Columbia Gniversity — in the City of Hew Bork | DS 1A nels ine sah i ae ne Pie ey Mi Hives Bede Nu ; Noun ty Peal) ny Ms a te Br AA ATA i LOE Yin i ya Vegi} OU Pa ae = w ee he 7 4 ° ad Ji : BP ie a wet De ’ re f ok Oe ' | OM Lee AP os" a se.y* ae ie 4 4 Ni f 7 Z ’ ‘¢ a4 ' Pi , m TeARy ibs ‘ a fa » M/S) ms | ie aie & Via ih i u > 4 ‘ rir 7 : ot SS { ¥ ths ¢ i nl s ‘ | "aN ,) ie - a? \ » p z Biya! %\ v5" IN ' .- Ane ; : > 4 , i PS ‘ a ? can ’ ‘7% it y a 4 sca 5 rH 4 va ic - = 4, BULLETIN OF THE BOTANICAL DEPARTMENT, JAMAICA. EDITED BY WILLIAM FAWCETT, B.Sc., F.L,S Director of Public Gardens and Plantations. NEW SERIES. Vol. VI. 1S9VeQ. ASTON W. GARDNER. & CO., Printers, Publishers, Bookbinders, &c., &c., 1899. a al One ‘tna \ To fart Mati, more pe oh Wee be). mahi. Doe Ae j UF ff r OK? hae Mss), a ae b wire f yu Ih ne, ay tad JAMAICA. BULLETIN OF THE BOTANICAL DEPARTMENT. : Vol. VI, New Series,} JANUARY, FEBRUARY, MARCH, 1899. Parts Lt A VISIT TO MONTPELIER. By Wittiam Harris, Superintendent, Hill Gardens. Montpelier, the property of the Hon. Evelyn Hillis, is situated in the parish of St. James, on the border of the parish of Hanover, and is 1022 miles from Kingston on the Montego Bay line. This line of rail- way is laid through some of the most fertile, and most picturesque paris of Jamaica. Between Kingston and Montpelier there is an infinite variety of views of hills and vales, and as the train winds in snake-like fashion round the sharp curves through the cockpit country, the scene is ever changing and charming. [For the tourist or pleasure-seeker who wishes to see something of this beautiful island, no more delightful trip could possibly be provided than the railway journey between King- ston and Montpelier, or Montego ay which is only 10 miles further on. Immense Guinea-grass pastures with magnificient shade trees ; Banana, Sugar-cane, and Logwood estates ; Orange groves, Pimento or Allspice groves, and cattle pastures are passed by in rapid succession. Tropical fruit trees are plentiful everywhere along the line, the handsome foliage of the useful Breadfruit tree being especially noticeable. Montpelier is reached in due time, and the visitor cannot fail to be struck with the general air of prosperity which is everywhere observable. The Station is built of cut stone, and is a serviceable, yet elegant building with a piazza right round it, and handsome foliage plants in pots assist considerably in producing a refined effect not usually seen in connection with buildings of this class. A short distance from the Station the Montpelier Hotel is situated on the summit of a low hill, and commands a fine view of the surround- ing country. Tobacco Cultivation.—Opposite the Railway Station may now (January) be seen a field of tobacco, which is a model of high-class cul- tivation. There are 60 acres of tobacco in this field, and the plants are in 2 most excellent condition, planted in rows which are perfectly straight. The entire field has been planted out with seed imported from Havana and distributed by the Department of Public Gardens. 302206 2 During the month of February four more plots are to be planted out with seedlings of the following varieties:—Sumatra (seed from Pub- lic Gardens) Vuelta de Abajo ; Silky Pryor ; Connecticut seed leaf ; (the three last varieties imported by Mr. Zurcher) About six months ago this land was a pasture in bush, with a great many large trees. The lower portion of the land was swampy and had to be drained. The bush and trees were cut down, and ihe large roots and rocks were blown up by dynamite. Trenches from three feet to five feet deep were dug to carry off surface water after heavy rains. After getting rid of the bush, the land was ploughed and cross-ploughed ; harrowed, and broken up with clod-crushers and cultivators ; all stones, roots and rubbish removed ; the heavy land drained, and the whole so thoroughly turned up and pulverise? a3 to resemble an immense garden - seed-bed. Water-pipes were laid down through the plantation so that the young plants may be watered during dry weather till they are estab- lished. ‘The plantation is divided into plots of equal dimensions, each plot contains 2 acres. ‘There is a coloured plan of the plantation giving the number of each plot, and a very carefully kept record shows the date of planting each plot, the number and distances of plants put in, the dates of hoeing, moulding, disbudding, topping, suckering, and of cutting. The following is an example :— Ist Plot planted 8rd and 4th November 1898. 1st Hoeing 14th November. 2nd Hoeing 30th November. 3rd Hoeing 16th December. Ast Moulding 30th November 2nd Moulding 16th December. Disbudding commenced, 9th December Topping commenced 14th December. Suckering 27th December. First plants cut 28th December. Second lot cut 30th December. Third lot cut 5th January, 1899, and every day after. The total plants put out, in rouud numbers, is 450,000. The snost remarkable thing about the plantation is that there is not the vestige of a weed to be seen. A large number of labourers are employed, and the owners believe in thorough supervision. Every gang of 8 to 12 labourers is supervised by a headman, and these are in turn supervised by experts, who are again under the direc- tion of a Cuban manager and his assistant, and the whole is under the personal supervision of the courteous and energetic co-proprietor, Mr. O. Zurcher. A cook and water-carrier is provided for each gang, The wages paid are—men 1/, women 6d, and headmen 1/8 and 2/ per day. Everything is being done, and no expense is spared, to make this exper- iment a success. Gangs of children are employed searching for cater- pillars and grubs. Two kinds of caterpillar are troublesome; one cuts round holes in the leaves which render them useless for wrappers, and considerably reduce their value; another cuts the plants below the sur- cace of the ground and of course kills them. Thousands of these pests are captured every day by boys and girls. Ip addition to the gangs of 3 children, about 50 turkeys are employed, and are slowly driven up and down the rows by women. ‘he birds have become so accustomed to their work that they seem to know what is required of them, and they destroy enormous numbers of pests. To still further diminish the num- bers of troublesome pests, large bath-pans are stood on elevated platforms, about six orseven feet above the ground, and are half tilled with water with a little kerosine oil floating on the surface. Over each bath-pan a burri- cane lantern is suspended. The lanterns are lighted after dusk, and the lights attract moths and other nocturnal insects, and large numbers of them are drowned in the bath-pans. We may infer that many of the insects thus destroyed are females about to lay their eggs, so that by this simple, and comparatively inexpensive contrivance, much trouble and loss are avoided. I may mention here that a small plot of land is being culiivated in the following fashion: the bush was cleared and burnt; and at a distance of 18 inches in the row, holes were dug 1 foot deep by 9 inches diameter; distance between the rows 3 feet. This will be planted, and will receive the care usuaily given to the Tobacco plant, and the results will be carefully noted. The tobacco curing houses are situated in the midst of the plantation, on rising ground. One house was com- plete, and at the time of my visit -vas being rapidly filled with tobacco, another was in course of contruction; and a third one will probably be necessary. Tho greatest care is taken that the tobacco leaves shall not come in contact with the ground; they are gummy, and if allowed to. touch the earth small particles of soil adhere to them, and these, when dry, become gritty and injure the leaves, and altogether lessen their value. The plants are cut, carefully strung on bamboo poles, and are re- moved to the curing house without loss of time. Ths curing houses are each 109 feet in length by 29 feet in width, and will hold about 100,000 plants each. ‘There is a path down the centre of about five feet wide, and the sides are then divided into seven sections, each 12 feet by 12 feet. | The buildings are substantial structures, made of good Pitch Pine lumber, thatched with leaves of the thatch palm (Thrinax). The sides are boarded, and the boards are placed upright from the sills to the wall plates ; every alternate board is hinged, and they are made to open out- wards and act as ventilators. A hygrometer is kept in the curing house and is frequently consulted, and the ventilation is regulated according to the moisture indicated by the instrument. The mean humidity daily varies between 68 o/o and 88 o/o highest 94 o/o lowest 54 o/o. An expert tobacco curer is now on the way out to take charge of the crop during the curing process. Just behind the curing houses there is an ash shed capable of holding 400 barrels of ashes, to be used for fertilising the land for next crop. This will be for the present the only form of manure, or fertiliser used for tobacco. I was shown some corn (maize) plants, the seeds of which were - sown on the 9th November ; two months later the ground was required for tobacco, and the corn plants, then about three feet high, were pulled, and are being dried, wken they will be used for feeding stock. Dried Banana Factory. Leaving the tobacco field, the dried banana factory was visited. Visitorsare not usually admitted to this i part of the establishment, a special permit being necessary. The drying operation is a secret ; muck valuable time, and large sums of money having been spent in perfecting the process. Failure followed failure in the first attempts to turn out a marketable article, but nothing daunt- ed, the proprietors persevered, and that they have at last succeeded may be judged by the fact that the first order received by them was for five : ea a subsequent standing order for five tons dried bananas per week. The bunches of green bananas are hung on racks to ripen ina room fitted up for that purpose. They are prepared and passed through the dryers, the machinery of which is worked by a powerful steam ea- gine going day and night. ‘The dried bananas are then placed on sort- ing tables and are carefully graded and packed by girls, this branch of the establishment being under the direct superintendence of a lady. In a line with the dried banana factory are shops for carpenters, and blacksmiths ; a large store, fully stocked with all kinds of engineers’ carpenters’, blacksmiths’, agricultural and other tools and hardware, everything of the best; a place for everything and everything in its place. Adjoining are the offices of Mr. Zurcher and the manager, ete. also a large Silo in which 2,200 cart-loads of grass are now under pressure. In addition to silage, hay and other cattle foods, a food made on the premises is being tried. This, | understand, consists of green bana- nas and the fruits of bastard cedar (Guazuma) specially prepared, and it is said to be excellent, and nutritious. These foods are not being given to the cattle in a careless, haphaz- ard way, butin stated quantities at stated times and the cattle are weighed at regular intervals and the results recorded. In connection with the establishment there is a fully equipped laboratory in charge of a highly qualified analytical Chemist, who is always at work analyzing various samples. The foregoing are only a few of the many experiments being car- ried on at this huge Model Farm, or private Experiment Station. The various experiments are in charge of men, each of whom is an ex- pert in his own particular branch ; no expense is spared to make every- thing a complete success, yet, at the same time, money is not wasted, but is judiciously spent, and a careful account is kept of expenditure, and of failures as well as successes. Apart from the large sums spent on labour, and on supervision, such an establishment must be productive of an immense amount of good in the district in which it is located, and, also, in the surrounding district. The large numbers of young men and Jabourers employed are taught to do everything in the proper way ; nothing is shirked ; sloven- ly work is not tolerated ; everything is done thoroughly. Ploughs, harrows, cultivators and other useful agricultural implements are in constant use,and not merely one or two of these, but many of each ; substantial buildings have been put up; and others are in course of 5 erection ; good stone-walls have been built, and superior fences erected : swampy land has been drained, and dry fields have been supplied with water ; pastures which at one time were in dense bush are now kept in excellent order ; improved breeds of cattle have been imported at great expense, and look sleek and happy. These are some of the object lessons placed before the people of Montpelier and the surrounding districts, who cannot fail to profit by them. I firmly believe that one visit to an experiment station, conducted on somewhat similar lines, would do more towards enlightening a sceptical man than a month’s talking, however convincing the arguments put forward might be. RECENT EXPERIMENTS ON DENITRIFICATION, * Notwithstanding the high position that artificial manures now take in the estimation of farmers in all parts of the world, it cannot be said that they have done anything to displace the use of farmyard manure, which must still be regarded as our most general and important fertiliser. All the farmyard manure produced in this country is still applied to the land, and artificials find their legitimate place as sources of plant food on areas that the available supply of home-made manure is insufficient to dress. So important is the part played by farmyard manurein modern agriculture thatit is a matter of surprise that a greater amount of scien- tific attention has not been devoted te investigating methods by which it may be best conserved and utilised. Recently, however, the German Agricultural Society has turned its attention to the subject with much vigour, and has enlisted the services of a large number of distinguished scientists for the work, of whom perhaps the best known are Wagner of Darmstadt, and Maercker of Halle. Although the investigations are still in progress, they have already furnished results of such a startling character that, whether we accept them as practically applicable or not, we are at least forced to give them our serious attention. NITROGENOUS CompouNDS IN FARMYARD MANURE. The most valuable constituent of farmyard manure is undoubtedly the nitrogen, and it is chiefly with nitrogen that investigators have so far dealt. This substance exists in the mixed mass that we call farmyard manure, partly in the solid faeces, partly in the liquids, and partly in the litter ; and accordingly it becomes of importance to deter- mine the relative values of the nitrogen in these three main groups. In the fresh solid excreta of the horse, cow, and ox, Maercker has shown that the great bulk of the nitrogen (generally 80 to 90 per cent) is in the albuminoid form, the rest being present as ammonia, nitric acid and amides. The constituents and action of sheep dung were also investi- ——— * From Journal of Royal Agricultural Society of England, Vol. VIII. eee 6 gated, but as this manure is seldom dealt with as farmyard manure in this country we need not occupy space in examining it. Of the four forms of nitrogen in the dung, that present as albuminoids is extremely slow in its action, and probably but little of it is ever as- similated by plants at all. The other three forms are, however, easily appropriated by plants, the ammonia and nitric acid being of equal value with nitrogen in the form of sulphate of ammonia and nitrate of soda, while the amide nitrogen is also nearly as active. The nitrogen in urine is originally, for the most part, in the form of urea, a substance which passes with great rapidity into carbonate of ammonia and is practically as available as sulphate of ammonia, al- though, no doubt, more lable to waste. Wagner found that at ordinary temperatures the nitrogen ina mixture of urine and water was practi- eally all converted into ammonia in three or four days. The nitrogen in straw is chiefly in the albuminoid form and is of but little value. Action oF DuNG ON OTHER NITROGENOUS SUBSTANCES. When various samples of pure horse, cow, and ox dung were em- ployed for supplying nitrogen to plants cultivated in pots filled with soil that contained abundance of phosphoric acid and potash, the results were of a most unexpected character. Maercker found in the caso of oats that where he applied no nitrogen the yield was 44.82 grammes of grain and straw, and when he added 1.50 grammes of nitrogen in the form of nitrate of soda the produce was 128.37 grammes an increase amounting to 186 per cent. When, however, he used 2.25 grammes of nitrogen derived from two different samples of horse-dung, from cow- dang, and from ox-dung respectively, the yields were only 35.91, 23.33, 41.65, and 45.80 giainmes. Both samples of horse-dung reduced the yield, in one case by 20 per cent., and in the other by 48 per cent. while in the ease of cow dung, the reduction was 7 per cent. Of the four kinds of dung, only that of the ox was capable of increasing the produce, and that to the extent of but four per cent. The apppropriation of nitrogen by the plants was in much the same ratio, in two cases there being slightly more of this element in the yield produced under the influence of dung than when the soil was unmanared, while in the other two cases there was less. Maercker repeated this experiment with white mustard, and obtained practically concordant results. With- out any nitrogenous manure he obtained 3.1 grammes of produce, with 0.75 gramme of nitrogen in nitrate of soda the yield was 41.5 grammes, while with 2.25 grammes of nitrogen in two samples of horse-dung the yield was only 3.9 and 3.2 grammes, a trifling percentage of the added nitrogen being recovered in one case and none in the other. Wagner’s experiments were conducted with white mustard, each test, as in Maercker’s case, being repeated three times, and the results show great uniformity, Without any nitrogen, beyond what the soil contained the average yield of mustard was 1.6 grammes, while it amounted to 35.6 grammes when Z grammes of nitrogen in the form of nitrate of soda were applied to each pot. Using the same quantity of nitrogen, the yield with cow-dung averaged 0.5 gramme, and with horse-dung, 7 0:4 grammo a drop of 69 and 75 per cent. respectively. In both cases not only had no nitrogen been appropriated by the plants from the dung but it was even found that the plants upon the dunged pots contained less of this element than the plants grown without any added nitrogen. Even assuming that the albuminoid nitrogenin dung ia absolutely in- operative, there still remained an appreciable amount of ammoniacal and amide nitrogen which, if applied alone, would certainly have produced an increase in the crop. In some way or other, then, the action of this active nitrogen was hindered and the results on certain of the other pots throw some light on this matter. In Maercker’s experi- ments it was found that whereas 0°75 gramme of nitrogen in the forms of nitrate of soda and urea respectively were capable of more than doubling the yield when applied to the soil without dung, their action was very much less when they were added to soil that contained either horse, ox, ov cow-dung. Bya series of experiments and calculations Maereker showed that from 12 to 47 per cent.of the nitrogen in nitrate of soda was dissipated through the contact with the various forms of dung in the soil, and the loss was greatest when the largest quantity of dung was used. Wagner also tested the action on mustard of nitrate of soda atone and in conjunction with horse-dung, and found that whereas 65 per cent. of the nitrogen in the nitrate was recoverel when it was applied alone, only 380 per cent. was recovered when it was added to a soil holding a moderate dressing of horse-dung. And not only did the horse-dung greatly depress the nitrogen-recovery from nitrate of soda, but it acted in a precisely similar manner when the active nitrogen was furnished to the soil in the form of urea and chopped lucerne. With urea the nitrogen recovery was 60 per cent. when used alone, but only 49 per cent. when used with dung ; while in the case of chopped lucerne the respective figures were 38 and 8. In another very extensive and thorough going experiment with oats, Wagner tested the result of the application of nitrogen to pots holding eighteen and a half kilogrammes of soil, the nitrogen being de- rived from nitrate of soda, sulphate of ammonia, blood meal, chopped grass, cow urine, horse and cow-dung, and various samples of farmyard manure. The figures are too extensive to be dealt with asa whole, but attention may be called to some of the results obtained. Thus, when nitrate of soda was used alone to the extent of two and four grammes of nitrogen per pot, the nitrogen recovered in the crop increase was 77 ae cent. and 59 per cent. respectively. That the larger dose of nitrate ad still ample opportunity to act is evident from the fact that it increased the average yield from 244.3 grammes (the yield with the smaller dress- ing) to 285.9 grammes per pot. ‘The fresh horse-dung, containing two grammes of nitrogen, produced 9.1 grammes less yield than the unma- nured pots, and the produce also contained less nitrogen. When 2 grammes of nitrogen in horse-dung were added to pots containing 2 grammes of nitrogen derived from nitrate of soda there was a depression of the yield from 244.3 grammes to 177 grammes ; when the dung was added to pots holding sulphate of ammonia there was a drop in the yield from 231.5 grammes to 165.7 grammes ; when added to pots getting chopped grass the drop in produce was from 8 156.0 to 62.6 yrammes and when added to pots getting cow- urine, the drop was from 216.7 to 146.1 grammes. Or, from the point of view of nitrogen recovery, the case may be stated thus : that whereas 77 per cent. of nitrogen was recovered when nitrate of soda was used alone, only 52 per cent. was recovered whenin the presence of horse-dung ; the percentage reduction in the case of sulphate of ammonia being from 69 to 50 ; in the case of chopped grass from 43 to 20 ; and in the case of urine from 69 to 40. What, then, is the cause of the depressing action of dung, especially horse-dung, on more active forms of nitrogen ? It might be urged that the dung in some way or other prevents the organic nitrogen in, say, green manure from being converted into ammonia ; but that this ex- planation is valueless is proved by the fact-:that the dung also mater- ially interfered with the action of sulphate of ammonia. Nor ean it with justice be urged that the depressing action of the dung is due to its interference with the nitrification of ammonia for the Joss was quite as creat when a ready-formed nitrate was applied to the soil. When fresh or comparatively fresh dung is applied to a crop, and especially toa cereal crop, it frequently causes the plants to assume a pale yellow, unhealthy colour. This unhealthy condition might be due to one or other of two causes: either the dung might unfavourably affect the physical condition of the soil ; or, while itself offering no available nitrogen to the plants, it might have an injurious influence on the avail- able nitrogen naturally present in the soil. Im the latter case the un- healthy character of the crop would be due to the plants being more or less starved as regards nitrogen, and that this is the true explanation is clearly indicated by Wagner’s pot experiments with oats. When the plants were about six inches high it was found that those in the dunged pots were much yellower than those in the unmanured soil, and while in this condition they received a weak solution of nitrate of soda. Doubt- less some of the nitrate was rendered inoperative through contact with the dung, but enough was absorbed by the plants to produce a marked change in colour in three days, while in a week the sickly yellow colour had entirely disappeared. To show that the disappearance of the nitrogen of nitrate of soda in presence of dung is not due to its sinking into the subsoil, and is only partly due to its appropriation by plant-roots, Wagner carried out the following experiment, in which no plants whatever were grown. A number of pots were filled on Jnne Ist, with 3.4 kilogrammes of garden soil, to which had been added 0.66 gramme of phosphoric acid and 0.49 gramme of potash in the form of potassium phosphate. Certain of the pots received } gramme of nitrogen in the form of nitrate of soda ; others received 600 grammes of horse dung, while others received both. Six weeks later, namely on July 10th, the soluble contents of the pots were carefully extracted with water, when it was found that where no dung was used the nitrate of soda was still present to the extent of 93 per cent., whereas in the pots getting horse-dung only 42 per cent. of the nitrate of soda remained. Not only had the dung dissipated a very large quantity of the nitrogen of the nitrate of soda, but it had also acted on the natural nitrates of the soil, and destroyed them as well. This is gy proved by the fact that whereas the filtrate from the soil receiving no nitrogen contained on the average ().72 gramme of nitric nitrogen, that from the pots which contained horse-dung showed only 0.15 gramme of the same form of nitrogen. On other pots similarly treated mustard was grown, the yield being much reduced by the addition of horse-dung to the soil, whether with or without nitrate of soda. In another set of experiments Wagner put 2 kilogrammes of soil into a series ot basins, to all of which he added nitrate of soda containing nitrogen varying by 5 gramme from 0.2 to 1.4 gramme per basin. Cer- tain of the basins received no dung, while others were supplied with 200 grammes and 400 grammes of this sub tance, holding L and 2 grammes of nitrogen respectively. The experiment lasted for sixteen days, at the end of whichtime the soil was extracted with water, and the amount of nitrate of soda that remained unaltered was determined. As a result it was found that where no dung was used practically the whole of the nitrogen of the nitrate of soda was recovered in an unaltered condition, but where horse-dung was present in the soil much of the nitric- nitrogen had disappeared, the percentage disappearance being, as was to be expected, greatest (a) where least nitrate of soda had been used, and (b) in the presence of the large application of dung. Taking the aver- age results, it was found that where the smaller amoant of dung was used the nitrate of soda had been reduced to the extent of 26 per cent., while nearly 51 per cent. had disappeared under the influence of the larger dressing. How pogzs Dune cause WastTE OF NITROGEN ? It now becomes of interest to ascertain what becomes of the nitro- gen that loses its nitric form in the presence of dung. Does it take the form of some insoluble compound, or of ammonia, or of free nitrogen? This part of the subject has been dealt with by Wagner, Maercker, Stutzer, Pfeiffer, Dietzell, and others, and it has been conclusively shown that the nitrogen is dissipated in the elementary form, and, of course, escapes into the air. The method adopted to determine this point is a very simple one, and consists in placing a given quantity of nitrate of soda and dung in a flask of convenient size, through which air is drawn by means of an air pump. Before entering the flask the air is passed through sulphuric acid in order to get rid of any traces of ammo- nia, and similarly the escaping air and gases are passed through sul- phuric acid of known strength. At the end of the experiment the loss of nitrogen is determined, and the difference between such loss and the ammonia produced may fairly be taken tc represent free nitrogen. In every case it has been found that the nitrogen has been liberated in the elementary form, and that such liberation proceeds quite as actively when a constant stream of air is drawn through the mixture as when no such artificial] air-circulation is secured. If air is altogether excluded denitrification ceases, and it is hindered more or less in proportion to the amount of aération; but the free natural circulation of air would appear to create as favourable denitrifying conditions as are secured by more rapid and perfect artificial aération. That the denitrification and liberation of free nitrogen is due to the 10 action of one or more bacteria appears to be proved by an experiment by Wagner. Two hundred and fifty grammesof fresh horse dung were plac- ed in a flask along with 200 cubic centimetres of carbon disulphide, and the two substances were left in contact for six days. At the end of that time 50 grammes of the mixture were taken out and placed in a flask which was heated ina water-bath ata temperature of 60-65° C for four hours. All the carbon disulphide having disappeared at the end of that time, 800 cubic centimetres of a solution of nitrate of soda holding 0.4 gramme of nitrogen were poured over the dung. Another sample of dung was dealt with in every respect in the same way, except that it was not treated with carbon disulphide. In four days it was found that. the dung which had not been sterilised with carbon disulphide had re- duced 56 per cent. of the nitrate, whereas not a trace of denitrification was found to have occurred in the sterilised solution. After the lapse of other three days the whole of the nitrate had been reduced by the un- sterilised dung, while denitrification was just commencing in the steri- lised material. In fourteen days from the time of placing the nitrate and sterilised dung together 12 per cent. of the nitrate had been reduc- ed, and such reduction amounted to 19 per cent. at the end of twenty- five days. Evidently, therefore, the carbon disulphide had, to start with, cleared the material of active denitrifying organisms, their subse- quent presence being due either to their development from spores that the carbon disulphide had not affected, or to immigration from the atmosphere. ; There is thus no escaping from the conclusion that nitrates, whether naturally present in manure or the soil, or when added in so-called artificial manure, are rapidly destroyed by organisms which are very abundantion dung, and are also present, though to a much less extent, in soil. |Maercker carried out a large series of experiments with a number of samples of farmyard manure obtained from the dung heaps of various farms, and found that although certain of the samples proved more denitrifying than others, still the results were, on the whole much the same as those ob- tained with pure faeces. He then proceeded to test the part played by the straw (wheat) in farmyard manure and found that when this sub- stance was chopped up and applied to the soil it reduced the yield of oats by 89 per cent., and the aggregate yield of three crops of mustard,. grown in succession in the same pots, by 74 per cent. The comparative merits of mixtures of urine and dung containing variable quantities of straw were also tested, and it was found that the crop was !east, and the loss of nitrogen greatest, in the mixture that contained most straw. Wagner’s researches into the action of straw (rye) also show that this substance either contains denitrifying organisms in great abundance, or else it induces conditions highly favourable to denitrification. Thus, when a mixture of 300 grammes of dung, 2 grammes of nitrogen in nitrate of soda, and 4 litres of water, was placed in a flask, it took twelve days for complete denitrification to be effected, whereas seven days only were necessary when the mixture received an addition of 100 grammes of straw. Inanother case 2 grammesof nitrate nitrogen were com- pletely denitrified in twenty-two daysina mixture containing rotten dung, whereas when 100 grammes of straw were added the process was tk completed in eight days. Ina third series of experiments Wagner found that ina mixture of garden soil, water, and nitrate of soda the processs of denitrification was not quite completed even after 400 days, whereas it was completed in six days when chopped straw had been in- corporated with the mixture. Wagner obtained strictly confirmatory results when he tested the action of straw on the growth of mustard. With nitrate of soda only the yield of dry material amounted to 100.2 grammes and contained 2.45 grammes of nitrogen whereas the addition of a small quantity of straw—equal to less than 1 per cent. of the soil— reduced the yield to 71.5 grammes, and the nitrogen contents to 1.773 grammes. Gan THE DENITRIFYING AcTION OF DUNG BE PREVENTED. {f we accept the results indicated above as proving that farmyard manure has powerful denitrifying properties and it would appear to be impossible to escape from such a conclusion the question comes to be. What can be done to mitigate the nitrate-destroying action of the dung ? Both Maercker and Wagner found that the denitrifying ferments dis- appear to some extent with age, as the following experiments will show, Maercker prepared a series of pots which he filled with soil, and to all of which he added fresh horse-dung holding 2 grammes of nitrogen. In one case he applie nitrate of soda (holding 1 gramme of nitrogen) along with the dung, in anvther case the nitrate was withheld for four- teen days, while in another case it was not applied for twenty-eight days. In each case mustard seed was sown at the time the nitrate was applied. When the nitrate was applied along with the dung, the dung reduced the yield (as compared with that got by nitrate only) by 38.8 per cent.; when the nitrate was not applied till fourteen days after the dung, the reduction in the yield which the dung induced amounted to 52.4 per cent; while in the case of the latest application—namely, twenty-eight days after the dung—the crop was reduced by 54.4 per cent. EHvidently, therefore, four weeks had done nothing to modify the denitrifying pro- perties of the dung—and, in fact, it proved more powerfully denitritying after lying in the soil for fourteen and twenty-eight days than it was to start with. Directly after the first crop of mustard had been reaped a fresh supply of seed was sown on all the pots, and simultaneously one gramme of nitrogen in the form of nitrate of soda was applied. The result with this second crop was ti:at the dung in one case reduced the yield by 8.2 per cent., and in another case by 5.7 per cent., while in the third case the combination of nitrate and dung produced a yield that was 7.1 per cent. higher than that grown by nitrate of soda alone. When this second crop had been cleared off, seed fora third was sown (the respective dates of the three sowings being separated by in- tervals of about five weeks), another gramme of nitrogen in the torm of nitrate of soda being simultaneously applied. Neither in the case of the second nor of the third crop was any dung applied. The results were practically the same as in the case of the second crop, the dung on two occasions reducing the yield by 13.5 and 9.5 per cent. respectively, while in one case it increased the yield to the extent of 2.2 per cent. ly Evidently, therefore, the denitrifying power of the dung is lost to a large extent by contact with the soil for two or three months. Wagner carried out a series of experiments which also go to show that the denitritying bacteria are much less energetic in old than in new dung. The system which he adopted wasas follows :—A number of cemented pits of a capacity of one cubic metre (about 35 cubic feet) were prepared, and into each of these 500 kg. (about half ton) of fresh horse dung was placed. From these pits samples of dung were drawn avery fourteen days, and the denitrifying influence of the dung was tested by placing 300 grammes in a flask along with 4 litres of water and 100 centimetres of a solution of nitrate of soda that contained two grammes of nitrogen. These flasks with their con- tents were placed in a room at a temperature of 50 to 57° Fahr., and were daily tested with diphenylamin, so that the time could be accurately determined when the whole of the nitrate of soda had been denitrified. In one series of pits the dung was turned over every seven days, and in another series it was turned once a fortnight, but so far as denitrification is concerned no difference whatever could be detected between these two systems. Confining our attention, therefore, to one series only—that where turning was done every fortnight—we find that the sample re- moved at the end of fourteen days took thirteen days to denitrify the ni- trate solution, that removed at the end of a month took nineteen days, that removed at the end of six weeks took thirty-one days and that removed at the end of two months took forty-one days, while that re- moved at the end of ten weeks took sixty-five days. Or, looked at from another point of view, it was found that whereas dang fourteen days old completely denitrified the nitrate of soda in thirteen days, denitrifi- cation had only proceeded about halfway in the same time in the case of the six-weeks-old dung. Wagner points out that the superior action of well-rotted farmyard manure is probably in large part due to its not destroying the natural nitrates of the soil to anything like the same extent as occurs in the case of an application of fresh manure. This point was demonstrated by Wagner in pot experiments with oats. Ni- trate of soda alone produced an average yield of 244.3 grammes, while the yield when equal quantities of nitrogen were added, in the one case in the form of fresh horse-dung, and in the other case in the form of rotton or ‘* humified’”’ (to Anglicise the word ‘‘ humifizierter”) dung, was 177.0 and 243.3 grammes respectively. This variation ia the action of the two samples of dung of different ages was also emphasised when they were added to soil which had been manured with 2 grammes of nitrogen derived from cow-trine. With this substance alone the yield was 216.7 grammes, while it was 146.1 grammes when the urine was supplemented by fresh dung and 223.5 grammes when rotten dung was used. Wagner and Maercker have been occupied with, and are still en- gaged upon, an extensive series of experiments into the conservation of the nitrogen and organic matter of farmyard manure, and the results so far obtained are of the highest interest and value. Space does not, how- ever, permit of our reviewing those results ; but it may be pointed out that, although great loss of nitrogen, combined and in the elementary form takes plaze in the dung-heaps, the loss is almost entirely confined to the nitrogen of the urea ; the albuminoid nitrogen of the solid faeces 13 and straw being dissipated to a very slight extent. As, however, it is only the nitrogen of the liquids that is of much value, the fact that that element is comparatively stable in the solids cannot prove a source of much satisfaction to farmers. REFERENCE TO ENGLISH ResuULts. In concluding this brief summary of a small section of recent Ger- man work I may refer to the light which it throws on some of the re- sults that have been furnished by field experiments in this country. During the past few years agricultural societies, county councils, and colleges have conducted a large number of experiments and demonstra- tions on manuring, and one very conspicuous feature in the results that have been obtained has been the comparative lack of action that has frequently characterised the addition of all kinds ot artificial manures to dung. Year after year we, in the North of England, have failed to ob- tain any increase of crop, worthy of practical attention, when artificials were used with dung, and indeed the artificials have sometimes positively depressed the yield. These results have hitherto appeared somewhat inexplicable, and were generally believed to be due to _ the fact that an average dressing of farmyard manure offered to crops as much nourishment as they could assimilate, and that supple- mentary applications of artificials were therefore inoperative. Now however, a flood of light is let in on the subject, and it is evident that nitrate of soda, for instance, when added to dung fails to act to the ex- tent that might theoretically be expected, for the reason that the denitri- fying organisms so abundant in the dung instantly attack the nitrate of soda and dissipate the nitrogen inthe elementary form. And the re- searches of Wagner, Maercker,and others have shown that this loss of ni- trogen is not confined to nitrate of soda, but is also met with toan almost proportionate extent in sulphate of ammonia and in organic manures. Probably the ammonia first requires to be nitrified, and the organic nitrogen to undergo ammoniacal fermentation and then nitrification, be- fore the bacteria can liberate free nitrogen, but the final result is practi- cally the same in all cases. Hence we have an explanation of the com- parative lack of action that hasin many English experiments attended the use of sulphate of ammonia, bone meal, dissolved bones, and other nitrogenous manures when added to dung. And not only has it been found that nitrogenous manures fail to act when applied in this way, but precisely similar results have been got with purely phosphatic and pot- assic manures. Here it cannct be a case of volatilisation of free nitro- gen from the artificial manure ; but Wagner’s experiments show that the negative results so frequently obtained when mineral manures are added to dung are intimately associated with denitrification. It has already been pointed out that the denitrifying action of dung is diminished with age, but it now remains to be shown that certain substances when incorporated with dung have the power of greatly intensifying and prolonging its denitrifying action. The two substances used by Wagner that are of most interest to us are super- phosphate of lime and kainit. In the end of May 1895 a number of cemented pits were filled with 500 kilogrammes of dung (about 4 ton), and in certain cases the dung as it was filled in was carefully mixed 14 with tha two substances referred to, in the proportion of approximately three parts per 100 of dung. On the average the dung was turned every ten days. At the end of ten weeks samples of dung were drawn from tue various pits, and a given quantity used to denitrify a definite amount of nitrate of soda. On the average the dung that had been mixed with nothing took sixty-three days to effect complete denitrifica- tion, whereas those samples which had been treated with superphos- phate and kainit effected complete denitrification in forty-one days and thirty-seven days respectively. On September 13th, after the dung had_ been in the pits for a hundred and twelve days, samples were drawn, and their denitrifying power tested on nitrate of soda for fifty-six days, at the end of which time the dung which had received nothing had reduced 8 per cent. of the nitrate, whereas the percentage reduction with the samples treated with superphosphate and kainit was 40 and 66 respectively. In another series of experiments, where the dung was not turned it was found that samples taken at the end of a storage of eleven months denitrified as follows :— Dung without any addition completely denitrified in 31 days. », With addition of superphosphate completely denitrified in 22 days. ,, with addition of kainit completely denitrified in 20 days. Many other experiments could be quoted to show that when soluble phosphates or kainit are added to dung to the extent of 3 per cent.—and this is exactly tne proportion in which a farmer mixes an artificial man- ure with dung when he applies 6 cwt. of the former along with 10 tons of the latter—the denitrifying power of the dung is intensified, and also longer maintained. The result isthat the amide, ammoniacal, and nitric-nitrogen in the dung itself is more completely dissipated; and the same is also true with regard to the active forms of nitrogen naturally present in the soil with which the dung, or the ferments that it intro- duces to the land, may come into contact. It seems to me that this explains why, when experimenting with 12 tons of dung per acre, we found that in 1893 the average crop of swedes on nine farms in Northumberland was 2 ewt. per acre heavier with 24 ewt. of superphosphate than when we used 5 cwt. of that substance as a supplement to the dung. In 1894, on eleven farms in Durham, we ob- tained an average crop of swedes which was greater by 14 ewt. per acre when the smaller dressing of the same substance was similarly used. In 1895, on the average of nine farms in Cumberland, Durham and Northumberland, the crop of swedes was + ewt. per acre heavier by the use of 5 cwt. as compared with 74 cwt. of saperphosphate ; and in the same year on the same farms, 24 cwt. of dissolved bones produced a crop that was 4 cwt. per acre heavier than that grown by a double quantity of the same manure. Inall these cases the artificial manures were used with equal dressings of farmyard manure and it is only under such con- ditions that they have produced these anomalous results, The German investigators whose werk we have had under review have not offered any explanation of the prolongation of the denitrifying 15 ower of dung by the addition of such substances as phosphoric acid and potash, but it would appear to be reasonable to suppose that it is due to the better nourishment of the denitrifying bacteria under the influence of abundance of available phosphatic and potassic food. They have shown that the organisms can be largely destroyed (a) by frequently turning dung-heaps, so as to induce rapid fermentation, oxidation, anda high temperature, and (b) by adding certain substances, of which the most effective were found to be sulphuric acid and copper sulphate. And similarly, as has been indicated, there are doubtless substances that favour the growth and development of the organisms, and it would ap- pear that some of our commoner artificial manures must be placed amongst the number. The whole subject is of such far reaching impor- tance to agriculturists that it is to be hoped it will in the near future re- cieye in this country, the scientific attention thatit appears to deserve Witiiam SomervVILLE, Durham College of Science, Newcastle-on-Tyne. —— ea DENITRIFICATION AND FARMYARD MANURE. 1 In the preceeding article Dr. Somerville has given a clear account of the very remarkable conclusions arrived at by modern German inves- tigators respecting the behaviour of farm yard manure when applied under various circumstances to the soil. These conclusions, if established, would seriously modify our ideas as to the value of this manure, and as to the conditions under which it can be most profitably employed. The German experiments have been not only numerous, but have been con- ducted with great care and skill. We have, however, always to distin- guish between the facts proved by experiment, and the conclusions drawn from them. The results of the experiments are undoubtedly true, and demand most careful consideration ; but to interpret these results, to grasp the principles which underlie the actions observed, we must first of all be thoroughly acquainted with all the circumstances of the ex- periments, and we must at the same time take into account any other facts bearing on the question at issue. A true theory is one which will explain all the facts, and not merely some of them. The conclusions arrived at by Wagner and Maercker, with which we have in the first place to deal, are briefly the following :— 1. The solid excrement of the horse and cow is practically without value as a manure for plants. 2. When applied to the land, fresh horse or cow dung (2) destroys the nitrates naturally contained in the soil, or added to it in the form of nitrate of sodium, and the crop which immediately follows is con- sequently less than if no dung had been applied. (1) From Journal of Royal Agricultural Society of England, Vol. VIII (2) In this paper the term ‘“ dung” is used to designate the solid excre- ments unmixed with urine or litter ; while ‘‘ formyard manure” is employed in its usual sense, as the name for the mixture of the solid and liquid voidings of the animal with litter. 16 3. The use of horse or cow dung likewise seriously diminishes the return obtained from applications of sulphate of ammonium, urine or green manures. 4. Straw is also practically without value as a manure, and like dung, energetically destroys the nitrates in the soil. 5. Ordinary farmyard manure when applied to the soil acts in the same general manner as the dung and straw which form its principal constituents. 6. The denitrifying power of dung, straw and farmyard manure, is due to the presence in these substances of a special organism having the: power of reducing nitrates. 7. The denitrifying power of dung, or of farmyard manure, is con- siderably diminished when the manure has become old and humified. The destruction of nitrate of sodium in the soil is also much less when the manure has been applied some time before the nitrate. 8. When the farmyard manure has been preserved by mixing with it superphosphate or kainit, its denitrifying power is little altered by age. The whole of the German experiments, showing the actual effects cf various manures on crops, appear to have been carried out in large zine pots. Such pots are usually without drainage. They are provided with an outside pipe sommunicating with the bottom of the pot ; through this pipe water is supplied. An experimental series of pots usually occupies a truck, running on rails, and during inclement weather the whole of the pots can be brought under cover. This mode of experimenting has been carried to great perfection in Germany. lt is evident, from what has been said above, that the destruction of nitrates in the soil is regarded by the German investigators as the chief cause of the prejudicial actions observed by them when farmyard manure orits solid constituents, were applied to the soil; and this destruction of nitrates they believe to brought about by a special organism which the manure supplies. To gain a clearer light on the subject we will therefore, in the first place, briefly consider what takes place during the process of denitrification, and what conditions are favourable to the occurrence of this action. THE Process oF DENITRIFICATION. The subject of denitrification, has been carefully investigated by many scientists during the past thirty years, with the usual result that a great deal of the work done has been already forgotten, and is now buried in the ignorance of a fresh generation of workers. This scarcely avoidable occurrence happens most frequently when as in the present case, the modern worker belongs to a different nationality from that which produced the earlier investigators. An historical treat- ment of the subject would perhaps be unsuitable for these pages. Pre- facing, therefore, our remarks by saying that Dr. Angus Smith of Man- chester, in 1867, was apparently the first to observe the destruction of 17 nitrates with the evolution of gas in decomposing organic solutions, we will proceed to take a general view of the facts connected with denitri- fication. 7 The reduction of nitrates which occurs in solutions, or soil, contain- ing readily oxidisable organic matter is of several distinct kinds. The reduction may be simply from nitrate to nitrite; or it may be from nitrate to nitric oxide gas; or to nitrous oxide gas; or, finally, to nitrogen gas. - The first form of reduction does not necessarily involve any loss of nitrogen ; all the others do involve a loss of nitrogen, as the product escapes in the form of gas. The reduction of nitrates is occasioned by various species of bacteria. That the action in question only occurs in the presence of these living organisms was first established by Meusel (1875) in the case of natural waters, and afterwards shown by Dehérain and Maquenne (1882) to hold true in the case of soils. Lf all living organisms are destroyed in sewage or soil—if,to use modern language, these mediums are steri- lised—neither nitrification nor denitrification will occur. Bacteria reduce nitrates by bringing about the combustion of or- ganic matter by the oxygen of the nitrate, the temperature distinctly rising during the operation. When circumstances are favourable to the process of reduction, the amount of nitrate reduced is determined by the quantity of combustible organic matter present. The combustion of the organic matter, and the reduction of the nitrate, can take place in the absence of air in the same wayas gunpowder—composed of a nitrate, charcoal, and sulphur—is capable of burniug under water. In the pre- sence of air, the oxygen which it contains, takes the place, more or less, of the oxygen of the nitrate, and the reduction of nitrate is either dimi- ,»nished, or the oxidation of the organic matter much increased. The whole action is quite similar to the familiar combustion of food in the animal body ; or to the combustion of organic matter which occurs in plants, and notably in those which, as in the case with fungi, are desti- tute of chlorophyll. Different species of bacteria behave very differently in a mixture of a nitrate and organic matter. Many species of bacteria are incapable of reducing a nitrate, though quite capable of effecting the combustion of organic matter with free oxygen. The reduction of a nitrate to a nitrite, but not to the state of gas, is, however, a very common property of bac- teria. Only afew species appear to have the power of reducing a ni- trate to gas, but these species are widely distributed. Dr. P. Frankland rew thirty-two distinct species of bacteria, obtained from atmospheric ust, and from natural waters, ina very weak solution, containing pep- tone, sugar, and a nitrate. One-half of the species tried reduced the ni- trate to nitrate. The production of gas was apparently not noted, and would be scarcely perceptible under the conditions of the experiment. In a series of experiments conducted by myself in the Rothamsted labora- tory, thirty-seven distinct species of bacteria were grown in clear beef broth containing 4 per cent. of nitre, at temperatures varying fron 70 ° to 95° Fahr. Of these, fifteen failed to reduce the nitrate ; three effected only a.small amount of reduction to nitrite while nineteen re- duced the nitrate to nitrite with great energy, one of them producing ¥24. 18 Gayon and Dupetit (1886) were the ‘first to isolate the species of bacteria reducing nitrates to gas; two organisms having this property were separated by them from sewage. The action of the more active of these organisms was most intense. Cultivated in a solution of nitre containing asparagine and a citrate, the liquid evolved its own volume of gas per day, while the temperature rose 18° Fahr. The action was most energetic in the absence of oxygen, and ceased when the supply of oxygen became abundant. The work carried out by these investigators at the experiment station at Bordeaux should be studied by everyone desiring to obtain a scientific view of the phenomena of denitrification. Quite recently Burri and Stutzer (1895) have isolated denitrfying bacteria from horse dung and from straw. These organisms differ in several ways. The one obtained from straw is capable of reducing nitrates to gas in the absence of oxygen, and in the presence of much oxygen its action is hindered and finally ceases. The bacterium from horse dung developes exclusively in the presence of oxygen, but it can reduce nitrates only when associated with another organism of an- aérobic character, that is, one developing in the absence of oxygen. When the two organisms are associated, no reduction takes place in the complete absence of oxygen, but the action becomes active as soon asa little oxygen is present, and when plenty of organic matter is present the process is apparently not hindered bya full supply ot that gas. There is no evidence that either straw or horse dung contains only, or always, the two denitrifying organisms Just described. Soil contains an abundance of reducing organisms, including those producing vitrogen gas. When broth containing L per cent. of nitre is infected with « particle of surface soil, and keptin a warm place a quantity of gas bubbles containing nitrogen is produced, and the nitrate will entirely disappear. Soil treated witha 1 per cent. solution of sugar containing nitre, rapidly reduces the latter ; the gas produced contains nitrous oxide and nitrogen. Any kind of organic matter readily oxidised by bacteria may be ased to bring about the reduction of nitrates. Im the trials made by various experiments, albuminoids, asparagine, starch, sugar, humus, fats, tartrates, citrates, acetates and alcohol have all proved effective for this purpose. The presence of some nitrogenons plant food, and of phosphates, potash, and the other ash constituents of plants is of course necessary for the growth and activity of the reducing bacteria. It is clear from what has gone before that denitrification may be ex- ‘pected to occur whenever a suitable mixture of nitrate and organic matter is iniected by soil dust under the conditions favourable to the action. The early observations of Angus Smith in England, and of Th. Schloesing in France (1868),taught us that organic solutions, as sewage, diluted blood, tobacco juice, and sugar solutions, when undergoing ter- mentation or putrefaction, actively reduced nitrates, nitrous oxide and nitrogen being evolved. Whence did these mixtures obtain the bacteria necessary for this action to take place? Nothing had been done to in- 1y troduce the organism ; indeed, at the date of these observations it was not known that the action was brought about by bacteria. The answer is plain ; these organic solutions obtained the organism which reduced nitrates by ordinary contact with atmospheric air. We are now familiar with the fact that the air is the great distributor of bacteria, yeasts, and fungi, and that a sterilised solution can seldom remain a single minute in contact with ordinary air without becoming infected. In Dehérain’s experiments on denitrification, soils which had been sterilised by heat, and had lost the power of reducing nitrates, were found frequently to re- gain this power bv merely transferring them to another vessel. Having grasped the facts now before us, we are disposed to smile when we are gravely informed that straw bears on its surface the organ- ism reducing nitrate to nitrogen gas and that itis 7% consequence of this fuct dangerous to use it as a manure for soils. It is doubtless quite true as we are informed by Wagner and others, that rye-straw, placed in water containing saltpetre, slowly reduces the nitrate present, But this result is not due to any peculiar property of straw ; the action which occurred would egually have been observed if other forms of organic matter contaminated with atmospheric dust had been made use of. Bréal, in fact, experimenting in this way has obtained similar results when using dead leaves ; the straw of wheat, maize, or haricot bean ; lucerne silage (conserve de luzerne), or maize cake. That atmospheric contamination was the source of the organisms reducing nitrates which were present in these experiments is strikingly evident in the case of the maize cake. This cake is prepared on the Continent by crushing the embryo of maize grain, which, like other embryos, is extremely rich in fat and albuminoids. Now, we cannot conceive that this embryo, em- bedded in the substance of the seed, naturally contains the bacterium re- ducing nitrates to gas. The cake must therefore have gained this or- ganism during the process of its manufacture ; or, possibly, the organism was supplied by the air in the course of the experiment. It is assumed by the German experimenters that the solid excrement of herbivorous animals, and especially that of the horse, is peculiarly rich in the organisms reducing the nitrogen of a nitrate to gas ; the only foundation for this supposition is, apparently the marked power of re- ducing nitfates possessed by these excrements. Wagner tells us that if 100 grams of horse dung are added to 1,000 grams of water, containing » grams of saltpetre, and the whole allowed to stand in a warm place, the nitrate will disappear in a few days, the escape of gas being shown by a brisk effervesence of the liquid. So many hasty conclusions have been arrived at during the discussion of the question before us that we must just point out that in the case of an action like denitrification, requiring the concurrence of several conditions, each of them equally essential, the activity of this action in any particular case cannot be taken as proof of a special preponderance of one of these conditions, but rather as showing that all are fully present. There is, however, one reason which would lead us to expect that animal excrement would contain a relative abundance of the denitrifying organism. If we may assume, as we probably may, that the denitrify- ing bacteria present in the food passed uninjured through the intestines, it 20 is evident that they will occur in larger proportion in the solid excre- ment than in the original food. If, for instance, a horse is fed on hay, and digests one-half of the food consumed, the dung will then contain twice the proportion of the denitrifying bacteria originally present in the food. The proportion of the organisms supplied by different kinds of food must vary greatly. If the bacteria are,as we assume, deposited from the atmosphere, and lie in all cases on the surface of the food, their proportion must depend largely on the extent and character of the sur- face, and on the length of exposure to the atmosphere. A hundred ounds of hay should contain a far greater proportion of bacteria than a Readiad pounds of clean mangel or turnips. From this point of view there is thus some ground for assuming that horse excrement will be richer in denitrifying organisms than cattle excrement. Wiithrich and Freudenreich have recently attempted to estimate the relative number of bacteria present in the dung of cows fed on fresh grass, on hay alone, and on hay with potatoes or brewers’ grains. They fouud that when nothing but hay was given the number of bacteria in the dung was far greater than with any other diet amounting indeed, to the extraordinary propertion of 165 millions per gram of excrement. It issuggested by some who have written on the questiun, that the denitrifying bacteria may largely increase in numbers during the pas- sage of the food through the intestines. Of this increase there is as yet no proof, nor does it seem very probable. The increase of an orgaaism can only be safely assumed when the circumstances are favourable to the exercise of its particular functions ; now, the denitrifying bacteria be- long to a class of organisms requiring oxygen, free or combined, to ac- eomplish their special work, and this necessary condition is absent in the animal intestine. The bacteria which certainly flourish in the animal intestine are those which determine the march-gas fermentation of gellulose. It has been said. with great truth that the fermentation of the dung heap is simply a continuation of the fermentive processes which have commenced in the animal intestine. Before further discussing the question before us we must turn once more to the results of former investigations, and see what are the pre- cise conditions necessary to induce denitrification. Schloesing (1873), in his investigation on the rate of nitrification in soil, kept various portions of the same moist, humous soil, in atmos- pheres in which different proportions of oxygen were constantly main- tained throughout the experiment. He found that.the quantity of nitrate produced in the soil steadily diminished as the proportion of oxygen in the air decreased ; when, however, no oxygen was present, denitrification took place, and the nitrates originally contained in the soil entirely dis- appeared. He repeated the experiment, this time adding a known amount of saltpetre to the soil. He found that such a soil placed in a vessel containing very little air, first absorbed all the oxygen present and then evolved a considerable quantity of gas, this gas contained nitrogen equivalent to the whole of that contained in the saltpetre added. The consumption of the oxygen of the air had thas determined denitrification. The supply of atmospheric oxygen toa soil is effectually prevented if the soil is kept saturated with water ; this condition alone is suthcient 21 to set up an energetic denitrification. In an experiment made by myself iin the Rothamsted laboratory in 1880, and publishedin the Journal of the Agricultural Society cof England in 1881 (2nd Series, Vol. xvii.,) Tibs of dry, finely powdered loam were placed in a percolator, and thoroughly saturated with water ; the, column of soil was about eight inches in depth. The nitrates naturally present having been entirely removed by the passage of water through the soil, a known quantity of nitrate of sodium was placed on the surface, After a week had elapsed a smill quantity of water was placed each day on the surface of the soil, and the drainage water removed and analysed. When nitrates no longer appeared in the drainage water it wes found ryt a saturated condition, was cut across about the middle with large trans- verse fissures, the result of the formation of gas within the soil. In another experiment, made with the same soil under identical conditions, in which an equivalent quantity of chloride of sodium was employed, the whole of the salt applied vas recovered in the drainage water, and no fissures appeared in the column of soil. . A recently published experiment by Bréal furnishes a further ex- cellent example of the active denitrification which takes place in a soil kept saturated with water. He placed some garden soil in a percolator and consolidated it by pressure ; the column was about fifteen inches high. Water more than suflicient for saturation, was then poured upon the soil. When the water had run through, it was poured back again over the soil, and this treatment wascontinued forsome time. The soil at the commencement of the experiment was in an active state of nitri- fication, and the drainage water was at first rich in nitrates, but at the end of three weeks the nitrate had entirely disappeared from the drain- age water, though no water had been removed from the soil. We have now the conditions which bring about a loss of nitrogen by denitrification plainly before us. ‘There are needed: 1. The specific organism. 