant hasno known structures analogous to the nerves of an animal. Although the mechanism by which movement is produced in plants is not so well differentiated as that of animals, yet the degree of sensitive- ness is in some instances even greater. Thus a tendril will curve in response to a weight not appreciable to human touch and the shoot of a young plant will bend toward a light which can not be perceived by the human eye. It is of interest in this connection to note that many reputable biologists ascribe some form of consciousness to plants; the way is not clear to concur in this opinion in the present state of our information on the subject. To recapitulate the principal points in the foregoing discussion : The power of movement is quite widely distributed among plants and is one of the most important means by which it adapts itself to its en- vironment. The mode of life of the plant has tended to the loss of the 227 power of locomotion. By means of movement the absorption of food from the soil is facilitated and the roots are protected from injury. By means of movement the action of the sun upon the leaves is controlled, the food- forming processes regulated, and the leaf protected from injury from excessive light, heat, transpiration, and radiation. Movement en- ables the grasping organs of climbing plants to fasten to supports and pull the plant upward, and by the same property, reproduction and protection of seeds are accomplished. This summary must not be taken to cover the entire subject, but touches only upon the points included. in the discussion. Movements serve many other purposes as well. ANALYSIS OF SUGAR CANE. By the late J. J. Bowrey, F.C.8., F.1.C., Island Chemist.* Government Laboratory, Kingston, 18th October, 1897. Director of Public Gardens and Plantations. Stir, Herewith I send two tables containing results of analysis of Canes received from the Hope Gardens in July and August last. One contains the named Canes i1.e., varieties which are. known in cultivation, the other numbered Canes, i.e., canes which have been raised from seed within recent years and are not yet in economic cultivation. The canes have been sampled and the analysis made in the manner described in the last Report of Agricultural Work in the Botanic Gardens, Demerara, and to facilitate comparison the results are stated as in that Report. It is to be noted that one analysis of a variety of cane is not sufficient to determine its characteristics as to yield, strength, and purity of juice. Analysis must be made yearly for several years, before an authoritative opinion can be formed. The climatic conditions vary from year to year and greatly affect the canes and the analytical results vary much with their riperess or otherwise. I have carefully compared the results here tabulated with those ob- tained in Demerara, and it may be interesting if 1 now briefly state the outcome. Namep Canes. The names Lahaina, Ko-poa-pa, China, Salangore, Grand Savanne, Po-a-ole, Hillii and Bouranappa appear in the Demerara Reports, but Queensland, Bourow, Nagapoury, Barkley and Nain do not. I suspect however that Queensland is Queensland Creole, Bourow is Boisrouge, and possibly Nagapoury is Naga or Keeming, and Nain is Mani. ‘The other canes appear in the Demerara Reports under the following synonyms: Oiaheite syn Bourbon Elephant uf Jamaica Transparent. Caledonian Queen fi Java ke White Elephant. Hope Red Rose Ribbon a Red Ribbon. ee Green Ribbon. * We record with sincere regret the death of Mr. Bowrey on 19th November, while this article was passing through the press. [Hd.]| 228 Comparison of canes grown in Jamaica with the same varieties growm in Demerara. Weicut or Crop per AcRE. Rather smaller, ... Elephant. About equal, ... Otaheite, Caledonian Queen, Java, Hope, Red Rose Ribbon and Hillii. About double, ... Salangore, Green Rose Ribbon and Brisbane- About three times, ... China and Po-a-ole. About five times, ... [o-poa-pa. PROPORTION OF JUICE. Is about equal or slightly larger than that yielded by the same variety in Demerara. PROPORTION OF SUCROSE IN THE JUICE, Less ... Lahaina, Ko-poa-pa, Elephant, Green Rose Ribbon, Bris- bane and Po-a-ole, (Second Ratoons.) Equal... Po-a-ole, (Plant Canes.) Greater ... Otaheite, China, Salangore, Caledonian Queen, Java, Hope, Red Rose Ribbon. Green Rose Ribbon, Brisbane, Grand Savanne, Hillii, Bouranappa. QuorTieNtT oF Purity. Follows much the same order as the proportion of Sucrose. YIELD OF SUGAR PER ACRE SUPPOSING 85 PER CENT. OF THE SUCROSE IN THE JUICE IS WON. This is smaller from the Elephant Canes but larger from all the others as might be expected from the superiority in weight of crop per acre. I suspect that the six canes which proved inferior in proportion of sucrose and purity were not really ripe. NuMBERED CANES. These Canes compare more irregularly than do the named canes, as will be seen from a glance at the table appended. On this table I would remark that Nos. 95 and 119 are very little below the Demerara grown canes of the same numbers, in contents of sucrose ; while I suspect that the other canes which yielded less sucrose were not fully ripe. In conclusion I would repeat that one year’s results are not sufficient to allow a decided opinion to be formed and that these experiments need to be repeated before it will be possible to determine the fitness or otherwise of these canes for cultivation in Jamaica. I an, Sir, Your Obedient Servant, J. J. Bowrey, Island Chemist. 229 Numbered Canes grown in Jamaica compared with the same varieties grown in Demerara. Weight of Crop Proportion of Quotient of Sugar per Acre sup- per Acre. Sucrose ip. Juice, Purity. posing 85 p.c. iron. | o 7 5 = | ae Bally ecull oS z| & | 2 = | or ieee 4 & o eI et id) 4 ia) ids) | & o & = 32 —| 32 = =| 32 = - = 32 = = 49 49 = = 49 = = —| 49 = _ _ 51 - = 51 - _ 51 ~ - 51 = 53 = -—| 53 = —| 538 - = |) 3) = = 61 = 61 = = 61 - = 61 = = = - 74 74 = = 74 = = -| 74 = = 78 = 78 = = 78 = - 78 - = as = 81 81 = = 81 = — = = 81 = = 95 95 = = —| 95 = = = 95 a= = 99 —| 99 = - = 99 = = 99 3. = 1108 - | 108 — | 108 ~ = - - | 108 = - | 109 - — | 109 - — | 109 = — | 109 115 - - - — | 115 - — | 115 — | 115 — ae — | 117 — PV = - - |117 - = ny as ae a all) = = | 119 - - = = Pit) Ba V3) = = Slee = | 128 = — | 128 = ae i Abe 145, = =n 4b = - =a = SRI = SHY = — | 212 = ait. iz S246 — | 246 = — | 246 = - =) 246 230 COD be CS re HH OO mMONASCHRe H Se Os. 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Ta1° 860 VANE GPL 6st° SEL GLI" €ZL" SFT" [€T° 960° 180° a 18) Pea" £23" 866° LT” 88." 98T° id co me “IBSNG you sprtjog 990° T80° 831 GIF’ g8s" BEG" 6LT° 680° 8g0° ro 0) i L6T° F60° 890° €ES" LET’ 981° 0GZ" IIL 1€0° €Z8" ole" “esoon[ ree G08 'T 196 °T 000°% LOTT LLV'T 169°T seP I 900°S 696°T 8F6°T 168 °T 890°S 086'°T OFL'T lV 'T $81 TIg'T 1991. €68'°T 996°T L99°T “esorong | jo uoyey aod sqry ‘olny 10d eoIne Jo SuOTTe4) “AQIABLD) oyedg . OSOrRONDAHMIO AM HOO HOR IO 69 ROMmON ne HOM AAWDONOONAADS COOCOPPOYrOVYECOProrrevoveeo ‘oon JO onvyu98010 7 Hee NOY LOSSHBMANGCOCHAHAS HOAHOIOWDGOSOAHOMOMWHAHREr 19100 » 1°86 *‘sOURO JO TOO3S ‘SOUR JURTG OOM SoUBH OSOY} [TY WMADOMCODOHOOSOHN HAR HOaBHOSCS THCD OD OD 09 09 OD SH HUD OD SH eH eH HOO OOOO ‘ouRg ee en eCa 4YUSIOM OSRIOAY ‘SENVQ GaaTaWo NT 06° Sg G1 &P CL EP €¢° 19 66°19 LI ¥E OL OF 6F 19 88° FE 92°39 18° SE 60°18 SI’ SP 1802 99° SP 97 09 69° €& 69 O& €6°9E 68°08 66°89 ‘guoy, ULeroe 10d | SoueD JO IYSIOA | rc MODOOMOOOTMSNONWONAOOOCOCMH ONTAANEAHRAMONMOOSOONA RE TOOK bn SD De Be | ‘T0048 10g ZL8°0B aee'OT FQ0'TS FS01S 9FL‘0G G96°6L ZEL‘SS 1906 GBS‘1Z [OSES 00e‘9¢ F89'FZ ost FS Z98'9% oe < 698°2S LIFTS FEECS OF0'6S "9.10V 19g *souBQ JO ‘ON ‘soueD JO JequUIn yy 232 ELEMENTARY NOTES ON JAMAICA PLANTS. 1. LimnantHEMUM HuMBOLDTIANUM, GRISEB. Humbold’s Pond Flower. This beautiful little aquatic, at the first glimpse we get of it in ponds, looks like a minature Water Lily with its white flowers and floating leaves. ; An examination however of the structure of the flower will show how- very different it is from the true Water Lilies,—Nymphexa and Nelumbium. A Nymphza has numerous petals all separate from one another, whereas this plant, as may be seen in figures b &e, has its petals united to one another. We may give it an English name, and call it ‘“‘ Pond Flower,” which is the meaning of Linnanthemum, or ‘‘ Humboldt’s Pond Flower” which connects its geographical extension from Mexico to South Brazil and the West Indies with the name of the great traveller through these lands. It is beautifully adapted to its aquatic life. The leaf shoot springs from under water, at first with the edges of the leaf rolled up tight, so that there is no resistance as it gradually rises out of the water. Then the leaf unrolls, and sinks on the surface a floating leaf, support- ing the plant, and providing for the opening of the flower above the water where moths or other insects can visit and fertilise it. The flowers spring several together from a point on the shoot just below the blade of the leaf. If the drawings b & e are compared, it will be seen that some flowers have a long pistil and short stamens, whilst others have a short pistil and long stamens. Thisarragement is for the purpose of ensuring cross-fertilisation, which is so much more ad- vantageous to the species than self-fertilisation in securing better seeds. A moth visiting the flower for the purpose of sucking the honey secreted by a small gland at the base of the petal (fig. e), puts its long tongue between the pistil andthe petal. Ifthe flower has a short pistil, the stamens are high up above it, and the insect’s tongue touching them is dusted with pollen. When it goes to a flower with short stamens, the . place on its tongue covered with pollen reaches the stigma of the pistil, and fertilises the flower with pollen from the other flower, at the same time carrying off pollen for a flower with long stamens. When the flower is fertilised, it gradually bends over, as shown in the figure, sinks below the surface of the water, and ripens its seed there in seclusion to drop into the mud below. ' There are certain features in the structure of the flowers which show a family resemblance to other plants, and all these plants are accordingly classed together as a natural family, or order, called Gentianez from the gentians which are so abundant on the Alps of Switzerland. ‘These family features should be carerully observed in all the plants of the order that can be found, and the differences amongst the family groups, or genera, also noted. ‘ihe commonest plants belonging to this order in Jamaica are species of Le1anruus, which have flowers looking very much like yellow Fuchsias. One species Leianthus umbetlatus, forms a small handsome tree, a most unusual form, as the Gentian order is almost universally gsi “UnUDYppoquNE, wnwayjunumMsT ‘T9PHpoow *¥j'H 284 composed of quite low-growing plants. Macrocarpma differs in having a two lipped stigma. The only other yellow flowered member of this order occurs in Voyrta, a very peculiar genus, without any green colouring, and only minute scale-like leaves; the plants live on decaying leaves and do not elaborate their food themselves from air and soil. Another species of Voyria has a red flower. The species of Scuutrzsta have red or purplish flowers with a square stem and 4-winged calyx. Eryrurma has red flowers with spirally- twisted authers. Evusroma has blue or white-variegated flowers; it grows on dry banks on the sea-shore. LimnanrHEmuM is aquatic. Nearly all the plants of this order contain a bitter principle, which possesses tonic properties. Eustoma, the “Gentian Centaury” isa tonic and febrifuge. A tea can be made of three drams of the whole plant in a pint of water, and may be used instead of quinine. Descourtilz recommends its use in Yellow Fever. He says :—“ L’infusion vineuse se prépare en mettant digérer a froid quatre gros dela tige dans deux pintes de vin de Bordeaux blanc. J’ai obtenu de trés grands succés d’une cuillerée de ce vin, édulcoré avec le sirop d’éther, dans les syncopes qui accompagnent la fiévre jaune.” Schultesia is said by Descourtilz to be stomachic, febrifuge, emmena- gogue, anthelmintic and alexipharmic. He recommends its use in intermittent fevers, but particularly in chronic diarrhea. Linnanthemum, the Pond Flower, is not only a tonic and febrifuge, but is also anti-scorbutic. The following are the general characters of the order :— GENTIANEAE. Flowers regular. Sepals, generally 5 or 4, distinct, inferior. Petals 5 or 4 connate, hypogynous. Stamens as many as petals, alternate with them, inserted on corolla-tube. Carpels 2, connate into a 1-celled or more or less completely 2-celled superior ovary ; placentas parietal; ovules many, horizontal. Capsule opening along the margins of the carpels. Seeds small albuminous. Herbs, shrubs or small trees, with bitter juice. Leaves opposite (but one only in Limnanthemum), entire, without stipules. To put it rather more briefly : amongst Gamopetale with superior ovary of two carpels, Gentianez may be distinguished as having a regular corolla, stamens as many as the corolla-lobes and alternate with them, ovary one-celled, juice bitter. The characters of the genera and species may be shortly indicated as follows: — LE1ANTHUS. Calyx 5 cleft. Corolla, narrowly funnel-shaped, 5-lobed, yellow, persistent Ovary with the placentas sometimes so far intruding as to make it appear to be 2-celled. Stigmaone, round. Herbs, shrubs or small trees. * Inflorescence a long-stalked umbel, surrounded by small leaves. 1. L. wmbellatus, Griseb. A shrub or small tree. ** Inflorescence paniculate. 2. L. exsertus, Gciseb. Stamens 2 or 3 times as long as corolla. 6 to 12 feet high. 3. L. latifolius, Griseb. Stamens not longer than corolla. Leaves $to6 in- ches long, with long petioles. 4 to 6 feet high. 4. L. longifolius, Griseb. Stamens not longer than corolla. Leaves 1 to 3 in— ches long, with very short petioles. 1 to 3 feet high. e 235 VoyriA. Calyx 5-lobed, Corolla salver-shaped, 5-lobed. Stigma capitate. Herbs without green colouring-matter, growing on decaying leaves or wood. Leaves rem duced to scales. * Stem simple, one-flowered. 1. V. uniflora, Lam. 6 to 8 inches high. Corolla yellow, one inch long. 2. V. tenella, Guild. 1 to 4 inches high. Corolla red, 4 to 4 inch long. ** Inflorescence with more than one flower. 3. V. mexicana, Griseb. 4 to 6 inches high. Corolla + to 4 inch long. * ERYTHRAA. Calyx 5-cleft. Corolla salver-shaped, 5-lobed. Anthers when burst becom- ing spiral. Stigmas two. Annual herbs. Ei. ramosissima, Pers. “Centaury.” Corolla red. ScHULTESIA, Calyx 4-keeled, 4-lobed. Corolla funnel-shaped,4-lobed. Stigmas 2, broad Annual herbs. 1. S. stenophylla, Mart. Inflorescence forked, with many flowers, corolla red-violet ¢ in long. 2. S. heterophylla, Mig. Flowers one orafew. Corolla red, 14 inch long. EvustoMa. Calyx 5-cleft, keeled. Corolla bell-shaped, 5-cleft. Anthers when bursé, curved back. Ovary 1-celled with the placentas growing in; stigmas 2, broad. Glaucous herbs. E. exaltatum, Griseb. ‘‘Gentian Centaury.”’ Corolla blue, 1 inch long. MacrocarPma. Calyx 5-lobed, not keeled. Corolla funnel-shaped, 5-lobed, deciduous. An- ‘thers when burst, curved back. Ovary with the false appearance of being 2-celled from the intrusion of the placentas which meet and divide at the centre ; stigmas 2. Shrubs. 1. M. thamnoides, Gilg. Corolla greenish-yellow, 1 inch long. Stamens ex- serted. Leaves elliptical. 2. M. Hartii, Kr. & Urb. Corolla yellowish, 1 inch long. Stamens eqnal- ling corolla-tube. Leaves obovate. LIMNANTHEMUM. Calyx 5-cleft. Corolla almost rotate, 5-cleft. Capsule not opening regularly. Aquatic herbs. L. Humboldtianum, Griseb. Corolla white. Leaves cordate-roundish. 236 CABINET WOODS: MARKET REPORT. As infermation is occasionally sought from the Department on the market prices of some of the Jamaica Cabinet Woods, it may be of in- terest to have the opportunity of seeing the following Report, for which we are indebted to Messrs. Park Macfadyen, & Co., of 25 Lime St, London, E.C. The Report is given in full, so that comparison may be made with exports from other places. Market Rerort on Manocany, Cepar, Watnut Woop, Rosrwoon, anp OTHER CaBtneT Woops, &c. (From 6th to 20th September, 1897.) 29 Clements Lane, London, E.C., 20th September, 1897. MAHOGANY.—Arrivals have been very light, and, as important sales Shave been effected, stocks in first hands are now in small limits. Prices for good wood keep steady, and a large quantity of an inferior character has been cleared without further weakness, so that the general tone is healthy. Honypuras.—The wood offered last week all sold readily and weil, as the demand is good, and supplies of this description were needed. Nicaracua—is in fair demand. Cotumpra.—Fresh arrivals of sound, sizable wood should sell satisfactorily. Tasasco,—Logs of good sizes, and in fair condition, sell well, andstocksarenow unusually low. MryatirLan.— Sizable, sound logs would bring fair prices, but unsold stock is limited to small wood. Txcoturia.—Considering its very inferior condition, the ‘wood sold last week brought good prices; the market is now cleared, and fresh cargos of sizeable, sound logs would be well received. Panama.— Good wood, of fair sizes, would sell readily, but faulty and badly-split logs are not wanted. Arrican.—Large sales have been effected without change in prices. Small and poor wood has been shipped too freely, but there nas been no excess in the supply of good logs from medium to large sizes. Sr. Domrtnco.—There is no stock, and good cargoes would sell well. Curts — Only prime pieces are wanted. Cusa—continues to sell readily, and com~ mands full prices, supplies being unequal to the demand. CEDAR,—Cuxsa, Honpuras and Mrxtcan.—Sizeable wood, sound and straight, sells fairly well, but for small logs, the tendency is still weak. Paracuay—is passing into consumption very slowly, and stocks are heavy. Ponta Arenas, Panama, Arrican, Tr1nrpaD, etc.—fmall and poor logs, of which late imports have chiefly consisted, can only be placed at low prices. AvstRALIAN.— Only sound, well-squaied logs of good sizes should be ship- ed. Prncrt Cepar—if large and sound, would bring fair prices. WALNUT WOOD.—Anmenrican Brack.—Logs—continue dull; stocks are not increasing, but consumption is inactive, and only really good wood should be shipped; planks and boards—are in fair demand, but prices are low, except for medium to prime grades, which keep good. Irat1an— is im very limited demand, and there is sufficient stock. Brack Sea.—The only enquiry is for large, prime logs. Burrs.—Finely figured pieces would realise good prices. ROSEWOOD.—Rio and Bantsa.—Prices are stationary, the demand show— ing no signs of improvement. East Inpra—is wanted, and good parcels. would find ready buyers. Mapacascar.—Large wood, of good colour, -would realise fair prices. SEQUOIA (Cattrorntan Repwoop).—There is a moderate demand without variation in prices, 237 AMERICAN WHITEWOOD.—Logs—continue of slow sale without any advance in prices ; planks and boards ~are quiet and prices rather weak as stocks are large. KAURI PINE—For logs there is asmall demand, but a good inquiry for planks and boards. SATIN WOOD.—Porvto Rico. Sr. Domryao, Sr. Lucta and Cusa.—Sales have been small as the demand has fallen off and lower prices have to be accepted. Banamas and Jamarca—are seldom askedfor. Hasr Inpta.—. The stock is too heavy for present demand. LIGNUM VITA. —Szr. Domryeo —has not been imported for a long time and really good parcels would sell well as supplies are much needed. Banamas—is more asked for. JAmAtoa, Purrro Caspetio, Curacoa and Cusa.— Only well-grown wood, of good sizes, should be shipped, as there is a large stock of badly grown and small-sized pieces, which are very un- saleable. EBONY.—Cryton.—There is very little stock, but scarcely any demand. Kast Inpra—if really good would find buyers at fair prices. MApagascaR, Mauritius and Macasaar. —Large, sound wood, of good colour, would. realise fair prices. COCUS WOOD—is in moderate demand. BOXWOOD.—Persian and ArasiaN—are in good demand at steady rates. Arrican—would find buyers at fair prices. SNAKEWOOD.—There is no stock, but very little enquiry. LANCEWOOD SPARS.—Shipments have moderated, but still sales are uot easily effected and prices keep very low. Drcamwe Spars—are asked for and would sell well. LOGWOOD-—is in moderate demand at. recent rates. FUSTIC— is quiet, but steady. The Arrivals during the past fortnight have been: - HONDURAS. “ Spheroid”’ at Belize to Messrs. Gonzalez, Byass, & Co., Ltd. 281 logs Mahogany. 3 logs Cedar. Ditto at do. to Messrs. P. Leckie & Co. 400 logs Mahogany. — Ditto at do. toJ. EH. Plummer Esq. 160 logs Mahogany. 58 logs Cedar. Ditto at do. to The Belize Estate & Produce Co. Ltd. 615 logs Mahogany. _— ‘* Barbadian” at Puerto Barrios to Order (via Liverpool) 282 logs Mahogany. — CUBA. “ La Fayette” at Havanna to Order 47 logs Mahogany. — Also—Manocany, 265 logs Arrican vid Liverpoot, &c.; Watnut Woon, AmeERICAN Brack, 45 logs at Battimore ; AMERICAN ’WurrEewoop, 14 logs, at PHILADELPHIA ; Sattnwoop, 24 logs East Inpia at Coxomso ; Exsony 817 picces at Mauritius; Lancewoop Spars, 362 pieces at Jamarca, 260 pieces Cupa at Havanna. The sales reported have been :— HONDURAS. “*¢ Sibun” at BelizaManoaany 58) logs at from 34d. 93d., average 47d. per ft. fully (part cargo) ; Do. at Belize Cupar 11 logs at from 42d. to 8}d., 53d. average par ft. barely... 238 TABASCO. % Excelsior” at Laguana Manocany 194 logs at from 4d. to 93d. 512d, per ft. (one lot at 33d.) Do. at Laguana Crpar 34 logs at from 5d. to 53d., average 5zsd. per ft.fully.. “Carl” at Laguana Manocany 98 logs at from 33d. to 63d., average 4icd. per ft. MEXICAN, * ¢Sichem” at Tecolutla M anocany 345 logs at from 22d. to 43d., average 2iéd. per. ft. fully. (balance cargo) (one lot at 2d.) “ Edwin Bailey” at Tlacotalpam Manocany 5 logs at 31d. per foot. Do. at do. Crpar 37 logs at 33d. Do. at do. Crpar 45 logs upen private terms, “Susanne” at Tecolutla Manocany 346 logs upon private terms. AFRICAN. eae “ Batanga,” &c. at West Coast cf Africa Manocany 127 logs at from 2d. to 10d. average 322d per ft. barely, “ Biafra,’ &c. at West Coast of Africa Manocany 540 legs at from 2d. to 133d. average 32d. per ft. Do. at do: Crpar 8 logs at 33d. & 33d., average 322d. per foot. CUBA. “A Keene” at Cuba Manocany 386 logs at from 42d. to 15d., average Gisd. per foot fully. (balance cargo) Do. at Cuba Crpar 1 at 414d. per foot. “ Lafayette” at Cuba Crpar 47 logs at from 42d. to 83d., averago 53d. per ft. fully Washington” at Havanna CrEpar 67 at from 43d. to 54d. average 53d. ee eh arely. Also—Manogany, 11 logs Cotumpra, 46 logs Panama, upon private terms ; Cxpar, 42 logs Trrnmap @ 3d. per foot, 108 logs Trrnipap, and 6 logs West Inpia, upon private terms ; WALtNut Woop, AVERICAN Brack, 20,415 planks and boards ;56 planks Ivatran; ‘AMERICAN WurrTEwoop, 1log; Kauri Pinu, 62 planks, all upon private terms ; SaTmnwoop, 23 logs and 10 planks Cusa at from 5d. to 1s. 9d. per foot, 25 logs Wxsr Inp1a; at from 4d. tols. per foot; St. Domineo, 6 logs at 9d. per foot, and 15 logs upon private terms; Cocus Woop, 452 pieces (13 tons) Jamaica; LAancewoop Spars, 260 pieces Cusa, all upon private terms.; PRICES CURRENT. Carco AVERAGE. MAHOGANY, per foot superficial Honduras "ose, AR) St oda Tabasco wes aE COGS de Mexican sen) ORG. ohare Panama weet OGs) CAE African wo | ody ears Cuba wos) O0.02 8 GTS St. Domingo oe «add, Grds es Curls, good to prime eos Odi Seiad CEDAR, Cuba «ve 4d. * add Honduras, Mexican, &c.