2. The presence of a nitrate and suitable organic matter. 3. Such a condition as to aération that the supply of atmospheric oxygen shall not be in excess relatively to the supply of organic matter, 4. The usual essential conditions of bacterial growth as plant food, anda suitable temperature. Of these conditions, the supply of organic matter is by far the most important in determining the extent to which denitrification will take place. An abundance of the special organism is of comparatively little importance ; for, if the conditions are made favour- able for its growth and development, it will increase with such rapidity that the number of organisms originally present will soon become a matter of indifference. Nothing, however, will compensate for a defi- ciency of organic matter ; if this is small in quantity, the action will be strictly limited in extent, however large may be the supply of the speci- fic organism This fundamental principle of the reaction has been strangely overlooked by the German investigators when interpreting the results of their experiments. They have sought to explain the deni- trification in their experiments as due to the supply of additional orga- 22 nisms to the soil in the form of manure, when the results were really due- to the supply of an excess of organic matter. We shall see presently that, taking the more correct explanation of the facts, the practical con- clusions become very different from those hitherto assumed. The prin- ciple that denitrification proceeds, other things being equal, in direct proportion to the quantity of combustible organic matter present is, how- ever, so very important that we shall quote a few more experimental illustrations of this fact betore discussing the German results from the. new: point of view. In Gayon and Dupetit’s investigations the preponderating influence of the quantity of the organic manner present is fully recognised. The same organism placed in sewage and in chicken broth, reduced in the first instance 0.1 to 0.2 gram of nitre per litre, and in the second instance 50 grams per litre. Some experiments of my own are equally clear on. the point. Two equal volumes of diluted urine were taken ; one received nitre at the rate of 1 gram per litre ; the other received both nitre and sugar, each at the rate of 5 grams per litre. Both solutions received 0.5 gram of soil to supply to the denitrifying organism. The solutions were then covered with a layer of paraffin oil to exclude air, and thus inten- sify the action of the organic matter, and were kept at the temperature of 70° Fahr. In the solution containing no sugar a slight evolution of gas occurred, and nitrites appeared in the liquid ; some reduction. of nitrate thus took place. The action then stopped, and much of the nitrate remained permanently in the solution. In the secoad case, in which five times the quantity of nitre was pre-- sent, accompanied by its own weight of sugar, the whole of the nitrate disappeared in eleven days. This experiment was afterwards. repeated at a higher temperature, 95° Fahr. the whole of the nitrate then disappeared in four days. The presence or absence of sugar thus entirely determined the extent to which dentrification would take place. An experiment of Munro’s is perhaps still more to the point, as it shows,. that the presence or absence of organic matter is sufficient to determine whether nitrification or denitrification will occur. Munro was experi-: menting with a river water. When he added tothis water an ammon- lum salt, active nitrification took place, the ammonia disappeared and was replaced by a nitrate. If, however, to this actively nitrifying me- dium he added a small quantity of a soluble tartrate, denitrification set in, and the whole of the nitric acid in the water disappeared. After a time the effect of the tartrate ceased,and the water again became a nitrifying medium. ‘This water like ordinary soil, clearly contained both nitrifying and denitrifying organisms. In the absence of oxidisable organic matter the nitrifying organisms held command of the situation; but when organic matter was introduced the denitrifying organisms sprang into activity, and the character of the chemical changes taking place was entirely reversed. We pass now toconsider more particularly the German results. 23 THe German RESULTS. The German culture experiments were mae, as already mentioned, in large cylinders, the cylinders in each series containing the same weight of soil. As the object of the investigation was to ascertain the comparative value of different nitrogenous manures, applied alone or to- gether, the quantity of each manure applied to the soil was suca that each pot received the same quantity of nitrogen. Although, however, the quantities of nitrogen applied wn comparative experiments were the same, the quantities of organic matter applied were very different. When nitrate of sodiumand sulphate of ammonium were used, the manure supplied no organic matter to the soil. When urine or dried blood was made use of the supply of organic mattter was very small. With green manures (green lucerne, or young grass) the supply became much more consider- able. With dung and farmyard manure the supply of organic matter became very large. In the experiments with straw the maximum sup- ply of organic matter was reached. The details given of the experiments are frequently too incomplete to enable us to state with perfect accuracy what was the weight of man- ure employed in every experiment, the mere fact that it contained so many grams of nitrogen being sometimes the only information afford- ed. Itis possible, however, to state approximately what quantities of manure would be required to supply the unit of nitrogen adopted, and what quantities of organic matter would be contained in each dressing of manure. The data required for these calculations have been obtained from Wolff's tables when not supplied by the experimenters themselves. Weienrs oF MANURE SUPPLYING TWO GRAMS OF NITROGEN. Fresh Weight. Dry Organic Matter. Grams. Grams. Cattle Urine - att 6-10 Dried Blood - 14 12 Pasture Grass - 157 or Young Lucerne . 200 ? 347 Sheep Manure - 200 66 Cow Dung - 524 85 Horse Dung - . 5is 103 Farmyard Manure - 500-600 65-130 Rye Straw x 500 409 If the results which followed the application of these manures are borne in mind, it will be seen that the return in the crop for the same -quantity of nitrogen applied became, as a rule, rapidly less as the amount of organic matter associated with the nitrogen increased. Thus, in one series of Wagner’s experiments, the nitrogen recovered in a crop of oats for 100 applied as manure was in the case of : Nitrate of Sodium 77, Farm Manure (good) 8 Sulphate of Ammonium 69 ““ (poor) 6 Cattle Urine 69 Dried Blood 50 Cow Dung z Young Grass 43 Horse Dung 0 24 In two series of Maercker’s experiments, also made wiih oats, the following were the proportions of nitrogen recovered in the crop for 100 supplied in the manure. As the nitrate of sodium gave the same return in each series of experiments, we assume that the conditions were alike throughout. Nitrate of Sodium - 957.5 Ox Dung - 4.5 Sheep Dung - 199 Wheat Straw - 0 Farmyard Manure (4 kinds) 3:0-9°8 The influence of the decomposable organic matter in a manure is twofold: it affects the process both of nitrification and of denitrification. {f the conditions within the soil are suitable for nitrification, any addition to the soil of decomposable carbonaceous matter will tend to diminish the rate at which nitrogen is oxidised, and may cause nitrification to cease altogether. The decomposition of an organic manure, and its partial oxidation, must precede its nitrification. If much of this preliminary work has to be done, the commencement of nitrification is greatly delayed; the products of the decomposition of car- bonaceous matter are, indeed, inimical to nitrification. When the quantity of organic manure applied exceeds a certain proportion, the conditions prevailing in the soil may be entirely changed, and a nitrifying medium, converted for a time into a denitri- fying medium, the oxygen demanded by the decomposing organic mat- ter being now obtained by the destruction of the nitrates in the soil. An organic manure which is effective when applied in small quantity may thus become injurious when made use of in excess. An illustration of the decrease in efficiency which follows an in- crease in the quantity of an organic manure is furnished by one of Wag- ners experiments: 157 grams of pasture grass were incorporated with the soil of one pot, and double this quantity, 314 grams, was applied to another pot. The return in the crop for 100 of nitrogen applied was in the first case 43, in the second 36; or, in other words, the crop instead of being doubled was increased by 69 per cent. by doubling the quantity of the manure. As the total amount of nitrogen assimilated with the heaviest manuring was far less than that taken up when nitrate of soda was applied, the smaller return from the green manure was clearly not due to its supplying an excess of nitrogen, but simply to the incapacity of the soil to bring this nitrogen into a con- dition available for the crop. That the addition to the soil of large doses of fermentable organic matter will retard the nitrification of other easily nitrified nitrogenous manures is probably the principal reason of the ill-effect resulting in the German experiments from applying horse dung with sulphate o. ammo- nium, with urine, «nd with green manures. Wagner and Maercker ap- plied these nitrogenous manures, both alone and with the addition of dung or farmyard manure ; the following is a selection from their re- sults. The produce given by dung aloue is in every case substracted from the produce of dung with other nitrogenous manures und the re- maining increase is credited to the respective manures. 25 Nitrogen recovered for 100 applied in Manure. 1.— Wagner's RESULTS. Manures Manures applied alone with Horse Dung Nitrate of Sodium 52 Sulphate of Ammonium 69 50 Cattle Urine 69 40) Pasture Grass ; 43 20 2.—-MAERCKER’S RESULTS. Manures Manures with applied alone Farmyard Manure Nitrate of Sodium 55 cy Sulphate of Ammonium 37 BL Cow Urine 29 Pp Wagner employed in the above experiments, 2 grams of nitrogen as nitrogenous manure, with, or without, 2 grams of nitrogen as horse dung. Maercker used ‘75 gram of nitrogen as nitrogenous manure, with or without 1°5 gram of nitrogenas farmyard manure. The German investigators are doubtless right in attributing the de- crease in the return from nitrate of sodium, when mixed with dung or farmyard manure, to the destruction of the nitrate occasioned by the latter manures, but Wagner will aot admit that the decrease in the re- turp from ammonia, urine, or grass is due to the diminished rate of nitri- fication of these manures brought about by their mixture with much organic matter. Hisargument is peculiar. He says : we cannot explain the depressing action of the dung when applied with urine or grass as due to any hindrance in the conversion of their nitrogen into ammonia, because the yield of ammonium salts also suffers under these circum- stances : and we cannot explain the depression in the case of ammonium salts as due to want of nitrification, as the nitrates applied equally show the injurious effects of the dung. Might we not add, with as much jus- tice : we cannot explain the action of dung on nitrates as due to denitri- fication, as the dung occasions an equal depression where no nitrates have been applied ? This mode of argument is valueless : all it can pos- sibly prove is that a single explanation will not suffice for all the results before us. It is'generally assumed by the German investigators that denitrifi- cation is a sufficient explanation of all the results obtained ; it is appar- ently supposed that the ammonia, urine, and grass have nitrified in the soil just as usual, and thatthe nitrate produced has heen destroyed by the dung. But it is proved in the course of the German investigations that the reducing action of the dung is greatest immediately after its application to the soil, and gradually diminishes with the lapse of time. We have, then, the conditions producing denitrification set up most actively at the first, and we may well ask—How can nitrification take place under these circumstances ? That nitrification will eventually set 26 in is most true, but then the conditions producing dentrification will have diminished, or entirely ceased. That nitrification and denitrification can occur simultaneously in the same place has yet to be proved, (1) till this is done we must assume that nitrification is considerably retarded by the addition to the soil of large quantities of fermentable organic matter. It is only right to add that the simultaneous occurence of nitrifica-- tion and denitrification is not accepted by all the German investigators asa sufficient explanation of the diminished return from ammonium salts, urine, etc., when these manures are mixed with dung. Pfeiffer believes that an evolution of nitrogen from ammonia, due to its partial oxidation, takes place in the soil under the circumstances in question ; and that the considerable loss of nitrogen which occurs in an aérated dung heap is due tothe same action, which he assumes to be brought about by bacteria. This view is at present little more than a supposition, but it indicates that the explanation first mentioned is by no means re- garded as satisfactory. When considering the action of large applications of organic man~ ure, both in retarding nitrification and in setting up denitrification, we must of course bear in mind that all kinds of organic matter have not an equal effect, and that mere quantity will not alone determine the result. When, instead of fresh horse dung, Wagner used black, humified manure, which have been frequently turned over during four months, the injurious effect on the action of nitrate of sodium almost disappear- ed. The return from 100 of nitrogen in nitrate of sodium was now 73, and from 100 of nitrogen in cattle urine 63, (2) instead of 52 and 40,. respectively, when fresh horse dung was employed. Maercker also ob- served that if horse dung was applied to the soil two months before the nitrate of sodium, its denitrifying action was scarcely perceivea. This (1) In some of the recent German analyses of farmyard manure consider- able quantities of nitrates are mentioned. In asmal] experimental mass it may happen that the conditions suitable for nitrification may in the course of time occur, but an ordinary dung heap seems the most unlikely situation for the nitrifying process. The mode of determining the nitrates is not always mentioned, but, in one paper, boiling the extract of the manure with aluminum and soda is stated to be the method employed ; this must give far too high re- sults, Schloesing’s method of estimation as nitrate oxide gas would give accurate results. Reduction to ammonia with a copper-zine couple, and dis- tillation with magnesia, would also give fair results. (2) A hasty reader of Wagner’s paper would come to the conclusion that the return of nitrogen in the crop was in this instance 39 and 34 per cent. re- spectively, these being the numbers printed in the table ; they are obtained by dividing the nitrogen in the increase by the total nitrogen applied to the pot. This mode of reckoning fails, however, to show the return yielded by the nitrate of sodium or urine, whch isthe pointin question. To giv» one example: 2 grams of nitrogen in the form of humified horse dung gave an increase of ‘097 gram of nitrogen in the crop; 2 grams of nitrogen as humified horse dung, plus 2 grams in the form of nitrate of sodium, gave an increase in crop of 1'548 gram of nitrogen. The return from 2 grams of nitrogen as nitrate of sodium was thus 1°548—-097—1°451 gram or 72°55 per cent. The ill-effects of mixture with dung are much exaggerated by the mode of caleula- tion adopted in Wagner’s tables ;in his text, however, the true proportions. will usually be found. 27 result is not obviously explainable if we assume that. the denitrifying action of fresh horse dung in the soil is to be attributed to the organisms which the manure supplies, for there is no reason to suppose tkat these organisms would die in a soil which naturally contains them ; but the re- sult is at once understood if we grasp the fact that denitrification is de- termined by the presence of fermentable organic matter. Several results which greatly puzzled the German investigators ap- pear capable of explanation, if we regard them from the point of view just taken. Thus, Wagner found that when dung was preserved by the addition of superphosphate, or kainit, it possessed a greater denitrifying power than when these substances were omitted. His temperature de- terminations, in fact, show that these substances decreased the fermen- tation in the manure heap. The much better results obtained by the German experiments from sheep manure than from horse or cattle manure are apparently to be explained by the fact that the sheep manure contain a much greater pro- portion of easily nitrifiable nitrogenous matter, and a distinctly smaller proportion of organic matter per unit of nitrogen. The German inves- tigators are fully alive to the importance of the first point, but give no weight to the second. The far smaller denitrifying power of sheep manure is, however, quite in accordance with its much smaller propor- tion of fermentable organic matter per unit of nitrogen. Its compara- tive freedom from denitrifying action certainly does not support the idea that this action is due to the presence of a special organism derived from the animal intestine, for in this respect sheep dung must stand on a par with the horse or cow dung. Attempts to destroy the denitrifying organisms in dung and thus alter its action on nitrates, have met with no success. Wagner sifted a quantity of horse dung, and desiroyed the living organisms in one por- tion by treatment with bisulphide of carbon. After removal of the bisulphide, the denitrifying power of the treated horse dung was compared with that of the untreated. It was of course expected that, the denitrifying organism having been destroyed, the treated horse dung would be found comparatively harmless when applied to the soil along with nitrate of sodium or other nitrogenous manure. To the surprise of the experimenter, however, the treated manure proved more injurious that the untreated. We could not have an experiment showing more conciusively that the presence or absence of organisms in the manure is a matter of indifference so long as the necessary organisms are present in the soil. (1) eee (1) In Maercker’s Second Report, which has come to hand after the above was written, experiments are described in which wheat and oat straw were soaked for two days in | per cent. sulphuric acid, with a view of destroying the denitrifying organisms present. The straw thus treated was found, however, when mixed with soil, to reduce the yield of nitrate of sodium to the same ex- tent as the untreated straw. Two other germicides were tried, with a similar failure of result. Straw sterilised by steam had a worse effect on crops than unsteamed straw; the prejudicial effect in this instance is considered by Maercker as due to the formation of acid humus. All attempts to prove that the depressing action of straw and horse dung is due to the organisms whish they contain have thus failed. 28 If we have by this time made good our contention that the injurious action of fresh farmyard manure observed by the German experimenters is due to the fermentable organic matter which it contains and is generally in proportion to its amount, we have next to ask: What proportions of manure to soil were used in German experiments. If these proportions were the same as those employed in ordinary agriculture, then our farmers may expect to meet with the same results when they em- ploy farmyard manure under similar circumstances. If, however, far more of this manure was applied to the soil in the German pot experi- ments than is used in practical agriculture, we must clearly take the German results simply as illustrations of the properties of farmyard man- ure, and not as examples of what we have to expect in practice. Organic matter in the soil acts, in fact, in an injurious manner only when it is of such kind and quantity that it changes the character of the soil from an oxidising to a deoxidising medium. For our present purpose we may assume that the depth of soil turned over by the plough—the quantity in fact with which a dressing of farmyard manure would be mixed in practice—will weigh, when dry, 1,000 tons per acre. 1t follows that an ordinary dressing of 10 tons of manure per acre will amount to 1 per cent. of the soil. A farmer may now and then double this proportion, but 2 per cent. will very rarely be exceeded. In the experiments which Wagner first describes, each pot held 7,000 grams of soil, and the quantity of dung employed was about 500 grams, or 7 per cent. of the soil, representing, therefore, 70 tons per acre. In his main series of experiments the pots contained 18,500 grams of soil, but the manure was only incorporated with the upper portion, 15 em. in depth. The surface area of the soil is mentioned in this case 3 we are thus able to state that his ordinary dressing of dung, 500 grams, was equivalent to 40 tons per acre, incorporated with about sis inches of soil ; this amount was doubled in a few instances. In experiments on denitrification, in which no crop was grown, the dung employed amounted to 10, 18 and 20 per cent. of the soil. Maercker does not give the details of his experiments so fully as Wagner, but from one sentence it would appear that his pots held 6,000 grams of soil. His unit of nitrogen is larger than Wagner’s so that about 600 grams repre- sents his ordinary application of dung, which thus amounted to 10 per cent, of the soil, or 100 tons per acre. In some of his trials with farm- yard manure the dressing was three times this amount. It is, then, quite evident that the quantities of dung mixed with the soil in the German experiments were far in excess of the amounts com- monly employed by a farmer and that a great delay oi the process of nitrification, and a production of actively denitrifying conditions, was only what might naturally be expected under the circumstances of the experiments, and is no proof that the same actions will occur to the same extent in ordinary arable farming. That the farmyard manure was used to great disadvantage in the pot experiments we have just described is indirectiy admitted by Wag- ner, for at the commencement of his paper he tells us that his former experiments have shown that, under the conditions which occur in prac- tice 251b. of the nitrogen contained in farmyard manure may be expected 29 +o be on an average recovered in the crop for LOOlb. applied to the land. He also quotes field experiments by J. Kiihn in which 24 per cent. of the nitrogen of farmyard manure was recovered in the crop. Yet in the experiments on the action of dung and farmyard manure, which he pro- ceeds to describe, the fresh dung in every case but one yields a crop be- low that giveo by the unmanured soil, while farmyard manure gives an average return of only 5 per cent. of its nitrogen in the produce. The conditions of the experiments were thus clearly not such as to allow these manures to be employed to advantage, and the results obtained cannot be taken as indicating what may be expected to happen in the ordinary use of farmyard manure in the field. (1) The results obtained by Wagner have naturally excited attention in France, and experiments on the subject, also conducted in pots, have been made by Pagnoul at the Experiment Station of Pas de Calais (1895). His pots were large, containing 25,000 grams of soil, and the quantity of horse dung employed was 500 grams, or 2 per cent. One set of pots remained six weeks without seed and was then sown with eee 1 In Maerecker’s later experiments, just published, much better results were obtained from the use of farmyard manure in pot cultures. He experimented with 45 kinds of manure, the history and composition of which we are fully given. Applied at the rate of one gram of nitrogen per 6,000 grams of soil, which, omitting the sheep manures, was equivalent to 17-61 ons of manure per acre, he obtained from 38 samples the following results:— 4 decreased the yieid of nitrogen in the crop. 7 yielded in increase less than 5 per cent of their nitrogen. ‘ se ns 8 : 5-10 per cent of their nitrogen. 7 “a “c “ 10-15 46 “é (6 7 “6 sé “ 15-20 6c 6 te 5 6c £6 it over 90 6c “ec é In the last group. one manure yielded 37°4 per cent. its nitrogen in the increased crop which it produced. As 2 rule, the most nitrogenous manures, of which consequently, the smallest weight was applied, gave the best return. When Maercker nsed smaller quantities than before of farmyard marure and straw, with nitrate, the depressing effect of the farmyard manure practically disappeared, butthat of the straw, was still very marked. The return of ni- trogen in the crop for 190 applied as nitrate of sodium was— Nitrate alone 66°6 Nitrate with horse dung 57-2 - with cow manure 66:0 ‘~ ‘* oat straw 23:0 es ‘sheep manure 62°7 $ “wheat straw 21.8 The farmyard manure was used at the rate of 3°3 per cent. of the soil or 33 tons peracre. The straw was half this weight, but nevertheless supplied the soil with considerably more organic matter than the farmyard manure. These new results appear to be in accordance with the views we have ex- pressed above. Maercker does not relinquish in the least his belief in the preponderating influence of the organisms present upon the results obtained ; when any specimen of farmyard manure gives results better or worse than its analyses would indicate, he at once assumes that this is due to the absence or abundance of the denitrifying organism. 30 grass, A second set was sown with mustard two weeks after the addi- tion of the manures. The weight of crops harvested was as follows:— Grass Mustard Grams. Grams. Nitrate of sodium 184 234 Nitrate of sodium with horse dung 251 357 Sulphate of ammonium 182 69 Sulphate of ammonium with horsedung 190 229 These few experiments leave much to be desired; but it at all events appears that with a more moderate application of dung, amounting to about 20 tons per acre, the return obtained from nitrate of sodium and sulphate of ammonium is_ not decreased, indeed, in every instance the dung has itself contributed to the increase of crop. RoTHAMSTED RESULTS BEARING ON THE QUESTION. The field experiments at Rothamsted furnish abundant examples of the action of farmyard manure on various crops, and also of the after- effect of residues of the manure remaining in the soil. The alteration in the character of the soil by the continued use of farmyard manure, and the relative production of nitrates in manured and unmanured land, are also well shown in these experiments. Keeping, however, to the points before us, we shall here simply inquire what have been the results of the Rothamsted experiments on the employment of farmyard manure with nitrate of sodium, and with other nitrogenous manures ; and what have been the results of the application of straw in conjunction with nitrogen- ous manures. The practical question whether farmyard manure can be used econ- onomicaliy with artificial manures is one of great importance to the farmer, and can only be satisfactorily settled by field experiments. The irregularities of field experiments are, however, very great, and the most potent cause of irregularity, namely, the great variety in the seasons, and especially the wholly variable and uncertain distribution of rain, is unfortunately beyond the control of the experimenter, and assumes its greatest proportion where large quantities of manure have been applied. It is necessary therefore, to take the average result of many years if trustworthy conclusions are to be drawn from field experiments. In the field devoted to the culture of roots at Rothamsted a considerable portion of the land has received annually for many years 14 tons of farmyard manure peracre. One-half of this land has received in addition 34 cwt. of superphosphate each year. ‘These two farmyard manure plots are each divided into five portions, one receiving no fur- ther manure, the others cross-dressed respectively with nitrate of sodium, sulphate of ammonium, rape cake, and sulphate of ammonium with rape- cake. Each cross-dressing supplies a known quantity of nitrogen. What has been the effect of these cross-dressings ? From a practical point of view the farmer will be content to ascer- tain what increased weight of roots has been obtained by the use of each cross dressing, and to compare the value of the roots with the cost of the r 31 artificial manure producing them. To obtain an exact knowledge of the return yielded by the artificial manures when employed with farmyard manure we must, however, go a step further, and ascertain what propor- tion of the nitrogen of the artificial manure has been recovered in the crop. It is the more necessary todo this, as a heavily manured root crop is harvested in different seasons in very different stages of maturity, and an immature crop, which an unfavourable season has prevented from forming a large weight of root, may yet contain in rvot and leaf almost as great a quantity of nitrogen, and furnish consequent- ly almost as large a return for the nitrogen applied, as that which would have been realised in a season of greater production of roots. ‘The less mature root is in fact more nitrogenous than the perfect root rich in sugar and the green leaf far more nitrogenous than the root which itis its function to produce. Determinations of nitrogen were made at Rothamsted in the roots of all the plots of mangel-wurzel receiving farmyard manure during the five years 1878-82. The amount of nitrogen in the leaf when the roots were taken up was not determined, but the weight of the leaves, and the amount of dry matter which they contained, were recorded. Determina- tions of nitrogen were, however, made during these years in the leaves of a series of other plots in the field receiving the same cross dressings. By assuming that the dry matter of the leaves from the farmyard man ure plots contained the same percentage of nitrogen as was found during the same years in the leaves of plots receiving the same y Peay aah ade we may arrive very nearly at the total nitrogen contents of the farmyar manure crops. In a later ycar, we shall presently mention, the amount of nitrogen in both roots and leaves of all the mangel plots receiving the farmyard manure was actually determined. Sir J. B. Lawes and Sir J. H. Gilbert bave most kindly placed at my disposal the results of the calculation we have just described. In the the table on p. 32 will be found the average results of the farmyard manure plots during six years, 1878-83. In calculating the nitrogen contained in the roots of 1883 the average percentages of nitrogen in the roots during the preceeding five years have been employed. Before considering the results it will be well to mention in what manner the manures were applied during the years in question. At Rothamsted the mangels are grown “on the ridge.” During the years in question the whole of the manures, save the dung, were sown broadcast, and harrowed in before the application of the farmyard manure ; the only exception being that the superphosphate was occasionally sown after- wards by drill on the top of the ridge. The cross-dressings having been thus applied, furrows were opened, and the farmyard manure was placed in the furrow; the land was then bouted, the furrow being con- verted into a ridge, along the top of which the seed was dibbled. The application of the nitrate of sodium at such an early date, and before the farmyard manure, is clearly not what would now be recom- mended in the light of recent knowledge, and we shall see presently that this mode of proceeding has in later years been altered; but sven with this disadvantage the returns yielded by nitrate of sodium and ammonium salts applied with farmyard manure are seen to be remarkably good. a Olena Vpedicaceste sh wamin’ kkencarddousanvelehl) ccakbvalesakenecs bhiadeves tinea teehee rs eiraseeubeteus Lassi busazeadttawenves Sere pabatsh ~~. eet. eee eee SERRA ROA e Hem AOE EHEE Ree HES EEO EE EINE SE NESE EUEENSROSS SERS Beery 3 | 9-68 L-091 POF oA y ie 6 6F L181 ene | ee ¥-92 8-SF aL es 7 0-81 $08 1-9 6-9TT 2 68 0-86 6-9€ 1:06 ‘QI ‘ql “al at ‘a ‘q] Per tt.) ee eee ee eee Tee er eee Pree eee ee ee ee eee eee PLT | s2AvO'T 889 83004 | ‘3004 qI oluuepR preduaey I TAR e ns nee mae ewe ee nerengeees| 1-9F 8-211 a G1L [e10y, | | | ! 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Tit Teh t htt tebe Liao te TT tT eee Te aT ei iit ite ii) tt te | “S80up- SEO) q[Msex =| -SSOAP-BSOIQ) ATMO Aqesvaiouy =yenjy | Aqesvorou; yenjoyw : ————— ae ‘SOINUER, pavspuryg : 101g semeeneet ' } i | i | meee FORO E RETO OC OH ETE HTN EH TEE ETO U OOH EHH ER EEE HHH S HE EEE EEE EHS HOE OEE ERNE EES EEO OE EOE ewe nse ene teeeweye® Per eewreee hid be hha Td ‘G8-8L81 ‘BUVAA X(S dO SLTOSAY NVAIW “AVACSNVHLOY ‘ATAIMNUVd NI TIZYAM-TEONYN NO SLINANIUTIX 33 errr Creer ieee eee er er ee reer rr er Ter ater TT ir rr rT eeererrririri TTT tir ir iri itt Terre iri ie L-09 | L-0$ 9-19 6-89 e: : 180], 6-91 8-6 1-22 9-41 be - weave] 9.98 6.0¥ GCF P49 “ x #7004 9-8F $-L¥ 0-89 9-89 = 18401, €-F1 Re ~ L-9] 98 ; : BOAO €-FE 0-0F 6-2F 0-SF : : 84003] "4M9 10d | ‘yue0 Jed "4u900 red *qu900 190d PPP Pr Tipe Site eee eee eee eee eee Pee ee eee ee eee reer eee eeee iri) it eeeeer itt tt tt tt te ti) ee Tt et er i ee ‘ONISSUUGSSOUO NI 001 YAd dOUO TO USVAUONI NI GHYAAOOWU NADOULIN HRN NERO ROOT RETRO REET EERE REE ERE SEHR HH ROPES ERE OE EHMER ETEK Ha Kem Ee 6-19 8-89 Teo, VOAVO'T 81007] 9-8IT L961 8-69 TL-831 99 | (‘panuiju09)—'TUOV HAd NAYOULIN "yao fg oyeqdsoyd -ledng "8104 pT | ‘sanueyy pavtoueg = | ‘yao Fg ejieydsoqd -iedug ‘su03 F] "901 §] anaes pretuieg I | ‘ornusyy pisdorieg | 34 Wagner mentions, at the commencement of this paper that, under the conditions of practical agriculture, 55 per cent. of the nitrogen of nitrate of sodium may be expected to be recovered in the crop. In the pot experiments we have earlier mentioned the return has varied from 53 to 77 per cent. In the Rothamsted field experiments with barley, nearly 60 per cent. of the nitrogen of a moderate dressing of nitrate of sodium has been on an average recovered in the increased produce where a liberal amount of ash constituents has been supplied. Sulphate of ammonium Wagner finds to give on an average one-tenth less return than nitrate of sodium for the same amount of nitrogen applied. Bearing these facts in mind, the percentage of nitrogen recovered in the in- crease of crop by the use of nitrate of sodium and sulphate of ammonium in the mangel experiments appears quite satisfactory. The nitrate of sodium employed as a cross-dressing is utilised to the extent of 53.6 per cent where 14 tons of farmyard manure are applied, and the utilisation reaches 68.9 per cent. where superphosphate is also employed. With ammonium salts, the utilisation under these two conditions is respec- tively 58.0 and 67.3 per cent. It will be observed that although super- phosphate and farmyard manure give no greater crop of roots than farm yard nanure alone, yet, when nitrate or ammonia is used in addition, the presence of the superphosphate produces a considerably greater increase of crop. The supply of phosphates becomes insufficient only when the supply of nitrogen is increased. We shall see presently that still bette. results were obtained when potash was supplied as well as phosphatesr The cross-dressing of rape-cake bas been utilised to the extent of 47.3 and 50.7 per cent. without, and with superphosphate. As the rape-cake itself supplies both phosphates and potash, the effect of additional superphosphate is here little perceived. The very heavy cross- dressing of ammonium salts and rape-cake, supplying 184 lb. of nitro- gen per acre, is utilised to the extent of 48.6 and 50.7 per cent. under the conditions already mentioned. {t may fairly be objected that the return for the nitrogen applied is exaggerated in the statement just made, as, in fact, all the mangel leaves from every plot are returned to the soil. To estimate the influence of this return of the mangel leaves on the results before us we need to know what proportion of the nitrogen in mangel leaves spread on the soil in November may be expected to appear in next year’s crop of man- gels. If we assume that one-quarter of the nitrogen in the leaves will reappear in the next year’s crop, we shall probably be making a liberal concession to the objection urged. In using this correction we have to deduct from the average amount of nitrogen in the increase by nitrate of sodium, or other cross-dressing, one-quarter of the average nitrogen in the leaf ; the remainder will then, according to our assumption, repre- sent more nearly the amount of nitrogen derived from the cross-dress- ing. The difference made by this alteration in the calculation depends on the proportion of leaf to root usual on the different plots ; the alteration in the figures is quite small where nitrate of sodium is the cross-dressing, and becomes much more considerable where ammonium salts, and especially ammonium salts and rape-cake are applied. Nitrogen recovered in increase of mangel crop per 100 applied at cross-dressing on dung, after deducting from the increase one-quarter of the average nitrogen in the leaves. 3D CROSS-DRESSINGS. Pantene eee nee nceennn en ennn ec tanens eeeeeaeeneeee het sa see taenmn seane ann seeseneene Snes Saneeaenenena se emeemegnansenatsetwatensenssesawacaaaraasararanear seats Gun Gu Rernene@enesennasassueeeeeniu@entaseumeneen ese aeeinateeeteseeeee senee tans eeee Nitrate of Sodium,} Ammonium Salts, | Rape-cake | Ammonium Salts. Plot; 86lb. nitrogen. 86lb. nitrogen. |96lb. nitrogen.| ete., Rape-cake 184lb. nitrogen. eee —— eS SS ee per cent. per cent. per cent. per cent. 1 515 54:3 45°5 45:1 2 65°3 61:9 45'°3 470 These corrected estimates still show a very good return from the use of nitrate of sodium and ammonium salts when applied to land receiving farmyard manure; this is especially the case on plot 2, where super- phosphate was used. In the figures just given we have had to use an approximate esti- mate of the nitrogen in the leaves in the absence of actual determina- tions ; we may, however, arrive ata practical conclusion as to the effi- cacy of nitrates, etc., when applied with farmyard manure, without taking the leaves at allinto consideration. Below is a comparison of the average return of nitrogen in the mangel roots only given by nitrate of sodium, ammonium salts, and rape-cake, when used both with and without farm- yard manure. It is clear that if the aitrogen of these three manures is utilised to the same extent under the two conditions named,we shall have good ground for concluding that the farmyard manure has had no pre- judicial influence upon their action. The figures given are the average for the same six years already mentioned. CROSS-DRESSINGS. neon esnannaaneeeensaneeasheaassmncenaneaesenseesaseeeassueastesenensssssnewesersssonensssnewnaaaesassenaaserensnaeaasene — Stranparnp MANURKS. Nitrate of |} Ammon- | Rape- | Ammon- Sodium. |ium Salts.| cake. | ium Salts | and Rape- unt neemanateaneeeeateseetsenseseuseeeeerenenstaasnwasenestemsntecaesnsncseteussteuenncensessaauwegsagerscsnaesssneeeeeaessscsaes@ageeeeseneesesennmecnansagasesnneansneanaenssasem — Stncesaseeeenesemmanaseemsemesenrenesnnansaeasaneasenmnanes, Farmyard manure and super- | phospate 54°4 45°2 40°9 35°5 Superph osphate and potassium sulphate | 58-1 44°5 51:8 45°5 Farmyard manure and supher- phosphate i 193 260 176 255 Superphosphate and potassium sulphate 169 186 148 235 oe 36 It will be seen that when nitrate of sodium, or ammonium salts, were applied to land manured with superphosphate and sulphate of potassium, the increase in the quantity of nitrogen in the roots by the addition of these manures was practically the same as was obtained when these cross-dressings were applied to land receiving farmyard manure ; the 14 tons of farmyard manure had thus no depressing effect on the action of the nitrate or ammonia. That the leaves, if taken into account, would not alter this conclusion is shown by the fact that the proportion of leaf is greatest in every case on the farmyard manure plot ; the pro- portion of nitrogen recovered in the crop would thus be more increased on this plot than on the other, if the nitrogen in the leat was taken into account. Where rape-cake is used with the farmyard manure we do not get so good a return in the roots as where the rape-cake is used without dung ; with 2,000lb. ot rape-cake and 14 tons of farmyard manure we apparently reach an amount of organic manure in excess of what can be economically employed in an average season. Notwithstanding the excellent utilisation of the nitrogen of the nitrate of sodium or ammonium salts when applied with dung to man- gels, the increased weight of crop obtained from these cross-dressings is by no means so great as when the same cross-dressings are applied without farmyard manure. Thus the increase in root and leaf yielded by the nitrate of sodium on the farmyard manure and superphosphate plot was 9 tons 9 cwt., and that yielded by the ammonium salts 8 tons; while, without farmyard manure, the increase from similar dressings applied to land receiving superphosphate and sulphate of potassium was respectively 14 tons 5 cwt. and 11 tons 19 ewt. Thix considerable dif- ference is due to the fact that nitrate of sodium or ammonium salts give asmaller, but much more nitrogenous increase when applied to dunged land than when applied to land receiving no other nitrogenous manure. The fact is of considerable practical importance to the farmer, but it has nothing to do with the question before us, which is: Does farmyard man- ure interfere with the assimilation of nitrogen from other manures ? That a smaller return is obtained in crop, per init of nitrogen, as the supply of nitrogenous manure is increased is a fact sufficiently familiar to the agriculturist. Since 1895 some alterations have been made in the mangel field at Rothamsted; 500 lb. of sulphate of potassium per acre are now applied to plot 2; and since 1896, 450 |b. of basic slag have been applied to this plot instead of superphosphate. The supply of ash constituents is thus made far more complete, and opportunity is given for the heavier dress- ings of nitrogenous manure to disilay their greatest effect. The mode of applying the manures has also been changed. In 1896 and 1897 the basic slag, sulphate of potassium, and rape-cake were broadcast towards the end of April, and ploughed in ; furrows were then opened, the dung applied, and the land thrown into ridges. Seed was drilled the first week in May. The nitrate of sodium and ammonium salts were applied as a top-dressing in July, being distributed along each side of the drills. In 1896 the top-dressing took place on July 7th, in 1897 on July 20th. The lateness of the application in 1897 was due to the drought in that season. When nitrogenous manures have been 37 applied too late, a large proportion of leaf to root is found when the crop is taken up, time not having being allowed for root formation. In the crops grown with farmyard manure in 1897 the nitrogen has been determined both in root and leaf. For the crop grown in 1896 the nitrogen in the root is known, and the weight of the leaf ; the per- centage of nitrogen in the leaf is assumed to be the same as in corres- ponding experiments. The results of these two years have been kindly supplied by Sir J. B. Lawes and Sir J. H. Gilbert ; they will be found on p. 38. As'soon as we deal with the results of individual seasons we en- counter the irregularities inseparable from field experiments. In the results before us more than one of the applications of nitrogenous manure has apparently yielded double the return of nitrogen in the crop in 1897 than it did in 1896 ; this is notably the case where rape-cake has been applied. The increased utilisation of the manures in 1897 is but little shown by the weigh: of crop per acre ; the severe drought of July and August arrested the developmeni of the mangels. and when taken up in November they contained an undue proportion of leaf, the materials accu- mulated in which had not had sufficient time to bring about the elabora- tion of sugar, and the construction of a larger root. Taking the mean of the figures at the bottom of the table, wher® a correction is made for the effect of the leaves left on the land in the previous season, we have the following proportions of nitrogen recovered in the increase of produce for 100 supplied in the undermentioved man- ures, applied as cross-dressings on dunged land, with and without the addition of basic slag and sulphate of potassium. See eee p= es -—onseDRS RRS RSE SESE Eee Sess HANS bees Renneesnes aban wnt son ari hooanouenessnsaen sa hsennewsesepoushatisensenkeaeam Nitrate of] Ammon- |Rape-cake|/ Ammon- Sodium |ium Salts |96lb nitro-| ium Salts 86lb. nitro-\86lb nitro-| gen. jand Rape- gen. eon. || | eake 184)b ————____|_— Sa Farmyard manure alone | 81:9 59°7 | 58°9 39°3 _ “with slagand | potash | 95 9 778 | 58°7 49°5 anes peas en Hawkes had SebeGunnn seereecinnta nds 41s e-eaaencsesnnase: secencsasce Jomparing these figures with those previously given, we especially notice the increased return from the nitrate, due doubtless, to its applica- tion later in the season. The farmer must not, however, apply the nitrate too late, as happened in the present case, for nitrogenous leaves will be no compensation to him for the lack of roots. The higher return given by nitrate of sodium than by the other manures is doubtless in part due to the soda supplied ;in the mangel-field, the plot receiving soda and magnesia, in addition to potash and phosphates, is the one giving the highest return, excepting the two plots manured with farmyard manare. it is now, | think, clear that under the conditions in which farm- yard manure is employed in the mangel field at Rothamsted the 38 gy ee | ee ee ee | en ESE ee a ee segs ol + ) on 8 g L ) tl” =8 oC > = eae 2 eI 8 6l 8 B9AvO'T pus S¥[s o1seq & ") nD F GZ I g 9 2a °) ¢ 2 | may 1 1% q LI syooy | ‘ainuem prefmisg ES SS SS |S ce SS es CER | Mee S GEES Nee ne Meee meee | eng field. Lt is furthermore necessary to press the tobacco into bales so that it can be shipped in compact form. Formerly, when dark colours for cigar wrappers were in much favour by the dealers and manufacturers, the tobacco was worked up to a very high heat in the fermenting pile ; but since lighter colours are more sought for, the fermentation has to be done more slowly and not to such a high degree of heat as formerly. It is impossible in the space of this article to describe the process of fermentation in all its details. | Experience and judgment enter into the matter so largely that only one who has had this experience can appreciate the changes which are going on in the pile, and can judge of the necessary and further treatment. The tobacco is put into piles of three kinds, the “‘ quality” or top’ leaves, bottom leaves, and ragged tobaceo. The piles are built up on matting. One row is spread on the matting, the bundles being placed close together with the heads in the same direction. At the corners the leaves are spread out like a fan. In this way layer after layer is put on until the pile is from 4 to 6 feet high. Whena large or rather high pile is to be made, hollow bamboo rods are inserted in the middle of the pile, in which a thermometer is placed at the end of astick. The outer end of the bamboo has a plug of cotton, so that the temperature of the outside cannot interfere with that of the inside. With smaller piles, and especially with trash and inferior tobaccos, simply a bamboo stick is inserted in the pile without a thermometer. The manager, on touching the stick when it is withdrawn, judges how warm itis inside. In still smaller piles the hand is simply put in between the bundles. When the temperature rises to about 100° F. the pile is taken down, the tobacco is given a chance to cool off slightly and a new pile is put up in another place. Care is taken that bundles from the interior are placed on the outside to give those which were formerly on the outside an equal chance of fermenting. The temperature gradually goes higher until it finally attains the tem- perature of about 130° F., when the fermentation is stopped. The maximum temperature must not be attained too quickly, as the quality of the leaf would suffer. No statement can be made as to how often the piles should be turned over, or when this should be done, as it depends upon the condition of the tobacco, especially as to how moist it was when put into the pile.” —Cape of G. Hope Agri. Journ. 101 STERILISATION OF WATER. MM. Marmier and Abraham have studied the methods of render- ing drinking water bacteriologically pure, with a view to supply such pure water to towns on an industrial scale. The municipal authorities of Lille authorised them to instal an apparatus for the production of ozone, in order to find out by experiment what was the value of that substance when applied to the purification of water by means of appara- tus and methods specially devised for the purpose. Hxperiments made from December 10, 1898, to February 12, 1899, have already led to certain conclusions, which are set forth by A. Calmette, one of the © experts appointed on the Water (iommission by the town of Lille. The efficacy of the ozonising apparatus is unquestionable, and the method is superior to al] cthers that have been tried, and is suitable for dealing with large quantities of water. The apparatus itself is sufficiently strong, and its output is regular enough to justify its use in industrial operations: All the pathogenic or saprophytic microbes met with in the waters under experiment were destroyed by passing the waters through the ozonising apparatus. A few of the Bacillus subtilis alone survived the ordeal. One only of these germs was found capable of remaining in 15 c.c. of water that had been treated with ozone in the proportion of six milligrammes per litre of air. A concentration of 9 milligrammes per litre reduces the number to | in every '25 c.c. of water so treated. It is important to note, however, that the B. subtilis is harmless to man and to animals, hence the weaker concentration of ozone is sufficient for the purpose. The water, moreover, is weaker in organic matter than ordinary drinking water, and is less prone to ulterior pollution, and is more agreeable to the palate by reason of the process of aération which itundergoes. The Water Commission has recommended the adoption of the process by the authorities of Lille—(Annales de l’Inst.Pasteur, 13 344.) Pharmaceutical Journal. USE OF FUNGI] AGAINST INSECT PESTS. A recent number of the “Cape Agricultural Journal” contains a report of an address given by Dr. Edington on the artificial use of a particular fungus, said to be parasitic to locusts, for the destruction of the latter. The results so far obtained with the fungus in question appear to be at considerable variance, some farmers stating that they have derived great benefit from its application, whilst others assert as positively that it has been of no use whatever. A great deal must of necessity depend upon the circumstances in which this, together with other such similar living-destroying agencies, are employed, and Dr. Edington,:in the course of his lecture, pointed out what he considered the best methods for promoting the successful use of thisfungus. If locusts can be destroyed is so simple a manner as this is described to be, the gain to the Cape farmers wiil be enormous, and at any rate means should be adopted so that its use may become more widely known, and more extensive trials given to it. The use of fungi for the destruction 102 of pests is being tried in America, where the white muscardine fungus, Sporotrichum globuliferum, has been largely employed during the last few years to cheek the injurious over-production of the chinch-bug. Mr. Benjamin Duggar of the Cornell Agricultural Experiment Station has, however, been recently making a careful study of this organism in relation to the insect in question, and has come to the conclusion that, although it is undoubtled parasitic at times, it is not sufficiently efficient to enable it to be artificially employed with economic success. It is obvious that to obtain trustworthy data on this subject, many and very. carefully conducted investigations must be carried out. It is to be hoped that Dr. Edington will be able to give the locust-problem the time and attention which it requires to enable scientific conclusions to be drawn as to the economic value of the fungus he recommends in destroying locusts.—( Nature.) EXTRACTS FROM CONSULAR REPORTS. COTTON IN THE UNITED STATES. As inquiries are sometimes made about the prospects of a cotton industry in Jamaica, the following extracts from a Foreign Office Report may be of interest; the Report is by H. M. Consul for Charleston, Mr. Cotlogon :— The production of another large cotton crop in the United States— the largest on record—probuced a naturally unfavourable effect on prices for this staple and also on the value of the business of this port; the total quantity of cotton received being greater than that of the previous year, while the comparative value of the same was much less. An important factor now affecting the American crop is the annual production of about 3,000,000 bales of cotton which the State of Texas alone is adding to the cotton product of the country. The total yield bas also been further augmented of recent years by different methods of cultivation adopted by a smaller class of .planters, whose aggregate product has been large enough to materially affect the crop and market prices. During the last cotton season of 1897-98 which ends August 31, 1898, Charleston received 462,408 bales of upland cotton, which in com- parison with the previous season, showed an increase of 69,218 bales; the highest price paid in this market during the year being 6% c. per lb. for medium, and the lowest 5 c. for the same grade of cotton. Carolina Sea Island cotton opened about the middle of October, 1897, at 18 c. per lb. for medium fine quality and gradually declined to 15 c. Extra fine qualities, however, which were sold early in the season, brought moderately fair prices, but later sales showed a heavy decline. A considerable quantity of the crop was of inferior colour, and sold as low as 10 c. per lb. Georgia Sea Island cotton opened at 124 c. for extra choice, de- clined to 12 c., and later advanced to 124 to 13 c. per lb. Florida Sea Islands of the better and poorer grades were in fair 103 demand, but there was only a limited demand for extra cnoice and fancy Wast Floridas, and about 1,500 bales remained unsold at the close of the season. (‘ONCESSION FOR RUBBER. In the Consular Report for 1898 on Lourengo Marques, a Portu- gese colony in South Africa, Mr. A. C. Ross, writes :— In the end of 1897 a monopoly was granted for the exploitation of rubber in the unoccupied lands belonging to the State within the dis- trict of Inhambane with the hope of (1) putting an end to the destruc- tive native method of collecting rubber, viz., cutting down the vines and extracting the valuable sap by boiling, and (2) increasing the production by fresh planting. The exports of rubber from Inhambane have been going down of recent years; in 1896, 39 tons; 1897, 35 tons ; and for 1898, only 20 tons. The terms of the grant are as follows :-— 1. The monopoly is granted tor 25 years. 2. The concessionnaires have to pay during the first seven years 50 reis per kilo of rubber exported and 75 reis during the remaining 18 years. 3. Within two years 20,000 rubber plants must have been planted on land selected by the concessionaires and the Government. 4. A rent of 200,000 reis per annum shall be paid for this land. 5. At the end of 25 years the concessionnaires may elect to hand over the plantation or retain it at the same rent as previously paid. 6. The concessionnaires are exempt from any other imposts. A company with a capital of 30,000/. has been floated to work this concession, and it is confidently expected that during the present year considerable progress will be made towards the fulfilment of paragraph 3 above mentioned. It is expressly laid down that the concession above mentioned does not prevent any person growing rubber on his own land and exporting it: JOLONIAL PRODUCE IN SPAIN. H. M. Consul, Mr. U. A. P. Talbot, in a Report on the Trade and Commerce of Corunna for 1898, says :— “The importation of cocoa in 1898 was 249 tons, of which 43 tons came for the first time from France, and [ would observe that a market is now open for all Colonial produce in consequence of the loss of the Spanish colonies, and London merchants would do well to push business for spices, sugar, coffee, cocoa, especially the latter which enters so largely in the daily consumption of every Spanish household. “ These remarks also apply to coffee hitherto imported from Puerto Rico, whence 80 tons only came in 1898, while during the same period Belgium sent 25, France 10, Germany 20 tons, but none from Great 104 Britain, which is regrettable as we could supply the Spanish market om as equally favourable conditions as other countries’. MANUFACTURE OF HARDWOODS. The following shows what might be done with any or all of Jamaica hardwoods, also from Mr. Coetlogon’s Report :— The Charleston Hardwood Manufacturing Company was started on asmall scale in April, 1897, for the manufacture of shuttle blocks, for use in cotton mills. The factory is now a thoroughly well equipped establishment, and is furnished with the lastest improvements ; it 1s run by the largest electric motor in the city, and has been pronounced by experts to be one of the best factories of its kind in the country. The first shipment made from this mill was a sample order of 8,000 shuttle blocks shipped to Liverpool, which were reported by the con- signee to be the best blocks he had received from America. The dogwood * and persimmon trees which grow freely in the Southern forests, supply a close and finely grained article for making these shuttles, and it is stated that there are orders enough now in hand to keep the factory going for five years. Although the capital of the company is quite moderate, it gives employment to numbers of hards engaged all over the lower country in cutting dogwood and persimmon trees. The labour employed at the factory in the city consists of expert hands, brought here for the purpose. As the work requires great nicety and skill, it is long before the ordinary hand can learn the business. None of the blocks made here have been sold in America, the orders having come entirely from abroad. Hight different sizes of blocks have been shipped, so far, varying from 124 to 23 inches in length. The wood is brought here in the rough state, in sizes of about cord wood dimensions, 2, 4, and 8 feet in length, and not less at the small end than 5 inches in diameter. It must be freed from knots and other blemishes, as the inspection is very strict. The refuse wood from the manufactured articles make excellent fuel for use in stoves or grates. Many persons in Charleston discarded coal last year, and used in its place this rejected wood, as it is very clean making a hot fire with little ash. | There is also a factory for making shuttles at Westminster, South Carolina, which started with a capital of about 1,500 dol., and is re- ported to have been quite successful. These two factories are small, but being without competitors in the State, their establishment and growth are being watched with interest on account of the benefits likely to arise from their possible future development. * Dogwoods of Southern United States are species of Cornus. Persim- mon (the wild kind) is Diospyros Virginiana. Ed. Bulletin. 105 THE SUGAR INDUSTRY IN JAMAICA. The following Memorandum by Mr. F. Watts, late Goverament Analytical and Agricultural Chemist of Jamaica, on the subject of the Sugar Industry of the Colony, has been published in the Jamaica Gazette :— Mr. F. Warts to THE CoLonrIAL SECRETARY, JAMAICA. Barbados, May 15th, 1899. Sir,—-It has been suggested to me that it may prove of service if, on leaving Jamaica, I place before you some ideas which have occurred to me in connection with the sugar industry of the Colony. (2) The advantages of the sugar industry to a colony are such that it appears to be highly desirable that efforts should be made to preserve this industry to Jamaica ; it is an industry with which a large section of all grades of the community is familiar, both as regards the pro- duction as well as the marketing of sugar ; it affords regular em- ployment to a large number of people, and it is an industry for which certain districts of Jamaica are eminently suited. Should the industry once pass away from the colony its re-introduction would be a matter of extreme difficulty. (3) At the present time the greater part of the sugar produced in Jamaica is manufactured by the old and wasteful Muscovado process in small sugar works, most of which areimpertectly equipped. Although at the moment of writing the price of sugar is higher than it has been for some years the views of those well calculated to form reliable opinions are, that the price of sugar in future years will not be substantially higher than it has been during the past decade. At these prices, and with the system and appliances in vogue in Jamaica, sugar-growing during this period has not been an attractive or remunerative business. It is highly desirable therefore that means should be found for placing the industry on a better footing if possible, and there is good reason to believe that this may be accomplished. (4) The losses entailed by the Muscovado system of sugar making may be briefly indicated thus :— Loss from imperfect crushing of the canes. Loss due to the imperfect recovery or extraction of sugar from the juice. Loss due to the production of low grade sagars fit only for the refinery. | These losses are those inseparable from the manufacture of sugar in small works; they may be avoided by substituting for these small works central factories sufficiently large to permit of the introduction of machinery of the best and most economical type. (5) Taking the losses just referred to, there are very few instances in which the actual crushing power of the Jamaica mills is accurately known. (Trials made on small lots of cane, one ton for instance, I take to be of little value.) From what | can gather I believe the crushing power varies greatly. I infer, however,that the mills in all probability do 106 not give more than 60 per cent. of the weight of the canes in the form of juice, whereas by the mills of a central factory, where the canes would be passed through three sets of mills in succession, the yield should be 75 per cent or over ; so that if my assumption is correct—and the plant- ers should ascertain this for themselves—15 parts of juice remains in the canes for every 60 parts expressed, or 25 per cent. (6) The amount of sugar extracted from the juice for every LOO parts of raw sugar therein has never been ascertained over a long period, nor for several places, in Jamaica; in Antigua, | ascertained that up- wards of 80 pounds of Muscovado sugar, were extracted for every 100 pounds of raw sugar in the juice, often this figure was exceeded; there however, the conditions were dissimilar from those of Jamaica, for in Antigua no rum was made and therefore efforts were directed towards obtaining as much sugar and as little molasses as possible. In Jamaica where :um is made, there have been no special efforts to reduce the quantity of molasses, and from a very limited number of observations, I came to the conclusion that the amount of sugar extracted was very low, probably, considerably under 70 pounds from every 100 of raw sugar in the juice. Now that rum is bringing very low prices it is for the planters themselves to ascertain how far it proves remunerative to allow sugar to pass away as molasses to be converted into alcohol. (7) With modern machinery it is possible te recover from 83 to 88 pounds of marketable sugar for every 100 pounds of raw sugar in the juice; the actuai quantity will vary with the quality of the sugar made and with the quality of the juice. (8) In Museovado works it is difficult to control the quality and quantity of the sugar to be made, and low grade sugar alone can be made; this is only fit for the refiner and consequently always brings lower prices than sugar capable of entering directly into consumption. In factories fitted with modern appliances it is possible to produce sugar of any required character from dark refiners’ sugar to white and yellow grocery sugar according to the market demands for the various grades. The quantity of sugar too is controlled; all the available sugar is ex- tracted from the molasses and a rigid control is kept showing any losses which may occur. All these points lead to greater efficiency and econ- omy in working. (9) Ihave thus indicated in the briefest possible manner the chief defects of the Muscovado system and how these are overcome by manu- facturing sugar in large factories. Recognising these points, and many others, planters have from time to time made efforts to secure factories capable of reducing the losses now experienced, they have always been met with the difficulty that such factories are large and costly affairs which must involve the combination and co-operation of several estates in order to procure their advantages. The difficulties of obtaining cap- ital and combination have led to the abandonment of many schemes. Efforts are now being renewed to effect the necessary combination and to procure the necessary capital for more than one factory for Jamaica. (10) To secure the advaniages afforded by the best machinery it appears to be necessary to have factories capable of making not less than 3,000 or 4,000 tons of sugar and up to 10,000 tons or over, in each 107 season. There has been much argument as to the most economical size. Doubtless, if the factory were the only point to be considered, the larger the factory the greater the economy in working, but in most instances the capabilities of the district in which the factory is to be placed, the quantity of canes available, and the conflicting business interests of estate owners, all have to be taken into account in preparing plans for any central factory scheme. From want of correct appreciation of these local points there is often a tendency to suggest factories which may be found to be too large for the district in question. It is important to ascertain what cane supply can be actually guaranteed, or relied upon; then to design a factory capable of dealing with these canes and at the same time capable of having its capacity so increased that any reason- able development of supply may be dealt with without incurring great additional expense. The additions to the factory’s capacity need not be made unless there is good ground for thinking that they will prove remunerative, whereas if a factory too large in size is erected the char- ges for interest and maintenance may prove fatal to profitable working. (11) How the capital is to be procured and the amount to be pro- vided are themes for much discussion. If the cane growers who can associate themselves together are able to provide the required capital they will be able to procure a factory for the minimum cost and will be able to work with a minimum amount of capital. Unfortunately this condition is seldom met with in the West Indies. When capital has to be procured from outside it will always be found in practice that rather more will be wanted than in the case just mentioned, and the cost of the factory itself will also be somewhat greater. (12) If central factories are erected by outside capital, it is of the first importance to any colony that the basis of trading should bea co-operative one. If this is not the case a condition of affairs may arise whereby practically all the profits of the industry are sent away from the colony, and the final stage may be more disastrous than that now existing. Matters should be so arranged that those owning the land and growing canes participate in any advantages arising from the factory. Most modern schemes contain some provision whereby this is secured, this is usually made by providing that a portion of the cost of the factory shall be paid off out of profits, and that ultimately the factory shall become the joint property of the capitalists and the cane-growers. It will be seen that there is much scope for sound judgment in adjust- ing the initial cost of the factory, part of which has to be paid off out of profits, and of determining what proportions of the factory and its busi- ness shall ultimately belong to the capitalists and to the cane-growers respectively. (18) Considerable difficulty has been experienced in ascertaining what price should be paid for canes. In Queensland ard ia Egypt the price is about 13/ to 14/ per ton. Where the cane-growers are ulti- mately to become the owners or part-owners of the factory this difficulty is minimised, for if a low price is paid for canes the larger will be the profit of the factory, and the sooner will a portion of the cost be paid off, so that the cane-growers will then own a large portion of the factory and directly share the profits. In most of the schemes recently put forward in the West Indies it has been proposed to pay about 10/ to 11’ per ton for canes delivered at the mill. 108 (14) Several schemes have been recently put forward whereby the investment of outside capital has been invited for the improvement of the conditions of sugar manufactur; in discussing them it is well that attention should be directed to those points which I have here only in- dicated in a very brief manner. (15) In Queensland considerable impetus has been given to the sugar industry by Government aid, whereby the Government guarantees the interest upon money invested in the erection of sugar works under certain well-defined regulations. The Queensland Sugar-Works Guarantee Act was passed in 1893, and has thus only been in operation for a few years; it appears to be most carefully compiled and affords the Government ample security. In considering the desirability of intro- ducing such a method of working into Jamaica, perhaps the first point which is worth noting is, that its successful operation should be more easily secured in a colony like Jamaica, where sugar-producing now exists as an industry of considerable magnitude, merely waiting for im- provements in methods of manufacture, the canes being already in ex- istence, than under the Queensland conditions, where the sugar indus- try was a comparatively new one. (16) There is little doubt that the cost of erecting and working fac” tories would be less with some such form of government as that provi~ ded in Queensland, than will be the case if outside capital alone is found for the undertaking. (17) Where sugar can be grown on lands irrigated at small ex- pense, the sugar industry ceases to be a precarious one, and should prove uighly remunerative. This can be accomplished in some districts of Jamaica and here there ought to exist a thriving industry affording stability to the welfare of the colony. In addition to the districts capa- ble of irrigation there are many other places well suited for sugar growing where central sugar factories could be erected to the advantage alike of the sugar grower and of the colony, if satisfactory means of providing capital can be found and an equitable basis of trading, as be- tween the capitalists and cane-growers, can be secured. In all this, I see no difficulties greater than those which have to be overcome in most commercial undertakings. I have, &c., Franots Warts. —— - (SOA NOTICES OF BOOKS. ILLUSTRATIONS DE LA FLORE DU CONGO. Amongst the contributions to the Library of the Department lately presented are two parts of the first volume of “ Illustrations de la Flore du Congo.” It is an Atlas of Drawings (14 x 11 inches) of new spe- cies of plants with descriptions in full, published under the editorship LOY of Messieurs Dr. de Wildeman and Th. Durand of the Brussels Botanic Garden. This publication is part of a comprehensive work, entitled ‘‘Annales du Musée du Congo,” published by order ot the Secretary of State. It is divided into “ Series ” as follows :— Series 1—Botany.—Lllustrations of the Flora of the Congo. Series [1.—Zoology.— Materials for the Fauna of the Congo. Series I[1.—Ethnography aud Anthropology. Special Series—Monographs and works on the natural, physical, political and economic history of the basin of the Congo. The descriptions of the plants have mostly appeared before in var- ious publications, but the drawings waich are beautifully executed, are new, and are by Mme. B. Herincg and Messieurs Ch. Cuisin and A. D’ Apreval. THE SUPPLY OF CINCHONA BARK. The report that there will be a decrease in the output of the Ceylon and Indian cinchona plantations during the present year has given rise to considerable interest in cinchona statistics in commercial circles. Already the price of quinine has risen by 100 per cent. during the last two months, viz., to ls 94d per oz., and during the same period the sales and resales of quinine have amounted to about 4,000,000 oz. Messrs. C. M. and C. Woodhouse have directed attention to the present position of cinchona and quinine in two circulars issued to those inter- ested in this trade. From the tables given in these circulars it appears that during the last few years the supply of cinchona has only just kept pace with the demand, and has now fallen short of it, so that a still further increase in the price of the bark and the alkaloid may be lcoked for. This en- hanced value of cinchona may possibly lead to an extension of cinchona- planting in India, where planters have, of late years, shown a tendency to abandon it in favour of more profitable products. (Imp. Inst. Journ., iv., p. 77.) The following tables show the amounts of cinchona produced in the East Indies during the last few years and the imports into the chief cin- chona-consuming countries. EXpoRTSs. 1896 1897, 1898. Ib. Ib. Ib: Ceylon - 1,328,498 591,368 975,784 British E, India —- 754,384 816,077 3,090,000 Java - - 11,079,234 9,349,687 12,303,424 IMPORTS. 1896. 1897. 1898, Ib. Ib. Ib. United Kingdom 3, 952,000 2,758, 000 5,143,000 Holland - 10,922,000 9,070,000 11,657,000 Germany - 7,649,000 9,279,000 7,805,000 France - 2,603,000 2,270,000 2,304,960 United States - 2,599,000 2,696,000 3,302,128 L1o The cinchona bark, is, of course, chiefly used for the manufacture of alkaloid quinine, but it is difficult to correctly estimate the amount of quinine produced in any country, since some of the cinchona imported is used in other ways, but the following tabular statement has been given as probably representing the world’s production of quinine last year. (Chemist and Drugyist, Feb. 25, 1899.) Germany - > 7,594,000 oz United States : 3,333,000 *“ France . - 1,424,000 ‘ United Kingdom - 1,500,000 * Java and other countries 1,000,000 ** The imports of bark in the United Kingdom and Holland during the first quarter of last year amvunted to 4,715,000 lb., while this year the total is only 2,789,000 lb. The present value of English sulphate of quinine is 2s per oz., against 1s 4d. per oz. last year. (Imp. Inst. Journ., v., p. 156, June, 1899.) XINCHONA CULTIVATION IN SOUTH INDIA. AcTION OF THE Mapras GOVERNMENT. Madras, May 17th.—Mr. Standen, Government Quinologist, Madras, has been deputed to visit Java to study the system of planting cinchona and manufacturing Quinine there, and will be absent for some months. It is proposed by the Madras Government to considerably extend its’ cinchona plantations on the Neilgherries, and a large area has. recently been cleared close to the Pykara Falls.— Times of India. PEPPER CULTIVATION IN ASSAM. The Assam Government has recently issued a note on the cultiva- tion of black pepper in that province, with the idea of inducing the people to cultivate it extensively as a commercial product. At the pre- sent time it is only produced in sufficient quantities to supply local re- quirements. The pepper-vine in Assam, it appears, is generally reared on betel-nut trees, and the average yield of a single vine is said to be about three seers (40 seers==21 lb.) of cured pepper. An acre of betel- nut plantation holds about 500 trees.—Chemrst and Druggist, March 11. 111 ADDITIONS AND CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE DEPARTMENT. LIBRARY. KUROPE. British Isles. Botanical Magazine, May, June. [Purchased. ] British Trade Journal, May, June. [Kditor.] Chemist and Druggist, May 6, 13, 20,27. June 3,10. [Editor] Garden, May 6, 13, 20, 27. June 3,10. [Purchased.] Gardeners’ Chronicle, May 6, 13, 20,27. June 3,10. [Purchased.] Journal of Botany, June. [Purchased.] Journal R, Colonial Institute, May, June. Nature, May 4, 11, 18, 25. June 1,8. [Purchased.] Pharmaceutical Journal, May 6, 13, 20,27. June 3, 10. [Editor.] Produce World, June. [Editor.] Sugar, May. [Editor,] International Sugar Journal, June. [Editor.] W. Indian and Com. Advertiser, June. [Editor.] France. Sucrerie, indigéne et coloniale, May 9, 16, 23, 30, June 13, 6. [Editor.] Germany. Notizblatt, Berlin, Konige Bot. Garts and Museums, May. [Director.] Tropenpflanzer, June. [Kditor.] Die Naiurlichen Pfianzenfamilien, Nachtrage zum und Gesamtregister zum, 11—IV. Teil. [Purchased.] Symbolae antillanae seu Fundamenta Florae Indiae Occidentalis, Vol. 1 Fase I. LI. [Purchased]. Holland. Bulletin Koloniaal Museum ti Haarlem, April, May. ([Director. ] Belgium. Illustrations de la Flore du Congo. Vol. I. Pts. 1 and 2. [Direetor, Musee du congo. | ASIA. India. Agricultural Ledger (Calcutta) Nos, 1, 2, and3. 1899. ([Lieut. Gov. Bengal. ] Planting Opinion, April 15, 22, 29, May 6, 13, 20. [ Editor. ] Ceylon. Times of Ceylon, Aprii 19, 27, May 11, 17, 25. [Editor.] Tropical Agriculturist, May. Purchased.] The Coccidae of Ceylon. By E. E.Green. Part II. [Purchased.] JAVA. Vroefstation E. Java. De Bemestings proeftiunen Van 189-98, [Director] N. S. WALES. Agri. Gazette of N. S. Wales, April. [Dept. of Agr,] QUEENSLAND. Queensland Agri. Journal, April, May. [Editor.] Queensland Sugar Journal, May. ([Kditor.] AFRICA, Cape of Good Hope Agricultural Journ, April, May. [Agr. Dept.| Central African Times, March 18, 25, April 1, 8, 15, 22,29. [Editor,] 112 West INpIex. Barbados. Agricultural Gazette and Planter’s Journal, May. [Editor.] British Guiana. Report of Bot. Gard.. 1897-98. [Superintendent.] Jamaica. Journal Jamaica Agri. Soc., June. [Secretary.] Trinidad. Proce. of Agri. Soc., May 9. Report for 1898. [Secretary.] Windward Islands. Met, Observations, Sept. Dec. 1898. St. Lucia. [Curator.] BRITISH NoRTH AMERICA. Montreal. Pharmaceutical Journal, June. [Editor-] Ontario. Bureau of Industries, Bull. LXIX. [Seeretary. | UNITED STATES AMERIOA. Publications of the following Agri. Exp, Stations, U. S. A. [Directors.] Alabama 103, 104. Geneva, N. Y. ‘21. pe mh 157, 158. Kentucky, 1897. Rep Michigan, 166—167, 188.169, 170—17i, 172—173. Special Buil. Li and 12 New J ersey 136. Utah 59, spraying. West Virginia 54, 55, 53. American Journal of Pharmacy, June. [Kditor.] Botanical Gazette, Chicago, May. [Kditor.] Plant World, June, Publisher, SOUTH AMERICA, Boletin Museu Paraense, Para, Dee. 1898. SEEDS. From Hort. Soc, Madras India. Seeds. Burnt on receipt, as there is a Government prohibition againt receiving seeds or plants from S. India for fear of introducing the Coffee Leaf Disease, Hemileia vastratrix. From V. E. Silvera Esq. Oracabessa, Sabal umbraculifera. [Issued 17th July 1899.] JAMAICA. BULLETIN OF THE BOTANICAL DEPARTMENT. : Vol. VI New Series AUGUST, 1899, Part VOI COLLECTING RUBBER. Mr. Jenman, Superintendent of the Botanic Gardens, British Guiana, has contributed the following remarks on collecting rubber aad balata to the “ Argosy” with references to scme paragraphs on the subject in the Annual Report of Mr. Curtis, Superintendent of the Penang Botanic Garden. Mr. Curtis’s experiment is interesting in showing how to obtain an increased amount of rubber from the tree, but it remains to be seen whether the total amount drained in this way during the life of the tree is more than that obtained in the old-fash- ioned way of single cuts renewed from year to year :— Mr. Jenman directs the attention of balata collectors to the method of tapping described below, in which it is shown that a tree can be milked day after day by simply taking a slight shaving off the sides of the gutters. As is well known to every one who has collected balata or other rubbers,—in two or three hours after the gutters are made on the trees the milk stops running. This appears to be chiefly due to the coagulation of the milk by the drying influence of the air on the edges of the incised bark,—a design of nature in its own interest, not to ex- haust itself under damage from whatever cause, accidental or otherwise; but by removing this film, the next and following days increased quan- tities of milk from day to day will run, thus greatly increasing the yield of gutta trom a single tree. This isa matter very important to know, for it will not only tell in the yield, but in the economical workiag of rubber forests, and in the cost of collecting. The practice hitherto, has been to tap a tree once and leave it, tapping it again a year or so afterwards by making new channels, and then leaving the tree for good. But by the method described, a tree can be milked like a maipurie or bush-cow every day, giving more and more milk each time fora limited period, which must be determined by the collector, in his knowledge of and consideration for the permanent health of the tree. The system of collecting in the past has not only been incredibly wasteful, but ruinous to the forest, which, indeed, would have died out but for the fact that the trees, though so greatly damaged and exhausted by the recklessly conducted work on them, and, perhaps, to some extent, because of that—for however great the stress, nature never lets 114 herself go, easily, if she can help it—still have gone on bear- ing fruit, which, dropping to the ground, has produced young trees, that, where allowed to live, have taken the place, in time, as the parents, damaged to death by irresponsible collectors, died out. Another economical system of collecting has been described, of merely punctur- ing the bark all over, with pin pricks as it were, thus allowing the milk to ooze, to be collected as tears, a day or two afterwards, when dried by the atmosphere on the bark of the tree. This system could be carried out on al! parts of the tree that could be reached, and would inflict very little damage, if any, of a permanent character on it, as the minute punctures would heal quickly, when the process could be repeated again indefinitely. This system is only new in the form of the method of tapping, for the Aboriginal Indians of the Guianas, and probably the West Indies and other regions, have practised it from time immemoria! by pierc' 1g the bark, in a very rough way it must be said, and allowing the milk to dry in tears on the tree, which, collected when dry, they wind like string into balls for those playing games in which balls are are used. The practice has been often observed on the t’pong tree (Sapium biglandulosum) in this Colony, and described many years ago. The latest proposal is to grow rubber plants, sown thickly, as wheat or hay is sown and grown, aud reap it as an annual crop, using up the whole plant, bark, wood and leaves, and extracting the milk by a chem- ical process. This method of felling the balata trees and stripping them of bark, twigs and leaves, and using all then in a chemical process for the extraction of the rubber, or some other analagous, was tried here in this Colony many years ago. But it was abandoned, owing to the im- purity and poor character of the balata so extracted and produced. It was revived again some years ago ; and it has been frequently reported that the Government of Venezuela has given out vast concessions of the enormous forests of that country in which this system of extraction is the method that is being pursued. Some gentlemen came here to Georgetown, two or three years ago, with the object of getting great soncesssions of a like character of the balata forests of this Colony, they | undertaking with slips and young plants just sprouting in the under brush, besides paying royalty and duty, to plant vp the ground left bare behind them as they progressed in the clearing of the forests. [t was found however that our forest laws did not admit of problematical ex- periments on the scale and under the scheme proposed. (This scheme is now about to be tested, great quantities of the native Heveas having. been lately raised). From the schemes described, it is evident that very great economies can be practiced in rubber forests and in rabher culti-. vation and collecting, the method of working in the past, as every one knows who has given any attention to the matter at all, being simply ruinous to future permanance :— RUBBER IN PENANG * As great interest is being taken in Para Rubber and consideraole eapital invested in its cultivation, I have again tapped the best tree in the garden from which 1b. of rubber was taken during the rainy season in June, 1897. A sample of this was subsequently submitted to Messrs. _ C. Curtis, in Report, Penang Botanic Gardens. 115 Hecht Lewis and Khan for valuation, who reported it as ‘“ beautiful! rubber very well cured worth to-day 3s 3d per lb.” This had simply been dried in the sun and kept in the office for about a year. This time the tapping was commenced on the 16th November which is generally about the end of the heavy rains, but there is here no season that can be counted on as absolutely dry as in Burmah and India, and in fact rain fell frequently while the operation was carried on which was spread over a period of thirty-four days. Oblique cuts lead- ing to perpendicular channels, were made in six places (subse- quently increased to seven) at the bases of which were affixed by means of a lump of clay and a nail, small tins to receive the latex. An ordinary carpenter’s chisel was used for making and renewing the cuts, but both this and the tins can be improved on when the work has to be taken in hand by the practical planter. Earthenware glazed cups with a hole near the bottom so that the latex can be drawn off without removing them will effect a great saving in labour, as much time is taken up in fixing the tins securely when re- moved every day, and some rubber is also lost in doing this. A better cutting tool than an ordinary chisel can also be devised for the work. At the beginning the milk comes slowly and at no time continues running for long. With two exceptions the cuts were re- newed between 7 and 8 a.m. and the tins brought in at 11 a.m. ; but the flow had always ceased before that time. The two exceptions were when the operation was performed in the evening, but as there is always a danger of rain during the night, and avery slight shower causes water to flow into the tins as nearly all the water trickling down the stem of the tree falls into the oblique cuts, and is thence led directly to the tins, the work is best done in this climate in the morning. Gener- ally the latax had coagulated by the following morning, that is after standing about twenty hours, but on two occasions only partially so. In these cases, and also when rain water had got into the tins, a pinch ot powdered alum was added which caused perfect coagulation in a short time. If the addition of alum does not affect the value of the rubber, it facilitates working operations in wet weather, for a little water getting mixed with the latex does not matter, provided the vessels do not overflow. All the rubber can be recovered by the addition of alum. . On the morning the incisions were first made only 4 oz. of wet rubber was obtained, but by taking a thin shaving off the lower surface of the oblique cuts on fourteen subsequent occasions, the following quantities were obtained at each operation in ounces :—3?, 1#, 34, 34, 34, 6, 9, 64, 84, 6, 64, 10, 84,8; total 5lb. 14 oz. of wet rubber which weighed when dry exactly 3lb. As will be seen from this the last three tappings gave a better result than any previous three and operations were only suspended as it was not advisable to make the cuts any wider. The time occupied in affixing the tins and renewing the cuts averaged half-an-hour on each occasion, or seven-and-a-half hours in all. It may therefore be taken that a man at say 30 cts. per day could attend to at least fifteen trees per day, and that the cost of collecting will not exceed 10 cts. per lb. With larger trees and better appliances it will be pro- bably much less. I have lately visited Bertam Estate in Province 116 Wellesley where Mr. D. Logan planted about 2,000 young trees nine months ago and the growth is very satisfactory. From planters in Selangor I hear that the prospect is most encouraging, the trees making very rapid growth. It is evident however, that the land selected should be sufficiently drained to prevent the young plants being submerged, for in one spot where this has happened at Bertam, many have died and those that are alive do not look nearly so well as others on slightly higher land. SCALE INSECTs: REMEDIAL MEASURES AND INSECTICIDES. By E. E. Green, F.E.S. * lu the following pages I have endeavoured to bring together scat- - tered initormation on the various methods that have been employed in dealing with insects pests of the family Coccidae, Though such treat- ment may in many cases be found suitable to insect pests of other fami- lies, I do not propose to give here a general treatise on iusecticides, but to confine myself to measures applicable to the subject of the present work. Little or no originality can be claimed for the following remarks. They are very largely compiled from the published work of trained en- tomologists (chiefly American) in different parts of the world. America has long been in the forefront in the practical application of economic entomology. Remedial measures may be discussed under two main headings : Prevention and ure. The former, being by far the more important, will be dealt with first :-— PREVENTIVE MEASURES. Of first importance among preventive measures, 1 would place Quarantine Regulations. It is a fact, repeatedly demonstrated, that imported pests are the most serious. An insect may attract little or no attention in its criginal home, where it is kept in check by its own natural enemies, a system recognised as ‘the Balance of Nature.’ But take it away from its home; place it in a congenial climate with an ample supply of suitable food, and it will multiply without the checks that have prevented its increase in its original habitat. The very fact of extensive damage by any insect may of itself almost be accepted as proof of its foreign origin. Looking through the list of the different scale-insects occurring in Ceylon, I find that all the more trou- blesome species have been previously described from some other country, and are, therefore, presumably imported insects. The home of the ‘Lantana buy’ (Orthezia insignis) is now supposed to be some where in South America; and there is evidence in From “ The Coccide of Ceylon,” Pt. II., Dulau & Co., London, 1899. 117 favour of the supposition that we owe our ‘ green coffee bug’ (Lecan- ium viride) to Western Africa. Aspidiotus cydonize, Chionaspis biclavis and Mytilaspis citricola, were originally described from America. As- pidiotus camelliae. A. cyanophylli, Chionaspis aspidistre, and Dactylopius citri, are all well known on the continent of Europe. Aspidiotus aurantii and Pulvineria psidii have their home in Australiasia. Our former coffee pest, the ‘ brown bug’ (Lecanium coffeae) might per- haps be quoted as an exception to this rule, as it was first recorded from Ceylon. But this insect is now considered to be merely a local variety of Lecanium hemisphaericum, an insect found all over the world, and whose origin is uncertain, On the other hand, nota single undoubtedly native species has attracted any notice as an insect pest in Ceylon. We have only to recognise these facts to appreciate the importance of a properly conducted system of quarantine for all imported plants and fruit. Our insular position in Ceylon, with but one main port of entry, gives us a peculiar advantage in carrying out such a system. A single quarantine station, with a single fumigatorium, will be sufficient in our case to deal with the whole importations of theisland. It is true that, in spite of quarantine regulations, particular pests have found their way into protected countries. In suchcases failure must be attributed to incompieteness of execution. And, though some few pests may have evaded all precautions, how many others must have been refused entry? The records of existing quarantine establishments give long lists of dangerous insects detected on arrival and destroyed before they have had the chance of obtaining a footing in the new country. 1 believe it is the custom at most quarantine stations to examine imported plants and fruit, and, if they appear to be free from blights, to pass them with- out treatment. But I maintain that not even the most experienced entomologist could guarantee a plant as absolutely free from insect life. Minute larvae and eggs may lurk beneath bud-scales, in the axils of leaves, or in unnoticed crevices of the bark. To be really effective, quarantine must be complete. Every live plant and fresh fruit should be subjected to treatment, whether it appear to be free from disease or not. The only sure way of reaching every hidden insect is by fumiga- tion. If properly conducted, there is little danger of permanent injury, to the plant. Even though some few delicate plants may be injured, or actually killed by the process, this is a very small consideration in com- parison with the damage that may be effected by a single imported pest. What, for instance, must have been the pecuniary loss to the colony from the ravages of the ‘ green bug’—a loss that in all probability might have been prevented. And compare this loss with the value of all the delicate plants that have ever been imported into Ceylon! But, for such tender plants, it is possible to employ other treatment than is recommended for hardy shrubs and trees. For wholesale fumigation of plants and fruit there is nothing to equal hydrocyanic acid gas, generated by mixing cyanide of potassium, waier, and sulphuric acid in certain proportions. This treatment is cheap and effectual. The gas is of the most deadly nature, and will penetrate every crack and crevice, and do its work thoroughly. The application is quite simple. All that is required isa close fitting 113 chamber, provided with a flue for the escape of the gas after the operation. The more air-tight the chamber, the more complete will be the work. It should be fitted with racks to receive removable trays, upon which fruit may be spread. The objects to be fumigated are placed into po-ition, the chemicals are mixed in a leaden or earthen- ware pan and placed on the floor, the door shut, and the room kept closed for from half to three-quarters of an hour. The flue is then opened, and, after a sufficient time (about half an hour) has been al- lowed for ventilation, the door is unlocked, and the plants, &c. removed. It is not advisable to take the subjected plants directly into the open air if the sun isshining. They should be kept for a few hours under shade, which will greatly lessen any danger of damage. Mr. ©. P. Lounsbury, Official Entomologist at Cape Town, has kindly supplied me with full particulars of the work of the Fumigator- ium at that place. From his letters and reports I have extracted the following directions and suggestions:-— For each 300 cubic feet of space enclosed (and in proportion for greater and smaller spaces) 1 ounce of 98 per cent. potassium cyanide, 1 ounce of sulphuric acid, and 2 ounces of water will be required to generate gas of sufficient strength to kill the insects. Double this strength, or the same amount ot materials to 150 cubic feet enclosed, may be used upon woody plants without danger of seriously injuring them. The greater strength should be employed whenever practicable, as if, will ensure the death of the eggs as well as of the active insects. Imported plants are usually ina more or less dormant condition which lessens danger of injury. Mr. Lounsbury writes, in his Report of June 1897, ‘ Injury to the tips of new growth generally results. This injury is in no wise serious, and is quickly outgrown. The operators consider it a favourable indication, as when such injury results it is quite certain that the gas has been present in sufficient strength to des- troy all of the insects.’ With respect to fruit, | again quote from Mr. Lounsbury’s letter : ‘I had lemons and oranges analysed after treatment, and found that after few hours not more than a trace of the gas remained in the rind. There is much more natural cyanogen in a single seed (so the analyst told me) than what remains in the fruit from fumigation. We have no com plaints of any effect on the keeping qualities of the fruit.’ To generate the gas ‘the required quantities of cyanide and water are first placed in the generating vessel, the cyanide being broken into small pieces about the size of lump sugar. The operator then adds the acid, pouring it slowly into the vessel to avoid splashing, and imme- diately withdraws.’ The above treatment is suitable for fruit and hardy plants. Ten- der garden plants are usually imported in Wardian cases, and may be treated separately. We have—in the ‘ Wardian case ’—an air-tight chamber ready to hand, in which the plants can be fumigated before their removal. After a large series of experiments with various fumi- gating media, I find that hydrocyanic acid gas remains by far the most efficient insecticide and the least injurious to the plants. But with, delicate succulent plants I find it has to be applied rather differently. 119 A more concentrated dose of the gas applied for a shorter period is most satisfactory in its results. In a Wardian Case, containing about sixteen cubic feet, | find a dose uf half ounce cyanide, half ounce acid, and one ounce water with an exposure of half an hour will kill every inaividual ofa colony of Orthezia (the most resistent of all Coccids’ without in the least affecting the plants. The treatment should be carried out only after sunset. According to Mr. Lounsbury’s tables, these proportions of chemicals should be sufficient for a space of 140 cubic feet witha longer exposure. The other materials tested were (1) a preparation of concentrated nicotine, sold by the XL-all company ; (2) McVougall’s fumigation paper ; (3) Jeyes’ fluid ; (4) naphthaline ; and (5) common tobacco leaves. Nos. 1, 3, and 4 were evaporated by means of a small spirit lamp inside the case ; Nos. 2 and 5 were lighted and allowed to smoul- der. All these materials applied in different strength and for different lengths of time, resulted similarly in more cr less complete injury to the plants, and very incomplete destruction of the insects. If there be no Government quarantine establishment in the general planting interests, importers should safeguard themselves individually by properly disinfecting all foreign plants before distributing them or putting them out in their gardens. Further directions for the application of the ‘ gas treatment’ will be found in the [next Bulletin}. Perhaps of equal importance as a preventive measure is the main- tenance of plants in a vigorous free-growing condition. This is a fact that has been recognised by gardeners for many generations. Any- thing that interferes with the free flow of sap immediately lays a plant open to attack from its insect enemies. A weakly, hide-bound plant falls an easy prey to every pest. Scale insects in particular, with a few exceptions (and such exceptions chiefly imported scales), seem to avoid a free-growing plant, possibly finding the healthy rush of sap too strong for them. Unremitting attention to cultivation will go far towards the prevention of insect pests. Amongst causes predisposing to disease may be mentioned : (1) Careless selection of plants and the retention of weakly seedlings ; (2) Insufficient or injudicious drainage ; (3) Un- suitable condition of soil, want of tillage, and—perhaps—of fertilisers. Under the category of remedial measures may be mentioned the use of resistant stock. In the history of nearly every extensive plant disease it has been observed that individual plants—or established varieties of the plant—may show a marked freedom from the disease prevalent upon the less favoured type. By breeding from such indivi- duals, or accidental varieties, a more or less completely resistant stock mry be established. This fortunate fact has been frequently used with great success in dealing with fungal diseases. Thus a special variety of the potato plant—proof against the well known potato disease—has been extensively cultivated. Some varieties of wheat are found to suffer but little from ‘ wheat rust’ (Puccinia). We have also examples of certain established strains of cultivated plants that repel particular nsect pests. In Hurope the vine growers have found an American stock that toa larger extent resists the attack of the dreaded Phylloxera ; and 120 by grafting on to this hardy stock they have been able to immunise their more delicate and valuable varieties. In Ceylon we have the strongest evidence that certain varieties of the tea plant (especially the Assam indigenous stock) are most markedly free from injury by the so-called ‘mosquito blight’ (Helopeltis). In any serious epidemic that may threaten the profitable cultivation of an economic plant we should at once be on the look out for any accidental! varieties or strains that may prove resistant to that particular disease. In cases where the hardier stock is not otherwise so profitable as the more delicate variety, by grafting upon it a more valuable scion the latter may sometimes be rendered equally immune. CURATIVE MBASURES. Where preventive measures have failed, as even with the greatest care—must often happen, recourse must be had to curative measures. In no single connexion can the old proverb, ‘ A stitch in time saves nine, be more aptly applied than in dealing with insect pests. In this case the ‘stitch in time’ is more likely to save ninety, or nine hundred, or nine thousand ! If a pest is to be eradicated, immediate treatment is the most im- portant part of the process. And the first step towards treatment should, when possible, be the isolation of the infected area. All ordinary work amongst the affected trees should be deferred until atter treatment. The young larvae of scale-insects are very minute and active, and one of the most fertile sources of their distribution is by means of clothing. Another important point is that the treatment should be applied on the spot. If the infected branches are cut down and carried off to some other part to be burned, they may be shedding the germs of the disease ail along the way. It is difficult to lay down hard-and-fast rules for action, so much depends upon circumstances, e.g. the nature of the particular pest, its extent, the nature and value of the plant attacked, &c., &c. But, for the sake of example, we will suppose a case in which three or four tea bushes are found to be infested by some scale-insect that is considered to be a dangerous pest. First dig a fair-sized hole in the midst of the affected clump, and placein it some dry grass and sticks as foundations for a fire. Fill two or three buckets with one of the inse:ticide washes described below. Prune back the branches one by one; immerse each branch completely in the insecticide and throw it into the hole, until nothing but the bare framework of the tree is left. Sweep all fallen leaves and rubbish from beneath the trees into the hole. Next, paint over the bare stems with the same insecticide, using a large paint brush and taking great care to saturate the entire surface down to the ground. Then set fire to the heap of prunings, and cover up the remains with earth. To kill off possible strugglers, the unpruned trees immediately surrounding the affected patch should be thoroughly sprayed with the mixture. If carried out in time, these measures will probably stamp out the pest; but a careful watch should be kept for any fresh outbreak. 121 The above treatment is suitable only for such plants as may be cut down without permanent injury. We may now consider the case of some larger tree to which this method would be inapplicable—say an orange or cocoa tree. In this case the gas treatment is the most suitable. The application should be repeated after an interval of about a fort- night, to ensure the death of larve subsequently hatched from eggs that may have survived the first operation. Full directions for gas treatment are given in the next Bulletin. In other cases a combination of these two methods might be adopt- ed. If two or three coftee trees should require treatment, all superfluous branches might be pruned, dipped, and burned, and the standing trees fumigated with gas. Modifications of the treatment will be required to suit particular cases. When a serious pest has once firmly and widely established itself, little hope can be entertained of exterminating it, though much may still be done to keep it in check. Where trees are large and more or less detached, as in orange groves, and the crop a valuable one, the gas treatment is again the most satisfactory one. But where the cultivation is denser, and the crop notso concentrated, spraying is found to be more practicable. ‘The choice of the insecticide must be regulated by the nature of the crop. Arsenious compounds cannot be safely applied to food crops —such as fruit and vegetables—during the cropping season. And they can on no acccunt be recommended for sucha product as tea, unless employed exclusively after pruning. For, however minute may be the actual amount of active poison deposited on a single leaf, when we consider that it takes some 400 lbs of leaf to make sufficient tea to fill a chest, and that about 3,000 of the green leaves go to the pound, or 12,000 leaves to a pound of the finished product, it is evident that the amount of poison in a single chest of tea might be considerable. And further, during the processes of packing and transport, itis by no means improbable that this.mineral poison which would dry off in fine powder might gravitate and become condensed towards the bottom of the chest, with dangerous results to the consumer. The danger may be consider- ed far-fetched ; but I think it should be recognised. For the above reasons no patent preparations should be employed to any large extent, unless the ingredients are well known. Such mixtures, being designed for general use, may contain several different poisons acting in different. ways, either externally by contact, or inter- nally through the alimentary system. The proprietors of patent insec- ticides not unnaturally object to disclose their formule, and put off any questions by asserting that the amount of active poison in the mixtue is so very small as to be practically harmless. This may very well be true in most circumstances ; but, as shown above, in other cases the poison might become concentrated into a small portion of the product. For other reasons compounds that depend upon arse nic or other mineral poisons for their killing properties are of little use against Coccidae. Insects that subsist upon the sap of the plants should be treated with insecticides that kill by contact, such as soap, petroleum, pyrethrum, &. Arsenic, whick adheres to the surface of the plants, is (122 useful only against. pests such as caterpillars, grubs, and slugs; that take in solid food. Mr. Maskell puts the matter concisely. He says : ‘Whatever damage is done by (scale insects) is effected by the sucking of the juices of the plant through the rostrum (beak) of the insect. [t follows from this that applications of any fluid to the tree externally, with the object of poisoning the insects in their feeding, would be use- less, as their food is drawn from beneath the surface.’* There are many substances fatal to insect life, but perfectly harm~ less to the higher animals, that may be safely used. A list of th® principal insecticides, with directions for their preparation and applica- tion, is appended. (See next Bulletin.) The most suitable season for spraying is when the young larvae are hatchin:; They are then in the most unprotected condition. In tem- perate climates this season varies with different species, and should be made the subject of careful observation. In tropical countries many species, and those naturally the most pernicious, appear to preduce a constant succession of broods throughoat the year. To produce any permanent result, spraying must be very thorough. The success of the treatment depends upon the actual contact of the liquid with the individual insects. Hven when the work is done bya trained man, it is practically impossible to secure the destruction of every individual. The difficulty is greatly increased when the work has to be intrusted to natives. In conducting the operation, the position of the insects upon the branches and foliage must be carefully noted, and the nozzle of the machine manipulated accordingly, so as to throw the spray upwards against the backs of the leaves, or downwards on the upper surface, or horizontally against the stems and branches. A few words may be said as tothe apparatus for spraying. This is not the place to advertise any particular make of machine ; but some general principles may be given to help the would-be purchaser in his choice. Points to be considered in the selection of a machine should be:— 1. Adaptability to Transport.—For ordinary use, where small trees only have to be treated, there is no form so convenient as the knapsack pump. This consists of a metal vessel that rests upon the back, and is supported by straps passing over the shoulders of the operator. The handle of the pump (in the best patterns) comes forward under the left arm, and is worked by the left hand, leaving the right hand free to direct the nozzle which is attached by a flexiblerubber tube. The vessel usually contains the pump cylinder, and space for about four gallons of liquid. Where a large apparatus is required, a barrel pump may de used. In this form the pumping apparatus is fixed in a barrel to which handles are attached, so that the whole apparatus can be carried from place to place by two men. Where the land is flat the barrel, or a metai tank, may be mount- ed on wheels for transport; but it should be designed so that the vessel may be dismounted and carried by hand to such places as are inaccessi- ble to the wheeled vehicle. Where the lay of land is suitable, and large trees have to be treated, a more powerful apparatus may be mounted on ee re * New Zealand Scale Insects p. 26. 123 a cart, and drawn by horse or bullock power. In such cases two or more lines of hose and nozzles can be worked from the same tank. II. Strength—The materials employed in the construction of the machine should be such as are not readily corroded by the mixtures used. Mr. Lounsbury, in his report for the year 1896 *, gives the following very practical hints on this subject :— ‘Tron is so quickly corroded by many of the commoninsecticides and fungicides that pumps in which the working parts are of this metal are not desirable. These parts of the pumps should always be made of hard brass. For the sake of economy, the bodies of most pumps are made of iron, but even here the use of brass lends greater durability, and is an advantage which in the end will probably pay for the additional initial cost. Rod-like parts and thin handles of cast iron are objectionable because so easily fractured. Any parts of rubber are damaged by con- tact with paraffin. Ignorance of this fact has led to the ruin of a large number of Vermorel knapsack pumps, in which a circular rubber dise is used for the propulsion of the liquid. The paraftin causes the rubber to swell, and thus become useless for its purpose. ‘Copper is the best metal for tanks in knapsack pumps, and atten- tion should be paid to the thickness of this metal. ‘Thin copper will rapidly wear through. Tanks of sheet iron or tin are soon ruined by contact with liquids containing copper compounds,such as Bordeaux mix- ture and Paris green, and these preparations are also injuriously affect- ed. But even copper tanks are not suitable for use with al] spraying mixtures, since this metal is acted upon by the sulphur in such com- ounds as “ eau grison”’ and lime-sulphur-salt mixture. In these cases, the sulphur-leaves the lime, with which it had united during the process of cooking, and unites with the copper to form copper sulphide. This compound forms in a thin black layer over the copper, which, if it would remain intact, would preserve the metal from further action; but, unfortunately, some of it usually breaks away, exposing fresh surface to the injurious action, and also proving an annoyance by passing through the hose and clogging the nozzle. For these reasons it is best not to use these sulphur mixtures in knapsack pumps.’ III.—Simplicity——All the parts of the pump should be readily accessible and removable, so that, should anything go wrong, they may be taken to pieces and cleaned, or damaged parts renewed. The want of these facilities isa serious faultin many machines, the slightest injury necessitating the sending of the whole apparatus to the repairers. IV.—The production of a Uniform and Effective Spray.—The continuity and force of the'flow is dependent upon anair chamber in the pump, this feature constituting a ‘force-pump.’ On this account all hand syringes are almost useless. The nature of the spray is regulated by the form of nozzle employed. The chief object is to break up the liquid into such a fine spray that it will penetrate the thickest foliage in the form of a dense mist and come in contact with every part. For this purpose one of the ‘cyclone nozzles’ is most admirably adapted. But where it is necessary to throw the liquid to a considerable distance, *Report of the Government Entomologist for the year 1896,Cape of Good Hope, pp, 139-140. 124 as, in spraying large trees, a nozzle throwing a coarser spray must be used. It isadvisable to have several interchangeable nozzles to suit the different kinds of work. There should always be a detachable cap to the nozzle, so that any obstruction may be quickly and easily remov- ed. Many nozzles are provided with a fine point,held back by a spring, but which, when pushed forward, clears the aperture. A few further remarks may be quoted from Mr. Lounsbury’s report in which he gives some recommendations for .the care of spray pumps. ‘ Beforea spray pump of any kind is put away atter use, it should be thoroughly washed and clear water pumped through it ; hot water answers much better than cold if sticky or soapy washes have been used. The working parts should be occasionally oiled, and if the paint on the iron parts becomes worn away it should be renewed. Attention to these details will preserve the pump for a long period, while, if they are neglected, the pump :may never save its initial cost.’ Before quitting the subject of general remedial measures and en- tering upyn detailed descriptions of particular processes, something should be said upon the important question of the introduction of ‘natural enemies’ of the Coccidae. The same circumstances that make an imported pest so exceptionally dangerous, act in our favour in the importation of beneficial insects. Just as the absence of its established natural enemies enables an insect pest to multiply without hindrance, so the introduction of a beneficial insect without its own natural checks will also permit of its rapid increase as long as an ample supply of congenial food is obtainable. When the food supply begins to fail, which means when the pest has been mastered by its imported enemies, then they will both decline together. There need be little fear that, wher the food supply has been exhausted, the imported insect will itself become a pest. A predatory insect, by which is understood one that preys upon other insects or anima!s, will seldom, if ever, alter its diet and become a vegetarian. It is noticeable that an insect seldom assumes any importance in its original home unless through some accidental or artificial interfer. ance with the balance of nature in that part. (For instance, it has been asserted that the wide-spread destruction of moles in Hngland has re- sulted in a marked increase of damage to pasture land from the grubs of the ‘ cockchafer ’ beetles and ‘crane-flies,’ upon which the moles fed.) Consequently, if we are to obtain any benefit from the use of natural agents, we must endeavour to reproduce the conditions prevail- ing in the country where the insect in question is known to occur, though without attracting notice as a pest. Or, if the original home of the injurious insect is unknown, we may reasonably hope for good re- sults from the introduction of an insect that is found to prey upon some allied pest in another country. The most i: portant natural enemies of the scale insects, or, at least, those that have attracted most attention, belong tc a family of small beetles popularly known as ‘ lady-birds.’ The complete success attend-— ing the introduction of an Australian lady bird (Vedalia cardinalis) into California, where it cleared the orange orchards of the destructive ‘ Fluted-scale ’ (Lcerya purchasi) has led to numerous other experiments of a similar kind. These experiments have not always been successful. There must, of necessity be many failures. We are still only in the 125 experimental stage of the work. Even when the beneficial insect has been successfully established in a country, itis by no means certain that it will thrive. There may be climatic or other conditions against it. In that case, all we can do is to try another insect. Occasional or even repeated, failures should not discourage the repetition of the attempt. The value of a single success will far outweigh the cost of many failures. In the course of such experiments the causes of failure will in time be ascertained, and improved methods be employed. The freezing method recommended by Mr. Koebele seems to be rather an uncertain one, and has led to many disappointments. I am inclined to hope for more satisfactory results from the employment of ‘ Wardian cases, as suggested to me by Mr. Lounsbury. In these the insects will remain active and be supplied with food. There are certain obvious dangers connected with this method, such as is possible introduction of the insect pest upon which the ‘ lady- birds’ have been supported during the voyage. For this reason the business should be conducted under the supervision of trained entomolo- gists only. In choosing the food supply, an insect that already occurs in the country to which the lady-birds are consigned should, if possible, be selected* But, under any circumstances the imported beetles should not be liberated immediately, but should be transferred to fresh breed- ing cages and supplied with local food, and the cage in which they ar- rive should at once be thoroughly disinfected. In sending stocks by Wardian case, the larvae of the beetles may with advantage be included. These will complete their transformations during transit, and are more likely to survive the voyage than the adult insects. There are other natural enemies of the Coccidae that may some day be advantageously employed in the same way. Amongst the two- winged flies (Diptera) we find the Lestophonus iceryae, which attacks the ‘ Fluted-scale.’ Nearly every species of sc.le insect is subject to minute internal parasites belonging to the wasp family (Hymenoptera). The family Neuroptera supplies the ‘ Lace-wing flies, the larvae of which are known as ‘ Aphis-lions,’ from the voracious way in which they feed upon Aphides and scale-insects. Even the butterflies and moths (Lepidoptera) provide a few coccid-eating species, such as the caterpil- lars of the butterfly Spalgis epius and of several moths ot the genus Eublemma. The ‘Lady-birds’ are included in the family Coleoptera. Besides natural enemies belonging to the animal kingdom, scale insects are subject to diseases belonging to the vegetable world. There are several parasitic fungi that render great assistance in reducing the numbers of our Coccid pests. In Ceylon during the wetter months of the year, the ‘ green bug’ (Lecanium viride) dies off toa large extent, attacked by a greyish mould which, after killing the insect, spreads outwards as a delicate fringe of interlacing whitish threads. A bright orange-coloured fungus (Septoria? sp.) is useful in checking the increase of Fiorinia fioriniae and Chionaspis biclavis on the tea plant, and Aspi- diotus aurantii on orange trees. A very similar fungus (Sphaerostilbe * In arecent consignment of ‘ lady-birds’ received from the Cape of Good Hope, the cochineal insect (Coccus cacti) was very judiciously chosen for the purpose. This insect is practically confined to the ‘Prickly Pear’ cactus, and is therefore not liable to become a pest. 126 coccophila) that attacks Aspidiotus perniciosus in Florida (U.S. A.) has been the subject of some very interesting experiments to test the possibility of communicating the disease to previously healthy colonies of the insect. Dr. L. O. Howard gives the following particulars of the experiment*™ :— An interesting and important development of the past two seasons’ work has been the identification and study of the parasitic fungus, Sphaerostilbe coccophila. Professor Rolfs, of the Florida Station, has devoted a bulletin largely to the consideration of this fungus, which, as previously stated, seems to be prevalent throughout the Southern States. He has shown experimentally that the fungus may be transferred to trees affested with San Jose scale, and the disease produced among the scales. His process was to inoculate acid bread with pure cultures of the fungus, and three weeks later the application was made in the follow- ing way :—A piece of the bread about an inch square was placed in cold water and shaken until the bread was broken up and the spores distributed in the water. This water was then applied to the scaly tree by means ot a sponge, or cloth, or sprayed on. The applications were made in Midsummer of 1896, and observations were made as to the results late in February, 1897. Four of his experiments resulted successfully, and three unsuc- cessfully, while in the eight experiment the result was doubtful on ac- count of the tree having died between the times of treatment and in- spection. Twigs from Florida containing San Jose scales, infested by the fungus, were sent to Mr. Horace Roberts, at Fellowship, N.J., about the middle of June. On September ’5th Dr. Smith found the fungus upon almost, if not quite, all of the trees on which twigs had been tied. A number of instances have come to our observation of the death of the scale in a wholesale manner from the spontaneous work ef this disease, or from some other cause. For example, we received scale- infested cuttings in January, 1897, from an orchard which was said to have been freed from scales by this fungus disease. Careful examina- tion showed that upon one cutting, out of 183 scales, but four were liv- ing; on a second cutting, out of 723, but two were living; on a third cutting, out of 579, but twenty-eight were living, giving thirty-four living scales out of 1485—a mortality rate of 97.7. I have, myself, repeatedly succeeded in disseminating the disease affecting Lecanium viride by tying branches with diseased insects on to trees on which the bug had hitherto remained quite healthy. There are several methods by which spores of these parasitic fungi may be disseminated. As in the last-mentioned experiment, they may sometimes be communicated by merely transferring affected branches to. the nighbourhood of the healthy insects. In such cases the spores are carried by the wind to their destination. But in some of these fungi the spores are gelatinous and agglutinated, in which case the wind would fail to disperse them. [Fungi of this kind may be crushed up in water and used asa spray; or artificial cultures may be made and mixed with water, to be used in the same way. In the ordinary course of nature these gelatinous spores are probably carried from tree to tree on the feet of birds. ; on _* Bulletin, No. 12. (New Series) U., S. Dept. of Agriculture, (Div, of Entomology.) 