° oes) OCs) gy copa ee 239 Paraguay wc OGses: cond. Australian Fe | OE eres Punta Arenas, Panama, &c. ee ee ESL Pencil, per foot cube oe 28. Gd} 3s, Od. WALNUT WOOD, Italian, per foot super Bae, AOCay meee 7d. Black Sea, per ton wre, 100, eee American, per foot cube s» . 28,00, © 48 Gd H és (plank and boards) ee eee 6s. SATIN WALNUT, (logs) (nominal) oo Is. 3d, “ Jerod. . (planks and boards) ess, S28: Saas SEQUOIA (Catirornian Repwoop), per foot cube .,. 1s, 8d. “ 1s.10d. WHITEWOOD, American... .....000... (logs) oes) Sod." Danes se ses seeeeseeeee (planks and boards) sso 18.60, “252 90s KAURI PINE............... (logs) es els GG. 0° 2s. 4: Seaktenmerte sons (Planks) Mes) (2B, O06 nga as ae MAPLE, per foot super..,,., ree eae 8d. SATIN WOOD. Porto Rico ce LOG. ceo adie St. Domingo wee Os ‘ead: East India ue Od, SI 2de Bahama. per ton os) wo LOS, aap Jamaica As geet eit (6 ROSEWOOD, per ton Rio Aaa e5¥l £14 Bahia avs eo (i LES | Madagascar ey ESR <0 Kast India ae Es) Gree | TULIP WOOD............... (nominal) <, (£5 | Sates | LIGNUM VITA, City St. Domingo.,,......... (prime) Soo als! pepee 1s me Ye seeeeeeeOKdinary to fair ec ee| Clr Bahama ay bali 6 Jamaica oot ee ae Cuba Se ES Ge eal: EBONY, Ceylon = x0 eee 1 East India ase OE. 8 Mauritius xo Ee) ee 9 Madagascar saeth eat (Or SD cocus WOOD............0rdinary to fair «. £3 10s. “£410s auetaeeions ..large and good mop GHD SE oe Si) BOXWOOD, / eurkey and a ...ordinary to fair ave ok << 58 S00 one vssjeveeos--- G00 to prime riety ¢ S15 : African we £4108. ‘£5108 | SNAKEWOOD “=. 28 SLO LANCEWOOD Spars, each, fresh and large eco) 48, pees ordinary to fair wos, 28. Od. ** SaGde DEGAME Spars a0 LOS: oo melons 240 LONDON & INDIA DOCKS STOCK ACCOUNT. Landings | Deliveries) Landed Landed during the past fort-| Stock, 20th | Stock, 18th night. Sept., 1897.| Sept., 1896. | MAHOGANY. coe .esssesee: Honduras ...). Nil, __ | 141 Logs, | 1,097 Logs. | 1,300 Logs. Nicaraguan os es 1B) 775 Nil. Mexican --| 206 Logs.| 290 “ |3,411 “* |2,309 Logs. Panama | anal Nil. (2 WN RE African --.| 421 Logs. | 357 Logs.|1,712 “ 45) (tert Cuba +) SOL SIGE. 68 9 051 745 Lee Ob yee St. Domingo ...) Nil. 1. © 1407 eee One See CEDARS, .H.ssevsteees +e CUDA .-| 1 Log. Nil. | 428 “ TAG) A Honduras eee Nil. ce Shae Bye IS Mexican --.| 116 Logs. | 52 Logs.| 824 “ 260 Paraguay aa Nil. Iba Pay 2,063 “* Punta Arenas ... ae Nil. Nil. Nil. Pencil ae se 57 Logs. }1,420 Logs. | 1,912 Logs. ROSEWOOD.........s0000eR10 “ce 5 9Planks| 243Planks| 58Planke Bahia sel ce LOS ore 650 “ SHay WALNUT WoOob..........Italian so} oO. Planika|) ib > * 6560 S42 S Burrs eaal Nil. 7Pieces.| 13Pieces.! 22 Pieces American .--| 71 Logs. | 71 Logs. | 1,093 Logs. | 1,692 Logs. Black Sea aoe Nil. 44. 399 388 SO ATING WOOD: cisstecco a) | 247 Russia and central Europe from Brindisi and the other ports along the coast. Though the tree may be seen in almost any garden here, and is not uncommonly found on the mountains, the only person who has made a hobby of its cultivation is the Prince of Belmonte, who has large pro- perties in the province of Salerno not far from the ruins of Paestum. Besides planting several trees in his shrubbery, the Prince has a long avenue of them leading up to his house, which is particularly interesting, and is, we believe, the only avenue of its kind. The trees are planted 7 metres apart and the largest of them has a trunk of 85 centimetres (about 2 feet 9 inches) in circumference. This tree is 18 years old, and its top is from 6 to 7 metres in diameter, and 4 or 5 in height. In common with the other trees of the avenue the fruit is of the best des- cription, and each tree may be taken to yield annually 50 chilos, or say 120 lbs. of fruit, worth here about 6 shillings. This may be spoken of as the ornamental part of the work, while the plantations of Licosa and Tresina are more on the scale of a commercial enterprise. They are both germane to our present purpose, as they show in what different circumstances the carob will grow and flourish. The Licosa grove is in a plain by the seaside, and the difference of the trees is very remarkable, some of them growing with great vigour, others not flourishing at all. The reason of this must be the existence of land-springs beneath the surface with which the weaker trees come into contact, and by which their growth is checked. There is no other apparent reason, and as the grove consists ofabout 1,500 trees thereis scope for observation. The site is very much exposed to the wind, and in the first attempts at forming the grove as many as 70 per cent. of the plants were lost. There were other causes too which led up to this heavy loss. First, the whole thing being an experiment, they did not know at what period and in what way it was best to graft the trees, and also the grafters had not any- thing like the skiJl which they have since acquired. The grove at Tresina is planted in altogether different conditions. Here we have a hilly country fully 1,000 feet above the sea, and here the outside loss of plants has been 20 per cent., which is not more than occurs in the planting of ordinary forest trees. The plantation consisted originally of 7,000 trees, but has been largely increased year by year, and the Prince expresses every confidence that in a few years’ time he willclothe the barren slopes with a mantle of luxuriant green. Professor Savastona asks very pertinently why, if these results can be obtained at Tresina, they should not be obtained elsewhere, and thousands of barren acres of Italian mountains be made useful and productive. And in fact, since he wrote upon the matter, the spread of this cultivation has been steady and continuous. We have shown pretty plainly that Prince Belmonte has attained success only by patient experiments extending over a considerable number of years commercially speaking he is abundantly satisfied with the re- sults obtained, but he does not relax his efforts. He rears some 8,000 seedlings every year, and has a skilled staff to conduct all the necessary operations with the result that he grows a valuable crop on ground which before was absolutely unproductive ; and if the landed proprietors of South Africa profit by his experience and are equally persevering, and the tree as is anticipated, proceeds to grow likea weed, its intro- duction should form a mine of wealth to our industrous colonists. There 248 is one important advantage that the carob has over other beans, namely, that it does not require threshing. In feeding horses itis usual to break the pod into two or three pieces and to putit in the nose bag or manger mix with bran. CITRIC ACID. Raw Marteriat. Citric Acid is prepared from the fruit juice of three species of Citrus—the lemon, bergamot, and lime; the first of these is the prin- cipal source of citric acid. Concentrated lemon juice is chiefly im- ported from Sicily ; a very little comes from Naples or Sorrenio. Con- centrated bergamot juice is prepared in Calabria and exported from Messina. Concentrated lime juice is imported in small quantity from Montserrat and Dominica. The lemon juice from Sicily is prepared by pressing the inferior fruit, from which the rind has previously been removed, for the manufacture of essence. The so-called “single” juice is then boiled down till its sp. gr. equals 60° on the citrometer (sp. gr. |. 24) ; it then forms a dark brown, rather syrupy liquid. The total quantity of concentrated Sicilian and Italian juice im- ported to England in 1887, was equivalent to rather more than 3,400 pipes of 108 gallons; the amount used for the manufacture of citric acid was probably equivalent to 3,200 pipes, of lime juice, about 2,000 puncheons of 110 gallons were imported in an unconcentrated condi- tion, and used for the preparation of beverages. About 200 pipes of concentrated lime juice were imported, and employed for the manufac- ture of citric acid. Lemon juice has its greatest acidity early in the season (November). The juice of the fine fruit, exported as lemons, has sp. gr. 1.03-1.04; it contains free acid equal to 11-13 oz. of citric acid per gallon. The inferior fruit pressed in Sicily yields a juice containing at the begin- ning of the season about 9 oz. of free acid per gallon, and at the end of the season a great deal less. There are other differences between the juice of fine lemon pressed in England, and the Sicilian juice employed for the manufac- ture of citric acid. The former contains very little combined organic acid, only about 2.5 p.c. of the total organic acid (free plus combined) present. In unconcentrated Sicilian juice the combined acid is about 7-9 p.c. of the total. Again, the English pressed juice contains hardly any organic acid save citric only about 1 p. c. of the total organic acid bemg unprecipitable as calcium citrate. In Sicilian juice about 8 p. c. of the total organic acid is unprecipitable as calcium salt. The concentrated lemon juice from Sicily is reckoned of standard quality when its sp. gr. is 1.24, and its acidity is equal to 64 oz. per gallon of nominal citric acid. In dealing with trade analysis it must, however, be borne in mind that the “ crystallised citric acid” of a trade certificate is not the crystallised acid of commerce, but an acid contain- ing only half the actual amount of water, an acid in fact having the atomic weight 201 instead of 210 (C, H, O, H, O.) ’ no reason can be given for this practice, which should certainly be abolished. In the present article all quantities of citric acid will be ex- pressed in terms of the common crystallised acid. 249 The concentrated lemon juice from Sicily contains pretty uniformly 7-8 oz. per gallon of combined organic acid, equal to about 10.p e. of the total organic acid (reckoned as citric) present. Of the total organic acid about 10 p. ec. is not precipitable as calcium salt, and is therefore not citric acid; this proportion is, however, by no means constant. Purchases of lemon juice are unfortunately still made on the basis of acwlity, and not on the amount of precipitable acid present. Analyses of 895 pipes of concentrated lemon juice by Mr. Grosjean have been published (Town Cham. Soc. Lond. 43,333). The average proportion of precipitable acid was 99-2 p. c. of the free acid, but the range of varia- tion was considerable, individual parcels of juice giving 81.1, 85.8, and 103.6 of precipitable acid p. c. of free. Concentrated Bergamot juice has a similar sp. gr. to lemon juice, but a lower acidity; it generally contains free acid equal to about 51 oz. of citric acid per gallon. The quantity of combined organic acid is apparently similar to that in lemon juice, namely 7-8 oz. per gallon ; but the proportion of combined to total is higher, 12-13 p.c. The proportion of unprecipitable acid is about 13 p.c. of the total. Mr. Grosjean’s analyses of 90 pipes of Bergamot juice, show a mean of 98.4 of precipitable acid for 100 of acidity, the extremes being 95.4 and 101.4. The unconcentrated lime juice of Montserrat has a mean of sp. gr. of 1.036; it contains according to Conroy (Ph. J. 1883, 606) an aver- age of 7.84 p.c., or 12.54 0z. per gallon of free acid. The extremes observed were 6.70-10.05 p. ¢. equal to 10.7-16.1 oz. per gallon. The juice yields 0.43 p.c. of ash. It contains only a trace of sugar. Warington found the combined acid in two samples 5 p. ce. of the total; 10 p. c. of the total acid was not precipitable. Concentrated lime juice is a viscid liquid, sp. gr. 1.32, and with an acidity averaging about 94 oz. of citric acid per gallon. The combined acid is about 8-9 oz. per gallon. The unprecipitable acid is about 10.14 p. c. of the total. The precipitable acid bears a lower proportion to the free than is the case with either lemon or bergamot juice, the published analyses showing a mean of 93.8 of precipitable acid for 100 of free. The nature of the organic acid, other than citric, present in lemon, ‘bergamot, and lime juice has not been determined. A little formic acid and acetic acid have been detected in concentrated juice , bat the prin- cipal acids other than citric are clearly non-volatile and have soluble calcium salts. The acids most probably present are malic and aconitic. Besides lemon juice, some crude calcium citric, prepared in Sicily by precipitating lemon juice with chalk, is exported into England. It contains about 64 p. c. of citric acid. Process oF MANUFACTURE. The manufacture of citric acid from concentrated lemon juice is ex- tremely simple. A proper quantity of whiting (levigated chalk) is mixed with water, and heated by steam in a wooden vat provided with a revolving agitator; the concentrated juice is then slowly pumped m, care being of course taken that the whiting is finally in small excess. the liquor never becomes neutral, however long boiling may be con- tinued, or however great is the excess of whiting present ; the adjus - ment of juice and whiting is therefore effected by ascertaining if the 250 liquor effervesces with more whiting, or the precipitate effervesces with more juice. The amount of unneutralised acid is about 1-24 p. c. of the original acidity of the juice. Pure citric acid is readily neutralised by whiting, malic «and aconitic acid are not; the final acidity is thus possibly due to the presence of these acids. Citric acid, however, is not neutralised by chalk if phosphates, and especially ferric phosphates, be present; this fact will also explain the result. It is not advisable to neutralise completely by the use of lime, as vege- table impurities are then thrown down which are afterwards difficult to separate. The precipitated calcium citrate is washed with hot water ona filter. It is next brought by the addition of water to the state of thin cream, and decomposed, with constant agitation, by the addition of a small excess of sulphuric acid (sp. gr. 1.7.). The occurrence of an axcess of sulphuric acid is known by the liquor affording a precipitate with a strong solution of calcium chloride after some minutes’ standing. The citric acid liquor is then separated from the gypsum, which is washed on a filter. The liquor is evaporated in shallow leaden baths by steam heat. Much gypsum is at first deposited, from this clear liquor is run off and further concentrated. When strong enough to cerystalise, the hot liquor is run into a wooden tub provided with an agitator, and the liquor is kept in constant motion while cooling; by this prccess, known as “granulation,” the citric acid is obtained as a crystalline powder. The mother liquor is again concentrated, and salt again obtained by granulation. The process may be repeated a third time. The liquor is then too dark and impure for further crystal- lisation, and is known as ‘old liquor.’ The granulated citric acid when drain, and if necessary slightly washed, is redissolved, decolourised by heating with animal charcoal (previously freed from phosphates by hydrochloric acid again concentrated to the crystallising point, and poured into leaden trays about 3 inches deep; the crystals here formed are the citric acid of commerce. Citric acid thus prepared always con- tains a trace of lead. The ‘old liquor’ is diluted with water, and the citric acid it contains precipitated with an excess of whiting, exactly as in the case of the original juice. The liquor is never neutralised by the whiting; this may be either due to aconitic acid formed during the heating of the citric acid liquors, or to the presence of ferric or aluminic phosphate derived from the whiting. Any considerable excess of sulphuric acid in the liquors, or any over- heating, must be avoided, as occasioning decomposition of citric acid. The presence of iron or aluminium in the whiting also occasions loss, as citric acid holding iron or aluminium in solution is not precipitated by csleium carbonzte. In consequence of the non-precipitation of iron or aluminium from citric solutions by whiting, the citric liquors of the factory remain nearly ; ure. however long the work may have been con- tinued, a result very different from what happens in the case of tartaric acid; the purity of citric acid liquors is however obtained at the expense of some loss of citric acid. In a well-conducted factory the total loss during manufacture will amcunt to 12-15 p. c. of the citric acid in the juice. The total quantity of citric acid made in the United Kingdom in 251 1887, was between 400 and 500 tons, of which about half was exported, About 15 tons were imported from Sicily; this was the only import. The acid is chiefly used by calico- -printers; it is also employed in the preparation of effervescing drinks and in medicine.—TZhorpe’s Dictionary of Applied Chemistry. FERNS: SYNOPTICAL LIST—XLVIII. Synoptical List, with descriptions, of the Ferns and Fern-Allies of Ja- maica. By G. S. Jenman, Superintendent Botanical Garden, Demerara. 2. Vittaria lineata, Swartz.-—Rootstock shortly repent, fasciculate, densely clothed with dark hair-|ike reticulated serrate scales; fronds linear, 1-4 ft. |. 1th in. w., aniform, pendent in dense compact tufts, narrowed gradually and thickened at the base, but with no distinct stipes, glossy, deep ¢ green, thickly coriac_ous but pliant while green ; openly depressed. down the bac -k, the under side rounded toward the base, margins as thick, but the edges subrounded both above and beneath; veins slender immersed and concealed, oblique, distant, forming narrow longitu- dinal «reole ; sori sunk in thread-like very narrow uninterrupted sub- marginal grooves. Pl. Fil. t. 148. Haton’s Fern N. Am. PI. 38. Very common on trees, especially on the banks of rivers at low, and on rocks and trees in torests from sea level up to almost the very highest peaks Specimens from the mountain forests are dwarf and not often over a foot long. The finest plants grow on the branches of trees that overhang rivers among the lower hills. These are horse'ail-like, in dense pendent tufts, 2-4 ft. 1. .The grooves are narrower and n arer the .dge than in the last species, the substance thicker, and themargins not reduced, the corners being merely rounded. 3. V. stipitara, Kunze.-—Root>tock sub-repent, very short, clothed with minute hair-like dark reticulated scales: stipites tufted, naked or slightly scaly, dark purple, 1-3 in. |. passing gradually into the dark- green fronds, which are linear-ligulate, pende nt, 1-34 ft. 1. 4-2ths in. w., firm, but pliant while fresh, very clear and translucent, the aEeine slightly thickened, the edge on the underside not Tourdeds: veins immersed very oblique, long, forming very narrow greatly elongated areol ; sori submarginal, ‘sunk in a narrow continuous thread like groove, falling short ‘of the base and apex. Infrequent on the branches of trees over rivers, and in very wet forests, chiefly among the lower hills, but ascending as high as 4,000 ft. altitude: most frequent on the banks of Ginger River. St. Mary, gathered also at Old England, below the Government Cinchona Plantations. It grows chiefly in peaty matter, which accumulates about the roots of Bromeliads and on decaying wood. There are only a few fronds to a single tuft, but the plants are generally aggreeated in amass. In growth the fronds are exceedingly tramslucent so much so that the venation ran be clearly seen a yard or two away, in favourable light. The lateral veins are nearly as strong as the midvein ; there being no distinct midrib as in the preceding species, above the base of the fronds. 252 4. V. remota, Fée.—Rootstock slender, short, erect, the scales very minute, reticulated, and dark; stipites caspitose, erect, few to a plant, purple, short, winged by the decurrent fronds to near the base; fronds erect or suberect, {-11} ft. 1. $4 in. w., tapering gradually both ways, the apex acuminate, very rarely forked, pellucid, chartaceous, a bright glossy green, pale beneath, margins thin and slightly reflexed or bevelled, sometimes irregularly narrowed and forming a shallow notch in the line; midrib evident, raised on the upperside, the base dark purple; veins close, about 11. apart, connected exteriorly within the margin, and also casually interiorly; sori forming a dark-brown band, superficial, or the receptacle, very slightly depressed, continuous or interrupted. Rare in forests on decaying logs of wood, growing in grass-like masses, gathered at Chesterfield, St. Mary. A well marked but rather anomalous species, distinguished by the superficial broadish bands of sori, the close veins, which casually form medial conn -ctions as well as the normal exterior anastomosis, and the distinct midrib. The veins though immersed (as is also the midrib) are slightly raised on the upper side. The texture while fresh is pellucid, and the colour a very fresh bright green. Genus XXXIV. Tanitis Swartz. Sori linear, continuous or interrupted, rarely in oblong patches, sub- marginal, intramarginal or medial, superficial or more or less impressed or sunk in a narrow furrow; veins freely reticulated or the veinlets connect2d by a transverse longitudinal vein, which forms a linear or elongated receptacle; fronds simple, furcate or pinnate, generally cori- aceous, naked or slightly scaly; rootstock shortly repent or free- creeping. A very small genus, much resembling the preceding, but dis- tinguished by its more superficial sori, generally copiously reticulated venation, stiffer and coriaceous texture of leaf, and erect or less pendent habit. There are barely a dozen species, all tropical, two-thirds of which are American, and the others Asiatic. They are all epiphytal, growing on the branches and stems of trees, mostly in moist districts or situations. Fronds simple.— 1. T. Swartzii. 2. T. angustifolia. 3. T. lanceolata. 1. T. Swartsit. Jenm.—Rootstock free-creeping, thick as slender cord, dark tomentose-scaly in the extending part; fronds scattered, 4-6 in 1. 4-4 in or more wide, acuminate, tapering at the base and decurrent on the short purple petioles, which are 4-1} in. 1, elastico- coriaceous, opaque, thinly sprinkled with minute peltate fimbriate-edged. scales, underside paler than the upper, coste purple, thread-like upwards; veins immersed, hidden or obscure, reticulated, the areole elongated and parallel with the costae and margins, sori superficial, intramarginal, continuous or interrupted, mostly in oblong patches im small fronds, confined to the upper part. Grammitis elongata, Swartz. Mecosorus, Klotzsch, Gymnogram na, Hook., Putypodium, Mett. 253 Common below 2,000 or 3,000 ft. altitude, growing on the stems of bushes and trees, generally near the ground. The fructification is \ery variable, ranging from patches a quarter of an inch, to unbroken lines two or three inches long. ‘The fronds with the longer lines of sori no one would on first knowledge think of referring to any of the genera above quoted, and therefore I think the species is_ best associated with Tenitis. Indeed narrow soriferous fronds might very readily be taken for branches of T. *urcata, Willd. so near is the likeness. 2. T. angustifolia, R. Br.- Rootstock rather slender, repent, densely clothed with dark, reticulated, hair-like, lacerate-edged, acuminate scales; fronds linear-lanceolate, suberect or pendent, approximate, or rather tufted often, 1 - 14 ft. 1. 