127 ADDITIONS AND CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE DEPARTMENT. LIBRARY. HUROPE. British Isles. Annais of Botany, June. [Purchased.] British Trade Journal, July. [Kditor.] Chemist and Druggist, June 17, 24, July 1, 8. [Editor.] Garden, June 17, 24, July 1, 8. [Purchased.] Gardeners Chronicle, June 17, 24, July 1, 8. {Purchased.] cecal, Ieones Plantarum, VII. 1. June. [Bentham Trustees through ew. J fee Board of Agri., England, VI. 1, June. [Secretary.] Journal of Botany, July. [Purchased. ] Journal R. Colonial Institute, July. Nature, June 15, 22. 29, July 6. [Purchased.] Pharmaceutical Journal, June 17, .4, July 1, &. Produce World, July [Editor. ] Sugar, June. [Editor.] International Sugar Journal, July. [Editor.] France. Sucrerie, indigéne et coloniale, June 20, 17, July, 4, 11—[EHditor.] Germany, Tropenpflanzer, July. [Editor.] Switzerland. Bulletin de l’Herbic: Boissier, June. [Conservateur] ASIA. India. Agricutural Ledger (Calcutta), 1899, No. 4. [Lt. Gov. Bengal.] Planting Opinion, May 27, June 3, 10,17. [Editor.] Ceylon. Times of Ceylon May 31, June 8, 14, 22. [Editor.] Tropical Agriculturalist, June. [Purchased. ] Java. Proefstation E. Java, III. Series, No. 10. AUsTRALIA. N, S. Wales. Agri. Gazette of N. S. Wales, June, July. [Dept. of Agri.] Queensland. Queensland Agri. Journal, June. ([Editor.] Queensland Sugar Journal, June. {[Editor. ] Botany : Extracts from Queensland Agri. Journ., Jan.—April. [Colonial Botanist.] } EKeonomic Botany : Extracts from Queensland Agri. Journ., Jan.,—Mar. [Col. Botanist.] Queensland Orchids, by J. F. Bailey. [Author.] AFRIOA. Cape of Good Hope, Agri. Journ., June 8. [Dept. of Agri. | Central African Times, May 6, 13, 20. [Editor.] West INDIES. Barbados. W. I. Bulletin, I, 1. (ommiscioaey Agri. Gazette and Planter’s Journal, June. [Editor.] Jamaica Journal Agri. Soc., July. [Secretary.] 128 Leeward [slands. Reports, Dominica Bot., St. [Commissioner,] Trinidad, Proe, of Agri. Soc., June 13,-19, [Seeretary, | BRITISH NORTH AMERICA. Montreal. Pharmaceutical Journal, July. (Editor. ] Onta?to. \ Report of the Fruit Exp. Stations for 1898. [Dept. of Agri.] Ottawa. Experimental Farm Reports for 1898. UNITED STATES AMERICA. Experiment Station Record, U. 8. A., X, 9, 10, 11. Publications of the following Agri. Exp. Stations U. 8. A. (Directors. | Georgia, 1. Idaho, 17-19. Maryland, 62. N. Hampshire, 63-65. New York, Ithaca, 147-170. Oregon, 56-58. Texas, dl. Utah, 60... _ Botanical Gazette, Chicago, June. [iditor.] Fern Bulletin, May-July. [Editor.] Massachusetts Hort. Soc. Trans. for 1898, Part II. [Secretary.] Plant World, July. [Publisher.] Torrey Club Bulletin, July. [Editor.] SOUTH AMERIQOA. Bol, Inst. Agron, S. Paulo. Brazil, Feb.-April. [Director.] PLANTS, From Supt. Bot. Garden, Brit. Guiana. Hevea sp. (Para Rubber from Mazaruni R.) From W Jekyll, Robertsfield, Jamaica, Combretum sp. Ivy-leafed Geranium St. Joseph’s Strawberry. From Prof. G. Landes, Martinique. eee Mangoes :—Julie, Martin, Reine Amélie, Poignée d’or, Mangue ’or- SEEDS From Director, R. Gardens, Kew. Piptadenia n. sp. Kickxia africana From T, J, Breakspere, Mandeville, Jamatca, “« Vegetable Peach”. From W. Jekyll, Roberisheld, Jamaica. Gomphoearpus fruticosus. From Supt, Botanical Garden, Brit. Guiana. Castilloa elastica From L. Tate, Sluefields, Jamaica. Lime. From Prof. Dr. Comes, Portici, near Naples, Tobacco. {Issued 18th August, 1899. ] JAMAICA. BULLETIN BOTANICAL DEPARTMENT. ——— — ; Vol. VI New Series SEPTEMBER, 1899, ~ Part IX CINCHONA: A RETROSPECT AND A PROSPECT. Cinchona bark and quinine are now at one of the most interesting periods of their history since the introduction of the former to Hurope in 1640 and the discovery of the latter about 1820. For the benefit of those, who have missed the opportunity of following recent developments in these drugs a few succinct notes on these will be worth giving, and we may at the same time add something new in the shape of information as to the course of events in the future. Quinine has seen a period of active speculation, during which its price in the ‘‘ second-hand”? market (that is in the buying and selling of German quinine in London that mainly takes place in Mincing Lane and between parties none of which are makers) has gone up to ls. 94d. per ounce, and since receded to ls. 4d. The natural cause of such an advance was, the short supplies of bark that continental makers of quinine possessed, in spite of the huge shipments from the producing countries in 1898. The course of events that has led up to this state of affairs is re- markable. South America, the home of the cinchonas, has for some years been almost a negligible source of supply for cinchona bark. Since the cultivation of the cinchona trees was taken up in Java, India, and Ceylon prices have declined so much as to discourage the exporters and collec- tors in South America from pursuing their labours. India and Ceylon, once started on the cultivation, rapidly grew, the latter especially ex- tending its output so quickly as to cause most venturescme prophecies of its future. But prices became too low even for it, and Java, which was longer in getting on its feet, when it did stand took a firmer foot- ing, and so has been able to endure the cutting down of prices. The Dutch in his island laid hold of the best kind of tree, and then made tremendous strides in securing the bark market,which was thus transfer- red from London to Amsterdam. Ceylon planters at last found prices so unremunerative that they began uprooting trees, and turning their attention to other things. India reached her height in 1889, and has since then been going down fast, her planters also being disgusted with 130 the reward of their outlay. And all this time Java has not only manag- ed to hold on but to grow. While all this has been going on the consumption of quinine has been enlarging. The reduction of the price of bark was to a large extent the result of a combination of the quinine manufacturers. At length the worm turned ; the bark importers in Amsterdam made a stand, and supported by the strength of the market that had now been - attained (through the fact that Java exports had not grown enough to make up for the loss from India and Ceylon and the increased consump- tion) they secured a slight advance in the price of bark. This encouraged India and Ceylon to ferret out all their stores and ship as much as they could. Hence it came about that in 1898 there was more quinine in bark form shipped from the growing countries than ever there has been before. Yet, to-day, stocks of bark in the public warehouses of Amsterdam and London are lower than they have been for years. So that the observant ask, What is to become of the price of quinine? Where is the bark to come from ? If it be true that India and Ceylon last year put forth as big an effort as they are capable of, then we cannot look to them for increased supplies unless they begin again to extend plantations, and the crop from these would not be ready for five years at least. Java appears (though the statement here is more doubtful) to be in the same vondi- tion. It looks then as if we must turn our attention to the original source of bark once more. And here we are dealing with a mysterious factor. No one can speak except hazily about the supplies America holds. Judging by the history of p ast years, it would seem that we must depend on Columbia for most of the natural South American bark. And it will not pay Columbia to start collecting again until bark is much dearer than it is at present. A planter who has a very lengthy ac- quaintance with the chief producing districts, considers that a unit of 4d would have to be reached before it would pay to collect ever the richer barks. This means that, whereas now the unit is 24d ze. that 1-100th Ib. of quinine costs whilst in the bark 24d., the same amount would have to be worth 4d. If this were so, quinine (in bark) would be worth to manufacturers, 2s 1d per ounce, and worth to the wholesale dealers, about 2s 6d per ounce. If Java, India, Ceylon and Africa cannot pro- duce enough to meet the demand until five or six years have elapsed and the expert’s view given above is correct, then there is nothing for it but. to pay the price we have named.— British and Colonial Druggist. DISTRIBUTION OF HAVANA TOBACCO SEED. Through the agency of the British Consul-Generalin Havana, Tobacco seed has been obtained from the Vuelta Abajo district, and is. now available for free distribution. Applications should be made to Director, Public Gardens, Kingston, and should state the area which it: is proposed to plant out. A Bulletin containing a short treatise on the cultivation and curing of tobacco by a Cuban expert will be supplied free on application. 131 SCALE INSECTS : REMEDIAL MEASURES AND INSECTICIDES.—LII. By HK. E. Green, F.E.S. * GENERAL LIST OF SUBSTANCES AND PROCESSES EMPLOYED IN THE TREAT- MENT OF SCALE INSECTS : ee THE Gas TREATMENT. Hydrocyanic acid gas is the material employed in this process. It is generated by the admixture of cyanide of potassium, sulphuric acid and water. Jor the details of treatment I cannot do better than quote in extenso from the admirable paper on ‘ Gas Treatment for Scale Insects,’ complied by Mr. C. P. Lounsbury from his personal experience as Government Entomologist at the Cape of Good Hope. The process described was principally employed against Aspidiotus aurantii, an insect that appears to be distinctly on the increase in Ceylon. I may add that I have followed Mr. Lounsbury’s directions in my own experi- ments with most satisfactory results. ‘Generation of the Gas.—Hydrocyanic acid gas is generated by the action of sulphuric acid on potassium cyanide in the presence of water. The required quantities of the cyanide and water are first placed in the generating vessel, the cyanide being broken into small pieces not above the size of lump sugar. The tree is then covered with the tent or sheet and the vessel slipped under almost to the base of the tree ; reaching in, the operator then adds the acid, pouring it slowly into the vessel so as to avoid its splashing and thus burning his hand or the cloth. He imme- diately withdraws and the men shovel a little soil on the edges of the cloth all around, to more thoroughly prevent’ the escape of the gas. ‘The rapidity of the evolution of the gas depends largely upon the size of the pieces of cyanide. If these are like powder, the reaction is violent and immediate ; but if in lumps the reaction takes place more slowly and continues for a minute or longer. The slow reac- tion is desired partly because less injury results to the foliage immedi- atety above the vessel. But the lumps must not be too large, for then the reaction is liable to be imperfect owing to a black coating (carbon ?) forming over the lumps and preventing further decomposition by the acid. The water should not be added too soon or part of the cyanide becomes dissolved and gives a violent reaction. The residue which re- mains in the dishes is buried; and the dishes are washed inclean water pefore being again used. ‘Time necessary for treatment.—The cover is left over the tree for thirty minutes in the case of small trees, and forty-five in the case of those over twelve feet in height. Atthe expiration of this period the generating vessel is removed, and the residue buried in the soi!. ‘A number of trees are fumigated together, the endeavour being to treat as many at time as can be covered and uncovered during * From “ The Coccidae of Ceylon,” Pt. II., Dulau & Co., 1899. 132 the period of exposure. In this way the men are kept continuously busy, the time for the removal of the first tent arriving by the time that the last tree is covered. ‘Absence of Sunlight necessary.—The originators of the fumiga- tion process observed that the gas was most efficacious, and that less injury resulted to the foliage when the operations were performed at night than when they were carried on in sunlight. It is said that chem- ical changes are produced in the gas by the action of sunlight, and that the resulting gases are more injurious to the plant life and less to animal than hydrocyanic acid gas. Whether or not these theories are correct is of small practical importance, tor the foliage of a tree will suffer serious injury if the tree is left covered with an air-tight oiled tent for nalf an hour in sunlight, without the gas being present. Having ascertained this fact by experience, the foreman in charge of the Board’s outfit refrained trom covering trees until the sun had sunk from sight on any butcool dull days. The great majority of the trees treated have been fumigated after sunset. The ideal night for fumigating is quiet, cool, and moonlight without dew.’ It is evident, from the above, that the period available for this process is somewhat limited. ‘However, when only a few trees have to be treated, the hour immediately preceding nightfall will be ample for the purpose. I have personally found no ill effects following the opera- tion when performed on dull, cloudy days, when the sun is entirely obscured. Although hydrocyanic acid gas will certainly kill every insect— and even their eggs if used in sufficient strength and fora sufficient length of time, both the necessary strength and time will be found to vary with different species of insects, and must be made the subject of careful experiment. I find that Orthezia insignis is a very difficult insect to kill, and requires a double strength of gas, continued for fully three-quarters of an hour. Mr. D. W. Coquillet, one of the first to employ this process, gives the following directions for making an air-tight tent: * ‘The material commonly used in the construction of the tent is what is known as blue or brown drilling. A few persons have used ducking instead of drill- ing, but this is much inferior to the latter ; in the ducking the threads extend only lengthwise and crosswise, whereas in the drilling they also extend diagonally—this belonging to the class of goods to which our merchants apply the term “ twilled’—and for this reason the drilling is both stronger and closer in texture than the ducking. ‘After the tent is sewed up it is given a coat of black paint, as it has been ascertained that tents treated in this manner last longer than those which have been simply oiled with linseed oil. Some persons mix a small quantity of soap-suds with the paint in order to render the latter more pliable when dry, and therefore less liable to crack. Instead of thus painting the tent some persons simply give it a coating of size. Sometimes a small quantity of whiting or chalk is added to this sizeing with or without the addition of lampblack. A few made use of the * Bulletin, No. 23, U. S. Department of Agriculture (Division of Ento- mology. 133 mucilaginous juice of the common cactus (Opuntia Englemanni) for this purpose. To obtain this, the cactus leaves or stems are cut or broken up into pieces, thrown into a barrel, and covered with water, after which they are allowed to soak for three or fovr days. The liquid portion is then drawn off, and is ready for use without further prepar- ation. Tents which I saw that had been prepared with this substance were to all appearances as air-tight and pliable as when prepared in any other manner.’ For the oiling, Mr. Lounsbury recommends a mixture of four parts boiled linseed oil to one part turpentine. The cloth should be first well wetted with water, and the mixture spread lightly over the surface with a brush. A thin coating is found to be sufficient. Mr. Lounsbury has since informed me that he now uses, with completely satisfactory results, tents made of cloth merely shrunk in water, without any subsequent oiling. Such tents are, of course much lighter and more easy to mani- pulate. Mr. Coguillet gives the annexed table, showing the quantities of chemicals required for different sized trees. | Height of Diameter of | Sulphuric Potassium i 2. tree top- Water | Acid. | Cyanide, Feet. Feet. Fluid ozs. Fluid ozs. Ozs. 6 4 , Ys | Y, 8 6 2 1 1 10 8 4% 2% 2% 12 | 10 | 8 - 4 12 14 | 16 8 8 14 : 10 10 5 5 14 14 19 9% 9% 16 2 16 8 8 16 | 16 29 14% 14% 18 14 26 13 13 Mr. Lounsbury, after practical experience at the Cape, publishes the following figures, from which it appears that he found smaller quantities sufficient. This is, doubtless, due to difference in purity of the chemicals. Mr. Lounsbury was working with cyanide of 98 to 100 per cent. purity, while Mr. Coquillet was using cyanide of only 33 to 58 per cent. It is therefore important to know the exact amount of pure potassium cyanide in the particular brand employed. 134 ’ ; . . Space Height. Diameter. Water. Acid. Cyanide. Puelncase Feet. Feet Fluid ozs. | Fluid ozs. Ozs. Cubic Feet 4 3 % ¥% % 25 6 a % % % 65 8 5 4 y% 140 8 6 1% K 3K 200 10 6 2 1 1 255 10 8 3 1% ly 435 12 8 3% 4 1% 535 12 10 5% 234 23% 815 14 8 4 Yu Yu 635 14 10 6% 3% 3Y 970 14 12 9 4% 4% 1355 16 10 7% 3% 3% 1130 16 12 10% 5Y 5% 1585 16 14 14 7 7 2105 18 12 12 6 6 1810 18 14 16 8 8 2415 18 16 20 10 10 3085 20 14 18 9 9 2720 20 16 23 11% lly 3485 20 18 29 14% 14y 4325 22 18 ae 16 i6 4835 22 20 39 19% 19% 5865 24 20 43 21% 21% 6500 i The gas treatment has been largely used in combating scale insects (particularly Aspidiotus aurantii) on orange trees. It will be found the most effectual method for exterminating Orthezia insignis or any other insect, upon individual trees. SoaP AND Soapy EMULSIONS. Soap by itself has considerable insecticidal properties. In fact, in many popular mixtures, it is extremely probable that the soap is the most efficacious ingredient. It acts by asphixiation, forming an imper- vious film over the breathing pores of the insects. Whale-oil soaps are found to be the best for the purpose. In Insect Life, Vol. VIL., p. 369, the following conclusions are drawn from numerous experiments upon trees infested with the San José scale (Aspidiotus perniciosus) in America:—‘ Soap washes, particularly of Whale-oil soap, have yielded the most satisfactory results; and at the rate of two pounds to the gallon, under the conditions of thorough drenching of the entire plant, with five or six days of subsequent fair weather, will destroy all the scales, whether applied in fall or in spring. The results with soap in less strength indicate that under the most favourable conditions the same result may be reached with mixtures containing only a pound anda half or more of soap. The action of the soap at the rate of one pound or more to the gallon, applied in the fall, is generally to prevent blooming and fruiting the following spring, but the vigour and healthfulness of the tree are greatly increased. Applied in spring at the time of blooming, it does not injure the plant nor 135 affect the setting of the fruit to any material extent in the case of the peach, and not at all in the case of the apple. ‘The experiments, as a whole, indicate the vastly superior merit of the soap wash and its fall application. The greater vigour of the plant resulting from the fall treatment more than offsets the possible failing of bloom. Owing to the impossibility of controlling weather conditions and the practical difficulty of wetting every part of the plant, one spray- ing cannot often be relied on to accomplish the death of all the scales, but two conscientious drenchings may be expected to accomplish this result. These may be (1) at the time of, or shortly after, the falling of the foliage in autumn, and (2) just before blooming in spring.’ Other soaps (hard laundry soap) are efficacious, but not to the same degree. In another of the American reports * is an instructive paper on in- secticide soaps, by Mr. C. L. Marlatt, from which I[ take the liberty of quoting largely :—‘ The decided insecticide value of the so-called whale oil (more properly fish oil) soaps, against scale insects particularly, has been fully demonstrated in the last few years in the work against the San José scale, and has fully substantiated Professor Comstock’s early recommendation of this means of controlling scale-insect pests. The merit of these soaps is not only in their effectiveness as insect destroyers but from their being entirely without injurious effect onthe treated plant. In this respect they are perfectly safe in the hands of any person, in contradistinction to all oily washes, which are very liable to be injurious in greater or less degree, although the _ in- jury may be insignificant, or perhaps not apparent immediately, or during the first season” . . . ‘ The use of soaps is attended with certain difficulties.’ .... ‘To be satisfactory for insec- ticide use it must, when dissolved at the desired rate, say two pounds to the gallon of water, remain a liquid capable of being sprayed with an ordinary nozzle at an ordinary temperature. This may be determined by a very simple test and one which should be invariably given any soap before it is accepted for spraying operations. It con- sists in simply dissolving a.small quantity of the soap at the desired rate, and allowing it to cool.’ Many soaps solidify or become gelatinous and tenacious on cooling These are useless for spraying purposes. The common country soap of Ceylon has this defect. I have experimented in a small way with soap mixtures; but it is difficult to obtain here a brand that combines suitabile- ity with cheapness. Such a brand isa great desideratum. I find that one of the most useful properties of the soap mixtures is to prevent the escape of the young larvae by blocking up the natural exits, and on this account the treatment is to be very strongly recommended. Kerosene Emulsion —Soap is often combined with other ingredi- ents. Of these kerosene emulsion is the best known and most widely used. As its efficacy and its effect upon plant lite very greatly de- — * U.S. Department of Agriculture (Division of Entomology). Bulletin No. 6 (New Series.) 136 pend upon the preparation of the mixture, great care should be taken to accurately follow the directions. The formula in general use is:— Soap os sa ae $lb Kerosene ose a is 2 gals. Soft water a pee 1 gal. ‘ Dissolve the soap in the water heated to boiling, then add the kerosene (to the hot mixture), and churn it until a creamy fluid re- sults, which thickens on cooling, and adheres to glass without separating into oily particles.’ Whale-oil soaps are preferable, but any kind may be used. I have personally made a very successful emulsion, employing the common country soap, which seems to be particularly well adapted to retaining the oil in an intimate mixture, and which, in this combination loses its own objectionable properties. The most important part of the process is the churning. This must be most thoroughly carried out. It can be satisfactorily managed by repeatedly drawing up and expelling the mixture through an ordinary garden syringe or a force pump. A more lengthy method is to stir the mixture vigorously with a whisk of twigs. The liquid should be boiling hot during emulsification, and then, if kept in a cool place, it is said to last for a year or more without separating. If insufficiently churned, the mixture will afterwards become separated and the oil collect at the top. A properly compounded emulsion will mix with water in any proportions. For use against scale insects a strength of one part emulsion to ten of water is found to be effective. As in all preparations of which petroleum is an ingredient, it can be more safely used on cloudy days. When used in hot sunshine, it is liable to burn the foliage and injure the tender shoots of the plant, but the danger of injuring is much less with a properly prepared emulsion than with mechanical mixtures of kerosene and water. Mr. Marlatt, in some ‘ Notes on Insecticides, * gives the following particulars of experiments which show that kerosene emulsion can be used of considerable strength without causing apprecia- ble injury to the plants. But it cannot be recommended for general use at a greater strength than mentioned above. Mr. Marlatt writes : ‘ About the 1st May, when the foliage was in the vigour of its early growth, a number of plants-peach, Japan quince, elm, pine, and strawberry-were treated with the following strengths of kerosene and whale-oil soap emulsions, made after the standard formula: Diluted (1) with 8 parts of water, (2) 4 parts of water, (3) 9 parts of water, and (4) 14,parts of water, or the emulsion at 4, }, ;4,, and 7k, strength. The application was very thorough, and the limbs and tiwgs were thorough-- ly wetted by immersion in the insecticide. The treatment was made on a very bright, warm day, inthe early afternoon. No rain occurred for four days, after which there were heavy rains. No injury whatever developed in the case of the pine, strawberry, and elm with any of the strengths used. With peach the injury was trifling, a very small per- centage, perhaps one or two per cent, of the leaves turned yellow and fell to the ground, but I am inclined to believe that this was merely the ——— oo * Insect Life, Vol. VII., p. 116. 137 normal spring shedding of the leaves, which is seen in nearly all plants. In the case of the Japan quince, however, with the two stronger mixtures, namely, those with one-third and one-fifth kerosene emulsion, a few yellow spots appeared on the leaves, and later, upon handling the limbs treated with the strongest mixture, about one-fourth of the leaves were found to fall off readily. These leaves, while looking comparatively healthly and green, had evidently been injured more than their surface appearance indicated. With No. 2 this peculiarity was almost unno- ticeable, and with Nos. 3 and 4 no injury whatever was shown, nor did any further injury manifest itself throughout the season in the case of any of the plants treated. These experiments would indicate that the kerosene emulsion can be applied in much stronger dilution to tender foliage of growing plants than has hitherto been supposed.’ On the other hand, there are well-authenticated reports of plants seriously injured, or even killed, by the use of too strong a mixture, and the application during sunny weather is attended with danger. In my own experience | have found the tender shoots on a recently pruned tea bush to be completely killed back by a comparatively weak mixture applied during sunny weather. When the foliage of a plant is attacked, the applications should be made by means of a spraying machine. In the case of pruned trees, when the pest affects the bark only, the liquid can be applied with a brush or a piece of rag to the stems and branches. Care must be taken that the liquid is not used in sufficient quantities to run down and saturate the roots of the plant, or grave injury may result. When employed with proper precautions, there is no doubt that we have in kerosene emulsion a very valuable remedy against scale and other insect pests. Milk may be substituted for the soap in the manufacture of kero- sene emulsion. The formula given by Hubbard is :—‘ One part milk (sour milk is said to be as suitable as fresh for the purpose), to two parts kerosene. Heat the milk nearly to boiling point and mix with the kerosene. Churn the mixture violently until a thick creamy fluid is obtained. For use against scale insects dilute with nine or ten times the quantity of water.’ I have been unable to find any definite state- ments as to the comparative effectiveness of the milk and soap emul- sions. It is possibly a question of cost. In some countries a gallon of milk may be cheaper than half a pound of soap ; but in most places it is probable that the balance of advantage will be onthe other side. The active insecticidal properties of soap itself must surely be an adaitional advantage. Kerosene.—Much diversity of opinion exists as to the use of pure kerosene or a mechanical mixture of kerosene and water. It is un- doubtedly effective as an insecticide. But in too many cases it is equally fatal to plant life. Reports are very conflicting. In some cases spraying with the andiluted oil has been unattended by any injury to the tree, while particularly successful in killing the scale. In other cases even large trees have succumbed under the treatment. One cause of injury is said to be the collection ofioil at the base of the tree, the roots being apparently much more 138 sensitive to injury than the exposed parts. As a precaution, earth should be banked up round the base of the tree, and only sufficient oil should be used to moisten the surface of the foliage and bark without any surplus to run down the stem. Mixtures of kerosene and water have been largely employed in America, and elaborate machines devised for ensuring the proper mix- ture of the two ingredients. But under any circumstances their effec- tiveness does not compare favourably with a properly compounded emulsion. Referring again to one of Mr. Marlatt’s reports, * I find it stated that ‘ kerosene mixed with water is not nearly so powerful an insecti- cide as the kerosene soap emulsion. It does not remain nearly so long ov the plant, and is not nearly so effective an insecticide at the same strength of oil. The heavier soap or milk emulsions kill more effectively, which is, perhaps, explained by the heavier liquid ac- tually bringing more oil in cuntact with the insect, and also by its greater permanency. ‘Taking everything into consideration, neither kerosene, nor mixtures of the oil and water, can be recommended for general use at any rate in the tropics. Resin Washes.—These are used extensively in California to remove scale insects from fruit trees. The formula (taken from Bulletin, No. 9 of the U. S. Department of Agriculture) is as follows :—‘ The summer wash usually contains twenty pounds of resin, five pounds of crude caustic soda (seventy-eight per cent.) or three and a half pounds of the ninety-eight per cent., and two and a half pints of fish oil. The winter wash contains thirty pounds of resin, nine pounds of crude soda, and four and a half pints of oil. The ingredients are boiled in about twenty gallons of water for two or three hours, hot water being occa- sionally added until fifty gallons of solution are made. This, for both formulae, is diluted to one hundred gallons before application to trees. Greater efficiency is believed to come from long boiling of the mixture, and it is preferably applied hot. It is used on deciduous trees for the black and San José scales, and on citrus trees for the red and black scales; but the dense foliage of the latter renders thorough spraying dificult except for young trees, and fumigation is much preferred. An improperly made resin wash is also apt to spot the fruit of the orange.... Carbolic Acid.—Urude carbolic, phenol, Jeyes’ fluid, and similar compounds, all have insecticidal properties. Carbolic acid itself has been found inefficient except when applied in such strength as to seri- ously damage the plants. I find that phenol and Jeyes’ fluid (which © appears to be much the same thing) are effective against Orthezia, ‘mealy bugs, and most species of Lecanium. A mixture containing 1 part of Jeyes’ fluid to 20 of water,applied to a Thunbergia bush attacked by Orthezia, was fatal to more than 90 per cent of the insects, but resulted in the death of the terminal buds of the plant. It had no bad effect upon the more mature leaves and shoots. The application did not, however, prevent the subsequent hatching of the eggs in the ovisacs of * Bulletin No. 9 (New Series), U. S. Department of Agriculture (Division of Entomology.) 139 the dead insects. Weaker solutions were proportionately less effective. . . Tobacco Water.—‘ Steep 5 lbs of refuse tobacco (stems, &.) in 3 gallons of water for three hours. Strain the decoction and add sufficient water to make 7 gallons.’ This mixture will kill soft bodied species that are unprotected by a covering scale, such as Lecanium viride, Pulvinaria psidii, and Dactylopius citri. It has little or no effect against the Diaspidinae. Lime Water.—lIn the early days of the ‘green coffee bug’ I used a very thin wash of quick lime and water. The mixture is inconvenient or difficult to apply asa spray, as it quickly clogs the nozzles and valves of the machine. I applied it with large brushes to the affected coffee foliage, and it was certainly fatal to every insect with which it came in contact. The bugs turned from green to a bright orange colour within five minutes of the application. But many individuals neces- sarily escaped, and the benefit was only temporary. No damage to the trees was observed, but the lime had sucha caustic effect upon the hands and arms of the coolies employed in the work that it had to be discontinued. Soot is an article that has been greatly over-rated as an insecticide and wood ashes may fall under the same category. The substances are, doubtless, useful in dealing with slugs and snails, their astringent and absorptive properties acting upon the mucous surface of such animals ; but, when applied to dry insects, such as caterpillars and scale bugs, they fail to adhere, or, when adhering, to act in any way prejudicial to the insect. Lime, when applied dry, has little or no effect, unless there happen to be moisture upon the insects. Even then its action will be very par- tial and unsatisfactory. Yowdered sulphur is also quite useless against scale insects. Many other substances have been made the subjects of experiment; but, as they are either far too costly or otherwise impracticable, it is useless to enumerate them. SEEDLESS GRAPES. Herr Mauller-Thurgau attributes the absence of seeds in many varieties of grapes sold in the markets to two causes—functional ineffi- ciency of the pollen and of the ovule. In some varieties the pollen- grains are well developed, but either the pollen-tubes do not reach the ovules or the ovules are themselves incapable of impregnation. To this class belong the sultana-raisins and the currants of commerce. In other varieties, on the other hand, the ovules are perfect and capable of im- pregnation, but the pollen grains are functionally defective ; either the pollen-tubes do not germinate on the stigma, or they are incapable of impregnating the ovules. Grapes which do not contain seeds are smaller than those which do.—(Landwirthsch Jahrb. d. Schweiz, 1898.) Pharmaceutical Journal. 140 | PUBLIC GARDENS REGULATION LAW, 1899. JAMAICA—Law 4 or 1899. A' Law to enable Regulations to be made for the Government and Controj of Public Gardens. Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Council of Jamaica as follows :— 1—This Law may be cited as the “ Public Gardens Regulation Law, 1899.” 2—In this Law the term ‘‘ Garden ” shall mean and include all the land belonging to any garden now or hereafter to be established and maintained at the public expense. The term “ Special Constable ” shall mean any person who may be appointed a special constable of the said Gardens. 3—The Governor in Privy Council may make regulations for the goverment and control ot a Garden, and of all persons employed therein or resorting thereto, or in any way using the same, or any part thereof, and may from time to time alter, add to, or rescind any such regulations. 4—The Director of Public Gardens and Plantations may, subject to the approval of the Governor, from time to time appoint any one employed in a Garden to be a Special Constable. 5-—If any person shall do any act in contravention of any regula- tion made by the Governor in Privy Council under this Law, he shall, on conviction by a Court of summary jurisdiction, be liable tu a penalty not exceeding five pounds, and in default of payment, to be imprisoned for a term not exceeding one month, with or without hard labour. 6—Any Special Constable wearing a uniform, cap or badge, and any person whom he may call to his assistance, may take into custody, without a warrant, any offender who in the Garden and within the view of such Special Constable, acts in contravention of any of the said regulations ; provided, that the name and residence of such offender are unknown to and cannot be ascertained by such Special Constable. If any such offender, when required by any Special Constable to give his name and address, gives a false name ora false address, he shall, on conviction by a Court of summary jurisdiction, be liable to a penalty not exceeding five pounds, and in default of payment, to be imprisoned for a term not exceeding two months, with or without hard labour. 7—When any person is convicted of an assault onany Special Constable while in the execution of his duty, such person shall, on con- viction by a Court of summary jurisdiction, in the discretion of the Court, be liable, to pay a penalty not exceeding twenty pounds, and in default of payment to be imprisoned fora term not exceeding six months, with or without hard labour. | 8—Every Special Constable in addition to any powers and immu- nities specially conferred on him by this Law, shall within the limits of a Garden, have all the powers, privileges, and immunities of a Constable belonging to the Constabulary Force. 141 9—Every Constable belonging to the Constabulary Force shall ‘have the powers, privileges, and immunities of a Special Constable within a Garden. 10—A Special Constable, and all persons whom he may call to his assistance, may killand destroy any goats, pigs, or poultry found within ‘the limits of a Garden, and may forthwith remove and dispose of the carcases. | 11—Printed copies of the regulations to be observed in pursuance -of this Law by persons using a Garden, shall be put up by the Director of Public Gardens and Plantations in such Garden, in conspicuous places. 12—All regulations made by the Governor in Privy Council under this Law, and all additions to and alterations and rescissions of the same, shall be published in the Jamaica Gazette, at least two weeks ‘before the same respectively shall be in force. PACKING PINE APPLES. In the Bulletin for December, 1895, attention was drawn to the ad- vantages of exporting oranges ir boxes, and to the method of packing them. The following letter from the Pierpont Manufacturing Company deals with the subject of packing pines: — Crescent City, Fla., 31st July, 1899. Dear Sir:—We are in receipt of your esteemed favor of the 18th. We have never published a leaflet on the packing of pine-apples but will be pleased to give you alli of the information we can in regard to the matter. For the common varieties of Pines a crate of the following dimensions is used, heads 104 ins by 12 ins. (38). Slats 5-16ins by 5 ins by 36 ins (8). One of the heads is placed in the middle and divides the crate into two compartments. The pines in each crate should be carefully inspected and sized by the packer, and the pines in each crate should be of uniform size, and each one should be wrapped in a good strong Manilla paper. They should be closely packed in the crate in uniform lay_rs and should fill the crate about one inch above the top. The two slats which form the top of the crate should then be placed in position and by even pressuae forced down to the heads and nailed. We also make for the large and fancy varieties of Pine-apples crates of the following dimensions. Heads 12% ins by 20 ins (2) Sides, 4 pieces 5-16 by 10 ins by 24 ins. Tops and bottoms, 4 pieces -D-16 ins by 10 ins by 24 ins. Tops and bottoms, 4 pieces 5-16 ins by 6 ins by 24 ins. These Pines are of course wrapped in paper, and, in addition, the best packers use “ excelsior’ in the spaces around and between the fruit. It is of great importance that the fruit shouid be so packed that it cannot shake about in transportation but at the same time it should not receive the slightest bruise. Pines are frequently ruined by the careless handing of the pickers. We should be very glad to have your people try the crates and we are confident they will find it very profitable to use them. 142 BANANA TRADE IN NICARAGUA. The fruit trust, operating in the West Indies and Central America, the principal associates of which are the Boston Fruit Company, of Bos- ton, Minor ©. Keith, of Costa Rica, and others, have entered the banana fields of the Department of Zelaya (Bluefields and Rama districts), Nicaragua. Their representative, Mr. J. Lamotte Morgan, arrived at Bluefields, and, going into the heart of the banana district, secured con- tracts from nearly all of the larger planters. Mr. Morgan tells me that it is the purpose of his people to put on a line of steamers immediately, with the view of controlling all of the banana trade in Nicaragua. The advent of this new corpor.tion will probably have the effect, at least for the present, of advancing the price of bananas and cheapening freights on incoming and outgoing cargoes. Mr. Morgan states that the freight and passsenger service of the new line will be in every respect superior to that of the old company, and it is probable that a small but fast steamer will be run as an auxiliary between Port Limon, Costa Rica, and San Juan del Norte, Bluefields, and Cape Gracias, Nicaragua.— Report of United States Consul at San Juan del Norte. ADDITIONS AND CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE DEPARTMENT, LIBRARY. EUROPE, British Isles. Botanical Magazine, July, Aug. [Purchased.] British Trade Journal, August. [Editor. ] Bulletin Kew Gardens, Dec. 1898, Jan and Feb. 1899. [Director.] Chemist and Druggist, July 15, 22, 29, Aug. 2. [Editor.] Foreign Office Reports. Garden, July 15, 22, Aug. 5. [Purchased.] Gardeners’ Chronicle, July 15, 22, 29, Aug. 5. [Purchased.] Journal R. Horticultural Society, XXIII, 1. July. Nature, July 13, 20, 27, Aug. 3, [Purchased. } Pharmaceutical Journal, July 15, 22, 29, Aug, 5. Produce World, Aug. [Editor.] Sugar, July. [Editor.] International Sugar Journal, August. [Editor.] France. Suererie, iudigéne et coloniale. July 18, 25, Aug. 1,8. [Editor.] Germany. Notizblatt, Berlin Bot. Garden, II., 19, [Director.] Tropenpflanzer, Aug. [Kditor-.] Holland. Koloniaal Museum, Haarlem. Catalogues der Nederl. W. Indische Ten- toonstelling, 1899. [Director.] : Italy. a. Bulletino, Laboratorio ed Orto Bot. Siena, II, 2. April,—June. [Editor.] Switzerland. ; Bulletin de l’Herbier Boissier, July. [Conservateur.] 143 ASIA. India. Planting Opinion, June 24, July 1, 8,15. ([Editor.] Madras, Agri. Hort. Soc. Proc, Jan.—March. [Supt. of Garden.] Ceylon, Report, Bot. Gardens for 1898. [Director. | ‘Times of Ceylon, June 28, July 6, 12,20. [Editor.] Hong Kong. Report Bot. Gardens for 1898. [ Director.] AUSTRALIA. N.S, Wales. Sydney, Bot. Gards. Pamphlets by Director. [Author.] Queensland, Agr. Journal, July. [Editor. ] Sugar Journal, July. [Kditor. | Report Acclimatisation Soc. 1898-99. [Secretary.] AFRICA, Cape of Good Hope. Agri. Journ. June 22, July 6, [Dept. of Agri. ] Cents al Africa. Times, May 27, June 3, 10, [Editor.] WEST INDIES. Barbados. Agricultural Gazette, July. [Editor.] Jamatca. Journal, Jamaica Agri, Soc., Aug. [Secretary.| Martinique. Bulletin Agricole, May—July. [Editor. ] Trinidad. Bot. Garden Bulletin, July. [Supt.] Windward Islands. | St. Lucia, Meteorol Returns, Jan.—July. List of Plants. [Curator.] BRITISH NORTH AMERICA, Moniveal. Pharmaceutical Journal, August. [Editor. | Nova Scotia. Crop Report, July. [Secretary. ] Ottawa. Experimental Farm Report. Results from Test growing of Crops, Drs Wm. Saunders ; Report of Entomologist and Botanist, 1898. [Director.] —_———-. UNITED STATES, AMERICA, Publications of the U, S, Dept. of Agriculture—Sctentific Bureaus ana Divisions, Div. of Soils :—Tobacco Soils of U, S., by M. Whitney. [Author.] Tobacco Soils: Farmer’s Bulletin, 83, by M. Whitney. [Author] Curing Tobacco, Farmer’s Bulletin, 60, by M. Whitney. [Author.] Culture of Tobacco, Farmers’ Bulletin,82, by O. C. Butterweck[ Prof Whitney] Cultivation of Tobacco in Sumatra, by E. Mulder. [Prof. Whitney.] Temperature changes in fermenting piles of cigar-leaf tobacco by M. Whitney and T. H. Means. [Prof. Whitney,] Div. of V. Physiology and Pathology : Curing and fermentation of Cigar- leaf tobacco, by O. Loew. [Prof. Whitney.] 144 Experiment Stations. Arkansas, 57 (Tuberculosis) Tilinois, 55 (Improvement of Corn), 56 (S. José Scale) Kansas, 86 (Press Bulletins) 87 (Grasses) 89 (Soil Moisture) 82 (Com- mer cial Fertilisers). Michigan, 174 (Fertiliser Analyses) Virginia, vii, 6, (Equine Distemper), 7 (Black Leg Vaccine) West Virginia 56 (Investigations on unhealthy conditions of Spruce and Pine) 57 (Commercial Fertilisers), 58 (Effect of pressure in. preservation of milk) ; American Journal of Pharmacy, August. [Editor]. Botanical Gazette, Chicago. July, [Editor.] Harvard University, Contrib. from Gray Herbarium, vii. [Authors]. Plant World, August. [Publisher. ] Torrey Bot. Club Bulletin, August. [Editor] SouTH AMERICA. Bot. Garden, Rio Janeiro, Palmae Novae Paraguayenses, By Director J. B. Rodrigues. [Director ] POLYNESIA. Planters’ Monthly, Hawaii, June, July. [Editor.] SEEDS. From Botanic Gardens, British Guiana, Caryocar nucifera (Souari Nuts.) Astrocaryum plicatum. Castilloa elastica. Licuala grandis. From Mr Geo. Levy, Kingston, Jamaica. Colorado Bottom Grass (from Texas.) From Mr. M. A, M. Farquharson, M. Quarters, Jamatca. Collection of Garden Seeds from Yokohama, Japan From Botanic Garden, British Honduras. Castilloa elastica. From Mr. W. Jekyll, Robertsfield, Jamaica. Zinnia (selected colours.) PLANTS. From Mr. W. Jekyll, Jamaica. Cineraria maritima. [Issued 21st Sept. 1899.] JAMAICA. BULLETIN OF THE BOTANICAL DEPARTMENT. Vol, Vi New Series OCTOBER, 1899, Part xX TOBACCO CULTIVATION AND CURING. * By J. C. Espin: For many years Planter and Manufacturer in Cuba and Jamaica, and late Government Expert for Trinidad. PREFACE. The clear and ordinary language adopted in writing this Guide will, it is believed, be more within the reach of those who most need it than a more elaborate and scientific phraseology. Unacquainted with science, the writer merely explains the methods of growing and curing the To- bacco plant, without entering into its Natural History, Chemistry, etc., which he deems unnecessary in a purely practical Guide like this. The writer. confidently recommends the methods here explained as they are based, not on hear say and “theory,” but on his own experience as a planter and manufacturer for many years. He assures those who may adopt this article as their guide that if strictly followed out, the Tobacco obtained will be of excellent quality, depending, of course, on the physical conditions of the locality where grown. Much has been written on Tobacco, a plant which forms one of the most important factors of national wealth in the countries where it is largely and efficiently cultivated; but the works on the subject, which we have had the opportunity of reading, are either so scientific in the language and style as to be beyond the knowledge of the majority, or so diffuse and full of different and even opposite methodsas to be- wilder the cultivator. There are some works which give directions con- trary to our experience, and others again devote more space to the botany, physica] and chemical properties of the plant, than to the proper manner of growing and curing it, which latter ought to be the principal aim. With a view to supply, as far as our knowledge allows, a thoroughly practical and reliable guide, devoid of the defects above mentioned, it was decided to prepare the present Pamphlet, not that it will be, by any means, absolutely free from errors, but it will be one which we *Reprinted from Bulletin, No. 13, May, 1889 (now out of print.) 146 earnestly believe will be of real and practical assistance to the begin- ner, as it was written “in the field’ whilst actually growing, curing and manufacturing ‘‘ the weed” for the market, and therefore after every method had been thoroughly tested. Several manuscript copies of it were given to friends who desired to try the cultivation, and the results of their experiments were most successful. As the writer is a native of Cuba and the original was written iu Spanish, this is necessarily a translation, but it differs in no way from the Spanish in the arrangemeut, etc., the writer having carefully pre- pared the English as well as the Spanish, but a foreigner by birth, the writer begs the indulgence of the English-speaking readers towards the correctness or elegance of the English construction, as it is not possible for him always to frame his sentences in a style untainted by his mother tongue, and he begs tv be excused for his somewhat lengthy Preface, and leave to those who might follow this Guzde to dezide how far he has succeeded in fulfilling his object. CHAPTER I. The Tobacco plant was not known in Europe till the discovery of America in the fifteenth century. Itis said that Columbus, during his first voyage while off the coast of Cuba, sent some explorers to land and obtain information concerning the natural resources of the country, and that on their way back they, for the first time, witnessed the use of a weed, which the ingenious caprice of man has since converted into a universal luxury. They beheld several of the natives going about with firebrands in their hands and certain dried herbs which they rolled up in a leaf and lighting one end put the other in their mouths and continued inhaling and puffing out the smoke. A roll of this kind ~ they called a ‘“ tobacco,” a name since transferred to the plant of which the rolls were made. There are mary species of Tobacco, but the Cuban Tobacco plant is one known to Botanists as Necotzana Tabacum L. (Cuban variety), and it is to the cultivation of this kind that we will direct our attention, it being the best Tobacco known and the only one | have cultivated. The culture of Tobacco may be divided into five periods, viz., Nur- sery, Planting, After cultivation, Curing and Packing, each of which will be treated of in its respective order in the following pages; but first a few words on Climate and Soil. CLIMATE. Climate is an important point in the cultivation of Tobacco, but as this cannot be modified by artificial means we should seek a district where the temperature and moisture of the locality is similar to that of Cuba, warm and humid. Inacountry where the seasons differ from those of that Island the periods of cultivating must be accordingly varied. Som. The soil as well as the weather affects the plant toa considerable extent, for plants grown under the very same climate, but on slightly different soils, produce Tobaccos altogether distinct in quality. For 147 instance, in Cuba two neighbouring fields, which are of course under the same climatic influences, produce Tobacco which differ in many particulars. Therefore, not only must the seasons be carefully selected, but the soil also requires to be chosen with great care, a light sandy loam, mixed with a fair proportion of vegetable debris, being preferred to any other. City lands are very unsuitable. Sandy, loose-grained soil, absolutely free from clay, will produce Tobacco of far better quality in every respect than any other kind of soil. CHAPTER II. CULTURAL INSTRUCTIONS. — NURSERY. In the selection of the land for making the Nursery attention must be paid to the existing conditions of the soil, and action taken in accor- dance therewith. We will therefore describe in a concise manner the most convenient and the best methods of preparing it. The best soil for making the Nursery is to be found on virgin or untilled land, and it is more easily prepared. On the other hand, in cleared and cultivated land the seedlings grow better and safer, but give more trouble than in virgin soil. Old, abandoned dung-hills, the sides along old wooden fences, hog-sties and similar places, are very good soils for making Nurseries on. The Nursery may be formed into BEDS or left LEVEL land, as appears most suitable. 1. Virgin land is prepared by cutting down every tree on the por- tion intended for the Nursery, leaving only a certain number of small trees whose branches will afford safficient shade to the tender plants (these will have to be removed lateron). The land should be prepared long and narrow and with a North-easterly exposure. The land should now be swept with a broom made of the thin branches of trees or boughs so as to remove away all rubbish, etc., from it. The soil should be slightly hoed, and the rubbish arising from this hoeing swept and thrown away also. The soil is now ready for sowing the seed. 2. On cultivated soil itis preferable to select the plot as level as possible, but if it should be too much on the incline it must be drained by means of trenches dug at the sides of the Nursery to prevent rain water from running into it and carrying away the seed. This should also be done to Nurseries on newly-cleared land. The seedlings will thrive much better if it should be that the land has been used the year previous as a horse or sheep-pen, pig-sty, or dung-hill. The soil is prepared for sowing the seed just the same as on virgin soil. 3. Whether on virgin or on cultivated soil the seed may be sown in BEDS. The method of procedure is as follows:—In the month of May the soil is ploughed and immediately after, itis hoed, and then covered with a layer of vegetable rubbish, such as dry grass, etc. A few days after, when weeds have sprung up, the rubbish is burnt for the purpose of destroying all insects and grubs which infest decaying vegetable matter, and left in this state till weeds again spring up. Another layer of vegetable rubbish is put on and burnt as before, and a couple of days after this last burning the soil is hoed and the BEDs 148 made. They should not be above four feet in breadth and ot any desired length, though for the convenience in walking through the Nursery they may be made about ten feet in length, the pathways along and across the beds being about half a yard in width. The height of the beds should not be more than ONE INCH above the level, having long wattles placed at the edges or borders of the beds sustained by pegs driven down at their extremities so as to support the earth. Corn is then planted in the middle of the beds, two grains per hole, and each hole two feet apart. Near the time of sow- ing the seed the soil is chopped with a cutlass without injuring the corn. Corn protects the young plant from the rays of the sun. If when the seedlings spring up thecorn has sars, they should be picked off, for they damage the seedlings. 4. A Nursery can be made so as to be at the same time a Tobacco field. It is done as foilcws:—The land is cleared of trees, the boughs and rubbish burnt and corn immediately planted on the land. Previous to sowing the seed, the earth is chopped and prepared as explained for beds. The seed is sown as usual, but when the plants are fit for trausplanting they should be thinned out where too many grow together, and those taken out planted where there are few or none ata regular distance from each other as on a field. The Tobacco grown by this method yields more leaves than by being transplanted to a field, possessing besides the advantage of their being finer in texture and of a better colour. The after-cultivation and curing is identical to that planted otherwise. The Cuban planter calls the Tobacco so grown ‘“ Criollo” (Creole.) This is generally done in the Nurseries after planting in the field is finished, but is never adopted as a regular system of culture, because their is no uniformity in the quality of the leaf and the quantity produced per acre. THE SEED. Among the most important points in Tubacco culture is the selection of the seed. lt should be taken off the most healthy and perfect plants, and when properly ripe, that is, when the seed-pods blacken. The plants selected for seed should be left uncut and should not of course be “topped,” and all suckers plucked off. The seedpods on their stalks should be thoroughly dried and then hung up in bundles for some length of time. It is preferable to rub out the seeds of the pods, winnow and put into well-covered demijohns, jars, or glass bottles. The seeds sown the first year ought to be imported directly from Havana as the only means of securing the Cuban kind of Tobacco. Frequent supplies of seeds should be regularly supplied as it is apt to deteriorate if grown too long in one district. METHOD OF SOWING THE SEEDS. Care must be observed in sowing the seeds that they are evenly scattered on the soil for if they be thickly sown the young plants will spring up too closely and will be so delicate and tender that they will not stand transplanting. To secure the seeds being evenly scattered, they 149 should be mixed with dry fine earth or sand. If when the seed is sown it does not rain the soil must be moistened with a fine-rosed watering- pot, raising the hand as high as possible so that the water may bury the seeds, being careful at the same time that the water does not wash away or throw the. seeds together. The seed should be sown a month and a half before the seedlings are required for planting, for at the end of this time they should be fit for tiansplanting. The proper sowing season is from the middle of August up to the beginning of October, on such a day as it is likely torain. , Should it not rain the soil must be watered as before explained. CARE OF THE NURSERY. When the leaves of the seedlings are about the size of a sixpenny piece or a shilling piece, the corn and branches of the trees left must gradually be cut away so that the young plant may become gradually accustomed to the heat of the sun, preventing by this means the risk of their perishing when transplanted. The Nursery must be frequently weeded to prevent exhaustion of the soil and weakening the seedlings. The weeds must be rooted up with the hands, being careful not to injure the seedlings. Whenever the Nursery is weeded or seedlings have been removed for transplantation fresh seeds should be sown in order to always have a supply of seed- lings. According as the shade is taken away the supply of water to the seedling should be slightly watared with lime water, SUFFICIENTLY DILUTED SO AS NOT TO BURN THE SEEDLINGS, and the larger grubs des- troyed every morning by hand. The seedlings, to be fit for transplant- ing, must have six leaves and these leaves of the size of a half doilar piece. Before rooting up the seedlings for transplanting, if no rain occurs, the ground should be properly wetted to facilitate their extraction with all their roots. They should be slightly shaken to remove some of the earth attached to their roots. In taking out seedlings for transplanting the fingers should be carefully put down to the root in order to avoid breaking the stalk. CHAPTER III. PLANTING AND PREPARATION OF THE LAND FOR PLANTING. The proper mouth: for planting is September, but if inundation of the land be expected, planting should commence in November. We have noticed in various works on Tobacco Culture that artifi- cial manures are highly recommended. We believe that by this means the Tobacco can be made to yield larger leaves, according to the quality of the artificial manure, but it can never be obtained possessing the aroma and other qualities essential to Smoking Tobacco. The only application admissible is that of lime, which SHOULD ONLY BE USED when the soil is very much exhausted. In the Island of Cuba, the Smoking Tobacco produced is doubtless without a rival in the world and there manuring with artificial manures is never practised, as the 150 experience of the Vuelta-abajo planters a few years since proves clearly the disadvantages attending such usage. It should be remarked that the manure used was Peruvian Guano. The crop obtained during that short period suffered greatly in its quantity and quality, so much so that the planters of Vuelta-abajo have given up altogether manuring with such foreign matters. The best method of preparing the soil for planting is the following, which is that employed in Cuba, the manure used being purely vegetable, withthe exception indicated, viz., lime. No other animals but hogs should be allowed to feed on the land in- tended for planting from the month of May. Weeds and shrubs are allowed to grow freely till July, when it is ploughed lengthwise and crosswise with all the bush. Fifteen or twenty days after, about which time the weeds, etc., ought to be thorougly rotten, the land should be frequently ploughed, with a few days interval between each ploughing, if the soil be not too wet, so that, by the month of September it shall have been ploughed about eight or ten times, and the whole of the vegetable rubbish be perfectly rotten. All the sticks, roots of small trees which have not rotted should be picked up and thrown away and the land raked if not wet. It is convenient to have hogs feeding on the land during this time, as they help to mix up the soil. It is unneces- sary to say that when about to begin planting they should be kept out of the field, for they would destroy the Tobacco plants. | When there is no fear of floods, and planting time hasarrived, if there be any weeds growing on the land, it should be ploughed, attaching this time to the plough a log, about four feet in length, in such a manner as to break up the lumps of earth and at the same time collect the rubbish. To Plant.—The land is ploughed in a direction from North to South, leaving at least a yard between each furrow, but if the soil be very fertile four feet should. be left. The seedlings, after being up- rooted as before mentioned, are distributed along the furrows at a dis- tance of eighteen inches from each other. Planting should be com- menced not earlier than three o'clock in the afternoon on sunny days, but on a cloudy light showery day, planting may be carried on the whole day. Planting may also be begun before daybreak, so that the planting be finished by eight o’clock in the morning. The seedling is held with the left hand and the earth taken out of the hole with-the right, and placing the seedling into the hole, throw some earth on the roots and slightly press it down, being very careful not to injure the tender stem of the seedling, and then fill up the hole with the ioose soil. The depth at which the seedlings should be placed in the holes depends on its size, for which reason no exact rule can be given, but generally speaking, in ordinary size seedling the root and a small portion of the stem only should be buried. Tall seedlings can be placed a few inches deeper, according to the size, but in no case should any seed- lings be buried so deeply that the lower leaves touch the earth. One should also be careful not to ALLOW ANY EARTH TO FALL ON THE TOP OF THE YOUNG PLANT. Wet weather is most suitable for planting, and if the soil be very wet, the seedlings should be planted lightly, that is avoiding all pressure on their roots. __ If the planting be done in furrows, the seedlings should be placed on that side of the fur- row called by the vegueros “ oreja,”’ which is the side on the west. Seedlings from a distance.—When on any account planting has to 151 be done with seedlings brought from a far distance, the greatest care should be observed in transporting and preserving them, for otherwise many will die when transplanted. The best manner is to take out the seedlings early in the morning and place them on the river bank (if there be any near) and under the shade of a tree soas to keep them altogether out of reach of the rays of the sun. After six in the evening of the same day or before dawn of the next they should be put up in small bund \es, and before starting for their destination they should be sprinkled with cold water. , As soon as they arrive at their destination they should be placed in the cool, under the shade of atree. Every bundle should be undone and the seedlings separated widely apart and water again sprinkled on all so that whea planting time arrives they are quite cool. If planted whilst warm very few seedlings will live. If there is no rain when planting begins and the soil is very dry, sufficient water must be poured into each hole, and planting ought not to be performed till the following day, when the soil is moist. The newly-planted seedlings should be watered twice daily, before sun-rise and after sunset, for two or more days successively until it is seen that they have taken root. After the young plants are transplanted in the field those which have died must be replaced, and the operation repeated it necessary to insure a good crop. Planting on Virgin Land.—For planting no trees or shade of any kind should be used, and therefore every one should be taken away on the land intended for a Tobacco field. Newly cleared land cannot be ploughed on account of the stumps and roots of the trees cut down. The roots, could of course, be dug out, but the expense attending this operation would be great. They may, however, be gradually dug out until in a few years none be left on the !and. When the soil suited for planting has been newly cleared and can- not for the reasons given be ploughed, HOLING must be adopted, which is done by means of a pointed pole or an iron implement made in the shape of a lance. After driving the instrument used with some force into the soil, turn it in several directions so as to break up the earth thoroughly, keeping a distance of EIGHTEEN INCH#s from each hole and three feet trom each row of holes. To give a regular and symmetrical appearance to the field we use a long, strong, single cord with pieces of coloured rags, or any other material fastened in at the distance apart which has been mentioned, namely, eighteen inches. The cord is kept stretched out by means of a stake driven in the ground at each end of the cord. In forming the rows of holes with this line the stakes tied at the end of it are placed at a distance of three feet from the preceding row. CHAPTER IV. AFTER CULTIVATION. About eight or ten days after planting, if the soil is not too wet, the furrows are closed up by hoeing up the earth carefully around the plants and again performing the same operation at intervals of about fifteen days. This operation should be done if it does not rain. Asa general rule it may be said that this operation of hoeing, or as it is com- monly called, ‘“ mMounpine@” should be performed as often as necessary to keep the soil loose and free from weeds. Moulding exerts a benefi« 152 cial effect on Tobacco, aiding its growth and proper development nearly the same as rain does. When the plants are still young two little narrow leaves (called ‘* barbus” in Cuba) appear at the junction of the stem with the two low- est leaves, and they must be picked off as soon as they become visible, for if left they develop into long, narrow leaves, which greatly injure the plant. A process called “ pruning” consists in taking off the two lower leaves of each plant as soon as they ripen. Care must be taken not to strip a piece of the bark of the stalk when removing them. When cured they produce a fairly good Smoking Tobacco. Particular care must at all times be taken to keep the plants free from grubs or caterpil- lars, and for this purpose hand-picking should be done at least twice daily, otherwise many of the best leaves will be perforated and rendered useless for wrapping purposes. Toprine (desbotonar).—The Tobacco plant grows more or less high, according to the fertility of the soil and the state of the weather during its growth. ‘ ToppinG” is an operation which consists in pluck- ing off the shoot button or bud (which encloses the flower) at the Top of the plant. It should be taken off with the finger and thumb as being the safest way. The time when it should be plucked off is when the two little leaves which enclose the bud open cut. Not more than twelve leaves should be allowed to remain on each plant, and the surplus leaves should be taken off along with the bud trom the top of the plant. One must be very careful not to allow too much time to elapse and the flower to make its appearance, for then the leaves of the plants will be small in size and of inferior quality. Wight days, or thereabout, after the ‘‘ button” or bud has been removed, the suckers begin to appear, every one of which should be removed as soon as seen, and the operation must be performed as frequently as necessary in order that the plants may grow strong and vigorous. This operation is called (“deshijaar”’ ) SUCKERING, the suckers being all those leaves which spring up at the junction of the stem and the leaves of the plant, as well as thos. that grow from the root and lower part of the stem. After the third sucker- ing the plants will be fit for cutting, but this should never be done until the leaves are matured so as to obtain the Tobacco of prime colour, being careful at the same time to avoid their being too ripe, if this should happen they get discoloured, or dappled, thus losing in quality and producing much “ FuNK” (that is, almost valueless Tobacco.) The leaf is MATURED when on its surface are formed ELEVATION BLISTERS, called by Cuban planters “ vejigar”’ BLISTERING, and when the tops of the leaves, held in the hand, sound asif they cracked. It is then that the leaf is fully developed. When the plant has been cut, suckers spring up. The leaves developed from these are called “cAPADURAS’”’ or “capongs and to obtain a good Tobacco from them wot more than TwO SUCKERS must be allowed to grow from each parent-root, according to its strength, and leaving only those which sprung up from below the surface of the earth and furthest from the cut stalk. The suckers or “ratoons’ should be carefully weeded, avoiding throwing the earth on the cut stem or on the suckers, and moulding should be performed as frequently as the weather and the vigour of the parent-root requires it. The after-cultivation and curing of these suckers is identical with that of the first crop of Tobacco. “Ratoons” or suckers are developed as 153 many as five times in success, provided the weather be rainy and the number of suckers left be proportionate to the vigour of the parent-root. The Tobacco obtained each time will be of good size and quality, and sometimes, in every respect, superior to the first cut. CHAPTER V. HARVESTING. When the plant is properly ripe and fit for harvesting, cutting must not he commenced until the dew has disappeared and the leaves are thoroughly dry, that is, after ten o’clock in the morning, and con- tinued till about three o'clock in the afternoon. The best knife for use is the hook-nosed pruning knife. The leaves are best cut in pairs “ mancuernas,” commencing from above and proceeding downwards to a level with the earth, in preference to the method of cutting down the whole plant. The “ mancuernas” should be placed on poles (of convenient length and thickness, first stripped of their bark) as quickly as possible to prevent the sun from burning the leaves while on the ground, for if this should happen the Tobacco would be greatly damaged. Each “‘ Cortapor” on CUTTER should have as many COLLECTORS as may be found necessary in order that the Tobacco cut may be on the ground the least possible time. The currers should throw the “capa” or wrappers (the best Tobacco) on the space or walk between the rows of plants which they may be following and the “ rripa”’ or fillers in the next, thus keep- ing the two classes separate, for alike reason each pole should be filled with the same class, and when full of the Tobacco should be kept separate in the House. When on the poles the Tobacco should be kept fora while in the sun to wither and then taken to the House ; for while it is beneficial to dry in the sun when on the poles, it is destruc- tive to the quality of the leaves if it is dried by the sun while lying on the ground. If it be decided to cut the plant whole, as is sometimes practised , cutting always commencing at the proper time of the day, each CARRIER should be provided with bands eighteen inches in width and of any de- sired length. With these bands the cut plants are carefully tied into BUNDLES or “ MATULES,” so as not to break the leaves, and should be of a size which the men employed as carriers can readily carry. Instead of bands, bags may be used to carry the cut Tobacco to the Tobacco- house. Every endeavour ought to be used not to allow the Tobacco to remain on the ground longer than is absolutely necessary to pick it up, to avoid the inevitable burning which will occur if left long on the ground. The bundles or bag-fulls may he carried to the House either on head, small carts, or any other manner. The manner of curing the Tobacco cut in these two ways will be described in another Chapter. Before detailing the curinG, which has to be done in the Hovusn, it is convenient to give a brief sketch of a ToBacoo-Hovsr, and at the same time of the “ Pinon” or “ Prensa,” the “ BULKING-BOx” or “¢ PRESS.” 154 CHAPTER VI. CURING. oo’ TOBACCO-HOUSE AND PRESS. It is understood that the House must be finished by the time cutting is tocommence. The “ PILon” or Press is to be made when the Tobacco is dry on the poles and nearly ready for bulking or fer- menting in the Press. THe Topacco-Housks. The house should run from North to South (one end looking North and the other South.) Of whatever length it is built, take half the length, less one part for the breadth, and with these dimensions a well- shaped house will be constructed. Two-thirds the breadth is taken for the length of the rafters, and if the House be thatched, one foot more should be added to the length, so as to have a greater inclination of the roof to throw off the rain water rapidly. For example, a house of 20 yards in length (the posts supporting the roof being 4 yards high), the breadth will be ¥ yards and the length of the rafters 6 yards: half of 20 = 10, less 1 vara = 9 yards, and two-thirds of 9 yards = 6 yards. A house of these dimensions is to be divided into sections, ‘‘ APOSEN- Tos ’ allowing a space of 27 inches between each section so that a man may easily get in to put up or bring down the poles. The same space left between each section (27 inches) should be left at both ends of the house to afford the same facility. A passage one yard it width should be left, dividing the house lengthwiseinto halves, and each half will have by this passage four sections on each side, thus making in all eight sections, and each of these sections will have four square yards. The apartments are framed by posts. The poles for a house of the foregoing dimensions must be at least thirteen feet in length. The poles filled with the Tobacco are placed on what are called in Cuba “BARREDERAS,” which are stout, strong rails, of the length of the sections, nailed horizontally on posts, which form the sections one above the other and at a convenient distance, namely, one yard, so that the tip of the leaves of the upper poles do not touch the butt ends of the lower. The space above the tie-beam is divided in the same manner as was done below it. To be able to do the division above as below, itis necessary to put two tze-beams and two cross beams or cross pieces to form each space, and by these the spaces separating each apartment below will be continued above. We would advise the beginner to see a house built by an Expert as the best means of becoming acquainted with its construction. When the house is shingled or thatched, a kind of window or ven- tilator should be left at the top of each gable so that the air may refresh the Tobacco which is at the upper part of the house. In a toggy locality the sides of the house should alsobe covered with thatch. Several doors should be made so that after the fog has disappeared they may be opened and air allowed to circulate freely through the house. The sides of the house should be WATTLED. 155 THe Press on “PILON.”’ The Press is made in one of the sections of the Tobacco-house, and of the required size. The section in which the Press is constructed must be well closed to exclude the outer air. Long logs are placed parallel to, a little apart from, each other, and on these a kind of floor is made of either board or wattles, at a height of about one foot. The floor so formed is covered with thatch or dry plantain leaves, aud the Tobacco can now be placed in it. CoNDITIONING OR FERMENTATION. 1. MancuErnas, or pairs of leaves. As soon as the poles are carried to the House filled with the Tobacco, cut and arranged as before described, they are placed on the horizontal rails or “ BARREDERAS”’ closely packed together. They are left in this state for three days, if it be in the months of October, Nov- ember or December, but in any of the following months they must be kept so packed for not more than one or two days. When the leaves become yellow they are said to be ripe and then the poles must be separated a foot from each other. There are two methods of treating the Tobacco when in this con- dition :— Method A.—Allow the poles to remain the foot apart till the stalks and the midribs or middle veins of the leaves get dry, then carry up the poles to the upper “‘barrederas’ and again pack closely, 7 there be want of room; but if room be not needed, then they may be put a foot apart. 3 Method B.—Separate the leaves which may be sticking together and place the poles filled with the Tobacco out in the sun for three days, being very careful ot to allow the rain to wet the Tobacco, and replace them in the house every day at about 3 or 4 o’clock in the afternoon to avoid the dew. Horizontal bars of a kind similar to those used ina gymnasium are made on which to place the poles filled with the Tobacco. At the end of three days the poles are placed on the upper “ barrederas” and there allowed to dry properly. The poles may be closely packed if room be needed, but thes should never be done unless the “middle vein” or midrib be thoroughly dry. I prefer this method to the former, because there is no fear of sen ipe (putrid fermentation), and the Tobacco acquires a_ better colour. Considering the advantages of this method it is :almost superfluous to advise the adoption of it in preference to the former. 2. When the method is adopted of cutting the whole Plant.—The bundles or “‘matules,” when brought in from the field, are unloaded at the House, and should be opened out at once and the Tobacco scattered about as widely as possible to allow it to cool to prevent its sweating. When cool and there is no risk of sweating, the stalks of two plants are tied together at the root end with any kind of string, fastening four stems to one string, which should be just long enough to allow the Tobacco to be hung up on the pole, like the “mancuernas.” In case the Tobacco plants be rather large, instead of two, only one should be tied at each end. The string should be tied below the upper leaf, on 156 the butt of the stalk, so as to prevent their falling down. One must be very careful to see that the labourers tying do not put more than four small plants or two large ones in each string. After being placed on the poles the Tobacco cut in this manner is treated just the same as that cut in pairs of leaves, or “mancuernas.” Although we have attempted here to describe one of the most import- ant operations, yet it is a fact that scarcely any one can become efficient in the practical part unless he assists in carrying out the work for some time under the instruction of an Expert. MertuHop oF BULKING IN PREss. (HMPILONAR.) Method 1.—At the beginning of Spring, when the Tobacco becomes soft and pliant on account of the humidity of the weather, the poles are taken down--the time for which must also be regulated by the condi- tion of the leaf—the leaves are stripped off, or removed from the stalks and made into bundles or “‘matules,” 18 inches in length by 18 inches in depth, the breadth being the length of the leaves. The leaves are placed with all their butt ends together and properly tied to form the ‘matul.”’ The “matules’” are more easily formed by means of two pairs of short stakes driven in the ground in the House, at the proper distance, viz., 18 inches, strings to be used for tying up the bundles are passed between each pair of stakes. The stakes in each pair being driven apart at a distance according to the length of the leaves. After the bundles are made they are put in the pizlon or press, tightly packed together, covering them up with thatch or dried plantain leaves, putting on top of all a few blocks of wood, or any other weight to press the Tobacco slightly. It should now be allowed to remain in the press for at least eight days before commencing the sorTING of the leaves, but itis preferable to allow the Tobacco to remain in the press for about thirty days or more, as the Tobacco is benefited by the press, and there is no risk in its remaining here for any length of time, provided the leaves as well as their mid ribs be thoroughly dry when put into the press. The wezghts should be removed after thirty days. When about to sort the leaves as many bundles as can be worked up in a day are taken out of the press, opened out, and the tips and the butt ends of the leaves are moistened with a wet sponge. The bundles are again made up and placed into the press, covering them as before. 1wenty-four hours after, when the leaves will have just enough moisture to be handled without breaking, the bundles are taken out as fast as the leaves are SORTED. SorTinG, classification or choosing of the leaves, is done to separate the different kinds of leaves according to their qualities, etc. Hach planter may classify or sort his tobacco as he thinks best, but the sim- plest classification is: into first class CAPA (wrapper); second class CAPA,. first class tripa (filler); second class tripa and third class tripa the re- mainder being ‘‘ FUNK” or inferior Tobacco. The leaves which have been sORTED should be immediately, or rather simultaneously, made into: hands or “ manillas.” A “ hand’, “ gavilla” or “ manilla” is made b placing the butt ends of the leaves evenly together until the hand is full of leaves, selecting a leaf which is not very sound, twist it like a rope, and wrap it around the butt ends of the leaves so as to tie them proper- = 157 ly together, then divide the whole bunch of leaves with the hand and draw the tying-leaf through and close the bunch, thus securing the leaves, afterwards place the HANDs in the press again. I am greatly in favour of the foregoing method of bulking on ac- count of the many advantages it possesses over the following, which is by some adopted as the usual method of curing at this stage:— Method 2.—If for want of roomin the House or on account of very wet weather the Tobacco becomes mouldy and there be fear of losing it, it should be put into the press at once. In such a case it should re- main in the press not longer than is absolutely necessary for stripping off the stalks and sorting the leaves, never beyond ezght days, as the dampness of the stalks spoils the leaves. The after-treatment is the same as the first method. CHAPTER VIL. PACKING AND BALING. As soon as it is desired to pack the Tobacco the wash is prepared with which to sprinkle it The “ manilla” is held in the left hand, and with the right the wash (betun) is sprinkled on evenly, and the hand of Tobacco well shaken to remove drops of wash on the leaves: they are then put aside in a heap and allowed to remain so for a couple of hours, or until the leaves be sufficiently pliant and soft to permit handling without breaking, and they are again put back into the press. After remaining in the press for about four or six days the hands or manillas are taken out and shaken and made into bunches of three or four hands each, called “ manojos,” and then put into bales. When baled, the Tobacco undergoes its last fermentation, being ready at the same time for the market, and the curing of the crop is at an end. The yayuas which are strips of palm bark used in baling, must be properly dry and pliant and evenly flattened by pressure. Hach bale should hold eighty- one manojos. The bales are made in a wooden frame, which is con- structed on different patterns. It is useless to describe the process, as no description whatever can teach the manner of making a bale. It must be learnt by practice as many of the other processes also must be. ‘After the bales are made, they should be put out in the sun till the yaguas and ropes with which the bales are tied be thoroughly dry. After dry- ing they should be stored away in a suitable dry place having a wooden floor. When more than three bales are put together, one on the other, the pressure of such a weight takes away the softness and elasticity of the leaf, but on the other hand renders it a better Smoking Tobacco. Every one, therefore is at liberty in this particular to use his discretion to suit his interest. Besides yaguas cases are used for packing Tobacco, those made of eedar-boards being preferable, but packing in yaguas or baling is by far the best. Such is the prevailing opinion amongst planters in Cuba that it is acommon saying there, that ‘“‘ God made the Yagua for the To- bacco” (Dios hizo la yagua par el tabaco.) 158 APPENDIX. (a) A Nursery 110 yards long and 22 yards wide will grow a suffi- cient number of healthy seedlings to plant a field of 12 acres. (6) For a Nursery of the foregoing size about two pounds of good, nealthy seed should be sown, and if these do not grow, fresh seed must be sown again. (c) On an acre of land 10,000 plants can be cultivated, but the ex- act number is 9,680 plants. One man should not attend to more than the number of plants which can be grown on an acre of land. (d) The number of plants that will give a quintal (100 lbs) of Tobacco cannot be exactly estimated, for it depends on the state of the weather and the fertilitv of the soil. But in general terms it may be said that if the soil is good and the weather is favourable 1,000 or 1,500 plants will give a quintal. (e) Should it rain whilst cutting is going on, the operation must be discontinued until the weather is again fine—as the leaf must on no account be cut while wet. Tobacco should not be cut during rainy weather, as at that time the suckers are growing freely and it would take away the quality of the leaf, which is in measure regained by succeeding dry weather. Bretun oR WasH. Take 5lbs of old, strong Tobacco stalks and put into 2 or 23 gal- lons of water, and boil sufficiently to reduce the quantity of water to about one third so as to obtain a strong well boiled infusion. The ves- selin which this infusion is made should be new and perfectly free from grease, Take a clean barrel,fill with clear water, and put into it a sufficient quantity of Tobacco-stalks, three quarters of which should be of the former crop and one fourth ot the last. Allow it to ferment for four days, and on the fifth day, when it should be used, add as much of the infusion to this as will darken it, and it may now be used. SS SSE SSE Onn ets ADDITIONS AND CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE DEPARTMENT. LIBRARY, EUROPE. British Isles. | British Museum, Annual Returus, 1898-99. [Director.] Botanical Magazine, September. [Purchased.] British Trade Journal, September. [Editor.] Bulletin, Kew Gardens, March—August. [Director. ] Chemist and Druggist, Aug. 12, 19, 26, Sept. 2. [Editor.] Garden, Aug. 12, 19, Sept.2. [Purchased.] Gardener’s Chronicle, Aug. 12, 19, 26, Sept. 2. [Purchased. | Journal of Botany, Aug., Sept, [Purchased.] Nature, Aug. 10, 17, 24, 31. [Purchased.] Pharmaceutical Journal, Aug. 12, 19, 26, Sept. 2. Produce World, Sept. [Editor.] 159 r Sugar, Aug. ([EKditor.] Sugar Journal, International, Sept. [Editor. ] W. Indian and Com. Advertiser, Aug. [Editor.] France: Sucrerie, indigéne at coloniale, Aug., 15, 22. Sept. 5.—[Editor.] Germany ' Tropenpflanzer, Sept. —[Editor.] Italy. Palermo, Bol. Ort. Bot., II., 3, 4.—[Editor.] Switzerland, Bulletin de Herbier Boissier, Aug.— [Conservateur ] a ASIA, Ceylon. Agricultural Ledgeri(Caleutta), Nos. 5, 6, 1899. Plauting Opinion, July 22, 29, Aug., 5, 12.—[Editor.] India. Times of Ceylon, July 27, Aug. 2, 9, 17.—[Editor.] AUSTRALIA. N.S. Wales. Agri. Gazette of N. 8. Wales, Aug, [Dept. of Agri. } AFRIOA. Cape a7 Good Hope. Agr. Journal. July 20. [Sec. for Agri.] Contra: Africa. Times, June 17, 24, July 1, 8. [Editor.] WEsT INDIES. Barbados. Agricultural Gazette, Aug. [Editor.] Jamaica. Journal, Jamaica Agri, Soc., Sept. [Secretary.] Trinidad. Report of Govt. Analyst on Seedling Cane Crop of 1899, [Supt. Bot. Gard.} BRITISH NORTH AMERIOA. Montreal. Pharmaceutical Journal, Sept. [Editor.] Ontario. Bureau of Industries. Aug. Crop Report. [Secretary.] Publications of the U. S. Dept. of Agriculture—Scientific Bureaus and Divisions [Dzrectors.] Experiment Stations. Experiment Station Record, XI. I. Ohio, 96 (Army Worm and other Insects), 97 (Diseases of Wheat), 98 (Small Fruits), 99 (Sugar Beet.), 100 (Home-mixing of Fertilisers), 101 (Oats), 102 (Spraying), 103 (S. José Scale), 104 (Spraying Pump), 105 (Cucumber, Melon and Tomato Diseases), 106 (Chinch Bug), 107 Hessian Fly). Texas, 52 (Cabbage and Cauliflower) Utah, 61 (Alfalfa) American Journal of Pharmacy, Sept.—[ Editor. ] Botanical Gazette, Chicago, Aug.—[Kditor.] POLYNESIA. Planters’s Monthly, Hawaii, Aug.—[Editor.] ° 160 PLANTS. From Lady Blake—Hong Kong, Renanthera coccinea. From Mons. Chas. Patin. Epidendrum Rodigesianum. Musa sp. (Congo Banana) Cattleya giganteum. Haemanthus Lindeni. -Sapium biglandulosum. Vanilla cuttings. Grias zamorana. Colombian Pine-apple. From Royal Gardens, Kew. Acalypha hispida. Strobilanthes gossypinus. Anodendron paniculatum, Strophanthus dichotomus. Aristolochia saccata. Strychnos potatorum. Bignoniad (Saharanpur) Toxicodendron capense Bixa Orellana, var. alba Uvaria membranacea. Carica Chongona. Aloeasia Curtisii. Croton Laingil. . 7 longiloba. Ehretia acuminata. ke Thibautiana. Evodia elegans %y Watsoni Fagraea auriculata. ts zebrina. Ficus Canoni. Amomum Daniellii. ‘s damaraensis Za echinatum. Flemingia semialata. Andropogon Nardus. Garcinia ternophylla. Schcenanthus. Hibiscus collinus. Areca Alicie. Irvingia Barteri. Asplenium nidus, var. multilobatum Lucuma sericea. Bentinckia nicobariea. N epenthes coccinea. Caryota mitis. cylind: ica. Chamerops humilis, var dactylo- “ lawrenciana. carpa. es Morgane. Corypha sp. (Bombay.) 4 rufescens. Curcuma sp. (Gamble.) Williamsii. Erythea armata. Owenia cepiodora. Musa Livingstoneana. Peltophorum africanum. Pandanus sp. (Sander.) Randia chartacea. Ptychoraphis augusta. Rhus rhodanthina. Raphia Hookeri. Martinezia erosa Sagus levis. Crinum sp. Veitchia Johannis. Solanum Wendlandii. SEEDS. From Lady Blake— Hong Kone. Quercus sp. (China) From Acclimatisation Soc. Gards. Queensland. Aralia Veitchii Brassarla actinophylla Castanospernum australe Sterculia acerifolia a lurida From Mons. Chas. Patin Colombian Palm. From Mr. W. Cradwick. Physalis Francheti From Botanic Gardens, Penang. Durio zibethinus. From Botanic Gardens, Bangalore. Shorea Talura. From R. Botanic Garden, Trinidad, Syagrus amara. [Issued 26th October, 1899. JAMAICA. BULLETIN OF THE BOTANICAL DEPARTMENT. : Vol, V Hew Series NOVEMBER, 1899 Part XI DISEASES OF THE VINE. Diseases of the Vine may be conveniently classed into :— (1) Those directly traceable to the action of parasitic fungi. (2) Those directly traceable to the action of injurious insects. (3) Those for which neither fungi nor insects offer a sufficient explanation. The first and second class of diseases we propose on this occasion to pass over. The unexplained diseases of the Vine are important enough to merit special notice, as they have been the subject of many investigations. Asa general conclusion of the perusal of some of the more important results obtained, we are led to regard most of the unexplained diseases as “physiological,” that is, they are due to defects in cultivation, to ad- verse climatic or other conditions, and to the use of unsuitable varieties of the Vine. Fungi or insects may appear along with diseases of this kind, but they come later and only because the plants are already weakly. One might even go further, and say that most of the fungus- diseases of the Vine are really started by defects in cultivation ; the Vines are weakened, the fungi come and complete the mischief. The methods employed to produce a large supply of fruit of high quate may easily result in conditions favourable to the development of isease. cS SHANKING. “Shanking” is a trouble which accompanies Grape-growing all over the world. The Grapes as they approach maturity fall off the bunch, breaking away where the stalk joins the fruit ; or they may simply shrivel up and remain attached. The Grapes to go first are those towards the lower end of a buuch, or those on the shoulders. The number may vary from one to many, and the trouble may be apparent all over the Vine or only on parts of it. The foliage is at the same * See Bulletin, 1897, page 37. 162 time more or less affected ; generally the leaves turn brown and curl in places, or allover. Insects or fungi have never been proved to be the: real cause of the trouble, the chief reason is to be sought in the condi- tion of the Vine itself. No doubt, the disease is not always due to the same cause. Over-cropping frequently leads to “shanking,” so, also, does too early ripening of the wood. Both of these conditions result in a drain on the food-supplies which the plant has to provide, and will lead to starvation of maturing fruit. Excessive moisture and heat pro- duce conditions favourable to “‘shanking” if they cause undue forcing of the Vines ; on the other hand, any check due to sudden dryness or cooling will be first seen in the fruit bunches. From what we can learn, the soil itself has no direct effect, but a weak root-system due to defects in the air, heat, texture, or moisture of the soil, will not be in a condition to supply the necessary water and food to a fruiting Vine. Excess of nitrogenous substances in the Vine due to over-manuring or to over-cultivation of a rich outside border, easily aggravate “shanking.”’ It is said by good authorities that ‘“‘shanking”’ occurs when the Vine is deficient in potash, and they re- commend this to be supplied in some formas a manure to the soil. Dropping of the Grapes is also a common result of any disease of the foliage, stems, or roots of the Vine. | A disease on out-door Vines, recently described by French investi- gators under the name “maladie pectique,” seems to us very like a form of “shanking.” The leaves in the lower parts of the Vines show dis- coloured patches, which become wine-red in dark-fruited varieties, or yellowish in white-fruited.. This is followed by withering, curling, and drying up of the leaves ; as this goes on, the blade breaks away at the top of the leaf-stalk. Flowers and young fruit behave in the same way, shrivel, and drop from their stalk. Ihe disease was never seen to cause total loss of a Vine, as it never seemed to spread beyond the lower branches. No parasites of any kind could be found. The conditions which lead to the disease are sudden changes of climate affecting the soil. The soils most liable to it are light, and of a pebbly or slatey nature. The vine-yards, where it showed most, were subjected to severe drought in 1893, followed early in 1894 by continual rain and a mark- ed fall in temperature of both air and soil. These facts support the view that ‘“‘shanking” on our indoor Vines is not caused by either fungus or insect, but by conditions arising from soil or climate. BLANCHING. ‘‘ Chlorose ” or “ blanching,’ is a disease which has caused much: trouble in the south of France. The Vine-leaves lose their deep green shade, then become yellow or completely blanched. The loss of colour generally begins near the margin of the leaf, and spreads inwards between the veins ; the affected parts may or may not become withered. Young green twigs sicken like the leaves, and may dry up. The woody branches are retarded in growth, and new leaves given off remain small and blanched. As the malady almost aiways develops before the flowering period, both flowers and young fruit are stunted and dis- coloured, and probably dry up or fall off. French experience shows that chlorose is worst on very limey calcareous soils. On such soils the Vines sicken in the first year, and gradually lose their vigour ; deatu 163 may ensue, but frequently the Vines recover gradually each year, and the chlorose may disappear. Wherethe soilis less calcareous, the di- sease is less intense. On clay or siliceous soils, chlorose only appears in some cold wet spring, when yellow patches may appear on the leaves, but growth is hardly interrupted, and, if the weather improves, all comes well again. The primary cause of chlorose is the presence of too much carbonate of lime (limestone or chalk) in the soil, and its action is assisted by any condition of the soil which increases the amount of soluble lime. This is further assisted by want of water, light, heat, or air, which defects tend to weaken the general health of the Vines. The disease is diminished by any mode of cultivation which promotes good drainage in the soil, or which strengthens the growth of the Vine. Above all, applications of sulphate of iron (green vitriol) to the soil round the roots of the Vine do most to cure chlorose ; this is the case, even though the soil, naturally contains iron. As many of the great Vine-growing districts of France have a calcareous soil, chlorose is a serious disease, and, during the Phylloxera epidemic, it assisted in almost exterminating the Vine, and in ruining many a grower. During recent years, however, great progress has been made in checking both Phylloxera and chlorose. This is done by selecting Vines produced by Seah the European Vine (Vitis vinifera) on stocks of American ines. We cannot discuss the subject fully in this paper. Briefly, however, certain varieties of Vitis vinifera grow fairly well on calcar- eous soils (e.g., l'ulle-Blanche, Pinot, Colombeau, etc.) ; these are grafted on stocks of the American Vitis Berlandieri, which is found wild only on calcareous soils. The Vinifera-Berlandieri hybrids have been used to re-stock hundreds of acres in France, and the Grapes pro- duced are not inferior in quality, while the Vines are much more re- sistant to disease. Thisis an important chapter in the history of Vine cultivation, and illustrates the great value of resistant varieties or hy- brids as a means of combating diseases of plants. We have urged this before, and believe that more substantial progress will be made against diseases of plants by means of hardy varieties than by any methods of spraying or sulphuring sickiy plants) (Wm. G.Smith in Gardener’s Chronicle.) . ——————— EUCALYPTI IN THE TRANSVAAL. According to an Indian contemporary, extensive areas of land are being planted, in the neighbourhood of Johannesburg and Pretoria, with eucalyptus trees. The gold-mining companies, it is said, have been for some time getting hard up for timber for their mines, and as the Aus- tralian gums grow so rapidly they have been planted in preference to other trees. One plantation of 1,000 acres planted twelve years ago,had produced trees ranging up to 40 feet in height, supplying good pit-wood. The predominant species planted was blue gum (£. Globulus). E. vimi- nolis ranking next in value. F. robusta, E. resinifera and E. diversicolor have also been tried. The plantations referred to are all situated on elevations varying from 4,500 feet to 6,000 feet above sea-level. The soil is generally a poor red loam, much impregnated with iron.— Chemist and Druggist. | 164 EFFECT OF TILLAGE ON SOIL-MOISTURE. In two previous Bulletins * it has been shown of what very great importance is the proper tilling of the soil. Cultivation not only makes it easier for the roots to spread all round and get more food, but really increases the amount of food in the soil. But tillage is also most useful in another way, especially in districts subject to drought : it prevents waste of water from the soil, and so helps to store up moisture for the use of plants during dry weather. This is not merely opinion, but has been carefully tested and prov- ed by scientific methods at many Experiment Stations. An instance may be given from work carried on in Michigan. + Corn was grown on two series of four plots each. The soil of the first series was a sandy loam somewhat gravelly below a depth of one foot, while the soil of the second series was not quite so sandy at the surface, and contained more clay below the first foot. In each series plot one was not cultivated ; plots 2 and 3 were given three cultivations with a weeder, seven with a Gale cultivator, and seven with a Planet Jr. cultivator ; and plot 4 was cultivated five times with a Gale cultiva-. tor. The average percentage of moisture at different depths, and the yields of the different plots are given in the following table:— YIELD oF CoRN.| MOISTURE CONTENT OF SolIL. OuLtiIvatiIon, (occu i Green Dry First | Second| Third | Average Corn. | Matter.| Foot. | Foot. | Foot. |for3 feet First Series ‘Pounds.| Pounds, |Per cent |Per cent. | Per cent. | Per cent Plot 1 | None 2,180 723 6.16 4.70 6.66 5.84 Plot 2 Frequent, 3 in. deep | 13,207 5,532 7.15 5.72 8.23 7.03 Plot 3 | Frequent, 5in deep | 12,687 | 4,799 | 7.45 5.98 7.83 7.09 Plot 4 Ordinary, 5 in. deep} 12,167 4,380 6.28 5.64 8.44 6,79 Second Series. Plot 1 None 1,848 620 7.16 6.36 11.73 8.42 Plot 2 Frequent. 3 in. deep} 12,258 4,790 8.41 6.81 12.74 9.35 Plot 3 Frequent, 5 in. deep} 12,700 4,728 8.75 7.36 12.10 9.40 Plot 4 Ordinary, 5in. deep} 10,514 3,849 7.74 8.26 11.41 9.14 J This table shows very clearly that there is much more water in the soil in the plots that have been tilled than in those tliat have had no cultivation. The weight of corn harvested fromtthe cultivated plots was 6 or 7 times as much as in the untilled plots. The Agricultural College in Kansas { has also been experimenting on the subject of soil moisture. An experiment reported in Bulletin No. 68 showed that a dry soi] mulch is quite as effective in conserving soil moisture as a hay or straw mulch, and that by its application imme- diately after a rain, a very considerable amount of moisture can be held * Bulletins, 1895 Aug., page 162 ; 1896 Nov. page 241. + Michigan Sta. Bull. 164, pp. 79-96. t Kansas State Agri. Coll., Bull. 89, pp. 12-22 165 in the soil for the use of growing plants during a drought, or to ger- minate seed that might be planted. During the summer of 1897 this #xperiment was repeated in a modified form. Four small plots were laid off in a field where conditions were as nearly uniform as possible. A mulch of green grass about four inches deep was placed upon No. 1; No. 2 was left untreated; No. 3 was cultivated about 4 inches deep, with a hoe; and No. 4 was raked about 1 inch deep with a garden rake. The treatment given plots 3 and 4 was repeated after every rain as soon as the crust became dry enough to work without puddling. The percent- ages of moisture present at certain dates were as in the following table: r } on | NUMBER = —. i i A en AND TREATMENT. te oh op a|/eat¢ | San) <= | o | wo | 6 No. 1—Mulched --| 27,7 | 24.7 | 29.1 | 23.4 | 20.9 | 12.9 No. 2— Untreated .-| 27.199 19.3 | 23.3 | 18.0 | 170 | 12.6 No. 3—Deep tilled "| 3799 | 202 | 23.9 | 20.8 | 20.9 | 175 No. 4—Shallow tilled 27.4 | 19.6 | 23.7 | 20.0 | 20.0 | 18.0 {t will be seen that at the beginning of the experiment, July 10, the plots were of practically the same moisture content, but by August 13 there was a decided advantage in favour of the mulched plot. A rainfall of 0.65 in. occurred on that date after the sampling, but from that date until October 17 was a period ot almost unbroken drought. The change in the moisture-content of the plots during this period is of special interest and value. On August 14 the mulched plot contained about 54 per cent more moisture than the others, and it continued to maintain about this ad- vantage over the untreated plot up toSeptember 1. The cultivated plots lost water at a much slower rate than the mulched plot, so that by Sep- tember 3, the three had practically the same amount. From that date on, the tilled plots showed an increasing advantage over the other plots. On October 15 the mulched plot was as dry as the untreated one, while the tilled plots contained 5 per cent more than the others. The dry soil-covering was thus very effective throughout the entire period in conserving the moisture. The untreated plot was dry to the depth of the sample, one foot, while the tilled plots were in excellent condition for seeding below the soil mulch. The soil mulch was very dry,and as it was a part of the sample in cutting a core to the depth of a foot, the part of the sample below the dry covering was more moist than the figures would suggest if compared with determinations of water in soil in the ordinary state. The soil from the lower 8 inches was moist enough to stick together when compressed with the hand, Experiments were also carried out on a large scale in the field, and the effectiveness of simple ploughing asa means of conserving soil moisture was clearly demonstrated. It is not necessary to go to large additional expense in both tools and labour in order to preserve the moisture, but it is necessary to do the ploughing promptly, while the moisture is still in the soil. Another experiment was the following : 166 One otf the * Station fields which contained in round numbers 26 per cent of water in the first foot of soil, on July 7, 1898, had one portion ploughed, another disk-harrowed and a portion left untreated. The en- suing dry weather in the course of four weeks, notwithstanding several light rains, reduced the moisture of the untreated part to 15 per cent and that of the disked land to 18 per cent, the ploughed ground retaining 21 per cent. The last two were in excellent condition for seeding, while the first would plough up lumpy and unsatisfactory. The weight of an acre of the dry soil to the depth of one foot may be taken as 1,600 tons. Hach per cent of water in soil to that depth represents about sixteen tons of water per acre, or one-seventh of an inch. The water apparently lost by the untreated soil was 176 tons per acre, equivalent to over one and one-half inches of rain. This is about one-half what the soil would hold after a soaking rain. The real loss was much more than this, since as water escaped from the upper foot, other would be drawn up from below by capillary attraction. The figures given are minimum quantities, therefore. Stubble ground should unquestionably be ploughed while the moisture is still in the soil. Experiments of the Station show that sim- ple ploughing is quite as effective for moisture conservation as any tillage yet tested. If time does not permit ploughing, the speedy work of the disk harrow compares favorably in efficiency. In either casa, if rain follows sufficient to start the weeds, kill them with a harrow. This will at the same time break up any crust and preserve the soil mulch. These principles apply to the provision ground as much as to the large estate, and every man can test them for himself, and make his own ground an experiment station. To test the matter in a small way does not require a plough, a harrow, or a cultivator. All that is necessary for the small proprietor or tenant, is to hoe over part of his ground, say one-half,—during dry weather, very frequently, say at least once a week. The hoeing should be done at any rate if a shower of rain should fall, and as soon after the rainas surface has become dry; thisis especially necessary when the soil is clayey. The top layer of 1 or 2 inches of stirred dry soil prevent will the evaporation of water from the soil below. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDENS, KEW.5* Kew as a scientific establishment dates from 1759, when a Botanic, or, as it was then called, a Physic, Garden was established by the Princess Augusta of Saxe-Gotha, Dowager Princess of Wales. It was energetically maintained by her son, George I{I., with the scientific assistance of Sir Joseph Banks, who was virtually for the greater part of his life Director. Under his advice collectors were sent to all parts of the world. The first new Holland plants were in- troduced during Cook’s yoyages, 1768-1780. At Sir Joseph Banks’ instance the system of inter-colonial exchange was commenced, which * Pr, Bull. No. 4. . * From Colonial Office List, 1899. 167 has been maintained ever since. The most memorable undertaking of this kind was the voyage of the ‘ Bounty ’ (1787) for the purpose of introducing the bread-fruit tree from the South Seas into the West Indies. Nelson, the Kew collector, was amongst those sent adrift by the mutineers, and eventually died of the exposure. Another Kew gardener, James Hooper, who had been attached to Lord Amherst’s Embassy to China, remained in Java, and was from 1817-30 Hortu- lanus of the celebrated Dutch Colonial Botanic Garden at Buitenzorg, which he helped to create. Both George I1I. and Sir Joseph Banks died in 1820, and the colonial and other work of Kew languished, though it was not abso- lutely abandoned, during the reign of George IV. and WilliamIV. In 1838 the abolition of the whole establishment was contemplated by the Government. Public opposition led to the appointment of a Treasury Committee, the report of which was presented to Parliament in 1840. The following paragraphs briefly defined the functions of the reorgan- ised establishment :—‘ A national garden ought to be the centre round which all minor establishments of the same nature should be arranged : From a garden of this kind Government would be abie to ob- tain authentic and official information on points connected with the founding of new colonies ; it would afford the. plants there required without its being necessary, as now, to apply to the officers of private establishments for advice and assistance.’ These recommendations having been adopted by the Government, Sir W. J. Hooker, F.R.S., was appointed Director in 1841 to carry them out. A close connection between Kew and the Colonial Office immediately sprang up. A scheme for a complete series of Colonial floras was sanctioned in 1856, and has been steadily prosecuted. Kew serves to a large extent as an advanced horticultural school. Special attention is given to the preparation of gardeners for Colonial service. Some 60 men trained at Kew are now in official employment in differ- ent parts of the Empire. Relations with the botanical institutions of the self-governing Colonies are maintained by semi-official correspondence. With those of Colonies more directly, under the control of the Colonial Office, the connection is closer. Colonial botanical institutions fall roughly into three classes. Those of the first class are usually, like Kew, administered by a scientific Director ; those of the second class by a skilled Superintendent ; the third class consists of Botanic Stations. These last are small and inexpensive gardens, devised in 1885,in order to afford practical in- struction iu the cultivation of tropical crops, and were intended to de- velope the agricultural resources, at first, of the smaller West Indian Islands, and subsequently (1887) of British Possessions in Tropical Africa. Hach is in charge of a Curator, who is a gardener trained at Kew. The principal members of the Kew staff are :— Director : Sir W. T. Thiselton-Dyer, K.C.M.G., C.LE., LL.D., ERS. 168 Keeper of the Herbarium and Library : W. B. Hemsley, F.R.S. Honorary Keeper of the Jodrell Laboratory : D. H. Scott, Ph.D., M.A., F.R.S. Keeper of Museums: J. R. Jackson, A.L.S. The most important Colonial botanical institutions in intimate re- lation with Kew are :— Ceylon.—Director of Royal Botanic Gardens : J. C. Willis, M.A. Straits Settlements.—Director of Gardens and Forest Department: H. N. Ridley, M.A. Jamaica.— Director of Public Gardens and Plantations: William Fawcett, B.Se. In 1898, in accordance with the recommendations of the West India Commission, a Special Department of Agriculture was created for Barbados, the Leeward and the Windward Islands, and was placed under the charge of a Commissioner, with headquarters at Barbados. “Commissioner of Agriculture at Barbados: D. Morris, C.M.G., D.Sc., M.A.” IMPROVEMENT OF SUGAR-CANE BY CHEMICAL SELECTION. * In the Kew Bulletin for 1894 (pp. 86-96), * * 1897 (p. 318), and 1898 (pp. 331-334), account was given of the method pursued at Calumet Plantation, Louisiana, and subsequently in Queensland and Barbados, of improving the sugar-cane by chemical selection. This is based on the known variability of cultivated plants and the consequent possibili- ty of enhancing any desired character by the continued selection of the plants in which that character is most marked. As long ago as 1886 it had been pointed out in a letter to the Colo- nial Office from Kew that the saccharine contents of the sugar-cane could be improved by progressive selection quite independently of re- production by seed. Mr. Bovell’s results at Barbados have attracted the attention of Dr. Kobus, the Director of the Sugar-cane Experiment Station in Hast Java. He has lately favoured us with the following interesting letter, which is printed for the information of those working on the subject :— Director, SuGaAR-CANE Experiment Station, East Java, TO Royab GARDENS, KEw. Pasoeroean, March 26, 1899. Dear Sir, In the ‘ Report of the results obtained on the experimental fields at Dodd’s Reformatory, 1897,” I see that you suggested to Mr. Bovell to try the selection of sugar-cane by chemical analysis of the juice. * From Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information, R. Gardens, Kew. March and April, 1899. ** See Bulletin of Botanical Department, Jamaica, 1895, Sept., page 183. 169 Nearly three years ago I proposed the the principals of the experimental station at Pasoeroean. As I myself was appointed Director in the same year, [ commenced after my return from Europe in May, 1897, with the analysis of nearly 6,000 canes and cane-clumps, and found that the available sugar in canes of the same age varied by as much as 2 per cent. At the same time I showed that canes grown from the same cutting and of nearly tae same age might show a difference in available sugar of from 7 to 84 percent. I concluded therefrom that it was not advisable to select individual canes, but that it was necessary to select cane-clumps. When the juice of a whole cane-clump, except the tops, has a great amount of available sugar,every cane of the clump must have it also, and the chance that its descendants are rich in sugar is greater than when some canes are very rich and others of the same clump are very poor, and the cuttings of these rich canes used for se- lection. After [ had arrived at this conclusion, [ analysed 5,000 cane- clumps belonging to five varieties, and selected 10 per cent of the high- est and 10 per cent. of the lowest polarizing plants. I had the pleasure to send you the pamphlet:.No. 41 with the results of the analyses in October, 1897. Since then | have reaped the canes grown from the cuttings, and found that the descendants of the rich canes contained 14 per cent. more available sugar than the descendants of the poor canes (average of 3,200 analyses), I was astonished to find that the rich canes’ descendants were heavier than the descendants of the poor canes. I continued the selection with canes from other varieties or other fields (5,700 analyses), and found as a general rule that the rich canes were the heaviest, and also that the heaviest canes were the richest in available sugar. I concluded from this that both a high content of available sugar and a heavy weight are inherited by the descendants. The results of these investigations 1 had the pleasure to send you in August, 1898 (Pamphlet No. 3, Third Series). The sugar estates who pay the expenses of our experiment station have granted me £500 to continue the selection on a larger scale, and placed at my disposal a cane-field of about 30 acres. Herefrom I selected 30,000 kgs rich canes and 10,000 kgs. poor canes for cuttings, and these showed again the same properties. I mention these investigations which,perhaps, escaped your atten- tion, as the pamphlets are written in Dutch. But you would find them worth making known to sugar growers in the West Indies. lam, &c.. Signed J. D. Konus. The Director, (Signed) OBUS Royal Gardens, Kew. 170 ELEMENTARY NOTES ON JAMAICA PLANTS.—III. me 4.—N®ELUMBIUM LUTEUM, Willd. ee Tae Lorus anp oTHER Water Livixs. In the Bulletin for January, 1897, some general remarks were pub- lished on the native Lotus (Nelumbium luteum) ;—in the present num- ber the notes are botanical. Nelumbium, Nymphaea, the Victoria regia, and some other “Water Lilies” are grouped together in one family or order—the Nym- phaeaceze. | ; The general characters of the order are as follows:— NYMPHAKACEAE Aquatic herbs, with perennial submerged rootstock. Leaves with a long stalk, usually floating. Sepals 4 or 5. Petals numerous, all, or the inner only,inserted at differeut heights on a receptacle enclosing the carpels, sometimes all free and hypogyn- ous. Stamens numerous, inserted as the petals, Carpels several, free or coherent ; Fruit a berry bursting irregularly, or an indehiscent nut. The character of the native genera and species may be indicated as follows: NELUMBIUM. Leaves young floating, adult standing out of water (fig. 1.) Flower standing above the water (fig. 1.) Sepals 4 or 5 inferior (fig. 2.) Petals and stamens numerous, hypogynous, in several series at the bot- tom of the receptable. (fig. 2.) ; anthers opening inwards, connec- tive produced as an appendage (see figs. 2, 3) beyond the anther- cells. <)varies several, sunk separately in the pits of a fleshy, obconical, flat- topped receptacle (figs. 2 and 4.) ; style short; stigma terminal, somewhat dilated ; ovules 1 or 2in each ovary, pendulous. Nuts roundish, indehiscent (fig. 5) ; seeds without endosperm, cotyle- dons thick, fleshy, plumule with young leaves well developed (fig. 6.) NYMPHARA. Leaves peltate, floating. Flowers white (in native species), floating. Sepals 4, inserted almost at base of receptacle. Petals numerous, passing gradually from sepals into stamens, inserted with the numerous stamens at different heights on the receptacle surrounding the carpels, the innermost being almost superior. Filaments somewhat petal-like, those at the outside broad with small anthers, those on the inside narrow with longer anthers, turned CH") p hy: Was SSSWEZ Z , a Z ¢ _ wut. i 171 inwards ; connective sometimes produced beyond the anther as an appendage, sometimes scarcely produced. Carpels numerous, sunk in the fleshy receptacle, forming with it a several-celled half-inferior ovary, concave at the top with a gland projecting from the centre; stigma sessile and radiating, the num- ber of rays corresponding to the number of carpels ; ovules numerous, situated on the surface of the partition walls. Fruit a spongy berry, ripening uuder water and then bursting irregu- larly ; seeds numerous, immersed in pulp, furnished with a saccate aril and provided with a large perisperm in addition to the endos- perm. NeELUMBIUM. NV. luteum, Willd. Flowers yellow. Leaves glaucous-green. NYMPHAEA. NV. ampla, DC. Flowers opening during the day. Petals 1 to 3 inches long. Exterior anthers with an appendage } to 4 inch long. Appendages of the stigmas conical pointed. NV. Rudgeana, Mey. Flowers opening during the night. Petals 1 inch long. Exterior anthers with appendage scarcely produced beyond the cells. Appendages of the stigma club-shaped, and at length coiled inwards.* There is a small white flowered aquatic, which some have mis- taken for a true ‘‘water lily.” This is noticed under the heading Lim— nanthemum Humboldtianum in Bulletin for 1897, page 232. EXPLANATION OF PLATE OF NELUMBIUM LUTEUM. Fig. 1—Leaf and flower. 2—Section of flower. 3—Stamen 4—Carpel, entire and in section. 5—F ruit. 6—Seed in section. (Nos. 1 and 2 much reduced ; 3. 4 and 6 natural size; 5 half natural size.) CASHEW. (Se ANACARDIUM OCCIDENTALE, Linn. The cashew nut is kidney-shaped, about an inch long, situated at the top and outside a large pear-shaped fruit. The kernel is a most delicious nut, and the export on a large scale ought to be profitable. I[t contains alight-yellow bland oil, very nutri- oo * Specimens of this Water Lily are wanted at Hope Gardens. Root- stocks could be packed in a tin in mud, and sent by Railway to Kingston, and et and Lape n meet to Superintendent, Parade Garden, Kingston. 1owers and leaves can be sent between sheets of papers and cardboard t Director of Public Gardens, Kingston. si i 172 tious, and said to be equal to almond oil, and superior to olive oil. The yield is 40 per cent. The shell of the nut contains a thick, oily, caustic juice, called “ eardole” in the Hast Indies. Cardole contains an oily matter which on exposure to air assumes a fine black colour, permanent against acids, alkalies, chlorine and hydrocyanic acid. It has been recommended as a marking ink, and is used for giving a black colour to candles. The yield is nearly 30 per cent. It is valuable as a preventive against white ants in wood-work, books, &c. In India it is used for tarring boats and dyeing fishing lines to preserve them. The oil, ‘‘obtained from the shell by maceration in spirit,” is an excellent remedy for the cracking of the cuticle of the feet (Joynt). It has been used beneficially in the anesthetic variety of leprosy, and in psoriasis as a local stimulant when faintly brushed. The fruit is 2 or 3 inches long, varying very much in size and quality, and in colour—either yellow or red. It is the enlarged top of the flower-stalk. Stewed it makes an excellent and wholesome dish. A spirit can also be distilled from it of good quality. A gum is obtained from the trunk. ‘ It is sub-astringent, and highly unpalatable to insects. It consists principally of arabine and dextrine, both soluble in water, with a minor insoluble portion, proba- bly bassorine. It forms a strong, yellowish mucilage with water. In South America it is largely used by book-binders ; it is occasionally imported from that continent into England, and possesses the same commercial value as the common and inferior sorts of Arabic and Senegal gums.” (Spon’s Encyc.) | The juice issuing from incisions in the bark is used as a marking ink, and in India native workmen make use of it as a flux for soldering metals. The timber is strong and lasting, of a reddish colour, moderately hard, close-grained. Weight 38 lbs per cubic foot used in Burma for boat-building and charcoal, (Watt, Dict. Econ. Prod.) The tree is of quick growth, often bearing fruit in two years time.* INSECT PESTS IN PEAS, &c. In a former Bulletin f remedies haye been suggested for insect pests in peas, grain, etc. A correspondent states that he has found that a small amount of sugar mixed with red peas prevents the attacks of weevils. About two large tablespoonfuls of brown sugar are mixed with a bushel of peas, and he finds that although kept open, the peas are not touched for at any rate six months. * Plants are now ready for distribution grown from carefully selected seeds. Apply to Director of Public Gardens, Kingston, P.O. + Bulletin, May 1898, page 106. 173 HOPE GARDENS. REGULATIONS. 1.—No carts, drays or waggons shall be allowed to enter except such as are engaged in any business connected with the Garden. 2.—No bicycle, carriage, or other vehicle shall move at a greater speed than 6 miles an hour. 3.—Horses or mules when ridden shall not go beyond a walking ace. d 4.—Horses or mules when ridden or driven, shall not be left standing without some one to take care of them. 5.—All games, such as running, jumping or flying kites, are pro- hibited. 6.—Picnics and luncheon parties are not allowed. 7.—Public Meetings shall not be held nor addresses delivered. 8.—No person shall sell, or expose for sale, any article except at the licensed bar. Plants may however be sold by certain employees. _ 9.—Any emplovee selling flowers, plants, etc., without at the same time giving a receipted bill for the money will be instantly dismissed. Visitors are requested to insist on having receipts. 10.—On Sundays no orders can be received, and no flowers, plants, etc., will be sold. 11.—Employees giving away flowers, leaves, etc., or allowing any visitor to take them, are liable to instant dismissal. 12.—Visitors shall not touch, cut or pick any flower, leaf, or twig, nor in any way injure any plant. 13.—Visitors shall not climb any tree nor walk on any bed or border. 14.—Visitors shal! observe strictly any notices that may be exhib- ited for their guidance. 15.