4 in. or rather over wide, long tapering to the very acuminate apex, the same to the long-decurrent base, in which the petiole is hardly distinct, coriaceous, naked, the upper side darker, the margins entire, even, thin and rather reflexed, sometimes concealing the sori, the midrib evident beneath, purple in the lower part; veins immersed, copiously reticulated in elongated areole, which run parallel with the coste and margins; sori continuous or interrupted, slightly within the margin, in a shallow or rather superficial groove falling short of both apex and base Pl. Fil. t. 140. Pteropsis, Desv. Frequent on the branches of trees close to rivers below 2,000 ft. alti- tude. As in some of the species of Vittaria and other similar epiphy- tal ferns which grow without soilor vegetable matter, the roots are densely tomentose. ‘The fronds resemble most those of Vittaria remota, but are longer, more opaque, and may at once be distinguished by the netted venation, which, however, is often quite concealed in the leathery opaque substance. Ina young state the thin reflexed margins or outer edges of the grooves, more or less conceal the lines of sori, but at maturity they are exposed and form dark submarginal bands. 3. TL. lanceolata, R., Br.—Rootstock shortly repent with dense much matted root fibre ; stipites approximate or apart, chestnut-brown, 1-2 in. 1., erect; fronds erect, lanceolate, 4-14 ft. 1. 4-14 in. w. tapering both ways, upwards to a long somewhat contracted fertile part, the base de- current shortly more on one side than the other, coriaceous, stiff, naked, glossy, dark green, midrib distinct, the same colour as the frond, margins entire but repand; veins freely reticulated, forming oblique meshes with free included veinlets ; sori marginal, confined to the upper part of the fronds in continuous or interrupted marginal lies, superficial, or very slightly impressed at first; Pl. Fil t. 182. Pteris lanceolata, Linn. Pteropsis, Desv. Paltonium, Presl. Neurodium, Fée. Frequent on trees at low elevations growing in erect spreading patches, with densely matted roots. A broader, stiffer, and more lan- ceolate species than the last, and definitely marked by the bands of sori being more marginal and confined to the rather contracted upper third or less of the fronds, and by the different venation which has rather stronger main veins at intervals, with free included veinlets in the meshes. The venation shows distinctly on the upper side. The mar- gims are so repand that when dry they are quite wavy. Trizt XIII, AcrosticHEe®. Fronds usually dimorphous, covering a wide range in form, cutting and habit, the fertile more or less contracted; sori usually diffused 254 over the whole under surface (and occasionally the upper) except on the rachis and coste; sporangia stalked, compressed, girdled by a vertical jointed band, splitting when ripe transversely ; usually naked and des- titute of any involucral covering. This tribe as here viewed, and represented in this Flora, comprises only a single large genus, in which regardless of diversity of habit, ve- nation and circumscription—which characters authors have adopted for dividing it into several genera—are included all those plants which have naked amorphous sori, and though confessedly an heterogeneous assemblage, the character is an obvious and easily recognised one. They are principally tropical subjects, and have their head-quarters on the islands and mainland of equatorial America, where about two- thirds of the known species exist. Genus XXXV, Acrosticuum, LINN. Sori diffused in a uniformly even superficial layer over the under, and in a few cases the upper surface of the frond; sterile and fertile fronds (except in one case) distinct, the latter usually more or less con- tracted; venation free or variously anastomosing ; habit and circumserip- tion various. This well marked genus embraces about 200 species, the majority of which are epiphytal subjects, living among moss and vegetable debris on trees, rocks and decaying logs in damp fcrests; and of the rest, the majority lift themselves clear of the ground where they begin their growth, and ascend the nearest vertical surface by means of their creeping or scandent rhizomes; so that very few are strictly terrestrial. The barren fronds are permanent, usually for years, but the fertile, which are produced only in season, and are herbaceous or membranous in substance, mature and perish in a few weeks. Some species only fruit during a limited portion of the year, generally in the late summer months. Fronds simple. Veins free. Fronds nearly or quite naked. Fronds tapering at the base. Stipites of barren fronds usually under 1-2 in. 1. 1. A. Herminieri, Bory.’ Stipites of barren fronds usually over 2 in. 1. 2. A. gramineum, Jenm. . A. simplex, Swartz. . A. inequalifolium, Jenm. . A. alatum, Fée. . A. viridifolium, Jenm. A. chartaceum, Baker. NAMB ON Fronds s! ortly tapering, cuneate or rounded at the base. Stipites over 2 in. 1. 8. A. pallidum, Baker. 9. A. conforme, Swartz. 10 . 25. A. crinitum, Linn. Fronds compound. Veins free. Fronds palmate or flabellate. 26. A. peltatum, Swartz. Fronds simply pinnate. 27. A. sorbifolium, Linn. Fronds bi-tripinnate. 28. A. osmundaceum, Hook. Veins united. Veins united only at the margin. 29. A. cervinum, Swartz. Veins copiously areolated. Sporangia not mixed with corpuscles. 30. A. nicotianefolium, Swartz. 31. A. alienum, Swartz. Sporangia mixed with corpuscles. 32. A. aureum, Linn, 33. A. lomarioides, Jenm. 256 CONTRIBUTIONS AND ADDITIONS. LipraRry. Bulletin R. Gar. Kew. Dec. 1896. Jan.—Oct. 1897.} [Kew.] British Museum Return, 1896-97. [Trustees. | Bot. Magazine. Aug.-Oct. 1897. [purchased | Tropical Agriculturist, Aug. & Sept. 1897. [purchased. | Sugar Cane. Sept. & Oct., 1897. [Editor. | Sugar. Aug.—Oct., 1897. [Editor. | Pharm. Journal. Aug.-Oct. 1897. W.1. & Com. Advertiser. Sept., 1897. [Editor.] Chemist & Druggist. Aug., Sept., Oct., 1897. [Editor.] Produce World. Sept. & Oct.,1897. [Editor.] British Trade Journal. Sept. & Oct., 1897. [Editor.] Journ. Board of Agri., England. Sept. 1897. [Secretary.] Field and other Experiments, Rothamstead. [ Director. } Leaflet, Board of Agri., England. ([Secy.] Bot. Gaz. Sept. 1897. [Editor. ] Journal of Botany. Oct. 1897. [purchased.] Agr. Ledger, (India) 1897. [Govt. Print. Calcutta. ] Proc, Agri. Hort. Soc., Madras, Aprl.—June, 1897. [Secretary.] Proc. Agri. Soc., Trinidad. Sept., 1897. [Secretary. ] Bulletin R. Bot. Gard. Trinidad. [Supt.] Report for 1896, Bot. St., Barbados. [Authors. | Report for 1896, Bot. St., St. Lucia. [ Curator. } Agri. Gaz., N. South Wa'es. July, Aug., 1897. [Dep. of Agri.] Sugar Journal, Queensland, Aug., Sept., 1897. [Kditor. | Agri. Journ., Cape of G. Hope. Aug. & Sept., 1897. [Dept of Agri.] Revue Agricole. July & Aug., 1897. ]Editor. | Central African Planter. July, 1897. [Editor.] Ceylon Times. Aug.-Oct.,1897. [Editor.] Meteorol. Returns, St. Vincent. June-Aug. [Curator.] . Report Hort. Gard. Lucknow. 1896-97. [Supt.] Report Bot. Gard. Saharanpur. [Supt.] Report Cinchona Plant., Nilgiris, 1896-97. [Govt. of India. ] Bot. Gard. & Mus., Berlin. Aug. & Sept., 1897. [ Director. | Queensland Agri. Journ., Aug. 1&97. [Editor.] Dep. of Land Record & Agri. India. Mar. 1897. Experiment Station Record U.S. A., 1X. 1. [Director.] Bulletin Torrey Bot. Club. Sept., 1897. [Editor.] Am. Journ. of Pharm. Oct., Nov., 1897. [Editor.] Forester. Oct.,1897. [Editor.] Montreal Pharm. Journ. Sept. & Oct., 1897. Trans. Acad., St. Louis, Sept., 1897. [Harvard Univ.] Proc-American Acad. of Arts & Se. Oct.1897. [Harvard Univ.] Bot. Gaz., Sept., (ct., 1897. [Editor. | Photographs American Fungi. By C.G. Lloyd. [Author.] Antherozvids of Zamia, By H. J. Webber. [Author.] Some North American Coniferze. By E. 8. Baslin & H. Trimble. [Authors.] Propagating Citrus Fruits. By H. J. Webber. [Author.] Proefstation, Suikerriet, W. Java. [Editor. Hawaiian Planters’ Monthly. Sept., 1897. [Editor.] Sucrerie Indigene et Coloniale. Aug.—Oct., 1897. [Editor.] Bulletin deL’ Herbier Boissier. Sept. 1897. [Conservateur.] Reports, Bulletin, & Records have been received from the following Agricul- culinral Experiment Stations, U. S.A. Arburn, Alabama; Uniontown, Alabama; Tueson, Arizona : Fayetteville, Ar- kansas; Berkley, California; New Haven, Connecticut; Storrs, Connecticut ; Lake City, Florida; Lafayette, Indiana; Ames, Iowa; Manhattan, Kansas ; , Lexington, Kentucky; Andubon Park, Louisiana; Baton Rouge, Louisiana ; Orno, Maine; College Park, Maryland; Amherst; Massachusetts ; Agricul- @ @= 257 tural College, Michigan; St. Anthony Park, Minnesota ; Agricultural College, Mississippi ; Lincoln, Nebraska ; New Jersey ; Mesilla Park, New Mexico ; Geneva, New York ; Ithaca, New York; Raleigh, North Carolina; Fargo, North Dakota; Wooster, Ohio ; State College, Pensylvania ; Kingston, Rhode Island; Brookings, South Dakota; Knoxville, Tennesse College Station Texas; Burlington, Ver- mont; Blacksburg, Virginia; Madison, Wisconsin ; Laramie, Wyoming; Corvallis, Oregon. SEEDS. From Frank Walker, Launceston, Tasmania.— Leptospermum levigatum Olearia stellulata, var, angustifolia Eucalyptus Risdoni O. persoonioides E. cordata Anopterus glandulosus E. urnigera Pimelea drupacea E. Gunni Acacia longifolia E. coccifera Clematis gentianoides Helichrysum antennarium Telopea truncata rosmarinifolium Drimys aromatica Jels baccharoides Casuarina distyla Blandfordia marginata Metrosideros tomentosa Styphelia Billardierii Sprengelia incarnata Trochocarpa thymifolia From Botanic Gardens, Trinidad.— Aristolochia gigas, var. Sturtevantii From Dr. Plaxton, Kingston.— Sapodilla Pants. From Lady Blake, Moneague.— Habenaria macroceratitis. CASTLETON GARDENS. JULY. In Flower. In Fruir. Averrhoa Bilimbi, Linn | Czesalpinia Sappan, Linn. (The Bilimbi, E. Indies) (Sappan Wood, E. Indies) Andirainermis, H. B. & K. Carapa guianensis, (Cabbage bark tree, W. Indies, Brazil) (Crab-wood, Guiana) Baphia nitida, Lodd Cocos botryophora, Mart. (Cam Wood, W. Africa) (A Brazilian Palm) Bauhinia variegata, Linn. Cynometra americana, Vog. —- (Butterfly tree, India & China) (Trop. America) Brexia madagascariensis, Thou. Eugenia malaccensis, Linn. (Madagascar) (Malay Apple, Malay Islands) Brownea Rosa-de-monte, Berg. Garcinia indica, Choisy (Rosa-de-monte, Trop. S. America (Kokam Butter, India) Calophyllum Calaba, Jacq. Garcinia Morella, Desrouss (Santa Maria, West Indies & Trop. (Gamboge tree, E. [ndies) Amer.) Gmelina asiatica, Linn. Caryocar nuciferum, Linn. (An East Indian tree) (Souari, or Butter nut, Guiana) Heritiera macrophylla, Wall. Cassia siamea, Lam. (Looking-glass tree, India, Burma) (India & Malaya) Imbricaria maxima, Poir. Castilloa elastica, Cery. (Mauritius & Bourbon) (Central America Rubber, Cntr. Amr.)| Michelia Champaca, Linn. Cerbera fruticosa, Roxb, (Champac tree, India) (Burma) Omphalea triandra, Linn. Clerodendron macrosiphon, Hook. f. (Cob-nut, Trop. America) (Trop. Africa) Pachira aquatica, Aubl. Cocos botryophora, Mart. (Pachira, Trop. America) (A Brazilian Palm) 298 In FLowekr. Cordia alba, Roem. & Schult. The White Cherry tree, W. Indies Cynometra americana, Vog. (Trop. America) Dipteryx odorata, Willd. (Tonquin Bean, Cayenne) Heritiera macrophylla, Wall. (Looking glass tree, India, Burma) Hyophorbe Verschaffelti, H. Wendl. (A Palm from Rodriguez Island) Lagerstroemia Flos-regine, Retz. (Queen’s Flower, India & Burma) Michelia, Champaca, Linn. (Champac tree, India) Myroxylon toluiferum, H. B. & K. (Balsam of Tola, Trop. America) Nerium Oleander, Linn, var. alba (White Oleander, Mediterranean Re- gion) Norantea guianensis, Aubl. (Norantea, Guiana & Brazil) Omphalea triandra, Linn. (Cob-nut, Trop. America) Oreodoxa regia, H. B. & K. (Royal Palm, Cuba) Pachira aquatica, Aubl. (Pachira, Trop. American) Pterocarpus Draco, Linn, (Dragon’s Blood tree, Trop. America) Pterospermum lancezfolium, Roxb. (An East Indian tree) Semecarpus Anacardium, Linn. (Marking-nut Tree, India) Sterculia carthaginensis, Cay. (Chica, Trop America) ‘Stevensonia grandifolia, F. Duncan (Palm from the Seychelle Islands) In Frotrr. Pachira Barrigon, Seem (Barrigon, Panama) Posoqueria longiflora, Aubl. (Guiana) Peterocarpus indicus, Willd. (Rose Wood, E. Indies & China) Terminalia Arjuna, Bedd. (Arjun tree, India & Ceylon) Vanilla planifolia, Andr. (Vanilla, Trop. America) Victoria regia, Lindl. (Royal Water-lily, Guiana) AUGUST. In FLoweEk, Acacia cyanophylla Lindl. (Blue-leaved Acacia, Australia) Artocarpus Lokoocha, Roxb. (Indian Breadfrnit, India & Malaya) Averhoa Carambola, Linn (Carambola, India and China) Baphia nitida, Lodd. (Cam-Wood, W. Africa) Bauhinia variegata, Linn (Butterfly tree, India & China) Bignonia magnifica, Bull (Colombian Bignonia, Colombia) Brexia madagascariensis, Thou. (Madagascar) In Fruit. Cananga odorata, Hook. f. & Thomas. (Cananga, Llang,India) Castilloa elastica, Cerv. (Centr. American Rubber, Central America) Chrysalidocarpus lutescens, Wend. (A Maritius Palm) Couroupita guianensis, Aubl. (Cannon-ball tree, Trop. Amer.) Copernicia cerifera, Mart. (Wax Palm, Brazil) Cynometra americana, Vog. (Trop. America) Dillenia indica, Linn. (Dillenia, E. Indies) 259 In FLOWER. Brownea Rosa-de-monte, Berg. (Rosa-de-monte, Trop. S. America) Calophyllum Calaba, Jacq. (Santa-Maria, W.Indies & Trop.Amer- ica) Caryocar nuciferum, Linn. (Souari or Butter-nut, Guiana) Cordia alba, Roem. & Schult. (The White Cherry-tree, W. Indies) Couroupita guianensis, Linn. (Cannon-ball tree, ‘l'rop. America) Davidsonia pruriens, F, Muell. (Australia) Hichornia speciosa, Kunth (Water Hyacinth, Trop. America) Erythrina umbrosa, H. 8. & K. (Bois Immortelle, 8. America) Erythroxylon Coca, Lam. (Coca, Andes) Eugenia malaccensis, Linn. (Malay Apple, Malay Islands) Gelonium, multiflorum, A. Juss. (India, China & Malaya) Hevea brasiliensis, Muell. Arg. (Para Rubber, Brazil) Manihot Glaziovii, Muell. Arg. (Ceara Rubber, Brazil) Mesua ferrea, Linn (Naghas Tree, India) Miconia magnifica, Triana (Mexico) Musa coccinea, Andr. (A bright red flowering Banana. China) Norantea guianensis, Aubl. (Norantea, Guiana & Brazil) Noronhea emarginata, Thou. (A Madagascar Tree) Omphalea triandra, Linn. (Cob nut, Trop. America) ~Oreodoxa regia, H. B. & K (Royal Palm, Cuba) Pterocarpus Draco, Linn. (Dragon’s Blood tree, Trop. America) Sanchezia nobilis, Hook. f. (Ecuador) Sarcocephalus esculentus, Afzel. (Sierra Leone Peach, Upper Guinea) Semecarpus Anacardium, Linn. (Marking-nut tree, [ndia) Stevensonia grandifolia, F. Duncan) (Palm from the Seychelle Islands) Tabernemontana Wallichiana, Steud. (Sumatra) Terminalia Arjuna, Bedd. (Arjun Tree, India & Ceylon) In Fruit. Diospyros discolor, Willd. (Mabola Ebony, Philippines) Garcinia indica, choisy. (Kokam Butter, India) Hevea brasiliensis, Muell. Arg. (Para Rubber, Brazil) Imbricaria maxima, Poir) (Mauritius & Bourbon) Michelia Champaca, Linn. (Champac tree, India) Omphalea triandra, Linn. (Cob-nut, Trop. America) Oreodoxa regia, H. B. & K. (Royal Palm, Cuba) Pachira Barrigon, Seem. (Barrigon, Panama) Phyllanthus Emblica, Linn. (The Emblic Myrobalan, India & Burma) Samadera, indica, Gertn. (Samadera, India & Ceylon) Sarcocephalus esculentus, Afzei. (Sierra Leone Peach, Upper Guinea) 260 SEPTEMBER. In Frower. In Frvirt. Wormia Burbidgei, Hook. f. Averrhoa Carambola, Linn. (Borneo) (Carambola, India & China) Acacia cyanophylla, Lindl. Cananga odorata, Hook. f. & Thoms. (Blue-leaved Acacia, Australia) (Cananga, Llang. India) Allamanda neriifolia, Hook. Couroupita guianensis, Aubl. (Brazil) (Cannon-ball tree. Trop. America) Ardisia tinifolia, Sw. Dillenia, indica, Linn. (Jamaica) (Dillenia, E, Indies) Artocarpus Lacoocha, Roxb. Diospyros discolor, Willd. (Indian Breadfruit, India & Malaya) (Mabola Ebony, Philippines) Cesalpinia Sappan, Linn. Eriobotrya japonica, Lindl. (Sappan Wood, East Indies) (Loquat, China & Japan) Cassia bacillaris, Linn, Erythroxylon Coca, Lam. (Trop. America) (Coca, Andes) Cassia glauca, Lam. Garcinia Mangostana, Linn (Glaucous Cassia, E. Indies, & Aus- (Mangosteen, Malay Archipelago) tralia) Landolphia Kirkii, Dyer Cassia siamea, Lam. (Rubber Vine, Africa,) (India & Malaya) Manihot Glaziovii, Muell. Arg. Conostegia speciosa, Naud. (Cearea Rubber, Brazil) (Panama) Maunritia flexuosa Linn. f. Coccoloba latifolia Lam. (Ita Palm, Brazil & Guiana) (S. America) | Norovhia emarginata, Thou. Cordia alba, Roem. & Schult. (A Madagascar Tree) (The White Cherry tree, W. Indies) Omphalea triandra, Linn, Crinum Moorei, Hook. f. (Cob-nut, Trop. America) (South Africa) Tabernzemontana longiflora, Benth. Croton Tiglium, Linn. (Trop. America.) (Croton-oil tree, India & Malaya) Davidsonia pruriens, F. Muell. (Australia) Derris dalbergioides, Baker (Burma, Malaya) Diospyros montana, Roxb. (An Ebony tree from India) Dillenia indica, Linn. (Dillenia, E. Indies) Eriobotrya japonica, Lindl. (Loquat, China & Japan) Erythrina umbrosa, H. B. & K. (Bois Immortelle, 8S. America) Eugenia brasilieasis, Lam. (Brazil Cherry) Eugenia malaccensis, Linn. (Malay Apple Malay Islands) Heliconia Bihai, Linn. (Wild Banana, W. Indies & Trop America.) Heritiera macrophylla, Wall. (Looking-glass tree. India, Burma) Hymenoceallis caribzea, Herb. (Carribean Lily, West Indies) Manihot Glaziovii, Muell. Arg. (Ceara Rubber, Brazil) Mimusops Elengi, Linn. (Elengi, India) Musa coccinea, Andr. (A bright red flowering Banana, China.) 261 ly FLOWER Myroxylum toluiferum, H. B. & K.) (Balsalm of Tolu, Trop America) Napoleona imperialis, Beauv. (Napoleona, W. Africa) Norantea guianensis, Aubl. (Norantea, Guiana & Brazil) Oncidium Lanceanum, Lindl. (Orchid from Guiana) Oncidium Papilio, Lindl. (Butterfly Orchid, Trinidad) Pachira aquatica, Abbl. (Pachira, Panama) Peristeria elata, Hook. (El Spirito Santo, or Dove Orchid, Panama) Phyllanthus nivosus, Bull, (Pacific Islands) Piper nigrum, Linn. (Black Pepper, India & Malaya) Pterocarpus Draco, Linn. (Dragon’s Blood tree, Trop. America) Quassia amara, Linn. (Quassia, Surinam) Ravenala madagascariensis, J. F. Gmel. (Travellers Tree, Madagascar) Sanchezia nobilis, Hook. f. (Ecuador) Stevensonia grandifolia, F. Duncan (Palm from Seychelle Islands) Vanda tricolor, Lindl. y (An Orchid from Java) Wagatea spicata, Dalz. (East Indies) Zizyphus Jujuba, Lam. (Jujube tree, India & Malaya) In Frotit. as a i OcToBER. In FLOWER. Cananga odorata, Hook. f. & Thoms. (Cananga, Ilang. India) Cassia bacillaris, Linn. (Trop. America) Cassia glauca, Lam. (Glaucous Cassia, E. Indies.) Clerodendron macrosiphon, Hook! f, (Trop. Africa) Colvillea racemosa, Boj. (A Madagascar tree) Combretum coccineum, Lam. (Madagascar, Mauritius) Cordia alba, Roem. & Schult. (The White Cherry tree: W. Indies) Cynometra americana, Vog. (Trop. America) Dillenia indica, Linn. (Dillenia, E. Indies) Eugenia caryophyllata, Thunb. (Clove tree, Moluccas) In Fruit. Adenanthera pavonina, Linn. (Red-bead tree, Trop. Asia & Mal- aya) Averrhoa Carambola, Linn. (Carambola, India & China) Barringtonia Butonica, Forst. (Barringtonia, E. Indies) Bauhinia variegata, Linn. (Butterfly tree, India & China) Cezsalpinia Sappan, Linn. (Sappan Wood, E. Indies) Cananga odorata, Hook. f. & Thoms. (Cananga, Ilang, India) Cocos botryophora, Mart. (A Brazilian Palm) Couroupita guianensis, Aubl. (Cannon-ball tree, 'Trop. Amer.) Diospyros discolor, Willd (Mabola Ebony, Philippines) lw FLOWER. Se Eugenia brasiliensis, Lam. (Brazil Cherry) Erioboctrya japonica, Lindl. (Loquat, China & Japan) Ficus indica, Linn. (Banyan tree, Trop. Asia & Malaya) Ficus rhododendrifolia, Miq. (Himalayan Region) Garcinia Mangostana, Linn. (Mangosteen. Malay Archipelago) Gmelina asiatica, Linn. (An East Indian tree) Hevea brasiliensis, Muell. Arg. (Para Rubber, Brazil) Manihot Glaziovii, Mueil. Arg. (Ceara Rubber, Brazil) Mesua ferrea, Linn. (Naghas tree, India) Morinda citrifolia, Linn. (The Indian Mulberry, Trop. Asia & Australia) Myroxylon toluiferum, H. B. & K. (Balsam of Tolu, Trop. America) Musa coccinea, Andr. (A bright red flow ering Banana, China) Pachira aquatica, Aubl. (Guiana) Pteroca:pus Draco, Linn. (Dragon’s Blood tree, Trop. America)| Semecarpus Anacardium, Linn. f. (Marking uut tree, India) Swartzia grandiflora, Wild. (Swartzia, Trop. America) Trachy lobium verrucosum, Oliver. (Copal tree, Madazasoar) 262 In Frotr. Erythroxylon Coca, Lam. (Coca, Andes) Garcinia Mangostana, Linn. (Mangosteen , Malay Archipelago) Morinda citrifolia, Linn. (The Indian Mulberry, Trop. & Australia) Myristica fragrans, Houtt. (Nutmeg tree, East Indies) Nororhia emarginata, Thou. A Madagascar tree) Ochna Kirkii, Oliver (Trop. Africa) Omphalea triandra, Linn. (Cob-nut, Trop. America) Pachira aquatica, Aubl. (Pachira, Panama) Posoqueria longiflor:, >ubl. (Guiana) Semecarpus Anacardium, Linn. f. (Marking nut tree, India) Terminalia Arjuna, Lian. (Arjun tree, India & Ceylon) Asia NovEMBER. In FLOWER. Ambherstia nobilis, Wall. (Amherstia, India & Malacca) Bauhinia megalandra, Griseb. (West Indies) Czesalpinia Sappan, Linn. (Sappan Wood, K. Indies) Cattleya Skinne i, Lindl. (Orchid from Guatemala) Dendrobium Phalznopsis, Fitzg. (An Australian Orchid) Diospyris discolor, Willd. (Mabola Ebony, Phillipines) Dillenia indica, Linn. (Dillenia, E. Indies) Erythrina Crista-galli, Linn. (Scarlet Coraltree: Brazil) In Frit. Bixa Orellana (Annatto, W. Indies & Trop. Amer. Cvesalpinia Sappan, Linn. (Sappan Wood, E. Indies) Conostegia speciosa, Naud ; (Panama) Dipteryx odorata, Willd. Tonquin Bean, Cayenne) Eriobotrya japonica, Lindl. (Loquat, China & Japan) Ellettaria cardamomum, Maton. (Cardamon, India) Garcinia Mangostana, Linn. (Mangosteen, Malay Archipelago) Gmelina asiatica, Linn, (Aa East Indian tree) Noronhia emarginata, Thou. (A Madagascar Tree) 263 In FLower. Fagrzxa obovata, W all. (E. Indies) Gmelina asiatica, Linn. (An East Indian tree) Hedychium coronarium, Koen (Ginger Lily, Hast Indies) Ixora laxiflora, Sm. ([xora: Trop, Africa) Landolphia florida, Benth. (Rubber Vine, W. Africa) Mesua ferrea, Linn. (Naghas Tree, India) Musa coccinea, Andr. (A bright red flowering banana, China) Randia maculatz, DC. (Trop. Africa) Rhodoleia Championi, Hook. (Small tree f om Hong Kong) Stifftia Chrysantha, Mikan. (Stifftia, Brazil) Swartziagrandiflora, Willd. (Swartzia, Trop. America) Tabernzmontana longiflora, Benth. (Trop. Africa) Tectona grandis, Linn. f. (Teak, India) Terminalia Arjuna, Bedd. (Arjun Tree, India & Ceylon) ne In Frvit. Semecarpus Anacardium, Linn. (Marking Nut tree, India) DECEMBER. In FLoweEr. Ambherstia nobilis, Wall. (Amherstia, India & Malaya) Aleurites triloba, Forst. (Indian Walnut, Trop. Asia) Artocarpus Lakoocha, Roxb. (Indian Bread fruit, India & Malaya) Bauhinia variegata, Linn. (Butterfly tree, India & China) Beaumontia grandiflora, Wall. (Beaumontia, E. Indies) Brownea Rosa-de-monte, Berg. (Rosa-de-monte, Trop. 8. Amer.) Cananga odorata, Hook. f. & Thoms. (Cananga, Ilang. India) Carapa guianensis, Aubl. (Crab wood, Guiana) Caryocar nuciferum, Linn. (Souari, or Butter-nut, Guiana) Cassia glauca, Lam. (Glaucous Cassia, E. Indies) Cassia grandis, Linn. (West Indies & Trop. America) Cassia siamea, Lam. (India & Malaya) In Frovrt. Andira inermis, H. B. K. (Cabbage-bark tree, W. Indies) Barringtonia Butonica, Forst, (Barringtonia, E, Indies) Bixa Orellana, Linn. (Annatto, W. Indies & Trop. Amer.) Cananga odorata, Hook. f. and Thoms. (Cananga, Ilang. India) Cinnamomum zeylanicum, Nees. (Cinnamon, Ceylon) Colvillea racemosa, Boj. (A Madagascar Tree) Conostegia speciosa, Naud. (Panama) Couroupita guianensis, Aubl. (Cannon-ball Tree, Trop. Amer.) Diospyros discolor, Willd. (Mabola Ebony, Philippines) Eriobotrya japonica, Lindl. (Loquat : China & Japan) Erythroxylon Coca, Lam. (Coca: Andes) Fagrea obovata, Wall. (E. Indies) Ir Flower. a as Cinnamomum zeylanicum, Nees. (Cinnamon, Ceylon) Cola acuminata, Schott & Endl. (Kola Nut, W. Trop. Africa) Combretum coccinea, Lam. (Madagascar, Mauritius) Diospyros discolor, Willd. (Mabola Ebony, Philippines) Dypsis madagascariensis, Hort. (A Palm, Madagascar) Erythrina umbrosa, H. B. & K, (Bois Immortelle, S Amer) Eugenia caryophyllata, Thunb. (Clove tree, Moluccas) Erythroxylon Coca, Lam. (Coca, Andes) Fagrea obovata, Wall. (E. Indies) Hibiscus elatus, Linn. (Blue or Mountain Mahoe, W. Indies) Musa rosacea, Jacu. | (A reddish-lilac flowering banana, S. China) Musa coccinea, Andr. (A red flowering banana, China) Napoleona imperialis, Beauv. (Napoleona, W. Africa) Norantea guianensis, Abul. (Norantea, Guiana & Brazil) Rhodoleia Championi, Hook. (Small tree from Hong Kong) Stifftia Chrysantha, Mikan (Stifftia, Brazil) Tectona grandis, Linn. f. (Teak, India) Victoria regia, Lindl. (Royal Water-lily, Guiana) In FrRvrt. Garcinia Morella, Desrouss (Gamboge tree, E, Indies) Garcinia Mangostana, Linn. (Mangosteen, Malay Archipelago) Hibiscus elatus, Linn. (Blue or Mountain Mahoe, W. In- dies) Manihot Glaziovii, Mueil. Arg. (Ceara Rubber, Brazil) Musa coccinea, Andr. (A bright red Howering Banana, S.j China) Myristica fragrans, Houtt. (Nutmeg tree, E. Indies) Napoleona imperialis, Beauy. (Napoleona, W. Africa) Noronhia emarginata, Thou. (A Madagascar tree) Omphalea triandra, Linn. (Cob-nut, Trop. Amer.) Posoqueria longiflora, Aubl. (Guiana) Semecarpus Anacardium, Linn. f. (Marking Nut tree, India) Swartzia grandiflora, Willd. (Swartzia, Trop. America) Terminalia Arjuna, Linn. (Arjun tree, India & Ceylon) [Issued 10th December, 1897. ] New Series. ] DECEMBER, 1897. Vol. IV. Part 12. BULLETIN OF THE BOTANICAL DEPARTMENT, JAMAICA, EDITED BY WILLIAM FAWCETT, BSc., F.LS. Director of Public Gardens and Plantations. CONTENTS: Annual Report of Director Index to Vol. LV. Title Page P RIC H~Sixpence. A Copy will be supplied free to any Resident in Jamaica, who will send Name and Address to the Director of Public Gardens and Plantations, Kingston P.O. AD UAF UI CI CAT CAD CAM WAM CLA WLM Ved KINGSTON, JAMAICA: GovERNMENT Printine Orricze, 79 DuxEe STREET. 