—Any person who conducts himself in a disorderly manner, or who is not decently clothed, or who contravenes any of the Regulations may be removed trom the Garden. 16.—Auy person who does any act in contravention of any of these Regulations will be prosecuted under Saction 5 of Law 4 of 1899, whereby he is liable to a penalty not exceeding £5, and in default of payment to be imprisoned for a term not exceeding one month with or without hard labour. 17.—The whole, or part of the Garden may be closed at any time for any period, by order of the Governor, on notice being given in the Gazette, and at the gates of the Garden, at least 7 days beforehand. 18.—The Gardens shall be open every day from 6.30 a.m., and shall be closed at the following hours in the evening:— During October, November, December and January, at 5.30. During February, March, April and September at 6.0. During May, June, July and August at 6.30. 19.—A bell shall be rang a quarter of an hour before closing time, as a notice to Visitors. 174 ADDITIONS AND CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE DEPARTMENT. ———— LIBRARY. EUROPE. British Isles. Annals of Botany, Sept., [Purchased. ] Botanical Magazine, October, _[ Purchased. ] British Trade Journal, Oct. [Editor.] Chemist and Druggist, Sept.. 9-16, 23, 30, Oct. 7, 14. [Editor.] Garden, Sept., 9, 16, 23, 30 Oct.7, 14. [Purchased. ] Gardener’s Chronicle, Sept., 9, 16, 23.30, Oct , 7, 14. [Purchased.] Journal, Board of Agriculture, England, Sept. |Secretary. ] Journal of Botany, Oct. [Purchased ] Nature, Sept., 7, 14, 21, 28, Oct. 5. 12. [ Purchased. ] Pharmaceutical Journal, Sept., 9, 16, 25, 30, Vet. 7, 14. [Editor. } Produce World, Oct. [Editor. | Rothamsted Report for 1899. By Sir J. H. Gilbert. [Committee.] Sugar, Sept. {|Editor] Sugar Journal, International, Oct. {Editor.] West Indian and Com. Advertiser, Sept. Oct. [Editor. ] Trans. and Proc. Bot. Soe , Edinburgh, xxi, 1, 2,3. [R. Bot. Gard ] France. Suererie, indigéne et coloniale, Sept 12, 19, 26, Oct. 3, 10,17. [Editor.] Revue des cultures coloniales, 20 Auyg., 20 Sept. [Director.] Germany. Tropenpflanzer, Oct. [Editor. | Switzerland. Bulletin de |’Herbier Boissier, Sept [Conservateur. | ASIA. India. Agricultural Ledger (Caleutta) 1899, No. 7. [wut, Govr., Bengal. } Planting Opinion, Aug. 19, 26, Sept. 2, 9, 16, 23. [Editor.] Report on Govt. Bot, Gard. Saharanpur, 1898-99. [Curator] Report on Govt. Hort. Gard., Lucknow, 1898-99. [Curator] Ceylon. Cireulars R. Bot. Gardens, Nos. 11-16 [Director.] Times of Ceylon, Sept. 6, 14. [Editor.] Java. Proefstation, E Java, 3rd Series, No 12, 13. AUSTRALIA. N.S. Wales. Agr. Gazette, Sept. [Dept. of rey Sugar Journal, Aug. Sept. [Editor. AFRICA. Cape of Good Hope. Agri. Journ., Aug. 3, 31 Sept. 14. [Dept. of Agri.] Central Africa. Times, July 15, 22, 22, Aug. 5, 12, 19, 26, [Edinor.] Natal, Natal Plants. By J. M. Wood and S. Evans, I. 2. [Authors.] West INDIES. Barbados. Agricultural Gazette, Sept. [Editor] Jamaica. Journal, Jamaica Agri. Soc., Oct. [Secretary. | Trinidad. Bot. Garden Bulletin, Oct. [Superintendent.] Proc. of Agri. Soc., pp. 277—284, 285-291. [Secretary. ] 175 Windward Islands. Bot. Station, Grenada, 1898. ([(Curator.] NorTH BRITISH AMERIOA. Montreal. Pharmaceutical Journal, Oct. [Editor.] Ottawa. Experinmental Farm Reports, Catalogue of Trees and Shrubs in the Arboretum and Bot. Garden. [Dept. of Agri.] UNITED STaTES OF AMERICA. Publications of the U. 8, Dept. of Agriculture — Scientific Bureaus and Divisions [ Directors, ] Division of Forestry, Primer of Forestry, Pt. I., The Forest. By G. Pinchot. Forest :‘onditions of Porto Rico, by R. T. Hill. Division - oe Cult, of Cigar-Leaf Tobaceo in Florida by Mareus 1. loyd. Experiment Stations. Alabama: auburn, 105 (Hairy Vetch.) Arizona : Report for 1898-99 (Date Palm &c.) Connecticut : New Haven, Report for 1898 (Fertilisers, Plant Diseases, Insect Pests, Curing and fermenting tobacco, ete.) Florida : 50 ( Pine Apple Fertilisers.) Kentucky : 83 (Whieat.) Minnesota: 62 ( Wheat.) Ohio: 108 (Bovine Tuberculosis. ) Rhode Island : Report 1898, Pt 2; Bulletins 53 (Field Experiments), 54 56, (Fertilizers) 55 (Rhubarb) 57 (Nitrogen for grass) 28 (Lime for grass ) Virginia : Blacksburg, 8 (Strawberries), 9 ( Fertilisers for Potato.) Wicsonsin : 78 (‘Tuberculosis in cows.) American Journal] of Pharmacy, Oct. [Editor.] Botanical Gazette, Chicagu, Sept. [Editor.] Fern Bulletin, Oct. [Editor] Massachusetts Hort. Soc. Trans. 1896, Pt. [II., 1899, Pt. I. [Society.] Torrey Club Bulletin, sept , Oct. [Editor.] Flower and Embryo of Spaganium. By D. H, Campbell. [Author] POLYNESIA. Planters’ Monthly, Hawaii, October. [Editor.] SEEDS. From Bot. Garden Adelaide. ae. Acacia decurrens Eucalytus;miniata. A. pycnantha sk obliqua. — A. Sentis ° Planchoniana. A. tetragonophylla cs resinifera. Abutilon Mitchelli , rostrata. Andropogon exaltatus 7% viminalis. Anthistiria membranacea Enchyleua tomentosa, Arthropodium fimbriatum Frenela australis. Aster ramosus Geitonoplesium cymosum. Astrebla triticoides. Gnephosis arachnoidea. Atriplex angulata Gossypium Sturtii. fissivalvis Hakea rostrata. ve halimoides H. saligna. ; 3 holocarpa Helipterum strictum. 2 nummularia Heterodendrum oleaefoliume ie velutinella Hymenosporum flavam. Boerhaavia diffusa Kennedya rubicunda. 176 Brachycome pachyptera Brassaia paradoxa Bursaria spinosa Cassia desolata, var. 7 eremophila Clianthus Dampieri i puniceus Coprosma lucida Cryptocarya triplinervis,. Doryanthes Palmeri. Echinospermum concavum. Elaeodendron australe. . Eleusine cruciata. Eremophila maculata Eucalyptus ealophylla, 6 Leptospermum lanigerum “ myrsinoides, Lophostemon australe. Loranthus pendulus, Melaleuca glomerata. 4 styphelioides. Menkea australis. Notelaea longifolia. Panicum adspersum. Pimelea glauca. Pittosporum phillyraeoides ¥: undulatum. ~ Persoonia juniperina. Psoralea patens. Pterigeron microglossus. capitellata Ptilotus nobilis. ef citriodora. Scirpus littoralis. oe cornuta. Scolopia Brownii. A corymvosa. Spondias Solandri. oe corynocalyx. Stenocarpus sinuatus. eS cosmophylla, Sterculia acerifolia. de Gunnil. sh heterophylla. ce amygdalina. Tetratheca ericifolia. i maculata. Thryptomene Mitchelliana. From Mr. G. French, Melbourne. Victoria, Acacia iteaphylla Eucalyptus longifolia m longifolia macrandra sg melanoxylon ‘ resinifera ee saligna Sterculia acerifolia Eucalyptus Lehmanni From Mr. Henry A. Dreer, Philadelphia, U.S. A. Dianthus laciniatus‘Salmon Queen’ Marguerite Carnation _ Lobelia heterophylla major Nelumbium album grandiflorum From Lady Blake, Hong Kong, Sterculia lanceolata % platanifolia from Supt. Rh. Botanic Gardens, Trinidad, Cocos amara From Mr. W, Jekyll, Rober tsfield, Jamaica. Berberis aquifolium PLANTs. From Mr. Henry Dreer, Philadelphia, U.S, A. Acalypha Sanderi Aponogeton distachyon Arundo Donax, macrophylla, glauca. Clivia:miniata (Imantophyllum) Nymphaea dentata e gracilis us seutifolia Passiflora princeps Sagittaria Japonica Vriesia splendens From Mr. W. Jekyll, Roberisfield, Jamaica. Freesia refracta, alba From Supt. Govt. Gardens, Nagpur India. Rhizomes collected in Central Provinces. : HERBARIUM. From Director R. Gardens, Kew. 123 dried specimens of Ferns. [Issued Nov. 23rd 1899.] JAMAICA. BULLETIN OF THE BOTANICAL DEPARTMENT. Vol, V New Series DECEMBER, 1899 Part XD CAMPHOR. * (Cinnamomum Camphora, Nees) Enquiries continue to be made as to the cultivation of the tree producing this substance. A brief note was given in the Kew Bulle- ten for 1895 (p. 305). Hitherto the use of camphor in medicine and the arts has been comparatively small. A new application is, however, likely to increase its consumption, perhaps indefinitely. This is described in the follow- ing words by Nir Frederick Abel, in a letter printed in the Bulletzn :— ‘‘ This substance has been used extensively for many years past, and no doubt in continually increasingly quantities, for the conversion of collodion cotton into the material known as Celluloid, which is applied to the manufacture of imitation ivory, tortoise-shell, horn, and a great variety of purposes.” An excellent accovnt of the natural history and economic applica- tions of the camphor tree was issued in 1897 by the Division of Botany of the United States Department of Agriculture, Circular No. 12. It is reproduced with some slight condensation :— ‘© [)ESCRIPTION. “ The camphor tree isan evergreen, related to the bay and to the sassafras of the United States. In its native habitat it attains a height of 60 to 100 feet, with wide-spreading branches anda trunk 20 to 40 inches in diameter. The leaves are broadly lanceolate in form, acum- inate at both base and apex, of a light green colour, smooth and shining above and whitish or glaucous on the under surface. The lower pair of lateral veins are more prominent than the others, but the leaves are not as distinctly 3-nerved as those of the cinnamon and many other species * From Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information, R. Gardens, Kew, May and June, 1899. 178 of the genus. The small white or greenish-white flowers are borne in axillary racemes from February to April on shoots of the previous season, and are followed in October by berry-like, one-seeded fruits. about three-eights of an inchin diameter. The fruiting nedicels ter- minate in asaucer-shaped disk, persisting after the mature fruit has fallen. “ NATIVE RANGE. “The camphor tree is native in the coast countries of Hastern Asia from Cochin China nearly to the mouth of the Yang-tse-kiang, and on the adjacent islands from the southern part of the Japanese Empire, in- cluding Formosa and the Loocho Islands, to Hainan, off the coast of Cochin China. Its range also extends into the interior of China as far as the province of Hupeh, about 500 miles from the coast on the Yang- tse-kiang in latitude 30° north. This area, extending from 10° to 34° north latitude and from 105° to 130° east longitude, is all em- braced in the eastern monsoon region, which is remarkable for abundant rains in summer. ‘The camphor trees growing wild in the native range are usually most abundant on hillsides and in mountain valleys where there is good atmospheric as well as soil drainage. The temperature in the greater part of this region, which is partly within the tropics and partly sub- tropical, rarely falls below freezing. The tree is an evergreen, chang- ing its leaves generally in April, and therefore the winter temperature is a factor of more importance than would be the case with a decidu- ous tree. ' © RANGE UNDER CULTIVATION. “* Notwithstanding the comparatively narrow limits of its natural environment, the camphor tree grows well in cultivation under widely different conditions. It has become abundantly naturalized in Mada- gascar. It flourishes at Buenos Ayres. It thrives in Egypt, in the Canary Islands, in south-eastern France and in the San Joaquin Valley in California where the summers are hot and dry. Large trees, at least two hundred years old, are growing in the temple courts at Tokyo, where they are subject to a winter of seventy to eighty nights of frost, with an occasional minimum temperature as low as 12° to 16° F. The most northern localities in the United States, where the camphor tree has been grown successfully out of doors, are Charleston and Summerville in South Carolina, Augusta, Ga., and Oakland, Cal. “‘ At Charleston, Sommerville, and Augusta the trees have with™ stood a minimum temperature of 15° F., but they have been protected by surrounding trees and buildings. At Mobile, Ala., the trees have grown and fruited in protected situations, while in exposed places they have been repeatedly destroyed by frosts. While the camphor tree will grow on almost any soil that is not too wet, it does best on a well- drained sandy or loamy soil, anc it responds remarkably well to the application of fertilisers. Its growthis comparatively slow on sterile soils, but under favourable conditions it sometimes grows very rapidly. An instance is recorded of a camphor tree in Italy a foot in diameter and 90 feet high, eight years from the seed. Under ordinary conditions,. a i een i i i ee 179 however, such a girth is not often attained in less than twenty-five years, and such a height is rearly attained in a century. Under favorable conditions an average of 30 feet in height, with trunks 6 to 8 inches in diameter at the base, may be expected in trees ten years from the seed. “ Usks oF THE TREE AND ITS PRODUCTS. ‘The principal commercial uses of the camphor tree are for the production of camphor and camphor oil. Camphor is employed ex- tensively in medicine. It enters into the composition of many kinds of liniments for external application. For liniment it is used especially in combination with olive oil. It is taken internally for hysteria, nerv- ousness, nervous headaches, diarrhoea, and diseases affecting the ali- mentary canal. It is a specific in cases of typhoid fever and cholera. Camphor fumes have been used with success in cases of asthma. It has been used very extensively to keep insects out of furs, woolens, etc. In Japan, camphor and camphor oil are used in lacquer work. The oil is somewhat similar to tarpentine, and could doubtless be used to advan- tage in varnishes and shellacs. It is now used in the manufacture of toilet soaps. In Japan and China it has been used for illuminating pur- poses, but it produces a smoky flame. “ Among the secondary uses of the camphor tree the most impor- tant is tor ornamental planting. Its bright evergreen leaves, rapid growth, and long life make it valuable for this purpose. In Japan and China it has been the principal tree planted in the temple courts for many centuries, and in those countries it takes the place of the historic oaks of England. It has been extensively introduced into Southern Europe and South America for ornamental purposes. “The wood, with its close grain, yellow colour, and susceptibility to polish, taking a kind of satin-like finish,is exceedingly valuable in cab- inetwork, especially for making drawers, chests, and cupboards proof against insects. The leaves and young branches, although they have but a slight odour of camphor, are packed with clothing or scattered about unused rooms to guard against insects. “The tree produces an abundance of berry-like fruits, which are used in Japan and China to make a kind of tallow. The fruits are greedily eaten by chickens and birds. “ CONDITIONS OF SUCCESSFUL CULTIVATION. “ For most of the secondary purposes, the camphor tree may well be cultivated wherever it can be made to live; but for commercial dis- tillation, and for the production of wood for cabinet purposes, it must be grown under the most favourable conditions. The minimum winter temperature should not be below 20° F., and this minimum should be of rare occurrence. The soil, preferably sandy and well drained, should be irrigated unless there are abundant rains. Fifty inches of water during the warm growing season is desirable, and much more may well be used where the air is very dry. “ An‘abundance of plant food, rich in nitrogen, is required for rapid growth, but the kind of fertiliser that can be most profitably applied will vary according to the character of the soil in each locality. In the 130 absence of definite information in this regard the kind of fertiliser pro- ducing most rapid growth of wood in the orange or in other fruit trees may be taken as an index. “* PROPAGATION. ‘‘Camphor trees may be grown either from seed or from cuttings. They are usually grown from seed, as the trees fruit abundantly, and seedlings can be grown more easily than cuttings. The seeds are col- lected at maturity in October and November, and after drying are packed in sharp white sand or some similar material to keep them fresh until the time of planting in spring. About the last of March they are sown in drills in the seed bed. ‘‘ The soil of the seed bed should be a good sandy loam mixed with about one-third leaf mould. The seed bed should be kept moist, but not too wet, and should be shaded from the direct rays of the sun if the weather is warm. The best soil temperature for germinating camphor seeds is from 70° to 75° F. The temperature of the atmosphere may he ten degrees higher. The seedlings will grow well at higher temper- atures, but are likely to lack vigour and hardiness. “The seedlings may be grown in pots, which will facilitate trans- planting at any time, or they may be transplanted in nursery rows early in April when one year old. Plants two years old are generally regarded as best for final planting. At this age they vary from 20 to 40 inches in height. ‘¢ PLANTING AND CULTIVATION. ‘‘ In Japan, where the law requires that a new tree shall be set out for every one cut, they are not generally set in straight orchard rows, but cultivation there is performed almost exclusively by hand labour. There are no records showing results of regular orchard planting, hence the distances at which trees should be planted must be determined by the size and form of the trees and the methods of cultivation and of pro- curing the gum. They may be set closely in rows about 10 feet apart, aod alternate rows cut and reset every five years, thus producing bush- like plants of ten years’ growth. They may be planted in checks 10 feet square, and alternate trees cut every ted to twelve years, or they may be planted in larger checks, and all of the trees be cut at the age of fifteen or twenty years. “ There are not sufficient data obtainable upon which to base de- finite statements as to the best methods of planting, or the age at which the trees may be cut with greatest profit. A recent Hnglish consular report from Japan states that ‘ although hitherto the youngest wood from which camphor was extracted was about seventy to eighty years old, it is expected that under the present scientific management the trees will give equally good result after twenty-five or thirty years.’ Camphor of good quality has been produced in Florida from the leaves and twigs of trees less than twenty years old, 1 pound of crude camphor being obtained from 77 pounds of leaves and twigs. ‘¢ The trees will endure severe pruning with little apparent injury. One-third of the leaves and young shoots may be removed at one time 181 without materially checking the growth of the tree. The largest pro- portion of camphor is contained in the older, larger roots ; the trunk, limbs, twigs, and leaves containing successively a decreasing proportion. When the camphor tree is killed nearly to the ground by frost it sends up vigorous shoots from the base. It may be expected to do the same when cut, especially if cut late in the fall. Experiments are needed to deter- mine whether this growth may be depended upon, or whether it will be more profitable to dig out the larger roots and set out new seedlings. ‘¢ DIsTILLATION. ‘“‘In the native forests in Formosa, Fukien, and Japan, camphor is distilled almost exclusively from the wood of the trunks, roots, and larger branches. The work is performed by hand labour, and the methods employed seem rather crude. Different methods of distillation are employed in different districts, but those in use in the province of Tosa, in Japan, appear to be the most skilful. | The camphor trees are felled, and the trunk, larger limbs, and sometimes the roots, are cut into chips by hand labour with a sharp concave adze. ‘The fresh chips are placed in a wooden tub about 40 inches high and 20 inches in diameter at the base, tapering toward the top like an old-fashioned churn. The perforated bottom of the tub fits tightly over an iron pan of water on a furnace of masonry. The tub has a tight- fitting cover, which may be removed to put inthe chips. It is sur- rounded by a layer of earth about six inches thick to aid in retaining a uniform temperature. A bamboo tube extends from near the top of the tub into the condenser. This consists of two wooden tubs of differ- ent sizes, the larger one right side up, kept about two-thirds full of water from a continuous stream which runs out of a whole on one side. The smaller one is inverted with its edges below the water, forming an air-tight chamber. This air chamber is kept cool by the water falling on the top and running down over the sides. The upper part of the air chamber is sometimes filled with clean rice straw, on which the camphor crystallizes, while the oil drips down and collects on the surface of the water. In some. cases the camphor and oil are allowed to collect together on the surface of the water and are afterward separated by filtration through rice straw or by pressure. “‘ About twelve hours are required for distilling a tubful by this method. Then the chips are removed and dried for use in the furnace, and a new chargeis put in. At the same time the camphor and oil are removed from the condenser. By this method 20 to 40 pounds of chips are required for 1 pound of crude camphor. “The principles generally held to be essential in distilling camphor of good quality are :—(1) The heat must be uniform and not too great, producing a steady supply of steam ; (2) the steam after liberating the camphor must not come in contact with metal, that is, the tub and con- densing apparatus must be of wood. “ SuGGESTED IMPROVEMENTS. ‘* Many improvements upon the methods described can doubtless be made, tending both to a reduction in cost and an increase in the pro- portion of crude material obtained. Instead of an adze wielded by 182 hand labour a machine similar to the ‘ hog’ used for grinding up waste slabs in sawmills may be used to reduce camphor limbs to the requisite fineness for distillation. Better distilling apparatus can probably be devised. ‘Thermometers may be introduced to determine the heat in the distilling tub, and the furnace may beso arranged as to permit better control and greater economy in fuel. Camphor and camphor oil are both slightly soluble in water, and the condensing chamber should be improved so as to recover the product that is being constantly car- ried off in the running stream which cools the chamber. ‘“‘ OuTLOOK FOR FuturE MARKET. ‘The consumptivn of camphor in the United States, as measured by the importations, has been decreasing during the past ten years, while the price has been increasing. “The tariff act approved July 27, 1897, imposes a duty of 6 cents per pound on refined camphor and leaves crude camphor on the free list, as heretofore. “There has heen an increase in importations of refined camphor due to improved methods of refining and packing in Japan and to changes in the tariff, but this increase has been much more than coun, ter-balanced by the decrease in importations of crude camphor. The decrease may be attributed to the following causes : (1) the exhaustion of the supply of the available camphor trees near the shipping ports ; (z) the governmental restrictions on the trade in camphor in Formosa ; (3) government taxes on the exportation of camphor from Formosa ; (4) hostilities and wanton destruction of camphor stills by the natives in Formosa ; (5) disturbances in the camphor producing district of China ; (6) the China-Japan war ; (7) attempts by speculators to corner the market. ‘“‘ These causes have increased the price of camphor, and this in turn has led to the introduction of substitutes. Menthol and other pepper- mint derivatives or compounds, carbolic acid and its derivatives, naph- thalin, formalin, and insect-powder are now used for various purposes where camphor was formerly employed. Camphor las been manufac- tured artificially, at a cost leaving a margin of profit at present prices. lt is therefore apparent that if the production of camphor from the trees is to be carried on with profit in this country, and the industry increas- ed to any considerable extent, the price of camphor must be reduced to compete with the prices of substitutes now taking its place. ‘‘Camphor has been obtained from several other piants not at all related to the ordinary camphor tree, but only two kinds, Borneo camphor and Blumea camphor, are of any importance commercially. “Borneo camphor is obtained from the camphor tree of Borneo and Sumatra, Dryobalanops aromatica. It is deposited in clefts and hollows in the wood, and has simply to be taken out. This eamphor is comparatively rare, and the supply is consumed a!most ex- elusively in China, where it is valued at from thirty to ninety times as much as ordinary camphor. “‘ Blumea camphor: is obtained by distillation from Blumea balsam- ijera,a shrub growing in Burma and the Malay Peninsula. This is 0 183 usually refined in Canton, whence about 10,000 pounds are exported annually. The source of this supply is abundant, and as the industry develops it is likely to enter more into competition with ordinary cam- phor. Neither of these plants can be grown in the United States, ex- cept possibly in southern Florida, without protection against cold. ‘* Lyster H. Dewey, “ Assistant in Division of Botany. “ Washington, D.C., ‘* August 12, 1897.” There isa brief note on Borneo camphor wood in the Kew Bulletin for 1887 (September, p. 15}, and a full account of Blumea camphor in the volume for 1895 (pp. 275-277, with plate, and also 1896, p.73). PropuctTIon IN Formosa. The following is extracted from the Foreign Office Report on Trade in Japan for 1897. (Misc. Series, 440, pp. 71-72.) The trade incamphor will probably undergo -some modification. Camphor trees are not found in that part of the island (of Formosa) occupied by Chinese settlers. They occur only in the country of the aborigines, or upon the immediate border, and up to the present time the destruction of trees has been carried on in the most wasteful manner. The mode of obtaining supplies of camphor was for foreign merchants through Chinese agents to advance money to the savage chiefs for per- mission to cut down trees. The stills were erected at the expense of the foreigners, who paid a tax of 8 dol. a still to the Chinese authorities, and a local tax of 10 dol. on each picul (133 lbs.) of camphor produced. When the island was ceded to the Japanese the privileges which for- eigners had enjoyed under Chinese rule, of having these camphor establishments in the interior, seemed likely to be withdrawn by the Japanese Government. The Chinese treaty, much more than the Japanese, gives freedom of travel and trade to the foreigner ; and if the limitations imposed by our treaty with Japan had been strictly en- forced in Formosa, foreigners would have had to retire to the treaty ports. They would have been debarred from distilling or purchasing camphor in the interior, and they would have suffered heavy losses in abandoning the capital already sunk there. Considering that the present treaty had only two more years to run, the Japanese Govern- ment has consented to iet matters remain zn statu quo ; and when under the new treaty, foreigners obtain a right to settle anywhere in the in- terior, they wlll be able to distil as muchas they like. But there is also a probability that the preparation of camphor will be made a Goy- ernment monopoly. With the Formosan supply under its control the Japanese Government could almost secure a monopoly of the camphor trade, for Japan and Formosa are almost the only sources of supply ; and advantage may be taken of this to put Formosa’s finances ona satisfactory basis. The land where the camphor trees grow are not privately owned as is the best portion of Formosa’s fertile plains, so the Government could appropriate the camphor producing districts without interfering with vested interests. 184 The following further information is given in the Report on the Trade of Tainan for 1897 (Foreign Office Annual, 2149, pp. 5-6) :— The camphor trade has, so far as concerns foreign merchants in South Formosa, almost entirely stopped, owing, among other causes, to the disturbed state of the country and the difficulty and danger of send- ing money into the camphor districts. The roads continued throughout the year to be infested with armed robbers, who, on the approach of the military or police, fled to the hills (where it was, apparently, impossi- ble to pursue them), only to reappear at the first favourable opportunity. Robberies became of such freqnent occurrence that no foreign or native merzhant would venture to send money into the interior. The Japanese authorities, on their }art, did not see their way to allow the tax to be paid in the treaty port on arrival of the camphor, and business was con- sequently brought to a standstill. In the raids and skirmishes, too, which have taken place in the camphor-producing districts, numbers of stills have been destroyed. Their destruction was, perhaps, inevitable, but as they were almost en- tirely erected with money advanced or loaned by foreign merchants in Souti Formosa, the losses incurred by the latter have been very con- siderable. Itis estimated that not one-third of the stills in existence, two years ago, in which foreigners in South Formosa are interested, are now available for camphor production. The hope expressed by Her Majesty’s Consul in last year’s reports that the camphor trade might revive and assume large proportions, has not been realised ; in fact, far from this being the case, the camphor export business, as far as South Formosa is concerned, has now (April, 1898) almost stopped. These remarks, of course, apply exclusively to the export of cam- phor by foreign merchants in this district (South Formosa) who have in the past invested considerable sums of money in the business. The production of camphor in the districts of Rinkipo and Shu Shu (Hunlin and Chip Chip), the principal districts whence the drug came to South Formosa, still, 1 am informed, continues, though to nothing like the same extent as formerly ; but ail the camphor so produced finds its way via the port of Rokko (Lokkang) to Tamsui, whence it is shipped to Hong Kong and Japan. Tue roads north of Rokko are said to be per- fectly safe, so that dealers can reach the neighbourhood of Chip Chip and buy up any camphor that, under other circumstances, should and would go to the foreign firms in Tainan, with whose money the business was first started. Things may remedy themselves in course of time, but the outlook at present is certainly not very bright. aa ae eee 185 The following table shows tho export of camphor from this port since, practically, the commencement of the trade :— SANNA SSC OR MER EDEN NOR nnn anne ent ens OO EARS EE een eREROeees>OEO SST SET ES Se OEers CRS COEUESES OSs ESSER SE ses a0 50s cers seereeseepeces erESeeeessee®. — Years. Number of Boxes Exported, 1892 - 4,315 1893 : - 6,691 1894 . - 12,157 1895 e - 10,145 1856 - - 8,001 1897 - 3,057 Note —One box contains about one picul (13333 lbs.) of camphor. Propuction IN CEYLON. The cultivation of the camphor tree has attracted some attention in Ceylon. But, as will be seen from the following correspondecce which has appeared in the Ceylon Observer, both it and the production of the drug are in the experimental stage. SUPBRINTENDENT, HakGata Botanic GARDENS, TO EDITOR “© CEYLON OBSERVER.” Botanic Gardens, Hakgala, April 6th 1898. DEar Sir, REFERRING to your question as to what is being done with cam- phor cultivation in Ceylon, I may add the following to what I wrote you on the 11th of February last. Wishing to satisfy myself that solid camphor exists in the leaves and twigs of even very young plants, I sent a small bundle of prunings from plants planted out at the end of 1895, to Mr. S. A. Owen, of Messrs. W. Jordan & Co., of Lindula, who had very kindly undertaken to make the experiment for me. I am pleased to state that he has been very successful in extracting solid camphor from them; and as this is of general interest to planters, I shall be much obliged if you will be good enough to publish Mr. Owen’s jetter in an early issue of your paper. The prunings from an average plant 28 months, old, as grown here weigh from 10 to 12 1b. I have a good many plants that want pruning, and if applied to before the end of this month, April, | shall be very glad to supply 10 or 20, or 35 lb, prunings to any person wishing to make the esperiment for himself. Iam, &c., W. Nocx.* * Mr. Nock was at one time Superintendent of Government Cinchona Plantation, Jamaica, [Ed. Jamaica Bulletin.} 186 Mr. S. A. Owen to SUPERINTENDENT, HaxGaLa Botanic GARDENS. Talawakele, March 30, 1898. Dear Mr. Nock, THanks for the parcel of camphor prunings duly recsived. I have made several experiments. The following is the account of method employed and results :— * * * * * A gallon iron kettle was packed with 14 lb. of leaves and small twigs, together with about two pints of water. The cover of the kettle was luted on and the spout fitted with a cork, while a long glass tube proceeded from the cork to a condenser. Applied heat gradually, and kept it up for five hours. At the end of this time the sides of the con- denser were coated with camphor, and small lumps were floating in the water which distilled over. All the camphor was collected carefully and dried between bibulous paper (to absorb most of the adhering oil). It then weigheed 55 grains, which is equivalent to 12 ounces to the ewt or 15\b to the ton. I think the results very encouraging, as the leaves and young parts of the camphor tree contain but a very small proportion of camphor compared with the trunk-wood. Indeed, I believe that in Formosa and other camphor-producing countries, it is customary to altogether dis- card the branches and leaves and use the mainwood only. I should think that planters who have young camphor trees com- ing on here in Ceylon would find it wel! worth their while to utilise their prunings—especially if firewood is available and cheap, as this lat- ter item would be practically the only expense, beyond the small amouat of labour required and the initial expense of a still,which latter could be easily extemporised out of almost any kind of large iron vessel to which heat could be applied. As the camphor tree is a long while coming to maturity, considerations of this kind ought to be borne in mind. I have pleasure in enclosing a small sample of the camphor ob7 tained. As you will see, it has a rather dirty appearance, due to un- avoidable impurity and the sample smells of camphor oil, but these are easily got rid of in the process of refinement. I also enclose a small sample of the same camphor partly purified by sublimation. You are, of course, very welcome to make what use you like of this account of these small experiments, whether by publication or otherwise. No doubt it would be encouraging to those who have gone to the ex- pense of planting up camphor tress to know that there is camphor in our locally grown trees. I have heard of one or two misgivings as to whether the soil and climate here would favour the formation of cam- phor in the tree. Yours faithfully, S. A. Owen. [Seeds of the camphor tree (Cinnamomum Camphora) were im- ported afew years ago into Jamaica by the Director of Public Gar- dens and Plantations, and plants were raised in the Hill Gardens and distributed. | Sony" . 187 MEXICAN SUNFLOWER. TITHONIA DIVERSIFOLIA, A. Gray. Four or five years ago His Excellency Sir Henry Blake received seeds of a “Sunflower” and sowed them in King’s House Garden. They grew into shrubs 8 or 10 feet high, covered with bright golden yellow flowers, 4 or 5 inches across, more beautiful and graceful than the common Sunflower. The sight of a single bush is charming, but when the bushes are massed in quantities, the general eftect is “a beauty and a joy” for the short time that they are in flower. But, alas, eternal beauty is denied them, as it was to Tithonos, after whom they are named. He was beloved by the Goddess Dawn, and desiring immortality, obtained it, but neglecting to ask also for eternal youth, his beauty passed away, and at his own prayer he became turned into a grasshopper. So Tithonia’s flowers fade all too soon, but more happy than he, they renew their youth with each succeeding Autumn. Tithonia diversifolia is a native of Mexico : it is also found in Cey- lon where it was first introduced in 1851 from California. There it has spread on waste ground, and along roadsides over the moist country up to 5,000 feet with all the appearance of a native weed. It is nota pest, as the seeds are not carried by the wind, but simply drop on the ground. ey MEXICAN TOBACCO. A Foreign Office Report bas been issued dealing with the Mexican tobacco trade. Mr. Chapman, British Consul at Vera Cruz, states that until the year 1897-8 the exports of Mexican tobacco showed but little advancement in the trade. Whereas in 1896-7 the total export of raw tobacco from the whole Republic was 1,349,903 kilos, representing 1,718,232 Mexican dollars, in the following year they were 3,107,619, valued at 3,563,620 dollars. Manufactured tobacco, on the other hand, showed a decrease of from £20,282 kilos, representing 1,001,859 dollars in 1846-7, to 889,697 kilos, valued at 926,148 dollars in 1897-8. The increase of raw exports in 1897-8 was due to abnormal causes. In that year the Mexican export trade in tobacco received an impetus during the Cuban Revolution, when the Spaniards impeded the cultivation and export of Cuban tobacco, and large stocks in hand were detained in the island. At the same time certain Mexican tobaccos were imported into the United States as fillings and used as wrappers, and in view of the contemplated change in the Dingley tariff, large demands were made for Mexican tobacco for the supply of Tampa, Key West, and Florida factories before the contemplated change in the Dingley tariff took effect. This caused a boom in tobacco. Prices rose, exports increased, and the resources of capital and labour were strained to increase produc- tion. With the change in the Dingley tariff, the freeing of the Cuban supply in hand, and the prospects of an early resumption of cultivation 188 in the island, prices fell, and it was found ‘that Mexican tobacco could not retain the temporary footing it had acquired on the American market. With the fall in prices many people were ruined who had in- discreetly invested in iacreased cultivation. Growers were unable to reimburse advances, and purchasers were left with large supplies on hand. Since then the Mexican tobacco trade has declined towards its normal condition. Labour, at all times scarce and of an inferior quality has been a serious factor in tais business ; but hopes were raised by an influx of Cuban labour, in consequence of the Spanish-American war. This labour greatly improved the cultivation, sorting, and preparation of the product for market, and enabled it to compete for better prices ; but since the termination of the war the pick of this labour has returned to Cuba, and although this immigration has been of permanent benefit to Mexico and the tobacco trade, yet the increased, and still increasing demand for labour, without any apparent adequate means of supplying the deficiency, makes labour the burning question of the day with ‘regard to developing the resources of the country. The tobacco industry requires a supply of skilled and unskilled labour that can be depended upon, and such a supply can only be obtained from free labour that can command a fair wage and a standard of living superior to that at present obtained by the ordinary Mexican field hand. When the necessary supply of reliable labour shall have been found, and the means for improvements in the cultivation and prepara- tion of the product introduced, there will be an opportunity for the in- vestment of large capital in this business, for good tobacco is grown in the country, and there is no reason why, with proper handling, it should not obtain an advantageous footing on the markets. Tobacco is one of the Mexican articles of export that will greatly benefit by the establish- ment of direct communication with the United Kingdom, and there are reasonable grounds to expect that before long a direct and regular steamship service will be offered to the public. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HYBRIDIZATION. At the International Conference lately held in London under the auspices of the Royal Horticultural Society, Mr. Herbert J. Webber, of the United States Department of Agriculture, gave an interesting lec- ture, on the work of his department in plant hybridization. He said that the work of hybridizing was started not more than three years ago, and the results attained were far from complete. All the plants on which they had worked were, in the main, horticultural products of America, and one of the principal was the orange plant. A few years ago almost the entire orange industry for a season in Florida was des- troyed by frost ina single night, and about a hundred million dollars was lost by the damage done. In consequence of this they arrived at the conclusion that either they must abandon the orange industry in Florida, or secure a variety of orange which was very much hardier, and which would resist the frost. Accordingly they set to work to hybridize the Japanese orange, Citrus trifoliata,with the sweet orange The trifoliata was found as far north as New York, and was used as — ee a 189 a hedge plant. The fruit was bitter and resinous, and was used as preserve fruit; but the plant was hardy in character, and by hybridizing it with the common sweet orange it was hoped that the frosts would be resisted and that they might obtain hybrids of the two species and a de- ciduous as well as an evergreen orange, The true hybrid plants, already obtained, had been found very much more vigorous than the common sweet orange. His department had also made experiments with the view of combining the character of the tangerine with the common orange in order to secure, if possible,the loose skin of the tangerine with the common variety. The sweet orange was of much better quality and more desirable than the tangerine, but if by hybridizing they could produce a fruit to combine the characters of the two, he thought that such: fruit would take the market ; and they were working on those lines. They were further endeavouring to improve the quality of the orange by crossing the bitter-sweet pomelo with the sweet orange. The United States Agricultural Department bad, also been working more or less with pineapples; and he pointed out that it had been ascertained that by the crossing of fruits which were com- monly seedless they could frequently produce seeds, and that the plants so dealt with were more vigorous and better able to resist disease. Another branch of their work was with cotton plants, the main point being to hybridize between the Upland cotton and the so-called Sea Island cotton. By this hybridization they hoped to extend the cotton industry considerably. The last experiment dealt with by the lecturer was the hybridization of corn (maize) by introducing the wild species into the cultivated strain. They were endeavouring to cross the common maize with the wild Mexican grass Teosinte, which was supposed to be the progenitor of maize; but, of course, there must be numerous gener- ations before they could bring out the character of the corn to any great effect. DRYING HOUSE. In a former Bulletin * an account was given of a Drying House for Cocoa used in Ceylon. The following extract on the subject of a Drying House for general use is taken from “Planting Opinion,” an excellent journal published in Madras. “How to Maks a Hot-arnr Drying Hous. “There are so manygways of doing this that I think 1 had better simply describe the way mine has been built, and leave others to im- prove uponthe idea according to the cheapest material and cost of transit in their district. It is first necessary that the principle upon which tlio heat is to be obtained and regulated should be understood. It is well known that hot air rises, and only falls again to a lower level * See Bulletins 41 and 48. 190 upon cooling ; consequently, the hot-air must be allowed to enter by a flue, as near the roof or ceiling of the shed or house as convenient, and so that only the coolest air may be exhausted. The point furthest away from this, and consequently the lowest, should be the place from which to exhaust the vir by means of fans. The building of course may be of any size, but suould be greater in length than in breadth, and should be, as near as possible, hermetically sealed. ‘In the first place, a framework of sawn hardwood timber is erected to the height of, say, 10 to 12 feet, with flooring joists set on blocks 3 inches or 4 inches above the level of the ground, but not boarded (open battens being the floor, which is afterwards covered with coir or other matting.) Upon the roof is also placed flooring joists for the ceiling, and set on the wall plates as if fora two storey building. If bricks are a cheaper material than galvanised iron, the whole building may be made of brick, but I have found iron both cheaper and more portable. 1 prefer the flat galvanised iron to the “corrugated,” as it does not require skilled lahour to turn, rivet and solder the edges. The inside only of this building is next covered with iron sides, ends, and ceiling. At the angle of the ceiling it is best to turn the edges, rivet, and solder, before nailing up. _—All other joints can be stuffed, or calk- ed with hemp or votton, even pasted over with brown paper is good. “The roof can either be left flat, or an ordinary shed-roof of corru- gated iron. It may even be raised into a second storey, or loft, to be used as a finishing room above the hot-air chamber. “A brick furnace is now built at one end of the shed with smoke stack either of brick or iron. The furnace should be built about two feet away from the end of the shed to allow of the hot-air flue (2 feet inside measurement) to connect the furnace with the shed which will emanate about six inches from the ceiling of the chamber and in the centre. In building the furnace a double row of four inch gas pipes are laid, one set of ends set in fire clay but entering the flue, and the other set of ends, open to the air on the other side of the furnace. Great care must be taken that neither fire nor smoke is allowed to enter the flue direct from the furnace, and the pipes, or tubes should never be allowed to get red-hot, or they are liable to burn, or crack. Now,at the other end of the shed, a trench should be dug in the gronnd, below the flooring of the same size as the draught capacity of the flue, and emanat- ing below the wall for a few feet. Over this draught trench, either one or two exhaust fans are built, and these are in my case worked by water power, so that I could regulate their pace to one degree of temperature night or day. “Tt will be understood that, as the air is exhausted from the chamber it must necessarily pass throagh the heated pipes to replace the air withdrawn, and that, that heated air is drawn through the matting on the battened floor, and, consequently, through the crop that is spread upon it, thus only the coolest and dampest air is withdrawn.” 191 ADDITIONS AND CONTRIBUTIONS TU THE DEPARTMENT. LIBRARY. EUROPE, British Isles. Botanical Magazine, Nov. [Purchased.] british Trade Journal, Nov. ([Editor.] Bulletin Kew Gardens, Sept. and October. [Director.] Chemist and Druggist, Oct. 21, 28, Nov. 4,11. [Editor,] Garden, Oct., 21, 28, Nov. 4, 11. [Purchased ] Gardeners’ Chronicle, Oct. 21, 28, Nov. 4, 11. [Purchased.] Journal of Botany, Nov. [{Purchased.] Nature, Oct. 19, 26, Nov. 2, 9. [ Purchased. | Pharmaceutical Journal, Oct.21, 28, Nov. 4,11. [Editor.] Produce World, Mov, [Kditor.] Sugar, Oct. [Editor. ] [International Sugar Journal, Nov. [{Kditor.] W. Indian and Com. Advertiser. Nov. [Editor.} Climate No. 1 Oct. [Editor. | ——— France. Suererie, indigéne et coloniale, Oct. :'4, 31, Nov 7. [Editor.] Germany. Konigl. Botanische Garten, Berlin, 1898-9. Switzerland. Bulletin de l’Herbier Boissier, Oct. [Convervateur. ] ASIA. India. Agriculrural Leger (Calcutta) 1899, No. 8. Planting Opinion, Sept. 30, Oct. 7, 14, 21. [Editor.] Report Govt. Cinchona Plantation and Factory in Bengal 1897-98, {Kew} Ceylon. Times of Ceylon, Sept., 20, 27, Oct. 4, 12. [Editor.] Java. Proefstation E. Java, 3de Serie No. 14, [Director.] AUSTRALIA. N.S. Wales. Agri. Gazette, Oct. [Dept. of Agr.] Queensland. Agr. Journal, Oct. [Sec. Agr. ] Sugar Journal, Oct, [Editor.] AFRICA. Cape of Good Hobe. Agri. Journ. Sept. Oct. [Editor.] Central Africa. Times, Sept., 2,16, 23. [Editor. ] West INDIEs. Barbados. Agricultural Gazette, October. ([Editor.] Jamaica. Journal, Jamaica Agricultural Soc. Nov. [Secretary.] Trinidad. Report of Supt. Bot. Gards. on Experiments. 30th Oct. [Supt.] 192 BRITISH NORTH AMERICA: Montreal. Pharmaceutical Journal, Nov, [Editor.] Ontario. Annual Reports, Live Stock Associations. 1898-9. Otlaw.. Experimental Farm Bulletin. No. 33. June. UnrITeD STATES, AMERICA. Publications of the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture—Scientific Bereaus and Divisions Division of Botany. Vol. V, No. 4. (Useful Plants of Mexico, etc.) Division of Soils in co-operation with Division of Vegetable Philosophy and Pathology : 60 (Temperature changes in fermenting piles of cigar leaf tobacco.) Division of Soils, 9 (soil moisture), 15 (Electrical Instruments for deter- mining the moisture, temperature, and soluble salt content of soils.) Experiment Stations. Experiment Station Record : XI, 2. : Arkansas : 53 (razing a Corn and Cowpea field. Experiments with Pea- nuts, Legume Manuring, etc.) Georgia: 44 (Wheat, Oats, Rye, Barley), 45 (Insects on Cucurbits.) New Jersey : 137 (Dairy Experiments), 138 (Crude Petroleum as Insectici- des). 139 (Analyses of Fertilisers.) Texas: Annual Report, 1898-99. American Journal of Pharmacy, Nov. [Editor.] Botanical Gazette, Chicago, Oct. [Editor.] Torrey Club Bulletin, Nov. ([Editor.] Philadelphia Comm. Museum: State of Nicaragua; The World’s Com- merce and the U. States share of it. POLYNESIA. Planters’ Monthly, Hawaii, Nov. ([Editor.] SEEDS. From Royal Botanic Gardens, Trinidad. Hevea brasiliensis From Royal Gardens, Kew, Ptaeroxylon utile Tabernaemontana sp. Musa Livingstoneana From Messrs, Vilmorin—Andrieux & Co. Araucaria Brasiliensis sid excelsa imbricata PLANTS. From Botanic Gardens, St. Lucia. Eugenia Micheli Cocos Romanzoffiana Pritechardia pacifica Flacourtia sepiaria Gulielma speciosa Sabal minor Brom Mrs, Plaxton, Belle Vue, Kingston, Jamaica. Bulbs of Crinum sp. ; a [Issned 22nd December 1899.) JAMAICA. BULLETIN OF THE BOTANICAL DEPARTMENT. New Series Appendix, 1899. Report of the Director on the Department of Public Gardens and Plantations for the year ended 31st March 1899. CONTENTS: Economic Plants - Bananas Citrus é Cocoa _ Coffee - Grapes - Kola - _ Mangoes - Nutmegs - Pine Apples a4 Ramie - Rubber - Sugar Cane - Tea Tobacco Bulletins - Library - Herbarium : - Practical Instruction - - Apprentices from Gold Coast - - Apprentices from Jamaica : - Boys from Jamaica High School - - Report by Superintendent on progress - Planter’s opinion of the value of the training Hope Industrial School = - Travelling Instructor = Agricultural Gonference at Bar badds - Experiment Station Scheme - - Cinchona Plantations - - Reports of Superintendents - - Hope Gardens - - Castleton Garden - - Hill Gardens - : Kingston Public Gadén - - King’s House Garden and Grounds - Bath Garden : = Appendix : Meteorological Tables” - : ey (ome) Coen eee (oer Woe: ee a PAGE. 194 194 194 195 196 198 198 198 199 199 201 201 201 203 203 206 207 208 210 210 211 211 211 212 194 ECONOMIC PLANTS. BANANAS. Extension of cultivation. -The planting of Bananas has gone steadily forward, and there need be no fear of overdoing the market. If the whole of the West Indies, including Cuba, and adjacent territories on the mainland, grew bananas wherever good hunches were produced, the demand would still increase with the supply. There could be no better nor cheaper food for the hungry millions of the British Isles, Canada and the United States than the banana. Meal.—No further advance has been made in the utilisation of bananas to make meal. LHxcellent meal has already been made in the Island, and no doubt a company with a large capital could put it on the market at a much lower cost than has hitherto been found possible, especially if they started work in a banana district where they could buy up small bunches. But it must be produced at a cost that will en- able it to compete with flour. Dried bananas.—At the Hon. Evelyn Ellis’ estate Mr. Zurcher has solved the problem of so drying and putting up bananas that they keep in good order like figs for a very long time. It is a secret process, but, as the demand grows, factories will probably follow in other districts. As it is probably possible to put the fruit in this condition on the mar- ket at as low a cost as the fresh banana, there are immense possibilities in this direction. Cirrus TREES. The Superintendent of Hope Gardens reports results of experiments in budding on various stocks: sweet orange on lime has done well, although the tree has not grownlarge. Sweet orange on lemon are looking fairly well. A sweet orange on sour stock gummed and was destroyed. Navel oranges on sour have done well, especially the Washington navel. The Imperial lemon on sweet orange did so badly that they were destroyed: on rough lemon, half are looking well, and half were destroyed; others will be tried oa sour stock. Grape fruit on rough lemon are looking well, but some on sweet orange were un- healthy and were destroyed. The tangerines are looking well. At the Hill Gardens some of the trees have suffered a little from scale-insects, but otherwise they are very healthy. There are ia the orange: grove 556 citrus plants put out in their permanent places, and 156 other fruit trees, making a total of 712 fruit trees, covering an area of more than 10 acres actually under permanent trees. The nurseries and roads:are perhaps of equal or even greater extent. Throughout the island there has been great activity in the planting and cultivation of new orange groves. In many places the trees have been affected in various ways, and assistance has been given by the Department in ascertaining tie causes of the troubles, and giving advice as to‘remedies. Frequently unhealthiness was caused by plant- ing the young trees too deep, instead of so placing the topmost roots — that they should be only just covered by the soil; or by giving too 195 much shade ; or by heaping up weeds, &., round the stem of the tree. In some cases grubs were found eatiag the roots, for which hand picking and application of kainit and lime were effective; or scale-insects attacked plants wantiag in vigour for which the kerosine and soap mixture is recommended.* Diseases of the bark, such as gumming, should be treated with the preparation, the recipe of which is given in the Bulle- tin for September, 1837. Against ants, bitter wood has been found effectual, 1 1b. chips are steeped for 12 hours in water, then more water added to make up a gallon, the whole is allowed to boil slowly for 12 to 24 hours ; then it is allowed to cool, and is made up to 10 gallons; 10 ounces of sott soap may be added. In the Bulletin for December, 1895, the article on budding recom- mended that the wood should be taken away from the bud. This is the practice in budding in England, but it has been found by experience here that the Florida method of leaving the wood with the bud of citrus plants is preferable. It has also been seen that it is better to make the T-shaped cut upside down. In Florida a leaf is fastened with the tying- material over the bud as a protection against the sun. The number of citrus trees distributed by the Department has been very large :— Sweet Orange wi 21,201 Grape Fruit a 16,551 Rough Lemon e 7,200 Sour Orange asa 5,287 Navel Orange ”~ 244 Total 50,483 Cocoa. Distribution.—The price of cocoa on the markets is now high, and with the increasing consumption there is every prospect that the price will remain high for at any rate a few years. It is therefore very im- portant that every encouragement should be given to the industry. The price of plants has been reduced to 4d. each, delivered at any rail- way station or seaport, so that the poorest man can start the cultivation. The plants are in bamboo pots, the roots are therefore not disturbed in sending out, and the plants can be taken straight to the field, the bamboo split, and the soil enclosing the roots placed at once into the hole pre- pared for it. Very much depends for success on the weather when planting takes place, the percentage of losses being less than 1 per cent. in favourable showery weather, and perhaps as much as 50 per cent. when the weather is dry. One advantage of having the plants in bam- boo pots is that if the weather is not showery, they can be kept together under shade, and watered until a favourable opportunity occurs. About 6,000 plants have been distributed in the year, besides 400 pods which ought to give 12,000 more plants. * Bulletin, December, 1898, page 271. + Bulletin 3, page 4. 196 The cocoa trees at Hope and Castleton are of the best kinds, and the seeds for sowing are carefully selected, so that planters may be cer- tain of having good trees. Instructions.—In supplying cocoa plants to small settlers, leaflets are given with full directions for cultivating and curing, and this teach- ing is supplemented by practical demonstrations by the Travelling In- structor. While the export of cocoa has increased this year by 30 per cent. the valve has increased nearly 50 per cent. Investigations.— Messrs. Rowntree, cocoa manufacturers of York, England. have leased an estate in the island, and have sent out a cuem- ist to study the process of curing on the spot. It is to be hoped that these scientific investigations may be published for the benefit of cocoa planters, and supplement the good work already done by Prof. Harrison and Mr. Jenman in Demerara.* CoFFEE. Arabian Coffee. (Coffea arabica).—There is considerable demand for seedlings of Arabian or common coffee, and there appears to be no good reason why these should not be supplied by the Department as well as any other plant. The proper place to raise these piants is in the Hill Gardens ; they grow very much more slowly than at Hope, but they are of much stronger constitution, and the lossin planting out should not be nearly so great as in dealing with those grown at lower levels. Experiments in manures for coffee ought to be carried out at the Hill Gardens, but there is not sufficient money voted for either growing seedlings or testing manures. At Hope Gardens a small plantation has been made, rather for the purpose of training the Industrial School boys than for experiment. But it will be useful in comparing the different mode of growth from coffee grown at an elevation of 4,000 feet and also the different treat- ment necessary in topping, pruning, etc. Tiberian Coffee. (C. liberica).—The Liberian Coffee at Castleton has, as usu:!, borne well, and a large number of young plants were raised. {he trees at Hope have produced an abundant crop, and the young trees have improved since the shade has been lessened, and more water supplied. Berries in the cherry were supplied to Messrs. Lascelles, de Mer- eado & Co., for the purposes of trying their ordinary machinery with Liberian, and testing the value of the coffee on the New York market. From the sample received it was evident that the machinery had not been set quite right, or was not perfectly adapted for it. The beans, moreover, had not been picked over nor sized. These imperfections would affect the price. The following letter with reference to the price obtainable on the market will be of interest. * Bulletin, March, 1898, page 49. 197 Messrs. A. S. Lascelles & Co. to Messrs, Lascelles de Mercado & Co.., Kingston. New York, U.S. A., April 21st, 1899. Drar Sirs, | JAMAICA LIBERIAN COFFEES. In response to the request of Products Co. to report on two bags of this variety of coffee which reached us this week we have to inform you that the universal consensus of opinion among the experts, jobbers and dealers is that these coffees would sell here at from 74 to 7dc.f the lutter being probably the outside valuation for to-day, We have also submitted the samples to the expert in these coffees to-day and he reports as follows :— ‘“ We hand you with this green and roasted samples of 275 bags “ genuine Liberian JavaJ which we are jobbing out in a small “way at 8ic. Weare confident wecan buy this coffee at 73c. ‘“‘ In fact we are offered much handsomer coffees at the former “ figure. The sample of Jamaica Liberian which you showed ‘us to-day is of inferior style, the colour being much against it. “ We doubt if such coffee would sell to New York jobbers at ‘‘from 7 to 74c. and we are confident that no jobber would make “a profit on it 74c. We have tested both of these coffees in the “cup and while our coffee is much superior coffee in the roasted ‘‘ bean, we must say frankly that your coffee possesses superior “ drinking merit, having a fine flavour and clear acid which we “ do not think our coffee possesses. We do not know, however, “ that this favourable feature would overcome its poor appear- ‘‘ ance in the green as the consumer apparently cares very little “ for the drinking quality of this sort of coffee.” And in order that you may understand his letter we send you by this opportunity two sample bags of his sample in the green and two eans of his sample roasted, also two sample of your own Liberian coftee roasted so that you can, if necessary, make the comparisons which he does in his letter. You will see that, whilst your coffees are inferior in style and colour in the green, they nevertheless make a superior flavour roasted to those which are now on sale in this City. We are, Yours faithfully, A. 8. Lasceuuss, & Co. Highland Coffee of Sierra Leone. (Coffea stenophylla.)—This coffee grows on the hills about Sierra Leone at from 500 to 2,000 feet. The coffee is sold by French merchants as “ best Mocha,’ but the interest connected with it, is not so much the relative value as compared with Arabian coffee, as the possibility of its being able to resist the Hemileta vastatrexz. The Director of Kew Gardens has distributed seed to Botanic Gardens in the tropics. 1t has succeeded fairly well at Hope and Cas- + [That would be 26/ to 27/ per ewt., in Jamaica.] 198 tleton, and given a small crop at both Gardens ; but it is still too early to decide whether it is worth growing at all in Jamaica, or whether it is likely to do better than Arabian Coffee below 2,000 feet. GRAPES. Variettes——Mr. Cradwick, the Superintendent of Hope Gardens, reports as follows:—“ The grape vines bore alarge summer crop, which commenced to ripen about the middle of May and lasted until the end of July. The variety first to ripen was Raisin de Calabre and after that Foster’s seedling; at this period exceptionally heavy rains fell, as much as twelve inches in twenty-four hours, a great many of the berries split and in some bunches the whole of them split and were spoiled. On the morning of the 28th May, onecwt. and 4lbs., were spoiled in this way and were cut off the vines. ‘The Muscat Hamburgh turned out fairly well, as did also Royal Ascot and Black Prince, but of the black varieties Alicante appears to be best suited to the Hope climate, as it is the only variety not attacked by mildew. The Muscat of Alexandria has again proved to be the best of the white varietes. Foster’s seedling is a heavy cropper. ‘In consequence of the unusual quantity of rain during the last nine months of the year, 1898, the grape vines did not ripen any wood at all for autumn pruning. In order however to demonstrate that un- less the wood is properly ripened, it is useless to expect fruit, 16 vines were pruned, and, as expected, not a single good bunch was produced.” Instruction —Mr. Cradwick has travelled in several parts of Jamaica; giving instruction in handling and caring the vines and grapes. Some planters have taken great interest in vine culture, and now possess a large number of vines. Their experience is unfortunately the same as in every land where grapes are grown on a large scale, fungoid pests are exceedingly troublesome. The only plan to save the vines is to adopt the methods found successful in other countries. Notes on the subject are to be found in the Bulletin.* Market.—Whether it will be found possible eventually to produce grapes from Jannary to March for the London and New York markets, is still a matter of experiment, but there is a local demand at remunera- tive prices even for summer grapes. Distribution Young vines to the number of 1,383 have been dis- tributed, mostly to small settlers in the neighbourhood of Alligator Pond, which appears to be a district admirably suited to the cultivation. Kota. The interest in planting kola is still maintained, as many as 12,489 plants having been distributed. MANGOES. The mangoes at Hope, mis-called ‘‘ East Indian,” as all come from the BE. Indies, are derived from one of the trees imported by Governor * Bulletin, February, 1897, page 37. 199 ‘Sir J. P. Grant from Bombay, and planted in Castleton Garden.* It would be better therefore to call them Bombay mangoes. They have no stringy fibre, nor flavour of turpentine ; and, unlike the favourite “* No, 11,” they can be eaten with a spoon. The fruit has been sent to England in good order, and should therefore be profitable for export. Numbers of seedlings have been distributed, but as they could not be guaranteed to come true, and as some complaints on that score were received, not much has been done lately in growing these seedlings. Some grafts have been taken, and the grafted trees distributed, but the original trees will not bear too much cutting in this way. There are other mango trees at Castleton, making in all the “ four noted Bombay grafted mangoes” of Sir J.P. Grant which on rare occasions bear a fruit. The mangoes known locally as the ‘Governor’ mangoes are doubtless from grafted plants of these trees. There are some excellent mangoes in Martinique. There are two or three trees at Hope but probably not of the best kind. My late attempts to get the grafted plants of the best kinds failed ; but Prof. G. Landes, who recently visited Jamaica onan agricultural mission, has very kindly interested himself in the matter and no doubt some healthy plants will be received. A tree raised from seed of a mango from Mexico, has produced large fruit of an excellent character, and ripening rather later in the ‘season. Col. Griffith of Hodges imported at considerable expense some grafted mangoes from Bombay, and a graft from one of these is now growing at Hope. The common man zo, when ripe, can be made into an excellent pre- serve, and, unripe into a pickle remarkable for its stomachic qualities. As thousand of tons go to waste every year, it might be found profitable to do something with them in this way. NutTMEGS. The cultivation of nutmegs is on the increase, more than 3,000 plants were distributed during the year. Pinz-APPLES. Varieties.—The varieties of Pine-Apples cultivated at Hope Gar- dens are :—Red Ripley, Green Ripiey, Charlotte Rothschild, Smooth A Abbaka, Black Pine, Cow-boy, Sugar-loaf, Queen, Cheese ine. Selection of Suckers.—The Superintendent of Hope Gardens in con- tinuation of his remarks on correlation of the colouring of the leaves and good fruit, states :—‘ Of the 55 plants of the Green Ripley pine with red markings in the centre of the leaf only, ten have fruited, every fruit being a good one free from blemish ; the remainder of the plants are now fruiting, but it cannot be determined whether these will be perfect until they ripen. No more of these plants have developed red markings on the edge of the leaf.** “Of the 11 plants from parent with red markings on the outside * See Blue Book for 1871, quoted in Bulletin, January, 1898, page 5, ** [All produced good fruit] 200 of the leaf as well as in the centre, 2 have produced inferior fruits eracked near the base and exuding gummy matter which at- tracted large quantities of the black stinging ants, these fruits are quite useless; 3 have produced little knobs; the remainder of the plants are just. commencing to fruit, but are not sufficiently advanced to enable us to form an opinion as to the quality.* ‘* Of the 27 plants with the marking on the outside of the jeatf, only 7 have produced little knobs, 11 have simply grown with the leaves twisted round in the centre of the plants and developed side suckers as. though they had fruited ; 4 have produced fruits which were of fair quality, although very small ; and 4 plants produced small bad fruits,— cracked and exuding gum. “ The greatest care should be taken to propagate plants from those having the red colouring matter well developed and in the centre of the leaves only ; plants with faintly coloured or colourless leaves, or plants having leaves with the red colour on the edge of the leaves, should be avoided. “ Red Ripley : Since observing the variation in the colouring of the Green Ripley Pine Apples, I have also noticed that something ot the same kind occurs in the Red Ripley. When the colouring of the leaves is particularly bright, and the leaves have not the fine bloom observable in the best type of plant, it often produces an abortion similar to those produced by the green variety when badly marked.” Manures.—Mr. F. Watts, suggested various manures for trial with Pine Apples. The plan was as follows :— Manures applied to Pine- Apples. Series A : Size of plots, 184 square yards each. { | Manures: Number of pounds | Manures : amount in ounces Plot per acre. | applied to plots. : Sn Sulphate ; per- | Sulphate pausrainaat Potash. Nitrogen. phosphat oof Potaeh jee berits: : . -_ ooo seiieeraah) (St VERDE EROET FERN ET EDS —_—_— | “a Al 80 40 80 13% | 4% 23 % A2 | 80 40 0 13% 4% 0 A3 80 40 | 40 13% 4% 11% Be ec iL A 400s Nt Sa ee 4% 11% | Ad No Manure ey) 1) 80 | 0 40 13% | 6 | 11x AR stihl. 1604))\ 1611 40 40 27 43451) 2 0bgae A8 0 0 40 | 0 0 11% Ag | 0 | oo | 0 | Be] 8 wae Series B.—-Size of plots, 23% square yards each. Bl 80. | 40. | 40 16% 44 15 B2 0 | 40 | 40 0 4x 15 B3 80 0 40 1634 0 15 * [Two of the remaining six produced little knobs, the other four rather small fruits cracked at the base.] , q ' 201 RAMIE. An attempt was made more than a year ago by some few who are interested in the McDonald Boyle Ramie Machine, to induce farmers to form a company to grow the plant and prepare filasse, but the time was not opportune for the investment of capital. A considerable amount of interest is, however, still taken in the subject, and planting is still going on : 39,200 roots were distributed during the year under review. RUBBER. The Central American Rubber tree (Castzlloa spp.) appears to be the best suited for growth in Jamaica. A small plantation of this tree has been made at Hope, a few trees have been planted at Bath, and others have been put out in the woods in order that they may propa- gate themselves by natural means. Seeds from Rubber trees in the Gardens have been sown, as well as some received from the Botanic Gardens of British Guiana and British Honduras ; and numerous plants have been raised and distri- buted throughout the island. Mr. S. T. Scharschmidt writes that Ceara Rubber trees (Manihot Glaziovii), received from the Department in May 1887, and planted at Hanbary (elevation 1,550 feet, and rainfail 99 inches), began to yield rubber when 114 years old.* Hon. Dr. Johnston, in his travels through Africa, met with a rub- ber plant, the swollen underground stem of which yielded rubber of good quality. This plant is doubtless one that been lately determined by botanists to be a species of Carpodinus. It is probable that this plant may be grown in large numbers to the acre, and yield rubber in far less time than trees, thus opening up the industry to planters and small cultivators. Mr. R. H. Biffen, a Cambridge botanist, who travelled lately in America, investigating the subject of rubber, has invented a machine, in principle somewhat like a centrifugal cream separator, by which the rubber is separated at once from the milky juice free from all impurities and its value raised 25 per cent. This machine is likely to revolu- tionise the rubber industry. SUGAR CANE. Distribution.—The number of cane tops distributed during the year was 17,500. There has been great demand for the seedling canes, and especially for that named ‘“ D. No. 95.” The demand on the ‘part of some planters was much more than could be supplied with the resources even of a large experiment station,devoted to cane alone as in Barbados, but we have endeavoured to satisfy to some extent all who have applied. It would greatly facilitate the work of distribution, if planters would state a year beforehand the number and kind that they wish for. So far as land and money allow at Hope, as many as possible are grown and distributed, and planters then experiment with different varieties and make choice of the most stitable. * Bulletin, February, 1898, page 37. - 202 Increase in yield of Sugar.—The great aim in all experiments with cane is to increase the yield of sugar; it is satisfactory to find that several of the seedling canes are very promising in this respect. It is understood from one proprietor that from 5 acres planted with “ D. No. 95” he reaped 28 tons whereas with the Mt. Blanc variety which was the cane hitherto planted on the estate, he only got at the rate of 2 tons per acre, that is to say, that with the same area and the same expenditure, he hopes that when the whole of the estate is planted with D. No. 95 more than double the amount of sugar will be pro- duced. At the Conference held at Barbados in January, Dr. Morris called the attention of those present toa remarkable seedling cane that had originated in Barbados, known as “ B. 147.” Mr. Bovell, Superinten- dent of the Botanic Station, who raised this seedling, states :—“This- cane has been under cultivation here for the past five years, and it has during that time given an average yield of nearly half a ton of available sugar per acre over the Cal donian Queen, which comes next, and more than three quarters of a ton more than the Bourbon.” Mr. Bovell recommends this cane for the “ black soil” districts of Barbados. The following are Mr. Bovell’s figures:— Name of Libs. per gallon. Libs. per gallon. ‘Libs. of Sugar. Cane. Sucrose. Glucose. per acre. B. 147 1-794 114 7,190 Caledonian Queen 1°'980 041 6,137 Bourbon 1775 086 5,210 According to Mr. Bowrey’s analysis, the seedling D. No. 95 yields at Hope nearly half as much more as the Caledonian Queen ; but the direct comparison between the two seedling canes is a matter for future analysis. Through Dr. Morris’s kind offices, I was enabled to purchase 200 tops of cane B. 147 from the proprietor of an estate where it was. grown somewhat extensively, and brought them back for experimental growing in Hope Gardens. It was found unfortunately that a very large proportion were riddled with the borer, these were burnt, but the remainder were planted and promise well. Analysis of Cane at Hope. Mr. Bowrey, Government Chemist: had analysed shortly before his death a good number of the canes under cultivation at Hope Gardens *. His successor, Mr. Francis Watts, recommended as a preliminary to?undertaking work on the Hope canes, that a row, one chain in length, of each variety should be planted out, with the intention of analysing them when ripe. Analysis of Canes on Estates. Itis evident from the Reports pub- lished in the Bulletin from time to time of different varieties of canes grown for experiment by Messrs. Kemp, Webb, Shirley, and Craig, that it is important for every Sugar Planter to experiment for himself with various canes until he finds out certainly the variety which yields. * Bulletin, Oct. and Nov., 1897. 203 most sugar on that particular estate. Ifthe yield can be increased by even a quarter of a ton per acre, it is worth all the trouble entailed. In 1895 the Department supplied a collection of canes to Mr. Thomas Kemp who devoted a large area to their cultivation, and tested them himself.* The same idea was carried out by Mr. Webb and Captain Shirley. ** But in order that the analysis be done systema- tically, so that the results may be on the same basis, and capable of comparison, it should be carried out on different estates by the same person and he should be an Agricultural Chemist. Mr. Craig also undertook experimental work, and fortunately wken his canes were ready for testing, Mr. Watts was at hand to go to Danks and analyse them. f Government Chemist.— When the Government Chemist is appoint- ed, it would be well that one definite portion of the work assigned to him, should be the analysis on the spot of canes grown experimentally on one or two estates in each sugar growing district. With the assis- tance of the sugar planters themselves, the estates might be carefully selected as typical of certain districts, arrangements could readily be made for the distribution from these experimental plots of the most successful canes throughout the surrounding districts, and for the ex- change of tops from one district to another, so necessary for maintain- ing a vigorous constitution in the cane. Another portion of the Chemist’s duties should be to continue Mr. Bowrey’s work in analysing, and undertake experimental work on manures for canes at Hope Gardens. Treatise on Sugar Cane——During the year an important treatise was published on the “ Agriculture of the Sugar Uane” by Dr. Stubbs, Director of the Sugar Experiment Station in Louisiana, U.S. A., sum- marising all the latest information on the subject, and giving results of his experience in Louisiana. Copious extracts from this work were printed in the Bulletin, and Mr. Watts added notes, giving his view on certain points derived from his long practical acquaintance with sugar growing in the West Indies.{ But the treatise itselt should be in the hands of every sugar-planter, copies can be obtained direct from the author. TRA. There is a demand for tea plants, which are supplied from the Hill Gardens. The number distributed was 3,760 besides some seed. ToBacco. Distribution 0: Seed —Seed was imported by the Department from Havana through the agency of the British Consul-General of the best tobacco of Vuelta Abajo, and was distributed free to everyone who applied for it. At Montpelier, the Hon. Evelyn Ellis’s estate, 60 acres were * Bulletin, Sept., 1°96. * * Bulletin, Mar, 1897. = + Bulletin, April, 1899. { Bulletins May to October, 1898. 204 planted out exclusively with seedlings raised jfrom this seed, * and the tobacco which was cured on the spot,was sold to a New York buyer, realizing high prices. A grade of wrapper superior to Sumatra was obtained. As a measure of the success obtained, Mr. Ellis proposes to: put 130 acres under tobacco next season. lt is well known that the Cubans are careless in the collection of seed, taking it from inferior plants,and from suckers from the old roots. Plants were therefore grown at Hope for the purpose of obtaining first class seed for distribution. This was sent out under the name of ‘‘Hope Havana,” and reports have been received of the excellence of the plants raised from it. Manures.—Mr. Watts drew up the following plan for testing var- ious manures on tobacco :— MANURE FOR TOBACCO. Stable Manure, or, Artificial Manure, and rate per acre in lbs. Grass (instead of Plots. No. | green dressing)at (= ==—~—“—“—~‘CSSOS™~*~” aay : rate of 20 tons —S_ Potash. Phosphate. Nitrogen. per acre. | ' | a 1 Stable Manure 2 Grass | 3 ce | 40 4 a 40 | 80 | P : 10 | Bp 40 a4 4 | : ce hi | | 40 8 No Manure. 9 80 10 40 11 40 80 12 Hee 80 13 La 160 14 40 80 40 15 a as 40 16 iS 80 17 80 + 18 40 80 + 40 19 ie 40 + 20 80 t The potash and phosphate were applied as soon as the plots were ready for the plants, and throughly worked into the soil. The nitrogen, z. €., Sulphate of Ammonia and Dried Blood were applied later. On the plots each of 17 square yards, to supply at rate of 80 lbs. phosphate, * Bulletin, January, 1599, page 1. + Thomas Phosphate. t¢ Dried Blood. 205 124 oz superphosphate was applied; for 40lbs. potash, 44 oz. sulphate of potash; for 40 lbs. nitrogen as sulphate of ammonia 11 oz. of sulphate of ammonia; for 40 lbs. nitrogen as dried blood, 164 oz. dried blood. It was found convenient to weigh out a number of packets containing 12} oz. superphosphate and another series containing 4} 0z. phosphate of potash. ‘hese were carried to the ground and the packets belonging to each plot laid out against the beds and checked before opening. They were then opened, the contents mixed on a sheet of brown paper, or in a dry, clean tray, with a few pounds of dry earth to increase the bulk, and then the mixture was carefully distributed over the bed. Mr. Watts’ directions,as given above, will probably be useful to those who propose to experimunt in the same way. He stated also that it would be well to put samples of all the manures into dry clean bottles that they might be analysed. As Thomas Phosphate was not obtainable at the time, Mr. Watts suggested that plot 17 should get 34 lbs. of wood-ashes with 124 oz. superphosphate and 11 oz. sulphate of ammonia ; and that plot 18 should have 1? lbs. of wood-ashes, and the same amount of phos- phate and ammonia as No. 17, This would give 1,000 lbs. and 500 lbs. respectively of ashes per acre. The tobacco from the different plots were labelled, and dried at Hope. Through the kind consent of Mr. Zurcher, it was then sent to Montpelier to be cured, and afterwards to be submitted for the opinion of the expert on the estate. Although it is scarcely to be expected that the first year’s trials will be worth much, they will be a guide to future experiments at Hope. At High Elevations.—Tobacco grows spontaneously at 4,000 feet in the Hill Gardens so magnificently, that it is proposed to cultivate a small patch there next season, and ascertain its value. Expert.—The engagement of an Expert in curing tobacco at Mont- pelier at a high salary is justified as a mere matter of business. It would be a great boon to the whole island, if an Expert of like charac- ter could be attached to the Hope Gardens to demonstrate in his work there to all comers the manifold minutiz ot the process of curing. When there was no work that required his presence at Hope, he could travel through the island, giving public demonstrations, examining tobacco undergoing curing at different estates, and affording advice and assistance in every way to any wo should seek it. Instruction.—At present our means of instruction are very limited, but every one who receives seeds may also have the Bulletin(May, 1889 No. 18), written by a Cuban Expert, dealing with the cultivation and curing of tobacco. Tobacco Beetle—A complaint having been received of the destruc tion dune to cigars by a minute boring beetle, samples ot the infested cigars were sent to England. Mr. A. G. Butler of the British Museum kindly made a report on them.” The only effectual remedy in factories seems to be to store the cigars in tightly-fitting cases, and to prevent old tobacco from lying about and harbouring the insect. * Bulletin, May to July, 1898, page 105. 206 Investigations in U. States——Prof. Milton Whitney of the U. States Department of Agriculture has examined and classified the soils of the principal tobacco districts of the U. States.* Similar analysis of soils in Jamaica can be compared with Prof. Whitney’s results, and very ie deductions made of the kind of tobacco that might be grown on that soil, Suchsland and others have stated that the fermentation! of tobacco is caused by bacteria, and that the aroma is due to specific forms. Dr. Loew under the direction of Prof. B. T. Galloway, chief of the Division of Vegetable Physiology and Pathology, has investigatec the curing and fermentation of Cigar-leaf tobacco, and states as the result of his work that the principal changes that take place are due to the action of soluble ferments or enzymes, not bacteria ; and that the development of colour and aroma is due principally to the action of oxidizing enzy- mes.t This discovery is not only one of the scientific interest,but will be also of great economic value, when the investigations under the charge of Prof. Whitney have been carried further, and the conditions and principles of this process are better understood. BULLETINS. An Index is in course of preparation to all the Bulletins from April 1887, to December 1898. t¢ The number of Bulletins distributed every month is 1,370, of which 227 are sent abroad. Besides this regular number, many are constantly being sent which contain articles on special subjects on which informa- tion is sought. During the year under review the following articles have appeared in the Bulletin: — Botanical Notes— Wild Olives of Jamaica. Ferns of Jamaica. Chemistry— Analysis of Cuba Tobacco Soil Analysis of Jamaica Chalk Diseases of Plants— Diseases of Citrus Heonomie plants-— Melaleuca leucadendron Citrate of Lime and concentrated Lemon and Lime Juice Cotton Seed Oil. Ginger in Jamaica. Notes on extract of Ginger. Plants in the Gardens. Tobacco in the United States. _ mas enn nee. menaseehesennwsnansneesncessmmnee mas Seen neeasnyene cannes qe ewagecenecengeeeedeasaeeenseeswnsaeentensuassenesneaseeasanree-seensseeeneseeeserasssaneeereeresresseereePOneeseennGns snd aaSGaameaaeasssenknnnsesanwaannr, Janne on nacencsonsonsennsse * Div. of Soils, Bulletin No. 11, 1898 ; and Farmers’ Bulletin, 83, 1898. + Mise. Publications, No. 52, 1899. t Published in July, 1899. 207 Fruits— Banana Meal. Propagating Citrus plants. Tamarinds. Vines and Vine culture. Insect Pests— Beetles in Cigars. Entomological Notes. Experiments with Insecticides. San José Scale. Seale Insects . Weevils in Grain and Peas. Manures— Denitrification and Farmyard Manure. Gas Lime in Agriculture. Recent Experiments on Denitrification. Soil Inoculation. Rubber-- Notice of Dr. Morris’s lectures on Rubber. Sugar Cane— Agriculture of the Sugar Cane. Reports on Sugar Cane. Timbers and Cabinet woods.— Jamaica Satin Wood. Jamaica Woods for the Royal Yacht. Vegetables— Bermuda Onions. LIBRARY. Besides the additions made to the Library by contribution and pur- chase, already announced month by month in the Bulletin, the follow- ing have been added :— Books added to the Library during the year 1898-99. Yollins (S. J. and others). Phycotheca Boreali-Americana. Fasc. LX, X, XI. Malden, Mass. 1898. Fol. Engler (A. and K. Prantl). Natiirliche Pflanzen-familien. ILL Teil. Ab. 6 and 6a. III Teil. Ab. 7 and 8. Leipzig 1898. 8vo. Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England, London, 3rd Ser Vol viii Pts. land 2, and Vol. LX. Pt. I. 1898. 8vo. Morris (Dr. D.) Cantor Lectures—On Plants yielding Rubber. Lon- don, 1898. 4to. Sargent (C.S). The Silva of North America. Vols. Xl and XII. Boston and New York, 1897 and 1898. Fol. {rimen (Dr. H. & Sir J. D. Hooker). Handbook to the; Flora of Ceylon. Pt. 1V. By Sir J. D. Hooker. London 1898. Svo. Wolff. Agricultural Banks, Their object and their work. London. 1898. 8vo. Wolff. Peoples’ Banks. A Record of Social and Economic Successe London. 1898. 8vo. Catalogue of Welwitsch’s African Plants. Vol. I. Pt. III {Trustees British Museum. | 208 HERBARIUM. In connection with Herbarium work, several planters, after reading articles in the Bulletin, such as “ Leguminous plants for green man- uring,*”’ and ‘Soil inoculation,f” have sent to the Herbarium specimens of native leguminous plants, with enquiries as to their names and their power of adding nitrogen to the soil. There is no doubt that many of our native plants are useful in this way, but probably the expense of collecting seed for sowing would be as great as that of importing cow-peas or velvet beans. It would be well to bear in mind tha: leguminous weeds are not pests in the same sense as others, to be rooted up for robbing cultivated plants of their food, for they actually contribute valuable nitrogen. Many persons, still under the impression that the olive bears fruit in the island have sent up specimensas proofs. These turned out to be various plants, but not the true olive. A short article was inserted in the Bulletin, pointing out the differences. Mr. G. S. Jenman, Superintendent of the Botanic Garden of British Guiana has completed his account of the ferns of Jamaica. The series of articles began in Bulletin 18, August 1890. They are most valuable te students of Jamaica ferns, both in the island and abroad ; their publi- cation in the Bulletin has induced collectors to visit Jamaica both from Great Britain and America. Several new species have been discovered since Mr. Jenman began his work, and _ he has kindly promised to con- tribute descriptions of these, and to add some further notes. Mr. William Harris has been engaged during a considerable por- tion of his time in continuing to collect specimens of native plants. He has just had the honour conferred upon him of being elected a Fellow of the Linnean Society of London. Several new species and new varieties have been described from Jamaica plants ; and several that are known elsewhere, have been col- lected here for the first time during the year. The follcwing is a list:-— New Species and Varieties described from Plants found in Jamaica, Guttiferae— Rheedia pendula, Urb. (Symbolae Antillanae, Vol. I.) Malpighiaceae— Malpighia glabra, L. var. lancifolia, Ndz. (Ind. lect. in Lye. reg. Hos. Brunsb., 1899.) . glabra, L., var. antillana, Urb. and Ndz. (1. c.) (This was previously referred to M. glabra, L. var. acuminata Juss. See list in Bulletin for 1895, page 217.) . fucata, Ker., var macrophylla (Desf.) Ndz. (1. ¢.) . martinicensis, Jacq., var. jamaicensis, Urb. & Ndz. (I. ¢.) . oxycocca, Griseb., var., megaphylla, Ndz. (1. c.) . osycocca, Griseb., var. Grisebachiana, Ndz. (l.c.) . oxycocea, Griseb. var., biflora (L.) Ndz. (1. ¢.) es SSE * Bulletin, July-Sep., 1897, page 153. + Bulletin, Aug., 1898, page 174. 209 Rhamneae— Sarcomphalus laurinus, Griseb., var. Fawcettii, Kr. et Urb. (Notizbl. bot. Gart. Berl. Ln. 10). Sapindaceae— Serjania levigata, Radlk. (Symb. Ant. [.) Asclepiadeae— Asclepias nivea, L., var. intermedia, Schltr. (Symb. Ant. I.) Metastelma Harrisii, Schltr. (I ely M. Hartii, Schltr. (1.c.) M. Faweettii, Schltr. (1.c.) M. atrorubens, Schltr. (1.c.) Amarantacae— Telanthera flavogrisea, Urb. (l.c.) Polygonaceae— Coccoloba Harrisii, Lindau. (l.c.) Urtecaceae— Urera tuberculata, Urb. (1.c.) ar Parietaria, BL. , var. alpestris, Urb. (l.c.) P. nigresceus, Urb. (1. c.) P. Harrisii, Urb. (l.c.) Orchideae— Epidendrum Harrisii, Fawe. (l.c) Uredineae— Puccinia Urbaniana, P. Henn. (Hedwigia,) XXXVII, 1898.) P. Emilie, P. Henn. (l.c.) P. Synedrellz, P. Henn. (l.c.) Ravenelia Humphreyana, P. Henn. (l.c.) Uredo Euphorbie nudifiore, Henn. (l.c.) U. bidenticola, P. Henn. (1.c.) Aecidium Choristigatis, P. Henn. (l.e.) Polyporaceae— Polyporus Humphreyi, P. Henn, (l.c.) Polystictus jamaicensis, P. Henn. (l.c.) Deedalea jamaicensis, P. Henn. (l.c.) Spheropsidaceae— Phyllosticta oxalidicola, P. Henn. (l.c.) Hyphomycetes— Cercospora Piscidie, P. Henn. (l.c.) Species and Varieties new for Jamaica. Asclepiadeae— Gonolobus stapelioides, Ham. (F. rostratus, R. Br. G. virescens, Ham. Polygonaceae— Rumex crispus, L. Polygonnm acuminatum, H. B. K., var. glabrescens, Meissn. Coccoloba laurifolia, Jacq. ©. coronata, Jacq. ; C. nivea, Jacq. 210 Orchideae— | Maxillaria rufescens, Lindl. Fungi : Peronosporaceae— Albugo Convolvulacearum, (Speg.) P. Henn, (1. c.) Ustilaginacae— Graphiola Phoenicis, (Mong.) Poit. Uredineae— Puccinia Spermacoces, Berk. et Curt. Ureco Cann, Wint, Aecidium Cestri, Mont. A. Cissi, Wint. Auriculariaceae— Auricularia Auricula-Judz (Linn.) Schrot. Fhelephoraceae-— Stereum lobatum, Fries. Polyporaceae— Polystictus sanguineus (Linn.) Mey. P. fimbriatus, Fries (P. Warmingii, Berk.) P. membranaceus, (Sw.) Fries. P. hydnoides (Sw.) Fries, Lenzites repanda, ( Mont.) Fries. Agaricaceae Lentinus tener, Klotzsch. L. crinitus, (Linn.) Fries. Sclerodermataceae — Scleroderma verrucosum, (Bull.) Pers. Coryneliaceae— Corynelia clavata, (Linn.) Sacc. Sphaeropsidaceae— Darluca Filum, (Biv.) Cast. The following have been added to the collections in addition to native plants :—- Phycotheca Boreali-Americana. Collins. Fascicles [X. X. XI. PracricaL INSTRUCTION. Apprentices from Gold Coast. Two lads, Martinson and Brew, have been sent by the Government ot the Gold Coast for a two years course of training in the Public Gar- dens of Jamaica. These boys were selected by examination, and had to work for a year in the Botanic Garden of their own colony to fit them for more easily and quickly assimilating the teaching here, and also to test their probable capacity for filling the positions for which they are intended as Curators of Botanic Stations on the Gold Coast, and instruc- tors of their own people in agricultural methods. Their Government bear the expense of their board and lodging, and they are bound over under substantial security to repay the expenditure, if, througa miscon- duct, they should be dismissed, or if they should leave the Colonial service, and engage in private pursuits. 211 Apprentices from Jamaica. I am somewhat averse from taking apprentices under the existing Apprenticeship Law, but I have made an exception in the case of one, Thomas, who has had a good education and has already been working on a tobacco plantation under Cubans for two years. A lad who has been well educated, who has had previous training of this kind, and un- derstands the responsibility of his situation as an Apprentice, is likely te succeed and fit himself to be manager on an estate. Other boys who show signs of an intelligent interest in the work, and are capable of responding to teaching, are encouraged to read books and otherwise fit themselves for good positions. Boys from Jamaica High School. Three boys from the Jamaica High School come into the garden four mornings a week for actual garden work. Half an hour of this time is given up to attending a demonstration by the Superintendent or the Assistant Superintendent. Report by Superintendent on Progress. “Practical lessons and demonstrations on agricultural operations have been given in the Gardens at Hope, and regularly attended by the Industrial School boys, several of whom evince a great interest in agri- cultural work. ““Great pains have been taken to give reasons for each operation and explanations of those reasons; so that the boy, in being made to understand his work, has his interest awakened, with the result that a love for the work is developed. “The chief subjects for lessons and demonstrations have been the eultivation of cocoa, coffee, oranges, grapes, pine-apples and tobacco.; propagation by budding, grafting and cuttings ; the raisirg of seedlings, and general routine work of nursery and plantation, Care has been taken to work into the lessons as many as possible of the principles of agriculture. “The three boys from the High School, Simms, Johnson and Thomas, have worked in the garden for two hours in the mornings of four days a week since 31st January. I have noted their progress from time to time, and have concluded that the experiment has so far beena little disappointing ; for, although particularly quick at learning the theoretical, they are far behind the Industrial School boys in the prac- tical manipulation of plants, the use of tools, ete. They appear to be greatly interested in the lessons and demonstrations which are given daily to a class consisting of the Industrial School boys, the apprentices and themselves, but in comparing the practical work done by the whole elass there appears to be in that of the High School boys a lack of regard for a plant as a living thing, somewhat suggestive of the idea that budding and grafting is much the same as carpentering ; no doubt this will in time disappear, but it nevertheless tends to show the neces- sity of an earlier association with plants,earlier teaching in their functions the effects of different phenomena upon them, etc.” : 212 Planter’s Opinion of the Value of the Training. The following is a letter received from Mr. Robert L. Young, of Tebol Browns Town, on the work done for him by a lad from the ardens: ~ “ Now that I have finished with the services of Rupert Lyon, pro tem. 1 write tothank you for your kindness in letting me have the use of him. “ The saving to mein the monetary line has been great, and it has demonstra'ed my evidsnee given before the Education Commission on the 8th March, namely the want of skilled labour at such a price as to be within the reach of all classes, and it is only through the Hope School and Gardens, that that want can be supplied. « |" the Government want to be of real practical use to the smaller penkeepers and settlers, with the bright outlook for good marketable fruits, now is their time to send about their properly trained apprentices, eapable of budding, grafting, pruning, packing fruit, planting them properly, etc. Ninetv-nine out of a hundred of our small settlers and others, think they can plant, &c., till they see it done by an expert. Especially in the case of oranges, it would be an object lesson to both labourers and owners themselves, this practical insigat, as to how the work ought to be done, better than all the books ever printed. “ Take my own case in point, I wanted to put in five acres ia best fruit obtainable, Washington Navel, Grape Fruit, etc. On application to the diff-rent nurseries | found I would have to pay for good budded trees, £5 10<. per 100 to say nothing of expense of transit. For five acres at 2) ft. apirt [ would require 550 trees costing me for trees alone £30 5s The land was laid out with sour stock trees, 300 buds procured from the Gardens say at 3s. 6d. per 100, the rest from some treas of my own. Lyon took 15 days at 1s. 6d. per day, and did over 609 buds at Ld. for each bud that took,—going overa second time those that failel. Total cost. :— 300 Buds at 3s. 6d. an -. £010 4 15 Days at 1s. 6d. ame OR ee 600 Buds at 1d. ne 210 0 £4 3 0 “This speaks for itself, and I am gratefui to you for the saving to my pocket. Yours faithfully, Rost. L. Youna.” Hope Industrial School. The Commissioners who were appointed to enquire into the svstem of education in Jamaica, received satisfactory evidence of the value of the training in the school. One planter stated in evidence that his opinion was that one boy. turned out of that institution is worth a dozen other boys in money value. . 213 Another says :—‘‘I went last month to the agricultural school at Hope, and I was astonished to see the cleverness of the boys who were there under training. Their labour was ofa class that we cannot get here at any price. The headmen on our estates cannot do the work in pruning, budding and the like, that these boys were doing. The boys were town boys who were sent there through the Courts, but we want that education for our country boys, for they will come back and put that education into use.” The Commissioners recommend that the School should be enlarged and that “provision should be made for resident or non-resident boys. This suggestion they consider very important, as in this way “the bes scientific instruction in agriculture can be given to boys of all classes in the island.” At the Conference at Barbados I read a paper dealing with the history of the School, and the methods of instruction adopted.” Travelling Instructor. Mr. Cradwick’s vaiuable work as Travelling Instructor is being continued, and is much appreciated. At the Barbados Conference. gave an account of the work done in Jamaica.t AGRICULTURAL CONFERENCE aT BARBADOS. In accordance with certain of the recommendations of the West Indian Royal Cormmission, an Imperial Department of Agriculture has been established in the West Indies in charge of Dr. Morris as Com- missioner of Agriculture with head quarters at Barbados. The Secretary of State for the Colonies directed that Dr. Morris's suggestion for a conference of the chief chemical and botanical officers in the West Indies should be carried out, and desired that representa- tives from Jamaica should take part in it. The Conference was held at Barbados ¢ under the presidency of Dr. Morris on 7thand 9th January last. Mr. Francis Watts attended: as the chemical representative from Jamaica, myself as the botanical representative, and Rev. Canon Simms as the exponent of views on higher agricultural education. | On the first day Dr. Morris delivered a presidental address, and the following papers were read :— Sugar cane manurial experiments.—By P-zof. d’Albuquerque. Field treatment of the diseases of the sugar cane in the West Indies.—By J. R. Bovell. Central Factories.—By F. Waits. Cost of growing sugar canes in Barbados.—By J. R. Bovell. * Agricultural Instructions in Agricultural Schools in Jamaicae WM. India Bulletin, 1.1, page 103. | ‘i + Practical Field Instruction in Jamaica. W./. Bulletin, I, 1, page 108., t West Indian Bulletin, I. 1. . 214 On the second day the following papers were read :— Agricultural Education.— By Rev. Canon Simwms. Agricultural Education in Agricultural Schools in Jamaica.— By W. Fawcett. Practical Field instruction in Jamaica.—By W. Fawcett. Suggestions for Agricultaral Development in the Leeward Is- lands.— By Ur. H. A. A. Nicholls. | Improvement in Agricultural Methods in the West Indies.—By a. Fi. Tart. The Prevention of the Introduction and Spread of Fungoid and Insect Pest in the West Indies—By W. Fawcett. Brief Suggestions on Colonial Industries.—By Prof. Carmody. EXPERIMENT STATION SCHEME. At a meeting of the Jamaica Agricultural Society held on the 14th December last the following Resolution was passed :— ‘‘ That the delegates to the conference at Barbados be requested to urge on Dr. Morris the necessity of establishing an experiment station in Jamaica in connection with the existing Botanical and Agricultural Departments, as well as in the advancement of agricultural education, and the Governor be asked to represent to the Secretary of State for the Colonies the importance of such an experiment station and to request that this Colony be included in the scheme of grants in aid provided for the other West Indian Islands.” About the same time the Rev. Canon Simms received a letter from Dr. Morris, asking whether he could make use of the services of a lec- turer on agriculture at the High School. His Grace the Archbishop of the West Indies, Rev. Canon Simms, Mr. F. Watts and myself had the honour of an interview with the Governor on the subject of an Experiment Station, and His Excellency expressed his approval of it, and desired that Dr. Morris should be con- sulted about it at the forthcoming Conference. Shortly after our return from the Conference a meeting took place ef the following :—-The Archbishop, Bishop Gordon, Hon. Dr. Pringle, Hon. J. T. Palache, Hon. T. Capper, Rev. Canon Simms, Mr. F. Watts, Mr. G. A. Douet, and myself, as Chairman. Mr. Watts outlined a scheme whereby Dr. Morris’s offer could be best utilised. It showed how the Department of Public Gardens and the Chemist’s Departments while remaining independent, could unite in work more completely than at present. Dr. Pringle and Mr. Palache, in acknewledging how well these two Departments and the Agricultural Society were working together, were of the opinion that the Society should not be left out in any scheme ef development, but brought into still closer touch with the other two Departments. | It was therefore agreed to lay the subject unofficially before the Members of the Board. 215 A largely attended meeting of the Board and others was held at. the end of January, and the general outlines of a scheme were agreed to. The scheme was finally submitted to the Governor in February, and published later for the information of the Legislative Council. The following is a copy :— Kingston, 18th February, 1899. Sir Acting upon the instructions conveyed in your letter No. 9995-13280 of 29th December, we have the honour to submit, for the consideration of His Excellency the Governor, a scheme for the establishment of an Experiment Station and for the employment and instruction thereat of boys from the In- dustrial Schools and also of boys whose maintenance would be paid for by their parents. 2. The demand for agricultural instruction and training has recently found expression in a number of ways, and on the part of almost all classes of the com- munity, and we therefore bring forward proposals, not only for the establish- ment of an experiment station for the study of agricultural problems and the training of boys from the Industrial Schools, but also for giving, in connec- tion with the station, systematic and organised instruction in Agriculture, in a practical as well as a theoretical manner, in a form suited to the require- ments of various other classes of the community. 3. Following the verbal instructions of H. E. the Governor at an inter- view accorded to a deputation from the Schools Commission, on December 28th, at which we were present, we have associated with us in the prepara- tion of this scheme, the Rev. W. Simms, M.A. 4. It is well to record here the fact that we three were representatives of Jamaica at the Agricultural Conference held in Barbados under the auspices of the Imperial Department of Agriculture for the West Indies, on January 7th and 9th and that at this conference considerable attention was devoted to the consideration of the question of agricultural instruction in various forms. When in Barbados we had also an opportunity of consulting with Dr. Morris, the Commissioner of Agriculture and President of the Conference. 5. We are of opinion that the requirements of the Colony may be best met by the establishment of a station where first agricultural problems, with which the practical planter and penkeeper are constantly confronted, may be systematically studied; and where secondly, the services of those engaged in the management, as well as the material and the appliances of the station, may be utilised to great advantage in giving instruction to pupils drawn from the various classes of the community interested in agricutural pursuits. 6. It is unnecessary to dwell at great length on the advantages which should follow from the formation of an Agricultural Experiment Station, but we may point out that institutions of this character have proved to be the most useful means yet devised for aiding the practical agriculturists in the United States and Canada in which countries these stations have done much to promote and foster agricultural advancement. 7. Such a station for Jamaica should have for its object the study of the staple crops of the colony, the consideration of the conditions under which these are grown, and demonstrations of the results of different methods of cultivating, fertilising or manuring, or any operation connected with the crop 8. In addition to the study of crops grown largely for export, attention res ity given to the products grown for local use, particularly, those used or food. 9. Improvements in the kind of plants grown and the study of improved varieties which may be introduced from without should also occupy the atten- tion of the station workers. 216 10. Special efforts should be made to maintain demonsiration plots, whereon should be shown as continuous object lessons, correct methods of cultivating crops of local importance. 11. It is desirable that attention should be given to the economic value of the different methods of working, of cultivating, manuring and general handling of crops, as well as the value of new varieties of plants ; and in the publication of the results, as far as possible, reference should always be made to the difference in the monetary value of these methods or varieties, for the information and guidance of practical planters : indeed this should be the key- note of a large proportion of the work of this kind,—the determination whether certain operations, or the introduction of certain varieties of plants will or will not pay. 12. The station will also afford facilites for the study of the enemies, pests and diseases attacking crops, a subject of growing importance and one for which there is very little provision in the colony to-day. 13. Such commercial considerations as the methods of preparing and packing products for export also come well within the province of the station work, _ 14. The care and management of farm animals and dairying demand attention : provision should be made for carrying on work on these lines in connection with the Station and a distinct and properly equipped Veterinary Department should be ultimately formed at the Station. At the outset, how- ever, we are constrained by questions of economy and finance to suggest that this veterinary side shall be started in a small way only, trusting that as soon a8 the Station is found to be firmly established, veterinary questions will receive the attention they deserve, and that proper provision will be made for this work at an early date. 15. Publications setting forth the results obtained at the Station should afford useful information to those now employed in dealing with agricultural products. 16. Instruction in agricultural science and the arts of husbandry should also be afforded to the youths of the colony ; this instruction on the one hand should be framed to meet the requirements of the youths who are about to become planters, while on the other, it should include training for those to be actually engaged in tilling the soil and conducting manual agri- cultural operations. Instruction of a particular kind should be provided for those under training to be teachers in elementary schools, so that by their agency sound ideas on the subject of agriculture may be diffused throughout the country by means of the scholars whom they will have to teach. 17. This brief outline will serve to indicate in a general way various functions which we believe should be discharged by an Experiment Station in Jamaica. 18. We have given careful consideration to the many points involved in the questions relating to the best means of establishing such a Station, and we are of opinion that this may be secured in the following manner :— Provided that the necessary assistance is given, it appears to us that most of the work involved in our proposals may be superintended and carried out by means of the Department of Public Gardens and Plantations and the Chemical Department, and this without detriment to the working of these Departments. 19. In connection with the Hope Gardens and the Hope, Industrial School there are upwards of one hundred acres of land available for such a Station as we contemplate. A plot of about 27 acres lying between the lands of the Jamaica High School and the Hope Gardens, and along one side of which runs the high road with the electric car line, appears to be a suitable site for occupation at the outset. This land is similar in character to much of that now occupied by the Hope Gardens, and is sufficiently fertile for the 217 purpose required, provided a supply of water can be obtained. An examina- tion of the neighbourhood leads us to believe that this water may be obtained. This question we deal with subsequently. On this piece of land the neces- sary buildings should be erected and the land cleared and laid out in such a way as to be suitable for the cultivation of crops in the manner and for the objects already indicated. 20. To give effect to the scheme it is desirable that the Government Laboratory should be removed from Kingston to Hope. By this means one properly equipped laboratory would be provided and capable of performing the duties required on the part of the general Government as well as those more particularly arising from Station work, while the Chemical officers will be able to take part in the supervision of such portions of the Station work as falls within their cognizance and also to take part in the work of teaching and instructing. 21. As the Hope Gardens adjoin this site, the officers of the Botanical Department can assist in the work of the Station without any such extensive changes being necessary as are involved in the removal of the Government Laboratory. 22. In addition to the requirements of the laboratory it will be necessary to provide accommodation for students, for this a large lecture-room, to serve also as a general meeting-room, a laboratory or working room, one or two small class rooms together with two or three small rooms as offices for the Agricultural Instructor, the Entomologist and the Secretary appear to be all that will be wanted at first. To erect a building containing this accommo- dation would probably cost £1,200 to £1,500. It has, however, been sug- gested to us that it may be possible to obtain from the Trustees of University College the use of a portion of the building provided for college purposes, An inspection of the buildings leads us to believe that accommodation may be found in University College for nearly all the work of the Experiment Station so far as it deals with the work of students, that a lecture-room and students’ laboratory may be accommodated there as well as the offices for the Agriculturist, the Entomologist and the Secretary. This being the case, it will only be necessary to erect buildings to accommodate the Government Laboratory with perhaps two additional rooms. By adopting this plan it will probably be possible to reduce the outlay on buildings to about £900. 23. Having indicated the general objects of the Station, together with the requirements in the matter of land and buildings, it remains to arrange for the management and carrying out of the work. oes 24. Instead of creating a separate staff of officers for the Station, it appears to us to be desirable that existing officers and institutions should be made use of as much as possible ; such a course we believe, will prove most beneficial, uot only to the Station, but also to the Departments co-operating in the work. The removal of the Government Laboratory to Hope. as we suggest, will bring together the scientific officers of the colony whose work bears upon agriculture. It will also enable the Department to undertake work arising from the Station. In order that this may be done it will be necessary to provide additional assistants. ‘o far as we can see at present, an assistant will be required in the Chemical Department and one in the Department of Public Gardens and Plantations. When thus equipped these two Departments should be able to undertake the duties of conducting inves- tigations on crops, both in the field and laboratory, as well as the teaching required by the’ various classes and grade of pupils. Those subjects, for which the department are unable to provide, such as Entomology and Veter- inary work, may be dealt with in the first instance by officers from other Departments or by outside lecturers : in this connection it is probable that the Curator of the Museum of the Jamaica Institute may render valuable assistance. 1 Rae | Fadl icy 25. The newly formed Imperial Department of Agriculture for the West 218 Indies has its attention largely directed towards agricultural developments of the nature of those we are advocating, but the operations of this Department have not been extended to Jamaica beyond the offer of an annual grant for providing an Agricultural Instructor and for small Agricultural Scholarships. We feel most strongly that providing an Agricultural Instructor without some such basis of practical work and teaching as we propose will prove an ineffi- cient means of dealing with the agricultural problems now confronting us. This view we were enabled to lay before Dr. Morris during our visit to Bar- bados, and to point out to him the desirability of utilising any grant of officers or of money in connection with some such organized method of working as we now put forward, a view in which he concurred. 26. Seeing that the Imperial Department of Agriculture has already prof- fered assistance in agricultural teaching, we suggest that it should be ap- pealed to for help on a broader basis, namely to provide the services of the additional men required for carrying these plans into effect. To put this ina definite form we think that a request might be made for £300 a year for an assistant chemist, £200 towards providing for an Assistant to Director Pub- lie Gardens and Plantations, and £150 to provide for the services of other lecturers and instructors, thus making an appeal for an annual grant of £650 instead of the £350 which is offered for agricultural instruction in another way. 27. The Imperial Department in addition to providing an instructor, pro- posed to offer scholarships to assist pupils in attaining instruction: these scholarships we believe, would be extended to the amplified form of agricul- tural instruction provided for by these plans. We have not included them in the sum of £650 here referred to for services of assistants and instructors. 28. The boys of the Industrial Schools may be employed to advantage in carrying on the cultural operations of the Station: this work will form the best means of training them to perform agricultural work of a practical kind, and as all the various crops raised will require to be grown with the greatest care and with specific objects in view, their training would be eminently practical and thorough. Beyond the mere tilling of the soil the boys would have the duty, under proper supervision, of reaping and handling all the crops grown on the station including such crops as Yams, Potatoes, Corn, Sugar-cane, Tobacco, Coffee,Oranges and Cocoa. 29. To give effect to this some changes will be necessary in the present Industrial School and Reformatory. As now existing there is the Reforma- tory at Stony Hill and the Industrial School at Stony Hill —these two Institutions being amalgamated and worked together, and also the Industrial School at Hope. There appears to be very little difference or distincion at present between the Industrial School and the Refor- matory, except that only boys classed as belonging to the Industrial School were sent to Hope. The establishment of the two arose we under- stand, from a desire to separate those boys who are placed in a Reformatory in consequence of having committed some offence which renders them liable to be committed to prison, from those boys who are under no proper control, waifs and strays or destitute, but who have no stigma of crime attached to them, and are in consequence sent to the Industrial School. As matters now stand, it does not appear that at Stony Hill any difference in treatment or any distinction is made save in name only. The two classes of boys are not separated in the Stony Hill institution nor is there any difference in their training or treatment. : 30. Under these circumstances it seems to us desirable to abolish this distinction and to have one institution to be called an Industrial School, to which should be committed juvenile offenders and vagabonds. But in order to prevent the ill-effects which would arise from the presence in the school of boys of decided criminal tendency, likely to interfere with the well-being of the school while they derive little benefit from its influence themselves, pro- vision should be made whereby boys of this kind may be committed, either at first or later, to a prison for juvenile offenders, 219 31. It may be urged that this plan deprives certain boys who are neither juvenile offenders nor vagabonds of the advantages to be gained from an Industrial School. Toour minds it is a mistake to endeavour to draw the present distinction where no real separation of the classes exists,and we sug- gest below a means whereby the requirements of respectable boys of the peasant class may be provided for. 32. Should this proposed alteration be made, it will be well to preserve the present arrangements at Stony Hill, under the designation of the Indus- trial School, and the boys should continue to be trained much as at present. The instruction in various trades now carried on appears to be valuable and calculated to turn out boys useful as tradesmen in after life. The boys are now taught to work as carpenters, blacksmiths, masons and tailors: some training in field work in agriculture is given toa number of the boys at Stony Hill, while all the boys at Hope Industrial School are trained in field work and agriculture. 33. Those boys for whom an agricultural training is thought desirable, should be placed at the Hope Industrial School, which would then become a branch of the Stony Hill establishment set apart for the training of a particu- lar class of boys in agriculture just as certain classes are trained in other occupations—carpenters, blacksmiths, masons, at Stony Hill. The discipline should be the same at both establishments, and to ensure this there should be at Hope an Officer in charge who is able to maintain efficient control over the whole affairs of this branch of the Industrial School; he should be an Assistant Superintendent. The rest of the staff should be arranged upon similar lines to those at Stony Hill. We think this should comprise a school- master and four warders ; or one warder for every 12 boys. 34. Provision may be made for the accommodation of 50 Boys at Hope with but little alteration of the existing buildings. The boys now take their meals and attend school in the same room in which they sleep: it would be an advantage in many respects if aseparate room were provided to serve as a school-room and dining-room. Portions of the dormitories are now par- titioned off for officers’ quarters: these partitions might be removed and other quarters found for the officers: by means of minor alterations such as these, 50 boys may be accommodated. If a larger number of boys are to receive agricultural training at Hope new buildings must be erected. 35. If the course which we now recommend is adopted, it would be well to reorganize the whole of the arrangements at Hope by regarding the present staff and inmates as a portion of the Stony Hill establishment, even if they are not temporarily drafted there. The officers in charge at Hope should be definitely appointed to their duties, and boys suitable for agricul- tural training should be selected for the school ; boys who are too young or otherwise unfitted for useful employment in agricultural work should be retained at Stony Hill. 36. In going to work at the Experiment Station, or elsewhere, the boys should go in detachments, each under the control of a competent warder, who will remain in charge of his detachment to maintain order and will ac- company the boys back to the school. An efficient drilling will greatly facili- tate the maintenance of discipline in the field and the orderly transfer of the boys to and from the school and the Experiment Station. 37. Up to this point we have outlined the functions of an Experiment Station and have pointed out an available site and the manner in which the work of the Station may be managed, together with a provision for the cul- tivation of crops by the inmates of the Industrial School. 38. Apart from the agricultural instruction to be given to boys of the Industrial School class, it is essential that higher instruction in agriculture should be given to those who are ultimately to have charge of estates and pens in the colony: these are to be found in the Secondary and High Schools. Much benefit would accrue to the colony if those 220 boys who are destined for an agricultural career were to receive during their final year at school, or perhaps longer, instruction in such sub- jects as may be brought to bear more or less directly upon agriculture, such as chemistry, geology, plant and animal physiology, instead of, as at present, devoting their time largely to classical studies. If at the same time those boys receive some practical instruction in agricultural arts and be made familiar with the methods of raising and handling crops, the ultimate gain to the community would be great. Youths thus trained cannot fail to be more observant, more receptive of new ideas, more apt in utilizing them, and more fertile in invention than those who are thrust into planting life with no specific preparation or training. . 39. To accomplish this, the Experiment Station should provide a course of instruction in agricultural subjects which may be taken by boys of the higher schools as part of their school work, and while still under school dis- cipline. We have outlined such a course of instruction occupying three hours a day ; these three hours would be spent at the Station, the remaining time would be occupied in School work in the ordinary schools in the usual manner. The course would extend over one year, but we consider it very desirable, or almost necessary, that the pupils should devote two years to this work :— 40. The course of instruction which we suggest is as follows :— Agricultural Chemistry—including theory of agriculture. Two lectures a week each of 1 hour’s duration. Practical Chemisiry—Two lessons or demonstrations a week each of 2 hours’ duration. Practical instruction in agricultural methods and practice,(a) in the field,—three lessons or demonstrations a week each of 2 hours’ duration ; (b) in the laboratory or class room in extension of the field and lecture work,—one lesson a week of 1¥% to 2 hours’ duration. Plant Physiology and Botany, as applied to agriculture. One lesson a week of one hour’s duration. Veterinary instruction—Two terms. One lecture a week of one hour’s duration. Agricultural Entomology: insect life, injurious and beneficial insects: One term. One lecture a week of one hours’ duration. Book-keeping should be taught in the schools, instruction being given in the methods suitable for use on plantations. Mensuration, land measuring, &c., should be taught partly in the schools and partly by practice at the Station. 