1897. JAMAICA. By el ee IN OF THE BOTANICAL DEPARTMENT. Vol. LV. Part 12... New Series. | DECEMBER, 1897. Report of the Director on the Department of Public Gardens and Plan- tations for the Year ended 31st March, 1897. ConTENTS : Page. I. On the Gardens a 265 Il. Educational Practical Instruction ... 268 Schools ists 269 Hope Industrial School... 269 Reports by Instructor ... 271 III. Staff Assistants in Herbarium 276 LV. Diseases of Plants Coffee spe 277 Coco-nut, ete. Be 279 V. Herbarium te. 280 VI. Library nae 282 VII. Reports of Superintendents... , 283 VIIL. Meteorological Tables art 305 ON THE GARDENS. Horr GARDENS. In my Report for the year ended 3Ist March, 1892, I stated that the total number of plants distributed from Castleton Garden during the previous 124 years amounted to 220,000. During this past single year about 261,000 plants have been sent out from Hope Gardens alone which is now the chief distributing centre. To grow and distribute in one year more than a quarter of a million of plants is a large nursery business, especially as the plants are not at all of one kind, but very varied in every respect. A packing shed is very much ‘required to protect those who are put- ting up the plants from the rains, as it is mainly during the “ seasons” that plants are distributed. A seed-house is also required for growing seedlings in. Attention is being paid to getting the right kind of shade trees in the Nursery, as too dense a shade weakens the plants. 266 A few of the seedling canes promise well, especially No. 95, but the majority will be discarded after finally testing with the Polariscope. Experiments are being still ec ntinued with the Grape Vines. From a large number of varieties imported from the Royal Horticultural Society’s Gardens at Chiswick and elsewhere, probably only 2 or 8 kinds. will be found suitable for growing in Jamaica. Varieties of American Grapes and some Persian Grapes have also been imported, one of the latter has fruited, and proves to be a small sweet grape without seeds. A Black Hamburgh Vine bore fruit, ripening in April. An effort will be made to get an earlier bearing next season. The Superintendent is puying particular attention to the selection of good Ripley Pines, and points out a curious fact in connection with the marking of the leaf of the Green Ripley. If there is a broad red stripe in the centre of the leaf, the fruit will turn out good ; in other cases the fruit goes into holes at the bottom and is attacked by ants. Experi- ments were made with different manures, but no difference was noticed. Experiments were also made in manuring bananas, but as the water for irrigation was cut off to keep other plants supplied during the drought, no results were obtained. With regard to budding Oranges, it is still a question what kind of stock is the most suitable both for the lowlands and for elevations of 2,000 to 3,000 feet. At Hope trials are being made of Seville Orange, Sweet Orange and Rough Lemon. The Rough Lemon stocks grow best in the early stages, but a considerable time must elapse before any definite information can be gained about their subsequent growth and their freedom from gumming and other diseases. From experience of our plantation of Ramie, it is quite evident that in dry districts like Hope it is quite useless to try this cultivation. What might be done under constant irrigation such as can be had near Spanish Town, cannot be ascertained at Hope, as the water is frequently locked off for several hours during the day. The Superintendent has found that the public prefer to pay 1s. each for Roses obtained by circumposition to 4d. for those raised from cut- tings, and the Roses at Hope are now all propagated by the former amethod. » Orchids, Cannas and Pot plants generally have made a good show during the year. Slow progress is being made with the extension of the Botanic Garden as distinct from the Nurseries, and plantations of economic plants, but naturally the latter have the first claim on our attention. A few trees have however been planted out. The boys of the Industrial School are being taught in the Gardens on the same lines as before, and are making good progress. The number of visitors to Hope Gardens during the year has beer more than twelve thousand. When the Electric Tram Line is con- structed, and runs past the gates, several alterations must be made to provide for the comfort and pleasure of the visitors, who will then come an much larger numbers. CastTLETON GARDENS. The attention of the Superintendent at Castleton has this year beem chiefly devoted to the work of thinning overgrown parts of the Garden, 267 opening up new portions, giving better views of the river and freer access to it, extending the nurseries, and improving facilities for pro- pagation. It is satisfactory to find that the young Durian is so far doing well. There is a tree in the Rath Garden, but it has never fruited. The young plants at Hope have died, so that it is a matter of some anxiety that the Castleton plant should get a chance of fruiting. It is said to bear a most delicious fruit, so delicious that one learns to neglect its re- volting smell. The Superintendent has the credit of being the first at Castleton to induce the Black Pepper plants to fruit. It requires some management, and in the East it is not allowed to climb higher than about10 feet, the tips being then trained downwards. The Liberian Coffee continues to bear good crops, and is perfectly healthy in contrast to that at Hope, which evidently suffers from want of moisture. At Hope it is impossible to give all the water that it can have on the irrigation lands near Spanish Town, and great interest is felt in the future of the plantations there. Bnt certainly where there is no possibility of irrigation, it is necessary before planting Liberian Coffee to ascertain whether the rainfall is equal rather to that of Castleton than of Hope. The Garden is drawing increased numbers of visitors every year; as many as 150 a day have on occasions visited Castleton. There is no doubt that the railway to Annotto Bay has induced many to go who would not otherwise have done so, even although there is a drive from the Station of 9 or 10 miles, ascending nearly 600 feet. Hit GarvEns. The work of getting the Orange Grove into good order has been continued. Feocing and roadmaking operations have been continued. The work of weeding has been heavy, and experiments are being carried out with growing leguminous plants to keep down weeds, and to increase the nitrogen in the soil. The stock plants of species of Citrus are growing well, though many of those imported from California died. Large numbers of seedlings and budded plants have been raised and distributed. Fodder plants, vegetables and canes for settlers have received atten- tion. The potatoes supplied for seed by the Agricultural Society were not suitable, and the results were not better thun we expected. The Bermuda Lily trial shows that while the bulbs multiply quickly, there is no interval of cessation of growth during which they can be taken up, and dried off for export. The only chance seems to be to catch them whilst in flower, litt them then, and cut off the stem when withered Several thousands of seedlings of the West Indian Cedar have been grown, and distributed to settlers and others, thus encouraging re- afforesting on a small scale. As Coffee Planters have lately had some difficulty in providing plants for themselves, and have asked for supplies from the Gardens, nurseries have been formed, and plants will soon be ready for distri+ ‘bution, Seed of Cinchona officinalis (Crown Bark) is now sent every year by xequest of the Government of India to the Cinchona Plantations on the 268 Nilgiris, as it has been stated that the bark of trees grown from seed obtained there has deteriorated in quality. Quinine has been manufactured on the Nilgiris since 1889. Itis put up in five grain powders, and sold at a very small charge at 1,550 Post Offices throughout the Presidency of Madras. The nominal charge made enables the poorest to obtain quinine in his need, and this was the original reason for the introduction of the Cinchona trees from South America. The receipts at the Nilgiris Plantations for last year on the sale o quinine, febrifuge, bark, etc., amounted to 147,527 rupees, while the expenditure was 78,317 rupees, showing a gain of 69,210 rupees. Kinecston Pusric GARDEN. The railings for enclosing the lawns have been obtained, and will doubtless make a great improvement in the appearance of the garden. The vote for the garden is inadequate, and does not really suffice for the maintenance in a proper condition. The pathways require to be gravelled, the Band Stand and railings round it should be painted, and there are many improvements which could be made with a larger vote. Several of the large Ficus trees have died without apparent cause, unless it be that the soil round their roots has become quite exhausted. Baru GARDEN. The Garden at Bath is in fair condition, considering the small ex- penditure, and the drought. If it had not been for the well in the garden, the plants would have suffered considerably ; the inhabitants also of the town were so short of water that they were glad to have the opportunity of supplying themselves from the well. ~ Krna’s House GARDENS. ™ The other Public Gardens have their various special uses, besides serving as Botanic Gardens, e.g., special attention is paid at Hope to the economic cultures of cane, pines, etc.: at the Hill Gardens, species of Citrus; at Castleton where the conditions are so favourable for tropical vegetation, the Mangosteen, Amherstia, Palms, etc., are culti- vated; the Parade Garden is a City Garden. The gardens attached to King’s House have also their particular function, which is to serve as a pleasure garden attached to the residence of the Governor. The object is not to form a collection of plants interesting only to the planter and the botanist, but mainly to grow such as are pleasing to the eye. A fie etanic has been provided and a Victoria regia planted in it. It is circular in outline, 3 feet deep, except in the centre where it is 5 feet deep. The overflow water will be utilised for the growth of Nel- umbium and other suitable aquatics. EDUCATIONAL. Practica INsTRUCTION. The Department concerns itself with giving practical instruction on the lines of “the greatest good of the greatest number.” While oc- easionally time can be spared for individuals, I can only for the most part work on our present system, and send an Instructor where the 269 demand from one district comes from a large number of people. It is most gratifying to find that the efforts made to supply instruction meet with such a hearty response and grateful appreciation. Tt is in the fields in actual touch with the soil and the plants that real good is done. The cultivators know their own difficulties; they are quick and ready to assimilate ideas which are obviously improve- ments on their own practice, especially when examples, such as pruned cocoa trees, are left on their grounds by the Instructor as models to be watched and followed day after day and year by year. ScHoo.s, Although instruction is sometimes also afforded to school children, it is not possible to give the continual repetitions which are necessary with children who are not so intent on earning their bread as their pa- rents. What is absolutely necessary is a daily instilling of element- ary agricultural ideas into the minds of the children by their school teachers. Horzt InpusrriaL ScHoo.. The Hope Industrial School at Hope Gardens is giving a good training to a small number of boys which will fit them for agricultural work when they leave. The Superintending Inspector of Schools writes :—‘ The Hope In- dustrial School obtained at last inspection the total number of marks qualifying it for a first class, but failed to reach first class standard in writing. It takes abetter position as an elementary school than six- sevenths of the schools of the Island.” The boys over 12 years of age have only 2 hours a day at reading, writing and arithmetic in school, and those under 12 only 3 hours at the usual school subjects; the former working the rest of the time in the Hope Gardens, and the latter in and around the school buildings. All have half an hour’s daily instruction by the Superintendent of Hope Gardens in the theory and practice of gardening. There is no doubt in my mind that this practical teaching and questioning on the work that they are occupied with during most of the day, sharpens their wits, and enables them to make better use of their time in school. The following is from Mr, A J. Hopwood’s Report, Master in charge. “On the Ist April, 1896, there were 27 boys in the Institution. During the year 15 boys were admitted, 3 were discharged, 1 abscond- ed, his time expiring shortly after, 7 were transferred to Stony Hill, and 1 to Alpha Cottage, and 1 died in the Union Poor House. The number of boys at the end of the year was 29, the increase being 2. The average rate of increase for the past six years has been 2. Of the boys transferred to Stony Hill, 2 were for repeated acts of miscon- duct, 4 because they had been committed for criminal offences, and one: was a case of Yaws. One of the boys discharged was delivered to a relative on special application; one is now working in the Hope Gar- dens; the third obtamed private employment. “The daily routine has been kept up. Of the 42 boys who have been more or less inmates of the Institution during the year, 19 were boys above, and 23 boys below 12 years of age. The older boys have worked in the Hope Gardens for 14, and 3 hours in the morning and afternoon respectively : the younger boys have been occupied as usual 270 in keeping the buildings and grounds in order. In general the boys have been engaged as customary in performing various domestic duties, and in the planting and caring of truit trees and ornamental shrubs. “On the Ist October an important change took place in the curri- culum for boys above 12 years of age, in consequence of which they have been spending 12 hours only in the Elementary school instead of 18 as formerly. “The demonstrations by the Superintendent at Hope Gardens have been regularly attended by all the boys. Lessons have been given during the School year in cultivation of grapes, cocoa, coffee, pineapples and oranges, including proper methods of applying remedial measures for scale insects. They have also had short courses on the structure of plants and on gardening operations. ‘““The Elementary School was examined on the 13th August by R. B Strickland, Esq. and took 56 marks, a total increase of 8 marks. The full 6 marks in Elementary Science (including Practical teaching in Agriculture) was obtained. With regard to the above mentioned change which took place in the curriculum for boys above 12 years of age, the 12 hours have been exclusively devoted to reading, writing and arithmetic, and elementary geometrical drawing, Scripture being included in the reading lessons and explained on Sunday. The boys below 12 years have been instructed as usual in all the subjects pre- scribed by the Code. “The buildings are all in good order. General painting and the erection of a Verandah around the additional Dormitory by the Public Works Department were carried out in the early part of the year. A portion of the Stables has also been altered into two small rooms. “The health of the boys has been on the whole good. A boy suffering from skin-disease in an aggravated form (Pemphigus) was sent by order of the Surgeon to the Union Poor House on the 9th July. He got almost well, and for a time improved, but symptoms of tuberculosis rapidly developed, and he died there on the 21st October. Another boy who had remittent fever was removed to the Public Hospital on the 25th November and returned on the 5th Jan- uary. A very delicate boy suffering from an attack of influenza with a tendency to tuberculosis—necessitating the employment of a tem- porary Nurse—was also removed to the Public Hospital on the 5th Jan- uary and returned on the 20th February. In addition to general. directions in cases of accidents, notes on nursing have been furnished from time to time by Dr. Cargill. “Two changes took place among the Warders during the year—one in the month of June and the other inthe month of October. The staff, consists of the Master in charge, two Warders, and a woman as Cook, who does as much as possible the duties of a Matron. “Prayers have been read daily in the Institution, and the Sunday Schools have been regularly held. On Sunday the boys as usual attend Public Service at the Grove Church—religious instruction being given at the School once, and occasionally twice a week by Rev. H. F. Kirton. “The best interest has been shown in the School. On the occasion of his visit on 11th May, His Excellency Sir Henry Blake was accom- panied by Hon. E. Parsons, Custos of the Cayman Islands. The Official Visitors have been :—Honbles. Jas. Allwood, (Actg. Col. Secy.) W. 271 Fawcett, T. Capper, Dr. C. B. Mosse, 8. C. Burke: Their Lordships the Bishop of Jamaica and Bishop ‘Gordon, Rev. H. H. Isaacs and A. Robinson, Esq. On Christmas Eve Mrs. Cradwick, as on other Public Holidays distributed gifts of different kinds to the boys from herself, Miss Cooper of St. Andrew, and Miss Usher and Mrs. McRea of Kingston. This kindness was much appreciated by all the boys. The boys were fall allowed to join the Annual Treat at Shortwood Industrial School on the 6th January—being kindly invited by Miss Johnson. They thoroughly enjoyed themselves as on former occasions. A free MagicLantern Entertamment was kindly given in the School room by Messrs. C. J. Brandon and Son of Kingston on the 24th March. It was greatly enjoyed by the boys. Mr. CU. H. Grossett of Port Antonio was good enough to present the School with a number of coco-nut sprouts—a gift which was also much appreciated.” Reports oN Pracricat Instruction. The following reports are by Mr. Cradwick ;— PorTLAND AND Sr. Mary. I beg to make the following Report on demonstrations given in ‘Portland and St. Mary :— Tuesday, 14th April, 1896. Tranquillity. Demonstrated in the School room to about 70 of the School children, afterwards in the ground of Mr. Robt. W. Murray, on the planting of kola, chocolate, coffee, budding of oranges, pruning of chocolate and coffee. Gave instruction as to the curing of coffee and cocoa, and distributed leaflets on growing and curing cocoa and kola. Mr. Murray has made good use of the instruction imparted to him during my previous visits, andwas very pleased to see me back again to get still further instruction. His cultivation of over thirty acres of cocoa, coffee and kola is very creditable to him. Three other land owners attended the demonstration, and these also testified to the benefits they had derived from the demonstrations ; they were particularly interested in the orange budding. Kola, coffee, cocoa and oranges all grow most luxuriantly. I measured kola trees 2 years of age, which were 14 feet high. The trees had leaves over 20 inches in length. Kola plants 10 months old had attained a height of 5 feet. An orange tree 3 years old bore 112 oranges. A tree from seeds planted December, 1893, bore in Autumn of 1895 eighteen fruits. Wednesday, 15th. Charles Town. Gave a demonstration in the fields of Mr. Jos. Welsh early in the morning, on budding oranges, pruning cocoa, coffee, and also dilated strongly on the evils of crowding plants, and of mixing up crops. There were a good many kola trees about 10 years of age, none of which fruited before they were 7 years old. But I do not think that they can be taken as a fair test as to the time trees would bear in the locality, as they were planted far too near to coco-nuts, to say nothing of cocoa, bananas, canes, etc., which must have retarded the fruiting period for some 2 or 3 years. Then a demonstration was given in the fields of Mr. Prestwich, who had attended previous demonstrations in Mr. Sutherland’s fields, and had honestly endeavoured to carry out the instructions given. But as his cocoa and coffee were much older tham 272 Mr. Sutherland’s and had gone wrong before my visits, he waylaid me- on my way to Charles Town in order to get instruction on his own old trees. Still further along the road another settler, Mr. Wallen, was wait- ing for me to inspect his field. |The inspection developed into another demonstration. Mr. Wallen had made excellent use of the instruction gained the previous year, and the further instruction imparted to so energetic and intelligent a man was a very pleasant task. Later lectured in the Charles Town Schoolroom to about 20 adults and a large number of school children, and afterwards gave a lengthy demonstration in the field of Mr. Sutherland. Mr Sutherland’s field was in quite young chocolate when I first visited Charles Town, and has been the place selected by me on each visit for the chief demonstration. Although a little is left to be de- sired in the way of thinning out the trees, the field is such a vast im- provement on the usual style that it serves admirably as a model to others, especially as it is quite close to the important Buff Bay River Valley road. Thursday, 16th, Belvedere. An extremely wet morning quite spoiled the day, as the people in this very scattered district did not expect to see me at all, only four men appearing, but these four were thoroughly in earnest and very grateful for previous advice. In the two fields visited, Mr. Thos. Gray’s and Mr. Henry Colthirst’s, the improvement observable from last year was very great, and the two gentlemen were very grateful for the great improvement which is visible in their fields. Friday, 17th, Enfield. The Rector, Rey. W. Taylor, said, that in consequence of the late heavy and continuous rains he had been unable to hold any services on Sunday, and in consequence, although, he said, the people were very anxious to see me, it was impossible for them to be fully aware of my coming, and only six people turned up. Two of these had come a long distance on the off chance, and were particularly anxious to get a lesson in budding. A demonstration was given in the grounds of Mr. C. Maxwell on pruning coffee, cocoa, planting kola and budding oranges. Mr. O. Maxwell’s cultivation has greatly improved since my previous visit, and he expressed great gratitude for the help I I had been to him. Monday, 20th, Black Hill and Rodney Hall Valley. Although the morning was fine, noon saw heavy showers of rain which continued throughout the afternoon, and although people here were quite keen on the meeting only about 10 people turned up. A lengthy demon- stration was an impossibility, two short ones were given however one in Mr. Francis Minott’s ground and one in Mr. Uter’s, the demonstrations being on pruning and transplanting coffee, pruning cocoa and on the forking and draining of the heavy land and the budding of oranges. Tuesday 21st, Swift River. Lectured in the Schoolroom to about @ dozen people and a number of school children and afterwards demon- strated in the fields of Mr. Winter and Mr. Holworthy on budding, pruning and planting coffee and cocoa, also inspected the Teacher's garden and gave him advice as to its better management and the better arrangement of it, on a definite plan, and pointed out to him the evils of mixing up his crops. Wednesday 22nd, Bybrook. Only four people turned up at Bybrook,. 