41. The lectures and classes of this course would be open to any member of the community on payment of a moderate fee ; students would be permit ted to attend courses of instruction in any one or more subjects according to their requirements. In this way the usefulness of the instruction given would be extended to persons other than pupils of the High Schools. It is probable that some persons would gladly avail themselves of this means of acquiring information in the different branches of agriculture to be taught. Appropriate fees for this course of instruction should be fixed, but there is no ground for anticipating that any very considerable sum would be derived from this source. ; 42. For the instruction in agriculture of the students of the training col” leges, through whose agency the teaching of agricultural subjects in Elemen tary Schools must be accomplished, a special course of instruction should be provided. This should comprise a course of instruction in the general princi- ples of agriculture, including the rudiments of agricultural chemistry, p ant physiology, properties of soils and the nature and uses of crops of local m- portance. In addition to instruction by lectures, special attention shoul be 221 given to instruction and practice in agricultural operations in the field. The student should be practically taught the nature and requirements of crops commonly cultivated in the colony and the best means of dealing with them. They should be practically instructed in, and learn to carry out the methods of preparing the soil, the selecting and planting of the seed and the reaping and curing of the mature crop. They should also be practically instructed in budding, grafting, pruning, and kindred operations. Some practical instruc- tion in horticulture should also be given. 43. In the instruction given to the stucents of the training colleges par- ticular attention should be directed to offering them information calculated to be useful to them in their capabilities as teachers in Elementary Schools, and further, great care should be given so to instruct them in the methods of teaching agricultural subjects that they may be able to turn their acquired knowledge to the best possible advantage when instructing pupils in the Ele- mentary Schools. 44. This instruction may be given best in the final year of the stu- dents’ training and for this purpose these students should spend one day a week at the Experiment Station, spending the whole working day there. This may be readily arranged after consulting with those in charge of the Training Colleges, and it does not appear necessary at this point to enter more particu- larly into details, the outline we have given serving to indicate the general scope of the teaching and the time which should be devoted to it. Some con- tribution towards the expenses of this work should be made on the part of the Training Colleges. 45. In addition to the courses of instruction already suggested, short courses on special subjects of local interest and importance may be arranged with advantage. In this manner from time to time lectures and demonstra- tions might be given on the methods of growing, curing and manufacturing such products of Coffee, Cocoa, Sugar, Bananas, Orange, Fibres and Indian Rubber. These courses should be, more or less, of a technical character cal- culated to afford information to men already engaged in, or about to engage in, industries connected with these subjects. 46. We are instructed to suggest methods whereby instruction in agri- culture may be given to boys of the peasant class who may be able to afford to pay small sums for the instruction which they receive. 47. It appears to us that the first requirement for the proper performance of this duty will be some provision whereby boys under training may reside near the Station. If buildings are provided for this purpose, we would pur- pose that what may perhaps be called an Elementary School for Agricultural Training may be formed upon the following lines:— 48, A fixed number of boys whose ages may be from 14 to 16 years should be received into the School, and some care and control should be exercised in the manner of their admission. Proper forms of application for admission should be drawn up, and these applications should be signed by some person . of standing, such as the Custos for the Parish of the applicant It would be well that the Resident Magistrates should not sign these applications lest there should arise some confusion in the minds of the peasantry between this school and the Industrial School to which the Magistrates have power to commit chil- dren. These applications should be considered by the Station Board, and candidates carefully chosen to fill any vacancies existing in the School. 49. A Superintendent will be required for the School, together with a sufficient number of assistants to preserve discipline and order, not less than one assistant to every 12 or 15 boys will be necessary. 50. The instruction to be given to these boys must largely consist in training them in the art of husbandry in different branches ; they should be taught as fully as possible how all the various cultural operations of a farm or estate are conducted ; they should learn to till the soil and to prepare it for various crops ; to plant, tend and reap these crops, to bud, graft and 222 prune fruit trees and to prepare products for use or for market, such as starches, cocoa, tobacco and other crops grown locally. 51. The greater portion of this instruction should be given on the field, and should consist largely in so exercising the boys that they may efficiently perform these operations of tilling the soil and of manufacturing crops, much time would thus be devoted to bodily and manual training. Four or five hours a day might be give: to work of this kind. Some agricultural instruc- tion of a kind suited to the requirements of this class of pupils might be given in the form of teaching in-doors, and a certain time probably about two hours a day—should be devoted to ordinary school studies, such as arithmetic, read- ing and writing, arranged to meet the requirements of the scholars. 52. The practical agricultural teaching would be under the direction of the :xperiment Station Staff, who would be assisted in the supervision and carrying on of the field work by the staff attached to the school itself. 53. The length of time these boys should be under training might be one or two years. 54. The boys would be lodged and fed at the expense of the Station ; they should clothe themselves, and probably it may be found desirable that they should be required to do this in a uniform manner, from material pro- vided by the school at a moderate cost. They would be required to pay a small sum for their training. 55. School discipline would have to be maintained and any serious in- fraction of order or discipline should render the pupil liable to removal from the School by the Station Board. 56. While maintaining the necessary order every care should be taken to avoid any confusion in the public mind between this School and the Indus- trial School. Perhaps no better method of securing this can be found than rendering the admission of a pupil a matter of some formality, and also ren- dering him liable to be removed,if his conduct is not satisfactory. The school buildings should be quite distinct and separated as widely as possible from the Industrial School. 57. The Elementary Agricultural School might, to some extent, provide for a limited number of respectable boys of the poorer class, the Government bearing the whole cost of their maintenance. This course appears preferable to sending such boys to the Reformatory or Industrial School, as is now the case. 58, The arrangement and working of such a school will require the exer- cise of considerable thought and judgment, as well as considerable monetary outlay. Taking these facts into consideration, we believe it will be wisest to establish the Experiment Station on a firm basis before attempting to start the Elementary Agricultural School: after the Station has been working satis- factorily for perhaps two years, then steps may be taken for the formation of this school. For these reasons we do not now suggest any financial provision for this part of the scheme. 59. The affairs of the Station willinvolve a considerable amount of secre- tarial work, in conducting the necessary correspondence locally and abroad, in the preparation and publication of reports on investigations, the compiling of statistics and generally in maintaining that intimate contact with the agri- cultural public which is so desirable. 60. In this work the Jamaica agricultural Society may render useful aid if arrangements are made whereby the secretarial work of the Station can be undertaken by the Secretary of the Society and his assistants. Such a course would seem to bring the Society into similar relationship with the Station as is proposed in the case of the Botanical and Chemical Departments, a plan which we think likely to prove beneficial to all concerned. To carry out this another Assistant would probably be required. From what we can gather, 223 we believe this will meet with the hearty approval of the Board of Manage- ment of the Society. 61. The results of the investigations conducted at the Station would be published in the Bulletin of the Botanical Department and the Journal of the Jamaica Agricultural Society, in this way there would be no need for the issue of a new Journal. 62. The management of the affairs of the Station should be entrusted to a board which should be charged with the administration of the funds provided for the Station work. The Board should also direct the nature of the work to be undertaken at the Station, the courses of instruction to be given, and should generally control the agricultural instruction provided for ae athe classes and grades of pupils and students to whom we have referred. 63. It appears to us that the Board might well be constituted as follows :— Ex Officio Members— (1) The Director of Public Gardens and Plantations. (2) The Government Analytical and Agricultural Chemist. (3) The Head Master of the Jamaica High School. (4) The Secretary of the Agricultural Society. (5) The Commissioner of Agriculture of the Imperial Department of Agriculture for the West Indies. Members nominated by the Governor.— (6) An Elected Member of the Legislative Council. ; (7) A person who is not an Elected Member of the Legislative Council 64. Water supply. This question is of fundamental importance and an adequate supply of water must be assured before other operations are under- taken on the Hope site. The rainfall at the Hope Gardens averages 52 inches a year, during the dry season of 1896-97 the rainfall was only 31% inches. It will not be necessary to obtain a water supply capable of con- tinuously irrigating the whole of the Station land, but a sufficient supply should be secured to enable growing crops to be kept in a healthy condition during dry seasons. Some cultivation is still maintained in the district with- out the aid of irrigation. But it would be unsatisfactory if Experiment aan work were undertaken withovt some water supply to supplement rainfall. 65. The Hope Gardens derive their supply from the Hope Water Works, for this asum of £131 11s. a year is paid. A further sum of £54 is paid for the water supplied to the Hope Industrial School. 66. It is not dersirable that the Experiment Station should seek to ob~ tain its water supply from the same source, and several other methods of se~ curing a supply have suggested themselves :— (1) The construction of ponds or reservoirs within the Hope Gardens for the conservation of the waste water now running at intervals from Hope Water Works and for collecting and storing storm water. (2) Asupply of water may possibly be obtained by means of wells sunk into the alluvial strata underlying the proposed station. (3) A small and fairly constant stream of water exists on the hillside above Hope Gardens on land belonging to the heirs of the Duke of Buckingham and Chandos: we believe that the use of this water might be secured for the Station at a reasonable price. In order to utilise this supply means must be taken to convey the water from the hillside tothe Station by appropriate channels, ‘we have had an inspection of the ground made from which we 224 are led to expect that this water can be conveyed to the Station without much difficulty and at a cost of about £300. We sug- gest that attention should be given to this source of supply and that steps should be taken to secure the right to use the water and to convey it to the Station site. (4) If this scheme does not prove practicable we believe that the needs of the Station may be met by storing water in ponds or reservoirs ether in the Hope Gardens or on the adjoining lands where there are several gullies down which water flows during rains, in which gullies, ponds may be formed at moderate expense. Though doubtless a system of ponds or reservoirs must limit the area to be irrigated, it must be remembered that con- stant irrigation will not be required, irrigation would be required to aid crops during drought or to illustrate the general principles of irrigation. There would in this case also be expenditure. 67. To carry these plans into effect we estimate that the following expenditure will be necessary, in addition to the votes provided for the seve- ral Departments concerned. As we have pointed out we think that Imperial asisistance may be asked for in order to provide for the staff, the other re- quirements to be met out of local funds. Assistant Chemist . £300 Department of Public Gardens and Plantations 200 Other lectures 150 £650 Labour, Teaching, Supplies, etc. 375 375 *Buildings ‘ 900 Fitting Student’s Laboratory : 50 Removal of Government Laboratory 50 Water Supply ) 300 1,300 2,325 68. Of this sum we believe that £650 may be obtained from Imperial funds, while of the remainder, £1,300 is not a recurrent annual expenditure, but merely incurred for building. If this expenditure can be spread overa period of, say ten years, it may be met by an annual expenditure of £150 to £170 per annum. This, together with the £375 estimated to be spent in tools and supplies, makes £525 to £545 a year to be provided for locally. < In framing this estimate any expenditure on account of the Industrial School has been left to form a charge on the existing Reformatory and Indus trial School Vote. We have, &c., FRANCIS WATTs. W. FAWCETT. Wm. SIMMs. GOVERNMENT OCINCHONA PLANTATIONS. The extraordinary rise in the price of quinine and cinchona bark in the beginning of the year 1899 had led to a review being taken of the present condition of the Government Cinchona Plantations, and a con- sideration of the practicability of manufacturing quinine as in India. * In the event of some accommodation being provided in University College. 225 The work of counting the trees has heen most arduous. No culti- vation has been carried on where the trees are growing for 13 years, and the jungle that has sprung up is impenetrable except by the use of the cutlass. A report in detail will be found below of the number of Cinchona trees that can now be barked,and the amonnt of bark that can be takea. It appears that 22,470 trees can be barked at once, and on two portions of the Plantation young self-sown seedlings of Crown Bark trees (Cin- chona officinalis) are springing up in immense numbers, and only want the care of the forester to develop and mature. In order to clear up some misapprehension it may be well to offer some explanatory remarks. The land belonging to the Government on parts of which Cinchona trees were planted, is on the southern slopes of the Blue Mountains, extending from the ridge at an elevation of about 6,000 feet downwards to about 3,000 feet. The Superintendent’s House is situated at about the centre at an elevation of about 4,800 ft The Cinchona trees were planted in different places on the higher slopes. Various other cultures have been under experiment viz :— Fruit trees, includiag Orange and other varieties of Citrus ; timber trees for supplying local timber supply, for shelter belts, and for gen- eral forestry purposes ; Rubber trees, Tea, Olives, Jalap, Vegetables, China grass, grasses and other fodder plants ; plants for green dressing, and other economic plants. These have been planted out at various elevations throughout the range from the lowest to the highest. The name “ Cinchona” was applied to the whole Government pro- erty which includes several old estates, but lately the name “ Hill Garjens” has been substituted in order to indicate the change in the work. The name “ Hill Gardens” includes both the Cinchona Planta- tion and the Experimental Plots. The Cinchona Plantation had accomplished the aim of its founder, Governor Sir J. P. Grant ; had paid for itself ; and practically closed its accounts in 1887, shortly after my arrival in the Island. Hence- forth experimental work was carried on in other directions. In all m Annual Reports for 12 years, and especially in those for the years 1891- 93, 1893-94, and 1895-96, I have endeavoured to show the necessity for anexperimental garden at a high elevation, and the good work that is being carried on there, There is no necessary connection between the Plantation and the Experimental Garden, and if the Cinchona Plantation were again taken in hand and worked, these should be a distinct un- derstanding that the fortunes of the two establishments should not be linked so closely that any failure on the part of the plantation to pay its way, would involve the abandonment of the Garden. With reference to the question whether the Cinchona plantation is capable of paying its expenses, it will be necessary to consider the two ways in which a Government Plantation may be worked. The bark may either be harvested and put on the market as bark, or the quinine and other alkaloids may be extracted from the bark, and then sold. The former has been the plan adopted by the Government in Java 226 on the Government plantations. The other plan is the one in use by the Government of India, whose humane policy all along has been to put it in the power of the poorest natives to buy quinine in their need. The bark that could be at once harvested amounts to 40,000 Ibs. But in order to keep up a constant supply only half of this amount should be taken every year, viz. 20,000 lbs. The cost in 1887 of barking, drying and carriage to Kingston from the plantation was a trifle over 3d per lb. The freight was about lyhd. per lb. So that the bark should realise at least 5d. per lb. to avoid loss. In the present state of the market it would bea risk to harvest bark and send it to London. In estimating whether the Government would recoup their expen- diture,if a factory for the manufacture of quinine were started, there are several points to consider, viz.: annual expenses of a factory, what amount of quinine must be manufactured to avoid loss, could the Gov- ernment dispose of this amount of quinine, could the plantation supply the amount of dark required. As to the factory, 1 consulted Mr. Francis Watts, whilst he was still Government Chemist here, and he calculated roughly that it would take £1,200 per annum to run a factory, this sum including salary of managing Chemist, interest and sinking fund for buildings, chemicals, labourers in factory, etc. To estimate the amount of quinine that must be sold to cover this expenditure it is advisable to take the lowest figure to which quinine would ever be likely to fall in the future, and probably it would not be safe to put that higher than at 1s. perounce. To balance the expenditure of £1,200 therefore it would be necessary to sell annually ”4,000 ounces at ls. per ounce. The Medical Department in Jamaica only used 3,761 oz., in 1898 or about one-sixth of the total that must be sold. The plantation could at the present time supply 20,000lbs. of bark, which ought to yield 10,000 ounces of sulphate of quinine. It is very doubtful whether the planters could supply the deficiency now to the full extent, but if there were a demand for bark, no doubt both Govern- ment and planters would extend their plantations as they are doing in India. These calculations all depend on the price at which the quinine could be sold, and as quinine has risen and is likely to remain ata much higher figure than last year, the basis of calculation is perhaps taken too low. If a factory turns out only 10,000 ounces per annum, and costs £1,200 per annum to run it, the price per ounce should be 2/5 in order to avoid loss. It must be remembered however that the success of a factory de- pends quite as much on the amount of the manufactured article turned out, as on the price received for it. At the Ootacamund factory 234lbs. of quinine were made in 1889-90, 1,356 lbs., in 1890-91, 3,344 lbs., 227 1891-92, and so on to 6,336 lbs., in 1897-98. It would not cost much more to produce 30,000 ounces than 10,000 ounces. Report by the Superintendent, Hill Gardens on the Government Cinchona Plantations, showing number of trees, and estimated quantity of bark which may be obtained. ‘“* Lower Buzza Plantation. This plantation is in heavy bush, many of the old trees are dying, and no young ones are springing up. It is planted entirely with Cinchona succirubra. Number of trees 830. Estimated quantity of bark shavings 8,000 lbs. é¢ 6 whole bark 16,090 lbs. “ Upper Buzza Plantation.—This Plantation is in the same condi- tion as Lower Buzza. The old trees are dying here also, and no young plants are growing. The Plantation consists of Cinchona succirubra, C. Calisaya, C. officinalis and C. hybrid. Number of trees 680. Estimated quantity of bark shavings 4,800 lbs. - ‘3 whole bark 9,600 Ibs. ** Sullivan’s Piece Plantation. This Plantation isin very heavy bush and fern. It is planted with Cinchona officinalis, ©. calisaya, C. hybrid and a miscellaneous collection. Large numbers of CO. officinalis are growing in this Plantation from self sown seeds. Number of trees 1,238. Estimated quantity of bark shavings, 5,000 lbs. rs 5 whole bark 10,000 Ibs. * Harvey's Field Plantation.—Planted with Cinchona officinalis, C. ealisaya, ©. succirubra and C. hybrid. This Plantation is in very heavy bush and fern. The Coniferae planted here have killed a great many of the Cinchona trees. No seedlings are growing in this plantation. Number of trees 822. Estimated quantity of bark shavings 3,700 lbs. g] a of whole bark 7,400 lbs. “Latimer Plantation. Planted with Cinchona succirubra, C. hybrid, and a few C. Officinalis. Plantation in very heavy bush; no young plants are growing, but, on the contrary, a very large number of the old trees are fast dying. Number of trees 1,750. Estimated quantity of bark shavings 25,000 lbs. i 4 of whole bark 50,000 lbs. ““ White Piece Plantation. Planted with Cinchona calisaya, C. succirubra and C. hybrid. The Plantation is in very heavy bush; many of the old trees are dying, and no young ones are growing. Number of trees 650. Estimated quantity of bark shavings 4,000 lbs. “4 me of whole bark 8,000 lbs. ay “ Monkey Hill Plantation. Planted with Cinchona officinalis. It is in very heavy bush and fern. Large numbers of self sown seedlings are springing up in this plantation. 228 Number of trees 16,500. Estimated quantity of bark shavings 72,500 lbs. a _ of whole bark 145,000 lbs. “ Summary. The number of trees are as follows :— Cinchona officinalis om 17,260 C. succirubra im 2,280 C. calisaya as 1,050 C. hybrid eae 1,452 Miscellaneous bs 428 Total number of trees 22,470 Bark Shavings. Green bark. Dry bark. ‘inchona officinalis bs 78,750 lbs. 26,275 lbs. C. succirubra Ane 32,000 * 10,700 “ C. calisaya ay 4,250 “ 1,420 “ C. hybrid Be 8,250 “ 2,750 “ Miscellaneous oa 1,750 “ 600 ‘* ee ee — 125,000|bs. 41,745lbs. The above estimate is for bark shavings, but if it is decided to cut down the trees and bark the trunks, the amount of bark which would probably be obtained would be about double the quantities named above as follows :— Whole Bark. Green Bark. Dry Bark. Cinchona officinalis... 158,500 lbs. 52,520 lbs. ©. succirubra ze 64,000 “ 21,400 *“ C. calisaya ies 8,000 * 2,450 “ C. hybrid ax 16,000 “ 5,500 “ Miscellaneous ms! 3,900 * 1,200 “ 251,000 lbs. 83,400 lbs. “ General condition of the Plantations. No cultivation has been carried on for about 15 years, and consequently fern, bush and clim- bers of sorts have sprung up everywhere, so that it is necessary to cut tracks in every direction through this dense jungle growth to be able to get near the trees. The original field roads are almost obliterated, and it is impossible to use them in their present condition, but the principal ones might be restored at a cost of 6d. to 9d. per chain, or between £2 and £3 per mile, and as there are about 74 miles of these roads, the cost of restoring them would be under £20.” 229 Hors GARDENS. Several paragraphs from the report of Mr. Wm. Cradwick, Super- intendent of Hope Gardens, have been incorporated in the General Report. The following are special to the Garden :— The work of raising, propagating and distributing economic and ornamental plants has been carried on as well as funds would allow. The plants have been arranged in the Nursery alphabetically to facilitate selection. Several other alterations and improvements haye been carried out. An ugly plant-stage has been removed. Two grass plots in front of the nursery have been done away with, thus widening the road and enabling carriages to turn easily. The Rockery in the Fern-house has been rebuilt and altered in form, giving more room for walking about. A new glass propagating-house has _ been erected and has proved a great success. A packing-shed 60ft. by 1 5ft has also been built at the expense of the Garden. The Orchids continue to be a source of great pleasure to the public, a continual supply of bloom being maintained throughout the year ; the following is a list of those which have flowered, those marked with an asterisk for the first time : Aerides odoratum Brassavola glauca Brassia caudata Broughtonia lilacina z sanguinea Calanthe Veitchii Catasetum macrocarpum (tridentatum) Cattleya Bowringiana - labiata - - var Dowiana aa “ “ Gaskelliana - = ‘* Mendellii és “ “ Mossiae - e ‘* Trianae #ec (<4 6 Warneri uke a “ Warscewiczii 2 Leopoldii #6 Loddigesii, var. Harrisoniae vig Skinneri “ Walkeriana, var. Schroederiana Coelogyne Dayana Coryanthes maculata *Cypripedium Harrisonianum ? Lawrenceanum Dendrobium aggregatum ” albo-sanguineum bigibbum, var. superbum . chrysanthum ” crassinode x Draconis « Farmerii 230 Dendrobium fimbriatum, var. oculatum ¥y formosum var. giganteum nobile glomeratum pendulum (Wardianum) Phalaenopsis ¢ Pierardi primulinum : pulchellum (Dalhousianum) . undulatum 7 veratrifolium Diacrium bicornutum Epidendrum alatum atrosanguineum roseum ny atropurpureum (macrochilum, " ciliare rs cucullatum 7 fragrans iE nutans Stamfordianum . venosum Gongora gratulabunda Lacaena bicolor Laelia anceps ‘“¢ harpophylla ‘ purpurata ‘*¢ rubescens “« tenebrosa Oncidium altissimum & ampliatum <3 6< var. majus ss Cebolleta ee hastatum, var. flavescens rx incurvum Oncidium Kramerianum ae Lanceanum ee luridum 43 Papilio Maxillaria rufescens Peristeria elata Phalenopsis amabilis j esmeralda $s _ Sanderiana ff Schilleriana Rhyncostylis retusa ‘3 var. preemorsa Schomburgkia Lyonsii ‘i Tibicinis Selenipedium Sedenii, var. candidulum Stanhopea eburnea *Stauropsis lissochiloides (Vanda Batemannii) *Vanda Bensonii 231 *Vanda coerulea *Vanda tricolor Priants DistRIBuren. Sold. Economic Plants :— Sweet Oranges Navel Oranges Tangerine Grape Fruit Sour Oranges Rough Lemons A i Ramie Cane Tops Kola Cocoa Nutmegs Coffee Pine Apple Suckers Rubber Grape Vines Miscellaneovs ‘Total ‘Ornamental Plants ‘Cocoa Pods 395 Free Grants. Economic Plants :— Miscellaneous including Timber and Shade Trees Ramie Roots Eucalyptus Melaleuca leucadendron Ornamental Plants ‘Total. number of Economic Plants se Ornamental Plants “cc 6 Plants distributed * GARDEN CORRESPONDENCE. 3,382 5,921 Letters received «© despatched 3,033 O15 841 712 7,101 2,753 145,498 21,131 166,629 232 | Visitors TO GARDENS. Ist April to 3lst December, 1898 . ae 10,144 Ist January to 81st March, 1899 oes 17,994 Total tea 28,138 —— The elevation of the garden above sea-level is 700 feet. The average mean annuai temperature is 77.3 F and the average annual rainfall 52.48 inches for eighteen years. The amount of rain that fell during the year was 57.55 inches. The wettest months were May, July, August, October; and the driest, April, December, January, February, March. The mean temperature for the year was 76.6 F. The Meteorologi- cal tables for the different months are given on page 240. CASTLETON GARDEN. The following paragraphs are mainly from the Report of Mr. W. J. Thompson, Superintendent :— The reduction of the Vote from £400 to £300 has prevented much progress being made. A new walk, nine feet wide, has been made from the rose Garden to the Palmetum. About 20 chains of the main walk have been raised several inches, and gravelled. The walk east of the Palmetum has been reformed, widened to 9 feet, and raised several inches. The wooden planks put down 3 years ago to bridge over the gutter running through the garden had become rotton, and were replaced by slabs of concrete. The gates have been repainted; two new iron gates have been bought and fixed in place of old wooden gates. The fences have been repaired in places, but they are still in bad condition on each side of the main road. A new Garden seat has been made, and the rest repaired. Several Orchid baskets, and numerous labels have been made, and old ones re- paired. oe __ The lawns, verges and pastures have been kept in fair condition. The beds and borders have been forked several times, but very little manure could be added, as the reduced vote would not allow of expen- diture on cutting grass for stock. Trees and shrubs have been pruned. The young plants and new plants put out during the previous year have been looked after carefully, and are making good growth. ‘The important work of labelling all the plants in the Garden has been continued. A . The Lily tank has been cleaned out, and new plants of Victoria regia put in. The Nymphaeas, etc., have been repotted. The Para Rubber tree (Hevea sp) planted about 14 years ago, fruited for the first time this year, and plants have been raised from the seed. Number of plants have also been raised from the seed of the OTE SOT EGS HEUTE TS SS STREET SSH TREE GARE Hees mE ere neenssauErnarrenatcseancuncas adn - Besides 4,196 from Castleton. V7 Sa Pe . 233 Central American Rubber( Castilloa elastica) and Ceara Rubber ( Manshot Glaztovit) The celebrated palm, Mauritia flexuosa, fruited for the first time. An account of this palm is given in the Bulletin for October-December, 1894. The young Durian plants and Coco-de-Mer palms are growing freely. The Brazil Nut trees (Bertholletia excelsa) which grew so little for several years, are now shooting out, due to clearing away trees round them. The usual attention has been given to collecting seeds for sowing and for distribution and exchange. As plants are more conveniently distributed from Hope as a centre, not so many have been sent direct to their destination from Jastleton as last year, viz.: 4,196, the sum realised being £36 17s. 2d. More have been sent to Hope for distribution, viz.: 10,830, valued by Mr. Thompson at £147 9s. 9d. Mr. Thompson was on leave for part of the year, and Mr. Wm. Harris kindly undertook the very onerous task of acting for him, riding across country and back from Cinchona once a week, a distance each way of about 30 miles. The elevation of the garden above sea-level is 496 feet. The average mean annual temperature is 76° F., and the average annual rainfa!! 113°11 inches for twenty-seven years. The amount of rain that fell during the year was 108°51 inches. The wettest months were May, July, August, November and Janu- ary and the driest were December, February, March. The mean temperature for the year was 74.8 F. The Meteoro- logical tables for the different months are given on page 241. Hitt GARDENS. The following Report is by Mr. Wm. Harris, F.L.S., Superin- tendent. C1ncoona.*—The vote for this Garden having been reduced to a very small sum, it was not possible, to do anything during the past year beyond keeping the Garden and immediate surroundings clean and tidy. The pastures, fences and Plantation roads, which had hitherto been kept up out of the Garden Vote, received little or no attention during the year, and the consequence is that they are all in bad order. The usual Garden work, such as pruning shrubs, forking beds and borders, mowing lawns, cutting edges, propagating and watering plants, was carried on during the year as far as the very limited means at our disposal would allow. A plant of Wistaria chinensis, presented by Dr. Plaxton, flowered in March 1899, for the first time. Annuals.—At various times during the year we had fine displays of, Dianthus, Phlox, Lobelia, Mignonette, and such like, in addition to the usual exhibits of Pelargoniums, Fuchstas, Gloxinias, Amaryllis, &c. *| For Report on Cinchona Plantations see Page 224. 234 Ginseng.—One hundred and twenty-five roots, and two ounces of seed of Ginseng (Aralia quinguefolia) were received from Mr. George Stanton, Apulia Station, U.S.A., in January lass. The seed was sown at Cinchona in a specially prepared bed, and the roots were planted in four different places as follows :—40 at Morse’s Gap: 25 above New- haven Gap: 25 below Newhaven Gap: 20 at Young Oak plantation above St. Helen’s Gap ; and 10 at Blue Mountain Peak. Five roots were dead when received. Ginseng is cultivated to some extent in the United States and the roots are exported to China where they find a ready market, and fetch from $2.00 to $4.00 per lb., according to size and quality. This root is highly esteemed by Chinese physicians, who fancy that it resembles the human form, and consider that it wards off all diseases, restores exhausted animal powers, and makes old people young. It consequently has enormous value with them, and is said to be sometimes worth its weight in gold at Pekin. It is slightly bitter and aromatic, but of no repute amongst Haropean medica] men. ReEsouRCE ORANGE GRove.—The Vote for this Garden was re- duced by one half and work was altogether suspended for several weeks during the year. There are about 20 acres under cultivation, and ex- tensive Nurseries ; the money allowed was not sufficient to keep the Grove and Nurseries in good order, and altogether we were crippled through want of means. There are about 24 miles of wire fencing and 14 miles of roads to maintain; and the Grove requires constant care and attention even to keep the weeds down. Manuring.—During the year al] the young trees were manured, and the soil round each was forked several times and kept open. Cow peas and Congo peas were grown as green manuring, and were forked into the soil with beneficial results. Budding.—The work of budding was carried on during the greater part of the year to enable us to determine which are the best months to perform this operation. So far as our experience goes, buds put in during July and August were the most successfui though we find that budding may be done with a fair amount of success during about nine months of the year, omitting the months of May, October and Novem- ber when heavy rains usually fall. On the other hand, drought of long duration has a very injurious effect on young buds, and unless they are particularly plump, and the stock plants are in a vigorous condition, they are unable to hold out against two or three weeks of dry weather. If it can possibly be arranged, it is best to bud, in the hills at any rate, during fine weather when occasional light showers fall. Insect Pests.—Scale-insects have given some trouble, and the most effectual remedy tried so far is the Kerosine and Soft Soap mixture re- commended in the Bulletin for December 1898, page 271. Black ants are also very troublesome at times, and although various methods have been employed to drive them away, nothing has been so successful as the Bitterwood solution recommended in the Bulletin for Jany. 1896, page 12. Several sprayings or dressings with this solution may be 235 eyoacsel 6 as ants are very persistent pests and do not readily give up a stronghold, but repeated applications become distasteful to them, and they eventually yield. Himalayan Grass.—This grass is entirely successful at Resource, and it is proposed to divide the roots and plant them through the Plan- tation during the next rainy season, simply leaving a space round each young tree. The grass will keep down the weeds, prevent wash by heavy rains and it will be excellent fodder for cutting, lt grows in tufts and we do not anticipate any difficulty in keeping it within bounds. Bermuda Lily.—The bulbs of the Bermuda Lily were lifted in July and August last, gradually dried, and sent to Hope to be packed and despatched to their owner. They were not a success from a com- mercial point of view, that is, the bulbs did not increase in size and quantity as it was hoped they would do, but horticulturally they were everything that could possibly be desired. With just ordinary field cultivation they were in flower, more or less, all the year round, and from March to June the field was simply a sheet of magnificent blooms. Glasshouse. —One of the two glass roofed propagating shells, 50 feet in length, was taken down during the year and transferred to Hope, where it has been re-erected for the purpose of affording protection to tender plants. Coffee.—A large number of Blue Mountain Coffee plants has deen raised at Resource, and these are meeting with ready sale amongst Coffee planters who are very glad to get selected, and transplanted nursery plants. Timber Trees—As in previous years, large numbers of Juniper Cedar, and West Indian Cedar plants have been raised from seed and distributed free to applicants in the hills. Sugar Canes.—In the year 1895-96, many of the best varieties of Sugar-cane grown at Hope Gardens were planted at Resource, to ascertain which were suitable for cultivation in the hills. During the last two years tops of these varieties were distributed free to small settlers in the district who grow canes to make “new sugar.” PLAN?s DIsTRIBUTED.—SOLD. Economie Planis.— Oranges i 4,511 Grape Fruit Fe 2,650 Shaddock and Limes a 130 Rough Lemons me 3,512 Camphor By 222 Miscellaneous sf 292 Ornamental plants xe 1,838 FRRE GRANTS, Tea Plants ras 6,148 W. 1. Cedar oF 721 236 Juniper Cedar 5s 3 3,760 Kucalyptus Sep 522 Strawverry Plants uM 248 Sugar Cane Tops ay: 1,000 Cassava stems che 410 Miscellaneous — i 190 Total Economic plants distributed a 24,156 Total Ornamental plants distributed ae 1,995 Total number of plants distributed se 26,154 The following seeds were also distributed :— 800 Tea 25,000 Rough Lemon 50,000 Grape Fruit-——best kind 27 lbs. Cinchona 9,500 Blue Mountain Coffee 45 pkts. Miscellaneous seeds and of Tree Tomatoes, 233 dozens, weighing 435 lbs. The elevation of the Hill Garden, where the instruments are placed is 4,907 feet above sea level. The average mean temperature there is 62.6 F'. and the average annual rainfall 102.85 inches for 28 years. The amount of rain that fell during the year was 120.81 inches. May, October and January were the wettest months, and July, December and February the driest. The mean temperature was 62.4 F. The Meteoro- logical tables for the different months are given on page 239. The rain- fall at the Orange Garden, Resource was 78.58 inches for the year. KinGston PusBLic GARDEN. The following Report is by Mr. J. Campbell, Superintendent :— The usual gardening operations were carried on during the year. All the beds, and borders, throughout the Garden were manured, fork- ed, and pruned on several occasions, the verges and edges were regularly cut and trimmed. The daily raking of the lawns and clearing same, sweeping of pathways, and carting away of rubbish, has been assiduously attended to, thit the Garden may representa tidy appearance. The trimming of trees, and divesting them of dried branches has been attended to. The large and only Ficus Benjamina tree in the Garden, has shown signs of failure, but having heavily manured it, and covered it over with earth, first forking the ground, it has since improved, and is now flour- ishing. The lawns have been planted with Bahama grass, and since the fence has been erected, show great improvement. The inner fences and gates enclosing the lawns have been painted, also the Band Stand railings, with enclosed benches. The bridges have been repaired. As the Kingston General Commissioners have introduced drains’ and underground aqueducts in the streets to receive the storm water abolishing the old system which received the water from several streets and allowed it to pass through the Garden in the aqueduct, it would 237 now be advisable to remove the bridges, and have the aqueduct filled up. It would evidently be an improvement and would be a saving in the future for upkeep of bridges, etc. I may state that all the pathways require gravelling, but the cen- tre pathway leading from the north to the south gates requires mac- adamizing so as to raise the surface, as it is getting below the level of the Garden, at present it is washed by water from upper King Street during a heavy down-pour of rain. The Garden forms an attraction for crowds of people on Sundays as a recreation ground, also on the evening when the Kingston V. M. Band plays, but the hour generally is unsuit- able for many, I would suggest that the Band play alternately one evening at 5 o'clock and the other evening at the usual bour. Infringements of the Garden Regulations have been few during the past year. The elevation of the garden above sea-level is 60 feet. The average mean annual temperature is 79.1 F., and the average annual rainfall 35.1 inches for twenty-nine years. The amount of rain that fell during the year was 33.99 inches. The wettest months were May, June, October, and the driest April December, January, February. The mean temperature for the year was 83.8 F. The Meteorolo- gical tables for the different months are given on page 243. Kine’s Housz GARDEN AND GROUNDS. The following Report is by the Superintendent, Mr. Wm. Walker: During the past year garden operations have been carried on with satisfactory results. The borders on each side of the avenue have been repeatedly dug and kept constantly watered, and now they are well mulched with stable manure, which has a very beneficial effect on the plants, keeping them moist and in a good healthy condition. I have struck a quantity of Crotons and other plants, which I am now trans- planting to the borders in opeu places where they are most required. The large Palms at the back of borders have been attended to with water, and are doing well. The Coralilla and a large quantity of overgrown creepers, etc., have been removed from the steps leading from the lawn to the house, and replaced by Roses, Stephanotis, Ipomea, Clerodendron, Cissus ~ discolor, etc., which have made rapid growth, and are now making a fine appearance. Three Rockeries have been made near the house, and planted with ferns obtained from the Spanish Town Road, with Balsams, Coxcombs, Phlox Drummondii, Geraniums, Calliopsis, etc., etc., they are doing exceedingly well, and have a very gay and bright appearance. The Pine ground has been manured and well forked up and is showing well for fruit. The Vines have been pruned and are now breaking well for a good crop. The Rosaries have been well attended to with manureand water, but they areold and worn out, and, if possible, I should strongly recom- mend that new ones be established. The Kitchen Garden made last year, lapsed for a time, owing to want of labour, it is now in crop again and promises a good return. A batch of bananas was planted which are taking well. 238 The paths have been kept clean, the lawns and tennis courts have been constantly watered and cut and are in good order. In the Nursery most of the orchids have been rebasketed and there has been a fairly good show of bloom. Pots are required very much for repotting the palms and different plants. The elevation of the Garden above sea-level is 400 feet. The average mean temperature is 78.2 F., and the average annual rainfall 47.81 inches for nineteen years. The amount of rain that fell during the year was 40.99 inches. The wettest months were May, June, October, and the driest Noy- ember, December, January, February, March. ‘The mean temperature for the year was 75.4 F. The Meteorolo- gical Tables for the different months are given on page 242. BatH GARDEN. The Overseer, Mr. A. H. Groves, reports some improvements in the Garden, as follows:— The path to the Gate was wet and muddy, but the Parochial Board have made a trench to carry off the water anda gravelled walk. The Board have also deepened the trench along the lane on the west of the Garden, and if the south trench were also attended to, there would be no cause for complaint about the drainage of the Garden. The usual work of weeding, cleaning, removing rubbish, etc., has been attended to regularly. In a previous report | pointed out how expensive it was to remove the sweepings, etc. [ accordingly established a manure depdt in the Garden, from which I got a good supply of manure. [had, however, to cease depositing the rubbish there, the Inspector of Nuisances having declared it objectionable. I have therefore removed the rubbish be-- yond the limits of the town, or, when the weather will permit, burn it on the spot. The Garden has been well forked, and Crotons and flowering plants. have been planted in almost all the available spots. The wires of the fence around the Garden have been restrained, benches repaired and painted, and walks regravelled. The following tools were bought, viz., two agricultural forks. A few of the rubber plants sent by the Director have been planted in the Garden and a few distributed to persons here. The grafted Kast Indian Mango is not thriving well, despite all attention to it. I have had felled a large Spathodea, and trimmed nearly all the trees, thereby letting in more light and air. I may add that goats and sometimes pigs, trespass on, or stray into. the Garden. They come in under the fence where the trenches are kept open to drain the Garden. I communicated with the Parochial Board on the subject. The elevation of the Garden is 170 feet; the mean temperature 16) we WiLuiaAM Fawcett, Director. 239 ‘soqouy—[[eyare y “WJ 00L'G UoIWeA -O[Y Od1nO0saqT oOo Gh “FBT 4B AYtAwad p UB‘ 6 GE ‘MOY 4B Spavpuyys oy} 0} peon pot O1V OANsSeAd JoJeTOABE ONT, Pe ZO-suvo py | TSOCT jose | A | B | 8 609 LOG joz |Po¢ #89 | 89 |1:09 | 8IT'sel sez'ez SURO RY gl'g 'L88 | H | 8 | 98 joss jee |1'2t lees jo'co ja't9 |o9¢ | oer | cee — qoauyy rOT jLor | H | €8 | SB joes jg'TS jeer lees j229 |oF9 Ileus |6Ie loge: Awenaqogy ror |Gle | A | 8 | 88 joo \seo |Ter less [F290 |o'e9 ITz¢ (80e° |oce: Aaenuer | ‘6681 691 |TI | A | 28 | 8 |L09 \169 |1et loss joz9 |ee9 lpes lot | ose: requieneq oL'o \89t | GH | 88 | #8 |€19 |9'99 Jot jg99 |o'89 1949 |z'6o [att loci: LOQMOAON’ 6L°9T |F Te | GS | 88 | 88 |Ss9 [989 |Zor jeg |2'89 |o¢9 919 ject logit | 4100300) 99°83 jet | AS | 06 | 98 j6%o j4ze lott lege jz69 |oeo ley lest zoe {*° toques deg 1e'G |ezt | ALd 98 eB |F29 [ozs |eIt |¢'s¢ |ouL [#99 [60 |g0z° lee: [°° jensny SL'e |r | LA | €8 | ig |e’ [ozo let joss lots |ez9 lezo jeer less" | Aju g4'8 joi | {WH | o8 18 |gi9 |g9¢ leit igge lous |eo9 Ve9 |O016° |ese |° oun Ie'y |g'ee | AS | 98 08 jo'd [ozs [Zor jozg [289 |os9 l#T9 lout leoe’ | Mey SV OeT | LH | FS eB lees [969 Fer jeHs [329 (19 |T'6o | c6I-se| Zee-sd" pady 2 "eS ro) ro) rat a ° o | ‘J ‘uy ‘8681 gy ET a ec be sr ar pee eee a TS Re ed eS ee) eee is : S 1 3 P| che. 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P e *~) $ | 3 " 3 ' e E S be P td ° | ue ) SS Sbe SS a sae Se See = ‘a in’ TAC RAR SR As A SEI NCR = AI ON WR cd nee ee ee "TINO 3 ‘qloyUoAyR,| soo1s0q = "PULA ‘Ayprunyy | yUIog Mag ‘OANSSOT » D ‘9anjeilod m9 J, | "J00} QE UOLTAC|—'SNAGUVH) OITANG NOLSONTY —«* ———_ ~ ) 7 i 2 —— aR a “ — - a ge | LARA Br uh da: Py, ACC ETE Rca We: a | ; in) Tigh: Aer ar a } 7 | 0) ieee at { ‘ ~ " 4 7 \ i t ‘ ‘ A rch ' 7 per vs ab : . ; oh VE { 4 . 1 Ve eh P ’ ¢ 4 by) : Ma a F Piet Ae j Te, Aa > bo ee a 3 —. j 4 ied \ <> : 15 : ¢ ‘ wes y i Pa ome rey ih? Ae ; JAR + tp Secu i Whe a Rie ean INDEX. Agricultural Conference at Barbados Anacardium occidentale Analysis of Canes Analysis of Dogwood Bark Analysis of Jamaica Chalk Ants, Remedy against Aralia Ginseng Apprentices Aralia quinquefolia Awater, Prof., on Bacteria in Milk Bacillus No. 41 Bacteria in Cream Bacteria in the Dairy Banana ‘¢ Dried, at Montpelier ‘“¢ Meal “Trade in Nicaragua Barbados, Agricultural Conference at Bath, Garden Bergamot, Orange Berberich, Dr., Analysis of Dogwood Biffen, KR. H., on Methods of Preparing Rubber Bird Peppers Bishop, Mrs., on Ginseng Blanching of the Vine Blumea balsamifera ¢ Camphor Borneo Camphor Budding Tape Caw phor Conditions of successful cultivation ‘“« Description “Distillation “from other plants “Native range “Outlook for Future Market ‘* Planting and Cultivation * Production in Ceylon “ Production in Formosa “Propagation * Range under cultivation ‘“« Uses of the Tree and its Products Candle Tree Canes : tests of new varieties Capsicum annuum minimum Carbolic Acid and Scale Insects Cashew Castilloa elastica Castilloa Rubber, Methods of peparing Castleton Garden Cave, Consul, on Zanzibar Chillies Ceara Rubber, Methods of Preparing Chalk, Jamaica, Analyses of Chemical Selection of Sugar-Cane Chillies, Japanese ‘¢ or Peppers ‘ Zanzibar Cinchona Bark, The supply of ° Cultivation in South India - Plantation 4 Retrospect and Prospect M3 Woodhouse’s Report Cinnamomum Camphora Citrus “at Hill Gardens “ aurantium, var, Bergamia “budding ‘“* on various stocks Cochlospermum hibiscoides Cocoa “Drying House for Coettog on, Consul, on Cotton in United States - Manuf ture of Hardwoods bA {AA Job eet alee eae iT. Coffee, Liberian, price Colonial Produce, for England - in Spain Concession for Rubber in Lourenco Marques Conference, Agricultural, at Barbados Conference, (nternational Horticultural, on Hybridization Congo, Illustrations de la Flore du Conn, Prof. H. W., on Cream and Bacillus No. 41 Oonsular Reports, Extracts from Contributions, Notes on Interesting Cotton in the United States Oream, Bacteria in » Experiments in Ripening with Bacillus No. 41 Curtis. C, on Rubber in Penang Dairy, Bacteria in Denitrification and Farmyard Manure . Process of Recent Experiments on Dewey, Lyster H., on Market for Camphor Diseases of the Vine Dis’ribution of Plants Dogwood, Jamaica Dried Banana Factory at Montpelier Drugs Drying House for Cocoa Dryobalanops aromatica Dung, Action of, on other Nitrogenous Substances Elementary Notes on Jamaica Plants Elengi Tree English Markets, Tropical Fruits in Erythea edulis Espin, J. 0. on Tobacco Cultivation and Ouring Eucalypti in the Transvaal Experiment! Station Scheme Farmyard Manure, Denitrification and = : Nitrogenous Compounds in Fermentation of Tobacco Forsteronia floribunda Fruits, Tropical, in English Markets Fungi, Use of, against Insect Pests Ginseng Grapes Grapes, Seedless Grapes, Shanking of Green, E, E. on Scale Insects Grevillea robusta Guinea Peppers Gutta-percha Hancornia speciosa Hardwoods, Manufacture of Harris, W., A visit to Montpelier Havana Tobacco seed, Distribution of Hill Gardens Hirtella dodecandra, Holmes, E. M. on Chillies Holmes, on The Importation of Colonial Produce Hope Gardens Hope Gardens, Regulations for Hot-air Drying House Howard, Dr. L. O., on Sphaerostilbe coccoph la Hybridization, International Conference on Hydrocyanic Acid Gas and Scale Insects Industrial School at Hope, Instruction in Agriculture Insect Pests, in Peas " » Use of Fungi against Isonandra gutta Jaborandi, Pernambuco Jamaica Chalk, Analysis of » Dogwood » Plants, Elementary Notes on Japanese Ohillies : Jenman, C §., on Collecting Rubber Juniper, (J uniperus communis) Kerosene, Emulsion and Scale Insects Kew, Royal Botanic Gardens Kikuyu Olover ‘ ' HI. ‘Kingston Public Garden Kings House Garden Kirk, Sir Joha, on Zanzibar Ohillies } Kobus, Dr., on Sugar Cane and Ohemical Selection Law, Public Gardens Regulation Lily, Soudan Water Lime and Insects Mangabeira Rubber Mangoes Manihot Glaziovii Meteorological Tables Mexican Sunflower “Tobacco Milk, Bacteria in Milk-withe of Jamaica Mimusops Elengi Montpelier, . visit to Nelumbium luteum ' Nicaragua, Banana trade in Nock, W., on Camphor in Ceylon Nymphaea ampla Nymphaea Rudgeana Nymphaeaceae Orange, Bergamot ‘Grove Gwen, S. A.,on Ceylon Camphor Packing Drugs iy Pine Apples Palo de Velas Panax Ginsenz » quingerfolinm Para Rubber, Method of Preparing Parmentiera cereifera Peas, Insect Pests in Penang, Rubber in Pentapetes phoenicea Peppers or Chillies “cultivation in Assam ** Sonth American Pernambuco Jaborandi j k Pierpont Manufacturing Co., on Packing Pine Apples Pilocarpus jaborandi ‘¢ pinnatifolium Pine-apples, Colour of Leaves ¥ Manures Packing Piscidia Erythrina Planter’s Opinion on training at Hope ‘Quinine (See Cinchona Regulations for Hope Gardens Resin Washes for Scale Insects Rice in Jamaica Rind Fungus Robinson, Dr. Anthony, on Vegetable Soap “ Ross, A. C. on Rubber Ooncession in Lourengo Marques ee of the action of Farmyard Manure Rubber, Collecting «~” Concession for ' ““ Cultivation, some recent developments in ‘« in Penang ** Methods of Preparing “Scale Insects “ Carbolie Acid ‘* Curative Measures “ Gas Treatment “Kerosene Emulsion “ ime Scale Insects Lime Water > » Natural enemies of » y, Parasitic Fungus and, »» 59, Preventive Measures i: »» 53. Remedial Measures and Insecticides »~—s39,-«s eesin Washes : » 33 Soaps and Soapy Emulsions » y Spraying » Sulphur nf ‘ Tobacoo water a7 Shanking of Grapes Silage at Montpelier Smith, Wm. G., on Diseases of the Vi Soap, Vegetable Soapy Emulsions and Scale Insects Socratea exorrhiza, Soil-moisture, Effect of Tillage on Somerville, on Experiments on Denitrification Spain, Colonial Produce in Sphaerostilbe coccophila Spraying to destroy Scale Insects Soudan Water Lily South American Peppers Sphenophorus sacchari Sporotrichum globuiliferum Sterilisation of Water Sugar Cane Analyses Improvement of the Ohemical Selection Seedlings, “ B, 147” 3. po: ae ,, Lests of some new varieties » Industry in Jamaica Sulphur and Scale Insects Sanflower, Mexican Talauma Plumierii falbot, Consul, on Colonial Produce in Spain Tape for Budding Tests of some New Varieties of Sugar Cane Tillage and soil-moi:ture Tithonia diversifolia Tobacco : Betun or Wash Bulk in Press Climate Cultivation Crring Curing-Honuses Fermentation Harvesting Manures Nursery Packing and Baling Preparation of land and Planting Press or “ Pilon” Seed Short Treatise on Soil at Montpelier in Mexico Seed, Distribution of Havana » Water and Scale Insects Transvaal, Eucalypti in the Trichosphaeria sacchari Trifolium Johnsoni, Tropical Fruits in English Markets Vegetable Remedies, Vegetable Soap Vine, Blanching of the » Diseases of Wallace, Dr, A. R., on Socratea exorrhiza Warrington, R., on Denitrification and Farmyard Manure Water Lily, Soudan Water, Sterilisation of _ Watts, F.. Sugar Industry in Jamaica a » Lests of some New Varieties of Sugar Canes Wax for Budding Weevil Borer Woodhouse, C. M., and C., on Cinchona Bark and Quinine Woodpecker, damaging Cocoa, etc. Woolliscroft, Walter, on Rice in Jamaica Zanzibar, Chillies 2 ” et PTS epost y ei ot olla 154 206,155,100 153 204 147-149 157 149 155 148 145 146 I 187 130 139 163 4 - = . se 7 J % . . * Z > - : (? 4 y 3 : ” f : A V4 i ff ¥ J sti f A ? VIF ASG # ” . ; > al ’ “ 7 = x OF THE BOTANICAL DEPARTMENT, JAMAICA. . EDITED BY WILLIAM FAWCETT, B.Sc, F.LS. Director of Public Gardens and Plantations. CONTENTS : PAGE. A Visit to Montpelier im Oy ore ee | Recent Experiments on Denitrification +s ot”, Denitrification and Farmyard Manure cu Shae j Notes on Interesting Contributions av . 44 % Jamaica Chalk so as alt = Se Contributions and Additions a Prcoae 3 zy P RIC E—Ninepence. - A Copy will be supplie? free to any Resident in Jamaica, who will send Name and Address . to the Director of Public Gardens and Plantations, Kingston, P, 0. ASTON W. GARDNER & CO... | : Printers, Publishers, Bookbinders, &ec., &e., 4 . —_———S ee al 1899. ow * pha “") AY 4 ~ on ee aad v f “BULLETIN ia OF THE i. : | | | BOTANICAL DEPARTMENT, JAMAICA. EDITED BY WILLIAM FAWCETT, B.Sc., F.L.S. 4 Director of Public Gardens and Plantations. CONTENTS : i Paar. q Bacteria in the Dairy a0 49 The Woodpecker ifs 58 Tests of some new Varieties of Sugar Canes ae 59 Contributions and Additions a 62 P RIC E—Threepence. A Copy will be supplied free to any Resident in Jamaica, who will send Name and Addrese , to the Director of Public Gardens and Plantations, Kingston. P. 0. ASTON W. GARDNER & CO., Printers, Publishers, Bookbinders, &c., ««., 1899.- - . ~~ Te gain esr yy as “a Mgt rs 2) tee - ~~ one e i 2S Aas tepid oes ea a .. nh . tht Dy fe ge, ec SEES ee ee Pe La ee OT, : | a. af She ¥ hs ten a des < >t ¥: oa ee 3 »” ote % .. cam ane 4 : tm ve rile aes pee ines 5 7 ¥ eer se eg eet TA tee Part W OF THE ; BOTANICAL DEPARTMENT, JAMAICA. EDITED BY WILLIAM FAWCETT, B.Sc., F.L.S, Director of Public Gardens and Plantations. CONTENTS : Paar Jamaica Dogwood pis Ry Raegtued T Peppers or Chillies ese ens 67 Vegetable Soap nee tis 7k The Elengi Tree : ous ue 73 Rubber eee jn 73 ~~ Notes on Interesting Contributions an 17 Additions and Contributions to the Department... 79 con ~~ PRI C E—Threepence. & Copy will be supplied free to any Resident in Jamaica, who will send Name and Address to the Director of Public Gardens and Plantations, Kingston, P. O, ASTON W. GARDNER & CO., Printers, Publishers, Bookbinders, &e., &e., 1899. ~ Ces pT PS he i : OR Ao yh -. rity OF , ete * eel ws rts Poe lee Fanner | JUNE, 1899. “Part VI E OF THE 4 ite : _ BOTANICAL DEPARTMENT, JAMAICA. EDITED BY WILLIAM FAWCETT, B.Sc, F.LS. ; ; Director of Public Gardens and Plantations. 4a | CONTENTS : & | PAGB. 4 Methods of Preparing Rubber ee 81 | Ginseng ses Be 87 ~Talauma ... . vhs . aes 89 Cinchona Bark and Quinine Ses 90 Budding Tape : | as 92 A The Importation of Colonial Produce a 93 3 The Woodpecker sa a 94 : Contributions and Additions ag 95 P RI C E—Threepence. A Copy will be supplied free to any Resident in Jamaica, who will send Name and Address to the Director of Public Gardens and Plantations, Kingston, P. 0, ASTON W. GARDNER & CO., 4 Printers, Publishers, Bookbindars, &@., &c. CRESS 18995.-> = Rein Po inka dee oe ; : ' CO ton ah eneres Sete MPP SS vas it ag Ses Oe BEA ict dod “. #98 Sam ns ‘ were * x ~ tLe at LY ae oe a e SS oe ae bah aed vA mee og eae Re Be te doe 2 PROP RAD : , ee dian ea, eae Vigra: eae sac’ WOR ty ion a wr = +S eS Sat od aes ee Paty Se Dee ‘ Mae 4 noha a si Sapa Pr Pt we oe NP ieradn att ae Paha ae aS ee ae ay mi) *y See ; is oe es OEY, re 2. Kgs. Vol, VI New Series JULY, 1899, pee BULLETIN OF THE BOTANICAL DEPARTMENT, JAMAICA. EDITED BY WILLIAM FAWCETT, B.Sc, F.L.S Director of Publie Gardens and Plantations. Ne Pagk Rice in Jamaica es , 97 Tropical Fruits in English Markets wh 95 Tobacco Fermentation bye 100 Sterilisation of Water of 101 Use of Fungi against Insect Pests ae 101 Extracts from Consular Reports ca 102 The Sugar Industry in Jamaica ie 105 Notes on Books a aM 108 The Supply of Cinchona Bark : Foi 109 Cinchona Cultivation in South India ae TAG Pepper Cultivation in Assam 110 Additions and Contributions to the Department 111 PRI Cc E—Threepence. A Oopy will be supplied free to any Resident in Jamaica, who will send Name aué Address : to the Director of Public Gardens and Plantations, Kingston, P.O. ASTON W. GARDNER & Cv., Printers, Publishers, Bookbinders, &e., &e.. Fs, 1899. Vol, VI AUGUST, 1899, Part VIII BULLETIN OF THE BOTANICAL DEPARTMENT, JAMAICA. EDITED ie WILLIAM FAWCETT, B.Sc., F.LS. Director of Public Gardens and Plantations. CONTENTS : Paar. Collecting Rubber ove ays 113 Scale Insects : Remedial Measures and Insecticides 116 Additions and Contributions to the Department 127 P RIC E—Threepence. , Oopy will be supplied free to any Resident in Jamaica, who will send Name and Address to the Direetor of Putlic Gardens and Plantations, Kingston, P.O. ASTON W. GARDNER & CO., Priniers, Publishers, Bookbinders, &@., d&e., 1899. tars “ tis ht in. ¥ oe SY es *<* hey be ae ey Bee : Vol, VI New Series SEPTEMBER, 1899, Part Ix BULLETIN OF THE BOTANICAL DEPARTMENT, JAMAICA. EDITED BY WILLIAM FAWCETT, B.Sc., F.L.S. Mrector of Public Gardens and Plantations. CONTENTS : | Page. Cinchona : A Retrospect and a Prospect ae 129 Distribution of Havana Tobacco Seed 130 Scale Insects : Remedial Measures and Lmachcidos. —II 1381 Seedless Grapes ea 139 Public Gardens Regulation Law, 1899. we 140 Packing Pine Apples m ae 141 Banana Trade in Nicaragua vis 142 Additions and Contributions to the Department 142 P RIC E—Threepence. A Copy will be supplied free to any Resident in Jamaica, who will send Name and Address to the Director of Public Gardens and Plantations, Kingston, P. O. ASTON W. GARDNER & CO., Printers, Publishers, Bookbinders, &e., &.. 1899. 9-H Btn 5 ~*~ 2s ap OCTOBER, 1899 Part ® OF THE ;OTANICAL DEPARTMENT, JAMAICA. EDITED BY WILLIAM FAWCETT, B.Sc., F.L,S. Director of Public Gardens and Plantations. CONTENTS : Page. Tobacco Cultivation and Curing 145-158 _ Additions and Contributions to the Department 158-160 P RIC E—Threepence. PY will be supplied free to any Resident in Jamaica, who will send Name and Address to the Director of Puklic Gardens and Plantations, Kingston, P. O. ASTON W. GARDNER. & CO., Printers, Publishers, Bookbinders, &e., &e., 1899. re a ‘war ho ae fe. OO Ab ee i ee eee ee Pat Ain Oo tS ee eee Pee eee gees TR ae te b oe, eae P= ee PEP tte gs 4 Teke MP sake S * Se a . FEST LES es Vol, V New segs < 3 ares 1899 “Part X/ BULLETIN OF THE BOTANICAL DEPARTMENT, JAMAICA. EDITED BY WILLAIM FAWCETT, B.Sc., F.L,S. Director of Public Gardens and Plantations. CONTENTS : PaGE _ Diseases of the Vine saan ee 161 Kucalypti in the Transvaal dei cee. 163 Effect of Tillage on Soil-Moisture re 164 Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew 166 Improvement of Sugar-Cane by Chemical Selection 168 _ Elementary Notes on Jamaica Plants—III. 170 a) Cashew A Je 171 Insect Pests in Peas, &c. ae 172 Hope Gardens 173 Additions and Contributions to the beeiact, 174 P RIC E—Threepence. A Oopy will be supplied free to any Resident in Jamaica, who will send Name and Address to the Director of Puklic Gardens and Plantations, Kingeton, P. O. ASTON W. GARDNER. & CO., Printers, Publishers, Bookbinders, &e., &e., 1899. Ord way ie re , Se cate outin' 3 yas x : ye: * ‘ neu > iJ . a ‘ ao . re - a i = Oe eae CTS a f ie oe ae “ee « Stk staan ge gl came Pi t ce : , . : ‘ > eae ws ee \ Soaee . a ore ste ZY She si ; a _ - eS —_ ‘ > Winns pas Seige Tp. t af A rr + Rap By Pa CS or ea rat ¥ «ee ‘ ae : : et ine i ; Pe: <>? 2 ‘ a . 2 oe ar 4) 7 ~ Sse ; OF THE oe xs. : . ot Sad - ~~ > é = Pia BOTANICAL DEPARTMENT, JAMAICA. ' s EDITED BY .* WILLIAM FAWCETT, B.Sc, F.L.S. Director of Public Gardens and Plantations, CONTENTS : of ia, Ks PaGE. : Can bhir . bad eae 177 - Mexican Sunflower—Mexican Tobacco ae 187 ‘ International Conference on Hybridization os 188 ¥: _ Drying House * oe sis 189 | Alon and Contributions to the Department 191 - PRIC E—Threepence. ne eae A - opy will be sippliol free to any Resident in J amaica, who will send Name and Address iF to the Director of cee Gardens and Plantations, Kingston, P. O. ASTON W. GARDNER. & CO., Sig ack ae ahors, Bookbinders, &e., &e., 1899. ~ * eon et bo ies, Pe Daly v) np wie | ? yD eee ee f 4s, ta in iy rp yinat “1 i aaah Dives Ma hia if A | a vig th) a sy wi i vi a: ms 7] Ap | Croan ey et a Ste i apa c oar i, yy . ad ‘ ¥? a co ae ‘eae d G MAAC e.) ; “Ng y Vy, he (a " 1 hat » Oil > Lie j i wid ile 4 i Wy ee, j ul | vy my " ie aie i Aas 0) i‘. e $7 & oe ig Nha a TAC. . y “ees Soc oo Sod ae