278 two Messrs. Burgess and Mr. Sutherland. The whole afternoon was: spent in their fields. The Messrs. Burgess were very anxious that I should visit their lands last year and as there was so small an atten- dance this year I gave them the benefit of it. They had made good use of the information gained last year and I am sure the instruction imparted this year will also be put to a good use by them. ‘The three hours occupied by the demonstration on pruning coffee, cocoa, budding oranges and giving advice on various matters in connection with the soil was quite enough for one day, for most of the land was steeper than. the roof of a house. I also discussed the curing of produce with them and gave advice on it. Thursday 23rd, Birnamwood. Not a soul was present at Birnamwood, so devoted the afternoon to the School Children. The school is large and comprises many boys and girls apparently of about 16 years of age ;. they appear to be much interested in Agriculture. Last year in the Glebe I dug round and manured an old and very forlorn-looking coffee tree, the scholars then being present, the im- provement exhibited by the tree this year is little short of marvellous and is a standing object lesson much observed by all the people and the boys and girls of the school. The whole piece of coffee has vastly im- proved having been manured and forked and pruned to some extent by Mr. Cole by my advice. General report on the tour. I was disappointed at the small number of people who attended but the weather was very bad both before and during my journey; only one day had been fine during the preceding” week, and I had but one fine during the tour, consequently the people had quite given up expecting me. But at the same time I was very much encouraged by the improvement visible in several of the grounds. visited. I noticed throughout each of the different valleys visited that oranges. looked exceptionally well, no borer or ants trouble them. I saw no signs of dying back at the points of the branches or any other signs of delicacy of the trees, most of the trees had a quantity of fine fruit ripening up and a huge crop of the regular season’s fruit as well. Some trees must have had four or five hundred fruits ripening up now. The valleys on the north side appear to me to be the finest land of any I have seen for orange cultivation but almost the whole of the land on the route of the new mountain road is well adapted to the cultivation. On the north side the risk of the trees suffering from drought is re- duced to a minimum and the finest produced is of the finest in flavour and appearance. The land on the north side is also admirably adapted for kola and cocoa, and the higher lands for coffee. At Mr. Mason’s property nut- megs are also growing beautifully ; plants four years of age are 10 to 12 feet high and have commenced to bear. His cocoa has yielded three times as much this year as last, a wonderful rate of increase due to good cultivation. Mr. Mason’s cocoa-dryer leaves little to be desired ; it has a drying capacity of 10 barrels and will dry freshly washed chocolate in 48 hours without danger of burning. : WESTMORELAND. I beg to report that on Saturday the 29th of August, 1896, I went to the Bluefields district of Westmoreland for the purpose of lecturing: 274 there on fruit culture, and also inspecting the sites which Mr. Laurence Tate is willing to offer to the Government for the purpose of establish- ing an experimental fruit farm. On Monday the 31st August I inspected the various sites which Mr. Tate is willing to give the lease of for a term of years. I ffirst carefully inspected the sites proposed on his own property “Shafston”, then proceded to Grand Vale, the owner of which Mr. King, is willing to grant the lease of any land the Government might select. I examined the proposed sites on Grand Vale, after which we visited “ Forest” another property owned by Mr. King. I went carefully over the different pieces of land which Mr. Tate thought might prove suit- able and finally came to the conclusion that ‘ Forest” would be the most advisable spot to advise the Government to select if they decide to establish the fruit farm. “‘Shafston” grows grapes well, and a great advantage in having the farm there would be that it would be immediately under the eye of Mr. Tate, who is a very enthusiastic cultivator. But there is not a very large population near Shafston, and the people who live there- abouts are apparently better off than those people who live in the district round Forest. “Grand Vale” is wet with a clay soil not suited for grapes, and is out of the way. Forest is situated almost entirely in St. Elizabeth, and near a poor district called “‘ The Grove.” It is extremely hot, has a fine black sandy loam soil, and is well drained. It would be admirably adapted for an experimental grape plantation and could be easily visited by a large population who apparently would be only too glad to find a method of increasing their incomes. That most of the district from Black River to Ferris is well adapted for grape culture is abundantly proved by the vines which are already growing in several “yards.” These vines are very badly treated, yet they grow and bear much better than one could expect. The grapes found fruiting, with the exception of those at Shafston, are the Black Barbarossa, a grape of poor flavour, but large and showy and evidently one capable of existing under the greatest difficulties. At Shafston Mr. Tate has the following fruiting vines :—Barbarossa, Muscat of Alexandria, Gros Colmar, Foster’s Seedling, Raisin de Calabre, Black Hamburgh, Black Alicante. The first named was fruiting very heavily, the second almost equally so, while of course there is no grape to be compared to it for flavour. As far as I could judge from one visit, there are only four grapes worth growing in that district, the two just mentioned, “‘ Foster’ s Seedling” and Black Hamburgh. Foster’s Seedling grows most vigourously, and although not a fine flavoured grape, it fruits heavily and is a nice look- ing grape. “ Black Hamburgh” is not a vigorous grower but it bears a grape that ripens two or three weeks sooner than any of the others. It also ripens all the berries on a bunch together which many of the other black grapes do not. This is especially the case with Barbarossa and it is a great draw-back to it, half a dozen green berries often spoiling the appearance of an otherwise grand bunch. Tuesday, September 1st. Demonstrated at Salem on budding oranges, a 275 ‘thinning grapes, and pruning coffee. A good and appreciative audience of over 50 men. At Salem there is a large vine of the Barbarossa wariety which has borne heavily for between twenty and thirty years. Sr. ANN. I beg to submit the following Report on a lecturing tour in the Parish of St. Ann. Monday, March 29th, 1897, Bamboo. I walked about the district with the Rev. J. P. Hall, made myself known to the people whom L saw working in their grounds, had little chats with them, showed them how to bud, and in this way awakened an interest in the district that will I am sure lead to good results. Tuesday, March 30th. Lectured to a meeting of five or six hundred people in the Tabernacle at St. Jean d’ Are, one of the biggest meetings tbat I had ever had, owing to its being thoroughly advertised by the Hon. Dr. Johnston. Wednesday, March 31st. Spent the day in looking over various cultivations which I had visited the year before and was much pleased to see the improvements, and to hear from the owners that the improve- ments were entirely due to my efforts on previous visits. At night - lectured in the Court House to an assembly of about 60 men, nearly all Jandowners and men of the right stamp. Thursday, April !st. Lectured in the Church of England Mission Station at Clarke Town. The room, not a small one by any means, was simply packed and many people had to stay outside. I was told that never but once before had such a number of people gathered in - the building ‘and that was on the occasion of a visit of the Assistant Bishop. Friday, April 2nd. Gave a demonstration on Mr. Ormsby’s property and gave him also some advice about his grapes. In the evening lectured in the St. Ann’s Bay Court House, here again the house was packed until there was not even standing room. Subject dealt with : — Treatment of the soil, coffee, oranges, grapes. The treatment of the soil was chiefly confined to digging, how to do it and the reasons why it should be done. Coffee: the evils of over-crowding, neglecting to prune, and the neglect of proper shading. Oranges: The budding was fully explained and demonstrated ; hints were given as to the suitability of stocks, and the folly of allowing good trees to get covered up with creepers, wild pines and mistletoe. Grapes: The growing of grapes was fully explained. Seeds of the shade trees Bois Immortelle (Erythrina umbrosa) were distributed and directions for their treatment were given. Wherever I go, I notice almost identical mistakes with the treatment of coffee by the peasantry, namely overcrowding, neglecting to prune, and either shading the coffee until it can scarcely exist for want of air and light, or exposing it to full power of the sun, but gradually in every district where my visits are repeated, I see one or two carrying out my instructions and in this way I think the good works is bound to spread. The treatment of the soil is little understood, but with this the 276 peasantry are also making experiments on my suggestions, digging up, ra and liming their lands. and this also is bound in time to tell. With regard to oranges, when people start to look after their trees, they are apt to do more than the trees can stand, and I am careful to impress on them the necessity of careful continued systematic pruning and cleaning. With reference to grapes, at St. Jean d’Arc, I saw a vine two years. old only, putting out a fine crop of grapes, whether they will ripen or not of course depends on the treatment they get, and also on the variety. Mrs. J. H. Levy of Brown’s Town informs me that she formerly grew grapes but that they were always just getting ripe when the Autumn rains set in, which spoilt them; this difficulty could in all probability be got over by growing a variety which would ripen in a shorter time. There were many people at St. Ann’s Bay who had cultivations of various kinds which they were wishful for me to visit but as I had to hurry home on Saturday leaving St. Ann’s Bay at 4 a.m. I had no time to do so. Demonstrations were also given at Kellits on 29th July, at Darliston, 5th August, 1896, at Salem, 23rd February and Shafston, 24th Feb- ruary, 1897. STAFF. Lapy Assistants IN HERBARIUM AND OFFICE. A vacancy occurred for a lady assistant in the Herbarium, and the conditions governing the appointment were distributed to candi- dates. It may be of interest to state the conditions here. Work IN HERBARIUM. (1) Drying plants.—As soon as the plants are brought in by the collectors, they are placed between sheets of drying paper, under weights which are varied according to the texture, thickness, etc., of the leaves and flowers. The sheets are changed once or twice a day at first, and afterwards at intervals of 2 or 3 days until they are quite dry. The leaves and flowers require a great deal of manipulation in order to make them assume, when dry, the characteristic habit of the plant, and exhibit the technical marks which distinguish the species. The plants are washed over with a solution of cyanide of potassium to kill any insects as far as possible that would otherwise destroy them. Collectors attach a particular number to all specimens collect- ed from one plant, with notes of locality, colour of flower and fruit, height, elevation, etc., added for quotation afterwards in botan- ical works ; and the greatest care is necessary so as not to misplace the labels and thereby cause confusion. (2) Mounting specimens.—The specimens that are to be laid into the cabinets are mounted on sheets of paper by applying a mixture of gum arabic and gum tragacanth to one side, laying them on the sheets and again putting them under weights. (3) Placing in cabinets:—As soon as the mounted specimens are ready they are arranged in the cabinets in regular order according to the scientific system of botanical works, so that any given plant can be at once found in its proper place for comparison with specimens - | 277 ‘which require to be named. The whole series of cabinets torm the permanent departmental herbarium. The collection has frequently to be gone over, examined, and cyanide of potassium applied whenever there is a trace of attacks by insects or fungi. (4) Duplicates.—The duplicates are all named and aumbered to correspond with those in the cabinets, and are distributed to various Herbaria. (5) Requirements in Assistants.—All these operations require the greatest care, neatnessand accuracy. The Assistants should know at any rate the elements of botany, and be able to draw accurately the outline of a growing plant, and the parts of a flower and seed vessel to show their anatomy. Work IN OFFICE. (6) A great deal of copying for the office has to bedone by the type- writer, and it is advisable that the Assistants should be able to use it. Other work consists of cataloguing books, ete., for the Library. REMUNERATION AND CoNnDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT. (7) The remuneration is at the rate of £40 a year, with £36 as house allowance, altogether £76 a year, payable monthly. Twelve days are allowed annually as holidays, at the discretion of the Director, besides the public holidays. A month’s notice on either side, without reasons assigned, will be considered sufficient to terminate the engagement. DISEASES OF PLANTS. CorFEE, Various species of coffee are being grown in the gardens experiment- ally. Liberian has done well for years at Castleton, and as the only diffi- culty, namely suitable machinery, has been overcome, there is now no reason why it should not be cultivated in districts which either have a plentiful rainfall or a system of irrigation, and at low elevations where Arabian Coffee will not produce a paying crop. Some of the coffee planters expressed alarm at the introduction of coffee from Kew or anywhere else, and the following letter was written by me on the subject :— 3lst October, 1896. Sir, I have the honour to acknowledge your letters of 22nd and 28th instant. I regret to think that you are still uneasy about the possibility of in- troducing Hemileia with Coffee plants from Kew, and I will therefore try to be more clear with my reasons for thinking that you need not have the slightest apprehension. The whole life history of the Hemileia has been exhaustively studied and worked out in Ceylon by Dr. Marshall Ward, who is now Professor of Botany in the University of Cambridge. Professor Ward spent two years in this investigation giving up his whole time to it, and there is no disease affecting either plants or animals that is better known. There is no Hemileia disease on the West Coast of Africa, nor in Kew Gardens, and therefore it cannot be transmitted from Africa through Kew to Jamaica. 278 It is quite possible that the spores of Hemileia might be carried to» Kew on seeds, or in ordinary correspondence, or in the clothes of travellers, just as they have been carried to Fiji and elsewhere, and just as they may at any time be carried to Jamaica by globe-trotters landing in Kingston and making an excursion to the Blue Mountain Peak. But precautions are taken with plants and seeds at Kew, which cannot be taken with excursionists to the Peak, so as to prevent any risk. But assuming that the ordinary precautions of a scientific estab- lishment lize Kew were unavailing and that some traveller from Cey- lon, to take an absurdly extreme case, had actually infected Coffee- plants destined for Jamaica with Hemileia spores, the conditions of the temperature and moisture of the air in the plant houses at Kew are the most favourable to the germination of the spores, and spores that remained inactive so long as they were quite dry would within 48 hours grow in the presence of moisture and heat in those plant houses. Any which fell on the soil-or on the wooden sides of plant-cases would germinate exactly in the same way as they would on the Coffee leaf, but their existence would be terminated as soon as the nutritive sub- stance of the spore was exhausted. I may illustrate this by reminding you that a Coffee seed may germinate, and will grow, producing leaves, in pure sand and pure water as long as the nutritive material of the seed is available, but as soon as this is used up in the growth, the young seedling must die unless it is planted out in soil. Just in the same way spores of Hemileia will inevitably germinate, given the fa- vourable conditions, and will as inevitably die, unless the spores are actually on the leaf of a coffee plant, and penetrate the “ breathinz pores.” Supposing that some of these spores have fallen on the leavesof a Coffee plant in the Kew plant-houses. They will germinate probably in 12 hours. If they have not germinated within 48 hours they are dead and will never germinate. From their germination to the “diseased spot” making its appearance on the leaf, the time varies from 8 to 19 days, 13 or 14 days being the usual time. Plants would be kept in Wardian Cases at Kew before despatch to the Colonies long enough to ascertain and to make sure that they had contracted no disease and were perfectly sound and healthy But even if such precautions were not taken, and the plants became infected on the very day they were leaving Kew, the disease would have developed by the time they had arrived in Jamaica, and would be so evident to the naked eye that the plants would be immediately destroyed on opening the Wardian Case at Hope Gardens. The spores of Hemileia can only infect Coffee through the “breath- ing-pores” of the leaf. They may germinate in any other position, but invariably die, even on the leaf, if the germinal tube does not,in its growth, come across one of the “ breathing pores” and penetrate it. You allude to the plant-diseases known as “smut” and ‘‘ ergot.” The life-history of smut in corn is of quite a different character, being specially adapted to the life-history of the plant it attacks. The spores cling to the seed, and remain in the ground at rest like the seed itself until the latter germinates. The spores germinate at about the same time as the seed, and although the germinal tubes are unable to 279 ‘penetrate the hard skin of the seed, they can easily push their way into the soft body of the seedling, making their way through the tissues and coming to maturity in the flower as soon as it appears. It is only at this particular time in the life of the corn-plant that smut can successfully attack it. Ergot is a disease of grasses which is different from smut. It attacks the flower, and assumes the form of large grains, which are in this case also the resting stage of the disease, remaining quiescent through the winter months until the grasses, corn, etc., are flowering when spores are formed in the ergot to be carried by the wind to attack the flowers. It is a disease which is also quite different in its life- history from that of Hemileia. Smut or ergot in corn and Hemileia in coffee cannot be considered analagous; and because smut may attack the seed corn when germi- nating, and yet be not noticeable until the plant flowers, it is not pos- sible to argue that a similar process may take place with the Hemi- leia in Coffee. Infection has been tried in every way with the Hemi- leia spores, and the only possible mode of infection is through the breathing-pores of theleaf. The disease runs its course within certain definite limits of time, and the journey from England to Jamaica is practically equal to a period of quarantine. To prohibit the landing of a coffee plant which is healthy on arrival from England, would be equivalent to perpetual banishment from Jamaica of anyone who had once been in a place or ship infected with small-pox. There is infinitely more danger in admitting into the Island letters and travellers from Ceylon than Coffee-plants from Kew, and if the latter be considered a source of infection, it is about time to proclaim permanent quarantine against the whole world. I have, ete. W. Fawcerr, During the Session of the Legislative Council, a rumour arose that a planter had imported coffee plants from India, which caused anxiety. The matter was finally arranged by the Hon DeB. 8S. Heaven, re- presenting especially the Coffee Planters of the Blue Mountains, and the Hon. J. T. Palache, representing especially the Coffee Planters of Manchester, and myself, approaching His Excellency the Governor, who then issued a Proclamation forbidding the introduction of seeds or plants of Coffee from any other source than Kew Gardens, and then only when imported by the Director of Public Gardens and Plantations. Coco-nut, &c. I have examined in several parts of the Island a large number of examples of so called disease of the Coco-nut, in one case travelling to a property near N. Negril Point. In very many instances I believe the unheualthiness and death of the palms is due entirely to the unsuitable nature of the soil and climate. This is eminently so in the case of the Palisadoes ‘plantation. So long as the Government, through this Department, undertook the care of the Coco-nut palms; when bush was cleared, pigs and goats kept out, and the trees manured, they throve and bore fairly well. But from the time that the Government leased the plantation in May, 1887, the trees have rapidly deteriorated, and very many have died out altogether. My 280 opinion is that it would not pay expenses for the Government to main- tain it, and I doubt whether it would pay any private individual even if he lived on the spot, unless he could get a constant supply of water, or unless he could utilise the land for other purposes. The Liguanea plain is a dry district, and like the Palisadoes quite unfit for the growth of the coco-nut unless water can be supplied artificially. In some instances I found a large beetle (Sfrategus titanus) attack- ing the “ cabbage” of coco-nut palms, thereby giving opportunities for the attacks of various parasitic fungi, which soon destroyed the terminal bud, and led to the death of the tree. In other cases the large white grub of the same beetle was seen gnawing the roots. I also noticed the base of a diseased trunk of a coco-nut riddled with the holes of a small boring beetle, and on cutting it down found the passages made by the insect very numerous, some containing the white grub of the beetle, and the whole of the tissue of the trunk smelling strong of a fermentation set up as a consequence of the attack. In other instances I could find no specific cause of unhealthiness except the drought, and I believe that with the return of rains, these would soon recover. I have also examined portions of various diseased plants sent to me by post, but as a rule it is necessary to examine the plant where it grows. It is probable that an unhealthy condition of a plant whether due to want of water, to too great abundance of moisture in the soil keeping out air, or to some other cause, may lead to such abnormal growth or want of growth, that insects and fungi are able to make the successful attacks which they could not accomplish in health. This consideration accounts frequently for the appearance of scale-insects, which again disappear with the return of the normal conditions of the climate. It is advisable however to keep a close watch on all plants, and by attending to early symptoms, prevent the disease or pest running its course and becoming epidemic. The risk of a disease spreading is enormously increased where plants are cultivated all together on alarge scale, and I anticipate that growers of Orange trees and Grape vines will have to pay strict attention in future to diseases which only become important as we begin to grow their hosts on an extensive scale. Notes on the subject of diseases of plants due to the attacks of insects and fungi occasionally appear in the Bulletin. HERBARIUM. The following are new additions to the flora of Jamaica, obtained during the year :— New Genus, SPECIES AND VARIETIES DESCRIBED FROM PLANTS FOUND IN JAMAICA, Loranthacee : Phoradendrum tetrapterum, Kr. et Urb. (Engler’s Botan. Jahrb; XXIV.) P. quadrandulare, Kr. et. Urb., var. gracile, Kr. et Urb. (Le) , P. Wattii, Kr. et Urb. (Lc.) 281 P. Campbellii, Kr. et Urb. (L.c.) Dendrophthora Danceri, Kr. et Urb. (Le.) Phthirusa Jamaicensis, Kr. et Urb. (l.c.) Orchidee : Homalopetalum jamaicense, Rolfe (Hooker's Ic. Pl. 2461). Musei: Leucobryum Jamaicensis C. Muell. (Bull. de 1’Herbier Boissier, v.7.) L. subglaucum, C. Muell. (1.c.) Entosthodon paucifolius, C. Muell. (1.c.) Mnium rigidum, C. Muell (1.c.) Polytrichum glaucicaule, C. Muell. (I.c.) Catherinea synoica, C. Muell. (1.c.) Bryum chlorosum, C. Muell (Lc.) B. eygnopelma, C. Muell. (1.c.) B. mammillosum, C. Muell. (l.c.) B. ripense, C. Muell. (Lc.) Pilopogon glabrisetus, C. Muell. (Lc.) Chysanomitrium Jamaicense, C. Muell. (L.c.) Dicranum retinervis, C. Muell. (l.c.) D. Harrisi, C. Muell. (L.c.) D. longicapillare, C Muell. (1c.) Leptotrichum pseudo-rufescens, C. Muell. (1.c.) Angostrémia Harrisi, C. Muell. (1.c.) A. Jamaicensis, C. Muell. (Le.) Symblepharis Jamaicensis, C. Muell. (L.c.) Pottia glauca, C. Muell. (l.c.) P. nanangia, ©. Muell. (Lc.) Trichostomum lamprothecium, C. Muell. (l.c.) Barbula recurvicuspis, C. Muell. (1.c.) B. ferrinervis, C. Muell. (l.c.) B. purpuripes, C. Muell. (1.c.) Zygodon Jamaicensis, C. Muell. (1.c.) Macromitrium cacuminicolum, C. Muell. (1.c.) M. altipes, C. Muell. (1.c.). M. peraristatum, Muell. (I.c.) Schlotheimia ciliolata, C. Muell. (l.c.) 8. pellucida, C. Muell. (l.c.) Helicophyllum Jamaicense, C. Muell. (Lc.) Phyllogonium globitheca, C. Muell. (1.c.) Pilotrichella eroso-mucronata, C. Muell. (I.c.) Hookeria dimorpha, C. Muell. (1. c.) H. obliquicuspis, Muell. (1. C.) H. Harrisi, C. Muell. (1 c.) Stereophyllum Jamaicense, C. Muell, (1. c.) Microthamnium minusculifolium, C. Muell. (1. c.) Cupressina arcuatipes, C. Muell. (1. c.) Rhynchostegium rigescens, C. Muell. (1. c.) Brachythecium Jamaicense, C. Muell. (1. c.) Thuidium perrigidum, C. Muell. (I. c.) Fissidens eae ee C. Muell, (1. c.) (found in a previous year. 282 SPECIES AND VARIETIES FOUND FOR THE FIRST TIME IN JAMAICA- Myrtacee : Gomidesia Lindeniana, Berg. Composite : Achillea Millefolium, Linn. Chenopodiacee - Chenopodium murale, Linn. Piperacee : Peperomia maculosa, Hook. Loranthacee : . Phoradendrum trinervium, Griseb., var. Domingense, Kr. et Urb. Euphorbiacee : Euphorbia Preslii, Guss. LIBRARY. The following is the Catalogue of the works placed in the Library in addition to those already acknowledged as contributions in the monthly Bulletins. ‘The names of donors are added in square brackets. Anderson (J.) Colonial Office List for 1896. London. 1896. 8vo- Boissier (E.) Icones Kuphorbiarum. Geneve. 1866. Fol. Campbell (Prof. D. H.) The Structure and Development of the Mosses and Ferns. London. 1895. 8vo. Candolle (C. de) Nouvelles Recherches sur les Pipéracées. Geneve. 1882. Fol. Chodat (Dr. R.) Monographia Polygalacearum. Parts 1 & 11- Genéve, &c., 1891, 93. 4 to. Cooke (Dr. M. C.) Grevillea. A Quarterly Record of Cryptogamic Botany and its Literature. Vols. 1-20. London 1872-1892. 8 vo. Dickie (Dr. G.) On the Marine Algae of Barbados. (Extract) Linn. Soc. Journ. Bot. XIV. London. 1875. 8 vo. Dyer (W. T. Thistelton) Hooker’s Icones Plantarum. Vol. V. Parts 3&4. London. 1896. 8vo. [Bentham Trustees. | Elmeren (G.) Plantarum Jamaicensium Pugillus. Upsal. 1759. 4 to Felix (Dr. J.) Die fossilen Holzer Westindiens. Cassel. 18838. 4 to Green (E.E.) The Coccidae of Ceylon. Part 1. London. 1896. 4 to. Greville (Dr. R. K.) On the Asterolamprae of the Barbadoes De- posit. (Extract.) Trans. Micr. Soc. X.N.S. London. 1862. 8 vo. Hiern (W.P.) Catalogue of the African Plants collected by Dr. F. Welwitsch. Part 1. London. 1896. 8 vo. [British Museum. } Hooker (Sir J. D.) The Flora of British India. Parts XXI, XXII. London. 1896. 8 vo. [ Kew. | Journal R. Agricultural Society of England. Vols. VI & VII. London. 1895-96. 8 vo. Lagerheim (Dr. G.) Algologiska Bidrag. 11. Veber einige Algen aus Cuba, Jamaica und Puerto-Rico. (Extract.) Botaniska Notiser. Lind. 1887. 8 vo. Lodeman (Ef. G.) Spraying of Plants. New York. 1896. 8 vo. McAlpine. (D.) Systematic arrangement of Australian Fungi- 283 (Department of Agriculture, Victoria.) Melbourne. 1895. Large 8 vo. [The Hon. The Premier, Victoria. | McConnell (P.) Elements of Farming. London. 1896. 8 vo, Mueller (Baron Sir F. von.) Select Extra-tropical Plants. Ninth Edn. Melbourne. 1895. 8 vo. [The Hon. the Premier, Vic- toria. Sadtler 16 P. and H. Trimble) Text Book of Chemistry. Phila- delphia. 1895, 8 vo. Sandmark (C. G.) Flora Jamaicensis. Upsal 1759. 4 to Sargent (C. 8.) Silva of North Ameria. Vols. VII, IX. Boston and New York. 1895, 96. Fol. Schlich (Prof. W.) and Fisher (W. R.) A Manual of Forestry. Vol. V. Forest Utilisation by W. R. Fisher, being a transla- tion of “ Die Forstbenutzung” by Dr. K. Gayer. London. 1896. 8 vo. Seeligmann. (Th.; G. Lamy-Torrilhon and H. Falconet.) Le Caoutchouc et le Gutta Percha. Paris 1896. 8 vo. Seeman (B.) Journal of Botany. Edited by B. Seemann. Vols. I-VII. London. 1863-1869. 8 vo. Stephani (F.) Hepaticarum species novae, VIII. (Extract.) Hed- wigia XXXIV.5. Dresden. 1895. 8 vo. Urban (Prof. Dr. I.) Additamenta ad cognitionem florae Indiae occidentalis. I-III. (Extract.) Engler’s Botan. Jahrb. XV, XIX, XXI. Leipzig. 1892, 95, 96. 8 vo. Voelcker (Dr. J.) Report on the Improvement of Indian Agricul- ture. London. 1898. 8 vo. Walsh (Joseph) Coffee. Its History, Classification and Descrip- tion, Philadelphia. 1894. 8 vo. [Author.] REPORTS OF SUPERINTENDENTS. Horr GarpEns. The following Report is by Mr. Wm. Cradwick, Superintendent :— NvrsERY. I stated in my annual report for 1895-96 that the importance of the Nursery at Hope could hardly be over estimated. When one looks at the list of plants distributed from Hope during the past year I think it will be admitted that the statement was correct. We have endeavoured to send out the best plants possible, and to bestow the greatest care in the packing and despatching of them. We have to work under the most adverse circumstances, as we have practi- cally no shelter under which to pack and address plants. The ma- jority of them are sent away during the rainy seasons and very often we are compelled to work out in drenching rain at the risk of catching cold with all its attendant ills, or disappomt people who have ordered lants. 3 The same care has been bestowed on the appearance of the Nursery as formerly, and with the same difficulty as regards our nomadic la- bourers. ‘{he remarks made in my last report with reference to seedlings still hold good, the treatment with kerosine being almost a specific against their being carried off by insects, 284 The difficulty of making provision for soil for the large number of plants put into bamboo and other pots, increases every year, the re- newal of the beds for seeds and for transplanted nursery stock is also a serious matter entailing a great deal of labour ; the soil gets exhausted very quickly, chiefly on account of the continuous watering necessary at Hope. Continual thinning of trees in the nursery is necessary to prevent the overshading of the young plants, in fact there seems to be no end of the work, especially of “ odd jobs” in a nursery, and for which, at the end of the year, there is nothing to show. The hedges planted around the nursery nave been very helpful during the late fearful drought in checking the passage over the nursery of the hot dry winds so prevalent during one period. All trees with large leaves will be removed from the nursery as fast as the trees with fine leaves have grown sufficiently to take their place. Besides casting too dense a shade and causing injury to the young plants by drip, the large leaves will sometimes, when they fall, lodge on a small plant, and if not removed in a few hours, particularly in hot damp weather, will kill it. The list of plants sent out from Hope is appended. The nursery is now well stocked with plants, there being about 30,000 orange plants, 17,000 kola, 30,000 transplanted Liberian coffee plants and fully 90,000 awaiting that operation, a good stock of cocoa, cedar, mahoe, lignumyvite and yoke wood, and as near as can be estimated, about 30,009 other ornamental and economic plants. The propagation of roses by circumposition has been a great success, so much so that I have now abandoned the propagation by cuttings en- tirely. We raise very fine plants of the best sorts by circumposition, which readily sell at 6d. or 1s. each, when inferior plants raised from cuttings will not fetch 4d. Economic Prants. Nutmegs. The nutmeg trees ripened their fruits nicely, one tree had nearly 700 fruits on it, but the crop seems to have been more than it was capable of bearing, for this year it has not grown during the season when it should and gives very little promise of fruit. There are two distinct varieties of nutmegs growing at Hope distinct both as to the fruit and the foliage of the trees. One tree grows very vigorously with large, dark green leaves with the branches spreading out, bearing fine large elliptical fruits, but not in any great quantity. The other tree grows upright, the leaves have less colour, the fruits are very plentiful, 700 on one tree, but they are round and very small, and the tree appears to be much less vigorous than the other which produces the elliptical fraits. Coffee. The old Liberian Coffee trees do not look well. After they were first exposed to the air and light by the removal of other plants which had grown up around them, and after they had been forked round, manured and kept constantly watered, they made a fine spurt looking green and healthy and starting to grow nicely. But it was only a spurt, although they have again been manured and kept watered. The young trees of Liberian Coffee which are now 2 years old have thriven moderately well. Some are no more than one foot in height, while some are as much as five feet and have branched nicely. Two a 285 have blossomed a little, but many of them have been much troubled with scale insects. The soil is only fair, but good holes were dug for these plants, they were well manured, they are nicely shaded by bananas and have been kept well watered. The small plantation of 137 Arabian Coffee shrubs, 18 months old, has done well. The majority of them have reached a height of 5 feet at which they have been topped. Some have berries, while a great many were a perfect sheet of blossom during February. These plants received exactly the same treatment as the Liberian Coffee. The Coffee trees have all had two dressings of farm-yard manure well forked in, and they are kept regularly watered, and weeded. Some of the trees which were not at one time looking well, were manured with Jadoo munure, but there was no apparent result. The plants of Abbeokuta Coffee received from Kew seem perfectly healthy, with the exception of one or two beiog troubled by scale in- sects in a similar manner to ordinary Liberian Coffee. The plants of Coffea stenophylla are doing fairly well. Seeds of the supposed Mocha Coffee were received from the Secretary of the Jamaica Agricultural Society. They have grown nicely and have been planted out. Cocoa. The number of large cocoa trees has been reduced as there were still a few trees of inferior varieties which it was thought wise to remove. It is intended as soon as sufficient shade has grown up to re- plant the empty spaces with plants of the best varieties. Sugar Cane. All the new seedling Canes have been increased by double their number, and plant canes of all the varieties will be avail- able for testing this year. A large quantity of the No. 95 variety has been propagated. If we only had had our usual rainfall, tops would have been available for distribution in April in large quantities, but in consequence of the severe. and prolonged drought few wll be ready be- fore the end of May. A large quantity of good tops will be ready for the autumn planting, it is proposed to largely increase the area planted with this variety at Hope. Many of the seedling canes seem to have no constitution at all, making very unsatisfactory growths, and when this is the case with the care and attention they receive at the Gardens, I think they are not likely to improve outside No. 95 grows well as a plant cane, our plants averaging fifteen canes to a stool, it has a good top, our rows are six feet apart and yet it covers the ground completely ; our second ratoons of this variety are also pro- mising well in spite of the severe drought. Nos, 1:5 and 116 are still as vigorous as ever. Po a-ole of the older canes still leads as a vigorous growing cane, second ratoons averaging twenty canes in a stool. Grape Vines. The Vinery at Hope is fast becoming a very interest- ing and useful institution. Last year we were greatly troubled with “ Maybugs” which did much harm to the vines. There has been no such trouble this year. Owing to the dead leaves of the Teak trees which were infested with scale insects, blowing among the vines, many of them became badly in- fested with scale insects. These were easily got rid of by the use of an insecticide made of Telola soap supplied by Messrs. T. Christy & Co. of London. It was recognised however that had the vines been 286 fruiting last year the destruction of the scale insects would have meant very seiious damage to the crop. During the Spring therefore when the leaves, as usual in the “pring, all fell from the Teak trees fire was run through the plantation, which destroyed the scale insects. The pruning of the Grape Vines was carried on at the same time, and great care -»+ taken to burn all prunings which were not needed for cuttings. All such growths were carefully washed in preparation of Telola soap. Then the whole of the vines were thoroughly washed to clean off any scale insects which were on them, and painted over with a mixture of soot, sulphur, and cow manure, thus ensuring the destruction of all the eggs of the scale insects. It is early yet to venture an opinion as to the success of grapes at Hope, but my present opinion is, and in this I am borne out by that eminent grape grower, the Rev. W. Griffith, that the hot lowlands near the sea are the places peculiarly adapted for grape growing and that the elevation of Hope (600 feet) is much against it. We shail, however, have about one hundred vines, each bearing a little fruit this year, and the quality of the fruit will largely determine the question Six black Hamburgh vines, pruned on the 10th of December, ee up very nice fruit indeed in April. The bunches were not a s one might expect from this variety, but the berries were large oe ‘a fine colour and flavour. Three bunches were exhibited in the Collegiate Hall on the occasion of Dr. Morris’s lecture and were admired by all who saw them. These vines will be pruned in September and October of the present year to see if we can ripen fruit in February and March. Earlier than that is perhaps not possible at Hope, although in districts like the lowlands of Manchester, St. Elizabeth and West- moreland they probably may be ripened in January, The vinery at Hope will always be, to a large extent, experimental. It is important now to determine— 1. The best varieties : (a) the heaviest cropper ; (b) the finest looking grape; (c) the best traveller; (d) the period at which they are ready to cut with a view of sending them long distances. 2. The best methods of training whether on arbours, fences or otherwise. 9 ». The best method of root cultivation. 4. The best method of pruning. With reference to varieties, so far as it has been possible to deter- mine at Hope, the varieties to be grown on a large scale must be se- lected from the following :— Black Hamburgh. Muscat of Alexandria. Alicante, (black). Raisin de Calabre. ‘ine bearing large bunches of fine black grapes was also brought from ising’s House to Hope but unfortunately the label was lost in 287 the transplantiug. This is with perhaps the exception of Gros Col- mar, the most vigorous I have seen; growing nearly 40 feet during ast season, the canes made being nearly two inches in diameter. Of other varieties tried Gros Colmar hus turned out a failure, it produces large quantities of big bunches, which have large berries up to the time when they begin to colour, then they split and fall off. Monukka and '[rebbiano have also been given an extensive trial but have failed to produce any fruit. A large number of varieties have been received from the Royal Horticultural Society’s Gardens, Chis- wick. Many plants have been raised; two or three plants of each variety have been planted out for a trial at Hope, the rest being distributed to the public. Persian varieties have also been received and are growing well. The following varieties of American species have been received and planted out, but at present are not looking very promising. Delaware, Hartford, Concord, Niagara, Mailtra, Catawba, Moore’s Early, Empire State, Yves. At present the methods of cultivation followed are almost entirely English, and what is known as the extension system. I have followed this plan, for the following reasons:—(1) that I thoroughly under- stand it; (2) that the enormous growths made by the vines in Jamaica seem to indicate that the repressive measures carried out by the Con- tinental field grape growers would entail endless labour, with so far as I can see at present, no particular object to be gained. We have, however, this year started to give the Continental methods a trial. Pines. As stated in my report for last year experiments in manur- ing pines were being carried out, artificial manures, ashes and farmyard. manure were used, but no result from either was visible. As far as I am able to judge in the short time that the pines have been under observation, ‘much seems to depend on the size and age of the sucker which is used for planting also on the time of the year at which it is planted. A good stout healthy sucker; about 15 inches long, planted just after the heavy October seasons seems to be the right kind, and seldom fails to make a good strong plant which will fruit the following year. Large suckers planted out in the spring time start to fruit almost immediately and by so doing exhaust themselves, There are two well defined varieties of Ripley Pine to begin with, usually called the red and the green; the red has a plain red leaf, the reen has a pale green leaf, with red stripes situated on different parts of the leaf, the stripes being very pronounced in some plants varying from a dark red stripe an inch in diameter to none at all, as far as my observations go at present it 1s only when the Green Ripley has the broad dark red stripe and that situated in the centre of the leaf that the plant is worth growing; the totally green leafed plant, or the plant with a narrow stripe especially when the stripe is on the edge of the leaf instead of in the centre is not worth anything, the fruit produced usually having holes near the base into which ants creep and by eat- ing the fruit start it rotting. Whether good cultivation would improve the varieties and produce a preponderance of plants with the correct stripes, whether bad culti- vation causes marking to deteriorate, can only be demonstrated by 288 actual experiment, but there is little doubt in my mind that unless the plant has the correct marking it is useless to expect good fruit from it. Bananas.—15 rows of the plants each were planted for the purpose of testing the effects of different manures, the ground was carefully pre- pared and the plants throve well at first, but when the long drought settled down and it became a question of providing enough water to keep them alive, it was soon apparent that the experiment was doomed to be a failure. Oranges. The budded trees by the glass house have grown well but have fruited very litle. In consequence of the importance which the orange industry has assumed of late, an Orange Grove of nearly three acres has been laid out at Hope; here a thorough trial of the merits of different varieties of Citrus as stocks will be thoroughly tested at present we have the following plants growing :— 18 Tangierine on rough Lemon Stocks. 18 Sweet Oranges on rough Lemon Stocks. 19 Sweet Oranges on Sour Orange Stocks. 19 Sweet Oranges on Sweet Orange Stocks. 6 Imperial Lemon on Sweet Orange Stocks. 10 Imperial Lemon on rough Lemon Stocks. 5 Grape Fruit (Castleton var.) on rough Lemon Stocks. 6 i . < “« on Sweet Orange Stocks. 12 “ * on rough Lemon Stocks. 4 Melrose Shaddocks on rough Lemon Stocks. 32 Navel Oranges ‘“ ef Mangoes. Quantities of seedlings have been transplanted into beds, these are transplanted about every four months in order to compel them to make plenty of fibrous roots; as soon as they are large enongh they are put into large sized clay pots and used for grafting. Durian. I regret to have to report that the Durian after growing nicely in a pot, died soon after being planted out. Ramie. The old plots of Ramie continue to thrive according to the treatment they have received, that which was planted in good land has thriven fairly well, that which was planted on thin soil has not thriven at all. The new plot of 3 chains planted at the request of the Agricultural Society in November at a cost of £1 0s. 0d. per square chain, planted exactly as described in the leaflet, has owing to the severe drought, grown very badly. In fact with our very limited and uncertain rain- fall growing Ramie as a commercial venture would be utterly out of the question. If the plants are put in the beds in the way advised in the pamphlet and they are properly cared and watered, plants can be raised in large quantities very rapidly. Correspondence—The Correspondence for the year is 4,409 letters re- ceived, 5,349 letters despatched. — 289 Buildings—The need for a seed house is intensified, and we also want badly a new plant house. We still have to pack and despatch our plants in the open air, getting drenched to the skin when it rains, Roads, Fences, &c.,—Sixteen chains of Roads from the Superinten- dent’s House down have been repaired, the gradient here being steep this piece of road requires repairing oftener than the other parts The path through the Divi-Divi avenue has also been regravelled and most of the paths in the nursery. Very little has been done to the fences most of these having been thoroughly repaired last year. ORNAMENTAL PLANTS, Rose Garden.—The rose garden has been kept in good order, the number of plants of the better kinds has been increased, and the number of the inferior kinds decreased. A few good roses are ‘always popular, and plants of them are always in great demand. We have given up attempting to raise plants of the good varieties by cuttings, raising them wholly by cireumposition. By this method we get a strong, healthy plant without wasting wood, a great feature, as nearly all the good roses are slow growers. Cannas, §c.—Cannas still continue to prove what a valuable class of flowering plants they are for our dry district. All the ornamental plants specially mentioned in last year’s 1 eport have done well, except Chickrassia tabularis, which died on being removed to its proper geographical position. Pot plants—The quantity and quality of these have maintained the standard of former years. Orchids.—The orchids have made a grand show throughout the whole year. The following have flowered for the first time :—Lzlia tenebrosa ; Peristeria elata; Bifrenaria aurantiaca; Epidendrum osmanthum ; Cattleya Schrodere; Lelia glauca; Epidendrum bicornutum ; Den- drobium giganteum var superbum. Laelia glauca is considered a difficult species to flower in cultivation, the only plant which flowered at Hope was one growing on one of the Divi-Divi trees, those in baskets did not flower. They will he trans- planted to the trees. Many of the epiphytal orchids have been found to thrive better when grown on blocks of tree fern than when grown in the usual peat mixture; this I ascribe to two reasons, first that the tree ferns do not rot and become nasty in the same way that the peat so rapidly does, and secondly that the roots of the orchids being able to bury themselves deeply in the tree-fern-blocks, are not damaged by cockroaches as they so often are in the baskets; the cockroaches are easily able to dig among the peat and eat off the soft young points of the roots. A new floor has been put into the orchid house, which has. greatly improved the appearance of it, as well as enabled visitors to walk through to see the orchids dryshod. The fern house still con- tinues to be a great source of attraction, especially to visitors from abroad. Geographical plan of Gardens —The work of laying out Hope as & Botanic Garden on a design to follow the natural Geographical distri- bution of the plants to be grown there, is a work of large dimensions, 290 especially when conflicting interests are taken into consideration. All kinds of experiments have to be carried out, which cannot be delayed ; and besides there are the frequent droughts which make it useless to ut out plants unless they can be well watered. The following work has been carried out in connection with the scheme. Four acres of land have been cleared of weeds and bush, thoroughly forked, cleared of large quantities of stones, nicely levelled and planted with Bahama grass; this in the Tropical African section. After the planting of the Bahama grass, the work of establishing it is by no means done, in fact it is hardly begun; for the watering in such a dry year is very expensive; and the weeding which must be done is endless. The following trees have been planted in the Malayan and East Indian section :—Chonemorpha Griffithii; Ficus elastica; Ficus religiosa; Ficus infectoria; Ficus indica; Mimusops Elengi; Cordia Myxa; Eugenia malaccensis; Citrus decumana; Cananga odorata; Nephelium Litchi; Leea sambucina; Gynocardia odorata; Bassia latifolia; Acacia cyanophylla; Rhododendron indica ; Morinda citrifolia ; Livistona chinensis; Rhapis flabelliformis; Chickrassia tabularis ; Wrightia tinctoria; Exceecaria Agallocha. In the Australian Section : Dendrocalamus strictus ; Casuarina Cunningahamii. Near the Chinese Section—Diospyros discolor. IT hope during this year to carry out a greater proportion of this work than heretofore but of course the same difficulties present them- selves year after year; each acre of land that is brought into culti- vation makes the daily routine grow larger. Hope Industrial School—The theoretical teaching has been carried out on the same lines as in previous years, my aim being to make the theoretical teaching the interpretation of the practical operations carried on in the Garden. The boys can carry out details of planting, preparing land, pruning, budding, te., and give clearly and intelligently their reasons for so doing. Insecticides—During the past year I have paid a good deal of atten- tion to the question of the destruction of scale insects, and tried many formule for making insecticides. The most effectual insecticide, in fact, the only effectual one on scale insects which I have used is the Telola insecticide—this mixed with water usually kills scale insects after two or three sprayings at intervals of three or four days. Jadov.—Experiments were carried out with Jadoo as a soil and as a manure. Asa soil for Begonias, it was as good as the best and most carefully prepared soil obtainable, and perhaps a trifle better. Mixed with ordinary soil I could not see, with one exception that it did any good at all; the exception was with orange seeds, it prevented the “damping off” so prevalent in young orange seedlings. As a manure I have tried it with the utmost possible care on Arabian Coffee, and it did not make the slightest difference to it. The Jadoo liquid tried on a Bahama grass lawn was equally ineffectual. Visitors.—In conclusion, IT am glad to be able to report that the Gardens are becoming much more popular, the number of increasing every year. As many as 586 have visited the Gardens in one day, the total for the year being 12,037. 291 Priants DistriBuTED.—SOLD. Economic Plants :— Liberian Coffee tee 22,134 Sweet Oranges san 14,110 Tangierine Oranges sos 3,795 Sour Oranges one 228 Grape Fruit Soc 6, 488 Ramie a 11,120 Kola aes 1,855 Nutmegs aot 7,816 Cane Tops So 17,061 Cacao fee 2,587 Rubber plants sis B72 Arabian Coffee ais PALF Grape Vines 413 Miscellaneous Fruit and Etcononnic plants wee MAO MZane 94,233 Ornamental Plants un 15,319 Free GRANTS. Economic Plants:— Miscellaneous (including Timber and Shade Trees) 7,240 Ramie Roots bets 142,672 Ornamental Plants ace 4,481 Total number of economic Plants distributed 244,145 Total number of ornamental Plants distributed 19,800 Total number of Plants distributed DNs 263,945 Sceds distributed. 131 Cocoa pods, 1,000 Sweet Orange, 1,060 Sour Orange, 141bs. Lignum Vite, tobacco seeds (5 vars.) and 20 pkts. of various seeds. The elevation of the Garden is 700 feet above sea-level. The average annual mean temperature is 77° 4 F., and the average annual rainfall 52.83 inches. The amount of rain that fell during the year was 31.48 inches, being 21.385 inches below the average April, May, September and N ovember, were the wettest months, and J anuary, February, March and June the driest. The mean temperature was 77° 5 F. The Meteorological tables for the different months are given on page 307. CasTLETON GARDENS. The following Report is by Mr. Wm. Thompson, Superintendent. T have continued on the same lines as I had been doing the previous fifteen months when I returned to my duties at these oardens, namely :-— Taking steps to facilitate the working of the gard en, pruning trees, and shrubs, thinning out useless ones, planting young plants to increase 292 the collection of both economic and ornamental trees and shrubs, bill- ing down bush to extend the garden, extending space in nursery, look- ing to the quality of the plants sent out, making potting sheds, plant sheds to grow tender plants under, watering arrangements, labels, walks, ete. I am pleased to say after two and a half year’s hard work, I have accomplished this, and from this time I hope to be able to attend to collecting and planting in the Garden native plants and such imported plants as would be of use. I am sorry to say the Garden is still in want of a seed house in which to raise seeds by artificial means. Every year we lose quite half of the seeds received because there is no house for their germination, in which the temperature would not fall too low at night and early morning. This is a reproductive work which would pay for itself in a few years. It is still important that other buildings such as a seed, specimen and store room and a proper office should be provided at these Gardens. The number of visitors to the Garden is increasing fast. During some days in the past year we have had as many as 150 in the gardens. Many take the train from Port Antonio to Annotto Bay, and then drive from Annotto Bay to the Gardens. There is not nearly enough accommodation for visitors in the way of shelter. A large number of plants have been sent away from the Annotto Bay railway station. The Castleton Post Office is also used for sending away seeds and plants. Letters despatched number 1195 and 643 letters were received. The walks on the economic side of these gardens have received the usual amount of hoeing, weeding, and raking. Fresh gravel has been put on the walks when needed. The old gutters on these walks have been repaired and fine new cement gutters made to prevent the heavy rains washing the gravel off the walks. The old public road that ran through the north part of the garden up to some provision grounds, has been closed and another walk six chains less in distance and to the north of the old walk has been made. People are thus prevented from walking through that part of the gar- den at night, and a fence has been put up to keep out stock. On the economic side of the garden six chains of new walk have been made. All the other walks have been widened and regravelled. The drains running under these walks have been bridged over with 2 inch planking, instead of with Rose-apple sticks as was the case for- merly. The drain that ran alongside the Liberian Coffee land has been filled up and another drain made four feet closer to the Liberian Coffee. By doing this I have been able to make the walk that runs parallel to the drain four feet wider so that it is now eight feet wide instead of four feet as before. There are now in the garden over two miles of walks to be looked after. The usual attention has been given to the lawns and verges. The grass has been billed more times than usual. All the weeds have been taken out. Soil and manure has been supplied where needed, and the lawns are all in good condition. Several old tree stumps and bamboo roots have been dug out- 293 The soil round many palms and trees on the lawn has been trenched and manured. All the bends and borders have been well forked and manured, a large number of old shrubs have been dug out and young shrubs planted in their place. Some of the borders have had all the plants dug out, the land trenched and manured and young plants planted in the place of the old ones. One bed has been planted with Crotons and Hibiscus ; these plants are very effective at the present time. Most of the shrubs in the other borders have been transplanted. The old worn out Crotons in the border to the north of the palmetum have been dug out, the land has been trenched, levelled, raked and planted out with Bahama grass, also a few palms and shrubs. Bright foliage plants have been planted about the tanks. The pruning of trees and shrubs has been continued and has made a great improvement to the plants and the gardens generally. The trees had been planted much too close, and in places they had formed quite a block of vegetation, but by judicious thinning, several new vistas have been formed and the trees and shrubs are looking all the better for the extra light they are getting. All the plants in the old rose garden have been taken up, the land trenched two feet deep, manured and planted with rose plants. These plants are now making good growth. I have replanted two borders with rose plants. The roses have been planted in rows, one kind in a row. I have also planted roses on the economic side of the garden. Up tothe present it has been a hard matter at Castleton to get rosewood for propagating. With the large number of roses planted out this year we should have plenty of rose- wood for propagating purposes. There is not a very large variety of roses at these gardens, and more varieties are very much needed. The old nursery was not only too small for the 30,000 plants of all kinds that we have to keep in stock, but it was too shady, and the ground too much on the slope, so that it was impossible to water the plants properly. It was also very expensive to keep re-arranging the plants after heavy rains. To alter all this an acre of land was cleared and levelled on the economic side of the garden, and 600 ft. of 1 in. piping, 12 taps and 12 tanks were laid down so that the watering can be done easily. ‘The new nursery is all that can be wished for, the land level, plenty of light and air, a fair amount of sun so as to make the plants hardy, plenty of room between each bed, and every facility for watering, potting, seed- beds, ete. All the plants in bamboo pots have been removed to the new nursery, a new potting shed 30 ft. by 12 ft. has been erected so that we can now turn out 100,000 plants a year if wanted. Up to the present the plants in the nursery have been put down any- where, without any arrangement whatever. Now most of the plants are arranged alphabetically, and there is a place for every kind of plant we ought to have in stock. The old nursery ground is being kept solely for plants in earthen pots, orchids, ferns and plants established, economic plants, vanilla, 294 black-pepper, inarching plants, plant houses and such plants that need’ daily attention. Now that the second potting shed is erected, it gives ample room for potting, storage of pots, all kinds of soil, ete. Two plant-sheds have been erected this year, one 30 ft. by 4 ft. and one 15 ft. by 4 ft., these make five plant-sheds and two potting sheds’ erected within the last two years. A new roof has been put on the fern house and three more windows let in to allow more light, the staging repaired, refilled and painted, the path levelled and gravyelled. Among the purchases are new varieties of Orchids, Begonias, Caladiums, Cannas, Anthurium, Asparagus, Azaleas; they are all doing well except the two last. I have introduced a new kind of label, made from one inch square cedar and 18 inches long planed all over, tarred nine inches at the lower part and painted white the upper part, this will be very effective and inexpensive. A large number of orchids have been collected and established on trees in the gardens, also many native lilies and ground orchids have been collected and planted in beds about the gardens. The Lily-tank has been emptied, new soil put in for the Victoria regia, and the small lilies repotted. I have planted three Victoria lilies in the tank instead of one lily as formerly, by planting three lilies we will get three times the amount of flowers, so that one flower should always be open in the season and there will always be plenty of good foliage in the tank. By taking away the leaves as soon as they are past their,best, the tank should not get too full of foliage. The small lilies have made a good show during the present year, but I am sorry to say they have not increased as I expected they would have done, so I have not been able to send out any young plants. Young plants of Victoria regia have been sent for planting in the new tank at King’s House Garden. Young plants of this lily have also been sent to several places in the Island, and a few planted in the still waters about the district. The drought of this year was felt by the planters in the district; as far as the gardens were concerned it was good for them ; and on account of it several trees flowered and fruited which usually do not as the weather is generally wet in this district. The value of the new tank has been demonstrated through the past drought by not having to carry water from the river as was the case in former years. The old Liberian coffee trees continue to do well. The young plants that were planted 24 years ago have flowered and fruited, the young trees are about four feet high. The two new kinds of coffee, Coffea stenophylla, and the coffee from Abbeokuta are both making good growth, and C. stenophylla should soon fruit. The plant of the Durian is quite established and making good growth. The Imperial lemon trees have made good growth and a numberof young plants have been produced from seeds and from inarching. The rubber trees have made good growth the past year and I hope 295 soon to be able to send out a good number of plants. More young plants have been planted out. The young plants of logwood, Durian, West Indian Dragons-blood, rubber tree are all doing well. Half an acre of idle land between the cocoa ground and the walk has been cleaned, manured, trenched, drained and planted with such plants as ginger, arrowroot, cassava, cardamom, Liberian coffee seedl- ings, oranges, grape fruit, etc., etc. Several large trees of oranges and lemons have been transplanted to more suitable places. One thousand rough lemon plants received from the Hill Gardens and some thousands raised in the garden have been planted out to grow as stocks for budding. Some of the plants of the Imperial Lemon raised by inarching have been sent to Hope and the Hill Gardens, and others planted out at Castleton as stock plants. Piper nigrum.—Finding that the pepper plant had never fruited at Castleton, I have devoted attention to the plants during the last 18 months, and am pleased to say I have succeeded in fruiting two plants and have raised several young plants from the seeds gathered. I made several experiments and found out that the plants had been kept too shady. The remainder of the palms that were not growing very well have had the soil about them trenched and manured, and they are all grow- ing now in a satisfactory manner. The old plants of Bertholletia excelsa that have been in such poor condition for years have taken another lease of life since the land they are on has been trenched. The plants are all making rapid growth, and the leaves that used to be as yellow as gamboge have now turned quite a dark green. I see no reason why they should not fruit in time. Two of the Mangosteen trees have borne a good number of fruits ; all the seeds we could get have been sown; I am sorry to say the seeds grow very slowly. I am raising plants of Garcinia Morella in the hope of being able to inarch the Mangosteen on them. Common mangoes are being grown, on which to inarch Hast Indian Mangoes. Hight fruits of the Coco-de-mer or Seychelle Palm have been received at the garden. Six of them have germinated and been planted out in suitable places on the economic side of the gardens. Seeds of Borassus flabelliformis have also been received and planted out. A quantity of Tree-ferns have been planted out in the border at the lower end of the Palmetum. Between the economic side of the garden and the river the bush has been cleared for about two hundred yards. The clearance has made a great improvement in the landscape, as visitors can now see the water and the large creeper on the opposite side of the river and the hills beyond. The bush has been cleared from 8 acres of land, some bamboos and mative trees have been reserved and the land has been planted with 296 guinea grass, so that we can cut grass for the stock on the garden ground instead of the men having to go outside the gardens. 50 chains of fencing has been run to fence in the new land cleared. The Public Works Department have run a fence around the new nursery to protect it from stock. They have also fixed a pipe to convey the water from the upper tank to the lily tank, run a wall on our side of the gutter that runs through the economic garden, painted and re- paired part of the Superintendent’s house and made two latrines for visitors. Three 4ft. iron gates have been bought and fixed. About six more are needed. Wooden gates soon rot in this district as it is so wet. Priants Sotp at CastLeTon GARDENS. Economic Plants :— Liberian Coffee aye 4,335 Kola on 1,943 Manilla Hemp A 256 Grape Fruit ae 120 Oranges 34 100 Rubber Plants te 87 Miscellaneous oon 2,086 8,927 Ornamental Plants ate 2,300 Realising £70 lls. 4d. Plants sent to Hope :— Economic plants ae 2,794 Ornamental “ wae 7,030 9,824 Total number of Economic Plants Distributed 11,721 Total number of Ormamental Plants Distributed 9,330 Total number of Plants Distributed 21,051 Seeds Distributed :—50 quarts Liberian Coffee. 12 bags ditto 20 Ibs. cured ditto The elevation of the Garden is 580 feet above sea-level. The average annual mean temperature is 76°. 2 F., and the average annual rainfall J10.01 inches. The amount of rain that fell during the year was 99.90 inches, being 10.11 inches below the average. Septem- ber, October, November and December were the wettest months, and January, February, June and August the driest. The mean temperature was 74° 9 F. The Meteorological tables for the different months are given on page 306. 297 Hitt Garpens, The following Report is by Mr. Wm. Harris, Superintendent :— Roads.—The main roads through the property were cleaned and kept in fair order. Fences.—Necessary repairs were attended to, and the fences kept in good order. The Nursery was made secure by a substantial barbed wire fence. Pastures. —These were billed and cleaned as usual during the year. Garden.—The borders were thoroughly overhauled, trenched, man- ured, and the plants re-arranged. This became necessary through overcrowding, and through many of the specimens having become altogether too large for border plants. A large number of tree ferns were brought in and planted in the Arboretum. The walk through the Arboretum was re-made, considerably widened, and generally improved. The usual garden work, e.g. forking, manuring, weeding and raking, cutting grass, etc, was attended to as usual. Nursery.—The propagation of garden plants has been attended to, and a stock sufficient to meet requirements has been kept on hand. Blue Mountain Coffee.—Considerable difficulty is often experienced by Coffee planters in obtaining supplies of young coffee plants for supplying vacancies, or for planting up new land. To assist in this matter a quantity of the best Blue Mountain Coffee was procured for seed, and was sown. The plants, about 25,000 in number, were duly pricked out in prepared beds and they have made fair progress. The very dry weather experienced during the last three months of the official year affected them considerably, but they were shaded with fern fronds and are again looking well. Naturally, growth at this altitude (4,900 feet) is not so fast as it would be at a lower elevation, but it is thought that the plants will be hardier, and better suited for exposed situations than those raised at a lower altitude. Orris Root. In the Annual Report for 1894 mention is made that seeds of Iris florentina and I. germanica were imported and sown. The plants raised are all apparently forms of the latter species. As expected they have grown luxuriantly, and during the latter part of the year under review many of them were lifted, the rhizomes cut off and the heads replanted. For information on Orris-root see Bulletin for January 1896. ORANGE GARDEN AT RESOURCE. Resource is a property of 162 acres situated on the southern slopes of the Blue Mountains, about 9 miles from Gordon Town, and ranging in elevation from 3,400 feet to 4,000 feet. Parochial roads intersect the property, and as it is within half an hour’s ride of Cinchona it has been placed under the Superintendent of that Establishment. As might be expected, an old property which had been out of culti- vation for over a quarter of a century, save a few patches of provision ground worked by tenants and squatters, required a great deal of heavy work to restore it to something like order. There were no roads, no fences, and rank bush and large mango trees of useless sorts grew everywhere filling the land with roots and impoverishing the soil. These had to be renewed, the ground thoroughly dug up and immense quantities of roots and stones cleared away. 298 It is important ‘that the g-ound for oranges should be thoroughly pulverised and carefully prepared; time is lost rather than gained by putting out plants in soil that has not been worked into condition suitable for their growth, and, moreover, they are likely to become diseased and stunted. The removal of stumps is not absolutely neces- sary, but renders subsequent culture much easier. In a word, every- thing is to be gained by careful cultivation at the start. Work was commenced in the latter part of October 1895, by en- closing a portion of the land with a substantial wire fence. Since then 150 chains of wire fence have been erected. This fencing was neces~ sary, as the property is surrounded on the east, south-east, south and west by small settlers, on the north and north-east by Coffee proper- ties, and the Parochial roads passing through the property necessitated a good deal of extra fencing. As the cultivation extends, further fencing will be necessary. About 80 chains or 1 mile of roads have been made; mules have been purchased for the carriage of manure from Cinchona and other work; a small office for the use of the Su- perintendent, sheds for tools and for stock have been erected. The ground was cleaned end prepared for planting, and nearly 1,000 plants of all the best kinds of oranges, lemon, grape-fruit, shaddock, citron and lime have been planted out in permanent positions. These plants were obtained from England, Florida and California. Seed bels ona very extensive scale have been specially prepared, and large quantities of Sweet orange, Sour orange, Lemon, Gra; e- fruit, Shaddock and Lime seeds sown. During last orange season quantities of the best fruit procurable were purchased, and sufficient seeds sown to produce over 400,000 plants. The exceedingly dry weather experienced from the end of December 1896, to the end of March 1897, has retarded the growth of the young plants and although they were shaded and watered regularly they will not be ready for pricking out for some time yet. This work has to be very carefully done, and the plants have to be shaded and watered during dry weather till they again take good hold of the soil, then the beds must be weeded and kept clean. The Sour oranges and Lemons are to form stock plants for budding, and this work is being carried on as quickly as the lemon and sour orange plants arrive at a suitable size. Already a large number of plants have been budded with the very best kinds of grape fruit, navel orange and choice shaddock, and many of these have been planted out in per- manent positions. At present we have to depend on the generosity of owners of the best kinds of grape fruit and other trees for supplies of buds, but in a few years our own plants imported from England, Florida and California ought to be large enough to supply all the buds required ; indeed this is what the plants were imported for. In addition to the plants of the Citrus family about 150 fruit trees have been put out at Resource. These include Olives, Persian Grape vines; Figs, Peaches, Apples, Pears, Plums, Pomegranate, Mulberry, Loquat, etc. As there is plenty of land available, Resource should become a valuable property for experimenting with, and propagating fruit and other plants from sub-tropical and temperate climates, which would be likely to succeed at elevations from 2,000 feet upwards. 299 Sugar Canes.—Over 50 varieties of sugar cane from Hope Gardens have been planted to ascertain which are the most suitable for hill culti- vation. The tops will be distributed free to settlers in the district who cultivate cane for making “ new sugar.” West Indian Cedar.—About 55,000 plants of this tree were raised from seed, and the seedlings were duly transplanted and have grown splendidly. These are now being given away to anyone who applies for them. Already over 4,000 have been distributed. They have also been planted along our fences where they will in a few years nut only clearly define our boundary lincs, but will also become permanent fence posts, and effect a considerable annual saving on the renewal of posts. They will also materially increase the value of the property. A large number of Juniper Cedar plants are also being grown for distri- bution. Green Manuring.—Quantities of seeds of Cow pea, Soja bean, hairy Vetch, Conga pea, Alfalfa, and other leguminous plants were sown through the cultivated portions of the ground to serveas green manuring, and to help to keep down the weeds that spring up everywhere after each shower of rain. It will take years of patient weeding and culti- vation to thoroughly eradicate the weeds, which have had full sway here for over 25 years. Fodder plants.—Various kinds of grasses and other fodder plants are under trial The Himalayan Grass grows most luxuriantly, and pro- mises to be a great success. Teosinte.—A packet of seed of this magnificent fodder plant was sown in April last. It produced stems ten feet high and flowered in October. Towards the end of October, half the area grown was cut and carefully weighed, when the yield was found to be at the rate of 44,000 Ibs., or over 194 tons of fodder per acre. Beyond being kept free from weeds when in a young state, the Teosinte received no special attention. The plant is an annual, but readily reproduces itself on good land from the seed shed. If cut when young, but not too short, the stubble quickly springs again, and asecond or evena third crop of green fodder may thus be obtained. The fodder is greatly relished by stock. Bermuda Lily.—This beautiful lily is cultivated as a field crop in the Bermudas, to supply English and American growers with bulbs, and is a very remunerative industry. Mr A. H. Crane, an American who has recently settled in Jamaica, imported 40,000 young bulbs in the beginning of 1896. ‘These were planted at Resource, being placed 8 inches apart in rows |8 inchesasunder. The bulbs flowered all through the snmmer months, and were a noticeable feature at fully a distance of three miles from the field. The work of thoroughly cleaning and preparing the ground and planting the bulbs entailed cousiderable ex- pense, which was borne by Mr. Crane. In March, at the request of Mr. Crane, the bulbs in an average row were lifted and examiued to see what progress, if any, had been made. There were originally 90 bulbs in this row, and when lifted and counted 300 these were found to have increased in number to 308. The bulbs were then sorted into sizes with the following results :— 4 bulbs, 3 inches in circumference 95 é 4 « “ “ 20 ““c 5 “ “ “cc 13 66 54 “ “ (73 20 “ 6 « “ “ 9 “ 64 ““c “ - 8 ““ 7 6c 6c“ (a3 5 (a3 8 ““ “ “ 204 “small, under 3 ins. in circumference. —_—_—— 308 Vegetables—Although attention has been devoted in the first place, and mainly to the cultivation and propagation of plants of the Citrus family, other products that are likely to prove useful are being tried on a small scale, when time and circumstances permit of this being done. This district is eminently suited during certain months of the year for the cultivation of European vegetables, and certain kinds are fairly well grown, but here, as elsewhere, the peasantry need practical lessons on the best methods of cultivation. With this object in view, as well as to test the capabilities of the soil, a few vegetables have been grown—cabbages, turnips, carrots, beet, leeks, peas, potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, marrows. One pound of potatoes yielded 40lbs. of good tubers; tomatoes yield abundant crops of handsome well flavoured fruits; splendid marrows were produced in less than a month from date of sowing seed, and cucumbers in two months; cabbages form excellent heads, large and firm, and all the other kinds grown have been most successful. The seeds of tomato, etc., are given to any of the settlers who ask for them. The following special experiment in potato cultivation was carried out, but, for the reasons stated was not altogether a success, and similar experiments carried out in different parts of the Island about the same time were, generally, even less successful. Report on Porato EXPERIMENT. We received one barrel of Potatoes from Mr. Douet in October 1896. They were apparently fine potatoes for cooking purposes, but not at all what are known as ‘“‘seed potatoes”. They were too large and evi- dently had not been allowed to remain in the ground long enough to ripen, and consequently the eyes were immature, and unable to make good strong growths. Then again, many of the large tubers, when cut, were found to be quite hollow and useless, 40lbs in weight being in this state. The potatoes were kept till the middle of November, and as they were then showing signs of growth the sets were prepared, and on the 20th of November they were planted at Resource, at an elevation of 3,600 feet, the ground having previously been well dug and man- ured. The soil I may mention is a gravelly loam. Mode of Planting. The sets were planted in trenches 24 feet apart, and a space of 15 inches was allowed between the sets in the trenches. 301 Subsequent culture. The ground was kept free from weeds whilst the potatoes were growing, and the plants were moulded twice. Lifting.—The potatoes were taken up on the 1st March, 1897, so that they were in the ground exactly 100 days, or a little over 3 months. Weather.—* Seasvnable” weather prevailed from time of planting to 29th December, or 39 days, and from then till date of lifting the crop no rain was registered, a period of 61 days, or two months. Yiela.—The total weight of potatoes lifted was 360lbs.; of these 215lbs. were of marketable size, and small tubers suitable for seed 14dlbs. The marketable potatoes were of good quality and were sold at the rate of 12/6 per 100lbs. The following is a Statement of Receipts and Expenditure :— Receipts— 2\5lbs. potataesat 12/6 per 100lbs. ... £1 6 104 145lbs, seed at suy $d. per Ib. mG. (OF Sie haul Expenditure — Cleaning and preparing ground Manure, valued at Ibrl. of potatoes Planting Moulding and weeding Lifting SOoCOaocel FPwonoan DAADCO Net profit esc a £0 5 5 This shows a ‘profit of 5/5 on the transaction, which would not pay for the trouble, but there is little doubt that with good seed, and a favourable season, excellent results might be obtained. Puants Disrripurep.—Soxp. Economic Plants :— Sweet Oranges ans 11,639 Sour Oranges or 2,500 Grape Fruit a 4,150 Shaddock and Limes ote 58 Ornamental plants ae 506 FREE GRANTSs. Tea Plants Fat 16,055 W. I. Cedar ae 4,425 Other Economic Plants ae 447 Ornamental—various oe 287 Total Economic plants distributed 39,274 Total Ornamental plants distributed 893 Total number af plants distributed 40,167 The following seeds were also distributed :~ — 28lbs of Tea seed. 18,000 Rough Lemon Seeds. and of Tree Tomatoes, 217 dozens weighing 434lbs. 302 The elevation of the Hill Garden House where the instruments are placed is 4,907 above sea-level. The average mean temperature there is 62°9 F. and the average annual rainfall 105.04 inches for 26 years. The amount of rain that fell during the year was 80.98 inches or 19.40 inches below the average. September, October, November and December were the wettest months, and January, February and March were the driest. The mean temperature was 62° -4 Fah. The Meteorological tables for the different months are given on page 305. The rainfall at the Orange Garden, Resource, was 45.63 inches for the year; May,Octo- ber and November were the wettest months, and June, January and February the driest. During the two latter months, and the first half of March, no rain was registered. Kineston Pusric GARDEN. The following Report is by Mr. J. Campbell, Superintendent :— The general work of the Garden during the past year has been strictly attended to in weeding forking, pruning, trimming, edging, clearing away of rubbish, manuring and watering; the last item had to be done almost incessantly, on account of the protracted drought of about eight months. It is with difficulty that the cut edges can be kept in good order on account of the continual trampling by the people who will not keep to the pathway. I may mention that the outer borders around the Garden are crowd- ed with too many trees of large growth which are now becoming de- veloped. It would be well to take away a few of these alternately so as to allow the shrubs and flowering plants to thrive, and this would improve the appearance of the Garden. A few of the Ficus lucida trees have died out this year, especial- ly those that are fully grown; every care was taken to save the trees #8 soon as they showed the first sign of decay by application of fer- tilisers, etc. It is noted that several trees of this kind about Kingston have died out during the past year. The garden benches have been repaired and painted. The walks require gravelling, but this item of expenditure was sometime ago taken off the vote. I would suggest that it be renewed. The bridges require repairing. The dung pit enclosure requires re- pairing. I would suggest the removing of the Kiosk from the Garden, as it is becoming quite a nuisance to the Garden. The person in charge of it does not confine himself to it, but allows refuse to be thrown in the Garden, and allows all sorts of utensils, barrels, boxes, handcarts, etc., which he uses in his trade to lie about, cooking with a large stove and kerosene tin in the Garden, and using the tank for washing all sorts of dirt. I have repeatedly remonstrated with the man, but it 1s useless. I may say that what he sells, visitors can be easily accomodated with at the gates. it would be necessary to have on band evenings more police super- vision. The infringements of the Garden regulations have been dealt with at the Police Court. I may state that the amount alotted for the up-keep of the Garden is inadequate to the requirements. The elevation of the Garden above sea-level is 60 feet. 303 The average annual mean temperature is 79°.0 F., and the average annual rainfall 34.73 inches for 27 years. The amount of rain that fell during the year was 15.07 inches, The mean temperature was 79°.9 F. The Meteorological Tables for the different months are given on page 309. Baru GARDEN. The following Report is by Mr. A. H. Groves, Overseer of Bath Gar- den :— I am glad to report that this garden is in fair order, and this is chiefly owing tothe supply of water from the well, as indeed, if it were not for this supply, many of the plants and trees would have suffered seriously, as also many of the inhabitants of the Town of Bath for want of proper drinking water. Fearfully dry weather prevails, rivers dried up, and the small lots of water quite unfit for drinking purposes. At the same time I find that although the well is near at hand, it costs from 5s. to 6s. per day to supply water at this season of the year. I would therefore ask if it would not be economy to furnish a small pump and hose, say, about 200 feet. If the Government will consent to supply these articles, it will be a great saving in labour, and also a convenience. I have supplied, as per vouchers, a grindstone and tools for the Gar- den. The walks have been regravelled, the trenches cleaned out, and the greater part of the garden forked. I find the wire fence requires to be looked to, as many of the droppers are entirely rotten from rust. I intend to have them replaced by those on hand, and have them painted by the end of the next quarter. Elevation of the Garden above sea level 170 feet. Mean temperature 78° Fah. Kine’s Houst GARDEN. The following Report is by Mr. T. J. Harris, Assistant Superinten- dent. In the course of the year several improvements have been made in the Garden, such as the contruction of a spacious tank for the giant water-lily (Victoria regia,) the cleaning away of tangled masses of shrubs and climbers which formed a dense belt around the north side of the Garden, the opening up of vistas, and the planting of a large portion of the enclosed garden with Bahama grass. A border running south- west from the ball-room has been laid out and planted with miscella- neous shrubs, which are doing fairly well notwithstanding the fact that the soil is only two inches deep in that part of the garden. Several large trees have been felled, including a large Mahogany and three large Mangoes; this was found necessary when opening up views in the garden. A large Ficus immediately in front of the Bungalow died and had to be removed ; the ground was afterwards well dug and manured, and Prue with flowering shrubs and a Cassia siamea to replace the defunct icus. In the Guinea-grass piece between the Bungalow and the stables, A dozen or so large trees were felled and the stumps grubbed out and 304 cleared away ; a large number of stumps were also grubbed out of the new grass piece at the back of the stables. The pastures have had the usual cleaning, and the fences have been kept in good repair, and the gates have lately been rehung and tarred. The mule-paddock has been billed out as it became necessary as also have the plots of cleared ground at the back of King’s House and near the stables; the roads too have had the usual hoeing and cleaning, and repairing where necessary. Two plants of Beaumontia grandiflora obtained from Hope Gardens have been planted near the west lodge and are doing well; a large pod of seed ripened on an old plant in the fernery and was sent to Hope. The Victoria regia was planted on January Ist but apparently no time would have been lost if the planting had been deferred until the beginning of April; around the outside of the tank the pretty little Ficus repens has been planted and is commencing to climb up the wall. The overflow has been led out toa convenient place in the lawn, where a pond will be formed for the cultivation of different aquatic and semi- aquatic plants. Most of the Orchids have been repotted or rebasketted and are doing. well; the decorative plants in pots have also been treated as found nec- essary. The weeding, rolling, mowing, and watering of the lawns have been regularly attended to, and the task of repairing the walks and verges has been proceeded with as opportunity offered. About two acres of the enclosed garden remain to be ploughed up and planted with Bahama grass, and this, no doubt will be accom plished during the coming year. A group of the Mountain Pride (Spathelia simplex) has been planted in the lawn near the outer walk and is doing well ; these when in flower will have a striking effect in the landscape. The walks and lawns have been regularly cleaned and tidied up, rubbish carted away, manure collected as soon as available, pot plants attended to in house and nursery, flowers gathered and decorations carried out in both ball and dining rooms, and the innumerable details inseparable from the routine of a well-kept garden have been strictly supervised, I may add that the need of more glass accommodation for the proper cultivation of delicate plants such as Orchids, etc. is daily becoming more apparent; and that a small building equivalent to the English “bothy” is badly needed for a few of the regular employees, as at present the Superintendent is compelled to give up his servants’ quarters for this purpose. The elevation of the Garden above sea-level is 400 feet. The average mean annual temperature is 78°.5 F. and the average annual rainfall 47.24 inches for 17 years. The amount of rain that fell during the year was 3().69 inches being 16.06 inches below the average. September, October, and November, were the wettest months, . and January, February andMarch the driest. The mean temperature was 76°.9. The meteorological tables for the different months are given on page 808. 305 eee a ee v'29 | | | Uv9TAL | | es iia €9° SF 86°08} 4°83 | A | S8 | 8 | 4°09 | 6°49 | ¥'Z9 | F°29 | 9°ST | T'9a| 2°89 | 0°89 6°69 | 996°C) €9E°Sz)"" BURSON tg GEIL) oe 90°T | © 08 | H | 18 | $8 | Z'6a | 9°TS | O'Z9 | O'29 | BFL | Z' Fa | 0'69 | F°a9 0°19 | gag GOGe ies Pore i 00'0 | “| £20 | 0°93 | © | 18| 08 | S'éa | 6'6F | 0°29 | 0'Z9 | FEL | G'eg 6°89 | 8°79 | 0°99 | TE" 18g" Aaenaqe,g al 000)" | SLT | 9°83 | H | €8] 08 | 69 | 2°26 | 0°29 | O29 | LET | T'1g¢ | 9"¢9 | z°Zz9 T'¥9 | SPS" ogg’ |" Arenuee ‘L68T “a OSE GR ies TLC L°94 | @ | €6 | 68 | 19 | T°9G | T2991! 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Paax. Acacia, mollissima Willd. 5 80 Acrostichum oc eco 254 Allen, E. W,, on Leguininous plants eee 153 Alfalia 166, 157, 160, 164, 167, 168 Anetium Sas eae 209 Anthrophyum oes Kes 210 Arachis hypogea, Linn. coe 75 Aulacaspis Bes aoe 107 Aspid.otus ace 150 Averrhoa Carambola, Linn. aoe 64 Barnyard manure, by W. H. Beal 6 170 Bath Garden, Report on 560 303 Beal, W. H., on Barnyard manure “C0 170 Bordeaux mixture eae 39 Bowrey, J. J. on Sugar Canes ace 227 Brindonia tallow Nes 64 Butter, Cocum or Kokam ooo 64 Cabinet Woods: Market Report soe 236 Carambola ccc Bee 64 Carob or Locust Bean 243 Castleton Gardens, monthly list of plants in flower or fruit one 1, 46, 70, 257 Castleton Gardens, Notes on plants in ees 64 Castleton Gardens Report on oes 266, 291 Ceara Rubber see 242 Cedar ses Boe 236, 8 Citric Acid “ce coe 248 Citrus, Rhythmic growth in 240 Clover, crimson nes 158, “160, 164, 167, 168, 177 WR Sent stent -) Se a3 By BAG é 4 ai a ot . ¥ . — {+ 4 PSG + %. 7 » . %. _ a SF me Tt * rei, o ‘> x Be ee oN, co ors LT Pie a ¥ A ee x forty 14 TAS Ve mS me aa